LA .C33 Rhode Island Education Circulars Question Syllabus ON Rhode Island Education (Rhode Island School Law and Administration and History of Public Education in Rhode Island.) By Charles Carroll, LL. B., A. M., Ph. D. Instructor in Rhode Island Education, Rhode Island College of Education, Professor of School Law and Administration, Rhode Island State College State of Rhode Island Commissioner of Education 1921 To Teachers: The following questions have been prepared for use as a suggestive outline or syllabus for teachers and other persons interested in studying Rhode Island Education (school law and administration, and history of public education in Rhode Island) and particularly for teachers preparing to meet the requirement for certification established by the State Boara of Education. The answers may be found in the text of "Public Education in Rhode Island," in "School Law of Rhode Island— 1904," and the General and Public Laws of Rhode Island. While it is not to be assumed that the ques- tions assigned in an examination in Rhode Island Education will be taken from this list, such questions are of the same general type and seek the same content of information. Attendance upon the regular courses in Rhode Island Education given in the summer session and extension division of Rhode Island College of Education, at Rhode Island State College, and elsewhere, is recommended as a means of obtaining a more certain com- mand of the subject from lectures, questions and discussion; these questions may serve as a guide for study of textbook and lecture notes. For those who find it inconvenient to attend upon a regular course of instruction the questions may serve the purpose of indicating matters that should be emphasized in study. CHARLES CARROLL. 1. RHODE ISLAND COLONIAL SCHOOLS. 1. Discuss an "alleged backwardness in education" in the Colony of Rhode Island, giving reasons for the allegation, and the facts that contradict it. 2. What was the attitude of the early settlers of Rhode Island toward schools? Cite facts supporting your view. 3. What town was first in English North America to establish a public school ?- When was the town settled; when was the school established? What do you mean by "establish"? What provision was made for support of the school? 4. Where are the data for a history of Rhode Island colonial schools to be found? 5. What was the Rhode Island colonial theory of education? 6. In what way did Rhode Island towns encourage public education in colonial times? 7. Compare colonial education in Rhode Island and in Massachusetts and Con- necticut. What elements are ciimilar; what are different? In what way did the form of government affect provision for education? IL THE BEGINNINGS OF A STATE SCHOOL SYSTEM. 1. Discuss the various steps in the "evolution of responsibility" from private to public responsibility. 2. Discuss the evolution of responsibility as illustrated in the school movement in Providence, 1750-1800. 3. Discuss the origin of the free school system in Newport. 4. What did John Rowland accomplish for public education? 5. Discuss the early free school movement in Providence as related to the classes of people interested. 6. Describe the free schools of Providence, 1800-1825. 7. What is your estimate of the free schools of Providence, 1800-1825? On what facts do you base your opinion? 8. Discuss school conditions in Rhode Island in 1819 and 1828. What are the main facts on which a comparison may be based? 9. What was the State's attitude toward education previous to 1828, the word state being interpreted as meaning the General Assembly? from the close of the compared with modern law of 1800? 10. What was the people's attitude . Revolution to 1828? I ,. , « - CCNGRESL 11. Discuss John Howlapd's theory oF^^iStiKl^education as views. 12. What are the more tsignificaf^rBrfcvigwns ojj^frfschoo! iignincanLi pi "2 DOCUMF.NTS DtVCSION v^ ORGANIZATION OF THE STATE SCHOOL SYSTEM. 1. Why may the educational movement of 1828 be characterized as co-operative? 2. What part did the press and people play in the enactment of the law of 1828? 3. What are the more significant provisions of the act of 1828? 4. Discuss two views of the act of 1828; John Howland's, and the view taken by Carroll? Which is right? Why? '^ 5. How truly may the enactment of the law of 1828 be characterized as one result of a general social movement? 6. What evidence does the experience of Providence, 1828-1831, give as to methods J-- of improving public education? /^ 7. Discuss the effect of the act of 1828 on the State as a whole. On what in- formation do you base your conclusions? 8. What are the critical years? Why are they so-called? What causes operated to produce the critical years? 9. What was the United States deposit fund? To what purpose was it devoted in Rhode Island? What has become of it? 10. Discuss the more significant features of the school law of 1839. In what ways 'did it indicate an advance over 1828? 11. What effect had the Dorr War upon schools? To what extent was the type of popular education an issue in the Dorr War? 12. Who was Wilkins Updike, and what service did he render to public education? 13. What was the difference between the attitude of Dorr and his followers and the attitude of the landholders in Rhode Island toward education? 14. What is meant by the State school committee? 15. What provisions for public education are made in the Constitution of Rhode Island? 16. Who was Henry Barnard? Why was he called to Rhode Island? IV. SURVEY AND REORGANIZATION. 1. Discuss Henry Barnard's methods. 2. What did Henry Barnard find out concerning Rhode Island Schools? 3. How did Rhode Island schools compare with Massachusetts and New York schools in 1835-1845? What is the source of your information? 4. What remedies did Barnard propose for the improvement of schools? 5. Discuss the more significant provisions of the Barnard School law. What effect has it upon the present school organization? 6. What are the merits and demerits of the Barnard law? 7. What were the immediate effects, and the ultimate effects of the Barnard survey? 8. What problems remained for solution after the Barnard reorganization? Discuss their relative significance. 9. What was the problem of adequate support? Discuss the measures taken to help solve it. 10. Discuss tuition in public schools. What was the attitude of Barnard and other Commissioners toward it? How has the problem been solved? 11. Discuss the division of responsibility for the support of education in the Barnard act. What changes have been effected in this feature of legislation? 12. Discuss the Barnard act as an effective piece of legislation. Specify definitely features of the law that support your opinion. 13. Discuss the textbook question. What problems are involved? How did the state solve each problem? What are the more important arguments for and against free textbooks? Which have greater weight? 14. Discuss school attendance as a problem, and its solution. 15. What was the religious question, and what bearing had it on school attendance? 16. What was the color question ? How was the problem of the color question solved? 17. Discuss Commissioner Bicknell's crusade against illiteracy. Did he give a proper valuation to the facts he collected? Did he understand the significance of the problem? Did he establish his contention that illiteracy is a problem for the common public school? 18. Discuss the training of teachers in its historical aspects, beginning with the measures proposed by Henry Barnard, and tracing the development of teacher training in Rhode Island. 19. What was the problem involved in the question of administration by districts or by towns? 20. What were the effects of the district system that induced the state to abolish it? To what extent have the effects of the district system been changed? 21. Discuss the significance of the judicial function of the Commissioner of Public Schools in its relation to his other functions. ZZ. What are the fundamental elements of the judicial function of the Commis- sioner of Uducation? How have they been defined by law? 23. Besides being a school man and a teacher, what other qualifications should the Commissioner of Education possess to make his service truly efficient? V. PUBLIC SCHOOLS TO FREE SCHOOLS. 1. Contrast the administration of Commissioners Barnard and Potter with that of their immediate successors. What was the reason for the difference? 2. What is your opinion of the educational philosophy of John Kingsbury? Give reasons. 3. Comment on the administration of Joshua Chapin. Give reasons. 4. What disposition did Rhode Island make of its rights under the Morrill Act of 1862? Was the action taken wise? 5. Discuss the service for education of Thomas W. Bicknell, 1869-1875. 6. When was the creation of a State Board of Education first suggested? When was it accomplished? What were the principal powers early entrusted to the State Board of Education? 7. Why is Thomas B. Stockwell called the first modern Commissioner of Public School? 8. What was the attitude of the General Assembly toward education, 1870 to 1880? 9. Discuss Commissioner Stockwell's position with reference to education as a right, education as a privilege, education as an obligation, and compulsory education. How does it compare with that of John Rowland, Henry Barnard, Horace Mann, and present day educators? 10. Discuss the development of compulsory attendance legislation in Rhode Island. Discuss the relation of legislation to the social and industrial organizations. 11. Why did Rhode Island abolish the district school system? Has anything been gained by the change? What? 12. What was the textbook problem? What measures were taken in an attempt to solve it? Give the more important provisions of the textbook law. VI. EXTENSION AND IMPROVEMENT. 1. Classify measures for extension and improvement of the Rhode Island public school system in the past quarter century with reference to improvement, extension, and higher education. 2. For what defective classes does Rhode Island provide special institutions or other educational opporturtities? Specify the institutions and opportunities. 3. What has Rhode Island done to promote higher education in the past 25 years? 4. Rhode Island State College — Discuss: a. Its relation to the common school system. b. The sources of its support. c. The value of the courses of instruction d. Its history. 5. Rhode Island College of Education. Discuss (a) Its history; (b) Its growth; (c) Its service to the state; (d) Its standing as an institution; (e) Its reputation within and beyond the borders of the state. 6. What is the relation of the Rhode Island School of Design to the State school system? 7. What is the relation of Brown University to the State school system? 8. Discuss the development of high school education in Rhode Island. 9. What is the legal requirement governing high school education? 10. Define a public high school in terms of the requirements of the State Board of Education. 11. What six principal lines of progress have been followed in improving the public school system during the past quarter century ? 12. Give the main provisions of the compulsory attendance law. 13. How may a child prove his age to obtain release from school for employment? 14. W-hat measures have been taken in Rhode Island to promote "a more uniform standard in the public schools"? 15. What measures has Rhode Island taken to improve the preparation of teachers for service, and to improve the economic and professional status of teachers? 16. What are the main provisions of the pension law? Why did the State pro- vide pensions for teachers? Of what advantage to the State is a teachers' pension law? To what extent is State support of a teachers' pension system warranted? 17. Discuss the certificate law from the teacher's point of view. Of what advantage to the teacher is the certificate law? 18. What is the minimum legal salary? What is the average teacher's salary? Why should the State establish a minimum salary for teachers? 19. What three plans does the State offer to towns as the basis of assistance for expert supervision? 20. Name six measures that the law promotes or requires to safeguard the health and physical welfare of children. 21. What provision does Rhode Island make for travelling libraries? 22. What provision is made in Rhode Island for patriotic instruction? 23. What provision is made for vocational education? 24. What provision is made for public evening schools? 25. What recommendations did Commissioner Ranger make in 1906 for school im- provement? How many have been carried into effect? Vn. PUBLIC SCHOOL FINANCE. 1. Discuss tax exemption for schools. 2. Discuss the exemption from taxation granted to Brown University. 3. To what extent has tax exemption been used for the promotion of public educa- tion? 4. Discuss variations in the form of tax exemption for schools. 5. What is the present status of tax exemption for schools? 6. Discuss lotteries for the support of education. 7. To what extent were lotteries used to promote schools? 8. To what purpose does the State of Rhode Island apply revenue derived from taxing auctions? 9. Outline the history of the use of the United States deposit fund in Rhode Island. 10. What was the registry tax, and for what purposes was the revenue used? 11. What disposition is made of revenues derived from licensing dogs? 12. What disposition is made of poll taxes? 13. Under what circumstances may tuition be collected in free public schools? What disposition is made of the revenue? 14. What were rate bills? What was the attitude of leading educators toward rate bills? What is the present policy of Rhode Island? 15. What disposition is made of fines collected under the truancy law? 16. Under what circumstances may a town forfeit its share in "teachers' money"? Under what circumstances may certain, and what forfeitures be remitted? What dis- position is made of forfeitures that are enforced? 17. Discuss various methods of apportioning school money employed in Rhode Island, past or present. 18. Discuss the relative efficiencj' of apportionment based on (a) taxable wealth, (b) school population, (c) school enrollment, (d) average attendance, (e) the number of teachers employed. 19. Discuss the evolution of the school tax in Rhode Island, meaning by school tax the portion of school revenue that towns were permitted and are now required to raise by taxation of ratable estates. 20. In what manner does density of population affect per capita cost of instruction? 21. To what extent should the apportionment of school money be based upon the relative needs of the community? Would it be desirable to abandon apportionment laws, and entrust apportionment to the discretion of a state officer or board? 22. How has the state modified its policy of apportioning school money since 1880? 23. Discuss various specific features of public school education for which particular appropriations are made by the General Assembly. What financial policy is indicated? 24. Discuss the growth of expenditures for public education since 1828. 25. Discuss the growth of the town tax for the support of schools. What is the current average town tax rate for schools? 26. Discuss the increase in the per capita cost of schools. What significance has it? 27. Outline the philosophy of public school finance as illustrated in the history of Rhode Island schools. Vra. THE PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND. 1. To what extent ,was the permanent school fund an issue in the debate on the school law of 1828? 2. What was the earliest provision for a permanent school fund made in Rhode Island? 3. Discuss the policy of the state treasurer, 1828 to 1840, as affecting the accumu- lation of the permanent school fund. 4. What is meant by the state's unacknowledged debt to the permanent school fund? 5. What is the present law affecting the permanent school fund? 6. How does the Constitution tend to conserve the permanent school fund? 7. Discuss the investment of the permanent school fund in bank stocks and the experience of Rhode Island. 8. How may the permanent school fund be made a more effective factor in pro- moting public education? 5 IX. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. 1. Is school economy properly measured by low cost of maintenance? 2. May two school systems properly be rated on the basis of per capita cost ex- clusively? 3. Is the school tax rate an efficient measure of the quality of school service? 4. Discuss the evolution of the Rhode Island principle of separation of school administration from general municipal administration. 5. What were the advantages of the school district system as a means of educating the people to an appreciation of their responsibility for public education? 6. What were the disadvantages of the school district system on the grounds of (a) educational opportunities, (b) uniform administration, (c) adequate support, (d) locating responsibility, (e) enforcing reasonable standards? 7. Discuss the intricacies of the district system. 8. Discuss the powers of the town school committee under (a) the district system and (b) under the town system. 9. Discuss the development of the state division of public education service. 10. What effect has the personality of the Commissioner had upon school admin- istration and educational progress? 11. Contrast the powers of the first Commissioner of Public Schools and the powers of the Commissioner of Education. 12. Discuss the functions of the State Board of Education, and its relations to (a) the General Assembly and (b) the Commissioner of Education. 13. Discuss the organization of the state educational office. 14. What is the unwritten law establishing the relation of the Commissioner and the State Board of Education? 15. What are some of the significant provisions of constitution and law establishing the principle that there is a state system of public schools in Rhode Island? 16. Discuss the state system of schools. 17. Who is obliged to provide school buildings? 18. What may a school committee do if the town fails to provide sufficient school accommodations? 19. Who may locate schoolhouse sites? Is the location final? 20 How may title to property for school purposes be obtained? 21. Who may standardize plans for schoolhouse construction? 22. To what standards must schoolhouse construction conform? 23. To what body is the construction of schoolhouses entrusted? 24. What is the effect of closing a school upon title to the land? 25. Who may abandon school property? 26. What is the effect of abandoning school property? 27. Who provides furniture and equipment for schools? 28. Who may select books for schools? 29. How often may school textbooks be changed, and under what conditions? 30. What is the function of the superintendent of schools with reference to text- books? 31. What school supplies are provided at public expense? 32. What is the principal source of school revenue? 33. What is meant by teachers' money? How is it apportioned? By whom? 34. What support for high school education is provided by the state? 35. What provision for state support of evening schools is provided? Who appor- tions aid for evening schools? 36. What responsibility has the state assumed for maintaining minimum salaries for teachers? 37. What support has the state provided to encourage efficient supervision? 38. What provision is made by the state to provide apparatus for schools? 39. What provision is made by the state for the support and promotion of voca- tional education? 40. What state provision is made to encourage 'medical inspection? 41. How does the state promote the consolidation of schools? 42. What provision is made by the state to improve deficient schools? 43. Who is the legal custodian of town public school money? 44. What are the duties of town treasurers with reference to (a) poll taxes, (b) town appropriations, (c) state appropriations for public schools? 45. Under what conditions may a town treasurer make a payment from school funds? 46. To what purpose are school committees limited in ordering payments of school "Money? 47. In supporting schools is the school committee limited to the amount of appro- priations? 48. Under what circumstances is a school committee obligated to exceed a town appropriation for schools. 49. Under what circumstances may a school committee exceed a town appropriation for schools. 50. How may a school committee provide for school maintenance after the close of a town fiscal year and until the annual town meeting is held? 51. To what extent is the school committee under legal obligation to abide by the designation of appropriations for specific purposes? 52. How may a town limit its liability for the support of schools? 53. Is a town legally responsible for a deficit incurred in school administration, or for an appropriation that has been exceeded? 54. What reports of school matters are required of town officers? 55. Who are eligible for appointment as teachers in public schools? 56. Who are ineligible? 57. Who may revoke a teacher's certificate? How? For what reasons? 58. What are the effects of employment without a certificate (a) upon the town's right to state support, (b) upon the teacher's right to salary, (c) upon the town's obliga- tion to pay for service? 59. Is the superintendent or school committee liable for the salary of a person employed without a certificate? 60. Who engages and dismisses teachers? 61. What is the function of the superintendent of schools with reference to engag- ing teachers? 62. Under what circumstances may a teacher be dismissed within the period of his engagement? 63. What are the rights of the teacher who is dismissed without due process of law? 64. What is due process of law relative to dismissing a teacher? 65. What is meant by the right to a hearing? 66. What right of appeal has a teacher who feels that dismissal is unjust? 67. What tenure is guaranteed by law to the teacher? 68. To what extent is the form of teacher's contract regulated by law? 69. What are the statutory duties of the public school teacher? 70. Discuss the provisions of the teachers' pension law. 71. Who are eligible to pensions? 72. Who supports the pension? 73. To what e.xtent is vaccination a requirement for admission to school? 74. How may the teacher "implant and cultivate in the minds of the pupils sound principles of morality"? 75. Discuss the requirements of the physical education law. 76. Who prescribes courses of study? n. What subjects must be included in courses of study? 78. What is the minimum school year? 79. What days are school holidays? 80. What days are days of special observance? 81. To what extent is a school committee obligated to provide supervision? 82. What are the statutory duties of the superintendent of schools? 83. Under what conditions may a person be excluded from school? 84. Is the right of school abridged by race, color, nationality or age? 85. To what types of education is a Rhode Island child entitled as a matter of law? 86. How does backwardness or inability to maintain standards or to earn promotion affect the right to school? 87. May a child be excluded from school for failure to complete the course in the normal time? 88. Who may expel a child from school? 89. Who may suspend a child from school? 90. What are the rights of a child sent home from school (a) by his teacher, (b) by the principal of the school, (c) by the superintendent? 91. For how long a time may a teacher exclude a child from school? 92. May a child's return to school be made conditional upon apology? 93. Within what ages must a child attend school? 94. Under what conditions may a child be released from school for employment? 95. What penalty does th? law impose upon the child whose attendance is irregular? 96. For how many days of attendance annually is a .child responsible? 97. May the child's obligation to attend school depend upon the wish of his parents or custodian ? 98. To what extent is the custodian of a child responsible for attendance at school? 99. What are the limitations upon the responsibility of the parent or custodian for attendance ? 100. How may an employer become responsible for a child's attendance at school? 101. How may an employer protect himself from liability under the attendance and factory laws? 102. Who may issue age and employment certificates? 103. What must be proved to establish the right to an age and employment certi- ficate ? 104. How may a child's age be proved for purposes of the age and employment certificate. 105. What literacy test is required for purposes of an age and employment certifi- cate ? 106. Under what circumstances may a child be excused from attendance at public school? 107. What is meant by an approved private school? 108. What requirements "must a private school meet, to qualify for approval? 109. Who takes the annual school census? 110. What facts does the annual school census cover? 111. What ages does the annual school census cover? 112. What purpose does the annual school census serve? 113. Who appoints truant officers? 114. What are the duties of the truant officer? 115. What is the function of the factory inspector with reference to schools? 116. What is the school right of a child? 117. Who may appeal to the Commissioner of Education? 118. What facts jjiust an appeal assert to establish the right to a hearing? 119. Is it necessary to establish that the school committee has committed an illegal act in order to maintain an appeal? 120. Is there an appeal from the Commissioner's decision? 121. What is the effect of the Commissioner's decision? 122. How may the Commissioner's decision be enforced? 123. Outline the school organization for administration, indicating the principal bodies and officers in state and town. 124. Discuss the origin of town school supervision in America as beginning in Rhode Island. X. THE SCHOOL TEACHER. 1. Trace the history of the qualifications of the public school teacher. 2. Outline the plan for certificating teachers under the Barnard law. 3. Why was the Barnard certificate plan unsatisfactory? 4. Who may certificate teachers? 5. May certificates be issued without examination? If so, under what circum- stances? 6. What provisions are made in Rhode Island for training teachers? 7. What agencies are engaged in improving teachers in service? 8. What is meant by the "teacher's contract?" 9. What types of contract are illegal? 10. To what extent may a school committee reserve the right to abrogate the teachers' contract on notice? 11. Has the teacher a right to terminate his contract by resignation? 12. To what extent is the public school teacher, employed by the school committee, a state school officer? 13. Outline and discuss at least three principles of the ethics of the teaching pro- fession. 14. What is the purpose of the teacher's pledge of loyalty? 15. In taking the teacher's pledge of loyalty, to what principles is the teacher committed ? 16. What is meant by the democracy of school citizenship? XI. SCHOOL LAW. 1. Define school, schoolhouse, public school, free public school, elementary school, high school. 2. How may a private school be legally created? To what extent and under what conditions is a private school exempt from taxation? 3. What attendance records are private schools required to keep? 4. Under what conditions may a child of compulsory school age be permitted to attend a private school? 5. What public officers have a right to visit and inspect private schools? 6. Define "school lands" and "school funds." To what extent may either be found in Rhode Island? 7. What disposition is made of the income of the permanent school fund? 8. Define the membership of the State Board of Education. Who selects the mem- bers? How long is the term of a member of the State Board of Education? 9. What are the general functions of the State Board of Education? 10. Name specific functions of the State Board of Education. 11. What is the function of the State Board of Education with reference to (a) evening schools, (b) high schools, (c) deficient schools, (d) industrial and vocational education, (e) sanitary standards for schoolhouses, (f) Rhode Island College of Edu- cation, (g) the graduate department of Education at Brown University, (h) teachers* certificates, (i) superintendents' certificates, (j) teachers' pensions, (k) Rhode Island School of Design, (1) the education of the deaf, blind and imbecile, (m) the education of the adult blind, (n) free public libraries, (o) travelling libraries. 12. What is the relation of the State Board of Education to the General Assembly? 13. What is the relation of the State Board of Education to the Commissioner of Education? 14. To whom does the State Board of Education report? From whom does it receive reports? 15. Who selects the Commissioner of Education? What is his term of office? What is his salary? Who determines his salary? 16. What are the duties of the Assistant Commissioner of Education? 17. What is the Commissioner's relation to (a) the State Board of Education, (b) the Trustees of Rhode Island College of Education, (c) Rhode Island State College, (d) Rhode Island School of Design, (e) the State Board for Vocational Education? 18. What are the general duties and functions of the Commissioner of Education? 19. What is the Commissioner's function with respect to textbooks? 20. What function or duty or power has the Commissioner of Education with reference to (a) teachers' money, (b) high schools, (c) consolidation of schools, (d) closing schools, (e) school apparatus, (f) enforcing the teachers' certificate law, (g) teachers' institutes, (h) educational publications, (i) courses of study, (j) sight and hearing tests, (k) the school census, (1) age and employment certificates, (m) free public libraries, (n) the observation of patriotic holidays, (o) fire drills? 21. Define the judicial power of the Commissioner of Education. 22. Why is the Commissioner of Education required to report to the State Treasurer forfeitures of school money? 23. To whom does the Commissioner of Education report? From whom may he require reports? 24. Describe the general plan for electing school committees. 25. Who are eligible for election as school committee members? 26. What activity in connection with school textbooks is forbidden to school com- mittee members? 27. To what positions is a member of a school committee ineligible? 28. What are the general duties of the school committee? 29. Who may draw orders for the payment of school money (town)? Who may not? '30. To what extent may the school committee be restricted to using school money for specific purposes? 31. What officers must a school committee elect? 32. What is the function of the school committee with reference to visiting schools? How should this function be exercised? 33. Under what circumstances is a school committee not required to elect a super- intendent of schools? What must the school committee do under the circumstances? 34. For what purpose may two or more school committees unite and act as a joint school committee? 35. What is the school committee's function with reference to locating schoolhouse sites? 36. How may a school committee obtain title to land for school purposes if the owner is unwilling to sell? 37. Is the school committee's choice of a school site final or subject to revision? 38. What remedy has a person who is inconvenienced by the school committee's choice of a school site? 39. May a schoolhouse be legally designated a nuisance, and its location give a right of action? 40. Who may abandon property for school purposes? What is the effect of aban- donment upon the legal title? 41. Is closing a school equivalent to abandonment? 42. Under what circumstances and by what authority may a school committee close a school? 43. What are the legal requirements with reference to the school flag? 44. Who provides free textbooks and supplies? 45. May a school committee pledge the town's credit for textbooks and supplies when the school appropriation has been exhausted? 9 46. Under what circumstances may textbooks be changed? 47. Who recommends teachers for employment? Who engages teachers? 48. Who may dismiss a teacher? 49. What are the legal rights of a teacher who has been dismissed? 50. Is a school committee limited in fixing teachers' salaries to the appropriations available and unexpended? 51. May a town or city council establish a scale for teachers' salaries? 52. Who has the exclusive right to establish a scale for teachers' salaries? Is there any recourse to higher authority for readjustment? 53. What subjects must be included in courses of study? 54. Who establishes courses of study? 55. For what purposes may a school committee approve private instruction? 56. Who is required to take the school census, and how often? 57. What disposition is to be made of the school census, and what returns are required ? 58. For what purposes is a return of the school census sent to the Commissioner of Education? 59. Under what circumstances may or must a school committee make provision for the education of town children in the schools of another town? 60. Who may and who may not suspend a child from school? 61. Who may expel a child from school? 62. Under what circumstances and for what reasons may a child be suspended from school? 63. Who appoints truant officers? 64. Who may issue age and employment certificates? 65. Who may appoint school physicians? 66. To whom is the school committee required to report? 67. Describe the three state plans for trained supervision? 68. Who determines the salary of the superintendent of schools? 69. What support for supervision has the state provided? 70. What are the duties of the superintendent of schools? 71. Is it required that the superintendent shall be a resident or citizen of the town? 72. What are the duties of truant officers? 73. What is the minimum school year? 74. What are the duties of town treasurers with reference to schools? 75. How may a vacancy in a school committee be filled other than by election? 76. Who holds title to school estates? 11. What effect has the changing of town boundaries upon title to school estates? 78. Presuming that land has been taken for school purposes, what effect has abandonment upon the title? Has the original owner a right to demand return of the property ? 79. May school estates be attached or levied upon for town debts? 80. What is meant by "school supplies"? What determines whether or not an article may be classified as within "school supplies"? 81. Give the periods of service required to qualify for a state teachers' pension. 82. What is the amount of the teacher's pension? 83. What are the years of compulsory attendance? 84. Outline the dental inspection law. 85. What is the meaning of the word "teacher" as used in the pension law? 86. Outline the physical education law? 87. What provision is made for educating industrial cripples? 88. Who may provide artificial limbs for industrial cripples, and under what con- ditions? 89. How has the state encouraged towns to increase teachers' salaries beyond the minimum ? 90. Outline the Americanization law? 91. What is literacy as defined in the Americanization law? 92. Who are required to attend Americanization classes? Under what circum- stances is attendance required? 93. What towns are required to establish and maintain Americanization classes? 94. How many hours of attendance on Americanization classes is required? 95. What provision has been made for teaching fire prevention? 96. What provision is made for equalizing the opportunities offered by the Rhode Island College of Education? 97. What school officer is directed to enforce attendance under the Americanization law? 98. May a teacher's salary be attached? 99. ■ May a teacher be elected as a member of a school committee? 100. What are the school teachers' rights with reference to jury duty? 10 101. A school committee selected a site for a schoolhouse; it was found subse- quently that the lot chosen was 185 feet from the entrance to a liquor saloon. Was the location legal? What effect would the action of the school committee have on the saloon? 102. A school committee closed a schoolhouse, and made arrangements to transport the children to another schoolhouse. The deed for the schoolhouse lot declared that the original owner and his heirs might enter and take possession if the town ceased to use the property for school purposes. The heirs of the original owner entered; the school committee began a suit in trespass and ejectment. What decision? 103. A person without a teacher's certificate was engaged to teach, and served four weeks. The superintendent and school committee knew that the teacher had no cer- tificate. The town treasurer refused to pay the teacher's salary. What remedy, if any, has the teacher against (a^ the town, (b) the treasurer, (c) the superintendent, (d) members of the school committee? 104. A school committee votes to adopt a certain textbook. A member present, opposed to the change, votes in favor of it, and then gives notice that he will, at the next meeting, move to reconsider. The committee votes to reconsider. It is claimed that the vote to reconsider has the effect of a change of textbook, and an appeal is taken to the Commissioner. What decision? 105. A teacher sends a child home with directions not to return to school unless ready to apologize. The child appears at school at the next session, and refuses to apologize. What are the rights of teacher and child? 106. A contractor erects a schoolhouse on a site not chosen by the school com- mittee. The town treasurer refuses to pay the contractor's bill. The contractor sues the treasurer; what decision? 107. Under the same circumstances the contractor sues the chairman of the com- mittee in charge of erecting the schoolhouse. What decision? 108. A committee selects a site for a schoolhouse. There appears to have been no irregularity in the procedure. An appeal to the Commissioner is taken on the ground that the site is inconvenient, but no illegality in the action of the school committee is alleged. May the Commissioner entertain the appeal? 109. After hearing testimony on an appeal case the Commissioner, in spite of con- flicting evidence, finds that certain facts have been established. One of the parties to the appeal has .asked the Commissioner to submit his decision to a Justice of the Supreme Court. May the Justice demand a transcript of the evidence for the purpose of "ascer- taining the facts"? 110. A school committee receives charges against a teacher, gives notice to the teacher and orders a hearing. At the hearing testimony to support the charges is pre- sented; the teacher is permitted to testify, but his request to present other witnesses to corroborate his statement is denied. The teacher appeals to the Commissioner. What decision? 111. A teacher's engagement stipulates that the school committee reserves the right "to terminate this contract" on two weeks' notice. Is the reservation valid? 112. A teacher is employed at an annual salary of $1,000. After teaching two months the school committee notifies the teacher that the town has appropriated less for schools than was anticipated, and that the salary thereafter will be $900 annually. What are the teacher's rights? 113. A town council adopts an ordinance fijving the salaries of town officers, includ- ing school teachers. Is the ordinance valid, as it may affect the salaries of teachers? 114. A teacher is engaged and assigned to White school. At the end of a month she is transferred to Brown school. The salary regularly paid for the Brown school position is $100 less annually than that paid regularly for the White school position. What are the teacher's rights? 115. The school committee choses Blackacre as the site for a schoolhouse. A, whose house adjoins the school site, appeals on the ground that the school is a nuisance. What decision? 116. What provision is made by the United States government for the support of vocational education? 117. What aid from the federal government for vocational education has Rhode Island accepted? 118. Describe the organization of the State Board for Vocational Education. 119. Who appoints the State Board for Vocational Education? 120. What is the minimum and what is the maximum teacher's pension? 121. Who may issue "permits to work"? 122. What .is the difference between an "age and employment certificate" and a "permit to work"? 123. What must be proved to authorize issuing a permit to work? 124. Under what conditions may a child who is less than sixteen years of age and illiterate be permitted to go to work? 11 125. What is the difference between literacy as defined in the factory inspection law and literacy as defined in the Americanization law? 126. Who may close a school? 127. A school was closed, and the school committee provided transportation from the door of the closed school to the door of the new school. The parents of a child claimed that the transportation law required transportation from the door of the home to the school. Which is right, committee or parent? 128. Are collections of money in school permitted under the school laws? May pupils be required to sell articles for the school? 129. A school teacher was transferred from A school to B school. She claimed engagement for A school. The records of the committee showed engagement to teach, and a subsequent assignment by the superintendent to A school. The teacher claimed receipt of notice of engagement and assignment in the same communication. The rules of the school committee provided for election by the committee, and assignment by the superintendent. The teacher said she had never read the rules. An appeal to the Commissioner, decision for whom? 130. A teacher was notified that the school committee would be pleased to receive his resignation. The teacher declined to resign. The teacher was then notified to show reason why he should not be dismissed. He declinedto show reason, and the school committee dismissed him. On appeal, decision for whom? 131. What offer does the state make to encourage consolidation of schools? 132. What is the remedy for abuse of textbooks loaned to a child? 133. May a school teacher be required to conduct devotional exercises in school? 134. May a child be compelled to participate in devotional exercises? 135. May a child be compelled to salute the Flag? 136. May a child be compelled to pledge allegiance to the Flag? 137. What flags may a teacher display in a public schoolhouse? 138. What flags may not be displayed in a public schoolhouse? 139. What provisions are made for educating the blind? 140. To what extent is education compulsory for persons whose hearing and speech are defective? 141. Specify appropriations made by the General Assembly for the support of town schools. 142. A teacher incurs a debt, and the creditor issues a writ of attachment directed to the town treasurer as trustee. Under what circumstances is the attachment effective? When otherwise? 143. What disposition is made of unexpended balances of town appropriations for public schools? 144. What disposition is made of balances of state appropriations for education not expended or apportioned? 145. Is corporal punishment permitted or forbidden in public schools? 146. What precautions should be taken by a teacher who anticipates administering corporal punishment? 147. A parent visited a school and in the presence of pupils abused the teacher (verbally). What action may be taken against the parent? 148. Is a teacher under obligation to correct papers or do other school work outside of school hours? 149. May a teacher send one of her pupils on an errand during school time or outside of school hours; presuming that the errand is concerned with school business? 150. May a teacher assign as punishment for misbehavior in school work not in the course of study? 12