.^^'%. 3^ .•••• '^c .^' ..-•• '^-e 3^ .•••* -^C ^5. *'Trr«' v'^ •^^0^ :. ^ .'«'* *A i..^^ .*^-'-. 0' ;-. \- ,s** /ifitei'-. *^ '^ -'^y/i'. V..** /jSte»\ v,< »jJt;«vN^fc^*^ O ^^A^ ,/\ •.^•' >'*'"'-^* '•^^•' /\ '• .^^% V-^\»* ^'^-'Z **^'^^\/ %.'^"^. :♦ V' « >..^' . 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FRANKLIN K. LANE. SECRETARY "^f."?). NATIONAL PARK SERVICE STEPHEN T. MATHER. DIRECTOR STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS 1879-1918, INCLUSIVE FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND NATIONAL MONUMENTS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR COMPILED AND ARRANGED BY MAE A. SCHNURR OF THE NATIONAL PARK SERVICE ^ WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 <^^^- ^\>^ THE NATIONAL PAEKS AT A GLANCE. [Number, 17; toul area, 9,774 square mile , National parks in OTilcroIcreaiion. Location. Area in square miles. Distinctive chararteri.oarding houses— 30 baib- houses under pultlic control. Voro t.o<^..rv I V, ,t, ,-, .11 r. .. ,,( „..rl.l l.......l,pj. "■■ .'. il- .Ild •'• |i^-r..l ... ....iiM— I.AH filVliUl UlJUt IbhiDg. Notcwort hy relics of a prehlttoric age; discovered in ruinous condition in 1094. The lUgTrce National I'ark— 12.00(1 s 2.'< i" W fe^t in lihimcter— Towering mmiiitain r;inj,'i's— Start- ling precipices— Kine trout lishlng. \alley of world-fame fe»'t in diameter— 6 miles from Se<|Uoia National Park. Largest accessible single peak glacier system— 28 gliu-ier.s, some of large site — l.s s<)uare miles of glacier, .V) to 500 fwt thick— Wonderful sul> alpine wild flower fields. Lake of extraordinarj- blue in crater of extinct volcano — Siiles l.oiXJfc^t high— Interesting lava format ion.s — line fishing. Cavern having many miles of eatlerie.s and numer- ous chamlters containing many {leculiar forma- tions. Many sulphur and othersprings possessing melne .•Ilk- ,ry ul niorke*! indivi>tuality— i-ine trout tishing. Heart of the Rockies — Snowy range, peaks 11.000 to l<.2.'iO f«><>t altitude— Remarkable records of glacial | feet < Inder Cone 6.H7W feet- Hot springs— Mud geysers. Highest mountain In North .\mericn— Riset higher aliove surrounding country than any other mountain in world. D. of D. JUL w 1917 A.V \^7^ \ ^ STATEMENT OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND NATIONAL MONU- MENTS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR, 1879-1918, INCLUSIVE. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE.^ 1917. National Park Service in the District of Columbia, deficiency act of Apr. 17, 1917 (Public No. 2, 65th Congress) $3, 666. 67 1918. National Park Service in the District of Columbia, sundry civil act of June 12, 1917 (Public No. 21. 65th Congress) 17, 600. 00 Total 21, 266. 67 YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, WYO.2 UNDER INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. [From Mar. 1, 1872, to June 20, 1878, no annual appropriations for the park were made by Congress. See below for some of the expenses for such period paid by later appropriation acts.] 1879. Protection and improvement of the park, sundry civil act of June 20, 1878 (20 Stats., 229) $10, 000. 00 1880. Protection and improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1879 (20 Stats., 393) 10, 000. 00 1881. Protection and improvement of the park, sundry civil act of June 16, 1880 (21 Stats., 273) 15, 000. 00 1882. Protection and improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1881 (21 Stats., 451) 15, 000. 00 1880. For deficiency on account of protection and improvement, fiscal year 1880, deficiency act of Mar. 3, 1881 (21 Stats., 421) 89. 76 1883. Protection and improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Aug. 7, 1882 (22 Stats., 329) 15, 000. 00 1879.^ Protection and improvement of the park, deficiency act of Aug. 5, 1882 (22 Stats., 276) 150. 00 1877-78. For salary and expenses of Supt. Norris from Apr. 18, 1877, to June 30, 1878, sundry civil act of Aug. 7, 1882 (22 Stats., 329). . . 3, 180. 41 1884. Protection and improvement, including salary of superintendent, $2,000, and 10 assistants at $900 each, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1883 (22 Stats., 626) 40,000.00 1885. Protection and improvement of the park, including salaries, sun- dry civil act of July 7, 1884 (23 Stats., 211) 40, 000. 00 1886. Protection and improvement of the park, including salaries, sun- dry civil act of Mar. 3, 1885 (23 Stats., 499) 40,000.00 'Established by act of Aug. 25, 1916 (39 Stats., 535). « Created by act of Mar. 1, 1872, sees. 2474 and 2475, Rev. Stats. 3 And prior years. 3 4 APPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 1886. Continuation of compensation, superintendent and employees, July 1 to 15, 1886. joint resolutions of July 1 and 15, 1886 (24 Stats., 343 and 345) 1934. 25 Reimbur8(>ment for expense of quarters of late Supt. Conger, deficiency act of Sept. 30, 1890 (26 Stats., 523) 169. 37 1887. Protection and improvement of the park (construction of roads and brid^t'S uiulcr diro<-tion engineer ollicer detailed by Secre- tary of Wuri, sundry livil a' civil a*t of June 30. 1906 (34 Stats., 729).... 7,500.00 1908.' Administration and prottM-tion (including $2,500 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of Mar. I, 1907 (34 Stats., 1337).... 8,000. 00 1909.' Administration and prote«'tion (including $2,.'i(K) for maintenance of buffalo, and $2,500 for surveying and marking uutnoiui- menl«' If 1 Itnprovetnontapproprlalloni forth* years Ititut to 1001,incluaiT«. were expended by the Wer !■ > Iinpruvem«n( approprletions of thrie rears wrrr exiM-ndntile liy the Wnt nrpnrtmtnt. APPROPEIATIONS FOR NATIONAI- PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 5 .1912.^ Administration and protection (including |3, 000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry ci\il act of Mar. 4, 1911 (36 Stats., 1420). . . . $8, 500. 00 1913.1 Administration and protection (including $3,000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of Aug. 24, 1912 (37 Stats., 460). . . . 8, 500. 00 1914. Administration and protection (including §3,000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of June 23, 1913 (38 Stats., 49) 8, 500. 00 1915. Administration and protection (including $3,000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stats., 648). . . . 8, 500. 00 1916. Administration and protection (including $3,000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stats., 862). . . . 8, 500. 00 Salary of United States commissioner, 1895 to 1916, expended by Department of Justice. 1917. Administration and protection (including $3,000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of July 1, 1916 (39 Stats., 307) 8, 500. 00 1918. Administration and protection (including $5,000 for maintenance of buffalo), sundry civil act of June 12, 1917 (Public No. 21, 65th Congress) 10, 500. 00 Total 382, 507. 98 UNDER WAR DEPARTME.VT. 1888. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1887 (24 Stats., 531) 20, OOO.'OO 1889. Protection and improvement of park, sundry civil act of Oct. 2, 1888 (25 Stats., 534) 25,000.00 1890. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 2, 1889 (25 Stats., 967) 50, 000. 00 1891. Protection and improvement, sundry ciA"iI act of Aug. 30, 1890 (26 Stats., 398) ." 75. 000. 00 1892. Improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1891 (26 Stats. , 977) 75, 000. 00 1893. Improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Aug. 5, 1892 (27 Stats., 376) 45, 000. 00 1894. Improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1893 (27 Stats. , 598) 30, 000. 00 1895. Improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Aug. 18, 1894 (28 Stats., 403) 30, 000. 00 1896. Improvement and protection of the park, sundry civil act of Mar. 2, 1895 (28 Stats., 945) , 30,000.00 1897. Improvement and protection, sundry civil act of June 11, 1896 (29 Stats., 442) .' 35, 000. 00 Improvement and protection, sundry civil act of June 4, 1898 (30 Stats.. 43) 35, 000. 00 1898. Improvements, deficiency act of June 8, 1896 (29 Stats., 284) 5, 000. 00 Improvement of the paik, deficiency act of July 19, 1897 (30 Stats. ,143) .78 1899. Impr6vement and protection, sundry civil act of July 1, 1898 (30 Stats., 629) 40, 000. 00 Improvements, deficiency act of .Tuly 7, 1898 (30 Stats., 667) 93. 75 1900. Improvement and protection, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1899 (30 Stats.. 1105) 40, 000. 00 Improvement of the park, deficiency act of Mar. 3. 1899 (30 Stats., 1226) 99. 80 1 Improvement appropriations of these years were expendable by the War Department. 6 APPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 1901. Improvement and protection, sundry civil act of June «». 1900 (31 Stats. .624) $60, 000. 00 Improvement, deficiency act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stats., 291) 6. 95 Improvement for 1898, deficiency act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stats., 291 ) 162. 62 1902. Improvement of the park, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1891 (31 Stat«., 1 169) 1 13. 000. 00 1903. Improvement of the park. !inair of im]»rovements, sundry civil act of Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stats., 632) 125,000.00 Widening to not exce<'elled vohiclfs, sun' civil act of .\pr. 28. 1904 ^33 Stats , 487) 3,000.00 1906. Proiec tion and improvement, sundrj' civil act of Mar. 3, 1905 (33 Stats.. 1 188) 5, 400. 00 Manaijement, protection, and improvement, joint resolution of Mar. 3, 1905 (33 stata., 1286) 20, 000. 00 1907. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 30, 1906 (34 Stata. , 729) 5, 750. 00 190S. Protection and improvement, sundry' civil act of Mar. 4, 1907 (34 Stats. , 1 337 ) 30, 000. 00 1909. Protection and improvement, sundrj* civil act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats., 351 ) .' : 30, 000. 00 1910. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (35 Stats., 990) 30, 000. 00 1911. Protection and improvement (inclusive of $12,000 reser\'ed within appropriation for road sprinkling), sundry civil act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stata., 745) 62. 000. 00 1912. Protection and improvement, conatruction and repair of bridires. fences, and trails, and improvement of roads other than toll roads, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911 (36 Stats., 1420) 50, 000. 00 1913. Protection and improvement, construction and repair of l>ridges, fences, and trails, and iraprdvement of roaark work, not ex- ceeding $l.«MKi for a niolor- oi twer plant, sundry civil ai)ropri:itioii-" f..r tin- park wtTt- made by ronpress.] 1901. Protoction and iiupruveuieiil, sundry fivil act oi June G, 1900 (M Stats., (JI8) 110, 000. 00 1902. Protet'tion and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1901 (HI Stata., 1 1()2) 10, 000. 00 1903. Protection and improvement, i^undry civil act of June 28, 1902 (32 Stata., ir,^) 10, 000. 00 1904. Prote<-lion and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1903 (32 Statj^., lUH I 10. 0(X). 00 Protection and improvement, deficiency act of Mar. 3, 1903 (32 Stata., UXiO ) 89. 69 190r). Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of .\pr. 28, 1904 (33 Stats., 487) 10, 000. 00 190(5. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1905 (.33 Stats., 1 188) 10. 000. 00 1907. Prote<-tion and imimivement, sundry civil act of June :U). IDUU (34 Stats., 729) 10. 000. 00 1908. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1JM)7 CM Stat.s.. 1337 ) 15, 550. 00 1909. Protection and improvement, .sundry civil act of May 27, UM)A (35 Stat*., 351 ) • 15, 550. 00 1910. ProttHtion and improvement, .«uiulry civil act of Mar. 4, 15)09 (35 Stats., 990) 15. 550. 00 1011. Prote<'tion and im])rovement, sunrovetneiit of roads other than toll roarls, including the purchiwc of site for ranger station not to exceed $500. sun.lry civil av M-U ol .S«pt. 2S, l .Slat!i.. 47(i), Ul'l (>rl. I, IHttO (36 SUtS., 6S0). APPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 11 GENERAL GRANT NATIONAL PARK, CAL.i [From Oct. 1, 1890, to June 6, 1900, no appropriations for the park were made by- Congress.] 1901. Improvement of park, sundry civil act of June 6, 1900 (31 Stats., 618) $2, 500. 00 1902. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1901 (31 Stats., 1162) 2, 500. 00 1903. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 28, 1902 (32 Stats. , 456) 2, 500. 00 1904. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1903 (32 Stats., 1119) 2, 000. 00 For improvement of park in 1901, deficiency act of Mar. 3, 1903 (32 Stats. , 1060) 58. 65 1905. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Apr. 28, 1904 (33 Stats. , 487) 2, 000. 00 1906. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1905 (33 Stats. , 1188) 2, 000. 00 1907. Protection and improvement, sundrj' civil act of June 30, 1906 (34 Stats. , 729) 2, 000. 00 1908. Protection and improvement, sundry ci\il act of Mar. 4, 1907 (34 Stats., 1337) 2, 000. 00 1909. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats. , 351) 2, 000. 00 1910. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (35 Stats. , 990) 2. 000. 00 1911. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stats., 745) 2, 000. 00 1912. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911 (36 Stats., 1421) 2, 000. 00 1913. Protection and improvement, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of Aug. 24, 1912 (37 Stats., 460) '. 2,000.00 1914. Protection and improvement, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of June 23, 1913 (38 Stats., 49) 2, 000. 00 1915. Protection and improvement, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stats., 649) 2, 000. 00 1916. Protection and improvement, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stats. , 863) 2, 000. 00 1917. Protection and improvement, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of July 1, 1916 (39 Stats., 308) 2,000.00 1918. For protection and improvement, construction of fences and trails, and repairing and extension of roads, sundr\' civil act of June 12, 1917 (PubUc No. 21, 65th Congress) 2, 000. 00 Total 37,558.65 •Created by act of Oct. 1, 1890 (26 Stats., 650). 12 ArPUOPIUATIONS FOR NATIONAL I'AHKS AND MONUMENTS. MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL PARK. WASH.' rSDEU INTEKIOH DKrAUTMKNT. [From Mar. 2. 18'.»M. to Juno 30. 190G, no appropriations for the park were made by Congress.] 1907. Protection and improvement, Bundr>' civil act of June 30, 1[K)6 (34 Stats., 721») 12, 500. 00 1908. Prote<."tion and improvement, sundrj' civil act of Mar. 4. 1907 (34 Stats., 1337) 3. 000. 00 1909. Protection and improvement. 8undr\' civil act of May 27, ll»08 (35 Stats.. 351) 3, 000. 00 1910. Protection and improvement. 8undr>' civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (35 Stats. . 991 ) 3, 000. 00 1911. Protection and iinprovement. 8undr>' civil act of June 25. 1910 (3G Stats., 745) 3, 000. 00 1912. Protection and improvement, construction of liridgos, fences, and trails, etc., sundr>' civil act of Mar. 4. 1911 (36 State., 1421)... » 5,000.00 1913. Protection and improvement, construction of bridges, fences, and trails, and imj)ruvi.'ment of roads, sundrj' civil act of Aug. 24, 1912 ( 37 Stats. . 4(50) 20, 000. 00 1914. Protection ami improvement, construction of bridges, fences, and trails, and improvement of roads, sundry civil act of June 23, 1913 (38 Stats., 50) 13, 400. 00 For survey for the extension of the present road from a pwint at or about Lonpmire Springs eastward to the e;»8tern boundary line of the forest reserve surrounding the park and for survey of necessarj' trails, sundrj- civil act of June 23. 1913 (38 Stata., 50) 10.000.00 1915. Protection and imjirovcment, construction of bridges, fences, and trails, and improvement of roads, sundry civil act of Aug. 1, 1914 (3SStat.-^., G49) " 51,000.00 191G. Protection and improvement, construction of bridges, fences, and trail.**, and improvement of roads. .«undry civil act of Mar. 3, 1915 (3SStat.s.. 8G3) 30.000.00 1917. Prot«'cti(>n and improvomont. con.struction of bridges, fences, and trails, and improvement of roa<1s. sundrj' civil act of July 1. 191(5 (39 Stats.. 308) .' 30,000.00 1918. Protection and improvement, construction of roads, bridgea. fences, and trails, and imi>rovcment of roads, including not exceeding $1,250 for the pun-haae of a motor-driven vehicle and the maintenance and repair thereof, sundry civil act of June 12. 1917 (Public No. 21. r)5th Congress) 75,000.00 ToUl 248, 900. 00 INOEK WAIl nKI'ART.MENT. 1903. Survey of most practicable route for wagon road into park and toward construction nf Kni' ci>'il act of Apr. 28, 1904 (33 Suti.., 498) 30,000.00 • rraatfld br M-t of Mtr. 3, IHOO. (30 State, 908.) < By the act of Aug. 14, 1011 (S7 Stats., .18), the abovr-mcnllonM appropriation was rtdootd t« tA,000, APPEOPBIATIONS FOK ISTATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS, 13 190fi. Continuing construction wagon road, sundry civil act of June 30. 1906 (34 Stats., 744) $50, 000. 00 1907. Continuing construction wagon road, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1907 (34 Stats., 1349) 50, 000. 00 190S. Continuing construction wagon road, sundry civil act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats. , 365) _ ." 50, 000. 00 1909. Completion of wagon road, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (35 Stats., 1005) 25, 000. 00 1910. Additional work upon wagon road, sundry civil act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stats. , 725) 25, 000. 00 Total •. 240, 000. 00 RECAPITULATION. Appropriations under the Interior Department, 1907 to 1918. in- clusive 248, 900. 00 Appropriations expended under the War Department. 1903 to 1910, inclusive 240, 000. 00 Total 488, 900. 00 CRATER LAKE NATIONAL PARK, OREG.' UNDER INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. 1902 and 1903. Protection and improvement, deficiency act of July 1, 1902 (32 Stats., 571) |2, 000. 00 1904. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1903 (32 Stats., 1110) 2, 000. 00 1905. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Apr. 28, 1904 (33 Stats., 487) 3, 000. 00 1906. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1905 (33 Stats., 1188) 3, 000. 00 1907. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 30, 1906 .(34 Stats.. 729) 3, 000. 00 1908. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1907 (34 Stats., 1337) ' 7, 315. 00 1909. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats.. 351). .' ' 3, 000. 00 1910. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (35 Stats., 990) ' 3, 000. 00 1911. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stats.. 745) ." 3, 000. 00 1912. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4. 1911 (36 Stats., 1421) " .\ . 3, 000. 00 1913. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Aug. 24, 1912 (37 Stats.. 460) ." 3, 000. 00 1914. Protection and improvement and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of June 23, 1913 (38 Stats., 50) 7,540.00 1915. Protection and improvement and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of Aug. 1. 1914 (38 Stats., 649) 8,040.00 1916. Protection and improvement and repaii'ing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stats.. 863) 8,000.00 1917. Protection and improvement and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of July 1, 1916 (39 Stats., 308) 8, 000. 00 1918. Protection and improvement and repairing and extension of roads, sundry civil act of June 12, 1917 (Public No. 21, 65th Congress) . 15, 000. 00 Total 81, 895. 00 1 Created by act of May 22, 1902 (32 Stats., 202). 14 ArPBOPRIATlONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. UNDER WAR DEPARTMENT. 1910. Surveying, loi^ting. aii*I prt-pariii^; plans and PHtimates for road^ and trails in the park, sundry civil act of June 2o, 1910 (36 Stat«.. 725) $10, 000 00 1912. Construction of wapon mad and necessary bridge.*! through i>ark, with syHtem of tankf ami water-nupply pipes for sprinkling, sundry civil act of Aug. 24. 1912(37 Statjn,. 443) 50.000.00 1914. Continuation of tin* construction of a wagon road and the neceasarj- bridges through park, with system of tanks and water-supply pipes for sprinkling, sundry civil act of June 23. 1913 (3S Stats.. 33 ) 75, 000. 00 1915. Continuation of the construction of a wagon road and the necessary bridges through park, with system of tanks and water-supply pipes for sprinkling, sundry civil act of Aug. 1. 1914 (38 Stats.. G33 ) 85, 000. 00 191C. Continuation of the construction of a wagon road and the necessary bridges through park, with system of tanks and water-supply pipes for sppnkling. sun«lry civil act of Mar. 3. 1915 (38 Stats.. 845) 50. 000. 00 1917. Continuation of the construction of a wagon roa'ing vehicles, sundrj- civil act of July 1. 1916 (39 Stats.. 289^ 50,000.00 l!U>>. For continuation of a wagon road and the necessarj' bridges through the j)ark. together with a system of tanks and water- supply jfiiK's for sprinkling (H. Doc. 328. 62d Cong.. 2d sess.), and for maintenance, repair, and oi>eration of two horse-drawn paaBeuger-carr>'ing vehicles. 8undr>' civil act of June 12, 1917 f Public No. 21. 65th Congress) 50, 000. 00 Total 370, 000. 00 UKC.MMTLI.ATIO.V. .\ppropriation8 under the Interior Department. 1902 to 1918. inclusive 81. 895. 00 .\j)proprialions expendf^d under the War Dcjiartnirnt. 1010 to 1918. inclusive... 370. 000. OQ Total 451.895.00 WIND CAVE NATIONAL PARK. S. DAK.' l'«M Pri.lfar. .\. 1905 (33 Stal.t.. 1 IRS) 2. .',(K). 00 1907. Pmlertijtn and improvement, sundry civil art of June 30. 1906 (34 Stats.. 729) •. 4. 400. 00 1908. Prol««ciion an«l improvement, eundf}' civil act of Mar. 4. 1907 (34 SUti«.. 1337) 2.500.00 » Crwitwl »>y »ct of Jan. 9, J008 (32 8UU., 7(V5). APPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 15 1909. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats., 352) $2, 500. 00 1910. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1909 (35 Stats., 991) 2, 500. 00 1911. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 25, 1910 (36 Stats., 745) 2, 500. 00 1912. Management, improvement, and protection, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1911 (36 Stats., 1421) 2.500.00 1913. No appropriation made. 1914. Improvement and protection, sundry civil act of June 23, 1913 (38 Stats., 50) 2, 500. 00 1915. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stats., 649) 2, -500. 00 1916. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stats.. 863) 2, 500. 00 1917. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of July 1, 1916 (39 Stats., 308) 2. 500. 00 1918. For improvement and protection, sundry civil act of June 12, 1917 (Public No. 21, 65th Congress) 2, 500. 00 Total 36, 900. 00 UNDER DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE.^ 1913. For the establishment of a national game preserve, to be known as the Wind Cave National Game Preserve, upon the land em- braced within the boundaries of the Wind Cave National Park, in the State of South Dakota, for a permanent national range for a herd of buffalo to be presented to the United States by the American Bison .Society, and for such other native American game animals as may be placed therein. The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to acquire by purchase or condemna- tion such adjacent lands as may be necessary for the purpose of assuring an adequate permanent water supply, and to inclose the said game preserve with a good and substantial fence and to erect thereon all necessary sheds and buildings for the proper care and maintenance of the said animals, to be available until expended, Agricultural act of August 10, 1912 (37 Stats., 293) . . 26, 000. 00 RECAPITULATION . Appropriations under the Interior Department, 1904 to 1918, in- clusive 36, 900. 00 Appropriation expended under the Department of Agriculture, appropriated for the fiscal year 1913 and made available until expended 26, 000. 00 Total 62, 900. OO MESA VERDE NATIONAL PARK, COLO.2 1908. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of Mar. 4, 1907 (34 Stats., 1337) ' $7, 500. 00 1909. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of May 27, 1908 (35 Stats., 351) ." .' 7, 500. 00 1 Funds for the maintenance and further improvement of this game preserve are allotted each year from lump sum appropriations for the Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture. 2 Created by act of June 29, 190G (34 Stats., 616). 16 ArPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 1910. Pfotoction and improvement, sundn,' civil art of Mar. 4. 1909 (35 Stats., 990) r, 500. 00 1911. Protection and improvement, inclusive of $12,500 re3er\'ed within appr.tpriation for con.struction of main wagon road through the park, sunilry civil act of June 25. 1910 (3(J Stat*., 745) 20, 000. 00 For examination and lexning. etc., of coal lands in the park, defi- ciency act of Juni> 25, 1910 (3() Stats., 796) 2.000.00 1912. Protection and improvement, sundn.- civil act of Mar. 4. 1911 (36 SUL".. 1421) 7, 500. 00 1913. Protection and imjirovement, sundry civil act of Aug. 24, 1912 (37 Stats.. 460) 15, 000. 00 1914. Protection and improvement, sundry civil act of June 23. 1913 (38 Stats., 50) 10, 000. 00 1915. Protection and improvemont. ."undry civil act of Aug. 1, 1914 (38 Stats., 649) 10, 000. 00 1916. Protection and improvement, including not exceeding $456 for maintenance and repair oi horse-drawn passenger-carrying vehicle, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1915 (38 Stats.. 863) 10. 000. 00 1917. Protection and improvement, inijiuling not exceeding $-133 for maintenance and- repair of liorse-drawn i)assenger-carrying vehicle, ."undry - civil act of June 25, 1910 (.36 Stats., 745) $5. 000. 00 1912. Maintenance, bridging, roads, trails, and sewerage, sundry civil act (.f Mar. 4. 1911 (.36 Stats., 1420) 10.000.00 1913. Ma'nt<'nanc«', bridging. roa* were rnadf liy Congress.] title: protkction .\nd imhrovemkxt, hot spring.s reserv.vtion.' Specific appropriations by Congress from revenue fund, 1893. Improvement of Whittington Lake Re.'*erve from proceeds of sale of lots included in above fund, 1892.* sundry civil act Aug. 5. 1892 (27 Stats.. 373t * $30, 000. 00 1896. To repay expenditures upon a sewer, 1896, act May 1, 1896 (29 Stats.. 110) » 930. 00 1913. For survey for storm drainage and sanitary sewer system city of Hot Springs, abutting Hot Springs Reservation, " sundry ci\il act of Aug. 24. 1912 (37 Stats.. 457) 5,000.00 1918. For the employment of a land!ook.s of Trposiiry Prparitncnt. » Without yoar. • Kolmbiirsalilo from fund arisJoK from tale of Hot Sprlnxi Iota, l>ut treated by Trcofur}- Department oi • direct npproprlatlon. APPROPRIATIONS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. 19 title: protection and improvement, hot springs reservation. Specific appropriations by Congress from moneys in Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Improvement of Hot Springs Creek, 1885,' sundrv civil act July 7 1884 (23 Stats., 208) " :.;.___ 2 $75, OOO. 00 bame as above, 1886, sundry civil act Mar. 3, 1885 (23 Stats. , 498) 2 8, 000. 00 Same as above, 1887, sundry civil act Aug. 4, 1886 (24 Stats., 239). . . . 2 2o'oOO.'oO Reservoirs, pumps, piping, and improvement of the free bathhouse sundry civil act Oct. 2, 1888(25 Stats., 527) ' 2 ^q qqq qq Improvement of the free bathhouse, 1890, deficiencv act \pr 4 1890 ,(2«st.t..,40) • ;.; 33,200.00 I'or mains, pipes, pumping engine, etc., 1891, deficiencv act of Sept 30 1890 (26 Stats., 523) ' _' 35,000.00 Construction of roads, 1892, sundry civil act of Mar. 3, 1891 (26 Stats., ^^^^ -' 25, 000. 00 "^^^^^ 152, 200. 00 title: hot springs reservation.^ Specific appropriations by Congress from mo7ieys in Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Repairs to roads, drives, etc., and remodeling free bathhouse, 1903 ' sundry civil act of June 28, 1902 (32 Stats. , 456) '. 3 143, ggg. qo Repairs to roads, etc. , and storage reservoir, 1904, sundrv civil act of Mar 3, 1903 (32 Stats., 1119) ] ' 3 30 500 00 Reimbursement of disbursing officer, 1904, deficiency act of Feb 18 1904 (32 Stats., 32) ' ' 3 500 OO Installation of electric motor for the free bathhouse, 1904, deficiency act of Apr. 27, 1904 (33 Stats., 409) 21, 550_ qq For gutters on mountain roads, 1905, sundrv civil act of Apr '^8 1904 (33 Stats., 486) ; ^ ' 2 g qOO 00 FilUng lakes in Whittington Park, 1906, sundrv civil act of Mar 3 1905 (^^^^-^^-,^88) : • ; .6,000.00 ^""'^^ 9^^ir^ title: claims for condemnation of buildings, hot springs reservation." Specific appropriations (indefinite) from moneys in Treasury not otherwise appropriated {sundry civil act of Mar. .], 1901). 190? 1 rZZ ^$26,385.45 I904 M8,372.07 ^^"^ ^3,500.00 ^"^^^ 48, 257. 52 1 Years scheduled on books of Treasury Department. 2 Limited to fiscal years. ' Witiiout year. * Designations given on books of Treasury Department. 20 APPROPRIATIOXS FOR NATIONAL PARKS AND MONUMENTS. Reatpitulation o/ specific appropriation*, 1877 to 1906, vidusivf. ;,-.<-in. siKxinc iii»- Titles or approprlat tons. ,,, Total. I ijS Uc!>«>rvutlun.. <4-.,«i'I.IKJ Sl&2,2UU.aO tl93, 13II.0U 1- 1 il,7M.7S .Ti,:44.7S H. M.UiOO <»,S112.(10 Saliirloi in 1 >• ui-i-. ., ii.t >]. 11 -, K.-xTvation. Claliiu for cjn'le(nn;ttloa of l>tiiMini;s, Hot SprinRS Rewrvation. ToUl ] 79,674.78 82,000.00 (t2,auu.uo 48.257.52 4h,257.S2 S7n,MB.£2 I 462,344.30 N* . rrom ino'K-v- 1 'I I hr> Treasury not otherwise appropriated have be«n ina UY NAME AND DATE OF CRE.\TION. FOR WH!( H NO M»IM{OI'KIAT10NS HAVE BEEN MADE SINCE THE DATE OF THEIR K-SIAIILISHMKNT. Casa Grande Ruin Mur. 2, 18H9 (25 Slats.. 961 ». Hawaii Auj;. 1. 1916 (39 Stats. 432i. La*«('n Volcanic Aug. 9. 1916 (:i9 Stats.. 442i. Mount McKinley Fel). 26, 1917 ^64th Cong.. Public No. 353). N.\TIONAL MONUMENTS. ADMINISTERED UNDER THE HIM'EKVISION OK THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. [Prior to tho fiscal year 1917 no a|)i)rui)riation9 were made by Congress for the national MionumonK'j.] National Monuments, General. 1917. Protection of national monuments: For the preservation, develop- ment, administration, and protection, sundry civil act of July 1, 1916 CW Stal.-*., 309) $3, 5(X). 00 1918. For the pr<'-!<'rvatir)n, dovi'iopnient, udniini.stration. and protoclion of the national monumenUs, sundry fivii art of .Iinin I'J, 1917 (Public No. 21, 65th Congress) . ... 5, 000. 00 Tola! >. >(M). 00 .Nav.ijo .Nutionil .Monument, .\ri7.una. 1917. lor [11' -••i\ at ion and n-pair of preiii.st4>rir pueblo niiii.s an 15,000.00 ToUl 21,500.00 rANIII.MiTUN : CIUVEIINMK.NT rUI.NTINO omCC : 1017, Itf Q fy .<>'''%. 0* .-J.'., '^o. ^^^ .. iV^. I » . • ' * V- v,^^ ;: ^. ^ V ^-^^^ .^^o.. '^o^S^ °'--^-- *•'-/;.;«?. !»"• %.<.^ ■ :'M£% \. .^' /aiKv ' **..** - :M^'. '%. ./ -'' V-^' .5.^'^^. /*i^^^^- ^'^•^,;^"- ./^^i^-i^'^ ^' '^v^- V.^' =*^c,^^ VAO^ '"^.•JJf^'* h* ^^ ^^ »'•* '^o 4 o K '^^ A^ - o > ,-»'^ ..i^J,L% '^^ ^oV' ^/.oO '/ >*"--<^ . ^W^- ./\ -I