c. ':^^au'^,* ^0 -% *^y^^^' .V c- *^^^-^,* ,0 ^u. '.'* » • • ' **> '^>. is^'-- *>. * '■^, r.T» /v =1. A 0^ <>» t"^ if* -* - »V^. ^^ • I ^ '•. ** vs* , ,-1 r. <-P ,<^^' ...., '^<« < o 4 O V f j> y. . ■ O iV ..^" o • • '^oV^ , ^-t. < A^' '-V " V4> ^^ -^ ^ >». o. •.,.• aO' *♦*•...'" «t' "^o^ x'. ti. .♦ . -•• V ,v V. -^t, .t. O O .v. •*•- ,<>^ ,._-L.. O ^ J < ♦ s. FAMir.^' RECORDS OF TUB DBSCKNDANTS 1)1 (] K \< SIIO.M V I. A(i(; I HORN i;w| ()!• I WC \s I I K, \l \ss \(:i lUSFTTS. VNIIH O'lHI K (;IM \1 OC.ICAL RI-COKDS OI- 111 I- I- I,A(j(; I- A M 1 I ^' DHS<:ENnFI) FROM TiioM AS l'Li:(;(; oi W ah.kiown, Mass. ANT) IN( I I DIN*; T!!!' FT vr,r, I |\I \( il I\ I \( .1. \\|). "»^«pii.i;i) AM) riHiisiii:!) b^ NoKM \N (il KSIIOM IL\(;(; AM) Ltrff s C. s. n \(\() r; 7 I LIBRARY of CO'NohESS Two Copies Receivea DEC 14 ,907 ^ Ce(/yri«fit tntry ICLASS/a XXc. (Sj lU ^H€<1i COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY LUCIUS C. S. FLAGG. « t t I Cadogan-Hatcher Mfg. Cc Printers and Binders, Quincy. III. TO THE MEMORY OF THE BROTHERS EBENEZER FLAGG AND GFRSHONI FLAGG, Soldier Boys of '76. THIS WORK IS AFFECTIONATELY DEDICATED BY THEIR GREAT GRANDSONS. THE COMPILERS. CONTENTS PAGE Chapter I. THE DE FLEGGS in ENGLAND, 1160-1426 9 Chapter II. WILLIAM FLEGG and DESCENDANTS in ENGLAND, 1426-1637 13 Chapter III. FLAGG LINEAGE from THOMAS FLEGG, of WATER- TOWN, MASS., to GERSHOM FLAGG (born 1730), of LANCASTER, MASS., 1637-1758 18 Chapter IV. EBENEZER FLAGG, son of GERSHOM FLAGG of LAN- CASTER, MASS. and his DESCENDANTS, 1756-1906 34 Chapter V. GERSHOM FLAGG, son of GERSHOM FLAGG of LAN- CASTER, MASS. and his DESCENDANTS, 1758-1906 96 Chapter VI. DESCENDANTS of HENRY COLLINS FLAGG (born 1742) of Charleston, S. C, including his LINEAGE from JOHN FLAGG of BOSTON, MASS 121 Chapter VII. MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS of the FLAGG FAMILY 131 ALPHABETICAL INDEX of NAMES. 167 PREFACE It has been the purpose of the compilers of this book to print all obtainable facts concerning GERSHOM FLAGG (born 1730) of Lancaster, Mass., and his two sons, EBENEZER FLAGG« and GERSHOM FLAGG«, born in 1756 and 1758 respectively, including as complete a genealogical record of all their descendants as could be obtained, and also to publish all authentic information extant, relative to their direct ancestry. We have also included, in Capter VI, other descendants of John Flagg of Boston, Mass. (grandfather of Gershom Flagg born 1730), and in Capter VII miscellaneous genealogical records of the family. Each passing year adds to the value and interest of such information as this book contains, and it has been largely with a view of preserving our Flagg family history for our pos- terity that the compilers have undertaken this task. Facts known to-day may become mere tradition to-morrow, if no pains are taken to protect their authenticity. The preparation of this Record was really begun over thirty years ago, by Willard Cutting Flagg^ [65] of Moro, Ills., who was very desirous of perfecting the genealogy of the Flagg family, and who, by correspondence and investigations extending over several years, had collected, before his untimely death in 1878, a large portion of the family history which is now put in a per- manent form. The immediate cause of the appearance of this book is a letter written 10 Apr., 1903 by Lucius C. S. Flagg^ [820] to Norman Gershom Flagg" [71], reviving the correspondence begun by their fathers thirty years before and asking whether the genealogical facts collected by Willard C. Flagg were still obtainable. The compilers can not express too strongly their gratitude to Mr. J. C. L. Clark of Lancaster, Mass., for th^ valuable aid he Family Records has so cheerfully given thcni, in the investigation of old family iiistory, court records, etc. Without Mr. Clark's co-operation, some of the most interesting as well as valuable features of this book must have been omitted. In July, 1903, Mr. L. C. S. Flagg [820] and his wife visited the old-time homes of the Flaggs in Lancaster and in Boston, in quest of information, and were very maforially assisted in the work by Mr. Clark. While the task of gathering the facts contained in these family records has been arduous, it has also been an entertaining work, in which happily the most of the relatives have shown a very encouraging interest. By perusing the following pages, we may now locate all our cousins of Flagg descent, and they are found to be scattered throughout the length and breath of the land, from Maine to California, from southern Texas to Minnesota. The re-uniting of a father and only son who had lost all trace of one another for twenty-five years (in Capter IV) has been ample reward for the huge amount of correspondence required in compiling that Chapter. In a few instances, where repeated requests for information have brought no reply, we have been compelled to print an incomplete family record. As far as pos- sible, the compilers have tried to avoid the usual dryness incident to any collection of mere dates and names; many photographs have been inserted and short biographical sketches have been prepared of many relatives. In Chapter III will be found a picture of the FLAGG "Slate Rocks" in Lancaster, Mass.; in Chapter IV is a facsimile of the commission of Dr. Ebenezer Flagg as sergeant in the Revolutionary war. With the exception of two chapters, this family record is the joint work of the two compilers; Chapter IV, relating to Dr. Ebenezer Flagg, has been prepared by his great grandson Norman Gershom Flagg [71], and Chapter V, relating to Gershom Flagg, lias been prepared by his great grandson Lucius Collins Strong Flagg [820]. The records in Chapter \l have been largely fur- nished by Mr. Ernest Flagg, Architect, 35 Wall Street, New York. To their many cousins of Flagg descent, the compilers would express the fervent wish that their kinship, as revealed in these pages, may result in many and enduring friendships, among relatives heretofore unknown to one another. Family Records Numerous public records and various works, includin in. Francis, baptized at Whinbergh, 1617. IV. John, baptized at Whinber^h, 1620. The second son. THOMAS FLEGG, baptized at Whinbergh, 1615, sailed for America in 1637, when twenty-one years of age, and settled in New England, at Watertown, in the Province of Massachsetts Bay. He was the founder of the American branch known as the Flagg family. [See Chapter III]. 15 Family Records ARMS: Per pale, or and sable a chevron counterchanged. Crest: Two lions' gambs in saltire sable enfiled with laurel in orle, vert. [From Burke's Encyclopaedia of Heraldry]. These arms were borne by the family in Norfolk as late as 1768, and are on a mural tablet in Norfolk. The Fleggs who removed from Norfolk to Bray, in Berk- shire, also bore the arms. Burke's Encyclopaedia of Heraldry records these arms to "Flegg of Bray, county Berks," and also records the following arms: Flegg. Argent a chevron engrailed gu. Fleggh. Per pale, argent and or, on a chevron. (Another, engrailed) per pale, sable and azure a martlet of the second. Flegh, or Flight (London). Argent on a chevron engrailed sable between three ogresses, a fleur-de-lis between two conies of the first. Flegh. Argent on a chevron engrailed sable between three ogresses, each charged with a martlet or, a fleur-de-lis between two conies of the first. The "Return of Owners of Land, 1873" (commonly known as the Modern Domesday Book) records two Fleggs owning land in county Norfolk and three in London, in that year. Mr. William Martin Flegg and his son, Mr. James Minter Flegg, of the firm of Flegg and Son, SoUcitors, 3 Laurence Pountney Hill, Cannon Street, London, E. C, England, are of the county Norfolk family. Mr. James Minter Flegg is member for the ward of Dowgate ini the London Common Council. Shipdham, Whinbergh and Yax ham, parishes in Norfolk where the Fleggs resided, are situated! in close proximity to the town and parish of East Dereham and railway station of Dereham, 16 miles north-west of Norwich andi 123 miles north-east of London by rail. A "Gazateer of the British Isles, 1893," contains the follow- ing: j "East Dereham, market town and parish, Norfolk; parish, 5222 acres; population 5640; post office, called Dereham; 3 banks; market day, Friday." 16 I FLKGG Arms : Per pale or and sable a chevron counterchanged Crest : Two lions' gambs in saltire sable enfiled with laurel in orle, vert. [/iwrAc] OTK : When einblazoneil. the h'oii's gambs are black, laurel wreath Kreen, dotted portions jrolil and crosshatched portions black. Family Records "Flep;^;;, East and West, 2 Hundreds, Norfolk. East Flep;^, 13301 acres; population 5020; contains 9 parishes. West Flejifi, 157S6 acres; jM^j)uhition 4094; contains 13 parishes." "Fle^p;burfrh, 7 miles northwest of Yarmouth. Norfolk; post oflice. [liurfih ,St. Margaret and St. Mary]." '"Ilicklinf!;, parish and village, Norfolk, on Grantham canal; Hk miles south-east of North Walsham; 4334 acres; population S24; |K)st office; in vicinity of villatre is a lake called Hickling Broad [400 acres]; also Hickhnj; Staithe, with inn." "Scratby, hamlet, on coast of Norfolk, o miles north of Yar- mouth; railway station is CJreat Ormesby." "Shij)dluiin, parish and village, Norfolk; parish, 4500 acres; population 1520; village 4k miles south-west of Dereham; post ottice; has an important stock fair.'' "Swafield, parish, Norfolk, 2 miles northeast of North Wal- sham." "Whinbergh, parish, Norfolk, 3A miles south of Dereham; 1241 acres; population 226." "Wiggenhall, St. Germans, parish and village, Norfolk; parish 1219 acres; population 530; village on river Ouse, 4^ miles south-west of Kings Lynn; post office, called St. Germans." "Yaxham, parish and village with railway station, Norfolk, 2 miles south-east of Dereham; 1596 acres; population 489; post office." 17 Family Records CHAPTER III THE FLAGG LINEAGE FROM THOMAS FLEGG' OF WATERTOWN, MASS., TO GERSHOM FLAGG' (BORN J 730) OF LANCASTER, MASS. 1637-1758 The Genealo2;ical Dictionary of New England Settlers states that "Thomas Flegg of Watertown (Mass.) came as servant of' Richard Carver from Scratby in the hundred of East Flegg, Co. Norfolk, a few miles north of Yarmouth, where they emigrated) 1637." So his descendants must not claim that their ancestor came over in the Mayflower, neither will they claim that he was driven from England by the religious persecutions of the times. For, if the family tradition is correct, a love affair brought Thomas Flegg to New England. In the words of our kinsman Charles A. Flagg, of the Library of Congress, Washington, "The tradition of; Thomas is that he loved a girl in station below his own; their union was opposed by his family, so they decided to emigrate, and did so, coming in two vessels which sailed in company, and marrying soon after arrival. We do not know the maiden name of the wife Mary, nor date of marriage." ] "The record in Hotten gives Thomas Flegg as servant of Richard Carver. That he was not a servant in the usual meaning of the word is sufficiently attested by his appearing in Watertown very soon after as a landowner, and later serving as Selectmanj^ This was a post of real honor in the early days, and the social' distinctions were carefully observed. A more careful investiga-' tion than I have ever found time to make would probably show- that Flegg's relation to Carver was for the voyage only, and wag 18 Family Records necessitiited by some English law requirinji; that unmarried men below a certain age could not leave the country unless in the train of some man of family." j "At all events. I am told by those who have examinetl the Watertown records that Thomas wa.s not a very good Puritan, that he fell under church discipline more than once, so whatever I the cause of his emi<«;ratinfj;, it evidently was not for conscience's ' sake. ' ' We find further in Dr. Bond's History of Watertown, Mass., p. 219, that "ThomiLs Flcf^g settled in Watertown as early as 1641, and was probai)ly the ancestor of all families bearing that name in this country, llr was Selectman 1671. 74, 75. 76, 78, ^sl. 'S.'), and ST. He lost his left eye by a gunshot accident, .] previous to 1659." Thomas Flegg was a .son of Bartholomew Flegg, as mentioned ;lin the previous chapter, and was i)apti.sed in 1615. Leaving t Scratby, Englaml in l(>;i7. he sailed in either the "ROSE" or the "JOIIX and DORorilV" — the two ships .sailing in company. "A Register of persons about to pass into forraigne parts. A. 1). 1637. 13 Charles I. These people went to New England with William Andrews of Ipswich. Mr. (Master) of the John ami Dorothy of Ipswich, •"l and with William Andrews, his son, Mr. of the Rose, of Yarmouth. April 11, 1637. The examination of Richard Carucar, of ji Strathby, in the County of Norfolk, husbandman, aged 60 years, and Grace, his wife, aged 40 years, with two children. Elizabeth aged IS years, and Susanna aged 18 years, being twynnes. Mor. 3 servants, Isaace Hartt aged 22 years, and Thomas jl Flege aged 21 years, and one Marable Underwood, a mayd servant jl aged 20 years; goes all for New England, to inhabitt and re- maine." (From manuscript preserved in the State Paper department of His Majesty's Public Record Office, England). A 19 Family Records Whether this "Marable Underwood" is the "Mary", who married Thomas Fle^s soon after his arrival in Massachusetts is a matter of conjecture; for Thomas' sweetheart may have crossed the ocean in the other ship, or may not have been in Carver's family, if on the same vessel. Dr. Bond's History of Watertown states that Mary, wife of Thomas Fle^g was born 1619, which would make her two years younger than "Marable" was said to be. As to the location of Thomas Flegg's real estate holdina;s in Massachusetts, we find in Dr. Bond's History of Watertown:— "Thomas Flagg (Flegg) of Watertown, as early as 1641; died 1698; proprietor of two lots in 1644, one of which was the great Dividend lot of 20 acres granted to John Rose; the other, a homestall of 6 acres, bounded S. by Main St., W. by E. How, N. by J. Bemis, E. by R. Harrington." And on page 1092:— ' ' The next west of Harrington was the 6 acre homestall of Thomas Flagg (Flegg), and it was probably his permanent residence. He was not the original grantee of it, nor do the records show to w'hom it was granted. ' ' A map of the original allotments of land in Watertown is included in the History above quoted, and shows that Thomas Flegg's homestall of six acres was in the extreme south-west part of Watertown, one-half mile north of the Charles river and almost adjoining the tovv-n of Waltham, being on the "Sudbury road", now Main St. Thomas Flegg was never admitted "freeman", but was "released from training Apr., 165-, by paying the Co. 5s. per annum, and was fully released therefrom by the Covn-t 5 Apr., 1681, when his eldest son was 40 yrs. old." He died 6 Feb., 169S. and was probably buried in ' ' The Old Graveyard of Watertown, ' ' situated at the S. E. corner of Mt. Auburn St., and Grove St., that being the only cemetery in the vicinity of Watertown until 1704 (see Hist, of Watertown, p. 1043). The will of Thomas Flegg, dated 5 Mar., 1697 and proved 16 Feb., 1698, mentions only a part of his children, namely, the sons Thomas, Michael, Allen, and Benjamin, and the daughter Rebecca Cook (the eldest son Gershom was already dead). The 20 Family Records will of his wife Mary, dated 30 Dec, 1702 (the year preceding her death), mentions only the son Benjamin and the daughters Mary Bigelow, Elizabeth Bigelow, and Rebecca Cook, tSamuel Bigelots being executor. Eleven children were born to Thomas and Mary Flegg, the eldest being GERSHOM, with whose descendants this Record is particularly concerned. (See Chapter VII for complete list of Thomas Flegg's children and for explanation of change of spelling the name, Flegg — Flagg.) THE SECOND GENERATION IN AMERICA. LIEUT. GERSHOM ILAGG-'. The eldest son of Thomas Flegg was GERSHOM FLAGG, born in Watertown, Mass., 16 April. 1641. He settled in Woburn. Mass., and there married 15 April, 166S, Hannah Lepjx'ngicrll. who was born 6 Jan.. 1647-S in Woburn, the daughter of Mitchell Leppingwell. To this luiion ten children were born, of whom the third child .lOHN FL.VGG is the ancestor of the families in- cluded within this Record. Lieut. Gershom Flagg was admitted freeman in Watertown 27 May, 1676, and, according to North's History of Augusta, Maine, he was slain by Indians at Lamprey River, N. H., 6 July, 1690, — presumably while on an expedition against Port Royal, Acadia, in French territory. His widow married 10 Dec, 1696 Ensign Israel W^alker, whose first wife had died 9 Mar., 1694. (See Chapter VII for complete list of Gershom Flagg's children.) THE THIRD GENER.VTION IN AMERICA. JOHN FLAGGY Of Lieut. Gershom Flagg's ten children, the third child and third son was JOHN, who was born 25 May, 1673, probably in Woburn, Mass.; he moved to Boston about 1700, and died there about 1732, his will being proved 19 Dec. of that year. He married previous to 1700 Abiah Kornic, a native of England. He and his 21 Family Records wife sold land in Woburn in 1699, and in 1717 he purchased an estate on Hanover Street in Boston, of Samuel Vickers, where the American House now stands (1906). According to Dr. Bond's Watertown, John Flagg was a tanner. ' ' By his will he gave his negro boy Pompey to his son Eben- ezer forever, and his house and land on Hanover Street to his son Gershom, upon his paying the other heirs their respective portion of its appraised value. His wife died 3 Sept., 1715, and was buried in the Granary burying ground, Tremont Street, Boston, where a stone wdth an inscription marks her grave. Four of her children were buried by the side of her grave." (North's Augusta.) Lucius C. S. Flagg visited the grave of Abiah Flagg in 1904, and found it situated about midway between the tomb of John Hancock and that of Benjamin Franklin's parents, in what is now called the ' ' Old Granary Burying-ground. ' ' On her tombstone is inscribed: — "Here lyes ye body of Abiah Flagg, wife to John Flagg, d. Sept. 3, 1715." And on the headstones of four of the children appear the following:— "Mr. Gershom Flagg, died March 23, 1771, aged 66." ''Hannah Flagg, died Dec. 12, 1702, aged 1 yr. 8 mos." "Ebenezer Flagg, died Aug. 27, 1708, aged 4 yrs." "Thomas Flagg, died Sept., 1713, aged 1 yr." Regarding the bequests in John Flagg's will, Benjamin A. G. Fuller, himself a Flagg by descent (see Chapter VII), made the following comments before the New England Genealogical Society in 1872: — "This (the negro) was Ebenezer's sole inheritance, yet, with Pompey alone, he seems to have made some headway in the world, as he afterwards married Mary, the daughter of Gov. Samuel Ward, of R. I., and his oldest son (Henry Collins) married the widow of Washington Allston's father. Whether his father's bequest of the boy Pompey "forever" still holds good, I am unable to state. Gershom was the executor of his father's will, and came into possession and ownership of the homestead, which was situate upon the spot now occupied by the American House, on Hanover St." 22 OLD SLATE QUARRY Lancaster, Mass. [Photo by J. C. L. Clark]. Family Records John and Abiah Flapg were the parents of nine children, whose names are given in Chapter VII. Their third child was ELEAZER FLAGG, who we shall see later on was the grand- father of the two soldier boys of 76, Ebenezer and Gershora. Their seventh child was the Ebenezer Fhigg above mentioned as the owner of "Pompey", and this PZbenezer Flagg, of Boston, had a grandson Henry Collins Flagg. Jr., of Newport, R. I., whose granddaughter Alice Gwynne married Cornelius Vanderbilt and is the mother of Cornelius and Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt. (See Chapters VI and VII for full record.) THE FOURTH GENER.\TION IN .AMERICA. ELEAZER FLAGG*. Of ELEAZER FLAGG* little is known; he was born in Boston 12 Feb., 1703, and was at one time an inn-keeper there. In a deed of date 1740, we find Eleazer Flagg mentioned as a "Retail- or" of Boston. He purchased from Daniel Johnson and other heirs of Samuel Johnson deceased of Lancaster, 24 Nov., 1740, the famous slate- quarry property, situated four miles N. E. of Lancaster Center, in the extreme north end of the town, not far from the Shirley line. In the words of Rev. Peter Whitney in his History of Worcester Co.. published in 1793, "this slate pit is fine and valuable and perhaps inexhaustible, furnishing slate and tiles for the roofs of houses, and most excellent stones for graves. This was first discovered by a Mr. Flagg. The slates have been in use about forty years. The quarry is now (1793) owned by Joseph Wales. No slates equal to these have yet been discovered on the Continent. ' ' A. P. Mar\'in says of the slate-quarry (1878) : — It w-as sometimes called the Shaker quarry, perhaps because the Shakers (of the community of Shirley) w-ere employed to take the slate to Boston with great ox-teams. Facilities of transpor- tation enabled other quarrymen to undersell the owners, and the work ceased more than fifty years ago. The mine filled with "water and so remained till 1877, when a Welshman re-opened it, and found it to be one of the best slate-quarries in the world." 23 Family Records To these notes Mr. J. C. L. Clark, Town clerk of Lancaster (1904) adds:— "The Welshman's experiment must have been unsuccess- i ful, for some fifteen years ago, when I \isited the quarry, it was deserted and full of water, just as Willard describes it in 1826." By courtesy of Mr. Clark a recent photograph of this slate-quarry is placed in this Record. Partly as a matter of curiosity on ac- count of the quaint wording of the instrument, one of the five or six deeds (all of equal length), by which Eleazer Flagg became owner of the quarry, is here copied: Copy of Warranty Deed, Daniel Johnson et al to Eleazer Flagg (father of Gershom Flagg, b. 1730) to site of old slate- quarry near Lancaster, Mass. Worcester Co. Deeds, vol. 14, pp. 309-311. TO ALL PEOPLE unto whome this present Deed of Sale Shall Come Daniel Johnson of Lancaster in the County of Wor- cester & province of the ^lassachusetts Bay in New England Taylor one of the Sons & heirs of Saml. Johnson Late of Lan- : caster aforesaid Husbandman Deed. Intestate Sendeth Greeting Know ye that I the said Daniel Johnson for and in Consideration of the Sum of fifty pounds in Good publick Bills of Credit of the province aforesaid to me in hand at & before the Ensealing and Delivery of these presents well and Truly paid by Eleazer flagg of boston in the County of Suffolk & province aforesaid Retailor the Receipt whereof I the said Danl. Johnson Do hereby acknowl- edged (sic) have Granted Bargained Sold Aliened Enfeoffed Released Conveyed & Confirmed and by these presents Do fully & absolutely Grant Bargain Sell Aliene Enfeoffe Release Convey & Confirm unto him the sd. Eleazer flagg his heirs & assignes forever all the Right Title Interest Inheritance use possession property Claim and Demand whatsoever that I now have as one of ye Children & heirs of the Said Saml. Johnson Deed, or by any other ways or means hereafter may have of in & unto all ye Real Estate whereof my Said father Dyed Siezed & possessed being one full Sixth part in Comon & undivided of & in one hundred & Ten acres of Land Lying & being in the Town of Lancaster aforesaid Bounded on whites Brook So Called near unto Lunen- burg allso thre or four acres of Land Lying & being in woburn in 24 \ .i Family Records Said County of middlesex with all the Buildino;s & Improvements on the Said Lands Erected and all Rights & DiN-isions or any part thereof with all & Singular the priviledges & appurces there- unto belonging TO HAVE and TO HOLD the said Granted and Bargained premises with the appurces unto the Said Eleazer flagg his heirs and assigns to his and their only proper use Benefit & Behoofe for ever & I the Said Danl. Johnson for myself my heirs Execrs & Admrs Do Covenant Grant & agree to & with the Said Eleazer flagg his heirs & assigns by these presents in the manner following that is to say that at and untill the Ensealing & Dilivery of these presents I am the True Sole and LaA\'full owner of the Said Granted one Sixth part in Common and undivided of and in the Said Lands & premises with the appurces as one of ye heirs of the Said Saml. John.son Deed, as aforesaid «fc have full power Good Right & LawfuU Authorhy to Grant Sell and Dispose thereof in manner as aforesaid & that ye Said Granted & Bargain- ed premises with the appurces are free & Clear & Clearly acquit tetl Exonerated and Discharged of and from all manner of former & other Grants Bargains Sales Leases Releases mortgages Joyntures Dowries Judgments Executions Entails fines forfitures & of & from all other Titles Troubels Charges & Incumbrances whatso- ever (saving the thirds of the Said Saml. Johnson's widow in the whole of the Said Lands & premises During her Life & further that I the said Danl. Johnson my heirs Execrs and Admrs Shall & will warrant & defend the said Granted & Bargained one sixth part in Common & undivided of and in ye Said Lands and premises with ye appurces unto the Said Eleazer flagg his heirs & assignes for ever against the Lawful! Claims & Demands of all & Every person & persons whatsoever In witness where of I have hereunto Set my hand & Seal the 24th Day of novr. Anno Domini 1740 & in ye fourteenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by ye Grace of God of Great Brit tain f ranee & Ireland King Defender of ye faith & ct. Danl. Johnson & a seal Signed Sealed & DiUvd. in presence of us W Burroughs Caleb Lyman Deeds in same form as the foregoing from four other Johnson heirs, found in Worcester Co. (Mass.) Deeds, vol. 14, pp. 312-316, and also page 455. 25 Family Records As there has been some discussion among the Flagg des- cendants as to which of the Flaggs owned this "slate-rocks", Mr. Clark has examined all records very carefully. While GERSHOM FLAGG^ of Lancaster, with whom this Record especi- ally deals, never was owner of the property, his father certainly was, of which the foregoing deeds are sufficient evidence. At the death of Eleazer Flagg in 1749, to avoid a forced sale of the Lancaster property, the Court settled this ' ' slate-rocks ' ' together with other real estate upon Eleazer 's daughter Mary, wife of Garven (Gawen) Brown. Upon Mary's death soon after, Eleazer's brother Gershom Flagg (b. 1705) purchased the Lancaster real estate from G. Brown, and he in turn bequeathed it to his son Gershom (b. 1743), who moved from Lancaster to Clinton, Maine, in 1789, selling the quarry to Joseph Wales. The poetess, Hannah Flagg Gould, a grand-daughter of Gershom Flagg (b. 1705), mentions the slate-rocks in her prose volume * ' Gathered Leaves. ' ' Eleazer Flagg married Mary Buck, of Scituate, presumably in the spring of 1724, for their intentions of marriage were declared 17 Feb., 1724 (From Boston Marriages from 1700 to 1751). He probably passed his entire life in Boston, and his son William lived in the Boston home after his father's death in 1749; the son GERSHO^P [1] lived on the Lancaster farm, as is shown by memoranda of the estate. At Eleazer Flagg's death, his brother Gershom (b. 1705) administered the estate, according to the Suffolk Co. Mass. Registry of Probate, case 9832:— " 15 Oct., 1749, Gershom Flagg, of Boston, housewright and glazier, appointed administrator of the estate of his brother, Eleazer Flagg, late of Boston, innholder. Bondsmen, Joseph Callender and Joseph Callender, Jr., bakers." A complete list of the real and personal property of Eleazer Flagg has been furnished, through the kindness of Mr. J. C. L. Clark, of Lancaster, and is as follows: An Inventory of the Estate of Mr Eleazr Flagg In houlder late of Boston Deceased as apprizd by us the Subscribers Being appointed by Edwd Hutchinson Esq and is as follows viz in His late Dwelling House 26 Family Records 1 Case of Draws & table & Steps £16. & 1 walnut Desk £14 £ 30- 0.0 1 Round table 70s & 8 maple Chairs horse feet @30s ^ 15.10.0 1 larf^e looking Glass with a gould Edg £30. & one Ditto plane walnutt frame £25 55.. 1 Small Ditto with lackerd frame £8. & 3 bedstids 40s 10. 2 old Ovell tables at 20s ^ & 6 Chares & 1 Elbow Ditto £6 8. Sundry Suits of old apparrell & 2 pair hose all 51. 1 prospective Glass 60 & 8 pictures at 12d ^ 3. 8. 1 Dear Skin 40s & 4 Calf Skins at 20s '^ 6. 1 large Bible 40 halfpenys plan Book & the Roman History 40 4 . 1 Silver Spoon 80 & 13 old Books 52s 6. 12. 1 Suit of old Curtains & for 2 windows 70s & 4 pr of old Sheats @ 60s ^ 15.10.0 2 pillow cases at 4s & 2 old table Cloaths 10s for Both IS. 5 Ruggs at 40s ^ and 5 Blanketts 80 all 14. 1 large Copper frying pan £10. & 28 old Chares £10.... 20. 1 broken gun 40s 2 Crosscut saws at 40s & 1 Chaphen Dish 15s 6.15. 2 pick axes 1 Shod Shovel & Beatle 60s 1 Standing Candle Stick 60 6. 6i of Lead at 12d & 2 Cuttlasses 1 shave & Cartoos box 20 1- 6.9 1 pr of woolcards 15s a pair fiatt Irons & Stand 40s.... 2. 15. 1 old Sqr table 20s a warming pan 20s a small chest 25s 3 . 5 . 2 Brass Kettles 2 Skillets & 1 Cover wt 44^ at 10s ^ pound 22. 5. 93 pound old puter at 9s ^ pound & 1 brass ladel 6 42 . 3 . 1 Tea kettle 50s & 3 Iron potts 70s a Disk kettle 25s 7.5. 1 Jack with weights &c. £10. Spitt & Dripping pan 50s 12 . 10. 2 Trammels 1 Gridiron and a pair kitchen Doggs 60 3. 2 old tables 15s a pair large Bellos 40s 1 morter & pesle 10 — 3. 5. Sundry meat tubbs pickle potts & old Cask in Cellr 60 3 . 2 old potts with Sundrys old Iron 300 wt @ 12d ^..- 15. 4 fether beds Boulsters & pillows as follows viz — 27 Family Records No. 1 1 bed 2 boulsters & 1 Pillow all wd 53 pounds at 10s ^ 26 . 10 . No. 2 1 Ditto & 1 boulster wd 55 pounds at 10 27 . 10 . No. 3 1 Ditto 1 Boulster & 2 pillows wd 52 pounds @ 10s ^... - 26. No. 4 1 Ditto 1 Boulster wd 50 pound @ 10 ^ 25. a negro man named Prince 200. To the House & land in Hawkins Street at N Boston 500. This in Old tenr money £1173. 7.9 Lawful mo 156. 2. Increase Blake Benja Salisbury Appraisers Saml Edwards Nov. 7 1749 Note: — Evidently the "negro man" was of greater com- mercial value than the appraisers supposed, as the administrator's account shows that he was sold for £125 new or "lawful" tenor. an Invintory of the Estate of Mr Eleazr Flagg of Boston inhoulder Deceasd now Laying in the Town of Lancaster & in the County of Worcester viz one Dwelling House & Barn with one hundred & forty four acres of Land with the Improvements &c £2000. 0.0 Six acres of Slate Eleven acres of Swamp & nine acres of (pine)t plain at £5 ^ acre 135.* one horse £5 two oxen £55 & three Cows £55 115. 5 young Calves £33 . & 5 Sheep @ 30s 3 pigs @ £5 . ^ 55 . * 1 Cart & new wheels £20. one Grindstone £6. & one Large logg Chane 78 wt at 3 ^ £11.14 ^ 37.14. 2 water potts 60 & 2 guns 80 a pick hoe & 3 fish Gigs 50 9.10. 75 bushells Indn Corn @ 20s & 9 Bushll beans ©30 88. 10. 1 Sadie £12. three Shovels 40 two Spaids at 30 18.10.* 1 old Iron kettle 20s 1 Small Ditto 15s an Iron pot & hok 50s 4.5. 1 Tramell 30 1 Small Chane 30 a pair flat Irons 60 6 . tThe word "pine" is crossed out in the original. ♦These results are obviously wrong. 28 * Family Records 1 pair Larg hand Irons of 50 wt at 4s apn Tongs & Slice 20 11- 1 Chaphin Dish 5 • ^• 2 fethr Bed & 2 boulsters 117 wt at 10s 1 Ditto 65 tb at 8s -^ 84.10. 6 IMankets at 30s & 2 Coverlids at 25s a pair sheets 20 undr bed 20 13 . 10 . 1 Bedstid & Cord 40s 1 Ditto 20s & 6 Chares at 12s a Case Draws 80s 10 . 12 . 6 Rowls of paper £15. one Copper porrage pott £5.- 20. 3 Dishes 12 plaits 35 lb at 12s ^- with 1 bason 1 Quart & 6 Spoons 21 . 1 Dozn & half best new plaits at £12. an Iron bason 20s 19 , 2 Copper Stew pans 21 11j & 1 Copr kittle 6^ tb ut 10 i^ 13.15. 1 Large brass kettle 264 wt price £12. one large grid- iron 40 14. 1 Coffey pott & 3 Candle sticks 20s 9 knives 6 forks 25 2.5. 1 draft Chane 70s one pair Sheep Shuirs 5 & 4 Iron hoes 60 6- 15- 1 large mill Saw £5. 1 froe & Chisell 50 7. 10. 195 ft of Iron Rings & Crows & mill Geir at 3 ^ 29. 5. 272 lb of Iron Crank and hinge &C at 2 27. 4. 1 pick ax 25s one Cow bell 40 and a yoak Ring &c 1 3-15. £2753.15.0 old tenr Lancaster Januar 3d 1749 50 This above as aprizd by us Being Appointed & Sworn By Peter Atherton Esqr Joshua Phelps John White Daniel Willard To Eleazer Flagg and Mary (Buck) Flagg were born six children: I. Eleazer, b. 6 Nov., 1725; m. Arabethiah; d. in London about 1751-2 probably without issue. ♦These results are obviously wrong. 29 Family Records II. Mary, b. 18 Mar., 1728; m. Garven (Gawen) Brown; d prior to July, 1760. III. GERSHOM of LANCASTER, b. 10 June, 1730. (See next record). IV. William, b. 10 July, 1732; m. 22 Apr., 1756 Sally Mecom, a niece of Benjamin Franklin; his eldest child was Josiah Flagg (b. 1760), Town Clerk of Lancaster, Mass., for thirty four years. V. Sarah, b. IS July, 1733; m. John Newman of Boston. VI. Abiah, b. 2 Jan., 173-; m. Jacob Homer of Boston. While Lancaster was, at one time, the home of a number of Flagg families, there is now (1906) no one of that name living there; two children of the above named Josiah Flagg (b. 1760), being grandchildren of Eleazer's son William (b. 1732,) namely, Sally Flagg (b. 19 Nov., 1791) and Samuel Ward Flagg (b. 22 Apr., 1803) were the last Flaggs to live in Lancaster. In Feb., 1853, Willard Flagg Bliss [316] visited them in South Lancaster, and obtained much valuable genealogical history from them, which has been of assistance in compiling this book. Samuel Ward Flagg died in 1871 and Sally Flagg died in 1881, aged 90 years, the last of the Lancaster Flaggs. , THE FIFTH GENERATION IN AMERICA. GERSHOM FLAGG^ OF LANCASTER. [1] GERSHOM FLAGG^ third child and second son of Eleazer and Mary (Buck) Flagg, was born 10 June, 1730, pre- sumably in Boston, for his parents lived in that city many years j prior and subsequent to that date. He was a house wright and * a slater by trade, and moved to Lancaster, Mass., before attaining , his majority. Why Gershom Flagg left Boston to make his home - in Lancaster, we can only surmise, but at least two reasons seem ] evident. First, his father Eleazer Flagg had, in 1740, purchased the "Slate-Rocks!' situated four miles from Lancaster Center: and a second and more sentimental reason is suggested by the follow- ing record, copied from the Lancaster Register of births, deaths and marriages: 30 Family Records "Gershom Flagp; entered his intentions of marriage with Mary Willard, Nov. ye 14, 1750." [Lancaster Register.] They were married ''Dec. ye 6, 1750, by Jos. Wilder, Junn." Mary Willard was the daughter of Aaron and Mary Willard, of Lancaster, and was born 21 Jan., 1729. In a letter dated Lee, N. H., 13 Feb., 1853, after a \dsit to Lancaster, Willard Flagg Bliss [316] wrote as follows concerning the old homestead of his greatgrandfather Gershom Flagg [1]: "I was shown where the barn stood, where the tree stood which bore such great plums and the apple trees still bearing from which our ancestors ate. Our greatgrandfather is described as 'a spare light-complected man straight as a candle and a great hand for business.' I drank from the old well which is said to be sunk several feet into the solid rock; it is said in summer to be the best water in Massachusetts. I have a piece of the slate which came from the roof of the old house and which our great- grandfather probably made with his own hands." While slating the house of Dr. Gardner, of Boston— according to the family tradition this house was situated l)etween Boston and Lancaster— Gershom Flagg fell and was killed. He is said to have worn a cape-coat, while on the roof on a windy day, and was blown off, striking upon his feet, but lived only long enough for his wife to reach him. He died 28 Dec, 1758, aged twenty- eight years. The widow Mary (Willard) Flagg was admitted administra- trix of the estate of "Gershom Flagg. late of Lancaster, house- wright, deceased," on the fifth of Feb.. 1759, her bondsmen being Simon Willard and Nathaniel Willard, yeomen. S Feb.. appraisers were appointed, and 28 May, their inventory was filed. Through the kindness of J. C. L. Clark, Town Clerk of Lancaster (1906), it is possible to give below a very quaint and interesting copy, verbatim, of the inventory of Gershom Flagg's personal estate: — (Worcester Co. Probate Records, series A, case 21214). Lancaster, Feby. 16, 1759 Persueant to ye Above Commission we the Subscribers have aprised all the Estate of Gershom Flagg Late of Lancaster Decest. Shown to us an Invontary Which is as follows Vist. 31 Family Recoeds 1. The Notes & Bonds at Intrist - £166 . 17 . 10 2d. The Armory Gun Boyonett and Cutlash 1 . 13. 3d. The apearrile - - 2. 3. 4 4. The Household furniture 16.12. 4| 5. Books & Pamphlets. - - 1.19. U 6th. Carpenters & Joyners Tools. 7.19. 8 7. Line Stock.... - 3. 6. 8 8th. Out. Door. Mouables 3. 18. Hi Total! £204. 10. Hi P S came to hand Sundry other things two Province Notes — £ 40. 0. to what is due on Book 2.13. 4 to one Coat 0. 8. to a wig .- - - 0.15. to fine Plates - 0. 2. to a Shop - --- 2. 2. to Eight hundred of boards - - 0.16. to two pair of Chisels 0. 4. £ 47. 1. Josiah White Hooker Cosgood Benja Ballard The administratrix's account was accepted 7 Aug., 1761. Gershom Flagg's widow married again 17 Sept., 1761 to William Phelps, and lived in Lancaster until her death 22 Sept., 1807 (according to letter of that date written by her nephew Josiah Flagg to her son Ebenezer Flagg, — letter in possession of Mrs. Mary Willard Flagg-Gillham, Wanda, Ills., 1906). There can be little doubt that both Gershom Flagg and his wife were buried in a Lancaster cemetery, but no stones can be found to mark the location of their graves. The children of Gershom and Mary (Willard) Flagg were: I. Mary, born 27 April, 1753; she married John Baker- and had three children:— John K., Thomas, and Charles. John 32 Family Records K. Baker was a printer in Burlington, Vermont, in 1800, and published the "Northern Sentinel" in 1801; he subsequently moved to Plattsburg, N. Y., where he was proprietor of a hotel. Azariah C. Flagg [4] was a printer's apprentice under him from 1801 to 1806. II. EBENEZER FLAGG, born 7 April, 1756 [2] (see Chapter IV.) III. GERSHOM FLAGG, born 11 April, 1758 [601] (see Chapter V.) When Gershom Flagg" of Lancaster [1] died, 28 Dec, 1758, from a fall while slating a roof, he left a widow Mary (Willard) Flags and three young children,— the daughter Mar>'« aged five years, the son EBENEZER" [2] aged two and one-half years, and the infant son GERSHOM" [601] eight months old. Aaron Willard, brother of Mary (Willard) Flagg, was, at her request, appointed guardian of the children. Mary, Ebenezer, and Gershom, as is shown by the following petition: "to John Chandler Esqr. Judge Pro for Worcester County, I desire my Bro Capt Aaron Willard may he appointed Guardian to my three Children by late husband Gershom Flagg late of Lan- caster, houseicright Deed. (dated) March 17, 1759 (signed) Subsequently, 9 Jan., 1771, Abel Willard of Lancaster was appointed guardian of Mary and Ebenezer, and 31 March, 1773, of Gershom also. (Worcester Co. Probate Records, Series A, Case 21, 178). 33 Family Records CHAPTER IV EBENEZER FLAGG (born 1756) AND HIS DESCEND- ANTS, COMPLETE TO J906. It is probable that Ebenezer Flago; spent his entire youth in Lancaster, Mass. No further record of him is obtainable until 1775, when he enlisted in the Continental Army. Inasmuch as the Mass. War Records and the Government Records in Wash- ington differ slightly in describing Ebenezer Flagg's service during the Revolution, both records are here given complete: (From Vol. V, page 749, Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of Revo- lutionary War, published by Secretary of the Commonwealth, Boston.) "FLAGG, EBENEZER, Lancaster (also given Harvard)— private, Capt. Jno. Prescott's Co., which marched to alarm of Apr. 19, 1775 to Cambridge, service 8 days; also. Private, Capt. Jas. Burt's Co., Col. Asa Whitcomb's regiment; muster roll dated Aug. 1st, 1775, service 1 month, 1 day; also, same Co. and regt.; Co. return (probably Oct., 1775) reported enlisted into the train May 24, 1775; also, Capt. Jno. Pokkin's Co., Col. Richard Gridley's (artillery) regt; company receipt for advance pay, dated Winter Hill, July 14, 1775; also same Co. and regt., muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; enlisted May 24, 1775, service 2 mo., 13 da.; also same Co. and regt., Co. return dated Sept. 27, 1775, residence Harvard; also same Co. and regt., order for bounty coat or its equivalent in money, dated Winter Hill, Jan. 13, 1776; also return of men raised to serve in the Continental army from Capt. Jno. White Jrs. Co., 2nd Worcester Co. regt., dated Lancaster, Dec. 20, 1777; residence Lancaster, engaged for town of Lancaster, joined Capt. Bryant's Co., Col. Grain's regt., term 3 years; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barder, muster master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, Mar. 30, 1777, Col. Grain's regt.; also, 34 Family Records descriptive list of men raised to reinforce Continental army for the term of six months, agreeable to resolve of June 5, 1780, re- turned as received by Justin Ely, Comm'r., by Brig. Gen. John Glover at Springfield, July 13, 1730, age 24 years, stature 6 ft., 1 inch, complexion light; engaged for town of Lancaster, marched to Camp July 13, 1780, under Capt. Thos. Pritchard; also list of men raised for six mo. service and returned by Brig. Gen. Pater- son as having passed muster in a return dated Camp Totoway, Oct. 25, 1780; also Sergeant pay roll for 6 months, men raised by town of Lancaster for service in the Continental army during 1780, marched to West Point July 14, 1780, discharged Dec. 23, 1780, service 5 mo., 9 days." From the office of the Military Secretary. War Dept., Wash- ington, D. C, is obtained the following record of Ebenezer Flagg: EBENEZER FLAGG served as a sergeant of Captain Benja- min Frothingham's Company ( of which John Bryant was cap- tain-lieutenant), 3rd Artillery Regiment, Continental Troops, commanded by Colonel John Crane, Revolutionary war. He was enlisted January 1, 1777, for three years, and his name ap- pears on a muster roll of the company dated at Springfield. May 2, 1778, which shows him "sick in hospital"; also that he served as a sergeant of the 10th Massachusetts Regiment, commanded by Colonel Thomas Marshall, Revolutionary war. He was en- listed July 13, 1780, for the term of six months, and was discharged December 10, 1780. In August, 1851, Ebenezer Flagg's eldest son Artemas [3] presented his nephew Willard C. Flagg [65] with a revolutionary relic, in the shape of an order, dated Springfield, Oct. 17, 1777, over the signature of "John Bryant, Capt.", commanding "the bearer Ebenezer Flagg sergeant in my company" to arrest a deserter. This document is (1906) in possession of Norman Gershom Flagg [71], ]Moro, Ills., as is also the original Commis- sion of his greatgrandfather Ebenezer Flagg as sergeant in the "Cols. Company of Foot," of the 10th Mass. Regiment; both documents are still partly legible, and a photograph of the Com- mission is printed herewith, slightly reduced in size from the original, and reads as follows: 35 Family Records "Reposing Special Trust and Confidence in Your Prudence & Good Conduct By the Authority Reposed in me By the Hon. the Congress of the United States, I Do by these Presents Appoint You The Second Sergeant to the Col's. Compy. You Are Therefore Carefully & Diligently to Discharge the Duty of a Sergt. By Doing & Performing All Manner of Things thereunto Belonging & I Do Strictly Charge & Require All N on-Commissioned Officers & Soldiers Under Your Command to be Obedient to your Orders as Sergeant & You Are to Observe & Follow Such Orders & Directions From Time to Time as You Shall Receive from me or Any of Your Superior Officers According to the Rules & Discipline of War In Pursuance of the Trust Reposed in you For Which This Shall be your Sufficient Warrent Given Under My Hand at A?'ms, Orange Town, Aug. the ISth, 1780 Nathl. Winslow, Maj. Com. ' ' Ebenezer Flagg was born in Lancaster, Mass., 7 Apr., 1756, and died in Richmond, Vt., 17 Feb., 1828. Soon after the Revo- lutionary war, he moved from Mass. to Vermont, Rutland Co.; the exact date is unobtainable, but is was previous to 1785. Our only information as to his personal appearance is obtained from the above quoted war record, stating that he was six feet one inch in height and of light complexion. He is supposed to have studied and practiced medicine, even while serving in the army, and is addressed as "Doctor" by his cousin Josiah Flagg, of Lancaster, Mass., in a letter written 25 Apr., 1784. He was "Doer. Ebenezer Flagg", of Clarendon, Rutland Co., Vt. on 21 May, 1785. Before 1789 he had removed to Orwell, Vt.; for on 29 Jan., 1789, he bought of Eliphalet Smith 46^ acres land for £100. lawful money, situate in Orwell. He purchased 50 Acres more 8 Apr., 1796, from Frederic Owens for £65, in the same locality. While living in Orwell, he married Elizabeth Cutting, of Shoreham, Vt., b d. 17 May, 1838, at Richmond, Vt. About the autum of 1799, he removed to a permanent home in Richmond, Vt., where he purchased a partially improved farm, and spent the remainder of his life, practicing his profession and farming. 36 > o r m o -n o o 2 w C/l o V - s • \ J'.^'K-N \: . ^ K Si % V Jv ■> s. V \ S*^ X - V ' ■i.. •*rN ."^.v V V Family Records Ebenezer Flaj^K was ' ' a man of strict honesty, who did a great amount of business for other people, even to the neglect of his own. This was the reason, so said one of his sons, he never ac- cumulated more property, and used to be a source of some diffi- culty between him and his wife. She often sai.l he did more business for his neighbors than for himself." (Extract from letter of his grand.son Gershom H. Flagg [18]); also from the same source the following: "The old Flagg homestead (at Richmond, Vt.) was partly cleared when Grandfather bought it; the buildings he put on him- self, also the orchard; it is nearly gone (1875), a few trees are bearing yet. The house has been taken down and built over, the barn is still standing, the well is goo.l. The land owned by Grandmother is now owned by an Iri-shman named Clarrk. and the farm has all gone out of our name." The old home was six miles from the village of Richmouel, on the Hinesburgh road, and its exact location is still known. "There u.setl to be, on the old road, two large trees that were shade for the old Flagg homestead, and the cellar was there for years; I used to visit the place when I was a youngster." (Letter from Ralph E. Jones [32] a great-grand.^on). Ten nnles from the village, in the OKI Hill Cemetery, onahigh hill conunand- ing a most beautiful view of the Winooski valley, are buried the remains of Ebenezer Flagg and Elizabeth his wife. Issue: [3] 1. ARTEMA8, b. 17 Feb., 1780. Family No. 3. [ 4] 2. AZAUIAH CUTTING, b. 28 Nov., I7l)(). Family No. 4. [ ,-)] 3. GERSHOM. b. 26 Nov., 1792. Family No. 5. [ (3] 4. MARY ANN. b. 24 Oct., 1794, Orwell, Vt.. d. 25 Dec, 1857, Rochelle, Ills. [ 7] 5. SEMANTHY, b. 22 Nov., 17%, (Ho.\dley). Family No. 7. [ 8] 6. KEZIAH. b. 7 Aug.. 1798, Orwell. Vt., d. 16 Nov.. 1821, Richmond, Vt. [ 9] 7. LUCY DOUGLAS, b. 27 Dec, 1800, (Buell). Family No. 9. [10] 8. ELIZA WAIT, b. U Aug., 1802, (Bliss-Liscum). Family No. 10. 37 Family Records [11] 9. ROANA, b. 7 April, 1804, (Pierce-Hodgman). Family No. 11. [12] 10. WILLARD PARKER, b. 8 June, 1808. Family No. 12. [13] 11. THOMAS WAIT, b. 14 Feb., 1813. Family No. 13. The first six children were born in Orwell, Vt., the remainder in Richmond, Vt. Mary Ann Flagg [6] and Keziah Flagg [8] died unmarried. ^^-^--^^ y/j. ESTATE OF EBENEZER FLAGG, RICHMOND. AN INVENTORY of the Estate of Ebenezer Flagg late of Richmond in the County of Chittenden, deceased, appraised upon oath by us the subscribers duly appointed to that service by the Hon. Truman Chittenden, Esq., Judge of the Court of Probate for the District of "Chittenden, \dz: REAL ESTATE. 187 Acres of land and the buildings thereon standing situate in Richmond aforesaid, estimated at $1200.00 PERSONAL ESTATE. One red white-faced cow with calf - $ 14.00 One black do do 15.00 One red white-faced do farrow 14.00 One red cow and calf..— 14.50 One pair of two-year-old steers 16.00 One Black two years old Heifer 7.00 One brown do do 7.00 One bug-horned do do 7.00 One red line-backed do 6.00 Two small yearling heifers 5.00 One old white Mare, with foal 10.00 One bay horse four years old 58.00 One rone mare, do 42.00 38 Family Records One gray mare two years old 25.00 One Yearling Colt 10.00 30 Sheep, at 8J pr head 51 . 12 4 live hogs at 9. 40 One two-horse Waggon .— 25.00 Horse harness in all valued at 16.00 $ 352.02 One two-horse Sleigh at $ 16.00 Two Pitchforks, at .50, one Dung fork .75 1.25 One Potato Rake @ .75, at 75 41 lb. of Harrow Teeth at .09 cts 3.69 16 rb. of Chain at 1 .50 one grass Scythe (a" .50 2.00 One Iron Bar, 1.75 one Axe @ .75 2.50 Two old Axes and Iron Wedge .34 Two Hoes 40 cts. Clevy and Pin. 25 cts... .65 Two beetle rings 40 cts. SUmI and tongs. 1 .00 1 .40 One Man's Saddle 6 . 00 One Woman's Saddle ... 2.00 Set of one-horse Waggon boxes and Wand.-^ 1 .00 One pair of Andirons 1 .50 1 paid of Sad Irons. 75 cts. one inch Augur, 25 1 .00 One set of Measures 1.00 One Cook stove apparatus and pipe 32.00 One l)roken five pail kettle, 1 .00 1 .00 One baking Kettle 1.00, one Do. small. .50 1.50 One Peter Kettle 50, one Tea do. 50, one Spider 50c 1 .50 One Frying pan .34 one brass kettle 5.00 5.34 One small Do. 2.00 one Iron Dish Kettle 25 2.25 One Nail Hannuer (5) .25, one old French Gun 2.00 2.25 Two Hay Rakes .34, one Iron Mortar tt Pestle .50 .84 10 Tons of Hay in the barn at 40.00 21 Bushels of Oats 5.25, five bushels of Pease 2.50 7.75 23 Bushels of Corn 11.50 30 Sap Tubs 2.00. 1500 feet of Clapboards, 10.00... 12.00 Three meat tubs 3.00, two Wash Tubs 1 .00 4.00 One Keeler, .34, one Bread Trough, .34 .68 39 Family Records Three Milk Pails .75, two Water Pails, .50 1.25 One gallon Bottle .40, One Churn .50 - .90 S 165.84 3 Corn Baskets 75, One Cheese Baskets 20 $ .95 4 other Baskets, .80, Two Willow, Do. .50 1.30 One Woolen Wheel, 1.00, one Linen do. 1 .00 - 2.00 One Clock reel .34, Eleven Kitchen Chairs 4.40 4.74 One Loom quilt-wheel and apparatus - 10.00 One full Leaf Cherry table 3.00, one Pine Bureau 3.00- 6.00 One Wooden Clock 3 . 00, Three Bedsteads and cords 5.00 8 . 00 One feather bed pillows and straw tick .— - 13.00 Two other beds pillows and ticking, at - 12.00 Seven Bed-quilts 12 . 00, two Comforters, 5 . 00 17 . 00 One Birds eye Coverlet 3.00 Two Curza Blankeys.. 3.50 Ten Flannel Sheets 11.00, Seven Linen Sheets 7.00.. 18.00 20 Pillow cases 5.00, three Towels 1 .00 6.00 Two Table cloths 2.00, 108 lbs. Flax 8.64 10.64 Four Meal Bags 1.00, 12 tin Milk pans, 3 4.00 All other tinware 1 .87 Brown earthen at 1 .00 2.87 Crockery, at 1.50, Glassware at 1.25 2.75 One Sled .75 one Pine Cupboard 1.50. 2.25 Three tierces 1.75, Six Cider Barrels 2.00... 3.75 Seven barrels of Cider 5 . 75, 40 bushels Potatoes, 6 . 67.... 12 . 42 150 lbs. of Pork at 8 ct.. 12.00 WEARING APPAREL OF THE DECEASED. One loose coat 1.00, one close coat 1.50 2.50 Two pair Pantaloons 2.00, One Vest .50 2.50 $ 161.17 165.84 352.02 Total -$ 679.03 Dated at Richmond this 15th day of May, A. D. 1828. John Fay Appraisers. Josiah Thompson (Vol. XIV. pp. 386, 7 & 8, Probate Records District of Chit- tenden, Vt.) 40 ec^ [3] Family Records THE ARTEMAS FLAGG FAMILY, 3. [3] ARTEMAS FLAGG^ eldest child of Ebenezer" and Elizabeth (Cutting) FlagK, wa^ born 17 Feb., 1789. at Orwell, Vt., died 14 Aug., 1874, at Richmond. Vt. He m. 6 Sept.. 1817 Betsey Squires, b. 29 Jan., 1792. d. 4 Mar., 1866; she was the dau. of Stephen and Bethia (Bishop) Squires. Artemas Flagg was a farmer all his life, and held many local offices of trust. In the War of 1812, he was a Sergeant in Capt. Hunt's Co. of Vermont militia; was a member of the \'ermont Legislature in 1836-7. and was twice a member of the Convention for revising the State Constitution. He was a voluminous letter- writer, and many of his interesting letters, written in the 1830's, 40's, and 5U's are still extant. "There was not a year, during the active part of Father's life, l)Ut what he held othce of some kind, by election or appoint- i^ent,— selectman, as.se.ssor. road-commi.ssioner, .lu-stice of the Peace, and administrator in settling estates. He left an estate of $7000. ; 1 think the same might be said of him as of Grand- father (Ebenezer").— that the great amount of publick busine.ss that he did, for small pay. wius a reason for his never accumulating more property.— this may l)e a good fault." (Extract from letter of Artemas' son Gershom H. Flagg [1^] to Willard C. Flagg [6.5], Moro. Ills., 19 Apr., 1875). The five children of Artemas Flagg were all noted singers, especially the eldest son Lucius H. [14]. who "is said by Boston people to be one of the best bass singers in New England." (Ex- tract from letter of 15 Apr., 1849). "Lucius, Gershom, and the girls (Mary and Caroline) are engaged in giving concerts of vocal music. They intend giving concerts at Charlotte and a number of the lake towns this week, and may travel through this state and some part of York State this summer. Azariah is a first-rate tenor singer, and I expect will join them in the fall, if they prosper and like the business. Gershom has taught singing this winter four nights in a week in Hinesburgh and Richmond. They have 41 Family Records done considerable singing for the temperance cause in this country, but were unable to answer all the calls made on them. ' ' (Letter to Gershom Flagg [5]). Artemas Flagg spent his latter years with his son Azariah C. [15] at Richmond, Vt., where he died 14 Aug., 1874. Issue: [14] 1. Lucius Harrington, b. 19 Oct., 1818. Family No. 14. [15] 2. Azariah Cutting, b. 11 Mar., 1820. Family No. 15. [16] 3. Mary Jane, b. 1 June, 1822; d. 24 Jan., 1883, unm. [17] 4. Caroline EHzabeth, b. 22 Oct., 1823. Family No. 17. (Jones). [18] 5. Gershom Hannibal, b. 9 Oct., 1825; d. 17 May, 1879, unm. Note No. 18. 14. [14] LUCIUS HARRINGTON FLAGG«, son of Artemas [3], b. 19 Oct., 1818, Richmond, Vt., d. 8 May, 1878, Paw Paw, Ills. Was a blacksmith in Williston, Vt., several years, and removed Oct., 1850 to Paw Paw, Ills., where he followed the same trade, and was Justice of the Peace for fifteen years. Was a famous bass-singer; traveled in New England with the original "Peake Family" of singers, and later in Ills., he sang with the Hosmers. He m. 25 Mar., 1841 Almira E. Chittenden, a very talented woman and a close relative of Thos. Chittenden, first Gov. of Vermont. She was b. 23 Aug., 1818, Williston, Vt., d. 17 Au 1885, at Paw Paw, Ills. Issue: Thomas Wait, b. 25 Aug., 1842. Family No. 19. Jerome Willard, b. 17 Oct., 1844. Family No. 20. Evelyn Louisa, b. 16 Apr., 1847. Family No. (Thompson) . tTJ [19] 1. :2o: 2. [21] 3. [22] 4. :23: 5. ;24: 6. Edward, I ^ d. 19 Aug., 1852. Ellen, i^- ^^ ^P'-' ^^^^'J d. 29 Aug., 1852. Anna Elizabeth, b. 6 Nov., 1855. Family No. 24. (Snover) . [25] 7. Lucia Genevieve, b. 11 Jan., 1860, d. 19 Oct., 1863. 42 [14] CAROLINE FLAGG-JONES [17] A. C. FLAGG [15] Family Records 15. [15] AZARIAH CUTTING FLAGG', son of Artemas [3], b. 11 Mar., 1S20, at Richmond. Vt., d. there 22 Dec, 1897. Wa.s a hard-working and thrifty youno; man, earning a farm by working out among tlie neighbors and by making cheese-boxes. About 1854, he bought a fine farm of 170 acres on Onion river, paying .S4500. for the place. About 1865, he exchanged this farm for Murray Fay's, nearer his father's home. He m. 28 Dec. 1848 Sallie Ann Fay, dau. of Nathan Fay, b. 1 July, 1827. d. 4 Feb., 1886. Is.sue: [26] 1. DoraEdith.b. 31 Oct., 1852. Family No. 26. (Conant). [27] 2. Franklin Henry, b. 24 Apr., 1854. Family No. 27. [2S] 3. VVillard Elliot, b. 17 Nov., 1855. Family No. 28. [29] 4. Herbert Arnold, b. 2 Apr., 1858, d. 18 July, 1877, unm. [30] 5. Martha Edith, b. 12 Oct., 1863. Family No. 30. (Nichols). [31] 6. Erne-st Jabez, b. 21 May. 1870. d. 28 Sept., 1897. unm. (Doctor). 17. [17] CAROLINE ELIZABETH FLAGG*, dau. of Artemas [3], b. 22 Oct., 1823 in Richmond. Vt., d. 6 Sept.. 1900, in Bur- lington, Vt. She taught school in her youth and a,ssi.sted in concerts with her sister and brothers. She m. 18 Oct., 1853 Ra.vsom Amulkk Jonks, who was b. Feb., 1832, and d. 8 Sept., 1894; he .served in the Vt. Legislature. Issue: [32] 1. Ralph E., b. 7 Oct., 1854. Family No. 32. [33] 2. Sarah E., b. 23 Nov., 1856, d. 27 .Ian.. 1868. [34] 3. Jabez Artemas. b. 23 Feb.. 1859. Family No. 34. 18. [18] GERSHOM HANNIBAL FLAGG«, son of Artemas [3], b. 9 Oct., 1825 in Richmond. \'t. Was drum-major in a Vermont reg't. in the Civil war, then spent several years in charge of con- struction work in the South, living in New Orleans. Was a member of the first Constitutional Convention of Louisiana after the war. and served as police constable and tax-collector. He contracted malaria in the South which eventually caused his death, on 17 May, 1879. 43 Family Records 19. [19] THOMAS WAIT FLAGG», son of Lucius H. [14], b. 25 Aug., 1842, in Williston, Vt. Moved to Ills, in 1850. En- listed 1862 in 69th Ills, inft., later in 15th Ills. cav. (Capt. Willis), and has served two terms of five years each in the regular arm}', being stationed in New Mexico and Arizona. Was in the famous raid which resulted in the capture of Chief Geronimo. He was m. 16 Mar., 1875 in Milton, Ind., to Elizabeth Ann Genn, b. 12 June, 1845. Resides 1906 Soldiers' Home, Los Angeles Co., Cal. Was a harness-maker by trade. Issue: [35] 1. Maud Estella, b. 23 Oct., 1876. Family No. 35. (Blackburn). [36] 2. Alvernis Genn, b. 1 May, 1878. Family No. 36. 20. [20] JEROME WILLARD FLAGG", son of Lucius H. [14], b. 17 Oct., 1844 in Williston, Vt. Moved to Paw Paw, Ills, in 1850; was educated there and in Vt., and in 1893 moved to Cal. Was a clerk and merchant in Ills., and a farmer and real-estate dealer in the West. He m. 20 June, 1882 Anna Belle Pulver, who was b. 12 May, 1863 and d. 14 Nov., 1890; he m. again 3 Jan., 1894, in Santa Ana, Cal., Carrie Wyatt Stafford, who was b. 13 Mar., 1869. Res. 1906 No. 302 Orange Ave., Santa Ana, Cal. No issue. 21. [21] EVELYN LOUISA FLAGG«, dau of Lucius H. [14], b. 16 Apr., 1847 in Williston, Vt., d. 3 Mar., 1904, in Santa Ana, Cal. She m. 15 Mar., 1870 in Willow Creek twp., Lee Co., Ills, to Robert J. Thompson, b. 2 Mar., 1847 in W. Va. They moved in 1900 to Santa Ana, Cal., where he res. 1906, at No. 402 Orange Ave. Issue: [37] 1. Guy Ambler, b. 8 Jan., 1871; grad. Univ. of Ills, and of Harvard; is Prof, in Univ. of Maine; res. 1906 unm., Orono, Maine. [38] 2. George Palmer, b. 6 Jan., 1873. Family No. 38. [39] 3. Nora Belle, b. 16 June, 1877. Family No. 39. (Van Patten). 44 Family Records [40] 4. Edward FlaRg, b. 3 Sept., 1879, d. 23 Dec. 1880, in Steward, Ills. [41] .5. Blanche Evelyn, b. 18 Mar., 1884; res. 1906 with her father. 24. [24] ANNA ELIZABETH FLAGG". dau. of Lucius H. [14], 1). 6 Nov., 1855 in Paw Paw, Ills.; m. 6 Dec, 1875, in Paw Paw, Ills., to William Snover. Res. 1906 Everett, Wash., No. 3634 Everett Ave. 20. [26] DORA EDITH FLAGG», dau. of Azariah C. [15]. b. 31 Oct., 1852 in Richmond. Vt.; d. there 15 Aug., 1878. Was in. 15 Apr., 1874 to Ranso.mk M. Conaxt. who d. 19 Aug., 1905. Issue: [42] 1. Willard S.. b. 20 Apr.. 1S75. Family No. 42. [43] 2. Sadie E.. b. 16 May, 1876. [44] 3. Herbert R., b. 7 Aug., 1878, d. 29 March, 1880. 27. [27] FRANKLIN HENRY FLAGG", son of Azariah C. [15], b. 24 April, 1854 in Williston. \t. Moved to Richmond when eleven years old and has resided there since; made cheese in Jericho and Essex factories, then owned a livery stable nine years, and is now (]9()6) a general merchant. Was m. 17 Oct.. 1877 to Hortense Wells, b. 9 Feb.. 1.S55 in Huntington, Vt. Issue: [45] 1. Fordyce Tyler, b. 7 Dec, 1S78. Family No. 45. 28. [28] WILLARD ELLIOT FLAGG». b. 17 Nov., 1855 in Williston, Vt.; son of Azariah C. [15.] On account of delicate health, he left school at an early age; has always been a farmer and has held many town offices. Was m. 22 Aug., 1885 to Addie Barney, b. Nov.. 1860 in Winooski. Vt., d. 26 Jan., 1904. Res. 1906 Richmond, Vt., Rural Route. Issue: [46] 1. Dora Bertha, b. 17 Jan., 1887. [47] 2. Herbert Floyd, b. 25 June, 1892. 45 Family Records 30. [30] MARTHA EDITH FLAGG», dau. of Azariah C. [15], b. 12 Oct., 1863 in Richmond, Vt.; m. to Fay G. Nichols, a mer- chant. Res. 1906 Richmond, Vt. No issue. 32. [32] RALPH E. JONES«, son of Caroline [17], b. 7 Oct., 1854 in Richmond, Vt.; m. 27 Feb., 1885 to Hattie Amelia Noble, dau. of A. C. Noble of Richmond, Vt. Res. 1906 in same town, being Postmaster. Issue: [48] 1. Carl Noble, b. 3 June, 1885. [49] 2. Jack Merrill, b. 7 June, 1887. 34. [34] JABEZ ARTEMAS JONES^ son of Caroline [17], b. 23 Feb., 1859 in Richmond, Vt.; m. there 6 June, 1883 to Nellie Hodges, b. 6 Nov., 1858. Was educated in Richmond Academy and Goddard Seminary, Barre, Vt. Moved to Fitchburg, Mass., in 1885, and is in the commission business there (1906). Issue: [50] 1. Ransom Hodges, b. 20 Jan., 1905. 35. [35] MAUD ESTELLA FLAGG^°, dau. of Thomas Wait [19], b. 23 Oct., 1876 in Milton, Ind.; m. 1 Jan., 1898 in New- Orleans, La., to William D. Blackburn, of Chicago, Ills. Re- moved to New York City and later to Richmond, Ind., then to Omaha, Neb., where she d. 1901. He res. 1906 Chicago, Ills. No issue. 36. [36] ALVERNIS GENN FLAGG^", son of Thomas Wait [19], b. 1 May, 1878 at Milton, Ind., at the home of his grand- parents Genn. Spent his early childhood in Richmond, Ind., Cincinnati, O., and near Hartford City, Ind. At age of fourteen, Alvernis left home to "shift for himself", entered a printing ofRce in Richmond, Ind., and has continued at that occupation, being Foreman of a job printing office. Res. (1906) No. 27 S. Second St., Richmond, Ind. Has invented the ' ' Flagg Patent Stovepipe Coupling." 46 < m XI z w o m z z > O O "oj > Z D > 2 Family Records By right of "primogeniture". Alvernis would outrank all other descendants of Gershom Flagg (b. 1730), being the eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son of the eldest son of Gershom himself. He was m. 24 Nov., 1896 to Nora Annette Long of Richmond. Ind., b. 25 June, 1880 Issue: [53] 1. Margaret Linda Elizabeth, b. 14 June. 1S9S. [54] 2. Miriam Alice, b. 13 Feb., 1901. 38. [.38] GEORGE PALMER THOMPSON'^, son of Evelyn [21], b. Jan.. 1873; m. 30 Aug., 1906 to Margaret E. Baker. Is an electrician, and res. 1006 Santa Ana, Cal., No. 1410 W . Third vSt. 39. [39] NORA PELLE TiiuMP.SON'", dau. of Evelyn [21], b. 10 June, 1877; m. 2 Sept., 1903 to Seth Van P.\ttkn, instructor in Ventura High School. She res. 1906 in \"entura, California. [.57] 1. Donald, b. 19 Sept., 1904. [.5S] 2. Dorothy Lucile, b. 15 June, 1906. FAMILY No. 42. [42] WILLARD S. CONANT'". son of Dora [26], b. 26 April. 1875. Was ni. 12 Nov.. 1904 to Maude L. Conant, and res. 1906 At hoi, Mass. 45. [45] FORDYCE TYLER FLAGG, son of Franklin [27], b. 7 Dec, 1878. was m. 7 Oct., 1903 to Marg Helen Flanagan. Educated in Goddard Seminary. Barre. \'t.. and studied 3 yrs. in Tufts College. In partnership with his father, he keeps a general store (1906) in Richmond. \t. Issue: [62] 1. Frank Flanagan, b. 28 July, 1904. 47 Family Records THE AZARIAH CUTTING FLAGG FAMILY 4. [4] AZARIAH CUTTING FLAGG^ second child of Eben- ezer« and Elizabeth (Cutting) Flagg, was born 28 Nov., 1790, at Orwell, Vt., and died 24 Nov., 1873 in New York City. Was married 20 Oct., 1814 to Phoebe Maria Coe, who was born 5 Apr., 1798, and died 9 Apr., 1875. He was apprenticed, at the age of eleven, to a printer in Burlington, Vt., serving from 1801 to 1806; in 1814 he was editor and proprietor of the Plattsburg (N. Y.) Republican. He served with distinction as a Lieut, and Quartermaster in Capt. Aiken's Co. of Riflemen, attached to the 36th Regt. of N. Y. Militia in the defense of Plattsburg, and was one of seventeen who were presented, by special act of Congress, with silver-mounted rifles for gallant service. Azariah C. Flagg was a member of the N. Y. Legislature in 1824 and 26; was Sec'y of State from 1826 to 1833; was Stale Comptroller from 1833 to 1839, also from 1842 to 1847. He was Comptroller of the City of New York, 1853-9. Was one of the founders of the "Barnburner" (Freesoil) party, and opposed the U. S. Bank. For the last fourteen years of his life, he was totally blind, and was tenderly cared for by his wife and daughter. Extract from letter of 29 Aug., 1868:— "After this irregular apprenticeship of about five years, my father made an arrange- ment with another printing-house for my services at a stipulated price; the payment for all extra work should be my own. I was also encouraged with the promise that with careful usage I might take books from the book-store, to read after my daily task was done. In six weeks I gained time enough to read ' ' Rollins' Ancient History in ten volumes. From the age of 17 to 20, I was very diligent in performing my daily task and improving my mind by reading and in attending the school for three months to perfect my knowledge of arithmetic. I think I had a just appreciation of the valuable teachings of Dr. Franklin, and it was my firm resolve to adhere through life to his maxims of econoni)'." 48 L4| / / Family Records Azariah C. Flagg amassed a large fortune in spite of his being a politician, and an honest one at that. He died at his New York home, at No. 469 W. Twenty-third St.. 24 Nov., 1873. Issue: [G4] 1. Maria Martha Flagg, b. 18 Mar., 1816, d. 20 May, 1890, unm. Note No. 64. [65] 2. Elizal)eth Flagg, b. 29 Apr., 1818. d. 8 June, 1866. mim. [66] 3. Henry Franklin Flagg, b. 29 Apr., 1823, d. 26 May, 1S.'>4, unm. 64. [641 MARIA .MAKTUA FLAGC;^ b. IS Mar.. 1816, upon the death of her parents in 1873 and 1875, inherited a large fortune. Tpon her death. 20 May, 1890, it was found that one clause in her will (made 10 Mar., 1885) read as follows: "Ninth. I give and bequeath all the rest, residue, and remainder of the estate, both personal and real, wherever situated, of which I may die seized and possessed, unto the Nephews and Nieces of my father Azariah C. Flagg. who may then be living, to be divideil among them m equal proportion, share and share alike." By the clause "who may then be living." she excludeil from the inheritance a dozen families of deceased cousins, and proportionately enlarged the shares of the twenty cousins living on May 20, 1890. 49 Family Records THE GERSHOM FLAGG FAMILY No. 5. [5] GERSHOM FLAGG^ third child of Ebenezer" and Elizabeth (Cutting) Flagg, was born 26 Nov., 1792, at Orwell, Vt., and died 2 March, 1857, at Moro, Ills. His father, being a physician as well as a farmer, was absent from home much of the time, so the care of the farm fell to the three eldest sons, who were aged 11, 10, and 8, when their father moved from Orwell to Richmond, Vt. Gershom had a scanty schooling a few months in the year, and helped to clear the new farm. He had a talent for mathematics, and later was able to study surveying under John Johnson, of Burlington, Vt.; he made considerable use of this knowledge after moving to Ills., and his compass and chain, also his surveying notes and mathematical tables, are in possession of his grandson, Norman G. Flagg [71], Moro, Ills. In the War of 1812, Gershom Flagg was a drummer-boy, and was present at the battle of Plattsburg, N. Y., 11 Sept., 1814. Forty-five years later his widow was granted a Government land- warrant for his services. He was a member of Capt. Hunt's Co., Vermont militia. STATE OF VERMONT. Adjutant General's Office. Montpelier, Dec. 14, 1906. I HEREBY CERTIFY That the following is a correct trans- cript from the records on file in this office, regarding soldiers who served in the War of 1812. Extract: GERSHOM FLAGG, Drummer, in Capt. Roswell Hunt's Company that went from Richmond as volunteers to repel the British in their invasion of Plattsburgh, A. D. 1814. (Signed) W. H. Gilmore, SEAL. Adjutant General. On the 23rd Sept., 1816, Gershom Flagg bade adieu to the scenes and friends of his childhood, and started West via Troy, Utica, Rochester village, through Buffalo, Erie, and Greersburgh, Pa., thence to Zanesville and Columbus, Ohio. He reached his 50 15| Family Records intended journey's end, Springfield. Ohio, on Nov. 8th. 1816, having traveled 898 miles in the forty-six days. Prospected in Ohio that winter, was in Harmony, O., 16 June, 1817, and m Cincinnati Aug. 3rd, 1817, when he wrote his brother Azariah as follows:— "I shall leave in a few days, to go directly to St. Louis, in the territory of Missouri. The greater part of Indiana is owned by the Indians, and I intend to go on the military bounty lands." So he left Cincinnati Oct. 19th, 1817, "on a small flat- boat, with a roof to it," floated to the mouth of the Ohio, put his trunk on board a keel-boat, and walked 174 miles across country to St. Louis, arriving Nov. 18, 1817. He had traveled in all 1794 miles, since leaving home, and found St. Louis to be a "town of 3000 inhabitants, half French and half American." While in St. Louis, Gershom Flagg helped to paint the first steam-boat that ever landed at that town. In a letter written to his home folk.s on Dec. 7th, 1S17, lie reported that he had "located 264 acres of land in the Illinois territory, 26 miles from this place (St. Loui.s) and about 10 miles from tiie mouth of the Mi.ssouri." Staying in St. Louis one winter, he moved in the spring of IMS to Madison Co., Ills., near the present town of Moro. where he settled on the south-east quarter of section H in I't . Kus.sell tw]).; here (iershom Flagg made his permanent home, having sold his first 264 acres "ior S2So.. being double what I paid for it." The original Ciershom Fhigg homestead is still (1906) owned and occupied bv his direct descendants. He boarded with a neighbor one-half mile north. John Andrus l)y name, rented part of his f;irm. and cultivated part himself, setting out a large orchard on the east side of the "Springfield road." Large tracts of adjoining land were added to the original quarter-section, his industry, frugality and business-like methods winning him a competency. Was Justice of the Peace, also was Postmaster of "Paddock's Grove" P. O. for many years, the mail being carried by stage-coach between Springfield and St. Louis. 51 Family Records Gershom Flagg was married in Madison Co., Ills., 27 Sept., 1827 to Mrs. Jane Paddock Richmond, by Hail Mason, J. P. She was born 7 June, 1787, in Woodstock, Vt., and died 11 Dec, 1863, at Moro, Ills. She was the eldest dau. of Gains Paddock, b. 2'nov., 1758, in Middleboroush, Mass., d. 11 Aug., 1831 in St. Louis, Mo., who "enlisted 5 Jan., 1776 in Capt. Isaac Wood's Co.;" had resided many years near Moro, Ills., where his grandson Gains Paddock now resides (1906). The J. Q. Adams and Jackson campaigns deeply interested Mr. Flagg, and he kept well posted on all public questions. He was strongly opposed to the State Bank pohcy in 1821, and fought the attempt, in 1822 and 24, to introduce slavery into Illinois. In his later years he was a member of the Whig party, and when failing eye-sight forbade his perusal of the newspapers, the political "discussions of the day were read to him. A man of rugged strength of character, his convictions, once formed, were expressed in no uncertain terms. Gershom Flagg [5] is buried in the Flagg lot in the Paddock cemetery, three miles east of Moro, Ills. On his tomb-stone is the simple epitaph, ' ' An honest man is the noblest work of God." Issue: [65] 1. WiUard Cutting Flagg, b. 16 Sept., 1829. Family No. 65. 65. [65] WILLARD CUTTING FLAGG^, only child of Gershom and Jane (Paddock) Flagg, was born 16 Sept., 1829, at Moro, Ills., and died there 30 March, 1878. Was reared on his father's farm, and attended the district school near "Ridgeley." From 1844 to 1850, he spent the winter months in St. Louis, studying in Edward Wyman's school, in preparation for Yale College. He was graduated from Yale in the classical course in 1854, with high honors; then he returned to Moro, and took charge of his father's large farm, making a specialty of horticulture. In 1856 and '58, Willard C. Flagg took a deep interest in the formation of the Republican party, wrote considerable campaign literature, and was a member, in 1860, of the Republican State and County Committees. Pres. Lincoln appointed him Internal 52 oi 1) 2 Q < UJ H UJ o X o o < u. XI « 4) (/I 3 O OQ 15 H. 5 to O j< D-li. > o o x> c a! ni (U F ■£ o _2 o . c •o o C 00 >- s: !M ^ D >> >- XI o « §■ o B o x; O XI -a CO .-* IXO o «) S-u. u >o o XI R o X o Is tl. o Family Records Revenue Collector of the r2th Ills, district in 1862. which position he held until 1869, when he was elected to the State Senate for a four-year term. Duriuf,' the Civil war, Mr. Flagg was enrollina; officer of Madison Co.. by appointment of Gov. Yates. Was one of the founders of the Illinois Industrial University, now known as the University of Illincjis. and was a trustee of that institution until his death. Spent much time in organizing the Ills. State Farmers' Association, and made numerous addresses throughout the State in denunciation of the railroad monopolies. He was an earnest advocate of "Township organization." as the best form of local self-government. In his legislative service, Mr. Flagg voted against the "Lake front" bill ami the "Grab law" of 1^869, and took a decided stand against monopolies. In the session of 1872, he took special interest in the revision of the Illinois school laws. Willard C. Flagg was a man of the highest integrity and moral worth, and made his influence felt in his native County and State. He was once well dc.scril>ed as being "firm without being stubborn; reasonable with intuitive control; kin.l. with severity, and charitable with pro.ligality. Reasons well from cause to effect; is a good judge of human nature, true to his convictions, loyal to the truth and the well-being of mankind." He was married bv Rev. W. G. Kliot. in the Church of the Messiah in St. Louis, Mo., on Feb. 13, 1856 to Sarah Smith, dau. of James and Betsev (Brown) Smith, of Proctorsville. Vt.. and later of Schoolcraft. Mich. After the death of her parents in 1841 and '42. she had lived with an Aunt in Vermont, teaching school there, and later moved to St. Louis, where she made her home with a very dear Aunt Mrs. Jane (Smith) Cavender. She was born 22 Jan.", 1828. near Proctorsville. Vt., and died 16 Feb., 1905, while visiting her daughter Mrs. Gillham at Wanda. Ills. Mrs. Flagg was a woman of remarkable strength of character, noted for her absolute sincerity, for her business ability and in- dustry, and her love of home and family was her most prominent trait. She and her husband are buried in the Paddock cemetery, near Moro. Ills. Issue: 53 [66] 1. [67] 2. [68] 3. :69: 4 [70] 5. [71] 6. Family Records Bessie, b. 4 May, 1857, d. 28 June, 1859. Jennie, b. 13 Feb., 1860, d. 18 Sept., 1860. Isabel, b. 17 June, 1861. Family No. 68. (Hatch). Marj' Willard, b. 17 Feb., 1863. Family No. 69. (Gillham) . Willard Gershom, b. 28 Mar., 1864, d. 18 Dec, 1864. Norman Gershom, b. 4 Aug., 1867. Family No. 71. 68. [68] ISABEL FLAGG», b. 17 June, 1861 at Moro, Ills., attended Liberty Prairie district school, then Mary Institute, St. Louis, where she graduated 1881. Was stenographer and later paymaster for Ills. Glass Co., Alton. Ills., for fifteen years. Married 25 Nov., 1902 by Rev. Geo. Gebauer to Ozias Mather Hatch, b. 6 Sept., 1861 in Springfield, Ills. Res. 1906 Spring- field, Ills., 1009 N. Seventh St. Issue: [72] 1. Ozias Mather, Jr., b. 6 July 1904. 69. [69] MARY WILLARD FLAGG», b. 17 Feb., 1863 at Moro, Ills., attended same schools as her sister Isabel, and graduated at Mary Institute in the class of 1884. Assisted her mother at home house-keeping, and was married 25 Nov., 1891 by Rev. Henry D, Stevens to Edward Lavern Gillham, of Wanda, Ills., b. there 1 Feb., 1864. Res. 1906 Wanda, Ills. Issue: [74] 1. Willard Clark, b. 12 Jan., 1894. [75] 2. Charles Elmer, b. 8 Mar., 1898. [76] 3. Norman Flagg, b. 3 July, 1903. 71. [71] NORMAN GERSHOM FLAGG«, b. 4 Aug., 1867, at Moro, Ills., attended Liberty Prairie district school until March, 1881, spent three winters at Smith Academy, and graduated from Washington University, St. Louis, in 1888. Took charge of his mother's farm upon becoming of age, and lives, 1906, on the land settled by his grandfather Gershom Flagg in 1818. Has 54 WILLARD GERSHOM FLAGG [81] Family Records been Tax-collector, Republican committeeman of Ft. Russell twp., and has been four times elected a member of the Madison Co. Board of Supervisors. Is a member of the Sons of the American Revolution Illinois Society; State No. 1011, National No. 18386. He was married 24 June, 1896 by Rev. Philip Hehner at Warsaw, Ills., to Josephine Emily Hehner, I). 2 Dec, 1871 at Davenport, Iowa, dau. of Rev. Philip and Katherine (Fehr) Hehner. Issue: Elizabeth Hehner, b. 4 Aug., 1898, d. 9 Dec, 1898. Elinor Bertha, b. 30 Oct., 1899. Katherine Hehner, b. 18 Oct., 1902. Willurd Gershom, b. 16 June, 1906. [78] 1. [79] 2. [80] 3. ;8i: 4. 55 Family Records THE SEMANTHY FLAGG-HOADLEY FAMILY, 7. [7] SEMANTHY FLAGG^ dau. of Ebenezer« and Elizabeth (Cutting) Flagg, was born 22 Nov., 1796, at Orwell, Vt., d. 31 Mar., 1849, at Richmond, Vt. Was m. 3 June, 1822, to Enoch HOADLEY, who was b. 2 Jan., 1800, at Hartland, Vt., and d. 16 Apr., 1882, at Rochelle, Ills. He married (2d) 20 June, 1849, to Mary Bishop. Issue all by first marriage: [84] 1. Alfred Sumner, b. 13 Mar., 1823. Family No. 84. [85] 2. Roana Flagg, b. 12 June, 1826. Family No. 85. (Spaulding). [86] 3. Josephine,b.22Sept., 1828. Family No. 86. (Kenyon). [87] 4. Amos Cooper, b. 25 July, 1830, d. 2 Sept., 1832. [88] 5. Sidney C, b. 20 Sept., 1832. Family No. 88. [89] 6. Aurelia, b. 2 Oct., 1833, d. 17 May, 1851, unm. [90] 7. Albert Gallatin, b. 26 Jan., 1836. Family No. 90. [91] 8. Elizabeth F., b. 9 Nov., 1838, d. 2 Apr., 1841. [92] 9. Willard Flagg, b. 27 Sept., 1840. Family No. 92. 84. [84] ALFRED SUMNER HOADLEY«, son of Semanthy Flagg Hoadley [7], b. 13 Mar., 1823, in Richmond, Vt., d. 28 May, 1890, in Rochelle, Ills.; moved to Illinois in autumn of 1848. He m. (1st) 18 May, 1851 to Julia Ann Cochran, b. 12 Feb., 1826, d. 29 July, 1872. Issue: [93] 1 Olive Ida, b. 1 June, 1852, d. 25 Sept., 1853. [94] 2. William Cochran, b. 25 Sept., 1854, d. 27 Oct., 1878, unm [95] 3. Ella May, b. 11 May, 1857; d. 18 Jan., 1859. [96] 4. Antoinette, b. 22 Nov., 1859; d. 23 Jan., 1872. [97] 5. Julia Aurelia, b. 26 Jan., 1864; d. 28 June, 1884, unm. [98] 6. Alfred, b. 5 Jan., 1872; d. 17 Jan., 1872. He m. (2nd) 18 Dec, 1873, to Harriet E. Brace, b. 5 June, 1843. She res. 1906 in Rochelle, Ills. Issue: [ 99] 1. Delia Josephine, b. 11 Sept., 1874; res. 1906 Rochelle, Ills. [100] 2. Albert Sidney, b. 8 Feb., 1878; res. 1906 Rochelle, Ills, 56 SIDNEY C. HOADLEY [88] Family Records 85. [85] ROANA FLAGG HOADLEY', dau. of Semanthy [7], b. 12 June, 1826, Richmond, Vt.; came west to Ills, in July, 1849. She d. 29 Mar., 1858; bur. Rochelle, Ills. Was married to Hir.\m Spaulding, b. 1828, and d. 24 Mar., 1866. Issue: [101] 1. Delphine, b. 6 Auj?., 1851; d. 18 Sept., 1852. [102] 2. Coridan. b. 30 June, 1853; d. 24 Sept., 1853. [103] 3. Emma F., b. 15 Jan., 1855; d. 17 Oct., 1857. [104] 4. Charles E., b. 23 May, 1857; d. 20 Mar., 1865. 86. [86] JOSEPHINE HOADLEY*, dau. of Semanthy [7], b. 22 Sept., 1828, in Richmond, Vt.; came west to Ills, in July, 1849, and d. 11 Dec, 1893 in Corning, Iowa. She m. to Thomas B. Kemyon. Issue: [105] 1. Sidney E., b. 15 Nov., 1851; res. 1906, Corning. Iowa. [106] 2. Flora, b. 26 Jan., 1853. (Richard.s); r&s. 1906 Chi- cago, Ill.s. [l()7j 3. Merrit, b. 27 -Xug., 1S55; res. 1900 Brooks, Iowa. [los] 4. Everett, b. 27 Aug., 1857; res. 1906 Calamis, Iowa. [109] 5. Roana, b. 3 May, 1859. (Scott); res. 1906 Corning, Iowa. 88. [88] SIDNEY C. IIOADLEY', son of Semanthy [7], b. 20 Sept., 1832 in Richmond, Vt.; d. 27 Nov.. 1892 in Turin. Iowa. Left Vermont in Oct., IS.jO, moving first to Ill.s. He m. 25 Feb., 1855 to Eliza A. Wilcif, who res. 1906 in C:istana. Iowa. Lssue: [110] 1. Flora Jane, b. 11 Aug.. 1S.56. Family No. IK), (Di'd- ley). [Ill] 2. Artemas F., b. 29 July. 1859; d. 4 Apr., 1861 at Jef- ferson Grove, Ills. [112] 3. Efhe Maria, b. 7 Feb., 1861. Family No. 112. (Watkix.s). [113] 4. Leon Elbridge. b. 23 May. 1S64. Family No. 113. [114] 5. Belle Vail, b. 10 Oct., 1866. Family No. 114. (Sears). [115] 6. Agnes Viola, b. 10 Aug., 1868. Family No. 115. (Coons-Morris). Family Records [116] 7. Clarence C, b 19 Nov., 1870; d. 27 June, 1879 in Belvidere, Iowa. [117] 8. Josephine, b. 20 Nov., 1872. Family No. 117. (Waples). [118] 9. Bernice, b. 17 June, 1874; res. 1906 in Castana, Iowa. 90. [90] ALBERT GALLATIN HOADLEYs, son of Semanthy [7], b. 26 Jan., 1836 in Richmond, Vt. He m. 14 Jan., 1858 to Patience Gertrude Tenbroeck, b. 12 Mar., 1838 in Readington, N. J., and d. 6 Nov., 1906. He res. 1906 in Greenfield, Iowa. Julia P., b. 21 Jan., 1859; d. 17 Feb., 1859 in Illinois. Willard C, b. 15 Aug., 1860. Family No. 120. Harry T. B., b. 11 Mar., 1862. Family No. 121. Albert N., b. 26 Apr., 1864. Family No. 122. Jennie, b. 25 Dec, 1865. Family No. 123. (Nelson). Jessie May, b. 16 Nov., 1867. Family No. 124. (Hardy). Nelson V., b. 30 May, 1869. Family No. 125. Vernon B., b. 7 Oct., 1872. Family No. 126. Frank K., b. 19 Feb., 1876. Family No. 127. Archie B.-, b. 9 Jan., 1878. Family No. 128. Charles E., b. 23 Aug., 1880; res. 1906 Quincy, Ills., unm. Note No. 129. 92. [92] WILLARD FLAGG HOADLEY«, son of Semanthy [7], b. 27 Sept., 1840 in Hinesburgh, Vt.; d. 9 Feb., 1903 in Denver, Colo. Was m. 23 May, 1870 in Coldwater, Mich., to Emma Watson, b. 12 Oct., 1840 in Nashua, N. H. She res. 1906 in Denver, Colo., No. 39 Archer St. No issue. 110. [110] FLORA JANE HOADLEY«, dau. of Sidney [88], b. 11 Aug., 1856 at Bear Grove, Iowa; m. 4 Jan., 1875 to Chandler W. Dudley, a carriage-maker; res. 1906 Whiting, Iowa. Issue: [145] 1. Gertrude, b. 6 Feb., 1882. Family No. 145. (James). [146] 2. Sidney E., b. 19 July, 1892. 58 Issue: [119] 1. [120: 2. :i2i: 3. 122: 4. 123; 5. 124; 6. [125] 7. 126] 8. [127] 9. [128] 10. :i29] 11. ALBERT G. HOADLEY [90] WILLARD F. HOADLEY [92] Family Records 112. [112] EFFIE MARIA HOADLEY", dau. of Sidney [88], b. 7 Feb., 1861 at Rochelle, Ills.; m. 12 July, 1884 to Charles L. Watk'ins, harness-maker; res. 1906 Whitinor, Iowa. Issue: [147] 1. Alice Jean, b. 28 Au^., 1888. [148] 2. Marjorie, b. 17 July, 1892. [149] 3. Robert Hoadley, b. 10 Aug., 1898. 113. [113] LEON ELBRIDGE HOADLEY', son of Sidney [88], b. 23 May, 1864 at Rochelle, Ills.; ra. 6 April, 1893 to Ella Davis. Is a farmer, res. 1906 Castana, Iowa, R. F. D. No. 3. Issue: [151] 1. Sidney Aaron, b. 19 Mar., 1894. 114. [114] BELLE VAIL HOADLEY", dau. of Sidney [88], b. 10 Oct., I860; in. 11 -May, 1887 to Willis G. Sears, a lawyer of Bancroft, Neb.; she d. 16 May, 1902 at Tekamah, Neb. Issue: [154] 1. Marvl)clle, b. 31 Mar., 1888. [155] 2. John, b. 27 Jan., 1890; d. 1 Jan.. 1900. [156] 3. Edward Sidney, b. 20 Mar., 1891. [157] 4. Florence, b. and d. Aug., 1S92. [158] 5. Flora, b. 31 July. 1895. [159] 6. Sigsbee Schley, b. 27 June, 1897. [160] 7. Charles Andrews, b. 8 Jan., 1901. 115. [115] AGNES VIOLA HOADLEY», dau. of Sidney [88], b. 10 Aug., 1868 at Onawa, Iowa. Was m. (1st) 25 Sept., 1886 to Alvin S. Cooxs, editor, of Little Rock, Iowa, and divorced. Issue : |fc^ y [161] 1. Roland Lester, b. ^^ - ' /' / *« / Was m. (2nd) to Dr. R. E. Morris, of Kansas City, Mo., where she res. 1906. 59 Family Records 117. [117] JOSEPHINE HOADLEY», dau. of Sidney [88], b. 20 Nov., 1872; m. 11 Aug., 1898 to Preston T. Waples, Post- master ;Tres. 1906 Castana, Iowa. Issue: [163] 1. Ivan Lyle, b. 1 Sept., 1899. [164] 2. Darrell, b. 7 Feb., 1904. 120. [120] WILLARD C. HOADLEY«, son of Albert [90], b. 15 Aug., 1860; m. in 1883 to Elizabeth A. Barnett, of Greenfield, Iowa. He died suddenly of the rupture of a blood vessel 12 Aug., 1895, and is interred in the Earlham Cemetery; his widow res. 1906 Earlham, Iowa. Issue: [167] 1. Vernon Clyde, b. 28 Feb., 1885. [168] 2. Anna Gertrude, b. 18 Aug., 1887. [169] 3. Effie May, b. 1 Dec, 1889. [170] 4. John Earnest, b. 19 Sept., 1892. 121. [121] HARRY T. B. HOADLEY", son of Albert [90], b. 11 Mar., 1862; m. 25 Dec, 1889 to Margaret A. Shields of Marion, Ind., who was b. 14 Sept., 1860. Farmed first in Madison Co., Iowa, then in Marion, Ind., and in 1903 moved to La Jara, Colo. Res, 1907 Kennewick, Washington. Issue: [171] 1. Orpha Arminta, b. 18 Oct., 1890; d. 6 Apr., 1891 in Earlham, Iowa. Fred Marion, b. 3 Jan., 1892. Martin Harvey, b. 9 Feb., 1894. Jesse Shields, b. 17 Jan., 1896. Gertrude, b. 5 Dec, 1898. Preston;^Wayne, b. 8 Dec, 1900. 122. [122] ALBERT N. HOADLEY^, son of Albert [90], b. 26 Apr., 1864; m. 18 Apr., 1901 to Gusta M. Hanscome of Castana, 60 [172] 2. [173 3. :i74 4. :i75: 5. :i76: 6. 00 CO Q < X Q a: < -J Family Records Iowa. Is a carpenter and res. 1906 in San Bernardino, Cal., 835 Mayfield Ave. Issue: [179] 1. Gusta Gertrude, b. Dec, 1901. [ISO] 2 Mary Alberta, b. 30 March, 1905. 123. [123] JENNIE E. HOADLEY', dau. of Albert [90], b. 25 Dec, 1865; m. July," 1887 to Nicholas Nelson, b. July, 1860, a farmer; res. 1906 8^ miles N. E. of Greenfield, Iowa. Issue: [183] 1. Dottie, b. 15 Apr., 1888. Also two infant sons, interred in the Greenfield Cemetery. 124. [124] JESSIE MAY liOADLEY-. dau. of Albert [90]. b. 19 Nov., 1867 at Webster, Iowa; moved to Atlair Co. at age of two, where she res. until her marriage. Taught school eleven years. Was m. 17 June, 1896 to Charles A. Hardy, a farmer, b. 28 May, 1859 at Plattsmouth, Nebr. Moved to Franklin Co., Kansas in 1903, and res. 1906 Pomona, Kansas, R. F. 1). No. 4. Issue: (All born in Iowa). [186] 1. Portia May, b. 4 Jan., 1898. [187] 2. Rebekah Jessie, b. 12 Nov., 1899. [188] 3. Willard Charles Alexander, b. 24 July, 1903. 125. [125] NELSON V. HOADLEY", son of Albert [90], b. 30 May, 1869; m. 30 Apr., 1893 at Greenfield, Iowa to Florence May Wambold, b. 23 Feb., 1871. Is a farmer, res. 1906 Arbor Hill, Adair Co., Iowa. Issue: [191] 1. Willard Floyd, b. 26 July, 1896. [192] 2. Leo Henry, b. 16 Dec, 1897. [193] 3. Raymond Nelson, b. 6 Apr., 1901. 61 Family Records 126. [126] VERNON B. HOADLEY^, son of Albert [90], b. 7 Oct., 1872; m. Lena Haynes of Madison Co. Iowa in spring of 1896. Is a farmer and res. 1906 Mendon, Mo. Issue: [196] 1. Wauneta, b. 3 Jan., 1897. 127. [127] FRANK K. HOADLEY«, son of Albert [90], b. 19 Feb., 1876; m. at Corning, Iowa 17 July, 1901 to Margaret Matilda Brandon, b. 2 July, 1874. Is in laundry business, res. 1906 Crackston, Minn. Issue: [199] 1. Patience Darline, b. 28 Apr., 1902 in Des Moines, Iowa. [200] 2. Marjorie Bernice, b. 8 July, 1904 in Greenfield, Iowa; d. there 25 Aug., 1905. 128. [128] ARCHIE B. HOADLEY', son of Albert [90], b. 9 Jan., 1878; m. 9 Apr., 1899 to Mary A. Walford of Greenfield, Iowa, b. 7 Sept., 1872. Is a farmer, res. 1906 Greenfield, Iowa. Issue : [201] 1. Albert, b. 13 Feb., 1900. [202] 2. Lawrence, b. 7 Apr., 1902. [203] 3. Martha, b. 7 Apr., 1904. ; 129. [129] CHARLES EDWARD HOADLEY», son of Albert [90], b. 23 Aug., 1880; graduated from National Business College, Quincy, Ills., and has been with the Channon Emery Stove Co., Quincy, Ills., since Dec, 1903. Is a fine musician and a member of the City Band of Quincy. 145. [145] GERTRUDE DUDLEY^^, dau. of Flora [110], b. 6 Feb., 1882; m. 25 Oct., 1903 to Royal A. James, a farmer, res. 1906 Eagle, Wis. 62 ^^^ ^-cce^^ Family Records THE LUCY DOUGLAS FLAGG-BUELL FAMILY, 9. [91 LUCY DOUGLAS FLAGG; dau. of EbenezeF and Elizal)eth (Cutting) Flagg, was born 27 Dec, ISOO in Richmond, \t d '^5 Nov., 1867, in Jericho, Shelby Co., Ills. She was m. l'> Mar 1823 at Cumberland Head, N. Y., by Mr. Halsey to William Bukll of E.s.sex, Vt.. b. 2 Feb., 1801, d. 20 Nov., 1871. I'hey left Essex in Sept., 1833 for Madison Co., Ills., vaa the lakes aul were three weeks on the journey of 1300 miles; their first liome in Ills, was a one-room lop; cabin without a window, and here the dau. Mary (now Mrs. Rogers) was born. The Buells moved later to Macoupin Co., then to Shelby Co., in the sprmg of 184/, where Mr. Buell entered a section of Government land (paying $1 .25 per acre), and established a store and inn. The privations this family endured would be considered in- tolerable to-dav; at one time, all the children being sick, the dau. Susan died, and the mother had to perform the last sad ntes with- out assistance and ])uried the body in an open field. The details of Lucy Flagg Buell's frontier life would make a most interesting ^t,,ry,-the visits to their neighborhood of Peter Cartwright. the prairie fires, the recurrence each autumn of the ague, the over- land trips to the St. Louis market, and the advent of the Ills. Central R. R. near her home. ' ' Mother has become quite a shoe- maker- she has made ten pr. of buckskin shoes, and made the largest' share of four buckskin coats." (Extract from letter of Murilla Buell [210] to Gershom Flagg [5], 10 Jan.. 1849). Her Shelby Co. home was a story-and-half double log-cabin, with wide porches the entire length of two sides. The traders and drovers alwavs put up over night at "Jericho", as the Buell homestead was named, midway between Shelbyville and Green- ville, Ills. When work began in 1852 on the railroad-building, many civil engineers and stone-masons boarded at Jericho, among I them one Joseph Strever. who later m. the dau. Melvina [211]. Lucy Flagg Buell raised five sons to manhood, four of whom served in the Union armv through the war. For the last three years of her life, she was partly helpless, her right side being palsied, but was very patient in her suffering. Issue; 63 Family Records [207] 1. Samuel Freeman, b. 21 Mar., 1824. Family No. 207. [208] 2. Gershom Newton, b. 9 Apr., 1825; d. 19 Sept., 1827, Essex, Vt. [209] 3. Jane Adelaide, b. 3 Aug., 1826; d. 14 Sept., 1827, Essex, Vt. [210] 4. Marilla Jane, b. 10 Feb., 1828. Family No. 210. (Pettet). [211] 5. Melvina Clotilda, b. 18 May, 1829. Family No. 211. (Strever) . [212] 6. Susan Adelaide, b. 17 Feb., 1831; d. 21 Sept. 1835, in Macoupin Co. [213] 7. Elvira Keziah, b. 8 July, 1832. Family No. 213. (Ebel). [214] 8. Mary Roxana, b. 24 Dec, 1833. Family No. 214. (Brown-Vickery-Rogers) . [215] 9. Linus Wait, b. 30 Aug., 1835 Family No. 215. [216] 10. Henry Artemas, b. 27 Sept., 1837. Family No. 216. [217] 11. Edwin Marion, b. 5 Mar., 1839; d. 23 Oct., 1872, Oconee, Ills; unm. [218] 12. William Wallace, b. 4 June, 1840. Family No. 218. [219] 13. Albert Azariah, b. 15 Feb., 1842; d. 12 Sept., 1852, in Shelby Co. The first seven children were born in Vermont; the rest in Ills., Linus and Henry in Macoupin Co., the others in Madison Co. 207. [207] SAMUEL FREEMAN BUELL«, son of Lucy [9], b. 21 Mar., 1824, in Essex, Vt.; d. 5 Oct., 1894 in Pana, Ills. He left home in 1841, spent five years at sea; in 1847 he was steam- boating on the Mississippi. Moved to Wise Co., Tex., in 1858; enlisted in the 6th Mo. inf., Co. B, and was once captured by the guerillas, but escaped after two days, returning to his regiment. Farmed and traveled after the war. He w^as m. 9 Sept., 1846 in Shelby Co., Ills., to Ruth Slater, b. 1828; she res. 1906 in Lompoc, Cal. Issue: [220] 1. Lewis, b. 12 Oct., 1848. Family No. 220. [221] 2. Gay F., b. 16 June, 1850. Family No. 221. 64 r m C/) CD C m 1^ o C/) > C m r y w c m o MELVINA STREVER [211] Family Records [222] 3. Emily Josephine, b. 16 Mar., 1855. Family No. 222. (Gleeson). [223] 4. William, b. 16 Mar., 1857; d. 1864 in E. St. Louis, Ills. [224] 5. Charles, b. 12 July, 1861; d. 1866, being; run over by a lumber team in St. Louis, Mo. 210. [210] MARILLA JANE BUELLS dau. of Lucy [9], b. 10 Feb., 1828, d. 10 Sept., 1883 in Rockdale, Tex.; m. 9 Dec, 1850 to Elisha Pettet in Shelby Co., Ills. Issue: [225] 1. Louise Adelade, b. Nov., 1851; d. Oct.. 1853. [220] 2. Julia M., b. 23 Oct., 1852. Family No. 226. (Linn). [227] 3. Charles A., b. 9 Feb., 1854; d. Dec, 1873, in Fayette Co., Ills. [228] 4. Ella Nora, b. 27 Dec, 1855. Family No. 228. (Jordan). [229] 5. Edwin J., b. 6 Jan., 1858; killed by train 23 July, 1884, Aurora, Ills. [230] 6. Flora Belle, b. 23 Feb., 1859. Family No. 230. (Jenness). [231] 7. Marilla Viola, b 8 Nov., 1860. Family No. 231. (Boyd). [232] 8. Mary R, b. 26 Feb., 1862. Family No. 232. (Kav- anaugh). [233] 9. James R., b. 3 Dec, 18G3. Family No. 233. [234] 10. Jennie R., b. 16 June, 1866; d. July, 1878 in Texas. [235] 11. Tony G., b. 4 Nov., 1871; d. 11 Mar., 1889, in Tem- ple, Tex. 211. [211] MELVINA CLOTILDA BUELL^ dau. of Lucy [9], b. 18 May, 1829; d. 5 Aug., 1858 in Austin, Minn. Was m. 5 Nov., 1854 in St. Louis, Mo., to Jo.seph K. Strever of Ft. Edward, N. Y. Issue: [236] 1. Flora M.,b. 15 July, 1857. Family No. 236. (Strever). 213. [213] ELVIRA KEZIAH BUELL*, dau. of Lucy [9], b. 8 July, 1832; d. 3 Dec, 1854 in Shelby Co., Ills. Was m. 7 Mar., 65 Family Records 1850 in Shelby Co. to Henry Ebel. Issue: [237] 1. Lucy, b. 6 June, 1851; d. 9 Nov., 1853. [238] 2. William, b. Apr., 1854. Family No. 238. 214. [214] MARY ROXANA BUELL^, dau. of Lucy [9], b. 24 Dec, 1833 near Moro, Ills. She m. (1st) 11 Jan., 1859 at St. Louis, Mo., to John A. Brown, a nurserj^man of Mercer Co., N. J., who died in Andersonville prison, 18 Aug., 1864, having enlisted 11th Aug., 1862 in Co. B, 73rd Ills. VoL Issue: [239] 1. Florence Nightingale, b. 15 July, 1860; has been rendered helpless since 1884 by fall from a swing; res. 1906 with her mother. Mary m. (2nd) 1 May, 1870 in BurUngton, Vt. to Heman Vickery, who d. 6 Oct., 1876 in Pana, Ills., of softening of the brain. Issue: [240] 1. Arthur, b. 19 Aug., 1873 in Burlington, Vt.; d. same day. She m. (3rd) 29 Sept., 1880 in Shelby Co., Ills, to Samuel Rogers, a farmer. No issue. They res. 1906 Oconee, Ills., R. F. D. No. 2. 215. [215] LINUS WAIT BUELL*, son of Lucy [9], b. 30 Aug., 1835; d. 15 Jan., 1883 in Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Was m. 15 Nov., 1866 to Mary A. Wilson, of Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Mrs. Buell res. 1906 in Leon, Iowa. Issue: [241] 1. Delmond A., b. 19 Oct., 1867, Oconee, Ills.; res. 1906 Leon, Iowa. [242 2. Odessa W., b. 23 Oct., 1871. Family No. 242. (Hughes). [243] 3. Willard F., b. 22 May, 1878, Leon, Iowa; res. 1906 Los Angeles, Cal., 518^ South Spring St. 216. [216] HENRY ARTEMAS BUELL^, son of Lucy [9], b. 27 Sept., 1837; d. 2 Oct., 1872 in Shelby Co., Ills. Was m. 2 May, 1869 in Oconee, Ills, to Grace Clark, of Ills. Issue: [244] 1. Lucy May, b. 4 Feb., 1870. Family No. 244. (Hast- ings). 66 MARY R. ROGERS [214] FLORENCE N. BROWN [239] W. W. BUELL [218] Family Records 218. [218] WILLIAM WALLACE BUELL», son of Lucy [9], b 4 June, 1840. Was m. 14 Sept., 1865 in Waterloo, Iowa to Hanna C. Laurence. Enlisted 3rd July, 1861 at Oconee in Co. B, 35th Ills. Vol., with his brothers Linus and Edwin, and served three years. Res. 1906 Santa Ana, Cal., 805 W. 5th St. Issue: [245] 1. Estella May, b. 3 July, 1867. Family No. 245. (Parsons). [246] 2. Otto W., b. 23 May, 1871. Family No. 246. [247] 3. Nettie Florence, b. 12 Apr., 1873. Family No. 247. (FiCKAS). [248] 4. Anna Mabellia. b. 13 Nov., 1878. Family No. 248. (Pearce). [249] 5. Maude Chloe, b. 23 Aup., 1883; res. 1906 Santa Ana, Cal. [250] 6. Mabelle, b. 2 Feb., 1885; nurse, res. 1906 Santa Ana, Cal. [251] 7. Alta Loma, b. 13 Jan., 1887; res. 1906 Santa Ana, Cal. 220. [220] LEWIS BUELL", son of Samuel [207]. b. 12 Oct., 1848; m. (1st) in St. Louis, Mo., in May, 1871 to .Susan Rawley, who d. 27 Oct., 1905; m. (2nd) in Los Anpele.s. Cal.. 7 Apr., 19(HJ to Mrs. Mory Moore Drew, who was b. in Limerick, Ireland 15 Dec. 1859. He served 22 months in the U. S. Navy; was chosen Orderly to Lieut. Conun. Cushman out of a squad of 42 men, because he neither drank liquor, chewed, nor smoked. Has been a farmer and now (1906) is a store-keeper. Lompoc, Cal. No issue. 221. [221] GAY F. BUELL», son of Samuel [207], b. 16 June, 1850; m. 27 Feb., 1889 in Bandero Co.. Texas, to Lydia W. Shirley, only dau. of Silas C. Shirley, a Mexican war veteran, whose father was the second white child born in Kentucky. No issue. Res. 1906 San Antonio, Tex., No. 120 Hickman St. 67 Family Records 222. [222] EMILY JOSEPHINE BUELL', dau. of Samuel [207], b. 16 Mar., 1855; m. to James Gleeson, a steamboat pilot; res- 1906 St. Louis, Mo. No issue. 226. [226] JULIA M. PETTET«, dau. of Marilla [210], b. 23 Oct., 1852; m. Jan., 1879 in Milam Co., Tex., to Louis H. Linn, a rail- road engineer; res. 1906 Charleston, Ills. To this union several children were born, all of whom died in infancy except [252] Harry, b. 1890, the youngest child. 228. [228] ELLA NORA PETTET», dau. of Marilla [210], b. 27 Dec, 1855; m. Dec, 1874 to Daniel Jordan, in Shelby Co., Ills. Moved to Texas, where all her children were born. Res. 1906 a widow, Galveston, Tex., 25th & Q. Sts. Issue: [253] 1. Charles, b. 1876; lost his life in the Galveston flood, leaving widow Lena Jordan and child. [254] 2. Reece Oscar, b. 1878. Family No. 254. [255] 3. Leona Francis, b. 1880. Family No. 255 (Miller). 230. [230] FLORA BELLE PETTET«, dau. ofjMarilla [210], b. 23 Feb., 1859; m. Dec 1st, 1878 in Milam Co., Tex., to Richard Jenness, an Ills, farmer. Res. 1906 R. No. 4, Rockdale, Tex. Issue: All born in Milam Co., Tex. [256] 1. Raymond, b. 30 June, 1880. Family No. 256. [257] 2. Arthur, b. 23 Apr., 1885. Family No. 257. [258] 3. Lewis, b. 25 Aug., 1887. [259] 4. Esther, b. 24 Mar., 1894. 231. [231] MARILLA V. PETTET^, dau. of Marilla [210], b. 9 Nov., 1860; m. 2 Feb., 1879 in Rockdale, Tex., to Thos. H. Boyd, then a farmer, but later a railroad man, and 1906 foreman R. R. shops. Res. 1906 Summerville, Tex. Issue: [260] 1. Jesse D., b. 15 Nov., 1879. Family No. 260. [261] 2. Rolla, b. 15 Jan., 1884. 68 Family Records 232. [232] MARY R. PETTET", dau. of Manila [210], b. 26 Feb., 1862; m. Dec, 1884 in Milam Co., Tex., to Wm. T. J. K.w- ANAUGH. She d. in that County Apr., 1890, leaving no children. 233. [233] JAMES R. PETTET», son of Marilla [210], b. 3 Dec, 1863; m. 19 Feb., 1891 to Annie L. Charles. Res. 1906 Rockdale, Texas. Issue: [262] 1. Freddie L., b. 25 Nov., 1893. [263] 2. Ivy Lena, b. 25 Nov., 1900. 236. [236] FLORA M. STREVER", dau. of Melvina [211], b. 15 July, 1857 at Ft. Edward. N. Y. After her mother's trap;ic death in Minn, in 1858, she lived with her grandmother in N. Y. and Vt., then in 1868 came west to Minn, again. She joined the Methodist church in her girlhood, and faithfully kept her member- ship until al)OUt 1895, when she became athliated with the Ad- venti.sts. She m. 7 Oct.. 1885 to her cousin. Nklsox J. Strevkr. a farmer; res. 1906 Lansing, Minn. Issue: (All b. in or near Austin, Minn.) [265] 1. Joseph Kinney, b. 8 Sept., 1886. ]266] 2. Florence Nightingale, b. 10 Aug., 1888. [267] 3. Nelson Jay. Jr.. b. 23 Oct.. 1889; d. 10 Nov., 1889. [26S] 4. Jay Nelson, b. 3 Nov., 1891. [269] 5. Leon Flagg. b. 18 July, 1893. [270] 6. Ruth Annette, b. 15 Feb., 1895. [271] 7. Harold Darrah, b. 31 May, 1897. [272] 8. Laura Nell Melvina, b. 23 Aug., 1899. 238. [238] WILLIAM EBEL», son of Elvira [213], b. Apr., 1854; d. 20 May, 1891 in Edwardsville, Ills. Was m. 27 Sept., 1874 to . Issue: [274] 1. Charles L., b. 4 July, 1878; res. 1906 Columbia, Ills. [275] 2. Lena, b. 1875; d. 1876. 69 Family Records 242. [242] ODESSA W. BUELL^ dau. of Linus [215], b. 23 Oct.,^ 1871 in Leon, Iowa; was m. 18 Feb., 1896 to H. E. Hughes, a farmer; res. 1906 Wjeldon, Iowa. Issue: [276] 1. Hilda, b. 11 Feb., 1898. [277] 2. Genevia, b. 25 Feb., 1901. 244. [244] LUCY MAY BUELL», dau. of Henry [216], b. 4 Feb., 1870; m. 26 Nov., 1889 in Ramsey, Ills., to Jerry Hastings, a baker; res. 1906 Ramsey, Ills. Issue: [280] 1. Dwight Buell, b. 9 Sept., 1890. [281] 2. Eugene Leigh, b. 21 Sept., 1894. [282] 3. Howard Milton, b. 7 June, 1899. 245. [245] ESTELLA MAY BUELL«, dau. of Wallace [218], b. 3 July, 1867; m. 24 Dec, 1896 to J. Louis Parsons. Res. 1906 Santa Ana, Cal., 1202 W. 4th St. Issue: [285] 1. Lawrence, b. 21 Sept., 1897. 246. [246] OTTO W. BUELL», son of Wallace [218], b. 23 May, 1871; m. 24 Dec, 1894 to Cora J. Morgan. Is a farmer, res. 1906 Santa Ana, Cal., R. No. 4. Issue: Lester Leroy, b. 4 Feb., 1896. Mildred Agnes, b. 6 Feb., 1898. Eunice May, b. 7 Apr., 1900. Orville, b. 6 Aug., 1902. Ray, b. 3 Oct., 1904. [288] 1. :289: 2. :290] 3. :29i] 4. 292 5. 293] 6. 70 Family Records 247. [295J 1. :2961 2. :297] 3. 293; 4. 299] 5. 300; 0. [247] NETTIE FLORENCE BUELL», dau. of Wallace [218], b. 12 Apr., 1873; ra. 14 Sept., 1898 to Jesse T. Fickas, section-foreman for Santa Fe R. R. Res. 1906 Oceanside, Cal. Issue : Virgie Roana, b. 26 Sept., 1899. Wilbert Richard, b. 13 Nov., 1900. Edwin, b. 20 Feb., 1902. Jesse T., Jr., b. 6 Aug., 1903. Harold Buell, b. 9 July, 1905. Howard Elmer, b 18 Dec, 1906. 248. [248] ANNA MABELLIA BUELL», dau. of Wallace [218], b. 13 Nov., 1878; m. 24 June. 1902 to Robert W. Pearce, cashier Edison Electric Co. Res. 1906 in Long Beach, Cal. Issue: [302] 1. Louise Phyllis, b. 1.5 Jan., 1905. 254. [254] REECE OSCAR JORDAN'", son of Ella [228], b. 1878 in Texas; in. 14 Sept., 1896 to Ella Criddle. Res. 1906 Temple, Texas. Issue: A daughter, and a son named Daniel. 255. [255] LEONA FRANCIS JORDAN'", dau. of Ella [228], b. 1880; m. to John Thomas Miller. Res. 1906 Junction City, Kansas. 256. [256] RAYMOND JENNESS'", son of Flora [230], b. 30 June, 1880 in Milan Co., Texas. Was ra. 18 Oct., 1903 to Ida Britton; is a farmer. Issue: [305] 1. Clifton Bernice, b. 18 Oct., 1904. [306] 2. Worneita, b. 10 May, 1906. 71 Family Records 257. [257] ARTHUR JENNESS, son of Flora [230], b. 23 Apr., 1885; m. 18 Oct., 1903 to Eva Davis. Is a farmer. Issue: [309] 1. Ethel Maril, b. 23 Aug., 1904. 260. [260] JESSE D. BOYD, son of Marilla [231], b. 15 Nov., 1879; was m. 7 Oct., 1906 in Temple, Texas, to Ruby Dickerson. Is a conductor on the Santa Fe R. R. Family Records ^fa^fe^. THE ELIZA WAIT FLAGG-BLISS FAMILY, 10. [10] ELIZA WAIT FLAGG^ fifth daughter and eighth child of Ebenezer" and Elizabeth (Cuttino;) Flao;o;, was born II Aufiust, 1802 in Hichmond, \'ermont. and died 4 March, 1841 in Madi.son Co., Ills. Little i.s known of her childhood except that tjhe wa.s fond of out-of-door life and occupations, and had a considerable likiufz; for books. She seems to have had no school advantafi;es beyond those of the common schools of her day. She was able, however, aided perhaps by her general readino;, to teach a district school in Illinois about 1837 or 38. She was married 3 February, 1825 to OR.\.Mr:L Hliss. of Essex, \'erm()nt. They settled on a farm in the town of Jericho, \'er- niont, where the eldest chilil .lames wius born. Within a year or two, however, they were back on the oUl farm on " lili.ss Street," where the husband died 25 May, 1833. In the fall of 1836. the widow and three children moved to Illinois, where they occupied, for a time, a log cabin on her brother Gershom's farm in Madi.son Co. She married as a second husband, in May, 1838, Hem.\n LiscuM, of Vermont, and the augmented family took possession of a small farm near by, which her money had bought. After her death, leaving no i.ssue by her second husband, her three children were taken and reared by her brother Gershom Flagg. She was a woman of strong character and of more than ordinary amiability and intelligence. Issue: [315] 1. James White, b. 18 Nov., 1825; d. 21 Oct., I860, Moro, Ills., unm. [316] 2. Willard Flagg, b. 7 Nov., 1829. Family No. 316. [317] 3. Ursula Cornelia, b. 26 Oct., I83I. Family No. 317. (Morris) . 316. [316] WILLARD FLAGG BLISS«, son of Eliza [10], was born 7 Nov., 1829 on a farm in Essex, ten miles from Burlington, Vermont. In the fall of 1836, he emigrated from Vermont to 73 Family Records Madison Co., Ills., with his mother, sister, and brother, his father haA-ing died in 1833. After the mother's death in 1841, he and his sister were taken by their uncle Gershom Flagg, who with his wife Jane Flagg took them home and reared them as their own. In the winter of 1844-5 and for the five following winters, he and his cousin Willard Flagg attended Edward Wyman's school in St. Louis, where they w^ere inmates of the family of James and Persis Smith. In 1850, at the earnest insistence and by the generous aid of William H. Smith of St. Louis, Willard Bliss entered the Phillips Exeter Academy, where he remained two years, the second year covering the studies of the Freshman year at Harvard. While at Exeter, he was domesticated in the family of Mrs. Elizabeth Hale Smith of Lee, the gifted widow of Judge Jeremiah Smith of the Peterboro family of that name, mother of the present Story Professor of Law at Harvard. W. F. B. and this son were room-mates, first at Exeter, then at Har- vard, where he was graduated in 1855. After graduation, he taught a year in the family of Edgar Huidekoper in Meadville, Penna., three years in the then recently founded Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., and two years in the State University of Illinois at Urbana. In 1858-9 he spent some time abroad, studying in the Universities of Gottingen and Bonn, and in traveling, at a very interesting time, in the south of Europe, mostly in Greece and Italy. He had the interesting, if not altogether agreeable, experience of being "taken up" in Argos as a dangerous character, while traveling with his Norwe- gian friend Karl Boe; and a month or two later, arriving in Florence, Italy on the day that Grand Duke Leopold was driven out, he was arrested as an Austrian spy with his American friend George Little, of Tuscaloosa, Ala., afterwards State Geologist of Georgia. He was in Italy in 1859 during the short struggle in which ^lagenta and Solferino were fought, and the northern provinces wrested from Austria in the process of making possible a united Italy. He was at different times within both the Austrian and French lines, and also saw something of the Italian army; and in August, 1859 he saw the triumphal entry of Napoleon's "Army of Italy" into Paris. 74 WILLARD FLAGG BLISS [316] Family Records Since 1860, he has been en{>;ao;ed continuously in farmino;, includintf even the time of his two years' service at the State University in 1S69 and 70. He was married 14 Auf^ust, 1860 to Elizabeth Tyler of Essex, ^'ermont, and on January 1, 1906 he met the great calamity of his life in the loss of her, after forty- five helpful and lovely years of married life. Before her death, for considerations of health and other reasons, the family de- termined on makin7imr of Edwards- ville, Ills. Issue: [398] 1. Edith Bonner, b. 29 Dec, 1881. Family No. 398. (Heinrich). He m. (2nd) 26 Aug., 1891 to Louisa McAllister. They res. 1906 in Leclaire, Madison Co., Ills. Issue: [399] 1. Addis Whhnian, b. 8 Sept.. 1892. [400] 2. Helen Marr, b. 30 Apr.. 1894; d. 9 May. 1894. [401] 3. Helen Marr (2nd), b. 17 Oct., 1898; d. 1 Sept., 1899. [402] 4. Hazel Vere, b. 19 July. 1900. [403] 5. Grace Morris, b. 10 June, 1905. 376. [376] ROENA FLAGG HYNDMAN«, dau. of Lodusca [363], b. 25 Feb., 1852 in Liberty Prairie, Ills.; was m. in 1874 to Charles Henry Burns, who was Master mechanic of the Houston Tex. Central R. R. He d. 5 June, 1901. She res. 1906 Houston, Texas, No. 1802 Rusk Ave. Issue: 81 * Family Records [406] 1. Eva Roena, b. 1 Mar., 1875; d. 10 Nov., 1900. [407] 2. Ida Lorena, b. and d. 1 Mar., 1875. [408] 3. Charles Leroy, b. 1 Oct., 1876. Family No. 408. [409] 4. Delia, b. 7 June, 1891. 378. [378] EVA JEAN HYNDMAN^ dau. of Lodusca [363], b. 31 Mar., 1857; m. 8 Aug., 1878 to Sherwood Culpepper, a loco- motive engineer. Res. 1906 Ennis, Texas, No. 304 W. Balknap St. Issue: [410] 1. Jessie Frances, b. 9 June, 1879. Family No. 410. (Allman) . ' 380. [380] HARLEY ELLWOOD HYNDMAN», son of Lodusca [363], b. 12 Mar., 1862; m. 2 March, 1898 to Mrs. Nina White. Is a blacksmith, and res. 1906 Corsicana, Texas. Issue: [411] 1. William, b. 30 Dec, 1898. [412] 2. Edward Page, b. 7 Nov., 1901. 382. [382] ORVILLE ELLSWORTH HYNDMAN», son of Lodusca [363], b. 28 Nov., 1865. Was m. 24 Oct., 1893 to Ger- trude Dunn. Is wholesale candy merchant; res. 1906 Corsicana, Texas. Issue: [415] 1. Orville Dunn, b. 2 Aug., 1894. [416] 2. Edeus, b. 24 Oct., 1901. [417] 3. Alice Gertrude, b. 9. Aug., 1904. 384. [384] GAYLEN BOYLE DAVIS«, son of Delia [365], b. 8 Oct., 1866; was m. 27 May, 1891 to Nellie Lahey, who d. 9 Feb., 1895. Has been in the insurance business. Res. 1906 Avondale, Ala., No. 4016 Second Ave. Issue: [420] 1. Delia Catharine, b. 13 Dec, 1892. 82 Family Records 385. [385] CORA AMORETTE BARBER'^ dau. of Delia [368], b. 9 Alio;., 1869; m. 16 Aug;., 1893 to Elmer Baer, a contractor. Res. 1906 Steamboat Springs, Colo. Issue: [422] 1. Alma Margaret, b. 24 Mar., 1899. 386. [386] PERCY LEROY BARBER", son of Delia [368], b- 26 Sept., 1871; m. 1 June, 1897 to Birdie Rinard. Is a farmer* res. 1906 Parkerville, Kas. Issue: [425] 1. Glenn Hamilton, b. [42G] 2. Mary Gladys, b. [427] 3. Verne Rinard, b. [428] 4. Percy Jr., b. 388. [388] HAKLEV 1-lNNEY liAKliEH'". son of Delia [368], b. 10 Sept., 1875; m. 1 Sept., 1897 to Loi Thomas Is a farmer* res. 1906 Steamboat Springs, Colo. Lssue: [432] 1. Lvle, b. [433] 2. 389. [389] MYRTLE MARGARET BARBER'", dau. of Delia [368], b. 7 Mar.. 1877; m. 12 June, 1902 to Howard Marcellus Hook, cashier Wells-Fargo Co. Res. 1906 Dallas, Texas, No. 96 St. Louis St. 390. [390] DELIA MAliALA BARBER'", dau. of Delia [368], b. 30 Sept.. 1880; m. 11 Sept., 1899 to R. Burton, a farmer. Res. 1906 White City, Kas. Issue: [437] 1. Doris, b. [438] 2. Josephine, b. 83 Family Records 392. [392] NELLIE WOOD'", dau. of Frances [371], b. 10 Oct., 1874; m. to Robert Dunlap, merchant. Res. 1906 Altus, Okla. 394. [394] ROBERT EMMETT DESMOND^o, son of Esther [372], b. 1 Mar., 1869; m. 18 May, 1898 to Elizabeth Wells of St. Louis. Is Sec'y. and Gen. M'^r. of Sanitol Chem. Laboratory Co.; res. 1906 St. Louis, Mo. Issue: [442] 1. Dorothy Electa, b. 22 Dec, 1901. 443] 2. Esther, b. 18 July, 1906. 395. [395] THOMAS ADDIS DESMOND^", son of Esther [372], b. 30 Sept., 1872; m. 21 Nov., 1896 to Bessie Gibson Estabrook. Is a machinist, res. 1906 Edwards ville, Ills. Issue: [446] 1. Geraldine, b. 15 Jan., 1900. 396. [396] MARY ESTHER DESMOND^", dau. of Esther [372], b. 15 Sept., 1877; m. 12 Jan., 1903 to Robert Baird. Res. 1906 Edwardsville, Ills. 398. [398] EDITH BONNER CHOATE'^, dau. of Edward [373], b. 29 Dec, 1881; m. 29 June, 1903 to Jacob Heinrich, a brick- layer. Res. 1906 Edwardsville, Ills. Issue: [450] 1. j Edward, ) b. 16 Sept., 1904. [451] 2. I Edna. j b. 16 Sept., 1904 408. [408] CHARLES LEROY BURNS^^, son of Roena [376], b. 1 Oct., 1876; m. 17 Aug., 1902 to Bettie Powell. Res. 1906 Houston, Texas; is of firm of Rice, Radford & Co., room 19, Cotton Exchange. ■'n'- 84 Family Records 410. [410] JESSIE FRANCES CULPEPPER'^ dau. of Eva [378], b. 9 June, 1879; m. 25 Feb., 1903 to Dug.\ld C. Allm.\n, who d. 19 Mar., 1905. She res. 1906 Houston, Texas, No. 1612 Houston Ave. Issue: [4.54] 1. Eva Roena, b. 25 Nov., 1903. 85 Family Records THE WILLARD PARKER FLAGG FAMILY, 12. [12] WILLARD PARKER FLAGG^ tenth child and fourth son of Ebenezer^ and Elizabeth (Cutting) Flagg, was born 8 June, 1808 in Richmond, Vt., and died 10 August, 1877 in Rochelle, Ills. Was m. (1st) to Mrs. Lucy Cochran Lake, 28 July, 1839; she was b. 19 May, 1812, and d. 25 May, 1855. He m. (2nd) Mrs. Maria Sitterly, 5 Feb., 1857, who res. 1906 in Rochelle, Ills. Willard P. Flagg came to the "Prairie State" in 1830, and in 1838 became one of the two original pioneers, at a point in Ogle Co., where the town of Rochelle was soon after located. From the first he took a prominent part in the affairs of the little town, where he continued to reside until his death. He was often the arbiter between disputants, who were thus saved many a lawyer's fee. As the nation approached the crisis which culmin- ated in the Civil w^ar, he became an ardent abolitionist, being an agent in the "Underground Railroad", in which capacity he is known to have assisted at least one slave in escaping from the land of bondage. He possessed a magnificent baritone voice, and during those strenuous war days he was called upon from far and near, to sing the songs of hope and trust in our Union. He was a great lover of books. His children tenderly recall the group about the ample fire-place, the father reading aloud from "Uncle Tom's Cabin," — the first copy to be brought to the village. During his later years successive attacks of paralysis grad- ually sapped his strength and he lived a very retired life, but con- tinued to be loved and is still remembered for his unassailable integrity, his warm sympathies, and as a champion of the poor and of the oppressed. Issue (all by first marriage): [461] 1. Julia Pardoe, b. 3 May, 1840 Family No. 461. (Braiden). [462] 2. Caroline Lee Hentz, b. 20 Nov., 1842. Family No. 462. (Ellis). [463] 3. Olive Antoinette, b. 4 Aug., 1845. Family No. 463. (Youngs). 86 /v /:^.%ur^ f .A 1/ ^ y ^ m. r /#rf^ :;2?:^ i-, CAROLINE LEE H. FLAGG ELLIS [462] Thi: Flagg Family Record [464] 4. Alfred Murray, b. lU July, 1848; d. 1 Nov., 1904. See Note No. 464. [465] 5. Josephine Gertrude, b. 2 July, 1851; d. 1852, [466] 6. Roana Sophia, b. 3 Feb., 1854; d. 1855. 461. [461^ JULIA PARDOE FLAGG«, dau. of Willard P. [12], b. 3 May, 1840 in Rochelle, Ills.; was m. 28 July, 1857 to Miles J. Braiden, and d. 18 May, 1886. He was b. 10 Oct., 1835, and (1. 19 May, 1905 in Rochelle, Ills. Issue: [467! 1. May Cinderella, b. 13 June, 1858; d. 3 Jan., 1874. [468] 2. Nettie Caroline, b. 18 Mar., 1862. Family No. 468. (McClanahan). [469] 3. Lucy Sophia, b. 27 July, 1867; d. 24 Dec, 1873. [470] 4. Wilbur Fhijifr, b. 26 July. 1S71 : <1. 27 Dec, 1873. 462. [462] CAROLINE LEIO IIENTZ FLAGG«, dau. of Willard P. [12], b. 20 Nov., 1842. Was m. 20 Dec, 1865 in Reynolds twp., Ofi;lc Co., Ills., to Abner Yates Ellls. He was b. 1 June, 1840 in Sprino;field, Ills., and has resided there most of his life, liavinp; lield a very responsible jjosition in the Post-ottice for thirty-four years. Res. 1906 Sprin O O 2 > Z H O Z m H H m >< o c z o 4^ [484] 1 |4S5] 2 |4S0] * > [4S7J 4 [488 5 [4891 (•) [400] 7 [401] 8 The Flagg Family Record was sa retentive as his observation was comprehensive. As friend, companion, and counsellor he was lovable and helpful. His brilliant wit was never aimed at the heart, and liis humor was always kindly. ' ' 468. [468] NETTIE CAROLINE BRAIDEN«, dau. of Julia [461]. b. 18 Mar., 1862; m. 21 March, 1883 to Archib.a.ld A. McClanahan, Attorney-at-law. Res. 1906 in Chicap;o, Ills., No. 3257 Maiden St. Issue: Nettie Margaret, b. 5 Aug., 1884. Harry Braiden, b. 22 Feb., 1887; d. 9 June, 1891. Miles Fletcher, b. 9 Oct., 1889. Alice May, b. 1 Jan., 1892. Bayard Glenn, b. 15 Feb., 1895. Archibald Allen, b. 23 July. 189S. John Porter, b. 20 Nov.. 1899; d. 30 Dec, 1899. Wilhclinina V., b. 10 Oct.. 1902. 472. [472] ALFRED FLACKI ELLIS", son of Caroline [462], b. 8 Dec, 1868; was in the Springfield. Ills.. P. O. dep't many years. Was m. 18 April, 1893 to Annie M. }f(ii}ienbacher. He died 12 April, 1899; she res. 1906 Springfield. Ills.. No. 849 N. Ninth St. Issue: [403] 1. Ednumd Yates, b. 31 Jan., 1894. [494] 2. Erma Virginia, b. 1 Sept., 1896. 473. [473] LUCY \TRCiINIA ELLIS«, dau. of Caroline [462]. b. 4 Dec, 1870; m. 26 Sept.. 1000 to Frank U. P.\tterson, phuiiber. Res. 1906 in Springfield. Ills.. No. 851 N. Ninth St. No i.ssue. 474. [474] WILLARD FLAGG ELLIS«, son of Caroline [462], b. 13 Feb.. 1874. Studied law and is (1906) County Judge of Jackson Co., Ills., residing at Murphysboro. Was m. Nov., 1895 89 The Flagg Family Record to Josephine Beecher of Makanda, Ills. Issue: [497] 1. Alfred Flags, b. 26 May, 1897; d, 23 July, 1901. [498] 2. Helen Linette, b. 18 July, 1899. [499] 3. Carrie Belle, b. 16 Nov., 1901. [500] 4. Willard Flagg, Jr., b. 8 Dec, 1903. [501] 5. Bernice Alexandra, b. 17 Oct., 1905. 480. [480] WALTER FLAGG YOUNGS^, son of Antoinette [463], b. 19 Nov., 1877; was m. 1 July, 1904 to Lessie Coddingham. Res. 1906 Chicago, Ills., No. 277 East Superior St. 90 ?^ [13] The Flagg Family Record THE THOMAS WAIT FLAGG FAMILY, 13. [13] THOMAS WAIT FLAGG^ eleventh child and fifth son of Ebenezer^ and Elizabeth (Cutting) Flajig;. was born in Rich- mond, Vt., 14 Feb., 1813, and died in Coshocton. Ohio, 16 May, 1863. Moved to Rochester, N. Y., wliere he was editing a news- pajier as early as 1838; thence he removed to Coshocton, Ohio, where he was for many years editor of the " Coshocton Democrat. ' ' Studied law with his brother-in-law Hon. James ^Mathews, and was admitted to the bar 1 March, 1841. He was a man of unusual brifihtness of intellect. Was married 16 Aug., 1839 to Catherine Conley, who was b. 10 Oct., 1823 in Orange Co., X. Y., and re- sides (1906) in West Lafayette. Ohio. Issue (all born in Cosh- octon, O.) : [.-)()5] I. .John WVldle, b. 14 .luly, 1^41; d. IS Dec. 1862. Note No. 505. Elizabeth, b. 5 Feb.. 1844. Family No. 506. (Roff). .Josephine, b. 8 Oct., 1845; d. 6 Aui;., 1862. Virfiinia. b. 30 Dec, 1847. Family No. 508. (Neff). Charles, b. 1849; d. 1854. Thomas, b. 1851; d. 1854. Cornelia, b. 7 Feb., 1853. Family No. 51 1. (Beall). Willanl, 1). 21 Mar.. 1855; d. 1866. Caroline, b. 28 Jan., 1858; d. 1 Dec, 1879. Family No. 513. (Beall). [514] 10. Webster Elmer, b. is Sept.. 1861. Family No. 514. 505. [505] JOHN WADDLE FLAGG«, .son of Thomas W. [13], served in the 97th Ohio res't in Civil war; d. in hospital No. 1, Gallatin, Tenn., 18 Dec, 1862. 91 [506] 2 [507] 3. [508] 4. [509] 5. 510] c. [511] 7. [512] s. 513; 9. The Flagg Family Record 506. [506] ELIZABETH FLAGGS dau. of Thomas W. [13], b. 5 Feb., 1844; m. 5 Oct., 1865 to John W. Roff of MiiskinRum Co., O. Res. 1906 Kingman, Kas. Issue: [515] 1. Charles H., b. 21 Oct., 1866. Family No. 515. [516] 2. Louis E., b. 14 Dec, 1867. Family No. 516. [517] 3. John M., b. 23 May, 1869. Family No. 517. [518] 4. Anna V., b. 24 April, 1871; d. 23 Sept., 1902. Family No. 518. (Holland). [519] 5. Frank E., b. 1 Oct., 1872; res. 1906 Kinsman, Kas., unm. [520] 6. Matilda S., b. 9 July, 1874. Family No. 520. (Berry). 508. [508] VIRGINIA FLAGG«, dau. of Thomas W. [13], b. 30 Dec, 1847; m. 10 July, 1864 to Isaac M. Neff, who was b. 28 Apr., 1820 and d. 4 Aug., 1901. She res. 1906 Coshocton, Ohio. Issue: [521] 1. Charles M., b. 9 Sept., 1866; d. 4 May, 1900. Family No. 521. [522] 2. Carrie R., b. 3 April, 1869. Family No. 522. (Still- man) . [523] 3. Jessie C, b. 27 April, 1880. Family No. 523. (Loos). 511. [511] CORNELIA FLAGG«, dau. of Thomas W. [13], b. 7 Feb., 1853; m. 9 Sept., 1873 to Thomas Beall, farmer. Res. 1906 West Lafayette, Ohio. Issue: [524] 1. Ada Virginia, b. 22 June, 1874. Family No. 524. (Wolfe) . [525] 2. Willard Parker, b. 26 Aug., 1875. Family No. 525. [526] 3. Eva Mina, b. 27 Sept., 18.08. Family No. 526. (Davis). [527] 4. Charles Ray, b. 8 Dec, 1882; student O. S. U., Col- umbus, 0., 1906. [528] 5. Sarah Ethel, b. 26 May, 1889. [529] 6. Bliss Rennison, b. 31 Aug., 1891. [530] 7. Leland Thomas, b. 29 Jan., 1895. 92 CORNELIA FLAGG BEALL 1511] The Flagg Family Record 513. [513] CAROLINE FLAGG«, dau. of Thomas W. [13], b. 28 Jan., 1S58; m. 20 Sept., 1878 to Hiram P. Beall of Coshocton, O. She died 1 Dec, 1879 and an infant daughter accompanied her to the grave. 514. [514] WEBSTER ELMER FLAGG^, son of Thomas W. [13], b. 18 Sept., 1861 ; was m. 27 May, 1891 to Emnia B. Bryant. He res. 1906 at Millersport, Fairfield Co., Ohio. Issue: Carrie Virginia, b. 25 Feb., 1892. Nellie An net a, b. 6 .July, 1893. Rus.sel Wilhird, b. 15 July, 1890. Geneva Pearl, b. 6 Nov., 1898. ^Cora Edna, |b. 29 Jan.. 1901. \ Nora Ellen, j b. 29 Jan., 1901. (Ray Elmer, [ b. 18 July. 190(>. I Roy Thoma.^. ) b. 18 July. 1900. 515. [515] CHARLES H. ROFP, son of Elizabeth [506], b. 21 Oct., 1866; was m. 1 Jan., 1893 to Archu M. Carter. Res. 1906 Eldorado, Kansas. Issue: [542] 1. Guy H.. b. 23 Nov.. 1893. [543] 2. Earl C. b. 8 March. 1897. [544] 3. George W., b. 30 Aug., 1900. 516. [516] LOUIS E. ROFF«, son of Elizabeth [506], b. 14 Dec, 1867; was m. 6 July. 1892 to Fannie DePue. Res. 1906 Lamed, Kansas. Issue: [547] 1. Don M., b. 9 Nov., 1893. [548] 2. Nellie, b. 10 March, 1895. 93 [532] 1. [533] 2 [534] 3. 535] 4. [530] 5. :537) 6. [538] 7. 539] s. The Flagg Family Record 517. [517] JOHN M. ROFF^ son of Elizabeth [506], b. 23 May, 1869; was m. 1 Feb., 1900 to Rose Blake. Res. 1906 Kingman, Kansas. Issue: [551] 1. Harold, b. 10 Sept., 1901. [552] 2. Willard, b. 28 Dec, 1904. 518. [518] ANNA V. ROFF^ dau. of Elizabeth [506], b. 24 Apr., 1871; m. 24 Apr., 1895 to R. L. Holland, who res. 1906 Zanes^dlle, Ohio. She died 23 Sept., 1902 at Colorado Springs, Colo. 520. [520] MATILDA S. ROFF«, dau. of Elizabeth [506], b. 9 July, 1874; m. 24 Dec, 1904 to W. H. Berry. Res. 1906 King- man, Kansas. 521. [521] CHARLES M. NEFF», son of Virginia [508], b. 9 Sept., 1866 and died 4 May, 1900. Was m. 8 Oct., 1886 to Elizabeth Littick. Issue: [560] 1. Frank E., b. 27 Dec, 1887. [561] 2. Ethel, b. 13 Nov., 1890. [562] 3. Ollie, b. 13 July, 1893. [563] 4. Jessie, b. 13 Nov., 1898. [564] 5. Nora, b. 2 April, 1900. 522. [522] CARRIE R. NEFF», dau. of Virginia [508], b. 3 April, 1869; m. 23 Jan., 1891 to George H. Stillman, who died 8 Oct., 1900. She res. 1906 in Coshocton, Ohio. Issue: [567] 1. Virginia, b. 13 April, 1892. [568] 2. George I., b. 29 March, 1894. [569] 3. Jessie, b. 2 May, 1896. 94 The Flagg Family Record 523. [523] JESSIE C. NEFF«, dau. of Virginia [50S], b. 27 April, 1880; m. 2 July. 1898 to Perry Loos, and res. 1906 Isletta, Ohio. Issue: [.j72] 1. Virf^iniu, b. 2 June. 1899; d. 20 Jan., 1902. [573] 2. Loreta, b. 2 May, 1903.. 524. [524] ADA VIRGINIA BEALL», dau. of Cornelia [511], 1). 22 June, 1874; m. 22 June, 1897 to Jason G. Wolfe, soliciting 1*. and F. Ap;ent of Traction Co., res. 1906 Newark, Ohio, No. 76 Tenth St. 525. [525] WILLARD PARKER HEALL, son of Cornelia [511], b. 26 AuR., 1875; m. 27 Dec, 1906 to Mary A. Marsh, of Titiin. Ohio. Is Sup't. Telephone Co., res. 1906 Canton. Ohio, No. 322 N. Cleveland Ave. 526. [526] EVA MINA BEALL". dau. of Cordelia [511], b. 27 Sept., 1880; m. I Oct., 1901 to Orix B. Davis, railroad conduct- or. Res. 1906 Columbus, O. Issue: [576] 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. 2 Nov.. 1902. 95 Family Records CHAPTER V GERSHOM FLAGG, SON OF GERSHOM FLAGG OF LANCASTER, MASS., AND HIS DESCENDANTS 1758—1906 [601] GERSHOM FLAGG«,( 2nd), son of Gershom [1], b. 11 Apr., 1758, in Lancaster, Mass. Served inthe Revolutionar}'^ War as Matross, Col. John Crane's Third Artillery Regt. Continen- tal Troops. Records in the archives of jNIassachusetts give his service as follows: (From Vol. V, page 751, Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War, published by the Secretary of the Common- wealth, Boston). "GERSHOM FLAGG, (also given Jr.), Lancaster. Return of men raised to serve in the Continental Army from Capt. John White, Jr's. Co., 2nd Worcester Co. Regt., dated Lancaster, Dec. 20, 1777; residence, Lancaster; engaged for town of Lancaster; joined Capt. Briant's co., Col. Grain's Regt., term 3 j^ears; also, list of men mustered by Nathaniel Barber, ]\Iuster Master for Suffolk Co., dated Boston, March 30, 1777; Col. Crane's Regt.; also, Matross, Capt. Bryant's Co., Col. Mason's Regt.; Continental Army pay accounts for service from March 8, 1777, to Dec. 31, 1779; also, Capt. Benjamin Frothingham's co.. Col. John Crane's (Artillery) Regt.; muster roll dated Springfield, Nov. 1, 1779; company stationed at Springfield; also, Capt. Bryant's co.; Con- tinental Army pay accounts for service from Jan. 1, 1780, to March 16, 1780." From the office of the Military Secretary, War Dept., Wash- ington, D. C, is obtained the following record: "GERSHOM FLAGG served as a matross in Capt. Benjamin Frothingham's Company, 3d Artillery Regiment, commanded by Colonel John Crane, Revolutionary War. His name appears on 96 Family Records the company muster roll dated at Sprinfj;field. May 2, 1778, with remark sliowinf? that he enlisted March 8. 1777, to serve three years." Some Continental money of his hard earning in the Revolu- tion was kept for many years by his son James. It is probable that he spent his entire youth in Lancaster, until he enlisted in the army. In 1789, he removed, with hi^s family, from Mass. to Marietta, Ohio, joining the colony founded there a few months previously by Gen. Rufus Putnam and others from New England, this being the first permanent settlement in the Northwest Territory. He .saw active service in the Indian War in 1791 and 1792, during which he and his family resided in the fort. The exposure and hardships he endured brought on an attack of paralysis, or "numb palsy," from which he died in 1792. and he was buried near the fort in Marietta. The remains of Gen. Tupper and of a few others, were re- moved, many years ago, from their first resting j)lace near the fort and {)lacod in the Mound Cemetry (first u.sed for the purpose of burial in 1801), and it is probable that the remains of Gershom Flagg were among them. He m. 2o .lune. 1778 (intentions filed 16 May, 1778), in Springfield, Mass., Editha Hitchcock*, b. 1754, dau. of Samuel (b. 9 June, 1717. d. 17 Apr., 1777) and Ruth (Stebbins) Hitch- cock of Springfield, and great-great-grand daughter of Luke Hitchcock (of New Haven, 1644; d. 1 Nov., 1659. at Weathers- field), and of Deacon Samuel Chapin (of Roxbury, 1638; Spring- field, 1642; d. 11 Nov., 1675). She d. Oct., 1S19, in Marietta, O. Issue: [602] 1. James, b. 17 May, 1779. Family No. 602. [603] 2. Mary, b. 4 Feb., 1783. Family No. 603. (C-\rver). [604] 3. Ebenezer, b. 14 June, 1785, in Mass.; d. unm. [605] 4. Editha, b. 17 June, 1786, in Mass.; d. unm. [606] 5. Luther, b. 15 May. 1789; d. unm. [607] 6. Cynthia,b. 28Mar., 1791. Family No. 607. (Kelly). *Her sister, Margaret Hitchcock, b. 25 May, 1741, m. Richard Falley. a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and had issue, yfarfiarel Falley, b. 15 Nov.. 1776, who m. William Cleveland and had issue, Richard Falley Cleveland, b. 19 June, 1805, who m. Anne Neal and had issue, Stephen Graver Cleveland, b. 18 Mar., 1837, who was President of the United States. 97 Family Records 602. [602] JAMES FLAGG^ son of Gershom [601], b. 17 May, 1779, in Springfield, Mass. Served in the War of 1812 as Captain of the 5th Co., 1st Rest.. 1st Brig. ^Col. Samuel R. Holcomb, commandino;) , Ohio Militia, U. S. Service; was in camp at Burns Block House, near Mansfield, O., 30 Nov., 1812, his regiment taking part in Gen. William Henr}- Harrison's operations against the British and Indians in Ohio and Indiana. He was commis- sioned a Captain in the Ohio Militia in 1805, and authorized to raise a company, as follows: "Marietta, Feb. 20th., 1805. *To James Flagg. You are hereby authorized to raise by voluntary enrollment, young men from the age of sixteen years to forty years to be formed into a Company of Light Infantry and to be attached to the first Batallion in the Second Regiment of the First Brigade and Third Division of Militia, State of Ohio. [Signed] Ichabod Nye, Lieut. Col., Comt." In Aug., 1810, he was Captain of a company in the 1st Regt. (Jesse Davis, Col., Chas. Shipman, Adjt.), 1st Brig., 3rd Div., Ohio Militia. He removed, with his parents, from Massachusetts to Marietta, 0., in 1789, where, though still a boy, he stood sentry during the Indian War of 1791-1795. After his father's death, Col. Meigs, a famous Revolutionary officer, became his guardian as is shown by the following entry in the Washington Co., 0., Probate Records: "Apr. 6, 1793, appointed Return Jonathan Meigs, Esq., Guardian to James Flagg as minor at the request of Edit ha Flagg his mother. The Guardian with Gilbert Devol junior gave bond in the sum of three hundred dollars." In the Washington Co., O., Records is an old deed, showing what was probably his first real estate holding, indexed as follows: "Rufus Putnam, &c., Deed to James Flagg.— Rufus Put- nam, Menasseh Cutler, Griffin Green & Robert Oliver, conveyed to James Flagg of Marietta, Co. of Wash. & Territory of the U. S. ♦This paper, several regimental orders and a number of letters written by Capt. Flagg while in the service during the War of 1812, are now in possession of his grandson, Lucms C.S. Flagg [820]. 98 o > ■n H > m > o o S C/l > > X o o 70 z m r > o o ? Family Records Northwest of the River Ohio, his heirs, & assigns forever, one hundred acres of land lyins in mile lot No. 1 1 e'*c 12 of the 3rd Tp., 9th Range. Apr. 19, 1797." He also owned an estate at Corner ville (a settlement of the Corner family, four miles from ^larietta), Washington Co., O., his land being Lot No. 14, Sec. 4, 2nd Tp., Sth Range, his house (in 1905 the home of Mr. Jacob Mueller) standing on the bank of the Little Muskingum river just above the present Cornerville bridge, where he had a ferry. Here he resided for many years, engaged in farming, and in blacksmithing and wagon building with his brother-in-law, William Corner. Was financial agent in Marietta, making loans and collections, for various firms and individuals in the eastern states. Was considered a fine musician, possessed an excellent bass voice, taught singing classes and was for some years chorister in the First Congregational Church in Marietta, of which he was a member. The violoncello which he jilayed in that church is now in possession of his grandson, David Racer Flagg [814]. In 1843, he was instrumental in organizing the Little Muskingum Congregational Church at Cornerville, of which he was a deacon until his death. He died 21 Aug., 1854, at Cornerville, and is buried beside his nephew, Luther H. Flagg, on the Flagg family lot (near that of Gen. Rufus Putnam) in the .Mound Cemetery, Marietta. O. Was m. 4 Dec, 1803, at the home of Gen. Rufus Putnam in Marietta, by Rev. Stephen Lindly, to Sorah Corner, b. 15 May, 1785, in Macclesfield, Cheshire, England, dau. of William and Mary (Broadhurst) Corner. She came to Marietta in 1795, her grandparents, George and Martha (Dum ville) Corner (sister of John Dumville, the great English dock-maker), their three sons (including William), two daughters, and their famlies, having sailed from Liverpool. 3 Apr.. 1795 and landed at Baltimore. Md., G June, 1795. Her father d. 1795. in Bedford Co., Pa., while the party were journeying to Ohio. Her mother m. 2ndly, Israel Stone and removed from Marietta, after which Sarah made her home with the Putnams until her marriage. She was grand- daughter of Thomas and Mary (Percival) Broadhurst of Bosley, Cheshire, England, her uncle, William Broadhurst, being a large manufacturer of cutlery in Sheffield, England (1875). Was the 99 Family Records author of an interesting autobiography descriptive of her early Ufe in England and ^Marietta. She died 21 Jan., 1868, at the home of her son, Thomas Percival Flagg, Berlin, O., and is buried beside her daughter-in-law, Sarah F. Flagg, in Cheshire Cemetery, Deleware Co., 0. Issue (all born at Cornerville, O.): [608] 1. Edna Partington, b. 5 July, 1805. Family No. 608. (Richardson) . [609] 2. William Corner, b. 11 Dec, 1806. Family No. 609. [610] 3. Gershom James, b. 26 Oct., 1808. Family No. 610. [611] 4. Thomas Percival, b. 1 Sept., 1812. Family No. 611. [612] 5. Susan Corner, b. 18 Aug., 1818. Family No. 612. (Racer). [613] 6. Catherine Putnam, b. 27 Aug., 1819. Family No. 613. (Rood). [614] 7. Edwin, b. 10 June and d. 29 June, 1822. [615] 8. Emma, b. 10 June. 1822; d. 9 July, 1822. [616] 9. Sarah Maria, b. 26 Oct., 1826. Family No. 616. (Rood). [617] 10. Mary Eliza, b. 17 Oct., 1829. Family No. 617. (Corner) . 603. [603] MARY FLAGG^ dau. of Gershom [601], b. 4 Feb., 1783, in Mass. Removed, with her parents, to Marietta, O., 1789. Was m. 7 Aug., 1803. to Caleb Carver of Marietta, O., from whom she afterward separated, and resided with her father at Cornerville, 0., where she died during the winter of 1839-40. Issue : 1. Mary, d. Mar., 1875, near Marietta, O. living, 1875, near Marietta, O. [960] 1. Mary, 96 r 2. Adonis, [962; 3. Joseph, [963; 4. James, [964; 5. Zephyrus, [965] 6. Lucy, d. prior to 1875, Lower Newport, 0. 607. [607] CYNTHIA FLAGG^ dau. of Gershom [601], b. 28 Mar., 1791, in Marietta, 0. She d. 1 Sept., 1857, and is buried in 100 [970] 1. ;971] o 972] 3. [973] 4. [974] 5. 975] (). [976] 7. [977] 8. :97s; 9. Family Records * Mound Cemetery, Marietta, O. Was m. 17 Jan., 1811. to Joseph Kelly of Marietta, O., b. 20 Sept., 1784. He was captured by Indians (they killing his father at the time) near Marietta in 1790 and held by them till June, 1796, when his release was effected by Col. Return Jonathan Meigs. He d. 18 June, 1864, and is buried in Mound Cemetery, Marietta, O. Issue (all born at Marietta, O.) : Elijah Jones, b. 20 Oct., 1811; d. 8 Dec, 1812. Arthur St. Clair, b. 19 Aug., 1813. Family No. 971. Editha. b. 15 Mar., 1816. Family No. 972. (Hook). Abigail Morris, b. 18 May, 1818. Family No. 973. (Bauber). Henry, b. 20 Mar., 1822. Family No. 974. Charles, b. 8 Dec, 1823; d. 3 June, 1825. Francis, b. 10 June, 1826; d. 8 June, 1828. Susan L.. b. 10 Sept., 1828; d. 7 June, 1842. Joseph, b. 17 Dec, 1830. Note No. 978. 60S. [608] EDNA PARTINGTON FLAGG«, dau. of James [602], b. 5 July, 1805, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. She d. 23 Apr., 1868, Delevvare Co., O. Was m. 3 May, 1832. to Sila.s RiCHARD.SON. I.SSUC: [618] 1. Sarah Flagg. b. 26 Mar., 1835; m. Willlv.m F. Bowne. She d. No issue. 609. [609] WILLIAM CORNER FLAGG», son of James [602], b. 11 Dec, 1806, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. Served in the War of the Rebellion as drum-major in an Ohio \'oI. Regt. (Capt. Chandler), U. S. Service, and was engaged in the battles of Pitts- burg Landing and Shiloh. Was for a number of years engaged in shipping provisions, by flat boats, from Marietta, O., to New Orleans, La. Resided for many j-ears at Lowell, Washington Co., 0., where he died in Jan.. 1893. He m. 1st, 25 Mar.. 1830, Valaria Hayes. Issue: [620] 1. James, b. 10 Jan., 1832; d. unm. [621] 2. John Hayes, b. 14 Mar., 1835. Family No. 621. 101 Family Records [622] 3. Susan, b. 18 Sept., 1836; d. 3 Feb., 1837. [623] 4. Luther, b. 14 Mar., 1838; d. unm. [624] 5. Mary Louisa; unm. Res., 1907, Deleware, O. His 1st wife having died, he m. 2ndly, 3 June, 1860, Eliza- beth Sherfick. Issue: [625] 1. Thomas Percival, (2nd), b. 1861; d. unm. (killed in railroad accident). [626] 2. George; m. and had issue, 2 children; Res., 1905, Coal Run, Washington Co., O. [627] 3. Sarah, m. Hanson, and had issue, a dau. Esther. Res., 1893, Lowell, O.; d. 610. [610] GERSHOM JAMES FLAGG«, son of James [602], b. 26 Oct., 1808, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. Resided for many years in Marietta, O., and was engaged in shipping provisions, by flat-boats, from ]\Iarietta to New Orleans, La. Removed about 1855, to (West) Berlin, Deleware Co., O., where he engaged in farming, and in 1859 engaged in the lumber manufacturing busi- ness with his cousin, Edwin Lock Corner (having purchased the one-half interest of his cousin, Henry William Corner), and later with his brother, Thomas Percival Flagg. Afterward removed to a farm near Antwerp, Paulding Co., 0., where he resided till his death which occured 7 Nov., 1885. He m. 1st, 8 May, 1838, at Marietta, O., Margaret Cisler, b. 23 Oct., 1814, dau. of Nicholas and Sarah Cisler. She d. 27 Sept., 1839, and is buried on the Flagg lot, Mound Cemetery, Marietta, O. Issue: [652] 1. Henry, b. 2 Mar., 1839; d. 28 May, 1840; is buried beside his mother. He m., 2ndly, 14 Mar., 1841, at Marietta, O., Eliza Ann Cisler (sister of his 1st wife), b. 3 Sept., 1821. She d. 24 Aug., 1843, and is buried on the Flagg lot, Mound Cemetery, Marietta, O. Issue: [653] 1. Harriet Cisler, b. 15 Dec, 1840, at Marietta, O.; m. .-Walker; d. near Antwerp, O. [654] 2. William Cisler, b. 8 Apr., 1843. Family No. 654. 102 THOMAS PERCIVAL FLAGG [611] Famii.-^' IIkcokds Ho in., 3rJly, 28 May, 1848, Mary Wright, b. 19 Feb., 1825, of Newport Tp., Washins;ton Co., O. After the death of her husband she resided at Newtown, Mo., and w:is killed there by a cyclone, .30 Apr.. 1899. Lssue: [055] 1. Annie Eliza, b. 29 May, 1849. Family No. 814. (Flago). [050] 2. Sarah .lane, b Sept., 18.52, ui Marietta. O.; d. 1872, near Antwerp, O. [0.')7] .">. (lershom James, b Sept., 18.54. Family No. 657. [G58] 4. Byron David, b. 2! Sept., 1804. F:imily No. 658. 611. [Oil] TIIO.MAS iM^:RClVAL FLAGG", son of James [602], b. 1 Sept.. 1812, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. Was for many years a wholesale jirovision merchant in .Marietta, O., and New Orleans, La.. ship[)inrs. Removed in 1843 from Marietta to McCoimellsville, O., wiioro for nine years he was enpfaffed in the ferry business, operating what was known as the "lower ferry", on the Musk- in Aug., 1885, in Marietta, O.. and Ls buried in Mouiul Cemetery. 613. [613] CATIIEinXl': PITNAM FLAGG«. dau. of .James [602]. b. 27 Aujr., 1S19. at Cornerville (Marietta), O. She'd. 2 Aug., 1854, at Cornerville, O., (her husband havino; d. previously). Was m. 28 Apr.. 1838, to Jamks PvOod (bro. of Mariner. 616). Issue: [904] 1. Susan, b. 21 Sept., 1839; d. 2S June, 1840. [905] 2. Edna, b ; d. afi;ed about 17 years. [906] 3. Charlotte Maria, 1). 2 Dec. 1843. Family No. 906. (Rowland). [907] 4. Edgar, b ; d. aged about 20 yrs. [90S] 5. Cyrena, b ; d. young. 616. [616] SARAH MARIA FLAGG«, dau. of James [602], b. 26 Oct., 1826, at Cornerville (Marietta). O. She d. 1 Sept.. 1853, at Cornerville. Was m. 25 June, 1848, to Mariner Rood (bro. of James, 613) of Cornerville. 0.. b. 10 Mar., 1821. No issue. Mr. Rood m.. 2ndly. Elizabeth Putnam Corner (sLster of Sarah. 105 Family Records 611). He d. 4 Mar., 1906, at Cornerville, O., and is buried beside his 1st wife in Mound Cemetery, Marietta, O. 617. [617] MARY ELIZA FLAGG^, dau. of James [602], b. 17 Oct., 1829, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. Was m. 16 Dec, 1849, to John Broadhurst Corner (bro. of Sarah, 611), b. 7 July, 1821, at Cornerville, O. Removed in Mar., 1875, from Marietta, O., to Prince George Co., Va., where Mr. Corner purchased ' 'Cedar Level" farm, near Petersburg. He d. 25 May, 1903, at ' 'Cedar Level." Mrs. Corner res. 1907, "Cedar Level," Prince George Co., Va. P. O., Petersburg, Va., R. F. D. Lssue (all born at Cornerville, O.): Frank, b. 20 Mar.. 1854; d. 8 July, 1859, Cornerville, O. Edwin, b. 18 Aug., 1855. Family No. 930. Jennie, b. 15 Sept., 1857; d. 17 Sept., 1877, "Cedar Level," Prince George Co., Va. Una, b. 10 Feb., 1859. Carrie, b. 4 Sept., 1860. Ovie, b. 7 Aug., 1863. John, b. 5 Dec, 1865. Family No. 935. Mary, b. 7 Mar., 1868. Family No. 936. (Pinch). Flora, b. 24 Sept., 1869. 621. [621] JOHN HAYES FLAGG», son of William [609], b. 24 Mar., 1835, near Marietta, 0. Resided for many years in Charleston, W. Va., and afterward in Canton, 0., where he d. 16 July, 1894. He m. 5 May, 1859, at Coal Run, O., Martha Marilla Thurloiv. She res. 1907, Newark, O., 19 North 4th St. Issue : [628] 1. Carrie Thurlow, b. 17 Aug., 1860. Family No. 628. ( Weyant) . [629] 2. Frank Leslie, b. 21 Oct., 1862. Family No. 629. [630] 3. Nellie B., b. 10 Feb., 1865. Family No. 630. (Howe). [631 J 4. Laura L., b. 25 Jan., 1873. Family No. 631 . (Frank- lin). 106 [929] 1. 930] 2. 931; 3. [932] 4. 933; 5. :934] 6. 935; 7. [936 8. [937] 9. Family Records [632] 5. Grace D., b. 25 Jan., 1873; res. 1907, Pittsburgh, Pa., 7410 Idlewild St. 628. [628] CARRIE THURLOW FLAGG'", dau. of John [621], 1). 17 Aug., 1860. Was m. 7 Sept., 1887, in Churle.ston, W. Va., to John Theodork Wev.wt. Res., 1907, Columbus, O.. 1133 East Broad St. Lssue: [633] 1. Ethel Marie, b. 11 Mar., 1889. [634] 2. John Theodore. Jr.. h. 22 Dec. 1890. 629. [629] FRANK LESLIE FLAGG'", son of John [621], 1). 21 Oct., 1862. Is Chief Clerk to the Auditor of the Crucible Steel Co. of America, Frick Bld;^:., Pittsburgh. Ho m. 10 Nov.. 1887, in Charleston. VV. Va., Margaret L. McWhorler, dau. of the Hon. Henry C. McVVhorter of Charleston. Jud.sie of the Suj)reme Court of West Virginia. Res.. 1907, Pittsburgh. Pa.. 7410 Idlewild St. Issue: [637] I. Minnie Eloise, b. 2 Jan.. 1889, in Canton, 0. 630. [630] NELLIE B. FLAGG'", dau. of John [621], b. 10 Feb., 1865. Was m. 27 Dec, 1892. in Pittsburgh. Pa., to WILLIA^[ A. Howe. Res., 1907. Indianapolis, Ind.. 3406 Salem St. No issue. 107 Family Records 631. [631] LAURA L. FLAGQi", dau. of John [621], b. 25 Jan., 1873. Was m. 9 May, 1895, in Columbus, O., to George Frank- lin, Jr. Res., 1907, Newark, O., 19 North 4th St. No issue. 654. [654] WILLIAM CISLER FLAGG», son of Gershom [610], b. 8 Apr., 1843, at Marietta, O. Served in the War of the Rebel- lion, enlisting at Delaware, O., 7 Aug., 1862; private, Co. G, 96th Regt., Ohio Vol. Infantry; transferred 18 Nov., 1864, to Co. D Battalion, same regt.; served in Gen. A. J. Smith's (3rd) Div., 13th Army Corps, and engaged in the battles of Chickamauga, Boyd, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson, Grand Coteau, Sabine Cross Roads, Forts Gaines and Morgan, Spanish Fort and siege of Mobile; ill in hospital six weeks, with small pox in Jan., 1864; captured at Grand Coteau, La., by Gen. Dick L. Smith and held seven weeks near Alexandria, La., then exchanged; hon. dis- charged at Mobile, Ala., 7 July, 1865. Was a member of the G. A. R. Resided at Bryan, Williams Co., O., where he d. 1907. He m. in Paulding Co., O., 2 Apr., 1868, Dora Latimore. She res. 1907, Bryan, 0. Issue (9 children, 7 of whom are living, 1907) : [659] 1. Vina V., b - ; m. Dr. Ellsworth De Groff; res. 1907, West Unity, O. [660] 2. Jennie, b — .; m ...De Groff; res. 1907, West Unity, 0. [661] 3. Charles, b. [662] 4. James, b..... -...; res. 1907, Toledo, 0. [663] 5. Joseph, b ; res. 1907, Kunkle, 0. [664] 6. William, b. [665] 7. Carl, b ; res. 1907, Bryan, O. 108 MARY E. STENBECK FLAGG [813] GEORGE CORNER FLAGG [813] Family Records tJo7. [657] GERSHOM JAMES fXAGG», (2nd,) son of Gershom [GIO], b. Sept., 1854, at Marietta, 0. He m. 1873, Su&ie Schooley. Res., 1906, Nettleton, Ark. Issue: [735] 1. Gershom James, b. [736] 2. John, b ; d. [737] 3. Eunice, b. [738] 4. Isadore, b. [739] 5. Hud, b. [740] 6. Dilne, b. ' [741] 7. Schneider, b. 658. [658] BYRON DAVID FLAGG», son of Gershom [610], b. 21 Sept., 1864. Is a carpenter and buildinp; contractor, and Post Master at Newtown, Mo. He ni. 1 Oct., 1885, Hattw M. Lichiy. Res. 1007, Newtown, Mo. Lssue: [SOO] 1. Ford Dix. b. 22 Sept.. 1SS6. [SOI J 2. Cecile .M., b. 13 Sept.. ISVU. 813. [813] GEORGE CORNER FLAGG", sou ot Tiiomas [611], b. 23 Feb., 1838. at Cornerviile (Marietta), O. Educated at Ohio Wesley an rnivcrsity. Delaware, O. Served in the War of the Rebellion, a.< musician, in Co. II. 145th Regt., Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted 2 ]\lay. 1864, servinj:; till the close of the war. Was a member of the (i. A. R. He removed from Delaware, O., to Adams Co., Ills., in IStio; resided at Clayton and Columbus and was for a number of years member, from Columbus, of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County. Was for many years a ,ii;eneral merchant in Columbus, from which place he removed, in 1888, to Lewi.stown, Ills., where he was encafred in the hardware business till 1898, when he removed to Lil^eral, Kan. He was in the lumber and coal business in Liberal. Pos.sessing marked mechanical ability and inventive pienius, he was the inventor and patentee of numerous appliances for agricultural purposes, 109 Family Records which are now in general use, and the "Duplex" automatic grain weigher (the first devised) for use on threshing machines, in elevators, etc. He died 2 June, 1900, in Liberal, Kan. Was m. 13 Oct., 1863, to Mary E. Stenbeck, b. 5 Apr., 1845, in Delaware, O., dau. of W. B. and R. B. (Foster) Stenbeck. She res. 1907, Hutchinson, Kan., 1019 N. Main St. Issue: [821] 1. Mary Frances, b. 21 Aug., 1866, Columbus, Ills. Family No. 821. (Guymon). 814. [814] DAVID RACER FLAGG», son of Thomas [611], b. 9 Sept., 1839, at Corner\dlle (Marietta), O. Served in the War of the Rebellion, as a private, in Co. C, 86th Regt., Ohio Volunteer Infantry; enlisted in June, 1862. Is a member of the G. A. R. He went overland to Montana in 1864, following the Platte river from near Omaha to Scotts Bluff (Nebr.), thence traveled north- west to the Yellowstone, followed this river westward, crossed it east of Boseman, Mont.,, and continued on for forty miles, prospecting for gold. Went on to Virginia City, Mont., in the fall of 1864, crossing the divide at Mullens Pass, his being the first wagon train to ascend these mountains from the east. Went to Helena, Mont., in Mar., 1865, and in July, 1865, over the range to Blackfoot, Mont. Returned, in a small skiff on the Missouri river, from north of Helena, Mont, to Omaha, Nebr., in Sept. and Oct., 1867, after four years of adventure on the plains and in the gold mining camps of the west. Removed from Antwerp, O., to Columbus, Adams Co., Ills., in 1873; res. at Clayton, Ills., 1877-1878. Removed to Kinsley, Edwards Co., Kan., 1879, and was engaged in the cattle ranching business in the Arkansas valley. Settled at Laredo, Mo., in 1887, and was for fifteen years in charge of the water supply on the Kansas City Div. of the C. M. & St. P. Ry. Res. at Cabool, Mo., 1902-1905, then returned to Laredo. Was m. 30 Mar., 1869, to Annie Eliza Flagg [655], b. 29 May, 1849, at Marietta, O. Res. 1907, Laredo, Mo. Issue: [826] 1. Thomas Percival, b. 21 Mar., 1870, Antwerp, O. Family No. 826. [827] 2. Hugh Gilbert, b. 3 Dec, 1871, Antwerp, 0. Family No. 827. 110 D > < D > O rri r > O o 00 > Z z m m n > o o 'a en V\ n Family Rkcords [S28] 3. Mary Gershom, b. 10 Sept., 1875, Columbus, Ills. Family No. 828. (Thom.\s). [829] 4. Georoje David, 1). 16 July, 1880, Kinsley, Kan. Family No. 829. 815. [815] MELVILLE CORNER FLAGG«, son of Thomas [611], b. 5 Au^., 1842, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. Served in the War of the Rebellion, enlistino; at Delaware, O., 7 Aug., 1862; mustered into U. S. .service, 19 Auj;., 1862, private, Co. G, (Capt. .1. H. Kimball). 96th Re^t.. Ohio Vol. Infantry, to serve three years; transferred, 18 Nov., 1864, to Co. D Battalion (Col. Jos. W. Vance), same Rest.; served in Gen. A. J. Smith's Div., 13th Army Corps and engaged in the followino; battles: Chickasaw Bluffs, Miss., 28-29 Dec. 1862; Arkansas Post, Ark.. 11 Jan., 1S63; sip,i:;e of Vicksburg, Miss., 18 May-4 July. 1863; Jackson, 9-16 July; Grand Coteau, La., 3 Nov.; Sabine Cross Roads. La., 8 Apr., 1864; .Monetis Bluff. 23 Apr.; Forts Gaines and Morgan, Ala., 5-23 Aug., 1864; Spanish Fort, 26 Mar.-8 Apr., 1865; Fort Blakely, Ala., 9 Apr., 1865; siege of Mobile, 26 Mar.-2 Apr., and Whistlers Station, Ala., 13 Apr., 1865; captured near Jack.son. Miss.. 16 Aug., 1863, prisoner five days, paroled and sent to r.iiii|i Chase, O.; parole prisoner three weeks, exchanged and returned to Regt. at Jackson. Miss.; hon. discharged with Co., Mobile, Ala.. 7 July. 1865. He succeeded his father as agent for the C. C C. & St. L. Ry. at iierlin, Delaware Co.. O., in 1875. and held the position continuously until his death. He d. 7 Jan., 1907. at l^erlin. O., and is buried in Cheshire Cemetery. Was m. 4 July. 1866. to Mary Anna Furniss, dau. of Samuel S. anil Julia A. (Fenton) Furniss of Deleware Co.. O. She res. 1907, lierlin. O. Issue: [848] 1 . Dana Orviss, b. 8 June. 1867. Family No. 848. 817. [817] DANA STONE FLAGG". son of Thomiis [611], b. 20 May, 1849, in McConnellsville, O. Was unusually large and strong for his age and served in the Ohio Natl. Guard, during the 111 Family Records War ol" the Rebellion, as a drummer; while in camp at Mansfield, O., 11-12 Sept., 1863, suffered exposure in a cloud-burst, from the effects of which he died 19 Sept., 1863. Is buried beside his mother and grandmother in Cheshire Cemetery, Delaware Co., O. 818. [818] EVA EVADNIE FLAGG^ dau. of Thomas [611], b. 7 Dec, 1854, at Berlin, Delaware Co., O. Educated at the schools of Delaware, O., and Normal College, Worthington, 0. Was m. 18 Oct., 1877, at Clayton, Ills., to Blatchford Ansil McCoy, b. 23 Mar., 1856, near Clayton, Ills., son of John McCoy of Concord Tp., Adams Co., Ills., who came from Kentucky and, with his two brothers, founded the town of Clayton in 1834. Mr. McCoy resided for many 3'ears near Clayton, where he was engaged extensively in farming and stock raising. Is a prominent Repub- lican politican and has held numerous public offices. Was State Fish Warden and for many years member, from Clayton, of the Board of Supervisors of Adams County. Is now, 1907, Treasurer of Adams County. Res. Quincy, Ills., 1101 Vermont St. Issue: Two daughters and one son, all of whom died in infancy. 819. [819] HOMER HASKELL FLAGG», son of Thomas [611], b. 21 July, 1867, at Berlin, Delaware Co., O. Settled in Nebraska in 1891. Was a merchant in Tobias, Nebr. and in Hebron, Nebr., and a farmer and dealer in agricultural implements at Dorchester, Saline Co., Nebr., from which place he removed, in 1903, to New Plymouth, Canyon Co., Idaho, where he is engaged in irrigated farming and ranching. He m. 27 Jan., 1892, in Pike Co., Ills., Alice FitzJohn, h. 20 Apr., 1871, in Eastrea, near Whittlesea, county Cambridge, England, dau. of John and Susan (Oliver) FitzJohn of Pike Co. (near Pittsfield), Ills., afterward of St. Joseph, Mo. (Mr. Fitz- John, with his family, emigrated from county Cambridge, England, to Rochester, N. Y., in 1872). Mr. Flagg res. 1907, New Ply- mouth, Idaho. Issue: 112 HOMER HASKELL FLAGG [819] AND FAMILY EVA EVADNIE McCOY [818] BLATCHFORD ANSIL McCOY [8l&| LUCIUS C. S. FLAGG [820] [S59] 1. 860] 2. [861] 3. [862] 4. Family Records Chester Percival, b. 20 Mar., 1893, Dorchester, Nebr. Myron John, b. 7 May, 1894, Hebron, Thayer Co., Nebr. Edith Orrill, b. 25 Jan., 1899, Dorchester. Nebr. Alice Carrie, b. 27 Feb., 1904; d. 24 June, 1904, New Plymouth, Idaho. 820. [820] LUCIUS COLLINS STRONG FLAGG", son of Thomas [611], b. 31 July, 1876, in Clayton, Adams Co., Ills. Educated at the High School of that place and the Nebraska Wesleyan Uni- versity, Lincoln, Nebr. Studied in architects' othces in Quincy, Ills, and Lincoln, Nebr. Was a draup;htsman in Quincy, Ills., 1895-1896, and in Erie, Pa., 1897-1898. Held positions in the mechanical enf!;inoorinf>; departments of iarfje manufacturinjr con- cerns in Pitt-sburgh, Pa., 1S99 to 1900. Resided in Allegheny. Pa., 1900 to 1906. Member of the Illinois Society, Sons of the American Revolution (State No. 1030, National No. 18830). Was m. 27 Oct., 1897, in Quincy, Ills., to Jessie Anne Rob- inson, dau. of Jo.seph Dill and Syrena (Conyers) Robinson of Quincy, Ills. Res. 1907, St. Louis, Mo. Issue: [885] 1. Doris Jessie, b. 20 Aug., 1905. in Allegheny. Pa. 821. [821] MARY FRANCES FLAGGY dau. of George [813], b. 21 Aug., 1866, in Columbus, Adams Co., Ills. She m. 1 June, 1887, at Columbus, Ills., Edward Tyndal Guymon, b. 18 Aug., 1859, at Warsaw, Ills. He resided in McPherson, Kan., from 1878 to 1888. Removed, in 1888, to Liberal, Kan., and in 1902, from Liberal to Hutchinson, Kan. Mr. Guymon is a banker, a director in numerous corporations, has large interests in Kansas, 113 Family Records Colorado and Oklahoma (the town of Guymon, Okla., bears hia name), and is one of the best known business men in that part of the west. Res. 1907, Hutchinson, Kan., 1019 N. Main St. Issue : [822] 1. Edward Tyndal Jr.. b. 8 June, 1900, Liberal, Kan. 826. [826] THOMAS PERCIVAL FLAGG'«, (3rd), son of David [814], b. 21 Mar., 1870, near Antwerp, Paulding Co., O. Was m. 2 July, 1893, to Lenora B. Rooks. Res. 1907, Laredo, Mo. Issue : [830] 1. Etta May, b. 20 Apr., 1894. [831] 2. Pearl Nineta, b. 22 Nov., 1895. [832] 3. Anna E., b. 3 June, 1897. 827. [827] HUGH GILBERT FLAGG'", son of David [814], b. 3 Dec, 1871, near Antwerp, Paulding Co., O. Was a telegraph operator and station agent for the C. M. & St. P. Ry. for a number of years and is now with the Missouri Pacific R5^ He m. 4 Apr., 1894, at Chula, Livingston Co., Mo., Marie Cole. Res., 1907. Webb City, Mo. Issue: [835] 1. Chauncey C, b. 22 May, 1898, Chula, Mo. [836] 2. Dalzey C, b. 14 Sept., 1899, Gayville, S. Dak. 114 EDWARD TYNDAL GUYMON. Jr. [822] M ARY FRANCES FLAGG GUYMON [821] EDWARD TYNDAL GUYMON [821] Family Rkcords 828. [828J MAJIY GERSHO.M FLAGG'". uau. of David [814] b. 10 Sept., 1875, in Columbus, Adams Co., lll.s. Was m. 20 Dec. 1902, to Dr. Charles S. Thomas of Laredo. Mo. Res. 1907, Laredo, Mo. Issue: [840] 1. Dwi^dit, b. 7 Jan., 1904. [841] 2. Etha, b. 13 Nov., 1905. [842] :i. Clare, b. 11 July. 1907. 829. [829] GEORGE DAVID FLAGG'", son of David [814], b. 16 July, 1880, at Kinsley. Kan. Was m. 27 Apr.. 1902, to Bertha Uolmefi. Wqs. 1907. Laretlo, Mo. No issue. [848] DANA OR\IS.S FLACJG'". son of Melville [815], b. 8 June. 1867, at Berlin. Delaware Co.. O. Served in the Spanish- American War. as an officer in tiie Sio;nal Corps. Ohio Natl. Guard, U. S. service. Was commissioned First Lieut., 2nd Co., Signal Corps, Ohio Natl. Guard. 2 Jan., 1904. He was for several years a merchant in Marietta, O. Removed to Columbus, 0., where he was cashier in the freight department. C. C. C. & St. L. Ry., till shortly before his death. He d. 17 Nov.. 1904, at Berlin. O., and is buried in Cheshire Cemetery. Was m. 5 Sept., 1888. at Newport, 0., to Fannie Colninhia Little of Newport, O. She d. 9 June, 1905, at Marietta. 0.. and is buried at Newport. O. Issue: 115 Family Records [849] 1. Gertrude Louisa, b. 24 Sept., 1889. Res. 1907, Columbus, 0. [850] 2. Arthur Dana. b. 12 Dec, 1893. Res. 1907, Colum- bus, O. 906. [906] CHARLOTTE MARIA ROOD«, dau. of Catherine [613], b. 2 Dec, 1843, near Marietta, O. She d. 16 Dec, 1905, in Hutchinson, Kan. Was m. 20 Nov., 1866, to Rufus H. Rowland. He res. 1907, Hutchinson, Kan. Issue: [909] 1. Onalova Julia, b. 1 Oct., 1867. Family No. 909. (Willows). [910] 2. AnnaKate, b. 8 June, 1871. Family No. 910. (John- son) . [911] 3. Aura Mabel, b. 29 Oct., 1879. Family No. 911. (Bailey). 909. [909] ONALOVA JULIA ROWLAND'", dau. of Charlotte [906], b. 1 Oct., 1867. Was m. April, 1896, to John Willows. Res. 1907, Hutchinson, Kan. Issue: [912] 1. Aura Margaret, b. 14 Oct., 1899. [913] 2. Lottie Sybil, b. 23 May, 1901; d. 11 Nov., 1902. 910. [910] ANNA KATE ROWLAND"*, dau. of Charlotte [906], b. 8 June, 1871. Was m. 3 vSept., 1889, to William S. Johnson. Res. 1907, Hutchinson, Kan. Issue: [918] 1. Edna Beth, b. 20 Mar., 1891. 116 70 C m c ?0 o r > z D O > r o H H m o o o XI o > Z D o Family Records 911. [911] AURA MABEL ROWLAND*", dau. of Charlotte [906], b. 29 Oct., 1879. \Vu.s m. 13 Oct., 1901, to Joseph B.mley. Res. 1907, Hutchin.son, Kan. Ls.sue: [923] 1. Thelma Rowland, b. 20 May, 1903. [924] 2. Mary Mildred, b. 20 Feb., 1907. 930. [930] EDWIN CORNER", son of Mary [017]. b. IS Aus-, 1855, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. He m. 5 Nov.. 18S9. Annie Cora Padgett, h. 12 Aug., 1868. Res. 1907, Norfolk. Va.. 25 Walnut St. Issue: [93S] 1. Annie May. b. lo May, 1891, Norfolk. Va. [939] 2. Edwin L.^ b. 13 Apr.. 1893, Norfolk. Va.: d. 11 Mi^., 1900. Edenton. N. C. [940] 3. Flaffg Putnam, b. 30 .July, 1895, Norfolk, \'a. [941] 4. CJcor<;e Sandford, b. 5 Aug.. 1898, Edenton, N. C [942] 5. Frank Broadhurst, b. 6 Nov., 1905, Norfolk, Va. 935. [935] JOHN CORNER', son of Mary [617], b. 5 Dec, 1865, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. He m. 22 Dec, 1896, Elizabeth Prijor Spain, b. 9 Aug.. 1870. Res. 1907, "Cedar Level." Prince (leorge Co.. Va. P. 0., Petersburg, Va.. R. F. D. Lssue (b. in Prince George Co.. Va.): [947] 1. Elizabeth Spain, b. 1 Jan.. 1899. [948] 2. Lelia Ellen, b. 24 Apr., 1900. u: Family Records 936. [936 J MARY CORNERS, dau. of Mary [617], b. 7 Mar., 1868, at Cornerville (Marietta), O. Was m. 19 Sept., 1900, to John Pinch, b. 23 June, 1872, in England. Res. 1907, Peters- bura;, Va. Issue (all born in Petersburg, Va.) : [953] 1. Violet May, b. 17 Aug.. 1902; d. 1 Oct., 1902, Peters- burg, Va. [954] 2. Frank Eugene, b. 9 Apr., 1905; d. 18 July, 1905. Petersburg, Va. [955] 3. Olive Hazel, b. 30 Aug., 1906. 971. [971] ARTHUR ST. CLAIR KELLY«, son of Cynthia [607], b. 19 Aug., 1813, at Marietta, O. He d. 21 Aug., 1854. Was m. to Rosalina Marm Lyon, b. 1816, dau. of Aaron Lyon, formerly of Mass. She d. 30 Aug., 1853, at Marietta, 0. Issue: [979] 1. Harriet, b.... Family No. 979. (Thompson). [980] 2. Cynthia Anna, b ; unm. Res. 1907. Mari- etta, O. [981] 3. Zebulon, b ; d. young. 972. [972] EDITHA KELLY^, dau. of Cynthia [607], b. 15 Mar., 1816, in Marietta, O. She d. 8 Apr., 1870. Was m. 5 May, 1845, to John Morrow Hook of Marietta, O. Issue (born in Marietta, O.): [983] 1. Susan Kelly, b. 27 Apr., 1848. Family No. 983. (Andrews) . [984] 2. John Henry, b. 7 Sept., 1850. Unm. Res., Mari- etta, 0. 973. [973] ABIGAIL MORRIS KELLY«, dau. of Cynthia [607], b. 18 May, 1818, in Marietta, O. She d. 9 Feb., 1886. Was m. 118 Family Records 1 Nov., 1837, to Capt. Levi Barber of Marietta, O. Issue (all born in Marietta, O.) : [985] 1. Levi, Jr., b. 20 Apr., 1839; d. 16 Sept., 1898; unm. [986] 2. Henry, b. 10 July, 1841. Family No. 986. [987] 3. Lucy Mayberry, b. 13 Oct., 1854. Family No. 987. (Cole) . [988] 4. David, b ; d. young. 974. [974] HENRY KELLY«, son of Cynthia [607], b. 20 Mar., 1822, in Marietta, O. He m. Viola Wilcox. Is.sue: [996] 1. Warren, b.. ; Res. 1907, Marietta. O. [997] 2. St Clair, b ; killed. [998] 3. Charles, b ; Res. 1907. Augusta, Ga. [999] 4. Fred, b. 978. • [978] JOSEPH KELLY*, son of Cynthia [607], b. 17 Dec. 1830, in Marietta, O. Served in the War of the Rebellion as Captain, Co. F, 36th Regt., Ohio Vol. Infantry. He d. unm., and is buried in Mound Cemetery, Marietta, O. 979. [979] HARRIET KELLY°, dau. of Arthur [971], b. Mari- etta, O. She m. Capt. Isaac Thompson. Issue: [982] 1. Lucy, b. 983. [983] SUSAN KELLY HOOK", dau. of Editha [972], b. 27 Apr., 1848, in Marietta. O. Was m. 1 Sept., 1871, to Martin Register Andrews of Marietta, O. He is Putnam Professor of History and Political Science in Marietta College. Res. 1907, Marietta, O., 500 Front St. No issue. 119 Family Records 986. [986] HENRY BARBERS, son of Abigail [973], b. 10 July, 1841, in Marietta, O. He m. 1868, Susan Seamands. Res. 1907, Marietta, O. Issue: [989] 1. Earl Cranston, b. 4 Apr., 1871; m. and res. 1907, Kansas City, Mo. [990] 2. Abbie Laura, b. 20 May, 1873; m. 987. [987] LUCY MAYBERRY BARBERS, dau. of Abigail [973], b. 13 Oct., 1854, in Marietta, O. Was m. 17 Oct., 1878, to Capt. James F. Cole of Marietta, O., b. 1849, at Briscoe, W. Va. He was a contractor of U. S. Govt, work on rivers, and d. 4 May, 1881, at St. Lukes Hospital, St. Louis, Mo., after an illness of five days. Mrs. Cole, and her son and dau., were all born at No. 407 Fort St., Marietta, O., where she still resides (1907). Issue: [991] 1. Seldon Barber, b. 11 May, 1879. Unm.; is a Postal Clerk. [992] 2. Lucy James, b. 3 Sept., 1881. Family No. 992. (Flemming). 992. [992] LUCY JAMES COLE^", dau. of Lucy [987], b. 3 Sept., 1881, in Marietta, O. Was m. 27 Dec, 1900, to Edwin Allen Flemming, b. 12 Nov., 1864, in Flemming, O. He is superin- tendant for the Southern Contracting Co., General Railroad Contractors; offices, Ludlow, Ky. No issue. 120 EBENEZER FLAGG, b. 1710 Family Records CHAPTER VI DESCENDANTS OF HENRY COLLINS FLAGG^ (B. 1742) OF CHARLESTON, S. C, INCLUD- ING HIS LINEAGE FROM JOHN FLAGG^ (B. 1673; OF BOSTON, MASS., Tlie eldest son of THOMAS FLEGG» of Watertown, Lieut. GERSHOM FLAGG-, had a son JOHN FLAGG', who is men- tioned in Chapter III as the father of Eleazer Flagg* (b. 1703). John FUit;;s had also a son, EBENEZER^ b. 27 Oct., 1710 in Boston, Mass. Settled in Newport, H. L, as a merchant, and died there 3 Sept., 1762. Was married 8 Feb., 1741 in Newport to Mary Ward, dau. and third child of Governor Richard and Mary (Tillinfjhast) Ward; she was b. 10 Dec, 1713, Newport, R. I., and d. there 21 May, 1781. Mary (Ward) Flagg was granddau. of John Tillinghast, who in turn was the second child of "Elder" Pardon Tillinghast. Issue of Ebenezer and Mary (Ward) Flagg, all born in New- port, R. I.: [1001] 1. Dr. HENRY COLLINS, b. 21 Aug., 1742. Family No. 1001. [1002] 2. Lydia, b. 15 Dec. 1743; d. 19 Nov., 1744. [1003] 3. Elizabeth, b. 4 Aug.. 1745; d. 4 Feb., 1746. [1004] 4. Maj. Ebenezer Jr., b. 13 Apr., 1747; an officer in the armyand was killed in the Revolution, 14 May, 1781; unm. [1005] 5. Mary, b. 6 Mar., 1748; d. 28 Aug., 1749. [1006] 6. Marguerite, b. 6 Aug., 1750; d. 8 Nov., 1750. [1007] 7. Elizabeth, b. 19 Sept., 1751; d. unm. [1008] 8. Richard Ward, b. 10 Feb., 1754; d. 8 Mar., 1772. [1009] 9. Arnold, b. 4 Sept., 1756; d. 24 Nov.. 1763. 121 Family Records 1001. DR. HENRY COLLINS FLAGG^ 1st, b. 21 Auo., 1742, was a noted physician of Charleston, S. C. Was Surgeon General of | the Army in the South during the Revolutionary war; was present at the battle of Savannah and was disciplined for fighting. He is said to have amputated the leg of Count Pulaski, and practiced several years in South America before settling in Charleston. Was a member of the Cincinnati Society, and in the family is still preserved the document, testifying to the same, with the seal, and signature of the father of his Country. Dr. Flagg was m. 5 Dec, 1784, in Charleston to Mrs. Rachel (Moore) Allston, mother by her first husband of Washington Allston, the cele- brated portrait painter. She was b. IZi^^, and d. 27 Dec, 1839. He d. Charleston, S. C, Apr., 1801. Issue, all born in Charles- ton, S. C: [1010] 1. Eliza Moore, b. 12 Dec, 1785. Family No. 1010. (Wigfael). [1011] 2. HENRY COLLINS, Jr. 2nd, b. 6 Jan., 1790. Family No. 1011. [1012] 3. DR. EBEN, b. 14 Jan., 1795! Family No. 1012. 1010. ELIZA MOORE FLAGG«, b. 12 Dec, 1785, was m. 15 Dec, 1814 to Thomas Wigfall of Charleston, S. C, who was b. 1768 and d. Richmond, Va., Aug., 1843. She d. in Charleston, 7 Aug., 1864, leaving issue b. in Charleston: 1. Henry, b. 2 Sept., 1821; d. 14 Sept., 1858. Was m. 24 Feb., 1842 in Charleston to Elizabeth M. L. Blamyer, h. 29 Aug., 1819, who was living, 1891, in Almeda, Almeda Co., CaUf. Issue: One child, Francis M. P. 2. EHza, b. 23 May, 1823; m. 3 Nov., 1841 to Dr. J. Hume Simons of Charleston, b. there 23 Nov., 1819 and d. 6 June, 1876 in St. Augustine, Fla. She was living 1891 Claremont, Sumpter Co., S. C. Issue: Five children: Constance W., b. 7 Sept., 1842; EHza W., b. 29 July, 1847; Alice Flagg, b. 19 Apr., 1849; Thomas W., b. 2 May, 1851. 122 MARY WARD FLAGG, b. 1713 Family Rkcords 1011. HENRY COLLINS FLAGG" Jr. 2nd, b. 6 Jan., 1790 in Charleston, S. C. At age of nine years was sent to Newport, R. L, to boarding school; afterwards entered Yale College, grad- uating 1811, and while in College, he m. Martha Whiting, nearly forfeiting his degree thereby. She was b. 25 Jan., 1792 in New Haven, Conn., and d. 22 July, 1875 in New York City. He studied law, practiced in Charleston and in New Haven; was editor of the Connecticut Herald and held prominent offices in town and state. Was a candidate for a ministership to Portugal but lost it by but one vote in the Senate. He died 8 Mar., 1SG3 in New Haven, Conn. Lssue, all born in New Haven except .Mary Allston and Edward Octavus, b. in Georgetown, S. C: [1013] 1. Com. Henry ColHns, Jr. 3rd, b. 10 Dec, 1811. Fam- ily No. 1013. [1014] 2. Mary Allston, b. 20 Feb., 1814. Family No. 1014. (Sherman). [1015] 3. George Whiting, b. 26 June, 1816. Family No. 1015. [1016] 4. William Jo.scph. b. 15 .\pr., 1818. Family No. 1016. [1017] 5. Jared Bradley, i). 16 June, 1820. Family No. 1017. [1018] 6. Rachel Moore, b. 21 A])!., 1822. Family No. 1018. (G WYNNE, M.\THEW.S). [1019] 7. Edward Octavus, b. 13 Dec, 1824. F:unily No. 1019. 1012. DR. EBEN FLAGG«, b. 14 Jan., 1795, was a physician of All Saints Parish, S. C. Was m. 24 July, 1817 to Margaret E. Beiin of Cambridge, Ma.ss., b. Georgetown, S. C, 14 Dec, 1801 and d. All Saints Parish, S. C, 16 Jan., 1885. He died at George- town in 1838. Issue, all born in Charleston except Allard Belin 2nd, b. in Cedar Hill. S. C: [1020] 1. Edward Templar Belin, b. 3 Dec, 1818; d. Aug., 1822, Cedar Hill, S. C. [1021] 2. Allard Belin, b. 14 Apr., 1820; d. Aug., 1822, Cedar Hill, S. C. [1022] 3. Eben Belin, b. IS Jan.. 1822; d. 26 Feb., 1856, Char- leston, S. C; unm. 123 Family Records [1023] 4. Allard Belin 2nd, b. 10 June, 1823. Family No. 1023. [1024] 5. Gertrude Belin, b. 29 May, 1825; d. June, 1826, Charleston, S. C. [1025] 6. Charles Edward Belin, b. 22 Jan., 1827 ; d. unm. July, 1864 in the service of the C. S. A. in Virginia. [1026] 7. Arthur Belin, b. 1 Sept., 1828. Family No. 1026. [1027] 8. Walter Belin, b. 30 Oct., 1830; d. Apr., 1831, Charles- ton, S. C. [1028] 9. Alice Belin, b. 29 Nov., 1833; d. 2 Feb., 1849, Charles- ton, S. C. 1013. Commander HENRY COLLINS FLAGG^ Jr. 3rd, b. 10 Dec, 1811 entered the U. S. Navy in 1827, and rose to the rank of Commander. He was m. 1 Dec, 1836 to Olivia Moss Sherman, b 16 June, 1816, dau. of WilUam Sherman of New Haven, Conn. He d. Jamestown, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., 22 Aug., 1862. Issue: [1029] 1. Henry Collins, b. 1 Oct., 1837; d. Feb., 1845. [1030] 2. Mary, b. 25 Mar., 1842. [1031] 3. Isabel Martha Allston, b. 25 Jan., 1846; m. 21 Apr., 1868, Benjamin C. Potts of Orange, N. J. One child, Olivia Margaret, b. 1 Apr., 1869. [1032] 4. Henry Collins, b. 26 Aug., 1848. [1033] 5. Ehza Longworth, b. 11 Oct., 1852. 1014. MARY ALLSTON FLAGG^ b. 20 Feb., 1814; d. 22 Mar., 1877 New Haven, Conn. Married 20 Sept., 1836, George Sherman of New Haven, b. 4 June, 1808 and d. 15 June, 1889. Issue ' [1034] 1. Josephine Allston, b. Sept., 1838; m. 19 Nov., 1863, James E. Pulsiford. Issue: William Sherman, b. 12 Dec, 1864; Henry Allston, b. 15 Oct., 1867; John Arthur, b. 2 July, 1869. She res. 1906 Moun- tain Station, N. J. [1035] 2. Arthur Whiting, b. 30 May, 1840; m. 13 June, 1865, Hannah Bucklyn; one child. 124 Family Records [1036] 3. William Ashmun, b. 17 Dec, 1842. [1037] 4. Evan Gwynne, b. 21 Dec, 1845. [1038] 5. Mary Fla^g, b. 13 June, 1848. 1015. GEORGE WHITING FLAGG', b. 26 June, 1816; was an artist, located at one time in London. Was m. 14 Feb., 1849 to Louisa Henriques of New Haven, Conn., b. 1831 in Kino;ston. He died . Issue: [1039] 1. George Allston, b. 20 Nov., 1849. [1040] 2. Eben Moore, b. 26 Apr., 1851; a physician 1907; has resided in Buenos Ayres, New York and Philadelphia. [1041] 3. Emanuel Henriques, b. 7 Jan., 1853. [1042] 4. Georgiana Louisa, b. 5 Dec, 1855. 1016. WILLIAM JOSEPH FLAGG^ b. 15 Apr.. 1818; was a very wealthy lawyer and Democratic politican of Cincinnati, O., and member of the State Senate from Hamilton Co. In 1852, he purchased a 50-acre tract of land near Buena Vista, and with this as a nucleus, added steadily to his domains. On an immen.se hill, overlooking the Ohio river, he built "Buckhorn cottage," a palace made of logs, 74 feet by 22 feet, and two stories high. The logs were planed and polished inside, so that they resembled mahogany, and the walls were decorated with the most expensive pictures and tapestry. His property in Scioto and Adams Cos. included large tracts of valuable timber lands and stone quarries. Wrote "Three Seasons in European Vineyards," (1869 Harper & Bro.). He was m. to Eliza Longworth, dau. of Nicholas Long- worth of Cincinnati. No issue. They moved to New York City, where he d. 1898. 1017. REV. JARED BRADLEY FLAGG^ b. 16 June, 1820, New Haven, Conn. Attended a Lancasterian school and Trinity College, Hartford. Studied art and at age of 16, painted a por- trait of liis father, which was exhibited in the National Academy. 125 ;■ Family Records Moved to New York 1849 and studied theology; was ordained deacon 1854 in the P. E. Church, and priest 1855. Was rector of Grace Church, Brooklyn Heights, until 1863, when he retiirned to painting. Was elected a National Academician 1850. Among his paintings are "Holy Thoughts;" "Paul Before Felix" (1849); "Angelo and Isabella" (1850); "Hester Prynne in Prison" (1896), and many portraits of distinguished men. He published Life and Letters of Washington Allston. Was m. (I) 30 Dec, 1841 to Sarah R. Montague of Hartford, Conn., b. 21 July, 1823, d. 25 Jan., 1844. Issue: [1043] 1. Montague, b. 8 Oct., 1842; a noted artist. Was m. (II) 1 Dec, 1846 to Louisa Hart, dau. of Dr. Samuel Hart of New Britain, Conn., b. 5 Oct., 1828, d. New Haven, Conn., 18 Jan., 1867. Issue: [1044] 2. Charles Noel, b. 25 Dec, 1848, Brooklyn. Family No. 1044. Jared, b. 26 Feb., 1853, New Haven. Ernest, b. 6 Feb., 1857, Brooklyn. Family No. 1046. Washington Allston, b. 2 June, 1860, Brooklyn; his wife and dau. Josephine res. 1907 New York City, 48th St. and Fifth Ave. Louisa, b. 15 Feb., 1862, Brooklyn. Family No. 1048. (Scribner). Rosalie Allston, b. 2 Nov., 1866, New Haven. Was m. (Ill) 19 Jan., 1869 to Josephine Bond, dau. of Judge Bond of Cincinnati. Rev. Jared B. Flagg died 25 Sept., 1899 in New York City. 1018. RACHEL MOORE FLAGG^ b. 21 Apr., 1822, New Haven, Conn. Married (I) Abram E. Gwynne of Cincinnati, O., and (II) Albert Mathews of New York City. Issue Two daughters; Mrs. Wm. E. Shepherd, New York, No. 16 E. 69th St., and Alice Gwynne, who m. Cornelius Vanderbilt and had issue: Cornelius, Alfred Gwynne and Gladys Moore. 126 [1045] 3. [1046] 4. [1047] 5. [1048] 6. [1049] 7. r (TVt^-M ^ [1019] [U Uu IPT ^ yi y^Kc^tk^ 0,5- (fj^. Family Records 1019. REV. EDWARD OCTAVUS FLAGG^ b. 13 Dec, 1824, Georgetown, S. C. ; clergyman, poet and lecturer. Studied ci\'il en- gineering; was educated at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Conn., and Trinity College, Hartford, Conn.; D. D. New York University, 1866; LL. D. St. John's College, Annapolis, Md., 1898. Deacon 1848; priest 1849; held several pastorates and has planted four churches now in successful operation; was rector of All Saints' Church, N. Y., Church of the Resurrection, N. Y., and assistant of Grace Church, N. Y., for almost six years; declined a call to Trinity Church, New Orleans. Chaplain of the Ninth Regiment, N. Y. N. G., also of the Prince of Orange Masonic Lodge of New York. Author of Earlier and Later Poems 1907; composed words and music of a national anthem "Rejoice for Liberty," and of a number of Christmas and Easter carols; has lectured extensively in schools and in i)ublic; was secretary of tiie Society of American Authors, and one of its Board of Mana- gers. Is on the Executive Committee of the New York Society of Huguenots of America; has for a long time contributed for the press and magazines; having retired from active service in the ministry is still engaged in literary work. Resides 1907 New- York City, No. 152 E. 35th St. Rev. Edward Octavus Flagg was m. (I) 1851 to Eliza Win- stanly McNiel, dau. of Gen. Wm. Gibbs McNeil of U. S. Army; she died , leaving issue: William McNiel, who d. at age of three years. He was m. (II) to Mary Letitia Ferris, dau. of Joshua B. Ferris of Stamford, Conn. Of her were born three daughters: [1050] 1. Helen Grace, who d. at age of three vears. [1051] 2. EUzabeth Jarvis, m. Henry W. Brush. Issue: Robert Hyslop and Edward Nevil. [1052] 3. Sally Peters, res. 1907 New York City, No. 152 E. 35th St. 1023. ALLARD BELIN FLAGG^ 2nd, b. 10 June, 1823, a physi- cian of Charleston, S. C; m. 16 Jan., 1850 to Penelope Benlley 127 Family Records Ward of Brook Green, S. C, dau. of Joshua J. Ward and b. 19 Apr., 1826, d. 20 June, 1859. His residence was Brook Green, Georgetown Co., S. C. He d. 26 May, 1901. Issue: [1053] 1. Alice, b. 21 Oct., 1850; res. 1907 Georgetown, S. C. [1054] 2. Joshua John, b. 26 Dec, 1853; d. 25 May, 1855. [1055] 3. Joanna, b. 4 Dec, 1855; d. 22 Apr., 1858. [1056] 4. Allard Belin Jr., b. 10 Feb., 1859; res. 1907 George- town, S. C. He and his sister Alice have furnished valuable data for these family records. 1026. ARTHUR BELIN FLAGG^ b. 1 Sept., 1828; m. 21 Nov., 1854 to Georgianna Ward dau. of Joshua J. Ward and b. 9 Aug., 1833, Charleston, S. C. His res. was Brook Green, S. C. He and his wife, his son Arthur Jr. and wife, and five children of Arthur Jr., were lost 13 Oct., 1893 in a tidal wave on Magnolia Beach, AUston's Island, S. C. Issue: [1057] 1. Georgianna, b. 17 Apr., 1857; res. 1907, No. 1346 12th Ave., San Francisco, Cal. [1058] 2. Arthur Belin Jr., b. 22 Sept., 1858. Family No. 1058. [1059] 3. Joshua John Ward, b. 23 Oct., 1860; res. 1907 Waccaman, Brook Green, S. C. [1060] 4. Charles Edward Belin, b. 22 July, 1871. Family No. 1060. 1044. CHARLES NOEL FLAGG^, b. 25 Dec, 1848, Brooklyn; m. Ellen Earle. Is a noted artist. Issue: [1061] 1. Ellen Earle, b. 1 Aug., 1876. [1062] 2. Charles N., b. 31 Mar., 1881. [1063] 3. Montague, b. 9 Nov., 1883. [1064] 4. Louisa Hart, b. 14 Feb., 1885; d. 28 Feb., 1885. [1065] 5. Marion, b. 12 Apr., 1887. 1046. ERNEST FLAGG«, b. 6 Feb., 1857, Brooklyn; a leading architect of America. Entered Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, 128 Family Records 1888, concerninp; which school he contributed articles to Archi- tectual Record. In Scribner's Magazine 1893, he first suggested plans, later adopted, for remedy of the tenement house evil in New York City. Has been appointed architect for many of the most important buildings in the eastern states, among them St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y., Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington, Naval Hospitals at Annapolis and Washington, St. Margaret Memorial Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., and many fine residences in New York City, also the famous Singer Building, the 612 ft. sky- scraper of New York City. Has had charge, since 1895, of the re-building of the Naval Academy at Annapolis, for which the U. S. Government has appropriated ten million dollars. Was m. 27 June, 1899 to Margaret Elizabeth Bonnell, and res. 1907 New York City; address No. 35 Wall St. Issue: [1000] 1. Margaret Elizabeth, b. 8 Apr., 1900. 1048. LOUISA FLAGG«, b. 15 Feb., 18G2, Brooklyn; m. 5 Oct., 1882 Charles Scrihxkr. Issue: [1068] 1. Louise, b. 10 .luly, 1883; m. Apr., 1904 George R. D. ScHiEFFELiN and has son George McKay, b. 1905. [1009] 2. Charles, b. 26 Jan., 1890. 1058. ARTHUR BELIN FLAGG« Jr.. b. 22 Sept., 1858; m. 1881 Martha Ann LaBruce, dau. of John LaBruce of Oak Hill, S. C. He and his wife with the five yovuiger children were swept away 13 Oct., 1893 by the great tidal wave, at Magnolia Beach, Alls- ton's Island, S. C. Issue: [1071] 1. Margaret Elizabeth, b. 22 Jan., 1882; 2. Albert. 3. Joshua John Ward. 4. Alice. 5. Eben. 6. Mattie. 129 Family Records 1060. CHARLES EDWARD BELIN FLAGG», b. 22 July, 1871; is Asst. Surgeon (1907) in U. S. A. with rank of Captain, stationed at Vancouver Barracks, Wash., after having seen service in the PhilUpines. Was m. 1893 to Julia Hibben of Indianapolis, Ind. Issue : [1075] 1. Gertrude Margaret, b. 4 Oct., 1894. [1076] 2. Charles Edward Belin, Jr., b. 4 July, 1905. 1071. MARGARET ELIZABETH FLAGG», b. 22 Jan., 1882; m. James McDonald Jewell at Fort Grant, Arizona. He was Lieut . in 14th Regt. Troop K. and was slain by savage Moros in the Philipine Islands, while gallantly leading a forlorn hope. She res. 1907 San Francisco, Cal., No. 1346 12th Ave. Issue: [1080] 1. Margaret McDonald, b. 16 Dec, 1904, Biltmore, N. C. 130 DR. ALLARD BELIN FLAGG .1023] ALLARD BELIN FLAGG JR. [1056J CAPT. CHARLES EDWARD BELIN FLAGG [1060] GERTRUDE MARGARET FLAGG [1075] y CHARLES CHARLES E. B. FLAGG. Jr. [1076] JAMES Mcdonald jewell MARGARET ELIZABETH FLAGG [1071] MARGARET McDONALD JEWELL [1080] Family Records CHAPTER VII MISCELLANEOUS GENEALOGICAL RECORDS of the FLAGG FAMILY. Children of THOMAS FLEGG' (1615-1698) and his wife Mary. 1. GERSHO^P, b. 16 April, 1641. (See Chapter III). 2. John-, b. 14 June, 1643; ni. 30 Mar.. 1670. Mary Gale, dau. of Richard Gale of Watertown. Was ad- mitted freeman 11 Oct.. 1682; was constable (tax- collector) 1685; d. 6 Feb., 1696-7. leavinp; a son John and a daughter Mary. Inventory, €112.-6. (See Bond's Watertown, p. 220). 3. Bartholomew^, b. 23 Feb.. 1645; was a member of Capt. Samuel Mo.seley's Company in Dec, 1675. (See Geneal. Register \III.. p. 241). 4. Thomas-, b. 28 April, 1646; m. 18 Feb.. 1668, Rebecca Dix, dau. of Edward Dix of Watertown. Six children. (See Bond's Watertown. p. 220). 5. William^ b. 1648 (?); killed by Indians 22 Aug., 1675 at Lancaster, Ma.ss. 6. MichaeP, b. 23 Mar., 1051; ni. 3 June, 1674. Mary Bigelow. Removed to Worcester, Mass., where he was a proprietor 1675. Second wife Mary Earle, ni. 27 Dec, 1704. He died 16 Oct.. 1711. Inven- tory £188,-1-6. Issue, six children. (See Bond's Watertown. p. 221). 7. Eleazer-, b. 14 May, 1653; admitted freeman 22 March, 1690; was in the "Narragan.sett Expedition" 1675; m. 10 Oct., 1676, Deborah Barnes of Concord, Mass., where he resided. Was a tanner and held town offices. Died 21 May, 1722. Charles Allcott Flagg* of Washington. D. C, Library of Congress, is 131 Family Records a direct descendant and has published a geanealo^y of the descendants of Eleazer Fla^g* (b. 1709), a grandson of this Eleazer^ (See later in this chapter) . 8. Elizabeth^, b. 22 Mar., 1655; m. 20 Oct., 1676, Joshua Bigelow of Watertown; died 9 Aug., 1729. Issue, twelve children. (See Bond's Watertown, page 31). 9. Mary^ b. 14 June, 1657; m. 3 June, 1674, Samuel Bigelow of Watertown; d. 7 Sept., 1720. Issue, ten children. (See Bond's Watertown, p. 31). 10. Rebecca^, b. 5 Sept., 1660; m. 19 Nov., 1679, Stephen Cook of Cambridge; d. 20 June, 1721. Issue, eight children. (See Bond's Watertown, p. 163). 11. Benjamin^, b. 25 June, 1662; m. 26 Sept., 1690„ Experience Child, dau. of Richard Child of Water- town. Removed to Worcester, where he d. 3 May, 1741. Issue, nine children. (See Bond's Water- town, p. 221). 12. Allen^ b. 16 May, 1665; m. 12 Mar., 1685, Sarah Ball, dau. of John Ball, Jr., of Watertown. He d. Nov., 1711. Inventory (lands), £92. Issue, nine children. (See Bond's Watertown, pp. 221 and 222). Later in this chapter are found the family records of many of Allen Flagg's descendants. Children of LIEUT. GERSHOM FLAGG^ (1641-1690) and his wife Hannah Leppingwell. 1. Gershom^ b. 10 Mar., 1669; lived in Woburn, Mass., and m. Hannah , who d. 4 Jan., 1741. Issue, six children. (See Bond's Watertown, p. 763). 2. Eleazer^ b. 1 Aug., 1670; a Colonel and magistrate of Woburn; m. 17 Jan., 1695, Esther Green. He d. 12 July, 1726, and his widow "Madam Esther" d. 18 Sept., 1744, aged 70 yrs. Issue, two children. (See Bond's Watertown, p. 763). From his son 132 ^J::^e.U'/ur?72y^J^u. [b 1705] This photograph of Gershom Flagg (b. 1705) is copied from an original portrait, painted by the famous artist Robert Feke, and id furnished through the courtesy of Mrs. Mary Wilder Tileston, of Boston. Family Records Eleazer* is descended Abby Emerson Fla^S; HoUis, N. H. 3. JOHN^ b. 25 May, 1673. (See Chapter III). ^^. Hannah^ b. 12 Mar., 1675; ra. 9 Jan., 1695, Henry GRE£ii- 5. Thomas^ b. 22 June, d. 23 June, 1677. 6. Ebenezer\ b. 21 Dec, 1678; m. 25 Dec, 1700, Eliza- beth Carter. Lived in Woburn, Mass., and d. 10 July, 1746. Issue, eleven children. (See Bond's Water- town, p. 763). From him, through his son Ebenezer* (b. 1704), his grand.son Josiah^ (b. 1748), and his greatgrandson Edmund" (b. 1787), is descended the diplomat and author Edmund Flao;^^ b. 1815. 7. Abigail-', b. 9 Jan., 1681; m. 12 Dec, 1700, David Cutler. 8. Mary^ b. 2 Feb., 1683. 9. Thomas^ b. Ij April. 16S5; settled in Boston; a memljer of the Second Church where he had his eight children baptised. (See Bond's Watertown, p. 763). 10. Benoni^ b. and d. 19 Aug., 1687. Children of JOHN FLAGG^" (1673-1732) and his wife Abiah Kornic. 1. John\ b. 20 Oct., 1699; m. 8 Nov., 1722, Mary Bar- ret. Issue, two children. (See North's History of Augusta, Me., p. 857). 2. Hannah*, b. April, 1701; d. 12 Dec, 1702. 3. ELEAZER\ b. 12 Feb., 1703. (See Chapter III). 4. GershomV b. 20 April, 1705; m. (I) 16 Mar., 1730, Lydia Callender, (II) 4 July, 1736, Hannah Pitson. Issue, seven children, all by second marriage. He was a Plymouth Company proprietor, owning some of the present site of Augusta, Elaine, and became a wealthy man. He d. 23 Mar., 1771 in Boston. Among his descendants are Chief Justice Melville W. 133 Family Records Fuller, the poetess Hannah Flagg Gould, Benj. A. G. Fuller, Mrs. Mary W. Tileston, and James W. North who wrote the History of Augusta, Maine. See pp. 292 and 859 for full record of Gershom*, b. 1705. 5. Ebenezer*, b. 9 Mar., 1707; d. 27 Aug., 1708. 6. Hannah*, b. 14 Oct., 1708; m. Capt. James Cocks of Boston, who d. at sea, leaving two children. (See North's Augusta, pp. 101, 840 and 857). 7. Ebenezer*, b. 27 Oct., 1710; m. 8 Feb., 1741, Manj Ward, dau. of Gov. Richard Ward of Rhode Island. (See Chapter VI). 8. Thomas*, b. 8 July, 1712; d. Sept., 1713. 9. Abiel*. ORTHOGRAPHY of the FAMILY NAME, FLEGG-FLAGG. The family name, as found in the English records and as spelled by the earlier members of the family in America, was FLEGG, and such was the spelling used as far back as the twelfth century.' (See Chapter I). FLEGGE was another mode of spelling, used often in the English records, and we even find FLEG, FLEGE, FLEGH, FLEGHT, FLEGGH, and FLIGHT to have been made use of, as the family name. But FLAGG we never find until about 1700, when our ancestors in New England seem, by common consent, to have abandoned the less euphoni- ous FLEGG. Concerning this change of spelling. Dr. Bond, in his History of Watertown, Mass., says: "This orthography (FLAGG) of the name has been adopted in the text, because it has become the prevalent, almost the universal, usage, for the last few gene- rations. There is, however, very little doubt but that it is er- roneous, and that the correct orthography is FLEGG. In the early records of the town (Watertown) and of the county, for eighty years or more, the name is, almost without exception, written FLEGG, with some variations, always retaining the E." In "A Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New 134 Family Records England," published 1860 by James Savage, Vol. II, p. 171, is found the following: "THOMAS FLEGG (FLAGG)— In the records of Water- town the name is spelled FLEG or FLEGG, in conformity, — as in our English patronymics is so usual — with its geographical derivation, but, in general, at other places, conforming to the sound. There exists a German family name, FLAGGE, which may easily be confused with our own family name, especially if, by a process of being Americanized, its final syllable is incorrectly silent in pronunciation. Members of the FLEGG family, still using the ancient and correct orthography, are William ^Martin FLEGG, and his son James Minter FLEGG, of London, England. "FLP]GG is an old English surname, the family having its origin, tradition says, in one RAWL FLEGG, a Norse viking who ravaged the eastern coast and made settlement in Norfolk about 868. There was the seat of the family and there are located (1905) FLEGG Hull and the hundreds of East and West FLEGG, old civil divisions of the county." (Extract from article in Vermont Antiquarian, March, 1905, by Chas. Allcott Flagg, of Washington, D. C, furnished through courtesy of John Henry Flagg of New York City and of Dr. John S. Flagg of Combridge, Mass). 135 Family Records ABIJAH FLAGG Jr., of West Hartford, Conn., and his DESCENDANTS, including his Uneage from THOMAS FLEGG of Watertown, Mass. THOMAS FLEGG^'S ninth son and twelfth child was ALLEN^ born 16 May, 1665; he m. 12 Mar., 1685, Sarah Ball. dau. of John Ball, Jr., and d. Nov., 1711. (See Bond's Watertown, pp. 221 and 222.) ALLEN FLAGG^'S third child, ALLEN^* Jr., of Waltham, Mass., was b. 9 Feb., 1691, and m. (1) 10 April, 1717, Adigail Fiske, w^ho d. Mar., 1730; he m. (II) 17 Nov., 1737, Prudence Child. (See Bond's Watertown, pp. 221 and 222). ALLEN FLAGG^ Jr's fourth child, ABIJAH of Sudbury, Mass., was b. 29 Aug;., 1724, and m. (I) 11 Aug., 1747, Mary Stone, by whom he had a dau. Eunice. He m. (II) 4 July, 1754, Mrs. Sarah Clarke, and later resided in Bristol. She d. 15 Jan., 1812, aged 88, on Horse Plain, where res. her son-in-law Josiah Andrews. Issue: 1 . ABI JAH^ Jr., b. 5 May, 1755. (For sketch see below) . 2. Abigail, b. 1757; m. 18 Mar., 1784, Josiah Andrew^s, a light horseman and body-guard of Count Pulaski. He d. 16 Oct., 1824, aged 74, and she d. 2 Apr., 1814, leaving no issue. 3. Solomon, b. 1758; m. Olive, dau. of Zachariah and Abigail (Beckley) Hart. 4. Dimond, b. 16 July, 1761; m. Sarah Carrington of Southington; was a clothier. Raised a large family of children in Chesire and d. there 22 June, 1797, aged 36 yrs. 5. Sarah, baptised 7 Sept., 1766 at Kensington; m. Joseph Bill. 6. Martha, baptised 7 Sept., 1766 at Kensington; m. ASABEL HOLCOURT. 7. Allen, b. 5 Jan., 1771; baptised 29 Apr., 1771; m. (I) Jemima Bidwell, and (II) Sarah Taylor. He made spinning wheels in Berlin. 136 Family Records AlilJAH FLAGG^ Jr., b. 5 May, 1755 in Brisitol, Conn., was a tanner by trade. Served in Revolution as a private in Capt. Heart's Co. (Farmington, Conn.), Col. Wolcott's regt., and was a pensioner in 1832 and in 1840. What is beyond any reasonable doubt his war record is as follows: "Abijah Flagg; account current showing money received on account between Jan. 26 and March 30 (probably 1776); reported enlisted 26 Jan; service probably in Capt. Selah Heart's Co.; also, company receipt dated 26 June, 1776, for wages for two months' service in the winter of 1775-6, in Capt. Selah Heart's Co., Col. Erastus Wool- cot's regt." (From Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in Rev. War, Vol. V, page 748). Abijah Flagg, Jr., was married (I) 7 Feb., 1782 to Thankful Seymour, who d. 12 May, 1790; both she and her husband are buried in the extreme S. part of North cemetery in West Hartford. By first marriage he liad the following i.ssue: 1. GEORGE" Sr., b. 9 Dec. 1782. (See record later). 2. AUGUSTUS^ b. 19 Mar.. 1784. (See record later). 3. Ruth, b. 22 Sept., 1785. 4. Abigail, b. 1787. 5. Alma^ b. l7S^^^:^,^^t^ Sp£A/CEU. He m. (II) 20 Nov., 1791, Thankful Woodhouse, and had issue: 6. John, b. 15 Nov., 1792. 7. Solomon Seymour, b. 6 Dec, 1794. Abijah Flagg Jr., died 22 Nov., 1842. GEORGE FLAGG« Sr., b. 9 Dec, 1782 in West Hartford, Conn., was a cobbler in N. part of the town. Was a soldier in the War of 1812, when he won the title of Captain. He m. 25 Nov., 1805, Ruth Elmer, b. 30 Dec, 1784, d. 17 May, 1860, dau. of Joseph Elmer (1759-1837) and Ruth Stoughton (1760-1843). He died 1859 in West Hartford. Issue: 1. JuUa, b. 23 May, 1806; d. 1842; m. Samuel Hurl- BURT, and had issue, two children, Gurdon and Jane. 2. GEORGE^ Jr., b. 27 Sept., 1807. (See record later). 3. GURDON, b. 14 Nov., 1809. (See record later). 4. Jane, b. 5 Oct., 1811; d. 1814. 137 Family Records 5. Franklin, b. 5 Oct., 1813; d. 1827. 6. Jane, b. 14 Mar., 1816; m. Solomon R. Fuller; d. 7 Jan., 1865; he d. 11 May, 1894. Issue: Georjre and Frederick; the latter m. Ella Rathburn. 7. Ralph, b. 23 May, 1818; d. 1819. 8. Ralph, b. 17 Oct., 1821; m. 13 April, 1848, Eliza Gillett (1824-1889). He d. 1890 in West Hartford, Conn. Issue:: 1. Florence E., b. 29 Jan., 1854, a teacher 1907 in Northfield, Mass. 2. Stuart R., b. 27 Dec, 1857; m. 10 May, 1894, Eva Brown; res. 1907 Hartford, Conn. No issue. 9. AUSTIN, b. 2 Nov., 1823. (See record later). 10. Averlin, b. 15 Dec, 1825; d. 1828. AUGUSTUS FLAGG«, b. 19 Mar., 1784; m. 1814 Lydia Wells, b. 24 Oct., 1792, dau. of Levi and Hannah Wells. He d. Jan., 1842. Issue: Marcia, d. 1851, Yonkers; Levi Wells; Newton; Ethan; (see record later of these three brothers); and Lucy A., who m. 1855 John Olmsted. GEORGE FLAGG^ Jr., b. 27 Sept., 1807, m. 7 June, 1831, Mary Goodman of West Hartford, Conn., and leaving; the next morning with his bride, he drove to York state, w^here they lived three years; the eldest child was born there. Returning to West Hartford, they bought a farm and spent the remainder of their lives on it. She was b. 6 July, 1806 and d. 23 June, 1879. He died 22 April, 1863. Issue: 1. Franklin A., b. 27 July, 1832; m. 23 Dec, 1862, Mary Landon, who d. 20 Aug., 1870. He died Jan., 1865. No issue. 2. Mary A., b. 15 Jan., 1834; m. 11 April, 1854, Edwin H. Arnold, who d. 13 Oct., 1905; she d. 27 Dec, 1858. Issue: 1. Charles, b. 20 Apr., 1855; res. 1907 W. Hartford. 2. Mary E., b. 11 Dec, 1857; m. 8 Nov., 1877, Chas. S. Mills, Jr.; res. 1907 West- field, Mass. Issue: 1. Edith M., b. 11 Nov., 1878; m. 5 Oct., 1901, Frederick Smith. Issue: 138 Family Records John -Mills, Elizabeth Carpenter. 3. Addie S., b. 21 Sept., 1858; res. 1907 West Hartford, Conn. 3. Elizabeth A., b. 22 July, 1836 ; d. 18 June, 1907, unm., W. Hartford, Conn., at res. of Geo. E. Flagg. 4. LORENZO GOODMAN', b. 25 May, 1838. (See record later). 5. Charles H., b. 11 Dec, 1840; was a member of Co. D, 22nd Conn. Volunteers in Civil War. Lived on the old Flavor farm bouo^ht by his father in 1834; m. 17 Oct., 1867, Caroline White Robhins of Sparta, Ala. He d. 6 Feb., 1902 in Columbia, S. C. 6. Julia, b. 15 Dec, 1844; m. 12 Oct., 1870, T. Everett St.\nley. She d. 2 Dec, 1873 in W. Hartford, Conn., lea vino; no issue. GURDON FLAGG^ b. 14 Nov., 1809, m. April, 1837, Sylvia Gillett (b. 1815, d. 27 Sept., 1847); he was a farmer and d. W. Hartford, 28 Aug., 1889. Issue: 1. Francis Permelia, b. 17 Nov., 1837; m. 9 June, 1859, Samuel Griswold, b. 14 Dec, 1834; res. 1907, W. Hartfortl. Issue: 1. Edward A., b. 22 Apr., 1865; d. 11 Sept., 1882. 2. William S.. b. 29 Oct., 1870. 2. Timothy G., b. 23 Jan., 1839; m. Caroline Barber in Win.sted 13 Nov., 1878; res. 1907 W. Hartford. Issue: 1. Ethel C, b. 2 Dec, 1882. 2. Alice E., b. 3 Aug., 1884. 3. Edward A., b. 25 June, 1842; m. 9 June, 1867, Mary E. Kimjon, b. 2 Apr., 1845. He d. 7 Feb., 1887. Issue: 1. Grace Eugenia, b. 23 Mar., 1871; m. 22 June, 1898, E. B. Pr.\tt; res. 1907 Hartford. 2. Marshall R., b. 28 Feb., 1875; d. 11 April, 1879. Susie May. b. 17 Jan., 1877; m. 6 June, 1901, Alfred Jacobs; she d. 10 Dec. 1902. 4. Gurdon E., b. 7 July, 1878; m. 10 Aug., 1900 Helen M. Faxon. Issue: Gurdon Faxon, b. 13 May, 1901, and Philip Kinyon, b. 12 Aug., 1904. 139 Family Records ^ 4. Alice R., b. ; m. 4 Dec, 1866, Edgar Belden (1833-1904). Issue: 1. Etta, b. 6 June, 1870. AUSTIN FLAGG^ b. 2 Nov., 1823; m. 18 May, 1847, Lucy Webster, dau. of Chester and Lucy (Francis) Webster. She d. •^ Apr 1864, and he d. 15 June, 1875. Issue: 1. WilUs M., b. 6 Oct., 1849; m. 3 Nov., 1875, Carrve E. Page of Canton, dau. of Daniel H. and Mary J. (Jaqua) Page; res. 1907 W. Hartford. Issue: 1. Eugenia E., b. 7 July, 1877; res. 1907 New York City. 2. Howard A., b. 12 Feb., 1879; res. 1907 New York Citv- 3. Helen J., b. 2 Jan., 1884; teacher in Cleveland, O..; res. 1907 W. Hartford. 4. Marshall W., b. 3 March, 1888; a musician in . U. S. Army. LEVI WELLS FLAGG^ eldest son of Augustus and Lydia (Wells) Flagg, was m. 1848 to Charlotte S. Whitman. He was an eminent and much beloved physician, and his death was mourned by the community at large, in which he had lived during his entire professional lifetime. Issue: 1. Howard Whitman, m. 1884 Lillie de Mannon. Issue: Palnel de Mannon, Roger Wells, Elsie, Lucien Whit- man, and Eulalie. 2. Marietta Wells, res. 1907 Yonkers, N. Y. 3. Lucy Whitman, res. 1907 Yonkers, N. Y. 4. George Augustus, res, 1907 Yonkers, N. Y., 15 Bel- mont Terrace. 5. Robert Newton, b. 1859, d. 1896; a physician, much esteemed throughout the county, whose sudden death was an irreparable loss to his hosts of friends. NEWTON FLAGG^ of Quincy, Ills., b. 14 Dec, 1818, W. Hartford Conn. He removed to Illinois in 1837-8, settling in Quincy when it was a mere village. Was a clear-sighted, ener- o-etic and public-spirited citizen, noted for his strict mtegrity and remarkable generosity. Was intimately connected with the 140 Family Records growth of Quiiicy; established the first bank in that city, in partnership with Cliarles Savage. Was intensely loyal to his country, and took a prominent part in the civil war, in super- intending the Musterraaster's and Commissary's Dept. in Quincy, throughout the rebellion. Returned east about 1874 to Yonkers, and d. there 6 Feb., 1878. He ra. Ellen H. Goodwin. ETHAN FLAGG^ of W. Hartford, Conn., and later of Yonk- ers, N. Y. Was called to the latter place in 1842, in behalf of his mother's interest in the estate of her uncle Lemuel Wells, who had bought the F. Phillipse estate in Yonkers in 1819 and lived in the old Manor Hou.se, which is still standing (1907) and is owned by the city of Yonkers. INIr. Flagg took a deep interest in the development of Yonkers, aiding and originating schemes for the welfare of the town, along mental, moral, and religious lines. (See History Westchester Co., Vol. II., Scharff). He marrieo I'. vj- -K ^^ «^'-. ^--r^ C 1* O)' 9^ O^ " ■V »'% ^^►^ " • « * ^ < . . • ♦ — *-^ - .o ^ J o.. h^''^ •' '•^^ '^'-^..s^^ "J^^ .0 l» „ < • » i ^^ ^'V-- t^ "a: <> '^^^ ,^' ,\ .^- "*bv^ r>J-, -r O \y s * • • ' O tf ^"'^o..^^'^ » .^...5» .-f ,-^<^«. 7 ■» -"'^i;iifi ' 9^ -^ •r::t C7 , . % 'o • . • .<^ . " 9 ^ -. .v» •'^' f^: ^o V^' , ^c* Pi - ^ i > * 1 ' o^ ' » 1 1 ,^v A -^0 -3 o 'J ^0 >4: .-%■ 1^'-. ' • o, ''^ •i ,«,.•• *•^'"'^. A'. •*^-^.>* ,V- n^- 0^ -f- e « o f;^" ^^^ ^"^ ^ .0 ^< ^. 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