./ Please Don't Miss Page 17 =^ Missouri Historical Society ESTABLISHED 1866 LIST OF Members and Donors and Financial Statement JEFFERSON MEMORIAL ST. LOUIS, 1917 ^ MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Missouri Historical Society Officers President David R. Francis Vice-Presidents W. K. Bixby Walter B. Douglas Secretary Charles P. Pettus Treasurer Breckinridge Jones Advisory Board James F. Ballard Judson S. Bemis W. K. Bixby Joseph. Boyce Murray Carleton J. Charless Cabanne Walter B. Douglas Franklin Ferriss David E. Francis •.•** John H Breckinridge Jones Edward V. Papin Charles P. Pettus Philip C. Scanlan A. L. Shapleigh Walter B. Stevens Roll a Wells Dr. H. M. Whelpley Robert H. Stockton Gundlach LIST OF MEMBERS List of Active Members ^^^^^^^^ Dr. Annie Heloise Abel Smith College Lloyd L. Adams Robert E. Adreon A. A. Allen George L. Allen James W. Allison Louis P. Aloe Benjamin Altheimer Jas. The Graeme Arbuckle Chilton Atkinson Geo. H. Augustine Kirkwood, Mo. William Bagnell Robert E. M. Bain E. E. Baird Poplar Bliife, Mo. Paul Bakewell James F. Ballard J. Van S. Barret Richard Bartholdt Julius C. Birge C. Orrick Bishop James W. Black Albert Blair Cyrus F. Blanke George M. Block H. L. Block Col. Wells H. Blodgett Mrs. Ada Blossom R. W. Boisselier Judge Henry W. Bond Jefferson City, Mo. William C. Boverie Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Miss Mary E. Boyce T. B. Boyd Kirkwood, Mo. Mrs. Alfred Bradford Rev. Martin S. Brennan Hobart Brinsmade James E, Brock Edward Brown ivirs. n. 1. rnnnim^iunx J. V. Bell James W. Bell Howard Benoist Louis L. Benoist jr. ±-a,yiuL niyiXiL Robert Buchanan Edward Buder J. M. Buick William Burg MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Rev. J. C. Burke Aug. A. Busch D. I. Bushnell William V. Byars J. Charless Cabanne Mrs. Ben S. Cable Rock Island, III. Mrs. Anna S. Cairns David R. Calhoun Sam D. Capen Murray Carleton George 0. Carpenter Mrs. Horace R. Carpenter James A. Carr Peyton T. Carr Ephron Catlin T. W. Chamberlin Auguste Chouteau Henri A. Chouteau Percival Chubb Mrs. Percival Chubb Champ Clark Washington, D. C. Chas. McLure Clark Enos Clarke KirkAVOod, Mo. Alfred Clifford Henry A. Clover Walter D. Coles R. S. Colnon William R. Compton Dr. William Conrad Theophilus Conzelman Theo. P. Cook Chicago, 111. D'Arcy Paul Cooke J. R. Cooke Hanford Crawford F. E. A. Curley Con P. Curran Normandy, Mo. Ed. C. Dameron Clarksville, Mo. William H. Danforth D wight F. Davis Mrs. H. N. Davis J. Lionberger Davis John D. Davis''' Samuel C. Davis James P. Dawson Webster Groves, Mo. Chas. H. Deitering Dr. John 'Fallon Delany Dr. Alex. N. De Menil Edward Devoy J. H. Dieckman George B. Doan J. S. Dobyns W. R. Donaldson** Joseph Dormitzer Alexander Douglas Francis Past on Douglas James Marsh Douglas N. A. Doyle Dr. George S. Drake, Jr. Frederick W. Drosten Miss Stella M. Drumm Robert B. Dula Charles H. Duncker Thomas Dunn *Died 5 May, 1917 ='=*Died 30 March, 1917 LIST OF MEMBERS William Einstein Mrs. C. C. Eliot Edward C. Eliot Greene Erskine Mrs. David G. Evans W. R. Faribault William C. Farrar Edward A. Faust Eugene J. Feiner Franklin Ferriss Chauncey I. Filley (Charter Member) John D. Filley Louis F. Flotron Joseph W. Folk Washington, D. C. H. T. Force S. W. Fordyce, Jr. William C. Fordyce John Fowler David R. Francis J. D. Perry Francis J. W. Fristoe S. H. FuUerton Allen P. Gamble 0. L. Garrison William E. Garvin Elias S. Gatch William R. Gentry H. W . Gildehaus Dr. Frank A. Glasgow Warren Goddard Edward F. Goltra Benjamin Gratz Mrs. Ben F. Gray, Jr. Edwin F. Green Bernard Greensfelder Norris B. Gregg Joseph L. Griswold (In Memoriam) Miss Nellie Griswold E. W. Grove John H. Gundlach William E. Guy Henry C. Haar stick Miller Hageman Dr. Frederic A. Hall Frank V. Hammar A. A. Handlan Harry B. Hawes Joseph M. Hayes Col. William H. Heath Frank R. Henry B. E. Henschen Oscar Herf John Hill Walker Hill George C. Hitchcock Samuel E. Hoffman Charles W. Holtcamp William B. Homer Mrs. Louis Houck Cape Girardeau, Mo. Clarence H. Howard Mrs. Clarence H. Howard Mrs. Kate M. Howard Alphonso Howe Jeptha D. Howe Herman Hunicke Paul Hunter Nashville, Tenn. William K. Ilhardt Charles P. Johnson J. D. Johnson MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY J. L. Johnston Breckinridge Jones James C. Jones Jenkin Lloyd Jones Chicago R. McKittrick Jones Charles F. Joy F. N. Judson Dr. R. Emmet Kane William K. Kavanaugh Mrs. R. H. Keiser Chester H. Kern Claude Kilpatrick Goodman King' W. J. Kinsella Daniel N. Kirby Dr. Walter C. G. Kirchner Homer P. Knapp Harry F. Knight Hugo A. Koehler Henry Kortjohn Max Kotany Frederick H. Kreismann Louis La Beaume William W. La Beaume William G. Lackey Frederick C. Lake Albert Bond Lambert Arthur W. Lambert Eli Hillis Larkin W. A. Layman Webster Groves, Mo. Sam Lazarus John F. Lee William H. Lee Frederick W. Lehmann Edward S. Lewis Mrs. Chas. Lindenschmit Isaac H. Lionberger Isaac Lippincott George R. Lockwood James Y. Lockwood Webster Groves, Mo. Dr. Leo Loeb Miss Annie P. Logue H. B. Louderman George W. Lubke George W. Lubke, Jr. Thomas S. Lytle Miss Emilie Maffitt Pierre Chouteau Maffitt Mrs. P. Chouteau Maffitt Thomas S. Maffitt William Maffitt Mrs. Alexander H. Major Edward Mallinckrodt George D. Markham Morris E. Markman W. McC. Martin Leonard Mathews J. Lawrence Mauran David May William McCaughen Walter McKittrick N. A. McMillan Lilburn G. McNair K. Duncan Mellier George S. Mepham Garfield D. Merner George R. Merrell Frank Mesker George A. Meyer Clarence E. Miller Joseph G. Miller LIST OF MEMBERS Edwin N. Mills Clayton, Mo. Wm. Harvey Miner George H. Moore Robert Moore Edward A. More Mrs. Adele S. Morrison Mrs. Jeannette F. Morton Stratford Lee Morton Mrs. Leo Moser Dr. Harvey G. Mudd Samuel F. Myerson Charles Nagel Henry Nicolaus George W. Niedringhaus Thos. K. Niedringhaus W. Warne Niedringhaus Oscar Niedringhaus Gustav W. Nieman W. W. Nisbet Henry Graves Noel Robert E. Nolker Saunders Norvell NeAV York Daniel 0. Nugent Charles Pope 'Fallon John J. 'Fallon Joseph M. O'Reilly Dr. R.J. O'Reilly Edward S. Orr Isaac H. Orr William D. Orthwein Edward V. Papin George T. Parker Dr. W. F. Parks Robert D. Patterson Peter J. Pauly, Sr. Peter J. Pauly, Jr. Major W. N. Pearce H. J. Pettengill Charles P. Pettus Morrison Pettus William G. Pettus William H. H. Pettus Mrs. Virginia S. Peugnet Gustavus A. Pfeiffer New York H. M. Pflager H. Clay Pierce Lawrence B. Pierce Thomas M. Pierce Julius Pitzman Robert W. Pommer Henry S. Potter Henry S. Priest Alex. T. Primm, Jr. Charles E. Prunty E. B. Pryor Leo Rassieur Mrs. Francis Raymond Charles Rebstock James A. Reid August H. Reller Mrs. Jonathan Rice John Lewis RoBards Hannibal, Mo. Mrs. F. M. Swacker John C. Roberts A. S. Robinson J. H. Roblee Rev. John E. Rothensteiner E. C. Rowse Frank A. Ruf Ernest J. Russell MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Thomas G. Rutledg-e O'Neil Ryan Philip C. Scanlan Mrs. Edward Schaaf St. Mary's, Mo. Mrs. F. M. Swacker W. W. Schiek Mrs. Elizabeth Schnaider Walter L. Schnaider Benjamin Schnurmacher Oreon E. Scott Charles P. Senter A. L. Shapleigh Mrs. John B. Shapleigh R. W. Shapleigh Fidelio C. Sharp Martin Shaughnessy Mrs. Theodore Shelton John F. Shepley S. L. Sherer George H. Shields Rev. M. A. Shine Plattsniouth, Neb. W. A. Shoemaker M. Shoenberg E. C. Simmons George W. Simmons Thomas K. Skinker C. M. Skinner David S. H. Smith Dr. Elsworth S. Smith James E. Smith L. F. Smith Mrs. Thomas K. Smith S. Watts Smyth Rev. Charles L. Souvay Webster Groves, Mo. Gen. Eugene J. Spencer T. E. Spencer George F. Steedman W. C. Steigers R. H. Stockton Charles A. Stockstrom F. A. Sudholt Dr. Hugo Summa Leo Suppan Geo. W. Sutherland Dr. Otto Sutter Wm. H. H. Tainter George J. Tansey Benjamin J. Taussig Daniel G. Taylor Isaac S. Taylor Walter C. Taylor Gerritt H. Ten Broek Arthur Thacher William H. Thomson R. M. B. Tidd Wel)ster Groves, Mo. Dexter Tiffany, Jr. Edgar D. Tilton- Miss Sarah L. Tower Mrs. Dwight Tredway Dr. Herman Tuholske C. Hunt Turner, Jr. Henry S. Turner Voluntine C. Turner Dr. G. M. Tuttle Roland G. Usher Dr. Jules F. Valle J. C. Van Riper Fred Vierling *Died 16 April, 1917. LIST OP MEMBERS Charles F. Vogel Henry F. Vogel Herman Von Schrenk Festus J. Wade Cyrus P. Walbridge Mrs. Harry E. Wagoner G. Herbert Walker Edward J. Walsh Mrs. Julia M. Walsh Julius S. Walsh James A. Waterworth Rolla S. Watson M. F. Watts F. 0. Watts Erastus Wells Miss Isabella Wells Rolla Wells Mrs. Rolla Wells* Louis Werner Percy Werner Thomas H. West Mrs. W. B. Weston Dr. H. M. Whelpley * Died 8 April, 1917 C. W. Whitelaw F. Churchill Whittemore Charles Wiggins Ira E. Wight M. L. Wilkinson M. F. Williams Tyrrell Williams A. 0. Wilson Frederick A. Wislizenus William W. Withnell F. A. Witte Otto H. Witte Oscar R. Witte 0. W. Witte W. F. Woerner Henry Wood John M. Wood Walter B. Woodward George M. Wright Thomas Wright Charles Wulfing John M. Wulfing Henry P. Wyman Joseph Zumbalen SUPPORTING MEMBERS Judsoa S. Bemis [ H. R. Wagner Valparaiso, Chile L.IFE MEMBERS Shepard Barclay Joseph D. Bascom David A. Bixby William K. Bixby Scott H. Blewett John P. Boyce MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Capt. Joseph Boyce Hudson E. Bridge Walter B. Douglas Miss Laura Durkee Jacob Furth Gerolt Gibson Herman A. Haeussler Mrs. Lloyd G. Harris Rt. Rev. John Hennessey Wichita, Kan. Edgar R. Hoadley Anthony Ittner E. C. Kehr Edward A. Kennedy William J. Lemp Wm. Northrop McMillan Nairobi, British East Africa Miss Kate O'Malley Edmund J. O'Neil Miss Mary A. Owen St. Joseph, Mo. C. M. Prynne Boston, Mass. Dillon T. Stevens Walter B. Stevens F. C. Taylor W. B. Thompson Rt. Rev. D. S. Tuttle Edwards Whitaker HONORARY MEMBERS Clarence W. Alvord Urbana, 111. Edward E. Ayer Chicago, 111. James Newton Baskett Gen. John C. Bates Silver City, N. Mex. William Beer New Orleans Charles C. Brown Madison, Wis. Gen. H. M. Chittenden Seattle, Wash. Rev. Wm. James Dalton Kansas City, Mo. Charles E. DeLand Pierre, S. Dak. Baron Marc de Villiers du Terrage Paris, France Will C. Ferril Denver, Colo. Miss Alice C. Fletcher Cambridge, Mass. Worthing-ton C. Ford Boston, Mass. Gerard Fowke Cincinnati, 0. Dr. Alexander Franz Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany Most Rev. John J. Glennon Elmer C. Griffith Liberty, Mo. 10 LIST OP MEMBERS William H. Holmes AVashington, D. C. Frank C. Horack Iowa City, la. Louis Houck Cape Girardeau, Mo. Dr. Richard H. Jesse Columbia, Mo. Rev. A. E. Jones, S. J. Montreal, Canada Dr. Louise Phelps Kellogg Madison, Wis. Edward A. K. Killian Manhattan, Kan. Dr. Geo. Grant McCurdy New Haven, Conn. A. C. McLaughlin Chicago, 111. W. C. Mills Columbus, 0. Clarence B. Moore Philadelphia Mrs. Zelia Nuttall Coyoacan, Mexico Dr. Thomas M. Owen Montgomery, Ala. Le Baron Bradford Prince Sa]ita Fe, N. Mex. Henry S. Pritchett New York Frederick Ward Putnam Cambridge, Mass. Franklin L. Riley Lexington, Va. Doane Robinson Pierre, S. Dak. Theodore Roosevelt New York Dunbar Rowland Jackson, Miss. Benjamin F. Shambaugh Iowa City, la. Edward M. Shepard Springfield, Mo. Dr. Denton J. Snider Dr. John F. Snyder Virginia, 111. Edwin W. Stephens Columbia, Mo. Mrs. Samuel Treat New York Dr. Warren Upham St. Paul, Minn. A. L. Van Osdel Mission Hill, S. Dak. Rev. C. L. Von Tourenhout Ste. Genevieve, Mo. Dr. W. F. Wagner Washington, D. C. Joseph Wheless Robert M. White Mexico, Mo. Mrs. Carrie Westlake Whitney Kansas City, Mo. Paul B. Wright Kansas Citj^, Mo. F. C. Young Eugene, Ore. 11 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY ASSOCIATE MEMBERS D. C. Allen Lil3erty, Mo. Mrs. Clarence W. Alvord Urbana, 111. F, W. Baumhoif Mrs. J. H. Branch Kansas City, Mo. Robert A. Campbell Bowling Green, Mo. John Chamberlain Lexington, Mo. Mrs. Lucile Chauvin Chouteau Pierre Chouteau, Jr. Mrs. H. U. Dalton Wentzville, Mo. Henry H. Denison Mrs. Mary C. Dillon Capt. Lewis B. Dougherty Liberty, Mo. Capt. 'Fallon Dougherty Liberty, Mo. Rev. Charles J. Eschmann Dn Quoin, 111. Adolph Falbisaner Ludwig E. Fuerbringer Rudolph Goebel St. Charles, Mo. Howard M. Griswold Louisville, Ky. Joseph M. Hanson Yankton, S. Dak. 0. M. Headley Morehouse, Mo. Franklin Hudson Kansas City, Mo. W. 0. L. Jewett Shelbina, Mo. Dr. Clayton Keith Louisiana, Mo. Mrs. Alfred J. Kelley, Jr. (Francine Lucas) Louis F. Koch La Grange, Mo. Rev. W. A. Kotte Weingarten, Mo. Charles A. Krone J. F. Llewellyn Mexico, Mo. Andrew Phelps McCor- mack Dallas, Texas N. D. McEvers Montezuma, 111. E. E. E. McJimsey Springfield, Mo. Rev. Henry W. Mizner Mrs. 0. E. Moore (Adela Breekenridge) Caledonia, Mo. 12 LIST OF MEMBERS Robert E. Oliver Cape Girardeau, Mo. W. R. Painter Jefferson City, Mo. B. F. Pikey Conran, Mo. Perry S. Rader Jefferson City, Mo. Thomas L. Rodgers Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Valentine Smith Chicago, 111. Mrs. M. F. Smyth-Davis Kennett, Mo. Frank H. Sosey Palmyra, Mo. Rev. J. Spencer Slater, Mo. M. F. Stipes Jamesport, Mo. John E. Swanger Jefferson City, Mo. Mrs. James Lucas Turner (Lucile Chouteau) 13 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Treasurer 's Report April 1, 1916, to March 31, 1917. Recetpts. Dues received, April 1, 1916, to March 31, 1917 $2,202.35 Miscellaneous receipts 214.35 Income from Endowment 4,175.00 McMillan Bequest .7 500.00 Income from McMillan Memorial Fund 120.00 Income from Bixby Book Fund. . .- 50.00 $7,261.70 Disbursements. Books ; $ 871.65 Printing, Stationery and Supplies 997.42 Salaries 3,000.00 Wages and General Expenses 2,150.19 Binding 114.52 Manuscripts 16.00 Equipment 100.74 Postage 214.26 Photographs and Pictures 267.98 $7,732.76 Less Deficit 471.06 $7,261.70 The Society has an endowment fund of $76,221.96, the interest upon which is applied to the payment of current expenses. It also has a trust fund of $13,407.80, the income of which is bein^ accumulated. The principal of this fund is composed of a gift from Professor Sylvester Waterhouse of $5,000 ; the accumulation of interest upon which for a period of years is a requirement of the donor ; a bequest by Melvin L. Gray of $500 ; a bequest by Charles Seitz of $1,000, and the sum of $1,000 re- ceived from W. K. Bixby, Esq., for ten life member- 14 Your Attic and Storeroom Your Attic and Storeroom The Library of the :\li: gladly receive donations of papers, broadsides, handhi committee and other dirii' family menmnals;. ■'WhnV ' of places iiinl iiuriiiwi's. Min paper cli|.|iiiii:s, iii;iiin^ri-i|r jour count books, passports, agre .■ill Society wdl lets, maps, news- II. church, club, ts; personal and uoks for all sorts liooks and news- . especially diar- or bu.siness — ac- siiiiis, c.-rtificates, , iii\ riitnrii'S. tax li.StS, poll books. rin:i'iri|i;itlii|| |ia]irlv. liilU , i f ^;||,.. pricC lists, invoices, weddiim and nlhi-r iii\ itati.in^. and birth announcements. Also, family Bibles, family records, genealogies, family trees or charts, whether in manuscript or printed. State, county, city, town, village or community histories, histories of organizations, military, civic, religious, business, pro- fessional or social, and the proceedings of societies of all kinds; lio.iks of travi-1 and biograidiies. The Society es- ,M.,-ially ,l.'.;iv. .iMMln.m n, « ,„■ ,,M pn-lainii.u. i„ any way tn Al -. , I .' M. .,,,.; | r|r., ni' 1 1 lintcl i ii Missouri. rxinn^ In luvvrnt the de- - ' ■ ■ ■:-■' "f <\tr ai-.-uinulation of 1^- I k^ ainl |iirtuii-s Mich as are found ^lnivn»inis. nr ,„ rlos.ts. trunks, drawers. . in nian.N' llolil^^. [■s|MTially the older ones. rouble to .sort the thiiiss out, but write or Society and it will send for them. Many Til., s, . papers. |iaiii|ij in the attic■^ n boxes or liari. I Don't take llie telephone to tli such gifts have been received and none have proven to be without value. And when you are weedin;; out vmir book slirlvs. put aside whatever you do not ear.' t.. lelain ami l.t tin- Sm-iriv send for them.' Your treasmw .vni, it ivmiia l,r w.ll t,, remember, would be absoliitit\- s:ir,- m th,. Hivprnnf laiild- ing of the Snci.i.v, wliriT til, y r;iii ],. u-rd ii(,t oiily by your.self Ian li\- yniii- di'M-iahlnnt v m :i|l timr [•luiiiiig. One of the bi'.l .•(.llrrtiMiis III rMsi..iM ' iiKitia-ial ivlating to the Expediti. ( Lewis and ('lark to the I'aeitir was given bv the eoUeetor to the Chicago Historical Society, and con- tinually added to by hira as long as be lived. And it re- mains there as a lasting monument to his generous intelli- gence. The Society desires, also, to obtain pictui-es — photo- graphs or prints — of Missouri people and places. It has MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOC Jelferson Memoi'ial Forest P.ark 14 TREASURER'S REPORT ships. The bequests above mentioned are not required to be accumulated, but it is the purpose of the Board to allow these sums to increase until each one will earn a substantial annual interest, at which time it will be sep- arately invested as a permanent fund bearing the name of the donor, and the interest used in the Society's ser- vice to the public. There are three other permanent funds, to-wit: The McMillan Memorial Fund $5,000 The Publication Fund 1,000 The Bixby Book Fund 1,000 It has not been possible to keep a record of the visitors to the Historical Society, but the number for the last year is estimated at two hundred and forty thousand. The number of visitors from out of town who spend from a few days to several weeks working in the library in- creases each year. For purposes of comparison, the financial statement of the Western Reserve Historical Society of Cleveland is subjoined. That society, like this, is without support from the public funds; it is about the same age, having been established in 1867; and has its home in a city of less population than St. Louis. 15 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY THE WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY Cleveland Ohio. Treasurer's Report May 1, 1915, to April 30, 1916. Receipts. May 1, 1915— Cash on hand $ 2.842 52 Subscriptions— May 1, 1915, to April 30, 1916 9,305.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 127. IS Interest on Deposits to April 30, 1916 61.16 Special Contributions 6,079.71 Income from Endowment 530.57 Income from Allen Fund 701.26 $19,647.35 Disbursements. Subscriptions to Periodicals $ 43.61 Printing and Stationery 711.45 Salaries 6,313.99 General Expenses 619.09 Light and Heat 493.48 Additions to Collections 3,317.50 Traveling 125.00 Binding 125.00 Binding 60.03 Building Account 5,282.00 Furniture 38.00 $17,004.14 May 1, 1916— Balance on hand 2,643.21 Subscriptions. 20 at $250.00 each $5,000.00 8 at 150.00 each 1,200.00 5 at 100.00 each 500 00 9 at 50.00 each 450.00 5 at 25.00 each 125.00 203 at 10.00 each 2,030.00 $9,305.00 16 SUGGESTIONS Suggestions to all who are interested in the work of the Missouri Historical Society : If you are not a member, become one. If yon are a member, then bring in some of your friends. Use the inclosed blank applications. The Society has a good historical library, containing books relating to the history of all the States. It has probably the best collection of books, manuscripts, news- papers and i^amphlets relating to Missouri and ^lissour- ians that has yet been made. Its genealogical section is extensive but inadequate. It also has a museum and portrait gallery of great interest. But, both the library and museum need to be kept up to date. The endowment of the Society should be increased to at least $100,000. The Society should have a publication fund of at least $25,000, the income to be used for printing. A His- torical Society without publications is like a man with- out a voice. And there are numerous other purposes for which the Society ought to have special funds. Among others, there should be an archaeological fund, a manuscript fund and a binding fund. If you give now you can have the pleasure of seeing the good results. But if you do not wish to give now, won't you incorporate in 3^our will the provision: "I give, devise and bequeath to the Missouri Histori- cal Society in St. Louis the sum of dollars." Do not feel that because you do not wish to give a large amount that you will give nothing. Help to make such bequests a habit among ]\Iissourians. If you have a hobby in the line of the Society's service, specify that it is your preference that your gift or the income from it be used for work along that line. 17 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY List of Contributors to the Society's Library and Museum* April 1, 1916, to March 31, 1917. Abel, Dr. Annie Heloise Academy of Pacific Coast History Academy of Science Aehle, Ernst F. Alabama Historical Society Alcorn, H. L. Allen, Charles C. Allen, Col. D. C. American Antiquarian So- ciety American Jewish Histori- cal Society Appier, John T. Argus, Mrs. S. Posey Arkansas Historical Asso- ciation Atkinson, Chilton Ayer, Edward E. Batch, Thomas Willing Ballard, James F. Barns, William E. Bartholow,. Mrs. E. Flet- cher Bartley, Miss Bates, Charles F. Bates, Mrs. Charles F. Bates, Charles W, Beer, William Belcher, Mrs. Anne C. Farrar Bixby, William K. Blair, Dr. V. Papin Blewitt, Scott Booth, Mrs. John N. Borden, Mrs. Lucille P. Boston Athenaeum Boyce, Joseph Boyce, Miss Mary E. Boyle, Richard A. Brazil National Museum Breckenridge, William C. Brimhall, Lee H. Brigham, Clarence E. Bringhurst, Miss Stella Brown, Clark Buffalo Historical Society Bulletin, The Linneus, Mo. Burke, Rev. J. C, S. J. Burnes, Kennett Burton, Clarence M. Burton, W. V. Business Men's League Byars, William Vincent Cabanne, J. Charless Cabanne, Miss Julie C. California Society Sons of Revolution Campbell, W. P. Canadian Archives Canadian Institute 18 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Carnegie Museum Carpenter, Mrs. George 0. Carr, James A. Central Wesleyan College Central College Library Cates, Miss Elizabeth L. Chamberlin, T. W. Chapman, Mrs. H. Chauvenet, William M. Chicago Historical Society Chouteau, Pierre, Jr. Chouteau, Mrs. Pierre Church Progress, St. Louis Coburn College Coffey, Rev. J. T. Colorado College Columbia Historical Society Columbia University Concordia College Library Congressional Library Connecticut Historical Society Cook, Miss Clara Cooke, J. R. Coolidge, Mrs. Clara A. Cowen, W. B. Cowgill, James Culver, J. B. Daly, D. D. Darby, Walter F. Detharding, George W. Dobjais, Joseph S. Doran, Geo. H. & Co. Dosal, E. Rodriguez Douglas, Francis P. Douglas, Walter B. Douglas, Mrs. Walter B. Drabelle, J. W. Drosten, Mrs. F. W. Drumm, Miss Stella M. Duke, Miss Sara C. Dyer, L. C. Elson, H. J. Engler, Dr. E. A., for Es- tate of Marshall S. Snow Erwin, E. C. Eshlemann, H. Frank Espana y America, Madrid Essex Institute Ewing, A. B. Ewing, Charles E. Ewing, Mark Ewing, Nat Farmington News Farmington Times Farrar, Benedict J. Farrar, Bernard C. Farrar, Charles T. Farrar, Christy M. Farrar, Coburn K. Farrar, Eliza H. Farrar, Frank B. Farrar, Harry B. Farrar, Jerome Farrar, John K. Farrar, Thrust on Farrar, William C. Ferriss, Franklin Field Museum Library Fischell, Mrs. W. E. Flatau, L. S. Fordyce, Samuel W. Fordyce, Samuel W., Jr. Fordyce, Mrs. Samuel W., Jr.^ 19 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY Garner, Mrs. "W. L. Georgia Historical Society Gerhardt Sisters Studio Gleniion, Most Rev., John J. Goodman, Mrs. Ellen Farrar Gordon Studios Grant City Star Gratz, Anderson Gratz, Benjamin Gregg, William II., Jr. Grierson, Francis Griffith, E. C. Griswold, Miss Nellie Gundlach, John H. Hall, Miss E. Hamilton Harris, Virgil M. Harvey, William J. Hawes, Harry B. Haynes. Mrs. A. B. Healy, Frank D. Heath, Col. William R. Heintz, 0. W. Henry, Wilbur F. Henshaw, Charles E. Herder, Herman Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio Historical Society of Penn- sylvania Hodges, Capt. William R. Hodiamont, Herald Holland, Miss Ilornsby, Joseph L. Ilorwitz, K. N. Hough, A. M. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Howard Memorial Library James Eads How Louis HoAV Hutchinson, Randolph, Family of Igoe, William L. Illinois State Historical Society Indian Rights Association Indiana Historical Survey Indiana University — Dept. of History Instituto do Caera, Caera, Brazil Iowa Geological Survey Iowa State Historical So- ciety Isaacs, E. L. lyenaga. Dr. Toyokichi James, Mrs. G. M. Jamesport Gazette Jefferson County Record Johns, George L. Johns Hopkins University Library Jourdan, Morton Journal of History Juppier, Paul G. Kahne, Paul Kajiwara Studio Kayser, Mrs. M. Cabanne Keyser, W. F. Kingsland, George Kirksville Normal School Krohn, Ernst C. Krueger, R. E. Langenbach, A. M. 20 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Laval University Lazarus, Sam Leete, Mrs. C. H. Lemp, William J., Jr. Letcher, J. R. Lippmann, Dr. Gustav Lips, Charles Little, Mrs. W. H. Llewellyn, Henry D. Lewis Institute London-Middlesex Histori- cal Society Long, Breckinridge Ludington, Mrs. F. H. Lynch, John E. Lynn, Jesse McDonald, W. S. Mack, E. J. Mackenzie, G. E., London, Eng. McNary, W. F. Maffit, Miss Emily Maffit, Pierre Chouteau Maffit, T. S. Maffit, William Maine Historical Society Maniere, George Martin, Miss Lilian Martinez, P. Graciano Maryland Historical Society Maryville Normal School Massachusetts Historical Society Mauiy, Miss Cornelia Mechin, G. Y. R. Medford Historical Society Mepham, George S. Mercantile Library Merchants Exchange of St. Louis Meyer, A. C. T. Meyer, Mrs. Jesse S. Michigan Historical Com- mission Miller, Charles E. Miller, Frank C. Miller, Lewis B. Mills, E. W. Milwaukee Public Library Minnesota Historical Society Missouri Pharmaceutical Association Missouri State Board of Agriculture Missouri State Library Missouri Stockman Missouri State University Mitchell, Miss Mary Monroe City Democrat Moody, Mel P. Moore, Clarence B. Moore, George H. Morton, Mrs. Hannah M. Morton, Mrs. S. W. Murphy, Daniel Murillo Studio National Genealogical Society New Hampshire Historical Society New Haven Colony His- torical Society New Jersey Historical I Society 21 MISSOURI HISTORICAL SOCIETY New Jersey Department of Geology New York Genealogical & Biographical Society New York Historical Society New York Public Library New York State Historical Association New York State Library Nicholls, Mrs. S. J. Nichols, Mrs. A. 0. Nicolaus, Henry Nisbet, W. W. Noble, Miss Mary M. Noel, Henry Graves North Carolina History Commission North Dakota State His- torical Society Numismatic & Antiquarian Society of Montreal Obear, Bryan Obear, Frank Oberlin College Library O'Brien, Miss Meoma Ohio State Archaeological & Historical Society Oklahoma Historical Societ^^ Old Northwest Genealogi- cal Society Oliver, Arthur L. Oregon Historical Society Oregon Pioneer Association O'Reilly, Joseph M. Palmyra Spectator, The Pan American Scientific Congress Papin, Miss Clara Papin, Edward Chouteau Papin, Edward Vilrey Papin, H. C. Papin, Miss Julia Papin, Miss Louise Papin, Miss Marie Park College Library Parker, George T. Parker, Sir Gilbert - Peabody Museum Perkins, Mrs. Annie Jack- son Perrine, Dr. T. W. Perry, Fred Pettus, Charles P. Pettus, Charles P.. Jr. Pfeiffer, G. A. Philippines Library Plant, Mrs. Clair E. Polk, William M. Posey, Miss Georgia D. Potter, Mrs. Agnes Farrar Potter, Anna K. Potter, Minnie Powell, Mary McE. Preetorius, Mrs. William C. Presbyterian Historical Society of Pennsylvania Price, J. Boyle Randolph, Tom Real Academia de la His- toria, Madrid Reith, Mrs. Julia C. Republican Sentinel, The 22 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Rhode Island Historical Society RoBards, John L. Roberts, John C. Rocky Mountain Herald Rodgers, Col. T. B. Roeder, Frank Rombauer, R. E. Rosenberger, Miss Kate Rothensteiner, Rev. John E. Rothwell, Tom Rozier, H. L. Ruppelt, Herman Rutter, P. W. P. Ryerson, Edward L. Saenger, Dr. St. Louis Architectural Club St. Louis Chapter U. D. C. St. Louis Globe-Democrat St. Louis Public Library St. Louis Republic St. Louis Times St. Louis University Library Sanders Engraving Co. Sanford, Mrs. Louisa Berthold Schaaf, Mrs. Edward Schaurte, Mrs. Antoinette Scherck, Dr. Henry J. Schleiffarth, Mrs. Anna Schlesinger, A. Seddon, Judge James A. Sellers, Edwin J. Semple, Isabella B. Senter, Charles R. Shapleigh, Mrs. A. L. Shapleigh, Mrs. John B. Shapleigh Hardware Co. ■ Sherer, S. L. Siebert, Dr. A. Simonds, Miss May Simpson, Stanley B. Sisson, Mrs. M. D. Smith, Mrs. C. C. Smith, Dr. Elsworth Smith, J. Shep. Smith, Justin -H. Smith, Luther Ely Smithsonian Institution Society of Colonial Wars in Missouri South Dakota Historical Society Souvay, Rev. Charles L. Spencer, H. N., Jr. Spencer, Selden P. Spencer, T. E. Springfield Normal School Standish, Mrs. Mildred State Historical Society of Missouri Steinbiss, H. W. Stephen, S. Ivor Stephenson, Isaac Stevens, Dillon T. Stevens, Walter B. Stone, Miss Ellen A. Robbins Strauss, J. C. Streetor, William C. Sunday Watchman Taussig, Benjamin J. Tax Payer, The 23 i-XQKHKY ur ^unur(co;> MISSOURI HISTORICAL i 014 614 539 5 Tennessee Historical Society Tesson, Robert Forsyth Texas State Historical • Society Third U. S. Volunteer Engineers Thompson, Harry J. Todd, Dr. Charles A. Toronto University Torrey, J. L. TourAdlle, George S. Twitchell, Ralph E. Unionville Republican United Confederate Veter- ans, Camp St. Louis, No. 731 U. S. Bureau of Education Library U. S. Bureau of Ethnology U. S. Cavalry Association U. S. Interior Dept. University of Colorado Library University of Cincinnati University of Illinois University of Oklahoma University of Washington Veiled Prophet Virginia Historical Society Virginia State Library Von Schrenk, Dr. Herman Von Schrenk, Mrs. Herman Von Windegger, Mrs. Marie Peugnet Waide, Mrs. J. H. Wagner, Louis A. Wagner, Louis W. Walker, G. H. Walsh, Chouteau Walsh, Edward J. Walsh, Julius S. Walsh, Noemie Walsh, Robert B. Ware, Mrs. E. B. Warrensburg Normal School Washington University Library Washington State Histori- cal Society Weekly Intelligencer, The West, *Mrs. D. P. Western Reserve Histori- cal Society Westliche-Post Westminster College Library Whelpley, Dr. H. M. White, Edward J. White, Capt. & Mrs. J. B. Whyte, Joseph P. Wight, Mrs. Marie Willard, W. L. Williams, Mrs. R. E. William Jewell College Library Wilson, M. L. Winn, Mary Polk Winner Daily Journal Wisconsin Historical Society Withrow, James E. Wood, Benjamin A. Wyman, Frank P. Wulfing, J. Max 24 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 614 539 5