I 4^-e. Class JEi^feZL Book_^fc/3*fe PRESENTED BY" OHIO. DEPARTMENT OFFICERS Places and Dates of Meeting from organization to the present time. 1st. Columbus, Ohio. January 20th, 1867. Commander, B. F. Potts, Carroilton, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, H. B. Banning, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander James Barnett. Cleveland. Ohio. 2nd. Cincinnati, Ohio. January 8th, 1868. Commander, Thos. L. Young, Cincinnati, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, Gustav Tafel, Cincinnat- Ohio. Junior Vice Commander. O. S. McClung, Delaware, Ohio. 3rd. Dayton, Ohio. January 13th, 1869. Commander, J. W. Keifer, Springfield Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, R. M. Moore, Cincinnati, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander 4th. Columbus, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 5th. Massilon Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 6th. Akron, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 7th. Dayton. Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 8th. Alliance, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 9th. Akron, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 10th. Xenia, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander January 19th, 1870. J W. Keifer Springfield, Ohio. W. C. Bunts, "Cleveland, Ohio. Samuel Eaton, Cincinnati, Ohio. January 25th, 1871. W. C. Bunts, Cleveland, Ohio. J. B. Thomas. Nat. Mil. Home, O. J. S. Clemmer, Salem, Ohio. January 24th, 1872. W. C. Bunts, Cleveland, Ohio. J. W. Smith, Toledo, Ohio. J. S. Clemmer, Salem, Ohio. * January 22nd, 1873. G. M. Barber, Cleveland. Ohio. J. S. Clemmer, Salem, Ohio. M. S. Gunckle, Dayton, Ohio. January 23rd, 1874. G. M. Barber, Cleveland, Ohio. J. S. Clemmer, Salem, Ohio. D. W. Thomas. Akron, Ohio. January 25th, 1875. Alvin C. Voris, Akron, Ohio. J. S. Clemmer, Salem, Ohio. D. W. Thomas Akron, Ohio. January 26th. 1876. Wm. Earnshaw. Nat. Mil. Home, O J. S. Clemmer', Salem, Ohio. T. D. McGillicudy, Akron, Ohio. 11th. Salem, Ohio. January 18th. 1877. Commander, Wm. Earnshaw. Nat Mil. Hom<: O Senior Vice Commander. J. S. Clemmer, Salem. Ohio. Junior Vice Commander. J. B. Petty, Geneva. Ohio. 12th". Geneva, Ohio. January 23rd. 1878. Commander, Nathan L. Guthrie, Conneaut, O. Senior Vice Commander. Jas. H Seymour. Hudson. Ohio. Junior Vice Commander. . D. F. Giddinger. Nat. Mil. Home, O. 13th. Xenia, Ohio. January 22nd, 1879. Commander, Jas. B. Steadman, Toledo, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, C. F. Lease, Salem Ohio Junior Vice Commander. H. S. Bunker Toleuo, Ohio 14th. Cleveland, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 15th. Columbus, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander January 20th, 1880. T) W. Thomas, Akron, Ohio. W. T. Bull Kingsville, Ohio. Saml. McCulloch, Austinburg, Ohio, January 22nd, 1881. John S. Knouts Toledo. S. N. Maxwell, Cincinnati, Ohio. E. F. Mason. Jefferson, Ohio. 16th. Cincinnati, Ohio. January 18th, 1882. Commander, Chas. T Clark. Columbus, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, J. O. McGowan, Youngstown, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander F. M. Young. Weston, Ohio. • 17th Youngstown, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 18th. Zanesville, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 19th. Akron, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 20th. Cleveland, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 21st. Springfield. Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander January 17th, 1883. Chas. T. Clark, Columbus. Ohio. N . Munshower, Tronton, Ohio . T. E. Hoyt, Ashtabula Ohio. January 30.th, 1884. H. P. Lloyd, Cincinnati. Ohio. R. B. Brown, Zanesville, Ohio. Frank C. Culley, Defiance, Onio. January 28th, 1885. R. B. Brown, Zanesville, Ohio. D. P. Bosworth Marietta, Ohio. M. J. Sloan, Warren, Ohio. April 26th, 1886. A. L. Conger, Akron, Ohio. Chas. H. Wentzel, Cincinnati, Ohio. B. N. Lindsey, Steubenville, Ohio. April 27th, 1887. D. C. Putnam, Springfield, Ohio. C. H. Jones, Waynesburg, Ohio J. W. Byron, Nat. Mil. Home, 6. 22nd. Toledo, Ohio. April 25th, 1888. Commander, J. W. O'Neal, Lebanon Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, Jno. W. Chapin, Columbus, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander. R. A. Pinn, Massilon, Ohio. 23rd. Dayton, Ohio. April 23rd, 1889. Commander, S. H Hurst, Chillicothe, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, W. Stahl. Crestline. Ohio. Junior vice Commander B. C. Eddy, Youngstown, Ohio. 24th. Cincinnati, Ohio. May 10th, 1890. Commander, P. H. Dowling, Toledo, Ohio. Senior \ice Commander, C. M. Hassler, Dayton, vjhio. Junior Vice Commander. E. S. Grant, Middleport. Ohio. 25th. Steubenville, Ohio. April 28th, 1891. Commander, A. M. Warner, Cincinnati, Onio. Senior Vice Commander. John Pearce, Steubenville, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander. Thos. W. Prentiss, Leipsic, Ohio. 26th. Piqua, Ohio. May 10th. 1892. Commander, Isaac F. Mack, Sandusky, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, J. W. R. Cline, Springfield, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander Wm. H. Surles, E. Liverpool, Ohio. 27th Hamilton, Ohio. May 16th, 1893. Commander, L. H. Williams, Ripley, Ohio. Senior Vice Commander, J. S. Mason Medina, Ohio. Junior Vice Commander. Thos. Crofts," E. Toledo, Ohio. 28th. Canton, Ohio. Commander, Senior vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 29th. Sandusky. Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 30th. Columbus, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 31st. Chillicothe, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Tunior Vice Commander. 32nd. Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Jommander, Senior Vice Commander, unior Vice Commander May 15th, 1894. E. E. Nutt, Sidney, Ohio. Jno. B. Sampson, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geo. L. Miller, New Lisbon, Ohio. June 12th, 1895. Chas. Townsend, Athens, Ohio. H. Kissinger, Dayton, Ohio. Walton Weber, Columbus, Ohio. May 13th, 1896. E. L. Lybarger, Spring Mountain. O. H. McClarren, Wooster, Ohio. H. H. Dunham, Lebanon, Ohio. June 15th, 1897. Henry Kissinger, Dayton. Ohio. T. R. Shinn. Ashland, Ohio. Xenophen Peck, Elyria, Ohio. June 14, 1898. David F. Pugh, Columbus, Ohio. Oramel G. Daniels, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. E. G. Brooks, Washington D C. 33rd. Youngstown, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 34th. Findlay, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 35th. Bellefontaine, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 36th. Lancaster, Ohio. Commander, Senior v ice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 37th. Marietta. Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander. 38th. Tiffin, Ohio. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander 39th .Washington C.H., O. Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander June 20th, 1899. T. R. Shinn, Ashland, Ohio. P. P. LaughLin, Youngstown, Ohio, Eli Davis, Sidney, Ohio. May 8th. 1900. E. R. Monfort, Cincinnati, Ohio. E. T. Dunn, Findlay, Ohio. Chas. H. Newton, Marietta, Ohio May 7th, 1901. E. F. Taggart, Akron, Ohio . Jos. Swisher, Bellefontaine Ohio. G. C. Bayer. Circleville, Ohio. May 6th, 1902. Walton Weber, Columbus, Ohio. Jas. M. Roberts, Lancaster Ohio. Randolph L. Heaton, Mt Gilead, O May 12th, 1903. Arthur C. Yengling. Salem, Ohio. Chas. H. Newton, Marietta, Ohio. J. T. Booth, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 14th, 1904. B. M. Moulton, Lima. Ohio. Jas. A. Burger Tiffin, Ohio. R. W. Waltoni Uhrichsville, Ohio. June 6th-9th, 1905. Amos Huffman. Wilmington, Ohio. G-. H. Robinson, Washington C. H. John E. Wilcox Maumee, Ohio. o NATIONAL ENCAMPMENTS. Places and Dates of Meetings. 1st Indianapolis, Ind. November 20, 1866 2nd Philadelphia, Pa. January 15 1868. 3rd Cincinnati. Ohio. May 12-13,' 1869. 4th Washington, D. C. May 11-12, 1870. 5th Boston, Mass. May 10-11, 1871. 6th Cleveland, Ohio. May 8-9, 1872. 7th New Haven, Conn. May 14-15, 1873 8th Harrisburg, Pa. May 13, 1874. 9th Chicago. Ills. May 12-13, 1875. 10th Philadelphia," Pa. June 30, 1876. 11th Providence, R. I. June 26-27. 1877. 12th Springfield, Mass. June 4 1878. 13th Albany, N. Y. June 17-18, 1879. 14th Dayton, Ohio. June 8-9, 1880 15,th Indianapolis, Ind. June 15-16, 1881. 16th Baltimore, Md. June 21-23, 1882. 17th Denver Colo. July 25-26, 1883. 18th Minneapolis, Minn. July 23-25. 1884. 19th Portland, Maine. June 24-25, 1885. 20th San Francisco, CaL August 4-6, 1886. 21st St. Louis, Mo. Sept. 28-30 1887. 22nd Columbus, Ohio. Sept. 12-14,' 1888. 23rd Milwaukee, Wis. August 28-30, 1889. 24th Boston, Mass . August 13-14, 1890, 25th Detroit. Mich. August 5-7, 1891. 26th Washington, D. C. Sept. 21-22, 1892. 27th Indianapolis, Ind. Sept. 6-7, 1893. 28th Pittsburgh, Pa. Sept. 12-13, 1894. 29th Louisville, Ky. Sept 11-13 1895. 30th St. Paul, Minn. Sept.' 3-4, i896. 31st Buffalo, N. Y. August 25-27, 1897. 32nd Cincinnati, Ohio. Sept. 5-6, 1898. 33rd Philadelphia Pa. Sept. 6-7, 1899. 34th Chicago, Ills'. August 29-30. 1900, 35th Cleveland, Ohio. Sept. 12-13, 1901. 36th Washington, D. C. Oct. 9-10, 1902. 37th San Francisco, Cal. August 20-21. 1903 38t!h Boston, Mass. August 17-18 1904, 39th Denver, Colo. Sept. 4-8, 1905. . 114 FRONT STREET, MARIETTA, OHIO. Co 1 . J. H. Ho I comb, Philadelphia, Pa. My Lear Sir and Comrade : - You have perhaps fc rendered me what assistance you ccrid in my Department, Officers, G, A, R. I remember your successful (have ail except the Junior Vice while it ma;/ be of no service, yet it is pes refer to it. I herewith encl&se the list, "bah which I have just completed. A^ain thanking Sincerely Yo a'ha?..i!'.-Xruiimt, ^||4 FRONT STREET. MARIETTA. OHIO. Aug. ?,2nd 19 li . Col. J. H.Holcomb, Philadelphia, Pa. ;,:.y Dear Sir and Comrade:- ' You have perhaps forgotten that, scire time a~c you rendered Ee what assistance you cend in my effort to make a list of Ohio Department Officers, J, A, R. I remember your kindness, and as I have been so successful (have all except the Junior Vice for 1869) it occurs to rr.e that Lie it ;~ay be of no service, yet it is possible you may have occasion to refer tc it. I herewith enclose the list, taken from the Roster of our Pest, which I have just 3omg_^ted. A :ain thanlring you for your kindness, Sincerely Yours in F. C.& L. CH^civjV, ^l^ci^rza. *\ <•* ■ LIBRARY F CONGRESS 012 U* 139 5