LB IS 1 1 fHE FIRS SCHOOL YEAR wsmm ANNA B.THOMAS MH iii iwn i n i iMitw M titMim ii iii iBiiin ii i n tti CopyiightN^ COPyRIGHT DEPOSn. THE First School Year A COURSE OF STUDY WITH SELECTION OF LESSON MATERIAL, ARRANGED BY MONTHS, AND CORRELATED For Use in the First School Year BY ANNA B. THOMAS TKAINING TEACHER FOR FIRST GRADE, CALIFORNIA, PA. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL THEO. B. NOSS, General Editor of the Series CHICAGO A. FLANAGAN COMPANY LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Cooles Received WAY 24 190r A .Copyriarht Entry ^ CLAss /\ XXCm No. Copy b. Copyright 1907 BY A. FLANAGAN COMPANY PREFACE BY THE GENERAL EDITOR. The authors of this series of books for the various school years reaHze fully the difficulty of the task under- taken. In our own training school we have felt the need of a course of study, worked out for the successive school months, and put in print, so that each student teacher might have in convenient form the general plan of the work to be done in any grade of the school. The proper use of the books does not lead to dull uniformity ; but, on the other hand, the general scheme of the work being definitely and consistently arranged, the mind of the teacher is left the more free to study variety and intro- duce new material. The use of the books is designed to encourage rather than discourage originality in the teacher, to suggest the collecting, day by day, of new material, and to provide a definite place for all that is collected. ' It is believed that the sequence of subject-matter in each branch is approximately correct, and that the general scheme for the correlation of the various subjects is natural and helpful. The individuality of the teacher has ample scope to display itself, in making such addi- tions and omissions as may seem desirable. The work of the General Editor has consisted chiefly in proposing the general plan for the books, and in getting them through the press. Whatever credit attaches to the working out of the subject-matter in each year belongs wholly to the individual authors of the books. Theo. B. Noss. 5 AUTHOR'S PREFACE. **A11 beginnings are difficult." No one realizes this more than the teacher of first year children. The aim in the preparation of this book has been to aid primary teachers in the selection and arrangement of lesson material and to ofifer some suggestions as to method of teaching. In the choice and arrangement of lesson material for first-year pupils, it is not necessary to separate the various subjects from each other as in later years. The mental life of the child demands that no sharp lines between subjects should be drawn. Because of the child's physical surroundings and his love for living things, Nature Study has here been largely used as a basis of the course and other subjects have been correlated with it. The principle of correlation has not been forced. The child's surroundings in nature form an important and interesting part of his daily life, and hence should often have a controlling influence in the choice of lesson materials. It is not absolutely necessary that one subject rather than another should be thus used as a basis, but it is important that the different subjects be properly and helpfully related to each other in instruction. History becomes at certain times in the year the 6 AUTHOR'S PREFACE 7 leading subject. For example, "The Pilgrim Work" takes the children by story and song and illustration into other countries, bringing them into close relationship with the people and their customs. Advantage is taken of days that are of special im- portance, as Thanksgiving, Christmas, the birthdays of Washington, Lincoln and other noted men, these for the time becoming the center of thought. Many stories and poems related to the Nature Les- are given. The books from which these selections have been made are named in the outlines of the different subjects. A. B. T. CONSPECTUS OF FIRST I. NATURE STUDY II. LITERATURE AND HISTORY 1 Fruits— Special study of the apple Leaves— Special study of maple, oak and horsechestnut leaves- Flowers — Special study of the goldenrod 1 The Sleeping Apple 2 The Little Maple Leaves .S The Anxious Leaf 4 Little Goldenrod 5 The Origin of the Goldenrod and Aster Miscellaneous Stories Animal Stories MEMORY POEMS 1 Lady Golden Rod 2 How the Leaves Came Down 3 Sunny Golden Rod pq O Planting c»»-^= J ^Jathering Seeds ■( ^se ( Distribution Special study of Indian corn 1 Seedlings on the Wing 2 The Little Brown Seed 3 The Planting of the Corn Field 4 Poem— Onlv a Little Seed Animal Stories Indian Corn in Early History Cultivation by the In- dians Story of Mondamin Preparation for Winter 1 Nature's preparation 2 Man's preparation 3 Animals' preparation Special Study: The Migration of Birds 1 The Crane Express 2 The Fantail Pigeon 3 Jack and Jenny Spar- row 4 The Sandpipers .5 Pearl and Her Pig- eons 6 How Patty Gave Thanks Animal Stories The Coming of the Pil- grims. Voyage. Land- ing. Winter. The First Thanksgiving. Their Relation to the In- dians. Samoset. Squanto. A National Holiday (4 o H Animal study — Sheep, Camel, Donkey Modes of Traveling Teach in simple way the surroundings of the Christ Child Mountain. Valley, Des ert The Legend of St. Christopher. The Fir Tree. The Christmas Observations in Eng- 1 a n d, Germany. France, Holland, Nor- way, etc. Poems — Pic- cola; Little Town ot Bethlehem! Why Do Bells for Christ- mas Ring? etc. The Christ Child. The Journey to Bethlehem. Tlie Shepherds. The Wise Men (see Ben Hur). The Story of the Egyptian. The Story of the Hindoo. The Story of the Greek. Christmas in the Barn 1 THE NEW YEAR 1 Divisions: Seasons, Months, Weeks. Days. Hours, Minutes. 2 Measurement of Time: niustrate, using Clock. Calendar, Hour-glass, etc. .3 Daily observa- tion of ground, trees, river, etc. 4 Eskimo animals: Seal, Boar, Walrus, Dog, Whale 1 The F a i r y's New Year's Gift 2 An All-the-Year-Round Story 3 The Discontented Clock 4 How People Used to Tell Time 5 The Unhappy Pine 8 The Story of Agoo- nack 7 Selected Stories from Little Children of the Cold S The White Seal MEMORY POEMS 1 Old Time's Watchers 2 What Is the New Year For'? 3 The Pine Tree's Se- cret 4 Pine Needles The Eskimo and His Country Country — Appearance, Climate, Vegetation, Seasons, Day and Night Eskimo — Appearance, Home, Food, Travel, Hunting. Games, Skill YEAR WORK. III. NUMBER Concrete exercises, based on parts of flower, foot ruler, calendar, etc. 1 The Four Steps. 2 One- half of 2, 3, etc. 3 Lines one inch, two, three, etc. 4 A trian- gle one inch on each side. 5 Science prob- lems growing out of Nature lessons. 6 Num- ber of pints in quart 1 The Four Steps. 2 One- half of 4, of 6, etc., V4 of 4. 3 A rectangle one Inch on each side. 4 Compare with trian- gle. 5 Science prob- lems growing out of seed work. 6 Measure- ment. 7 Problems in Nature work 1 The Four Steps. 2 One- half of 5. one-flfth of .^. 3 The Pentagon. 4 Lines — horizontal, ver- tical, oblique. 5 Prob- lems related to Nature work. 6 November cal- endar 1 The Four Steps. 2 One- half of 6, one-third of 6. 3 The Hexagon. 4 Compare new figure with pentagon. 5 T'sc of tpy money — lessons In buying and selling. Nature problems. Rect- angle work 1 The F o u r S t e p s. 2 Teach objectively ^A <>i 7, 1/7 of 7. 3 Lines 7 inches long, feet. 4 Seven days in one week. 5 Many problems relat- ing to time. 6 Liquid and Dry Measure. Jan- uary calendars made by pupils IV. LANGUAGE 1 Oral expression. Word Drill. 2 Short sentences from Nature work 3 Printed lessons embody- ing the thought of the child 4 Chart lessons 1 Short stories reproduced by children. Printed lesson 2 The sentence 3 Capitalization and Punc- tuation 4 Phonic work. Chart Continue word and sen- tence work Printed lesson from liter- ature given in the child's language Writing of easy words from dictation. Chart See former months. Print- ed lessons in the child's language. 1 Storv of the Christ Child. 2 The Wise Men. 3 The Shep- herds. Short lessons from chart and board. Sentence forms See former months 1 Reproduction 2 Sentence building 3 Printed lessons from Nature work and Liter- ature 4 Words from dictation 5 A First Reader or Primer 6 Oral and written spell- ing. 7 Use of capital letters in the sentence, proper n a m e s, places. etc. 8 Printed lessons from Eskimo and ani- mal study V. THE ARTS Music — Scale and inter- val work. Songs grow- ing out of nature les- sons. Pictures — Fruits, flowers. Draw- ing and modeling the apple. Leaves for spe- cial study drawn and mounted Music — Chart work. The staff, lines, spaces. Nature songs Drawing — Draw- i n g, mounting and painting of seeds Music — Chart and inter- ^als. 1 Songs — Where the Birds Go. 2 Chillv Little Chickadees. 3 Thanksgiving Songs. 4 Father, We Thank Thee. 5 Eight White Sheep. Pictures — Ani- mals, Fruits. Embark- ing of Pilgrims Music — Interval work. Songs. Eight White Sheep; Christ- mas Songs. Pictures — 1 Madonnas. 2 Shep- herds and Sheep. 3 The Nativity. Draw- ing — S i m p 1 e lesson growing out of work Star, Tent, Manger, Tree, etc. Music — 1 Chart and In- terval work. 2 Songs —The Clock Song. The Little New Yea r. Tiny Little Snow Flakes. Good Morn- ing. New Day. The Pendulum. Drawing — Clock, Candle, Moon, Sled. Igloo, etc Pictures of Animals, Pictures from Eskimo Life. Modeling Clay Cubes for building house. Sewing, Rein- deer, SL>al, Bear, Dog CONSPECTUS OF FIRST I. NATURE STUDY II. LITERATURE AND HISTORY § Daily Observations Stories. Washington. 1 Washington— Stories re- Animal Study The Planting of the lating to his life as a Horse Seeds. 2 The Cherry boy, man, soldier and Dog Tree. 3 The First statesman \D Flag. 4 Story of the Lincoln— Stories relating P3 Colt to boyhood, manhood. Lincoln. 1 His early His life as a boy. home. 2 Struggle for man, soldier, states- Education. 3 The man Story of the Pig, 4 Story of Jamie. 5 Poems APPEARANCE OF 1 Lessons in Reading 1 Value of the Willow SPRING from "All the Y>ar 2 Preparation for weav- TAviss and Buds' Round" ing. Its use in mak- SiHMial study of Lilac, 2 Pussy Willow's Hood ing baskets, chairs. Ilorse-Cbestnut, Pussy 3 Pussy WM 1 1 o w — etc. Willow, Maple, as to Child's -World 3 Fairy Pussies size, color, covering, 4 The Maple Tree's Sur- 4 The Meeting of the shape. position and prise Winds— Child's World development of buds. 5 The Kind Old Oak— 5 Ulysses and the Bag AIR, WIND. SUN C.'s W. of Winds 9 Air — Pure, impure 6 The Sun and the 6 What the Winds Bring ^ Properties of Air Wind — Steadman s Wind— Use, Power, Di- 7 How the West Wind 7 Hermes rection Helped Dandelion Sun— Position, Size 8 Spring and Her Day and Night Helpers 9 The North W^ind at Play 10 The Four Winds in Hiawatha 1 Daily observation of 1 Only a Little Seed 7 The Lost Chicken — the changes in Na- 2 How the Beans Came Child's World ture. The appearance Up 8The Story of d of Spring flowers and 3 How the Thistle "Speckle" return of birds Helped 9 The Street Musicians 1 2 Germination. From 4 The Straw, the Coal 10 The Ugly Duckling the dry seed to the of Fire and the Bean 11 The Little Red Hen plant 5 The Pea Blossom — 3 S t u d y of Domestic McMurry Birds. Chicken and 6 The Farmer and the Duck for special study Birds— Child's World Daily observations of 1 Mr. Rana's Dinner- 7 The Broken Wing Nature Shy Neighbors S Origin of the Wood- Length of Day— Heat, 2 Our Rain Frogs pecker Power of Sun 3 The Frog's Eggs 9 Little Yellow Wing Rapid growth of plants 4 The Scarecrow 10 Mr. and Mrs. Robin Special study of — 5 The Nest of Many 11 Who Stole the Bird's >< 1 Frog and Toad from Colors Nest?