i«sgBKiSS^SS*i^^^^^ II mt MEMORIAL or rHE PATRIOTISM rfi ov SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, IN THE AMERICAN SLAVEHOLDER'S REBELLION, Emuracing a Complete List of tub Names of all tue Volitnteers from Tan County during the War ; Patriotic Contributions bv the Citizens ; List of the Names of Tuose who fell in Battle or i>ied by Disf.ast; ; Desoriptions of the part taken in various engagements by our Reg- iments, WITH Casualties ; Chronological Record of the PRi>f- ciPAL Events of thr Rebellion ; Biographical Sketches OF Prominent Officers and of Surgeons from the County, &c., accompanied by a Plate of Portraits OF Generals and Colonels from this County, and a Map of the Southern States with THE Battle Fields MarivEd. COMPILED BY FRANCIS B. WALLACE. Associate -Editor of the ^' Miners' Journal.^' Published by BENJAMIN BANNAN POTTSVILLE, PA. 1865. . /i:^6i 'i < C C • • ( * • c c * • *c c < c • < Q. //a^ t ro I'HB imUM, $t^\m, Mites, MM\m, gsugljicrs an!) Sisttts OP THE MEN OP SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, WHOSE NAMES ARE IBENTIFIED WITH THE PRESERVATION OF THE LIFE OF THE REPUBLIC, THIS BOOK IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. CONTENTS. Preface, .------ 5 Introduction, __---- -7 The Three Months' Campaign. — Departure of Volunteers. — Muster Rolls of Washington Artillerists, National Light Infantry, Ringgold Rifles, Scott Artillery, Minersville. Ar- tillerists, Port Clinton Artillery, Marion Rifles, Lafayette Rifles, Washington Light Infantry, Ashland Rifles, Colum- bian Infantry, Llewellyn Rifles, Wetherill Rifles, Tower Guards, Wynkoop Artillery, Scott Rifles, Jackson Guards, German Light Infantry, Nagle Guards, Washington Yea- gers. Keystone Rifles, Union Guards and Schuylkill Guards, 13 Recapitulation of total number of Three Months' Troops, - 43 Sword Presentation to Major Campbell, - - - 45 Resolution of Thanks from Congress to first troops who entered Washington, ------ 49 Presentation of Colors to 25th Penn. Regiment, - - - 49 Patriotic Contributions, Meetings, Incidents, &c., - - 52 Patriotic Fund, _.----- 60 Return of the Three Months' Troops, - - - - 7G Deaths during Three Months' Service, - - - - 80 Three Years or the War. ----- 83 Muster Rolls of the Forty-Eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, - 89 Muster Rolls of the Ninety-Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, - 112 Muster Rolls of Cos. E, B and C, Fifty-Fifth Penna. Regiment, - 128 Muster Rolls of Cos. A, C, D, E, F, I, K and L, Seventh Penn. Cavalry, - - - - - - -130 Muster Roll of Co. L, Third Penn. Cavalry, - - - 134 Muster Rolls of Cos. K, A and II, Sixty-Seventh Pa. Regiment, - 13G Muster Roll of Co. II, Seventeenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, - 137 Other Pennsylvania Regiments, ----- 139 In Regiments of other States, - - - . 160 In the Regular Army, • - - - - - 164 In the Navy, _------ 167 Grand Recapitulation, ------ 168 The Calls in 1862, for Troops. . - - - 174 War Meeting in Pottsville, - - - - - 175 The Nine Months' Volunteers. — Muster Rolls of the One Huntlred and Twenty-Ninth Pa. Regiment, - - 178 Muster Rolls of Cos. C and K, One Hundred and Twenty-Seventh Pa. Regiment, - - - - - - 185 Muster Roll of Co. K, One Hundred and Thirty-Seventh Penn. Regiment, ------- 186 Muster Roll of Co. I, One Hundred and Fifty-First Pa. Regt., - 186 Muster Roll of Capt. Jones' Provost Guard, - - - 187 Other Nine Months' Regiments, ----- 188 Deaths in Nine Months' Service, . . - . 190 ii Contents. First Trlicafened Invasion of Pennsylvania, - . , igj Accounts of conduct of Forty-Eighth Regiment in Battles near Bull Run, -----_. 191 Casualties of the Forty-Eighth Regiment in acUons of ATagust 29 and 30, and Sept. 1, 1862, - - - - 19i Casualties of Fiftieth Regiment in same battles, - - - 195 Officirl Report of Col. Henry L. Cake of part taken by Ninety- Sixth Regiment in engagementa of S^pt. 14 and 17, at South Mountain and Antietam, - - - - 19G Casualties of Ninety-Sixth Regiment, - - - ^. 198 Account 01 part borne by Forty-Eighth Regiment in Battles of South Mountain and Antietam, _ - _ _ 2OI Casualties of Forty-Eighth Regiment, - - - - 203 Casualties of Fiftieth Regiment. - » - - _ 20-1 The Pennsylvania Militia, - . . _ 205 Muster Roll of Company F, Second Regiment, Penna. Militia, - 20G Muster Roll of Capt. Eshelman's Company,- Fourth Regiment, Penna. Militia, -.--..- 207 Muster Rolls of Cos. B, G and II, Sixth Militia Regiment, « 208 Muster Rolls of Cos. A and E, Seventeenth Penna, Militia, - 212 Muster Roll of Capt. Tics's Militia Company, . - . 214 The Draft »f 18B2, ------ 210 Musier Rolls of Cos. A, D, F and H, One Hundred and Seventy- Third Penna. Regiment, Drafted Militia, ' - - - 217 The First Battle of Fredericksburg, - - - - 221 The part the One Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Regiment took in the Battle, --_____ 222 Oi!icial Report of Col. Frick, containing List of Casualties sus- tained by the Regiment, - - - - _ 22G The part taken by the" Forty-Eighth Regiment in the Battle, - 229 The Seventh Penn. Cavalry in the Battle of Murfreesboro, - 232 What was Done j:^ 1803. ----.. 239 Cavalry Fight at Kelley's Ford, Va., - - - . - 239 Second Battle of Fredericksburg, - - - . _ 240 Account of the part borne by the Ninety-Sixth Regiment in the Battle, and List of Casualties, - - - -. 240 Narrative of the part taken by the One Hundred and Twenty- Ninth Regiment in the Battle, and List of Casualties, - 244 CoL Prick's Official Report, - _ _ _ - 246 The Ninety-Sixth in the Battle, - - - - - 247 Return of the One Hundred and Twenty-Ninth Regiment, - 251 The Second Invasion of Pennsylvania, _ . _ . 255 Muster Rolls of Cos. A, B, C, E, G and I, Twenty-Seventh Re- giment, Penna. Volunteer Militia, - - _ _ 256 Col. Prick's Official Report of the Skirmish at Wrightsville, Pa., 264 Muster Rolls of Cos. A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and K, Thirty-Ninth Reg., Penna. Vol. Militia, . _ - - . 268 Muster Rolls of Cos. C, F, H and I, Fifty-Third Penn. Volun- teer Militia, ------- 279 Deaths in the Militia Service, ----- 283 The Draft of 1863, - - - - - - 284 Drafted Men who entered the service, - - - - 284 Drafted Men who furnished Substitutes, - - - - 285 Drafted Men who paid Commutation, - - - - 290 The Call in October, 1863, for three hundred thousand Volunteers, 294 The Third Year of the War, - - - - - 295 Contents. ill Arrival Home of Re-enlisted Veterans, - - . 29o Muster Rolls of Forry-Eightli Regiment, re-enlisted Veterans and Recruits, ------- 302 Muster Rolls of Cos. A, C, D, F, G, I and L, Seventh Cavalry, re-enlisted Veterans and Recruits, - . _ 311 Muster Roll of re-enlisted men and recruits of Ninety-Sixth Reg., 315 Muster Roll of re-enlisted men and recruits of the Fiftieth Reg., 316 In other Pennsylvania Regiments, _ - _ - 318 In Regular Army, .__--- 322 (irand Recapitulation, ------ 324 The Siege of Knoxville, Tenn. — Part taken in it by the Fortj- 3*]ighth, and List of Casualties, - . - - 325 Casualties of the Fiftieth, ----- 329 Muster Roll of Co. E, Two Hundred and Tenth Penna. Reg., - 330 The Campaign of 1864, . _ - - - 331 Part borne by the Forty-Eighth in the series of Battles from the Wilderness, Va., to Petersburg, with List of Casualties, - 333 Part borne by the Ninety-Sixth Regiment in same Campaign, •with List of Casualties, - - - - - 348 Part borne by the Fiftieth, with List of Casualties, - - 351 Part borne by the Fifty-Fifth, with List of Casualties, - - 355 Casualties of Fifty-Sixth, Sixty-Seventh, Eighty-Eighth, Ninety- Third and One Hundred and Sixteenth Infantry Regiments, and Seventh and Twenty First Cavalry, in same Campaign, - 359 Casualties of Co. F, One Hundred and Ninth Penn. Regiment, and Seventh Pa, Cavalry, in Sherman's campaign from Chattanooga to Atlanta, Ga,, ----- 301 A Daring Attack. — Account of the part taken by the Seventh Cavalry, ------- 363 Muster Rail of Company F, One Hundred and Sixteenth Reg., 365 The One Hundred Days'"^ Men.— Master Rolls of Cos. C and H, One Hundred and Ninety-Fourth Penn, Reg., and Lam- bert's Independent Cavalry, ----- 367 Return home of Ninety -Sixth Regiment, - _ - 370 Call for Five Hundred Thousand Men. — Names of recruits to Forty-Eighth and other Pennsylvania Regiments, - - 371 Call for 'Three Hundred Thousand Men. — Names of recruits under the call, ------- 379 The Total Number of Men furnished by Schuylkill County during the War, - ^ _ - . - 395 The Closing Campaign, ----- 396 Casualties of the Forty-Eighth, - - - - - 398 Our Dead, - - ----- - 404 Battle Narratives, __ , ^ . - - 423 The Chronology of the REBEt,LioK, - - - - 437 President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation; - - - 479 President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, - - 480 Contributions, Incidents, &c., ----- 483 Biographical Sketches of Officers, _ - - 501 Our Surgeons, »------ 532 CoxcLusipjf, -._---- 546 ERRATA. Page 77. — "Geo. Leib" should be Edward II. Leib. Page 121. — "Company E," (9Gth Reg.,) should be Company F. Page 128.— "George S. Hill," should be George 11. Hill. Page 303. — Company A, Forty-Eighth Regiment — Continued, should be at head of page. Page 304. — Company B, Forty-Eighth Regiment — Continued, should bo at head of page. Page 316. — Company A should have been inserted after "Fiftieth Pennsylvania Regiment." PREFACE. In the pages of this Memorial we have endeavored to give a faithful record of the services of Schuylkill County in assisting the Government to crush the wicked and most causeless Rebellion of 1861. It is eminently proper that such a record should be pub- lished; for this County wears the distinguished honor of having been one of four to throw into the National Capital the first troops for its defence against the conspirators, which promptness it is stated on the highest official authority, saved Washington from invasion ; the archives from seizure, and possibly, the persons of the President and of the members of his Cabinet from violence. Thus early was she in the field. She has contributed several regi- ments, and the blood of her sons has been shed in all of the most important engagements of the war, while there has hardly been a fight at any point along our vast military line, in which she has not been honorably represented. The names of the gallant men who have shed a lustre upon the County, merit honorable perpetuation in a durable form like this, and we have undertaken the pleasing duty, convinced that posterity, while enjoying Liberty secured to them by the bravery, and self-sacrificing action of these men, will revere them as we love and respect the memory of the soldiers of the first War for Ameri- can Independence. With this explanation of the motive for the publication of this Memorial, we submit it as a record of the work of Schuylkill County in the good cause, and as worthy not only of the attention of the relatives and friends of the men whose names are enrolled therein, and the citizens generally, of the County, who feel proud of the part she has borne in the contest, but of all who appreciate courage, loyalty and patriotism. PottsvilUj Schuylkill County^ Pa. INTROBUCTION. In preparing as we purpose, for preservation bj the Volunteers from Schuylkill County, in the Union Army, and by their fathers mothers, wives, daughters, sisters and brothers, this simple, yet in its long list of patriotic names, eloquent record of what the great Mining County of Pennsylvania has done, to assist the Federal Government to crush rebellion, it is no part of our purpose to touch upon apparently irrelevant topics. However tempting it might be to recur to the days of William Penn and Roger Williams, to contrast the widely opposite sentiments of the early settlers of the Atlantic coast, and from it to deduce facts which were stepping-stones to the present rebellion of the American slaveholders, we refrain, and for the double purpose of brevity and of getting speedily at the main object of this work, we will confine ourselves to a preparatory glance at the more modern events preceding the rebellion. In 1824 the first Protective Tarifi", in any sense of the term. was passed by Congress, under the guidance of the lamcDted Statesman, Henry Clay, whose able and eloquent advocacy of the measure, earned for him the title, " Father of the American System.'' The operations of this Tariff were so beneficial to the material interests of the country, that prosperity soon spread throughout the land. In 1828 John Quincy Adams was elected President, and a strenuous effort was made to repeal the Tariff of 1824. The advocates of a repeal finding that the effort was likely to prove abortive, united with some ultra Protectionists, and suc- ceeded in effecting a considerable increase on the rate of duties of the Tariff of 1824. Their sole object seemed to be to make that measure extremely obnoxious to the South, and in this they suc- ceeded. In 1832, Gen. Andrew Jackson, of Tennessee, was elected President, and John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, Vice-President, both Southern men and slaveholders. After their inauguration, the extreme Southern men, led by Calhoun, en- deavored to secure Jackson's sympathies for the formation of a viii. Introduction. Southern Confederacy. At a celebration given in Washington, on an anniversary of Jefferson's birth-day, President Jackson and Vice-President Calhoun were present, and in pursuance of the plan agreed upon to commit the President in favor of Nullification measures, a toast to that effect was drawn up and placed for his use, under his plate. The incorruptible patriot on the instant perceived the tenor of it, and with the nerve of a Roman patrician, gave the toast rendered famous by the event, *' The Union must and shall be preserved." Foiled in their attempt at that time to disrupt the Union, in consequence of the firmness and patriotism of the President, a quarrel took place between him and the conspirators; and Calhoun, who for many years had supported the policy of Protection, on the ground that the slaves consumed but lightly of foreign manufac- tures, while the North would pay the mass of duties, turned and denounced the bill of 1828, as tending to rob the South. Calhoun then inaugurated the Nullification scheme, which as all are aware, was promptly crushed under the heel of the veteran Jackson, while the author only escaped hanging, by keeping out of the way of the authorities. At that period Henry Clay, the great but we fear, for the welfare of the country, too often erring Compro- miser, introduced his celebrated compromise Tariff bill, which was adopted. Its provisions gradually reduced the then existing duties down to twenty per cent., the sliding scale occupying a period of about five years, until the mininum was reached. The effect of the operations of this Tariff was," to prostrate the industrial resources of the entire country, and resulted in 1840 in the elec- tion to the Presidency, by an overwhelming majority, of Gen. Harrison, his opponent being Martin Van Buren. Next followed the passage of the Tariff of 1812, under the operations of which the country attained a degree of material prosperity, un- precedented in its previous history. It is a recognized fact that although Calhoun advocated the Protective Policy in the early history of the country, he never did so with any other motive than to consolidate the South on an unity of interest in opposition to the progressive growth and prosperity Introduction. ix. of the North, especially the New England States, He thought that Protection would injure the commerce of New England, which indeed, it did for a time, and it was on that ground, opposed by the people of those States. But not continuing to answer the expected result J finding it impossible to unite the Slave States on the Tariff question, and his Nullification scheme failing Calhoun then bent his energies to the work of consolidating the South on the Slavery question. That in future, was to be the alpha and omega of the demands of the slave oligarchy, in order to enable them to rule the country. At any time threatened with the loss of power, rebellion was to be inaugurated. One of the favorite ideas for enlarging the area of slave territory, and increasing the strength of the South in the United States Senate, was the annexation of Texas, out of which it was contem- plated to carve five new slave States. Texas came in, in the mean- time, as a single State, which it still remains. By its admission, however, two additional votes were secured in the Senate, besides the repeal by the casting vote of George M. Dallas, the Vice- President, of the Tariff act of 1842. The free trade bill of 1846, which was substituted, is known as ^' Walker's Bill." Notwithstanding that in 1846, there were fifteen slave States against fourteen free States : the extent of territory occupied by the former being 851,440 square miles, but of the latter only 402,693 square miles, or less than one-half! the war with Mexico was inaugurated, to extend still further on this continent, the area of slave territory. This scheme miscarried, however, in consequence of the people of California, the State to be dedicated to Slavery, deciding in favor of Freedom. Close upon the footsteps of this defeat, followed the repeal of the Missouri Compromise^ the first act in the thrilling and bloody drama enacted by the friends of Freedom, and the cohorts of slavery, on the soil of Kansas. — Freedom, however, triumphed, after one of the most remarkable struggles recorded in history, and Kansas now nestles young, but free, vigorous, unshackled, among her sisters. From that sanguinary contest sprang, like a giant, full armed, the Republican party, upon its bright shield emblazoned the'great, undying principle of opposition to the extension of slavery into the territories of the United States. The principles of the party 1* X. Introduction. were embodied in the Chicago Platform, and Abraham Lincoln, now President of the United States, was selected as the standard- bearer of those principles. He triumphed at the November elec- tion of 1860, mainly in consequence of the split in the Democratic party, growing out of the sam« subject as embodied in the respect- ive platforms of the two wings according to their peculiar views. As a matter of history we here insert the planks in the Chicago Platform, bearing upon the Slavery question : 4. That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the States, and especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively, is essential to that balance of powers on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric depends; and we denounce the lawless invasion by armed force of the soil of any State or Territory, no matter under what pretext, as among the gravest of crimes. "" -;^ ^ •)!• -s- * * 7. That the new dogma, that the Constitution, of its own force, carries Slavery into any or all of the Territories of the United States, is a dan- gerous political heresy, at variance with the explicit provisions of that instrument itself, with contemporaneous exposition, and with legisla- tive and judicial precedent ; is revolutionai-y in its tendency, and sub- versive of the peace and harmony of the country. 8. That the normal condition of all the territory of the United States is that of freedom ; That as our llepublican fathers, when they had abolished Slavery in all our national territory, ordained that " no per- son should be deprived of life,, liberty, or property, without due process of law," it becomes our duty, by legislation, whenever such legislation is necessary, to maintain this provision of the Constitution against all attempts to violate it ; and we deny the authority of Congress, of a terri- torial legislature, or of any individuals, to give legal existence to Slavery in any Territory of the United States. 9. That we brand the recent re-opening of the African slave-trade, under the cover of our national flag, aided by perversions of judicial power, as a crime against humanity and a burning shame to our country and age ; and we call upon Congress to take prompt and efficient mea- sures for the total and final suppression of that execrable traffic. The Presidential election took place on the 6th of November, 1860, and resulting in the election of Lincoln and Hamlin, the candidates of the Eepublican party, for President and Vice-Presi- dent, South Carolina, acting by a Convention chosen for the pur- pose, assembled on the 17th of December, and on the 20th, passed unanimously, what was styled ^^an ordinance to dissolve the Union between the State of South Carolina and other States united with her, under the compact entitled the Constitution of the United States of America." January 9, 1861, the Mississippi State Convention passed the ordinance of secession, fifteen delegates voting nay. Introduction. xi. January 12, Florida and Alabama adopted ordinances of seces- sion ; Florida passed her ordinance by a vote of 62 to 7, and Alabama by yeas^ 61 ; nays, 39. January 19, the State Convention of Greorgia adopted the seces- sion ordinance by a vote of 208 against 89. January 26, the Louisiana State Convention passed the ordi- nance of secession by a vote of 113 to 17. February 1, the Texas State Convention passed an ordinance of secession, to be voted on by the people on the 23d of February, and if adopted, to take effect March 2. February 8, the Montgomery Congress elected Jefferson Davis President, and Alexander H. Stephens Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy. March 4, Abraham Linooln was inaugurated at Washington, sixteenth President of the United States. March 4, Texas declared out of the Union. April 12, At 4.30 A. M., fire was opened by the secessionists upon Fort Sumter, and continued until 12.55 P. M., of the 13th, when the flag of Fort Sumter was drawn down, and the Fort was surrendered soon after upon honorable terms. No men were re- ported on either side killed or wounded. April 15, The President of the United States called by procla- mation, for 75,000 volunteers to suppress insurrectionary combina- tions. In the same proclamation, an extra session of both Houses of Congress was called for the 4th of July. B^ the President of the United Slates. A PROCLAMATION. Whereas, The laws of the United States have been for some time past, and are now opposed, and the execution thereof obstructed in the States of South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings, or by the powers vested in the marshals by laws : Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution and the laws, have thought fit to call forth, and hereby do call forth, the militia of the several States of the Union, to the aggregate number of seventy-live thousand, in order to suppress the said combinations, and to cause the laws to be duly executed. The details for this object will be immediately communicated to the State authorities through the War Department, xii. Introduction. I appeal to all loyal citizcus to favor, facilitate, and aid this effort to maintain the honor, the integrity, and the existence of our National Union, and the perpetuity of the popular Government, and to redress the wrongs already long enough endured. I deem it proper to say that the first service assigned to the forces hereby called forth will probably be to re-possess the forts, places, and property, which have been seized from the Union, and, in every event, the utmost care will be observed consistently with the objects aforesaid, to avoid any devastation, any destruction of or inference with property, or any disturbance of peaceful citizens in any part of the country. And I do hereby command the persons composing the combinations aforesaid to disperse and retire peaceably to^their respective abodes, within twenty days from tins date. Deeming that the present condition of public affairs presents an ex- traordinary occasion, I do hereby, in virtue of the power in me vested by the Constitution, convene both Houses of Congress, The Senators and Representatives are therefore, summoned to assemble at their respec- tive chambers at 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, the 4th of July next, then and there to consider and determine such measures as in their wisdom, the public safety and interest may seem to demand. In witness wherepf, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this 15th day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independ- ence of the United States the eighty-fifth. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President. William H. Seward, Secretary of Stale. April 16, The Ringguld Flying Artillery, of Heading Pa., Capt. McKnight, 180 men, received a requisition from the Governor this morning, to set out this evening, at 6 o'clock, for Harrisburg, the place of rendezvous for the first Pennsylvanians in the field. April 18, Arrival at Washington of the Washington Artillery and National Light Infantry of Pottsville ; the Ringgold Light Artillery of Heading; the iVllen Infantry of Allentown ; and the Logan Guards of Lewistown, April 25, Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, issued a proclamation announcing that the State had been transferred to the Southern Confederacy. The people subsequently confirmed this action, at the polls. May 6, Secession act passed by Arkansas. May 20, Act of secession passed by North Carolina. June 24, Proclamation of the Governor of Tennessee that the State had dissolved all political oonnection with the United States Government. THE THREE MONTHS' CAMPAIGN. We come now to tlie main purpose of this work, to record what Schuylkill County has done to aid the Government in the suppres- sion of the Rebellion. The first shot at Sumter roused our people as one man, and when the President's Proclamation appeared, the armories of our volunteer companies were thronged with men to enroll their names, to fight for the Union. On Monday, April 15, at noon, the Proclamation of the Presi- dent was received in Pottsville, when Capt. E. McDonald of the National Light Infantry, and Capt. Jas. Wren, of the Washington Artillery Company, telegraphed to Gov. Curtin, at Harrisburg, offering the services of their companies. They were accepted and ordered to start without arms or equipments, on Wednesday, 17th. The excitement was so great that when they left Pottsville for Harrisburg, the Artillerists numbered in its ranks, 131 men, and the Infantry, 113 — both containing as fine material as ever entered the service. The Miners' Journal of April 20, contained the following notice of the departure of these troops : DEPARTURE OF VOLUNTEERS. The Washington Artillerists and National Light Infanty left on Wed- nesday last for Harrisburg, in obedience to the call of the President. During the whole day the greatest excitement prevailed among our citizens, and the scene at the armories of the respective companies was quite lively and spirited. New recruits Avere rolling in at every moment, and the lists were soon swelled to above the requisite number. The Artillerists numbered one hundred and thirty rank and file, and the Infantry somewhat above a hundred men — many who wished to volunteer their services, were prevented from doing so on account of the short notice at which the companies were ordered otF. The day was very cold, raAV, and disagreeable ; but notwithstanding this, the people flocked in by thousands from all parts of the County, and it seemed as if its whole population had been poured forth to witness the departure of our gallant volunteers, who with a noble spirit of self- sacrifice, have exchanged the comforts of home, for the fatigue and labor of a soldier's life. About half past twelve o'clock the concourse of people that had assembled about the armories of the two companies, was so great, that 14 The Three Months' Campaign. it was with difficulty that a place was cleared for them in the street. — Every body was pressing forward, and all striving to speak a parting word and take a final leave of their friends, with whom they were com- pelled to separate. As the companies proceeded down Centre street, to the depot of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, they were greeted with cheers from the thousands who lined each side of the street, and a perfect ocean of handkerchiefs waved by the ladies, who had taken possession of all the windows, and every available situation along the street. All the stores were closed and business entirely suspended. At the depot the crowd was immense, and it was almost impossible to force your way through it. The tops of the passenger and freight cars, the roofs of the depot and neighboring houses, were black with spectators. Never had so great a concourse assembled on any one occasion before in Pottsville. The Pottsville Cornet Band, which had escorted the companies to the depot, immeiiately before tlie starting of the cars played "Hail Colum- bia and " Yankee Doodle." As the train slowly left the depot, cheer upon cheer went up from the assembled thousands. The men were in good spirits, but there were some, who though possessed of manly hearts, who could bravo toil and danger without complaint or fear, who could endure suft'cring with stoical indifference, but who could not prevent the tear from starting to the eye, when called upon to bid farewell to all their friends. The Washington Artillerists and the National Light Infantry, will con- stitute one of the finest bodies of men from Pennsylvania. They are mostly composed of fine, abled-bodied young men in the vigor of health. They leave us with the best wishes of one and all who remain behind, and a heart-felt prayer will bo tendered for their safety while absent. These companies reached Ilarrisburg on Wednesday night, and were ordered to hold themselves in readiness to go to Washington early next morning. The next morning they were drawn up in lino near the depot of the Northern Central Railroad, and sworn into the service of the United States by Capt. Simmons. The muster rolls of the Companies as they reached Harrisburg, were as follows : WASHINGTON ARTILLERISTS. Caplain— JAMES WREN. First Lieutenant — David A. Smith. SecoJid Lieutenant — Feancis B. Wallace. Seco7id- Second Lieutenant — PuiLir Nagle. Orderly Sergeant — Henry C. Russel. Second " Joseph A. Gilmour. Third "■ Cyrus Sheetz. ■Fourth " Wm. J. McQuade. Quarter-Master Sergeant — G. H. Gressano. First Corporal — D. J. Ridgway. Second " Samuel R. Russel. Third " Charles Hinklb. Fourth " Reuben Snydee. The Three Months' Campaign. 15 Washington Artillerists — Continued. PRIVATES George H. Hill, Francis P. Dewees, Wm. R. Potts, Thomas Johnson, Nelson T. Major, I. E. Severn, Thomas Jones, Thomas Severn, Fifer, George Meyers, J. C. Weaver, John Engle, Chas. P. Potts, Chas. Loeser, Jr., H. K. Downing, Wm. H. Harden, J. B. Brant, Chas. SlingluflF, Theodore F. Patterson, Chas. Evans, Chas. Hause, Francis Hause, D. B. Brown, John Christian, A. G. Whitfield, W. Bates, Oliver C. Bosbyshell, R. F. Potter, A. H. Titus, Jos. Reed, Joel H. Betz, John Curry, Robert Smith, Aug. Reese, Hugh Stephenson, H. H. Hill, Eli Williams, Benjamin Christian, Thomas Petherick, Jr., Louis T. Snyder, E. J. Shippen, R. M. Hodgson, Wm. W. Clemens, C. C. Pollock, Wm. Auman, Wm. E. Riley, Edward T. Leib, Daniel Merer, W. Brown, Edward Nagle, Godfrey Leonard, Charles F. Garrett, G. W. Bratton, Charles A. Glenn, W^m. Spence, Patrick Hanley, Wm. J. Feger, Wm. Lesher, D. C. Potts, Alba C. Thompson. Daniel Christian, Reuben Snyder, Samuel Beard, Thomas Irwin, Henry Dentzer, Philip Dentzer, H. Bobbs, John Pass, Heber S. Thompson, B. F. Jones, John J. Hetheringtou, Peter Fisher, Wm. Dagan. A. F. Bowen, Drummer, J. R, Hetheringtou, Nelson Drake, Benjamin Heflfner, Francis A. Seltzer, Charles A. Hesser, Samuel Shoener, Charles Maurer, James S. Sillyman, Henry Brobst, Peter Grow, Alfred Huntzinger, W. Alspach, John HofFa, J. F. Barth, Wm. Cole, David Williams, George Rice, Joseph Kear. Charles E. Beck, F. B. Hammer, P. H. Frailey, Thomas Corby, Charles Vanhorn, John Noble, Joseph Fyant, Alex. S. Bowen, John Jones, Frank Stitzer, Wm. A. Maize, Wm. Agan, George H. Hartmaa, 16 The Three Months' Campaign. Washington Artillerists — Continued. John Nagle, Richard Bartolett, Wm. Heffner, Lewis Douglass, Vict. Wernert, Richard Rice, Val. Stichter, Fred. Christ, Francis B. Bannan, Frank P. Myer, Wra. Bartholomew, Bernard Riley. Geo. Steahlen, RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, ----- 4 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 9 Musicians, 2 Privates, __-_--- 116 Total, 131 NATIONAL LIGHT INFANTRY. Captain— F.. McDONALD. First Lieutenant — James Russell. Second Lieutenant — Henry L. Cake. Third Lieutenant — Lewis J. Martin. Quarter-Master Sergeant — D. Downey. PRIVATES J. Addison McCool, Lamar S. Hay, George G. Boyer, John Simpson, Thomas G. Houck, Edward Thomas, Elias B. Trifoos, John Stodd, Lawrence Manayan, B. F. Bartlett, Wm. Madara, Emanuel Saylor, Wm. T. Garrett, John P. Womelsdorff, Charles Russell, J. J. Dampman, Ernst Saubrey, C. F. Hoffman, Jacob Bast, Daniel Eberle, Wm. H. Hodgson, Ernst T. Ellrich, Amos Forseman, C. F. Umberhauer, James Carroll, John Benedict, Edmund Foley, Thomas Kelly, John Eppinger, John Rouch, David Howard, Jeremiah Deitrich, William Weller, William A. Christian, Mark Walker, Pvalph Corby, Henry Mehr, F. Goodyear, William Carl, Anthony Lippman, John P. Deiner, William A. Beidleman, Charles J. Shoemaker, James Donigan, Edward Moran, Herman Hauser, Louis Weber, Thomas H. Parker, The Three Months' Campaign. National Light Infantry — Continued. 17 Abm. Mclntyre, Wm. R. Roberts Jonas W. Rich, Charles Weber, Terence Smith, F. A. Schoener, William Pugh, Frank Hanley, James Smith, George W. Mennig, James INIarshall, Ira Troy, Uriah Good, William Irving, Patrick Curtin, John Burns, Edward McCabe, F. W. Conrad, John Donigan, John Mullens, John Lamons, William McDonald, George W. Garber, F. W. Simpson, Alexander Smith, David Dilly, George Sbartle, A. D. Allen, W. F, Huntzinger, Geo, A. Lerch, John Howell, Henry Y eger, Wm, Davenport, James Landerfield, James R. Smith, Michael Foren, Alexander Smith, W. M, Lashorn, Levi Gloss, Samuel Heilner, Enoch Lambert, Frank Wenrich, Joseph Johnston, Henry C, Nies, Jacob Shoey, John Hartman, William Buckley, Henry Quin, Thomas G. Buckley, William Becker, J, P, McGinnes, Chas, J. Redcay, Jr. William Britton, Thomas Smith, J. M. Hughes, Thomas Martin, Henry Garing, Dallas Dampman, John Bodafield, M, Edacar Richards. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - - Total, 1 108 113 These companies with the Ringgold Light Artillery of Reading, Logan Guards of Lewistown^ Allen Infantry of Allentown^ and some forty-five regular troops, passed through Baltimore at noon of Thursday, the 18th, unarmed, and exposed to the insults of a secession mob. No riot, however, took place, and these troops reached Washington at 8 o'clock that evening, and bivouacked at the Capitol — the first volunteers from the Free States, to enter the Capital at the call of the President. Schuylkill, with three sister counties of Pennsylvania, wears the distinguished honor of being first in the field, for the defence of Washington. 2 18 The Three Months' Campaign. These companies subsequently formed part of the 25th Regi- ment, commanded by Col. Henry L. Cake; Lieut. -Colonel Selheimer ; Major James H. Campbell, and Adjutant M. E. Richards. These companies were afterwards divided, a portion being on detached service at Fort Washington, on the Potomac, the com- missioned and non-commissioned officers being as follows : NATIONAL LIGHT INFANTRY. Company D, 2bth RegimeniT Captain— E. McDONALD. First Lieutenant — Jabies Russell. Second Lieutenant — Lewis J. Martih, First Sergeant — La Mar Hay. Second " Abr'm McIntyre, Third " Wm. Huntzinger, Fourth " Geo. G. Boyer. Fifth " Daniel Downey, First Corporal — E. A. Soubray. Second " Edward Moran. Third "■ Charles Russell. Fourth " Frederick W. Conard. WASHINGTON ARTILLERISTS. Company II, 2hth Regiment. Captain—DANID A. SMITH First Lieutenant — Francis B. Wallace, Second Lieutenant — Philip Nagle. Third Lieutenant — Henry C. Russel. First Sergeant — Samuel R. Russel. Second " D. J. Ridgway. Third " Val. Stichter Fourth " Godfrey Leonard. First Corporal — Joseph Kear Second " Reuben Snyder. Third "■ Isaac E. Severn. Fourth " Charles Hinkle. HASKIN GUARDS. Company B, 25th Regiment. Captain— J AMES WREN. First Lieutenant — Joseph A. Gilmour. Second Lieutenant — Cyrus Shebtz. The Three Months' Campaign. 19 Haskin Guards — Continued. Brevet Second Lieut. — Wm. J. McQuade. First Sergeant — Geo. H. Gressang. Second " Thomas Johnson. Third *' Wm. Heffner. Fourth " John Engle, First Corporal — Henry K. Downing. Second " Francis Hause. Third " John Noble. Fourth <' AVm. Feger. Acting Quarter- Master — Peter H. Feailet. The next companies that left Scnuylkill County, were the Ring- gold Rifles, of Minersville, Minersville Artillery, Scott Artillery, of Schuylkill Haven, and Port Clinton Artillery. These com- panies left on Saturday, April 20. The muster rolls of these companies^ as they left^ are as follows : RINGGOLD RIFLES, OF MINERSVILLE. Company I, 5th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— GEO. J. LAWRENCE. First Lieutenant. — Chas. N. Brumm. Second Lieutenant — Samuel Richards. First Sergeant — Thos. D. Griffiths. Second " Fred. Gunther. Third " John J. Williams. Fourth " Thos. Robertson. First Corporal — Wm. H. Jones. Second " Geo. Parey. Third " Joseph Forney. Fourth " John Evans. Musicians — Niel S. Maclay, R. K. Lbvan. "" PRIVATES ; George Allen, Samuel Allen, David Auld, William Ball, Joseph Beadle, Henry C. Benseman, Winfield Benseman, David Bowen, Jacob Burkert, Isaac P. Chalfant, Daniel Chester, Daniel Christian, Lewis Lee, James Levens, David Levy. John Lovet, James Manning, William Maggison, Amor Markert, Wm. D. H. Mason, Joseph Morgans, George l^cNeil, Henry Owens, John Parry, 20 The Three Months' Campaign. KiNQGOLD KiFLES — Continued. Charles Cholar, John Crawford, Lewis Dennis, Reuben Dewalt, William Dier, Peter D. Eby, Albert C. Forney, Richard Forney, John Geiger, John Goodfellow, Benjamin Haines, Charles W. Haines, William Hesser, George B. Hindson, William Hopkins, Watkin Howells, John Jefferson, Raymond A. Jenkins, David J, Jones, Thomas Joy, Charles 0. Keller, James D. Lawrence, William S. Peel, William Redner, George Reece, Henry Reese, Stephen Reese, Michael Shilthorn, John S. Silver, Henry Snyder, AFoert W. Sterner, Joseph Smith, William E. Taylor, William H. Taylor, John W. Thirlwell, Theodore P. Trayer, Frederick Watkins, William Webster, Sampson Wigmore, Jacob Witman, George W. Wythes, Joseph H. Wythes, Jacob Zimmerman. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, ----- 3 Non-commissioned OflBicers, - - _ - g Musicians, - 2 Privates, ----__. 53 Total, ^ SCOTT ARTILLERY, OF SCHUYLKILL HAVEN. t>th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— F. B. MEDLAR. First Lieutenant — D. F. Burkert. Second Lieutenant — T. K. Mills. First Sergeant — U. A. BastJ Second " P. F. Quinn. Third " C. R. GUERTLER. Fourth '< F. D. Koch. First Corporal — J. R. Wertz. Secojid " Wm. Kendricks. Third " J. G. W. BossLEK. Fourth '< Joseph Morgan. The Three Months' Campaign. 21 Scott Artillery — Continued. Henry Dry, George Schreds, J. W. Coho, J. B. Wright, Laft. Becker, C. Raudenbush, Jacob Christ, C. Betzler, Joseph Ropp, Geo, Miller, D. Houghman, J. Sheriff, »Samuel Martz, H. Heffner. John Polly, J. Huntzinger, H. P. Urner, R. Auman, C. Oaswalt, M. Poyer, F. Krohberger, 0. Nuttle, D. Matteson, W. Conway, A. Kissinger, P. Sheck, William Kluck, J. River, J. L. Minnig, F. Wise, Samuel Gray, F. Scheck, G. W, Mercer, PRIVATES: J. F. Saylor, William Mowry, William Hain, J. Wenting, H. Hehn, H. Knorr, D. Renard, Benjamin Emerick, J. B. Martz, M, Johnson, J. Swivel, J. Freshly, E. W. Minnig, William Shadle, George Reed, Jacob Hehn, S. Arnprister, J. L. Weber, W. H Mennig, Noah Cross, C. Knorr, J. McLaird, Daniel Haffa, E Blanch, E. Coller, William Hiney, J. Strausser, J. Bower, J Dampman. P. L. Logan, C. Bickley, V. Burns. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - - Total, 8 65 76 MINERSVILLE ARTILLERISTS. K>th Regiment rennsylvania Volunteers". Capfai7i—WM. HOWER. First Lieutenant — G. W. Brumm. Second Lieutenant — Daniel Freilek. First Sergeant — Frank C. Bender. 2* 22 The Three Months' Campaign, MiNERSViLLE ARTILLERISTS — Continued. Second Sergeant — Daniel P. McElrot. Third " CoNDY Fury. Fourth " Philip Wernert. First Corporal — Wm. Wensel. Second " Jacob Pauley. Third <' John Carr. Fourth " Michael Foley. PRIVATES : - John Foley, Michael Devlin, John Cari'oll, Fred. Kline, Jacob Geir, Ed. A. Reed, Patrick McGlinn, George Ridley, Henry Smith, Thomas Nixon, Charles Gerhard, Charles Weitzennigger, Wm. Kennedy, Michael Moran, John L. Brennan, Adam Godshall, Thomas Brennan, Mathias Laubach, Joseph Smith, Patrick McGovern, John Donehue, James O'Donald, Thomas Levens, James McManemen, Elisha Andrews, Charles F. Falls, Robt. A. Maingay, Thos. J. Weaver, Patrick McDonoch, John H. Burger, Thomas Murphey, Wm. Murphey. Wm. Diehl, Philip Gullung, John Pteed, Fred. Sieber, Philip Mohan, John McGee, James Porter, Daniel Martin, Michael Bamrick, Henry Leitenberger, Michael Condron, John Gehrer, Patrick McGuire, Patrick McGee, John Duff, Jacob Haase, Edward Furguson, Thomas Williams, Thomas Reese, Zebastian Grover, Thos. S. Brown, Joseph Tonkinson, Daniel Hummel. William Holze, William S. Welsh, Morgan Pugh, John Bissicomer, Adam Ehni, William Levant, William Welsh, Samuel Achebach, James H. Levan, George Reamer. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - - 3 8 67 Total, 78 The Three Months' Campaign. 23 PORT CLINTON ARTILLERY, 6th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. James Nagle. Captain— J). B. KAUFMAN. First Lieutenant — Geo. F. Shillinger, Secofid Lieutenatit — 0. Hatch. Orderly Sergeant — E. W. S. Kiemtzel. Quartermaster — Wm. H. Harrison. Fijer — James Sterner. Drummer — Frank Lintz. PRIVATES : Elijah Miller, Joseph Bridegam, Arthur P. Hatch, Henry Hyneman, Oliver McLane, John Kling, John Taylor, Samuel S. Moyer, J. M, McCallister, Nathaniel Cunfear, James M. Elliott, Michael Keller, D. McCallister, Aaron Boyer, John A. Elliott, Thomas P. Smith, Benjamin G. Otto, John A. Moyer, John Shenk, Thomas W. Combs, John Murry, Franklin Fabean, Nelson Simons, Henry Wyneman, Jr., George Hendricks, Daniel Fox, Frank Wentzel, M. R. Thompson, Peter Bridegam, Justice Caret, Benj. Roberson, John Seaman, Joseph Long, Isaac Miles, Franklin Simons,. Chas. Beauverly, Lewis Long, A. Weathern, James Gribben, F. Boch, Samuel Wallace, Harman Leager, Wm. Huntzberger, John H. Dillinger, Obadiah Stahlnecker,. T. P. S. Roby, J. Richards, Wm. S. Lessig, John H. Stager, Theodore Dearing, Henry Snyder, Henry J. O'Connel, W. S. Heartline, Henry Mackeson, John Little, Augustus Shearer, Richard Lenhard, Wm. Markle, Frank Nolen, John McGrath, John Walters, Moses Nolen, William Clark, John H. Moyer, Joseph Mauer, George Linsy. Wm. J. Elliott, RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 2 Musicians, -- 2 Privates, 67 Total, 74 24 The Three Months' Campaign. The next companies left Schuylkill County on\Sunday; April 21 . They were, Ashland Rifle Company, Capt. Israel Seitzing- ER ; Marion Rifles, Port Carbon, Capt. J. K. Siegfried ; Colum- bian Infantry, Glen Carbon, Capt. J. Brennan ; Llewellyn Rifles, Capt. H. Chance ; Wetherill Rifle Company, St. Clair, Capt. Ed- ward Farne; Washington Light Infantry, Pinegrove, Capt. Mathews, and Lafayette Rifles, St. Clair, Capt. Jennings. The muster rolls of these companies as they left, are as follows : MARION RIFLES, OF PORT CARBON. 6/^ Regiment Pennsylvania VolunteerSi Captain— J. K. SIEGFRIED. First Lieutenant — M. D. Weand. Second Lieutenant — Geo. W. Snyder. Orderly Sergeant — Philip Cares. Second " John Gillespie. Third " James Teasdale. Fourth " Thomas Hilton. Quartermaster Sergeant — Jacob Buchman. First Corporal — Geo. W. Holder. Second " Chas. Hilbert. Third "■ James Gillespie. Fourth " James Kane. Fifer — Stephen Jones. Drummer — Henry Swartz. PRIVATES : Samuel Aregood Theodore Pletz, Alexander Allison, Patrick Pursell, Abraham Ahley, Charles Paul, James Boyd, F. W. Reed, Joseph Beadle, Patrick Sheilds, David Bour, J. W. Shappell, George Burton, Jos. A. Seligman, I. Courtright, Geo. Stout, C. L. Chillson, Jas. Stout, Wm Garris, William Smith, P. Garber, Jno. Stanton, R. M, Iluntzinger, John Smith, Ashton Hilton, Wm. Stevenson, Jas. Henderson, Samuel Seitzinger, Henry Hodge, Alexander Smith, Henry Ilignor, John Seward, Abm. Hummell, A. Shilthouse, Wm. Kane, Geo. W. Thomson, Robert Kane, Jesse Templin, Jno. Kline, J. Umbehower, Anthony Kliugols, Thos. Williams, The Three Months' Campaign. 25 Marion Rifles — Continued. Joseph Kepley, John W. Laing, Wm. Lloyd, John Lloyd, Wm. Mackey, Philip May, Saml. McQuade, Wm. Martin, Jno. P. McCord, James B. Oliver, David J. Price, Perry Watts, David Wertle, Watkin Waters, Wm. Williams, Emanuel Bechtel, M. Davidheiser, John Ferry, .John Mullen, D. B. Mitchell, G. W. Stillwagon, RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, _ - _ Total, 3 9 2 63 77 LAFAYETTE RIFLES, OF ST. CLAIR. Captain— SN^l. H. JENNINGS. First Lieutenant — Wm. G. Burwell. Second Lieutenant — Jno. Ennis. First Sergeant — Chas. BlxVCker. Second " Thomas M. Price. Third " Wm. G. Gwytiier. Fourth " NicnoLA Schjieltzer. First Corporal — Michael A. Welsh. Second " David Ruse. Third " Jambs Blacker. Fourth " Edward R. Breckon, Fifer — Wm. Birt. Drummer — Michael Clark. PRIVATES Wm. Ansbach, Wm. Blacker, Wm. Brown, Wm. Brennan, John Blakely, Wm. Childs, Thomas Cresswell, Benneville Clase, James J. Cooper, Jeremiah David, Theodore Koch, John Kelley, George Lockett, John Mason, Edward Mason, Patrick Murray, John L. Morgan, Wm. Price, 26 The Theee Months' Campaign. Lafayette Rifles — Continued. John Crow, John Catcher, Wm. Davis, John Dougherty, Jonah Davis, John Donley, Wm. Dudley, John Dolan, Jos. Dixon, George Evans, John f'rancis, George Farnie, Wm. Gittin, Thomas Gwyther, llobert Green, John Green, Wm. Gable, Evan Humj)hries, George Hancock, James Highten, Marshall Harrison, David Jenkins, Isaac B. Jones, James Pusey, Frank W. Richardson, Robert Rogers, Reese Reese, Jno. Snaden, John W. Smith, George Smith, Wm. M. Steel, Edward Sedgwick, John Stevens, Chas. Taylor, John Taylor. George Thomas, John G. Thomas, John Thompson, xYdgate Vanhorn, John Vincent, David D. Walker, Thomas Wilson, Daniel Walker, John Wood, George Wonders, Adam W. Zimmerman. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, ----- 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 8 Musicians, ___----2 Privates, ------- G4 Total, 77 WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY, OF PINEGROVE. \Qth Regimaii Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— \l. II. BECHTEL. First Lieutenant — J. W. Barr. Second Lieutenant — P. A. Filbert, First Sergeant — E. M. Mathews. Second Third «« Fourth " First Corporal- Second " Third <' Fourth " Philip Keeley. Caleb Wheeler. Lewis Lookingbill. -Jacob B. Kreider. Wm. Bonawitz. Jerome Ley. Peter Rump. The Three Months' Campaign. 27 Washington Light Infantry — Continued. Josepli Allison, Bearmount Brook, Paul H. Barr, Wm. W. Bright, Robert Byers, George Bretz, Daniel Bretz, Henry Britigum, Wm. Brenner, Daniel D. Brown, Marcus Dry, Frederick Dutter, George Fritz, Wm. H. Filbert, Henry Fry, John Fox, Henry Feger, Wm. Grove, Aaron Greenwald, George Goodman, Edward Heckman, Edward Heisler, Jacob Huber, Jr., John Harvey, Adam Hand, Joseph Harmon, David Harrigon, Frederick Hammer, Henry G. Krise, Benhart Kamget, George Kill, Samuel Lehman, Irvine Looser, Wm. Lehman, PRIVATES Joshua Martz, Franklin Muthart, Joseph Moorheiser, Samuel G. Miller, Harrison Manviller, Franklin Moore, James Manviller, George Rothmend, Henry Reinoehl, David Reader, David Spangler, Israel Spancake, Ephraim Schrope, Peter Smeltzer, Thomas Schwartz, Thomas Seibert, Aaron Stees, Frederick Schrope, Jacob Snyder, Amos Stine, George Schnept, John Scherer, Gotlieb Schiveller, John Scheeler, William Sick, William Wetzel, Frederick Wegelin, Peter Weaver, Wm. M. Wolverton, Samuel Weiler, Henry Yeager, Andrew Zimmerman, Peter C Zelleff. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - - Total, 3 8 67 ASHLAND RIFLES. Con^any E, 6th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. Jas. NagU. {7a/)^am— ISRAEL SEITZINGER. First Lieutenant — Levi C. Leib. Second Lieutenant — John C. Garner. Ejisign — John Von Hollen. 28 The Three Months' Campaign. Ashland Rifles — Continued. Quarter Master First Sergeant-^ Second ' ' Third '' Fourth " First Corporal- Second " Third <' Fourth "■ Drummer — Jos — George Harman, R. F. MosoN. Peter Houk. Franklin Steese. Frederick Hopkins. -Franklin Garner, Andrew Arnold. John Slaterback. Oscar IlAiiNr EPH Keeler. Thomas Brennen, Henry Barndt, Emanuel Bolich, Josiah Berger, Barnabas Billian, John Colohan, Daniel Carmitchel, Thomas Connor, Patrick Colohan, Jr., John Cleaver, Gabriel Crow, William Cooper, Henry F. Dengler, John O. Davis, Isaac F. Davis, Howard Edmonds, James A. Easton, Evan Evans, Lawrence Foclit, George Fetterman, Lafayette Fetterman, Jacob Farrel, J. J. Fertig, James Gillespie, W. T. Hartz, Charles Henrich, W. A. Himelright, Franklin Hart/, James Hetherington, John Heck, Richard Jones, James Knabb, John F. Klock, PRIVATES : John Langton, John Loudon, Abraham Levy, Joseph Mann, Martin V. Murry, Nathan J. Moyer, Condy Maguire, B. F. May, Thomas Owens, Jacob Oswald, Samuel K. Phillippi, George Price, Thomas Piatt, Christian Rherig, John Rhorback, Ptichard Rahn, Erastus Shuman, Edward Shutt, George N, Simpson, Jacob K. Shelley. Calvin Shindler, Anthony Spoo, Thomas Smith, Peter Schneider, Edward Wentzel, Joseph E. Wilson, John A. Wilson, John Wagner, Tobias Witman, James Bradbury, James Craige, James McDade. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, _ - - o 10 1 65 Total, 79 The Three Months' Campaign. 29 COLUMBIAN INFANTRY, OF GLEN CARBON. bth Regimejit Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— SAM^^ BRENNAN. First Lieutenant — John Keating. Second Lieutenant — Michael Curry. First Sergeant — Thomas Lawler. Second ' " Daniel Lawler. Third " Patrick Brennan, Fo2irth "■ Michael Daily. First Corporal — James Keating. Second << George Lawler. Third "■ Patrick Wade, Fourth *' William Curran, PRIVATES : John Carroll, Nich. Delany, Michael Brennan, Eli Lee, J. Mulaowny, Patrick DuUerd, Daniel Carter, Patrick Tobin, Michael Keating, Daniel Curry, John Whelan, Richard Moran, James Moran, James Borgin, James Grant, Patrick Brennan, William McDonald, William Ryan, Alexander McMentru, James Brennan, Matthew Mouly, Patrick Brennan, William Carty, •Tames Boyle, Edward Brennan, William Dullerd, Edward Keating, William Cleary, John Mulhall, Nicholas Purcell, Thomas Tobin, Laughlin Brennan, John Moran, Patrick McKerns, Patrick Dooling, William Simmons, Lawrence Tobin, William Daily, James Tobin, William Brennan, Michael Foley, William Curran, Michael Cavenaugh, Michael O'Brien. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - - Total, 44 55 30 The Three Months' Campaign. LEWELLYN RIFLES, Gth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— BIRMsl CHANCE. First Lieutenant — Edward J. Robson. Seco7id Lieutenant — A. D. Siioffstall. First Sergeant — Joseph Dilcamp, Second " Thomas Partridge. Third " Philip Fitzpajrick. Fourth <•'■ William Davis. Quarter- Master Sergeant — John D. Burgb First Corporal — D. A. Alspach. Second " Benjamin Fociit. Third " Daniel Troiitman. Fourth " Michael Murry. Fifer — William Downing. Drummer — B. Downing. PRIVATES : Thomas Anges, •John Athey, John A. Bush, F. H. Barnharty .John Burlee, William Burk, Daniel Bonawitz, Michael Brennan, Michael Cavenaughy W. J. Clauser, Simeon Clausei', Richard Cole, Augustus Delcamp, Thomas Dolan, George English, William English, M. Emrigeuldo, Joseph Fisher, William Green, James Green, .James Galagher, Joseph Gee, Joshua Grecnawalt, Thomas Grant, F. Galagher, Edward Griffiths, Patrick Grant, John J. Hopkins, Daniel Hilbert, Andrew Haws, J. A. Horn, Joseph Hendrickson, Thos Holigan, Francis Jones, John Johnston, Daniel .Jones, William Kerns, Charles Kutz, Gotleih Kutzer, William Lavenberg, L. Lavenberg, Daniel INIanning, Andrew Miller, John Moran, C. IMcNulty, Jacob Minnig, Charles Maurer, James Mullhall, John Maley, H. Updegrave, Peter Rhoades, R. Rodgers, H. Runyan, John Rooney, George Rankkin, William Straw, Joseph Shoffstall, R. S. Thirwell, George Wilson, •Tames Wilson, Samuel Wesner, Benjamin Warey, Israel Warey, George Young, Peter Zimmerman, John S. Zimmerman. The Three Months' Campaign. 31 Lewellyn Rifles — Continued. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, _ - - Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, _ - - - - Privates, - . - - - Total, 3 9 2 66 80 WETHERILL RIFLES, OF ST. CLAIR. Captain— EmN KKD FRANE. First Lieutenant — John D. Jones. Second Lieutenant — Frederick A. Herwig. First Sergeant — Thomas Ray. Second " Henry Kroba, Jr. Third '^ John March. Fourth " John Carl. First Corporal — William J. McCarthy. Second " Edward A. Smith. Third " William G. DeTurk. Fourth " Thomas Torbet. 3Iusicians — John Buttbrwick, John Bummersbach. PRIVATES James Atkinson, James Bummersbach, August Beurne, Jacob Britt, Lloyd T. Brewes, William Breman, George Beaumant, Charles H. Blue, John W. Barnes, Benjamin Chadwick, William H. Cape, Joseph W. Dennings, .lames Dormer, Patrick P. Donovan, Lewis Deekes, Charles Dress, Daniel W, Freeman, Frederick Grum, George Hetherington, John Howels, John Humphreys, William H. Humes, John Harrison, Samuel Hawn, Peter C. Kreiger, Nicholas Kern, Charles Kaler, Samuel Kendall, Thomas Lewis, Evan Lewis, John Lennen, Samuel Mateer, Peter Mahley, John McGowen, James Martin, William Murgan, Michael McHugh, James Moore, Jeremiah Mahon, F. McLafferty, Jacob Neifert, Amos L. Neilds, Morris O'Neil, Jacob Parvin, Thomas Paul Palmer, James Riley, John W. Reese, Charles L. Roorbach, 32 The Three Months' Campaign. Wetherill Rifles — Continued, Edwin F. Hensel, Hatton Hannum, William Johnson, Joseph Korbey, Ralph Korbey, Faro W. Krebs, James King, John Rhobalt, John S. Steele, Michael Sedgwick, John Taggert, Henry Huhn, ' Nicholas Welsh, Augustus Wolf. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, _ - - Privates, - - - 3 8 „.- - - 2 ... 62 Total, ----- -^ - 75 The companies that left the County on Monday, April 22, were Tower Guards, Pottsville, Capt. Tower ; Nagle Guards, Capt. D. Nagle ; Wynkoop Artillery, Silver Creek, Capt. W. Winlack; Keystone Rifles, Fort Carbon, Ca| t. Matthew Byrnes; Wash- ington Yeagers, Pottsville, Capt. Hendler ; Scott Rifles, Tamaqua, Capt. Lebo; Jackson Guards, Tamaqua, Capt. C. M. Donovan; and German Light Infantry, Tamaqua, Capt. Guenther. TOWER GUARDS, OF POTTSVILLE. 6^A Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. James NagU. Cff^iom— CHARLEMAGNE TOWER. First Lieutenant — James Ellis. Second Lieutenant — Henry Pleasants. First Sergeant — "William J. Hinkle. Second " Henry Fisher. Third *' Edavard C. Baird. Fourth " John J. Huntzingek. First Corporal — Samuel M. Ruch. Second " David H. Hoefman. Third " Daniel H. Leib. Fourth " Hugh Mullin. Drummer — Abraham Nagle. Fifer — Cornelius Trout. PRIVATES : Acorn Martin, Frank Krebs, John Bailey, Samuel B. Laubenstien, John H. Batdorf, John Larenberg, Charles Berluchy, George Leech, The Three Months' Campaign. 33 Tower Guards — Continued. John Bolich, William Bowman, Jacob Boyer, James B. Brown, Joseph Buck, Thomas Campbell, Charles Christian, Mahlon Collet, John R. Conyngham, Samuel Cowley, John Cooper, Charles Crosland, John Cruikshank, Frederick W. Davis, Thomas N. Davis, Daniel D. Dillman, William Douty, Richard Edwards, Thomas Fitzimmons, George W, Foltz, Andrew Garber, Samuel Heffner, Charles Hazzard, John Hower, James Hood, Zachariah Jones, J. H. Kaufman, Henry Z. Kibler, Herman Krauth, Frank Leonard, Frank Lebengood, Luke Lee, 0. W. Lilley, Hugh Lynch, John Martz, George W. Matz, John McElrath, John McShier, Jacob Mervine, George W. Overback, Frank J. Parvin, Jr., John Paull, Robert M. Rinker, David Y. Root, Thomas J. Rose, Gabriel Shollenberger, Daniel Siegfried, John Snyder, Jacob Spotts, Elisha Stonef' Edgar R. Titus, George J. Weaver, Andrew Weinman, Allen Weir, Henry Williamson, William Wren, Elias Yerger. RECAPITULxVTION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, - - - Total, 2 65 78 WYNKOOP ARTILLERY, OF SILVER CREEK. IQth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— 'SNYLLIAM WINLACK. First Lieutenant — Patrick McQuade. Second Lieutenant — Lawrence Ennis. First Sergeant — William Cullen. Second " Robert Was sen. Third " James Gallery. 3* 34 The Theeb Months' Campaign. Wynkoop Artillery — Continued. Fourth Sergeant — Wm. Treaner. Quarter- Master — Thomas J. O'Brien. First Corporal — Stafford Johnson. Second " John Carty. Third " Charles Murray. Fourth " Thomas Feeley. Drummer — James McAllister. F-tfer — Michael Martin. PRIVATES : Solomon Berger, James Brenin, Stephen Croney, William Corby, Samuel Clemens, Francis Cramer, Thomas Corcoran, Robert Dawson, Charles Dumb, Patrick Delaney, Evan Davis, Francis Dooling, Patrick Donivan, John Elliot, Dennis Fuller, William Fitzpatrick, Michael Foley, John Heggins, Patrick Heggins, Jacob Hill, Albana Harp, John S. Haas, James Irving, Daniel Jones, Martin King, David McAllister, Thomas Miller, William Miller, Charles Morrison, Samuel Miller, James McKinney, James Meeghar, Peter McGonagle, John McGraw, Michael O'Brien, Jonah Piatt, George Rogers, Andrew Rogers, John Sneddin, James Shields, James Soesby, William Snyder, John Scott, John Slowy, Andrew Sponsler, Benjamin Smith, Thomas Tosh, John Thompson, John Thomas, John T. Williams, John S. Wingerd, Richard S. Walters, Henry C. Young, John Garrison, John Geary, Samuel Fairchild, John Rosser, Thomas Moon, William Frederick, William Taylor, Jacob Hew, William Morris. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, ----- 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - . 9 Musicians, -.----_2 Privates, 62 Total, ,--..-.. 76 The Three Months' Campaign. 35 SCOTT RIFLES, OF TAMAQUA. Captai7i— WILLIAM B. LEBO. First Lieutenant — S. B. Lutz. Second Lieutenaiit — William DePue. PRIVATES Edward Davis, David Davis, Samuel B. GraefF, John M. Reinhart, William King, George E, Huglies, William J. Williams, 0. G. Treichler, Jeremiah Trout, John Greathead, Richard Kitchen, William Lane, George W. Henrie, Theodore Casey, George W. March, William T. Thomas, James Scheifly, George Kistler, Isaac Chester, John Minnier, Nicholas Lusch, Charles Freidenberger, William Miller, Martin Barr, George Vardy, Philip Heilman, Ephriam Moser, John Dunn, James Barton, Jonas Hine, Thomas J. Richards, David Reese, William Delamore, John H. Southam, Thomas March, Daniel B. Brause, Henry H. Snyder, John Fairchilds. David II. Burkey, David Nahf, Elias Fatzinger, John Richardson, William Shoemaker, John Kershner, Jeremiah Delay, Albert Moyer, Peter Shlasser, Edward Jones, David E. Davis, Thomas W. Griffith, James M. Moyer, William Allen, Abraham Markle, Charles C. Hensberger, B. Williams, B. A. Houser, Samuel T. Kehl, William R. Moyer, Samuel Brobst. John Landie, Elias Macord, J. Smessersmith, E. B. Thomas, Joseph Mummy, William Schwartz, Robert Casey, Patrick McManamon, F. Klechner, William Higgins, Jacob Campbell, William Horn, Daniel Trout, RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Privates, 3 72 Total, 36 The Three Months' Campaign. JACKSON GUARDS, OF TAMAQUA. Company D, IQth Regiment FennsT/lvania- Volunteers. CajHain—Q. M. DONOVAN. First Lieutenant — Condy Boyle. Second Lieutenant — Patrick McGuigan. First Sergeant — Patrick Parrell. Second " Charles Harkins. Third *' Edward M. Nelis, Fourth " Owen Boyce. First Corporal — James O'Donnell. Second " Joseph Early. Third " Patrick McKeloy. Fourth *' Stephen McShaeffry. Drummer — John Higgins. Fifer — Richard Dunn. PRIVATES; Hugh Boyle, Pati'ick Boner, John Broderick, Robert Boyle, Patrick Conahan, Condy Cannon, .John Campbell, James Conner, Francis Cannon, Patrick Costin, Michael Cavanaugh, John Chapman, Thomas Clark, Thomas Delaney, .James Deacon, James Fitzgerald, Condy Fisher, William Foster, Patrick Fitzsimmon, Pati'ick Gorrick, Condy Gallagher, Anthony Gallagher, Patrick Hagerty, Matthew Long, Charles Millet, James Mulhasen, Thomas Mulhasen, Daniel Mundy, Edward Morrissey, Patrick Melly, Michael Mulloy, Stephen Mulloy, Isaac Mason, John Mooney, Michael Martin, Patrick Mulhart, Francis Moore, Charles McCahill, Alexander McManus, William McShaeflfry, John McGuire, John McHugh, Henry McNalley, Edward McDevitt, James McGonly, Peter McGovern, Patrick McGee, Patrick Powers, Martin Ryan, Michael Reardon, P. C. IL Rooney, Patrick Shovelin, Michael Stapleton, Richard Tobin, F. A. Whitaker, Patrick Winkle, Samuel Walley, Michael Kearney, Adolphus Zearklebach. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Privates, _ - - 3 8 2 59 Total, 72 The Three Months* Campaign. 3T GERMAN LIGHT INFANTRY, OF TAMAQUA. IQth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers'. Captain— Vm.\AP GUENTHER. First Lieutenant — Henry Eigenbrod, Second Lieutenant — John Goepfert. First Sergeant — John Horn. Second " Andrew Hartwig. Third " William Sandrock. Fourth " John Hoffman. First Corporal — Christopher Erbe. Second " Frederick Eigenbrod. Third " Frederick Kroll. Music — William Maettern. PRIVATES : John George Albricht, Conrad Kuch, William Aedling, John Kuieriem, Christopher Boetler, Christopher Keitel, Larenz Berlet, John Linburg, Theodore Burri, George Moeller, John Foolher, Balthasser Rabe, Christopher Gross, Jacob Kimback, Adam Hartwig, Jacob Seepp, Valentine Hess, Christopher Schade, George Hess, Peter Schlosser, Justus Haethe, Adam Storck, Jacob Horman, Phillip Wallauer, Aaron Heiman, Christoph Hartman, Conrad Herwig, Augustus Rediger. Herman Keilman, RECAPITULATION. Commissioned OfiScers, 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 7 Musicians, ._.----l Privates, 29 Total, 40 NAGLE GUARDS, OF POTTSVILLE. Qth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Cap^am— DANIEL NAGLE. First Lieutenant — David P. Brown. Second Lieutenant — William W. Potts. 38 The Three Months' Campaign. Naqle Guards — Continued. First Sergeant- Second " Third <' Fourth " First Corporal- Second " Third " Fourth '' -F. A. BoxAwiTz.. G. W. Garret. Jacob Douty. Nicholas Wtnkoop.* -J. F. Brannan. James Sand. Nathaniel M. Stout. David Hodge. PRIVATES George Aurand, George Ayrgood, William liambrick, AVilliam Barrier, David Baker, George Boyer, John Bowler, David Biggs, William H. H. BroAvn, James Bambrick, Jacob F. Beliler, Alpheus Cheany, Matthew Clarkon, Peter Carrel, James Cochran, Wallace Cake, Thomas Cliadwick, J. E. Dreiblebies, George W. Ebert, Samuel Fisher, William Griffith, Henry Heiser, William Houck, James R. Helms, Adam Hendley, Israel Hendley, John HinckclitF, Archibald Hodge, Silas C. Hough, Thornton Hanley, John Johnston, William Johnston, Samuel Kramer, Wesley Knittle, Jacob Kline, George Knowles, William Lawrence, Charles Lucas, Edward Morris, Thomas Martin, Charles Matthew, Anthony Norgan, Charles Norgan, Thomas D. Price, Charles F. Rahn, Thomas Reid, Thomas Ryan, E. F. Sh appall, Michael Sands, David Sands, George Snyder, Leonard F. Shishorn, Frank Seitzinger, Henry Seitzinger, William F. Small, David Schrack, Jacob Shade, Jacob Semore, William Trimmins, Henry Wilson, Patrick Whalan, John Ward, William Wernick, J. H. B. Warfield, Israel Vancannan, . James Winters. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - - 3 8 66 Total, 77 The Three Months' Campaign. 39 WASHINGTON YEAGERS, OF POTTSVILLE. Company F, Gth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Captain— R. J. HENDLER. First Lieutenant. — Theodore Miller. Second Lieutenant — Nicolaus Michel. First Sergeant — John Liebner, Second " Christian Schlitzer. Third " George Broschart. Fourth " William Landefield. First Corporal — Bernard Becker. Second " Michael Friederich. Third " John Landefield. Fourth " Philip Lambruschini. Drummer — Andrew J. Snyder. PRIVATES Julius Bathe, Joseph Braem, Peter Broschart, George Barnes, Richard Brennan, Reuben Burch, William Callighan, Thomas Drobil, Joseph Dockweiler, Charles Eberle, Joseph Eick, Ignaz Foss, George Grass, Larenz Gutmann, Charles Gluntz, Charles Gessler, Eberhard Gessler, Adam Heim, Joseph Hohmann, Casper Henry, August Hammer. George Hummel, Henry Jaeger, Valentine Kimmel, Charles F. Kuentzler, John Klein, John Kleindinst, William Koehler, Henry Lang, Charles H. Lukowitz, William Montgomery, Charles J. Murphy, Adam Mayer, Michael Messev, Gottlieb Nathalz, Henry Osswald, Christain Prong, Laughlin C. Quigley, Preston Rassiter, Jacob Riegel, Charles Reinhardt, Peter Rebhahn, Francis Renner, Jacob Saj'lor, Lewis Seltzer, Conrad Stoifregen. Henry Staehle, William Seyfert, Joseph Sturm, John Schneider, Ernst Schwanner, George Schwartz, Martin Seip, Jacob Scheibelhut, Francis A. Voelkert, Anthony Wageck, Frederick Weitzel. Gottlieb Wisehuk, Peter Wollium, George Wandress, Charles Zapf, Frederick Zeppeniield. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned OfUcers, Musicians, . - _ _ Privates, . - _ _ . 8 1 62 Total, 74 40 The Three Months' Campaign. KEYSTONE RIFLES, OF PORT CARBON. 6. Deibert, Henrv Say lor, T. (\"/ulick, W-1"'. r, . Levan, Henry Voute, Henry Hesser, James Kirpatrick, Dr. 0. L. Say lor, John W. Koons, William Kramer, John Byerly, Michael Bosler, Wm. Gensamer, D. C- Schrader, Jas. M. SchTvalm, Solomon Barr, Joseph Dengler, Henry J. Saylor, Daniel Saylor, Dr. J. P. Palm, Abraham Saylor, Drs. S. & F. Shannon, Heisler Zimmerman, Chas. Laudenbacher, Isaac Paxsou, Isaac Miller, Abraham Loeb, P. K. Wintersteen, A. A. Hesser, Henry Byerly, James K. Graeff, William K-eber, Enoch Bindley, Kobert Irwin, A. J. Mason, William Hoy, Chas. Dengler, Azariah Jones, $200 100 100 50 50 25 25 25 25 25 10 5 10 15 25 5 5 25 20 50 25 30 100 5 5 10 1 8 5 1 10 10 1 2 20 10 4 10 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 Carried forward, $1062 50 Brought forward, C. Loose, $1062 60 25 00 H. M. Kutch, 5 00 Jacob Major, 5 00 Joseph Mayer, P. W. Blackburn, 2 00 2 00 Joshua Heiser, 5 00 M. Kerkeslager, 5 00 Chas. Saylor, 10 00 Erastus Moser, 1 00 James Hill, 5 00 Daniel Small, 15 00 W. A. Field, 10 00 H. B. Zulick, 10 00 E. T. Warner, 50 00 .John Warner, 60 00 Robt. Irwin, 5 00 Alex. W. Saylor, 15 00 Chas. Wiltvout, 15 00 Henry Helms, Nathan Palsgrove, 2 00 10 00 Beneville Bast, 5 00 Adam Snyder, Dr. John G. Koehler, 10 00 25 00 Joseph Reber, Isaac Dengler, 10 00 10 00 Michael Cook, 10 00 Elias Dreher, 2 00 Joseph Freeman, 1 00 .J. W. Butz, 10 00 B. F. Lessig, 1 00 Wm. Fessler, 5 00 S. M. Shultz, 25 00 Abraham Hay, Jos. A. Dreibelbeis, 6 00 10 00 Henry Hartzel, John Barr, 6 00 5 00 Henry W. Bowman, 15 00 Total, BRANCH TOWNSHIP. Wm. H Hopkins, $100 A. T. Troutman, 100 Wm. Kendrick, 25 Jacob F. Faust, 25 John Sinzel, 25 John Shultz, 25 Daniel Dilman, 25 Philip A. Clauser, 25 Carried forward, $350 Brought forward, Wm. L. Williams, Chas. H. Miller, Francis Goyne, William Goyne, Benjamin Kauffman, Wm. H, Goyne, Damon Shrop, Carried forward. $1473 50 $350 25 26 20 20 20 10 10 $480 6Q The Three Months' Campaign. Bi'ought forward, Wm. Bush. Thomas Cockill, George Harris, G. W. Ernst, Ezra Cockill, Henry Reed, Thomas Cole, Christian Buery, David J. Evans, George Hime, Morgan Williams, Jacob F. Hime, Alexander Fink, Edward Noble, J. H. Reed, Elias Kauffman, Carried forward, B. D. Thomas, A. Hexter, Jonas Laubenstine, Michael Weaver, Moses Heiser, Frederick Snyder, J. K. Burns, Jacob Snyder, Elias Miller, J. H. Richards, Theodore C. Rogers, Abraham Trout, Jacob Maurer, Thomas Burgert, Wm. INIealing, Joseph Hartman, J. Witzman, Adam Confere, D. H. Geiger, Cyrus Moore, J. F. Meridith, Samuel Williams, E. A. Auld, Franklin Heisler, Samuel Kauifman, Henry George, W. A; Knabb, Isaac Allaback. Chas. Nelms, Geo. J. Hehr, J. M. Tucker, John Pearce, $480 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 6 5 5 $625 . Brought forward, Daniel Shopbell, Wm. Rowe, Andrew Maury, Wm. Hacker, Clement Alarsh, Jacob H. Zimmerman, Thomas Jones, Jacob Clauser, Duncan Thomas, Philip Gehres, David Neyser, V. K. Boyer, W. H. Tyson, Henry Shadel, John Zimmerman, Total, S6i MINERSVILLE. $10 00 Bronght forward, 5 00 J. K. Krcwson, 5 00 Daniel Riesinger, 5 00 Hiram Moyer, 5 00 Edward Shissler, 5 00 Wm. Haubauer, 5 00 Alexander Jeflfrys, 1 25 John Bresslin, 2 50 J. L. Ossler, 5 00 James Harly, 5 00 George Marsh, 5 00 William Matthews, 2 50 1 Thomas Kear, 2 50 'John Miller, 2 50 J M. Freck, 5 00 Edward Wernet, 2 50 1 Frederick Wiess, 2 50'Samuel Felix, 20 00 Jonathan Sheave, 5 00 jF. Schollenberg, 10 00 Evan Evans, 5 00 'John Mohan, 2 50 jB. Gallagher, 2 50 j Philip Jenkins, 5 00 H. W. Prevost, 2 50 Jacob Ramer, 2 50 B. F. Shuder, 2 00 ' Chas. Geble, 6 OO^G H. Potts & Co., 5 00 George Yarnell, 2 60 Michael Snyder, 2 50 S. D. Piercal, $694 $148 25 Carried forward, $148 25 5 00 2 50 2 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 2 50 2 50 3 00 3 00 10 00 11 00 o O 00 5 00 2 00 3 00 2 50 5 00 1 00 5 00 2 50 2 00 2 CO 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 50 25 00 5 00 1 00 1 00 Carried forward, $279 75 The Three Months' Campaign. 6T $279 75 2 50 2 50 2 50 10 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 3 00 5 00 2 50 5 00 3 50 3 00 3 73 2 50 2 50 2 50 $505 48 Brought forward, David Lamont, $505 48 2 50 Frederick Miilly, John Duth, 2 50 1 00 Wm. Krammer, 4 00 Thomas T. Jones, 2 50 John Sterner, 2 50 Thomas T. Davis, 2 50 Jacob Weist, 5 00 William Verner, 10 00 Joseph Burger, Dalrympble Muir, 2 50 2 50 William Bedden, 2 50 W. P. Daniels, 2 50 Isaac Davis, 2 50 George Anslu, 2 50 Henry Parall, 1 00 Total, $553 98 Brought forward, Benjamin Klupp, A. H. Eager, J. H. Christ, T. H. Schollenberger, E. Borda, David Glover, D. R. Bennett, Daniel Hoch, J. Wadlinger, T. P. Davis, J. W. Danenhower, John Fisher, Francis Bedford, L. Pfeilslicker, William Jenkins, Thomas Jenkins, Thomas R. Williams, Carried forward. At a meeting of the citizens of Port Carbon, held April 18th, 1861; the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Resolved That the sum of one thousand dollars be appropriated for the relief of the families of such citizens of Port Carbon, as volunteer to serve the country in this her hour of need. The same to be paid in such sums as may be called for by the committee of relief. When it was understood that the County Commissioners were about making arrangements for the relief of soldiers' families, the council of Port Carbon, at a special meeting held May 15th, 18G1, rescinded the above, and at a meeting held June 12th, passed the following to cover expenses already incurred : Resolved, That one hundred and two dollars be appropriated for the relief of families of volunteers, and that orders be drawn in favor of Jesse Turner, Treasurer of Relief Committee, for the same. These sums, the patriotic contributions of our citizens, make, with some SI 500 contributed in Tremont, an aggregate subscribed in Schuylkill County, within a week, for the relief of the families of volunteers, of $22,551 48. This generous contribution given freely, and every penny of which unquestionably would have been paid, if it had been necessary, is a striking proof of the gen- uine patriotism of the citizens of the County. On Friday evening, April 19, the citizens of Tremont and vicinity, held a meeting at the public house of Weber & MocH. Alonzo a. Livermore, was called to the chair. Henry Heil, 68 The Three Months' Campaign. Levi Eckel, and Herman W. Luders were appointed Vice- Presidents. Henry Heilman and John B. Ziebach, were appointed Secretaries. On taking the chair, the President in a union-loving and patriotic manner stated the object of the meeting. Tiios. B. Walker moved the appointment of a committee of seven to report resolutions. The President appointed the follow- ing : Tiios. B. Walker, David Oliver, J. P. Bechtel, Zack. Batdoef, D. H. Wilcox, G. Drake, and Frederick Wer- theimer. C. L. PiNKERTON, Mr. Matthews, and James Foley, ad- dressed the meeting in a brief, yet spirited and truly patriotic style. The committee on resolutions reported the following : Whereas, The President of the United Spates has issued a Proclama- tion, calling for volunteers to aid in maintaining the Union the Consti- tution, and the enfoi'cement of the Laws, and Whereas, We feel bound to respond to such an appeal, not only by our conviction of the whole dependence of all our business enterprises depend on the principle of social order, and peace of our whole country, and obedience to its laws, but being also impelled by every sacred obli- gation of duty and love to our Government, to whose protection, under God, we owe the existence of all our prosperity and happiness as a free and independent people ; therefore Resolved, That forgetting all political strife, unmindful of party lines and names, that we, the citizens of Tremont and vicinity, brothers of one beloved country, and that country now in danger, we hereby earnestly pledge ourselves to use all our endeavors to strengthen the Government, now in the hour of her trial and impending danger, to stand by our national banner, the Star Spangled Banner, the glorious union, and the enforcement of the laws throughout our country ; and Resolved, That we deem it the imperative duty of all the young men of this vicinity, to form themselves into a military company, and be ready and heartily willing for service when their country calls them to defend those innumerable blessings handed down to us by our forefathers to honor, protect, and preserve ; and Resolved, That we deem it the duty of all good union-loving and loyal men to their country, to contribute to the full extent of their means, their ability, and their influence, to establish the honor of Tremont, in responding to its country's call, and as an appreciation of the liberties which we are and have been living under, but likely to be stolen from us; and Resolved, That the chair be empowered to appoint a committee of five, whose duty it shall be to recruit members for a volunteer company in Tremont and vicinity, and to provide means for the maintenance of the families of those who may volunteer to serve their country. On motion, the resolutions offered by the committee were adopted unanimously, amid great cheers and applause. The " Tremont The Three Months' Campaign. 69 Saxhorn Band/' then favored the meeting with some of their soul- inspiring music. The Star Spangled Banner, Hail Columbia, and other national airs were plaj^ed, after which loud and oft-repeated cheering took place. Thos. B. Walker then addressed the meeting in a short and exceedingly appropriate manner. On motion of Adam Wolf, the President was authorized to appoint a committee of five to recruit members for a company, and also to solicit aid for the maintenance of the families of those per- sons who may volunteer. The chair appointed the following : J. A. L. TiCE, Henry Heil, Frederick Werthiemer, Hiram PiNKERTON, and Jacob Gruber, Jr. On motion a subscription was opened, and fifteen hundred dollars were subscribed for the families of our volunteers. The meeting adjourned with nine cheers for the Stars and Stripes and Union, forever. x\s the sons of Schuylkill County, were first to respond to the call of the President in the hour of national peril, so its fair daughters were foremost in the offer and acceptance of their services as " ministering angels " in the army. The following correspond- ence will explain the remark : To THE Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War, Washington City. Dear Sir : The women of Potts- ville are forming an association of nurses, to be known as "The Potts- ville Nurse Corps;" and they desire hereby to tender to you their services, in attending to the sick and wounded of the Schuylkill County Regiment of Volunteers, during the present term of their enlistment — and they hold themselves in readiness to go to any part of the country, whenever duty may call. On behalf of the Corps, very respectfully yours. Signed by Twenty-one Ladies. Pottsville, 21d April, 1861. War Department, ■) Washington, May Zd, 1861. j Miss Amanda Silliman, Mrs. Juliet H. Campbell, and other Ladies OF Pottsville, Penna. Dear Ladies: I have been most deeply im- pressed and affected with your communication. The feelings and patriot- ism of the country must be stirred to their profoundest depths, when ladies, reared and living amid all the refinements and elegancies of life, are willing to share the privations, endure the toils, and brave all the perils of the soldier's camp, that they may contribute to the comfort, and soothe the sufferings of their husbands, brothers, and friends, who are fighting the battles of the country. 6* 70 The Three Months' Campaign. Knowing many of you personally, and nearly all of your fathers, husbands, and brothers, and knowing too, what sacrifices you propose to make in the service of the nation, and appreciating fully, how much your tender and delicate attentions would contribute to alleviate the sorrows and suffering always incident to war, T will most gladly and thankfully accept your "labor of love," whenever hospitals are organized, and the condition of the army is such as to be in need of your ministra- tions. At such time, I shall not fail to avail myself of your kind offices, and will give such orders and directions as will make your situations as comfortable, and your facilities as ample as the circumstances will permit. With sentiments of the highest regard and esteem, I am, dear ladies, most truly, your obedient servant, Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. Well may we reiterate, '^ noble women of Schuylkill V On Saturday, May 18, a flag was raised on the tower of Trinity Churchj Pottsville, and the ^' Star Spangled Banner" was sung by the choir. On the commencement of the war, a prayer was appointed by Bishop Potter, of Pennsylvania, for use in the churches of the Diocese. We annex it, with an exhortation by the Rector of Trinity Church, published by him, April 27 : Almighty God, who art a strong tower of defence to those who put their trust in thee, whose power no creature is able to resist, we make our humble cry to thee in this hour of our country's need. Thy property is always to have mercy. Deal not with us according to our sins, neither reward according to our iniquities ; but stretch forth the right hand of thy Majesty, and be our defence for thy name's sake. Have pity upon our brethren who are in arms against the constituted authorities of the land, and show them the error of their way. Shed upon the counsels of our rulers the spirit of wisdom and moderation, and firmness, and unite the hearts of our people as the heart of one man, in upholding the supremacy of law, and the cause of justice and peace. Abate the violence of passion; banish pride and prejudice from every heart, and in- cline us all to trust in thy righteous Providence, and to be ready for every duty. And oh, that in thy great mercy, thou wouldst liasten the return of unity and concord to our borders, and so order all tilings, that jDcace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all generations. These things, and whatever else thou shalt see to be necessary and convenient for us, we humbly beg through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen. GOD IS OUR REFUGE.— P.mZw 46. Dear Brethren : The tumult and excitement of the hour are perilous to the Christian spirit and temper, as well as to national affairs. To our risen Lord, let us, one and all, resort. Our chief pastor has promptly set forth the above prayer ; and in this awful crisis we must look to God— The Three Months' Campaign. 71 Still save us, Lord ; and still Tby servants deign to bless: Hear, King of Heaven, in times of ill, The prayers that we address. — Ps, 20 and IS. From Easter unto the Ascension all our Saviour's T.-ords and deeds remind us that lie will speak unto His people. Precious consolation ! To this dear llefuge, beloved, let us turn in public and in private, that our noble Government be sustained and re-established with ncAV vigor of union and liberty, that unnecessary bloodshed and sacrifice may be providentially averted; that every family may receive again its absent ones alive and well, peace and frateimal good-will be speedily restored, perpetual prosperity eventually secured to our whole country, and the best interests of humanity be more and more advanced by the over-ruling hand of our merciful God and Saviour. Affectionately, yours, D. Washburn, Rector, ^-c. The ladies of Pottsville labored faithfully and industriously. Up to June their Sewing Society completed for the troops from Schuyl- kill County, 800 havelocks, 135 bands, 90 towels, and 150 needle- cases. The ladies of Orwig-sburg, Tamaqua^ and other sections of the County also worked industriously, in furnishing these useful articles to the volunteers. Resolutions of thanks were adopted and published, by companies H, Capt. Smith ; B, Capt. Wren i D, Capt. McDonald and F, (Lochiel Greys, of Ilarrisburg,)' of the Twenty-Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, company C, Capt. Wm. B. Lebo, Tenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and company H, Capt. C. Tower, Sixth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. The volunteers also adopted resolutions of thanks to Mrs. Jas. H. Campbell, Mrs. Catherine Mortimer, Mrs. Oliver Dob- son, Mrs. F. L. Foster, Mrs. Samuel Mortimer, and to the Messrs. Morris, Nichols & Beck, Benj. Haywood, Samuel Huntzinger, Lin Bartholomew^ R. A. Wilder, and many others, friends and fellow-citizens, for welcome and appreciated gifts. Among the most patriotic and enthusiastic of the citizens of the County, when the rebellion assumed huge proportions, were Scotch- men. We have already alluded to the fact of a sword presentation by them to the commissioned ofl&cers of the Washington Artillery Company. Subsequently when the company was divided, to form another 72 The Three Months' Campaign. for the Regimeut, which new company was commanded by Capt. Wren, the swords were presented by the remaining officers of the original company to officers of the new company. When the division took place, Messrs. B. T. Taylor, W. F. Patterson, and other citizens of Pottsville, as a mark of esteem, presented to the commissioned officers of company H, four fine swords, which elicited from the officers the following appreciative expression : Fort Washington, Md., \ . June 12th, 1861. / To Messrs. Benj. T. Taylor, Wm. F. Patterson, and others of our Friends in Pottsville, instrumental in presenting us with four beautiful swords. Gentlemen : At a meeting of the undersigned, commissioned officers of company H, Advance Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, held this day, the following preamble and resolutions were lananimously adopted: Whereas, Messrs. Benj. T. Taylor, Wm. F. Patterson, and other respected citizens of the Borough of Pottsville, whom we are proud to call friends, have in the most generous manner presented us with four beautiful and serviceable swords, therefore Resolved, That we appreciate the gift so highly that it shall be our earnest endeavor in whatever position we may be placed, to allow no stain of dishonor or direlection of duty, to sull^^ their blades, the bright- ness of which should be typical of the soldier's character, the keenness of whose edges should bo excelled only by the wearers' zeal in their country's service. Resolved, That a copy of these proceeding be fui-nished to the donors, and that they be published in the papers of the Borough of Pottsville. David A. Smith, Captain. Francis B. Wallace, First Lieutenant. Philip Naole, Second Lieutenant, Henry C. Russel, JJrev. Second Lieutenant. Schuylkill County had in the three months' service one Briga- dier General, George C. Wynkoop, with the following Aid-de- camps : Captains J. M. Wetherill and Lin Bartholomew. Capt. J. HiGGiNS, Brigade-Quartermaster. In Gen. Wynkoop's Brigade were, five regiments and one detached company. The regiments were the First, Second, Third, Ninth, and Sixteenth. The Sixteenth regiment was organized under command of Col. Zeigle, of York, Lieut. -Colonel Higgins, of Tamaqua, and Major Bennett, of 3Iincrsville, and comprised the following five Schuyl- kill County companies: Union Guards^ Capt. Joseph Anthony, Pottsville; Schuylkill Guards, Capt. Horace C. Bennett, Miners- ville; Wynkoop Artillerists, Capt. Winlack, Silver Creek; Jack- The Three Months' Campaign. 73 son GuardS; Capt. Donophan, and German Liglit Infantry, Capt. GuENTHER, both of Tamaqua. The balance of the Sixteenth was distributed between Bucks, Adams, and York counties. In July, 1861, the citizens of the County commenced making- preparations to receive appropriately, the three months' troops upon their return home. The time of the first companies expired on the 17th, but the Government could not spare them, some being in Gen. Patterson's column in Virginia, and the others at Fort Washington, on the Potomac, sixteen miles below Washington City. The term of service of company H, Capt. Smith ; company B, Capt. Wren, and company D, Capt. McDonald, Twenty-fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, expired on the Wednesday preceding the battle of Bull Hun, but the companies expressed a willingness and desire to remain as long over their time as the Government required their services, and they were not mustered out of the United States service until the week after the battle. Before company H left Fort Washington, which with two other companies of the Twenty-Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, and some artillerists of the regular army, it had strengthened, and garrisoned when ''secession swept to its very ramparts," and Washington was closely besieged, it was delegated by some of the ladies of Pottsville, who had friends and relatives in the company, to present to Major J. A. Haskin, who commanded the post, a beautiful gold pen and pencil case, as a token of their appreciation of him as an officer and a gentleman. The Major had taken great pains to render the troops efficient in drill and discipline, and the kindest feelings existed between him and the men. Many promi- nent citizens of the County had met the Major at the Fort, and were much impressed by his courtesy. The present was certainly, a delicate testimonial, and was highly appreciated by the Major, who is an old army officer, and who served gallantly in the Mexican War, losing his left arm at the battle of Chapultcpec. A more patriotic, better artillery officer the service does not contain. The pencil which cost about ^25, bore the following inscription : TO MAJOR HASKIN, U. S. A., From the Ladies of Pottsville. 74 The Three Months' Campaign. The Major acknowledged the gift, in the following note : Fort Washington, Md , ") July 17th, 1861. f Ladies : — Captain D. A. Smith has handed me the pen and pencil, which you have been so kind as to present to me. It is most pleasing to me, when I think who are the donors, and it will be treasured as a memento of the very agreeable time I have had with some who are near and dear to you, and for whose good opinion I am indebted to you for this beautiful gift. Hoping, that one day, I may be able, in person, to present my heart- felt thanks, I am. Ladies, Sincerely Yours, J. A. Haskin, Brt. Maj. U. S. A. As the term of service of the Schuylkill County troops was drawing to a close, the citizens of the County made, as we have intimated, preparations to receive them appropriately. Minersville and the other Boroughs, were beautifully decorated with flowers, wreathes encircling mottoes of welcome, etc. In Minersville the programme adopted for the reception of the soldiers was as follows : To be met at the depot by a procession of citizens, societies, and thirty-four young ladies in white, under command of Mr. John Trayer, Ciiicf Marshal, where they will partake of lunch; when they will then form into line and march through the streets to the hotel of Samuel Richards, where a speech of welcome will be delivered by Seth W. Geer, Esq., when they will be dismissed. In Pottsville a meeting was held at Pennsylvania Hall on the 16th of July, to make arrangements for the reception of the re- turning volunteers. Hon. Strange N. Palmer, was called to the Chair, and Christopher Little, Esq., appointed Secretary. The Chairman briefly stated the object of the meeting — adverting to the sacrifices and services of our noble volunteers, and expressing? on behalf of the whole community, an appreciative disposition to do them becoming honor, on their return. Other gentlemen followed in a like strain of eulogy and intended welcome, while discussing various suggestions as to the ceremonies befitting the occasion ; when, finally, the following committee of twenty-one was selected, to arrange the details of the general plan agreed upon — after which the meeting adjourned : Hon. Strange N. Palmer, Chairman, Christopher Little, The Three Months' Campaign. 75 D. E. Nice, Frederick Foster, Benj. T. Taylor, William F. Patterson, Frank Pott, Thomas H. Rickert, Daniel Schertle, Chas. W. Pitman, John S. Morris, Wm. Kiland, Charles W. Clemens, Wm. L. Whitney, WxM. Fox, Samuel HuNTZiNGER, Danl. D. Moreton, B. Reilly, F. B. Kaercher^ Jos. F. Seiders, and Peter S. Martz. THE PROCESSION, ROUTE, &c. The committee met on the 17th, and adopted the following programme : A civic procession, under the command of a Marshal, and accompanied by a band of music, to form at the railroad depot, as the companies may severally arrive, and escort them, by a short route, through portions of the principal streets, to Market Square, where a brief speech of welcome will be delivered, and the proces- sion immediately dismissed. John P. Hobart, Esq., was elected Marshal, with power to appoint his aids. The following route of procession was fixed : From the depot, by Union, Centre, E. Norwegian, Coal, nij.:h. Centre, Mahantongo, Ninth, and Market streets, to Market Square, when a brief speech of welcome will be delivered, and the proces- sion immediately dismiss. The committee was then divided into sub-committees and their respective duties assigned them, as follows : No. 1. — Committee of Reception, to proceed to Reading, or farther, at their discretion, and meet the returning troops, — Mt^ssrs. Huntzinger, Schertle, Patterson, Whitney, Pitman, Keilly and Palmer. No, 2. — Committee on Speaker and Music, — Messrs. Little, Pott, Fox, Taylor, Foster, Kaercher, and Seiders. No. 3. — Committee on Stand and Decorations — to fit up the Speaker's stand, and to provide and see to the display oi lligs, mottoes, wreathes, &c., along the line of route. Subsequently John Bannan, Esq., on the invitation of the Committee, consented to make the first speech of welcome ; and the services of the Pottsville Cornet Band (N. J. Rehr, Icail'M-,) 76 The Three Months' Campaign. and the Citizens' Cornet Band, were engaged to furnish the music, while the ladies went to work to make wreathes for the stand, and for decorations along the route of procession. The week following the battle at Manassas the Schuylkill County troops were ordered to Harrisburg to be mustered out of the service. They reached home during the week ending August 3d, and were warmly welcomed by the citizens of the County. Every town was in accordance with the preparations to which we have adverted, gaily decorated with wreathes, flowers, etc. In Pottsville, garlands, wreathes, and arches, bearing mottoes and expressive of the joy of the people, met the eye continually. We never witnessed a series of more exciting and interesting scenes than when company after company of weather-beaten^ bronzed and toil-worn men marched from the depot up Centre street, surrounded by their friends, and amid the plaudits of a dense mass of spectatorvS, that occupied the side-walks and steps on the route. The companies as they respectively arrived passed over a short route, preceded by the Pottsville Cornet Band, and finally halted at the Market House, where they were formally welcomed home by John Bannan, Esq , Benj. Haywood, Esq., and other well known speakers. All united in urging the men to be ready to respond in the future, to their country's call, as promptly as they did in April, 1861. Among the incidents of the return we might mention that at Harrisburg Capt. Tower's company received a fine grey uniform, the gift of the Captain ; and that the members of Captain E. McDonald's company presented him with a beautiful sword, sash, and belt, valued at fifty dollars. When the Tower Guard returned home, the members of the company wishing to testify their esteem and afi"ection for their commander, presented to him a sword which for quality of blade, chasteness of ornament, and beauty of finish elicited much admiration. The scabbard of bronzed metal, bore the following inscription : Presented bij the Toioer Guard, of Pottsville, Pa., TO CAPT. CHARLEMAGNE TOWER, As a token of their respect for him as a man and soldier, and of their esteem for him as a friend. August 10, 1861. The Three Months' Campaign. 77 The presentation of the sword took place on the evening of August 15th, at the residence of Capt. Tower, Mahantango street, Pottsville. The presentation was made by Captain Henry Pleasants formerly First Lieutenant of the company, as follows : Capt. Tower; We have come together to greet you once more here at home after the three months' service in which we have been engaged, and the many hardships that we have shaved in it with you, in a great cause We have come now to make you a marked expression of our respect, by presenting to you a sword. This gift, which we de^sire to make you, let me say to you, sir, is not intended as a return for the many and substantial favors you have conferred on the company ; but it i> intended, as is inscribed upon it, as a token of our esteem for you personally ; of our respect for you as a soldier and a patriot, and of our regard for you as a true and disinterested friend. I am happy that I have been deputed to present it, and I now do present this sword to you as such a token, in the name of the Tower Guard, of Pottsville. Capt. Tower responded in an eloquent and feeling speech, during which he alluded to the scenes through which he had passed with his men during the previous three months. He paid a high compliment to the foreign born population^ which had flocl^ed so manfully and promptly, to the support of the Govern- ment. After the presentation, which was witnessed by quite a number of our citizens, ladies and gentlemen, the company was invited by Mrs. Tower to partake of a collation, for which the Guards re- turned thanks through Capt. Pleasants. Capt. P. subsequently entertained the Guards at Pennsylvania Hall. The whole affair was pleasant, while the tribute was due Capt. Tower for his patriotism and self-sacrificing spirit during the early days of the rebellion. The following young men of this County, who went out in the three months' service, as privates, received during that period, appointments in the regular army : Geo. Leib, Louis T. Snyder, Wm, a. Bartholomew, Joseph A. McCool. A somewhat remarkable circumstance in connection with the passage of the Schuylkill County troops through Baltimore on the 18th of April, to Washington City, is worthy of record and preser- vation. The first blood actually shed in the war was that of Nich- olas Biddle, of Pottsville, a colored servant of one of the officers of the Washington Artillerists, who was struck on the face by a 7 78 The Three Months' Campaign. missile hurled by a rioter, and cut so severely as to expose the bone. He bled very freely and now bears the sear of the wound. Negro slavery was the cause of the war, and the first blood shed in it by the secessionists, was that of a negro, in the streets of Balti- more. A sinp;ular fact. When the Potts ville companies passed through Baltimore on the 18th of April, and reached Washington the same evening, there was of course, much anxiety in Pottsville, to have reliable intelli- gence concerning their passage through, etc. The first news received, was the following dispatch from 0. C. Bosbyshell, then a private in the Washington Artillery company, and subsequently, J.leutenant and Captain in Col. Nagle's Schuylkill County Regi- ment for the war, the Forty-eighth : ^'' Washinutcv, April \\)lh, 1801. Arrived last niglic. at eight o'cTock — all well. ATjout GOO of us marched through Baltimore guarded by police force, 400 strong, All sorts of insults and threats heaped upon us. Men stood it without flinching or reply. Let all friends of company know we arc quartered in "Northern Wing of the Capitol." " 0. C. Bosbyshell, 0/jr." This dispatch was received on Friday morning, the 19th, and relieved the anxiety of the community, in reference to the safety of the troops. During the three months' service, the following soldiers from Minersville, Schuylkill County, members of company I, Fifteenth Begiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, were taken prisoners near Hainsville, Virginia, on the 2d of July, and were not released until June of the following year : John C Hoskin, First Ser- geant; Christian Evans, Enoch Morgans, John Morgans, John Wooley. Early in the three months' campaign, our troops suifered many deprivations, but their wants were relieved by the liberality of our citizens. Mr. Benjamin Haywood, Hon. James H. Campbell, Mr. R. A. Wilder, Mr. John S. Graham, and others, were dis- tinguished by their kindness and attention to the suiFering volun- teers. We give the following letter which was published in the Miners' Journal of May 2.5th, 1861, as an illustration of the imperative necessity which existed at that time for the attention which these respected citizens and others bestowed on the subject: The Three Months' Campaign. 79 Philadelphia, May 2^d, 1861. Mn. Editor : As no doubt many of the readers of the Journal will be interested by an account of the condition of the Schuylkill County Volun- teers, I would request your perusal of my letter published in the Phila- delphia Inquirer of this A. M. I have been for some days past brought frequently in contact with those connected by fi'iendship or association with the volunteers from this City, and Pennsylvania generally, and find from all the same tale of neglect,' mismanagement, and peculation. But in no case have I found anything so bad as the case of the Fifth, and more particularly company C, from Glen Carbon, They were the first men to go along the line, durinrr which time raw pork and crackers were their only food. With the aid o! Mr. Dennison, a member of the House of Stuart & Bro., I succeeded in procuring suflScient funds from a few personal friends to purchase and forward to the Schuylkill companies, sixteen dozen underclothing, and fourteen dozen half hose of a good substantial character, also some smoking tobacco, and have (he promise of receiving in a few days 100 good flannel shirts from the ladies here. Had it not been for these kind and noble " Women,'" it would have fared much harder with those Philadelphia regiments now in the tield, the officers of most, if not all having had to return and call for their aid. At the instance of gentlemen of position here, I made a presentment to the Secretary of the Board of Trade, and also to the District Attorney that it may be brought before the Grand Jury, and such action taken as will explain how such shameless conduct has been practiced on the Pennsylvania volunteers. I had almost omitted to mention an act of the most prompt and substantial generosity of our mutual friend, B. A. Wil- der. Having met him casually on the street this A. ?»L, and in re- ferring to my Washington experience, he at once proposed to give one hundred dollars, which was immediately expended in procuring some necessary food, and sent forward by express. The case of our boys would not appear so hard, were they not placed alongside the troops of New York, Massachusetts, llhode Island, and New Jersey, and even far off Michigan, all of whom are well provided for, not only with necessaries, ' but some comparative luxuries, such as gum blankets, in addition to woolen, and other matters to which our poor fellows are strangers. I find the little arrangement called the " Ilavelock " made of white muslin or linen, used in covering the cap is looked upon as not only a luxury but an absolute necessity, to protect the exposed head and nock from the effects of the sun. "Query" — if you suggested the want, would not tlie ladies of Pottsville and the County generally set to work and fupply the few thousand necessary for the Schuylkill boys? [Our cor- respondent will perceive that they have already attende 1 to this matter.] A number of prominent citizens of Lebanon went on to Washington la'^t evening to look after the company from that locality. They previously sent forward a good supply of provisions to meet their iiumediate wants. I have reason to suppose the Sixth regiment is much better provided for (although far behind the standard of the other States,) in which the Pottsville companies form a part, and doubt not the pressure now being brought to bear on public opinion by letters from the sufferers to friends here and elsewhere, will in a short time compel the lovers of truth to find it necessary to change the epithet of dirty Pennsylvanians, now so fiammonly used in referring to the soldiers of our S:ate. Yours, truly, John S. Guaham. 80 The Three Months' Campaign. The deaths of Schuylkill County volunteers during the three months' service, were few, fortunately. They were as follows : Capt. Riley, of Jackson Guards of Tamaqua, died May lltb, 1861, in Tamaqua. Rudolph S. Small, First Sergeant of company H, Fifteenth Regiment Illinois Volunteers, was drowned on the 19th of July, in the Missouri River. Henry G-. Yeager, aged 21 years, of the Washington Light Infantry, of Pinegrove, died June 1st, at Camp Slifer, Chambers- burg. Frederick Echenbrode, of the German Light Infantry, of Tamaqua, died June 15th, at York, Pa. David Hughes, of Capt. F. T. Bennett's company, Miners- ville, died June 12th, at Branchdale, Schuylkill County. John Thomas, of Wynkoop Artillery, Capt. Winlack, died June I5th, at the York Camp Hospital. George Schreck, of the Schuylkill Haven Artillerists, died May 20th, at Washington. James S. Sillyman, a returned three months' volunteer (Co. H, 25th Regiment, P. V.) died in Pottsville, August 27th, 1861. He had an attack of quinsy, which changing to typhoid fever, ended fatally. The remains were interred in the Presbyterian Cemetery, Pottsville. The Washington Artillery Company with representatives from the Haskin Guards and Capt. Martin's. Company, attended the remains to the grave, where a touching address on the worth of the deceased, was delivered by the Rev. Joseph McCool. Since our list of patriotic contributions was prepared ; placed in type, and "worked off," we have received through the attention of a friend in Pinegrove, the following statement of the subscriptions of the citizens of Pinegrove and vicinity, for the support of the families of the three months' volunteers : PINKGROVE. George W. Matchin, $100 00 John Kitzmiller, 100 00 Lyman Nutting, 100 00 Levi Miller, 100 00 Carried forward, $400 00 Brought forward, $400 00 Reuben H. Stees, 100 00 James L. Nutting, 100 00 John Hoch, 100 00 Carried forward, $700 00 The Three Months' Campaign. 81 Brought forward, $700 00 Brought forward. $1375 00 John E. Graeff, 100 00 Kennedy Robinson, 10 00 Edmund L. Tyler, 100 00 Christian Ley, 10 00 Wm. Graeff, 100 00 Henry Sponcake, 5 00 Peter Filbert, Sr., 100 00 Daniel Emrich, 10 00 Daniel Gensemer, 10 00 Wm. Forrer, 60 00 David L. Brown, 10 00 Daniel Reed, 6 00 Josiah Jones, 5 00 Henry C. Hain, 10 00 Wm. L. Reed, 10 00 James T. Kendall, 5 00 Henry Werntz, 15 00 Wm. W. Thomas, 20 00 Wm. Claydon, 10 00 John H. Cowden, 50 00 Frederick G. Werntz, 20 00 John Snyder, 6 00 Isaac Harvey, 100 00 Wm. Lutz, 20 00 W. D. Tyson, 10 00 John D. Rehrer, 5 00 Peter Stine, 20 00 Daniel R. Miller, 25 00 Charles Molly, 20 00 Charles Duehl, 5 00 Wm. Zimmerman, 10 00 Samuel P. Filbert^ 50 00 Manoah Brownback, 6 00 Samuel Fry, 25 00 Paul Barr, 20 00 Benj. Aycrig, 50 00 John R. Miller, 10 00 Total. $1735 00 Carried forward, $1375 00 This sum of $1735 added to $22,551 48— the aggregate amount previously noticed — makes a total of $24,286 48 subscribed within a week. Truly, a most honorable record. While R. A. Wilder, Esq., the efficient and popular Superin- tendent of the Mine Hill Railroad Company, a resident of Cressona. Schuylkill County, endeared himself to the soldiers by his many kindnesses, he also, found time to devote his inventive genius to the service of the Grovernment. He planned and put in operation on the road between Philadelphia and Washington a railway battery, a formidable engine of war, which did much to protect that important communication. He also invented an improved rifle-musket, with sabre-bayonet ; and a lance with revolver com- bination — a terrible weapon at close quarters. Although these last named weapons have not been adopted by the Government, yet their merits are admitted by military minds. The following additional names of citizens of Schuylkill County, who were in the three months' service, have been furnished us, since the lists in the first part of the work, were placed in the hands of the printer : George P. Campbell, Jacob Dreibelbies, John Felger, Edward Bock, JohxN S. De Silva, John G. Dengler, Lewis 7* 82 The Three Months' Campaign. B. EvELAND, in Company A., Capt. J. C. Dodge^ 11th Penn- sylvania Regiment, and Sergeant-Major L. L. Bevan. Errata. — Page 31, ^'Captain Edward Frane" of Wetlierill Rifles, St. Clair, should read, "Captain Edward Farne.'' Pages 41 and 72 it is stated that the Union Guards, Captain Anthony, were a portion of the Sixteenth Regiment, P. V, This Company was in the Sixth Regiment, P. V. This completes our record of the service of Schuylkill (>ounty in the Three Months' Campaign. A large proportion of the troops that returned, at least two-thirds, re-entered the service for the War. As soon as they returned. Col. Nagle, Col. Cake, Col. Wynkoop, and Col. Christ commenced the organization of regi- ments for the three years' service, and succeeded in getting whole companies from this County, until its record for the War is quite a.s honorable in point of numbers, as it is for its promptness and eathusiasm in response to the first call of the Government. We now enter upon a record of what Schuylkill County did in furnishing soldiers to the Government for Three Years, or the War, and for other terms of service; and it is one of which she may well be proud. THREE YEARS, OR THE WAR. Immediately upon the return of the three months' volunteers, Colonel James Nagle, Colonel Henry L. Cake, Colonel Ben- jamin C. Christ and Colonel George C. Wynkoop, of Schuyl- kill County, received authority to raise regiments ''for three years, or the war/' Recruiting became active, and during the months of August, September and October, 1861, the drum and fife of re- cruiting officers were seldom idle in our streets, while their rendez- vous were almost as numerous as our stores. In addition to the volunteer officers several officers of the regular army were here; and did quite a brisk business. We hazard nothing in saying that in the space of three months over three thousand men were re- cruited in this County. Colonel Nagle's Regiment, the Forty -Eighth, P. Y., was encamped at Harrisburg, while being organized, and was composed entirely, of Schuylkill County companies. Colonel Cake's Regiment, the Ninety-Sixth, P. Y., also com- posed of Schuylkill County companies, was encamped at Pottsville, until November. Colonel Christ and Colonel Wynkodp encamped their Regi- ments, the Fiftieth, P. V., and Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, at Harrisburg. These Regiments were only partially made up of companies from this County. Single companies and individuals from the County, were scat- tered through other Regiments of the State. On Monday, September 2d, 1861, the Citizens' Cornet Rand, numbering twenty-five members, left Pottsville for Harrisburg, to join Col. Nagle's Regiment. While Colonel Nagle's Regiment was lying at Harrisburg, the "Tower Guard," Capt. Pleasants, of Pottsville, joined it. An exceedingly liberal and patriotic act on the part of Capt. Tower, in connection with the raising of the Company, merits notice and perpetuation. It is thus spoken of by the Harrisburg Union : 84 Three Years, or the War. The " Tower Guard." — On Monday afternoon Captain C. Tower, of Pottsville, who brought one hundred and sixty men from Schuylkill County to Camp Curtin last April, and attache i them to the Sixth Regi- ment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, and who served through the three months' service as Captain of his Company, called the "Tower Guard," which he uniformed handsomely at his own expense, in that regiment, was in Camp Curtin again, and paid five dollars apiece, or $430 in all, to eighty-six men who have come there from that County anew, and are enlisted, under the name of "Tower Guard," for three years, or during the war, in the United States service. Mr. Tower had ottered this sum as a bounty, and has now paid it out of his own pocket to men who would enlist, as these have done, under the command of Henry Pleas- ants, also of Pottsville, his former Lieutenant, as their Captain. This Company contains now eighty-nine men, officers and all, being six more than the required number. It is attached'to the Forty-eighth Regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, Col. James Nagle, and is made up of young, hardy, and in every way remarkable men ; and it has been assigned to bear and guard the colors of the regiment. Mr. Tower made a short and suitable address to the Company after the bounty was paid. From the appearance of the men, and their enthusiastic cheering while they listened to his patriotic exhortations, we look to see this Company fore- most among the first in duty and skill, and always steadfast and effective around the flag of our country in battle. We are glad to see such men as Capt. Pleasants brought to command our volunteers. We learn that he is a civil engineer of considerable ex- perience, and is well educated and intelligent. We could see that he is, while modest and considerate, at the same time firm and ambitious; and we believe that with such unflinching men as are under him, he will do such service to the country as will bring him more worthy notice here- after than we now give him. In the meantime, the country may well appreciate the services and ex- penditures of Mr. Tower, both heretofore and now also, in helping to enlist this new Company of rare men under such a Captain as Henry Pleasants, to serve until the great rebellion is at an end, and freedom shall be endangcied no more. In September, the officers and members of the late Sixth Regi- ment, P. v., prepared for presentation to their late Colonel, Jas. Nagle, a fine field-glass, bearing the following inscription : TO JAMES NAGLE, colonel 48Tn regiment, p. v., From the Officers and Privates of his old command, the late (jth Regiment P. F. , as a Tribute of regard for his Gallantry and Patriotism. POTTSVILLE, OCTOBER 3d, 18GI. The Eegiment moved from Harrisburg to Fortress Monroe, before the glass was ready for presentation, and on the 10th of October it was received with the annexed letter, by the Golonel, at Camp Hamilton : Three Years, or the War. 85 PoTTSViLLE, October 8th, 18G1. Col. James Nagle, Dear Sir: — A number of your friends, officers and privates of the late Sixth Regiment, P. V., commanded by you during the time it was in service, desire to present the accompanying field-glass, for your acceptance, in token of our high personal esteem, and the ex- alted opinion we entertain of your military knowledge and capacity. Though your characteristic modesty may shrink from any public eulogy of your conduct and services, our gratitude and admiration will not permit us to pass them by, without this tribute of affection and respect. For may years past the military spirit and organization of Schuylkill County have been chiefly sustained by your exertions. When the Na- tion's honor was to be maintained on the plains of Mexico, you with a well disciplined corps under your command, sprang to arms and hastened to the field of conflict; in Cerro Gordo's terrific fight you stood calm and unmoved amid the leaden storm of death which fell on every side, and by your presence of mind and courage saved many gallant men from the fearful carnage. During the long season of peace which followed the closing of that war, in your own quiet and happy home, you faithfully discharged the duties of a husband, father and citizen, endearing yourself both to your family and the community in which you dAvelt. But now the tocsin of war sounds through the land, and her valiant sons are called to defend her against foul rebellion's deadly blows. Speedily a regiment of your fellow citizens take the field, and confer upon you the command. During the three months we served together, though inflexibly firm and persistently industrious in the performance and requirement of every camp and field duty, yet such was the kind- ness of your demeanor, and your tender regard for the health, safety and comfort of your men, that we regarded you rather as a friend and father, than a mere military commander. And now, that you have, at the head of *a Schuylkill County Regi- ment—Pennsylvania's 48th— again taken the field at your country's call, and may soon be in the thickest of the most eventful battle the world has ever witnessed, on the issue of which the destiny of human freedom and progress is suspended, we present you with the accompanying glass, as well in token of our esteem and admiration, as that your eye which never dimmed with fear as it gazed upon a foe, may more readily per- ceive his approach and prepare for victory. Praying that the God of Battles may preserve you in the midst of danger, and return you unharmed to your family and friends, when our glorious Union shall be firmly re-established, and covered with still more illustrious renown, We remain, yours truly, Capt. C. Tower, Lt. Col. Jas. J. Seibert, Maj. John E. Wynkoop, Capt. H. J. Hendler, Lieut. Theo. Miller, Lieut. D. P. Browx, And many others. To which Col. Nagle replied as follows : 86 Three Years, or the War. Head Quarteks 48x11 Regt., P, V., Camp Hamilton, Near Fortress Monroe, October 11 th, 1861. Gkntlemen and Buother Officers, Soldiers and Friends: — Your favor of the 8th inst., came to hand yesterday, with the beautiful field glass you saw proper to forward for presentation, to me. I can assure you it affords me much pleasure and satisfaction to receive and accept this tribute of affection and respect, coming from those whom I had the lionor to command in the three months' service. I always tried to dis- charge ray duties faithfully, to the best of my ability, and am led to believe that you were all satisfied with my conduct. 1 therefore, accept the token of respect you send me, witli feelings of gratitude and thank- fulness, and hope I may be able to gain the confidence of the 48th to the extent you, gentlemen of the 6th, have expressed in your letter, and manifested in your beautiful present. It is a source of great pleasure and gratification to me to know that my services have been appreciated by the oificers and soldiers of the 6t]i Regiment. In conclusion, allow me again to return you my most sincere tlianks for this valuable gift, praying with you, that the God of Battles jiiay preserve us in the midst of danger, and return us unharmed to our families and friends, after our glorious Union shall have been firmly re-established, and the Stars and Stripes shall again be floating proudly over the whole of our country, I remain, Gentlemen, Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, James Nagle, Colonel commanding 48th Regt., P. V,- To Capt. C. Tower, Col. Jas. J. Seibert, Major John E. Wynkoop, Capt. H. J. Hendlkr, Lieut. Theo. Miller, Lieut. D. P. Brown, and others. The first Scliuylkill County Company mustered into the three years' service, was the Schuylkill Guards, Captain Horace C. Bennett, of IMinersville. It was mustered in, August 28th, 1861. On Wednesday, September 25th, 1S61, the Forty-eighth Regi- ment, P. v., left Ilarrisburg, for Fortress Monroe, via. Baltimore. On the road between Harrisburg and Baltimore a fiendish attempt was made to throw the train from the track. Only two of the cars were thrown ofi^", and beyond a few bruises, none of the mem- bers of the Regiment were injured. After the departure of this Regiment for the seat of war, J. T. Werner, Esq., of Pottsville, presented to it a fine American Flag, which cost ^60. The name and number of the Regiment were inscribed in the centre, with an appropriate motto in the blue. Col. Nagle acknowledged the receipt of the beautiful present, in a communication, of which the following is a copy: Headquarters 48Tn Reot., P. V., Camp Hamilton, Fortress Monroe, Sept. 28th, 18G1. Editors of the Miners' Journal: — Dear Sirs : — I desire to acknowledge, through your Journal, the Three Years, or the War. 87 receipt of a beautiful Flag, forwarded and presented to my Regiment by our fellow-townsman, John T. Wkkner, Esq. We feel very grateful to him, and return our most sincere tiiauks for the beautiful National Flag he saw fit to present us with — the flag we all swore to defend, and I have cvei'y reason to believe that the -IStli will do its duty; believing our cause just, and trusting in Him wlio rules all nations and armies, we will be able to have oiir National emblem once more floating proudly over the whole of our beloved country. Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, James Nagle, Colonel commanding 48//i R('/am.— JOSEPH A. GILMOUR. Is^ Lieut. WiLLIA.M J, HiNKLE. 2 J " Edward C. Baird. Three Years, or the War. 99 Company H, Forty -Eighth B^EGiMENT—Cooitinued. 1st Serffeant.-^DAyiiBiu D. McGinnes. 2c? " Samuel M. Rucii. 3c? " Alexander S. Bowen. ^th " Thomas J. Rose. ^th " William T. Garhett. 1st Corporal. — Chaeles C. Hinkle. 2^/ " Samuel B, Laubenstein. 3c? '* James R. Hetherixgton. 4/A " Raymond A. Jenkins. ^th " Alba C. Thompson. Gth '* William Brown. 7tk " David B. Brown. 8th " Joseph Reed. Musicimis. — Andrew J. Snyder. " Martin Acorn. Wagoner. — Charles Kyer. PRIVATES. Adams, Albert Aurand, Lewis Baer, John Benedict, Jolin E. Bennie, Crawford Bensteel, Henry Berlie, William H. Christian, George M. Dreibelbeis, William H. Davis, William Dreisbach, Charles Edwards, Richard Eberly, Charles Eisenhuth, George T, Everly, David Engel, John Focht, Charles Fryberger, Samuel Fery, Henry Forney, Richard Forney, Alfred C. Hartline, Albert Howell, John M. Hopkins, Richard Huber, William HeflFner, John H. C. Herbert, Anthony Kalbach, John E. Kimmel, Valentine Krebs, Francis D. Lloyd, William Leib, Franklin Leib, Edward M; Mowry, George W. Mathews, Henry C. L.ofO. Kleinginna, John F. Kelly, Thomas Kohler, Benjamin Kimmel, William V. B. Knarr, Charles Lauer, Daniel Loeser, William Lloyd, William A. Lloyd, William D. Lloyd, Horace McGuire, Bernhard Marshall, James Millet, William A. Miller, Conrad Moser, Daniel Mulholland, James Metz, Joseph Metz, Charles Marshall, James Metzinger, Joseph Nagle, William Norrigan, Charles Ohnmacht, Daniel Petit, Samuel Parensteel, Henry Reese, August Reese, William Radelberger, Peter Ray, John W. Scott, Michael Sillyman, Thomas H. Schmehl, Isaac L. Schilthorn, George Sponsaler, John A. Shay, Henry 100 Three Years, or the War. Company H, Forty-Eighth Regiment — Continued. Smith, David A. Smith, Peter Wentzell, James Williams, Henry Wildermuth, Josiah F. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Wagoner, Privates, - - - Total, Weise, Joseph Wagner, Jacob Whitman, Jacob A. W inlaw, John Weise, Jacob 3 13 2 1 80 99 COMPANY I. Captain.— ZOYm R. PORTERr " 1st Lieut. — GrEOKGE H. Gbessang. 2d izett^— Michael M. Kistler. \st Serff cant. —B-E^ J Aum B. Schuck. 2d " Francis D. Koch, Sd " Samuel F. Kehl. 4th " Theodore Pletz. 6th "■ Hugh Koch. 1st Corporal. — Edward Shappell. 2d " Eli McCord. Sd " Jacob Ungstadt. 4th " Harrison H. Hill. oth " Oliver A. J. Davis. Qth <' Benjamin B. Kershner. Tth " Joseph Edwards. 8^/i " Charles E. Weaver. Musician. — Allen Koch. " William Faust, PRIVATES. Arnold, Isaac Allebach, Francis Arndt, Isaac Barringer Josiah Beltz, Isaac Boone, Alexander Beltz, Anthony K. Beltz, Isaac K. Bachman, Jacob W. Boner, Francis Bunce, Harrison Bachman, John F. Boyer, Daniel S. Coombe, Thomas Curtis, Charles Clark, John Dresh, Elias Douglass, Lewis Ed dinger, William F. Fisher, Levi Foust, Eli Focht, Lewis V. Furman, Nathan De Frehn, John Fenstermacher, William Gangloff, Jacob Gilbert, Joseph Glase, Daniel Halsey, William Hoffman, Benjamin Three Years, or the War. 101 Company I, Forty-Eighth Regiment — Continued. Henry, Frederick Heiser, James Ilein^ Josiah Hoiiser, Barnard A. Haldeman, Jonas Knittle, Wesley- Kramer, Franklin Kehl, Elias Kretter, Charles N. Keller, Peter Kramer, Josiah Key man, Henry Klasc, George Klase, Daniel Koch, Charles R. Kreter, Henry W. Kramer, Israel Link, Hezekiah Leiser, Charles P. Leiser, Charles S. Moser, John McReynolds, James. Miller, William Moyer, John E. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, . _ - Privates, _ _ _ Total, " - - - Millet, Charles H. Millet, James Munberger, William Owens, William Reinhart, Henry Reinhard, Henry, Reynolds, James Reich, Conrad Rumble, Paidolph Rumble, Jacob H. Reigel Franklin Schertle, George Shulther, Augustus Seward, Christian Swain, Luke Snyder, William Si Sassaman, George Thresh, Elias Trainer, Alfred Umbenhocker, John Williams, Benneville Yv'^eiers, William Yost, Franklin Zimmerman, Benjamin 1 '> o 9G COMPANY K. (7«j3^am.— HENRY A. M. FILBERT. 'S St Lieut. — Isaac F. Brannon. 2c? " Jacob Douty. 1st Sergeant. — Francis A. Stitzer. 2d Patrick F. Quinn. Zd Thomas Irvix. 1st Corj oral.- -Daniel Moser. Id Thomas Brennan. M Patrick Hanley. 4:th Francis Jones, 5th George J. Weaver. e>th Charles D. Boyer. 7th James Moran. Sih George M. Denglee Musician . — William Straw. a Jo HN M. Brown. 9 102 Three Years, or the War, Company K, Forty-Eighth Regiment — ContLuutd. PRIVATES. Boyer, David Boyer, Peter Berger, John Burgess, Joseph Burke, Peter Bausum, Daniel Brennen. Michael Brawn, John Bull, William Brannan, Isaac F, Brcnnan, James Chatham, Joseph Clarey, Michael Crawford, John Ao- Carr, John Campfield, John Gurry, Thomas Carey, John Dechant, John Dentzer, George- Dress, William H. Dress, David B. Dress, David D. Dress, Jonathan Dress, William D. Dress, Charles Day, Albin Day, Jam-es, Jr. Day, Frederick H.. Delany, Michael Dullard, James Drake, Nelson Doubert, William Engly, Adam Edwards, Richard Edinger, Horatio Edwards, Edward Fonstermacher, David Fenstermacher, William Fenstermacher, Elias Focht, Lorenzo Grey, Arthur Haertlcr, Christian Hendley, Adam Houser, Nathaniel Harkins, Hugh B. Haas, Howard W. Kavenaugh, James Long, David Laubenstein, "William. Lowler, Johsi Lord, Jesse Long, Charles Labcnberg, William Lawrence, John Letierman, Jacob "Maul, Lewis McKeaver, Philip Murphy, John Main^, George F. McDermot, Henry McDonald, James Mullin, Michael Moser, Daniel Omaeht, Daniel Payne, Edward P. Eeed, William T. Richards, Wiiliaa\ Ptees, John Rabei', John Rich. Nathan. Simon, Franklin Snyder, Frederick W Stitzer, David K. Shultz, Henv}'" Sherman, .John Shancly, Daniel Starr, John Spears, Hiram Scherman, Adam. Stine, Peter Shappell, Edward Tobau, Thomas Wool, John Widner, John Weaver, John Commissioned Officers', Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, - _ . 11 1 8f^ Total, 101 Three Years, or the "War. 108 RECAPITULATION. Field and Staff, .-.-._ 9 ivegimeutal Band, ------ 26 <.'Ommissioiied line officers, - _ - - so Non-commissioned officers, - - - - 126 Musicians, - 19 AVagoners, --_,-_-7 Privates, ------- 793 Total in Regiment, ----.- 1,010 In October, 1862, wlien tke Regiment had been decimated by disease and battle, having then been more than a year in the ser- vice, its strength was reported to us by the commanding officer at 467, of which number 357 were fit for duty. In September, 1862, Col. Nagle was promoted to the position of Brigadier General, and commanded the 1st Brigade, Sturgess' Division. The Forty-eighth Regiment formed part of his Bri- gade. Its field and line commissioned officers were then as fol- Colonel. — J. K. Sigfried, Lieutenant €eUnel.- — Henry Pleasants. Major. — James Wren. Adjutant. — Daniel McGinnes. Quartermaster. — James Ellis, COMPANY A. Captain. — D. B. Kaufman. Fir^t Lieutenant. — Henry Boyer. Second Lieutenant. — Lewis B. Eveland COMPANY B. Captain. — U. A. Bast. First Lieutenant. — John Wood. Second Lieutenant. — William H. Hume. COMPANY C. Captain. — George W. Gowen. First Lieute?iant. — Tliomas J. Fitzsimmons, Second Lieutenant. — Charles Loeser. COMPANY D. Captain.— W. W. Potts. First Lieutenant. — Charles Kleckner. Second Lieutenant. — E. D. Owens. COMPANY E. Captain. — William Winlack. First Lieutenant. — Thomas J. Bohannan. Second Lieutenant. — James H. Fisher. 104 Three Years, or the War. COMPANY F. Captain. — Joseph H. Hosking. First Lieutenant. — Henr^' Jcames. Second Lieutenant. — John L. Williams. COMPANY O. Cajyiain. — 0. C. Bosbyshell. First Lieutenajit. — C. C. Pollock. Second Lieutenant. — H. C. Jackson. COMPANY H. Captain. — J. H. Gilmour. First Lieut.-y^m.. J. Hinkle. (Aid de Camp to Gen. Nagle. Second Lieutenant. — Summerfield Bowen. COMPANY I. Captain. — John K. Porter. First Lieutenant. — M. M. KTstler. Second Lieutenant. — B. B. Schuck. COMPANY K. _^ Captain. — ^Isaac Brennan. First Lieutenant. — Jacob Douty. Second Lieutenant. — Francis A. Stitzer. On Monday, October 21st, 1861, the Fiftietli Regiment, P. Y... Col. B. C. Christ, sailed from Annapolis for South Carolina., forming part of the force that on Thursday, November, 7, 1861? captured the Kebel forts at Port Royal. A portion of Colonel Christ's command was on board the steamer Wmfield Scott^ and narrowly escaped shipwreck on the voyage, in consequence of the vessel '^ springing aleak '' during a terrible storm. In this Regiment there were two full Schuylkill County Companies, with a few men from this County in other companies of the Regiment. The muster-rolls are as follows : FIFTIETH REGIMENT P. V. Colonel.— B. C. CHRIST. Quartermaster. — Albert Jones. Asst. Quarter lyiaster. — John S. Eckel. Asst. " Charles J. Needlek. Surgeon. — David G. McKibben. Drum-Major. — Henry A. Hoffman. Fife-Major. — Daniel Koop. COMPANY A. Captain.— 3. B. BRANDT. 1st Lieut. — Samuel R. Schwenk. 2nd Lieut. — Edward F. Wiest. Three Years, or the War. 105 Company A, Fiftieth Regiment — Continued. -Henry J. Alspach. Henry Brodt. Samuel Schwalm. Jacob Zimmerman. Daniel Hoffa. -David J. Alspach. William W. Snydee. John Heisler. Franklin H. Barnhart. John Schreffler. Daniel Troutman. Simon B. Bleiler. Solomon Wiehry. Clerk. — Benjamin Fociit. Musician. — Jacob Lehman. " AViLLIAM J. ScHUCKERT. Wagoner. — Joshua Greenawalt. Orderly SergU. 2d n Sd (( 4th (( bth (( 1st Corporal. 2d (< M (( 4ih ti bih a Qth ii 1th n Sth (( PRIVATES. Adams, Nicholas Bowman, Gyrene Bowman, William F. Biehl, Charles Ballon, David Blanchford, William Bixler, John Bleiler, William H. Bower, John Blessing, Gharles Bixler, Elias Brenner, Jonathan • Burns, James Brum, Peter Garl, Edward Clark, William Gannon, Martin Cannon, Michael Dieter, John R. Derker, Isaac Deibler, Henry Delcamp, William H. Doubert, Jonathan Dawson, Thomas Doubert, William Davis, Benjamin Engle, Samuel Ellenbaum, James F. Erdman, Augustus Engle, Elias Engle, Jacob Ferree, Jacob F. Fuller, John Frankhouser, Ch-ristian Faust, Jonas Feindt, Isaac Flinn, Patrick Fox, Frank Flinn, John Grow, Peter Herb, William Hesser, William J. Hartzog, Benjamin Harter, Jonathan Hoffa, Samuel Herring, John J. Hoyer, Henry Houtz, Isaac Herman, Benjamin Herb, Andrew Harner, Edward Herbst, Jacob Hoffa, Daniel Joice, Patrick Kauffman, Philip F. Kauffman, Samuel W. Kaercher, Samuel Klinger, Daniel Kramer, Joel Kneedler, Gharles J. Keiser, Anthony Lester, George Laudenslager, John J. Luhlasser, Jacob Lengel, Henry Miller, August F. Manning, John D. Minnich, Elias McLaughlin, Alexander Morgan, Israel 9* 106 Three Years, or the War. Company A, Fiftieth Regiment — Continued. McClellan, Robert Mochan, Michael Millei', Jonathan Mellon, Augustus Muckenstom, Charles Otto, Peter S. Osman, Levi Osman, Aaron O'Neil, Patrick Pace, Ptobert Raber, John Rothermel, William Pviegel, Daniel Runyon, Harrison Reigel, Jonas P. Reese, David Eahu, Richard Scliofstall, Aaron Commissioned Officers, - Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, _ - - Wagoner, Clerk, - - - - Privates, - - - Total, Schearer, John D. Straw, Iliram Starr, Jacob Snyder, Abr'm [discharged,) Stark, Jacob Schweikert, Emanuel Thomas, Edward linger, John Wenerich, Uriah Weisner, August Wolff, Isaac Weaver, Daniel D. Wiehry, Franklin Wiest, Philip A. Wolfgang, Michael "^rVilliams, Andrew Wight, Bursey i; 1 1 - 2 105 125 Hiney, George COMPANY B. Hiney, William COMPANY C. Captain.— J). F. BURKERT. 1st Lieut. — George W. Brumm. 2c? " John F. Saylor. Ist Sergeant. — William H. Mennig. 2d " L. Becker. 3c? " William H. Hiney. 4,th " James Saylor. 5f/i " William Hill. Ist Corporal. — Augustus Mellon. 2c? " C. Brown. 3c? '' D. PtAUDENBUSII. Uh " S. LoscH. bth " L. Eckert. Gth " G. H. Hoffman. 7th '< R. Bechtel. (Clerk.) Drummer. — J. Helms. Fifer. — J. Graeff. Wagoner^ — L. Schwartz. Three Years, or the War. lOT Company C, Fiftieth Regiment — Continued. PRIVATES. Bergcr, Elias Knarr, Benjamin Bergcr, Augustus Lehman, Josiah D. Brisons, John G. W. D. Long, Joseph Brener, Jonathan Little, John Bergert, Gotleib Long. Lewis Brown, Benjamin Lloyd, Thomas Brumm, G. W. Levan, Jaaaes K. Cake, George Miller, Henry B. Deibler, Henry W, Murie, Daniel Dsudle, John Moyer, George Dunkle, Peter McCollough, Patrick Donnar, George McGlann, Daniel Eckley, Samuel Molloy, Patrick Eckel, Emanuel Marland, Edward Emrick, William Mecinstorn, Charles Eckert, Isaac Osw^ald, Charles Fahl, Richard Oswald, Edward Fenstermacher, Frank Oswald, Israel Guertler, Jacob Patten, William Garrett, Alexander Pugh, Morgan Gilbert, Aaron W. Powell, Peter Hiney, George Reed, George Hoffman, Samuel Ryan, John Hoffman, William Scheck, Frederick Heebner, George Schwenk, George R. Harbst, Jacob Scheck, Jacob Hehn, Jacob Simpson, George Hehn, Henry Shirk, A. Hill, Henry Shaeffer, Enoch Handell, Joseph Steinbach, Peter Helms, James K. Williams, Alexander Keihner, Stoughton Wise, Franklin Kremer, Jonas W^. W^ildermuth, William Klingner. George Williams, Patrick Knarr, Charles W^agner, William Commissioned Officers, - - - . - - 8 Non-commissioned, - - - - - - 12 Musicians, ------_2 Teamster, _.------l Privates, -- 70 Total, - 88 COMPANY E. Roberson, Benjamin COMPANY F. Huntzinger, Lieutenant Albert 108 Three Years, or the "War. COMPANY I. Mackey, John Denniston, Jolin Gaskins, James Bush, John A. Cole, Corporal William Wright, Josiah RECAPITULATION. Field and staif, - . 5 Commissioned line officers, - - _ - 7 Non-commissioned ------ 25 Musicians, _------ 6 Wagoners, --.-----2 Privates, 184 Total, 229 On Wednesday, November 6tli, 1861, the Ninety-sixth Regi- ment, P. v., then in camp at Pottsville, was presented by Gover- nor CuRTiN with the colors authorized by the Legislature of the State. The Governor with his staff reached Pottsville at noon on that day, and was escorted to his quarters at the American House. At 2 o'clock P. M., the Regiment marched from its camp on Law- ton's Hill to the Hotel, where the presentation took place. The Governor, flag in hand, addressed the Regiment, in substance, as follows : Col. Cake and men of the 96th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volun- teers : — I am here to-day in obedience to the call of this Commonwealth to perform the last act which you deserve at the hands of your fellow- citizens, before you leave to take part in the great struggle which now agitates this once happy and prosperous country. And here, I cannot but remember, that it was in this Town and Coun- ty, that when the first proclamation by the President for troops was issued, men rushed to the rescue and were among the first to reach the threatened Capital. How you reached there, your march through Bal- timore, the dangers and insults you contended with, are now matters of history. Here, in this vast assemblage of your friends, neighbors and relatives, this ceremony cannot occur without exciting feelings of pleasure and emotions of pain. It is certainly, pleasing to this multitude of people who surround you, to know that so many men of this County are willing to defend, at the peril of their lives, the liberty which you have been accustomed to enjoy ; and it is painful for them to separate from you as you go into the perils of battle to defend that liberty. And yet it is a high performance and a high duty. This Regiment of men was called together through the loyalty of the people of this County, in their devo- tion to our common country, and through the activity, industry and influ- ence of the gentlemen who command it. And I am here to-day, recog- nizing you as a regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers, about to go into th© service of the country, to present to you this beautiful standard. Three Years, or the War. 109 I deliver to you the honor of the State. Is there any man here afraid or ashamed to bear the standard of Pennsylvania or recognize its legiti- mate authority ? God forbid ! The legitimate arm will perpetuate this flag. Thus protected with the coat-of-arms of Pennsylvania in the cen- tre of the field, upon which is thirty-four stars, indicating the thirty- foui' States of this grand confederacy, I deliver this flag to you to-day, that you to all coming generations may declare that confederacy shall be of thirty-four stars, and not one less. [Applause.] It is written in the law, that when you shall have returned to your homes, the flag shall be inscribed with the battles in which your regi- ment shall distinguish itself, and then filed among the archives of the State in perpetual memory of your deeds of valor. It was in Pennsylvania that the fathers of this Government caught the idea of liberty, which had agitated the nations of Europe for half a cen- tury, and proclaimed it to the world in the Declaration of Independence. They gave shape and form to the immortal sentiment, that man is capa- ble of self-government. It was in Pennsylvania the Convention sat that formed the Constitution under which we have achieved so much national glory, and power, and knowledge and so much individuiil prosperity and happiness. It was on the Delaware, opposite Philadelphia, that the "Stars and Stripes " — that beautiful flag of our nationality and liberty, was first unfurled to the winds. (Applause) This people have always been loy- al to their trust. They have always sustained legitimately organized power and government; and they have now testified, by the presence of tens of thousands of men surrounding the Capitol at Washington, that they will still sustain them, and defend their liberties to the last. Yet more : when all means of peace have failed — when all the conser- vation of this people has been exhausted — when all that could call our erring brethren back to their loyalty, has been essayed in vain — this people have declared that if the Constitution must be bathed in blood, it must be bathed in the blood of the wicked and traitorous. (Ap- plause.) And, now, when armed Rebels attempt to tear down this sacred fabric, which our fathers established, and which we have reared until it has become the admiration of the world, we of Pennsylvania declare that liberty shall be vindicated in the blood of the wicked. (Applause.) I would not speak to you fellow citizens of Pennsylvania, now on the eve of your departure from the State, if I were not authoi'ized to do so by law. I speak to you in the presence of your friends and neighbors. You look for the last time, many of you, on this beautiful country. You see for the last time, the places of your homes where you were born, and have passed the days of your childhood, — i\.ye, more ! you separate from your mothers, your wives, your sisters, and your friends ; and, for all those who surround you, with the dignity of my office and the hon- or of the State in my hands, I pray that the blessing of God may rest upon you. 1 feel full of this great question to-day ; my heart is torn when I con- sider the condition of my country, my fellow-citizens in arms, and the best blood of my countrymen to be shed ! And yet our country has been so much favored by Providence, in the hollow of whose hands you are, who has done so much for us, that I feel a confidence that his bles- sings soon must follow, that disaster and defeat may no more come upon us and that truth shall win the final triumph. It is so written in the Book of Books. It was so enumerated by our forefathers, and woven 110 Three Years, or the War. into our Constitution itself. It is inscribed in tlie history of the world, and is justified by the experience of past generations. And now, as then, God will be with the cause of truth. — (Applause.) Our native country will be restored to peace ; the traitors who are now first to draw their swords against it, will return again to a sense of their duty ; and time will lighten all our troubles. What more can I say to you? Never will I see many of 3^011 again. How proud would I feel at this moment in discharging the great office you have committed to me, if I did not know that many of you were to be separated for months, perhaps forever, from your friends and all that you hold dear. And yet it is a sweet consolation for you, that if you fall you fall fighting for the liberty which your fathers gave you ; fall fighting for that matchless Constitution under which we have grown and prospered ; fall with the tears of your friends and kin to keep alive your memories ; fall like brave men, who consider liberty for a single day more valuable than a thousand years of bondage; fall in meting out justice to those who would strive to break down this Government, and the liberties our people now enjoy ; and Avhen you return, as many, if not all of you must, thousands of your neighbors will welcome you as they weep to-day at your departure. (Applause.) Now, as the last act, I commit to you this beautiful flag, and with it the honor of the great State you rej^resent. I give it to brave men, who will defend it in the field and bring it back with honor. At the conclusion of his remarks he handed the flag to Ool. Cake, standing by his side, who received it in behalf of the offi- cers and men of the 96th Hegiment, and spoke as follows : Governor: In accepting this splendid stand of colors for the use of the 96th Regiment, I beg to express the lively sense of gratitude which we feel. You have done us great honor in coming here to Pottsville in order to present to us, in person, the banner of our country — bearing upon its Union, in addition to the 34 stars, the escutcheon of our noble Commonwealth. In times like these it is fitting that the representative of the State of Pennsylvania should visit his soldiers, and speak to them the words of encouragement and good cheer. We know, sir, that your duties are manifold and arduous — we appreciate the magnitude of the task you have just accomplished, and if, in this organization we have endeavored to lighten your labors, it is because we know of the vexations and trials of patience to which you are subjected. Sir, you are the direct ruler of three millions of free people. You are their chosen representative. — You represent their energy, their prosperity, their patriotism. Out of your peaceful household 3'ou have mustered and sent into the field with- in the short space of six months, more than a hundred thousand stout hearts, and when Pennsylvania's page in the history of this war shall be written, it will be pronounced by all men-^it will be acknowledged by all men — to be incomparable. The energy and completeness with which your herculean task has been accomplished challenges the admiration of the world. We fully appreciate the honor you do us in devoting (his day to the presentation of our colors. It has rendered them doubly dear, and will stimulate us in battling for their defence. Simple words serve but poorly to convey our deep sense of gratitude, but I speak for nearly one Three Years, or the War. Ill thousand men when I promise that as long as we can see we will follow the flag you have just presented — as long as we can strike we will strike in its defence, and if God Almighty, in his infinite Avisdom and justice, should decree that we should fall, we will die beneath its shade, strug- gling for the honor of our country, our State, and our Government. Sir, it is your privilege to proudly boast that you have not only fur- nished more men than any other State, but that you sent forAvard the very first five hundred to defend the imperiled Capital of our common country, and you must indulge me a little here while I remind you that this Borough of Pottsvillc furnished you 239 of that five hundred. Let "me further claim that Pottsville was the first to oft^er you a company. Captain McDonald called his command together on the 11th day of April, and we voted unanimously to ofter you our services. The letter was written that day, and we were accepted on the 15th. Our march through Baltimore en the 18th is a matter of history, and had something to do with the fact that Schuylkill County sent you, very soon afterAvard, 2000 more men for the three months call. AYith y(Tur kind permission this Regiment will march to-morrow morning at sun-rise. After we have marched, Schuylkill must be credited with having furnished for the war, about 4,200 volunteers, not to count several companies enlisted for the regular service, including seventy men, which number were recruited by" that gallant young Kentucky patriot, Lieutenant Talliaferro, of the 5th Regular ArtillerA', Sii', I hope you will pardon my going into these statistics ; whatever our Borough or County has done, we claim only to have done our duty. Our State pride overshadows local vanity, but our love of counti-y, our love for the Union, our love for the Stars and Stripes, brings forth all our energy, our strength, our patriotism. Upon the altar of our com- mon country we are willing to sacrifice all that we are, all that we ever hoped to become — life itself. Who can do less, and deserve such a country like this to live in ? We accept all the chances, all the horrors of a vindictive, relentless war, in order that it may be settled for all time to come that the free govern- ment of the United States is founded upon the rock of ages. (Compre- hending fully the power of the rebellion, we yet have faith that the prowess of our arms will be vindicated, and that our fair land Avill con- tinue to be the theme of the poet, the hope of the oppressed, the Mecca of the world. The heroes of the Revolution fought the fight of freedom. The con- test for the continuance of the blessings bought for us by seven years of blood and Avar is upon us. He Avho Avould shrink, he Avho would post- pone the Avork of vindication for his children's hands to do, deserves to have had the battles of the revolution left for him to fight. Gov. CuRTiN in handing over your elegant present to the color guard, let me again thank you on behalf of each member of the 96th. Let me also express the hope that you will never regret the confidence you indi- cate in submitting it to our care. Let us hope that we may contribute something toward rooting out and forever banishing rebellion, and that very soon peace and renewed prosperity will again smile upon this land. In the field or at home, in Avar or peace, our motto shall ever be, "Our country — right or wrong, our country." When the ceremony was over, officers and men cheered the Governor and flag most heartily — the band performing in a mas- 112 Three Years, or the War. terly style ''The Star Spangled Banner." The Eegiment was then marched back to camp, and our distinguished visitors left shortly afterwards for Harrisburg in a special train, via the Mine Hill and Shamokin Railway to Sunbury, and from thence to the Susquehanna. The flag presented to the Regiment^ was in dimensions eight by six feet. It was made of silk and bound around the edge with yellow or golden colored silk fringe, about one and a half inches wide. In the azure field was the Pennsylvania State coat-of-arms, with thirty-four stars encircling it. The inscription on the flag was : " NINETY-SIXTH REGIMENT, I\ V." The Regiment struck tents on Thursday, November 7th, and on the following day marched to Westwood, where they took the cars for Washington, via. Sunbury and Harrisburg. The muster-roll of the Regiment, with all the additions made by recruiting, up to the time of preparing this, is as follows : NmETY-SIXTH REGIMEiNT, P. V. Colonel.— liE-^RY L. CAKE. Lieutenant-Colo7iel. — Jacob Gr. Frick. Major. — Lewis J. Martin. Adjutant. — M. Edgau Richards. Quartermaster. — Charl-es Sailor. Sergeant- Major. — John Harlan, Jr. Quartermaster Sergeant. — John A. Schweers. Commissary " J. J. Dampman. Hospital Steward. — John Rodgers. Surgeon. — Daniel W. Bland. Assistant Surgeon. — Washington Nugent. Chaplain. — Rev. Samuel F. Colt. Ensign. — John Vanhollen. Total, ---.-_ 13 BAND. Priyic. 3[usican. — N. J. Rehr. . H. Wallbridge. Drum-Major. — H. K. Downing. U. V. Roeiirig. H. G. Wallbridge. J. Ward. Christian Ferg. C. Oberlies. A. F. Wallbridge. A. Smith. C. BoDMAN. H. C. Shoener. H. M. Law. J. Bodefeld. H, Bodman. J. N. Lauer. H. Hoffman. S. H. Parker. J. W. Morgan. J. Kepley, Fidel Fisher. A. Pfaltzgrap. A. B- Wallbridge. C. Trout. W. McDaniel. Total, - - - - - - - 25 Three Years, or the War. 113 COMPANY A. Caj)Udn.—L\ MAll S. HAY. 1:?^ Lieiil. — William F. Huntzinger. 2d " J. Albert Saylor. l.s-^ Sergeant. — Ernst Sauerrrey. 2(1 " Edward Thomas, Zd " Charles F. Hoffman. Atli " Frank >ST:>rpsoN. iith " Jonas M. llicn. l.-it Corporal. — Mark Walkkr. 2d •' Henry Gearing. ?yd -' Thomas G. Houck. 4//i " Frank Hanley. ')th " Alexander Smith. Olh *' William Britton. 7//i •' John Stodd. Slh " .John Donegan. Musician. — George Wertley. " Edward Niese. Wagoner. — Warren Crosland, rUIVATES. I>ai'tliolomew, James Brazer, Georo-e Brovrn, William Bcyaon, William Bownwell, George Breunen, Bicliard Boyer, Henvy C. Brovn, Thomas Bevdanler, .JoLni Breiinan, Francis Cairoll, Michael Charlton, William Dress, WiUiam Daniels, William Dampman, Dallas Dampman, Jonas J. DeCoursey, George Denglev, .Joseph F. Dewald, Jacob M. Dufer, Luibev Dentzer, John Donegan, James Edwards, William Ehert, Edward Endly, -John Ellis, John Frazierj John Fenstermacher, Edward Farr, Thomas Ferry, John Gloss, Elijah Garragan, John 10 Grieff, Charles H. Gee, Joseph Gould, William Goldsworthy, .Joseph Garber, August Gloss, Levi Hartline, John Higley, John H. Hoffman, Leybrand Hariline, Daniel Henry, Emanuel Hayes, EdAvard Holistcr, James Hanley, Thornton B. Hendley, John Hocpstine, .Jaro.cs Hess, James K. Hummel, John Ray, William E. Jones, Gomer Jones, John Kisswick, Samuel Kinzi, Caleb Ivleininger, .John Kemp, Edward Leary, iMichael LindenuniLh, Daniel Lindeninutb, Joseph Lord, William F. D. Laferty, John Linneu, Edward Larkin, Michael 114 Three Years, on the War. (JoMi'ANY A, Ninety-Sixth Jxeguient— Con lu need. Larkin, William Rigg, Robert T. Ledicli, Jacob " RclkI, John MoiTcll, Mathcw Redcay, Charles J. IMcnnig, George AV. liefraw, August Maddisoii, John .Stonefield, McCoy, Daniel Simpson, John McCormlck, Edward Simpson, Ilcury Mc(;innis, James 1'. Smith, Edward Nash, Michael Sterling, John Noatheimer, Henry Strouse, Frank Xugcnf, Chancy K. Smith, William Nugent, Hugh B. Smith, Tervence F. O'Donald, James Tomplin, Emanuel Omar, John Thou^pson, John Poits, Clement D. Welsh, David Prichard, David \Veand, William Propts, John Wade, Frederick F. Reichard, Henry Waruick, Henry Rico, Sylvester C. Ward, John Rodgers, Alexan.lcr Yost, Nicholas Kodgers. Jolui Zerbe, Charles Rcinhard, Henry Commissioned Ofiicors, _...__ ;j Non-commissioned Othccrs, - - - - L3 Musicians, -_-____ 2 "Wagoner, ----.__ i Privates, ---.___ 107 Total, ------- ]2G COMPANY B. Capfain.—VETEll A. FILBERT. lf<( Lieut. EUNKST T. Ej.LElClI. •^.(/ " Levi Hunr.u. list Scryrunt. — John Van Hollex. 'Id " LkWIS Luf'KlXBlLL. '')d " Charles J. Siiokmakek. Ath " John A. ScinvEEUS. blh " 1'at:l H. Bark. \st Corporal. — David Hiber. 'Id " Daniel Bonawit/,. ;>r/ »' Jacor C!i:iKR. 4//i "' Erasmis W. Rkki). '>(lt, " Frederick A. Snyder. i'jth '• Gregory Rotiiman. liJi " Frederick Kline. 8//i " Edward T. Jones. Alusician. — William Lehman. JOSEI'H Keelei!. Clerk. — Frederick E. Stees. Wagoner. — JosEi'ii Schwartz, Three Years, or the War. 115 Company B, Ninety-Sixth Eeciiment — Continued. rRIVATES. Adcock, WiHiam Aich, Jo-sepli Bast, Charles Jjonavfitz, John lireitigan, IJell, Samuel Bridegum, Franklin ]>ower, Joseph Bcrdania, John Braunan, Martin Brenner, Peter Bonawitz, Jacob Bast. Jacoh Berger, Charles W. r)rown, Thomas A. r>ucher, Andrew Birckenbach, Jr., John Britten, William Barr, Peter ])anner, Joseph IHeckle, Michael (jlemens, William Clemens, Peter Christ, Jacob Chaundy, Charles Cary, Martin CoUahan, John Dubbs, Alexander L>ubbs, Victor Dorschki, August Ecker, Henry Eick, Joseph Fritz, William Fessler, Joseph Fessler, Irwin Filbert, William H. Fry, Henry A. Ferst, Henry Fertig, Reuben Fisher, Joseph Gnoreck, Jacob Glennan, Andrew Goebell, Richard II. L. Gropsen, John Grosz, Nicholas Herbert, John Ilehn, Heni-y Ilartenstein, Henry Harvey, John E. Harvey, Franklin Hardenack, John Huber, Jr., Jacob Hornisli, John Reefer, Henry I. Kutz, William Kotchin, Lewis Keesey, James Kciffer, Jacob H. Kterclier, Reuben Luekinbill, Marcus Leffler, William A. , Lewis, John Litman, Bernhard Lambert, MathcAV Langben, George ]\IcNulty, Cornelius 3lcMannmin, Peter ]McGarrity, John McOnenny, Peter ivlcDonnel, John McGirr, James Martin, Andrew Matten, John Mangold, William Martin, Daniel jNIoyer, Solomon Mennig, Jacob L. Mennig, Joseph Moreheiser, Joseph Miller, Charles Miller, Ileni'y Miller, John Nagle, George Oarther, Jacob Owens, James Oarther, Henry Oestreich, Moritz Purcel, John Rahn, Richard Reiweld, William Reed, Isaac Rishel, Reuben Reed, John Heed, Israel Reinoehl, William B Redinger, Peter Remer, George Reinhard, Ferdinand Scanlcn, Thomas Shawnessy, Michael Snyder, Jacob B. Shirk, William Sterner, Henry Sterner, Jeremiah 116 Three Years, or the "War. Company ]5, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. Sterner, JosepL ►sterner, .Joseph Seigel, Frederick Seiber, Frederick Snyder, William li. Seiberi, ("brislian Thornisli, Jolin Tomas, Charles Tovey, William Umbenliauer, Charles F. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned, Officers Musicians, Clerk, - - - - Teamster, Privates, - - _ Total, - Vaughn, Francis Wolf, August Wanner, Jacob Wolf, Levi Wlke, Albert Williams, Charles W^etzell, John Zimmerman, Henry. 1 1 119 130 COMPANY C. Cajytain.—WllAAA.U H. LESSIG. First Lieutenant. — Isaac E. Sevkkn. Sccojid Lieutenant. — Samuel R. Kusskl, \st Sergeant. — Edwin L. Sevj'^rx. 2.d " Alkxander Allison. od '' William Buckley. 4M. " * Louis A. Bruns. ^th and Quartermaster's Sergeant. — ITf.nry Fisher. 1st Corporal. — William' Freast. 2c? " Jacob Eptikg. 3c? '• James B. Oliver. Ath " David Williams. bth " David E. Rishel. 6/A " HuoH Stevenson. lih " Thomas Hilton. %th " George W. Holdbe. Drummer. — Elias B. Trifoos. Fifer. — Stephen Jones. Wagoner. — John H. H. Hanlev. Clerk. — Edward J. Philips. PRIVATES. Allison, John Alles, John Allen, John Ashworth, .Joseph Billey, John Balliet, John W. Beadle, Joseph Braunagan, iVrthur Brennan, William Bishop, Sylvan us Bast, Charles Beadle, William Bocam, Louis Boyd, James Brobst, .Jolin Burns, Patrick ■ 'H^ Three Years, or the War. 117 Company C, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Confinued. Croslaiid, John J. Curry, Martin Curry, Jolm W. Diudorff, Nicholas Delgar, George Davis, David Davenport, William Davis, John Davis, Samuel Farrel, George W. Frazer, Jolin Fisher, Samuel Fisher, Charles Foltz, George W. Fox, Charles C. Flaney, James Groatman, Henry Garis, Thomas Hay, William Haley, Bryrni Hartman, John Hober, Joseph Hall, John W. Jennings, James Jones, Jenkin Kluck, John F. Knittle, Francis Kind, William Kuhns, David Kane, Oiristopher Lafferiy, James Lj'nch, Hugh I. Miller, William. Matz, Franklin iSIcMinnzie, Saul Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Wagoner, _ . _ Clerk, - - - - Privates, _ - - Milnes, William Merker, Amos Madara, William McCaffrey, John McAndrew, Edward Moore, John Noble, John Nimelton, John Oliver, Thomas Paul, John Hittman, Henry Ptichter, August Rarig, Joseph Reagan, Patrick Rishel, Reuben Radburn, Thomas Saylor, Charles Shelly, Charles Smith, Augustus Saylor, Jacob, Suddon, John Saylor, Emanuel Saylor, George Sipe, Martin Stubblebine, Henry Spence, Martin Smith, Boas G. Schollenbevger, Gabriel Simpson, John Thomas, Edward Thomas, David Yost, Alexander Williams, Thomas Watts, Perry Wolfinger, James - - - 3 13 2 1 1 86 Total, - 106 COMPANY D. Copfam.— JOHN T. BOYLE. First Lieutenant. — Zaccus P. Boyer, Second Lieutenant. — John T. Hammer, 1st Sergeant. — Amos Forceman. 2c? '' Ira Troy. 10* 118 Three Years, or the War. Company D, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. od Sergeant. — Charles Beaumont. Aih '' Ezra Hendley. Commissary Sergeant. — William Henry. Isi Corporal. — George Leech. 2(/ '• William Hart. Zd " James Sands. ^th <■'• James Scofikld. oth '■'• Thomas D. Price. Qth "• James Gougii. 1th " George \V. Thompson. 8M " William Morris Lasuorn. Clerk. — Michael A, Welsh. Drummers. — John Price, Robert L. Wright. Wagoner. — William McGlone PRIVATES. Adcock, Williftiii Boyle, Jolm Becker, William Becker, Jonas Burton, Charles Black, Jolm Campbell, ThoiuHH Campbell, William Comefort, Kyram Cooper, William Cunningham, John Carr, John Corby, William Douden, Frank N, Davis, Edmund Daughertj. John Doyle, James Evans, David Edwards, David Ferfay, Peter Freel, Edward Fredericks, Samuel Farrel, Joseph Grant, Thomas Greenwood, John Hannum, J. T. Hart, Elijah Hart, Jacob Heitaer, Frederick Hughes, James Henry, Edward Jones, William P. Jones, Enos Jones, Thomas Jones, William Kenley, William Commissioned Of&cers, Non-commissioned Officers. ^Kepler, George Kelly, Luke Krauch, Jacob Llewellyn, Gomer Lewis, David Morgan, John Moyer, William W. Morgan, Thomas Morrisey, Patrick Mort, John Moffit, William Mason, Edward McGlone, John Moyer, Milton Newton, Charles Prasser, William Purcell, Dennis Peckman, Henry Reese, Thomas Ritzel, George Stewart, John Seitzinger, Samuel Sands, Michael Symons, George Shuttleworth, Thoma; Shooclin, Cornelius Tliomas, Walter Thomas, George A. Vanderslice, Jones Walters, Elias Walters, Jonathan Wolff, Daniel Williams, John L. Williams, David D. Williams, Thomas D. Wickersham, Thomas o - - - - o 13 Three Years, or the War, 119 Company J), Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. Clerk, Musicians, AVagoner, Privates, Total, 1 o 1 72 92 COMPANY E. C^j9^am.— JAMES RUSSELL. First Lieutenant. — John S, Oijerrexdek. Second Lieutenant. — John F. Robins. Is^ Sergeant. — Charles C. Russel. 2d " Philip W. Cool. 3c? " Thomas H. Reed. 4th " William Mayberry. 6th " Evan Thomas. 1st Corporal. — William Whitebread. 2d " John Kelly. 3(/ " Nathan Santee. 4th " Edward Moncton. bth " Henry Quinn. 6th " Stephen Horn. 7th " William W. Cares. 8^A " William Zigler. Musicians. — John Waters, George Sterling. Wagoner. — John Augustine. PRIVATES. Aixler, Jolin A. Ayres, James B. Black, John Burkhart, Cyrus Brennau, John P. Brennan, John D. Boyer, Reuben Best, Henry S. Balliet, Reuben Balliet, John Bar, William Bennie, William Balliet, Josiah Crowley, John Comerford, Thomas Carey, Martin Davis, Samuel Dunn, Patrick Frantz, Lewis, Frederick, Lewis Foley, John Fletcher, Herbert Fry, Emanual Fry, Ferdinand George, William Geinen, Thomas Gross, Stephen Getikee, Charles Hoffman, Henry Hettinger, Aaron Howard, David Huber, Joseph Hamer, John H. Johnson, Asberry Jarrard, Joseph W. Jones, Jacob Kuhns, William H. Klinger, Albert Kirk, William Keener, Eli Kemp, Francis Kramer, Zacharias Lukenbill, Morgan Seiwel, Samuel Schleppy, Abraham Smith, Jacob 120 Three Years, or the War. Company E, Ninety Sixth Regiment — Continued. Mumaw, Samuel Mackey, Michael McGinues, James P. Merril, John Muldowney. James Miller, John Mitchel, Benjamin McColl, Daniel McAftee, Samuel Nicholas, James Naughtou, Michael Naughton, John Oberrender, John N. Oplinger, Edward Onspoch, Edward Fallen, Charles Painter, John S. Pope, John Roth, Henry Russel, James S, Commissioned Officers, - Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - _ Wagoner, - - _ . Privates. . _ . Ptamsey, William S. lliley, William Spohr, Nicholas Shearer, Cyrus Steigner, Adolphus Smith, Peter Sharp, William Schollenberger, Gustavus G. Stookey, William E. Sands, James Trout, William Vogel, Otto G. H. Wallen, Daniel Woodring, Daniel Weigner, Henry Woodring, Jacob W. ""Weaver, Jeremiah Whitebread, Mark Woodring, Jeremiali Yosty Joseph 3 - 18 - - _ »> - 1 86 Total. - lOi COMPANY F. Captain.— SO^Y^VR ANTHONY. First Lieutenant. — John Dougherty. Second LiexUenant. — Charles Dougherty. 1^^ Sergeant. — Michael Boland. 'Id Sd 4th " 5tk " Ist Corporal. 2d Qd Alh Gth " Gth '- llh " Dennis Carrol. James Casey. John Brennan. Thomas Tremble. -Thomas Tracy. Phillip Reilly. PvicHARD Walsh. Robert Borland. James Brady. William McAllister. Aaron Williams. Patrick Sullivan. Musicians. — William Moorhead, Solomon Spohn PRIVATES. Anspach, Edward Ary, Michael Boren, Michael, Boren, Daniel Three Years, or the War. 121 Company E, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. Boren, Thomas Barnes, George Barnes, Anlliony Blizzard, Francis Barry, Uriah Boyle, John Britt, Edward Brown, David T. Broms, John Curtin, Patrick Cavanaugh, Michael Carrol, Micliael Cowley, Samuel Connery, Michael Curtin, Timotliy Curry, Thomas Daneen, Jerry Durkin, James Dunnigan, James Buyer, William Booley, Patrick Donahoe, John Ferrence, Jr., Patrick Faust, Daniel Fell, Bonaparte Ford, Edw^ard Flemming, M, Glacken, Hugh Glennon, Patrick Glennon, Andrew Gouldin, Philip Healy, Sr., John Healy, Jr., John Hamburg, Martin Horan, Bernard Harris, Francis Hifferon, William Higgins, John Healy, John Hartness, Jeremiah Hauly, John King, Daniel Kirk, William Kennedy, Patrick Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Priyates, , - _ Keating, James Kain, Rodger Kavanah, Michael Lee, George Leary, Michael Moorhcad, Edward Marshal, IMiomas Martin, Andrew INIcCole, Daniel Moran, Micliael Moran, William McBride, Michael McKall, Luke Martin, Patrick Marshal, Alexander Muldowney, James Mathew, Bernard Maddock, Sylvester Manates, William Nevins, Patrick O'Donnel, Doniinick O'Donnel, John Philips, Edward Purcell. James Purcell, Thomas Powers, Patrick Quinn, John Quirk, William Kuddy, James Ryan, Michael Ryan, Lawrence Simpson, John T. Smith, William Shere, Edward Sweeney, Daniel Shonelin, Cornelius Salmon, John Shilds, Edward Thomas, Thomas Tremble, John Whelan, James Ward, John AV'ard, Patrick AVelsh, John 10 92 Total, 110 122 Three Years, or the War. COMPANY a. Capimn.—JX^lES N. DOUDEN. Mr.ft TAeiitenant. — Jacob W, Haas. Second Lien tenant. — A. S. Fesio. \st Sergeant. — Frank N. Doupen. 2.rl " John' Wtllfams, o(/ " J.vcon Allvord. Ath " Benjamtx 1>. Wacneu. 5/A *' William H. Fesig. ^st Corporal. — Amos Kx'xtzleman'. "Id " JoxATiiAX Bear. '•\d " Jacob K. Buehler. Ath " Henry Ki?iseu. ^>th " John C. Gratz. C)th " Alfred I). Hans. 7//> " Lafayette Billk;. 8/A " James .Al, Feree. Muslriitnf. — James Zi'lich, Joseph WonKMAN. Wiigoner. — Nathan Her:?. nUVATES. Ijfido, Julian Blnnch, Edward I'orkelb.ach, John (^oley, v^aimiel Foj. Lewis L Grim, John L. Gloss. John Goodfellow, John Heebner, George Harrison, Frank Commissioned Officers. Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Vfagoner, _ _ _ Ihivates, _ - _ Kellegher, John McCormick, John Nice, Jacob Reynolds, William Sell, Fred Strawser, Abraham Senger, Peter Thompson, William W Trifoos, ^L'lrks 18 1 19 Total, 88 [The nuijority of the privates In this company was from Berks and Dauphin counties — Editor.] C O ,M P A N Y H . Or;>/(7m.— CHARLES D. HIPPLE. First Lieutenant. — Henry Royer. Second Lieutenant. — William J. IVLvrtz. 1st Sergeant. — Wn-LiAM E. Reilly. 'Id " "William H. Davis. .8 J " Jacob Bru baker. Ath " Georoe E. Hughes. 0//) " Joseph S. Johnson. Three Yeaks, or the War. 1 *^'^. CoMrANY H, Ninety-Sixth IIegiment — Continued, \st Corporal. — Damkl V>. Hartlink. 2d " HkNRY F. HUXSICKEU. 'Sd " John S. Kkelv. i(h " John ^l. Huciiks. iifh " John K. Ekhnslkh. G/A " (^'iiARLEs 8. Colt. 7th " JosKi'H Monday, Sth " CollNKLlUS McNuLTv. Musicians. — Fuanos IIked, Ciiakles Yost. ]Vaff07icr. — CoNiiAU Boiidei.. PRIVATES. Alvord, David Ashenfelter Jr., William Britton, ^Villiam Brennau, Martin Brassington, James Brobst, Samuel Brobst, John ]5ickel!iia7i, Napoleon Bower. Nicholas Bidle, Christian Bordel, Adam Boyer, John Conrad, Emanuel Cavenaugh, John Carl, James Callen, Patrick Campl)ell, Daniel Cunningham, Terrence Cosgrove, Mathew Carrol, James Caligan, John Cartield, John Crossland, William 11. Conrad, Edward Conrad, Komanus Clancy, Morris Cleary, John Davis, Richard Delaney, Dennis Davis, Daniel Dull, George AV. Donnelly, John Evans, William S. " Engle, Daniel Evans, Richard Erdman, Jonathan Evans, John E. Fisher, Anthony Fell, Patrick Fox, William 11. Friecc. Peter Fink, John H. Fell, Charles Fuller, John Faust, Daniel Cee, Joseph Gross, Jacob Garber, Thomas Grater, Piiilip Haldeman, Joseph T. Hudson, Edward Haus, Michael Hasset, Joliu Haley, John IIale3% Charles Hoy, Frederick Hillcgas, Charles W. Hoi'n, William Hendricks, Benjamin K. Jenkins, David W. Kacrchcr, Pteuben Kline, Charles Kaercher, Daniel Kennedy, Joseph Kelly, Martin Koons, Ilcni'y P. Kistler, Levi Kimmel, Hiram Kenley George Lehman, John M. Lettich, Jacob Lutz, Henry H. Lampblock, David ?iJeck, Richard McDonald, Patrick Manear, William Moscr, Ephraim Mallon, Patrick Morgan, Thomas L. Morgan, Thomas Macknet, Albert H. Mattis, Daniel F. 124 Three Years, or the War. Company H, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. Miller, Jeremiah ^Murphy, James Mellon, David ^liller, Aaron McCormick, Micliael Netherwood, AVilliam Ortner, William Pasco, Joseph Quinn, Patrick Schanty, Charles Seifert, Henry Seiver, Christian Strouse, Francis Sterner, Joseph Shissick, Samuel Stidham, John F. Sentman, John Shunk, James Shone, John Sherry, Frederick Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Wagoner, - - - - Privates, _ - - Total, - Sponsaler, William Snyder, Joseph Trout, William D. Treichler, James M. Thompson, David P. Treichler, Oliver G. Umbeuhanr, Frank R. Virdow, Patrick Watts, Perry Weldon, Jolin G. Walker, Thomas Whetstone, Frank Weon, Henry Williams, AViJJam T. Yerger, William D. Z oilers, Daniel D. - Zeigler, Charles B. Zeigler, Oliver J. Zimmerman, Solomon S 121 140 Captain.— l^kXC M. CAKE. First Lieutcjiant. — Matiiew Eyrxes. Second Lieutenant. — J. A. Hexnessy. \st Sergeant. — John Eowler. 'Id " John Killeen. 3rZ " Francis Canfield. 4j/i •' Feancis McGciiK. bth ** MiCiiAEL Mackey. 1st Corporal. — William Irving. Id " Michael F_ea'i"ing. ?id *' Henry F.ussel. Ath " James jMcCaiirol. bth " John Haley, G/Zi " Patrick ^'urran. 1th " James Sexton. 8^/t " Elijah Andreavs. Musicians. — Peter Kelly. Henry Laav, Thomas Buri Wat/oner. — Ad.'im Reb. PRIVATES. Brennen, Peter Barry, James Burns, James Burns, Thomas Three Years, or the War. 125 Company I, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued, Brown, Thomas Boyle, Thomas Bainbridge, Thomas Brennan, John Brown, William Bannister, Thomas Brown, Thomas A. Blecker, Michael Creamer, James Crandle, Ethan Crawford, John Callahan, Michael Carl, Patrick Cadwalader, Thomas Morgan Cusack, William Carroll, Patrick Canton, Thomas Curley, James Curran, Patrick Callahan, Thomas Conlan, James Dalton, John Dooley, John Davidson, Samuel Dinert, Jeremiah Droyer, William Davis, Edmund Erwin, William Evans, C. Ferns, Patrick Farrel, John Foyle, jMartin Gavin, Patrick Gleeson, John Gallagher, Patrick Galahan, Daniel George, James Higley, James H. Hewne, Emanuel Haley, Brian Harper, John Horan, Stephen Hobbs, John Hibbard, John Haley, John Harlan, Sr., John Irving, AVilliam Kotchin, Lewis Kerns, Patrick Kavenaugh, John Kennedy, Morgan Kramer, James Keegan, John King James Liman, John Langton, Martin Minnich, Joseph McDonald, William McArdle, James Menear, William McNamara, Richard Morris, Patrick McDevit, James Morrett, John Morney, Thomas McAmany, Peter Morgan, Thomas Mullin, John McGrath, Lawrence Mahaifey, Mannus McCormick, Thomas Nixon, Thomas A. Naughton, Thomas Nixon, William O'Donnel, Peter O'Connor, Timothy Oestruht, Morris 0' Brian, Michael Owens, James Owens, Patrick O'Donnel, Dominick Purcell, John Purcell, James Purcell, Patrick Ross, Thomas Beillj'", Thomas Buddy, James Ryan, Michael Straham, John Sweeney, Michael Seigle, Fred. Sarney, Charles Shoughency, Michael Scanlan, Thomas Sweeney, Daniel Sullivan, John Samon, John Sullivan, Jeremiah Tye, James Vaughn, Francis Whalen, John Williams, David M'illiams, John Weakline William 11 1-26 Three Years, or the War. Company I, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officei'S, Wagoner, _ ~ - Musicians, - - - Privates, . _ _ Total, o 13 1 3 110 130 COMPANY K. Captain . — R I C HARD B U DD. First Lieutenimf.—GEOKGE G. Boyek, Second Lieutenant. — Neill Coyle. 1st Scj-geant. — Peter Houck. 'Id a William Burke. Sd i( Patrick Brennan, 4th i i Patrick McGee. Uh >( Andrew A:i»derson. \st Co rporal. — Patrick Conville. 2d ib James (^antfielb. M li William Brennak, i(h a Thomas Burns. ^yth • ( James E. Toban. (j/h a Patrick Delany. 1th »• Thomas Moore. >roniian, Andrew Brennan, John Brennan, George Boland, Francis Iforen, Daniel Boyle, Bobbin Birney, Patrick Bergau, Thomas Broderick, John Bradley, Larry Budd, William Collins, John Crawford, John Cantfield, Michael Cavenaugh, John Cocklin, Thomas Coraerford, Kearon Curn, Jeremiah Curn, William Carl, James Conners, Timothy Conners, John Derrah, James Donley, Edward Dudley. Thomas Darraugh, William Delaney, Luke Delaney, Philip Downey, Patrick Fay, Patrick Ford, Patrick Fagan, Patrick Farrel, John G. Farrel, John Flyn, Michael Gribben, Thomas Gallagher, James Gallagher, Edward Gallagher, Daniel i Three Years, or the War. 127 Company K, Ninety-Sixth Regiment — Continued. Gribben, Barnet Graeff, Jacob HarrisoTi, Jolin Horn, John Hollan, John Hughes, Andrew Hart, Dominick Holloran, Thomas Holloran, John Holloran, Michael Jenkin, John Johnston, James Keyes, x\ndrew Kerney, James Kelly, John Love, John Laddia, Patrick Lavrler, John Lawler, John J. Lawler, Thomas McLane, Patrick Maley, John Moffet, William McMeaghey, Frank Mullen, Hugh Mack, Ptichard McKahie, Frank McMichael, Barney MtjAUisler, Patrick McGuigan, James McMiiUigan, Barney lIcGrath, Henr}- McGlenn, Patrick McCarty, Michael Maly, Patrick Mullin, Michael Martin, Thomas O'Brian, Martin O'Donald, James Purcell, John Furcell, John E. Quinn, Michael ■Quinn, John Ryan, John Reece, Reece Ryan, Lawrence Reinhart, Ferdinand Rice, George B. Sheridan, Anthony Shields, James Toban, James Whalen, Timothy Wilson, James Welsh, Patrick Westner, C'harle:^ Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - . Wagoner, - - - Privates, _ - « 13 o 1 99 Total, 118 RECAPITULATION Field and Staff, Regimental Band, Commissioned Line Officers, Non-commissioned, " Musicians, - - - Wagoners, Privates, _ _ - 13 25 30 130 21 9 911 Total, 1139 128 Three Years, or the War COMPANY E, FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, P. V. COL. R. WHITE. All of this Company with the exception of six members, were recruited in and belong to Schuylkill County. The Lieutenant- Colonel of the Regiment, Frank T. Bennett, is also, from Schuylkill County. The Company left Fortress Monroe for Port Royal, S. C, in December, 1861, and was stationed for some time near Hilton Head, and on Edisto Island. In March, 1862, Com- panies E, F and a of the Fifty-fifth, P. V., while picketed on dif- ferent parts of Edisto, were separately attacked by a force of some 500 rebels. After some skirmishing, the companies united their forces, repulsed the enemy and drove them from the Island, Com- pany F losing in killed, wounded and prisoners some twenty men. The other companies sustained no loss. Company E numbered on June 25, 1862, 92 rank and file. In February, 1862, Lieuten- ant GrEORGE S. HiLL was detailed to the Signal Corps, and was actively engaged at the taking of Fort Pulaski, and in the severe engagement on James Island, S. C. The muster roll of this Company as it left Schuylkill County, is as follows : Captain. ~EOn ACE C. BENNETT. 1st Lieut. — George S. Hill. 2d " John Slotterback, 1st Sergeant. — Winfield Bensaman. 2c? " George Slotterback. 3cf " Henry C. Bensaman, 4i/i " George Parry. 5//i " Henry E. Snyder. 1st Corporal. — John McClay. Id James Miller. %d Michael Murray. Ath Miles Rourke. i>ih Charles Fritchley. 'oth John Deitrich. 1th William Challenger, Wi Daniel Chester. Drummer. — George Allen. privates. Acfams, Dennis Billman, Daniel Booth, John Campbell, James Bannan, John S. Campbell, John Beggs, Matthew Comeford, Patrick j Baird, John Conway, Daniel Berger, Jacob Coyle, Edward Three Years, or the War. 129 Company E, Fifty-Fifth Regiment — Continued. Caton, James Murphy, Peter Condron, John Mohan, John Churchficld, Patrick McFarUine, James Dengler, Daniel F. McNamara, Michael Delaney, Patrick Munday, Francis Derr, AVilliam Maggee, William Finely, Owen McDonough, Patrick Foulk, George McCain, John Fowler, William Madden, John Fluge, Jacob O'Donnel, James Fairley, Alexander O'Kane, James Gehrer, John Paden, John Gallagher, Francis Pease, Robert Govan, Andrew Kafferty, Patrick Harrison, John Rogers, Arthur Hay, Robert Reed, Monroe Hepler, Henry Reitz, Peter Hay, William Sharp, Thomas Haas, George Smith, George Haas, John Tobin, Thomas Hughs, David Tobin, James Jones, John J. Thomas, Hiram Kuehn, William Welsh, Luke Kuehn, Jr., William Wormai, John Kelter, James Wormwood, John Lynch, Patrick >Velsh Joseph F. Lawrence, John Wier, David Lantz, John Wagner, John B. Langton, Mortimer Williamson, William Maggee, John Watkins, Samuel D. Maggee, Thomas Yoder, Aaron McAllister, Daniel Zernholt, George Field Officer, - - - ^ - - - 1 Commissioned Line Officers, - - . - 3 Non-commissioned " - - - - 13 Musician, --------1 Privates, ___.-_- 78 Total, 96 COMPANY B. John Layman. COMPANY 0. William Wagner. On Wednesday, December 18, 1861, the Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Cavalry^ left Harrisburg for Kentucky. Before 11* 130 Three Years, or the War. taking its departure it was presented with a standard and guidons, in the Capitol grounds, by Governor Andrew G. Curtin. Of the field and staff officers of the Regiment, the following belonged to Schuylkill County : Colo?icl.— GEORGE C. WYNKOOP. Majors. — John E. Wynkoop, James J. Seibert. Adjutant. — R. F. INIosON. Quartermaster. — Thomas H. Rickert. The battalion organizations of the Regiment were as follows : First Battalion. — Major — John E. Wynkoop ; Adjutant — William J. Allen ; Quartermaster — Wilj.iam J. McQuade. Second Battalion. — Mnjor — James J. Seibert; Adjutant — N. E. Wyn- K'^op ; Quartermaster — John D. Burge. *"- T/u'rJ Battalion. — Major — James E. Given: Adjutant — Dr. Warfield; (^lartermaster — R. H. Fisk, Companies A and F of this Regiment were recruited in Schuyl- kill County. A few men, also from Schuylkill, were scattered in other companies. The muster rolls are as follows : SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY, (EIGHTIETH REGIMENT, P. Y.) COMPANY A. Captain.— WILLIAM H. JENNINGS. 1st Lieut. — Tho?ii.as H. Rickert. 2d '• John D. Jones. 1st Serjeant. — William J. Allen. 2d " Thomas M. Price, Quartermaster Sergt, Sd " David J. Price ith " Henry B. Zimmerman. kith *' John A. Ennis. G/A " David T. Reese. l.'st Corporal.— CuARj.KS L. Roorback. 2d " Frederick Hopkins. 3c? " David H. ^yETZEL. 4th " Edward H. Siiutt. [>th " Pkter F. Kelly. 6//i " Morris O'Neal. 7th " John Greatiiead. 8th " William Arter. * Farrier. — Frederick W. Davis. Blacksmith. — Adam M. Fahringer. Musicians. — Joseph Ashlan, John McIlhmnnhy. Saddler. — John Clews. Wa(/oner. — Peter Starr. I Three Yeaiis, or the War. 131 Company A, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry — Continued. PRIVATES. Austin, Edward Anspach, Daniel Anspach, George Angus, William Burns, Anthony Bateman, James Bramley, John Bradley, Edward Beisel, Henry H. Beaver, Jacob Brennan, John Cowlishaw, Joseph Corby, Ralph Cranston, John L. Chadwick, Thomas Chadwick, Benjamin Clarke, Peter Cannon, Martin Canfield, John Carl, John Davidson, Jonathan ' Dodds, Jonathan Dawson, Robert S. Dodds, Matthew Duify, Francis XJ, Dolan, Jolm Duly, Thomas Effort, Samuel Ferguson, John Feindt, Clement Fogarty, Patrick Fagley, Daniel Geigher, William Gottshall, William Gilaspie, James G. Hertzog, Benjamin Himmer, Jacob Hazzard, John T. Heather, John Hartliue, John Heney, William Hammer, Frederick Hetherington, George Herb, Felix Herring, George W\ Jones, Richard Jones, Jacob D. Kitchen, George B. F. Keely, James Kerby, Ralph Kelly, Patrick Koch, Henry Kelly, John T. Kahres, Emanuel Lanigan, Luke A. Leonard, Francis Livesly, Edmund McMuUen, Edward Montgomery, William Maul, Lewis Marks, Isaac Mac, John Mertz, James A. Madden, William Mahoney, James 0. Mulcachny, Patrick Marley, William Paul, Daniel Price, David I. Paul, Emanuel Powers, Thomas Rafferty, Philip Robson, John M, Rahn, George Reese, John W. Roorbaeh, Arthur 0. Snyder, John Snyder, Henry H, Smith, James Segley, John Smith, John Snyder, Emanuel Shuttheiser, Augustus Schrope, Frederick A. Snyder, Peter H. Shutt, Lewis H. Shaw, Joseph C. Tighe, Charles Thomas, William Taggart, John Thompson, John William, Thomas W^inter, Peter Welsh, Charles W^hite, Charles Walker, Daniel D. Wetzel, Augustus H. W^etzel, John H. Welsh, Nicholas Williams, Eli Weigly, Francis Ward, Charles Zimmerman, Robert M. Zimmerman, Joseph B. Zimmerman, Henry B. 132 Three Years, or the War. Company A, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry — Continued. Commissioned Officers, - _ - - 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 14 Mechanics, - -_-__. 3 Musicians, ----___ 2 Wagoner, --..__. j Privates, ---._.. 105 Total, - 128 Dechant, William C.OMPANY C. Lee, George COMPANY. F. l5^ Lieut. — Heber S. Tiiobipson. 2d " Berniiard Reilly. Ist Sergeant. — Geo. F. Stahlin^^ Charles Vandusen. George M. Boyer. James A. Wilson. A. BUMMERSBOCII. CONDY McGuIRE. -John K. Donnehower. George C. Lee. Valentine K. Boyer. George J. Harig. William AYatkins. Samuel Winn. William Jenkins. Joseph R. Fisher. -Joseph Partridge. John Conghlin. Farrier. — William 0. Jones. Blacksmith. — Adam Mager. Saddler. — Joseph Reed. 1*/ Teamster. — Josiah H. Anderson. 2d " David Levan. 8<^ " Jonathan B. Reber. Q. M. 2d " 4th <' 6th " 1st Corporal, 2d 4:th " Qth '' 7 th " 8th *' 1st Bugler. 2d " Berger, Martin Baney, John Beaver, William H. Boyle, James Bowers, Charles Berger, John B. Berger, Abraham Burge, John D. Brennan, Owen Bartolet, William H. ]5]-auclier, Charles L. PRIVATES. Cochran, John Crosby, Thomas Collins, James Crimmens, Timothy Cleary, Michael Clingerman, Charles B. Cunningham, John Carey, Michael Dolan, Thomas Dickenson, John Dennings, Joseph Three Years, or the War. 133 Company F, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry — Continued. Dent, James F. Murphy, Patrick Dunlap, Samael Mo ran. Michael Fotheringill, Richard Miller, John H. Flinn, Patrick Martin, David Fisher, Emanuel Mooney , John Fitzgerald, John Nargot, Jacob Fisk, Richard H. Poff, Amos Fartich, John A. Jr. J Rosser, John Fitzpatrick, Daniel Reed, F rancis Freed, Henry C. Rehrig, Peter Gildes, Michael Reilly, John Hegin, Barney Reber, Gideon Hainz, Henry Spear, John V. Hodge, William Stephens, William J. Haley, Patrick Seiler, Eli Hower, Charles S. Shire, James Horn, Elias Siegfrit d, Daniel House, John Shannon, Samuel S. Jones, Thomas Trump. Samuel Jones, Joseph Vernon , S. J. W. Klinger, William R. Vandyi .e, Abraham King, Daniel Wilson, James Keyser, George Wilson, Thomas Leage, Carl Wood, ' rhomas B. Loeser, Charles F. Wilson, John A. Llewellyn, Llewelly n Weight man, John Lawler, Edward Warfield, J. H. B. Link, Cornelius Wumer Amandus Lambert, George Zehner William Linn, Charles Ward, John Commissioned Officers, - 2 Non-commissioned Officers, - - 14 Musicians, - - - - 2 Mechanics, - - 3 Teamsters, - - 3 Privates, _ - - - 82 Total, . - - 106 COMPANY L. Cluff, John Roley, James Duffy, John Reed, Francis McKnight, — Wright John Parker, Thomas H. COMPANY I. Bowsman, Henry Cramer , Samuel Clark, Peter Fallen, James 134 Three Years, or the War. Company I, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry — Continued. Hummel, Abraham McGovern, John James, Peter ■ Taylor, James Messuer, Michael Watts, William Messuer, Henry COMPANY K. , Hasker, Garret Reiser, George COMPANY E. McGuire, Condy COMPANY D. Kurtz, Martin L. RECAPITULATION. Field and Staff, --...- 5 Commissioned line officers, - - - - - 5 Non-commissioned '' - - - - 28 ^lusicians, --------5 Mechanics, ---.._- 6 Teamsters, -_--_---4 Privates, - - 211 Total, ---_-.- 264 These regiments are the only three year volunteer organiza- tions in which Schuylkill County is represented by more than a single full company. During the Summer and Fall of 1861, how- ever, hundreds of men belonging to Schuylkill enlisted in other Pennsylvania regiments ; in regiments of other States ; in the Navy, and in the regular army. We have with much labor and care, collected the names of these volunteers, and will now give them, commencing with the regiments of our own State, and then proceeding to the regiments of other States; to the regular ser- vice, etc.: THIRD PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. (SIXTIETH REGIMENT, P. V.) COL. W. H. AVERILL. COMPANY L. Captain.— 5. CLAUDE WHITE. \st Lieutenant. — Howard Edmonds. \st Sergeant. — Daniel Jones. Three Years, or the War. 135 Company L, Third Pennsylvania Cavalry — Continued. 2d Sergeant — John Burlee. Zd " S. P. BOYER. 4:th " John Johnson. hth " David Levy. 1st Corporal. --Geo-rge W. Clark. 2c? " John Large. 3c? " William Green. 4//* '« Edward Ferguson. Bih " William Ryan. Qth ♦♦ John F. Gallagher. 7th *' Edward Gr[ffith. Sth ** William A. Noble. Bugler. — Joseph Miller. " Marqueze Erneiquildo. Farrier. — Thomas N. Davis. Blacksmith. — Holden Chester. " Watkins Waters. Teamster. — William Edwards. privates. Austin, Edward Boyer, Samuel K. Bull, Thomas Bickley, Charles Brower, Calvin D. Brennan, John Byle^ John Baker, John Bainbridge, William Burns, Anthony Crauey, John Carney, Michael CoUahan, John Carroll, James Cox, James Challenger, David Cassady, Patrick Dickson, Joseph Duncan, David Donnelly, Michael Donnelly, John Devine, William Edwards, Josejjh J, Flynn, John Fulton, Robert Fox, John Guenther, Frederick Gottschall, Adam Humphrey, John Hiel, William Hummel, Lewis Tohnston, James vent, Daniel Kries, George Klinger, Edward H, Lawler, Martin Lambert, George Lawler, James Morley, Thomas McCabe, Edward McCann, Francis Mowery, John M. McMuUen, Edward Maroney, William Maby, John McCabe, James McAndrew, Edward Mann, Joseph Mealy, John Miller, John H. Moran, Michael J. Mann, William McKniglit, Lawrence Norton, William O'Meally, William O'Neil, Patrick Ochner, Christian Porter, John Price, Thomas H. Patton, Joseph Ryan, John Roaney, John Reily, Thomas Reese, David Reiley, John Reily, James 1-36 Three Years, or the War. Company L, Third Pennsylvania Cavalry — Continued. Roberts, Reese W. ■ Welsh, James H. Slirop, Frederick Wilson, Andrew H. Stonehouse, John Wyatt, George Smith, John . Williams, William Sterling, John ' Wright, Calv.in D. Shindler, Calvin Waterhouse, William Shutt, George W. Wilson, George Stromier, Charles Wiehry, Daniel Storm, Augustus York, James Thompson, Ephraim Zimmerman, — U'mbenhower, Francis Commissioned Officers, - . _ . 2 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 13 Musicians, - - -- - - - 2 Mechanics, .---__. 3 Teamster, -.--"_-_ 1 Privates, - 87 Total, — - - 108 SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT P. V. COLONEL JOHN F. STANTON. C iM P A N Y K . Ist Lieutenant. — Theo. F. Patterson. 2c? '* William Heffner. 1st Sergeant. — Edward Nagle. 2d Jno. J. Christian. Zd Franklin A. Shoener 4:th *' Francis Hause. 1st Corporal. — George Rice. 2d Martin Hutchinson. Zd John Martz, Ath " Samuel B. McQuade. bill '' Benjamin F. Barlet. 6^/i Daniel H. Christian. 1th " Charles Ewing. Drummer. — John Y. Wren .Jr., Buyler. — Henry ]\1yers. Wagoner. — Daniel Keeler. privates. Albertson, George Braden, Nathan Bauman, Jr., John Bauman, Sr., John Christian, Benjamin Davis, Benjamin B. Deihm, S. Francis Dimmerling, Peter Dalius, D. D. Dunklebergcr, Charles Ewing, William D. Fatzinger, Eli Faust, William Garrett, Charles F. Three Years, or the War. 137 Company K, Sixty Seventh Regiment — Continued. Goyer, John Roehrig, James Hause, Edward Schmidola, William Kemery, Daniel Slioebe, Daniel Langton, Martin Shrively, Daniel Lutz, Jacob. Schoener, Samuel Lewis, Edgar P. Schoener, James Lawlews, John Sands, Theodore Lowthert, William Snyder, George McGurl, John Titus, Edgar R. Moore, Aaron Trout, Jeremiah Myers, Thomas T. Windland, Abraham O'Rorick, James Witterman, John M. l»onter, Henry S. Wilman, John M. Richardson, John Commissioned Officers, 2 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 11 Musicians, _._---- 2 Wagoner, __----- l Privates, _.__.-_ 41 Total, - 5f) Welsh, William Higgins, John COMPANY A. Collins, Hugh Johnson, William COMPANY H. Glass. Jacob L. SEVENTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY — Captain.— W'TLLWlSl THOMPSON. Ist Lieutenant. — Baird Snyder. 2d '• William J. Allen. 1st Sergeant. — George W. Garrett. Quar. " Jacob A. Schlasemax. Com. " Charles Simmer.. 2d " Thomas Hoch. Zd " Bernard Eisenhuth. 4^/t " William H. H. Brown. hth " John Smith. Qth " John C. West, Ist Corpora/.— Joseph H. Weaver. 2c? " George S. Herring. 3c? " Charles Davis. Afk " Benneville M. Harris. 12 138 Three Years, or the War. Company — , Seventeenth Penna. Cavalry — Continued. bth Corporal- Kith - lih " Sth -Franklin Rhodes. Ebermard Gkssler. JosEPir H. Beadle. William Douty. Teamster. — Radiant Riffert. " Emanuel H, Boljch. Blacksmith. — John Martz. •' Levi Werntz, Saddler. — Philip Artz. Wagoner. — Jacob E. Fertig. privates. Bradley, Hugh Brobst, Joseph M. Blaber, .Samuel E. Banker, Jonas IJankev, Lewis Banker, George W. Bitler, Joseph Bleckinger, Francis Baker, Jacob Blue, Lsaac IL Clauser, John P. Doutal, George Doherty, John Dengler, Henry F. Oerr, Daniel Derr, Eli as Eyster, Charles M. Furhman, Lewis Finley, James Fetcrolf, Peter Gross, William G anker, Benneville (ioldrnan, Oliver Hoy, Daniel Herbert, Thomas Haley, Martin Heiser, Jacob B. Hoffa, John K. Haley, Thomas Koppenhaffer, Thomas L Kloch, Benjamin F. Koons, Joel Kobel, Isaac Kramer, Zachariah Kriger. Daniel D. Linden iijuth, Joseph Ludwig, John Luckncr, Pliilip Langdon, Lewis M. Commissioned Oificers, Non-commigsioned Officers, Michael, Levi AHller, Samuel G. McDonald, Daniel Maury, Solomon ""■Marwine, Charles G. Matthews, Charles G. Mulligan, John Markle, William McMuUin, Daniel Moyer, Emanuel Michael, William Nungesser, George Nungesser, Benjamin Norris, John G. Obenhouser, Solomon S. Procter, Charles Ryan, John J. Rubright, Aaron S. Reed, Elias E. Rupert, William L Rumbel, Daniel A. Schrope, Franklin B. Schorer. Michael Snyder, John M. Sell, Isaac Simmer, Joseph St. Clair, James P. Strausser, Daniel Troy, Charles B. Troy, Philip White, Thomas Werner, -Jacob WiHiams, William R,. Weiss, Jonas Yorgey, Hirajn Yarnall, Isaac IT. Yarnall, Samuel Zimmerman, Jacob Zimmerman, AVilliam B. - 10 Three Years, or the War. 139 Company — , Seventeenth Penna. Cavalry — Continued. Teamsters, .--_--- 2 Blacksmiths, '^ Saddler, -------- 3 Wagoner, _.------] Privates, 78 Total, -------- 9:J TWENTY-THIRD REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL F. 11. NEILL. Dewald, Reuben Jenkins, Benjamin (Co. ID JJoru, Abraham Griffith, John H. TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL WM. F. SMALL. Goldsmith, James (Co. F.) Shane, Christian (Co. D.) TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL A. BUSITBACIL Gallagher, .);!jnes (Co. A.) TWENTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL GABRIEL De KORPONAY. COMPANY A. Silliman, Jr., Lieut. James - Shirey, James Sitter. Daniel Hoffman, Gustavus Cunningham, Thomas Morgan, John McKeeheney, Corporal Alex. Barnett. Charles Moycr, William Brennan. Richard Glase. Sidney Killrain, John COMPANY D. Bailey, Edward Arnold, .Jacob Agnew, Francis COMPANY E. Young. Thomas Eveland, Edward 11. Mosser, Gideon Weston, Herbert Mosser, Aaron COMPANY H. Horn, William 140 Three Years, or the War. COMPANY K. McGurl, Tixomas Schreffler, William J. COMPANY N. Schwenk, Daniel Bobst, Jacob Trout, Maberry Goulden, Philip Dolan, Brian COMPANY . Hughes, James COMPANY P. Ilart., Thomas Lavcnberg, Sergeant John Leffler, William TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL JOHN K. MURPHY. Haas, Andrew (Co, H.) Marley, John Hallahan, Patrick [ HIRTIETH REGIMENT, P. Y. (1st Reserves.) COLONEL R. BIDDLE ROBERTS. Marten, Thomas THIRTYFIRST REGIMENT, P. Y. (2d Reserves.) COLONEL WILLLAM McCANDLESS. Wetherill, Major John M. Coleman, Surgeon A. G. COMPANY A. Higgins, William Stapleton, Corporal James Locket, George COMPANY C . Shoots, Peter Fitzsimmons, Patrick Whitegall, Frederick Campbell, John Heilraan, Philip Foster, Mark Boyle, John COMPANY G. Mattson, Sergeant David B. Conway, William COMPANY H. DoUard, Patrick COMPANY I. Foster, Color Corporal Thomas J. Three Years, or the War. 141 THIRTY-SECOND REGT., P. V. (3d Reserves.) COLONEL H. Ct. SICKLES. Stallecker, John Donnelly, Michael Kerschner, Lewis Edwards, William Carl, James Hadesty — COMPANY F. Moll, Lieutenant Edward K. Boyer, William Gilbert, Adam Thomas, Edward Yost, Heury COMPANY L. Chester, Holden THIRTY:THIRD REGT., P. V. (4th Reserves.) COLONEL A. L. MAGILTON. COMPANY A. Stahler, David THIRTY-FOURTH REGT., P. V. (5th Reserves.) COLONEL S. G. SIMMONS. Porter. Corporal James Canfield, Patrick Doherty, Corpoi\al Daniel Creeswell, Thomas Carr, George Foley, Edward Troy, Robert Hagerty, Robert Davis, Francis Mullen, Michael Sullivan, Marty Paxon, John COMPANY A . Dry, Benjamin COMPANY B. Johnson, John H. (hospital steward.) COMPANY F. Jenkins, James THIRTY-FIFTH REGT., P. V. (6th Reserves.) COLONEL WILLIAM SINCLAIR. COMPANY A . Parmenter, William A. Canfield, Michael Slater, Henry P. Kurtz, Emanuel 12* 142 Three Years, or the "War. COMPANY B. Sauce, Richard Finny, Patrick Boran, Thomas McAllister, James Dasey, Martin COMPANY C. ('oiler, Charles Bonewitz, Lieutenant Jacob Johns, Henry THIRTY-SIXTH REGT., P. V. (7th Reserves.) Harris, Henry Paul Emanuel Beddinger, DaviiJ Gottshall Samuel Heffner, Henry Caughlin, John Van Burenbiko. Huntzinger, Robert COMPANY C. Curry, Thomas COMPANY G. Williams, William - COMPANY H. Breish, Anron Murray, James P> Casey, William Mackey, Robert Dunn, Daniel (Fifer) O'Donnell, John Delany, Jeremia'i Williams, Sergeant Wm. J. Miller, John J M P A N Y I . Booiicy, John Barr, Henry Soliday, Cyrus Miller, Charles Keasey, William C M P A NY L . Huntzinger, lloherf, iVI, Huntzinger, John J. THIRTY-SEVENTH REGT., P. V. (8th Reserves.) COLONEL GEORGE S.. HAYES. Fields, Dennis f Drum -major) Powers, Thomas THIRTY-EIGHTH REGT., P. V. (9th Reserves.) COLONEL C. F. JACKSON. Delanej, John Middleton, Longstaff COMPANY B . Griffith, Sergeant Thomas D. C M P A N Y H . Shields, Michael COMPANY K . Flynn, Thomas Three Years, or the War. 143 THIRTY-NINTH REGT., P. V. (10th Reserves.) COLONEL JAMES T. KIRK. Schwepf, George COMPANY H. Bretz, George FORTIETH REGT., P. V. (llth Reserves.) COLONEL T. F. GALLAGHER. Koch, John Ernst, Christian Matteer, William McCue, Michael Drawble, .John (musician) COMPANY D. Keyser, C. W. Bitner, John Dinfeinger, H. Bitner, William COMPANY a. Wentz, Ferdinand COMPANY H . Overy, William Mosser, Joseph Haldeman, C. Williams, Isaac Moyer, Lewis Poke, Josiah Ray, William Kistler Daniel Foulk, Charles J. Detrich, Josiah Herring, Joseph Krum, Noah Conigham, Terrence Neyer, Moses Chester, Holdeu Martin, Monroe P. Canning, John Adams, David Delay, John Rex, Aaron FORTY-FIRST REGT., P. V. (12th Reserves.) COLONEL J. H. TAGGART. COMPANY D. Pike, Martin FORTY-SECOND REGT., P. V. (13th Reserves.) COLONEL HUGH McNEIL. Williams, David FORTY-THIRD REGT., P. V. (1st Artillery.) COLONEL R. M. WEST. Matthews, Captain E. W. Gray, Michael Bradley, Sergeant Patrick McCabe, John Robinson, Corporal Thomas Uhler, Ephriam Boyle, James Bridegam, Frank 144 Theee Years, or the War. C M P A N Y A . Barr, Henry COMPANY C . Uhler, Ephraim Uinbenliaur, William COMPANY F. MooT'e, Corporal L. E. C. COMPANY H. Walker, Joseph S. COMPANY L. Wilson, George FORTY-FOURTH REGT., P. V. (1st Cavalry.) COLONEL OWEN JONES. Norton, Thomas — COMPANY a. Adams, George COMPANY K. Horn, Thomas COMPANY M. Poll, Sergeant Jackson Allison, James Smith, Sergeant James FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL JOSEPH F. KNIPE. COMPANY K. McCoUough, Gaven Curren, Nicholas Douevan, Patrick Brosius, William Neischwender, Cornelius Brosius, George Mullin, Patrick Snyder, Augustus FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL THOMAS H. GOOD. Kilmer, George Burnshire, Michael COMPANY C . epler, George K. Lefend, Henry FORTY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL WILLIAM H. IIIWIN. Strausser, Sergeant Jacob Three Years, or the War. 145 FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL JOHN II. DODGE. Cummings, Wesley Niese, Henry C. Fairfield, Jolin Donevan, James Reed, Joseph Butts, Abraham O'Harra, Charles Jeremiah, David Brennan, John Dale, Joseph Collahan, Edward W. COMPANY D. Shivelhood, Joseph Davis, James Thomas, Thomas COMPANY I. Smith, Captain Beaton Hughes, Lieutenant Wra, H "Williams, Samuel Jones, Sergeant B. F. Sowers, Erastus Giles, Lawrence Lucas, Charles Welter, Gerhard Sowers, Ralph Senef, Albert Jones, William COMPANY K . Jones, Jr., Captain .Tohn Ryan, Edward Hennessy, Lieutenant John J. Carman, James Henegan, Michael FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL JOHN R. BROOKE. May, Henry COMPANY A . Lichtenhorn, C. F. COMPANY E. McLaughlin, Patrick McGallas, Daniel FIFTY^SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL S. A. MEREDITH. COMPANY C . Haley, Michael COMPANY D . Delaney, John COMPANY E. Adams, Dennis Row, Thomas COMPANY K. Mitchell, Captain David Hetherington, James A, Rossiter, Asst. Quar. Preston Cortier, Philip Kane, Sergeant Robert B. Stevenson, William Rose, Corporal George W. Allison, George Barnum, Corporal William Curreu, Nicholas Dickerson, Francis Smith, Harrison Jones, Isaac B. 146 Three Years, or the War. FIFTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLOxNEL CHARLES T. CAMPBELL. COMPANY A . Weir, Christian Stack, Jolm C M P A N Y F . Mareiue, Edward FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL J. RICHTEll JONES. COMPANY C . Holton, James Owens. James COMPANY I . Cobley, Corporal Bennett FIFTY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. V. (2d Cavalry.) COLONEL R. BUTLER TRICE. COMPANY A. Moore, Tboivuis SIXTY-FIRST REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL G. C. SPEAR. C M P A N Y CI . Seiler, Augustus COMPANY I . Eaust, Augustus SIXTY-SECOND REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL J. B. SWITZER. COMPANY I. Sliurey, Henry SIXTY-THIRD REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL ALEXANDER HAYS. Cameron, John Three Years, or the War. 147 SIXTY-FOURTH REGT., P. V. (4th Cavalry.) COLONEL J. IL CIIiLDS. C M P A x\ Y a. I'rcnnan, John SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, P. V. (5th Cavalry.) COLONEL DAVID CAMPBELL. Cowley, Corporal William Helms, Peter D. (bugler.) Rohrback, .John Reudcd, Daniel Mulgrave, James Immendorf, Jacob Barras, John Downs, Thomas Edwards, Joseph Baily, John llufman, David B. Harman, George Bo wen, V/illiam McGrew, Joseph Dr^-der, Wetlierill Halkyard, Adam, Wilson, Josepli McEhvain, Hazlctt Lindenmuth, William Williams, Charles Dress, Henry Riland, Richard R. A. Sliuev, Jacob c. Madara Charles G ^I P A N Y Rockhara, Michael Grosh, Peter C i>I P A N Y Yocum, Lieut. Seth H. Clayton, Sergeant Henry M. COMPANY a. Carl, William :Marley, Thoma* Drumm, Hugh COMPANY H. Nuttle, Oliver, Hartman, .John Derkin, John Hough, hSilas C. Winn, Thomas COMPANY I . Clayton, Byron G. Eberle, David COMPANY K . Martin, Patrick W^eaver, CJiarles ("ummings, Thomas Hauser, ITci'man Weaver, Louis SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL J. PATRICK. COMPANY G. Dolan, Owen 148 Three Years, or the War. SIXTY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. V, COLONEL JOHN T. OWEN. Ryan, Sergeant John Spatzer, Emanuel Brown, Edward Livingston, Hugh Reilly, Martin COMPANY A. Cole, James McCoy, Daniel Maley, John Stonefield, Henry COMPANY H. Donahoe, James Bradley, John COMPANY K. Flyu, Michael Mulhall, John SEVENTIETH REGIMENT, P. V. (6th Cavalry.) colonel r. h. rush. Pepper, Michael Davis, Joseph Field, Henry C M P A N Y A. Brennan, James Griffith, Thomas Sanders, Daniel COMPANY B. Christian, Daniel Auld, Corporal David Lanigan, Michael Bowman, William Sauerbrey, John COMPANY C. HoflFman, Daniel Walker, John Callahan, Thomas COMPANY E. Menear, John Stein, Christian Richardson, John COMPANY F. Davis, Evan Christ, Jacob COMPANY a. Wright, Henry Roads, John E. Heckler, Henry COMPANY H. Boardy, Albert Loy, ^Yilliam Helms, Hiram Moyer, George Knarr, George SEVENTY-FIRST REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL ISAAC G. WISTAR. Miller, Reuben Three Years, or the War. 149 SEVENTY-SECOND REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL D. W. C. BAXTER. COMPANY E. Raudcnbush, Charles Place, William COMPANY H. Wythes, Joseph H. SEVENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL FRANCIS MAULER. Billeau, Barnabas Whitesnecker, Charles Lorenz, Long Heck, John W. Hartman, John Litmyer, Barnabas Shoey, Jacob Stang, Henry White, David Roehrig, Christian Wondrous, George Sigler, Lewis COMPANY A. Buchler, John Beighler, Joseph COMPANY D. Pauley, Sergeant Jacob Laubach, Matthias Yost, Jacob Oarther, Charles Veil, Nicholas Cloan, James Mohan, Phillip Weigenecker, — COMPANY E. Horning, Gottleib Guenther, Corporal Jacob Hartman, John Guenther, John C O M P A NY F . Goodman, Charles Brushower, George Navel, .Joseph C M P A NY a. Vance, Corporal Frederick Kafer, Matthias COMPANY I. Bush, .Jacob SEVENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL DANIEL H. WALLACE. Kremer, Jeremiah Knittle, Joseph Kremer, Francis Guyer, John COMPANY D. Nolen, John Burger, Jacob Kantner, William COMPANY E. Benseman, Charles COMPANY I. Adams, Patrick Umbenhaucr, William Umbenhauer, Frank Doonen, Francis 13 150 Three Years, or the War. COMPANY Brumm, Lieut. Charles N. Moorehead, Sergt William S. • Hughes, Sergeant James N. Malick, Corporal Adam Falls, Corporal Zachariah Evans, Corporal Joseph Esterheld, Emanuel Moser, Franklin Mourer, William P. Brown, John Robertson, Joseph Malick, Charles Davis, James K. Haas, George Davis, Robert Henich, Henry De Haven, Horace Mull, Henry Jenkins, David Davis, Isaac Deiter, Peter Shirey, Daniel Hurley, William Boyle, Michael Conell, Thomas Reed, Thomas SEVENTY-SEVENTH EEGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL F. S. STERBAUGH. Gallagher, Patrick J. COMPANY G. Thomas, John SEVENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL H. A. HAMBRIGHT. COMPANY A. Tucker, Augustus EIGHTY-FIRST REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL CHARLES F. JOHNSON Brennan, William Dunn, Daniel 0' Brian, Michael Halfpenny, James Casey, William COMPANY B. Glenroy, James COMPANY C. Morrison, Charles COMPANY H . Delay, Corporal Jeremiah Burns, James Fisher, Owen Breish, Aaron Zimmerman, Emanuel Guldin, Patrick Rogers, Andrew Morton, Lieutenant Thomae Mackecbney, William COMPANY I. SchrefRer, William COMPANY K. Kennan, Isaac Dolan, Peter Kelly, Barney Rogers, Andrew Ratcliife, John Evans, Jenkins Williams, AY. O'Donnell, John Thomas, William Mackey, Ptobert King, James Ratcliffc, John Three Years, or the War. 151 EIGHTY-SECOND REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL D. IL WILLIAMS. Morgan, Thomas T. EIGHTY-THIRD REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL STRONG VINCENT. Movt, Adam Thompson, Dr. EIGHTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL SAMUEL B. BOWMAN. Bulles, William Burns, Patrick Taubert, Washington COMPANY B. Pinkerton, Joseph A. Downey, Eugene COMPANY D. Snedden, Corporal John COMPANY H. Garrigerm, John Rehr, George EIGHTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, P. V. colonel GEORGE P. McLEAN. COMPANY A . Beaumont, William Beaumont, John Beaumont, George Howard David COMPANY B. Eppinger, John Kram, Jacob S. C J^I P A N Y C . Pugh, William EIGHTY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. Y. (8th Cavalry ,> colonel d. m. grigg. Payne, Corporal John J. Davis, David McGirl, Thomas Nunemacher, Joseph Walsh, James Walsh, John Pavne, Robert C. C M P A N Y G . Gibson, George Thomas, Benjamin Callaway, William COMPANY K. Burton, George W. Goershel, Adolpk Richards, Thomas COMPANY M . Eltringham, Mark Luch, Isadora Meyer, James M. SlcCann, Andrew 152 Three Years, or the "War. NINETIETH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL PETER LYLE. Williams, Joseph Moore, James White, Thomas Money, Patrick Smith, Robert S. Donellanson, John Robinson, Samuel Spades, Hiram Geran, James Spades, Henry Hessin, John Dugan, Charles Calavour, Philip Gill, Charles McGrath, James Roberts, Theodore Tomkins, William Brady, Michael Bricher, Jacob L. Donahoe, Robert COMPANY B. Major, Sergeant Charles A. C IM P A N Y H . Crosland, Lewis C. NINETY-SECOND REGT., P. V. (9tli Cavahy.) COLONEL E. C. WILLIAMS. Schrope, Frederick Williams, Thomas Evans, John McGill, James COMPANY A. Griffiths, Lieutenant Thomas D, COMPANY I . Morris, Richard COMPANY K. Garner, Sergeant Frank Jones, John G. Carmitchel, Daniel Kerrigan, Patrick Carmitchel, John Tobin, Thomas B. Moi'gan, Lemuel NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT, P. V. COLONEL J. M. McCARTER. COMPANY A. Bowman, H. Clay Knapp, Cyrus Conrad, Henry Knapp, Nelson COMPANY B. Fox, Jacob Heck, Abraham Riland, William H. Lehr, Abraham COMPANY C. Southam, Corporal John Southam, Joseph Moyer, James COMPANY D. Barr, Jacob COMPANY F . Luckinbill, Charles Oswald, Jacob Keller, Jeremiah Three Years, or the War. 153 COMPANY a. Goodman, Lawrence Wetzel, Jr., William McQuade, Francis ' Vogt, William W^etzel, Sr., William Briglit, Sergeant William V> . NINETY-FIFTH REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL GUSTAVUS W. TOWN. Campbell, Peter Umbouhower, Joliu Sands, David NINETYSEYENTH REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL H. K. GUSS. COMPANY D. McCanly, Corporal William NINETY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL JOHN F. BALLIER. Seddinger, H. K. (hospital steward.) COMPANY A. Jacobs, George Deitrich, Levi Smith, Feter Earny, Joseph COMPANY B. Zimmerman, Henry Frank, Lewis C ?»1 P A N Y C . Pvindergnecht, Jacob C ]M P A N Y D . Koehler, William Ediuer, Joseph COMPANY E. Wasser, Jacob Strohm, Frederick COMPANY H. Marquett, George Weiss, Henry COMPANY K. Kramer, John Bloom, John Stahley, William Headerly, Frederick Hetterling, Frederick NINETY-NINTH REGIMENT, P. Y. COLONEL ASHER S. LEIDY. :^[aloy, Michael Keim, John Maloy, Stephen Kerns, John Durrah, James Sullivan, John Williams, Henry Hammell, John C iM P A N Y C . Lewis, John Williams, William R. Tomkinson, Peter Hughes, Morgan Whitmire, Charles Beadle, John Thomas, Robert Russell, Thomas Mullhall, James Russell, William Samuel 13* 154 Three Years, or the "War. COMPANY D. Hummel, Jolm JNIcKernan, John Rice, James C M P A xN Y F . Murphy, Andrew Schweider, John Toohey, James C M P A N Y K . Foley, Patrick Feannery, James Stcelfax, Samuel ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT, P. V. COLONP]L D. LEASURE. Palm, Dr. ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST REGIMENT, P. Y. colonel D. r>. MORRIS Winkler, Jenkins Blunt, Joseph COMPANY I_. Brown, Lieut. George L, Tomkinson, Joseph Perry, Sergeant Jolm Beiter, Jacob Strauser. Joel Went, Jacob Fritz, John Wingenfield, Adam Berkman, Henry Weiss, Jacob ^lorris, Richard ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL W. W. H. DAVIS. Kennedy. Jonathan COMPANY H. Nuncmacher, Moses IMiller, Benjamin ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL WAKE FlKLl) W. (M)RBUT. f Anspach, Daniel Kline. Edmund C M P A N Y C . Dunster, Sergeant Isaac A. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL F. G. MOORHEAD. Jones, George U. (luusician.) C M P A NY D . Jones, Lieutenant William M. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL THOMAS F. McCOY. Dinger, Nathan KraflFert Sau^uel Zeigler, John Kyau, John Hetherington, James B. JiVkens, Isaac V Sullivan, John Three Years, or the War. 155 (j M P A N Y A . Cochlin, James Ziegler, John COMPANY B. Work, John M. Weber, John Mander, George Moore, Capt. James A. COMPANY C. Scheck, Christian COMPANY D. Ponehugh, John Kelly, Patrick Sullivan, Thomas Brennan, Thomas McCarty, Jeremiah Sullivan, Thomas Keilly, Edward Mannriller, Harrison Wm. COMPANY a. Hershman, Folletin Lehr, John Heilner, Francis Reed, David Hoyer, Benneville Scheck, Frederick Miller, Reuben Sterner, William Miller, Wendel Snyder, Nicholas Carl, Moses Nagle, George Dietrich, Ellis Clouser, Philip Huber, George Chance, Lieutenant Hiram Heckler, Henry Kegey, Henry Hoy, Henry Fox, John Lehman, Samuel ONE HUNDRED AND NINTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL H. J. STAINROOK. Purcell, James Mentzel Edward COMPANY F . Bowen. John Williams, Evan McGill, James - Humphrey, Sergt. Jonathan Powell, John Edwards, John Ridley, George COMPANY K. Stewart, George ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL WILLIAM D. LEWIS, Jr. Palm, Asst. Surgeon P. 11. Wiggan, Thomas COMPANY a. Blunt, Joseph ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH REGT., P. V. (2d Artillery ; COLONEL A. A GIBSON. BATTERY B. Eichly, Adam 156 Three Years, or the "War. B A T T E 11 Y G . Downing, E. Butler Pott, Dick Wren, John Y. BATTERY I. Heisler, Augustus Mover, Miltou Beek, Wells ONE HUNDRED & THIRTEENTH REGT., P. V. (12th Cavalry.) COLONEL L. B. PRINCE. Morgan, John C. Henric, Adjutant G. AY. COMPANY I. Frederick, Reuben ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL ROBERT E. PATTERSON Welden, Crist opher Oxrider, John W. Welden, William Casey, Robert Ferno^Y, John F. McCabe, Alexander COMPANY A. Boyd, .Tames Partington, William Collins, John COMPANY B. McCarn, Sergeant Barney Coningham, M. Rearden, Michael ONE HUNDRED & SIXTEENTH REGT., P. V. COLONEL DENNIS HEENxVN. McCave, Alexander O'Brien, Edward ONE HUNDRED & SEVENTEENTH REGT., P. V. (13th Cavalry.) COLONEL JAMES GALLAGHER. COMPANY A . Kleckner, Corporal Isaac Zimmerman, Joseph Iluth,, George Landig, John Leiser, Lewis Andrews, William Zimmerman, Jacob Thomas^, Benjamin F Gilbert, George COMPANY B. O'Shea, Sergeant Edward 0"Shea, J. L. A. Ilaldeman, Levi Hetfner, William Welsh, Daniel Thomson, James Rumble, John H. Dutiy, John Calloway, William Three Years, or the War. 15T Hendricks, John Miller, John Lutz, Joshua H. COMPANY D. Billig, Jonathan Lewis, Morgan COMPANY Bickleman, Fritz Spaats, Joseph Rooney, Christopher Herbert, Thomas E. Lovett, Thomas Kane, James Paul, Charles COMPANY F Henry, Gottlieb Shire, Thomas Falls, William H. Cunious, John Miller, Daniel Mackechney, Corporal Robert Klinger, Louis Smith, Godfrey Managan, Jeremiah Mullen, James Rhoads, Matthias Brienig, Daniel Murry, Joseph Faust, Charles Lutz, John Richards, George COMPANY Murphy, William Craft, George Murry, James Costello, James German, Richard Luck, Isadoah Phillips, John P. Fox, Philip Lutz, S. H. Lutz, J. D. H. Kroll, Jacob Salmon, James Glassmeyer, A. H. Smith, Edward F. ONE HUNDRED & EIGHTEENTH REGT , P. Y (Philadelphia Corn Exchange.) COLONEL CHARLES M. PROVOST. Simpson, William Beard, Samuel T. Frantz, Adam Maingay, Robert A. CO MPAN Y I. Seiders, Joseph L. ONE HUNDRED & NINETEENTH REGT., P. Y. COLONEL PETER C. ELLMAKER COMPAN.Y A. Delong, Adam ONE HUNDRED & FIFTY-SECOND REGT., P. Y. (3rd Artillery.) COLONEL ANGOBARTH. BATTERY F. Porter, Lieutenant Joseph N. Flaherty, Anthony Darby, Maxwell Hogan, Patrick 158 Three Years, or the AVar. ANDERSON (15th PENNA.) CAVALRY. COLONEL W. J. PALMER. This body was originally organized as a single company, to act as a body-guard for Gen. (the Fort Sumter Major) Anderson, when he was ordered to take charge of the Department of Ken- tucky. It numbered a hundred young Pennsylvanians, selected for their intelligence and moral worth. In this Company were the following named young men from SchuPj'lkill County : Jones, Cliarles Henry Kram, Wellington J. Jones, Ivens R. The Company after rendering excellent service in the West, was increased to a battalion, and finally to a regiment, with Captain Palmer as Colonel. The following named young men enlisted in it from this County : Guldin, John Beak, Charles E. Holmes, David E. Beck, Theodore F, Morris, Robert C. ' Morgan, Henry W. » Halberstadt, Alfred M. Kear, Richard C. Moore, Horace A. Bannan, John N. Fame, Edward Rahn, Oscar Gable, William Bratton, Charles W. Jones, Thomas A. Lefler, Frank Henderson, James JOHN WEIDMAN'S CAVALRY COMPANY Mease, Isaac Lehrer, Abraham FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA ARTILLERY. C M P A NY E . Sullivan, Patrick Hughes, Sergeant John C. FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA ARTILLERY Pugh, Henry Whalen, James Hughes, John Harris, Henry Rice, James , Davis, William COMPANY A. Harrison, Henry SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA ARTILLERY. Rowe, Robert McC ALL'S BRIGADE FLYING ARTILLERY. Umbenhower, William Three Years, or the War. 159 INDEPENDENT CO. OF ENGINEERS, P. V. Fyant, Lieut, Joseph HARRIS' PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. Ferguson, Stephen Lawler, James Lawlev, Martin COMPANY E. Christopher, Michael IN PHILx\.DELPHIA REGIMENTS, (numbers and companies not ascertained.) Bradley, William Boggs, William Cosgrove, James McDonald, Alexander Fisher, James Johnson, Patrick '' SCOTT LEGION." COMPANY A . Brennan, Patrick GEN. NEGLEY'S BODY-GUARD. CAPTAIN VAN CLE^V. Edmonds, Thomas "ANDERSON ZOUAVES." COMPANY A. Delay, John SIGNAL CORPS. Patterson, Lieut. Theodore F. Garrett, Charles Curry, John Hodgson, Francis M. GEN. THORP'S STAFF. Whitfield, Lieut. Albert G. GEN. JOHNSON'S GUARD. Ferguson, Stephen j "McLEAN GUARDS, CHIPPEWA REGIMENT." ' Morton. Thomas 160 Three Years, or the War. IN EEGIMENTS OF OTHER STATES. FIRST NEW JERSEY REGIMENT. Haley, Thomas SIXTH NEW JERSEY HEGIMENT. McCormick, James COMPANY E. Lavebrecli, Archibald FOURTEENTH NEW JERSEY REGIMENT, C M P A N Y B . Dengler, Johnlsr. IN A NEW JERSEY REGIMENT, (number not ascertained.) Maley, John FIRST NEW YORK CAVALRY. Nunemacher, Joseph THIRD NEW YORK CAVALRY. Reilly, Thomas SEVENTH NEW YORK REGIMENT. Smith, Joseph TENTH NEW YORK REGIMENT. Gordon, David THIRTY-THIRD NEW YORK REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Coates, Robert rniRTY-SIXTH NEW YORK REGIMENT. C M P A N Y H . Kane, Patrick FORTIETH NEW YORK REGIMENT. COMPANY G. Burns, William (lost left arm in battle.) Three Years, or the War. 161 FORTY-EIGHTH NEW YORK REGIMENT. Duffy, Owen FIFTY-SEYENTII NEW YORK REGIMENT. Jones, William Jones, Evan SIXTY-^NINTH NEW YORK REGIMENT. Riley, Jolm Fealty, Patrick ONE HUNDRED & FOURTH N. YORK REGT. C M P xi N Y I . McWilliams, Jolm NEW YORK EXCELSIOR REGIMENT. Ilartz, Adjutant Wilson sickles's'brigade. Spatz, Frank IN NEW YORK REGIMENTS, (Numbers ami Companies not ascertained.} Dolan, Terrence Burns, Michael Haffy, Condy • Kershner, Lewis TWENTIETH MAINE REGIMENT. Davis, Henry FIFTEENTH MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Amthower, Conrad EIGHTH VIRGINIA REGIMENT. Loeser, Colonel Lucien FIFTH OHIO CAVALRY. Nierman, Charles NINTH OHIO REGIMENT. COLONEL McCOOK. Brandner, A. G. TENTH OHIO REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Olaspire, William McGlinchey, James 14 162 Three Years, or the War. SIXTEENTH OHIO REGIMENT. COLONEL De COURCEY. COM PANY E. De Silva, Lieut. Manuel B. EIGHTEENTH OHIO REGIMENT. C jM P A N Y E . Leib, Valentine H. TWELFTH INDIANA REGIMENT. Kocli, William J. TWENTIETH INDIANA REGIMENT. Long, James D. TWENTY-THIRD INDIANA REGIMENT. Nunemaclicr, George THIRTY-THIRD INDIANA REGIMENT. Houseman, Charles THIRTY-NINTH INDIANA REGIMENT. Koch, Francis FIFTY-EIGHTH INDIANA REGIMENT. COMPANY H . Goo<.I, Sei'geant 'Uriah Jones, Zaccarias EIGHTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. Deibert, Jacob FIFTEENTH ILLINOIS REGIMENT. COMPANY H. Small, Rudolph EIGHTY-FOURTH INDIANA REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Taylor, Charles N. | IN INDIANA REGIMENTS, (Numbers not ascertained.) . Greenawalt, Aaron Medlar, Charles Loni?, James Three Years, or the War. 163 NINETEENTH ILLINOIS REGIMENT. COLONEL G. T. TURCIIIN. C O i^I P A N Y K . Campbell, George P, FIFTY-FIFTH ILLINOIS REGIMENT. Casey, Corporal John IN ILLINOIS REGIMENTS, (Numbers not ascertained.) Saylor, ^lorgan F. Steele, William SECOND IOWA REGIMENT. Rausli, Thomas FIFTH IOWA REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Godling, William NINTH IOWA REGIMENT. COLONEL Yv'M. VANDEEVER. COMPANY E. Bovrman, Dr. J. . EIGHTH MICHIGAN REGIMENT. Scliissler, William FIFTH WISCONSIN REGIMENT. G ^1 1* A N Y D . Evans. Allen Foster, .Tosej)h Evans, John Foster, Yvllliam SIXTEENTH WISCONSIN REGIMENT. COMPANY C. Evans, William Britt, Jacob FIFTEENTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT. COMPANY G. PkUpp, Joseph TWENTY-FOURTH KENTUCKY REGIMENT. COLONEL GRISBY. COMPANY I. De SilTa, Sergeant Benjamin Pott 1^4 Three Years, or the War. THIRTY-SECOND TENNESSEE REGIMENT. Devine, James TWENTY-FIFTH MISSOURI REGIMENT, COMPANY II. Weller, Sergeant Joiin- SECOND CALIFORNIA CAVALRY. Werner, William Henr}^ Harrison I^^ THE EEGULAR SERVICE. THE A. R ]SJ: 1l" T FIFTH ARTILLERY. Andrew?. I>enj. Franklin Bojle, Edward Boyle, Robert Buggy, Patricdc Munliall. John Xowrie. Robert Powell, John Jones Wlialen, James VVillioms, Daniel Richard Williams, Corporal John Tanfield, Patrick (J'onner, John Donehue, John (friftith, Tliomas iiarris, Henry llaggeriy, Robert Morn, Abraham Higgius, Thomas P. Jenkins, James Jones, David Keller, Charles A. McCJee, Edward Nixon, William Na>Ylan, John NicoUs, John O'Neal, Francis Fugh. Henry COMPANY Henry, John Condron, James Cull, Edward Eyans, James Edwards, William Fury, Charles Hcllsliaw. Creorcre Kelly, John D. McLauglilin, Sergt. Jame* Morgan, John Porter, John Ptice, James Rae, Robert Spencer, Jolin E. Straub, Henry Tate, Patrick* Walborn, John Wrigly, John Welsh, James Brennan, Thomas Coller, Edward Ferguson, Robert D. Ferguson, Robert Jeffries, John Thomas, John Kane, James Glennin, Michael K. Three Years, or the War. 165 COMPANY C. Morgan, Jolin Riland, Peter Morgan, Daniel COMPANY E. Levens, Thomas Grimes, Peter Day, Elias COMPANY a. Brennan. Lawrence Sheriff, Jacob Bruton, Lawrence McClellan, Daniel Barnes, Richard Douehugh, Thomas Craven, Patrick Da}-, Alexander, Campiield, James Redmond, James Kelly. Patrick COMPANY H. Leatherman, Jacob COMPANY K . Walsh, William Brennan, Michael Harrisan, William II, COMPANY L. Mayberry, Franklin De Lacy, Lewis Bonnerville Hummel, Daniel Brennan, William McGovern, Patrick Davis, Francis Owens, Thomas Clarey, John Harrison, Francis Ratchford, Patrick Owens, Henry Scott, Thomas Dougherty, Daniel Smith. Francis Porter, Corporal James Cowby, William Tobin, John Troy, Robert Cresswell, Thomas Carr, George Harrison, Thomas Sullivan, Dennis Potter, James Sullivan, Martre Collahan, Thomas COMPANY F , Sullivan, Dennis Scott, Thomas SIXTH ARTILLERY. COMPANY a. Pepper, Michael Letterman, J. SHERMAN^BATTERY. Lavell, Thomas FIFTH CAVALRY. Leib, Capt, Edward T. Weaver, Charles W'ilson, John H. SIXTH CAVALRY. COLONEL W. H, EMORY. Everly, William Kane, John Everly. Morris Kelly, Thomas Turner, Thomas *14 166 Three Yeahs, or the War. COMPANY H. Mattern, Corporal "William Lawler, Martin Bird, John Brennan, James Mills, Benjamin Lucas, Charles Fields, Henry Davies, Joseph Heck, Abraham THIRD INFANTRY. McCool, Lieutenant Joseph A. FIFTH INFANTRY. COMPANY F. Donly, Arthur Weike, Yan Buren Delany, Dennis ^ Weike, William Williams, Francis *" Arerline, C. IMorgan, David SIXTH INFANTRY. Bartholomew, Lieut. W. H. Feilas, Henry Davis, Joseph Hough, Patrick Mills, Benjamin COMPANY B. Dacy, Martin, Biland, Peter JNIcCormick, John Stevens, John Henrie, John COMPANY K. How, Patrick EIGHTH INFANTRY. COMPANY E. Wineland, Geof2;e TWELFTH INFANTRY. White, Sergeant William L. COMPANY A. Coogan, Richard COMPANY D. Manuel, Thomas THIRTEENTH INFANTRY. Lynch, William Griffith, William R Lloyd, William Coogan, Richard Dunlevy, James Corcoran, Patrick Warlow, John Lynch, William McCarty, John Miller, John Conneflf, John Rafterty, William Williams, Thomas R. McGlone, Thomas Three Years, or the War. 167 COMPANY G. Brennan, Michael FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Gerdon, Dudley Higgins, William SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. Griffith, William R EIGHTEENTH INFANTRY^ COLONEL HENRY B. CARRINGTON. Snyder, Lieutenant. Louis T. COMPANY E. Leib, Valentine Henry COMPANY F. Ebcrt, John REGIMENTS NOT ASCERTAINED, Baird, Captain Henry Hartz, Captain Edward Frantz, Matthias IN UNITED STATES HOSPITALS. Beach. Surgeon William Turner, Ass't. Surgeon Thomas Herrington, Surgeon C. P. Livermore, Surgeon Levering, Surgeon John G. C. Ileilner, Henry Carpenter, Surgeon John T. Sillyman, Surgeon Henry R. Parry, Surgeon Henry C. MEDICAL CADET. Saylor, George IN COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT. Daniell, William Lebo, William B. Straub, G. M. Hewes, John G. IN SECRET SERVICE. Byerly, Samuel THEE 3SrA.VY Bannan, Surgeon Douglass Weber, Surgeon Robert L. Hodgson, Ass't Eng. Rich. M. Petherick, Ass't Eng. Thomas McDonough, Michael (marine) Potts, Ass't Eng. Howard D. Pryor, Acting Master F. G. Kelly, Thomas McDonald, James Bannan, John 168 Three Years, or the War. The Navy. — Continued. McGee, Patrick Fegley, George (marine) Ccrger, George H. Bassler, S. S. (Captain's clerk) Brannan, James Carr, James M. Carr, John Gray, John Eiley, Edward Yost, William (marine) Peale, William S. Evans, John Carroll, Patrick (marine) Cribbens, Thomas (marine) Rose, William (marine) Hippie, John (marine) Stevenson, John (marine) McDonough, Thomas (marine) Corby, Thomas Holmes, Samuel (marine) Ewing, Robert T. Dolan, James Saylor, Albert Bentley, Thomas Britt, John Barnett, William J. McGee, Patrick Haughton, Stephen Matig, John Stevenson, John Finigan, Patrick Barndt, William John Dougherty, John S=hay, John Mullineause, Henry Weaver, John Carpenter, James Parker, Ass't. Eng. Hiram GBAND KBCAPITULATION. The following is a grand recapitulation of tho Volunteers from Schuylkill County, in the service of the United States, for three years, or during the war : Forty-eighth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Fiftieth . " Ninety-sixth " Fifty-fifth " Seventh Cavalry (Eightieth Reg.,) Third '' (Sixtieth '') Sixty-seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Twenty-third " Twenty-sixth " Twenty-seventh " Twenty-eighth " Twenty-ninth " Thirtieth " Thirty-first <' Thirty-second " Thirty-third " Thirty-fourth '' Thirty-fifth " Thirty-sixth " Thirty-seventh " Thirty-eighth " Thirtv-niuth " 1007 230 113U 90 2G-1 108 GO 4 1 32 3 1 16 12 1 16 12 26 2 5 9 Carried forward. 3039 Three Years, or the War. 169 Grand Recapitulation. — Continued. Brought forward, Fortieth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Forty-first '' " " Forty-second " *' " Forty-third (1st Art. Reg.) " " Forty-fourth (1st Cav " ) '' " Forty-sixth Regiment " " Forty-seventh " " *' Fifty-second " " " Fifty-sixth " " " Fiftv-seventh " *' " Fifty-eighth " " " Fifty-ninth (2d Cav. Reg.) ♦' ** Sixty-first Regiment ♦• " Sixty-second " *' " Sixty-third " " " Sixty-fourth (4th Cav. Reg.) " " Sixty-fifth (5th " " ) " " Sixty-sixth Regiment '• " Sixty-ninth " '• " Seventieth (6th Cavalry Reg.) " " Seventy-first Regiment " " Seventv-second " . " " Seventy-fifth " " Seventy-sixth " " " Seventy-seventh " " '* Seventv-ninth " *' " Eighty-first '« " " Eighty-second " " " Eighty-third " " " Eighty-fourth " " " Eighty-eighth " " " Eighty-ninth (8th Cav. Reg.] " Ninetieth Regiment " " Ninety-second (9ih Cavalry Reg.) " Ninety-third Regiment " " Ninety-fifth Ninety-seventh " " " Ninety-eighth " " *' Ninety-ninth " " *' One Hundredth " '* " One Hundred and First Regt. " *' One Hundred and Fourth One Hundred and Fifth " One-Hundred and Seventh " " One Hundred and Ninth " " One Hundred and Tenth One Hundred and Twelfth (2d Art. Reg.) " One Hundred and Thirteenth (12th Cav.Reg.)" One Hundred and Fifteenth Regiment " One Hundred and Sixteenth " " 3039 30 1 1 14 6 8 4 80 17 3 .3 1 2 1 1 1 43 1 13 27 1 3 32 38 "1 1 29 1 2 8 7 17 22 13 21 3 1 19 27 1 13 43 10 3 3 12 2 Carried forward, 359S 170 Three Years, or the War. Grand Recapitulation. — Continued, Brought forward, 3593 One Hundred and Seventeenth (13th Cav.Reg) 60 One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment " 5 One Hundred and Fifty-second(3d Art. Reg.)' 4 Anderson (15th Penna.] Cavalry " 20 Capt. Wm. Thompson's Comp. (17th Pa. Cav.)" 93 John Weidman's Cavalry Company " 2 Fourth Pennsylvania Artillery " 2 Fifth ii u ^ctiier, ha4 it not been for one of The men. vdio raised the fly anl Avas going to shoot, when the :Major seeing the number of the enemy, s.nd knowing the danger of such a rash act. pulled him back. They had scarcely got away when the rebels pommencd firing into the marque. The INlajor s cap, which was on the table, was completely riddled with bullets— they t^ien left, not seeing Jiim. He, finding it impossible to get the remaitiing few of his command out at all,' [most of them being on a scout,] worked his way over to the ilth Michigan, where he thought of course,* the rebels could be driven i)ack. A good thing occurred while he was again trying to get liis men in line with the I\Iicliigan Bovs. He had on a pair of private's pantaloons, and was in his shirt sleeves, had an old musket, put on the belt, and was standing with his men, wlien Gen. Dufiield, not knowing him in his new suit, sai°d to him, "Why don't you get into line?"' whereupon the Major rook his place in the ranks. When the General again came along the line, he said, "what has become of Major Seibert?'" The Major laugh- ingly came walking out of the ranks, saying, "here I am."' The General apologised, and laughingly said, "that is a pretty good joke. ' The Major is safe, but is a prisoner with General Crittenden, Colonel Lo'steis r^olonel Parkhurst, and a lot of Captains and Lieutenants. All of the privates who were captured were released at McMinville, but the officers were taken to Chattanooga. I regret the capture of the young Major. He is a fine officer, and has won not only the highest respect of both officers and men of his regiment, but is acknowledged to be a universal favorite with all who know him. He was at the time of the breaking out of the rebellion practicing law very successfully at Tottsville, Penn- sylvania, and was among the'first to respond to the call of the President, and served as Lieut.-Colonel in the Cth Pennsylvania infantry. After the expiration of the term of enlistment, he returned home, and was actively engaged in recruiting for the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry, which for some months past have done much service in Tennessee. P. P. 15 THE CALLS IN 1862, FOR TROOPS. During the Summer of 1862, the exigencies of the service re- quired a call by the President for three hundred thousand volun- teers, which was speedily followed by an order for a draft of three hundred thousand militia for nine months' service. Under tbe call for volunteers, Gov. Curtin of Pennsylvania, on the 21st of July, issued a proclamation of which the following is a copy : J'cnusj/lvania, ss : 111 the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Andrew G. Cuhtin, Governor of the said Commonwealth : rilOCLAMATION. To sustain the Government in times of common peril by all his energies, his means, and his life if need be, is the first duty of every loyal citizen. The President of the United States has made a requisition on Pennsyl- vania for twenty-one new regiments, and the regiments already in the field must be recruited. Enlistments will be made for nine months in the new regiments and for twelve months in the old. Tlie existence of the present emergency is well understood. No patriot will pause now to investigate its causes. We must look to the future. Everything that is dear to us is at stake. Under these circumstances, I appeal with confidence to the freemen of Pennsylvania. You have to save your homes and your firesides, your own liberties and those of the whole country. I call on the inhabitants of the counties, cities, boroughs, and townships throughout our bo-rders to meet and take active measures for the immediate furnishing of the quota of the State. Let those who cannot go themselves contribute to provide bounties equal at least to those offered by the adjoining States. The Constitution prohibits me from drawing money from the treasury without authority of law, and I will not cast a doubt on the patriotism of our citizens by assuming the necessity of calling the Legislature at this time. This is no time to wait for legislative action and the negotiation ^ of loans. Delay might be fatal. To put down this rebellion is the business of every man in Pennsyl- vania, and lier citizens will show on this occasion that they do not wait for the slow process of legislation, and do not desire to throw on the treasury of the Commonwealth a burden which they are individually ready to bear themselves. The conduct of our men already in the field has shed immortal lustre on Pennsylvania. Let their brethren fiy to arms to support them, and make the victory speedy as Avell as certain. I designate below the number of companies which are expected from the several counties in the State, trusting to the support of her honor in this crisis, as it may be safely trusted to the loyalty, fidelity, and valor of her freemen. Whilst the quota of the several counties is fixed equita- bly so as to fill the requisition for twenty-one regiments, let not the loyal The Calls in 1862. 175 people of an}'- county limit their exertions to the enlistnieut of the companies named. Our heroic sons of Pennsylvania have moistened every battle-field -with their blood. Thousands have bravely died, de- fending the unity of the Republic and the sanctity of our flag, and other thousands have fallen sick and wounded, and their places must be filled. Freemen of Pennsylvania I Friends of the Government, of order, and of our common nationality, one earnest struggle and peace will again dawn upon us a happy, prosperous, and united people. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty-first day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. By the Governor, A. G. CUllTIN. *EL1 SLIFER, Secretary of the Commoniccalth. In the schedule of apportionment for the State, Schuylkill's quota was fixed at five companies. The Governor's Proclamation was enthusiastically responded to by the citizens of the County. A War Meeting was called, to be held at the Court House on Tuesday afternoon, July 29. The meeting was largely attended by people from every section of the County. The officers of the meeting were : PRESIDENT : COLONEL JOHN BANNAN. VICE presidents: George W. Snj'-der, Jacob S. Laurence, Jacob Huntzinger, Jr., Bartholomew O'Reagan, Thomas Foster, Alexander Jeffries, William Milnes, Jr., J,ohn H. Guertler, James Sillyman, Philip Edwards, Joseph W. Cake, A. Bolton^ Hon. Solomon Foster, Charles Marsh. Benjamin Pott, Chas. W. Pitman, Gottlieb Schauble, Charles Baber, L. M. Thompson, Burd Patterson, William Lerch, Benjamin Haywood, Daniel Deibert, John Ruch, Wm. P. Bishop, Peter D. Luther, John S. Graham, John Shippen, Thomas Wren, Richard Morris, David Beveridge, Samuel Huntzinger, Daniel Dillman, James L. Nutting.^ John Seitzinger, Esq., Emanuel Boyer, Isaac Ward, George W. Matchiu, Dr. A. Schultz, Samuel Reber, Dr. R. H. Coryell, John Feustermacher, F. B. Dreher, Samuel Morris, Jr., Evan Evans, James G. Cochrane, Dan'l. B. Althouse, George Patterson, 176 The Calls in 1862. Charles Bensinger, Silas Strouse, Herman Neuman, Jerome K. Boyer, James R. Cleaver, Anthony Garner, Benjamin Evert, Ferdinand Boedefeld, Thos. E. Williams, James Smith, Wra. Donaldson, Uriah Gane, llicbard Kear, J. Oliver RhoadiB>, Daniel 11. Bennett, Dr. B„ Beckeiu. SECRJ9TA>B1ES:: F. B. Wallace, F. B. GowBn>, W. R. Potts, Esq., John XL Downing; Walter Sedgwick, Wm. L. Whitney, Wju. a. Hammer, Henry Huhn. Spirited speeches were made Ijy Mjer Strouse, Esq., Kev. S. F. Colt, lion. James H. Campbell, Benj. Haywood, Esq., Capt. C. Tower, and Lin Bartholomew, Esf{. The following powerful resolutions, offered by Captain Tower, were adopted unanimously and with great enthusiasm : The citizens of SehuyJltili! C'Gnnij assembled in mass meeting, this twenty-ninth day of July, 1862, ai Pottsville, do declare and resolve : 1st. That we recogniy.e- and' prcclaim it as the duty of freemen to re- member always, that "Eternali vigilance is the price of Liberty," and to volunteer, at once to arms, in; defance of their institutions, whenever they are assailed by either a foreign: or domestic foe. 2d. That we will respond to the call now made by the President of the United States for 300,000 men to sustain the country, its Constitution and laws, and to crush out fv rebellion which exists without any cause or provocation, and will furnish our quota of the mea with alacrity ; and we now announce to tlie world, that we will hereafter, from time to time, add to the 5,000 volunteers already gone forth from among us, as many more as may be needed, and speedily too, whenever called for, to frus- trate conspirators and traitors and put down rebellion. od. That wc approve of the giving of a home relief to the volunteers who shall answer the present call, in addition to the advances to be made them by the United States, and Ave recommend to the Commission- ers of the County to provide and pay, by means of a loan or otherwise, a relief, under existing hiws, of fifty dollars to each volunteer iu the live companies allotted to Schuylkill County. 4th. That we regard as our friends only those who are loyal, and we mark as enemies all those who oppose the Government of our country, either in arms, or by giving "aid and comfort" to those who are in arms against it ; and we Avill support the President of the United States unqualifiedly, with all our means, if need be, and with all our might, in any and all measures necessary to subdue the rebels and scatter their aiders, abettors and sympathisers. Ath. Thiil-we hail, with great satisfaction, and as promising early and entire success, the policy now adopted of pushing on the war against the rebellion without lenity and without protecting the property of rebels, and we entreat the President and all Government officers, civil and mili- tary, to go on henceforth aggressively, "conquering and to conquer "" The Calls in 1862. 177 the rebels and all their sympathisers, with vigor and rapidity, and ivitJi all the power and means of every kind, which he and they can command everywhere. 6th. That we will not suflFer any interference in the present, war by any foreign nation, or any dictation or advice from any quarter in re- gard to the manner of our conducting the war or closing it, and we pledge to one another and to the world, that we shall promptly and fully resent and resist any attempt at intervention in any way in our affairs, A Committee, appointed at a preliminary meeting, held July 24, to confer witli the Associate Judges and County Commissioners, made the following report, which was unanimously adopted : The undersigned Committee, appointed at a preliminary meeting, held at the Court-house, on Thursday, July 24th, 1862, for the purpose of conferring with the Associate Judges and County Commissioners, to ascertain whether the County authorities would make an appropriation, under existing laws, to such volunteers who would enlist under the call of the Governor of this Commonwealth, in pursuance of the recent requi- sition of the President of the United States, respectfully report: That they have conferred witli the Associate Judges and County Com- missioners, and they have unanimously answered that they are willing to make an appropriation of $25,000 for the purpose indicated, provided, the citizens of Schuylkill County, in County meeting this day assembled, shall recommend the same. Your Committee, therefore, report the following resolution for tke consideration of this meeting : Resolved, That the citizens of Schuylkill County, in County meeting assembled, hereby recommend and instruct the County Commissioners to make an appropriation of twenty-iive thousand dollars, for the purpose of granting relief to volunteers and their families, or those dependent on such volunteers for support, in the proportion of tifty dollars to each man who shall thus volunteer. fj. W. Roseberrt, j Edw. Owen Parry, Committee -\ Myer Strouse, I James H. Campbell, [ Jacob Dewees. PoTTSViLLE, July 29th, 1862. War meetings were held also in Port Carbon, Schuylkill Haven, and other places in the County. The effect of this action was, that in a week, the quota of the County, under the requisition, was more than full. The men furnished under that call were as follows 15* 178 TnE Calls in 1862. THE NINE MONTHS' VOLUNTEERS. OKE HU]N'DRED AND TWENTY-NINTH REG. P.Y. Colo7iel— JACOB G. FRICK. Lieutenant- Colo7iel — J. Armstrong. llajor — JosKPH Antuony. Adjutant — D. B. Green. Quartermaster — Wm. F. Pattebs&n. The foTlowiucr comnanies composed the regiment : Captain E. G. Rehrer'?, Tamaqna ; Captain Dever'sT Port"Carbou ; Captain Levi Leib's, Ashland ; Captain William Wren'e, Pottsville; Captain George Lawrence's, Miuersville; Captain Stoneback's, Captain Thomasns, Captain Taylor's, Captain Eckart's, Northampton County ; Captain Shimk'fc, Montgomery County. COMPx\NY A. Captain— Q'EQV.G^ J. LAWRENCE. 1^^ Lieut. — William W. Clemens. 2d Lieut. — Samuel Richards. _ 1st Sergeant — John S. Silver. ^ 2d do. Joseph C. Haskins. M do. John M. Heilner. 4.th do. Charles ¥. Falls. bih do. ^Villiam E. Kline. list Corjwral — John Mathews. 2d do. Albert W. Sterner. dd do. William Dyer. 4:th do. Geo. W. Wythes. &th do. Joseph Smith. (:>th do. Georoe Spencer, 7th do. Joseph Forney. Sth do. Jacob Zimmerman. Drummer — Uichard K. Levan, (drum-major.) Pifcr — Samuel Achenbach. Wagoner — Peter D. Eby, Cornpawj CYer/i;— Theodore P. Frazer. PRIVATES. Atkins, W^illiam I><^vis, ALel Ault, Mathias Davis, Thos. B. Allan, Samuel >^vans, David _ Alexander, John Edwards, Lewis Adams, Richard Forney, Edward Allan, John Forney, Henry Bannan, William Groom, Samuel J. r,rennan. James Heckman, Jeremiah Bright, Daniel R. Harris, Stephen Bri'>-ht, Harrison Heckman, Geo. Warner Ber'^er, Jacob Hesser, John AV. Constantine, Charles Hughes, Patrick Confire, Samuel Howells, Rosser Cloppier, Peter Hollman, John Clouser, Simon Heisler, Joseph Dorrmer, Matthew Howells, Wm. H. Davis, Wm. L. Humphrey, Benj. The Calls in 1862. 179 Company A, 129th Regiment — Continued. IIoflFenden, George James, John Jones, Richard Jefferson, John James, Thomas Jenkins, Byron A. Jones, John M. Jones, William J. Jones, AVilliam D. Kunfare, Samuel Lee, Eli Labenburg, Lewis Lyons, William Laramy, Charles Lee, George Lyons, Mark Lauclerman, Henry Miller, Elias Miller, John I. Maize, George Mullin, John Millington, Thomas Mohan, Michael Miller, Henry McCormick, Barney Morgan, Thomas Nicholas, John Nixon, Joshua Owens, Thomas O'Neal, James Parry, Henry Parry, John Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Wagoner, _ _ _ Clerk, Privates, . - - Robertson, William Rooney, Patrick Ryan, James Robins, John S. Robins, William J. Robins, Henry S. Roehrig, Charles H. Robins, Newsome B. Schopp, AVilliam Sutton, John Seltzer, Albert Smith, John Sponsler, William C. Sweeney, William Tempest, Martin Tanner, Albert Taylor, John Taylor, Henry C. Williams, Wm. J. Wythes, James S. Wythes, Thomas H. Webb, Edwin Weiser, James S. Welsh, Peter S. Williams, William Weiser, George W. Williams, Thomas M, Youse, Jacob Zimmerman, John P. Zulick, Thomas H. B. Zimmerman. Jacob 1 ^ 1 1 08 Total, 118 COMPANY B. Captain~\NIhLlA.lSl WREN, Jr.. 1st Lieut. — M. V. B. Coho. 2d Lieut. — Jacob Parvin. 1st Serjeant.— ^Y^l. G. DeTurk. A. G, Yeager. James Edwards. Daniel W. Freeman. Richard Jones. -Jou'N W. Coho. JosEi'ii Bodefield. Isaac B. Ricn. 2d do. 2d do. Alh do. 5th do. 1st Corporal 2d do. 2d do. 180 The Calls in 1862. Company B., 129th Regiment — .Continued. 4th Corporal — Fhancis Sinclair, bth do. Evan Humphrkys. Uh do. George D. Ben singer. 1th do. George W. Staats. 8//i do. Theo. Koch. Drummer — AVm. H. Sterner. Fifer — .John Staiil. C'omjHtivj Clerk — George W. Keiter. Quartermaster — Theodore Thorn. . PRIVATES : Atkins, William Anspacli, Israel Binder, Francis Bedford, George Brown, Peter Bernsteel, Edward Betz, Henry W. Bobb, Conrad Clark, Franklin Cake, Edward Crawsliaw, Daniel B. Daddow, Joseph Davis, Griffith Davies, John H. Davis, Thomas Dauflinger, Augustus A. Davis, Shadrack E. Davis, John Deivert, Charles F. Dudley, John Edwards, Richard Edwards, Edward Egalf, John Evans, Clay W. Ferguson, Anthony Fredericks, John Ferguson, Patrick F. Fisher, Eli R. Gartley, George W. Gressang, William F. Gallagher, Anthony George, John Gotloab, William Gillespie, Dominick Glime, William F. Grimer, James Guertler, AVilliam D. Haeffer, William Hodgson, Edward A. Hart, Daniel D. Helms, William A. Hess, Constantine Uirsch, James Hoffman, William Homer, Solomon James, John Jennings, John I\line, Reuben Knowles, John Kleinevt, Charles Lewis, David Laughlin, Daniel H. Lewis, Thomas H. Major, John Matter, William H. Mattern, Ephraim McBarron, John McLaughlin, Charles Mortimer, William W. Mitchell, John Mullen, John McElrath, William Martin, James Morgan, David Moyer, John W. Miller, Daniel Miller, John Noles, John Neiman, Benjamin Parensteel, Edward Pinter, Francis Powells, .Jacob Probert, Tliomas Purnell, Isaac Rich, Jonas M. Ptaber, Edward Rigg, John Riley, Thomas Rowley, Samuel Rushworth, Samuel Spohn, Franklin Smith, Francis H. Smith, Robert Shook, Frederick Shlotman, August Shoemaker, John F. The Calls in 18b"2. 181 Company B, 12ttlh! Regiment StaLle, Henry Stodd, WilliaiM Saylor, J. Benton Triese, John C. Thompson, Alexander Thornton, Thomas Tracey, Thomas Commissioned Offis-ers^ Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - Clerk, Quartermaster, Privates, Continued. llaomiais, John S. Uren, Rishard "Wallace-, Daniel Weise, John' Watkius, George- Yerger, Eli Zimmer. Emil * - - o 3, 1 »>• -- - - _ 2 - - - - li - 101 Total, 12] COMPANY E. Captain—^. GODFREY REHRER. 1st Lieut. — William S. Allebach, 2d Lieut. — Robert L. Leybukn. Orderly Sergeant. — Jacob IT. Martz. 2d do. Elijah T. Bodet. 'dd do. William Shoemaker. 4//t do. John T. Bond. 5^/i do. Webster D, Dbeheb., 1st Corporal — Lewis S. Boner. 2c? do. Jacob Roberts, Jr. M. do. Jeremiah Messersmith. Ath do. Charles H. Sneath. hth do. Absalom K. Whetstone. 6i!A do. Leonard Bowers. 1th do. Pierce Bousman. Sth do. George F. Becker. Drummer — Albert Moter, PRIVATES : Allen, Thomas Allen, William Bacher, James Bailey, Clarence E. Brown, Jacob T. Becker, Franklin Bear, John Becker, Nathan Billman, Solomon Blum, Christopher N. Boner, James Brown, AVilliam M. Bond, John Becker, Henry Becker, James Bishop, Jacob S. Bond, Dr. George Booth, William Dorflinger, Augustus Diutinger, John Dunuigan, Joseph Day, Samuel Davis, William W. Donaldson, S. F. Eynon, John Faust, Samuel Gallagher, Edward Grover, Ernst Gallagher, Edward Haldeman, William H. Hartung, Daniel Heine, Amos Hoppes, Elias Houser, Benjamin Houser, F. AV, Hendricks, C. H. 182 The Calls in 1862. Company E, 129tli Regiment — ilartung, Gideon Hile, Jonas Horn? Dr. Jolin Houser, Joseph Huntzinger, S. Jolinson, William W. Kanffman, E, Koclier, Grideon Kleckner, Joshua Klecknei', Henry Krause, Adam Lotze, William Longacre, J. S. Lutz, Harrison L. IMoyer, Lewis Moyer, Daniel M. Moyer, Albert W. Millei', xilexander Moyer, Daniel H. McMahon, Michael Nutz, George Neyer, Moses Oswald, James Tveinhart, Willoughby Rex, William Reppart, William Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officer Musician, . - - Privates, Continued. Rill, David Reeser, William H. Raegart, August Reicheldeifer, D. Robinson, Wm. H. ]^ Sassaman, Elias Schultz, William Shoener, Daniel Singley, Isaac Specht, Conrad Schultz, Henry Sheaffer, John Shoener, Francis H. Snyder, Elias Speece, John L. Trout, Franklin Walker, G. ^N. Weythel, Franklin Wommer, Asher Wagner, Jacob W^ertman, John L. Wilford, John B. Zimmerman, David Zehner, Stephen Ziegler, George W. 13 1 87 Total, 104 COMPANY G. Ca2nain—\.Y.\l C. LEIB. \st Lieut. — Erastus M. Furman. 2d Lieut. — John H. Sciiall. l.s-^ Sergeant. — Franklin Kluse. 2d do. George Bailey, ?jd do. Patrick Collier, 4th do. Daniel Leic. bth do. Henry Boughner. Is;; Corporcd — Aaron Lambertson. Stephen Reese. John Busycomer. Edward C. Murray. Michael Shopbell. Franklin Bensinger. Philip Mumberger. Joseph Fetterman. ZULICK. 2d do. od do. 4th do bth do. Cjth do. 7lh do. Sth do. Musician — Thomas H. B PRIVATES: Ayers, Alfred Boyer, John B. Bensinger, Francis W. Bensinger, William F. The Calls in 1862. 183 Company G, 129tli Regiment — Continued. Biltz, Lewis Bickley, Thomas R. Conway, Neil Conner, Charles Chewllew, John B. Crow, Gabriel Conrad, Charles II. Colburn, Moses Cobes, Joseph Clever, William Dreher, Aaron Davis, Isaac Darr, John Daniels, Mark Davis, David D, Driesbach, Lewis Dunkelberger, Samuel 11. Dupont, Henry Davis, Francis Engle, .John Fritz, Blacious Fetterolf, Joseph Fisher, Elijah Gillham, Gregory Hull, William Hollister, Franklin Houser, Theodore Hutzinger, Philip Hampton, Baltes M. Jones, Benjamin Kerr, Jacob Kelly, Luke Kessler, Andrew Krapp, Charles Keiper, John Learn, Thomas Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musician, - - - Privates, - _ _ Llewellyn, Richard Levy, Josepli Murray, Barnard Moyer, Frederick Mann, John Morris, Thomas Major, George Payne, Joshua Price, William W. Price, George Philips, John A. Pettit, Samuel Palmer, Strange J. Reichart, Augustus Steenhilbert, AVilliaiu Steenhilbert, Jacob Shannon, James Smith, Adam S. Shoppel, Michael Smith, George S. Shelley, Jacob Snyder, Daniel Shultz, John Stellfox, Samuel Straub, Charles Trerathan, John Ward, Patrick Williams, George Wentzel, Jonas Walter, William Werkel, AVilliam Williams, William Zimmerman, Samuel Zimmerman, William Zartman, Henry W. 1 7G Total, 93 COMPANY H Ccqy1ain—:iO\m A. DEVERS. \st Lieut. — William Lercii. 2d Lieut. — Edwaed Wertley. 1st Sergeant — John B. Steel. 2d do. John Woolley, 2>d do. George Minnes. Ath do. Samuel H. Eargood. bth do. William Quoit. 1^^ Corjyoral—^Qii'S. Elliott. 184 The Calls in 1862. Company H, 129tli Regiment— Cbn^imi^^?. 2d Corporal — William E. Webster. Sd do. Jabez WOOLLET. 4th do. William Bracefield. ^{7i do. James Martin, Qth do. James Walsh. 7th do. Gkobrb H, Lercii. Sth do. Martin Tempest Musicians — Char l e s H. May, Cyrus A. Schucker. PRIVATES -' Ash, Samuel Plolloway, Josepli Andrews, Joha Jcnes, Joseph Brouglicall, William Lees, Eli Bracy, George Lime, James Beaumont, Charles Xiime, Isaiah CiTcher, Franklin Lambert, Enoek Barr, George W. Lewis, David Bowman, Henry Lerch, Henry J)rown, John W. MuUin, John Bunibersbach, Peter McCabe, John Cannon, jMichael McCabc, Josepk Conner, Edward McCord, John B. Conner, James Major, Joha <^rawley„ James Keff, Isa^jc Davis, William ^)rmai5, Henry Delong, Elias Oliver, Tobias Davis, Griffith Osman, William H. Dengus, John W, Payne, George H. Elliott, Jacob Roe, Thomas Eclv, Charles Bobbins, James Eldridge, John Roe, John Ford, Oswald Richards, John Ferguson, Patrick Reed, Robert Freed, George Sneden, David Oorgas, Lewis H. .Smith, John W. Grove, William Sudden, William Harrison, John Shoener, Richard H Hopkin, Richard Spang, William Ilain, Peter Uhler, Simon Howard, David Vemont, Charles Haas, Wellington P. Wertley, Jacob H, JIaslem, John Commissioned Officers, - 3 Non-commissioned Officer?, 13 Musicians, - _ >> Privates, - /■>o Total, RECAriTULATION. Field and Staif, - - - - Line-commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - - . 81 4 15 65 8 The Calls in 1862. 185 Wagoner, Clerks, Quartermaster, Privates, Total, 1 2 1 427 523 ONE nUl!TDREr) AND TWENTY-SEVENTH EEGL MENT, P. Y. COLONEL ^\. AV. JENNINGS. [The followin^^ are the Schnvlkill County members. The names not published, num- bering twenty-nine, belong to Lebanon County.— Editor.] COMPANY C. Fisher, Elijah. COMPANY K. CapiamSyiLLlXM FOX. lfrobst, Samuel K lirown, Edwin Baker, Thomas Berklieiser, Daniel (■oiler, Israel CoUer. James Deibert, G. W. Ditzler, Henry Daner, Charles Deibert, Henrj'^ Drey, Andrew- Drey, Daniel Dress, John Drey, Marcus Ebele, Joshua Eckroth, John Emerick, Joshua Ebele, Sol Emerick, Jonathan Frederick, James Faust, George W. Eaust, Daniel H. Fritz, Joseph Fritz, Moses Garret, Gideon Grover, Peter Holder, H. C. Hoffman, Jonathan Hoffman, James Hoffman, Henry Hardenstine, Henry Homraes, Charles Hern, John W. Klock, Horace Kaump, Sol Kaump, Reuben Kramer, George Kramer, Samuel Kramer, Thomas Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Wagoner, _ . . Privates, _ , . Total, - Krammes, William Loy, Lewis Lackens, William Lawrence, Charles H. Lawrence, Sol Lawrence, Jeremiah Lindermuth, Jacob Lehman, Jeremiah K. Moyer, Edward C. Moyer, Jacob M. Moyer, Conrad Moyer, June Moyer, James Meek, David Mill, John Mengle, Denilla Mann, Thomas H. Miller, Levi P. Murphy, Daniel Moser. William McGuire, Henry McGlone, Thomas Neitinger, Henry Potts, Martin lleininger, John lleber, George E. Eeber, Thomas Schrader, Jacob St. Clair, Charles Stray er, Daniel Strouse, Samuel Sassaman, Moses Stout, Daniel Sheridan, Daniel Stein, Henry Wagner, Martin AVagner, Adam Weller, Benjamin Young, James - 3 13 - 1 83 100 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH REGI- MENT, P. V. COLONEL JOSEPH W. HAWLEY. Stager, Sergt. Henry I. Philips, John W. The Calls in 1862. 180 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-EIGHTH REGI- MENT, P. Y. COLONEL SAMUEL CROaSDALE. Helwig, Ass't Surg. Theo. A. Seidcr, John Smith, Jeremiah ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTIETH REG., P. V. COLONEL HENRY L. ZIM. Alexander, Sergt. John W. Alexander, James ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND REGI- MENT, P. Y. COLONEL R. A. OAKFORD. COMPANY G. Yeager, Daniel S. Hay, William F. Williams, J. F. C. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THIRD REG., P. V. COLONEL F. B. SPEAKMAN. COMPANY A. Slack, William Grimes, James ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY -SIXTH REG.,P. Y COLONEL THOMAS M. BAYARD. Philips, Corporal R. P. H., ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH REG., P. Y COLONEL J. H. COLLIER. Meyers, Theodore Meyers, James ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIRST REG., P. Y COLONEL MADLE. COMPANY K. Scott, Sergeant D. W., ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SECOND REG. P. A' COLONEL CUMMINS. COMPANY K. McNaller, Bernard ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEYENTH REGI- MENT, P. Y. Riddle, Jacob 16^ 190 The Calls in 1862. GRAKD EECAPITULATIOK One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, - - 52;> " " " seventh Ilegiment, - - - 57 " " Thirty-seventh Regiment, - - 27 " " Fifty-first Regiment, - - - - 61 Captain Jones's Company of Provost-guard, - - 100 In other nine months' organizations, - - - - 18 Total, 786 DEATHS m NINE MONTHS' SERVICE. Marcus Drey, of Captain Wellington's Zouave Company of Provost Guard, died in Harrisburg, October '1, 1862. George Andrew Lerch, Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, died in Frederick City, Md., Nov. 11, 1802. liieut. Edward Wertley, Company H, One Hundred and Twenty- ninth Regiment, died Nov. 30, 1862. Captain George J. Lawrence, Company A. One Hundred and Twenty- ninth Regiment, died in Fredericksburg, Jan. 4, 1863, from wounds received in the battle of Fredericksburg. John Michael, Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, died at Falmouth, Va., Jan. 6, 1863. Reuben Kline, Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, died at Falmouth, Va., Jan. 8, 1863. Edward Reber, Company B, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regi- ment, died at Falmouth, Va., Jan. 12, 1863, Joseph H. Heisler, Company A, One Hundred anl Twenty-ninth Regi- ment, died January, 1863. George H. Payne, Company H, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regi- ment, died at Falmouth, Va., Dec. 25, 1862. Samuel Burklsart Richland, Jr., of Company G, One Hundred and Seventy-third Regiment, P. D. M., died in Camp Viele Hospital, Nor- folk, Va., Feb. 12, 1863. Asher Wooraer, Company E, One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regi- ment. P. v., died in March, 1863. August 14, 1862, the Pottsville Cornet Band, which was with the Ninety-sixth Regiment, reached Pottsville, having been di?»- charged from the service under an act of Congress, reducing the number of bands. August 22, the band of the Forty-eighth Regiment reached Pottsville, having been oischarged under the operations of the same act. The Calls in 1862, 191 THE FIRST THREATENED INVASION OF PENNSYL- VANIA. After the retirement from before Richmond, in July, 1862, of the army under General McClellan, the rebels became emboldened by their successes, and resolved to attempt a transfer of the war from the soil of the slave to that of the free States. Everything seemed favorable for the attempt, as the United States Govern- ment was organizing its new levies, and our. armies were separated. While the Army of the Peninsula was being transferred to xilex- andria, the rebels made a flank movement, in the hope of cutting off General Pope from his base; defeating him ; capturing Wash- ington, and invading Pennsylvania. Through the bravery of the forces under Pope part of the plan failed, after a raimber of san- guinary battles in the vicinity of Bull Kun, in which the Forty- eighth, Fiftieth, and other Pennsylvania Kegimonts, participated. Of the conduct of the Forty-eight llegiment in these contests, Henry Pleasants, Captain of Company C, wrote as follows, under date of Camp Near Alexandria, September 4, 18G2. After leaving the left of Pope's army, before the Rapidan, which posi- tion our Division (Reno's) occupied, we marched to Kelly's ford, across the Rappahannock. From this point we went to Rappahannock Station, thence along the northern side of the river to Sulphur Springs ; thence to Warrenton and on to Warrenton .Junction, where we rested for three- quarters of a day. From here we marched to Manassas Junction, and on to near Centreville, where we turned to tfie left and moved towards the Gap which leads to the Shenandoah Valley. Tl)is was on Friday morning. The action had already begun. We reached the battle-field at 1 P. M., and at 3 our Brigade, commanded by Colonel Nagle, wag ordered to attack the rebels in a thick woods. The Sixth New Hamp- shire Regiment formed on the left, the Second Maryland on the right, and the Forty-eight Pennsylvania fifty paces in their rear. Hardly had the column entered the woods when the action began — brisk, fiery and bloody. Our regiment was marching on with the teteadiness of regulars, when the battalions in front obliquing to the left and right, permitted us to advance quickly and occupy the intervening space, pi-omptly open- ing a destructive fire on the rebels. We advanced fii-ing for about a quarter of a mile, when Lieut. -Colonel Sigiried halted the regiment, and after causing the men to cease firing, ordered them to advance with the bayonet, which was done in gallant style — driving the enemy out of two ditches, (one of them an old railroad cut,) and going on beyond them. We had, however, not gone far before we received a volley of musketrj from behind. Thinking that we were fired on by some of our own troops, the regiment was ordered back to the nearest ditch, and our fire to the front resumed. From this time the tire poured on ours and the Nev 192 The Calls in 1862. Hampshire regiment, was most terrific — from tlie front, left and rear. The more our colors were raised and spread out to the view of our sup- posed friends behind, the hotter and bloodier were their discharges. At last the rebel regiments made their appearance on our rear, when Colo- nel Sigfried gave tlie order to retreat by the right flank. The men stood this terrible fire without flincliing, obeying the orders of their officers, and firing to the front where the enemy was supposed only to be. The regiments of the brigade were promptly reformed after leaving the woods, and soon after were relieved by the Second Brigade. The next day, Saturday, we were present at the battle, supporting batteries, and being continuously under artillery fire from about 3 to 9 P. M. Our Division was the last to leave the. battle-field, which it did about 10 o'clock that night. Next day, although without hardly any sleep, rest or food, we were drawn up in line of battle until night time. On Monday, about 1 P. M., our Division again marched from Centreville to Fairfax, protect- ing the train. Wlien about three or four miles from where we started we met the rebels, in force, posted in the woods and cornfields, and after fighting till dark, and being reinforced by General Kearney, Ave gained a complete victory, driving them for nearly a mile. Our regiment was under fire nearly the whole time, but supporting other troops in front, we could not return it. The loss of Saturday and Monday was \erj light, but that of Friday was tei-rible. The forest was converted into a slaugliter-house. Some companies of tlie New Hampshire were near- ly exterminated. Some of ours lost about one-half their men. The regi- ' ment lost 1-32 men. The Brigade, out of about 2,000, has lost over 500. Captain Bosbysliell; of the same Regiment, also wrote to us a let- ter as follows : Camp Forty-eighth Regiment, P. V., 1 Near xVlexandria, Va., Sept. 3, 1862. / A spare moment I devote to giving you a short account of the doings of tlie Forty-eighth in the late battles near Bull Run. I'll not particu- larize about our long and tiresome march from Fredericksburg to Cul- pepper, &c., but suffice it to say, that we arrived on the Bull Run battle- field last Friday morning. Preparations were being made on every side for a fight, and we expected, of course, to have a hand in it. We were not disappointed. Three o'clock, Friday afternoon, Nagle's Brigade drew up in line of battle — the Second Maryland on the right, next the Sixth New Hampshire, and the Forty-eighth covering the latter regi- ment. Oft" we moved, over a clear field, to quite a dense wood, out of which we were to drive the rebels. The wood was skirted by a fence, which we had scarcely crossed — in fact, our regiment was just getting over it — Avlien bang ! bang I whiz ! whiz ! and the battle commenced. There was no use talking, however. Our Brigade went right in; walked steadily on, driving the rebels quickly before them, but losing men fast. A ditch or embankment, in which the rebels had shielded themselves, and from out of which tlie Brigade which entered the woods before ours failed to drive them, our Brigade assailed so fiercely, that it was soon cleared. The Forty-eighth had bayonets fixed. Some of the prison- ers wanted to know who they were with fixed bayonets, ancl what troops we were. When informed, they said they thought we must belong to " Burnside's fighting devils." The impetuosity of our men was great, and I believe we would have The Calls in 1862. 193 gone clear througli the woods, without once halting, had not a strong flank movement been made by the rebels. They came around on our left, and opened a galling fire on our left flank and rear, which we did not return for some time, mistaking them for our own. When we dis- covered it, however, we answered lively, but they were too strong for us, with their raking cross-fire, and a retreat by the right flank was ordered. This we did in good order, returning fire for fire, and we got out in the clearing again, where the "rebs" dared not follow us. It is difficult to note all the incidents of personal bravery. Colonel Nagle was everywhere, cheering on the men, and barely escaped cap- ture. He was ordered to halt by the rebels several times, pursued and fired at, but escaped. Lieutenant John D. Bertolette, his acting assist- ant Adjutant-General, our late Adjutant, was wounded in the thigh, while ably attending to his duties. His aids, Lieutenants Blake and Hinkle, were actively engaged throughout the entire fight. Upon enter- ing the woods. Colonel Nagle and his staff left their horses at the fence, the woods being entirely too thick to ride through, and, in the flanking by the rebels, the horses were captured. The Brigade lost, in killed, wounded and missing, some 530 men. The Forty-eighth behaved exceed- ingly well, and did considerable damage to the ''Louisiana Tigers." Lieut. -Colonel Sigfried was in the thickest of the fray, encouraging the men by actions as well as words. He was ably seconded by Major Kauf- man and Acting Adjutant Gowan. But I cannot particularize ; all be- haved well; no one shirked, neither officers or men. Our loss is heavy, some 152 in killed, wounded and missing. The fol- lowing list I have taken from Acting Brigadier-General Nagle's report of the killed, wounded and missing in the Forty-eighth Regiment, P. V. : Killed, 7 Wounded, 61 Prisoners, - - - - - -10 Missing, -_-_-- 74 Total, 152 Nearly all the missing have been ascertained to be prisoners, and will be paroled and released shortly. Reno's Division — our Brigade included, of course — was also in the action of Saturday, protecting batteries, &c. Towards evening we were ordered into the woods, where we went, but the darkness ended the fight before we exchanged shots Avith the enemy. Our Division was exposed to the shells and shots of the enemy nearly all day Saturday — (none in the Forty-eighth hurt; two of Company H, taken prisoners) — and was the last Division to leave the field. We retired fx'om the ground at o'clock, and by five next morning were in Centre- Tille. On Sunday we were picketed about two miles out of Centreville, and we met the Ninety-sixth on our way out. Monday afternoon our Division started for Fairfax, and was the first Division engaged in the fight at Chantilly, where the gallant Kearney and Stevens fell. The Brigade lost a number killed and wounded again, but the Forty-eighth escaped with two men slightly wounded, merely grazed. We were posted in a wood on the right, to prevent any flank movement the enemy might make. We remained on this battle-field until 3 o'clock Tuesday morn- ing, when we made for Fairfax, reaching it by sunrise. By 6 o'clock last night we reached our present quarters, almost fagged out with exces- sive marching and fatigue. The Fiftieth, Ninety-sixth, and One Hun- dred and Twenty-ninth, are all near at hand. 194 The Calls in 1862. At the time of these battles the Forty-eighth was in the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps — the Brigade com- manded by Colonel James Nagle. In his official report, Colonel Nagle placed the loss in the Brigade at 502 killed, wounded and missing, in actions of August 29th, 30th, and Sept. 1st. In the Forty-eighth Regiment the casualties, as ofl&cially stated, were as follows : Wounded. Lt. J. D. Bertolette, Act. A. Adj. Gen. Missing. Lieut. H. C. Jackson, Co. G. Killed. Sergeant R. D. Filbert, Co, K. Samuel Pettit, Co. II. " Thomas Kelly, Co. H. Lt. 11. P. Owens, Co. D. Capt. 11. A. M. Filbert, Co. K. ' — -Corporal Wm. Hopkins, Co. F Private William Nagle, Co. H. '* Charles' T. Leiser, Co. '^ Paul White, Co. K. Company A. Private George Albright, «' William l>etz, " Elias Brit ton, " George Miller, " Andrew Neely. Company C Sergeant Tliomas Johnson, " Basslcr, Corporal Freshly, Private .John Lucid, '* Isicholas Shiterour, Company C. Private Thomas Whalan, " Jonas Geiger, " Solomon Strauser, *' James Low, " Edward Brennan. Company D. Private John W. Derr, " Frank Dor ward, «' Henry Gott shall, " George Ilartz, " Philip H. Kantner, " Peter C. Kreiger, " David T. Kreiger. Company E. Private Michael Bohannan, " James Bergain, Sr., " James Bergaiu, Jr., *' John Becker, " Henry Lord, Wounded. Private Abraham Kleckner, " Robert Thompson, '* William Moose, Sergeant J. H. Fisher, Fifer, John Cameron. Company F. Corporal Henry Jenkins, " George N. Douden, Private Stephen Taggart, " John Powel, " Thomas Lloyd, " William Jenkins. Company G. Corporal Charles Evans, Private M. Berger, " John Grace, " James INIuldowney, <' Lewis Quinn, *' Joshua Reed, " William Smith, " John Shaw, '* John Wonders, " John Willingham. Company H. Private W^illiam Dreibelbies, J. T. Wildermuth, *' George T. Eisenhuth, " George W. Christian. Company I, Corporal B, F, Kershner, Private Rudolph Rumble. The Calls in 1862. 19; Company K. Private Eli Fenstermaker, •' James Day, ♦* Milton Ludwig, Company A. 1st Sergeant B. G. Otto, Corporal John Taylor, " Brobst, Private Israel Britton, *' Henry Davis, " "William II. Koch, " George Livingston, " Daniel Leiser, " Joel Marshall, " Morgan Simon, *' John Leiser, " John Springer, " F. W. Simon, Company B. Sergeant Philip Hughes, Private William Bradley, " Henry Copeland, "' John Evans, " L. M. Reece, " Joseph Ilahny, " Samuel Stanly. Company C. Sergeant 0. C. Hatch, Corporal John Borety, i'rivate John Wiser, " Barney Gettley, " Mart. Brennan, '' .John Jones, " William Larkin. Company D. '""ergeant AVllliam Bambrick, ' ^irporal George Ilamer, " Leonard Shrishorn, J. T. Vankannon, " William Timraons, Private Mattis Bailey, " Eli Derr, Isaiah Kline, " Joseph Kuhns, *' Charles Miller, " Boto Otto, Company E, Sergeant Stafford Johnson, Corporal D. McAllister, Private Alfred Barlow, Private James Cavanaugh, " James Dullard, *' Joseph Burgess. Missing. Private Jef. Canfield, " James Farrell, " James Greener, " Joseph Lord, " Thomas Major, " John McSorely, " Michael Brennan, " Hugh McFeely, " Simon S. Moyer, Corporal William McKay. Company F. Private Thomas J. Thomas, *' John J. Morrison, " John Morrisey, " Samuel Dunkroly, *' Peter Quinn, *' John Devine, *' Michael Killrain. " Richard Littlehales, " Thomas Lyston, *' John Haggerty. Company G. Corporal Joel Betz, Private John Fame. Company H. Sergeant Samuel M. Buch, Corporal Thomas H. Sillyman, Private John E. Benedict, *' William Huber, " Daniel Lauer, '^ John W. Ray, " Isaac L. Schmehl. Company I. Sergeant Theodore Pletz, Private Christopher Seward. " H. Link. Company K. Corporal Thomas Brennan, " Patrick Hanley, Private David Boyer, " W. D. Dress, " Daniel Shaneby, '* W. Fenstermaker, " Hiram Spears, '• William T. Reed, *' William Lavenberger, The Fiftieth Regiment, Colonel Christ, also fought bravely in these battles, under the command of that officer. The casualties in Company C were as follows: 196 The Calls in 1862. George W. Hinley, Captain D. Burkert, Corporal Jouas Krenier, Private George Sclnvenk, '• George Simpson, " Peter Powell, Jacob Getler, Charles Knarr, Franklin Wise, Killed. Edward Haerner. Wounded. Private Samuel Hoffman, " Garrett Garrigan, " Benjamin Knarr, " Dennis Mellery, " John Martin. Missing. Edward :\[arl, Ilenr}/ M. Diebler. The casualties in Company A were : Killed. Private Edward Knrner. Wounded. Private Henry Hower, " William Hesser, '• Andrew Tferb, *• William Bliler, " Emanuel D. Faust, *' August Erdman, *' Samuel Kautt'man, " Alexander McLaughlin. Missing. Philip A. Wlest. Corporal John Heisler, Private Peter S. Otto, Sergeant Henry Brodt, " Samuel Schwalm, -' David J. Alspach, Private Nicholas Adams, '« John Bixler, " Cyrenc Bowman, " John Herring, *' Daniel Iloft'a, Benjamin Herman, Levi Assmann, Thwarted in his attempt to destroy Pope's army and capture Washington, the enemy crossed the Potomac in force, at three different points, near Point of Ptocks, and invaded Maryland, and threatened Pennsylvania. During the week, ending September 20, several sanguinary bat- tles were fought in Maryland, resulting in the driving of the enemy back into Virginia. On the 17th, the battle of Antietam was fought. In these engagements the Ninety-sixth, Forty-eighth, Fiftieth, and other regiments containing Schuylkill County men, participated. The battle of Blue Ridge, or South Mountain, was fought on Sunday, September 14, in which the Ninety-sixth Regiment greatly distinguished itself. Of the part the Regiment took in this and in the battle of the 17th, the official report of its Colonel, Henry L. Cake, spoke as follows : The Calls in 1862. 19' Headquaeters Ninety-sixth Regiment, P, V., "^ Camp near Williamsport, Md., September 23, 1862. j Lieutenant: I liave tlie honor to submit the following report of the engagements of the 14th and 17th inst., so far as participated in by this Regiment. After marching through Jefferson on Sunday morning, I was ordered out upon the road to Burkittsville, the Regiment having been indicated as the advanced guard. When within two miles of the latter village, the cavalry advance came in and reported a skirmish with a superior force of the enemy's cavalry. Companies A and F were deployed at once as skirmishers, and moved forward, the balance of the Regiment steadily moving on within easy supporting distance. The enemy retired to the South Mountain, through Burkittsville, our two companies of skirmish- ers penetrating to within a thousand yards of the base, the balance of (he Regiment halting at the entrance of the village, at little after 1 o'clock, P. M. As the skirmishers entered the village, they drew the fire of the artillery posted on the heights, which was kept up during the day, the shots being divided between the skirmishers and the main body of the Ninety-sixth, drawn up in line on the Jvnoxville road, the enemy revealing the position of at least five of their pieces. At about 4 o'clock I was ordered to draw in the skirmishers, and rejoin the Brigade with the Regiment. Having posted a picket down the Knox- ville road, this required some time, and the Brigade had commenced to move, as had also the two other Brigades of the Division. Receiving an order from Major-General Slocuni to move on in the rear of the New Jersey Brigade', I did so, forming where they formed, and moving on the field to their right. At about half-past five, the Ninety-sixth .had marched to the line of skirmishers, and I was ordered by Colonel Bart- lett, commanding the Brigade, to take my position on the extreme right. The base of the mountain was now about one thousand yards distant. At that point a road ran parallel to the mountain. On one or the other side of this road a substantial stone fence furnished good cover for the enemy's infantry, to say nothing of the wood on the side of the moun- tain. Brisk musketry firing was in progress on our left, but the good cover in possession of the enemy, and the distance at which we stood rendered it quite certain that we could gain nothing at a stand-off fight, while the artillery posted in the mountain Avas punishing us severely. It was evident that nothing but a rush forward would win. The order to " charge " came at last, and with a shout tlie entire line started. The field through which the Ninety-sixth charged presented many obstacles, and in order not to meet the enemy with broken lines, I twice halted momentarily with a stone fence for cover, for a great portion of my Regiment to form. The last of the series of fields through which we had to charge, was meadoAV and standing corn. As we emerged from the corn the enemy met us with a murderous fire. We were within twenty paces of the road at the base of the mountain, the stronghold of the enemy. It was here we met our great loss. Shocked, but not repulsed, the men bounded forward, determined to end it with the bayonet. The road was gained in a twinkling, the enemy leaving for the mountain. Those of the enemy who were not hurt, and who seemed too much sur- prised to get away, begged lustily for mercy. I had seen Lieutenant John Dougherty, one of my best officers, fall, but without waiting to see who were down or who were up, I hastily- formed my line. Major Maginnis, of the Eighteenth New York, promising to form on my left and follow, and dashed on up the hill. Keeping ths 17 \ 198 The Calls in 1862. Hue formed as well as possible, to guard against a probable stand of ihc enemy at the crest of the hill, I let the men advance nearly as fast as they could and wanted to. It was a most exhausting charge. By the time we had ascended half way the cannon had ceased firing on our left, and the enemy seldom replied to onr fire with their muskets. We made captures at evei^y step. After passing the crest of the mountain a Lieu- tenant of the Fifteenth North Carolina delivered himself up. I sent, during the charge, forty-two prisoners to the rear, including the Captain of Company G, Sixteenth Georgia, wounded, and other officers and men, most of them unhurt. Sergeant Anderson, of Company K, shot the color-bearer of the Sixteenth Georgia, but did not stop to secure the colors, which were secured by some of oar forces afterwards. After advancing beyond the crest of the hill, T formed my line for the purpose of resting the men, who were much exhausted by the hard march of the day and the furious dash up the mountain. It is with much gratification that I can report my co^ipanies all present in line, fully and fairly represented. Colonel Sevier, of the Sixteenth, as also the officers commanding portions of the Eighteenth and Thirty-second New York, joined their lines to the Ninety-sixth, and reported to me for orders. Having thrown out skirmishers to the right and front, I rested until the reception of orders to return to the foot of the mountain and go into camp, which order was promptly obeyed, the Brigade going into camp on the western side of the i:)ass. During the charge, and just at the moment when a splendid victory Avas opened. Major Lewis J. Martin was mortally wounded by a musket ball in the head, and died while being carried olf the field. He was an accomplished and brave soldier, an unassuming and perfect gentleman, beloved by all the Regiment, and regretted beyond expression. One of the first to volunteer in this war, he has at last laid down his life while gallantly and bravely fighting for his country — the only son of his mother and she a widow. A minute before, First Lieutenant John Dougherty, commanding Com- pany F, was shot through the lieart at my side while bravely leading his Company to the final struggle at the road. Sergeant Casey, seizing the sword as he fell, valiantly raised it over his head, and dashed forward at the head of the Company, which never faltered. There was no better or braver soldier than Lieutenant John Dougherty. The loss of these two officers falls heavily on the Regiment. Dui'ing the charge I had two color-bearers killed and three wounded. I append a statement of the killed and wounded in detail: Killed. Major Lewis J. Martin. CoMrANT A, Captain L. S. Hay Commanding. K-illc(L Corporal Gomer Jones. Wounded. Corporal Frank Hanley, Sergeant Edward Thomas, Richard Brcnnan, Caleb Kinzi, Edward Fenstermacher, Edward McCormick. Company B, Captain P. A. Filbert Commanding. Wounded. Orderly Sergeant John Yon Hollan. The Calls in 1862. 199 Company C, C-irTAiN William H. Lessig Commanding. Killed. Color Sergeant Sol. McMinzie, Martin Sipe. Woimded. Sergeant Alexander Allison, Color Sergeant Thomas Oliver, Corporal Thomas Hilton, Hugh Lynch, John Frazer, David Thomas, Charles Bast, Arthur IJranagan. CoMPAXY D, Captain John T. Boyle Commanding. Killed. Thomas D, "Williams. Thomas Reese, Jolin Carr, Wounded. William Campholi. Company E, First Lieut. John S. ObereendeFv Commanding. Killed. Otto G. H. Yogle. Wounded. Benjamin Mitchell. Company F. Killed. First Lieutenant John Dougherty Commanding Company. Wounded. Corporal Patrick Sullivan, John O'Donnell, Michael Connery, Thomas Tracey, Andrew Glennon, Francis Harris. Company G, Captain Jacob W. Haas Commanding. Killed, Thomas Haines. Wounded. Joel Burd, Abraham Strasser, llobert D. Weaver, Israel Strasser. Joshua Strasser, Joshua V/orkman, John D. Grim, James Kaercher, Louis Fritx, Christian Beidle, John Haley, Henry Z. Koons, Company H, Captain Henry Royer Commanding. Killed. John Sentman, Oliver G. Treichler, Charles B. Ziegler. Wounded. Jeremiah Miller, Sergeant Joseph S. Johnson, " George E. Hughes, William Horn, John Cleary, David P. Thompson, Davis Mellon, Aaron Miller, Michael McCormick, David W. Jenkins, Thomas L. Morgan, William Ortner, Patrick Fell, Peter Triece, Anthony Fisher. 200 The Calls Ix\ 1862. Co3irANT I. First Liei'tenant Matthew Byrnes Commanding Killed. William Weaklin, George James. Wounded. John B. Davis, Manus McAifeiy, Thomas Boyle, Boyd S. Campbell, Peter McAnnany, Michael Callahan, Daniel Sweeny, John Lennon. Company K, Captain Rictiart) Bupd. Killed. Patrick McAllister, Barney McMichacl. Wounded. Jeremiah Cnrran, Jacob Graeff, Thomas Gribbon, John Ilollan, Patrick Welsh, Charles Westner, Patrick Delaney, Patrick Conville, Michael McCariy, John G. Farrell, John Broderick, Patrick Fa}', Barnett McMulligan, Michael llolloran. RECAPITULATION. Field Offi cer, Company A, B. C, D, K, F, G, H, I, K, Killed. Wounded. 1 1 6 1 2 8 o 2 1 1 1 (> 1 9 (> 15 2 8 2 14 Total, - . - - 19 70 It does not include 14 men slightly wounded, but not incapacitated from doing duty immediately with their Companies. The conduct of the Regiment was excellent; my orders under fire heing obeyed promptly, and with great cheerfulness. In taking the road, we lost two color-bearers killed and three wounded. The names of those killed witli tlio colors in their hands, are Solomon McMinzie, Company C, color-bearer, and Charles B. Ziegler, Company H. The wounded are — Thomas Oliver, Company C, color-bearer, Ser- geant Johnson, Company H, and William Ortner, Company H. Very respectfully. Lieutenant, Your obedient servant, II. L. CAKE, Colonel Commanding. To Lieutenant R. R. Wilson, A. A. A. G. On the 17th, the Regiment moved from camp at daylight, and crossed the Antietam at 11 o'clock. With the balance of the Brigade it was sent to the front to support batteries. While lying in position, a round shot The Calls in 1862. 201 struck in Company G, killing Private Frank Treon, and wounding Pri- vate McCoy Sargent. I have, happily, no other casualties to record. H. L. C, Colonel Coniraandins. Note — Was ordered not to make a full report of the hattlc of Wednes- day, September 17, 18G2. Casualties in all — 20 killed, 71 wounded so as to be disabled, and 14 slightly wounded. The Forty-eighth was in the battle of South Mountain, and in the engagements at Antietam, September 17 and 18, and behaved nobly. The following account was furnished to us by Captain Bosbyshell : Antietam, Near Potomac, Md., ") September 21, 1862. / Two more fights to record, in Avhich the Forty-eighth participated — the battle of South Mountain or Middletown Heights, and that of Antie- tam Creek Bridge. The former took place last Sunday, 14th inst. We took up our position behind a small fence in a cleared field, facing a wood — from which the enemy had been driven in the afternoon, and where it was feared he would attack again. It was fast growing dark, and appearances seemed to indicate that we would have to remain and watch where we were all night. Bu.t no, our skirmishers (Company B, Captain Wren) soon were attacked, and shortly'- our Regiment became engaged. Here, to use a vulgarism, we had the ''dead wood" on the enemy, and could pop away in grand style. The firing of the rebels was fast and furious, but we returned it as lively, until our ammunition became expended, when we retired by the left tlank, firing all the way. Our place was immediately occupied by the Second Maryland, of Nagle's Brigade. The enemy " skedaddled " after a few rounds from the Second. and did not disturb us any more that night. We remained close to the field all night. Some three or four in the Regiment were slightly wounded. The rest of Nagle's Brigade also participated, and the los^ in the other Regiments was pretty considerable. The next morning we moved off after the rebels, passing over the battle-field, where piles and piles of dead rebels lay, evidences of the accuracy of our firing. They were strewn around thick where we had been firing the night before, and we received the credit of having piled them up so famously. At the battle of Antietam Creek Bridge the Brigade became engaged about 10 o'clock in the morning, and continued in the action until it ceased — at nightfall. About 11 a'clock, Companies B, G, K, and E, of the Forty- eighth, got into the fight— rthe nature of the ground being such as to prevent the balance of the Regiment participating. This was on the east side of the creek, and our boys did nobly. The sport here was so keen, that I noticed Captain Wren and Lieutenant Douty banging away with spare rifles, evidently enjoying the fun. Soon the bridge was charged b}- the Fifty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Hartranft. (as brave a Regiment, with as brave a Colonel as ever existed,) and car- ried, the rebels leaving in double-quick time. Over to the other side we followed, and our Regiment was throAvn forward to skirmish. We gained the summit of some of the little hills, when the rebels opened a terrific fire of grape, canister, and spherical case from several batteries in front, causing us to shelter ourselves under the hill. 'Twas not long before the infantry became engaged, and at 5 P. M., we were ordered forward 202 The Calls in 1862. to support the Fifty-first Pennsylvania Volunteers. We liurried up the liill, taking our position immediately in the rear of the Fifty-first, lying dafc on the ground. The artillery filing was terrible, and the range awfully accurate. The Fifty-first's ammunition giving out, we crawled up into its place, while it took ours, determined to support us. Finding- our batteries could not get a position to support us, we were ordered to retreat, which we did in good order, to the bridge, where fresh aramuni- lioD was obtained, when we returned and slept on the battle-field. The loss in the Brigade I cannot give — our Regiment's amounts to some 58 killed and wounded. Among the killed is Lieutenant William Cullen, of t'ompany E, a brave man, much esteemed by all. Lieutenant M. M. Kistler, of Company 1, was wounded pretty severely in the shoulder, il.'olonel Nagle, wlio now ranks as Brigadier (Jeneral, having been so commissioned by President Lincoln, behaved as usual with great bravery in these engagements, and our gallant Lieut. -Colonel Sigfried deserves great praise for his conduct during the actions. He was constantly on hand cheering the men on. I can occupy no more of your space in recounting the praises bestowed on the Forty-eighth and the entire Bri- gade by General St urges and otliers. McClellan says the carrying of the bridge won the battle, and it was Sturges' Division that did it. We also, received the following letter from General Nagle : Ukad^larters First Brigade, 2p Division, 0th Army Corps, ) Camp near Antiefam, September 21, 1862. j' Enclosed please find a list of killed, wounded and missing, during the engagements of the l4th inst., at South Mountain, and 17th and 18th inst., at Antietam Bridge and vicinity of Sharpsburg. I would have sent it before, but was unable to do so on account of our continual marching, fighting and skirmishing. I just finished my official report to-day, and sent it to headquarters, and I immediately had a copy of casualties made from it, for the information of many anxious and be- reaved friends, with whom I deeply sympathize. The particuLars of the engagement you have had before this, so I will not trouble you with them again; but, in justice to my command, I would briefl,y say that they have done nobly, and marched up to the work like aid veterans. And 1 feel proud of my command. The Forty- eighth has gained a high reputation for its gallantry, and old Schuylkill need not be asliamed of her representatives in the field. You will see, ))y a copy of General Order No. 11, that the left wing saved the day. I take pleasure in informing my triends at home, that T received mj appointment as Brigadier-General, from the hands of General Cox, on the battle-field on the 19th inst., for which I am much indebted to my friends who procured it for me. [ am, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES NAGLE, Brig.-Gen=?ra,l oouimanding 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 0th Army Corp.?. Tlie number of killed, wounded and missing, in the Brigade com- manded by Brigadier-General Nagle, was as follows: Killed. 34 Wounded, - - - - - - 15S Missing, --..-_-_ 15 Total, 202 The Calls in 1862. 203 The casualties in the Forty -eight Regiment were as follows Battle of South Mountain — Sunday, Sej?temher 14. Wounded. aeorge Brigle, Company A, John F. Kalhacli, Company LI, Sergeant Wm. CLark, Company C, Michael Scott, Company II, JauTes McElrath, Company C, Benjamin Hoffman, Coinpany I, J Kline, Company I), Israel Kramer, Company I. Corporal Jeremiah Griffith, Co. F, John F. Bocliman, Company I. James Paully, Company F, Miss- in (J. Martin Toben, Company C RECAPITULATION. Wounded, Missing, Total, 11 1 12 Battle ov Antietam Creek — September \~th and l8/A. Killed. Alexander Prince, Company B, Charles Timmons, Company G, Alva F. Jeffries, Company D, Corporal Lewis A. Focht, Co. I Lieut. William CuUen, Company E, Corporal Daniel Moser, Co. K, John Broadbent, Company F, Company A. Corporal H. H. Prince, Charles Krieger, B. F. Dreibelbeis, George Beiz, John Whitaker. Company B. Mathew Iiume, Frederick Knittle, liOrentus Mover, John Robison, John R. Simpson. Company C. Sergeant William Clark, " Edward Monahan, Corporal Samuel Wallace, '- James Gribons, Robert Rodgers, James Horn. Henry Dersh, Joiin Dougherty, John Shenk. Company D. Corporal Rothenberger, George Artz, Walter P. Airaes, James Evans, George Dentzer, Company K. Worinded. John Sullivan, George W. Stillwagon, Samuel Stichter, Franklin Iloch. Company E. Sergeant John Seward. " William Trainor, Corporal John McElrath. Company F. i Serge-ant John W. Jenkins, Wm. E. Taylor. Company G. Corporal Charles F. Kuentzlor, John Pugh, John Rodgers, Henry W. Nagle. Company H. Richard Forney, Jacob A. Witraan, Daniel Ohnmacht, William Davis, Samuel Frybergcr. COJII'ANY I. Lieutenant M. M. Kistler, Charles Millet, Peter Keller, Matthew Fierman, 204 The Calls in 1862. Company K. David Fenstamaker, Edward Paj-ne, Francis Simon, Killed, Wounded, John Shaw, Peter Boyer, Sergeant, P. F. Quinn. KECAPITULATION. 8 51 "59 Total — 8 killed ; 51 wounded, and 1 missing. The Fiftieth Regiment fought with its usual courage in these battles. A letter which we received from a member of Company C, contained the following facts in reference to the casualties sus- tained by the tvYO Schuylkill County Companies of the Regiment : Camp Fiftieth Regiment, P. V., Company C, "I Near Sharpsburg, Md., Sept. 24, 1862. / Company C is commanded by Captain Daniel F. Burkert, and was raised in Schuylkill Haven and vicinity.. This Company was very lucky at South Mountain, as we did not lose a man. We, however, suffered severely in the late fight at Sharpsburg, considering the time we were under fire. Our loss v^as two killed and eight wounded. The names are as follows : Killed.. llichard Fahl, Daniel ]SIcGlenn. Wounded. Augustus Berger-, John Graif, Jeremiah Helms, William Patten, Jonathan Branner, Franklin Fenstermacher, Samuel Agley, Jacob Hehn. The other Schuylkill County Company is Company A, and is com- manded by Lieutenant Samuel R. Schwenk. It was recruited in Tre- raont, Lewcllyn, and vicinity. Their loss in the two fights of South Mountain and Sharpsburg, was one killed and two wounded. Their names are as follows : Killed. E. Harner. Wounded. William Biller, Sergeant S Schwalm. By request of some of the members of Company A, I also send you a list of their killed and wounded at the battles of Bull Run and Chantilly, which you are respectfully requested to publish. The names of those killed and wounded at Bull Run, are— Killed. Peter S. Otto. Wounded. Henry Hozer, Daniel Hotta, Samuel KauflFman, Alexander McLauchlin. Sergeant David Alspach. Company A also had one man wounded at White Sulphur Springs, near Rappahannock River, on the 24th of August. His name is Emanuel Foust. "(^.'orporal John Heisler, Nicholas Adams, (Gyrene Bowman, John Bixler, Andrew Herl, John Herrina:, The Calls in 18G2. 20.'. THE PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA, When the rebels threatened an invasion of Maryland and Penn- sylvania, Governor Curtin, alive to the emergency, issued the fol- lowing order : [General Ohder No. 35.] Headquarters Pennsylvania Militia, 1 Harrisburg, Sept. 10, 1862. / In view of the danger of invasion now threatening our State by tlio enemies of the Government, it is deemed necessary to call upon all the able-bodied men of Pennsylvania to organize immediatel}' for the defence of the State, and be ready for marching orders upon one hour's notice, to proceed to such points of rendezvous as the Governor may direct. Ii. is ordered — First — That company organizations be made in accordance with tlie numbers required under the laws of the United States, to wit : One Cap- tain, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, eighty privates as the mini- mum and ninety-eight privates as the maximum standard of each comi- pany. The company officers to be elected by each organization. Second — As the call may be sudden it is desirable that the officers and members of each company provide themselves with the best arms tliey can secure, with at least sixty rounds of ammunition to suit the kind c f arms in possession of the soldiers. Such persons as cannot secure and bring arms with them, will be furnished by the Government after their arrival at the place of rendezvous, 7%i,>j_Each officer and member of the company shall provide himself with good stout clothing, (uniform or otherwise,) boots, blanket and haversack, ready to go into camp when called into service. Fourth — Each company organization to be perfected as soon as por^si- ble, and report the name* of the officer in command, the number of men, and the place of its headquarters to these headquarters, in order that, they may be promptly notified to move when their services are require.!. Fifth — Organizations when ordered to move will be furnished with transportation by the Government, Sixth— On the arrival at the place of rendezvous they will be formed into regiments, or such other organizations as the Governor, Comman- der-in-chief of Pennsylvania, may direct. Seventh — So far as practicable and as may l)e found consistent with the interests of the public service, companies from the same localities Avill be put together in such larger organizations as may be formed. Fiffhth — Organizations formed under the recent proclamation are earn- estly requested to adopt, without delay, such measures as may be neces- sary to comply with this order. iYm//j — Organizations called into the field under this order, will be held for such service only as the pressing exigency for the State defence may demand. By order of Andrew G. Curtin, Governor and Commander-in-chief. [Signed] A. L. PtUSSELL, Adjutant-General Pennsylvania. The order had the desired effect throughout the State, and nowhere was there a deeper feeling of earnestness and determina- tion than in Schuylkill County. The people closed their places of 206 The Calls in 1862. business and went to drilling. Companies were organized through- out the County, and ready to move at a moment's notice. The order came on the I3th of September, and between that date and the 17th eighteen Companies left the County for Harrisburg, for State defence. This was independent of a number of sharp-shooters, who deter, mined '' to go it alone." Captain Daniel Schertle, of Pottsville, organized a" Company of Cavalry, eighty strong, which marched on the 20th, but the dan- ger being over they were ordered to return before reaching Har- risburg. Such an instantaneous uprising of the people was indi- cative of their unabated patriotism. The muster-rolls of the Companies from this County that reached Harrisburg, and were thrown into regimental organizations, are as follows : SECOND EEGIMENT, P. S. M. COLONEL JOHN L. WRIGHT. COMPANY F . CaiJtabi—l). A. SMITH. \st JArui. — Henry C. Russell. 2d Lieut. — Francis B. Wallace. l*'^ Sergeant — Valentine Stichter. 2d " D J. RiDGWAY. ^d " Edward J. SiiiprEN. '\th " J. L. Hetherington. btk '* Charles P. Potts. \st Corporal — R. Snyder. Id J. VMES B. Reed. M L w. Bo ^BYSIIELL. •1/A y . B. Bannan. hlh C harles Woodnutt. (Slh P iiiLir Dentzer. 7th F . H. Garrett. 8th ^^ ILLIAM IL Gore. PRIVATES ; Austin, R. II. Carlin, Thomas Berger, J. Beatty, J. B. Bannan, T. R. Chrisraan, Jacob Bosbjsell, C. A. Cliristian, W. A. Bartholomew, L nn Cahoon, John Bartholomew, G us. Berr, Simon Brooke, L. P. Day, Edward Beck, B. W. Dengler, C, Boedefeld, John Dillman, D. D. The Calls in 1862. 207 Company F, Second Regiment.— Erdman, Edward Ehler, William Fisher, Edward Foster, Solomon, Jr. Fister, James H. Gumpert, A. S. Harrison, Samuel JIa,eseler, Charles H. Heisler, D. A. Hobart, J. H. Hower, Samuel Hawley, Jesse Johnson, James K. Knerr, John Matz, George W. IMcCool, J. W. Miller, John M. Mason, Samuel McGinnis, Theodore F. Matz, Thomas McGinnes, John Miesse, Charles (drummer) Nichols, H. K. Nichols, F. M. Niedt, Edward Olewine, Frank Patterson, J. A. Pomroy, R. C. Russell, Thomas M. Rickert, John R. Ritter, Samuel E. Ptoyer, John W. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musician, . - - Privates, . . - Total, - Continued. Ruch, E. C. Reed, M. S. Riley, Thomas A. Snyder, George Silliman, A. S. Smith, W. R. Shearer, James R. Schollenberger, D. J. Schmeltzcr, John Skeen, Samuel T. Shoener, L. B. Snyder, G. Harrison Smith, H. B. Severn, Wm, B. Say lor, Edward Spiegle, F. Schwintz, William Sterling, William Schmeltzcr, Charles Tindle, Robert Taylor, George W\ Troy, Henry Thompson, David Tyson, Cornelius linger, Daniel Whitney, William L. Whitney, Samuel R. Work, Moodie AValker, Thomas W^eaver, Francis Yardley, T. W. 3 13 1 81 - 98 FOURTH EEGIMENT, P. S. M. COLONEL LITZINGER. Captain— 1^. L. ESHELMAN. 1st Lieut. — Jacob Bauchman. 2d Lieut.— M. D. Weand. \st Sergeant — H. B. Sessinger. 2d " Jonathan Bull. 8c? " D. Huffman. 4i/t '' C. W. Snyder. bth *' Ira Cartwrigiit. 1st Corporal — J. D. Hade sty. 2d " CD. LuRwiCK. 208 The Calls in 1862. Fourth Regiment — Continued. Zd Corporal — Jesse Temtlin. 4th " J. A. Lewis. bill *' George W. Heebner. Qth *' Jesse Newlin. Sergeant-Major — C. L. Chillson. Quartermaster — C. Rommell. PRIVATES; Bailey, John Bischofs, Joseph Carr, Patrick Cummings, B. F. Culver, B. Cliff, William Davis, H. Fletcher, D. Freed, John Glass, Neal Groves, John G winner, Jacob Guiterman, M. Gane, Uriah Griffith, D. Glenn, D. GcUinger, Daniel Geiger, Isaac Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Privates, - - - Gray, John Hain, R. Heilner, J. N. Hilbert, Levi Lehler, D. Lawrence, W. H. Neyer, Charles Paul, D. Pott, John Phillips, R. lloxby, John Smith, M. Steinbauch, P. Shisler, George Tiffany, 0. C. Womer, B. Wilson, G. D. Wintersteen, G. W. _ _ _ o 13 - 30 Total, SIXTH EEGIMENT, F. S. M. COLONEL ARMSTRONG. COMPANY B. C^^fV/m— FRANK POTT. \sl Lieut. — .Joseph Kear. '2d Lieut. — Henry M. Huxtzinger. \st Sergeant — Peter S. Dewalt. 2d A. K. Whitner. Pjd L. C. Bland. 4th 0. H. Sillyman. bth " J. P. HorcK. I*; Corporal — William B. Wells, 2d D. H. MORETON. Sd J. H. Beck. 4th " A. AV. Schalk. blh " David Conrad. G^A *' Peter Douty. lih '< Henry Pullman. ^th " C. A. Fox. Musicians- -John Helms, Frank Kakri iikr Sterling. jA>iB3 The Calls in 1862. 209 Company B, Sixth Kegiment — Continued. PRIVATES: Buck, Peter E. Byerle, Lot K. Bevericlge, David Berluchy, Charles Buck, Nathaniel Brennerman, Philip Bobbs, Henry Buck, Henry W. Bittle, John Bensinger, William Chambers, Henry W. Clowes, Isaac C oiler, Henry Chandler, James Davis, David M. Droeble, Matthias Day, John Elliott, Joseph S. Edmonds, Henry R, Entrikin, Thomas C. Frederick, William D. Erailey, Peter H. Fox, Edward Grim, Lewis Green, Robert C. Gross, Isaac Ganger, Joseph Garrett, Nathaniel J. Garigh, Livingston P. Huntzinger, James M. Huntzinger, William B. Hoifman, Perry W. Hoffman, Charles Hutchinson, David Hoffman, Jacob B. Kirkpatrick, John Kimmel, Thomas Langdon, Benjamin S. Lloyd, Thomas Lord, Jeremiah Lehman, Isaac D. Morrison, Nathaniel C. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Privates, . - - Total, - Myer, Franklin P. Matthews, William G, Morris, Henry L. Matter, Henry McCarty, John Mendelson, Edward Martin, Isaac McGuire, Sol Miller, Samuel Nichols, Mahlon R. Norrigan, Anthony Oxenwald, Michael Palmer, Robert M. Jr. Potts, William R. Pollard, John Pugh, Peter Parton, William Quinn, Joseph Richard, Joseph Reick, George Reick, AVilliam E. St. Clair, Reuben Short, James Schreffler, Sol Stout, Nathaniel M. Shields, AVilliam Saylor, Theodore W. Seitzinger, John L. Starrett, John Thompson, Lewis C. Thompson, Josiah W. Tussaint, Theodore C. Trega, John Voute, Charles F. Wildermuth, Charles \V Willits, George N, Wollison, Franklin Wesley, Edward L, Womelsdorff, Aquilla AYilkinson, Allen "Wilson, James C. Yost, Henry - 8 13 - 3 84 103 18 210 The Calls in 1862. COMPANY a. Captain— E. BENSINGER. 1st Lieut. — John H. Batdorf. 2d Lieut. — William Nagle. 1^^ Sergeant — William If. Heaton. 2d " S. E. VanBuren. 3c? " E. P. BURKIIART. Alh '* W. A. Bensinger. ^- bth ♦* John Davis. 1*^ Corporal — David Reese. 2d " E. P. Burke. 3fZ " William Christian. 4th *< Joseph Wilson. Wi " J. P. Bowen. Y]lliam Chbist. 2d " John A. Horn. od " PuiLiP Wehtlet. 4i'4i " PiOBERT B. AnGAS, 1st Corporal — Dii. R. D. Brown. 2d " William B. Maybekrt. 3(/ " Isaac H. Alter. Ath " liENJAMIN PiNKERTON. QuarterrHaster — Alonzo Livermoke. PRIVATES: Adam, William Althouse, William A they, Josc})]i Boltz, Frederick Barjidt, Jolm Baily, Ha):iiilton Boden, William Bixler, Amos Barndt, Peter Dull, Cyrus Dochant, Joseph E. Eckel. Levi Eckel, Aaron Eisenhart, John Faust, Elias Faust, John R. Far rick, Henry Farrcll, George Gallagher, John Gaskens, John Garress, John Harvey, Thomas Hammer, John Ilcarter,' Jacob The Calls in 1862. 215 Captain Tice's Compahy- -Continued. Gaskins, C. A. Kirk, Sol S. Krise, Charles Koebler, Jacob Lehman, Abl« Lauer, Jacob Moue, John Mellon, Henry C, McClochlan, William D. Miller, Joseph Miller, William Minick, William Minick, Charles Minick, John W. Muldonny, Patrick Otto, Samuel Owen, George P. Pelton, William F. Pinkerton, Hiram W. Piukerton, George A. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Quartermaster, Privates, . _ - Opic, James Reece, William K. Rank, David Roehnl, L. C. Seltzer, J. A, Simon, Michael Snyder, Samuel Simons, William PI. Tobias, Samuel Tobias, Daniel Umholtz, Augustus Umholtz, Charles AV. WilHams, William H. Wright, John B. Wetston, Samuel Wilcox, D. H. Zimmerman, George Zimmerman, Daniel Zerbe, L. Zeiuer, Michael o - - u 8 - 1 64 Total, 76 GRAKD RECAPITULAT10:^r. Second Regiment, Fourth Sixth <' - Seventeenth Regiment, Capt. Tice's Company, Total, 98 52 257 1C4 7G 047 After a brief campaign of two weeks, the members of these Companies returned to their homes. Some of the Companies saw quite active service in Maryland, being in line of battle near Wil- iiamsport, on the Potomac, when the rebel army recrossed into Virginia. The services of the force of militia, furnished by Penn- sylvania, were gratefully acknowledged by General McCIeUan, then commanding the Army of the Potomac. 216 The Calls in 1862. THE DRAFT. Under the call of the Government in June, 1862, for 300,000 volunteers, the quota of Schuylkill County was fixed by Governor Curtin at five Companies. These were furnished. On the 4th of August, the following order was issued by the War Department : War Detartment, Washington, D. C, August 4, 18G2. Order calling for militia from the several States : Ordered — Lst. That a draft of 300,000 militia bo immediately called into the sei'vice of the United States, to serve for nine months, unless sooner discharged. The Secretary of War ^'ill assign the quota to the States, and establish regulations for the draft. 2d. That if any State shall not, by the 15th of August, furnish its quota of the additional 300,000 volunteers authorized by la^v, the defi- ciency of volunteers in that State will also be made by special draft from the militia. The Secretary of War will establish regulations for this purpose. 3d. Regulations will be prepared by the War Department and pre- sented to the. President, with the object of securing the promotion of officers of the army and volunteers, for meritorious and distinguished services, and of preventing the nomination or appcintment in the mili- tary service of incompetent or unworthy officers. The regulations >Till also provide for ridding the service of such incompetent persons as now hold commissions. By order of the President. EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of WVr. The quota of Schuylkill County under this new demand was 1,667, to be furnished either by volunteering or by a draft. Spirited war meetings were held throughout the County for the purpose of devising ways and means to furnish the quota of the County without drafting. At a County meeting held in the Court House in Pottsville, September 9, it was resolved that a bounty of fifty dollars be given to every volunteer. The result of these efforts was so far successful, that when the draft took place under the direction of the Commissioner, John V. Hobart, Esq., but 1,281 names were drawn. The men wlio went into the service from the County, under this draft, were subsequently organized at Harrisburg into a Regiment, the One Hundred and Seventy-third. Of the field and staff offi- cers, the following were from this County: Colonel, Daniel Na- gle ; Lieut.-Coloncl, Z P. Boyer; Adjutant, Eugene Washburn ; Quartermaster, B. L. Esheiman. Four of tho Companies in the The Calls in 1862. 21T Regiment were from Schuylkill County, under command of Cap- tains Cleaver, Sheetz, GraejQFand Faust. In December, 1862, the Regiment was moved to Norfolk, Ya., in whicli Department it remained during its term of service. The muster-rolls of the Companies of Captains Sheetz, Graeff^ Faust and Cleaver, are as follows : 0]S"E HUi^DEED AND SEYENTY-TIIIIID REGI- MENT, P. D. M. COLONEL DANIEL NAGLE. COMPANY A. Cajy/am— CYRUS SHEETZ. 1st Lieut. — Israel Applegate. 2d Lieut. — Charles P. Seitzingeb. 1st Sergeant — William A. Shoener. 2d '* Victor Wernert. Zd " John F. Brown. Ath *' Aaron King. bth " George W. Smith, 1st Corporal — William Swartz. 2d '* Martin Nungesser. Sd '< Edward Gambol. 4th '* Henry Eisenhart. 6th " Charles Mourer. 6ih " Edward B. Leiser. 7th " John W. Kantner. Sth " Daniel Ruiif. Fifer — Henry A. Neiman. Wago7ier — John ^Y. Hopkins. PRIVATES: Allen, Robert Haldeman, Jacob Blow, Charles Kehley, George Bankes, Williara Knecht, George H. Beaver, Gideon Kehley, Daniel Bowman, Jacob D. Law, Hiester M, Boughner, .lefferson D. Miller, Charles Brouse, Nathan Monbeck, Enoch Beltz, Charles ^Monbeck, John Bitler, Jerome Mourer, Stephen Bond, David Moore, James Boughner, John F. Miller, James DeFrehn, Henry Mellen. William Devenport, Samuel Mace, Samuel Eisenhart, Samuel Mummy, Isaac Eisenhart, John Meleher, Henry Fegley, William M. Owens, James Coho, John Peifer, Elias Geiger, Edward Price, Thompson Housman, Conrad Pflueger, William 218 The Calls in 1862. Company A, 173d Regiment — Pviegel, Lewis Kobottam, Benjamin llouch, Samuel Stewart, Josiali Sclilear, Daniel Slioener, Morgan Stauifer, John H. Smith, Daniel Seltzer, John P. Seltzer, William F. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officer Musician, _ _ _ Wagoner, Privates, _ _ - Continued. Shoener, Joseph Schwab, Adam Shiverstine, John Simmons, John Schaup, Daniel Washburn, Eugene Yost, Nathaniel ZoU, Joseph Zimmerman, Samuel s, Total, 13 1 1 57 75 COMPANY D. Captain— S>A.'MXSY.Ij B. GPtAEFF. Isl Lieut. — Benjamin F. Solliday. 'Id Lieut. — Charles F. Miller. \st Sergeant — Francis B. Graeff. 2c? " Jacob Bock. o(^ " Elias Giluner. Ath *' Martin Bbnsinger. bth " William Backer. \st Corporal — Emanuel Sassaman. Id " John Kemery, Zd " William B. Shock. \th " Aaron Miller. 5^/t " Philip Wrrtman, G^/i " William W. Seltzer. "itli " Henry Enuy. Fifer — Jesse Grim. Drummer — Franklin Reber. PKIVATES : Adam, Daniel Beibleliciaier, Peter Betting, Aaron Balliet; John 11. Behr, Elias Breish, Fraley Bachert, James Billman, Gideon Deiner, James M, Daubert, Isaac Eckroth, Adam Eckroth, Moses Folk, Henry Guidner, Jacob Gombar, Henry Gibson, William Geschwender, William Haldeman, Samuel Haldeman, John Haas, Peter Hoffman, Reuben Houser, William Hartung, Samuel H. Houser, Nathan S. Iloman, Henry Horn, Frank Heiser, Valentine Ilenninger, Thomas Kistler,^J. K. Kocker, Elias The Calls in 1862. 219 Company D, 173d Regiment — Koenig, Emanuel Leiby, Jacob L. Leitz, Mahlon Leiser, John Mehs, Daniel Miller, Joseph R. Miller, Reuben F. Mull, David Nunemacher, James Rhinehart, George W. Rhinehart, John W. Rubrecht, John Snyder, Solomon Snyder, Simon Schweigert, Philip Steigerwald, Peter Steigerwald, David Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officer; Musicians, - - - Privates, Total, - Continued. Steigerwald, Frank Sassaman, Joel Sassaman, Charles Sassaman, Israel Shock, Florentine Seltzer, Benjamin Sepp, Jacob Wertman, Levi Wertman, Elias D, Wertman, Willougliby Wertman, Samuel Wert, David Werley, Stephen Wehr, Nathan Weaver, Benjamin Zehner, Nathan H. - 3 12 2 63 80 COMPANY F. Captain— J. R. FAUST. 1st Lieut. — William F. Christ. 2d Lieut. — William H. Otto. 1st Sergeant — J. A. Hoen. 2d Zd 4th oth Joseph Miller. Adam Hand. Henry Reedy. John Kaufeman. 1^^ Coi-j^oral — Israel Klinger. 2d " Peter Bixler. Zd " John K. Zerby. -Ith " Franklin Heisler. bth " H. William Bressler. 1th " John SciiOMrrER. d)th <' Benjamin F. Pinkerton. Drummer — Lewis Artz. Fifer — John F. Dull. Regimental Postmaster — Solomon L. Kirk. Teamster — Daniel Weikle. PRIVATES: Artz, Peter Bressler, Augustus Bixler, Benjamin Christ, Elias Clouser, Jacob Derr, Samuel Dunkleberger, Israel Dull, CyTiis Dipping, Leonard Dressier, Jacob Dressier, Josiah Eckel, Percival Fessler, Charles Forteman, Edwin 220 The Calls in 1862. Company F, 173d Regiment — Cont Forteman, James Fidler, Tjrus Goodman, Elias Gable, Daniel S. Herb, Abraham Haubt, Franklin Haas, Isaac Hand, Josiah Herring, Jonathan Kessler, Paul Klinger, George Kepner, Emanuel Kehler, Emanuel Miller, John L. Morgan, Daniel Nightlinger, Henry Ney, Israel Nagle, Israel Otto, John B. Otto, Nathaniel Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - - Regimental Postmaster, Teamster, - _ - - Privates, - _ - - inued, Schucker, Simon Sponsayler, Henry Specht, Levi Swab, Jacob Snyder, Daniel M. Sinsel, Peter Savidge, Val. Updegrove, Edward Updegrove, John R. Wolfgang, John Workman, Benjamin Weary, Isaac Workman, Jacob Walter, Daniel AVolfgang, Sol W^olfgang, Simon Zimmerman, Elias Dunkelberger, E. Troutman, E. Kehler, William - 3 - 12 - 2 1 - 1 - 54 "73 COMPANY H. Captain— ZM,YE^ R. CLExWER. 1st Lieut. — William J. Christian. 2d Lieut. — Henry B. Sessinger. 1st Sergeant — William A. Bensingeu. ^ 2d " George W. Downing. 3c? " Peter Imsciiwiler. '1th *' John Shelly, bill *' William A. Hi?imelright. 1st Corporal — Charles H. Smith. Zd 4th bth «' Qth " 1th " Sth *' Musicians- Bolick, Andrew Bowen, David Bawn, Nathaniel Blakley, James Copenhaver, John Jacob Reedy. William T. Jones. Andrew Paul. Peter J. Gilbert. Patrick Muldowney. John Stephens. -Charles L. Fisher, Peter Roderion. PRIVATES Conly, Robert Dunn, Edward Dillman, Charles M. Dreisbach, Yost W. Delaney, James The Calls in 1862. 221 Company H, 173d Regiment — Continued, Ditty, William T. Omer, Robert Drumheller, John Paul, Jacob Fisher, William H. Parham, Frank Fisher, Charles F. Purcil, Daniel Frometer, Jacob Paul, David GoUaher, John Roderon, Valentine Garrett, William Rehm, George Garris, Peter Reiff, George Heilner, Isaac N. Robertson, George Hartz, Israel Smith, Monroe Huber, Daniel Stitzer, John Horbach, Jacob Strauble, George Heckler, Jacob Schapbell, Frank F Hughes, John Schredley, Andrew Hogentogler, William Smith, George Jones, Daniel Toby, Conrad Kleiusmith, Nicholas Thompson, Eli Keim, Joseph Valentine, Ellis Koppf, William Wilson, John Kreiser, William Warlow, Joseph Klase, Charles F. Williams, Patrick Morrison, William Watson, John Mrtundler, Francis Yarnall, Isaac May, Philip Young, George Martin, William J. Zerby, Jackson Nolan, Martin Commissioned Officers, - 3 Non-commissioned Officers, 12 Musicians, - - - - - 2 Priyates, . - - 61 ' 78 GRAND RECAPITULATION. Field and Staff, - - 4 Commissioned Line- officers, 12 Non-commissioned Officers, - 49 Musicians, - _ - 7 Teamsters, - - - - - - - 2 llegiment Postmaster, 1 Privates, _ - - - 235 Total, - 310 THE FIRST BATTLE OF FREDERICKSBURG. Early in December, 1862, General Burnside, then in command of the Army of the Potomac, crossed the Rappahannock River and occupied Fredericksburg, the Rebels retiring to their works 19 222 The Calls in 1862. in the rear of the town. Every preparation having been made, ou Saturday, December 13, General 13urnside moved upon the enemy's position ; Sumner's Division forming the right of the Union line ; Hooker's the centre, and Franklin's the loft. The National troops fought bravely and stubbornly all day, and even gained some advantages on the left, but thoy could not perform impossibilities, and at night they were in a position before the rebel fortifications clearly explained in the following dispatch from General Burnside to General Halleck : Headquarters Asmy of the Potomac, ) December 16 — G P. M. / Major-General Halleck, Commander-in-Chief: The Army of the Potomac was withdrawn to this side of the Ptappa- hannock River, because 1 felt fully convinced that the position in front could not be carried, and it was a military necessity either to attack the. enemy or retire. A repulse would have been disastrous to us under exist- ing circumstances. The army was withdrawn at night without the knowledge of the enemy, and tcithout loss, either of projicrty or men. AMBROSE E. BURNSIDE, Major-General Commanding. The forces did not renew the fighting on Sunday and Monday, and on Monday night the entire army was withdrawn safely to the north bank of the Rappahannock River. Not a single man or gun was lost in the retrograde movement. In this severe contest Schuylkill County was represented by the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth, Forty-eighth, and Ninety-sixth Regiments. The latter Regiment was not immediately engaged^ and did not suffer so severely as the first-named commands. THE PART THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT TOOK IN THE BATTLE. The following graphic account of the part the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment took in the battle, was written a few days after by one of its ofiiccrs : Camp Near Falmouth, Va., December 20, 1862. Dear : I have been so busy for the last few days making out the returns and reports for the Regiment, that it has been impossible for me to sit down and write you after the terrible battle in which we were engaged on the 13th. I escaped without injury, which seems to me almost miraculous, for the bullets and shell flew about me most plenti- The Calls in 1862. 223 fully, making many a poor fellow bite the dust. So far as I can judge, our Brigade was in the hottest fire of the battle, and the wonder is that the Regiment was not entirely cut to pieces. As it is we have to report io7 of our Regiment among the killed, wounded and missing, out of less than GOO who went into the fight. The newspapers will give you a pretty accurate account of the move- ments of our Division, (Humphrey's) Butterfield's Corps, (Fifth) and Hooker's Grand Division, on that day, and with the aid of maps you can get a very fair idea of the action. We broke camp early on the morning of the 11 th, and were to have been at the river, ready to cross by A. M. The cannonading com- menced long before the break of day, principally from our side, for the purpose of clearing the opposite bank of the enemy's sharpshooters, so as to enable us to throw the bridges across the river. The attempt was fruitless for a long time, until several boats, filled with volunteers from the different Regiments, ])ushed themselves across right in the face of the enemy, and soon had the bank of the river and houses near by cleared of the rebel sharpshooters. A good deal of fighting took place in the streets, but the rebels finally took to their heels. It was nearly dark, however, by the time this was effected, and in the meantime the air was filled with the roar of the artillery. We encamped about one and a half miles from the river, on tlie hard frozen ground, with nothing over us but the clear, blue sky, and by the time morning came we were all pretty well chilled. We started early in tlie morning again, and moved forward nearly a mile when we halted. The large number of troops in advance of us, and the resistance met with on the other side, made our movements very slow. We bivouacked for the night in a pine woods, where we were almost suffocated and blinded by the smoke. During the whole of the da}' the cannonading was continuous, and every now and then we could distinguish the sharp rattle of musketry. Dense clouds of smoke hung over tlie town and about the batteries of the enemy and our own. The town itself had been fired in a dozen different places and was burning furiously. The sight from the hill where we were encamped, was magaificent. We could see from right to left of the whole line of batteries, where the contest raged most furiously. Next morning we moved on again, with our whole Division, towards the middle pontoon bridge. The cannonading had become more furious than ever, and the continued volleys of musketry told that the infantry were at last engaged in close combat We crossed the river about noon, and tlie rebels commenced to pepper us with ball and shell from the bat- teries beyond the town, though without doing us any more damage, than giving us lessons in the art of dodging. We had become so well accus- tomed to the sound and to the shells flying about our heads, that no confusion was created in the ranks. As we got into the streets of the town, where we marched and countermarched for an hour and more, the shell fell fast and furiously about us, shattering the buildings and crea- ting havoc all around. Here I saw the first man killed. He belonged to the One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was not more than thirty feet from me when he was struck. He was almost cut into two. He threw up his hands, exclaiming, " Oh, my God! take me," and expired almost immediately, I have no doubt the sight of this made some of the boys feel a little queer — a little qualmish — as though playing with such balls was not exactly such harmless sport as many of them had imagined. We deposited our knapsacks and blankets in one of the buildings of the town and then moved on towards the out- 224 The Calls in 1862. gkirts of tbe town, by a road leading directly from the river to the bluff or high eminence on which most of the enemy's batteries were posted. This hill extends in the rear of the town from the river along the whole length of tlie town and still further both on the right and'left, and is perhaps three-fourths of a mile from the town. After getting beyond the outskirts of the town, we arrived at a marshy place, near an old tan- yard, protected from the principal battery in front by a rise in the ground behind which we lay, but in full view from the batteries on the right. We were not here more than a minute, when from the position where I stood (on my horse) I could see the smoke belching out from tlie battery on the right, and I could see the shell come whizzing right down into our ranks, where it exploded, killing several and wounding others, 1 could see them drawing the cannon back, reloading it, and tiring again. The shots were well directed each time, and two of them came uncomfortably close. They had full chance .for sweeping and raking us where we lay, and we thought it about time to look for better quarters. It looked fearful to see them loading the guns, running them out, firing them, and then see the balls come plunging along almost in a direct line for one's self — and it required more cool courage to witness this without flinching, than afterward to go into the chai^ge, where everything was excitement and uproar. Lieutenant Parvin, Company B, was mortally wounded here. He has since died — his father I think, lives in Reading. We moved out from this position, and took our position in line of battle on the left of the road, behind a battery which was playing most vigor- ously on the enemy in front. The position was nevertheless a dangerous one, for the shot and shell fell around us and burst over our heads, e.very now and then stretching some soldier lifeless on the ground. Here we lay until it began to grow dusk, when a charge was ordered for the purpose of capturing a stone wall about two hundred yards ahead of us, and behind which the rebels lay, pouring in a destructive fire, and the cannoniers working the batteries were fearfully exposed to the shots from the enemy's batteries posted behind the stone wall, about halfway up the hill, and from accounts since received, their forces lay thick behind the wall and in a piece of woods running towards the top of the hill. The famous stone wall itself ran along the foot of the hill, and afforded safe protection to a large body of the enemy. In addition to this were tlie rifle-pits constructed in front, and the numerous batteries which covered the hill, and you have an idea of the terrible difficulties to be surmounted, and the tearfulness and rashness of the charge to be made in order to capture these works. Several attempts had been made during the day to capture them, but without success, and the ground oyer which we charged, besides being very muddy, was strewn with the dead and dying who had fallen in the previous attempts. When the order to charge was given, we moved forward w^ith a loud hurrah, and charged at a run, with bayonets fixed, over the gently rising plain towards the enemy. Our line was well preserved, even though we were obliged to pass over two other Regiments lying down, and cross a fence that stood in our way. Immediately the batteries began to play upon us from every side, and there was a continuous line of fire from the top of the stone wall right into our ranks. How the bullets whistled and hissed about our heads, and the shell exploded right in our midst. Nothing could withstand that withering line of fire. Men fell around me on all sides, and it seemed almost a miracle that I was untouched. The line was kept in as good order as was possible under the circum- stances. We advanced to within a short distance of the wall — perhaps The Calls in 1862. 225 fifty or seventy-five yards — and then flesli and blood could stand it no Jonger. Tlie line began to waver and part — our advance was checked. We could not keep the gaps in the ranks filled up. The oflficers did their best to urge the men forward, but it was worse than useless, as nothing but death stared them in the face. We began to retire, and the enemy seeing this, poured in a more destructive fire than ever. Still there was no panic among the men, and although some confusion occurred in the ranks, we retired slowly and deliberately to our first position, where we formed once more, ready to meet an attack from the enemy, v/hich we fully expected after our repulse. Had they attempted it, they would have found us prepared to receive them with unbroken ranks. By this time it had grown quite dark ; still the rattle of musketry and the thun- dering of the cannon continued until long after. The charge our Brigade had made was the most spirited of the whole day, and we advanced nearer the enemy's position than any other troops. From the time we first started on tlie charge to the time Ave returned, was scarcely more tlian fifteen or twenty minutes ; yet in that short time one hundred and thirty-seven of our men had fallen, either killed, wounded, or afterwards discovered to be among the missing. Nine officers of the Regiment were either killed or wounded, and, so far as I know, there was not one who faltered or hung back. Our Colonel exposed himself fearlessly, keeping the line in good order, and cheering the men forward in that fearful advance; and afterwards, when we were compelled to retire, restored the line once more, so as to be prepared for any movement of the enemy. We remained in this position until long after dark, and the firing had almost entirely ceased — a few stray shots from the pickets were all that could be hear:l. Late at night we moved back to town and rested for a time on the sidewalk of one of the streets, tired, weary and dirty. We were called into line again after midnight, and once more moved out to the field. It presented a terrible sight. The dead lay all around us, in every con- ceivable position, the groans of the wounded and dying filled the air — one poor fellow, who had a terrible wound in the side, begged to be shc-t so as to put him out of his miser}'— another young soldier was talking incoherently of his mother and his home, whilst another still was utter- ing fearful imprecations. You could also hear the groans of the rebel wounded, as they lay behind the stone wall. Broken muskets were strewn over the ground — some of the dead held their guns firmly in their hands, as though unwilling to give them up, though the power to use them had long since departed, and they had been summoned to another land, far away. It was a siglit never to be forgotten. We lay in our old position until morning, wet, cold and hungry, and then moved back again to the town, having been relieved by other troops. We found shelter in some of the deserted houses. The Field and Staff of the Regiment procured ample accommodations in the "Planters' Hotel" — a fine three-story brick — we occTipied the "■ ladies' parlor," had fine mattresses to sleep op, an old fashioned piano to discourse sweet music, plenty of flour in the larder, out of which we baked ' slap-jacks," an abundance of kitchen utensils, enough to supply several Regiments. The accommodations were extensive and the food very good for soldiers accustomed to nothing but hard bread and salt pork. The place had evidently been left yerj hastily, just before breakfast time, for the table was set, tlie spoons in the sugar-bowls, the cups and saucers ready to be filled, with rye coffee, I presume, and the table-cloth spread. I did not get there in time to see what kind of meats or preserves the proprie- 226 The Calls in 1862. tor Lad intended to regale his guests ■with that morning, probably, how- ever, the usual beefsteak was on the table, with eorncakes, " hog and hominy." Here we remained until Monday night, when we were ordered out on picket, and set to work digging trenches, rifie-pits, breastworks, &e. We expected hot work next morning, and worked like beavers to put ourselves in proper condition to receive the rebs. At about 1 o'clock we were relieved and marched down to the lower part of the town, Avhere we remained for several hours. We wondered what it all meant, though we had a suspicion that an evacuation was intended. About 4 o'clock we received orders to move, and were marched directly across the river to this side, without giving us any opportunity of getting the knapsacks, blankets, or tents of the men. We trudged along through the rain and mud, and at last reached an old camp. It has been intensely cold ever since, and tlie men have suffered terribly without shelter and without blankets. ^ THE OFFICIAL llEPORT OF COLONEL FRICK. The following is the official report of Colonel Jacob Gr. Frick of the conduct of the Regiment^ vrith the casualties sustained bj the coininand : Headquaiitkhs 12Dtii Regiment, P. V., ) Camp near Fredericksburg, Va., December 17, 1862. j Captain : In compliance with instructions from headquarters First 3>rigade, 1 have the honor to make the following report of the casualties of my Regiment in the "Battle of Fredericksburg," December 13, 18G2, and as required by paragraph 465, Revised Army Regulations: Officers Killed. Lieutenant J. Parvin, Company B. Officers Wounded. Captain Lawrence, Company A. Captain L. C. Leib, Company Gr. " William Wren, Company B. Lieut. A. A. Luckenbach, Co, C. " J. K. Taylor, Company C. " Joseph Oliver, Company D. " Herbert Thomas, Co. 1). Total officers wounded — 8. " E. G. Rehrer, Company E. KUled. Company A. Company E. John M. Jones, Clarence E. Bailey. John Nicholas, Company F. Thomas Millington. Jeremiah Albert, Company B. Corporal Josiah J. Trausen. James Edwards, Company G. John C. Niese. Corporal Joseph Felterman, Company C. William W. Price, Corporal William H. Kock. Gabriel Crow. Company D. Company K. George Bidwell, Franklin Willauer. Edward Wilson. The Calls in 1862. 227 Company A. Sergeant Chas F. Falls, Corporal William Dier, " Jacob Zimmerman, Samuel Allen, John Allen, Peter Cloppier, Patrick Hughes, "William E. Kline, John Robbins, Peter Welsh, Jerry Ileckman, John Ilohlmau, William Robertson, John Taylor, Benjamin Humphreys, Company B. Charles F. Dcibert, Edward Edwards, Patrick F, Ferguson, William D. Guertler, Richard Jones, Thomas H. Lewis, Samuel Rushworth, Eli Yeager. C03IPANY C. Sergeant William B. McCarty, Corporal A. R. Scholl, W. M. Wliallon. Company D. Corporal J. Bachman, " Reuben Lerch, Reuben Albert, Edward Alsfeldt, Burton Burrell, Paul Dormer, Isaac Fine, Irwin Hartzell, James Moyer, Frank Tomer, John Shiffer. Company E. Sergeant E. F. Bodey, Adam Krause, William Johnston, Samuel Huntzinger, George W. Ziegler, John A. Shaeffer, Jacob Wagner. Company A. '^illiam J. Jones. Wounded. Company F. Sergeant Oliver H. Armstrong, William H. Hartzell, Corporal AVilli.am Ateer, " Otto Wohlgenmuth, John Butz, Enos Dunbar, Robert EUet, William Frey, David Frankenfield, Edward Fraunfelder, Joseph Geisinger, Andrew Iloft'man, Henry Ilunsberger, Thomas Kelly, John Krcssler, William Joy, John iVIaginnes, Christian H. Rice, Edward Transue, Joseph AYheeler, John Wallace. Comi'axy G. Corporal H. W. Z art man, " E. C. Murray, Aaron Dreher, Isaac Davis, Blazius Fritz, Andrew Kessler, Richard Llewellyn, Adam Maury, Joshua Paj'ne, John A. Phillips, Thomas Richards, George Williams. Company H. Corporal Jabez Wooley, William Grove, John Haslem, Peter Hain, David Lewis, John W. Dunges, Henry Bowman. Company I. Jacob R. W^eikel, George Harbst, Morris Hunsicker. Company K. Corporal George A. Simons, William Sletor, Henry Steinmetz. Missing, Company B. Peter Brown. '22S The Calls ix 18G2. Com r ANY llcnry Bonner, Siumiol r>e;ir. William W. Sbellov. Company Charles Barnett, Mutiliew McAbee, Samuel Williams. Com r ANY Cliristiau N. Blum. Company Uubori Hill. David Bruoe, Derrick Arcu. Ivilled, WouudeJ. Company G. Corporal Mioliael F. Sehopboll. Franklin IIolli:?ter. Company IT. Sergeant Samuel C. Aregoed. John W, Smith. Peter Bummerbough. John Bracey, James Crawley. Ely Leese, William Ihivi?, Kichard Shoener. Enoch Lambert. iieoaphtlatiox. Officers. Mtn. Killed. Wounded, Missing, 15 90 Total. ------ 137 I have but little to add to the above record. It speaks volumes for the men of my Regiment, and I cannot speak too highly of their conduct in the terrible contiict of Saturday, Deeep.iber 13. I believe every officer and every soldier was in his proper place, and did his Avhole duty. Their blood has been shed freely for the preservation of the Government and for the maintenance of free institutions, and they will be remem- bered by a grateful people. To Lieut. -Colonel Armstrong, vrho had his horse shot under him. 1 am much indebted for valuable assistance on the field. He was cool anil courageous: everywhere where duty called him encouraging the men and urging them forward. To Major Anthony, I am also indebted for valuable services in this action. He again displayed that courage and ability that characterized his conduct on other iields since the commence- ment of this war. Adjutant Green discharged his whole duty regardless of personal peril, and exhibiied a cool courage that cannot be too highly eommended. The gallantry displayed on that fatal field by our brave volunteer*, under circumstances which did not admit of hope of success, is but another proof of their unconquerable determination to suppress ibe Rebellion and maintain the integrity of our Union, at every sacrifice. 1 am. Captain, verv respectfully, \ uiir obedient servant, JACOB G. FRICK, Colonel One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Penn. Volunteers. To n. C. Ra.nney, Captain and A. A. General Tyler's Brigade. The Sclmylkill County Companies in the above list, are A. U, E. a. and n. The Calls in 1862. 229 the tart the forty-eighth regiment took in the BATTLE. After the battle, J. K. Sigfried, Colonel of the Forty-eighth, wrote us the following letter descriptive of the part the Kegiment took in the fight, with a list of the casualties sustained by his command : Headquarters FoRTY-EiGnTii Regiment, P. V., 1 Near Fredericksburg, Va., December 1(J, 18G2. / As you liave no doubt received a full account of the battle of Frede- ricksburg and of the evacuation of the city by our forces last night, I will confine myself chiefly to my own command in the engagement. We bivouacked in the street on the right of the city the preceding night; towards noon on the 13th marched toward the left and to the support of the Second Brigade of same Division, At 1 o'clock P. M., received orders from General Nagle to march to the open field in the rear of the city, when my Regiment was kept in reserve (while the rest of our Brigade marched forward) until half-past 2 o'clock, when Gene- ral Sturges ordered me to forward my command to assist in repelling a charge the enemy was about making on our line. We started and went at double-quick (a distance of half a mile) under a most terrific fire of shell, grape, and cannister from the enemy's batteries. Arriving at the hill (about four hundred yards from the enemy's breastworks,) I was requested by Colonel Clark, of the Twenty-first Massachusetts Volun- teers, to relieve his Regiment; their ammunition was nearly expended: I did so ; when we remained on the crest of the hill until our ammuni- tion was exhausted (sixty rounds per man,) when Colonel Brown, of the Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers, relieved us. At dusk the hill became crowded, and seeing other Regiments still coming up. Colonel Clark and myself concluded best to return to the city for ammunition, and give room for fresh troops to get under the shelter of the hill. Too much praise cannot be given to all the soldiers (and the following officers who were in the battle, viz.: Lieut. -Colonel Pleasants, Major J. Wren, Adjutant D. D. McGinnes, Captains U. A. Bast, G. W. Gowen, Winlack, Hoskins, 0. C. Bosbyshell, J. A. Gilmour, John R. Porter, Isaac Brennan, and Lieutenants H. Boyer, Eveland, John Wood, Humes, Chas. Loeser, Jr., Bohannan, Fisher, James, Williams, Jackson, Pollock, A. Bowen, Scliuck, Douty and Stitzer,) for their gallantry during the entire engagement. Their line was steady and unbroken while advancing under the most murderous shelling of the enemy, and their fire delibe- rate, well-aimed and effective. I deeply sympathize with the families and friends of those who have fallen, but it is a source of great gratification to know that they fell while gallantly defending a just and holy cause. The following is the list of killed, wounded and missing : Killed. Company A. John Williams, Private James Williams. William Hill. Company B. Company D. Corporal Reuben Robinson, Sergeant Henry Williamson, Michael Divine, Thomas Kinney. 230 The Calls in 1862. Wounded. Company A. /' Company F. Joseph B. Carter, / David Griffith, William F. Heiser, Evan W. Thomas, CoMTAxy P.. William Fulton. Sergeant N. W. Major, Company G. William Brown, .Ser|?eant James C. Nios, Clemens Betzler, Daniel Dunn, Carey Ileaton, 'Tohn Tobin. I'hilip Carling, Company II. Lieut. John S. Wood. Captain Joseph A. Gilmour, C>mpvny C Corporal Alba ('. Thompson. /-<,„,,„ 1 Ti^, u- • ' Valentine Kinswell. (yorporal Henry Weiser, p , Samuel Harrison, ^ ^ . t^ Company J. Charles Walker, Sergeant I rancis D Koch, Andrew Scott, ,.''T^'^''^,l •^^™^' ^^'^^^'' Tvi; 1 „i AT^ni 1 1- VVi son Kerns, Michael Mctjlaughlm, ,, , , ,, .,.' „ -r,,i ,. VI.,,., „,- j.dward i. fenappelle. John Murrav. , , „ i /v. Jacob Gongluff, Company D. Charles E. Weaver, Corporal John II. Derr. Anthony BeKz, II. C. BurkJiolter. Joseph Gilbert, Company E, Elias Faust. Robert Hughes, Company K. Edward Murphy. John Currey, John Sunderland, Thomas Currey, Corporal Michael Sandy, Frank Siuion, " Samuel Clemens. Michael Delaney. George Ayrgood. UKCAPITULATION. Killed, 7 Wounded, - 43 ^lissing. ----_. -1 Total, 51 Yours respectfully, J. K. SIGFRIED, Colonel Commanding Regiment. The Forty-eighth was in General James Nagle's Brigade. Annexed is a copy of the Gcnerars official report: llEADQriAraKRs First BiiniAnp:, 2d Division, 9Tir Aumy Corps, "^ Near Falmouth, Va., December 16, 1862. j General : T have the honor to submit, the following report of the part taken by my Brigade in the recent operations against the enemy: On the morning of Friday, the 12th inst., in obedience to your order, I crossed the Rappahannock, in the vicinity of the Lacy House, with my j{rigade, and took position under the shelter on the opposite side of the river. 1 remained in this position until 4 P. M., when I moved my troops a short distance down the first street running parallel with the river, where they bivouacked for the night. On the morning of the loth 1 moved further down said street, left in front, until I came up with the The Calls in 1862. 231 right of General Getty's troops. Here I remained until 12^ o'clock, P. M., when I, by j'our order, advanced to the support of General Ferrero, who was already engaged ; I moved by the right of regiments to the front, to pass obstacles, until I got to the rear of the town, where the regiments formed in line of battle. The Sixth New Hampshire, (Colo- nel Griffin,) and the Seventh Rhode Island, (Colonel Bliss,) advanced to the front on the right of the railroad, in good order under a murderous fire from the enemy's artillery. The Second Maryland, (Colonel Allard,) Twelfth Rhode Island, (Colonel Browne,) and Ninth New Hampshire, (Lieut. -Colonel Babbitt commanding,) being on the left of the railroad, were moved in order under shelter as much as possible, to the railroad cut, and from there advanced to the front. The Forty-eight Pennsylvania, (Colonel Sigfried.) was for a time, held in reserve. At 2=] o'clock P. M., the Forty-eighth was ordered to the front. The men marched forward under a galling fire, like true vete- rans. The whole of my Brigade remained in the front and did good service, until after sixty rounds of ammunition had been expended, and until they were relieved at dusk by other troops, when by your order my com- mand was withdrawn, in good order, to the position occupied on the pre- vious night. The men were here supplied with ammunition, and then bivouacked for the night. My Brigade remained in the same position until Monday evening, when I was again by your order moved to the front, with instructions to hold the city at all hazards. I placed my troops in position on the left of the railroad, and commenced to strengtlien and fortify my position by throwing up entrenchments and digging rifle-pits, &c. At 11|, P. M., by your order I withdrew my command across the river to our former camps. Too much praise cannot be given to the officers and men of my com- mand, especially to the Sixth New Hampshire, Seventh Rhode Island, Forty-eighth Pennsylvania, and Ninth New Hampshire. It is vmneces- sary for me to speak of the Ninety-Sixth and Forty-eighth ; they, as upon former occasions, never flinched. The Seventh Rhode Island had never been under fire before, and mucli credit is due to Colonel Bliss for the able manner in which he manoeu- vred his men, he having lost the assistance of his Lieut. -Colonel, Major and Adjutant, during the engagement. The Twelfth Rhode Island, being an entire New Regiment, some little difficulty was had in getting them into position, but they behaved well and did more service than was expected from raw troops. Colonel Browne, who was the only field officer, (Major Dyer having been disa- bled before going into action,) is entitled to much praise for his personal conduct. My Brigade went into action with about twenty-seven hundred men, and my total loss amounts to five hundred and twenty-two. [Signed] JAMES NAGLE, Brigadier-General. Brigadier-General Sturges, Commanding 2d Division, 9th Army Corps. In this battle, Lieutenant Howard Edmonds, of the Third Penn- sylvania Cavah-y, and Captain Wilson Hartz, both of Schuylkill County, were wounded. The One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regiment, P. V., — in 232 The Calls Ix\ 1862. Company K, of which there was a number of men from Schuylkill County — was also in this battle. The Company was commanded by William Fox, of Schuylkill Haven. He was killed by a shell while crossing the Rappahannock, at Fredericksburg, in the attack on that place. The casualties in the Company among the Schuyl- kill County men were as follows : Wounded. Corporal William A. Clock, "William L. Hutton, Paul Banks, Christian Hay, Franklin Brigal, Franklin Klabr, Ellis Fessler, Charles Minnig, Elias Hautz, John Whittle. Wounded and Missing. Edward A. Ileckman, Lewis B. Reber. THE BATTLE OF MURFREESBORO'. On the 29th of December, 1862, the Western forces under Gene- ral Rosecrans, captured Murfreesboro, Tenn., after a severe battle. In the engagements attending these operations, the Seventh Penn- sylvania Cavalry bore a conspicuous part. Shortly after the battle we received the following letter from Lieutenant 15. Reilly and Lieutenant H. S. Thompson, of the Seventh, in reference to the engagement, and the part the Regi- ment bore in it. They are interesting and valuable as records of events that transpired under the eyes of the writers : MuRFUEESBORo', Tenn., January 7, 1863. We have just had the most exciting holidays ever passed or wit- nessed by us. Christmas day was quite warm ; it was celebrated by the whole army in and around Nashville, but the hurried movements of Orderlies and Quartermasters told that there was a great move in con- templation. Christmas night the army received the order to be prepared to move at daylight, with three days' cooked rations in haversack, and five days' rations in bulk. The Array of the Ohio (or Cumberland) started from Nashville at G A. M., December 20, in a drenching rain. The army advanced on three pikes. The right wing, under Major-General McCook, on the Franklin Pike; the centre, under Major-General Thomas, on the Nolinsville, and the left, under Major-General Crittenden, on the Murfreesboro' Pike. Our Division (First Cavalry) was divided, one- third going each road. The First Brigade, in which is the Seventh Pennsylvania, moved on the Murfreesboro' Pike, in the advance. Colonel Kennett, our Division com- mander, (of whose staff I am a member,) moved with the First Brigade. The rain ceased at about 11 A. M.; by this time we had made eight miles The Calls in 1862. 233 without, opposition. On starting the ninth mile, we discovered the ene- my's scouts in our front. Skirmishing soon commenced, which con- tinued until we reached the outskirts of Lavergne (a small village fifteen miles distant from Nashville,) when we discovered the enemy in some force in the town. We commenced shelling them, expecting to see them skedaddle, but they astonished us not a little, upon firing the second shell, to see a volume of smoke issue from their lines, and at the same instant a shell pass over our heads, hissing and shrieking, but did no further damage than the demolishing of a chimney of a house close by. We immediately deployed, and an artillery duel commenced, which was soon closed by darkness intervening. Our loss was very small, the Seventh losing two men wounded. We started again at 11, A. M., on the 27th, the enemy leaving the town during the night, but we soon caught up to them. They disputed^ our passage inch by inch, we only making six miles this day, losing quite a number of men. On the 28th (Sunday,) we laid quiet, the right wing this day moving over to the Nolinsville Pike, and the centre forming a junction w^ith us, so we had our line of battle formed by Sunday night. Major-General Rosecrans moved on the Murfreesboro' Pike, which by a move of the left wing became the centre of our army. We started early on the 29th, and had heavy skirmishing all day, the enemy retreating slowly before us. At every elevation they would throw shells at us. We reached within three miles of Murfreesboro', at 4 P. M., when we discovered the enemy in force, and a line of rifle-pits 1,000 yards distant. After severe skirmishing we went into bivouack for the night. The Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry were out scouting, I believe, on the 28th and 29th, and took a number of prisoners. On the 30th, both parties laid rather quiet until about 8 P. M., when our right wing engaged the enemy, and drove them about a mile. Wed- nesday, December 81st, broke clear and pleasant. The Seventh had been thrown a small distance in rear of the line of battle to act as^cou- riers, and to drive up stragglers. Just at daylight I was sent by Gene- ral Kosecrans to see that the courier line was extended to General McCook's quarters. When I arrived at our right, I found a fierce battle raging, and our right wing falling back in disorder. On returning with the news, I met Colonel Kennett, who ordered his staflf to rally the men. We set to work rallying the men, but by this time it had become a rout; cavalry and artillery came rushing headlong and reported everything lost. I had succeeded in rallying a few men, when the Texas Rangers charged. The men I had once more ran, whereupon '•I am taken prisoner." The Texas Rangers came up, and one of them, in not the most polite manner, ordered me to get off my hor^e, at the same time presenting an ugly-looking revolver at me, I, of course, complied with his reqiiest. They placed a guard over me, and were about marching me otf into Dixie, when Colonel Kennett, who had succeeded in rallying some men, charged. They fled, and I was once more taken, but this time by friends. I had a very fortunate escape, as the rebels placed us (the prisoners) in their rear, so we were between the fire of both parties. In the short time of three minutes (all it took our men to pass us,) there were eight killed and thirty wounded of the men who were taken with me. I was also saved the mortification of losing my sword, as the rebels were in such a hurry that it was overlooked. 20 234 The Calls in 1862. After (he rebels had dclenteil our riu;li(, they att.'iolved our ceuire and left Avith great foree, but here ova- lueu stood iirm aud repulsed (hem ■with great slaugliter. The battle raged furiously here all day, with great loss on both sides. General Sill Avas killed, and General ^Villich taken ])risouer early in the niorning. Lieut. -Colomd Garasche was killed about noon, a round shot earrying away his head, lie was chief-of-stalV to Genei'al Roseerans. Lieutenant Bartholomew was seriously wounded about 1^, P. M., an Knliehl ball striking him in the lei'i side very low down, aiul ]iassing out at the right side. 1 found him the next day lying in a tent without an^- tire in it. lie Avas in good spirits though very seriously wotinded and sutVering very nmeh. I lelt him to procure a better place for him. but when 1 returned with help I found that he had been carried away by some of his mcTu 1 have been unable to iind him since, as there are so many hospitals and so nuiny thousands wounded. The bailie of the ;>lst closed at (» P. M., both si, broke clear and cool; at 8 A. IM. the enemy ad- vanced s])londidly " iu double column at half distance," and when wiiliiu throe lunidvod y.ards of our line, opened lire. Our men were lying upon ilioii- faces and did not answer until the enemy were within tifty yards, when General Negley's Division leaped to their feet and poured a terrible lire into them, at the same instant three of our batte- ries opened on them with canister and spherical case, literally moAving them down. The rebels halted and commenced falling back. Our men rharged aud followed them to their entrenchments — it was here that the Seventy-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry took a stand of rebel colors. The rebels did not advance again that day, but contented themselves with shelling our outposts. The cavalry had a fight this day, the Seventh losing four men killed, and a number wounded. The only name 1 could ascertain of the killed was .lames Gillespie, of Company A. (^ompany V lost one killed, one wounded, and some tive or six taken prisoners. The Seventh also lost all their baggage and camp ctjuipage. it being taken and burned by the enemy. •lohn T. Ilazzard, an old citizen of Poitsville, was captured with the l^aggage train, and when last seen, the reltels had hhn mouuft'd on a rntde th-ifiii// o)i(' of our .•^ix-niult' /cams of for them. January 2d opened with a brisk cavalry tight in Avhich the rebels were worsted. There was no heavy lighting until '-^ P. M., when the rebels were discovered advancing in force, on ovir left wing, llosecraus' and Vancleve's divisions were masked here by a thick belt of cedars. Our troops let the enemy advance until they were «|uite close, when the most destructive fire of the battle was opened on ihem ; they fell back, and being agaiai reinforced, again advanced ; three times they .advanced, three times were they repulsed: they remained back aboiu half an hour after the third repulse, wheit they once more advanced. It was a beau- tiful scene : thoy advanced in three lines, almost the whole strength of their army. Onr men had also been heavily reinforced. The enemy advanced cheering and at a run. Our troops met them steadil3' pouring volley after volley into them. They tinally faltered iu their run and came to a halt. The command fortrard mah here given, and our troops .ndvanced coolly and quietly. The enemy stood for about fifteen minutes and then fled. Such a cheer as went up at this moment 1 never before heard. Our whole army caught it ; the men were nearly frantic. // ica? fhc efncr of viclon/. The victory was ours, after five daye of y our forces — but at the time I must confess that I was not iu the least apprehensive of our recrossing. The complete success with which we effected a crossing you have been informed of. The blunt of the campaign seems to have fallen to the Sixth Corps, and I am proud to say they performed their whole duty upon all occasions. The terri- ble and fearful odds Avith which we were obliged to contend, and the wholesale destruction dealt out to them attests in words of high ;praise to the indomitable valor and energy of our tired troops. The corps fought like tigers. The Confederate army are willing to admit that "we fought superior to any other time." After the crossing of the men at the same point crossed in December, the First Division of the Sixth Corps Avere draAvn up in line of battle, the Second Brigade being on the extreme left, and had anything but a pleasant position to occupy. The rebel battery, located so as to control the railroad and the depot of supplies, proved a formidable opponent. The accuracy with which our batteries were used silenced that of the enemy upon several occasions during the day. At this point the Ninety- sixth was ordered to take the railroad, with the promise of support by the Fifth Maine. The Ninety-sixth reached the road in most splendid style, but without any support — hence were ordered to fall back. Dur- ing this operation we had several men killed and quite a large number wounded. Had tlie regiment received its proper support we would have charged upon the battery and no doubt captured it. During the progress of active operations on the left by the First Division, the Second and Third Divisions were pressing forward to occupy the city of Fredericksburg and drive the enemy from the memorable "Marye's Heights." The Heights were gained in fine style. What "Was Done in 1863. 241 being carried at the point of the bayonet. At the storming of the Heights our artillery tiring was the most accurate I ever witnessed ; every shell exploded within the fortifications. I saw two caissons explode, several limbers broken, and the crack company of Washington Artiller- ists of New Orleans put hors do covihat. After we possessed the Heights, several of the officers visited the hills and found that our artillery had created sad havoc. Fifteen horses were killed within a space of fifty yards. Quite a large number of dead were strewn over various parts of the entrenchments. At this point we captured a full battery of brass Napoleons, which were hauled from the hill by hand. Immediately after gaining the Heights, we received orders to occupy the town and use the houses for hospital purposes. The First Division took possession of the large mansion owned by Mr. Slaughter, brother of the Mayor. The building is very commodious, and owing to the very free ventilation caused by the shelling of the town, was most admirably adapted for the purpose. I shall not attempt to describe the complete manner in which the houses have been perforated by our shot and shell. I can only regret in common with the men of the army that the city has not been burned to the ground long ere this. There certainly are some most desirable residences here, magnificent gardens and splendid fields. In the effort of the Sixtli Corps to effect a junction with the left wing of General Hooker's army, as ordered, the most terrible conflict of the war ensued. The enemy hearing of only one corps being in the vicinity of Fredericksburg, and ordered to join Hooker, exerted all their available force to prevent this junction. In order to prevent General Sedgwick from fulfilling his command, the enemy despatched about forty thousand of their best troops to oppose him. The condition of things at this mo- ment was most critical. General Sedgwick having full confidence in his command and knowing exactly what he could do, awaited their attack. The First Division was ordered to the front, drawn up in line of battle in support of our artillery. The enemy were massed in the thick woods, four lines of battle deep. Against these fearful odds it seemed almost like a sacrifice to oppose them. However, our troops were so flushed with the victory of storming and capturing the Heights, that they feared no danger, and were buoyant with hope and confident of success. Without shelling the woods, or taking any precautionary steps, our troops were marched into the thicket. It was soon evident that we had stirred up a "bee-hive," for a perfect swarm rose up and fired into our lines. The men halted, and taking deliberate aim deciminated the ranks very effectually of the advancing foe. The fire opened upon all sides and the battle raged with the most intense fury. The contest was likely to be one of hand to hand, when seeing that we were completely outnumbered we were ordered to retire across the open field and await their advance. This was done but no "butternuts" followed. The fire of musketry at this point exceeded anything I ever heard ; it was one perfect continuous shower of lead — ■ miniature messengers of death that made the air musical with fear. It was here that the gallant Ninety-sixth performed prodigies of valor. The manner of their charge, the determined manner in which they unflinchingly braved the storm of iron and lead, elicited from the commanding General encomiums of the highest praise. Too much can- not be said in behalf of the conduct of all the officers of the regiment. The daring and intrepid dash of Major Lessig was commended in terms of the most exalted praise. By the way, I had the pleasure of reading a 242 What Was Done in 1863. copy of the letter haiuled the Major by General Bartolett, approved by Generals Brooks and Sedgwick, in which they compliment him in the most eloquent style for his unexampled gallantry and daring, recom- mending that he be commissioned as Colonel of the regiment for his gal- lantry. The Major speaks with feelings of pride about the manner in which the line officers conducted themselves, and of the very valuable aid they gave him in urging tlie men to do tlieir whole duty. Let me assure the friends of the Ninety-sixth that hor record is a most glorious one. General Bartolett says, '-lie believes it to be one of the best if not the best fight! 7} g regiment representing the Keystone Steite.'" In this connection let me add that it is a source of extreme gratifica- tion to inform you of tiie recent fact of "merit receiving its reward." Lieutenant S. R. Russell, of Company C, has been commissioned as Cap- tain of Company H. I am very happy to'be able to chronicle this fact, as tlie Lieutenant is in every way deserving, and is a brave and gallant ufficpr. The wounded of our division is very heavy, reaching about fifteen hundred, the Second Brigade having 087 killed, wounded, and missing, ^Lany of the wounds are slight. Quite a lai'ge number of amputations have been performed. On Tliursdiiy last. Doctor Bland took 460 wounded to Washington, on board the boats " Flero" and " Hugh Jenkins." Among them were nen,rly all the officers of the division Avho were wounded. They arrived at the wharf at daylight and by noon were all snugly fixed in the respective hospitals. At latest accounts they were all doing very well. Surgeon Bland is detailed in charge of the wounded of the Sixth Corps who are being exchanged at the "Lacy House." The wounded are ))rought to the river m Confed'-wagons, and there brought over the river in pontoon-boats, loaded in ambulances, and sent to the corps hos- jiital at Potomac Creek Bridge. Hereafter the Doctor will be surgeon- in-cliief of the division hospital. Yesterday a deserter came into our lines, who reports the death of Stonev/all Jackson from his late wounds received in the recent battles. Fredericksburg is garrisoned by a Mississippi brigade under the com- mand of General Barksdale, formerly Congressman from that State. The brigade bands are kept constantly employed playing the funeral dira:e. manv of the wounded having died. An rcvoir. "AMICUS CUR^." THE CASUALTIES OF THE REGIMENT. William Lessig, at the time Major commanding the regiment, sent us the following list of casualties: Company A, Captain J. Harlan, Jr. Wounded. Sergeant Thomas Brown, "William Daniels, " Thomas Houck, John Stodd, Corporal John H. Higley, Edward Lennon. Hissing. Sergeant David Brichard, William Brown. George Brazier, What Was Done in 1863. 243 CoMrANY B, Lieutenant VonIIollan. Killed^ Joseph Fessler. Wounded. Lieutenant VonHollan, Charles Williams, Sergeant H. P. Barr, Charles Sterner. Jer, Sterner, Missing. Jacob Bast, James Kesey, ' Joseph Eich, Joseph Morcheiser. Lewis Kotchey, Company C, Captain L E, Severn. Killed. Corporal William Madara. Wounded. Second Lieut. Alex. Allison, John Davis, Sergeant AVilliam Freast, Henry Stubblebino, Corporal D. E. Kir~hell, Martin Spence. Missing. First Sergeant Henry Fisher, Corporal John Allison. Company D, Captain John T. Boyle. Killed. Corporal James Schofield. Wounded. Corporal Charles Newton, Edmond Davis, Luke Kelly, Walter Thomas, John Black, John L. Williamsi, Company E, Captain James Rtssel. Killed. Sergeant Evan Thomas. Wotmdfd. First Lieut. John Oberrender, Peter Smith, Daniel McCall, Mark Whitehead. Jacob Smith, Missing, John Miller. Company F, First Lieutenant James Casey. Killed. Michael Connery, Thomas Pur cell. Wounded. James H. Hayes, Hugh Keenan, Hugh Glaokiu, John O'Donnell. Company G, Captain Jacob W. Haas. Wounded. First Sergeant Fi*ank Douden, John S. Rcntz, Corporal Lafayette Billig, Lewis Fritz, John Schollenberger, John Pcrkey. Edwin Moyer, 244 What Was Done in 1863. CojirANY H, Captain Samuel R. Russel. Killed. Corporal D. B. Hartline, Martin Kelly, Peter Fries, Sergeant Jacob Brubaker. Corporal John Keely, " C. Knlb, Daniel Campbell, Michael McCormick, Morris Chancey, Charles Haely, A. Long, Wounded. Missint/. William Kloss, Joseph T. Holderman, John Coffield. Henry H. Lutz, Oliver J. Zeigler, H. J. Eveland, Napoleon Bickelman, James Brassington. William Long, J. R. Smith, John G. Weldon. Company I, Captain Matthew Byrnes. Killed. Sergeant Michael Mackey. Wounded. First Sergeant John Bowler, Walter Kenney, Lawrence McGrath, Boyd S. Campbell, James Conler, Thomas Scanlin. Missinf/. Joseph S. Harvey. Company K, Captain R. Budd. Killed. John Farrcll. Wounded. Thomas Moov, Barney Griifen. Missing. John Brennan, John Hassett. Corporal Brennan, Thomas Martin, Wounded, Killed, Wounded, Missing, - Total, recapitulation. Officers. Men. 16 54 29 93 THE PART TAKEN BY THE ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT IN THE BATTLE, AND LIST OF CASUALTIES. The foUowino; account we received from a member of Com- pany E : Camp near Falmouth, Va., May 7, 1803. Editors Miners' .Journal: Your readers may perhaps feel an inter- est in hearing some account of the part the One Hundred and Twenty- ninth Regiment, P. V., took in the late great battle. We left camp on What Was Done m 1863. 245 ?tIonday, April 27tb, and marched to Kelley's Ford, about twenty miles above here, where we crossed the Rappahannock on a pontoon bridge. From here we made a rapid march to the Rapidan, Avhich river wc forded, and proceeded, with scarcely a halt, until on Friday, May ]0, we encountered the "gray-backs" at Chancellorsville. This was one of the hardest marches this Regiment ever has made, we being on foot, at one time, for forty consecutive hours; but regardless alike of burning suns and drenching rains, the boys pressed on, and "straggling" was a, thing unthought of— for where Colonels Frick and Armstrong, and Gene- ral Tyler lead, the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth will follow. Arrived at Chancellorsville, our Corps was ordered out a road leading towards Fredericksburg, to feel the rebs. We proceeded about three miles, made the reconnoissance, drew out the rebs, and returned in safety to Chancellorsville, where we lay behind the batteries, while the First Division (Sykes's), of our Corps, opened the ball, by engaging the force which we had drawn out, and handling them severely. Our divi- sion, the third of the Fifth Corps, was now assigned a position on the extreme left of the line, upon a hill covered with timber, where we were to support a Massachusetts battery. We proceeded to cut the trees and throw up breastworks, and were just congratulating ourselves upon the fine position we had, wlien early on Sunday morning our corps was ordered to the centre, to take the place of the Eleventh, which had ske- daddled, it was said at the first fire. We were "double-quicked" a cou- ple of miles toward the right, and then our brigade (Tyler's) was ordered into a wood, in front of a battery of brass pieces, to draw out the rebs. W^e "double-quicked" some half mile, down a road, and then filed into the wood, to the left of the road. We had not proceeded far through the wood, before we encountered the "gray-backs" drawn up in line to receive us. We opened fire on them, and for some three hours, I sup- pose, we gave them as warm a time as they had ever had. Three differ- ent times they charged on us, and each time they were driven back with great slaughter. I am proud to say that the boys behaved with the coolness of veterans — firing by company, by wing and by volley, as the Colonel gave the comvnands. The Colonel took his position on (he lett of our Company, directly by the colors, and his cool bravery inspired the whole command. It made the boys "feel good," as they expressed it, to see him occasionally take a rifle and try his hand. Adjutant Green at length came dov^'n from his position on the right, and told the Colonel that the rebels had outflanked us on the right, and that the right of the line was falling back. (Our position was on the extreme left of the bri- gade.) Colonel Frick replied that he had no orders to fall back, and that he would hold his ground; but, looking up, and seeing that the whole line was in retreat, that we were far outflanked, and must be cu4, off, he found it a necessity to retire, and accordingly gave orders to that effect. We had some hard hand-to-hand fighting in the woods for our colors, the rebs making a desperate efl"ort to capture them. But the boys defended them bravely, and brought them out, together with some of their would-be captors. Lieut. -Colonel .Armstrong came near being taken. Re was surrounded by about tweil^ " gray-backs," ordered to surrender, and even laid hold on, but he broke away and ran, and although his pursuers poured a volley after him, he made his escape. We drew the rebs out into the open field, where the brass battery 1 h&yo spoken of, opened on them with grape and canister, and made awful havoc. The rebs skedaddled back to the woods, where the battery finished the work with shell, while our regiment reformed behind the 21 246 What Was Done in 1863. breastworks. We were soon ordered about half a mile further to the left, to support Sykes's Division in the trenches. Here we remained until Wednesday morning, about 2 o'clock, when Sedgwick having been overwhelmed and driven back from Fredericksburg, the army began to fallback. We recrossed the Rappahannock at United States Ford, our division supporting the batteries Avhich covered the crossing of our corps, and made directly for our old camp, where we arrived about G o'clock the same evening, after a hard march of about fifteen miles, over roads which my feeble pen cannot describe, and through a drenching rain. Sunday was a very hot day, and when the boys "double-quicked" it into the fight, they threw away their shelter-tents, blankets, and over- coats; and, as the weather has been wet and raw since, they have been pretty badly situated. Our loss in killed and wounded is ''42. Major Anthony was badly wounded in the shoulder. He has the sympathy of the whole regiment, for he has always sho^n himself a gentleman and a brave and gallant soldier. COLONEL FRICK'S OFFICIAL REPORT. Headquarters One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Reg., P. V., I Camp near Falmouth, Va., May 8, 1803. J Captain : I have the honor to report in compliance with Special Or- ders, No. 77, issued from Brigade Headquarters, of May 7, 1863, that my command, the One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Regiment, P. Y., with the other regiments of the brigade, was ordered to the support of the Third Corps about 5 o'clock, A. M., Sunday, May 3, At U o'clock, A. M., the brigade at a "double-quick" entered the works in front of our batteries and rifle-pits in the centime, at Chancellorsville, Ya,, left in front, which threw my regiment in the advance. Line of battle was formed under a severe and damaging tire, about fifty yards in advance of the Twenty-eighth New Jersey, attached to the division of General French, and in an undergrowth that, from its density, made the move- ment peculiarly difficult. In the engagement, that lasted until 11 o'clock, A. M., officers and men behaved with the same coolness and gallantry that characterized their conduct in other fields since they have been in the service of their country. The fire v/'as delivered with steadi- ness and precision. Not hearing the order to retire, the regiment remained in line after the regiments upon its right had given way. See- ing that there Avas imminent danger of being cut off by a large force of the enemy m.oving upon our right flank, the regiment under my orders faced by the rear rank, retiring in good order under a heavy fire and reformed in the rear of the batteries. While retii-ing a severe struggle took place for the regimental coloi'S. The bearers. Sergeants Boner, Company E, and Miller of Company F, clung to them as manfully, how- ever, as they had borne them during the fight. One of the rebels who had seized them was killed, another captured, and the rest driven back. The rebels advanced in force to the edge of the woods, and so closely upon the flank of the regiment, that the retreat of some upon its right was intercepted by their advancing ranks, and they escaped capture by the confusion into which the rebels were thrown from the active fire of the batteries. To Lieut.-Colonel Armstrong, Major Anthony, who I regret to say was seriously wounded, and Adjutant Green, I must again tender my thanks for valuable assistance in the field. They performed their seve- ral duties with the utmost coolness and determination, evincing a steadi- ness of purpose worthy of emulation. What Was Done in 1863. 247 The regiment sustained a loss of four killed, thirty-one wounded, and six missing, enlisted men, and one officer, Major Anthony, seriously wounded. I am, Captain, verv respectfully, your obedient servant, JACOB G. FRICK, Colonel One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Penn. Volunteers. To 11. C. Ranney, A. A. G., Tyler's Brigade, Third Division, Fifth Corps. Killed. John R. Jones, Company 0. David Zimmerman, " E. -James Brennan, Company A Thomas Probert, " " B John Holman, '' E Major Anthony. Sergt. Chas. F. Falls, Company Corporal Elias Miller, '• John Alexander, " liyron A. Jenkins, '• Winsome B. Robins, " , Jacob Youse, " \"\Yilliam Sponsler, " "William Schopp, " Corporal Wm. F. Glime, " George Watkins, " William McElrath, William D. Guertler, " Thomas Davis, " Charles Luckenbach, " Arthur Davis, " William Tomer, " Wounded. George Oberly, A. Corpi Wm. H. Haldeman, " A. James Oswald, A. Joseph Houser, A. George Walker, A. Alexander Miller, A. George Bond, A. Theodore Labar, A. Corporal Cliarles Eck, B. Isaac Netf, B. Faussold Ford, B. James Martin, B. Jacob Curry, B. Joseph Kalp, C. John J. Hausickes^", D. Martin Kichline, D. -AYilliam Spansler, Richard Jones, Missing, Company A. Joseph Donegan, " B. Samuel Ash, Company D lan, " E. 7 E. E. E. E. E. F. H. H. H. H. I. I. I. K. Company E. H. Corp. Frederick Weldon, C. Reuben Fluck, C. RECAPITULATION. Officers wounded, Privates killed, - - . " wounded, " missing, _ - _ 32 6 Total, -._.-- 44 Very respectfully, JACOB G. FRICK, Colonel One Hundred and Twenty-ninth Reg., P. V Captain 11. C. Ranney, A. A. G. ACCOUNT OF THE PART TAKEN BY THE NINETY-SIXTH REGI- MENT, P. v., IN THE BATTLE UNDER GEN. HOOKER. The following statement was furnished by Major William Les- sig to a friend; who kindly gave us a copy, for use in the '^Memo- rial :" We left camp at about 2 o'clock, P. M., on Tuesday, the 28th day of April. It was raining, and a day calculated to make everybody uncom- fortable. We made for the river at nearly the same place that we crossed 248 What Was Done in 1863. over in December last. It was near dark wlien we came to the river, as we moved very slowly. We expected to go into camp for the night ; the rain had ceased falling, and it became very foggy, just the night for making a dash. I was expecting an order to go into camp, and let the men make themselves comfortable, when an aid of General Brooks came to mc and said the General wished to see me. I mounted my horse, and went, V/hen I came up to the General, I found him under a tree with General Bartlett and all the commanders of regiments in our Brigade. He soon explained his plans to us. The Third Brigade and our Brigade, the Second, of the First Division, Sixth Army Corps, were ordered to cross first; the other Divisions of our Corps were to convey the boats down to the river, when we were to get in them, forty-five men in each boat, with live men to pull the oars. Our orders were to take possession of the rille-pits which commanded the river, and hold them until the bridges could be built. We were ordered-to be ready to move at 11 o'clock; the watchword was Troy, and we were to shoot the first of our men who made any noise, or sabre them if possible. I returned to mj llegiment and gave the orders to my ofiicers. We then all laid down on the cold and wet ground to sleep. You, perhaps, would suppose we did not sleep ; but we did, and soundly, too, for a soldier always takes his rest when he can get it. It was nearly 12 o'clock before we started, and when we reached the river vre found ibat the boats were not yet all down. It takes labor to carry by hand a boat, large enough to carry fifty men, a distance of a mile and a half, and that, too, down steep hills in the dark. It was get- ting gray dawn before we were ready. The first boats were full, and we were standing on the bank ready to take our turn, when the word is given to push off, and away they go. All is quiet, save the measured dip of the oars in the water; they arrive near the other side, when sud- denly comes the bright blaze, then the whistling of balls and the crash of musketry to our ears, mingled with the groans of the wounded; but we old soldiers are ready, and so accustomed have we become to it, that wg fall down flat, and the balls pass harmlessly over us. The first boats then return; we are in them and over on the other side quicker than I can tell it to you. We quickly form line of battle, and in a few moments we have possession of the ritie-pits in our front, and we lay down in them. Our engineers build their bridges then in safety in a short time; «ooa a battei'y came over. The rebs were to be seen in our front, but showed no disposition to molest us. Thus we spent the whole day. At dark we commenced and threw up a line of works along our front, expecting to be attacked by the enemy, but were disappointed. Thurs- day passed away, and still no fighting. Friday came. We still held our position, our Division being the only one across at this point. The other Divisions of our Corps were by no means idle. They were paraded up and down the heights on the other side of the river, to make the enemy believe that we had a large body of troops with us, when, in reality, it was only our Corps. On Saturday evening, at about o o'clock, it became evident that a bat- tle could not be longer delayed. Our Corps had received orders from General Hooker to push forward. The troops were accordingly brought over. The Light Division of our Corps was sent to the front, and drove in the enemy's line of skirmishers. We were ordered to be under arma at 1 o'clock at night. This was Saturday, INIay 2. The night before our men had had no sleep, and now to be under arms at 1 o'clock was hard on us. But we were ready ml the time ordered, and marched t» WnAT Was Done in 1863. 249 the front. It was a bright moonlight night. Here we were halted, and waiting for some time, so that almost all of us fell asleep. At about 4^ o'clock we moved up and took position in line of battle. In one hour the enemy opened a heavy fire on us of shot and shell, but did us very little harm, as we were sheltered by a friendly bank. At 7 o'clock I was ordered to advance with my Regiment, and take possession of a rail- road, about 700 yards in our front, and also to endeavor to draw the enemy out if possible. It was a dangerous undertaking, and after riding out and looking at the ground, I dismounted, and ordered the Regiment to advance. To accomplish this, we had to drive in the enemy's line of skirmishers and sharpshooters. I ordered the men to unsling knapsacks, fix bayonets, and advance at a double-quick. With a cheer (for which the old Regiment is famous) we went on. The rebs opened a heavy fire of grape, cannister, musketry and sliell on my gallant band, but not- withstanding we drove them back and succeeded in taking possession of the railroad, and held it some two hours under a terrible tire of artillery and musketry. Twelve pieces of cannon were playing on us the whole time, and they made several eiForts to retake it from us, but in vain. After holding it two hours, I was ordered to retire with my command, a thing not so easily done in the face of an enemy with his artillery in full play at us ; but I succeeded in getting my men out b}^ twos and threes, until I was the last man to leave it. How I escaped I cannot say, for the enemy's sharpshooters kept popping away at me all the time. When I came back, General Brooks said he thought that was the last of the Ninety-sixth, and congratulated me on the successful manner in which I retired with my command. My loss here was five men killed and eigh- teen wounded. After a rest of some time, we were ordered to march up to Fredericks- burg, and a hot march it was. I never felt the sun so hot in all my life. Up we went, and in the meantime our Corps had taken possession of the heights above the town. We were hurried throngli the town and out the plank road. The day was so hot that the men fell down, worn out with heat and fatigue. We Avent out about three miles, when we had a short rest. I was sent out on the left, with orders to watch a ravine to prevent the enemy from coming up it. I remained here about one hour, when I received an order to come out to the front as soon as I could. I did so, and came on the ground near Salem Church at 5 o'clock. Gene- ral Bartlett ordered me to push through the woods on the left of the One Hundred and Twenty-first New York. At this time the firing was very heavy on the right, and, as I advanced into the woods, I came on our skirmishers, who retired as we came up, I enquired of them what was ahead. They could not tell, except that the enemy was in the woods. In a few minutes I came in sight of their lines, and at once opened a heavy fire on them, at about 100 yards distant, and commenced to ad- vance my line. The firing became terrible, and as I passed down the line to the left of my Regiment, I saw the line on the right give way and fall back. I rushed to the right of my Regiment, and found that the whole line on the right was falling back, and that we alone were holding our position. Finding that the whole Regiment must be taken if I did not at once fall back, I gave the orders to do so. At the edge of the woods we faced about and delivered our fire on the enemy as they advanced upon us, and then fell back. I was so close on them that they called on me to halt, but I could not see it in that light. To show how close a thing it was, my hat fell off; when I stopped to pick it up, a rausket ball passed so close to my head that it stung me like the sting of 21* 250 What Was Done in 1863. a bee. It fell oiT again, and one of ray men stooped to pick it up, "when lie fell dead: another picked it up, when he wad wounded in the head. Some of my best soldiers fell in this tight. A picture of a battle cannot be painted ; no one can form any idea of \i at a distance; all is smoke, dust and noise. When I came to the edge of the woods General l?artlett and one of his aids rode up and ordered me to retire with my men to a place of cover. I took possession of a small house with some fifty of my men, and taking the feather beds and mattrasses off of the beds, we made a perfect fort of it, and from the windows we soon compelled the enemy to fall back, and night found us in possession of the hovise and part of the battle- iield, and niy gallant little baud holding tlic advanced post. We could rescue some of our wounded, but a great many were in the )iands of the enemy. To add to the horrors of the night the woods took lire and continued to burn for some timcj- At about 10 o'clock I was relieved and then fell back to where our Brigade was laying. General Bartlett invited me to supper with him. Our supper consisted of hard Jack and coifeo, and it was the first thing I hajl tasted since 4 o'clock in tlie morning. I was completely worn out, so I laid down on the ground and was soon asleep. At 3 o'clock I v/as awakened and told to draw ammunition for my command and have .them under arms by daylight. You see a poor soldier has very little rest. At 4 o'clock we were under arms, and took position to support a battery. At 7 o'clock we found out the enemy were between us and Fredeiicksbuig. This caused us to change our position, so as to front them in the new direction. Our posi- tion was extremely critical. We were nearly surrounded by the enemy, who were strongly reinforced, and at about 4^ o'clock commenced a furi- ous attack on our whole line. We repulsed them and drove them back witli great loss. At dark we received orders to fall back towards Banks' Ford, the enemy making an unsuccessful attempt to cut off our retreat. My llegiment was ordered to remain and support our skirmishers while our artillery and troops were retiring. At 10 o'clock we fell back to Banks' Ford, anr Lexington, Ky., to join the Forty-eighth Regiment, then stationed there. Their names were: Horace S. Walbridge, leader : Nicholas J. Rehr, Andrew Smith, A. B. Walbridge, Amos F. Walbridge, Samuel T. Skeen, Fidel Fisher, Wm. H. Hodgson, J. Boedefeld, Charles Smith, Lewis Legler, Henry Downing, Alfred Bowen. What Was Done ix 1863. 255 THE SECOND INVASION OF PENNSYLVANIA. About the middle of June, 1863, General Lee commenced his movement in force into Pennsylvania. His advance attacked and defeated General Milroy at Winchester, Ya., and then crossed tlie Potomac and entered Pennsylvania, occupying Chambersburg and threatening Ilarrisburg. The rebel force of all arms, in this inva- sion, was ninety thousand. As soon as it became known by telegrapli from the Governor that our State was in danger of invasion, a mass meeting of the citizens of Schuylkill County was called, and the necessary arrange- ments made to organize forces as rapidly as possible to meet the emergency. When the second telegram was received that the rebels were actually in the State, it was resolved to close up all places of business, and let the whole population devote itself to the organization of companies to march at once. A few hours afterwards the roll of the Washington Artillerists, Captain David A. Smith, was filled up to 113 members, and they took tbeir de- parture on Wednesday, June 17th, at noon, in company with a body of 73 men raised in Donaldson and neighborhood through the exertions of Theodore Garretson, coal merchant, and the Union League of that vicinity, which was commanded by Captain Adam Etien. On Thursday morning, 18th, the Pott Infantry, Captain Frank Pott, 105 strong, left for Ilarrisburg. In the afternoon of the same day, a Company composed of about 65 of the men employed at Haywood & Co.'s Rolling Mill, and seven or eight from Burnish & Co.'s Mill, left, commanded by Captain James Teasdale, with Robert Rrown as First^ and John Eickley as Second Lieutenant. On Thursday morning a Company under Captain Leib, who was wounded at the battle at Fredericksburg, left for Harrisburg. There were upwards of 70. Captain Leib was compelled to carry his wounded arm in a sling, it not yet having healed, but he knew that his State was in danger and that was sufficient. Captain Charles Dougherty, late of the Ninety-sixth Regiment, organized a Company of 80 men at Cressona, and left for Harris- burg on Thursday. 256 What Was Done in 1863. Captain AYilllam A. Fleld^ of Schuylkill Haven^ also left on Thursday with about 60 men. Captain \V. AUcbach left Tamaquaon Thursday for Harrisburg, with a full Company of about 90 men. Squads of men also left the County. Within iiccnfi/-four Jiours seven hundred vohinicers left the County for the defence of the State. As an instance of the spirit that prevailed, a young Irishman, who had joined one of the companies from Ashland, was seized by his father at the Planes and dragged from the cars, when he was also seized by his mother. He rescued himself and they seized him again, when he struck his father a blow and attempted to get off again ; but while struggling, the cars departed. The Miners' Journal was almost compelled to suspend publica- tion. Of thirteen persons employed in the establishment, ^en vol- unteered, and the others only remained to keep the establishment from closing up entirely. THE TWENTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT, P. V. M. On the arrival of the Schuylkill County companies at Harris- burg, they ^Ycre organized into a Regiment, the Twenty-seventh, P. \. M., and mustered into the service on the 19th of June. The field and staff officers of the Kegimcnt, with the muster- rolls of the respective Companies, were as follows : Coloficl— JACOB G. FRICK. Lieutenant- Colonel — David 13, Gkeen. Major — George L. Fried. Chaplain — IIiciiard H, Aistix. Surgeon — Dr. 0. Siiittler. Afsaistani Surgeon — Dr. E. G. Martin. Adjutant — William L. Whitney. Quartermaster — William F. Patterson. Serge ant- Major — Lin Bartholomew. Commissary Sergeant — Samuel P. Cliss. Quartermaster Sergeant — Norman Willetts. COMPANY A. CajHain—DWlV) A. SMITH. \si Lieut. — Francis B. Wallace. :ld LAeut. — Delaplaink J. Ridgwat. \st Sergeant — Charles Woodnutt. -c? '• Francis Garrett. What Was Done in 1863. •257 OoMPANY A; Twenty-Seventh Eegiment — Coutimi<:cL 2d Sergeant — Franklin P. Meyeiu Ath " William H. Gore. hth '^ PniLir Dentzer. 1st Corporal — Robert C. Hill. 2f? " Heber B, Smith. Zd " Francis M. Nichols. Ath *' Daniel D. Dillman. •5i/i *' James R. Shearer. iegle, Henry Sibled, R. S. Thomas, IMicliael Wootingtoii, James- Walbridge, Henry Warner, Levan White, Theodore F. Wilson, William E. Watson, Thomas Yeagcr, Francis Yeager, Lewis Levan, Aaron B, Leip, Charles P. "Larch, William Lyons, Joseph B, Lewis, Henry 1 57 2d %d Arp, John Arner, D^ D. ^ Armstrong, Williaro Barton, AYilliam F. Boyd, G. L. Barton, William Bailey, Samuel E. COMPANY E. €aptsdn—:i \Qk}V> H. MARTZ. \st Lieut.— M. P. F0w1.EE. 2d Lieut. — L. S. Boker. 1^^ Sergeant — Geokge Mutz. C. ITens-y Jones. Reuben Snyper. ClIAPvL-ES E. SXEDMAK- B.. T. Hughes. 1st Corj) oral — H. Biusman.. 2d " H. C. BQvmu Sd *' Elias HorES. 4th " Frederick Siiekkv. ^th '^ John H. Shaeffer. %th ''■ W. J. HUELO-CK. Ith " Edward P«.. Bullock. Sth " A. S. R. Richards. Musicians — Daniel Dunn. William Sbigfried. PRIVATES : Bond, George T. .Beisfoi\'., Henry Brode, Samuel Baker, Elias Boyer, Peter Benningholf, E. Benaiiighalf, Jo&eplt What Was Done in 1863. 261 Company E; Twenty-seventh Crouse, Nathan Cooper, Anthony Carter, Thomas; Dentinger, C. J. Ebert, Jonas Fero, John Fry, William Fisher, John Focht, Henry Fritzinger, H. S. Fry, Joyeph Fisher, W. D. Fisher, B. K. Gillham, Frank Gallagher, Edward ilargraves, Edward Halderaan, Frank HoUman, John R. Hunter, Ralph Hoppes, Sol Ilendrick, B. F. Hathrick, Jonathan Jones, William K. Johnson, George Koch, Jeremiah Kemerer, Mahlou Koch, Daniel Kirby, Walter Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officer Musicians, - - - PriTates, Total. - Regiment — Continued. Lambertson, Amo« Lentz, F. S. Longacre, John S. Longacre, Jacob S. Oswald, S. E. Orr, George Ramsey, F. A. Eeifsnyder, A, Roehrig, William H. Rottman, William Rex, Charles A, Stoui, Daniel Spurr, Joseph Siegfried, Lewis Snyder, W. F, Siegfried, Henry Swank, C^-rus ^Smith, Henry 'Smith, F. J. Schwartz, Theodore Scott, Hugh Scheifly, James K. Waters, John W^agner, Charles C. Whetstone, Simon Xander, Alfred D. Zellner, Henry 2 G9 87 COMPANY a. Caplain~:iOms H. BATDORF. \st Lieut. — Harky Shoemaker. 2d Lieut. — Thomas B. Bangropi, 1st Sergeant — Levi Batdorf. 2d " Patrick Boran. M ♦' Frank P. Coho. Ath " Edward Ebert. bth " Michael Horan. 15/ Corporal — Adker Klees. 2d ♦• Michael Collyee. Zd '* Thomas Canfibld. Ath " George Weaver. bth *' Michael Conlby. 6fA «♦ Emanuel Fox. 1th " Michael Gillabpt 8rA *' John Reichabd. Jf«*?'ciar#— John McGeioie, 262 What Was Done m 18G3. Company G, Twenty-setenth Regiment- privates J ■ Continued, Bixler, M. W. Bysicomer, James Brooks, Peter E, Butz, Henry Batdorf, James Benner, Jamea Cleaver, Alonzo Coabley, William Cowen, William Davis, Albert Dinger, RiKlolpb Deam, Philip Donalioe, James Evans, William Ebling, Ptobert Ebling, Albert Fahl, Jonathan Flemens, John Fox, David Fox, John W. Fetterman, Charles Fahl, Daniel Ghaman, Jesse Gorrell, Martin Griffith, Thomas Gagler, Anthony Higgins, Martin Hopkins, John Hoffman, Simon Haines, Reuben Commissioned Officers, Non-commissfoned Officers, Musicians, - - - Privates, - - > Kelly, Patrick Meister, D.miel Slehaffy, Joseph Murphy, Frank Mayer, Frank Nuss, Martin Ramsey, Edward Ryan, Michael Rich, Clifford Reese, Evan iBaiish, Emanuel Rhine, John Reigle, George Raush, Nathan Raush, Abraham' S'eitzinger, James Shuman, Henry Seitzinger, Henry Sanders, David SheriiF, Henry Serfing, Aaron Smith, Bush Seltzer, Akin Ulrich, Elwood Wilson, Andre'w Wanders, George- Wilson, Charles Walburn, Frank Wilson, Abige Yost, James Total, 1 m 11 COMPANY I. Captain— M)A.U ETIEN. \st Lieut. — Joseph A. Shoffstall, Id Limt. — Theodore Garretson. 1st Sergeant — John Werfield. 2d " Edward Askew. 3c? " Henry Smith. Ath " C. N. Gaskins. bth "■ John Maul. \st Corporal — Bennetille Wehrt, 2d ■" John Gage. 2>d " 0. D. Drake. Ath " William M. Hart. bth " Samuel Whetstokb / » What Was Done in 1863. "263 Company I, Twenty-seventh Regiment — Continued. C)ih Corvoral — William IIarfoed. 1th " David Williams. Musicians — G, W. Lehman, (fifer. ) James Grbager, (drummer.) PRIVATES : Atliey, George Hoy, Yv^illiam Atliey, Joseph Harris, Josepli Boden, William Jones, Edward Boden, Joseph Kupp. Lewis • Battersly, Henry Krise, Charles Cardwell, John Miner, James Coates, T. Miunich, Charles Charlesworth, Henry Moore, Vy'llliam Duify, Francis McElhenny, Tl lomaa Dunlap, Thomas Opic, James Derr, Fidell Plimmer, John Evans, Edward Pierce, Henry Evans, Samuel Reed, Robert Fotheringill, Joseph Jr. Roebrick, James Ferguson, John E. Tobias, Samuel T. Fotheringill, Joseph Tobias, Thomas J. Gaskins, John L, Willouer, Jeremiah Graver, Henry Wood, James Green, Jesse Commissioned Officers, - . - Non-commissioned Officers, - _ _ 12 Musicians, - - - - 2 Privates, - . _ - S7 Total, .... - 5-1 KECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, „ = - 18 Non-commissioned Officers, * _ To Musicians, - - - - » 13 Clerks, . - - - _ 1 Privates, ... - 405 Total, - - - - - - 510 The otlier Companies in the Regiment were from Northampton and Berks. The Companies of Captains Smith, Pott and Jenkins were from Pottsville. Company E was from Tamaqua ; Company Gr was from Ashland; and Company I was recruited in Frailey Township^ Schuylkill County. On the 24th of June the Regiment moved from Harrisburg to Columbia, to guard the bridge across the Susquehanna at that point and defend Lancaster County. The Regiment was attacked by the rebels on Sunday, June 28. The writer was present on 2G4 WuAT Was Done in 1863. the occasion; and sub.sequontly penned the following account of the action : Columbia, June 30, 18(3:3. On Suiurda}- ufiernoon last, Companies A (Smitli) and 1> (Pott) -were ordered to join the Ileginicnt on the other .^ide of the river. We reached the command about 5 o'clock, west of Wrightsvillo, and were thrown into line of battle. On Sunday Ave commenced digging rific-pits, and had hardly completed them when our mounted scouts came in rapidly, and reported to Colonel Frick, acting Brigadier-General, that the rebe]g were approaching in force. The men were placed by companies in the pits, ami about 5 o'clock the tiring becamc-fcu'isk in the front. We conld sec from our positi'on the rebel cavalry, wiio mounted and dismounted, were engaged in driving in our pickets. Between that hour and G^ o'clock, the firing was quite sharp, and the rebeUwere trying evidently, to flank our little force, and cut off our retreat to the bridge, distant about half a mile. ^Jolonel Frick passed quietly, and exposed to the " lire of the sharpshooters, from the left to the right of our line, and whis- pered to the captains an order to fall back to the bridge. This move- ment was eii'ected in excellent order by tlie command, although exposed during the movement to a heavy fire of shell and to a galling one of sharpshooters. The shells exploded over us and in close proximity to our ranks, and there were many narrow escapes. I am glad to say that the Twenty-seventh Fvegiment lost no men in killed, and but three or four slightly wounded. There were no casualties in companies A and B (from Pottsville.) The enemy did not capture a single man of the Eegiment. Had Ave moved from our pits live minutes later, my belief is that our retreat Avould have been put off. As it was we reached the bridge and effected a crossing, losing but twenty men, members of the Twentieth Regiment of Philadelphia, Avho were captured. Colonel Krick saw his command pass, safel}', and then gave orders that the bridge should be fired. This was done, and by 8 o'clock Columbia and Wrights- ville were illuminated by the flames of the huge structure. The rebels Avere chagrined at the frustration of their plan to bag us, capture Columbia and destroy the Pennsylvania Piailroad at this point. Although we were compelled to fall back before a greatly superior force supported with artillery, while Ave had not a single piece, we completely foiled the attempt of the enemy to cross the Susquehanna at this point. The enemy entered York on Sunday morning in heavy force, with several pieces of artillery. It was Early's Division of the rebel inva- ding army. The force that advanced upon lis with several batteries of artillery, was Gordon's Brigade, numbering several thousand men — in- fantry, cavalry, and artillery. Colonel Frick's official report of the action at Wrightsville is a« follows : IIeadquarteus Deiences of Lancaster County, \ Columbia, July 1, 1863. / Captain: I have the honor to report that, in compliance Avith General Orders No. 14, from the Department of the Susquehanna, I left Ilarris- burg on the morning of the 21th ult., and arrived here on the afternoon of the same day, and immediately sent four companies, in command of Lieut. -Colonel Green, over the river. On the morning of the 25th uU., I sent four more companies to that officer, with instructions to take up What Was Done in 1863. 265 a position near the York turnpike, about one half mile from Wrightsville. Hearing, on the afternoon of the 27th, that the enemy were in the vicinity of York, I ordered my two remaining companies to report to Lieut.-Colonel Green, that we might be prepared to resist any sudden attempt by the enemy to get possession of the bridge at this point. Late in the evening of the same day I crossed the river, assumed com- mand, and disposed of my force for defence. During the . night our force was increased by four companies from Columbia — three white and one colored — numbering about 175 men. Very early next morning, having obtained intrenching tools from citi- zens of Columbia and the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, my own men and the negro company (the other three companies from Columbia hav- ing left for their homes) dug rifle-pits on either side of" the turnpike. During the morning a detachment of convalescent soldiers from York, and the Patapsco Guards, in all about 250 men, joined me, and they were posted on the left of the town, protecting the left flank of my posi- tion. They were placed under command of Lieut.-Colonel Green. We were also joined by scattered fragments of the Twentieth Regiment, P. V. M., under Lieut.-Colonel Sickles, during the morning, which I posted on the right of the town, as a protection to the right flank. The work of intrenching was continued until the approach and attack of the enemy, about 5.} o'clock, P. M., and whilst the work was in pro- gress, I selected, with" the assistance of Major Haller, A. D. C. to the commanding General, the several points at which to post my limited number of men. The main body of the enemy, about 2,500 strong, composed of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, took up their position about 6 o'clock, P. M., on the turnpike in our immediate front, and within three-quarters of a mile of our rifle-pits. A force of cavalry and infantry moved down the rail- road on our left, and attacked our skirmishers, who, after replying to their fire for a short time, retired to the main body, which kept up a steady fire, and held the enemy in check until they received orders to retire to the bridge. The rebels succeeded in getting a battery in posi- tion on the elevated ground on our right, and a section in our immediate front. These guns were used most vigorously against those of my com- mand occupying the rifle-pits. In the meantime they sent a column oi infantry, under cover of a high hill on our right, within a few hundred yards of the river. None but their skirmishers approached within range of the guns of the men occupying the rifle-pits, and these being in a grain field, and obscured from our view, except when they would rise to fire, it was difficult to do them much harm or dislodge them. They depended exclusively upon their artillery to drive us from our position here. Having no artillery ourselves on that side of the river with which to reply, and after retaining our position for about 1} hours, and dis- covering that our remaining longer would enable the enemy to reach the river on both of my flanks, which I was unable to prevent because of the small number of men under my command, and thus get possession of the bridge, cut off our retreat, and secure a crossing of the Susque- hanna, (which I was instructed to prevent,) I retired in good order, and crossed the bridge to the Lancaster side. Before the enemy had left York for the river here, I made, as I sup- posed, every necessary arrangement to blow up one span of the Colum- bia bridge. When they got within sight, the gentlemen charged with the execution of that work repaired promptly to the bridge, and com- menced sawing off the arches and heavy timbers, preparatory to blow- 266 What Was Done in 1863. ing up with powder, which they had arranged for that parpose. After an abundance of time was allowed, and after, I supposed, every man of my command was over the river, and when the enemy had entered tlic town with his artillery, and reached the barricade at the bridge head, I gave the order to light the fuse. The explosion took place, but our object in blowing up the bridge failed. It was then that I felt it to be my duty, in order to prevent the enemy from crossing the river, and marching on Harrisburg in the rear, destroying on his route railroads and bridges, to order the bridge to be set on fire. The bridge was com- pletely destroj'cd, though a vigorous attempt was made to save a part by the soldiers. I was materially assisted in my operations by Captain Strickler, who had charge of a small force of cavalry, acting as scouts. I feel indebted to him for much reliable information as to the movemcnis and force of the enemy. Major Haldeman (formerly c^;" the Twenty-third Regiment, P. V.,) volunteered his services, and rendered me very efficient aid. Lieut. -Colonel Green, who had charge of the left flank of the position with a force of 250 men, and Major Fried, who took charge of the left wing of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Regiment, P. V. M., behaved with accustomed coolness and gallantry, and brought off their forces in most excellent order. Great praise is due to Captain Oliver, Company D, Twenty-seventh, P, V. M., commanding a body of skir- mishers of about 70 men. for the skillfulness and boldness with which he liandled his men. The officers and men of my command generally did their whole duty. Before closing this report justice compels me to make mention of the excellent conduct of the company of negroes from Columbia. After working industriously in the ritle-pits all day, when the fight com- menced they took their guns, and stood up to their work bravely. They only fell back when ordered to do so. I herewith enclose a list of casualties: The prisoners taken. 18 in number, were all from the Twentieth, P. V. M., including Lieut. -Colonel Sickles of that Regiment. From information received since the engage- ment, I feel convinced that if my orders had been promptly obeyed no prisoners would have been taken. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant. JACOB G. FRICK, Colonel Commanding. To Robert LeRoy, Captain and A. A. G., Department Susquehanna. LIST OF CASUALTIES. Wounded. Henry Matthews, Company B. Sergeant Henry Buriale. Co. F. Terrence Smith, '• B. " Joseph Fitzgerald, Co. V. Max Silverberg, " B. Aaron Tice, Companv H. Corp. Henry Reichart, Co. C. Allen D. Mohr, " "' II. Michael J. Thomas. '' On the 26th of June, Governor Curtin issued a Proclamation calling for 60,000 volunteers to defend the State. Meetings were held, and recruiting commenced for a Regiment to be commanded bj General James Naglo, and one to be commanded by Colonel Royer. On the 30th of June a County meeting assembled in the Court-house at Pottsville. A committee was appointed to confer with the Commissioners^ and request them to appropriate ^5 a What Was Done in 1863. 267 week to the families of all who had families themselves, or depend- ing on them, who volunteered for the defence of the State. The Commissioners acceded to the request. A motion was then made to embrace the families of those -Vho had already gone on the first call. The meeting called upon the Commissioners to embrace those also in the bounty, which was immediately acceded to. Under this, recruiting received an impetus, and the two Regi- ments were soon filled. Up to July 18, Schuylkill County fur- nished for the emergency and^under the three and six months' calls, 2^000 volunteers. THE THIRTY-NLNTH REGIMENT, P. V. M. - Colonel— JXMES NAGLE. Lki{t,-Colonel— J AMES H. CAMPBELL. The movements of this Regiment up to the time it went into camp at Greencastle, are narrated in a letter to us, dated- - Ix Camp near Greencastle, July 17, 1803. \Yg left Reading for Ilarrisburg on Wednesday evening, at 9,i o'cIocIj, find after a long and tedious vide in freight cars, over the Leha^non Val- ley Railroad, we arrived safely within one or two miles of Ilarrisburg, when, sad to relate, the train in backing on the turnout, to permit the passenger train last to pass by the train, Avas backed into some coal cars, mashing in the end of one of the house-cars and breaking as was supposed, both legs of one of the members of Captain Nagle's Company, and mashing the foot of one of Captain Harrison's men, who were both left at Ilarrisburg, where we were immediately transferred to another freight train, a large or principal part of the cars having no seats in them, which made it a very tedious way of riding; from Harrisburg we were started in about half an hour and arrived at Carlisle between six and seven in the morning, where we lay in and around the cars until nearly two, P. M., not daring to leave as we did not know at what minute the cars might start. In approaching Carlisle, we could see the bare walls and chimneys of the once beautiful barracks, standing as a sad memento that the rebels had dared to penetrate so far upon the free soil of Pennsylvania, but thank fortune, they were well punished for their audacity and were glad to recross the Potomac, with a largely reduced army. In Carlisle we could also see the eflfects of the enemy's fire, as we saw several walls pierced through by shells and solid shot, and were also shown over one half of a shell preserved by one of the inhabitants. We then started at 2 o'clock from Carlisle and arrived at Shippensburg by 4, where we left the cars, after being in for 19 hours, and encamped in the outskirts of the town on Thursday evening. We camped out in an open field of about four acres, where we soon had a miniature village under canvass and gave ourselves over to the kind embrace of slumber, which I can assure you was sweet, after spending a sleepless night on the railroad. On Tuesday, at 10 o'clock, we left Shippensburg on foot, and took up our line of march for Chambersburg, which proved to be a very tedious and tiresome march, through muddy 268 What Was Done Ix\ 1863. and heavy roads, and by Oie time "wc arrived in Camp McClure, one mile from Chambersburg, there was at least one full company of strag- glers bringing up the rear, who came straggling in some one or two hours after our arrival. The heat was very oppressive and no air astir, which accounts for so many falling back on the march. We lay in Camp McClure until Saturday evening, when we received marching orders, and were n?arched about two miles, where we were again en- camped until Tuesday morning, when again receiving marching orders, we v.'ere marched to within one mile of Greencastle, in a roundabout way, some fifteen or sixteen miles, when we should have done it in ele- ven miles, at which place we arrived at dusk and were encamped on a high field, but still not high enough to put us out of the water and mud when it'rained, which is almost every other day since we have been out. Here we were joined by the regiments composing our Brigade. Thej*, as far as I know, arc the Thirty-seventh,* Thirty-eighth, Thirty-ninth, Fortieth, and Forty-first Pennsylvania Ftegiments, V. M,, with Colonel James Nagle acting Brigadier — and a battery of four guns — and on Thursday evening we left as a Brigade, and marched one mile this side of Greencastle on the Iiagerstowu turnpike, where we are now encamped on a dead level ground in the woods. While in camp on the north side of Greencastle, we were addressed by Governor Cuvtin very patriotically, which created great enthusiasm among the troops, who cheered him time and again, and were not will- ing to let him stop, although much exhausted by the exertions he had made in behalf of the troops. The following are the muster-rolls of the Schuylkill County companies of the Eegiment : COMPANY A. Cajttam—TxOBERT ALLISON. 1st Lieut. — .Jacob Baciiman. 2d Lieut. — James Tealdale. 1st Sergeant — C. L. Chillson. 2d " J. E. GiBsox. 3f? " Jonathan Bull. 4:tk " George Gibson. ^th '< Philip Garris. 1st Corporal — Willia3i Garris. 2d " George B. Fisler. 3c? <« James Henderson. ^th " Isaiah Linn. bth '« Tobias Oliver. ^yth " C. W. Snyder. '^th " Jesse Templin. ^i^^ *' S. C. Cartwright. Serg cant-Major — Isaiah Cartjvright. Musicians — James Swartz (fifer.) C. 11. May (drummer.) Daniel Dick (band*.) PRIVATES : Aley, Abraham Bo^er, Daniel Anspach William Boyer, Franklin ^n^r PI •'"'''' Boyer, John Bull, Philip Ci-etz, John What "Was Done in 1863. 269 Company A, Thirty-ninth Regiment — Continued. Cartwriglit, Jacob Laing, John Daubert, Benjamin Lewis, John Dillon, Philip Moody, John Dale, William McLaughlin, James Droble, John Morganroth, Levi Dillman, Peter O'Neill, Peter Fletcher, David OrroU, James Freed, John Philips, Richard Ferney, Joseph Roxby, J. C. Fritz, Albert Ryan, Lawrence Gordon, William Rhoads, H. B. Goodman, Henry Simpson, J. B. Groves, John i Simpson, Joseph Grant, Patrick Schrow, Dewald Gallagher, John Seitzinger, Thomas Garris, Joh'n Smith, Thomas Glenn, David Smith, C. F. Henshley, Charles Sweeny, John Hessenberg, Charles Sedden, Charles Heebner, H. R. Singley, W. H. Hain, Mattson Smith, Matthew Haiu, Reuben Smith, Robert Hain, Charles Sedden, John Hadesty, Harvey Sessingei', George J Jones, Evan Wright, John Knowles, Nathaniel Wintersteen, D. L. linowles, Adam Worrner, Benjamin Lechler, David Wintersteen, H. I[. Lawrence, George R, Wlliiams, Isaac Long, Thomas D. Commissioned Officers, - 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - 14 Musicians, - - - - 3 Privates, - _ - . - 67 "87 ^ COMPANY B. Captain— VllllAY NAGLE. \st Lieut. — E. J. SiiirPEN, 2d Lieut. — Abraham Nagle. 1st Sergeant — Louis A. Bright. Charles A. Bosbyshell. John R. Wo3ielsdorf. Peter Houck. George W. Beck. -James Glenn. Isaac Gross. B. F. Lord. John L. Mennig. Samuel Dampman. Livingston Hough. Isaiah Kline. 23 2d i( Zd a 4th a 5th <( Isi Corporal- 2d M Ath hth 6th 7th 270 What Was Done in 1863. Company B, Thirty-ninth Kegiment— Slh Corporal — Caspar Brobst. Musicians — Simon Derr. " Charles Miesse. Wagoner — Israel Krammes. Continued, PRIVATES: Allen, Zacliariah T, Allison, Henry Auman, William Aikiuau, James Boughncr, Benjamin F. Brownmiller, Nicholas Bock, Jolin Boltz, Cliavles Buck, Nathaniel Bancust, John Bodcy, Charles N. Boyer, William B. Christian, Benjamin L. Christian, Henry Cooper, George Cole, Bichard Carey, William Dillinger, William Derrick, Cyrus Fey, Francis W. Frederick, William D. Frailey, Peter H. Fey, George A. Horning, Samuel Hughes, Andrew Hoover, Perry Hamm, Conrad Hammer, Theodore Haley, AYilliam H. Horning, Washington Johnson, Robert Jones, John Jones, Thomas James, David H. Krater, John Kimbler, John J. Lindenmuth, Henry Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - - Privates, - - - - Montgomery, Jonas A, Matz, Thomas H. Morgan, Enoch Martz, Alonzo Morgan, John W, Nagle, James W. Rhobottom, Frank Richman, John Rickert, John Rickert, George L. Sterner, Daniel Sterner, David Staats, James L. Shower, George Simmons, George I>. Schloss, Isaac Lindenmuth, Charles Lloyd, Michael Sr Lloyd, Thomas Liffler, Frank Liffler, William Leob, George P. Madison, James M. Mennig, Edward W. Schall, Thomas Shay, John Schwenk, Henry E. Shoener, Geoi'ge Talich, Thomas H. Taylor, Eugene Thiemer, John M. Williams, Philip AVildermuth, Gfcarles W Williams, John C. Woolison, Franklin Weaver, John A. Wernert, George - - - o 13 . 2 - - 74 Total, 08 What Was Done in 1863. 271 COMPANY C. eaj^^am— CHARLES BLACKER. 1st Lieut. — William G. DeTuek. 2d Lieut. — George W. Keitek. 1st Sergeant — James Blackee, 2d " OSWELL FOED. Zd " John Maecii. Ath " William Gittins. ^th '* George W. Lookingbill. 1st Corporal — John B. Me^z. 2d John Beckee. Sd Thomas Palmer. 4th George W. Johnson. 5th Peter Bummeesbaugh. Qtk Thomas Lewis. 1th Nathaniel Keebs. Sth Benjamin Haines. Musiciam- — WiNFiELD Fritz, ii William Hetherington. PRIVATES : Anderson, Robert Ashwortli, Joseph Baldwin, Tliomas Beauriiont, Charles Blakelj, Joseph Briggs, Thomas S. Buniutersbaugh, J. F. CarL Peter Clifl'Ord, James Cook, Robert Coughlin, Thomas Crawshaw, George W. Davis, William S. Demmings, William Dieuer, John Dudlej, John Evans, David Evans, Thomas Else, William H. Ferrebee, Amza Foster, Thomas Frohnle, Albert Grave, John Gradweil, Thomas Haines, William Hardy, Joseph J. Hart, iVlexander Hassler, Charles Howarth, William Housknecht, George W Jones, Elias Jones, Robert Kelly, John Maguire, John MarXj Charles McCabe, Alexander McKiernan, Patrick Millerd, William Moson, James Oriel, John Parker, Richard Purnell; Isaue Price, James Reese, Jacob Richardson, James Rodgers, James Scherr, Rinard Seligman, Benjamin Sh after, Henry (Shilton, Joseph Smith, Frederick Smith, John Stahl, George W. Sykes, Benjamin Sykes, George Thomas, John D. Thomas, George Thomas, Samuel Thomas, William Townsend, Abraham Vincort, John Watkins, William Webster, Elias Weiss, Joseph Wighf^m, Thomas Williams, John Williams, Thomas Young, James Young, Robert 272 What Was Done in 1863. Company C; Thirty-Ninth Regiment- Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musician, - - - - _ Privates, . - , . Total, • Continued. 13 2 69 8' COMPANY D, Captain— IllQ-MK^ EAY. 1st Lieut. — .ToiiN WOOLEY. 2d Lieut. — William Broughall. 1st Sergeant — John W. Smith. 2d " Jonathan Wiluinghasl, 3t? " James E, Evans. 4th " George Smith. 5th " Edward A. Reed. 1st Corporal — Datid Ckown. 2d ^d 4th Uh %th 1th Wi David Watkins. Joseph Urch. Henry Daddow. Ljgti Orme. AuGUSTyS BiME. Thomas Fielding. William Bracey. Blusician — Isaac H. Davidson. PRIVATES Bail, Jolin Easier, Gabriel Bartley, Alfred Betz, Harrison Correl, Rolandus Carl, Frederick DaddoTT, John Deutscii, Jacob J, Davidson, John Darkins, John Evans, John Evans, Thomas Evans, William Eymon, Thomas Evans, John C. Ford, Joseph Fox, James Griner, Philip Galden, Evan Horn, Frederick Hutton, William Hutton, Thomas Houseknecht, Benjamin J. Hetherington, Jacob Johnson, Theodore R. Jones, Edward Jones, Henry Jones, Joseph James, Thomas I>^ • Jones, Robert Long, John Long, Albert Lorer, John Mitchell, Samuel McGuire, Thomas- Morgan, John L. Moses, Ebenezer 'Millei% John R. Kline, Jacob Price, Reuben Quinn, Joseph Rick, Frank Rolands, Daniel Roberts, William Sykes, Henry Steel, Joseph Shaffer, Killian Thomas, John P. Thomas, Evan Urch, William Watkins, Edward Wilds, John Williams, Thomas W. Williams, James E. What Was Done 115 1863. 27S Company D, Thirty-ninth Regiment — Continued, Commissioned Officers, - - - - 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - 18 Musicians, - - - - - - 1 Privates, . . - - - - 54 Total, 71 COMPANY E. Captain— JOlll^i R. PORTER. 1st Lieut. — Daviu R. Shafeb. 2c? Lieut. — Robert Russell. 1st Sergeant — David Stewart. 2c? *' Thomas Jennings. 3c/ " S^\MUEL Seward. Ath " 'AsHTON Hilton. bth " Townsend Himes. 1st Corporal — John Moore. 2d *' Samuel Hbaton. 3c? '* Jonas Hein. 4ith *' John Brown. bth *' Thomas Jones. 6^^ " Solomon Foust. 1th " William Scott. ^th *' James W. Sterner. Musicians — Sylvester Schuyler. ♦* Nathaniel Eshelman. PRIVATES: Albertson, Jacob Bently, Cliarles Bartholomew, Clinton Beltz, George Casserly, James Carrigan, James Corby, Thomas Cohon, John G. Crook, John Crook, George C. Crombe, James Donaldson, James Eddy, John English, George Fenstermacher, William Fletcher, Edward Fox, Peter Fisher, Emanuel Frank, AVilliam Flaherty, Patrick Good, Charles H. Garrett, James N. Griffith, William Howell, William Hendricks, George 23* Howard, John Huntzinger, Jacob F- Jackson, Henry Jones, William P. Kohlcr, George Landy, John Lawall, Philip Mauger, Andrew Mauger, John Myer, Henry Mace, William Mauger, George Miller, Wilson W. Morton, Jonathan Miller, Samuel McGerry, Daniel O'Donnell, Manu« Percival, James Patrick, David Robeson, William Raab, Andrew Richards, Philip Roberts, John R. Russell, John H. Smith, William S. 274 What Was Done in 1863. COxMPANY E, Thirty-ninth Eegiment — Continued. Spurr, Thomas W. Sterner, Lewis H. Sliafer, George W. Severn, Thomas Shiverstein, Albert Taylor, James Taylor, Charles Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, - . - Total, - Tomlins, Edward Walker, Thomas "Wiggan, John A. Wolf, Michael Wilcox, Thomas Warr, Joseph 13 2 G3 81 COMPANY F. CajHcdn—S^'ILLlKM M. RANDALL. \st Lieut. — John W. Coho. 2c? LieiU. — Henry E. Hein. 1st Sergeant — Harvey J. Stager. 2c? *' Joseph C. Kerkesl-ager. 3c? " Daxiel E. Sciireck. 4iih *' Alfred 6r. Yeager. hth " Albert A. Hesser. Is^ Corporal — William A. Field. 2c? " Joshua Martz. 3c? " Joseph M. Schalm. Ath " D. B. HOLMER. bth " Elijah Ebiricii. Wi " F. P. Barr. 1th '' Joshua Heiser. ^tli " Henry PiAudenbush. Musicians — RoLANDUS FREEHiEFFER. " J. Kline. PRIVATES: Auman, Henry Armstrong, John Achabach, William Bolton, a. W. Berger, David Boyer, Chai-les Rubeck, John E, Christ, Edward Coxe, H. N. Clouse, W. Collins, M. Dickinson, John Drey, Lewis Deibert, William Detrich, Peter Dilcamp, W. H. Dilcamp, C. E. Dreher, Benjamin DeFrehn, Isaac Everett, Daniel Eisenhart, .John Fidler, R. H. Fritz, John Freed, Henry Feather, Emanuel Fenstemacher, Jolm Grcenwold, Simon Geiger, J. H. Quartier, Henry Good, John Homan, Amos Homan, Thomas Hepler, C. R. Hummel, Jacob Houk, C. Y. Hummel, John What Was Done in 1863. 275 Company F, Thirty-ninth Regiment — Continued. Hummel, Henry Heiser, Edward Hess Frederick Hendricks, Sassaman Hesser, C. F. Heisler, Lewis Irvin, Pvolbert -Krown, Edwin ^ Koch, William J. Knarr, Isaac Kantner, P. P. Kantner, A. W. Kauffman, Charles Moody, W. F. Martz, S. G. W. Martz, John Moyer, Harrison Moyer, Michael Neiheeser, William Neiman, Benjamin Packson, Isaac Palsgrove, C. B. Quinter, Henry Reed, W. L. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Privates, . _ _ Total, - Ileibsaamer, Isaac Reeger, Charles Reed, A. J. Reed, Franklin SchuUz, S. S. Seyiert, Isaac Schultz, Charles Saylor, Morgan S. Seiger, Augustus Schadel, William Spindler, Christian Stitzer, William F. Sullivan, Daniel Simons, Harrison Stauffer, Isaac Saylor, J. S. Schwenk, J. R. Strieker, Albert Sheep, George IL Saylor, J. R. Snyder, Adam Utz, George Ullmer, G. H. Wise, Franklin - 8 13 - 2 84 105 COMPANY a. Cfep^am— MICHAEL MOLL. 1st Lieut. — Hamilton II. Bailey. 2d Limt. — YfiLLiAM H. Sciiall. 1st Sergeant — H. W. Pinkebton. 2d " P. Wertley. 3 J " John Pugii. ^th " George English. bth " Joseph Dixon. 1st Corporal — Isaac D. Lehman. 2d " Alexander TiiOMrsoN. 2,d «' S. G. S. Zerbe. 4,th " Lorenzo Reinceld. bth *' Robert Angus. (jth " Lewis W. Heil. Ith " Robert Moyer. ^th "' John Schall. Musicians — John F. Miller. " James Souser. PRIVATES: Artman, Nathan Angus, Henry Adams, Henry Allen, Charles 276 What Was Done in 1863. Company G-, Thirty-ninth Regiment — Continued. Bolby, F. K. Boone, Franklin Bensinger, Gabriel Brenly, Charles Bohman, John Buehler, George Brown, J. W. B. Douglass, Archibald Eckel, Aaron English, William Ege, H. J. Farch, Christian Farch, Henry Focht, Hiram Fritz, William Fulmer, W. E. Hatter, Jacob Hand, B. W. Hauser, David. Kantner, John Klevenstein, George Ketner, John E. Ketner, David Kremer, Samuel Lawer, Nicholas Leiby, Jonathan Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, . . - Mellon, Henry Miller. David Miller, Albert Minnich, John W, O'Neal, Edwin Orwig, J. K. P. Pritcherd, Thomas Pritcherd, John Pelton, W. F. Pinkerton, George A. Pelt, James L. Eumberger, D. Roehrig. G. B. Reigle, S. A. Sheafer, George Seifert, John Schantz, John Stanner, Jeremiah Smith, Emanuel Smith, Felix Snaybeger, J, N. B. Umholtz, Charles Umholtz, Augustus Watson, Joseph Woollis, Willoughby Yeager, Edward - 3 13 . 2 - - - 50 Total, to COMPANY H. Ca/>^am— JOHN W. BARE. 1st Lieut. — David P. Thompson. Id Lieut. — William Lerch, Jr. 1st Sergeant — Philip Keeley. 'Id It Abraham Mengle. Sd u James M. Rohrer. 4th It Caleb Wheeler. ^th a James W. Neall. 1st ( (Corporal — George Miller. 2d it George W. Thompson M (( Jacob Snyder. 4th << Theophilus Lewis. bth (( James T. Kendall. Qth ' (i Joshua Stees. 1th (( William Shirk. Sth it Tillman Miller. Musicians- -John Jones. it Andrew Snyder. What Was Done in 1863. 277 Ck)MPANY H, Thirty-ninth Regiment- PRIVATES : Continued. Achenbacb, Daniel Alvord, Frederick Baylor, Daniel Bretz, Michael Bartels, Rudolph Benjamin, Theophilus Barr, John Bonawitz, John, Jri Brown, Frederick Brenner, David Clark, Samuel Davis, John Duffy, Michael Evans, William Faust, Henry Fegley, John Fuller, James Feller, Adam Goodman, William Gammel, James Hetlricks, John Hed ricks, Samuel Harvey, William Huber, Andrew J. Huber, Francis Huber, Jacob Hughes, William Hontz, Benneville Hand, Isaac Hummel, John Hain, Henry C. James, Benjamin Knapp, Nelson Keeney, George Keeney, Samuel Kyle, William Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, . . . tTotal, - Knipe, Ephraim Lewis, David Lewis, Ed. Miller, Peter Miller, Jonathan Manwiller, Aug. B. Morgan, Thomas McClellan, George Moyer, Henry D. Noll, George Ney, John Phillips, Arjftbibald Phillips, William Parry, William Reed, And. J. Reed, Daniel Ream, Israel Row, Henry Rump, Peter Rehrer, Jacob Rahn, Jacob Reese, Jacob Roger, William Shertle, Ed. A. Stahl, George B. Spaetzer, Francis Thomas, David Treon, Isaac Thompson, William W. Updegrove, John IJpdegrove, Jacob Updegrove,. Daniel Wolf, John Wolf, Jacob Wolf, Peter White, Robert - 8 13 - 2 72 - 90 COMPANY K. Cop^am— SAMUEL RICHARDS. \st Lieut. — Isaac P. Chalfant. 2f? Lieut. — David A, Jones. 1st Seryeani — John S. Silver. 2d " John Taylok. 8c? " James Manning. Atli " Robert Doak. 278 What Was Done in 1863. Company K; Thirty-ninth Eegiment — Continued. bth Sergeant — Matthias Ault. \st Corporal — Michael Mohan. Id ' Joseph Morgan. Zd William Cannan. 4th Richard P. H. Philips bth Augustus Kutz. Gth John Parry. 1th Thomas Rhoads. 8th Joseph Fisher. Musicians — C. C. Cakter. Charles Glenn. PRIVATES: Austj, Philip Beach, James G. Bedford, Charles Bowman, John Brace, Benjamin Bradley, "William Conherj, xVrthiir Cutler, Richard Daniell, William P. Davis, -John Davis, Ilenr^' J. Deitrich, Lewis Davis, Thomas Davis, David Davis, Johii D. Davis, Jeukin DreiTbelbeis, Daniel Y. Dunn, John Evans, .John Edmonds, Henry J'vUt, Charles Edwards, Edward Edwards, .John Furman, Joseph Ts. Francis, Richard Grigg, William Geiger, James Gurley, William Gabert, Henry Gibbs, -John Goldsunthy, Thomas Heisler, Israel Heisler, Franklin Hancock, David Howells, William Hutton, .James G. Houser, Amos Jones, Edward Jefferson, .Joseph James. William Jones, David Jenkins, Isaac Jefferson, Robert Jones, John T. Kauffmatt, Luther S. Kear, Charles Knight, James Kear, Isaac N, Lewis, John W. Loeser, J. Washington Merkle, Gideon Merkle, Philip Miles, William Morris, David Morgan, Evan Montgomery, John Morris, William Morris, George Parr}', David Powell, David Phelps, John Rogers, Thomas C. Roerig, George Reese, John J, Raker, Jacob Reese, John Ridley, George Sterner, Winfield S. Shissler, Edward L. Shellenberger, Abm Stager, Abm Snyder, Jacob Turner, Edward H. Thomas, William G. Thomas, John M. Witman, Augustus H. Woolcock, John Williams, Abenezer Wentzel, H. L. Williams, George What Was Done in 1863. 270 Company K, Thirty-ninth Regiment — -Continued. Commissioned Officers, - - - - 3 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - 13 Musicians, -------2 Privates, -- - -'- - - 80 Total, 98 KECAPITULATION. Field Officers, 2 Line Commissioned Officers, - _ _ ^7. Non-commissioned Officers, - - - 118 Musicians, -- - - - - -18 Privates, 617 Grand total, 782 FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT, P. V. M. Colonel— II. C. ROYER. Lieut.- Colonel — James J. Connor. , Major — James Ellis. Adjutant — Israel C. Becker. Quartermaster — Jeremiah C. Bitting. This Regiment^ during its term of service, was stationed &t Reading, Pa. The muster-rolls of the Schuylkill County companies are as fbi- lows : COMPANY C. Captain— L. P. GARNER. 1st Lieut. — Isaac Burkhardt. 2d LAeut. — Patrick Collier. 1st Sergeant — J. E. Wilson. 2d V " John CovfAN. 3f? " Charles Comxer, Jr. 4^/i *' G. H. Fetterman. bth " Martin Devlin. 1st Corporal — Patrick Collohan. 2d " Michael Igo. 3f? *' EusEBius Meyer. 4^/i " Andrew Geary. ^th *' Benjamin Dreisback. Q)th " Benjamin H. Kupp. 1th " Michael Horan. 8^/t " Michael Farrell. Musicians — Evan Thomas. Tobias Whitma'n. Wagoner — John H. Dov^ning. PRIVATES : Buck-waiter, Rowland Britt, Henry Budd, Charles B. Brennan, John Burchiield, William H. Brassel, James Boyer, Elias Conner, John C. 280 What Was Done in 1863. QOMPANY C; FiFTY-TUIRD REGIMENT, P. V. M. — OontlWJ^d. Castle, Jerome Conner, James H. Convoy, James Chester, Joseph Connei% Charles Convoy, Thomas Canavin, William Coby, Silas Donohoe, Michael Dryden, Wetherill Donohoe, John Deitsch, Henry Deiner, Christian Duffy, Barney Delany, Joseph Evans, Thomas Foeller, John Fiest, Joseph Fleigel, Barnard Ferguson, Patrick F, Fahringer, Isaac Farrell, Patrick Gallagher, A. J. Garner, Louis M. Garner, Louis H. Garner, Joseph W. Gallagher, Michael Gerraghty, James Grady, Thomas Hays, Jordan C. Houseman, Nicholas Harman, Lawrence Hoffman, David Horn, Joseph Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Wagoner, _ - - Privates, Total, Hetherington, James Keller, Adam Keegan, Charles Kane, Patrick Kennedy, James Lamb, John Miller, Hugh Monaghan, Anthony Monaghan, Peter Meimer. Franklin Martz, Cornelius Martz, Charles "xdcGonnigal, Peter Monaghan, Stephen Mullarky, Rodger Naughten, John Paul, Henry Quill, Joseph Quill, Philip Ross, George Ross, William Ross, Thomas Sullivan, William Seitzinger, Charles A. Smith, Charles Silver, John Tinghe, Michael Tobias, Calvin Thomas, Samuel Vanhorn, Reuben Wilson, William Walters, Thomas Yocum, John J. - 3 13 . 2 1 - 75 94 COMPANY F. Captain— Q. DOUGHERTY. 1st Lieut. — C. W. Dengler. 2d Lieut. — Peter White. 1st Sergeant — P. Dress. 2d JOHN McTaGUE. Sd Jambs McAree. 4th "■ James Fee. 6th " George Armold 1st Corporal- —Frank Lovell. What Was Done in 1863. 281 Company P, Fifty-third Kegiment, P. V. M, — ContlnueiL 2d Corporal — Patrick Smith. Zd J, G. Hoffman. 4th W. J. Wright. hth <^ W. B. Detrick. eth <* Neal Con AWAY. 1th <« Daniel Hagner. 8th <' James Braicifield, Musicians— Willi AU Brobst. Patrick : Reiley. PRIVATES: Breinig, John Kromell, George Brennan, Thorn Luckingbill, Henry Coligan, Anthony Larkin, Thomas Curry, Patrick Leibey, William Cavanough, James Lee, William Cassedy, Thomas Miller, Christopher Dress, G. W. Miller, E. B. Dillman, Jacob Moyer, William Dillen, Patrick Mantin, Murphy Dendt, Christopher McQuone, George Dominick, Biirk McBride, George Pertig, Mahlon McGone, John Fertig, J. W. Noland, Philip Grimm, Henry Nolan. Patrick Glover, William Quinn, James Gonger, J. . Reiley, Alfred Grimes, James Reese, Samuel Hagerty, Frank Reifsnyder, William Heiser, William Snyder, Paul Hudson, Henry Sweeney, John Hughes, Patrick . Walsh, William Hagner, Henry Yeager, Frank Kramer, Ephraim Commissioned Officers,, >> - •■ - - .J Non-commissioned Officers, 13 Musicians, - - - - ? - 2 Privates, - 45 Total, ^ - - 68 COMPANY H. Captain— 'E. BENSINGER. 1st Lieut. — James I. Lake. 2d Lieut. — Henry Leam. 1*^ Sergeant — Franklin Bensinger. 2c? " Joseph Levy. 3c? " Levi Knabb. 4th " Joshua Payne. ^th " Edward T. Burke. 1st Corporal — Evan Evans. 2c? " George Bevan. 8c? << William F. Bensinger. 4th "• Nicholas P. Brennan. 24 282 What Was Done in 1863. Company H; Fifty-third Regiment-— Cmtinued, PRIVATES; Bftucroft, Alfred Brook, John Davis, Thomas Evans, David Farrell, John" Golling, Richard Geneal, Jacob G. Grant, Charles H, Hookey, Samuel Henry, Edwards Hartman, Charles Jones, EdT7:ard Jenkins, Thomas Jones, Thomas Jones, John Lee, Martin Learn, Thomas Linseymoyer, Nimrod Murphy, William Millett, George Morgan, Thomas Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned OfHcers, Privates, - . . Narry, Anthony Oswald, John Powell, Samuel Peters, John Queeny, Frank Rice, William Raber, Jonas Eeeso, Benjamin Raber, Peter Samuels, Lewis Siraraons, Thomaa Smith, John '8pootg|, Alfred Sager, Martin Seitzinger, Erastus B. Samuels, John Thomas, William Williams, William Weber, David Walker, William Yommes, John - 3 9 - A'2 Total, 64 COMPANY I. Capfain— THOMAS QUIRK. 1st Lieut. — John P. Bowers. 2d Lieut. — James Mara. 1st Sergeant — John N. McBabron. 2d " James T. McKenna. 3c? '♦ William F. Lee. 4/^ «* William James. bth •' Edward Rating. 1st Corporal — George Kehr. 2d '* William Barry. 3f/ ** Benjamin Evans. 4/A " Thomas Rating. hth " Thomas Nash. %th " David T. Brown. 1th '* John Moore. ^th «« William Kkllt. Musiciajt^ — Frank Henry. John Kramer. PRIVATES Brennan, Edward Brennan, Richard Boyle, Patrick Boyle, John Brennan, William Barnes, Uriah Carr, Frank Cantield, Thomaa What Was Done in 1863. 283 Company I, Fifty-third Regimen Carlin, John Dunn, Charles Delany, Martin Dorau, James Dudley, Richard Duffy, John P. Flinn, Henry Gluntz, Henry Grady, Patrick Gallagher, John Hays, Lawrence Hagarty, John Hartigan, Patrick flaiTigan, John Hughes, James Hays, John Hagerty, James Kelly, John Karr, Robert Lynch, James Lynch, John Little, George Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - - Privates, . . - T — Continued. Uttle, Patrick^ Lloyd, George Lloyd, Edmond Lee, Dennis Moran, Michael Melloy, Patrick McGlone, Pa-trick Murray, Anthony McGowan, Bai'tholomew Maginnis, Edv^ard Mullarky, Michael Powers, Nicholas Sloe, Edward Fteady, Thomas Ragan, John Roch, Edward Stevenson, Samuel Walsh, Patrick Williams, John Williams, A. B. Walsh, John Maginnis, E. B. - S 13 . 2 52 Total, - - - - - EECAPITULATIOX. Field Officers, - - - - Commissioned Line Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, - Musicians, - - . - . Wagoners, . ^ - - - Privates, - . - - - Total, . - - . GRAND BECAPITL'LATION. Twenty-seventh Regiment, Thirty-ninth Regiment, Fifty-third Regiment, Grand total, - - - - 70 12 - 48 6 - 1 214 284 510 782 284 1,576 DEATHS IN THIS SERVICE. Emanuel Raush, Co. Gr, Twenty-seventh Regiment^ died ia Academy Hospital; Chambersburg, on the 26th of July, of typhoid fever. Samuel Evans^ Co. I^ Twenty-seventh Regiment; died ia the same hospital on the 4th of August. 2>t4 What Was Done in 1863. Charles Bedford, a member of the Thirty-ninth Regiment, died m Chambersburg, on the 1st of August, of typhoid fever. Lieut. Edward Mullen, Fifty-third Regiment, died Sept. 14. Henry Fulman, Co. Gr, Thirty-ninth Regiment, died Sept. 15^ ')f disease contracted during '' emergency.'' Charles K. Esterly, Co. C, Twenty-seventh Regiment, died Sept. 25, of disease contracted during ^^ emergency." THE DRAFT OF 1863. In July, I860, President Lincoln issued a proclamation order- ing a draft for five hundred thousand men to fill up the armies o the Union. The draft for the Tenth District, composed of Schuylkill and Lebanon counties, commenced in Pottsville on Wednesday, Sept. 28d. 1863. The drawing was done by a blind man named Wil- liam Doubert, of Schuylkill Haven, Schuylkill County. The draft- ing-box was on a table on a platform, placed in full view of the j'pectators, adjoining the Provost Marshal's office. The commit- tee of citizens invited to be present, were Samuel Huntzingery William F. Mortimer, Robert F. Weaver. Hon. Strange I^'. Palmer, Hon. Solomon Foster, J. Franklin Harris, Oliver Dob- ,>ion, Daniel H. Leib, and Jacob Kohler. The draft was made in the following manner : The Deputy 3Iarshal, John M. Mark, of Lebanon County, turned the wheel, and the blind man drew the names out. The latter passed them over to the Commissioner, John H. Kinportz, of Lebanon, wha read the names, the clerk at the same time entering them in a hwk. The drawing took place in the order of sub-districts laid down^ jiBd the number of names drawn for Schuylkill County was 3,334^ DRAFTED MEN WHO ENTERED THE SERVICE. The following is a list of the names of drafted men who entered the service : Blakeley, John Craney, John Boyer, John ^ Cartwright, Jr., Jacob Blew, Charles H. " Campbell, Owen Brininzer, Jacob Clark, Piitrick Becker, John . Collier, William H. Bretr, Daniel Cosgrove, Edward P. What Was Donb in 1863. 285 Drafted Men who Enterkd the Service — Continued. Canfield, Michael Dulivant, Patrick Deiner, Martin Dry, Mordecai Front, Washington Gorman, Malachi Gibson, Franklin Gangwall, R. Geiger, John Garber, John Gea4-y, James Hagerty, James Haflshafer, Jaco\) Henderson, Charles Jones, John Jones, John Kline, John Klauser, Peter Kessinger, Solomon Kelly, Christopher Klingeman, Jacob Knobelock, Ciirigtian LaTvrence, Isaac Lich, George Long, Andrew Little, George Mennig, Edward Murray, Martin Mills, William McKeever, William Mover, George D. Miller, Jonathan McKeon, James Murray, James Neiheiser, William O'Hara, John Purcill. Patrick Pvupert, John S. Rabewold, Michael Reichard, Michael Pveed, William L. Seitzinger, Henry Shelian, Michael Snyder, Charles W. Snyder, Charles Shingler, John Snowdcn, Martin- - Swcnk, Henry Searls, Nelson (colov(^aAFTED Men who furnished Substitutes — Continued, Momberger, Charles Moyer, Franklin Moyer, Morgan Moyer, Joseph Moyer, Lewis Moyer, Enoch Moyer, George Moyer, Lewis Mull, Michael Murray, Jeremiah B. Murphy, Franklin Munday, James Mullen, John Mullen, Hugh Naughton, Patrick Ney, John Neifert, Joseph Nichter, John F. Nolan, Michael Nolan, James Obenhaus, Daniel Ohl, Edward Orth, Ernst Ordway, C. J. P. Oschman, William Overfield, Charles Osawald, Peter Osman, Eregood J. O'Brian, Edward O'Brian, Matthew O'Bryan, William O'Connors, Patrick 0'Donnel,.Hugh O'Donnell, Bernard O'Neal, Michael Paxson, George Parvin, William J. Palsgrove, James Patterson, Thomas L. Peale, Edward Peifer, Levi Philips, William Phillips, David Phillips, Robert Plappert, Ignotz Potsdamer, Tobias Portzel, Andrew Presman, Joseph • Price, J. F. Purcell, Richard Querin, Peter Raudenbush, Henry Randall, W. M. Raber, Nicholas Raudenbush, Joshua Rattigan, Daniel Repp, Henry Remely, Thomas Reich, George Reber, Benneville Reichard, Aaron Reigel, Josliua Reichelderfer, Roland Reigel, Jacob Reed, Solomon Reynolds Patrick Rehrer, James Rhoads, William S. Rich, Cliflford Richards, Henry Richard Charles Rickert, John R. Ridgway, D. J. Rogers, John Rogers, Thomas ,C. Rodgers, James R. Roan, John Rosser, Henry Roehrig, Charles Rump,'^John Rudy, William. B. Saylor, Charles P. Saylor, 0. L. Sassaman, William Schuey, Levi Schaaf, Joseph Schnell, George Schuyler, Benjamin Schriner, John Schock, Adam Schugar, John Schwenk, Joseph Schwenk, Daniel Seltzer, William Seltzer, Francis Shock, Jacob B, Shivelhut, Leonard Shoener. John Sharp, Hugh Shields, Hugh Sholley, John Shadle, John Shettleworth, Joseph Shollenberger, B. V. ShaeflFer, George Shellhammer, Samuel Shoemaker, Samuel Shoener, Charles F. 290 What Was Done in 1863. Drafted Men who furnished Substitutes — Continued. Shaeffer, Thomas Shappell, James Shultz, Bnlzer ^attery, Francis ST^'-, William - Smith, William B. Smith, Gordon Smith, Martin Smith, Thomas Smith, George A. Smolleitz, Peter Snydei', Baird Sotzin, William Sortman, Henry Spacht, John SteigerTraid, 11. D, Stephenson, Micha&l Sterner, Jeremiah H. Sterner, Henry Staller, Daniel Stephens, Jolm R. Stout, James Steaf, Michael Stahl, George Stutzman, John Stine, Jonas S. Stein, Daniel Sweeny, Hugh Swasey, Clark Teter, Benjamin Thompson, Louis C. Treibley, William Trout, Jacob Tracy, Henry W. Trezise, Walter Ulrich, Nicholas Vardy, William Vastine, Rufus Van Horn, Reuben Voute, William JP. Vollman, Philip Volk, Christian Wadlinger, John Walters, William Walter, Jacob Walsh, Thomas Wagner, Valentine Wagner, Thomas Wagner, Andrew Wagner, (-harles Watkins, Thomas Waldner, Adam Wertley, Philip Wetzel, D. S. Wentzel, 3eorge Welder, Peter Weiler, Daniel L. Weiss, Joseph Welsh, Ja,mes '"VVeihing, John Weimar. Ephraim Whitty,'john White, Peter Whitney, Frank Wise, Francis K. Wilk, Benjamin M. Wommcr, Jacob Wolff, Rev D. W. Wortz, Philip Wood, Joseph Woodnutt, Charles Wormkessel, Daniel Wolff, Wallace W. Woster, Henry Wren, Hale Wright, Thomas F. Yost, Charles Yost. Samuel M. Yoder, William L. Yocum, John IJ. Zimmerman, William Zimmerman, William Zimmerman, William L. Zimmerman, John 8. Zimmerman, Joseph Zimmerman, George Zimmerman, J. M. Zimmerman, Henry Zehner, Charles Zehner, David Total, - - 666 DRAFTED MEN WHO PAID COMMUTATION. The following is a list of the names of drafted men who paid commutation : Ackerman, Clement Albright, Thomas Caldwell, William Canfield, Thomas What Was Done in 1863. 291 Drafted Men who paid Commutation — Continued. Applegate, Joseph J. Athanothol, Jacob Artz, Aaroil Artz, Moses Artz, Edward Buckley, William Boltz, Levi Brown, Fred. J, Brown, William Brown, David Bretz, John Burke, John Blew, Edward Banker, Lewis Bachus, Israel Boyd, James Banev, George Billraan, Thomas Billman, Daniol Beak, INIoses Becker, Elias Barr, Moses ^ Barr, Percival Barr, Solomon Barr, Gideon Berger, William Berger, Reuben S. Barthels, Felix Brosine, Henry J.-K. Brennan, Thomas Brennan, Andrew Brennan, Patrick Bancroft, Thomas B. Burns, Joseph Bolig, Joseph Bierman, Philip Bester, Christian Bowman, Christian Britt, Edward Bebham, Peter Battinger, John Boyle, John Bind, Benjamin Boon, Thomas Bearman, John Barry, William Cabely, Zachariah Christopher, Edward Carril, Thomas Cummings, Hugh Cruikshanks, William Cobely, John Campbell, Patrick Gallery, Patrick Deck, Jonathan Z. Dewees, F. P. Devine, Peter Devine, Patrick Deaker, Joseph Duffy, James Deibert, Henry Deibert Daniel Downing, George W. Dalton, George Dormer, James Dyke, James Dondle, Alexander Dreisbach, Benjamia Dillman, William Doherty, John Dornbach, Gorlech Dyer, William Devitt, William Dinger, Augustus Dolan, Patrick Dolan, Patrick DeFrehn, Elijah Dietrich, Neri Evaglesly, James Ebert, Jonas Erd, Michael Evans, Richai'd Evans, Theopholus Evans, Isaac Ernst, Martin Everly, Peter Einshweiler, Jacob English, William Frederick, John Friar, Daniel Fry, Thomas Feather, Joseph Farrow, Thomas Faust, Solomon M. Folk, Samuel Fetheroff, Peter Forney, Jacob W. Fisher, William Fisher, Daniel Fisher, Hiram H. Ferguson, John Foley, Michael Foose, Daniel Garret, Frank H. Gowan, Peter Gross, Fred Gilbert, INathaa Grupe, William 292 What Was Done in 1863. Deapted Men who paid Commutation — Continued. Catin, Thomas Campbell, Samuel Core, John Clark, Philip Christ, Henry Clauer, Franklin Gebbart, Henry Geiger, William Gallagher, William H. Gottshall, Henry Golshall, Lewis Hart, Patrick Heisenberger, Martin Howels, Samuel Higgins, Michael Herring, Cornelius Herring, John 11. Herring, Paul Heffner, Lewis Haas, David Haas, Jacob Hughes, John R. Held, William D. Heiser, Edward Horiimas, Thomas Herbach, Christian Head, John Hurley, Peter Hill, Isaac Hellenthal, Nich. Hartner, Joseph Harris, Stephen Harting, John Hoskins, Edward Hagan, James Hepler, Jacob L. Hoch, George Hare, James Herricks, Edward Hopkins, William M. Hirne, Benneviile Heisler, Edwin Hummel, David Hack, George Heim, Jacob , Horning, Fred L. Horning Samuel Huntzinger, Franklin Harne}^ George W. Hoppsdener, William HeflFner, Jr., John W. Ives, Chancey Johnston, G. W. Jones, Joseph Joy, Thomas Jeifries, David Knarr, Aaron H. Kessler, Elias Kimmel, George Kramer, H. Kehler, William Z. Kline, Jacob Kantner, Joseph Kimmel, Jacob F. Klingerman, John Kleber, Lewis Kissinger, Levi Kerke&lager, Josepk Kelley, John Keating, William Keeler, Patrick Kimmel, Edward Koons, Christ Krider, Israel Kramer, Joseph Kohler, 3^\xn Kleibenstein, Oeorg« Krause, Jacob Kramer, Daniel A. Kramer, Ephriam Kramer, Jonathan f. Kershner, Jonathan Kramer, John Knese, H. Keeney, Samuel Kerdoner, Anthony Kennedy, Edward Kinney, Michael Latmer, Gideon Longacre, Jacob Lean, Anthony Laring, John Luckins, Thomas Lessig, William A. Londonfeld, William Lake, James Livermore, Horace P. Lee, Patrick Luke, Emil Ludes, Mathias J. Lynch, Edward Lynch, Abraham Lapf, Joseph Lynn, Daniel Lyons, Timothy Lindermuth, Williaa Mars, George Mervine, Lewis What Was Done in 1863. 2^ Drafted Men who paid Commutation — Continued, Moser, Ebenezer Moser, Elias Mason, W. D. H. Manning, Israel Miller, E. B. Miller, Solomon Miller, Tilghman Miller, Edward Minnich, Henry Metzinger, John Moran, James Mudey, Peter F. Musket, John Maley, Matthew Medlar, Lewis March, John Matz, Francis L. Moyer, Jackson Moyer, Samuel Moyer, Henry D. Moyer, Jacob Moyer, Julius Moyer, Joseph Moore, Henry Moore, Thomas McCue, McCabe, Patrick Mourley, Gotlieb Maurer, George Mayberry, Willinm Minniug, William Minnig, Levi McLaughlin, Pati'ick Mull, Michael Morris, George Martin, Patrick Mitchell, Job McGany, John Moran, Thomas Madary, Uriah Neishwender, Michael Nichol, Ernst C. Naus, John Ochr, Daniel Owens, William Oliver, Ralph Oestereich, Rudolph O'Brian, Martin O'Harre, Bernard Oberlies, Charles Oyster, John Powers, Lawrence Patten, James Purcell, Jamei 25 Parker, Samuel H. Pottieer, Frank Patridge, Thomas Prescott, Christian Percil, James Quinn, Henry Quirk, Thomas Quinter, John Rex, Reuben Reiner, Gabriel Rowland, John Ruth, Franklin Reuben, Henry Ruse, George Reddington, JohE Rilder, Joseph Reilly, Francis Eyan, Terrence Row, Tobias Reese, William Reynolds, Michael Reed, John H. Reed, Elijah Reed, Daniel Richards, Joseph Roder, Elias Reich, Frederick Ryan, James Rowe, William Rudy, Hugli Rahn, Abel Ramaly, Nathan Stutzraan, Israel Shadle, John Strauch, Daniel Sortman, Joseph Steele, Jared Straub, Joseph Schlegel, Solomon Strusser, Daniel Smith, Daniel Smith, William Smith, Albert Smith, John A, Smith, Peter Smith, Owen Snyder, Ephraim Snyder, David Snyder, Jacob D. Snyder, Samuel L. Snyder, Daniel L. Schlemmer, Christian Stephenson, James Seligman, Emanuel 294 What was Done in 1863. Drafted Men who paid Commutation — Continued. Sykes, Benjamin Sterling, William Simmons, Phillips Shcad, Jonathan Seligman, Joseph Stiue, Jonas Shcllenbcrg Henry Schwauk, Joseph Schlouch, Samuel Shuman, William Schlouch, Rudolph Stack, Joseph Schweitzer, Wm, Shields, David Shirey, EdAvard Stine, Henry Suech, Heui-y Swartz, Jonathan Sterner, Cliavles Sterner, Franklin Speicher, John Steigerwald, Gideon Sparks, John L. Shilferstein, Henry Sickels, Jr., John Scott, James Shoraper, Christian Shoffstall, Joseph A. Schnope, Simon V. Schnob, Jacob Spangler, William Shoener, David Saylor, Harry M. J. Saylor, Clarkson Schwartz, Samuel Stauffer, Joseph Thomas, John M. Thomas David T. Tappe, August Thompson, Dayid Terolf, Elim Updegrave, John Yeith, John Wild, John Woolcock, Thomas Watkins, Edward Watkins, David Weir, Robert Wilcox, D. H. Warlow, James Welsh, William J Wagner, Peter William, James Whittaker, Patrick "Williams, David Walker, John Woolcock, Edward W^olfgang, Daniel Wcirioh, Nicholas W^ooUis, John E. Walters, William Whetstone, E. M. W^eikel, John D. WetztU, L. Peter Williams, William M. Wlietstone, Samuel Youngfleisch, Christ, Zimmerman, Peter Zimmerman, William Zerby, George Zerby, Edward Zerby, Reuben Zerby, Jacob Zell, George Total, - 405 THE CALL IN OCTOBER, FOR 300,000 VOLUNTEERS On the ITtli of October, 1863, President Lincoln issued a Proc- lamation calling for three hundred thousand volunteers' to serve for three years or the war, to take the place of the volunteers whose term of service would expire during 1864. When a quota failed to be filled with volunteers a draft was to commence on the 5th of January, 1861. This draft was subsequently postponed until the 10th dny ot March, and two hundred thousand added to the number called for to insure the filling up of the armies to a strength necessary to carry on successfully, military operations. THE THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR. OUR RE-ENLISTED VETERANS. To induce the veterans in the field to enlist fur another three years, liberal bounties were not only oifered by the Government, hu^ by the various communities of the North. The re-enlisted veterans obtained furloughs, and returned by regiments, to the places where they were originally recruited. ARRIVAL AT POTTS VILLE OF TVrO CO:nIPANIES OF THE SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVAJLRY. On the 29th of January, 1864, information was received thnt two companies of the Seventh Pennsylvania (^avalry, A and F, belonging to this County, had started from Harrisburg and would reach Pottsville at noon. A signal of three guns was fired by the Battery, and at noon the line of procession was formed on Centre street according to the programme of the Chief Marshal. On the arrival of the veterans at Mt. Carbon, the New York Artillery fired a national salute, and the procession took up its line of march in the following order : Gen. Nagle and Staff. Col. Olipliant and Staff. The Pottsville Band. Invalid Corps Battalion. Re-enlisted Veterans, under command of Lieutenant-Col. Seibert. Curtin Guards of St. Clair, Capt. Blacker. Ist New York Artillery, 4 pieces. Committee of Arrangements. Citizen's. All along the route the veterans were greeted with cheers, while .hundreds of flags, banners, and decorations were displayed. The streets and sidewalks were lined with thousands of people. Across the streets through which the procession passed were displayed the names of the different battles in which the soldiers of Schuyl- 296 The Third Year of the War. kill County had been engaged. One of the Seventh had on a rebel overcoat and carried a silk flag which had been captured in one of their many fights with the rebels. The procession halted at the Union Hotel, the front of which waa beautifully decorated with flags, pictures and evergreens, prominent among which was the motto : '•Welcome, Veterana, to your Mountain Homes." A prayer was delivered by Rev. Mr. Koons, after which the veterans were welcomed by John Bannan, Esq. Colonel Seibert responded, and thanked the citizens for the kind welcome accorded. He said that the soldiers did not re-enlist for bounties, but patriotically. They wanted peace as ho wanted it — an honorable and permanent one, not the peace of traitors and rebels. The Colonel said that it was the determination of the men to fight until the rebellion was crushed. After again thanking the citizens of Pottsville for their hearty reception of the men who had fought, endured toils and hardships for the country, he closed amid enthusiastic applause. At the conclusion the veterans partook of a collation at the Union Hotel. The whole affair was spirited, and creditable to the citizens of ihe Borough, ARRIVAL OF THE FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. On Wednesday, February 3, 1864, it was announced by Gen, James Nagle, Chief Marshal, that the veteran Regiment, the For- ty-eighth, would reach Pottsville during the day. Every prepara- tion was at once made by the citizens to give the Regiment a hearty welcome home. Private residences were decorated with large streamers of red, white and blue, while flags large and small, were displayed everywhere throughout the Borough. Along the route over which the procession would pass, were displayed the names of the battles in which the Regiment had participated. In Mahantango street at the residence of Mrs. Sillyman, three medal- lions suspended in the centre of the street, bore the names of Burnsido, Sigfried and Nagle, under whom the Regiment had a^rved with distinguished honor. The Third Year of the War. 297 the arrival, and presentation of colors. At 8 J o'clock, P. M., the train containing the Forty-eighth Regiment, reached Mt. Carbon, and the men were drawn up in line to receive the beautiful stand of colors prepared by the ladies of Pottsville for presentation to the Eegiment. To Mrs. E. K. Bohanan and Miss Miesse, the duty of getting up the flags was entrusted, and the work was done by Messrs. Evans & Hassall, Philadelphia. The standard was made of heavy blue silk, with the State arms of Pennsylvania on one side, and tha arms of the United States on the reverse, both of which were surrounded by scrolls containing the names of the following battles in which the Regiment had been engaged : Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862. Chantilly, Sept. 14, 1862. Antietam, Sept. 17, 1863. Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862. The guidons were four in num- ber, a small American flag, and three, red, white and blue, made of stout twilled silk. On each, was inscribed : ^^48th P. Y.'' Hon. J. H. Campbell made the presentation eloquently, as follows : OfFICEES AND SOLDIEKS OP THE FORTY-EIGHTII PtEOIMENT : 1 Iiave been honored by the ladies of Pottsville, your sisters, wives, and mothers, .with the pleasing duty of presenting this flag,' guidons and markers, as their testimonial to and appreciation of your patriotism, bravery an-;! devotion to the cause of the Union. You bring with you tattered flags from glorious battle-fields-^flags rent in conflict, but of stainless honor. The ladies of Pottsville beg leave to place by the side of these, this beautiful flag, the work of their fair hands. Where the white horses ramp in the azure field, you sec inscribed Chantilly, Antietam, South Mountain and East Tennessee, one and all recalling memories of heroic deeds that will live while time endures. The fair donors have watched with sympathetic bosc-ms, your trials, bravery and suffering — the deadly struggle, the sufferings in hospitals, on the weary march and by the dreamless bivouac, all heroically borne by you. While they have shed tears for the gallant dead, they come to- day, with words of welcome and smiles of gratitude, to greet their re- turning brothers and husbands. Soldiers, j'^ou have registered a vow in Heaven that the old flag shall fly in all its original splendor over every inch of territory the Nati'on ever possessed — and that too, over free territory., A few years since it was loved and respected everywhere, — for it was everywhere, by glacial pin- nacles, and under the suns of the tropics— in the marts of the old world, and the wilderness of the new. It must not now be shorn of its glory. Soldiers, you car r if peace on the points of your bayonets, and true diplo- mnryy in your cartridge boxes. We can have no true, lasting or honorable peace until the rebels submit to the laws of the country.. We as good citizens, cheerfully submit to constituted authority. We ask no more of them ; Yi'e will submit to no less.^ 25* 298 The Third Year op the War. Mr. Campbell concluded by welcoming the soldiers of the Forty-eighth home, in the name of the ladies of Pottaville. At the conclusion three hearty cheers were given for the ladies. Col. Sigfried replied in a neat and appropriate speech. He sincerely thanked the ladies for the honor conferred upon hia command by them, in their beautiful gift, and promised that the colors should be brought back from the field of battle in honor, or not at all. At the conclusion of his response. Col. Sigfried was the recipi- ent of a beautiful wreath, handed to him by a young lady. THE RECEPTION. The procession then formed and proceeded up Centre street in the following order : Gen. Nagle and Aids. Col. Oliphant and Staff. Battalion of Invalid Corps. Pottsville Band. • Forty-eighth Regiment, under command of Col. Sigfried. Honorably Discharged and Convalescent Soldiers, under command of •Major James Wren. Seventh Pa. Cavalry, under command of Major Jennings, 1st New York Artillery, under command of Lieut. Hall. Miners' Lodge, No. 20, I. 0. of 0. F. Carriages containing Committee of Arrangements. Citizens on Horseback. As the procession commenced moving a national salute was fired by the New Yoiii Battery. The veterans were greeted all along the route by cheers and the waving of handkerchiefs. The streets were filled with thousands of people. A more animated spectacle had been rarely witnessed here. The tattered flags of the Forty-eighth were objects of great interest. After passing over the route designated by the Chief Marshal, the veterans halted in front of the Union Ilutel, where they were welcomed to their homes, by John Bannan, Esq., on behalf of the citizens, after a fervent, patriotic prayer by Key. Mr. Koona. Col. Sigfried thanked the citizens for their kind reception, and spoke of the spirit that animated his men in re-enlisting. Ho The Third Year op the War. 299 hoped that the command would return to the field recruited up to it8 full strengths A collation was prepared by the ladies at the Union Hotel, of which the Regiment partook. Thq Regiment returned with 340 men. The field and staff officers were, Colonel, J. K. Sigfried. Lieut. Col., Henry Pleasants. Major, J. A. Gilmour. Surgeon, Blackwood. Quartermaster, Lieut. Rohannan. Adju- tant, D. D. Maginnes. The companies were — A, Capt. Kauffman ; B, Capt. Bast ; C, Capt. Gowen ; D. 1st Lieut. Fisher, com'dg. ; E, Capt. Winlack ; F, Capt. Hoskins ; G, Ca;pt. Bosbyshell ; H. Capt. William J. Hinkle; I, Capt. B. B. Schuck ; K. Capt. Brennan. Pottsville was to be the headquarters of the command until its departure again for the field. Portions of the Fiftieth Regiment, Col. Christ, and Fifty-fifth Regiment, Col. Whife, also returned, and were warmly welcomed home. • ' Recruiting progressed lively upon the return of these veterans, enabling the eommands to which they were attached, to return to the field in a few weeks, recruited up to ihore than the maximum number required by the regulations. While home " the boys '' en- joyed the relaxation from their nearly three years of hard and dangerous service, hugely. PRESENTATION OF COLORS TO THE SEVENTH PA. CAVALRY, By the Ladies of Pottsville and St. Clair. Tuesday, March 1, 1864, will be remembered by the officers and men of the gallant Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, as that on which the fair daughters of Pottsville and her sister borough, St. Clair, gave into their hands as a gift, a magnificent suit of colors. It numbered thirteen, a Regimental battle-flag and twelve guidons, one for each of the companies, bearing their respective letters. The Regimental flag bore the names of the principal engagements in which the Seventh had participated, but not all the fights, for they have been in a score or more. The following were on it : ^^Le- banon, Ky ;" "Chaplin Hill,Ky ;" << Stone River, Tenn. ;'' <^ Mur- freesboro ;" " Shelbyville, Tenn ;" *< Chickamauga, Ga \" " Rover, Tenn. ;'' '♦Nashville, Tenn. ;" "Unionville, Tenn.;" and <'Spar- 300 The Third Year of the War. ta, Tenn." A silver plate on the staff, bore the following inscrip- tion : ^^ Presented hy il\e Ladies of Pottsville and St. Claivj to the Seventh Regiment^ Pa. Cavalry." The presentation took place at Pennsylvania Hall, at 4, P. M., in the presence of the fair donors. The meeting was organized by calling Mr. L. F. Whitney to the chair, and appointing F. B. Wallace Secretary. K. fervent, patriotic prayer by Rev Joseph McCool, opened the exercises, after which the colors were presented on behalf of the ladies, by Lin Bartholomew, Esq. Mr. B. made an earnest and impressive speech. He said that it was a very pleasant duty that he was called upon to discharge, in presenting these beautiful emblems of our nationality^ When the Regiment retujns to the field with them, they will not only remind the gallant members of the glory and greatness of the country, but they will revive recollections of the kind feeling at home that actuated their presentation. Mr. Bartholomew eloquently eulogised the women of the country. They have esteemed no labor too arduous, no time too precious to devote to the welfare and comfort of the brave defenders of their homes and of the liberties of the nation, while they have .given with a God-speed, their husbands, brothers and fathers to the cause, though in so doing it has wrung their hearts to part with often forever, their beloved ones. In presenting these colors to the Seventh, the ladies are confident that they will ever be borne in the face of the enemy with undaunted bravery, and with undying honor. They know it, for are not your deeds indissolubly connected with the brilliant achievements of the Army of the Cumberland, and docs not Kentucky thank the Seventh among her other defenders, for the immunity she now enjoys from rebel invasion ? Not Kentucky alone, but a nation that would be entirely free, is grateful to you for your heroic services. And know, brave men, that these gifts come to you hallowed by the prayers of the donors. Those prayers for your Safety and safe re- turn to your homes, will accompany you to the field, and prove I trust, a shield in the hour of danger. Officers and men, accept these emblems of our nationality ; they come from your true friends and well-wishers, who feel that they will wave in triumph, long after the colors of a wicked, hell-born Rebellion, shall have »>€«n trampled in the dust by the patriots of the country. The Third Year of the War. 301 "Wm. B. Sipes, the accomplished; brave and efficient Colonel of the Regiment, received the colors on behalf of his command. He thanked the speaker for the present, not for its intrinsic value, but for the source from which it came, for the feeling that prompted it. The Colonel disclaimed any intention of making a speech. He would make a few remarks in reference to what the Regiment had done since it entered the service. It entered upon active service on Christmas day, 1861, in the Department of the West, under Gen. Buell, and it has been continually in active service ever since that time. There is not a battle-field in the South-west on which its members have not made their mark upon the enemy. The men know every pathway in Middle and Eastern Tennessee better than they know the paths around the school houses of their childhood. For months together they never cost the Government a cent for the subsistence of themselves or their horses. For consecutive weeks the officers and men had not changed clothing or had them off, so incessant and arduous has been their duty at certain times. They have undergone more than has been or ever will be related. When these men re-enlist, after through passing scenes of danger unsurpassed, who can doubt the genuineness of their patriotism ? In accepting for my Regiment these colors, I cannot promise the donors that they will remain unsullied and beautiful as now, but I can promise that they shall never bear the stain of dishonor. In concluding his earnest, heartfelt remarks, of which we can give but a faint idea in this report, the Colonel again thanked the ladies for their gift ; acknowledged gratefully the compliments which Mr. Bartholomew had paid the Regiment, and assured the fair donors of the colors that if the Regiment is permitted to bring them back, they shall be preserved in Schuylkill County, as me- mentoes of the patriotism of its fair daughters, and as souvenirs of the history of the Seventh. The whole affiiir passed off in the most delightful manner. Subsequently at the residence of Thomas H. Rickerts, the Quartermaster of the Regiment, a pair of solid silver spurs were presented to Colonel Sipes. They bear this inscription : " To Col. Wm. B. Sipes, of the 7th Pa. Cav.,fiom the Ladies of PottsviUeJ' In the evening the officers of the Seventh gave a supper at Pennsylvania Hall to their brother officers and citizen friends. 302 The Third Year of the War. In response to toasts speeches were made by Col. Sipes, Col. Seibert^ Col. Pleasants, Hon. C. W. Pitman, Lin Bartholomew, Esq., Col. D. B. Green, Mr. L. C. Thompson, Capt. Dart, of Bradford County, Capt Taylor, Mr. Ellis, and others of the guests, The guests of the evening separated after singing the " Star Spangled Banner." THE NAMES OF RE-ENLISTED VETERANS, AND VOLUNTEERS RECRUITED IN SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, We will now give the names of the veterans who re-enlisted for three years, and of the recruits who enlisted in Schuylkill County, during the Winter and Spring of 1864, with the number of the Regiments in which they entered. The length of the list is very creditable to the spirit and patriotism of the County. We will commence with the Forty-eighth Regiment, Pennsyl- vania Veteran Volunteers, the muster-rolls of several companies of which we received from the officers after they had passed through the celebrated campaign of Gen. Grant in Virginia, in the Sum- mer of 1864, and had arrived in front of Petersburg : FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT, P. V. V. COMPANY A. Captain, HENRY BOYER. \st Lieut., Levi B. Evbland. 2d Lieut., Albert C. Huckby. 2d Sergeant, William Taylor. Zd " Abraham F. Seltzer. 4^A " Henry H. Price. bth " John Oalagher. \st Corporal, John Taylor. Id " Franklin Frederici. 3J Corp'l. Jacob S. ITonsbbrgeb. ^th " Charles Brandenbubo. 5/A " Monroe Heckman. <6th " James S. Eveland. 1th •* James Meck. 8^/i " Thomas B. Boyeb. Musician; Wm. H. Hinklet. Wagoner, Wm. D. Martin. Airgood, George Adams, John Ash, .James D. Britton, Eliaa Britton, Isi'ael Booth, William Becker, .James Beltz, William Bond, George Bachman, Wm. "• Baker, James Beta, George PRIVATES. , Huckey William J. Hine, Wiloughby Hoffman, Elias Holman, John Hillegas Charles W. Halderman, Franklin Hendricks George Hugg, John Jones, Charles Knapp, William Keller, Benj. Koch, William A. Miller, George Marshall, Joel Medler, John C. Martin, Monroe McFarlin, Jabez Otto, Isaac A. Perry, Richard B. Richards, Philip Robinhold, Lewis M. Richelderfer, John Stidham, Francis Mt Simons, Frank W. The Third Year of the War. 303 Carter, Thomas Cochran, John Preibelbeis, B. F. C. Dreibelbeis, William Dreibelbeis, Joseph Davis, Henry Eddinger, William Eckroth, Samuel Ely, Frederick Ferg, Christian Goodman, Charles Galagher, Edward Greenawaldt, Abraham Houscr, David Hunsberger, M. J. Huntzinger, John J. Hessinger, Lewis Hegg, John Hail, Hiram Hause, Philander N. Hause, Jordan C. Kerst, Henry E. Krueger, Charles Kerst, Willis L. King, Franklin Kelchner, James Kershner, Jacob Koch, Daniel H. Kaufman, William Leiser, Morgan Loye, Lewis R. Livingston, George Lins, Joel Lins, Elias Mallard, Marcus M. Meek, William H. Meek, David McClean, John McClean, Robert Moyer, Samuel B. Moyer, Jacob W. Mover, Jacob M. Simons, Nelson Sterner, H. Lewis Sterner, James W. Snyder, Simon Smith, Thomas P. Smith, J. Lewis Sigfried, Jonas Sigfried, Jacob D. Sitler, Nathan SheaflFer John H. Sheaffer, John W. St. Clair, Chas. Abel J. Snayberger, Nicholas. Schreyer, Henry Springer, Jesse SchoUenberger, Samuol Shickman, Augustus Williams, Oliver Weibel, John W^agner, F. PL Whetstone, Simon • Deserted Sergeant Henry HonBberc:er appointed Sergeant Major. IH8ynissed, Captain D. B. Kauffmau. EBCAPITULATION. Commissioneil Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, ISlusician, - - _ - - Wagoner, _ - - _ . Privates, - _ _ > Dismissed, - - - - Total, 3 12 1 1 99 1 117 COMPANY B. CaplamiVLYSSES A. BAST. 1st Lieut., William H. Hume. 2d Lieut., Thomas Johnson. 1ft Sergeant, Thos. P. Wilmams. Id '" John Watkins. od " Robert Campbell, Alh " Wm. Kissingkk. bi.h *' John Homer. 15/ Corporal, Wm. H. Ward, 2d Zd ith Bth Gth 1th David J. Davis. Clemence Beltzee. SEBASTtAN RiCKERT, Joseph Rarig. James Rider. Isaac L. Fritz. Musician, George W. Johnson. Altman, Henry Atkins, William Albright, George Barron, John Brooks, William R. Bubeck, John E. Bindley, Alfred E. Brown, John Bell, Gardner PRIVATES : Frehn, John D. Glouser, Benj. Griffiths, Thomas Heckman, Samuel Heater, Carey Haker, John * Hammer, Jacob Kershner, Chas. 11. Louer, Christian Reppert, William Stevenson, William Shifferstein, Albert Shoufler, Gotleib Schwartz, Williaiu Steinhour Lewis Shoppel, Henry Williams, William Wigner, Jacob 304 The Third Year of the War. Bankes, Daniel M. Deitz, David Deitz, John Engle, William Deserted. Markle, Abraham R. Moyer, Laurentus C. Muldoon, Thomas J. EECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musician, - - - Privates, . . - Wise, William Wary, Daniel Yonker, John 3 12 1 37 Total, 53 COMPANY C. Captain, GEORGE W. GOWEN. 1st Lieut., Charles Loeseb. 2c? Lieut., William Clark. 1st Sergeant, James Clark. 2c? " Henry Weiser. 3c? '' Jonas Geier. 4th ** John Rorety. 6th " Samuel Wallace. 1st Corporal, Samuel Weiser. PRIV 2c? Corporal, John Shalvey. 3c? " Henry McDernold. 4ith ♦' Michael Condbon. 6th ** Henry Rudge. 6th *' James Nicholson. 7th ** William Livingston. Musician, Lewis Howard. " Robert Rogers. Wagoner, Gilbert Gbaham. ATES: Acker, Abraham A. Adams, Dennis Betz, Harrison Boyle, Thomas Brennan, Murt Brown, Daniel Clark, Robert Coakley, James Daubert, William Dunleavy, Andrew Demmerce, William Daugherty, John Dolan, John Earley, Henry Earley, Michael Fitzpatrick, William Farrel, Patrick Gruver, Jacob A. Harrison, John Harrison, Samuel Hartman, John F. Haines, Jacob Henry, Casper Hatch, George W. Horan, James Haines, William J. Johnston, William Long, Allen A. D. Lambert, Enoch recapitulation. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, - - - Wagoner, _ - - - Privates, - _ - . McCoy, Anthony McGinnis, Edward Miller, Alfred W. Mohan, Michael Neeley, William Neeley, Andrew, Ryan, Richard Sweeney, William Sweeney, Edward Seibert, George C. Straugh, Isaac Martin, Toban Wheatly, John S. Whitaker, John 12 2 1 48 Total, Gl COMPANY D. 1st Lieut., James K. Helms. 2d LAeut., Henry E. Stichter. 1st Sergeant, Henry C. Gbabff, 2d Sergeant, George Bowman. Sd " H. C. Burkhalteb. i(h " H. Rothbnbeegbb. The Third Year of the War. 305 Company D, Forty-Eighth Regiment — Continued. i^tk Sfirgeant^ Albert 11. Novinger. (Sth Corporal, Franklin Dorward. Sup. Serj't, William Timmons. 1st Corporal, BoTo Otto. 2d " Franklin Hoch. 3 Year op the War. Company C, Fiftieth Regiment — Coniinued. Commissioned OiEcers, - - . . 8 Nou-eommissioned Officers, - - - - 11 Musicians, --.-.. 4 • Privates, - ------81 Total, 99 COMPANY D. Darifl, Thomas P. Total, 1 COMPANY K Hilbcrt, Daniel Clauser, Jacob K. Total, • - 2 RECAPITULATION. Company A, 54 C, - 99 D, ------ - 1 " K, 2 Total, 156 TWENTY-EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMEN1\ Shoemaker, Jacob Total, - . ^, - . - .1 FORTY-SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY K. Darmody, William Fox, John Knipe, Ephraim F. Total, .- - 3 FIFTY-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, COMPANY E. Captam, GEORGE H. HILL. Corporal, Wm. Fowlbu. PRIVATES : Ansty, Philip Craymer, ►: — McCann, John Bannan, John S. Conway, Thoma?" Patten, Thomas Billman, Daniel Churchfield, Patrick Welsh, Luke Billman, Solomon Dunlap, George Commissioned Officer, - . - • . .1 Non-commissioned Officer, - , , \ Privates, -- 1| Total, - ja The Thikd Year op the War* « 319 COMPANY F. Fowler, James ♦ Total, 1 BECAPITULATIOX. Company E, ------ 13 ♦' F, 1 Total, - - - . . - 14 SIXTY-SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY B. Campbell, Thomas Dallas, John Total, 2 COMPANY K. Sergeant, Benjamin F. Bartlett. Corporal, Samuel Shoenee. Corporal, Daniel Christian. PRIVATES : Albertson, George Davis, Benj. B. Schoener, Franklin A. Christian, Benj. . Langton, Martin Schmila, Wm. Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 3 Privates, ------- 6 Total, .--.--- 9 NINETY-THIRD PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY B. Limt., Wm, H. Riland. Fox, Jacob COMPANY C. Barton, William F. Eastwood, John COMPANY B. Sechrist, Christian Total, 5 NmETY-SEYENTH PENJ^SYLVANIA REG'T. COMPANY H. O'Hara, Charles Total, 1 ONE HUNDRED AND FIRST PENN'A REG'T. COMPANY K. GrofiF, Valentine H, Perry, John Tomlinson, Joseph Morris, Dick Total .--.-- 4 820 • The Third Year of the "War. OIS^E HUNDRED A¥D OTNTH PENN'A REG'T. COMPANY F. Boran, James Horan, William McGill, James Breanan, Owen Mahan, Michael Prosser, John Total ------ 6 ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH PA. REG'T. COMPANY A. Drey, Daniel COMPANY F. Herring, Isaac Total, 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH PENN'A REG'T. COMPANY D. Everhard, Abraham Total, 1 ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOURTH REG'T. [This Regiment— a new one— was recruited in different parts of the State. Its com- mander was Col. Storer.] COMPANY F. Lieutet^inf, W. D. Williams. Serjeant, S. S. Dull. miVATES: Adam, 11. W. Hearter, George Riffert, Emanuel Boltz, Fred'k Krise, Chas. Richards, Joseph Dull, John F. Lehman, P. F. Trefskar, Anthony Eckel, Percival Miller, John F. . Trefskar, Bertram Gallagher, John Marks, Jr., John Wert, Michael Goldman, Chas. Reinoehl, L. C. Whetstone, Sam'l H. Hearter, Jacob Commissioned Officers, - . - . l Non-commissioned Officers, ... i Privates, ' - 19 Total, 21 TWO HUNDRED AND TENTH PA. REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Corporal, M. Montgomery L'Vellb. Tiley, Uriah W. Total, 2 THIRD PENNSY^LYANIA CAYALRY. COMPANY C . Roan, James E. *> C M P A N Y L . Bourk, John Donahoe, James Keating, James Donahoe, Patrick J. Green, D^iniel Lean, Thomas Duffv, John Keating, James F. Total, -9 } The Third Year of the War. 321 FOURTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY B. 7 Blake, James Total, 1 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY . Drumheller, John Morley, Francis COMPANY a. Lloyd, Edmund Lloyd, George Total, 4 SIXTH PENNSY^LVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY E. Aubrey, Thomas Mace, Samuel Schultz, Henry Eager, James F. Total, ^ EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY A. Carrigan, James Miller, Christian Yately, John Gamble, Edward Owen, James . COMPANY B. James, Owen O'Neal, Peter Reilly, Jamea COMPANY F. Griffin, Michael, McKern, John Rice, Patrick Larkiu, Owen McLyn, Henry COMPANY I. McCall, Charles COMPANY M. Nunemacher, Israel Ward, John Total, 16 NINTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. McConnell, John T. H. Total, - 1 ELEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY H. Shoemaker, Edward Total, 1 TWELFTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY A. Clifford, Levi Owens, Lawrence Salmon, Daniel Clifford, Charles Stevenson, William Total, 6 27* 322 The Third Year of the War, THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY A. LyncL, Michael Powell, John , Total, 2 SEVENTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY H. Vt'ard, James Total, 1 TWENTY-FIRST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY A. ScbrocJer, Charles Stein, Henry J. — Total, 2 FIRST PENNSYLVANIA HEAVY ARTILLERY. COMPANY B. Daker, Martin Donner, John Total --.-.. . 2 SECOND PENNSY^LVANIA ARTILLERY. COMPANY B. Conway, Martin COMPANY I. Baltz, Charles L. Kelly, Thos. Reppel, John Conner, Thos. Muth, William H. Rose, John Fernsler, Henry 0. K. Matter, AVilliam H. Shanley, John Iletherington, Edw. S. O'Neal, Michael Troay, James Helms, John S. Total, - - - - - - - - 14 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA ARTILLERY. COMPANY H. Davis, Edward Light, William Total, 2 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SECOND PA. ART. COMPANY F. Casey, John J. Graady, Thomas Kelly, Barney Delaucy, John Harrod, Thomas Leslie, James Flagherty, Patrick Total, 7 • FOURTH UNITED STATES INFANTRY, Howard, Michael Hawk, James B, Total, 2 The TniRD Year of the War. 323 FIFTEENTH UISTITED STATES INFANTRY Adam, Henry Cowers, John lirlnton, George Birkiubine, John Bradley, Michael ]]alrd, Chp.rles JJrcnnan, James Bradley, William Barrett, John Carrol, Peter Camphell, John Carney, John Crosby, Lewis Clark, John Devine, Philip Elliot, John Fell, Bartholomew Focht, James Farley, John Gannon, James Gunning, William Total, Gillmore, Nathan Higgins, James Hibbit, Thomas Hamilton, John Irwin, George Jennings, Michael Kelly, James King, John King, Michael Keim, John M. Lynch, John Lee, jNIartin Llewellyn, John McGhan, Henry McDonald, Thomas Mich, John Magnan, Peter McDavid, James Mason, John C. Marshal, Bichard McMenamiu, John Morncy, John Metz, John Miller, John Martin, Andrew McCoy, James O'Brian, Patrick O'Hara, Charles O'Neil, Patrick Philips, Edward Pritman, George W. Riley, William Rorry, James Bubey, Michael Smith, James Sailor, John Woods, John Welch, John "Williams, Charles "Wagner, Harvey J. Wilson, John 62 SIXTEENTH UNITED STATES INFANTRY Allen, James Brown, Michael Burns, Thomas Bodey, Thomas Brayson, Peter Bruce, Peter Baldwin, Frederick A. Brown, John Connelly, Patrick Clark, John Crouse, Charles Cain, John Connelly, Luke Boran, James Dawson, John Donnelly, John Daler, Edward Froulk, William Farrel, James Fagan, Michael Freny, William Gerret, Patrick Gibson, Thomas Grant, xVrthur Gill, James Total, Harrison, Charles Hare, Francis Hagerty, Peter Horan, Thomas Harross, James Henderson, William Harrington, John H.Jl, Henry Kruming, Michael Kelly, John Kelly, John Lynch, Peter Logan, James March, John Mitchell, Robert McGuire, Tliomas McCann, Mishael Murray, Charles McCay, George Murray, James ^loran, Patrick Mears, John B. Maghan, John A. Mullen, William O'Neill, Patrick Osborn, John Parker, John Quinn, John Riley, Martin Ryan, James Piiley, Edward Riuay, Michael Ross, John Rooney, John Sweeney, John Seymour, Michael Stanton, George Sudler, Henry Sweeney, Augustus Smith, Philip Stroup, Peter Smith, John Slack, John Smith, Thomas Sonner, Edward Todd, John White, John Williams, Barney 73 324 The Third Year of the War. FIRST UNITED STATES CAVALRY. Bloomfield, Christ. Gilmore, Patrick Miller, Henry Cover, Samuel Total, Gilmore, Patrick Lcman, Francis FIRST UNITED STATES (COLORED) IN£^ANTRY C O M P A N Y K . Harrison, "William H. Lee, Charles Total, -.---.- 2 THIRD U. S. (COLORE^D) INFANTRY. COMPANY B. Enly, Elijah COMPANY D. Cole, John C. Wilson, Charles H. Total, - S EIGHTH U. S. (COLORED) INFANTRY. Biiular, Henry A. Enty, Jonathan Powell, Thomas Dellaman, George Groom, John H. Thomas, Charles Enty, Gabriel Lee, Edward Total, - - - - •- - - 8 THIRTY-SECOND U. S. (COLORED) INFANTRY. COMPANY B. Jackson, George Total, 1 GRAND RECAPITULATION. Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Regiment, Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, - - - Ninety- sixth Pennsylvania Regiment, Fiftieth Twenty-eighth Forty-sixth Fifty -fifth Sixty-seventh Ninety-third Ninety-seventh One Hundred and first Pennsylvania Regiment, •' ♦' " ninth " «• '* " sixteenth '* " *' " fiftieth <« *' " '« eighty-fourth Two hundred and tenth Pennsylvania Regiment, Third Pennsylvania Cavalry, - _ - Fourth " " - _ - 931 275 146 156 1 2 14 11 6 1 4 6 2 1 21 2 9 1 Total, (carried forward,) 1688 The Third Year of the War. 325 Total, (brought forward,) - 1588 Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry, - - ". - - - - 4 Sixth " '' 4 Eighth " «<-.-.*-_ 16 Ninth '' '• 1 Eleventh " . *' 1 Twelfth '* " 5 Thirteenth <' " 2 Seventeenth '« " 1 Twenty-first '* " 2 First Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, - - - - 2 Second Pennsylvania Artillery, 14 Third " " 2 One hundred and fifty-second Penn'a (Art.) Pteg't, - - 7 Fourth United States Infantry, - - - - - Fifteenth " " *«._'-.-- 62 Sixteenth " '' <' 73 First United State's Cavalry, ----- 5 First United States (Colored) Infantry, - . - 2 Third " " <' " .... 3 Eighth '< " <« u . _ . - 8 Thirty-second " '' " . - . . i o Grand Total, - - - - ^ - - - 1805 THE SIEGE OF KNOXVILLE, TENN. Before entering upon a review of the operations of the great campaign of Gen. Grant in Virginia^ in 1864, as far as .the Re- giments from Schuylkill County are concerned, we must glance at the attempt of the rebels under Longstreet, in November, 1863; to capture Knoxville'. They were however, signally defeated by the Ninth Corps, of which the Forty-eighth and Fiftieth Penn- sylvania Regiments formed part. The endurance and valor dis- played by our troops on that trying occasion, make a bright page in the history of the war. Colonel H. Pleasants of the Forty-eighth Regiment, wrote to us under date, "Knoxville, Nov. 27, 1863,'^ as follows : The rebels had arranged a well concerted plan to drive out or cap- ture Gen'l Buruside's army. They sent Wheeler's cavalry across the Little Tennessee river, and attacked oUr forces south of the Holston Pviver, driving them back to the hills opposite Knoxville. They were here checked and repulsed by Gen'l Sanders. Simultaneous with this movement, Longstreet with his corps crossed below Loudon and attacked the 9th Army Corps and Gen'l White's Division of the 23d Army Corps, Our forces fell back to Knoxville, but at Campbell Station there was quite a little fight, where the 48th behaved well, and lost two of its jaen — Serg't Joseph Reed, Co. H, killed, cind private Isaac Arndt, Co. I, 326 The Third Year of the War. who was wounded seriously by a shell and left in a house. The siege of Knoxville began on last Tuesday, a week ago ; since that time there has been continued skirmishing, and three hard fights. The 2d Michi- gan Reg't on the left of the line, made a sortie and drove the rebels ou4 of their rifle pits. On the south side of the river Col. Cameron's Brigade, •23d A. C, drove the rebels back with heavy loss, and the 48th Pa., with the 21st Mass. Reg't, three days ago sallied out and drove the rebels from their rifle pits in a gallant manner. From another correspondent we received the following : Knoxville, Dec. 5, 1863. The siege of Knoxville was raised this morning — the last of the rebel rear guard leaving our front about d.iylight. The cavalry has started in pursuit, and squads of prisoners are being brought in every few minutes. From them we learn that Longstreet's force was greater than was supposed ; the reinforcement of three brigades from Buckner's corps, under Bushrod Johnson, which reached him some ten days ago, having increased his army to 80,000 men, and caused the assault of last Sunday, ; The battle at Campbell Station was a short but brilliant affair. Our brigade of the 2od, and a part of the 9th Corps repulsed the rebel attack in a handsome and effective manner. The siege of Knoxville has been a signal failure ; it did not prevent us from obtaining forage and provisions from the country south of the Holston River, and the several attacks, commencing with the one south of said River and ending with that on Fort Sanders, were met with de- termination and ended in complete and bloody defeats. The 48th RegL has, during the whole of this campaign, at Campbell Station and in their charges on the enemy's rifle pits, behaved well. The officers and men have borne the privations and hardships of the siege without a murmur, and their commander has been constantly at his post of duty. Col. Sigfi-ied's Brigade went out this morning in pursuit of the enemy, and no doubt they will bring back some prisoners. Gen'l Sherman's advance, consisting of about a thousand cavalry, arrived here yesterday morning at three o'clock ; and Longstreet having heard of the defeat of Bragg, and the arrival of reinforcements, im- mediately commenced his retreat. Gen'l Grant's management of this campaign has been masterly. He ordered Burnside to let Longstreet cross the Tennessee River and to hold him in East Tennessee until he would attack Bragg. He crushed the rebel army of the west and im- mediately dispatched Sherman and Granger to our assistance. Thus by tliis strategy 30,000 of Bragg's best troops were detained here while he did not spare one single man of the Army of the Cumberland until the great struggle was over. The next letter we received was from Major Joseph A. GiV- mour, who commanded the Forty-eighth with consummate judg- mefit and ability, during the entire operations. He very kindly and thoughtfully, furnished us with a list of the casualties of his command. The Major's letter is as follows : Headquarters 48tii Reg., P. V. \ Knoxville, Tenn,, Dec, 6, 1863. j 1 have the honor to transmit the following list of casualties in my command, since Nov. 15th, to date : The Third Year of the War. 327 Sergeant Joseph Reed, Co. H, wounded at Campbell Station, Tenn., Nov. IGtli, died Nov. 16th, 18G3. Corporal John Sponsler, Co. H, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29, died Nov. 29, 1863. Private Joseph Weise, Co. H, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 24th, died Nov. 28th, 1863. Private Jonas Haldeman, Co. I, killed at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29th, 1863. Private Charles "Weaver, Co. I, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Dec. 3d, died Dec. 5th, 1863, 1st Lieut. Jacob Douty, Co. E, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 24th, 1863. 2d Lieut. Henry C. Jackson, Co. G, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1863. Private Martin Tobin, Co. C, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 24th, 18.63 ; severe. Private J. F. Wildermuth, Co. H, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 22d, 1863. Private James Heiser, Co. I, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn , Nov. 29th, 1863. Private John Murphy, Co. K, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 23d, 1863. Private Austin Farrow, Co. F, wounded at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 28th, 1863. Private George Livingston, Co. A, missing in action at Campbell Station, Tenn.^ Nov. IGth, 1863. Private Daniel Root, Co. B, missing in action at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29th, 1863. Private Robert McElrath, Co. C, missing in action at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 24th, 1863. Private James Brennan, Co. E, missing in action at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29th, 1863. Private Isaac Arndt, Co. I, missing in action at Campbell Station, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1863— severely wounded in hip ; left on field. Private J. E. Sherman, Co. E, missing in action at Enoxville, Tenn., Nov. 29th, 1863. I am, respectfully, Your ob't servant, J. A. GiLMOuR, Major Commanding. Capt. Oliver C. Bosbyshell — subsequently in Virginia promoted Major of the Forty-eighth, upon the death of the brave, devoted Gilmour — wrote us the following graphic account of the part borne by this Eegiment during the operations : Headquarters 1st Brig., 2d Div., Oth A. C. 1 Camp near Rutledge, Tenn., Dec. 12th, 1863. j It may not be uninteresting to give you a resume of the doings of this Brigade, but more particularly the 48th, during the last month. At the risk of wearying you somewhat, here's at it. Let me preface my jot- tings down of the last month's actions, with a remark or twa concern- ing the activity of the Union forces since their first occupation of East Tennessee. This Brigade left Camp Nelson on the 12th of September, 1863, and since then to the present time, just three months, has march&d 328 The Third Year of the War. •364 miles and traveled by railroad 128 miles, making 492 miles in all, besides liavins^ engaged in three lights and as many skirmishes, and being besieged twenty days. Whoever declares that the campaign m East' Tennessee has been an inactive one, deserves to be conscripted and fed on quarter rations for a period of three years. On the 14th of November orders to break camp rcjjched us at our beautiful camping ground near Lenoir. On the 15th >ye were at loudon skirmishing with the rebels all day— this Brigade being the last to leave and in part protecting the rear of the Army of the Ohio, m its retreat toward Knoxville. Upon being relieved. the Brigade was pushed forward to the front, (stopping long enough at Lenoir to be ft-esh ration- ed ) to take up a position on the Kingston road, which leads into the Knoxville road near Campbell Station, and upon which there was every reason to believe the enemy would come in on to cut off our retreat to- wards Knoxville. It was daylight when the Brigade reached the spot desio-nated. Col. Sigfried, to whom the ta^k of preventing the enemy s appS)ach in this direction had been assigned, had scarcely thrown for- ward his cavalry skirmishers half a mile, when they became engaged with the rebel skirmishers. It became evident that much depended up- on our holding this position. Gen. Burnside's orders being to hold it at all hazards, until reinforced, and well was it held, although the Brigade was severely pressed on all sides. The lighting at the junction ot the roads was sharp and savage. Receiving orders to fall back we did so m «rood style Thus opened the battle at Campbell Station. It was an all day's fi^ht, commencing early on the 15th, and darkness put an end to it The fio-ht after the affair in the woods at the junction of the roads, became one of tlie grandest sights in military display. The battle-fiehl was clear from woods and obstructions of any kind, so that the partici- pants could view the movements of each other without diiiiculty. We could plainly discern the enemy's movements, and then all our own were visible also. It was a grantl military drill, and beat all the evolutions of a battalion day one could imagine. Some say Gen. Burnside is in- capable of handling a large body of troops. An eye \ptness of bis skill- ful manoeuvring on the battle-field at Campbell Station, will say differ- ently It is the opinion of those that ought to know, that there have been few if any battles fought during this war in which so many evolu- tions had to be performed, and in which troops had been so skillfully handled Your correspondent does not pretend to set up his own opinion, but he made good use of his eyes and certainly never beheld a grander picture nor ever before noticed how beautifully every movement coincided with a iountermovement of the enemy. Major Gilmou^' arrived from the East in time to participate in this engagement, and commanded the 4Sth during it. The regiment behaved well and lost one killed, (Serg t Jos. Reed Co. H,) one wounded and a prisoner, (private Isaac Arndt, Co. I,) and one missing, (private George Livingston, Co. A.) After dark the retreat was continued to Knoxville, where we arrived early on the morn- ing of the 17th. Knoxville Gen. Burnside determined to hold, so the pick and the ' shovel were brought into requisition, and digging and shoveling becamd i as regular a habit as drawing one's breath. Finally we succeeded in 3 becoming strongly entrenched— impregnable as was afterwards proven. One of the most severe duties to be performed was picketing. Scarcely v a day passed but some of our men were killed or wounded on the picket line and indeed so close did the rebel pickets get, that it was unsafe for a head to appear above our line of entrenchments, as was demon- The Third Year of the War. 329 Btrated by the killing and wounding of several of the Brigade. On the night of the 2od of November, the picket line in front of this Brigade ■was driven in by a strong column of the enemy. Col. Sigfried deter- mined to re-establish his line, so he selected for that purpose the 48th Penn'a Regt., and the 21st Massachusetts Regt. At daylight on the morning of°the 24th, these two Regiments made a most gallant charge (the 48th being led by Major Gilmoui', who managed the alfair most handsomely) driving the rebels back in great confusion, killing and wounding a number, and capturing some prisoners. Our line was re-estabUshed. The 48th behaved most nobly. Its conduct not only on this occasion, but many others, deservedly stamps it as a veteran organ- ization. Be it understood that tlie 21st did well also, but I speak par- ticularly of the 48th, because the people reading this feel more interest in it. On one other occasion our pickets were driven in, but the line was re-established by the 2d Brigade. The picket line of this Brigade at the end of the siege, remained in the same place it Held at the open- ing of the siege. It would render my letter of an almost interminable leno-th were I to describe the many scenes and incidents attending the sie^^e of Knoxville. Never were troops called upon to endure greater hardships, or placed in more perilous situations, and not once did they shrink from doing their duty. Of the assault on Fort Sanders you have already better accounts than I can give. It clearly demonstrated to Lon<^street that our works were going to be defended and that our posi- tion'' was impregnable. The anxiety attending the siege was keenly visible on all countenances, but one could plainly discern the determi- nation of holding out to the bitter end. This feeling all possessed; not a man in the trenches but said we would hold our position. Longstreet held out as long as he safely could, but deeming it politic to escape the snare being laid for him, pulled itp stakes and left on the evening of the 5th inst. About 9 o'clock the same morning. Col. Sigfried took his Bri- gade out to gather up what stragglers could be found in the neighbor- hood. The 48th did the skirmishing and brought in a number of pri- soners. By four in the afternoon we returned to Knoxville, having scoured quite a considerable part of the country. Monday last we started after the rebels and reached this point on Wednesday, where we are at present, resting from the severe trials of the last month. I have given you but the mere skimming— better pens than mine must describe the realities we have passed through. In justice to the noble soldiers of this army it should be done. Braver men never drew the breath of life— they are soldiers every inch of them. The service just , ended was one requiring hard, downright courage— one sure to try the true grit of any man, and this army has passed through it bravely. The casualties in the Fiftieth Regiment, during these opera- tions, were as follows : Emanuel Faust, Co. A, killed at Campbell Station. _ Sergt. H. Gechler, Co. H, wounded at Campbell Station. A. Gift, Co. E, wounded at Campbell Station. ^ M. McKeon, Co. D, wounded at Campbell Station. J. Bedford, Co. K, wounded at Campbell Station. Wm. Cole, Co. I, wounded at Knoxville. Henry Deibler, Co. A, wounded at Knoxville. James Birnie, wounded at Knoxville. .„ , .. ^ . x x i P. McMillai^colored servant, wounded at Knoxville; left foot amputated. 28 sso The Third Year of the War. ADDENDUM. After tlie immediately preceding pages had been '-worked off^* by the printer, we received from the Orderly Sergeant of Co. E, Two-hundred and Tenth Regiment, P. V., a list of the names of Schuylkill County men in the Company. We insert the list here, on the principle of ^'better late than never." Mr. Bower, the Sergeant referred to, informed us in his letter, that Mr. L'Velle, who went out with the Company from this County, was at the time of writing. Sergeant- Major of the Regiment : TWO HUIsTDEED AND TENTH PA. KEGIMEIS'Te COMPANY E, Captain, John Cook. Corporal, Charles Wagneil 2d Lieut., Wm. S. Morris. ^* Charles P. Koch. 1st Serjeant, 'Samu'E'l Bower. ^ '* J. J. Wagner. '' Wm. H. Keller. '• Bbnj. Haines. " Uriah W. Tiley. ." Jos. E. Thomas. " John Gartly. " Epward Fletoheb, Coi'poral, John R. Miller. PRIVATES: Burke, Patrick Hyman, B. Naughton, Michael Barnes, James Houseknecht, Benj. J. Oriel, John Barrett, Mark Hagerty, John Paul, William Betz, Henry C. Joice, John Rasteterf Lawrenoe Curly, Michael Jlrebbs, Pharon W, Reed, Ed. A. Davidson, Sam'l Koednitz, Lewis Stolte,- Lewis Daddow, H. S. Kelley, John Schrader, Bernard Evans, Thomas E. Leahy, Frank Stride, James Evans, Reece M. liewis, Henry Sarick, Jos. Foust, Charles Lintz, Alfred Thomas, John BL Hart, Alex. McKoy, Wm. Walker, Christopher Hinchkliff, Sam'l Morley, James Webster, Elias Hussey, Thomas McMullen, Rob. Ward, Michael Hoffman, R. McKearnan, John Whims, James Hoffman, B. McKabe, Joseph Yost, James Commissioned Ofificers, - - - - 2 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - 11 Privates, . - - - . - 45 Total, .--..- 58 COMPANY H. 1st Sergeant, G. W. Garber. Total, 1 Previous Grand Total, - - , - 1805 Correct Grand Total, - - - - 1864 THE CAMPAIGN OP 1864. On the afternoon of March 3d, the Seventh Pennsylvania Ca- valry, Col. Wm. B. SipeS; which had been recruited to much more than the maximum number, left Harrisburg for Chattanooga. — Before his departure from Potts ville, Col. Si pes was the recipient of a handsome sabre, belt and sash. The presentation took place at the residence of Mr. Thomas Russel, Mahantongo Street. The tnft came from a number of the well-wishers and admirers of the Eegiment, residing in the counties of Schuylkill and Northumber- land. The work on the sabre was executed by the firm of Simon & Bro.; Philadelphia, and is really beautiful. The blade of Dam- f^cus steel, contains a fine etching of an engagement. The handle is surmounted by an eagle, and contains a large, peculiarly fine amethyst. The grip is of ivory, neatly carved. The scabbard, which is ornamented with taste and skill, bears in addition to the letter ^^S" set with diamonds, the following inscription : '^Presented to Col. Wm. B. Sipesy 1th Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Ca- valry, hy the Frienda of the Regiment, 1864." The cost of the gift was S200.* The presentation was made on behalf of the donors, by Eev. 8. F. Colt. In his remarks Mr. Colt adverted to the valuable sei-vices in the field of the Regiment and its Colonel ; of the acts of kindness that had endeared the commander to his men, and of the feeling of gratitude and admiration that had prompted the be- stowal of this gift. The donors were happy in the opportunity to thus honor their brave defenders, who by their deeds of arms had pierced the heart of the Southern Confederacy. Col. Sip^s in response, thanked his kind friends for this beauti- ful testimonial of their regard. It was another link in the chain of kind acts which he had experienced here, and which bound him to this people. He disclaimed any peculiar merit for what he had done. It was simply his duty. He trusted that his future acts in the service would warrant this evidence of esteem. He thought that this war will remove from our National escutcheon many dark stains that have disfigured it, and in :its results make 332 The Campaign of 1864. us a greater, a better, a happier country. In conclusion the Col. again earnestly thanked his kind friends for the honor of which they had deemed him worthy in presenting to him these beautiful gifts. On Monday, March 12th, the Forty-eighth Regiment left Potts- ville for Annapolis, Md., where its Corps, the Ninth, was ordered to rendevouz. A band, which had been organized for the Kegi- ment by Mr. Wm. J. Feger, left Pottsville on the 13th of April to join the command. Before Col. Sigfried left Pottsville to join his Regiment, the Forty-eighth, a number of ladies presented him with a field glass. The presentation took place at the residence of Lieut. Bohannan, on the evening of April 18th. A silver plate on it bore the fol- lowing inscription ; ^'■Presented to Col. J. K. Sigfriedj 48^7i Penn- si/lvania Vols., hy tlie Ladies of Pottsville.'' Hon. C. W. Pit- man made the presentation on behalf of the donors. The Colonel made an appropriate and touching reply. The en- tire affair was one of those pleasant social reunions which are rarely forgotten by the participants. The Colonel left town on the 25th. The same week the Regiment moved from Annapolis into Virginia, with the Ninth Corps. As the force marched through Washington, it was reviewed by the President, Gen. Burnside and both Houses of Congress. It is said to have presented a magnificent appearance. Gen. Grant's movement upon Richmond was thus fairly inaugurated. On the 3d day of May the advance of the Army of the Potomac crossed the Rapidan without serious opposition. On the 6th of May however, a series of battles commenced, which lasted until Gen. Grant had his army firmly established in front of Petersburg, running over a period of two months. They were sanguinary contests, and tested the valor and endurance of our soldiers to their utmost. This campaign is unparalleled in the military history of the world for continued and persistent fighting. Gen. Grant was uniformly successful in his strategy, out-gener- aling Lee in every movemeot, and compelling him to abandon strongly fortified positions and fall back until finally he rested within his defences at Richmond. The CAMPAiaN of 1864, 333 In these encounters the folloAving named Pennsylvania Regi- ments, containing Schuylkill County men, participated : Forty- eighth, Ninety-sixth, Fiftieth, Fifty-fifth, Eighty-eighth, Sixty- seventh, Ninety-third, One hundred and sixteenth. One hundred and eighty-fourth. Seventeenth and Twenty-first Cavalry. We will give the losses sustained in these engagements, as far as Schuylkill County men are concerned : FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants, commanding the Regiment, wrote to us under date, "Battle Ground near Spottsylvania, Va,, May 15, 1864,'^ as follows ; I send you a list of the casualties in the 48th Regt., from the 6th of May to this date. In the battle of the Wilderness, the Regiment was hotly engaged on the Gth, and skirmished in front on the 7th. On tlie 6th 350 men, including nearly all the veterans, skirmished all day on the right, and the rest of the Regiment moved with the main portion' of the 9th Corps, and vrere hotly engaged in the centre. The rebel army having fallen back, the 9th Corps, was moved to Chancellorsville on the 8th. The 48th was not engaged until the 11th, when one division ad- vanced on towards Spottsylvania on the evening of the lOtli ; but the battle was not begun near us until the morning of the 12th. We fought all day, and our Regiment having caught three Georgia regiments in a little hollow, with rising, open ground behind, which prevented them from retreating, completely annihilated them. We took over one hun- dred-prisoners ; one squad of them which I sent to the rear under Lieut. Bowen, amounted to forty-eight. Afterwards all the troops of our Di- vision were ordered to make a charge, and the 48th advanced in excel- lent style through an open, marshy ground, under heavy fii'e ; but the troops on both our flanks having given way, the Regiment was moved by the left flank into, a ravine in the woods and shielded from the des- tructive fire of the enemy. Our loss has been heavy, but the 48th behaved well, and in the action of the 12th, owing to our position on the brow of a hill, five rebels were killed, wounded ar taken prisoners, for every man lost by us. Since the 12th, a few men have been wounded by sharpshooters, and we still remain in the front line. We have to mourn the loss of many brave men, and one of my best officers, Lieut. Henry C. Jackson, who was mortally wounded in the neck. Very respectfully, your friend, Heney Pleasants. The list of casualties referred to by the Colonel— from the 6th to the 15th of May — is as follows : COMPANY A. ' Killed— Lewis M. Robinhold, Isaac Otto, John J. Huatzinger, Abel a T. St. Clair. 28* 334 The Campaign of 1864. Wounded — Sergt. A. C, Iluckey, Corp. Cliarles Brandenburg, Corp. Jacob S. Ilonsberger, Morgan Leiser, Benjamin F. C. Dreibelbeis, Clias. Hillegas. COMPANY 13. Killed — Corp. David J. Davis ; Matthew Hume, Frederick Knittle, Laurentus C. Moyer, Daniel Wary, Jolin Deitz. Wounded — Scrgt* Thomas B. Williams, Sergt, Wm. Kissinger ; Gott- lieb Schaufler, David Deitz, John Brown. COMPANY C. Killed — Daniel Brown. ■ Wounded — 2d Lieut. Wm. Clark, Sergt. Jones Geier ; Michael Mohan, AVm. Neely, Wm. J. Haines, Murtz Brennaii, James Coakly. Missing — George C. Seibert. COMPANY D. Killed — Jonathan Kaufman. Wounded — 2d Lieut. H. E. Stichter, Sergt. Henry Bothenberger, Corp. Edward Lenhart; James Deitrick, Botto Otto, Ferry L, Strausser, Geo. S. Beissel, Wm. F. Moyer, John Kehler, Jonas Miller, Joseph Zeig- Icr, Pat. Cooligan, Andrew Knittle, Gustavus H. Miller, Henry D, Moyer. Missing— Edward H. Ebert, John D. Weikel.. COMPANY E. Killed — Lawrence Farrel. Wounded — Sergt. John C. McElrath, Corp. Sam'l Clemens ; James McLaughlin, Geo. W. SchaefFer, David Williams, Vf. Simmons, G. W. James, W. C. James, James Mcighan, Pvob't Penman. Missing — Wm. Gutshall. COMPANY F. Killed— David F. Thiol, John Morrissy, Lewis Woods, Bichard "Williams. Wounded — Sergt. Bich'd Hopkins, Corp. John Powell; Wm. E. Tay- lor, Israel Manning, Anthony Carroll, Wra. S. Wright, "James Brennan, And. Westner, Henry Holsey, Wm. H. Kohler, John Eddy, John T. Reese, John Crawford, A H. Y/hitman. Missing — Geo. Kramer. COMPANY G. Killed — 2nd Lieut, H. C. Jackson ; William Williams. Wounded — Serg. R. M. Jones, Corp. Geo. Fame; John Becker, Adam Hendley, James Spencer, M. Berger, John Armstrong, Clay W. Evans, Pat'k Grant, Wm. Maurer, John Kautter, Patrick Savage. COMPANY H. Killed — Abraham Benscoter. Wounded — Sam'l Fryberger, AVilliam Donnelly, Wm. Huber, Benj. Koller, John Klinegina, Daniel Ohnmacht, Albert Davis, John Steven- son, Mich'l Melarkee, Daniel Cooke, John Gruikshank, Mich'i O'Brien, Charles Focht, John Olewine, Joseph Edwards, Thos. Palmer, Jos Chester. MissiNG^-Harrison Bright, Michael Scott, Lewis Aurand, James Wentzell. ' COMPANY I. Killed — Henry J. Ege. Wounded — Sergt. L. Swain, Sergt. J. Ongstodt, Corp. D. Klase, Corp. ■•} The Campaign oe 1864. 335 W. Knittle ; Charles Lindemuth, F. Boner, C. W. Horn, M. Dooley, W. Tyson, C. DeLong. Missing— W. B. Beyerle, B. McArdel, W. B. Shearer. COMPANY K. Killed — John W. Henn. Wounded — Corp. Geo. J, Weaver ; David R. Dress, Elias Fenster- macher, Thos. Fogerty, Henry R. Schulze, Franklin Ehly, Simon Hofl- man, Andrew Weaber. Col. Pleasants again placed us under' obligations by furnishing us with the following account of the operations of the Regiment and its casualties; from the 15th to the "Slst of Pvlay : Headquarters, 48th Regt., P. V. V., Field South of Pamunkey River, Va. May 31st, 18G4. I have the honor to inform you of the casualties of the Regiment sinoe the 15th inst., to date, and its present situation, which is within a gun shot of the enemy, supporting a battery. The Regiment had been en- gaged this morning on skirmish line, and an hour ago was relieved by some other troops, and ordered to support our Brigade battery. While I am writing our troops are keeping up a very heavy and continual fire on the line. We are three miles from the Pamunkey River and twelve miles from Richmond, advancing slowly towards the latter place. Wo have been under fire every day but three since the loth, moving gra-d- ually to the left on the enemy's flank. The boys stand it very well. Wounded — Major Joseph A. Gilmour, left leg — amputated shortly afterwards. COMPANY A. Wounded — Jacob Kerschner. COMPANYB. Wounded— t-lst Lieut. Wm. H. Humes; John Barren, Sam'l Heckman, James Frazier. COMPANY D. Wounded — John B. Boyer, Henry D. Moyer, Charles Deitrick. COMPANY F. Killed — Patrick Doolin, Henry IMcCann. Wounded— Sergt. Richard Hopkins ; John Crawford, Henry Dillman, David Kreiger. COMPANY H. Killed— 2d Lieut. Samuel B. Laubenstine, Corp. Chas. Norrigan. Wounded — John Gallagher. COMPANY I. Wounded— Sergt. Francis Allebach, Christian Seward, Frederick Henry, Herman Buntz, James Boner. Very Respectfully, your Obedient Servant, Henry Pleasants, Lt.-Col. Commd'g Eegt. In addition to the above we had the following letter from a member of Co. D, 48th Eeg't, dated : 336 The Campaign of 1864. Camp 48th Rect., P. V. V. \ June 2d, 1864. j We are about five miles from the Pamunkey River and twelve from Ricbmond. The Regiment is building rifle pits about thirty yards front of an orchard. The sun is very hot and it is quite a luxury to be able t;o be in the shade. Major Gilmour was wounded in the leg ilay before yesterday, and had it amputated. The boys are all very sorry because it happened to "be his fate to be hit. He was beloved by his whole Re- giment, for he is a kind and good officer and a gentleman. Lieutenant Samuel Laubenstine was killed, and Lieut. W. H. Hume wounded in the arm. These three officers were all shot at nearly the same spot. I sup- pose some rebel sharpshooter had range of that particular piece of ground. Last night a man by the name of Koch of Co. A, had his skull fractured by a piece of one of our shells. We had a pretty sharp fight at dusk all along the line, and tremendous cannonading on our left, to- ward the Chickahominy. Our Regiment was not actually engaged, but it was a wonder that no more were hurt by our shells, for they burst right overhead of the right wing of the Regiment. On the 4tli of June Col. Pleasants again wrote to us as follows : Battle-Field, near Geove Church, Va., ) June 4th, 1864. / Yesterday our Division had a very severe engagement with the enemy on the extreme right of the Army. We drove them over a mile, but our loss was heavy. Last night the Rebels retreated, and, judging from the number of dead and quantity of arms left on the field, their loss in our immediate front must have been over one thousand. We exploded one of th©ir caissons ; another was left behind, and over thirty artillery horses lie dead in front of the 48th. There was a general engagement along the line, and I understand we "were successful everywhere. I send you a list of our killed and wound- ed from the 1st of June. Yours, truly, U. Pleasants. COMPANY A. Wounded — Wra. Koch, Geo. Betz, serious, John Hugg, Simon Snyder, Elias Linns, Corp. lleckman, J. D. Ash, Sam'l Eckroth, Israel Britton. COMPANY B. Wounded— Serg't Sam'l C. Strauch, Serg'tRob't Campbell. COMPANY C. Wounded— 1st Lieut. P C. Loeser, 2d Lieut. Wm. Clark, Patrick Far- rell, John Dolan, Thomas Boyle. COMPANY E. Killed — David Williams, Wounded — Daniel Boyer, by cannon ball on breast, severe, Dan'l E. Reedy, mortal, Serg't E. Tosh, serious, John Clemens, Rob't Beverage, Eevere, Patrick Brennan, Chas. Quinn, Albert Cummings. COMPANY F. Killed — Edw. G. Pugh, Wm. Smith, Wounded — Sergt. Jas. N. Easton, Corp. Rob't D. Paden, George H. Jones, J. Kuhns, W. E. DufiFy, severe, Cyrus Hanes, Jamea Bradly, 8«- 7ore, Jas. Houte, serero. The Campaign of 1864. 337 COMPANY G. Killed — Corp. Alex. Govan, Private Jas. Allison. Wounded — Sergt. C. F. Kurntzler, Corp. Jno. Ilatton, Wm, Martin. COMPANY II . Killed — Joseph Alexander. Wounded — Joiin C. Benedict, Sergt, Henry Berustecl, Coi-p. Henry C. Matthews, Corp. Wm. A. Lloyd, Jos. S. Hays, Anthony O'Donnell, Jas. Welsh, Wm. Davis, Edw. Metz. COMPANY I. Killed — Wm. J. Price, Benj. B. Kershner, Geo. Dresh. Wounded — 1st Sergt. Oliver Davis, Sergt. Jacob Ongstadt, Corp. E. C. Kehl, severely, Peter Kellei', Jno. Clark, severe, Wm. Owens, severe, Jno. H. Cooper, J. Willour, severely, Wm. Kramer. COMPANY K. Killed — Jacob Lauby. Wounded — H, W. Haas, Milton Nagle, Wm. C. Keiser, Thos. Hudson. A BRILLIANT CHARGE. On tlie l7tli of June a gallant and successful assault of a por- tion of the enemy's works near Petersburg, Ya., was made by the First Brigade, Second Division, Ninth Army Corps, of which the Forty-eighth Regiment formed part. During the charge the Re- giment recaptured the- colors of the Seventh New York Regiment, of Second Corps, which had been captured by the enemy the day previously while on a charge. Also, the Rebel colors of the 44th Tennessee Regiment. The Brigade took 1170 prisoners and two pieces of artillery. The casualties of the Regiment in this charge were as follows : COMPANY A. Wounded— Elias Britton, mortally, John Holman, John McLean, John Cochran, Wm. Huckey, John H. Shaffer, Joel Lius. COMPANY B. Wounded— Sergt. R. Campbell, Corp.. James Rider. Missing — Corp. A. Wi-en, Jacob Wigner. COMPANY C. n Wounded— Sergt. H. Weiser. COMPANY D. Wounded— Lieut. J. Helms, severe, Corp. Jacob Deitrich, severe, L. Deitrich, severe, J. D. Casper, Joseph Beiilinger, severe. COMPANY E. Killed — John Major. Wounded— Wm. Reasons, severe, Thomas Clemens, severe, James Re- gan, severe, Jas. Mercer, severe, R. B. Thompson, severe. a38 The Campaign of 1864. COMPANY F. Killed — H. F. Straub, Isaac Lewis. Wounded — INfurt Erennan, Pat Boran, Corp. Robt. Wallace, E. L. SLissler. Missing — Mike Lavell, Wm. Auclienback. COMPANY G. Wounded — Lieut. C. C. Pollock, severe, Howard Jones, severe, Joshua Eeed, severe. COMPANY H. Killed — George W. Morey, Jefferson W. Beyerle, James Mulholland, Anthony Gallagher. Wounded — Lieut. D. B. Brown. Charles Eberle, Lewis Aurand, Jona- tti^ Dillet. COMPANY I Wounded — Lieut. Joseph Edwards, severely, Frank E. Ringer, .Wm, Kramer, severe. COMPANY K. Killed — Nathan Rich. Wounded — Sergt. Thomas Irwin, severe, John Gillinger, Oliver W. Schwartz, David Houser. The following were the casualties on the following day, the ISih: COMPANY A. Wounded — Henry Schroyer, Francis M. Stidham, severe, James W. Sterner, Wm. Dreibelbeis, Jos. Dreibelbeis. COMPANY C. Wounded — Gilbert Graham. COMPANY D. ' Wounded — Jos. Lindemuth. severe. COMPANY F. Killed — Simon Devlin. COMPANY H. Killed — Thomas Davis. COMPANY I. Wounded— Corp. Ben. Williams, Chris. Seward, Sam'l T. DeFrehn, severely'', Jacob Reichwein, Charles R. Koch, severely. COMPANY K. Killed — Arthur L. Gray. The following additional casualties we received from the officers eommanding companies, after the Regiment reached Petersburg : COMPANY a: [The following are up to September 12th, 1864.] Killed — Lewis Hessinger, at Petersburg, June 22d. Wounded — Lewis R. Loyo, severly, Aug.. 10th, in front of Petersburg. Israel Britton, June 7th, at Cold Harbor. Jabez McFarlin, June 7th, at Cold Harbor. COMPANY B. • [The followiug are up to September 12th.] Wounded — William R. Brooks, June 25th, before Petersburg. Henry Slioppel, May 6th, battle of Wilderness. The Campaign of 1864. ^ 889 COMPANY C. [The following are up to September 12th.] Killed — Abraham A. Acker, June 23d, iu front of Petersburg. John Whitaker, June 23d, in front of Petersburg. Wounded — Andrew Dunleavy, .June 19th, near Petersburg. William Demmerce, Aug. 3d, in front of Petersburg. COMPANY D. Killed — Henry Dorward, Daniel Okoh. '^ Wounded — Jas. L. Baum, Jac. Derr, Nathan Kessler, John D. Weikei COMPANY E. [The following are up to October.] Killed — Daniel Beyer, Oct. 5th, at Pegram's Farm. John Danagb, Sept. 80th, at Pegram's Farm. Wounded — Corporal Samuel Clemens, May 16, before Petersburg. Corporal Wm. J. Morgan, May 12, at Spottsylvania. Corporal Robert Penman, June 8, near Cold Harbor. Corporal John Mercer, June 7tli, near Cold Harbor. Cornelius Dress, June Gth, near Cold Harbor. Pal- rick Grant, June 27th, before Petersburg, leg amputated. Wm. McEl- rath, Sept. 11th,. near Weldon Sailroad, Va, John Murry, June 17th, before Petersburg. Johix McRay, June 18th, near Petersburg. Daniel E. Eeedy, June 3d, at Shady Grove Church, Va. — [The report to us of the case of Reedy, is as follows : ''Supposed to have died on board the steamer, bound north from White Hoixse, Va. Five Minnie balls passed tiu'ough him, two through right leg, one through left leg, one through right arm, and one through right breast ; right leg amputated below up- per wound."] — iibraham Sigmund, June 3d, at Shady Grove Church, Va. Anthony Wade, June 8th, near Cold Harbor. John Watson, June 27th, at mine before Petersburg. COMPANY F. Killed — Wm. Smith, June 23d, at Shady Grove. Wounded — Capt. Joseph H. Hoskins, Aug. 3d, before Petersburg Wm. Duffy, June 9th, at Shady Grove, Va. Hamilton Hause, July 2d, before Petersburg. COMPANY G. KiLLED—Wiliiam Simpson, June 2Gth, before Petersburg. Wounded— Patrick Cunningham, May 12th, at Spottsylvania Court House. COMPANY H. [The following are up to September Sth.] Killed— Second Lieut. David B. Brown, Aug. 5th, near Petersburg. Wounded— Job Hirst, June 26th, before Petersburg. John Lloyd, Aug. 3d, before Petersburg. Wm. Schneider, July 29th, near Petere- burg. Samuel I'. Skeen, June 23d, near Petersburg. COMPANY I. [The following are up to August 2Gth.] Wounded — Isaac Boltz, June 3d, at Shady Grove. Chas. H. Good, June 3d, at Shady Grove. Martin Dooley, June 3d, at Shady Grov«. Thos. J. Reed, June 3d, at Shady Grove. Jos. Gilbert, June 15. John U-mbenhocker, July 30th. COMPANY K. [The following are up to January 1, 1SG5.] Killed— John F. Dentzer, Dec. 28th, at Fort Sedgwick*, Va. Wounded— Sergt. Wm. Laubenstine, Aug. 9. John Bartolet, June 27, before Petersburg. Ephraim Whetstone, June 23, near Petersburg, 340 The Campaign of 1864. THE PETERSBURG MINE. This great undertaking, planned by Col. Pleasants, and execu- ted by the Forty-eight Regiment, was, unquestionably, a promi- nent feature of the siege of Petersburg. It was in every way, suc- cessful, and had not a sad miUtary blunder been committed after the explosion, Petersburg would have been captured. Subsequent investigation by the Congressional Committee on the Conduct of the War, proved that Gen Meade altered Gen. Burnside's plan of assault at the last moment, inducing confusion and producing a failure. Gen. Meade was justly censured for his ill-timed inter- ference in a plan which, in Gen. Grant's opinion, would, if carried out; have been completely successful. Col. Pleasants' part of the work was admirably executed, and he and the Forty-eighth Regi- ment received from military men and the country, well deserved praise. The following letter from a correspondent of the New York Herald, is a narrative of the commencement and progress of the mine : Ninth Army Corps, ") BEFORE Petersburg, Va., July 27, 18G4. j No feature of the siege of Petersburg lias been moi-e interesting, and no undertaking more important, than tlie construction of the mine under the rebel fortifications. So extensive had been this work, so difficult the obstructions overcome, so complimentary its success to the genius and perseverance of our soldier^, that more than a passing notice is due to it. After the investment of the city, about the 20th of June last, when our further approach was disputed by the formidable character of the rebel woi'ks, our officers began to look about them for the means of ac- complishing, with the least possible sacrilice of life, what then would have required the most desperate and bloody valor on the part of our troops, viz : the successful assault of these works. The expedient of a mine originated with Lieut, -Col. Pleasants, of the 48th Pennsylvania Regiment. Not that others did not think of it ; but by most of our en- gineers the idea was not entertained. The distance between our first line and the nearest and most import- ant rebel fort was over four hundred yards — too long to hope for suc- cess when all the difficulties to be encountered in the way of quicksands, underground marshes, and discovery by the enemy, were taken into consideration. Col. Pleasants, however, cherished the idea. The rebel fort loomed temptingly up in front of his line, and being a man of con- siderable natural energy, and possessed of much practical experience in mining operations, and knowing that he would be ably supported by his regiment, which is mostly composed of miners from Schuylkill County, the coal region of Pennsylvania, he, with permission, commenced oper- ations. The Colonel had been engaged iu the mining business in his The Campaign or 18(54. 341 'k was native State previous to the outbreak of the rebel ion The woi. commenced on the 25th of June last, as previously stated. Such was the secrecy with which it was conducted that for a long time the project was unknown even to those at whose side it was going on It is true that reports were in circulation of a mine, but nobody could speak cei- tainly of the matter. So much doubt was there, indeed, that tor a time it was disbelieved that any such undertaking was on foot. One soldiei in the breastworks, by whose side a ventilating shaft emerged told hij comrades in the most surprised manner, tkat "there was ^ ^o ?f J^^ ?^^ under him a doing something ; he knew there was, for he <^o f^ heai em talk " To guard against indiscretion on the part of the pickets, to pre- vent any meeting of" our soldiers with the rebels, whereat the secret ol The mine might be boastingly or imprudently disclosed, our Pckets were ordered to fire continually. Hence the never-ending fusilade on the front of the Ninth Corps,' so incomprehensible to tl- other corps, and which was often referred to in newspaper paragraphs. The enemy doubtless, suspected at first that the undermining was going on, _bu when several weeks elapsed without any demonstration their suspicions began to vanish, especially as their engineers must have thought the ^'The^'prTgress'of the work was necessarily very slow and it was not until the 25th instant-just one month after inception-that it was com- nlet d it he outset one of the most important points was to ascertain fhe exact distance and bearing of the rebel fort. Working under ground s liteiil y working in the daA. By that particular process of surveying iall d -trianc^ulation'' these were , arrived at. To be more explicit : d?s ances were laid off upon the ground behind our works From these lines as bases, and with\be angles formed by lines extending m the di- rection of the fort, a simple geometrical problem was formed, the solu- tion o? ^h h gave the riquii^ed distance. Five different tnangulations gave a insult of five hundred and ten feet. The excavation was com- Lnced in the side of the hill whereon our exterior line of woiks luns ?£e tunnel, or, to use the technical term, "gallery," is about four and a half feet hi^rh, nearly as many foetwide at the bottom, and two feet wide at the top.^ The Znnl army pick was not suited to the work, as its flukes were too broad to permit their swinging in the tunneL Ths difliculty was easily overcome by ^^-^^g ,^«^/?^^t f,"". fronVtk '' o\.c. nf fbP rPP.ular mininc^ pick. Water was met witii not far from tke Entrance and^fo. a Ume gale no little trouble. The floor, however, was nUnM and the sides Snd ceiling shored up. A quicksand was met S, und! fo obviate it, the range of the tunnel was curved upward so Uiat the latter half was several foet higher than at the entrance. Ihe fz ng of the water formed mud in several places, so that the regm.en .ame from their daily labors bespattered and stained. In fa^c, itwa. •a^v durinc the past month to recognize a 48th man by his muddy boots ' The ear h,°as fast as excavated, was conveyed in hand barrows, made of cracker bixes or half barrels, to the mouth, where it was emptied mo bags which were afterwards used on the top of the breastworks. In this manner no betraying accumulation of earth took place^ The ventilation of the tunnel was most ingeniously effected. J t within our exterior line of works a shaft was sunk to the side or the ILnnel at its iunction with which a fire-place was buiU, with a grating opening into he gallery. One end of a series of tubes made of pine boards^was inserted through the earth into this fire-place, where as he air became rarified and ascended, it created a "suction" or draft m the 29 342 The Campaign of 1864. tubes connecting ■with the gallery. As fast as the tunnel pi'ogressed, additional tubing was jointed on, and followed the workmen step by step. The smoke from the fire could not, of course, be concealed ; but, to withdraw attention from it, fires were kept burning at various points along the line. The lighting of the tunnel was effected simply by plac- ing candles or lanterns along the walls at a distance of about twenty feet apart. At length' the end was reached, and the triangulation was abundantly verified by the noises overhead. The nailing of timber and planks could be distinctly heard, and left no doubt that the men were directly beneath the rebel fort. The enemy were evidently making a flooring for their artillery. As near as could be ascertained, the distance from the tunnel to the fort was twenty feet. After it was sufficiently evident that a p^int directly under the fort was reached, the construction of the mine was commenced, . The angle of the fort projects toward our lines, and under this angle the tunnel diverged into two galleries, each running as near as could be ascertained, under each side. It was the intention to make the mine consist of eight magazines, placed at intervals along these branch galleries, so that the entire length of the fort might be blown up, in place of one spot. The mines are eight in number — four in either branch gallery. In some cases they are built in niches, and again right across the tunnel. They- are two by two, and the explosion will result in four craters, tan- gent or intersecting each other. The explosion of the magazines will be effected through tubes of pine wood, six inches square, half filled with powder. They run along the bottom of the tunnel, and enter the magazine through openings made for them. Between each pair of magazines and over the tubing is the "tamping" of sand bags and logs. The tubes extend only one hundred feet from the mine ; thence they are connected with the mouth of the tunnel by fuses, the regular " sure fire" coal mining fuses of Pennsylvania being procured especially for the purpose. The mine was charged to-day. The quaniiiy of powder used v: as six tons! Pause, and think of it. Six tons, twelve thousand pounds! Im- agine eight dry goods boxes (the magazines resemble them in size or shape) filled with powder, and you will have an idea of the mine. What a terrific spectacle is in store for us. The following is an account of the explosion : Headquarters of the Army or the Potomac, "I In Front of Petersburg, Sunday, July 31. / The main feature of yesterday's operations was the blowing up of a Eebel fort early in the morning, within three-quarters of a mile of Pe- tersburg, to the south-east of that place, which is described as a scene of most terrific grandeur. The fort had been undermined at the dis- tance of 500 yards by a shaft under the superintendence of Lieut. -Col. Pleasants, of the 48th Pennsylvania Eegimcnt, who is a practical miner. The fort was occupied at the time of the explosion by four companies of the 18th South Carolina Eegimcnt with six 12-pounders brass can- non, gun-carriages, caissons, heavy ammunition, kc. The cross chamber of the shaft running along under the fort at a depth of some twenty feet, was charged at three difierent points, centre and each end, with in all about ten thousand pounds of blasting pow- der. The first attempt to touch off the mine failed, on account of some The Campaign of 1864. 348 defect in the fuse, caused by dampness, wliich delayed operations an iiour ov two. Tliis defect being remedied, the fatal match "was applied, and up "went, with a jarring, dull thug, an oblong acre or more of ground, in three distinct earth-spouts, to a distance of a hundred feet or so, mingled with the guns, gun-carriages and caissons, and the mangled forms of the gunners, all coming down in a common sepulchre, men and machinery being buried, from a partial covering to a depth of twenty feet. The explosion has left a deep oblong excavation, some hundred yards long and fifty wide, whichis called the '-crater." Our troops subsequently charged, but it was af'tei a delay caus- ed by the change of plan. It was too late. The enemy recovered from the panic into which they had been thrown by the^explosion, rallied to their guns, and poured upon our advancing lines such a withering fire, that they were repulsed. The golden opportunity was lost through the fatal action of a general ofl&cer. There were some interesting incidents preceding the explosion. Four o'clock in the morning of the eventful day found Coflonel Pleasants with watch in hand, mounted on our earthworks, wait- ing for the grand explosion. Anxious with excitement he waited, for the fuse had been lighted by his own hand, and a few seconds would prove the truth or incorrectness of his theory. The time for the explosion had passed, when Lieut. J. Douty and Sergt. H. Reese, of the Forty-eighth, volunteered to enter the gallery and ascertain the cause of the delay. The fuse which was ninety-eight feet in length, was extinguished. Fifty feet had been burned, but the remainder was intact. A knife being necessary, Sergeant Reese hurried to the entrance, and obtaining one, returned, Everything was finally adjusted. At 4 J the fuse is again lighted, and the men in the trenches clench their guns with a tighter grasp, and aWait the explosion. Five minutes passed, and all remains silent. The Rebe(s in the fort, unconscious of their doom, sleep on ; the sun, as if anxious to witness the spectacle, mounts the horizon, and at that moment the earth heaves and trembles as if shaken by an earthquake. An instant, and then a terrific explosion ; huge masses of earth, lifted as a child would toss a marble, men, cannon, caissons, limbers, forges, guns and timbers are belched forth high ia air, and descend with a heavy "thud,'^ a shapeless, chaotic mass. It is doubtful whether any of the occupants of the fort made their escape from death or capture. Numbers were doubtless en- 344 The Campaign of 1864. gulfed in the yawning crater when the huge mass descended, and if alive, were so deeply entombed as to render extrication impos- sible. Shapeless masses, once men, were found in the debris, and some were found half buried, and were dug out with bayonets, sticks and swords. An officer, while sitting in the ruins, resting his hand on the loose earth thrown up by the explosion, fancied that he discovered a mo- tion beneath. Taking a piece of board, he explored the dirt, and iu a moment uncovered the face of a rebel who had been buried in the ruins. He was uninjured, although nearly suffocated by his premature burial. The crater formed by the explosion, was oblong in shape, about one hundred and fifty feet in length, and twenty- five in width. The destruction of the fort was complete. Four companies of the 18th South Carolina Kegiment, with a portion of another, were buried in tlie debris. A complimentary order of which the following is a copy, was subsequently issued by the Commanding General : IIead-Quakters, Army or tpie Potomac, \ C.cuerpJ OfJers, ) ' August 3d, 1864. j No. p± j The Commanding General takes gieat ploasui-e in acknowledging the valuable services rendered by Lieut. -Col. Henry Flea.^anls, 48th Regt., I'onnsylvania Veteran Volunteers, and the officers and men of his com- mand, in the excavation of the mine which was successfully exploded on the morning of the 30th ultimo, under one of the enemy's batteries iii front of the Second Division of the Ninth Army Corps. The skill displayed in the laying out of and construction of the mine reflects great credit upon Lieut. -Col. Pleasants, the officer in charge, and the willing endurance by the officers and men of the regiment, of the extraordinary labor and fatigue involved in the pj'osecution of the Avork to completion, is worthy of the highest praise. V>y command of Major-Genkral Meai>e: S. WILLLVMS, ^• Assistant. Adjutant Oeneral. Official : LEWIS RICHMOND, Assistant Adjutant General, The reader will agree with us, we think, that the staunch Re giment and its indomitable Lieutenant-Colonel, richly merited ifc The annexed report of Col. Sigfried, who commanded a Brigade of colored troops in the assault, shows how they behaved on the occasion : Head-Quarters, 1st Breo., 4tii Div., Otii A. C. > Defore PETEtiSBURCr, Va., Jttly 31, 1864. / Sir: — In obiTdience to orders I movei my Brigade on the morning of the 30th in3t., down tha covorel way iin nediately in the rear of Col, The Campaign of 1864. 345 Humphrey's Brigade of the 3d Division. On arriving at the mcado-w I was halted by the stopping of Col. H's Brigade. After remaining hero sometime, I, in accordance with orders, moved by the Brigade of the 3d Division at a flank as directed across the field through the crater made by the explosion of the mine. Great dif&culty was experienced in passing through the ci-ater, owing to its crowded condition; living, dead, wounded and dying crowded so thickly that it was very diflicult. to make a passage way through. By the great exertions of the ofiicers .md heroic determination of the men my Brigade faially made its wav through, and was lialted beyond by the Rebel line of entrenchment e, which was filled with troops of the 1st, 2nd and od Divisions ; behind this line it formed in good order. The 43d Regiment, U. S. C. T., mov- ed over the crest of the crater towards tlie right, charged the enemy's entrenchments and took them, capturing a number of prisoners, a rebel stand of colors, and recapturing a stand of national colors. This line was part of the continuous line connecting with the crater. The bal- ance of my Brigade Avas prevented from advancing into this line by the number of troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3d Division in front of them. This position left ray Brigade very much exposed to the fire of the enemy, and it was so exposed at least an hour. Owing to the crowded lines of troops of the stated Divisions immediately in front, it was impossible to get my Brigade on. Just as the troops in front were about to make a charge, a white color-boarer, with his colors, crossed the works in re- treat, and the troops gave way and sought shelter in the crater, where was concentrated a terrific fire from the enemy's batteries and entrench- ments. My Brigade held its position until pushed back by the mass of troops which rushed back upon it, and until the enemy occupied the works to its left and the opposite side of the entrenchments, where, be- coming exposed to a terrific flank fire, losing its numbers rapidly, and in danger of being cut oft', it fell back behind the line temporarily oc- cupied by a part of the 18th Corps, where it originally started from. Here it was rallied and placed in position on this line. Too much praise cannot be awarded to the bravery of both officers and men. The former fearlessly led, while the latter fearlessly followed through a fire hot enough to cause the olde&t of troops to falter. ^- * -x- * * -X- Ilad it not bccji for the almost impassable croicd of troops of the hadim! Divisions in the crater and intrcnchments, Cemetery Hill would have been ours without a falter on the part of my Brigade. I am, Sir, very respectfully your obedient servant, (Signed) J. K. Siqfried, Col. Commanding. THE REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE CONDUCT OF THE WAR. The difficulties under which Col. Pleasants labored in execu- ting his plan — the opposition which he met from general officers, would have deterred a less resolute *man from proceeding. Had not Gen. Meade fatally interfered at the last moment, the entire affair would have been brilliantly successful. The reader can glean a fair idea of the cause of the failure from the following abstract 29* 340 The CaxMapiGx^ of 1804. of a report, made to Congress, by the Committee on the Conduct oi' the War, after full and fair investigation : WAsniNGTOJv, Feb. 0, I8G0. The Committee on the Conduct of the War made a report to-day on the unsuccessful movement which followed the ^plosion of the mine before Petersburg on the oOth of July last. It covers fifty pages of foolscap, and is accompanied by a large quantit}' of evidence. It ap- pears from the report that the idea of the mine originated with Lieut.- Colonel llcnry Pleasants, Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and mot the approval of his superior officers. Acting Major-General Porter and Major-Goneral Burnside, commanding the Corps. Tiie Committee say that Lieutenant-ColoTiel Pleasants labored under disadvantages in the successful accomplishment of this important work which would have deterred a man of less energy. It was not merely tlie evident lack of faith in the success of the enterprise shown by all the officers of high rank, bath his Divison and Corps Commanders, but that lack of faith was accompanied by an entire failure to furnish the assis- tance and implements necess.lry to the success of the undertaking, with- in a reasonable time. The testimony of Lieutenant-Colonel Pleasants shows that he had to dig and mine Avith only the men of his own regiment, that the dirt had 10 be carried out in cracker boxes, slung between poles, for lack of wheelbarrows, and that he was even refused to use an instrument at head-(iuarters wherewith to make the necessary triangulations, and that General Burnside had to send to Washington for an old fashioned thro- dolite. General Meade and Major Duane, Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac, said the thing could not be done ; that it was all clap- irap and nonsense ; that such a length of mine had never been excava- ted in military operations and could not be. Generals Burnside and Potter were the only high officers who believed in it under these disadvantageous circumstances. The main gallery was dug live hundred and ten feet in length. The left lateral gallery waa thirty-seven feet in length, and the riglit lateral gallery was thirty-eight feet in length. The magazines were placed in the lateral galleries. The avarage size of the gallery was four and a half feet high and wide. — After reviewing the different orders for the movement, and narrating the final failure with the loss of between four and five thousand in killed, wounded and missing, the disaster is thus summed up: Your Committee cannot, from all the testimony, avoid the conclusion that the first and great cause of the disaster was the change made on the afternoon preceding the attack, in the arrangement of General Burnside to place tiie Division of colored troops in the advance; the reason assigned by Gen'l Burnside for not taking one of ihe Divisions ot white troops for that purpose was fully justified by the result of the attack. Their previous arduous labors and peculiar position, exposed continu- ally to the enemy's fire, had, as it were, trained tliem in the habit of seeking shelter, and true to that training, they sought shelter the first opportunity that presented itself after leaving our lines ; and it is but reasonable to suppose that the immediate commander of a Corps is better acquainted with tJie condition and efiiciency of particular Divisions of his Corps than a General further reniote from them. Tlie conduct of the colored troops, when they were put into action, would seem to fully justify the confidence that Gen.. Burnside reposed in tliem ; and General Grant himself, in his testimony, expresses biji The Campaign of 1864. 347 belief that if they had been placed in advance, as General Burnside de- sired, the assault would have been successful, although at the time the colored troops were ordered in, the white troops already in were in con- fusion, and failed in the assault upon the crest beyond the water, and the fire of the enemy had become exceedingly destructive. The colored troops advanced in good order, passed through the ene- my's lines and beyond our disorganized troops there, and stopping but a short time to reform made the charge as directed. But the fire of the enemy was too strong, and some other of our troops hurrying back through their lines, they were thrown into confusion and forced to re- tire. The Committee disapprove of General Burnside deciding by lot whether the Division of Potter, of Wilcox or of Ledlie sliould lead the assault, but there was but little time for selection after General Meade had changed the programme. General Burnside testified that each of the Division Commanders as well as every officer in the command who had given his attention to the subject in the least degree, was fully aware of the condition of the white troops, as I had previously stated it to General Meade, and were fullj impressed with the conviction that the colored troops were in much bet- ter condition to lead the attack, and of the w,isdom of using the white troops as support. There was no time to be lost, however, and I decided that I would allow the leading Division to be decided by lot. The com- mittee dwell on the fact that the order of attack as proposed by General Burnside was also changed by direction of General Meade, wath the ap- proval of General Gi^nt. They also show by the testimony, that when the order to withdraw was given by General Meade against the repre- sentation made by General Burnside, orders were also issued by General Meade for ofl'ensive operations to cease on the right and left of General Burnside's position, and General Ori's troops were at the same time withdrawn from the position where they had been placed in support of the Ninth Corps; the enemy were thus left entirely free to make such dis- positions as they chose against Gen. Burnside's force within their lines. The Committee also call attention to the fact, that General Grant attri- butes the disastrous result of the assault, to a greater or less extent, to the troops having been sent in unaccompanied by the Division Com- manders. How far the Division Commanders would have been able by their presence to have overcome the confusion and disorganization into which the troops were thrown from the causes heretofore referred to, the Committee are unable to say, but they refer to it as the opinion of the highest officer in the service. The Committee also positively disclaim any desire to censure the conduct of the white troops engaged, althouo-h they confidently think that the original selection of the colored troops was the best that could have been made. In conclusion, the Committee eay, that, in their opinion, the cause of the disastrous result of the as- sault of the 30th of July last, is mainly attributable to the fact that the plans and suggestions of the General who had devoted his attention for 80 long a time to the subject, who had carried to a successful completion- the project of mining the enemy's works, and who had carefully selected and drilled his troops for the purpose of securing whatever advantage might be attainable from the explosion of the mine, were entirely disre- garded by a General who had evinced no faith in the successful prosecu- tion of that work, had aided it by no countenance or open approval, and had assumed the entire direction and control only when it was com- pleted and the time had come for reaping any advantage that might b« ' derived from it. S48 The Campaign of 1864. CASUALTIES IN THE FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT On the 30th of Septonher, Lieut.-Col. Pleasants sent us the following list of casualties sustained by the Forty-eighth Regiment in battle, September 30th, before Petersburg : Sergt.-Major Henry C. Ilonsberger, wounded. COMPANY A . Missing — Lewis H. Sterner, Frank W. Simons, Sam'l SchoUenberger. COMPANY B. Missing — John E. Bubeck, Gardner Bell, Jacob Hammer, Thomas Griffiths, William Stevenson. COMPANY C. Missing — Sergt. Samuel Wallace, Murt Brennan, Charles Dintinger, William Larkin. COMPANY D. Wounded — Sergt. George Bowman. Missing — Sergt. Henry C. Graeff, KJeorge W. H. Cooper, William K. Williams, Daniel Deitricli. COMPANY E. Killed — John Darragh. Missing — John Doolcy, Edward Magginnis. C iM P A N Y F . • Wounded — William Ball. Missing — Sergt. Robert Paden, William Fulton, Joseph Finbej, Wra. Moore, Michael Walsh, William Koehler, David Miller, Elijah DeFrehn. COMPANY G. Wounded — Patrick Galligan. Missing — Patrick Grant, Nicholas Gross, Joshua Pvced. COMPANY H. Wounded — Corporal Henry Fry. Missing — Henry Jones, Joseph Moore, John Hallady, Philip HQfFren. COMPANY I. Killed — James Heiser. Wounded — Benjamin Williams, Henry Goodman. Missing — 1st Lieut. 0. A. J. Davis, Patrick Crowe, .Joseph Cobu3. Lttcian Monbcck, Nathan Neifert, Henry A. Neyman, William Weirs. C M P A N Y K . Missing — George Cross, Thomas Leonard, John Patry, Thos. Fogarty. Daniel Boyer, Co. E, killed by a sharpshooter, October 5, 18G4. NINETY-SIXTH REGIMENT. The following is a list of casualties in this Kegiraent from the 5th to the 16th of May, 18G4 : IJ Miles from Spottstlvania C. H. , > May 16, 1864. / Although our Regiment has been under fire every day since the 6th inst., either in line of battle or on line of skirmishers, yet the largest The Campaign of 1864. 349 portion of our casualties resulted from a desperate charge upon the ene- my's entrenchments on Tuesday, May 10th, when our Regiment, with seven companies, (companies H, I and K being on skirmish line,) made a charge and carried three lines of entrenchments ; but the line on the right and left of our Brigade not coming up, the enemy brought a cross fire of musketry and artillery upon us from our right and left flanks, and, unfortunately for our cause, we had to retire again, witli a loss to our regiment of 120 out of the seven companies, our Brigade capturing and bringing out 1100 prisoners, which exceeded the actual strength of the Brigade, after the losses incurred during the charge. Our officers and men arc somewhat exhausted from the hard service — loss of rest and sleep — and severe exposure; yet we have had no sick- ness in the regiment since crossing the Rapid Ann. A''ery truly, yours, Levi IIuber, Major 96th P. Y. COMPANY A. Killed.— Capt. Edward Thomas, James Sexton, Alexander Smith, John Stodd. Wounded— Corp. Wm. Bynoon, mortally, Wm. Brown, John Donegan, John Folenei% and in enemy's hands, Edward Fenstermacher, and in enemy's hands, Daniel Hartlein and in enemy's hands, Michael O'Brien, Henry Neadhammer, Nicholas Yost, Matthew Morrell, James Lee. Missing— Sergt. Wm. Lord, Sergt. Dav. Pritchard, Corps. Chancey Nugent, Edward McCormick and Michael Larkin. COMPANY B. Killed — Andrew Bucher. H. J. Keefer, Corp. YVm. B. Pveinoehl. Wounded — Sergt. P. 11. Barr, Corp. John Ilardenack, Corp. John E. Harney, Corp. F. A. Snyder, Jac. Wanner, ^ict. Dubbs, .Foseph Minnig, Wm. A. Leffler, Jos. Sterner, Wm. Mangold, severely, Fred. Reinhard, Wm. Britten, Jos. Eich, Sol. Moyer. Missing in Action — Jno. Reed, Sergt. Dan'l Bonewitz, Sergt, C. F. Umbenhower. COMPANY G. Killed— Sergt. S. Fisher, Corp. Geo. Belker, J. Davis, L. A. Bruns. Wounded — Sergt. Geo. Foltz, severely, Sergt. James B. Oliver, Corp, Charles Fisher, severely, John Evans, severely, Martin Currey, John Hartman, John Simpson, Cyrus Shearer, Martin Carey, Adolph Lutz, Jacob Saylor, Wm. Beadle, and missing. Missing in Action— Sergt. David Williams, Corp. Frank Knittle. COMPANY D. Killed— Corp. James Gough. WouNDSD— Sergt. Ezra Hendly, Geo. A. Thomas, severely, Jacob Hart, Wm. Campbell. Missing in Action— -Sergt. Chas. Beaumont, Sergt. Sam'l Seitzinger, Edward Friel, C M P A N Y E . Killed— Sergt. Wm. Zigler, Sergt. Francis Kemp, Samuel McAffee, Jacob Wright, William Woodring, Solomon Moyer. Wounded — Lieut. -John S. Oberender, Sergt. Jno. Ixler, Corp. Jno Foley, Corp. James M. Denn, Levi Billheimer, Christian Ernst, Aaron Hettinger, Geo. Landseidle, Richard Noble, Sam. D. Sager and missing^ Charles Shadle, Jacob Sims, Sylvester Sims, Manasses Dutter, Jesse 850 The Campaign of 1864. Welsh, Enoch ITunirael, and missing, Greo. Kramer, Henry Bishlien, and missing, Geo. Stagaer, Levi Bittenbender, Wm. Ramsay. Missing in Action — Corp. Henry Roth, Corp. Lew. Frederick, Casper Hutter, Christ'n Kermesel, Elias Kishbach, Albert Klinger, John Kram- mer, Richard Lutzy, John Snyder. COMPANY F. Killed — Bartholomew Haffey, John Harley, .Jr. Wounded — Capt. E. J. Philips, 1st Sergeant Philip Reilly, Sergt. Wm. McAllister, Corp. Bo'hen I heard some one say, "Sur- render you d Yankee, it is all up with you.'' I looked up and saw The Campaign of 1864. 353 a terrible big officer swinging his sword over my head. My blood ran cold. I thought of the horrors of Libby Prison, and then I thought of home. The last thought gave me courage and strength. So I jumped for him and took him in the pit of the stomach. I then gave a yell and started on the run. I thought I was free, when another greasy Johnny presented his gun in my front, which caused me to halt. "Drop that gun, its all up with you," he said, when some one took him alongside of the head, which caused him to drop mighty sudden, and away went I, and if I did not do some tall running there is no snakes. When I got to the clearing I laid down to rest a few minutes. I then started to hunt up the Regiment. I soon found the Captain qf Co. B, We got eight men together, when the Lieut, -Colonel came, and we formed a line and rallied the stragglers. Gen. Burnside came up, and said, "Boys, don't go back, but go and support those guns," meaning a battery that had no support, which the rebels attempted to take, " and hold it at any cost." We had just taken our position when Capt. Brumm came to us with both our flags. It infused new life into us. Brumm deserves the greatest credit. He took the new flag out of the rebel hands. Our Color Sergeants were shot. We were then ordered to the front, to hold the enemy in check who were advancing. There we lay, a handful of men, sharp-shooting the enemy's pickets. Gen. Wilcox saw us there, and said, "Boys, you have done nobly," and proposed cheers for us. In the fighting up to the 21st, our Company (C) lost 42 men killed and wounded, besides eleven whom we can't account for. They went into the charge in the woods on the 13th with us, but never caine out. I am the only sergeant out of five left. The whole eight corporals are killed or wounded. The Regiment is very small. Our loss is 333. The greater part are from the first five companies. We have but five com- missioned officers left for duty in the Regiment, On the 12th one Cap- tain was killed, 2 wounded and 1 missing. One 1st Lieutenant, one 2d, and our Adjutant, are missing. J. H. Levan, Sergt. Co. C, 50th Regt., P. V. V. On the Gth of June "in Rifle Pits/' near Richmond, George Heebner of Company C, wrote to us, giving the casualties in his Company up to that date. Thej were as follows ; Killed — Ord. Sergeant Wm, H. Hill, Privates Michael Riley, Levan J. Warner, Sam, Martz, Dan. Evert, Jacob Benedict, Thomas Lloyd, Franklin Sharer, John Reed, Emanuel Eckert, Albert Bartolet. W6uNr)ED — Wm, Eckers, Peter Fritz, Christ Gulliver, Wm. Hoff'man, George Lloyd, Adam Lloyd, John Mehargue, Charles Shappell, Adam Lehwab, Irvin Tyson, Josiah Wright, Coi-p, D. T, Burkert. Sergt. Au- gustus Mellon, Chas. Oswald, Wm. Wildermuth, Henry M. Diebler, Josiah D. Lehman, Gottlieb Burkert, Corporal Henry Hill, Lieut. Wm. H. Hiney, George Cake, Wm. Koch, Lafayette Baker. Wounded and Missing — Corporal Levi Eckert, JoLa Eckert, Jacob Hehn. Missing — Sergt. David Raudenbush, Corp. John Dowdle, Privates Sam'l Agley, Elias Berger, Peter Dankle, Wm. Guertlcr, Henry Hehn, Wmi Hains, Garrett Kerrigan, Dan. Sullivan, Wm. V/illiams. 30 354 The Campaign of 1864. Mr Heebncr subsequently wrote to us again as follows : In Rifle Pits, near Petersburg, Va., \ July 1st, 1864. / It may interest you to give a narrative of our march from Cold Har- bor. On tlie niglit of the 12th inst,, we received orders to strike tents and be ready to move at a moment's notice, which order was promptly executed. It took but a foAV minutes delay, and the column was in line and ready to march. Our destination was a mystery to us. The boys passed different remarks. Some said we were going to the White House ; others thought to Harrison's Landing, and some to the south side of the James. The latter surmises were correct. While the boys were arguing this subject, the bugle sounded to move forward, when we commenced our march. It was rather a fatiguing one. We would move on per- haps a few rods, and then there would be another halt. In that man- ner we continue! during the remainder of the night. When daylight appeared we were but four miles distant from the place we started from in the evening. Shortly after daylight we halted and lit lire and cooked our breakfasts, which were ratlier scanty, comprising hard tack and coffee. Before our breakfasts were completed the bugle again sounded "forward." It took but a few minutes until the column was again in line, and proceeding on the march. We continued our march all day when we again halted in the evening and encamped for the night. Be- fore daylight appeared we were again on the march, and on the evening of the 14th inst. we arrived on the north side of the James, where we remained until the night of the 15th. The cause of our not crossing sooner was the delay in receiving pontoons. But the Engineers did very well considering the difficulties with which they had to contend. As soon as the pontoons were ready we crossed to the opposite side, but we had hardly crossed when orders were received for a forced march. We again marched, part of the time double-quick, when we arrived within ten miles of Petersburg where we halted and cooked our breakfast. We had but a few minutes to do it in. When fifteen minutes had elapsed the bugle was again sounded to forAvard, We had but a few minutes to do it in. We proceeded on, which brought us within two miles of the Cockade City. The 9th Corps was then formed in three columns. The Second Corps was also formed in the same order. In that position we remained until the next morning, when we were ordered about a half mile to the right, to the same position the Second Corps had occupied previously. We had not been in this position long before we advanced in three columns, our corps forming the left, the 2d corps the centre, and the 18th the right. Our division, which is under the command of Gen. W^ilcox, was formed in three lines. The rebels seeing us advance, com- menced shelling us very rapidly, wliich caused some delay in advancing. However at 12 o'clock we advanced through shot and shell, when we ar- rived within two hundred yards of tlie rebel breastworks. We then charged on their pits which were very formidable. The 4Gth N. Y. Volunteers, also the 24th dismounted Cavalry of the same State, together with our Ilegiment, formed the third line. We had not advanced far bo- fore the first and second line wavered and gave way to the right and left. The first thing we knew we were the first line, but we advanced with unerring aim until some of our boys were on the rebel works, but when we looked around we saw nothing but the 46th New York together with our Eegiment. Our Ilegiment being reduced down considerably by an enfilading fire from the enemy's battery, after holding the pits for a few minutes, we were compelled to fall back into the pits which the The Campaign op 1864. 355 skirmishers -had occupied. Our Brigade Commander then sent an order for the 46th New York to fall back, and our regiment to hold the pits at all hazards, which order was promptly carried out. During this engage- ment our gallant Brigade Commander, Colonel Christ, received a severe wound in the head while gallantly ui^ging his men on, in the hottest of ihe contest. * -^ « -Jt * * * I will give you a list of the casualties of our Company since June 17th : Killed — James Golles. Wounded — Edward Beiges, Samuel Hoffman, Sergt. James Levan, Jessie Wright, William Sirles. The circumstances under which Col. Christ was wounded, were thus stated at the time, by a correspondent of the N. Y. Herald : "I cannot help paying a passing compliment to the gallantry and coolness of Col. Christ, who handled his men in the most admirable manner. His quick eye scoured the battle-field, and where the enemy seemed the most determined, and where our men needed assistance, he quickly despatched his regiments. He amply redeemed the fortunes of the od Division, and it is to be regretted that his success was purchased at the price of a painful wound. A bullet struck him in the side of the head, just behind the left ear, and traversed about three inches of his skulL'' The Colonel recovered from the injury, much to the satisfaction of his men, and his many friends in Schuylkill County. On the 19th of August the Regiment, with its Division, partici- pated in a movement on the Weldon Railroad, resulting in gaining possession of the important point. It was not accomplished though without a severe fight, during which a fierce attack was made upon Gen, Wilcox's Division of the Ninth Corps. A cor- respondent of the Press, writing under date of ''The Yellow House? Aug. 20, 1864," says : "General Potter brought the 2d Division, 9th Corps, upon the right of Wilcox. General White soon took position still further to the right. — This was early in the engagement. These troops had just performed a wearisome march over soft. roads, yet they entered the fight immediately with cheerfulness and courage, holding their place upon the right with great stubbornness. The SOth Begiment of Pennsylvania Veteran Vol- unteers captured a stand of colors from the 47th Virginia. Emblazoned upon the red, white and red folds were inscriptions of thirteen engage- ments in which the Regiment had fought — from Bull Run to Mine Ruh." FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Ill this Regiment there was one, Company — -E— from this County. On the 18th of May a member of the Company wrote to us as follows : 356 The Camapign of 1864. Sudden and unexpected the entire 10th Army Corps was ordered from the Department of the South to the sacred soil of Virginia. Of this movement you have doubtless heard — of its concentration at Gloucester Point and Yorktown — of the feint at West Point, York River and of the occupation of Bermuda Hundred under General Butler. Since landing here the troops were constantly under fire for nine days until Monday morning the 16th. We had been steadily advancing towards Fort Dar- ling, driving the enemy before us with every prospect of success. But during Sunday night the 15th, the enemy, very strongly reinforced, moved upon us, and during a dense fog on Monday morning they man- aged to flank us on the left. The 18th Army Corps gave way first, fol- lowed during the morning by the 10th. Almost the whole army was thrown into confusion, and a general retreat was ordered. The 55th Regt., P. v., was the last to leave the field. Our loss in killed, wounded and prisoners was very large, but the rebels themselves must have lost even more than we did, as they did not follow up the advantage gained. Had they done so they might have added to their prisoners thousands of stragglers. So terrific was our fire, says one of the prisoners, that at onetime on the right of an entire regiment only about 40 were left from the effects of a single volley. Men who have been in some other most fierce engagements, admit that they were nothing to compare to the fight of Sunday. Rations were issued to the men on the field but the men were obliged to lie down ilat while passing their haversacks to have them filled, to avoid the shells. The 55th Regiment suffered severely in kil- led, wounded and prisoners, the great number however, were prisoners. The Regiment went into the engagement on the morning of the 16th with 900 strong, of which there were not 600 left. Entire loss in the Regiment since May 6th, 15 commissioned ofiicers and 302 enlisted men. Among the casualties are Col. Richard White (brother of Senator Harry White) killed, Lt.-Col. Frank T. Bennett, son of Daniel R. Bennett, formerly of Schuylkill County, wounded and supposed to be prisoner, Adjutant Gotschal, supposed to be killed, Capt. David Fox, Co. A, killed, Capt. James Metzger, Co, C, supposed to be killed. An entire brigade of the 18th Corps were taken prisoners. We are still in our old position gained the first day, from which they cannot drive us. There was an alarm last night and some skirmishing, during which we captured 300 prisoners, with a loss of 40 men in killed and wounded ; I understand that our men scarcely fired a shot. All the firing, of which there was considerable, was done by the rebels themselves. They supposed that they knew where our pickets lay and blazed away, but the pickets were instructed to rally, and then the first thing the rebels knew they were inside our lines, prisoners. Below is an official list of the killed, wounded, prisoners and missing of Co. E, 55th Regt., P. V., Capt. George H. Hill, from the 6th to the 16th inclusive : Killed — George Stone, Peter Reitz, Michael McNamarra, Theodore Weiser. Wounded — 1st Lieut. J. Slotterback, 2d Lieut. W. Benseftian, Sergt. John McLay, Sergt. Daniel Chester, Corp. Miles Rourke, Corp. Jacob Fluge, Privates Andrew Govan, John Madden, Henry Aumet, Chas. H. Kantner, David Wier, Thomas Wilson, George Raudenbush, Jas, Wood, Wm. P, Maggee, James S, Campbell, Haly Wren, Chas. Fritzley, Daniel Lodge, Wounded and Missing — Corp. John Maggee, Jr mes Tobin, Corp. William Kuehn, Aaron Yoder, Daniel Billman, Solomoi; BiUman, John The Campaign op 1864. 357 McCann, Luke Welsh, John Booth, Philip Anstee, Thomas Conway, Rbt. Reed, James McFarlane, George Dunlop, Thomas Patten, David Hughes, Edward Coyle, Patrick Churchfield. lii an engagement, May 20tb, the Company sustained the fol- lowing casualties : Killed — John Welsh. Wounded — Fredrick Reed and Thos. Sharp. Missing in Action — John S. Bannan, Rosewald and Stephens- On the 4th of June Capt. Hill wrote to his father as follows : Near Mechanicsville, Va., June 4, 1864. Deae Father : — I have only time to write a few lines. We left Ber- muda Hundred May 28th, and arrived at West Point on the morning of the 30th. We marched up the railroad to White House Landing, 15 miles, and on the 31st were placed in the 1st Brigade, (Gen. Stannard's) 2d Division, (Gen. Martindale's) 18th Army Corps, commanded by Maj. Gen. Smith. That afternoon we started for Grant's Army and met them here, 2J miles from Mechanicsville, on the afternoon of the first of June, and were immediately put into action, and have been kept under fire ever since. Yesterday morning our Brigade charged and took two lines of rifle pits, but were checked by a strong earthwork with heavy siege guns mounted on it. We held our position, however, though the Brigade suflfered severely ; Gen. Stannard had a ball in his leg but has not yet left the field ; every one of his staff was wounded, Our Regiment had four officers wounded and 134 men killed, wounded and missing. Capts. Shoener and Nesbitt are both wounded, which leaves me in command of the Regiment. My Company is commanded by a corporal, the only non- commissioned officer left for duty. I send a list of casualties in my company since I wrote last : Killed — Edward Lewis. Wounded — Sergt. Wm. Challinger, Color Sergt. Michael Murray, Corp, S. D. Watkins, Geo. Smith, Michael Guldin, John Fry, Still Hull. Missing — Patrick Delaney, Wm. Williamson. I was struck twice, first with a minnie ball, which went through my coat, broke my pipe and tore' my pants ; second with a splinter on the shoulder which lamed it a little- On the 8th of October Surgeon J, B, Brandt, of the Fifty-fifth, wrote to us as follows ; In the Field, Va., Army of the Jajies, 55Tn RiJg't Pa. Vols., October 8th, 1864. Casualties of the 55th Reg. Pa. Vols., Capt. Geo. H. Hill, Commanding, occurring in a charge on the rebel fortifications, in front of Richmond, near Chapin's Farm, north side of James River, Va., on Sept. 29th. 1864, viz : COMPANY A. Wounded — G. P. Barnacle, Francis Warner, Michael Hussa. Missing — Michael Bock. COMPANY B. Wounded — Corp. Frank B. Berger, Samuel Startzer, Missing — Corp. Emanuel Froehlich, James Tyson, Jac. Snyder, Amos Stout, Geo. Strickler, Jos. Wike, Ellas Howe, Wm. Idle, Tidele Biref. 30* ' } 358 The Campaign of 1864. COMPANY Q. Killed — James Robinson. Wounded and Missing — Rufus Mitchell. Missing— William A. Vance. COMPANY D. Wounded — Elias Murphy. Wounded and Missing — Sylvanus B, Summerville. Missing — Daniel Wenrich, COMPANY E. Wounded — Capt. Geo. H. Hill, Michael Golden, G. U. Kise. Wounded and Missing — Color Sergt. A. Tlanigan. Missing — Sergt. Mich. Murray, Corp. Geo. Zeinhelt, Hiram Thomas, John Jeffries, James Murphy. COMPANY F . Wounded — Geo. Wike, B. B. Black, Jacob Shauk, John Strain, Henry S. Swartz, Philip Breidenbach, George Walters, Corp. D. Myers. Wounded and Missing— Stephen Walker, Solomon Fetterman. Missing — 1st Lieut. Blaney Adaii, Corp. D. Kennedy, Harrison Over- dorff, William Cochrane, William P. Patterson. COMPANY a. Wounded — Sergt. Thomas Howe, Corp. Charles Long, J. Stiffler. Wounded and Missing— Sergt. Harry E. Eisenbise, Corp. John Lane, Harry Shorts. Missing— Sergt. D. Black, Joseph Wilders, C. Rush, Wm. Smith. COMPANY H. Wounded — 1st Sergeant Josiah Hissong, Charles Stokeman; George Ganehow, Hiram Matthews, Edmund Fisher. Missing— H. B. Slick, John A. Moyer. COMPANY I. Wounded — Matthew Garland. Wounded and Missing— Capt. John O'Neill, Sergt. Paul Mock, Corp. Alfred Ruggles, Chas.. Bisbin, Edwin Hughes. Missing— John Barr, Corp. Jno. Bartlebaugh, Phil. McCormick, Lawrence. COSIPANY K. Wounded — Corp. David Ling, Andrew Mock, F. H. Luther. Missing — Sergt. John B. Mock. Corp. John Christ, John Koch, Cyrus Gephart, Andrew Plucker, John Palmer. And again as follows : In the Field, Va,, Army of the James, 55th Reg't, Pa. Vols., October 19, 1864. _ I have the honor to submit to you the casualties occurring in this Re- giment since September 29th, 1864, viz : Wounded— William Jackson, Co; C, Ord. Sergt. Matthew Loughry, Co. F., Joseph Wyke, Co. B. Jacob Pluge, of Company E, wrote to us in October, from Cbapin's BlufF, Va., as follows : On the 4th of May last, we left Gloucester Point with the Army un- der G«n. Butler. On the 6th we arrived at Bermuda Hundred and dis- } The Campaign of 1864. 359 embarked. We then had some slight skirmishing with the enemy, and on the night of the 7th we threw up entrenchments. On Monday, the 9th, we marched out in the direction of Petersburg ; fought the battle of Swift Creek, and drove the rebels about a mile. Rested till Tuesday morning, wlaen we discovered the enemy in our rear, when we faced about and gave them a complete threshing, and marched in pursuit till we cam.e to the Halfway House, where we found them strongly entrenched on a commanding position. After some manoeuvring and fighting, we drove them out. Next followed the battle of Red Creek, and on Mon- day, the I6th of May, the enemy being strongly reinforced, succeeded in breaking our lines, when we thought it prudent to retire. A few days after we left for Cold Harbor, where we had several heavy battles — one on the 27th of iNIay, and one on the 1st June, in which we lost many brave comrades. The next thing was another flajik movement, and we made a strike for Petersburg, in which our Corps had the advance, and after several very heavy battles we again had recourse to the pick and spade. After the 18th of June we had no regular engagement until the 29th of September, when we made an advance on Richmond on the North side of the James, and after a day's hard fighting, we rested our weary limbs in and about Fort Harrison. At 8, P. M., 29th, our little Regiment was ordered to charge and take a line of entrenchments in our front, which proved to be a cuain of redoubts, connected by a strong line of breastworks. According to orders, Capt. G. H. Hill gave the command, and his gallant little band will all say that they were never led by a braver officer. With the 158th New York Regiment to support us, we charged and went to within fifty yards of the works, under a most terrific fire from at least 15 pieces of artillery and 1500 infantry. Finding that our support had all left us, and tried to save themselves, we had to give up the chase. Our loss in this charge was 80 out of 160. Our Regiment, which numbered 1500 in May, is reduced to 250 for duty, including a number of wounded that have lately returned. FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Company K of this Kegimentj was recruited in this County. — The casualties in it, as reported to us by Sergt. Isaac B. Jones were as follows : Wounded — Capt. Ira N. Bennett, 2d Lieut. Samuel Shaw, Sergt. Geo. Allison, Corp. Michael Maher, Corp. John Flanaakers, since died, Corp, William Bowers, since died, Wm. H. Reynolds, Washington Trout, Wm. N. Roeport, Michael Luby, Daniel Hess, Reuben Seccolty, Cabren Waltz, James Albert, Edward Warren, Cyrus Madanies, Solomon Benker, Henry W. Barkley. Camp at the Yellow House, ON the Weldon Rail Road, Va. September 5t.h, 1864. Enclosed find list of killed and wounded of the 56th Reg't., P, V. V, in the engagement on the Weldon Railroad, August 18, 19, 20 and 21 : COMPANY A. Wounded — Corp. Nelson Early. 864. J 360 The Campaign of 1864. COMPANY B. Killed — Hugh McFaden. ' Wounded — Westley M. Brubecker. COMPANY C. Killed — Michael Harley. Wounded — Modest Rubonock. COMPANY D. Wounded — Modest Welger, COMPANY G, Wounded,— ^Edward Philips. COMPANY H. WouNDEB — ^Thomas Cochlin, Patrick Cannon, John Fisher. COMPANY I., Killed — John G. Lebo. Wounded — T. H. Cyres, AVm. Reeves, Lyman Ayers. COMPANY K. Killed — Isaiah Wilbur. Wounded — Capt. I. N. Bennett, 1st Sergt. Jared B. Colven, Christian Kir, Robert Kain, Jacob Harrill, since died, David P. Craig, Matthias Herlinger, Washington Trout, George Night, John Lovegrovf. From a Schuylkill Vetbban. SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. COMPANY K. Killed — Geo. Rice. Wounded — Charles Ewing, Edward Hause, Burd Vliet, Pat'k McBtr- mott, John Bauman, S. Hayes. EIGHTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. COMPANY A. Killed— r^Amos Fisher. Wounded — George Beaumont, Albert Keen, William Heller, Franklin Plotz, George Clingiman, John Use, William Ready, Charles RoUen, Cyrus Strawhecker, Corp. Wesley Hoffman, Ross Hoffman, Corp. David Whitaker, William Meror. Missing— Sergt. Jacob P. Becker, Isaac Matthews. NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT. Wounded — Jacob Fox. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. COMPANY a. Wounded — Capt. Frank Leib, Corp. Samuel S. Kramer, Corp. Abra'm Faust, Eli Boyer, Thos. Miller, Frank Reber, Henry Deitzler, Henry Seitzinger, Wm. B. Himback, George Fribey, Henry Trumbo, John Sher- man, Jacob Shilthorn, Lewis De Long, Jonathan Moyer. The Campaign of 1864. 361 Missing — George Wildermutli, Adam Beachncr, Peter Snyder, Wm, Himback. All of the above belonged to this County. SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY. COMPANY II .— ( CajH. Wm Thompson.^ Killed — Sergt. Emanuel Moyer, Philip Troy, Joel Koons. Wounded — Sergt, Wm. Rupert, Sergt. Thomas Hock, left behind in a rebel hospital, Geo. W. Bankers, Elias E. Reed. Subsequently, in Northern Virginia, the Company saw active service under Sheridan. Its casualties were : Wounded — Capt. Wm. Thompson, Philip Artz, George Douter, Corp. Lewis Langdon, Daniel Derr. Captured — Thomas Herbert, Jacob Worms, Charles Eyrster, Chas. Mairain, Michael Shover, John Snyder, Joseph Bidlow, Wm. Zimmer- man, Franklin Shubb, Levi Michael. TWENTY-FIRST CAVALRY. Sergeant R. S. Lerich, of Company H, wrote to us under date *^Camp near Petersburg, July 9, 1864/' as follows : We have been in several hot engagements since we have been in the front, one on the ed of June near Cold Harbor, and on the 18th near Petersburg, and 22d near Petersburg also. We had wounded in three actions as follows : Wounded — Sergt. Ed. Heckman, Corp. Jeremiah K. Lehman, George Reinoehl, Jas. McClennan, Thomas McGouger. While the great Captain, Grant, was fighting these memorable battles in Virginia, his able Lieutenant — Sherman — was pushing southward with a splendid army, from Chattanooga to Atlanta. — In a series of battles, as brilliant as any ever fought on this con- tinent, he invariably defeated the rebels, and in September Atlanta succumbed to our victorious arms. The largest representation of Schuylkill County in his army, was in the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, a Regiment that had acquired a great reputation in the West for its fighting qualities. In Company F, One Hundred and Ninth Pennsylvania Reg't, there were also many men from this County. They were engaged near Dallas, Ga., May 25th and 28th, and sustained the following casualties : Killed — Sergt. John F. Mundy, Josiah W. Matthews. Wounded — Jonathan Humphreys, John Prosser, Wm. Boran, James Boran, Thos. E. Lewis, Ord. Sergt. R. J. Quigley, Sergt. J. M. R. Storej'. 862 The Campaign or 18C4. SEVENTH CAVALRY. Tliis Regiment during Sherman's campaign was engaged in many raids, skirmishes and battles, rendering on all occasions the most effective service. In a letter to us, from a member of the Regiment, dated ^' Camp before Marietta, Ga., July 2d, 1864,'' we received the following list of casualties sustained by the Re- giment from April 2Sth to May 31st, inclusive : COMPANY A. Wounded — Gustavus Wetzel, William 11. Waldron. TRisoNprn — William Anspach. COMPANY B _ Killed — Sergt. Potev Longwell, Sei-gt. James R. Klack, Wounded — Corp. John II. Yeomans, Allen E. Williams, David Mc- Clintock, lienjamin F. Warren. Prison ERS — Daniel Iloflfer, John A. Pattou. G M P A N Y C . Wounded — George L. Covert. Prisoners — Henry 11. Morrisson, William TI. H. Thomas, Robert M. Cummings. COMPANY D. Wounded — Corp. Ileni-y Art man. COMPANY E. Wounded — Robert T. Mowrer, William Rishel. C M P A N Y P . Killed — Patrick McLaughlin. Wounded — Jacob Beler, David Williams, John Dener, missing. Prisoner — Capt. Cyrus Newlin. C .M P A N Y G . Wounded — Samuel Muller. COxMPANY- H. Wounded — Thomas Lowe. C03IPANY I. Killed — Sergt. James Fleming. Wounded — Josiah Mahafty, Andrew Duflford, Corp. James Waters. COMPANY K. Killed — Archibald Mulicr. Wounded — Jacob Secrist, Ord. Sergt. George Herr, Chas. Tennis, Exra I'owman, Corp. Abraham Kepperl3^ COMPANY L. Wounded — ITonry M. Berger, Henry Siegfried. Prisoner — Henry Rider. C 31 P A N Y M . Killed — Adam James, William Ainsworth. Wounded — Corp. Edward L. Beck, Maloney, Theodore P. Seip, Josiah Coxey, John Crook, missing. The Campaign of 1864. 36S A DARING ATTACK. When Gen. Sherman's x\rmy arrived in front of Atlanta, and laid siege to the place, a plan was formed to attack the enemy's communications, to cut off his supplies. For the daring and ha25- ardous work the best cavalry in the army was selected, the Seventh being among them. The object was accomplished after severe fighting and loss. The annexed graphic description of the oper- ations was furnished to us by. an esteemed friend who participated in the movement as a soldier of the Seventh : Camp Ttii Pa. Vet. Cavaley, In Front of Atlanta, Ga., August 23d, 18G4. Since tlie date of my last communication, up to the ITtli of this month, nothing worthy of note happened to the old 7th. We were out on two or three raids, destroyed several miles of railroad for the "John- nies" at and near Covington on the line of road between Atlanta and Augusta, captured about two hundred horses and mules, and about half that number of "Free Americans of African Descent," served two weeks in the breastworks dismounted, and were beginning to think we were destined to remain there until Atlanta had fallen, when we were ordered back to our horses on the 15th inst. Eumor said we were to make an- other raid, and we were looking anxiously for some defi»ite information, when about sundown of the 17th we were ordered to be ready to move at nine o'clock that evening with five days' rations from the morning of tiie 19th. About midnight we moved out and at seven o'clock on the morning of the 18th were at Sandtown, a small village on the Chatta- hootchie River some sixteen miles below tlie Rail Road bridge. Up to this time we were in the dark as to what we were to do, or where we were going to do it. We now found we were to form part of the force which, under the command of Brig. Gen. Kilpatrick, were to make an attack on the enemy's communications, and endeavor to cut the Macon Hail Road. I cannot better convey to you the object of the expedition than by giving you the circular issued by the commanding officer. It is as follows : HEAD-QrAETERS Cav.\t,rv Expedition, D. C. > Samdtown, Ga., August IS, 1S64. / Soldiers ! Yon have been selected from the Cavah-y Divisions of the Army of the Cumberland. You have been well organized, equipped and rendered formidable at a great expense to accomplish an object vital to the success of our cause. I am about to lead you, not on a raid, but iu a deliberate and well combined attack upon the enemy's communications, in order that he may be unable to supply his army in A tknita. Two expeditions have already failed. We are the last cavalry troops of the army. Let each eoldJer remember this and resolve to accomplish the great object for which so much Is risked or die trying. (Siguedj J. KiLrATRIOK, Brig. Gen. Commanding. At Sandtown on the l8th the column moved. It consisted of the 3d Division, composed of Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois Cavalry, on« Brigade of the 1st Division, and two Brigades of ours, the 2d Division, composed of Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania cavalry. The advance struck the enemy's pickets five miles from Sandtowri. — They oflFered but feeble resistance however, and we met Avith no seriotts opposition until daylight the 19th, when we struck the Montgomery Rail 364 The Campaign of 1864. Road at Red Oaks. Here the Rebs were strongly posted parallel to the road, and had their artillery so posted that they could, as they supposed, hold us in check, but orders were given to keep well closed up, and keep pressing forward. They threw their shells with a rapidity and accuracy that told upon our ranks, but at length seeing that we were getting to their rear, they concluded it was time for them to be leaving, so they left on a double quick towards Jonesboro. We following closely in their rear, drove them all day, and at dusk struck the Macon Rail Road at Jonesboro. At this point we destroyed over three miles of track, burned the depot and several other buildings, used by the Confederate Govern- ment as store houses, and an iron water tank. The latter for a time de- fied our efforts to render it useless, but at last we brought a piece ©f ar- tillery to bear upon it, and I rather think it will take more than South- ern ingenuity to stop all the holes we knocked through it. As soon as the work of destruction was accomplished, the expedition was on the move and taking the Covington road daylight of the 20th, found us ten or twelve miles from .Jonesboro. Here we halted at a church for an hour. The enemy who were following us were held in check by our rear guard. We then took a road to the left and struck the main road from McDonough to Fayetteville, and pushed rapidly forward till about noon, when we struck the enemy in force at our front. At this point the 4th Michigan Cavalry struck off to the right to Lovejoy Station to destroy the Rail Road at that point. They succeeded in their object, without meeting with any opposition. Our Regiment was thrown into the woods at the right of the road, and then dismounted and commenced feeling the enemy. They soon found them, and being too strong for our number, the 4tUU. S. was sent to our assistance and shortly afterwards the 2d Brigade of our Division. We then charged the rebs and drove them some distance, when they rallied and in turn drove us. Mean- while the force in our rear was pushing us hard ; they threw shells from front and rear into our columns. After fighting on foot for some time in which neither party appeared to gain much, we were ordered to mount, which we did. We were formed in columns of regiments, and ordered to charge. Our Regiment was on the right, the 4th Michigan in the centre, and the 4th U. S. was on the left of the road. Another Brigade was formed in like manner. When every thing was ready the word was given ; and in they went. Words can scarcely portray the terrible sublimity of that charge. The air \gas filled with bursting shells and musket balls. The ground fairly trembled under the tread of a thousand horses. As they get nearer the foe the grape and canister come tearing through the ranks, yet nothing can stop our rushing col- umns. Nearer they come to the yet unbroken line. Now they close up- on them with a yell which drowns the roar of artillery and the crack of the musket. Now the rebel line is broken and is fleeing in wild disorder. Man}' are cut down with the sabre and many more trodden under foot by the horses. The field is won, the victory is ours, and wild and exultant is the cheer that makes the very welkin ring. Their battery is silenced. One of the pieces we brought with us, and the others were spiked and rendered perfectly useless. We had some more hard fighting, bat as usual were victorious. The same afternoon the whole command forded Cotton River, which was so swollen that the horses had to swim. The next day, the 21st, we cross- ed Yellow River and destroyed four bridges after we had crossed, and yesterday, the 22d, the command came in by way of Decatur, having made a circle around Atlanta. The Camjpaign op 1864. 865 We accomplished our object, but when we look around for familiar faces, and look in vain for many who but a weeks ago were full of life and hope, we realize the cost of our expedition. Capt. Heber Thompson is missing. The last seen of him he was ral- lying the men to take the artillery. His horse was shot and he was dis- mounted. Capt, Percy H. White is missing. We know that he was wounded, but trust it was not a fatal wound. The casualties of men from Schuylkill County, are as follows : COMPANY A. Killed — David L. Davis. Wounded — Alonzo E. Kline. Wounded and Missing — Sergt. David P. Reese, Francis Weiglej, Wm. Robinson, Peter Mulcachey. COMPANY F. Wounded and Missing — Corp. Geo. M. Boyer. COMPANY I. Wounded — Orvin P. Keehoe. Wounded and Missing — Levi Seibert. COMPANY L. Wounded — Corp. Charles M. Kantner. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH REGIMENT. For the following muster-roll of Co. F, llGth Regiment, which was recruited in Schuylkill County in the Spring of 1864, we are indebted to Mr. John G-. Hahn, a member of the Company. The letter was not received in time to insert the roll where it properly belongs, in the list of men recruited at that time. We are how- ever, thankful that we have, under any circumstances, so com- plete a roll of the Company. The Company up to March, 1865, had been in seventeen en- gagements, and Mr. Hahn also sends us a list of the casualties sustained, which is very acceptable, as we desire our record to be as full as possible. The following is the muster-roll of the Company, as it stood in March, 1865 : COMPANY F. Captain, WILLIAM A. SHOENER. 2d Corporal, Dan. B. Bbrkheiser. 1^^ itewf., George Reber. Zd " Solomon Evely. lat Sergeant, Edward S. Kline. ^th " Chr. Dieffenderfer, 2d " William M. Wagner, bth " Levi P. Miller. 3c? '' Horace B. Klock. Qth " William L. Hutton. ^th «' Daniel Moyer. 1th " Solomon Kamp. ^ih " Charles Maurer. Musician, Jacob Schrckder. Iji Corj9oraZ, William Emericii. <' Daniel Kramer. 31 sm> The Campaign of 1864. Company F, One Hundred & Sixteenth Regt. — Continued. Aikman, William Adams, David M. Berkheiser, Benjamin Bi'igel, Franklin Berger, Henry H. Brummer, David H. Day, James Dohrman, John H. Derulf, Elam Ditzler, Elias Ditzler, Thomas Dolan, Michael Eveley, Moses Faust, Semana Fahl, Daniel Freese, Gideon Henne, Daniel Hahn, John G. Hendricks, Albert PRIVATES": Johnson, Joseph M. Kamp, Reuben Kramer, Thomas Knapp, Cyrus Kramer, Francis Kramer Samuel Kramer, Francis S. Koch, Josiah Lawrence, Jeremiah Lahme, Jonathan Linn, Daniel Moyer, June Moyer, Charles H. Moyer, Lewis E. Mengle, Reuben Moyer, Charles Miller, Lewis M. Moyer, Albert L. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, . _ - Morgan, Joseph P. Murphy, Daniel Nyer, Isaac Rahn, Jacob Reichert, Christian Reber, Joseph B. Reinheimer, Alfred Reppert, Henry Reber, Franklin Shoener, Morgan Smith, Clayton Woollis, Willoughby Wagner, Martin M. Wagner, John Webber, Franklin Webber, William H. Wagner, Franklin Webber, William 2 12 2 55 71 The casualties of the Company were as follows : DiscHAKGEu — Capt. Wellington Jones, (certificate of disability.) Tobias W. Miller, " Resigned — 1st Lieut. P. H. Frail ey. Teansferked — Owen Eastman. Killed in Action — James White, Corp. Adam Wagner, Lewis Hein- bach, Joshua Eveley. Died of Wounds Received in Action — Charles Reichert, Charlfea Houk, John A. Berger, Corp. William Moser, Nathan Raush, Joseph Wagner, Richard Shoener. Died op Disease— John J. Hanker, Levi Herring, John Freese, Per- amus Hoffman, Amos Reppert, John Warner. Wounded— 1st Lieut. Geo. Reber, 1st Sergt. Edward S. Kline, Sergt. Wm. M. Wagner, Corp. Solomon Eveley, Corp. Wm. L. Hutton, Daniel Kramer, Moses Eveley, John G. Hahn, Jos. M. Johnson, Cyrus Knapp, Francis S. Kramer, Jonathan Lahme, Christ. Reichert, Alfred Reinhei- mer, Henry Reppert, Willoughby Woollis, Franklin Webber. Captured — Sergt. Dan. Moyer, Corp. Wm. Emerich, Corp. Dan. B. Berkheiser, Corp. Christ. Dieftenderfer, Jacob Schroeder, Wm. Aikman, Dav. M. Adams, Benjamin Berkheiser, Franklin Brigel, Henry H. Ber- ger, David H. Brummer, James Day, John H. Dohrman, Elam Derulf, Daniel Fahl, Dan. Henn, Reuben Kamp, Thomas Kramer, Josiah Koch, Charles H. Moyer, Charles Moyer, Cliristian Reichert, Joseph B. Reber, Franklin Reber, Morgan Shoener, Clayton Smith, Martin M. Wagner, John Wagner, William Webber. \ The Campaign of 1864. 367 The Company has participated in the following named engage- ments, since time of organization, February 1, 1864 : Wilderness, May 5t.h, 1864; Wilderness, May Gth, 1864; Todd Tavern, May 8tli, 1864; Po River, May 8th, 1864; Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864; Spottsylvania, May 18th, 1864; Graine's Farm, May 21st, 1864; Tullapa- tomie Creek, May 3 1st, 1864; Cold Harbor, June 3d, 1864; Petersburg, June 16th 1864; AVilliams' Farm, June 22d, 1864; Deep Bottom, July 27, 1864; Deep Bottom, August 14th and 15th, 1864; Reame Station, August 25th, 1864; Raid to Hatcher's Run, Dec. 9th and 10th, 1864; Raid to Hatcher's Run, February 5th to 0th, 1865; Dabney Mill, Feb. 5th, 1865. THE ONE HUNDRED DAYS' MEN. Early in July a rebel force under Generals Early and Brecken- ridge, invaded Maryland, threatening Pennsylvania and Washing- ton. A battle was fought on the Monocacy in Maryland, which checked the rebels, saved Baltimore, and when they reached Washington they were easily repulsed and driven back into Vir- ginia. On the 6th of July Governor Curtin issued a call for twelve thousand volunteers to serve for one hundred days at Washington and vicinity. Gen. James Nagle of Pottsville, proceeded at once under the call, to organize a Regiment at Harrisburg. On the 24th of July it left Harrisburg for Baltimore, in which vicinity it did duty during its term of service. The field and staff ofdcers were aa follows : Colo7iel— JAMES NAGLE, Schuylkill County. Lieut.-Col. — Richard McMichael, Berks County. Major — 0. D. Jenkins, Schuylkill County. Adjutant — John* H. Schall, Schuylkill County. Quartermaster — Henry C. Demming, Dauphin County. Surgeon — J. P. Ashcom^ Chaplain — C. II, McDermond. The Schuylkill County Companies in the organization were Com- panies C and 11, 194th Pcnn. Regiment. The muster-rolls of these Companies are as follows : ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FOURTH PA. REG'T. COMPANY C. Captain, ZACUR C. POTT. \st Sergeant, Hudson C. Kind. lit Lieutenant, Thos. J. Foster. 2o? " Henry Walbridge. 2d Lieutenant, Joan G. Qv&s. Zd «* Daniel W. Filbert. Bes The Camapign. of 1864. Comp'y C, One Hundred & Ninety-Fourth Reg. — Contm'oed. 4tth Sergeant, Robt. M. Palmer. 5fA " Jacob Riegel. lat Corporal, Milton Williams. 'Id " Henry Deibert. Zd " Byron 0. Manvillb. 4M " Wm. Helms. bth Corporal, Amos Boyer, %th "ith " Musician . Anstock, David Burkhart, John Bauseman, Henry Bausemaii, .John Bailer, Jacob Botts, Jacob Brownmiller, Chas. Brown, Samuel Bertram Frank Beyerle, Henry Beacher, Wm. Bathurst, James Conrate, Levi Cake, Raphael Collins, Geo. Chrisman, Jacob Daubeuspeck, Wm. Doiighman, Miles Eccard, Edward Frehafer, E. W. Fernsler, Alonzo Fernsler, Jno. J. Forrer, Geo. Fuchs, John E. PRIVATES : Gerz, Joseph Gluntz, Henry . Ginter, Dan'l Hepler, Wm. Huntzinger, J, A. Hodgson, James N. Hame, George Hardy, Isaac Hoffman, Albert Hoffman, Herman Jordan, Michael Johnson, John Kauffman, Geo, Kalbach, Wm. Keller, Joshua Klinger, Wm. Laury, Geo, Lynch, James McGlone, Pat'k Matthews, Thomas Moran, Andrew Nimeiton, Henry Neff, John Nash, John A. Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, _ _ - Total, . - . ^ James Glovek, Thos. Welsh. T. P. Gould. Frederick Orrum. John Kohler. Phillips, Thos. H. Queeny, Wm. Rhorig, Pat'k. Rahn, George Ptoaney, John Shoener, Charles Schmelzer, John Strohmeier, Henry Skeen, George Sterner, Jonathan Smith, Oliver Shay, William Sands, Eugene Steffee, Andrew Setley, Victor Toohey, Wm. Trexler, Franklin Uble. Joseph Weidel, Felix Wiltrout, Dan'l Williams, Richard Walbridge, John Wortz, Wm. 3 - 13 - - 2 - 71 COMPANY H. Captain, GEO. W. STAATS. Ist Lieutenant, John W. Kantner, 2d Lieutenant, Fb. S. Haeseleb. lit Serjeant, Jno. H. Jervis. '2d " Jos. Boedefeld. M " Wm. Christian. 4tih " Jas. Hughes. bih " John Kirkpatrick. Brev.-Sergt., John Rigg. PRIV. Allen, Elijah Bomm John Burns, Michael Chestnut, Jas 2d Corporal, Jos. Redcay. 3fZ ' RoBT. Wilson. Ath ' Wm. Dicus. 5tk ' ' Arthur Conneby. (^th ' Jas. Dolan. 7th ' ' Albert Haeseler. 8th ' Lewis Kline. 3Iusiciai I, Jas. Sterling. Jno. Snyder. AILS : Davis, Thos. as. Davis, Jno. W. The Campaign op 1864, 369 Comp'y H; One Hundred & Ninety-Fourth Reg.^ — Continued. Delaney, Jas. Fisher, Benj. ,F. Faults, Henry Fox, Geo. Faust, Jacob M Francis, Wm. H. Gottschall, Geo Good, Isaac K. Hoffman, Elijah Howard, Chas. Howells, Benj. Hood, Harrison Horn, Philip Houck, Kobti Klahr, Philip J. Kleident, Adam Leonard, Jas. Lewis, Jonah McGee, Thos. McGee, Conrad Madison, Jas. Morgan, Wm. Martin, George Moore, David TVfiller, Jacob O'Brien, James Purnell, Isaac Reynolds, Michael Reiggle, Benj. Reed, Samuel Roiman, Wendall Ramsay, Edward Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, Musicians, Privates, . . - Totals . , « , Sterner, Jeremiah Smith, Wm. Smith, Benj. F. Sillyman, John Shaub, Emanuel Shertel, Wm. G. Sponsler, Wnr. ' Snow, Peter Ulmer, Chas. Umberger, Michael Wren, Thomas Watkins, Nicholas Williams, John Wolfinger, John Yeager, Chas. A. 3 - 13 2 - 53 71 RECAPITULATION, Field and Staff, 3 Company C, * • • - - - - - 89 Company H,. -•••---- 71 Total, - 163 LAMBERT'S INDEPENDENT CAVALRY. Of this organization of hundred days'^ men, which rendered valuable service on the frontier of Pennsylvania and in other sec- tions of the State, during its term of service, the following mem- bers were from Schuylkill County : 1st Lieutenant, W. F. Austin. Sergeant, John A. Patterson. '* Corporalj Solomon Foster, Jb. " PRIVATES BlUington, Aaron Lawton, F. N. Eiler, George W. Parry, William Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, - Privates, - • - - Corporal, James Morris. '* William Ramsey. " Whitfield, Roland S. Russel, James Rhoads, Geo. 1 - 4 6 Total, - 31* 11 3T0 TiiE Campaign of 1864. GRAND RECAPITULATION. One Hundred and Ninety-Fourth Regiment, - 164 Lambert's Independent Cavalry, - - - - 11 Grand Total, 175 RETURN HOME OF THE NINETY-SIXTH REGIMENT. The term of service of this Yeteran Regiment having expired, it returned home in September to be mustered out of service. — The Schuylkill County members reached Pottsville on the 26th, and as their arrival on that evening was unexpected, they met ax" impromptu but spirited reception. Early in the evening Centre street throughout its entire length, was beautifully illuminated, and when the train arrived, rockets, roman candles, etc., added beauty to the scene. The Regiment was escorted from the Depot to the Union Hotel, by cavalry stationed here, by our fire com- panies, and by one of the largest processions of citizens we ever witnessed here. The veterans marched up amid enthusiastic cheers of welcome and the waving of myriads of handkerchiefs in the hands of fair ladies. The scene was most inspiring and beautiful. A citizen of thirty-three years residence here, said to us, "The town has often been in a blaze of enthusiasm, but really, this is the most extensive conflagration with the people's hearts for fuel, that I ever saw here.'' Pottsville, indeed, representing Schuylkill County, welcomed with her whole soul, our brave boys back from their three years of honorable service in the cause of truths justice and human rights. The Regiment came back with one hundred and twenty men. Three years before it left Pottsville a thousand strong. The bullet and disease had done their work, and many who left here in full health and vigor, fill graves in Virginia or on our hills. When the Regiment reached the Union Hotel, it partook of a collation hastily prepared, but still acceptable to the tired soldiers, when they were welcomed home by the Hon. C. W. Pitman, in a brief but eloquent speech. The soldiers then sought "home, sweet home;" doubly appreciated by him who has seoQ three years of hard service in the field. The Campaign of 1864. 371 Addresses to the large crowd, of citizens that remained, wei-e gubsequently delivered by Mr. 0. A. Bosbyshell, Wm. Garrett and Professor Dunbar. During the following week discharged Veterans of the Forty- Eighth Regiment and Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, to the num- ber of about a hundred, reached Schuylkill County, and met an equally spirited welcome home. Early in November, the One Hundred and Ninety-Fourth Re- giment, Col. James Nagle, and Lambert's Independent Cavalry — one hundred days' mea — were mustered out of the service, and the members returned home. CALL FOR FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN. Washington, Monday, July 18, 1864. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, A PIIOCLA3IATION. Whereas, By the act, approved July 4, 1864, entitled, <'Au Act further to regulate and provide for the enrolling and calling out the national forces, and for other purposes," it is provided that the President of the United States may, at his discretion, at any time hereafter^ call for any number of men as volunteers, for the respective terms of one, two and three years, for military service, and "that in case the quota or any part thereof of any town, township, ward of a city, precinct or election district, or of a count}- not so sub-divided, shall 'not be filled within the space of fift^y days after such call, then the President shall immediately order a draft for one year to fill such quota, ©r any part thereof, which may be unfilled. And ivhereas, The new enrollment heretofore ordered is so far com- pleted as that the aforementioned act of Congress may now be put in operation for recruiting and keeping up the strength of the armies in the field, for garrisons, and such military operations as may be required for the purpose of suppressing the Rebellion and restoring the authority of the United States Government in the insurgent States ; Now, therefore, 1, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, do issue this my call for five hundred thousand volunteers for the mili- tary service : provided, nevertheless, that all credits which may bo established under section eight of the aforesaid act, on account of per- Bons who have entered the naval service during the present Rebellion, and by credits for men furnished to the military service in excess of oalls heretofore made for volunteers, will be accepted under this call for one, two or three years, as they may elect, and will be entitled to the bounty provided by the law for the period of service for which they anlist. And I hereby proclaim, order and direct that, immediately after the Uh day of September, 1864, being fifty days from the date of this call, 872 The CAMPAiaN of 1864. a draft for troops to serve for one_ year, shall be held in every town, township, ward of a city, precinct, election district, or a county not so sub-divided, to fill the quota which shall be assigned to if under this call^ or any part thereof which may be unfilled by volunteers on the said 5th day of September, 1864. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my [l.s.] hand, and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this 18th day of July, in the year of oux Lord, 1864, and of the independence of the United States, the 89th. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President : Wm. H. Seward, Sec. c^' State. Under this call the yarious sub-districts of the County went to work to fill up their respective quotas with volunteers. The names (^ the men and of the regiments they entered, are as follows : FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. COMPANY A. Peter, John Total, - . ^ , . - - t COMPANY C. Sturm, Joseph Total, - 1 COMPANY E. Danlop, Archibald Muir, Michael Meredith, Robert Heisler, George J. Total, 4 COMPANY F. Miller, David Miller, John Total, - ... ^ - - 2- COMPANY G. Carl, Peter Laub, Charles Rudolph, John Galligan, Patrick Total, 4 COMPANY H. Craw, Henry Lloyd, Thomas Raup, George M. Hallady, George Miller, Jacob Road, John Hetherington, James D. Price, William, Thompson, Josiah W. Judge, John Total, ,.---.. 10 COMPANY I. Boyer, Wesley Freed, Samuel Neyman, Jacob Total, 3 COMPANY K. CftBhan, Michael Fenstermacher, Henry Snyder, Paul Ebert, Jacob Kline, Benjamin F. Total, .--.--* 4. The Campaign of 1864. 378 RECAPITULATION. Company A, -. -1 " C, 1 «• E, 4 F, - - 2 «' a, 4 '• H, 10 "I, 3 " K, 5 Total, - . 30 THIRD PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY/ Frank, Adam Total, Gallagher, James Total, Britt, Henry Bartholomew, Mon'han Brahany, Edward Brennan, Patrick P. Boas, John Brennan, William Brennan, Michael Brennan, Richard Bennet, Samuel Brown John Bergen, Michael Bell, William Bowen, John Burns, James Gurry, Thomas Crean, Patrick Cardan, Patrick Cameron, Henry Cowan, John Cowry, Patrick Carey, Edward Cromin, Thomas Cain, Martin Carney, Thomas I)olan, Patrick Donahoe, John Davis, David Dougherty, John Donahoe, Edward Total, COMPANY A Morgan, Richard COMPANY C COMPANY L Devine, Thomas Darragh, James Davis, John Evans, William Farrell, James Gillaspy, Patrick Garrety, James Goulden, Edward Horan, Thomas Hope, Dominick Hurley, John Hall, William Kelly, Thomas Kelly, Patrick Kline, Wm. E. Kinney, Edward Langton, Patrick Larkin, Patrick Lewis, William M. McKeever, Bernard McAndrew, Daniel McGlinn, John Mulheran, William McGowan, John Morrissey, Edward McAllister, Henry Mulhall, Edward McGovern, James Murphy, James Murphy, Michael McBrearty, Patrick INIorgan, Thomas McLaughlin, John Michael, William Mullany, Michael Norton, Patrick O'Neal, Michael O'Neill, Thomas Owens, Morgan P. Piatt, Thomas Parry, David Phillips, David Peel, Richard Ross, William Riley, Thomas Pvyan, Dennis Rose, Thomas Riley, Henry Renfrew, James Sweeney, James Shivelhut, George Saddler, Joseph Waters, John Whitaker, John Watkins, James Wilkins, James 85 3T4 The Campaign of 1864. RECAPITULATION. Compahy, A, --------2 " • C, - - 1 ♦' L, - 85 Total, 88 FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY B. Boyer, Charles Luckenbill, Henry Smith, David Total, - - 3 COMPANY C. IJensinger, William F, Hopkins, John Price, John Bensinger, Franklin E. Horn, Joseph Price, William Britton, Daniel il. Hartz, Israel Remley, John H. Brady, John Hannon, James J. Spallman, Patrick Blasius, Lewis Jones, Richard TI. Snow, Peter Crouthamel, Milton Jones, David Seitzinger, Charles A. Donahoe, James Klees, Abner G. Seitzinger, John L. Durang, Philip Kleesner, Peter Smith, Charles H. Dillman, AVilliam Kuhter, Moses Stahl, John Dorn, Peter Mertz, SMUiuel A. Shane, Jacob Evans, Thomas B. iMock, Charles Teple, Robert Ettriugham, John Maicks, Edward C. Theobald, Geojrge Fetterman, George Murray, William Treibley, Benj. F. Fethcrolf, Joseph Meyer, Peter ' Thomas, John Feist, Joseph Merkert, John W, Wentzel, Jonas Gartland, Daniel McManaman, Daniel Wilson, Peter S. Oegler, Anthony Owens, Thomas Warnich, Henry Houser, Theodore OShaughnessy, Mich. Total, 53 COMPANY E. Bummersbach, Peter Ford, Oswald Total, 2 COMPANY H. Roberts, Benjamin R, Total, 1 COMPANY M . Mason, Edward Sykes, George Total, - 2 RECAPITULATION. Company B, -- 3 " C, __.---. -53 " E, 2 " H, 1 " M, 2 Total, 61 The Campaign of 1864. 375 SEVENTEENTH PENN. CAVALEY. COMPANY F. Davies, David Morris, Thomas Raker, Isaac Evans, David Morris, Joseph Stephens, Thomas Jones, Thomas Morgan Thomas Thomas Frederick Jones, Richard Price, Henry Williams, John J. Loftus, Thomas Reese, Benjamin Total, - - 14 ' COMPANY H. Beaver, Frank Hasher, Bernard Neier, Charles Bucher, John C. John, Henry T. O'Shaughness}^ Peter Brennan, Luke Johnson, Lloyd, AV. Pliillips, George Carl, Jacob Knicher, Abraham Parke, Melvin S. Casey, Thomas Kline, Felix Plappert, George Conley, Michael Kline, Jacob Boeder, Nathaniel Cleaver, Jesse Y. Kestenboimder, James Rumbel, "William Depken, Henry Kallenbach, Otto Rohan, Peter Etzel, Gottfried Lloyd, Michael L. Rider, Lloyd T. Fetterman, Benjamin Lindenmuth, Henry Sommar, Andrew Fisher, Allen B. McMullen, Daniel Schmitz, Nicholas Graham, James Mears, Commodore P. Schlee, Joseph Good, Alfred Mourer, Peter "VVatkins, Edward Gable, Solomon Marks, Jonas Werntz, Peter Glen, David G. Miner, Theodore Yeich, Daniel Higgins, Joseph McDonnell, Michael Total, 47 RECAPITULATION. Company F, 14 • " H, 47 Total, 61 EIGHTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. Gillespie, John Total, Wfillaec, Vv'illiaro Total, Deael, Albert J. Total, COMPANY A. Ileinert, Henry F. COMPAjSY d. COMPANY G. 1 RECAPITULATION. Company A, - - '1 '' D, 1 " G, 1 Total, 4 ST6 The Campaign of 1864. FIRST PE]sr:^SYLyANIA CAYALEY. COMPANY M. Bird, Alonzo Kinney, Jacob F. Total, 2 MNTH PENiTSYLYANIA CAYALHY. COMPANYE. Gallagher, John Total, 1 ELEYENTH PEISTFSYLYAKIA CAYALEY. COMPANY F. Furey, Charles Giddings, William ' Total, 2 COMPANY H. Carrey, James B. Total, 1 RECAPITULATION. Company F, 2 " H, 1 Total, 2 TWELFTH PEI^ISrSYLYAISriA CAYALEY. COMPANY F. Mooro, Samuel Total, 1 TWEKTY-FIEST PEFIN. CAYALEY. COMPANY D. Davison, Joseph Hissong, David Snively, William II. Finfroch, D. II. Total, 4 DUEYELL'S PENTIsrSYLYAOTA AETILLEEY. Bayne, William B. Fink, William Tobias, Samuel A. Brash, Henry Knapp, Levi II. Williams, Georg« Bracefield, William F. Kocli, George E. Weaver, George Commens, Thomas Maloney, Andrew Weaver, Charles F. Clark, William N. Parton, Henry Yerger, Eli Eichley, Adam Khoads, Amandua Total, 17 / The Campaign of 1864. 87T - FIRST PEl^NSYLVAMA ARTILLERY. COMPANY A. Fetter, Henry Hanley, James ?kIcLauglilin, Patrick Goldman, Oliver Maidenford, Edward Total, 5 FIFTIETH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. Bender, Jacob Burns, Henry Boyer, Louis Burns, Franklin Bretz, William Browii, George W. Correll, Joseph Christian, Henry B. Eiler, Charles Eckert, Marks E. Garby, Mahlon Total, COMPANY Hulebusli, David Krebs, Andrew Knarr, Isaac Knarr, George Lendal, John L. Lindermuth, Jacob Merker, William Mills, Henry B. Marland, Edward Myer, George Foots, Martin C Raber, Lewis B. Seifert, John Sayman, Lewis Sheck, Paul Sweeney, John Safert, William B. Smith, John Shugart, William Wall, Augustus Walises, Thomas Wasner, Samuel 33 FIFTY-FIRST PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Herber, Elias Total, 1 FIFTY-SECOND PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY G. Ranks, Henry J. Hubler, Edward L. Messersmith, Jeremiali Fegley, Jesse Lamberson, Aaron Neifert, Henry Faust, Elias K. Total, 7 O'Ponnel, Michael Total COMPANY K. McGarr, James RECAPITULATION. Company G, --------7 " K, 2 Total, 9 SEVENTIT-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT COMPANY G. •Billian, Barnebas Total, 1 32 378 The Campaign of 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTH PENN. REG'T. COMPANY D. Bojer, Jolin M. Total, 1 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH PENN. REG'T. GOMPAISY D. Everhard, Abraham Total, 1 ONE HUNDRED & FIFTY-SECOND PA. REG'T. COMPANY L. Fisher, Ranslow Jotal, .-.--.. 1 ;; ONE HUNDRED & NINETY-EIGHTH PA. REG'T. Everhard, Daniel M. Total, - , - - > - - - - 1 ONE HUNDRED & NINETY-NINTH PA. REG'T. Kiock, John T. Shunian, Henry Saylor, Jacob R. Litvreiler, John Stuber, John Yost, William N. Total, ------- 6 TWO HUNDREDTH PENN. REGIMENT. Diehl, Francis Hofalecli, Michael McShea, Thomas Davidson, Jonathan Leaver, William O'Donnell, Charles Fogt, George Matthews, Thomas Richards, John Goheen, Thomas McCauley, Thomas Scholly, George Total, 12 TWO HUNDRED & SECOND PENN. REGIMENT. COMPANY B. Hoffman, Jacob D. Sechler, Wilson Snyder, Elias Hyde, George J, Total. 4 THIRTY-SECOND U. S. (COLORED) REGIMENT. Kigbee, Hosca Robinson, Benjamin Total, -.--.-. 2 GRAND RECAPITULATION. Forty-eighth, - - - - - - - - SO TUird Pennsylvania Cavalry, - 89 ' Total, - - ~n9 4 The Campaign of 1864. • 379 Total brought forward, - - - - 11^ Fifth Pennsylvania Cavalry, ------ 61 Seventeenth, •' " __..-- 61 Eighth *' ** 4 First '♦ '« 2 Ninth " *' 1 Eleventh " *' - 3 Twelfth " " 1 Twenty-first " '' , 4 Dury ell's Pennsylvania Artillery, - - - - - 17 First " «'------ 5 Fiftieth Pennsylvania Regiment, _ . _ - 33 Fifty-first " *«_--.--- 1 Fifty-second " '* - - - - - - 9 Seventy -fifth " ** i One Hundred and Seventh Penna. Regiment, - - 1 " " '< Fiftieth " «<_.-- 1 «* «' " Fifty-second a . . . 1 << a a Ninety-eighth " - - - - 1 «' '< " Ninety-ninth << _ - - C, Two Hundredth Pennsylvania Regiment - - - - 12 Two Hundred and Second Penna. '' - - - - - •# Thirty-second U. S. (Colored) " ----- 2 Grand Total, 350 This embraces all who were CDlisted in Schuylkill County under that call, as preStjrved in the records of the Provost Marshal of the Tenth District. There may have been, and unquestionably were, representatives of Schuylkill County, enlisted in other dis- tricts, under the call, but scattered as they necessarily were, it .was impossible to obtain their names. THE CALL FOR THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MEN. On the 19th of December, 1864, the President issued a Procla- mation, calling for three hundred thousand volunteers, to supply deficiencies under previous calls, and to provide for casualties incident to the war. No excess of credits previous to the 19th, was to be allowed, and in case the quota of any district under the call should not be filled by the 15th of February, 1865, a draft should take place in that district. The citizens of Schuylkill County went to work and recruited with such success that within the time allotted, the quotas of the respective sub-districts were almost all filled. The following is a list of the names of the men who volunteered under this call, with the numbers of the Pennsylvania regimentg they entered. I 880 Thk Campaign of 1864. FORTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. COMPANY A. ]Jenaingcr, George Denisey, James Griffith, Lemuel Total, Creitz, Henry I'. Chectham, Edward Coutts, John Christ, David • Dintinger, William H. Fry, James B. Fry, William Jones, Robert Total, FiUiott, Thomas ■' ' Total, I'ean, Albert iiradley, James Connelly, xdichael Dentzer, Henry Goodfiech, William Geist, Heni-y Hess, W^illiam Kaiu, George Total, Blanck, Charles Clemens, Joseph Carby, Thomas Dunlop, John Daley, Edward Gavnor, Austin Total, Broderick, Thomas Ferree, Jacob F. Total, Frederick, Joel Total, Bennie, Alexander Evans, Thomas Graber, John Total, Kline, Benjamin F. Mumma, Isaac Einker, Charles COMPANY B. Seltzer, Francis B. Shantz, William W^eikel, Henry 9 Kinsley, Michael Kleckner, Lewis Lins, Nathan Lins, Franklin S. Lugan, Christopher Mace, Daniel F. * Moyer, Daniel H. COMPANY C. Martin, James T. COMPANY D Knoll, Geo. W. Kistar, Daniel Kahler, Eli as McCormick, Thomas Montgomery, Levi McGuirc, Edward Musco'tt, John COMPANY E Hays, Thomas Loesby, George Lowry, John McGeary, Daniel Murphy, William COMPANY F Glacken, Hugh Shell, Elias Morsdin, Geo. Rinker, Henry Swoyer, William L. Shoemaker, John Ulmer, G. H. Vaughn, Charles Zehner, Joseph H. 22 McBride, Richard B. Ritter, Simon Schollenberger, Chfts. Schmidt, Jacob E. Straub, Emanuel Whalen, Michael Wolfgang, Mathevr W. 22 Mullen, William Norton, James O'Neil, John Walter, Ciiristian Whalen, James JQ Wallace, John Wardrop, Thomas G COMPANY G COMPANY H Lentz, Willoughby Mulloohy, Michaeb McCanna, Peter Muntitude, John Smith, Thomas The Campaign of 1864. 381 Cooper, Matthew Costello, James Griffith, Thomas Lees, John Total, COMPANY I. Lance, Parker Shappell, Jacob Martin, Robert Smith, William Reinhart, August Tobias, John F. 10 Bousman, John Fenstermacher, Daniel Total, Company A, B, COMPANY K. Homan, Amos Wildermuth, Joseph RECAPITULATION, C, D, E, F, 0, H, I, K, Total, 9 22 2 22 16 6 1 8 10 4 100 Canfield, Patrick Ganley, James Total, TWENTY-EIGHTH EEGIMEKT. COMPANY A. McDonnell, Alexander Wilson, Andrew Spatzer, Emanuel Highman, Thomas Total, Company A, - B, C M P A N Y B . Moore, Henry E. RECAPITULATION. Total, EOETY-FIFTH EEGIMENT. COMPANY A. Lyons, William W. McCabe, Thomas Total, .-_.--- FORTY-SEVEKTH REGIMENT. COMPANY 0. Upman, Augustus Total, - - ^ ■ 32* '^^ The Campaign of 1864. FIFTIETH REGIMENT. COMPANY A. Snyder, Daniel IT. Scliwenk, Aaron K. Total, - - 2 COMPANY G. Block, David Koch, William Paul, Peter Fisher, Prankiiu E. Kearney, Charles Total, & RECAPITULATION. Company, A, --------2 " C, 5 Total, ^ - - - 7 FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. COMPANY D. Welsh, John Total, 1 FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. COMPANY H. Brennau, John Dalton, Thomas Horan, James H. Burke, Patrick Donnelly, Patrick Kealey, Richard Butler', John Donahoe, Patrick Naughton, Thomaa Clearv, James Fitzgerald, AValter Paddeu, Henry Donahoe, Michael W. Horan, Stephen Reddy, Christopher Donahoe, James Total, lU FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. COMPANY B. Kemmerer, Frank Total, 1 COMPANY E. Connery, Arthur Dormer, John Total, .--...- 2 RECAPITULATION. Company B, 1 - E, - - - - - - - - ^ Total, 2 FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. COMPANY K. Siweenv, Michael Total, • - 1 The Campaign op 1864. FIFTY-OTNTH EEGIMENT. COMPANY E. dark, Alexander Waters, Francis P. Total, --..---. 2 SIXTY-FIFTH EEGIMEJvTT. COMPANY A. Anderson, Robert Dougherty, William Prior, Thomas CosLello, Michael McGowen, Thomas Ryan, Patrick Chadwick, Richard Minnig, John H. Wanner, John Dolan, James Total, - - 10 COMPANY C. Barks, Thomas Fox, Hugh Murphy, John Connor, James Gothic, Jacob McNale, Richard Clews, Joseph Howard, John Mehan, Christopher Childs, David Hublett, William McLain, Robert Davis, Reese Jones, Enoch Ruffing, Lambert Donkin, Joseph F, Lucid, William Stevenson, William Elliot, John Morgan, David Williams, Thomas J. Evans, James Miller, Joseph Zell, George Flynn, Cornelius Morgan, David Zeigler, Andrew Fox, James Total, 28 RECAPITULATION. Company A, --.--.._ IQ C, ■- - - 28 Total, - - - • - - - - 38 SIXTY-EIGHTH KEGIiMENT. COMPANY H. >IcGugert, James Riley, Thomas Total, - - SEVENTIETH REGIMENT. Brennan, John Fetterman, Leander Greenhalgh, John Howe, Wellington B. Hartnett, Jeremiah Total, Blystone, William M. Crowley, Robert Curran, Nicholas Cain, Anthony Fitzpatrick, William Total, COMPANY Ingham, John Kent, Daniel Minnich, Aaron Moser, George E. McCullion, JameR McCanley, John Price, Franklin Roadarmel, Ira 13 COMPANY Kelly, Edvrard Kline, Jonathan Keegan, James Kapp, John G. Levan, William B. B McDermott, John McCuUy, John Snyder, Jeremiah H, Tolimsh, Patrick Watts, Joseph 16 384 The Campaign of 1864. RECAPITULATION. Company A, --------13 " B, - 15 Total, • . - - . 28 SEVENTY-FIFTH KEGIMENT. COMPANY A. Thompson, John Total, . _ . . .^ . - • 1 EIGHTY-ISriNTH REGIMENT. COMPANY A. Hale, Samuel Jones, Thomas Total, 2 COMPANY B. James, John Total, 1 RECAPITULATION. Company A, -..>.--2 " B, 1 Total, - S NINETY-THIRD REGIMENT. Adam, Levi Brown, Samuel II. Bartow, Henry E. Boyer, Henry Clemens, Israel Fessler, William Fisher, Simon Foreman, William Faber, Jeremiah Heiser, Samuel Total, COMPANY Hummel, Henry Klinger, Elias Leftler, Samuel Miller, Peter W. Minnich, Elias Marshall, Samuel Miller, Howard Ragear, William Reed, Israel Ragear, Franklin F. Reahm, Israel R. Reed, Jeremiah Schmelzer, Geo. W. Strupenhaver, AaroB Stomm, James M. Witmer, Michael Washington, Fairfax Weaver, Joseph H. C. Youtz, Henry 29 NINETY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Moyer, Ephraim Total, Breen, Peter Clemens, Henry Total, COMPANY C COMPANYE Eckert, Franklin Purcell, Edward Wolff, William T-. The Campaign of 1864. 385 Brennan, Dennis Breuuan, Stephen Total, Company C, E, COMPANY G. Lawler, Patrick, R^'^an, Lawrence RECAPITULATION. Total, - 10 ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH REGIMENT. Tlie following is a copy of the muster roll of a company that was recruited under this call, in Schuylkill County, by Capt. J. W. Kantner of Tamaqua, for the One Hundred and Fourth Regiment : Captain, J. W. KANTNER. 1*^ Lieut., W. A. Christian. 2d Lieut., Elias Sassaman. Ist Sergeant, Henry C. Boyer. 2d Zd Atk bth Aaron Kino. James Moyeh. Chas. D, Pursell. Frank B. Graeff. \st Corporal, Holden Chester. 2c? Corporal, James Hodgkins. od " Wm. H. Roehrig. 4//i " Joel Sassaman. bth " Israel Britton. Q>th " Joseph Hodgkins. 1th " John Hunlock. ^th " John Re alley. Musician, John Moyer. " James Sterling. Alberton, William Bachart, James Becker, Joseph Billman, Gideon Bream, Francis Bobst, Daniel Bowman, John Bachart, Michael M. Baker, Samuel Cook, "William Campbell, Charles Callahan, Hugh Connelly, Peter Crosley, John AV. Doubenspeck, Jacob Donahoe, Henry J. DonaglifF, Edward Eckroth, Daniel Eberl, Edward Foust, Daniel H. Fero, John Fay, Thomas Fries, John PRIVATES : Froutz, Jonas Fleckinstine, Henry Geiger, Joseph Gettis, William Hess, John Hollenbach, Frank Hinkley, Isaac Haggarty, John Hullehu, James B. Heartman, James Harting, William James, James Kemmerer, Lewis Kocker, Elias Karshner, Hesekiah Karshner, Francis Koenig, Samuel Koenig, Solomon Lorah, James Lorah, Edward Levan, Obadiah Long, Samuel Miller, Levi R Ulillor .Tf>cor»h Moyer, Geo. W. Morgan, John J. Morgan, David Opker, David I O'Brien, John Ormes, James Price, Thompson Paugh, Robert Reger, William PtOger, John Riley, Thomas Rubrecht, Levi Schuck, Benneville Sweigert, Philip Swenler, William Steigerwalt, Peter Steigerwalt, Aaron Trine, James Wummer, Charles Wertman, Levi Wert man, Philip Wagner, Harrison Zellner, William 386 Tbe Campaign of 1864. RECAPITULATION. Commissioned Officers, - - - . 8 Non-commissioned Officers, - - - - 13 Musicians, _ _ - - - - "2 Privates, - - 71 Total, -------- 89 0:NrE HUIsrDRED AND EIGHTH EEGIMEIS^T. COMPANY A. Allen, John Cliristian, Daniel Jenkins, John Buhl, John G. Ilnyes, John Owens, John Bricer, Edward Holland, Henry Williams, William D, Conahan, Maner Total, 10 COMPANY M. Becker, Jonathan Griffiths, William Newton, Richard Boydell, John Henderson, John Newelton, Henry Bell, George Higginson, William Reese, Edward Botts, John Kirby, Ralph Seitzinger, John Conningham, Nicholas Kelly, Henry Stride, Hugh Carley, George Klare, William Thorpe, James Dcarden, Alfred Llewellyn, Thomas Walters, James Evans, John Lewis, James Wright, Herman Edwards, Joseph J. McDonough, John Williams, Thomas A. Fritz, Winfield Morgan, Evan Williams, William Galligher, John Total, 31 RECAPITULATION. Company A, - 10 " M, _ - - - _ - - 31/ Total, - it - - - - - - 41 ONE HUXDEED AND NTINTH REGIMENT. COMPANY A. Ford, Nehemiah Filbert, Charles Ilizer, Hiram Jones, George H. Total, „-.---. 4 ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH REG'T. COMPANYI. Hey cock, Theophilus Morgan, John Total, ------- 2 ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH REGIMENT, COMPANY F. Poroy, William Miller, John Rafferty, Charles Total, - - - - . - - 3 The Campaign op 1864. 387 ONE HimDRED AND SIXTY-FIRST REG'T. - COMPANY X. ConraJ, Joseph S. Moyer Jonathan D. Smith, Robert (^.antield, Thomas Owens, William Thomas, Evan J. Derr, Gabriel Oswalt, Daniel Williams, William Fiaher, John Roach, Michael Williams, Thomas Kramer, Israel Riland, Charles Williams, John D. Total, COMPANY B. 15 Bayler, Heury Hendricks, Commodore Redmond, Charles Bufliap, Casper Hetheriugton, Jacob E. Rader, David Barr, Edward Horan, John Reich, Joseph Barr, John W. Harrison, James Rarich, Levi Clark, George W. Hand, Daniel W. Reed, George Collins, Thomas A. Kimmel, Hiram Riley, Aaron Carr, Philip A. Keen, Heury Schrope, Ephriam B. Delaney, Edward Kreicher, Samuel Shak, Henry Davis, Wilmer A. Levy, David Sagar, John Dress, Edward Lengel, George W\ Shartel, Lewis C. Deibert, William H. Ley, William Schwartz, Samuel W. Ennis, Robert Lindermuth, Samuel Saylor, Joseph B. Eisenhart, Samuel Lenahan, Patrick Say lor, Alfred M. Eierby, Moses McDonald, James Shuey, Adam Fox, Edward Mease, Michael Steahley, Frederick Forrer, George M. McKinsey, Daniel Warts, Daniel Gray, John Moyer, Isaac Wagner, Nathan Gehret, Henry Moul, Daniel Williams, John Hall, John Marques, Emriguiido Williams, Milton Horn, William Minnich, Samuel Weiondt, John K. Horn, Jr., John Myer, Nathan Yeager, Jacob J. Houck, John Pinker ton, Henry Zimmerman, Jacob J Hendricks, Sassamau, Phillippi, Charles Zeck, Frederick Total, ■ - 69 RECAPITULATION. Company A, B, - 4 15 - - 69 Total, 84 OKE HUNDRED & EIGnTY-SEC01>rD REG'T. COMPANY A. Buckwalter, Jacob Schropp, Franklin Schropp, William Murphy, Richard Total, - - - . - - - • - 4 Bressler, Charles Total, Buck, Nathan Total, COMPANY B COMPANY E, ililler, Jacob Strohl, Adam 388 The Campaign of 1864. COMPANY H. Leslior, Alfred Leslier, Alexander Total, 2 RECAPITULATION. Company A, . . . . • > • . • ^ " B, 1 " E, 3 '« H, 2 Total, 10 ONE HUjN"DRED & EIGHTY-FOURTH REG'T. COMPANY D. Delogier, James Montgomery, John Wilts, Evaristus Total, 3 OKE HUNDRED & NINE Y- SECOND REG'T, COMPANY A. Boice, Daniel Cox, Lloyd Hopkins, Thomas Jones^ Frank Total, Jones, John C. Jones, Richard Kunkel, Charles Powell, Abiathar Snyder, Joseph Stiff, Moses 10 TWO HUNDRED AND SECOND REGIMENT. COMPANY C. Drennan, Edward Lynch, James Schimp, George Dillinger, William H. Madara, Zachariah P. "Wissner, Charles Faust, Augustus Meghan, John Woods, James Hood, John R. Quinn, David Wertz William Hill, William Quinn, Elias Weise, John Lynch, Bernard Stout, William Total, . . . . » . . . 17 COMPANY .D. Cook, Monroe J. Total, 1 RECAPITULATION. Company C, ....... 17 *. D, . ....... 1 Total, 18 TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTH REGIMENT. COMPANY E. Ileagey, Charles Total, ..... 1 The Campaign op 1864. 389 TWO HUr]N'DRED AND TE:^TH KEGIMENT. COMPANY E. Bainbridge, William Kelley, John Bummersbaeh, Jacob F. Kelley, James A. Brennan, Edward Leahy, Frank Haggerty, Jehn Morley, James Joice, John McCoy, William Total, - - - - Naiighton, Michael Roe, Thomas Sarichs, Joseph Stride, James Whims, James 15 TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH REG'T. COMPANY B. Mdttee, Matthew Total, . - - - . . - 1 COMPANY C. Bear, John Miller, Isaac Scheirer, William Total, - - - - . - - 3 RECAPITULATION. Company B, --------1 .i C, -------- 3 Total, - - 4 TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH REC- COMPANY A. Hulihan, Martin i'T. Fox, Patrick Total, Adams, Israel Barr, Daniel Blatchley, Wm. Bookmiller, John Bloomer, Frank Crosley, John M. Connelly, James Cole, Alexander Cook, Benjamin J. Emerich, George Felty, John H. Fleckinstine, Henry Total, COMPANY C Fitzgerald, Thomas Grimes, James Hummel, John Hale, Joseph Levan, Jacob Lengel, Adam Marshall, Wm, McBride, James Mullen, Michael Mahon, James Faugh, Robert) Kehoe, Edw.ird 3 Reichard, Joseph Reed, Emanuel 11. Rehr, Plenry Rehrer, George Smith, John II. Smith, Patrick Traner, John Weisert, John Zimmerman, Isaac Zimmerman, Geo. M. Zerby, Joseph -- ?4 RECAPITULATION. Company, A, " C, Total, 33 34 37 3dO The Campaign of 1864. TWO HUITDRED AISTD FIFTEENTH EEGIMENT. COMPANYE. Headricks, Charles J. Johnson, Mathew L. Total, 2 SEVENTH CAYALEY. COMPANY A. I>eegao, John Jones, Jacob D. Total, COMPANY Q. Beasinger, George R. Total, - COMPANY K. Burns, John McCabe, Luke Total, - - ... RECAPITULATION. Company A, " K, Total. - EIGHTH CAYALHY. COMPANY E. Kagan, Patrick McAughey, John Total, - - - - - FIRST ARMY CORPS.— (6;e?i. Hancock.) Benseman, Henry C. Edwards, William Rice, Sylvester C Brassier, George Hauer, Cyrus Waltz, Perry £bert, John H. Rahn, Richard "Vaughn, Francis Total, y INDEPENDENT INFANTRY COMPANY^ Aurftnd, Jacob Brown, Samuel Burke, James Bedford, John Bertram, Franklin M. Brown, George T. Boyor, William Baasett, Melvin Becker, Samuel Berger, Amos Breeoh, Jacob (^Capt. Womehdorff?} Capp, Ephraim Chester, Holden Davis, William Dicus, William Dougherty, James Fisher, Geo. W. Frine, James Folk, Chas. A. Fox, Wm. S. Frantz, Augustus Gallagher, James Graeff, Francis B. Grimm, Jr., John Grimm, Wellington Hartman, Wm. Hein, Josiah Harner, Wm. L. Hartzell, Wm. T. Hall, John Jones, John Johnston, Benj. P. Kelly. Johu The Campaign op 1864. 391 Independent InIpantry Company. — Continued. Keller, Wm. King, Aaron Keefer, Geo. Libhard, Wm. H. McNulty, Hugh Miller, Joseph McCarthy, Chas. Michael, Wm. Moyer, Isaac Mojer, Jas. AfcNeil, Wm. Margern, C. E. Maly, Thos. Moyer, Edward Total, Propst, Daniel Parcel, C. G. Rohrbach, A. T. Riley, John Rhoads, G. W. Richard, Wm. _ Schoelpple, Matthe Strauser, George Shoffstall, Charles Schweiker, W. G. Schmeltzer, Chas. Strouser, Abraham Strauser, Aaron Strauser, Wm. Strouse, H. J. Thomas, Philip Thomas, Howell Winne, John Wertz, Wm. W. w Williams, Wm. Wagner, A. F. Womelsdorf, John R. Wintersteen, P. Weaver, Benj. Weaver, Fayer Zarr, Benj. 73 KEGIMENTS, NUMBERS UNKNOWN. Daress, Thomas Getter, Wm. B, Sanders, Lewis Duffey, Bernard Madden, Mich. Thomas, W^m. Flanigan, Mathew Reynolds, Morgan Total, 8 THIRD U. c Gala man, Charles Total, B. REGIMENT (CQLORED.) C M P A N Y E . Wright, Daniel TWENTY-FOURTH U. S. REG'T (COLORED.) COMPANY K. Brown, Alexander Molson, David Surls, John , Jones, Joseph Molson, Dan'l Smith, Israel Total, 6 FORTY-FIRST U. S. REGIMENT (COLORED.) COMPANY A. Snowden, James Total, - - - - - - - - 1 FORTY^THIRD U. S. REGIMENT (COLORED.) Bartlett, Samuel Total, ,,». = ,-! GRAND RECAPITULATION. Forty-eighth Regiment, - . _ . Twenty-eighth ** Total carried forward, 105 7 T07 392 The Campaign of 1864. Total brought forward, - ^ - - ~ - lOT f'ort^' -fifth Regiment, - - - -- -,- 2 Forty-seventh " __----. - 1 Fiftieth cc . _ T Fiftv-first " ------- 1 Fifty-second . '' 16 Fifty-tifth " .._--•-- S Fifty -eighth '^- 1 Fifty-ninth '' ------- 2 Sixty-fifth «^ ------- 88 Sixty-eighth "- -------2 Seventieth arney Getler " " " " " Corp. A. T. Frazier died in Alexandria, Va , October 14, 1862. Joseph Lorr " " " " " 20, " Edwards Daniels " " " " November 1, " Daniel Brown killed in battle. May, 1864, Abraham A. Acker killed before Petersburg, June 28, 1864. John Whitaker " " " '^ " Patrick Farrell died in Washington, September 21, 1864. Michael Crintin died in Salisbury Prison, November 20, 1864. Michael Mohan died in Washington, May 20, 1864, of wounds received in battle of Spottsylvania. May 12, Charles Dintinger died in Salisbury Prison, February 11, 1865. Corp. William Levison killed in Fort Sedgwick, January 2, 1865. Total, 15 33* 406 Our Dead. C COMPANY B. Lieut. Alexander Fox died December 1, 1861, on steamer Spanlding near Fortress Monroe. Andrew Spear died April 15, 1862, at Newbern, N, C. Andrew Klock died June 30, 1862. Addison Seaman died July 16, 1862. flattie Sheafer died August 4, 1862, on board steamer Cossack. Charles Miller killed at liull Kun, Va., August 29, 1862. George Earner died September 6, 1862, of wounds. William Barabrick died September 12, 1862, of wounds. Alva F. Jeffries killed September 17, 1862, at Antietam, John Sullivan died October 8, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run. Henry Williamson killed at Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862. Thomas Kinney " " " " « " Jonathan Kaufman killed in battle. May, 1864. Henry Dorward killed in battle, September, 1864. Daniel Okon " " " " " Corp. J. H. Dorr died in Washington, January, 1863. William H. Smith died in Annapolis, April 7, 1864. John Deitrich died March 22, 1864. Solomon Eyster died in1*hiladelphia, August 22, 1864, David Miller died in Annapolis, November 6, 1864. C. Philip Beckman died in Baltimore, February 9, 1865. Charles F. Hesser. Jonas Z. Baber. 1st Lieut. Henry Graeff died in Pottsville, March 26, 1865, of disease contracted in rebel prisons. Total, 23 COMPANY E. John Morton died in Alexandria, Va., September 5, 1862. John Broadbent killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. • James P. Farrall died in Washington, September, 25, 1862. Thomas Major " '♦ " October 31, 1862. Lieut. William Cullen killed in battle of Antietam. Lawrence Farrel killed in. battle. May, 1864. David Williams killed in battle of Grove Church, Va., June 1, 1864. John Major killed before Petersburg, June 17, 1864. Daniel Boyer killed at Pegram's Farm, Va., October 5, 1864. John Danagh " " " " " September 30, 1864. Daniel D. Barnett killed before Petersburg, April 2, 1865. James Shields murdered in Silver Creek, Schuylkill County, February 26, 1864. Anthony Wade accidentally shot and killed near Cold Harbor, Va., June 8, 1864. Sergt. Thomas Tosh died in Washington, July 7, 1864, of wounds re- ceived at Shady Grove, Va., William Evans died in Philadelphia, June 22, 1864. Valentine Frantz committed suicide at Fort Albany, Alexandria, April 28, 1864. Williana Reasons died in Annapolis, June 23, 1864, of wounds received before Petersburg, June 17. James Regan died in Annapolis, June 23, 1864, of wounds received be- fore Petersburg, June 17. Our Dead. * 407 George Welsh died in Salisbury prison, February G, 1865, Patrick Rogers died in Washington, March 25, 1865. Daniel E. Reedy died en route to Washington, of wounds received June 3, 1864, at Shady Grove Church, Va. Total, 21 COMPANY F. William Brereton died at Fort Clarke, N. C, December 12, 1861. Charles Treisbach died in Newbern, N, C, July 1, 1862. Corp. Henry Jenkins died August 29, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run, Va. Corp. Williams Hopkins killed at Bull Run, August 29, 1862. Daniel Fenstermacher died in Washington, February 11, 1863. J. Evans died in Washington, March 3, 1863. John J. Morrison died in Columbia College Hospital, Washington, Octo- ber 23, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run. David F. Thiel killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May, 1864. John Morrissy " " *' " ♦• " Lewis Woods " " " " *' «< Richard Williams " •' '< " '< <■<■ Patrick Doolin killed near Pamunky River, Va., May, 1864. Henry McCann " " «< '< " " " Edward G. Pugh killed at Shady Grove Church, Va., June 23, 1864. William Smith " " *' " '' " " <"- «* Horace F. Straub killed before Petersburg, June 17, 1864. Isaac Lewis •' " " " " «< Corp. John Powell died May 12, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsyl- vania. John Bradley, (2d) died June, 1864, of wounds received at Shady Grove Church. David McCloir killed before Petersburg, April 2, 1865. Peter Litchfield died June, 1864. Israel Manning died May, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania. Frank Queeney died August 30, 1864. Andrew Werner died June, 1864, of wounds received at Spottsylvania, May 12. Jacob Wagner died in Pottsville, January 3, 1865. Elijah DeFrehn died in Salisbury prison, December 30, 1864. William Fulton '' " " " February 11, 1865. Simon Devlin killed before Petersburg, June 18, 1864. Total, - - - ' - - - - 28 COMPANY G. Philip L. Diehl died December 13, 1861, at Hatteras, N. C. William Smith died September 14, 1862, of wounds received at Bull Run. Charles Timmons killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. Henry Burnish died in Pottsville, December 20, 1862. ^ John Fame died November 8, 1862, of wounds received in battle. Second Lieut. H. C. Jackson killed near Spottsylvania, May, 1864. William Williams killed near Spottsylvania, May 1864. Corp. Alex Govan killed near Grrove Church June 23, 1864. James Allison " " " <* " " «' Wm. Simpson " '< " " " ** *' 408 Our Dead. Edward McCabe died In Washington, November 12, 1862. John Armstrong died July 1, 18G1, of wounds received at Spottsylvanift, May 12, 1864. ^Charles Clark died in Annapolis, Md. J. Howard Jones died July 13, 18G4, of wounds received June 17, before Petersburg. Jas. R. Spencer died May 31, 18G4, of wounds received at Spottsylvania. Charles Hesser died in Washington July 8, 1864. First Lieutenant Curtis C. Polloclt died in Washington, June 23, 1864,- of wounds received before Petersburg, June 17. Total, - ... - - - •- 17 COMPANY il. William Nagle killed at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. Thomas Kelly " " " " " " "^^ " Samuel Pettit " " " " " " " *' Sergt. Wm. T. Garrett died at Fortress Monroe, Va., Nov. 23, 1861. " Charles C. Hinkle died at Ilatteras Inlet, N. C. " R. A. Jenkins died at Ascension Hospital, D. C, Dec. 24, 1862. Charles Knerr died in hospital, December 7, 1862. Sergt. Joseph Reed died November 16, 1863, of wounds received at Campbell Station, Tenn , November 16. Corp. John Sponsler died November 29, 1863, of -wounds received at Knoxville, Tenn., November 29. Joseph Weise died November 27, 1863, of wounds received at Knoxville, Tenn., November 24. Abraham Benscoter killed near Spottsylvania, Va., May, 1864. Second Lieut. Samuel B. Laubenstine killed near Pamunky River, Va., May, 1864. Corp. Charles Norrigan killed near Pamunky River, Va., May, 1864. Joseph Alexander killed near Grove Church, Va., June, 1864. George W. Morey killed before Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864. Jefferson W. Byerle " " " " " " " James Mulholland '* " " " '' " " Anthony Gallagher " " " " " " Thomas Davis " " *' " " 18, " Second Lieut. David B. Brown killed before Petersburg, Aug. 5, 1864. Charles Driesbach. William A. Millet accidentally killed on railroad at Harrisburg, Pa., September 7, 1861. Thos. Lewis died at Islington Lane Hospital, Philadelphia, April 2, 1864. Charles 0. De Long died May 8, 1864, near Bristow Station, Va., m route from the Army of the Potomac to Alexandria, Va. Isaac Bannon died July 26, 1864, in Alexandria. Joseph Chester died in Fredericksburg, Va., May 24, 1864, of wound* received May 15. John Donnelly died in Annapolis, Md., April 21, 1864. Edward Edwards died April 23, 1864, near Annapolis. Job Hirst died in Washington, July 3, 1864, of wounds received June 26, 1864, before Petersburg. Lewis W. Kopp died in Washington, October 1, 1864. Wm. D. Lloyd died in Lincoln Hospital, Washington, January, 19, 1866. P. Heneran died November 25, 1864.' Charles Aurand died in Pottsville, February 9, 1865. Our Dead. 409 James King killed before Petersburg, April 2, 18G5, Wm. Donnelly " " " " " " George Uhl " " " " " " ^olal, 36 COMPANY I. Alexander Boone died in Fredericksburg, Va., August 11, 18G2. Charles F. Leizer killed in action at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. Corp. Lewis V. Focht killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Lieut, George H. Gressang drowned in Potomac River by sinking of steamer West Point, August 12, 1862. Jonas Haldeman killed at Knoxville, Tenn., November 29, 1863. Charles Weaver died December 5, 1863, of wounds received at Knox- ville, Tenn., December 3. Henry J. Ege killed near Spottsylvania, Va., May, 1864. William J. Price killed near Grove Church, Va., June, 1864. Benj. B. Kershner " " " " " " " George Dresh " " " " " " James Heiser killed before Petersburg, September 30. " Charles E. Weber died in Knoxville, Tenu., December 5, 1863. First Lt. Joseph Edwards died in Washington, July 2, 1864, of wounds received before Petersburg, June 17. Capt. B. B. Shuck died in Washington, July 27, 1864, of wounds re- ceived before Petersburg, June 25. Reuben Watt died in Annapolis, March 31, 1864. Lewis J. Garber died in Annapolis April 23, 1864. John Clark died June 8, 1864, of wounds received June 3. Jerry Willouer " " 22, " " " " " " James Boner " " " " 't " " May 30. Daniel J. Kehl died June 26, 1864, at City Point, Va. Lewis Beablehamer died July 26, 1864, of wounds received July 24. Isaac K. Beltz died August 10, 1864, of wounds received August 10. Daniel Nayer died August 22, 1864, at City Point. Albert Zimmerman killed before Petersburg, April 2, 1864. Albert Mack '^ " " " " " Wesley Boyer " '* " " " " Total, - - 26 COMPANY K. Sergt. R. D. Filbert killed at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. Corp. Patrick Handley died in Washington, October 25, 1862. " Daniel Moser killed at Antietam, Md., September 17, 1862. Peter Boyer died in Cressona, Schuylkill Co., Pa., October 22, 1862. Peter Burke " " Frederick, Md., November 14, 1862. Georg'-i F. Maines died on Hatteras Island, November 30, 1862. George Dentzer killed at Antietam, September 17, 1862. John W. Henn killed near Spottsylvania, Va., May, 1864. Jacob Lauby " " Grove Church, Va.,^June, 1864. Nathan Rich killed before Petersburg, June 17, 1864. Arthur L. Gray " " " " 18, 'John L. Dentzer killed at Fort Sedgwick, Va., Dec. 28, 1864. Total, 12 410 Our Dead. recapitulation. Field Offi cers, Compauy 14 A, (( c, <( D, (( E, 1. • i( H, (( I, i( K, 27 27 15 23 21 28 17 36 26 12 Total, 234 NINETY-SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. Major Lewis J, Martin killed at Crampton's Pass, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. Adjut;'.nt John T. llunuuni died June, 1864, of wounds I'eceived in battle. Augustus Pfaltzgraf (band) died of small-pox. COMPANY A. 1st Sergt. Jonas M. Rich killed at Gaines' Hill, Ya., June 27, 1862. Levi Gloss " " " " " " " " Hugh B. Nugent wounded at Gaines' Hill. Died in hands of enemy. Alexander Rogers killed " " " Va., June 27, 1862. Henry Stonetield " '« " " " " " " Henry C. Simpson " " " <' -"" « " " Corp. Gomer Jones killed at Crainpton's Gap, September 14, 1862. Sergt. Thomas G. Ilouck died in Pottsville, June 8, 1863, of wounds received Maj^ 3. Nicholas Yost died in Chestnut Hill hospital, Philadelphia, June 7, 1864, of wounds received May 5, 1864. James Sexton killed near Spottsylvauia Court House, Ya., May 10, 1864. Alexander Smith " " '* " '' " " " " John T. Stodd 1864, of wounds received May 10. Sergt. Charles F. Hotfman died in Pottsville, March 31, 1863. Corp. Frank Hanley died near Bakersville, Md., October 29, 1862. Michael Carroll died in Pottsville, January 6, 1863. John Madison died at Camp Nugent near Harrison's Landing, Ya., July 23, 1862. >nchael Nash died at Seminary Hospital, Ya., March 19, 1862. Henry Pieiuhart died in camp, White Oak Church, Ya., March 23, 1863. John Reed died at Fort Wood, N. Y., October 3, 1862. Elijah Gloss died in Alexandria, Ya., March 25, 1862, Corp. John II. Higley died at Point Lookout, Md., August 21, 1863, of wounds received in battle. Total, 23 Our Dead. 411 COMPANY B. First Lieut. Ernst T. Ellrich killed at Gaines' Hill, June 27, 1862. Joseph Fessler killed at Fredericksburg. Va., May 3, 1803. Corp. William B. Ilineaehl killed near Spottsylvania Court House. Va , May 10, 18G4. Andrew Bucher killed near Spottsylvania C. II., Ya., May 10, 18G4. J. F. Keefer " " " " " '• " " William Mangold died in Philadelphia, May 25, 1804, of wounds re- ceived May 10. Michael Bleckle died at Camp Franklin near Alexandria, Va., December 4, 1801, Charles Chaundy died at New Hampton, N. Y., June, 1802. Henry Eckler died in Pinegrove, June 21, 1862. George Nagle died in Washington, January 9, 1864. Henry Sterner died at Point Lookout, Md., August 12, 1862. William Kutz died near Alexandria, Feb. 4, 1862. A. Wilkes died June 30, 1864, in Savannah, Ga. Total, - - 13 COMPANY C . 2d Lieutenant Alexander Allison died May o, 1803, of wounds receiTed in action at Salem Heights, Va., May 3. James AVolfinger died .Tulj 7th, 1802, Hill Catcs Farm, Va. John \V. Hall died at Harrison's Landing, Va., August 1, 1862. Alexander Martin " " " " 6, " Alexander Yost died in Fort Wood IIospitaL X. Y., Sept. 12. 18G2. August Kichter " " " " " " 1, " Martin Sipe killed at Crampton Pass, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. Samuel McMinnzie " " " •' " " Corp. John Allison killed at Salem Heights, Ya.., May 3, 1863. William Madara " " " •' " " Sergt. V/m. Freast •' " " " " " Henry Stubbelbine died in Washington, .Tune 2, 1863, of wounds received in action at Salem Heights, Va., May 3. Louis A. Bruns killed in Bartle of Wilderness, May 5, 1863. Corp. George Delker killed at Spottsylvania, Va., May 10, 1864. Samuel Fisher " " "•' " " John Davis " •* '• ''• •' Wm. Kind died August 2, 1862. * Henry Hanley died December, 1862. S. Bishop died October 27, 1864, in Andersonville prison. Total, 19 C :M P A NY D . Corp. James Schoficld killed at Fredericksburg, Va., May 3, 18G3. Corp, James Gough killed near Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Corp. Charles Newton died in hands of enemy of wounds received in action at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863. William Becker died at Magerstown, Md., November 9, 1862. Charles Burton died at Harrison's Landing, August 8, 1862. John Black died at Potomac Creek Hospital, May 29, 1863, of "wotinds received in action at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863. 412 Our Dj^d. Thomas Campbell died in Pottsville, October 23, 1862. John Carr died at Burkesville, Md., September 19, 1862, of wounds re- ceived at Crampton's Pass, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. William Corby killed at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864. John Dougherty died at Hagerstown, Md., December 23, 18G2. James Hughes killed at Gaines' Hill, June 2Y, 1862. Luke Kelly died in Palo Alto, March 26, 1864. Thomas Rease kilkd at Crampton's Pass, September 14, 1862. Michael Sands died in Pottsville, March 20, 1863. Cornelius Shovelin died in hospital. White Oak Church, Dec. 17, 1862. Jonas Vanderslice died in Philadelphia, July 16, 1864, of wounds re- ceived at Cold Harbor, June 3. Thomas D. Williams killed at Crampton's Pa^s, Md., Sept. 14, 1862. S. Cover died December 1, 1862, in rebel hospital, Richmond, Va. Total, - - - - - .,, - - 18 If' COMPANY E. Sergt. William Mayberry killed at Salem Church, Va., May 3, 1863. Evan Thomas, Sergt. William Zigler killed at Spottsylvania, May 10, 1864. Chris. Cammcrsel " Samuel Sager " " " " " " Jacob Wright " " " " " " Sergt. Francis Kemp " " " " Samuel McAtfee " " " " " " William Woodring Solomon Moyer " " " " " " Corp. Nathan Santee died at Chesapeake Gen'l Hosp., Octobers, 1862. *' Edward Monckler died in Baltimore, July 17, 1862. John A. Ailer died in Fredericksburg, May 22, 1864, of wounds received May 10. Stephen Gross died near Fortress Monroe, August 12, 1862. Charles Getighe died July 24, 1862. William H. Kuhns died at Hanover, Va., June 15, 1862. William C. Stookey died at Fairfax Seminary, October 5, 1862. Otto G. H. Vogel killed in action at Crampton's Pass, Sept 14, 1862. Joseph Yost died at Warrenton, October 29, 1863. John Merrill " " " " " " J. Bensinger died January 15, 1864, at Savannah, Ga. Total, 21 COxMPANY F. Lieut. John Dougherty killed September 14, 1802, at Crampton's Pass. 1st Sergt. Michael Boland killed June 27, 1862, at Gaines' Hill. Corp. R. Welsh " " " " " Patrick Ferns " '* " " " Michael Connery " " " " " John Haley, Jr., killed May 10, 1804, at Spottsylvania. Barth. Hoffy " " " " " Thos. Marshall died .June 25, 1864, of wounds received May 10, Patifick Kennedy died February 7, 1862, at Camp Northumberland. Joseph Whelaii 4ied March 25, 1862. Our Dead. 413 Sergt. Dennis Carrol died in Washington, August 3, 1862, of wounds received June 27. Patrick Glennon died in Hagerstown, December 20, 18G2. John Haley, (3d) died in Philadelphia, December 26, 1862. Total, - - 13. COMPANY a. Sergt. Benjamin B. Wagner killed May 10, 1864, at Spottsylvania. Sergt, Jos. Ferree " *' '* Corp. Josh. Workman " " '' Frank Workman " <' " .James Betz " " '' Thomas Haines killed Sept. 14, 1862, at Crampton's Pass. Simon Brobst died August 24, " Philip Baddorff died June 8, 1864, in Douglas Hospital, Washington. Charles Henry Cook died January 17, 1864. Marks Drifoos died in Washington, December 23, 1861. James Hill died July 24, 1864. McCoy Sargeant died September 27, 1862, of wounds. Elias Strasser, died May 9, 1862. Frank Treon killed at Crampton's Paes, Sept. 14, 1862. William Thompson died December 18, 1862. Joseph Workman died June 9, 1864, a prisoner. Samuel Williams died December 17, 1862. Total, - - - - . - - - 17 COMPANY H. Daniel Campbell killed near Spottsylvania, May 14, 1864. Peter Fries killed at Fredericksburg, May 3, 1863. Corp. Dan'l B. Hartline killed " " " Martin Kelly " " " <* Wm. Klass " " " " Henry P. Koons killed at Crampton's Pass, Sept. 14, 1862. John Sentman " " "* " " John H. Stedham killed near Spottsylvania, May 12, 1864. Oliver G. Treichler killed at Crampton's Pass, September 14, 1862. Chas. B. Zeigler " " " '• *' Christian Bidel died September 15, 1862, of wounds received at Cramp- ton's Pass. James Brassington died June 7, 1864, of wounds received May 14. John Clarey died October 12, 18(32, of wounds received at BurketSville, September 14. John Haley died September 15, 1862, of wounds received at Crampton's Pass. Jos. T. Holdeman died Aug. 24, 1864, in Washington, of bayonet wounds. Aaron Miller died September 20, 1862, at Burketsville, of wounds re- ceived at Crampton's Pass. Jere. Miller died January 2, 1863, at Fi'ederick City, Md., of wounds received at Crampton's Pass. Conrad Berdel died October 8, 1862. Jno. Cofi&eld died January 11, 1864, in Richmond, Va. Conrad Romanus died September 7, 1 862, in New York. 35 414 Our Dead, Jesse Dft Frehn died May 30, 1863, at Wfiite Oat Ghurcfe, Dan'l Karcher died November 28. 1861, in Georgetown. Levi D. Kistler died September 30, 1862, in Chester. Michael Naus died August 13, 1863, at New Baltimore, Va. Joseph Snyder died October 8, 1862, in Burketsville. Wm. Sponsaler died May 20, 1862, in Baltimore. TotaL - - ~ - - - . 2g COMPANY I. Sergr. Francis Canfield killed June 27, 18G2, at Gaines' HilL Martin Foyle "■ ^i .t i. *< George James killed September 14, 1862, at Orampton's Pass. Patrick Kelly killed near Spottsylvania, May 14, 1864. Tho3. Scanlan killed May 3, 1863, at Fredericksburg. Wm. Wicklam killed September 14, 1862, at Crampton's Pass. Tim O'Connor died June 14, 1864, of wounds received May 14. John Mor died July 26, 1862, of wounds received June 27. Patrick Owens died at Camp Schuylkill, Pottsville, October 21, 186L Wm. O'Brien died at Camp Northumberland, January 12, 1862. William Nixon. James H. lligley died in Pottsville. Patrick Ferns killed in battle before Richmond. Joseph Ilalderraan died in Washington, Angust, 1864. John Bowler died in Pottsville, March 7, 1865. Total, - - 15 COMPANY K. Pat. McAllister killed September 14, 1862, at Crampton's Pass. Barney McMichael " " " '' John By an died September 22, 1862, at Annapolis, of wounds received June 27. Michael Ilollahan died September 26, 1862, at Burketsville, of wound* received September 14. Pat. Fay died October 22, 1862, of wounds received September 14. John Farrell killed May 3, 1863, at Fredericksburg. Wm. Brennan killed May 10, 1864, at Spottsylvania. Thos. Lawler " " " " Martin O'Brien killed May 12, 1864, near Spottsylvania. Lieut O'Neal Coyle died August 22, 1862, at Point Lookout. J as, E. Tobin died October 9, 1862. at Fairfax, Va, Thos. Bergen died Octol)er 26, 1862, in Washington. Jas. Canfield died December 14, 1862, at Point Lookout. Hugh Smith died January 8, 1863, in Washington. John Collins died January 13, 1863, " Jas. N. Tobin died January 17, 1862, at Glen Carbon. Pat. McGee died September 25, 1863, in Philadelphia. Dan'l Boran died February 5, 1863, in Washington. Chas. Wessner died March 5, 1863, at Antietam. Jno. Lawier died March 11, 1863, at White Oak Church. Phil. Delan«y died April 26, 1863, John Kelly died in New York, October 20, 1862. John Maley killed in battle before Richmond. Lieut. Thos. Burns killed near Winchester. Total, - - 24 Our Dead. 415 RECAPITULATION. Field Officers, 2 Members of Baud, -----._i Oompany A, --------28 " B, - - 13 - C, --...--. 19 ^' D, . - 18 ** E, 21 '' F, 13 *' G, -.----.- 17 II, - --.-._ 26 I, - 15 ^' K, - - 24 Total. - ' - - - .- - - - 192 FIFTIETH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT, COMPANY A. Corporal John Heisler killed at Bull Run, Va., August 29, 1862. Peter S. Otto . "■ " '' " " Edward Harner " " *' " *' Emanuel Faust killed at Caraphell Station, Tenn., Nov. 16, 1863. Henry Faust killed near Spottsylvania, Va., Ma}', 1864. Simon Reigle " " " " Corp. Wm. H. Delcamp died May 7, 1864, of wounds, Jacob Ilcnrj *' " '" '■'■ Conrad Carl ^^ "■ 10, '•' ^' Nathaniel Stiitzmam died in Washington, May 22, 1864. Sergt. David G. Alspach died in Portsmouth, R. L, Aug. 14, 1864. John D. Manning murdered in Annapolis, Md., April 14, 1864. Robert McClelland, T>, Towney died in Washington, September, 1862. TotaL ---- = .- 14 COMPANY C. Ord. Sergt. Wm. H. Hill killed ia battle, May, 1864/ Michael Riley " " " "■ " Levan J. Warner " " '■'' ^^ " Sam. Martz '■'■ " " •«' " Dan. Evert *'■ '* ^* ^' « Jacob Benedict ■" '' " " " Thomas Lloyd *' "■ '<■ ^' ^^ Franklin Sharer ^^ ^* '^ " ^^ John Reed ^' *' *^ ^* " Em-anuel Eckert " *^ << " " AlfoeK Bartolet '' <« " " << James Golles '* <' " June, " Lucian Schwartz (waggoner) died at Fortress Monroe. Jeremiah Helms died September 27, 1863, of wounds received in Battle of Anfietam. Total, . ^ r ^ . ^ ? » 14 416 Our Dead. Corp. Henry Deets, Co. F, died in Washington, March 12, 18G3. John Mackey, Co. I, died in Washington, June 4, 1864, of wounds re- ceived in the Battle of the Wilderness. Total, 2 RECAPITULATION. Company A, --------14 " C, 14 Other Companies of Regiment, _ - - - 2 Total, - * 30 FIFTY-FIFTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY E. George Stone killed in battle, May, 1864. Peter Ritz " " " " " Mich, McNamarra " " " " Theodore Weiser " " " " John Welsh killed in battle, May 20, 1864. Edward Lewis " " " i<. n John Padden killed accidentally on railroad at Harrisburg, Oct. 17, 1861. Captain Horace C. Bennett killed at Pocataligo, S. C Oct, 22, 1862. Corp. Wm. Fowler died in Beaufort, S. C, April 2, 1864. Lewis Lewis died in Hampton Hospital, Va., " " " John S. Bannan died of starvation in the rebel prison, Andersonville, Ga., October 11, 3864. George Yinchell died in Salisbury, N. C, a victim of rebel brutality, Jan. 15, 1865. Total, 12 John Jones, Co. B, died in White Hall Hospital, Bucks County, Pa.', August 26, 1864. Arter Rogers, Co. C, died in Beaufort, S. C, September, 1862. Total, - - - - - - » 2 RECAPITULATION. Company E, ,__,,-- I2 Other Companies of Regiment, - - - - - 2 Total, 14 SEVENTH PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY F. Patrick McLaughlin killed near Marietta, Ga., May, 1864. Wm. A. Jones died December, 1862, of a wound received at Tullahoma. Samuel Dunlap died in Tennessee, 1862. Jeseph Jones die I in Bardstown, Ky., March, 1862. Amos Poff'. Joseph Zimmerman died in Nashville, Ten^., November 29, 1862, Our Dead. 417 Thomas DoUn died in Tennessee, December, 1862, of wounds received at Sweden's Cove. Geo. M. Beyer died in rebel hospital, Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 30, 1864. Total, 8 Capt. Robert R. McCormick murdered by guerillas near Eardstown, Ky. December, 1864. Lieut. Nicholas Wynkoop killed in battle near Gallatin, Tenn., August 21, 1862. Wm. Morris Robinson died in Jonesboro, Ga., Aug. 21, 1864, of wounds received in battle. • Alonzo Martz, Co. I, died at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, April 13, 1864. Lieut. Francis William Reed, Co. L, killed at Battle of Duck River, Tenn., June 27, 1863. George Rahn, Co. A. George Anspach, Co. A. John T. Hazzard, Co. L, died in Annapolis, Md., February 16, 1863. Sergeant James Fleming, Co. I, killed in battle at Big Shanty, Ga. James Gillespie, Co. A, killed near Murfreesboro, Tenn., Dec, 1862.- Henry Fry, Co. I, " " " " " <' Sergt. Peter Longwell, Co. B, killed near Marietta, Ga., May, 1864. Sergt. James R. Black, " " ♦' " " " " Archibald Muller, Co. K, " " *« << '< '« Adam James, Co. M, " " " << «< .< William Ainsworth Co. M, " " *' <* " " Total, 16 RECAPITULATION. Company F, -------- 8 Other Companies of Regiment, - - - - - 16 Total, ■' ""24 FIFTY-SIXTH PENNSYLVANIA REGIMENT. COMPANY K. Corp. John Flanaakers killed August, 1864, Corp. Win. Bowers " " " Isaiah Wilbur '« an Sergt. Geo. Allison died May 23, 1864, of wounds received near Spott- sylvania, Va. Sergt. Harrison K. Smith killed in Battle of Gettysburg, July, 1863. Michael Haley killed before Petersburg, August 19, 1864. Jacob Ilarrill killed August^ 1864. Total, 7 Hugh McFaden, Co. B, killed August, 1864. ■ John G. Lebo, Co. I, Total, 2 RECAPITULATION. Company K. --------7 Other Companies of Regiment, - - -, - - 2 Total, S 85* 418 Our Dead. IN OTHER REGIMENTS. John Eplin, 132d Ta. Regt., killed in battle of Fredericksburg, Decem- ber 13, 1863. John W. Sennett, Co. B, 5od Penn. Regt., woiwded and taken prisoner^ May 12, 18G4. Died in Richmond, August 5, 186-i. Geo. Rice, Co. K, 67th Pa. Regt., killed August, 1864. Amos Fisher, Co. A, 88th " Sero-t. Emanuel Moyer, Co. H, 17th Pa. Cav., killed August, 1864. Philip Troy, JoelKooas, Sergt. John F. Mundy, Co. F, 109th Pa. Regt., killed near Dallas, Ga.j, ''May 25, 1864. Josiah W. Matthews, James Jenkins, Co, F, 5th U. S. Artillery, died November, 1862. Geo W. Overbeck, Co, G,. 8th Pa., Cav., aecidentally killed at Union- 'ville, Va., Nov. 2, 1862. Wm Henry Pritchard, Co. E, 78th Pa. Regt., died in Nashville, Tenn.y 'October 31, 1862. 1st Sergt. Robert A. Maingay, Co. D^ 118th Pa. Regt., died in Camp at Falmouth, Va., Nov. 24, 1862. Albert Boone Meyer, Co. L, 9th N. Y. Regt., died in Baltimore, Md.~ Dec 25, 1861. Patrick Divine, Capt. S. S. Richards' Pa. Cavalry Co., killed at Fred- ericksburg, Va., April, 1862. William Casey, 8 1st Pa. Regt., died at Yorktown, June, 1862. Jos. L. Seiders, Co. I, llSth Pa. Regt., killed in battle. James Devine, 32d Tennessee Regiment, wounded in battle, captured and died. Henry Ham-is, 36th Pa. Regt., (7th Reserves) killed in battle. Serf^t. Benj. Franklin Jones, Co. I, 52d Pa. Regt., killed in Battle of ^Fair Oaks, Va. ... Martin Pike, Co. D, 41st Pa. Regt., (12th Reserves.) Daniel Schwenk, Co. N, 28th Pa. Regt , died October, 1861. Emanuel Esterheld, Co. K, 76th Pa. Regt. George Nagle, Co. G, 107th Pa. Regt. Daniel Wiehry, Co. L, 3d Pa. Cav., killed before Richmond, .John Davis, in Navy, died December, 1862. John M. Southapi, on Western gunboat, died in Helena, Arkansas,. August, 1862. .lames B. Kane, 13th Pa. Cav., died Jonuary, 1863. Frank Dolan. 69th N. Y. Regt., died in Washington, January IS, 1863, of wounds received in Battle of Fredericksburg. Frederick Bolt?, Co. F, 184th Pa. Regt., died in Alexandria, Va., June 10, 1864, of wounds received in Battle of Cold Harbor. Edward Sweeney died in Washington, August 25, 1864. Charles Qiiinn died in Annapolis of wounds, received June 17, 1864, be- fore Petersburg. A. R. Wilson, Co. I, 2d Pa. Art., died in Salisbury prison, Jan 5, ISd^^. Ord. Ser t. George S. Herring, Co. H, 17ih Pa. Cav., killed near Gor- donsville, Va. , December 23, 1864. Corp Jac. B. Heiser, Co. H, 17th Pa. Cav., killed near Gordonsville, Va., Dec. 23, 186^ Lewis Kershner, Co. D, 198th Pa. Regt., killed in battle before Peters- burg, March 31, 1865. Our Dead. 419 Henry Hoy, 107th Pa. Regt., died in Pinegrove Township, Schuylk. Co., Pa., April 2, 1865, of disease contracted in rebel prisons. Philip Keeley, 107th Pa. Regt., died in Pinegrove, Sch. Co., Pa., April 1, 1865, of disease contracted in rebel prisons. Wm. R. Wren, Co. K, 19th Pa, Cav., died at Jefi'erson Barracks Hospital, Missouri, April 22, 1865. Sergt. Silas C. Hough, 5th Pa. Cav., killed before Petersburg, April 2, 1865. John C. Cole, 43d U, S. Colored Regiment, killed before Petersburg, August, 1864. Henry H. Bickley, Co. E, 10th New Jersey Regt., died in Philadelphia, Aug. 23, 1864, of wounds received in Battle of the Wilderness.- Thomas K. llausch, Co. C, 2d Iowa Regt., killed before Atlanta, Ga., August 20, 1864. (Sergt. James Murray, Co. II. 81st Regt., killed in the Battle of Reams' Station, Weldon Railroad, August 25, 1864. Francis M. Stidham, died in Annapolis, Md., July, 1864, of wounds re- ceived June 18. Thomas H, James, 1st New York Cav., killed in battle at Berry ville, Va., October 3, 1864. Franklin Wiehry killed near Richmond. Sergt. Tlieodore F. Beck, Co. D, 15th Pa. Cav., died near Mohrsville, Berks Co., Pa., January 27, 1865. Edward McDonough died in Pottsville, July 23, 1862, of fever contract- ed in camp before Richmond. Sergt. Wm. Place, Co. E, 72d Regt., killed in Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. William C. Shissler, 8th Michigan Regt., died in W^ashington, Sept. 7, 1862, of wounds received in battle. Edward Hetherington, Battery I, 2d Pa. Art., (112th Regt.) died .at David. Island Hospital, New York, Sept. 20, 1864. Samuel Gaskins died in Donaldson, Sch. Co., Pa., Sept. 18, 1864, of disease contracted in the service at Vicksburg. Charles Kolb killed in Battle of Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. James F. Albright, wagon master, died in Cincinnati, Sept. 6, 1863. Wm. H. H. Brown, 17th Pa. Cav., died October 29, 1863. John Roseberry Roads, Co. M, 6th Pa. Cav., died Oct. 22, 1863, near Durant Station, Iowa. Degenhart C. Pott, 112th Pa. Regt., died in Port Carbon, March 10, '04, Capt. Thomas Stodd accidentally killed in Alexandria, La., March 11, 1864, by beiffg thrown from a horse. Charles Francis Koch, 25th Michigan Reg., died April 7, 1863, in Bowl- ing Green, Ky, Edward R. Eveland, Co. E, 28th Pa. Regt., died May 10, 1863, in Camp at Acquia Creek. Sergt. John J.. Jones, Co. I, 15th New Jersey Regt., killed May 3, 1863,. in battle of Chancellorsville. Frederick Snyder, Co. E, 151st Pa. Regt., died :May 11, 1863, at Wind Mill Point Hospital, Va. Capt. James Robertson, Cj. I, 22nd Iowa Regt., killed in ba!tle at Vicks- burg, May 22, 1863. Lieut. George Byron Clayton, 5th Pa. Cav., died in Ashland, Sch. Co.. Pa., July 6, 1863. Geo. B. Smith, Co. E, 147th Pa. Regt., died in Milford, Del.. July 21 1863. . , . 420 Our Dead. Lieut. Will. K. Pollock, 1st U. S. Art., died in Fort Macon, near Beau- fort, N. C, August 4, 1863. Wm. M. Steel, Co. A, 124th TU. Regt., died at Vicksburg, Aug. 7, 1863. Lieut. J. A. Dunston, Co, C, 105th Pa. Regt., died near Gettysburg, Pa., August 26, 1863, of wounds received in the Battle of Gettysburg. Henry Hehn, 9th Pa. Regt. Robert Davis, Co. K, 76th Pa. Regt., died at Hilton Head, June, 1862. Michael Henegan, Co. K, 52d Pa. Regt., killed in battle. William Welsh, Co. A, 67th Pa. Regt., died Jan. 4, 1862. John O'Donnell, Co. H, 81st Pa. Regt., killed in battle before Richmond, July 1, 1862. John Menear, Co. E, 6th Pa. Cav., died May 11, 1862. Corp. Jeremiah Delay, Co. H, 81st Pa. Ptegt.,^ killed in battle before Richmond. Reese W. Roberts, Co. L, 3d Pa. Cavalry. Jacob Arnold, Co. D, 28th Pa. Regt., drowned while crossing the Po- tomac. Christian Ernst, 11th Pa. Reserves, died in New York hospital. John H. Miller, Co. L, 3d Pa. Cav., died at Torktown, May 8, 1862. Benjamin Miller, 6th U. S. -Cavalry. Henry Harrison, Co. A, 5th Pa. Art., killed in battle. Jacob Deiter, Co. I, 101st Pa. Regt. Joseph Dale, 52d Pa. Regt. Joseph Foster, Co. D, 5th Wisconsin Regt. Patrick Dollard, Co. H, 31st Pa. Regt., (2d Reserves.) John McGovern killed at siege of Yorktown. Thomas Sullivan, Co. D, 107th Pa. Regt., killed in Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862. Thomas Boran, Co. B, 6th Pa. Reserves, killed in Battle of South Mount- •ian, Sept. 14, 1862. Martin Dacv, Co. B, 6th Pa. Reserves, killed in Battle of Fi^edericks- burg, December 13, 1862. William H. Medler, 81st Pa. Regt., died in hospital near Fredericksburg, Va., of wounds received in the Battle at that place, Dec. 13. George Wilson Bratton, Co. G, 15th (Anderson) Cavalry, die'd.at Mur- fi-eosboro, Tenn., March 5, 1863. John S. Meredith, Co. H, 137th Pa. Regt. died in Washington, March 11, 1864. Corp. John H. Slingluff, Co. A, 138lh Regt., killed in Battle of Chan- cellorsville. May 6, 1864. 1st Lieut. Wm. D. Williams, Co. F, 184th Regt., died Juno 8, 186i, of wounds receive 1 June 3, at Battle of Cold Harbor. Joshua E. Reed died in Schuylkill Countj^ May 18th, 1865, from the effects of ill-troatment in Salisbury prison. Total, 97 ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH PA. REG'T. (Nine Months^ Service,) COMPANY A. Capt. George J. Lawrence died in Fredericksburg, January 4, 1803. of wounds received in the Battle of Fredericksburg. Joseph Heisler died January, 1863. Our Dead. • 421 John M. Jones killed in First Baltic of Frcclericksbui'g, Deo. 13, 18G2, John Nicholas " " " " " " Thomas Millington " " '« " " James Brennan killed in Second " " May 3, 1863, Total, - 6 COMPANY B. John Michael died in Falmouth, Va., Jan. 6, 18G3. Reuben Kline " " " " '' 8, " Edward Reber " " " " " 12, " James Edwards killed in First Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1863. John C. Niese " " " " '•' " " Thomas Probert, " "Second" " May 3, '63. Total, 6 C 31 P A NY E . Asher Woomer died March, 18G3. Clarence E. Bailey killed in First Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62. John Ilolman " " Second " " May 3, 1863. David Zimmerman " " " " " ^' " Total, -.--.-. 4 C .Al P A N Y G . Corp. J. Felterman killcl in First battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 'G2. William W. Pi-ice " " " " " " " Gabriel Crow " " " " " " " Total, - - 3 COMPANY II. Gearge Andrew Lereli died in Frederick City, Md., Nov. II, 18G2. Lieut. Edward Wertley died Nov. 30, 18G2. George H. Payne died in Falmouth, Va., December 25, 18G2. Total, ..-.-.-. 3 RECAPITULATION. Company A, --------G " B, G E, - 4 " G, ----.--_ 3 II, - - - . -, - . . 3 Total, - - 22 , Marcus Drey, Capt. Jones' Provost Guard, (9 months,) died in Harris- burg, October 2, 18G2. Samuel Burkhart Richland, Jr., Co. G, iTSd Reg.,'Pa. Drafted Militia, died in Camp Viele Hospital, Norfolk, Va., February 12, 18G3. Capt. Wm. Fox, Co. K, 127th Pa. Reg., (9 months,) killed in First Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 18G2. Total, ..-.---. 3 1^0 Our Dead. Deaths GRAND RECAPITULATION. n Three Months' Service, . - - Forty-eighth Regiment, - - - - Ninety-sixth *t - - - - Fiftieth " . . . - Fifty-fifth " Fifty-sixth " - . - - Seventh Cavalry, - - Other Three Years' Regiments, One Hundred and Tweiity-ninth Regiment, Other Nine Months' Regiments, 234 192 30 14 9 24 97 22 Grand Total, 632 BATTLE NARRATIVES. THE NINETY-SIXTH REGIMENT IN THE BATTLES BEFORE RICH- MOND IN 1862. Our reeord could not be considered complete were we to omit tlie part that the Ninety-sixth Regiment took in the battles before Richmond, urider General McOellan in the Summer of 1862, — In that campaign the Regiment first came under the fire of tho enemy, and bore itself bravely and nobly under its Colonel^ Henry L. Cake. The following letters which we received shortly after Gen. Mc. Clellan's notable "change of base/' are graphic, and contain a history of the Regiment's participation in the movement. The first was written by an officer of the Ninety-sixth : Camp H^eseler, Jdly 5, 1862. We have jvist passed tlirough two weeks of incessant toil and danger. It has been one consth-ntbattle, of tbe most terrible cbaracter, too, since last Thursday, June 2Gth. After 36 hours of marching and labor, we went into battle at Gaines' Mills, about 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon. We passed to the extreme right under a galling fire, in which four of our men were wounded. We rested in a ravine, while a perfect shower of shot, shell and balls passed over our heads. It was intensely hot and dusty, and the fatigue of the men rendered this step necessary. — When we passed to the right, we crossed a hill, at which the enemy were throwing their grape and cannister at one of our batteries. Here I gave out. We had been double-quicking through the heat and dust. I settled down to a brisk walk, and held that gait until again under cover of the hill, a distance of a hundred yards. The balls flew all around, tearing up the ground at my feet. Indeed, I was so tired that I felt not the least danger. From the ravine, where we were formed in divisions, we formed line of battle and changed front forward. Here we received a terrible fire, which fortunately, mostly passed over our heads. Here Lieut. Ellrich fell, shot through the head. Several others were here killed and wounded. The line we formed was as straight as at any dress parade we ever had. We then advanced at double-quick to within forty yards of the enemy's line, the men cheering as we came up. Here we were ordered to lay down and load, and fire, lying behind a fence. The firing continued for one whole hour, man_y of the men com- pletely emptying their cartridge boxes of the whole 60 rounds. It was not until dark, and we were in danger of being outflanked, that we fell back. The men seemed to go reluctantly. When we fell back the enemy advanced beyond the fence we had oecupied, evidently with the intention of driving us across the river in confusion, creating a panic 424 Battle Narratives, if possible. We reformed speedily and gave them two or three rounds, when the batteries opened and drove them back. So ended one of the most obstinate battles ever fought on this continent, in which our Re- giment had the last fire, and was the last to retreat from the field. The enemy had an overwhelming force, and had it not been for Franklin's Division, must have cut McCall and Porter to pieces. As it was, we as- sisted them in crossing the river, and thus carrying out Gen, McClellan's plan of drawing in the right wing of his army. We returned to camp by eleven o'clock. At half past three Saturday morning, we were ordered under arms, and advanced to support some guns on the extreme right, on the Richmond side of the river. We lay all day under the shells of the enemy, they in many cases passing close to our heads, and bursting all around us. Saturday night we spent in cutting timber to obstruct the roads, and marched at one o'clock, Sunday morning. We marched about fifteen miles during the day. The men suft'cred terribly. Many were compel- led to drink the muddy water along the road. At Savage's Station the enemy attacked our rear guard, but were repulsed with great slaughter. We encamped Sunday night. On INIonday our Division was posted^ about tv/o miles up the Charles City Road, towards Richmond. This is between two swamps. About noon the enemy advanced with an im- mense force, from the direction of Richmond, with the intention of cut- ting us off. . You will see by the press the details of Monday's fight, sa 1 will not attempt to describe it. The fight on our part of the field (which extended over three miles of woods and ravines,) was all artil- lery. We had twenty-four large Parrot guns, which kept up an inces- sant fire. They attempted to break through and capture our batteries, but the grape and shells moved them down by whole regiments. So cflfectively was our artillery served, that our infanti'y scarcely got into the engagement. They were determined on our left to cut off our re- treat, and were only held in check at dark by Gen. Kearney. Our Divi- sion was the last to pass over the White Oak Swamp towards the James River, passing stealthily within five hundred yards of the enemy at dead of night. On Tuesday night we were on picket, and marched at one o'clock, reaching the river at six. You may be able to conceive some of the labor, exposure and danger we have undergone. On Thurs- day night previous to our first battle we were digging trenches all night. Wednesday »ight under arms nearly all night. Tuesday night on picket. I think, I can safely say, that for ten days I did not get 24 hours of sleep altogether. We were on the go all the time, often at a double- quick in the burning sun of midday. Our loss in Friday's battle was 61 wounded, 13 killed, and 13 missing. Doubtless most of the missing were left wounded or killed on the battle- field. I was sorry to hear of the death of Sergeant Roland. I think he died on the field. The dead bodies will never be found. If the rebels bury them at all, it will be under about six inches of ground. Those that they buried at Fair Oaks, were left on the surface of the ground and covered. I saw many Avith their bones protruding. We always bury the rebel dead in trenches. One trench at Fair Oaks contains four hundred, co-vered with about four feet of ground. My company was very fortunate, only two wounded, one in the head, another in the hand and leg, and one missing. I am proud of the company; they fought nobly, obeyed commands, and kept the best order, and I am sure made many a rebel bite the dust. Col. Cake acted with great bravery ; in fact, the whole Regiment, officers and men, behaved iiobly. Battl"e Narratives. 425 It was painful to see the suflfering connected with this celebrated re- treat. Half of the wounded were compelled to walk all the way. It was Ji common sight to see men with broken arms (unset) walking. I can't go into details, but you may be able to form some idea of this move- ment. The vast amount of baggage wagons, ambulances, artillery, in- fantry, cavalry, and all the appliances of war, moving over the same road, fighting daily. You can imagine the dust and heat, and then think of at least five thousand wounded men and sick trudging along with the mass. We found one man of Co. A, away beyond the Chickahominy Swamp. Ee had his arm shot off, and had trudged along about fifteen miles, and sunk down in the road unable to go further. Notwithstanding the magnitude of the undertaking, McCIellan got nearly everything through safely, destroying comparatively but little. The wounded, nearly all, I think, had their wounds dressed before being put on the boats. In the battle on Monday, the enemy charged on our batteries three or four regiments deep. They were swept away by the grape shot, as they advanced, without our losing many men. Throughout the whole fight, the rebels were all mad drunk. Those taken were all drunk, and had canteens of whiskey. None but drunken men would have charged in the face of grape and canister, which was sweeping away the very trees in its course. They were beaten with terrible slaughter at every point. The army did retreat, successfully ; everything with few excep- tions was cleared away and gotten safely to the river. Richmond, to be sure, was not taken ; but what of that ? We have fought the villains, and have gained a most signal victory. Subsequently we received from Dr. C. H. Haeseler, of Potts- ville, who visited the Regiment a few days after the series of battles, the following narrative of events : PoTTSViLLE, July 15, 1862. As it was my good fortune to arrive at the Camp of th^ 96th, P. V., in McClellan's army, at Harrison's Landing, but a few days after the late eeries of battles that were fought before Richmond, I feel as if I owe it to the brave boys in the field, and their families at home, to publish Bome sketch of my sojourn among them, and of their participation in the late battles. The substance of ray account of the battle hasTaeen derived from men and officers of the Regiment, as well as from those of the 16th N. Y., who were in intimate connection with them during the fight. I arrived at Harrison's Landing on the Nelly Baker from Fortress Monroe, at about sunset, of July 2d, and learned that the 96th was en- camped about a mile from the Landing. As it was difficult, however, to locate a regiment at that time, in a strange country, and under very strange circumstances, I deferred my researches until the following morning, and returned for the night to the steamboat Nelly Baker. -Next morning at 4 o'clock, in company with Asst. Surgeon Maize, of the 93d, P. v., we started ofi" in a direct line for the regiments. , The ground having been already softened by the rains of the few days previous, was dreadfully rutted and cut up by the teams and cavalry of the army, so that it was more like traveling through thick mortar, about a foot deep, iban anything I can think of. Having proceeded about half a mile I discovered where the Regiment had been encamped the day before • 36 426 Battle Narratives. but which had advanced early that morning about two miles further t« the right and front of the army. Some of the effects of the Regiment, with the teams were still there, and among those attending to their re- moval, were the Assistant Surgeon and Chaplain, who kindly provided a horse for me, to facilitate my progress towards camp. There arrived, sufiSce it to say, that the luxury of being grasped by those brave and loyal hands, can only be felt and not described. To see those sun- browned countenances, expressive with anxiety about the loved ones left at home, is touching to the heart, but the penis helpless in record- ing it. The locality of their camp was elevated and healthful, with suf- ficient woods to afford considerable shade ; and the water, which they obtained from a small rivulet running through the camp, and from sun- dry little springs, was deligJitful. The health of the Regiment, now numbering about seven hundred men, was good, and their appearance comparatively cheerful. It is true, the forced marches, and sharp fight- ing of the previous week by day and night, during which time they were deprived nearly altogether of rest and nourishment, had somewhat dashed their spirits and fatigued their bodies. Yet when, the second day of my presence among them, a call was made for five hundred to be ready for fatigue duty at two o'clock in the morning, they responded with readiness and good humor ; and at eight o'clock, when they were relieved by another regiment, they had shown by the increased depth and width of the entrenchment at which they had labored, that they could handle the pick and shovel with genuine Schuylkill County alacrity, and with as much tact as the musket and bj^onet. They had evidently seen some practice in tlie digging line. By the way, the engineering of those intrenchments was conducted by our townsman, Lieut. Frank Farquhar. The Fourth of July was characterized by nothing unusual in the camps, till late in the afternoon, when Gen. McClellan with his staff, reviewed the arrny, riding rapidly past each regiment drawn up in line, which greeted him with deafening cheers, and soul stirring mu- sic. In the evening the Glee Club of the Regiment sang some national* and sacred airs, which amid the hushed stillness of the night, and all the surrounding associations, touched the heart with pathos, and fired the soul with the keenest enthusiasm. In reference to the part which the 9Gth took in fehe engagements, I have obtained data and memoranda from conversations with the soldiers, not only of the 9Gth, Irut of the whole brigade with which it is connected, and which is commanded by Col. Bartlett. The substance of these is, that the 9Gth, P. V., went into the battle of Gaines' Hill, with Slocum's Brigade, on the afternoon of the 27th of June, coming into plain view of the action on the extreme left, and filing off to the extreme right, under a hot fire of iron and lead that pitched into their ranks riglit and left, for more than two-thirds of the entire distance. When the position was reached that it was intend- ed they should occupy, they were ployed in double column, and closed in mass, to rest and await orders. This was on the extreme right wing of the Union line of battle. It had undoubtedly, been the intention of the Commanding Generals to move the 9(3th forward in column after the enemy had been driven back without its aid ; but five minutes after the Brigade was in position, it was discovered that the Federals were out- flanked. A shower of spherical case was let into the Brigade, the 96th occupying nearly the whole of a section of a small valley that was enfiladed by the enemy's battery. A shell fell into the closed masses of the Regiment, but thank God ! it did not explode, but bounding from the ground, flew hissing down the ravine. CoL Cake promptly moved Battle Narratives. 427 his column forward as much out of range as possible, and soon received orders to form and "go in." His line was formed amid a shower of ball and bullets ; his front charging forward in a murderous fire. He calmlj dressed his lines, awaiting orders to charge. It soon came ^'Forivard! double quick !'^ It was here he lost Ellrich. At home, or anywhere else he^could have wept for Ellrich, as for a true, unquestioning friend ; but, in such an emergency everything gives Avay to the one hope of being able to destroy the enemy before your ranks are decimated. There is a goal to be reached ; il is the crest of the next rise in front. The Colonel waves his hand and leads— ^alone, twenty yards ahead. The Regiment follows him with a shout. From the beginning of the fight the Colonel was grand, cool, thoughtful, careful of his men ; according to the unani- mous testimony of his soldiers. Zach. Boy er was urging a couple of boys to get up and go into the ranks. "Listen to the bullets," says one. "What of that," says Boyer, "Look! they don't hit the Colonel!" — "That's so," say the boys, and they went in. The Regiment was under fire from three in the afternoon till eight at night. When it left the field, the enemy was almost quiet in front, but an ugly shelling was hurting it from- the right flank ; the same that greeted it when it first went on the field. Officers and men were brave. They went on the field in good order, and only left the position they were posted in when ordered back to camp. Filing from the field in the dark, the last Regiment to fire a volley, and the last to leave, they encountered the Third Regulars, {the regiment to which Lieutenant McCool belongs,) the officers of which gathered about Colonel Cake and congratulated him. * Th«y next marched through McCall's Division, and when they found they were among Pennsylvanians, they halted and gave "threo times three." First, for the Reserves, second for Col. Simmons, third for Col. Black, who had been killed that day. These forces had all been engaged, and were resting on their arms awaiting the morrow or orders. ' Orders came first ; to cross the Chickaliominy and destroy the bridge. Ail the wounded had been carried to the hospitals ; but most of them, and all our dead were afterwards left to the tender mercies of the rebels. The 96th had been on picket on Wednesday night, and on Thursday night they dug a trench for the foundation of a redoubt in front of their lines, right in the teeth of the enemy. That made two successive nights that the most of them were without sleep or rest. On Friday morning they marched with the Brigade to "Smith's J^ridge," over the Chickahominy. Newton's Brigade had been over ana returned. Col. Cake crossed the bridge, and reported in writing, the gathering conflict, much of it in plain view. He w^as ordei'ed to tear up the brido'e as gpcedily as possible. He w^orked at it several hours, and was finally ordered to rejoin the detachment with his regiment, the Brigade being about to move. A quick march was made down the Chickahominy to the Woodbury bridge. Newton's and the Jersey Brigade were ahead and deep in the fight, when Slocum's Brigade crossed over the bridge. Loss of sleep, hard work, and forced marching had disheartened the men; but the Regiment did all that its friends could expect or hope. Having had the pleasure of reading the Colonel's report, (which for the present must necessarily be Government property,) I observed that both officers and men were highly praised for the valor they displayed upon the battle-field. The heroism of the dead was especially extolled. After a sojourn of five days with the gallant 9Gth, I returned home- ward with the John Brooks, a hospital transport, having about two hundred and fifty sick and wounded on board. Coming down the James 428 Battle I^arratives. River at a place called Sandy Point, we were signalled back by a gun- boat, and soon had an opportunity of witnessing a little gunboat target practice, towards a field battery improvised by the Rebels on shore. Wo could distinctly see rebel cavalry scouting about some distance from the shore, but they soon skedaddled, taking their brass cannon along. At Fortress Monroe we stopped about eight hours, to take in coal. — This giving me time to stroll around Old Point, I was proceeding leisurely along the beach, and liad just turned from a solemn inspection of the big Union and Lincoln guns, when who should confront me but a portion of Capt. Gilmour's men, of the 48th, P. V. They had just landed from a yawl that belonged to the steam-transport Cossack ; but on seeing me, took me right on board their yawl, and ferried me over to the Cossack, where the whole Regiment gloried in the near prospect of strengthening McClellan with a good, strong dose of Burnside. This was, indeed, a gratification that my wildest fancy would not have dared to hope for. Tf 1 had met one Regiment from fottsville, that appeared somewhat crestfallen under the late terrible slaughter that had transpired upon the Peninsula, I also met the other, coming, as it were to its relief, full of ardor, buoyant with hope, determined in purpose. From the Colonel, who is now acting Brigadier General, to the last private, they seemed filled with enthusiasm at the prospect before them. I wish here to express my heartfelt thanks for the great kindness with which I was received and entertained by the officers and men of the 96th and 48th, P. V. Long and glorious may be their career. God bless them all ! for there are no better men, nor njLore willing hands, nor more patriotic hearts, in all our land. C. H. Haeseler, M. D. The Kev. S. F. Colt, Chaplain of the Ninety-sixth Regiment, who was with the Regiment during the battles, furnished to us the following account : When the OGth landed at West Point, on the Pamunkey, it was fore- most in the work of defence ; having been the first to land, and on the morning of the skirmish there, it was the only full regiment advanced in line. Its position was on the extreme left, a point not attacked by the passing enemy, and this circumstance kept it out of the skirmish, and consequent!!^ out of notice. From tliat day (May 7th) until it reached Harrison's Landing, (.July 2d) its campaign has been extremely active and arduous. Since the 27th of June, the Regiment has been under arms continually, taking part in all the actions incident to a "change of base." During the eight days, commencing with the night of the 26th, there was not an hour in which the coux-age and soldier- ship of officers and men, were not put to the test. On Wednesday night (2.5th) a large portion of the OGth were on picket so close to the enemy as plainly to discern negroes doing duty in the rebel lines, and to distin- guish many of the names called off during their evening roll call. On Thursday, (26th) Col. Cake was Division field-officer and was fatiguingly occupied all day on the lines. The cannonading of the fight, in which McCall and Porter were engaged, near Mechanicsville, kept us on the qui Vive all the afternoon and evening. Various rumors were flying. It was at length accepted that Fremont and Banks had pressed closely after Stonewall Jackson's forces, en route for Richmond, until they were crowded up to the forces of our right wing, just mentioned, where they had been subjected to our fire oa three sides, Would to God it had beeu Battle Narratiyes. 42S 10 ! The regimental bands along our lines, for more than an hour iT«r« discoursing national and favorite airs, and the midnight hours wer« •winged with gladness pervading the whole army. During the night, Lieut. -Col, Frick, with large details from the 9Gth and the 7th Maine, secretly built a three sided redoubt of 400 yards in length, a strategetical ■work of immense importance, accomplished within easy musket range of the enemy. Whatever advantage it would have given us in advancing upon Rich- mond, had our forces been sufficient, it, in connection with operation! at and behind Gen. Smith's position on our right, did deceive and de- tain a heavy force of the enemy until Sunday towards noon, and thus facilitated the change of base, in the presence of a foe greatly outnum- bering us. On this Thursday evening, Surgeon D. W. Bland had ridden unaccompanied, over to the scene of McCall's engagement, to attend to the removal of Capt. Lessig and Lieut. Hannum, two sick officers of the 96th, who were in private quarters near the Richardson Hospital. They all came in early Friday morning safe, but not a little excited. Thia w^as the second time the sick Captain had been forced from hospitals by the rebel shells. At 7, A. M., Friday, 27th, the Regiment was taken with the Division just to the rear of Gen. Smith's redoubt, to occupy the enemy in front, and to defend the Grapevine bridge, crossing the Chicka- hominy at that point. The enemy were in full force on the highlands up to Dr. Gaines' house. We were, "at every hazard," to prevent the rebels from effecting a junction at this bridge. About noon some splendid artillery practice commenced, our guns from both sides of the creek throwing shell into the rebel battalions, at and near the Gaines House. But I don't propose to give a description of the battle. To understand its details, one must have a map of the extended field, on which the conflict rnged all that afternoon. At 3 o'clock, P. M., the 96th with a Vermt. regiment, destroyed t'.ie Grapevine bridge, while others destroyed the bridge just above it, arnd by slashing timber, effectually barricaded both crossings. The 96th, then passing near its camp, moved down to and over the Woodbury bridge, and so into the line of battle. McCall's, Porter's, Slocum's and Meagher's forces constituted that line. At twenty minutes past thr^e, the 96th filed through the field of battle with and on the left of the Brigade under a fire of shot, shell and mus- ketry. Before reaching the ground upon which the Brigade formed, four men were wounded. According to orders the Regiment was formed in double column, closed in mass, in the rear of the 16th New York, occu- pying the head of a ravine enfiladed by several of the enemy's guns. Col. Cake observing that the guns were trained upon the road leading down the centre of the ravine, moved the column forward as close as possible to the crest of the hill occupied by the line of the 16th N> Y. Here the men laid down to rett, three hundred and fifty of them having been on their feet for thirty consecutive hours. At five o'clock the 16th N. Y. moved forward, and the. 96th occupied their position, promptly changing front forward under a galling fire. Several were here wounded and carried to the rear. Lieut. E. T. EUrich of Company B, •was here shot through the brain while gallantly encouraging his com- pany to press forward. The Regim«nt now advanced at double quick, charging across the field in fine st^le, the men coming up square, and cheering as they advanced. A mounted officer of the regulars witnessing this, spoke of it as one of the best things of the action. The firing was heavy in front, dropping a shower of "lead and iron around us. The momentary lifting of the smoke disclosed the enemy's line rising a huo- 86* . • 430 Battle Narratives. dred yards beyond the garden. Our men were ordered to lie down ; for several minutes a scathing fire was directed against us. A*, this point Col. Cake evinced his personal courage, by several times riding ftlono- his whole linft. He now ordered a volley to be given. The men rose "promptly, and delivered it so efficiently as to silence the rebels for a short time. Just now the enemy were discovered to be fearfully near us, and apparently determined to charge us^ when, at the urgent solici tation of Major Sevier of the 16th, N. Y., our men were moved fifty paces to the right, until they mingled with his. For more than an hour after this the 'dQth poured in their fire. The enemy's charge was not made, and tne fire was easier to bear as the day declined. But we were still subjected to an ugly cross-fire of round shot and musketry, cutting us obliquely from the right. At dusk the Regiment was taken by Col. Cake in good order, one hundred and fifty yards back to its first position, stopping'^on the way twice, with an about face, to give heavy volleys. At the crest of the hill the Regiment formed and delivered several vol- leys, receiving no reply except from the flanking battery that had an- noyed us when we first came upon the field. Just after eight o'clock, with much reluctance and only in obedience to positive orders, the Regiment marched back to their camp. A large house on the brow of the hill overlooking the Woodbury bridge was used as the general field hospital. Here, with two servants, I was pe^r- sonally occupied with the sick until a quarter to 8 o'clock. The sur- geons were kept busy to a late hour. At camp, that night, I dressed fourteen wounded men, who had been brought directly from the field. The following is a list of casualties sustained by the 96th, P. V., dur- ing the Battle on Gaines' Hill, June 27, 1862 : COMPANY A. Killed^ 1st Sergt. Jonas Rich, Levi Gloss, Alexander Rodgers, Henry C. Simpson, H. Stonefield. , „ t^ Wounded— 2d Lieut. J. Albert Saylor, 5th Sergt. Joseph F. Dengler, Corp. Henry Gearing, Corp. Thornton B. Hanley, Corp. Thos. G. Houck, Dallas Dampman, Chas. Grieflf, Edward Hayes.. Joseph Hollister, Dan'l McCoy, Hugh B. Nugent. Missing — Corp. Michael Larkin, A. Garber. COMPANY B. Killed— 1st Lieut, Ernst T. Ellrich. Wounded — J. Miller. Missing Gross, A. Bucher. COMPANY C. Wounded Sergt, Hugh Stevenson, David Kuhns, Brian Haley. Missing— John Davis, James Wollinger, Joseph Huber. COMPANY D. Killed — James Hughes. AVouNDED— James Doyle, 2d Sergeant Ira Troy, Daniel Wolf, Milton Moyer, (missing.) ^ ^ COMPANY E. Wounded — Corp. Chas. Godyke, Jacob W. Woodring, Dan. Woodring. Missing — Corp. Stephen Horn, John Miller. C M P A N Y F . Killed— R. Walsh, Patrick Ferns. Wounded— J. McGaerity, (since dead,) J. Healy, (supposed, to be dead,) F. Blizzard, E. Britt, W. Quirk, 1st Serg. M. Bolan, (since deal.) Battle Narratives. 431 Wounded and Missing — 2d Sergt. D. Carroll, Corp. J. Brady, Corp. B. Rfatthews, D. O'Donnell, M. Mc Bride, J. Quinn. COMPANY G. Wounded — L. Romick, E. Moyer, Wounded and Missing — 2d Lieutenant E. A. Sauerbie, G. Nestor, W. Strasser. Missing — S. Nestor. COMPANY H. Wounded — J. Callagy, C. J. Zeigler. Missing — C. Haley. COMPANY I. Killed — 3d Sergt, Francis Caulfield, Corp. Martin Foyle. Wounded — Corporal James Ruddy, Peter O'Donnel, Thomas Burke, T. Dudlick, John Hobbs, John Hibbard, Stephen Horan, Michael Keat- ing, Patrick Caliban, Jerry Dineen, Wra. Weaklind, Anthony Sheridan, John Morrel, Patrick Purcell-, James Cramer. COMPANY K. Wounded — John Hollan, Corp. Thomas Moore, John Farrell. Wounded and Missing — John Ryan, John Kelly. Among those brought into camp that night, (Friday, 27th,) by our boys, was a brave Michigander, -with a fearful gunshot wound in his thigh, tied up with his handkerchief. But I could enumerate hundreds of cases of unmurmuring fortitude under the severest wounds. Early on the morning of* the 28th, our teams with commissary and ammunition, took their place in the train already moving from the left towards James River. Our portion of the train rested, parked in a pleasant grove near McClellan's old headquarters, a mile from Wood- bury bridge, until nine o'clock that night. In this connection, I will mention an incident characteristic of Col. Cake's watchfulness and care- taking for the comfort of his command. At nine o'clock Saturday night he took the responsibility of recalling a portion of the train, and through the efficient management of Quartermaster Saylor, and Lieutenant Z. B. Boyer, acting Commissary and Adjutant, had three days' meat rations cooked for his men. So they were fed while some other regiments near ua in the line sadly lacked on our weary marchings to the James River. Indeed Col. Cake was enabled to share with one of the regiments that had entirely run out of provisions. I remember he did the same thing on the march from Manassas to Catlett's last spring. To return to the Regiment on this busy Saturday. There was slashing of timber in our rear and also in our front. There was marching off to the right to Gen. Smith's, where we were shelled, then we fook a new position some distance to the rear of our camp, then back again to camp and to the lines in front. During the morning a shot from the enemy passed directly where the Colonel's marque had stood, and others iu fearful proximity to the position of our regimental hospital. Our ipen had packed up, and at the different positions were all day in line of battle, most of tlie time on the picket lines as rear guard. The ob- ject of all this day's work and of our heavy artillery practice, was to hold the enemy in check on our right. It was so far a success. At one o'clock Sabbath morning, in heavy marching order, the Regiment moved towards the famous White Oak Swamps. There were "rests" with snatches of sleep, there were log barricades built, and picketing on th« route. The dog tents were pitched on the bluff just beyond the crossing of the swamp, and near the temporary general headquarters. Thenc* 432 Battle Narratives. we were marched out some two miles and a half and rested at 5, P. M., in a field all night. There had been a successful skirmish with the rebel eavalry during the morning just beyond this position, in which they sulFered considerably. Their Major was brought in mortally wounded and died before noon. The officers' haversacks began to be very light, and "square bread" i. e. hard crackers, to be very precious with us, bui good humor abounded. From three o'clock in the morning I had been engaged in encouraging the sick and wounded on the route, to keep moving. You may imagine that I slept soundly that night with Drs. Bland and Nugent, and friend C.,. of Philadelphia, though sheltered only by a lean-to of rails in a fence corner. Some of the boys managed to cook some hot coffee in their tin cups. Never did the choicest Mocha taste better. On Monday at 8, A. M,, (30th June) the Division was moved out to the left on the Charles City Cross Roads, some two miles or more, and our Regiment was immediately sent out to the farthest front on picket duty. The 9Gth were advanced on the Richmond road beyond all other forces, and ordered to retire with and after the brigades of Gens. Birney and Berry, in order that our artillery might rake the advancing rebels. We supported Hexheimer's battery. The artillery did fearful execution. — Adjt. Richards, who occupied a favorable position for observing its ef- fects, assured me, as did others, that on the field raked not a rat could find a place to live. Just as we were about to charge, Gen. Heintzel- man came in person for reinforcemants ior Gen. Sedgwick's Division, which was much pressed. The Jersey Brigade from our Division was sent, and the intended charge delayed. Meanwhile the battle raged fearfully on our left. Franklin's Corps having held and driven back the enemy with the artillery, was again called upon for reinforcements. Sedgwick and McCall had been much broken. Our Brigade standing before the batteries ready to charge, was ordered back to go with Mc- Call. We went at double-quick coming under the enemy's fire in our new position ; shot, shell and musketry penetrating our lines. But Gens. Sumner and Kearney had anticipated us, and had regained the lost ground, driving back the foe with great slaughter. The Regiment was ordered back to its position, that it could be in readiness to renew its march after midnight. The exposure of our ofiicers and men during this afternoon's fight were much leas than on Friday, but I can feelingly testify that the rebels threw their shot without any care for our safety, since they whistled over my head from three different directions, and at the well of the field hospital, Sergeant-Mnjor John Harlan and myself had at least seven musket or rifle balls pass our legs from the woods in the direction of McCall's fight. At that Wayside hospital we left one of our men, who was wounded in Friday's fight, and whose arm had been amputated in the woods that morning. I had him in the ambulance once, but he was taken oui again by the Brigade Surgeon, that the ambulance might be used on the field. About sixty men were left here, including the wounded rebels who had been brought in, and about the same number had been dreste 1 and sent towards the river. The successful actions of Monday were, in my opinion, the favoring crisis of the whole change of base. A de- cided failure by either of our sections engaged, would have imperilled the whole array of the Potomac. Leaving the accumulating forces of the enemy in front and on both flanks, ours were quietly withdrawn, and met the rising sun of Tuesday on Malvern Hill. Here occurred Porter's splendid fight, that afternoon. The 96th marched during tk* Battle Narratives. 433 morning from the hill, some two miles, and passed Turkey Island bridge, spending some hours in making an extended log barricade, and expect- ing a fight, but during the after part of the night "fell back" quietly to Harrison's Landing, reaching this the much talked of base, a few mo- ments before noon on Wednesday, July 2d. Officers and men were not a little fatigued. We found reinforcements already arriving, and new supplies of commissary and medical stores. Several sanitary vessels had already taken north hundreds of the sick and wounded. In the last change of position, several officers lost no little personal baggage. I know that for two nights a number were glad of the shelter attorded by an army wagon, and most of the stajff and line were grateful for room to sleep with the men in their small dog tents. Thursday, od, found the army resting in the mud, but moving back again from the river to establish the more permanent lines and camps, — and in the use of the pick and shovel the 9Gth has done its full share — and the earthworks are considered to be almost impregnable. How it may have been in other Divisions, I don't know, but the 9Gth and other regiments of Frank- lin's Corps, had little rest for ten days after reaching James River- being ordered out to trenching, slashing or picket duty often twice in the twenty-four hours. Lt.-Col. Frick on one occasion with the llegi- ment, drove the enemy's pickets, by felling trees some distance beyond their lines — and so opening a free scope for our heavy siege guns to sweep clear the only way of approach for the rebels to our entrenched camp that was not commanded by the reach of the guns on the boats. Lt.-Col. Frick was assigned to the provisional command of the Maine 5th, whose staff had been put hors de combat on Friday, Major Martin received a complimentary appointment as commandant of construction, in the completion of the heavy earthworks on our front. Long as is this communication, it includes only the briefest possible summary of labors and actions during daj^s of trial and exposure, in which we seemed to live a whole life — and in which the 96th acted well its part, and for which it deserves well of the country it serves and the State it in part represents. There is hardly an officer in the Regiment in whom I did not witness something worthy of most honorable mention. But space forbids it here. That our list of casualties was not greatly larger is due, under God, I fully believe, to the skill and presence of mind in the Colonel and his active staff, and to the confidence reposed in them by the men, and their ready obedience to orders. The whole change of base has been pronounced a success. Excepting the breaking of McCalTs and Sedgwick's Divisions, no portion of the grand army has been discomfitted, and that brief success of the foe waa dearly bought, since in it their losses quadrupled ours — and they wero completely forced back immediately. Yours, &c., S. F. Colt. THE FIGHT AT POCOTALIGO, S. C, OCTOBER 22, 1862. Our forces under Generals Brannan and Terry, the former in command, landed at Mackev's Point, and marched seven miles be. fore meeting the enemy. They drove them from their position in the woods, followed them up again, and again drove them from their position two miles beyond. 434 Battle Narratives. After a hot fight here, they viere pursued to Pocotaligo bridge, which the rebels destroyed behind them. Further progress being impossible, our forces retreated to the gun-boats. The fight lasted five hours. John S. Bannan, a member of Company E, Fifty-fifth Pa. Re- giment, who participated in the movement, wrote to us as follows : Camp 55th Regiment Pa. Vols. ) Beaufort, S. C, October 21, 18G2. / Probably ere this reaches you, you wilLhave heard of an advance made in this department to cut oti" communication between Charleston and Savannah at Pocotaligo bridge, and of the retreat of our forces on account of having no means of conveying ammunition in sufficient quan- tities to our troops, and of their subsequent return to this place without having accomplished their object. The expedition started from this place and Hilton Head on the after- noon of the 21st. On the 22nd our forces landed and advanced about five miles when the first fighting commenced. Twice were the rebels driven from their positions. At the third position our ammunition gave out, and our forces were obliged to retire, which they did in remarkably good order. Our artillery captured one wagon of the rebel's ammuni- tion, and fired the ammunition at ihem as long as it lasted. The fight- ing continued from about 12 o'clock until dusk of the evening. They returned last night, 23d inst. The forces engaged from Beaufort were portions of the 55th and 47th Penn., 6th Conneciicut, 4tli New Hamp- shire, the 1st Massacliusetts Cavalry and Rhode Island Battery, under command of Brigadier General Brannan. The entire loss of our forces will amount to about 300 in killed and wounded, though it may fall as low as 200, but certainly not more than three hundred. The 47th Pennsylvania were the severest sufferers, as their loss out of GOO engaged, will amount to about 120 in killed and wounded. They pushed forward with the impetuosity of tried veterans. The loss of the 55th P. V., is 20 in killed, wounded and missing. — Four were killed, 24 wounded, and 1 missing, also wounded. But the saddest loss falls upon Co. E, of Minersville, Schuylkill Co. Captain Horace C. Bennett, sou of Mr. D. R. Bennett, of Woodside, fell near the close of the battle, having received a ball in the abdomen. — Captain Bennett, is sincerely mourned by his Company, as he was uni- versally^ loved. His death has in fact, caused a gloom throughout the Regiment, as it will among his friends at home, especially upon his par- ents. He was but 23 years of age, but bold, brave and courageous. Fear never troubled him, and he stood boldly up before the terrible fire of the enemy unflinchingly and unawed. He was the only commis- sioned othcer killed in the Regiment. None of theiothers are toucheJ. The mortality seems to have been particularly severe among the non- commissioned officers. Below I give you a list of the killed and wound- ed in Co. E, Capt. Eennett : KiLLKD — Capt. H. C. Bennett. Wounded — Ord. Sergt. Winfield Benseman, Sergt. George P. Parry, Corp. John Magee, Thomas P. Magee. Battle Narratives. 435 battle of port royal, s. c. In this battle, fought January 1, 1862, the Fiftieth Penna. Re- giment, Col B. C. Christ, participated. His official report is as follows : Beaufort, S. C, Jan. 2, 18(32. Capt, H. Stevens, A. A. G. : — Sir : I respectfully submit the following : — According to Special Or- der, No. — , 1 left our encampment at Beaufort at 5 J o'clock, P. M., Dec. 81st, 1861, with four companies of my command, viz : C, E, F and K, and proceeded along the Shell Road in the direction of Port Royal Ferry, to the Cross Roads, where I was joined by companies D and H. We then proceeded along the Shell^Road to the six-mile post, where we bivouacked until 21 o'clock, A. jM.,*Jan. 1, 1862, when I again took up my line of march, under the direction of a guide, to a point on Brick Yard Creek. From this latter point I was ordered by the General Com- manding to a peint called the "Brick Yard," on the upper end of Port Royal Island, and as soon as boats were furnished me, to push across Coosaw River, and land at the "Adams' House," where I arrived at 12^ o'clock, P. M., and immediately formed a junction with companies A, B, G and I, under command of Lieut. -Col. Brenholtz, who had reached this point from Beaufort by boats. The whole Regiment then took their position in centre of the Brigade, and proceeded with it, under heavy cannonading of the enemy, over a narrow causeway, and along a road leading to the Fort at Port Royal Ferry. When within three-quarters of a mile of the Fort, I was ordered, with the right wing of my command, on to the enemy's right, with a view to support Col. Fenton, of the 8th Michigan, who was gallantly leading his command in the face of a bat- tery, on the enemy's left. I accordingly moved forward, taking the pre- caution to throw out small skirmishing parties, the better to watch the movements of the enemy, and to guard against surprise. After moving forward about three hundred yards, my advance was fired upon by the enemy from the wood on our left. I called in my skirmishers, and im- mediately put my command on double-quick, until within a good musket range, when I discovered from 400 to 500 of the enemy forming in line of battle, and evidently preparing to give us a warm reception. I, how- ever, anticipated his movement, and before his line was completed, mine was formed and ready for action. I immediately commenced firing, and I believe, with telling effect, for, at the third volley, the enemy broke and beat a hasty retreat towards the wood. I again rapidly pushed for- ward, with a view to cut off his retreat, and prevent a junction with their main body, when I was arrested in my further progress by shells from our gun-boats, which now. came pouring in among them, making sad havoc in their already decimated ranks. After firing one more vol- ley at their broken and disordered ranks, we retired about 200 yards out of the range of the guu-boats, and were subsequently ordered to take a position near the Fort, where we bivouacked for the night, and to-day, Jan. 2d, re-crossed the Coosaw, and reached our encampment at Beau- fort at 5 o'clock, P. M. Although the whole of my command were within range of the ene- my's cannon for a half hour, and a portion of them within one hundred yards of a detachment of his (the enemy's) infantry, and for some time sustained a heavy fire, I have no killed to report, and none wuonded, save M. Werdenhammer, of Co. E, a slight wound in the right foot, and Ensign Herbert, slightly wounded in the leg by a spent piece of shell. A piece of shell also struck the flagstaff, in the Ensign's hand. 436 Battle I^Tarratives. I cannot close this report without expressing my decided approbation of the conduct of both officers and men of my command — to the officers, for anticipating almost every order, thereby rendering my portion of the work comparatively easy ; and to the men for their strict attention and prompt compliance with every command. All of which is respectfully submitted. B. C, Christ. BATTLE OF LEBANON, TENN., MAY 8, 1862. In this engagement the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry, Col. G. C. Wynkoop, participated. The following is the Colonel's official report : May 5th, 1862. CArT. : Sir : I have the honor to report the result of the engagement with the enemy to day, as far as relates to my command. When within half a mile of the town, the advance guard of Wolford's Cavalry charged upon the pickets of the enemy, and drove them into the town of Lebanon; they were in return driven back. I then ordered my command to charge through the town, where we were exposed to a perfect shower of balls, fired from the windows and dilferent alleys in the square. After making four charges through the town, I, in ac- cordance with orders, went in pursuit of the enemy, who were escaping in force through alleys, and concentrating on the Rome Turnpike. I charged upon their rear, and pursued them for twenty miles, to the town of Carthage, killing and wounding many, and taking a large num- ber of prisoners, the enemy, some fifteen or twenty in number, with one horse, crossing the Cumberland River in a boat, and there being no other conveyance on this side, we were compelled to give up pursuit. I herewith give you the number of my command: Co. L, 30; Co. C, 40 ; Co. E, 40 ; Co. K, 40 ; Co. G, 15 ; Co. B, 15— making a total of 180 men. Killed, Wounded and Missing. Co. C, Henry Prime, killed. Wounded — Lieut. Greene and Private* Henry Howe and E. Verbeck. Co. E— Killed, H. Winklebleck and H. Kahler. Co. K— Killed, Corp. T. McGrank. Wounded, Lt. Taylor, and Priv- ates Caraher and Schreiber, missing. Co. L — Sergt. I. Reiley, killed, and three missing. It would be impossible to mention any special officer or private. All behaved with great coolness and bravery ; but I must not neglect to no- tice Capt. B. S. Dart, of Co. C, who was the only, commissioned officer who pursued the enemy to the river, the horses of the others having given out. Also, Adjt. R. F. Moson, for his bravery. He was on the right of the charging column in the town, and received a wound in the side, and some four miles out received another in the right arm, and yei kept on discharging his duty. Also, Sergt. Kingsley, who acted as co- lor-bearer, for his courage: He carried the colors in one hand, and hia Babre in the other. I regret to state that, in the early part of the en- gagement. Major J. Given was taken prisoner, by which I lost the aid of a valuable officer. (Signed) Gbo. C. Wynkoop, Col. 7th Pa. Cav. THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE REBELLION, 1859. MAY. 11. Southern Convention at Vicksburg, Miss. Eight States repre- sented. Resolutions in favor of opening the slave trade passed. JUNE. 8. Slaveholders' Convention in Baltimore, Md. Every county repre- sented. OCTOBER. 16. John Brown, fifteen white men and five negroes seize Harper's Ferry Arsenal. 17. Militia and United States troops arrive at Harper's Ferry and besiege Brown and his men in the armory buildings. 18. The armory captured by Colonel (afterwards the Rebel General) Lee. One marine and twelve of Brown's men, killed. Brown and four men taken prisoners. Two escape, but are re-captured. NOVEMBER. 10. People of Charlestown, Va., excited by rumors of an attempt to rescue John Brown. Governor Wise calms their fears by guarding the place with a Richmond regiment. 30. In the House of Representatives of South Carolina a resolution is offered that "South Carolina is ready to enter, together with other slaveholding States, or such as desire present action, into the formation pf a Southern Confederacy." DECEMBER. 2. John Brown and two negroes hung. 20. The medical students from Southern States in Philadelphia col- leges resolve to secede and join colleges in their own- States. I860. FEBRUARY. 2, The trial of Stevens commenced at Harper's Ferry. ^ MARCH. 16. Stevens and Hazlitt hung at Charlestown, Va. APRIL. 5. Scene in Congress between Messrs. Potter and Roger A. Pryor. L'o. The Democratic National Convention assembles at Charleston, S. C. 30. The Cincinnati Platform rejected by the National Democratic Con- vention, and, uponthe adopting of a platform, the Southern delegatee secede. 37 MoS Chronological Ivfxord. MAY. 4. Tlic National Democratic Convention adjonvns until June 18. 9. The Constitutional Union Convention at Baltimore, nominates John Bell for President and Edward Everett for Vice. 11. A scene in the House between Messrs. Thayer and Grow. IG. Tlie National Republican Convention assembles at Chicago. 18. Tlie Republican Convention nominate Abraham Lincoln, of Il- linois, for President, and Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, for Vice. JUNE. I. ^Maryland prohibits the manumission of slaves. 12. Tlie National Democratic Convention, meets at Richmond, and adjourns until the l!lst. 18. The r>altimore Convention (Rell and Everett) re-assembles. 20. Serious fight in the r>altimore Convention. 23. The National Democratic Convention meets at Baltimore, and nominates Douglas and Johnson ; the secedcrs also meet, and nom- inate Breckinridge and Lane. AUGUST. 16. A Douglas State Convention at Syracuse forms a Union ticket. OCTOBER. 18. The Governor of South Carolina calls an extra session of the Legislature. NOVEMBER. G. Abraham Lincoln elected President, and Hannibal Hamlin Vice- President : Lincoln and Hamlin, 108 electoral votes; Bell and Everett, 39 ; Breckinridge and Lane, 72 : Douglas and John&on, 12. 10. Bill introduced in South Carolina Legislature to raise and equip 10,000 volunteers, .lames Chestnut, Senator from South Carolina, re- signs. South Carolina Legislature orders the election of a convention to consider the question of Secession. II. Senator Hammond, of South Carolina, resigns. 14. Alex. II. Stephens speaks at Milledgeville, Ga., in opposition to Secession, but favored a State Convention. 15. Senator Toombs speaks for Secession at Milledgeville, Ga. Gov. Letcher, of Virginia, calls an extra session of the Legislature. Senator Toombs speaks in opposition to Mr. Stephens, and Mr. Stephens in a few days after gave in his adhesion to rebellioji. Great public meeting at Mobile, and adoption of the famous Declaration of Causes for Se- cession. 17. Great Secession meeting in (Charleston. 18. Georgia Legislature votes $1,000,000 to arm the State, and order? the election of a convention. Major Anderson ordered to Fort Moultrie to relieve Col. Gardiner ordered to Texas. 19. Gov. Moore orders an extra session of the Louisiana Legislature. 20. 22, 23. General bank suspensions in Richmond, Baltimore, "Wash- ing;! on, Philadelphia, Trenton, and the Southern States. 24. Vigilance Associations organized by citizens of Lexington Dis- trict, S. C. [This movement extended all over the South, and thousands of Northern men and women were driven out of the country with threats, and often with personal violence.] 29. Vermont Legislature refuse, 12-3 to 58, to repeal the Personal Liberty bill. Mississippi Legislature votes to send commissionev& lo conferwith the authorities of the other slaveholding States. Chronological Record. 439 DECEMBEP; 1. Florida Legislature votes to elect a convention. Great Secession meeting at Memphis. 8. A John Brown anniversary meeting in Boston broken up. Meet- ing of Congress ; President Buchanan's message denies the right of Sq- eession ; it was fiercely attacked by Senator Ciingman of North Caroli- na, and defended by Crittentlen of Kentucky, 4, The President sends Mr, Prescott to South Carolina, to ask a post- ponement of action until Congress could decide upon remedies. Mr. Iverson, of Georgia, made a disunion speech in the Senate, predicting the secession of five if not eight States before the kh of March, 5. Election for delegates in South Carolina. All the candidates werQ immediate secessionists. 10, Howell Cobb, Secretary of the Treasury, resigns. Senator Clay, of Alabama, also resigns. Louisiana Legislature met in extra ■session, voted to electa convention, and appropriated $-300,000 to and the State. General debate begins in Congress on the state of the nation. It very soon became apparent, from speeches of Iverson, Wigfall and otlier Southerners, that the Secessionists did not want and would not have any compromise, l-j. Great Union demonstration in Philadelphia. Extra session of the Cabinet on the question of reinforcing Fort Moultrie ; the President opposes it, and carries his point. li.-"- Lewis Cass, Secretary of State, resigned because the President would not sen-d reinforcements South. 17, South Carolina convention assembles. Gov, Pickens takes ground for immediate secession, 18, The famous Crittenden Compromise introduced. It was this : To renew the Missouri line of 86° 80^; prohibit slavery north and per- mit it south of that line ; admit new States with or without slavery, as their constitutions provide ; prohibit Congress from abolishing slavery in States, and in the District of Columbia so long as it exists in Virginia or Maryland ; permit free transmission of slaves by land or water in any State ; pay for fugitive slaves rescued after arrest ; repeal the in- equality of commissioners' fees in Fugitive Slave Act,- and to ask the repeal of Personal Liberty Bills in the Northern States. These conces- sions to be submitted to the people as apaendments to the Constitution, and if adopted, never to be changed, Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, goes to Raleigh, to persuade the North Carolina Legislature to vote for secession, 19, Senator Johnson of Tennessee, made a strong Union speech on Crittenden's bill. 20,^ The Convention at Charleston passes the or:linance carrying South Carolina out of the Union, The Committee of 13 appointed in the Senate. Caleb Gushing reached Charleston with a message from Presi- dent Buchanan, guaranteeing that Major Anderson should not be rein- forced, and asking the Convention to respect the Federal laws. The Convention refused to make any promises, and Mr, C, returned after a stay of five hours, 22. North Carolina Legislature adjourned, A bill to arm the State fails t© pass the House. The Crittenden proposition voted down in the committee of 13, 23. The robbery of the Indian Trust Fund discovered at Washina-ton. 24. Attempted removal of ordnance from the Arsenal at Pittsburg, Pa., prevented by the citizens. South Carolina Convention adopted'^a 440 Chroxological Recorp. '•3>eclarftiioii of Causes for Succession, and formally perfecied the with- drawal of the State. An address to the slareholding States was adopted. Got. Moore orders a session of tlie Alabama Legislature Conxention elected in Alabama. Majority for Secession over 50,000, South Caro- lina members of Congress present their resignations. The Speaker ■would not recognize them, aud tieir names were called through iTie session. 25. South Carolina ConTention adopted resolutions to form a Con- federate Government of slareholding States. 26. South Carolina Commissioners arrived in Washington. Fort Moultrie evacuated bv Major Robert Andei^son. who retires with his troops — about SO men — ^to Fori Sumrer. -_ 27. Got. Magofin called an extra session of the Keniucty Legisla- ture. Major Anderson's movement created intense excitement ; troops were ordered out in Charleston, and aid was tendered from Georgia and other States. Revenue Cutter Aiken ireaeherously suirendered by Capt. M- L. Coste to the Souti Carolina authorities. 28. South Carolina seized the Citstom House. Post Office, and Arsenal &t Charleston, and occupied Castle Pinknev and Fort Moultrie. 29. John B. Floyd. Secretary of War. resigns. The South Carolina Commissioners formally sought an audience of the President. He re- plied next day. refusing to receive them. 31. South Carolina adopted an oath of abjuration and •ilegianee. and sent Commissioners to the other Slave States, with a view to the formation of a Sosithern Confederacv. 18 6 1. JA^rUAEY. 2. Gov. Ellis, of North Carolina, took po3session of Fort Maeon. at Beaufort., the works at Wilmington, and the United States Arsenal at Fayeiieville. Georgia troops in possession of Fort Pulaski and Jackson, and the U. S. Arsenal at Savannah. S. The Critt-enden compromise resolutions offered in the Senate. South Carolina Commissioners wrote an insulting letter to the President, and went home. 4. Fort Morgan, Mobile Harbor, seized by Siate troops. 5. The Postmaster at Charleston refuses to make returns to the U. S. Government. The Star of the West chartered and sent to Fort Sum- ter to reinforce Major Anderson. 7. Senator Toombs, of Georgia, made a violent Secession speech in the Senate. 8. Forts Johnson and Caswell, N. C, seized by rebels. Secretary Thompson resigns from the Interior liepartment. 9. Mississippi secedes. The first guji of the rebellion fired : the forts on Morris Island fire on the Star of the We^il, and she puts to sea. 10. The steamer Jos^-h Whitney leaves Boston with reinforcements for the troops at Pensaeola. Fla. General John A. I'ix made Secretary of the Treasury. Florida secedes. 11. Alabama secedes. U. S. Arsenal at Baton Rouge. Forts Philip and Jackson, below Zsew Orleans, and Fori Pickens, on Lake Ponchar- train, seized by Louisiana. 12. The Pensaeola Navy Yard seized by rebels and the cutter Lexris Cass seized at New Orleans. Chronological Hecord. 441 13. Lieut. Slemmer of Pennsylvania, in command of Fort Pickens, refused to surrender, and saved that important fortress to the Union. 14. The Senators from Mississippi -withdraw from Congress, South Carolina Legislature declared that any attempt to reinforce Fort Sumter would be an act of war. 15. The coast survey steamer Dana seized at St. Augustine, Fla, 16. The Crittenden Compromise practically voted down in the United States Senate, by the adoption of Mr, Clarke's substitute, that the Con- stitution is good enough, and Secession ought to be put down. Col. Hayne, in the name of Gov. Pickens, demanded of the President the surrender of Fort Sumter. The President refused to receive him in any ofi&cial capacity. 17. Batteries commanding the Mississippi erected at Ticksburg. 18. Virginia Legislature appropriated §1,000,000 for the defense of the State. 10. Georgia secedes. Fort Xeale, at Little Washington, X. C, cap- tured by the rebels. 20, The Fort at Ship Island captured by the rebels, 21, The Alabama delegation in Congress leave. Fort Neale, at Little Washington, X. C, retaken by a party of sailors. 22, Seizure in New York of muskets intended for Savannah. 23, Georgia members of Congress resigned. 24, The arsenal at Augusta, Ga., seized by State troops, 26, Louisiana secedes. 30. North Carolina Legislature calls a State Convention to meet Feb- ruary 28. The forts on the Tortugas reinforced. Ex-Secretary Floyd indicted by a Grand Jury for malfeasance and conspiracy. Revenue Cutter McClelland, Capt. Breshwood, surrendered to the Louisiana au- thorities by its commander. FEBRUARY. 1. The Charlestonians prepare to besiege Fort Sumter. Texas passes the Ordinance of Secession. Mint and Custom House at New Orleans seized by the State authorities. 2, The gold in the New Orleans Mint seized by the State, 4. The Peace Congress assembles at Washington. The Southern States convene at Montgomery, Ala. Slidell and Benjamin, of Louisiana, leave the Senate, The Virginia election for delegates to a convention results in nineteen-twentieihs in favor of L'nion. 8. Col, Hayne, Commissioner from South Carolina, unable to get re- cognition, finally left Washington, Gov. Brown, of Georgia, seized New York ships in Savannah Harbor, in retaliation for the seizure of arms in New York. The ships were released on the 10th. Little Rock Arsenal surrendered to Arkansas, 9, .Jefferson Davis elected President and Alexander H. Stephens, Vice-President of the Southern Confederacy by the Convention at Mont- gomery, Ala., which also adopts the Constitution of the United States as its Constitution, At the Tennessee election, a large majority is given in favor of L'nion. 11. President Lincoln started for Washington, 13, Electoral vote counted — Lincoln and Hamlin officially declared elected, 18, Jefferson Davis inaugurated President of the Confederate States of America. Twiggs surrenders the military posts in Texas to Van Dorn. 442 Chronological Recori?. 19. Fort Kearney, Kan., taken by Secessionists ; soon after retaken. 21. Jeff. Davis appointed his Cabinet — Toombs, Sec. State; Mem- minger, Treasury, and L. P. Walker, War. Governor of Georgia made another seizure of New York vessels. 22. President Lincoln's night journey from Ilarrisburg to Washing- ton, in order to prevent an anticipated outrage in Baltimore. 25. News received of the surrender and treason of Maj.-Gen. Twiggs in Texas. 26. Capt. Tlill refused to surrender Fort Brown, Tex., under Twiggs' order. 27. Peace Congress submitted to the Senate their Plan of Pacification. 28. Vote on Corwin's report from the Committee o-f 33 ; the resolu- tions adopted — 136 to 53. MARCH. 1. Gen. Twiggs expelled from the army, 4. Inauguration of President Lincoln. Texas State Convention de- clared that State out of the Union. 5. Gen. Beauregard ordei'ed to take command of the rebels at Charleston. 6. Fort Brown surrendered by special agreement. 18. Supplies cut off from Fort Pickens, Pensacola. 28. Vote of Louisiana on Secession publishetl — For^ 20,448; Against, 17,290. ^, . . 30. Mississippi Convention ratified the Confederate Constitution — 78 to 7. xVPPJL. 3. South Carolina Convention ratified the Confederate Constitution — 114* to 16. , , . ^ . 4. Virginia Convention refused, 89 to 4o, to submit a becession or- dinance to the people. . , , .-, . • ^ 7. Gen. Beauregard notified Major Anderson that intercourse between Sumter and the city would no longer be permitted. Steam transport Atlantic sailed from New York with troops and supplies. 8. Official notification given that supplies would be sent to Maj. An- derson, by force, if necessary. 9. Steamers Illinois and Baltic sailed from New lork with sealed 10. " Flonting battery of the rebels at Charleston finished and mount- ed Large numbers of troops sent to the various for'ifications. 11 Fears of the seizure of Washington. Troops posted in the Cap- itol—oath of fidelity administered to the men. Confederats Commis- sioners left Washington, satisfied that no recognition of their govern- ment would take place under President Lincota. Beauregard demands of Mai. Anderson the surrender of Fort Sumter. The Major declined. Bids for Treasury Notes opened— whole amount taken at a premium. 12 Actual Commencement of War. Bombardment of Fort Sumter be- jran'at 4 30 A. M., and continued all day ; partially suspended at night- fall ' The rebels had in action 17 mortars and 30 large guns, mostly co- lumbiads The rebels fired at intervals all night; Sumter was silent. Pennsylvania Legislature voted $500,000 to arm the State. Fort Pickens rein 01 ce^^^ gutter opened fire about 7, A. M. At 8 o'clock the officers' Quarters were fired by a shell. At 10 o'clock a chance shot struck down the flacr At noon most of the woodwork of the fort was on fire ; men Chronological Record. 443 rolled out 90 barrels of powder to prevent explosion. Sumter's fire al- most silenced ; the flames forced the destruction of nearly all the pow- der ; cartridges were gone and none could be made. About 1, P. M., tlie flagstaif was shot away, when the flag was nailed to the piece, and' dis- played from the ramparts. Senator Wigfall now came with a flag of truce, arrangements were made for evacuating the fort, and at 12.55^ P. M., the shot-riven flag was hauled down, the garrison departed upon honorable terms, taking their flag, arms and private property. No man was hurt in the fort during action, and the rebels say that none were killed on their side. 14. Major Anderson and his men left Fort Sumter, and sailed for New York. 15. The President's proclamation issued, calling for 75,000 Volun- teers, and commanding the rebels to return to peace within 20 days. Extra session of Congress called. IG, 17, etc. General uprising in the North. Proclamations, military orders, voting men and money, the order of the day. In the principal cities mobs visited newspapers and firms suspected of disloyalty, and compelled them to raise the Stars and Stripes. Legislatures not in ses- sion were called together ; banks offered loans to the Government ; great public meetings were held ; Union badges worn by everybody. 17. Pirst troops left Schuylkill County, Pa., and reached Ilarrisburg in the evening — AVashington Artillery, Capt. James Wren, and National Light Infantry, Capt. Edward McDonald. Virginia Secession ordinance passed in secret session, CO to 53 — to be submitted to the people. Gov. Letcher recognized the Southern Confederacy by proclamation. Mas- sachusetts Sixth Regiment started for AVashington. 18. Four hundred and eighty Pennsylvania Volunteers — "Washington Artillerists and National Light Infantry of Pottsville, Pa. ; Ringgold Ar- tillerists, of Reading, Pa., Logan Guards, of Lewistown, Pa., and Allen Rifles of Allentown, Pa., passed through Ealtimore exposed to the as- sault of a secession mob ; reached Washington in the evening, and were quartered by Gen. McDowell in the Capitol building, being the first vol- unteers from the North to reach the National Capital for its defence. Major Anderson reached New York. Sixth Massachusetts pass New York. Lieut. Jones burned Harper's Ferry Arsenal to keep it from the rebels. Two of his men were killed by rebel shots. 19. Rebels, under Col, Van Dorn, seized the steamship Star of the West, off Indianola. Attack on the Sixth Massachusetts in Baltimore two killed and seven wounded. Baltimore in the hands of the mob. The Mayor and Governor informed the President that no more troops could pass through Baltimore without fighting their way. 20. General Dix issues his order, "Whoever dares to pull down the American flag, shoot him on the spot." 21. The Portsmouth, Va., Navy Yard and the vessels thereat destroy- ed by the rebels. 22. Arsenals at Fayetteville, N. C, and Napoleon, Ark., seized by the rebels. 23. John Bell turns rebel. First South Carolina Regiment started for the Potomac. 24. Fort Smith, Ark., seized by the State troops. 25. Maj. Sibley surrendered 440 U. S. troops to the rebel Col. Van Dorn at Saluria, Texas. 26. Owing to the destruction of the railroad and telegraph lines com- munication is opened with Washington by water. Gov, Brown, of Geo., 444 Chronological Eecord. prohibited the payment of debts due to Northern men, diverting the amount to the State Treasury. 27. Numerous resignations of Southerners at Washington who refus- ed^to take the oalh. The blockade extended to North Carolina and Vir- ginia ports, 29. The President orders an additional volunteer force, making loo,- 000 men in all, and an increase of the regular army to 85,000. Mary- land Legislature repudiates Secession. 30. The rebel Congress meets at Montgomery, Ala. Tennessee secedes. MAY. 3. Gov. Letcher called out the militia to defend Virginia from the Northerners. President Lincoln called for 42,000 three years' vol- 5. Gen. Butler, with a Union force, took possession of the Relay House, near Baltimore. 6. Arkansas secedes. 7. Arlington Heights, opposite Washington, seized by Virginians., Major AndeT-son accepted command of the Kentucky Volunteers. 9. Lieut. -Col. Reeve and 813 men surrender to Van Dorn at San An- tonio, Texas. , c. t • 10. Captain Lyon captures Frost's Brigade, in camp near St. Louis. The pirate Spraj/ captures the schooner Altvatcr, otf Apalachicola. Mob attack upon Volunteer Home Guards in St. Louis, the guard fired, 7 of the mob killed. Maj. Gen. Robert E. Lee put in command of the Rebel forces in Virginia. 11. Blockade of Charleston established. 13. General Butler occupies Baltimore, and travel through the city re-established. Queen Victoria issued a proclamation of neutrality. 14. A schooner loaded with arms for the rebels seized in Baltimore. Ross Winans arrested. 15. Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, called for volunteers under the Presi- dent's proclamation. 16. Bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad destroyed. Gen. Scott ordered the fortification of Arlington Heights. 17. Secession spies arrested at Washington. Rebels fortify Harper's Ferry. Rebel Congress authorize the issue of Treasury Notes. 19. Engagement between the SewaU's Point Battery and four gun- boats. Two wounded on our side. 21. North Carolina secedes. 22. Ship Island Fortifications destroyed to keep them from the rebels. 24. General movement of troops into Virginia; the rebels evacuated Alexandria ; Col. Ellsworth shot by the rebel Jackson, landlord of the Marshall House, Alexandria, from which" the Colonel had taken down a Secession flag ; .Jackson was instantly killed. Arlington Heights occu- pied by our troops. General Butler declares slaves- to be contraband of war. 25. Our troops destroyed bridges on the Alexandria and Leesburg railroad. Ellsworth's funeral in Washington. 26. Alexandria put under Martial Law. Western Virginia voted strongly for the Union. 27. Chief Justice Taney's habeas corpus in the Merryman case dis- regarded by Gen. Cadwallader. Blockade of the Mississippi commenced. Brigadier General McDowell took command at Washington. Mobile blockaded. CURONOLOGICAL ReCORD. 445 28. Gen. Butler advanced his forces to Newport News. Savannah blockaded. 29. Jeff. Davis reached Richmond. Our troops advanced, towards Harper's Ferry, the rebels retire toward Martinsburg. 30. Rebels fled from Grafton, Va. Col. Kelly took possession. Re- bels fell back from Williarasport, Md. Secretary Cameron declares slaves contraband of war. JUNE. I. Lieut. Tompkins, U. S. regular cavalry, with 47 men, charged through the rebels at Fairfax Court House, killed Capt. Marr and several others. Tompkins had 2 killed. o. Rebels routed at Phillippa, Va., by Col. Kelly, with a loss of 10 killed and 10 prisoners ; 2 Union men were killed, and Col. Kelly was wounded. Senator Douglas died. Border State Convention met. 6. The Harriet Lane engaged tlie Pig Point batteries. Capt. Ball's rebel cavalry captured at Alexandria, sworn and let go. 8. Gen. Patterson's advance moved from Chambersburg toward Har- per's Ferry. 10. Battle at Big Bet'iel : Union force under Gen. Pierce repulsed, 14 killed, 45 wounded — Lieut. Greble and Major Winthrop killed. Reb- els say they had 17 killed. II. Col. Wallace surprised and routed 500 rebels at Romney, Va., killing 2, losing none. 14, Rebels evacuated and burned Harper's Ferry, destroyed the railroad bridge, and took the armory machinery to Richmond. Mary- land Congress election showed a Union victory. 15. Privateer Savannah arrived at New York, as a prize of U. S. brig Perry. Gen. Lyon occupied Jefferson City, Mo. Price retreated to Booneville. 10. Skirmish at Seneca Mills, a Secession captain and 2 men killed. 17. Western Virginia Convention unanimously voted its independence of the rebel section of the S(,ate. Street fight in St. Louis, 6 rebels kil- led. The surprise at Vienna, Va. ; rebels fire upon a railroad train, killing 8 Union soldiers, rebels killed. Battle of Booneville, Mo. : Gen. Lyon routed the rebels under Gens. Price and Jackson, about 50 rebels killed. Lyon lost only 2. Gen. Patterson crossed the Potomac at Williamsport. 20, Maj.-Gen. McClellan took command in Western Virginia. Wheel- ing Convention elected Frank H. Pierpont Governor of Virginia. 22. Balloon reconnoissances commenced. 24. Gov. Harris proclaimed Tennessee out of the Union, the vote of the people being for separation 104,019, against 47,238. 25. Virginia Secession vote announced at 128,884 to 32,134 against. 26. The President acknowledged the Wheeling government as the government of Virginia, Skirmish at Patterson's Creek, Va., 17 rebels, 1 Union killed. 27. Marshal Kane arrested in Baltimore. J. C. Fremont, arrived from Europe. Engagement between gunboats Freeborn and rebel bat- teries at Mathias Point ; Capt. Ward, of the navy, killed. 29. Steamer St. Nicholas captured in the Potomac by the rebels, aided by Thomas, the "French lady." JULY, 1, Fight at Buckhannon, Va., rebels routed, 23 killed, 200 prisoners. Skirmish at Falling Waters, Va. 44G Chronological "Record. 2. Engagement near Martinsbarg, Va., rebels routed, loss heavy; Union 3 killed. 3. Arkansas called out 10,000 men to repel invasion. Rebel com- pany, 94 men, taken at Neosho, Mo. 4. Congress met in extra session. Rebels seized Louisville and Nash- rille Railroad. 5. Pi-esideut's message read ; opposition only G senators and 5 rep- presentatives. Battle of Carthage, Mo., rebels lost about 350 killed and wounded; Union loss 13 killed, 31 wounded — Col. Sigel commanded. G. Gallant fight of 4-3 men of 3d Ohio Reg"t at Middle York bridge, near Buckhaunon, cutting through an ambuscade of 200 or 300 rebels. 7. Infernal machine found in the Potomac Battle at Brier Forks, near Carthage — drawn. 8. Thomas, the "French Lady," taken in Baltimore. 9. M ijor-General Fremont put in command of the Western Depart- ment. 10. Battle at Laurel Hill, Va., a Georgia Regiment routed, loss un- known ; Union loss 1 killed. Sharp skirmish at Monroe Station, Mo., rebels driven off. 11. Battle at Rich Mountain, Va., Gen. Rosecranz defeated Col. Pegrara. took all his camp equipage, killed GO and took many prisoners. Union loss 11 killed, 35 wounded. 12. Col. Pegram surrendered to Gen. McClellan his whole force of GOO men. Union troops occupied Beverly. 13. Battle of Carrickford, Va. ; Gen. Garnett, of Va., killed; Union loss light — rebel h&avy ; rebel power in Western Vii'ginia broken. Fair- fax (yourt House occupied. 15. Skirmish at Bunker Hill, Va., rebels routed. IG. Skirmish at Millville, Mo., rebels fire into a train of cars. Battle at Barboursville, Va., rebels defeated. Tighlman, a negro, killed three of a rebel prize crew on the schooner S. J. Waring, and brought the ves- igel into New York. 17. Skirmish at Fulton, Mo., rebels driven back with loss. 18. First Battle of Bull Run, at Blackburn's Ford, between Union troops under Gen. Tyler and vhe rebels under Gen. Beauregard ; after 3 hours hard fighting. Gen. Tyler ordered his men to fall back to Centre- ville for water for horses. Union loss 19 killed, 38 wounded, 2G missing, rebel loss (Beauregard's report,) 15 killed, 53 wounded. 21. Balde'of Bull Run. — After a severe fight of over six houi's, when the Union ti-oops had nearly won the field, and the enemy almost dis- heartened, the rebels were reinforced by Johnson's army from Winches- ter, who threw themselves en masse on our right. The suddenness and strength of this onset on our exhausted forces, and in the midst of the security felt on a field so nearly won, was sufficient to create disorder, which, in spite of all the efforts of the officers, resulted finally in a pa- nic. The Union forces engaged did not exceed 20,000, while that of the rebels wa?, according to their own accounts, 40,000 on the field and about 25,000 ill reserve at Manassas .Junction. Our loss in killed, wounded, and missing, was reported by Gen. McDowell at 2,708 ; that of the ene- my, admitted by tliemselves, at 1,002. After the battle Colonel Einstein, with the 27th Pennsylvania, brought off six pieces of artillery which had been abandoned in the retreat. 22. General McClellan ordered to the command of the Army of the Potomac. 23 — 30. Three months' men return home. CllRONOLCGECAL BECORDr 447 AUGUST. 1. Gen. McClellan begins the reorganization of the army. Rebels leave Harper's Ferry. 2. War tax and tariff bill passed Congress — -500, 000 men to be raised. Battle of Dug Spring. Mo., Gen. Lyon defeated Ben McCuUoch's force — - rebel loss, 40 killed, 44 wounded ; Union loss, 8 killed, 30 wounded. Fort Fillmore, New Mexico, traitorously surrendered by IMajor Lynde, wbo bad 750 men. 5. ]3attle.of Athens, Mo., rebels defeated, losing 40 killed. 7. Village of Hampton burned by the rebels under Gen. Magruder. 10. Battle of WiUoiis Creek. — Fought near Springfield, Mo., between the Union forces under Gen. Lyon, and the rebels under Ben. McCulloch. Gen. Lyon, placing himself at the hend of the 1st Iowa, whose officers had been disabled, was instantly killed by a rifle ball in the breast. — The Union loss was 1,235 killed, wounded and missing. The Confed- erate loss was officially stated at 421 killed and 1,300 wounded. 12. Ex-Minister Faulkner arrested. 13. Battle near Grafton, Va., — 21 rebels killed — no Union loss, 14. Fremont declared martial law in Missouri. 15. Davis ordered all Northern men to leave the South in 40 days. 16. The President issued a proclamation confiscating the property of •rebels. 18. The pirate Jejf. Davis wrecked on St. Augustine Bar, Fla. 19. A battle at Charlestown, Mo., — rebels defeated. Missouri ad- mitted into the Southern Confederacy. 26. Captain Foote (afterward Admiral,) of the North Carolina, or dered to the "Western fleet. Engagement at Cross Lane, Va., the rebela defeated. 28. Commodore Stringham's fleet opens fire on Fort Clark, Hatteras Inlet, and reduces it. 29. Forts Hatteras and Clark, N. C, surrender to Commodore String- ham and General Butler, with Commodore Barron, rebel navy and G94 prisoners. 30. Fort Morgan, at Ocracoke Inlet, N. C, abandoned by the rebels. SEPTEMBER. I. Fight at Boone Court House, Va., — rebel loss 80, village burned. 3. ^Massacre on Hannibal and St. Joseph railroad, rebels having burned the Platte bridge — 17 lives lost. 10. Battle of Carnifex Ferry, Va., Gen. Rosecranz defeated the re- bels under Floyd, — Union loss 15 killed, 80 wounded ; rebel loss heav}-. II. Skirmish at Lewinsville, Va., considerable rebel loss — Union loss 6 killed, 8 wounded. The President modified Gen. Fremont's emancipa- tion proclan)^tion. 12. Fight at Cheat Mountain, Va., Col. .John A. Washington, rebel, proprietor of Mount Vernon, killed — r^ bel loss about 40, Union 10. 14. The pirate Judith destroyed in Pensacola Harbor. 16. General Dix arrests the officers and members of the Maryland Legislature, and sends them to Fort McHenry. 17. Bridge broke on the Ohio and Mississij^pi railroad, and nearly 100 of the Illinois 19th killed and wounded. 20. Surrender of Col. Mulligan, at Lexington, Mo., after four days' struggle with 2,500 men against 26.000 rebels under Gen. Price. 21. John C. Breckinridge joins the rebels. 448 Chronological Becorb. 26, The first national fast day under President Lincoln's admin- istration. 28. Munson's Hill occupied by Union troops. 29. Baker's California regiment and Baxter's Philadelphia Volun- teers mistook each other for rebels at Fall's Church, and tired, killing 15 and wounding 30. OCTOBER. 2. Fight at Chapmansville, Va., rebels lost 60 killed and 70 prison- ers ; attacked again on their retreat and lose 40. 8. Battle of Grreenbriar, Va., rebels defeated with loss — Union loss slight. Rebels evacuate Lexington, Mo. 4. Rebels under Col. Bartow, attack the 20th Indiana near Hatteras, narrow escape of our regiment. 5. Steamer Monticello shelled the rebel troops under Bartow, and drove them with greot slaughter, to their boats. 9. "Billy" Wilson's camp on Santa Rosas Island, Fla., attacked by the rebels, but the enemy is driven off ; — Union loss 13 killed and 21 wounded. 13. Skirmishes at Beckwith and Tavern Creek, Mo. — many rebels taken, 15. Jeff. Thompson captured 50 Union troops at Potosi, Mo. Battle of Linn Creek, Mo.— the rebels defeated. 10. Recapture of Lexington, Mo., by a small Union force under Maj. White, Col. Geary routed the rebels at Bolivar, near Harper's Ferry. Sharp skirmish at Ironton, Mo. ; — rebels defeated — losing 38, Union loss 11. 21. Battle of Edward's Ferry. Gen. Stone's division of 1,500 men attacked b}' double their number, during a reconnoisance on the Poto- mac. After a fierce contest, the Union men were driven back, and re- crossed in' confusion, a great number being drowned. Senator Baker was killed while leading the California Brigade. The Union loss was heavy, reaching in all several hundred. The rebels also lost heavily. Battle of Wild Cat, Ky., — the rebels under ZoUicoffer defeated by Gen. Shoepf — an important victory. Battle at Fredericktown, Mo., — rebels under Jeff'. Thompson and Gen. Lowe defeated, and Lowe killed. Rebel loss 200 to 300— Union loss 30. 22. Rebel camp at Buffalo Mills, Mo., broken up — 17 killed and 90 prisoners taken. 25. Rebels routed at Romne\% Va., and many prisoners taken by Gen. Kelly. The rebels retreated to Winchester. 26. Gallant charge of Major Zagonyi, with a portion of Fremont's body guard, through a rebel force of 2,000 at Springfield, Mo. The rebels signally defeated, and many of them killed. Union loss about 15 killed, 29. The great naval expedition sailed from Fortress M«nroe, Com. Dupont in command ; land forces under Gen. Sherman. About 80 ves- sels and 15,000 men. - 30. The State prisoners sent from Fort Lafayette, N. Y,, to Fort Warren, Boston. NOVEMBER. 1. Lieutenant General Scott resigned the command-in-chief of the Union armies. Gen. jMcClellan appointed in his place. The rebels un- der Floyd, attempt to capture Rosecranz's army at Gauley Bridge, Va., but fail, and Floy. General Banks evacuates Strasburg, Va., in consequence of the advance of Jackson. Com. Farragut shells Grand Gulf, Miss. Battle at Lewisburg, Va. 25. General McDowell occupies Fredericksburg, Va. 26. Gen. McClellan takes possession of Hanover Court House. 28. Rebels retreat from Corinth, IMiss. 30, Front Royal occupied by Union troops. 31. Commencement of the battles before Richmond. JUNE. 1. T/ie Battle, of Fair Oaks was resumed this morning at daylight and continued all day. The Union loss in this battle was 890 killed, 3,027 wounded, and 1,217 missing, — the rebels acknowledged a loss of 8,000, including five Generals ; they left 1,200 dead on the field. 3. Union troops land on James Island, near Charleston. 4. Rebels burn their works at Fort Pillow and leave. 6. Memphis surrenders after the defeat of the rebel navy. Jackson routed at Harrisonburg. 7. General Negley opens fire on Chattanooga. A rebel executed for tearing down the American flag at New Orleans. 8. Battle at Cross Keys, Va. 9. Jackson defeated at Port Republic, Va. 10. Battle of James Island, S. C. 13. Rebels cut railroad and telegraph at White House, in McClellan's rear. 17. Battle at St, Charles, Ark. ; explosion of Union gunboat Mound City. 18, Gen. Morgan occupies Cumberland Gap, Ky. • 20. Union forces occupy Holly Springs, Miss. 25. Gen. Hooker's division of the Army of the Potomac fought the rebels for seven hours at Oak Grove, Va., and drove them back; Union loss was over 200 in killed and wounded. General McClellan commenced his change of base of operations to the James River. 20. The rebels destroy their gunboats on the Mississippi, Gen. Pope assigned to tlie command of the army of Virginia. Battle of Mechan- icsville, — Union loss, 80 killed, 150 wounded ; rebel, 1,000, 27. Battle of Games' Mills. — The Union dead w^ere estimated at 800, and the wounded were innumerable. 4,000 prisoners were reported lost on that day. AVhite House, Va., was evacuated by Gen. McClellan, and all the stores which could not be removed were ordered to be destroyed. 28. Battle of the Chickahomivy. 20. Battle of Savage's Station. 30. Battle of White Oak Swatnj}. — This fight lasted nearly the whole day. JULY. 1. Battle of Malvern Hill. — The rebels were repulsed at all points, the battle raged till dark. The loss in these battles is set down at 1,505 killed, 7,701 wounded, and 5,958 missing— total, 15,224. The rebel loss was never fully known, but was supposed to be fully 20,000. Battle at Booneville, Miss. ; Col. Sheridan, of the 2d Michigan Cavalry, with a body of Union troops, defeated 4,700 rebels after seven hours' hard fight- ing* They left 05 dead on the field ; the Union loss was 41 killed, wounded and missing. President Lincoln called for 300,000 more men. Chronological Record. 453 10. The War Department orders a general exchange of prisoners. 11. Gen, Halleck appointed commander-in-chief. 13. Murfreesboro, Tenn., surrenders. 15. Naval engagement on the Mississippi. 17. Battle at Cynthiana, Ky. 18. Traitor Gen. Twiggs died. Battle at Memphis, Mo. 20. Engagement at Beaver Dam, Ya. 22. Military and naval commanders ordered to confiscate rebel prop- erty. 24. Farragut retires from before Yicksburg, Miss. 28. Battle at Moore's Mills, Mo. AUGUST. 1. Rebel Government declares Gen. Pope and his officers not entitled to mercy. 4. The President orders a draft of 300,000 men. 5. Battle of Baton Rouge, La. Gen. McCook murdered by the rebels while wounded and defenceless. 6. The ram Arkansas destroyed above Vicksburg. 8. The President prohibits citizens from leaving the country. 9. Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va. — Union loss, 1,500 ; rebel, 2,500. 13. Steamboat collision on the Potomac — 80 soldiers lost. Drafting ordered to begin 1st of September. 16. Gen. McClellan evacuates Harrison's Landing with his army. — Rebels attempt to cross the Rapidan, but are driven back. 17. Gen. McClellan's advance reaches Hampton ; the rear guard crosses the Chickahominy. Gen. Pope's retreat begins. 21. Rebels attempt to cross the Rappahannock. 22. Raid on Pope's rear by Jackson. 23. Battle of Catlett's Station, Va., and retreat of Pope. 25. Rebel attack on Fort Donelson. 26. Rebels get possession of Manassas Junction. Union gunboats demolish rebel works at City Point. 29. Battle at Groveton, Va. ; rebels defeated with great loss. 30. Second Battle of Bull Run ; after the battle the whole army fell back to Centreville. 31. General McDowell evacuates Fredericksburg, Va. SEPTEMBER. 1. Battle of Chaniilly. — The rebels were driven back at all points. — Major-General Kearney and Brigadier-General Stevens were killed. — This was the last of the battles fought by the Array of Virginia on their retreat. The losses on both sides were heavy; that of the Unionists was set down at 1,000 killed, 6,000 wounded, and 2,000 prisoners ; rebel loss not known definitely. The army fell back toward Washington. 2. General McClellan appointed to the defences of Washington. 4. Jackson invades Maryland. 5. Pope relieved from command. G. McDowell relieved from command. 9. Jackson invades Maryland at Poolesville. 10. Jackson occupies Hagerstown, Md. Battle at Gauley, Va. 12. Gen. Burnside occupies Frederick, Md., in pursuit of Jackson. 14. Battles at Mumfordsville, Tenn., and South Mountain, Md. — Union loss, 443 killed, 1,806 wounded, 176 prisoners ; rebel loss. 4,800. 15, Harper's Ferry, Va., surrenders to Jackson. 38* 454 Chronological Regorp, 17 BatlU of Antietam.—T:he forces engaged numbered about 100,000 ^t5 each'side. The line of battle was four miles long. The field was fiercely contested and the carnage was terrible. The Union loss in this figlit was stated at 2.010 killed, 9.416 wounded, and 1,043 missing. The reb- els acknowledged a loss of 14,000, but General McClellan stated it to be 25,542. Oen. Mansfield was killed. 18. Kebel army evacuate Sharpsburg and recross the Potomac. lo! Battle of luka ; Union loss, C98— -rebel, 1,263. Rebels leave Harper's Ferry. 27. Augusta, Ky., destroyed by the rebels. 2u! Gen. Nelson shot at Cincinnati by Gen. Davis. OCTOBER, 1. President Lincoln visits McClellan's army and urges an immediate- movement across the Potomac. Gen. Buell's army leaves Louisville. 3. Battle of Corinth. Rebels evacuate Frankfort, Ky. 4 Defeat of the rebels at Corinth ; Union loss, 315 killed, 1,812 mounded, 232 prisoners— rebel loss, 1,423 killed, 5,692 wounded, 2,248 prisoners. The rebels were pursued 100 miles. 5. Union forces occupy Galveston. Battle at Ilatchie River. Rebel* routed at Fayetteville, Ark. , , ,, 6. Gen McClellan ordered to cross the Potomac and give battle to the enemy. 8. Battle of Perry ville, Ky. ; Union loss, 820 killed, 2,600 wounded; rebel loss, 4,500, ,.,--, t, i • 10. Stuart's rebel cavalry raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. 12. Stuart's cavalry recross the Potomac. 18. Gen. Bragg evacuates camp Dick Robinson.^ 18. The guerrilla general Morgan occupies Lexington, Ky. 21. Rebels leave Western Virginia. 22. Bragg's army at Cumberland Gap. Battle at Pocotaligo, S. C. 23 Rebels defeated at Maysville, Ark. 24. Gen. Buell deprived of the command and Gen. Rosecranz put at the head of the army of Kentucky. 26. Advance of McClellan's army begun. 27. liattle of Labadieville, La. 29. Great fire at Harper's Ferry. 30. Gen. Micliell died at Port Royal. NOVEMBER. 3. Upperville, Piedmont, and Thoroughfare Gap in Union possession. 4. Ashby's Gap occupied ; engagement at Markham, Va. General Grant's army occupy Lagrange, Miss. 5. Order issued for the removal of Gen. McClellan. G. ISIcClellan's advance occupy Warrenton, Va. 7, Gen. McClellan removed from command. 'General Burnside ap- pointed. Negro troops engaged at Port Royal. 9. Rebels routed near Moorfields, Va. Gen. Butler's sequestration order issued. 10. Gen. Bayard's cavalry dash into Fredericksburg. 12. Generarilalleck visits the army of the Potomac. 13. Holly Springs, Miss., occupied by Union troops. 15. Artillery fight at Fayetteville, Va. Rebels evacuate Warrenton 10. (.H'der issueli for observance of the Sabbath in the army. .Chronological Record. 455 17. Burnside's headquarters at Catlett's Station. 18. Burnside's left wing advance reaches Falmouth, opposite Fred- ericksburg. 21. Surrender of Fredericksburg demanded, and notice given to re- move non-combatants. 25. Raid of rebels into Pooleville, Md. Rebels attack Newbern. 2G. President Lincoln visits Burnside. 28. Battle of Cone Hill, Ark. 29. Rebels defeated at Frankfort, West Virginia ; 108 captured. DECEMBER. 1. A rebel battery captured near Suffolk, Va. 1-3. Rebels in Tennessee and Mississippi retreating before General Grant's army. 3. Gen. Geary takes possession of Winchester, Ya. 7. Battle of Prairie Grove, Ark. ll._ Bombardment of Fredericksburg commenced; our troops cross the river in the course of tlie afternoon. 13^. Battle of Fredericksburg. Union loss, l,ol2 killed, G,000 wound- ed, 700 prisoners. 15. Gen. Burnside's army retreated to the north side of the Rappa- hannock. * 20. Gen. Foster returns to Newbern, after defeating the rebels in four battles, taking Kinston and Goldsboro, and destroying several bridges and miles of tlie track of the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad Holly Springs. Miss., captured by Van Dorn. The rebels repulsed from Davis' Mills, Miss., with heavy loss. 21. General W. T. Sherman commences a movement upon Vicks- burg in the rear of Haines' Bluff. 28. Stuart makes an unsuccessful foray on Burnside's army at Fal- mouth, Va. 29. Battle at Haines' Bluff (Vicksburg,) Miss.; Gen. Sherman re- pulsed. Island No. 10 evacuated by order of General Jefferson C. Davis. 31. The Monitor sunk in a gale off Hatteras. Battle of Murfrees- boro ; about 7,(!00 men were lost this day. 18 6 3. JANUARY. • 1. The President issues his Emancipation Proclamation. The rebel- estimate their losses thus far at 20,898 killed, 69,615 wounded and 21.169 prisoners— total, 209,116. Battles of Hunt's Cross Roads Tenn and Galveston, Texas. ' 2. Battle of Stone River resumed, and ended in the defeat of the rebels ; the Union loss was 1,533 killed, 1,375 wounded; rebel loss over 10,000 of whom 9,000 were killed or wounded. 8. Fight at Springfield, Mo. ; after ten hours the rebels retreated.— Losses about equal. 9. Col. Ludlow effects an exchange of prisoners, by which 20,000 men were restored to the Union army. ^ 11. U. S. steamer Hatteras sunk off Galveston by the Alabama.— Capture of Arkansas Post and Fort McClernand ; Union loss nearly 456 Chronological Record.. 1 ,000 ; rebel over 5,000, with all their arms and supplies. Rebels beaten at llartsville. Mo. . 12. A brigautine prize to the rebel privateer Retribution, retaken from* the prize crew by a Yankee woman, wife of the captain of the brio-antine, Avho made the rebels drunk, put them in irons, and brought the°vessel into St. Thomas. Rebel raid upon Holly Springs, Miss. 14. Rebel gunboat Cotton in Bayou Teche, La., destroyed; Com. Buchanan, of the Union expedition, was killed, 17. Des Arc, Ark., taken without opposition. Pollockville, N. C, taken ; rebels retreat. 19, Army of the Potomac moves down the Rappahannock. 21. Gen. Fitz John Porter dismissed from the service. 22. Gen. Burnside's second attempt to cross the Rappahannock foiled by a heavy storm. 25. Oro-anization of the 1st regiment colored volunteers completed at Port Royal. 26. Gen. Hooker succeeds Gen. Burnside in command of the Potomac army. Skirmish at Woodbury, Tenn.,— 35 rebels killed, 100 captured. 28. A steamer and 300 rebels captured. 29. Gen. Banks promulgates the Emancipation Proclamation at New Orleans. 31. Attack upon the Charleston blockading fleet by three ironclad steamers from the harbor ; the Merceditas sunk. Cavalry skirmish near Nashville ; rebels whipped with loss of 12 killed, 12 wounded, and 300 prisoners. FEBRUARY. 1. Second attack on Fort McAllister; the fort was not taken, its commander was killed, the Union vessels were -not injured. Franklin, Tenn., occupied by Union forces. Rebel attack on Island No. 10 ; they seized a transport, but were quickly put to flight by a gunboat. Rebel camp at Middleton, Tenn., broken up, — 100 prisoners taken. 2. The ram Queen of the AVest runs the blockade at Vicksburg. 8. Guerrillas routed near Independence, Mo, Lebanon, Tenn., occu- pied, and GOO rebels captured there. Capture of three rebel transports by the Queen of the West, in Red River, reported. 9. Gen. Rosecrans orders the summary execution of all rebels caught in Union uniform or carrying our flag. 10. Fight at Old River, La. ; rebels whipped with loss of 25 prison- ers and 11 killed or wounded, — Union loss, 8. U. Queen of the West gets aground near Gordon's Landing, is dis- abled by rebel cannon and abandoned. 15. Fight at Arkadelphia, Ark.,— rebels routed, losing 26— Union loss, 14. 18. Mortar boats open fire upon Vicksburg. Clifton, Tenn., destroy- ed by Union troops. 24. The India nola captured by the rebels below Vicksburg; she is blown up through fear of Porter's mock monitor. 25. The Conscription Bill passes the House. 27 The Monlauk destroys the Nashville in Ogeechee River, Ga. 28. The amended Conscription becomes a law. The President calls an extra session of the Senate. MARCH, 1. Tlic Coldwater Pass expedition of Porter's reaches Moon Lake. 3. Ne ^ada admitted as a State. CURONOLOGICAL ReCORD. 457 4. The pirate Retribution condemned at Nassau. 5, Battle at Thompson's Station, Tenn. 7. Battle at Spring Hill, Ark. 10. Jacksonville, Ha., occupied by negro troops. 11. C. M. Clay confirmed as Minister to Russia. 12. The Coldwater expedition arrives at Fort Pemberton, Miss. 13. Battle at Newbern, N. C, — the rebels attempt to retake the toTrn. 14. Admiral Farragut runs past the Port Hudson batteries in the Hartford. 15. The pirate Clwpman captured in San Francisco Harbor. 19. Admiral Farragut passes the batteries at Grand Gulf, Miss., and anchors below Vicksburg on the 21st. 21. Death of General Sumner. 22. ]?urnside's corps moves into Kentucky. 23. General Burnside assigned to the Department of the Ohio. The rebel ram Vickslurg captured by Admiral Porter. Pensacola, Florida, burned and evacuated by Federals. 25. The ram Lancaster sunk -while passing the Vicksburg battery. — Battle at Brentwood, Tenn. 27. Jacksonville, Fla., destroyed by Col. Montgomery's brigade of negro troops. Col. Dandy eiiects a landing upon Coles' Island, S. C. 28. The pirate Georgia leaves England. 30. Engagement at Somerset, Ky. 31. Admiral Farragut silences the batteries at Grand Gulf, Miss. APRIL. 1. Admiral Farragut destro^'s transports in Red River. 2. Women's Bread Riot at Richmond, Va. Battle at Snow Hill, Tenn. Rebel cavalry routed, with 50 killed and wounded, and 60 prisoners, — Union loss, 8. 3. Arrest of Knights of the Golden Circle at Reading. Schuylkill County Knights frightened. 4. Palmyra, Tenn., burned by the gunboat Lexington. 5. Troops sent from Newbern to rescue Gen. Foster, besieged in Washington, N. C. G. Rebel Camp at Green Hill, Tenn., broken up, — 5 killed and 15 taken. 7. Bombardment of Fort Sumter by Admiral Dupont — fleet di-iven off, fort little injured. 8. Gunboat George Washington stranded in Broad River, S. C, at- tacked by rebels and blown up. 9. Pascagoula, Miss., taken by a Union force from Ship Island, but abandoned same day. 10. Battle at Franklin, Tenn., — Van Dorn's attack repulsed — Union loss about 100, rebel, not known. Rebels routed near Germantown, Ky. 11. Col. Streight's raiding force left Nashville fo: Georgia. 12. Ironclad fleet leaves Charleston harbor. Lieut. -Col, Kimball killed by General Corcoran. 18. Transpoi't Escort ran the batteries below Washington, N. C, bringing aid for Gen. Foster. 14. Battle at Bayou Teche, La., — rebels defeated, and their three gunboats, Diana, Hart and Queen of the West, destroyed — Union loss about 350 — rebel much larger Gen. Foster escaped from Washington, N. C, by running the rebel blockade in the steamer Escort. 15. Franklin, La., occupied by Union troops. Rebels raise the siege of Washington, N. C. 458 Chronological "Record. 16. Admiral Porter's fleet of eight gunbonts and several transports ran past the Vicksburg batteries, losing only one transport and no men. 17. General Donelson (rebel), nephew of Andrew Jackson, died at Knoxville. Col. Grierson's famous cavalry raiding force started from La Grange, Tenn. 20. Opelousas, La., occupied by Union forces. Bute a la Rose, La., captured by Union gunboats. 22. Rebel raid on Tompkinsville, Ky., — court-hoase burned. Seven loyal cavalrymen, after being made prisoners in Cedar County, Mo., stripped and shot by guerillas. McMinnville, Tenn., occupied by Union troops. 300 rebels routed near Strasburg, Va., with loss of 40 — Union loss, 2. 2-4. Tuscumbia, Ala,, occupied, the rebels being driven out. Rebels defeated at Weber Falls, Ark, 25. Rebel shore batteries at Duck River shoals, Tennessee River, silenced by gunboats — 25 rebels killed and wounded. 26. 30 rebel cotton gins and mills and 350,000 bushels of corn des- troyed by a raid to Deer Creek, Miss. Cape Girardeau, Mo., attacked by Marmadukc's rebels, who were defeated with heavy loss. 27. Gen. Hooker begins his movement upon Fredericksburg. A Texan legion captured near Franklin. Tenn. 28. Hooker crosses the Rappahannock. Marmaduke overtaken and badly defeated near Jackson, Mo. Skirmish near Mill Spring, Ky. 29. Fairmount, Va., taken by the rebels who lost about 100 — Union loss slight. Bombardment of Grand Gulf, Miss., by Porter's fleet — rebel works greatly damaged — fleet considerably injured, 20 killed and many wounded. 30'. Gen. Grant's army lands near Port Gibson, Miss. Rebel battery on the Nausemond River silenced. UAY. 1 Battle at Port Gibson (beginning of Grant's march to Vicksburg,) 1 1,000 rebels defeated, 500 taken— they retreat toward Vicksburg. Fight at South Quay on the Nansemond — rebels defeated with great loss — ► Union loss, -41. 2. Battle of Chancellorville between the armies of Hooker and Lee. Union army checked after a fierce battle. Stonewall Jackson wounded. Col. Grierson's raiders reached Baton Rouge, La., after 15 days of work on Mississippi — they defeated the rebels several times, destroyed rail- roads and bridges, and captured many prisoners. 3. Col. Streight's Union raiding force of 1,500 captured near Gads- den, Ala. Second battle of Chancellorville — Union troops repulsed — heavy loss on both sides. The colored regiment returned to Beaufort from the Cambahee river raid — they captured 800 slaves, and destroyed $2,000,000 worth of rebel property, 4. Battle of Chancellorville continued — Unionists forced back. Capt. Dwight murdered, after surrender, by rebels, at Washington, La. 5. Vallandigham arrested. Fort De Russy, Red River, occupied by Union forces. 6. Hooker retreats safely across the Rappahanock — Lee does not fol- low. Alexandria, Miss., occupied by Union troops. 7. Col. Kilpatrick's cavalry, after marching around Lee's army, ar- rived at Gloucester Point, Va., 8. An attack upon Port Hudson commenced. 9. Bombardment of Port Hudson continued — no reply. Chronological Record. 459 10. Stonewall Jackson died. Port Hudson assault renewed — rebel batteries silenced. 11. Fight at Greasy Creek, Ky. ; Unionists defeated with loss of 25; rebel loss, nearly 100. Crystal Springs, Miss., burned by Union cavalry. 12. Battle of Raymond, Miss. ; McPherson defeats the rebels under Gregg. 13. Yazoo City, Miss., captured. 14. General Grant occupies Jackson, Miss., after an engagement. 16. Battle of Champion Hills, Miss. 17. Grant evacuates Jackson, Miss., and has an engagement at Black River Bridge. 18. Gen. Grant occupies Haines' Bluff, and completes the investment of Vicksburg, Miss. 19. Fire opened on Vicksburg from Gen. Grant's batteries. 20. The navy yard at Yazoo Cit*^, Miss., destroyed by Porter. 21. Engagement in the rear of Port Hudson, La. 23. Port Hudson invested by General Banks. 24. C. L. Vallandigham banished to the South. Eight rebel steam- ers destroyed on the Yazoo River. 20. Gen. Weitzel's command joins Banks in the rear of Port Hudson. 27. An assault on Port Hudson repulsed. 30. Rev. E. W. Beecher leaves for Europe on a mission. JUKE. I. James Island, S. C, evacuated by the rebels. S. Lee prepares for the invasion of the North. 5. Gen. Hooker makes a reconnoissance at Deep Run, Va. 6. Battle at Milliken's Bend, Miss. ; negro troops engaged. II. Moseby makes a loray on Poolesville, Md. 12. The Clare7ice captures the Tacony, converts her into a pirate and is burned. Gen. Gillmore relieves Hunter of the Department of the South. 14. Gen. Hooker moves from Falmouth to Bull Run in pursuit of Lee. Federal forces at Winchester and Berryville defeated, and fall back. 15. The President calls for 120,000 men to repel invasion. The reb- els occupy Hagerstown, Md., Chambersburg and Greencastle, Pa. 16. Harper's Ferry invested by the rebels. 17. The rebel ram Atlanta captured. 18. 1,700 of Milroy's men arrive safely at Bedford, Pa. Small skir- mishes with Lee's invaders in Maryland. 28. Rebels occupy Chambersburg, Pa. Skirmish near Gettysburg. 24. Rebels advance to Shippensburg and Hagerstown. 25. Rebels near Cai-lisle, Pa. 26. Rebels occupy Gettysburg. Unionists evacuate Carlisle. Skir- mish at South Anna, Va. ; General W. F. Lee (rebel) captured. Death of Admiral Foote. 27. The Potomac army northwest of Baltimore. 28. Gen. Hooker superceded by Gen. Meade. Rebels occupy York and threaten Harrisburg. Skirmish at Wrightsville, Pa., — Columbia Bridge destroyed, to prevent the rebels crossing Susquehanna River. Rebels defeated at Donaldsville, La. 29. Rebels driven from Decherd, Tenn. 30. Mines exploded and rebel outworks breached at Vicksburg. — Cavalry fight at Hanover. 4(30 Chronological Record. JULY. 1. Battle at Gettysbiirg, Pemi. — The battle opened at 0, A. II., by an attack on the Island llth Corps, by the I'ebels under Longstreet and Hill; the 1st Corps being in advance, sustained the whole shock, until the other came up. The tight Avas severe and attended with great loss. Major-General Reynolds was mortally wounded. 2. Battle at Gettysburg renewed. — The I'ebels attacked the Union lines at 4, P. M., but after a severe contest were repulsed at all points ; upward of 6,000 prisoners reported taken. 3. Battle of Gettysburg. — This was the fiercest of tlie three days' fight. The rebels attempted to turn Meade's left flank, but were repuls- ed, losing 3,000 prisoners. The fighting was most furious, and th« slaughter terrible ; the loss in officers on both sides was heavy. Th« rebel loss was estimated at 2,439 l^illtd, 14.580 wounded and 0,235 pris- oners. The Union loss is set down at 14,000 killed and w'ounded. 20 battle-flags were taken by one corps. 4. Surrender of Vicksburg and Pemberton's entire army, numbering. 32,000 men. Lee's army rapidly retreating to the Potomac. 5. Vallandigham arrives at Halifax. 6. John Morgan's rebels invade Indiana. 8. Surrender of Port Hudson ; the Mississippi opened, 1). Rebel cavalry defeated at Roonsboro, Md., with heavy loss. 10. Gilmore lands on Morris Inland, taking all the rebel works ex- cept Forts Wagner and Gregg, which arc shelled by tlie Monitors. Our forces occupy Jackson, Miss. Rebels defeated at Big Creek, Ark, — Cavalry fight on the old Antietam field. Lee in fortifications opposite William sport. 12. Morgan gets into Ohio. Martial law in Cincinnati, Newport an4 Chronological IIecord. 9. The steamer Chesapeake (seized by rebels, and run into Halifax, N. S.,) ordered by the Admiralty Court to be returned to her owners in New York. 12. Gunboats and transports of Sherman's and Porter's expedition wp the Yazoo River attacked by 3,000 rebels. 20. General Seymour, at Olustee, Florida, defeated by the rebels. 29. Capture of ScottsYille, Ky., by the rebels. FEBRUARY. 1. President Lincoln issued a proclamation for 500,000 men for three years. = 2. Raid by the rebels on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad ; estimated damage to property $1,000,000. Rebel attack on Newborn, N. C, re- pulsed ; the gunboat Underwriter captured and destroyed by the rebels. Roddy's rebel cavalry driven out of Tennessee. 4. Union forces capture Jackson City and Yazoo City, Miss. 7. An expedition, under Gen. Gillmore, ascends St. John's River, Fla., enters Jacksonville, and captures 100 prisoners, 8 pieces of artil- lery, and other property. 8. Advance of Union troops from .Jacksonville, Fla., into the interior, and capture of property valued at $1,500,000. 18, Generals' Smith, Sherman and others, make a successful raid into Alabama ; they destroy over 1,000,000 bushels of corn, and capture 1,500 mules and horses, and over 300 prisoners. 19. The Enrollment Bill passed the Senate by a vote of 20 to 16, and the House (on the 12th,) by 93 to 60. 22. Unconditional Union State Convention of Maryland, held at Baltimore, and pass resolutions in favor of instructing the delegates to the National Union Convention to vote for Abraham Lincoln first, last and all time. 23. Bombardment of Fort Powell, Mobile Harbor, by Adm'l Farragut. 25. Tunnel Hill, Tenn., captured by Union troops, under General Grant. Athens, Ala., captured by the rebels under Roddy. 26. The rebels beaten at Athens and Florence, Ala., by Union troops. The rank of Lieutenant General conferred upon Ulysses S. Grant, of the United States army. 28. Successful reconnoissance by General Custer toward Gordons- ville, Va. ; capture of rebel camp. MARCH. 1. Annihilation of a colored regiment by guerillas at Tecumseh Landing, near Grand Lake, Miss. 2. Successful raid by Gen. Kilpatrick near Richmond. 5. The rebels attack Yazoo City, Miss., and are defeated. . 8. General Sherman returns to Vicksburg from a successful raiding expedition into Alabama and Mississippi, having destroyed over $2,000,- 000 worth of property, and captured 8,000 negroes and 4,000 prisoners. State election in New York decided that soldiers may vote. 9. Major General Grant receives his commission as Lieutenant Gen- eral from President Lincoln. 10. Constitutional Convention of West Virginia adopted a resolution to abolish slavery. 14, Fort De Russy, on Red River, Louisiana, captured by Union troops under General A. J. Smith — 11 guns and 300 prisoners taken. Major General Halleck retired from the position of Commander-in-Chief. Chronological Record. 465 15. The rebels make a daring attempt to recapture Seabrook, near Hilton Head, S. C, used as a depot for coal for United States vessels. Call by President Lincoln for 200,000 men for the army, navy and marine. 17. Lieutenant General Grant assumes command of all the armies of the United States. Fort De Russy blown up accidentally — 4 men killed and 6 wounded. 21. Act of Congress to admit Nevada and Colorado as States, passed. 23. The rebels under General Forrest commence an invasion of Ken- tucky. President Lincoln issued an order for the reorganization of the army. 25. The rebels under Gen. Forrest enter Paducah, Ky.— they were repulsed and driven from the city. 26. President Lincoln issues a new amnesty proclamation. 27. Union troops under Gen. Mower, capture 17 cannon from the rebels near Alexandria, La. 30. An expedition of Union troops under Colonel Clayton, to Mount Elba and Longview, Ark., captured 320 prisoners, 800 horses, about 40 %vagons laden with camp and garrison equipments, besides 300 contra- bands, and killing and wounding about 200 rebels. APRIL. 1. A band of rebels attack the United States Government plantations on the Yazoo River, and set fire to .the buildings — several negroes perish in the flames. 8. Defeat of Union troops under General Stoneman at Pleasant Hill, La. ; loss 2,000 in killed, wounded and prisoners. 9. Fight between rebels and Union gunboats at New Falls City, near Shreveport, La. ; defeat of the rebels — from 500 to 600 of them killed or wounded. Fight with the rebels at Grand Ecore, La., — capture of 2,000 rebels and twenty cannon by Union troops. 12. Capture of Fort Pillow by the rebels under General Forrest ; all found in the garrison, except about two hundred, massacred after they had surrendered— men, women and children. 17. The rebels attempt to capture Plymouth, N. C, but are repulsed with great slaughter. A portion of Hockman, Ky., burned by the rebels. 18. A rebel ram at Plymouth, N. C, attacks and sinks the gunboats Bombshell and Southfield. Act of Congress to admit Nebraska as a State. 20. Surrender of General Wessels and 2,500 Union troops at Ply- mouth, N. C., after four hours' fighting. 22. Fight between Union troops under General Banks, and the rebels at Cane River, near Alexandria, La., — 1,000 rebels and nine cannon captured. 25. One hundred thousand troops for one hundred days, tendered by the Governors of Indiana, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois, and accepted by President Lincoln. 29. Madison Court House, Va., burned by Union troops, on account of rebels firing upon them from windows in the place. MAY. 3. Admiral Wilkes suspended from duty for three years and publiclv reprimanded. General Grant commences movements against Richmoncl. 4. Union troops, under General Butler, advance up the Peninsula toward Richmond, and occupy Yorktown. West Point, &c. The Army 39=^ 466 Chronological Record. of the Potomac, under General Grant, cross the Rapidan -without oppo- sition. 5. Gen. Butler transfers his army from Yorktown and West Point to City Point and Bermuda Hundred. 6. Battle at Mine Run between the rebels, under Lee, and the Army of the Potomac, under General Grant ; the rebels defeated and driven ][jack — Brigadier General James S. Wadsworth and Brigadier Alex. Hays among the killed. 7. Gen. Thomas occupied Tunnel Hill, Ga. 8. Balton, Ga., occupied by Union troops under General Thomas. Severe battle between the Union army under Gen. Grant and the rebels under Lee, near Spottsylvania Court House — Major General John Sedg- wick killed. 9. The ganboats of General Banks and Admiral Porter's expedition up Red Ri^er succeed in getting down over the Falls near Alexandria, through the engineering skill of Lieutenant Colonel Bailey. Fight be- tween Union troops under General Butler and the rebels under Hill near Petersburg, Va. ; the latter handsomely whipped. Another terrible battle near Spottsylvania Court House between the Union and rebel armies. 10. General Sheridan completes a successful raid in the rear of Lee's rebel army in Virginia, recapturing 500 Union soldiers, and destroying eight miles of railroad and two locomotives and three trains. Fight between Gen. Butler's troops and those of Beauregard, without definite results. 11. The rebel army in Georgia driven by General Sherman to Buz- zard's Roost Mountain. 12. Major General Hancock captures 7,000 rebels and thirty guns in a battle near Spottsylvania, Ya. Union troops evacuate Little Washing- ton, N. C, -when rebels enter and burn all the houses in the place except about twenty, — women robbed and turned adrift without food or shelter. The outer line of works of Fort Darling carried by Union troops under Generals Gilmore and Smith. General Sheridan captures the outer line of fortifications in front of Richmond. 15. Resaca, Ga., captured by Gen. Sherman's army, with 1,200 pris- oners, ten guns and six trains going South for supplies ; Union loss in killed and wounded, 2,700. IG. Defeat of the rebels under Johnston, at Resaca, by General Sher- man. 21. The rebels make a furious assault on Gen. Butler's lines, near Fort Darling, and are repulsed. 23. The Union army under Gen. Grant, makes a grand flank move- ment against the rebels under Gen, Lee, resulting in a sharp fight and repulse of the rebels. Lee's rebel army falls back to the South Anna River; over GOO rebel soldiers captured by Union troops. 25. The rebels, under Fitz Hugh Lee, attack the Union forces at Wilson's Whai'f, on the James Rive^ and are repulsed. 2Q. Gen. Grant makes another flank movement on Lee's rebel armj*. crossing' the Pamunkey River at Hanovertown Ferry, and reaching a point within fourteen miles of Pv-ichmond. Surgeon General Hammond, U. S. A., convicted by court-martial. 29. Fight between the rebels and General McPherson's Corps of Sherman's army at Dallas, Ga. ; the rebels driven back with a loss of 5,500 in killed, wounded and prisoners. Chronological Record. 467 JUNE. 1. A rebel ironclad descends James River from Richmond, and at- tacks some Union monitors, but is repulsed after two hours' fighting. Fight between Union and rebel troops near Mechanicsville, Va. ; about 4,U00 rebels captured. 2. John C. Fremont resigns his position as Major General in the United States army. A portion of General Sherman's armj advances to occupy AUatoona Pass, Ga. Successful advance of General Grant's army to Cold Harbor, Ya. General Fitz Hugh Lee and 500 rebel cavalry captured by Gen. Butler's troops near White House, Va. 3. Gen. Grant attempts to drive the rebels across the Chickahominy River, and is repulsed ; Union loss, o,000 — Union loss in three days 7,500. "^ ' 4. The rebels under Lee, attack Union lines near Bottom's Bridge, on the Chickahominy, but are repulsed. 6. General Hunter defeats the rebels at Staunton, Va., captures 1,500 prisoners, 3,000 stand of arms and 3 cannon, besides a large amount of stores, &c. ; rebel General W. E. Jones killed. 7. National Union Convention assembles at Baltimore. 8. The Baltimore Convention nominates Abraham Lincoln for Presi- dent, and Andrew Johnson, of Tennessee, for Vice President. 10. General Kautz, with his Union cavalry troops, charges the rebel ■works in front of Petersburg, Va., and enters the place, but not being supported by General Gillmore, is compelled to retire. 11. Fight between Union cavalry, under General Sheridan, and the rebels under J. E. B. Stewart ; defeat of the rebel troops and death of General Stewart. General Hunter burns the Virginia Military Institute, Governor Letcher's house, and captures 6 cannon and GOO horses, and a large amount of stores. 12. John Morgan, rebel general, captures Cynthiana, Ky., and two Ohio regiments; General Burbridge, with Unioft troops, subsequently arrives, defeats the rebels, captures 400 prisoners and 1,000 horses. 13. Expedition of 8,000 Union troops under General Sturgis defeated by 10,000 rebels under Generals Forrest, Lee and Roddy ; wagons and ammunition trains lost. Lexington, Va., captured by Union troops un- der Generals Crook and Averill. 14. Army of the Potomac, under Grant makes another flank move- ment ; crosses the Chickahominy river, also the James River to the South side of Richmond. 15. General (Baldy) Smith attacks the rebel defences in front of Pe- tersburg, and captures 13 cannon and about 350 prisoners. 17. Desperate, but ineffectual attempt to capture Petersburg, Va., by Union troops ; loss, 8,000 men. 18. Genera) Sherman enters Marietta, Ga., the rebels having evacu- ated the place. 19. Fight off Cherbourg between the rebel cruiser Alabama, Captain Semmes, and the United States steamer Kearsarge, Captain Winslow ; the former sunk after an hour's fight. The rebels commence an invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania. 21. Fight with the rebels in Georgia ; an important position gained by General Sherman — rebel loss 700 men. Fight with, and repulse of the rebels at the White House, Va. 22. Desperate fight between rebel and Union troops on the line of the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad — the Union troops driven from their position, but afterward regain it — a Union brigade gobbled up. 468 Chronological Becoed. 26, General Hunter completes a successful raid into Dixie, capturing and destroying over ^iro, 000,000 worth of property. 27. General Sherman makes an unsuccessful assault upon the rebel lines at Kenesaw Mountain — Union loss, 2,500. 30. Hon. Salmon P. Chase resigns his position as Secretary of the Treasury. New Taritf Bill passed by Congress. New Internal Revenue Act passed. Act passed to raise four hundred millions of dollars by six per cent, bonds. JULY. 1. Hon. Wm. P. Fessenden, of Maine, appointed and confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury, in the place of Mr. Chase, resigned. 2. Union cavah-y, under Gen. Wilson, returned from a successful raid south of Petersburg, having destroyed 50 miles of railroad and other rebel property. o. The rebels commence a new invasion of Maryland and Pennsyl- vania. General Sherman flanks the enemy at Kenesaw Mountain, and compels them to retreat. 5. Harper's Ferry and Hagerstown occupied by rebels — the stores at Ilagerstown robbed. 7. The rebels push their invading columns towards Pennsylvania, and repulse small bodies of Union troops found at dilferent points. 8. Artillery tiglit in front of Petersburg, Va., — the town set on fire by shells from Union guns. Frederick, Md., evacuated by Union troops under Genei'al Wallace, and occupied by the rebels, who levy $200,000 on the citizens. . 9. Union troops, under General Wallace, defeated by the rebels at Monocacy Bridge. 11. Governor Bradford's house robbed and burned by the rebels. — The rebels approach within 6 miles of Washington. 12. Frederick, Md., reoccupied by Union troops. 13. The rebels, after an unsuccessful attempt to capture Washington, retire across the Potomac. 14. Fight between Union and rebel troops at Tupelo, Miss., — defeat of the latter. 16. General Sherman's army successfully crosses the Chattahoochee River. 18. Rebels whipped at Snicker's Gap by General Crook. President Lincoln issues a proclamation for 500,000 more volunteers. 20. Severe fight between the armies of Sherman and Hood in front of Atlanta— severe assaults of Hood successfully repulsed. 22. Terrible battle in front of Atlanta — rebel loss estimated at 7,000, 15 stand of color, and 5,000 stand of arms, — Union loss about 3,200,— General McPherson (Union,) killed. 2-1. General Rousseau (Union) completes a successful raid in Alabama and Georgia, capturing 800 mules and horses and about 700 contrabands. 20. Union troops under General Averill defeated by rebels at Mar- tinsburg, Va. 27. The rebel troops on North side of James River repulsed and de- feated, and four of them captured. 28. Severe fight in front of Atlanta, Ga., between the rebel and Union armies — the rebels attack General Sherman, and are repiilsed with the loss of 1,000 in killed and wounded. 30. A mine exploded under the rebel fortifications at Petersburg, Ya., ■which are blown up with the troops in them, — a terrible battle ensues, Chronological Record. 469 the Union storming column is repulsed with fearful slaughter, — Union loss, 6,000. 81. A rebel force enter and burn nearly the whole town of Cham- bersburg, Pa., and rob the inhabitants, leaving them in the most desti- tute condition. AUGUST. 3. Rebels under Gen. Early again occupy Mr.rtinsburg, Va., and Hagerstown, Md. 4. Fight between rebel and Union troops at New Creek, Md. 5. United States fleet, under Admiral Farragut, passes Forts Morgan, Gaines and Powell into Mobile Harbor, and captures the iron-clad ram Tennessee (with Admiral Buchanan on board) and gunboat Sebna, — the Union gunboat Tecumseh sunk by a torpedo or guns of Fort Morgan. 6. Another rebel mine exploded in front of General Grant's lines without doing much damage, the event being prepared for. 7. General Sherman makes an important flank movement in front of Atlanta. 8. Fort Gaines, entrance of Mobile harbor, with 26 guns, 56 oilicers and 818 enlisted men, surrendered to the United States forces. Fort Powell, with 18 guns, blo\^n up and abandoned by the rebels. Union troops under General Averill defeat the rebels under McCausland. 10. Explosion of army ordnance boat at City Point, Va., — 53 men killed and 126 wounded, and a large amount of government property destroyed. 13. Defeat of the rebels on the North side of .James River, — over 500 of the rebels, 13 cannon and 2 mortars captured. 14. About three hundred rebels make an attack on Selma, Ky., and are repulsed. Union troops, under General Hancock, advance on the North side of James River to within 7 miles of Richmond, and capture 600 rebels, 6 cannon and 2 mortars. 16. Another advance by Union troops on the North side of .James River, — se^teral hundred prisoners and a few heavy guns captured. 18. Advance of Union troops under General Warren across the Pe- tersburg and Weldon Railroad. — a terrible battle ensues without definite results, — Union loss about 2,500. 19. Severe fight between the rebels and Union troops under General Warren, — the rebels repulsed, — Union loss 2,800. '■ 21. Another battle on the line of the Weldon and Petersburg Road, between Union troops, under General Warren and the rebels, — the latter repulsed with fearful slaughter, — Union loss about 3,000. 22. The rebels make another desperate effort to drive General War- ren from the Petersburg and Weldon Railroad, but are again repulsed, with heavy loss. General Kilpatrick returned from a su«ccessful raiding expedition, — teai'S up 14 miles of railroad, captures 4 cannon and 200 prisoners. ** 23. Fort Morgan, Mobile Harbor, with all its guns, ammunition, &c., surrender to the United States forces. 25. The rebels make another assault upon Union troops under Gen. Warren, on the line of Weldon and Petersburg Railroad, and recapture four miles of the road, — loss on each side, 5,000. SEPTEMBER. 2. Atlanta, Ga., captured by Union troops, under Sherman,— 27 guT>g and 1,000 prisoners taken. Fight in the Shenandoah Valley, near Ber- ryville, Va., — defeat of the rebels— 20 wagons, 2 battle flags a^d many prisoners captured. -170 Chronological Eecord. 4. Fight with rebels at Greenville, Tenn., — John Morgan, the no- lorious guerilla, killed, and his force dispersed. 5. President Lincoln issues a proclamation of thanks to Admiral Farragut and Generals C.inby, Granger, Sherman and Sheridan, for their signal victories over tlie rebels. 9. Successful night attack by Union troops on the rebel lines in front of Petersburg, Va., — an important position gained. 18. Averill's Corps at Martinsburg, Va., attacked by the rebel Gen. Gordon, — the latter repulsed. 19. Desperate fight with rebels at Opequan Creek, Shenandoah Val- ley, — the Union troops, under General Sheridan, capture 3,000 prison- ers, 15 battle flags and 5 guns. 20. The British government order that no vessel belonging to the Confederates or United States shall enter British ports for the purpose of being dismantled or sold. 22. Gen. Sheridan gains a great victory at Fisher's Hill, Shenandoah Valley, — captures 20 guns, beside caissons, horses and 1,100 prisoners — Union General Russell killed. 29, Rebel fortifications on Chapin's Farm, near Richmond, Va., stormed and taken by Union troops — 15 guns ^lid 200 prisoners captured. 30. The rebels make three unsuccessful attempts to drive the Union troops from Chapin's Farm, in front of Richmond. Advance of Union troops and defeat of the rebels at Poplar's Grove, near Petersburg, Va. OCTOBER. 4, Severe fight between General Sherman's forces and the rebels at AUatoona, Tenn. 7. The rebel pira(e Florida, with 12 officers and 58 of her crew cap- tured in the Bay of Baha, Brazil, by the United States steamer Wachusetts. 8. Desperate fight with the rebels near Richmond, — severe loss of life on both sides. Rome, Ga., recaptured by the rebels, — some officers and 3,000 negroes taken prisoners. 9. Fight with the rebels near Strasburg, Va.,— about 350 rebels and 11 guns captured, 12. Death of Chief Justice Taney. 17. Capture of Ship's Gap, Tenn., by Sherman. 18. A party of twenty-five armed rebels enter St. Albans, Vt., and rob three banks of .'? 150,000, and shoot five citizens, then flee to Canada, where they are arrested by the Canadian authorities. 19. Great battle in the Shenandoah Valley, between Union forces, under General Sheridan, and the rebels, under Early, — defeat of the latter, and capture of 43 guns, beside caissons, horses and prisoners. 28. The rebel ram Albermarle blown up in Roanoke River by a United States torpedo boat, under the command of Lieutenant Cushing. Fight between General Pleasanton's Union army and Price's rebel army at Newton, Mo.,— defeat of the latter— 2,000 rebels and 7,100 stand of arms captured. 30. The State of Nevada admitted to the Union, officially announced. 31, Capture of Plymouth, N. C, by Union troops. NOVEMBER. 3. Fight between the Union forces, under Sherman, and the rebels, under Hood, — defeat of the latter. Rebel troops, under Price, attack Fayetteville, Ark., and are repulsed with a loss of about 1,000 in killed and wounded. Chronological IIecord. 471 7. Night attack by rebels on Union troops in front of Petersburg, — repulse of the former. 8. Presidential election — Abraham Lincoln carries every State except Delaware, Kentucky and New Jersey. 9. General Sherman starts on a march tlirough Georgia to the coast. 11. Rebels rush into Atlanta, supposing it to have been evacuated by Union troops, and are handsomely whipped, — 900 of them taken pri- soners. 17. The rebels repulsed in a night attack on Union lines at Bermuda Hundred. 28. Rebels, under General Paine, occupy New Creek and Piedmont, and destroy considerable property ; they are finally driven from the last named place. 29. Roger A. Pryor, of Virginia, captured by Union pickets in front of Petersburg. DECEiMBER. 1. Hood moving his forces against Thomas at Nashville. The Presi- dent orders the organization of the First Army Corps by General Han- cock. Hon. Wm. L. Dayton, Minister to France, dies at Paris. 4. Six Southerners arrested in New York by order of General Dix, on suspicion of being engaged in a plot to fire the city. 5. General Sherman's army united and marching on Savannah. A fight near Pocotaligo, S. C. 6. General Sherman skirmishes with the rebels 25 miles from Savan- nah. General Foster and Admiral Dahlgren land near Pocotaligo and cut the Charleston Road, 9. Captain Duncan of General Howard's scouts leaves Sherman's army to communicate with the coast. 12. Heavy skirniishing between Hood nnd Thomas. Admiral Dahl- gren and aeneral Sherman in communication. The rebel General Lyon enters Hopkinsville, Ky. 13. General Sherman investing Savannah. Admiral Porter's expe- dition leaves Fortress IMonroe for Wilmington. 14. General Dix issues an order directing pursuit of the rebel raid- ers over the Canada border. Resolution offered demanding indemnity from England for the depredations of rebel pirates. Fort McAllister carried by storm. • 15. General Thomas defeats Hood in front of Nashville. 16. Thomas again victorious over Hood ; the rebel nrmj in full flight, 17. Secretary Seward orders that passports be required of all per- sons entering or leaving the country, Thomas still pushing Hood, 19, President Lincoln calls for 300,000 more men. 20, Hood crosses Duck River, after losing half his army, 51 guns and nearly all his generals ; Thomas in close pursuit, Hardee evacuates Savannah by the Union causeway. 21, Rear Admiral Farragut confirmed by the Senate as Vice-Admiral. Admiral Porter's fleet in sight of Wilmington, N, C. Sherman makes a triumphal entree into Savannah, 22, "Hood at Pulaski in full retreat, with a demoralized mob, and a victorious army upon his heels. 24. Gordonsville occupied by a U^nion force. The naval and military expedition under Porter and Butler make an attack on Fort Fisher, and the powder-boat is exploded within 300 yards of the fort. 25. General Steedman moving on Decatur on Hood's rear. The at- tack on Fort Fisher renewed, and troops landed in the rear. 472 Chronological Record. 2G, Admiral Poi-ter continues the bombardment of Fort Fisher. 27, The expedition against Wilmington withdrawn. Admiral Porter continues the attack. Hood crosses the Tennessee on pontoons ; Thomas pursuing. 28. Brilliant success of Generals Stoneman and Burbridge : Tennes- see and Kentucky clear of rebels. 30. Stoneman returns to Nashville from his great raid in Tennessee and Virginia. Thomas announces the close of his campaign. 31. Thomas countermands his order for Winter quarters, and directs a concentration of his command for a renewal of hostilities. 18 6 5. .JANUARY. 6. Sherman crosses New River and moves on Grahamsville, S. C. 12. Admiral Porter's and General Terry's joint expedition arrives off Fort Fisher, N. C. 13. The attack on Fort Fisher commenced; troops landed above the Fort. 14. Parson Brownlow nominated for Governor of Tennessee. Mis- souri declared a Free State. Capture of Pocotaligo, S. C. 15. Fort Fishei', N. C, captured. Hon. Edward Everett died. 19. Congress thanks Terry, Thomas and Porter. 20. General Thomas reports 13,189 prisoners and 72 cannon taken from Hood bctAveen September 7, 18G4, and date. 25. Congress thanks Sheridan. Lee made General in Chief by Jeff. Davis. 28, The rebel House resolves to arm the negroes. 30. Stephens, Hunter and Campbell enter Grant's lines as Peace Commissioners. Sherman commences his South Carolina campaign. 31. The Constitutional Amendment prohibiting slavery passes the House by a vote of 119 to 56. FEBRUARY. 1. Mr. Seward goes to Fortress Monroe to meet the rebel Peace Com- missioners. Maryland House, and Illinois ratify the Constitutional Amendment. John S. Rock, a colored lawyer of Massachusetts, admitted to practice in the United States Supreme Court. 2. The President leaves Washington to meet the rebel Peace Com- missioners. The New York Senate and Rhode Island Legislature ratify the Constitutional Amendment. Gen. Sherman's advance at Braxton'g Bridge. 3. The New York Assembly, and ^lassachusetts, Pennsylvania and ^Maryland Senate, ratify the Constitutional Amendment. 4. Failure of the Peace Negotiations ; Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward return to Wasiiington ; the rebels demand recognition, and it is refused. Sherman flanks tlie rebels at Solkahatchee, and they retire to Branch- ville, S. C. ^ 7. ]\Iaine ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. The amended En- rollment Bill passes the Senate. The rebel Senate refuse to employ negroes in the army. 8. Official declaration of the Presidential vote: Abraham Lincoln 212, aid George B. McClellan, 21. Delaware refuses to ratify the Con- stitutional Amendment; Oliio, Minnesota and Kansas ratify it. Chronological Kecord. 473 10, Indiana ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. The President signs the notice to Great Britain for the termination of the treaty re- specting the naval force on the Lakes. General Gillmore takes com- mand of the Department of the South, and moves against Charleston. 11. The Senate thanks General Thomas, 16. General Sherman shells Columbia, S. C. 17. Columbia captured by General Sherman. Fort Anderson, Cape Fear River, shelled by our forces. General Schofield advancing from Smithfield, N, C. Rebel dollar estimated by the rebels as worth tioo cents in specie, Charleston evacuated. Louisiana ratifies the Constitu- clonal Amendment. 18. Charleston surrendered to General Gillmore. General Lee urges the employment of negroes in the army. 19. Fort Anderson, N, C, captured by General Terry, 20. The rebel House passes the bill to raise 200,000 negro soldiers, but the Senate rejects it. 21. Generals Crooke and Kelly captured by the guerillas, Wilming- ton EVACUATED. 22. The Kentucky Senate rejects the Constitutional Amendment. — Wilmington, N. C, occupied by General Schofield. 23. General Johnston takes command of the forces operating against General Sherman. Camden, S. C, c-apt-ured. Georgetown, S. C, sur- rendered. 24. Columbia, S. C, burned. Beall, the pirate and spy, hung oa Governor's Island. Wisconsin ratifies the Constitutional Amendment. 27. General Sheridan leaves Winchester, Va., on an expedition. 28. General Sherman's forces enter North Carolina. MARCH, 1. The President officially notified of his re-election, 2. Stantoa, Va., captured by General Sheridan. 4. President Lincoln and Vice-President Johnson inaugurated. <3, General Sheridan raiding on the James River Canal, destroying the great feeder to Richmond. 7. Hugh McCulloch confirmed as Secretary of the Treasury. 9. Bragg rep«lsed at Kinston, N. C, by Schofield's advance. 11, The President orders the disfranchisement of non-reporting de- serters. General Sherman opens communication with Wilmington, N. C., l^y means of scouts. 13. Generals Crooke and Kelly exchanged. 14. Sheridan pursaing Early and body guard, all that is left of his arm}'. General Sherman leaves Fayetteville, N. C, destroys the arsenal, n,ud moves on Goldsboro. 16. The rebel Congress declares thrt it is impossible to issue any more Treasury Notes, 17. John Bigelow appointed Minister to France, vice Dayton, dec'd. 18. A movement against Mobile commenced. 19. General Sheridan's entire command arrives at White House, Va. Johnston defeated at Bentonville, N. C. Golpsboeo evacuated, and the rebel forces fall back on Smithfield. General Steele leaves Pensacola, Fla., to attack Mobile. 21. General Schofield occupies Goldsboro, N. C. 22- Concentration of Sherman's, Schofield's and Terry's forces at and around Goldsboro, N, C 40 474 Chronological Kecord. 23. The President leaves Washington for Grant's headquarters. The first company of negro State troops raised in Richmond. 25. Capt. Kennedy, the spy and incendiary, hung at Fort Lafayette. The rebels attack and carry Fort Steadman, but the fort is retaken by a vigorous charge of the 9th Corps, the President witnessing the action. General Granger commences a co-operating movement against Mobile. 27. General Sherman arrives at General Grant's head-quarters. — Gen. Stoneman captures Boone, N. C. Gen. Wilson moves on Greenville, Ala. A general advance made on Spanish Foi't, Mobile Bay. 28. A Council of War held, at which the President, Generals Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and Ord are present; the Army of the Potomac moves. The fleet moves up Mobile Bay against Spanish Fort. 29. Mr. Seward visits the President at City Point, Va. The Niagara and Sacramento fired upon by the Portugese Forts at Lisbon ; the Niagara struck on the poop and both vessels then anchor. ol. The rebels drive our left from Dabney's Mills, but are in turn forced back. The transport General Lyon burned off Hatteras, and nearly five hundred lives are lost. APRIL. 1. Battle of Five Forks, Ya. ; the rebel right doubled up on the centre, and a portion of the wing cut off. 2. General Grant orders an attack on the whole line, and, after des- perate lighting, both wings are rested on the Appomatox ; the South Side Road is cut, and during the day and night Richmond and Peters- burg ARE EVACUATED, and Lec's army is in full retreat for Danville ; the rebel General A. P. Hill killed. Selma, Ala., captured by General Wilson's cavalry, together with the greater portion of Forrest's and Roddy's commands. 3. The evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond discovered, and Gen. Grant starts in pursuit of Lee ; General Weitzel occupies Richmond. — Jeff". Davis at Danville, Va., a fugitive. 4. The President visits Richmond and holds a levee in .Jeff. Davi&' house. 5. Mr. Seward thrown from his carriage and breaks his arm and jaw. General Sheridan and an infantry column reaches Burkesville, Va., heading off Lee, who is at .Amelia Court House ; an engagement at Lamer's Cross Roads in which the rebels are defeated. 6. General Slieridan attacks Lee West of Burkesville and routs him, capturing Ewell and a number of other generals. The news of the cap- ture of Richmond announced to Sherman's army. 7. General Grant urges Lee to surrender to save the further effusion of blood ; Lee asks for terms. 8. General Giant states the terms of surrender, upon which Lee asks an interview. 9. General Lee surrenders the Army of Northern Virginia to General Grant. The President and Mrs. Lincoln return to Washing- ton. 10. General rejoicing all over the country. The President issues a proclamation closing certain Southern ports. 11. The President makes a speech in which he defines the States of the rebellion and hints at plans for restoration. He issues a proclama- tion respecting the treatment of our national vessels in foreign ports and threatens retaliation for discourtesy. Lynchburg, Va., surrenders to a Uni )n scouting party. Chronological Record. 475 12. Members of the Virginia Legislature, by permission of General Weitzel, call a Convention to bring the State back into the Union. Gen. Canby and the fleet under Admiral Thatcher, capture the defences of Mobile. General Stoneman occupies Salisbury, N. C, capturing 19 . pieces of artillery and destroying the arsenals. General Wilson captures Montgomery, Ala. ; the rebels destroy five steamers and 95,000 bales of cotton. 13. General Grant advises that the draft and recruiting be suspend- ed, and an order is issued to that effect. General Sherman captures Raleigh, N. C. General Canby occupies Mobile, Ala. ; 400 guns taken in all. 14. President LINCOLN assassinated about ten o'clock in tub Evening in a private box at Ford's Theatre, Washington, by John Wilkes Booth. An attempt made by Lewis J. Payne to assassinate Mr. Seward and family ; also attempts made by other conspirators to .•assassinate Mr. Johnson and Mr. Stanton. The news of the fall of Kichmoud received in England at 11.30 P. M. Jeff. Davis and a cavalry escort leaves Greensboro, N. C. 15. President Lincoln dies at 7.22 A. M. ; Andrew Johnson inaugur- ated President at 1 1 A. M. Hon. Wm. Hunter appointed Acting Secre- tary of State. Intense excitement all over the country in consequence of President Lincolaie assassination. The Canadian Parliament adjourn. The old flag raised over Fort Sumter, with appropriate ceremonies. 16. Johnston asks General Sherman what terms of surrender will be offered. General Wilson captures Columbus, Ga. ; 53 guns, 100,000 bales of cotton and 1,200 prisoners taken, and the gunboat Jackson and large quantities of stores destroyed. 17. General Sherman holds a conference with Johnston at Chapel Hill, N. C. 18. Arrest of Payne, the attempted murderer of Mr. Seward. Gen. Sherman grants an armistice and enters into negotiations with Johnston, subject to the approval of the President, for the restoration of peace "from the Potomac to th« Rio Grande." 19. Funeral of Mr. Lincoln at Washington. General Sherman orders a suspension of hostilities. General Wilson captures West Point, Ga., also Gritfitt. 20. A reward of $100,000 offered for the capture of Booth and his co-conspirators. General Wilson captures Ma«on, Ga., and takes Howell Cobb and Gustavus W. Smith prisoners. 21. The remains of President Lincoln leave Washington and ai-rive at Harrisburg, Pa. General Sherman's peace negotiations with John- ston rejected at a Cabinet meeting, and General Grant leaves to visit Sherman. Kirby Smith declares that he will not recognize the surren- der of Lee, 22. The remains of M?-. Lincoln arrive at Philadelphia. The sur- render of Lee announced in England. 24. The remains of Mr. Lincoln amve in New York. General Grant arrives at Raleigh, and General Sherman notifies Johnston of the rejec- tion of the negotiations and suspension of the truce: Jeff. Davis leaves Charlotte, N. C. 25. President Johnson orders the 25th of May to be observed as a day of sorrow. 26. Booth, the assasein, found secreted in a barn belonging to Mr, Garrett, near Port Royal, Va., with his companion, Harold ; the latter surrenders, but the former is mortally wounded and dies soon after.— General Joseph E. Johnston surrenders all the forces East of the Chatta- 4TG Chronological Kecord. hootchee on the same terms as those given to Lee. Ex-Governor Aiken, of South Carolina, arrested at Charleston, S. C. 27. Jacob Thompson, C. C. Clay, W. H. Cleary, William L. McDonald and Bennett Young indicted at Toronto for a breach of the neutrality act. The President's remains pass through Buffalo en route for Cleve- land, "Ohio. Benjamin G. Harris, member of Congress, of Maryland, arrested for treasonable conversation. Danville, Va., formally surren- dered to General Wright, of the Sixth Corps ; the machinery taken from Harper's Ferry Arsenal recaptured ; the movement made by order of General Halleck. The news of the assassination of Mr. Lincoln receiv- ed in England. 28. The remains of Mr. Lincoln arrive ai Cleveland. The steamer Sultana blown up near Memphis, in consequence of overcrowding the boat, and over 1,700 soldiers, returning from rebel prisons, are killed. Mosby at Salem, Va., deserted by his command. General Wilson's ad- vance arrives at Savannah, having raided 481 miles in twenty days, cap- tured 3.52 guns, five generals and immense quantities of property. 29. The President changes the day of fasting and sorrow to June 1. The remains of Mr. Lincoln arrive at Columbus, Ohio. The President removes restrictions upon trade in Southern States. The War Depart- ment orders a reduction of the military establishment and the discharge of all recruits, save those for the regular army. Mn armistice between General Canby and Dick Taylor, preparatory to a suri'ender of the rebel army. The Army of the Tennessee, Gen. O. O. Howard, commences its triumphal march from Raleigh, N. C, to Washington. 80. Mr. Lincoln's remains arrive at Indianapolis, Ind. The formal surrender of Johnston takes place at Greensboro; 36^971 officers and men lay down their arms. MAT. 1. The remains of Mr. Lincoln arrive at Chicago. Chief Justice Chase leaves Washington on a tour to Southern cities. Morgan's old command surrenders to General Hobson, at Mount Sterling, Ky. ; East- ern Kentucky and Tennessee declared free of rebel forces. 2. A reward oflTered for the capture of Jetf. Davis, C. C. Clay, Jacob Thompson, George N. Sanders, Beverly Tucker and W, C. Cleary, as being concerned in the conspiracy to assassinate Mr. Lincoln. 4. The final obsequies of Mr. Lincoln celebrated at Springfield, 111. The Connecticut Legislature passes the Constitutional Amendment abo- lishing slavery. General Dick Taylor surrenders to General Canby all the forces East of the Mississippi and West of the Chattahoochee. — Queen Victoria expresses her sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln, G. $40,387,000 subscribed to the Seven-thirty loan during the week. The total number of Union prisoners who have died in the Anderson- ville, Ga., prison-pen announced as over 17,000. 9, The President issues a proclamation outlawing pirates. The trial of the assassins commenced at Washington. Governor Joseph G. Brown, of Georgia, arrested at Milledgeville. The formal surrender of the re- bel fleet in the Tombigbee River, Ala., takes place : twelve vessels capi- tulate. St. Marks and Tallahassee, Fla., surrender. 10, The President orders active measures against rebel pirates in foreign ports. Jeff. Davis and family, and Reagan, his Postmaster Gen- eral, captured at Irwinsville, Irwin County, Ga., by Colonel Pritchard and one hundred and fifty men of the Fourth Michigan ; Jeff, tries to escape, disguised in his wife's shawl and a water-proof cloak. C. C, Chronological Record. 477 Clay surrenders to Geueral Wilson, at Lagrange, Ga. The Haytien re- bels capture Cape Haytien, Hayti. The last of the rebel^ forces in Flo- rida surrender to General Ed. McCook. 11. Gideon J. Pillow captured in Selma, Ala. Earl Russell modifies the order granting belligerent rights to rebels. 12. Z. 13. Vance, of North Carolina, arrested. The last battle of the war fought at Boca Chico, Texas ; the Union troops repulsed with a loss of 72 men. 13. Arrest of R. M. T. Hunter, of Virginia. 15. Hon. James Harlan enters upon his duties as Secretary of the Interior. 10, General Sheridan's cavalry arrived at Alexandria, Va., also the advance of General Sherman's army. 17. It is announced that all rebels in arms East of the Mississippi, will be considered outlaws after June 1. Rear Admiral Frank Buchan- an, the Chief of the rebel navy, surrenders at Mobile. 18. Dr. Blackburn, the yellow fever importer, arrested at Montreal. The ram Stoncicall uncondiiionally surrenders to the Spanish autho- rities in trust for the United States. 19. Mr. Seward visits the State Department, and attends to official business. Jeft'. Davis, Alex. H. Stephens, C. C. Clay and Reagan arriv- ed in Hampton Roads. Lord Palmerston, in answer to a question, says that England will not interfere with the affairs of this country. 20. Genera) Sheridan assigned to command all the forces West of the Mississippi. 21. General Sheridan reviews his command in Washington. Isham 0. Harris, of Tennessee, captured. 22. The Committee on the Conduct of the War adjourns sine die after examining General Sherman. ]\lrs. Lincoln leaves the White House for her home in Springfield, 111. Jeff. Davis and C. C. Clay consigned to a casemate in Fortress Monroe. John Letcher, Ex-Governor of Viro-inia. arrested. 23. Grand review of the army of the Potomac by the President and General Grant. John A. Seddon, rebel ex-Secretary of War, arrested : also. Judge John A. Campbell. Negotiations opened for the surrender of Kirby Smith. 24. Grand Review of General Sherman's army in Washington, by the President and General Grant. 2-5. Jeff. Davis' shawl and cloak deposited with the War Department. A. H. Stephens and Reagan consigned to Fort Warren. The Ordnance Depot at Mobile explodes, destroying about 300 lives and $10,000,000 worth of property ; also 1,000 bales of cotton. 20. Peace from the Potomac to the Rio Geande ; Kirby Smith surrenders all the forces West of the Mississippi to General Canby ; the fons at Sabine Pass occupied by a force from the Owasco. The Atlantic cable completed. Jeff, Davis and John C. Breckinridge indicted for treason by the Grand Jury of the United States District Court at W^ash- ington. 27. The President orders the release of all persons sentenced to be confined during the war. 29. The President issues a Proclamation of Amnesty, and one for the restoration of North Carolina; Mr. Seward signs both. Telegraphic communication opened between New York and New Orleans. 31. The public debt to date officially stated at $2,035,753,000 00 in- terest $124,038,874 02. General Hood, the last of the rebel generals, surrenders. General Brown takes possession of Brownsville. Texa« 40=^ 478 Ceronologigal Recokd. JUNE, 1. National Fagt Day by proclamation of President Jo-hnson. Tiw President remits the punishment imposed by Court Martial on Benj. G. Harris, M. C. from Maryland. John Mitchel, formerly of the Kich- mond Examiner, becomes editor of the Ne>v York Daily New?^ 2. The order requirii>g passports rescinded ; also- the order restrict- ing the exportation of anthracite coal, i^eneral Grant issvies a eongra- tulator^ order to his army. Kirby Smith, by proxy, formally »arres)der3 his command on board the Fort Jackson, in the bay of Galveston. Eng- land withdra-ws the concession of belligerent rights to the So-utb, bufc fails to remove the twenty-four hour rule. 3. The Missouri, the last of the rebel fieet on Red River, surrenders. 4. Spain withdraws order conceding belligereat rights to the South, 5. Occupation of GabestoE, Texas, by Capt. B. F. Sands, of the Fort Jackson. France withdraws tl^e ©i?\ier conceding belligerent rights to the South. 6. An order issued directing all rebel priao-i^ers of war below the rank of Major to- be diseharged. 9. The President occupies the White House. The traas-port Kentucky strikes a snag oa the Red River aad sinks • 200 rebel soldiers drowned. 10. Great destruction- of Goveirnnseiit property at Nashville, Tenn. -^ $10,000,000 of stores barHed. Mr. Seward announces the withdrawal of the order of the Netherlands conceding belligerent rights to the South. 11. The monuments, ereetetl o^n the battle-field of Bull Run, Va., ap- propriately dedicated,. John C. Breckinridge arrives at Cardenas a fu- gitive. 12. Missouri adopts a new Constitntio'Ev lo. A proclamation issued removing restrictic/^ns on tpade East of the Mississippi, declaring Tesinessee no longer in rebellion, and appointing William L. Sharkey Provisioaal Governor of Mississippi, Mf. OlareBce; A. Seward appointed A&sis-tant Secretary of State. 14. John Mitchel, of the Daily News, sent to Fortress Monroe. • 16. Generals Butls-r, Baa&s, Helnba'el'man and other generals of vol- unteers, mustered out of s-ervice, 17. The President appoints James- Johnson Provisional Governor of Georgia ; and Andrew J. Hamilton, of Texas. Edmuad Ruffin, who fired the first gun at Sumter, blows oat his brains. 19. The Secretary of the Navy notified of the partial withdrawal of belligerent rights by England and that Ein'gMsk vessels "will not be en- titled to the customary courtesies, 21. Lewis E. Parsons appointed Provisional Go-vernior of Alab^amia, 23. The President issues a proclamation ordering the blockade of adl the ports in the United Spates raised on July 1, Adsmiral Samuel F. Du Pont dies at Philadelphia. 20. All restrictions on trade West of the Mjga-T&sippd rensoved by th& President ; trade open all over the States. 27. The losses to the South in consequerace of the war estimated in money at $5,800,000,000. On the first day of July all the ports of the United States were declared no longer under blcKjkade. The Stars and Stripes again waved unchallenged over every portion of our great country. On the 6th of July; Mrs. Surratt, L. T. Powell, David D. Harold and Geo. A. Atzerott, assassination conspirators, were executed. PEESIDBNT LINCOLN'S EMANCIPATION PEOCLAMATION. tTaimary 1st, 1863. Whereas, On the twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, a proclamation was is- sued by the President of the United States, containing, among other things, the following, to wit : " That on the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons held as slaves within any State, or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be thenceforth and foc^ ever free, and the Executive Government of the United States, includin* the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any effort they may make for their actual freedom. "That the Executive will, on the first day of January aforesaid, by proclamation, designate the States, and parts of States, if any, in which the people therein respectively shall then be in rebellion against the United States, and the fact that any State, or the people thereof, shall on that day be in good faith represented in the Congress of the United States, by members chosen thereto at elections wherein a majority of the qualified voters of such States shall have participated, shall, in the absence of strong countervailing testimony, be deemed conclusive evi- dence that such State and the people thereof, are not then in rebellion against the United States." Now, therefore, I, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, by virtue of the power in me vested as Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy of the United States in time of actual armed rebellion, do, on this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, in accordance with my purpose so to do. pub- licly proclaimed for the full period of one hundred days from the day of the first above mentioned order, designate as the Staies and parts of States wherein the people thereof respectively are this day in rebellion against the United States, the following, to wit : Arkansas, Texas, Loui-. siana, except the parishes of St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, St. John, St. Charles, St. James, Ascension, Assumption, Terre Bonne,' La- fourge, St. Mary, St. Martin, and Orleans, including the city of New Orleans, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia, except the forty-eight counties designated as West Virginia, and also the counties of Berkley, Accomac, Northamp- ton, Elizabeth City, York, Princess Ann, aud Norfolk, including the ci- ties of Norfolk and Portsmouth, and which excepted parts are for the present left precisely as if this proclamation were not issued. And by virtue of the power and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order- and declare that all persons held as slaves, within said designated States and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free, and that the 480 Second Inaugural Api>i\Fi3.s, Executive Government of tlie Unitetl States, including tlie military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons. And I hereby enjoin upon the people sa declared to be free, to, abstain from all violence unless in necessary self-defence, and 1 recommend to. them, that in all cases, when allowed, they labor faithfully for reason- able wages. And 1 further declare and make known that such persons of suitable condition, will be received into the armed service of the United States, to garrison forts, positio^ns, stations, and other places, and to man ves- sels of all sorts in said service. And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warrant- ed by the Constitution, upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God. In Avitness Avherof 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the city of Washington, this first day of .January, [l. s.] in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United Stales of America the eightv-seventh. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President. Wm. H. Sewaru, January 1, 1863. . Secretary of Stale. PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S SECOND INAUGURAL ADDRESS March 4th, 1863, Fellow Countrymex : — At this second appearing to take the oath of the Presidential office, there is less occasion for an extended address than there was at first. Then a statement of a course to be pursued seemed very fitting and proper. Now, at the expiration of four years, during which public declarations have been constantly called forth on every point and phase of the great contest which still absorbs ihe attention and engrosses the energies of the nation, little that is new could be presented. The progress of our arms, upon which all else chiefly depends, is as well known to the public as to myself, and it is, I trust, reasonably sa- tisfactory and encouraging to all. With high hopes for the future, no prediction in regard to it is ventured. On the occasion corresponding to this, four years ago, all thoughts were anxiously directed to an impending civil war. All dreaded it ; all sought to avoid it. While the Inaugural Address was being delivered from this place, de- "voted altogether to saving the Union without war. insurgent agents were in the city seeking to destroy it without war ; seeking to dissolve the Union ;i-nd divide the effects by negotiation. Both parties deprecated Casualties of the War. 481 war, but one of them would make war rather than let the nation sur- vive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish ; and th« war came. One-eighth of the whole population were colored slaves, not distrib- uted generally over the Union, but localized in the Southern part of it. These slaves constituted a peculiar and powerful interest. All knew that this interest was somehow the cause of the war. To strengthen, perpetuate, and extend this interest was the object for which the insur- gents would rend the Union by war, while the Government claimed no right to more than restrict the territorial enlargement of it. Neither party expected for the war the magnitude or the duration which it has already attained. Neither anticipated that the cause of the conflict might cease with, or even before the conflict itself should cease. Each looked for an easier triumph, and a result less fundamental and astounding. Both read the same Bible and pray to the same God, and each invokes His aid against the other. It may seem strange that any men should dare to ask a just God's assistance in wringing their bread from the sweat of other men's faces ; but let us judge not, that we may not be judged. The prayer of both could not be answered. That of neither has been answered fully. The Almighty has His own purposes. "Woe unto the world because of offences, for it must needs be that offences come, but woe unto the man by whom the off'ence cometh." If we shall suppose that American slavery is one of these off'ences which, in the Providence of God, must needs come, but which having continued through His appointed time. He now wills to remove, aid that He gives to both North and South this terrible war as the woe due to those by whom the off'ence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a living God always ascribe to Him? Fondly do we hope, fervently do we pray, that this mighty scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. With malice toward no one, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as aod gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. CASUALTIES OF THE WAR, Official estimates in the War Department compute the number of deaths in the Union armies since the commencement of the war, including the starved prisoners, at three hundred and twenty-five thousand. There were doubtless fully two hundred thousand Southern soldiers removed by disease and the casualties of battle, so that no less than five hundred and twenty-five thousand lives were sacrificed in a contest, begun and 482 Casualties of the War. prolonged by the South in their vain effort to build up a new Republi« and strengthen the slave power. Our greatest losses in any one campaign occurred at Gettysburg, when 23,267 Union soldiers were killed, wounded and taken prisoners. — Hooker's campaign in 1868 in the Wilderness ranks next to Gettysburg, as far as regards Union losses, they having amounted to about 20,000, thou"-h generally reported at 10,000. Burnside lost 12,000 at the battle of Fredericksburg, McClellan 11,426 at Antietam, Porter 9,000 at Gaines' Mills, Uosecrans 12,085 at Murfreesboro, and 16,851 at Chickamauga, and Sherman about 0,000 in the two days' battle around Atlanta. The of&cial reports of Gen. Grant's losses from the time he crossed the Rapidan until receiving the surrender of Lee compute them at 80,000. In the various engagements fought by General Grant in the West, he left 13,573 at FitTsburg Landing, 9,875 in the severe contests around Vicksburg, and in the attack on Missionary Ridge about 7,000. CONTRIBUTIONS, INCIDENTS, &C. When Schuylkill County sent her sons to the field to defend the imperilled Union, she resolved; that her means should be offered unsparingly, to assuage their sufferings and those of their brave compatriots when disease or the balls of the enemy should prostrate them in the hospital or on the field. Soldiers' aid societies, under the superintendence of patriotic ladies, were organized throughout the County, while individual efi'ort, the full extent of which will never be known, sent goods worth many thousands of dollars to the hospitals and to the army. This was early in the war. After the operations of the United States Sanitary and Christian Com. missions became fully known and appreciated, they were used as the best means for distributing to our soldiers the gifts of the thoughtful and generous donors. The amount of suffering relieved, the number of precious lives saved by these donations during a period of four years, must have been great. CONTRIBUTIONS. The "Ladies Aid" of Trinity Church, Pottsville, organized Nov. 13, 1861, by electing the following officers : President — Mns. Andrew Russel. Vice-Fresidents — Miss Sarah Silliman, Mrs. Michael Bright, Mrs. J. C. Hughes, Mrs. D. J. Ridgway, Mrs. A. Henderson, Miss Amelia Pott. Secretary and Treasurer — Miss Amanda Silliman. Sixty-eight (68) boxes were forwarded to Washington City, ChristiaD Commission, Sanitary Commission, Ladies' Aid Society of Philadelphia, Miss Green for Palmyra, Col. Nagle, Ilatteras, Dr. J. T. Carpenter, Charleston, Va., and Cumberland, Md., Harrisburg, Miss Spackman, 1010 Vine Street, Philadelphia, New York, Cooper Shop Hospital, Cher- ry Street, Master Street and West Philadelphia Hospitals, and to 96th Pa. Regiment. In addition to above, sixteen (16) boxes from the public and private schools were forwarded through the Society for soldiers in the field and hospitals. Contributed to the Sauitarv Fair, Philadelphia ; Goods, valued at * $238 40 Coal, 240 00 Cash, 401 35 $939 75 Estimated value of boxes, independent of those sent to the U. S. Sanitary Fair, 7,219 06 Total, $8,l&8 81 48-4 Contributions, Incidents, &c. The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Pottsville. From the breaking out of the war till May 1, 18t)3, the Ladies of the ^L E. Church co-operated with the other Protestant Churches of the Borough in a Union movement in aid of the Sanitary Commission. Of the amount of stores and cash furnished at that time they have no account. In May, 186S, however, they formed themselves into an independent Association under the title "The Ladies' Soldiers' Sanitary Aid Society of the Pottsville M. E. Church." Under this title they operated for one year, sending forward in the meanwhile seven boxes of stores valued at five hundred dollars. On May 2, 1864, they became auxiliary to the Christian Commission, since which time they have been known as "The Ladies' Soldiers' Aid Society of the Pottsville M. E. Church, auxiliary to the U. S. C. Commission." Under this new organization they forwarded : Twelve boxes of stores valued at " $1,182 00 Cash to the amount of 968 50 Total to the C. C. $2,150 50 To this may be added the sum of $79 00 in hand May 23, 1865, and $275 00 collectible subscriptions, or a total of $354 00 which were to be forwarded to the Christian Commission ; thus making a total to that organization of $2,504 50 or a grand total to both organizations from May, 1863, to May, 1865, of $3,004 50. Th€ Pastor of the Church, Rev. J. B. McCullough. was out as a dele- gate of the Christian Commission /o«r times, about two weeks each time, viz. : after the battles of Antietam, of Gettysburg, of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House, aiding with the wounded ; and once on a preaching tour, while the Army of the Potomac was lying in winter quarters on the Rapidan. From the Congregation and Sabbath School of the Church there went to the war, so far as we know, some 81 recruits, for terms varying from 3 months to 6 years. Of this number the following were killed or died in the service, viz : John Maddison, Alexander Govan, Theodore Beck, John Eplin, Thos. G. Houck, John W. Xennett, Charles Aurand, James M. Rich, John W. Hall, James Jenkins, Wm. Williams, John Robinson, John Homer, Silas Hough. THE SANITARY FAIR. The Pennsylvania Fair of the United States Sanitary Commis- sion was held in Philadelphia, in June, 1864. Mrs. Benjamin Bannan of Pottsville, received a commission, as follows : Office of the Committee on Labor, Incomes 1 AND Revenues, Philadelpliia, May 14, 1864. i Mrs. Benjamin Bannan : Madam : — I have sent you a commission as Chairman for Pottsville, covering the work for the whole neighborhood, excepting only the Coal Miners, who are under another organization. The commission covers all the Trades, Commcrciat and Manufachiring Interests, Lawyers, Clergy- men, Physicians, Households, Day's Labor, ij-c. Very truly yours, L. MONTGOMERY BOND. Contributions, Incidents, &c. 485 Miss Amanda Silliman was appointed Chairman of tlie Com- mittee upon "Labor, Income and Revenue" in the female depart- ment of labor in Pottsville. She was assisted by Mrs. J. Noble, Miss Taylor, Miss Parvin, Mrs. Bohannan, Miss Lessig, Mrs. Wal- lace Wolff, Miss flartz, Miss Wolff, Miss Hay woDd, Mrs. Kate Thompson of Ashland, Mrs. E. J. Fry of Tamaqua, Misses Lottie E= Birch, Mary Slobig, Sallie L. Wasley, Annie Freeman, Louisa Allison, Sallie A. Watkins, Mary A. Buechley, Ellen Denning, of St. Clair, Mrs. Ezra Cockill, Llewellyn, Miss Margaret Dolben, Cass Township, Mrs. M. Lindenmuth, Minersville, and other pa- triotic ladies assisted in the work. Messrs. B. Bannan, E. 0. Parry, Geo. W. Snyder, H. L Cake, T. M. Freek, John J. Dovey, Geo. W. Cole, John Hoch, Henry Heil, Theo. Garretson, P. Heckscher and Wm. Verner were ap- pointed a Committee to receive contributions from the coal trade, of which fund Mr. E. Borda, Philadelphia, was Treasurer. The contributions of Schuylkill County to the Fair were as follows : Pottsville, - - - - - - $3,788 43 " Goods, valued at „ . . . 80 91 Legal Profession, __--_. 503 00 Employees Ridgway's wharf, Mt, Carbon, - - 17 50 .Ashland, - - - - - - - 380 70 Eldred Township, - - - - - - 108 85 Nevr Castle, - - - - - - - 77 16 Westwood, .-.-.-. 2 50 Barnesville, - - - - - - -7 50 Foster Township, ----.- 30 00 Llewellyn School No. 1, - - - - - 6 36 Mahanoy City, - - - - - - 307 85 McKeansburg and vicinity, - - - - - 39 90 Barry Township, - - - - - - 132 00 Wayne Township, - - - - - -40 15 Minersville, - - - - - - 174 31 West Penn, - - - - - - - 53 65 Port Clinton, ...... 25 25 Llewellyn, - - - - - - -45 10 Cass Township, - .... 49 00 Palo Alto Rolling Mill, - - - - - 388 02 South Manheim Township, - - - - 22 50 St. Clcxir, 272 35 Port Carbon and vicinity, ----- G39 60 East Brunswick, - - - - - - 22 50 Tamaqua, - - - - - - - 237 10 Carried forward, - - $7,451 19 41 486 Contributions, Incidents, &c. Brought forward, Schuylkill Haven, - - - - - Transportation Department Sch. & Susq. II. R. Port Carbon Select School, _ - - Cressona, - - - - " _ " One box goods from Soldiers' Aid Society, Minersville, Tamaqua Cavalry, _ . - - - Henry Barret, soldier, . - . - Total, - - - - $8,044 19 $7,451 19 275 54 - 93 55 10 50 - 38 41 100 00 - 70 00 5 00 COLLIERY CONTRIBUTIONS. St. Nicholas Colliery, H. L. Cake, 40 cars of coal, " " employees, _ _ _ Employees at V>'heeler, ^Miller & Co"s Colliery, at J. & E. S. Silliman's .1. & E. S. Silliman, _ . - - - Hammett, Van Dusen & Lochman, 50 cars of coal, - Employees at Hammett, Van Dusen & Lochman's Colliery, at Big Bun, ------ Employees at Geo. W. Snydex-'s Bine Forrest Colliery, George W. Snyder, 50 cars of coal, Employees at Wm. R. Williams' (agt.,) Colliery, Mt. Laffee Wm. 11. Williams, (agt.) 15 cars coal, Employees at C. Garretson's Girard Colliery, 4t " " Middle Creek Colliery, - C. Garretson, 35 cars of coal, - - - - Employees of J. M. Freck & Co., Ashland, - J. R. Blakiston and Jos. M. Freck, 50 cars coal from Cen- tralia Colliery, - _ - . _ Employees at J, & W. F. Donaldson's Keystone Col'y, Ashland, J. & W. F. Donaldson, . . - . David Pearson & Co., 50.} cars coal, Hewett, Clayton cSi Co., John Jones, Foulkton Colliery, 20 cars coal. Employees of " a . Kitzmiller, Grteff & Co., Lorberry, 100 cars coal, Workmen of " Lewis Audenried & Co., 40 cars coal. Employees of F. J. Anspach & Co.'s Locust Mountain Col liery, Centralia, near Ashland, _ . _ F. J. Anspach & Co., 25 cars coal, - - - Henry Guiterman and workmen, - . - Bedall & Robertson, " . . . St. Clair Coal Company, 81 cars coal, Employees of St. Clair Coal Co., - - . Wheeler, Miller & Co., 16 cars coal, Henry Heil, 8 cars coal, - - - - Employees of H. & G. Smith & Co., Gilberton, - Employees at John Jones' Colliery, Mahanoy H. & G. Smith & Co., and employees, Mahanoy, T. H, SchoUenberger and workmen, 88^ tons of coal, Carried forward, - - . $1,610 20 200 00 124 53 125 00 200 00 1,578 03 305 00 314 75 1,758 60 159 00 589 05 122 20 248 09 1,105 154 90 85 1,005 230 91 31 - 1,000 1,830 - 1,000 724 00 61 00 95 98 00 3,453 54 47 25 1,337 99 141 51 828 00 189 76 143 25 2,656 38 556 38 563 78 290 40 74 60 98 00 74 60 063 75 $26,211 82 Contributions, Incidents, &c. 487 Brought forward, - - - $2G,211 82 Geo. W, Cole, Reevesdale Colliery, near Tamaqua, - - 150 00 Workmen at " " '' " - > 250 47 " " . Levari " u u _ . 33 5c " " Wm. IT. John's Colliery, St. Clair, - 320 50 '' " Otto White & Red Ash Coll'ies, Heckscher & Co., 43-4 0(5 " " Forrestville Colliery, Heckscher & Co., - 04 00 " '• Thomaston " " " - - 24 00 Employees of Heckscher & Co., - - - - 15G 50 Workmen at Heckscherville Colliery, H. H. Dunne, - - 41 00 " " Norwegian Coal Company, - - - 450 30 " *' Locustdale Colliery, Geo. C. Potts & Co., - 285 35 " Kitzmiller, Gn-cff *& Co.'s Rausch Creek Collieries, 205 99 Greenwood Coal Company, 30 cars, _ _ _ 1,124 75 Heckscher & Co., 40 cars coal, and H. II. Dunne, 10 cars, 1,014 55 Workmen at Wm. Dovey's Colliery, Tuscarora, - - 107 65 " " Wiggan & Treibel's Colliery, - - 09 00 " Henry Heil's Strongville Colliery, - - 235 82 '< " Geo. II. Potts & Co.'s Wolf Creek Colliery, - 775 52 '' " Belmont Colliery, _ _ _ . 70 45 Geo. Ormrod and workmen, Tamaqua _ - _ 100 00 Workmen at Dundas Colliery, No. G, Allen Fisher, - - 127 26 From a Clerk — odd change for five days, owing to scarcity of pennies and currency, could not be paid under 25 cents, _ - _ _ _ _ 67 00 Vv'orkmen of .John Anderson, - - - - 25 25 B. Hammett — proceeds of coal contributed by him, - - 1,929 13 Total, - - - - $34,834 98 While tlie Sanitary Commission was the recipient of large sums of money from Schuylkill County during the War, and of stores of value upon which no exact estimate can be placed, the Christian Commission claimed and r'^ceived substantial assistance. Meet- ings were held in Pottsville, at which Geo. H. Stuart, Esq., and clergymen acting for the Commission, laid the claims of the Commission before the people. There was, invariably, a generous response. The contributions in cash were as follows : Pottsville, -.-... Crow Hollow, ---___ New Philadelphia, - _ - _ _ Minersville, --__-_ Pinegrove, -___._ Orwigsburg, -_-___ Middleport, ---__. North Manheim, - - - - - . West Brunswick, - - . _ _ $4,731 47 p3,947 90 10 48 217 20 160 00 67 45 118 80 169 39 17 00 21 25 488 Contributions, Incidents, &c. Brought forward, _ - - East Brunswick, _ _ _ » - Pinegrove, __-_-- St. Clair, ------ Kaska William and Thomaston, - - _ Wadesville, _ _ _ - _ Evangelical Sunday School, Schuylkill Haven, J. H. Sh(X^maker, Tuscarora, - _ _ George Wiggan, Tamaqua, - - - - "H. S.," Port Carbon, - - - - Total, - - -. - - $5,302 85 $4,731 47 7 50 - 213 75 294 95 - 43 85 38 00 3 33 20 00 - 10 00 2 00 The contributions of the Coal trade to the Christian Commis- sion, were as follows : Workmen at W. Milnes', Jr., Hickory Colliery, St. Clair, $ 511 50 Wm. Milnes, Jr., & Co., - - - - - 488 50 Davis Pearson & Co., 50 cars coal, - _ _ 1,830 61 Heni'y Ileil and woi^kraen, - - - - - 122 00 Lewis Audenried & Co., 40 cars coal, - - - 1,387 99 Employees, Mining Department, Little Sch'kill Nav,, R. R. and Coal Company, _ - - - . 134 18 Total, . . . _ $4,474 78 The following miscellaneous contributions and estimated value of stores sent during the war, will sum up as far as we are able to give them, the contributions of the County : Middleport, goods valued at - - - - $ 135 00 St. John Sunday School, Auburn, - - - - GO 00 Tremont, _-_--- 82 75 Ashland, estimated value of stores sent, . . _ 1,500 00 Minersville, " " "''.-. 2,500 00 Port Carbon, " .. 4. ;. . - - 1,000 00 Tamaqua, " " *'«'--- 2,500 00 Schuylkill Haven, ^i ^^ i^ . _ - 1,500 00 Mahanoy City, " i^ u . - _ 1^500 00 Orwigsburg, " " 4c u . - - i^oOO 00 Cressona, " u .i . , . 1^000 00 Middleport, u u ,i - . - 800 00 New Philadelphia, ' " '' .« . . . 800 00 Palo Alto, u u u - - - 800 00 Tremont, " u <; . - - 1,500 00 Pinegrove, c. .; .. - . . 2,000 00 Other sections of County, '< << . _ . 5,000 00 Total, . - - - $26,277 75 The above is only an estimate, but we believe it falls short of the real value of hospital and other stores which were sent duriq^ the war for the relief of the soldiers. Contributions, Incidents, &c. 489 During the absence of many soldiers their families, unless re- lieved, especially during the inclement winter season, would suffer. A movement for their relief was inaugurated throughout the County. In Pottsville the receipts of the Soldiers' Aid Society up to March 16, 1865, were $679 22. A considerable quantity of coal was sent to Philadelphia for the relief of suffering families of soldiers in that city. Each locality in the County provided for the wants of families in the neighborhood, but we have no account of the receipts. In 1861 the sufferings of the Union people of East Tennessee were brought to the attention of our citizens, and $1,301 00 were collected and remitted to Caleb Cope, Treasurer, Philadelphia. These sum up the voluntary contributions of our citizens during the war, for philanthropical purposes. Tbey show that Schuylkill was no niggard with her purse, to alleviate the sufferings of the men who went forth to battle for the perpetuity of free institutions. GRAND RECAPITULATION, Ladies' Aid Society, Trinity Churcli, Pottsville, $ 8,158 81 " " " Methodist Episcopal Church, Pottsville, 3,004 60 Borough, Township and individual contributions to Pennsyl- vania Sanitary Fair, _ . _ _ Colliery contributions to Penn, Sanitary Fair, Borough, Township and individual contributions to Christian Commission, - - - - - Colliery contributions to Christian Commission, Miscellaneous contributions for sick and wounded soldiers. For relief of soldiers' families, Pottsville, <' " " suffering East Tennesseeans, 8,004 19 ■ 34,834 98 5,362 85 ■ 4,474 78 26,277 75 679 22 1,301 00 $92,138 08 In our notings in the ^^ Three Months' Campaign" of the pa- triotic exertion of our citizens to furnish men at the call of the Government, we hardly devoted space enough to a record of the energy which characterized the efforts of Capt. Charlemange Tower in that direction. That history is briefly but comprehen- sively as follows : On Monday, April 15, 1861, immediately after the news of the fall of Fort Sumter, on the same day but before the Presi- 41* 490 Contributions, Incidents, &c. dent's Proclamation, calling for 75,000 volunteers, C Tower post- ed large printed handbills all through Pottsville, inviting his fel- low-citizens to join him in forming a company to assist in sustain- ins: the Government. On Monday, the 22d April, 1861, C. Tower went, with his company, containing 160 men, styled then the '' Tower Guards," to Harrisburg, and reached Camp Cuitin, in that place, in the af- ternoon of that day. Only 77 men being nllowed, at that time, in a company, his men were divided ; one company being allotted to him, one other full company being formed from them, and the surplus, beyond these two companies, being put into other com- panies. The second full company elected Daniel Nagle, who was third Lieutenant under Capt. Tower, for its Captain, and David P. Brown and William W. Potts, who had been privates under Capt. Tower, for first and second Lieutenants, and took the name of " Nagle Guards." The two companies, as well as the surplus men, were in the Sixth Regiment Penn. Vols., during the whole three months' service. While in Harrisburg, where the regiment was mustered out, af- ter its return from the three months' service, Capt. Tower's com- pany was noticed as follows in a Harrisburg paper of August 1, 1861: The Towjer Guards. — This fine company made street-parade on Sa- turday morning and were vmiversally admired. Tliey drew up in line in front of the Treasury Department, when Captain Tower in a few forcible remarks presented the company to Gov. Curtin. The men were then put through the manual and drill by Capt. Tower, and their per- formances were most admirable. The Governor addressed the company in a few very pertinent remarks, in which he alluded to the patriotism of Schuylkill County in so promptly responding to the nation's call, and concluded by returning his thanks to Capt. Tower and his company for the honor conferred vipon their commander-in-chief in the visit. The Guard, we believe, is the only company that has paid the Gover- nor the compliment of a company visit, and considering the excellent condition of the company, and all the circumstances connected with its origin, was highly complimentary. Before the time of the men expired he purchased new uniforms for them at his own expense. On the loth of August, 1861, Capt. Tower again posted large printed handbills throughout the town, urging reorganization of the ^'Tower Guards,'^ He offered a bounty of ^505 to 101 menj to be paid from his private funds as soon as they were mustered in. Contributions, Incidents, &c. 491 Under this call another company was raised and under Henry Pleasants as Captain, joined the 48th Regt. Penn. Vols., Colonel James Nagle, for three years, or during the war. During the war swords and other testimonials of esteem were presented to oiEcers from the County. On the 18th of September, 18G1, the ladies of Schuylkill Ha- ven, Fanny H. Koons, Addic Kline and Kate M. Levan, Commit- tee, presented a sword, sash and belt to Lieut. U. A. Bast of the Forty-eighth Regiment. In 1862 the Ninety sixth Regiment presented to their Lieut. Col., Jacob Gr. Frick, a beautifully ornamented sword, bearing the following inscription : Tresented to LIEUT.-COLONEL J. G FRICK, 96^/i Regiment, F. V., by his friends in the Regiment, for his gallant conduct at Gaines^ Jlill, June 2oth, and his efficiency as an officer. — July, 1862. Subsequently while commanding the r29th Regiment, Col. Frick was presented with a sword valued at $400. The scabbard bore the folloTving inscription : TO COLONEL JACOB G. FRICK, 129th Reg., Fa. Vols., Sept. 23c?, 1863. West Point, May 7, 1862, Bull Run, Aug. 29, 1862, Cramp- ton's Pass, Sept. 14, 1862, Antietam, Sept. 17, 1862, Ist Fredericksburg, Bee. 13, 1862, 2d Fredericksburg. May 2d, Sd and ith, 1863, Gettysburg, July 2cl, Sd and ith, 1863. In 1862, Capt. Charles Blacker was the recipient of a sword from the citizens of St. Clair. In 1864 the members of Co. I, 48th Regiment, presented a sword to their Captain, F. D. Koch, inscribed as follows : Presented to CAPTAIN F. D. KOCH, By the Members of Co. I, 48th Regt., Penu. Vet. Vol., Dec. 13, 1864. Swords were also presented to Col. John E. Wynkoop, Major Joseph Gilmour, Capt. 0. D. Jenkins, and other gallant officers. Contributions, Incidents, &c. 493 While at Hatteras Inlet, Company D, 48tli Reg., presented a sword to Major Daniel Nagle. It was inscribed : Presaited to MAJOR DANIEL NAGLE, By the members of Co. D, 4S(h Regiment, Pcnn. Vols., Hatteras Inlet, N. C, December 25, 1861, as a mark of their esteem for their former Commander. When in consequence of ill health, Captain Philip Nagle, of Co. G, 48th Reg., P. V., resigned in 1862, the members of his company presented at Newberne, N. C, June 9, their portraits, numbering ninety-one, to him, handsomely framed. In Newberne, N. C, in May, 1862, the members of Company I, 48th Reg., presented a sword which cost $130, to Captain John II. Porter. In 1864 a beautiful watch was presented to Sergeant, afterwards Lieutenant Charles E. Beck, of the Fifteenth (Anderson) Caval- ry. The case bore the following inscription : Oiie of the Noble Three Hundred. SERGEANT CHARLES E. BECK. From his Friends of Pottsville, Fa. Presented April 1st, 1864. When the Forty-eight Regiment was home on furlough in 1864, the members of Company H presented a tenor drum to their drum- mer boy, who had been with them in all the engagements in which the Regiment had participated. It cost 845. A small silver shield on the drum bore the following inscription : Presented to ANDREW J. SNYDER, By the members of Co. H, 48/A Regt., P. V. V., as a token of esteem^ February, 1864. Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Fredericksburg and *East Tennessee. The Union League of Pottsville presented to Alfred Bowen, the first drummer boy from the North to enter the National Capi- tol in the war, a drum. In 1863 the ladies of Pottsville presented through the medium of a committee, a flag to the Ninety-sixth Regiment. It was made of the richest silk, and contained on one side the State arms of Pennsylvania, surrounded by the following inscription ; 49-4 Contributions, Incidents, &c. Presented to the 9GTH REGIMENT, PA. VOL., By the Ladies of I'ottsvillr, Schuylkill County, Pa. ; tof^ether with the names of the battles in which the regiment had been engaged. The reverse contained the United States coat of arms, and also the names of ChicJcahominy , Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern Hill, Second Bull Bun, Crawj)tons Pass, Antictam and Frederickshury. The Committee went to '^the front" to make the presentation, and on its return submitted the following report : To the Misses Clara E. Lessiy, Malilda P. Basset and Maygie Boyle, repre- sentiny the ladies of Pottsville tvlio presented a stand of colors to the 9Qth Beyiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers: Ladies : — The uudersignecl, committee appoiutctl by you to carry to the field and present a flag, ou your bcbaU", to the 06th Regt. P, V., left Pottsville for this purpose on the 8th of June last, and proceeded via Washington City (where the necessary pass and order for transportation ■were procured) to Falmouth Station, near the Rappahannock ; and thence on the 10th to the pontoon bridges below and near Fredericks- burg, Va. There, upon inquiry, we learned the 9(5th were, where they iiave mostly been found, '-in the front" — having crossed the river the night before, to the line of our entrenchments on the Rebel side. Being refused permission to join them there, we were obliged to return to Fal- mouth, having sent word of our arrival to Maj. Lessig, commanding the Regiment, through Capt. Edward C. Baird (whom we accidentally and vei"y fortunately met on the field.) The next morning, 11th, we were waited upon at the station, by an escort from the Regiment, who conducted us to their camp on this side of the river, to which they had returned the night previous. How cordially we were welcomed by the whole Regiment, officers and men, and how generously entertained, we cannot pretend to describe. Nor can we risk invidious distinctions by naming individuals, when all were so uniformly ready and anxious to do us service. It must suffice to say that every attention was shown us, and apparently no effort spared to i-ender our stay both instructive and pleasant, and in our varied and novel sight-seeing, the fact that we were all the while in the very face of the enemy and within easy range oi his guns, did not tend, you may be sure, to dull our perceptive 'faculties, or lessen our appreciation of the exposures of a sol(?ier's life. At 3 o'clock, P. M., the Regiment was called out and formed in a hol- low square to receive the flag ; and upon its being unfurled for the first in their presence — the pleasant breeze lifting gracefully its silken folds, and its handsome lettering and ornamentation sparkling in the sun- shine — then went up such a shout of admiration and grateful welcome from the ranks, as made the Rcb-^l hills around ring again — it was Schuylkill reflected on the Rappahannock! In the presentation remarks that followed, the speaker endeavored to convey a sense of the high estimation in which the gallant men before him were held by you, of your appreciation of their services to the whole country, and of the general pride and interest felt at home on their behalf, to which Gen. Bartlett, in command of the Brigade, re- Contributions, Incidents, &c. 495 plied for the Regiment, in most eloquent terms, indicative of the scholar and statesman, as he had already proven himself the soldier — expres- sing the warmest thanks for your magnificent present, and guarantee- ing that the honor of the flag was committed to trustworthy hands. — It was with special gratification *we noted liis marked commendation of the spirit and courage and general conduct of the OGth, upon all occasions, during their long connection with his command. During the night following, orders were received for the PvCgiment to move, and by dnylight next morning the camp was broken up, and your committee were left alone on Ihe field, to make our way back to the rail- road station and thence home, with many messages of love and gratitude, and to render you a report of our mission. Yours, very respectfully, .John Clayton, Pottsville, June 15, 1863. C. Little. Subsequently the flag was returned to Pottsville, accompanied by the following letter (Vom Dr. Bland : Camp or the OGth Regiment, P. Y., "| February, 22d, 1864. / To Messrs. Christoplier Little and John Clayton, Committee on Presentation, on behalf of ihe ladies of Pottsville. Gentlemen : — At the urgent solicitation of the officers of the Regiment, I have been deputed to transmit to you by the hands of Lieut. A. S. Fasig, and through you to the ladies of Pottsville, tlie battle-flag of the Pvegiment. The occasion of the jDresentation is still verdant in our memory. Upon Stafford Heights, in the presence of the enemy, and within range of their shot and shell, we received this national emblem and regimental history. Since then it has waved upon the hard fought and victorious fields of Gettysburg, Funktown, Williarasport, Rappahannock Station and Mine Run. I need hardly say, the officers and men part with this souvenir re- luctantl}'. I can present no prouder record than the fact of its azure field always unfurled before the enemy, and it has yet to trail in the dust or retreat from the foe. In connexion with the battle-flag, we send the original national colors jjresente^l by Gov. A. G. Curtin, previous to the departure of the Regi- ment for the field. This flag contains its own history. It has waved upon all the battle-fields of the army of the Potomac, from May 7th, 1862, up to the present time. AVe confide this flag to your safe-keeping. The anniversary of the birth-day of Washington, is an appropriate opporti;nity for perfecting this arrangement. With the brilliant prospect before us, the renewed energy and patri- otism of the North, we are ever hopeful for a speedy and successful ter- mination of this unholy war. Before closing, I nxay be permitted to offer the following reasons for returning the flag. The estimate in which we liold this magnificent pre- sent is beyond expression ; but, by reason of exposure to the weather, the storm of battle, and use upon various occasions, we fear its entire destruction. The massiV^e fringe has already been torn from the silk, the splendid paintings and the historic scroll are separating from the blue field. We cannot but feel, from the value of its association, that 496 Contributions, Incidents, &c. it should be placed in safe keeping. It is our desire that the ladies be- come the temporary custodians of these battle tattered banners, to be retained until such time as they may be called for. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient»servant, D. Y/ebster Bland, Surgeon, 96th, P. V. (For the Officers.) In 1863 the ladies of Port Clinton presented a flag to Company A, Forty-eighth Regiment. In 1864 the citizens of Schuylkill Haven presented a flag to Co. C, Fiftieth Kegiment. In 1865 the ladies of Pottsville presented a flag to the Fifth United States Cavalry. It bore the names of forty-one engage- ments in which the Regiment had participated. In 1862 Mr. Benjamin Pott of Pottsville gave $300 to Co. B, 129th Reg., it having been the first company of nine months' men from Schuylkill County, mustered into service. While the Forty-eight Regiment was stationed at Lexington, Ky., in 1863, Gen. James Nagle and Major James Wren resigned. The events were thus noticed at the time by the Lexington, Ky., Loyalist : General James Nagle, who, ever since its formation — now more than a year— has commanded the 1st Brigade of the lid Division, 0th Army Corps, and has led it through all its battles, has resigned on account of ill health. The General was beloved by all his command, possessed the confidence and esteem of his superior officers, and more than once re- ceived proof of his acknowledged ability from Gen. Burnside himself. — He was the embodiment of a true soldier, a strict disciplinarian ; he was humane and kind as a father, or dear friend, approachable at all times by even the lowest; he was brave, prudent, honest and good, and his form, countenance and bearing inspired the beholder with the belief that he was born to command. In the closing of his military career our country loses one of her bravest, most honest, patriotic and faithful officers. Major James Wren, of the 48th Penn'a. Vols., has also resigned and gone home. The Major commanded one of the first companies that reached Washington City at the outbreak of the war, and has been doing honorable service ever since. He was deservedly popular with the regi- ment, and the boys would have done anything for the Major. On Sun- day evening last, at dress parade, he took a formal leave of his old com- panions. After making a few most atrecting remarks, he began on the rio-ht of the regiment,"and taking every man by the hand, bade him good-bye. His feelings bore him out until he came to his old company, (B,) when he burst into tears. He was now to part with men whom he had trained and taught to be soldiers, Avatched over, and led in battle. The images of many of their dead companions ftuist have come to his mind at this moment, and with them the thought that he might never again see many of the brave fellows now before him. This parting was Contributions, Incidents, &c. 497 like the disruption of a family— one of the most affecting scenes in life — and there were few dry eyes present, even the spectators giving way to the infection. Early on Monday morning the Regiment, without arms, escorted the Major to the depot on his way home. They deeply regret his leaving them, and can never forget him. Mr. Daniel Christian, of Pottsville, who was himself a soldier in the war of 1812, for a period of three months, had seven sons in the service, during the Rebellion, as follows : Charles Christian was in the Sixth Regiment, P. V., three months service, in Capt. Tower's company. Before the war he was three years and four months on board the United States ship Independence as a sailor. Daniel Christian, Jr., was in the three months' service. En- listed February, 1862, in the 67th Regt., P. V-, in Capt. John C. Carpenter's company, and became a re-enlisted veteran volunteer for three years or the war. Benjamin Christian was also in the three months' service, and became a re-enlisted veteran in the same regiment and company in which Daniel served. John Christian, the same. George W. Christian enlisted August, 1861, for three years in Capt. Hinkle's company, 48th Regt. Became a re-enlisted vet- eran volunteer. William A. Christian was, with the men furnished by the draft of 1862, a 1st Lieutenant in the 173d Regiment. Henry F. Christian enlisted in February, 1864, for three years in Capt. Hinkle's company, 48th Regiment. In 1864, Miss Sarah, daughter of James Silliman, Esq., of Pottsville, completed a table composed of pine and spruce burrs, acorns, etc., which she presented to the Central Fair. While the 48th Regiment was in Lexington, its Colonel, J. K. Sigfried, who was Post Commandant, was presented with a pair of silver spurs by the Union citizens of that place. The Regi- ment was highly esteemed by the citizens of Lexington for the gentlemanly conduct of the members and for their sterling worth as soldiers. The benevolent Orders in the County during the Rebellion maintained a firmly loyal stand. Many of their members entered the service, some of whom laid down their lives in the struccle 42 498 Contributions, Incidents, &c. for liberty. We might instance the following, whicli was the first action taken immediately after the commencement of hostilities : PULASKI LODGE, No. 21G, A. Y. M. POTTSVILLE, Sch'kILL Co., Pa- Stated Comm.unication, — 22d April, A. L. 586L The following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, the so-called Confederate States of America have insulted Ihe Flag of our Country, and have brought civil war upon our people ; and Whereas, certain members of this Lodge have responded to the call of the President of the United States, and have joined the army for the national defence — Resolved, That we, the members of this Lodge, hereby "mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred lionor," for the stipport of our Country, its Constitution, and its Laws. Resolved, That in bidding our brethren a hearty farewell, we commit them to the care of our Almighty INIaster, in a prayer for their support and protection in their trials and danger, ant) for their happy return from their present Zt76or, and we commend to them the bright Masonic and Patriotic example of our Brother Washington. Resolved, That all members of this Lodge, now absent in, or who may hereafter enter, the military service of the United States, shall be exempt from the payment of dues while in said service. Resolved, That during the* continuance of the present war, the follow- ing prayer be used in addition to the prayers heretofore prescribed for the services of the Lodge : Thou Most High, who docst according to Thy will, in the army of Heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth — when Thou givest quietness, who then'can make trouble ? In this time of rebellion, hide not Thy face from us : for, in Thee do we hope, and Thy presence is sal- vation. Give strength and wisdom pienteously, we pray Thee, to all in authority over us ; and preserve the imperilled life of the nation, that it may continue a blessing to all time. God, Thou art our King ! Command deliverance for our people, that they be not seduced and ensnared ; and do Thou restore to the dis- affected a right mind. Go forth with our armies, that they may do va- liantly, and push down all enemies of the government which thou hast ordained : through Tliy name may our armies tread them under that rise up against us. Supreme Master, we implore Thy gracious and providential protection of all worthy Brethren amid the dangers of the war ; in battle may they be as in the hollow of Thy hand. To the absent members of tliis Lodge, now engaged in the service of the country, grant, we beseech Thee, good health, and complete success in their righteous undertaking, with a speedy and safe return. And we will praise Thee, who art the health of our countenance, and our God. Amen. Resolved, That Brother Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of the above to each member of the Lodge now absent in the country's service. (Extract from the minutes.) Christophbr Little, Secretary. Contributions, Incidents, &c. 499 The same Lodge at a stated communication held in April, 1865, adopted the following : Whereas, it has been officially announced by the Secretai'y of War, ^liat the City of Richmond, the Capital of tlie so-called Confederate States of America, was captured by the army of the United States, on the od inst., and that the rebel army of Northern Virginia under Gen. Lee, was on yesterday surrendered to the national forces under Lieut.- General Grant : Resolved, That, this Lodge offer to the Sovereign Master of the world, its humble and hearty thanks for these late victories, and its sincere* and fervent prayer for the speedy and permanent establishMent ©f national unity and peace. ADDENDUM. The following names of volunteers we obtained after the pre- ceding pages had been put to press : Adjutant Thomas Nichols, 9th Pa. Cavalry. W. Thomas Price, Co. C, 47th Pa. Regiment. Andrew Brown, 73d Pa. Regiment. John Butterwick, 124th Illinois Regiment. Edward Brecken, '^ ^^ *■' William M. Steele, "■ " «' died at Vicksburg, Aug. 7, 1863. Henry Metz, drum-major, 15th Iowa Regiment. Thomas Long, represeatative recruit for Edward S. Silliman, Mahanoy Township. Thos. Brennan, representative recruit for David P. Brown, Pottsviik. Henry S. Rudy, Reading City Troop. James Wagner, 4th Delaware Regiment ; died at Magnolia, Delaware, July 1, 1865. Captain Herman Krauth, lOBd New York Yolunteere, Chief Com- missary of Musters, on General Hartruflf's staff, died at Petersburg, Va., July 7, 1865. The following soldiers from Schuylkill County, died in prisoa at Anderson ville, Ga. : J. Brenny, Co. E, 48th Regiment, died July 8, 1864. J. Fetterman, Co. H, " died Sept. 8, " E. Gallagher, Co. E, '< died Aug-. 22, '^ H. Hilm. Co. C, 50th *f died June 25, '' Jas. Tobin, Co. E, 55th *' died Oct. 11, '< J. McRath, Co. C, 48th '' died July 8, " Mathias Muldowney, Co. K, 96th Regiment, died August 6. 1864. J. Mose, Co. A, 48th Regt., died Oct. 4, 18G4. D. Root, Co. B, 48th Regt., died Sept. 14, 1864. H. Strong, Co. E, 55th Regt., died October 4, 1864. S. Winsinger, Co. E, 96th Regt., died July 6, 1864. Between February 26, 1864, and March 24, 1865, 12,884 Union soldiers died in prison at AndersonviJle, victims of rebel cruelty and neglect. 500 Addendum. * Among those from this County killed in battle during the war, were John Ward and Owen Brennan, Co. F, 7th Penn. Cavalry. They fell at the Battle of Chickamauga. John M. Rich, oi' Pottsville. and John Eckel, Jr.. of Tremont, who were in the South when the war commenced, were marked as Union men ; were imprisoned after repeated efforts to escape North, and'Suffered indescribable barbarities at the bands of the rebels. Mr. Rich was imprisoned many months in a dungeon under ground at Salisbury, N. C. He was finally released, and entered the 7th Penna. Cavalry, where he was known as an excellent soldier. The Forty-eighth Regiment was mustered out of the service, and reached Schuylkill County on the 20th of July, 1865. The men met a warm reception at the hands of the citizens. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF FROMIISTETSTT OFFICERS. GENERAL JAMES NAGLE. General Nagle was born in Reading, Pa., on the 5tli of April, 1822. Even when a youth his tastes were military. In 1842 he organized in Pottsville, were he resided, the Washington Artillery Company. When war was declared against Mexico, he, among the first, tendered the ser- vices of his Company. They were accepted. The Company left Potts- ville, December 5, 1846, for Pittsburg, Pa., and was mustered into the United States service as Company B, 1st Pennsylvania Regiment, The Regiment was among the first troops to land at Vera Cruz. The Com- pany was one of the four that first approached the city within a few hundred yards under cover of darkness, to clear away the chapparel to enable a naval battery to be planted. Gen. Nagle was engaged during the entire siege, and rendered efficient service. At the Battle of Cerro Gordo he acted as Major with his Regiment, with distinguished ability. He advanced with the Regiment to Perote Castle, where he was stationed with three other companies under command of the Colonel to keep com- munication between Vera Cruz and Puebla open, while the army under Gen. Scott, was advancing. June 20, 1847, he and his company were engaged at Lahoya in assisting Gen. Cadwallader through the Pass with reinforcements and large trains of stores and money. The Pass was strongly fortified by guerillas, but they were routed. October 9, 1847. he and his company were engaged at Iluamantla ; on the 12th at Puebla and on the 19th at Atlixco. In each engagement the enemy was routed with heavy loss. Subsequently he advanced with his Regiment to the City of Mexico ; remained there several weeks, and was finally stationed at San Angel until the close of the war. The company was mustered out of the service at Philadelphia, July 27, 1848, and reached Pottsville on the 28th, where it experienced an enthusiastic reception. At a meeting of the citizens of Pottsville, the following amono- otlier resolutions, was adopted : Resolved, That wMIe we rejoice in the glorious termination of the late struo-^le with Mexico, we acknowledge the brave and gallant conduct of the officers and men comnos' ing the volunteers from SchuylkiU County, under the command of Capt Jame^ -K-iUl' who answered to the call of duty, regardless of the privations and sufferino-s incident la a long campaign m an enemys countrj', thousands of miles from their homes. Soon after his return he was presented Avith a handsome sword by the citizens of Schuylkill County, for his gallant services in Mexico In 42* 502 Biographical Sketches of Officers. «ie Autumn of 1852 he -was elected Sheriff of the County, and subse- quently to Brig.ade Inspector and Colonel. He kept up the organization of the Washington Artillerists, until the commencement of the Rebellion in 1861, when his Company under command of Capt. James "Wren, waa one of the first five companies to reach Washington for its defence. Captain Nagle -was commissioned Colonel of the Sixth Pennsylvania Regiment by Gov. Curtin, for three months. His Regiment served in the Brigade of Col. Geo. H. Thomas, Gen. Patterson's Department. Col. Nagle vyas engaged with his Regiment in the skirmish at Falling Waters. He crossed the Potomac four times, and advanced beyond Martinsburg and Charlestown, Va. At the termination of his term of service Col. TSao-le -was highly complimented by Gen. Patterson, and received a com- ;plimentary order (No. 10,) from his Brigade Commander, Col. Thomas. In a fortnight after his return from the three months' service, Col. Nao-le organized the 48th Pennsylvania Regiment for "three years or the ■war." He was commissioned Colonel of it by Gov. Curtin. He was ordered to Fortress Monroe, and shortly after his arrival there, was sent by Gen. Wool to Hatteras Island, after Gen. Williams had been relieved. He was in command of the post four months. After the capture of Roanoke Island, he, with a portion of his Regiment, accompanied Gen. Burnside's fleet, and was present at the capture of Newborn, N. C. Im- mediately after the battle of Newbern, he was assigned by Major-General Jesse L. Reno to the command of the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 9th Army Corps. The Corps soon joined Gen. Pope. Gen. Nagle was engaged with his Brigade in the Second Battle of Bull Run. In an assault upon the enemy, made in dense woods, where it was impossible to remain mounted, he led his Brigade on foot. His horse was captured after re- ceiving eight wounds. Soon after the battle Gen. Reno recommended him to the President for promotion to Brigadier-General. Gen. Reno's letter was as follows : Heap-Quarters, 9th Army Corps, ) Near Wasuikgton, Sept. 7, 1SC2./ To His Excellency, the President of the United States. Sir --I have the honor to recommend Col. James Nagle, 4Sth Reg. Pa Vols., for pro- motion as Britjadier-Geueral. Col. Nasle has served with me with fidelity and ability as commandc?of a Brigade, since the Battle of Newbern, and m the recent battles con- ducted himself with frallantry, and led his command with judgment and discretion. 1 have the honor to be Very Respectfully, Your obd't servant, [Signed] J- L; RENO, ° Major-General com'dg. The appointment was made. Gen. Nagle was subsequently in the battles of Chantilly, South Mountain and Antietam, where his Brigade did good service. During the last named engagement Gen. Nagle's Bri- gade was the first to advance upon the enemy at the bridge over the Antietam, and, when it had expended all its ammunition, the 2d Brigade of the same Division relieved it. Several more rounds were fired, when Biographical Sketches of Officers. 508 the enemy began to waver, and the bridge was stormed and carried by the 2d Division, commanded by Gen. Sturgcss. The loss was heavy, but the gallant assault saved the day, as appears from the following order : Head-Qt7arters, 2d Div.. 9th A. C, > Antietam, Sept. 20, 1862. j" General Order, No. 11. The General commandiDg the Division, avails himsclfof this lull in the roar of battle, to return his thanks to the officers and troops, for their handsome behavior in the bat- tles of South Monntam and Antietam Bridge, and to say to them that he has been assured by Gen. Burnside ihat Gen. McClellan considers the carrying of the bridge as having saved the day. • * * » * * " ^ * « * [Signed] S. D. STURGESS, Brig. Gen., com'dg. An officer wrote from the battle-field that Nagle's and Ferrero's Bri- gades of Sturgess' Division, occupied the ground and held the crest of the hill all that night, and drove the enemy from the field. At Amissville in a skirmish. Gen. Nagle with his Brigade, drove the rebels finely. They were also engaged in the First Battle of Fredericks- burg. The Brigade fought bravely under its gallant commander, and sustained a heavy loss. Subsequently the Ninth Corps was detached from the Army of the Potomac, and sent to Newport News to recruit. They remained there for several weeks, and were then sent to Lexington, Ky., where Gen. Nagle was in command of the post for a short time. lie was then or- dered to advance with his Brigade to Winchester to watch the movements of the enemy. From there he went to Richmond, Ky., Paint Lich and Lancaster, where in May, 18G3, Gen. Nagle resigned on account of se- vere suffering from angina pectoris — a painful disease of the hear!. Upon tendering his resignation, Gen. Nagle received from Gen. Stur- gess the following expression of regret : Head-Quarters, 2i> Div., 9tii Army Corps. Dear General : I cunnot better express the pain \t gave me to forward yonr resignation, than By giv- ing you a copy of my endorsement upon it, viz : "Resi:)ectfully forwarded and approved. But I must express my deep regret at the necessity for thus forwardinfr it. By his in- telligence, energy, zeal and courage, and quiet, unassuming deportment, withal, Gen. Nagle has endeared himself to this command, and will carry with him the love and re- spect not only of those gallant troops he has led so often to victory, but of all who have had the good fortune to know him." [Signed] S. D. STURGESS, Brig. Gen., com'dg. Gen. Nagle issued a farewell address to his troops, and amid their re- grets and with their earnest wishes for the speedy recovery of his health returned home. After having been at home about a month, rest and absence from the excitement and exposure of the field, had a beneficial effect. His health became better, and when Gen. Lee commenced his invasion of Pennsyl- vania in June, 1863, Gen. Nagle organized the 39th Begt., Pa. Militia for "the emergency," and was commissioned Colonel by Gov. Curtin. He was mustered into the service on the 4th of July, 1863, and proceed- ed to the front at once. On his arrival there, Gen. Couch immediately 504 Biographical Sketches of Officers. assigned him to tlie command of a Brigade, composed of six regiments and one battery, numbering some forty-eight hundred men. He "was mustered out of the service, August 2, 1863. When in 18G4, a call was made for the Hundred Days' Service, Gen. Nagle vrith characteristic promptness and energy, organized the 194th Penna. Regiment, of which he was commissioned Colonel by Gov, Cur- tin, July 21, 1804. He was ordered to Baltimore. On his arrival Gen. Wallace directed him to report to Gen. Lockwood, commander of the 3d separate Brigade, who assigned Gen. Nagle to the command of all the troops at Mankins' Woods — about 8000 men. He guarded some of the approaches to the city until the expiration of his term of service, when he was relieved and returned with his Regiment to Harrisburg, and was mustered out, Nov. 5, 18G4. General Nagle's services in the Rebellion will ever be remembered with gratitude by not only the people of Schuylkill County, but by the nation at large, who owe the preservation of their liberties to the self- sacrificing devotion of men like him. GENERAL GEORGE C. WYNKOOP. He was commissioned Brigadier'General by Governor Curtin, April 10, 1861. On the 20th the 1st, 2d and 3d Regiments, Pennsylvania Vol- unteers, were placed under his command, and he received orders to march to Cockeysville, IMd. On the morning of the 21st, at 1 o'clock, the command left Harrisburg by railroad ; arrived at Cockeysville at 10 o'clock, and went into camp. The same day Gen, Wynkoop received orders from Gen. Scott to march his command back to Pennsylvania. On the afternoon of the 22d, at 4 o'clock, he arrived at York, and went into camp. On the 19th of July, Gen. Wynkoop received orders from Gen. Patterson at Charlestown, Ya., to march his command to Harris- burg, and have it mustered out. The General was mustered out, August 1, 1861. On the 21st of August, 1861, he commenced to raise the Seventh Penn- sylvania Cavalry, and on the 18th of November received a commission as Colonel — term of service, three years. On the 18th Of December he left with his Regiment for Louisville, Ky., and arrived there on the 25th. Left Louisville January 26, 1862, for Bardstown, Ky. Left Bardstown Feb. 27th, for Mumfordsville, and arrived there March 4th. Left March llth for Nashville, Tenn., and arrived thereon the 18th. Left Nash- ville, May 3, for Murfreesboro, by the way of Lebanon. Col. Wynkoop and his command reached Lebanon, May 5th, at 4, A. M., and attacked John Morgan and his command. The Seventh gallantly drove the rebels from the town to Carthage, a distance of twenty miles, where what was Biographical Sketches of Officers. 505 left of Morgan's band escaped by crossing the river in a boat. In this spirited encounter Col. Wynkoop captured 1^7 prisoners and 192 horses. On the 4th of August the Colonel had a skirmish with a large body of Forrest's cavalry at Sparta. After fighting half an hour the Colonel withdrew his men, and returned to join Gen. Nelson's command, ten miles in his rear. Col. Wynkoop had but 163 men with him. Forrest was 700 strong. On the 17th of August, with three companies of the Seventh, he left McMinville for Liberty, to join Gen. Johnson. John- son's force consisted of the 2d Indiana, 5th Kentucky, two companies of the 4th Kentucky, and three companies of the 7th Pennsylvania Ca- valry, making a total of 900 men. On the 21st of August Gen. Johnson attacked Morgan at Gallatin, and after a fight surrendered. Col. Wyn- koop, however, determined that he would not surrender, and brought oflF 732 men and horses. lie returned to Nashville where he arrived at 1, A. M., on the 22d. In consequence of physical disability. Col. Wynkoop was mustered out of service on the 26th of July, 18G3, having served over two years with fidelity and honor. GENERAL BENJAMIN C. CHRIST. / General Christ entered the three month's service as private of Com- pany E, Capt. Wm. Homer, 5th Penna. Regiment, April 20, 1861: He was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of that Regiment, on the 22d, and was mustered out of service July 24, 1861. Upon the return of Colonel Christ he re-entered for three years, and was commissioned Colonel of the 60th Pennsylvania Regiment, July 27th. In July, 1862, he was or- dered to take command of a Brigade, and from that date commanded Brigades and Divisions, until mustered out of the service, October 4th, 1864. Col. Christ was recommended for promotion by Major-General Burnside, immediately after the Maryland campaign, in September, 1862, which recommendation was favorably endorsed by Gen. McClellan and forwarded to the President. He was brevetted Brigadier-General. August 1, 1864, for meritorious services on Nye River and before Peters- burg. Gen. Christ made one campaign in South Carolina, one in Mary- land, four in Virginia, one in Kentucky, one in Mississippi, and one in East Tennessee. He was at the taking of Port Royal ; at the Battle of the Coosaw, and at the Battle of Pocotaligo, South Carolina ; at Sul- phur Springs, Second Bull Run, Centreville, Chantilly, Frekericksburg, and in all the battles of Grant's campaign of 1864, in Virginia, from the Wilderness until our forces entrenched before Petersburg. He was at South Mountain and Antietam in Maryland; at the siege and fall of Vicksburg and Jackson, Mississippi, and at Blue Springs, Hough's Fer- 506 Biographical Sketches of Officers. Tj, Lenoir Station, Campbell Station, and at the siege of Knoxville, East Tennessee. During his t>erm of service General Christ was wounded three times — slightly at the battles of the Coosaw and Antietam, and geverely before Petersburg. General Christ was a brave officer, and the responsible commands en- trusted to him prove that he had the entire confidence of his superior officers. We regret that for want of the necessary data we are unable to enter more fully into the details of his eventful military career. It was fraught with peril and hardships, and a'&orned by a heroism wor- thy of the sacred cause in which he drew his sword. GENERAL JOSHUA K. SIGFRIED. General Sigfried entered the service in April, 1861, as Captain in the 6th Penna. Regiment, Col. James Nagle, for a period of three months, at the expiration of which he was mustered out at Harrisburg, After his return home he assisted to organize the 48th Penna. Regiment, of which he was commissioned Major, and mustered into the service on the 1st of October, 1861, He moved with the Regiment to Hatteras on the 11th of November, 1861. He was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel by elec- tion, on the 30th of that month. He was ordered to the command of Camp Winfield, Hatteras, on the 9th of December. He moved with the Regiment to Newborn, N. C, on tho 11th of March, 1862. In April, 1862, he took command of the Regiment, Col. Nagle having been de- tached to command the 1st Brigade, 2d Division of what was afterwards the 9th Corps. The Regiment left Newbern on the 6th of July, and reached Newport News on the 9th, Colonel Sigfried spent the month here in placing his Pwegiment in an effective condition. He left with his Regiment for Fredericksburg, to join Gen. Pope, on the 2d of August. — The Regiment left Fredericksburg on the 12th ; marched to Culpepper, and joined Gen. Pope on the 14th. It was immediately thrown forward to Cedar Mountain, and performed picket duty when Gen. Pope's retreat commenced. The Regiment moved from there on the retreat, on the 18th. It moved towards and occupied Kelly's Ford on the Rappahan- nock. Lieut. -Colonel Sigfried, with a portion of his Regiment, recros- sed the river, in support of Buford's Cavalry, who were engaged in a sharp skirmish with the enemy. The Regiment remained at Kelly's Ford until the 22d, when it moved up the River. The Regiment under command of Lieut. -Colonel Sigfried was in the Second Battle of Bull Run, Aug. 29 and 30, 1862. It fought gallantly and lost heavily. Sept. 1st he manoeuvred the Regiment skillfully at the Battle of Chantilly. — He commanded the Regiment through the Maryland campaign of 1862, participating in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam. After the Biographical Sketches of Officers. 507 last engagement he was promoted Colonel, to date from the 10th of Sep- tember, 1862. He commanded the Regiment at the Battle of Fredericks- burg, Dec. 13, 18G2. After the battle he was complimented by Generals Sturgess, Ferrero and Nagle for the manner in which he took the Regi- ment into, and for the ability with which he handled it, while in action. March 25, 18G3, Col. Sigfried left Newport News with his Regiment, for the West. Reached Lexington, Ky., April 1st, where the Regiment re- mained on provost duty until September 10, 18G3. During that time Col. Sigfried was provost marshal of the city, and military command- ant. He left Lexington on the 10th of September, as Colonel command- ing the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 9th Army Corps, on the march to East Tennessee, to join Burnside's forces at Knoxville. The distance — two hundred and twenty miles — was marched in eighteen days, without fa- tigue or straggling, in consequence of an admirable plan adopted by Col. Sigfried upon starting. Arrived at Knoxville, Sept. 28th. Were ordered to and reached Bull's Gap, Oct. 4th. From there marched to Lich Creek and Blue Springs. Col. Sigfi^ied commanded the Brigade in the Battle of Blue Springs, fought Oct. 10th. Returned to Knoxville, Oct. loth, shortly after which he was ordered to take command of the 2d Division, 9th Corps. On the 22d, with liis Division, Col. Sigfried moved to Louden ; then to Lenoir, where it remained until the 14th, when the Division returned to Louden, and covered the retreat of the Army on the 15th from Lenoir to Campbell's Station. At this point Col. Sigfried resumed command of the 1st Brigade, Col. Hartranft taking command of the Division. At the Battle of Campbell's Station, fought on the ItJth, Col. Sigfried's Brigade opened the engagement, and partici- pated in it all day, retreating at night to Knoxville, reaching that place on the following morning. At this time the siege of Knoxville by the Rebel General Longstreet, commenced. The key of the defences was held by the Ninth Corps — a very important point in the line of works being held by the Brigade of Col. Sigfried. The siege was raised on the 6th of December, the rebels retreating towards Virginia, and our forces following. January 3, 1804, the 48th Regiment having re-enlisted for three years, left its camp near Blaines' Cross Roads, Tenn., for home on veteran leave, for re- organization. Arrived at Pottsville, Febi 3. Hav- ing recruited its ranks to the maximum number, the Regiment left Potts- ville March 14, 1804, under command of Col. Sigfried, for Annapolis, where it was ordered to rendezvous. Left Annapolis to co-operate with Gen. Grant in his great Virginia campaign, April 23, 1804. On the 4th of May Col. Sigfried was appointed to command the 1st Brigade, 4th Division, (colored) Ninth Army Corps, the duty of which was to guard the immense trains necessary to facilitate Grant's operations. That duty (Kiasing after the army had crossed the James and established itself in 508 Biographical Sketches of Officers. front of Petersburg, Col. Sigfried's Brigade was assigned to other im- portant duty. At the explosion of the mine at Petersburg, Col. Sigfried, with his Brigade, participated in the charge on the enemy's works. Sub- sequently he was brevetted Brigadier-General by President Lincoln, for gallantry in this action. He continued in command of the Brigade, un- til mustered out of service, Oct. 2, 1864, by reason of expiration of term of service. During his career in the Army General Sigfried won the highest en- comiums from his superior officers for the fidelity, prudence and ability with which he discharged the duties devolving upon him. Without his knowledge they recommended him for promotion from Colonel to Briga- dier, for meritorious conduct in the field. COLONEL HENRY L. CAKE. Colonel Cake left Pottsville with the first troops, April 17, 1861, as a corporal in the National Light Infantry. Was mustered in at Harris- risburg on the 18th, as second lieutenant ; commissioned Colonel 25th Penna. Regt., May 1, 1801. At the expiration of the three months' ser- vice, he was mustered out. xVfter Col. Cake's return home he organized the 96th Regt., P. V., and was commissioned Colonel of it, August 18, 1801. The Regiment en- camped at Pottsville until Nov. 8, 1861, when it left for the front. On the 10th Col. Cake was appointed acting Brigadier-General, and placed in command of six regiments at Camp Wildfir, near Washington. Dec. 10, 1861, the 96th was attached to 2d Brigade, Gen. Slocum, in General Franklin's Division. Slocum's Brigade subsequently became 2d Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Army Corps. Col. Cake participated with his Regi- ment in the following engagements : West Point, Gaines' Hill, Charles City Cross Roads, Malvern, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, Crampton's Pass, Antietam and Fredericksburg. His gallantry and the effective fighting of his men won the highest praise. Col. Cake resigned March 12, 1863, and was mustered out May 3, 1863. COLONEL JACOB G. FRICK. Colonel Frick was mustered into the service as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 96th Pennsylvania Regiment, September 23, 1861. He remained with the Regiment in that capacity (moving with the Army of the Poto- mac to the Penninsula, and participating with it in the battles of Gaines' Hill, June 27th, Charles City Cross Roads, June 30th, and Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862,) until August 29th, when his resignation was accepted, and he returned home to lead a new regiment to the field. Biographical Sketches of Officers. 509 He was appointed by Governor Curtin Colonel of the 129th Pennsyl- vania Regiment, August 15th, and left on the IGth for Washington. Hie Regiment was subsequently attached to the 3d Division, 5th Corps, and marched to Antietam. On the 16th of October he accompanied Gen. Griffin's Division of the 5th Corps in a reconnoissance to Leetown, Va. They had a brisk skirmish at Kearneysville, after which they returned to camp near Sharpsburg. Col. Frick and his command moved with the Army of the Potomac, October olst, and arrived at Fredericksbui-g, Va., November 17, 1862. He was engaged in the Battle at that place, December 13th, losing 140 men. He marched with the army under Gen. Hooker, April 29, 1863, for Chancellorsville, and was hotly engaged in battle on Sunday, May 3, with considerable loss. The Regiment returned to camp near Stoneman'g Station, and after remaining there one week, marched to Harrisburg, and was mustered out of service May 18, 1863. On the 17th of June, 1863, Col. Frick was commissioned Colonel of the 27th Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia. By order of Gen. Couch the Regiment went to Columbia, Pa. On the 28th the Regiment had a skir- mish with the enemy in front of Wrighlsville. Being unable to hold its position in consequence of the superior number of the enemy, the Regi- ment retired to the Columbia side of the Susquehanna River. To pre- vent the enemy crossing and taking Harrisburg in the rear, the Colum- bia Bridge was burned in pursuance of the following order from Major- Gen. Couch to his aid-de-camp, Maj. Granville O'Hailer, 7th Infantry, U. S. Army, and communicated to Col. Frick on the field, when it was found impossible to successfully resist the advance of the enemy : (.By the Atlantic and Ohio Telegraph lines.) Habkisbukg, Jcne 28, 1863. To Major O'Hailer, U. S. Army, A. D. C. When you iind it necessary to withdraw the main body of Col. Frick's command from Wrightsviile, leave a proper number on the other side to destroy the bridges, and uec your own discretion in their destruction. Keep them open as long as possible with prudence. [Signed] D. N. COUCH. On the 4th day of July Col. Frick was ordered to report with his com- mand to Gen. Smith at Carlisle. He was at the same time placed in command of the Brigade, composed of the 27th and 31st Pennsylvania Regiments. This force subsequently marched from Carlisle to Hagers- town and Chambersburg, a distance of about one hundred and fifty miles, via Pinegrove, Newman's Cut, Waynesboro, Ringgold, Md., Cave- town, Chewsville and Boonsboro. Col. Frick and his command were mustered out of service at Harrisburg, July 31, 1863. During his military service Col. Frick was the recipient of many ex- pressions of esteem from his fellow-officers. After the Battle of Gainer' Hill, the officers of the 96th Regiment sent him a communication, dated "Camp Nugent, July 22, 1862," expressive of their admiration "for bis 43 510 Biographical Sketches of Officers. gallant services upon that occasion," and for "his gallant behavior on all occasions." In forwarding to Col. Frick the acceptance of his re- signation. Gen. Bartlett expressed his apprecialion of Col. Frick's sol- dierly qualities, and of his valuable services during the trying scenes of the Peninsula campaign. Gen. Slocum, in parting with Col. Frick, ex- pressed his thanks for the manner in which the Colonel had discharged his duties, and his high appreciation of the Colonel's conduct. For a few weeks on the Peninsula Col. Frick commanded the 5th Maine Re- giment. When he left the ofncers presented a pair of Colonel's shoulder straps to him, with a letter of thanks for his courtesy and gentlemanly conduct to them. When the 129th Regiment returned home Gen. Tyler wrote a letter to Gov. Curtin, in which he stated that Col. Frick '-is every inch a soldier, a rigid disciplinarian, an eihcient and worthy officer. His conduct on the battle-fields at Fredericksburg and Chancel- lorsviile, was characterized by coolness and courage that plainly showed his capability to manage a large command." These testimonials to an officer who drew his sword in (he holiest cause, must be of priceless value. GENERAL HENRY PLEASANTS. Gen. Henry Pleasants, a Civil Engineer, residing at Pottsville, Pa., as- sisted in recruiting over 160 men for the three months' service, and went out as 2d Lieutenant of Company H, (The Tower Guards) Gth Penna. Regiment. He subsequently went out as Captain in the three years' service. — During the month of August, 1801, he recruited his company, which was mustered ioto the U. S. service at Ilarrisburg on the 11th of September, 1861., being the first Company filled in the 48thPenna. Regiment. While his Piegiment was stationed at llatteras, N. C, Capt. Pleasants in con- junction with Lieutenant Farquhar of the Engineers, erected during the months of November, December and January several fortifications. The 48th Pa. Regt., having been sent to reinforce Gen. Pope, Capt. Pleasants was in that memorable retreat from the Rapidan and in the two days' Battle of Second Bull Run, August 29th and 30th, 1862 ; and fought at the Battle of Chantilly, Sept. 1, 1862, where CJenerals Kearney and Stevens were killed. During the retreat of the army of the Potomac to Washington and its subsequent advance against Lee's army, and in the hard-fought battles of South Mountain (Sept. 14, 1862,) and Antietam, (Sept. 17th and 18th, 1862,) he was always with his company, which he commanded in all the engagements. Shortly after the Battle of Antietam, Capt. Pleasants was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel of the 48th Pa. Regt,, the commission dating from Biographical Sketches of Officers. 511 Sept. 20, 18G2. At the bloody battle of Fredericksburg, Dec, 1862, Lieut. -Col. Pleasants, although suffering from a contusion of his leg, not only did good service in his own Regiment, but, under a heavy fire, placed in position the 12th Rhode Island Regiment and a New York Re- giment. In March 1863, upon the arrival of the 48th Pa. Regt. at Lexington, Kentucky, Col. J. K. Sigfried was made commandant of the Post, and Lieut. -Col. Pleasants commanded the Regiment till July, 1863, when he was appointed Provost Marshal General of the 23d Army Corps. In August, 1863, he accompanied Burnside's expedition into East Tennes- see (his Regiment remaining at Lexington till September,) and was through the various engagements in that State and at the memorable Siege of Knoxville. The 48th Pa. Regt. having re-enlisted as Veterans, returned home in February, 1864, and having been recruited to about the maximum strength, Lieut. -Col. Pleasants took it to Annapolis, Md., when by con- stant drilling the new men became almost as proficient in marching and the use of their arms, as the Veterans. From the time the Veteran Re- giment left Pottsville, Lieut.-Col. Pleasants had command of it, till he left the service, except when he was ordered to command the 1st and 2d Brigade of the 2d Division, 9th Army Corps. He, with his Regiment, were in all the battles of Gen. Grant's campaign from the Wilderness to Petersburg. At Spottsylvania, M*ay 12, 1864, he commanded his Re- giment, which almost destroyed Col. Gilbert's Georgia Brigade and cap- tured over 100 prisoners. At Cold Harbor, June 3, 1864, it captured about 50 of Kershaw's men, and some 200 muskets. In the battle before Petersburg, on the 17th and 18th of June, 1864, it captured over 300 of Beauregard's troops, 2 brass cannon and two battle-flags. On the 18th of June Lieut.-Col. Pleasants assumed command of the 1st Brigade of the 2d Division, 9th Corps, and retained it till some time in July. lie proposed, and, with the assistance of his Regiment, excavated the great mine in front of Petersburg, Va., which, when exploded, (on the 80th of July,) destroyed a large rebel fort, with its garrison and armament, consisting of six cannon and about 400 South Carolina soldiers. Major-General Meade, the commander of the Army of the Potomac, issued a special order, thanking Col. Pleasants and his Regiment for- their extraordinary feat. Col. Pleasants, during the battle of the 30th of July, 1864, volunteer- ed and did duty on the staff of Gen. Potter, his Regiment not being en- gaged in the action. He was in different battles near Petersburg, when the 9th Corps was engaged, and on the 30th of September, when the 2d Division was surrounded and nearly all captured, his Regiment was the only one that was brought out safely and with small loss. 512 Biographical Sketches of Officers. During the month of August, 1864, Lieut.-Col. Pleasants commanded the 2d Brigade of his Division, and was commissioned Colonel by the Governor of Pennsylvania on the 6th of October, 1864. On the 15th of December he received an appointment by the President of Brevet-Colo- nel of Volunteers for distinguished services, which he declined. Colonel Pleasants' health having become impaired by the hardships and exposures of nearly four years of active service in the field, he applied to be and was honorably mustered out on the 19th of December, 1864. Subsequently the Secretary of War prosnoted Col. Pleasants to Brevet Brigadier-General "for skillful and distinguished services during the war, and particularly in the construction and explosion of the mine be- fore Petersburg." General Pleasants was generally recognised as one of the most gallant officers in action, and his record is one of which Schuylkill County is proud. COLONEL GEORGE W. GOWEN. Geo. W. Gowen was mustered into the United States service as First Lieutenant of Co. C, 48th Penna. Regiment, at Harrisburg, Pa., on the 11th of September, 1861. Thus commenced the military career of one of Schuylkill County's grandest soldiers. As 1st Lieutenant he was made, by Brig.-Gen. Thos. Williams, while at Hatteras Inlet, N. C, Pi'ovost Marshal of Hatteras Island. Soon af- terwards he was placed on detached service in Battery C, 1st U. S. Ai*- tillery, Capt. 0. O. Morris. In this capacity he exhibited qualifications as an artillery officer of the highest order. He accompanied the Battery to Newbern and was with it at the siege of Fort Macon. His gun at this latter point, was excellently managed and did eflFective service in redu- cing the Fort to terms. In June, 1862, he was relieved from duty in Battery C, to be made Acting Regimental Adjutant of the 48th Regt. With marked ability he managed this department, and won the esteem of the entire Regiment, both officers and men, by his gentlemanly deportment. In this position ■he passed through Pope's arduous campaign in the Summer of 1862, and the Maryland campaign of the Fall of the same year, participating in the battles of Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain and An- tietam. In September, 1862, he was made Captain of Company C. Adapting himself to every new position with remarkable ease, he en- tered upon its duties with a seeming fore-knowledge of their nature. — Keeping his Company under an excellent state of discipline — always rigorously just and yet kindly forbearing, he could not but win the love of his men. Biographical Sketches of Officers. 513 As commanding officer of his Company, he passed through McClellan'a campaign from Harper's Ferry to Warrenton in the fall of 18G2, and was with Burnside at the Battle of Fredericksburg. Upon the removal of the Regiment to Kentucky, in tlie Spring of 1863, he was placed upon detached service for the purpose of obtaining labor- ers to work on the Government fortifications at Camp Nelson, In this exceedingly difficult position — requiring the utmost care and tact in or- der to allay tlie spirit of opposition to the Government, so easily arous- ed, when any interference with the negro was at all possible, — Captain Gowen acquitted himself in a most creditable manner. He was relieved from this position to yet a more responsible one — that of assisting in the laying out of a new military railroad, to connect Avith the Kentucky Central at Nicholasville. Here his engineering abilities wore developed and rewarded by the appointment of Assistant Chief Engineer on the staff of Major-General Burnside, commanding Department of Ohio, up- on that officer's advance into East Tennessee. From this position he was made Asst. Engineer on the staff of Bag. -Gen. R. B, Potter, com- manding 9th Corps, and found ample opportunity to display his ability during the memorable Siege of Kno^ville, Soon after the raising of the Siege he was made a personal Aid-de-Camp on the staff of Major- General Jno. G. Parke. Here was a yet larger scope for his ability, and in this capacity his services were of the greatest A^alue to Gen. Parke. Enduring the hardships of the East Tennessee campaign, he returned with the 9th Corps to the Ilast, and took part in Grant's unparalleled campaign of the Spring, Summer and Fall of 18G4, Shrinking from no danger, but ever ready, Capt. Gowen, in this cam- paign, won the highest praise. Ever on the alert — the first on the ground at an alarm — his untiring activitj^ rendered him one of General Parke's most trusty agents and reliable assistants. For gallantry upon such fields as the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Tolapotomy, Cold Harbor and Petersburg, he was brevetted Major and again Lieutenant-Colonel. None came out of that year's brilliant campaign with a brighter record tlian Lieut. -Col. Gowen. In December, 1861, he was made Colonel of the 48th Regiment, and never was officer more graciously welcomed by his troops, than was CoL Gowen by the brave men of the 48th. So highly esteemed was he that he was made the recipient of a most noble horse and sett of equipments by his men, who took this method of tes- tifying their love and regard for their beloved commander. The Spring of 1865 dawned, and found our army still firmly holding the rebels at Petersburg. The hour for decisive action had arrived. The Lieutenant-General determined to strike the blow. To the 9th Corps was assigned the difficult task of attacking the enemy in front, and breaking through his strongest lines — of assaulting the works at Peters- 43* 514 Biographical Sketches of Officers. burg. Early on the morning of the 2d day of April this brave Corps moved to the attack — the 48th Regiment, led by its gallant Colonel, in the van. The rebel Fort Mahone the objective point. The work of carnage began — Mahone was terribly assaulted. The enemy fought with desperation. The Fort was almost reached, when Col. Gowen, perceiv- ing a break in the ranks to the right and left of his Regiment, and fear- ing his men might waver, sprang to the front, and raising his cap with one hand and waving his sword in the other, led his Regiment on, and the stronghold was speedily captured ; but oh, the sacrifice ! In the hour of victory Col. Gowen fell, beloved, honored and mourned by all who knew him. Thus, when fortune seemed ready to crown the manly eflforts of one so promising, he fell, a martyr to the cause of Freedom. For his many so- cial qualities, for his genial, frank, honest nature and for his able mili- tary abilities he is mourned. His ready, quick perception at adapting himself to every position he was called to fill, marked him as a man of no ordinary ability. Schuylkill County may well be proud of Colonel Gowen's career, and feel that he has added no small glory to her bright list of honored heroes. COLONEL I. F. BRANNON. The subject of this sketch enlisted as Corporal in the 6th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, for three months, April 27, 1861, and was mustered out at the expiration of term of enlistment. He was commissioned by Governor Curtia 1st Lieutenant of Co. K, 48th Regiment, Pa. Vols., August 20, 1861. He was commissioned Cap- tain of his Company, August 30, 1862, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of II. A. M. Filbert, who was killed in action, August 29, 1862. On the 11th of October, 1864, he was commissioned Major of the Regi- ment, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the mustering out of Major 0. C. Bosbyshell, at the expiration of his term of service. On the 1st of March, 1865, Major Brannon was commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment, to fill the vacancy caused by the mustering out of Lieut.- Col. Henry Pleasants at the expiration of his term of service. On the od of April, 1865, he was commissioned Colonel of the Regiment, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Colonel George W. Gowen, who was killed in action, April 2, 1865. Colonel Brannon, during four years of arduous, faithful service, was in the following engagements : Second Battle of Bull Run, August 29 and 30, 1862; Chantilly, Va., BroGRAPiircAL Sketches of Officers. 515 Sept. 1, 18G2: South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14, 1862; Antictam, Ud , Sept. 16 and 17, 1862; Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; Wilderness, May, 1864; Spottsylvania, May, 1864; North xVnna River, May, 1864; Tolapotomy, May, 1864; Bethesda Church, May, 1861; Cold Harbor, June, 1864; be- foi'c Petersburg, June 17, 1864; before Petersburg, (explosion of mine) July 30, 1864; Weldon Rail Road, Aug., 1864; South Side Rail Road, Sept. 30, 1864; Hatchers Run; front of Petersburg and final capture of the city, April 2, 1865. COLONEL DANIEL NAGLE. When the Mexican War commenced, he enlisted — then 18 years of age — in Company B, Capt. James Nagle, 1st Penna. Regt., as drummer, and participated in the siege of Vera Cruz and battles of Cerro Gordo, Lahoya, Huamantla and Atlixco. When hostilities commenced in the American Rebellion, he enrolled his name, April 20, 1861, in Capt. C. Tower's Company for three months, and was elected 2d Lieutenant. At Harrisburg the Company, having 160 men, was formed into two compa- nies. Of the second company, called Nagle Guards, he was chosen Captain, and was assigned to the 6th Pa. Reg. He was with his com- pany in the skirmish at Falling Waters, and crossed and recrossed the Potomac four times. After his return home he organized a company for the 48th Pa. Regt., with which -he remained as Captain until the 30th of November, 1861, when he was promoted Major. When six companies of the Regiment joined Gen. Burnside at Newbern, March 11, 1862, he was left with four companies in command of Hatteras Island, where he re- mained until May, when he was relieved, and joined the Regiment at Newbern. He resigned at Newport News on the 21st of July, 1862. When Gen. Lee invaded Pennsylvania in September, 1862, he was com- missioned Lieutenant-Colonel of tlie 19th Pa. Militia for the emergency. In November, 1862, he organized the 173d Penn. Regiment, for nine months' service, and was commissioned Colonel. The Regiment relieved the 158th New York Regiment, to guard the approaches to Norfolk, Va., which duty it discharged until May, 1863, when it was detailed to do provost duty in Norfolk. On the 10th of July Col. Nagle with his Re- giment, was ordered to W^ashington, and was assigned to the 1st Brigade, 2d Division, 11th Corps, and was detailed to guard the Orange and Alex- andria Railroad from Broad Run to Manassas Junction. The Regiment was mustered out of service on the 17th of August, 1863. 516 IJIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF OFFICERS. COLONEL WILLIAM IL LESSIG. In September, 18G1, Col. Lessig organized a company for the OGtIi Pa. Regiment, (Co. C,) of --.vliicli he became Captain. He commanded his Company in the engagement at West Point, Va., and soon after became so sick that he had to go into hospital early in .June, 1862. lie was prostrated during the Peninsula campaign. After recovering his health, ho rejoined the Regiment on the 9th of August, 1862. He was with the Regiment at the Second Battle of Bull Run. Ke was promoted to Major, September 15, 18G2. He commanded in that capacity through the Ma- ryland campaign of 18G2, being at the Battle of Crampton's Gap, Sept. 14, and at Antietam, Sept. 17. He was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel on the 23d of December, 18G2. Col. Lessig commanded the Regiment at the First and Second Battles of Fredericksburg, and at the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa. He was promoted Colonel, March 12, I860, and was at Rappahannock Station, Nov. 7, 18G8. He commanded the Regiment through Gen. Grant's Virginia campaign, 1864, and was afterwards in Sheridan's Campaign in Maryland and the Shenandoah Valley, up to Sept. 22, 1864, when he, with his Fvegiment, left the field at the expira- tion of its term of service, and was mustered out October 21, 18G4. Col. Lessig was a brave oflicer, and commanded the entire confidence of his men. COLONEL .JOHN E. WYNKOOP. Col. Wynkoop entered the service, April 11), 18G1, as Captain of the Ashland Dragoons, to be employed as a rifle company. He was appoint- ed Major of the Sixth Regiment, Penn. Vols. Infantrj^, April 21, 1861. In that capacity he served through Maryland and Virginia, with Gen. Patterson, in the three months' campaign, until August 1st. Here- entered the service, and was appointed Major of the od Penna. Cavalry, (then Young's Kentucky Regiment of Light Cavalry) August 7, 1861. He served through Southern Maryland Avith his Battalion, it being at- tached to the commands of Brigadier-Generals Sickles and Hooker, who campaigned along the Patuxent and Potomac. He was transferred in October, 1861, from the od to the 7th Pennsylvania Cavah-y, of which he became Junior Major, his commission bearing date, Oct. 14th. He served through the South-West with Buell, Rosecranz, Thomas and Stanley, from the takirg of Nashville to the Battle of Stone River or Murfreesboro, winning praise from his superior officers for his gallantry in action, and for the skillful manner in Avliich in every instance he maneuvered his command. "Rosecranz's Campaign with the Fourteentli Army Corps, or the Army of the Cumberland,'" published in Cincinnati Biographical Sketches of Officers. 517 in 1863, repeatedly mentions the Major and the gallant Seventh, in tlie highest terms. In February, 18G3, Major Wynkoop was ordered to Pennsylvania, with a permanent party, consisting of Lieutenant Heber Thompson, Co. F, Lieut. Jones, Co. A, Sergt. -Major Dennings and Sergt. Kelley, to recruit for his Regiment. The following June, upon the in- vasion of Pennsylvania by Lee, he was ordered by the War Department to report to Gen. Couch, then commanding the Department of the Sus- quehanna. Upon reporting Gen. Couch appointed him Chief of Cavalry in his Department. He had command of all the cavalry of the Depart- ment during the Battle of Gettysburg and the retreat of Lee into Vir- ginia. On the 7th of August, 1863, he was appointed Colonel of the 20th Pennsylvania Cavalry, and reported with his command to Gen. Kelly, commanding the Department of West Virginia. He served through that section, having several successful skirmishes with Imbo- den, Mosby, McNeal, snd other leaders of guerilla bands then infesting the country. Col. Wynkoop reorganized the 20th Penna. Cavalry, in January, 1864, and reported in March to Gen. Sigel, at Cumberland, Md. He was placed in command of the 1st Cavalry Brigade, 1st Divi- sion. On the 1st of April, 1864, he with his command, went with Gen. Sigel, into the Shenandoah Valley. In the beginning of May he fought part of Breckinridge's command near Mt. Jackson, and drove it several miles, killing and capturing many of the rebels. Breckinridge was re- inforced and offered battle to Gen. Sigel. The latter was compelled to fall back to Woodstock, Va., Breckinridge's force being too strong. In a few days afterwards Gen. Sigel was relieved, and Major-General Hun- ter assumed command. Col. Wynkoop served with Hunter from Wood- stock to Lynchburg, participating with his Brigade, in all of the battles fought during that campaign. At Piedmont, with three hun:lred men of his Brigade, he charged the rebel line of infantry, capturing seven hundred and sixty rank and file ; forty-six line and field officers, and three Brigade-Commanders. Subsequently he defeated Imboden's com- mand at Tie River Gap, capturing forty men and three commissioned officers. Col. Wynkoop formed with his Brigade, the rear-guard in the retreat from Lynchburg, fighting constantly for seven days and nights. W^hen Col. Wynkoop left Cumberland early in April, to entsr upon this campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, his Brigade numbered twenty-two hundred and sixty men. When he returned in the following July after the retreat of Hunter, his command was reduced to about eight hundred men. In crossing the Big Suel Mountain he lost three hundred men and horses. After the return Col. Wynkoop was ordered to Cumber- land, Md., to reorganize the Brigade ; to remount, arm and equip the men. Col. Wynkoop was in command of the Brigade eleven months al- together, which completed his service in the Army. 518 Biographical Sketches of Officers, colonel robert h. ramsey. Col. Ramsey was mustered into the service of the United States, July 3, 1863, as 2d Lieutenant of Co. H, 45tb Reg., Penna. Militia, Col. Wm. D. Whipple, commanding. He entered the Regiment at Philadelphia, — in which city he was then engaged in business, — at the time of Lee's invasion of Pennsylvania and of the battles at Gettysburg. The Regiment was sent to the field at once, under command of Lieut, .Col. Wheeler. After the escape of Lee and his army across the Potomac, the services of the militia being no longer required in Southern Pennsylva- nia, the Regiment to which Lieut. Ramsay was attached, was ordered to the coal districts of Schuylkill County, as part of a force placed under command of Brigadier-General Wm. D. Whipple, to quell disturbances which threatened not only the peace of the County, but which impeded the operation of the laws of the United States. The Regiment arrived in Pottsville, July 31, 1863, where it went into camp. Lieut Ramsay was detailed Aug. 2, 1864, from his Regiment as acting Assistant-Ad- jutant-General on the staff of Gen. Whipple, commanding second Sub- District of the Lehigh District. Lieut. Ramsay entered upon his new duties immediately, which position he held from that date, under Gen. Whipple, Col. H. 0. Ryerson, 10th New Jersey Regiment, and Col. Oli- phant, 14th Veteran Reserves, until ordered to the Army of the West for duty in the field. Lieut, Ramsey's strict attention to duty was rewarded by his appointment by the President at Gen. Whipple's request, as Assist- ant-Adjutant-General, with the rank of Captain, to date from December 5, 1863, which appointment was subsequently confirmed by the Senate. Capt. Ramsey remained on dufy at the headquarters in Pottsville until February, 186 4, when he was relieved and ordered to report in person to to Major-General Geo. H. Thomas, commanding the Department of the Cumberland. Early in December, 1863, General Thomas had applied to the War Department for Captain Ramsey ; but General Couch, com- manding the Department of the Susquehanna, to whom the matter had been referred, declined granting the request for the reason that in consequence of the frequent change of commanders, Capt, Ramsey was the only officer left fully acquainted with the duties of the post at which he was stationed. A subsequent application, however, resulted in Capt, Ramsey being ordered to report to Gen. Thomas, which he did on the 22d of February, 1864, lie was assigned to duty at Headquarters, De- partment of the Cumberland, Upon the opening of the campaign against Atlanta, Capt. Ramsay went into the field with Gen. Thomas as Acting A, D, C, and Assistant-Adjutant General. He participated in all the marches, skirmishes and battles of that memorable campaign, which ended with the capture of Atlanta. He was constantly under fire, and on several occasions narrowly escaped being captured by the enemy. — Biographical Sketches of Officers. 519 Though much exposed, he |)asscd through his entire field service unin- jured. After the capture of Athmta and tlie suspension of field opera- tions in that section, Capt. Ramsey returned witli Gen. Thomas along the line of railroad between Atlanta and Chattanooga, on which raiding parties of the enemy were at work — and subsequently to Nashville, Tenn. There much had to be done, and Capt. Ramsey was of great assistance to Gen. Thomas. Finally, when all of the work of prepara- tion had been completed, he again took the field, and participated in the din and strife of the memorable battle before Nashville, December 15 and 16, 1864, which resulted in the complete, decisive defeat and demoralization of the enemy. In commendation of Capt. Ramsey's ser- vices during these two days' engagement, and his uniform.bravery in the field, as well as for his untiring devotion to duty, both in the Atlanta and Nashville campaigns, Gen. Thomas recommended him strongly to the Secretary of War, for promotion to the rank of Major and Assistant Adjutant-General. The appointment was made, the commission bearing date January 27, 1865. Subsequently he received the thanks of the Secretary of War for what he had done during the war. The President, to show his personal appreciation of Major Ramsey's services in the field, conferred upon him the additional promotions of Lieutenant-Colo- nel, and Colonel by brevet. Col. Ramsey, at the time of preparing this, is still on du'y with Gen. Thomas, commanding Military Division of Tennessee. We understand that he is much attached to the General, who on repeated occasions, has shown his appreciation of Col. Ramsey's abilities and services by flattering commendation. The principal battles in which Col. Ramsay participated, as far as we are able to learn, are as follows : 1864 — Buzzard Roost, Ga., May 6 ; Resaca, May 14 and 15 ; Cassville ; New Hope Church; Dallas; Kenesaw Mountain, June 27 ; Peach Tree Creek, July 20; Atlanta, July 22; Jonesboro, Sept. 1, and Lovejoy's Station, Sept. 2. ; before Nashville — Richland Creek, Dec. 15, and Brentwood Hills, Dec. 16. In addition to these Col, Ramsey par- ticipated in many skirmishes, etc., of which we have no record. Col. Ramsey's promotions in the service were rapid, but we, who know the young man, are not surprised at it ; for he possesses qualifications which must command the respect and confidence of his superior officers. Schuylkill County is proud of her young and gallant Colonel. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL WILLIAM THOMPSON. Col. Thompson left a profitable banking business on the 6th of Sep« tember, 1862, on receiving authority from Gov. Curtin to recruit a com- pany of cavalry in Schuylkill County. He was mustered into the ser- vice as Captain of Company H, 17th Pa, Cavalry, Nov. 1, 1862. This 520 Biographical Sketches of Officers. Regiment was always connected with the 2d Brig., 1st Cav. Div. under the successive commands of Generals Pleasantson, Buford, Merritt and Devin. On May 24, 1863, Capt. Thompson was detailed to take command of Gen. Meade's escort, in which capacity he remained several months. — Capt. Thompson was present at nearly all of the prominent battles fought by the Army of the Potomac during the last three years of the war, and was with Gen. Sheridan in all of his battles, raids, etc. Capt. Thompson received a severe flesh wound through the right shoulder, August 25th, 1804, at Kearnystown, Va., in a charge made by three di- visions of cavalry on Gen. Early's entire army, for the purpose of de- veloping his strength and movements. On the 8th of February, 1865, he was promoted to Major, and on the 19th of May was brevetted Lieut.- Col. by the Secretary of War, through the recommendation of Gen. Sheridan, for "meritorious and distinguished conduct in the field," es- pecially at Hatcher's Run, Five Forks and Appomattox Court House. To his great credit the reports show that Col. Thompson never lost a day's duty while in service, except when he was wounded. He was mustered out with his Regiment, June 20, 1865, after an honorable career of nearly three years in the service of his imperilled country. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL FRANK T. BENNETT. He served through the three months' campaign as Major of the 16th Penna. Regiment, Col. Ziegle. He was mustered in on the 4th of De- cember, 1801, as Lieutenant-Colonel of the 55th Penna. Regiment, Col. Richard White. Col. Bennett was taken prisoner at Edisto Island, Mai'ch 16, 1862, and was released October 12, 1862. He rejoined his Regiment at Beaufort, S. C. On the 10th of June, 1804, he was wounded and taken prisoner at Drewry's Blufl", in Gen. Butler's expedition to the South side of James River. He was released Sept. 12, 1864, and mus- tered out of service, January, 1865. LIEUTENANT-COLONEL J. A. HENNESSEY. Col. Hennessey was mustered into the 52d Regt., Pa. Vols., as Second Lieutenant, Co. K, Dec. 3,1861, In that capacity he passed through the first Peninsula campaign, most of the time in command of his Com- pany. He was re-mustered as Captain of that Company, Sept. 11, 1862, at Yorktown, Va. He served as such until Feb; 5, 1865, when he was promoted to the Majority at Morris Island, S. C, while in command of the boat infantry. Was promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel of same Regiment at Salisbury, N. C. Biographical Sketches of Officers. o21 At diflFerent periods Col. Keimesse^ acted in the positions of Provost Marshal and Inspector, and was in command of the Regiment for several months, during which time he entered Charleston and raised the first U. S. flag over its walls. Colonel Hennessey's military career reflected the highest credit upon him. At Charleston Gen. Gillmore congratulated him upon the fact that he was the officer to raise, after a lapse of four years, the fir^t National flag over the walls of Fort Sumter and the city. This event is one of which any officer might well be proud. MAJOR E. H. LEIB. No officer from Schuylkill County made a better record during the Rebellion than Edward H. Leib, of the 5th United States Cavalry. He left Pottsville, A.pril 17, 1801, as a private in the Washington Ar- tillery. On the 2Gth of April he was commissioned 2d Lieutenant in the 2d, afterwards 5th, U. S. Cavalry. June 10, 1861, he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant ; April 26, 18G3, to Captain, and March 13, 1865, to Ure vet-Major, 5th U. S. Clivalry. The engagements in which Major Leib participated during the war, were as follows : 1861. — Capture of Alexandria, Va., May 23; Blackburn's Ford, July 18; First Battle of Bull Run, July 21. 18G2.— Catlett's Station, Va., March 12 ; Williamsburg, May 5 and 6 ; Mechanicsville, May 24 ; Hanover Court House, May 27 ; Old Church, June 13; Gaines' Mills, June 27 ; Savage Station, June 28 ; Malvern Hill, July 1 ; Harrison's Landing, July 3 ; White Oak Swamp, (cavalry battle,) July 29. [His command did picket duty at St. Mary's Church, and in front of Malvern Hill, while on the Peninsula, and brought up the rear guard under Gen. Averill when the Army left the Peninsula for Washington.] South Mountain, Md., Sept. 14; Antietam, Sept. 17; Sharpsburg, Sept. 19; [Major Leib and his command then moved to Oldtown, Cumberland, Md., and Romney, Ya. While at the latter place the rebel General Stuart made a raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania. Our forces, commanded by Gen. Averill, pursued him for over four hun- dred miles.] Halltown, Va., Sept. 20 and 29 ; Union, Nov. 2 ; Upper- viile, Nov. 3; Mannassas Gap, Nov. 4; Little Washington, Nov. 7; Amosville, Nov. 10; Second Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13. 1863. — Kelly's Ford, Va., March 17; [where Major Leib commanded the Regiment. This was the first signal cavalry victory of the war for the Union troops.] Raccoon Ford, April 30; Fleming's Cross Roads, May 4; Beverly Ford; Middleburg ; Aldie ; Gettysburg, Pa., July 3; Wiliiamsport, Md., July 6: Boonesboro', July 8 and 9; Funktown ; 44 522 Biographical Sketches of Officers. Falling Waters ; Hazel River, Va. ; Brandy Station, Aug. 21 ; Min« Run ; Charlottesville : Stanardsville. 1864. — Major Leib was stationed at Baltimore in this year, at the timo of the invasion by the rebel General Early. He offered his services to Major-Gcneral Wallace. They were accepted. He was in the Battle of July 7th, at Frederick, Md., and brought up the rear guard on the 8th to Monocacy Junction. On the Dth he was ordered to take command of the one hundred days' regiments of infantry, which were there, and hold the Baltimore pike bridge crossing the Monocacy. He fought all day and lost a great number of men, but succeeded in holding the only road that General Wallace had to fall back on. The General states this fact in his report of operations. Finally Major Leib brought up to Baltimore the rear guard of our routed army. On the loth of July he was appointed Inspector and Chief of Cavalry of the 8th Army Corps, and went to AVashington with Gen. Ord, where he assisted in driving the enemy from the gates. In the Fall the Major went on a raid under Gen. Torbert, to Gordonsville, Ya. They were gone twelve days, and had two fights, one at Madison Court House, the other near Gordonsville. 1865. — Major Leib participated in the last grand raid under Major- General Sheridan. After the Battle of Waynesboro', he captured with his Regiment, the town of Scottsville, a large amount of ammunition and provisions, and destroyed canal locks and boats. He was in the advance, and was at one time within fifteen miles of Lynchburg, Va.— Major Leib captured the main railroad bridge over the South Anna River, three pieces of artillery, and five hundred rounds of ammunition. He finally, with his Regiment, reached White House, crossed at Deep Bot- tom, joined the Army of the Potomac, and took part in the battles be- fore Richmond. Major Leib commanded the 5th Regiment during the last brilliant campaign, and was severely wounded in the Battle of Five Forks, a few days before the surrender of General Lee. That sums up as eventful a military career as could be compressed within a period of four years, for a single individual. Truly we may well feel proud that Major Edward H. Leib is a son of Schuylkill, and point to him as a model of worth and bravery. MAJOR EDWARD C. BAIRD. Edward C. Baird entered the service as a private in the 6th Regt,, Penn. Vols., in April, 1861. Upon the organization of the 48th Regt, Pa. Vols., he was commissioned as 2d Lieutenant of Co. II. He was ap- pointed Captain and Assistant-Adjutant-General in September, 1861, and assigned to duty upon the staft" of Gen. Meade, then commanding 2d Brigade P. R. V. C. He participated in the Battles of Mechanicsville, Biographical Sketches of Officers. 528 Gaines' Mill, Charles City Cross Roads and Malvern Hill, and in the seven days campaign before Richmond in 18G2, He was engaged in the Battles of Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam, First Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In September, 18()3, he was promoted to Major and Assistant- Adjutant- General, U. S. v., and was in the Battles of Hatcher's Run and Dabnoy Mill. He resigned March, 1865. Major Baird secured the esteem of his superior officers by his fearless Vravery, conscientious attention to every duty devolving upon hira, and strict sense of honor. He was an ornament to tlie service. MAJOR JOSEPH A. GILMOUR. One of the most gallant soldiers from Schuylkill County, beloved by all who knew his manly worth, was Joseph A. Gilmour. He laid his young, bright life on the altar of his country — a martyr to the cause nearest and dearest to his generous heart. He entered the service, April 17, 1861, as a private in the Washington. Artillery Company of Pottsville, and was mustered in and promoted Sergeant on the 18th. He re^-ched Washington the same evening with his company — the first, with four other Pennsylvania companies, to ar- rive at the National Capital for its defence. At the expiration of the three months' service he recruited a Company (H,) for the 48Lh Pennsylvania Regiment, and was commissioned Cap- tain. He commanded his Company with marked ability until he waa promoted Major of the Regiment. He was with his Regiment at New- bern, at the Second Battle of Bull Run, at Chantilly, Battle of South Mountain, Antietam, Siege of Kuoxvillo, and in many other engage- ments of less importance. At Knoxville he commanded the Regiment with coolness, excellent judgment and consummate ability. In Gen. Grant's great campaign, 1804, Major Gilmour fought bravely with his Regiment from the Rapid Ann, and was almos'. in view of the spires of Richmond, when on the 31st of May, a ball from the rifle of a rebel sharpshooter struck his left knee. Amputation on the field was deemed necessary. The operation Avas performed, and he was subsequently conveyed in an ambulance to the White House, Va., a distance of over twenty miles. The journey was painful, but he bore it with a heroism which under every circumstance distinguislied the man. From the White House he was conveyed to Seminary Hospital, Georgetown, D. C, where he lingered until the lUh of June, when death terminated his suf- ferings. The body of the dead hero was brought to Pottsville, and interred on Sunday afternoon, June 12, 18G4. with Masonic ceremonies and military 524 Biographical Sketches of Officers. honors. The funeral was one of the largest ever -witnessed in Pottsville — a tribute of love for the man. The last moments of Major Gilmour were attended by Chaplain W. If, Keith, who ministered to the departing soul with brotherly affection. After death he had the body embalmed and dressed in uniform. The flowers placed on the lamented Major's breast by the kind hand of the Minister of God, were yet fresh wlien the coffin reached Pottsville, and formed a band of sympathy between the unkno"wn friend who had placed them there and the relatives and friends of the deceased. In other cases of soldiers dying in the hospitals, Mr. Keith acted in a similarly friendly manner, endearing himself to those related to the dead. He mav not have his reward here, but he will receive it hereafter. MAJOR LEWIS J. MARTIN. Major ^lartin entered the service as corporal in the National Light Infantry, which left Pottsville April 17, 18G1. During his term of ser- vice, three months, he was promoted to 2d Lieutenant. In the latter part of August he reorganiz.ed the Company, which entered the 96th Regiment as Conipany A. He was promoted Major and mustered in, September 23, 18G1. Major Martin was with the Regiment in the en- gagement at West Point, Va., through the Peninsula campaign and in the seven days' retreat. He was in the Second Battle of Bull Run, and took part in the Maryland campaign of 1862, up to Seprember 14, when he fell at Crampton's Pass. Major Martin was a gallant officer, and strictly conscientious in the discharge of his duties. With a cultivated mind he possessed amiable qualities that rendered liim a great favorite in the OOrh Regiment. Had Major Martin lived he would have taken high rank among our military officers. His death cut short a most pi'o- misins career. CAPTAIN BENJAMIN B, SCIIUCK. Captain Schuck entered the service, October 1, 1861, as first Sergeant of Co, I, 48th Penna. Regt, In August, 1862, he wfis promoted 2d Lieutenant of his Company. He was in Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam. and First Fredericksburg. At Lexington he was promoted Captain of his Company. He commanded his Company at Campbell's Station, Tenn., Siege of Knoxville, and through Grant's campaign in 1864. He was wounded in fiont of Petersburg while on the skirmish line, from the effects of which he died. He was a very popular officer, and a good man in every respect. All who knew Capt. Schuck esteemed him highly. BioanAFeieAL Sketches of Officers. 525 CAPTAIN H. A. M. FILBERT. Captain Filbert was mustered into the service on the 1st of October, 18G1, at Camp Hamilton, Va., as Captain of Co. K, 48th Regt. He commanded his Company through the North Carolina and Tope's cam- paigns. He was missed after the Second Battle of Bull Run, and it is presumed that he was killed during the engagement. Rebel priso?iera reported that the body of an ofiicer resembling the description given of Capt. Filbert, was taken from the railroad ditch, occupied during the Battle by the 48th Regiment, and buried. CAPTAIN HORACE BENNETT. Captain Bennett served in the 16th Penna. Regiment, Col. Ziegle,— three months— as Captain of Co. K. In. advance of Gen. Patterson's army, Capt. Bennett with a portion of his Company, crossed the Poto- mac, at Williamsport, Md., in June, 18G1, on a reconnoitering expedi- tion. He drove in the rebel pickets, and had a sharp skirmish with the enemy. After his return he organized Company E, 55th Pa. Regt., of which he became Captain in August, 1861. He was stationed with his Com- pany in South Carolina, from December, 1861, and was engaged in sev- eral skirmishes. He was killed in the engagement at Pocotaligo, S. C, Oct. 22, 1862. He was a brave young oflEicer ; entered the service from the purest patriotic motives ; was loved by all who knew him, for his many estimable qualities of mind and heart, and fell at the post of duty. CAPTAIN JAMES SILLIMAN. Capt. Silliman was mustered into the service, June 28, 1861, as a Ser- geant in Company A, 28th Penna. Regiment, Col. John W. Geary, which subsequently formed part of the famous White Star Division of the old 12th Corps. The Company was encamped at Camp Coleman, near Phi- ladelphia, until the Regiment was filled to the maximum number of fif- teen hundred men. From that camp the Regiment was moved to the Upper Potomac, and picketed the valley from Point of Rocks to Bolivar Heights, At the latter place it met the enemy in force, and a battle took place, Oct. 16, 1861, resulting in the defeat of the enemy. Sergt. Silliman was continually with his Regiment during all its subsequent engagements, and was promoted step by step, until he finally reached the Captaincy of his Company, August 16, 1864. He was in the engag'?- ments at Leesburg, Cedar Mountain, Rappahannock, Sulphur Springs, Autietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg ; in skirmishes at Middle- 44* 526 Biographical Sketches of Officers. burg, Telegraph Hill, Bristow Station, Bull Run Bridge, Fair Plaj^ Charlestown, Winchester, Parker's Gap, Dumfries, the Wilderness, etc.. and marched almost over every foot of Virginia soil, from Lovellsville to tlie gates of Richmond ; from the Shenandoah to the fortifications at "Washington, crossing and re-crossing the Blue Ridge at least half a dozen times. In March, 18G3, he with his Regiment, was transferred to the Army of the Tennessee. In December of same year, while at Wauhat- chie, the members of the Regiment, including Capt. Silliman, re-enlisted as veterans. He, with his Regiment, participated in all of Gen. Sher- man's celebrated operations from Lookout Mountain, Tenn., to Benton- ville. He was at Missionary Ridge, Pea Vine Creek, Ringgold, Siege of Atlanta, Savannah, etc. He made the circuit with Sherman after the surrender of Gen. Johnson, and marched via Richmond to Alexandria, Va., where the Regiment encamped until the review of Sherman's forces in Wasbinglon, in which he participated. The Regiment then proceed- ed via Bladensburg, to Phiiadelpliia, July, 1805, to be mustered out of service. While at Alexandria the men of Capt. Silliman's Company presented a beautiful sword to him. At Philadelphia Captain Silliman became very ill, yet such was his indomitable spirit, that he wanted and was endeavoring to finish up the business connected with his Company, preparatory to muster out, when his friends forced him to his home in Poltsville, which he reached on the 27th of July. He told them, alas, too truly, that he had come to die. He expired on the 31st, in the 32d year of his age, and was buried in Mount Laurel Cemetery, Pottsville, on the 2d of August, the Colonel of his Regiment, and General of his Brigade being present, with hundreds of citizens who appreciated the worth of the fallen soldier. Of Captain James Silliman it can be truly said that he died in the ser- vice of the couutry to which he was devoted, and that no officer in the army had a greater attachment for his command, a more profound sense of duty. His memory is embalmed in the hearts of his country- men. CAPTAIN HERMAN G. KRAUTH. Capt, Krauth served in the three months' campaign, in Capt. Tower's Company, Gth Pa. Reg. He re-entered the service, March 11, 1862, in the 103d New York Regiment. He was promoted 2d Lieutenant, Sept, 29th; 1st Lieutenant, jSIarch 18, 18G3 ; Captain, June 1st, and Chief Commissary of Musters in Gen. Hartruff's Staff, May 24, 18G5, for the District of Nottoway, Va. On the evening of the 27th of June, 18G5, he was assaulted in Petersburg by three ruffians — it is supposed that he Biographical Sketches of Officers. 527 was mistaken for some other person — and so severely VFOunded, that ho died on the 5th of July, 18(35. He came to thi.« country from Wurtem- berg, a year before the Rebellion commenced. He w'a.« a gentleman of education, and highly esteemed by his companiou-in-arms. LIEUTENANT NICHOLAS E. WVNKOOP. Lieut. Wynkoop, one of the bravest men who left Schuylkill County during the Rebellion, entered the three months" service as fourth Ser- geant of the Nagle Guards, that left Pottsville on the 22d of April, 1861, and formed part of the Gth Pa. Reg. After his return from that service he entered the 7th Pa. Cavalry ; was appointed Ai'jutant of the Second Battalion, and left Harrisburg with the Regiment, for the West, Decem- ber 18, 1801. He served with (he Regiment, ably and faithfully, and fell in the Rattle of Gallatin, Tenn., on the 21st of August. 18G2. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM CULLEN. Lieutenant Cullen was mustered into the service on the 1st of October, 18G1, as 1st Lieutenant of .Company E, 48th Penna. Regiment, He was with the Regiment, faithfully discharging his duties up to the time of his death, which happened at Antietam. Lieutenant Cullen was one of the bravest men in the Regiment. At the Second Battle of Bull Run, after our men had been forced back by the enemy, he rallied a second time into the fight. He was also in the Battles of Chantilly and South Mountain, where he distinguished himself by his coolness and gallantry. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM H. HUME. Lieutenant Hume was mustered in, September, 18G1, as 1st Sergeant of Co. B, 48th Penna. Reg. He was with the Regiment at Second Bat- tle of Bull Run, Chantilly, Soutli Mountain and Antietam, where he fought bravely. In September, 1802, he was promoted 2d Lieutenant of his Company. He was in the Battle of Fredericksburg, December, 18G2, and was shortly after promoted to 1st Lieutenant. He was with the Re- giment and participated in all of its engagements in East Tennessee. — He was in all the battles in which the command participated, in Grant's campaign in Virginia, 18G4, and on the 31st of May, while on the skir- mish line, was wounded in the arm, from the effects of which he died. Lieutenant Hume was a good, brave officer, and highly respected by his brother officers and men of the Regiment. 528 liioGRAPiiicAL Sketches of Officers. LIEUTENANT WILLIAM LAUBENSTINE. Lieutenant Laubenstinc was mustered in at Ilarrisbui-g in September, 18C)1, as a Sergeant in Co. II, 48th Penna. Regiment. He was at Bull Kun, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam and First Fredericksburg. — At Lexington he was promoted from 1st Sergeant to 2d Lieutenant of his Company. lie was through the East Tennessee campaign, and in Grant's campaign of 18G4. On the 31st of May he was killed instantly while on skiimish line. He was a goo:l officer. LIEUTENANT DAVID B. BROWN. Lieut. Brown was mustered into the three months' service, April 18, 1801, and served in Co. II, 25th Reg., P. V., during that time, as a pri- vate. In September, 1801, he was mustered in as a corporal in Co. II, 48th Regt., P. V. He was with the Regiment at Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam and 1st Fredericksburg. In September, 1862, he was promoted Sergeant-Major of the Regiment, and in that position went through the East Tennessee campaign, and Grant's Virginia cam- paign, 1804. During the siege of Petersburg he was promoted 2d Lieut- enant of Co. H, to date from June 1, 1864. On the 5th of August he was mortally wounded in front of Petersburg, while sitting near his tent in camp. He died while being conveyed to the hospital. Lieutenrnt Brown was an efficient officer, and commanded the respect of his supe- rior officers. LIEUTENANT GEORGE H. GRESSANG. Lieutenant Gressang served in the three months' campaign as Com- missary Sergeant in Co. H, 25th Reg., P. V. In August and September, 1861, he assisted Capt. John R. Porter to organize Company I, 48th Pa. Regt, He was mustered into the service as 1st Lieutenant, October 1st. He was an active, intelligent, good officer, and unfortunately was drown- ed in the Potomac River, August, 1802, while en route on the steamer West Point, to rejoin his Regiment, after recovering from severe illness. LIEUTENANT JOSEPH EDWARDS. Lieutenant Edwards was mustered into the service as a Corporal in Co. I, 48th Reg. He was with the Regiment in all of its engagements, and was severely wounded in a charge on the enemy's works, near Pe- tersburg, on the 17th of June, 1804, from the effects of which he died. He successively filled the positions of Sergeant, 1st Sergeant, 2d and 1st Lieutenants. He was a brave, good officer. Biographical Sketches of Officehs. 529 LIEUTENANT HENRY C. JACKSON. When ilie war broke out in 18G1, he was a student at the Millersville Normal School. From a sense of duty and not from impulse, he left to join Co. B, 14th Pa. Vols., under Capt. Jennings of St. Clair— a tliree months' regiment. His time served out he returned to his home, St. Clair, and remained until the -48th Regiment was organized, when he en- listed in Co. G. Appointed Orderly Sergeant, he acted in that capacity until June, 1802, when he was promoted to the 2d Lieut enantcy. The first engagement in which he took part was Second Bull Run, in which he was taken prisoner, and after some hardships in getting there he took up an involuntary but short residence in the famous Libby Prison. — His health remained good, but through mishaps of the campaign he lost all his clothing except the old suit on his person (which after leaving Libby, for obvious, reasons, he had to throw away) and he lost also his sword and pistol. Soon exchanged he rejoined the Regiment and took part in the sad affair of Petersburg. From this engagement he came out safe. Soon afterward the 48th were transferred to Kentucky. While in Lexington he was appointed Acting Assistant Provost Marshal of East- ern District of Kentucky, — Major Lyon being Chief. During the Ma- jor's illness he had some most important duties. Afterwards he was Acting Provost Marshal of the City of Lexington. While performing its duties, he had charge of the money taken temporarily from the pri- soners, and the office having been broken open by burglars, nearly $800 were stolen — all of which he made up out of his private funds to pre- serve his character for integrity from even the breath of suspicion. In the East Tennessee campaign he was wounded by a piece of shell in the thigh during the defence of Knoxville, while commanding the picket lines at the time of a charge at night by the enemy on them. In his last campaign under Gen. Grant he was killed in the severe Battle of Spottsylvania, Va. He was shot by a rifle ball in the neck, the ball passing into the chest, and died in twenty minutes. This oc- curred while lying in line of battle with the Regiment on a higher in- clined piece of ground. Thus fell Lieutenant Jackson, faithful to every duty, and though sensible of danger and perils, j^et braving them with heroic disregard of self. He had determined if life were spared to re- main in the arm}' till the last organized force of rebellion was over- thrown. Gifted with a vigorous physical organization, considerable energy, a clear and active mind, ready utterance, strict integrity, and withal modest and affectionate, his friends had high hopes of his success in a civil profession, but he was reserved by Providence to be one of the numerous martyrs in behalf of the preservation of the Union, and the honor and free institutions of our country. 530 Biographical Sketches of Officers, lieutenant curtis clay pollock. Lieut. Pollock enlisted in the "Washington Artillerists," Capt. Wren, April 16, 1861, when the first call was made for volunteers, in the three months' service; was one of the first to enter Washington City, and was there during the eventful ten days when all communication with the North was suspended. The Company was from there sent to Fort Wash- ington, where he remained until his time expii^ed, and arrived home the latter part of July. lie was then just 19 years of age. About the 20th of September following he re-enlisted under Capt. Philip Nagle, 48th Regt., P. V. The Regiment was ordered to Fortress Monroe, and from there to Hatteras Island. The following Spi-ing they participated in the capture of Newbern, and were camped in that vicinity for some time. While there one of the Company officers resigning, he was recommended for Second Lieutenant, was commissioned by the Governor, and imme- diately after, Capt. Nagle having resigned, he was promoted to First Lieutenant. His conduct as an officer was without reproach. Although firm in the discharge of his duty, he never allowed an opportunity to pass for doing a kind office for any of his men, and many have testified to his kindness of heart, and sympathy in their long and weary marches. His coolness and courage on the battle-field were remarkable in one so young. Never absent from his post in danger, he inspired others by his presence of mind and undaunted courage. In August, 1862, his Re- giment was ordered to Fredericksburg, and from there marched to Cul- pepper, to reinforce Pope. Hardly had they arrived, when commenced that memorable "retreat" which "tried men's souls." Marching and fighting night and day — at Sulphur Springs, 2d Battle of Bull Run, Chantill}', etc., — they reached Alexandria and Washington, and were immediately ordered to join McClellan. After participating in the bat- tles of Antietam and South Mountain, they camped in Pleasant Valley, near Harper's Ferry — when they obtained a rest which was so much needed. Burnside, having superseded McClellan, the 48th was again ordered to Fredericksburg, and that terrible battle was fought, when so many brave men fell. Lieut. Pollock narrowly escaped with his life. From there the Regiment was sent to Newport News, and then to Lexington, Ky. In July, 1863, he, with several other officers, was detailed for duty, and ordered to Brattleboro, Vt. He remained there until October fol- lowing, when he rejoined his Regiment in Tennessee ; was in several engagements near Knoxvillo, and at the Siege of that place had the sa- tisfaction of seeing Longstreet repulsed, and a retreat beaten by the enemy. In January, 1864, nearly all the Regiment having re-enlisted, they ar- rired home, having a thirty days' furlough. Alas ! many saw their Biographical Sketches of Officers. 531 loved ones then, who were destined never to see them again on earth I among that number was Lieutenant Pollock. About the lOth of March the Regiment went to Harrisburg, and were ordered from there to An- napolis. There they remained until ordered to join Grant's Army in his Virginia campaign. At Spottsylvania, in the terrible battles of th« Wilderness and Cold Harbor Lieutenant Pollock participated and faith- fully did his duty, being most of the time tlie only officer in his Com- pany. Plaving crossed the James and marched rapidly to Petersburg, the 48th assaulted and successfully carried a portion of the enemy's works. It was at that time, June 17, 1864, Lieutenant Pollock fell, severely wounded in the shoulder. The ball having been successfully extracted, hopes were entertained for his recovery, and he was taken to Georgetown Hospital, where, notwithstanding all efforts to save him, lockjaw terminated his existence, June 23, 1804. One of the many who have given their lives a sacrifice on their country's altar. Who covild die a nobler death ? LIEUTENANT ERNEST T. ELLRICH. Lieutenant Ellrich was in the lliree months' service as a private in the National Light Infantry. On his return he assisted Capt. Filbert to recruit a Company for the 9Gth Regiment (Co. B,) of which he becama 1st Lieutenant. Was mustered in, Sept. 23, 1801. From February 12, 1862, to May 12th, he was absent from the Regiment with a broken leg, and on recruiting service. May 12th, he rejoined the Regiment. H« was killed in the Battle of Gaines' Hill, Va., June 27, 1862. A good officer and an estimable man. LIEUTENANT JOHN DOUGHERTY. In the three months' campaign Lieutenant Dougherty was 2d Lieuten- ant in Company F, Gth Pa. Reg. He was a native of Ireland, and cam* to this country while quite young. He was a soldier in the regular ser- Tice in Texas and on the frontiers for several years before the Rebellion. He came to Pottsville shortly before the war, and when hostilities com- menced entered the 6th Regiment, as stated. After his return from the three months' service he assisted Capt. Anthony to recruit a Company for the 96th Reg., (F.) and was commissioned 1st Lieutenant. He wai in the Battle of West Point, Va. ; through the Peninsula campaign ; in the retreat ; at the Second Battle of Bull Run, and through the Mary- land campaign of 1862, up to Crampton's Pass, Sept. 14th, in which en- gagement he fell mortally wounded. His last words were, "Oh, God, must I die?" He was an excellent soldier, and died for a country in whose service he had many years gallantly borne a musket. 532 Biographical Sketches of Officers. LIEUTENANT JOHN T. HANNUM. He wns commissioned 2d Lieutenant of Company D, 9Gth Pa. Reg., Septembei' 23, 18G1, and was with the Regiment at the Battle of West Point. He v.-as sick in hospital during the seven days' fight on the Pen- insula and until he rejoined the Regiment, August 30, 18G2. He was at Crampton's Pass, Antietam and First Fredericksburg. After the latter engagement he was promoted 1st Lieutenant, Nov. 21, 1862. He was also in the Second Battle of Fredericksburg. On the 27th of December, 1862, he was detailed as Acting Adjutant of his Regiment, in which po- sition he was at Rappahannock Station, Locust Grove and Gold Mine Run, in 1863. He was in all of the Battles of iSen. Grant's Virginia campaign in 1864, up to Cold Harbor, in which engagement he was mortally wounded by a fragment of a defective shell, fired by one of our batteries. He died in June 1864. OUR SURGEONS. During the war Schuylkill County was most ably represented in the medical corps of the National service. Seveial of her surgeons were ordered to the most responsible positions, while all were useful and etficient. We will give brief data of their re- spective service, merely premising that it is a chapter honorable to the gentleinen whose names are contained in it^ and of which Schuylkill County can justly be proud : JOHN T. CARPENTER. Dr. Carpenter was appointed Surgeon by Governor Curtin, his com- mission dating April 21, 1861. He v/as forthwith ordered on duty at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, to examine recruits and organize the hospital department of the camp. By commission, dated June 4, 1861, Dr. Car- penter was appointed Surgeon of the oth Pennsylvania Reserves, Col. S. G. Simmons. He went into the field in Western Virginia, June 21st, with the first Pennsylvania Brigade of three years' troops, as Surgeon of the Brigade, by seniority. He served as Senior Surgeon of the Penn- sylvania Reserves, wlien that Division was on duty in the Army of the Potomac, at Washington, after the First Battle of Bull Run. Dr. Car- penter was examined by the United States Army Medical Board at Washington, and promoted to Brigade Surgeon, U. S. Vols., by commis- sion from President Lincoln, dated September 4, 1861. He reported to Biographical Sketches of Officers. o83 Major-General Rosecranz in the field at Tompkin's Farm, West Virginia, Oct. 14, and was assigned to the German Brigade, commanded by Col. Robert L. McCook of Ohio. lie established the general hospitals for the sick and wounded of Gen. Rosecranz's army, at Charlestown, and took charge of them in November, 18C1. He was ordered to Cumber- land, Md., March 13, 18G2, to take charge of the general hospitals of the army. He was ordered to Wheeling, Va., April 29, by Gen. Fre- mont, as Medical Purveyor of the Mountain Department, of which De- partment he was appointed Medical Director on the 10th of May. He was ordered to Cincinnati, Ohio, and entered on the duty of Medical Inspector of hospitals, August 25, 18G2. He was appointed Medical Director of hospitals in Cincinnati and vicinity, September 1st. He was appointed May 18, 1863, by the Surgeon-General U. S. Army, to be President of the Army Medical Board at Cincinnati, for examination of candidates for the appointment of Assistant-Surgeons of Volunteers, — Gen. Burnside in General Order, No. 131, Aug. 13, 18G3, appointed Dr. Carpenter Assistant ^ledical Director of the Department of the Ohio. He was appointed by Gen. J. D. Cox, Medical Director of the District of Ohio, Oct. 31. Dr. Carpenter was relieved from duty at Cincinnati, March 8ht, 18G4, by order of the War Department, and ordered to report to the Assistant-Surgeon-General at Louisville, Ky. On the 19th he was appointed Superintendent and Inspector, U. S. Army general hos- pitals, District of Kentucky. Dr. Carpenter resigned on the 2Gth of April, 18G-1. His resignation was accepted, to take effect IMay 15, 1804. To the exertions of Dr. Carpenter is due the fact tliat the sanitary con- dition of some of our most important general hospitals, was brought to a hio-h state of excellence — a work of the utmost importance. In ad- dition Dr. Carpenter was recognized in the army as an able, skillful operatiug surgeon. D. J. M'KIBBIN. On the 21st of April, 18G1, Dr. ^NFKibbin was commissioned Surgeon of the 6th Penna. Vols., Col. Jas. Nagle, He served three months, principally in the Shenandoah Valley, in the 1st Brigade of "Patterson's Corps of Observation," Col. (afterwards Major-General) Geo. H. Thomas commanding Brigade After being mustered out. Dr. M'Kibbin appeared Auo-ust 0, before a Board of Medical Examiners at Harrisburg, and was appointed a Surgeon of Pennsylvania Volunteers. He performed duty at Camp Curtin until September, 1861, when he was assigned to and commissioned Surgeon of the 50th Penna. Reg., Col. B. C. Christ. On the 21st of October Dr. M'Kibbin was examined and commissioned Bri- o-ade Suro-eon U. S. Volunteers. He continued to act as Surgeon of the ° 45 534 Biographical Sketches of Officers. 50th Regiment, until February 5, 1862, when he was assigned to duty as Post Surgeon at Hilton Head, S. C. April 1, 18(32, he was appointed Medical Purveyor of tlie Department of 'he South, and on the 15th was assigned to the additional duty of Acting Medical Director, Department of the South, by order of Major-Generol D. Hunter, commanding — the Medical Director, Surgeon G. E. Cooper, U. S. A., having been relieved from the Department while on leave of absence to the North. On the 20th of July Dr. M'Kibbin was relieved of the latter duty by Surg. C. II. Crane, U. S. A., and sent North in charge of sick and wounded. — While on this duty he was assigned to organize and take charge of the U. S. Gen. Hospital at Portsmouth Grove, Rhode Island. On the 12th of September Dr. M'Kibbin was re-ordered to Hilton Head, S. C, where lie performed a range of medical service under direction of Surgeon Crane, Medical Director at the post, in hospital, in inspections along the coast, and finally as Division Surgeon of the Ist Division, 10th Army Corps, Brigadier-General (afterwards Maj.-Gen.) Alt'. II. Terry, com- manding. On the loth of June, 18Go, Dr. M'Kibbin was relieved from duty in the Department of the Souili, and ordered to report in person to Gen. Rosecranz, commanding Department of the Cumberland. July 1, he was assigned to the charge of the U. S. Gen. Hospital at Manchester, Tenn., and subsequently in consequence of exigencies arising from the advance of our army soutliward, organized and took charge of hospitals at TuUahoma, Tenn., Stevenson. Ala., and Chattanooga, Tenn. On ac- count of ill health induced by exposure at Chattanooga, and in conside- ration of more than two and a half years' service in the front, Dr. M'Kibbin was relieved from duty iu that Department, February 11, 18GI, and ordered to report to the U. S. Provost Marshal-General at AVashington. At the General's instance Dr. M'Kibbin was appointed a member of a military examining Board of officers for the Veteran Re- serve Corps. He remained a member of this Board until Sept. 5, when he was assigned to the medical inspection of Boards of Enrollment, and visited and inspected the Boards of each Congressional District in the States of Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Mary- land, Delaware, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin. This duty being completed with the last draft and the termination of the war by the surrender of Lee, Dr. M'Kibbin performed office labor in the Medical Branch of the Provost Marshal-Generars Bureau, until May 30, 186.3, at which date being desirous of going abroad, he solicited the Surgeon-General Jos. K. Barnes, U. S. A., to request his muster out of the service of the United States, During the three months' service Dr. MKibbin was in the skirmish at Falling Waters, Va. In November, 1861, he was with the 50th Regi- ment, and encountered the dangers of a terrific gale off Hatteras. He witnessed the bonfbardment and surrender of the rebel forts on Hilton Biographical Sketches of Officers. 535 Head and Bay Point, S. C, to tlie Nav.al foi'ce under Diiponi. the land forces under Brig. -Gen. T. W. Sh'^nnan, not being called into action. He was present at the assault by Brig. -Gen. I. I. Stevens, on the rebel works at Port llojal Ferry, S. C, January 1, 18G2 ; was at the Battle of Pocotaligo, S. C, under Gens. Braanan and Terry ; was at the de- monstration against Charleston, S. C, by Com. Dupont and Gen. Hun- ter ; was at the Battle of Mission Ridge, Tenn., under Gen. Thomas; was a close observer of the gallant attack upon and capture of Lookout Mountain b}' Gens. Geary and Hooker, and was present at Fort De Rus- gy during the raid of the rebel Generals Early and Breckinridge, on Washington City, in .July, ISOi. Dr. M'Kibbin's four j-ears of service, were eventful, and he possesses the satisfactory consciousness of having in every sphere of duty, fulfilled 10 tlie lefter bis contract w^itli the Government. HENRY CHESTER PARRY. Dr. Parry entered the State service of Pennsylvania, as an Assistant- Surgeon, April 23, 18(U. He was attached to the Eighth Regiment of Infantry, commanded by Col. Emiley. From April until the latter part of May this Regiment was quartered at Chambersburg, and during that time Dr. Parry was the Ward Surgeon in the temporary military hospi- tal established in that town. In tlie beginning of June he marched with his Regiment in Patterson's column, as far as Martinsburg, Va., where he was detached and ordered to Hagerstown to take charge of the Kennedy Hospital. He remained there until August 4th, wheu lie ob- tained permission from the Secretary of War to be examined by a Board of Medical Officers, to examine candidates for admission into the medical corps of the Regular Army, then convened in New York. He passed an examination on the 12th of August, and was appointed an Assistant Sur- geon in the United States Army, his commission to date from August 2(5, 1861. He was then ordered to Washington, and remained on duty as executive officer of the U. S. General Hospital for regular soldiers, until January 18, 1802, when he was relieved from duty in Washington, and ordered to report at Louisville to Major-General Buell, commanding the Army of the Ohio. The General ordered him to report to Major John King. U. S. A., commanding the First Battalion of the 5th, KJth, and 19th U. S. Infantry, in camp at Mumfordsville, Ky. There he was as- signed to duty as Regimental Surgeon in the 19th Infantry, and with this Regiment, and afterwards as Surgeon-in-Chief of the Brigade, ht served in McCook's Division, and marched with the Army of the Ohio, from Kentucky, Feb. 25, 1862, through Nashville, across Duck River, and through Columbia to Savannah, Tennessee, where Buell's Army ar- 536 Biographical Sketches or Officers. rived on the niglit of the 6th of April. It was immecliately put on steam- ers, and hurriedly sent up the Tennessee River to Pittsburg Landing, where the Army landed, just in time to reinforce and save the exhausted and shattered forces of Gen. Grant. The next day, April 7, the first great battle of the war was fought, and the rebel army under Beaure- gard, compelled to retreat to its entrenchments at Corinth, Miss. After the Battle of Pittsburg Landing, Dr. Parry was temporarily detailed fiom his command, and placed in charge o^ the tents containing the rebel wounded. In that fatiguing and unpleasant duty he was engaged for five days, when he rejoined his Brigade. From April 13th to May 39th, the combined armies of the Ohio, Tennessee and Mississippi be- sieged Corinth. On the 30th the place was evacuated by the rebels. In the camps before Corinth, the officers and men were often exposed to the noxious exhalations which rose from the broad forest swamps. There Dr. Parry became ill with malarial fever, and when the army reached Florence, Ala., June 20, he was unable to attend to his duties, and was .sent to Louisville to regain health. At Louisville he obtained leave of absence, and returned to his home in Pottsville, July 4th. Shortly after he was ordered to report to Major-General McClellan, commanding the Army of the Potomac, at Harrison's Landing, Ya., where he arrived August 11th. At that station Dr. Parry was placed on board of the steamer Montreal, and ordered to remove sick and wounded from the Army to hospitals in the North. He was on this duty nearly three weeks, when he was ordered to report to Assistant-Surgeon McClellan, U. S. A., whom he assisted in establishing hospitals at Hampton, Va., where he remained until April, 18G3. While he was stationed at Hampton, he was at different times detailed on examining Boards, and for duties of similar character. In the latter part of April he was ordered to report to Major-General Peck, commanding the army at Suffolk, Va., which place was threatened by a large rebel force under Gen. Longstreet. — At Suffolk Dr. Parry was placed in charge of Batteries D and L, 4th U. S. Artillery, with which command he served until Suffolk was evacuated by the National forces, and in the entrenchments constructed near Ports- mouth, Va. He participated in all of the raids made into the enemy's country, and was often detailed on temporary duty at Fort Monroe, Nor- folk and Portsmouth. In January, 1864, he was ordered to report to Maj.- Gen. Couch, commanding the Department of the Susquehanna. Arriv- ing in Philadelphia he was placed in charge of the U. S. General Hos- pital for nervous diseases, in Christian Street. He remained on that duty until late in February, when he was ordered to Harrisburg, Pa., to take charge of the hospitals in that city. He remained thereuntil June 23d, when he was ordered to Philadelphia, as executive officer of the large army hospital in V^'est Philadelphia. At that hospital he was stationed until September 3, when at his request he was relieved from Biographical Sketches of Officers. 537 duty, and ordered to report to Major-General Sheridan, commanding the National forces in the Shenandoah Valley. There he served as Regi- mental Surgeon of the Second U. S. Cavalry, and afterwards as Surgeon- in-Chief of the Regular Brigade and the First Cavalry Division. He shared with the troops the perils and hardships of the Valley, being present at all of the battles, raids and skirmishes that Sheridan or Mer- ritt fought from the Battle of Opequan, September 19, to Cedar Creek, October 19, 1864. After the latter battle had been fought, and the scat- t-ered remnant of the rebel army under Early had been driven down the Valley to New Market, the Regular Brigade was ordered to proceed to Harper's Ferry to protect the men engaged in rebuilding the railway from that place to Stephenson's Depot, a station- about five miles from Winchester, Va. The Brigade was on this duty until Nov. 27, when it started from Winchester to hunt the notorious guerilla Moseby. Like other commands before, it failed to catch him, and after three weeks" search, was ordered to rejoin the Division (then engaged in collecting cattle) near Snicker's Gap. When it had done so Merritt's Division marched back through Middleburg, Upper ville, Paris, Millwood and Warrenton. The route was dangerous, the troops being constantly an- noyed by guerillas who hovered about their flanks and rear, in the moun- tains. The Robinson, Hazel and Shenandoah rivers were obsti-ucted by ice, which rendered crossing tedious, perilous and difficult. The raid terminated on the last day of December, when the cavalry arrived at its old camp near Keanstown. On the 23d of January, 1865, Dr, Parry ob- tained a leave of absence to go home. At the expiration of his leave as he was returning to his command he became ill in Baltimore, and lay in Camden Street Hospital for two weeks, when he obtained another leave of absence to return home and recruit his health. After this leave had expired he repaired to City Point, Va., on his way to join the First Ca- valry Division, then on the far left of our line before Petersburg. Be- fore he could reach his command, and while af. the Ninth Army Corps' front, a friend whom he loved dearly— Col. George W. Gowen, 48th Pa. Veteran Volunteers — was instantly killed while leading the assault on Fort Mahone, April 2d. Dr. Parry took charge of the body of Colonel Gowen. He removed it from the field, embalmed it, and obtaining per- mission from Gen. Grant, carried the precious charge to the late home of Col. Gowen, Germantown, Pa. After discharging this sacred duty to the remains of his friend. Dr. Parry returned to Petersburg, April 12th, and on the 20th succeeded in reaching his command. His health how- ever, unfitted him for active service, and he was sent to Washington in charge of Major O'Keefe, a personal aid of Gen. Sheridan, Avho had been dangerously wounded at the Battle of Five Forks. Dr. Parry was ordered to the U. S. General Hospital, Augusta, Me., and July G, 1865, to Fort Preble, Portland, Me., where at the time of writing this he is 45* 538 Biographical Sketches of Officers. stationed as Post Surgeon. Dr. Parry was present at many skirmishes and fights, both in the West and East ; endured fatigue and encountered peril and a thousand hardships known only to those who have experienced a soldier's life. We trust that his health may be fully re-established, and that he may live long for the beneiit of the service of which he is an ornament. HENRY R. SILLIMAN. Dr. Silliman was commissioned Assistant-Surgeon in the U. S. Army, May 28, 1861. At the First Battle of Bull Run, as principal assistant of Surgeon McGruder, he rendered valuable aid in the unfortunate hos- pital which late on the day of that memorable fight, became the object of rebel barbarity. During the war he was stationed on the frontier and at Fort Delaware, discharging his duties with great fidelity. We are not in possession of data to enter more fully into Dr. Silliman's mi- litary career. D. WEBSTER BLAND. Dr. Bland was commissioned Surgeon, October 12, 18G1, by Governor Curtin, and assigned to duty with the 9Gth Penna. Regiment, by order of Surgeon-General Henry R. Smith. He reported for duty, October 19, and arrived in Washington, November 11. On the 25th of November the Regiment was assigned to the Brigade of Gen. H. Slocum, and remained in camp during the winter of 1861-2. In January, 1862, Dr. Bland was detailed by order of Gen. Franklin, as a member of a Medical Examin- ing Board, to examine recruits. At the Battle of West Point, May 7, 1862, Dr, Bland was detailed as an assistant to Dr. Frank Hamilton for operative duties. He was with the Regiment during the memorable seven days before Richmond, sharing the hardships incident to that campaign. He was present at the Battles of Mechanicsville, Gaines' Mill, White Oak Swamp, Charles City Cross Roads, Chickahorainy, Glendale, Smith's Farm, and Malvern Hill. He was on the Peninsula during July and part of August, and at Second Bull Run, Crampton's Pass and Antietam. At the First Battle of Fredericksburg he was detailed as one of the operating surgeons of the 1st Division, Gth Corps. He was present at Gen. Burnside's move, January, 1863 ; at Second Fredericksbui-g and Chancellorsville. After the latter engagement he was detailed to take four hundred wounded to Washington. After his return he was placed in charge of flag of truce at the Lacey House, to receive our wounded who had been left in the hands of the enemy. In May, 1863, Dr. Bland Biographical Sketches of Oeficers. 539 lfa3 appointed Acting Medical Director of the 1st Division, Gtli Corps, Gen. Brooks, of the field hospital of Avhich he was Surgeou-in-Chief during the Gettysburg campaign. He continued Medical Director of that Division during September and October, and was President of an exam- ining Board for admission into the Veteran Reserve Corps. He was Surgeon-in-Chief of the 1st Division, Cth Corps, during the brilliant movement and complete victory over the enemy at Rappahannock Sta- tion, Noy. 7, 18G3. On the following day he superintended the removal to Washington, of 376 wounded of his Corps. He was Surgeon-in-Chief of the 1st Division, Gth Corps, during the memorable Mine Run affair, December, 18G3. "Was in winter-quarters at Brandy Station, 1863-4, during which he was detailed as a member of examining Board of his Division, for general and special duties connected with the Medical Department. On the 12th of April, 1864, Dr. Bland was detailed by or- der of General Meade, as Medical Inspector of the Gth Corps, and as- signed to duty on the Staff of Gen. John Sedgwick. He was with the Porps during the historical campaign of the Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and the Weldon Rail Road. On the 19th of July the Corps was ordered to Washington ; Gen. Wright assumed com- mand of the Middle Military Division, of which Department Dr. Bland was made Medical Inspector. Vvhen Gen. Wright was relieved and Geni Sheridan took command. Dr. Bland remained Medical Inspector of the Corps, and was present at the brilliant battles in the Shenandoah Valley. He left the field, Sept. 23, 1864, and was mustered out by reason of ex- piration of term of service, on the 21st of October. 0. M. BOBBINS. Dr. Bobbins was assigned to duty with the 9th Penna. Cavalry, on thp 22d of October, 1861. He served with the Regiment in Kentucky and Tennessee, under INIajor-General Buell, until the Battle of Perryville, when he was detached on the 24th of October, 1862, and ordered by Dr. Head, Medical Director, Louisville, Ky., to fit up a hospital for officers, of which he served as Surgeon-in-charge until the 10th of June, 1863. He was then relieved by an order from the War Department, ordering all Surgeons to the front. On the 9th of July, 1863, Dr. Bobbins was assigned to duty on the Staff of CoL Campbell as Surgeon of 1st Bri- gade, 1st Division of Cavalry, Department of the Cumberland. In De- cember, 1863, he was relieved, and assigned to duty on the Staff of Gen. Edward McCook, as Medical Director of that Division. In July, 1864, Dr. Bobbins resigned in consequence of physical disability. His entire term of service was in Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. 540 IJIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF OFFICERS. THOMAS TURNER, Dr. Turner entered tba service as an Acting Assistant-Surgeon, on tiie 15th of August, 18G2. His first assignment -was on that date on board of the ship St. Mark, then used for transporting sick and wounded from Southern to Nortliern ports. While the vessel lay at Fortress Monroe in the Autumn of 18G2, he was detailed to take charge of sick and wounded on hospital transports on the James River. When he assumed his former position on the St. Mark, he remained until she was turned over to the Quartermaster's Department, in March, 1863. He was then ordered to Alexandria, Va., and assigned as Surgeon-in-charge of King Street Hos- pital, where he remained until January 23, 18G4, when he was trans- ferred, at his request, to the Desmanes Hospital, (eye and ear infirmary,) in Washington. Of this hospital he was appd^nted executive officer, which position he held until its transfer to Chicago. 111., in May. The Ricord Hospital Avas then organized and succeeded the Desmanes Hos- pital, of which he was retained as executive oflScer until April 11, 1865, when he was appointed by the President Assistant-Surgeon of A'^olun- teers, to rank as such from April 6, 1865. He then reported as ordered, to the Medical Director's Department, Washington, for assignment to duty. Having been executive officer of Ricord Hospital from its or- ganization, and as he was preparing a treatise on venereal disease for the Surgical History of the War, he was again assigned to duty as ex- ecutive officer of that Hospital, where he was still on duty at the time of preparing this, and Examining Surgeon of Quartermasters for the De- partments of the East and Washington, under General Order, 252, A. G. 0., August 31, 1804. J. B. BRANDT. Dr. Brandt entered the three months' service, April 17, 18G1, as pri- vate, Co. H, 25th Penna. Regiment. Entered three years' service, Aug. 19, 1861, as Captain of Company A, 50th Penna. Reg. In August, 1862, he resigned that position for the purpose of entering the medical corps of the service. He joined the 55th Pa. Reg., Sept, 16, 1862, as Assist- ant^Surgeon. On the 31st of January, 1863, he was promoted to Surgeon of the 175th Pa. Drafted Militia, and joined the command on the 24th of February. Was mustered out of service in consequence of expira- tion of term of Regiment, Aug. 5, 1863. He re-entered the service as Assistant-Surgeon of 110th Pa. Reg., May 2, 1864, and served with it until Sept. 15, 1864, when he was mustered as Surgeon of the 55th Pa. Reg., with which Regiment he served until the war closed. Biographical Sketches of Officers. 5-41 r. R. TALM. Dr. Palm was commissioned by Gov. Curtin on thel2tli of September, 1862, and ordered to report immediately for duty. lie was mustered into service at Harrisburg, for three years or the war, as Assistant-Sur- geon. The Surgeon-General assigned him to the 110th Pa. Reg., of the Army of the Potomac. He served as Assistant-Surgeon of that Regi- ment, until after the Battle of Fredericksburg, in which engagement he participated. Several days after the battle he was promoted Surgeon by Governor Curtin, his commission bearing date Dec. 13, 1802, the day on which the battle was fought. He was ordered to report for duty to the Colonel of the lo7th Pa. Reg., (a nine months' Regiment) 1st Corps, Gen. Reynolds. He was Surgeon of that Regiment until the expiration of its time, and was mastered out June 2, 1803. Surgeon- General King tendered Dr. Palm a new commission, but impaired health would not permit its acceptance. While with the 137th Regiment he was selected as a member of the operating corps, in which capacity he served during the Second Battle of Fredericksburg, and at Chancellorsville, April and May, 1863. J. H. KAUFFxMAN. Dr. Kauffman entered the army in April, 1861, as a private in Co. H, 6th Pa. Reg, In June, 1862, Dr. Kauffman was appointed Acting As- sistant-Surgeon, which position he held until November, 1802. He was commissioned Assistant-Surgeon of Volunteers, jNIarch 14, 1803, and as- signed to the 128th Penna. Regiment. He was mustered out in conse- quence of expiration of term of service of Regiment, May 21, 1803. He was re-appointed May 22, and assigned to the 151st Penna. Reg. He was mustered out with the Regiment, July 27, 1803. He was assigned to e52d Pa. Reg., as Assistant-Surgeon, May 31, 1861, and continued on duty with the Regiment, until the close of the war. GEORGE W. SAYLOR. Dr. Saylor was appointed Medical Cadet, Dec. 9, 1801, and served in that capacity at Hilton Head, S. C, and Washington, D. C, until Dec. 9, 1862. He was appointed Assistant-Surgeon, and assigned to the 116th Pa. Reg., April 29, 1864. He resigned on the 24th of July, on account of ill health. He was appointed Acting Assistant-Surgeon, Nov. 17, 1864, and resigned April 18, 1865. S42 Biographical Sketches of Officers. C. P. HERRINGTOX. Dr. Ilorrington was appointed Acting Assistant Surgeon, May 1, 18f32: became Assistant-Surgeon, 48th Pcnna. Reg., Sept. 12; Surgeon, 138th Pa. Reg., Oct. 13, and was mustered out, Dec. 4, 18G3, on account of physical disability. F. J. KERN. Dr. Kern was commissioned Assistant-Surgeon of Volunteers, Aug. 20, 1863, and on the 22d mustered into the service at Fort Monroe, and assigned to the 3d Penna. Artillery (152d Reg.) Having been recom- mended by Gen. Butler for promotion. Dr. Kfcrn was mustered in as Surgeon of the 188th Pa. Reg., April 1, 1804. In consequence of a se- vere bronchial affection, contracted during the severe Spring campaign of that year, Dr. Kern tendered his resignation, which was accepted July 9, 1864. Not being satisfied to remain at home, while the demand for surgeons to attend to wounded patriots was great, he entered the Lospital 5«ervice at Washington, August 2, 1804, where he remained until the close of the war. CHARLES II. HAESELER. Dr. Haeselcr entered the service in Capt. T. S. Richards" Cavah-y Com- pany, July 2, 1803. On the 10th, while his Company lay at Harrisburg. iie was commissioned Assistant Surgeon, and assigned to the 20th Pa. Cavalry Regiment, Col. John E. Wynkoop. Dr. Haeseler had medical charge of the Rcgitnent for nearly three months, and served during six. He was mustered out with the Regiment, January 7, 1864, their term of service having expired. His care and attention to the command, as Surgeon, were so highly appreciated, that the members of the Regiment presented to him a handsome sword. DOUGLASS R. B ANNAN. Dr. Bannan was appointed Assistant-Surgeon in the United States Navy, in the Spring of 1801. He was ordered to Fortress Monroe on duty on board the transport Brandywine, in which position he remained for some months. Subsequently he was ordered to the fleet on the Mis- sissippi River, commanded by Com. Porter. He was assigned for duty on board the Gunboat Carondelet, and was present in her at the passage of the rebel batteries at Vicksburg, He was made passed-Assistant- Biographical Sketches oy Officeiis. 543 Surgeon in 1864, and in August, 1805, sailed in the Sbawinut, Goldsbo- rougli's Mediterranean Squadron. Dr. Bannan was one of the inost highly educated and accomplished Surgeons who entered the service during the war. THEODORE AUGUSTUS HELWld. Dr. Helwig was on the 2d of August, 1802, conmiissioned Assistant- Surgeon of Volunteers, and assigned in charge of the 128th Penna. Ke- giaient. On the 12th of July, 180o, he was promoted Surgeon, with the rank of Major, and served with the 49th Pa. Vol. Militia, known as th« 2d Corn Exchange Ptegiment. He was subsequently assigned to the 87th Penna. Veteran Rggiment, attached to the 3d Division, Gth Corps, with which he served until he was mustered out, July 8, 1805. lie was in the following engagem.euts during his term of service : South ]Moun- tain, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Tolopotomy Creek, Cold Harbor, (where he received a slight wound in the head,) Petersburg, Monocacy, Charlestown, Opequan (Winchester,) Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek, Hatcher's Run, Petersburg and Saylor's Creek. Dr. Helwig's career in the array was distinguished by great ability, and fidelity to his duties, and he left the service at the conclusion of the war, with a record as honorable as that of any Surgeon furnished by Schuylkill County. J. BURD PEALE. Dr. Peale was commissioned as Brigade Surgeon, Oct. 30, 18G1. On Dec. 2, by Special Order, 318, he was assigned to Department of Poto- mac, to duty on Gen. StaheVs Staff, 1st Brigade, Blenker's Division. — Dec. 12, 1801, went into winter quarters at Hunter's Chapel, Va., until March 10, 1802, when the advance toward Riclimond took place. When Dr. Peale"s Division reached Warrenton Junction on the Orange and Alexandria R. R., it was ordered to march by way of Ashby's Gap in the Blue Ridge, and Berry's Ferry over the Shenandoah River, to Stras- burg. Failing to cross the River at that point, the Division went to Snicker's Gap and Ferry, and thence through Berryville to Wood's Mills, four miles from Winchester. The sick of the Division were sent thence to the Union Hotel in Winchester. While at Wood's >Hlls, Gen. Rosecran/ took command of the Division. The management of tlie hos- pital established in the Union Hotel not pleasing Gen. Rosecranz, on the 4th of May he ordered Dr. Peale to "take charge of and organize as a Post Hospital" the Union Hotel Hospital, This was an exceedingly dif- ficult duty. The sick and attendants were all Germans, foreigners, very 544 BioGRAniiCAL Sketches of Officers. few being able to speak or even understand English. They numbered about 340 altogether. T^he task was no easy one, to organize a hospital with such elements, and from a state of the most utter confusion. He succeeded however, to the satisfaction of the proper authorities. While he was on this duty the Division was marched by way of Romney to Gen. Fremont's command, which it joined. Gen. Rosecranz then left it. By May 23d the sick, left under Dr. Peale's charge, had all been sent away to the hospital at New Creek and back to their commands, except twelve, who were too ill to be removed. These he expected to send away ihe following week and then to close the hospital. That night at eleven o'clock he learned that the enemy had attacked our forces at Front Royal on the Shenandoah, defeated them, and were approaching Winchester. Deeming it his duty to remain with those committed to his care, under any circumstances. Dr. Peale communicated his determination to do so, to his Assistant-Surgeon and to the few attendants remaining. They all expressed their intention of doing as he did. Gen. Banks having fallen back from Strasburg to Winchester, on the 24lh of May, was attacked by Jackson's forces, and driven to and across the Potomac River. The sick who were able to walk from Strasburg, came into Dr. Peale's Hos- pital on the evening of the 24th, and wore fed on bread, raw ham and coffee ; they numbered 230, and it required until 12 o'clock to get through feeding them. About o'clock on the 2oth Dr. Peale was taken prisoner, and directed by the Rebels to continue attending the wounded as they were brought in by their (the Rebel) soldiers. Dr. Black, Acting Medi- cal Director of Jackson's forces, called upon him during the day, and informed him that he was to take charge of all the Federal sick and wounded and organize a hospital in the same building he then occupied llie Union Hotel. All the wounded brought in, and all tlie sick from the three Union hospitals in Winchester, were then brought to the "Union Hotel" and placed under his care. They numbered about 338, and at- tendants were allowed him to the number of 50. Dr. Bissell of the 5th Conn. Vols., was captured during the morning, and ordered b^- the Re- bel medical authorities to act as Dr. Peale's assistant. His former as- sistant who had agreed to remain and assist him if the rebels came, ran off when they entered the town. So did his attendants except two fe- male nurses, Mrs. Palmer and Miss McClellan, — two noble women, and pure patriots — and two male nurses. During Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday other Surgeons who were captured on Sunday, were allowed to offer their services to him, and he assigned a portion of the duties of the hospital to each. Dr. Peale informs us that Gen. Banks' statement, that eight Surgeons voluntarily surrendered themselves to the enemy, to take care of our sick and wounded, is not correct, as all except Dr. Peale, were cap- Biographical Sketches of Officers. 545 tui ed involuntarily, while on duty in the field with their respective com- mands, except perhaps Dr. Bissell, who was passing through the town at the time the enemy entered. None of those captured, except Dr. Peale, had any occasion to remain, as their duty was with their commands, while Dr. Peale's was fixed with those who were unable to be moved. — ■ Their capture was equally with his in the line of their duty, but not exactly as stated by tlie General in his report. When the rebels evacuated Winchester, Dr. Peale took charge of all the hospitals that had been occupied by them, three in number, and as- signed Surgeons from those who were assisting him, with assistants and necessary attendants to each. When Gen. Banks occupied the place on the Oth day after the rebels evacuated, approving of Dr. Peale's conduct, he granted him leave of absence for seven days to visit his family, v/ho had not heard anything of him since his retreat. June 19th, Gen. Sigel being in command, by Special Order, No. 81, Department Shenandoah, Section iv. Brig. Surg. J. B. Peale was appointed Chief of Hospitals, to carry out the provisions contained in "Sections 2 and G, of General Orders, No. 3G, Adji. Gen's Office, Washington, April 7, 1802." About the end of June he was re- lieved from duty in Winchester, and ordered to report to Gen. Schenk at Sperryville, Ya. When Sigel's Corps marched from Spei^ryville to rein- force Banks at Cedar Mountain, Dr. Peale was ordered to remain and take charge of all the sick of the Corps, over 300 in number. This was in the night, and as the order tn march had come unexpectedly, no pro- vision had been made in the way of medicine or food. This caused him considerable difficulty. Two days afterwards, teams having been sent to him from Culpepper, he removed all the sick during the night and morning to that place. Dr. Peale was at the Second Battle of Bull Hun, Aug. 30, 18G2. xVbout Dec. 7, 18G2, by Special Order, No. 132, Ilead- Quarters 11th Army Corps, he was assigned to duty at Headquarters as Medical Inspector of the Corps, on Avhich duty he remained until his re- signation was accepted, April 29th, in consequence of ill health, caused by exposure during the winter. Vv'hile on duty in Winchester as Chief of Hospitals, he organized a hospital in Jas. M. Mason's house for the sick of Fremont's Department, who were then in that City. 46 CONCLUSION, In concluding this Memorial of the Patriotism of Schujlkill County, a few suggestive thoughts present themselves, and demand attention. The first shot at Sumter fired with indignation the hearts of our loyal people, and by thousands our citizens flew to arms and marched to the front. This record shows how speedily after the three months' service they filled for '^three years or the war,'' the ranks of two regiments ; threw companies into other Pennsylvania organizations — infantry and cavalry, — and had re- presentatives in the regiments of not only this, but of every loyal State from Maine to California. In the regular army and in the navy, the patriotic sons of Schuylkill County were also found in creditable numbers. On every great battle-field of the War our soldiers fought, and many fell, sealing their devotion to their country with their blood. Others lingered in indescribable suf- fering, in the prison pens at Salisbury and Andersonvilie, until death lemoved them be\^ond the reach of their inhuman jailers. The sacrifices, the devotion, the heroism of these men will never be fully known. But monuments, sacred to their precious memo- ries, will arise, and their deeds will live in the hearts of unborn generations of freenien. Other loyal citizens of the County, who did not go to the field, felt it their duty to sustain and encourage the Government in its efi^orts to subdue armed llcbellion against its authority. They contributed largely of their means, to assist in filling the ranks of the Union armies. They assisted every movement to add to the comfort and efiicijpncy of our forces. In frequent meetings they pas- sed resolutions, pledging ''their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honors/' lo the contest for existence in which the llepublic was engaged. They rejoiced when victory crowned our arms, and sor- rowed, but never despaired, when defeat was encountered by our heroic soldiers. They sent letters of encouragement to our boys in the front, and by their welcome sympathy cast halos of joy on many an else dark bivouac or midnight watch. These citizens — Union men as they were known — had their duties to meet and discharge, and this Memorial would be meagre indeed, had they failed. They did not fail. Shoulder to shoulder ; through good Conclusion. 547 and evil report ; in victory or defeat ; when Rebellion was im- minent North ; amid calumny and threats, these men stood firmly for the right. The Union men of Schuylkill County, in and out of the army, made the material of which this book is composed. Without them the patriotism of Schuylkill County would have been a myth. A work of this character is nothing unless truthful. It is our duty ia summing up, to do justice to the men who in the Rebellion, made the patriotic history of the County. To them it is due. They must receive the credit. They did the work. To them the crown of honor belongs. The men in the County who opposed the Government, at first passively, then actively, may be classed, and we think correctly, with the Toiies of the Revolution, their position being, if any- thing, more ignoble. In 177G the ties of kindred, and we can readily believe, in many instances, a sincere doubt of the policy of separating from the mother country, may have actuated opposition to the Revolution. There is in this the shadow of an excuse for at least some of the Tories of the Revolution. Rut what excuse can an honorable mind find for acts of opposition in 1861 by a citizen against a kind and just Government, endeavoring to crush an unprovoked, unwarranted, cruel, hellish Rebellion ? Truly — and we say it reverently — a parallel to the infamous attempt to destroy this Government, is found only in the effort of Satan and his confederates, to usurp by Rebellion, the throne of the Most Hith '• David Yuengling. 1.<.7 Corporal, Israel Settzinger. ?>d 4th bth iith 1th Sth OSCAB RaHN. Thos. Price. Natii. G. Garrett. Wm. D. H. Mason. John K. Worts. Jas, Dyke. Farrier, Elias Seiler. " Joseph Maybebry. Wagoner, Daniel Moore. Byerly, John Berger, .Tared Bauer, Chas. Beadle, Geo. Bauchan, Geo. PRIVATES: Cavanaugh, Mich. Coho, Martin Y. B. Conner, Jas. Crimmin, John Cleaver, DeWitt C. Bartholomew, Augustus Dawson, Robt. S. Bauseman, Chas. Beddow, Matthew Berger, Henry S. Breen, Wm. R. Berger, Dan'l Bush, Wm. Brightmeyer, Jac. Burns, Franklin Brian, Wm. Oalagan, John Depken, Henry Devine, Peter Dolbin, John Drehev, Jacob Ernst, Geo. W. Farley, Peter Fox, Philip Frantz, Henry Geiger, John Gillaspie, Jas. Griffiths, Ryce Gurlong, Philip Haeseler, Chas. It. Heller, Albert Heilner, Percy B. Herring, Andrew I. Hindson, Geo. Holt, Joshua Hoffa, Benj. W. Hurst, Edward Johnson, Wm. S. Keller, John C. Kiefer, Wm. Kinney, Francis Krebs, John Koch ^lich. Appendix. Ill Captain Richards' Cavalry Company. Lynch, Abraham Lessig, r?enj. F, Martz, Sam'l Mcrvine, Chas. B. Morris, Cline Moser, Henry Moyer, George Maury, Owen Mortimer, Wm. W Moyer, John Nock, Ozias Noble, John W. W Phxce, Benj. Redding, Jos. Keinhart, Benj. Kissinger, Dan'l Total, Rosselle, Edw. Rupp, John Sample, John R. Seitzinger, Henry Seddon, Wm. Silverhorn, John Seilzinger, John L. Shirer, Dan'l Shortz, Wm. Slattery, Jas. Smith, David Smith, Lewis Spencer, John Snyder, Baird Stanton, Peter Sterner, Albert W. Recapitulation. Commissioned Officers, - Non-commissioned Officers, Farriers, - _ _ Wagoner, - . _ Privates. - _ . — Continued. Stephenson, Thos. Stewart, Wm. W, Titus, Ambrose Treibley, Sam'l A. Troutman, Abraham Turubull, Andrew Wanner, Benj. Weaver, J ere. Weaver, Thos, Wyman, Andrew Williams, David W^illiams, Thos. J. Williams, Henry L. Zimmerman, Henry 94 14 2 1 94 Other commands in 18G3, emergency service. Grand Total, -----. 114 1,665 1,779 NINETEENTH REGIMENT, P. S. M. Colo/iel—nOBERT KLOTZ. In this Regiment, which served for State defence in September, 1862, and of which Daniel Nagle of Pottsville, was Lieutenant- Colonel, were the following (^mpanies from this County : COIMPANY B. Captain, RALPH R. LEE. l^ut,IsAAcP. Chalfant. \st Sergeant, Wm. H. Jokes. Id M Ath Atkinson, James Beddow, Matthew- Bush, Wm. Burkert, Thomas Bassett, John Bakeoven, Rudolph Bryant, James B. Christ, Joseph Cole, Richard Dyke, James Dando, Stephen H. Ent, Charles W. Evans, John Edmonds, Henry Fisher, Lewis Felsburg, Ernst. Forney, John W. Geiger, James Q. Gabert, Henry Gable, Adam F. Gensel, Wm. H- Hausman, Philip Hacket, John 2d Sd Ath 6th Qth 1th Sth John W. Thilwell. Michael Shilthorn. Wm. Halbaiter. Geo. Heindson. PRIVATES : Heisler, Franklin Hehr, John J. Heilner, Edward M. Jones, Thomas B. Jones David A. Jenkins, Philip M. Jones, John H. Jones, John T. Jones, Edward Jones, Jacob P. Jones, Hugh F. King, Levi Kohler, Henry J. Kear, Wm. G. Kauffman, Luther S. Laubenstine, Jonas Lehmler, Philip Lyons, John lioeser, I. W. Lindemuth, Wm. ]\Iorgan, Elijah Mitchell. Robert McClay, Neal Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, - Privates, - - - " Joseph Thilwell. Joseph Morgan. Wm. a. Knabb. Jacob Haas. Lewis Debuff. Philip Jenkins. James White. Prevost, Hiram W\ Price, Jacob Rodgers, Thomas C. Reed, John F. Rowe, John Reese, John J. Roehrig, Geo. H. Reisig, Frederick Shollenberger, Abrah'm Shindler, Seraphine Sheard. Jonathan Spencer, John Steelfox, Robert Stroup, Wm. \. TurnbuU, Andrew Turner, John Turner, Edward H. Thomas, Wm. W. Warner, Henry AVie^st, Geo. Frederick Woiser, Moses V) G7 Total, Appendix. IX Captain, WxM. JM. BICKEL. \st Lieut., James 0. Lehr. Id Lieut., Wm. H. Schall. \st Sergeant, Victor Wernert. COMPANY F. "Id 4th Thomas Hajimer. John Schall. John S. Snyder. bth Sergmnt, Wm. A. Shoener. \st Corporal, Charles Mauser 2o? " Reuben Hay. ?>d " Frank Fidler. Ath " Thomas Hoy. Mu.'iician, John Shiemer. " Frederick Horning, Albright, Morgan Boycr, George B. Boyer, Wm. B. Dreher, Benjamin PRIVATES Kimmel, Lewis F. Kimmel, Joseph Kimmel, Wm. Xoch, Morgan Dieffenderfer, Christian Koch' George Dietrich, Joel Diehm, Jacob Fey, George A. Fisher, Charles Fried, George Hauser, David Hoy, Jacob Hoy, Henry Horning, Samuel S. Horning, Washington Holtzer, Eugene Haesler, John Kimmel, Jacob F. Leffler, Wm. LefHer, Frank Beng, Jacob Madden, Samuel H. Mauser, George Moyer, George Miller, Charies B. Miller, Charles H. Neiman, Henry Pott, Jr., Benjamin Pott, John L. Riegel, Lewis Roach, John Commissioned Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, - Musicians, - _ ! . Privates, - - _ . Total, .... Ruhf, Daniel Schall, Thomas Smith, Felix Smith, Jeremiah Shoener, Morgan Shoener, Joseph Shoener, Edward Smith, Henry Shindler, John Swenk, Daniel Trout, James Wagner, Thomas Wagner, Franklin W. Yeager, Franklin W. Yeager, Edwanl Yost, Samuel M. 5^oll, Jr., Joseph - f> - o - 9 2 - 53 07 aoo^ f.u^ ^ "^"^^'^ ^^ "^°^^^ contained in this Appendix- f i7nQ^' '"''J '" P'-^ 395-12,335- we have a S total of 13,034 men furnished by Schuylkill County durin| X war to aid in supressing the Slaveholders' Rebellion ^ ' should ^ i' Appendix. ' TWENTY-FIRST PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY. COMPANY H. [ I 2d Lieutenant, R. Sherman Lerch. Scrf/eant, EmvARi) Heckman. (Sergeant, William Harvey, Saddler, Amos Suuey. " William Grovb. PRIVATES : ) Harr, George W. McClellan, James Schuelcer, Cyrus Fry, tlohn McGougert, Thomas Snyder, William U. Feger, Henry F. Reinoehl, George H. Snyder, William Lehman, Jeremiah K. The tbllowiijg were the casualties while in service : Killed. — Amos Shuey, in action, April 6, 1865. OiEi). — Private George H Reinoehl, June 2o, 1804, of wounds re- ceived June l8th. Wounded. — Sergeant William Grove, Dec. 8, 18tjl; Sergeant Edward Heckman, June 18, 1864 ; Privates .]er*-miah K. Lehman. June 18, 1864 ; James McClellan, June 3, 1804; Thomas McGotigoH., June 28, 1864 ; Cyrus Sehucker, August- 22, 18