CS 71 .D428 1903 Copy 1 P r \ 1 1 1 ! i 1 I \ \ 1, ! 1. _cf^[^?:>^ 1 1 1 • 1 t J DERBY GENEALOGY: A RECORD OF THE DESCENDANTS OF JOHN DARBY OF MARBLEHEAD, MASS. TEN GENERATIONS. By WEBSTER D, DERBY. '7 REPRINTED IN PART FROM THE TOWN HISTORY OF WESTMINSTER, MASS. Darling & Co., Pn-inters, Keene. A6' % J"37 f" r 5 • * .^^'P>^- To perpetuate the mefnory of our first-knowti progeiiitor^ John Darby ^ who lived in Marhlehead^ Mass.^ 1^77-, ^^^^ to rescue from oblivion those of his descendants gone before and those now livings for future posterity, this little book is a reminder that time is swiftly passijig. ""^p^ ]■ *:. \ ^ ^ DERBY GENEALOGY. In 1677 one John Darby^, as the name was generally spelled until a recent date, and correspondingly pronounced — a custom recog- nized and conformed to in these pages — was a fisherman of Mar- blehead, where he owned a cottage and a small lot of land. For lack of evidence to the contrary, it may be presumed that he was b. in England, and came to this country in his early manhood to seek his fortune amid the novelties and wonders of the new world. Possibly he was the bro. of Roger Darby, known to be a native of Topsham, Devonshire, who landed at Boston July 18, 1671, and set. at Salem, and from wliom descended the celebrated surgeon and oculist, Dr. Derby of the present day. By his w-., Alice , John Darbyi had 5 chn., the second of whom, John-^, was b. Oct. 8, 1681. This John Darby'^, who in his "will," 1747, spelt his name Darbie, m, Deborah, dau. oi -S^Sg^ Conant, and located first at Beverly, but went thence to Ipswich about 1720, and from there in 1731 to Concord, where he d. March 7, 1753. Darby, Andrew'^, the first of the name in Westmin- ster, was s. of John'- and Deborah, b. in Beverly, Jan. 26, 1706-7. He was to begin with a weaver by trade, as was his f. before him. In 1733 he purchased land in Concord, " New Grant," now Acton, and, after the incor- poration of that town in 1735, took an active part in public affairs, proving himself to be a man of ability, character and influence. He served the public as Assessor 3 yrs., Selectman 4 yrs., and Constable — an officer of much more dignity and importance in those days than now — I yr. He disposed of his Acton estate in 1746. and 2 yrs. later, May 10, 1748, purchased lot No. 22 in 6 DERBY GENEALOGY. Narragansett, with house and grist-mill upon it, located at the outlet of W. pond, of Seth Walker, and there he set. and ever afterwards lived. His occupation conferred upon him the familiar title of " Miller Darby," by which he was designated in all the country round about. He soon won the respect and confidence of the people at large, and was elected to numerous positions of honor and trust. He filled the ofiice of Proprietors' Clerk, 175 0-1754, and was for some yrs. both Assessor and member of the Standing Committee before the incorpora- tion of the township. He was one of the first Assessors of the district of W., and also a Selectman, occupying those posts of service 7 and 4 years respectively. He moreover was active and influential in the affairs of the church, as elsewhere noted. He acquired considerable property, and in his day was undoubtedly one of the town's most substantial and trustworthy citizens. On his tombstone in the old cemetery is this inscription : Andrew Darby, died Mar. 23, 1783, a. 76. " He was a lover of God's Word and worship, constant in his attendance at His House of Prayer, and now rests from liis labors, and the reward of his works do follow." He m., 1728, Elizabeth Patch,' incidents of ptge. and b. unknown, and had 9 chn., all b. in Concord and Acton, most of whom set. in W. and vicinity, and were repre- sented subsequently in many of the families of the place, their descendants still being found here. The d. of his wid., Elizabeth (Patch) Darby, occurred in the year 1800, month and day not ascertained. Chn. : Elizabeth'*, b. March 13, 1728-9; m. Abner Holden ; res. W. ; d. Nov. 13, 1812. Sarah^, b. Jan. 1 730-1 ; d. infancy. Sarah*, b. March 14, 1732-3; m. Isaac Hubbard; res. Concord. DERBY GENEALOGY. 7 *Eunice*, b. Feb. 28, 1734-5; m. John Brooks; res. W.; d. 1817. *Mary*, b. Feb. 28, 1734-5: m. Josiah Jackson; d. Feb. 4, 1823. Nathan*, b. Aug. 2, 1737 ; m. Abigail Pierce; res. W. Andrew*, b. Nov. 19, 1739; m. Elizabeth Sawin ; res. W. John*, b. July 4, 1742 ; m. Hannah Garey (Gerry) ; res. W. Ruth*, b. Aug. 20, 1745 ; d. bef. 1779; prob. unm. * Twins. Darby, Nathan*, oldest s. of the last, m. March 30. 1762, Abigail, dau. of Jonas and Abigail (Comee) Pierce of Lexington, whose bros., Nathan and John, were early settlers here. He bought, Nov. 16, 1759, of John Esta- brook, lot No. 100, 2d Div. (the Joshua Moore place). near the Winchendon road, and located upon it as its original occupant. The date of his decease has not been ascertained, but he survived his w. a few years, she dying Jan. I, 1 8 18. Their chn. were.: Jonas°, b. March 22, 1763; no record. Abigail^, b. Nov. 26, 1764; prob. d. young. Ruth°, b. Oct. 30, 1766; d. Nov. 20, 1766. Annis^, b. Dec. 19, 1768; no record found. Lucy^, b. May 9, 1770 ; m. Paul Bailey; res. Stg ; 5 chn.; d. Nov. 15, 1800. Ezra^, b. June 24, 1772 ; d. infancy. Rhoda^, b. Jan. 5, 1774; m. Jarvis Pierce; res. W., etc. Ezra^, b. June 24, 1776; m. Ruth Puffer; res. W.; 9 chn.; d. April 2, 1823. JoeP, b. June 19, 1778 ; m. Sukey Haynes ; res. W., etc. ; 7 chn. : d. Jan. 17, i860. Abraham^, b. Aug. 30, 1780. Polly^, b. Oct. 12, 1782 ; m. Asa Nichols and Samuel Clark ; res. Gr. and W.; 5 chn.; d. Aug. 14, 1871. Levi^, b. March 17, 1786 ; m. Sally Stratton ; res. Waterbiiry, Vt ; 1 1 chn., one of whom was Philander Derby of Gr. ; d. Sept. 12, 1873. Darby, Andrew^, bro. of Nathan, m. Elizabeth, dau. 8 DERBY GENEALOGY. of Stephen and Abigail (Fiske) Sawin, in 1763, and set. in the south part of the town on a section of the Gov. Belcher farm, where his gd. dau. Susan now res. He d. 1806, a. 66, and his widow m. Nathl. Woodward as a second wife. She died Feb. 3, 1845, a. 93. Chn. : Abijah*^, b. April 17, 1765; m. Lovisa Wilder; res. W., etc.; 9 chn. Isaac^, b. Dec. 24, 1766; m. Sally E. Hart; res. Lane, N. H. ; 10 chn. ; d. 1859. Asaph°, b. June 12, 1769; d. unm. Nov. 25, 1797. Moses^, b. May 9, 1772 ; d. the following day. Aaron°, b. May 9, 1772 ; m. Susannah Wood; res. W. MaryS, b. March 5, 1775; d. Sept. 14, 1777. PollyS, b. Dec. 4, 1778; d. 1785. Moses^, b. April 3, 1782; m. Lois Gilbert; res. W. and Burling- ton, Vt. ; 2 chn.; d. 1805. Elizabeth^, b. Feb. 8, 1787 ; d. Feb. 10, 1787. Darby, John*, bro. of Nathan'^ and Andrew"*, m. Han- nah Garey (Gerry) of Sterling, May i, 1766, and succeed- ed his f. in the ownership of lot No. 22, the late John K. Learned place, and in the occupation of miller. He d. INIarch 23, 18 18, a. 75. His w. is supposed to have d. bef. 1796. Chn. : William^, b. March 27, 1768; d. unm, Sept. 25, 1797. RuthS, b. March 11, 1770 ; m. Ezra Calef and Ezekiel Kendall; d. Dec. 21, 1846? John^, b. June 28, 1772 ; m. Betsey Ross ; res. W.; d. Feb. 11, 1827. Joseph^, b. Jan. 3, 1775 ; m. Lovisa Calef; res. W., etc. Abel°, b. Dec. 20, 1777 ; m. Mary Howard; res. W., etc. . Hannah^, b. Nov. 17, 1781 ; m. Wm. Bemis ; 11 chn.; d. Aug. 12, 1861. Andrew^, b. July 15, 1785 ; m. Lorinda ; res. W., etc. Darby, EzRA^ s. of Nathan and Abigail (Pierce) Darby, m. Ruth, dau. of Josiah and Mary (Reed) Puffer, Nov. i, T798. He first set. on lot No. 31, 2d Div., half a mile DERBY GENEALOGY. 9 west of the Beech Hill schoolhouse. (See A. H. No. 31.) His last years, however, were spent at the present home- stead of Geo. Harris, the house of which he is said to have built. He succeeded Ezra Holden as Sexton and Undertaker. He d. April 8, 1823, a. 46. His wid. m. (2) Samuel Byam of Temp, and (3) Samuel Garfield of W. She d. April 19, 1833, a. 58. Chn. : Sally*^, b. Feb. 26, 1800; m. Alvin Upham ; res. W. ; 9 chn.; d. Sept. 21, 1878. Ezra^, b. Dec. 24, 1802 ; m. Abigail H. and others ; 7 chn. ; res. unkn. Maryf', b. Jan. 17, 1804; m. Edmund Nichols; res. W. ; 11 chn.; d. April 29, 1870. Orrin^, b. June 2, 1806 ; m. and had chn. ; res. West ; dec'd. Nathan^, b. Sept. 24, 1808; d. April 20, 1832 ; unm. Lyman^, b. April 28, 181 1 ; d. Dec. 23, 1831 ; unm. Ruth P.*', b. Aug. 9, 1813; m. Edward Terriere ; res. L. I. ; 4 chn. ; d. June 27, 1850. Lucy B.*%b. Aug. 9, 181 5; m. Jacob Messinger ; res. Niles, Mich., no chn.; d. Feb. 17, 1881. Edwinf', b. Nov. 22, 1817 ; nothing learned. Derby, JoEL^ bro. of the last,,m. Sukey Haynes, Ash. (pub. Oct. 17, 1804), and succeeded Ezra on lot No. 31, 2d Div., which he sold in 1824 to Oliver Estey, but which his son JoeP Jr., rebought 2 yrs. afterward. He also res. awhile on the late Asaph Gates place. He seems to have been out of town for a long while, but returned late in life, and d. Jan. 17, i860, a. 81. His wid. d. April 10, 1870, a. 85. Chn. : Joel6, b. March 14, 1805; d. April 23, 1882. Loenza^ b. July 9, 1809; m. S. Lock Woodward; res. Yt. and had chn. Susan^, b. Jan. 31, 1812; m. Reuben S. Pond, and left town. Eunice A.*^, b. Jan. 21, 1817 ; d. Dec. 24, 1836. 10 DERBY GENEALOGY. Derby, Joel^ s. of JoeP and Siikey (Haynes) Derby, m. Frances M, Howe, b. Nov. 24. 1808, Gardner, Mass. ; set. in Hinsdale, N. H., where most of his chn. were born ; was a cooper by trade ; afterwards moved to Wards- boro, Vt., then to West Townshend, Vt., and was a miller for several years; finally got back to Hinsdale, N. H., where he d. His wife d. Aug. 17, 1872. Chn. : Jane E.'^, b. Sept. 11, 1833, Hinsdale, N. H. Prances'^, b. April 7, 1835 ; d. Sept. 26, 1836. Nelson T.'', b. Sept. 14, 1836, Hinsdale, N. H. George W.^ b. Feb. 10, 1838, Webster D.^ b. Feb. 10, 1840, Augusta E.'^, b. Dec. 22, 1842, " Susan L.", b. Nov. 24, 1843, " Henry N.'', b. April 15, 1846, Wardsboro, Vt. Eli H.^ b. Aug. 5, 1848, Wardsboro, Vt. Derby, Jane. E.% dau. of Joel'' and Frances M. (Howe) Derby, m. HoUis King of Marlboro, Vt., June 13, 1850. Hollis King b. Nov. 13, 1818 ; d. Oct. 28, 1863. Chn. : Carlos E.*^, b. June 29, 1852; d. Nov. 28, 1887. Nelson H.^, b. April, 1857 ; d. Aug., 1861. Clara F», b. Sept. 6, i^sj 2d marriage, to Edward Whifaker, i ch. : Jennie^, b. July 30, 1873, Ashburnham, Mass. 3d marriage, to WiUiam H. Moors, b. Dec. 24, 1846, Sharon, N. H. ; lives Jaffrey, N. H. ; oc. sawyer. King, Carlos E.^ m. Nettie A. Whitaker, dau. of Edward and Sarah Whitaker of Gardner, Mass. King, Nettie A., oc. nurse; lives 35 Webster St.. Somerville, Mass. Chn. : Lillian C.^, b. Aug. 9, 1879, Dublin, N. H. Lottie S.9, b. Aug. 22, 1881, South Boston, Mass. Florence N.^, b. May 24, 1883, Somerville, Mass. DERBY GENEALOGY. ii King, Lillian C.^, m. Frank L. Higgins, June 6, 1902 ; b. East Boston, Mass., Sept. 1877 ; now lives Somerville, Mass. ; oc. clerk. King, Lottie S.^, m. Clarence H. Kent May 28, 1898 ; b. Charlestown, Mass., 1875 ; ^^^ lives Southwest Har- bor, Me;, oc. poultryman. Chn. : Bertha L.^*^, b. June 25, 1900; Somerville, Mass. Harold E.^*^, b. Oct. 5, 1902, Southwest Harbor, Me. King, Florence N.", m. Fred F. Knowlton Oct. 2, 190 1 ; b. Camden, Me., Sept. 8, 1877 ; now lives Som- erville, Mass. ; oc. roofer. King, Clara F.^, dau. of Mollis and Jane E,' (Derby) King, m. May i, 1880, Fred J. Upton; b. Dublin, N. H., July 12, 186 1 ; lives Winchendon, Mass. ; oc. blacksmith. Whitaker, Jennie^ half-sister of last named, m. Nov. 6, 1899, Arthur V. Sloane ; b. Townshend, Mass., Oct. 5, 1876 ; lives Rindge, N. H. ; oc. broom maker. Derby, Nelson T.'^, s. of JoeP and Frances M. (Howe) Derby, in his young days emigrated to Minnesota, where he married Susan Amanda Ray Nov. 21, 1861 ; b. June 2, 1841, Tuskegee, Ala. ; now lives 2929 Grand Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. ; oc. merchant. He served in the civil war one year and eight months in Co. D, 6th Regt. Minn. Vol. Inft. ; was in the defence of Helena, Ark., also White River, where the regiment suffered much from malaria ; then at St. Louis and New Orleans, as provost guard; also at the siege and surrender of Mobile, Ala- bama, which lasted six weeks of continuous fighting ; then marched two hundred miles to Montgomery, Ala., fighting nearly every day till the surrender of Gen. Lee. Chn. : 12 DERBY GENEALOGY. Frederick F.^, b. Sept. i6, 1862 ; d. Anna J.^ b. Feb. 23, 1867 ; d. Cora A.8, b. May 11, 1869. Arthur N.^, b. June 12, 1875. Robinson, Cora A. (Derby)^ now lives 2929 Grand Ave., S., Minneapolis, Minn. Ch. : Malcom A.^, b, Aug. 27, 1889, Minneapolis, Minn. Derby, Arthur N.^, now lives St. Paul, Minn. ; oc. U. S. mail clerk. Ch. : Doris A.9, b. July 23, 1901, St. Paul, Minn. Derby, Geo. W.", s. of Joel^' and Frances M. (Howe) Derby, m. Susie B. Moore July 25, 1872 ; b. Orleans, Mass., Dec. 16, 1842; now lives Ashburnham, Mass.; oc. mechanic. No chn. - Derby, Webster D,', brother of the last, m. Harriet A. Beals March 16, 1867; b. Chesterfield, N. H., July 16, 1846; d. Nov. II, 1893. Now lives Keene, N. H., oc. gardener. Served in the civil war three years; mus- tered in Co. I, 2d Vt, Vol. Inft. June 20, 1861 ; was in the first Bull Run battle, the battles of the peninsula campaign, second Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancelorsville, where he was wounded in the right elbow at the charge of Mary's Heights, May 3, 1863. Clvn. : Henry A.^, b. July 8, 1868, Chesterfield. Herman A.*^, b. Aug. 3, 1869; d. Oct. 12, 1869. George N.^, b. May 6, 1871, West Svvanzey, N. H. John W.^ b. Aug. 22, 1873, " " " Charles E.^, b. Oct. 23, 1876, " Nettie M.s, b. May 6, 1883 ; d. June 6, 1883. Nellie S.^, b. May 6, 1883; d. Oct. 22, 1883. Frank A.«, b. Feb. 15, 1885, W. Swanzey, X. H. DERBY GENEALOGY. 13 Derby, Henry A.^ s. of Webster' and Harriet Derby, m. Lottie M. Seaver, dau. of Edwin S. and L3^dia B. Seaverof Keene, N. H,, Feb. 28, 1891 ; now lives Keene, N. H.; oc. tinsmith. Chn. : Paul W.9, b. April 8, 1892, Keeiie, N. H. Marshall A.^ b. Oct. 4, 1894. " Laurice E.^, b. Dec. 22, 1897, " " Derby, George N.% bro. of Henry A.\ m. Ida Grace Ross, dau. of Adolphus and Lizzie Ross of Keene, N. H., Aug. 2, 1897 ; now lives in Keene, N. H. ; oc. foreman shoe shop. Derby, Ida G., oc. clerk. Derby, John W.^, bro. of last, m. Eva M. Wilkins, dau. of John C. and Elmira Wilkins of Peterboro, N. H., Sept. 2, 1896; now lives Peterboro, N. H. ; oc. mer- chant, of the firm Goodnow & Derby. Ch. : Robert W.'», h. June 6, 1899. Derby, Charles E.^ D. M. D., bro. of John Derby-, graduated from Tufts Dental College June 16, 1900, with the degree Doctor of Dental Medicine, and was vice presi- dent of his graduation class, and is now successfully practicing his profession in Melrose Highlands, Mass. Derby, Frank A.^, bro. of last, now lives Keene. N. H. ; oc. scholar. Derby, Augusta E.', dau. of JoeP and Frances M. Derby, m. Aug. 29, 1863, Rufus A. White of Wardsboro, Vt. ; b. Sept. 4, 1840; d. Nov. 2, 1891. Chn.: William H.^, b. Jan. 12, 1865; d. July 21, 1865. Minnie A^, b. July 16, 1866; d. Dec. 23, 1868. Lennie A.^, b. Aug. 28, 1870; oc. music teacher. Alice I>.^, b. Feb. 3, 1872. All live Melrose Highlands, Mass. 14 DERBY GENEALOGY. MILITARY RECORD OF RUFUS A. WHITE. In April, 1861, Rufus A. White enlisted as a private in Co. I, nth Mass. Vol. Inft. ; was elected orderly ser- geant of the company Jan. 17, 1862; was commissioned 2d lieutenant Aug. 30, 1862 ; was promoted to ist lieu- tenant ; commissioned captain Co. D. Dec. 17, 1862. The colonel of the regiment was an officer of the regular army, and the regiment was assigned to the brigade com- manded by Fighting Joe Hooker. Capt. White served three years and six months at the front, and participated in twenty-five engagements, includ- ing the first and second battles of Bull Run, the battles of the Peninsula campaign, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, and Cold Harbor. Upon leaving the army he resided in Charlestown, Mass., which district he represented in the Legislature two successive terms ; later was appointed postmaster of Charlestown ; served also as director of the Boston Cham- ber of Commerce three years. At the time of his death he resided in Melrose Highlands, Mass., where he was deacon of the Congregational church. Derby, Susan L.', dau. of JoeP and Frances M. Der- by, m. June 4, 1866, Charles S. Whitaker, b. Jan. 4, 1842, Newfane, Vt. ; now lives Westminster, Vt. ; oc. farmer. Chn. : Winthrop S.^, b. April 2, 1873 ; hves New York City ; oc. baker. Fred D.^, b. Nov. 3, 1875 ; d. June 30, 1888. Lena A.8, b. Dec. 19, 1877. All born in Brattleboro, Vt. Whitaker, Lena A.^ m. Cecil B. Ashwell ; b. Dec. 12, 1870, Westminster, Vt. ; now lives Westminster, Vt.; oc. wheelwright. Ch. : Marion E,", b. May 18, 1902, Westminster, Vt. DERBY GENEALOGY. 15 Derby, Henry N.'^, s. of Joel® and Frances M. Derby, b. April 15, 1846, Wardsboro, Vt. ; enlisted Dec. 8, 1863, as recruit in 8th Vt. Vol. Inft. in civil war ; d. March 31, 1864, in New Orleans, La. Derby, Eli H.', s. of JoeP and Frances M. Derby, m. Betsey Stone, dau. of Hosea G. and Esther P. Stone of Ashburnham, Mass., Sept. 19, 1878 ; now lives Fitch- burg, Mass. ; oc. mechanic. Chn. Bessie F.^, b. Feb. 22, 1882. Esther A.^, b. May 20, 1886; d. July 31, 1886. Marion S.^, b. July 14, 1894. All b, Fitchburg, Mass. Darby, Abijah^, s. of Andrew and Elizabeth (Sawin) Darby, m. Lovisa Wilder of Pn. and set. first in Lane, N. H., where most of his chn. were born. He returned to W. in mid-life, spent a few yrs., then rem. to Carthage, Me., where he d. at an advanced age, the date of the event being unknown. Chn. : Sukey^, b. Dec. 20, 1789; m. Daniel North; res. Temple, Me. Polly*', b. Dec. 26, 1791 ; res. Weld, Me.; unm. Aaron^, b. May 10, 1794; m. Jane Wilder; res. Temple, Me. Sally^, b. Jan. 11, 1797; m. Breck Allen; res. Hub.; 6 chn. ; d. in 1890. Asaph^, b. April 25, 1800; d. May 12, 1803. Abigail^, b. Jan. 26, 1803 ; m. Gardner Brown ; res. Hub. ; 9 chn. Eliza^, b. Feb. 23, 1805 ; unm. ; res. Me. and Boston. Artemas W.^, b. Jan. 21, 1808; unm.; res. Weld, Me. John^, b. Nov. 15, 181 1 ; m. Nancy Fletcher; res. Stewartstown, N. H. ; 2 chn. Darby, Aaron^, bro. of the last, m. Susannah, dau. of Elijah and Isabella Wood, Gr., and set. upon the place first occupied by his f. and now in possession of his dau. Susan. He d. May 9, 1870, a. 98. His w., Susan- nah (Wood), d. May 29, 1855, a. 78. Chn. : i6 DERBY GENEALOGY. Asaph^, b. Sept. 21, 1801 ; d. June 25, 1805. Walter*', b. June 27, 1803 ; m. Mary Winchester, Temp. ; res. W. Cynthia^, b. Sept. 5, 1805; m. Nathan Rice; res. Pn. ; 9 chn. : d. April 3, 1877. Asaph^, b. Sept. 21, 1807 ; m. Mary Lyman. Moses*^, b. July i, 1810 ; m. Rhoda Perry; d. Feb. i. 1880. Sally^, b. May 28, 1813 ; m. Asa Dike; res. W. ; 5 chn. ; living. Susan^, b. Apr. 3, 1816 ; unm. ; living on old place. Darby, Moses^, bro. of Aaron^, m. Lois Gilbert, Nov. 29, 1801, and set. with his bro. on their f.'s place. He was by trade a blacksmith. He d. 1805. Chn.: Josiah G.6, res. Burlington, Vt. ^, d. 1805. Darby, John^, s. of John^ and Hannah (Gerry) Dar- by, m. Sept. 2T, 1794, Betsey Ross, of unknown birth- place, ptge., etc. He res. in Sterling awhile, where he operated a carding machine, but returned to the old home- stead, succeeding his f. in the gristmill, which he run until within the memory of some of the older inhabitants now living. He was the last miller who carried on business at the outlet of the pond. He is also understood to have been one of the first chairmakers in town. He d. Feb. II, 1827, a. 54. His wid. d. Aug. 5, 1839, a. 64. Chn.: Phebe^, b. Nov. 30, 1794 ;d. June 14, 1795. William^, b. June 26, 1797 ; d. Nov. i, 1800. Almond^, b. May 10, 1800 ; m. Abigail Kendall ; res. W. ; no chn. ; d. Feb. 2, 1864. Phebe G.*', b. July 11, 1803; d. unm. Dec. 14, 1850. John*5, b. June 2, 1808; d. Oct. 2, 1809. Elizabeth^, b, July 9, 1810; prob. d. young. The third of the above chn., and the only s. who lived to mature age, Almond Derby, was a quiet and inoffensive, but useful and worthy citizen, industrious, upright, and exemplary in all the rela- DERBY GENEALOGY. 17 tions of life. He was one of the first chair-makers in W., succeed- ing his f. on the ancestral estate, and going thence to the Narrows, where he continued the business in partnership with John Edgell, now of Gr., in the old gristmill building, the original use of which they, in part, also maintained. He afterward moved to the Dea. Thurston place, now owned by John Lynde, where he d. Feb. 2, 1864, a. 63. He m. Abigail, dau. of Ezekiel and Abigail Kendall of Sterling, in 1830, but had no issue. She d. Sept. 11, 1880, a. 77. Darby, Joseph^, bro. of John^, inherited jointly with him the property of their f., represented more recently by the homestead of John K. Learned. He bought the trip- hammer establishment on the stream below the gristmill site, and moved the building to the junction of the Wore, and Pn. roads and set up the business of blacksmithing. He also plied his trade in the central village at the Thomas Gaut stand near where Bruce's store is now located, selling to Jesse Warren in 1804. Later in life he resided in both Sterling and Leom., but finally came back to W., where he d. Sept. 2, 1822, a. 47. He m. (i) April 19, 1796, Lovisa, dau. of Stephen and Anna (Stearns) Calef, by whom he had 10 chn. She d. in July, 18 16, and he m. (2) Deborah May of Sterling the following year, who bore him 2 chn. more. The date of her death has not been found. Chn. : Hannah^, b. Nov. i, 1796; d. 1800. Ezra^, b. Aug. 17, 1798; m. Abigail Holt ; res. Sterling; 2 chn.; d. Oct. 22, 1825. Hannah^, b. July 22, 1800 ; m. Elbridge Dix ; res. Boston; 3 chn. Joseph*', b. April 6, 1803; m. Clarissa Undeiwood; res. Fg. ; d. Nov. 8, 1848. Elvira^, b. Feb. 8, 1805 ; m. Benjamin Phelps; res. Hub.; d. Feb. 22, 1868. Arad^, b. April 4, 1807 ; res. Prov., R. I. i8 DERBY GENEALOGY. Lovisa^, b. June 28, 1809; m. Alexander Bigelow ; res. W. ; 3 chn. ; living. Nancy^, b. Oct. 25, 181 1 ; m. Jacob S. Constantine ; living. William^, b. 1813 ; d. infancy. Eliza^, b. Aug. 4, 1815 ; m. Stuart; res. Ashby ; d. Dec. 13, 1861. Martha M.^, b. Aug. 29, 1818 ; unm. d. Feb. 2, 1877. William^, b. July 14, 1820; m. twice ; sev. chn. Darby, Abel^, another s. of John"* and Hannah, m. Mary Howard, but remamed here only a short time. Chn. : Mary6, b. June 3, 1799. Darby, Andrew^, bro. of the last, m. Lorinda ab. 1808, and lived in town some years. He was something of a musician and served as trumpeter in the company of troop. Nothing is known of his later life. Chn. : Almira^, b. Aug. 24, 1809. Angelina**, b. Nov. 21, 181 1. Alzina^, b. Feb. 2, 181 6. Amarilla*^, b. Aug. 7, 1823. Derby, Walter®, s. of Aaron^ and Susannah, m. Mary, dau. of Ichabod and Abigail (Simonds) Winchester of Templeton, July 4, 1837, and lived on the old place. He d. March 13, 1855, ^' 5^- -^^^ ^^'^<^- ^- Sept. 27, 1881, a. 74. Chn. : Henry N.', b. April 26, 1838; m. Julia A. Murphy ; res. W. Sarah I.'^, b. Nov. 12, 1840; unm.; res. Wellesley. Mary E.'^, b. Nov. 23, 1842 ; unm. ; res. Wellesley. Charlotte M.'^, b. May 12, 1844 ; unm, ; res. Wellesley. Aaron W.'^, b. Nov. 27, 1846 ; m. Mary M. Cutting; res. W. Derby, Henry N.", s. of the last, m. Sept. 16, 1862, Julia A., dau. of Cornelius and Jane Murphy of Fg., and lives at So. W.; a chairmaker by trade. Chn. : George T.^, b. Aug. 24, 1863. Frank W.^, b. April 19, 1868. DERBY GENEALOGY. 19 Derby, Aaron W.", bro. of the last, m. March 25, 1869, Mary Maynard, dau. of Samuel and Mary Cutting of Hub. , and res. in W. till recently, when he rem. to the west. Chn. : Florence Edith^, b. May 3, 1871. Rodney E.^, b. July 5, 1877, Darby, Ebenezer^, bro. of Andrew (i), the progenitor of all those chronicled above, was a cooper by trade and res. in Nar. No. 2 in 1757, when, with other heirs, he quitclaimed all rights in his f.'s est. to his bro. Robert. He also, in the same yr., enlisted as a sold, in the Co. of Capt. Ballard for service in the F. and I. War. He m. Eunice Tarbox of Wenham, and had 10 chn., none of whom seem to have been b, here. He is supposed to have located finally in York, Me., where a considerable posterity has succeeded him. One of his descendants, Samuel C. Derby, Prof, of Latin in the State University at Columbus, O., is engaged in the preparation of a Genealogy of the Derby family. DERBY GENEALOGY. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. In a company raised in 1759 for the regiment of Oliver Wilder (the name of the captain not given), and sent to aid in the conquest of Canada, among the number sent is the name of Andrew Darby. In James Reed's company, a year later, is the name of Andrew Darby. In the company of the same captain, raised March, 1762, Benjamin Ruggles ' regiment, without date, appears the name of Andrew Darby, Jr. DERBY GENEALOGY. 21 REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD. A meeting of the votable inhabitants was held Aug. 3, 1774,— " to take into consideration the distressed state of the province and consider and conclude upon some method proper to relieve ourselves out of the present embarrassments. " We, the inhabitants of the town of Westminster, having at a tov.n meeting duly considered the distressing circumstances of this province by reason of late acts of the British Parliament (which in a great measure affects all the governments on the continent) whereby our charter privileges and liberties in particular are greatly obstructed and many of them wholly taken away from us, which we think is very arbitrary and oppressive ; therefore think ourselves under a necessity to diminish our much embarrassed trade with Great Britain, viz ; that we cannot nor will we, either by ourselves or any for or under us, directly or indirectly, after the last day of August instant (unless all our charter rights are restored which are taken fiom us by the above said acts), purchase of Great Britain or any that shall import therefrom after said day any more clothing, or anything used therefor, or any ornament thereunto belonging, nor any tea or other kind of East India goods except saltpeter and spices and medicinal drugs that shall be imported after said day, nor any liquors used for drinks or any kind of provision (wine only excepted), and all earthern and stoneware and all clocks and watches imiported. " . Among the signers are the names of Andrew Darby, Nathan Darby, John Darby. 22 DERBY GENEALOGY. Among the names of soldiers who went to Cambridge upon hearing of the battles of Lexington and Concord, Apr. 19, 1775, ^^^ ^^^ days' service, were Captain Jackson's company, in Col. Asa Whitcomb's regiment, Andrew Darby, private ; Captain Miles' Company, Col. John Whitcomb's regiment, John Darby, private. As a reinforcement to the army under Gen. Gates, who had succeeded Gen. Schuyler in the valley of the upper Hudson, the following men enlisted for twenty-seven days' service and were stationed at Fishkill, N. Y., to aid in preventing the passage of the British forces from below northward for the purpose of co-operating with Burgoyne in his much-vaunted invasion. They remained at their post till after the surrender of the the enemy on the 17th of Oct. 1777 : Andrew Darby, Nathan Darby. In Captain Henry's company, stationed at Castle Island, Boston harbor, appears the name of Jonas Darby. In a company of six month's men who marched to the field of action July 6, 1780, appears the name of Jonas Darby. Of Westminster men known to have been in the Revolution appear the names, as minute men, Andrew Darby, John Darby. Among the enlisted men were Andrew Darby, Jonas Darby, Nathan Darby. VALUATION OF HOUSES AND LANDS, 1798. Darby, Andrew, Darby, Ezra, Darby, Nathan, Darby, John, Houses. I I I I Value. $200 150 200 350 Acres Land. 90 45 48 120 Value. Total. $834 $1034 489 639 409 609 1330 1680 JDL 19 ]904 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. Should read, on page 5th : Darby, John^, m. Deborah, dau. of John^ Conant, a descendant of Roger^ Conant, the first in America. Chn. of John'^ and Deborah (Conant) Darby: John^, b. Dec. 27, 1704. Andrew^, b. Jan. 26, 1706-7. Benjamin^, b. Mar. 12, 1710-11 ; d. young. Ebenezer^ b. Nov. 23; bapt. Nov. 1712. Deborah^, b. Apr. 11, 1714. Benjamin'^, b. Nov. 28, 171 5. Joseph'^, b. June 10, 17 18. Mary^, b. June 12, 1720. Conant, John\ with whom the authentic geneaology of the family begins, lived in the parish of East Budleigh, Devonshire, Eng. ; was probably born about 1520 at Gittsham. His ancestors for many generations had been fixed here, but were originally of French extraction. In the 13th year of the reign of Queen Elizabeth (157 1) he was assessed for goods of the yearly value of tour pounds ; in 1577 was church warden of East Budleigh. John^ Conant w\as buried at East Budleigh Mar. 30, 1596. It seems likely he was the son of the John Conant who was buried at Gittsham Sept. 4, 1559. Conant, Richard', son of John\ was probably b. in the parish of East Budleigh, Eng., about the year 1548- 1588; w^as assessed for lands of the yearly value of four pounds; in 1606 and 16 16 filled the office of church warden in the parish. Richard^ m. Agnes Clark Feb. 4, 1578 ; dau. of John Clark, the leading merchant of Coly- ton. Richard" and Agnes had 8 children, of whom Christopher^ and Roger^ were 7th and 8th. The tales and adventures of Sir Walter Raleigh and Francis Drake must have had an important influence in leading Christopher^ and Roger^ Conant to embark for America. Richard and Agnes were buried same day, Sept. 22, 1630. Conant, Roger^, the immigrant and ancestor of most of those bearing his name in America, was baptized at All Saints church, parish of East Budleigh, Devonshire, Eng., Apr. 9, 1592; was the youngest of 8 children of Richard" and Agnes (Clark) Conant ; arrived at Plym- outh, Mass., about 1623, probably in the ship Ann in 1625 ; was chosen governor of Cape Ann settlement of planting and fishing. The number engaged at Cape Ann was about 200. The company lost about 3000 pounds; was then moved to Naumkeag (Salem) the fall of 1626 ; the colony was then reduced to about 40. The exact site of his home, the first built in Salem, is not known ; Mayne's block on Essex St., opposite Derby square, is supposed to cover it. After three years he was super- seded by John Endicott, who came over with about 50 colonists. Roger^ m. Sarah Horton Nov. 11, 1618, in the parish of St. Ann, Blackfriars, London, Eng. ; died Nov. 19, 1679, in the 88th year of his age. Had 9 children. . Conant, Lot^, 3d child oi Roger^, b. about 1624 at Nantasket or Cape Ann; lived at Marblehead, Mass., 1657; was selectman 1662, 1674; one of the 114 house- holders ; moved to Beverly and built a house near his father's; helped form a church at Beverly; he died 29th Sept., 1674; he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. William Walton, who was pastor at Marblehead, Mass., as early as 1639, and until his death 1668. He had 10 children. CoNANT, JoHN^ 2d child of Lots b. Dec. 15, 1652, in Beverly, Mass. ; he was farmer and weaver; he settled in Beverly on 60 acres upland, built a house on the north side of the road now called Dodge St., about one-third of a mile from North Beverly station, on the Eastern rail- road ; a new house has been built and occupied by Andrew Dodge, whose mother, Nancy'^ Conant, was John's great-great-granddaughter. He served in King Phillip's war; was also a church member; m. May 7, 1678, Bithiah, dau. of Andrew Mansfield of Lynn; d. Sept. 30, 1724. Had 10 chn. Conant, Deborah'^, 5th child of John'^, b. Feb. 20, 1687-8; d. Apr. 13, 1763, in Concord, Mass.; m. John^ Darby, a son of John and Alice Darby, who was a fisher- man at Marblehead, Mass., 1677. This little book being an incomplete record of the descendants of Andrew Darby of Westminster, Mass., the author desires correspondence so that a more com- plete genealogy may be printed in a larger book. P. O. address, Keene, N. H. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 009 618 595 9 #