// w d [ Hl°H ■ 894 )5 spy l 11 NEW MODE OF MM WAX FLOWERS Entered aco,o> ding to Act of Congress, by Mrs. E. S. Dexter, with the Libraj iaju ol Ebon* at Washington, 1). C, in the year 1879. .-x' ( T^N OF ^UfyjA^V Star Pharaphine, much as desired to each Cup While | or Milliner's i Gliu Balsam of Fir, */ fi of a reaspoonful to each full cup. Lard Oil, l/„ of a Teaspoonful to each full cup. Melt together and use Liquid, but not boiling hot. Should the mate- tial work rough on the tool after it has becora warm by use in the wax. then add a tew drops more Oil. The Glue will not all dissolve, but leave until it begins to stick to the bottom of the cup, then remove it. , „ > . ■ use any but the finest Oil Tube Paints. Colors needed are Crim- - so*, ake, Yellow and Green Chrome. Dry Colors used are Vermillion or ( 'armine and Royal Purple. Rub the Dry Colors on the Leaf before removing it from the tool. For Yellow Flowers use Yellow Wax instead of the Clarified, or color to suit. Tea Roses are made by mixing the Yel- low 'and Red together in equal proportions. For Frosted Flowers sprinkle powdered Window-Glass or Isinglass or Diamond Dust on the L aves while warm. Make Stamens on Waxed or Enameled thread by dipping the ends in the Wax. Put the tools in water five minutes before using, and always use them damp. Persons desiring to act as agents, and learn others, as this is Copyrighted, must make arrangements with me to procure the receipt and direc- tions, which cannot be copied under penalty of the law. The Receipt, Directions and a set of Tools, can always be procured by enclosing One Dollar with your address, to (ARK OF EUGENE LANE, Attorney-at-Law, Columbus, ( )hi< S. E. Corner State and High Streets. This copy is sold to for personal use, and hereby agrees not to communicate the game verbally or in writing, to anyone else, nor to allow others to copy the same. eV : a\ lo-wn u A f€A> LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 148 079