.Gr3U4 Conservation Resources Lig-Free» Type I Ph 8.5, Buffered E .U3H4 NELSJQI, THOMAS FORSYTHE List of 680 Revolutionary Soldiers and widows of Revolu* tionary Soldiers in Georgia, prior to 1838 / ass. E 2 £3 Book ,£sN4 . PRESENTED BY List of 3 Revolutionary Soldiers 6QO and [evolutionary in G Prior to 1838 tc / in ■e sided i Tho] as rsythe // on 3 H ... C K 3 3 LAND] In Office L'3 ) 5 Gift fefrrr^rAs Benjamin Adams, of Warren Co* Nathaniel Affut, of Washington Matthew Alexander, Habersham Susannah Alexander, of Talbot Martha Allison, of Greene David i\nthony of Franklin John Peter Arnand, Chatham Charles Arnold, of Tatnall Elisabeth Arrant, of Upson lea Atkins 3r. of Pulaski Absalom Auldridge, Houston Baker iyres, of Habersham James Baber, of Gwinnett Keziah Bailey, Washington Isaac Baldasee of Tatnall Caroline BameH' Clarke John Barnwell of Henry Robert Barnwell of Hall Prances Barron, of Upson Richard Bascett Sr* Harris Sarah Battle, Talliaforro Nathaniel Beall, Richmond Moses Beard, of Clarice Walter 3ean, of Jasper James Blair, Habersham Eve Boggs of Jackson Mary Bolton of Warren Mary Bostwick of Morgan Elijah Bowen of Tatnall Nathan Bowles of Jackson Sarah Brack of Wilkinson Samuel Brady of Marion Hester Branch of Tatnall Mary Brantley of Putnam Robert Brooks of Houston Jesse Brown of Early Lewis Brown of Monroe Elizabeth Brown of Burke Mary Brown of DeKalb Rebecca Brown of Henry Frances Bruson of Houston James Adams, of Elbert Co* William Aldrige, of Wilkes Sarah Alexander of Gwinnett William Allen of Franklin J« Alsobrook Sr. of Jones James Arkins of Fayette John Amett, of Thomas William Arnold Sr. Oglethorpe Charles Atkin Sr* of Upson Conrod Augle^, of Decatur John Austin Sr* of Walton Ilancy Bachelder, Wilkinson Jane Baker, of Chatham Joel Bamett of Oglethorpe Margaret Barnett of Jaclcson Michael Barnwell, Houston Elizabeth Barr, of Houston John 3arton of Hall Tabitha Bateman, Houston Sarah Bayles of Warren Thomas Bealy Sr* of Henry Humphrey Beardon, 4 Clarke Mary Bennett of Appling Eleanor Blalock of Upson Itfdia Bohannon of Appling Nathaniel Bond of Elbert James Bowdon of Monroe John Bowen of Gwinnett Ralph Bozeman of Thomas Ann Bradford of Putnam James Branch of Laurens Michael Brannon of Gwinnett Claris tian Broadwell of Jackson Rachel Brooks of DeKalb Joseph Brown of Rabun Loami Brown of Dooly Mordeoai Brown of Henry Mary Brown of Campbell Margaret Browning of Clarke Thomas Bryan Sr. of Franklin Ann Bryan, of Burke Co. Margaret Buise of ITewton William Burford of Butts Uriah Burkett of Dooly Patrick Butler Sr. Elbert Mary C. Sutler, Gwinnett Mary Buchanan of Jasper Co Edward Burch of Pulaski Josiah Burgess of Jasper Molly Burnett of Lov/ndes Hannah Butler of Lee Sugars Bynam of Houston Henry Cabaness ox Albert Willis Caison of Ware inn Cannon, of Walton Mary Cannon of Bulloch Charles Cantrell of Rabun Susannah Caraes of Rabun Mary Carroll of Wilkes Adam Carson of Jones Robert Carter of ITewton John Cash of Henry Martha Chambers of Payette Needham Chestnut of Houston Elizabeth CM Ids of Jones John Clarke of Monroe Jane Clark of Lowndes Chornas Cobbett of Elbert Isaac Coker of Henry Elizabeth Coleman of Bibb Hancy Colman of Appling Hugh M. Comer of Jones Elizabeth Conaway, of Hall John Connell of Montgomery James !• Cook of Jackson lydia Cook of Effingham Martha Copeland of Bibb Zachariah Cowart Sr. of Early Rebecca Cremmy of Appling John Cross of Ifoscogee Hancy Culver of Hancock Frederick Daniel of Pike Mary Daniel of Washington John Davis of Lowndes William Davis of Fayette Willoughby C«ison, of Ware Sohn Callahan, of Oglethorpe Elizabeth Cannon of Jasper Thomas Cannup of Habersham Robert Carithers of Madison John Carroll of Jasper Samuel Carruthers of Owinnett James Carter of Slbert J. Cart ledge Sr. of Columbia Willis Casson Sr of Pulaski Easter Chess er of Clarke Mary Chiconing of Monroe Tully Choice of Hancock Mary Clark of Jefferson Stephen Clayton Sr. Carroll Elizabeth Cohom of Talliaferro Jesse Coleman of Burke Edmund Collins of Monroe Robert Colquitt of Oglethorpe Sarah Commins of Greene John Condon of Oglethorpe John Conyers of Screven Deborah Cook of Washington John Cooksey of TTewton George Cotton of Warren Phillips Crstffoi-, ITewton Rachel Cronick of Walton Celia Culbertson of Troup Nancy Cunningham, of Elbert Littleborry Daniel of Heard Elizabeth Darris of Jackson John Davis Sr of n&bersham Mary Davis of Montgomery Mary Ann Davis of DeKalb Co Alice Deadwy lder of Elbert James Denner of Habersham Joseph Benson Sr. of Putnam Rebecca Derracott of Elbert Mary Dickson of Scrivon Sarah Dobbs of Hall John Doby of Jasper John Dolton of Bibb M. A. Douglass of Merriwethor Sarah Duboae of Burke Uancy Duke of Morgan John Dunn of Payette Jacob C. Dyer of Putnam Easter Dyson of Lee W. Edmunds of Wilkes Co Shadrack Ellis of Talbot Anthony M. Elton, Jackson Margaret England, Habersham Thompson Eperson of Franklin Isabella 3s tea of Putnam Susannah Eubanka, of Hall Samuel Ewing of Hancock Ebeneser Fain Sr. Habersham Rebecca Paris of Gwinnett Jemima Fincher of Henry Renne Fitzpatrick, Heard Jane Flood of Henry Martha Fowler of Morgan Zepaniaii Franklin, Warren Elizabeth Puller of Greene Charity Gamage of Houston Ann Ganes of Thomas Catharine Garr of Morgan Elizabeth Gideons, of Talbot John Gilbert of Jackson John Gilmer Sr. of Hall Sarah Ginn of Elbert Joseph Dawson of Butts Richard Dean of Houston Josiah Dennis of Horgan aniljf Ban ton of Jones Henry Dickerson of Washington ITathan Dobbs of Gwinnett Henry Dob son of Hall Elisabeth Doherty of DeKalb 3enjamin Dorton ox pike John Dowd of Warren William Dugger of Thomas Mary Dunaway of Warren Isaac Durham of DeKalb V.inniford Dyess of Ware Joshua Elder of Fayette Co Samuel El rod Sr. Habersham Gideon Elvington, Lowndes Sarah English, of Franklin James Espy of Clarke George Eubanks Sr. of Butts Jane Evans of Fayette Eliz. Farechild of Wilkinson William Fason of Hancock Mary Pitts of Elbert William Flanagan of Kail James Fould of Wilkinson Wilmouth Fox of Jasper Elizabeth Freeman of Jasper Keziah Puller of Columbia Jane Gammill of Harris Thomas Garner of Hall Charles Gates Sr. Gwinnett Cornelius Gibbs of Rabun Celia Giles of Washington James Gilmore of Washington ?/illiam Glasgow of i.iadison Sarah Glazier of ITewton Co Elizabeth Glenn of Troup ihotaas Glenn of Jones Elender Golden of Valton S. Golightly of Washington Mary Goolsby of Oglethorpe Abel Gorcrer of Gwinnett Mary Grady of Franklin Diana Gray of Franklin Daniel Greene of Ware Joseph Griffin of Troup George Grumbles of Burke Peter Guiso of Lincoln Ann Glenn of Jasper Co Elizabeth Glenn of Jackson Lucy Glynn of Greene Trances B. Golden of V/ilkes Lewis Goodwin of Twiggs Uancy Gordron of J^nes John Grace of Tatnall James Gray of Pike Susannah Gray of Albert Richard Gregory of Oglethorpe Susannah Grizzard of Warren John Guise of Linooln George Habersham of Crawford Isaac Hall of Llerriwether William Ham of Crawford C. Hamilton of Montgomery Isam Hancock of Habersham Elizabeth Kaney of Gwinnett George Harper of Jonos V'illiam M. Harper, Haborsham Stheldred Harrel Sr, Pulaski Clara Harri3 of Troup Arthur Harrup of Jones Sarah Harvey of ITp^oii Josiah natcher of Pike Stephen Hayman of Burke John Hays of PeXaTb liobert Henderson of Jackson John Hendrick of Pike Mim Hendry of Liborty Elizabeth Henry of Hancock Diana Hester of Jones Susannah Kewel of Clarke Susannah Hicks of Upson John Hig^s of Llontgomery Sarah Ei£h3mith of Wayne Uancy Hiner of Jackson Lazarus Hinson of Franklin Margery Hobbs of Habarsham Sdy Kalbrooks of Franklin William G. Hall of Putnam John Hamo3 Sr. of Hall Jolm Haramot of V/arren Nathaniel Handy of Habersham John Harmon Sr. of Elbert John Harpor of Habersham Ilary Harpor of Hancock John Harris of Her/ton Lavina Harris of Oglethorpe Sarah Harvey of Tvjiggs Ursula Harvey of Putnam Henry Hayraan of Lov-ndos George Haynio of Jackson Sarah Head of Elbort Slias Hendrick of I.I^dison Mary Hendrix. of Scriven Hobert Henry Sr of Lluscogee Prances Herndon of Heard Y/iatt Hewol of Her/ton John Hickman of Monroe Jeam Higsinbothan, Elbert Thomas HiggS Sr of Hall tfartha Hind9 of Cli&tham John Hines of Burke Pester Hinton of Elbert Philemon Hodges of Im-ico^oe Hannah Ilolbrook, Gwinnett Co Franaes Hoi comb of Chatham Samuel Holliman of Columbia Thomas Holmes of Franklin Isaac Hopkins of Wilkes Elizabeth Houghton of Clarke Zhomas Howell of Camden Susannah Hubbard, Oglethorpe H6nry Huey of DeKalb Elisabeth Hunter of Gwinnett Xioses Eolcomb of Cherokee Co Y/illiam Holladay of Twiggs Levicey Eolioman of Pulaski Kichard Hooper of Franklin Darcas Horn of Pike Isaac Horton of Gwinnett Elisabeth Hubbard, Oglethorpe Jolm Hudson of Henry Co. Hoses Hunter of Habersham Ebenezer Jackson Sr. of Chatham Lewis Jenkins of Washington Eosana Jenkins of Oglethorpe Llary Jernigan of Hancock Hardy Johnson of Qnanuel Hosanna Johnson of DeKalb ioartha vr # Johnson, Fayette Benjamin Joiner of Pike William Jones Sr. of Jasper llaucy Jones of Fayette Job Jordan of Iilarion Benjamin Jourdan, Merriwether ... Jordan of Washington Elisabeth Keen of Laurens Co James Key Kendall, Habersham John Kent of Twiggs Curtis King of Taliaferro William King of Ware Mary Kirkiin of Troup Bdmund Knowles of Groene Co Sarah Lacy of Hewton Co John Landrum of \7ilke3 Elizabeth Lansford of Jasper Agnes Lawless of Madison Hartha Lawson of Wilkinson James Leak Sr. of Jasper John 21. Legrand of Elbert liary Levar of Twiggs Llary Jackson of Washington Lewis Jenkins of Gwinnett PtObert Jennings of Oglethorpe Levi Jester ox Butts Jesse Johnson of Jackson Sarah Johnson of Heard Absalura Joiner df Bibb Gabriel Jones of Bibb iiary Jones of Hall Charles Jordan Sr. Ilerriwether William Jordan of Howton Elisabeth Jourdan of Warren Ikiward Kelly of Pulaski Eliz. P. Kendall, Liuscogee Hancy Kelerson of Bibb John King of Jackson liary King of Talbot Bethany Knight of ISnanuel Sarah Lambert of Jackson Co Lewis Lanier of Scriven William Lard of Jackson John Lawrence of Putnam Burdett Leach of Franklin Thomas Le^jasley of Coweta William Lesley of Oglethorpe Cealey Leveret t of DeKalb Hathaniel Lewi3 of Chatham Co Colia Lewis of Gwinnett Ephraim Liles of Twiggs William Little Sr. of Putnan James Lockhart of Albert Louisa Long of Bibb Mary Loyd of Gwinnett Luraney Luker, Herriwether Thomas McCall of Laurens Co John HcClain of Ware Daniel McCollum, Habersham Jane LicCutchen of Ilall Elizabeth McDaniel, of Jones Judith LfoFail of Lowndes John H. iicilillan, Franklin David McHurran of ilewton Llary McRee of Clarke Margaret McWhorter, Oglethorpe &Lizabeth Ilagee of Putnam Howell Mangura of Franklin Mary Mappin of Columbia William Matthews of Jackson Elizabeth J.kitthews of Pike jtaGlia C. Mattox of Y/ilkes Thomas Mayes of Frmklin Barbara Herritt of Jasper Frederick Metz of Washington James Mikell of Bulloch Hathaniel Miller of Baldwin Thomas Mlliean of DeEalb William Mitchell Sr. Franklin Susannah Monk of Putnam Anna Moody of Oglethorpe John Moore of Hancock Francis Lloreland of Putnam John Morris of Pulaski Ann Morrow of Hewton Martha lllarphy of WUJflBI Mary l.^ers of Mcintosh Catharine Lowia of Henry Co ITancy Lewis of Cov/eua Isaac Lindsay Sr. of Hall John Litton of Habersham Charlotte Lockhart of llonroe Martha Loup: of Hancock Hary Lucas of Hancock Sally Lynn of Jasper IJargarette 'IcCibben, Henry Co Hary McClain of Gwinnett Jam McCoy of Taliaferro John McDade of Gwinnett John McDonald of Jackson V/illiara R. HcGruder, Richmond John R. HcHullians, Franklin Jesse McTTeill of Bibb John LIcYicker of Henry Rachel lilagboe ofButts John Maginty of Pike Temperance Manly of Franklin Alston S. J.!ar.3ey of Harris Elizabeth Hathews of Jefferson John Mattox of Gwinnett Alexander Ilartln of Oglethorpe Mi&er VmA Gf Carroll Thomas Morriwether of Jasper Hilly Middlebrooks , Hewton Jesse Miller of Harris Lucretia Miller of F.arly Robert Hitchell of Bibb David Ltttsgor of "Sffingham David Monroe Sr. of Burke Isaac Moore of Henry John Jloore Sr, of Hall Hary Mornhitt, Herriwether Celia Morris of Troup Samuel Iloseley of Franklin Thomas ?!urray of Columbia Reuben Nail of Tatnall Co Mary Nash of Jones Thomas Newman of Richmond Mary Nichols of 'jVipgs Lewis 5. Nobles, Montgomery Mary Napp of Greene Co George Head Sr. of Effingham TTancy Newsom of Morgan Rebecker Nix of Talbot John Norman Sr. of V'ilkes Richard Y7. Oates of Harris Co Jane Oliver of Elbert Co Winef red Paine of Crawx'ord Co Jane Paris of Habersham Phebe Park of Greene David Patrick, Oglethorpe Jane Patterson of Ilonroe Dial Peavy of Fayette T.illiam Pentecost of Jackson Benjamin Phillips of Camden Mary Phillips of Swings Thomas Pledger of Elbert Elizabeth Porter of Columbia Dicey Pool of Pike Biddy Proctor of Gwinnett William Ragland of Kenry Co Dorothy Randolph of Wilkes Jane Ray of Talbot Abraham Reddick of Jasper Stephen K. Eonfroe of Jones Amos Richardson of Elbert Eliza Richardson of Emanuel Elizabeth Roberts of Walton Mary Rooks of Y/'ayne Elizabeth Rudulph of Camden John Rutherford of Baldwin James Rylee Sr. of Hall Ann Sager of Greene Co John Sanders of PeKalb John Sappinrrton of Henry William Scott, of Coweta Solomon Sellers of Appling Susannah Sett of DaKalb William Palmer of DeKalb Co Elizabeth Parish of Warren Daniel Parker Sr. of Upson William Patrick of Emanuel Amy Peacock of Walton Neddy Pennington of Jones Archibald Perkins of Q-roene Levi Phillips of Carroll Moses Pinson of Hall Jesse Pollock of Houston John Potts of Habersham John Prince of Habersham Peny Pruitt of Newton Edmond Rainec of Morgan Co John Ray Sr. of Harris Jacob Roadwine cf Filbert Silva Reese of Hall Jonathan Rlian of Effingham Jesse Richardson, Habersham Samuel Roach of Early Polly Robinson of Carroll Mary Ross of Harris Sarah Rushing of V/ashinrrton Mary Rutherford of Gwinnett James SWohns Sr of Newton Co Claborn Sandrid^e of Elbert Prances Scott of Greene Anthony Seal of Karris William Sellman of Upson Jacob Setser of Franklin Sdmond Shackleford, Elbert Co Jonathan Shochley of Monroe Thomas Simmons of Ware Hartha Sin^letary, Decatur Uriah 3kir.iier of Surke Elvillah Slatter of MLgge Peril Smar of Richmond Colsbey Smith of Washington Ivey Smith of Appling Jesse Smith Sr of 7rankl:'.n larkin Smitl^ Cr« Oglethorpe Samuel Smith of Chatliam Mary Smith of Merriwether Susan Smith of Montgomery Richard Speak Sr. of Butts William Spears of Franklin Mary Spence of Burke Mary Stamper of Warren Jane Stewart of Honroe Jacob Stillwoll or Troup William Stone of Jasper Celia Stringer of Burke William Buttles of PeKalb Elizabeth ^ahor of Franklin Go Eliza A, Taliaferro, Wilkes Thomas Tanner of DeXalb William Tedder of Montgomery William To.rrill of DeKalb John Thoma* of Trcnp Frederick Thompson, Walton William Thompson of Ware Sarah Throv/or of Newton William Tomalson, Washington Jane Tool of Jones Stephen Tread-rell of Havrd Robert Tucker of Sib art Henry Tulley Sr of ilewton Jolm Turner of P»to*» Sally ftfitty of Fayette Samuel Shephard of Elbert Co Richard Simmons of Gwinnett Sarah Simmons of Upson John Sissom of Jackson George Slat in of Jackson Thomas Slay of DcKftlfe Benjamin Smith of Coweta David Smith of Burke James Smith of Oglethorpe Joshua Smith Sr, of Hall Robert Smith Sr. cf Butts Mary Smith of V arren Sarah Smith of Morgan Jane Sparks of Troup John Spears of llewton Selah Spear3 of Coweta .Anna Springer of -"'ilfces James Starrell, Habersham Tab i thy Stewart of Scriven Henry Stone of Ware Priocilla Strad of Monroe Sherwood Stroud of Walton Sarah Sutton of Putnam Elisabeth Talbot of Clarke Co Zipporah S-smraonu, Cherokee Milley Tatum of J-lonroe Lasarua Telly of Kaoun Hannah Terry of Warren Benjamin Thompson, Hancock Seth Thompson, Herriwethor William Thompson, JIaberaham John Tillary~Sr« of Butts II. W. Tomlinson of Jefferson Elisabeth Tr*Anura of Morgan Allen Tucker of Greene John Tuhett of Pike LSar^aret Turke of Franklin John Turner of Oglethorpe Elisabeth Tyler of Howton Thomas TTsery of Crawford Co Henry Varnadore of £ooly Co ilatthew Varner Sr« Oglethorpe Patsey Vernon of Oglethorpe Sarah Vicfcors of Huncock Jamos tfaiaworth of Jones Co James WaHoar Sr. Of Upaon Josiah Walton of v/ilkes Jane ward of Albert Uary larra of Ilall Judith V.ators of Franklin Isaia fatsos of Lorai&es George v.atts of DeXalb ilary Wence of Chatham John West of 'falbot Mary V, heeler of Franklin Zachariah ffcita of Effingham Jane V.'iley of Pike John Willi ami of Eaberah Ditha Williams of Tadgga ITanooy illiaras of Wilkes Jane WUlingbaa of Oglethorpe Unity Willoughby of Bibb Saimiel ^ ill son of Sc riven John Wilson Sr* of Greene inn Wilson o:C 3f fin-ham Lucy THniVhwn of Warren James V'ood of Monro* Mar7 V/orsham of Walton Mi 8 WSrlgftt of Butts Rachel Yarbrough of Muscogee Co George Yoong Sr« Oglethorpe George Vamer of Franklin Co any Vardin of Houston William Vlcfeari of Itorrlwatbear Elizabeth flaago of Eabun Samuel Walts of Troup Co Elisabeth Walkar of Washington Elizabeth War* of Pike Samuel Tfordon of Madison Clement Waters of Habersham K« v/atkins Sr» of Washington Elis« Watson of Columbia Mary leaver of .Randolph Sarah Wfcaaon of Washington I ill lam Wetter of Clarke Susanr.:h 'heeler of Walton Elisabeth V /i Ichor of tfewton Lewis Wilhlto of Albert Solomon " lllian* of Laurens Feb**ccjh Willisana of Hall ITancy WilliauHB of Thomas Susannah '"illis of Wilkes Leonard Willi of Gwinnett Fancy Willow of STbarfc William ffilson of JaaXsoa Febeccah Wilson of ®to Mary Wlngato of Richmond Pi chard WooAnrff of WillDM John Wrigftt of Butts Susan Wright of Hancock Susannali Yates of Fayette G o Henry 2 inn of Richmond Co, Conservation Resources Lig-Free® Type 1 Ph 8.5, Buffered LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 730 760 6