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Group of Regular Mounted Police. Soldiers* and Sailors' Monument. County Jail, Post-office Building. 1 AilenLown is the centre of fojr great railroiJ; ; viz., the Lehigh Valley, the Central Railroad of New Jersey, the Readme and the Pcrkiomen. Z BiU of Sceneiy. Allentovvn is surrounded by any number of beautiful views, of w filch ihe above are a few specimens. 3 Industrial Establishments, employing thousands of men, showing also the largest lumber plant under one roo( in America. 4 Beautiful Vistas. The Big Rocks and scenes along the Lehigh Canal, the Lehigh River and the Little Lehigh River. 3 Industrial. Allenlown people aic proverbially thrifty, peaceable, orderly and law-abiding. Labor troubles and disorders o( whatever character ors practically unknown in lh:3 city. Allenlown's Parks. A few views indicative o( (he beauties o( Dorney Park and Central Park. 1 is Euj -• m m t t'm-tt-m a );.( )7i )X );nx )x wmjTnzwKini Allentown has nearly six hundred diversified industries, embracing among others iron, silk, fuiniture, shoes, cigar, hosiery, dyeing, automobile, cemcDt block, brick, clothing, lumber. 8 Duck Farm. Park View. Crystal Spring Basin and Pumping Station. New Stale Bridge. Schanlz's Spring Basin (City's Water Supply). Cement. Eighteen cement mills are within a radius of six miles, employing 12,000 men. Output lor 1906, 13,000,000 barrels, about 38 per cent, of the total product of the United Stales. IP fe^^^^^&R The Great Alientown Fair. The greatest county fair in the United Slates, attended by over 200,000 people annually, its half-nnile track holds the world's records lor pacing and trotting to sulky and wagon. 11 ^^^ "^:^ ^^^^s<^=^ ly fceXii.-t.:;-.-\ic«t> 1. cy y — / y ^ i. Silk Mills. Allentown is ihe second largest silk centre in Pennsylvania, with fifteen firms, nineteen mills, over 5,000 employees and having an annual output ot about $10,000,000.00 12 Street Scenes in Business Section. Allentown has an area of 3.98 square miles, with 58.82 miles of streets, of which 10.48 miles are asphalted, and 8.84 miles macadamized. 13 Y. M. C. A. Ailentown College for Women. Allentown Hospital. New Homeopalhic State Asylum (or the Insane. Phoebe Deaconess Home. 14 Street Scenes in Residential Section. Allentown has 12,500 buildings. A notable fad is that over 90 per cent, of the real estate, improvements and vi'ealth is owned by Allentown citizens. IS Dam on Lehigh River near 5 Railroad station. The fertile Saucon Val Lehigh Mou Panoi istward from the Lehigh Valley town. Looking over the on the crest of the >f Allentown. er front. Lyric Theatre. Orpheum Theatre. Bank Buildings. Allentown has three National Banks and three Trust Companies, whose combined capital is $2,250,000 ; deposits and holdings. $9,236,512.10; assets. $14,537,857.46; surplus fund and undivided profits, $1,685,733.96. 18 Residential Street Scenes. Views along sections of Sixteenth, Fourth, Fifteenth and Fulton Streets. 19 Representative Business Blocks. Allenlown is ihe business centre for a wide and rich agricultural, manufacturing and mining section. 20 S^55^^^^^^^iS Typical Allentown Homes. Allenlown is a city of beautiful tiomes. Tlie climate is deliglilful and its fiealth rate averages above tfiat of any other city in Pennsylvania. 21 Leading Business Blocks. Allentown is the centre of three great trolley syslemi, touching every important city, town and village within a radius of thirty-six miles, also extending to the city of Philadelphia. 22 Ideal Residences. Allentown is the cleanest and best built city o( its size in the United Slates, and its homes compare favorably with those ot any other city. 23 Striking Business Blocks. The assessed valuation of property in Allentown is $30,210,834.00, with a market value of over $45,000,000.00. Its tax rate is lower than that of any other city in the State. 24 7i^^^^^^^^ Handsome Homes. One o( Allentown's principal atlractions is its large, unfailing supply ol absolutely pure spring water from Schantz's Spring. five miles west of llie city. Muhlenberg College. President's Home. Allentown Preparatory School. Administration Building. Laboratory. Berks-Rhoads Hal! (Dormitory). Allentown also has a College for Women, two commercial and several music and select schools. 26 Ideal School Houses. Allentown has seventeen pubhc school buildings end two parochial schools. The district has 149 teachers and 6.25 1 pupils, with a ten months' school term. 27 Churches. Allenlown has forly-lhree churches, representing nearly every rehgious denomination in the world. 28 ?^ffi!^^^^^M Churches. The architecture of the edifices is strikingly beautiful, and they are unsurpaised by any other city of like proportions. 29 Holels. Allentown has a number of large and beautiful fioteU for tfie accommodation of permanent and transient guests, of wliich tfie above is a representative group. 30 ?fe?^^^ffi^^ Fraternal Order o( Eagles. B. P. O. Elks. Lehigh Saengerbund. Livingston Club. Temperance Hall. Young Men's Hall. 31 Fire Engine Houses. Ailentown has a remarkably efficient, pari paid and volunteer fire department, divided into nine companies, wrth 947 members, six steam engines, two chemical engines, two hook and ladder trucks and six hose wagons, 32 Scene on Hamilton Street. Scene on North Sixth Street. Press Buildings. Allenlown has five daily newspapers.' and one English and three German weeklies. 33 FEB 26 1908 I'D 3A > V '3- .> -^f: \v 1^ -^ v^ ■* ""L \. ^o o"^ ■^^ -.<# ,0o. ' 3 N » c. '^^i^-fj ^°^, A* ■ * <^ .01' ■> ,s^ •^<=.. . . aV ■^OO'^ ^ * 'Ka -V ^ -^ V,-^ ' = ^-^^^^ ./■ ^■•O. ,^^^ .-i^^ •5>=,"' Q. -v. , \ ' f ■ ^o' .■6^ .vis '-V '> % ^"^^ -.. ^^^ H -n '^^- ^o°<. ^ s^ "•'/"> 'o\>\'^ ">Jsj ^^ ^" - ■?^ ^ 4^^ FLA. > 'j^^*^,' ,0^ ^5 .. >' VN*- "^ » o ■ \0^ ^O . »" .S.^ '^ '»