13' i 'ih Class JZI/fj±?iJ^ Book 'V^9 tioR^iight N" COFITRICHT DEPOSn^ 1%"'' MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ITS USE AND ABUSE A BOOK OF INSTRUCTION ON THE AUTOMATIC HIGH SPEED AND STRAIGHT AIR BRAKE. TOGETHER WITH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS COVERING A COMPLETE AIR BKAKE EXAMINATION FOR ENGINEMEN, TRAINMEN AND MOTORMEN. BY Frank H. Dukesmith, M. E., Director of the Dukesmith School of Air Brakes of Meadville, Penna,, and former Superintendent of Air Brake histruction for the International &> Great Northern Railroad and the Texas 6^ Pacijic Railway. Profttselp 5llti6trattli WITH ENGRAVINGS FURNISHED BY THE WESTINGHOUSE, NEW YORK AND DUKESMITH AIR BKAKE COMPANIES. Adopted as the Text Book of The Dukesmith School of Air Brakes^ Meadville, Pa. PERFECTLY INDEXED AND CROSS-INDEXED. PUBLISHERS FREDERICK J. DRAKE & CO., CHICAGO, U. S. A. 1906 c .- 12 1906 J^3^ o OOPY B Watered according to the Act of Congress^ in the year of 1906 By FREDERICK J. DRAKE & CO. in the office of the Librarian of Congress. All Rights Reserved, Modern Air-Brake Practice— Its Use and Abuse INTRODUCTION The author, realizing that the average Air- Brake Instruction book is written in a style much too hard for the ordinary reader to understand, has endeavored to illustrate the principle on which the Air Brake works by drawing compari- sons with things commonly met with in the daily life of every one, and has avoided technicalities as much as possible. To still further simplify the study of the brake he has divided the subject matter into eight dis- tinct sections. By this system the reader will find that the knowledge necessary for the proper handling and care of the different air-brake sys- tems can be acquired in the shortest possible time and in the very easiest manner when com- pared with any other plan. Section i explains why the air brake is so little understood. Section 2 describes the different parts of the 2 INTRODUCTION Westinghouse air brake equipment and their duties. Section 3 explains the various defects arising from the use and abuse of the Westinghouse Air Brake Company's equipment, and their remedies. Section 4 describes the different parts of the New York Air Brake Company's equipment and their duties, and explains the various defects arising from the use and abuse of the New York Air Brake Company's equipment and their remedies. Section 5 describes the different parts of the Dukesmith Air Brake Company's Equipment and their duties. Section 6 explains the various defects arising from the use and abuse of the Dukesmith Air Brake Company's equipment and their remedies. Section 7 is devoted to the Philosophy of Air- Brake Handling, in which is brought out many important points that have not heretofore been made sufficiently clear by air-brake writers; to- gether with tables and rules for computing Brake Power, Leverage, etc., etc. Section 8 is a special feature of this book, as it describes the Straight Air Brakes used on elec- tric-motor cars, thereby affording motormen and others employed on electric car lines the oppor- INTRODUCTION 3 tunity of acquiring valuable and much needed information. Following each section are carefully selected questions and answers, which tend to fasten firmly upon the reader's mind every possible de- tail pertaining to the operation and maintenance of the air brake. As books of instruction are supposed to be written for the benefit of the very beginner as well as the advanced student, the author has en- deavored to make each sentence as clear as lan- guage will permit, even to the extent of repeat- ing some things (in a different form of expression) in order to meet the comprehension of even the dullest student, and in all cases he has tried to shape his sentences in a style which railroad men generally will readily comprehend, without hav- ing to guess at anything. While it is necessary, of course, in describing a drawing of any piece of machinery, to use either letters or figures to point out the several parts, it is not necessary to be continually referring to the letter or figure in speaking of the part afterwards, as it gets the reader badly muddled; but once the letter has pointed out what part is meant, in speaking of it afterwards the part will be called by its proper name. When a certain part is illustra- 4 INTRODUCTION ted in this book the letters or figures used in refer- ring to it will also be placed on the same or op- posite page, so that if the read,er wishes to recall the relation of any given part to another he can turn to the engraving illustrating that particular piece of machinery, and will there find an explana- tion of the letters or figures used in referring to it. When a man has learned thoroughly the West- inghouse air brake system a study of the New York air brake equipment becomes a very easy matter, for the reason that the same general me- chanical principles apply with equal force in both cases, the only difference between the two sys- tems is that the results accomplished are arrived at somewhat differently. This being true the author has fully described and illustrated the Westinghouse Air Brake System first, after which he has thoroughly described and illustrated the New York Air Brake System. As the subject matter pertaining to train handling, leverage, brake power, etc., applies equally as well to one system of air brakes as to the other, it is not necessary to again refer to these subjects when the New York air brake is being described. As the great tendency of modern railroading Is to heavy locomotives and long heavy trains, INTRODUCTION 5 the question of controlling the locomotive brakes separately from the train brakes is undoubtedly of more importance today than any other branch of *air-brake practice, and this being true the author has not only fully described both the Westinghouse and New York straight air sys- tems but has shown with equal f allness the latest developments in the Dukesmith Air Brake Con- trol System as used on locomotives and cars. In order to assist the reader to quickly find any and all information in this book he has divided the indexes into two parts, the first index covers the Westinghouse, New York and Dukesmith Air Brake Systems, Leverage, Brake Power, etc.; the second index covers the Straight Air Equip- ment as applied to traction railroads. SECTION 1 CHAPTER I ^ SOME REASONS WHY THE AIR BRAKE IS SO LITTLE UNDERSTOOD BY RAILROAD OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYES, AND WHY IT IS SO BADLY NEGLECTED In writing a book of instruction an author has no right to presume upon his reader's previous knowledge of the subject, as there is no way of his knowing how far that knowledge may extend. Therefore, as this book is meant to contain full and complete instructions on modern air-brake practice, its use and abuse, I will take it for granted that you, my reader, are desirous that I leave nothing unsaid which may in any way throw light on the subject. If the human memory could be depended upon to reproduce impressions made upon it after the manner of a phonograph, it would be the easiest thing in the world to acquire an education on any given subject, but as this is not the case, we must, first of all, bring ourselves to realize that *Be sure and read the Introduction first. 7 8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE if the knowledge we acquire is to be of any real value to us we must conform to the natural mental laws in our method of acquiring it, if we are to have any assurance that our memory will reproduce that knowledge at a time when it is most needed. The mental laws by which the action of the mind is mainly controlled are those of Logic and Association. This may sound like Greek to you, but as it is very essential that you should know, at least in a general way, what is meant by the laws of Logic and Association, I will explain by saying that the truth or falsity of every state- ment is determined by Logic, and by the law of Association you are enabled to remember and trace one circumstance to another. To make this plain, if I should say to you that the principle on which the automatic air brake operates is that any material reduction in the trainpipe pressure will cause the brake to set, then, if you should see the brake set on a car to which no engine was attached, you would logi- cally say there must be a leak in the trainpipe somewhere, or the pressure could not have been reduced. That you may understand how the law of Association enables you to remember things, I ITS USE AND ABUSE g will just ask you to think for a moment of your home, and immediately there comes to your mind a mental picture of familiar faces, scenes and objects that a few minutes ago were buried in the depths of your memory. Now, supposing you wish to recall some bit of knowledge that has apparently slipped your memory, if you can take up the thread at any given point, the law of Association will carry your thoughts along, step by step, until you finally perceive the point you had forgotten, and which will cause you to sud- denly exclaim, "O, pshaw, I remember now, it's so and so!" Now haven't you often gone through just this sort of experience? Well, then, when you study any subject in a systematic way yo'u will find that after you have once mastered it you can take it up at almost any given point, and by the laws of Association and Logic, recall and prove up your previously acquired knowledge. The air brake is, comparatively speaking, a simple piece of mechanism, and as all machinery must conform to the laws of Logic in order to perform its functions correctly, it will be an easy matter for you to master a knowledge of the air brake provided you will keep firmly in mind the fact that the action of any one part of the appa- lo MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ratus always depends on the action of some other part in order to produce a certain result. For instance, if you had your train fully charged, and the gauge on the engine showed a pressure of 70 and 90 pounds, and the angle-cock was closed between the tender and the head car, you might even throw the handle of the brake valve to the emergency position, and still the brakes wouldn't set. Why? Simply because the action of the triple valve depends on the changing of the pressure in the trainpipe, and with the angle- cock closed on the head car the brakes couldn't set, even if you should knock the engineer's brake valve clear off the engine. Therefore, when you have mastered a perfect knowledge of the air-brake system, the law of Association will force you to remember the functions of the different parts of the equipment, and by the law of Logic you will be enabled to tell exactly when the apparatus is working properly. It may sound strange to make such a state- ment, but it is a fact, nevertheless, that the main reason why the air brake is so badly neglected is because it is automatic, or self-acting. The average man, whether he be an official or employe, seems to feel perfectly safe on any kind ITS aSE AND ABUSE n of a train so long as he knows it has air brakes on it, and if any one were to ask him if he thought there was any danger of the brakes fail- ing to stop the train, would laugh and say, '*0, no, not at all, as all the engineer has to do is to make an emergency application, and the train will stop all right." This would be a perfectly true statement if the air-brake equipment was always kept in its proper condition, but there are so very many things that can and do go wrong to prevent the brakes from doing their duty that the question of keeping them in good order is a very serious problem, indeed, and one that is arousing a deep interest in the minds of all railroad men. One of the strongest evidences of this fact is shown in the enactment of the national law spoken of elsewhere in this chapter. It does not require much of a mechanical mind to grasp the fact that an air brake on a car would be worse than useless if the packing leather in the brake cylinder was dry, and allowed the air to escape, for no matter how good the engineer might be at handling his Drake valve, the brake on that car could not be made to hold. This is only one of a score of things which 12 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE might prevent the brakes from doing their duty, but because the brake will "work itself" the majority of men fail to see why the brake should not also 'take care of itself." But, like all other mechanism, it requires proper attention. Another reason why the average man is lulled into the belief that the air brake needs but very little attention, is because a very few good air brakes on a train will produce results simply wonderful when compared with the old hand brake. Such over-confidence in the power of the brakes to always stop the train is very much like the Irishman who bought two currycombs for his horse, because the dealer said to him if he would "buy one of his new patent currycombs, he could keep his horse on half the usual feed," where- upon Pat replied, "Faith, thin, I'll just take two, and I won't nade to buy any feed at all, at all." Another reason why the air brake is so little understood and so badly neglected is because of its extreme simplicity, for with just ordinary attention it will continue to do its work, with more or less efficiency, for a considerable length of time, and as a consequence it is neglected until the brake-cylinder leather becomes dry and worthless; or the piston travel becomes too ITS USE AND ABUSE 13 great; or the triple valve becomes gummed and dirty, and causes the brake to stick; or the strainers in the cross-over pipe becomes clogged; or the seats of some of the valves become worn and leaky, when the brake is "cut out,** and the weight of that car is left to be stopped by the next car on which there happens to be a good air brake. But the average man fails to realize either the danger or expense of having the brakes "cut out," simply because so long as he knows a car to have a "self-acting brake" on it he feels safe, when as a matter of fact a hand- braked car is much safer for the railroad com- pany than one with the air brakes cut out. For if it were 'not equipped with air the car would be carried with the non-air cars, and the train crew would have to look after it accordingly. When short trains and slow speed were the order of the day it was perfectly safe to handle trains with only one-third of the cars air-braked, but in this twentieth century when long trains of heavy cars are shot over the country, up and down hill, like a Kansas cyclone or a scared wolf, the question of stopping power is of the highest importance, which means that every car in the train should not only have a ''quick- action" brake on it, but that the brake must be 14 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE in perfect order, and the "piston-travel ' right up to where it belongs, and the enginemen and trainmen possessed of the proper knowledge of how best to manipulate and control the brakes in order to prevent accidents — as the great variety of accidents which may happen from bad handling, or not having a sufficient number of air brakes, is too numerous to mention. It is safe to state that there is not a single rail- road of any importance that does not pay out annually three times as much money on account of bad brakes and bad handling of brakes as they pay for a general manager, but because of the many different channels through which the expenditures are made they are not charged up directly to the brakes. For instance, an engineer in coming into a sta- tion with a passenger train is making the stop with "one application" (the old way) and, after his brake cylinders and auxiliaries have equalized their pressure, and he is drifting along, depending upon the weight of the train to stop him at his usual place (because after equalization the auto- matic brakes cannot be applied any harder), a woman or child in crossing the track is killed. The amount of money the company has to pay out as a result of this "bad handlintr" of the ITS USE AND ABUSE 15 brakes will run up into thousands of dollars, and yet the engineer excuses himself by simply say- ing: "The brakes failed to work." Again, railroad companies are out thousands of dollars annually on account of damaged mer-" chandise, caused by the brakes being "thrown into the emergency" when there was no real danger ahead to require the emergency applica- tion to be used, or because of a defective triple valve. Uneven piston-travel causes more trains to be parted while running along, draw-heads pulled out, wheels flattened, etc., than any other one cause; hence it is evident that the brakes should not only be kept in perfect working order at all times, but the men who handle them should understand thoroughly how to properly manipu- late and keep them in order. The American Congress, realizing the vast importance of having the air-brake equipment kept up to somewhere like it should be, recently enacted a law, which became effective in Septem- ber, 1903, requiring all railroads to have at least fifty per cent of the cars in all trains equipped with air brakes in good condition. And as the law would be a dead letter if the "good condi- tion" clause was not lived up to, it is easy to see l6 MODERN AIR-BRAFCE PRACTICE that railroads are forced to look after the instruc- tion of their men as much as possible, and in order to do so many roads which are not already so provided, are putting on regular air-brake instructors as rapidly as conditions will per- mit, and are voluntarily increasing the number of air-braked cars in freight trains. Some idea may be formed of the average man's knowledge of the "equalization of pres- sure" by the following true stor>': A certain engineer on a mountain road was going down a pretty stiff grade, and after making a great number of "reductions" from his trainpipe, and not feeling the train slow up as he expected, turned to the head brakeman, who happened to be riding on the engine, and said: 'Hey, Bub, you'd better be gittin' back, 'cause I ain't got but a few more squirts left in this thing." And still he was considered a good runner by his employers. In order to insure safety in the handling of trains it is absolutely essential that ever>' one whose duties in any way connect him with the air brake, should not only know what all the parts are that constitute the air-brake equip- ment, but must also understand the philosophy of handling the brakes under any and all cir- ITS USE AND ABUSE 17 cumstances, as the requirements of his position may demand. In addition to all of the many reasons previ- ously mentioned as to why the air brake is so little understood by the average engineman and trainman alike, a very common one is because of the unsystematic manner in which the study of the air brake is usually begun. The engineman, if he gives the subject any study at all, usually begins by trying to master the mysteries of the brake valve, or the pump, and the trainman usually thinks there is nothing for him to learn except how to "cut it in, or cut it out," and gives as his excuse that "the engineer handles the brake, and, besides, it is automatic, and works itself." The experience of late years has abundantly proven that if an air-braked train is to be handled with safety it is absolutely necessary that every man on the train thoroughly understands at least the principle on which the brake operates, and must be able for a certainty to tell when the brakes are in perfect working order by making a careful test before starting, or when any change is made in the train. ^ A serious accident happened recently by the simple act of a brakeman turning up the handle l8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE of a pressure-retaining valve. He heard the air escaping at the "retainer," and thinking he would '*stop the leak," turned up the retainer handle, and as a consequence the brake on that car could not be released from the engine, which allowed the wheels to become overheated, caus- ing them to burst, which ditched the train and killed three men. This would never have hapy- pened if that brakeman had only understood the mere principle on which the brake operates. SECTION 2 CHAPTER II THE WESTINGHOUSE AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT — THE PARTS AND THEIR DUTIES The full and complete equipment of a modern quick-action automatic air brake is composed of twelve essential parts, as follows: First: The steam-driven air pump which sup- plies the compressed air. Second: The main reservoir in which the compression air is stored. Third: The engineer's brake valve by which is regulated the flow of air from the main reser- voir into the trainpipe for charging and releas- ing the brakes, and from the trainpipe to the amostphere for applying the brakes. Fourth: The duplex air gauge, which shows simultaneously the pressure on the trainpipe (black hand), and in the main reservoir (red hand). Fifth: The pump governor, whichf regulates the supply of steam to the pump, causing it to automatically stop when the desired maximum of pressure has been accumulated in the air- brake apparatus. 19 20 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Sixth: The trainpipe, which connects the engineer's brake valve and each triple valve in the train, and includes the air hose and hose couplings between cars. Seventh: The quick-action triple valve, which is connected to the trainpipe, auxiliary- reservoir and brake cylinder and pressure-retaining valve. The triple valve operates automatically when- ever the pressure in the trainpipe is reduced lower than that in the auxiliary reservoir, and performs three functions: charges the aux- iliary, applies the brakes and releases the brakes, as will be fully explained hereafter. Eighth: The auxiliar>' reservoir, in which is stored the air pressure for applying the brake (on each car, engine, or tender, there is an indi- vidual auxiliary reser\'oir). Ninth: The brake cylinder, in which there is a piston and piston-rod, which is connected to the brake levers in such a manner that when the triple valve is moved to allow the auxiliary pres- sure to flow into the brake cylinder, the brake piston is ttiereby forced outward, which causes the brakes to apply. Tenth: The pressure-retaining valve, which is connected to the triple exhaust by a small pipe. On freight cars the retaining valve is ITS USE AND ABUSE 21 located on the end of the car near the top, just below the staff of the hand brake, and is for the purpose of enabling the brakeman to retain a pressure of 15 or 50 pounds in the brake cylinder while the engineer is recharging the auxiliary reservoir. While the handle of the retaining valve is turned up the brake cannot be released from the engine, neither can it be "bled off" by the bleed cock of the auxiliary, for the reason that the cylinder must discharge its air through the triple exhaust, and when the retaining valve is closedit means that the triple exhaust isalsoclosed. It is very important that brakemen thoroughly understand the operation of the pressure-re- taining valve, as many accidents are due to igno- rance or negligence in the working of this device. Eleventh: The automatic slack-adjuster auto- matically maintains the travel of the brake cylin- der piston at a given distance. For instance, if the piston-travel is set for eight inches it will auto- matically keep it there. The slack-adjuster is piped direct to the brake cylinder, so that every time the brake is applied the adjuster is oper- ated automatically. Twelfth : On passenger cars there is common- ly in use a valve known as the conductor's valve, which is connected directly to the trainpipe and 22 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE by means of which the conductor can apply the brakes from the car in case of danger. This valve is now being superseded by one known as the Dukesmith Car Control Valve, which is a com- bined Retaining Valve, Conductor's Valve and Release Valve. This new valve is located in the same place as was the old conductor's valve, and in making an emergency application the conduc- tor pulls the cord the same as he did before, and after having applied the brakes he resets the valve, the same as he did with the old conduc- tor's valve, and when it is desired to retain the pressure in the brake cylinder he moves the han- dle of the Dukesmith Control Valve to retaining position after the same manner as any ordinary retainer, but a feature of this valve which is of great importance is the fact that by its use the conductor or trainman can release the brake on a car when the triple valve fails to go to release position, thereby avoiding the great danger of having to stop the train in order to release a stuck brake. A still further attachment to the Duke- smith Control Valve is the Automatic Release Signal, which is for the purpose of automat- ically signaling the trainmen from the inside of the car what the brake under the car is doing, that is, it tells when the brake is set or released, ITS USE AND ABUSE 23 what the piston travel is, whether the brake is leaking or releasing off, and should too much pressure be accumulated in the brake cylinder than the standard amount, the Release Signal automatically blows down whatever extra pres- sure is in the brake cylinder, thereby reducing the liability of sliding the wheels or stalling the train. As the very heart of the automatic air-brake equipment is the triple valve, it is necessary that both enginemen and trainmen thoroughly mas- ter this feature first of all. It is not necessary that trainmen should know all about the care of the pump, the ports in the brake valve nor how to handle the air as an engineer, but they should know and understand dll about the triple valve, and be able to make an intelligent re- port of any defects that may be found in the car equipment, how to make a proper test, and why correct piston travel is positively essential to good brakes, by mastering a knowledge of the Laws of Leverage. Enginemen should not only be thoroughly fa- miliar with the points just outlined for trainmen to learn, but, in addition, should know all about the action of the pump and the pump governor; the different kinds of automatic and straight air brake-valves, their parts and their action; how to 24 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE determine and maintain the proper braking power on engine and tender; the construction and operation of the whistle-signal apparatus ; why dif- ferent air pressures are necessary; the best man- ner of nandling different trains under any and all circumstances, and how to detect and report in- telligently any trouble that may arise in any part of the equipment. To the ordinary mind this may at first thought appear very difficult of accomplishment, but such, however, is not the case, provided the study of the air brake is taken up systematically, and one thing is mastered at a time, taking each part in its regular order. This cannot be done in a minute or a month, but requires time and patience. There is nothing mysterious about the air brake, as it is simply a question of one pressure working against another at all times, and all there is to learn is how and when the several pressures are separated or joined together, and when and to what extent you wish to let the pressures flow together or be kept apart, in order to secure a given result. All this is done by a system of very simple valves and pistons, reservoirs and cylinders, all connected by suitable pipes for the purpose of allowing the compressed air to pass from one ITS USE AND ABUSE 25 part of the equipment to the other, or to the at- mosphere, as the case may be. The first part of the air-brake equipment we will consider will be THE TRIPLE VALVE Naturally the first question you will ask is "Why must there be a triple valve?" It is because the brake charges, sets and re- leases automatically, and as this requires three distinct services, it follows that a device capable of doing a triple service must be had, and as these three things are done by one part of the equip- ment it is called the triple valve (meaning three valves in one, or a valve that charges the aux- iliary reservoir, a valve that sets the brakes and a valve that releases the brakes). As there are several kinds of triple valves in use, but as the same principle operates them all, I will first describe the action of the ''plain" triple in making a full service application of the brakes, re- leasingthebrakes andrecharging the auxiliary res- ervoir(taking it for granted that the auxiliary and trainpipe are charged to 70 pounds to begin with). In order to clearly understand the duties and actionof thetripleyoumustalwaysbearinmindthat on each car there must be a trainpipe, an auxiliary reservoir, a brake cylinder and the triple valve. 26 MODERN AIR-BRAKK PRACTICE The trainpipe is the channel through which the compressed air passes between the engineer's brake valve and the triple. The auxiliar)' reservoir is where the air is stored under each car, ready for use. The brake cylinder is where the air is applied in setting the brakes, and the triple valve per- forms the triple duty of charging the auxiliary, applying the air to the brake cylinder and releas- ing the air from the brake cylinder. But before describing the air brpke let us draw a comparison with something that will help to fix in our mind what action ))nist take place in order to set the brake. The best thing to compare the air brake with in order to exemplify the principle on which it operates, is a bottle of soda pop, for the reason that gas is mixed with the soda when it is bot- tled. A bottle of champagne would make a better comparison, owing to the higher pressure with which the wine is bottled, but as it is a little too expensive for the average railroad man to become very familiar with, I will just use the ordinary bottle of soda pop. If you wanted to fill a glass with pop, the first thing 3'ou would have to do would be to break the wire that holds the cork, when the pressure ITS USE AND ABUSE 27 in the bottle would force the cork out and let the soda flow into the glass. Therefore, figuratively speaking, the brake cylinder represents the glass, the auxiliary the bottle, the compressed air in the auxiliary the soda, the triple valve the cork and the trainpipe pressure the wire, and when you take the train- pipe pressure away from the triple (or break the wire that holds the cork), the pressure that is in the auxiliary forces the triple out and lets the air pass from the auxiliary into the brake cylin- der and sets the brake, by forcing the cylinder piston out against the levers, which in turn forces the shoes up against the wheels. By this you will understand that in order to set the brakes the pressure in the trainpipe must be reduced lower than that in the attxiliary^ otherwise the triple would not move and open the port between the auxiliary and brake cylinder. The Parts of the Plain Triple Valve consist of only six things, besides the casing which holds them all, and are shown in plate i (which shows the way the new plain triple now used for driver' brakes would look if it was cut in half), and they are designated as follows: 23 is called the triple piston; 24 is the slide valve; 25 is the graduating 28 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE valve; 26 is the graduating stem, and 27 is the graduating spring; 32 is the U spring over the sHde valve. The casing is so shaped that one part of it forms a cylinder for the triple piston to move in, and is marked B, and adjoining it is a chamber having a flat side (called the slide valve seat), for the slide valve to slide on, and is marked C. The flat side of this chamber, which forms the seat on which the slide valve rests, has two ports cut through it; the one marked f leads to the brake cylinder, and the other, marked //, leads to the atmosphere. (See plate i.) In the slide valve there are also two ports; one passes clear through the valve, as shown by the letters /, p-p, and the other is a groove cut in the bottom of the valve, and marked ^, and when the valve is moved toward the left end of chamber C (in other words, moves down), the port through the valve marked p connects with the port in the seat marked y, so that the air in the auxiliary can pass through the valve and valve seat and on through pipe connection X directly into the brake cylinder; and when the slide valve is in the opposite end of chamber C the groove g in the bottom of the slide valve connects the two ports _/ and // together, so that ITS USE AND ABUSE 29 one end of the groove rests directly over the port leading to the brake cylinder, and the other end rests over the port leading to the atmos- phere, thus forming a direct opening between the brake cylinder and the atmosphere; there- fore, as the triple is so connected to the auxiliary by pipe connection Y that the auxiliary pressure is always in direct communication with chamber Cy in which the slide valve moves, and as the port in the seat marked /^ is the only way for the air to get in or out of the brake cylinder, with this kind of a triple, it is very evident that when the slide valve is moved along on its seat until the port in the valve marked p-p comes opposite the port in the seat marked /, the air in the auxiliary is free to pass into the brake cylinder, and set the brake. And when the slide valve is forced back again to its original position, as shown in plate i, the air in the brake cylinder is free to pass out to the atmosphere through ports /, £•, /i and exhaust port k, and thereby release the brakes. Therefore, as the flow of air from the auxiliary to the brake cylinder, and from the brake cylinder to the atmosphere is dependent upon the movement of the slide valve, it is neces- sary that you next understand how this move- ment is accomplished. MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE To A^- PLATE NO. 1 — XEW STYLE PLAIN TRIPLE- VALVB. ITS USE AND ABUSE 31 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I — NEW DRIVER BRAKE PLAIN TRIPLE W is the tralnpipe connection. X is the cylinder connection. Y is the auxiUary connection. 23. Triple piston and stem. 24. Slide valve. 25. Graduating valve. 26. Graduating stem. 27. Graduating spring. 30. Triple piston packing ring. 32. U, or slide valve spring. The air passages and ports are explained in tne text. 3? MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE The stem of the triple piston extends into chamber C, in which the shde valve moves, and the valve is hung on this stem; there is a pack- ing ring (30) around the triple piston, making a tight joint against the walls of cylinder B, and as one end of this cylinder is always open to cham- ber C (which always contains auxiliary pressure) and the other end of cylinder B is always open to the trainpipe, you will at once see that the triple piston stands between the auxiliary and trainpipe pressure at all times, and if these pressures are equal, and the piston is in full release position, as shown in plate i, should the pressure on the trainpipe side of the piston become lower than that on the slide valve side, the piston would be moved by the auxiliary pressure, and of course draw the slide valve with it, causing the port in the valve marked / to come opposite the port in the seat marked/, and allow the air from the auxiliar>' to pass into the brake cylinder and set the brake. Now that the air is in the brake cylinder, the next point to learn is how to release the brake. To Release the Brake it is necessary' to force the slide valve back to the position it occupied before the brake was set, as shown in plate i. To do this we use the pressure stored in the ITS USE AND ABUSE 33 main reservoir, on the engine, for when the engineer places his brake valve in full release position the main reservoir pressure quickly raises the pressure on the trainpipe side of the triple piston and forces it back to the position shown in plate No. i, and, as the slide valve has to go back with it, the groove g in the bottom of the valve is placed so that one end of it rests over the port marked y in the valve seat, and the other end rests over the port marked h in the valve seat, consequently the air in the brake cylinder is free to pass out to the atmosphere through ports f, g, h and through a passage around the casing to the triple exhaust marked k. The air having thus escaped from the brake cylinder the heavy spring in the cylinder, marked 9, in plate 7, drives the brake piston back from the levers, which allows the shoes to drop away from the wheels, and the brake is released. The whistling noise heard when the brakes are releasing on passenger cars is caused by the air escaping through the small ports in the triple (on freight cars the air exhausts through, the pressure-retaining valve on top of the car), and if this whistling is weak, when releasing after a full application has been made, it indicates that either a portion of the air has alread). escaped 34 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE from the cylinder through a bad packing leather around the brake piston, or there is too much piston travel, which allowed the air to expand In the cylinder more than it should have done; in other words, a high pressure will rush out quicker than a low pressure, for, as you know, the faster wind blows the louder it whistles. RccJiargin^ the Auxiliary. — Having set the brakes and released them, it now becomes neces- sary to recharge the auxiliary reservoir, to be ready for the next application. You must keep in mind that the brake cyhn- der gets its power from the auxiliary, and the latter must always be kept charged ready to meet all demands made upon it by the cylinder. If the auxiliary is only partly charged, the force with which the brakes set will be correspond- ingly weak. Also remember that just as soon as the slide valve moves to let the air out of the brake cylin- der that in doing so the feed grooves between the trainpipe and auxiliary are opened to admit air again into the auxiliary. You will now look at plate i, and trace the course of the air from the trainpipe through the triple to the auxiliary. Begin at the point indicated by W, and follow ITS USE AND ABUSE 35 the arrows; you will notice the air travels through a passage (a-a) in the casing, to a cham- ber indicated by A, and from this chamber there are two openings (^, cX which allow the air to pass into the cylinder in which the triple piston moves, as indicated by B. As the air passes from chamber A it strikes the plain side of the triple piston and forces it to the extreme end of cylinder B, and as the piston is supposed to be a tight fit in cylinder B, the only chance the air has to get into chamber C is by passing through a small groove cut in the wall of cylinder B, as indicated by m. This is called the "feed groove." As this groove m is only as long as the head of the piston is thick, you will at once see that the piston must be all the way back before the air can enter this groove; you will also notice that the piston only forms a seat about half way from its center to its outer edge; in other words, there is a shoulder on the slide valve side of the pis- ton, and this necessitates another groove to be cut in this shoulder, which is shown by the let- ter n. The air can now pass from cylinder B by way of the feed grooves, m and n, into chamber C, and over the top of the slide valve through the pipe connection Y into the auxiliary. In order, therefore, to make it plain to you 36 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE how the auxiliary is charged to its proper pres- sure of seventy pounds to the square inch, we will just suppose that the pump on the engine (which, when modern brake valves are used, is controlled by the main reservoir pressure) will only pump up to seventy pounds pressure, and no more; in other words, the pump will keep working until all the space into which the com- pressed air from the pump is allowed to flow is filled to seventy pounds before it stops. If the space to be filled by the pump is merely the main reservoir, the pump will stop when the main reservoir is charged to seventy pounds, provided the governor is set at seventy; but if the engineer places the handle of his brake valve in position so that the air in the main reser- voir can flow direct into the trainpipe, it means that there is just that much more space to be filled before the pump will stop; then if the auxiliar>' is cut into the trainpipe, by opening the cut-out cock on the cross-over pipe, it means that there is still more space for the air to flow into, and as the pump will not stop until there is seventy pounds in the main reservoir, and as the main reservoir cannot get its seventy pounds until the trainpipe has its seventy pounds, and as the trainpipe cannot get its seventy pounds ITS USE AND ABUSE 37 until the auxiliary gets its seventy pounds, it fol- lows that the pump will continue to work until the auxiliary, trainpipe and main reser- voir are all equally charged up to seventy pounds,, for the reason that air, like water, will continue to flow until it finds its level, and when we speak of the pressure being "equal- ized" we mean that they have come to a level with each other. Owing to the smallness of the feed groove in the triple through which the air passes to get into the auxiliary, the trainpipe will naturally fill quicker than the auxiliary, and cause the pump to stop temporarily, but as soon as the trainpipe pressure is again lowered by the air passing through the feed grooves into the aux- iliary, the pump will again start, and continue to compress air until every bit of space is filled to seventy pounds. If the main reservoir, trainpipe or auxiliary reservoir leaks, while the brake valve is in the position we are now speaking of, the pump will not stop at all, and a great many leaks will very soon wear a pump out. Right here I will mention a few important things to remember when charging up a train: first, leaks of any kind will prevent getting the 38 MODERN AIRBRAKE PRACTICE required pressure in the time it should be got- ten, and bad leaks will prevent it entirely. Second, the strainer and feed grooves in the triple must be kept clean to allow the air to pass freely. Third, the packing ring around the triple pis- ton must be a good fit to prevent the auxiliary charging too rapidly, and to insure against charging too quickly is the reason for having a shoulder on the slide valve side of the piston, for if any air leaks around the packing ring it cannot enter the auxiliary except through the second feed groove, as shown by ;/ in plate i, unless the shoulder on the piston has a bad seat. A still greater reason for having the packing ring (30) tight, is to insure the brake against "sticking," as it will if the trainpipe pressure equalizes with the auxiliary without moving the slide valve. The reason for having the feed grooves so small in the triples is to allow all the auxiliaries on the train to charge as nearly together as pos- sible, and also to assist in making the triple sensitive to the slightest reduction of trainpipe pressure, for, if the feed groove was large, when the air was drawn from the trainpipe a con- siderable amount of air from the auxiliary would ITS USE AND ABUSE 39 flow back into the trainpipe before the piston moved; but, as it is, the feed groove is so small and so short that it requires less than a two pound reduction to cause the triple, piston to move and shut off communication between the auxiliary and trainpipe. For the same reason (sensitiveness) the piston packing ring must have a good fit, or else the auxiliary and trainpipe pressures will equalize, and thereby fail to move the piston when desired in setting or releasing the brakes. This is espe- cially true on long trains. If everything was tight, and all the parts working as they should, and trainpipe pressure was kept constantly at seventy pounds, you could charge a one hundred car train as quickly as you could one car, as under such perfect condition the air will pass through the feed grooves at the rate of one pound a second, but as this is never the case in actual practice, it will take about five minutes to charge up a short train of ten cars, and about twelve to fifteen minutes for a train of thirty or forty cars, with comparatively no train- pipe leaks, and where there are leaks it natu- rally takes much longer. Always fight trainpipe leaks like you would a rattlesnake, as this trouble does more to pre- 40 MODERN AIR-PRAKE PRACTICE vent the proper action of the brakes than any other one thing. So far I have only had occasion to speak of but one kind of an appHcation of the brakes, and that is "full service application"; but there are three kinds of applications, which will be full}^ explained in their proper place: one is called "full service application," one is called "partial sen'ice application," and the third is called "emergency application." As yet I have only described the duties of the triple piston and the slide valve, but there are four other parts to the plain triple that must now be explained to you. which you will see by again referring to plate i, and designated as follows: The graduating valve, which works in the slide valve, is marked 25; the graduating stem is marked 26, and the graduating spring which surrounds it and holds it to its seat is marked 27; the U spring is marked 32. Now let us see why we need these parts. The graduating valve is what enables us to make a partial service application, for without it the pressure in the auxiliary reservoir would be reduced much below that in the trainpipe, after a ten pound reduction, before the triple would ITS USE AND ABUSE 41 lap itself, as there would be nothing to stop the fiow of air from the auxiliary into the brake cylinder, until the auxiliary pressure becomes low enough for the trainpipe pressure to over- come the friction on the seat of the slide valve; but with the graduating valve in good condition, when a reduction of say ten pounds is made on the trainpipe, the triple will automatically lap itself as soon as a fraction over ten pounds has left the auxiliary. This is done as follows: when the trainpipe pressure is reduced below that in the auxiliary the triple piston moves and carries with it the graduating valve, for, as you will see by looking at plate i, the graduating valve is connected directly to the stem of the triple piston by a small pin, as shown by the dotted lines, and, when the piston moves, the graduating valve is carried from its seat in the slide valve and opens port p, so that when the slide valve is in service position the auxiliary air can pass through the slide valve by way of ports / and p, then through port / in the seat of the slide valve and on through pipe connection X direct into the brake cylinder; as only ten pounds was drawn from the trainpipe, just as soon as a fraction over ten pounds flows from the auxiliary, the trainpipe 42 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE pressure being now the strongest forces the triple piston towards the auxiliar>- end of its cylinder, but it can only force it a ver>' short distance, for the reason that the distance between the end of the slide valve and the shoulder on the stem of the piston is only three-sixteenths of an inch, and when the piston has moved this dis- tance it is stopped by the slide valve, because the auxiliary- pressure, aided by the U spring, is firmly holding the slide valve, on account of the friction being greater on the slide valve seat than it is around the edge of the triple piston, and when the piston is thus stopped by the slide valve, the graduating valve is now back on its seat, and no more air can flow from the auxiliary* into the brake c>*linder. until the trainpipe pres- sure is again reduced and the graduating valve again unseated by the movement of the triple piston. The slide valve does not move when the second reduction is made, but stands in the same position it assumed on the first reduction. Consequently, as soon as the graduating valve is unseated the air will again flow into the brake cylinder: but when the air in the brake c>'linder finally becomes as strong as it is in the auxiliar>* (or equalizes) the pressure in the auxiliary no ITS USE AND ABUSE 43 longer falls below that in the trainpipe, and therefore the graduating valve remains off its seat, because the triple piston does not now move back as it did when the first reduction was made, as the pressure in. the trainpipe is now as low or lower than it is in the auxiliary, and the brakes are now fully applied. Hence we can make a full service application without the graduating valve, but we must have this valve in making a "partial service applica- tion." If the engineer simply wants to slow his train up, but does not want to come to a full stop, he can draw off any amount of air from the train- pipe he desires, and when he laps his brake valve, the triple valve will, by means of the graduating valve, let a corresponding amount of air from the auxiliary into the brake cylinder and automatically lap ports l-p-p in the slide valve, but if the engineer should draw his train- pipe pressure down below the point at which the auxiliary and brake cylinder equalize, he would not only be wasting the trainpipe pressure, but would have trouble when it came time for him to release his brakes as will be explained later on. We now understand what the graduating valve 44 MODERN AIR-BRARE PRACTICE is for; now let us see what the graduating stem and spring has to do with it. As I have already mentioned, the third kind of an appHcation is called the "emergency." When this kind of .application is made it is only in case of danger, and therefore it is desired that the air in the auxiliary' should be passed into the brake cylinder as quickly as possible, and in order to do this it is necessary- to have the entire slide valve clear the port in the seat through which the air has to pass. In making ordinary stops this ver^^ quick action is not required, and in order to prevent the slide valve making the full stroke, there is a projection on the trainpipe side of the triple pis- ton which strikes against the graduating stem (26), and as this stem is held to its seat by the graduating spring (27), the strength of this spring combined with the pressure in the trainpipe causes the triple piston to stop, and in doing so the slide valve is held in such a position that port p W\n register with port f, and of course the brakes are applied gradually. But if the pressure in the trainpipe is reduced suddenly, the auxiliar}* pressure causes the triple piston to strike the graduating stem a hammer blow and overcomes the tension of the spring ITS USE AND ABUSE 45 so that the slide valve entirely clears the port in the seat, and the auxiliary pressure immediately equalizes with the brake cylinder. (This refers to the plain triple. The emergency action of the quick-action triple will be described later on.) The U spring (32) is placed over the slide valve for the reason that if the brake is applied and all the air is let out of the trainpipe, and the car cut off from the engine, the brake could not be "bled" off by the release valve on the auxiliary if the slide valve could not be lifted off its seat by the brake cylinder pressure, but as there is a slight lift to the slide valve for this purpose, the U spring is required to reseat the valve, so that when the auxiliary is again recharged no air can get under the slide valve and pass out to the atmosphere through port h in the valve seat. If there is a great deal of oil on the slide valve seat it will prevent the slide valve from being forced up by brake cylinder pressure, when a single car is being "bled off," and the brake can- not be released at all until the air finally leaks out around the packing leather in the cylin- der. In such a case the release signal is very handy. 46 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE THE WESTINGHOUSE QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE VALVE So far I have only spoken of the plain triple, but as all cars are now supposed to be equipped with the "quick-action triple" we will next ascer- tain what is the difference between the two kinds of triples, and what the advantage is in having the quick-action triple. When an engineer applies the brakes he has to draw the trainpipe pressure down by letting it escape to the atmosphere through a port in the brake valve, and as the triple pistons will not move until the trainpipe pressure is reduced below that in the auxiliary' reservoirs, it naturally follows that on a train, of say thirty cars, equipped with plain triples, the brakes on the head end will set before the ones on the rear end, for the reason that the air in the front end of the train- pipe has to get out of the way before the air in the rear end can escape, and whenever the pres- sure on the trainpipe side of any triple is re- duced lower than the auxiliary side, that triple will move and set the brake at once, and the main difference between the plain and quick- action triple is that the trainpipe pressure can be reduced faster with a "quick-action" triple than it can with a plain one, and consequently ITS USE AND ABUSE 47 the brakes on a long train can be applied more rapidly with "quick-action" triples. To make this plain to you, suppose you were In a crowded opera house and a cry of "fire" was heard, as it recently happened in Chicago, everybody would make a rush for the front door at once, but as the door would only let so many out at a time, those in the rear would have to wait until those in front got out first, and if it was a bad fire the result would be a horrible catastrophe. This refers to the plain triple. Now suppose that the opera house was so built that in addition to the regular front entrance there was another big door in the side of the building which opened into a large hall, then when the cry of fire was heard a portion of the audience would escape through the regular front entrance and the others would get out through the side door, thus emptying the burn- ing building so quickly that everybody is saved. This refers to the quick-action triple, for with the plain triple there is but one way of getting the trainpipe pressure away from the triple pis- ton, and that is through the brake valve (the front door), but with the quick-action triple there is an extra outlet through which the trainpipe pressure can escape when an emergency appli- 48 MODERN AlR-BKAlvL PRACTICE Tw AozBIvy Id QnkA CTltate "W^. PLATE NO. 2— QriCK-ACnOX TRIPLE IN RELEASE AND CHARGING POSITION. ITS USE AND ABUSE 49 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 2 — QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE VALVE, RELEASE AND CHARGING POSITION A. Trainpipe connection. B. Auxiliary reservoir connection. C. Cylinder connection. 3. Slide valve. 4. Triple piston and stem. 5. Triple piston packing ring. 6. U or slide valve spring. 7. Graduating valve. 8. Emergency valve piston. Q. Emergency valve seat and guide. 10. Rubber seated emergency valve. 12. Check valve spring. 14. Check gasket. 15. Check valve. 21. Graduating stem. 22. Graduating spring. 23. Triple gasket. The air passages and ports are described in the text. The feed groove, i, is now open. 50 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE cation is made, and thus cause the brakes on the entire train to be applied in about two seconds. This extra outlet is called the "emergency valve," and will be explained when I describe plate 5. The parts contained in the quick-action triple which are not in the plain one, are shown in plates 2, 3, 4 and 5. and are indicated as follows: The emergency piston is marked 8; the guide for this piston, which also forms a seat for the emergency valve, is marked g; the emergency valve is 10: the check-valve spring is 12; the check valve is 15, and the gasket which sep- arates chamber X from chamber Y is marked 14. This gasket, you will notice, extends clear across the triple, but a portion of it is cut away just over the emergency valve, so that when that valve is unseated, as it is in an emergency appli- cation, the air in chamber Y can pass into cham- ber X and the brake cylinder, and another hole is cut in this same gasket at e, so that the train- pipe pressure, which enters the triple at A, can pass freely into chambers,/ and //. PLATE 2 — QUICK -ACTION TRIPLE IN RELEASE AND CHARGING POSITION The quick -action triple has five positions: release, charging, service, lap and emergency. ITS USE AND ABUSE 51 Release and charging positions are really one and the same, and are shown in plate 2. While the air is being released from the brake cylinder b}^ way of the ports in the slide valve seat, etc., as previously described in plate i, the auxiliary is being charged by way of the feed grooves described in plate i as m and n, but in plate 2 they are marked i and k. In plate 2 .you will observe that a different set of figures and letters are used from those employed in plate i, to point out the different ports, etc., but this need not worry you, for, as the poet says, *'a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet," and whether you call it cylinder h, as in plate 2, or B, as in plate i, you know that it is the cylinder in which the triple piston moves. So, to clear you up on this point, notice that in plate 2 the trainpipe connection to the triple is marked A, while in plate i it is W. Now look at the arrows in plate 2 and you will see that after the air enters the triple at A it passes through a passage in the casing, the same as in plate i, to a chamber having two openings into the cylinder containing the triple piston, just like plate i, and from this cylinder the air passes through the same two feed grooves that in plate i are marked m and Uy but 52 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE in plate 2 are marked / and /', on into the slide- valve chamber, and instead of entering the aux- iliary at the pipe connection Y, as in plate i, it passes right on through the slide-valve chamber into the auxiliary, so you see whether it is a plain or quick-action triple the auxiliary pres- sure is always on the slide-valve side of the triple piston, and trainpipe pressure is on the opposite side. Having familiarized yourself with the parts of the triple as described in plate i, you will see by plate 2 that the same parts are contained in the quick-action triple, and perform the same duties, so that the only difference between the two kinds of triples is the emergency attachment (which I have explained by reference to I'igs. 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and 15), and in charging an aux- iliary or releasing a brake the air has to travel the same routes whether a plain or quick-action triple is used, but in setting the brakes in emer- gency is where the difference comes in between the two kinds of triples. (See plate 5.) PLATE 3 — SERVICE rOSITION OF QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE VALVE In this position you will notice that the triple piston has moved in its cylinder until the projec- ITS USE AND ABUSE 53 tion/ strikes against the graduating stem, which stops it, and in making this movement the stem of the piston has drawn the sHde valve to a posi- tion which places the port marked w, z-z in register with the port in the seat marked r, thus allowing the auxiliary pressure to pass into the brake cylinder through pipe connection C and set the brake. (If this is not perfectly clear to you, read again vv^hat I said about setting the brakes in my description of plate i.) PLATE 4 — LAP POSITION OF QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE Lap position means that all ports are closed, and the reason why the triple automatically laps itself is due to the fact that when the slide valve is moved to service position the graduating valve is held off its seat at w by the triple pis- ton and when the pressure in the auxiliary becomes a little less than trainpipe pressure the piston is forced back by the trainpipe pressure until the graduating valve strikes its seat in the slide valve, and stops the flow of the auxiliary air into the brake cylinder. The reason the slide valve is not moved when the graduating valve moves is because the aux- iliary and trainpipe pressures are so nearly equal that the friction of the slide-valve seat, 54 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE PLATE N'O. 3 QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE IN' SER"\nCE POSITION. ITS USE AND ABUSE 55 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 3 — QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE VALVE, SERVICE POSITION A. Trainpipe connection. B. Auxiliary reservoir connection. C. Cylinder connection. 3. Slide valve. 4. Triple piston and stem. 5. Triple piston packing ring. 6. U or slide valve spring. 7. Graduating valve. 8. Emergency valve piston. Q. Emergency valve seat and guide. 10. Rubber seated emergency valve. 12. Check valve spring. 14. Check gasket. 15. Check valve. 21. Graduating stem. 22. Graduating spring. 23. Triple gasket. The feed port, 2, is now closed. ;.6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PR.ACTICE ^Sk. FIATK 3iO. 4 QUICK- ACTIOS TRIPLE IX LAP POSITTOH. ITS USE AND ABUSE 5? DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 4 — QUICK-ACTION TRIPLF VALVE, LAP POSITION A. Trainpipe connection. B. Auxiliary reservoir connection. C. Cylinder connection. 3. Slide valve. 4. Triple piston and stem. 5. Triple piston packing ring. 6. U or slide valve spring. 7. Graduating valve. 8. Emergency valve piston. 9. Emergency valve seat and guidco 10. Rubber seated emergency valvCo 12. Check valve spring. 14. Check gasket. 15. Check valve. 21. Graduating stem. * 22. Graduating spring. 23. Triple gasket. All ports are now closed. 58 Modern air-brake practice combined with the tension of the sHde valve spring (marked 6, in plate 5), prevents it, and as this keeps the exhaust port closed, and the posi- tion of the triple piston keeps feed groove / closed, all ports are now closed and the valve is said to be on lap. Remember, the triple will not lap itself unless the auxiliary pressure has a chance to get lower than trainpipe pressure, which means that if an engineer reduces his trainpipe pressure below the point at which the auxiliary and brake- cylinder pressures equalize, the only means of holding the air in the brake cylinder (aside from the packing leather around the brake piston and the closing of the triple exhaust) is the check valve (15), or the packing ring (30) of the triple piston, for while it is true that the piston would seat against gasket 23, still this gasket so soon becomes hard that it cannot be relied upon to stop the auxiliary pressure from flowing back into the trainpipe. The reason the check valve has to be depended upon to keep the brake-c^^linder pressure from flowing back into the trainpipe, after an extra heavy reduction has been made, is because nine times out of ten the air in chamber Y will reduce as fast as the trainpipe pressure is reduced, on ITS USE AND ABUSE g^ account of the volume in Y being so small that the slightest possible leak in the seat of the check valve will let it out, and after the train- pipe pressure has been drawn down sufficient to allow the auxiliary and brake cylinder to equal- ize, the leak from chamber Y is supplied by the brake cylinder, for whenever the pressure in Y becomes less than that in the brake cylinder the' emergency valve (lo) is forced off its seat by the brake-cylinder pressure until it equalizes again with chamber Y, when the spring (12) reseats valve 10, which is done very quickly, conse- quently if the trainpipe pressure was entirely exhausted and the check valve leaked very bad the brake cylinder would very quickly be robbed of its pressure, and let the brake off. It is, therefore, very bad practice to ever reduce the trainpipe pressure below the point at which the auxiliary and brake cylinder equalizes, except in an emergency. In making an emergency application the check valve is raised off its seat 120 times a second. PLATE 5 — EMERGENCY POSITION OF QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE VALVE A sudden reduction of trainpipe pressure is necessary to cause the triple to assume emer- gency position. 6o MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ID 24 A n IblsaaF^- PLATE NO 5 QUlCK-ACnOX TRIPLE IX EMEBGEXC^ POSITK »N. ITS USE AND ABUSE 6i DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 5 — QUICK-ACTION TRIPLE VALVE, EMERGENCY POSITION A. Trainpipe connection. B. Auxiliary reservoir connection. C. Cylinder connection. 3. Slide valve. 4. Triple piston and stem. 5. Triple piston packing ring. 6. U or slide valve spring. 7. Graduating valve. 8. Emergency valve piston. 9. Emergency valve seat and guidco 10. Rubber seated emergency valvCo 12. Check valve spring. 14. Check gasket. 15. Check valve. 21. Graduating stem. 22. Graduating spring. 2'}). Triple gasket. 62 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE When a sudden reduction is made it causes the triple piston (4) to strike the graduating stem (21) such a hammer blow that the graduating spring (22) is unable to stop it from making its full stroke, and as it has now traveled further than it did in service position, the slide valve has also been moved a correspondingly greater distance on its seat, which brings a big slot, or in some triples, a removed corner (not shown) in the slide valve over a port in the seat (indicated by dotted lines behind port Z), and allows the auxiliary pressure to fall on the emergency pis- ton (8), which strikes the stem of valve 10 and forces it from its seat (which is kept closed by spring 12 and the trainpipe pressure in Y), and valve 10 being thus unseated, the air from Y rushes into the brake cylinder. As all this is done so very quickly that the trainpipe pressure has as yet reduced but very little, the remaining trainpipe pressure forces the check valve up and also rushes into the brake cylinder until it equalizes with what is left in the trainpipe, when spring 12 reseats the check valve, preventing the air in the brake cylinder from flowing back into the trainpipe. At the same time that the big slot in the back of the slide valve reached its position over the ITS USE AND ABUSE 63 port in the seat leading to the emergency piston, another small port in the slide valve, marked S in plate 4, is placed in register with port r in the valve seat, taking the place of port Z, which allows the auxiliary pressure to flow into the brake cylinder on top of what went in from the trainpipe. The opening around the emergency valve is so much larger than port S in the slide valve that virtually no air enters the brake cylinder from the auxiliary until the check valve closes on the charge received from the trainpipe. It is this air from the trainpipe that gives the added percentage of brake power after an emergency application; for the air which enters the brake cylinder from the trainpipe has the same effect as shortening the piston travel, because it forces the auxiliary pressure to equal- ize just that much higher than it would if the brake cylinder was empty* when the auxiliary pressure started to flow into it. On account of the trainpipe pressure having two outlets (one by way of the brake valve, and the other by way of valve 10) when an emer- gency application is made, it is reduced so sud- denly that the next triple is thrown into quick action, because the pressure that was holding 64 MODERN AlR-BRAKi:: PRACTICE ''O AMUJlaAV «i PLATE NO. 6 — PLjUN TRIPLE VALVE. (OLD STYLE.) ITS USE AND ABUSE 65 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 6 — PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE, RELEASE POSITION (OLD STYLE) W. Trainpipe connection. X. Cylinder connection. Y. Auxiliary reservoir connection. 15. Handle of cut-out plug 13. 18. Slide valve. 5. Triple piston. 7. Graduating valve. 8. Graduating stem. 9. Graduating spring. .36 MODERN AIR-BRAfCE PRACTICE that triple to release position immediately rushes back into the empty space just created in the trainpipe by the first reduction, and as it can't be in both places at the same time, the triple is left without sufficient trainpipe pressure to hold it, when the pressure on the auxiliary side of that triple piston drives it to emergency position, which in turn creates a vacancy in the train- pipe on that car which the next car tries to fill, and so on, till all the brakes on the entire train are set in emergency, and it ail happens so quick that the triples on a train of fifty cars can be thrown into quick action in about two seconds. PLATE 6 — PLAIN TRIPLE, OLD STYLE This plate illustrates the common form of plain triple, and before the advent of the quick- action triple, it was the standard for passenger cars. It is now sometimes used on driver and ten- der brakes having cylinders of ten inches, or less; but with larger cylinders the new plain triple, as shown in plate i, is used. The principal difference between these two kinds of plain triples is the arrangement of the cut-out cock. In plate 6 \ou will notice that the cut-out cock is attached right to the triple, and by turning the handle, which controls plug 13, ITS USE AND ABUSE 67 you can make the triple work "automatic" by placing it horizontal, and to cut it out place it at an angle of forty-five degrees; to make it work "straight air" place the handle perpendicular, for then plug 13 is turned so that the end of the passage which is shown to be in register with port d, would then be in register with port a, and the other end of e would register with d^ which would allow trainpipe pressure to flow direct into the brake cylinder through ports a, e and d\ in. other words, the triple valve proper and auxiliary reservoir would not be used when the handle was turned for "straight air." This is so seldom done nowadays that there is a lug cast on the handles of all such plain triples to prevent cutting them in straight air. When it becomes necessary to bleed off a brake that is set with a plain triple of this kind, drain the auxiliary before closing the cut-out cock, for, when cut out, the position of the pas- sage is changed so that the air in the brake cylinder cannot escape through the triple exhaust. With the new plain triple, plate i, the cut-out cock is on the pipe leading from the triple to the brake cylinder. The ports in this triple ar^ 68 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE made large to accommodate a large volume of air. In the new plain triple the ports are neces- sarily larger, on account of handling a greater volume of air. PLATE 7 — TRIPLE VALVE. AUXILL\RV RESERVOIR AND BRAKE CYLINDER COMBINED This plate illustrates a freight equipment. The brake cylinder (2) is bolted directly to the auxiliary reservoir (10), and while the supply pipe U) runs through the auxiliary and into the cylinder, still the air in the auxiliar>' cannot get into the cylinder except by way of the ports in the triple, as pre- viously described, for the left end of pipe d is connected with the triple at C, as shown in plate 4. The orasket between the auxiliar\' and brake cylinder is not for the purpose of separating them, but is to make the cylinder air-tight at that end, and when the brakes are set the other end of the cylinder is made air-tight by the packing leather (7) around the piston head (3.) which is held to its place by the expansion ring (8) and follower (6). Spring 6 is to force the pis- ITS USE AND ABUSE 69 ton back when the air is let out of the cylinder. To prevent the brakes from setting on ac- count of trainpipe leaks, there is a small leak- age groove (a) cut in the wall of the cyl- inder for about three inches from the extreme left end, or pressure head, so that any small amount of air that might be let into the cylinder through the triple, from any cause, would escape to the atmosphere, instead of pushing the piston out, by passing through tne leak- age groove by the piston head, and out around piston 3. Tke Release Valve (17) or ''bleeder," is for the purpose of drawing the air from the auxiliary, and when a car is set out, and especially when a brake is cut out, the release valve should be held open until all the air in the auxiliary has escaped, for if any air is left in it the brake will again set whenever the trainpipe pressure is reduced lower than that in the auxiliary. Whenever a brake cannot be released from the engine, but has to be ''bled off," either at the auxiliary, or by the release signal valve inside of the car, always cut that brake out at the first opportunity and drain the auxiliary. yo MODERN AIR-BRA^E PRACTICE 1 -i 1 _^^F r- fl^TE * — ITS USE AND ABUSE 71 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 7 — TRIPLE VALVE, AUX- ILIARY RESERVOIR AND BRAKE CYLINDER COMBINED 2. Brake cylinder. 3. Brake piston. 4. Non-pressure head of brake cylinder. 6. Follower. 7. Packing leather. 8. Expansion ring. 9. Release spring. 10. Auxiliary reservoir. 11. Drain plug. 17. Release valve (or bleed cock). a. Leakage groove. b. Supply pipe, between triple and cylinder. 72 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE More money Is paid out annuall}' by railroad companies on account of freight wrecks caused by bleeding off "stuck" brakes than would pay for a tolerably good railroad, for the reason that where a car is not equipped with a release sig- nal on top, and a brakeman bleeds the auxiliary as the train is pulling out and then climbs aboard, that brake is almost sure to stick again, while the train is moving too fast to allow the brakeman to get at the auxiliary bleed cock, and as a consequence the wheels are either flattened, draw-heads pulled out, train stalled, or the w^heels become overheated, so that they burst and wreck the train. Where cars are equipped with the new release signal the brakeman can keep a brake off that is inclined to stick, until the train is in a safe position to allow him to get down and cut the brake out. If the auxiliary release valve leaks and it can- not be stopped by one or two quick jerks, to dis- lodge the dirt that is causing it to leak, cut the brake out, as no air can accumulate in the aux- iliary, thus making that brake worthless, but the leak is drawing air from the trainpipe, which affects the rest of the brakes. Should the release valve become clogged so that no air could be drawn through it, you can remove the ITS USE AND ABUSE 73 drain plug (11) in the under side of the auxiliary. This plug will not have to be removed, of course, where a car is equipped with the release signal as the brake cylinder can be emptied independ- ent of the action of the triple, by simply pressing down on the valve of the release signal. PLATE 8 — PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVE Many enginemen and trainmen utterly fail to realize the importance of this little device, and in view of the wonderful aid it is to handling trains down heavy grades, it is surprising that, by the average man, it is less understood than almost any part of the equipment. A true story is told of an engineer who had just made a stop at the foot of a heavy grade on which the brakeman had turned up a few "retainers," and just as he was about to pull out, the brakeman asked if he should turn the retainers down, when the engineer "hollered" back, "No, you needn't mind, I can kick 'em off with my brake valve." Now let us see if he could kick them off. In the first place a retaining valve, as the name implies, is for the purpose of retaining a certain amount of pressure in the brake cylinder after the triple valve has been moved to release posi- 74 MODERN AIR-BRAKP: PRACTICE tion. It is simply a cork for the triple exhaust, and when you look at plate 8 you will readily understand this. Into the triple exhaust a small pipe is attached and extends from the triple to the top of the car at the end where the hand-brake staff is, and onto this pipe is attached the retaining valve at the connection marked X. The handle (5) con- trols a plug (6) similar to the cut-out plug (13) in the plain triple. W^hen the handle is turaed as you see it in plate 8, port c through the plug is in register with port b-b, and the air which comes from the triple exhaust is forced against the seat of the valve 4, which raises and allows the pressure to escape to the atmosphere through port d. As port d is controlled by valve 4, the air will exhaust onl}- while this valve is up, and as the weight of the valve, com- bined with the size of the ports, requires a pres- sure of fifteen pounds to keep it up, just as soon as the pressure in the brake cylinder has been reduced to a fraction less than fifteen pounds to the square inch, the valve will seat and retain the remaining pressure in the brake cylinder until the handle is turned down. When the handle is turned down it brings port a in register with the lower part of b, and port c i$ turned to J.TS USE AND ABUSE 75 American JUaohinist PLATE NO. 8— PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVE, DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 8 — PRESSURE-RETAINING VALVE, IN RETAINING POSITION X. Triple exhaust connection. 4. Retaining valve weight. 5. Handle. 6. Cut-out plug. 76 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE register with port c, and thereby allows all the air in the brake cylinder to escape to the atmos- phere. Therefore if the handle of the retainer is kept turned down the engineer can release the brakes from the engine, but if the handle is turned up (unless the brake leaks off) it will stay set until the handle is turned down. Retainers were formerly made to hold only ten pounds in the brake cylinder, but are now made to hold fifteen or fifty pounds. With the retainer handle turned up, the second application of the brakes will give a much higher brake - cylinder pressure, if the auxiliary has been allowed time enough to recharge, because the pressure that is already in the cylinder will force the auxiliary to equal- ize much higher than it would if the cylinder was empty to start with (in the same manner that the emergency application causes an added pressure on account of the trainpipe pressure entering the cylinder before the auxiliary pres- sure has a chance to get inj. P^or this reason it is best to apply the brakes and recharge the auxiliaries as soon as possible after passing the summit of a mountain grade, and besides it gives an increased reserve of brake power. ITS USE AND ABUSE 77 THE AUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTER The question of correct piston-travel is of the highest importance, and the automatic slack adjuster is for the purpose of keeping it as nearly uniform as possible, which should be eight inches when running. PLATE 9 — SLACK ADJUSTER COMPLETE Plate 9 shows how the adjuster is attached to the pressure head of the brake cylinder. One end of cylinder lever (5) is bolted to a cross head, which moves in a guide (4) that is bolted to the pressure head of the cylinder. The cross head is held to its place by a threaded rod (i), which has a ratchet nut where its opposite end extends thi'ough the adjuster body (3), and when it is desired to reduce the piston travel, it is done by moving the cross head away from the cylin- der head a distance equal to the amount of slack to be taken up; and to increase the travel move the cross head tozuard the cylinder. When no air is in the cylinder the threaded rod can be turned either way with a wrench, and four turns of the rod will equal one inch of piston travel. In running along, whenever the piston travel exceeds eight inches the adjuster automatically 78 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE PLATE NO. 9 — AUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTER, OOfflPLETE ITS USE AND ABUSE 79 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 9 5. Cylinder lever. 1. Threaded rod. 3. Ratchet-nut wheel casing. 2. Adjuster cylinder. a and d. Pipe connection between brake cylin- der and adjuster cylinder. go MODERN AIR-BRARK PRACTICE PLATE NO. 10. — AUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTER. ITS USE AND ABUSE 8l DESCRIPTION OF PLATE lO 27. Ratchet-nut wheel. 22. Pawl. a. Projection for lifting pawl. 23. Piston. 21. Release spring. 82 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACl ICE takes up one thirty-second of an inch every time the brake is released, and therefore whenever new shoes are put on (which necessitates letting the adjuster well back), the brake should be fully applied and whatever travel the piston shows over dYi inches should be taken up by turning the ratchet nut, as the running piston travel is from one to two inches greater than it is when the car is standing still. Don't tr}- to turn the ratchet nut while the brake is set, and never alter the dead levers or bottom rods unless, with all adjuster slack ou., the piston-travel is less than 5^2 inches, or when the adjuster has been taken up to its limit and the travel is too lonj^, and not then in the latter case if any brake shoes need renewing. Plate 10 illustrates the adjuster in cross sec- tion. 27 is the ratchet nut which is attached to the threaded rod; 22 is the pawl which moves the ratchet nut; 22, is the piston, to which the pawl is attached, and 21 is the spring which drives the piston back after the cylinder pres- •jure has escaped from in front of it, and as the adjuster cylinder is connected to the brake cylinder by a small pipe, whenever the air in the brake cylinder forces the brake piston out eight inches, brake-cylinder pressure is admitted ITS USE AND ABUSE $3 against piston 23, which forces the pawl back so that it engages the ratchet-nut wheel, and when the air is released from the brake cylinder the air in the adjuster cylinder (11) escapes through the non-pressure end of the brake cylinder, and spring 21 pushes the piston and pawl forward, thus turning the ratchet-nut wheel the distance of two teeth, which takes up one thirty-second of an inch of piston-travel. The pawl is released by striking a projection (a), which keeps it up. Plate II illustrates the degree of angularity at which the port in the brake cylinder should be tapped according to the size of the cylinder. As this port is only one-eighth of an inch, it may easily become clogged, so that if the adjuster fails to work you should at once ascertain if the air passages are open between the brake and adjuster cylinders by loosening the union swivel on the adjuster cylinder connection. Whenever the adjuster has operated to the limit of the screw and the pawl fails to release, so that the ratchet-nut cannot be started back with a wrench, if it be the old style adjuster, remove the ratchet nut cover and carefully pry the piston outward until the pawl can be raised, then slack back the nut about a turn, which will let the piston return to the end of its cylinder S4 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE PORT.TO BE.sf FROM. PRESSURE HEAD. PLATE NO. 11. — AUTOMATIC SLACK ADJUSTER SIZE OF CYLINDER PORT. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I I The illustration shows the angularity at which th(i brake-cylinder port should be drilled for the different sized cylinders, ITS USE AND ABUSE 85 and keep the pawl free from the ratchet nut as before. An improvement has lately been added by Inserting a stop screw next to the ratchet-nut casing, which holds the threaded rod a short dis- tance from its extreme travel, so that in case the pawl sticks it is only necessary to back out the stop screw, when the pawl will release itself auto- matically. The adjuster cylinder should be cleaned and oiled every time the brake cylinder is oiled. PLATES 12 AND 13 — THE CAR CONTROL VALVE AND RELEASE SIGNAL As the high-speed brake and the automatic slack adjuster have both become necessary as the result of changed conditions in the operating of railroads, in like manner, owing to the great in- crease of railroad traffic and other conditions, the Car Control Valve and Release Signal have also become a necessity, when the savingof time, prop- erty and human life are taken into account. Rail- roads today are not only running very heavy trains, but are running many of them, and, on some roads, they are vastly too close together for the comfort of the train crews who have to operate them. As long as railroads are compelled to employ new men and as long as many of the S6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE older employes continue to be indifferent to the proper care, maintenance and operation of the air-brake equipment, just so long will we continue to have dangerous delays to trains, damage to merchandise and rolling stock, and frequent taking of human life, as the direct result of bad handling or bad condition of the air brakes. The question of keeping the brakes in good . order is a continually growing trouble, and to know for a certainty that they are in good con- dition is of vital importance. The new device which is meant to largely overcome these distressing conditions is known as the Car Control Valve and Automatic Release Signal, shown in plates Xo. 12 and No. 13. As the automatic reducing valve of the high speed brake is attached to the brake cylinder and as the automatic slack adjuster is also oper- ated by brake-cylinder pressure, in like manner the release signal is also connected to the brake cylinder, so that whenever there is air in the brake cylinder that fact is instantly made known by the release signal target. The release signal is composed of a cylinder in which is contained a piston, piston-rod and return spring, being in reality a miniature of the ITS USE AND ABUSE 2>J brake cylinder, with this difference: the cylinder of Style A Signal has a square metal signal fastened to it, so that whenever the brake-cylinder pressure causes the brake to apply, the same pres- sure forces the release signal cylinder up, so that the metal signal is brought to full view of the trainmen, thereby signaling them that the brake on that car is set. When the engineer releases the brake and the brake cylinder is empty, there is then no pressure under the release signal piston, and the return spring forces the metal signal down out of sight. Should the engineer be testing brakes, and, while the brakes were being held on, if the release signal should be seen to grad- ually drop, it would mean that the brake on that car was in bad order, for the signal would not go down unless the air was escaping from the brake cylinder. Should a signal be seen to drop and no air was found to be coming out through the retaining valve, or triple exhaust, it would mean that the brake was "leaking" off, but if the signal dropped and at the same time air was heard to be escaping through the retainer, or triple exhaust, it would mean that the brake was ''releasing" through the triple. This point is very important to remember, for if a 88 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE brake "releases" when it should stay set, the triple valve, or auxiliary gasket, or auxiliary release valve needs attention. But, if a brake "leaks" off, the packing leather in the brake C34inder needs oiling. Therefore, if you report a defective brake as having leaked off, the repairman will know at once what to do and thereby save considerable time. Should the signal remain up after the engineer has released the rest of the brakes, it means that the triple on that car is unfit for service, and should this happen while the train is in motion serious trouble is likely to follow. But, as the piston-rod of the release signal is made of a piece of pipe, and as there is a valve on the signal, the brakeman can, by simply opening up the valve, drain the brake cylinder independently of the action of the triple without stopping the train and without getting off. Should a brake have too much piston-travel the release signal will indicate it, for with the proper piston-travel and an auxiliary pressure of seventy pounds, a twenty-pound trainpipe reduc- tion will cause the signal to go to its full stroke, but the same reduction with too much piston- travel will cause the signal to stop at half-mast. This slopping at half-mast is caused by reason ITS USE AND ABUSE gq of the tension of the return spring, combined with the lowered pressure in the brake cylinder. The release signal is located in the most con- venient place on the inside end of passenger coaches, usually on the wall of the toilet room. There is a metallic casing into which the signal drops when no air is in the brake cylinder, but every time the brake sets the signal is raised above the top of the case, so that it can be seen from either end of the car. For instance, when the brakes are being tested at terminal points, or when any change has been made in the make-up of the train by setting out or picking up cars, the action of the release signal will notify every one alike just what condition the brakes are in. The release signal needs no more attention than is ordinarily given to the retaining valve, as it is so simple in construction that it is almost impossible for it to get out of order. It needs but little oiling, as the oil from the brake cylinder is usually sufficient to care for the one-inch piston in the release signal cylinder. The Dukesmith Car Control Valve performs three functions, namely, it applies the brake, re- tains the brake or releases the brake when the triple fails to go to release position. The Car Control Valve is located in the same go MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE position as the old style conductor's valve, and performs the same service, in addition to the other two just mentioned. There are three pipe connections to the Car Control \^alve as follows: one from the trainpipe, one from the triple exhaust and one from the brake cylinder direct. There are four positions on the valve which are: Normal. Lap, Release and Emergency Application. When the handle is in normal position all ports except the triple exhaust are closed; when the handle is in lap position all ports are closed, thereby retaining the pressure in the brake cylinder; when the handle is in full release it exhausts the air from the brake cylinder direct without regard to the triple valve, and when the handle is in emergency application posi- tion all exhaust ports are closed excepting the trainpipe exhaust, which causes the brakes to ap- ply. With this valve the brakes can be applied gradually or in emergency, according to the quickness with which the handle is moved. There is nothing about this valve to get out of order as it consists merely of a brass plug work- ing in a cast iron case. On the brake cylinder pipe leading from the Car Control V^alve there is a connection made to the Automatic Release Signal, as shown in plate 12. ITS USE AND ABUSE 01 When a passenger car Is equipped with this device thebrake on that car Is absolutely under the control releaTs'gSal "R-«>^o^'^e AUXILIARY BESEBVOm ern « tbip.kx. Rssekger-Car Equipment PLATE 12 THE DUKESMITH CAR CONTROL VALVE, SHOWING HOW THE VALVE IS CONNECTED TO THE TRAINPIPE, TRIPLE EXHAUST AND BRAKE CYLINDER; ALSO SHOWING HOW THE RELEASE SIGNAL IS CONNECTED TO THE BRAKE CYLINDER. of the trainman, for the reason that he can either apply, retain or release the brake as the case maybe. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 1 3 Style A Release Signal Is shown as It would appear when the brake is partially applied. The front cover can be removed by simply sliding It up. Style B Release Signal Is for use on locomo- 02 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE STVI.E A STYLE B PLATE 13 — THE DUKESMITH AUTOMATIC RELEASE SIGNAL. STTLl A AS USED FOR PASSENGER CARS, AND STYLE B AS USED FOR EXGIXES. ITS USE AND ABUSE 93 tives principally, but maybe used equally as well on passenger cars. The casing of Style B is cir- cular, in order to occupy as small a space as pos- sible in the cab of the engine. The automatic release feature of Styles A and B consists of a graduating sleeve which strikes the stem of a valve in the signal piston whenever the pressure in the brake cylinder becomes greater than is de- sired. In the top of the signal cylinder there is an oil plug to permit of oiling the cylinder when required, although it rarely needs to be oiled by hand, for the reason that the oil in the brake cyl- inder takes care of the signal cylinder. The Release Signal is located at the end of passenger coaches, usually on the wall of the toilet room in plain view of everyone. There should also be a release signal on each outside end of the coach on opposite sides, enabling inspectors and trainmen to quickly test the air brakes. Style A Release Signal is provided with a small exhaust valve in order to enable the trainmen to release by hand a brake which has failed to re- lease in the usual way. THE conductor's VALVE What is known as the conductor's valve is merely an additional stop cock attached to the trainpipe of passenger coaches. 94 MODERN AIR-BRAICE PRACTICE There is a branch pipe running from the trainpipe up through the body of the coach, usually in the toilet room, and on this branch pipe is a stop cock, or valve, so that in case the conductor is unable to signal the engineer, or an emergency arises making it necessary to stop the train as quick as possible, the conductor can let the air out of the trainpipe by simply opening this valve. If he wishes to make a gradual stop he has only to open the valve gradually, but if he wishes to stop quick, he must open the valve quick, and also must hold it open until the train is stopped, for if the engineer should fail to lap his brake valve, as soon as the conductor's valvewasclosedthebrakes would release, on account of the main reservoir pressure driving the triples to release position. As previously explained the old style conductor's valve is now being replaced by the Car Control Valve which combines in one valve the conduc- tor's valve, the retaining valve and the cylinder release valve. Having explained the construction and action of the plain and quick-action triple valves, the pressure-retaining valve, the slack adjuster, the release signal, the car control valve and the con- ductor's valve and having shown how these parts, together with the auxiliary and brake cylinder, ITS USE AND ABUSE 95 are combined to form the car equipment, now let us see by what means the air is compressed, where it is stored and how it is manipulated from the engine. This brings us to PLATE 14 THE EIGHT-INCH PUMP The eight-inch pump is so called on account of the bore of the cylinders being eight inches. It has two cylinders, the one on top (3) is the steam cylinder, and the one below (5) is the air cylinder. They are joined together by a neck (4), and in the top of the air cylinder and bottom of the steam cylinder there are stufifing boxes (56) through which passes a piston-rod, on each end of which there are piston heads {12 and 13). The piston-rod (10) is hollow for a sufficient depth to admit the stem (17) of the reversing valve (16). The reversing plate (18) is bolted on top of steam piston (10) so that it strikes the button on the stem 17 as the piston approaches the end of its down stroke, and strikes the shoulder of the stem 17 as it makes the up stroke, for the purpose of changing the position of the reversing valve (16), which re- verses the stroke of the pump. The valves through which the air is received and discharged are all in the lower, or air end of the pump. The Action of the Steam End of the Pump is as g6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE follows: Steam from the boiler enters the pump at the union swivel 54, and besides filling the cham- ber which contains the main valve (7), passes through a port in the wall of this chamber and through a passage (not shown in plate 14) to the chamber in which the reversing valve works, thereby constituting the main valve chamber and the reversing valve chamber as the two steam chests of the pump. From the reversing valve chamber the steam passes through a small port into the spaceoccupied by the reversing piston (23), as shown in plate 14, and as the combined area of piston 23 and small piston 9 is greater than the area of the large piston 8, the main valve (7) is forced down until the small piston strikes the stop pin (50) and thus uncovers the port in bushing 26, which admits steam to the underside of main piston 10, forcing it up. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 14— EIGHT-INCH PUMP, ON THE UP-STROKE 54. Boiler connection. 7. Main valve. 7-8 and 7-9. Large and small piston of main valve. 25 and 26. Main valve bushings.- 60. Stop pin. 23. Reversing piston. 16. Reversing valve. 17 Reversing valve stem. 18. Reversing plate. 10 and 11. Main steam and air pistons 3. Steam cylinder. 4- Xeck. 5. Air cylinder. 57. Main steam exhaust. 41. Drain cock. 30 and 32. Discharge valves. 31 and 33. Receiving valves. 53. Main reser- voir connection. ITS USE AND ABUSE 97 53 PLATE 14 — EIGHT-IISTCH PUMPf q8 modern AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE As the main piston moves up, plate i8 strikes the shoulder of stem 17 and thus changes the position of the reversing valve, so that the top port in its chamber is closed to piston 23, and the two lower ports are connected by the cavity in the reversing valve, which allows the steam to flow from off the top of piston 23, and pass under it into the exhaust passage across the head, as shown by dotted lines, to the main exhaust. When the pressure is thus shut off from piston 23, the main valve raises and causes the small piston to close the steam port to the underside of the main piston, and opens the exhaust port leading into the passage in the bot- tom of the cylinder, shown by dotted lines, and out at the main exhaust, at the same time piston 8 of the main valve closes the top exhaust port in bushing 25 and opens the supply port through the bushing, and thus admits steam on top of the main piston, which drives it down. In making the down-stroke, plate i8engages the button on stem 17 and again changes the position of the reversing valve, which again admits steam on top of the reversing piston, which causes the main valve to move down as before, and piston 8 uncovers a port in the bushing 25 which exhausts the steam from off the top of the main piston, and at the same time piston q opens the supply ITS USE AND ABUSE 99 port in bushing 26, which admits steam to the underside of the main piston, and at the same time closes the lower exhaust. The pump has now made a complete double stroke. Drain cock 41 must always be opened before the pump is started, and left open until the pump is warmed up, or until there is about thirty pounds pressure in the main reservoir, and great care must be taken to start the pump slow, to avoid pounding and jarring, as the condensation cannot be com- pressed, and there must be an air cushion for the piston head to strike against in the lower cylinder. The Action of the A ir End of the Pump is as fol- lows : There are four air valves, two are called re- ceiving valves (31 and 'i^^, and two are called dis- charge valves (30 and 32). There are two valve cages (34 and 43), and as the discharge valves have a greater area than the receiving valves, in the. eight-inch pump, the flow of air past the valves is determined by the lift each valve has; the receiving valves have a lift of one-eighth of an inch, while the discharge valves have a lift of three thirty-seconds of an inch, or one-thirty- second Jess than the receiving valves. These standards must never be changed, as too much lift of any of the valves will cause the pump to pound, and not enough lift will cause it to run hot, LCFC. lOO MODERN AIR-BRAKK PRACTICE The way in which the pump receives and dis- charges air is as follows : When piston 1 1 is drawn up by steam piston lo there is a partial vacuum formed in the air cylinder beneath piston 1 1, and as the atmospheric pressure is about fifteen l)ounds to the square inch, the receiving valve 33 is forced off its seat by the air rushing in to fill up the space created by the partial vacuum, and if the piston was to stop when it reached the top, the valve would be seated by its own weight when the pressure inside and out of the cylinder equal- ized; but as the piston reverses just as it reaches the top, the valve is forced to its seat and held there by the compression of the air on top of it, and if the valve has too much lift the pound heard when the valve is seated is great in proportion. When the piston starts on the down-stroke it compresses the air higher and higher as it nears the bottom, and when the pressure in the pump becomes greater than that in the main reservoir, the lower discharge valve (32) is forced up and the air from the pump rushes into the main reservoir, until the valve is seated by the main reservoir pressure becoming greater than that in the pump. The action of the top receiving and discharge valves is the same as the lower ones, except on the opposite stroke. ITS USE AND ABUSE lOI NINE AND ONE-HALF INCH AIR PUMP. PLATE NO. 15 — NINE AND ONE-HALF INCH PUAIP, I02 MC>DERN AIR-BRAKK PRACTICE DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 1 5 — NINE AND ONE-HALF INCH PUMP 94. Boiler connection, showing by dotted lines how steam passes to main-valve cham- ber A. Main steam exhaust is indicated by dotted lines and figures 61-92. ^']. Large piston of main valve. 79. Small piston of main valve. 83. Slide valve. 105. Drain cock. 71. Reversing-valve stem. 69. Reversing plate. 97. Stuffing boxes. 98. Oil cup. 65 and 67. Main steam and air pistons 106. Air inlet. 86. Air valves. 92. To main reservoir. 75. Fig. 3. Main valve bushing. 72. Fig. 2. Reversing valve. ITS USE AND ABUSE 103 PLATE 15 — THE NINE AND ONE-HALF INCH PUMP The g}4-inch. pump differs from the 8-inch pump in several ways. In the first place it is larger by i>^ inches in the bore; second, the valve motion of the steam end is all contained in the top head, except the reversing valve stem, which is the same as in the 8-inch pump; third, the air valves are all the same size, and all have the same lift of three thirty-seconds of an inch, and the valves are placed so that the discharge valves are both on one side, and the receiving valves on the opposite side of the air cylinder; fourth, there is but one air inlet for the receiving valves, making it possible to strain all the air through one strainer, as indicated by 106, Fig. i. The main piston is the same in construction as in the 8-inch pump; there are two heads (67) on one piston rod (65), and this rod is hollow to admit the stem (71) of the reversing valve (72), and the reversing valve stem is driven up or pulled down by the reversing plate (69) striking the shoulder (/) or the button (70), just as it does in the 8-inch pump. As the reversing valve was the channel through which the steam had to pass to and from the top of the reversing piston in the 8-inch pump, in like manner the reversing valve in the I04 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 9^-inch pump controls the flow of steam to and from the plain side of piston 77 of the main valve, which in connection with the slide valve (S^) controls the supply and exhaust ports in the steam cylinder. To explain this it is necessary- to use two sec- tional views of the pump, as shown in plate 15. In Fig. I the pipe connection 93 shows by dotted lines how the steam from the boiler is carried through a passage in the back of the pump to the main-valve chamber. The main valve is composed of two pistons of unequal diameters, fastened to a suitable rod (76), and on this rod there are two shoulders between which a common D slide valve (83) is held. Fig. 3 represents the bushing in which the main valve and slide valve works. The slide-valve seat has three openings: the one on the left, in Fig. i, leads to and from the underside of the main piston; the one on the right leads to and from the top side of the main piston, and the one in the middle leads to the main exhaust, 92. Consequently when steam enters the main-valve chamber the piston 77, having the largest area, is forced to the extreme right, as in Fig. i, against the head 84, which causes the slide vahe to uncover a port ITS USE AND ABUSE 105 in the seat so that the steam can pass from the main-valve chamber down through a passage in the side of the cylinder to the underside of the main piston, which forces it up, and the revers- ing plate strikes the shoulder,/, on the reversing- valve stem, w^hich drives the reversing valve up and allows the steam in the reversing-valve chamber to pass through the lower horizontal port in the main-valve bushing (see Fig. 3) into the chamber between the head 84 and piston ']^. As this balances the pressure on both sides of the large piston 'j^, the small piston 79 now pulls the slide valve to the opposite end of the cham- ber, which uncovers the supply port to the top of the main piston and allows the steam to force it down, and at the same time the steam from the underside is being exhausted by way of the cavity in the slide valve, which now has the lower supply port and the main exhaust con- nected. The reason the small piston pulls the large piston over, after the pressure is balanced on both sides of piston ']^, is because there is a small port between the plain side of piston 79 and the head 85, which is always open to the main exhaust, so that no back pressure can remain in the chamber indicated by 82, and no io6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE partial vacuum can be formed on that side of the small piston. The main-valve chamber is always in com- munication with the reversing-valve chamber by a small port in the bushing (75), as shown in Fig. 2; cap nut 74 has a small port in it which allows live steam to always reach the top of the reversing-valve stem, for the purpose of keeping the pressure balanced on both ends of it. As the main piston is now making its down- stroke the reversing plate (69) engages the but- ton on the end of the reversing-valve stem and draws the reversing valve down to the position shown in Fig. 2, which connects the second hori- zontal port in the bushing with the port which in Fig. 3 appears to be vertical and having a short extension to the right, and as this port is always open to the main exhaust, the steam between piston ']'] and the head 84 is exhausted, which allows the steam in the main-valve chamber to again force piston ']^ to the position shown in Fig. I, which places the slide valve in position to allow the steam to exhaust from the top of the main piston, and at the same time connects the main - valve chamber with the underside of the main piston, causing it to be forced up, as before. ITS USE AND ABUSE 107 Like the eight-inch pump, the stuffing boxes (95) must be kept well packed, and the gland nuts (96) just tight enough to stop leaks, but not tight enough to cause groaning. With metallic packing the nuts can be tightened more than they could if a fiber packing is used, for if you screw down too tight on a fiber packing it will ruin it. The drain cock (105) must be handled in the same way as the one on the eight-inch pump, but in addition to this one there is one in the main exhaust (not shown in Fig. i), and it also must be opened when starting the pump. THE ELEVEN-INCH PUMP The Westinghouse Air-Brake Company are now making an eleven-inch pump after the same pattern as the 9>^-inch one. As the 9>^-inch pump can compress about a third more air in a given time than the 8-inch pump, in like manner the ii-inch pump can compress a third more air than the 9>^-inch pump can within the same length of time. Right and Left Hand Pumps are pumps having two sets of plugs on either side of the steam cylinder, so that the pump can be located on either side of the engine as desired. All 9>^- io8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE inch and ii-inch pumps are now made right and left. To change a pump from right to left, or vice versa, remove the steam port fittings and opposite plug and exchange them, remove the exhaust port fitting and its opposite plug and exchange them. In oiling either the 8, 9^ or ii-inch pump the steam end is oiled by a lubricator, and when first starting the pump, the oil should be allowed to flow at the rate of about fifteen drops a minute, but as soon as the pump is nicely warmed up, or say about thirty pounds pressure in the main reser- voir, then the oil should be cut down to about oiie drop a minute, if that will keep the pump lubri- cated so that it won't groan. Some pumps require more oil than others, according to the work they have to do. There is now being supplied on all pumps, when so specified, an automatic oil cup for the air end of the pump on both the Westing- house and New York Air Pumps. An automatic cup is very essential as too much or too little oil in either end of the pump is ruinous. The air cylinder should be oiled regularly with good valve oil, as the old practice of oiling it only when the pump groans is now found to be bad practice. The old practice of having a good fat swab on the piston rod of the pump is a very good ITS USE AND ABUSE lOQ one, although It is a bad practice to expect suffi- cient oil to pass into the cylinder to lubricate it from this source, for the simple reason that the piston rod packing is supposed to be air tight. Under no circumstances must oil be sucked in through the air inlet, as it will surely ruin the pump. Whenever the air cylinder is to be oiled, the pump should be throttled down to a very slow speed, and after first filling the oil cup, watch the stroke of the piston, and, when it Is going down, quickly open the oil cup and allow the oil to be sucked in before the piston starts up. This causes the oil to be sprayed around the cylinder. If oil was poured in while the pump was cold, just as soon as it was started up the oil would be forced into the main reservoir, and even- tually find its way to the brake valve, and gum up the rotary, feed valve and pump governor. Some engineers say they can't oil a pump on the down-stroke for the reason that the oil blows back in their face; this is true only when the piston packing rings are leaky, and if the oil does blow back on the down- stroke, it tells you very plainly that new packing rings are needed, and needed bad, no MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE as one of the most common causes for the pump running hot is leaky packing rings. A leaky discharge valve might cause a back blow, but if the pump is completely stopped and you hold your finger slightly above the open oil cup you can tell if the trouble is there. Never Use Anyt/mtg but Good Valve Oil for either end of the pump, as the heat gener- ated by the compression of air is so great that it requires oil of a high flashing point to withstand it. On a warm summer's day the air in a pump working against a ninety- pound pressure in the main reservoir is about 550 degrees, and on a cold winter's day, when the thermometer is thirty degrees below freez- ing, the pump generates a heat of 300 de- grees against a ninety-pound main reservoir pressure. And if you run your pump faster than sixty or seventy full strokes a minute, or have leaky packing rings or leaky dis- charge valves, the heat is raised considerably higher. The Westinghouse Air Brake Company are now manufacturing a compound air compresser, the main feature of which is that the steam cylinder is much smaller than the air cylinders, ITS USE AND ABUSE lit thereby effecting a considerable saving in fuel. The first compression of air raises the pressure to about forty pounds, and as this pressure oper- ates against the air piston at the same time that the steam is operating against the steam piston, it is readily seen that the combined force of compressed air and steam enables the pump to be operated at a very material saving of fuel. As this new compound pump is not as yet in general use, a detailed description of it at this time is not absolutely necessary, but full in- formation will be sent to anyone desiring it by addressing the Dukesmith School of Air Brakes, Meadville, Penn. The air valves in the Q^-inch pump operate same as in the 8-inch. But the lift of the air valves in the gj-inch pump are all the same, whereas they differ in the 8-inch pump, as previously explained. PLATE 1 6 — PUMP GOVERNOR When an engine is equipped with a brake valve on which there is a feed valve attachment the pump governor controls the main-reservoir pressure. But when the D-8 brake valve is used, the governor controls the trainpipe pressure. 112 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE THE THREE POSITIONS OF THE COMBINED RELEASE AND RETAINING VALVE are: full release, NORMAL, AND LAP. ^ "H gr.-^- fr-r £1 R 1 \H^ ^ ^^Br«i I^^^^^^H^ v 1 w Hk ■ >:. A '\ m^ -^^^1 H ^^Ta^^^^H If k* If ^^^ 1 " 01^ M^V ^^ ^m "^m ^1 ohiKhj^^I • iM u THIS ILLUSTRATION SHOWS LOCATION OF COMBINED RELEASE AND RETAINING VALVE JUST ABOVE THE ENGINEER'S AUTOMATIC BRAKE VALVE. ITS USE AND ABUSE 113 INTERIOR VIEW OF A MODERN AIR BRAKE INSTRUCTION CAR (CAR NO. 1, DUKESMITH SCHOOL OF AIR BRAKES). While many railroads are now operating their own instruction cars, in order to benefit their employes, it is, nevertheless, a fact that such method of instruction, if unaccompanied by care- ful study on the part of the employe, is of little value, for the reason that the continual move- ment of the car only affords each man a few hours instruction in a whole year, and therefore it is of vital importance that each employe should possess a thorough text book on the subject in order to be prepared for his examination when the car returns. 114 MODERN ATR-BRAKE PRACTICE ffo Main Rcwrrolr Coaaa: tioo 36 OD Kazio«ar'« Btmke VilTe. ^ PLATE NO. 10 — PUMP GOVERNOR ITS USE AND ABUSE u DESCRIPTION OF , PLATE l6 — PUMP GOVERNOR X. Boiler connection. Y. To pump. 51. Steam valve. 53. Air valve. 56. Air-valve spring. 62. Vent port. 67. Diaphram and valve. 68. Diaphram ring. 66. Regulating spring. 65. Regulating nut. W. Main reservoir. 61. Waste-pipe stud. u6 MODERN AIR-BRAKK PRACTICE While the new style governor is very similar to the old style, the new one is much more reli- able, as it is more positive in its action. The governor is located on the steam p.pe leading to the pump, as it:-, purpos^: is to shut off the steam whenever the pump has compressed the required amount of air, and whenever the air pressure falls below standard the governor automatically reopens the valve in the steam pipe and keeps it open until the air pressure is again restored, when it again shuts off the steam. This action is very simple. As the steam enters the governor at x, it passes under the steam valve (51) and through Y into the pump, and as long as the steam valve is unseated the pump will continue to work and compress air right up to boiler pressure; but as ninety pounds is all that is wanted in the main reservoir with the regular quick-action equipment, the tension spring of the governor must be set so that the steam valve will seat when ninety pounds is reached. This is done as follows: you will notice that piston 53 rests on the stem of the steam valve, and that the area of piston 53 is several times greater than the area of the steam valve, which ITS USE AND ABUSE 117 means that if the relative areas were as three is to one that when a fraction over fifty pounds of air got on top of piston 53 it would drive the steam valve to its seat against a steam pressure of 150 pounds. The manner in which the air is admitted to the top of piston 53 to stop the pump, or kept from it to allow the pump to run, is as follows: A small pipe leading from the main-reservoir return pipe is connected to the governor at W, which allows main-reservoir pressure to always fill the chamber under diaphram 67, and as this diaphram is held down by a tension spring (66) and as there is a small pin valve attached to the center of the diaphram which closes the port leading to the top of piston 53, whenever the air pressure becomes greater under the diaphram than the tension of the spring, it will cause it to raise and unseat the pin valve, and allow the air to reach the top of piston 53, causing it to seat the steam valve and stop the pump. If the ten- sion spring 66 is properly set the pump will stop when there is ninety pounds in the main reser- voir. Whenever the main-reservoir pressure gets lower than the tension of the spring, the diaphram valve drops back to its seat and the air escapes from the top of piston 53 through a iiS MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 9 *> PLATE NO. 17— D-8 BRAKE VALVE AND ROTARY SEAT. ITS USE AND ABUSE 119 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 1 7 — D-8 BRAKE VALVE X. Main reservoir connection. R. Gauge connection for red hand. W. Gauge connection for black hand (or train- pipe). T. To the little drum. V. To the pump governor. Y. Trainpipe. 17. Equalizing discharge valve. 18. Rotary valve. 22. Body gasket. Fig. 3 shows rotary seat and preliminary exhaust port h; and equalizing port ^, both lead into cavity/^. I20 MODERN AIR-BRAKi: PRACTICE small vent port (62) which allows spring 56 to aid the steam in lifting the steam valve from its seat. If the vent port 62 is not kept open the pump V ill be slow in starting, for the air could only get off the top of piston 53 by passing down around packing ring 54 and out at the waste-pipe con- nection ( cr); stud 60 is tapped in the back of the governor under piston 53, to carry off any steam that might leak by the stem of valve 51, or any air that might leak around packing ring 54, con- sequentl}' should both the vent port and the w^aste pipe become clogged the governor would not shut off the pump, and the main-reservoir pressure would run up to boiler pressure. PLATES 17 AND 1 8 — D-8 ENGINEER'S BRAKE VALVE In applying the brakes with the quick-action triple, it is not only necessary to reduce the train- pipe pressure lower than that in the auxiliar>% but it is absolutely necessary that the reduction be made gradually to prevent the emergency action. The old style brake valve, or three-way cock, had only three positions, application, lap and release, and while some men seem to think the new brake valve has only two positions, "on" and Its Use and abuse m "off," there are, however, five positions, as fol- lows: full release, running position, lap, service application, and emergency. There are two kinds of brake valves, one lias no feed-valve attachment, and is known as the D-8, and depends upon the pump governor to regulate the trainpipe pressure. The other kind has a feed-valve attachment for controlling the trainpipe pressure, which leaves the pump governor to control the main-reservoir pressure, and is known as the F-6 and G-6 brake valve, according to the kind of feed valve there is on it. The F-6 has the old style feed valve, and the G-6 has the new slide valve feed valve, as shown in plates 21 and 22. It is not necessary to go into details in describ- ing the D-8 brake valve, as it is now practically superseded by the F-6 and G-6, therefore I will simply explain the differences between the two kinds of brake valves, and will fully explain the F-6 under plates 20 and 21. The D-8 brake valve uses the pump governor to control the trainpipe pressure of seventy pounds, and the connection is made at V (plate 17); the "excess" is controlled by what is known as the excess pressure valve (19, Fig. 3, of plate 17). 122 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Fio4 PLATE NO. 18 — D-8 BRAKE-VALVE AND ROTARY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE l8 — D-8 BRAKE VALVE Fig. 2 shows trainpipe exhaust ;/, ;/, 25. 21. Excess pressure valve. Fig. 4. The rotary valve and handle. ITS USE AND ABUSE i^S When the handle of the D-8 brake valve is in full release position the pump will shut off at seventy pounds, and the pressure in the main reservoir and trainpipe would be the same, but if the handle is in running position the excess pressure valve will not open to admit air into the trainpipe until there is twenty pounds in the main reservoir, and as it requires twenty pounds to hold this valve open, the trainpipe will get a pressure of seventy pounds before the pump will shut off, thus leaving an excess pressure of twenty pounds in the main reservoir. If the handle is placed on lap while the train- pipe pressure is below seventy pounds, the pump will run the main reservoir pressure up to boiler pressure, for the governor cannot shut the pump off unless there is seventy pounds in the trainpipe; on the other hand, if the handle is in running position no air can get into the train- pipe until there is twenty pounds of excess in the main reservoir, and as a consequence the many leaks that commonly occur in the main reservoir and trainpipe connections cause the brakes to creep on before the pressure can be restored to keep them off. It was mainly on this account that the F-6 brake valve was invented, for with this valve the pump governor 124 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE is controlled by the main reservoir pressure, and will stop the pump at ninety pounds in the main reservoir, no matter in what position the handle is, and, as the trainpipe pressure is controlled by the feed valve, whenever that pressure falls below the standard of seventy pounds, if the handle is in runnint^ position the feed valve will open and let the main reservoir pressure in, and thus keep the brakc^s from dragging. Anotlier (lilTtM-ciice between the two kinds of brake valves is that with the D-8 valve, when making a servicer application, the air from cavity D over the equalizing discharge valve (17) is exhausted to the atmosphere through a separate little port in the casing, marked h in Fig. 2 of plate 18, whereas the preliminary exhaust //, in the F-6 valve, is connected with the main or emergency exhaust, marked k in Fig. 2 of plate 20, thus making one port less through the casing of the F-6 brake valve. Therefore there are the following differences between the D-8 and the F-6 brake valves: 1st. with the D-8 valve the excess pressure is gotten before the trainpipe begins to charge, if the handle is in running position; 2n(l, with the D-8 valve the trainpipe pressure is controlled by the pump governor, instead of the feed valve attach- ITS USE AND ABUSE 125 ment, as It is with the F-6; 3rd, with the D-8 valve, if the handle is left in either lap, service or emergency position, the pump will run the main reservoir pressure up to boiler pressure, or will shut off when there is only seventy pounds in the main reservoir if the handle is left in full release from the starting of the pump, whereas with the F-6 valve, the pump will be shut off by the governor, if properly set, when the main reservoir reaches ninety pounds, no matter what position the handle of the valve is in; 4th, with the F-6 valve the excess pressure is gotten after the trainpipe pressure is pumped up; 5th, with the D-8 valve, if the excess pres- sure valve should happen to be in bad order, and it usually is, if the handle was left on lap for any considerable length of time after making a service application, the main reservoir pressure would be raised so high that, with a short train, when the handle was thrown to release position the auxiliaries would be overcharged, and the wheels slid on the next application, unless the engineer was very careful, whereas with the F-6 valve the most that could get in the auxiliaries, if the governor was correct, would be ninety pounds; 6th, when an emergency application is made with the D-8 valve, the black hand on the 126 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE gauge will rise instead of fall, because in this position the equalizing port to cavity D is open to the main reservoir pressure. The construc- tion of the D-8 valve, with these differences, is the same as the F-6 or G-6, except that the D-8 has an excess pressure valve while the P-6or G-6 has a feed valve attachment, which will be explained in regular order. PLATES 19 AND 20 — THE F-6 (1892 MODEl) ENGI- NEER'S BRAKE VALVE The engineer's brake valve is the device on the engine by means of which the engineer is enabled to charge up, and keep charged, the trainpipe and auxiliaries; apply the brakes, and keep them applied, release the brakes, and keep them released, and to do these several things he has either to place the main reservoir in com- munication with the trainpipe, or open the train- pipe to the atmosphere, or shut off all communi- cation, as the case may be, according to whether he is applying or releasing the brakes, keeping them set, or running along. There are just four things that constitute the essential parts to a modern Westinghouse brake valve, viz: the rotary valve, the handle that con- trols the rotary, the equalizing discharge valve, ITS USE AND ABUSE 127 and the feed valve attachment, or trainpipe gov- ernor. Of course there are gaskets, springs, packing rings, the equaHzing reservoir, etc., but they are matters of detail. There are five positions in which the handle of the brake valve can be placed. The first, or extreme left position is "full release," and is the position the handle should alw;ays be in when releasing brakes, or when it becomes necessary to charge up quickly, for in this position the air from the main reservoir flows through the largest ports in the rotary direct into the trainpipe. The second position is callied "running posi- tion," because the handle should be carried in this position while running along, for the reason that in this position the rotary valve is placed so that all the air that passes from the main reser- voir into the trainpipe must go through the feed valve attachment, and as this attachment will only allow seventy pounds of air to get into the trainpipe (if set correctly, and unless the high- speed apparatus is being used), it enables the pump to maintain an excess pressure in the main reservoir, for if the pump governor is set at ninety pounds, and the feed valve set at seventy, there will naturally be twenty pounds 128 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Jimtritan MaeMftitt Fig. 3 PLATE NO. 19— F-6 BRAKE VALVE AND OLD STYLE FEED VALVE. ITS USE AND ABUSE 129 greater pressure in the main reservoir than in the trainpipe before the pump is stopped by the governor. Another reason why the handle must always be carried in running position while the train is running along, is because whenever the pressure in the trainpipe leaks down below the standard of seventy pounds, the feed valve will open automatically and allow the main reservoir pres- sure to again flow into the trainpipe until that pressure is restored, when it will automatically close itself, and allow the pump to again create the "excess" in the main reservoir. The third position on the brake valve is ''lap," and when the handle is in this position all ports are closed, so that no air can pass either into the trainpipe or out of it. After applying the brakes, the handle should be brought to lap carefully, and held there until it is desired to further reduce the trainpipe pressure or release the brakes, as the case may be, and when releas- ing the brakes the handle must be placed on full release position for a few seconds, according to the length of train and the amount of excess carried, before it is allowed to rest on running position. The fourth position is called "service applica- T-o MODERN AIR-HRAKE PRACTICE tion position," because in this position the air is allowed to escape gradually from the trainpipe. In this position the air on top of the equalizing discharge valve is allowed to escape through the small preliminary exhaust port in the seat of the rotary so gradually that a sudden reduction on the trainpipe is prevented, for as the pressure on top of the discharge valve is allowed to escape, the trainpipe pressure below gradually forces it from its seat and thereby opens the trainpipe exhaust. If the handle is left in serv- ice position until ten pounds is drawn from the top of the discharge valve and then placed on lap, the valve will not seat until a fraction over ten pounds has escaped from the trainpipe, when the pressure on top will then be the great- est and force the discharge valve back to its seat, and thereby close the trainpipe exhaust. The fifth position is called "emergency appli- cation position," because when the handle is in this position the rotary connects the main train- pipe supply port with the main exhaust port, and the air is allowed to escape from the train- pipe direct to the atmosphere, regardless of the equalizing discharge valve, and this sudden reduction of trainpipe pressure allows the triples to be forced to their full stroke, as explained ITS USE AND ABUSE 131 under plate 5, and thus causes the quick action, or emergency application. Emergency position should never be used except in case of danger. Owing to the rough manner in which some enginemen handle their brakes, this position is often called "criminal application position." The parts of the F-6 brake valve are as fol- lows: the handle, which controls the rotary, is marked 8, in Fig. i ; the lug (9) is forced out by a spring (10) so that the handle may be stopped in any desired position, and when placing the handle in any of the positions be sure that the bolt in the handle is right up against the lug on the brake valve, for the reason that the rotary valve is moved in exact accord with the handle. If the bolt or lug is worn the movement of the rotary will be correspondingly changed out of its proper alignment; 12 is the stem to one end of which the handle is fastened by nuts 6 and 7, and the other end is dove-tailed or keyed into the top of the rotary, so that whatever way the handle is turned the rotary has to turn with it; 13 is a small leather gasket for the purpose of preventing any air from leaking out around the stem, as main reservoir pressure is always on top of the rotary and under the shoulder of stem 12, forcing it up against the casing. This gasket i:;2 MODERN AIR-HRAKL PRACTICE ■*-.•. »»t ^'njMft PLA.TE NO. 20 — F-6 BRAKE VALVE — ROTARY AND SEAT. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 20 — F-O BRAKE VALVE Fig. 2 shows rotary seat and five positions of the handle. Eig. 4 is the rotary and handle. ITS USE AND ABUSE 133 sometimes gets gummed up so badly that it causes the handle to move very hard; 14 is the rotary valve, and 3 is the rotary valve seat; 18 is the equalizing discharge valve, which controls the trainpipe exhaust m and n. The action of the discharge valve has already been explained under ''service application position." As cavity D above the discharge valve is very small, it is necessary to have a greater volume of air to control it than the cavity alone will con- tain, and this greater volume is supplied by a little drum, or equalizing reservoir, which holds about 500 cubic inches of air, and is located, usually, under the footboard of the cab. It is connected to the brake valve at T (Fig. i), and from T to cavity D there is a connecting pas- sage, as shown by s in Figs. 2 and 3, and as the little drum is always charged equally with cavity D, whenever the pressure in cavity D is reduced it is also reduced in the little drum. This greater volume is needed above the discharge valve to compensate for the volume in the trainpipe. When the handle of the brake valve is placed m service position the rotary shuts off the main reservoir and also cavity D from the trainpipe, and allows the air to escape from cavity D by way of port e^ groove p and preliminary exhaust 134 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE port // to the almosphere through the main exhaust k, and when the handle is moved to lap it closes the preliminary exhaust, and thus holds the little drum pressure at whatever it was reduced to, as shown by the black hand of the gauge, and when the trainpipe has exhausted until it becomes less than the pressure in cavity D the discharge valve is forced to its seat by the pressure in the little drum, and stops any further flow of air from the trainpipe. Nos. 34 to 46 in Fig. 3 of plate 19 all refer to the old style feed valve attachment as used on the F-6 brake valve. The essential parts are the supply valve (34), valve spring (35), diaphgram piston (37), regulating spring (39), regulating nut (41). When the rotary is in running position the operation of the feed valve is as follows: the regulating spring being set at seventy pounds tension, it forces the piston up against the stem of the supply valve and raises it off its seat, causing the main reservoir pressure to flow from the top of the rotar>' down through port /in the rotary (Fig. 4 plate 20), and through port/ in the rotary seat (Fig. 3, plate 19), through a passage (y ), and under the supply valve to the top of the diaphragm piston, then through a port (shown by ITS USE AND ABUSE 135 dotted lines, and marked i, Fig. 2, plate 20), which leads off the top of the piston into the trainpipe by way of the main supply port, as shown by dotted lines in Fig. 2. As the rotary is now in position so that the large cavity (c), as shown in Fig. 4, plate 20, connects the main sup- ply port with the equalizing port £" (which passes through the rotary seat into cavity D), the air that is passing from the top of the rotary through the feed valve into the trainpipe, is also filling cavity D, and the little drum, by way of ports g and 5, as shown in Fig. 3, plate 19 (while plate 19 shows full release position, still ports s and g are plainly shown, and if the handle was moved to running position the port through the rotary that registers with port e in Fig- 3> would be in register with port^ ; port g is indicated by dotted lines). In running position, when the trainpipe and little drum are charged up to seventy pounds there is also seventy pounds on top of the dia- phram piston, and as the regulating spring is set at a fraction less than i^cventy, the air pressure forces it down and allows the supply valve to seat and shut off the main reservoir from the trainpipe. But as soon as the pressure in the trainpipe falls below seventy, the piston is again ij6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE forced up by the r^^aiaiing spring and keeps the supply valve open until the pressure is again restored in the tiainpipe. The feed valve attachment is in operation omly when the handle of the brake valve is in Tunning pOSltHMl. The course of the air through the brake valve in full release position is as follows: the return pipe from the main reservoir is coimected to the brake valve at X, and passes directly to the top of the rotary through passage A. then throi^^ port a in the rotary into cavity b in the rotary seat and under a bridge in the rotary (which now stands midwa)' over ca\~ity b)^ and on over the seat of the rotary, through large cavity r, direct into the main supply port (i) to the train- : 7e. \vi passing over the rotary seat the air r s down through the equaludng port ^, into cavity D, and from cavity D through port s into the little drum; and as the feed valve is cut out when the handle is in full release, both the little drum and trainpipe pressure would charge up to main reservoir pressure if the rotary was left in fuU release. In fuO release position, port j in the rotary registers with port e in the seat, so that cavit>' D charges faster in full release than in running position. ITS USE AND ABUSE 137 Always remember that the little drum is sim- ply an enlargement of cavity D, and the same pressure is in both. The Warning Po7't, through which the air is heard escaping as long as the handle remains in full release, is a small port through the rotary about the size of a pin, which allows the main reservoir air to whistle through it to warn the engineer that he is liable to overcharge his train- pipe. It should always be kept clean. The black hand of the gauge is piped to the little drum at W (Fig. i, plate 19), as stud 17 is tapped into pipe 15 which connects the little drum with cavity D by way of port s. The red hand of the gauge and also the pump governor are piped to the main reservoir pres- sure at R. To make an emergency application the handle must be moved to the extreme right, when the large cavity {c) in the rotary will connect the main supply port (/) of the trainpipe with the main exhaust port {k)y and allow the air in the trainpipe to exhaust directly into the atmosphere. PLATES 21 AND 22— THE G-6 BRAKE VALVE AND NEW SLIDE VALVE FEED VALVE The G-6 brake valve is identical with the F-6, with the exception of the feed valve. In the 138 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ; -'^L-A^ r zB^rr 5 3 PL.VTE XO. 21 — G-6 BRAKE VALVE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 21 — 0*6 BRAKE VALVE. Fig. 3 shows how the new slide valve feed valve is attached. ITS USE AND ABUSE 139 new slide valve feed valve the only material change is that a slide valve controls the flow of air from the main reservoir into the trainpipe, which allows the pressure to be raised much quicker than it can be with the old style feed valve. The working parts of the new slide valve feed valve are as follows: all of the essential parts of the old style feed valve are retained, as shown by plate 22, with slight modification, for 64 is the diaphragm piston, which instead of having a rub- ber diaphragm has two sheet-brass diaphragms (57) on the piston head, supported by a ring (63); 67 is the regulating spring; 65 the regulating nut; 59 a small valve corresponding exactly with sup- ply valve 34 in the old style feed valve, and 60 is the spring which controls valve 59. By plate 21, Fig. 3, you will see that there is a slide valve (55) attached to a piston (54), and this piston is forced forward by a spring (58). The action of the new slide valve feed valve is as follows: when the handle of the rotary is in running position, main reservoir pressure drives the slide valve and piston back, wliich uncovers a port in the slide valve seat that connects with feed port i, and as the slide valve does not move until the trainpipe is fully charged, it causes the 140 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 63 62 65 PLATE NO. 22 — SLIDE VAL\T: FEED VALVE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 22- VALVE SLIDE VALVE FEED 57. Diaphragm piston. 59. Cut-off valve. 67. Regulating spring. 65. Regulating nut. The slide valve is shown in plate 21. ITS USE AND ABUSE 141 pressure to be restored very quickly after it has been reduced from any cause. The reason the sHde valve does not move until the pressure is restored is because the piston has no packing rings, and the air is allowed to cir- culate by it through a small passage that leads to the supply valve chamber, from which it passes under the cut-off valve across the diaphragm into feed port i, and when there is a pressure of seventy pounds on the diaphragm it moves away from the supply valve and allows it to seat, when the circulation by the piston is stopped, causing the pressure to equalize on both sides of the sHdc valve piston, when spring 58 moves the slide valve and closes communication between the main reservoir and the trainpipe. When- ever trainpipe pressure falls below seventy the diaphragm forces valve 59 off its seat and the same action is repeated as before. As the new Westinghouse Automatic Brake Valve which is used in connection with their new Distributing Valve is not as yet in general use throughout the country, a full description of it will be sent by applying to the Dukesmith School ot Air Brakes, Meadville, Pa. 142 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE PLATE NO. 23.— HIGH-SPEED BRAKE. 11 i> USE AND ABUSE 14^ DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 23 — HIGH-SPEED BRAKE AS ATTACHED TO CAR This illustration shows how the reducing valve is attached to a car and piped to the pressure head of brake cylinder. THE HIGH-SPEED BRAKE Briefly stated, the high speed brake is an apparatus which enables the engineer to apply a very high pressure to the brake cylinders while running at a high speed, which automatically reduces as the train slows down. When a train is equipped with the high-speed 144 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE brake a pressure of i lo pounds is carried in the trainpipe and auxiliaries and 120 in the main reservoir. The equipment for the high-speed brake is the same as the ordinary quick-action brake, except that there is a duplex pump governor, an addi- tional slide valve feed valve, a quick action instead of a plain triple on the tender, a specially designed plain triple for the driver and truck brakes, and an automatic reducing valve attached to the cylinder 8 under the locomotive and each car, as shown in plate 22,. As the high pressures are only to be used on trains which run at a very high speed, there are cut-out cocks on the pump governor and feed valves so that the regular seventy and ninety pounds can be carried when required. When it is desired to change the locomotive equipment from the quick-action to the high- speed brake it is only necessar>^ to turn two handles, that of the reversing cock of the feed valve and that of the quarter-inch cut-out cock on the pipe leading to the governor. The: c handles must be turned at right angles to the position occupied when the quick-action brake is being used. The duplex pump governor consists merely of ITS USE AND ABUSE 145 two diaphragm portions of the ordinary pump governor (only one of which is in use at a time) connected with one steam valve portion. The principle of the high-speed brake is as follows: As the friction between the shoe and the wheel is lessened as the rapidity of rotation of the wheel increases, and as the adhesion between the wheel and rail remains practically the same regardless of speed, a greater cylinder pressure can be used while the train is moving at a high speed without danger of sliding wheels, but as the train slows down the cylinder pressure must be correspondingly reduced. This is done b}^ what is called the automatic reducing valve. PLATE 24 — THE AUTOMATIC REDUCING VALVE FOR THE HIGH-SPEED BRAKE Attached to the brake cylinder on each car there is an automatic reducing valve. Fig. 2 shows how the air passes in at Z, through a strainer (17), and, if the pressure is above sixty pounds, it overcomes the tension of regulating spring II, and piston 4 is forced down, which carries the slide valve (8) with it, so that port b in the valve registers with port a in the seat, and allows the surplus pressure to escape to the atmosphere until the cylinder pressure is down 146 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE era BRARC CYUNOCH PLATE NO 24 — THE ATTOMATIC REDUCING VA1.V*. TS USE AND ABUSE 147 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 24 — AUTOMATIC REDUCING VALVE 10. Cap nut. 9. U spring of slide valve. 8. Slide valve. 6. Slide-valve piston. 11. Regulating spring. 12. Regulating nut. 148 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE to sixty pounds, when the regulating spring forces the slide valve up and thereby closes the exhaust port a, and holds the sixty pounds in the cylinder until the engineer releases the brake in the usual way. Plates 25, 26 and 2"; illustrate the positions of the ports in the valve seat and slide valve of the reducing valve when making a service stop, an emergency stop, or when there is sixty pounds or less in the cylinder. The opening d in the side of the slide valve always admits cylinder pressure to port b, and, as port b is triangular in form, when a service stop is made the largest end of port b is in register with port a, to allow the air to reduce as rapidly as possible from the cylinder, but vrhen an emergency application is made the slide valve is forced down so that the small end of port ^ is in register with port a, and as the surplus cylinder pressure is gradually exhausted the regulating spring gradually raises the slide valve until, when there is a fraction less than sixty pounds left in the cylinder, port b is beyond port a, and the exhaust is closed. The air remaining in the cylinder is released in the usual manner, by way of the triple exhaust. The reducing valve should be examined occa- ITS USE AND ABUSE 149 P08ITI©N OF PORTS. SERVICE STOP. PRESSURE EXCEEDING 60 POUNDS IN BRAKE CYLINDER. PLATE NO. 25. — SERVICE STOP. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 25 — SERVICE STOP 8. Face of slide valve, showing large end of port b to be in register with exhaust port a. I50 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE sionally in order to detect and overcome any possible leak through the discharge port. Cars that are not equipped with the automatic reducing valve should never be attached to trains employing the high-speed brake, unless the brake cylinders are equipped with the safety valve provided for temporar>' use in such cases. The safety valve has been especially designed to prevent a higher than standard pressure in the brake cylinders of cars not equipped with the automatic reducing valve. It may be quickly screwed into the oiling hole of the brake-cylin- der head and removed when the car is again placed in ordinary service. HIGH-PRESSURE CONTROL OR SCHEDULE U The purpose of the high-pressure control equipment is to enable enginemen to safely handle freight trains which are hauled out empty and brought back loaded. For example, all freight-brake rigging is sup- posed to be adjusted so that the brake power exerted will be equal to only seventy per cent of the light weight of the car with a sevent>'- pound auxiliary- pressure, and when you load a car, you of course change its weight; conse- quently if the brake power on an empty car ITS USE AND ABUSE 151 position of ports. Emergency Stop. plate no 26. — emergency stop. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 26 — EMERGENCY STOP 8. Face of slide valve, showing small end of port b to be in register with exhaust port a. 152 MODERN AIR-BRAKK PRACTICE should be onl}- seventy per cent, that percentage would be ver>' materially lowered when you increase the weight by loading the car. Even a very light load will materially change the per- centage of brake power. As it would be very difficult to change the percentage of brake power by altering the brake rigging every time the weight of a train was changed (although this has been tried by using a lever shifting attachment) it is at once seen that the easiest and most practical way out of the difficulty is to change the standard of pressure carried in the auxiliar}' reservoir, and it is with this object in view that freight locomotives are equipped with the high-pressure control, for with this equip- ment an engineer can change his air pressure from 70 and 90 pounds to 90 and no pounds by simply turning a cut-out cock, and thereby increasing the percentage of brake power on his train. To make this plain to 3'ou I will explain by saying that if the brake-piston travel on a car is eight inches, and you make a service application of thirty pounds from a seventy-pound auxiliary and trainpipe pressure you would simply get fifty pounds in your brake cylinder, and would be wasting ten pounds of your trainpipe pres- ITS USE AND ABUSE 153 POSITION OF PORTS. RELEASE. PLATE NO. 27. RELEASE POSITION. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 27 — RELEASE POSITION 8. Face of slide valve, showing port b closed to exhaust port a. 154 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE sure, because the auxiliary* and brake cylinder would have equalized at fifty pounds with a twenty pound trainpipe reduction. Now, if you should have ninety pounds in the auxiliar>' you would have to draw off about twenty-six pounds in order to equalize the auxiliary and brake cyl- inder pressures, but they w^ould equalize at about sixty-seven pounds, thereby giving jou much more brake power with a full service application than 3^ou would ordinarily get from a seventy- pound trainpipe pressure with an emergency application. The reason for this is because the auxiliary- and brake cylinder will equalize at a point (f I two-sevenths below the original auxil- iary- pressure. For example, a 2opound reduc- tion from a jopound auxiliary' pressure will equalize at 50, and 20 is two-sevenths of 70. By this arrangement an eng-neer can greatly increase the brake power on his train so that he has it under better control in descending grades, and with little or no chance of sliding wheels, for the reason that the increased load not only makes the increased cylinder pressure safe, but absolutely essential. As a precaution against sliding wheels on the engine and tender, there is attached to them safety valves which automatically let out all ITS USE AND ABUSE 155 but fifty pounds of the brake cylinder pressure when an application is made. An additional safe- guard against sliding or heating of engine tires is the Dukesmith Driver Brake Control Valve, furnished by the Dukesmith Air Brake Company, Pittsburg, Pa. With this new valve an engineer can release any part or all of the brake pressure on the locomotive without interfering with the train brakes. (See Driver Brake Control.) The difference between the high pressure con- trol and the high-speed brake is as follows: the cars require no additional parts when using the high-pressure control; safety valves are used on the engine and tender instead of automatic re- ducing valves, and plain triple valves are used on both the engine and tender brakes, whereas a quick-action triple is used on the tender with the high-speed brake. The duplex pump governor is piped to both the main reservoir and slide valve feed valve with the high pressure control, whereas with the high-speed brake the governor is piped direct to the main reservoir. Owing to the fact that the ninety pound pump governor is piped to the feed valve and because the feed valve is automatically cut out by the action of the rotary whenever the handle of the brake-valve is in any oilier position but running 156 MODERN AIR.BIL\KE PRACTICE or release, it will be seen that when the handle of the brake valve is in any other position the I lopound governor controls the pump, thereby causing it to quickly pump up the excess pressure. With the high speed brake the governor is piped direct to the main reser\-oir, the same as with the quick-action equipment, consequently the cut- ting in or out of the ninet>'-pound governor by the quarter-inch cut-out cock on the governor pip>e will give you the low or high pressure as desired. The reason for ha\-ing but one cut-out cock for the two governors with the high-speed brake is because if you cut in the ninety-pound governor the steam valve will be closed at ninety pounds, and if you cut out the ninety-- pwDund governor it will require 1 20 pounds to unseat the diaphragm valve in order to let the air shut off the steam valve. The tension of the steam valve spring is, of course, a]wa\*s the same, no matter which gov- ernor is in use. but the tension of the diaphragm spring (41) is regulated by nut 40, so that one diaphragm valve will be lifted by ninety* and the other by 120 iK)unds, or, if you are using the high pressure control, at ninety and 1 10 pounds. COMBINED STRAIGHT AIR AND AUTOMATIC ENGINE BRAKE A ver) good addition, indeed to the ai; -brake ITS USE AND ABUSE 157 system has recently been made by what is known as the Combined Straight Air and Automatic Engine Brake. Besides the regular apparatus used with the automatic brake, the Westinghouse and New York Straight Air equipment consists of the following parts: a double check valve for the purpose of automatically shifting the connection from the cylinder to either the triple valve or the straight air-brake valve, as the case may require; a straight air-brake valve, having three positions, release, lap and application; a slide valve feed valve, set at forty-five pounds, and attached to the straight air-brake valve, to reduce the main reser- voir pressure when using straight air. The double check valve is used on both the engine and tender brakes. The Dukesmith Combined Automatic and Straight Air Brake Valve does not require the use of double check valves, and has an addi- tional advantage in that the engin-eercan release the locomotive brakes with this valve even though the trainpipe hose should be bursted. For full de- scription of this valve see Driver Brake Control. PLATE 28 — THE DOUBLE CHECK VALVE The double check valve consists of a casing (2-3) with two end and two side openings, and has in- side a loose, spool-shaped piece with a leather seat 1^8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE BRAKE OVUNDEH,^ TO BRAKE CYUmER, OR FOR. SAFETY VALVE. PLATE NO. 28. — DOUBLE CHECK VALVE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 28 — DOUBLE CHECK VALVE 4. Bushing. 5. Check valve. a and d. Valve seat. Cy c. Ports for "straight air." c\, c\. Ports for "automatic." 7. Leather gasket. ITS USE AND ABJSE 159 on each end (6) for the purpose of making a joint with the valve seat (a-b) at either of the end open- ings, against which it is driven by the air pressure entering at the other. The pipe leading from the straight air-brake valve is connected to one end opening of the double check valve, and the pipe from the triple is connected to the other end opening, and the connection with the brake cylinder is made by a pipe leading from either of the side openings, and to the other side opening is attached a safety valve set at about fifty pounds. Plate 28 shows the double check valve when straight air is being used, for as the air from the brake valve strikes the check valve it L« forced against seat b, which shuts off the triple and opens port c, which allows the air to rush into the cylin- der. • To release the brake the engineer simply places the handle of the brake valve on release position and the air in the cylinder returns through the same ports in the check valve and escapes to the atmosphere by way of the release port in the brake valve. To apply the brakes with the automatic, the old style straight air brake valve must be in re- lease position, and when using the straight air the l6o MODERN AIR-BRAKK PRACTICE u H < 2 O H O < a u z CO I o o . u < if) J D 00 O OJ r o UJ z h 1- < 1/5 -J U a ^ hi < < X o < tr I- X H Q o5 O D O I H U (For description sec jolloxcing page.) ITS USE AND ABUSE i6l DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 28a. [Plate 28a is a diagrammatic illustration show- ing the method of piping the Westinghouse Com- bined Automatic Straight Air Valve. The main features to be remembered are that the hose be- tween the engine and tender, marked special 36 inch hose, should be one continuous piece in order to avoid possible leakage; that with this arrangement two double check valves are needed and two exhaust valves marked Dand C, are used for the purpose of enabling the engineer to re- duce the pressure on the locomotive when de- scending heavy grades, or when the wheels are sliding; as shown in the chart, there must also be a safety valve attached to the brake cylinders on both the engine and tender, and there should also be a pressure gauge for indicating what the brake cylinder pressure is at all times, and this is very important, for the reason that should the reducing valve become defective it is liable to allow a much too heavy pressure to get into the cylinder. The exhaust valves C and D, as shown in the diagram, are located on the tender and engine respectively, and should be within easy reach of the engineer, for when they are needed they are needed in a hurry.] i62 MODERN A1R-BRAK:E PRACTICE w PLATE NO. 29a. — BRAKE VALVE AND COMBINED STRAIGHT AIF AND ATTOMATIC ENGINE BRAKE. {For dcsrr.pt on see following page.) r7\ # PLATE NO. 29b. BRAKE VALVE AND COMBINED STRAIGHT AIR AND AUTOMATIC ENGINE BRAKE. Description of Plates 29a and 29b. — 2. Shaft attached to handle (4) for operating valve 8 and release valve 9. The handle is on lap position. 163 i64 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE automatic brake valve must be left in running position. The engine brakes cannot be released with the Westinghouse or New York Straight Air Brake Valve if the triple is in application position. When a reduction is made on the trainpipe pres- sure in the usual way, with the automatic brake valve, the air from the auxiliary forces the check valve against sQ3.ta, and thereby opens ports n, which allows the auxiliary air to rush into the cyl- inder. The brake is released in the usual way, for when the automatic brake valve is placed in full release position the triple piston reverses the slide valve, and the exhaust being thus opened the air in the cylinder flows back through ports ^i in the check valve and out through the triple exhaust. When an engineer wishes to do so he can keep his train brakes released and still have his engine and tender brakes set, when his engine is equipped with this special apparatus. PLATES 29A, 29B AND 30 — THE STRAIGHT AIR-BRAKE VALVE The Westinghouse straight air-brake valve has three positions: release, lap and application. Plates 29 and 30 show it on lap. It is very simple, as the essential parts are the handle (4); the shaft (2), to which the handle is fastened, which oper- ITS USE AND ABUSE 165 ates two check valves (8 and 9). Check valve 8 contains the supply of air from the main reser- voir to the brake cylinder, and valve 9 controls the exhaust from the cylinder. Look at plate 29A and imagine that you have moved the handle to the right, which would cause the shaft to force valve 8 down and allow main reservoir pressure, which is always in chamber a, to flow under the valve into passage b and through b\ (plate 30), b2 and X (plate 29B) to the double check valve and and on into the cylinder, as ex- plained under plate 28. To release the brake, the handle is moved back to the extreme left, which causes the shaft to allow valve 8 to reseat, and forces valve 9 down, when the air from the cylinder passes back through X, ^2, under valve 9, through passage c to the exhaust. The slide valve feed valve is attached to the pipe leading to the double check valve, and when the handle is thrown to application position the flow of air from the main reservoir to the cylinder is shut off automatically at forty-five pounds. Should the feed valve leak, or be set too high, the safety valve will allow the surplus pressure to escape, and should the safety valve not seat properly it would allow the cylinder pressure to leak off when i66 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE £tM0y€ T TODCUtie PLATE NO. 30a. — BRAKE VALVE FOR COMBINED STRAIGHT AIR AND AUTOMATIC ENGINE BRAKE. (For descrlpt.on see follow. ng page.) ITS USE AND ABUSE 167 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 30 Section F.F. shows how the air passes from the main reservoir by way of valve 8 to the double check valve, and how in returning from the double check valve it passes un- der valve 9 to the ex- haust. •a PLATE NO. 30. BRAKE VALVE FOR COMBINED STRAIGHT AIR AND AUTOMATIC ENGINE BRAKE. i68 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE either a partial straight air or automatic appHca- tion was made. The Xew York Straight Air Brake Valve nas four positions and the Dukesmith has five, and are described under their respective headings. PLATE 31 — THE WHISTLE SIGNAL SYSTEM There are four essential things that go to make up the air-signal system, aside from the pipes, cut-out cocks, cords, etc. Fig. I is the signal valve, and stands in the same relation to the whistle as the auxiliary does to the brake cylinder, for it is in the signal valve that the air is stored for use in blowing the whistle. Fig. 2 is the car discharge valve, and stands in the same relation to the air signal as the con- ductor's valve does to the airbrake, for when the car discharge valve is opened the air escapes frcra the signal pipe and causes the whistle to blov. . Fig. 3 is the whistle. Fig. 4 is the improved reducing valve, which is to the air-signal what the feed-valve attachment is to the air brake, as it controls the pressure in the signal pipe and signal valve. The reducing valve is identical in its operation with the old style feed-valve attachment, and when you understand one you knov/ the other, ITS USE AND ABUSE i6g for as the regulating spring 13 is set at forty pounds, the diaphragm piston (10) will keep the supply valve (4) off its seat until the main reser- voir pressure (which flows in at A) has filled the signal pipe (B) to a fraction over forty pounds, when the piston is forced down and allows the supply valve to shut off the main reservoir pres- sure until the signal-pipe pressure is again reduced, when the piston will again raise and unseat the supply valve to allow the main reser- voir to quickly restore the pressure in the signal pipe, when the valve will again seat by the pis- ton being forced away from it. The signal valve is attached to the main sig- nal pipe by a short branch pipe at Y, and what- ever pressure is in the pipe the same is in chambers A and B, for as air passes through port d into chamber A, it also passes down pas- sage C and raises the diaphragm stem (10) so that the small groove cut around the stem at / is above bushing 9, and as the side of the stem is flat as far up as the groove, when the stem is raised the air is free to enter chamber B, and when it equalizes with A the stem drops to its seat (7) by its own weight and closes port e. The stem is attached to a rubber diaphragm (12), and as the whistle is piped to the signal I7C MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 3 •v L V PLATE NO. 31. — WHISTLE SIGNAL SisIiiL ITS USE AND ABUSE 171 DESCRIPTION OF PLATE 3 1 — WHISTLE SIGNAL SYSTEM Fig. I. Whistle signal valve. Fig. 2. Car discharge valve. Fig- 3- The whistle. Fig. 4. Reducing valve. 172 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE valve at X, whenever the lever (5, Fig. 2) of the car discharge valve is moved either to the right or left the small valve (3) is forced off its seat to allow the air to escape from the signal pipe, and when the pressure is thus reduced the air in chamber A is also reduced, and as the volume of B is so much greater than A the rubber dia- phragm is forced up, which unseats the stem and allows the air in B and some of the signal- pipe air to rush out through, the bell-shaped whistle and cause it to blow. In order to insure the whistle giving the proper blast it is necessary to make a sudden reduction, and as it is the air in the signal valve that blows the w^histle, at least two seconds must be allowed between each pull of the cord to let chamber B fully recharge, and on a long train four seconds is better. Plates 32 and 33 are diagrammatic illustrations showing (32) the Quick- Action Automatic Brake, and {^^) the High-Speed Brake Equipment. These plates are remarkably complete in detail, and the reader will at once see the exact rela- tion each part is to the other. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO SECTION 2 THE PARTS OF THE WESTINGHOUSE AUTOMATIC, HIGH SPEED AND STRAIGHT AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT AND THEIR DUTIES I. What is meant by an automatic brake? Ans. — A brake that is self-acting. ' 2. When an engine is equipped with the Wes- tinghouse automatic quick-action air brake, what are the essential parts, and what are their duties? Ans. — A steam-driven pump to compress the air; a main reservoir in which the air is stored ready for use; an automatic air-controlled gov- ernor for stopping and starting the pump accord- ing to the amount of compressed air required in the brake apparatus; a duplex gauge for regis- tering the pressure in the main reservoir and trainpipe; an engineer's brake valve for control- ling the flow of air from the main reservoir into the trainpipe and from the trainpipe to the atmosphere; an equalizing reservoir attached to the brake valve for controlling the equalizing discharge valve within the brake valve; pipe connections between the pump and the main 173 174 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE reservoir, between the main reservoir and the brake valve, between the main reservoir and the governor, between the main reserv^oir and the red hand of the gauge, between the equahzing reservoir and the black hand of the gauge, rep- resenting trainpipe pressure; and to the brake valve is attached the trainpipe, in which is located a cut-out cock just below the brake valve for the purpose of closing communications between the brake valve and trainpipe as occa- sion demands, as in double heading; branch pipes leading from the trainpipe to the triple valve, from the triple valve to the auxiliary reservoir, from the triple to the brake cylinders, as there are two brake cylinders on the engine the pipe leading from the triple to the cylinders is teed so that one branch leads to the right and the other to the left-hand cylinder; there are cut-out cocks on the branch pipe leading from the trainpipe to the triple and from the triple to the brake cylinder, and from the triple to the auxiliary; there is an auxiliary reservoir for sup- I^lying air to the brake cylinder and a plain triple valve for charging, setting, and releasing the brake. When an engine is said to be fully equipped there is also a truck brake equipment consisting of an additional auxiliary reservoir of ■\ I ! KlMt AINU UNE. HHU- L«l.n PLATE 33 Diagrammatic Illustration of the Westinghouse Standard High=Speed Brake f ^%«iVjfcV\:k\ I w ^ > ^^>>^" '--'-r V'*'!.^ ii i WT ^i\^0#^"\^ ^J CBZj>j;,f !i\AO ^-\ri\A^??>5\ I ITS USE AND ABUSE 175 smaller capacity, a truck brake cylinder, an auto- matic slack adjuster, and a Driver Brake Control Valve, with Automatic Release Signal, in which case there would be no triple on the tender. 3. What additional apparatus is required on a passenger engine from that of a freight engine? Ans. — The whistle signal equipment, consist- ing of a reducing valve set at forty pounds, a whistle signal valve, and an air whistle, together with a signal pipe and suitable connections be- tween the main reservoir and reducing valve, and from the reducing valve and signal valve, and from the signal valve to the air whistle. 4. What additional apparatus is needed to change the quick-action equipment into a high- speed equipment? Ans. — A duplex pump governor, an extra slide valve feed valve and bracket, and an automatic reducing valve. 5. What are the parts required on a tender In ordinary freight or passenger service, with a standard Westinghouse equipment? Ans. — A trainpipe, brake cylinder, auxiliary reservoir and a plain triple valve with branch pipes, cut-out cocks, an angle-cock and hose. In passenger service there is, in addition, the signal pipe with its angle-cock and hose. But when an 176 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE engine is equipped with the Dukesmith Driver Brake Control Valve no triple valve or auxiliary reservoir is required on the tender. 6. When equipped for high-speed brake, what additions are needed on a tender? Ans. — An automatic reducing valve set at sixty pounds, and the quick-action triple is substituted for the plain triple. To be fully equipped the tender in any kind of service should also have an automatic slack adjuster and a release signal. 7. What apparatus is required on a freight car? Ans. — A trainpipe with angle-cocks and hose at both ends; a quick-action triple valve; a brake cylinder; a branch pipe leading from the trainpipe to the triple in which is a cut-out cock; a release rod leading from the release valveon the auxiliary to either side of the car; a pressure-retaining valve clamped to the end of the car near the top along side the staff of the hand brake; a pipe connect- ing the retaining valve with the triple exhaust so that when it is desired to allow the engineer to re- charge the auxiliar}' reservoir on descending grades the handle of the retainer can be turned up and thereby retain a pressure of fifteen or fifty pounds in the brake cylinder while recharging, ( at the foot of the grade, or sooner if desired, the handle must be turned down again in order to ITS USE AND ABUSE 177 permit the engineer to release the brakes); if the car control valve is used instead of the ordinary retaining valve there should also be a release sig- nal, which is clamped to the end of the car just below the top and piped direct to the brake cylin- der, the purpose of which is to signal the train crew every time the brake sets, releases, leaks off, has too much piston-travel or sticks. It also en- ables the trainmen to detect a ''kicker," or brake that flies into emergency with a service application. When a brake sticks so that it cannot be released from the engine the brakeman can release it from the top of the car by simply moving the handle of the car control valve which is on the end of the car until the signal drops into its pocket. On a dark night when the brakes are felt to be drag- ging, the brakeman will not have to drop off and watch the brakes as the train passes in order to find the defective brake,but can, when the release- signal is used, run back over the top of the train, aryi by the light of his lantern, see the release- signal as it appears above the top of the car, as it is a foot square, and having thus quickly and surely found it, has only to open the valve and let the brake off without having to take any personal risk, as he does when dropping off the train, and without causing a dangerous delay to the train, as 178 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE is frequently the case when brakes get to dragging and have to be bled off by the auxiliary release valve. Whenever the air is out of the brake cylin- der the release-signal will automatically drop into its pocket below the top of the car. To find a "kicker" in a train, have the engineer make a five- pound reduction, and on all cars on which the triple valves are properly working the signal will show itself just a little way above the top of the car. In case the "kicker" should be caused by a weak graduating spring in one of the first seven cars, it would throw the whole train in emergency on the first light reduction, but on the car which has the "kicker," if it is not caused by a weak graduatmg spring in the first seven cars, the sig- nal will not move with the first five-pound reduc- tion, so that when the next five-pound reduction is made, the signal which did not move at all on the first reduction will jump up, showing that the defective triple is on that particular car. I laving thus found the "kicker," cut that brake out, card the car and report as usual. As uneven piston-travel is one of the worst evils railroads have to contend with, all air brake cars should also be equipped with the automatic slack- adjuster. 8. On a passenger coach, in ordinary service, ITS USE AND ABUSE 179 what additional apparatus is required from that of a freight car? Ans. — Either a car control valve or the ordinary conductor's valve attached to the end of a pipe which leads from the trainpipe to within the body of the coach, (usually in the toilet room), by means of which the conductor can stop the train, if de- sired, by letting the air out of the trainpipe either gradually orsuddenly, according to circumstances. For an ordinary stop it should be opened grad- ually, but for an emergency it should be pulled wide open quick and held open until the train comes to a full stop, when it should be again closed. On a passenger car there is also a whistle signal pipe from which there is a branch pipe.leading to the car discharge valve, and as there is a cord at- tached to the discharge valve, a sudden jerk of the cord will open the valve and let out signal-pipe pressure, thereby causing the whistle to blow on the engine; a lapse of at least two seconds should be allowed between pulls in order to insure the correct signal, and on long trains four seconds is better. All passenger coaches should have the automatic slack-adjuster and the release-signal. 9. To equip a passenger car for the high-speed brake, what extra apparatus is needed? Ans. — Simply the automatic reducing valve. i8o MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Where a car is temporarily used in a train equip- ped with the high-speed brake, a safety valve must be screwed into the oil hole of the brake cylinder, and when it is returned to ordinar>^ service the safety valve should be removed and the plug re- placed in the oil hole of the cylinder. Ordinary passenger coaches do not usually have retaining valves on them, but all Pullman and most private cars do, and are placed on the end of the car in the vestibule. 10. Now, to return to the engine equipment. How many main pistons are there in the pump? Ans. — Two; the main steam piston and the main air piston, the former in the top and the latter in the bottom section of the pump. 11. Are these pistons connected together? Ans. — Yes. One piston rod operates both. 12. What is the principal difference in the construction of the eight-inch pump from that of the gj-inch pump? Ans. — The eight-inch pump has its steam valves on the side and top, while the g^-inch pump has its steam valves all at the top, and where in the eight-inch pump the flow of steam is controlled by pistons with packing rings, in the 9^-inch pump the flow of steam is controlled by a common D slide valve actuated by two pistons of unequal ITS USE AND ABUSE i8i diameter. Both pumps contain a reversing valve with reversing valve rod which operates within the hollowed-out main piston rod. 13. What difference is there in the two pumps in regard to the air valves? Ans. — The eight-inch pump has its discharge and receiving valves all on one side, whereas in the 9J-inch pump there is a receiving and dis- charge valve on either side of the pump. The eight-inch pump has two air inlets; the gi-inch pump kas only one. 14. Is there any difference in the lift of the air valves in the two pumps? Ans. — Yes; in the eight-inch pump the receiv- ing valves have a lift of i of an inch, and the discharge valves have ^^, whereas in the gj-inch pump all air valves have a lift of ^^3. 15. Can you explain the operation of the steam end of the eight-inch pump? Ans. — When the steam enters at the side of the pump it flows into a chamber in which is contained two pistons of unequal diameter, which, in com- bination, is known as the main steam valve of the pump; leading from near the top of this chamber there is a steam passage which conducts the steam to the top of the reversing valve and from thence through a small passage into another chamber in i82 iMODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE which is contained the reversing piston (see plate 14), the steam having thus passed from the main valve chamber to thereversingvalve chamber and into the chamber of the reversing piston, and as the reversing piston and the bottom piston of the main valve combine to make a much larger area than the top piston of the main valve, it naturally forces the main valve down so that the steam from the main valve chamber can pass through the bot- tom ports in the main valve chamber to the steam cylinder of the pump, and thereby force the main steam piston up; as the main steam piston rises, the reversing plate strikes the shoulder of the re- versing valve rod and thereby changes the posi- tion of the reversing valve, so that the steam in the chamber over the reversing piston can pass through the second passage in the head through the cavity in the reversing valve, through the low- er passage in the head, to the exhaust passage, which begins at the bottom of the reversing piston chamber and ends at the main exhaust. The pres- sure having now been removed from the top of the reversing piston, the large piston in the main valve chamber is forced up, causing the small bot- tom valve to close the bottom supply ports to the steam cylinder and at the same time open the bot- tom exhaust ports of the steam cylinder, thereby ITS USE AND ABUSE 183 allowing the steam to exhaust from the under side of the main piston. While the main valve is in this position, the exhaust port, from the top side of the piston, is closed, and the supply port from the main valve chamber to the top of the steam piston is open, so that the steam can pass from the main valve chamber to the top of the main steam piston and thereby force it down; in doing so the reversing plate engages the button on the end of the reversing valve rod, which again changes the position of the reversing valve, thereby allowing the same action to take place as in the beginning. 16 How do the air valves in the eight-inch pump operate? Ans. — On the up-stroke of the main air piston a partial vacuum is formed in the air cylinder, and as the atmospheric pressure is then greater on the outside of the ^ump, it enters the air inlet and forces the receiving valve off its seat until the air cylinder is filled with atmospheric pres- sure. As the reversing valve causes the main pistons to reverse just before reaching the top of the cylinders, the compression of the air, which begins immediately that the piston starts down, causes the receiving valve to be firmly closed, and as the compression in the air cylin- der is increased over the pressure in the main i84 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE reservoir, it causes the discharge valve to be lifted and allow the air from the pump to be forced into the main reservoir. As the piston starts up again the main reservoir air holds the discharge valve to its seat in the same manner that the air cylinder pressure held the receiving valve to its seat on the down-stroke. In making the up-stroke, the upper receiving and discharge valves operate in the same manner as did the lower valves. 17. Can 30U explain the operation of the steam end of the 9^^-inch pump? Ans. — The steam entering the pump at the main steam connection is conveyed to a cham- ber in the top head of the pump in which is con- tained two pistons of unequal diameter, on the piston rod of which is a common D slide valve moving over a seat having three ports. One of these ports leads to the under side of the main steam piston, one leads to the top of the main steam piston, and one to the main exhaust, and as the cavity in the slide valve can only connect two of these ports at any one time, it naturally follows that when the steam enters between the two pistons of unequal diameter that the slide valve is moved towards the end of the chamber containing the large piston. In doing so it ITS USE AND ABUSE 185 uncovers the port leading to the under side of the main steam piston, which causes the piston to move up, which in doing so operates the reversing valve in the same manner as previ- ously explained in the eight-inch pump. As the piston nears the top it changes the position oi the reversing valve in order to allow steam to pass from between the two unequal pistons, through a port in the bushing, to the outer side of the large piston. By this action the pressure on both sides of the large piston is equalized, and as there is no pressure on the outer side of the small piston, the expansion of the steam forces the slide valve to the end of the chamber in which is contained the smaller piston. This action causes the slide valve to connect the port leading from the bottom side of the main steam piston with the port leading to the main exhaust, and while the steam is exhausting from the under side of the piston, live steam is being admitted to the top of the main steam piston through the port in the slide valve seat which is now uncovered, thereby forcing the main steam piston down, which in doing so causes the revers- ing valve to be reversed the same as in the eight-inch pump, which action exhausts the steam from the outer side of the large piston so i86 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE that it is again forced in the same direction as described in the beginning of the stroke. The action of the air valves is the same as in the eight-inch pump except that the lift of the valves in the 9^2-inch pump is 5^ of an inch all around, whereas in the eight-inch pump the receiving valves have ^\ of an inch greater lift than the discharge valves. 18. What is the name of the pipe leading from the pump to the main reservoir? Ans. — The main reservoir discharge pipe. 19. What is the name of the pipe leading from the main reser\'oir to the engineer's brake valve? Ans. — Main reservoir return pipe. 20. What prevents the main reservoir pres- sure from flowing back into the pump? Ans. — There are two valves, known as the dis- charge valves, which are held to their seat by the main reservoir pressure, but when the pump compresses air to a higher pressure than that contained in the main reservoir, the discharge valves are lifted from their seat until the pres- sures equalize, when the valves drop to their seat by their own weight. 21. If the main reservoir pressure begins at the pump, where does it end? ITS USE AND ABUSE 187 Ans. — If the engineer s brake valve is on lap, it ends on top of the rotary valve and at the pump governor and at the red hand of the gauge. 22. If the brake valve is on lap, why does not the main reservoir pressure end on top of the brake valve? Ans. — Because there is a branch pipe leading from the main reservoir pipe just before it reaches the brake valve, which carries the air to the red hand of the gauge and to the pump governor. 23. Are there any other attachments which might consume main reservoir pressure? Ans. — Yes; the bell ringer and air sander, and if it is a passenger engine, the whistle signal pipe. Should a leak occur in any of these con- nections, it would be a main reservoir leak. 24. Where should the main reservoir on the engine be located? Ans. — While circumstances regulate the loca- tion of the main reservoir, it should, however, be always placed in such a position that it will be lower than the pump, so that all oils andconden- sations may settle in it, and should be piped so that the discharge pipe, or the one which con- nects with the pump, is separated as far as pos- iS8 MODERN AIR-BRAICE PRACTICE sible from the return pipe leading to the engi- neer's brake valve. 25. What is the engineer s brake valve for? Ans. — For the purpose of enabling the engi- neer to properly charge, set and release brakes and control the flow of main resenoir and train- pipe pressure. 26. What are the essential pans of the engi- neer's brake valve? Ans. — The rotar>- valve and the handle which controls it, the equalizing discharge valve, the feed valve attachment, or trainpipe governor, and the equalizing reservoir. 27. What is the purpose of the rotary- valve? Ans.^ — To open and close the ports in the brake valve. 28. What is the handle of the brake valve for? Ans. — To control the movement of the rotary- valve. 29. What is the equalizing discharge valve for? Ans. — To open and close the trainpipe exhaust port according to the pressure above or below it. 30. What is the equalizing reser\-oir intended for? Ans. — To maintain a large volume of air on the upper side of the equalizing discharge valve, in order to compensate for the volume of air in ITS USE AND ABUSE 189 the trainpipe, which is on the under side of the equalizing discharge valve. 31. What is the feed-valve attachment, or trainpipe governor for? Ans. — As its name implies, it is for the purpose of controlling the pressure in the trainpipe. 32. In what way does it control the pressure in the trainpipe? Ans. — As there is a regulating spring (see illustration) which is set at seventy pounds, it requires an air pressure of a little over seventy pounds to compress the spring and allow the feed valve to close and shut off the flow of air from the main reservoir to the trainpipe. 33. How many kinds of feed valves are there in use? Ans. — Two. The old style feed valve is merely a poppet valve, while the new slide valve feed valve contains, in addition to the poppet valve feature, a slide valve, which is actuated by both air and spring pressure. 34. Which feed valve is preferable and why? Ans. — The new slide valve feed valve; for the reason that with it the trainpipe pressure can be quickly raised and more evenly maintained, whereas with the old style feed valve the flow of air into the trainpipe is materially retarded after IQO MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE the pressure has reached fifty pounds, on account of the gradual closing of the poppet feed valve, while with the new slide valve feed valve the trainpipe port virtually remains wide open until the full seventy-pounds pressure is in the train- pipe. While the slide valve controls the port leading to the trainpipe, it in turn is controlled by the small poppet valve, for the reason that when the trainpipe pressure of seventy pounds forces the diaphragm of the regulating spring away from the poppet valve, the latter is allowed to seat, which prevents the circulation of the air through the feed-valve attachment, and the pressure thus becomes equalized on both sides of the slide-valve piston. The spring behind the piston forces it forward and causes the slide valve to close the trainpipe port. It is because the air is intended to circulate freely on both sides of the slide-valve piston that there are no packing rings on this piston. 35. In what position must the brake handle of the brake valve be in order to have the feed- valve attachment in operation? Ans. — In running position, as that is the only position of the brake-valve handle in which you can get air from the main reservoir to the train- pipe through the feed valve. ITS USE AND ABUSE 191 36. Can you trace the course of the air from the pump to the brake cylinder? Ans. — In order to get the air from the main reservoir to the brake cylinder, if the handle of the engineer's brake valve is on lap at the begin- ning, it is necessary to make at least two move- ments of the handle of the brake valve, which I will explain in a moment. The pump having compressed the air, it is forced through the dis- charge valves and through the discharge pipe into the main reservoir, from thence it passes through the return pipe to the top of the rotary valve in the engineer's brake valve. When the handle of the brake valve is thrown to the left, or full release position, the main reservoir pres- sure can then pass through the largest ports in the brake valve direct into the trainpipe. From the trainpipe it passes through the branch, or cross-over pipe, to the trainpipe side of the triple piston, and in forcing the triple piston for- ward there is opened a feed groove in the casing of the triple piston cylinder, which allows the trainpipe pressure to flow over the piston and over the top of the slide valve into the auxiliary reservoir. The air has now been carried from the pump through the main reservoir, through the engineer's brake valve, through the train- 192 MODKRN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE pipe cross-over pipe, through the triple valve and into the auxiliar>- reservoir. When a suffi- cient pressure has been stored in the auxiliary- reservoir and it is desired to set the brakes, the engineer must move the handle of the brake valve to at least ser\ice application position, which action causes the preliminary exhaust port in the brake valve to open and allow the pressure from the top of the equalizing dis- charge valve to escape to the atmosphere, which causes the trainpipe pressure, which is on the under side of the equalizing discharge valve, to force the valve up and open the trainpipe exhaust port. With the trainpipe exhaust port open the air rushes out from the trainpipe, and as the triple piston stands between the trainpipe and auxiliar>' pressure, it naturally follows that when the trainpipe pressure has been made lower than the auxiliary pressure the triple pis- ton is forced towards the weaker pressure by the auxiliary- pressure, and as it carries with it the slide valve, the ports in the slide valve and in the slide-valve seat are thereby opened, which allows the auxiliary' pressure to flow into the brake c>lin- der against the brake piston, which is connected with the brake levers, which forces the shoes up against the wheels and the brake is then set. - ITS USE AND ABUSE 193 > 37. Can you explain how the brakes are released? Ans. — By the excess pressure in the main reser- voir. When it is desired to release the brakes the handle of the brake valve is placed in full release position, in order that the great volume of air contained in the main reservoir may pass quickly through the trainpipe and strike the triple piston a hammer blow, in order to over- come the pressure in the auxiliary reservoir, thereby causing the slide valve to be moved, so that the exhaust port of the triple valve will be opened and permit the brake cylinder pressure to pass out into the atmosphere, and the pressure having thus left the brake cylinder the return spring in the brake cylinder forces the brake piston back, thereby moving the brake levers to their original position, which allows the brake shoes to drop away from the wheels. 38. Can the brakes be released with the han- dle of the brake valve in any other position than that of full release? Ans. — Yes. They can be released sometimes in running position, but it is a very dangerous practice' for an engineer to do so, for the reason that when it is necessary to release the brakes in a train they should be all released at the same 194 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE moment, if possible, because if some brakes release and others do not, it is very liable to pull the train in two. 39. How many positions are there on the brake valve? Ans. — Five. Full release, running, lap, serv- ice and emergency. 40. What are these positions intended for? Ans.— Full release is for charging and releas- ing the brakes. Running position is to enable the engineer to maintain an even pressure in the trainpipe and auxiliary reservoir while run- ning along, and keep up the excess pressure, because as the air in the trainpipe escapes through leaks of any kind, the feed-valve attachment automatically opens to allow main reserA'oir pressure to flow into the trainpipe, but automatically closes when the pressure has been restored. Lap position, which is the third on the brake valve, is for the purpose of closing all ports, so that no air can flow into or out of the trainpipe. Ser\^ice application posi- tion is for the purpose of making a gradual application of brakes, and emergency applica- tion position is for the purpose of allowing the trainpipe pressure to rush out as quickly as pos- sible, in order that all brakes in the train may be ITS USE AND ABUSE 195 set instantly, or nearly so. Emergency position should never be used except in case of actual or probable danger, and should never be used when an engine is on the turntable. 41. What main reservoir and trainpipe pres- sures should be carried with the quick-action brake equipment? Ans. — Ninety pounds in the main reservoir, which is shown by the red hand, and seventy pounds in the trainpipe, which is shown by the black hand. In 1904 the Air Brake Association in National Convention at Buffalo recommended ninety pounds as the standard trainpipe pressure, but suggested that its use be gradually adopted, as circumstances would permit. 42. When the high-speed brake equipment is used what pressure should be carried? Ans. — One hundred and twenty pounds in the main reservoir and no pounds in the trainpipe. 43. When the high pressure control is used, what pressure should be used on the engine? Ans. — With a light train ninety and seventy pounds, but with a loaded train a hundred and ten, and ninety pounds. 44. What is meant by excess pressure, and what is it used for? Ans. — Excess pressure is the amount of air 196 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE carried in the main reservoir over and above what is carried in the trainpipe. If the train- pipe governor is set at seventy pounds and the main reservoir or pump governor at ninety pounds, there would be an excess pressure of twenty pounds in the main reservoir. The object in carrying this extra or excess pressure is to enable the engineer to quickly recharge the trainpipe after making a reduction, in order to strike the triple pistons a hammer blow to drive them to release position. SECTION 3 CHAPTER III ^VESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE DEFECTS — HOW TO TEST FOR AND REMEDY THEM While a great many defects are constantly found in the air-brake equipment, it must be borne in mind that they arise more from abuse and neglect than from wear and tear. When it is taken into account that the equip- ment is handled by such a great variety of men, and is required to perform its function under such varying conditions, it is really amazing that it will remain in service as long as it does with out having to be renewed. But, as good as it is, it can easily get out of order, and the growing demand for greater safety in the running and handling of trains requires that the equipment be kept in as nearly perfect condition as pos- sible, to reduce to a minimum the recurrence of the terrible wrecks and accidents that will con- tinue to happen as long as railroads exist. There are many once happy homes now shrouded in black despair as the result of some air brake defect that was either neglected or overlooked until it was too late. For instance, 197 iqS modern AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE an engineer on a certain road in Pennsylvania was pulling a heavy freight train over a moun- tain division, and having neglected to keep his air pump in proper condition, could not pump sufficient air to overcome the trainpipe leaks and still maintain the proper pressure in the auxiliaries, and as a consequence the braking power of the train gradually fell down and down until, upon reaching a very heavy grade, the train got the start of the brakes, when, like a crazed monster it rushed down the mountainside until, like a flash, it left the rails and piled up a mass of wreckage beneath which lay the crushed remains of the engineer and fireman — and as a result two once happy wives were thus made widows, not because "the brakes failed to work," but because the engineer failed to maintain his brake equipment in the condition it should have been. I shall take up the various defects in the same order in which the several parts of the equip- ment have been described. The Triple \^alve. The duties of the triple valve being to charge, set and release the brake, if it fails to do any one of these things it is because there is a defect somewhere, and if the trainmen expect the equipment to be kept in ITS USE AND ABUSE 199 working order, they must be able to make an intelligent report to the car repairers. Failure to charge the auxiliary may be on account of any of the following reasons: The strainer being clogged, feed groove clogged, bad leak under the slide valve, bolts loose on triple, bad gaskets, or if the release valve on the aux- iliary does not seat properly. A very bad leak by the emergency valve will cause the brake to set while the auxiliary is being charged, and the air will be heard blowing out of the retainer. Faihtre to set the brake may result from not having sufficient pressure in the auxiliary; triple piston packing ring worn so that auxiliary pres- sure reduces as fast as trainpipe pressure is reduced; very dirty strainer preventing reduc- tion to be made quick enough to close the feed groove in triple; leaky cylinder; and sometimes the supply port in the triple valve seat becomes clogged up, preventing the auxiliary pressure from getting into the cylinder. It has happened that the supply pipe in the auxiliary of freight equipments has become clogged so that no air can get into the brake cylinder, but this is very rare. Failure to release may be caused by not raising the trainpipe pressure above the auxiliary pres- 200 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE sure quick enough, as the pressure will equalize and fail to move the slide valve if the triple pis- ton packing ring is badly worn or gummed up, or if the strainer is clogged and retards the flow of air, either of which will cause the brake to remain set. This frequently happens after an emergency application, for as the auxiliary pres- sure is then very high, it is necessary that the trainpipe pressure should be raised suddenly against the plain side of the triple piston, other- wise a leak by the packing ring would allow the auxiliary to charge without releasing the brake, and as a consequence the wheels would be slid, or bursted, or a drawhead pulled out. If the retainer is turned up, or any dirt clogs in the retainer pipe, or should port Ji in the triple valve seat become clogged, the brake cannot be re- leased from the engine, and must be bled off by letting the air escape through the auxiliary release valve, unless the car is equipped w^th a release signal, when it can be used to let the brake off. But w^hen a car is not so equipped, and should the auxiliary release valve become clogged before the triple moves to release posi- tion, take out the drain plug in the auxiliary. Should the hand brake be set, on a freight car, the push rod would not follow the piston back ITS USE AND ABUSE 201 when the air was released, nor if the brake rig- ging was caught on a bolt head, or anything. A great amount of oil on the slide valve seat will prevent a brake being bled off on a detached car, as the oil forms a suction so that the cylinder pressure can't lift the slide valve to let the air out. Blow at the triple exhaust, or at the retainer, is caused by a leak from either the auxiliary or trainpipe side of the triple piston, and may be that the slide valve is off its seat, or the gasket between the triple and auxiliary may be leaking, either of which would be a leak from the aux- iliary side of the piston; sometimes, on freight cars only, the blow may be caused by a leak in the supply pipe (b) between the triple and brake cylinder, but this is rare; a blow from the train- pipe side on the triple piston would be caused by a leak under the em^ergency valve, or there may be a leak by check gasket 14. To tell where the blow is coming from, cut the brake out and if it sets itself the leak is from the train- pipe side of the triple piston; if the brake don't set when you cut it out, the trouble is an aux- iliary leak, and to tell if it is the triple gasket or the slide valve, cut the brake in and make a reduction on the trainpipe, and if the blow stops 202 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE while the brake is set but starts again when the brake is released, it is the gasket, but if the blow continues while the brake is set or released the slide valve is causing the trouble. Quick action y or going into emergency when only a service application was made, is caused by either a sticky triple, weak or broken graduating spring, or broken graduating valve pin. The latter trouble and a sticky triple both act alike, for on the first light reduction, if it is a stick}^ triple, the slide valve fails to move and open the port into the brake cylinder, and a broken pin would prevent the graduating valve from unseat- ing, and in either case when the second reduc- tion was made the graduating spring could not prevent the triple from going to emergency position. This action would be the same no matter in what part of the train the defective triple was located, but if the emergency was caused by a weak or broken graduating spring it would have to be within seven cars from the engine, and would show itself on the first light reduction. To find which car it is, cut out a part of the train and have the engineer make a very light reduction, and if you find a brake not set, watch it while the second reduction is being made and you will see it fly on, when of course ITS USE AND ABUSE 203 you will cut it out. If you cut a part of the train out and the brakes fail to go in the emergency, you know that the trouble is not in that part of the train, when you will cut in more cars and try again, until you find the bad triple. When a train is equipped with the release signal it is not necessary to cut out a part of the train to find the "kicker," as a five-pound reduction will cause all the good brakes to show a portion of their signal, and the bad brake will show no signal until the second light reduction, when it will fly into the emergency. This can be seen from the ground or on the top of a freight train. Eight-inch Pump. Where the same defect is possible in the 9>^ as in the eight-inch pump, it will be explained under the 9^-inch pump. If the stem of the reversing piston gets broken the pump will sometimes fail to reverse, until the piston is jarred down again by lightly tap- ping over the cap nut. If the stop pin becomes broken the main valve will drop down and allow the packing ring of the small piston to catch and prevent the pump from reversing. Should the packing rings on either of the main valve pistons, or the reversing piston, become so badly worn as to allow free passage 204 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE of steam, the pump would not work, and if suffi- cient oil does not reach the reversing piston the pump is liable to stop. Nt7i€ and One-half Inch Pump. Constant attention and careful management is required to keep an air pump in proper working order. It is always best to work a pump to its proper capacity, but it ruins it to overwork it. Your pump is your best friend, so take care of it. Pump Runjiing Hot. This may be caused from leaky packing rings on the main air pis- ton; the piston-rod packing being too tight; not enough lift to the discharge valves; choked air passages or choked discharge pipe; leaky dis- charge valves, too small a main reser\'oir with long train, and fast running. To prevent chok- ing up air passages or discharge pipe, or causing valves to leak don't use too much oil in the air cylinder, and never allow it to be sucked through the air inlet. To prevent overheating never run the pump faster than sixty full strokes a minute, and never run it with leaky valves or packing rings. To test for leaky discharge valves, pump up to ninety pounds in the main reservoir and shut off the pump, then open the oil cup and hold your finger over it, and if top discharge valve is leak- Its use and abus£ 20^ ing the air will blow out continuously. For test- ing bottom discharge valve remove bottom plug. The plug should be removed before making oil- cup test, as a leaky bottom valve and leaking packing rings would let air blow by the piston. To test for leaky packing rings, on the air piston, open the oil cup, run the pump about forty-five strokes a minute, and if they leak you will feel a gush of air through the oil cup as the piston makes the down-stroke. Jiggling, or dancing, of the main piston is usu- ally caused by too much oil getting under the seat of the reversing valve. To take the valve out shut off the pump until you get the cap nut off, then give it enough steam to raise the pis- ton, when you can catch the valve. In putting it back be sure you get the groove over the guide pin. A bent reversing valve stem will sometimes catch on the reversing plate, or the latter, having a burr on it, will cause the pump to jiggle. Potntding may be caused by any of the follow- ing defects: Too much lift in the air valves; pump loose from frame or frame loose from boiler; a worn shoulder on reversing valve not allowing piston to reverse quick enough; bot- tom end of piston rod worn too far into piston 2c6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE head, which allows piston to strike before re- versing: nuts loose on main piston. If the pump is started up fast it will pound if the con- densation ii* not drained from the steam erd, or if there is no air cushion for the piston to strike against. T}u Eleven-inch Pump, being made after the same pattern as the nine-inch pump, the same rules will apply to both pumps. Pump. Governor. If the governor don't shut ofiF at all and the diaphragm valve port is not closed, it is because the pressure has equalized on both sides of the air valve, and the vent port and waste pipe need to be opened. If the gov- ernor shuts off at a low pressure, it is either because the regulating spring is too loose, or the diaphragm valve diny or battered so it won't seat, or the valve has been filed off too short so it can't seat. The Gauge. If, with the brake valve in full release, the red hand shows less than the black hand, it is because the gauge pipes have been crossed or .the hands have become twisted on the pinion. The gauge should be tested once a month by attaching a test gauge to the trainpipe hose on the tender, and placing the brake valve in full ITS USE AND ABUSE 207 release for the red hand and in running position for the black hand. Engineer s Brake Valve. The only thing that can get wrong with a brake valve is a leak some- where which will let the pressures run together or escape to the atmosphere. Pressures Equalize in Running Position. If the handle is in running position and both hands show the same pressure, the trouble is one of three things: either the body gasket, rotary or feed valve is leaking. To tell which it is, place the handle in service position, and if the body gasket is cracked so that main reservoir pres- sure flows into cavity D as fast as it passes out of the preliminary exhaust, there will be no dis- charge from the trainpipe exhaust, and the brakes will not set. If the brakes do apply in service position, but release when the handle is brought to lap, the trouble is a leaky ^rotary. But if the brakes apply in service and remain set on lap, and when the handle is again brought to running position the pressures again equalize at main reservoir pressure, the feed valve needs attention. If it is a D-8 brake valve, any one of these leaks will allow the governor to shut off the pump at seventy pounds, as the governor is controlled by trainpipe pressure. In making 2o8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE these tests the angle-cock behind the tender must be closed, as they cannot be satisfactorily made if the train brakes are cut in. To test if the supply valve of the feed valve is leaky, draw off all trainpipe pressure, lap the valve and remove the diaphragm piston, place the handle on running position and if the supply valve leaks you will feel the air blowing out by holding your finger under the valve. If no blow is felt, the trouble is either in the gasket betw^een the feed valve and brake valve, or else the rub- ber diaphragm buckles on account of the spring box being screwed up too tight. If it is a new slide valve feed valve, the trouble may be caused by spring 58 being gone, or the small valve 59 having a bad seat or too short. Never oil any part of the old style feed valve, and use only high grade machine oil for the rotary and the slide valve of the new style feed- valve. Bloiu at Trainpipe Exhaust. This is caused either by a leak from cavity D or its connection with the little drum or black hand of the gauge, or dirt under the seat of the equalizing dis- charge valve If it is dirt causing the blow, it can generally be knocked out by closing the cut- out cock under the brake valve and making a ITS USE AND ABUSE 209 reduction of about fifteen pounds and then throwing the handle to full release, which will cause the short trainpipe temporarily to have a higher pressure than cavity D, and of course the discharge valve is forced up and the air rushes out the trainpipe exhaust and blows the dirt out. x\fter trying this and the blow continues, then look over the pipe connections. If the pipe to the little drum gets broken, plug it up and also the trainpipe exhaust and use the emergency position in making an application; but be very careful to place the handle gradually on emergency, and just as carefully bring it back to lap, to prevent releasing the brakes by the surging of the air. Failure to open the trainpipe exhaust when the handle is placed in service position, is on account of the discharge valve not raising. This may be due either to a broken body gasket, let- ting main reservoir pressure into cavity D, or the packing ring around the discharge valve may be letting the trainpipe pressure up on top of it. To tell which is causing the trouble, lap the brake valve, and if it is the body gasket, the trainpipe and main reservoir pressure will equal- ize. Whistle Signal. A leak in the signal pipe will 2IO MODERN AIR-BRAK:E PRACTICE cause the whistle to blow. If the supply valve of the reducing valve leaks and allows main reservoir pressure to equalize with the signal pipe, whenever a trainpipe reduction is made and the brakes released, the whistle will blow, because the main reservoir air going into the trainpipe allows the signal pipe air to flow back into the main reservoir, which thus makes a reduc- tion on the signal pipe and blows the whistle. If the whistle fails to respond it is more than likely on account of the rubber diaphragm in the signal valve being baggy, or the whistle needs adjusting, or it is cut out at the reducing valve, or an angle-cock is turned. If more than one blast is heard when but one pull was made, it may be that the diaphragm stem needs filing off to allow it to drop further down, or there may be dirt holding it up. Should the signal pipe fail to charge up it is either cut out at the reducing valve or there is some dirt lodged in the small opening which admits the main reservoir pressure into the reducing valve. When releasing brakes on a passenger train, if the whistle blows it i^s because the reducing valve is letting the signal pipe air back into the main reservoir. ITS USE AND ABUSE 211 The engine air gauge can be used in setting the reducing valve by drawing the main reservoir pressure down to forty pounds, and slacking off the regulating spring until the whistle fails to blow when the main reservoir pressure is reduced below forty pounds. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO SEC- TION 3 THE CAUSE OF WESTINGHOUSE AIR-liRAKE DEFPXTS AND HOW TO DETECT AND REMEDY THEM The followiniT questions will start with the engine equipment and be carried right through the train. 45. \\ hat effect is produced by leaky packing rings in the air end of the pump? Ans. — It prevents the pump from producing the proper amount of air within the required time and causes it to run hot, for the reason that if the packing rings are leaking, on the down- stroke of the pump the air which is being com- pressed in the lower end of the cylinder would be forced to the upper end and prevent the receiving valve from letting in the required amount of fresh air, thereby lowering the effi- ciency of the pump. The same action will cause the pump to run hot for the reason that on a warm summer's day the air in a pump working against a ninety-pound pressure in the main reservoir is raised to a temperature of 550 212 ITS USE AND ABUSE 213 degrees, and naturally if the free air is satu- rated with a portion of the compressed air which is already made hot by compression, it follows that a second compression of it greatly increases the temperature, thereby causing the pump to run hot. 46. How should you test for leaky packing rings in the pump? Ans. — First ascertain if the discharge valves are leaking, which is done by shutting off the steam to the pump and opening the oil cup and removing the bottom plug, and holding your finger slightly above the oil cup to see if any air is blowing out. If the air blows out of the oil cup the top discharge valve is leaking, and if it blows out of the bottom plug hole the lower dis- charge valve is leaking. If no blow is felt either at the oil hole or plug hole, then replace the plug, leave the oil cup open and start up the pump at about forty strokes a minute, and if the packing rings are leaking you will feel a gush of air through the oil hole as the pump makes the down-stroke. 47. What will cause a pump to jiggle or dance? Ans. — Too much oil getting under the seat of the reversing valve, or if the reversing valve 214 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE stem catches on the reversing plate, or if the reversing plate has a burr on it. it has a chance to jiggle. 48. What will cause a pump to pound? Ans. — Too much lift in the air valves; pump being loose. from the frame, or frame loose from the boiler; a worn shoulder on the reversing valve which would prevent the piston from reversing quick enough; the bottom end of the piston-rod worn too far into the piston head will allow the piston to strike before reversing; loose nuts on the main piston; or if the pump is started to running fast before the condensation has been properly drained, or if there is no air cushion for the piston to strike against. 4Q. When should the air end of the pump be oiled? Ans. — Ever>' time the engine is started on a trip and oftener if required, but great care must be taken not to get too much oil in the air end as it will cause the valves to gum up and make the pump run hot. Automatic oil cups should be used. 50. What kind of oil should be used in the pump? Ans. — Cylinder oil' engine oil should never be used in the pump. 51. How often should a pump be cleaned? ITS USE AND ABUSE 215 Ans. — At least every six months by running a solution of potash through it, and in doing so the connections between the main reservoir and the tender should be broken so that no potash can work into the brake equipment. 52. If the trainpipe and main reservoir pres- sure equilizes while the handle of the brake valve is in running position, what might be caus- ing the leak? Ans. — Any one of three things; either the rotary valve, the body gasket, or feed-valve attachment. To tell which it is, place the handle in service position and if the body gasket is cracked so that main reservoir pressure flows into cavity D as fast as it passes out of the pre- liminary exhaust, there will be no discharge from the trainpipe exhaust and the brakes will not set. If the brakes apply in service position, but release when the handle is brought to lap, the trouble is a leaky rotary. But if the brakes apply on service and remain set on lap, and when the handle is again brought to running position the pressure again equalizes, it is the feed valve that needs attention. To tell if it is the supply valve of the feed valve, draw off all trainpipe pressure, lap the valve, and remove the diaphragm piston, place the handle in run- 2i6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ning position, and if the supply valve leaks you will feel the air blowing out by holding your finger under the valve. If no blow is felt the trouble is either in the gasket between the fccid valve and the brake valve, or else the diaphragm buckles on account of the spring box being screwed up too tight. If it is a new slide vab^e feed valve, the trouble may be caused by spring 58 being gone, or the small supply valve 59 hav- ing a bad seat, or else too short. If you are testing a D-8 brake valve, any one of these leaks will allow the governor to shut off the pump at seventy pounds for the reason that the governor is controlled by trainpipe pressure with this kind of a valve. 53. Is there anything else that would prevent the trainpipe exhaust from opening in service position besides a cracked body gasket? Ans. — Yes. If the packing ring around the equalizing valve leaks badly it will allow the trainpipe pressure to get on top of it as fast as the preliminary exhaust port lets the air out of cavity D. 54. Should you lose your equalizing reservoir, or damage it so that it leaked, how would you handle your train? Ans. — Plug the trainpipe exhaust and also the ITS USE AND ABUSE 217 pipe leading to the equalizing reservoir and use the emergency position for applying brakes, but be very careful to go slowly to the emergency position and also slow in bringing the handle to lap. 55. If the pump governor doesn't shut off at all, what is the trouble? Ans. — It is because the pressure has equalized on both sides of the air valve, and the vent port and waste pipe need to be opened. If it shuts off at a low pressure It is caused by the regu- lating spring being too loose or the diaphragm valve is dirty or battered so that it wont seat, or else the valve has been filed off so that it Is too short to seat. 56. What would cause the black hand of the gauge to show more pressure than the red hand? Ans. — Either the pipes have been crossed or the hands have become twisted on the pinion, or stuck. 57. What will cause the whistle to blow when the brake valve handle is thrown to full release? Ans. — A leak in the supply valve In the reducing valve, which allows the signal whistle pressure to flow back into the main reservoir. 58. What will prevent the whistle from responding when the whistle cord is pulled ? 2i8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Ans. — The rubber diaphragm In the signal valve being baggy, or the whistle not being properly adjusted. Of course, if it is cut out at the reducing valve, or a cut-out cock is turned it will not whistle. 59. What will cause a blow at the triple exhaust? Ans. — A leak from either the auxiliary or trainpipe side of the triple piston. 60. How many places are there at which such a leak might occur? Ans. — Four. Under the slide valve, or the gasket between the triple and auxiliary, under the emergency valve, or by check gasket 14. To tell where the blow is coming from, cut the brake out and if It sets itself the leak is from the trainpipe side of the piston; if the brake don't set when you cut it out the trouble is an auxiliary leak, and to tell if it is the triple gasket or the slide valve, cut the brake in and make a trainpipe reduction, and if the blow stops while the brake is set but starts again when the brake is released it is the gasket; but if the blow con- tinues while the brake is either set or released, it is the slide valve that is causing the trouble. 61. What causes a brake to fly into the emer- gency when a service application is made? ITS USE AND ABUSE ^ig Ans. — It is either because of a sticky triple, weak or broken graduating spring, or broken graduating valve pin. The latter trouble and a sticky triple both act alike, for on the first light reduction if it is a sticky triple, the slide valve fails to move, and consequently no air gets into the brake cylinder, and a broken pin would pre- vent the graduating valve from unseating, so that in either case, when the second reduction was made the graduating spring could not pre- vent the full travel of the triple piston, and the brake would, of course, go into the emergency. The action would be the same no matter in what part of the train the defective triple was located, but a weak or broken graduating spring would cause an emergency application only when the defect is within seven cars from the engine, in which case the brakes would fly into emergency on the first light reduction. SECTION 4 CHAPTER IV NEW YORK AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT — THE PARTS AND THEIR DUTIES As the reader has already thoroughly informed himself on the construction, operation and handling of the Westinghouse air-brake equip- ment, it will not be necessary to repeat here many of the things which have already been gone over. The question of leverage applies the same with one air-brake system as with another. The gen- eral instructions regarding train handling covers the New York Air Brake the same as it does the Westinghouse, with a few minor changes which will be explained in their proper order. The operation and care of the steam and air cylinders, air valves, etc., is the same with both systems. The specific differences are mentioned in their proper places. With this explanation you will at once see that aside from the information contained in the previous pages of this book it will only be neces- sary for me to explain the construction, operation and handling of the several parts of the New York Air-Brake Equipment in order for the 220 ITS USE AND ABUSE 221 reader to be as fully informed on the New York air-brake system as he is on the Westinghouse. The order in which we will describe the New York Air-Brake Equipment is as follows: The Air Pump, Pump Governor, Engineer's Brake Valve, Triple Valve, Straight Air-Brake Valve, and Whistle Signal Apparatus. After describing the several parts of the equip- ment I shall then treat of the defects and diseases and their remedies, the same as I have with the Westinghouse equipment. THE NEW YORK DUPLEX AIR PUMP The New York Duplex Air Pump is now being made in four sizes, No. i. No. 2, No. 6, and No. 5. In general principle they are all the same. This pump has four cylinders, two of which are for steam and two for air. The steam cylinders of the No. I pump are five inches in diameter; the high pressure air cylinder is five inches in diameter; and the low pressure air cylinder is seven inches in diameter. The steam cylinders of the No. 2 pump are seven inches in diameter, the high pressure air cylinder is seven inches and the low pressure air cylinder is ten inches in diameter; the steam cylinders of the No. 6 are seven inches, the high 222 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 1 PIPE FROM BOILER 2 DP 55' 2 OP 19 2 DP 1& DRAIN COCK CHART 35— FIG. 1. NEW YORK DUPLEX PUMP, PISTONS AT REST. 5, MUS rjA (l^ rm^m^^ jr^^''^. 3jT« :•'■••/ .'CP -■ -#'JhI i Plate 34. The New York Quick-Action Automatic Air Brake. Together with Signal Apparatus. DUPL-EX AIR PUMPa PLATE 3.5 TENDER ENGINE GKNERAL ARRANGKMENT AND MKTllOD Or PIPING TlllC NF.W YORK COMIilNI-D Al'TOMA'lIC AND STRAIGHT AIR BRAKE. ^uo^? ^< \ ITS USE AND ABUSE 223 pressure cylinder is seven inches, and the low pressure cylinder eleven inches; the steam cylin- ders of the No. 5 pump are eight inches in diam- eter, the high-pressure air cylinder is eight inches and the low-pressure air cylinder is twelve inches in diameter. The stroke of the Nos. i and 2 pump is nine inches, while the stroke of the No. 6 is ten inches, and the No. 5 is twelve inches. The No. 6 is meant to take the place of the No. 2, as it has better proportioned cylinders and a longer stroke. The air cylinders of the New York pumps are located above the steam cylinders, whereas with the Westinghouse pumps the air cylinders are lo- cated on the bottom end. The law pressure cylinder of the New York pump has a volume capacity of about double that of the high pres- sure cylinder. The diameter of the steam cylin- ders is always the same as the diameter of the high pressure air cylinder. A feature you should thoroughly impress your- self with in regard to the action of the New York. pump is that there is only one steam piston in motion at any one time, for whenever a piston has made its stroke it waits for the other piston to make a stroke before it moves again. This is 224 MODERN .\IR-BRAK:E PIL\CTICE CKaBT oa FIG. J. 2CZ vT T'Jli^ DTPL-ZX AlB PTTMP, LOW PRESSUHK PISTOX OX TKZ T? iTP.CKE. ITS USE AND ABUSE 225 brought about by reason of the fact that the re- versing-valve on one piston controls the action of the opposite piston. As you are already familiar with the reversing- valve used in the Westinghouse pump, this knowledge will enable you to understand the action of the steam end of the New York pump, for the reason that the valve-gear of the steam end of the New York pump is very similar to an ordinary reversing-valve, in fact the general ap- pearance is the same. Like the steam piston in the Westinghouse pump the piston-rod is hollow, and on the re- versing-valve side of the steam piston there is a plate bolted which performs the same function in the New York pump as the reversing-valve rod plate does in the Westinghouse pump, that is, it moves the reversing-valve up or down. By referring to Fig. i, on Chart 35, this will be made very clear to you if you will but look at the engraving up-side-down, for in this position you will see that the reversing-valve rod extends down into the hollow steam piston-rod. You will also notice that this reversing-valve rod has a shoulder on one end and a button on the other end for the purpose of controlling the movement of the small D slide valve which is connected to 226 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE CT^ 20P21. 1 PIPE FROM BOILER , 1 DP 20 2 DP 56 2 DP 65 2 DP 19 2 DP 16 DRAIN C OCK CHART 35 FIG. 3. XEW YORK DUPLEX PUMP, UP-STROKE, HIGH PRESSURE PISTON. ITS USE AND ABUSE 227 the reversing rod, the same as the reversing- valve is connected to its rod in the Westinghouse pump. ¥lg. iMshows both steam pistons at rest. Now if you will turn the engraving right-side-up again you will notice that the boiler connection is made at the left-hand side. Now remember that the slide valve which controls the right steam cylinder is located under the /efi steam cylinder, and the valve that controls the left steam cylin- der is located under the ^^zg/i^ steam cylinder. This will be made plain to you when you notice that the ports are crossed, as shown by dotted lines. As the pump is shown with the pistons*at rest, you will notice that both slide-valves are in their bottom positions, so that as the steam enters the pump from the boiler it fills the slide-valve chamber under the left-hand piston and at the same time passes through port G to the slide- valve chamber under the right-hand piston, and live steam also passes through the port marked b to the under side of the right-hand piston and at the same time passes up through the port c to the top side of the left-hand piston; this causes the right-hand, or low pressure piston, to be forced up, as shown in Fig. 2, of Chart 35. Just 228 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE H '' ^^ DP 7 5 € OiUIN COCK CHaET 35 — FIG. 4. XEW YORK DTPLEX PUMP. DO^TX-STEOKi;. LO"^ PKESSTTEZ PISTOX. ITS USE AND ABUSE 229 as the piston reaches the end of Its top stroke the reversing-rod plate engages the button on the end of the reversing-rod and pulls it up. This action connects port c with the exhaust cavity F and at the same time live steam from the re- versing-valve chamber under the right-hand pis- ton passes through port a to the under side of the left-hand piston, so that while the steam is exhausting from the top side of this piston live steam on the under side is pushing it up, as shown in Fig. 3, of Chart 35. As port b leads from the under side of the low pressure piston that port is still closed to the exhaust cavity by the left-hand slide-valve, so the right-hand piston is held up by the steam which is confined under it, but as soon as the left-hand piston reaches the end of its up stroke the reversing-rod is pulled up by the reversing-rod plate, thereby connect- ing port b with port F, by way of cavity E in the slide-valve, so that the steam can exhaust from the under side of the right-hand piston, and at the same time live steam from the left-hand slide-valve chamber passes through port d to the top of the right-hand piston, which forces it down, and when it reaches the end of its down stroke it reverses the slide-valve, thereby ex- hausting the steam from the under side of the 230 MODERN' AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE -AUTOWATIC OIL CO^ 2 OP 31 1 PIPE FROM- BOILER 2 OP 56/ 2 DP 55', 2 DP lr 2 OP IS. 1 DP 7 2 OP 5 □RAIN COCK CHART 35 — FIG. 5. NEW YORK DUPLEX PUMP, DOWN-STROKE, HIGH PRESSURE PISTO]!^, ITS USE AND ABUSE 231 left piston, and at the same time lets live steam get on the top side of that piston which forces it down, so that both pistons have now made a full stroke up and down. This valve arrangement is certainly very sim- ple and very effective. There are no packing rings to contend with in the reversing-valve ar- rangement, and if too much oil is not allowed to get into the slide-valve chambers there will be very little trouble result from this mechanism. If too much oil is allowed to get into the slide- valve chamber it will naturally cause the valve to be forced off- its seat, and thereby disarrange the port connections. The drain cock should always be left open when the pump is not working, and should always be opened before starting the pump in order to let the condensation pass away. The air end of the New York pumps, except the No. 6 and No. 5, contains six air valves; two of them are ordinary receiving valves; two are intermediate valves and two are ordinary dis- charge valves. On the No. i and No. 2 pump the receiving valves and intermediate valves are located between the two cylinders, as shown in Chart 35 and the two discharge valves are located on the left side of the pump, above an.d below 232 MODERN AIR-BIL^ rLJvjL r r^--- i- ~i m -5*- r- ~ 1 1 i i R 1 i ---i 1 i 1 i ! 1 C«l w PTlsCP ITS USE AND ABUSE 233 the pipe leading to the main reservoir, but the air valves on the No. 6 and No. 5 are arranged a little different, as will be explained further on, and are eight in number, instead of six as in the other pumps. (See plate 35, Fig. 6.) The reason the intermediate valves are so called is because of the fact that the low pres- sure cylinder discharges its air into the high pressure cylinder through these valves, and they are therefore intermediate between the low and high pressure air cylinders. The action of the air valves in the No. i and No. 2 pump is as follows: As the low pressure piston starts on its upward stroke a partial vacuum is created on the under side of it and atmospheric pressure forces the bottom receiv- ing valve up (this valve is marked 9) and allows the low pressure cylinder to receive a charge of atmospheric pressure, and as this piston does not move again until the piston in the high pressure cylinder makes its stroke, you will at once see that when the piston of the high pressure cylin- der moves up, and creates a partial vacuum, the bottom receiving valve and also the bottom in- termediate valve (marked No. 11) are both forced off their seats by atmospheric pressure rushing into the high pressure cylinder, and 234 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 3 To Air Pump ■M-^si^^i^FWs Nut 2 DP 56 CHART 36 FIG 1. STYLE C, XEW YORK PUMP GOVERNOR, STEAM VALVE OPEX. when the atmosphere has equalized in both cylin- ders then both valves drop to their seats. As the low pressure piston starts down, as shown in Fig. 4 on Chart 35, the lower intermediate valve (i I ) is forced from its seat so that the compressed ITS USE AND ABUSE 235 T 3" „■ r\\\K^ 8" C o^pp er P i_pe ^ ' ^'^'^'^> Air Connection I DP 58 PG 38. 1 DP 59. TPipe to Steam Y Y Valve>^^ - 2-\^ n 13 *^ 16 Air Pump Fits Nut 2 DP 56 CHART 36 FIG. 2. STYLE C, NEW YORK PUMP GOVERNOR, STEAM VALVE CLOSED. air in cylinder D passes into cylinder C, which was previously charged with atmospheric pres- sure, so that the cylinder C now contains three measures of air, for the reason that cylinder D is twice the size of the high pressure cylinder, C. 2-^6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Tc E: £r Pump .z.r 36 — ^FiG. 3. A. NEW TOKS: PUMP 'ZmS'OS. While the low pressure piston is moving down the top receiving-valve (g) is forced from its seat by atmospheric pressure rushing into cylinder D. When the high pressure piston starts down, a partial vacuum is created in the high pressure ITS USE AND ABUSE m Supplementary Reservtfl^ SINGLE PRESSURE SYSTEM Arra/igement of Pipifig ) Duptex Gauge ^^^ DUPLEX GOVERNOR METHOD NO. 1 -g— Copper pipe (Main ReiCrvoir Pressure Adjusted to 100 or 110 lbs. ToPum<> CHART 36 — FIG. 4. NEW YORK AIR BRAKE. cylinder and atmospheric pressure forces the top receiving-valve and top intermediate valve from their seats, and when the pressure in both cylin- ders has equalized these valves drop to their seats the same as did the bottom valves. Now as the low pressure piston starts up, the air on the top side of it is compressed, which causes the top receiving-valve to be held to its seat while the top intermediate valve is forced from its seat and the air from cylinder D is forced into cylin- der C, as shown in Fig. 2, Chart 35. 238 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE From the above description it is seen that the high pressure cylinder at every stroke of its pis- ton discharges into the main reservoir, through either the top or bottom discharge valve, three full measures of air, one received from the at- mosphere direct and a double-sized one from the low pressure cylinder, so that this pump is not only duplex but it is also a compound pump. Referring to the No. 5 duplex pump. Fig. 6, Chart 35, you will notice that there i3 an air inlet shown on both the right and left-hand side, the same as the No. 6 pump, and these are shown in Fig. 6. One air inlet is for the low pressure cylinder and one for the high pressure cylinder. The intermediate valves in the No. 5 and No. 6 pumps are located the same as in the No. i and No. 2, but the No. 5 and No. 6 pumps have a separate set of receiving valves as shown in Fig. 6. Fig. 6 plan view b, is the only way in which both air inlets can be seen together. The general instructions regarding oiling,speed, drainage, etc., apply to the New York pumps the same as they do to the Westinghouse pumps. The illustration of the New York pump shown on Chart 35 shows the automatic oil cup. This is a very simple device, as the method by which the oil IS passed into the air C37linder is very much ITS USE AND ABUSE 230 after the same manner in which air is passed into the pump cylinder. The Westinghouse Automatic oil cup consists of a brass body, in the main chamber of which the oil is contamed, and extending through this chamber there is a regulating valve, the end of which is pointed so that if it is desired to increase or decrease the tiow of oil the pin-valve can be moved up or down by means of a regulating nut, and kept in position by a small lock nut. In the body of the valve below the pin-valve there is a ball valve, and the operation of this automatic oil cup is as follows: As there is a small port in the cap nut, atmospheric pressure is always ad- mitted to the top of the oil in the main oil chamber, consequently when the pump piston is moved down the partial vacuum in the pump cylinder causes the ball valve to be lifted off its seat so that the oil, which has previously passed from the main oil chamber around the point of the regulating valve into the passage controlled by the ball valve, is drawn into the pump in the form of a fine spray. When the piston makes its up stroke the compressed air holds the ball valve to its seat, thereby preventing the oil from being blown out of the oil cup chamber. This refers to the No. I oil cup. ^40 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE The Xo. 2 W'estinghouse oil cup consists merely of a brass body having a chamber in which the oil is contained and. instead of having a ball valve and a regulating valve there is a small check valve to which is attached a needle-rod of very small diameter, and which extends up through a small opening in the bottom of the oil chamber. On the under side of the check valve there is a spring, so that the operation of the Xo. 2 auto- matic oil cup is as follows: As the pump piston makes a down stroke the partial vacuum in the pump cylinder causes the check valve to be un- seated, thereby allowing the oil to be drawn from the oil cup into the air C3dinder of the pump. The up stroke of the piston causes the check valve to be held to its seat, thereby preventing the oil from being blown out of the cup. In the body of both of these oil cups there are suitable heating chambers for the purpose of al- lowing the warm compressed air to surround the oil chamber, and thereby keep the oil in a liquid state. The Xew York automatic oil cup is made in two styles, A and B. Style A consists of a brass body in which there is an oil chamber, and in the center of the body there is a regulating valve which can be moved up or down for the purpose ITS USE AND ABUSE 241 9iipp\tmenlity Retarvoir ■g" Copper \ CuptcK G 11130 SINGLE PRESSURE SYSTEM « Arrangement oi Piplno «pr SINGLE GOVERNOa METHOD NO. 4 3" — Copper Pipe Tra'm Pipe Pressure Governor Adjusted to 70 IbS: To toiler Engineer's Brake Valve To PuniV c r y — 1 Cut*out Cock ^ 1 Train Brake Pipe CHART 36 FIG. 5. NEW YORK AIR BRAKE. of increasing or decreasing the amount of oil to be fed to the pump. The operation of this cup is as follows.: When the piston in the air cylin- der moves up, compressed air is forced through the oil to the top of it, so that when the pump piston makes a down stroke the partial vacuum in the cylinder combines with the compressed air 242 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE y Cop per Pipe. Main Reservoir Pressure DOUBLE PRESSURE SYSTEM ArraRgcment of PiptAg far DUPLEX GOVERNOR METHOD NO. 2 -^ Copper Pipe Duplex governor Train Pipe Pressure A ] a Adjusted to 70 ms. H » R Adjusted to 1C(J =cW -~-~_.Si -^3=— or 110 lb.. To Pum p CHART 36 FIG. 6. XEW YORK AIR BRAKE. on top of the oil and causes a small portion of oil to be drawn into the air cylinder of the pump and sprayed around the walls. The Xew^ York style B automatic oil cup has no adjustable feed, but has a very small port through the body of the oil cup which permits a small amount of oil to be drawn into the air c^^lin- der every time the piston makes a down stroke. ITS USE AND ABUSE 243 NEW YORK PUMP GOVERNORS The principle of the New York pump governor is the same as the Westinghouse, and when you understand one you can operate the other. There is a slight difference in the construction, but not enough to make it necessary to re-describe the entire governor here. It has a diaphragm, regulating spring and a regulating nut, just the same as the Westinghouse, but instead of having a diaphragm pin-valve like the Westinghouse, the diaphragm-valve in the New York governor' 6 e the ^rs: ^ top of the equalizirr with the New Y:r •e of air is from oQ the tha"rr valve, whereas 5: -ate of .ve tne CnAr-T 37 ^FIG. 1. XEW T-; ITS USE AND ABUSE 24Q A ,M EV-!02A I 1 CHART 37 FIG. 2. FULL RELEASE POSITION OF BRAKE VALVE. air in making a service application is direct from the trainpipe, but that the port opening from the trainpipe to the atmosphere is much smaller in making a service application than it is when mak- ing an emergency application. 250 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE EV-I02A Train Pice Main Reservoir CHART 37 FIG. 3. RUXXING POSITION NEW YORK BRAKE VALVE. Another important feature that the student should impress himself with at the beginning is that the service position on the New York Brake Valve is divided up into five notches, and that if he is handling a train of four cars or less with the New York Brake Valve he should always begin a service application by placing the handle in the ITS USE AND ABUSE 251 T Main Reservoir Train Pipe CHART 37 — FIG. 4. LAP POSITION, NEW YORK BRAKE VALVE. first notch, because of the fact that the service port gradually becomes wider as the handle is moved over the quadrant, and with a short train 252 MOBlLSLS AML-li&ACE PRACTICE n = .1 =■ I C ?» at ;^i^>^^^#M^' y ■^///j^:///i 3u^ £ J) ? C Trairr ?^ oe .llsiit t«aer-»aie of f oar car? ^^P- '^(T IS SO : tbe "HcraficMi^ as it allows iuLue: ; : 5 : t : ^ ^ -rdnced too suddenly. Vv iLiL rrr— t : : : - " tiiHi^ let ns now begin a care- €d1 stndy^ ot : ::. - 1 ^ : ' : ^ ' r ' = r r s AntCMnadc ITS USE AND ABUSE 253 Train Pipe Main Reservoir CHART 37 FIG. 6. SERVICE POSITION. Brake Valve, Style B. (The old style A Is not being made any more, and it will not be neces- sary to speak of it until we have fully described the present standard, which is Style B, or B i.) 254 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Train Pipe Main Reservon^ CHART 37 FIG. 7. EMERGENCY POSITION, NEW YORK BRAKE VALVE. The essential parts to the New York Brake Valve^ as shown in Chart 'x,'], are (aside from the body and cover which contain the parts) a main ITS USE AND ABUSE 255 slide-valve, which is connected by a link to a shaft operated by a handle, in which there is a lock bolt for the purpose of engaging the notches on the quadrant. Under the main slide-valve there is a small cut-off slide-valve which is con- trolled by an arm connected to a graduating pis- ton. The graduating piston contains a small ball valve for the purpose of admitting air into cham- ber D or supplementary reservoir, and a ball- faced vent valve fastened to the end of the equal- izing piston for the purpose of closing port O. K FACE OF SLIDE VALVE M SmM : p J CHART 37 FIG. 8. FACE OF SLIDE VAIiVE. n IT CHART 37 — FIG. 9. SHOWING PORT "o" IN MAIN SLIDE VALVE SEAT. 256 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE The diagram of the brake valve in which the duplex gauge is shown (Chart -iH^ Fig. 1), also il- lustrates how the single governor, supplementary reservoir, main reservoir, and trainpipe are con- nected to the brake-valve, making in all six pipe connections. CHART 37 FIG. 10. CROSS SECTION OF XE\^ YORK BRAKE VALVE, SHOWIXG PASSAGE "h" IN BODY AND PASSAGE "o" IN THE VALVE COVER. Fig. 2, Chart '^'], shows the handle in full release position. In studying this illustration you will notice on the top right-hand corner a sectional view of the excess pressure valve. The location ITS USE AND ABUSE 257 of this valve on the brake valve Is shown in Fig. 10, Chart 2)7- In the left top corner of Fig. 2 you will notice a view of the main slide-valve and valve seat. In studying this view of the face of the main slide- valve you must remember that you see it as though you were looking directly through the top of the valve, and that the slanting lines represent the face of the main slide-valve while the dotted horizontal lines represent the slide-valve seat. You will notice that port K in the main slide valve extends across nearly the whole width of the valve, as does also the cavity marked M, and that the ports F and G are directly in the center, while port J and cavity P are on the side, there- fore when looking at the main slide-valve sec- tionalized you must remember that you are look- ing at it as though it were cut half in two. This view shows plainly cavities M, F-G, K, and also Ports F and G, but you cannot see in the sec- tional view ports O, J, or cavity P. The port marked A in the valve seat is the opening that leads from chamber B by the end of the main slide-valve into chamber A, and this port A is controlled by the face of the main slide-valve. In Fig. 2 you will notice that port F is closed by the main valve seat, whereas in the diagram 258 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE of running position port F is closed by the small cut-off valve. The position of the cut-off valve is indicated by dotted lines in the view illustrat- ing the face of the main valve. The large ex- haust-cavity C is also indicated by dotted lines in the plan view of the main slide-valve seat. The main slide-valve has four cavities, which are designated as M, F-G, P. and K. The ports in the main slide-valve are F, G, J, K, and X. The ports in the main valve seat are designated as E, A, C, and O. As this great number of ports is likely to some- what confuse the student, we will try to simplify the matter by saying that when the main slide- valve is moved to full release position main reser- voir air from chamber B passes by the end of the slide-valve directly through the large port A into chamber A and straight into the trainpipe. When the handle of the brake valve is in run- ning position, main reservoir pressure passes through port E in the slide valve seat and ca\4ty M in the slide-valve into port A and the train- pipe. While the air is passing from chamber B through cavity M it is also passing through cham- ber E into the pump-governor pipe. In lap positions ports E and A in the slide- valve seat are closed by the main slide-valve, and ITS USE AND ABUSE 259 exhaust port F is kept closed by the small cut-off valve, as shown in Fig. 4, Chart 2)7- In service graduating position (Fig. 5), ports E and A are closed by the main slide-valve, but port F is moved back of the cut-off valve, so that while main reservoir pressure is shut off, train- pipe pressure can pass up through port F in the main slide-valve and out through port G into the main exhaust cavity C. The handle being in service graduating posi- tion, when trainpipe pressure has exhausted below the pressure in the supplementary reser- voir or chamber D, the equalizing piston is then forced forward by chamber D pressure, which causes the cut-off valve to move over and close exhaust port F. With the handle in service graduating position the main slide-valve closes the top end of port O, for, if it did not, when the equalizing piston moved forward the unseating of the ball-faced check valve would permit all the air from the supplementary reservoir to escape, and thereby prevent the automatic lap- ping of the brake valve. Should the handle be moved to another serv- ice graduating notch, just as soon as the train- pipe pressure had exhausted below what was left in the supplementary reservoir the equalizing 26o MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE piston would again move forward and cause the cut-off valve to again lap exhaust port F. This action would continue in each of the graduat- ing notches, but when the handle is moved to emergency position the valve does not au- tomatically lap itself, for the reason that the equalizing piston has then made its full stroke. . When the handle is in emergency position, Fig. 7, the large port in the main slide-valve, marked J, is connected to the large exhaust port marked K, which causes the trainpipe pressure to pass out through exhaust passage C and be reduced suddenly, thereby causing all the triple valves in the train to go to emergency position. When the handle is thrown from emergency, service or lap position back to full release, the raising of the trainpipe pressure drives the equal- izing piston back, which causes the vent-valve (i8o) in the end of the piston (104 A) to close the bottom end of passage O, for in full release, run- ning or positive lap position the top end of port O is open to exhaust cavity C by way of cavity P in the main slide-valve. In order to firmly fix in the student's mind the purpose of the several ports and cavities we will run over them again as follows: ITS USE AND ABUSE 261 Port E In the slide-valve seat and cavity M in the main slide-valve are primarily used for the purpose of directing the main reservoir pressure through the excess pressure valve into the train- pipe. Chamber E supplies trainpipe pressure to the pump governor. Ports F and G in the main slide-valve are train- pipe exhaust ports for the purpose of making a service application of the brakes. Ports J and K are primarily used for the pur- pose of making an emergency application in con- nection with exhaust port C. Passage C is the main exhaust port of the brake valve. Cavity P is for the purpose of connecting port O in the main valve seat with the exhaust pas- sage C. Port N in the main valve is for the purpose of increasing the area of port A when the handle is in full release position, thereby allowing a full and free passage of main reservoir air into the trainpipe when releasing the brakes. Passage O begins in the cap of the valve body (102 A), and passes through the wall of the cover (115 A) of the brake valve when it sinks into the valve body (loi A) and ends up in the 262 MODERN AIR-BRAKZ - ? : T J Z main s ' i t ■ ^ t i :, under the main slide- ¥cd¥e. Passage H.whicJi leads from chamber D, passes through the body of the brake iral^e to the pipe cronnecdmi with the supplementary reservt>ir. A small 4>aD-iralve (1S4) in th r r : 1 : ng piston is for the purpose of snppl r ^ i.r zr.t supplementary reservoir so that the trainpipe and fJiamber D pre^nires may Gqu 1 ■ i r - : t brake valve is in either rnnnin^ : r rt rist ; : 5- tion. piston is for the purirsr :i :: hit: ling the bottom end of pa 5 s 1 r t I Tbie t*TiirTK?'S€' c: iissi^t md port O t? to allow the irtssjrt .r. ir.irr.zt: D to esci:t to the atJOkCiz r -- tr : t t: r r^ : s :" - fc^rced 7 ft :jr::5- : : - t i^ss : rtss Lire valve (97) is to ~ i-r.:i.r. i ^.±7. z:±^yirt '.'. :"he' tr^tr^rrpe lie pur^:5-r :: :-r ^^'^:\ -:.:=:- :^. .r.t quadrant art 15 ::..: s: v\iieiiiz.t .. ir. ::.t s r. the r :rT~t : : 1:1 :oation mam reservoir pit--:- s ir : It:: :: :7.e trainpipe; the first nc : : zh is also in : 1 : 1 1 ': 7 1 5 mil pin on ITS USE AND ABUSE 263 the side of the quadrant, is running position, and in this position main reservoir pressure is fed into the trainpipe through an indirect passage, or by way of the excess pressure valve; the next notch on the quadrant is known as positive lap position, and when the handle is in this position all ports in the brake valve are closed between the main reservoir and the train- pipe and between the trainpipe and the atmos- phere, and in this position the pressure from the trainpipe and pump governor is also shut off, and it is on account of this fact that a duplex pump governor is necessary with the New York Brake Valve. The next notch after positive lap is the first service graduating notch, and when the handle is in this position the brake valve will allow about five pounds of trainpipe pressure to exhaust when it will automatically lap itself; the second notch will allow about eight pounds of trainpipe pressure to exhaust when the valve will automatically lap itself; the next notch will cause an exhaust from the tra'npipe of eleven pounds; the fourth notch causes a sixteen pound reduc- tion, and the fifth notch is the twenty-three pound or full service position. When the handle is placed in any of the serv- ice graduating positions the brake valve will 264 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE automatically lap itself, but when the handle is thrown to emergency position then the auto- matic lap feature does not operate. When the valve automatically laps itself the equalizing piston moves the cut-off valve so that it covers exhaust port F, but when the handle of thevaWe is moved to positive lap position the main slide- valve places port F over the cut-off valve. Should the handle be placed in the five-pound notch and while it was in this position trainpipe leakages should cause the trainpipe pressure to be reduced to sixty pounds or less (when working with a seventy pound standard) then when the handle was moved to the eight pound notch there would be no exhaust from the trainpipe, for the reason that the trainpipe leakages would cause the pressure in chamber D to push the equalizing piston forward and cause the cut-off valve to keep exhaust port F closed. This is a splendid feature of the New York Brake Valve. As the automatic lap feature is dependent upon the proper movement of the equalizing piston, you will at once see that should there be any leakages from chamber D or the supple- mentary reservoir it would prevent the equalizing piston from moving forward and causing the cut- off valve to close exhaust port F. There are ITS USE AND ABUSE 265 several other things besides direct leakage from chamber D to the atmosphere which will prevent the automatic lapping of the valve, and they are as follows: A leak by the piston packing-leather of the equalizing piston will prevent the automatic lap. Should the ball check-valve fail to seat it will prevent the automatic lap. Should the face of the main slide-valve be scratched so that it did not seat properly on the cut-off valve it would prevent the automatic lap. Should the seat of the cut-off valve be scratched so that it did not seat properly it would prevent the automatic lap. Should the arm (112) connecting the cut-off valve to the equalizing piston become bent or dis- arranged it would prevent the automatic lap. These several defects and all others pertaining to the New York Brake Valve will be treated under the head of Defects and Diseases and Their Remedies. You will notice two cap screws in the cover of the brake valve; these are for the purpose of ad- mitting oil to the main slide-valve seat. To oil the slide-valve seat let off all main reser- voir pressure, cut out the trainpipe from the brake valve, exhaust all air pressure and remove 266 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE the cap screws from rhe valve cover, then throw the handle to the full release position and drop in just a little good oil onto the valve seat; then throw the handle to emergenc^^ position and drop a little oil on that end of the valve seat, and work the handle backward and forward several times in order to distribute the oil. Be careful not to use too much oil as it will gum up the valve. While the air pressure is off unscrew the cap nut of the excess pressure valve and wipe that valve off with kerosene, and be sure that it is wiped dr>' before you put it back. In setting the regulating spring of the excess pressure valve, place the brake valve handle in running position, and let the pressure pump up until the red hand of the gauge shows twenty pounds before the black hand begins to move. Should the black hand begin to move before the red hand reaches twenty pounds it indicates that the graduating spring needs to be tightened down, while, on the other hand, if the black hand of the gauge did not begin to move until the red hand had passed the twenty- pound mark then the graduating spring should be loosened up. With the Xew York Brake \'alve handle in running position the excess pressure is accumu- lated ^^y^^the trainpipe pressure begins to show, ITS USE AND ABUSE 267 whereas with the Westinghouse brake valve it is just the opposite; for you do not get your excess pressure until after the trainpipe is fully charged. The old style A New York Brake \ alve differs from the present style B and B i, in that it does not have the vent-valve in the end of the equaliz- ing piston, neither does it have the ball check- valve nor port O in the valve seat, and as a consequence when you make a service applica- tion and go to full release position, and then move the handle direct from release to service graduating position the valve will not automat- ically lap for the reason that in order to get the automatic lap feature of either of the New York Brake Valves it is necessary to have the supple- mentary reservoir pressure equal to trainpipe pressure at the beginning of a service applica- tion, and with the old style A valve, which does not have the ball check-valve, the only way in which the supplementary reservoir can be charged up is by placing the handle in running position. THE NEW YORK PLAIN TRIPLE VALVE The New York Plain Triple Valve is so nearly like the Westinghouse plain triple that it re- quires no special description here, and the same 268 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE instructions regarding the Westinghouse plain triple will apply equally to the New York plain triple. THE NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE In studying the diagrams of the New York Quick Action Triple \^alve, Chart 2>^y you must remember that the real valve does not have the shape shown in Figs, i, 2, 3 and 4, but that por- tion of the triple which shows passage H, port J, vent valve 137 and check valve 139 are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. The object in drawing the dia- gram in the way in which it is shown is to make plain to you how these ports, passages and valves are related to the rest of the triple. ♦ The principal operative parts of the New York Quick Action Triple are the main triple piston (128), the exhaust slide valve (t,S), the graduating sliding valve (48), the vent piston (129), the rub- ber seated vent-valv^e (131), and spring (132), emergency piston (137), with rubber seated quick action valve (139), and spring (140), non-return brake cylinder check valve (117), and its spring (118). You will notice that the vent piston (129) has a port F which leads through the center of it into chamber G of the main triple piston. This ITS USE AND ABUSE 269 allows trainpipe pressure to get in between the pistons, forming a cushion which does away with CHART 38 FIG. 1. NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE, RELEASE POSITION. the graduating spring as used in the Westing- house criple. The passage of the air through the New York 270 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Quick Action Triple is as follows: referring to (Fig. I, Chart 38) trainpipe pressure passes through the strainer, fills the cavity back of the rubber seated vent-valve (131), thereby holding that valve to its seat, and also passes through a large opening into the main piston chamber causing the main piston to be forced to charging position, which allows the trainpipe pressure to pass through feed groove B into the slide-valve chamber and on into the auxiliary reservoir; at the same time this action is taking place train- pipe air is feeding through port F in the stem of the vent-piston (129), thereby charging chamber G, between the pistons. When the trainpipe, chamber G, and auxiliary reservoir are all charged equally to seventy pounds we are then ready to make an application of the brake. Now if you will notice Fig. 2, which shows the triple in the service application position, you will see that the main triple piston has moved back until it touches the vent piston (129), and that it has moved this vent piston back far enough so that port F is just closed; as the trainpipe pressure is reduced the pressure in chamber G is also reduced, but as it reduces slower than the trainpipe pressure it graduates the movement of the main triple piston, so that when the main ITS USE AND ABUSE 271 piston has made its full stroke it has not disturbed the rubber seated vent-valve (131), but has moved the graduating slide valve (48) to a QT i37 CHART 38 — FIG. 2. NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE, SERVICE APPLICATION POSITION. position which opens the supply port from the auxiliary reservoir to the brake cylinder, and at 272 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICTt the same time has moved the exhaust slide-valve (138) forward and closed the exhaust port from the brake cylinder to the atmosphere. When CHART 38 FIG. 3. NE"^ YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE YALVE, AUTOMATIC LAP POSITION. the main piston moves forward it gradually closes port F before all the pressure from ITS USE AND ABUSE 273 chamber G has exhausted, consequently when the auxiliary pressure has reduced to a degree QT r37 QT 119 (HART 38— FIG. 4a. new YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE, EMERGENCY POSITION (SPECIAL VIEW FOR SHOWING EMERGENCY VALVE). slightly less than trainpipe pressure the air which is confined in chamber G expands and 274 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE forces the main piston back just a little, which causes the graduating slide-valve to close the port from the auxiliary reserv^oir to the brake cylinder without disturbing the exhaust slide- QT55F QT49 /QT 48 QT23 QT30 QT31 QT29 CHAKT 3S FIG. 4. XEW TOSK QUICE: ACTION T8IPLE V.VI-VE, valve that controls the exhaust port from the brake cylinder to the atmosphere. The triple is now in lap position as shown by Fig. 3. ITS USE AND ABUSE 275 The emergency action of the triple (Fig. 4) is brought about as follows: The air cushion in chamber G cannot be reduced through port F as quickly as the trainpipe pressure is reduced, QT 141 QT 140 QT 138 QT 139 CHART 38 FIG. 6. NEW YORK QUICK ACTION TRIPLE VALVE. consequently when a sudden reduction is made on the trainpipe pressure it causes the auxiliary pressure to drive the main piston back so quickly that port F is closed before chamber G can 276 MODERN AIR-BRAKE x^RACTICE empty itself, and with an air cushion between the two pistons you Vv"ill at once see that the stem of the vent-piston strikes the rubber seated vent valve and drives it from its seat, which allows trainpipe pressure to pass into passage H and thereby forces tiie emergency piston i';7J forward, which action not only opens port J to the atmosphere for the purpose of still further reducing the trainpipe pressure, but it also unseats the rubber seated emergency valve (139J which allows the auxiliar}- pressure .0 t^.ow from chamber K b}' the rubber seated valve into chamber L. and unseat the non-return check valve, thereby- causing the auxiliary reservoir pressure to quickl}' equalize w::l: :he brake cylinder. When the trainpipe pres-ure has reduced less than the auxiliary" reservoir pressure the emergency valve (139) is forced to its seat and the brake cylinder pressure equalizes with the pressure in chamber L causing the non- return check valve to go to its seat, and it is held there both by the brake cylinder pressure and the spring 1 1 iSi. THE NEW VORK COMBINED AUTOMATIC AND STRAIGHT AIR BRAKE \'AL\'E The Xew York Straight Air Brake \'alve performs the same functions as the Westing- ITS USE AND ABUSE 277 house, that is it appHes the engine and tender brakes independent of the triple valve when the triple is in release position. The New York straight air equipment consists of a straight air brake valve, a reducing valve, a double check-valve, a brake cylinder guage and a safety valve on the brake cylinder, the same as is used in the Westinghouse system, but the New York straight air valve is modeled after their automatic engineer's brake valve, for you will see by the diagram illustrating the straight air brake valve that the essential parts to this valve (aside from the case) is a slide-valve operated by a handle working over a quadrant. 1 here are tAvo oil plugs for the purpose of oiling the slide-valve seat, the same as with the auto- matic brake valve. There are' two pipe connec- tions and one exhaust. One pipe connection admits main reservoir pressure into the brake valve and the other pipe connection allows the pressure to pass into the brake C34inder. There are four positions on the Nev.^ York straight air brake valve as follows: Release, Lap, Service, and Emergency. By looking at Fig. i, Chart 40, 3'ou will notice that the handle is in full release position, and brake cylinder pressure can pass under the slide- 278 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE valve and out a; zr.t exhaust cavity. Should the handle be moved to lap position you will notice that the slide valve will close the passage leading to the brake cylinder, thereby preventing main reservoir pressure from getting into the cylinder V473. CnLi^T -kL,' TZ'l-. 1. ^-E^ i'JiiJx :^. - in esci:::r. pc5.::c p r eventing the cylin l±: : r -r s s v. r t : r : m _ :: :1 r i nosphere. Now s .cui :he "e be moved :: z'.zq next notch, or service r sliir-va^e "::'^ be moved further ITS USE AND ABUSE 279 back, thereby creating a small opening to the brake cylinder and allowing the engine brakes to be set gradually, but should the handle be thrown to emergency position the slide-valve will be moved still further back, so that the 26& E.V>264 CHART 40 FIG. 2. NEW YORK STRAIGHT AIR PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE. passage to the brake cylinder is wide open, which permits a quick rush of air into the cylinders. Between the main reservoir and the straight air \- MODERX AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE brake valve there is a reducing valve. Fig. 2, Chart 40, for the purpose of keeping the main reser^^oir pressure down to a predetermined standard, which is usually fortj-nve pounds. nr^>. \ R.V-i 12 R.V-I I I R.V-I C2 R.V-I 07 : I iT PIPE THREAD CHAP.T 40 FIG. 3- TOZS 5AFZTT z.. >"> _ _ ^ i.XD The straight air reducing valve, as shown in Chart 39, is connected at one end to the main reser\^oir and at the other end to the straight air brake valve, and as the regulating spring is supposed to be screvred down to forty-five ITS USE AND ABUSE 281 pounds, you will readily see by Fig. 2, Chart 40, that the force of the graduating spring will drive T H.S.-I7 \.x¥S [1— H-S..I4 A. B & O H.S.-I9 CHART 40 — FIG. 4, STYLE A COMPENSATING VALVE, HIGH SPEED BRAKE. the diaphragm down so that it unseats the check- valve (26), therefore when no air is in the brake 232 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE cylinder the main reservoir pressure can pass by the check-valve and flow through the pipe AUXILIARY RESERVOIR COMPENSATING VALVE /2 PIPE TO SIDE CAP OF TRIPLE PIPING DIAGRAM COMPENSATING VALVE. STYLE A. Diagram 114 Djagram Showing Method of Piping Style A and A- 1 Compensating, Valve. CHART 40 FIG. 5. connection leading to the straight air brake valve, and when the pressure under the ITS USE AND ABUSE 283 diaphragm becomes a fraction greater than what the regulating spring (20) is set at, the diaphragm will be moved up, thereby allowing the check-valve to reseat and shut off the main reservoir pressure, but should the brake cylinder leathers leak, as soon as the leakage brings the pressure down below the tension of the graduat- ing spring the diaphragm will be forced down and again unseat the check-valve to admit main reservoir pressure. This action you will see enables the engineer to place the straight air brake valve in service position and work under his engine with perfect safety, because he knows that as long as the pump works the straight air brake valve will automatically supply main reservoir pressure to the brake cylinders, and keep the engine from moving. One of the greatest benefits that the straight air brake valve confers in road service is that it enables the engineer to set the engine brakes independently of the train brakes, so that in slowing down or in making a stop he can keep the train bunched, and thereby prevent a break- in-two. The safety valve (Fig. 3, Chart 40), on the brake cylinders is for the purpose of taking care 2S4 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ol 1 r. ' . -7 i .-'_ i r t ; r. : ". t r 1 1 _ 1 . 2 sf "^'^l"^^ for sTioxild tiie \_ ^J. ^„ \-±v " » tU-J. « >— ---- -■ - - - - ' - • - ■ - ■ T-^ijj^i-r-T-r^TT- t; : -- _ „ - - - - : : t^i^e - _ - ' - _ ' - - - - :-^ " - — ; i ■ - - ^ 2:j' in that mi^ : tt r: r= cylinders tc cally bic The : ';::.:.::.; ; : " . r : t t n . parts. t ;:re tliat leads to the T 1 : T T 1 It: valve, and ; :. ' -_. : : ■;''/.- r. :/_.- !-i~t ;:.;:: :hereisa 1:_'::.T :.;t .;>■!. '-r ".'.:/.. - :..- -:;.-7 :- j^edin rhe AVe-. :,__;: . -r ---:.//_ :^ .-:. ".":.; -ill nd of which purpose cf r : ris ^^hen - J ITS USE AND ABUSE 285 double check-valve, and the line of pipe in dotted lines has a release cock on the end of it, the same as on the engine. These release cocks are placed one in the engine cab and the other in the gangway on the tender. The descendlno SR 3 SR 9 SR 6 SR 8 SR 7 Pipe Thcf. Signa Pfp To Main Reservoir CHART 41 FIG. 1. NEJV YORK AIR SIGNAL PRESSURE REDUCING. VALVE. of long heavy grades makes it absolutely essential to have some means by which the engine and tender brake cylinder pressure can be reduced without having to release the train 286 MODERN' AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE brakes, and we all know how important it is to release the engine and tender brakes when a hose bursts, providing we want to save the engine tires from being loosened or flattened. NEW YORK AIR SIGNAL EQUIPMENT The number of parts constituting the equip- ment of the New York Signal is the same as the V^ Signal PVps (a) CHART 41 FIG. 2 STTILE B XEW TOEK AIE SIGNAL VaLTE. Westinghouse, but the construction of the parts is somewhat different The essential parts area pressure reducing valve (Fig. i, Chart 41); and air signal valve (Fig. 2), the car discharge valve (Fig. 3) and the signal whistle (Fig. 4). The operation of the reducing valve is as fol- ITS USE AND ABUSE 287 lows: When the regulating spring (6) is screwed down to forty pounds it causes the diaphragm (8) to force the check-valve (5) from its seat, which allows the main reservoir pressure to flow by the check-valve into the diaphragm chamber and out at the pipe con- nection leading to the sig- nal pipe, and when the sig- nal pipe is charged up to a fraction over forty pounds it causes the diaphragm to be forced away from the check-valve, and thereby enables the check-valve to reseat and shut off main reservoir pressure. As soon as the signal pipe pressure is again reduced below the tension of the graduating springjthe diaphragm again unseats the check-valve and allows the main reser- voir pressure to again flow into the signal pipe. The air signal valve (Fig. 2) is connected to the signal pipe and to the signal whistle, and when the pressure from the signal pipe enters the signal valve it passes down through the port CHART 41 FIG. 3= CAR DISCHARGE VALVE. 288 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE in the diaphragm stem into the lower air chamber, and equaHzes on both sides of the diaphragm, and at the same time passes up into the air valve chamber and equalizes on both sides of that valve. When a sudden reduction is made from the signal pipe the air on the top side of the dia- phragm is also reduced so that the pressure in the lower air chamber lifts the diaphragm and causes the upright pins which are fastened to the dia- phragm stem to force the air valve (8) from its seat, and thereby permit the air from the lower chamber to blow into the whistle. As soon as the signal pipe pressure has stopped exhausting, the dia- phragm is forced back to its seat which allows the air valve to again drop to its seat. The same instructions regarding the manner of operating the air signal that governs the Westinghouse system apply equally as well to the New York Air Signal. ;..__ V4 PIPE TO ^G^AL VALVe CHART 41 — FIG. 4. SIGNAL "WHISTLE. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO SEC- TION 4 THE PARTS OF THE NEW YORK AUTOMATIC, HIGH SPEED AND STRAIGHT AIR BRAKE EQUIP- MENT AND THEIR DUTIES Note. — As many of the answers given in Section I will apply equally to the New York Equip- ment the same as they do to the Westinghou^e, whenever such is the case I will indicate the an- swer by referring to the answer in Section i. 62. When an engine is equipped with the New York Automatic Quick Action Brake what are the essential parts and what are their duties? Ans. See Question 2, Section 2. 63. What additional apparatus is needed to change the quick action equipment into the high speed brake? Ans. A triplex pump governor and an auto- matic reducing valve for the engine and tender brake cylinders. The triplex governor with the New York equipment performs the same func- tions as the extra slide-valve feed-valve does with the Westinghouse brake; that is, it controls the pressure. 289 2go MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 64. What a:: 11 r . : : : 1 :z 1 car with the Ne : : : : t ' r? Ans. See Q t r : r - S r : : : i 2, 65. What £ T r 1:5 : -: 66l When E 7 1 51 ^t: :i- 5 1:11-1 1 i high sp^ri 111*11 !£.: Ill :.:iil -_:i^ri:_5 -5 needed? Ans. Tit : : ~ 1 Ti^-atory valTe connected to the brake cylinder, for the onruose of antomat- rcslfy rediMang the cyl::- ii: iiisnre as the N"ew Y : : 1. : r ike is sc ir. 1 ' " 11 1 : 1 . 1:' t : t i. : : : : :~ : 1. - We^ '^ -.xs^ HighSi Ti ? 1^ It ::r rhi riir : 1 t"^at it lioes 1. : : 1 im: ::ie cv,. 1.111 1-15S r : ir^n to exni-s: is : : : "asitdc^? WiLQ nae \\ t-: '.z'. 3iise '-' 1 . " 1 . 1 1 compensa- toiy valve is fLiuy lilnstra: 1 1 1 1 ^ 4 of Chart 40, and aside from the :=.:: :ii. : ritaids the brake cyhnder pressori : : r i : 1 ^ 1 : 1 1 ' : % the general operation of i: : 1 1 : 5 t ^ 11 1 1 1 as the Westinghonse Hi^ ^z-.z : z 1 ^ 1 t Where the Wesringhzsi 11 sis 1 s 11- valve 11 : : 1. : : : the ex is: : 1. 1 ' 1 : : r .: : : 1 - pens 1 1 ^ 11 ii-i::~s :i. s :.:i.::.:i 1:1 1 piste 1 issiiir^ _: .11: _: ITS USE AND ABUSE 291 67. What is a main distinguishing feature be- tween the New York and the Westinghouse pump? Ans. The New York pump is duplex — that is, it has a double set of cylinders, two air cylinders and two steam cylinders. The steam cylinders are on the lower instead of on the top end, as on the Westinghouse. 68. Besides being a duplex pump, what other distinguishing feature is there to the New York pump, as compared with all the Westinghouse pumps excepting their new compound pump? Ans. All of the New York pumps are not only duplex, but are also compound compressors, for the reason that the air cylinders have differ- ent diameters (the low pressure cylinder being equal to twice the size of the high pressure cylin- der), and the air from the low pressure cylinder is passed into the high pressure cylinder and again compressed before entering the main reser- voir. Another distinguishing feature between the New York and Westinghouse pumps is that the valve gear of the steam end of the New York pump consists merely of a small reversing valve for each steam cylinder, whereas the Westinghouse pump not only has a reversing valve but also has a main steam valve gear, con- 292 MODERN" AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE sisting" of three pistons in :he eight-inch pump and two pistons and a slide valve in the g^^-inch. ii-inch and new compound o-rr^. j. 69. This being true, wh^: ; ^r:.:.:'^- ^ict should an engineer always keep in mind-r.-er. operating a Xew York pump? Ans. He 5h'^?uld be careful not to allow the lubricator to leed oil too rapidly into the steam end of the pump, for the reason that as there are only two small slide-valves to lubricate besides the main p'? : " 5. if too much oil were allowed to get in:: "iht reversing valve charr.':-: 't would have a '.ririicy to force :hr rt" trf.ig valves from their sea:? ir. i thereb}" . " -: "-:r r~::-rncy of the pump. 70. Why is it said that with the Xew York pump one measure of steam will generate three measures of air? Ans. z ^ : r : t fact that the low pressure : ' ^ ^ IS a oiume capacity twice that of the - _ . . : : z r r ; r r : ;\ :". ier, and as the high pressure cylin: r - t : r res a charge of air direct from the a: / : : ' t:t tvery time it makes a stroke, and as ::^t is::.: i:t5 not make a second stroke until :/^ t ^ : - : : T - r :- r r cylinder has discharged its air into the hi^ :. : rtssure cylinder, it means that on the return siny.e of the high pressure piston a ITS USE AND ABUSE 293 volume of air equal to three times the volume of the high pressure cylinder is forced into the main reservoir. 71. What is the principal difference in the con- struction of the No. I, No. 2, No. 6, and No. 5 New York pump? ^ Ans. The general construction of all of these pumps is the same, except that the No. 6 and No. 5 pumps have two air inlets (one for each air cylinder) and two sets of receiving valves in the air cylinders. The lift of the air valve of the No. 5 pump is 3-16 of an inch, in order to accom- modate a laro^e volume of air, and all air valves are interchangeable. 72. Why does one piston wait for the other before making its return stroke? Ans. Because the reversing valve under one piston controls the action of the opposite one. 73. What is the difference between the revers- ing valve of the* New York and Westinghouse pumps? Ans. The operation of the valve is the same, as both have a reversing-valve rod with a button on one end and a shoulder on the other, and a reversing-valve plate to move the rod up or down, but the reversing valve in the Westing- house pump is made to control three ports, 294 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE whereas the New York reversing valve is just a common D slide valve tor the purpose of con- trolling two ports. 74. How is the air end of the New York pump oiled? Ans. By an automatic oil cup in the head of the air cylinders by which the flow of the oil can be regulated. Shown in Fig. 7, Chart ^^. 75. Can you explain the operation of the steam end of the New York pump? Ans. When the pistons are at rest, and steam enters the pump from the boiler, it fills both of the slide-valve chambers with steam, and from the left-hand chamber live steam passes through port B to the under side of the right-hand piston and through port C, which leads from the right-hand chamber to the top side of the left-hand piston. When the right-hand piston is forced up it shifts the position of the right-hand reversing valve so that port C is connected to the exhaust port F, and port A is opened from the reversing valve chamber to the under side of the left-hand pis- ton, which causes that piston to be forced up. As the exhaust passage from the right-hand pis- ton is controlled by the left-hand slide-valve, the right-hand piston will remain up until the left- hand piston has made its stroke and pulled the ITS USE AND ABUSE, 295 reversing valve up, which connects port B from the under-side of the right-hand piston with the exhaust passage F, and at the same time opens port D so that live steam can get on top of the right-hand piston and drives it down. When this piston has made its full down stroke it again changes the right-hand reversing valve so that port C exhausts the steam of the left-hand piston, and port A is again opened and admits steam from the right-hand slide-valve chamber to the under side of the left-hand piston, as shown in Fig. 3 of Chart 35. 76. Can you explain the operation of the air end of the pump? Ans. With the No. i and No. 2 pumps the in- termediate valves and receiving valves are lo- cated between the air cylinders, consequently when the high pressure cylinder receives a charge of atmospheric pressure the lifting of the receiv- ing valve also lifts the intermediate valve until the pressure has been equalized inside and out of the air cylinders, whereas with the No. 6 and No. 5 pump each cylinder has its own separate set of receiving valves, so that the intermediate valves are not moved excepting when air is passed from the low pressure to the high pressure cylinder. The reason the air valves are lifted 296 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE and again reseated in response to the action of the piston is explained in Question i6 of Sec- tion 2. ']']. What is the stroke of the piston in the several New York pumps? Ans. The No. i and No. 2 is nine inches, the No. 6 is ten inches, the No. 5 is twelve inches. 78. What are the diameters of the steam and air cylinders of the several pumps? Ans. The steam cylinders of the No. i pump are five inches, the No. 2 and No. 6 are 7 inches, and in the No. 5 pump they are 8 inches. The high pressure air cylinders in all pumps are the same in diameter as the steam cylinders. The low pressure air cylinder of the No. i pump is seven inches; the No. 2 is 10 inches, the No. 6 is eleven inches, and the No. 5 is twelve inches. The No. 6 pump is made to take the place of the No. 2. 79. Why are the intermediate valves called by that name? Ans. Because these valves are intermediate between the low and high pressure air cylinders. 80. W^hat difference is there in the way m which the pump governor is connected up with the New York equipment as compared with the Westinghouse? ITS USE AND ABUSE 297 Ans. As the New York Brake Valve has an excess pressure valve instead of a trainpipe governor, it follows that the pump governor must be connected to the trainpipe pressure, and as the action of the brake valve is such that com- munication from the trainpipe and pump gov- ernor is shut off when the handle is in any position except running and full release, It makes it necessary to use the Duplex governor with the New York Brake Valve, in order to prevent main reservoir pressure from getting too high. 81. What Is the difference between an ordinary governor and a duplex governor? Ans. The duplex governor is one In which there are two air portions, so that the regulating spring on one portion can be set at one pressure and the other at a different pressure. 82. With an ordinary automatic brake at what pressure Is the duplex governor set? Ans. The air portion of the governor which connects to the trainpipe is usually set at seventy pounds and the portion which is connected to the main reservoir Is set at ninety pounds, when these pressures are used as standards. 83. What Is a triplex governor? Ans. A governor with one steam portion and three air portions. 298 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 84. For what purpose is the triplex governor used? Ans. For the high pressure control or high speed brake. For with a triplex governor one trainpipe portion can be set at seventy pounds, the other trainpipe portion at ninety pounds and the main reservoir pressure at no pounds, or they can be set at whatever pressure is desired. 85. What object is there in having two degrees of trainpipe pressure? Ans, By closing the cut-out cock on the gov- ernor pipe leading to the Ioav pressure air por- tion it will enable the engineer to change the automatic brake into either the high pressure control or high speed system. 86. How many positions are there on the New York Engineer's Brake \'alve? Ans. Five, the same as on the Westinghouse, except that service graduating position is divided into five notches which represent trainpipe re- ductions of about 5, 8, II, 16 and i^^ pounds. 87. How is the excess pressure gotten with the New York Brake \'alve? Ans. By placing the handle in running position the excess pressure is accumulated before any pressure enters the trainpipe. for when the handle is in this position main reservoir pressure must ITS USE AND ABUSE 299 be greater than the tension of the regulating spring of the excess pressure valve before it can lift that valve from its seat. 88. When the handle is in running position how does the air get from the main reservoir into the trainpipe? Ans. It enters the brake valve through passage B into chamber B and passes through port E of the seat of the slide-valve through cavity M in the slide-valve and through port A in the slide- valve seat into chamber A, which is the same as trainpipe, as shown in Fig. 3 of Chart 'yj. 89. When the handle is in full release position how does the main reservoir pressure get into the trainpipe? Ans. It passes direct from chamber B by the end of the main slide-valve through port A into the trainpipe. 90. In making a service application how does the air exhaust from the trainpipe? Ans. By way of ports F and G in the main slide-valve and out through exhaust passage C, as shown in Fig. 5, Chart y]. 91. In making an emergency application ho,^ does the air exhaust from the trainpipe? Ans. By way of the large ports J and K and exhaust passage C, as shown in Fig. 7, Chart ^'], 300 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE 92. What causes the Xew York Brake \'alve to automatically lap itself? Ans. When the handle is placed in any one of the service graduating notches it causes the main slide-valve ro be moved so that per: F is un- covered and the top end of port O in the slide- valve seat is closed, consequently when trainpipe pressure is reduced slightly less than the pres- sure in the supplementary reser\'oir, that pressure forces the equalizing piston back, which causes the cut-off valve to gradually close port Fand stop the trainpipe pressure from further exhausting. 93. How does air get into the supplementar\' resen^oir? Ans. In either running or release position the air that feeds into the trainpipe lifts the ball check-valve in the equalizing piston and allows trainpipe pressure to flow into Chamber D on through passage H into the supplementary- reservoir. 94. For what purpose is the vent-valve in the end of the equalizing piston? Ans. When the handle of the brake valve is in either release or running position the top end of port O connects with cavity- P and exhaust cavity C, so that if the bottom end of passage O were not closed it would not only drain the sup- ITS USE AND ABUSE 301 plementary reservoir but would make a constant leak from the trainpipe. 95. In making a service application with the New York Brake Valve what should the engineer do if the automatic lap feature should fail to operate? Ans. After he has exhausted the required amount of trainpipe pressure the handle should be placed on positive lap position. 96. With the New York Brake Valve, would the length of the train have anything to do with the way in which a service application should be made? Ans. Yes, for with a train of four cars or less if j:he handle was not placed upon the first notch to start with, it is likely to cause an emergency application for the reason that the small train- pipe volume would rush out so rapidly as to cause a sudden reduction of trainpipe pressure, but with a train ^f five cars or more there is sufficient volume of trainpipe to overcome this difficulty. 97. What defects would destroy the automatic lap feature of the New York Valve? Ans. There are several. Should the small cut-off valve become scratched, or should the connecting arm become bent so as to prevent 302 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE the valve from seating, or should the packing of the piston leak so as to permit the pressures to equalize, or should there be any leak from the supplementary reserv'oir. any one of these would prevent the automatic lap. 98. Is there any material difference in the method of regulating the Xew York pump governor from that of the Westinghouse? Ans. Xo, as both governors will shut off at a lower pressure by loosening the regulating nut, and will carry a higher pressure by screwing down on the regulating nut. 99. What is the essential difference in the manner of producing quick action with the X'ew York triple as compared with the Westinghouse? Ans. In either case a sudden reduction is necessary, but the difference is that with the Westinghouse triple a portion of the trainpipe pressure enters the brake cylinder, whereas witji the New York quick action triple the trainpipe pressure is exhausted to the atmosphere when an emergency application is made. 100. What is the object of the piston which works in conjunction with the main slide valve piston of the New York quick action triple? Ans. It takes the place of the graduating spring of the Westinghouse triple, for the reason ITS USE AND ABUSE 303 that trainpipe pressure fills the space between these two pistons, and when a reduction is made on the trainpipe pressure the pressure between the two pistons is partially confined so that it acts as a cushion for the main slide valve piston; but should the trainpipe pressure be reduced suddenly these two pistons would be kept apart on account of the air not being able to get from between them quick enough, and consequently the stem of the smaller piston would strike against the emergency vent valve, marked "ji, which would permit trainpipe pressure to enter passage H and cause piston 137 to unseat check valves 139 and 117, and thereby produce an emergency application of the brake. loi. How does the New York Quick Action Triple Valve operate? Ans. When trainpipe pressure enters the triple at the strainer it fills the cavity back of the rub- ber seated vent valve and at the same time it passes through the feed groove into the auxiliary reservoir. It is fed through a port in the stem of the vent piston which allows air to charge up the chamber between the vent piston and the main triple piston, so that when trainpipe pres- sure is reduced, which causes the auxiliary pres- sure to force the main piston back, the air that 304 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE is between the vent piston and the main piston does not entirely escape, and consequently when the trainpipe and auxiliary pressures equalize, the portion of air confined between the piston and the main piston expands and moves the main piston ahead, which closes the supply port be- tween the auxiliary and the brake cylinder thereby lapping the triple valve. 102. What is the action of the triple in an emergency application? Ans. When a sudden reduction is made on the trainpipe pressure the main piston is moved so quickly back that the port in the vent piston is kept closed, and as a consequence the air be- tween the two pistons keeps them apart, which results in the stem of the vent piston striking against the vent valve, thereby unseating it and allowing trainpipe pressure to get into passage H, and drive the emergency piston against the rubber seated quick action valve, which action permits the auxiliary pressure to rush into cham- ber L and unseat the non-return brake cylinder check valve, thereby allowing the auxiliary and brake cylinder to quickly equalize. When the air in passage H forces the emergency piston forward it opens a small exhaust port which allows a further reduction in the trainpipe pres- ITS USE AND ABUSE 305 sure, and as the reduction is at once felt by the next triple, it causes all other triples in the train to act quickly. 103. How is the brake released? Ans. The same as with the Westinghouse triple, that is when the trainpipe pressure is raised higher than that in the auxiliary, the main triple piston is forced back so that the exhaust cavity in the slide-valve connects the brake cylin- der with the atmosphere. 104. As there are two packing rings in the New York Triple Valve, does this fact have a tendency to cause the triple to fail to release properly? Ans. No. But should the port in the vent pis- ton become clogged after the auxiliary is charged it is likely to produce an emergency application when. making a service application, for the reason that, If the air which is between the two pistons cannot be reduced about as fast as the trainpipe pressure, the stem of the vent piston will unseat the vent valve and cause an emergency appli- cation. 105. What care should be given to the New York triple? Ans. Just the same as with the Westinghouse, or any other triple, for you cannot expect to ' 3o6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE keep machinery in proper working order if it is not looked after. io6. What is the principal difference in the 'construction of the New York Straight Air Brake Valve as compared with the Westinghouse? Ans. The New York Straight Air Brake Valve contains a slide valve, and has four positions, whereas the Westinghouse Straight Air Brake Valve contains two lift valves and has only three positions. The general pipe arrangement is the same and both systems require double check valves, safety valves, two extra exhaust valves, gauges, etc. 107. How does the Straight Air Brake Valve operate? Ans. There is a pipe from the main reservoir, on which there is a reducing valve set at 45 pounds, and the other end of this pipe is con- nected to the straight air brake valve, so that when the handle of the brake valve is moved so that the slide-valve uncovers the port leading into the brake cylinder, main reservoir pressure can then pass through the reducing valve, through the brake valve and into the brake cylinder until the cylinder pressure becomes slightly greater than the tension of the graduating spring in the reducing valve, when the flow of air is shut off ITS USE AND ABUSE 307 from the main reservoir automatically. Should the handle of the brake valve be moved to serv- ice position for just a short time and then brought back to lap there would only be a partial application of the brakes, for the reason that the movement of the slide-valve would prevent air from getting into the cylinder regardless, of the action of the reducing valve. 108. When an engine is equipped with the New York or Westinghouse Straight Air Brake Valve, and it the two additional exhaust valves should be omitted, could the brakes on the engine be released with the straight air brake valve when a hose bursts? Why? Ans. No. For with the ordinary straight air brake valve equipment the double-check valve would prevent the passage of brake cylinder pres- sure in one direction and the slide valve in the triple would prevent it from exhausting in the opposite direction, and it is therefore on account of this fact that the two additional exhaust valves are necessary with the old style straight air equipment. lOQ. For what purpose is the double-check- valve? Ans. It is to automatically close communica- tion between the brake cylinder and the straight; 3o8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE air brake valve when auxiliary pressure is flow- ing into the brake cylinder, and also to shut off communication between the brake cylinder and the triple when the straight air brake valve is being used. no. Should an engine be equipped with the two additional exhaust valves besides the straight air valves, could they be used to release the engine brakes quick enough to prevent the shock of cars against the engine when the hose bursts? Why? Ans. No. For the reason that these additional exhaust valves are connected merely to the brake cylinders, and should the brake cylinders on the engine and tender be of the larger style used in modern practice, the auxiliar}^ reservoir pressure would continue to flow into the brake cylinders even though the brake cylinder exhaust valves were kept open, and thereby prevent the brakes from releasing quick enough to avoid the shock. III. What additional equipment would there- fore be needed in order to quickly release the brake cylinder pressure on engine and tender when a hose bursts in order to avoid the shock and minimize the possibility of buckling the train? ITS USE AND ABUSE 309 Ans. It would be necessary to have additional exhaust valves connected to the auxiliary reser- voirs on the engine and tender, that is in addi- tion to the straight air brake valve there should be four additional valves in order to insure a quick release of engine and tender brakes. 112. With these additional valves could the straight air brake valve be used to retain the automatic application of the locomotive brakes without making a straight air application, that is without using the main reservoir pressure, while the train brakes are being released? Ans. No. For the reason that in order to retain the autorhatic application of the engine brakes with the old style straight air equipment it is necessary to control the triple exhaust ports on both the engine and the tender, which would require retaining valves in addition to the valves already mentioned. 113. With the New York high speed brake is it necessary to have quick action triples on the tender? Ans. No. But they may be used if desired. 114. Why is it that with the high speed brake a trainpipe pressure of no pounds can be used and still avoid sliding the wheels? Ans. For the reason that with the high speed 3IO MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE brake all wheels on the engine, tender and cars are braked, and therefore the braking power is applied more uniformly than it used to be in former days. When the power is applied to all wheels alike the danger of sliding wheels is reduced to the lowest possible point, and on account of this fact some systems of air brakes are now using only one triple valve on the loco- motive and tender in order to secure this result. 115. For what purpose is the compensating valve used in the high speed brake? Ans. It is a safety valve for the purpose of automatically exhausting the brake cylinder pressure when it gets higher than it should. 116. At what pressure should the compensating valve exhaust? Ans. When the pressure in the brake cylinder becomes greater than 60 pounds the compensat- ing valve should operate to let off all pressure above that amount before the speed of the train is materially reduced, in other words, it would maintain the cylinder pressure at about 75 pounds for a few seconds but would close the exhaust when the cylinder pressure had dropped to 60 pounds. 117. Is there any material difference in the number of parts comprising the New York ITS USE AND ABUSE 311 whistle signal equipment compared with the Westinghouse? Ans. No. Both systems require a whistle, a signal valve, a reducing valve, whistle signal pipe and car discharge valve, and in order to blow the whistle with either system it is simply neces- sary to exhaust the pressure from the signal pipe, -which action causes the signal valve to operate and allow the air to pass to the whistle. 118. Is there any material difference between the New York retaining valves and those of the Westinghouse? Ans. None, so far as the operation and hand- ling is concerned. SECTION 5 CHAPTER V THE DUKESMITH AIR BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM — ITS PARTS AND THEIR DUTIES As the tendency of modern railway practice is to heavy motive power and long trains, these conditions demand additional safe guards which have not heretofore been supplied by other Air Brake Companies, and in order to provide means to overcome the existing difficulties the Duke- smith xA-ir Brake Company of Pittsburg, Penna., are now manufacturing what is known as the Dukesmith Air Brake Control System. The Dukesmith Air Brake Control System consists of the following equipment: An Engineers Automatic Brake Valve, known as style A, which performs the functions of the ordinary brake valve, or in other words by its use the brakes on the entire train can be applied and kept applied; released and kept released and the train-pipe pressure maintained at a lower point than that of the main reservoir Style B of the Dukesmith Engineers Auto- 312 ITS USE AND ABUSE 313 matic Brake Valve performs all of the functions of style A, but in addition thereto it applies the engine and tender brakes with straight air when an emergency application is made. . Style C of the Dukesmith Engineers Auto- 1 MAIN EXHAUST'tefWa BRAKE CYL Cqn. aiRIPLEEX.CON. 1;;^^ 4 ST. AIR CON. PLATE 72 THE DUKESMITH STRAIGHT AIR CONTROL VALVE, WITH AUXILIARY RELEASE. matic Brake Valve performs all the functions of style A, but it also enables the engineer to apply and release the engine and tender brakes inde- pendently of the train brakes, and also enables him to hold the engine brake applied while the 314 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE train brakes are being released, and also to release the engine and tender brakes when a hose bursts or when an emergency application has been made, which miinimizes the possibility of bucklinof the train. 4%. 1. FULL RELEASE 2.N0RMAL 3.CYL1N0ERRELEA^ 4.LAP 5. APPLICATION PLATE 73 DIAGRAM SHOWIXG POSITIOXS OX QUADRAUT AND PIPE COXXECnOXS OF DrKES]VnTH STRAIGHT AIR COXTROL VALVE. The Dukesmith Driver Brake Control \'alve style A. is used in connection with any automatic brake-valve and is for the purpose of combining in one valve an independent release and retain- ing valve for the locomotive. The Dukesmith Straight Air Driver Brake Control \'alve, style B. combines 'all the features ITS USE AND ABUSE 31S of Control Valve A and in addition thereto it enables the engineer to apply the locomotive brakes with straight air independent of the auto- matic system, or to release the engine and tender brakes independent of the triple valve, and with PLATE 74 VERTICAL SECTIONAL VIEW OF DUKESMITH STRAIGHT AIR CONTROL VALVE WITH HANDLE IN APPLICATION POSITION. this valve the entire brakes on the locomotive can be let off in from 10 to 12 seconds when a hose bursts, by reason of the fact that this valve is not only connected direct to the brake cylin- % 316 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ders on the engine and tender but is also con- nected to the auxiliary reservoirs on the loco- motive, which permits of the quickest possible release. The Automatic Release Signal is made in two styles; style A is for car service and style B is for engine service. Style A Release Signal carries a large metal signal in order that it may be seen at a distance, it automatically exhausts the cylinder pressure above a predetermined amount and in addition has an independent exhaust valve for the purpose of releasing a stuck brake independently of the triple valve. Style B Release Signal is contained in a circular casing, and automatically exhausts the brake cylinder pressure above a predetermined amount, and has a graduating device for the purpose of regulating the point at which the brake cylinder pressure should be automatically exhausted. Either style of release-signal indicates at all times the exact operation of the brake, as it tells whether the brake power is too great or too little; whether a brake is leaking off or releasing off; what the brake piston travel is or whether a brake is stuck or not. The Dukesmith Car Control Valve performs four functions, as follows: First it can be used to ITS USE AND ABUSE 317- apply the brakes on the entire train either in a service or emergency application; Second it can be used to release the brake on the car to which 3i8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE it is attached independently of the triple valve^ and without having to stop the train to do so; Third it can be used to retain the brake on the car to which it is attached, and fourth it can be used to keep the brake cut out without hav^ing to stop the train to do so. There are four posi- tions in which the handle of the Car Control Valve may be placed, as follows: Normal, Lap, Release and Application. It occupies the same position in passenger coaches as the old style conductor's valve, and it may be operated to apply the brakes in emergency either by turning the handle itself or by pulling a rope attached to the handle and extending through the car. There is very little possibility of the car control valve getting out of order, as the working parts consist merely of a tapered key working in a casing and a handle attached to the key. The Dukesmith Emergency Cut-Out Cock is a device used for double-heading, and takes the place of the old style cut-out cock located in the trainpipe under the brake valve on the engine. The Emergency Cut-Out Cock when closed pre- vents the engineer on the second engine from accidently charging the trainpipe, which would release the brakes, and also prevents him from making a service application, but it does enable ITS USE AND ABUSE 310 320 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE him to make an emergency application without having to cut in the cut-out cock. When an engine is single heading and the emergency cock is open it is no different from any other cut-out cock, as in this position the check valve is locked in an open position and cannot seat of its own accord. SECTION 6 CHAPTER VI OPERATION, HANDLING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE DUKESMITH AIR BRAKE CONTROL SYSTEM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO SECTION 5 119. What is the construction of style B Duke- smith Engineer's Automatic Brake Valve? Ans. There is a case in which is contained a tapered key or plug, and through the top of the key there is an angular port, near the bottom of the key there is an annular groove and near the top of the key there is another small groove. 120. For what purpose is the angular port near the top of the key? Ans. For controlling the passage of the air direct from the main reservoir to the trainpipe. 121. For what purpose is the annular groove near the bottom of the key? Ans. It is for three purposes, as in running position it permits the passage of main reservoir pressure into the trainpipe governor, in service position it permits trainpipe pressure to exhaust 321 322 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE to the atmosphere through the trainpipe exhaust port, and in emergency position it permits train- pipe pressure to exhaust to the atmosphere through both the service and emergency exhaust ports. 122. For what purpose is the small groove near the top of the key? Ans. For the purpose of admitting main reser- A'oir pressure direct into the brake cylinders on the locomotive when the handle of the valve is placed in emergency position. This feature is to provide against leaky cylinder leathers. 123. What is the construction of style A Duke- smith Engineer's Automatic Brake Valve? Ans. The same as style B, excepting that it does not contain the small groove near the top of the key, as this valve performs the same func- tions of any of the old style brake valves. 124. What is the construction of style C Duke- smith Engineer's Automatic Brake Valve? Ans. The same as style x-\ excepting that near the top of the key there is a small groove for the purpose of connecting the main trainpipe with the engine trainpipe when the valve is in running position, and a small vertical groove near the top of the key for the purpose of con- ITS USE AND ABUSE 323 necting the engine trainpipe with the atmos- phere when the handle of the valve is in emer- gency position. 125. With style C brake valve are there any additional parts required aside from the ordinary trainpipe governor or feed valve? Ans. Yes, with style C brake valve there is a device known as the automatic exhaust valve, which is located in the supplementary trainpipe that connects the brake valve with the triple valve on the engine, and this exhaust valve is for the purpose of enabling the engineer to apply the engine brakes without applying the train brakes. As there is a continuous exhaust from the exhaust valve it follows that when the handle of the brake valve is placed in either lap or hold- ing position the supply of air is cut off from the supplementary trainpipe, and, as a consequence, the pressure in the supplementary trainpipe forces the piston in the exhaust valve up, and thereby opens a port in the exhaust valve which allows supplementary trainpipe pressure to equal- ize with the exhaust chamber of the exhaust valve, so that a reduction is thus made which causes the engine triple to move and apply the brakes on the engine and tender. When the 324 -MODERN' AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE handle of the brake valve is again brought to running position it establishes communication between the main trainpipe and the supple- mentary^ trainpipe, which causes the piston in the exhaust valve to be moved down, and thereby exhausts the air from the exhaust chamber and at the same time allows the pressure from the main trainpipe to recharge the supplementary trainpipe and release the brakes on the engine. 126. In how many positions can rhe handle of style C Brake A^alve be placed, and for what purpose." Ans. Full release, holding, running, lap, sen'ice, emergency and emergency-release. In full re- lease position the main reserv^oir pressure passes directly into the main trainpipe, but is cut off from entering the supplementary trainpipe, so that in this position the engine brakes are kept set while releasing the train brakes; in holding position main reserv^oir pressure passes through the bottom groove in the key to the trainpipe governor but does not enter the supplementary trainpipe, so that in this position the main train- pipe can be kept charged while the engine brakes are still applied; in running position main reser- voir pressure passes through the bottom groove ITS USE AND ABUSE 325 through the trainpipe governor into the main trainpipe and from thence through the small groove in the top of the key into the supple- mentary trainpipe so that the pressure in both trainpipes is maintained at the same degree, and this is the only position in which the handle can be placed to release the brakes on the loco- motive, excepting emergency-release position. Lap position closes all ports in the brake valve, so that it naturally follows that in this position the supplementary trainpipe will automatically exhaust its pressure down to whatever the ex- haust valve is set at, which is usually from five to seven pounds, consequently if a service appli- cation of five or seven pounds is made without first placing the handle of the brake valve in lap position the result would be just the same as if any other brake valve were used; in service position the main trainpipe is in communication with the supplementary trainpipe by way of the small groove in the top of the key, and is in com- munication to the atmosphere through the serv- ice exhaust port by way of the bottom groove in the key; in emergency position the main train- pipe is in communication with the atmosphere through both the service and emergency exhaust 326 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE ports by way of the bottom groove in the key, and the supplementary trainpipe is in communi- cation with the atmosphere by way of the .small vertical groove in the top of the key; emergency- release position is the last position on the valve, and in order to get the handle to that position it is necessary to press against the locking device in the handle in order to allow the bolt to pass over the raised part of the quadrant. This position is for the purpose of quickly releasing the engine brakes in case of a hose bursting (or after an emergency application has been made), for the reason that by releasing the engine brakes it reduces to a minimum the possibilit}^ of buckling the train when the surge of the cars rush against the engine. The reason that this position releases the brakes on the engine is due to the fact that in this position the bottom groove in the key places the auxiliary reservoir on the engine in direct communication to the atmos- phere through the emergency exhaust port which allows the auxiliary to be quickly emptied, so that the pressure in the brake cylinders can lift the slide valve of the engine triple and pass out to the atmosphere through the emergency exhaust. ITS USE AND ABUSE 327 127. What is there to get out of order with any of the Dukesmith Engineer s Brake Valves? Ans. Nothing excepting the natural wear and tear of a tapered key working in a tapered cas- ing, and if the key is kept properly lubricated there is nothing more to do except to see that the key is properly seated by keeping the tension spring just tight enough to ^hold it to its seat without causing it to bind. 128. What particular construction of this valve is it that prevents it from binding the same as ordinary plug valves would bind? Ans. In the bottom of the valve casing there are two anti-friction metal disks, one at the top and one at the bottom of the tension spring, and these disks have a small tapered point so that the weight of the valve is carried by these points, which reduces the friction to almost nothing; another reason why the key of this valve cannot bind is because of the fact that the handle rests on a shoulder on the stem of the key, which pre- vents it from binding against the top of the case. 129. Does the valve operate any different so far as friction is concerned when the pressure is pumped up or when it is not? Ans, Yes, when there is no pressure in the 328 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE valve it works harder than when the pressure is pumped up, for the reason that when the pres- sure fills the ports of the valve it balances it perfectl^^and overcomes the tension of the spring, and it is for this reason that the tension spring should be regulated while the pressure is on. The spring should be regulated so that the valve will just seat, but should not be made any tighter. 130. What is the construction of Driver Brake Control Valve style A? Ans. It is a disk or rotary valve having three ports, one of which is connected directly to the brake cylinders on the engine, one to the triple exhaust port of the engine triple and one to the atmosphere. 131. How many positions are there on this valve? Ans. Three; full release, normal (or running), and lap (or retaining). 132. What is the construction of the Duke- smith Straight Air Control Valve style B? Ans. The same as the Dukesmith Engineer's Automatic Brake \^alve style A. 133. What then is the difference between the two valves? ITS USE AND ABUSE 329 Ans. The manner in which the pipe connec- tions are made. 134. How many positions are there on the Straight Air Control Valve? Ans. Five; full release, normal (or running), cylinder release, lap and application position. 135. What pipe connections has this valve dif- ferent from control valve style A? Ans. It has an auxiliary connection for straight air and also an exhaust connection from the en- gine auxiliary reservoir, besides the connection to the exhaust of the engine triple and the con- nection to the brake cylinders on the locomotive. 136. What is the construction of the Duke- smith Car Control Valve? Ans. About the same as the Straight Air Driver Brake Control Valve, excepting that it is smaller and, in addition to the annular groove in the bottom of the key, there is also an angular port. The working parts consist of a tapered key working in a tapered case, operated by a handle, and there are four positions in which the handle maybe placed, normal (or running), lap, cylinder- release and application position. 1370 For what purpose is the Car Control Valve? 330 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE Ans. It takes the place of the old style con- ductor's valve used in passenger coaches, and is also a retaining valve and an independent release valve, and can be used to cut out a brake if it should become defective. 138. When the handle is in normal position what ports are open? Ans. The port leading from the triple exhaust port to the atmosphere. 139. When the handle is in lap position what ports are open? Ans. None, as in lap position all ports are closed. 140. In cylinder-release position what ports are open? A. The port leading direct from the brake cylinder to the atmoshere. 141. In application position what ports are open? Ans. The port leading direct from the train- pipe to the atmosphere. 142. Should this valve leak, how would you overcome the leak? Ans. If it is properly lubricated I would simply tighten up the tension of the spring, but would not make it any tighter than just enough to seat the valve. ITS USE AND ABUSE 331 143. What amount of brake cylinder pressure is retained when the handle of the car control valve is placed in l::p position? Ans. That depends entirely on the weight of the lift valve in the retaining valve located on the pipe leading from the triple exhaust to the Car Control Valve, which may be either 15, 25, or 50 pounds according to the requirements of the service. 144. What is the construction of the Automatic Release Signal? Ans. The Release Signal consists of a cylinder which moves up and down over a piston con- nected to a hollow piston rod, between the bot- tom of the cylinder and the under side of the piston there is a graduated spring, the tension of which can be regulated by a sleeve which enters the bottom of the cylinder, and the top of this sleeve has a flange which contacts with the stem of a small vent valve in the piston, and there are a number of small vent ports in the bottom of the cylinder so that when the brake cylinder pressure passes up through the hollow piston rod to the top of the piston it strikes on the under side of the top of the cylinder and forces the cylinder up in proportion to the pres- sure. Should the pressure be great enough it 332 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE would lift the release signal cylinder until the flange on the sleeve strikes against the stem of the vent valve and would keep it unseated until the pressure had dropped slightly below the tension of the spring when the cylinder would be moved down by the spring and permit the vent valve to seat. The remaining pressure would continue to' hold the cylinder up until the pressure was exhausted either in the regular way or by the independent exhaust valve connected to the release signal when the cylinder would be forced to its normal position by the spring. Style C Engine Release Signal has the safety valve screwed in the top cap of the signal cylin- der, and is regulated the same as any standard safety valve. 145. What is the construction and operation of the Dukesmith Emergency Cut-Out Cock? Ans. It consists of a casing having pipe con- nections at top and bottom, and having a rod extending horizontally through its center, one end of which is connected to a handle, and this rod also controls the exhaust of the pipe which is connected to the service exhaust port of the brake valve, and this same rod, which runs hori- zontally through the cut-out cock, controls a check-valve in the cut-out cock, for when the ITS USE AND ABUSE 333 handle is in normal position the check-valve is locked open by a projection on the rod. When the handle of the cut-out cock is closed the serv- ice exhaust port of the brake valve is closed, but the check-valve is free, so that when an emergency application is made with the brake valve the trainpipe pressure is free to exhaust, but should the brake valve handle be placed in either running or full release position the check- valve prevents main reservoir pressure from get- * ting into the trainpipe. 146. As the method of piping the Dukesmith Straight Air Control Valve only requires one triple valve on the locomotive, what means are provided for quickly recharging the engine and tender auxiliary reservoir? Ans. There is a by-pass from the trainpipe to the auxiliary reservoir pipe in which there is a check-valve, and between the check-valve and the trainpipe there is a reducing stud or dia- phragm, which makes the aperture equal to an ordinary feed groove in a triple. 147. Should the brake rigging on the tender become defective what should be done? Ans. The cut-out cock on the brake cylinder pipe between engine and tender should be Jj^^ MODERN A]R-aRAS£ FRACTICE ckised, and also tdbe cnt-oofi: coc^ cmi die anxiliaiy pipe leadii^ to tlie tender aiodliaiy. Iz|Sl In opeFatiift^ tlie Deike^raittli Straiglit Arr CofitiT^ V^'-e r I' ; ■ St sboold an en^""^r_T-rr ke^r i:: ::.:.:.; - t ri r^aird to im-' : f_ ji^ zoake €Kdy a li^lit afr CO ctLtcm vstrns g: Ans. Place th sition Iciz r' : ^ he desires. i.r. i I5CL - : - tfam t' -. r . tnJ Yahr^ Ans. Z ; Take c ' 1 fasakes i : i l_"— j-V_/ i. \_ WLLaaiiL reieasiTL ^' . : z :: -: / . ar wllllqux anxiliaiy lesenr : : : : r i^ure wliat shoi •e to low^or "r"^ -1"- J" - ^ - - Its uh AND ABUSE 335 normal position until the train has come to a full stop. 151. Does it require any particular training in order to successfully handle the Straight Air Control Valve? Ans. It only requires such knowledge as every engineer ought to possess, backed by good judg- ment, the same as is required in handling any brake valve. SECTION 7 CHAPTER VII THE PHILOSOPHY OF AIR-BRAKE HANDLING — RULES AND TABLES FOR COMPUTING BRAKE POWER- BRAKE LEVERAGE — EQUALIZATION OF PRESSURE, ETC. — SIZES OF CYLIN- DERS AND RESERVOIRS — TEST- ING AND INSPECTION OF AIR BRAKES — ETC. After an engineer has learned the name and duty of every part of the air-brake equipment, his knowledge is of but little use either to him- self or his employers unless he also learns the philosophy of air brake handling. What is meant by the philosophy of air-brake handling is a clear and definite understanding of the effects produced by different volumes and pressures when the varying conditions of the brake equipment, track, load, grade and speed are taken into account. One of the first things an engineer should learn is the value of maintaining correct stand- 336 ITS USE AND ABUSE 2>37 ards of pressures in the different parts of the equipment. For example, the cars in a freight train are braked to only seventy per cent of their light weight, which means that with Westinghouse triples the leverage is arranged with the under- standing that 8-inch cylinders must contain a pressure of sixty pounds to the square inch in order to produce a brake power of seventy per cent. This means that an emergency applica- tion is required to be made, and the piston- travel not over eight inches, if the full seventy per cent is to be gotten. Therefore, if a train of fifty cars, with every- thing in first class condition, was running forty miles an hour and the brakes were thrown on with an emergency application, it would have to run about 675 feet, or an eighth of a mile, before coming to a stop. This is because the stopping power is only equal to sevent}^ per cent of the weight to be stopped. If these same fifty cars were all loaded to their capacity of 60,000 pounds each, the per cent of brake power to the weignt to be stopped would be entirely changed, for with fifty cars of 30,000 pounds weight each, the total weight to be stopped would be 1,500,000 pounds, and if the brakes were properly adjusted 33^ MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE there would be an available stopping power of 1,050,000 pounds, but Avhen the cars are loaded the weight to be stopped is 4,500,000 pounds, and with an emergency application you have only got a stopping power equal to twenty-three and a third per cent of the weight, and as it requires a greater force to check the momentum of a heavy weight than it does for a light one, the loaded cars will run a considerable distance further than the empty cars would before stop- ping. The reason the percentage of stopping dis- tance is not greater in proportion to the decreased brake power is because when once the momentum is checked the force of gravity causes the heavy weight to settle quicker than a light weight. It is on this account that a train running twenty miles an hour can be stopped in a much shorter distance than one running forty miles an hour. At twenty miles an hour a fifty- car train can be stopped in less than 200 feet. When making a service application the pres- sure in the brake cylinder is only fifty pounds to the square inch, and the brake power is thus reduced one-sixth, consequently there is only a fraction over fifty-eight per cent available stop- ping power on a light car, and only about nine- ITS USE AND ABUSE 339 teen per cent on a loaded one, but if the brake shoes are hung from the body of the car the pis- ton-travel will be increased from one to three inches when the car is loaded, as the shoes strike the wheels lower down when loaded than empty. This means that if such a car was brak- ing to seventy per cent light it would only be braking to a fraction over fourteen per cent loaded, and if the piston-travel was over eight inches when the car was empty the brake power would be still further reduced. If the piston was allowed to travel its full stroke, there would be no brake power exerted against the wheels, as all the force would be against the cylinder head. While these facts should be self-evident to all enginemen and trainmen, a great number of them, however, seem to think if the leaks in the trainpipe are stopped that the brakes are all right. It should never be lost sight of that whenever you change the piston-travel or load you also change the per cent of brake power. An example of the stopping distance required for a heavy car, as compared with a lighter one, was recently given when a Pullman car weighing about 100,000 pounds was "kicked" off while run- ■nf fiTTt L U XJ.C S40 MODERN I -Z RAKE PEIACTICE nii^ thirty ir. r 5 ^r. : :: ir.i . 5::c;rd in 416 feetywlifle a ci^:." "t.rr. .r.r 1: : _: :':.:':c pounds stopped in 202 iet: }ui.-: t .: kicked off at th irty miles an horin Ir. '::::. iist- :-e braking power "^5 - 't: zt: :t': -^ there v"i- i ~.~t:r';t c: icrzy icr c- weight : : : . t : i r s Trm -T f While d:-t:rr.: :::::?r:5 requ're l.~ -:"::.'. ri. idling of ;ri -5 : trt irt, howevrr v : i.5:.r. :: rT'itsto tt rtziembered as regaras Lne a:~ rtrir ^r'r:^TT" srof^ii^ a freight train ir _ i :i 5 r^t: :-i r In stopping i : 1 r 5 r r ^ .- :: 1 r r r r r r : t - :;- live mi. -5 ^r. ..:_r :: :"'tr ;'. ; should be Tiit ir 1 rt tnai rt ti = r made just before : r :-i ' : rts :: a stop. \i -':.': 5::c '5 cr::::-^. Str :- :ri.^ac Air r::^:roL> 'r. ^-.-izz.:.^ i It ^' 1 r ; ze applualiamr ST.: --1 Ir "lit ir.i z.^z "z: rt.zi-- intil the train ::r:.^- :: i sti'is:... :r y:i a.re very liable to zz'.i viz: ::z.z. r : : '^r 5 :r. Air Contrc^) Ar i : : : 1 : : r 5 : : -. : : me the first rri : :r r rriiT r: :rt it? irt released^ sr eral "rednctions'' :ir :t ~ ade during :rr 1 : : - : a.ti€M[i. Why two 2^>p]ications shoold be made witli a ITS USE AND ABUSE 34i passenger train is, first, because the speed has to be reduced before the stop can be made, and, second, the train should be absolutely under control in approaching a station, as something or some one may be on the track, and if the engineer was making a 'one application stop" the auxiliaries and cylinders would have equal- ized some distance back of the actual stopping place, and the train would drift to the usual place in spite of anything the engineer could do. In making a two application stop the first reduction should be about ten pounds, followed in a few seconds by about five pounds, and again, in a few seconds, by five more, which will equal- ize the pressures. By this time the train is only running about fifteen or eighteen miles an hour, and you are nearly to the station, so you must now place the handle in full release just long enough to be sure that all brakes are off, and bring it to lap. This prevents the trainpipe pressure from becoming higher than that in the auxiliaries, and when you begin to make the actual stop a reduction of seven or eight pounds will cause the triples to move at once, and again set the brakes. When you feel that this reduc- tion has produced the desired effect, make 342 iVIODERX AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE another of four or five pounds and let the train drift to the usual place, and release just before it stops, which allows :he trucks to right them- selves, and no one is jerked off his feet in the coaches. (,See Straight Air Control.) " By making two applications you get two shots out of each auxiliar\'. and, besides, after releas- ing the first time, you have a chance to' get the added twenty per cent of brake power by using the emergency, if you have to: whereas if you were making the stop with one application you could never get more than a full service applica- tion after a ten-pound reduction, even if you used the emergency, which, of course, you should always do in case of danger. IVith the high-speed brake a train can be stopped in about thirty per cent less distance than it can with a quick-action brake. For instance, a train running forty-five miles an hour can be stopped in 560 feet with the high- speed brake as against 710 feet with the quick- action brake. Consequently a train running sixty miles an hour can be stopped in 1,060 feet with the high-speed brake, making a net gain of 300 feet over a stop made with the quick-action brake, which requires 1,360 feet within which to stop a train running sixty miles an hour. ITS USE AND ABUSE 343 Two applications should always be made with the high-speed brake in making a stop, but the initial reduction can be fifteen pounds instead of ten pounds, as would be proper when using the automatic brake. In making a ten or fifteen- pound reduction with the high-speed brake from iio-pound trainpipe pressure, the same cylinder pressure is produced as there would be if the same reduction were made with the automatic brake from seventy-pound trainpipe pressure, provided the piston-travel is the same. But, after the brake cylinder pressure has been raised with the high-speed brake to the point at which equalization would take place with the auto- matic brake, then any further reduction of the train- pipe pressure with the high-speed brake would raise the brake cylinder pressure accordingly. For example, an emergency application of the automatic brake with an 8-inch cylinder would produce a cylinder pressure of sixty pounds, but with the high-speed brake an emergency appli- cation will produce a brake cylinder pressure of about eighty-eight pounds. As this pressure is equivalent to a brake power of 130 per cent of the weight of the car, you will understand why it is necessary to have an automatic reducing valve to let the high pressure escape, as the 344 MODERN' AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE train slows down, in order to prevent wheel sliding. See Automatic Release Signal.) If the auxiliary and trainpipe pressure (after making a reduction! equalizes at any point above sixty pounds, just as soon as the auxiliary- pres- sure gets a fraction lower than the trainpipe pressure the triple will automatically lap itself, so that while the brake cylinder, owing to the reducing valve, may only have sixty pounds in it there might still be seventy-hve pounds, or more, in the auxiliary reservoir and trainpipe. Therefore, with the high-speed brake equipment an engineer can make two full service reductions of twenty pounds and release his brakes and still have seventy pounds pressure left in the auxiliaries with which to stop, if necessary, without having to recharge. Owing to the high pressure contained in the auxiliary reservoir Vvdth the high-speed brake the air is forced into the brake cylinder more quickly than i: is with the automatic brake, and naturally takes hold quicker. But, as previously explained, there is no greater pressure per square inch in the brake cylinder fromi a ten or fifteen-pound reduction with the high-speed brake than there would be if made with the automatic brake. ITS USE AND ABUSE 345 Handling a freight train is very different from handling a passenger train, and when handhng a freight train the following points should always be kept in mind: Good driver and tender brakes on the heavy class of freight engines are equal to the brake power furnished by six or seven 30,000-pound cars. Always listen to the blow from the trainpipe exhaust when making a service application, as by the length of the blow you can tell the length of your trainpipe. This little item may save your life, as there are many ways for an angle- cock to become closed. Always insist on having your train brakes carefully tested, and their condition and num- ber reported to you before leaving a terminal, or where any change has been made in the train. Always lap your brake valve if the brakes apply suddenly without any apparent cause, as a hose may have bursted or a conductor's valve opened, and you will need all your main reser- voir pressure to release and recharge Always close the steam-throttle in case of a break-in-two, for with a partially equipped train the non-air cars will only hit the head end that 34^ MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE much harder if you try to pull away, as the air brakes will stop you anyway. Should the engine, however, be equipped with either the Dukesmith Release and Retaining Valve or the Dukesmith Straight Air Control Valve, you can release the driver and tender brakes within ten seconds by using this valve, which will cause the shock of the cars against the engine to be greatly modi- fied, and prevent a further break-in-two. (See Dukesmith Driver Brake Control System.) Never reverse an engine after applying brakes if your engine brakes are any good, as it will flatten the tires if you reverse with the brakes set. In using sand, be sure to get it upon the rail before the speed of the train has been materially reduced, or it will slide the wheels, and if sand is used while the wheels are sliding it is certain to put bad spots on them. In making a service application you must be governed by circumstances, as regards speed, load and grade, but never make less than a five- . pound reduction to* start with, as less than that will not push the brake piston out past the leak- age groove. Ordinarily from five to seven pounds will be right, but you must always wait a few seconds between the first and second reduc- tions to allow the slack to run out. In handling loaded trains on heavy grades, it is always best to make about a ten-pound reduc- tion to start with. (See ''Train handling on heavy grades.") Never make over a twenty-five pound reduc- ITS USE AND ABUSE 347 tion in service applications, for with correct pis- ton-travel a twenty-pound reduction will equalize the pressures, and any further reduction is a waste of air. Always make a running test with a passenger train, and also with a freight train where track conditions will permit it. Some hobo may ti,.rn an angle-cock on you. In all cases of emergency throw the handle to emergency position and leave it there until the train comes to a standstill. But with a passen- ger train the brakes may be released while run- ning if the danger has been removed. Releasing the Brakes. Never try to release brakes in running position, with the old style automatic brake valves, for it is just this kind of foolishness that causes many flat and broken wheels. When the brake valve is in running position the trainpipe pressure raises comparatively slow, and if there should be any leaky triple piston packing rings the train- pipe and auxiliary pressures will equalize with- out moving the slidevalve, and consequently the brakes on all such cars will stick, and on poor rail the wheels on such cars may catch and slide while going slow, or if a brake sticks for any considerable time it will overheat the 34^ MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE wheel and cause it to burst and wreck the train. The amount of money paid out annually by railroad companies on account of "brakes stick- ing" is something enormous. The money paid out on account of doubling hills from brakes sticking would make a nice fortune. To release brakes, always use full release posi- tion, no matter how long the train is. Never open the throttle just after releasing brakes on a freight train, but allow the slack to adjust itself first. If you don't, you are almost sure to pull out a draw head and part your train. To insure a prompt release, when coupling onto an empty or partially charged train, always make about a fifteen-pound reduction and thenre- leaseand lapthevalve until the trainman hasmade the coupling and opened both angle-cocks. Some engineers are always complaining about their tender brake sticking, when the proba- bility is they have allowed the auxiliary to charge up to seventy pounds, and when the trainman opens the angle-cock between the ten- der and train it naturally reduces the trainpipe pressure and sets the brake on the tender, and as the volume of space in the trainpipe prevents ITS USE AND ABUSE 340 a quick raising of the pressure, and as a very slight leak by the triple piston packing ring will allow the pressures to equalize, it is easy to understand why the tender brake sticks. Failure to release brakes is commonly caused by not carrying sufficient excess pressure, for unless the trainpipe pressure is raised suddenly the slight leaks by the packing rings in the triples will cause the brakes to stick, for as the head triples are moved first, the feed grooves in the triples allow the trainpipe pressure to become lower every time a brake is released, so that on a long train the pressure would become so low as it neared the rear end that it would not be strong enough to force the triples to release position. Sometimes a brake can be released by making another heavy reduction, which changes the relation between the train- pipe and main reservoir pressures so that the excess thus created will give the triple a ham- mer blow and drive it to release position when the handle is thrown to full release. But, of course, if the brake is sticking on account of a leaky packing ring it would have to be bled off, either by the auxiliary bleed cock or the release- signal valve. In taking zvater, with a freight train, it is 350 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE always best to s:op short of the water plug, cut off, and run up with the engine alone. In settiyig 02ct cars, always apply the brakes before the train is cut, because there can be no danger then of pulling out with an angle-cock closed against you. Train Handlm^ on Heavy Grades. Trains are frequentl}' stalled on hea\y grades because the engineer keeps throwing the handle of the brake valve to full release and then bringing it back to running position. By doin^ this he soon gets the trainpipe charged higher than what the feed valve is set for. and then, in running position, the brakes are sure to creep on. for the trainpipe pressure must be reduced before the feed valve will open to admit main reservoir pressure. A heavy initial reduction is proper with loaded trains on heavy grades, because a certain amount of the brake power is necessary to over- con^e the "drop"' or downward movement caused by gravity, which materially reduces the amount left for holding the train at a certain speed. As soon as the train passes a summit the brakes should be applied, in order to know for a certainty what they are capable of doing. By waiting until' the train is well under way before applying the brakes is ver\- liable to cause a ? c r ITS USE AND ABUSE 35 runaway, as the trainmen have a poor chance of stopping it by hand brakes, should the occasion arise. The man who is not afraid to call for hand brakes when he thinks there are not enough good air brakes to hold the train, is much safer for the railroad company than the fellow who is afraid to do so because the train crew will think **he has lost his nerve." In descending a grade, always try to keep the trainpipe pressure as near standard as possible, by recharging as often as may be required, for in case a stop has to be made you will need all the power you can get. (See Str. Air Control.) Always recharge in full release position. If the trainpipe pressure shows up on the gauge to be above standard, bring the handle to running position for a few seconds to allow it to equalize, and then place it on full release just for a second to kick off any forward brakes that may have set, owing to the auxiliaries on the forward cars charging up faster than the others. Comparatively slight trainpipe leaks are more dangerous on a heavy grade than leaks which are readily noticed, for after a light application, unless the gauge is watched very close, the slight leaks will cause the brakes to continue to set until the pressures are equalized, when it ^5^ MODERN' AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE would be impossible to apply them any harder should a stop have to be made. Hostlers should remember that there are more than two positions (emergency and full release) on the brake valve. An emergency application is only intended to be used when the full brake power is required. A full service application is only necessar}^ when running at a high rate of speed, therefore when handling an engine through the yards, make light applications of about five pounds to start with, and gradually increase the reduction as occasion demands. If you are running slow, don't try to use a high speed application, as you are very liable to slide the wheels. Never use the emergency on the turn table. TESTING AND INSPECTION OF AIR BRAKES Xo train should ever leave a terminal until the brakes have been thoroughly tested and put in good order. In testing a train, begin at the rear end and close the angle-cock, and, if it is a freight train, couple the hose between the caboose and the first car, after knocking the hose-couplings together to jar out any dirt that may be lodged in them, then turn the angle-cocks straight with ITS USE AND ABUSE 353 the pipe; next, see that the brake is cut in at the cross-over pipe; examine the retainer to see that the handle is turned down, and notice if the hand brake is released. Treat every car in the train alike, and when you reach the head end, before coupling the tender hose, always blow it out by opening the angle-cock. While the train is being charged up, which will take about fifteen minutes, if it is a thirty or forty-car train, go over the train and stop all the leaks. If a bad blow is found at a triple gasket which can't be stopped by tightening the nuts, cut the brake out, bleed it and report it on a defect card. If the blow is at the hose-coupling, and a new gasket does not stop it, drive a small sliver of wood, or a match, between the lugs, which will force the heads together. Never use paper or a nail. When the train is charged up and the brakes have been set, begin at the front end and exam- ine the piston-travel on each car. If a piston is found to travel nine inches, or over, mark the car so that you will know whether to take up or let out the travel, after the engineer has released the brakes. Should you come to a car where the brake is cut in and the auxiliary charged, but the piston 354 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE is not out, have the engineer make a further reduction to ascertain if the brake "leaked off" or "released." If it releases you can hear it blow out of the retainer, and if it leaks off the air is escaping around the packing leather in the cylinder, which usually cannot be heard. In either case cut out the brake and report it cor- rectl}', for if you say it leaked off, the car repairer will go after the cylinder leather, and if you say it released, he would go after the triple. Upon reaching the rear end of the train, sig- nal the engineer to release, and then see if every car releases properly. If a brake has failed to release, examine the retainer, and if it is found with the handle turned down, and the brake rigging is not caught, cut the brake out, bleed it and report it. When you come again to an}' car which you had previously marked for changing the piston travel, take up or let out the slack by moving the truck dead lever forward or back, as the case may be, but be sure to take it up at both ends of the car alike. Having finished inspecting the train, report to the engineer the number and condition of the -brakes in w^orking order. When a train is equipped with the release sig- ITS USE AND ABUSE 355 nal you can tell by the action of the signal just what the brake is doing and if the piston travel is too great. BRAKE LEVERAGE The subject of brake leverage is a very inter- esting one, but as all foundation brakes are sup- posed to be carefully figured out by competent experts when the car is built, an absolute knowl- edge of leverage is not required of enginemen or trainmen. I shall, however, explain the different kinds of levers and the manner of .figuring them so that any one can, by a few sim- ple calculations, tell if a car or engine is getting its proper braking power, and also lay out the proper leverage when building new work. In order to tell the proper proportion of braKe levers, or to ascertain what force is being exerted at any of the pins, it is necessary to take into account two forces and two distances. The two forces represent the power applied at one pin and the weight lifted by the other pin, between which is the fulcrum; the two distances are figured from the fulcrum to the applied power and from the fulcrum to the weight. In every case the applied power multiplied by the distance it is from the fulcrum divided by 356 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE the distance from the fulcrum to the weight, will tell 3'ou what the weight is that is being lifted by the applied power. The point that most bothers the new student is to tell where the fulcrum is, but this will come all right with a little practice. Remember that in figuring leverage you must take "proportion" into account. If the applied power is proportionatel}' one-third nearer the fulcrum than the weight is to the fulcrum, the power can only lift a weight equal to one-third of its force, and if the opposite is true then the power can lift a weight equal to three times its force. For example, if a lever is fort}^ inches long from the centers of the outside holes, and another hole is placed ten inches from either end, it would be called a one to three lever, for when you divide forty into two parts of ten and thirty, the result is that one portion is three times greater than the other, so that if you applied the power at either end and the weight at the other, then the fulcrum would be the ten- inch hole, and if the power of, say. loo pounds, was nearest the fulcrum, you would multipl}' loo by 10, which would equal i,oo3, and when you divide i,ooo by 30 the result would be 33 /i, or one-third ITS USE AND ABUSE 357 of the applied power. This would be called a lever of the first kind. Now suppose that the power was at the long end of the lever, and the weight at the other, then the fulcrum would be at the thirty-inch hole. So that loo multiplied by 30 would equal 3,000, which divided by 10 would equal 300 or three times the applied power. This is also a lever of the first kind. Again, suppose the power was nearest the ten- inch hole, and the weight was at the ten-inch hole, then the fulcrum would be forty inches away from the applied power. In order to tell how much weight could now be lifted by the 100 pounds, you would multiply it by 40, which would equal 4,000, divided by 30 would equal the weight, 133K pounds, for the reason that the fulcrum is three-thirds, or one whole number, away from the power, which gives 100 pounds lift, and the weight being one-third the distance from the power, gives a lift of one-third of the applied power, and the two combined equal one and one-third the force of the applied power. This is called a lever of the second kind, as the delivered force or weight is between the fulcrum and the applied power. The third kind of lever is designated by hav- 358 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE . ing the applied force between the fulcrum and the delivered force, and is explained as follows: The applied power is now at the ten-inch hole, and the weight is at the end nearest the power, which would make the fulcrum at the opposite end, or thirty inches from the power. Multiply the loo by 30, and you have 3,000 pounds, which divided by 40 (the distance the weight is from the fulcrum), and you have a lifting force of seventy-five pounds; for the reason that the applied power is located three-fourths the dis- tance from the fulcrum to the weight. If you change the weight so that it would be at the thirty-inch hole the lifting force at the weight end would only be twenty-five pounds, because the applied power would then be located at a point equal to one-fourth the distance that the fulcrum is from the weight. Therefore, with a lever of the third kind the lifting force is always increased in proportion to the distance that the applied power is from the fulcrum as the fulcrum is from the total length of the lever; in other words, by moving the applied power toward the weight increases the lifting force and moving the applied power away from the weight toward the fulcrum decreases the lifting force, ITS USE AND ABUSE 359 Always remember that the applied power and the weight added together equal the strain at the fulcrum. Should you wish to design a cylinder lever and wanted to know where to place the middle, or fulcrum pin, you would proceed as follows: Multiply the weight to be moved by the total length of the lever, between the two centers of the outside holes, and divide it by the applied force and weight combined; the result would be the distance in inches from the cylinder pin hole to the fulcrum. To prove it, multiply the applied force by the length, and divide by the force and weight combined, which should equal the number of inches from the fulcrum to the weight pin hole. For example, suppose you had an eight-inch cylinder, with a quick-action triple, the applied power would be 3,000 pounds; now suppose you wanted a force of 1,500 pounds on the floating lever end of the cylinder lever, which is 33 inches long, you would multiply 3,000 by 33, which equals 99,000, now diviJe this by the required force (1,500) and the applied power (3,000) com- bined (or 4,500), and you have as a result 22, which is the number of inches the hole should be from the weight end of the lever which would 36o MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE make the fulcrum eleven inches from the cyHn- der end of rhe lever. Prove this by multiplying F W' ,Fxa b F - Wx h a a = .Wx b F K - Fx a or a=HAl W or 5 = F+W F*l F+TT FULCRUM BETWEEN APPLIED AND DELIVERED FORCES. F = a = b Wx b a Wx b or a _ Wxd W-F 6=2:210. or 5 = ^^ W T^ -F DELIVERED FORCE BETWEEN FLFLCRUM AND APPLIED FORCE. cr» Fxa b r. -Wx b a=S^bora=H^ F _ Fxa W Fxd F-W APPLIED FORCE BETWEEN FULCRUM AND DELIVERED FORCE, PLATE NO. 77. — BRAKE LEVERS, ITS USE AND ABUSE 361 3,000 by II, and dividing by 22, and see if you don't get 1,500 as a result. Plate 11 illustrates the formula for calculating the different kinds of levers. The first kind is where the fulcrum is in the middle; the second has the weight in the middle, and the third has the applied power in the middle. The first formula translated into straight Eng- lish would read as follows: The weight (W) is equal to the applied power (F) multiplied by the distance (a) from the power to the fulcrum, divided by the distance (B) from the fulcrum to the weight. From this you can read the others. Plate 78 illustrates the two systems of brake levers used on passenger cars, and also the ten- der levers. The Hodge system is especially indicated as having a floating lever, which the Stevens system has not. Plate 79 shows a freight equipment of levers with the brake shoes attached below the bottom rod. The plate shows the result of an emer- fjency and a service application. RULES FOR CALCULATING BRAKE POWER The force exerted upon the piston depends upon the size of the cylinder and the air pres- sure in the cvlinder. ;62 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE To get the number of pounds push a: the pis- ton, multiply the number of square inches on the piston by the number of pounds pressure per square inch on the cylinder. For example, an GAR BRAKC LCVEne. Fig. I. MzK SrcvE^^S SYSTEM GAP BAAX~e UCVCftS. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. pl-ite xo. 78. car axd tender truck brake levers. ITS USE \SD ABUSE 3^3 eight-inch piston contains fifty square inches, which multiplied by fifty, the cylinder pressure, would give a push of 2,500 pounds at the end of the piston-rod. To find the number of square inches on a pis- ton, multiply the diameter by itself, and by the number thus obtained multiply .7854, and cut off the last four figures from the result, and the remainder will be the number of square inches. For example, 8 times 8 is 64, and .7854 multi- plied by 64 equals 50.2656, or 50 inches and 2,656 ten thousandths of an inch, so you just cut off the ten-thousandths, unless they are equal to a half number or better, when you count them a half, as for instance a ten-inch cylinder would be counted as having 78^^2 square inches. A short method is to multiply the diameter oy itself, and the result by 11 and divide by 14. To find at what pressure the auxiliary would equalize with the cylinder, find the number of cubic inches contained in the auxiliary by mulri- pl^ang the number of square inches contained in its diameter by its length (minus the concavity in the heads), and then multiply the cubic inches by the pressure with fifteen pounds added, and divide by the combined cubic inch contents of the auxiliary and cylinder, and deduct the fifteen 364 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE o u O tn G Hi O a o o o o a b£ c P o a MD 00 CO Oj o *c3 S.2 & D -t; 1) (U Oj ^ ^ cu S O a ^ t+H .^ ^^ C/2 a; -I-' V ^ C/5 , '^ u C/) (1) ■i-> in oj QJ CJ 'C -TJ ,^ O CO ^ o3 W > 03 o3 o CJ 03 T3 •-' O ct3 o3 a; G 4-1 G u . o en Ui G '^^ 4-j -a o3 o CU --J a; -^r a C/5 CX cr .2 -^-' -c: :2 ^ ^ ^ a a-? G 03 CJ +-> o 03 X3 G o3 -j-j > CJ G CJ G u u O G O ITS USE AND ABUSE 3^5 pounds which you added, and the result will show the point of equalization. For example, a freight auxiliary contains about 1,620 cubic inches, and the standard pres- sure is 70 pounds; to this add 15, which makes 85, now multiply 1,620 by 85 and you get 137,700. An eight-inch cylinder, with eight-inch piston travel, contains about 450 cubic inches. The cylinder and auxiliary together hold 2,070; now divide 137,700 by 2,070 and you get 66 j4, from which deduct 15, and the result is 51 >^, or the pounds pressure at which they equalize. The following table gives the force exerted upon the pistons of the different sized cylinders with pressures of fifty and sixty pounds per square inch: Size of cylinder, 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 50 lbs. pressure, 1,000 2,500 4,000 5,650 7,700 10,059 60 lbs. pressure, 1,700 3,000 4,700 6,700 9,200 12,050 SIZES OF AUXILIARY RESERVOIRS WHICH SHOULD BE USED WITH DIFFERENT SIZED CYLINDERS, WITH THE CUBIC-INCH CAPACITY OF EACH, WITH EIGHT - INCH PISTON TRAVEL Eight-inch tender and truck cylinders, with 10x24 auxiliary: Cubic inches of cylinder, 450. Cubic inches of auxiliary, 1,491. t66 MODERN AIR-BRAKE x^RACTICE Eight-inch driver brake cylinders, with lox auxiliary': Cubic inches in auxiliary, 2,050. Ten-inch cylinders of all kinds, with 12x33 auxiliary: Cubic inches in cylinder, 628. Cubic inches in auxiliary-, 3,030. Twelve-inch cylinders of all kinds, with 14x3^; auxiliary': Cubic inches in cylinder. 904. Cubic inches in auxiliary, 4,120. Fourteen-inch cylinders of all kinds, with 16x33 auxiliary-: Cubic inches in cylinder, 1,232. Cubic inches in auxiliary, 5,450. Sixteen-inch cylinders of all kinds, with 16x42 auxiliary: Cubic inches in cylinder, 1,600. Cubic inches in auxiliary, 7,163. CYLINDER PISTONS AND AUXILIARY DIAMETERS The following tables show the number of square inches on the different sized pistons, and inside diameter of auxiliarv- resevoirs: 8-inch cylinder piston contains 50 square inches. 10 7072 . 12 113 14 154 16 '■ '• " '' 201 lo-inch auxiliary contains 71 square inches. 12 " ■' '■ i03>2 14 143 16 " " " i88>^ " ITS USE AND ABUSE 367 PERCENTAGE OF BRAKING POWER REQUIRED The following table shows the percentage of braking power required for engines, tenders, passenger and freight cars: When plain triples are used the cylinder pres- sure is figured at fifty, but with quick-action triples it should be sixty pounds per square inch. Engines, 75 per cent of weight on drivers. Tenders, icxd per cent of light weight. Passenger cars, 90 per cent of light weight. Freight cars, 70 per cent of light weight. When six-wheel trucks are used on passenger cars and have only four pairs of wheels braked, the braking power should be figured as go per cent of eight-twelfths of the total weight. x\ chair car weighing 90,000 pounds with only four pairs of wheels braked should only have a brake power of 54,000 pounds. TO DESIGN LEVERS FOR A CAR When designing the levers for a car you must begin by taking the total weight, and where four pairs of wheels are to be braked on an eight- wheel passenger car, take ninety per cent of the weight and divide it by four, which will give you the amount of power required for each brake beam. To find what the pull should be at the 368 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE top of the live lever, measure the height of the truck, in order to know how long the live lever must be. Having found the length of the lever, and knowing w^hat force there must be on the brake beam, you proceed as previously ex- plained under "Brake Leverage," remembering that your live lever is of the second kind, as shown in plate 34. THE OUTSIDE EQUALIZED DRIVER BRAKE Plate So illustrates the regular outside equalized driver brake, which is now almost uni- versally used on engines. In order that you may better understand it, I will run through the figures for you. There is a fourteen-inch cylinder on each side, with a force at the piston of 7,650 pounds. The weight on drivers is 81,600, and 75 per cent of this is 61,200, which divided by 6 means that each wheel must have a brake power of 10,200. The length of the long arm of the cylinder lever is 24 inches, and the short arm is 6. So that 7,650 multiplied by 24 equals 183,600, which divided by 6 leaves 30,600 pounds at the bottom end of the short lever. This is carried to the first equalized lever, which is 4x8, or a one to two lever, and as the applied power is two-thirds the distance ITS USE AND ABUSE 369 PLATE NO. SOOTHE OUTSIDE EQUALTZED DRIVER BRAKE S7^ !■: _ _ — JN firam ' r.- : _ r~ '^:^ mt : nt^i^JLi ■ - 7 r .:. : : -zd erf :_- pcwer at t1 FtTt tja -i.— ■ 'ladL and the odier liv^oa n^ carried to. 1 _ J t;l __"_ - . . . .1L T! Tl^TL- -5 zamr cic me cams diai: wk± : - ~all be in line wist z^± EC a bendn^ mflnence mon-fod. 1^ camsi, in osder to sIl - ~i ilie pgsmn-tiai^ cx" tto secore 2 of contact^ tdie dbeck nm: ^mald Ir 1 ii&e screw tnnied ootwaid to sli : z^¥^ or inwaxd to lengtlien is. ITS USE AND ABUSE 371 To calculate the braking power, apply the brake and measure the piston-travel; then release the brake, insert pieces of one-quarter- inch steel wire crosswise between the tire and the shoe at the upper and lower ends, and again apply the brake; divide the difference of the piston-travel by the thickness of the steel, and multiply the result by the total force acting upon the piston. The result is the pressure of one shoe, which, multiplied by four, gives the total braking poAver. Divide this total by the total weight upon drivers to obtain the percent- age of braking power. EXAMPLE Weight on drivers, 53,330 pounds. Piston-travel, without inserting wires, three inches. Piston-travel, with one-quarter-inch wires in- serted, two inches. Total force on piston (eight-inch cylinder brake, fully applied), 2,500 pounds. I divided % equals 4. 4 multiplied by 2,500 equals 10,000 pounds. 10,000 pounds multiplied by 4 equals 40,000 pounds — the total braking power. 40,000 divided by 53,330 equals 75 per cent. 372 MODERN a:a-L?;.^KE PRACTICE THE LOCOMOTIVE TRUCK BRAKE Plate 8 1 illustrates :he A rrican Equalized Locomo::ve Tr„A: Er= K:,>. fi y noi ^■^i^;^f; fiKLiniMAny Hcscmom. PLATE 43 Axle Driven Compressor Straight Air Brake Equipment for Electric Traction Cars \,- n >^M^i'^ ^ Ml <: nl ^ n • - ' ,V '^ SECTION 8 CHAPTER VIII THE STRAIGHT AIR BRAKE AS USED ON ELECTRIC TRACTION CARS* Motormen and conductors of electric cars should possess something more than a mere knowledge of how to apply and release brakes. They should understand the mechanical prin- ciples represented in the brake, and should know how to detect, remedy and report any and all kinds of defects which may arise in the straight air-brake equipment. The changed conditions of the past few years have materially raised the personnel of electric railway employes. There was a time when almost any kind of a man could find employment on street railways, but to-day a man must pos- sess a certain amount of ability before even his application will be considered. These changed conditions are mainly due to the advent of inter- urban railway traffic. The cars operated in interurban service are not only very heavy, but th^ speed at which * A special index for this chapter has been prepared and immediately follows the index of the Automatic Equipment. 38s 386 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE they travel is in many cases faster than ordinar^^ steam railroad cars. ]\Iany steam railroads feel that they are doing very well if their freight schedules average twenty-five miles an hour, whereas nearly all interurban electric railways , make an average schedule of at least thirty miles an hour. Such being the case, it is highly im- portant that motormen and conductors master as fully as possible all detailed knowledge of the operation and maintenance of the brake appa- ratus. The question of brake power on electric rail- wa^^s is quite a different proposition from that of steam railways, for the reason that with steam railroads there is but one kind of power brake in general use, w^hich is the automatic air brake, whereas with the electric railway's there are many kinds of power brakes in use. For instance, there is what is known as the hydraulic brake; and the magnetic brake; and of air brakes there are two systems in use, one is known as the automatic and the other the straight air brake. Each kind of brake, of course, has its special advantages, but when all things are taken into account there is no brake so good and reliable for electric railways as an air brake, and as the ITS USE AND ABUSE 387 majority of electric roads operate their cars singly, it naturally follows that the straight air brake is the best all-around brake that can be used. While there are different systems of straight air brakes in use, some of which use what is known as the motor compressor, there is, how- ever, a system now being universally installed, which is undoubtedly destined to supersede all others and is known as the Standard Traction Brake Company s Axle Compressor System, manu- factured by the Westinghouse Air-Brake Com- pany. As the Westinghouse Air-Brake Company were the first to invent and operate the straight air brake, it naturally follows that they are in better position to bring the brake to a state of perfection than almost any one else, as in their immense plants in Wilmerding, Pa., they have every means at their command for doing so. A student of straight air brakes as used on electric railways, should carefully read Section III of this book, as it will give him a general idea of brake handling and enable him to more readily grasp the points in which he is directly interested. In order to understand the action of the 388 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE straight air brake, it is necessary to begin by studying the brake levers and cylinder under the body of the car. By referring to Plate 82 you will see how the cylinder and levers are connected up. This diagram shows you how either the hand-brake staff or the air cylinder may be used to apply the brake. Where the hand-brake staff is used the levers are pulled forward, whereas when the brake is set by air the levers %re pushed forward by the piston in the brake cylinder. As the purpose of this book is to treat of com- pressed air only, I will describe the geared axle-driven compressor instead of the motor compressor, for the reason that with the axle- driven compressor no electricity is required to operate the compressor, or control the governor. The parts necessary to complete the straight air-brake equipment on electric traction cars is as follows: An air compressor, which is geared to and driven by the car axle, for the purpose of com- pressing the air used in the brake equipment. An automatic regulator or governor, for the purpose of controlling the working of the com- pressor and regulating the amount of air to be compressed. 390 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE A reservoir, in which the air compressed by the pump is stored ready for the instantaneous application of the brakes. A brake cyHnder, into which the compressed air is allowed to flow whenever it is desired to apply the brakes, connected to which is a system of levers, rods and brake shoes, as shown on Plate 82. An operating valve mounted at each end of the car for the purpose of controlling the flow of the compressed air into or out of the brake cylinder, as desired. The system of piping with various cut-out cocks, etc., connects the above-mentioned parts together. THE GEARED AXLE-DRIVEN COMPRESSOR As the first thing necessary to a power brake is the generating of power, we will begin by con- sidering the air com.pressor. Plate 83 is what is known as a "ghost" cut, the white lines representing the parts through which you are looking, in order to get an internal view of the compressor The compressor is double acting, and has horizontal axis of cylinder at right angles to the car axle; in other words, the car axle operates through the bearing, which, in ITS USE AND ABUSE .^OT cut 40, is shown to be empty. There are two discharge valves on the compressor and they are located on top of the cylinder, one at either end, and the discharge port is located midway between the discharge valves, as shown in Plate 83. Now, if you will look lower down, you will notice that by the side of the cylinder there are two other valves, one of which is shown in "ghost" outline; these two valves are known as suction valves, or, as we say in the automatic equipment, receiving valves. Leading from PLATE NO. 83— AXLE-DRIVEN AIR COMPRESSOR each of these valves are cylindrical chambers connected to each other by a passage that arches over the crank-shaft end-bearing, and 392 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE between the two receiving valves is the receiving port, through which the atmospheric air is taken into the compressor. These four valves, together with their renew- able seats, are interchangeable, and have no springs to wear out, or gum up. The cylindrical chambers beneath the receiv- ing valves are connected by means of a fitting, either end of which is piped to the automatic regulator, or governor. The compressor piston Is made of a single casting in the form of two disks connected at the top and bottom. Each disk is provided with a spring packing ring, and carries on its inner side a rectangular surface parallel to the ends of the piston, thus combining a piston and slotted cross-head in one piece. The axis of the crank shaft, which runs parallel with the axle of the car, intersects the axis of the cylinder at its mid- dle point; thus the crank shaft passes between the disks of the piston and imparts to them a reciprocating motion by means of the crank- brass slide between the parallel faces on the interior of the piston disks. As the compressor operates very rapidly at times, it is necessary that all of these parts run in a bath of oil. On the other side of the cylin- ITS USE AND ABUSE 393 der there is a flange by which it is bolted to^the oil-tight housing that encloses the gear on the crank shaft, as well as the driving gear secured to the axle of the car. This housing is provided with bearings on the axle, which serve to keep the two gears meshed together; one end of the compressor is supported by these bearings and the other end is supported by brackets mounted upon it and the truc'k frame, respectively, with a rubber cushion between them to deaden the vibration. This type of compressor is especially adapted for mounting on the same axle with the car motor, as the axle gear and its bearings take up only a small space on the axle, and the bal- ance of the housing and the pumxp cylinder occupy the space back of the motor. There are no stuffing boxes whatever in the entire equip- ment, and all parts that need lubrication are provided with oil wells and grease pockets. The manufacturers of the geared axle-driven compressor make seven different styles, in order to meet the varying conditions of the different kinds of service. But in all cases the diameter of the axle and pump gear is so proportioned that the piston speed never exceeds the safety limit. All of the compressors are made with a capacity double that required for a motor car 394 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE with one trailer, running under the most severe conditions of service for which it is designed, so that a large proportion of the time the compres- sor is running with the pump automatically cut out of operation. The automatic regulator or governor consists of a chamber which is always in direct communi- cation with the reservoir, one wall of which is formed either by a diaphragm or piston, on one side of which is the reservoir pressure and on the other atmospheric pressure and a graduated spring. As the pressure in the reservor increases, the piston or diaphragm moves outwardly, which causes a D slide valve in the regulator chamber to move outwardly and uncover a port in the slide-valve seat, which admits compressed air to closed chambers, and when the pressure is changed the slide valve moves inwardly and connects this port to one leading to the atmos- phere. The closed chambers just referred to are located in the body of the pump cylinder, directly beneath the receiving valves, and are connected by hose to the regulator. Each of the two chambers is provided with an air-tight piston, so that when the reservoir pressure reaches the desired amount the compressed air is admitted beneath them, thereby causing the ITS USE AND ABUSE 395 receiving valves to be lifted, so that they are cut out of operation and the pump is thereby thrown out of action. When the reservoir pressure has fallen below the standard at which the gov- ernor is set, the D slide valve is forced to its inward position by the spring, thereby allowing the air to escape from trip-piston chambers, and as the pistons are forced down by springs pro- vided for the purpose, the receiving valves seat themselves, and the pump is again in operation until it is cut out again by the regulator. This style of regulator is undoubtedly the best that can be devised, for the reason that regulators which allow the pressure to be discharged into the atmosphere when the pump is cut out usually leak very badly, and have the further disad- vantage of keeping the pump valves in service all the time. THE OPERATING VALVE For the purpose of controlling the flow of the air either into or out of the brake cylinder, there are ordinarily two operating valves on each car, one at each end, and they are made in two forms. Form OVT, shown in Plate 84, has the valve proper placed upon the platform with the operating head directly above it at the level of 39«^ MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE the motorman's hand. On the top of this head is 'c 1 luble gau^'r. : t red hand of which shows :he reservoir prtssur^ i i the black hand the pressure in the brake c.\ r. ir. Owing to this convenient locatic r. : . t ~ ; : : man carr. : : fail to know at al ::z:r5 the pressure in his reservoir and us: how much brake power ne is using. Ti t ^ii^'r is protected by hea\-3' plare ^iiss md is in practi- call}- no danger oi oeiiig broken. In the head, directly belov :i.t gauge, is a revolvable casting provided vviih a horizontal, cylindrical socket and a latch, so that when the handle :s inserted in the socket it ::^ : r ?: am rre a me may be rotated, but when the handle is withdrawn the cas:ir-g is au:c- matically locked in its piace. Ti.e shell of the head is made s: :i.a: PLATE XO..S4: — op£SATixG TAI.TE thc haudlc cau be inserted or removed only when it is in one par- ticular position, usually that of lap position, when aii ports in the valve are closed. Tiais prevents any one tampering with the. valve a: the rear end :: :he car. The revolvabie castir.^- in the he a a is ITS USE AND ABUSE %^J connected to the stem of the valve proper by means of a vertical shaft enclosed in a pipe shield and provided with a flexible coupling. This stem is provided with a pinion, which engages with a PLATE NO. 86— OPERATING VALVE O V G rack mounted on the slide valve, so that when the handle is moved the valve slides from side to side between its guides. When it is inconvenient to place the valve on 398 MODERN A1R-BR.\KE PRACTICE o the floor, type OVG operating valve, as shown in Plate 85, is used; with this valve the head is mounted upon and forms a part of the valve casing, but in all other respects it is identical with valve OIHT. Just below the slot in which the handle of these valves move is a little shelf, on which is clearly marked the different positions to which the brake-valve handle may be moved. There are four positions of the operating valve handle, viz^ release, lap, service, and emergency. Re- lease position is marked "off," meaning that the brakes are off or released. Lap position means that the brake cylinder is cut off from communi- cation with both the atmosphere and the reser- voir. Service position means that the valve is in position so that a small port is open for the purpose of allowing the reservoir pressure to be gradually ai~:::ed to the brake cylinder for makings ser. :^ ;::p. Emergency position is used V rr :> t :uii brake power is required and when :vr ;^r i t is in this position the largest port in the ri :r valve is open, permitting the brakes tc :t 11 : . 1 . 5 tantly. A very little practice will enable a motorman to handle his brake in such a manner as to avoid the shocking of passengers and the sliding of car ITS USE AND ABUSE 399 wheels. Emergency position should never be used except in case of supposed or actual danger. But whenever it is required to use the emergency the handle of the operating valve should be irnmediately thrown to that position and held there until the car stops or the danger is past. Plate 86, illustrates the arrangement of the straight air-brake equipment on a motor car with trailer car attached. As each part is plainly marked on the illustration, no further explana- tion is necessary to describe the plate. It will be noticed that in this illustration there are two reservoirs; one is known as the pre- liminary reservoir and the other as the main reservoir. This system of having two reservoirs applies only where the geared axle-driven com- pressor is used, as when the motor-driven com- pressor is used only one reservoir is required. With the equipment illustrated on Plate 86 the passage of the compressed air is as follows: from axle-driven compressor through the check valve to the preliminary reservoir, from the pre- liminary reservoir through trainpipe to the oper- ating valves on either end of the car. And when the handle of the brake valve is moved to serv- ice or emergency position the air passes through the brake valve into the brake-cylinder pipe and 400 :/ODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE from thence into the brake cylinder. When the air leaves the preliminary reservoir and while it is filling the trainpipe it is also passing to the automatic regulator or governor. You will notice a duplex check valve on the end of the main reservoir. This is placed there for the purpose of allowing thirty-five pounds of air to be accumulated quickly in the preliminary reservoir in order to make a stop within a very short distance * after the car first starts out. When the pressure rises to thirrv-five pounds the duplex check valve is opened and the main reservoir is then filled along with the rest of the equipment up to the standard pressure at which the automatic regulator is set, which is 45 pounds. In releir'.r. _: the brake, the handle of the oper- ating valve IS thrown to the position marked "off/' which allows the air in the brake cylinder to flow back through the brake valve and out to the atmosphere through the mufHer beneath the car platform. Again referring to Plate 82, 1 wish to call your attention to ,the small equalizing lever, marked GA. This is a patented modification or the well-known steam railroad leverage, which is especially adapted to the requirements of trac- tion service. By this system of leverage greater ITS USE AND ABUSE 40i brake power is obtained by the hand brake with- out the use of an excessively long cross lever. In the ordinary construction the point of attach- ment of the chain to the cross lever is located in line with the axis of the brake cylinder, and the pull is therefore directly at the end of the lever B, and to obtain proper hand-brake power on heavy cars the lever marked X, in Plate 82, would have to be longer than the width of the car. As this would be impracticable, instead of having a long lever X in order to get the proper hand-brake power, the lever A is introduced, thereby overcoming the trouble completely, besides giving a much better clearance between the pull rods and the wheels. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO SECTION 8 COVERING THE OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE OF THE STRAIGHT AIR-BRAKE EQUIPMENT ON ELECTRIC TRACTION CARS 1. What is the principal difference between the automatic air brake and the straight air brake? Ans. — The automatic air brake requires the action of a triple valve in order to charge, set and release brakes, whereas with the straight air brake the operating of the brake valve regu- lates the flow of the air into and out of the brake cylinder. 2. As compressed air is the power by which the brakes are applied, what is it that compresses the air? Ans. — A geared axle-driven air compressor. 3. Can you explain the operation of the axle- driven compressor? Ans. — There is a gear attached to the axle of the car, which is meshed into. a gearing to which IS connected a crank shaft, which passes through the middle of the pump cylinder, in which are 402 ITS USE AND ABUSE 403 two pistons which are connected to the crank shaft in such a manner that as the shaft revolves it gives to the pistons a reciprocating movement, and as there are two receiving valves which per- mit the atmospheric pressure to enter the pump cylinder the motion of the pistons compresses the atmospheric air and forces it through two discharge valves into suitable reservoirs, in which the air is stored ready for use in applying the brakes. 4. What controls the action of the air com- pressor? Ans. — An automatic regulator, or governor. 5. At what pressure should the regulator cut out the pump? Ans. — At forty-five pounds. 6. How does the regulator control the action of the pump? Ans. — When forty-five pounds has been accu- mulated in the reservoir the piston in the regu- lator is forced outwardl}/ by the reservoir presure. As there is a D slide valve attached to this piston, it is moved so that the port in the valve seat is uncovered, which admits com- pressed air to the under side of the trip pistons below the receiving valves, causing them to unseat the receiving valves so that the pump 404 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE cannot compress any more air. When the reser- voir pressure falls slightl}' below forty-five pounds' the graduating spring in the regulator forces the piston and slide valve inward, so that the air contained in the chamber below the trip pistons can escape to the atmosphere, and the pressure having thus left the under side of the trip pistons the spring on the opposite side forces the trip pistons down and allovv's the receiving valves to again seat themselves and thereby put the pump again into action. 7. At what pressure is the duplex check valve set between the preliminary and main reser- voirs? Ans. — At thirty-five pounds. 8. Why is it set at thirty-five pounds? Ans. — In order that sufficient brake power may be accumulated in as short a run as only one hundred yards, and also to enable sufficient brake pressure to be maintained on the inter- urban cars when running at slow speed through cities. Q. What amount of pressure should there be in the brake cylinder in making a service stop? Ans. — In making a seridce stop the brake cyl- inder should maintain from twenty-five to thirty ITS USE AND ABUSE ' 405 pounds, as indicated by the black hand of the gauge. 10. What pressure should there be in the brake cylinder in making an emergency action? Ans. — Forty pounds, which is also indicated by the black hand of the gauge. 11. In what position should the handle of the brake valve be carried in running along? Ans. — If the brake valve is tight the handle should be carried on lap position, but if the valve leaks slightly the handle should be carried in release or at the position marked "off." 12. If the valve leaks slightly and the handle was carried on lap, what effect would it have? Ans. — It would cause the brakes to gradually creep on. 13. What attention should be paid to the lubricant in the housing of the a3cle-driven com- pressor? Ans. — The oil should never be allowed to get below the pump shaft. 14. How often should the oil be replenished? Ans. — This depends upon the service that the car is in and the condition of the bearings on the axle, so that it is not possible to say just how often it will be necessary to replenish the oil. But when a car is first put into service, the cover 4o6 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE should be removed from the gear housing at least once a week and enough grease be added to bring the level well above the pump shaft. By noting the amount found remaining in the housing each time, it can be readily seen if it needs grease oftener or if it will run for a longer period without replenishing. 15. What kind of a lubricant should be used? Ans. — A grease about the consistency of vase- line. A very heavy West Mrginia crude oil is the best for the cylinder, and it should be kept at the level of the crank shaft. It should be poured in through the opening on the top of the cylinder, or extension of the housing. It is very important that the lubrication be carefully looked after. 16. What other points should be looked after in maintaining the straight air-brake equip- ment? Ans. — Other than attending to the proper supplying of lubricant there is little to do besides keeping the brake shoe-slack taken up and see- ing that no nuts have become loosened; this lat- ter inspection should be made at least once a day, if possible, and need take but a minute, as all nuts and bolts that can loosen are on the out- side. ITS USE AND ABUSE 40? > 17. How often should the compressor be taken off the axle and cleaned and examined thor- oughly? Ans. — This should be done at regular intervals of three months, if the car is in hard service. The bearings on the axle should then be re- placed and the old ones re-babbitted for the next one. As this is practically the only place where oil can escape from the compressor it is neces- sary to keep these bearings close to the axle. 18. If the pressure cannot be raised in the reservoir, what should you do? Ans. — Disconnect the discharge hose union, and while the car is running hold the hand over the opening, and if for each revolution of the axle there are two equally sharp spurts of air, the pump is all right, but should you not feel these sharp spurts of air, the discharge and receiving valves should be examined, as they may be stuck. A large leak is somewhat diffi- cult to locate, as with the axle compressor the car must be in motion to do any pumping. For this reason roads having a large number of air- brake equipments should have a stationary com- pressor, either belt or motor driven, which with two reservoirs make a very convenient testing outfit. If the discharge and receiving valves are 4o8 MODERN AIR-BRAKE PRACTICE found to be all right, the lack of pressure may be caused by the air escaping through the oper- ating valve, as dirt may have gotten between the valves on its seat. If this is found to be all right, the pipes should be examined to see if they have cracked anywhere, or if a fitting has broken. 19. If the compressor fails to pump, what should be done? Ans. — Remove the fitting under the suction valves and see if the little trip pistons are free; if the suction or regulating pipes were not prop- erly cleaned, dirt may cause one of the pistons to stick and hold the suction valve open. It is also possible to feel from below whether the valves are seating properly. 20. If one suction valve sticks and the other one does not, what is the effect on the pump? Ans. — The pump will attain maximum pres- sure, but it will take twice as long to do it. 21. If one discharge valve sticks open, what effect will it have? Ans. — The pump will only raise the pressure to about twenty pounds. 22. As the pump valves are all interchange- able, what precaution should be taken after cleaning them? ITS USE AND ABUSE 40O Ans. — You must be sure to put them back in their old seats. Otherwise they are liable to leak, as no ground valves are interchangeable without re-grinding on the new seats. 23. Should the pump fail to cut out at the point at which the regulator is set, what should you do? Ans. — Take down the trip fitting and see that the trip pistons are free; instances have occurred of a long trip-piston packing leather being caught between the trip fitting and cylinder body when bolting the fitting on. 24. When the compressor valves are all in good order and the operating valve is tight, what might cause the compressor to pump slowly? Ans. — A kink in the suction hose by which it is doubled over on itself will cause the compres- sor to pump slowly, owing to the diminished sup- ply passage. 25. In removing the cover of the housing to oil the compressor, what should you be partic- ular to notice? Ans. — That nothing is allowed to drop into the housing; the lodging of a stray bolt or nut between the gears will destroy the whole ma chine. INDEX Note. — The Index for Straight Air Brakes as used on Elec- tric Traction Cars vnll be found on page 429. Action of air valves in New York pump 233 Action of air valves in AYestinghoiise pump 183 Air brake control, Dukesmith system 312 Air brake defects, New York 261-289 Air brake defects, Westinghouse 197 Air brake defects, Westinghouse, questions and answers 212 Air brake equipment, Dukesmith, questions and answers 321 Air brake equipment. New York system 220 Air brake equipment, New York, questions and answers 289 Air brake equipment, YTestinghouse 19 Air brake instruction car, interior view of 113 Air brake testing and inspection 336 Air, course of from pump to brake cylinder, West- inghouse system 191 Air, course of, through New York triple valve .... 269 Air, course of through triple 34 Air, course of, through Westinghouse brake valve. 136 Air end of eight -inch pump, action of, 100 Air end of New York pump, operation of 231, 295 Air Gauge, function of 19 Air passages through triple 28 Air pumps, differences between New York and Westinghouse 291 411 412 INDEX Air, pump, function of 19 Air pressures, standard of ... 195 Air Signal pressure Reducing Yalve, New York, illustrated 285 Air Signal System, New York 286 Air, temperature of, in pump 110 Air valves, action of New York pump 233 Air valves in eight-inch pump, action of 100 Air valves in Westinghouse pumps, lift of 181 Air valves, operation of in YTestinghouse pump . . . 183 Application of brakes, definition 310 Association, Mental Law of 8 Automatic exhaust valve, described 323 Automatic Lap, New York brake valve, failure of. 261 Automatic Lap, service position, New York brake valve, illustrated 253 Automatic oil cup for pumps 238 Automatic release signal, construction of 331 Automatic release signal, described 316 Automatic release signal, operation of 86 Automatic release signal, styles A and B, illus- trated ■ 92 Automatic release signal, function of 22 Automatic reducing valve, Westinghouse high speed brake 115 A\itomatic reducing valve, Westinghouse, illus- trated 116 Automatic reducing valve, Westinghouse, release position, illustrated 153 Auxiliary capacity « 365 Auxiliary, diameter of 366 Auxiliary release valve, function of . -. 69 Auxiliarv reservoir, function of , . 20 INDEX 413 Auxiliary reservoir, recharging 34 Bleeding off stuck brakes, cost of ■ 72 Bleed valve, auxiliary, function of 69 Blow at train pipe exhaust, Westinghouse brake valve, cause of 208 Blow at triple exhaust, Westinghouse 201 Brake, cam driver 370 Brake cylinders, diameter of 366 Brake cylinder, function of 20 Brake, high speed, described 144 Brake levers illustrated 360, 362, 364 and 369 Brake leverage, rules for 355 Brake locomotive truck 372 Brake, outside equalized driver. . ., 368 Brake power generated in different sized cylinders, table of 365 Brake power in proportion to stopping distance . . 338 Brake power, percentage required on freight cars. 337 Brake power, rules for 336, 361 Braking power required, standard of 367 Brake sticking, one cause of 38 Brake valve, Dukesmith engineers 312 Brake valve, D-8, engineers, described 120 Brake valve, D-8, illustrated 118 Brake valve, P-6, illustrated 128 Brake valve, F'-6, Westinghouse, parts of 131 Brake valve, G-6, illustrated 138 Brake valve. New York, emergency position, illus- trated 254 Brake valve. New York engineer's 247 Brake valve, New York, full release position, illus- trated 249 Brake v^alve. New York, notches on 262 414 INDEX Brake valve, New York, service position, illus- trated 252 Brake valve, New York Straight Air, illustrated . . 278 Brake valve, New York Straight Air, operation of ' 306 Brake valve, Westinghouse, valve seats. 166 Brake valve, Westinghouse, course of air through . 136 Brake valves, Westinghouse, difference between . . 124 Brake valve, Westinghouse, engineer's, defects of. 207 Brake valve, Westinghouse, F-6, described 126 Brake valve, Westinghouse, F-6, illustrated 132 Brake valve, Westinghouse, G-6, described 137 Brake valve, Westinghouse, positions on 194 Brake, Westinghouse high speed, illustrated 142 Break in two, how to prevent 345 By-pass, Dukesniith straight air control, construc- tion of 333 Cam driver brake 370 Capacity of cylinders and auxiliaries 365 Car control valve, Dukesmith, functions of 22-316 Car control valve, operation of 89-177 Car control valve and release signal, illustrated. . . 91 Car discharge valve. New York, illustrated 287 Car levers, method of designing 367 Cavity D in Westinghouse brake valve described. . 133 Chamber D, New York brake valve 259 Combined automatic and straight air valve. New York system, described 276 Combined release and retaining valve, illustrated. 112 Combined straight air and automatic brake valve, Westinghouse, illustrated 162 Combined straight air and automatic engine brake, Westinghouse and New York 156 INDEX 415 Comparative action of triple valve 26 Compensating valve, New York, high speed brake, illustrated 281 Conductor's valve, function of 21 Conductor's valve, operation of 93 Control valve, Dukesmith Straight Air, illustrated. 313 Control valve, Dukesmith Straight Air, sectional view 315 Course of air from pump to brake cylinder, West- inghouse system 191 Course of air through New York Quick Action Triple Valve 269 Course of air through triple 34 Course of air through Westinghouse brake valve . . 136 Cut-out Cock, Dukesmith Emergency 318 Cylinder capacity 365 Cylinder and reservoirs, sizes of 336 Cylinders, New York pump, diameter of . . ! 296 Defective air brakes, cost of 14 D, Chamber, New York brake valve 259 Defects New York Air brake equipment 284-289 Defects of air gauge 206 Defects of eight-inch Westinghouse pump 203 Defects of pump governor, Westinghouse 206 Defects, Westinghouse air brake 197 Defects of Westinghouse engineer's brakc^ valve. . 207 Defects Westinghouse equipment^ questions snd answers 212 Defects of Westinghouse nine and one-half-inch pump 204 Defects of whistle signal system, Westinghouse. . . 209 Designing car levers, method of 367 Diameters of cylinders and auxiliaries ; 366 416 INDEX Diameter of steam cylinders, New York pump .... 296 Diameters, rule for squaring 363 Discharge valve, leaky, test for, Westinghouse .... 204 Distributing valve, Westinghouse 141 Double check valve 157 Double check valve, function of, 307 Double check valve, illustrated 158 Double-heading cut-out cock, construction of 332 Double-heading cut-out cock, illustrated 319 Driver brake, cam 370 Driver brake control system, Dukesmith 314 Driver brake control valve, Dukesmith, illustrated 313 Driver brake, outside equalized 368 Dukesmith air brake control system, parts and their duties 312 Dukesmith air brake equipment, questions and an- swers 321 Dukesmith car control valve, functions of 22-316 Dukesmith emergency cut-out cock 318 Dukesmith engineers' automatic l)rake valve 312 Dukesmith straight air control system, described. 314 Dukesmith straight air control valve, illustrated. . 313 Duplex air pump, New York. 221 Duplex pump governor '. 144 Eight-inch pump, Westinghouse, parts of 95 Electric traction car brakes ^ 385 Emergency action, New York triple 275 Emergency action, undesired, Westinghouse 202 Einergency action, Westinghouse quick action triple explained 62 Emergency cut-out cock, construction of 332 Emergency cut-out cock, Dukesmith, functions of. 318 Etmergency cut-out cock, illustrated 319 INDEX 417 Emergency position, New York brake valve, il- lustrated 254 Emergency position on Westinghouse brake valve described 130 Emergency position, Westinghouse automatic re- ducing valve, illustrated 151 Engineer's brake valve, Dukesmith 312 Engineer 's brake valve, function of 19 Engineer's brake valve, New York 247 Engineer's brake valve. New York, illustrated. . . . 249 Engineer's brake valve, Westinghouse, defects of. 207 Engineer's brake valve, Westinghouse, F-6, de- scribed 126 Engine control, Westinghouse 141 Engineer's D-8 brake valve described 120 Equalization of pressures 336 Equalization of pressure, average idea of 16 Equalizing of pressures in running position, West- inghouse brake valve, cause of 207 Equalization of pressure, rule for computing 363 Equalizing piston. New York brake valve, ac- tion of 260 Examination questions and answers on air brake , handling, brake power, leverage, etc 375 E'"xcess pressure, New York brake valve, how se- cured 298 Excess pressure, New York valve .* 266 Excess pressure, purpose of 195 Excess pressure valve, New York brake valve, pur- pose of 262 Excess pressure valve. New York, how to regu- late 266 Exhaust valve, Dukesmith automatic 323 418 2^ &l 319 r: r - mof : 38 _ :ited... 13S : 139 i HO : r 315 127 ete of 306 1 . T i- ; _tZ1 rz^etiom of 19 .£t ~ T :~ jhoBse, desaibed 137 >---_r, V-ir 7 £ :„- ^-.--.^ '2M and 27— T :]:: ' 296 Goiia!iM»°. T i:_; r-:z T«m of Ill Gkywcmor j _ l: ; . _{Hise^ aetiffia of 116 GoTcznor : ~— : - . noose, fDnsamfeed IH G^adoali::, "^ M Giadiiafc, _ i m HaaidDBiig z_r.^_: r _ : _ _: __ . :^^e 3W HaindliTOg of £ppi ^ ~ t: i _ 345 Handfii^ passeng&r "::_^~ — ::_ " ijtL: i: _ - HamdHmg fzains cki _ - ^ H^T - ^ " . 7 adeS; traiz _ ^ . ^- ^m -i^u Z: _ - ^"zi^ne eimz- laO 2S1 Z: . _ - - ^ -■ ; . 7: - ' - . , . Z IM z._:_^ - :- - _ :. _ '^z. m2 INDEX 419 Inspection and testing; air brakes 336 Instruction car, interior view of 113 Intermediate valves, New York pump 233, 296 Jiggling, Westinghouse pump, test for 205 Knowledge, method of acquiring 9 Lap position on Westinghouse brake valve de- scribed 129 Law governing air-braked cars 384 Laws of mind explained 8 Leakage from Cbamber D, New York valve ef- fect of 264 Leaks, train pipe, danger of 39 Leaky discharge valve, Westinghouse, test for. . . . 204 Leaky packing rings in Westinghouse pump, test for 205 Leverage, rules for 355-336 Levers, method of designing 359-367 Lift of air valves in Westinghouse pumps 181 Locomotive truck brake 372 Logic, law of 8 Main reservoir, location of 187 Mental laws explained 8 Method of study 9 Neglect of air brakes, cause of 10 New York air brake equipment, parts and their duties 220 New York air brake equipment, questions and an- swers t 289 New York air pump 221 New York brake valve, method of piping 248 New York brake valve, ports and passages 261 New York brake valve, positions of handle 258 New York combined automatic and straight air valve, described 276 420 INDEX New York compensating valve, Mgli speed brake. illustrated 281 New York engineer's brake valve 247 New York pump, air end of 231 New York pump governor, illustrated 234 New York pump, illustrated 222 New York pump, operation of steam end 294 New York pump, steam end, action of 227 New York quick action triple valve 268 New York safety valve, illustrated 280 New York straight air brake valve, operation of. . 306 New York triple, emergency action 275 New York Avhistle signal pressure reducing valve, illustrated 285 New York whistle signal system 286 New York whistle signal valve, illustrated = . 286 Nine and one-half inch pump, operation of steam end 184 Notches on New York brake valve, purpose of . . . . 262 Oil cup, automatic, for pumps 238 Oiling pump 108 Outside equalized driver brake 368 Over confidence, danger of 12 Packing rings, leaky, in Westinghouse pump, test for 205 Parts of plain triple valve 27 Parts of TTestinghouse eight-inch pump 95 Parts of Westinghouse quick action triple valve . . 50 Percentage of brake power of loaded and empty cars 339 Percentage of braking power required 367 Percentage of brake power required on freight cars 337 INDEX > 421 Philosophy of air brake handling 336 Piping Dnkesmith straight air control valve, method of 317 Piping for New York duplex governor, double pressure system 242 Piping New York brake valve 248 Piping New York compensating valve 282 Piping Ne>v York duplex pump governor, single pressure system 237 Piping New York pump governor, method of 245 Piping New York single governor, single pressure system 241 Piping Westinghouse automatic and straight air brake, illustrated 160 Piston travel on cars 376 Piston travel on locomotives 376 Piston travel, uneven, danger of 378 Plain triple valve, illustrated 30 Plain triple valve, old style, illustrated . . . '. 64 Plain triple valve, parts of 27 Ports and passages in New York brake valve ..... 261 Ports in New York brake valve 258 Ports in triple valve 28 Positions in Westinghouse brake valve 194 Positions of Westinghouse quick action triple valve explained 50 Positions on Westinghouse brake valves described. 127 Pounding in Westinghouse pump, test for . 205 Pressure, equalization of 336 Pressures, equalizing in running position, Westing- house brake valve, cause of 207 Pressure, excess, purpose of 195 Pressure reducing valve. New York straight air, illustrated 279 422 . IXDEX Pressure retaining Talve, fanetion of 20 "Pressnre retaining' valve, illustrated 75 Pressore retainTng' Talve. operation of 73 ProporTi::!. r^_: :v>n 356 Pmnp. action of steam end of Westingiioiise eight- ±± 95 3 : :_ _: I cigiit-incli Wesr::i^_ ise 100 3 _ - iz: LriirT between Xe^:^ York and West- -. 291 ? ;:_ :^z: 1^ ^ llnstrated 97 z i_^ ti^I:-::: _ "^estinghonse. parts of 95 Pump, eleven-ineii^ Westinglionse 107 P : : function of 19 -7 :_ r:vemor. difference between WestinglicrLse ^-:. y--^ ^::'z 2yo ? . z V X lu s :_ gOTemor^ fnnction of 19. Ill ^ ~Z gOYemor, New York^ iUnstrated 231 I —^ ^ vemor. New York, method of piping. . . . 215 ? :_ _ TrTnor, New York triplex^ piping for, ' T ^ r-ssnre system , 243 s ^ ri _ : . Westinghonse, action of 116 goTemor^ Westinghonsey defects of 206 gOTemor, Westinghonse. iUnstrated Ill Xr~ York, action of, steam end 227 New York^ air end of 231 New York, diameter of steam cylinders 296 New York duplex 221 Xt— York duplex^ illnstrated 222 Ne^ York, operation of air end of 295 New Yorky oi)eration of steam end 291 i'Jng 108 :_iiie an^ one-half ineh. iUnstrated. ...,.,. 101 INDEX 423 Pump, nine and one-half inch Westinghouse, de- fects of 204 Pumps, right and left hand 107 Pump, stroke of piston, New York 223 Pump, Westinghouse eight-inch, defects of 203 Pump, Westinghouse, jiggling, test for 205 Pump, Westinghouse nine and one-half inch, oper- ation of ; 103 Pump, Westinghouse, pounding, test for 205 Questions and answers on the Dukesmith air brake equipment 321 Questions and answers on the philosophy of air brake handling, brake power, leverage, etc. . . 375 Questions and answers to section 2, Westinghouse equipment 173 Questions and answers to. section 3, Westinghouse equipment defects 212 Questions and answers to section 4, New York air brake equipment 289 Quick action triple in emergency position, West- ing house, illustrated 60 Quick action triple in lap position, Westinghouse, illustrated 56 Quick action triple valve, function of 20 Quick action triple valve in service position, West- inghouse, illustrated 54 Quick action triple valve, N3W York 268 Quick action triple valve, TTew York, illustrated. . 269 Quick action triple, Westinghouse, illustrated. ... 48 Quick action triple valve, Westinghouse, opera- tion of 4G Quick action triple valve, Westinghouse, parts of . . 50 Recharging auxiliary reservoir, , . , 34 424 INDEX Recharging train pipe, rule for 350 Reducing valve, automatic Westinghouse, illus- trated . 146 Reducing valve, Westinghouse high speed brake . . 145 Reducing valve, whistle signal. New York 285 Releasing brakes, method of 347 Release signal, automatic, construction of 331 Release signal, automatic, function of 22 Release signal, described 316 Release signal, operation of 86, 177 Release signal, styles A and B, illustrated 92 Release valve, auxiliary, function of 69 Reservoirs and cylinders, sizes of 336 Reservoir, auxiliary, function of 20 Retaining valve, average idea of 18 Retaining valve, function of 20 Retaining valve illustrated 75 Retaining valve, operation of 73 Reversing engine, danger of 346 Reversing valve. New York pump, operation of . . . 293 Rules and tables for computing brake power, lever- age, etc 336 Rules for calculating brake power 361 Running position, Westinghouse brake valve de- scribed , 127 Sand, use of 346, 382 Safety valve. New York, illustrated 280 Service application position on Westinghouse brake valve described 129 Service position, automatic lap, New York brake valve, illustrated . : 253 Service position. New York brake valve, illus- trated , 252 INDEX 425 Setting out cars, rule for 350 Sizes of cylinders and reservoirs 336 Slack adjuster complete, illustrated 78 Slack adjuster, function of 21 Slack adjuster, operation of / 77 Slack adjuster, sectional view illustrated 80 Slack adjuster, size of cylinder port, illustrated. . . 84 Slide-valve feed-valve, described 139 Slide-valve feed-valve, illustrated 140 Slide-valve, New York brake valve, illustrated. . . . 255 Stalling trains, cause of 383 Standard air pressures 195 Standard braking power required 367 Steam end of eight-inch pump, action of 95 Steam end of New York pump, action of 227 Steam end of New York pump, operation of 294 Steam end of nine and one-half inch Westinghouse pump, operation of 184 Stopping distance in proportion to brake power. . . 338 Straight air and automatic engine brake, West- inghouse and New York 156 Straight air brake, advantage of 283 Straight air brakes on electric traction cars 385 Straight air brake valve. New York, described. . . . 276 Straight air brake valve. New York, illustrated. . 278 Straight air brake valve. New York, operation of. 306 Straight air brake valve, Westinghouse, de- scribed 164 Straight air brake valve, Westinghouse, illus- trated 162 Straight air control valve, Dukesmith, illustrated. 313 Straight air control valve, Dukesmith, method of piping 317 426 INDEX Straight air control valve, Dukesmith, sectional view 315 Straight air reducing valve, New York, illustrated. 279 Street car brakes 385 Stroke of pump piston, New York 223 Stuck brakes, cost of bleeding off 72 Stuck brake, one cause of ^ 38 Tables and rules for computing brake power, lev- erage, etc 336 Taking water, method of 349 Temperature of air in pump 110 Tender brake sticking, cause of 379 Test for defects in Westinghouse engineer's brake valve 207 Test for leaky packing rings in Westinghouse pump 205 Tests for Westinghouse pump governor defects. . . 206 Test for Westinghouse pump pounding 205 Test for whistle signal defects, Westinghouse .... 209 Testing air gauge 206 Testing and inspection of air brakes 336 Testing for defects, Westinghouse 197 Testing trains, rules for 352 Traction car brakes 385 Train handling 336 Train handling on heavy grades. 350 Train handling with high speed brake 342 Train handling with one and two applications . . . 340 Tfain pipe exhaust, Westinghouse brake valve, blow at 208 Train pipe, function of 20 Train pipe leaks, danger of 39 Train pipe leaks, danger of on heavy grades 351 INDEX 427 Train pipe reduction, rule governing 350 Train stalling, cause 383 Train tests, rules for 352 Triple exhaust, blow, Westinghouse 201 Triple valve, auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder combined, illustrated 70 Triple valve, comparative action of 26 Triple valve, defects, Westinghouse 198 Triple valve, duties of 198 Triple valve, New York, emergency action 275 Triple valve. New York, operation of 270 Triple valve. New York quick action 268 Triple valve. New York quick action, illustrated. . 269 Triple valve, plain, illustrated 30 Triple valve, plain, old style, illustrated 64 Triple valve, plain, parts of 27 Triple valve, positions of Westinghouse quick ac- tion explained 50 Triple valve, quick action, function of 20 Triple valve, quick action, Westinghouse, illus- trated 48 Triple valve, Westinghouse, emergency action of . . 62 Triple valve, Westinghouse quick action in lap position, illustrated 56 Triple valve, Westinghouse, ciuick action, in serv- ice position, illustrated 54 Triple valve, Westinghouse quick action, opera- tion of 46 Triple valve, Westinghouse quick action, parts of. 50 Triple valve, Westinghouse quick action triple in emergency position, illustrated 60 Triple valve, why needed 25 Triplex pump governor. New York, piping for, double pressure system 243 428 INDEX Track brake 372 Truck brake, illustrated 373 Two application stop, method of . 341 U spring in triple, function of 45 Yalve. car control, function of 22 Yalve, conductor's, function of 21 Valve. Dukesmitb automatic exliaust 323 Valve. Dukesmith straight air. illustrated 315 Valve, engineer's D-S brake, illustrated 118 Valve, graduating, function of 10 Valves, intermediate, Xew York pump 233 Yalve, Xew York engineer's brake, illustrated. . . . 219 Yalve. retaining, function of 20 Valve, triple, function of 20 Yalve Westinghouse, distributing Ill Vent piston. Xew York triple, function of 302 Vent valve. Xew York brake valve, ptirpose of . . . . 262 Warning port, Westinghouse brake valve, func- tion of 137 TTestinghouse engine equipment, new style Ill Westinghouse equipment, parts and their duties. 19 VTestinghouse equipment, questions and answers to section 2 173 "VTestiughouse quick action triple, operation of . . . . 16 Whistle signal, defects, Westinghouse system 209 Whistle signal pressure reducing valve, Xew Y rk. illustrated ' 2S5 Whistle signal system. Xew York 2S6 Whistle signal system. Westinghouse 168 Whistle signal system. Westinghouse, illustrated. . 170 ^Vhistle signal valve. Xew York, action of 2S8 Whistle sigmal valve. Xew York, illustrated 286 TEACTION BEAKE INDEX Index of Straight Air Brake Equipment on Electric Traction Cars. Note — For Automatic Air Brake Equipment, see Special Index page 411. A Action of air compressor 390 Air brake, equipment, arrangement of 399 Air brake handling 387 Air, passage of through equipment 399 Air pressure, standard of 400 Axle-driven compressor 390 Answers and questions 402 Automatic and straight air brake, difference be- tween 402 Automatic regulator 394 B Brake levers 388 Brake valve, positions 398 Check valve, duplex 400 Cleaning compressor 407 Crank shaft compressor ' 392 Compressor, axle-driven 390 Compressor, axle-driven, capacity of 393 Compressor, defects in, how to detect 407 Compressor, fails to pump 408 Compressor, operation of 402 Compressor, when to clean 407 Compressor, working slow, cause of 409 429 430 IKDEX D Defects in compressor, how to detect 407 Difference between automatic and stFaight air brakes 402 Different kinds of brakes in ns3. 383 Diseharems- valves of compressor 391 Dnplex 1 :i: va Le 400 E Emergency application ... 399 Equalizing lever . 400 Equipment, parts of 388 F Failure of compressor 408 6 Gauge, air 396 GoTcmor, compressor . . • 394 H Handling brake valve 398 L Lever, eQU'P.lizizig 400 Leaky val"^ 409 Lnbrieati :_ 405 M 3Iaintenanee of equip mem 406 O Operating valve 395 Oil ^'5 Operating valve, jjositions on 398 Operation of compressor 402 INDEX 431 P Parts constituting straight air brake equipment. . 388 Passage of air through equipment 399 Positions on brake valve 398 Pressure, air 400 Pi-essure required in emergency application 405 Pressure required in service application 404 Q Questions and answers 402 R Receiving port of compressor , 392 Receiving valves of compressor 391 Regulator or governor, automatic. . . . ' 394 Regulator, operation of 403 Regulator, pressure set at 403 Releasing brake 400 Running position of brake valve 405 S Standard of air pressure 400 Sticking valve, effect of 408 Suction valves of compressor 391 T Trip piston chambers 395 V Valves, discharge of compressor 391 Valves, receiving of compressor . . .• 391 Valve, duplex check 400 Valve, operating 395 Valve, stickinof, effect of , 408 ■■sj 432 INDEX W What motormen and conductors of electric ears should know 385 Plate No. 82. Special system of levers for traction cars 389 Illustration showing special system of levers for traction cars 389 Plate NO'. 83. Axle-driven air compressor 391 Illustration showing axle-driven air compressor. . 391 Plate No. 84. Operatmg valve V T 396 Illustration showing operating valve V T 396 Plate No. 85. Operating valve Y G 397 Illustration showing operating valve V G 397 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate No. 1. New style plain triple valve. . . » 30 Plate No. 2. Westinghouse quick action triple in release position 48 Plate No, 3. Westinghouse quick action, triple in service position 54 Plate No. 4. Westinghouse quick action triple in lap position 56 Plate No. 5. Westinghouse quick action triple in emergency position 60 Plate No. 6. Westinghouse plain triple valve, old style, il>istrated 64 Plate No. 7. Triple valve, auxiliary reservoir and brake cylinder combined 70 Plate No. 8. Pressure retaining valve 75 Plate No. 9. Automatic slack adjuster, complete . . 78 Plate No. 10. Automatic slack adjuster, sectional veiw , , '80 Plate No. 11. Automatic slack adjuster size of cyl- inder port , 84 Plate No. 12. The Dukesmith Car Control Valve and Release Signal 91 Plate No. 13. The Dukesmith automatic Release Signal, styles A and B 92 Plate No. 14. Westinghouse eight inch pump 97 Plate No. 15. Westinghouse nine and one-half inch pump 101 433 434 ILLUSTRATIONS Plate No. 16. Westinghonse pump goTemor 114 _ ~r No. 17. WestinghoTise D-8 brake valve 118 r_:i:e No. 18. D-8 brake valve and rotary 122 PL:: :- No. 19. Westingbonse F-6 brake valve and 1 1 style feed valve 128 Plate No. 20. Westinghonse F-6 brake valve, ro- tary and seat 132 Plate No. 21. Westinghonse G-6 brake valve 138 Plate No. 22. Slide valve, feed valve 110 Plate No. 23. Westinghonse high brake 142 Plate No. 24. Westinghonse antomatic reducing valve 116 Plate No. 25. Service position Westinghonse anto- matic redneing valve 119 Plate No. 26. Emergency position Westinghonse antomatic redneing valve 151 Plate No. 27. Release position, Westinghonse anto- matic redneing valve 153 Plate No. 28. Double check valve 158 Plate No. 28A. Method of piping Westinghonse antomatic and straight air brake 160 Plate No. 29 A. Westinghonse combined straight air and antomatic brake valve, m^ain reservoir connection 162 Plate No. 29B. Westiughouse combined straight air and automatic brake valve 163 Plate No. 30. Westinghonse straight air brake valve - 167 Plate No. 30A. Westinghonse combined straight air and automatic brake valve seats 166 Plate No. 31. Westinghonse whistle signal system . 170 Chart 35, Fig. 1. New York duplex pnmp pistons at rest 222 ILLUSTRATIONS 435 Chart 35, Fig. 2. New York duplex pump, low pressure piston on the up stroke 224 Chart 35, Fig. 3. New York duplex pump, up stroke, high pressure piston 226 Chart 35, Fig. 4. New York duplex pump, down stroke, low pressure piston 228 Chart 35, Fig. 5. New York duplex pump, down stroke, high pressure piston 230 Chart 35, Fig. 6. New York No. 5 duplex pump . . . 232 Chart 36, Fig. 1. Style C New York pump gover- nor, steam valve open 234 Chart 36, Fig. 2. Style C New York pump gover- nor, steam valve closed 235 Chart 36, Fig. 3. Style A New York pump gover- nor 236 Chart 36, Fig. 4. Piping for New York duplex pump governor 237 Chart 36, Fig. 5. Piping New York single gover- nor, single pressure system 241 Chart 36, Fig. 6. Piping for New York duplex gov- ernor, double pressure system 242 Chart 36, Fig. 7. Piping for New York triplex governor, double pressure system 243 Chart 37, -Fig. 1. New York air brake, engine equip- ment •. . 248 Chart 37, Fig. 2. Full release position of New York brake valve 249 Chart 37, Fig. 3. Running position. New York brake valve 250 Chart 37, Fig. 4. Lap position, New York brake valve 251 Chart 37, Fig. 5. Service position, New York brake valve 252 436 iLLrsr?:Ar: ['Xs Cliart3T,Fig. 6. Ser _ 1 New York brake valve 253 Chart 37, Mg. 7. E^^ri'ency positionu Xew York brake valvc 254 Chart 37, Fig. 8. Face of slide valve. Xew Y»:>rk brake valve 255 Chart 37, Fig. 9. Port O in main slide valve seat. Xew York brake valve. . . 255 Chart 37, Fig. 10. Passage H ana paisag^ u in Xew York brake valve 256 Chart 3S^ Fig. 1. Xew York quick aetion triple valve, release position 269 Chart 38. Fig. 2. Xew York quick action triple service, application position . 271 Chart 38, Fig. 3. Xew York quick aeuun triple valve, aiit;>matic lap position 272 Chart 38^ Fig. 4. Xeiv York quick action triple valve 274 Chart 38. Fig. ^^ Xrw York qoiek action triple valve, emergency position (special view for showing tKe eznergeney valve) 273 Chart 38, Fig. 6. Xew York qnick action triple valve (rear view) 275 Chart 4LK Fig. 1. Xew York straight air brake valve 278 Ckart 40. Fig. 2. Xew Yor > - : : . 1 : = : r 7 : r - - r e reducing valve , 279 Chart 40. Fig. 3. Xew Y : .: - f e ty valve with hand release 280 Chart 40, Fig. 4. Xe^ V ^ : Ir A compensating valve, high -_ 7- "_ '^rake 2S1 Chart 40. Fig. 5. ile^ _ piping Xew York com- pensating valve 282 ILLUSTRATIONS 437 Chart 41, Fig. 1. New York air signal pressure re- ducing valve 285 Chart 41,, Fig. 2. Style B New York air signal valve 286 Chart 41, Fig. 3. New York car discharge valve . . . 287 Chart 41, Fig. 4. New York signal whistle 288 Plate No. 72. The Dukesmith straight air control valve with auxiliary release 313 Plate No. 73. Pipe connections of the Dukesmith straight air control valve 314 Plate No. 74. Sectional view Dukesmith straight air control valve 315 Plate No. 75. General method of piping the Duke- smith straight air control valve 317 Plate No. 76. The Dukesmith double heading cut- out cock 319 Plate No. 77. Brake levers 360 Plate No. 78. Car and tender truck brake levers. . 362 Plate No. 79. Showing method of computing lever- age 364 Plate No. 80. Outside equalized driver brake 369 Plate No. 81. Engine truck brake 373 Electric Traction Brake 390-409 MODERN LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERING 20th Century Edition By C. F. SWINGLE, M. E. THE most modem and practical work published, treating upon the construction and management of modem locomotives, both simple and compound. 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