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Of the six public cemeteries two, known as the old Borodino and the Nunnery Ceme- teries, have been abandoned and are now in disuse, leaving four, one at Borodino, one at Spafford Comers, one at Cold Brook, and one at Spafford Hollow, still in public use and in fair condition. Of the three private burial plots, known as the Davis, Lewis, and Stanton Yards, only the latter is now in the possession and keeping of the family making use of it, and is in fair condition, but in the case of the other two, which have gone out of the possession of the original families for whose use they were set apart, they are sadly neglected and gone to waste, as such plots sooner or later always will be under similar circumstances. Outside of the places enumerated above, there is a single grave of a Mrs. Parker, on the Breed Farm on Lot No. 11, Tully, and there is said to be one or two unmarked graves on Lot 77, Marcellus ; but as to these, in the absence of stones to designate them, even the names of those interred cannot now be ascertained. Just north of the town line, in the adjacent town of Marcellus, is a public cemetery connected with the Thorn Hill Baptist Church, which is quite generally used by the people residing in the northern end of this town as a burial place for their dead. The tombstone records of this Ceme- tery also appear in the following pages, as a full statement of the dead of this town would be incomplete without them. In closing this brief introduction it seems proper to say that, in the preparation of the following pages, it become necessary to visit the several burial places located in this town, and observe their condition. It appears that, in many 4 ONONDAGA HISTOEICAL ASSOCIATION instances, private care and attention has been bestowed upon portions of the several general cemeteries now in use, but there has been no general or systematic care and atten- tion given to these burial places, such as the enlightened and progressive spirit of the present age seems to demand. These four public cemeteries, now in use, should be incor- porated, and proper officials appointed, who will receive the generous gifts which tender and loving hearts are always willing to make, for purposes of this kind, and judiciously expend the same in beautifying, preserving and caring for these sacred places, made hallowed by the ashes of our beloved dead. Mortuary Records and Genealogical Notes ACKLES. Almira (Davis) , wife of Ovid Ackles, died February 14, 1861, ag-e 34 years. Ovid Ackles, son of Horton and Mary Ackles, and grandson of William Ackles, was born in LaFayette, N. Y., and came to this town, with his parents and his brother Samuel, about 1840; his father and mother returned to LaFayette, where the former died in 1880, and the latter in 1883. Ovid Ackles married (1) Almira Davis, daughter of Zebulon and Hannah (Ames) Davis, (2) Cook, and (3) Esther Cornue. After the decease of his first wife, he also returned to LaFayette, where he died. His childrn by his first wife, born in Spaff ord, were : Robert, married Cecelia Woolsey; Mary, married Martin Strail; Frank H., married Flora Garfield, daughter of Daniel Garfield of La- Fayette; and George H., married Jennie Carr. By his second wife (Cook) Mr. Ackles had one daughter, Dora, married , Louis Ruhlman; and by his third wife (Esther Cornue), Mr. Ackles had: Jennie and Lena, each now (1899) residing in Tully unmarried. William Ackles, the grandfather of Ovid Ackles, at an early date came from Orange County, N. Y., first to Cayuga County, and then to LaFayette, with five brothers and a sister: John, Charles, Brant, Richard, Tartulus and Sarah, and resided there until his decease. Robert Ackles (son of Ovid) by his wife, Cecilia Woolsey, had several children. Frank H. Ackles (son of Ovid), who is a commercial traveler, by his wife Flora Garfield, has one son, Horace F. Ackles, who is unmarried, an artist, and resides in Washington, D. C. George H. Ackles, (the third son of Ovid), resides in Pre|3le, N. Y., and by his v/if e Jennie Carr had : Mortimer A., married Annie Colton, daughter of David Cplton, Editor of Skaneateles Demcorat, resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. j 6 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Harley Jaman Ackles, unmarried, assistant editor Skane- ateles Democrat, resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; and Ina May Ackles unmarried. (Thorn Hill) Matilda (Spaulding), wife of Samuel Ackles, Died January 15, 1864, age 36 years, 9 months, 8 days. Samuel Ackles, son of Horton and Mary Ackles and grandson of William Ackles, was born in Christian Hollow, in the town of LaFayette, N. Y., May 20, 1819. He came to this town with his parents and brother, Ovid Ackles, about 1840. Like his father before him he is a farmer; resides near Thorn Hill, N. Y. ; he married (1) Matilda Spaulding, daughter of Isaac and Didama (Allen) Spauld- ing, February 10, 1853, and (2) Mary Harvey, daughter of Paul and Sally (Hisocck) Harvey. By his second wife Mr. Ackles had two children : Grace, bom March 4, 1868, mar- ried Frank B. Mills, (seedman at Rose Hill), son of George C. and Eliza J. (Finch) Mills, P. 0., Rose Hill, N. Y., (they have one son, Frank B. Mills, Jr.) ; and W. Harvey Ackles, bom October 22, 1870, married Nettie Smith; he is a farmer, residing near Thorn Hill, N. Y. Mr. Samuel Ackles' first wife, Matilda Spaulding, was a descendant of Edward Spaulding, who settled in Braintree, Mass., about 1634, and died at Chelmsford in the same State about 1653, in the eighth generation: Matilda, Isaac, Jeremiah, Jere- miah, Isaac, Edward, John, Edward. (Borodino) . ADAMS. In Memory of Roderick C. Adams, Died July 27, 1844, age 70 years, 7 months, 7 days. (Borodino). Philander C, son of Roderick C. and Nancy Adams, Died November 17, 1844, age 16 years, 9 months, 22 days. (Borodino) . In Memoiy of Timothy Adams, who died 16 August, 1812, in the 52 year of his age. (On February 25, 1806, he received a deed of the north half of the States Hundred Acres on lot 74, Marcellus, and conveyed the same in March following, without wife. In his will, dated January 29, 1812, and probated September IPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 7 5th of the same year, after a small bequest to the Ist Baptist Church of Marcellus, (Thorn Hill), he gave his estate equally to his mother, Reley Adams, and his sisters, Lydia Case and Rebecca Woodford.) (Old Cemetery, Borodino). ADLAM. Stephen, son of Richard and Charlotte Adlam, Died March 24, 1872, age 20 years. (Richard and Charlotte Adlam, born in England, were the common ancestors of the Spaiford Hollow Adlams.) (Spafford Hollow.) Emma Jane, daughter of Richard and Charlotte Adlam, died July 5, 1854, age 1 year 9 months. (Spafford Hollow.) Alice P. (Moss), wife of John Adlam, died January 6, 1891, age 30 years, 5 months. (John Adlam, son of Richard and Charlotte Adlam, married Alice P. Moss, daughter of William Moss.) (Spafford Hollow.) R. Lewis, son of John and Alice P. (Moss) Adlam, died January 15, 1891, age 11 months. (Spafford Hollow). ALBRO. Freelove, wife of Stephen Albro, died January 23, 1838, age 75 years. (Stephen Albro was a soldier of the Revolution.) (Borodino.) ALLEN. Aaron Allen, died October 25, 1848, in 68 years. (Aaron Allen, at the time of his decease, resided on lot 52, Marcellus, in the present town of Skaneateles. In his will, dated October 17, 1848, and probated January 10, 1849, he mentioned his wife Tryphena S. Allen, and his children: Julia S. Wiltsie, Harriet R. Benedict, Mary D. Allen, and Arvine K. Allen.) (Thorn Hill.) Tryphena S., wife of Aaron Allen, died October 12, 1873, age 90 years. (Thorn Hill.) 8 ONONDAGA HISTOmCAL ASSOCIATION Ellen M., daughter of Aaron and Tryphena S. Allen, died May 22, 1856, age 22 years, 5 months, 5 days. "Reader stand still and drop a tear, Think of the dust that slumbers here, And when you read the fate of me Think of the glass that runs for thee." (Thorn Hill.) Mary D. Allen, (daughter of Aaron and Tryphena S. Allen), died April 26, 1892, age 71 years. (Thorn Hill.) ALVORD. Deary, son of Thomas R. and Sarah A. (Webster) Alvord, died September 10, 1864, age 4 years, 8 days. (Thomas R. Alvord married Sarah A. Webster, daugh- ter of William and Mary Webster.) (Cold Brook.) ANDERSON. John Anderson, died September 30, 1890, age 83 years, 3 months, 16 days. (He was born June 14, 1807, and married Catherine Olds, June 25, 1832. Mr. Anderson was, for many years. Captain of an Artillery Company organized at Borodino, where he resided nearly all his lifetime. In his will, dated September 23, 1890, and probated December 1, 1890, he mentions his wife Catherine (OlcJs) Anderson, and his childrep : John H. Anderson of Georgetown, California ; and George C. Anderson of Spafford; he also mentions his daughter-in-law, Delphene Anderson, wife of John H. ; his sister, Catherine Tupper of Michigan ; and his niece, Betsey Tvfpper, daughter of his sister Catherine. George C. Anderson is an employee of the general government at Washington and u]imarried.) (Borodino.) Catherine Olds Anderson, (wife of John Anderson), died March 13, 1891, aged 78 years 3^n6. 3 days. (Borodino.) ^fpnnie, daughter of John and Catherine (Olds) Ander- son, died January 11, 1880, age (No stone.) (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 9 Cornelius Anderson, died June 9, 1843, age 30 years. (He was a brother of John Anderson and died unmarried.) (Borodino.) Rebecca Anderson, died October 22, 1830, age 24 years. (She was an adopted daughter of Stephen Smith and died •unmarried.) (Thorn Hill.) Among the Andersons who resided in this town, and who left no dead were : Thomas B. Anderson and his three sisters: Eliza, Susan and Louisa, who were born on the east shore of Maryland, and from there first moved to Eli- cott Mills in the same State, and at an early date to this town and settled in Borodino. Thomas B., married Caro- line Grout, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Grout, he was a merchant. He and his wife died in Pennsylvania, but were buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, N. Y.; they were father and mother of Mrs. R. A. Bonta, whose husband is Cashier of New York State Banking Company of Syracuse, N. Y.; Eliza, married Edward Baxter, died and was buried in Liverpool, N. Y. ; Susan, married Thomas Jenkins at Elicott Mills, Md., she died in Syracuse, N. Y., mother of Clinton Jenkins of Syracuse, N. Y. ; and Louisa, married Orrin Stebbins, resided in Betts' Corner, but died and was buried in Phoenix, Oswego County, N. Y. ANDREWS. Little George, son of Dudley and Calista (Perkins) Andrews, died August 31, 1853, age 6 months. (Dudley Andrews was a son of Elder Benjamin Andrews, who came from Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y., and for many years ministered over the Baptist Church at Spafford Corners. By his wife Mary, Elder Andrews had the following children: Dudley, m. Calista Perkins, daughter of Hopkins and Polly Perkins; John P., m. Harriet ; Christopher, died unmarried; Susan, m. Nelson Perkins, son of Hopkins and Polly Perkins; JVIary, m. (1) Nelson Shaw, (2) Stephen Foote; Sophia, nj. in Groton and never came to this town; Lovina, m. Elder Bennett; and Melissa F., m. Asahel M. Roundy, s.pn of Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Roundy. 10 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION John Andrews, by his wife Harriet, had the following: Dudley B., m. Helen Ripley, daughter of David and Sarah Jane (Eliot) Ripley, (7 children) ; Sophia, m. Charles Ripley, son of David and Sarah Jane (Eliot) Ripley, (3 children) ; and Benjamin, died in the army in Florida, near close of War of 1861. (Cold Brook.) ANGEL In memory of Anna, wife of Abraham Angrel, died February 17, 1839, age 79 years, 3 months, 13 days. " Go home my friends Wipe off your tears, Here I must lie 'Till Christ appears." (She came to this town about 1830, and probably resided with her daughter, Polly Angel, wife of Peleg Sprague, on lot 10, Sempronius, in the Nunnery settlement. In her will, dated September 1, 1834, and probated April 30, 1839, she mentioned her children : Polly Sprague, wife of Peleg Sprague, and (Gerusha) Mehitable Lewis), wife of Gershom Lewis.) (Borodino.) ANTHONY. Isaac Anthony, (son of Giles and Alice (Chase) An- thony) , born August 12, 1796, died November 16, 1858. (Borodino.) (Mr. Anthony was of Quaker descent and born in Ports- mouth, R. I. He came to this town from Cambridge, Wash- ington Co., N. Y., where he probably married his wife Par- melia Phelps, daughter of Daniel Phelps, and settled June 10, 1823, on Lot 12, Sempronius, where he remained until his decease. His emigrant ancestor, John Anthony, (born 1607, died July 28, 1675) came to this country, April 16, 1630, from Hemstead, England, in the ship Hercules, and finally settled in Portsmouth, R. I., where he was made freeman, March 16, 1641. His wife Susanna died in 1675. Their children were: John, Susannah, Elizabeth, Joseph and Abraham. Abraham Anthony (John) , died Octobed 10, 1727. He was SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 11 Deputy in 1703-4-5-7-8-9-10-11. In the years 1709-10 he held the office of Speaker of the House of Deputies. He married December 26 1671, Alice Wodell, daughter of William and Mary Wodell, and by her had: (at Ports- mouth, R. I.), the folloiwng children: John, Susanna, Mary, William, Susanna (2), Mary (2), Abraham, Thomas, Alice, James, Amy, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham Anthony, Jr., (Abraham, John) bom April 21, 1682, married February 7, 1716-7 at Swansey, R. I., Elizabeth Gray, and had children : (first seven in Swansey, and the balance in Portsmouth) as follows: Abraham, Mary, Edward, Thomas, Philip, Elizabeth, Isaac, Sarah, Elisha, Jonathan, Peleg and Daniel. Isaac Anthony (Abraham, Abraham, John) born 7th, 3 m 1727 at Swansey, R. I. (ml) February 15, 1753, Ruth Russell ( daughter of Seth and Hannah Russel of Dar1> mouth, (2) November 19, 1760, Hannah Slocum, daughter of Giles and Ann Slocum, (3) Rebecca and had the following: (by first wife) : Honnah, Isaac, and Seth, and (by second wife) : Giles, Ruth, and Seth, and (by third wife) : Rebecca, Alice and Isaac. Giles Anthony (Isaac, Abraham, Abraham, John) b. October 20, 1761, married at Portsmouth, R. I., January 4, 1786, Alice Chase, daughter of Aaron and Elizabeth Chase, and by her had the following (bom at Portsmouth) : Hannah, b. October 27, 1789; Alice, b. October 11, 1792; Giles, b. July 15, 1794 ; Isaac, b. August 12, 1796 ; Harriet, b. July 21, 1799 ; Elizabeth, b. February 1, 1802 ; and Mary, b. February 25, 1805. Isaac Anthony (Giles, Isaac, Abraham, Abraham, John) b. August 12, 1796, at Portsmouth, R. I. In his will, dated August 2, 1858, and probated March 3, 1859, he mentions his wife, Parmelia Anthony, and his children: Julius, P. Anthony and Catherine Gait, wife of Thomas A. Gait, of Sterling, Whiteside Co., Illinois; Elliott Anthony, of Chi- cago, Illinois; Daniel P. Anthony, Jane Harvey, wife of Dorwin Harvey, son of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey, Sarah Anthony, and Ruth Anthony of Spafford, N. Y, Giles died before his father.) (Borodino.) Sarah P. Anthony, (daughter of Isaac and Pamelia 12 •NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (Phelps) Anthony), born October 16, 1837, died January 28,1862. (Borodino.) Giles, son of Isaac and Pamelia (Phelps) Anthony, died November 9, 1853, age 30 years. " Rest brother, rest from all thy toils Now death hath set thee free ; Though thou art seen no more by us Thou shalt with Jesus be." (Borodino.) Martha A. (Shaw), wife of George H. Anthony, died October 26, 1868, age 35 years, 6 months. " Gone but not forgotten," (George H. Anthony, son of Harvey Anthony, married (1) Martha A. Shaw, daughter of James Shaw of Spafford Hollow, and (2) Esther Root, daughter of Henry and Anna Root, also of Spafford Hollow.) (Cold Brook.) Esther (Root) , wife of George H. Anthony) . (Cold Brook.) ARNOLD. Lydia, widow of Joseph Arnold, died October 1, 1846, in the 76th year of her age. (She was the mother of Mrs. Harriet Lyon, wife of David T. Lyon, and came from Otisco, N. Y.) (Spafford.) AVERY. James Avery and his wife Mercy came to this town at an early date, and settled on the southwest corner of Lot 21, Tully : these lands he and his wife conveyed to Benjamin Homer, November 29, 18X1. He then purchased and re- sided for a short time on the southwest corner of Lot 33, Tully, but sold it to Jonathan Berry in 1824, and moved on to Lot 41, Tully, all of which he had purchased except Sur- vey 50 acres in the northeast corner. His residence, during his remaining stay in town, was near the Joseph Prindle residence, so well known on said lot in subsequent years. Lot 41 was conveyed by him in parcels to Thompson Bur- dick (1819), Elmer D. Jenks (1822), Elijah Baker (1826), and to Caleb N. Potter (January, 1829 and December 1829) . SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 13 He was Trustee of the 1st Free Will Baptist Church in 1828, and as such was one of the grantees of the lands upon which the church edifice of that society was erected about that time. He left no descendants in this town, and very- little is known of him even by the old residents, outside of his numerous business transactions, which indicate that he was an active and successful business man. Of his family no record remains. BABCOCK. Elihu Babcock, (son of John and Ruth Babcock), died January 8, 1819, age 40 years. (He came probably from Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., to Spafford, (then Tully), before February 13, 1810, and settled on Lot 10, Sempronius, amnog the first settlers. At the time of his decease he was residing on a farm of 131 acres, owned by him in the southwest comer of said lot, running down to the east shore of Skaneateles Lake. In his will, dated January 19, 1819, and probated March 4, 1819, he mentions his wife Hannah Babcock, and his children: Thomas, Malentha, (m. Calvin Streeter), Cyrus, Ruth, Worden and Sophia.) (Thorn Hill.) Ruth, daughter of Elihu and Hannah Babcock, died March 19, 1836, age 22 years. (She died unmarried.) (Thorn Hill.) John Babcock, Jr., (son of John and Ruth Babcock), died October 24, 1849, age 68 years. (He probably came early from Washington Co., N. Y., among the first settlers, and took up his residence near his brother Elihu, on Lot 10, Sempronius, and subsequently moved into the Village of Borodino, where he remained until his decease; he was a cooper by trade. He married first Nancy Stoddard, second Ellis Wallace, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wallace, and third Lucy Sprague, widow of Solomon Sprague. His children were: Laura Ann, m. Asa Hall, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Macumber) Hall; Lovina, m. Worden Babcock, son of Elihu and Hannah Bab- cock; Ira, m. Julianna Palmer, daughter of Amos and Mary (Barber) Palmer, April 13, 1834; Matilda; Mercy, m. 14 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Willet Palmer, son of Amos and Mary (Barber) Palmer; Rebecca, Hannah, John, Elihu, Darius, Isaac, Permelia, m. (1) Jacob Pollock and (2) George W. Breed, son of Rufus and Mehitable Breed; and Charles, b. February 21, 1840, died in Dallas, Nebraska, December 16, 1897, m. Charlotte Walker, January 1, 1863, in Pennsylvania.) (Borodino.) Worden Babcock, died January 3, 1849, age 29 years, 7 months, 5 days. (Borodino.) John H. Babcock, bom October 11, 1807 died May 5, 1874. " At Rest." (He is not known to be related to the other Babcock families of this town. He resided, at the time of his decease, on the place known as " Split Rock," east of the Skaneateles and Homer road, on the N. W. comer of lot 12, Sempronius.) (Borodino.) Willie J., son of William and Elizabeth Babcock, died January 23, 1875, age 1 year, 1 month. (William Babcock was a son of John H. Babcock.) (Borodino.) Sarah Lavinda (Carr), wife of Thomas A. Babcock. Died January 9, 1873, age 38 years 2 months, 14 days. (She was a daughter of Thurston and Lorane (Green) Carr. Sarah, Thruston, William, Thurston, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, Robert, Benjamin.) (Spafford.) Elizabeth (Bulfinch), wife of John Babcock, died De- cember 18, 1851, in her 74th year. (She was a sister of Joseph Bulfinch. Her husband, John Babcock, was one of the first settlers in town, (Oct. 8, 1806) and lived on 47 acres west of the Skaneateles and Homer road, on lot 21, Tully, at Spafford Corners, the same farm afterwards owned and occupied successively by Silas Cox, Joseph Cole and Dr. John Collins. He was at one time prominent in town affairs, being the first Supervisor at the organization of the town of Spafford in 1812. He went West about 1825. (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 16 BACON. Amos Bacon, died July 24, 1840, age 72 years. (He married Abigail Cady and had : William, m. Phebe Isdell, daughter of Andrew and Mary (Harris) Isdell; Amos, Jr., m. Clarissa Fowler; John, m. Sally Churchill, daughter of John and Martha Churchill; Achsah, m. Wil- lard Doty, son of Warren and Sarah (Wood) Doty; and Abigail, who died at 22, unmarried.) (Cold Brook.) Abigail (Cady), wife of Amos Bacon, died February 14, 1844, age 72 years. (Cold Brook.) Abigail, daughter of Amos and Abigail (Cady) Bacon, died March 1, 1835, age 22 years, 1 month, 10 days. " Death is a debt to nature due, Which I have paid and so must you." (Cold Brook.) John Bacon, (son of Amos and Abigail (Cady) Bacon), died April 22, 1844, age 43 years, 9 months. (He married Sally Churchill, daughter of John and Martha Churchill, and had: Warren, died unmarried; David, m. Ruth E. House, and moved to Chautauqua Co., N. Y. ; Phelena, moved to Campbell, Mich., and married a Mr. Gibson: Harrison, m. Frances Churchill, daughter of Orville and Mary J. (Riggall) Churchill; and Irene, died young.) (Cold Brook.) Sally (Churchill), wife of John Bacon, died May 24, 1899, age 90 years. (Cold Brook.) Warren Bacon, (son of John and Sally (Churchill) Bacon). Died June 6, 1850, age 24 years. (He died unmarried.) (Cold Brook.) Irene Bacon, (daughter of John and Sally (Churchill) Bacon). Died December 16, 1836, age 15 months. (Cold Brook.) Cora, daughter of David and Ruth E. (House) Bacon), died October 9, 1860, age 20 months. (David Bacon, son of John and Sally (Churchill) Bacon, 16 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATI»N married Ruth E. House. He moved to Chautauqua County, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) Frances (Churchill), wife of Harrison Bacon, died Feb- ruary 11, 1885, age 30 years. Harrison Bacon, son of John and Sally (Churchill) Bacon, married Frances Churchill, daughter of Orville and Mary J. (Riggall) Churchill.) (Cold Brook.) In memory of John H. Bacon, who died June 18, 1834, in the 24th year of his age. (Cold Brook.) Orson, son of Amos (Jr.) and Clarissa (Fowler) Bacon, died March 3, 1857, age 14 years, 9 months, 19 days. " ! that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall. And pour the everlasting song And crown Him Lord of All." (Amos Bacdn, Jr., son of Amos and Abigail (Cady) Bacon, married Clarissa Fowler.) (Spafford.) Augustus, son of Amos (Jr.) and Clarissa (Fowler) Bacon, died June 5, 1858, age 21 years, 8 months, 15 days. (Spafford.) Sarah E., daughter of James and Martha (Woodworth) Bacon, died August 17, 1877, age 1 year, 9 months, 24 days. (She sleeps." (James Bacon, son of William and Phebe (Isdell) Bacon, married Martha Woodworth, daughter of Joel C. and Sarah (Eadie) Woodworth. William Bacon, son of Amos and Abigail (Cady) Bacon, in his will dated December 14, 1878, and probated February 10, 1879, mentions his wife Phebe Bacon, and his children: James (above mentioned), of Spafford, N. Y. ; John, of Junius, Seneca Co., N. Y.; Charles, m. Emma J. Davis, daughter of Col. Lewis C. and Mary (Pressy) Davis of Spafford, N. Y., Emeline, m. Arlo Woodworth, son of Joel C. and Sarah (Eadie) Woodworth, then of Spafford, N. Y.; Wesley, of Junius, Seneca Co., N. Y., and Frank of Spafford, N. Y., then all of full age. William died at Spafford, December 17, 1878, three days after making his will, at the age of 68 years. (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 17 Perry D., son of Charles and Emma J. (Davis) Bacon, died November 15, 1878, age 5 years, 5 months, 25 days. (Charles Bacon, son of William and Phebe (Isdell) Bacon, married Emma J. Davis, daughter of Col. Lewis C. and Mary (Pressey) Davis.) (Spafford.) BAKER. Ashbel S. Baker, (son of Simeon C. Baker) , died Decem- ber 25, 1849, age 29 years, 1 month, 22 days. (He was a son of Simeon C. Baker of Marietta, N. Y., and m. (1) Sarah A. Streeter, daughter of Alexander R. and Susan (Carpenter) Streeter, and (2) Norrissa . He died from an injury received in a friendly scuffle with Charles Bailey. He left him surviving, his widow Norrissa Baker, and children: Sarah Ann, afterwards m. Roland Rollo of Sennett, N. Y.; Charles, and Clarrissa Baker, all three minors; the first of whom was adopted into the family of Orrin Eddy, whose wife Harriet Streeter was her aunt.) (Borodino.) Sarah A. (Streeter), wife of Ashbel S. Baker, died May 5, 1845, age 21 years, 3 months, 13 days. (She was a daughter of Alexander R. and Susan (Car- penter) Streeter). (Borodino.) Sally Ann (Taft) , wife of Ziba D. Baker, died March 26, 1846, age 34 years. (Ziba D. Baker, son of Josiah and Sally Baker, married Sally Ann Taft, daughter of Ellis and Cynthia (Knapp) Taft; they were father and mother of Cynthia, widow of Benjamin McDaniels, deceased, and now a resident of this town. Josiah Baker died in this town and was buried in Borodino Cemetery (no stone) . He had by his wife Sally the following children: Sally, m. Mr. Carley; Ziba D., (mentioned above) ; Susan, m. Gardner Barber (dead) ; George, m. Mary Ann Austin, resides in Chicago, 111. ; and Morris Baker, resides in Independence, Iowa.) (Cold Brook.) 18 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION BALL. Charles T., son of J. M. and H. M. Ball, died October 28, 1850, a.?e 2 years, 1 month, 21 days. (Mr. J. M. Ball was a shoemaker, and a transient resi- dent of Borodino.) (Borodino.) BARBER. Ruluf Barber, died May 31, 1832, in his 49th year. (In his will, dated May 29, 1832, and probated July 27, 1832, he mentions his wife Annice Barber, and his children : Ruluf Jerome, (m. Samantha Young; she subsequently m. James H. Isdell), of Spafford, N. Y.; Emily; Calvin, (m. Amanda A. ) ; Everett, (m. Louisa ) , moved to Michigan; Lucian; Sylvia, (m. Ira Young of Cayuga Co., N. Y.) ; Homon (m. Harriet Mason) ; Sarah Ann, (m. James Smith) ; and Daniel Hugh Barber.) (Cold Brook.) In memory of Jerome Ruluf Barber, (son of Ruluf and AnniceBarber) , who died October 23, 1837, age 33 years, 9 months, 17 days. " He's gone to rest, thy husband dear. Then why shoulds't thou complain. Or grieve, or sigh, or shed a tear, Or wish him back again?" (He married Samantha Young, who after his decease married (2) James H. Isdell, son of Andrew and Mary (Harris) Isdell; she and her second husband are both now deceased.) (Cold Brook.) Emily, daughter of Ruluf and Annice Barber, died Nov- ember 24, 1839, age 34 years, 5 months, 6 days. (Cold Brook.) Loin, son of Ruluf and Annice Barber, died August IS 1827, in his 3rd year. (Cold Brook.) Mr. Lucian, son of Ruluf and Annice Barber, died June 4, 1835, age 21 years, 2 months, 18 days. (Cold Brook.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 19 James M., son of Samuel and Thankful Barber, died Oct. 10, 1825, ag-e 10 months, 16 days. (Spafford.) Rathbone Spafford, 1807-1887. Julia A. (w.), 1816-1888. Menry J. Barber, 1814. (Spafford.) Robe (Wilcox) , wife of Rathbone Barber, died Novem- ber 4, 1859, age 77 years, 9 months, 11 days. (After the death of his wife Robe Rathbone moved to Junius, N, Y., where he married a second time. He died at the latter place and was buried there by the side of his second wife. By his wife Robe he had the following chil- dren: Rathbone, Jr., m. Julania Ann Harris, daughter of William and Nancy (Davis) Harris; Jeremiah, m. and lived in Junius, Seneca Co., N. Y. ; Reuben W., m. Purlina Morris, daughter of Samuel and Jane (Springer) Morris resided in Barry Co., Mich., and had three daughters there; Charles, m. Betsey Randall, daughter of Silas and Mercy (Harring- ton) Randall; Ruth, m. Jerome Reed, and resided in Alle- gany Co., N. Y. ; Robey, m. Clark Havens (both dead) ; and Daniel, m. Cornelia Belknapp, and died in Pennsylvania. Rathbone was a brother of Mary Barber who married Amos Palmer.) (Spafford.) Paulina Morris, widow of Reuben W. Barber, 1825-1857. (Spafford.) Henry E., died March 3, 1874, age 8 months, 2 days. Julia A., died July 2, 1878, age 2 years, 7 months, 6 days. Children of Bradford and Phebe (Cox) Barber. Bradford Barber was a son of Rathbone, Jr., and Jul- ania Ann (Harris) Barber. Rathbone Barber, Jr. lived most of his life on the Psalter Pullman farm on Lot 32, Sempronius, where were born to him by his wife Julania the following children : Addison, m. Juliette Servant, and resides in the town of Niles, Cayuga Co., N. Y. ; Frederick m. Alvira Servant, and resides in Niles, N. Y. ; Frank, m. (1) Mary Owen, (2) Samantha Belknapp, and resides in Skaneateles Village, N. Y. ; Bradford, m. Phebe Cox, resides in Niles, N. Y. ; Alice, m. John Randall, son of Hosea and Charlotte (Clark) Randall, resides in Scott, P. 0. address. Glen Haven; Mary, m. Harrison Morris, son of Uriah and 2b ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Frances (Worden) Morris, Skaneateles Village, N. Y. ; Jane (mute), resides unmarried, in Spafford, N. Y., and Lewis, m. Amy Johnson and resides in Niles, N. Y. Rathbone, Jr., and his wife Julania, at the time of their decease, were living in the town of Niles, N. Y., but both were buried in Spafford Cemetery. (No stone.) (Spafford.) BARKER. Darius Barker, died July 3, 1840, age 43 years, 9 months, 23 days. (Darius Barker came to this town from Easton, Wash- ington Co., N. Y., May 4th, 1832, and settled on lots 41 and 42, Tully, where he remained until his decease; by his wife Mary Cooper, he had the following children: William C, m. Betsey Ann Knapp, daughter of Elijah and Betsey (Bur- dick) Knapp, resides in Homer, N. Y. ; Charles, moved to Chautauqua Co., N. Y. ; Cornelia, m. (1) George W. Lyon, son of David L. and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon, and (2) John Wallace, born in Ireland, she resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Sarah Mary, m. John Cotterall, he is dead and she resides in Scott, N. Y. ; Charlotte, m. (1) James Hill Norton, son of Robert and Susan (Hill) Norton; (2) Mr. Tanner, she is now dead; Caroline, m. William Smith and moved to Cali- fornia ; and Benejah, m. in Oregon and died in Washington, D. C, his widow and one child still reside in the latter place. Wliliam Cooper Barker, by his wife Betsey Ann Knapp, had the following children : George Eugene, (physician and surgeon) m. (1) Helen Elisiff Westcott, (2) Ada Scammell (both wives now dead), resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Charles Emerson, m. Ida Norton, daughter of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Norton, of Spafford, N. Y., and Perry Knapp, m. Cornelia Desdemonia Knapp (second cousin), daughter of George Frink and Betsey Ann (Gale) Knapp, resides in Homer, N. Y.) Mary, widov/ of Darius Barker, died February 18, 1889, age 93. (Spafford.) Messer Barker at an early date was a merchant in the Village of Borodino ; he also dealt extensively in real estate. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 21 commencing these transactions April 28, 1818 and ending April 1, 1840, in which his wife, Ann Eliza, joined. In the latter part of the year 1838 he moved from Borodino and settled in Plymouth, Richland Co., Ohio. Hon. Sidney Smith says: " Messer Barker had a family of one son and I think four daughters. They were an unusually bright family ; they left Borodino for Ohio before they were fully grown." The son, Frank Barker, married and died in Ohio. BARNT3S. Harvey Barnes, died May 14, 1891, age 87 years. (He married Avalinda Holmes, daughter of John and Lydia Holmes, and by her had: Edwin F. m. Mary A. Travis, daughter of John Travis; and Christina, m. (1860) William H. Clark, son of Amasa P. and Lydia (Bingham) Clark, of Borodino, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Edwin F. Barnes, (son of Harvey and Avalinda (Holmes) Barnes.) Died December 10, 1872, age 32 years, 10 months, 17 days. (He married Mary A. Travis, daughter of John Travis.) (Borodino.) Laura, daughter of Noah and Julia Barnes, died April 23, 1835, age 23 years, 1 month. (Borodino.) Hiram Barnes, died November 1, 1842, age 42 years, 3 months, 6 days. He was a brother of Harvey Barnes. (Borodino.) BATES. Mary A. (Sharp), wife of Ransford R. Bates, died February 23, 1862, age 39 years, 9 months, 10 days. (She wasa daughter of Chester and Anice (Churchill) Sharp, and a granddaughter of John and Martha Churchill, one of the first settlers in Cold Brook.) (Cold Brook.) 22 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION BAXTER. vSeveral members of the Baxter family came to this townr'. from Pittsfield, Mass., at an early date, and settled at Borodino and in that vicinity, among whom were Daniel, John, William. Bently, Edward and Septimus, five brothers, and possibly one or more sisters, but of the sisters we have no positive information ; and in fact nothing- more is known of Septimus than his name. Daniel Baxter came before the Fall of 1817, and first settled on lot 14, Sempronius, west of the Center, but in course of one or two years thereafter moved to the Village of Borodino, where he carried on a general mercantile business for twelve or fifteen years there- after. From 1817 to 1832 he had numerous real estate transactions in Borodino and in that vcinity, in which he was joined by his wife Susan. He was Supervisor of the town in the years 1830-1-2, and his general reputation was that of a substantial business man. He was Member of Assembly of the New York Legislature from this town in 1828. He went West early in the thirties. John Baxter resided in the Village of Borodino before the Marcellus end of the town was incorporated into the original town of Spafford. He was a successful farmer and business man, and sometimes acted as surveyor; several of the roads of the town were laid out and surveyed by him, and are so recorded in the town records. In his real estate transactions he is joined by his wife Delia; he also v/ent West and settled in Michigan. William Bentley Baxter married Mary Hillebert, daughter of John C. and Elizabeth (Berry) Hillebert. He was also a farmer residing near Borodino and went West. Edward Baxter came originally from Pittsfield, Mass., to Volney, Oswego Co., N, Y., and from there moved to Borodino, where he carried on a general mercantile business for a number of years. From Borodino he moved to Phoe- nix, Oswego County, N. Y., and from there to Liverpool, N. Y., where he remained until his decease. While residing in Borodino he married Eliza Anderson, sister of Thomas B. Anderson, then of that place, and by her had three chil- dren, the first two born in Borodino and the last in Phoenix; George, born March 6, 1839, married Anice Sitts, of Clay, N. Y. ; he has been for several years Supervisor of the Town 3PAFF0ED MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 23 of Salina, is a successful business man and now resides in Liverpool, N. Y.; Charles, born 1843, married and resides in Arizona ; Clinton, born 1846, and is also married, resi- dence unknown. Mr. Edward Baxter died in Liverpool in September, 1895, at the advanced age of 91 years, and was buried at that place; his wife died in 1862 or 3, and was also buried at the same place. BEARSE. Aaron Bearse, died February 14, 1842, age 58 years. (He married (1) Phebe Smith, (2) Rebecca Earl, daughter of David and Anna Earl, and (3) Harriet Cleve- land, sister of Benajah Cleveland. He came to this town among the early settlers and took up his residence on a farm, probably under a contract, on lot 13, Sempronius, for which he subsequently took a deed, February 29, 1812. In his will, dated November 16, 1841, and probated February 24, 1842, he mentions his wife Harriet Bearse, and his children: David; Lyman, m. Mary Emily Langdon, he died West before October 13, 1853; Isabenda (m. 1) Anson Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell, and (2) Albert E. Fulton, son of Emerson Fulton; Ford; Aaron E.; Ward, m. Mary Burns, daughter of Felix and Elizabeth (Walace) Burns; Harriet; and Esther M. Bearse; the two latter died unmarried.) (Borodino.) Phebe (Smith), wife of Aaron Bearse, died October 11, 1819, in the 35th year of her age. (Borodino.) In memory of Rebecca (Earl) wife of Aaron Bearse, died February 7, 1830, age 38 years, 9 months, 22 days. (Thorn Hill.) BECKER. Peter Becker, son of David and Gertrude (Van Buren) Becker, born June 11, 1800, died July 29, 1889. Age 89 years, 1 month, 18 days. " He rests well." (He was born at Easton, Washington Co., N. Y., and is supposed to have been a descendant of John Becker, who 24 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION in 1656 was Clerk at Fort Casimir on the Deleware, in 1660 kept school in New Amsterdam (N. Y. City) , and in 1663 and afterwards was a Notary Public and School- master, in Greenbush and Albany, N. Y. He was one of a family of seven children, three boys and four girls, who resided in Washington and Saratoga Counties in this State. After his marriage to his first wife, Mary Eadie, he first settled in Scriba, Oswego Co., N. Y., in the year 1836, and from there came to Scott, N. Y., and resided for about four years on the Vincent Farm. March 9, 1840, he purchased a farm of ninety-nine acres of Henry Ide, on Lot 12, Sem- pronius, and resided in this town afterv/ards until the time of his decease. His wife, Mary, died April 2, 1866, and he married (2) Asenath Patterson, widow of Calvin Patterson, and former widow of William Case, her maiden name was Asenath Warner. His children were by his first wife.) (Borodino.) David Becker, born July 7, 1820. William Becker, born April 18, 1823. Elizabeth Becker, born Sept. 6, 1825. Henry Becker, born July 27, 1827. James Becker, born October 8, 1830. Alexander Becker, born June 2, 1833. John Becker, born July 12, 1836. Thomas Becker, born February 12, 1838. Children of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker.) (David Becker married Eunice Legg, daughter of William and Amanda (Fulton) Legg, and had two children: Mrs. Ellis A. Tucker of Little York, N. Y., and Mrs. Emma Gere of Beatrice, Nebraska. Mrs. David Becker was born in February, 1833, and is now deceased, buried by the side of her husband in Borodino Cemetery. (No stone) ; Wil- liam Becker, married Joanna Robinson, daughter of Archi- bald and Amy Robinson; Elizabeth Becker died unmarried; Henry Becker died unmarried ; James Becker married Mary Boothroy, resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Alexander Becker married Mary Newell, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Cuy- kendall) Newell, his wife is dead and he resides in Syra- cuse, N. Y. ; John Becker married Elizabeth Shuttleworth, born in England and now deceased; and Thomas Becker married Elizabeth Babcock.) (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 25 Mary (Eadie) Becker, wife of Peter Becker, died April 2, 1866, age 67 years, 9 months, 27 days. (Borodino.) Asenth (Patterson) (Case) (Warner) Becker, v/ife of Peter Becker, died January 23, 1886, age 74 years, 6 months. (No stone.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth (Shuttle worth) Becker, wife of John Becker, born 1842, died 1894. (John Becker was a son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker. (Borodino.) Henry Becker (son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker). Born July 27, 1827, died September 8, 1895. (Borodino.) Alexander Becker, (son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker) . Bom July 2, 1833. (Borodino.) Mary Newell, wife of Alexander Becker, born November 27, 1833, died December 13, 1895. (Alexander Becker, son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker, m. Mary Newell, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Cuykendall) Newell. Alexander resides in Syracuse, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Joanna (Robinson) wife of William Becker. Died May 30, 1878, age 55 years, 5 months, 7 days. " Mother we miss Thee." (William Becker (son of Peter and Mary Eadie) Becker m. Joanna Robinson, daughter of Archibald and Amy Robinson.) (Borodino.) David Becker, (son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker). Died November 19, 1862, age 43 years, 4 months. (He married Eunice Legg, daughter of William and Amanda (Fulton) Legg. He was a merchant at Borodino, and prominent both in business and town affairs. He was Supervisor of the town in 1860.) (Borodino.) Eunice Legg, wife of David Becker. Died at Geddes, N. Y., July 31, 1879, age 46 years, 5 months.) 26 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (She was born February, 1833. No stone.) (Borodino.) Fannie, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Shuttleworth) Becker. Died September 28, 1864, age 2 years, 6 months. (Borodino.) BEELER. (Private in Capt. Kean's Co. 4th U. S. Regt. of Riflemen in the War of 1812, is buried in an unmarked grave in the southeast corner of the Spafford Cemetery. He was a pen- sioner of the United States for loss of a leg, resulting from a wound received in battle in the year 1814. He came to Spafford from Springfield, New York. He died after 1821, but at what date is not known. At the time of his decease, he was living at Roundy's Tavern at Spafford Corners.) No stone. (Spafford.) BENNETT. Lucinda, wife of Isaac Bennett. Died October 20, 1830, age 39 vears, 4 months, 21 days. (Thorn Hill.) Lucy Hutchens, wife of Lyman C. Bennett. Died April 5, 1882, age 52 years. " In life beloved, in death lamented." (Lyman C. Bennett (b. in Virgil, N. Y., November 20, 1831), son of Stephen and Waity (Hill) Bennett, married Lucy Hutchens, daughter of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens. She was bom in Spafford, N. Y., April 6, 1830; one child.) (Spafford.) Phineas Hutchens, only child of Lyman C. and Lucy (Hutchens) Bennett. Died March 29, 1866, age 9 months, 11 days. " Our Little Phinney." " ! the little feet, in the glorious street. Can never go astray. Too frail, too pure for Earth." (Spafford.) William J. Bennett, (son of Stephen and Waity (Hill) Bennett. Died October 9, 1860, age 21 years. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 27 (He was a cripple, and at the time of his decease was living with his brother, Lyman C. Bennett.) (Spafford.) The family of Christian Bennett resided and buried its dead just over the Spafford line, in the town of Tully, in the locality commonly called "Bennett Hollow," yet on account of its close business and social relations with the people of this town the following is offered : Christian Bennett the elder, (called by himself Chris- John Bonats) , was born at Frankfort on the Rhine, and was a soldier under Napoleon the First in the French Revolution. After his discharge from the French Army he first settled in Germantown, Pennsylvania, and from there emigrated to the town of Tully among the first settlers. He died in Bennett Hollow, and was buried there by the side of his wife, Hannah Fralick. He had three children registered in the family Bible, as Peter Bonats, Gershom Bonats, and Christian Bonats. Christian Bonats, Jr., born in Germantown, Pa., August 14, 1781, married January 8, 1812, Elizabeth Adare. He came to Tully at an early date, and in 1816 purchased his large farm of 155 acres in Bennett Hollow, where he re- mained until the time of his decease, September 25, 1866. He was trustee of School District No. 8 (a joint district for the towns of Spafford, Tully and Preble) from 1852 to 1857 inclusive. He and his wife, Elizabeth, were buried in the Cemetery near the School House, in Bennett Hollow. His children, all born in Bennett Hollow, were: Jane, bom February 7, 1813, died January 1898, in Iowa, married William A. Higley ; Joseph Adare, born March 18, 1815, died March 23, 1836, in Bennett Hollow ; Lydia Maria, born Feb- ruary 22, 1817, married Isaac Hollenbeck in 1839, and resides in Tully, N. Y., (7 children) ; Henry Staley, born December 20, 1819, died in Pennsylvania, (2 children) ; Sarah Ett, born April 5, 1823, died March, 1872, married (1) Anthony Straile and (2) George Warne, (2 children) ; Mary Elizabeth, born August 17, 1829, married Richard A. VanDenburg, resides in Scott, N. Y. (4 children) ; James Edward, born March 23, 1827, died in Preble, N. Y., mar- ried Hannah Van Denburg, (2 children) ; and John Chris- 28 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSO^ATION tian, born November 13, 1833, married May 20, 1856, H. Amelia Doran of Syracuse, N. Y. Col. John Christian Bennett born November 13, 1833, and livincr in 1888 in London, England, married May 20, 1856, at Syracuse, N. Y., H. Amelia Doran, now living in Syracuse, N. Y., and by her had : John Christian, Jr., born in 1858, residing in Boston, Mass., unmarried; Joseph Adare, born in 1862, married and lives in Texas, Sergeant in 23d United States Infantry ; Andrew Doran, born in 1865, merchant in Syracuse and married; and Carl Lee, born in 1867, married Jessica Marie Kline in New York City, where he nov/ resides. John C. Bennett obtained the rank of Colonel from the State of New York, as commanding officer of the 51st Regiment of New York Militia, located at Syracuse, N. Y. BERRY. Jonathan Berry. Born March 17, 1771, died August 13, 1849. Jonathan Berry came from Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., and settled on Lot 12, Sempronius, in March, 1803. He remained there until March 3, 1810, when he purchased the States Hundred Acres on Lot 89, Marcellus, of Daniel Tinkham. Soon after he took up his residence near where Jeremiah Olmstead now resides on this purchase, and re- mained there until the time of his decease. Mr. Berry was a leading business man, and without question dealt more extensively in real estate in his adopted town than any of his fellow townspeople. Among other transactions he pur- chased nearly all of lots 10 and 12, Sempronius, and sold out in parcels to suit his purchasers, who cleared and settled upon the lands. His real estate transactions, however, were not confined to the vicinity of his residence, but extended to all parts of the town, without reference to his individual uses and purposes. The public records indicate that he had a natural born taste for speculation in real estate, which to a certain extent met with success, for at his decease he left a very valuable property of this kind, to be distributed among the members of his family. By his wife Thankful he had the following children: Joseph R., married Sarah Kneeland, daughter of Asa and Hannah (Green) Kneeland, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 29 resided in Winslow, Stevens Co., Illinois; Mary, married Isaac Knapp, son of Peter and Dinah (Guion) Knapp; Eliz- abeth, married John C. Hillebert of Borodino, N. Y. ; Nelson, married (1) Lucretia Lyman, (2) Amy Ann Eddy, and (3) Abigail Stringham, after his decease his last wife married (2) George Maxson of Scott, N. Y., he left him surviving two sons, William G. and Fred M. Berry; Thankful, married James Bemus, resided in Chautauqua Co., N. Y. ; Sophia M., married John J. Rowan, son of John and Nancy Rowan, she died in Otisco, N. Y. ; Adeline, married Edwin Eddy, then of Borodino, N. Y. ; Ann W., married Winchester, she died before her father and left four sons; Jonathan Berry, Joseph R., Andrew J., and George W. V/inchester; Simeon, m.arried , he died before his father and left four children : Jonathan, Timothy M., Mary Ann, married Job Springer, and Edward G. Berry; and Ruth Frances Berry, who died before her father, un- married.) (Borodino.) Thankful, wife of Jonathan Berry. Born May 15, 1777, died August 26, 1847. " There is rest for the wearied spirits above." (Borodino.) Ruth Frances, daughter of Jonathan and Thankful Berry. Died July 27, 1841, age 21 years. (Borodino.) Nelson Berry, son of Jonathan and Thankful Berry. Died March 30, 1884, aged 84 years. (No stone) . (He married (1) Lucretia Lyman, (2) Amy Ann Eddy, and (3) Abigail Stringham, who after his decease married (2) George Maxson of Scott, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Lucretia (Lyman) , wife of Nelson Berry. Died January 22, 1856, age 36 years. (Borodino.) Amy Ann (Eddy), wife of Nelson Berry. Died June 22, 1857, age 42 years. (Borodino.) Zara Berry. Bom February 22, 1801, died March 14, 1875. (He was a nephew of Jonathan Berry, and probably came from Washington Co., N. Y., the home of the Berry 30 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION family. He married (1) Harriet Rathbone, daughter of James and Margaret (Ashley) Rathbone, and (2) Sophia Hillebert, daughter of John C. and Elizabeth (Berry) Hille- bert. By his first wife he had Harriet, married Shuler Conover of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; and by his second wife: Mary, married John Perry Lewis, son of John R. and Roxana (Moon) Lewis, now dead and buried in Borodino Cemetery; Charles and Helen, who died young; George, married and living at Grand Lodge, Mich.; and Frank, married and living at Minneapolis, Minnesota.) (Borodino.) In memory of Harriet (Rathbone), wife of Capt. Zara Berry. Died October 12, 1828, age 21 years, 10 months, 16 days. (Thorn Hill.) Sophia (Hillebert), wife of Zara Berry. Born Decem- ber 26, 1813, died April 29, 1886. (Borodino.) Charlie, son of Zara and Sophia (Hillebert) Berry. Died November 16, 1865, in his 9th year. (Borodino.) Helen, daughter of Zara and Sophia (Hillebert) Berry. Died September 14, 1838, in her 4th year. (Borodino.) BIERCE. Several members of the Bierce family formerly resided in Cold Brook and the town of Scott ; Augustin Bierce mar- ried the widow Niles, and by her had the following children : Chauncey, married Harriet Brown, daughter of Judge Brown of Scott, N. Y., he resided both in Spafford and in the town of Scott, N. Y. ; Datus W.„ married Emily Cole of Cazenovia, N. Y., he resided in Cole Brook, but died in Cort- land, N. Y. ; Niles H., married (1) Laura Smith of Roches- ter, N. Y., and (2) Mary Smith of Batavia, N. Y., he resided first in Scott and then in Batavia, where he died; and Emeline, married Albert Rowe of Scottsville, N. Y., she last resided in Albany. Mrs. Bierce, by her first husband Niles, had four chil- dren (half brothers and sisters of the foregoing) who also resided in Spafford and Scott: John E., married (1) Sarah SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 31 Peters, and (2) of Smithport, N. Y. ; George, married Mahala Bowdish and resided in Scott, N, Y. ; Lucinda, married Martin E. Knapp as his first wife, resided in Cold Brook, and later in Scott, where he died, buried in Cold Brook; and Harriet, married Ambrose S. Higgins and resided in Scott, N. Y. BILLINGS. William Billings. Died July 3, 1846, in the 76th year of his age. (He married Rebecca Fisher, daughter of Amos and Margaret Fisher, and by her had: Delos W., married Rhoda Stanton, daughter of Benjamin and Amy (Perkins) Stanton; Clarinda, married Mr. Ausmond; and Waterman Billings of Seneca Falls, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Rebecca (Fisher), wife of William Billings. Died June 15, 1864, aged 75 years. " Gone but not forgotten." " She was the sunshine of our hearts, An angel to us given. Just when we came to love her most God called her back to Heaven." (Borodino.) BITTLES. Sam.uel Bittles. (The headstone in this case is so badly weather worn that no part of the inscription can be read except the name. Mr. Bittles came to this town from Homer, N. Y., with his brother Thomas Bittles, October 26, 1818, and settled on lot 88, Marcellus, where he remained until the time of his decease in 1827. In his will, dated June 12, 1827, and pro- bated December 18, 1827, he mentions his wife Mary Bittles, and his children: Margaret Bittles, and Eliza Shearman, wife of Charles Shearman.) (Old Borodino Cemetery.) 82 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION BLUNDEN. Eliza (Alvord) , wife of Thomas Blunden. Died January 15, 1888, ag-e 74 years. " Our dear mother at rest." (She was a sister of Anna Alvord, the last wife of Silas Randall, and of Thomas R. Alvord of Kellogg Settlement, in the town of Scott, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) BODLEY. Mary A., wife of Henry Bodley. Died June 26, 1886, age 84 years. (The Bodleys came from Cayuga County, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Olive E. Bodley. Bom March 15, 1839, died August 23, 1877. " I would not live always." (Thorn Hill.) BOUGHTON. The Boughton family was represented in the town of Spafford in the persons of Rev. Alanson Boughton, Nathan Culver and Mrs. William I. Skellie, the mothers of each of the two latter being a Boughton. Alanson Boughton was of the seventh generation, in line of descent from John Bouton, born about 1615 and came to America in the " Assurance," July 1635, and landed in Boston, Mass., in December of the same year. After resid- ing in Boston and Watertown, Mass., he finally settled in Connecticut, first in Hartford and afterwards in Norwalk. (John, Joseph, Jackin, Ebenezer, Timothy, John, Alanson.) Alanson Boughton, born in Scipio, N. Y., May 23, 1807, died in Moravia, N. Y., March 21, 1878. He was a Baptist minister, but first followed teaching in Jamesville, Onon- daga County, N. Y. He first ministered over the Baptist Church in Volney, Oswego Co., N. Y., then in Nonesuch and Sempronius, Cayuga Co., N. Y. Also in Milan and Locke, in the same State, and then in Spafford, N. Y. In 1857 he was School Commissioner in Cayuga County. He married (1) April 15, 1829, at Onondaga, N. Y., Charlotte Keeler, 3PAFF0RD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 33 daughter of Jeremiah Keeler; she died in Jamesville, Sep- tember 12, 1835, and then he married (2) at that place, March 29, 1836, Hannah Squire, formerly of New Baltimore, N. Y. His children were: Nelson, born in Nunda, N. Y., October 1, 1830, murdered September 6, 1859, married Mary Fisher, daughter of Philip and Harriet (Legg) Fisher, at Spafford October 2, 1854 ; and perhaps others. Nelson Boughton (son of Alanson and Charlotte (Keeler) Boughton), by his wife Mary Fisher, had two children, one of whom, Angeline, was born in Skaneateles, N. Y., November 7, 1855, married December 11, 1875, James Allen, Jr., and settled in Julian, Clark Co., Da. (3 children: Harly Hall, William Nelson, and Daniel Hall Boughton Allen, the latter is a graduate of West Point Academy, a son-in-law of General Thomas Wilson, and is nov/ 1st Lieu- tenant or Captain in the regular army.) Nelson Boughton died in Nunda, Freeborn Co., Minn. BOWEN. Elijah Bowen. Died May 20, 1807, age 50 years. (Thorn Hill.) Patty Bowen, widow of Elijah. Died July 15, 1851, age 90 years. (Elijah and Patty Bowen were related to Delina Bowen, wife of Dr. David Kingsbury of Clintonville, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Joseph W. Bowen. Died January 3, 1875, age 68 years. " An honest man is the noblest work of God." (In his will, dated March 11, 1874, and probated in 1875, he mentions his wife Hannah Bowen, and his son Alonzo Bowen.) (Spafford Hollow.) BOUTELL. Hannah, wife of Alpheus Boutell. Died November 8, 1849, age 75 years, 9 months, 3 days. (Alpheus Boutell lived and Died in Spafford Hollow. By his wife Hannah he had : Samuel, married Catherine Wil- liamson, daughter of James and Hannah Williamson; Lor- enzo, married (1) Margaret Rainey, daughter of Robert Rainey, {2) Cornelia (Stanley) Rood, widow; David B., married Anna Hobert, and lived and died in Tully, N. Y. ; 34 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Harriet, married Warren Kinney, lived and died in Amber, N. Y. ; and Parmelia, married Charles Kingsley, and lived and died in Otisco, N. Y. Samuel Boutell and his wife, Catherine Williamson are both dead. Their children were: Samuel G., married Carrie Fish, both dead and left one child ; Carrie E. Boutell ; Alexander J., married Jennie M. Gay, daughter of Barnett A. and Amanda F. (Smith) Gay, wife dead and he resides in Tully, N. Y.; and Martin J. married Helen Grout, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Brown) Grout, he is an astrologer and resides in Syracuse, N. Y.) ) (Spafford Hollow.) Margaret (Rainey), wife of Lorenzo Boutell. Died April 19, 1850, age 38 years, 7 days. (Lorenzo Boutell, son of Alpheus and Hannah Boutell, married (1) Margaret Rainey, daughter of Robert Rainey, and (2) Cornelia Stanley, widow of a Mr. Rood of Moravia, N. Y., deceased; he died and was buried in Amber, N. Y. He first settled on the west side of Spafford Hollow, on the first farm south of the Buck Tail Road, and for twelve years was Justice of the Peace in that town, commencing his term in 1838. From there he moved to the Village of Amber, where he remained to the time of his decease. He had seven children, (three by the first and four by the second wife), among whom were: Spencer, Catherine, Parmelia and Charles ; the latter by the second wife, now residing in Amber, N. Y.) (Spafford Hollow.) In memory of Sarepta A. P., daughter of David B. and Anna (Hobart) Boutell. Died April 28, 1830, age 4 years, 1 month, 8 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Parmelia M., daughter of David B. and Anna (Hobart) Boutell. Died October 24, 1883, age 10. years. (David B. Boutell, son of Alpheus and Anna Boutell, married Anna Hobart, and resided over the Spafford line in the Town of Tully. In his will, dated July 28, 1876, pro- bated October 30, 1876, he mentions his wife Anna (Hobart) Boutell, and his children: Emily Boutell; Mary Barker, Harriet Waggoner, Herbert Boutell, Edward Bou- tell and Martha Boutell.) (Spafford Hollow.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 35 BREED. Rufus Breed. Born April 24, 1785, died 1865. (Rufus Breed married his cousin Mehitable Breed, daughter of Allen and Lucy (Taylor) Breed, November 28, 1805, and came to this town from Hope, Hamilton County, N. Y., July 12, 1839, and settled on Lot 11, Tully, on premises formerly o\vned by Samuel Parker, and now known as the Breed Homestead, on the Skaneateles and Homer Road. His children, all born before coming to this town, were: Asa, born September 11, 1906, married October 30, 1828, ; Elizabeth, born November 11, 1808, married May 20, 1828, ; Rufus, bom June 3, 1811, married April 2, 1834, ; Nathaniel, born July 2, 1813, married Tryphena Proper of Trumansburg, N. Y.; George Washington, born April 12, 1818, married (1) March 20, 1840, Polly Ann Owen, daughter of Timothy and Lydia Owen, (2) Parmelia Bab- cock, daughter of John, Jr. and Ellis (Wallace) Babcock, and widow of Jacob Pollock, he died in Sempronius, Cayuga Co., N. Y.; Allen, born August 25, 1820, married Minerva Rounds, daughter of Russell and Lydia (Harrington) Rounds ; and Reuben, born July 24, 1825, married April 2, 1834 , and moved to California where he died.) (Borodino.) Mehitable (Breed), wife of Rufus Breed. Born in Nel- son, N. Y., December 8, 1783; died February, 1865. (She was a daughter of Allen and Lucy (Taylor) Breed. Her father, Allen Breed, was born in Marblehead, Mass., July 14, 1759, and died at her home in Spafford, April 2, 1842. Allen Breed was a soldier in the War of the Revolu- tion, having enlisted in the beginning of the war in 1775, at the age of 16 years, and served during nearly the entire period of that conflict to its close, and for meritorious service was advanced from Private to Lieutenant. At the time of his decease he was a pensioner of the United States. His wife, Lucy Taylor, died March 23, 1825, and was buried in a private cemetery at Mayfield, Montgomery Co., N. Y. Allen Breed died of old age, and may have been buried in a private plot, on the farm occupied by his son-in-law, Rufus Breed. (Allen Breed's wife says he was buried in Spafford Cemetery but has no stone.) Mehitable Breed, through her 36 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION father, was descended from Allen Breed, born in England and settled in Lynn, Mass., in 1630, as follows : Mehitable, Allen, Josiah, John, Allen, Allen Allen.) (Borodino.) Nathaniel Breed (son of Rufus and Mehitable Breed). Died May 18, 1876, age 63 years. " Dead but not forgotten." (He married Tryphena Proper of Trumansbiirg, N. Y. In his Y^ill, dated April 17, 1876, and probated April 15, 1888, he mentions his wife, Lorantia E, Breed, and his chil- dren, Delia and Frank Breed. In the petition made by the widow she described herself as Lorantia E. Anthony, formerly Breed.) Allen Breed, (son of Rufus and Mehitable Breed). Born August 25, 1820, died 1891, (He married Minerva Rounds, daughter of Russell and Lydia (Harrington) Rounds. In his will, dated December 19, 1891, and probated February 4, 1892, he mentions his wife Minerva Breed, and his children : Helen Breed ; Anna Trip, wife of George Trip; and Lettie Burns, wife of Charles Burns. His wife still resides on the old Breed homestead, on Lot 11, Tully. (Borodino.) George Washington Breed, (son of Rufus and Mehitable Breed) . Born April 12, 1818, died 1898. (No stone.) (He married (1) Polly Ann Owen, daughter of Timothy and Lydia Owen, and (2) Parmelia Babcock, daughter of John Jr. and Ellis (Wallace) Babcock. He moved to Sem- pronius, Cayuga County, N. Y., where he died. He had at least three children by his first wife: Martha, married Horace G. Cady, of Auburn, N. Y. ; Mary, married Alonzo Cady, now deceased, and Jewett, married Miss Williams. (Borodino.) Polly Ann (Owen), wife of George W. Breed. Died June 7, 1869, in her 54th year. " Dearest Mother how we miss thee, And thy loss we deeply mourn. But again we hope to meet thee Where we never shall part again." (She was a daughter of Timothy and Lydia Owen.) (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 37 Reuben T. Breed, (son of Allen and Lucy (Taylor) Breed. Died June 20, 1888, age 82 years. (He married (1) Purlina M. Patchen, widow of Moses Prindle, (2) Juliette Legg-, widow of LeGrand Rathbone. By his first wife he had one child : Helen Breed, who married Edwin Johnson, son of Jonathan and Esther (Woodworth) Johnson, she is now deceased and left one child: Grove Johnson, residing in Spafford, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Juliette. Died June 6, 1899, age 78. Purlina M. Breed. Died October 27, 1861, age 61 years, 4 months, 10 days. (Borodino.) BRIGGS. Daniel Briggs. Died August 17, 1849, age 80 years. (Daniel Briggs resided over the Spafford line in the town of Skaneateles. In his will dated May 15, 1848 and probated in 1849, he mentioned his wife Rhoda Briggs, and his children : William S. Briggs, Russel Briggs, and Harriet De Reimer, wife of Cornelius D. De Reimer ; his son Hiram Briggs was then deceased since 1817. Hon. Sidney Smith says : " Russel Briggs, one of the sons of Daniel and Rhoda Briggs, settled in Michigan ; his son, Clinton Briggs, grandson of Daniel and Rhoda, settled in Omaha, Nebraska, and was the first Mayor of that City." " William S. Briggs, the other son of Daniel and Rhoda Briggs, succeeded his father as owner of the farm upon which he settled when he came to Skaneateles, and occupied it until his death in 1898, at the age of 89 years.") (Thorn Hill.) Rhoda, wife of Daniel Briggs, died August 17, 1857, age 78 years. (Thorn Hill.) Hiram, son of Daniel and Rhoda Briggs. Died October 25, 1817, age 16 years, 6 months and 23 days. (Thorn Hill.) Nettie H., daughter of Charles and Ida (Taylor) Briggs, died February 15, 1884, age 1 year, 9 months. " Our loved one has gone." (Charles Briggs, son of George W. and Charlotte M. 38 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (Rich) Briggs, married Ida Taylor, daughter of Rev. Albert Taylor, she is now deceased and buried in Borodino Ceme- tery. No stone. George W. Briggs, married Charlotte M. Rich, daughter of Dorr and Anna (Becker) Rich, and by her had: Charles, married Ida Taylor; Phylitta A., died young; and Gertrude, married Albert Thompson.) (Borodino.) BROWN. Jacob Brown, (son of John and Catherine (Ritiker) BrowTi) . Born May 17, 1809, died November 2, 1891. John Brown, born in Massachusetts, married there Cath- erine Ritiker, born in Germany, and after his marriage settled in Rome, N. Y., where his son Jacob was born; from there he moved to New Hope, Cayuga Co., N. Y., where he died. He was a cooper by trade, as also was his son, Jacob, who followed him to his new home in Cayuga County Jacob Brown, married Debora C. Morris, daughter of Samuel and Jane (Springer) Morris, born April 7, 1815. By his wife Debora C. (who in 1898 resided in Fair Haven, in the town of Scott, N. Y.) , he had the following children; Phebe Ann, m. William H. Craig, residing in Cold Brook, N. Y. ; Jefferson Jacob, born August 5, 1836, m. (1) An- geline Hibbard, died in Seneca Falls, N. Y., (2) Juliette Daniels, born November 4, 1842, died November 5, 1884, and (3) Jennie Harrison, resides at Fair Haven, in the town of Scott, N. Y. ; Ellen, born January 7, 1838, died Sep- tember 22, 1859, m. Clark Spencer; William H., born Feb- ruary 29, 1839, m. Esther A. Craig, resides in Spafford, N. Y., (member of Co. " H," 16 N. Y. Heav. Art. Vols. War of 1861) ; Charles, m. Melissa Webster, residing in Borodino, N. Y.; Charlotte, born April 10, 1846, m. (1) Byron Van Benschoten, (2) Charles Hurd, residing in Fair Haven in the to^vn of Scott, N. Y.; Jane (Tian), born April 10, 1846, m. James Hibbard, she died and was buried in Spafford; Diadam_a Lucy Ann, born May 31, 1848, died April 4, 1864, unmarried; Harriet M., m. William Henry Lyon, son of George W. and Cornelia (Barker) Lyon, husband dead and she resides at Fair Haven, town of Scott, N. Y. ; Schuyler, m. Angeline Hibbard (dead) ; James, m. Catherine Almy, residing in Borodino, N. Y. ; and Vincent, m. Emily Bennett, residing in Fair Haven, town of Scott, N. Y.) (Spafford.) M'AFPORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 39 Debora C. Morris, wife of Jacob Brown. Born April 7, 1815. (Spafford.) Diadama Lucy Ann, daughter of Jacob and Debora C. (Morris) Brown. Born May 31, 1848, died April 4, 1864. (She died unmarried.) (Spafford.) Juliette Daniels, wife of Jefferson J. Brown. Died Nov- ember 5, 1884, age 42 years, 1 day. (Jefferson J. Brown was a son of Jacob and Deborah C. (Morris) Brown.) (Spafford.) William H. Brown, (son of Jacob and Deborah C. (Morris) Brown.) Bom February 29, 1839. (He married Esther A. Craig) . (Spafford.) Esther A. (Craig), wife of William H. Brown. Bom April 29, 1840. (Spafford.) Arthur E., son of George H. and Jennie (Craig) Brown. Died January 13, 1892, age 11 months. (George H. Brown, son of William H. and Esther (Craig) Brown, married Jennie Craig, daughter of Wesley and Amy (Randall) Craig.) (Spafford.) Melissa (Webster), wife of Charles Brown. Died Sep- tember 26, 1879, age 33 years. (Charles Brown, son of Jacob and Deborah C. (Morris) Brown, married Melissa Webster. She was from a New Hampshire family.) (Thorn Hill.) Margaret, wife of Aaron S. Brown. Died April 24, 1874, age 37 years, 6 months. " Gone but not forgotten." (Borodino.) Jedidiah Brown. Died July 28, 1838, age 65 years, 6 months, 6 days. (Jedidiah Brown was killed by the kick of a horse. In the petition for Letters of Administration by his widow, Emma Brown, dated August 7, 1838, she mentions his chil- dren as follows : Clarissa, Jedidiah, Jane, Huldah, and Loa Brown, of Spafford, N. Y.; Hannah Pool, wife of Alfred 40 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Pool of Erie Co., N. Y. ; Alvah Brown, and Stephen Brown of Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Lovina H. Hosf ord, wife of Isaac D. Hosford, and Lucy Brown, of Grass Lake, Jackson Co., Mich. ; Phebe Lawrence, wife of Zimie Lawrence, of Addi- son Co., Vt. ; and Betsey Brown of Addison Co., Vt. ; all of full age except: Jedidiah, Jane, Hulda and Loa, who were minors.) (Thorn Hill.) BROWNELL. Edward J. Brownell, (son of Simon and Mary Ann (Churchell) Brownell). Born September 19, 1821, died October 4, 1851. " Farewell my wife and children dear, Farewell my father and mother near, My brothers and sisters all farewell, I am going home with Christ to dwell." (Simeon Brownell married Mary Ann Churchell, daugh ter of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell, and had the following children: Lorenzo, married South and died in St. Joseph, Mich. ; Charles, married in Navarino, N. Y., and died in Dowagiac, Mich.; Mary Ann, married a Mr. Wilder and died in Dowagiac, Mich.; Sidney, married (1) Scrivens, (2) Springer and resides in Cleveland, Ohio ; Edward J., married Rachel Martin, daughter of Ran- dall B. and Rachel (Clark) Martin ; Jane, married Stephen Tinkham, son of Relly and Chloe (Grinnell) Tinkham; George, married (1) a Miss Wellington and (2) in Michigan where he now resides ; and Simeon, Jr., who married West. Simeon and his wife, Mary Ann Churchell, also moved West about 1852 or 1853. Edward J. Brownell, by his wife Rachel (Martin) Brownell, had two children : Irving and Edna Jane, the latter married Perry McKay, son of Frederick and Louisa (Hutchens) McKay, as his first wife, she is now deceased. After the death of Edward J. Brownell his widow, Rachel, married (2) Richard E. Loss of Skaneateles, N. Y.) (Spafford.) "Mother" — Rachel (Martin) BrowTiell, (wife of Ed- ward J. Brownell). Born October 3, 1823, died August 5, 1876. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 41 " Servant of God well done, The glorious warfare past, The battle is fought, the race is won, And thou art crowned at last." (She was a daughter of Randall B. and Rachel (Clark) Martin. After the decease of Mr. Brownell she married Richard E. Loss of Skaneateles, N. Y.) (Spafford.) BRYAN. Lena L. Bryan, (daughter of William and Fannie (Mas- ters) Bryan). Died May 24, 1895, age 3 years, 8 days. (William Bryan married Fannie Masters, daughter of Stephen Masters.) (Spafford Hollow.) Clara M. Bryan, (daughter of William and Fannie (Masters) Bryan). Died April 22, 1895, age 9 months. (Spafford Hollow.) BRYANT. Louisa (Gregory), wife of Thomas Bryant. Died June 28, ] 873. age 37 years. (Thomas Bryant married (1) Gregory, (2) Louisa Gregory, a sister of his fir.st wife, all three born in England, and (3) Ruth Eggleston, daughter of Deacon Ben- jamin and Elizabeth (Wiltsie) Eggleston of Thorn Hill.' He had one child: Anna, married Eudelbert Churchill, of Cold Brook, by his first wife, and two: Sarah, married Seymour Churchill of Cold Brook; and Joseph Henry, who died young, by his second wife. No issue by the third wife.) (Borodino.) Joseph Henry, son of Thomas and Louisa (Gregory) Bryant. Died August 26, 1872, age 5 years, 9 months, 23 days. . (Borodino.) BUFFINGTON. Charles H. Buffington. Died January 6, 1852, age 35 years, 3 months. 42 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION " This stone was erected by Borodino Lodge, I. 0. of 0. F., as a token of esteem for their deceased brother." (He v/as a teacher and died single. At the time of his decease he was reading medicine with Dr. Isaac Morrell, of Borodino. He v/as related to Mrs. Jacob W. Darling, prob- ably a nephew.) (Borodino.) BULFINCH. Joseph Bulfinch. Died October 3, 1873, age 88 years. " Where the weary are at rest." (Joseph Bulfinch was born in Boston, Mass., was liber- ally educated, and in early life was a teacher in a Vermont Seminary. In 1818 he came to Spafford and settled on a farm on Lots 32, Sempronius, and 21, Tully, where he remained until the time of his decease, pursuing the occu- pation of farming and civil engineering. He was frequently called upon by his townspeople to fill town ofl[ices, and seldom during his active life did his name fail to appear in the list of town oflficials. Among the offices held by him were Supervisor, Assessor, Poor Master, School Commis- sioner, Inspector of Schools and Town Trustee, but most freuuently his name appears in the town books as Inspector of Schools; in fact for many years teachers in the schools of Spafford obtained their permit to follow this vocation from Joseph Bulfinch. He married Lydia Harrington be- fore coming to this town, and by her had the following children : Sarah Ann, married Andrew J. Eliot, son of Elias and Charity (Warner) Eliot, he is dead and she is residing (1899) in Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; Lydia, died at 11 years; Joseph Harrington, married Lucy Ann Eliot, daughter of Elias and Charity (Warner) Eliot; and Mary, married Dr. Daniel George Frisbie, residing in Grinnell, Iowa. Joseph Harrington Bulfinch, born in Boston, Mass., December 6, 1816, and died at Yankton, S. D., November 12, 1897, inherited the literary tastes and studious habits of his father without his self confidence, and while he had few, if any, peers in the community in which he from time to time resided, as a man and a scholar, his inherent modesty fre- quently prevented him from holding positions of public trust and confidence, which his natural and acquired ability fitted SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 43 him to occupy. In early life he followed the avocations of his father, farming and civil engineering, and at one time he held a commission as Major in the Militia of the State of New York. By his wife, Lucy Ann Eliot, who survived him and in 1899 resided in Yankton, S. D., he had : George W., married Jennie Swartz, he is now deceased, leaving his widow and one daughter, Alice May Bulfinch, residing in Williamsport, Pa.; James, a twin of George, died young; and Alice M., who married Nelson J. Cramer, (lawyer), resides in Yankton, S. Da.) (Spafford.) Lydia Harrington, wife of Joseph Bulfinch. Died De- cember 31, 1861, age 73 years. (Spafford.) Lydia, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Harrington) Bul- finch. Died Monday, February 13, 1837, age 11 years, 6 months, 22 days. " Pause, my young friends a while before you further go, I once was gay as well as you, but now here lie low ; Nor did I think I so soon must take my leave of you, But death called loud, I must obey and bid you all adieu ; Eemember you must soon like me be mouldering in the clay. Those earthly fleeting joys must soon pass away ; But there is a heaven of endless joy where saints immortal reign, There free from sin, from sorrow, from grief and every pain," (Spafford.) BURDICK, Russell M, Burdick, Esq, Died December 29, 1850, age 53 years, 11 months, 24 days. '• Man knoweth not his time." (Russell M. Burdick, descended form a Seventh Day Baptist ancestry, came to Spafford from Scott, N. Y., where he had brothers and sisters; he probably came originally from Brookfleld, Madison Co., N. Y. He married (1) Esther Whiting, daughter of Thomas and Esther Whiting; and (2) Philura Seeley, daughter of Samuel G. and Ada (Fowler) Seeley, and widow of Mr. Eldridge. He came to this town before 1825, and from time to time held various 44 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAi, ASSO«IATI(>N town offices, among which were: Supervisor, Assessor, Tov/n Trustee and Justice of the Peace; the latter he held for many years, and by reason of which he was commonly called Esquire Burdick. He had eight children, seven Tby his first wife and one by his last: Lovinia, married George Youst Fisher, son of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher, she died in Seneca Falls, N. Y.; Melissa, married John S. Cole, son of Easton and Folly (Lewis) Cole, she died in Michigan; Oscar F., married Lovedy Tinkham, daughter of Russel and Mary (Cook) Tinkham, he died in Michigan; R. Verona, accidentally killed when young; Fernando Cortez, died South; Ira Whiting, died single in Michigan; Dorleska L., married Porter P. Cole, son of Easton and Polly (Lewis) Cole, resides in Michigan; and Mary E. (by second wife), married William Cullen Bockes, the latter is dead and she resides in Scott, N. Y.) (Spafford.) In memory of Esther (Whiting), wife of Russell M. Burdick. Died July 3, 1841, age 39 years, 4 months, (Spafford.) Russell Verona, son of Russell M. and Esther (Whiting) Burdick. Died October 14, 1845, age 13 years, 4 months, 7 days. (Accidentally killed by a wagon running over him.) (Spafford.) In memory of Thompson Burdick, (son of John and Elizabeth (Babcock) Burdick) . Died October 5, 1880, age 77 years. " For the great day of his wrath cometh. And who shall be able to stand." (Thompson Burdick w^as born in the town of Westerly, R. I., September 1, 1753, and was a soldier in the War of the Revolution, serving as a member of Capt. Samuel Ward's Co., Col. Varnum's 1st Regt. R. I. Line (Continentals) from May, 1775, to January 1, 1777, participating in the Siege of Boston, the battles of Long Island, White Plains and Tren- ton, and receiving a gunshot wound in the battle of White Plains. He was discharged from the Continentals at Cross- wick Meeting House, in the State of Pennsylvania, but afterwards served on different tours of duty as part of the Militia of his native State, among which was one made in an endeavor to drive the British from Newport, R. I. On SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 45 this latter occasion he came near losing his life, from drown- ing off Judith Point, R. I., by the capsizing of barges used in carrying soldiers employed in that expedition; sixteen in all wei'e thrown into the water, of whom only eight were saved, among the latter was Thompson Burdick. Mr. Burdick v/as fouth in line of descent from Robert Burdick, the first settler in this country, and the common ancestor so far as known of the Burdick family generally in America. Tradition says that Robert Burdick came to this countiy from a small village in England, near the border line of Wales, but at just what time is not recorded. In November, 1652, he was baptized at Newport, R. I., and four years af terv/ards was made Freeman at the same place. In 1661 a com.pany was formed, at the latter place, to colonize what was afterwards kno^vn as Westerly, R. I. Of these were Robert Burdick and Tobias Saunders. In Nov- ember of that year, Mr. Burdick and Mr. Saunders made a clearing, and put up a log house at the latter place, but were promptly arrested by order of Governor John Endicott, of Massachusetts, carried prisoners to Boston, tried and fined forty pounds apiece as trespassers, and ordered to give bonds to keep the peace. They were kept in prison several months, during which time they appealed to England for redress, but in the end the colonization company paid their fines, and they returned to Rhode Island. On November 2, 1655, Robert Burdick married at Newport, R. I., Ruth Hub- bard, daughter of Samuel and Tacy (Cooper) Hubbard, who was said to be the first white child born in Springfield, Mass., (January 11, 1640) , and by her had nine children who arrived at maturity: Robert, Hubbard, Thomas, Naomi, Ruth, Benjamin, Samuel, Tacy and Deborah. Samuel Hub- bard and his wife Tacy Cooper, and their three daughters, Ruth, Rachel and Bethia were among the first to embrace the doctrines of the Seventh Day Baptist in this country, and to them, more than to any other persons, belongs the credit of the establishment of that denomination in America. Robert Burdick, after passing through various vicissitudes incident to the settlement of the Narragansett country, in Rhode Island, finally established himself at Westerly, R. I., where he reared his family and continued to reside until the time of his decease. Hubbard Burdick, son of Robert, resided in the Town 46 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOaATION of Hopkinton, R. L, and was one of the grantees of 5,300 acres of land in that town, sold by order of the Rhode Island Court, October 2, 1711. This grant was situate in the western part of that town. He married Hannah Maxson, daughter of John and Mary (Moshier) Maxson, and had four sons : Hubbard, Nathan, John and Ezekiel. John Burdick, son of Hubbard, was born May 19, 1721, and married Elizabeth Babcock, by whom he had eight children: Maxson, Thompson, Anne, John, Paul, Abigail, Sarah, and Frances. Thompson Burdick, son of John, married Tabitha Wil- cox, daughter of Nathan and Tabitha (Prosser) Wilcox, at Stonington, Conn., and by her had ten children, all of whom were born at the latter place, except one or possibly two of the younger, born at Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y., to which place he moved his family in or about the year 1796. From Brookfield he moved to the town of Scott, N. Y., in the year 1809, and settled in the northern part of the village of that name, and resided there until about 1819, when he settled on Lot 41, Tully, and there remained until the time of his decease. His children were: Paul, moved to Milwaukee, Wis.; William, moved to Pennsylvania; Thompson, Jr., married Lucy , he was killed or died in the war of 1812 ; Ethel, died unmarried ; Lucy, bom December 1, 1779, in Stonington, Conn., and died in Brookfield, N. Y., August 20, 1833, married John Collins, December, 1796, at Brook- field, N. Y., she was the mother of Dr| John Collins who resided and died in this town ; Nabby, born 1782, and died April 29, 1866, married David Gates in 1796, at Brookfield, N. Y. ; Nancy, married George Frink ; Pollina, married John Barber of Scott, N. Y., and died November 12, 1852, age 62 ; Betsey, born November 30, 1793, died in Spafford, De- cebmre 31, 1872, married Elijah Knapp, son of Peter and Dinah (Guion) Knapp, December 9, 1812, at Scott, N. Y., and resided and died in this town; and Sophia, born 1802, married Hosea Palmer of this town and died in Scott, N. Y., Thompson Burdick, by reason of his military services, was a pensioner of the United States. (Spafford.) In memory of Tabitha (Tabothy on stone) (Wilcox), wife of Thompson Burdick. Died December 4, 1827, age 71 years, 8 months, 11 days. SPAFFCRD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 47 (Tabitha Wilcox was of the sixth generation in line of descent from Edward Wilcox, who came to America from England and settled in Portsmouth, R. I., before 1638, and was in trade there at that date, with Roger Williams and Richard Smith. He died in Kingston, R. L, where he left at least tv/o children : Stephen and Daniel. Stephen Wilcox, son of Edward, born 1623 at Ports- mouth and died at Westerly, R. I., in 1690, married 1658, Hannah Hazard, daughter of Thomas and Martha Hazard, and by her had seven children: Edward, Thomas, Daniel, William, Stephen, Hannah, and Jeremiah. Stephen Wilcox was a deputy in the R. I. Court in 1670 to 1672, and the owner of 500 acres of land in the Pequoit Country. William Wilcox, son of Stephen, died at Stonington, December 27, 1757, married (1) January 25, 1698, Dorothy Palmer, daughter of Moses and Dorothy (Gilbert) Palmer, and granddaughter of Walter and Rebecca (Short) Palmer of the first settlers of Stonington, Conn., and (2) Mrs. Abi- gail Palmer. His children born at Stoning-ton, Conn., were by his first wife, and were as follows : Dorothy, Anna, Wil- liam, Jemima, Mary, Amey, Sarah and Nathan. Wliliam Wilcox was commonly called and known as Dea. Wm. Wilcox. William. Wilcox, Jr., son of William, born June 3, 1703, married (1) March 24, 1725-6 at Stonington, Hannah Brown, and by her had one child. She died January 4, 1826-7 and he married (2) June 5, 1727, Elizabeth Brown, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Miner) Brown, and by her had six children. His children were: Hannah, Pru- dence, Nathan, William, John, Dorothy and Hannah (2), both Hannahs died young. Nathan Wilcox, son of Wm., Jr., born April 6, 1730, at Stonington, Conn., married January 25, 1753 at the latter place Tabitha Prosser, and by her had four children, bom at Stonington: Nathan, William, Tabitha, born March 15, 1757, m.arried Thompson Burdick; and Prudence. (Spafford.) Christopher Avery Burdick, (son of Thompson, Jr., and Lucy Burdick) . Born July 6, 1807, died February 6, 1882. (Thompson Burdick, Jr., son of Thompson and Tabitha (Wilcox) Burdick, was killed or died in the War of 1812. By his wife Lucy he had the following children : Leonard, 48 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION David, Ezra, Aurilla, Chritopher Avery, married Eugenia Jane Nash, daughter of Joel and Lovina (Whiting) Nash, and granddaughter of Thomas and Esther Whiting. Avery Burdick by his wife Eugenia Jane Nash had four children : Elnora, married Lovinas Tinkham, son of Russel and Mary (Cook) Tinkham, resides in Scott, N. Y, ; Medora, married (1) Ira Hill, (2) Albert Hill, resides at Kipton, O., and Charles C, married Emily Norton, daughter of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Norton. There was another daughter older than these, who died a young girl. (Spafford.) Charles C. Burdick, son of Christopher Avery, by his wife Emily Norton has: Lillian, married Waldo Emerson Gilbert, son of William Gilbert, attorney-at-law, resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and Majestic, married Russell D. Eddy, son of David Eddy. A third child, Dora A., died young.) (Spafford.) Eugenia Jane (Nash), wife of Christopher Avery Bur- dick. Born in 1813, died in 1892. (Spafford.) Dora A., daughter of Charles C. and Emily (Norton) Burdick. Died June 27, 1870, age 8 months. (Spafford.) Benjamin C. Burdick. Died April 2, 1835, age 44 years, 6 months. (Borodino.) BURLTON. James Burlton. Died January 14, 1883, age 56 years. " The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." (Mr. Burlton was born in England; his wife, Charlotte Greene, after his decease married (2) George Clark of Skaneateles.) (Thorn Hill.) Charlotte Green, wife of James Burlton. Died March 13, 1896, age 70 years. (Thorn Hill.) BURNS. Mary A. (Travis) (Barnes), wife of Michael Bums. Born 1831, died 1889. SPAPFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 49 " Pain and sickness has been my lot to bear, And in the Eternal Home I hope I shall have a crown to wear." (Michael Burns was born in Ireland; he married Mary A. Travis, daughter of John Travis, and widow of Edwin F. Barnes.) (Borodino.) Felix Burns. Died July 18, 1872, age 85 years. (He married Elizabeth Wallace, and by her had: Mary, married Ward Bearse, son of Aaron and Rebecca (Earl) Bearse; Thomas W., married Anna Earl, daughter of Wil- liam and Polly (Pitts) Earl; Francis, married Harriet M. Streeter, daughter of Calvin and Melentha (Babcock) Streeter; and Phillip, married Emma Taylor, daughter of William Taylor. Felix Burns and his wife, Elizabeth Wal- lace, came to Spafford from Washington Co., N. Y., about 1835, and settled on Lot 12, Sempronius.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth (Wallace) , wife o Felix Burns. Died June 15, 1863, age 72 years, 1 month, 12 days. (Borodino.) Philip Burns, (son of Felix and Elizabeth (Wallace) Burns) . Died July 10, 1882, age 48 years, 2 months. (Philip Burns married Emma Taylor, daughter of Wil- liam Taylor, and by her had four children : Francis, Fred- erick, Mary and Charlotte. He was drowned in Owasco Lake outlet.) (Borodino.) Thomas W. Bunrs, (son of Felix and Elizabeth (Wal- lace) Burns) . Died June 10, 1883, age 54 years. " An honest man is the noblest work of God." (Thomas W. Burns married Ann Earl, daughter of Wil- liam and Polly (Pitts) Earl, and by her had: Flora E., George and Emma, the latter died before her father and died young.) (Borodino.) Our Little Emma, only child of Thomas W. and Anna (Earl) Burns. Died June 18, 1869, age 5 years, 9 months, 14 days. 50 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION " Here thy laughing face we miss, Miss thy smile, thy loving kiss. Yet our hearts must own it best, God has taken thee to rest." Harriet M. (Streeter), wife of Francis Bums. Died August 13, 1866, age 30 years, 5 months. " Dear child ! the grave must be your bed, Yes, thou art numbered with the dead. That aching head and sunken eye Now in the grave must mouldering lie." (FrancisBurns, son of Felix and Elizabeth (Wallace) Bums, married Harriet M. Streeter, daughter of Calvin and Melentha (Babcock) Streeter.) (Borodino.) BURROUGHS. John P. Burroughs, (son of Alvin Burroughs of Skan- eateles) . Died December 9, 1884, age 62 years. Alvin Burroughs of Skaneateles died January 4, 1877. In his will, dated November 14, 1874, and probated Feb- ruary 17, 1877, he mentions his wife Deborah Ann Bur- roughs, and his children : Phebe Jane, of Skaneateles, she died September 1, 1887, unmarried; Charles, of Groton, Tompkins Co., N. Y. ; John P., of Spafford, N. Y., married Eliza Lowery, daughter of William Lowery; Nancy Ann, married Prof. Charles 0. Roundy, son of Asahel an<3 Hannah (Weston) Roundy, her husband is now dead and she resides at Moravia, N. Y. ; Mary A., married February 27, 1853, Charles W. Foster, son of Albert and Clarissa (Maxson) Foster, of Yankton, South Dakota; and Eliza- beth, married George H. Taylor of Camillus, she died before her father and left one daughter, Elizabeth Taylor. De- borah Ann Burroughs, mentioned as the wife of Alvin in his will, was his second wife and not the mother of his children. At the time of her marriage to Mr. Burroughs she was the widow of a Mr. Gamble. She died April 20, 1876, and was survived by Mr. Burroughs, her second hus- band. Mr. Burroughs' first wife was Sally Purchase, she was the mother of all his children. John P. Burroughs by his wife, Eliza Lowery, had one son, George A. Burroughs, who married Helen Churchill,, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 41 daughter of Chauncey and Catherine M. (Merry) Churchill of Cold Brook. (Cold Brook.) Eliza (Lowery) , wife of John P. Burroughs. Died May 2, 1875, age 52 years. " We have met." (Cold Brook.) CADY. Renona A. Cady. Died January 2, 1849, age 23 years, 18 days. " Is not dead but sleepeth." (He was a shoemaker, and a brother of Harmon Cady.) (Borodino.) Harmon Cady. Died March 21, 1861, age 45 years. (He was a shoemaker, and a brother of Renona A. Cady.) (Borodino.) CALKINS. Elizabeth, relict of Abram Calkins. Died July 8, 1855, age 85 years. (Abram and Elizabeth Calkins were father and mother of Charles A. Calkins, formerly of Thorn Hill. After her husband's death Mrs. Calkins came to this town, and died at the residence of her son Charles.) (Thorn Hill.) Wilmot P., son of Charles A. and Diana (Shelden) Calkins. Died January 4, 1865, age 16 years, 11 months, 25 days. (Charles A. Calkins, bora September 2, 1805, son of Abram and Elizabeth Calkins, married Diana Shelden, daughter of William and Abigail (Udell) Shelden, August 21, 1831. His wife was born at Stephentown, N. Y., July 30, 1804, and died at the residence of her son-in-law, Hon. Sidney Smith, in the Village of Skaneateles, N. Y.. May 19, 1892, age 88 years ; she was buried in Lake View Cemetery, in the latter village. Her daughter, Jennie A., married Hon. Sidney Smith as his second wife, and her son, George S. Calkins, at the time of her decease resided in Chicago, 111.) (Thorn Hill.) 52 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION CALLENDER. ■ra Richard Callender. Died January 3, 1853, age 67 years, 11 months. (He was born in Ireland, and died in Marietta, N. Y., leaving him surviving his wife, Naomi, and the following children: Richard, Jr., who married Mary A. Hicks; William; Mary A.; Marj^-aret, wife of Hiram Eastman; Julia A., wife of Francis Bailey; Catherine and Edward Callender.) (Thorn Hill.) Richard Callender, Jr., son of Richard Callender. Born March 11, 1822, died May 12, 1891. (He m_arried Mary A. Hicks and by her had at least two children: Frank Earl, died March 16, 1862; and Francis R., born February 24, 1863, married 1888, Jennie M. Tripp, daughter of Dr. Van Dyke Tripp of Spafford, and by her had two children: Flora M., born December 17, 1888, and Russel v., born September 24, 1890.) (Borodino.) Mary A. Hicks, wife of Richard Callender, Jr. Bom March 14, 1826. (She was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., and in 1898 was residing with her son, Francis R. Callender, in Borodino.) (Borodino.) Frank Earl, son of Richard, Jr., and Mary A. (Hicks) Callender. Born April 14, 1857, died March 16, 1862. (Borodino.) CARR. Thurston Carr, (son of William and Mary (Brown) Carr) . Died January 28, 1859, age 54 years, 7 days. " Afflictions sore a long time he bore, Physicians were in vain, I'ill God pleased to give him ease And free him from all pain." (Thurston Carr's pioneer ancestor, Benjamin Carr, came to this country from London, England, in the ship " For- tune," and landed at Plymouth, Mass., Nov. 6, 1621. A short time aftervfards he left Plymouth with a party of friends, and finally settled in Rhode Island. He married, before coming to this country, Martha Hardington, and by her had four children: Robert, Caleb, Richard and An- SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES fl8 drew. He and his wife Martha afterwards returned to England, where they both died, but his sons Robert and Caleb remained, and are the ancestors of two distinct and numerous families of Carr in this country. William Carr, a lineal descendant from Robert Carr, one of these two brothers, was born February 14, 1778, at Stephentown, N. Y., where his father, Thurston Carr, then resided. He married (1) Mary Brown, January 8, 1800, at Stephentown, N. Y., and (2) Widow Harvey. He had ten children, among whom was Thurston Carr of Spafford, N. Y., born of his first wife January 13, 1805, at Canaan, Columbia Co., N. Y. The latter married Lorane Greene, November 16, 1826, and by her had the following children : An infant born May 17, 1828, died young; Emeline, born September 29, 1829, died March 29, 1831 ; Eliza Maria, born April 23, 1831, died at Scott, October 26, 1894, age 63 years, married Lucius Scott in Spafford, December 30, 1851 ; Mary Ann, born March 31, 1833, married Lafayette Tinkham son of Russell and Mary (Cook) Tinkham., at Spafford, April 25, 1850, resid- ing 1899 in Spafford, N. Y. ; Sarah Lavinda, born March 23, 1835, died January 8, 1873, married Thomsa A. Babcock at Spafford, October, 1857; Julia Barnes, born March 31, 1837, died February 15, 1838; an infant son, born February 20, 1839, and died young; Harriet Emeline, born August 1, 1840, married Ammon J. Ripley, son of John L. and Clarissa E. (Loss) Ripley, resides at Glen Haven, N. Y. ; Julia Louisa, born October 17, 1843, married (1) John M. Ca.T, July 3, 1862, (second cousins) and (2) Henry B. Wood, of Chemung Co., N. Y., as her second husband, residence Spen- cer, Iowa; Lucy Jane, born January 21, 1845, died August, 1848; George Spencer, born September 27, 1847, married Angeline Filkins, daughter of (Jeorge D. and Margaret (Fisher) Filkins, residence Heber, Arkansas; and William Thurston, born April 23, 1851, died May, 1857. The first four of the above children v/ere born in Ste- phentown, N. Y., and the balance in Spafford, vv^here Mr. and Mrs. Carr settled about the year 1833. The line of descent of Mr. Thurston Carr, of Spafford, as traced in the family genealogy published by Edson L Carr, is as follows : Thurston, William., Thurston, Caleb, Caleb, Caleb, Robert, Benjamin.) (Spafford.) 54 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Lorane Green, wife of Thurston Carr. Born August 28, 1808, died at Glen Haven, N. Y., January 19, 1898, age 90 years. (She was a daughter of Mariam Green, who died at her home in this town, October 20, 1866, at the age of 98 years, 8 months and 13 days, buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) (Spafford.) William T., son of Thurston and Lorane (Green) Carr. Born April 23, 1851, age 24 days— " Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, God called thee home when he thought best." (Spafford.) Lucy J., daughter of Thurston and Lorane (Green) Carr. Died August 12 1846, age 6 months. CARROLL. John P. Carroll, son of Burnett M. and Eady Carroll. Died September 4, 1853, age 30 years. (Thorn Hill.) CARVER. Mary, wife of George Carver. Died November 4, 1829, age 33 years. (George Carver was a teacher.) (Thorn Hill.) David Carver came to Spafford from Holland Co., Conn., and settled in Spafford Hollow on Lot 44, Tully, March 22, 1815. In his will, dated August 27, 1863, and probated December 17, 1863, his age is stated at 76 years. He men- tions no wife, but the following children : John, David W., married Hannah , residence Pompey; Erastus H., and daughter, Anna J. Caple. At the date of the will Erastus H. Carver was a soldier in the Union Army. CASE. Mabel, wife of Kelley Case. Died August 27, 1851, age 68 years. In his will, dated October 10, 1859, and probated Sep- tember 13, 1866, Kelley Case mentions among others, his wife, Hannah Case. His children were: Reuben, Willis, John, Stennett, Silas, Lucina, married Alfred Munson, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 55 father and mother of Dr. W. W. Munson of Otisco, N. Y.; Sophronia, married Edgar Crofoot of Preble, N. Y. ; Mary- Ann, died young, and Susan. Mr. Kelley Case was one of the School Inspectors for the Town of Spafford for the years 1813-14-15-16-17-18-22-24-28-29, and Assessor for the year 1815. Kelley Case was a member of Capt. Asahel Roundy's Co. in the War of 1812. Sergeant Kelly Case, N. Y. Mil., War of 1812. (Spafford Hollow.) Mary Ann, daughter of Kelley and Mabel Case. Died October 17, 1830, age 2 years, 11 months, 25 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Silas Case, (son of Kelley and Mabel Case) . Died May 21, 1848, in his 23rd year. (Spafford Hollow.) Willis Case, (son of Kelley and Mabel Case). Died September 15, 1884, age 70 years, 4 months. (In his will, dated 1885 and probated July 13, 1885, he mentions his wife Chloe M. Case and his son, Ansel K. Case.) (Spafford Hollow.) Ansel K., son of Willis and Chloe Case. Died August 24, 1855, age 3 years, 10 months, 20 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Infant daughter of Willis and Chloe Case. Died Sep- tember 2, 1847, age 7 weeks. (Spafford Hollow.) Isaac C. Case. Died May 23, 1864, age 78 years. 3 months, 12 days. (His first wife was Polly ; and his second, Nancy . His children were: William, married Asenath Warner; Aaron G., married Rebecca Monk, daugh- ter of Benjamin Monk; Arvilla M., married Charles Nichols; Eunice, married Isaac Olmstead; Mary Ann, married Stephen Crane; Betsey, married Henry Howe; Lydia, mar- ried Picket, and Isaac E. Case.) (Borodino.) Polly, wife of Isaac Case. Died August 27, 1859, age 69 years, 1 month, 18 days. (Borodino.) 56 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION William Case, son of Isaac and Polly Case. Died August 26, 1852, age 42 years, 25 days. (He married Asenath Warner.) (Borodino.) Asenath Warner, wife of William Case. Died January 28, 1886. age 74 years, 4 months. (She first married William Case; second Calvin Patter- son as his second wife; and third Peter Becker, as his second wife.) (Borodino.) Rebecca (Monk), wife of Aaron G. Case. Died March 18, 1852, age 28 years. (Aaron G. Case, son of Isaac and Polly Case, married Rebecca Monk, daughter of Benjamin Monk. He died in Memphis, N. Y., March 7, 1888, age 66 years.) (Thorn Hill.) Isaac E., son of Isaac and Polly Case. Died December 22, 1837. Age 9 years. (Thorn Hill.) A man by the name of Russel Case formerly resided at the foot of the Buctail, in Spafford Hollow, who had four sons: Stephen, Lewis and Leonard (twins), and Reuben, who afterwards moved to Marcellus, N. Y. CHANDLER. Joshua Chandler. Died August 19, 1834, age 71 years. (He came from Connecticut and left no issue. In his will, dated February 19, 1827, and probated November 15, 1834, he mentions his wife Hannah Chandler, and brothers and sisters: John Chandler, Polly Chandler, Thomas Chandler; nephew Nathan Chamberlin; niece Fanny Eaton; Emily Nye (probably a sister), and her son, Benjamin Nye.) (Thorn Hill.) Hannah, y\ife of Joshua Chandler. Died February 2, 1841, age 79. (Thorn Hill.) CHAPMAN. Lydia (Hunt), wife of Amasa Chapman. Born March 9, 1780; died April 13, 1849. SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES «7 Amasa Chapman is also dead, and buried in this ceme- tery. He married Lydia Hunt, sister of Deacon John Hunt of Thorn Hill. Amasa Chapman, born June 29, 1771, died March 21, 1847. (Thorn Hill.) CHAPPELL. Martin Chappell. Died August 24, 1836, age 32 years. He married (1) , and (2) Adeline Force, daughter of Henry Force. He left him surviving two children : Zipporah and John, aged respectively at that time 6 and 3 years.) (Thorn Hill.) , wife of Martin Chappell. Died February 16, 1834, age 27 years. (Thorn Hill.) CHURCHELL. James Churchell. Died March 8, 1821, age 60 years, 4 months, 23 days. (He came from Rensselaer County, N. Y., with his wife, Hannah Dobbs, and settled on Lots 1 and 2, Tully, in this town, in the year 1816. By his wife, Hannah Dobbs, he had the following children: James, Jr., he resided in Auburn, N. Y.; Frederick (" Fade "), married a Miss Wil- lard; Peter, married (1) Lucina Crane, daughter of Stephen and Elsie (Grinnell) Crane, and (2) Charity Rainey, widow of James B. Williamson, and sister of Robert Rainey ; William, married Celinda Fisher, daughter of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher; Alexander M., married (1) Lydia McKay, daughter of Augustin and Polly (Partridge) McKay, (2) Jane Robertson, daughter of James and Isabel (Eadie) Robertson, and (3) Margaret Fisher, daughter of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher, and widow of George D. Filkins; Gilbert Ward, married (1) Elnora Rainey, daugh- ter of Robert Rainey, and (2) Harriet Littlefield; he is now deceased ; John, married Polly Palmer, daughter of Amos and Mary (Barber) Palmer; Ansel, married Izabenda Bearse, daughter of Aaron and Phebe (Smith) Bearse; and Marv Ann, married Simon Brownell.)) (Spafford.) 58 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Hannah (Dobbs) , wife of James Churchell. Died June 17, 1843, age 72 years, 5 months, 24 days. " We leave you here till Christ shall come the sleep of death to break, Thou mayest then leave this silent tomb and in his likeness wake." (Spafford.) Alexander M. Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell). Born April 10, 1809, died September 10, 1890. (He survived his three wives mentioned above. In his will, dated August 11, 1885, and probated October 16, 1890, he mentions no wife, but the following children : Aderesta, wife of H. B. Swetland ; Jane, wife of Orlando Grinnell ; and grandson: Milton A. Swetland.) (Spafford.) Lydia (McKay) Churchell, (wife of Alexander M. Churchell) . Born March 30, 1818, died June 14, 1843. (She was a daughter of Augustin and Polly (Partridge) McKay.) (Spafford.) Jane (Robertson) Churchell, (wife of Alexander M. Churchell) . Born October 5, 1818, died November 5, 1850. (She was a daughter of James and Isabel (Eadie) Rob- ertson. Mr. Churchell's third wife, Margaret Fisher, was buried by the side of her first husband, George D. Filkins, in this cemetery.) (Spafford.) Elnora (Rainey) wife of Gilbert W. Churchell. Died October 3, 1851, age 35 years, 7 days. (She was a daughter of Robert Rainey.) (Spafford.) Harriet (Littlefield), wife of Gilbert W. Churchell. Born April 24, 1828, died June 16, 1868. (Spafford.) Anson Churchell, (son of James and Hannah Dobbs) Churchell.) Born November 30, 1813, died October 25,. 1849. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 59 " Disease I met with when far from home, No friend or kindred to me come, And when to native land returned The vital spark had ceased to burn. My wife and child with tears and pain, Cannot call back from deaht's cold chain." (He married Izabenda Bearse, daughter of Aaron and Phebe (Smith) Bearse; and by her had one daughter, Eliza, who married Erastus E, Brown. After his decease his wife married (2) Albert E. Fulton. She died May 21, 1875, and was buried by the side of her second husband in Borodino Cemetery.) (Spafford.) Peter Churchell, (son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell) . Born May 29, 1798, died July 23, 1876. " No sighs are heard in this shadowy place. No voice of them who weep. He has fought the fight and finished the race, God giveth him rest in sleep." (He married (1) Lucinda Crane, daughter of Stephen and Else (Grinnell) Crane, and (2) Charity Rainey, widow of James B. Williamson, and sister of Robert Rainey. His children were: James, married Carr, daughter of Almon and Arathusa (Morse) Carr, residence Onondaga Valley, N, Y. ; he died May 21, 1899, leaving widow, one son and three daughters: George, married Eveline Norton, daughter of Robert and Susan (Hill) Norton; Caroline Gale of Otisco, N. Y. ; and Lorilla Patten, wife of George A. Patten of Spafford, N. Y., the latter has two children, Alton W., of Spafford, N. Y. ; and Flora B., wife of Emmett L. Gordon, of Preble, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Lucinda (Crane), wife of Peter Churchell. Born Feb- ruary 10, 1800, died February 16, 1831. (Spafford.) Charity (Rainey), wife of Peter Churchell. Born April 14, 1799, died March 1, 1869. " When the day at last is done. When the race of life is o'er, God will give his wearied one Rest for evermore." (Spafford.) 60 9N0NDA6A HISTORICAL ASSO<^ATI0N William Churchell, (son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Chiirchell). Died May 15, 1882, age 76 years, 2 months. (He married Celinda Fisher, daughter of Dakin and Sally (Yoiist) Fisher. He left no descendant, but an adopted daughter Jennette, v/ho married Sullivan A. Carr, son of Almon and Arathusa (Morse) Carr.) (Spafford.) Celinda (Fisher), wife of William Churchell. Died May 15, 1878, age 69 years, 25 days. (Spafford.) George Churchell, (son of Peter and Lucinda (Crane) Churchell). Died October 4, 1893, age 64 years, 5 months. (He married Eveline Norton, daughter of Robert and Susan (Hill) Norton, and left him surviving, his v/ife Eve- line, and the following children: Arthur B., of Syracuse N. Y. ; Lena E., of Titusville, Pa. ; and the following grand- children: Mabel E., Russel, Arthur, Harold, and Edward J. Churchell, minor children of his deceased son, Edward J. Churchell, then residing with their mother, Olive Churchell, at Syracuse, N. Y. ; Eveline, Mary, Bessie, John, and Flora Morgan, minor children of his deceased daughter. Flora Morgan, residing with their father, William H. Morgan, at Cortland, N. Y.) (Borodino.) CHURCHILL. In memory of John Churchill, who departed this life Sep- tember 27, 1817. Age 59 years, 6 months, 15 days. (Mr. Churchill by his wife, Martha, had the following children. John, Alvin, married Sally Seele5^ daughter of Samuel G. and Ada (Fowler) Seeley; Chauncey, married Catherine M. Merry; Sally, married John Bacon, son of Amos and Abigail (Cady) Bacon; Irene, married (1) Lucius Vail, and (2) Harvey Anthony, Jotham, and Joab, who died at 18 years.) (Cold Brook.) Martha, wife of John Churchill. Died February 13, 1839, age 63 years. Joab, son of John and Martha Churchill. Died Novem- ber 24, 1846, age 18 years, 14 days. Alvin Churchill, (son of John and Martha Churchill). Died March 27, 1878, age 84 years, 4 months, 20 days. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 61 (He lived on the East hill in the Cold Brook neighbor- hood, just over the county line in the town of Scott, N. Y. He married Sally Seeley, daughter of Samuel G. and Ada (Fowler) Seeley, and by her had the following children: Mary Fidelia, married Edwin Pratt of Homer, N. Y. ; Clar- issa Marisa, married Peter Curtis, of Scott, N. Y. ; Orville C, m.arried Mary J. Kigali, daughter of Milo Kigali, resi- dence Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y. ; Lyman S., married (1) Mary Ann Alvord, widow of Ezra Kandall, and (2) Harriet A. Alvord; Philena S,, died young; and John M., died in the War of 1861.) (Cold Brook.) Sally (Seeley), wife of Alvin Churchill. Died June 23, 1885, age 79 years, 6 months, 6 days. (Cold Brook.) Philena S., daughter of Alvin and Sally (Seeley) Churchill. Died August 16, 1834, age 3 years, 2 months, 19 days. " Gone to rest." (Cold Brook.) John M. Churchill, (son of Alvin and Sally (Seeley) Churchill.) Company " D " 157 Kegt., N. Y. V. Died at Annapolis, Md., September 4, 1863. Age 22 years, 4 months, 14 days. " He rests in God." (Cold Brook.) Little Martha V., daughter of Samuel Lyman and Har- riet A. (Alvord) Churchill. Died June 3, 1882, age 5 years, 4 months, 26 days. " Suffer little children to come unto me." (Samuel Lyman Churchill, son of Alvin and Sally (Seeley) Churchill, married (1) Mary Ann Alvord, widow of Ezra Randall, and (2) Harriet A. Alvord.) (Cold Brook.) Mary Ann (Alvord), wife of Samule Lyman Churchill, and formerly wife of Ezra Randall. Died April 6, 1862, age 34 years. (She was a half sister of Silas Randall's second wife.) (Spafford.) Chauncey Churchill, (son of John and Martha Churchill) . Born in 1808, died in 1896. (He married Catherine M. Merry, and by her had the 62 •NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION following children: Sylvester, married Helen Doud; John, married twice in Illinois, where he resides; Senneth, mar- ried Mr. Shaw and died in Illinois without issue ; Sylvenus A., married (1) Caroline Eadie, daughter of John W. and Abigail (Doty) Eadie, and (2) Minnie Woodworth, daugh- ter of Cyrenus and Charlotte (Norton) Woodworth, (he had two boys and a girl by first wife and a boy and a girl by his second) ; Oliver, married Roe, daughter of John Roe, (one daughter) ; Caleb W., married (1) Achsah Eadie, daughter of John W. and Abigail (Doty) Eadie, and (2) in Illinois, where he resides, (two sons and a daughter by first wife and several children by second) ; Benjamin, married Carrie Churchell, daughter of James and (Carr) Churchell, residence Onondaga Valley, N. Y. (one daughter) ; Jason, married in Illinois, where he resides; LaFayette, married Amelia Pratt, resides in Illinois; Olive C, died young in 1838; Olive (2) married William Kellogg; Helen, married George Burroughs, son of John P. and Eliza (Lowery) Burroughs; Anice, married Chester Sharp and moved to Michigan.) (Cold Brook.) Catherine M. (Merry), wife of Chauncey Churchill. Born in 1812, died in 1865. (Cold Brook.) Olive C. Churchill, dauhter of Chauncey and Catherine M. Merry) Churchill. Bom in February and died in May, 1838. (Cold Brook.) Carlie (Eadie), wife of Sylvenus A. Churchill. Died September 2, 1888, age 44 years. (She was a daughter of John W. and Abigail (Doty) Eadie.) (Cold Brook.) Achsah Eadie, wife of Caleb W. Churchill. Died August 11, 1882, age 32 years. " Asleep in Jesus." (Cold Brook.) CLARK. John G. Clark. Died October 7, 1855, in his 50th year. (He married a Town.) (Cold Brook.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 63 Ann, wife of Richard Clark. Died April 5, 1860, age 54 years. (Spafford Hollow.) Elvira, wife of John Clark. Died April 7, 1864, age 34 years. (Spafford Hollow.) Asa G. Clark, (son of Amasa P. Clark.) Enlisted at Albion, N. Y., July 15, 1862, in Co. " C," 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery, and was killed at the Battle of Reams Station, Va. August 25, 1864, age 27 years. " No bugle call now disturbs the weary one ; Rest noble spirit in thy grave unknown. We will find and know you among the good and true. When the Robe of White is given for the coat of blue.'" (Borodino.) CLEVELAND. Benajah Cleveland. Died December 18, 1862, age 73 years, 10 months, 20 days. (He married Mary Clark and by her had: John, mar- ried Caroline Doty, daughter of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty, dead; Lydia S., married William S. Smith, son of Ira and Ruth Smith; Mary, married Charles H. Ferry, son of Chester and Saba (Buffington) Ferry; Emily, married Lansing Sheldon, son of Caleb and Lillis (Howard) Sheldon, she is dead and buried in Oakwood Cemetery, and he resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and Martin H., died March 20, 1838, at 4 years.) (Borodino.) Mary Clark, wife of Benajah Cleveland. Died April 19, 1883, age 86 years, 1 month, 2 days. (Borodino.) Martin H., son of Benejah and Mary (Clark) Cleveland. Died March 20, 1838, age 4 j^ears, 2 months. (Spafford Hollow.) COBB. In memory of Elizabeth, wife of Caleb Cobb, who died September 26, 1827, age 39 years. (Thorn Hill.) 04 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION COE. Almena A. Coe, wife of Ira Coe. Died January 27, 1843, ag-e 42 years. (Ira Coe, from 1823 to 1839, owned lands on lot 10, Sempronius.) (Borodino.) Coe, Edward B., son of Ira and Almena A. Coe. Died January, 1837, age 1 year, 2 months. (Borodino.) COLE. Electa A., daiig-hter of Easton and Polly (Lewis) Cole. Died January 2, 1838, age 20 years, 8 months, 22 days. " Weep not for me, my parents dear. Because I leave your arms ; My work is done, I am going home To feast in Jesus' arms." (Easton Cole, son of Ebenezer and Chloe (Easton) Cole, and grandson of Samuel and Anne Cole, born at Foster, R. I., married Polly Lewis, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Stanton) Lewis, at Foster, R. I., December 6, 1807, and by her had children: Nelson, married (1) Sarah Savage, and (2) Amy Vincent, daughter of Michael and Amy Vincent, formerly of Scott, N. Y., and (3) Babcock, he died in Michigan; Susan, married Asa B. Knoble, died in Michigan; Purlina, died unmarried in Michigan; Electa, died young in Spafford; Joseph Lewis, married (1) Philura Lyon, daughter of David T. and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon, (2) Julia Wilson, widow of Dr. John E. Lyon, and (3) Julia A. McDaniels, daughter of John and Polly (Hankins) Mc- Daniels, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Lauren, married and died in Michigan ; John S., married Esther Medissa Burdick, daughter of Russel M. and Esther (Whiting) Burdick, she died in Michigan and he now resides in Norville, Jackson Co., Michigan; and Porter P., married Dorleska Burdick, daughter of Russel M. and Esther (Whiting) Burdick, resides in Brooklin, Mich. Easton Cole, his wife and family, excepting Joseph L., all moved to Michigan many years ago, and he and his wife died there.) (Lewis Yard.) STAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 65 Philura (Lyon) Cole, (first wife of Joseph L. Cole). Died May 4, 1872, age 53 years, " Thou art gone loving mother, Where the weary are at rest." (She was a daughter of David T. and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon.) (Spafford.) Cassius E., son of Joseph L. and Philura (Lyon) Cole. Died October 17, 1848, age 3 years, 5 months, 2 days. (Spafford.) Charles E., son of Joseph L. and Philura (Lyon) Cole. Died May 7, 1851, age 8 months, 9 days. (Spafford.) J. Bardett, son of John T. and Esther Medissa (Burdick) Cole. Died January 2, 1852 age 11 days. " Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, God called thee home when he thought best." (Spafford.) Joseph Cole, who in 1835 purchased land at " Spafford Corners," on Lot 21, Tully, was a half brother of Easton Cole, and came from Foster, R. I. His first wife was an Arnold and his second was Mercy, who came to this town with the Biddlecoms. He had two children: Silas, who married a Miss Nostrant of Preble, N. Y. ; and Amanda, who married Russel Cook, son of Joseph and Mary Cook, of Fal- mouth, England. The whole family moved to Michigan, and all the older m.embers of it died there. COLLINS. John Collins, M. D. (son of John and Lucy (Burdick Collins). Born February 10, 1804, died August 15, 1853. (" Dr. John Collins was born in Brookfield, Madison Co.,New York; graduated from Hamilton Academy, and from the Medical College at Castleton, Vt, in 1829; came to Spafford in 1830, and practiced medicine there until his decease. On his paternal side he was of the seventh gener- ation, in a continuous line of succession of Johns from Henry, starchmaker, and Ann, his wife, who came in the ship " Abigail," with their three children and five servants, June 29, 1635, from Stepney Parish, London, England, and settled in Essex Street, Lynn, Essex Co., Mass. 66 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Henry Collins was possessed of property, was a man of influence and more than ordinary intelligence, and his name is often spoken of in connection with the early transactions of Essex Coimtj^ He was at one time a member of the General Court ; was one of the men in charge of the public lands, and his name on one or two occasions is spoken of as an advocate, employed in the defense of persons tried in Court for public offenses. By his wife, Ann, he had four children: Henry, John, Margery, and Joseph; the latter probably born on shipboard during the passage to America, as his name is not mentioned in the Custom House Clear- ance bill, or in public records of Essex County. John Collins (son of Henry and Ann) , was a ship owner, and was lost at sea with a son bearing his name. By his wife, Abigail Johnson, he had sixteen children, Mary, John, Samuel, Abigail, John, Joseph, Elizabeth, Benjamin, Mary, Daniel, Nathaniel, Hannah, Sarah, Lois, Alice and William, twelve of w'hom survived him. The name of the youngest, a young child still in the arms of the mother, was on the death of the father changed by her from William to John and afterwards was so called. This John Collins, who was a Quaker, married Susanna Daggett and, probably on account of religious persecution, moved to Rhode Island, and with five others took up a tract of 3,000 acres of wild land, in what is now the northeastern part of the town of Hopkinton, Washington Co. Of Susanna Daggett, who was born in Saco, Me., tradi- tion has handed down this story, which years ago found its way into print. When a small child, she was taken to the wigwam of an Indian Chief by his squaw, who found her lost in the woods. Late at night the Chief, returning home, told the squav*^ of a plan to exterminate the whites. She cautioned him, saying there was a little pale face sleeping in a bed of skins in the wigwam. The Chief then told her the child must die, to which she remonstrated, saying that she had promised to take her home in the morning. The Chief, passing a firebrand over the face of Susanna and observing no signs of consciousness, spared her life, and she was able afterwards to give her friends timely warning of the plans of the Indians. From John and Susanna are descended a large share of the numerous Collins families who have resided or originated in Washington Co., R. L SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 67 Their descendants have been scattered to all parts of the Northern States, and everywhere have been classed among the reputable men and women, in the communities in which they have resided. They have been represented in all pro- fessions and business pursuits, and notwithstanding- the Quaker stock, in times of war have contributed generously of their numbers to the armies and navies of the United States. This John Collins, by his wife Susanna, had ten children : Rebecca, Hazekiah, Sarah, Jedediah, Lydia, John, Ebenezer, Benjamin, Samuel, and Abigail of whom: John Collins, the great grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a Quaker preacher of unusual talents, and great power and influence in the denomination to which he be- longed. According to the custom of this sect his remains and that of his wife, Mehitable Elizabeth Bowen, now repose in unmarked graves, in the " burial yard " near the little Quaker Church one mile west of the Village of Hopkinton, R. I, To John and Mehitable were born nine children, six in Hopkinton, and three of the youngest in the town of Ston- ington. Conn.: John, Susannah, Amos, Benjamin, Samuel, Sarah, Abigail, Stephen and Ruth. John Collins, the first born of John and Mehitable, had a large family of children ; by his first wife, Mary, he had : Mary, John, Mehitable, Stephen, Samuel and Daniel. The last named : John Collins, born at Hopkinton, R. I., April 18, 1771, moved to Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y., before 1796, with a party of first settlers in that town, from Washington Co., R. I., and Stonington, Conn. After arriving in Brookfield he was united in marriage with Lucy Burdick, daughter of Thompson and (Tabitha (Wilcox) Burdick, another first settler from Stonington, Conn., and a Revolutionary soldier in the 1st Regt. of Continentals of the Rhode Island Line. Lucy Burdick, wife of John Collins, was of the fifth genera- tion by descent from Robert Burdick, one of the first settlers in the town of Westerly, R. L, and one of the first Deputies for that town in the General Court of Rhode Island. He came from England between 1633 and 1650, and prior to coming to Westerly, was a freeman in Newport, R. I. By his v/ife Lucy Burdick, John Collins had eleven children, all born in Brookfield, N. Y., as follows : Lucy, born August 30, 1798, died October 17, 1798; Polly, born October 20, 68 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 1799, died Aiierust 9, 1875, at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., un- married; Betsey, born April 12, 1801, died May 2, 1843, married William Palmiter, October 12, 1829 ; John, born February 10, 1804, died August 15, 1853, married Mary Ann Roundy, daughter of Capt. Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Roimdy, widow still living, 1899, with her son, Capt. George K. Collins, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Oliver, born August 8, 1805, died in Ohio, leaving him. surviving two sons and a daughter, among whom is Hon. A. P. Collins, President of the Wes- leyan College of Salina, Kansas ; Alvin, born April 19, 1807, died March 23, 1811; Nancy, born May 27, 1809, died April 16, 1875, married William Lewis March 4, 1830; William, born June 1, 1811, died March 5, 1878, at Unadilla Forks, N. Y., married (1) Esther Spicer, (2) Susand Crandall, and (3) Emeline Knapp, daughter of Elijah and Betsey (Bur- dick) Knapp, the latter residing 1899, in Spafford, N. Y. ; Henry, born July 14, 1815, killed in 1864 by Rebels in Missouri, married Lucinda Wheeler; Lydia Ann, born August 15, 1820, died in Niles, Mich., married (1) John Orton, son of Osmer and Rachel (Fisher) Orton, and (2) Elihu Fisher, son of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher; Samuel, born March 17, 1822, married Mary Yaw. John Collins and his wife, Lucy Burdick, were buried at Unadilla Forks, N. Y. Dr. John Collins, by his vdfe Mary Ann Roundy, had the following children : Albert, born April 1, 1834, died April 12, 1834; Lucy, born May 27, 1835, died June 8, 1836; George Knapp, born April 15, 1837, married June 9, 1858, Catherine Sager, daughter of Jacob and Rebecca Smith (Grote) Sager, attorney and counsellor at law, resides at Syracuse, N. Y. (five children) : Charles, born December 14, 1841, died July 5, 1843; Henry, born 1844, died 1844 John Asahel, born July 17, 1845, died August, 1900, married February 18, 1862, Eliza Button, at South Hollow, N. Y.: Edwin, born May 19, 1847, died July 22, 1849, and Frank, born April 27, 1850, married Julia Holzer, January 22, 1874, residence, Syracuse, N. Y. (Spafford.) Albert, 1834-1834. Henry, 1844-1844. Lucy, 1835-1836. Edwin, 1847-1849. Charles, 1841-1843. Children of John and Mary Ann (Roundy) Collins. (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 6& COLTON. Gideon Colton. Died September 10, 1832, age 70 years, 3 months, 2 days. (Gideon Colton came to this to^vn from Whitestown, Oneida County, N. Y., and settled on one hundred acres in the northeast corner of lot 10, Semproniiis, which Tie pur- chased from Nicholas Fish, the soldier who drew that lot, January 17, 1806. He probably came to Whitesto^^^l from Vermont, and perhaps earlier from the State of Massachu- setts. By his wife, Rhoda Fowler, who was buried in Boro- dino Cemeterj'-, he had two children : Alanson, bom Decem- ber 18, 1813, died April 27. 1885, married Charity Ide, daughter of Rev. Rogers and Esther Ide ; and Harriet, born January 2, 1812, died January 13, 1871, married Henry Ide, son of Rev. Rogers and Esther Ide. (Nunnery.) Rhoda Fowler, (wife of Gideon Colton). Died April 9, 1842, age 65 years. (Borodino.) Alanson E. Colton, (son of Gideon and Rhoda (Fowler) Colton.) Born December 18, 1913, died April 27, 1885. (In the application for letters of administration upon his estate, dated February 23, 1886, mention is made of his widow, Charity (Ide) Colton; and his children: Hiram A., married Sarah Van Allen ; Henritte, married Mark Harvey ; Frank, married a Harris; Harriet, married Wiltsie of Mar- cellus; Eudora, married Henry I. Haight of Spafford; and David Colton, married Mason, daughter of John L. and Phebe (Newell) Mason, all of full age.) Charity Ide, his wife, 1814-1901. (Borodino.) COOK. Elnora, daughter of Russel and Amanda (Cole) Cook. Died October 21, 1843, age 2 months, 4 days. (Russel Cook, son of Joseph and Mary Cook, born in Springfield, N. Y., married Amanda Cole, daughter of Joseph Cole, half brother of Easton Cole. His father and mother, Joseph and Mary Cook, came to this country from Falmouth, Cornwall Co., England, settled in Springfield, N. Y., and had a large family of children, among whom 70 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION were: Mary, bom in Falmouth, England, married Russer Tinkham, son of Daniel and Ada ( Winsor) Tinkham ; Pea- body; Elliott; Riissel, married Amanda Cole, both died in Michigan; Lovedy, married Zenas Tinkham, son of Daniel and Ada (Winsor) Tinkham; Susan, married Mr. Curtis; Charlotte, married John R. Conine; Fanny, married Mr. Benson; Isabel, married Erastus Stark. All of this family, except Mrs. Russel Tinkham, so far as known, moved to Michigan, and most of them died there.) (Spafford.) CONKLIN. Samuel Conklin. Died November 22, 1839, age 73 years. " 'Tis finished, 'tis done, the spirit has fled. The prisoner is gone, the Christian is dead, The Christian is living through Jesus love, And gladly receiving a kingdom above." (Samuel Conklin settled on Lot 76, Marcellus, before December 22, 1796, on which day he received a deed of 109 acres of land in the northwest corner of that lot, from Gil- bert Palmer the first settler within the present limits of this town. His first wife was Elizabeth, and after her decease in 1821, he married the widow Converse of Onondaga, but had no issue by either marriage.) (Thorn Hill.) Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Conklin. Departed this life April 1, 1821, age 58 years. (Thorn Hill.) COON. David Coon. Died August 16, 1857, age 80 years, 1 month, 22 days. (David Coon, born in Saratoga County, N. Y., married (1) Phebe Van Camp, born in Cayuga County, N. Y., and died in Skaneateles, N. Y., and (2) Elizabeth Nye, born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., and died in Spafford. His children were: Polly, died in Skaneateles; Parmelia, died in Skan- eateles; Ruth, married Edwin S. Edwards, both dead, and buried in this cemetery, (no stone) ; Betsey, died in Cayuga County ; Sylvia, died in Skaneateles ; James Van Rensselaer, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 71 died in Michig-an; Phebe, died in Pennsylvania; Catherine, died in Lysander, N. Y.; and Samuel, died in Skaneateles, N. Y. David Coon and his son. Van Rensselaer, were both harness makers by trade.) (Spafford.) James Coon. Died November 16, 1817, age 38 years. (Plis wife's name was Olive.) (Thorn Hill.) Olive, daughter of James and Olive Coon. Died October 31, 1838, age 28 years. (Thorn Hill.) Atlanta, daughter of James and Olive Coon. Died Feb- ruary 2, 1842, age 26 years. (Thorn Hill.) COPP. Timothy Copp. Died March 24, 1836, age 81 years. (In his will, dated May 1, 1835, and probated August 10, 1837, mention is made of his wife. Patience Copp, and of his children : Jesse of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Isabella Han- sen, wife of John B. Hansen of Lysander, N. Y. ; Sally Enos, wife of James Enos of Allegany Co., N. Y. ; Daniel ; Rebecca Wood, wife of Orry Wood ; Anna Coville, wife of Jonathan Coville; Lovina Coville, wife of Elisha Coville; John E.; Timothy D. ; Sally Ann Benedict, wife of Odin Benedict ; and Alcina Baldwin, wife of Philander Baldwin, each of Chau- tauqua County, N. Y. ; and Thomas Copp of Spafford, N. Y., all of full age.) (Thorn Hill.) Derinda, daughter of John and Mary Copp, died January 18, 1824, in 17th year. (Thorn Hill.) CORNELL. Pardon, son of William and Hannah (Green) Cornell. Died November 11, 1844, age 5 years, 29 days. (William W. Cornell, son of Pardon and Candace (Otis) Cornell, married Hannah Green, daughter of John Green. Pardon Cornell was a teacher, and supposed to be a son of William D. Cornell, who died January 3, 1866, at the age of 80 years, and was buried in Borodino Cemetery. He and his brother William moved to Michigan. By his wife. Can- 72 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION dace Otis, he had the following children: Cynthia Ann; Jane; William W., married Hannah Green, daughter of John Green ; Blakelj'- and Pardon. (Spafford.) William D. Cornell. Died January 3, 1866, age 80 years. (His wife was Jane . He is supposed to be the father of Pardon and William Cornell, who moved to Michigan.) (Borodino.) John Cornell, of a different family, resided on the " Side Hill." He married Miranda Cady, and by her had the fol- lowing children : James Cornell, he died at Cedar Springs, Kent Co., Mich., February 22, 1894, age 56 years ; Mary Ann, married Simon B. Wallace, son of Daniel and Caroline (Mar- shall) Wallace, resides at Borodino, N. Y. ; and Adelia, married William Quick, son of William Quick from London, England, resides at Navarino, N. Y. COWAN. John William, son of Thomas M. and Keziah D. Cowan. Died June 11, 1843, age 6 years, 11 months, 13 days. (Borodino.) David H. Cowan. Bora in 1838, died in 1887. (He married Biancy E. Crane, daughter of George W. and Mary Ann Crane. Their children were: (Jeorge Thomas, married Nora Woodworth, daughter of Arlo and Emma (Bacon) Woodworth; Flora B., married Charles M. Davis, son of John Davis; Nora M., now residing in Spaf- ford, N. Y., unmarried; and Lena K. Cowan, died young. The Cowan family came to this town from Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y.) (Borodino.) Biancy E. (Crane), wife of David H. Cowan. Living ing in 1899. (Borodino.) Lena K., daughter of David H. and Biancy E. (Crane) Cowan. Died October 4, 1881, age 1 year, 8 months, 12 days. " This sweetest bud of earth so fair. Has gone to Heaven to blossom there." (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 73 COWLES. Harriet S. (Smith), wife of Ebenezer Corning: Cowles. Died December 25, 1871, age 43 years, 1 month, 11 days. (Ebenezer Corning- Cowles, son of Ebenezer and Lydia (King) Cowles, married Harriet S. Smith, daughter of Jared Smith. He was one of the famous "Cowles* Triplets," who fomierly resided at the head of Otisco Lake, in Otisco Hollow, N. Y., Ebenezer Corning, Cornelia, and Cordelia Cowles. After the decease of his wife, Harriet S. Smith, he moved to Lawrence, Kansas, where he married a second time. (Thorn Hill.) COX. David, born September 30, 1821, died December 4, 1831. Harriet, born May 9, 1827, died August 8, 1833. Children of Silas and Abigail R. (Spaulding) Cox. (Silas Cox came to Spafford on or before 1819, and settled on lots 12 and 14, Sempronius, where he remainea until 1825; he then bought the farm at Spafford Comers o^^Tied by John Babcock, on Lot 21, Tully, afterwards owned by Dr. John Collins, and resided there until about 1835 or 6. He then moved into the town of Otisco, N. Y. From Otisco he m.oved to Battle Creek, Mich., and died there July 29, 1855. He married February 4, 1815, Abigail Rowland Spaulding, daughter of David and Ruth (Clare) Spaulding, and sister of Ann Spaulding (teacher) , who married George Spaulding of Borodino, N. Y. ; she died August 12, 1864. Besides the foregoing infant children, Mr. Cox had by his wife, Abigail R. Spaulding, the following additional chil- dren: Ruth, married Dr. Simeon French, she is dead and Dr. French was living 1898, at Battle Creek, Mich., at the age of 82 years ; Susan, married Rev. Mr. Gardner, resides at Battle Creek, Mich.; Edward, moved to Michigan; Adeline, residing at Battle Creek, Mich. The descent of Mrs. Cox through the Spaulding Line is as follows: Edward, Benjamin, Edward, Benjamin, Asa, David, Abigail.) (Spafford.) 74 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION CRAIG. William H. Craig (son of John and Polly Craig) . Bom August 18, 1818, died November 2, 1890. " Gone but not forgotten." (William H. Craig was born in Wells, Hamilton Co., N. Y. He first settled in Truxton, where he married Hannah Hollenbeck, and by her had four children. She died in 1852, and he then married Phebe Ann Brown, daughter of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown, and by her had four more children, making eight in all. In 1854 he moved from Truxton to Glenville, and from there to Cold Brook, in the town of Spafford in 1867. He remained at the latter place until the time of his decease. Among his children, who have resided in Spafford, are: Esther A., married William H. Brown, son of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown, resides in Spafford, head of Buck Tail Road ; Abram, married Mary J. Randall, daughter of Robert and Mary Ann (Fay) Ran- dall, (he has four children) : William, married Jennie Weeks and has two children, Olive E. and Ralph ; Ella J. ; Robert, and Mary E.) ; Wesley, married (1) Amy Randall, daughter of Silas and Anna (Alvord) Randall, and (2) (Cold Brook.) Horace, infant son of William H. and Phebe (Brown) Craig. Died February 1, 1856. (Cold Brook.) CRANE. Stephen Crane. Born 1775. Died May 17, 1851. " Gone but not forgotten." (He married Elsie Grinnell and by her had: George W., married Mary Ann ; Samuel, married (1) Almira L. Bishop; (2) Parthena Hutchens, widow of Lewis B. Marshall and daughter of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens, and (3) Catherine Shaw, daughter of James Shaw of Spafford Hollow; and Harriet, who died single.) (Spafford.) Else (Grinnell), wife of Stephen Crane. Died March 12, 1844, age 67 years. " I have fought a good fight. I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." 2 Timothy 4:7. (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 75 Harriet Crane, daughter of Stephen and Else (Grinnell) Crane. Died June 10, 1865, age 44 years, 11 months, 11 days. (She died single.) (Spafford.) George W. Crane, (son of Stephen and Else (Grinnell) Crane) . Died February 26, 1879, age 67 years, 7 months, 16 days. (No stone.) (In his will, dated May 18, 1878, and probated in 1879, mention is made of his wife, Mary Ann Crane, and his chil- dren : Moses, married Margaret ; Rebecca Holmes, wife of John Holmes; Biancy Cowan, wife of David H. Cowan; Lucinda Streeter, wife of George Streeter, and Lovilla Purchase, wife of Charles H. Purchase.) (Borodino.) Mary A., wife of George W. Crane. Died December 22, 1885, age 71 years, 1 month, 9 days. (Borodino.) Samuel Crane, (son of Stephen and Else (Grinnell) Crane) . Died June 10, 1887, age 72 years. (Borodino.) CROSS. In memory of Abigail, wife of Joseph Cross, who died February 3, 1829, age 73 years. (Thorn Hill.) Truman Cross. Died November 17, 1842, age 34 years 1 month. " Go home, dear wife, dry up your tears, I must lie here 'till Christ appears. I trust we soon shall meet again To celebrate redeeming love." (He married Emma Legg, daughter of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg, and by her had one son Otis, who mar- ried Hortense Ide, daughter of Henry and Harriet (Colton) Ide, late of Borodino, N. Y. After the decease of Mr. Cross his v/idow, Emma, married Jonathan Woodworth, son of James and Hannah (Fish) Woodworth. She and her second husband are now deceased.) (Thorn Hill.) Otis Cross, (son of Truman and Emma (Legg) Cross) . Born in 1840, died in 1892. 76 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ABSOCIATION (He married Hortense Ide, daughter of Henry and Har- riet (Colton) Ide, and by her had one son, Frank Cross, married Ida Hicks, October 2, 1889, and resides in Syracuse, N. Y.) (Borodino.) liortense Ide, wife of Otis Cross. Born in 1836. (Still living, Borodino, N. Y.) (Borodino.) CULVER. Helen E., daughter of Nathan and Amanda (Skellie) Culver. Died March 3, 1853. (Nathan Culver, son of Moses and Amy (Boughton) Culver, was born in Cambridge, Washington Co., N. Y., he married Amanda Skellie, daughter of William I. and Eliza- beth (Boughton) Skellie, and came to Spafford about 1844, and resided there and in the Village of Scott for a number of years, and finally settled in Syracuse, where he died; (buried in Oakwood Cemetery, in that city) . Besides him- self, his father and mother had other children, as follows: Andrew, twice married and lived and died in Cambridge, N. Y. ; Maria, married James Donahue, moved to Brooklyn, N. Y., and finally lived and died in Vermont; Azor, married Caroline Pratt, and resided in Lyons, N. Y. ; Rhoda, married David Doagg (Scotch) and moved to Washington Territory? Mary Ann, married Mr. Hornbeck and resided in Vermont; and three others, who died young. Nathan Culver, by his wife, Amanda Skellie, had the following children: Elizabeth, died young in Cambridge, N. Y.; Helen E., died young in Spafford; Eva A., living unmarried in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Oscar W. Culver, living unmarried in Syracuse (letter carrier.) (Spafford.) CURTIS. Peter Curtis, son of Eli Curtis. Died September 9, 1869, age 43 years. " He is gone but not forgotten." (He married Clara Marisa Churchill, daughter of Alvin and Sally (Seeley) Churchill.) (Cold Brook.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 77 Leonidas M., son of Peter and Marisa (Churchill) Curtis. Died February 3, 1860, age 2 years, 6 months, 19 days. " So do our treasures ever die." (Cold Brook.) DARBEY. Squire Darbey, son of Truman Darbey. Died February 20, 1851, age 28 years, 10 days. (Mr. Truman Darbey lived on the west side of Spafford Hollow, a short distance south of the head of Otisco Lake. Besides his son. Squire, he had a daughter Rebecca, who married James R. Williamson, son of James B. and Charity (Rainey) Williamson.) (Spafford Hollow.) DARLING. Joseph Darling. Born November 11, 1806, died May 6, 1895. (He married Polly Spaulding.) (Borodino.) Polly Spaulding, wife of Joseph Darling. Born August 16, 1822, died September 28, 1876. (Borodino.) Hiram Linus Darling, (son of Jacob W. and Mary H. (Buffington) Darling.) Died November 1, 1874, age 48 years. " Good night dear friends, nay do not weep, I am weary now and want to sleep ; But I shall wake with the morning light of day Eternal ; good night, good night." (Jacob Darling, commonly called Elder Darling, was a Free Will Baptist minister. He came to Spafford early and was first known as a teacher. He attended the Free Will Baptist Church, presided over by Elder John Gould, which then had its place of worship near the school house, on the hill east of Spafford Corners. After the Mormon exodus, which materially affected the membership of this church, Elder Darling came foi^ward as a leader, and ministered over the remaining membership for many years thereafter. About 1827, he settled on a farm on the west side of the 78 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Homer and Skaneateles road, on Lot 12, Sempronius, and remained there until about 1855 or 6. He then moved to Virgil, Cortland Co., and soon after to Caroline, Tompkins Co., both in this State. By his wife, Mary H. Buffin^on, he had the following- children : Hiram Linus, married Annie Eliza Holmes, daughter of John and Lydia (Barnes) Holmes; James H., of Waverly, Van Buren Co., Mich.; Francis A., of Eleroy, Stevenson Co., 111.; Eugene M., of Luverne, Rock Co., Minn.; Harriet D. Cox, of Leseur, Minn.; Helen M. Miller, of Lanar, Carroll Co., HI.; Ella L. and Carrie A. Darling, of Freeport, Stevenson Co., Illinois. Elder Darling was deceased at the time of the death of his son Linus, and his widow was then residing at Eleroy, Stev- enson Co., 111., and his children as above stated. His son, Linus, was by profession a dentist, but was also a respect- able practitioner of law among his friends and acquaint- ances. He was never admitted to practice in the higher Courts of the State, but in Justice Court he was generally recognized as a competent practitioner. He left no issue of his marriage with Miss Holmes, who survived him.) (Borodino.) Annie Eliza (Holmes), wife of H. Linus Darling. Died June 30, 1892, age 65 years, 5 months. " My trust is in Jesus." (Borodino.) DAVIS. Elias Davis. Bom in 1763, died June 17, 1851, age 88 years. (No stone.) (Elias Davis was one of the first settlers In this town, to which he came in 1806, in a boat from Skaneateles, where he first settled in 1803. The deed of his farm of 200 acres, (in the southwest corner of lot 14, Sempronius), was dated April 27, 1812, but in this he is described as a resident ol Spafford, showing that he was already residing on the land, which he probably held under a contract of much earlier date. He is claimed to have been buried in this burial yard, by the side of his wife Freelove, although no stone marks his last resting place. By his wife Freelove he had the following children: Nancy, married William Harris; Col. Lewis C, married (1) Margaret Fisher, daughter of Amos and Margaret Fisher, and (2) Mary R. Pressey, daughter SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 79 of Moses Pressey ; Capt. John, married Sybel ; and Julia, married a Mr. Canfield.) (Davis Yard.) Freelove, wife of Elias Davis. Died August 20, 1840, age 72 years, 1 month, 21 days. (Davis Yard.) In memory of Capt. John Davis, (son of Elias and Freelove Davis.) Who died after an illness of one hour. Died in a fit at Onondaga, on the 27th day of May, 1829, aged 33 years, 2 months, 13 days. (In the application of his wife Sybel, June 23, 1829, for letters of administration upon his estate, no mention is made of any children of the deceased.) (Davis Yard.) Col. Lewis C. Davis, (son of Elias and Freelove Davis) . Died May 7, 1853, age 63 years, 1 month, 12 days. (He married (1) Margaret Fisher, daughter of Amos and Margaret Fisher, and (2) Mary R. Pressey, daughter of Moses Pressey. In the petition for letters of administra- tion upon his estate, by his widow Mary R. (Pressey) Davis, dated May 13, 1853, mention is made of the following chil- dren : Joline, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Laurette, Avife of Ben- jamin Wallace of Niles, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; John C, married Maria Arvilla Conine, daughter of Richard Conine, of Preble, N. Y.; Lewis B., of Spafford; Rhoda, wife of Richard Van Vranken of Geddes, N. Y. ; Moses J., of Spaf- ford ; Van Buren, married a Miss Hathaway and moved to Dakota ; Porter ; Mary E. ; Prery ; Emeline A. ; Orlanda, and Julia E. Davis, all of Spafford, N. Y. Judson Davis, an older son of Lewis C. Davis, married Elizabeth Spaulding, daughter of David and Lucy Carry Spaulding ; he moved to Missouri and died there. As he is not named in this peti- tion he may have been dead at that time.) (Davis Yard.) In memory of Margaret (Fisher), wife of Lewis C. Davis. Died October 26, 1833, age 41 years, 26 days. (Davis Yard.) Perlina Davis, (daughter of Judson and Elizabeth (Spaulding) Davis). Died August 28, 1849, age 6 years, 1 month. 80 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION ( Judson Davis was a son of Col. Lewis C. and Margaret (Fisher) Davis.) (Davis Yard.) Jefferson Davis, (son of Judson and Elizabeth (Spauld- ing) Davis) . Died May 21, 1849, age 4 years 2 months, 25 days. (Davis Yard.) Byron Davis, (son of Judson and Elizabeth (Spaulding) Davis). Died August 26, 1849, age 2 years, 4 months, 23 days. (Davis Yard.) Porter Davis, (son of Col. Lewis C. and Mary (Pressey) Davis) , Co. '*F," 122 Reg-t., N. Y. V., Civil War. Died April 17, 1889, age 49 years. (Borodino.) Zebulon R. Davis. Died May 23, 1871, age 71 years. " Though lost to sight to memory dear." (Borodino.) (Mr. Davis married first Hannah Ames, and second, Polly Gale, daughter of John and Martha Gale of Spafford, N. Y. He and his first wife were from Washington Co., N. Y., and first settled in Marietta, N. Y. From there they moved to Skaneateles, and thence to Thorn Hill, where his first wife died and was buried. At the time of his decease he and his second wife were residing with his daughter, Mrs. John Maxson, in Cold Brook. He had no issue by his second wife.) (Cold Brook.) Hannah (Ames), wife of Zebulon Davis. Died August 25, 1835, age 31 years. (Thorn Hill.) Polly (Gale), wife of Zebulon Davis. Died December 24, 1869. age 76 years. " Mother, we miss thee." (Cold Brook.) Farrand, son of Zebulon and Hannah (Ames) Davis. Died September 4, 1844, age 20 years, 2 months, 23 days. (Thorn Hill.) Esther, wife of Farrand Davis. Died September 4, 1865, age 89 years. (Thorn Hill.) SPAFFOKD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 81 DEDRICK. William Dedrick. Died October 25, 1855, age 61 years. (He came from Rhode Island, married Thurzy McCausey and by her had three children: William John, married (1) Sophronia E. Babcock, and (2) Sarah Lindsey; Eliza- beth, married Isaac Eglin ; and Robert A., died unmarried. William Dedrick had a brother. Constant H. Dedrick, who died in Skaneateles after his decease. In his will, Constant mentions no wife or children, but the following: Thurzy, " widow of my brother William Dedrick, deceased, his son John, and his daughter Elizabeth Eglin, wife of Isaac Eglin." He also mentions the following: Sarah Bennett of Skaneateles ; Helen A. Young, wife of Orsen Young ; Sophia Stiles, wife of Ezra Stiles; and Minerva J. Vandenburgh, wife of John H. Vandenburgh.) (Borodino.) Note. — Hon. Sidney Smith, writing of Constant H. Dedrick, says : " Constant H. Dedrick had a wife, but no children. His wife probably died before his decease. Sarah Bennett was the daughter of Cephas and Stella (Kneeland) Bennett, Baptist Missionary to Burmah and grL-^d daughter of the distinguished Baptist minister. Rev. Alfred Bennett of Homer, N. Y. She was sent to America and lived for a considerable time with the Dedricks. Sophia Stiles was a sister of this Dedricks' wife, and Helen A. Young and Minerva J. Vanderburgh were the daughters of Mrs. Stiles." Thurzy (McCausey), wife of William Dedrick. Died March 20, 1878, age 82 years, 7 months. (Borodino.) Robert A., son of William and Thurzy (McCausey) Dedrick. Died October 28, 1850, age 30 years. (Borodino.) William John Dedrick, (son of William and Thurzy (McCausey) Dedrick) . Born February 26, 1822, died (Borodino.) Sophronia (Babcock), (wife of William John Dedrick). Died September 9, 1878, age 49 years, 8 months. (Borodino.) Sarah (Lindsey), wife of (Wm.) John Dedrick. Born November 13, 1843, died December 24, 1893. (Borodino.) 82 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION DERBYSHIRE. Mrs. Pruella, wife of Zacharia Derbyshire. Died August 12, 1823, age 31 years, 7 months. " Death is a debt to nature due, Which I have paid and so must you." (Zacharia Derbyshire married for a second wife Hannah Williamson, daughter of Cornelius and Eliza (Ostrander) Williamson. (Spafford.) Mrs. Hannah (Williamson), wife of Zachariah Derby- shire. Died September 17, 1834, age 30 years, 3 months, 17 days. " I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith, thenceforth there is a crown of right- eousness Laid up for me which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, Shall give to me at that last day." (Spafford.) James, son of Zachariah and Hannah (Williamson) Derbyshire. Died August 4, 1827, age 4 years, 4 days. (Spafford.) DERBIN. William Derbin, Private Co. " B," 3rd N. Y. Artillery. War 1861. Died June 25, 1888, age 61 years. (Mr. Derbin was an Englishman.) (Thorn Hill.) DIBBLE. Fannie, daughter of Leroy A. and W. D. Dibble. Died April 2, 1865, age 1 year, 3 months. (Borodino.) DOOLITTLE. Warren Doolittle. Died August 6, 1884, age 72 years.) (Warren Doolittle was born in Wallingford, Conn., September 13, 1812, and niarried Ruth L. Stacy of North Haven, Conn., October 5, 1834, and by her had four chil- dren : Gilbert M., born September 1, 1835, and died July 2, 1843; Millicent C, born December 20, 1839, died January SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 83 25, 1840; Ellen M., born June 1, 1844; and Gilbert M., born April 14, 1846. The two latter are now residing at Boro- dino, N. Y, Mr. Doolittle, about 1840, moved from Walling- ford, where he was born ,to Hartwick, Otsego Co., N. Y., where he remained until the Fall of 1841, and then came to Borodino, where he remaiiied until the time of his decease. Early in life he joined the Baptist Church in his native place, and after coming to this town united with the First Baptist Church of Marcellus, at Thorn Hill, and there held the office of Deacon twenty-nine years. He was first a Democrat, but on the organization of the Republican party identified himself with that organization. He was an active and useful citizen, and generally respected. Mrs. Doolittle died in 1900.) (Thorn Hill.) Gilbert M., son of Warren and Ruth L. (Stacy) Doo- little. Born 1835, died in 1843. (Thorn Hill.) DOTY. Sarah (Wood), wife of Warren Doty. Died July 31, 1862, age 90 years, 2 months, 18 days. (Warren Doty, son of Samuel and Mercy Doty, was born at Saybrook, Conn., April 23, 1768, and died at Martins- burgh, LfCwis Co., N. Y., in 1807. He was of the sixth generation, in line of descent from Edward Doty, who came to Plymouth, Mass., in 1620, in the ship " Mayflower," as follows: Edward, Edward, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel War- ren. (See Doty genealogy.) He married at Stephentown, N. Y. Sarah Wood, born at Cherry Valley, N. Y., March 13, 1772, and by her had five children : Reuben, Diana, Silas, Willard and Mercy; of whom Williard only settled in this town.) (Spafford.) Willard Doty (son of Warren and Sarah (Wood) Doty. Died March 13, 1882, age 83 years, 8 months, 9 days. (He was born in Lowville, Lewis Co., N. Y., July 4, 1798, and came early to Spafford, where he married (1) Decem- ber 11, 1817, Achsah Bacon, daughter of Amos and Abigail (Cody) Bacon, and second, Sarah Jane Eliot, widow of David Ripley, and daughter of Elias and Charity (Warner) Eliot. He had no issue by his se(rond wife, but by the first 84 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION had: Abigail, born December 11, 1818, married John W. Eadie, son of James and Martha (Smith) Eadie, March 15, 1843; Warren, born January 21, 1821, married March 15, 1843, Emily Tinkham, daughter of Russel and Mary (Cook) Tinkham, (they had four children: Orlando, born March 27, 1846, married March 27, 1872, Maria Scribner, no living issue; Willard R., born June 18, 1847, married September 15, 1859, Jennette Maxson, daughter of Henry (" Dork ") Maxson, has two children, Rollo and Nellie, the latter mar- ried William Barber; Mary A., born March 6, 1849, married February 15, 1870, Willard Norton, son of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Norton, has one daughter, Angeline; and Sarah, born August 26, 1854, married June 4, 1872, John Robinson son of Peter ;) Seymour, born Jefferson Co., N, Y., April 3, 1823, died Sept. 10, 1862, married in Spafford, October 10, 1852, Emily Isdell, born in Saratoga Co., Janu- ary 15, 1828, daup-hter of Andrew and Mary (Harris) Isdell, she died April 10, 1864, no issue; Caroline, born in Lewis County, August 7, 1825, married John Cleveland, son of Benajah and Mary (Clark) Cleveland, February 8, 1860, and has one child Emeline, (Lina), born October 6, 1865, married Irving Harring-ton, son of Alfred G. and Vestelina E. (Wood worth) Harrington ; Emeline, born Lewis County, December 12, 1827, died October 24, 1862, at Spafford, un- married ; Willard, Jr., born March 16, 1830, killed by a run- away horse September 15, 1846 ; and Orphana, born March 26, 1834, died May 31st, 1898, married James Hill, son of Alexander and Ann (Kenyon) Hill.) (Spafford.) Achsah (Bacon) , wife of Willard Doty. Died November 5, 1862, age 67 years, 27 days. " Verily there is rest for the righteous." (Spafford.) Emeline, daughter of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty. Died October 24, 1862, age 34 years, 9 months, 13 days. (She died unmarried.) (Spafford.) Willard, Jr., son of V/illard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty. Died September 15, 1846, age 16 years, 6 months. (He was accidentally killed by a runaway horse.) (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 85 Seymour Doty, (son of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty. Died September 10, 1862, age 39 years, 5 months, 7 days. (He married Emily Isdell, daughter of Andrew and Mary (Harris) Isdell. He was born in Jefferson County, N. Y., April 3, 1823. No issue.) (Spafford.) Emily Isdell, wife of Seymour Doty. Died April 12, 1864, age 26 years, 2 months, 27 days. (She was born in Saratoga County, N. Y., January 15, 1828. No issue.) (Spafford.) Lottie S., daughter of Willard and Jennette (Maxson) Doty. Died December 14, 1877, age 4 weeks. " Sweetly sleeping in Jesus." (Willard Doty, son of Warren and Emily (Tinkham) Doty, married Jennette Maxson, daughter of Henry ("Dork"^) Maxson.) (Cold Brook.) Lovedy E., daughter of Willard and Jennette (Maxson) Doty. Died April 15, 1879, age 1 year, 5 months. " Sleep on and take thy rest." (Cold Brook.) DUNBAR. Caroline M., our mother, wife of Thaddeus Dunbar. Died June 12, 1845, age 39 years, 4 months. " Angels have called thee from us, have piloted thee home, Oh ! from, our sore bereavement may true submission come, Pen cannot paint our sorrows, nor words our anguish tell, How can we dearest Mother, how can we say farewell." (Thaddeus Dunbar married (1) Caroline M., and (2) Eliza Williamson, daughter of Cornelius and Eliza (Os- trander) Williamson.) (Spafford.) EADIE. James Eadie, a native of Scotland. Died November 2, 1839, age 79 years, 6 months. (Mr. Eadie first settled in Albany, N. Y., where he married Martha Smith, a native of that place. From there 86 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION he moved to Rensselaerville, Rensselaer County, N. Y., and from there to this town, where, after a short stay in the Mareclhis end, he finally in 1829, settled on Lot 11, Tully, on the Saneateles and Homer Road, and there continued until his decease. By his wife, Martha Smith, he had the following children : Elizabeth, married David Jenkins, Syra- cuse, N. Y. ; Margaret, married (1) Luther Manley, and (2) Truman Skeels; Jerusha, married James H. Fitzgerald; Daniel S., married Matilda Cowan and went to Chautauqua County, N. Y., where he died; James, Jr., married Zeruah Monk ; John W., married Abigail Doty, daughter of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty; Delila, married Shubal Waldo of Aurora, N. Y. ; Sarah A., married Joel C. Woodworth, son of James and Hannah (Fish) Woodworth; Euphemia, married David Wiltsie; Charlotte, married John Wiltsie; both Wiltsie families are of Panama, Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; Mr. Eadie, while residing in Albany, followed mer- cantile pursuits, but in this town was a farmer.) (Spafford.) Martha (Smith), wife of James Eadie. Died October 11, 1853, age 77 years. (Spafford.) Margaret, (wife of Truman Skeels), and daughter of James and Martha (Smith) Eadie. Died June 18, 1857, age 58 years, 9 months, 27 days. (Spafford.) James Eadie, Jr. (son of James and Martha (Smith) Eadie. Died May 27, 1879, age 60 years, 11 months, 11 days. " He is not dead but sleepeth." (James Eadie, Jr., married Zeruah Monk, and by her had two sons and three daughters: Frank married Eva A. Bass, daughter of Wliliam and Catherine (Eglin) Bass; Charles A, Eadie, Angeline, Anise and Alice.) (Spafford.) Zeruah (Monk), wife of James Eadie, Jr. Died Nov- ember 4, 1881, age 56 years, 3 months, 14 days. (Spafford.) John W. Eadie, son of James and Martha (Smith) Eadie. Died October 20, 1873, age 57 years. (No stone.) (John W. Eadie married Abigail Doty, daughter of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty, and by her had the SPAFFORD MORTUAHY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 87 following children: Caroline, married Sylvenus A. Chur- chill, son of Chauncey and Catherine (Merry) Churchill; Achsah, married Caleb W. Churchill, son of Chauncey and Catherine (Merry) Churchill; Mary, Ella, Nettie, Sarah Elesebert, Willard Eadie, and Martha Eadie, who died young.) (Spafford.) Abigail Doty, wife of John W. Eadie. Died January 8, 1899, age 82 years. (No stone.) (Spafford.) Martha, daughter of John W. and Abigail (Doty) Eadie. Died March 22, 1849, age 2 years, 6 months, 7 days. (Spafford.) Peter, son of David S. and Mathilda (Cowan) Eadie. Died May 26, 1849, age 22 years, 21 days. (David S. Eadie, son of James and Martha Smith Eadie, married Matilda Cowan.) (Borodino.) Frank Eadie, son of James, Jr., and Zeruah (Monk) Eadie. Born September 4, 1852, died in 1895. (Frank Eadie married Eva A. Bass, daughter of William and Catherine (Eglin) Bass, born in Hamilton County, N. Y., and by her had one daughter, Linnie, born September 6, 1885. At the time of his decease he was a merchant in the Village of Borodino.) (Borodino.) Eva A. (Bass), wife of Frank Eadie. Born in 1855, (living in 1899.) (Borodino.) EARL. In memory of David Earl. Died August 16, 1818, age 66 years. (In his will, dated May 22, 1818, and probated October 19, 1818. he mentions his wife Anna Earl, and the following children; William, married Polly Pitts; Nathaniel; David; Peter; Rebecca, married Aaron Bearse, second wife;Mary; and Anna Gordon.) (Thorn Hill.) Anna Earl, relict of David Earl. Died February 2, 1843, age 86 years. (Thorn Hill.) 88 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION David Earl, Jr. (son of David and Anna Earl). Died March 1, 1838, age 56 years. (Thorn Hill.) William Earl, (son of David and Anna Earl). Diea July 1, 1873, age 75 years, 6 months. William Earl, by his wife Polly Pitts, had the following children: Shepard, married Emeline Smith, daughter of Jared and Rhoda (Harvey) Smith; Ulyssa, married Ed- ward Weston, son of Edmund C. and Clarinda (Rathbone) Weston ; Sarah, married Henry Weston, son of Edmund C. and Clarinda (Rathbone) Weston, her husband is now deceased and she resides in Spafford; Anna, married Thomas W. Burns, son of Felix and Elizabeth (Wallace) Burns, her husband is now deceased; David, and William P. Earl, both died young and are buried at Thorn Hill. The Earls and Pitts both originally came from the Town of Onondaga, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Polly (Pitts), wife of William Earl. Died April 26, 1889, age 86 years, 8 months. (Thorn Hill.) In mem.ory of David, son of William and Polly (Pitts) Earl. Died August 6, 1827, age 4 years, 7 months. (Thorn Hill.) William P., son of William and Polly (Pitts) Earl. Died April 5, 1842, age 15 years, 4 months, 17 days. (Thorn Hill.) Other Earls at Thorn Hill. EDDY. Sylvanus Eddy. Died September 2, 1852, age 64 years. " Weep not for me, my companion and children dear. But prepare to meet me in Heaven." (Mr. Eddy, at the time of his decease, was residing on the west side of the road, leading from the residence of Col. Hutchens to Edwin S. Edwards, on Lot 22, Tully. His wife, whose name is not known, died in Auburn, N. Y. Among his children were : Sylvanus, Jr., married Sarah A. Knight (who died on the east side of Otisco Lake, in the town of Otisco, and who in her will, dated February 12, 1874, pro- bated July 10, 1886, mentions the following children: Asa; SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 89 Mercy P. Eddy ; Mary Lewis, and one grandson : William J. Eddy, son of Myron Eddy, deceased) ; Samuel, who residea in Auburn, N. Y. ; Martin; Lovina, married Washington Babcock; Catherine; Mary; and perhaps others who died young.) (Spafford.) Richard M. Eddy. Died April 20, 1875, age 57 years, 11 months, 4 days. (He m-arried Rich, daughter of Dorr and Anna (Becker) Rich. They came from Washington County, N. Y. Mary A., his wife, died January 31, 1848, age 76 years, 2 months. (Borodino.) Seth Eddy. Died June 19, 1839, age 65 years. (Seth Eddy came to this to\^Ti from Floyd, Oneida Co., N. Y. By his wife Terzy he had the following children: Theron ; Edwin, married Adeline Berry, daughter of Jona- than and Thankful Berry ; Lilley (or Amelia), married Wil- liam Wallace, son of Daniel and Maiy (Low) Wallace ; and Olive, married Morgan Wallace, son of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wallace. (Borodino.) Sophia B., daughter of Edwin and Adeline (Berry) Eddy. Died March 5, 1873, age 22 years. (Edwin Eddy and his wife, Adeline Berry, are both dead, and buried in this cemetery.) (No stone at the graves of Edwin and Adeline.) (Borodino.) Orrin Eddy. Died August 26, 1897, age 88 years. (No stone.) (He came to this towTi from near Fort George, N. Y., and married Harriet Streeter, daughter of Alexander R. and Susan (Carpenter) Streeter. He had by her one son: Orrin F. Eddy, who married (1) Nettie Smith, and (2) Harriet Alvord, daughter of Shubel Alvord of Scott, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Eddy also had an adopted daughter, Sarah A. Baker, daughter of Ashbel and Sarah A. (Streeter) Baker, who married Roland Rollo of Sennett, N. Y. Mr. Eddy was living with his adopted daughter in 90 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Sennett at the time of his decease. He was a blacksmith by- trade, a Republican in politics, and much respected.) (Borodino.) Harriet (Streeter), wife of Orrin Eddy. Died March 31, 1872, age 52 years, 5 months. (Borodino.) Nettie (Smith), wife of Orrin F. Eddy. Died October 7, 1852, age 34 years, 10 months, 3 days. (Borodino.) (Harriet Alvord, the second wife of Orrin F. Eddy, died at Scott, N. Y., January 19, 1890.) (Borodino.) Julia Ann, daughter of John and Fanny (Williams) Eddy. Died October 31, 1840, age 5 years, 2 months. (John Eddy, by his wife Fanny, besides Julia Ann, above mentioned, had other children, among whom were: John, Jr., and Deborah B., who married Washington Wallace, son of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wallace. John Eddy and his wife moved away from Spafford.) (Borodino.) EDWARDS. Edwin Seymour Edwards, son of Solomon and Abigail Edwards. Born in Skaneateles, N. Y., March 30, 1806. Died in Spafford, September 23, 1890. (Edwin S. Edwards married April 24, 1832, Ruth Coon, daughter of David and Phebe (Van Camp) Coon, and by her had the following children : Julius A., born December 2, 1833, married Esther Lowery. She died March 7„ 1894, and M^as buried in Spafford Cemetery, they had one son, Edwin W. Edwards, who married Jennette B. Haskins, and have one daughter, Julius now resides with his son near Preble, N. Y.; Edwin D., born October 13, 1838, married Charlotte C. Adkins, and has one son and one daughter living, having had three other children who died young, resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and John Orlando, born January 25, 1842, died June 30, 1843. Mr. Edwards was a farmer, but read and practiced medicine. He was Supervisor of this town in 1861-3, Overseer of the Poor in 1848-9, besides at different times holding other minor town offices. He was frequently called upon to act as executor and adminis- trator in the settlement of estates, and was generally re- SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 91 spected by his towns[)oopIe He and his wife were members of the M. E. Church, in which society Mr. Edwards was for a long time the chorister of the choir, and superintendent of the Sunday School. He was descended from Alexander Edwards, who came from Wales in 1640, and settled early in Spring-field, Mass., as follows : Edwin, Solomon, Solomon, Ebenezcr, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Alexander. (No stone.) (Spafford.) Ruth Coon, wife of Edwin S. Edwards. Born December 22, 1805, died in Spafford. (No stone.) (Spafford.) John O., son of Edwin S. and Ruth (Coon) Edwards. Died June 30, 1843, age 1 year, 5 months, 5 days. " Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not For of such is the Kingdom of Heaven." (Spafford.) Esther Lowery, wife of Julius A. Edwards. Died March 7, 1894, age 52 years. (No stone.) (Julius and his wife Esther had one son, Edwin W. Edwards, who married Jennette B. Haskins, and has one daughter.) (Spafford.) Ebenezer Edwards, son of Solomon and Catherine (Clark) Edwards. Died January 11, 1830, age 52 years. " Come hither mortal, cast an eye And go thy way and prepare to die." (Ebenezer Edwards was an uncle of Edwin S. Edwards. In his will, dated December 15, 1829, and probated April 10, 1830, he mentions his wife, Sybel Edwards, his adopted daughter Calista Mead, and his children : William ; Solomon ; Sereno; and Polly Edwards. The branch of the Edwards family through which Ebenezer and his nephew, Edwin S. Edwards, trace their descent from Alexander Edwards, the emigrant ancestor, came to Skaneateles from Nothampton, Mass., in the year 1809: Ebenezer, Solomon, Ebenezer, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Alexander.) (Thorn Hill.) EGGLESTON. Dea Benjamin Eggleston, left us January 9, 1868, in the full assurance of a blissful immortality, through Christ his Saviour, age 85 years. 92 ©NONDASA HISTORICAL ASB«fftATI©N " Precious in the sight of the Lord is the Death of his Saint." (He married Ehzabeth Wiltsie. In his will, dated Feb- ruary 18, 1865, and probated March 23, 1868, he mentions his wife, Elizabeth Egg-leston, and his children: Myron; Rolfe; John; Theodore, married Sarah A. Gardner; Delilah Goodridge; Adeline Wood; Catherine Coon; Rebecca, mar- ried Austin Wyckoff of Navarino, N. Y. ; Mary, married Augustin Vanderburgh, son of Stephen and Maria (Cal- kins) Vanderburg; Ruth M. Eggleston, and Sarah E. Patterson.) (Thorn Hill.) Our Mother, Elizabeth (Wiltsie) ) , wife of Dea Benjamin Eggleston. Departed this life August 31, 1874, age 85 j^ears, 5 months. " With a good Hope in Christ of a Blessed and glorious Resurrection to Eternal Life." (Thorn Hill.) Sarah A. (Gardner) , wife of Theodore Eggleston. Died February 20, 1874, age 37 years, 6 months. " In earnest of Heaven was her pillow in Death." (Theodore Eggleston was a son of Dea. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Wiltsie) Eggleston.) (Thorn Hill.) EGLIN. Isaac D. Eglin. Bom October 4, 1824. Died Novem- ber 22, 1904. (He married (1) Elizabeth Dedrick, daughter of William and Thurzy (McCausey) Dedrick; and (2) Ailce Case, daughter of Aaron G. and Rebecca (Monk) Case.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth (Dedrick), wife of Isaac Eglin. Died April 14, 1886, age 58 years, 10 months, 25 days. " Dearest husband ! thou dearest friend of my Mortal years, thou trusted one thou tried, Thou art still living in the valley of tears, But I am at thy side." (In her will, dated June 25, 1878, probated July 7, 1890, she mentions her husband, Isaac D. G. Eglin, but no chil- dren. She also mentions her brother, William J. DedricK, of Spafford; her uncle, Samuel Dedrick of Rhode Island; SPAFFORB MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 03 her uncle, Henry Dedrick of Rhode Island ; Tilson Wood and his sister, Louisa, children of her Aunt Harriet Wood, late of Rhode Island, deceased; her aunt, Sally Reed, of Rhode Island; her aunt, Catherine, sister of her father, William Dedrick ; and Mrs. Helen Williams, daughter of Charles Mc- Causey of Spafford.) (Borodino.) Alice (Case), wife of Isaac Eglin. Born January 16, 1859. Died December 14, 1905. (Borodino.) Lehana Delbert, only son of Isaac and Elizabeth Dedrick) Eglin. Died July 5, 1877, age 24 years, 6 months, 5 days. " No sin, no grief, no pain. Safe in my happy home, My fears all fled, my doubts all slain, My hour of triumph come." (Borodino.) ELDRED. Louisa M., daughter of James and Juliett Eldred. Died April 17, 1843, age 2 years, 3 months, 21 days. " None but a parent's heart can tell How much it costs to bid this lovely child farewell." (Cold Brook.) ELIOT. Andrew J. Eliot, (son of Elias and Charity (Warner) Eliot) . Died September 27, 1886, age 70 years. (The paternal grandparents of Andrew J. Eliot were Andrew and Jennie (Ayers) Eliot. Their children were: Daniel, married Hannah Carpenter; Lucretia, married Ste- phen Giles; Elisha, died young; Jacob, married Patience Tripp; George, married Jennie McCarthy; Mollie, married William Seward; Peter, married Jerusha McCarthy; Luke, married Betsey ; Hannah, married Daniel Hoyt; Betsey, married Nahum Thompson; and Elias, married Charity Warner. Elias Eliot, born in Decatur, Otsego County, N. Y., in January, 1793, died in Spafford, May, 1841 age 48 years, and buried in Geddes, N. Y., married in 1813 Charity Warner, born April 9, 1795, and died in Deadwood, S. Da., September 94 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 2, 1895, age 100 years, 4 months, 23 days, daughter of Charles and Sarah (Stockwell) Warner, and by her had the following children : Sarah Jane, born March 1, 1815, mar- ried (1) David Ripley, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley, and (2) Willard Doty, son of Warren and Sarah (Wood) Doty, and by her first husband had seven children (see Ripley) ; Andrew J., born February 11, 1817, married Sarah Ann Bulfinch, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Harrington) Bulfinch; Lucy Ann, born February 17, 1819, married Joseph H. Bulfinch, son of Joseph and Lydia (Harrington) Bulfinch, she had three children, only one surviving: Mrs. Alice M. Cramer, with whom in 1899 she resided in Yanton, South Dakota (see Bulfinch) ; Charles, born December 1, 1821, married Lodemia Hawkins, and has one child, Nellie; Elias E., born July 28, 1822, married Helen Morey, had two daughters, Nettie and Nellie; Wesley S., born January 5, 1824; married Jennie , and has one daughter Jennie; Lewis H., boni February 13, 1826, married (1) Henrietta Morey, (2) Mary Treadwell, no issue; James M., born October 11, 1828, died at the age of 26, unmarried, at the Globe Hotel, in Syracuse, N. Y.; George W., born November 11, 1831, mar- ried in Chico, Cal., no issue; Warner A., born January 31, 1833, married Lottie Spaids, and had seven children: Charles, Chauncey, Craig, Willie, Kathlyn, Flora, Raymond ; Helen C, born April 9, 1836 married Col. Gideon C. Moody, her husband has been United States Senator from South Dakota, she has had five children: Nellie, Charles, James, Burdett, and Warner, she now resides in Deadwood, S. Da. ; and Mary Elizabeth, born April 5, 1838, married Thomas Chandoin, Louisville, Ky., five children, Alice, Thomas, George, Eliot and Charles. She is now deceased. Elias Eliot, when he resided in Spafford, lived on Ripley Hill, south of the Ripley Place, so called, on Lot 42, TuIIy. Andrew J. Eliot, by his wife Sarah Ann Bulfinch, had five children : Jane Ann, married Newton Bates (no issue) ; Mary, (now deceased) , married John Van Benschoten, son of James and (Price) Van Benschoten, two chil- dren : Sarah, married Edwin Van Benschoten, son of James and (Price) Van Benschoten, husband dead, one son, resides at Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; Andrew, died young; and Lewis Henry, died young. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 95 Mrs. Charity (Warner) Eliot, the mother of Andrew J. Eliot, was in many ways a remarkable woman, of strong personality, high Christian character, and full of kindness and motherly tenderness. Her father, Charles Warner, was a soldier of the Revolution, and died at Geddes, N. Y. By his wife, Sarah Stockwell, he had nine children : Esther, Lucy, Charity, Sophia, Betsey, Mary Sarah, Charles and Israel ; several of whom, besides Charity, lived to a remark- able old age.) (Spafford.) Lewis Henry, son of Andrew J. and Sarah A. (Bulfinch) Eliot. Died September 12, 1851, age 9 months, 11 days. (Spafford.) ELISON. Hannah, wife of George Elison. Died August 1, 1841, age 28 years, 4 months, 12 days. " When ere my children do draw nigh And on this marble cast an eye. Then on this willow drop a tear For one who always loved you dear." (Spafford.) Mary, daughter of George and Hannah Elison. Died December 24, 1830, age 4 months, 15 days. (Spafford.) EMMONS. Mary A. (Abbott) , wife of Lewis Emmons. Died April 14, 1884, age 54 years. (Lewis Emmons came from LaFayette. By his wife, Mary A. Abbott, he had two children : George, married Mary L. Grinnell, daughter of Ansel and Asenath (Bennett) Grin- nell; and Milton, married Laura Stanton, daughter of Samuel H. and Sarah (Patterson) Stanton. (Borodino.) Anna M. Patten, wife of William A. Emmons. Died February 2, 1869, age 40 years. (William A. Emmons came from LaFayette; his wife was a daughter of William and Fanny (Rathbone) Patten.) (Borodino.) Frank, son of William A. and Anna M. (Patten) Emmon. Died June 2, 1868, age 3 years. (Borodino.) 96 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION ENGLISH. Mary (Taft) , wife of John W. English. Died November 14, 1849. age 33 years. (John W. English, son of Richard and Eliza English, married Mary Taft, daughter of Ellis and Cjmthia (Knapp) Taft. The English family, through mistake, were from Ire- land. The family left Spafford about 1836, and settled in Ohio and Michigan, where its descendants remain. (Cold Brook.) ENOS. Chloe, wife of Joseph Enos. Born May 4, 1777, died January 19, 1843. (Joseph Enos also died at Thorn Hill, September 20, 1852, age 73 years.) (Thorn Hill.) Jessie, daughter of Charles H. and Josephine (Williams) Enos. Died July 18, 1878, age 1 year, 2 months. " God's little angel gone home." (Charles H. Enos was an adopted son of Joseph Enos, Jr. In 1898 he was residing at Rock Creek, Minn.) (Borodino.) FAY. John Fay. Died June 23, 1857, in his 68 year. (Mr. Fay, by his wife, Isabel, had the following children : Andrew, married Milly Harris, daughter of William and Nancy (Davis) Harris; Jeremiah, who died unmarried at the age of about 28 years ; and Mary Ann, married Robert Randall, son of Silas and Mercey (Harrington) Randall.) (Spafford.) Isabel, wife of John Fay. Died June 2, 1859, in her 68th year. (Spafford.) Jeremiah Fay, (son of John and Isabel Fay) . Died June 3, 1859, age 27 years, 10 months, 14 days. (Spafford.) FERRY. Asa Ferry. Died January 9, 1864, age 84 years, 3 months, 12 days. (He married first Ruhama , who died Novem- SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 97 ber 5, 1818, second, Christina BufRn^on, who died May 11, 1852, in her 73rd year, and third. Harmony . In the petition for letters of administration upon his estate, made March 9, 1864, by his wife. Harmony Ferry, mention is made of the following children: Chester, married Saba BiifRngton, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Harvey, then residing in Wisconsin; Malinda, married Joseph K. Lamb, he then deceased and she then of Wisconsin; Dolly, married Asa Keen, of Ohio ; and Lavina, married Clark Bowker of Wis- consin.) (Borodino.) Mrs. Ruhama, wife of Asa Ferry. Died November 5, 1818, age 40 years. (Thorn Hill.) Christina (BufRngton), wife of Asa Ferry. Died May 11, 1852, in her 73rd year. (She was a widow when she married Mr, Ferry, and the mother of Charles H. BufRngton, who died January 6, 1852, and was buried in this cemetery.) (Borodino.) Chester Ferry, (son of Asa and Ruhama Ferry) . Died March 16, 1876, age 76 years, 6 months. (He married Saba BufRngton, whom he survived. In the petition for letters of administration upon his estate by his son, Charles H. Ferry, dated April 21, 1876, mention is made of the following children : Charles H., merchant, resid- ing in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Asa P., of Rockford, Kent Co., Mich.; George H., of Canonsburgh, Kent Co., Mich.; Jane, married Sjivester H. Sheldon, they are both dead, and buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Harriet Davis, of Rockford, Mich. ; Henrietta Miller, of Canonsburg, Stevens Co., Mich.; Martha Barnes, of Navarino, N. Y.; Ruhama Ida, of Ellery, Stevens Co., Illinois; Americus V., of Skaneateles, N. Y., and Johii T. Ferry, of Rockford, Mich. Harriet died young.) (Borodino.) Saba (BufRngton), wife of Chester Ferry. Died Feb- ruary 16, 1873, age 70 years. (Borodino.) Harriet, daughter of Chester and (Saba) Sarah Ferry. Died March 31, 1836, age 3 months, 27 days. (Borodino.) 98 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION FILKINS. Georgre D. Filkins. Died March 30, 1855, age 42 years. (He married Margaret Fisher, daug:hter of Dakin and Sally (Yoiist) Fisher, and by her had three children: Ensig-n D., who was a soldier in the War of 1861, and died unmarried at the age of nearly 26, in the year 1863; Angeline, married George Spencer Carr, son of Thurston and, Lorane (Green) Carr, at Spafford, March 5, 1871 resides in Heber, Arkansas; and Orrissa, married Marcus N. Seeley, son of Hiram and Betsey Jane (Jacobs) Seeley, her husband died in 1892 and she now resides in Syracuse, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Margaret (Fisher) Churchell, former wife of George D. Filkins. Died March 1, 1879, age 66 years, 2 months, 21 days. (After the decease of her first husband, George D. Filkins, she married Alexander M. Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell, as his third wife. She was buried by the side of her first husband.) (Spafford.) Ensign D., son of George D. and Margaret (Fisher) Filkins. Died Septem.ber 28, 1863, age 25 years, 10 months, 13 days. (He was a Union soldier in the War of 1861.) (Spafford.) FISHER. Sacred to the memory of Amos Fisher, who died October 28, 1833, age 82 years, 6 days. (The Fishers came to this town from Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., before 1820, ai^d settled on the southeastern part (of subdivision No. 6) of Lot 1, Tully. By his wife, Mar- garet, Mr. Amos Fisher had the following children: Rachel, married Osmer Orton of Spafford, N. Y. ; Dakin, married Sally Youst, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Clarissa Cone of Mayville, Chautauua Co., N. Y. ; Amos, of Otsego, N. Y. ; Rebecca married William Billings, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Sarah, married Ossage Cone, of Pomfret, Chautauqua Co., N. Y. ; Eli, married Nancy , of Spafford, N. Y.; Mary, married Erastus Wait, of Chagrin, Ohio; Orrissa, married ^PAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 99 Jeremiah Crane, of Bane, Orleans Co., N. Y. ; John, died in Spafford, unmarried; and Margaret, married Col. Lewis C. Davis, Margaret died before her father and left the follow- ing children : Jiidson, Joline, Laura, John, and Lewis Davis. Mrs. Margaret Fisher survived her husband, and is supposed to have been buried with her husband in the Davis Yard. (No stone.) (Davis Yard.) John Fisher (son of Amos and Margaret Fisher.) Bom at Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y. July 15, 1794, died December 31, 1874. (He died unmarried.) (Davis Yard.) Dakin Fisher, (son of Amos and Margaret Fisher). Died June 21, 1849, age 68 years, 10 months, 8 days. " How suddenly he's called away Eternity to view. No time to regulate his house nor bid the world adied." (He married Sally Youst, and by her had the following children : Philip, married Harriet Legg, daughter of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg; Elihu, married Lydia Ann Collins, daughter of John and Lucj^ (Burdick) Collins and widow of John Orton ; George Y., married Lavinia Burdick, daughter of Russel M. and Esther (Whiting) Burdick; Margaret, married (1) George D. Filkins, and (2) Alex- ander M. Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell; Celinda, married William Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell; and Orrissa, married Franklin Roundy, son of Capt. Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Roundy; Mercy, died at 22 years, unmarried.) (Spafford.) Sally (Youst), wife of Dakin Fished. Died December 2, 1860, age 77 years, 6 months, 13 days. " Our Mother's gone but not forgotten." (Spafford.) Mercy, daughter of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher. Died April 8, 1844, age 22 years, 9 months, 24 days. (Spafford.) Harriet (Legg), wife of Philip Fisher. Died June 8, 1844, in her 34th year. (Philip Fisher, son of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher, married Harriet Legg, daughter of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg, and had the following children : Otis, married 100 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Maria Maxson ; Oscar, married Ann Eliza Frederick, daugh- ter of Jacob and Rachel (Newkirk) Frederick! Angeline, died unmarried; William Eaton, married Phebe Ingerson, adopted daughter of Peter Ingerson ; and Mary, married (1) Nelson Boughton at Spafford, October 2, 1854, and (2) Silas J. White, March 19, 1863. In 1885 she resided at Plymouth, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa. By her first husband, Mary has one daughter, Angeline, married James Allen, Jr., and by her second husband she has a son, who is a West Point graduate and now in the regular Army of the United States. Philip Fisher is also deceased.) (Spafford.) Angeline, daughter of Philip and Harriet (Legg) Fisher. Died March 27, 1853, age 20 years. " To live in the memory of those we leave behind is not to die." (Spafford.) William E. Fisher, (son of Philip and Harriet (Legg) Fisher) . Died March 30, 1868, age 32 years. (A soldier in the War of 1861.) " Our son is gone but not forgotten.) (He married Phebe Ingerson, adopted daughter of Peter Ingerson of Spafford Hollow.) (Spafford.) Nancy E., daughter of Eli and Nancy Fisher. Died January 11, 1835, age 8 years, 2 months, 23 days. (Eli Fisher was a son of Amos and Margaret Fisher; he was born probably in Springfield, Otsego Co., N. Y., before 1802, married his wife Nancy before October 15, 1823, at which time she joined him in a deed, conveying land in Spafford Hollow on Lot 23, Tully. A few days subse- quent he purchased 25 acres of Cornelius Williamson, on Lot 12, Tully. There are no descendants of this marriage known to the writer. For many years Eli Fisher ran the Potashery at Spafford Corners, before 1850; he was then an old man and worked for Levi Hurlbut and Asahel M. Roundy, and boarded at their houses. He and his wife have been dead for about fifty years. They have no stone mark- ing their graves in this town.) (Borodino.) Alice, daughter of Edgar and E (Brown) Fisher. Died October 18, 1881, age 1 year, 3 months, 3 days. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES lOl (Edgar Fisher is an Englishman, and his wife is a daughter of Truman and Abigail (Moore) Brown of Thorn Hill, and a granddaughter of Zenas and Abigail Moore. In 1898 Mr. Fisher was residing on the Cornelius Williamson Farm, on Lot 12, Tully.) (Spafford.) FITZGERALD. Mrs. Anna, v/ife of Jeremiah Fitzgerald. Died August 15, 1834, age 85 years. (Jeremiah Fitzgerald came to this town from Walkill, N. Y., in the Spring of 1806, and settled on 300 acres ownea by him on lot 70, Marcellus. He died in 1817 (and was buried in the old Boodino Cemetery, on the farm of Alex- ander Becker, north of the Village of Borodino, now in dis- use. (Thorn Hill.; Jeremiah Fitzgerald. Died September 25, 1816, age 65 years. In his will, dated August 20, 1810, and probated Feb- ruary 17, 1817, he mentions his wife, Anna Fitzgerald, and the following children : William ; Elizabeth, married Warren Eneeland, son of Jonathan and Mary (Spencer) Kneeland; Susanna; David, married Phebe ; John, married Abigail ; and Jeremiah, married Sylvia . He also mentions his two grandchildren, Jane and James H. Fitzgerald, children of his daughter, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, who subseuent to their birth, married Warren Kneeland. James H. Fitzgerald married Jerusha Eadie, daughter of James and Martha Smith Eadie.) (Thorn Hill.) FORCE. Sally Force, wife of Henry Force. Died October 8, 1843, age 54 years, 3 months, 5 days. " Here let me rest my weary head 'Till Christ, my Lord, shall raise the Dead." (Henry Force resided on Lot 75, Marcellus. He died September 25, 1847, in this town (no stone) . In the peti- tion of Dr. Isaac Morrell, a creditor, dated October 6, 1847, for letters of administration upon his estate, no mention is 102 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION made of a wife, but of the following children: William; Kellog-g:; Jane; Sarah, married Dorwin Day; Adeline, mar- ried William Campbell; and Henrietta, married Annariah Manley. All were then of full age except Jane, who was a minor.) (Borodino.) FORD. In memory of a son of John and Chloe Ford. Died April 14, 1821. (Cold Brook.) Daniel, son of John and Chloe Ford. Died April 3, 1820, in his 10th year. (John and Chloe Ford resided on the west part of Lot 44, Tully, in Cold Brook. Among their children, besides the foregoing, were : Elisha, married Smith, and died in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; John B., married Sally Miner, widow ot Sanford Thayer, resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Lydia, mar- ried Orrin Town, of Cold Brook, N. Y., and , married Ansel Bacon.) (Cold Brook.) FOSTER. Albert Foster, (son of Samuel Foster). Born July 24, 1800, (in Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn.) Died January 8, 1879, (in Spafford, New York.) (He married (1) Clarissa Maxson, daughter of Thomas and (Sessions) Maxson, at Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn., January 2, 1823, and settled first in Hillsdale, Columbia Co., N. Y., where he remained about eight years, and from there came to this town and settled in Cold Brook about 1833. He finally settled on Lot 33, Tully, about 1841, where he remained until the time of his decease. After the decease of his first wife he married (2) June 5, 1867, at Spafford, N. Y., Clarissa G. Reynolds, widow of Horace Smith, but by her had no issue. His children by his first wife vv^ere : LaFayette, born July 23, 1824, married October 23, 1850, at Spafford, N. Y. Sarah Jane Ripley, born De- cember 3, 1832, daughter of David and Sarah Jane (Eliot) Ripley, resides in Sioux City, Iowa, and has three children, Albro; Emma and Ernest, each married and each having SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 103 three children; Thomas Maxson, bom October 1, 1826, merchant in this town to the time of his decease, December 26, 1898, unmarried; James S., bom November 20, 1828, died September 29, 1890 at Mitchell, South Dakota, married April 6, 1852, in Spafford, Frances Ann Ripley, born January 17, 1835, daughter of David and Sarah Jane (Eliot) Ripley; Charles W., bom May 19, 1832, died April 11, 1875, near Yankton, S. Da., married February 27, 1853, at Spafford, N. Y., Mary A. Burroughs, bom October 29, 1835, daughter of Alvin Burroughs, and had four children ; and George I., born December 29, 1837, mar- ried at Davis, 111., December, 1873, Phila Smith, resides at Fargo, North Dakota, and had two children.) (Cold Brook.) Clarissa (Maxson), wife of Albert Foster. Bom De- cember 26, 1798, died May 5, 1866. (She was born in Salisbury, Litchfield Co., Conn.) (Cold Brook.) Clarissa G. (Reynolds), wife of Albert Foster. Bom June 1, 1809, died November 5, 1873. (At the time of her marriage to Mr. Foster she was widow of Horace Smith, (second wife), with one son by Mr. Smith, Frederick R. Smith.) (Cold Brook.) Bennie, son of James S. and Frances A. (Ripley Foster. Died March 1, 1860, age 6 months. (James S. Foster, son of Albert and Clarissa (Maxson) Foster, married Frances A. Ripley, daughter of David and Sarah Jane (Eliot) Ripley, and by her had, in addition to the above, the following children : Clara J., married Osgood H. Carney, and had three children : Foster Dewitt, married Cora Westfall and resides in Yankton, S. Da. ; Kate Morri- son, married Carl E. Bigelow and has one child, Ruth, resides in Galveston, Texas ; and Carol Earl, died in infancy ; Cora, married George H. Miner and had six children: William Vance, married Blanche , two children, Helen and Grace; Frances, married Ory P. Shaw, one son, Miner; Cora, unmarried; Charity Eliot, unmarried, and Laura, died in infancy; Albert David, married Hattie Whalen and had four children : Fannie, James, Clara, and Martha; James and Martha died in infancy; Fannie An- able, unmarried; Martha Aldrich, unmarried; and Thomas 104 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Maxson, unmarried. Mr. James S. Foster died in Mitchell, S. Da., September 29, 1890.) (Cold Brook.) In memory of Lydia, wife of Levi Foster, who died April 21, 1827, ag-e 45 years, 3 months, 1 day. (Levi Foster came from Onondaga, N. Y., January 2, 1816, and settled on Lot 21, Tully, on the farm now occupied by Joseph L. Cole (1899), and from there moved to the Nunnery neighborhood, and resided on Lot 12, Sempronius, where his wife died. He moved away from town after the death of his wife, and very little is lmo^^^l of him or his family at the present time.) (Nunnery.) FREDERICK. Jacob Frederick. Died March 18, 1865, age 69 years. (Jacob Frederick came to the Marcellus end of this town before 1823, and settled at or near the Village of Borodino, but soon afterwards moved to a farm near Spaff ord Village) , his wife was Rachel Newkirk, and by her he had the follow- ing children : Sarah M., married Roswell Brown of Moravia, Cayuga County, N. Y.; John W., married (1) Miss Jennings of Poug-hkeepsie, N .Y., by whom he had a son, William J. Frederick, member of Board of Underwriters, Syracuse, N. Y. ; he married (2) Mary Antonette Atwater in 1868, she died in 1879, leaving a daughter, Georgia, who in 1879 married Dr. Ernest F. Clymer of Syracuse, N. Y. ; Lewis W., married Louisa Beeman, resided at Homer, N. Y., and Cold- water, Mich. ; Lucetta, married Horatio Smith, resides South Butler, Wayne Co., N. Y. ; Ann Eliza, married Oscar F. Fisher, son of Philip and Harriet (Legg) Fisher, resides in Homer N. Y. ; Minerva J. married Darius Applebee; George P., died prior to his father's decease, married S F , and had one daughter, Mary C. Frederick of Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Alanson S., married Sarah Thompson, daughter of Nathan P. and Margaret (Hutchins) Thomp- son, he and his wife are both deceased ; he is buried in Liver- pool, N. Y., and she in Spafford Cemetery, left two children, Roswell T., married Catherine Kingsbury, daughter of Andrew E. Kingsbury of Homer, Roswell is a real estate broker in Syracuse, N. Y., and Caroline Frederick, un- married, resides in Homer, N. Y. ; Calista B., married C. B. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 105 Miller of Cazenovia, N. Y., dead; and Caleb H., accidentally killed by the cut of a scythe, at the age of eleven years. At the time of his decease, Jacob Frederick was residing in the Village of Spafford Corners. He was Low Dutch. John W. Frederick married for a third wife. Miss Emma Wood, of Syracuse, N. Y., who survived him. By his third wife he had no issue; he died in 1895.) (Spafford.) Rachel (Newkirk) , wife of Jacob Frederick. Died April 5, 1877, age 79 years. (Spafford.) Caleb H., son of Jacob and Rachel (Newkirk) Frederick. Died August 20, 1846, age 11 years. (Accidentally killed by the cut of a scythe in the thigh.) (Spafford.) George P., son of George and S F. Frederick. Died February 8, 1845, age 5 months, 20 days. (George Frederick was a son of Jacob and Rachel (New- kirk) Frederick.) Sarah Thompson wife of Alanson S. Frederick. Born in Spafford, April 11, 1837. Died in Homer, N. Y., March 18, 1898. (Spafford.) (Alanson S. Frderick, son of Jacob and Rachel (New- kirk) Frederick, died and was buried in Liverpool, N. Y.) . (His wife has no stone.) (Spafford.) FULLER. Alice L., daughterof Francis M. and Mary Fuller. Dlea April 19, 1863, age 2 years, 6 months, 29 days. (Spafford Hollow.) FULTON. In memory of Robert Fulton who died March 28, 1829, age 78 years. " Let not the dead forgotten lie. Lest living men forget to die." (Robert Fulton, by his wife Sarah, had three children who were well knowm residents of this town : Eleazer Emer- 10ft ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION son, born February 2, 1789, died at Borodino, N. Y., March 30, 1853, married Pamelia ; Robert C, born 1800, died January 12, 1852, at Borodino. N. Y., married ; and Amanda, born August 27, 1803, died at Boro- dino, N. Y., September 4, 1856, married William Legg and had one daughter, Eunice A., who married David Becker, son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker, both dead, and buried in this cemetery.) (Borodino.) In memory of Sarah Fulton, wife of Robert Fulton, who died May 4, 1846, age 82 years, 4 months. (Borodino.) Eleazer Emerson Fulton, (son of Robert and Sarah Fulton) . Died May 30, 1853, age 64 years, 1 month, 2 days. (Eleazer Emerson Fulton by his wife Parmelia had the following children: Albert E., bom 1821, died August 8, 1885, at Lansing, Mich., married (1) Izabenda Bearse, daughter of Aaron and Phebe (Simth) Bearse, and widow of Ansel Churchell, and (2) Mrs. Martha Hutton, widow of Caleb Hutton, of Lansing, Mich., no issue by either mar- riage; Heman D., married Eliza L. and resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; and Hiram W., bom at Elbridge, N. Y. ; died at Forbs, Mo., March, 1884 (buried in this cemetery) . (Borodino.) Parmelia, wife of Eleazer Emerson Fulton. Died Novem- ber 4, 1871, age 78 years, 7 months. " A true wife, a faithful mother, A devout Christian, a character worthy of imitation." (Borodino.) Albert E. Fulton, (son of E. Emerson and Parmelia Fulton) . Died August 8, 1885, age 64 years, 2 months, 18 days. (Borodino.) Izabenda (Bearse) , wife of Albert E. Fulton. Died May 21, 1875, age 58 years, 1 month, 15 days. (She had one daughter only, Jennie E. Churchell, by her first husband, Ansel Churchell, who married Erastus E. Brown, now of Lincoln, Nebraska.) (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 107 Hiram W. Fulton, (son of E. Emerson and Parmelia Fulton) . Born at Elbridge, N. Y., April 23, 1827. Died at Forbes, Mo., March, 1884, in his 57th year. (Borodino.) Ella A., daug-hter of Heman D. and Eliza L, Fulton, Died June 4, 1875, age 20 years, 5 months. (Heman D. Fulton, son of Eleazer Emerson and Parmelia Fulton, by his wife, Eliza L., had the following children: Eva P. ; Nellie L. ; Mary E., and Albert W. Fulton ; the first three reside in Skaneateles, N. Y., with their parents and the latter in West Satecoy, California.) H. D. Fulton, 1822-1909. Eliza L. Town (w.), 1828-1902. (Borodino.) Robert C. Fulton, (son of Robert and Sarah Fulton). Died January 12, 1852, age 53 years. (Robert C. Fulton married , and had thee children : Jerome, who died in Preble, N. Y. ; married John Weston, Jr., and , married John Colter.) (Borodino.) GALE. John Gale, Esq. Died May 17, 1836, age 71 years. (John Gale settled in the Marcellus end of the town before 1807. By his wife, Martha, he had four children: John, Jr., married Miss Grinnell, daughter of Isaiah and Jane (Crane) Grinnell ; Samuel, married (1) Sally Manley, and (2) Rebecca Mead ; Richard, married Amelia E. ; and Mary, married Zebulon Davis as his second wife, she died and was buried in Cold Brook.) (Borodino.) Mrs. Martha, wife of John Gale, Sr. Died May 23, 1831, age 69 years, 2 months, 14 days. (Borodino.) John Gale, Jr., (son of John and Martha Gale). Died December 31, 1852, age 53 years. (Borodino.) Samuel Gale, (son of John and Martha Gale). Died October 25, 1864, in 79 years. 108 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION " And now behold his race is run, His suffering o'er, his labor done, May living- friends be ready too, To bid this fleeting- world adieu." (He married (1) Sally Manley, and (2) Rebecca Mead. The latter died and was buried in Cleveland, Ohio. By his first wife he had: Betsey Ann, married George Frink Knapp, son of Elijah and Betsey (Burdick) Knapp; and by his second wife he had : Judson, married Hulda Davidson, he was a teacher, School Commissioner, and now resides in Homer N. Y. ; Cornelia, married Joel Townsend, resides in Texas ; and Charles, married Eliza , died out West. Samuel Gale first resided in the Nunnery neighborhood, and then on Lot 42, Tully, near the county line on the Skan- eateles and Homer road. (Thorn Hill.) In m^emory of Sally (Manley) Gale, (wife of Samuel Gale, who died March 12, 1821, age 27 years. (Thorn Hill.) GAY. Bamett A. Gay. Died September 17, 1883, age 67 years. He came from Preble, N. Y., and married Amanda F. Smith, who is also deceased and buried in this cemetery. She has no stone. By his wife, Amanda, Mr. Gay had the following children : Frances, married Albert Kemp ; Martin Frink, m.arried Ida May Lyon, daughter of George W. and Cornelia (Barker) Lyon; Theresa, married Wesley Moon; and Jennie M., married Alexander J. Boutell, son of Samuel and Catherine (Williamson) Boutell. She is now deceased.) (Cold Brook.) Ida May Gay, daughter of George W. and Cornelia M. (Barker) Lyon. Died May 27, 1884, age 26 years. (She married Martin Frink Gay, son of Bamett A. and Amanda F. (Smith) Gay). (Spafford.) Mrs. Calista Gay. Died November 25, 1885, age 70 years. (No stone.) (She was the wife of Robert M. Gay, formerly of Spaf- ford Hollow.) (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 109 GARUTHERS— (CARUTHER) . Thomas Garuthers. Died May 17, 1857, age 73 years. (His wife Maria, after his decease, married John T. Gregory. They were all English.) (Thorn Hill.) GEER. Morris Geer. Died at Thorn Hill, December 23, 1888, age 90 years. (No stone.) (He was born in Ireland, and married Mrs. Joanna Dunn, widow, and by her had one son: James Geer, of Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs. Dunn by her first husband also had one son : Peter Dunn.) (Borodino.) Joanna Dunn), wife of Morris Geer. Died September 20, 1855, in her 50th year. (Borodino.) GIFFORD. Henry A. Gifford. Died March 18, 1892, age 83 years. " Dearest loved one we have laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace. But thy memory will be cherished, 'Till we see thy heavenly face." (Mr. Gifford was the father of Morey Gifford, of Marietta, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Betsey, wife of Henry A. Gifford. Died at Thorn Hill, July 27, 1881, age 69 years. (No stone.) (Thorn Hill.) Filura, daughter of Nicholas and Rebecca (Caton) Gifford. Died August 9, 1853, age 1 year, 6 months. (Nicholas Gifford came from the South, and settled in 1853 just north of the county line, on the State's Hundred on Lot 44, Tully; by his wife Rebecca Caton he had: Andrew J.; Dennison; Manly; Vinal, married Mercy A. Barber, daughter of Charles and Betsey (Randall) Barber, he is now in Auburn State's Prison ; Almus, in 1876 was in House of Refuge at Rochester, N. Y. ; Devillo, formerly of Cortland, N. Y. ; Rosetta and Filura, died young. Nicholas 110 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Gifford died in Auburn State's Prison, April 15, 1876, and his wife, prior to his incarceration, perished of cold in a neighbor's dooryard, in Cold Brook, having been driven from home by her husband, on a cold winter's night, clad only in her night clothes. She was buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) (Cold Brook.) GILBERT. Mary (Enos), wife of Nathan Gilbert, and daughter of Joseph and Chloe Enos. Died February 3, 1886, age 53 years. (Thorn Hill.) GILLETT. In memory of Norman L., son of Ambrose S. and Charity (Lewis) Gillett. Died October 16, 1828, age 8 years, 7 months, 5 days. " Ye weeping friends your tears refrain, This blooming youth shall bloom again." (He was accidentally killed by the cut of a scythe in the thigh. His mother, Charity Lewis, was a daughter of Joseph and Mary (Stanton) Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Gillett left Spafford and went West.) (Lewis Yard.) GREEN. Mariam Green. Died October 20, 1866, age 98 years, 8 months, 13 days. " Asleep in Jesus." (She was the mother of Mrs. Thurston Carr and Mrs. Hiram Mason, who were sisters.) (Spafford.) Eber, son of Christopher and Elizabeth S. (Newman) Green. Died July 5, 1834, age 7 years, 3 months, 3 days. (Christopher Green, son of John and Mary (Hill) Green, married Elizabeh Newman and lived in Spafford on Lot 1, Tully. He came to this town from Otisco, and purchased Sub-division 5 ( S. W. corner) , containing 132 acres on said lot, of Joel Palmer, who held the same under contract, dated February 11, 1807. Mr. Green took a deed February 23, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 111 1818. From this town he moved to Warren County, Pa., where he died in 1867. He was born in Hoosick, Rensselaer County, N. Y., 1794, and by his wife Elizabeth Newman had: Harriet, Sally, Morrell, Lyman and Eber, who died young. John Green, the father of Christopher, in the United States Census for the year 1840, was returned as a Revolu- tionary vsoldier, residing in Spafford, aged 79 years, and in the Green genealogy is claimed to be descended from John Green of North Kingston, R. I., as follows : John ( ) , John, Benjamin, John. He was born in Rhode Island 1760-1, married Mary Hill, and resided first In HoosicK, Rensselaer County, N. Y., and from there came to Spafford, where he died after 1840. His children were : Christopher, born 1794, died 1867, in Warren County, Pa., married Eliza- beth Newman ; Henry, born April 16, 1796, died in Spafford, April 6, 1879, age 83 years, married Anna Maria Coon in Marcellus April 7, 1831, she was born in Marcellus October 10, 1813, and died in Spafford in 1874 ; Joel, born August 4, 1799, married Nancy Frink, daughter of George and Nancy (Burdick) Frink, August 24, 1826. He was a Seventh Day Baptist Preacher, he had three children, of whom Albert C. only survives, he married Caroline F. Meyer and resides in Mosiertow^i, Pa. ; John, married Lucy Stoddard, and resided in Spafford. He is now deceased and his wife has since married twice and resides in Georgetown, N. Y. He had three children : Henry A., Philo, and Hannah ; Amon, died in 1868, married Eunice Belknap, and lived at Eagle, Warren County, Pa.; Esther, married Samuel W. B. San- ford, and lived at Sanford, Pa.; Mary, married Seneca Stevens and lived in Michigan ; and Electa, married Horton Applebee. Henry Green, second son of John and Mary (Hill) Green, born in Hoosick, N. Y., by his wife, Anna Maria Coon, had the following children:, born in Spafford: Albert, born August 11, 1832, died in Skaneateles and buried in Spafford, married Melissa Wheeler in Scott, N. Y., December 3, 1852 ; Alexander, born December 15, 1833, married in Scott, Matilda Rounds, daughter of Russel and Lydia (Harring- ton), Rounds, blacksmith, resided in Spafford (dead); George W. M., bora April 17, 1835, married Persis Hazzard at Great Bend, Pa., resides in Pennsylvania ; Mary A., born 112 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION June 12, 1836, died in Otisco, January 20, 1861, married Erastus Griffin in Auburn, N. Y., November, 1855; Henry M., born July 6, 1839, married June 2, 1864, in Preble, N. Y., Phidelia Rig-gals, resides in Spafford ; Lucy M., born September 7, 1840, married (1) in Auburn, May 24, 1869, Georg-e Hinds, (2) Charles H. Sweet, resides in Carthag-e, Mo.; Martha L., born April 3, 1842, ; Rhoda A., born Novem- ber 30, 1844, unmarried, resides in Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Ben- jamin S. born March 5, 1846, died March 22, 1847; Caro- line, born April 18, 1847, married in Syracuse, N. Y., October 20, 1869, Devillo Norton, son of Seymour and Sally (Lyman) Norton, resides in Spafford; Frances, born Janu- ary 12, 1849, married Georg-e Springer, resides in Brooklyn, N. Y.; Orlando M., born January 18, 1851, died May 16., 1874, in Spafford; and Helen, born June 18, 1853, married William Dennis, resides in Auburn, N. Y. Henry Green and his wife are supposed to have been buried in Spafford Cemetery. (No stone.) (Stanton Yard.) Albert Green, (son of Henry and Anna Maria (Coon) Green) . Died March 28, 1878, age 45 years, 7 months. " There is rest in Heaven." (He married in Scott, N. Y., December 3, 1852, Melissa Wheeler.) (Spafford.) Orlando M. Green, (son of Henry and Anna Maria (Coon) Green). Died May 16, 1874, age 23 years, 4 months, 5 days. " Around my bed stood those that wept, And sighed to part with one so dear, But he in Jesus gently sleeps Without a groan, without a fear." (Spafford.) GOLDEN. William, son of J and Lucy C. Golden. Died June 18, 1837, age 1 year, 10 months. (Spafford.) Abigail (Gale), wife of William Golden. Died February 12, 1840, age 33 years, 5 months, 4 days. (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES US Albert, son of William and Abig-ail Golden. Died March 30, 1835, age 10 years, 9 months, 15 days. (Borodino.) GOODRICH. Jane R., daughter of Richard C. and Christie Ann (Rob- ertson), Goodrich. Died November 2, 1843, age 6 years, 7 months, 11 days. (Richard C. Goodrich, married Christie Ann Robertson, daughter of James and Isabel (Eadie) Robertson. After the decease of Richard C. Goodrich, his wife married Daniel Lyon of Otisco, N. Y., as his second wife. Mr. Lyon and his wife Christie are both now deceased, and buried in Otisco.) (Spafford.) GOODWIN. Louis Goodwin. Died June 16, 1856, age 42 years. (He came to Cold Brook from Columbia County, N. Y., but was born in Germany. He married Julania Smith, daughter of Lemuel D. and Polly (Seeley) Smith, and grand- daughter of Samuel G. and Ada (Fowler) Seeley.) (Cold Brook.) GORDON. Alexander Gordon. Died October 3, 1885, age 63 years. (He married Matilda Wallace, a sister of John Wallace; they were all born in Ireland. In his will dated June 6, 1885, and probated November 18, 1885, he mentions his wife Matilda Gordon, and the following children : Eliza J., married Ljnnan C. Bennett, son of Stephen and Waity (Hill) Bennett; William J., married Ella Mason, daughter of Elbridge Mason; Wallace, (dead), married Helen Nor- ton, daughter of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Norton; Car- son; and Emmett Gordon, married Florence Patten, daughter of George A. Patten, resides in Borodino, N. Y. (Borodino.) Matilda Wallace, wife of Alexander Gordon. (She was living in 1898 with her daughter, Mrs. Bennett, in Spafford. Died in 1900.) (Borodino.) 114 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION GROVE. Reuben Grove. Died January 28, 1860, age 25 years, 1 month, 24 days. (Borodino.) GREGORY. John T. Gregory.Bom at Ashton, Somerset, England. Died at Skaneateles April 4, 1882, age 82 years. " My dust returns to dust, all for the best, My soul will go to God and be at rest." (He married Maria Caruthers, widow of Thomas Car- uthers.) (Thorn Hill.) Maria, wife of John T. Gregory, and former wife of Thomas Caruthers. Died February 17, 1885, age 84 years. (Thorn Hill.) GRIFFIN. Infant son of Erastus and Lilly (Craig) Griffin. Died January 1, 1889, age 11 weeks. (Erastus Griffin married Lilly Craig, daughter of William H. and Phebe A. (Brown) (Craig.) (Cold Brook.) GRINNELL. Isaiah Grinnel. Died January 19, 1861, age 88 years. (He resided on Lot 13, Sempronius, where he settled be- fore 1824. He married Jane Crane, probably a sister of Stephen Crane, and by her had: John, married and lived in Orleans County, N. Y. ; Eliza, also married and lived in Orleans County, N. Y. ; Seymour, married Elizabeth Bab- cock, daughter of John and Betsey (Bulfinch) Babcock; Ansel, married (1) Asenath Bennett, and (2) Emeline A. Kinyon, widow of Joseph Monk; , married John Gale, Jr., son of John and Martha Gale ; and , married Jane (widow) , died March 24, 1866, age 89 years. (Borodino.) Jane (Crane), wife of Isaiah Grinnell. Died May 24, 1866, age 89 years. (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES Hfi Seymour Grinnell, son of Isaiah and Jane (Crane) Grinnell. Died November 24, 1887, age 74 years. (No «tone.) (By his wife, Elizabeth Babcock, he had three children.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth (Babcock), wife of Seymour Grinnell. Died at Scott, N. Y., September 28, 1891, age 77 years. (Borodino.) Ansel Grinnell, son of Isaiah and Jane (Crane) Grinnell. Died January 25, 1889, age 72 years. (No stone.) (He married (1) Asenath Bennett, of Spafford Hollow, and (2) Emeline A. Kinyon, widow of Joseph Monk. In the application for Letters of Administration upon his estate, made by his widow, Emeline A. Grinnell, dated November 12, 1889, she mentions the following children : George Riley, married Lucinda , she died at Scott, N. Y., June 6, 1886, buried in Borodino Cemetery (no stone) , he resides in Scott, N. Y.; Eliza Ann, married Adalbert C. Stanton, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; and Mary L., married George Emmons, resides in LaFayette, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Asenath (Bennett), wife of Ansel Grinnell. Died October 10, 1862, age 44 years, 10 months, 22 days. (Borodino.) Mary Jane, daughter of Ansel and Asenath (Bennett). Died November 9, 1857, age 1 year, 1 month. (Borodino.) GROUT. Abigail Hudson was born October 15, 1753. Was married to John Grout, October 15, 1770. Was married to William Clark, October 4, 1780. Died December 17, at 4 o'clock A. M., 1820. Age 67 years, 2 months, 2 days. " God my redeemer lives and often from the skies Looks dovni and watches all my dust 'till he shall bid it rise," (Spafford.) Adeline M., daughter of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Grout. Died September 17, 1836, age 19 years, 2 months, 12 days. (John Grout born June 14, 1776, came to Spafford before 1819, and settled on Lot 21, Tully; by his wife, Elizabeth 116 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Clark, born May 27, 1781, he had the following children: Joel H., born October 29, 1808, married Lucretia Roundy, daughter of Daniel and liaura (Hoyt) Roundy; Sylvanus N., born September 28, 1806, married (1) Julania Stanton, daughter of Benjamin and Amy (Perkins) Stanton, and (2) Elizabeth Brown of Scott, N. Y., sister of his brother John's wife; John, bom October 13, 1831, married Sarah M. Brown, born August 14, 1831, of Scott, N. Y., they are both deceased. (In the petition for Letters of Administration upon his estate, dated June 12, 1891, the following children are mentioned : Helen, married Martin J. Boutell, son of Samuel and Catherine (Williamson) Boutell, resides in Syracuse, N. Y., Lyra E. Russell, of Rock Rapids, Iowa, John J. Grout, of Roch Rapids, Iowa, and Ernest Eugene Grout) ; Caroline E., born February 12, 1814, married Thomas B. Anderson ; and Adeline M., born July 5, 1817, died Sept. 17, 1836.) (Spafford.) Joel H. Grout, (son of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Grout.) Died February 16, 1858, age 49 years, 3 months, 18 days. (By his wife, Lucretia Roundy, he had two daughters: Adeline and Laura, both married and residing in Illinois. His wife also moved to Evanston, Illinois, after his decease, and died there in 1895.) (Spafford.) Julania (Stanton), wife of Sylvanus N. Grout. Died March 9, 1849, age 34 years, 8 months. (Spafford.) Celia, daughter of Sylvanus N., and Julania (Stanton) Grout. Died October 3, 1844, age 2 years, 8 months, 15 days. (Spafford.) Helen M., daughter of Sylvanus N. and Julania (Stanton) Grout. Died June 15, 1836, age 8 months, 1 day. (Spafford.) Edwin, son of Sylvanus N. and Julania (Stonton) Grout. Died March 1, 1844, age 3 days. (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 117 James, son of Eebnezer and Polly (Perkins) Grout. Died January 4, 1823, age 3 years, 2 months. " Let parents warning take And not of a child an idol make." (Ebenezer Grout was a brother of John Grout, who married Elizabeth Clark.) (Spaiford.) GUTSELL. Charles M., died September 11, 1861, age 2 years, 10 months, 17 days. Milo J., died September 10, 1861, age 1 year, 3 months, 10 days. Children of James and Maria (Jacobs) Gutsell. " Our Little Ones." " Lovely and pleasant in their lives ; And in their death they were not divided." (James Gutsell was a minister ; he married Maria Jacobs, daughter of Elias and Betsey G. Jacobs.) (SpafFord.) HALL. Plannah (Wilcox), wife of Simeon Hall. Died July 20, 1838, age 52 years.) (Simeon Hall's wife was a sister of Mrs. Rathbone Barber. Mr. Hall lived on the lower lake road, on Lot 31, Sempronius, just north of Rathbone Barber. He was not related, so far as known, to the Samuel Hall family living east of him. Among his children were: Alzina, married Darius Plumer; and Sophia, married Solomon Burdick.) (Spafford.) Asa Hall, (son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Macumber) Hall.) Died February 11, 1882, age 70 years, 14 days. (Samuel and Elizabeth (Macumber) Hall were Rhode Island Quakers, and came to Sempronius from Mayfield, N. Y., where their son, Asa, was born, in 1818. Rufus Hall, the father of Samuel, probably was born of Samuel and Dinah Hall, in Exeter, R. I., June 8, 1744. He married Anna Hoxsie. His son Samuel, born May 10, 1772, and died January 24, 1846, married February 23, 1797, Eliza- beth Macumber, bom February 17, 1772, died September 118 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 13, 1853, and by her had the following children : Anna, bom December 29, 1797, died April 28, 1818 ; David, born April 7, 1799, died December 12, 1829, married Juliette Knight, September 29, 1824; Silas, born October 4, 1800 died August 22, 1804 ; Mercy, born June 22, 1802, died unmarried Nov- ember 2, 1871, buried Spafiord Cemetery ; Lydia, born Jan- uary 25, 1804, died September 25, 1875, married John Rich- ardson September 28, 1828; Hannah, born November 27, 1805, died January 2, 1875, married Reuben S. Palmer, November 29, 1834; Rufus, born January 10, 1808, died June 1, 18 — , married Clarissa Belknap, January 6, 1833; Daniel, born October 2, 1809, died June 20, 1811; Asa, born January 28, 1812, died February 11, 1882, married Laura Ann Babcock, November 16, 1834, and Elihu, born January 30, 1814, died February 12, 1814. Asa Hall, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Macumber) Hall, married Laura Ann Babcock, daughter of John, Jr. and Nancy (Stoddard) Babcock, and by her had: Philetus, of Sempronius, N. Y. ; Arthur F., married Clarissa A. Ripley, daughter of John L. and Clarissa (Loss) Ripley, October 6, 1869, resides in Spaff ord, N. Y. ; N. Elizabeth, married Jona- than D. Ripley, son of John L. and Clarissa (Loss) Ripley, she died November 13, 1866, and left two children : Arthur, and Lillian; and Julius J., died November 17, 1845. Asa Hall was a miller by occupation, and attended the Baptist Church at Thorn Hill, where his wife was a member.) (Spaff ord.) Laura Ann Babcock, wife of Asa Hall. Died September 30> 1845, age 27 years, 7 months, 3 days. (Spaff ord.) Julius J., son of Asa and Laura Ann (Babcock) Hall. Died November 17, 1845, age 2 years, 5 months, 27 days. (Spafford.) Mercy Hall, (daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Macum- ber) Hall. Died November 7, 1871, age 69 years, 4 months, 10 days. " Asleep in Jesus." (Spaff ord.) James T., son of Nicholas and Lydia Hall. Died January 31, 1832, age 3 years, 13 days. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES n9 " Adieu my sweet and precious babe, I give thee back to God. With flowers I'll deck thy early grave." (Spafford.) HAIGHT. Rhoda F., daughter of Mott and Mary Haight. Died March 17, 1840, age 5 months. (Mott Haight was a teacher. He had a brother, William Haight, who died in Skaneateles, N. Y., about 1884, and on account of the death of his only child, Arthur Haight, prior to his decease, it was necessary in probating his will, in 1884, to cite all his collateral kinsmen, who were at that time as follows: (1) Children of his deceased brother, James Haight: John Haight of Johnstown, Rock County, Wis.; Lindley D. Haight, of Clear Lake, Cerro Gordo Co., Iowa; (2) children of his deceased brother, Mott Haight: A^rthur M. Haight, of Parma, Jackson Co., Michigan; (3) children of his deceased brother, Titus Haight: Hannah Wanzer, of Austin, Cook County, 111. ; Sarah W. Cornell, of Appleton, Outagamie County, Wis.; Mary J. Haight, of Mandana, Onondaga County, N. Y. ; Catherine J. Irish, of Mandana, Onondaga County, N. Y. ; Henry J. Haight, mar- ried Eudora Colton, daughter of Alanson and Charity (Ide) Colton, resides in Borodina, N. Y. ; and Francis E. and Egbert Cornell, children of Elizabeth S., deceased daughter of Titus Haight, who married Francis E. Cornell, her chil- dren then resided with their father at Verbank, Dutchess County, N. Y. ; (4) Children of his deceased brother, John S. Haight: Charles H. Haight, of Sycamore, DeKalb Co., 111. ; Edgar Haight, of Sycamore, DeKalb County, 111. ; Char- lotte M. Bockes, wife of Dennis Bockes of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; (5) Children of his deceased brother, Zebulon Haight: Anna Haight, of Salina, Salina County, Kansas; Levvis Haight, of Pawnee Rock, Barton County, Kansas; Amy Arnold, of Stanfordville, Dutchess County, N. Y. ; Maria Duell, of Stanfordville, Dutchess County, N. Y.; Phoebe Jane Griffin, of Clinton Corners, Dutchess County, N. Y. ; Esther Alley, of La Grangerville, Dutchess County, N. Y. ; Charlotte A. Underbill, of Croton Landing, West- chester County, N. Y. (6) Children of his deceased sister, Anna M. Sutton : Silas H. Sutton, of Breckenridge, Summit 120 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION County, Colorado ; George H. Sutton, of Maple City, Cawley County, Kansas; Melissa Sutton, of Coffin's Summit, Dut- chess County, N. Y. ; Sarah E. Gardner, of West 45th Street, New York City. (7) Children of his deceased brother, Enoch Haig-ht: Charles B. Haight, of Owosso, Shiawassee County, Mich.; and Charles Kipp, Alice I. Fenton, both of Chicago, Illinois, and Charles W. Kipp, of Clay Center, Clay County, Kansas, children of Mary Kipp, deceased daughter of Enoch Haight, deceased.) (Borodino.) Ernest C. Haight, (son of Henry I. and Eudora (Colton) Haight) . Died January 15, 1887, age 11 years. (Henry I. Haight was a son of Titus Haight; his son, Ernest C, was killed by accident.) (Borodino.) HAMILTON. Lydia C, wife of John Hamilton. Died June 28, 1852, in her 53rd year. (Borodino.) HARMON. Joseph Harmon. Died April 23, 1892, age 73 years. (He came to this town from Sempronius, Cayuga County, N. Y., and married (1) Mary Jane Williamson, daughter of Comehus and Eliza (Ostrander) Williamson, and (2) Mary Jane Raymond, daughter of Nathan and Maria (Wil- liamson) Raymond, and niece of his first wife. He left no issue surviving him, his only child, by his first wife, Jennie, died in 1865. His will, dated December 25, 1883, and pro- bated July 13, 1892, and the petition for its probate men- tions his wife, Mary Jane Harmon, no children, but the fol- lowing next of kin: Elizabeth Burdick (sister), of Homer, N. Y. ; Orrin S. Harmon, (brother), of Forrestville, Chau- tauqua County, N. Y. ; Lorinda Case (sister), of Sempron- ius, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; Edwin L. Harmon (bother) , of Moravia, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; Mary Van Schoick (sister) of Greenwood, Steuben County, N. Y. ; Maria Graham and William B. Harmon, (daughter and son of Alexander Har- mon, deceased brother), both of Sempronius, Cayuga County, N. Y.; Morris G. Craft, (son of Almira Craft, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 12 1 deceased sister) , of Homer, N. Y., and Frank Harmon, (son of Franklin Harmon, deceased brother), of Buffalo, N. Y. At the time of his decease Mr. Harmon resided on Lot 31, Tully, on the Skaneateles and Homer road, just south of Spafford Corners — Russel M. Burdick farm.) (Spafford.) Mary Jane (Williamson) , wife of Joseph Harmon. Died February 17, 1879, age 53 years. (Spafford.) Mary Jane (Raymond) , wife of Joseph Harmon. (Living in 1898.) (Spafford.) Our Jennie, only child of Joseph and Mary Jane (William- son) Harmon. Died March 16, 1865, age 9 years, 6 months. " Of such is the kingdom of Heaven." (Spafford.) HARRINGTON. John Harrington. Died September 15, 1869, age 76 years, 7 months, 4 days, (John Harrington came to this town from Foster, R. L, (where he was born), with his wife Catherine, and settled east of Skaneateles Lake, on Lot 41, Tully. His children by his wife Catherine were: Catherine, married her cousin, Whipple Harrington, who died in Homer, N. Y. ; Jenks, married Lydia Johnson, he died near Oneida Lake; Lydia, married Russel Rounds, he is dead and she is living in 1898, with her son-in-law, John Odell, in Spafford, N. Y. ; Cary, married widow Martha Barker, both dead, reputed son, Marion Harrington, inherited his estate; Sally, married Hiram Coon, moved to Michigan ; Paulina, married Simeon Morris, son of Samuel and Jane Springer Morris; Polly, married Simeon Morris, son of Samuel and Jane Springer Morris, as his second wife; a son, drowTied in Skaneateles Lake ; and Phebe, married Truman Worden, both dead, and buried in this cemetery.) (Spafford.) Catherine, wife of John Harrington. Died September 23, 1867, age 78 years, 8 months, 28 days. " Gone but not forgotten." (Spafford.) 1?2 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Gary Harrington, (son of John and Catherine Harring- ton). Died October 23, 1884, age 64 years, 1 month, 2 days. (His wife, Martha Barker, was buried at Watkins, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Stanley D. Harrington, (son of Alfred G. and Vestelina E. (Woodworth) Harrington). Born November 23, 1869, died November 25, 1892. " A model Christian son, brother and friend. Industrious, economical, charitable and affectionate. Courageous in doing right, intelligence lighted his Path to duty, which he saw in serving God and Humanity. He has gone to his Saviour in whom he trusted. And left none but pleasant memories of His earthly probation. Requiem in pace, ! optome filie." (Jenks Harrington, (son of John and Catherine Harring- ton) , by his wife Lydia Johnson, had the following children : Alfred G., married Vestelina E. Woodworth, daughter of Joel C. and Sarah (Eadie)) Woodworth; Clarissa, married Alfred Hitchcock, dead; Sidney, married Phebe Clark, daughter of Thomas Clark, he died in Cortland, N. Y. ; Rens- selaer, died unmarried ; Oscar, married in Canastota, N, Y. ; Alniira, married Mr. Hopkins, her husband is dead and she resides in Cortland, N. Y. ; Norman Manuel, name of wife unknown; Emily, married Samuel Morris, son of Simeon Morris, resides in Homer, N. Y. Prof. Alfred G. Harrington, (son of Jenks and Lydia (Johnson) Harrington), by his wife Vestelina E. Wood- worth, had the following children: Lettie, married Amos Maxson as his second wife, resides in Scott, N. Y. ; Howard, resides in Spafford, unmarried ; Marius, married Orra Max- son, daughter of Amos and Lodema (Barber) Maxson; Lilly, resides in Spafford, unmarried; Irving, married Lina Cleveland, daughter of John and Caroline (Doty) Cleve- land, resides in Spafford, N. Y.; Stanley D., died in 1892; William, resides in Spafford, unmarried ; Harrold, resides in Spafford, unmarried; Howard, died in 1868; Adelbert, resides in Spafford, unmarried; Alice, married George Brown, of Cortland, N. Y. ; and Adelle, resides in Cortland, unmarried. Professor Harrington was a man of fine edu- cation, and for many years a successful teacher in the SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 123 schools of this State. For a few years last past, he has been living on a farm in this town, supplementing his labors on the farm with literary work, for which he has a strong predilection. The Professor has been honored with the degree of Master of Arts.) (Spafford.) A John Harrington, (not related to above family) at an early date resided on the Col. Jenney Farm (1899) Lot 32, Sempronius, he moved to Michigan; wife, Julia M. Howard Harrington, (son of Alfred G. and Vestelina E. (Woodworth) Harrington). Born February 15, 1859, died February 23, 1868. (Spafford.) Horatio, son of Aimer S. and Arminda Harrington. A member of Company " D," 122d Regt., N. Y. V. Killed in Battle of Cedar Creek, Va., October 19, 1864, age 22 years. " My Country called me." (Aimer S. Harrington and his wife, Arminda, came to this town from Brookfield, Madison County, N. Y., about 1850, and settled on Lots 11 and 12, Sempronius; he after- wards resided on Lot 76, Marcellus, north of Borodino.) (Borodino.) HARRIS. V/illiam Harris. Died May 17, 1842, age 54 years, 2 months, 25 days. (He married Nancy Davis, daughter of Elias and Free- love Davis, and by her had: Julania, married Rathbone Barber, Jr., son of Rathbone and Robe (Wilcox) Barber, dead; Phebe D., married John C. Tinkham, son of Russel and Mary (Cook) Tinkham, dead; Jane, married her brother-in-law, John C. Tinkham, as his second wife, dead; and Mary, married Fred Hoover of Auburn, N. Y.) (Davis Yard.) Mary Flaurence, daughter of Rev. L and Mary H. Harris. Died November 6, 1861, age 2 years, 10 months. " Gone to live with Jesus." " She sang sweetly here, she sings sweetly in Heaven." (The Rev. Mr. Harris came to this town from Munroe County, N. Y., and after a short stay, moved away.) (Borodino.) 124 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION HARVEY. Medad Harvey. Born June 3, 1771, died December 16, 1845. (Medad Harvey come to this town from Fort Ann, Vt., about 1800, and settled on Lot 76, Marcellus, where he remained until the time of his decease. His wife was Anar Buell, by whom he had the following children : Paul, mar- ried Sally Hiscock, daughter of James and Elizabeth His- cock, he died at Thorn Hill, N. Y. ; Lucinda, married Cyrus Smith, son of Job and Elizabeth (Keeler) Smith, she died in Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; Samuel, married Mary Reed, he died in Cattaraugus County, N. Y.; Sally, married Ensign Austin, she died in Skaneateles, N. Y.; Harriet, married Sedgvv^ick Austin, she died in Sennett, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; John, married Theda Reed, he died in Cattar- augus County, N. Y. ; Rhoda, married Jared Smith, she died in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Electa, married Henry Vary (brother of Charles) , she died in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Leonard, mar- ried (1) Jane A. Rathbone, daughter of James and Mar- garet (Ashley) Rathbone, and (2) , he died in Illinois; Isabel, unmarried, (1898), living in Chi- cago, 111. ; Dorwin, married Jane Anthony, daughter of Isaac and Pamelia (Phelps) Anthony, he died in Chicago, 111.; and Medad, married Ann Van Atten, died in Illinois.) (Thorn Hill.) Anar (Buell) Harvey, (wife of Medad Harvey). Bom June 24, 1775, died September 8, 1858. (Thorn Hill.) Paul Plarvey, (son of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey). Died August 22, 1852, age 53 years. (Paul Harvey was born at Fort Ann, Vt., and came to this town, (Marcellus end), with his parents. He married Sally Hiscock, daughter of James and Elizabeth Hiscock, and by her had the following children : Anna, married Seeley Strong, she died in Ellery, Chautauqua County, N. Y.; Adeline, she died unmarried at Thorn Hill, N. Y. ; Alfred, married Elsina Patterson, daughter of Volney and Susanna (Green) Patterson, he resides Ellery, Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; Eleanor, married Nelson Hillebert, son of John C. and Elizabeth (Berry) Hillebert, (1898) residing in Social- ity, Cattaraugus County, N. Y. ; Job, married Chloe Ann Mason, daughter of Asa and Anna (Shelden) Mason, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 125 December 27, 1849, he died at Borodino, N. Y., March 25, 1900, burial in Borodino Cemetery; Mark, married (1) Hen- rietta Colton, daughter of Alanson and Charity (Ide) Col- ton, and (2) Mary A. Unckless, daughter of John and Mary A. (Snook) Unckless, (he has a son, Frank Harvey, resid- ing at Thorn Hill), he resides at Borodino, N. Y. ; Harriet E,, married Darius S. Mason, December 26, 1849, son of Asa and Anna (Shelden) Mason, she is now deceased; and Mary, married Samuel Ackles, resides at Thorn Hill, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Sally (Hiscock), wife of Paul Harvey. Died August 3, 1879, age 83 years. (She was born in the town of Augusta, Madison County, N. Y., and came to this town with her parents, James and Elizabeth Hiscock, from her native place, about 1812, and resided with them, (until her marriage) , on Lot 69, Mra- cellus. She was married to Mr. Harvey in this town. It is claimed that her father was a Soldier of the Revolution.) (Thorn Hill.) Adaline Harvey, (daughter of Paul and Sally (Hiscock) Harvey. Died April 4, 1895, age 79 years. (She died unmarried. In her vdll, dated May 11, 1893, probated June 11, 1895, she mentions: Frank Harvey, son of her brother, Mark Harvey; and W. Harry Ackles, and Grace Mills, wife of Frank B. Mills, children of her sister, Mary Ackles, wife of Samuel Ackles, all residing at Thorn Hill, N. Y. In the petition for probate, the following brothers and sisters were mentioned as heirs at law and next of kin : Job Harvey, Mark Harvey and Mary Ackles, of Spafford, N. Y., Anna Strong of Jamestown, N. Y. ; Alfred Harvey of St. Clairville, Chautauqua County, N. Y., and Eleanor Hillebert of Dayton, Cattaraugus County, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Jane A. (Rathbone) Harvey, consort of Leonard Harvey. Died October 16, 1833, age 24 years. (Leonard Harvey, son of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey, married a second wife in Illoinois.) (Thorn Hill.) Mark Harvey, (son of Paul and Sally (Hiscock) Harvey). Born August 6, 1832, (living in Borodino in 1899.) (Borodino.) 128 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Henrietta Colton, wife of Mark Harvey. Bom November 30, 1836, died June 15, 1888. (Borodino.) Mary Ann Unckless, second wife of Mark Harvey. Born July 31, 1841. (She was living; in 1899.) (Borodino.) Paul A. Harvey, (son of Mark and Henrietta (Colton) Harvey) . Born June 11, 1871, died March 21, 1891. " Trusting that all be well." (Borodino.) Harry J. Harvey, (son of Mark and Henrietta (Colton) Harvey). Born December 22, 1869, died March 15, 1891. " To die is gain." (Borodino.) Jessie, daughter of Frank and Josie A. Harvey. Died January 6, 1887, age 2 years, 11 months, 15 days. (Frank Harvey, son of Mark and Henrietta (Colton) Harvey, married Josie A. (Borodino.) HAY. Bethany Hay, (daughter of Henry and Bathsheba (Sat- terly) Hay. Who departed this life March 15, 1832, in her 12th year. " God calls and I must go And leave all fleeting earthly things below." (Henry Hay lived on the Samuel Gale place, on the Skan- eateles and Homer road, next to the county line on lot 42, Tully. He moved from Spafford in the Spring of 1835.) (Spafford.) HAYES. Maria S., daughter of Erastus and Irena Hayes. Died May 13. 1829, age 20 years, 7 months, 9 days. " She is forever gone from things below, Gone from a world where sorrow grows, Gone to a world of joy and rest, To dwell forever with the happy blest." (Thorn Hill.) Hosea Horace Briggs, son of Erastus and Irena Hayes. Died September 3, 1828, age 15 years, 5 months, 11 days. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 127 (He was accidentally killed. Erastus Hayes first settled on the east part of lot 89, Marcellus, April 11, 1825, moved from there to lot 22, Tully, February 12, 1835, and from thence went West about 1850, with his only surviving child and son, Hiram W. Hayes. Erastus Hayes originally came from Otsego County, N. Y., and settled on Lot 50, Homer, N. Y., in 1807, and from there to the Marcellus end of this town, as above stated, in 1825. Hiram W. Hayes, son of Erastus and Irena Hayes, mar- ried Almeda Tinkham, daughter of Daniel and Adah (Wind- sor) Tinkham, and by her had: Cynthia Maria, married Orphaniel Bessey, she died in Spafford, leaving no issue; Briggs, married Mary McCormack, he died in Michigan; Candace, married Dana Root, husband dead, and she now residing in Quincy, Mich, (four children) ; Calvin, married (1) Calista Ripley, daughter of John L. and Clarissa (Loss) Ripley, and (2) out West, he is now (1899) residing in Pomona, California; Olive, died unmarried in Spafford, N. Y., and Arzena, married a Mr. Slocum, and died in Michigan. Hiram W. Hayes was in 1898 residing with his son Calvin, in Pomona, California.) (Thorn Hill.) HAYFORD. Mercy, wife of John Hayford. Died January 10, 1849, in her 82nd year. (Borodino.) BenjamJn Hayford. Bom in 1812, died in 1887. (He married (1) Elizabeth French, daughter of Titus and Elizabeth French, (2) Mercy French, sister of his first wife, and (3) Lottie M. Baker. In the application for Letters of Administration by Orrin L Hayford, his son, of Borodino, N. Y., filed March 31, 1887, mention is made of Lottie (Loretta) M. Hayford, his widow (since deceased), and of the following children: Orrin I. Hayford, of Boro- dino, N. Y. ; Annette L. Harrington, of Berren Springs, Mich.; William Francis Hayfrod, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Eliza J. Quick, wife of Charles B. Quick, of Borodino, N. Y.; and Cyrus Duane Hayford, born October 18, 1840, (by second wife), married Mary Schoonmaker, daughter of Moses and Sarah (Barker) Schoonmaker, resides in Tully, 128 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION N. Y. Cyrus D. Hayford had two children : Blanche and Alice M. Hayford. Blanche is now deceased.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth (French), wife of Benjamin Hayford. Born in 1812, died in 1846. (Borodino.) Mercy (French), wife of Benjamin Hayford. Born in 1822, died in 1858. (Borodino.) Lottie M. (Baker), wife of Benjamin Hayford. Died August 5, 1895, age 66 years. (Borodino.) William Hayford. Died at Borodino. (He married Asenath French.) (Borodino.) HAVENS. (Borodino.) Ebenezer Havens, son of Daniel W. and Abigail (Burling) Havens. Born March 23, 1803, died January 18, 1875. Daniel W. Havens was bom in Washington County, R. I., about March 20, 1762, and settled in Scott Hollow, at the head of Skaneateles Lake. He was a shoemaker by occu- pation ; a member of the Seventh Day Baptist Church, and was buried in the Seventh Day Baptist Cemetery at Scott, Cortland Co., N. Y. His wife, Abigail Burling, of German extraction, survived him about three years, and then died and was buried at the same place. Their children were: Abbie, married Joseph Cummings of Cortland County, N. Y. ; Whitman, enlisted in the War of 1812, nothing more of him ; Clark B., married Robey Barber, daughter of Rath- bone and Robe (Wilcox) Barber, both dead; Ebenezer, mar- ried Laura Pettis, daughter of Joseph Pettis; and Daniel, he also enlisted in the War of 1812, and never returned. Clark B. Havens, son of Daniel and Abigail (Burling) Havens, by his wife, Robey Barber, had the following chil- dren, all bom in Spaftord: Adelia, married Dr. Charles Merrell, formerly of Skaneateles, N. Y., now deceased; Hezekiah, married Daintha Oland, of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; he was killed by a falling limb of a tree; Sally, married Stephen Randall, son of Stephen and Ruth Randall, she died and Randall married for a second wife Diantha Oland, 3PAFF0RD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 129 widow of Hezekiah Havens. Randall was finally drowned in Skaneateles Lake; Christina, married Jessey Pullman, son of John and Mabel (Pettis) Pullman ; Annette, married , now deceased; twin of Annette, died young; and Elizabeth ("Betsey"), married Gordon Mason and moved to Illinois. Clark B. Havens married a second wife in Illinois, where he resided for a time before his decease, but by her had no issue. Ebenezer Havens, son of Daniel and Abigail (Burling) Havens, married Laura Pettis, March 9, 1825, on Randall's Point, on Skaneateles Lake, in the town of Spafford N. Y. By her he had the following children, all born in this town : Mary Jane, born July 29, 1827, married (1) James Apple- bee, and (2) William Bulfinch Allen, son of Sumner and Mary (Sherman) Allen, resides in Spafford, has one son by Allen: William B., Jr., married Mrs. Ann Thompson; Joseph, and Daniel, twins, born December 4, 1829, died young; Dwight, born July 13, 1830, married (1) Henrietta Ball, (2) Mary Willett, he starved to death in Danville Rebel Prison, N. C, in the War of 1861 ; Abigail E., bom May 27, 1832, married (1) Washington Morris, son of Samuel and Jane (Springer) Morris, dead, and (2) Samuel Allen; Nancy Maria, born March 11, 1837, married (1) Andrew Ne^vm.an, and (2) John Jacob Volkart; Matilda A., bom December 25, 1838, married (1) Nathan Bond, and (2) Harvey Randall, son of Stephen and Ruth Randall, she resides in Wisconsin ; Lauretta E., bom May 23, 1840, mar- ried Ichabod J. Wallace, son of William and Pamelia (Eddy) Wallace, her husband is dead, and she resides at Glen Haven, N. Y., had one son Morgan, married widow Flora B. Wallace, and died June 9, 1891; Cornelia, born December 15, 1841, died young; and Ebenezer, born May 19, 1843, married Myra Bradford, March 17, 1879, resides at Glen Haven N. Y.), (No stone.) (Spafford.) Laura Pettis, wife of Ebenezer Havens. Born May 23, 1805, died March, 1884. (She was a daughter of Joseph Pettis, and was born in Jefferson County, N. Y. She came to this town when a small child, and resided until her marriage on Randall's Point, on the east side of Skaneateles Lake. She and her husband, Ebenezer Havens, were two honest, upright, pure 130 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION minded and good people, and were generally respectd. They were well known to the writer in his boyhood, and he treasures their memory with the warmest affection.) (No stone.) (SpafFord.) HENRY. Phebe, wife of Alexander Henry. Died August 9, 1866, age 42 years, 2 months, 26 days. " Go home, dear friends, and dry your tears, For I must lie here until Jesus appears." (Alexander Henry married for a second wife Harriet Anthony, sister of George H.) (Cold Brook.) HIBBARD. Jane (Brown), wife of James Hibbard, and daughter of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown. Bom April 10, 1846, died May 24, 1876. (Spafford.) HIGBEY. Eugene A., son of William A. and Jane Higbey. Died July 23, 1842, age 11 months, 3 days. (Mr. Higbey also had a son John, and a daughter, Fidelia Higbey.) (Spafford Hollow.) HILL. John C. Hill. Died April 18, 1882, age 47 years. (He was bom in England. He had the following: George, married Nancy Randall, daughter of George Henry and Harriet (Knight) Randall; , married Wilson Scribner ; , married Walter Moxsie, son of Charles Moxsie, and William B. Hill.) (Spafford Hollow.) William B. Hill, (son of John C. Hill). Died February 28, 1889. (Spafford Hollow.) Mary A., wife of Edward Hill. Died February 15, 1869, age 18 years. (Spafford Hollow.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 131 Ella J., daug-hter of Edward and Caroline Hill. Died May 21, 1881, age 6 years, 2 months. (Edward Hill w^as a brother of John C. Hill.) (Spafford Hollow.) James Hill, son of Alexander and Ann (Kinyon) Hill. Born June 19, 1828, died in 1892. (Alexander Hill married Ann Kinyon; they came from Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y., and settled first on the Vincent Farm, in the town of Scott, and afterwards on a fai-m on the Saneateles and Homer road, just south of the county line, in the to^vn of Scott, Cortland County, N. Y. His wife died in Scott and was buried there ; after her death he returned to Cambridge, his native place, where he died and was buried. His children by his wife, Ann Kinyon, were: Patience, died unmarried and was buried in Scott, N. Y. ; William, moved to California, where he married and still (1898) resides; Ann, died unmarried and was buried in Scott; James, married Orphana Doty, daughter of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty, no issue; Avaline, married Charles B. Lyon, son of David and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon, husband dead, and she resides in Spafford, no issue. Alex- ander had a brother, William Hill, who died in this town.) (Spafford.) Orphana (Doty), wife of James Hill. Born in Lewis County, March 26, 1834, died May 31, 1898. (No stone.) (She v/as descended from Edward Doty, who came from England in the ship, " Mayflower," and settled at Plymouth, Mass., in the year 1620, as follows: Orphana, Willard, Warren, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel, Edward Edward. She left no issue of her marriage with Mr. Hill. In her will, dated May 25, 1878, and probated June 21, 1898, she men- tions no husband or children, but the following next of kin : Warren Doty (brother), of Homer, N. Y. ; Abigail Eadie (sister), of Spafford, N. Y. ; Caroline Cleveland (sister), of Spafford, N. Y. ; Bertha Churchill (niece), of Onondaga Valley, N, Y. ; Mary Robinson, (niece) , of Spafford, N. Y. ; Floyd Harrington (grand nephew), of Spafford, N. Y. ; Job Harvey (executor but not related), of Spafford, N. Y. ; Mary Norton (grand niece), of Homer, N. Y., and Nellie Barber (grand niece) , of Scott, N. Y.) (Spafford.) William Hill. Died May 3, 1877, age 66 years. 132 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (He was a brother of Alexander Hill, and came from Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y. He married the widow Mary Jane Cotteral, daughter of Michael Vincent of Scott, N. Y. Their children, all born in Spafford, were: Juila A., born June 18, 1847, married Jerome Mason, son of Hiram and Maria (Green) Mason, resides at Thorn Hill, N. Y. ; Alice A., born January 19, 1852, married Jay C. Roundy, son of Uriah and Mary Ann (Tinkham) Roundy, she resides at Thorn Hill, N. Y. ; and Sarah M., born July 23, 1857, married John Burns, son of Frank and Harriet M. (Streeter) Burns, resides at Borodino, N. Y.) Mary J. Vincent, died March 24, 1911, age 89. (Borodino.) HILLEBERT. John C. Hillebert. Died February 15, 1844, age 72 years, 1 m.onth, 24 days. (He married first Elizabeth Berry, sister of Jonathan Berry, and second Anna Phillips, (widow) , mother of Mrs. Dr. Isaac Morrell. In his will, dated December 28, 1843, and probated March 25, 1844, and in the petition for pro- bate, mention is made of his widow: Anne Hillebeii;, of Spafford, N. Y., and his children : Elizabeth, married Elisha Newell, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Mary, married William B. Bax- ter, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Charlotte, married Mr. Merritt of Spafford, N. Y. ; Sophia, married Zara Berry, of Spafford, N. Y. ; Jane, married John M. Weston, (brother of Edmund C. Weston), of Spafford, N. Y, ; Amelia Ann Hillebert, of Spafford, N. Y. ; John J., married Elizabeth Berry, daughter of Jonathan and Thankful Berry, of Ellery, Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; James M., married , of Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; Nelson, married (1) Emeline Peck, and (2) Eleanor Harvey, daughter of Paul and Sally (Hiscock) Harvey, of Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; and Warren, who died at 27 years, unmarried.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth (Berry), wife of John C. Hillebert. Died Sep- tember 18, 1822, age 45 years, 4 months, 28 days. (Thorn Hill.) Warren, son of John C. and Elizabeth (Berry) Hillebert. Died February 18, 1839, age 27 years, 5 months, 23 days. (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 133 HINMAN. Wait Hinman was a threshing machine manufacturer, and resided in the Village of Borodino, where he purchased in 1829 ; he married Maria Albro, daughter of Stephen and Freelove Albro, (Stephen Albro was a Revolutionary sol- dier) and by her had the following children: Albert, married Clarissa Spaulding, daughter of George and Mary (Westgate) Spaulding, he died in Waterloo, N. Y. ; George, married Ruth Smith and died in Manlius, N. Y.; Aaron, died when a young man, unmarried, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; John, residing in 1898 in Syracuse, N. Y., unmarried; and Harriet, married Jerry Woodmansee, and died in Tully, N. Y. George Hinman (son of Wait and Maria (Albro) Hin- man) by his wife, Ruth Smith, had the following children: Henry, married (1) Caroline Klein, (2) Rose Wealthy, and (3) Harriet Sheldon, daughter of Lansing and Emily A. (Ferris) Sheldon, he is an expressman, residing in Syra- cuse, N. Y. ; Frank, civil engineer, resides in Syracuse, N. Y., unmarried; and Anna, married (1) Irving Northrup, (2) Howard Pen oyer, and (3) Frank Bower, resides in Syracuse, N. Y. Truman Hinman and his wife, Delia, came to the Mar- cellus end of the town before 1810, and for several years after that date resided on lot 76, Marcellus, near Willow Glen, and at one time owned the State's One Hundred Acres on that lot. How they are related to Wait Hinman, if at all, is not known. He sold out his interest on that lot about 1822. HINDS. Adin Hinds. Died September 16, 1833, age 42 years. " He died in the triumphs of faith. Through a crucified Redeemer." (Thorn Hill.) George L. Hinds, a member of the 149th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Inft. Died December 18, 1878, age 35 years. (He married Lucy Maria Green, daughter of Henry and Anna Maria (Coon) Green. After his decease his widow married Charles H. Sweet and moved to Missouri.) (Spafford.) 134 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION HISCOCK. James Hiscock. Died February 24, 1834, age 75 years. He and his wife, Elizabeth Ann Cody, came to this town from Madison, Madison County, N. Y., in 1812, and settled on lot 69, Marcellus, they were the father and mother of Sally Hiscock, who married Paul Harvey, son of Medad and Anar Buell Harvey. Job Harvey, grandson of James His- cock, claims he was a soldier of the Revolution. (Thorn Hill.) Elizabeth, wife of James Hiscock. Died December 24, 1827, age 73 years. (Thorn Hill.) HOLMES. John Holmes, (son of Samuel and Mercy Ann (Winsor) Holmes). Died July 8, 1846, age 62 years, 9 months, 26 days. (Samuel Holmes, of the town of Scituate, in the County of Providence, R. I., married Elnathan Brown, of Cumber- land, R. I., at the latter place, August 15, 1751, and by her had the following children, recorded in Scituate: Molley, born November 2, 1752; Samuel, born November 17, 1754; and Margaret, born September 9, 1757. We have no record of other children, although there may have been others. Samuel Holmes, son of Samuel and Elnathan (Brown) Holmes, married at Smithfield, R. I., Mercy Ann Winsor, daughter of Elder John and Mary (Smith) Winsor, Decem- ber 19, 1779, and by her had the following children, born in Smithfield, R. I.; Salome, born May 5, 1780; Stephen, born August 8, 1781; John, born September 12, 1783; Cynthia, born June 6, 1787, married Larned; Sydney; and Samuel, born April 23, 1795, died at Brocton, N. Y., at the age of 82 years, married at Spafford, N. Y., about 1814, by John Babcock Justice, Eunice Calkins, of the same place. Samuel Holmes, Sr., was a gunsmith by trade. He served during the Revolution as First Lieutenant and Captain, in the 3rd Company of the Smithfield Battalion, in the R. I. Militia. After 1795 he first moved with his family to Little Falls, N. Y., and thence to Spafford, where he was a resident at the organization of that town and was selected as one of the road masters at the first election in 1812. His SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES !35 son, Samuel, during- the War of 1812, enlisted in the United States Service and was at Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., during- the year 1814, as a part of the command of General Jacob Brown. After the war he was a pensioner of the United States, by reason of his service during- that war. Samuel Holmes, Sr., was a brother-in-law of Daniel Tink- ham, formerly of this town, they having married sisters. After the war of 1812 he moved from this town, and died near Canandaigua, N. Y. John Holmes, son of Samuel and Mercy Ann (Winsor) Holmes, married Lydia Barnes, and by her had the follow- ing children, born in this town : Avalinda, married Harvey Barnes of Spafford; Winsor, married Candace Ripley, daughter of John L. and Clarissa E. (Loss) Ripley, (no issue), resides at Spafford, N. Y.; Mercy, died in 1897, immarried, Borodino cemetery. (No stone.) Juliette, married Rev. Windsor Brown, resides at Borodino, N, Y. ; Ann Eliza, married H. Linus Darling, son of Jacob W. and Mary (BufRngton) Darling, both dead, Borodino cemetery; John, Jr., married Rebecca Crane, daughter of George W. and Mary Ann Crane, he and his wife are both dead, the latter died at Fairmount, November 9, 1894, at the age of 57 years, and was buried in Borodino Cemetery. (No stone). And Sidney, he moved to Evans, Erie County, N. Y. Mr. Holmes resided at the time of his decease in the Nunnery Neighborhood. John Holmes, Jr., son of John and Lydia (Barnes) Holmes, married Rebecca Crane, and by her had the follow- ing, born in Spafford: Georgie, married, David Olmsted, son of Jeremiah and Lavina Olmsted, resides In Geddes, N. Y. ; Nettie, married Frank Streeter, of Borodino, N. Y. ; Jay Stanley Holmes, of Geddes, N. Y. ; Ann Eliza, and Francis A., died young.) (Borodino.) Lydia (Barnes) Holmes, (wife of John Holmes. Sr.) Died January 10, 1878, age 84 years, 9 months, 29 days. " Children dear, weep not for me, For you'r not long to stay; If Jesus peraiits I will sit And wait for you at the gate." (Borodino.) 136 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION John Holmes, Jr., (son of John and Lydia (Barnes) Holmes) . Died February 13, 1888, age 57 years. (Borodino.) Rebecca Crane, wife of John Holmes, Jr. Died Novem- ber 9, 1894, age 57 years. (No stone.) (Borodino.) Ann Eliza, daughter of John, Jr., and Rebecca (Crane) Holmes. Died August 14, 1859, age 15 months. (Borodino.) Francis A., son of John, Jr., and Rebecca (Crane) Holmes. Died February 18, 1862, age 2 months. (Borodino.) HOWTIN. Nettie. Died March 14, 1875, age 8 months. Charles R. Died October 5, 1880, age 2 years. Children of W. H. and Ann Howtin. (Thorn Hill.) HOXSIE. Rowland Hoxsie, (son of John B. and Ruhamah (Bentley) Hoxsie). Died September 1, 1869, age 78 years, 9 months, 28 days. (Rowland Robinson Hoxsie came to this town from Greenwich, Washington County, N. Y., about October 19, 1816, and first settled on the east part of lot 71, Marcellus, bordering on the west shore of Otisco Lake; from there he moved to Thorn Hill where he remained until his decease. H« was a stone mason by trade and assisted in building some of the locks on the Erie Canal, but in this town and in Marcellus he followed farming. He married (1) Almira Chapman, daughter of Amasa and Lydia (Hunt) Chapman, and by her had four children : Theodore, married Alexander; Lydia, married Briggs, of Buffalo, N. Y. ; Mary Jane, married Dudley; and Dr Augustus Chapman, married Anna Poole, he died in Buffalo, N. Y. For a second wife Rowland R. Hoxsie married Lucy Griffin of Otisco, N. Y., and by her had : Rowland Robin- son, Jr., born in 1846, married and resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; John Adams, born in 1848, married , ex-Sheriff of Onondags County, resides in Syracuse, N. Y.; SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES IZ7 and Albert Mitchell, born in 1850, married , and resides in Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Rowland R. Hoxsie had a brother, John B. Hoxsie, who also resided in this town on lot 69, Marcellus, and who died after 1833 and before 1837. His widow, Lucy Hoxsie, after his decease, married John M. Cowan, of this town. By his wife Lucy he had one son: Wanton Hoxsie, who died April 15, 1837, aged three years. Where he or his son were buried is not known. R. is omitted on two stones. (Thorn Hill.) Almira (Chapman), wife of Rowland R. Hoxsie. Died September 23, 1840, age 35 years, 6 months, 1 day. (Thorn Hill.) Lucy (GrifRn), wife of Rowland R. Hoxsie. Died October 22, 1852, age 33 years, 3 months, 8 days. (Thorn Hill.) Ruhamah (Bentley), wife of John B. Hoxsie. Died November 19, 1826, age 59 years, 11 days. (Where her husband, John B. Hoxsie, is buried is not known.) (Thorn Hill.) Hamilton, son of John B. and Ruhamah (Bentley) Hoxsie. Died November 17, 1823, age 18 years, 10 months. (Thorn Hill.) HUFFMAN. James D. Huffman (son of George Huffman). Still living in 1898. (Cold Brook.) HUNT. James Hunt. Died June 24, 1895, age 66 years. (He married Lavina M. Orton, daughter of Zenas and Sally Orton.) (Borodino.) Lavina M. (Orton), wife of James Hunt. Died January 7, 1884, age 45 years. (Borodino.) Infant son of James and Lavina M. (Orton) Hunt. Died March 16, 1870, age 3 months, 4 days. (Borodino.) 138 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Nancy (Converse)' wife of Alvinza Hunt. Died Jan- uary, 1831, age 20 years, 6 months. (Mr. Hunt married (1) Nancy Converse, and (2) Phebe Converse, step-daughter of Samuel Conklin. He moved to Michigan..) (Thorn Hill.) HURD. Charlotte (BrowTi), wife of Charles Hurd, and daughter of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown. Bom April 10, 1846. (She was living in 1898. She married first Byron Van Benschoten, and second Charles Hurd. She was a twin sister of Jane Brown, wife of James Hibbard. Resides at Glen Haven, N. Y.) (Spafford.) HUTCHENS. Col. Phineas Hutchens. Died June 17, 1870, age 85 years, 3 months. (Colonel Hutchens was born in Herkimer County, N. Y., March 16, 1785, and came to this town among the first settlers and prior to 1812, and settled on Lot 22, Tully, and remained there until his decease. Among his brothers and sisters were the following, some of whom also came to this town: John, married Maria Roundy, daughter of Uriah and Lucretia (Needham) Roundy, in Spafford in 1816, went West, where they both died and were buried; Levius; Ros- well, married a Miss Sennett and settled in Oakland County, Mich. ; Parthena, married Orrin Britt and settled in Medina, N. Y. ; Albanus, married Anna ; and a sister, who married a Mr. Bennett. Col. Hutchens married (1) Margaret Giberson, January 27, 1811, and by her had two children: Caroline, born November 8, 1812, died in 1891, married Chester Patterson, son of Calvin and Sarah (Thompson) Patterson, February 28, 1834, in Spafford, both dead, buried in Borodino; and Margaret, born February 19, 1814, married Nathan P. Thompson, son of Reuben and Sally Thompson, March 3, 1836, husband dead, and she residing in 1898 in Homer, N. Y. Mr. Hutchens' first wife died in Spafford, February SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 139 23, 1814, and he married for a second wife Betsey Bocker, January 11, 1815, and by her had eight children: Louisa, born October 19, 1815, died May 2, 1883, married Frederick McKay, son of Augustin and Polly (Partridge) McKay, October 8, 1837, both dead, buried in Spafford Cemetery; Parthena, born August 12, 1817, died January 29, 1862, married (1) Lewis B. Marshall and (2) Samuel Crane, both dead; Jane, born February 22, 1819, died September 5, 1849, married (1) Kimberly, and (2) Lark S. Livermore, she died before her father and left one son: Charles B. Livermore, then a minor, residing at Chariton, Iowa; Roswell, born May 14, 1821, died January 16, 1854, at Spafford, unmarried; Phineas, Jr., born May 9, 1823, died June, 1880, married Elizabeth Lewis, daughter of John R. and Roxana (Moon) Lewis, he left no issue, wife moved to Illinois; Clarissa, born July 7, 1825, died September 11, 1831; Orrin, born November 17, 1827, married Mary Mc- Daniels, March, 1854, no issue, resides in Spafford in 1899 ; and Lucy, born April 6, 1830, died April 5, 1882 married Lyman C. Bennett, son of Stephen and Waity (Hill) Ben- nett, she had one child : Phineas H. Bennett, who died young, she was buried in Spafford Cemetery. Mrs. Hutchens died July 25, 1831, and Mr. Hutchens married for a third wife Lydia Smith, but by her had no issue, her death occurring January 25, 1856. Mr. Hutchens, during the war of 1812, vv^as First Lieutenant in Capt. Asahel Roundy's Company, in the 98th Regt., N. Y. Militia, (Lieut. Col. Christopher Clark commanding) , which served for a short tour of duty near Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., in the year 1814. He subse- quently obtained the rank of Colonel in the New York Militia. Col. Hutchens, during his residence in this town, was an active, public spirited and useful citizen, and served his town in a creditable manner, in the discharge of the duties of the various town offices to which, from time to time, he was elected, including among others : Supervisor, Assessor, Poor Master, Town Trustee, Commissioner of Highways, and School Commissioner. He was a man of marked character, great physical strength, and had a pleas- ing sense of humor. Between him and Capt. Asahel Roundy there was always an intimate relation and abiding friend- ship, and the two men, who generally acted in unison in public affairs, had a strong influence in shaping the political 140 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION and economic policy of the to^Aoi during their active career, which extended down to nearly the close of their joint lives. Mr. Hutchens and his family generally attended the Baptist Church, of which part, at least, were members.) (Spafford.) Margaret (Giberson), wife of Col. Phineas Hutchens. Died February 23, 1814, age 23 years. (Spafford.) Betsey (Bocker), wife of Col, Phineas Hutchens. Died July 25, 1831, age 40 years. (Spafford.) Lydia (Smith), wife of Col. Phineas Hutchens. Died January 25, 1856, age 74 years. (Spafford.) Clarissa, daughter of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens. Died September 11, 1831, age 6 years, 2 months, 4 days. (Spafford.) Roswell Hutchens, (son of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens). Died January 16, 1854, in his 33rd year. " Thy name, dear brother, is engraved On the hearts that loved thee." (Spafford.) In memory of Urania,, daughter of John and Maria (Roundy) Hutchens, who died December 21, 1816, age two days. " We'd scarce received the blooming gift. When mourned the pleasure gone." (Spafford.) HUTTON. Caleb Hutton. Died July 21, 1881, age 75 years. (Mr. Hutton was Low Dutch and came from Ulster County, N. Y. He married Plannah Sessions, half sister of Aniasa Sessions. After her decease he moved to Grand Ledge, Mich., where he married a second time. After his death, which occurred at Grand Ledge, his body was brought back and buried beside his first wife. His widow Martha, subsequently married Albert E. Fulton, as his second wife.) (Thorn Hill.) gPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 141 Hannah (Sessions) , wife of Caleb Hutton. Died Novem- ber 25, 1865, age 68 years, 9 months. (Thorn Hill.) HYDE. Oliver Hyde. Died November 15, 1837, age 83 years, 13 days. (He was a soldier of the Revolution. By his wife Polly, he had a daughter, Prudy, who married Isaac Mills as his second wife. His daughter, Esther E. Hyde, died unmar- ried; he also had two daughters, Roxana and Lydia.) (Thorn Hill.) Polly, wife of Oliver Hyde. Died October 1, 1833, age 75 years, 3 months. (Thorn Hill.) Esther E. Hyde, (daughter of Oliver and Polly Hyde). Died November 24, 1840, age 40 years, 5 months, 15 days. " We trust she's gone to the world of bliss Where sorrow ends and suffering ceases, To join the happy throng above. And shout free grace to the God of Love." (Thorn Hill.) IDE. Rev. Rogers Ide. Died June 2, 1863, age 75 years, 1 month. " I have gone home." (The given name of his first wife was Esther. In the application for letters upon his estate by Daniel P. Anthony, guardian, etc., dated February 13, 1864, mention is made of his widow : Ada Ide, of Dillsburg, Dearborn County, Ind., and the following children : Charity married Alanson E. Colton, of Spaff ord, N. Y. ; David Ide, of Eaton Valley, Erie County, N. Y.; and Esther Mary, married Elkanah Bur- roughs, of Danville, Vemellia County, Illinois. Mention is also made of the following : David H. Ide, son of Daniel M. Ide, then a minor residing in Illinois; Roger Ide, Lemuel Ide, Eliza Ide, and Daniel Ide, four children, and two grand- children of his deceased son, Hiram Ide, all then residing in Illinois.) (Borodino.) 142 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Esther Ide, wife of Elder Rogers Ide. Died December 21, 1855, age 76 years, 4 months, 24 days. (Borodino.) Henry Ide, (son of Rogers and Esther Ide). Died December 21, 1892, age 83 years, 9 months, 3 days. (He married (1) Harriet Colton, daughter of Gideon and Rhoda (Fowler) Colton, and (2) Elizabeth, and had the following children by his first wife : Francis, married Mary Olmstead, daughter of Isaac and Eunice (Case) Olmstead; Henry, Jr., married Jannette Rathbone, daughter of La- Grand and Juliette (Legg) Rathbone; Hortense, married Otis Cross, son of Truman and Eunice (Legg) Cross; Mary Jane, married John Kinyon, of Otisco, N. Y. ; and Harriet, who died at the age of four years. By his second wife he had one daughter, Blanche, who married a Mr. Borden, and was at that time of the age of nineteen years and resided in Auburn, N. Y. All others whose residence is not given then resided in Spafford, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Harriet (Colton), wife of Henry Ide. Died January 13, 1871, age 59 years, 1 month, 11 days. (Borodino.) Harriet Ide, daughter of Henry and Harriet (Colton) Ide. Died November 23, 1837, age 4 years. (Borodino.) Ina, daughter of Henry, Jr., and Jennette (Rathbone) Ide. Died 25, 1881, age 10 years, 3 months, 28 days. " The angels their kind watch are keeping Over our Ina's safe sleeping, No pain and no sorrow or weeping in Heaven." (Borodino.) Maud, daughter of Henry, Jr., and Jetnette (Rathbone) Ide. Died July 22, 1881, age 6 years, 6 months, 4 days. " That little voice no more I hear, No laughing child I see, No little arms around my neck, No maid upon my knee. No kiss drop upon my cheek, These lips are sealed to me, Dear Lord ! how could we give her up To any but to Thee." (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 143 Hattie A., daughter of Francis and Mary J. (Olmstead) Ide. Died January 19, 1876, age 15 years, 3 months. (Borodino.) INGHAM. Jonathan Ingham. Died April 23, 1863, age 78 years, 2 months (He married Sarah Hicks. In his will, dated April 8, 1852, and probated May 24, 1861, he mentions his wife, Sarah Ingham, but she died before his decease and the pro- bating said will. In the will and petition for its probate dated May 24, 1861, the following additional heirs are men- tioned : His daughter, Cordelia, married Moses P. Maul, residing in Spafford, N. Y. ; and Cordelia Simmons and Sarah I. Butts, both of Smyrna, Chenango County, N. Y., children of his deceased daughter, Hannah Butts. All were of full age, except Sarah I. Butts, who was a minor.) (Thorn Hill.) Sarah (Hicks), wife of Jonathan Ingham. Died April 14, 1855, age 63 years. INGERSON. (Peter Ingerson, died at Vesper, N. Y., July 5, 1891, but formerly resided in Spafford Hollow. In his will, dated June 1, 1891, and probated January 9, 1893, he mentions his wife, Elizabeth Ingerson, and the following children: Henry Ingerson, of Tully, N. Y. ; Emily Barker, widow of Joshua Barker of Tully, N. Y ; his adopted daughter, Phebe Maycumber, wife of Randall Maycumber, of Tully, N. Y., and form.erly widow of William E. Fisher of Spafford, N. Y. ; and his daughter, Mary Ann Brown, widow of Her- bert Brown, of Truxton, N. Y.) ISDELL. Mary (Harris), wife on Andrew Isdell. Died May 4, 1843, age 49 years, 2 months. (Andrew Isdell married (1) Mary Harris, and (2) Sabina Maxson, sister of the first wife of Albert Foster. He had the following children by his first wife and none by his second: James H., married Samantha Young, widow of Ruluf Jerome Barber; Mary, married Erastus Norton, son 144 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION of Moses and Percy (Barber) Norton, husband dead and she resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Emily, married Seymour Doty, son of Willard and Achsah (Bacon) Doty, both dead and left no issue; Jane, married Lyman Carpenter (mem- ber of firm of Carpenter and Coleman) , resides in Syracuse, N, Y. ; Phebe, married William Bacon, son of Amos and Abigail (Cady) Bacon; and Margaret, married Orrin Cook of Gloversville, N, Y.) (Cold Brook.) Jewett A., son of James H. and Samantha (Young) Isdell. Died September 20, 1849, age 2 years, 2 months, 26 days. (James H. Isdell and his wife, Samantha, are both dead, he having died at Syracuse, N. Y., October, 1886. Their children were: Jewett A., Bradford D., Majesta H., who each died young, and Dorwin, who still survives, was mar- ried, and at the time of his father's decease resided in Syracuse, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) Bradford D., son of James H. and Samantha (Young) Isdell. Died September 29, 1847, age 3 years, 5 months, 4 days. " God took from us our loved ones. And though our tear drops swell. We would not dare murmur He doeth all things well." (Cold Brook.) Majesta H., daughter of James H. and Samantha (Young) Isdell. Died December 12, 1860, age 18 years, 7 months, 12 days. " She died as she had lived belov«d, Without an enemy on earth. In word and deed she breathed and moved The soul of honor and of worth. Her hand was open as the day. Her bearing high, her nature true, And when from life she passed away Our hearts went with her to the grave.*' (Cold Brook.) JACKSON. Elias Jackson. Died November 1, 1830, age 76 years. (Nunnery.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES I45 JACOBS. " Our Father "— Elias Jacobs. Died April 30, 1877, age 85 years, 10 months, 15 days. (His wife, Betsey J., died in 1867. In his will, dated July 25, 1876, and probated June 16, 1877, he mentions no wife, but the following children: Betsey Jane, married Hiram Seeley, son of Samuel G. and Adah (Fowler) Seeley, both dead, and buried in Spaff ord Cemetery ; Marie J., mar- ried Rev. James Outsell, then of Van Ettenville, Chemung Co., N. Y. ; and Milo E, married Caroline O'Farrell, daughter of William and Dinah O'Farrell. Milo E. Jacobs and his wife and family moved West, where his death preceded that of his father. In the petition for probate of his father's will, mention is made of his son's children as follows: Francis J., of Chicago, 111. ; Charles, of Winnebago, 111. ; and Wilber F. Jacobs, of Winnebago, 111. ; all of full age, except the latter, who was a minor over 14 years of age.) (Spaff ord.) '* Our Mother '—Betsey C, wife of Elias Jacobs. Died August 14, 1867, age 69 years, 23 days. (Spaff ord.) JOHNSON. Loami W. Johnson. Died April 22, 1861, age 76 years, 1 month, 22 days. (He came to this town from Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y., about 1818, and settled on Lot 75, Marcellus; he having, however, purchased an interest in lands there before that time, in the Spring of 1810. H was a cooper by occupation and pursued that avocation in connection with farming, down to the time of his decease. From the Marcellus end of the town he moved to Lot 10, Sempronius, in the town of Spafford, about 1825, and afterwards to Lot 21, Tully, in the Village of Spafford Corners, where he remained, carrying on the business of cooper until his decease. He first married before coming to this town, Margaret Berry, sister of Jonathan Berry, by whom he had three children: Joseph B., died at 28 years, unmarried; Jonathan, married Esther Woodworth, daughter of Elias and Diadama (Bassett) Woodworth, both dead, and buried in Spafford, N. Y. ; and Esther, died at 22 years, unmarried. 146 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION For a second wife Mr. Johnson married Rebecca Stanley of Pompey, but by her had no issue.) (Borodino.) Margaret (Berry), wife of Loami W. Johnson. Died September 1, 1837, age 52 years, 6 months, 18 days. (Borodino.) Rebecca (Stanley), wife of Loami W. Johnson. Died December 29, 1860, age 60 years. (Borodino.) Mr. Joseph B. Johnson, (son of Loami W. and Margaret (Berry) Johnson). Died March 7, 1835, age 28 years, Z months, 9 days. " Depart my friends, dry up your tears, I must lie here 'till Christ appears." (Borodino.) Miss Esther Johnson, (daughter of Loami W. and Mar- garet (Berry) Johnson). Died September 21, 1835, age 22 years, 4 months, 1 day. " Her gentle spirit soars away. To dwell with God in endless day." (Borodino.) Jonathan Johnson, (son of Loami W. and Margaret (Berry) Johnson). Died June 22, 1874, age 66 years, 2 months, 5 days. (Jonathan Johnson, by his wife, Esther Woodworth, had four children : Fortunatus B., died in 1854, unmarried ; Edwin, married Helen L. Breed, daughter of Reuben T. and Purlina M. (Patchen) Breed, both dead, left one son, Grove E. Johnson, married in Syracuse, N. Y.; Mary Eliza- beth, born June 18, 1842, married in Sempronius, December 27, 1860, Fernando C. Prindle son of Moses and Purlina M. (Patchen) Prindle, no issue, residing in Spafford, N. Y. ; and Martha J., who died young. Mr. Johnson was a cooper by trade, but followed farming and practiced law in Justice Courts.) (Spafford.) Esther (Woodworth), wife of Jonathan Johnson. Died September 18, 1893, age 83 years. " God's word we trust." After the decease of her husband, Jonathan Johnson, she married for a second husband a Mr. Smith, but by him had no issue.) (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 147 Fortunatus B., son of Jonathan and Esther (Woodworth) Johnson. Died January 14, 1854, age 18 years, 6 months, 8 days. " None knew him but to praise." (Spafford.) Martha J., daughter of Jonathan and Esther (Wood- worth) Johnson. Died April 8, 1847, age 10 months, 3 days. " Sweetest little bud for earth too fair, Has gone to Heaven to blossom there." (Spafford.) Edwin Johnson, (son of Jonathan and Esther (Wood- worth) Johnson). Died April 5, 1874, age 37 years, 7 months, 5 days. (Spafford.) Helen L. (Breed) Johnson, wife of Edwin Johnson. Died March 10, 1874, age 29 years, 3 months, 3 days. (Spafford.) Infant son of Edwin and Helen L. (Breed) Johnson. Died March 1, 1866, age 7 weeks. (Spafford.) Edwin C. Johnson, son of Grove E. Johnson. Died ^ age 2 months. (No stone.) (Grove E. Johnson was a son of Edwin and Helen L. (Breed) Johnson.) (Spafford.) KELLOGG. Olive Chloe (Churchill), wife of William Kellogg. Died September 13, 1875, age 31 years. (She was a daughter of Chauncey and Catherine (Merry) Churchill.) (Cold Brook.) KELSEY. Olive A. (Sharp), wife of William Kelsey. Died April 10, 1863, age 23 years, 10 months. (She vv^as a daughter of John Wm. and Lydia A. (Under- wood) Sharp.) (Cold Brook.) 148 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION KING. Clarence C. King, son of Caleb E. and Mary E. (Lam- phire) King. Died September 11, 1888, age 4 months, 3 days. (Caleb E. King married Mary E. Lamphire, daughter of John Lamphire; he is a store keeper at Spafford Corners, and was Supervisor of the town for the year 1898-9.) (Spafford.) KINGSBURY. Dr. David Kingsbury. Died March 7, 1841, age 64 years, 6 months, 19 days. " Lo ! where this silent marble weeps A friend, a husband, a father sleeps, A heart within whose sacred cell. The peaceful virtues lov'd to dwell." (Di*. Kingsbury practiced medicine in Clinton ville, Mar- cellus, N. Y. ; he married Delia Bowen.) (Thorn Hill.) Ann Gennett, daughter of David and Delina (Bowen) Kingsbury. Died September 9, 1822, age 3 years. (Thorn Hill.) KIRKPATRICK. William Kirkpatrick. Died February 1, 1861, age 66 years, 11 months, 5 days. (Borodino.) Caroline F., daughter of William and Lucy Kirkpatrick. Died September 29, 1856, age 15 years. (Borodino.) KNAPP. Peter Knapp. Died July 13, 1839, age 84 years, 4 months, 18 days. (He came from Westchester County, N. Y., first to Brutus, N. Y., and then to Spafford, where he settled on Lot 42, Tully, in 1806. His purchase consisted of the whole of that lot, excepting the State's Hundred Acres, and his residence was located near where William Barker's house now (1899) stands. He married his wife, Dinah Guion, in Westchester SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 149 County, May 18, 1775. She was bom May 7, 1757, and died in Spafford, October 17, 1835. By her he had the following children : Sarah, born April 28, 1776, died December, 1794, married Elijah Hadden, in Westchester, December, 1794; Anna, born October 13, 1777, died unmarried, October 26, 1828; Cynthia bom May 13, 1780, died April 18, 1867, married Ellis Taft, October 8, 1809 ; Elijah, born December 9, 1782, died January 27, 1867, married December 9, 1812, at Scott, N. Y. Betsey Burdick, daughter of Thompson and Tabitha (Wilcox) Burdick ; John, born August 22, 1785, died in Michigan, January 17, 1874, married Mamra Hotchkiss, February 13, 1806; Hannah, bom March 9, 1789, died in Ovid Seneca County, N. Y., December 14, 1868, married John Ingersoll, August 20, 1807 ; Peter, Jr., bom February 14, 1791, died March 24, 1875, married Saberah Babcock, daughter of Ezra Babcock of Scott, N. Y., born July 3, 1796, died April 20, 1872, they died and were buried in Scott; Mary, born July 29, 1793, (dead), married Jonathan Pat- terson, son of Ebenezer and Dinah Patterson, resided and died in Ohio ; Isaac, born August 29, 1795, died in Michigan, married Polly Berry, daughter of Jonathan and Thankful Berry ; Silas, born December 30, 1797, died in Medina, N. Y., December 16, 1888, married Flora Barber, daughter of Erastus and Joanna Barber ; James Desbrosses, born March 23, 1800, died in Michigan, September 28, 1855, married Lois Ingersoll; and Kortright, born April 30, 1803, died January 17, 1883, married Ginsey Skinner, he died in Michigan.) (Spafford.) Peter Knapp, Jr., by his wife Saberah Babcock, had the following children: Stephen C, born January 17, 1816, married Elizabeth Smith of Napoli, N. Y., both living (1899), in Preble, N. Y. (They have the following: Ed- ward, Cynthia, Burdett, Adelbert, Alice, and Annice (twins), Sarah, Orville, Willard and Ezra Fred.); Euretta born October 1, 1817, married H. Lee Burdick of Scott, N. Y., where they now reside, (their children are: Emerson, Elbert, and Mary) ; Sally Ann, born February 16, 1820, married William Davis, of Lincklaen, N. Y., where they now reside. (They have two children, names not known) ; Asher M., bom May 16, 1822, died in Wisconsin, September 25, 1897, married Amy Potter of Truxton, N. Y. 150 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (three children) ; J. Riley, bom April 29, 1825, married Caroline Knoor of Bloomsburg, Pa., he resides in Scott, N. Y. (Two children: Harry and Maggie) ; Minerva S., born December 14, 1827, resides in New Hope, N. Y, un- married; Ezra B., born February 26, 1830, married Loretta E. Wilson of Skaneateles, N. Y., where they now reside, no issue; Epinetus H., born August 13, 1833, married (1) Nancy Vandenburg, of Preble, N. Y., and (2) Amelia Dyke- man of New York City, resides in Scranton, Pa. (one child, Minnie) ; and Clarence N., born April 22, 1836, married Olivia Barber of Scott, N, Y., where they now reside, no issue. (Spaiford.) Dinah (Guion) , wife of Peter Knapp. Born May 7, 1757, died October 17, 1835. (No stone.) (Spafford.) In memory of Ann Knapp, (daughter of Peter and Dinah (Guion) Knapp), who died October 26, 1828, age 51 years, 13 days. " Affictions sore with patience bore, Physicians were in vain, 'Till God did please to give me ease And take me from my pain." Elijah Knapp, (son of Peter and Dinah (Guion) Knapp). Died January 27, 1867, age 84 years, 1 month, 18 days. (Elijah Knapp married Betsey Burdick at Scott, N. Y., December 9, 1812, and by her had : Angeline, born July 19, 1814, and died April 16, 1824 ; George Frink, born October 9, 1815, married Betsey Ann Gale, daughter of Samuel and Sally (Manley) Gale; Emeline, born January 30, 1817, married William Collins, son of John and Lucy (Bur- dick) Collins, she resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; and Betsey Ann, born August 14, 1825, married William Barker, son of Darius and Mary (Cooper) Barker. Elijah Knapp resided on the Skaneateles and Homer road, on Lot 42, Tully, on lands received from his father, Peter Knapp. He and his family attended the Baptist Church. He was a farmer.) (Spafford.) Betsey (Burdick), wife of Elijah Knapp. Died Decem- ber 30, 1872, age 79 years, 1 month. (She was a daughter of Thompson and Tabitha (Wilcox) Burdick, and born (probably), in Stonington, Conn., Nov- ember 30, 1793. She came with her parents to Brookfield, STAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 15 1 Madison County, N. Y., about 1796, and a few years after- wards to Scott, N. Y., where she remained until the time of her marriage. She was descended from Robert Burdick, first of Newport and afterwards of Westerly, R. I., as follows: Betsey, Thompson, John, Hubbard, Robert. Her father and mother are both buried near her grave in this cemetery.) (Spafford.) In memory of Angeline, daughter of Elijah and Betsey (Burdick) Knapp. Died April 16, 1821, age 9 years, 8 months, 17 days. " Sleep on dear child and take thy rest, For Jesus called you when he thought best." (Spafford.) Martin E. Knapp, (son of Alanson Knapp) . Died March 28, 1875, age 76 years. (Martin Elmer Knapp was born in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Conn. The name of his mother is not known, but the given name of his stepmother was Hannah. After leav- ing Salisbury he first settled in Hillsdale, Columbia County, N. Y., and after a few years, according to the memory of his daughter, Mrs. Kinney, moved to Delaware County, and about 1835 or 1836 came to this town, where he finally settled on the fami afterwards owned by his son, Justin N. Knapp, on Lot 43, Tully, Cold Brook, in 1837. This farm he subsequently sold to his son, and he moved to Scott, N. Y., where he died in 1875. His first wife was Lucinda Niles, and his second wife Phebe Van Benschoten ; he had no issue by his second wife, but by the first he had the following: Justin Niles, married Polly P. McKay, daughter of Augustin and Polly (Partridge) McKay, he is dead and his wife resides in Cold Brook, P. 0., South Spafford, N. Y. ; Josiah Niles, was a minister and died at the age of 25 years, un- married; and Eunice A., married (1) Sanford B. Kinney, and (2) Loami Kinney, both husbands are dead and she resides in Homer, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) Lucinda (Niles) , wife of Martin E. Knapp. Died Novem- ber 24, 1846, age 46 years. (Cold Brook.) 162 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Rev. Josiah N. Knapp, (son of Martin E. and Lucinda (Niles) Knapp). Died August 15, 1846, age 25 years. (Cold Brook.) Justin N. Knapp, (son of Martin E. and Lucinda (Niles) Knapp) . Died May 10, 1893, age 74 years. (By his wife, Polly P. McKay, bom September 30, 1821, and living in 1899, he had the following children : Martin Augustus, married Marion H. Hotchkiss, resides in Wash- ington, D. C, Interstate Commissioner; Mary L„ died at 29 years, unmarried; Justin Niles, married Mary Sterling Hobart ,of Homer, N. Y. ; he resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and Alice Arzena, married Charles Kellogg, resides in New York City, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) Mary L., daughter of Justus N. and Polly P. (McKay) Knapp. Died October 20, 1875, age 29 years. (Cold Brook.) KNEELAND. Amasa Kneeland, (son of Jonathan and Mary (Spencer) Kneeland). Died April 22, 1845, age 68 years, 7 months, 15 days. (Amasa Kneeland was born at East Haddam, Conn., September 7, 1776, married Charlotte Kidder in 1807, and by her had the following children, born in Marcellus (now Spafford) : Stella, born January 13, 1808, died September 3, 1891, married Cephas Bassett, she was educated in Homer and Cortland Academies, and went to East India with her husband, as a missionary; Ellen, born April 2, 1809, died December 3, 1888, married Seymour Tracy, and formerly resided at Junction City, Mo. ; Hon. Samuel Stillman, bom April 2, 1811, died at Skaneateles at the age of 85 years, married Cordelia Wrgiht of Marcellus, October 17, 1848. He was a member of Assembly from this town in 1853, and represented the town in the Board of Supervisors from 1857 to 1860. He also served the town in various other minor offices, such as Assessor, and School Inspector. He was a Republican in politics. (He had three daughters who sur- vived him, of whom— Ellen, married a Mr. Thorne, the other two are unmarried) ; Persis, born in 1813, died unmarried in 1844 ; Amasa Spencer, bom October 22, 1814, now dead, He was a Baptist minister. Married Almira E. Foot; SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES I53 had three children, now residing at Strikersville, N. Y. Mary, born August, 1817, died October 8, 1882, married George Sessions and moved to Jefferson County, Colorado; John Kidder, bom April, 1819, married and resides In Michigan; Hon. A. Judson, born May 5, 1821, married Esther Griswold, lawyer, died 1884 in Homer, N, Y.; Jane Ann, born March 30, 1823, married Martin Spencer, and resides in Galva, Illinois ; Benjamin Trumbull, bom June 3, 1825, married Harriet Mills resides at Dalton, N. Y.; and Dolphus Bennett, born 1827, married Miranda Charles and lives in Ionia. The Kneeland family attended the Baptist Church at Thorn Hill. Mr. Kneeland was descended from Edward Kneeland, who came to this country in 1630, and finally settled in Ips^vick, Mass., as follows: Amasa, Jona- than, John, Benjamin, Edward, Edward. According to the Kneeland genealogy the family were of Scotch origin, and trace their line back into the middle of the thirteenth century.) (Thom Hill.) Persis, daughter of Amasa and Charlotte (Kidder) Knee- land. Died November 4, 1844, age 32 years. (Thom Hill.) Among the other members of the Kneeland family who came to this town, but left no dead, were the following: John Kneeland, son of John and Mary (Spencer) Knee- land, and brother of Amasa, born at East Haddam, Conn., May 10, 1769, married Sally Benson, and by her had: Ichabod, married Anna Prentice of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Warren, married Fanny Hyde; Amasa; Whitfield, married Sarah Fry ; Nathan ; John B., born in 1812, married Lucinda Sickles in 1845; Clarinda, married Benjamin Howe; Philura, died in 1879, unmarried; Minerva; Mary, married David D. G. Chandler; Zipporah; and Sarah. John Knee- land moved at an early date from this town to Livingston County, N. Y., where he remained until his death. About 1835 his five sons moved from Livingston County, in this State, to Livingston County, in Michigan, and their descen- dants now largely reside in that State. Warren Kneeland, son of Jonathan and Mary (Spencer) Kneeland, another brother of Amasa, born in East Haddam, Conn., November 2, 1771, died 1868 at the age of 97 years, married (1) January 3, 1809, Elizabeth Fitzgerald, daughter 154 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION of Jeremiah and Anna Fitzgerald, she died in 1818 and he then married (2) Rachel Randell, widow of Garner Sher- man, she died in Illinois in 1860. By his first wife he had the following- children : Joel, bom January, 1810, and died unmarried, June 10, 1837; Dr. Jonathan, born February 10, 1812, died in South Onondaga, May, 1898, married Miriam Dwelle, February 7, 1845; David F., born in 1811 and died at four months; and Nancy, born June 27, 1814, married (1) Rev. Jeremiah B. Evarts, and (2) Minard LaFever; and by his second wife he had the following: Elizabeth; Andrew Jackson, born March 20, 1823, died April 17, 1886, married Lucy Adeline Parker; Cynthia, born 1825, married A. Nos- trand; and Warren H., born 1831, married and settled in Oakland, California. Warren Kneeland, Sr., was a teacher for over thirty years, having taught school in both Saratoga and Onondaga Counties. Asa Kneeland, born 1773, at East Haddam, Conn., and died 1842, son of Jonathan and Mary Spencer, and brother of Amasa, married in 1800 Hannah Green, and by her had the following children: Edward, born January 15, 1801, married Mary Thompson, (he has one son, Edward, the only m.ale descendant of Asa, now living) ; Charles, Dorn and died in 1802; Sarah, born 1803, died 1853, married Joseph Berry (no issue) ; Horace, born May 12, 1806. He was a sculptor, died 1875, married Lucy Ann, no issue; Hector, born May 12, 1806 (twin of Horace), married Maria Smith, he died in San Francisco, California, at the age of 84 years; Charles, born June 8, 1808, married Catherine Horr, he died in 1847 without issue; Catherine, born June 8, 1808 (twin of Charles) , married Alonzo Meacham, resided in Davenport, Iowa; Angeline, born June, 1810, died April 1, 1880, married (1) Fred Knickerbocker, and (2) Daniel South wick; Almira, born September 10, 1812, died June, 1838 ; Cornelia, born March 7, 1816, married Daniel Baker of St. Paul, Minn. ; Hiram, born March 27, 1818 ; died Sep- tember, 1840 ; and Henrietta, born January 6, 1822, married (1) James M. Goodhue, and (2) Jasper Tarbox, living in 1897. These children of Jonathan Kneeland were, of course, descended from Edward, the emigrant ancestor in this country, the same as stated for Amasa above. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 115 KNIGHT. Sylvanus Knig-ht. Died July 5, 1866, age 48 years, 7 months, 19 days. (He married Mercena Randall, daughter of Silas and Mercy (Harrington) Randall. His wife survived him, and after his decease married Nathan Bond for her second hus- band. She was living in 1898 at Spafford, N. Y. LAMB. Joseph K. Lamb, (son of Jeduthan Lamb). Died July 9, 1843, age 46 years, 1 month, 26 days. (He married Malinda Ferry, daughter of Asa and Ruhama Ferry.) (Thorn Hill.) LANSDOWN. Mary A. (Morse) , wife of John Lansdown. Died October 2, 1851, age 26 years. (She was a daughter of Matthias Morse of Spafford Hollow.) (Spafford.)" LATHROP. Marcelia S., daughter of Philemon and Sophia Lathrop. Died August 24, 1842, age 4 years, 9 days. (Philemon Lathrop resided in town for a short stay; he was a stone cutter by trade and left this stone as a specimen of his handicraft.) (Spafford.) Lucretia Roundy Lathrop. Died October 17, 1879, age 69 years. (Served her country in the War of 1861 as Hospital Nurse at Winchester, City Point, and Annapolis.) (Spafford.) LEARNED. Merritt Learned. Died July 14, 1845, age 61 years, 7 months. (By his wife, Clarissa, he left two sons him surviving: Jason, and Joseph.) (Borodino.) Clarissa, wife of Merrit Learned. Died February 18, 1844. (Borodino.) 166 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION LEGG. Capt. Otis Legg, (son of Moses and Mary Legg). Died June 1, 1821, a?-e 33 years, 11 months, 23 days. " AfTlictions sore a long time I bore, Physicians were in vain, 'Till God did please to give me ease And take me from my pain." (The Legg family came from Mendon, Worcester County, Mass., where Reuben Legg, the grandfather of Captain Moses Legg, lived, raised his family and died. The ances- tral line of Reuben, or even the name of his wife, is not known to the writer; his children, however, were: Reuben, Jr., he married and moved to Jenkinsville, Tioga County, N. Y., in 1803, and there had six sons and two daughters: Moses, married Mary , and moved to Onondaga County, N. Y. ; Nathan, married and settled in Penn Yan, N. Y. ; Caleb, married and settled (1) in Greene County, and (2) in Madison or Herkimer County, N. Y. ; Joel, mar- ried in his native town, and after the death of his wife, moved in 1826 to Speedwell, Tompkins Co., N. Y., where his son, Leonard, and his son-in-law, John Stearns, had previ- ously settled, he died there ; John, married and remained on the old homestead in Mendon, Mass.; David, died in Massa- chusetts; Sally, married Nathaniel Onley, and moved to Speedwell, Tompkins County, N. Y. ; and a daughter, who never married, remained at the old homestead with her brother John, until her decease. All the male members ol this family of Reuben are claimed to have served in the War of th Revolution, none injured or killed. Moses Legg (son of Reuben Legg, Sr.) , by his wife Mary, had : John, married Emma Colvin, both died in Skaneateles, N. Y., had one daughter, Juliette, who married Joel Thayer ; Moses, Jr., married a Miss Chrisley; Capt. Otis, married Polly Sabin, both died in Spafford, N. Y.; Lewis, married Ruth Redway; Polly, married John Knapp; William, mar- ried Amanda Fulton, both died in Spafford, had one daughter, Eunice, who married David Becker; Sally, mar- ried Noble King ; and Charles, died unmarried. Capt. Otis Legg (son of Moses Legg, Sr.), by his wife, Polly Sabin, had: Harriet, married Philip Fisher, both dead ; Alfred W., married Maria Manley, daughter of Elijah and Betsey Manley, he is dead and was buried in this ceme- SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 157 tery; Col. William W., married Minerva A. Prindle, daughter of Hon. Joseph and Elizabeth (Moore) Prindle, both deceased, and buried in Borodino cemetery; Emma, married (1) Truman Cross, and (2) Jonathan F. Wood- worth, son of James and Hannah (Fish) Wood worth, both dead; and Juliette, married (1) La Grand Rathbone, and (2) Reuben T. Breed, all three dead. The Leggs were among the early settlers in this town, and first resided on the Skaneateles and Homer road, on Lot 11, Tully.) (Spafford.) Polly (Sabin), wife of Capt. Otis Legg. Died March 27, 1873, age 83 years, 8 months, 28 days. " What ere may be my earthly lot Thy name shall never be forgot, In joy, in sorrow, hope or fear, I'll think of thee, my mother dear." (Spafford.) Alfred W. Legg, (son of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg). Died in Lagrange, Chautauqua County, N. Y., October 31, 1842. Age 30 years, 2 months, 2 days. " Removed he was and buried here By William Legg, his brother dear." (By his wife, Maria Manley, he had two children : Alfred Otis, and Henrietta Legg.) (Spafford.) Col. William W. Legg (son of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg). Died July 24, 1892, age 78 years. By his wife, Minerva, he had : Philetus B., died at seven months ; Marion F., died at 44 years, unmarried ; an invalid from youth; Arretus M., married Mary Ann Smith, daughter of Gilbert Smith, and resides in Washington, D. C. ; and Elizabeth F., married William H. Bass and resides in Borodino, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Minerva A. (Prindle), wife of Col. William W. Legg. Died January 7, 1888, age 68 years, 11 months. (Borodino.) Philetus B., son of William W. and Minerva A. (Prindle) Legg. Died October 12, 1841, age 7 months, 16 days. 168 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION " Why dost thou fond parents grieve To wish the child that's dead to live? Why dost thou wish him back again To years of sorrow and pain? How could you wish the child you loved To leave those happy realms above To drag a tedious, wretched life In slavery, sickness, care and strife?" (Spafford.) Marion F. Legg, (son of Col. William W. and Minerva A. (Prindle) Legg). Died March 26, 1888, age 44 years, 11 months. (Borodino.) William Legg, (son of Moses and Mary Legg). Died November 2, 1856, age 60 years, 2 days. (He was a merchant at one time in Borodino, and traf- ficked extensively in real estate in this town. By his wife, Amanda Fulton, daughter of Robert and Sarah Fulton, he ha'd one child : Eunice, who married David Becker, son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker, all dead, and buried in this cemetery.) (Borodino.) Amanda (Fulton), wife of William Legg. Died Sep- tember 4, 1856, age 53 years, 7 days. (Borodino.) LELAND. Esther (Newell) , wife of James T. Leland. Died January 8, 1845, age 24 years. (She was a daughter of Stephen and Mary (Cuykendall) Newell. Her husband resided in Homer, N. Y. ; he is also dead.) (Borodino.) LEWIS. Joseph Lewis, (son of Jonathan, Jr. and Sarah (Barber) Lewis. Died February 16, 1838, age 86 years, 10 months. (Jonathan Lewis, Jr., of Exeter, R. I., married July 27, 1744, Sarah Barber of Charlestown, R. I., and by her had six children : The first two in Richmond, and the last four in Exeter, R. I. : Daniel, born July 12, 1745, married Lydia Barber, of Exeter, R. I., March 21 1770; John bom Novem- SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 159 ber 10, 1746, married Amie Sheldon, of Exeter, September 28, 1777; Jean, born August 29, 1748; Joseph bom April 7, 1750, married Mary Stanton of Foster, R. L, January 6, 1774; Jonathan, (3rd) born August 15, 1752, married Martha Bowdish, August 12, 1779, and Benjamin, born April 9, 1755, married Deliverance Cleveland, February 10, 1780. Joseph Lewis (son of Jonathan), bom in Exeter, R. I., April 7, 1750, and died at Spafford, February 16, 1838, married at Foster, R. I., January 6, 1774, Mary Stanton, bom November 23, 1754, and died in Spafford, August 30, 1831, and by her had nine children, bom in Exeter, R. I. : Susannah, born November 22, 1775, married Stephen Wil- cox as his second wife, August 14, 1800 ; Job, born Septem- ber 10, 1776, married Margaret , died out West; Hannah, bom November 18, 1779; R. Kenyon, bom Feb- ruary 18, 1782, married and died out West; Joseph, born July 26, 1784; Mary (Polly), born October 25, 1786, mar- ried Easton Cole at Foster, R. I., December 6, 1807, dipd in Michigan ; Benjamin Stanton born August 26, 1780, married Betsey Whiting, daughter of Dr. Jeremiah B. "Whit- ing, died in Ohio; Charity, born October 27, 1792, married Ambrose S. Gillett, died out West; and John R., born January 17, 1798, married Roxana Moon, daughter of Silas and Anna Moon, died in St. Charles, Illinois.) (Lewis Yard.) Mary (Stanton), wife of Joseph Lewis, Died August 30, 1831, age 76 years, 9 months, 7 days. " The head that oft the pillow prest, This aching head is now at rest. My flesh shall slumber in the ground 'Till the last trumpet sounds. Then burst the chain with sweet surprise And in my Saviour's image rise." (Lewis Yard.) In memory of Mary Ann, daughter of John R. and Roxana (Moon) Lewis. Died March 18, 1831, age 6 years, 7 months, 12 days. " When blooming youth is snatched away By death's relentless hand. Our hearts the mournful tribute pay Which pity must demand." 160 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (John R. Lewis, son of Joseph and Mary (Stanton) Lewis, married Roxana Moon, daughter of Silas and Anna Moon and by her had the following : Joseph, married Sarah Eddy, daughter of John Eddy, he moved to Iowa ; Mary Ann, died young; Dr. Jamse, married South, resides in St. Charles, Illinois; Elizabeth, married Phineas Hutchens, Jr., he is dead and she resides at St. Charles, Illinois; and John Perry, married Mary Berry, daughter of Zara and Sophia (Hillebert) Berry, both dead, she buried in Borodino Cemetery.) (Lewis Yard.) Mary (Berry), wife of J. Perry Lewis. Died April 2, 1856, age 19 years, 4 months, 17 days. (Borodino.) Gerusha Mehitable (Angel) Lewis, (wife of Gershom Lewis) . Died June 2, 1856, age 52 years. (She was a daughter of Abraham and Anna Angell. Her husband, Gershom Lewis, was at the time of his decease a wagon maker at SpafFord Corners; he is supposed to have been buried in this cemetery, but has no stone. He died of a cancer in the face. Mrs. Anna Angell, Mrs. Lewis' mother, is also buried in this cemetery. In her will, dated in 1834, and probated in 1839, she mentions her daughter, Mehitable Lewis, wife of Gershom Lewis, and Polly Sprague, wife of Peleg Sprague, as her only heirs.) Gershom Lewis died June 2, 1853, age 52 years. (Borodino.) LIEBER. Oliver Lieber. Born 1826, died 1892. (The Spafford family of Liebers were as follows, accord- ing to the statement of one of its members: Oliver, mar- reid Maria Nodine, daughter of Jeremiah W., Sr., and Maria (Strope) Nodine; James, married Clarissa ; Maria, married (1) Miles Riggles, and (2) Albin Coon of Thorn Hill; Rachel, married (1) a Mr. Preer, and (2) John Riggles of Georgetown, Madison County, N. Y. ; Henry, moved to Taylor, Cortland County, N. Y. ; Catherine, lived in Pennsylvania; Lorenzo; and George, who married Mary , moved West. Oliver Lieber by his wife, Maria Nodine, had the follow- ing children : Edward, went West, residence unknown ; SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 161 Andrew, married Elizabeth Cole, daughter of Joseph L. and Philura (Lyon) Cole, contractor, resides at Spafford Comers. N. Y. ; Martin, married Lettie Applebee, daughter of Albert Applebee ; Frank, resides unmarried in Spafford, N. Y.; and Thomas, married Susan Nearing, of Cardiff, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Maria (Nodine), wife of Oliver Leiber. Born in 1832, died in 1874. (Spafford.) Laurania, daughter of George and Mary Lieber. Died October 1, 1851, in her 17th year. (Spafford.) Francis M., son of James and Clarissa Lieber. Died May 15, 1851, age 6 years. (Spafford.) Hattie E., daughter of James and Clarissa Lieber. Died January 12, 1852, age 8 months. (Spafford.) John E., infant son of Andrew and Elizabeth (Cole) Lieber Bom in 1874, and died in 1876. (Spafford.) LOUNSBURY. George W., son of C. D. and Sarah Lounsbury. Died February 17, 1856, age 25 years, 11 months. (Dr. C. F. Lounsbury died at Navarino, N. Y., August 10, 1884, age 53 years, 8 months.) (Thom Hill.) LYON. Harriet (Arnold) , wife of David T. Lyon. Died January 9, 1862, age 68 years, 7 months, 10 days. (David T. Lyon was born at Ballston Springs, Saratoga County, N. Y., came to this town at an early date, and first settled at what is now known as Willow Dale, where he pur- sued his avocation of shoemaker, and where all his children were bom, except the two youngest, who were born near Thorn Hill. From near Thom Hill he moved to Spafford Comers and remained for a number of years. After the death of his wife he moved to the town of Lyon, Michigan, where he died. He had a number of brothers and sisters, 162 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION several of whom came to this town, but all finally moved away, among them were: Daniel, he married (1) Dorcas Darrow of Otisco, N. Y., and (2) Chirstie Ann Robertson, daughter of James and Isabel (Eadie) Robertson, and widow of Richard C. Goodrich, he finally settled in Otisco, where he died; Sally, married John Evans, he formerly resided on Lot 22, Tully, but finally moved away; Polly, married Uriah Roundy, Jr., son of Uriah and Lucretia (Needham) Roundy, they moved West; John; Samuel, he resided in Michigan, the town of Lyon in that State being named after him; Betsey, married Noah Hart of Detroit, Michigan ; and Baxter, married Mary Roundy, daughter of Uriah and Lucretia (Needham) Roundy. David T. Lyon, soon after his arrival in this town, married Harriet Arnold of Otisco, and by her had : Philura L., married Joseph L. Cole, son of Easton and Polly (Lewis) Cole; George W., married Cornelia Barker, daughter of Darius and Mary (Cooper) Barker, he is dead and his wife married for a second husband John Wallace; Charles B., born June 26, 1825, died 1893 or 1894, married Avaline Hill, daughter of Alexander and Ann (Kinyon) Hill, no issue; Cyrus S., married (1) Harriet Weston, and (2) Eliza J. Carr, resides in Spafford, N. Y.; Dr. John E., married Julia A. Wilson, he is dead, and buried in this cemetery, after his decease his widow married Joseph L. Cole, but is now deceased ; and Spencer K., married a Miss Baxter, he resides West. George W. Lyon, son of David T. Lyon, by his wife, Cor- nelia M. Barker, had five children : Ida M., married Martin Frink Gay, son of Barnett A. and Amanda F. (Smith) Gay, she is dead, and husband resides in Spaflford, N. Y. ; Rosa A., she died unmarried; William Henry, married Harriet M. Brown, daughter of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown, he was a soldier of the War of 1861, is now deceased and his widow and several children (George, Viola and Emerson) reside at Glen Haven, N. Y.; George Nelson, died young; and John E., also died young.) (Spafford.) Charles B. Lyon, son of David T. and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon. Born June 26, 1825, died 1893 or 1894. (No stone.) (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 168 Geog-e W. Lyon, (son of David T. and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon). Died F<'braury 3, 1864, age 43 years. " Gone Home." (Spafford.) Georg-e Nelson, son of Geoge W. and Cornelia M. (Barker) Lyon. Died January 27, 1855, age 1 year, 9 months, 11 days. (Spafford.) Rosa A. Lyon, daughter of George W. and Cornelia M. (Barker) Lyon. Died May 10, 1883, age 23 years. (Spafford.) John E. Lyon, son of George W. and Cornelia M. (Barker) Lyon. Died March 9, 1855. (Spafford.) William Henry Lyon, (son of George W. and Cornelia M. (Barker) Lyon), Company " H," 185th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft. Died January 8, 1876, age 31 years. " Gone but not forgotten." (Spafford.) Henry Emerson, son of William Henry and Harriet M. (Brown) Lyon. Died April 27, 1893, age 23 years. (He died unmarried.) (Spafford.) Dr. John E. Lyon, (son of David T. and Harriet (Arnold) Lyon. Died March 28, 1871, age 42 years. " Only waiting." (He was a physician and surgeon. He had no issue by his wife, Julia A. Wilson, who was from Homer. After his decease his widow married Joseph L. Cole for his second wife, but she is now deceased and buried in this cemetery. She has no stone. (Spafford.) MABIE. Martin Mabie. Died July 15, 1872, age 85 years, 4 months, 5 days. (Martin Mabie resided in Cold Brook, on Lot 43, Tully; by his wife Gertrude he had: John, resided Norwich, Chenango Co., N. Y. ; Aaron, resided in Cortland, N. Y. He was a soldier of the War of 1861, dead; Maria, died un- married, buried in this cemetery ; Lucinda, married Thomas J. Taf t, resides in South Spafford, N. Y. ; Hiram, dead ; and 164 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Sarah, married Augustin McKay, Jr., son of Augustin and Polly (Partridge) McKay, resides at Spokane, Washington.) (Cold Brook.) Gertrude, wife of Martin Mabie. Died August 13, 1868, age 81 years, 6 months, 3 days. (Gold Brook.) ''Maria" Mabie (daughter of Martin and Gertrude Mabie). Bom March 10, 1812, died September 29, 1884. (Cold Brook.) MAHAR. Mary E. (Shaw) , wife of Joseph J. Mahar. Died Decem- ber 22, 1878, age 43 years, 4 months, 23 days. " Gone but not forgotten." " And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall be no more death, neither sorrow. And cryino;, neither shall there be any pain. For the former things are passed away." Rev. 21 Ch. 4 v. (She v/as a daughter of James Shaw, of Spafford Hollow. Mr. Mahar, after her decease, married a second wife from over the west side of Skaneateles Lake.) (Cold Brook.) MAPES. In memory of John Mapes, who died October 26, 1826, age 44 years, 9 months, 10 days. (There were several members of the Mapes family, that in early times resided in what is now the town of Spafford, but they all went away before 1836, and very little is known of them now. Among the names of those holding lands were : Anson ; George, (" late of Walkill, Orange County, N. Y."), wife Experience; John, wife Nancy; John, Jr., and Thomas, wife Eliza. Among those who have conveyed Spaf- ford lands, but who never lived in this town, were : Nathan Mapes and Nancy, his wife, of Southfield, Orange County, N. Y., from 1797 to 1818. Nothing more is known of this family.) (Spafford.) MANLEY. Jesse Manley. Died July 10, 1832, age 78 years. (Borodino.) Eunice, wife of Jesse Manley. Died April 20, 1853, in her 98th year. (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 1C5 James Manley, (son of Alanson and Margaret (Mills) Manley) . Died October 13, 1879, age 27 years, 7 months. (Borodino.) Wyllys Manley. Died March 15, 1852, age 74 years. (Thorn Hill.) Russel Manley, (son of Wyllys) . Died August 12, 1878, age 56 years, 6 months. (His first wife, Orpha, died in 1855, and he then married Mary E . In the petition for letters of adminis- tration upon his estate, made by his wife Mary E., dated August 27, 1878, mention is made of the following children : Rosalie, wife of Ulrick Eisde; Rosaltha Manley; Emeline, wife of Norris Maine, each of full age ; Edith Manley, age 18 years ; Sarah B. Manley, age 14 years; and Willis Manley, age 12 years, all of Skaneteles, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Orpha, wife of Russel Manly. Died January 4, 1855, age 27 years. (Thorn Hill.) Elijah Manley. Died September 26, 1853, age 72 years, 11 months. (His wife, Betsey, died in 1851. In his will, dated May 28, 1853, probated February 2, 1854, he mentions no wife, but the following children : Maria Mear, wife of John Mear ; Samuel E. Manley; and Hananiah Manley; and Henrietta and Alfred Otis Legg, children of his daughter Maria, then deceased, who married Alfred W. Legg, son of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg. Samuel E. Manley (son of Elijah) , died in 1880, and in his will, dated August 16, 1880, and probated January 5, 1881, he mentions no wife, father, mother, brother or sister (they all then being deceased) ; but the following nephew and nieces : Henrietta Selkirk of Bradley, Allegan County, Mich., and Alfred Otis Legg of Skaneateles, N. Y., children of his deceased sister, Maria (Manley) Legg; and Emily Briggs, of Omaha, Nebraska, daughter of his deceased brother, Hananiah Manley.) (Thorn Hill.) Betsey, wife of Elijah Manley. Died February 7, 1851, age 63 years, 8 months. (Thorn Hill.) 166 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Elviia Manley, (daughter of Elijah and Betsey Manley). Died December 24, 1837, age 32 years, 17 days. (Thorn Hill.) William N. Manley. Died September 23, 1888, age 80 years, 21 days. (Thorn Hill.) James C. Manley. Died January 11, 1851, age 23 years, 3 months, 14 days. (Thorn Hill.) Luther Manley. Died January 9, 1824, age 66 years, 9 months, 14 days. (Thorn Hill.) Hannah, widow of Luther Manley. Died October 7, 1835, age 78 years. (Thorn Hill.) Morris Manley. Died September 9, 1812, age 21 years, 8 months, 20 days. (Thorn Hill.) MARSHALL. Sergeant Phineas B. Marshall (son of Lewis B. and Par- thena (Hutchens) Marshall, Co. "D," 122 Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft. Died at Washington, D. C. November 23, 1862, age 21 years, 8 months. (Lewis B. Marshall married Parthena Hutchens, daughter of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens, and by her had two children: Phineas B., died unmarried; and Orpha Rosette, died young. After the decease of Lewis B. Mar- shall, who died before his son, his widow married Samuel Crane for a second husband. In the application for letters of administration upon the estate of Phineas B. Marshall, by his uncle, Simeon R. Marshall, in 1863, mention is made only of uncles and aunts as follows : Simeon R. Marshall, Margaret Thompson, Caroline Patterson, Louisa McKay, Phineas Hutchens, Orrin Hutchens and Lucy Bennett.) (Spafford.) Cyrenius Marshall. Died September 23, 1857, age 62 years. (Borodino.) Orpha Rosette, daughter of Lewis B. and Parthena (Plutchens) Marshall. Died June 27, 1849, age 5 years, 8 months. (Spafford.) 3r AFFORD MORTUAEY RECORDS WITH fiffiNEALOGIGAL NOTES 167 MARTIN. Aaron Martin. Died October 26, 1840, age 71 years. Lucy, wife of Aaron Martin. Died December 12, 1858 age 92 years, 4 months, 4 days. (Borodino.) Lucy Martin, wife of John R. Martin. Died December 17, 1840, age 31 years, 9 months, 10 days. (Borodino.) James Augustus, son of Lyman and Amanda Martin. Died March, 1849, age 11 years. (Borodino.) Lucy Maria, daughter of Lyman and Amanda Martin. Died August 10, 1850. (Borodino.) Rachel, wife of Wendall B. Martin. Died August 9, 1848, age 51 years, 11 months 27 days. (Borodino.) MASON. Abigail (Udell), wife of Hezekiah Mason. Died May 12, 1836, age 73 years, 9 months. (The Masons of Spafford trace their descent from Samp- son Mason, shoemaker, who first appears upon the records of Dorchester, Mass., in 1651, Rehoboth, in the same State in 1657, and Swansea Mass., ten years later, where he remained until his decease in September, 1676. In religion he was a Baptist as were very generally his descendants. The name of his wife is not known, but the following are ascribed to him as his children: Sampson, Noah, John, Samuel, Sarah, Mary, James, Joseph, Bethiah, Isaac, Pela- tiah, Benjamin and Thankful. Isaac Mason (son of Sampson, Sr.), born July 15, 1667, was a Deacon in the Second Baptist Church of Swansea, Mass., from the time of its organization in 1693 to the date of his death January 25, 1742. By his wife Hannah, he had the following children: Hannah, Mary, Isaac, Samp- son, Nathan, Oliver, Hannah (2), Benjamin and Mary; the first five born in Rehoboth and the balance in Swansea. Sampson Mason (son of Isaac and Hannah Mason) , born in Rehoboth, Mass., February 24, 1700, married Experience Lewis, and had the following children : Nathaniel, Nathan, Hannah, and Benjamin. 168 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Rev. Nathan Mason (son of Sampson and Experience (Le^vis) Mason), bom November 12, 1726, was a Baptist minister. He emigrated to Nova Scotia in 1763, but re- turned to Swansea about 1771. He finally settled in Cheshire, Burkshire County, Mass., where he died in 1804 at the age of 80 years. Nathan Mason married July 10, 1748, Elizabeth Wood, and by her had: Chloe, Hezekiah, Nathan, Elizabeth, Sampson, Daniel, Bethena, and Experi- ence ; the first four bom in Swansea, Mass. Hezekiah Mason (son of Rev. Nathan and Elizabeth (Wood) Mason), born at Swansea, Mass., November 18, 1754, was also a Baptist minister, and for many years min- istered over the Baptist Church at Cheshire, Mass. He was an active and influential man, both in civil and religious affairs in the latter place. On December 9, 1795, he pur- chased four hundred and fifty acres of land in this town, on lot 68, Marcellus, on which his two sons, Avery and Asa, settled about June 18, 1804, but he never came here to reside; if he was ever here at all his stay was only tem- porary, supervising the settlement of his sons Averj^ and Asa. His first wife, Sarah, died at Cheshire, Mass., in June, 1811, and he married in the following November, Abigail Udell, widow of William Shelden of Shepherdtown, N. Y., where Mr. Mason had then taken up his abode. He continued to reside at the latter place until his decease, March 9, 1825, (age 71), his body being taken back to Cheshire for burial. His children were: Avery, married Sally Pierce of Rehoboth, Mass. ; Asa, born March 21, 1782, died March 11, 1865, married (1) Chloe Bowen, bom in May, 1784, died March 17, 1811, buried old Borodino cemetery (Alexander Becker farm), no stone, and (2) Anna Shelden, daughter of William and Abigail (Udell) Shelden; Thurstin, married Mercy (or Phebe) Bourne; Anson, mar- ried Phelinda Mason, daughter of Levi Mason (third cousin) ; Hiram, married Maria Green, both died in Spaf- ford; Hezekiah, married Sybil Eddy; Chloe, married a Mr. Popple; Sally, married Samuel Martin, of Cheshire, Mass.; Hannah, married Jonathan Nichols; Freelove, married a Mr. Aldridge; and perhops two others whose names are not given. Mrs. Mason, before her marriage to Mr. Mason, had by her first husband, William Shelden, eleven children, some SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES Ifig of whom came to this town and a record of whom appears in these notes under the name of Shelden.) (Thorn Hill.) Asa Mason, (son of Hezekiah and Sally Mason). Died March 11, 1865, age 83 years. (He was bom in Cheshire, Berkshire Co., Mass., March 21, 1782, and married January 2, 1803, Chloe Bowen, who died March 17, 1811, and was buried in the old Borodino cemetery on the Alexander Becker farm, and (2) May 10, 1812, Anna Shelden, daughter of William and Abigail (Udell) Shelden. Mr, Mason came to to\\Ti about June 18, 1804. By his first wife he had : Nancy, born January 22, 1804, married Feb- ruary 19, 1821, Harrison Pierce, son of Major Pierce, she died in Michigan ; Hezekiah, bom January 16, 1806, married (1) Betsey Chapman, and moved to Michigan, where he married a second time; Elay, born January 31, 1808, died young; and Destamona Adeline, bom January 11, 1810, married (1) Mason Wood, and moved to Michigan, where she married a Mr. Harrington for a second husband, (by her second husband she had four children : Polk and Dallas (twins), Maria, married a Mr. Baker, and Harriet E., mar- ried a Mr. Goss.) By his second wife, Anna Shelden, Mr. Mason had eight children : Philetus, born July 6, 1814, died young; Chloe Ann, bom March 29, 1816, died young; Laura Lavender, bom June 9, 1818, died young; John Leland, bom January 27, 1820, married November 6, 1845, Phebe Newell, daughter of Stephen and Mary (Cuykendall) Newell; James Russell, bom June 6, 1821, married February 1, 1844, Betsey Ann Hicks, he is dead ; Darius Shelden, born April 4, 1823, married December 26, 1849, Harriet E. Harvey, daughter of Paul and Sally (Hiscock) Harvey, he is dead; Chloe Ann (2) bom January 25, 1825, married December 27, 1849, Job Harvey, son of Paul and Sally (Hiscock) Harvey, resides (1899) in Borodino, N. Y. ; and Sarah Abigail, bom September 28, 1835, died young.) (Borodino.) Chloe Bowen, wife of Asa Mason. Died March 17, 1811, age 26 years, 10 months. (She died of typhoid fever during the dangerous illness of her husband, and was buried in a small cemetery, now in disuse, on the Alexander Becker Farm. No stone.) (Old Borodino Cemetery.) 170 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Anna Shelden, wife of Asa Mason. Died September 5, 1867, in her 74 year. (Borodino.) James Russel Mason, son of Asa and Anna (Shelden) Mason. Born June 6, 1821, died November 7, 1882, age 62 years. (No stone.) Hiram Mason, (son of Hezekiah and Sally Mason). Died June 4, 1877, age 83 years, 5 months, 23 days. (He married Maria Green, and by her had: Sarah; Harriet; Elbridge E., married Almira Maxson, he is now deceased; Martin, married Laverne Maxson; Mortimer, married Esther Vail, resides in Borodino, N. Y. ; Jerome, married Julia Hill, daughter of William and Mary Jane (Vincent) Hill, no issue, resides Spafford, N. Y. ; Columbus; Hiram, and George W., the last three died unmarried.) Mortimer Mason (son of Hiram and Maria (Green) Mason), by his wife, Esther Vail, had: James, married Emma Burns, daughter of John Burns, resides near Boro- dino, N. Y. ; Hiram, married Flora Yates, resides in Syra- cuse, N. Y.; and Ida, married Charles Briggs, resides in Skaneateles, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Maria Green, widow of Hiram Mason. Born October 3, 1799, died February 24, 1890. (Spafford.) Elbridge E. Mason, (son of Hiram and Maria (Green) Mason. Died February 6, 1886, age 66 years. (Borodino.) Almira A. (widow) . Born May 30, 1825, died April 21, 1902. Anice E. Mason, daughter of Elbridge E. and Almira (Maxson) Mason. Died October 4, 1867, age 15 years. (Borodino.) George W., son of Hiram and Maria (Green) Mason. Died February 5, 1854, age 17 years, 6 months. " As quick as thought Death's arrow flew And pierced me to the heart." (He was droAvned.) (Spafford.) MASTERS. Emma A., wife of Stephen Masters. Died December 2, 1875, age 40 years, 10 months. (Spafford Hollow.) SPAFFORD MORTUABY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 171 Adella A., daughter of Fred C. and Lydia A. Masters. Died May 5, 1886, age 4 months. (Fred C. Masters is a son of George and B. Masters.) (Spafford Hollow.) " Our Baby," Alfred William, son of George and B. Masters. Died April 2, 1881, age 7 months. (George Masters is a cousin of Stephen Masters.) (Spafford Hollow.) MAXSON. Reuben Maxson. Died January 20, 1883, age 77 years, 3 months, 20 days. (He came to this town from Scott, N. Y., where his first wife, Polly, died. He married after coming here Emeline Pressey, daughter of Moses Pressey; she is also deceased, and buried in this cemetery. (She has no stone.) (Borodino.) Elizabeth, daughter of Reuben and Polly Maxson. Died December 16, 1861, age 15 years. (Borodino.) MAYBEE. (Maby on stone.) Thomas, son of Stephen and Phebe Maybee. Died Nov- ember 21, 1831, age 12 years, 9 months, 14 days. (Borodino.) MAYNARD. Caroline, wife of Milton Majoiard. Died June 7, 1883, age 52 years, 5 months. (Milton Maynard married for a second wife Eliza Ben- nett, daughter of Stephen and Waity (Hill) Bennett.) (Borodino.) Mary E., wife of Adelbert Maynard. Died June 1, 1878, age 24 years, 5 months, 11 days. (Adelbert Maynard, son of Milton and Caroline May- nard, married (1) Mary E. Smith, and (2) Lydia Howe, daughter of Henry Howe.) (Borodino.) Henry, son of Moses and Sally Ma3mard. Died April 20, 1842, age 5 years, 11 months. (Borodino.) 172 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCSATION McCAUSEY. Mary (Coon), wife of Charles McCausey. Died October 13, 1859, ag-e 44 years. '* A faithful wife and mother.' (Charles McCausey, 1815-1901, married (1) Mary Coon, 1816-1859, (2) Eggleston, and (3) Williams.) (Borodino.) McDANIELS. John McDaniels, (son of Timothy McDaniels). Died April 7, 1873, age 82 years, 8 months, 22 days. (According to family tradition Timothy McDaniels came to this country from Ireland, and settled in New York City, where he died of Asiatic cholera, leaving two small children : John and Bridget, who, after his decease, were taken to Goshen, Orange Co., N. Y., and reared in the family of Judge Wickham. Subsequently the daughter Bridget mar- ried George D. Wickham, the only child and son of her foster father. Judge Wickham. George D. Wickham became a large land holder, and among his other possessions owned the principal parts of Lots 44, Tullly, and Lot 14, Sempron- ius, in this town, and at an early date, John McDaniels, under a contract from his brother-in-law, Mr. Wickham, settled on the latter of said lots, and then on 100 acres on the northwest corner of the former of said lots, where he remained until the date of his decease. Before coming to this town, Mr. McDaniels (born July 15, 1790) married Polly Hankins (born August 31, 1793), and by her had the following children: Eliza A., born July 15, 1812, died March 16, 1867, married Jeremiah Whiting, she was buried in Scott, N. Y. ; George W., born August 31, 1814, died at Onondaga Valley, N. Y., March 13, 1898, married Elizabeth Winans, who also died at Onondaga Valley, N. Y., March 18, 1898, at the age of 70 years; Caroline B., born November 13, 1816, died May 22, 1877, married Peter Ellis Taft, son of Ellis and Cynthia (Knapp) Taft, she was buried in Auburn, N. Y. ; Emily B., born October 17, 1818, died May 1, 1896, married Jerum Babcock, she was buried in Scott, N. Y. ; John Nelson, born March 3, 1822, married Annis Perkins, daughter of Hopkins and Polly Perkins, wife dead and he was living in Buffalo, N. Y., in 1897 ; Bridget, bom June 6, 1824, died in February, 1894, married (1) Chris- SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 173 topher Dego, (2) Ziba D. Baker; Benjamin, bom October 21, 1826, died December 15, 1891, married Cynthia Baker, daughter of Ziba D. and Sally Ann (Taft) Baker; Julia A., born February 22, 1829, married Joseph L. Cole, as his third wife, she is living in 1899 in Spaff ord, N. Y. ; Richard H., bom June 24, 1831, married (1) , and (2) Mary Hopkins, living- in 1897; Edgar B., born July 30, 1833, married and living in 1897 in Vermillion, S. Da. ; and Mary, born January 8, 1835, married Orrin Hutchens, son of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens, no issue, residing 1899 in Spaff ord, N. Y.) (Spaff ord.) Polly (Hankins) , wife of John McDaniels. Died Decem- ber 24, 1882, age 84 years, 3 months, 24 days. (Spaff ord.) Benjamin McDaniels, (son of John and Polly (Hankins) McDaniels) . Died December 15, 1891, age 65 years. (He married Cynthia Baker, daughter of Ziba D. and Sally Ann (Taft) Baker, and by her had one son: Charles B. McDaniels, born August 21, 1871, unmarried, residing at Spafford, N. Y., in 1899.) (Spaff ord.) John W., son of George W. and Elizabeth (Winans) McDaniels. Died February 13, 1866, age 12 years, 4 months, 27 days. (Cold Brook.) McDUFFEE. In memory of Ruth McDuffee, (daughter of James McDuffee) . Died August 22, 1840. (James McDuffee was an Irishman, and by trade a carpenter.) (Borodino.) McKAY. Augustin McKay, (son of Sylvester and Elizabeth (Bos- tich) McKay). Died August 21, 1849, age 62 years, 2 months, 13 days. (Sylvester McKay, born August 2, 1760, died in 1804, was a son of Alexander and Mary (Sackett) McKay. Alexander McKay, born February 19, 1732, died in 1812, was a son of Elkanah McKay, who, family tradition says, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, about 1700. 174 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Sylvester McKay, by his wife Elizabeth Bostich, had the following children : Silas, born July 7, 1783, died July 30, 1843; Philo, born July 28, 1785; Augustus, born June 8, 1787, died August 21, 1849, married (1) October 15, 1809, Polly Partridge of Northampton, N. Y., and (2) June 16, 1839, Julia Cliappel, widow of Dr. Ithamer C. Day; Betsey; bom October 1, 1791 ; Joseph, bom July 12, 1789; Lois, born October 25, 1793; Polly, bora February 28, 1796; Daniel, July 18, 1798; and Sylvester, born March 4, 1801, died in June, 1850, at Golden, N. Y. Augustin McKay (son of Sylvester and Elizabeth (Bos- tich) McKay), by his first wife, Polly Partridge, had the following children: Paulina Weed, born February 3, 1813; Frederick, born June 11, 1814, died August 12, 1881, mar- ried Louisa Hutchens, daughter of Col. Phineas and Betsey (Bocker) Hutchens October 8, 1837; Arzena, born Febru- ary 10, 1816, died Mrach 16, 1849, married Alexander Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell; Lydia Wood, born March 30, 1818, died June 14, 1843; Polly P., born September 30, 1821, married Justin N. Knapp, hus- band dead, and she resides in Cold Brook, Spafford, N. Y. ; and Augustin, bom June 9, 1826, married Sarah A. Mabie, daughter of Martin and Gertrude Mabie, he now resides 1601 Boone Ave., Spokane, Washington. Mr. Augustin McKay had no issue by second wife ; he came to this town from Otisco, N. Y. Frederick McKay, (son of Augustin and Polly (Part- ridge) McKay, by his wife Louisa Hutchens, had two chil- dren: Perry, bom January 18, 1841, married (1) November 18, 1869, Edna Brownell, daughter of Edward J. and Rachel (Martin) Brownell, and (2) Abby Arnold, widow of Albert Carr; and Mary, born November 20, 1845, died August 31, 1865, unmarried.) (Spafford.) Polly (Partridge) , wife of Augustin McKay. Died June 7, 1838, age 54 years, 1 month, 26 days. " She has gone to a mansion of rest, From a region of sorrow and pain. To the glorious land of the blest Where she can never suffer again." (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 175 Frederick McKay, (son of Augnstin and Polly (Partridge) McKay) . Died August 19, 1881, age 67 years. (Spafford.) Louisa (Hutchens), wife of Frederick McKay. Died May 2, 1883, age 67 years. (She was bom in Spafford, October 19, 1815.) (Spafford.) Mary, daughter of Frederick and Louisa (Hutchens) McKay. Died August 31, 1865, age 19 years. (Spafford.) Birdie, infant daughter of Perry and Edna (Brownell) McKay. Died July 12, 1871, age 3 days. " Only sleeping." (Edna Brownell, first wife of Perry McKay, is also deceased, and buried in this cemetery; also one son, Irving, a youth, and a son, Rause. No stone.) (Spafford.) MEAR. Edward Mear. Died May 10, 1890, age 34 years. (Thorn Hill.) MELLEN. Maria H., wife of James K. Mellen. Died February 27, 1853, in her 57th year. (James Mellen v/as a brother of Dr. David Mellen, of Hudson, N. Y., who married Mary Taft, sister of Bezaleel and Ellis Taft, of Cold Brook.) (Cold Brook.) Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel K. and Ruth C. Mellen. Died March 5, 1839, age 6 months, 29 days. (Nathaniel K. Mellen was a nephew of Dr. David Mellen of Hudson, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) MELVIN. Jabez Melvin. Died December 25, 1856, age 84 years. (By his wife Rebecca he had the following children: Abiathar, married (1) Jane Wallace, sister of William and cousin of John Wallace, and (2) Elizabeth Robertson, daughter of James J. and Isabel (Eadie) Robertson; Malinda, died unmarried; Leonard, died unmarried; and Samantha, died unmarried.) (Spafford.) l76 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Rebecca, wife of Jabez Melvin. Died November 7, 1845, age 73 years. (Spafford.) Abiathar Melvin, (son of Jabez and Rebecca Melvin). Died May 14, 1852, age 48 years, 28 days. " Dear companion, thou hast left us, And thy loss we deeply feel. But 'tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal." (By his two wives he had five children: Betsey Ann, died at 16 years; Calvin A., died at 10 months; two infant daughters died in infancy; and James J. Melvin.) (Spafford.) Jane (Wallace), wife of Abiathar Melvin. Died May 31, 1844, age 33 years, 28 days. " Afflictions sore a long time she bore, Physicians were in vain, 'Till God did please to give her ease And take her from her pain." (Spafford.) Also two infant daughters of Abiathar and Jane (Wal- lace) Melvin. Died December 2, 1839, and December 23, 1842. (Spafford.) Betsey Ann, daughter of Abiathar and Jane (Wallace) Melvin. Died November 28, 1857, age 16 years, 5 months, 12 days. (Spafford.) Calvin A., son of Abiathar and Elizabeth (Robertson) Melvin. Died March 7, 1851, age 10 months, 13 days. (Spafford.) Malinda Melvin, (daughter of Jabez and Rebecca Melvin) . Died October 29, 1875, in the 67th year of her age. (Borodino.) Leonard Melvin, (son of Jabez and Rebecca Melvin). Died October 4, 1864, age 53 years, 5 months, 29 days. (Spafford.) Samantha Melvin, (daughter of Jabez and Rebecca Mel- vin) . Died May 23, 1884, age 70 years. (Borodino.) SPAFFOKD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTBS l77 MERRET. Elizabeth, wife of James Merrit, and daughter of James and Ann Martindale. Born at Reddington, England, October 13, 1791. Died March 29, 1845. (Borodino.) MILLARD. Abel Millard. Died October 25, 1885, age 39 years, 9 months. (He was bom in England.) (Thorn Hill.) MILLS. Alexander Mills. Died July 11, 1888, age 98 years. " Rest in peace." (Mr. Mills had a daughter, Margaret, who married Alan- son, Mauley, and a son, Alexander, who never came to this town, but resided in Canada.) (Borodino.) In memoiy of Timothy Mills. Died April 21, 1818, age 72 years, 5 months, 29 days. (His wife, Sophia, survived him. Letters of administra- tion v/ere taken out upon his estate by his son, Isaac Mills, April 27, 1818.) (Thorn Hill.) In memory of Sophia Mills, (wife of Timothy Mills). Died March 22, 1823, age 78 years, 7 months, 15 days. (Thorn Hill.) Isaac Mills, (son of Timothy and Sophia Mills). Died February 20, 1863, age 83 years. (Isaac Mills married (1) Polly Berry, sister of Jonathan Berry, and (2) Prudy Hyde daughter of Oliver and Polly Hyde. In his will, dated December 19, 1855, probated May 18, 1863, and in the petition presented to Court, mention is made of the following children : Timothy Mills of Marcellus (married Polly Wiltsie) ; Betsey Wiltsie of Palermo, Oswego County, N. Y. ; Ruth Johnson, of Cleveland, Ohio; and of his grandchildren : Julia S., and Helen Adelle Mills, children of his deceased son. Nelson Mills, formerly of Marcellus, N. Y. No mention is made of any children or descendants of his other deceased son, William Mills, who died in 1851. 178 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Isaac Mills came to this town from Saratoga County, N. Y., where a part at least of his children were bom. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Timothy Mills, (son of Isaac and Polly (Berry) Mills), bom in Saratoga County, N. Y., died in Marcellus, December 4, 1888, married Polly Wiltsie, she died Feb- ruary, 1892. Their son, George C. Mills, born at Marcellus, April 9, 1843, married Eliza J. Finch, who were father and mother of Frank B. Mills, the noted seed man at Rose Hill, in the town of Marcellus, N. Y., and also of William E. Mills, Postmaster at the same place. Frank B. Mills, born at Thom Hill, in the town of Marcellus, August 3, 1866, is one of the most remarkable as well as one of the most successful business men in the County of Onondaga; he married June 16, 1892, Grace Ackles, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Harvey) Ackles, of the town of Spafford, N. Y. For a more extended account of Mr. Frank B. Mills' busi- ness career, see Bruce's Centennial History of Onondaga County, Vol. 2, page 31.) (Thorn Hill.) Prudy (Hyde), wife of Isaac Mills. Bom October 12, 1790, died October 17, 1852. (Thorn Hill.) William Mills, (son of Isaac Mills). Born March 24, 1819, died March 20, 1851. (Thorn Hill.) Nelson Mills, (son of Isaac Mills). Died February 13, 1857, age 25 years, 3 months. (Thom Hill.) MINER. Luke Miner. Born September 11, 1767, died September 2, 1839. (Mr. Miner came to this town from Victory, N. Y.; he was a saddler by trade. He died suddenly while eating dinner at Roundy's Tavern at Spafford Comers, on the occasion of a military company training. Nothing is known of his wife or of any children, except his son, Peres Miner, who resided in this town and married Lucia Norton, daughter of David and Dinah (Wilton) Norton.) (Cold Brook.) Peres Miner, (son of Luke Miner). Born August 4, 1800, died November 1, 1851. SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 179 (Peres Miner, by his wife Lucia Norton, had the follow- ing children : Adeline, married Chandler B. Heath, of Trux- ton, N. Y.; Laura, married John P. Taft, son of Bezaleel and Nancy Ann (Palmer) Taft; Seymour L., married Aurelia Atwater, (his son, Prof. H. F. Miner is now (1899) Prin- cipal of Skaneateles Academy) ; George W., married Phebe Potter of Taylor, both are now living, they have a son, Ben- ton, who lives at Union Valley, N. Y.; Oscar P., married Julia Benson of Tyler, Cortland County, N. Y., where he has been Supervisor, he now resides in Cortland, N. Y., (they have two sons, Floyd B. and Carroll P. Miner) ; and Lucia A. Miner, married Isaac P. Brown of Taylor, who died in 1888 and left one child, Lucia. Peres Miner was a teacher and farmer. He was frequently called upon to act as School Conmiissioner and Inspector of Schools in his adopted town, and at all times was more or less prominent in town affairs. His wife, Lucia, after his decease, mar- ried Bezaleel Taft for his second wife, and subsequent thereto a Mr. Perry of Homer, for her third husband. (Cold Brook.) Lucia (Norton) , wife of Peres Miner. Bom January 20, 1809, died August 7, 1866. (Cold Brook.) Turner Miner. Died August 7, 1840, age 76 years. (Thorn Hill.) MOON. Benjamin Moon. Died August 25, 1873, age 60 years, 4 months. (This inscription is in part repeated on the stone at the grave of Mr. Moon's wife, Jane, who was buried at Boro- dino. Mr. Moon is supposed to have been a son of Silas Moon, Sr., who also resided and died in this town.) (Spafford.) Jane, wife of Benjamin Moon. Died January 2, 1884, age 47 years, 5 months, 7 days. (Borodino.) (Silas Moon, Sr., came to this town early and resided on lot 41, Tully; by his wife, Anna, he had the following children: Roxana, married John R. Lewis, son of Joseph and Mary (Stanton) Lewis, she died in Illinois; Elizabeth, married Joseph Prindle, son of Samuel Prindle; Silas, Jr., 180 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION married Anna ; Zenas, married Abigail ; and perhaps Benjamin, who married Jane , died and was buried in Spafford, as stated above. Silas Moon, Sr., and his wife, Anna, are supposed to have been buried in the Lewis Private Yard in Spafford. No stone. Zenas Moon, (son Silas, Sr., and Anna Moon), by his wife Abigail, had the following children : Abigail, married Truman Brown of Thorn Hill, N. Y.; Mary A., died un- married; Lucy, resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Harriet A., died unmarried ; Alanson, married Elizabeth , (they were father and mother of William Henry Moon, who was a private in Company " I," 149th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft, in the war of 1861, was killed in the battle of Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864, and buried in the National Ceme- tery at Merietta, Ga.) ; and Wesley, married Theresa Gay, daughter of Barnet A. and Amanda F. (Smith) Gay, he resides in Spafford, N. Y.) Harriet A., daughter of Zenas and Abigail Moon. Died December 23, age 17 years. (Spafford.) Mary A., daughter of Zenas and Abigail Moon. Died October 20, 1862, age 28 years. (Spafford.) Cortiz A., son of Alanson and Elizabeth Moon. Died 10, 1864, age 15 years, 8 months, 4 days. (Spafford.) Moses E., son of Wesley and Theresa (Gay) Moon. Died November 13, 1862, age 8 months, 15 days, ' Taken from Earth to bloom in Heaven." (Spafford.) MOREY. Walter D., son of Charles and Sarah M. (Eddy) Morey. Died December 10, 1876, age 7 months, 17 days. (Mrs. Morey was a daughter of Richard M. Eddy; her husband probably oame from Washington County, N. Y.) (Borodino.) MORGAN. Flora A. Churchell, wife of William H. Morgan. Died June 13, 1885, age 33 years, 6 months. (Mrs, Morgan died in Scott, where her husband then SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES Igj resided; she was a daughter of George and Eveline (Nor- ton) Churchell.) (Borodino.) Flaurence, daughter of William H. and Flora A. (Churchell) Morgan. Died November 16, 1887, age 6 years, 6 months. (Borodino.) MORRIS. Jane (Springer), wife of Samuel Morris. Died Decem- ber 29, 1875, age 84 years, 4 months, 28 days. " Dear Mother, we miss thee." (Samuel Morris, according to family tradition, came at an early date from the eastern part of this State, with a yoke of oxen, and settled at the head of the Gulf Road, in the Town of Sempronius, Cayuga County, N. Y. He hacr been married before coming to this part of the State, but had lost his wife, and nothing is knov/n of her or her children, if she had any. Soon after coming to Sempronius he married Jane Springer, and by her had the following children, all born in Sempronius: Deborah, born April 7, 1815, married Jacob Brown, he is dead, and buried in this cemetery, and she is residing, in 1899, at Glen Haven, N. Y. ; Samuel, born January 8, 1817, married Laura Johnson of Washington County, N. Y. ; Simeon, bom June 30, 1818, married (1) Lavina Harrington, and (2) Polly Harrington, both daughters of John and Catherine Harrington of this town; Diadama, born December 2, 1821, married William Havens of Seneca Falls, N. Y.; Paulina, born May 1, 1825, married Reuben Barber, son of Rathbone Barber, Sr., and Roby (Wilcox) Barber; Uriah born March 6, 1827, married Frances Worden, daughter of Truman and Phebe (Har- rington) Worden, both residing in 1899 at Glen Haven, N. Y. ; and Washington, bom March 9, 1829, married (1) Abigail E. Havens, daughter of Ebenezer and Laura (Pettis) Havens, and (2) Catherine Hibbard. Mr. Samuel Morris died and was buried in Sempronius, N. Y. Uriah Morris (son of Samuel and Jane (Springer) Morris), married Frances Worden, (bom September 8, 1831), and by her had the following children (all born near Glen Haven) : William, born April 11, 1847, married Eunice Evans, of Townsend, Schuyler County, N. Y., re- 182 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION sides at Glen Haven N. Y., (four children, son and daughter living-, and two dead, and buried in this cemetery, no stone) ; Georg-e, bom August 14, 1850, married Susan Wilber of Delhi, Delaware County, N. Y., resides in the Town of Niles, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; Harrison, born August 19, 1852, died 1896, married Mary Barber, daughter of Rathbone, Jr., and Julania (Harris) Barber, (two living children : Blanche and Mattie), wife and children residing (1899) in Skan- eateles, N. Y. ; Edwin, born May 13, 1855, married Flora Ripley, daughter of Amon J. and Harriet (Carr) Ripley, both residing in Spafford, N. Y. (large family of small children) ; Phebe Jane, born July 17, 1857, married Adel- bert Craig of Spafford, N. Y. ; Julia, born November 29, 1861, married George Raymond of Seneca Falls, N. Y. ; Joseph Arthur, born October 3, 1866, married Edith Lan- ders of Niles, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; and Freddie, bom April 18, 1873, married Nellie Fitzgerald of Syracuse, N. Y., resides at Glen Haven, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Harrison Morrison, son of Uriah and Frances (Worden) Morris. Born August 19, 1852, died , 1896. No stone. (Spafford.) Guy E., son of Harrison and Mary (Barber) Morris. Died November 11, 1881, age 3 years, 21 days. (Spafford.) MORTON. Willie, son of Orson B. and Sarah A. (Bass) Morton. Died August 18, 1881, age 5 years. (Mrs. Morton was a daughter of William and Catherine (Eglin) Bass.) (Borodino.) In memory of the life of Rev. Salmon Morton. Died January 22, 1822, in the 55th year of his age and the 23rd of his ministry. " The Truth he preached in health and life supported him In sickness and death, and when legions of Angels Can't confine him here, will be his song forever." (Thorn Hill.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH «BNEALOGICAL NOTES 188 MORSE. Matthias Morse, (commonly called Moss), at an early- date resided at the foot of the " Bucktail," in Spafford Hollow, and had a wife and several children, the names of whom are not known, except his son John, and his daughter, Mary A., who married John Lansdown. He was the proprietor and manufacturer of " Morse's Salve." His brothers and sisters were: Voluntine, died unmarried; Joseph, died in Tully; Ebenezer, of Homer, N. Y.; John, of Tully, N. Y. ; Sally; Jane; and Isaac, who married Sally White and resided in Tully, N. Y. Matthias Morse's father was Joseph Morse, and resided in Mamakating, N. Y., where probably Matthias was bom. It is claimed that Matthias Morse was of the sixth generation in descent from Anthony Morse, who settled in Newbury, Mass., in 1635, as follows: Matthias, Joseph, Voluntine, Joshua, Robert, Anthony. MOSS. William Moss. Died June 2, 1881, age 51 years. (Mr. Moss came to this town from Marcellus, N. Y., and resided at the time of his decease on the Elias Jacobs Farm, in Spafford Hollow.) (Spafford Hollow.) Julia L., daughter of William and Mary Moss. Died March 14, 1887, age 37 years. (Spafford Hollow.) MOXEY. Charles Moxey. Died Februaiy 20, 1882, age 59 years, 1 month. (Mr. Moxey was an Englishman; after his decease his widow , married Henry Hazzard of Scott, N.Y.) (Spafford Hollow.) NASH. Orland M., son of William and Lydia Nash. Died December 6, 1841, age 1 year 1 months, 6 days. (Borodino.) 184 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION NESBIT. Nancy (Wallace) Nesbit, (wife of Robert Nesbit). Died October 8, 1881, age 72 years. " Our Mother." (Nancy Wallace was bom in Ireland, and was the sister of John Wallace and Matilda Wallace, wife of Alexander Gordon, all of this town ; her husband, Robert Nesbit, died in Canada. She was the mother of James and William Nesbit, both residents of this town, the latter being a member of Company "G," 149th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Inft., in the War of 1861.) (Borodino.) Norah J., daughter of James and Jane Ann (Streeter) Nesbit. Died , 18 — , age 2 years, 6 months, 17 days. " Our Baby." " Only Sleeping." (James Nesbit, son of Robert and Nancy (Wallace) Nesbit, married Jane Ann Streeter, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Russel) Streeter, formerly of Skaneateles, N. Y.) (Borodino.) NEWELL. Stephen Newell. Died June 11, 1864, age 69 years, 9 months, 6 days. (Mr. Newell was a Quaker, and resided on Lot 12, Sem- pronius. in this town ; by his wife, Mary Cuykendall, he had the following children: Henry, married Marion B. Skellie, daughter of William I. and Elizabeth (Boughton) Skellie; Phebe, married John Leland Mason, son of Asa and Anna (Shelden) Mason, November 6, 1845; Mary, born November 27, 1833, died December 13, 1895, married Alexander Becker, son of Peter and Mary (Eadie) Becker, husband resides (1899) in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Martha L. Newell; Jenette Odell, of Clarence, Michigan ; and Esther, married James L. Leland, she died Januaiy 8, 1845, age 24 years, and is buried in this cemetery.) (Borodino.) Mary (Cuykendall), wife of Stephen Newell. Died April 27, 1871, age 71 years, 3 months, 19 days. " We loved her." (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES Igj NEWVILLE. Abraham Newville. Born 1788, died 1866. (He married Sarah Case, sister of Isaac Case, and by her had two children: Alexander C. and Clementha Judson Newville, both of whom died unmarried.) (Borodino.) Sarah Case, -v^ife of Abraham Newville. Born 1788, died 1838. (Borodino.) Alexander C. Newville, (son of Abraham and Sarah (Case) Newville.) Born 1816, died 1891. (Borodino.) Clemencia Judson Newville, (daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Case) Newville). Bom 1815, died 1879. (Borodino.) NICHOLS. Charles Nichols. Died March 23, 1879, age 61 years. (He married Arvilla M. Case, daughter of Isaac and Mary Case, and by her had one child : Hattie M. Nichols, bom in 1867, she was still living at the time of her father's decease.) (Borodino.) Arvilla M. (Case), wife of Charles Nichols. Died March 9, 1886, age 55 years. (Borodino.) Hattie May, only daughter of Charles and Arvilla M. (Case) Nichols. (She married, and resided in Homer or Cortland, N. Y. S. Smith.) (Borodino.) NILES. (For the Niles family see Bierce, under the letter B.) NOBLE. Margaret C, dauhgter of John and Sally (Stanton) Noble. Died October 1, 1844, age 21 years. (John Noble married Sally Stanton, daughter of John and Mary (Sheannan) Stanton.) (Stanton Yard.) Seborah, daughter of John and Sally (Stanton) Noble. Died April 7, 1832, age 24 years, 11 months. 186 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (John Noble was a brother of Benjamin Stanton's first wife, Sally Noble.) (Stanton Yard.) NODINE. Maria (Strope), wife of Jeremiah W. Nodine, Sr. Died April 22, 1876, age 80 years, 5 months. (Jeremiah W. Nodine, Sr., married (1) Maria Strope, daughter of Peter and Louisa Strope, and (2) Mary J. Rig-gles, daughter of Milo Higgles, and former wife of Orville Churchill. By his first wife he had the following children: Jeremiah W., Jr., married (1) a Stevens (2) an Alvord, and (3), Jane Williams, daughter of Abigail Wil- liams, (by the latter he had several children), he is dead, and buried in this cemetery, (no stone) ; James, died in 1837 ; Andrew, was killed by a falling tree in 1843 ; Fred, married West and settled in Union, Oregon ; Nelson, married a Riggles and resides in Spafford; Maria, married Oliver Lieber, both died in Spafford; a daughter married a Mr. Wood and resides in Iowa ; and still another daughter, who married a Mr. Cummings of Onondaga, and is now a widow residing at Battle Creek, Mich. Jeremiah W. Nodine, Sr., is also deceased and buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) (Cold Brook.) James Nodine, (son of Jeremiah W., Sr., and Maria (Strope) Nodine). Died April 13, 1837, age 20 years, 9 months, 9 days.) " Stay, hasty youth, and view my tomb, Nor vainly boast of years to come, Your body made of brittle clay Will quickly fall and drop away." (Cold Brook.) Andrew, son of Jeremiah W. (Sr.) and Maria (Strope) Nodine. Died March 24, 1843, age 8 years, 6 months, 24 days. (Cold Brook.) Flora, daughter of Jeremiah W. (Jr.) and Jane (Williams) Nodine. Died July 18, 1878, age 1 year, 1 month, 20 days. (Cold Brook.) Anna M., daughter of Jeremiah (Jr.) and Jane (Williams) Nodine. Died January 20, 1876, age 18 years. (Cold Brook.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 187 NORTH. Alida Vandenburg-h, wife of Benjamin F. North. Died May 1, 1851, age 71 years. " At Rest." (Thorn Hill.) NORTON. David Norton, (son of Ozias Norton) . Died June 2, 1860, age 87 years, 24 days. (Ozias Norton lived and died in Litchfield, Conn. He had: David, IMoses, Ziba, Nev.i;on, Jonathan and perhaps others; of these, David and Moses only came to this town. David Norton (son of Ozias), born at Litchfield, Conn., May 9, 1773, died in Spaflford and buried in Cold Brook, N. Y., married at Litchfield, Conn., December 19, 1791, Dinah Wilton, born June 25, 1770, and by her had the fol- lowing children : Lucena, born June 23, 1792, died Novem- ber 21, 1880, married B Barber; Almira, born January 15, 1794, died in Wellsboro, Penn., married Joseph Kibbie; Orenda, bom August 15, 1795, died December 28, 1817, married Philo Barber; Lauren, born July 11, 1797 (twin), died in Ohio, married Prudence Town; Leonard, bom July 11, 1797 (twin) died July 29, 1845, married Polly Barto; Clarissa, born March 14, 1799, died October 7, 1864, married Daniel Pulsipher, moved with the Mormon Colony to Salt Lake, Utah ; Omer, bom December 12, 1801, died August 13, 1849, married Mary A. Bassett; Orange, bom July 21, 1803, he was drowned in Pickets' Mill Pond in Cold Brook, with a Pease and a Weston boy, June 24, 1816; Harvey, born April 25, 1805, died February 15, 1885, married Sally Merry; Stephen, born May 9, 1807, died January 21, 1844 married January 24, 1828, Else Ripley, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley; Lucia, bom January 20, 1809, died August 7, 1886, married (1) Peres Miner and (2) Bezaleel Taft as his second wife ; Ziba, born September 18, 1810, died May 14, 1832, unmarried ; Sejonour, born September 6, 1812, married Sally Lyman at Roulett, Potter County, Pa., Jan- uary 19, 1837, both residing (1899) in Spafford, N. Y.; and Samantha, born April 11, 1815, married Samuel Hall, now 1897, residing in Illinois. From Litchfield, Conn., Mr. David Norton first settled in German, Chenango County, 188 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOeaiATION N. Y., and from there came to this town in 1814, and settled on what was afterwards known as the McDaniels Farm, in the northwest corner of lot 44, Tully, Cold Brook. From there he moved ct Truxton, N. Y., but died in this town. (Cold Brook.) Dniah (Wilton), wife of David Norton. Died February 7, 1844, age 73 years, 7 months, 13 days. ' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." (Cold Brook.) Sally Merry, wife of Harvey Norton. Died October 6, 1839, age 29 years. " Gone but not forgotten." (Harvey Norton v/as a son of David and Dinah (Wilton) Norton.) (Cold Brook.) Martha A., daughter of Lauren and Prudence (Town) Norton. Died October 19, 1835, age 7 years, 6 days. " Sleep on, sweet babe, and take thy rest, God called thee when he saw it best." (Lauren Norton was a son of David and Dinah (Wilton) Norton.) (Cold Brook.) Stephen Norton, (son of David and Dinah (Wilton) Norton) . Died January 21, 1844, age 36 years. (Stephen Norton married Else Ripley, daughter of Jona- than and Ruth (Corey) Ripley, and by her had two children : Vinal, resides at Brookins, Brookins County, Dakota; and Parmenas, married Sarah Viola Rice, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Homan) Rice, and resides in Spafford, N, Y. These two sons were brought up by Seymour Norton, their uncle.) (Spafford.) Elsie (Ripley), wife of Stephen Norton. Died January 8, 1844, age 36 years. (Spafford.) Esther, daughter of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Norton. Died March 2, 1856, age 5 years, 20 days. (Erastus Norton was a son of Moses and a grandson of Ozias Norton, both of Litchfield, Conn. Moses Norton married Percy Barber, and came to this town at an early date and settled on Lot 33, Tully, and from there moved to Eaton Rapids, Mich., where he died. His father, Ozias, STAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 189 it is claimed, was a soldier in the Revolution, and that Moses was a soldier in the War of 1812. By his wife, Percy- Barber, Moses Norton had the following children, part or all of whom were bom in this town: Lauren, married Lydia Bacon, daughter of John Bacon; Everis, married Catherine Picket; Harmon, married Pullman; Bird, married and resided West; killed in War of 1861; Philo, married and resided West; Erastus, born September 3, 1818, dead, married Mary Isdell, daughter of Andrew and Mary (Harris) Isdell, wife resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Peris L., married Sarah A. Thayer, daughter of Sanford W. G. and Sally (Miner) Thayer; Theda, married Peter Picket; Esther, married Royal Pulsipher; and Amanda, married a Mr. Williams, of Appalaccean, Pa. Erastus Norton, (son of Moses and Percy Barber Norton) married in Spafford, Mary Isdell, and by her had the fol- lowing children, all born in Spafford: Emily, married Charles Burdick, son of Christopher A. and Eugenia Jane (Nash) Burdick, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Mary Jane, resides at home, unmarried; Willard, married Mary A. Doty, daughter of Warren and Emily (Tinkham) Doty, (they have one daughter, Angeline, unmarried) , resides in Homer, N. Y., Carpenter, member of 122d N. Y. Vols. Inft., War of 1861, has been Supervisor of this town; Perry, mar- ried Nancy Van Benschoten, she is dead, four children — he was a member of Company I, 149th N. Y. Vols. Inft., War of 1861, resides at Glen Haven, N. Y. ; Helen, married Wallace Gordon, husband dead, she resides in Spafford, N. Y. (two children, Edith and Maud) ; Ida, married Charles Emerson Barker, son of William and Betsey Ann (Knapp) Barker, residing at Spafford (one child), Merritt C. Barker, attending a medical college at Cleveland, O. ; and Bruce Isdell, married Mary Howard, of Gloversville, N. Y. (no issue) . Erastus Norton was a carpenter by trade, has been Town Collector and To^vn Clerk.) (Cold Brook.) Myron, son of Lauren and Lydia (Bacon) Norton. Died August 4, 1832, age 8 years, 1 month. " So fond desires are often crossed. And parents' hopes in death are lost." (Lauren Norton was a son of Moses and Percy (Barber) Noton.) (Cold Brook.) 190 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (Robert Norton married Susan Hill, sister of Alexander Hill, formerly of Scott, N. Y., and came from Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y., and settled on Ripley Hill, near the county line. This family is supposed to have buried its dead in Scott, N. Y., but by reason of its connection with Spafford families, its record is given here. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Norton, as shown by the public records were : Horace, married (1) Prudence Frink, and (2) in Scott, N. Y., in 1898 he resided in San Francisco, Cal.; Peter, resided in San Francisco, Cal. ; Reuben, resided in San Fran- cisco, Cal. ; James Hill, married Charlotte Barker, daughter of Darius and Mary (Cooper) Barker, died in 1879, and left no wife or issue ; Harriet, married Dr. Robert Sidney, she died in Scott, N. Y. ; Mary A. Norton, resides in Scott, N. Y. ; Eveline, married George Churchell, son of Peter and Lucinda (Crane) Churchell) ; Angeline, married Horace Prindle, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Moon) Prindle, hus- band dead and she resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Edward, married and resided West.) NYE. In memory of Joshua Nye, who died April 27, 1811, in the 43rd year of his age. (Old Borodino Cemetery.) O'FARRELL. William O'Farrell. Died December 11, 1863, age 79 years, 3 months, 14 days. (William O'Farrell came to this town before 1814, and settled that year on Lot 24, Tully, in Spafford Hollow, where he remained until his decease; by his wife Dinah, he had the following children ,as appears by his will, dated Feb- ruary 28, 1863, probated March 14, 1864: Elihu A., died unmarried; Francis A., he was a minister; William M., married (1) Esther Rainey, daughter of Robert Rainey, and (2) Clara , he died in Tully, December 2, 1869, (leaving two children: Esther, wife of James Stuckey of Marcellus, and Chester H. O'Farrell, also of Marcellus, N. Y.) ; Rev. David M. D., he married and moved to Illinois, (leaving one daughter here, who married Menzies Stebbins of Bromley, (Otisco Hollow), who died in February, 1899) ; SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 191 John W., married a Soper; Maria, married Alanson Bouhan; Catherine, married Noah Parmele; Caroline, wife of Milo E. Jacobs, son of Elias and Betsey G. Jacobs, they moved West; and Henry F. O'Farrell. Mr. O'Farrell was a man of prominence in town affairs, and at various times held responsible town offices, among which were: Supervisor, Assessor, Overseer of the Poor, Commissioner of Highways, Collector, Constable, and Justice of the Peace. There was another William O'Farrell, who also resided in Spafford Hollow, but how related to the foregoing family, if at all, is not kno^\^l. In his will, dated February 3, 1868, probated September 27, 1869, and in the application for its probate, no mention is made of any wife or children but of the following: Mary O'Farrell, his mother, of Mel- rose, Canada; Mary Pitt and John O'Farrell, his sister and brother, of Melrose, Canada; Joanna Ryan, his sister, of New London, Canada ; John, Rhoda and Maria Sullivan, of Ireland, children of his deceased sister, Nancy Sullivan ; and Joseph, Daniel, Mary and Margaret O'Farrell, of New London, Canada, children of his deceased brother, Patrick O'Farrell. One of the witnesses to this latter will was Adeline Stebbins, the daughter of Rev. David M. D| O'Farrell, son of the first William O'Farrell, above described.) (Spafford Hollow.) Dinah, wife of William O'Farrell. Died August 29, 1868, age 87 years, 1 month, 13 days. " Peaceful in life, triumphant in death." (Spafford Hollow.) F. Garretson, son of Rev. David M. D. and A. O'Farrell. Died September, 1844, age 2 years, 1 month, 4 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Charles W., son of Rev. David M. D. and A. O'Farrel. Died October 20, 1850, age 1 year, 17 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Esther (Rainey), wife of William M. O'Farrell. Died January 31, 1862, age 54 years, 8 months, 23 days. (Spafford Hollow.) William Emory, son of William M. and Esther (Rainey) O'Farrell. Died October 1, 1855, age 23 years, 4 months. (Spafford Hollow.) l92 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Charlotte C, daughter of William M. and Esther (Rainey) O'Farrell. Died November 7, 1857, age 19 years, 1 month, 4 days. (Spafford Hollow.) John R., son of William M. and Esther (Rainey) O'Farrell. Dated February 6, 1859, age 24 years, 1 month, 23 days. (Spafford Hollow.) OLMSTEAD. Timothy Olmstead. Born in Litchfield, Conn., August 3, 1772. Died April 27, 1855, in the 83rd year of his age. (In the application for letters of administration upon his estate, made by his son, Hirah Olmstead, then of Onondaga, N. Y., mention is made of his widow, Abigail Olmstead, and his children: Ebenezer, of Galway, Saratoga County, N. Y. ; Alpheus, of Clinton, Rock County, Wisconsin ; Sally, Randall; and Isaiah Olmstead, both of Spafford, N. Y. ; Hirah, the petitioner, and also mention is made of grand- children (without naming them), who were children of Chloe Chase and Elijah B. Olmstead, his deceased daughter and deceased son. His widow renounces in favor of the petitioner, who received letters.) (Borodino.) Abby J., wife of Isaiah Obnstead. Died February 2, 1885, age 74 years. (Isaiah Olmstead was a son of Timothy and Abigail Olm- stead.) 1810-1892. (Borodino.) Charles H., son of Isaiah and Abby J. Olmstead. Died October 1, 1839, age 3 years, 17 days. (Borodino.) Jerry Olmstead. (Jere on stones.) Died December 18, 1846, age 84 years, 11 months, 18 days. (Among his children by his wife, Mercy, was Isaac Olm- stead, who married Eunice Case, daughter of Isaac and Polly Case.) (Spafford.) Mercy, wife of Jerre Olmstead. Died April 29, 1861, age 92 years, 9 months, 13 days. (Spafford.) 3PAPF0RD MORTUAltY RBCORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 193 Isaac Olmstead, (son of Jerry and Mercy Olmstead). Died May 25, 1890, age 81 years, 9 months. (In his will, dated March 5, 1887, probated June 16, 1890, Isaac Olmsted mentions his wife Eunice, and his children: Jeremiah, married Lavina Fish, of Spaff ord, N. Y. ; Mary J., married Francis Ide, son of Henry and Harriet (Colton) Ide, of Spaff ord, N. Y., and his grandchildren : Eva, David, Isaac, Lee, and Jay Olmstead, Adda Streeter, Pearley Olm- stead, and Grant Ide, all of Borodino, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Eunice (Case), wife of Isaac Olmstead. Died April 24, 1893, age 81 years, 3 months. (Borodino.) Frank, son of Jeremiah and Lavina (Fish) Olmstead. Died June 1, 1861, age 3 years, 2 months, 10 days. " No sweeter flower did ever bloom, Nor lovelier infant find a tomb." (Spaff ord.) OLMSTED. EHsha F. Olmsted. Bom May 10, 1805, died March 19, 1886. (He married Harriet Calkins, sister of Charles Calkins, and had one son, Parmelie Olmsted. He was not known to be related to the other Olmstead families of this town.) (Thorn Hill.) Harriet (Calkins), wife of Elisha Olmsted. Born De- cember 7, 1807, died January 4, 1893. (Thorn Hill.) ORTON. Rachel (Fisher) , wife of Osmor Orton. Died September 13, 1842, age 62 years, 2 months, 5 days. (Osmor Orton, before 1817, settled on Lot 2, Tully, in Spafford Hollow, just south of Otisco Lake and west of the inlet to that body of water; he married Rachel Fisher, daughter of Amos and Margaret Fisher, and is supposed to have had by her the following children: John, married Lydia Ann Collins, daughter of John and (Lucy Burdick) Collins, he and his wife died in Michigan ; Zenas, married Sally , he died in Spafford, N. Y. ; Henry, moved to 194 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Preble, N. Y. ; and Clarissa, who died in Michigan, un- married. There may have been others. Uriah Roundy thinks Osmor Orton had other children: Amos, Nelson, Sally, Lucy, Louisa and Philip.) (Davis Yard.) Zenas Orton, (son of Osmor Orton and Rachel (Fisher) Orton). Died February 21, 1862, age 63 years, 4 months. (Uriah Roundy says: Zenas Orton married (1) Hannah Coon , and (2) the widow Harris. His daughter, Olive, married Tensart Wilbur, she died 1899, at the age of 77 years.) (Borodino.) Orson E., son of Zenas and Sally Orton. Died April 15, 1855, at 17 years, 8 months, 20 days. (Borodino.) OSTRANDER. Ann Eliza, daughter of Peter and Nancy (Williamson) Ostrander. Died December 30, 1851, age 2 months. (John L Ostrander, Jr., son of John I. and Catherine Ostrander of Albany, N. Y., married Anna Muer (Soctch), and by her had the following children : John, v/as a printer, and died of cholera in New Orleans, La. ; Ames, was killed in the Mexican War; Peter, married Nancy Williamson, daughter of Cornelius and Eliza (Ostrander) Williamson, he was a printer by trade; William H., married Renett Weed of Albany, N .Y., he was a merchant and accountant, and resided in Tully, N. Y., he at one time was in a bank at Skaneateles, N, Y. ; Alexander, married Mary King of Suffield, Hartford County, Conn., he was a harness maker and resided in Tully, N. Y. (They were father and mother of George A. Ostrander of Syracuse, N. Y., who died 1915) ; Philip, married and resided in Syracuse, N. Y., member of Company " A," 149th N. Y. Vols. Inft., engraver by trade, dead; Robert, married Anna Russel of Hartford, Conn., harness maker and teacher; Thomas, married , his wife, after his decease, married Charles Tallman, of Syracuse, N. Y., as his third wife; Gloriana; Catherine, married Harvey McCune; and Eliza, married Charles Tall- man, of Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Peter Ostrander cam.e from Albany to Tully, but at one time resided on a cross road in Spafford Hollow, according to a statement of William M. Tuttle, formerly of Otisco Hollow, now of Vesper, N. Y.) (Spafford.) SPAFFGRD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 105 OWEN. Timothy Owen. Died April 27, 1878, in his 92nd year. (In an obituary notice, published at the time of his decease, it was stated that, " he was born at Tyringham, Mass. ; moved with his parents to Navarino, N. Y., when he was 15 years of age ; two years later he worked clearing land at the foot of Skaneateles Lake, where the village of that name now stands; he then went to Sempronius, where he lived four years, and then bought the farm kno^^Ti as the Owen farm, one and one-half miles north of Stafford Cor- ners, where he resided until 1857; he then moved to Boro- dino, where he lived until his death. July 16, 1842, he joined the Free Will Baptist Church. By his wife, Lydia, he had one daughter, Polly Ann, who married George W. Breed, son of Rufus and Mehitable Breed.) (Borodino.) Lydia, wife of Timothy Owen. Died June 21, 1870, age 83 years. (Borodino.) In an application for a pension by Daniel Owen of Spaf- ford, dated September 1, 1820, he makes the following claim: That he served in the War of the Revolution as a member of Capt. William Hull's Company, in the Regi- ment commanded by Col. Charles Webb, of Connecticut Troops, in the service of the United States ; that he served for the period of one year and v^^as discharged at Morris- town, N. J., in 1776; that he had a wife, Lydia, and a daughter and a granddaughter, who resided with him In Spafford. The Connecticut records show that the regiment in question, during the time stated, served for a short time along the coast of Long Island Sound, then, on requisition of Washington, was accepted as Continentals and ordered to Boston, where it remained until the evacuation of that place by the British. The regiment was then marched to New York, and took part in the battle of White Plains, and then at Trenton, N. J. The Martyr Spy, Capt. Nathan Hale, executed by the British in New York City, was a member of this regiment. Mr. Owen purchased, on March 17, 1824, eighteen acres of land on the Nunnery road, on Lot 12, Sempronius ; these lands were afterwards conveyed by his widow, Lydia Owen, and his daughter, Eunice C. Snyder, then of Cortland. N. Y., 196 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION March 31, 1841. After his decease his pension was con- tinued to his widow, who was on the pension list in 1841 and 1842, and therein described as of Spafford. PALMER. Amos Palmer. Died June 9, 1823, age 50 years, 7 months. (Amos Palmer, born October 29, 1772, according to family- tradition was from Rhode Island, came from there first to Brookfield, Madison Co., N. Y. After a short residence at the latter place, he moved to the East Side Hill, in this town, on or before 1809, and remained there until he moved to the farm, now occupied (1899) by Arthur Hall, on Lot 23, Sempronius, September 22, 1822. By his wife, Mary Barber, born July 27, 1771, and whom he married October 4, 1795, he had the following children: Charity, born October 25, 1796, married Benjamin Hewett, May 16, 1830; Polly, born April 9, 1798, married John Churchell, April 14, 1818; Amos, Jr., born October 1, 1800, died young; Daniel, born May 30, 1804, married Betsey Oliver, March 21, 1827; Willet, born May 2, 1806, married Mercy Babcock, Februaiy 10, 1834, resided in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Reuben S., bom September 12, 1809, married Hannah Hall, November 29, 1834, resided in Spafford, on the old homestead and died without issue; James V., born May 24, 1811, married Lydia Belknap, February 20, 1833, resided in Auburn, N. Y.; Sally, born September 18, 1812, married Edward Robinson, January 1, 1845; Julania, born June 19, 1815, married Ira Babcock, April 13, 1834 ; and Hezekiah Gorton, born May 1, 1817, married Cynthia Capron, daughter of Benjamin Capron, September 29, 1840. (Spafford.) Mary Barber, wife of Amos Palmer. Died November 5, 1845, age 74 years, 3 months, 3 days. (Spafford.) Reuben S. Palmer, (son of Amos and Mary (Barber) Palmer) . Died April 21, 1883, age 73 years, 7 months. 8 days. ; (Spafford.)' Hannah Hall, wife of Reuben S. Palmer. Died January 2, 1875, age 69 years, 1 month, 5 days. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 197 (She was bom November 27, 1805, and was the daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Macumber) Hall.) (Spafford.) Joel Palmer. Died February 2, 1841, age 71 years, 8 months, 17 days. " And he shall be like a tree planted by the river of water That bringeth forth his fruit in his season." Etc. (Mr. Palmer came to this town early, but his first recorded deed transaction was of 270 acres, on Lot 31, Tully, dated April 29, 1816. He afterwards owned land on lots 1, 22, 32, 33 and 41, Tully. By his wife. Amy, he is known to have had at least two children : Randall, married Meribah Ripley, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley; and Hosea, married Sophia Burdick, daughter of Thompson and Tabitha (Wilcox) Burdick, when married he first went to house keeping on the northwest corner of Lot 32, Tully, in a house long since gone to decay, on a small farm then reached by a private way, and now entirely isolated from any highway ; from there he moved to Pennsyl- vania, where he died ; his widow then came to Scott, N. Y., where she died and was buried in Seventh Day Baptist cemetery at the latter place. Hosea Palmer (son of Joel and Amy Palmer) , by his wife, Sophia Burdick, had four children : Adison ; Tabitha Ann, married Hosea Borden Potter , son of Stillman Potter ; Barton, died unmarried; and Lucy, married Porter Brown; all of Hosea's four children resided in Scott, N. Y.) (Spafford.) James M., son of Randall and Meribah (Ripley) Palmer. Died July 30, 1826, also his twin brother, died February 3, 1837. " Sleep on, sweet babes, and take thy rest, God called thee home when he thought best." (Randall Palmer, son of Joel and Amy Palmer, married Meribah Ripley, daughter of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley. His wife was born February 6, 1803, and died in Scott, N. Y., where she was buried in the Seventh Day Baptist Cemetery at that place.) (Spafford.) In memory of Mrs. Samantha Palmer, consort of Mr. Dyer Palmer. Died September 20, 1826, age 23 years. (In 1826, at the time of the decease of his wife, Mr. Palmer resided on the East Side Hill, on Lot 13, Sempronius, 198 ONONBAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION but in 1829, when he sold the lands he owned on that lot, he resided in Homer, N. Y., and his second wife, Sabrina, joined him in the deed.) (Stanton Yard.) Lyman Palmer, son of Dyer and Samantha Palmer. Died April 3, 1826, age 10 months, 10 days. (Stanton Yard.) No genealogy of Spafford families would be complete without reference to Gilbert Palmer and his son, John Palmer, who were, without question, the first settlers within the limits of the present town, although we have no recora that any dead of this family were deposited in any of our cemeteries. Mr. Joshua V. H. Clark, in his excellent history of the County of Onondaga, says : Mr. Palmer came here in the Fall of 1794 from Dutchess or Westchester County, N. Y., and settled on Lot 76, Marcellus, for which he served as a soldier in the Revolution, and he gives a very graphic description of an accident which befell his son, John, by the felling of a tree, etc., a story which is familiar to all readers of that and subsequent histories of this county. We have no data at hand to prove the incorrectness of the date which Mr. Clark fixes, as the time of Mr. Palmer's arrival here, but as he is incorrect in some of his statements about Mr. Palmer, we think it possible he may have been misinformed on that subject. His deed of Lot 76, excepting State's Hun- dred Acres, is dated September 21, 1792, and is from Thomas Ostrander, the original soldier, who served for the lot. In this deed he is described as a farmer from York- town, or Amawalk, Westchester County, N. Y. Mr. Palmer probably was a soldier of the Revolution, and we are inclined to the belief that he came originally from Connecti- cut, where his name appears (or another of the same name) in the Militia of that State, for the reason that many of the Palmers in this State came originally from Stonington, Conn. The name of Gilbert Palmer also appears in the Militia of this State, and he possibly may have served in both States ; but no Gilbert Palmer served in New York in any regiment or levy, entitling him to draw bounty lands in this State. It seems to us more probable that Palmer came here earlier than the Fall of 1794. He conveyed from time to time the lands which he owned, but in no conveyance was he joined by a wife ; he was probably a widower while he SFAFPORD MORTUARY REGORSS WITH OBNEALOGICAL NOTES 199 resided here. In one deed of lands on lot 76, he conveyed to a Samuel Palmer, — this was in 1806, — but the next year the latter and wife, Elizabeth, conveyed away these lands, and no more is known of Samuel, or of any record that the two Palmers named in this deed were related to each other. In his deeds to John Palmer he speaks of him as his son. We have no record of any children of Gilbert Palmer other than his son, John, and all we know of him is, that he came from Westchester County, was a tailor, resided on Lot 76, Marcellus, until about 1814, that he then sold out and moved into the village of Borodino, and carried on his avocation of tailor there until the Spring of 1819, and then moved to Hannibal, Oswego County, N. Y. Mr. Clark says Gilbert Palmer died about 1839. It is possible that he and his son, John, both died in the latter place. The given name of John Palmer's wife was Rachel. A Mr. Ziba Palmer, at an early date, resided in Spafford Hollow, near the head of Otisco Lake, who is credited with a family of twenty-two children, but of him we have no further record. PARKER. Samuel Parker. Died October 25, 1853, age 67 years. (Mr. Parker came to this town from Greenwich, Wash- ington County, N. Y., and first settled on what is now known as the Breed faim, on Lot 11, Tully, where he lost his first wife. Amy. From there he moved to Spaffod Hollow, where he died. His second wife was the widow, Rebecca White. He was a member of Capt. Asahel Roundy's Company, in the 96th Regim.ent, of New York Militia, in the War of 1812. His children were: Marietta, married Frank Smith; Isaac, Amasa, and Polly, married James Goodwin.) (Spafford Hollow.) Mrs. Amy, wife of Samuel Parker. Died June 14, 1831, age 42 years, 10 months, 9 days. " Because a man goes to his long home, Mourners go about the streets." (This grave is in an open field, standing alone on the Breed farm, where her husband resided at the time of her decease.) (Breed Farm.) 200 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION PATTEN. William Patten, (son of William Patten). Died March 15, 1872, ag-e 77 years, 1 month, 28 days. (William Patten, Sr., was a native of Massachusetts, where he was a soldier in the Revolution ; his son, William, was born in Oneida County, N. Y., where he settled after the war of the Revolution. The latter was a clothier by occupation and came to this town about 1817, and settled in what is known as Factory Gulf, where, in connection with Elijah Manley, he conducted the clothing works at that place; soon afterwards his brother-in-law, Edmund C. Weston, took the place of Mr. Manley, and the business was subsequently conducted by Mr. Patten and Mr. Weston. Mr. Patten first married Fanny Rathbone, daughter of James and Margaret (Ashley) Rathbone, and (2) Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Farrand and Esther Davis, and widow of Samuel Rice. By his last wife he had one son : George A. Patten, now a resident of this town. George A. Patten, born December 30, 1842, married Lovillie, daughter of Peter and Charity (Rainey) Churchell, and by her has two children: Alton W. ; and Flora E., mar- ried Emmett L. Gordon, of Preble, N. Y. Mr. George A. Patten was a member of Company D, 122d Regiment, N. Y. Vols., war of 1861, and has an honorary military record; he was in battle at Antietam, Williamsport, Fredericksburg, Deep Run, Gettysburg and Wilderness ; in the latter battle he was wounded.) (Borodino.) Fanny (Rathbone), wife of William Patten. Died October 23, 1839, age 37 years, 9 months, 27 days. (Borodino.) Elizabeth (Davis), wife of William Patten. Died April 17, 1851, age 42 years, 5 months, 27 days. (Thorn Hill.) PATTERSON. Dinah, wife of Dr. Ebenezer Patterson. Died June 30, 1836, age 69 years, 11 months, 7 days.) (Dr. Ebenezer Patterson, according to family tradition, was of Scotch extraction and came from Vermont, first to Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., and from there to this SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 20l town, where he died and was buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) By his wife, Dinah, he had the following children: Calvin, married (1) Sarah Thompson, and (2) Asenath Warner, widow of William Case; Volney, married Susan Green, moved to Chautauqua County, near Sinclairville, N. Y., in 1855, and died there; Jonathan, married Polly Ann Knapp, daughter of Peter and Dinah (Guion) Knapp, he moved to Ohio and died there ; Lovina, married Zerah Baker, son of Elijah Baker, moved to Ohio ; Roxana, married Simon Baker, son of Elijah Baker, moved to Marietta, N. Y., about 1854, and died there, had several children, among whom were Ashbel and Marcus Baker; and Anna, who died in 1914, age 14 years.) (Spafford.) Anna, daughter of Ebenezer and Dinah Patterson. Died February, 1814, age 14 years, 5 months. (Spafford.) Calvin Patterson, (son of Dr. Ebenezer and Dinah Pat- terson). (On stone Paterson). Died December 29, 1866, age 78 years, 9 months, 23 days. (He was born at Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., and came to this town about 1812, and settled first on Ripley Hill, near the Ripley farm, (43 and 32, Tully) . These lands he sold in 1829 and settled on the Skaneaieles and Homer road, about one mile north of the Village of Borodino, on lot 75, Marcellus, where he remained until his decease. He had no issue by Asenath Warner, his second wife, but by Sarah Thompson, his first, had: Chester, bom in 1810 in Burlington, Otsego County, N. Y., married Caroline Hut- chens, daughter of Col. Phineas and Margaret (Giberson) Hutchens, February 28, 1834, in Spafford, N. Y., he died in Skaneateles, N. Y, ; Laura, born in Spafford, married Amos Christler and died in Navarino, N. Y. ; George W., bom in Spafford, married Martha Rathbone of Marietta, N. Y., he died in June, 1896, in Fairmount, N. Y. ; Sarah, died in Spafford, 1819, age 11 months; Sarah, 2d, born in Spafford, married Samuel H. Stanton, husband dead, and she now (1899) resides in Spafford. His second wife was buried by the side of her first husband, William Case.) (Borodino.) Sarah (Thompson), wife of Calvin Patterson. Died May 22, 1851, age 61 years, 4 months, 22 days. (Borodino.) 202 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION In memory of Sarah, daughter of Calvin and Sarah (Thompson) Patterson. Died June 14, 1819, age 11 months, 7 days. (Spafford.) Chester Patterson, (son of Calvin and Sarah (Thompson) Patterson). Died July 20, 1887, age 77 years. (Chester Patterson, born at Burlington, N. Y,, in 1810, resided with or near his father on Ripley Hill, and also north of Borodino. By his wife, Caroline Hutchens, he had the following children, born in this town: Margaret, bom 1834, died at 11 months; Margaret, 2d, born in 1836, died in 1874 in Skaneateles, married Sherman Brown, of Scott, N. Y., and was buried in Borodino Cemetery; Francis H., born May 3, 1841, married Mary E. Ambercrombie of Chit- tenango, N. Y., member of Co. "D," 122d Regt., N. Y. Vols., War of 1861, served about three years, resides in Syracuse, N. Y. (has two children: Alice M., married Emmett D. Scribner, Syracuse, N. Y., and Roswell H., married Sarah Johnson, resided in Cleveland, Ohio) ; Marcus, born April 7, 1847 (twin), married (1) Attaresta Prindle, and (2) her sister, Mary E. Prindle, daughters of Rensselaer and Char- lotte (Vincent) Prindle; and Martha, born April 7, 1847 (twin) , married Thomas Kelly, resides in Skaneateles, N. Y. (and has two children : Maud and Mabel, aged (in 1898) about 16 and 11 years respectively) . (Borodino,) Caroline Hutchens, wife of Chester Patterson. Died December 6, 1890, age 78 years. (Borodino.) Attaresta Prindle, wife of Marcus Patterson. Died May 18, 1874, age 26 years, 6 months. " How calm she sleeps in her lonely home Where the cares of life can never come." (Marcus Patterson, son of Chester and Caroline (Hut- chens) Patterson, by his first wife, Attaresta, had one child: Ellis C, and by his second wife, Mary E., has : Frank, born July 4, 1882 ; Grace, born March 22, 1884 ; and Blanche, born October 11, 1888; all residing with Mr. Patterson near Boro- lino, N. Y. Mr. Patterson has been Supervisor of the town.) (Borodino.) SPAFFOED MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 203 PEASE. Horace Pease, farmer, born in Enfield, Conn., September 14, 1784, married Betsey Watts, October 27, 1805, first came to Manlius, N. Y., and from there to this town about 1810, where he settled on a farm on Lots 32 and 33, Tully, in Cold Brook. After many years he moved to Salem, Wisconsin, where he died April 12, 1863. By his wife, Betsey Watts, he had a large family, all, but one or two of the eldest, were born in this town, the others in Manlius. They were: Lucius, born 1807, died June 24, 1816; Aaron, born Febru- ary 25, 1811, married Julia Weatherby and resided in Iowa; Minerva E., born February 15, 1813, married (1) George Coddington, and (2) James Morwick, September, 1847, she resided first in Syracuse and later in Adrian, Mich.; Galusha J., bom February 28, 1815, married and resided in Adrian, Mich. ; Spenecr A., born February 23, 1817, mar- ried (1) Hannah Paddock in 1839, and (2) Julia A Olden in 1851, resided in Mantillo, Marietta County, Wisconsin. He was lawyer, doctor, printer, and Member of the Wis- consin Legisalture; Charlotte A., born March 30, 1819, married Edmund Whipple, resided in Iowa; Almira S., bom April 29, 1821, married Henry Osborne, resided in Auburn, N. Y. ; Allen W., born August 19, 1823, married and resided in Salem Racine County, Wis.; and Mary A., bom August 2, 1825, married Samuel Whipple and resided in Indiana. Mr. Pease was of the seventh generation, in line of descent from Robert and Margaret Pease, who came to Boston, (then to Salem), Mass., in 1634, in the ship Francis, from Ipswich, England, and prior from Great Braddon, County of Essex, England, as follows : Horace, Gideon, John, John, John, John, Robert. The family home of this branch of the Pease family was Enfield Conn., where it resided for six generations, including Horace, who was born and passed his boyhood there. (See Pease Genealogy, by Austin F. Pease, 1869.) PECK. Madison D| Peck, (son of Samuel Peck). Died January 6, 1879, age 62 years, 4 months, 2 days. (Samuel Peck's wife, who was a Manley, also died in this town and was buried in this cemetery. Their son, Madison D., died unmarried.) (Borodino.) 204 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASS«€HATiW^ Dolly Peck, 1828-1893. Samuel Peck, J., (son of Samuel Peck.) Died February 14, 1835, ag-e 7 years, 11 months, 19 days. (Samuel Peck, the father, moved from town.) (Borodino.) PERKINS. Martha, ^vife of Albert Perkins. Died January 19, 1848, age 33 years, 7 months. (Borodino.) Hopkins Perkins formerly resided in Cold Brook, in this to^v^l; by his wife, Polly, he had several children: A daughter, married Alphronus Phillips, she died in Cold Brook, and her husband afterwards married Martha Jane Taft, daughter of Bazaleel Taft, Phillips was a blacksmith ; Nelson, married Susan Andrews, daughter of Rev. Benjamin and Mary Andrews ; Calista, married Dudley Andrews, son of Rev. Benjamin and Mary Andrews; Anice, married Nelson McDaniels, son of John and Polly (Hankins) McDaniels, she died in Buffalo, N. Y. ; Delos, died unmar- ried; and Cornelia, residing (1898), in Buffalo, N. Y.^ unmarried.) PHELPS. Erastis, son of Daniel and Eliza Phelps. Died April 17, 1827, age 1 year. (Mr. and Mrs. Phelps came to this town from Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y., about May, 1827, and settled on Lot 12, Sempronius. Mr. Phelps was probably a brother or the wife of Isaac Anthony. He moved from town about 1830.) (Nunnery.) PLUMMER. William Henry, son of Darius and Alzina (Hall) Plum- mer. Died February 15, 1845, age 1 year, 8 months, 18 days. (Darius Plummer married Alzina Hall, daughter of Simeon and Hannah (Wilcox) Hall, and by her had several children ; he resided at one time in a house owned by Capt. Asahel Roundy, standing near his sawmill at the top of the Buck Tail Road, on Lot 22, Tully. (He moved out of town.) (Spafford.) SPAPFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 205 PICKET. Philip Picket. Died January 13, 1852, age 78 years. (His wife, Hannah, died in 1839, and after her decease he married Anice Churchill, daughter of Chauncey and Cath- erine (Merry) Churchill, and widow of Chester Sharp. (Cold Brook.) Hannah, wife of Philip Picket. Died February 18, 1839, age 69 years. (Cold Brook.) Diana Picket, daughter of Peter and Theda (Norton) Picket. Died September 9, 1827, age 2 years, 19 days. (Mrs. Picket was a daughter of Moses and Percy (Barber) Norton. Peter Picket built, about 1826, the Saw Mill (now known as Taft's Mill) , standing on Lot 44, Tully, in Cold Brook, just east of the M. E. Church and Cold Brook Cemetery) . (Cold Brook.) POLLOCK. Jacob Pollock. Private Company " I," 149th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft. Died October 9, 1886, age 70 years. (Jacob Pollock married (1) Bothwell, daughter ol Major Henry Bothwell, of Spafford Hollow, and (2) Par- melia Babcock, daughter of John, Jr., and Ellis (Wallace) Babcock. After his decease his second wife married George W. Breed. Mr. Pollock had several children by his first wife.) (Borodino.) POTTER. Helen, daughter of Nelson and Almina Potter. Died June 3, 1847, age 8 years, 1 month, 16 days. (Spafford Hollow.) A John Potter also resided in Spafford Hollow, who had four children : Rufus, John, Harry, and Susan. POWERS. Albert Powers, (son of Isaac and Chloe (Hall) Powers.) Bom June 7, 1822, died November 7, 1890. (Isaac Powers came from Moravia, N. Y., to Thorn Hill; his wife, Chloe Hall, gave birth to fifteen children, all dying in infancy except the following: Orpha, married 206 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Rnssel Manley and resided in Moravia, N. Y. ; Louisa, mar- ried Mr. Liicien D. Wait, jeweler, of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; Melvin, married Harriet Barnes, and moved to Michigan, where he married a second time (dead) ; Charles, moved to Michigan, where he married twice, (dead) ; he had a son, Charles, Jr., who resided in 1898 in SpafFord, unmarried; Simeon, married and residing in Minnesota; Ira, married and resided in Moravia, N. Y., he has two sons, Dwight ana Charles, who reside at the latter place ; and Albert, married (1) Wait, and (2) Cynthia Ack-es, daughter of Joseph Ackles. Albert Powers, bom at Moravia, N. Y., by his first wife, Wait, had two children, and by his second wife, Cynthia Ackles, three, as follows: Annette, married William War- ner of Cold Brook; Henry, married Nancy Durr, he was killed in a railroad accident in Homer village, N. Y., buried in this cemetery (no stone) ; Matilda, married Albin Fisher of SpafFord; John W., married (1) Nettie Warner, daughter of Edward Warner, and (2) Carrie Hazzard, daughter of George Hazzard; and Hiram, who died unmarried.) (Spafford.) Cynthia Ackles, wife of Albert Powers. Born April 17, 1825, died March 28, 1892. (Spafford.) Hiram Powers, (son of Albert and Cynthia (Ackles) Powers. Born October 10, 1866, died September 6, 1886. (SpafFord.) Maud M. Powers, daughter of John W. and Clara (Haz- zard) Powers. Died July 7, 1893, age 9 months, 14 days. (Mrs. Powers is called by her husband Carrie Hazzard.) (SpafFord.) PRESSEY. Rhoda, wife of Benjamin Pressey. Died December 24, 1841, age 87 years, 3 months, 25 days. (Davis Yard.) Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin Pressey. Died September 2, 1854, age 64 years, 4 months. (Davis Yard.) Among the children of Moses Pressey were: Emeline, married (1) David Cooper, and (2) Reuben Maxson; Mary, married (1) Col. Lewis C. Davis as his second wife, and (2) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 207 Herman Barnes; Amanda; and LaFayette; the last two supposed to have been adopted. PRESTON. Jane (Mills) Preston, (wife of Robert Preston). Died October 29, 1866, ae:e 38 years. (She was a daug-hter of Alexander Mills.) (Borodino.) Erastns, son of Alexander and Mary Preston. Died Nov- ember 2, 1881, age 1 year, 9 months, 10 days. (Borodino.) PRINDLE. Samuel Prindle, a soldier of the Revolution. Died Sep- tember 12, 1850, age 92 years. (Samuel Prindle, born 1758, blacksmith by trade, was a soldier during the Revolution, in the Massachusetts Line (Continentals) , and served for a period of about three years and nine months, first in Capt. Williams' Company in Col. Patterson's regiment, for about nine months, and after- wards in Captains Stoddard and Hollister's companies of Col. Poor's regiment. After the revolution, according to family tradition, he first settled in Rutland, Vermont, and from there came to Rensselaer County, N. Y., where he lost his wife, whose name is not known. After the decease of his wife, which was before 1820, he came to this town, and resided with his daughter Rhoda and his son, Samuel, Jr., on the East Side Hill, until his decease. He was a pensioner of the United States during the major part of his residence in this town. His children were : Samuel, supposed to have died single; Rhoda, died single; Reuben, supposed to have died single in Pennsylvania; Moses, bom June 21, 1789, married Purlina M. Patchen, after his decease his wife married (2) Dr. Reuben T. Breed, son of Allen and Lucy (Taylor) Breed; Betsey, married Mr. Potter; a daughter, married Conrad Kellyer; and Joseph, born February 26, 1791, married Elizabeth Moon, daughter of Silas and Anna Moon.) (Spafford.) Moses Prindle, (son of Samuel Prindle). Died October 21, 1835, age 46 years, 4 months. 208 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION " Here to the dreary grave confined, He sleeps in death's dark bloom, Until the eternal morning wakes The slumber of the tomb." (Moses Prindle came to this town from Greenwick, Wash- ington County, N. Y,, where he married his wife, Purlina M. Patchen, and settled on Lot 32, Sempronius, in the Spring of 1818, and there remained until his decease. His children were: Clarinda, married William B. Thompson, son of Reuben and Sally Thompson, moved to Jackson County, Michigan; Truman, moved West; Polaski, he was a physi- cian and studied m.edicine with Dr. Isaac Morell, of Boro- dino, N. Y., he died in Michigan ; Oscar, born September 13, 1828, married Melinda Rich, only daughter of Dorr and Anna (Becker) Rich, (one child only, died young) ; and Fernando C, married Mary Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of Jonathan and Esther (Woodworth) Johnson, resides in Spafford, farmer, no issue.) (Spafford.) Purlina M. (Patchen) , wife of Reuben T. Breed, foiTnerly wife of Moses Prindle. Died October 27, 1861, age 61 years, 4 months, 10 days. (She was born June 17, 1800; by her second husband she had one child, Helen, who married Edwin Johnson, son of Jonathan and Esther (Woodworth) Johnson, both dead and buried in this cemetery.) (Spafford.) Hon. Joseph Prindle, (son of Samuel Prindle) . Died May 17, 1859, age 68 years, 2 months, 22 days. (Mr. Prindle came to this town with his brother Moses, with whom he resided on Lot 32, Sempronius, until he pur- chased (in 1818) his home farm on Lot 41, Tully, where he resided until his decease. He was prominent in town affairs, and amongst other offices at one time was a member of the New York Legislature. His children born in Spaf- ford, by his wife Elizabeth Moon, were : Samuel H., bom April 12, 1815, was killed accidentally, unmarried; Minerva, married Col. William W. Legg, son of Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg, both dead, and buried in Borodino cemetery; Rensselaer, married Charlotte Vincent, daughter of Michael Vincent, of Scott, N. Y., both dead, and buried in Borodino cemetery ; Joseph Addison, married Anna Manning, he was SPAFFORD MORTUARY RHCORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 209 a teacher and preacher, and resided in Oswego, N. Y.; and Horace, married Angeline Norton, daughter of Robert and Susan (Hill) Norton, he is dead, widow resides in Syracuse, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Elizabeth (Moon), wife of Hon. Joseph Prindle. Died December 12, 1868, age 75 years, 3 months, 14 days. (Spafford.) Samuel H., son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Moon) Prindle. Died December 12, 1846, age 31 years, 8 months. (Spafford.) Oscar Prindle, (son of Moses and Purlina M. (Patchen) Prindle. Died November 10, 1883, age 55 years, 2 months, 27 days. (Spafford.) Infant son and only child of Oscar and Malinda (Rich) Prindle. Died April 29, 1870. " Gone but not forgotten." (Spafford.) Rensselaer Prindle (son of Hon. Joseph and Elizabeth (Moon) Prindle). Born in Spafford, Onondaga County, N. Y., June 15, 1822. Died April 15, 1899, age 76 years, 10 months. (Mr. Prindle, by his wife, Charlotte Vincent, had the fol- lowing children, all born in Spafford on Lot 41, Tully: Mary E., married Marcus Patterson, son of Chester and Caroline (Hutchens) Patterson, as his second wife, resides near Borodino, N. Y. ; Attaresta, married Marcus Patter- son as his first wife, dead, buried in this cemetery; Jay Lester, married Sarah E. Cotteral, daughter of John and Sarah Mary (Barker) Cotteral, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; and Edgar, married Helen Lyon, daughter of Spencer K. and (Baxter) Lyon. Mr. Prindle was bom and always resided on part of the homestead farm, on Lot 41, Tully.) (Borodino.) Charlotte E. Vincent, wife of Rensselaer Prindle. Born in Saratoga County, N. Y., October 7, 1826. Died January 27, 1886, age 59 years, 4 months. (Borodino.) 210 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION PULLMAN. Shadrack Pullman, son of John and Mabel (Pettis) Pull- man. Died June 12, 1832, age 4 years, 10 months, 3 days. (John Pullman, son of Psalter and Elizabeth Pullman, married Mabel Pettis, daughter of Joseph Pettis, who for- merly resided on Randall's Point, Lot 41, Tully, on the east side of Skaneateles Lake. (The Pettises came from St. Law- rence County, N. Y.) Psalter Pullman (perhaps from Rhode Island), came to this town about 1815, and settled on what was subsequently known as the Rathbone Barber, Jr., farm. Lot 32, Sempronius, where he remained, clearing- the land, until about 1830, when he and all his family, except John and one daughter, went West. His children, bom in Spafford, were: Joseph M., born October 16, 1815, married March 17, 1840, Susanna Needham, settled in Niles, Michigan; Lewis married and settled in Grand Rapids, Michigan; among his children were: George M. Pullman, the Palace Car magnate; John, married Mabel Pettis, daughter of Joseph Pettis, he at an early date resided on the Skaneateles and Homer road, on Lot 31, Tully, where he kept the tavern, called the " Nimble Sixpence," he moved to Wis- consin, where he died; Nathaniel, married Nancy , he was a preacher and went West; Moses, moved West; Esther and Abigail, one of the latter married Harmon Nor- ton, son of Moses and Percy (Barber) Norton. John Pullman (son of Psalter and Elizabeth Pullman), by his wife, Mabel Pettis, had the following children, in addition to those named in this record as buried in this cemetery: Jessie, married Christina Havens, daughter of Clark and Roby (Barber) Havens, resided in 1898 in Niles, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; Charles, went West; and Fred, resided in Skaneeateles, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Polly E., daughter of John and Mabel (Pettis) Pullman. Died October 20, 1838, age 16 years, 3 months, 20 days. (Spafford.) Thankful M., daughter of John and Mabel (Pettis) Pull- man. Died October 26, 1838, age 14 years, 6 months, 4 days. (Spafford.) Emily, daughter of John and Mabel (Pettis) Pullman. Died January 8, 1839, age 7 months. (Spafford.) SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 211 PURDY. Elizabeth Purdy. Died February 14, 1872, ag-e 71 years, 7 days. (She was the mother of Hiram Purdy.) (Borodino.) QUICK. WilHam Quick. Died January 31, 1890, age 68 years. " We miss thee." (Mr. Quick was a tailor by occupation; he was born in London, England, and from there came first to Canada, where he lost his first wife, whose name is unknown. He came from Canada to Spafford Corners about 1850, and there married Jane French, adopted daughter of Samuel and Rachel French, as his second wife. After residing at the latter place several years, he moved to the village of Borodino, where he remained until about 1885. He then moved to Auburn, N. Y., the place of his decease. By his first wife he had: Henry, died unmarried; William, mar- ried Adelia Cornell, daughter of John and Miranda Cornell, resides at Navarino, N. Y. ; and Charles B., married Eliza J. Hayford, daughter of Benjamin and Eliza (French) Hayford, he is dead; and by his second wife, William Quick had: George B., married and resides at Weedsport, N. Y. ; James M., married (1) Sarah Jane Grinnell, daughter of Ansel Grinnell, and (2) Martha Grinnell, daughter of Evelyn P. Grinnell, resides in Auburn, N. Y. ; and Frank, married Mary Howe, daughter of Henry Howe, resides in Homer, N. Y. Mr. Quick's widow now resides in Auburn, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Henry Quick, (son of William Quick). Died April 29, 1862, age 22 years. (Borodino.) Sarah Jane (Grinnell), wife of James Quick. Died June 24, 1885, age 30 years, 10 months, 26 days. (Borodino.) RANDALL. Silas Randall, (son of Silas and Hannah (Fish) Ran- dall). Died FebruaiT 26, 1877, age 85 years, 8 months, 27 days. 212 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION (Silas Randall, Sr., was a son of Capt. John Randall of Foster, R. I., and came to this town prior to 1814 and settlea on Lot 31, Tully; after remaining- here for a short time, he sold out his interest in the lands in question to his son, Silas, Jr., and according to family tradition went West, perhaps to Ohio. His son, Silas, Jr., after remaining here five or six years with his father, who then lived in a log house, situate about 40 or 50 rods west of the present Ran- dall residence, on the homestead farm on Lot 31, Tully, went back to Foster, R. L, and there married Mercy Har- rington, sister of John Harrington, formerly of this town, residing on Lot 41, Tully, and brought her here where she remianed until her decease; he then married Anna Alvord, widow of Alva Wadsworth, for a second wife. Silas Ran- dall, Sr., had another son, Henry Randall, who came with him to this town, and resided with his wife, Anna, after 1814 on survey fifty acres in the northeast corner of Lot 41, Tully; he was drowned in Skaneateles Lake, while boating a load of wheat to the village of Skaneateles. Silas Randall, Jr., by his wife, Mercy Harrington, had the following chil- dren, all born in this town : Robert, married Mary Ann Fay, daughter of John and Isabel Fay, they are dead, (their chil- dren were: Mary Jane, married Abraham Craig; Sarah, married Lehi Wood; William, bachelor; Henry, married Tirzah Knight, daughter of John Knight; Emily, married Perry Randall, son of Hosea and Charlotte (Clark) Ran- dall, as his second wife; and Elizabeth, married Albert Barber, all were living in 1898. Josephine, bom about 1863, living at or near Glen Haven, N. Y. There were two more who died young.) Ezra, married Mary Ann Alvord, after the decease of Ezra, his widow married Samuel L. Churchill. Ezra and his wife are now both deceased and buried in this cemetery. (Their children were: Almy, married Riley Webster (both dead) ; Elnora, resided in Marcellus, N. Y. ; and Harriet, married Newcomb Wright, resides in Otisco, N. Y.) ; Massena, married (1) Sylvanus Knight, and (2) Nathan Bond, resides in Spaff ord, no issue ; Betsey, married Charles Barber, son of Rathbone and Robe (Wilcox) Barber (one child: Mercy Ann, married Vinal Gifford, resides in Spafford). Mr. and Mrs. Barber are both dead; Mary, died in 1840, age 25 years, unmarried; Nathan, marrlea Mary Ann Wadsworth, daughter of Alva and Anna SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 213 (Alvord) Wadsworth, (she was daughter of Silas Randall's second wife, Anna Alvord), (their children were: George Henry, married Harriet Knight, daughter of John Knight, the children of George Hemy are : James, married Emeline Briggs; Alvin, married Alice Briggs; Nancy, married George Hill ; Silvia, died single ; Susan, married John New- man ; and Alta, unmarried ;) John, the second son of Nathan, died young; Benjamin, married Sarah Wright (one child, Mary) ; William C., married Alice Worden, daughter of Walter and Margaret (Wood) Worden, one son, Albert, married Bell Powers, daughter of John W. and Nettie (Warner) Powers; Frank, married Fannie Worden, sister of William C. Randall's wife; and Adelle, married Alvin Worden, son of Walter and Margaret (Wood) Worden) ; Nathan and his wife still reside at Spafford Comers; George, died unmarried ; Martin, died unmarried ; and Silas, died unmarried; Silas Randall, by his second wife, Anna Alvord, had one daughter. Amy, who married Wesley Craig, she is now deceased (three children). Mr. Randall was a soldier of the war of 1812, and a man generally respected.) (Spafford.) Mercy (Harrington), wife of Silas Randall. Died Sep- tember 10, 1843, age 50 years. (Spafford.) Anna (Alvord) (Wadsworth), wife of Silas Randall. Died November 15, 1878, age 72 years. (Spafford.) George Randall, (son of Silas and Mercy (Harrington) Died July 6, 1865, age 44 years. (Spafford.) Ezra Randall, (son of Silas and Silas and Mercy (Har- rington) Randall) . Died September 28, 1857, age 31 years. (Spafford.) Alexander, son of Ezra and Mary Ann (Alvord) Ran- dall. Died December 31, 1849, age 1 year, 7 months. (Spafford.) Mary, daughter of Silas and Mercy (Harrington) Ran- dall. Died September 15, 1840, age 25 years. (Spafford.) Silas, son of Silas and Mercy (Harrington) Randall. Died October 19, 1845, age 26 years. (Spafford.) 214 ONONBAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Mai-tin Ranaall, (son of Silas and Mercy (Harrington) Randall. Died December 28, 1886, age 53 years. (Spafford.) John, son of Nathan and Mary Ann (Wadsworth) Ran- dall. Died November 21, 1849, age 2 years, 4 months, 6 days. (Spafford.) Cornelia V. H., daughter of Henry and Margaret Ran- dall. Died December 5, 1842, age 21 years, 15 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Sarah (Havens), wife of Stephen Randall, Jr. Died August 24, 1858, age 32 years. (Stephen Randall, Sr., is supposed to have been a first cousin to Silas Randall, Jr., who married Mercy Harrmg- ton for his first wife; he had three wives: (1) Ruth, (sur- name not known). (2) Lucinda Palmer, and for a third wife, Patty Olmstead, he is supposed to have come origin- ally from Foster, R. I. His children were : Hosea, married Charlotte Clark, he is dead and buried at Scott, N. Y. ; his widow is now (1899) residing at Glen Haven, N. Y. Stephen, Jr., married (1) Sarah Havens, daughter of Clark and Roby (Barber) Havens, and (2) Diantha Oland, widow of Hezekiah Havens ; he was drowned in Skaneateles Lake ; Amy, married (1) Dwight Reynolds, and (2) Dwight Smith ; she died in Sempronius ; Mary, married Stephen De Barre, husband died on Ten Mile Point, she died at Man- dana, N. Y. ; Betsey, married Charles Lewis, residing in 1898 in New Hope, N. Y. ; Deborah, married Josiah Scott, she died in New Hope, N. Y. ; Polina, married Charles Odell, living in 1898 in Niles, Cayuga County, N. Y.; Joel, married in Oswego County, N. Y, and in 1898 was residing in Iowa; Harvey, went away; Lucinda, died at Glen Haven, unmar- ried, buried in Scott, N. Y. ; and Nathan, married, and in 1898 resided in Iowa. Hosea Randall, (son of Stephen Randall), by his wife, Charlotte Clark, had the following children: Hosea, Jr., married Catherine Cummings, resides near Glen Haven, and has several children, some of whom are married; John, married Alice Barber, daughter of Rathbone and Julania, (Harris) Barber, resides near Glen Haven, N. Y., and has one son. Earl; Perry, married (1) Philinda Daniels, and (2) Emily Randall, daughter of Robert and Mary Ann SF AFFORD MORTUARY REGORBS WITH OBNEALGGICAL NOTES 215 (Fay) Randall, he died in 1898, widow resides near Glen Haven, several children; and William, married Abigail Morris, daughter of Samuel Morris, and widow of a Mr. Smith, resides at Glen Haven, N. Y. Stephen Randall, Sr., died in the town of Onondaga, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Minerva D., daughter of Stephen, Jr., and Sarah (Havens) Randall. Died December 31, 1857, age 8 years and 11 months. (Borodino.) RANDELL. Rhoda, relict of Caleb Randell, died February 22, 1844, age 65 years, 7 months, 3 days. (Borodino.) Caleb Randell. Died February 3, 1857, age 84 years, 10 months, 17 days. RATHBONE. Valentine Rathbone and his son, James Rathbone, came to this town from Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Mass., in the Fall of 1801, and settled on fifty acres in the southwest corner of Lot 69, Marcellus, of which the former had a deed. In March of the next year Valentine Rathbone conveyed, without wife, these lands to James Rathbone, and the latter, from time to time thereafter, added to this purchase other lands on this and adjoining lots, until he owned at one time a very large farm of 336 acres, on lots 68, 69, and 74, Mar- cellus. James Rathbone married Margaret Ashley, and by her had the following children: James Harvey, married Clorinda Pardee, he died in Spafford and was buried in Borodino Cemetery, no stone; Niles, married and died in Illinois; Charlotte, married Conrad Hillebert, brother of John C. Hillebert, of this town ; Clorinda, married Edmund C. Weston, both dead, and buried in Borodino Cemetery; Sophia, married Peleg Gifford, died near Utica, N. Y. ; Fanny, married William Patten, dead, and buried in Boro- dino Cemetery; Harriet, married Zara Berry, died in 1828, and buried at Thorn Hill; Jane A., married Leonard Har- vey, son of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey; Mary, mar- ried Benjamin Folsom, (said to be an uncle in some degree of Mrs. Grover Cleveland), resided in Los Angeles, Call- 216 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION fomia; Benjamin Frank, married and died in Michigan i. and William, died in Spafford, unmarried. Valentine Rath- bone and his son, James Rathbone, were clothiers by trade, the former having built the first clothing mill in Pittsfield about 1768, and the latter built a similar mill in Factory- Gulf, on Lot 74, Marcellus, soon after he came here. Val- entine Rathbone was a prominent man in Pittsfield, and there organized a Baptist Church about 1772, and minis- tered over it as Elder until about the time he came here. At one time he was converted to the doctrine of the Shakers, but afterwards abandoned that sect and worked against that faith. He was also prominent at Pittsfield in political affairs, especially in Revolutionary times. After the sale of his possessions on lot 69, Marcellus, to his son James in 1802, he purchased 300 acres on lot 54, Marcellus, and settled on the highv/ay now known as the Skaneateles and Hamilton Turnpike, about one mile north of the village of Marietta, where he remained until the period of his death, which occurred in February 1814, at the advanced age of 90 years. According to family tradition, Valentine Rath- bone was bom in Stonington, Conn., December 23, 1724, and probably was descended from John Rathbone, one of the first settlers and sixteen proprietors of Block Island (New Shoreham, R. I.) In his will, dated November 17, 1808, probated February 17, 1814, he mentions his wife, Tabitha Rathbone, and his children: Saxon, (executor;,. Joshua (then dead), Daniel (then dead), James, Benjamin, Valentine, Jr., daughters Niles (then dead), Susanna, Eunice, Cynthia, and his son Reuben (then dead) . Among the list of soldiers of the American Revolution mentioned in the history of Pittsfield, Mass., as serving' from that town, are the following: Daniel, James, Reuben, Valentine, Jacob, Sylvester and Charles T. Rathbone; the last three possibly may have been grandchildren of Valen- tine, the others were his sons. RAYMOND. Hannah, daughter of Nathan and Mariah (Williamson) Raymond. Died October 17, 1831, age 1 year, 4 months, 6 days. SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 2lf " Fond desires are often crossed And parents hopes in death are lost." (Nathan Raymond married Mariah Williamson, daughter of Cornelius and Eliza (Ostrander) Williamson.) (Spafford.) REED. Jonathan Reed. Died October 16, 1828, age 54 years, 9 months, 9 days. (He married Rhoda Bowen, and by her had: Augustus, married (1) a Piatt, and (2) a woman in Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; Hiram, married Miss Bishop, daughter of Col. Bishop; Mary, married Samuel Harvey, son of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey; Theda, married John Harvey, son of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey; Elpha, married (1) Mr. Walter Bradley, and (2) Edmund Akin; Sarah, married Mr. Lincoln (or Lime) Chapman; and Minerva, married John F. Clark of Onondaga Valley, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) Rhoda (Bowen), wife of Jonathan Reed. Died August 17, 1859, age 75 years, 2 months, 27 days. (Thorn Hill.) RICE. Mary, wife of Christian Rice. Died February 14, 1831, age 56 years, 4 months, 2 days. (Christian Rice settled on Lot 71, Marcellus, west of Otisco Lake, prior to 1815.) (Thorn Hill.) Laura, daughter ofChristian and Mary Rice. Died March 9, 1830, age 15 years, 5 months, 6 days. (Thorn Hill.) Samuel Rice, (son of Christian and Mary Rice). Died October 17, 1839, age 37 years. (After his decease his wife, Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Farrand and Esther Davis, married William Patten, as his second wife.) (Thorn Hill.) 218 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Mary, wife of Luther Rice. Died August 5, 1857, age 3T years, 8 months, 15 days. (Spafford Hollow.) Marquess D. Rice. Died February 14, 1864, age 22 years, 9 months, 10 days. (Spaiford Hollow.) Lucretia (Norton), wife of Stephen Rice. Died Decem- ber 12, 1865, age 28 years, 1 month, 17 days. (Stephen Rice, son of Levi Rice, married Lucretia Nor- ton, daughter of Seymour and Sally (Lyman) Norton. Near Lucretia's grave are two unmarked graves, of infant children of Stephen and Lucretia (Norton) Rice.) (Spafford.) Mary A. (Norton), wife of Orrin Rice. Died July 27, 1862, age 19 years, 6 months. (Orrin Rice, son of Levi Rice, married Mary A. Norton, daughter of Seymour and Sally (Lyman) Norton.) (Spafford.) RICH. Dorr Rich. Born July 11, 1798, died July 30, 1867. (He married Anna Becker, sister of Peter Becker, and had the following children: Chrales M., married Justina Woodworth, daughter of Joel C. and Sarah (Eadie) Wood- worth; Charlotte M., married George W. Briggs; Melinda, married Oscar M. Prindle, son of Moses and Purlina M. (Patchen) Prindle; and a daughter, married Richard M. Eddy.) (Borodino.) Anna Becker, wife of Dorr Rich. Born March 18, 1796, died May 29, 1884. (Borodino.) RICHARDSON. Stephen R. Richardson. Died February 13, 1857, age 31 years, 1 month. " He sleeps in Jesus." " Go home, dear wife, dry up your tears And be prepared when Christ appears." (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 219 RIGGALL. Miles Riggall. Died November 17, 1861, age 62 years, 2 months, 26 days. (He married Maria Lieber; after his decease his widow married Albin Coon, of Thorn Hill, for her second husband.) (Spafford.) RIPLEY. Jonathan Ripley, (son of David and Precilla (Dunbar) Ripley.) Died April 15, 1849, age 78 years, 6 months, 21 years. " Receive Earth ! his faded form. In thy cold bosom let it lie. Safe let it rest from ev'ry storm. Soon may it rise no more to die." (David Ripley was the son of John and Meribah Ripley, who first resided in Coventry, and afterwards in West Greenwich, R. I. ; their children were : Sarah, born in Cov- entry, January 11, 1740 ; Mary, born in Coventry, April 15, 1742, married in West Greenwich, Benjamin Adam Gallup, February 14, 1762; David, born in West Greenwich, July 30, 1744, married Precilla Dunbar, born March 12, 1745, supposed to have resided in Warren County, N. Y., and afterwards perhaps Hoosick, Rensselaer County, N. Y.; Meribah, born in West Greenwich, R. I., August 6, 1746; Jane, born in West Greenwich, R. I., January 27, 1850-1; Preserved, born November 13, 1752, (as well as the three following) in West Greenwich, R. I. : Joshua, born Decem- ber 16, 1754; John, bom March 21, 1757; and Asa, born May 23, 1760. The children of David and Precilla (Dunbar) Ripley are not given, except Jonathan, born September 25, 1770, died April 13, 1848, at Spafford, N. Y., married at Hoosick, N. Y., December 14, 1791, Ruth Corey, born February 9, 1776, died in Spafford, N. Y., February 25, 1862. Jonathan Ripley, by his wife Ruth Corey, had the follow- ing children : the first three in Warren County, N. Y., the next six in Hoosick, Rensselaer County, and the last in Spaf- ford, N. Y. : Joshua, born October 5, 1793, died May, 1859, married Mary Ayers at Virgil, Cortland County, January, 1821; Rebecca, born October 7, 1795, married Ripha Worden 220 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSt^ATION December 25, 1816, at Brutus, Cayuga County, N. Y. ; James, born October 14, 1797, died September 18, 1859, in Illinois, married ?,Iaha]a Randall at Spafford, October, 1820; John L., born May 26, 1799, married Clarissa E. Loss, April 6, 1825, at Spafford, N. Y., daughter of Moses and Susanna (Ells) Loss; Whitman, born March 14, 1801, married Thankful Barber, March 1822, at Spafford; Meribah, born February 6, 1803, married Randall Palmer, at Spafford, January 6, 1825 ; David, born September 16, 1804, died February 8, 1865, in Spafford, married Sarah Jane Eliot, daughter of Elias and Charity (Warner) Eliot, at Geddes, N. Y., his wife, after his decease, married Willard Doty for her second husband ; Elsie, bom February 9, 1807, died January 7, 1843, at Truxton, buried in Spafford Ceme- tery, married Stephen Norton, January 24, 1828, at Spaf- ford, N. Y, ; Maria, born March 13, 1811, married Lysander Denny May, 1841, at Joliet, Illinois; and Silas C, born April 22, 1813, married Rosina Burgess, June 16, 1837, at Auburn, .N. Y. Mr. Ripley came to this town from Hoosick, N. Y., about 1812, and settled upon Ripley Hill, on Lot 32, Tully, where he remained until his decease.) (Spafford.) David Ripley, (son of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley. Died February 8, 1865, age 61 years. (Mr. Ripley, like his father, was a farmer, came to this to^vn with his father, and after marriage settled on a farm adjoining his father, on the south, on Ripley Hill, where he resided until his decease. By his wife, Sarah Jane Eliot, he had the following children, all born in this town : Sarah A., married LaFayette Foster, son of Albert and Clarissa (Maxson) Foster; Frances, married James S. Foster, son of Albert and Clarissa (Maxson) Foster; Helen, married Dudley B. Andrews, son of John P. and Harriet Andrews; Charles, married Sophia Andrews, daughter of John P. and Harriet Andrews, (they have had three children : Thomas, Charles, and a daughter who died in infancy), they reside West; George, married Mary Carr, daughter of Almond Carr, (one child died in infancy), resides in Wisconsin; Lucy, married Fred C. Hills,; and James, deceased.) (Spafford.) STAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 221 Nellie Verne, daughter of George and Mary (Carr) Ripley. Died February 3, 1873, age 6 months. " Our Baby." (Spafford.) John L. Ripley, son of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley. Born May 26, 1799, died September 27, 1887. (No stone) . (He came to this town with his father, and resided on Ripley Hill until the decease of his father, when he moved to a farm on Lot 32, Sempronius, where he died; he mar- ried Clarissa E. Loss, April 6, 1825, and by her had the following children, all born in this town : Candace S., born February 20, 1826, married Windsor Holmes, son of John and Lydia (Barnes) Holmes, March 28, 1871, resided in Spafford; David L., born January 16, 1829, married Mary E. Richardson, June 25, 1862, in Sempronius, N. Y., wife dead and he resides in Spafford; Moses D., born May 7, 1830, resides in Charles City Iowa, unmarried; Valencia, born July 9, 1832 ; Amon J., born November 10, 1834, mar- ried Harriet Carr, daughter of Thurston and Lorane (Green) Carr, (one daughter. Flora, married Edwin Morris, son of Uriah and Frances (Worden) Morris, resides in Spafford) ; Amon J., resides in Glen Haven, N, Y. ; Jonathan D., born February 7, 1837, married (1) Elizabeth Hall, daughter of Asa and Laura Ann (Babcock) Hall, and (2) Nellie Hough of Skaneateles, N. Y., resides in Spafford, N. Y.; James W., born February 25, 1839, died May 14, 1843, in Spafford; Calista L., born April 27, 1841, died in Quincy, Michigan, April 13, 1866, married Calvin Hayes, July 4, 1860; George V., born September 5, 1843, married Helen Newland December 31, 1865; Clarissa A., born Jan- uary 5, 1846, married Arthur Hall, son of Asa and Laura Ann (Babcock) Hall, October 6, 1869, resides in Spafford, N. Y.; and Daniel W., born January 4, 1849, married Lovica Phelps, June 16, 1870.) (Spafford.) Clarissa Eells Loss, wife of John L. Ripley. Born Decem- ber 5, 1807, died November 29, 1891. (No stone.) (She was a daughter of Moses and Susanna (Eells) Loss, and born in Skaneateles, N. Y. On her mother's side she was descended from John Eells, who came from Barnstable, England, in 1635, and settled in Dorchester. Mass., as 222 «NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION follows: Clarissa, Susanna, Nathaniel, Nathaniel, Samuel, Samuel, John.) (Spafford.) Nancy Elizabeth (Hall), wife of Jonathan D. Ripley. Died November 13, 1866, age 28 years, 5 months, 19 days. (Spafford.) Nellie I., died Janaury 17, 1877, age 4 months, 15 days. Charles P. Died June 11, 1878, age 5 years. Children of Jonathan D. and Nellie I. (Hough) Ripley. (Spafford.) Mary E. (Richardson), wife of David L. Ripley. Died October 4, 1870, age 35 years, 10 months, 14 days. (Spafford.) Joshua Ripley, the eldest son of Jonathan and Ruth (Corey) Ripley, came to this town with his father, and the members of his family were in early years well known to the people of this town, but we have no record of any dead of his descendants in any of our cemeteries. By his wife, Mary Ayers, he is known to have had the following children : Washington, killed by a falling tree, unmarried; Clorinda, went West with her brother, David Miner; David Miner, married West ; William, died unmarried ; and John, married Sarah Peek of Truxton, N. Y., he was a soldier in the War of 1861, first resided in Truxton, and then in Homer, N. Y., where he died and was buried, he claimed to have second sight. John Ripley, (son of Joshua and Mary Ayers Ripley), by his wife Sarah Peck, who was living in Homer, N. Y., in 1898, had the following: Candace Theodosia, married Charles Gillett of Cold Brook, N. Y. ; Nelson, bachelor, resid- ing in 1898 in Geddes, N. Y. ; Anna, married Henry Fuller, resides with her mother in Homer, N. Y. ; George, resides in Homer, N. Y., unmarried; and Jacob, who also resides in Homer, N. Y., unmarried. ROBERTSON. James Robertson. Died February 25, 1859, age 78 years, 7 months, 11 days. (He came from Jackson, Washington County, N. Y., about 1840, and settled on the county line road, on lot 41, Tully, where he remained until his decease; his wife, Isabel Eadie, was a sister of Peter Becker's wife, by her he had : Christia SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 225 Ann, married (1) Richard C. Goodrich, and (2) Daniel Lyon, she died in Otisco N. Y. ; Elizabeth, married Abiathar Melvin, son of Jabez and Rebecca Melvin, as his secona wife, husband dead, and in 1898 she was residing in Nebraska; John, died, (drowned), unmarried; Peter, mar- ried Jane Jacobson, resided in Troy, N. Y.; Jane, married Alexander Churchell, son of James and Hannah (Dobbs) Churchell, as his second wife, dead; Agnes, 1898, residing unmarried in Otisco, N. Y. ; and Mary, died unmarried.) (Spafford.) Isabel (Eadie), wife of James Robertson. Died May 27, 1870, age 85 yars, 8 months, 6 days. " Our Mother." (Spafford.) ROBINSON. Amy, wife of Archibald Robinson. Born March 28, 1787, died January 14, 1852. (Archibald Robinson at one time resided on a farm on Lots 10, 11, and 21, Sempronius, in the Nunnery neighbor- hood.) (Borodino.) Mariah, daughter of Richard and Mary Robinson. Died February 26, 1825, age 13 years, 13 days. (Thorn Hill.) ROBISON. Abram Robison. Died July 4, 1878, age 25 years, 11 months, 4 days. " Gone to rest." (He was drowned in Skaneateles Lake, near Ten Mile Point, died unmarried.) (Borodino.) ROGERS. Nettie Eadie, wife of Charles Rogers. Died June 8, 1876, age 19 years, 1 month, 3 days. " Remember you still." (She was a daughter of John W. and Abigail (Doty) Eadie) . (Spafford.) 224 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION ROOT. Norman Root. Born October 25, 1789. Died May 10, 1853. (By his wife Anna he had: Artemus; Hezekiah, married Diana Scrivnes; Dana; Mary Ann, married Henry Tucker; Jenette, died as a young lady ; and Esther, married George H. Anthony. In 1838 he resided on the Williamson Farm, west side of Spafford Hollow, about one mile south of Otisco Lake.) (Spafford Hollow.) Anna, wife of Norman Root. Bom March 25, 1794, died January 6, 1856. (Spafford Hollow.) ROSMAN. Urania Rosman. Died July 16, 1869, age 69 years. (She came from Auburn, N. Y., and died at the house of Joel C. Woodworth, unmarried.) (Spafford.) ROUNDS. Russel Rounds. Died April 11, 1856, age 38 years, 14 days. (He married Lydia Harrington, daughter of John and Catherine Harrington, and by her had the following chil- dren: Matilda, married Alexander Green, blacksmith, at Spafford Corners, he died 1899 and she now resides in Spafford ; Minerva, married Allen Breed, son of Ruf us and Mehitable Breed, he is dead and she resides in Spafford; Lucy, married Henry B. Knapp, son of Augustus Knapp, and (2) Joseph LefRngwell, resides in Spafford; and Anna, married John Odell, resides in Spafford. Mr. Rounds was drowned at New Hope, N. Y., and his widow in 1898 resided with her daughter, Mrs. Odell, in Spafford.) (Spafford.) ROUNDY. Asahel Roundy, (son of Uriah and Lucretia Needham). Died February 1, 1857, age 72 years, 6 months. (He came to this town about 1807 from Rockingham, Vt., where he was bom, and remained here until his death, first residing on Lot 22, Tully, where part of his children were born, and afterwards on the State's Hundred Acres on Lot SP AFFORD MORTUARY RBCORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 225 21, Tully. He was of the seventh generation, in line of descent from Philip Roundy, who died in Salem, Mass., in 1678. The first wife of Philip Roundy is not known, but in November, 1671, he married Anna Bush at Salem for a second wife; he had by his first wife: Robert, died at Beverly, Mass., November 16, 1715, married Deborah Plumb, July 13, 1678 ; Mark, he was a soldier in King Philip's War, and was wounded in the Narragansett Battle in December 1675 ; and by his second wife he had Mary, married Thomas Walter, April 19, 1695. Robert Roundy (son of Philip) was a Coaster, and was sometimes called Doctor, he had a warehouse in Beverly. By his wife, Deborah Plumb, he had: Elizabeth, John, Mary, Deborah, Esther and Benjamin. John Roundy (son of Robert), resided first in Beverly, and second in Marblehead, Mass. ; he married (1) Decem'oer 2, 1703, in Beverly, Mary Daland, (and by her had: Robert and Lydia), and (2) Elizabeth Savery at Marblehead, and by her had : John, Elizabeth, Martha, Sarah, Joseph, Abra- ham and Thomas. Robert Roundy, (son of John and Mary (Daland) Roundy), was born January 7, 1704, in Beverly, and died in Lempster, N. H., June 17, 1797 ; he was a weaver by trade and settled in Windham, Conn., where he remained, during the birth of his children, and until the decease of his wife, April 3, 1781, and then went to Lempster to reside with his son, Samuel, where he died and was buried. By his wife, Elizabeth Green, he had : John, Samuel, Robert, Elizabeth, and Mary. John Roundy, (son of Robert and Elizabeth (Green) Roundy), born August 23, 1726, in Windham, died in Rock- ingham, Vt., married Mary Bass, born in Windham, Conn., June 20, 1729, daughter of Thomas and Dorothy (Parish) Bass, and by her had : John, Almond, Elmariah and Uriah. Mr. Roundy was elected at the organization of the town of Rockingham, as its first Representative. He was commonly called Captain in the public records, and all his sons served as soldiers in the War of the Revolution. Uriah Roundy, (son of John and Mary (Bass) Roundy), born October 27, 1756, died May 1, 1813, in Rockingham, Vt., married Lucretia Needham, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Allen) Needham, born in Norwich, Conn., Sep- 226 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION tember 9, 1760, died in Michigan, December 5 1848, she at one time resided with her son, Asahel Roimdy, in Spaffora, N. Y. Mr. Roundy, by his wife, Lucretia, had the following children, all born in Rockingham, Vermont: Daniel, born December 1, 1780, died December 3, 1847, married (1) Laura Hoyt, and (2) Ruth Baird, December 23, 1821, at Spafford, N. Y., he first settled in Spafford and then moved West, where he died ; Hannah, born June 19, 1782, married Silas Baird, in Rockingham, Vt., June 28, 1804, she and her husband both died in Ripley, Chautauqua County, N. Y., where their descendants remain ; Asahel, born July 29, 1784, died February 1, 1857, married Hannah Weston at Skan- eateles, N. Y., January 19, 1809, daughter of Jonathan and Maiy Weston ; Lucy, bom March 9, 1797, died June 2, 1850, married Lauren Hotchkiss, they were father and mother of the Rev. Velona Hotchkiss, D. D., Baptist Devine, who died in Buffalo, N. Y. ; Shadrack, bom January 1, 1789, died July ■2, 1872, in Salt Lake City, Utah, married Betsey Quimby; Naomi bom February 1, 1791, died June 7, 1820, married John Baird; Lucretia born March 6, 1793, died unmarried; Maria, born May 10, 1794, died 1890, married John Hutchens in Spafford in 1816, (brother of Col. Phineas Hutchens of this town), descendants mostly in Wisconsin; Uriah, born April 10, 1796, married (1) Polly Lyon at Spaf- ford, sister of Daniel and David Lyon, and (2) Rena Bristol. He died in Iowa in 1870 ; Mary, born May 23, 1798, married Baxter Lyon; Almira, bom April 20, 1800, died April 8, 1883, married (1) Warren Sabin in 1822, and (2) Morgan Williams in 1842; and Matilda, born October 22, 1803, married George Humphrey, resided in Medina, N. Y. Daniel Roundy, (son of Uriah and Lucretia), by his wife Laura Hoyt, had : Lucretia, born August 17, 1810, married at Spafford, Joel H. Grout, son of John and Elizabeth (Clark) Grout, husband died in this town and she moved to Chicago, 111., and by his second wife, Ruth Baird, (born October 15, 1799, at Granville, Washington County, N. Y., died in Illinois in 1893), he had the following: Jay, died at Manteno, Iowa, February 2, 1893, married Sarah Ger- main, January 1, 1853; Jane, born April 8, 1823, died young; Dr. Daniel Curtis, born 1824, died in Chicago, 111., June 1897, married Elizabeth Young. He was a soldier in the War of 1861, Capt. 4th Wis. Cav. Vols., and SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 227 also Siirgectn in 37th Wis. Inft. Vols., wife died November 6, 1898 ; Spencer Beard, died in Brooklyn, N. Y., January 6, 1861, unmarried; and Porter W., married Ann Young, resides at Davenport, Iowa, he was also soldier in the War of 1861, 2nd Lieut. 4th Wis. Cav. Vols., and Hospital Steward in 37th Wis. Inft. Vols. Shadrack Roundy, (son of Uriah and Lucretia), was one of the trustees of the Free Will Baptist Church in Spaf- ford, at its organization, December 13, 1825, and left that church about 1832, and joined the Mormons and followed their movements, first to Pennsylvania, then to Ohio, then to Nauvoo, and finally at Salt Lake, Utah, where he died. In the latter church he was prominent, and from time to time held civil, military and religious offices with the Mor- mon organization, and by that people was recognized at the time of his decease, as patriarch and saint. By his -v^afe, Betsey Quimby, he had the following children, several of whom were born in Spafford: Lauren Hotchldss, born August 21, 1815, married (1) Johanna Carter, 1843, (2) Jane Coyle, and (3) Martha; Julia Rebecca, born April 5, 1817, died in 1837 in Missouri, unmarried ; Bishop Lorenzo Wesley, born in Spafford, June 18, 1819, accidentally dro^vned in Colorado River, May 24, 1876, married (1) Adeline Whiting in 1843, she died in 1845, and he married (2) Susannah Wallace, and (3) 1858, (Plural wife) Pris- cilla Parish. (By his first wife he had two children, by his second eight, and by his third (plural) seven children. His descendants are numerous, residing in Utah ; Lauretta, born November, 1821, married David H. Beck at Nauvoo, 111., 1841, and moved to Utah (she had ten children) ; Samantha, born June 2, 1824, married John David Parker, February 3, 1846, no issue ; Bishop Jared Curtis, bom Jan- uary 5, 1827, in Spafford, married (1) Lovisa Jenny, Jan- uary, 1852, (2) Eliza J. Snyder in 1855, (3) Elizabeth Drake, January, 1879, and (4) Ellen M. White, December 20, 1883, the last three were plural wives, he died May 21, 1895,. By his first wife he had nine children, and by his last (plural) he had five children, by the other two plural wives he had no issue, his descendants are numerous in Utah,; Almeda Sophia, born March 7, 1829, in Spafford, and married John David Parker, February 3, 1846, the husband of her sister Samantha, as his plural wife, both 228 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION being married the same day, she has had ten children, resided in Utah; William Kelsham, born November, 1831, died Aug-ust 14, 1839 ; Nancy Jane, bom May 23, 1834, died July 6, 1885, has been twice married and had nine children ; and Malinda, born June 23, 1838, died March 8, 1842, at Nauvoo, 111. The descendants of Shadrack Roundy in Utah will exceed two hundred in number. Uriah Roundy, (son of Uriah and Lucretia), came to Spafford early, and there married his first wife; he was also a member of the Free Will Baptist Church, and joined the Mormon Exodus from Spafford about 1833, and went to Pennsylvania, Ohio and Illinois, but when the Latter Day Saints started for Salt Lake City he left them near Council Bluff, Iowa, and renouncing polygamy joined and assisted in oganizing, at Gallows Hill, Iowa, the Reformed Mormon Church, v/hich exists at that place to this day. He died in lovv^a. His children by his first wife were mostly born in Spaffoj-d, they were: John, born December 6, 1818, married (1) Sarah Shearer, and (2) Frances J. Jones, farmer, resides at Moulton, Iowa, has had nine children ; Mary, died at 28 years, married Gilbert Miller; David LaFayette, died in infancy; Washington, born in Spafford, September 26, 1824, married (1) Serelda Her, and (2) Alvira Williams, and (3) Mrs. Nancy Black, he has had eleven children, farmer, has been a member of the Iowa Legislature, resides at Manteno, Iowa; Jenette, born 1826, married Thomas Putnam, eight children, resides in Iowa; Asahel, born Sep- tember 10, 1828, married Sarah Vanausdall, March 20, 1853, at Gallows Hill, Iowa, he died June 6, 1878 ten children residing mostly in Shelby County, Iowa; Alma, died in infancy; Zebedee, born in 1834, and died in 1855; and Martha, married Alexander Black and had eleven children. Capt. Asahel Roundy, (son of Uriah and Lucretia), came to this town or horseback from Rockingham, Vt., about 1807, and two years afterwards married his wife, Hannah Weston, with whom he became acquainted while she was teaching school at Spafford Corners, she coming here for that purpose on horseback, from her home in Skaneateles Village; by her he had the following children, all born in Spafford: Lucretia, born April 25, 1810, died in Syracuse, N. Y., married (1) Dr. Horatio Smith of Otisco, N. Y,, and (2) John Lathrop at Syracuse, N. Y., November 24, 1852, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 229 she died without issue, buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Syra- cuse, N. Y. ; Gordon N., born December 4, 1811, died Feb- ruaiy 17, 1896, at Turner, Illinois, married Maria L. Kimble, October, 1840, (his children, all born in Turner, Illinois, are: Charles Franklin, Asahel Madison, James E., (the foregoing died in infancy), Mary Ellen, Maria Louisa, Charles William, Lucy Jane, Margaret Elvira (died in infancy), Carrie Elizabeth, Franklin Gordon, and Kate Linda) ; Maiy Ann, born January 31, 1813, married Dr. John Collins, April 4, 1832, at Spafford, husband dead, and she resides, 1899, with her son, Capt. George K. Collins, in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Lizana, born March 29, 1814, married Sey- mour N. Vv'ood, June 9, 1831, husband dead, and she resides (1899) with her daughter, Mrs. M. Adelle Miller, at Onon- daga Valley, N. Y.; Nancy M., bom June 28, 1816, died April 18, 1895, married Levi Hurlbut, December 13, 1838, both dead, and buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Asahel Madison born April 29, 1818, died August 19, 1857, married Melissa Andrews, daughter of Rev. Benjamin and Marj^ Andrews, his widow resides in Auburn, N. Y., his only child : Adelphene, died unmarried at Auburn, N. Y. ; Uriah, born July 24, 1819, married Mary Ann Tinkham, daughter of Russel and Mary (Cook) Tinkham, April 3, 1842, resides in Spafford, N. Y., has been Loan Commis- sioner, Justice of the Sessions, Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, Postmaster and Excise Commissioner; Franklin, born April 28, 1822, died in Michigan, January 30, 1896, married Orissa Fisher, daughter of Dakin and Sally (Youst) Fisher, blacksmith by trade, and was farrier in Company " G," 4th Mich. Cav. Vols, in the War of 1861 ; and Prof. Charles Orlando, born May 18, 1823, died Sep- tember 30, 1892, married Nancy Burroughs of Skaneateles, N. Y., October 26, 1848, he was a teacher and A. M. from Hamilton College, among other places he taught was as Principal of the Skaneateles Academy, Moravia Academy, and Syracuse High School, his widow still survives and resides at Moravia, N. Y. Capt. Asahel Roundy received his rank as Captain from the State of New York, he com- manded a Company in the 98th N. Y. Militia in the War of 1812, in a short tour of duty at Sacketts Harbor, N. Y., in the Fall of 1814. He was prominent in town affairs, ana during his active life held prominent town offices, such as 230 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Supervisor, and Justice of the Peace, he was also Post- master. Uriah Roundy, (son of Capt. Asahel and Hannah), Dy his wife, Mary Ann Tinkham, has two children: Adelbert, born April 14, 1848, at Spafford, N. Y., married Juliette Little, daughter of Hon. Feremorz Little of Salt Lake City, Utah, merchant, residing- at Salt Lake, Utah, (four children born at latter place : Mary, Florence, Jay T., and Dorothy) ; and Jay C, bom July 3, 1851, married (1) Alice A. Hill, daughter of William and Mary Jane (Vincent) Hill, and (2) Nettie Warner, daughter of Edward Warner, rancher, resides at Haden, Fremont Co., Idaho, (three children: Pearl, Frank, and Adelbert). Mr. and Mrs. Roundy also had one adopted son, Charles Weston, who was a first cousin of Mr. Roundy, being a son of Columbus and (Delano) Weston of Skaneateles, N. Y., he was a member of the 76th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Inft., War of 1861, and is now deceased. Franklin Roundy, (son of Capt. Asahel and Hannah), moved to Dorence, Branch Co., Mich., where he died ; by his wife, Orrissa Fisher, he had the following children, two first of whom were born in Spafford, and the others in Michigan: Flora Elizabeth, bom March 26, 1852; Evan- geline, born October 1, 1853; Asahel, born January 25, 1858; and Charles, born February 15, 1860. The widow of Mr. Roundy is still living in Michigan. Charles 0. Roundy, (son of Capt. Asahel and Hanah), by his wife Nancy Burroughs had five children, the first four in Syracuse, and the last in Moravia : Frances Adelle, bora May 23, 1852 ; Mary Ella, born March 29, 1858, mar- ried and resides in Moravia, N. Y. ; Sarah B., born Decem- ber 25, 1859, married and esides in Moravia, N. Y. ; Charles B., bom March 7, 1868, died January 9, 1871 ; and Charles O., born September 20, 1872, married and resides in Skan- eateles, N. Y. Mr. Roundy's widow is still living and resides at Moravia, N. Y. (Spafford.) Hannah (Weston), wife of Capt. Asahel Roundy. Died October 22, 1855, age 68 years, 1 month. (She was born at Fitzwilliam, N. H., September 22, 1786, and came to Skaneateles Village with her parents on or before 1800, and resided in early childhood in a log house, SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECtR»S WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 231 situate between the Skaneateles and Hamilton Turnpike and the Lake, on the site of the present residence of Mr. Poor in that Village.) (Spafford.) Uriah Roundy. Bom July 24, 1819, died May 29, 1902. Mary A. (w.). Born June 29, 1820. She is now deceased. Asahel Madison Roundy, (son of Capt. Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Roundy) . Died August 19, 1857, age 39 years, 3 months, 20 days. (He was a merchant at Spafford Comers at the time of his decease.) (Spafford.) Charles Weston, adopted son of Uriah and Mary Ann (Tinkham) Roundy. Died July 10, 1865, age 21 years, 9 months. (For three years he was a member of Company " D," 76th Regt. N. Y. Vols. Inft.) (Spafford.) ROWEN. John Rowen. Died October 15, 1858, age 79 years. (Borodino.) Nancy, wife of John Rowen. Died September 17, 1847, age 58 years. " Oh ! how sweet to sleep in Jesus." Sophia M. (Berry), wife of John J. Rowen. Died May 19, 1879, age 65 years, 2 months, 24 days. (John J. Rowen, son of John Rowen, married Sophia M. Berry, daughter of Jonathan and Thankful Berry; they had one daughter, who married a Mr. James Murphy and now resides in Spafford.) (Borodino.) RUST. Jehiel Rust. Died February 16, 1845, age 78 years, 4 months, 16 days. (Mr. Rust came to this town before 1815, and that year settled on a farm of 60 acres on Lot 74, Marcellus, pur- chased of Alexander M. Beebe ; by his wife Polly he left no issue. In his will dated March 23, 1837, and pobated May 232 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 3, 1848, he mentions his wife Mary and Zipporah and John Chappell, children of Martin Chappell.) (Thorn Hill.) Polly, wife of Jehiel Rust. Died July 7, 1842, age 7o years, 11 months, 11 daj^s. (Thorn Hill.) SANFORD. In memory of Lucy Ann H. Sanf ord, who died June 10, 1837, in the 4th year of her age. (Spafford.) SEELY. Samuel G. Seely. Died September 10, 1852, age 77 years, 8 months, 2 days. (He came to this town before 1807, and settled on a farm situate in the southwest corner of Lot 12, Tully, where he remained until the timeof his decease. He was a member of Captain Asahel Roundy's Company, in the 98th N. Y. Militia, and served a short tour of duty near Sackett's Harbor, N. Y., in the Fall of 1814, in the War of 1812. By his wife, Adah Fowler, he had : Polly, married Lemuel D. Smith of Cold Brook, N. Y., (eleven children) ; Cynthia, she died October 6, 1869, age 70 years, unmarried ; Sally, mar- ried, Alvin Churchill, son of John and Martha Churchill, both dead, and buried in Cold Brook Cemetery; Huldah, married William Bell; Philura, married (1) Mr. Eldridge, and (2) Russel M. Burdick, she had one son, Samuel Eldridge, by her first husband, and a daughter, Mary Bur- dick, married William Cullen Bockus, by her second hus- band; Hiram, married Betsey Jane Jacobs, daughter of Elias and Betsey J. Jacobs, of Spafford Hollow, both dead, and buried in this cemetery; Adelia, married James Bell; and Clarissa, died February 9, 1826, age 17 years.) (Spafford.) Adah (Fowler), wife of Samuel G. Seely. Died June 13, 1852, age 77 years, 10 months, 2 days. (Spafford.) Clarissa. Died February 9, 1826, age 17 years, 5 months, 3 days. Cyntha. Died October 6, 1869, age 70 years, 25 days. Daughters of Samuel G. and Adah (Fowler) Seely. (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 233 Hiram Seely, (son of Samuel G. and Adah (Fowler) Seely). Danied January 1, 1883, age 68 years, 2 months, 7 days. " He has gone to his loved ones." (He resided on the old homestead with his father, where he died; by his wife, Betsey Jane Jacobs, he had: Marcus N., died March 14, 1892, age 53 years, married Orissa T. Filkins, daughter of George D. and Margaret (Fisher) Filkins, wife still living in Syracuse, N. Y.; and Orlando R., married Anna Eddy, farmer, resides in Homer, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Betsey J. (Jacobs), wife of Hiram Seely. Died April 19, 1881, age 63 years, 5 months. " She rests in Heaven." (Spafford.) Marcus N. Seely, (son of Hiram and Betsey J. (Jacobs) Seely. Died March 14, 1892, age 53 years. (By his wife, Orissa T. Filkins, he had two children: Eugene, died young in 1862 ; and Carrie, married Herbert C. Faxton of Syracuse, N. Y., husband works for Solvay Process Company. Marcus resided during his lifetime on the old Seely Homestead, on Lot 12, Tully, he was a farmer.) (Spafford.) Eugene, infant son of Marcus N. and Orrissa T. (Filkins) Seely. Died in the year 1862. (Spafford.) Francis Irvin, son of Orlando R. and Anna (Eddy) Seely. Died November 5, 1881, age 8 years, 8 days. (Spafford.) SESSIONS. Amasa Sessions, son of Nathaniel and Irene (Wales) Sessions). Died November 13, 1838, age 59 years. (Amasa Sessions was born in Union, Conn., June 30, 1779, and came to the town of Skaneateles in October, 1798 ; he was supposed to have been descended from Samuel Ses- sions, who came to this country from Wantage, Berkshire Co., England, in 1630, and settled in Andover, Mass., as fol- lows: Samuel, Alexander, Nathaniel, Amasa, Nathaniel, Amasa. His father, Nathaniel Session, was born in Pomfret, and settled in Union, Conn., where he died, October 5, 1824 ; 234 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION he married (1) Irene Wales, November 16, 1775, she died December 3, 1793, and he married for a second wife Fanny- Chandler. Amasa Sessions, in a letter dated in 1838, in speaking of his father, says : " My father, Nathaniel, died at Union in 1824, age 74, and my mother in 1793. They were members of the Congregational Church. He had two wives, by whom he had six children each : Amasa, Ebenezer, (born May 11, 1781), of Skaneateles; Susan Wright, at Vernon, N. Y. ; Irene, died at Chautauqua; Lydia Chap- man, in Onondaga; Nathaniel, with his six sons and three daughters, in Ionia, Mich.; Col. Moses Chandler Sessions, at Union, Conn. ; Polly, died at Union, Fanny Eaton, Darius and Eliza Webster, with their families, are at Macomb Co., Mich. ; and Hannah, at Marcellus." Amasa Sessions, (son of Nathaniel), married (1) Sila , (2) Phebe Robins Smith, and (3) , resided on Lot 59, Marcellus, in the town of Skaneateles, N. Y., where he died. In the same letter, spoken of above, he says : " I have nine children by my second wife, with whom I lived twenty-nine years, to wit: Sila Bennett, wife of Bennett, publisher of Baptist Register, and my youngest, Phebe, (Hon. Sidney Smith says her name was Elizabeth and not Phebe), who dwells at Utica, N. Y., Alonzo, Job S., George M., Amasa, John, Darius, and Jane M. Yates, all at Ionia, on Grand River, Michigan." John Sessions, became a lawyer and settled in Brooklyn, N. Y., with an office at No. 10 Wall St., New York City; and Alonzo Sessions, settled in Ionia, Michigan, where he became a man of wealth and influence, he not only held from time to time various town offices, but was Sheriff of his county, and Lieut. Governor of the State of Michigan, he was a member of the State Constitutional Convention, member of the State Legislature, and President of the First Ionia National Bank, and the Farmer's Insurance Company. All three of Amasa Sessions' wives were born in Connecticut.) (Thorn Hill.) Sila Sessions, (wife of Amasa Sessions) . Died January 20, 1808, age 29 years. (Thorn Hill.) Phebe (Smith), wife of Amasa Sessions. Died May 25, 1837, age 53 years. (Thorn Hill.) SPAFFORD MORTUAKY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 235 Dea. Ebenezer Sessions, (son of Nathaniel and Irene (Wales) Sessions) . Died December 25, 1855, age 74 years, 7 months, 13 days. (Thorn Hill.) Mary, wife of Dea. Ebenezer Sessions. Died November 11, 1858, age 80 years, 3 months, 19 days. (Thorn Hill.) In memory of Susan, daughter of Ebenezer and Mary Sessions. Died April 7, 1839, age 27 years, 4 months, 7 days. (Thorn Hill.) SHARP. Chester Sharp. Died May 11, 1840, age 72 years. (He married Anice Churchill, daughter of John and Martha Churchill, and had among other children, Mary A., who married Ranford R. Bates. His wife, who survived him, married (2) Philip Pickett.) (Cold Brook.) Harriet E., daughter of John Wm. and Lydia A. (Under- wood) Sharp. Died February 23, 1843, age 1 year, 5 months. (John Wm. Sharp, son of Chester and Anice (Churchill) Sharp, married (1) Lydia A. Underwood, and (2) Phebe Isdell, daughter of Andrew and Mary (Harris) Isdell, and widow of William Bacon. He practiced law in Justice's Courts, and was a fanner by occupation. He had a daughter by his first wife: Olive A., who married William Kelsey.) (Cold Brook.) SHAW. James Shaw. Died November 14, 1858, age 63 years. (Mr. Shaw, for many years before his decease, resided near the westerly line of Lot 45, in the town of Tully, in a little huddle commonly called " Shawville," and kept a small store at that place; he had a very respectable family of girls, who married into well known Spafford families.) (Spafford Hollow.) 236 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASBe«iATi«N SHELDEN. William Shelden. Born December 3, 1756, died July 27, 1805. at Stephentown, N. Y., married November 18, 1779, at Stephentown, N. Y., Abigail Udell, born Aug-ust 4, 1762, died May 12, 1836, at Spafford, and was buried at Thorn Hill. Mrs. Sheldon, after the decease of Mr. Sheldon, mar- ried Hezekiah Mason, November 14, 1811. Several of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Shelden also came to this town, they were as follows: Abigail, born December 25, 1780; William, bom January 20, 1783; Benjamin, born January 5, 1785; Lionel, born October 16, 1787; Allen, born August 11, 1789; Alanson, born December 19, 1791, died May 16, 1819 ; Anna, born June 10, 1794, died September 5, 1867, at Spafford, N. Y., married Asa Mason, son of Hezekiah and Sally Mason, May 10, 1812, she was buried in Borodino Cemetery ; Asa, born April 13, 1796 ; Erastus, born June 17, 1798, died August 21, 1832 ; Diadama, born June 10, 1800, died March, 1801; and Diana, born July 30, 1804, died at residence of Hon. Sidney Smith, in Skaneateles, N. Y., May 19, 1892, married Charles A. Calkins, May 21, 1831, and settled at Thorn Hlil, her husband was born September 2, 1805. Diana was the mother of Jennie A. Calkins, second wife of Hon. Sidney Smith, and George A. Calkins, of Chicago, 111. She was buried in Lake View Cemetery, Skaneateles, N. Y. SHELDON. Caleb Sheldon, son of Joseph and Jemima (Carr) Shel- don, was bom in Rensselaer County, N. Y., near Stephen- town; his parents came from Massachusetts and Connecti- cut. He married Lillis Howard, daughter of Sylvester Howard, at Stephentown, N. Y., and settled at Rutland, Jefferson County, N. Y., and from there came to this town in 1837, and settled on a farm east of Borodino Village, where he resided for many years. He died at Onondaga Valley, and was buried in Oakwood Cemetery. His chil- dren were: Catherine, died unmarried, buried Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, N. Y. ; Lansing, married Emily A. Cleveland, daughter of Benajah and Mary (Clark) Cleve- land, wife died at Syracuse, (Oakwood Cemetery), and he resides at 207 Cortland Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. ; Sylvester SPAFFOR© MORTUAIY RBCORDS WITM GBNIALOGICAL NOTES 237 Howard, married Jane Ferry, daughter of Chester and Saba (BiifRngton) Ferry, both dead, and buried in Oakwood Cemetery. Lansing Sheldon, (son of Caleb and Lillis), by his wife Emily A. Ferry, had : Harriet, married Henry Hinman, son of George and Ruth (Smith) Hinman, as his third wife, resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; and Lansing Grant, married Anna Hastings of Onondaga Valley, and resides in Syracuse, N. Y. SHERWOOD. Emily J., daughter of Jacob W. and Sarah Sherwood. Died February 5, 1848, age 17 years, 4 months, 21 days. (Borodino.) SKELLIE. Helen, daughter of William L and Betsey (Boughton) Skellie. Died July 30, 1848, age 20 years, 7 months, 20 days. " She was a dear daughter, kind sister and dear friend, To her happiness and wishes was ready to attend, In her long and painful illness not a word of complaint, She was always a tried and obedient Saint." (William I. Skellie came to this town from Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y., about June 1, 1826, and settled on a farm on the east side of the Skaneateles and Homer road, on Lot 42, Tully; he married Betsey Boughton, daughter of Azer and Elizabeth (Nickerson) Boughton, of Washington County, N. Y., and by her had: Amanda D., married Nathan Culver, son of Moses and Amy (Boughton) Culver, of Cambridge, N. Y., husband dead, and she resides (1899) in Syracuse, N. Y. ; James V., married Esther Wil- liamson, daughter of James and Hannah Williamson, of Spafford Hollow, she died in Scott, N. Y., his residence not known, (two children buried in this Cemetery) ; Helen, died in Spafford, July 30, 1848, unmarried; Marion B., married Helen Newell, son of Stephen and Mary (Cuykendall) Newell husband dead, and in 1898 she resided in Buffalo, N .Y. (one child, Skellie H. Newell) ; and Josephine C, married Elisha Hewett of Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Skellie died in Scott, and were buried in the Seventh Day Baptist Cemetery at that place.) (Spafford.) 238 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Harley J., son of James and Esther (Williamson) Skellie. Died September 28, 1863, age 13 years, 11 months, 24 days. (Spafford.) Florence Virginia, daughter of James and Esther (Wil- liamson) Skellie. Died December 20, 1849, age 1 year, 20 days. " This lovely bud was nipped so soon. To rise and bloom beyond the tomb." (Spafford.) William Skellie, a nephew of William I. Skellie, formerly resided in the Nunnery neighborhood in this town, he mar- ried Lucinda Foster. He was a blacksmith by trade, and once worked in the Village of Borodino. He moved to Chautauqua County, and was at one time employed by the Chautauqua Park Assembly Association — dead. Alexander Skellie also came from Cambridge, Washing- ton County, N. Y., and about April 26, 1828, settled on Lot 10, Sempronius, his wife's given name was Martha. SMITH. Ruth, wife of Ira Smith. Died August 23, 1851, age 59 years, 5 months, 17 days. (Ira Smith came to Spafford and settled on Lot 23, Tully, in Spafford Hollow, on or before January 1, 1829 ; his chil- dren were: William; Franklin, married Marietta Parker, daughter of Samuel and Amy Parker; Ira, Jr., married Emeline P. Dunbar, daughter of Thaddeus and Caroline M. Dunbar, he moved to Michigan; Chester; Louisa, married Gordon Bailey; and Abigail, married Alphonso Kinney.) (Spafford Hollow.) Marietta (Parker), wife of Franklin Smith. Died May 8, 1855, age 42 years, 8 months, 1 day. (Spafford Hollow.) Caroline, daughter of Ira and Emeline P. (Dunbar) Smith. Died February 10, 1851, age 1 year, 6 months, 12 days. " This lovely bud was nipped so soon To rise and bloom beyond the tomb." (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 239 Alice A., daughter of Ira and Emeline P. (Dunbar) Smith. Died October 10, 1852, age 1 month, 20 days. " Alice ! thine angel visit cheered our lone hearts awhile. Then left us. Oh, why is it thou did'st not longer stay." (Spafford.) Horace Smith. Died August 8, 1862, age 61 years. " Our Father." (Mr. Smith came to this town from Fabius, N. Y., before 1848, and settled on the farm now (1899) owned by Col. Edwin S. Jenney, on Lot 32, Sempronius; from there he moved to a farm on Lots 32 and 33, Tully, in Cold Brook, about 1855, and there remained until his decease. His children, excepting the youngest one, were by his first wife, whose name is not given; he married for a second wife Clarissa G. Reynolds, who survived him, and after his decease married Albert Foster, for his second wife. His children, mentioned in the petition of his wife, Clarissa G., dated August 25, 1862, for Letters of Administration upon his estate, were : Joseph R., of Salmon River, Oregon Terri- tory; Harriet E., wife of David Spaulding of Monticello, Cowlitz County, Oregon Territory; Mary C, wife of Henry S. Alvord of Homer, N. Y. ; Horace, of Homer, N. Y. ; Maria J., wife of Thomas H. Alvord, of White Water, Kings County, Washington Territory; Levi G., of White Water, Kings Co., Washington Territory ; Rollin C, of Jacksonville, Oregon Territory; and Frederick R., (then a minor) of Spafford, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) Eliza Smith, (wife of David Smith). Died September 26, 1887, age 64 years. " Dear Mother." (David Smith lived in the Kellogg Settlement, in Cold Brook, in the town of Scott ; his wife Eliza was from Caze- novia. Josie E. Smith, daughter of David and Eliza Smith, married a Mr. Collins. Flora A. Smith, another daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, died unmarried.) (Cold Brook.) Josie E. Smith, daughter of David and Eliza Smith. Died November 14, 1880, age 26 years. (Cold Brook.) Flora A. Smith, daughter of David and Eliza Smith. Died June 19, 1885, age 28 years. (Cold Brook.) 240 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Lucilla, daug-hter of Lemuel D. and Polly (Seeley) Smith. Died October 31, 1842, age 2 years, 3 months, 14 days. (Lemuel D. Smith resided in Cold Brook; he married Polly Seeley, daughter of Samuel G. and Adah (Fowler) Seeley, and by her had the following children, in addition to the two whose deaths are here recorded in this cemetery : Melvina, unmarried; Parmelia, married a Mr. Harrington; Julania, married a Mr. Goodwin; Welcome S., married a Miss Knight; Dwight, married a Miss Knight, a sister of his brother Welcome's wife; Jane, unmarried; Louisa, unmarried; and Alvira, married a Mr. Webster.) (Cold Brook.) Ann Eliza, daughter of Lemuel D. and Polly (Seeley) Smith. Died January 21, 1852, age 19 years, 8 months, 29 days. (Cold Brook.) Isaiah D. Smith. Died November 28, 1868, age 78 years, 2 months, 11 days. (Mr. Smith came to this town from Bennington, Genesee County, N. Y., January 24, 1819, and settled on Lot 10, Sempronius; his first wife, Rachel, died in 1826, and he then married the widow Juliette Hall.) (Borodino.) Rachel, v/ife of Isaiah D. Smith. Died March 5, 1826, age 30 years. (Borodino.) Juliette (Hall), wife of Isaiah D. Smith. Died Decem- ber 15, 1861, age 55 years, 6 months. (Borodino.) Caroline, daug-hter of Isaiah D, and Rachel Smith. Died 1822. (Borodino.) Helen, daughter of Isaiah D. and Rachel Smith. Died April 13, 1842, age 3 years, 2 months, 22 days. (Borodino.) Sarah L. (Smith), wife of William B. Smith. Died August 8, 1874, age 21 years. (William B. Smith, son of Isaiah D. and Juliette (Hall) Smith, married Sarah L. Smith, daughter of Jessey Smith) . (Borodino.) In memory of Job Smith. Died January 16, 1827, age 80 years. 9PAFF0RD MORTUARY RHC«RDS WITH GBNIALOGICAL NOTES 241 (He was bom in Norwalk, Conn., and married there Elizabeth Keeler; from there he first settled in Greenfield, Greene County, N. Y., and from there came to this town, about February 25, 1806, and settled on a part of the State's Hundred Acres, on Lot 74, Marcellus. He was Paymaster in the War of the Revolution. Bj^ his wife, Elizabeth Keeler, who was also born in Norwalk, Conn., he had the following children: William, married Mary , he was a farmer and settled in Richmond, Ontario County, N. Y., he never* came to this town ; Sarah, married Mr. Shepard in Greene County, N. Y., she never came here, she had a son, Cyrus Smith Shepard, who resided with his maternal grand parents in this town, and went to Califor- nia, where he died; Elizabeth, died unmarried at Thorn Hill; Stephen, married Freelove Green, he was a farmer and carpenter, and died at Thorn Hill, December 27, 1825 ; Phebe, married Amasa Sessions as his second wife, she died at Thorn Hill, she had a son, Alonzo Sessions, who settled in Ionia, Michigan, and became very wealthy, he was Presi- dent of a bank in Ionia, Member of the Michigan Legislature on several occasions. Sheriff of the county of his residence, President of the State Constitutional Convention of Michi- gan, and once Lieutenant Governor of that State. Another of her sons : John Sessions, was a lawyer in Brooklyn, N. Y., and married Elizabeth Fisher, a niece of Bishop Hunting- ton, of Syracuse, N. Y. She also had a grandson, John Sessions, Jr., who was also a lawyer, and married a daughter of Bishop Huntington ; Lewis, married Chloe Ben- son; Charles, married Sophia Bull, he died in Skaneateles at the age of 34 years ; Seth, married Lois Hecox, sister of Col. Warren Hecox of Skaneateles, he moved to Lyons, N. Y. ; and Cyrus, married Lucinda Harvey, daughter of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey, he was a merchant and settled in Marengo, Wayne County, N. Y. From there he moved to Clyde, and then to Chautauqua County, N. Y. From Chautauqua County he moved to California, where he was engaged in the milling business at the time of his decease. Lewis Smith, (the fourth son of Job) , was a Lieutenant in Col. Warren Hecox's Regiment of New York Militia, in the War of 1812, and served in a short tour of duty in "defence of Sackett's Harbor, in the year 1814, and was dis- 242 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION charged at Smith's Mills, N. Y. He was prominent in town and county politics, he served as Supervisor and Justice of the Peace in the town of Marcellus, (now Spafford), as Sheriff of the County of Onondaga (1826 to 1828), and was Member of Assembly in the New York Legislature, 1820, 1821, 1829, and at the time of his decease, which occurred at Thorn Hill, at the age of 43 years. He was a farmer and resided on a farm on Lot 74, Marcellus, adjoining that of his father, Job Smith. His wife was Chloe 'Benson, daughter of Elkanah Benson, a native of Mendon, Mass., and who, at the time of the marriage, resided at a place known as " Benson Street," at the southwest corner of the town of Skaneateles. By his wife Chloe, Mr. Smith had the follow- ing children, all born in this town near Thorn Hill: Hon. Sidney, born in 1815, married (1) Adeline E. Blodgett, of Chautauqua County, N. Y., and (2) Jennie E. Calkins, daughter of Charles A. and Diana (Shelden) Calkins, after marriage he resided on the old homestead until 1870, and then settled in Skaneateles Village, where he resided until his decease in 1900, he held various offices in his native town, among which were: Justice of the Peace, Supervisor, Town Superintendent, and Inspector of Schools, and Mem- ber of Assembly in the Nevf York Legislature, in the yeai 1857, he claimed in 1899 to be the oldest living native of the Marcellus end of the town of Spafford ; Mary, residing (1898) in Skaneateles, unmarried ; William, he was educated in Homer Academy and Yale College, and first settled in Baltimore, Md., where he taught school and studied law. From there he moved to Missouri, and then to Sacramento, Cal., where he engaged in the mercantile business. He died of cholera at the latter place in 1850, unmarried ; Stephen, married Lucy Culver, daughter of Judge E. D. Culver, of Brooklyn, N. Y., he is a prominent physician in New York, City, where he was appointed Commissioner of Charities in 1881, Commissioner of Lunacy in 1882, and Delegate to the International Sanitary Congress, held in Paris in 1894, he is especially remembered for his generous gift of a valuable medical library, to the Medical College connected with the Syracuse University; and Job Levvis, married Mary Ann Hana and settled in New York City. He was a graduate of Yale College, and became a prominent physician and surgeon in the latter city, he was also an instructor in the medical SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 243 schools in New York City, and is well kno^vn to the medical fraternity, as the author of a valued work on the Diseases of Children. He died in New York City in 1897. There are no knov^Ti descendants of Job Smith at this time residing in the town of Spafford.) (Thorn Hill.) Mrs. Elizabeth (Keeler), wife of Job Smith. Died August 31, 1835, age 87 years. (Thorn Hill.) Elizabeth Smith, (daughter of Job and Elizabeth (Keeler) Smith) . Died August 14, 1848, age 72 years. (Thorn Hill.) Stephen Smith, (son of Job and Elizabeth (Keeler) Smith). Died December 27, 1825, age 46 yars. (Thorn Hill.) In mmory of Asa Smith, who departed this life Septem- ber 11, 1821, age 56 years. " Within this tomb by death o'er come A tender husband rests. With love sincere his children dear He frequently caressed, A master's part with generous heart It's known he acted well ; May those he's left of him bereft His virtuous ways excell." (His wife and children moved to Michigan.) (Thorn Hill.) Jared Smith. Died March 26, 1870, age 76 years, 16 days. (Jared Smith married Rhoda Harvey, daughter of Medad and Anar (Buell) Harvey, and by her had the following: Emeline, married Shepard Earl, son of V/illiam and Polly (Pitts) Earl; Harriet, married Ebenezer Corning Cowles of Otisco, N. Y. ; Lydia, married William Briggs, son of Daniel Briggs ; and Seth, married and resided in Michigan. At the time of his decease Mr. Smith was the owner of what is now known as the Alanson Colton Farm, near Borodino.) (Thorn Hill.) Rhoda H. (w.), died August 16, 1890, age 91 years. (Thorn Hill.) Among the members of the Smith family who have resided in this town, whose names do not appear above, are 244 ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION the following: Isaac Smith and family, who resided on the east side of Spaff ord Hollow : Azariah Smith, resided on or owned 160 acres of land, in a square farm, in the north west corner of lot 34, Tully ; Alvah Smith and wife, Clarissa, settled on lot 69, Marcellus, on or before 1804 ; Amasa Smith and wife Mercy purchased land on lot 77, Marcellus, March 9, 1818; Chester H. Smith purchased land on lot 12, Sem- pronius, January 18, 1859 ; David Smith purchased land on lot 77, Marcellus, in 1803, and sold to Lemuel Smith in 1803; Daniel S. Smith of Owasco, N. Y., purchased land on lot 69, Marcellus, September 3, 1817; Ephraim Smith sold land on lot 75, Marcellus, September 25, 1815; James Smith and wife, Sarah Ann (Barber), lots 32 and 33, Tully, 1827, to 1840; Jedediah Smith and wife, Caroline, lots 22 and 23, Tully, 1832-4; John Smith and wife Lois, lots 89 and 76, Marcellus, 1828 ; John Smith and wife Lucinda, lot 22, Tully, 1811 to 1823; Josiah Smith, lot 89, Marcellus, 1822; Lemuel Smith and wife Sally, lots 77 and 76, Mar- cellus, 1803 to 1830; Lemuel P. Smith, lot 77, Marcellus, 1827-8 ; Levi Smith and wife Lucy, lots 76 and 89, Marcellus, 1828; Lester L Smith and wife Lydia, lots 10 and 11, Sem- pronius, 1827, 1830; Lyman Smith and wife Sally, lots 10, 11 and 12, Sempronius, 1827 to 1857 ; Oliver Smith and wife Abigail, lot 77, Marcellus, 1808 to 1828; Oliver S. Smith, lot 77, Marcellus, 1811 ; Samuel Smith, lots 44 and 45, Tully, 1825 ; Sylvester Smith and wife Lucretia, lot 24, Tully, 1814 to 1821 ; Thomas Smith and wife Lydia, lot 32, Tully, 1827 ; Welcome Smith, lot 89, Marcellus, 1829, 1832 ; and William S. Smith, lot 12, Sempronius, 1859. SORNBORGER. In memory of Eliza Sornborger, daughter of Henry Somborger. Died September 4, 1852, age 16 years. (After her decease her father and mother moved to Chau- tauqua County, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) SPAULDING. There were several families of Spauldings who resided in this town in years past, many of whose members inter- married with other well known Spafford families, but the SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORM WITH GENEALOCaCAL NOTES 2^6 history of these has been so fully and well told in the excel- lent genealogy of that family, that we omit any further statement of them here, referring the reader to that valued work for further information on that subject. None of that name are here now. SPENCER. Ellen Brown, wife of Clark Spencer, and daughter of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown. Died September 22, 1859, age 21 years, 9 months, 15 days. " When lingering disease involved this house of clay, How sweet to look beyond my house and long to fly away." (Spafford.) SPRAGUE. Franklin, son of Solomon and Lucy Sprague. Died Jan- uary 9, 1835, age 6 years. (After the decease of Solomon Sprague, his wife Lucy married John Babcock, Jr., as his third wife; she survived her last husband, and was one of the administrators of his estate.) (Borodino.) STANTON. Mary (Shearman), wife of John Stanton. Died August 4, 1838, age 88 years, 9 months, 1 day. (Samuel H. Stanton, in 1898, in speaking of his grand parents and their family said : " My grandfather, John Stanton, was born in Rhode Island, and there married my grandmother Mary Shearman, who was also born in that State. After their marriage my grand parents moved to Pownal, Bennington County, Vt., where my grandfather died. After his decease my grandmother moved to this town, and resided with her son, Benjamin Stanton, until her decease. The children of John and Mary (Shearman) Stanton were : John, died in Otsego County, N. Y. ; Thomas, died in Otsego County, N. Y. ; Samuel, died in New Lisbon, Otsego County, N. Y. ; Clark, died in Italy, Yates County, N. Y. ; Joseph, died in Michigan ; William, died in Mayfield, Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; Lodowick, died in Michigan; Benjamin, married (1) Sally Noble, and (2) Amy Perkins, 246 ONONBAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION sister of Hopkins Perkins of this town ; Sally, married John Noble of this town; Susannah, married John Lawrence of Spafford; and Polly, married Russel Johnson. John Stan- ton, my grand father, was a brother of Mary Stanton, the wife of Joseph Lewis, formerly of this town, buried in Lewis Yard.") (Stanton Yard.) Benjamin Stanton, (son of John and Mary (Shearman) Stanton). Died February 5, 1871, age 91 years, 22 days. (He was born in the town of Pownal, Bennington Co., Vt., January 11, 1780, and married (1) Sally Noble, and (2) Amy Perkins. By his first wife he had one child: Sally, married Israel Knapp, she died in Alleghany County, N. Y. ; and by his second wife had : Sheldon, married Ruth Shearman, daughter of Peleg Shearman of this town, died in Allegheny County, N. Y. ; Melinda, married Samuel Shearman, son of Peleg Shearman, died in Allegheny County, N. Y. ; Allen J., married (1) Anna Rainey, and (2) Aurilla Clark, died in Spafford; Julania, married Sylvanus N. Grout, son of John Grout, died in Scott, N. Y. ; John, married Rebecca Fish, died in Eau Claire, Wis.; Polly, married Samuel Shearman as his second wife, and moved to Alleghany County, N. Y. ; Samuel H., married Sarah Patterson, daughter of Calvin Patterson, he died February 14, 1899, age 76 years, and his widow now resides on the old Stanton Homestead, on Lot 13, Sem- pronius, in this town; and Rhoda, married Delos Billings, moved to Alleghany County, N. Y. Samuel H. Stanton, born in this town, at the time of his decease left surviving his widow, Sarah Patterson, and the following children : Emmet ; Mark Stanton, Mrs. John H. Purchase; Mrs. Milton Emmons, residing in Spafford; C P. Stanton of Luddington, Mich. ; Mrs. W. F. Fairbanks, of Scottville, Mich., and Elmer E. Stanton, of Grand Rapids, Michigan.) Samuel H. Stanton, 1821-1899. Sarah T. Patterson (w.), 1825-. (Stanton Yard.) Amy (Perkins) , wife of Benjamin Stanton. Died March 31, 1872, age 89 years, 4 months, 20 days. (Stanton Yard.) SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECtRDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 247 Frank, son of Samuel H. and Sarah (Patterson) Stanton. Died March 25, 1876, age 21 years, 10 months, 10 days. (Stanton Yard.) Infant sons of Samuel H. and Sarah (Patterson) Stan- ton, who died March 6, 1858, and October 12, 1860. (Stanton Yard.) STEBBINS. Asaph Stebbins, who died April 21, 1828, age 61 years. (Letters of Administration were issued upon his estate to his brother, Sylvanus Stebbins, of Little Valley, of Cattaraugus County, N. Y., but, the petition not being pre- served, no statement of the family connections are given. In the sale of his farm of 100 acres, in the north west corner of Lot 89, Marcellus, and ITi/o acres on the south- west corner of lot 76, Marcellus, the following persons con- veyed to his brother, Sylvanus Stebbins, in 1828: John Stebbins and Mary, his wife, Heman Stebbins, Erastus Stebbins and Ruth, his wife, Levi Smith and Lucy, his wife John Smith and Lois, his wife, Chester Ferry and Roxa, his wife, Fowler Preston and Melissa his wife, Joel Lanson Preston, and Dwight Preston of Granby, Mass. In 1831 Russel Preston of Clyde, N. Y., son of Joel Preston of Granby, Mass., also quit claim his interest in the same land to the same grantee.) (Thorn Hill.) Charles W., son of Menzus and Adeline E. (O'Farell) Stebbins. Died August 28, 1881, age 4 years, 8 months, and 18 days. (Menzus Stebbins married Adeline E. O'Farrell, daughter of Rev. D. M. D. O'Farrell of Spafford Hollow. Mrs. Steb- bins died at or near Shawville (now called Bromley) , in Spafford Hollow, February 3, 1899, at the age of 60 years, leaving her susviving her husband and two children : David and Menzus Stebbins). (Spafford Hollow.) STEVENS. Lovina (Nodine), wife of Elisha B. Stevens. Died October 16, 1862, age 42 years, 3 months, 19 days. (Elisha B, Stevens, son of Elisha Stevens, married Lovina Nodine, daughter of Jeremiah, Sr., and Maria (Strope) Nodine.) (Cold Brook.) 248 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION STONE. Mrs. Sally Stone, wife of Benajah Stone. Died June 16, 1825, age 41 years, 11 months, 10 days. " Afflictions sore a long time I bore, Physicians were in vain, 'Till God was pleased to give me ease And free me from my pain." (Spafford.) In memory of Norman, son of Joseph and Polly Stone. Died January 9, 1831, age 17 years, 3 months, 5 days. (Joseph and Polly Stone conveyed lands on Lots 10 and 12, Sempronius, and Lot 89, Marcellus, to John K. Stone of Manchester, Bennington County, Vermont, October 16, 1829.) (Borodino.) STREETER. Alexander R. Streeter. Died December 8, 1863, age 80 years, 3 months. (He settled on Lot 10, Sempronius, on or before 1815; by his wife Susan Carpenter, he had at his decease the follow- ing children : Calvin, married Malentha Babcock, daughter of Elihu and Hannah Babcock; Harriet, married Orrin Eddy of Borodino, (both dead) ; Ada L. Howard, of Oak Grove, Wisconsin ; Dorcas Garthwait, of Bolivar, Alleghany County, N. Y. ; Milton, married (1) Mary Manley, and (2) Nancy A. Clark, his death preceded that of his father; Sarah A., married Ashbel Baker, she and her husband both died before her father, leaving one daughter, Sarah A. Baker; and one daughter who married a Mr. Manley, she died before her father and left the following children : Rob- inson, Henry, Alanson E. Manley, and Jane Robinson.) (Borodino.) Susan (Carpenter) , wife of Alexander R. Streeter. Died August 23, 1864, age 83 years, 3 months. (Borodino.) Calvin Streeter, (son of Alexander R. and Susan (Car- penter) Streeter) . Died February 22, 1889, age 84 years, 4 months, 22 days. (He married Malentha Babcock, and by her had two sons who survived him: George J., died at Borodino, May 10, SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 249 1891, age 50 years, married Lucinda Crane, he had a daughter Dora, who married David Becker, son of John Becker; and Cyrus Streeter, who at one time resided on Lot 12, Sempronius. Calvin Streeter also formerly resided on Lots 10 and 12, Sempronius.) (Borodino.) Malentha (Babcock) , wife of Calvin Streeter. Died May 6, 1875, age 66 years, 8 months. " What peaceful hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still, But they have left an aching void This world can never fill." (Her father and mother were buried at Thorn Hill.) (Borodino.) Mary (Manley) , wife of Milton Streeter. Died December 25, 1848, age 39 years, 7 months, 16 days. (Milton Streeter died January 13, 1864, and was buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) In the application for letters upon his estate, made by his widow, Nancy A. Streeter, mention is made of the following children : Alex- ander Streeter, Franklin W. Streeter, and Caroline Case, wife of Alexander Case.) (Borodino.) By the record of deeds, it appears that a Josiah Streeter at a very early date resided on Lot 10, Sempronius, and died there ; that on February 18, 1812, letters of adminis- tration upon his estate were issued by the Surrogate of Onondaga County, to Lydia Streeter, his widow, and that, among three or four others, Alexander R. Streeter was heir by descent to his lands, and conveyed the same. Another family of Streeters formerly resided at or near Borodino, whose descendants still remain, and whose lineage is traced to Stephen Streeter, born in England and settled in Gloucester, Mass, in 1639, as follows: Stephen, Stephen, John, John, John, William. William Streeter, was bom in New Cambridge, New York, January 6, 1788, resided in Charlton, and died in Skaneateles, N. Y., March 1, 1846. By his wife, Elizabeth Russel, born in Berne, Albany County, N. Y., died in Skan- eateles, January 16, 1847, he had the following children born at Charlton : John, born October 13, 1813, died in Wis- consin in 1866; Joseph R., bom April 21, 1817; James 250 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Alonzo, born September 7, r821, married November 2, 1848 Chloe North, resided at Maple Grove, Mich.; Reuben, bom April 10, 1824, died September 4, 1838; Sarah E., born October 11, 1826, died November 9, 1845; Phebe, born Jan- uary 23, 1829, died about 1850 ; Jane Ann, born March 19, 1831, married James Nesbit, son of Robert and Nancy (Wallace) Nesbit, resides near Borodino, N. Y. ; Marvin Timothy, born October 25, 1836, married January 15, 1860, Mary D. Tinkham ; Nelson R., born October 7, 1838, married June 20, 1860, Adeline F. Randolph, resides at Groton, Tompkins County, N. Y. ; and Caroline E., born November 25, 1843. STRONG. Charles Strong, (son of Capt. Strong of Tully). Born September 17, 1830. (He married Margaret M. Hultz.) (Borodino.) Hon. Sidney Smith says: "William Strong was a large farmer in the Marcellus part of Spafford, owning more than 300 acres; residing upon the farm now owned and occupied by Frank Harvey. He sold out and left about 1836, and went to Chautauqua County, N. Y. ; he had a large family." Margaret M. (Hultz), wife of Charles Strong. Bom April 18, 1828, died December 10, 1893. (Borodino.) Parnal, widow of Asher Strong. Died December 27, 1823, age 71 years, 5 months, 11 days. (Thorn Hill.) STROPE. Mary, daughter of William and Lydia Strope. Died June 27, 1835, age 2 years 11 months, 26 days. (Before 1815, Peter Strope (sometimes called Strobe) came to this town with his wife Louisa, and settled on ten acres of land on the southwest corner of lot 12, Sempronius, and there remained until his decease between 1829 and 1831. On March 3, 1831, the following persons united in quit claiming the lands above mentioned, to George Strope, (Strobe) supposed to be his son: Levi Applebee, Gilbert SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 251 A. Applebee, Mary Golden, Jeremiah Nodine and Maria, his wife, John Strope (Strobe), Nicholas Strobe, William Strobe, Delaney Strobe, Israel Russell and Catherine, his wife, and Joseph Strobe, all of Spafford, N. Y. (Cold Brook.) TAFT. Ellis Taft. Died July 3, 1857, age 75 years. (He was born at Woodstock, Tolland County, Conn., and from there moved to Mameroneck, Westchester County, N. Y., where he kept hotel for several years. From there he moved to Cold Brook, in this town, where he remained until his decease. He married at Mameroneck, October 8, 1809, Cynthia Knapp, daughter of Peter and Dinah (Guion) Knapp, and had the following children born at the latter place: Sally Ann, married Ziba D. Baker, son of Josiah Baker, she was the mother of Mrs. Benjamin McDaniels of this town ; Mary, married John W. English, she died in Adrian, Mich., but was buried in this cemetery; Emily, died young; and Peter E., married Caroline B. McDaniels, daughter of John and Polly (Hankins) McDaniels, he died in Oswego and she in Auburn, N. Y. Mr. Taft was a brother of Bezaleel W. Taft of this town, and of Mrs. Mary Mellen, wife of Dr. David Mellen of Hudson, N. Y. Mr. Ellis Taft's family are all now deceased.) (Cold Brook.) Cynthia (Knapp), wife of Ellis Taft. Died April 18, 1868, age 88 years. (She was born May 13, 1780.) (Cold Brook.) Bezaleel W. Taft. Died February 17, 1872, age 72 years. (He was also born at Woodstock, Tolland County, Conn., and before coming to this town resided with his brother Ellis, at Mameroneck, N. Y. He married (1) at New York City, Nancy Palmer, who v/as the mother of all his chil- dren, and after her decease he maried (2) Lucia Norton, daughter of David and Dinah (Wilton) Norton, and widow of Peris Miner, He came here about the same time as his brother, and settled near him in Cold Brook, on the western part of Lot 44, Tully. His children were : John P., married Laura 1. Miner, daughter of Peris and Lucia (Norton) Miner; Marcia, married Gilbert E. Smith, formerly of Syra- 252 ®NONBA«A HISTORICAL ASMOLATI^N cuse, now deceased, she resides in McGrawville, N. Y. ; Thomas J., married Liicinda Mabie, daughter of Martin and Gertrude Mabie, resides at East Scott, N. Y. ; and Martha Jane, married Alphroniu.s Phillips as his second wife, he is now deceased and she resides with her sister, in McGraw- ville, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) Nancy (Palmer), wife of Bezaleel W. Taft. Died May 22, 1863, age 65 years. (Cold Brook.) TAYLOR. William Taylor. Died July 1, 1882, age 63 years, 3 months. (Mr. Taylor and his wife, Charlotte Hunt, were both bom in England; their children were: Mary A., residing in Borodino, unmarried; George married Mary Nesbit, daughter of Robert and Nancy (Wallace) Nesbit; and Minnie E., married James Sweet, late P. M. at Borodino and son of Joseph N. and Margaret (Nesbit) Sweet) . (Borodino.) THAYER. San ford Thayer, (son of Capt. Jerijah and Cynthia (Case) Thayer.) Bom June 9, 1787, died August 26, 1836. (He was born in Windham County, Conn., and from there first settled in Vermont, where he married his first wife, Rebecca Prisby, at Vernon, December 1, 1808. From Ver- mont he moved to Cato, N. Y., and then to Cold Brook, where he died ; he married Sally Miner for his second wife. His first three children were by his first wife, and the others by his second wife, Sally Miner. They were as follows: Polly, born January 25, 1812, married Walter Brown, resided at Vernon, Vt. ; Sophronia, born November 6, 1816, married Laurence T. Washburn, resided in Vernon, Vt. ; Chauncey, born July 15, 1817, married (1) Herliam Crouch, and (2) Almira Preston, resided in Vernon, Vt. ; Sanford, bom July 19, 1820, he was an artist, and settled and died in Syracuse, N. Y., married Nancy H. Smith, (two children, both deceased), he and his wife both dead; Salmon, born STAFFORB MORTUAKY EtBC©M)S WITM OHNBALOGICAL NOTES 253 December 4, 1822, married Eliza Weston, he was a black- smith and resided at Alleghan, Michigan; Sarah A., born July 10, 1825, married Peres L. Norton, son of Moses and Percy (Barber) Norton, settled in Lanesburg, Pa.; Stephen P., bom August 27, 1827, married Harriet L. Nicholson and settled in Oswego, N. Y. ; Susan, born July 10, 1830 ; Serena M., born May 10, 1832, married Charles Goodyear, resided in San Francisco, California; and Sylvanus L. M., bom December 30, 1834, married Mary Hinton, he was a black- smith and moved to Homer, Calhoun County, Mich. Mr. Thayer was descended from Thomas Thayer, who came from England and settled in Braintree, Mass., and was made freeman in 1636, as follows: Thomas, Fernando, Josiah, Josiah, Zephaniah, Jerijah, Sanford. He was by trade a millwright.) (Cold Brook.) Sally (Miner), wife of Sanford Thayer. Born October 9, 1796, died September 15, 1859. (She was a daughter of Luke and sister of Peres Miner of this town.) (Cold Brook.) THOMPSON. Reuben Thompson. Died November 15, 1838, age 56 years, 7 months. " Respected while living, lamented though dead, His sanctified spirit to Jesus had fled." (His wife Sally is also buried in this cemetery, but has no stone. In his will, dated September 27, 1838, and pro- bated February 15, 1839, he mentions his wife, Sally Thompson, and his children, Nathan P., married Margaret Hutchens, daughter of Col. Phineas and Margaret (Giber- son) Hutchens; William B., married Clarinda Prindle, daughter of Moses and Purlina (Patchen) Prindle; and Edward R., married a Miss Parsons and went West.) Sally, widow of Reuben Thompson. Died June 6, 1849, age 62 years. (Stone.) (Spafford.) Nathan P. Thompson, (son of Reuben and Sally Thomp- son). Died April 5, 1869, age 58 years, 7 months, 11 days. (By his wife, Margaret Hutchens, he had besides the two children recorded here: Sarah, married Alanson S. Fred- 254 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION erick, son of Jacob and Rachel (Newkirk Frederick, both dead; and Jane Ellen, married Frank Proper, resides in Homer, N. Y. Mrs. Thompson was still living in 1899, residing with her daughter, Jane Ellen, in Homer, N. Y. ; since deceased.) (Spafford.) Caroline, daughter of Nathan P. and Margaret (Hut- ch ens) Thompson. Died October 6, 1843, age 3 years, 8 months, 15 days. (Spafford.) Libbie Bernice, daughter of Nathan P. and Margaret (Hutchens) Thompson. Died January 25, 1853, age 11 months, 16 days. (Spafford.) Mary P., daughter of William B. and Clarinda (Prindle) Thompson. Died February 18, 1850, age 11 years, 1 month, 1 day. " My Lord did call I quiet went To meet and with him dwell, The last great debt I now have paid And bid the world farewell." (Mr. Thompson and his wife, Clarinda, after decease of their daughter, Mary, moved to Michigan, where they both died. They had one other child : Byron, who married, and in 1898 resided in Jackson, Michigan.) (Spafford.) Lyman Thompson, (a brother of Reuben), and his wife, Nancy, from 1829 to 1837 resided in this town, and owned lands at different times on lots 31, 32, and 43, Tully, and 75, Marcellus, and had children : Zipporah, married Mr. Enos ; Bezaleel, ; Amanda ; and Lyman, Jr. They all moved West. There was also a Nathan Thompson and wife Electa, who resided and owned lands on Lot 75, Marcellus, from June 24, 1815, to September, 1828, and perhaps later. And also an Amasa M. Thompson, who conveyed, without wife, and owned lands on lots 10 and 12, Sempronius, from October 15, 1834 to 1837. Zipporah, widow of Nathan Thompson. Died May 3, 1825, age 64 years. (Thorn Hill.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 255 TERBUSH. Jonas Terbush. Died November 20, 1840, age 63 years, 2 months, 26 days. (Mr. Terbush resided on the west side of Spafford Hollow, the first farm south of the Buck Tail Road ; in the petition for letters of administration upon his estate, dated Decem- ber 9, 1840, and made by his wife, Polly Terbush, mention is m_ade of the following children : Susan ; Jane ; Davenport ; and Anna Maria, married Chester Kimbal, all of Spafford, N. Y. ; and Lorenzo, of Auburn, N. Y. ; Julia Ann of Liberty, Pa.; Peter F., of Little Rock, Arkansas; and John ot Natchez, Mississippi. They were all then of full age, except: Susan, Jane, and Davenport, who were minors.) (Spafford Hollow.) Polly W., wife of Jonas Terbush. Died March 4, 1842, age 59 years, 9 months, 15 days. (Spafford Hollow.) TINKHAM. Adah (V/indsor) , wife of Capt. Daniel Tinldiam. Died February 28, 1851, age 82 years, 3 months, 19 days. (Daniel Tinkham, son of Hezekiah and Girzel Tinkham, first settled in Vermont, and from there came to this town about 1803, and settled on the State's Hundred Acres on Lot 89, Marcellus. These lands he sold in 1810, and moved on the east side hill, where he remained until after the decease of his wife, Adah, when he moved with his son, Zenas Tinkham., to Summerville, Mich., vdiere he died. His father and mother : Hezekiah and Grizel Tinkham, had the follov/ing children : Elizabeth, Gehany, Renew, John, Peter, Sally, Grizel, Nehemiah, Daniel, Samuel, and Philip. Daniel Tinkham, born April 30, 1767, married Adah Windsor, born November 9, 1768, at Smithfield, R. L, who was the daughter of John and Mary (Smith) Windsor. His wife was descended from. Joshua Windsor, who came to Providence, R. I., from England as early as 1637, as follows : Joshua, Samuel, Joshua, John, Adah. She was also descended from Roger Williams of Rhode Island, as follows : Roger, Mercy, Joshua, John, Adah. Mr. Tinkham, by his wife Adah, had the f ollovv^ing children, part born in Vermont and the balance in this town: John, born December 26, 216 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 1790, died unmarried, buried probably at Thorn Hill; Mercy, born September 3, 1792, married Calvin Campbell, died at Grand Ledge, Mich; Russel, born July 21, 1794, married Mary Cook, died in Spafford, N. Y. ; Stephen, born June 21, 1796, married Roxana Wait, died in Ohio; Alanson, born October 5, 1798, married Betsey Grinnell, daughter of Isaiah Grinnell, died in Orleans County, N. Y. ; Relly, born December 28, 1800, married Chloe Grinnell, daughter of Isaiah Grinnell, died in Orleans County, N. Y. ; Praxana, born February 22, 1803, married John Grinnell, son of Isaiah Grinnell, she died in Orleans County, N. Y., and her husband married (2) Tacy Babcock, daughter of John Babcock; Zenas, born April 18, 1805, married Lovedy Cook, sister of Russel Tinkham's wife Mary, she was born July, 1806, and he and she died at Summerville, Mich. ; Almeda, bom December 27, 1807, married Hiram W. Hayes, she died in Quincy, Mich., and in 1898 her husband was residing in Pomona, Cal. ; Cynthia, born April 29, 1810, married William Smith, she was living in 1898 in Pomona, Cal. ; and Adah, born April 17, 1813, died young.) (Spafford.) Russell Tinkham, (son of Daniel and Adah (Windsor) Tinkham). Died May 31, 1874, age 79 years, 10 months, 20 days. (He married Mary Cook, daughter of Joseph and Mary Cook, who were born in Falmouth, Cornwall, England, where they were also married and their daughter Mary born. By his wife Mary he had the following children, born in this town : John Cook, born May 27, 1817, married (1) Phebe Harris and (2) Jane Harris, daughters of Wil- liam and Nancy (Davis) Harris, he died at Glen Haven, N. Y., but was buried at Grand Ledge, Michigan ; Delevan, bom August 28, 1818, married Lona Babcock, residing in 1898 at Cold Water, Mich. ; Mary Ann, born June 29, 1820, married Uriah Roundy, son of Capt. Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Roundy, resides in Spaiford, N. Y. ; Emily, bom August 17, 1822, married Warren Doty, she died 1899 at Homer, N. Y., where her husband is still living; LaFayette, bom July 30, 1824, married Mary Ann Carr, daughter of Thurston and Lorane (Green) Carr, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Marinda, born July 30, 1826, died young ; Charlotte, bom December 23, 1828, married David Bailey, resides in SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 257 Cold Water, Mich.; Lovedy, born May 3, 1830, married Oscar Burdick, son of Russel M. and Esther (Whiting) Burdick, both died in Quincy, Mich. ; and Lovinas, born May 30, 1832, married Ehiora Burdick, daughter of Christopher Avery and Eugenia Jane (Nash) Burdick, resided in Scott, Cortland County, N .Y., but died in December, 1900.) (Spafford.) Mary (Cook), wife of Russell Tinkham. Died February 11, 1866, age 74 years, 3 months, 3 days. (Spafford.) Marinda, daughter of Russell and Mary (Cook) Tinkham. Died October 17, 1827, age 2 years, 2 months, 17 days. " Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest, God called thee when he thought best." (Spafford.) William Henry, son of Zenas and Lovedy (Cook) Tink- ham. Died April 12, 1851, age 5 years, 4 months, 18 days. (Spafford.) TOWN. Mr. Isaac To^vn. Died January 10, 1819, age 62 years, 1 month. (He married Judith Turner, and by her had the following children, mentioned in his will, dated December 12, 1818, and probated February 4, 1819: Alphea, Orrin, married Lydia Ford ; Clark, married Electa Churchill ; Simon ; Pru- dence, married Lauren Norton, son of David and Dinah (Wilton) Norton; Sophia; Matilda; and Sylvia.) (Cold Brook.) Judith (Turner), wife of Isaac Town. Died July 15, 1821, age 62 years, 7 months. (Cold Brook.) Orrin Town, (son of Isaac and Judith (Turner) Town). Died October 2, 1842, age 55 years,, 5 months, 12 days. " Lovely in life, peaceful in death." (He married Lydia Ford.) (Cold Brook.) Lydia Ford, wife of Orrin Town. Died November 14, 1876, age 87 years, 8 months. (Cold Brook.) 368 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Alfred C. Town, (son of Orrin and Lydia (Ford) ToAvn). Died September 20, 1859, age 41 years, (He married Hannah Dalton, an English woman, and by her had the following: Orrin L.; Mary L.; William J.; Wesley A. ; and Hattie, who died in 1874, age 13 years.) (Cold Brook.) Hannah (Dalton) , wife of Alfred C. To'\vn. Died Decem- ber 5, 1874, age 46 years. " We miss thee." (Cold Brook.) Hattie Town, (daughter of Alfred C. and Hannah (Dalton) Town). Died November 26, 1874, age 13 years, 3 months. (Cold Brook.) Harriet, daughter of Clark and Electa (Churchill) Town. Died July 31, 1836, age 20 years, 11 months, 14 days. (Mrs. Clark Town is supposed to have been a daughter of John and Martha Churchill.) (Cold Brook.) TRUMBULL. Dr. Benjamin Trumbull. Died May 28, 1835, age 46 years. " There is rest in Heaven." (Dr. Trumbull resided in the Village of Borodino; in his will dated May 7, 1835, and probated July 28, 1835, he mentions his wife, Lydia C. Trumbull, his adopted daughter, Jane Trumbull, his nephew Benjamin Trumbull, son of his brother, Jonathan Trumbull, and also Benjamin T. Corning and Benjamin T. Kneeland for respect shown by being named after the deecased. In the petition for probate, men- tion is made of the following brothers and sisters : Jonathan Trumbull of Spaff ord, N. Y. ; Asaph Trumbull of New York City; Philomelia Rolls, wife of John Rolls of Cortland Co., N. Y. ; Sarah Warner, wife of Kirtland Warner of Jackson, Washington Co., N. Y.; Hannah Peters; and Asiba Hall, wife of George Hall, each of Hebron, Conn., all of full age.) (Borodino.) Lydia C, wife of Dr. Benjamin Trumbull. Died July 14, 1837, age 50 years. (Borodino.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 269 Jane, (adopted) daughter of Benjamin and Lydia C. Trumbull. Died Mavch 15, 1839, age 17 years, 5 months. (Borodino.) TUCKER. Henry Tucker. Died February 4, 1885, age 7U years, 4 months. (Mr. Tucker in his will, dated September 3, 1881, and pro- bated April 6, 1885, mentioned his wife, Mary Ann Tucker, and his children: Adeline; Jenetti, married Sullivan Carr, son of Almond Carr; Norman; Mary Jane Edgecomb of Scott, N. Y. ; Maria Coon of Skaneateles, N. Y. ; and Harriet French of Auburn, N. Y. The first three mentioned above were then of Spafford, N. Y.) (Spafford Hollow.) Mary Ann, wife of Henry Tucker. Died September 20, 1886, age 69 years, 4 months. (Spafford Hollow.) TURNER. Mary, daughter of Oscar and Caroline (Case) Turner. Died November 7, 1882, age 4 years, 9 months. (She was accidentally burned to death, by her clothes catching fire. Oscar Turner married Caroline Case, daughter of Aaron G. and Rebecca (Monk) Case.) (Borodino.) TUTTLE. Daniel Tuttle, (son of Oliver and Abigail Tuttle) . Died January 2, 1854, age 73 years. (Oliver Tuttle, son of Gershom Tuttle, was bom in Clare- mont, N. H., and from his native place first settled in Oneida County, N. Y. From there he went to Cincinnatu-^, Cortland County, and then to Otisco, N. Y., about 1798, and resided on lot 14, Tully, in Otisco Hollov/, until his decease. He is loiown to have had a son, Daniel, who came to Otisco when he first settled there, a son William, and perhaps other children. He and his wife Abigail were among the first members of the Congregational Church, organized at Otisco Center. 260 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION "^ Daniel Tuttle (son of Oliver), married Mary Rogers, daughter of Benjamin Rogers, and by her had: John Rogers, born July 13, 1819, died February 7, 1899, in Spaf- ford Hollow, married (1) Lucy Gambell, daughter of Squire Gambell of Otisco, N. Y,, and (2) widow of Joseph Clark, deceased, he never had any issue by either wife, but by the last wife he had five step children : Frances, Anna, Joseph, Sarah, and Alice Clark, he was buried in Spafford Hollow Cemetery ; William Nicholas, born November 25, 1828, mar- ried Lucy Seviah Howe, daughter of Perley and Dorris (French) Howe, of Otisco, N. Y., and widow of Joseph H. Stanley, (he has a son, Rev. Henry William Tuttle, residing at Manchester, Iowa) , he resided in 1899 on the Skaneateles and Hamilton Turnpike road, in the town of Otisco, P. 0. Vesper, N. Y. ; Emily A., married Hiram Ingerson, (has four children : Mary, Emma, Darius, and Sarah) ; and Darius D., married Abigail Cowles, daughter of Samuel Cowles of Otisco, and died in Otisco, December 11, 1870, without issue. The widow of Darius D. Tuttle, in her peti- tion for letters of administration upon her deceased hus- band's estate, dated September 4, 1871, besides herself (Abi- gail C. Tuttle) mentions Mercy Tuttle, his mother, of Otisco, John R., and William N. Tuttle of Otisco, N. Y., his brothers, Emily A., wife of Hiram Ingerson of Clay, N. Y., a sister, and Mary L., wife of Elisha S. Cowles, of Oconomowoc, Wis- consin, a child of Louisa Price, a deceased sister of Darius D. Tuttle, then all of full age.) (Spafford Hollow.) Mary, widow of Daniel Tuttle. Died June 30, 1887, age 93 years. (Spafford Hollow.) Julia Ann, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Rogers) Tuttle. Died June 27, 1847, age 20 years, 6 months, 23 days. (Spafford Hollow.) UNCKLESS . Mary A. (Snook), wife of John Unckless. Died Septem- ber 10, 1876, age 69 years. (John Unckless was bom February 5, 1814, near Bristol, England; he marride Mary A. Snook, daughter of Dr. William Snook, and by her had the following children : Ann SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 261 Elizabeth, died unmarried in Minneapolis, Minn.; Mary Ann, married Mark Harvey, son of Paul and Sally (Hiscock) Harvey, as his second wife, resides at Borodino, N. Y. ; John A., married Alice Van Allen, he was a member of the 122d Regt. N. Y. Vols. Inft. in the War of 1861, been Super- visor of this tovm, and resides at Borodino, N. Y., carpenter and teacher; Edward, resides unmarried in Friend, Nebraska; and Frank, died unmarried, buried in Borodino Cemetery. Mr. Unckless came to this country about 1832, and settled in this town in 1862. He was also a member of Company " D," 122d Re^., N. Y. Vols, in the War of 1861. He died Januaiy 15, 1899 and was buried in this cemetery. Age 85 years.) (Borodino.) Ann Elizabeth Unckless, daughter of John and Mary (Snook) Unckless. Died December 15, 1888, age 50 years. (Borodino.) UNDERWOOD. Timothy W. Underwood, (son of Chester Underwood). Died March 18, 1877, age 61 years, 7 months, 25 days. (He married Hettie Ann Townley.) (Cold Brook.) Hettie Ann (Townley), wife of Timothy W. Underwood. Died February 5, 1882, age 63 years, 5 days. " At Rest." (Cold Brook.) Theodore D., son of Timothy W. and Hettie Ann (Town- ley) Underwood. Died April 1, 1863, age 12 years, 10 months, 14 days. " None but a parent's heart can tell. How much it costs to bid a child farewell." (Cold Brook.) Frank C, son of Timothy W. and Hettie Ann (Townley) Underwood. Died August 14, 1861, age 7 years, 3 months, 5 days. " Our Little Son, gone but not forgotten." (Cold Brook.) 262 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION VAIL. Lucius Vail. Died March 24, 1852, age 54 years. (He married Irena Churchill, daughter of John and Martha Churchill ; after his decease his widow married for a second husband Harvey Anthony.) (Cold Brook.) Irena (Churchill), wife of Lucius Vail. Died May 8, 1881, age 78 years. (Cold Brook.) Daniel Vail. Died August 13, 1844, age 73 years, 5 months, 3 days. (Thorn Hill.) Sarah, wife of Daniel Vail. Died November 10, 1844, age 69 years, 11 months, 25 days. (Thorn Hill.) Daniel S. Vail. Died October 27, 1873, age 73 years, 3 months, 12 days. (In a petition for letter of administration upon his estate, dated February 1, 1875, by Esther P. Mason, wife of Mor- timer Mason, son of Hiram and Maria (Green) Mason, the petitioner states she was the only child of deceased, and mentions no widow.) (Thorn Hill.) Ida, wife of Daniel S. Vail. Died January 2, 1863, age 62 years, 4 months, 21 days. (Thorn Hill.) VAN BENSCHOTEN. James Van Benschoten. Died June 13, 1885, age 74 years. (Mr. Van Benschoten married (1) a Miss Price and (2) Julia Knapp, and had the following children by his first wife: Ellen Dunbar; Edwin S., married Sarah Eliot, daughter of Andrew J. and Sarah Ann (Bulfinch) Eliot, he is now deceased, leaving one son Eliot, who married Minnie Odell, daughter of John and Anna (Rounds) Odell; John G., married (1) Mary E. Eliot, daughter of Andrew J. and Sarah Ann (Bulfinch) Eliot, and (2) Nellie Hookway, he is a merchant residing at Spafford Corners, by his first wife John had two children, Andrew and Grace, and by his second wife one small child) ; Richard P. ; Nancy I., married SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 263 Perry Norton, son of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Norton, she is now deceased, leaving her husband and several chil- dren, residing in Scott, N. Y. ; Louisa M., married William Joslin, of Homer, N. Y., no issue; and by his second wife Mr. Van Benschoten had : Ruth E., resides unmarried with her mother in Locke, N. Y. ; Charles K., died of yellow fever, unmarried ; Mary E., died unmarried ; and Herman, married Augusta Hunahoe of Locke, Cayuga County, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Mary E., died August 21, 1882, age 16 years. Charles K., died June 6, 1885, age 21 years. Children of James and Julia (Knapp) Van Benschoten. (Spafford.) Mary E. Eliot, wife of John G. Van Benschoten. Died October, 1891, age 45 years. (Spafford.) Schuyler, son of Byron and Charlotte (Brown) Van Benschoten. Died November 20, 1886, age 17 years. " Too pure for earth, he has gone to Heaven to blossom there." (Byron Benschoten married Charlotte Brown, daughter of Jacob and Deborah (Morris) Brown. After his decease his widow married for a second husband Charles Hurd.) (Spafford.) VANDENBURGH. Stephen Vandenburgh. Died February 8, 1882, age 82 years. ^ (He married Maria Calkins, daughter of Abram and Eliz- abeth Calkins, and by her had the following children : John, married Minerva Dedrick, resided at Stiles, N. Y. ; Augustin, married Mary Eggleston, daughter of Dea. Benjamin and Elizabeth (Wiltsie) Eggleston, resided in Syracuse, N. Y.; Charles, married and died in St. Paul, Minn., he was a graduate of Yale College, read law and became Judge of the Supreme Court in the State of Minnesota ; Abram, was a druggest; Ann, married Jacob Chapman and moved to Michigan; Caroline and Elizabeth died unmarried at the ages of 20 and 14 years. Mr. Vandenburgh came to this town from Stephen town, N. Y.) (Thorn Hill.) 264 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Maria (Calkins), wife of Stephen Vandenburgh. Died August 25, 1885, age 51 years, 8 months. (Thorn Hill.) Caroline, daughter of Stephen and Maria (Calkins) Van- denburgh. Died August 5, 1854, age 20 years, 2 months. (Thorn Hill.) Elizabeth, daughter of Stephen and Maria (Calkins) Vandenburgh. Died September 2, 1855, age 14 years, 2 months. (Thorn Hill.) VANDERLIN. Francis E., son of James and Betsey Vanderlin. Died November 2, 1844, age 2 years, 2 months. (Borodino.) VAN PATTEN. Samantha, wife of Aaron Van Patten. Died December 15, 1858, age 39 years, 3 months, 2 days. (Spafford Hollow.) VARY. Richard and Charles Vary were important early residents in the northern end of this town ; the latter was at one time Supervisor, and at another time Member of Assembly from the town of Spafford. Charles R. Vary died in California, but was buried in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, N. Y.) WALLACE. Benjamin Wallace. Died . Age . (He came to this town from Pittstown, Rensselaer Co.,. N. Y., with his son, Daniel Wallace, Sr., who married Mary Low.) (Old Borodino.) Daniel Wallace, (son of Benjamin Wallace). Died Nov- ember 21, 1854, age 84 years, 8 months, 21 days. (He was born in Pittstown, Rensselaer County, N. Y., in 1768, and came to Skaneateles with his father Benjamin, wife Mary Low, and four eldest children, Washington, William, Daniel and Lucy in March, 1805, and from there- SP AFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 265 moved upon Lot 88, Marcellus, in this town, in February, 1808. By his wife Mary he had the following children, all born in this town except four eldest above named, who were bom in Pittstown, N. Y. : Washington, married Deborah B. Eddy, daughter of John Eddy, Sr., he died in this towTi and was buried in this cemetery ; William, married Amelia Eddy, daughter of Seth Eddy, he and his wife are dead, and buried in this cemetery; Daniel, Jr., bom April 20, 1802, married Caroline Marshall, daughter of Joseph Marshall; both dead and buried in this cemetery; Lucy, married Baker of Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; Alice (Ellis) , married John Babcock, Jr., as his second wife, both dead; Benjamin, married Laura Davis, daughter of Col. Lewis C. Davis, both dead and buried in Davis Yard (no stone), he died at New Hope, N. Y., August 11, 1879, age 70 years ; David ; Morgan L., married Olive Eddy, daughter of Seth Eddy ; Charles, married Amanda Wheeler, sister of Orrin Wheeler of Cold Brook, and (2) Matilda , he is dead, and buried in this cemetery (no stone) ; and Mary, married Norton Van Sickland, moved to Cincinnati, Ohio.) (Borodino.) Mary (Low) Wallace, wife of Daniel Wallace. Died October 7, 1846, age 68 years, 11 months. (Borodino.) Washington Wallace, (son of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wallace). Died May 11, 1841, age 42 years. " If ever my children do come nigh And on this marble cast an eye, Then on this willow drop a tear For one that always loved you dear." (Mr. Wallace was bom in Pittstown, N. Y.; he kept a public house in the village of Borodino. By his wife, Deborah B. Eddy, he had the following children: John Daniel, married Althea Case of Floyd, Oneida County, N. Y., he resides (1898) in Geneseo, Livingston County, N. Y.; Edwin R., married Annie F. Freeman, daughter of Jeffer- son Freeman, former President of the Merchants' National Bank of Syracuse, he resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; George W., married Eunice Barker, daughter of John Barker of Floyd, Oneida County, N. Y., resides in Borodino N. Y.; Harriet, died at 22 years, in Floyd, N. Y., unmarried ; Julia, 866 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION died young in Borodino N. Y. ; and Franklin Henry, died young in Borodino, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Franklin, son of Washington and Beborah B. (Eddy) Wallace. Died March 23, 1837, age 1 year, 10 months. (Borodino.) Julia, daughter of Washington and Deborah B. (Eddy) Wallace. Died May 15, 1838, age 7 months. (Borodino.) William Wallace, (son of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wal- lace) . Died January 2, 1881, age 81 years. (He married Amelia Eddy, and by her had three sons: Corydon, went West; Benjamin, died in Pennsylvania; and Ichabod, married Laura Havens, daughter of Ebenezer Havens, dead.) (Borodino.) Amelia (Eddy), wife of William Wallace. Died March 7, 1872, age 71 years. (Borodino.) Daniel Wallace, jr., son of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wal- lace. Born April 20, 1802. Died April 13, 1890. (By his wife, Caroline Marshall, he had the following children: Helen M., died young; Simon Bolivar, married Mary Ann Cornell, daughter of John and Miranda (Cady) Cornell, he resides in Borodino, N. Y., farmer and lawyer; Napoleon Bonaparte, married Harriet D. Redway, daughter of Almond T. and Martha (Wheeler) Redway, he was a member of the 13th N. Y. Inft. and 15th N. Y. Cav. Vols., War of 1861; Santa Anna, born March 2, 1841, mar- ried 1866, Florence M. Redway, daughter of Almond T. and Martha (Wheeler) Redway, (three daughters living), resides in Borodino, N. Y. ; Maria Antoinette; Demetrius Ypsilanti, married (1) and (2) , resides in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Andrew Jackson, died at three years; Andrew Jackson, 2d, died in 1868. Mr. Wallace was a farmer, and at one time a very large land owner in this town; in politics he was a Democrat, and in his party a man of potent influence ; he was a public spirited man, a good citizen, and was generally respected by his townspeople.) (Borodino.) 3PAFF0ED MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GBNBALOGICAL NOTES 267 Caroline (Marshall), wife of Daniel Wallace, Jr. Died July 25, 1878, age 76 years, 4 months. (Borodino.) Andrew Jackson, son of Daniel, Jr., and Caroline (Mra- shall) Wallace. Died February 7, 1837, age 3 years. (Borodino.) Andrew Jackson, 2nd, son of Daniel, Jr. and Caroline (Marshall) Wallace. Died October 28, 1868, age 30 years, 4 months, 25 days. " None knew him but to love him, None named him but to praise." " Faith, Hope and Charity.' (Borodino.) Helen M., daughter of Daniel, Jr. and Caroline (Mar- shall) Wallace. Died August 19, 1832, age 4 years, 11 months. (Borodino.) Napoleon Bonaparte, (son of Daniel, Jr., and Caroline Wallace) . A member of Company " F," 13th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft., and Sergeant, Company " B," 15th Regt., N. Y. Vol. Cav. Born 1829, died 1878. (He died in Skaneateles, N. Y. ; by his wife Harriet D. Redway he had two children: Hypatia and Florence Wallace.) (Borodino.) Harriet D. (Redway), wife of Napoleon Bonaparte Wal- lace. Born 1841, died 1894. (Borodino.) Amanda (Wheeler), wife of Charles Wallace. Died September 11, 1844, age 33 years, 1 month. (Charles Wallace was a son of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wallace; he is also deceased and buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) (Borodino.) Morgan Wallace, son of Ichabod and Laura (Havens) Wallace. Died June 9, 1891, age 28 years. (Ichabod Wallace, son of William and Amelia (Eddy) Wallace, and grandson of Daniel and Mary (Low) Wal- lace, married Laura Havens, daughter of Ebenezer and Laura (Pettis) Havens, and by her had one son, Morgan Wallace, married Flora B. Havens, widow. Ichabod Wal- 268 ©NONBASA EIBTORTeAL AJSSOC^Ai^ION lace is also deceased and buried in this cemetery. (No stone.) (Borodino.) Flora B. H^^-ens, wife of Morgan Wallace. (Living in 1899.) (Borodino.) ' 'Our Josephine." " Gone Home." Mryj Josephine, daughter of William and Maria (Briggs) Wallace. Died April 23, 1866, age 21 years, 7 months, 18 days. (William Wallace was bom in the North of Ireland, and came to this country with his cousin, John Wallace, and first settled in Cambridge, Washington County, N. Y. He and. John came to this to^^Ti from the latter place, about May 10, 1836, and settled first on the Dakin Fisher farm, on Lot 11, Tully. He married Maria Briggs, and after the death of his daughter, Josephine, he and his wife moved to Michigan and left no descendants here.) (Borodino.) John Wallace. Bom May 22, 1811, died May 24, 1893. (He was born in the North of Ireland, and came to this country when a boy, and first settled in Cambridge, Wash- ington County, N. Y., and from there came to this town,, with his cousin William Wallace, and purchased the Dakin Fisher farm on the East Side Hill, on Lot 11, Tully, May 10, 1836. He married (1) Mercy R. Woodworth, daughter of James and Hannah (Fish) Woodworth, and (2) Cor- nelia M. Barker, daughter of Darius and Mary (Cooper) Barker and widow of George W. Lyon. By his last wife he had no issue, but by the first he had : Marion, married George Bishop, resides in Otisco, N. Y. ; John Irving, married (1) Julia Thompson, and (2) Eva Donaldson, resided in Jackson, Minnesota; Hannah, born Aprli 16, 1845, died November 11, 1846; Helen M., married Miles Thompson, resided in Clarence, Mo.; Lillian, born born February 26, 1856, died November 16, 1865; Lucas, born April 24, 1851, died February 13, 1880, unmarried; Hannah 2nd, married Jay Grout, son of John Grout, Jr., died in Iowa, (leaving two children: Carlton John, and Lillian Hannah Grout of Rock Rapids, Iowa) ; James, mar- ried Deborah Hurd, daughter of Charles and Charlotte (Brown) Hurd, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Hugh M., resides SPAFFOR© MORTUABY RECORDS WITH OKSTEALOCaCAL NOTES 269 in Selegman, Missouri; and Eureka, married Earl Hazzard and resides in Homer, N. Y. Mr. Wallace for a short time resided in Otisco, N. Y., and part of his children were bom there, the balance in this town. His widow still (1899) resides in Spafford.) (Spafford.) Among the brothers and sisters of John Wallace, who came to this country from Ireland, were : Robert, resided in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y. ; Nancy, married Robert Nesbit, she died in this town, leaving descendants here; Matilda, mar- ried Alexander Gordon, she resides in this town with her son-in-law, Lyman C. Bennett, (died 1900) ; and Jane, married Robert O'Neil, resided in Michigan, (Uriah Roundy thinks the latter married John Faris instead of Robert O'Neil.) Mercy R. (Woodworth), wife of John Wallace. Born June 22, 1822, died August 7, 1865. (Spafford.) Hannah, bom April 16, 1845, died November 11, 1846. Lillian, born February 26, 1856, died November 16, 1865. Lucas, bom April 24, 1851, died February 13, 1880. Children of John and Mercy R. (Woodworth) Wallace. (Spafford.) WALKER. Rhoda Walker. Died June 2, 1842, age 88 years. (Stanton Yard.) WATSON. Jennett, wife of George R. Watson. Died November 29, 1850, age 52 years, 7 months. (George R. Watson was a Scotchman, and a weaver by trade; he married (1) Jennett and (2) Elsie Peck, daughter of Samuel Peck.) (Borodino.) WAINE. John Waine. Died October 19, 1848, age 48 years. (Thorn Hill.) WALCH. Mary, wife of John Walch. Died November 26, 1837, age 57 years, 4 months, 20 days. (Thom Hill.) 27e ©NONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOaATION WEBSTER. Mary, wife of William Webster. Died March 10, 1868, age 85 years. (William Webster and his wife Mary were bom in Ire- land ; after the decease of her husband in the old country, Mrs. Webster came here with her son, Edward Webster, who married Betsey Alvord, and settled in Cold Brook, where she died. Mr. and Mrs. Webster had a daughter, Sarah A. Webster, who married Thomas Alvord, a brother of Edward Webster's wife.) (Cold Brook.) WELLINGTON. Sarah A., wife of Nathaniel Wellington. Died April 10, 1853, age 56 years. (Cold Brook.) Charles, son of Nathaniel and Sarah A. Wellington. Died February 26, 1840, age 11 years, 9 months, 15 days. (Cold Brook.) Theodore A., son of Acil T. and Polly C. Wellington. Died August 17, 1839, age 1 year, 11 days. (Cold Brook.) Helen. Died February 11, 1846, age 3 years. Henriett. Died March 6, 1846, age 1 year. Children of Acil T. and Polly C. Wellington. (Cold Brook.) WESTON. Edmund C. Weston, (son of James and Ruth (Lincoln) Weston) . Died August 23, 1874, age 76 years. (Edmund C. Weston was born July 15, 1798, in Portland, Me., and came with his parents at an early age to Smith- field, Madison County, N. Y.He was a clothier by trade, and came to this town and purchased an interest in the Clothing, Fulling and Carding works located in Factory Gulf, on the Skaneateles and Homer road, on Lot 74, Marcellus. Here he met and married Clorinda Rathbone, daughter of James and Margaret (Ashley) Rathbone, and by her had the fol- lowing children, all born in this town: Edward, bom June 9, 1822, died July 7, 1853, married Ulyssa Earl, daughter of William and Polly (Pitts) Earl, both dead; James R., SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 271 born April 24, 1824, married Delight Clark, daughter of Zoroaster Clark of Scott, N. Y., he was a physician and surgeon, President of a bank in Townsend, in Montana, where he resides, also Probate Judge; Harriet C, born Feb- ruary 5, 1827, married Cyrus Lyon, resides in Borodino, N. Y.; Henry, born August 3, 1830, married Sarah Earl, daughter of William and Polly (Pitts) Earl, he died January 28, 1897, and wife resides in Borodino, N. Y., no issue; and Daniel W., born February 10, 1834. died September 8, 1898, married Sarah A. Briggs, who died March 19, 1890, both buried at Soule Cemetery, Sennett, N. Y. (One child, Mrs. W. D. Seaman.) (Borodino.) Clorinda A.Rathbone, wife of Edmund C. Weston. Died June 19, 1883, age 85 years, 10 months. (She was born in Pittsfield, Mass., August 14, 1797.) (Borodino.) Henry Weston, (son of Edmund C. and Clorinda A. (Rathbone) Weston). Bom August 3, 1830, died January 28, 1897. (He was a farmer by occupation ; had been Supervisor of the town.) (Borodino.) Sarah Earl, wife of Henry Weston. Bom in 1830, still living in 1899. (Borodino.) Edward Weston (son of Edmund C. and Clorinda A. (Rathbone) Weston). Died July 7, 1853, age 31 years, 28 days. (Thorn Hill.) Ulyssa (Earl), wife of Edward Weston. Died January 28, 1869, age 40 years. (Thorn Hill.) William Weston, (son of Edward and Ulyssa (Earl) Weston). Died April 16, 1854, age 2 years. (Thorn Hill.) Edward Weston, Jr., (son of Edward and Ulyssa (Earl) Weston). Born December 19, 1853, died May 8, 1872. (Thorn Hill.) James Weston of Portland, Me., married (1) Ruth Lin- coln, and moved to Smithfield, Madison County, N. Y., where he married for a second wife, Lois Fish ; by his first 2T2 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION wife he had: John, married Jane Hillebert, daughter of John C. Hillebert of Borodino, N. Y., he died in Michigan; Edmund C, married Clorinda A. Rathbone, daughter of James and Margaret (Ashley) Rathbone ; and Lydia, mar- ried Gilbert Vanderhoof, she died in Illinois; and by his second wife, James Weston had : Stephen, and James, both of whom married and went West. WHALEY. Mr. Charles Whaley. Died July 26, 1834, age 64 years, 8 months. (Spafford.) WHEELER. Julia Amelia, daughter of Orrin and Mary Ann Wheeler. Died September 27, 1855, age 6 years, 3 months, 19 days. " This lovely bud was nipped so soon, To rise and bloom beyond the tomb." (Orrin Wheeler was a pedler; he died in the War of 1861, and his widow, Mary Ann Wheeelr, was accidentally killed by falling off the hotel steps at Glen Haven, N. Y. Mr. Wheeler's children were: John, married a Miss Law- rence; Mary, married (1) a Mr. Manley and (2) a Mr. Fuller of Homer, N. Y. ; Charles, married in Michigan, and returned to Spafford where he now resides; and Carrie, married and resides in Binghamton, N. Y.) (Cold Brook.) WHITING. Ira B., son of Thomas and Esther Whiting. Died August 10, 1830, in the 27th year of his age. (He died of smallpox, unmarried. Thomas and Esther Whiting had the following children: Thomas S., married Polly Crane; Esther, married Russel M. Burdick; Ansel, married a Miss Nancy Burdick; Ira B., died unmarried; Arlo, married and moved to Michigan ; Eliza ; Harriet, and Lovina, married Joel Nash, the latter was the mother of Avery Burdick's wife, Eugenia Jane Nash. Mr. Whiting resided where Edwin Morris now (1899) resides on Lot 31, Tully.) (Cold Brook.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 273 WHITNEY. Clorinda, wife of William B. Whitney. Died May 23, 1854, age 71 years. (Spafford Hollow.) WILBER. James B. Wilber, son of William T. and Olive (Orton) Wilber. A member of company " B," 15th Regt., N. Y. Cav. Vols. Died August 3, 1870, age 26 years. (William T. Wilber married Olive Orton, daughter of Zenas and Sally Orton.) (Borodino.) WILCOX. Matilda Wilcox. Died March 29, 1852, age 20 years, 4 months, 20 days. (Spafford Hollow.) WILLIAMS. Abigail Williams. Died April 11, 1891, in her 71st year. (She was the mother of Jane Williams, wife of Jeremiah W. Nodine, Jr.) (Cold Brook.) Louisa, daughter of John and Catherine Williams. Died June 22, 1855, age 18 years, 9 months. (Borodino.) WILLIAMSON. " Our Father," Cornelius Williamson. Died December 30, 1858, age 78 years. (He married Eliza Ostrander, and by her had the follow- ing children: Aaron, died unmarried; Henry, died un- married ; Maria, married Nathan Raymond ; Eliza, married Thaddeus Dunbar as his second wife ; Hannah, married Dr. Zachariah Derbyshire as his second wife; Mary Jane, mar- ried Joseph Harmon, both dead; Nancy, married Peter Ostrander ; and Catherine, married Charles Bartow of Earl- ville, Madison County, N. Y.) (Spafford.) "Our Mother," Eliza Ostrander, wife of Cornelius Wil- liamson. Died December 11, 1864, age 82 years. (Spafford.) 274 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Eliza, daughter of Cornelius and Eliza ) Ostrander) Williamson. Died March 18, 1853, age 35 years. (She married Thaddeus Dunbar as his second wife.) (Spafford.) Aaron Williamson, (son of Cornelius and Eliza (Ostran- der) Williamson) . Died February 23, 1867, age 60 years. (In the petition for letters of administration upon his estate, by Mary Harmon, his sister, dated February 28, 1867, mention is made of the following sisters : Catherine Bartow of Earlville, N. Y. ; and Mary Harmon of Spafford, N. Y.; and the following nephews and nieces: John H. Ostrander of Tully, N. Y., child of his deceased sister, Nancy Ostrander; John W. Raymond of Rockville, Kankakee Co., Illinois; Aaron Raymond of Oseo, Hillsdale County, Mich.; and Eliza Benschoten, residence unknown, children of Maria Raymond, a deceased sister; all of full age, except John H. Ostrander, a minor.) (Spafford.) Henry Williamson, (son of Cornelius and Eliza (Ostrander) Williamson). Died March 7, 1834, age 22 years. (Spafford.) James Williamson, Jr. Died February 1, 1833, age 60 years, 19 days. (Mr. Williamson came to this town from Minden, Mont- gomery County, N. Y., about April, 1806, and settled on a farm of 193 acres, on the northeast comer of Lot 12, Tully. In the petition for letters of administration upon his estate, made by his wife Hannah Williamson, dated February 12, 1833, mention is made of the following children : Charles, married Charlotte , resided in Grant County, Wis. ; Jon- athan, married Esther , resided in Italy, Yates County, N. Y., and subsequently in Parma, Ohio ; Catherine, married Samuel Boutelle, of Spafford Hollow, N. Y.; Hannah, mar- ried Thomas Andrews of Potter, Yates County, N. Y. ; Barber, died unmarried ; Jane, married Orasmus C. Hutchi- son of Willoughby, Ohio; Richard, married Miss Van Hoosen of Preble, N. Y.; Calvin, married Miss Jacobs of Spafford, N. Y. ; Harriet, died unmarried ; Esther, married James V. Skellie, son of William I. and Betsey (Boughton> Skellie, she died and was buried in Scott, N. Y. ; and James R., married Charity Rainey.) (Spafford Hollow.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 275 Hannah, wife of James Williamson, Jr. Died March 29, 1857, age 74 years. (Spafford Hollow.) James B. Williamson, (son of James, Jr., and Hannah Williamson). Died May 31, 1830, age 30 years, 8 months, 10 days. (His wife, Charity Rainey, after his decease married Peter Churchell as his second wife.) (Spafford Hollow.) Barber Williamson (son of James, Jr. and Hannah Wil- liamson). Died October 25, 1857, age 46 years. (Spafford Hollow.) Harriet Williamson, (daughter of James, Jr. and Hannah Williamson). Died May 16, 1861, age 38 years, 19 days. (Spafford Hollow.) WILLIS. George H. Willis, son of John and Mary Ann Willis. Died August 31, 1864, age 1 year, 6 months. (Mr. and Mrs. Willis were from Tully, N. Y.) (Spafford Hollow.) Frederick W. Willis, son of John and Mary Ann Willis. Died June 5, 1864, age 1 week. (Spafford Hollow.) WILTSIE. John Wiltsie, died August 24, 1852, age 84 years. (Thorn Hill.) Mary, wife of John Wiltsie, died August 19, 1845, age 75 years. (It is claimed that John and Mary Wiltsie were the common ancestors of all of that name in town.) (Thorn Hill.) WINCHESTER. Ann W. (Berry), (wife of Winchester). Died January 10, 1849, age 44 years. (She was a daughter of Jonathan and Thankful Berry.) (Borodino.) 270 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION WIRTH. Jennie F., daughter of Henry and Elllen (Moore) Wirth. Died November 10, 1881, age 1 year, 8 months, 18 days. " Budded on Earth to blossom in Heaven." (Henry Wirth was a native of Switzerland, and his wife Ellen Moore, daughter of Joseph Moore, was a native of England.) (Borodino.) WOOD. Mary, daughter of Peter and Helen (Van Hoosen) Wood. Died October 15, 1868, age 3 years, 7 days. (Peter Wood, son of Cyrus Wood, married Helen Van Hoosen of Scott, N. Y.) (Borodino.) Lydia, wife of Orry Wood. Died May 24, 1826, age 29 years. (By his wife Lydia, Mr. Wood had no issue j after her decease he married Rebecca Copp of this town, and moved to Chautauqua, N. Y., where he left issue by his second wife.) (Thorn Hill.) Harriet (Stevens), wife of Warren Wood. Died October 7, 1838, age 26 years, 6 months. (Jonas Wood, the father of Warren, care at an early date from Milton, Saratoga County, N. Y., first to Skaneateles, and soon after settled on a farm between Amber and Nav- arino, then in Marcellus, now Otisco, where he remained until his decease ; he had a large family ; most of whom were sons, who like their father, were tailors by trade. His wife was Elizabeth Easton, by whom he had : Charles, he was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in Marcellus, unmar- ried; Stephen, died young; Warren, married (1) Harriet Stevens and (2) Henrietta Van Hosen, moved to Clinton, Michigan, where he died ; Himaaz, married Mary Salmon of Onondaga, he died in Marcellus and his wife out West; Caroline, married Martin Christler, both died in Sumpter, Mich. ; Ann Eliza (twin) , married James Benham and died in Bridgwater, Mich. ; twin of Eliza, died young ; Seymour N., married Lizana Roundy, daughter of Capt. Asahel and Hannah (Weston) Roundy, he died in Syracuse, and his SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 277 wife in 1899 resided in Onondaga Valley, N. Y. ; Stephen C. (2nd), married Ursula Whiting, wife and he both dead; Marcus, married Caroline , he died in Clinton, Mich.; Cornell J., married (1) Sarah Carter, and (2) Sarah Easton, member of Company " H," 149th Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft., lost a leg at the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., resides in Brewertown, N. Y. There were one or two more, making thirteen in all, who died young.) (Borodino.) WOODWORTH. James Woodworth. Died October 11, 1858, age 79 years, 11 months, 17 days. " He sweetly sang on Earth, Now sings in Heaven." (He was a native of Connecticut and first settled in May field, Fulton County, N. Y. ; from there he came to this town about 1820, and settled on Lot 23, Sempronius. By his wife Hannah Fish, he had the following children: Joel C, married Sarah Eadie, daughter of James and Martha (Smith) Eadie; Jonathan F., married Emma Legg, daughter Capt. Otis and Polly (Sabin) Legg, and widow of Truman Cross; and Mercy R., married John Wallace, both dead.) (Spafford.) Hannah (Fish) , wife of James Woodworth. Died March 28, 1850, age 72 years. (Spafford.) Joel C, Woodworth, (son of James and Hannah (Fish) Woodworth). Died December 1, 1873, age 65 years, 5 months, 5 days. (He was born in Mayfield, Fulton County, N. Y., in 1808; by his wife Sarah Eadie he had: Cyrenus, married Char- lotte Norton, daughter of Seymour and Sally (Lyman) Nor- ton, farmer and surveyor, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Perry F., married Martha Norton, daughter of Seymour and Sally (Lyman) Norton, was member of the 122nd Regt., N. Y. Vols. Inft., War of 1861, farmer, has been Supervisor of the town, and held other minor town offices, resides in Spafford, N. Y.; Arlo, married (1) Emma Bacon, daughter of William and Phebe (Isdell) Bacon, first wife dead, (2) Helen Norton, daughter of Erastus and Mary (Isdell) Nor- 278 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION ton, and widow of Wallace Gordon, he resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Justina, married Charles Rich of Borodino, N. Y. ; Vestilina E., married Alfred G. Harrington, son of Jenlcs Harrington, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Elizabeth M., mar- ried George Case; Hannah Martha, married James Bacon, son of William and Phebe (Isdell) Bacon; and James Irwin, and James Henry, each of whom died young.) (Spafford.) Sarah (Eadie) , wife of Joel C. Woodworth. Died June 17, 1884, age 75 years, 9 months, 15 days. (She was bom in Rensselaerville, Rensselaer County, N. Y., in 1808.) (Spafford.) James Irwin, died September 13, 1840, age 3 years, 11 months, 26 days. James Henry. Died May 16, 1843. Sons of Joel C. and Sarah (Eadie) Woodworth. (Spafford.) Joel C, son of Perry F. and Martha (Norton) Wood- worth. Died October 10, 1879, age 5 years, 9 months, 10 days. " Our Darling Boy." (By his wife, Martha Norton, Mr. Woodworth had two children besides those here recorded : Gertrude I., a teacher and graduate of Cortland Normal School ; and Olin F., who resides at home in Spafford, N. Y.) (Spafford.) Lucretia E., daughter of Perry F. and Martha (Norton) Woodworth. Died October 1, 1879, age 12 years, 9 months, 17 days. " Rest in Peace." (Spafford.) Emma (Bacon) , wife of Arlo Woodworth. Bom in 1851, died in 1894. (Spafford.) Leona. Bora 1875, died 1887. Phebe. Bom 1878, died 1882. Daughters of Arlo and Emma (Bacon) Woodworth. " We miss thee." (Spafford.) SPAFFORD MORTUARY RECORDS WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES 279 Ambrose, son of Elias and Deidamia (Bassett) Wood- worth. Died September 16, 1829, age 21 years, 10 months, 24 days. (Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth resided at one time near the Center, but eventually moved out of town. Besides Am- brose they had three other sons : Enos, he moved to Michi- gan; Henry, died here unmarried; Elias, Jr.; and one daughter, Esther, who married Jonathan Johnson, both died here.) (Nunnery.) WORDEN. Truman Worden. Died May 22, 1876, age 68 years. (He came to this town from Victory, N. Y., and married Phebe Harrington, daughter of John and Catherine Har- rington, and by her had two children: Frances, married Uriah Morris, son of Samuel and Jane (Springer) Morris, resides at Glen Haven; and Walter, married Margaret Wood, daughter of Cyrus Wood, resides at Spafford, N. Y. Walter Worden, (son of Truman), by his wife Margaret Wood had five children: Alvin, married Adelle Randall, died in Syracuse, N. Y. ; Alice, married William C. Randall, resides in Spafford, N. Y. ; Fannie, married Frank Randall, resides in Spafford, N. Y. (the three Randalls above were children of Nathan and Mary (Wadsworth) Randall) ; Oliver, died unmarried; and Dora, married John Brown, son of William Brown. Mrs. Worden is also deceased and buried in this cemetery.) (Spafford.) Phebe (Harrington, wife of Truman Worden. Died December 27, 1887, age 76 years. " Dearest names to mortals given Is Father, Mother, Home and Heaven." (Her father and mother came from Foster, R. I.) (Spafford.) WORTHINGTON. Stephen Worthington. Died February 3, 1830, age 33 years. (Spafford Hollow.) 280 ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION YORK. John York. Died May 28, 1892, age 73 years. (Mr. York's first wife was Sarah A. Clark. In his will dated April 30, 1891, probated July 6 ,1892, he mentions a second wife, Leleah York, against whom he obtained a divorce, December 6, 1882, and who was then living under the name of Leleah Adlam, and her child May Adlam, then 10 years old ; he also mentions : Mary A. Cook, and Lucinda Gamble, whom he made executrixes, and a son, John York, then a minor residing with Stephen Masters, this last John was probably John 2nd, he having lost a son John, who died in 1871, age 13 years. (Spafford Hollow.) Sarah A. Clark, wife of John York. Died August 12, 1874, age 43 years. (Spafford Hollow.) John, son of John and Sarah Ann (Clark) York. Died November 29, 1871, age 13 years. (Spafford Hollow.) William York. Died May 29, 1881, age 58 years. (His first wife was Elizabeth York; in his will dated May 24, 1881, proabted July 16, 1881, he mentions his second wife, Sarah Ann York, and his children: William Henry, then of Marcellus, N. Y.; (ieorge Seymour, Fanny J., and Lydia York, each residing in Spafford, N. Y., and all of full age, except George Seymour York, who was then a minor.) (Spafford Hollow.) Elizabeth, wife of William York. Died November 5, 1865, age 33 years. (Spafford Hollow.) INDEX Ackles 5 Adams ^ Adlam '^ Albro "^ AUen 7 Alvord ° Anderson 8 Andrews " Angel 10 Anthony 10 Arnold 12 Avery 12 Babcock 1^ Bacon 1^ Baker 1'^ Ball 1^ Barber 1^ Barker 20 Barnes 21 Bates 21 Baxter 22 Bearse 23 Becker 23 Beeler 26 Bennett 26 Berry 28 Bierce ^0 Billings 31 Bittles 31 Blunden 32 Bodley 32 Baughton 32 Bowen 33 BoTiteU •••• 33 Breed 35 Briggs 37 Brown 38 Brownell 40 Bryan 41 Bryant 41 Buffington 41 Bulfincb 42 Burdick 43 Burlton 48 Burns 48 Burroughs ^0 Cady 51 Calkins 51 Callender 52 Carr 52 Carroll 54 Carver 54 Case 54 Chandler 56 Chapman 56 Chappell 57 ChurcheU 57 ChurchiU 60 aark 62 Cleveland 63 Cobb 63 Coe 64 Cole 64 Collins 65 Colton 69 Cook 69 Conklin '^0 Coon "70 Copp "^1 ComeU 71 Cowan 72 Cowles 73 Oox 73 Craig 74 Crane 74 Cross 75 Culver 76 Curtis 76 Darbey 77 Darling 77 Davis 78 Dedrick 81 Derbeshire 82 Derbin 82 Dibble 82 Doolittle 82 Doty 83 Dunbar 85 Eadie 85 Earl 87 Eddy 88 Edwards 90 Eggleston 91 Eglin 92 Eldred 93 Eliot 93 Elison 95 Emmons 95 English 96 Enos 96 Fay 96 Ferry 96 Filkins 98 Fisher 98 Fitzgerald 101 Force 101 Ford 102 Foster 102 Frederick 104 Fuller 105 Fulton 105 Gale 107 Oay 108 Garuthers 109 Geer 109 Gifford 109 Gilbert 110 Gillett 110 Green 110 Golden 112 Goodrich 113 Goodwin 113 Gordon 113 Grove 114 Gregory 114 Griffin ...114 Grinnell 114 Grout 115 Gutsell 117 Hall 117 Haight 119 Hamilton 120 Harmon 120 Harrington 121 Harris 123 Harvey 124 Hay 126 Hayes 126 Hayf ord 127 Havens 128 Henry 130 Hibbard 130 Higbey 130 Hill 130 Hillebert 132 Hinman 133 Hinds 133 Hiscock 134 Holmes 134 Howtin 136 Hoxsie 136 Huffman 137 Hunt 137 Hurd 138 Hutchens 138 Hutton 140 Hyde 141 Ide 141 Ingham 143 Ingerson 143 Isdell 143 Jackson 144 Jacobs 145 Johnson 145 Kellogg 147 Kelsey 147 King 148 Kingsbury 148 Kirkpatrick 148 Knapp 148 Kneeland 152 Knight 155 Lamb 155 Lansdown 155 Lathrop 155 Learned 155 Legg 156 Leland 158 Lewis 158 Lieber 160 Lounsbury 161 Lyon 161 Mabie 163 Mahar 164 Mapes 164 Manley 164 Marshall 166 Martin 167 Mason 167 Masters 170 Maxson 171 Maybee 171 Maynard 171 McCausey 172 McDaniels 172 McDufeee 173 McKay 173 Mear 175 Mellen ^...175 Melvin 175 Merrett 177 Millard 177 Mills 177 Miner 178 Moon 179 Morey 180 Morgan 180 Morris 181 Morton 182 Morse 183 Moss 183 Moxey 183 Nash 183 Nesbit 184 Newell 184 Newville 185 Nichols 185 Niles 185 Noble 185 Nodine 186 North 187 Norton 187 Nye 190 O'Farrell 190 Olmstead 192 Olmsted 193 Orton 193 Ostrander 194 Owen 195 Palmer 196 Parker 199 Patten 200 Patterson 200 Pease 203 Peck 203 Perkins 204 Phelps 204 Plummer 204 Picket 205 Pollock 205 Potter 205 Powers 205 Pressey 206 Preston 207 Prindle 207 Pullman 210 Furdy 211 Quick 211 KandaU 211 Randell 215 Rathbone 215 Raymond 216 Reed 217 Rice 217 Rich 1 218 Richardson 218 Riggalls 219 Ripley 219 Robertson 222 Robinson 223 Robison 223 Rogers 223 Root 224 Rosman 224 Rounds 224 Roundy 224 Rowen 231 Rust 231 Sanford 232 Seeley 232 Sessions 233 Sharp 235 Shaw 235 Shelden 236 Sheldon 236 Sherwood 237 SkeUie 237 Smith 238 Sornborger 244 Spaulding 244 Spencer 245 Sprague 245 Stanton 245 Stebbens 247 Stevens 247 Stone 248 Streeter 248 Strong 250 Strope 250 Taf t 251 Taylor 252 Thayer 252 Thompson 253 Terbush 255 Tinkham 255 Town 257 Trumbull 258 Tucker 259 Turner 259 Tuttle 259 Unckless 260 Underwood 261 Vail 262 Van Bensehoten 262 Vandenburgh 263 Vanderlin 264 Van Patten 264 Vary 264 Wallace 264 Walker 269 Watson 269 Waine 269 Walch 269 Webster 270 Wellington 270 Weston 270 Whaley 272 Wheeler 272 Whiting 272 Whitney 273 Wilber 273 Wilcox 273 Williams 273 Williamson 273 Willis 275 Wiltsie 275 Winchester 275 Wirth 276 Wood 276 Woodworth 277 Worden 279 Worthington 279 York 280 157 90 ^0^ 'L'»- 'o i^" >< ^^^°^ V^^>' \-^^'\/ V^^'Vo' \''^ S' 1' ^-^0^ .- .^'' %.*" .* ♦ aV "^^ , ^'^ *• ^* '^^ "^ %^iP/ J^\^ ''^^W* J'-k^ ''.wS&: «^^' 9<» 1 >„.%* *..*" •• v^.5il^-.-. .f ^-...^^ ■• "*..*^ : ■ (1 •*■*„" ^*.-a;:/V \/y^J^'S \/y^kS. co*y>i^ 5-^^ o -^ ^S»' '^ y •^ ■ <^^ <. •-T7^' .tf %. •••• V^'* o-. 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