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PUBLICATIONS OF THE POLLAK FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH NUMBER ONE THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS A Study of Their Varieties^ Tests^ and Reliability BY IRVING FISHER PR0PE8S0E OF POLITICAL ECONOMT, YALE UNIVERSmr BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 1922 ':^y V .6 vA^^^ COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY THE POLLAK FOUNDATION FOR ECONOMIC RESEARCH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ?.^o Wat jRibcTSftie ^ti* CAMBRIDGE • MASSACHUSETTS FKINTED IN THE U.S.A. DEC 21 72 C;lAG92526 TO F. Y,_EDGEWORTH AND CORREA MOYLAN WALSH PIONEERS IN THE EXPLORATION OF INDEX NUMBERS PREFATORY NOTE All sciences are characterized by a close approach to exact measurement. How many of them could have made much progress without units of measurement, generally under- stood and accepted, it is difficult to imagine. In order to determine the pressure of steam, we do not take a popular vote : we consult a gauge. Concerning a patient's tempera- ture, we do not ask for anybody's opinion: we read a ther- mometer. In economics, however, as in education, though the need for quantitative measurement is as great as in physics or in medicine, we have been guided in the past largely by opinions and guesses. In the future, we must substitute measurement for guesswork. Toward this end, we must first agree upon instruments of measurement. To the Pollak Foundation for Economic Research it seems fitting, therefore, that its first publication should be The Making of Index Numbers. In this book, the author tests by every useful method, not only all the f ormulse for index mnnbers that have been used, but as well all that reasonably could be used; and he tests them by means of actual calculations, extensive and painstaking, based on actual statistical records. He proves that several of the methods of constructing index numbers now in common use are grossly inaccurate; he makes clear why some formulae are precise and others far from it; he points out how to save time in the work of calculation; and he shows how to test the results. Thus he provides us with methods of measuring such illusive things as fluctuations in real wages, in exchange rates, in volume of trade, in the cost of living, and in the purchasing power of the dollar. Finally, he points out that, once a good method of con- viii PREFATORY NOTE structing index numbers has been generally accepted, the usefulness of the instrument will be vastly increased, and will then be extended to many other fields where precise measurement is greatly needed. But, after all, is it possible to devise a means of measure- ment that is sufficiently precise to be used as a basis for determining matters of such concern to all human beings as contracts, currency measures, price adjustments, and wage schedules? The doubts on this question that have hitherto stood in the way of the universal use of index numbers must vanish before Professor Fisher's demonstra- tions. He shows that an index number may be so precise an instrument that the error " probably seldom reaches one part in 800, or a hand's breadth on the top of Washington Monument, or less than three ounces on a man's weight, or a cent added to an $8 expense." He shows, further, that all the forms of index numbers that satisfy his few, simple tests give results so nearly alike that it matters little or nothing, for most practical purposes, which form is em- ployed. Any one of these forms is comparable, in point of accuracy, with many of the instruments that are univer- sally and unquestioningly employed in other scientific fields. The use of yardsticks of forty different lengths would be a source of endless confusion: the use of forty different kinds of index numbers is no less confusing. If experts fail to clear up this confusion because they disagree on non- essentials, it will seem to the many thousands of people, to whom the mathematics of the subject is a mystery, as though the experts were widely at variance on fundamen- tals. And so, without due cause, index numbers in general will be discredited and the scientific study of economics impeded. For this reason, it is to be hoped that all those who are capable of understanding the subject will see their PREFATORY NOTE ix way clear to agreeing upon the Ideal Formula as the best in point of accuracy. It is to be hoped, furthermore, that they will agree in adopting and advocating for general use the closely similar Formula No. 2153 ( S(go+ei)Po' since it is the one which best combines speed of calculation with as high a degree of accuracy as is ever needed for prac- tical purposes. In any event, the Pollak Foundation will have achieved its purpose in publishing this volume, if it has a part in bringing about the abandonment of faulty methods of constructing index numbers, the general adop- tion of any dependable method, and the consequent pro- gressive substitution, wherever precise measurement is possible, of scientific method for personal opinion. William Trufant Foster Editor of the Pollak Pvhlications Newton, Massachusetts " December 1, 1922 PREFACE This book amplifies a paper read in December, 1920, at the Atlantic City meeting of the American Statistical Association. An abstract of that paper was printed in 1921 in the March number of the Association's Quarterly Pub- lication. The same paper, somewhat elaborated, was also read before the American Academy of Arts and Sciences at Boston, in April, 1921. One of the main conclusions of these papers was accepted at once, namely, that the formula here called the "ideal" is the best form of index number for general purposes. The further contention that this formula is the best for all purposes was stoutly denied by most critics, with the not- able exception of Mr. CM. Walsh, who had reached the same conclusion independently and from a different start- ing point. Out of this partial disagreement, a number of writings on index numbers have appeared, such as Professor War- ren M. Persons' article in the Review of Economic Statis- tics for May, 1921, on ''Fisher's Formula for Index Num- bers." Professor Allyn A. Young in his article "The Meas- urement of Changes of the General Price Level," in the Quarterly Journal of Economics for August, 1921, reaches the same formula as "the best single index number of the general level of prices," although he apparently reserves judgment as to its limitations. Professor Wesley C. Mit- chell, in the revision of his monograph on "Index Num- bers of Wholesale Prices in the United States and Foreign Countries" (published as Bulletin No. 28 J,, of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, October, 1921), takes a somewhat similar position. xii PREFACE In order to help resolve the questions remaining at issue, a large number of calculations have been made for this book in addition to the large number which had already been made. Any one who has not himself attempted a like task can scarcely realize the amount of time, labor, and expense involved. Some of the work must have been abandoned had not the Pollak Foundation for Economic Research come to the rescue. The result has been a much more complete survey of possible formulae than any hitherto attempted. Although, in a subject like this, absolute completeness is out of the question, since the number of possible formulae is infinite, nevertheless, the whole field has been so mapped out as to leave no large gaps. The aim has been to settle decisively, if possible, the questions of how widely the various results reached by different possible methods diverge from each other, and why. Each of more than a hundred formulae has been examined and calculated in four series. Each of these series has its role to play in this study, even formulae which are found, in the end, to have no practical use. This book is, therefore, primarily an inductive rather than a deductive study. In this respect it differs from the Appendix to Chapter X of the Purchasing Power of Money, in which I sought deductively to compare the merits of 44 different formulae. The present book had its origin in the desire to put these deductive conclusions to an inductive test by means of calculations from actual his- torical data. But before I had gone far in such testing of my original conclusions, I found, to my great surprise, that the results of actual calculation constantly suggested further deduction until, in the end, I had completely revised both my conclusions and my theoretical foundations. Not that I needed to discard as untrue many of the conclusions reached in the Purchasing Power of Money; for the only PREFACE xiii definite error which I have found among my former con- clusions has to do with the so-called ''circular test" which I originally, with other writers, accepted as sound, but which, in this book, I reject as theoretically unsound. But some of the other tests given in the Purchasing Power of Money, while perfectly legitimate, are of little value as quantitative criteria for a good index number. The most fundamentally important test among those treated in the earlier study is the ''time reversal" test. This and a new test, the "factor reversal" test, are here constituted the two legs on which index numbers can be made to walk. In the algebraic analysis, relegated almost wholly to the Appendices, I have refrained, as far as possible, from developing the many possible mathematical transforma- tions and discussions of index numbers, in the belief that, fascinating as these are, the mathematics of index numbers, except as they serve practical ends, would not interest many readers. For the same reason such mathematical analysis as is included has, in some cases, been greatly condensed, the results alone being given. Without such condensation of unimportant details a hundred or more additional pages in the Appendices would have been necessary. One incidental result of this study is to show that many precise and interesting relations or laws exist connecting the various magnitudes studied — index numbers, dis- persions, bias, correlation coefficients, etc. Thus this field of study, almost alone in the domain of the social sciences, may truly be called an exact science — if it be permissible to designate as a science the theoretical foundations of a useful art. The subject has seemed elusive because it is partly em- pirical and partly rational, and these two aspects of it have not been coordinated. But, although the present volume xiv PREFACE is a combination of theoretical and practical discussion, the theoretical is entirely in the interest of the practical. Most writers on index numbers have been either exclusively the- oretical or exclusively practical, and each of these two classes of writers has been very little acquainted with the other. By bringing these two worlds into closer contact I hope that, in some measure, I may have helped forward, both the science and the art of index numbers. The im- portance of this new art in our economic life is already great and is rapidly increasing. While the book includes, I hope, all the chief results of former studies in index numbers, its main purpose is not so much to summarize previous work as to add to our knowledge of index numbers and, as a consequence, to set up demonstrable standards of the accuracy of index num- bers and their suitability under various circumstances. Many of the results reached turned out to be quite different from what I had been led by the previous studies of others as well as of myself to expect. I am greatly indebted to the many persons who have helped me in the preparation of the book — especially to Mr. R. H. Coats, Dominion Statistician of Canada; Dr. Royal Meeker, Chief of the Scientific Division of the Inter- national Labour Office; Professor Warren M. Persons, of the Harvard Committee on Economic Research; Pro- fessor Allyn A. Young, of Harvard University; Professor Wesley C. Mitchell, of Columbia University; Director William T. Foster and Professor Hudson Hastings, of the Pollak Foundation for Economic Research; Professor Frederick R. Macaulay, of the National Bureau of Eco- nomic Research; Mr. Correa Moylan Walsh; Mr. H. B. Meek, instructor at Yale in mathematics; Mr. V. I. Caprin, Mr. L. B. Haddad and Mr. M. H. Wilson, Yale students; Miss Else H. Dietel, my research secretary, and my brother, PREFACE XV Mr. Herbert W. Fisher. Professor Hastings, Mr. Meek, Mr Walsh, Miss Dietel, and my brother have read the entire manuscript. Their very valuable criticisms and sug- gestions have been both detailed and general. Irving Fisher Yale Universitt October, 1922 Addendum to pp. 240-242. As this book goes to press. Professor Allyn A. Young, of Harvard University, writes, calling attention to the fact that what I call the "ideal formula" is mentioned by Ar- thur L. Bowley in Palgrave's Dictionary of Political Econ- omy, vol. Ill, p. 641. This reference, in 1899, antedates any of those mentioned on p. 241 in this book. Referring to measuring the ''aisance relative," or the relative well-being of labor, Bowley says: "The best method theoretically for measuring 'aisance relative' ap- pears to be as follows: calculate the quantity by method (ii) twice, taking first a budget typical of the earlier, then of the later year, valuing them at the prices of both years and obtaining two ratios. The average (possibly the geo- metric rather than the arithmetic) of these ratios measures the relative 'aisance.'" He then gives, among others, the "ideal formula." SUGGESTIONS TO READERS IN GENERAL After finishing one of his long and much worked-over novels, Robert Louis Stevenson expressed a fear that no- body would read it. In these days of many books and little time for reading them, when even a novel must be short to be much read, a book on Index Numbers can hardly expect to become a "best seller." This book has grown to three times the length originally contemplated, and the very effort to make it readable for the general reader has increased its length. It aims to meet the needs of several quite different classes of readers: the specialist in index numbers who is mathematical; the specialist who is not mathematical; the university student who would become a specialist; the student who wants merely to understand the fundamental principles of the subject; the practical user of index num- bers; and, finally, the general reader — he who merely wants to know something about index numbers. The book is also intended to serve as a reference book to be consulted by economists, and statisticians, including business statis- ticians. It is also designed to serve as a textbook for classes in statistics. While it aims primarily to add to our knowledge of index numbers and to set new standards for judging them, most of the time and effort expended upon the writing have been directed toward the reader who has had no previous acquaintance with the subject. In other words, the book tries to popularize the exposition even of the somewhat intricate parts which are placed in the appen- dix. The body of the text, especially if the fine print be omitted, ought to be intelligible to any intelligent reader. xviii SUGGESTIONS TO READERS Every important point has been illustrated graphically. There are 123 charts. I believe that the chief reason why, hitherto, the making of index numbers has been a mys- tery to most people is the absence of just such graphic charts. IN PARTICULAR 1. Only the specialist in the field of Index Numbers is expected to read every word. Appendix 1, consisting of notes on the text, is best read in conjunction with the pas- sages to which the notes relate. 2. The non-mathematical reader will doubtless omit the mathematical parts of the Appendix. He need not omit the few simple algebraic expressions in the text, nor all of the appendix material. 3. The non-specialist may well omit all the appendix material, although the non-mathematical parts of the Appendix are almost as easy to read as the text, having been placed in the Appendix merely because concerned with details or side issues. 4. The general reader who would still further shorten the time of reading may omit the fine print, reducing the printed pages to be read to 216 exclusive of the 71 pages of diagrams and the 33 pages of tables. He may also omit the system of paragraphs occurring in almost every section after the italicized words, "numerically" and "algebrai- cally," totalling 20 pages, unless, after reading a paragraph beginning with the word "graphically," he feels the need of supplementing such paragraphs by the numerical or al- gebraic expressions. These three methods of exposition, numerical, graphic, and algebraic, run parallel through- out the book. This reduces the number of pages to 196. 5. The mere skimmer will find the main conclusions in the last chapter, XVII. SUGGESTIONS TO READERS xix 6. The use of the book as one of reference will be facili- tated by the list of tables and charts, the "keys" re- ferred to below, the section headings, the italicized words ^^ numerically,^^ "graphically,^^ "algebraically,'^ and the ar- rangement of the charts which, when they occur in pairs, places the 'price chart always on the left page and the quantity chart on the right. 7. Appendix V may be referred to with profit whenever the reader finds mention of a formula merely by its iden- tification number. Attention is especially called to § 1 and § 2 of Appendix V, the ''Key to the Principal Alge- braic Notations," and the "Key to Numbering of For- mulse." A few minutes' inspection of this easy mnemonic system of numbering will enable the reader to recognize at sight "Formula 1," "Formula 21," "Formula 53," "Formula 353," or any other number, and mentally locate it in the system. 8. The reader seeking directions for computing index numbers by the nine most practical formulae will find them in Appendix VI, § 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. Introduction 1 ^ II. Six Types of Index Numbers Compared . . , .11 ^ III. Four Methods of Weighting .43 IV. Two Great Reversal Tests 62 V. Erratic, Biased, and Freakish Index Numbers . . 83 Vl. The Two Reversal Tests AS Finders OF Formulae . .118 VII. Rectifying Formula BY "Crossing" them . . . 136 VIII. Rectifying Formula by Crossing their Weights . . 184 IX. The Enlarged Series of FormuLjE 197 > X. What Simple Index Number is best? 206 ^ XI. What is the best Index Number? 213 XII. Comparing all the Index Numbers with the "Ideal" (Formula 353) 243 XIII. The So-called Circular Test 270 XIV. Blending the Apparently Inconsistent Results . . 297 XV. Speed of Calculation 321 XVI. Other Practical Considerations ...... 330 "^ XVII. Summary and Outlook 350 Appendix I. Notes to Text 371 Appendix II. The Influence of Weighting .... 439 Appendix III. An Index Number an Average of Ratios Rather than a Ratio of Averages . . . 451 xxii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Appendix IV. Landmarks in the History of Index Numbers 458 Appendix V. List of Formula for Index Numbers , . 461 Appendix VI. Numerical Data and Examples . . . 489 Appendix VII. Index Numbers by 134 Formula for Prices BY THE Fixed Base System and (in note- worthy cases) the Chain System . . . 498 Appendix VIII. Selected Bibliography 519 Index 521 LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER II TABLE PAGE 1. The Simple Arithmetic Index Number for 1914 as Calculated from the 36 Prices for 1913 and 1914 ...... 16 2. Simple Arithmetic Index Number (Formula 1) for Prices . 23 CHAPTER III 3. Values (in Millions of Dollars) of Certain Commodities . . 47 4. Hybrid Values (in Millions of Dollars) of Certain Commodi- ties 55 5. Identification Numbers of Primary Formulae . . , .61 CHAPTER IV 6. Value Ratios for 36 Commodities, 1913-1918 .... 74 CHAPTER V 7. Joint Errors of the Forward and Backward Applications of Each Formula (that is, under Test 1) in Per Cents ... 84 8. Joint Errors of the Price and Quantity Applications of Each Formula (that is, under Test 2) in Per Cents .... 85 9. The Four Systems of Weighting the Price Relatives for 1917, — > -— ) etc 97 10. Dispersion of 36 Price Relatives, (1) before the World War, and, (2) during it 109 11. Dispersion of 36 and of 12 Quantity Relatives .... 110 CHAPTER VII 12. Identification N'lmbers of Formulae of Main Series . . . 182 CHAPTER VIII 13. Derivation of Cross Formulae and Cross Weight Formulae . 186 14. Index Numbers by Cross Weight Formulae (1123, 1133, 1143, xxiv LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE 1153) compared with Index Numbers by Corresponding Cross Formulae (123, 133, 143, 153) 189 15. Index Numbers by Cross Weight Formula (1003, 1004, 1013, 1014) compared with Corresponding Cross Formulae . . . 190 16. Doubly Rectified Formulae derived from Primary Weighted Formulae 194 CHAPTER IX 17. Enlarged Arithmetic-Harmonic Group . . . . . .199 18. Enlarged Geometric Group . 200 19. Enlarged Median Group 200 20. Enlarged Mode Group 201 21. Enlarged Aggregative Group 201 22. The Five-Tined Fork 204 CHAPTER XI 23. Excess or Deficiency of Simple Mode of Price Relatives (in Per Cents of Simple Geometric) 216 24. Excess or Deficiency of Simple Median of Price Relatives (in Per Cents of Simple Geometric) 217 25. Two Best Index Numbers 224 26. Selected Index Numbers 226 27. Probable Errors of an Index Number of Prices or Quantities worked out by anyone of the 13 Formulae considered as Equally Good Independent Observations 227 CHAPTER XII 28. Index Numbers by 134 Formulae arranged in the Order of Re- moteness from the Ideal (353) (as shown by the Fixed Base Figures for the Price Indexes) 244 29. Averages of Each of the Various Classes of Index Numbers . 257 30. Accuracy of Simple Geometric and Simple Median, judged by the Standard of Formula 353 for 36 Commodities, Prices . . 261 31. Accuracy of Simple Geometric and Simple Median, judged by the Standard of Formula 353 for 36 Commodities, Quantities . 261 32. Accuracy of Simple Geometric and Simple Median, judged by the Standard of Formula 53 for 1437 Commodities . . .262 LIST OF TABLES xxv CHAPTER XIII TABLE PAGE 33. The "Circular Gap," or Deviation from fulfilling the So-called "Circular Test" of Various Formulae 278 34. The "Circular Gap," or Deviation from fulfilling the So-called "Circular Test," of Formula 353 (in all possible 3- Around Comparisons of Price Indexes) . 280 35 The "Circular Gap," or Deviation from fulfilling the So-called "Circular Test," of Formula 353 (in all possible 4- Around Comparisons of Price Indexes) 281 36. The "Circular Gap," or Deviation from fulfilling the So-called "Circular Test," of Formula 353 (in all possible 5- Around Comparisons of Price Indexes) 282 37. The "Circular Gap," or Deviation from fulfilling the So-called "Circular Test," of Formula 353 (in all possible 6- Around Comparisons of Price Indexes) 283 38. "Circular Gaps "for Formula 353 ....... 284 39. List of Formulae in (Inverse) Order of Conformity to So-called Circular Test 289 CHAPTER XIV 40. Formula 353 on Bases 1913, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918; also Formula 7053, the Average of the Six Preceding, and 7053 re- duced to make the 1913 Figure 100 301 41. Four Single Series of Six Index Numbers as Makeshifts for the Complete Set of Table 40, Prices 307 42. Four Single Series of Six Index Numbers as Makeshifts for the Complete Set of Table 40, Quantities 307 43. The Influence of Broadening the Base in reducing Bias . .315 CHAPTER XV 44. Rank in Speed of Computation of Formulae ..... 322 CHAPTER XVI . 45. Deviations from 200 Commodities Index 337 46. Comparison of the Aggregate Value of the 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, and 3 Commodities with the Aggregate Value of the 200 Com- modities 339 47. (Inverse) Order of Rank of Formulae 348 xxvi LIST OF TABLES APPENDIX I (Note to Chapter V, § 11) TABLE PAGE 48. For Finding the Bias corresponding to any given Dispersion 390 49. Standard Deviations (for Prices) 391 50. Special Dispersion Index compared with Standard Deviation (logarithmically calculated) for the 36 Commodities (Simple) . 392 51. Special Dispersion Index compared with Standard Devia- tion (logarithmically calculated) for the 36 Commodities (Weighted) 393 APPENDIX I (Note to Chapter XI, § 13) 52. Price and Quantity Movements of Rubber and Skins and their Average by Formulae 53 and 54 414 53. Price and Quantity Movements of Lumber and Wool and their Average by Formulae 53 and 54 414 54. Index Numbers by Formulae 353 and 2153 for Rubber and Skins 415 55. Index Numbers by Formulae 353 and 2153 for Lumber and Wool 415 APPENDIX I (Note to Chapter XIII, § 9) 56. Cross References between the Numbers for Formulae tabulated in the Purchasing Power of Money and the Numbering used in this Book 419 57. Showing the Formulae which fulfill and do not fulfill Three Supplementary Tests 422 APPENDIX T (Note to Chapter XV, § 2) 58. Formula 2153P as a Percentage of Formula 353P (according to . 54 Various Values of — and 353Q, both expressed in per cents) 430 53 APPENDIX II (§ 6) 59. Comparative Effects on the Index Number for 1917 (by Formula 3) of increasing Tenfold the Weights of Half of the 36 Commodities according as the Commodities are taken at Ran- dom, or selected to make the Largest Effect 446 LIST OF TABLES xxvii TABLE PAGE 60. Index Numbers computed by using Different Weights for Skins 446 61. Index Numbers computed by using Different Weights for Hay 447 APPENDIX V (§3) 62. Formulae for Index Numbers 466 APPENDIX VI (§ 6) 63. Prices of the 36 Commodities, 1913-1918 489 64. Quantities Marketed of the 36 Commodities, 1913-1918 . 490 APPENDIX VII 65. Index Numbers by 134 Formulae for Prices by the Fixed Base System and (in noteworthy cases) the Chain System . . 498 LIST OF CHARTS (In all cases the charts are plotted on the "ratio chart" in which the vertical scale is so arranged that the same slope always represents the same percentage rise. For a full descrip- tion of the advantages of this method the reader is referred to "The Ratio Chart," Irving Fisher, Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, June, 1917.) CHAHT PAGE 1. Averaging Two 5 2. Averaging Three 6 3. Individual Prices and Quantities Dispersing from 1913 . . 12 4. Year to Year Dispersion of Prices and Quantities ... 20 5. Simple Arithmetic Index Number of Prices of 36 Commodities compared with "No. 353" 24 6. Index No. 353 of Prices contrasted (1) with dotted lines above, each diverging 5% in a year; (2) with dotted lines below, each diverging 1% in a year 25 7. Uniform Slopes = Uniform Ratios 26 8. Simple Index Numbers of Prices and Quantities ... 32 9. The Five-Tine Fork of 6 Curves 50 10. The Two Extreme Methods of Weighting the Median . . 52 11. Forward ('17-'18) and Backward ('18-17) Simple Arithmetics contrasted 68 12. P(by Formula 353) x Q(by Formula 353) = V 178% x 125% = 223% 76 13. P(by Formula 9) x Q(by Formula 9) not = to F 187% x 132% not = 223%, 77 14. Type Bias of Formula 1 88 15. Three Types of Index Numbers: Arithmetic, Geometric, Har- monic 92 16. Four Methods of Weighting compared: By base year values, by mixed values (in two ways), and by given year values . . 98 17. Four Methods of Weighting compared for Medians . . .100 18. Double Bias (Weight Bias and Type Bias) of Formula 9 . .102 19. Weight Bias of Formula 29 104 20. The Five-Tine Fork of 18 Curves 106 21. Insensitiveness of Median and Mode to Number of Commodi- ties 114 XXX LIST OF CHARTS CHART PAGE 22. The Harmonic Forward is Parallel to the Arithmetic Backward 120 23. Three Types of Index Numbers: Factor Antitheses of Har- monic, Geometric, Arithmetic 126 24. Four Methods of Weighting compared 128 25. The Simple Geometric : compared with the Simple Arithmetic and Harmonic and their Rectification by Test 1 ... 138 26. Rectified Arithmetic and Harmonic, Simple .... 146 27. Rectified Geometric, Simple 150 28. Rectified Median, Simple 152 29. Rectified Mode, Simple . . 154 30. Rectified Aggregative, Simple 156 31. Simple Index Numbers and their Antitheses and. Derivatives: Satisfying neither Test; satisfying Test 1 only; satisfying Test 2 only; satisfying both Tests (Modes omitted) . . .158 32. Rectified Arithmetic and Harmonic, Weighted (by Values in One Year) 160 33. Rectified Arithmetic and Harmonic, Weighted (by "Mixed" Values) 162 34. Rectified Geometric, Weighted (by Values in One Year) . 164 35. Rectified Geometric, Weighted (by "Mixed" Values) . . 166 36. Rectified Median, Weighted (by Values in One Year) . .168 37. Rectified Median, Weighted (by "Mixed "Values) . . .170 38. Rectified Mode, Weighted 172 39. Rectified Aggregative, Weighted 174 40. Weighted Index Numbers and their Antitheses and Deriva- tives: Satisfying neither Test; satisfying Test 1 only; satisfying Test 2 only; satisfying both Tests (Modes omitted) . . . 176 41. Range of Prices and Quantities and of Three Types of Index Numbers; Weighted: Satisfying neither Test; satisfying only 1 or only 2; satisfying both 1 and 2 (Modes and Medians omitted) 178 42. Weighted Index Numbers Doubly Rectified (Modes omitted) 180 43. Close Agreement of Cross Formulae and Cross Weight Formulae 188 44. Close Agreement of Cross Formulae and Cross Weight Formulae (fully rectified) 192 45. Weighted Aggregatives for 90 Raw Materials: War Industries Board Statistics 232 46. Formulae 53 and 54 applied to Stock Market .... 234 47. Formulae 53 and 54 applied to 12 Leading Crops (after W. M. Persons), 1880-1920 236 LIST OF CHARTS xxxi CHART PAGE 48. Formulae 53 and 54 applied to 12 Leading Crops (after W. M. Persons), 1910-1919 238 49. Ranking as to Accuracy of All Index Numbers: 1. Worthless Index Numbers 249 2. Poor Index Numbers 250 3. Fair Index Numbers 252 4. Good Index Numbers 254 5. Very Good, (6) Excellent, and (7) Superlative Index Numbers 255 50. Simple Geometric and Simple Median compared ^vith Ideal for Different Numbers of Commodities 263 51. Circular Test: Gaps for Years 0-4-5 of Formula? 1, 9, 23, 141, 151 279 52. Circular Test: Largest Gaps for 3-Around, 4-Around, 5- Around, 6-Around Comparisons 286 53. Dispersion (measured by Standard Deviations) (Fixed Base) . 290 54. Dispersion (measured by Standard Deviations) (Chain) . . 292 55. Dispersion (measured by Standard Deviations) (Fixed Base) (Sauerbeck's Figures) 294 56. Comparison for Six Bases of Formulae 53, 54, 353 . . . 304 57. Optional Varieties of 353 308 58. Simple Median and Quartiles drawn from Origin . . . 310 59. 353 and 6023 compared for 12 Leading Crops, 1880-1919 (Day and Persons) 314 60. 353 and 6023 compared for 12 Leading Crops, 1910-1919 (Day and Persons) 316 61. Effect of Number of Commodities on Index Numbers . . 338 62. Finding the Simple Mode 372 63. Different Cross Weightings of 53 and 54 400 64. 353 compared with its Cross Weight Rivals .... 404 65. Distribution of 1437 Price Relatives, Forward and Backward 409 66. Simple vs. Cross Weighted Index Numbers 440 67. Simple vs. Cross Weighted Index Numbers, Factor Antitheses 442 68. Weighting is relatively unimportant 448 THE MAKIN^a OF INDEX I^UMBERS CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION § 1. Objects of the Book For those who have made any attempt to penetrate their mysteries, index numbers seem to have a perennial fascination. Because of recent upheavals of prices, the interest in this method of measuring such upheavals is rapidly spreading. During the last generation index numbers have gradually come into general use among economists, statisticians, and business men. The skepti- cism with which they were once regarded has steadily diminished. In 1896, in the Economic Journal, the Dutch economist, N. G. Pierson, after pointing out some ap- parently absurd results of index numbers, said: ''The only possible conclusion seems to be that all attempts to calculate and represent average movements of prices, either by index numbers or otherwise, ought to be aban- doned." No economist would today express such an extreme view. And yet there lingers a doubt as to the accuracy and reliability of index numbers as a means of measuring price movements. It is perfectly true that different formulae for calculat- ing index numbers do yield different results. But the important question, never hitherto answered in a com- prehensive way, is : How different are the results, and 1 2 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS can we find reasons for accepting some and rejecting others ? To answer this general question as to the trustworthi- ness of index numbers is one of the two chief purposes of the present book. In order to make the answer conclu- sive, all the formulae for index numbers which have been or could reasonably be constructed, have been investi- gated and tested in actual calculations based on actual statistical records. We shall find that some of the for- mulae in general use and unhesitatingly accepted by un- critical users are really very inaccurate, while others have an extraordinary degree of precision. The reasons for these differences will be investigated as well as the attri- butes essential to precision. The second chief purpose of this book is to help make the calculation of index numbers rapid and easy. To this end we shall show what formulae are best in theory and practice, and shall indicate certain short cuts for their calculation. § 2. An Index Number Defined Most people have at least a rudimentary idea of a "high cost of living" or of a "low level of prices," but usually very little idea of how the height of the high cost or the lowness of the low level is to be measured. It is to meas- ure such magnitudes that "index numbers" were in- vented. There would be no difficulty in such measurement, and hence no need of index numbers, if all prices moved up in perfect unison or down in perfect unison. But since, in actual fact, the prices of different articles move very differently, we must employ some sort of compro- mise or average of their divergent movements. If we look at prices as starting at any time from the INTRODUCTION 3 same point, they seem to scatter or disperse like the fragments of a bm-sting shell. But, just as there is a definite center of gravity of the shell fragments, as they move, so is there a definite average move- ment of the scattering prices. This average is the ''index number." Moreover, just as the center of gravity is often convenient to use in physics instead of a list of the individual shell fragments, so the average of the price movements, called their index number, is often convenient to use in economics. An index number of prices, then, shows the average percentage change of prices from one point of time to an- other. The percentage change in the price of a single commodity from one time to another is, of course, found by dividing its price at the second time by its price at the first time. The ratio between these two prices is called the price relative of that one particular commodity in relation to those two particular times. An index num- ber of the prices of a number of commodities is an average of their price relatives. This definition has, for concreteness, been expressed in terms of prices. But in like manner, an index number can be calculated for wages, for quantities of goods im- ported or exported, and, in fact, for any subject matter involving divergent changes of a group of magnitudes. Again, this definition has been expressed in terms of time. But an index number can be applied with equal propriety to comparisons between two places or, in fact, to comparisons between the magnitudes of a group of elements under any one set of circumstances and their magnitudes under another set of circumstances. But in the great majority of cases index numbers are actually used to indicate price movements in time. 4 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 3. Illustrations — Numerical, Graphic, Algebraic An index number is an average. There are many kinds of averages — the arithmetic, the geometric, etc., of which only the arithmetic is known to most people. In these preliminary illustrations, therefore, we shall employ the arithmetic average, but always specify "arithmetic" in order not to lose sight of the fact that this is but one kind of average. Numerically, if wheat has risen 4 per cent since some specified date, say January 1, 1920 (say from $1. a bushel to $1.04), and beef has risen 10 per cent in the same time (say from 10 cents per pound to 11), the simple arithmetic average percentage rise of wheat and beef is midway between 4 per cent and 10 per cent, or 7 per; cent (that is, ^^-^^ = 7). Then 107 per cent is the ''in- dex number" for the present prices of these two articles as compared with those of the original date, called the ''base" and taken, for convenience, as 100 per cent. Or : Commodity January 1, 1920 Present Time Wheat 100 per cent 100 per cent 104 per cent 110 per cent Beef Simple arithmetic average 100 per cent 107 per cent Thus 107 per cent is an index number based on the twc price ratios, or "price relatives," 104 per cent and 110 per cent. Graphically, Chart 1 pictures the numerical results given above. Algebraically, if the price of one commodity in 1920 (January 1) is po and, in 1921, pi, and the price of another commodity in 1920 is p'o and, in 1921, p'l, then their INTRODUCTION Averaging Two e nf both '^^ heaf W4^^ Jan. L /9Z0 JQn. i. i9Zi Chakt 1. Percentage changes in price of two commodities and the average percentage change. price ratios or "price relatives" are — and ^, and the 2?o V simple arithmetic average of the two, that is, the simple arithmetic index number, is 2l-_2_2, it is convenient to multiply the result by 100 to express it in percentages. The same method applies, of course, to more than two prices. Thus, if three prices, say sugar, wheat, and beef, rise respectively 4 per cent, 4 per cent, and 10 per cent, 4 4-4 4- 10 their average rise is — or 6 per cent, and the "in- o dex number" is 106 as compared with the original price level of 100 taken as a base of comparison. Graphically, Chart 2 shows the simple arithmetic aver- age just described. Algebraically, the simple arithmetic index number of three commodities is evidently . Po V'o p"o THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Averaging Three /06 ( ^V el Jan I. I9Z0 Jan. / I9ii Chart 2. Percentage changes in price of three commodities and the average percentage change. § 4. Weighting The preceding calculation treats all the commodities as equally important ; consequently, the average was called ''simple." If one commodity is more important than another, we may treat the more important as though it were two or three commodities, thus giving it two or three times as much ''weight" as the other commodity. Thus, suppose that wheat is taken to be twice as im- portant as beef. Then the average rise of wheat and beef, instead of being —^ — = 7, as it was when the two commodities were regarded as equally important, becomes ^ ^^ — = 6, just as though there were three commodi- o ties, thus making the index number 106 instead of 107. In this average, wheat is weighted twice as heavily as beef. If, reversely, beef is given twice as much weight in determining the index number as wheat, the average rise is ^ "^ — <■ = 8 and the index number is 108 in- o stead of 107. INTRODUCTION 7 Algebraically, if the wheat is weighted twice as heavily as the beef — that is, if their weights are as 2 to 1 — the formula for this weighted arithmetic index numberbe- comes 3 It makes no difference to the result whether the weights be 2 and 1 as above, or 4 and 2, or 20 and 10, or any other two numbers of which one is double the other, since the denominator increases proportionally. Thus, if the weights were 14 and 7 the formula would be Pl) + 7(P» 14(Si 21 which could evidently be reduced to the first formula simply by canceling ''7" in the numerator and denomi- nator. Thus ''weighting" is clearly relative only. If we weight wheat and beef evenly, say 10 and 10, evidently the re- sult is the simple average. So a simple average may be said to be a weighted average in which the weights are all equal. Strictly speaking, therefore, there is no such thing as an itnweighted average. In general algebraic terms, if the weight for wheat is w and that for beef is w', the weighted arithmetic average is w (2i) + „'(P>) w + w' Graphically, the effect of weighting wheat heavily is evidently to bring the index number line of Chart 1 down nearer to the wheat line as in Chart 2, while weighting heef more heavily swings it up toward the beef line. 8 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS We have illustrated the two most common varieties of index numbers, the simple arithmetic and the weighted arithmetic, or, as they might in strict accuracy be called, the evenly weighted and the unevenly weighted arith- metic index numbers. But, as already noted, there are many kinds of index number formulae other than the arithmetic. In fact, there are as many possible varieties of formulae as there are different varieties of averages, and these are infinite. § 5. Attributes of an Index Number Moreover, index numbers differ from each other not only as to the kinds of formulae used in calculating them, but also in several other respects, or "attributes." Briefly, all the attributes of an index number, twelve in number, may be enumerated under three groups as fol- lows: I. As TO THE Construction of the Index Number (1) The general character of the data included, e.g. ' ' whole- sale prices" or "retail prices" of commodities, or "prices of stocks," or "wages," or "volume of production," etc. (2) The specific character of data included, e.g. "foods," still further specified as "butter," "beef," etc. (3) Their assortment, e.g. a larger proportion of quo- tations of meats than of vegetables. (4) The number of quotations used, e.g. "22 commodi- ties" as in the case of the Economist index number (until recently) as contrasted with "1474 commodities" as in the case of the War Industries Board. (5) The kind of mathematical formula employed for calculating the index number, e.g. the "simple arithmetic average" or the "weighted geometric average," etc. INTRODUCTION 9 II. As TO THE Particular Times or Places :ro Which THE Index Number Applies (1) The period covered, e.g. ''1913-1918," or the terri- tory covered, e.g. certain specified cities of which the price levels are to be compared. (2) The base, e.g. the year 1913. (3) The interval between successive indexes, e.g. "yearly " or "monthly." Ill, As TO THE Sources and Authorities (1) The agency which collects, calculates, and publishes the index number, e.g. "Bradstreet's" or the "United States Bureau of Labor Statistics." (2) The markets used, e.g. the "Stock" or "Produce" Exchanges of "New York" or the "primary markets of the United States." (3) The sources of quotations, e.g. the "leading trade journals" or the books of business houses. (4) The publication containing the index number, e.g. the Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics. Of these 12 attributes characterizing an index number, I shall deal in detail with one only, namely, the formula. The other 11 attributes, previous writers have covered to a large extent, and I shall content myself with a very brief summary of their conclusions, which will be given at the end of this book. § 6. Fairness of Index Nmnbers The multipUcity of formulae for computing index num- bers has given the impression that there must be a corre- sponding multipucity in the results of these computations, with no clear choice between them. But this impression 10 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS is due to a failure to discriminate between index numbers which are good, bad, and indifferent. By means of cer- tain tests we can make this discrimination. The most important tests are all embraced under the single head of fairness. The fundamental purpose of an index number is that it shall fairly represent, so far as one single figure can, the general trend of the many diverging ratios from which it is calculated. It should be the **just compromise" among conflicting elements, the "fair aver- age," the ''golden mean." Without some kind of fair spUtting of the differences involved, an index number is apt to be unsatisfactory, if not absurd. How we are to test the fairness of an average will be shown in Chapter IV. Meanwhile it will be advisable first, to describe the various types of index numbers ; for, thus far, we have dis- cussed only the arithmetic type. CHAPTER II SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS COMPARED § 1. The Dispersion of Individual Prices and Quantities As a preliminary to calculating various kinds of index numbers we may picture the movements of the 36 in- dividual commodities which will be used for the compari- sons in this book. Graphically, Chart ^ 3P shows the movements of the prices of these 36 commodities considered as diverging from a common starting-point in 1913, and Chart 3Q shows, in like manner, the movements of the quantities marketed of these same 36 commodities. A casual observer, looking at the diverging and tangled course of prices and quantities, would be tempted to give up in advance, not only any attempt to find index numbers which can truly represent changes in the ''general trend" of these widely scattering figures, but also to wonder whether the words ''general trend" corresponded to any real and clear idea. He would note that at the close of the period, in 1918, the price of rubber was 32 per cent below its starting-point, in 1913, while the price of wool was 182 per cent above its starting-point. Thus, their price relatives, in 1918 relatively to 1913, are as 68.02 to 100 and as 282.17 to 100, the latter being 4 times the former, with the other 34 price relatives widely scattered between. As to quantities, he would find that the quan- tity of rubber in 1918 stood at 303.54 and that of skins * All charts in this book are "ratio charts," as explained in detail later in this chapter. 11 12 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Individual Prices Dispersing from 1913 wool colion. pig Iron wheat '^^ lard, barky k'ron bars, coke ,l[n plate.skins ^bacon.t,ogs /pigfin.eggs.bay -'^&ad''''^''bifCCOt ■lime, silk [beaf, had pork, cement butter, silver ,copper kattle petroleum lumber anth. coal hides coffee rubber IZ 74 /5 16 17 16 Chart 3P. Showing the enormously wide dispersion of the price move- ments of the 36 commodities. (The eye is enabled to judge the relative vertical positions of the curves in this and other charts by means of the little dark vertical line marked "5 %" inserted to serve as a measuring rod. Thus in 1917 coffee is about 5 per cent higher than rubber while petroleum is about 20 per cent higher than coffee and anthracite coal 10 per cent higher than petroleum.) SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 13 Quantities Dispersing from rubbtr copper tinplafa .cattle (wool won bars /beef pig tin "^petroleum -barley.siik ^bacon.^ats rcorree ^tead - ^^^^-butter .wheat lard ■hides silver dumber lime cement white lead mutton steel 73 14 75 76 17 78 Chakt ZQ. Showing the enormously wide dispersion of movements of the quantities marketed of the 36 commodities. 14 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS at 10.45 (too low to get on the chart) so that the former was 29 times the latter, with the other 34 quantity rela- tives widely scattered between. How is it possible to find a common trend for such widely scattered price relatives or quantity relatives? Will not there be as many answers to such a question as there are methods of calculation ? Will not these answers vary among themselves 50 per cent or 100 per cent? The present investigation will show how mistaken is such a first impression. § 2. Uniform Data Used for Comparisons The 36 price movements and the 36 quantity move- ments just pictured will constitute the raw material for calculating the many kinds of index numbers which we shall consider. Thus the very same data will be used for calculating different kinds of index numbers by 134 different formulae. These data are a part of the mass of statistics, collected by Wesley C. Mitchell for the War Industries Board, for wholesale prices and quantities marketed of 1474 commodities in the United States. The list of these 36 commodities and the figures for the prices and quantities of each are given in Appendix VI, § 1. One chief reason for employing data from the records of the War Industries Board is that they are based on the only ^ collection of data which includes figures for quanti- ties as well as for the prices of each commodity. This same set of data is used for all of the comparisons under the various formulae. We may be sure that our tests are severe and conclusive because the period covered, 1913 to 1918, is (as will be shown statistically, later) a period of extraordinary dispersion in the movements both of prices and quantities. ' Since the present work was begun there have appeared the studies by Professors Day and Persons of 12 commodities cited later. SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 15 In view of this fact we may be confident that the close- ness of agreement, which the following calculations show among those index numbers which are not demonstrably unfair in their construction, does not exaggerate but actually understates the closeness which will be encoun- tered in ordinary practice. ^ § 3. The Simple Arithmetic Average of Relative Prices by the Fixed Base System Although we shall calculate index numbers by 134 different formulae, they all fall under six types : the arith- metic, harmonic, geometric, median, mode, and aggrega- tive.^ These are the only types of average ever considered for index numbers, or ever likely to be considered, and one of them, the mode, might almost have been omitted as never having been seriously proposed for actual use, al- though often referred to in connection with the subject. None of the six, except the simple arithmetic average of relative prices, are familiar to most people. In fact the very word ''average" means, to most people, only the simple arithmetic average. Let us, therefore, begin by defining this kind of average in order to differentiate it from others. The simple arithmetic average of a number of terms is their sum divided by the number of the terms. Thus to average 3 and 4 we divide their sum, (7) by their num- ber (2) and obtain 3^ as the simple arithmetic average of 3 and 4. Again, averaging likewise 5, 6, and 7 we get ^ + ^-^'^ = 6, and averaging 8, 8.5, 9, 9.7 we get 8 + 8.5 + 9 + 9.7 _g3^ 4 *As to the word "aggregative" see Appendix I (Note A to Chapter 11, § 3). 16 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS To apply this sort of calculation to index numbers, let us take the following skeleton table of the prices of our 36 commodities for the two years, 1913 and 1914 : TABLE 1 THE SIMPLE ARITHMETIC INDEX NUMBER FOR 1914 AS CALCULATED FROM THE 36 PRICES FOR 1913 AND 1914 COMMODITT Prices IN Cents Price Relatives No. 1913 1914 mxlllt 1 Bacon, per lb 12.36 62.63 12.95 62.04 104.77 2 Rqrlpv npr bu. 99.06 36 Oats, per bu 37.58 41.91 111.52 36 ) 3467.36 96.32 The first two columns of figures give the actual prices, the last column gives the relative prices, found by calling each price in 1913 100 per cent, while the average of these is the index number sought. Thus, to obtain the index number of these commodities for 1914, relatively to 1913 as the base, two steps are in- volved : first, to get the relation between each commodi- ty's 1914 price and its 1913, or base, price. This is a ratio. It is expressed in percentages and is called a rela- tive price or ''price relative." There is, thus, a price relative for bacon, another price relative for barley, and so on — a price relative for each separate commodity. To obtain these price relatives is the first step to an index number and may be called "percentaging." The second step is to average these relatives — and may be called "averaging the percentages." The first item on the list is bacon, the price of which SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 17 in 1913 was 12.36 cents per pound and, in 1914, 12.95 cents per pound, which is 4.77 per cent higher. That is, percentaging the prices of bacon we find the price in 1914, relatively to 1913, to be 100 X (12.95 -^ 12.36), or 104.77 per cent. Likewise, barley fell from 62.63 cents per bushel to 62.04, the latter being 99.06 per cent of the former. Thus, 99.06 per cent is the price relative of bar- ley (for 1914 relatively to 1913 taken as 100), and so on to the end, where oats rose in 1914 to 111.52, as compared with 100 taken as its price in 1913. Having thus percentaged the prices into price relatives, we proceed to average the percentages. The simple arithmetic average of these price relatives, namely, of 104.77, 99.06, . . . , 111.52, is found by first taking their sum (3467.36) and then dividing this sum by their number (36). The result is 96.32 per cent, the desired simple arithmetical index number, giving the price level of 1914 as a percentage relatively to 100 in 1913 as the base of comparison. The base is the year for which each price is taken as 100 per cent (or any other common figure) } In the same way, the simple arithmetic index number for 1915 relatively to 100 in 1913 as a base is 98.03, or 1.97 per cent below 1913 ; and for the next three years, 1916, 1917, and 1918 respectively, the simple arithmetic index numbers are 123.68, 175.79, 186.70 — all relatively to 100 in 1913 as base — or higher than 1913 by 23.68 per cent, 75.79 per cent, and 86.70 per cent respectively. Sometimes it is convenient to make some other year than the base 100 per cent. Thus, we might wish to translate the above series (100.00, 96.32, 98.03, 123.68, 175.79, 186.70, all calculated on 1913 as a base) into pro- portional numbers with 100 in place of 186.70 for 1918. 1 See Appendix I (Note B to Chapter II, § 3). 18 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The series then becomes 53.56, 51.59, 52.51, 66.25, 94.16, 100.00. But this replacement of the awkward number 186.70 in 1918 by the more convenient number 100, and the proportionate reduction of the original 100 in 1913 to 53.56, does not really change the base from 1913 to 1918. 1913 is still the base, but the base number is changed from 100 to 53.56 ; for the base number is the number common to all the commodities. Evidently to change an index number for 1918 from 186.70 to 100 does not make each separate commodity 100. The commodities having before had 36 different numbers, the average of which was 186.70 will now have 36 different numbers, the aver- age of which is 100. On the other hand, 1913, which be- fore had every commodity 100, will now have every commodity 53.56 ; therefore, 1913 is still the base. Thus, we must sometimes distinguish between the true base year and the year for which the index number is taken as 100. After a series of index numbers has been computed it is very easy so to reduce or magnify all the figures in proportion, or to make any year 100 which we choose. §4. The Simple Arithmetic Average of Relative Prices by the ''Chain" System In the preceding discussion all the index numbers were calculated relatively to 1913 as a common base. The price of every one of the 36 commodities was taken as 100 per cent in 1913, pnd then, by percentaging, the price relatives of the other year were found, and then averaged. But, of course, any other year could be used as the base. Thus we might take 1918 as the base and calculate any other year relatively to 1918. Or we could use one base for one comparison and another base for another com- parison. If every one of our six years were used as the SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 19 base for every other year, we would have 30 index num- bers in all, and these would all be discordant among themselves. The usual practice is to keep to one year or period — the earhest year of the series, or sometimes an average of several years — as the base for the calculation of the price relatives. This ' ' fixed base ' ' method gives us a series of figures which, in practice, are used not only for compar- ing each year with 1913, but for comparing each year with the one before or after. Thus, the last two figures, 175.79 and 186.70, are regarded as showing the price levels of 1917 and 1918 relatively not only to 1913, but to each other. But properly to measure the price movement be- tween the two years 1917 and 1918, we ought not to be obliged to take some third year, like 1913, as a base. We should be able to compare 1917 and 1918 directly with each other. By the ''chain of bases system" each year is taken as the base for calculating the index number of the next, and the resulting figures are then linked to- gether to form a "chain" of figures. This will be clear if we take one link at a time. First, we calculate the index number of 1914 relatively to 1913 as a base. In this case the calculation is identical with that of the fixed base system when 1913 is the base. We have, then, the first link, which is 96.32 per cent. Next, we calculate the index number of 1915 relatively, not to 1913, but to 1914 as the base. That is, we per- centage the prices of 1915 by taking each price of 1914 as 100 per cent, thus obtaining 36 price relatives quite dif- ferent from any previously calculated under the fixed (1913) base system; and then average these 36 price relatives. We now have the second hnk. This is 101.69 per cent, the index number of 1915 relatively to 1914 as 100 per cent. 20 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS But this index (of 1915 to 1914) is only a link in the chain. We must still join it to the preceding hnk to ob- Year to Year Dispenion of Prices 13 M '15 16 17 78 Chakt 4P. The lines from 1913 to 1914 are the same as in Chart 3P; the Hnes for subsequent years are parallel to their positions in Chart 3P, but are shifted so as to start over again from a new common point in each successive year. tain the index of 1915 to 1913 via 1914. This requires a third step, namely, multiplying this second link (1915 to 1914) by the first (1914 to 1913), thus : 101.69 per cent X 96.32 per cent = 97.94 per cent. SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 21 In the same way we calculate the third link, the index number for 1916 relatively to 1915 as a base (that is, by percentaging relatively to 1915 and averaging the re- Year io Year Dispersion of Quaniiiies 13 '14 'IS '16 Chart 4Q. Analogous to Chart 4P. suiting price relatives). We then join this third hnk (127.97 per cent) on to the chain by multiplying it by the two previous (127.97 per cent X JPi.69 per cent X 96.32 per cent), obtaining 125.33 per cent as the chain figure for 1916 relative, indirectly, to 1913. That is, this is the index number for 1916 relative to 1913 as 100 per cent, but via the intermediate bases, 1914 and 1915. 22 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS In short, by this chain system, or step by step system, each year's index number is first calculated as a separate link relatively to the preceding year as the base. But after these separate year-to-year, or link index numbers, are thus calculated by the usual two processes of per- centaging and averaging, they are joined together by the third process of Unking, or successive multiplications to form ''chain" figures. Consequently, for the final series only the initial base, 1913, stays at 100 per cent. This third process, finking, is added because it is much more convenient to have only one 100 per cent year in the final series than to use the year-to-year links in which each year is 100 per cent for the next. § 5. Charts Dlustrating the Chain System Graphically, the averaging of the separate links is shown in Charts 4P and 4Q, where the prices and quan- tities are pictured as dispersing, first, from 1913 to the next year, and then from 1914 to the next, and so on by successive steps. Each new point of departure is taken as an average of the preceding set of lines so that all these points constitute the chain series of index numbers. The two methods, fixed base and chain, may, of course, be applied to every formula. For some formulae the two methods give identical results ; for others, not. In the case of the simple arithmetic index number they do not. § 6. The Simple Arithmetic, Both Fixed Base and Chain. Illustrated Numerically and Graphically Table 2 shows the simple arithmetic index numbers by both methods — - fixed base method and chain method — together with the individual links of the chain.^ ^ Appendix I (Note B to Chapter II, § 3) might profitably be consulted here. SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 23 TABLE 2. SIMPLE ARITHMETIC INDEX NUMBER (FORMULA 1)1 FOR PRICES (By fixed base method and by chain method) 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1913 as fixed base 1914 as base for 1915 1915 as base for 1916 1916 as base for 1917 1917 as base for 1918 By chain of above bases (product 2 of above links successively) 100. 100. 96.32 100.00 96.32 98.03 101.69 100.00 97.94 123.68 127.97 100.00 125.33 175.79 140.15 100.00 175.65 186.70 110.11 193.42 1 Complete tables of the index numbers reckoned by all of the 134 formulae are given in Appendix VII. The formula themselves are given in Appendix V. » 97.94 is obtained by multiplying 96.32 X 101.69 ; 125.33 by multiplying 96.32 X 101.69 X 127.97, etc. In multiplying, we must remember that all the figures are per cents and that 100 per cent is unity or 1.00, while 96.32 per cent is .9632, etc. That is, before mul- tiplying percentages, we must shift the decimal point two places to the left; and, of course, after obtaining the result (e.g. 1.9342 for 1918), we must shift the decimal point back again (i.e. for 1918, 193.42). Graphically, in charting price movements, each index number is represented by a point high or low in the dia- gram according as the index number is large or small. The whole series of points for different dates, whether each point is obtained by the fixed base method or by the chain of bases method, may be joined together, forming a curve. The picture of the simple arithmetic index num- ber relative to 1913 as a fixed base is given in Chart 5P (curve labeled "1"). The ''chain" figures, relative, in- directly, to 1913, are indicated by small balls which come sometimes above and sometimes below the original curve calculated by the ''fixed base" method. There are no balls for the year 1914 as the two numbers for that year are, of course, identical. This graphic system of distinguishing the results of the "fixed base" and "chain base" methods of working an 24 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS ^^^ t Simple Arithmetic Index Number of Prices /-'-^^"^'^sj of 36 Commodities / ^^^ / ^ Compared with 'No. 353' / / 15 14 15 16 17 18 Chart 5P. Comparison of two index numbers of prices of the 36 com- modities, by Formula No. 1 (simple arithmetic) and Formula No. 353 (the " ideal" as later explained). Each of the points joined by lines is relative directly to the fixed base (1913), and each small ball is relative indirectly to 1913 via intermediate years {i.e. relative directly to the preceding small ball as base, which in turn is likewise relative to its preceding ball, and so on back to 1913). index formula will be used throughout the following in- vestigation so that the "fixed base" and "chain base" results may be compared on various charts for all the six types of formulae — arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, median, mode, aggregative. In the case of the simple arithmetic index number there is evidently an appreciable discrepancy between the fixed base and the chain figures. § 7. Aids to Interpreting the Charts To interpret such curves as the foregoing and those which follow, it will help the reader to note carefully the heights representing an increase of one per cent, five per cent, etc. In Chart 6P, for instance, the length of the dark vertical line marked "5 %" (as noted under Chart 3P) affords a visual measuring rod by which it is possible to get a clear idea of the percentage by which any given SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 25 point in any diagram in this book is higher than any other point, all the diagrams being drawn on the same scale. In Chart 6P the application of this measuring rod to the slopes of the Unes is indicated in another way. Each of the short lines lying above the curve ascends in a year Index No. 353 of Prices contrasted (i) with doffed lines above each diyerqing s% in a year, (2) wifh doffed lines belm. each dlrerginq 1% in Q (jeor .^-'- ^'' 353 '/3 M V5 '16 '17 18 , Chabt 6P. An aid to the eye for judging contrasts in subsequent charts. five per cent more than the corresponding line in the curve, while each of the short lines below the curve as- cends one per cent more than the corresponding line in the curve. Chart 7 will also help in future interpretations of curves. By the method of plotting here used (called the ratio chart method ^), the line representing a uniform per- centage of change, say ten per cent per year, will simply go on being straight. Thus, if an index number increases in the first year ten per cent, that is, from 100 to 110, and * For a full discussion of the advantages of this method see Irving Fisher, "The Ratio Chart," Quarterly Publications of the American Statistical As- sociation, vol. XV (1917), p. 677. The method is also called "logarithmic." 26 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Uniform Slopes ^ Uniform Rdflos Chart 7. Showing the fundamental feature of the "ratio chart" method used throughout this book, namely, the uniform significance of direction. The upper Une representing a continuous series of equal -percentage increases (100 to 110 is 10 per cent; 110 to 121 is 10 per cent; 200 to 220 is 10 per cent) is straight. The three lower lines are parallel to each other, one rep- resenting the actual prices $1.20 and $1.80, one representing the price rela- tives starting with 100 per cent, and the other the price relatives ending with 100 per cent. SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 27 likewise ten per cent in the second year, that is, from 110 to 121, and so^ on, increasing each year ten per cent (in the last, from 200 to 220), it will simply continue its straight course, the rises of 10, 11, ... , and 20 all being equal 'percentage rises (though not equal differences). It further follows that any two lines representing equal percentage rates of change will be parallel. Thus, if a commodity changes in price from $1.20 per bushel to $1.80 per bushel, or 50 per cent, the line representing this change in actual prices will be parallel to a line representing merely their relative changes from 100 per cent to 150 per cent and parallel also to a line repre- senting the reverse relative changes from 100 per cent backward to 66 1 per cent. The central curve (Chart 6P) might have been any curve. As a matter of fact it is the curve obtained by using the formula called 353 in this book (the calculations being relative to 1913 as a fixed base). Since Formula 353 is the one which we shall find to be the best, — the ''ideal" one — the reader may care, for the sake of future com- parisons, to establish at the outset a mental picture of this curve. § 8. The Algebraic Formula for the Simple Arithmetic Index Number Algebraically, the formula for the simple arithmetic average was previously given for two and for three com- modities. For 36 commodities the formula for 1914 as year "1" (relatively to 1913 as the base year, or year ^'0") is evidently Po 7> P V 36 28 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS In order to avoid writing so many terms the best usage is to call the numerator ^ — ] where the symbol "S" is the Greek letter Sigma or "S," the initial letter of "Sum." It does not denote a quantity, but is an abbrevi- ation for the words 'Hhe sum of terms like the following sample" so that the above expression, written with this convenient abbreviation for summation, is ,„ \PoJ 36 or, more generally. 2. 2pi 40 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS formula, the chain figures and the fixed base figures are identical, as is evident.^ Graphically, Chart 8 gives the simple aggregative (Curve 51) with the five other simples. Algebraically, the formula for the aggregative index number is or, more briefly, 2po We have seen that to get the simple aggregative index number we do not first calculate price relatives at all; we use the original prices. In fact, unlike the other types of index numbers, the simple aggregative, being the ratio of sums or aggregates of prices, cannot be calculated from the price relatives alone. It requires the actual prices themselves. It would not be enough to know that the price of, say, sugar was twice what it was at the base date in order to be able to calculate the aggregative index num- ber. We would need to go back to the actual prices of sugar at the two dates — whether, for instance, 6 cents and 12 cents respectively, or some other pair of figures in the same proportion, such as 8 cents and 16 cents. The simple aggregative index number is usually re- garded as almost worthless ; and so it is, unless the units of measurement are discreetly chosen. The aggregative form of an index number was used as early as 1738 by Dutot.^ The only conspicuous instance of its actual use is in Bradstreet's index number where the prices are first reduced to prices per pound for every item. ' See Appendix I (Note to Chapter II, § 14). 2 See C. M. Walsh, The Measurement of General Exchange Value, p. 534. SIX TYPES OF INDEX NUMBERS 41 § 15. The Six Simple Index Numbers Compared In our tables the simple index numbers, namely, the simple arithmetic, simple harmonic, simple geometric, simple median, simple mode, and simple aggregative index numbers, have, as already stated, as their identi- fication numbers 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, respectively. These six types represent six different processes of cal- culation, namely: for (1), adding the price relatives to- gether and dividing by their number; for (11), adding their reciprocals together and dividing into their number ; for (21), multiplying the price relatives together and ex- tracting the root indicated by their number; for (31), arranging the price relatives in order of size and selecting the middlemost; for (41), so arranging but selecting the commonest; for (51), adding together the actual prices of each year and taking the ratio of these sums.^ Graphically, Chart 8 gives all the six simple index num- bers, both of prices and quantities, corresponding to Formulae 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51. Curves 1, 11, 21 are drawn from a common origin, separately from the others, be- cause they are interrelated. No. 21 always lying between 1 and 11.2 As to the other three, the median lies, with one trifling exception, above the mode. This is not a law but is apt to be the case when, as in the present example, the items averaged are more widely dispersed upward than down- ward, for downward dispersion is limited by the existence of a zero below which prices and quantities cannot sink. The simple aggregative is a law unto itself, by reason of its peculiar and haphazard weighting. I have called ^ For a general definition of average covering these six and others see Appendix I (Note A to Chapter II, § 15). 2 See Appendix I (Note B to Chapter II, § 15). 42 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS it "simple," but it is not simple in quite the same sense as are the other five. As Walsh says, it is ''haphazard," being dependent on the accident of what measures or units are used in pricing the commodities in the hst. If silver, instead of being quoted per ounce (as it was in computing this average because the ounce is the usual unit used in pubUshed silver quotations) , had been quoted in tons, and if coal had been quoted in ounces, instead of tons, the result would be entirely different. Silver would dominate, and the average curve would nearly coincide with the silver curve (in Chart 3), while coal would have a negligible influence. It must be admitted that this first view of the six differ- ent types of index numbers is not reassuring. If one of these indexes were as good as another, then certainly they would all be almost good for nothing ; for they dis- agree with each other very widely indeed, both when com- puted for a fixed base and when computed through a chain of bases. The lowest index number for 1917 (that by Formula 41) is 135, and the highest (that by Formula 1) is 175.79, which latter is 30 per cent above the former. While this range is much less than the divergence of the individual price relatives themselves, it is altogether too great to make possible any statistics worthy of the name. All that could be claimed is that, where there is not so wild a dance of prices as in the war years, the six types of averages will themselves be less discordant. But, fortunately for the science of index numbers, the six types do not, as we shall see, have equal claims. CHAPTEE III FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING § 1. Weighting in General It has aheady been observed that the purpose of any index number is to strike a ''fair average " of the price move- ments — or movements of other groups of magnitudes.^ At first a simple average] seemed fair, just because it treated all terms alike. And, in the absence of any knowl- edge of the relative importance of the various commodi- ties included in the average, the simple average is fair. But it was early recognized that there are enormous dif- ferences in importance. Everyone knows that pork is more important than coffee and wheat than quinine. Thus the quest for fairness led to the introduction of weighting. At first the weighting was rough and ready, being based on guesswork. Arthur Young called barley twice as important as wool, coal, or iron, while he called "provisions" four times as important, and wheat and day labor each five times as important. But what is the just basis for assigning weights? Arbi- trary weighting may be an improvement over a simple index number ; but, if abused, it may aggravate the un- fairness. If we were deliberately to seek the most unfair weighting, we could give any one commodity so preponderate a weight as to make the resulting index number practically follow the course of that particular conmiodity. 1 "Purchasing power" included, although not explicitly treated in this book. See Appendix I (Note to Chapter III, § 1). 43 44 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS To cite an extreme example, take the 1366 commodities in the carefully weighted index number of the War In- dustries Board. According to this excellent index num- ber, prices rose between the pre-war year {i.e. the year from July 1, 1913, to July 1, 1914), and the calendar year 1917 in the ratio of 100 to 175. This figure is a very fair representative of the 1366 figures from which it was calculated, although these range all the way from a price relative of 35 for oil of lemon to a price relative of 3910 for potassium permanganate. But if we deUberately chose to weight potassium permanganate as a billion times as important as every other commodity, the re- sulting index number for the 1366 commodities would practically coincide with the price movement of potas- sium permanganate. Likewise, if we were, instead, to weight oil of lemon a billion times as important as every other, the index number would become practically identi- cal therewith. Obviously, in either case, we should be grossly unfair. In the one case our index number would yield the absurd conclusion that the prices of 1917 aver- aged 39 times as high as pre-war prices. In the other case it would yield the equally absurd conclusion that the prices of 1917 averaged only a little over a third of the pre-war prices. In each case the trouble would be that a commodity, really very unimportant as compared to wheat, steel, flour, cotton, and hundreds of other com- modities, would be treated as though it were enormously more important. We are not yet ready to say what system of weighting is the fairest, nor shall we be ready until we have set up certain tests of fairness. We shall then reach the curious conclusion that, contrary to common opinion, no system of weighting is universally the fairest; that the fairest weighting for the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 45 types, for instance, are all different. Here we must be content to lay the foundations, by describing the four primary systems of weighting which have been or might 'he set up. As we have seen, weighting any term in an index num- ber is virtually counting it as though it were two or three, or some other multiple, as compared with another term counted only once. This apphes to any of the six types of averages. But on what principle shall we weight the terms? Arthur Young's guess and other guesses at weighting represent, consciously or unconsciously, the idea that relative money values of the various commodities should determine their weights. A value is, of course, the prod- uct of a price per unit, multiplied by the number of units taken. Such values afford the only common meas- ure for comparing the streams of commodities produced, exchanged, or consumed, and afford almost the only basis of weighting which has ever been seriously proposed. If sugar is marketed to the extent of ten billion dollars' value a year, while salt is marketed at only five billion dollars' value a year, there is clearly ground for regarding sugar as twice as important as salt. § 2. Weighting by Base Year Values or by Given V Year Values But any index number implies two dates, and the values by which we are to weight the price ratios for those two dates will themselves be different at the two dates. Constant weighting (the same weight for the same item in different years) is, therefore, a mere makeshift, never theoretically correct, and not even practically admissible when values change widely. In Revolutionary days, 46 THE MAKING OF INDEX xNUMBERS candles were important, but today the total money value of the candle trade is negligible. Rubber tire values are important today, but were unimportant two decades ago. In comparing the price levels of today and many years ago what weight shall we give to rubber tires or candles? We have two evident choices. We may take as our money values either those in the earUer year or those in the later year. § 3. Numerical Illustration It often makes a great deal of difference which of these two systems of weights is used. Between 1913 and 1917 some commodities rose greatly, not only in price, but in money value marketed ; others scarcely at all. In gen- eral, the 36 commodities rose in money value between 1913 and 1917 about 100 per cent (their total value rising from $13,105,000,000 to $25,191,000,000). If every com- modity had thus doubled in money value, their relative weights would remain unchanged so that it would make no difference to the index number which year's weights were used. But, as a matter of fact, values of the different com- modities rose very unequally. Some rose much more and others much less than 100 per cent. Bituminous coal had a value of $1.27 per ton X 477,000,000 tons, or $606,000,000 in 1913, and in 1917, $1,976,000,000, or more than three times as much. Anthracite coal, on the other hand, had a value of $35,000,000 in 1913, and in 1917, $44,000,000, or only about 25 per cent more. Clearly, then, bituminous coal has a relatively greater weight when the 1917 money values are used as weights than when the 1913 values are used. Table 3, assuming 1913 for ''base" year and 1917 for "given" year, shows the comparative effect of weighting FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 47 according to 1913 values marketed and weighting accord- ing to 1917 values marketed. The figures given in the table are, of course, the multipUers to be used in weight- ing the various price relatives. TABLE 3. VALUES (IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) OF CERTAIN COMMODITIES COMMODITT 1913 (Base Year) 1917 (Given Yeak) Bituminous coal 606 140 462 422 1976 Coke Pig iron 604 1502 Oats 1011 Anthracite coal 35 1282 96 1971 44 Petroleum Coffee Lumber 1848 123 2227 All of the first four items in the table are examples of commodities the prices and values of which rose extraor- dinarily from 1913 to 1917, so that their weights, if taken by 1917 figures, would be very great. Contrariwise, the last four items are examples of commodities the prices and values of which rose very little. A glance at the table will show the preponderance in 1913 of the last four commodities taken as a whole, rela- tively to the first four, and the preponderance in 1917 of the first four relatively to the last four. The reason for this change of relative weights is, of course, that the upper group rose more in price than the lower. Let us calculate an index number by both the two con- trasted methods of weighting. Let the type of index number be, say, the arithmetic and let us calculate it 48 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS for 1917 relatively to 1913 as a base, from the usual data for the 36 commodities. We begin by using the base year values as weights. This kind of index number has as its formula, No. 3. For bacon in 1917, the price rela- tive (as previously calculated) is 192.72 per cent and the base year value (12.36 cents per pound X 1077 milUon pounds) is 133.117 million dollars. For barley, the price relative is 211.27 per cent and the base year value (62.63 cents per bushel X 178.2 miUion bushels) is 111.607 million dollars, etc. According to the arithmetic method, we first multiply each price relative by its weight and then divide by the sum of the weights. The results are : For bacon 192.72 per cent X 133.117 million dollars = 256.54 million dollars. For barley 211.27 per cent X 111.607 million dollars = 235.79 million dollars, etc. The sum of all 36 such results is 21238.49 million dol- lars, which divided by the sum of the weights, 13104.818 million dollars, gives 1.6207, or 162.07 per cent as the desired index number. Thus, the arithmetic index number for 1917, when the base year (1913) system of weighting is used (Formula 3), is (1^)133.117 + f-llf)ui.607 ^_^^ 13104.818 100 In other words, from 1913 to 1917, the price level rose (according to Formula 3) from 100 to 162.07. But, by using the given year values as weights (Formula 9), the resulting index number is 180.72 per cent, exceeding the former (162.07) by 11.51 per cent. Likewise, the harmonic index number for 1917, when the base year system of weighting is used (Formula 13), is FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 49 13104.818 147.19 In other words, from 1913 to 1917, the price level rose (according to Formula 13) from 100 to 147.19. But, by- using the given year values as weights (Formula 19), the resulting index number is 161.05 per cent, exceeding the former (147.19) by 9.42 per cent. Likewise, the geometric index number, for 1917, when the base year system of weighting is used (Formula 23), is 154.08 V 100 y -^ V 100 J X • • • ^QQ ■ In other words, from 1913 to 1917, the price level rose (according to Formula 23) from 100 to 154.08. But by using the given year values as weights (Formula 29), the resulting index number is 170.44, exceeding the former (154.08) by 10.62 per cent. Here is a new source of differences ! Not only does it make a considerable difference what type of average is used, — whether arithmetic, or harmonic, or geometric, — but it also makes a great difference what the weighting is, — whether base year weighting or given year weight- ing, or simple {i.e. even) weighting. Were we to stop at this point, we should be even more inclined to join N. G. Pierson and give up index numbers in disgust as a delusion and a snare. § 4. Graphic and Algebraic Graphically, Chart 9 shows the contrast between the two weighted arithmetic index numbers as well as the corresponding contrasts between the two weighted har- monic and the two weighted geometric index numbers. It will be observed that the upper harmonic (Formula 50 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 19) is almost coincident with the lower arithmetic (For- mula 3), the other arithmetic and harmonic (Formulae 9 and 13) diverging about equally on opposite sides of these central hues. The two geometries (Formulae 23 and 29) He about midway — one between the two har- The Five 'Tine Fork of 6 Curves (Prices) 13 M 15 16 17 18 Chaet 9P. Three types of index numbers, the arithmetic (3 and 9), the harmonic (13 and 19), and the geometric (23 and 29), each type being weighted in two ways, namely, by the values of the base year (3, 13, 23) and by the values of the given year (9, 19, 29), forming five nearly equidis- tant tines of the fork. In each case, the given year weighting makes for a higher position of the curve than the base year weighting. (This holds true whether prices are rising or falling.) monies in the lower half of the chart and the other be- tween the two arithmetics in the upper half. Each of the three types (arithmetic, harmonic, geometric) thus has its two curves forking about equally; but their re- spective forks are placed in three substantially equidis- tant positions, the lower tine of the uppermost fork (arithmetic) almost coinciding with the upper tine of the lowermost fork (harmonic), while the remaining pair of tines (geometric) split the other two pairs. FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 51 Chart 10 shows the similar, but much smaller, contrast for the weighted medians (Formulae 33 and 39). The "mode," were it charted, would show even less contrast ; in fact, in the rough approximation here used it shows none at all, although, strictly, for it as for every other type, the given year weighting always makes for a higher index number than does the base year weighting.^ The Five-Tine Fork of 6 Curves (Quantities) ij M 15 16 77 Chart 9Q. Analogous to Chart 9 P. 18 Algebraically, the arithmetic index number weighted by base year values (Formula 3) and written for any given year (as year 1) relatively to the base year (year 0) is evidently ?>ogo + p'o g'o H- . . . or, by the shorter method of writing, ^PoQc Po Spogo In like manner, the arithmetic index number weighted by given year values (Formula 9) is 1 As to calculating the weighted median and mode see Appendix I (Note to Chapter III, § 4). 52 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS ^--Ci) The weighted formulae for other types are given in Ap- pendix V. § 6. Weighting by Base Year Values Easiest The weighting by base year values has been employed by statisticians more frequently than the weighting by The Two Extreme Methods oF Weighting Median (Prices) '/} 'K 15 17 18 Chart lOP. Showing the median type of index number, weighted by the values of the base year (33) and by the values of the given year (39), the latter weighting resulting, as before, in a higher curve than the former. The difference between the two weightings is not so great as in the case of the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric types, indicating that the matter of weighting makes less difference to the median than it does to those types. given year values because, with a fixed base, only one set of values needs to be worked out for a whole series of index numbers. Calculating only one set of values saves labor as compared with calculating a separate set for each given year. Another reason why weighting by base values has so often been employed is that often only one set of weights can be worked out. For instance, a census year FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 53 may give the data required for starting off an index num- ber with that census year as a base while similar data for the succeeding years may be unavailable for want of a yearly census. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics has used base weighting with an arithmetic type of index number. The Harvard Committee on Economic Research, in the Day index number of production, employs it with a geo- metric type. Weighting by given year values (as in Formula 9) has been proposed by Palgrave for arithmetic index numbers. The Two Extreme Methods of Weighting Median (Quantities) 13 M 15 '16 77 73 Chart lOQ. Analogous to Chart lOP. § 6. Two Intermediate Systems of Weighting Besides the two systems of weighting which have just been described there are two other analogous systems, making four in all. Of these four, the system of base value weights will be called "weighting 7" and the sys- tem of given value weights will be called "weighting 7F." The other two systems {II and 7/J) still to be described fall logically between these extremes. In Systems II and III each commodity is weighted by a hybrid value, relating not to the base year alone nor the given year alone but partly to one and partly to the other. In sys- 54 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS tern II the value is made by multiplying the -price of each commodity in the base year by the quantity of that com- modity in the given year. In system III each commodity is weighted by the other hybrid value formed by multi- plying its price in the given year by its quantity in the base year. That is : /, each weight = base year price X base year quantity II, each weight = base year price X given year quantity III, each weight = given year price X base year quantity IV, each weight = given year price X given year quantity Algebraically, the weights used in the four systems of weighting are, respectively : /. po^o, p'og'o, etc. II. poqi, p'oq'i, etc. III. piqo, p\q'o, etc. IV- PiQh p'lQ'h etc. In the following Table 4, of weights, if we take the same eight commodities previously cited (§3 above) and apply the weight systems II and III, we find that, while every figure has changed, there are still the same marked tend- encies as in Table 3. In the first column, the lower group of four articles preponderates over the upper group of four articles ; and in the second column vice versa. Thus, in both tables, the relative importance of the two groups of commodities changes greatly between one column and the other. The reason is that the two groups of commodities are purposely contrasted as to price change (but not as to quantity change) . It follows that, if the second column weights are used, the upper four commodities which rise the more in price will be the more heavily weighted, while the opposite is true if the first column weights are used. These points will be elaborated in Chapter V. FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 55 TABLE 4. HYBRID VALUES (IN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) OF CERTAIN COMMODITIES Commodity 1913 Prices Mttltiplied BY 1917 Quantities 1917 Prices Multiplied BY 1913 Quantities Bituminous coal . . Coke 701 172 577 596 1708 494 Pig iron 1203 Oats 715 Anthracite coal .... Petroleum .... Coffee 40 1835 147 1916 39 1292 80 Lumber 2290 Let us trace specifically the effects of all four systems of weighting. The arithmetic formulse give the following index num- bers for 1917, relatively to 1913 as the base : Arithmetic by weight system / (Formula 3) 162.07 per cent II ( " 5) 161.05 per cent " " " " III ( " 7) 180.53 per cent " " " " IV ( " 9) 180.72 per cent The harmonic formulae give : Harmonic by weight system I (Formula 13) 147.19 per cent " " " " II ( " 15) 144.97 per cent " " " " III ( " 17) 162.07 per cent " " " " IV ( " 19) 161.05 per cent The geometric formulae give : Geometric by weight system / (Formula 23) 154.08 per cent " " " " II ( " 25) 152.45 per cent " " " " III ( " 27) 170.82 per cent " " " " IV ( " 29) 170.44 per cent Numerically, the above calculations show that weight system II gives results almost identical with weight sys- tem J, while likewise weight systems III and IV are al- 56 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS most identical, there being a wide gap, however, between these two pairs. This disparity, as indicated, is due to the fact that, in deriving the weights I and //, base year prices are used, while in III and IV, given year prices are used, the prices in both cases out-influencing the quantities. The same contrasts (of 7, II as against III, IV), though less pronounced, are found in the weighted medians; but in the modes these contrasts, while present, are im- perceptible. We have now cited not only a simple arithmetic for- mula, but four weighted arithmetic formulae, and hke- wise a simple and four weighted harmonic formulae, a simple and four weighted geometric formulae, a simple and four weighted median formulae, and a simple and four weighted mode formulae, for obtaining index numbers. § 7. Only Two Systems of Weighting for the Aggregative Up to this point, therefore, we have considered foui forms of weighting for each of the five types of index numbers. The sixth, or aggregative, type of index num- ber has as yet been considered only in its ''simple" form. Because of its peculiar construction it is capable of only two systems of weighting at all analogous to those we have been considering. As we have seen, the simple aggre- gative is a very peculiar average of price ratios (price relatives) being a ratio of the sums of the prices themselves. Thus the simple aggregative gives : Fum of all prices of 1917 _ index number for 1917 rela- sum of all prices of 1913 lively to 1913. Consequently the weighting cannot be applied to the price ratios as such, but must be apphed direcily to the prices themselves — both in numerator and denominator. FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 57 Of course, the same weight is to be appHed, in this way, to the prices of the same items in both numerator and denominator. Now, in the previous formulae, the weights were values. But value is price multiplied by quantity. In the aggre- gative formulae, however, the price part is already there as the only thing to be weighted. It would be absurd to multiply price by value (which already contains price). Consequently, in the aggregative formulae, the weights must be just quantities and these quantities must be either the quantities of the base year (1913) or the quantities of the given year (1917). If we wish to keep up the analogy with the four kinds of weighting, used for all the other types, we may consider the weighting of the aggregative by base year quantities as weighting I (Formula 53), and the weighting by given year quantities as weighting IV (Formula 59), omitting II and III entirely.^ § 8. Numerical Calculation of Weighted Aggregative Numerically, to illustrate by our 36 commodities, let us outline the calculation of the aggregative by base weighting (Formula 53) for the index number of 1914 (relatively to 1913 as base). ^ This is defined as the ratio of the sum of the hybrid values for 1914 (because reckoned with the quantities of 1913) to the true values for 1913. The denominator of this fraction, i.e. the true value in 1913, is, as above, $13,104,818,000. The numerator is derived in a similar way. Beginning with bacon, we obtain its (hybrid) value by multiplying its price in 1914 (12.95 cents per pound) by its quantity, not in 1914 but * See Appendix I (Note to Chapter III, § 7). 2 For model examples to aid in the practical calculation of this as well as of eight other sorts of index numbers, see Appendix VI, § 2. 58 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS in 1913 (1077 million pounds), obtaining $0,129^ X 1077, or 139.47 million dollars. Similarly, the barley value is 62.04 cents per bushel X 178.2 milhon bushels, or 110.56 milhon dollars, and so on, the total of the 36 such values being $13,095,780,000, the desired numerator. The ratio of this numerator to the above denominator comes out 99.93 per cent, the index number sought. This is by Formula 53, weighting /. For Formula 59, using "given year" weighting IV, the calculation is similar.^ The numerator is 13033.034, the sum of the true values in 1914, and the denominator is 12991.81, the sum of the hybrid values for 1913 (found by using the prices of 1913 and the quantities of 1914). The ratio of the numerator to the denominator is 100.32 per cent, almost the same as the 99.93 per cent by the other formula (53). These two index numbers (Formulae 53 and 59), con- trasted merely as to whether base year quantities or given year quantities are used, show no tendency to the wide contrast between base year and given year weighting found in the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric index numbers. There is no tendency for Formula 53, in which base year quantities are used, to be less than Formula 59, in which given year quantities are used. The two curves are very close together and even cross each other. As the reader may suspect, the reason for this close similarity is that the price element which, in previous weighting systems was the distuibing element, is here missing, the weights being mere quantities. § 9. The Algebraic Formulae Algebraically, the aggregative index number for prices with base year weighting or weighting I (Formula 53) is 1 See also Appendix VI, § 2. FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 59 Pigo + p'lq'o + p'\q''o + . . . Poqo + p'q q'o + p"oq"o + • • . or, Spigo ^ while with the given year weighting, or weighting IV, the aggregative (Formula 59) is 2pogi The corresponding index numbers of quantities (weighted by prices) are / (base year prices) - IV (given " " ) § 10. Historical The first of the two weighted aggregative formulae, (Formula 53 for prices), is the form used by the ^PoQ'o United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. It is a return to an old idea, since this method was expUcitly formulated and advocated by Laspeyres in 1864, and Walsh gives it the name of Laspeyres' method.^ The present vogue of this method is largely due to the vigorous advocacy of it and strong arguments for it made by G. H. Knibbs, the Government Statistician for Aus- traha. It has been formally recommended by a vote of a recent conference of the statisticians of the British Em- pire. The second of the two formulae, -~^ (59), was ad- * See Walsh, The Measurement of General Exchange Value, p. 558. 60 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS vocated and employed by Paasche in 1874. Walsh calls it Paasche's method.^ These two names will recur: Laspeyres' formula, 53 (aggregative weighted I) and Paasche's formula, 59 (aggregative weighted IV). § 11. Relation of Weighted Aggregative to Weighted Arithmetic and Weighted Harmonic It is of much interest to note that the arithmetic aver- age weighted by base values (7, or Formula 3) necessarily reduces, when simplified, to Laspeyres' formula (53) — that is, the aggregative average weighted by base quanti- ties ; while the harmonic average weighted by given year values {IV, or Formula 19), when simplified, likewise reduces to Paasche's formula (59) — that is, the aggre- gative average, weighted by given year quantities ; and that furthermore the arithmetic average weighted by weight method II (Formula 5) reduces to Paasche's; and the harmonic average weighted by weight method III (Formula 17) reduces to Laspeyres'.^ Algebraically, the proof of these propositions is simple.' Graphically, from what has been said it follows that each of the two central curves of Chart 9 has a triple meaning. Each represents an arithmetic, harmonic, and aggregative index number. What is labeled 3 might be labeled also 17 and 53 and what is labeled 19 might be labeled also 5 and 59. § 12. Formulae thus far Available We see, then, that there are four primary methods of weighting (7, 77, 777, IV) appUcable to five of the six ^ The Measurement of General Exchange Value, p. 559. ' Ibid., pp. 306-7, 350, 352, 511. Walsh was the first to point out these identities excepting that which he refers to as having been first pointed out by me {i.e. 3 and 53). » See Appendix I (Note to Chapter III, § 11). FOUR METHODS OF WEIGHTING 61 types of index numbers, namely, arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, median, mode, and two analogous methods (7, IV) applicable to the sixth (aggregative). Let us now 'Hake account of stock" and see what index num- bers we have thus far obtained all together. We have the following : TABLE 5. IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS OF PRIMARY FORMULAE Weighting Abith. Harm. Geom. Median Mode Aggkbg. Simple (or even) . 1 11 21 31 41 51 /. Base year only . . . 3 13 23 33 43 53 //. Base year prices X given year quan- tities 5 15 25 35 45 ///. Given year prices X base year quan- tities 7 17 27 37 47 IV. Given year only . . 9 19 29 39 49 59 This variety may seem at first merely to increase our sense of bewilderment and distrust of index numbers. But we shall find grounds for discriminating between the various formulae. Moreover, as has been noted, and as is evident from inspecting the formulae in Appendix V, there are four duplications in the table (53 = 3 = 17; 59 = 19 = 5). These various weighting systems are, of course, not the only possible ones. In Chapter VIII we shall consider systems formed by taking averages or means of the above varieties of weights. There seem to be no others pro- posed worth very serious attention.^ » See Appendix I (Note to Chapter III, § 12). CHAPTER IV TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS § 1. Reversal Tests in General As indicated at the close of the last chapter, not all index numbers have equal claims to be considered as truly representative of price movements. They may be good, bad, or indifferent, and our next task is to set up certain criteria for distinguishing them as such. The fundamental question, mentioned in Chapter I, § 6, is that of fairness. The requirement of fairness is often expressed by the demand, *' put yourself in his place." Fairness is not fair which takes account of whose ox is gored. In short, ''It is a poor rule that won't work both ways." This kind of test, ''the golden rule" of fair dealing among men is, in a sense, the golden rule in the domain of index numbers also. Index numbers to be fair ought to work both ways — both ways as regards any two commodities to be averaged, or as regards the two times to be compared, or as regards the two sets of associated elements for which index numbers may be calculated — that is, prices and quan- tities. The rule of changing places applies separately to each of the three following sets of magnitudes : first, the several commodities ; second, the two times ; third, the two factors — prices and quantities. To be specific, this rule of changing places means three separate things : interchanging any two commodities, inter- changing the two times, interchanging prices and 62 TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 63 quantities. In short, we must, in some sense, treat alike : (a) any two commodities ; (6) the two times ; (c) the two factors. The first test is seldom if ever violated. It is men- tioned here for completeness and to afford a basis for a bet- ter appreciation of the two less obvious tests which follow. In order to avoid 'confusion the three tests will be dis- tinguished as: *'PreUniinary" — The commodity reversal test Test 1 — The time reversal test Test 2 — The factor reversal test Any formula to be fair should satisfy all three tests. The requirement as to commodities is that the order of the commodities ought to make no difference — that, to be specific, any two commodities could be interchanged, i.e. their order reversed, without affecting the resulting index number. This is so simple as never to have been for- mulated. It is merely taken for granted and observed instinctively. Any rule for averaging the commodities must be so general as to apply interchangeably to all of the terms averaged. It would not be fair, for instance, arbitrarily to average the first half of the com- modities by the arithmetic method and the other half by the geometric, nor fancifully to weight the seventh commodity by 7 and the tenth commodity by 10 so that if the seventh and tenth commodities were interchanged the result would be affected.^ ^ It may be worth while, for contrast, to note an example of an average, in another field of thought, for which the order of the terms is not inter- changeable. If the German Reparation Debt were represented by bonds of 100 billion marks drawing 10 per cent interest for the first 15 years, 6 per cent for the next 15 years, and 3 per cent for a third period of 15 years, the "average" rate of interest for all three periods will not be independ- ent of the order. It would be different if, for instance, the first period were at 3 per cent and the last at 10 per cent. (See Irving Fisher's The Bate of Interest, New York, 1907, p. 372.) \ 64 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The other two tests mentioned (which will be referred to as Test 1 and Test 2), although thoroughly analogous to the Preliminary Test, have not been so well observed. On the contrary many index numbers in actual use fail to observe either of them, and none at all observe the second ! § 2. The Time Reversal Test Just as the very idea of an index number impUes a set of commodities, so it implies two (and only two) times (or places). Either one of the two times may be taken as the ''base." Will it make a difference which is chosen ? Certainly it ought not and our Test 1 demands that it shall not. More fully expressed, the test is that the for- mula for calculating an index number should be such that it will give the same ratio between one point of comparison and the other point, no matter which of the two is taken as the base. Or, putting it another way, the index number reckoned forward should be the reciprocal of that reckoned back- ward. Thus, if taking 1913 as a base and going forward to 1918, we find that, on the average, prices have doubled, then, by proceeding in the reverse direction, we ought to find the 1913 price level to be half that of 1918, from which we started as a base. Putting it in still another way, more useful for practical purposes, the forward and backward index number multiplied together should give unity. The justification for making this rule is twofold : (1) no reason can be assigned for choosing to reckon in one direction which does not also apply to the opposite, and (2) such reversibiUty does apply to any individual com- modity. If sugar costs twice as much in 1918 as in 1913, then necessarily it costs half as much in 1913 as in 1918. TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 65 By analogy we demand that any formula for an index number, by which we find the price level of 1918 is double that of 1913, ought to tell us that the price level of 1913 is half that of 1918. This requirement is still more appealing to our sense of fairness if we take not two times, but two places ; we might be confused by the fact that succession in time is different, forward from backward, and wonder for a moment whether there might not be some hidden but logi- cal reason for using the earlier of the two dates as the base rather than the later. But in comparisons between places there is not even this semblance of a reason for regarding one of the two points of comparison as the base rather than the other. § 3. The Time Reversal Test Illustrated Numerically Yet most forms of index numbers in use do not con- form to this reversal test ! For instance, the simple arith- metic average does not. Numerically, the following illustrations show this. Suppose the price of bread is twice as high in Philadelphia as in New York (20 cents a loaf as against 10 cents) and, reversely, the price of butter is twice as high in New York as Philadelphia (60 cents a pound instead of 30 cents). In price relatives or percentages, taking New York prices as 100 per cent, the figures are : Bread : New York 100 per cent Philadelphia 200 per cent Butter: " " 100 " " " 50 " " The simple arithmetic index number for Philadelphia is — — , or 125 per cent, and would make it appear that bread and butter were on the average 25 per cent higher in Philadelphia than in New York. But if we take Philadelphia as 100 per cent, the figures are : 66 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Bread : Philadelphia 100 per cent New York 50 per cent Butter: " 100 " " " " 200 " " This gives ^Q+ ^^^ = 125 per cent, or 25 per cent higher in New York than in Philadelphia. Since each city can- not be 25 per cent above the other, something must be wrong with the formula which yields such a preposterous result. No reason can be assigned why the formula should be appHed with New York as a base, which will not equally justify making Philadelphia the base ; and no more reason can be assigned for making one of any two years compared the base which will not equally justify making the other year the base. - • Again, suppose bread rose in price between 1913 and 1918 from 10 cents to 15 cents a loaf, i.e. in price relatives or percentages from 100 to 150, and butter from 20 cents per pound to 50 cents per pound, or from 100 to 250. The index number for 1918 relatively to 1913 as a base is then — = 200 per cent. But, reversing the comparison and taking 1918 as the base, we find the price ratios for 1913 to be, for bread, 66| per cent and, for butter, 40 per cent. The average of these is not the required 50 per cent but 53^ per cent. Consequently, the product of the two opposite index numbers is not, as it should be, unity, or 100 per cent, but 200 X 53^ = 106f per cent, or 6| per cent too great. Again, taking the simple arithmetic average of the 36 price relatives for 1917 relatively to 1913, or 175.79 per cent, and reversely, taking the simple arithmetic average of the same prices for 1913 relatively to 1917, or 63.34 per cent, and multiplying these two together we get, not unity or 100 per cent, but 111.35 per cent. Evidently there is here an error of 11.35 per cent. TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 67 That is, the simple arithmetic average, checked up by itself forward and backward in time, stultifies itself by exactly 11.35 per cent. The error of 11.35 per cent must rest somewhere. It may be that the 175.79 per cent for 1917 relatively to 1913 is too high by 11.35 per cent, or it may be that the 63.34 per cent for 1913 rela- tively to 1917 is too high by 11.35 per cent, or it may be that the two figures (175.79 and 63.34) share the error, equally or unequally. We cannot say. What we can say is that both the 175.79 and the 63.34 cannot be true at once and that between them there is a total, or net joint error of exactly 11.35 per cent. Again, we find that the simple arithmetic index number of the 36 commodities makes out the price level of 1915 to be If per cent higher than that of 1914 with 1914 as the base while, reversely, it makes out the price level of 1914 to be i per cent higher than that of 1915 with 1915 as the base. In other words here is an actual case where each of two years is represented by the arithmetic index number as being higher priced than the other ! The simple harmonic index number also fails to meet Test 1. The simple geometric index number, on the other hand, conforms to Test 1. It gives 166.65 per cent for 1917 relatively to 1913 and 60.01 per cent for 1913 relatively to 1917, the product of which is exactly 100 per cent. The general proof of this is deferred to Chapter VI. This conformity to Test 1 (time reversal) does not, of course, prove that the geometric index number is exactly correct. It means simply what it says, that the simple geometric is self-consistent when applied reversely in time. There may be errors in both figures which offset each other when they are multiplied but there is no net or joint error in the product. All we can say is that we 68 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS know the simple arithmetic index number, for instance, has failed to tell the truth and that we have not yet caught Forward (17-18) and Backward (18-17) Simple Arithmetics contrasted (Prices) 17 16 <.'^= Chart IIP. Each line forward, representing the changing price of a commodity between 1917 and 1918, is prolonged backward to represent the reciprocal change from 1918 to 1917. Yet the simple arithmetic averages of these two fans of lines are not prolongations of each other. the simple geometric in a lie. We must wait till we apply to it Test 2. The simple median, mode, and aggregative all fulfill Test 1. The general proof is deferred to Chapter VI. TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 69 Forward (V-Wand Backward CId' 17) Simple Arithmetics contrasted (Quantities) simp le arithmetic Chart IIQ. Analogous to Chart UP. 70 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS But none of the weighted index numbers yet described conforms to Test 1. Thus, only four out of the 28 kinds of index numbers so far encountered fulfill Test 1. § 4. The Time Reversal Test Illustrated Graphically We have seen that an index number calculated forward should be the reciprocal of the index number calculated backward. Such harmonious results would be repre- sented by parallel lines in our charts. But in the case of the arithmetic average the two lines will not be parallel ; that is, the arithmetic backward is not the reciprocal of the arithmetic forward. Graphically, this is illustrated in Charts IIP and 11 Q which repeat from Charts 3P and 3Q the dispersion of the 36 individual prices (and the 36 quantities) from 1917 to 1918. To represent the reverse dispersion from 1918 to 1917, in order not to let the two sets of radiating Hues interfere with one another, and, for simplicity, they have been radiated from the same point, simply to the left in- stead of to the right. We thus really have two separate charts; the one common point representing 1917 for the right hand chart but representing 1918 for the left hand chart. Now the line for any individual commodity drawn backward must, in our ratio method of charting, take the same direction as that for the same commodity drawn forward, so that the left set of radiating lines are simply the backward prolongations of the right set. But (and this is the point to be noted) while each of these 36 price Unes individually is the prolongation of its mate, yet the two opposite lines for their average (the arithmetic index number) are not the prolongations each of the other. The two longer and darker hues represent these arithmetic index numbers forward and backward : TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 71 and, while the arithmetic forward shows a rise from 100 to 110.11, the arithmetic backward shows a fall only from 100 to 94.46. The two form a bend at the origin and one or both ends must be too high. This tendency to go higher than it should is characteristic of the arith- metic index number. § 5. The Time Reversal Test Expressed Algebraically Algebraically, Test 1 (time reversal) may be stated in general terms as follows. Let the two dates (or two places) be distinguished as and 1 and let Foi be the for- ward index number of prices, i.e. that for date 1, relatively to date taken as a base. Then Pio will be the hack- ward index number, i.e. that for date relatively to date 1 taken as a base. With this notation we may express Test 1 in algebraic terms as follows : Poi X Fio should = 1. This is the same as saying that Foi must be such a formula that if the subscripts and 1 be interchanged, the new formula resulting will become the reciprocal of the old. The failure of the simple arithmetic index number to conform to Test 1 is clearly seen if we examine its alge- braic expression. If we take the year designated by "0'* as the base, the simple arithmetic index number for year "l"is 2 n whereas, if we reverse the comparison by taking year "1" as the base (that is, interchange the subscripts) the sim- ple arithmetic index number for year ''0" is _w_. n These two expressions are inconsistent with Test 1^ not 72 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS being reciprocals of each other. That is, they are not of such a form that their product will necessarily be unity. § 6. The Factor Reversal Test The factor reversal test is analogous to the time reversal test. Just as our formula should permit the interchange of the two times without giving inconsistent results, so it ought to permit interchanging the prices and quan- tities without giving inconsistent results — i.e. the two results multiplied together should give the true value ratio. Whenever there is a price of anything exchanged, there is implied a quantity of it exchanged, or produced, or con- sumed, or otherwise involved, so that the problem of an index number of the prices implies the twin problem of the index number of the quantities. Thus the index number of the prices at which certain commodities are sold at wholesale goes hand in hand with the index number of the quantities of these commodities sold at wholesale. Likewise we find paired the index numbers of the prices and quantities of industrial stocks sold on the New York Stock Exchange, or the index numbers of rates of wages and of the quantities of labor sold at those rates of wages, or the index numbers of the rates of discount for loans and the volume of loans made at those rates of discount. § 7. The Simple Arithmetic Index Number Tested by Factor Reversal Of the 28 formulae thus far reached, not a single one conforms to Test 2 ! Numerically, take Formula 1, the simple arithmetic, and apply it to an example which is simple enough to fol- low through in detail. Suppose the price of bacon is twice as high in 1918 as in 1913 while the price of rubber TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 73 is exactly the same in 1918 as in 1913 ; and suppose that the quantity of bacon sold in 1918 is half as much as the quantity sold in 1913 while the quantity of rubber is the same in both years. Evidently the value of bacon sold in 1918 is the same as the value of that used in 1913 (since half the quantity of bacon is sold at twice the price) and hkewise the value of the rubber remains unchanged (since both its price and quantity remain unchanged). Consequently, the total value of both together remains unchanged also. A good index number of these prices multiplied by the corresponding index number of these quantities ought, therefore, to give (in this case) 100 per cent. With these figures in mind let us test the mettle of the simple arithmetical average by applying it alike to the above prices and quantities. By this formula the index number of prices in 1918 as compared with 1913 is 200il00 ^ ^^^^^^^^^^ and the index number of quantities is — it — 75 per cent. Multiplied together these results give 112| per cent in- stead of the true 100 per cent. Here is an error of 12§ per cent either in the index number of prices, or in that of quantities, or shared jointly between them. Again, suppose bread doubles in price and triples in quantity so that its value sextuples, and butter triples in price and doubles in quantity so that its value also sextuples ; then their combined value certainly sextuples. But the simple arithmetic index number would make it 2 + 3 appear that bread and butter had increased in price —~—» 74 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 3 4-2 or 2 1 fold, and that their quantity had increased ^ > or 2 1 fold, according to which their values are represented to have increased 2\ X 2|, or 6j fold instead of sixfold, the true figure. The value ratio, unlike an index number of prices or quan- tities, is not an estimate but a fact. There can be no am- biguity about it or any question of reckoning it by dif- ferent methods as in the case of index numbers. Thus, in 1913, the value of the bacon sold was its price, 12.36 cents per pound multiplied by its quantity, 1077 milUon pounds, or 133 million dollars. In the same way the value of the barley sold was 62.63 cents per bushel X 178.2 mil- Uon bushels = 112 million dollars, and so on for each of the other 34 commodities. The sum total of these 36 prod- ucts, or the value aggregate in 1913 (SpoQ'o) is 13104.818 million dollars and can be nothing else. Likewise for the last year, 1918, the value aggregate (Spagj) is 29186.105 and can be nothing else. Thus the ratio of the total value of 1918 to the total value of 1913 is ?^|^, or 222.71 per 13105. cent and can be nothing else. The complete table of value ratios follows : TABLE 6. VALUE RATIOS FOR 36 COMMODITIES 1913-1918 Year Value Ratio 1913 100.00 1914 99.45 1915 108.98 1916 135.75 1917 192.23 1918 222.71 These are, if we choose to call them so, ''index numbers " of the total or aggregate value. But, whereas the index TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 75 numbers of prices or of quantities may be calculated by many different methods, the comparative merits of which are debated in this book, the ''index numbers" of value are indubitable and undebatable. They, therefore, afford a fixed rock of truth, by which we may reckon the drifting courses of the various index numbers of prices and quan- tities. The problem then is to find a form of index number such that, applied ahke to prices and quantities, it shall correctly ''factor" any such value ratio. Thus we can say with absolute certainty that the total value in 1918 was 223 per cent of the total value in 1913. But when we ask how far this increase from 100 to 223 rep- resents increased prices and how far it represents in- creased quantities, we enter the quagmire of index numbers. We are searching for a formula which, applied to prices, will really measure the increase of the prices, and, applied to quantities, will really measure the in- crease of the quantities ; and such that to make these two results consistent, their product should give the re- quired 223 per cent. The justification for Test 2 is twofold : (1) no reason can be given for employing a given formula for one of the two factors which does not apply to the other, and, (2) such reversibility already applies to each pair of indi- vidual price and quantity ratios, and should, in all logic, apply to the index numbers which aim to represent them in the mass. We know that if the price of bread in 1918 was double its price in 1913 and if the quantity marketed in 1918 was triple that in 1913 then the total value of bread marketed in 1918 was six times that marketed in 1913. By anal- ogy we have a right to expect of our index numbers, if they show prices, on the average, to have doubled, and quantities to have tripled, that sixfold correctly repre- sents the increase in total value. 76 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Algebraically, Test 2 is PoiXQoi=|^i^=F, 01 PCby formula 353) X Q(by formula 353) - y 223% 175% \/2S% ' Uoo% yj 7-^ 75 7tf 77 75 Chart 12. The product of the price index, P, times the quantity index, Q, both calculated by the same formula (No. 353) equals the correct "value ratio," V. (In this ratio chart, therefore, the total height above the origin, 100 per cent, of the point in the chart labeled 223 equals the sum of the heights of the two points labeled 125 and 178, above the same origin.) § 8. The Factor Reversal Test Illustrated Graphically Graphically, Chart 12 shows the relation of index numbers which correctly conform to Test 2. It shows how one of the index numbers, to be explained later (No. 353), fulfills Test 2. This formula, when applied to our 36 prices, yields 178 per cent for the index number in 1918, relatively to 1913 as a base, and when applied to quantities, yields 125 per cent ; and these two figures TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 77 multiplied together give correctly the true value ratio, 223 per cent, as given in Table 6. Chart 13 shows how incorrect, on the other hand, are the index numbers calculated by Formula 9, the weighted arithmetic average in which the weights are the values in the given or current year. P (by formula 9) X Q (by formula 9) not sz to Y / tQ>77oXl327o noi^to223% / f/ / \/52% \'00% 7J 74 75 7e 77 76 Chart 13. Analogous to Chart 12 except that the product of the two index numbers is not, as it should be, equal to the value ratio. The dotted line, representing the product, lies above the true value by a percentage expressing the joint error of the two indexes (for prices and for quantities). § 9. The Factor Reversal Test Reveals a Joint Error Just as when studying Test 1, we checked up any type of index number by noting how far the product of the index number reckoned forward by the index number 78 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS reckoned backward departed from unity, so, through Test 2, we check up by noting how far the product of the price ratio (index number for prices) by the corre- sponding quantity ratio (index number for quantities) departs from the value ratio. To illustrate how great this error may be; we recur to our 36 commodities. We know that the total value of the 36 commodities in 1917 was $25,191,000,000 and in 1913 it was $13,105,000,000 so that the true value ratio was the ratio of these numbers, or 192.23 per cent. But the simple arithmetic index number (No. 1) for prices for 1917 relatively to 1913 is 175.79 per cent, and the cor- responding index number for the same dates for quan- tities is 125.84 per cent. The product of these two is 221.21 per cent, which is larger than the truth (192.23 per cent) by 15.08 per cent. This is an exact measure of the inconsistency of the two arithmetic index numbers with each other as checked up by the truth. Thus again does the simple arithmetic stultify itself. There is a joint error here of 15.08 per cent somewhere, just as, in checking up by Test 1, we found that there was an error of 11.35 per cent somewhere. And, just as before, we cannot say exactly where the error lies. The 15.08 per cent error may be in the price index, or in the quantity index, or it may be shared between them. As to the simple geometric, it will be remembered that we could not convict it of error by using Test 1 ; but, by using Test 2, we can now convict it of error. The simple geometric index number for 1917, relatively to 1913, for prices, is 166.65 per cent and, for quantities, 118.75 per cent; the product of these two (instead of being 192.23 as it should) is 197.90, which is 2.95 per cent too high. In this way, by means of Test 2, we can convict every fair of index numbers for prices and quantities in our TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 79 list, as thus far constituted, of some degree of error. Some formulse, of course, come much nearer than others to con- forming to Test 2. The least joint error among the for- mulse thus far hsted is 53's. For prices for 1917 relatively to 1913 this gives 162.07, and for quantities, 119.36, the product of which is 193.45 per cent which is only 0.6 per cent higher than the required 192.23. Incidentally it may be noted that this joint error of 53P and 53Q is the same as the joint error we found by Test 1 for 53P and 59P and is the same as the joint error of 53Q and 59Q. , § 10. The Factor Reversal Test Analogous to the Other Reversal Tests Algebraically, the various sorts of reversibility can best be seen by taking some particular formula as an example. Let us take Formula 53 (Laspeyres'). For prices for- ward, Formula 53 is 2pogo* For prices backward this same Formula 53 becomes the "0" and "1" being reversed, or interchanged. The two above apphcations of Formula 53 are exactly alike except that one is forward in time and the other is back- ward. Each is an index number of prices. Starting again with Spogo for prices forward, let us this time interchange or reverse, not the ''0" and " 1," but the "p's" and "g's." We then get Sgipo XqoPq 80 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The last two applications of Formula 53 are exactly alike except that one is for prices and the other is for quan- tities. Each is a forward index number. Thus the only difference between the two tests is that, starting, say, with the Formula 53 for prices for- ward, for Test 1 we erase *'0" wherever it occurs and write ''!" in its place, and vice versa; whereas, for Test 2, we erase "p" wherever it occurs and write "g" in its place, and vice versa. Test 1 tells us that after the specified reversal of sym- bols, the new formula, multiplied by the old, should give unity, i.e. Xpoqo Spigi Test 2 tells us that after the specified reversal of sym- bols the new formula multiplied by the old should give the value ratio, i.e. XpoQa Xqopo ~ Spogo * In the case of this particular formula (53) neither of these equations holds true, so that neither test is fulfilled. While we are noting the algebraic interpretation of Tests 1 and 2, we may as well recur to the ''Preliminary Test" regarding the interchange or reversal of any two commodities. We start again with ^PiQo „_ PiQo + p'lq'o + p"iq"o + . ■ • Zpoqo poQa + p oq Q + p oq o+ • • • but now reverse the places, not of "0" and "1" nor of "p" and "5," but of " ' " and " " " (or of any other two accents representing two different commodities). TWO GREAT REVERSAL TESTS 81 That is, we erase " ' " wherever it occurs and write " " " in its place, and vice versa. The result is : PiQo + v"\q"Q + p'lg'o + . . . Pogo + p"og"o + p'og'o + . • .' which new formula is (except in form) the same as the old — as the "Preliminary Test" or conunodity reversal test requires.^ Thus the commodity reversal test, the time reversal test, and the factor reversal test alike require that the formula be such that we can, with impunity, interchange symbols. For the commodity reversal test the reversible symbols are the commodity symbols, any two superscripts such as '"" and " "" ; for the time reversal test the reversible sym- bols are the two time symbols, the two subscripts ''0" and '' 1" ; and for the factor reversal test the reversible sym- bols are the two factor symbols, the two letters "p" and ^'g." Reversibility "with impunity" means that the results of such reversal shall be appropriate to the case. For commodity reversal, the new and old forms of the for- mula ought to be equal ; for time reversal, they ought to be reciprocals ; for factor reversal, they ought correctly to "factor" the value ratio. These three tests are the only reversal tests possible, because any formula for an index number contains just three sets of symbols, the letters, the subscripts, the super- scripts. The three reversal tests (Preliminary, Test 1, and Test 2) merely require that the formula shall allow each of the three kinds of symbols of which it is com- posed to shift about with impunity. As these requirements of reversibility are purely formal and mathematical, they evidently have a very wide range ^ This test is met by all the formulae in this book. If the reader wishes to picture a case where this test would not be fulfilled, let him suppose a minus sign in place of one of the plus signs. Also see § 1 above. 82 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS of application. They apply to any index number — wholesale prices, retail prices, wages, interest, production, and many others — where we have several items dis- tinguishable by superscripts such as '"," ""," *""," etc., two times, or places, or other groupings distinguish- able by two subscripts, such as "0" and "1," and two magnitudes distinguishable by two letters such as "p" and "g" after the analogy of the case we just took.* § 11. Historical Test 1, the time reversal test, seems first to have been used by Professor N. G. Pierson in 1896. ^ Its great im- portance was recognized by C. M. Walsh in 1901,^ and by myself in 1911,^ as well as by other writers. UnHke Test 1, Test 2 has hitherto^ been entirely over- looked, presumably because index numbers of quantities have so seldom been computed and, almost never, side by side with the index number of the prices to which they relate. Moreover, the analogy between the three kinds of reversal naturally escaped attention since most users of index numbers have thought in concrete terms not algebraic ; they formed a mental image of time reversal only from the calendar, and saw no advantage in pic- turing it sjnnboUcally as an interchange of "0" and "1" in a formula. 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter IV, § 10). * Economic Journal, Vol. vi, March, 1896, p. 128. 8 Measurement of General Exchange Value, pp. 324-32, 368-69, 389-90. * Purchasing Power of Money, p. 401. ' It was first formulated in the paper, of which this book is an expan- sion, read December, 1920, and abstracted in "The Best Form of Index Number," Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, March, 1921. CHAPTER V ERRATIC, BIASED, AND FREAKISH INDEX NUMBERS § 1. Joint Errors between Index Numbers We have seen that there are two great reversal tests : (1) that the product of forward and backward indexes should equal unity, and (2) that the product of price and quantity indexes should equal the value ratio. If the former product is not equal to unity, the deviation from unity is a joint error of the forward and backward in- dexes ; and, hkewise, if the latter product is not equal to the value ratio, the deviation from that figure is a joint error of the price and quantity indexes. Tables 7 and 8 — one for each test — show the joint errors of each of the 28 formulae. Take, for instance, the index numbers for prices and quantities as between 1913 and 1917. Under Test 1, the error lies jointly be- tween the index /or 1917 relatively to 1913, and the index for 1913 relatively to 1917, when both are reckoned by any given formula ; while under Test 2 the error hes jointly between the price index and the quantity index, when both are reckoned by any given formula. It will be seen that the joint errors vary from zero to nearly 30 per cent (for Formula 11, 1918, Test 2) ; and that Formulae 7, 9, 13, 15 show very large joint errors, while those of 3, 5, 17, 19, 53, 59 are among the smallest. Not a single one of the 28 formulae is entirely free from one or the other of the joint errors, and only four (21, 31, 41, 51) are free from either error. These four conform to Test 1. (Each of the weighted modes, 43, 45, 47, 49, 83 84 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS has too small a joint error under Test 1 to be measured by the rough method used for calculating them.) In other words, every one of these formulae is certainly erratic, as revealed by the two tests. It may, of course, TABLE 7. JOINT ERRORS OF THE FORWARD AND BACK- WARD APPLICATIONS OF EACH FORMULA (THAT IS, UNDER TEST 1) IN PER CENTS (Price Indexes) Example: The first figure, + 1.19, is found as follows: The index num- ber forward X the index number backward (both by Formula 1) = 96.32 per cent X 105.06 per cent = 101.19 per cent as compared with the truth, 100 per cent — an error of +1.19 per cent. Formula 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 No. (Per Cents) (Per Cents) (Per Cents) (Per Cents) (Per Cents) 1 + 1.19 +2.56 +3.83 + 11.34 + 8.68 3 -0.39 -0.43 -0.24 + 0.63 + 0.25 5 +0.39 +0.43 +0.24 - 0.63 - 0.25 7 +0.90 +3.73 +6.08 +24.53 + 12.07 9 + 1.68 +4.59 +6.56 +22.78 + 11.03 11 -1.17 -2.50 -3.69 -10.19 - 7.99 13 -1.65 -4.39 -6.15 -18.55 - 9.93 15 -0.90 -3.60 -5.73 -19.70 -10.77 17 -0.39 -0.43 -0.24 + 0.63 + 0.25 19 +0.39 +0.43 +0.24 - 0.63 - 0.25 21 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 23 -1.01 -2.42 -4.14 - 9.60 - 4.99 25 -0.26 -1.59 -2.80 -10.75 - 5.53 27 +0.26 + 1.62 +2.88 + 12.05 + 5.85 29 + 1.02 +2.48 +4.32 + 10.62 + 5.26 31 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 33 -0.41 -0.58 -1.75 - 4.71 - 5.04 35 -0.13 -0.24 -1.29 - 2.23 -10.15 37 +0.13 +0.24 + 1.30 + 2.29 + 11.30 39 +0.41 +0.58 + 1.78 + 4.95 + 5.31 41 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 43 0.± 0.± o.± 0.=fc 0.=fc 45 0. =fc 0. =i= 0. =t o.± 0. =b 47 0.± 0. ± o.± 0. ± 0.=fc 49 0.=*= o.± o.± 0.=t o.± 51 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 53 -0.39 -0.43 -0.24 + 0.63 + 0.25 59 +0.39 +0.43 +0.24 - 0.63 - 0.25 BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 85 TABLE 8. JOINT ERRORS OF THE PRICE AND QUANTITY APPLICATIONS OF EACH FORMULA (THAT IS, UNDER TEST 2) IN PER CENTS (Forward Indexes) Example: The first figure, —3.85, is found as follows : The index num- ber for price X the index number for quantity (both by Formula 1) =96.32 per cent X 99.27 per cent = 95.617 per cent, as compared with the true value ratio, 99.45 per cent — an error of —3.85 per cent of the true 99.45. Formula 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 No. (Per Cents) (Per Cents) (Per Cents) (Per Cents) (Per Cents) 1 -3.85 +2.19 + 12.73 + 15.08 + 5.40 3 -0.39 -0.43 - 0.24 + 0.63 + 0.25 6 +0.39 +0.43 + 0.24 - 0.63 - 0.25 7 + 1.55 +4.53 + 5.67 + 18.44 + 11.92 9 +2.26 +5.53 + 6.47 +16.62 + 10.58 11 -8.01 -5.66 + 3.27 - 8.27 -29.50 13 -2.51 -4.46 - 4.96 -12.58 -11.18 15 -1.67 -3.80 - 4.81 -14.02 -11.90 17 -0.39 -0.43 - 0.24 + 0.63 + 0.25 19 +0.39 +0.43 + 0.24 - 0.63 - 0.25 21 -5.84 -1.86 + 7.79 + 2.95 - 7.22 23 -1.40 -2.57 - 3.62 - 6.53 - 5.22 25 -0.61 -1.79 - 2.46 - 7.81 - 5.61 27 +0.60 + 1.87 + 2.51 + 8.74 + 5.91 29 + 1.35 +2.81 + 3.19 + 7.40 + 5.08 31 -0.66 -3.55 + 2.41 + 1.02 + 4.02 33 -0.85 -5.04 - 8.85 - 5.69 - 7.05 35 -0.49 -4.42 - 8.72 - 3.21 - 7.15 37 +0.04 -2.37 - 6.83 + 3.80 + 4.74 39 +0.23 -1.78 - 6.65 + 2.46 - 1.23 41 -5.77 -9.26 -13.60 -19.16 + 3.83 43 -1.94 -5.66 -18.18 -16.33 - 6.67 45 -1.94 -5.66 -18.18 -16.33 - 6.67 47 -1.94 -5.66 -18.18 -16.33 - 6.67 49 -1.94 -5.66 -18.18 -16.33 - 6.67 61 -1.28 -0.92 - 5.98 - 7.41 + 4.61 53 -0.39 -0.43 - 0.24 + 0.63 + 0.25 69 +0.39 +0.43 + 0.24 - 0.63 - 0.25 be erratic beyond these revelations, as a small joint error may be the net effect of large but offsetting errors in the two index numbers for which that joint error is re^?ealed. 86 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS We shall find reasons for believing this to be true of the modes particularly. § 2. Bias, under Test 1, Inherent in Arithmetic and Harmonic Types of Formulae But, in many cases, we can convict a formula not only of being erratic when tested by Test 1, but also, under that test, of being distinctly biased, i.e. subject to a fore- seeable tendency to err in one particular direction. Under Test 1, four formulae conform (21, 31, 41, 51) ; six (which reduce to two when duplicates are excluded) are merely erratic (3, 5, 17, 19, 53, 59) ; and 18 are biased. Of these 18, the following nine have an upward bias : 1, 7, 9, 27, 29, 37, 39, 47, 49, while the following nine have a down- ward bias: 11, 13, 15, 23, 25, 33, 35, 43, 45. All cases of provable bias are under Test 1. Let us begin with Formula 1 . It can be proved that the prod- uct of this formula, applied forward and backward, instead of being unity, as required by Test 1, always nec- essarily exceeds unity. Numerically, that this is true in any given case, can readily be seen by trial. Thus, suppose two commodities of which the forward price ratios are 100 and 200 per cent, and the backward, therefore, 100 per cent and 50 per cent. We are to show that (100 + 200) (100 + 50) 2^2 exceeds unity. This is 150 per cent X 75 per cent, or 113 per cent, which exceeds unity by 13 per cent. Algebraically, the proof that the product of the arith- metic forward by the arithmetic backward always and necessarily exceeds unity is given in the Appendix.^ * See Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 2). BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 87 Thus, Formula 1, the simple arithmetic average, has nec- essarily a positive joint error. While we cannot go further and say, in any given case, how much of this error lies in its forward form and how much in its backward form, in the absence of any reason to accuse the one more than the other, we are justified in accusing both equally. The proportionate share of the total necessary error thus pre- sumed to belong to each is called its ''bias." In Table 7, the bias of the index number of prices, by Formula 1, for the 36 commodities, is, for 1917, one-half of 11.34 per cent, or about 5f per cent.^ That is, the arithmetic average exhibits an inherent tendency to exaggeration, a ''bias," such that, in the instance cited, it yields a re- sult probably too high by about 5^ per cent. This inherent tendency in the arithmetic type always exists irrespective of the method of weighting used. So long as the same weights are used forward and back- ward, the product of the arithmetic forward and backward will exceed unity. The reasoning in the Appendix, above cited,^ applies to the arithmetic index number as such, whether simple or weighted. By similar reasoning, it may be shown that the harmonic index number, with or without any given weighting, has an inherent bias down- ward. That is, its forward and backward forms, multi- plied together, give a result always and necessarily less than unity. The joint error is the difference between unity and the product of the harmonic forward by the harmonic backward. Graphically, the intimate relationship between the arith- metic and harmonic bias (which are, at bottom, the same) ^ The mathematical reader will prefer to reckon the equal s hares m ore precisely, i.e. in equal proportions instead of equal parts (i.e. \/l.ll34- 1). But the result is, of course, approximately the same. 2 Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 2). 88 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS is clearly seen in Charts 14P and 14Q made from Chart 11. By reversing the direction of the dotted line representing the simple arith- TypeBias of Formula Nal (Prices) 77 simple arithmetic forward 78 simple arithmetic backward ^^—-' simple harmonic forward \5% 77 78 metic backward, we represent its reciprocal. But this reciprocal turns out to be the simple har- monic forward. Thus the chart shows that the failure, previously pointed out, of the arithmetics for- ward and back- ward to be each the prolongation of the other is precisely the same thing as the failure of the arithmetic forward and the harmonic forward to coincide with each other. The use of the har- monic enables us to get rid of all backward lines and merely contrast forward lii;ies. Consequently, the joint error of the arithmetic {i.e. the deviation from unity of the product of the forward and backward arithmetics) , previously pic- tured as the bend between two lines which ought to be pro- longations of each other, is now pictured as the angle be- tween two forward lines which ought to coincide. Half of this divergence represents the upward bias of the arith- metic and half the downward bias of the harmonic. Chart 14P. The simple harmonic forward the same reversed, as the simple arithmetic back- ward. The bias is half the gap at the right. § 3. Joint Error Expressible by Product or Quotient Thus, the joint error, either of the arithmetic or of the harmonic, may be written in two ways. The old way was as the difference between unity and the 'product of the BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 89 arithmetic forward by the arithmetic backward. The new way is as the difference between unity and the quotient of the arithmetic _ _. t ai i forward by the T/pe dios oF rormula Na I harmonic forward (Quont'tties) which, as stated, is the reciprocal ^ _ of the arithmetic ^^simple arithmetic backward. These -^^J)achvard simple aritlimefic two alternative ^^-^^ ^ Forward ways of exhibit- ' ^-.^^mple ttarmorjic ing the joint er- \5% ^-^^^^rward ror are important // '^8 enough to be for- Chart UQ. Analogous to Chart 14P. mulated mathe- matically. That is, the old way is arithmetic forward X arithmetic backward exceeds unity. But we may substitute for "arithmetic backward" its equal, "the reciprocal of the harmonic forward," giving arithmetic forward X -i ^—7 3 exceeds unity, harmonic forward or, more briefly, arithmetic forward ■, ., : — J — exceeds unity. harmonic forward Similarly the joint error of the harmonic may be written either as harmonic forward X harmonic backward is less than unity or, as follows, harmonic forward -^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ .^^^ arithmetic forward The new, or quotient, form is in each case the more con- venient and obviates the need of using any backward index numbers. 90 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS But, while the quotient form is the easier to handle and much the more convenient to use in computations and charts, the product form affords the more convincing proof of bias. If only the quotient form were mentioned, it might be hastily inferred that our only reason for ascrib- ing an upward bias to the arithmetic and a downward bias to the harmonic is that the former exceeds the latter. But the argument goes much deeper. The argument is not merely that one of two index numbers exceeds an- other. The point is that the harmonic essentially repre- • sents an arithmetic backward. We ascribe an upward bias to the arithmetic solely on the showing of the arith- metic itself — because the arithmetic forward multiplied by the arithmetic backward is always greater than unity. In this product form the reasoning does not require the introduction of the harmonic, or any other type of aver- age than the arithmetic. Even if we had never heard of any other average than the arithmetic, it would stand convicted on its own testimony. The same argument, of course, apphes to the harmonic, without invoking the arithmetic average. In short, the harmonic is, as it were, a concealed arithmetic, and so either may be made to dis- appear and give place to the other. Graphic Resume of Type Bias Graphically, Charts 15P and 15Q show three principal types of index numbers compared. There are five groups, each from a separate origin : one group (at the top) representing the simple index numbers and four groups representing the index numbers having the four weight- ings respectively. Each group contains all three types, so that there are 15 formulae in all. We observe that, in each group, the geometric always lies about midway be- tween the arithmetic and the harmonic, and that this BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 91 is true of the index numbers in the chain systems (shown by the balls) as truly as in the fixed base systems (shown by the curves themselves) . The upward bias of the arith- metic and the downward bias of the harmonic manifest themselves in every case. In each group the three curves have the same weighting: 1, 11, 21, — simple; 3, 13, 23, —weighting / ; 5, 15, 25, —weighting II ; 7, 17, 27, — weighting III] 9, 19, 29, — weighting IV. The three differ only in type, and, in each case, the arithmetic type is the highest and the harmonic, the lowest. The wide gap between the arithmetic and harmonic in each case represents their joint error (by the quotient method), and so measures the upward bias of the arithmetic and down- ward bias of the harmonic. § 5. Bias in the Weighting The kind of bias just described inheres in the arith- metic and harmonic types of average. But there is another kind of bias inhering in the system of weighting used and affecting all the weighted formulae thus far described, except the aggregatives. That is, weight bias applies to any type of index number susceptible of value weighting. The weights of the aggregative are, of course, not values but mere quantities, as has been explained. To illustrate weight bias, take, for example, the geo- metric index number. We know that the geometric type, as such, has no bias, and it will be remembered that the simple geometric obeys Test 1 (being merely erratic under Test 2). But when we weight the geometric under, for instance, system IV, we, at once, impart an upward bias. Empirically, this is proved by the fact that, if we take this geometric IV, both forward and backward, the prod- uct is invariably found to exceed unity. Again, as we have seen, the arithmetic type, as such, 92 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Tliree Types of Index Numbers of Prices Arithmetic Geometric Harmonic 7J 74^ 75 7S 77 76 Chart 15 P. The geometric always lies about midway between the arithmetic and harmonic, whether fixed base or chain. The five groups are separated to save confusion, really forming five distinct diagrams. The gap of each arithmetic and harmonic from the middle is its type bias. does have a bias. But when we weight the arithmetic under system /7 we impart an additional bias ; its bias BIASED INDEX NUMBERS Three Types of index Numbers of Quantities Arithmpfic Geometric Harmonic 93 75 7-^ 75 VS 77 . Chart 15Q. Analogous to Chart 15P. 78 is approximately doubled thereby. Empirically, this is proved by the fact that, if we take this arithmetic IV j both forward and backward, the product is invariably found to exceed unity by about twice the bias of the 94 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS simple arithmetic. In this way, by actual trial, we can convince ourselves of the truth of the proposition that the weighting systems / or // impart a downward bias to any index number, while /// and IV impart an upward bias. § 6. Outline ^ of Argument as to Geometric, Median, and Mode Besides such empirical evidence, good logical reasons for this weight bias exist ; but they are not so simple to set forth as were the reasons for the arithmetic and har- monic type bias, chiefly because the weight bias, with which we now have to deal, unhke type bias, with which we dealt in previous sections, is partly a matter of mere probability. In studying weight bias it will be more con- venient to take up the quotient method first. We shall see: (1) For any given type of formula having value weights, the index numbers with weightings I or II are, in general, smaller than the index numbers with weight- ings III or IV ; (2) These inequalities are partly necessary, partly probable. That the index number weighted / is less than III and that II is less than IV are mathematically neces- sary. But that / is less than IV and // than /// can- not be proved to be absolutely necessary but only to be highly probable ; (3) Since, then, IV exceeds 7, and III exceeds II, the quotient of ZF divided by / exceeds unity, as does III divided by //. These excesses may provisionally be called joint errors. Such a joint error allotted in equal proportions to index numbers weighted I and IV, or to * For details of the argument in this and the following section see Ap- pendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 6), which may best be read after reading the text. BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 95 index numbers weighted II and III, gives each index number its bias ; (4) Weight bias is most simply seen in the case of the weighted geometries, medians, and modes because these have weight bias only, uncompUcated by type bias. In these cases the quotient form of weight bias is easily de- rived from the product form, and vice versa. Let us take, for instance, the geometries I and IV, or Formulae 23 and 29, and express the weight bias of 29. The quotient form of this bias is half the excess above unity of the quotient ff (both indexes being forward or both back- ward). This excess will be found to be identical with half the excess above unity of the product of 29 forward X 29 backward. Likewise, if we take 25 and 27, the weight bias of 27 is half the excess above unity of |^, which is the same as half the excess above unity of 27 forward X 27 backward. As previously stated, the product form is the preferable one to use in our logic because it employs only one for- mula. Thus it makes 29 convict itself of error by con- fronting it, as it were, by its own reversed image in the looking glass. I ~ The foregoing relate to the four systems of weighting as apphed to the geometries, medians, or modes. The weight biases of the geometric compare closely in magni- tude with those found for the type bias of the arithmetic and harmonic. § 7. Supplementary Argument as to Arithmetic and Harmonic With the weighted arithmetic and weighted harmonic, the case is more complex. Take arithmetic IV, Formula 9, or Palgrave's formula. The (forward) arithmetic IV, divided by (forward) arithmetic I, Formula 3, is here not identical with the arithmetic IV forward multiplied by arithmetic IV backward, because type bias complicates the situation. 96 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The product mentioned (arithmetic IV forward by arithmetic IV back- ward) is identical with the quotient of arithmetic IV forward divided by the harmonic I, Formula 13 forward. That is, A IV for. X A IV back. A IV A IV (or 9 for. X 9 back.) is not identical with (or f) but with - A. I xl I (or ■^). But we know, from our study of type bias, that the harmonic / lies below arithmetic / and, in fact, that their joint error is the excess above unity of arithmetic / divided by harmonic /. Hence we find, from our present study of weights, that arithmetic IV exceeds arithmetic /; and, from our former study of types, that arithmetic I exceeds harmonic /. It follows that arithmetic IV doubly exceeds harmonic /. Conse- quently, it is doubly true that arithmetic IV divided by harmonic 7 ex- ceeds unity. But this is the same thing as saying that it is doubly true that arithmetic IV forward multiplied by arithmetic IV backward ex- ceeds unity. Thus, we convict arithmetic IV hy itself, although as a step in our reasoning we included the type joint error of arithmetic I and harmonic I. That is, of the decreasing series : arithmetic IV, arithmetic I, harmonic 7, the first exceeds the third by a joint error, not only in the quotient sense but also in the product sense; likewise, the second exceeds the third by a joint error, not only in the quotient sense but also in the product sense ; but the first exceeds the second, by a joint error, only in the quotient sense. That is, the total excess of arithmetic IV over harmonic 7 is type and weight bias, in the product sense ; part of this total excess, namely, that of arithmetic 7 over harmonic 7, is type bias in the product sense; hence, indirectly, the remaining excess, i.e. that of arithmetic 7 F over arithmetic 7, is weight bias in the product sense. Thus, the arith- metic IV has a double dose of upward bias, part of its bias being due to its being of the arithmetic type and part being due to its having weighting 7 V. The same is true of arithmetic 777 ; while the harmonics 7 and 77 have a double dose of downward bias. § 8. The Argument, Numerically, Algebraically, and Graphically I have outlined these steps of reasoning, partly to help the reader who chooses to follow the argument in the Appendix ^ in detail, and partly to make it unneces- sary to do so for readers who do not so choose. Here, for brevity, I will merely indicate the results by actual figures. Numerically, then, we can see how the matter works out by repeating here the weights of selected commodi- ties under the four systems of weighting. * See Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 6). BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 97 TABLE 9. THE FOUR SYSTEMS OF WEIGHTING THE PRICE RELATIVES FOR 1917, ^, ^, etc. Po Po COMMODITT Weighting System / Poqa Weigihting System // pm Weighting System /// PiQO Weighting System IV PiQi /////, also IV/II, also Pi Pa (in milliona of dollars) (in per cents) Bituminous coal . . Coke 606 140 462 422 701 172 577 596 1708 494 1203 715 1976 604 1502 1011 282 352 Pig iron 260 Oats 170 Anthracite coal . . . Petroleum Coffee 35 1282 98 1971 40 1835 147 1916 39 1292 80 2290 44 1848 123 2227 111 101 83 Lumber 116 Thus, bituminous coal rose in price from 100 to 282, and the weights under systems I and III are 606 and 1708, which are also exactly in the ratio of 100 to 282 (or, again, the weights under II and IV are 701 and 1976 — also ex- actly as 100 to 282). Thus, the last column not only gives, in each case, the price relative, or price rise, but also the weight rise {i.e. the ratio of III to I and of IV to II). Algebraically, the reason for this last-named result is clear. As the headings of the columns indicate, the weights under III and / are ^4^0, etc., and po?o, etc., and the ratio of these weights, -2i2P, reduces, by cancellation, Pogo to — , which is identical with the price relative. Thus the greater the price relative, the more heavily is it weighted under system III (as compared with system /) and in exact proportion. Under system III (as compared with system 7) the rule is "to him that hath shall be 98 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS given" — that is, the high price relatives draw relatively- high weights and the low, low. Consequently, the high Four Methods of Weighting Compared By baje year ya/ues (p,(^. etc) mixed - Ip/f. " ) " ip.q, ") •. g/yen year - (p.^ ••) (Prices) 'IJ H IS 'iff 17 *» Chart 16P. When the 'price elements in the weights are changed, the index number is greatly changed, and in a foreseeable direction. When the quantity elements are changed, the index number is scarcely altered, and in no foreseeable direction. The weight bias is half of a gap. (Changing the price elementd is as between curves 3 and 7, 13 and 17, 23 and 27, or between 5 and 9, 15 and 19, 25 and 29. Changing the quantity elements is as between 3 and 5, 13 and 15, 23 and 25, or between 7 and 9, 17 and 19, 27 and 29. There are three distinct diagrams. Hereafter, the reader will be expected to distinguish for himself between separate diagrams on the same chart, by the fact that they have separate origins.) price relatives have more influence on the resulting index number (which is an average of all the price relatives) than under system J, and, therefore, make the resulting BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 99 index number larger than that resulting under system /. Likewise, IV has exactly the same contrast with II. It is clear, then, that under systems /// and IV the high price relatives are heavily weighted and so dominate their average (the index number), i.e. raise it; or, if we prefer to say so, under systems / and // the low price Four Methods or Weighting Compared (Quantifies) 73 '14 'm 'le 77 18 Chart 16Q. Analogous to Chart 16P (interchanging " price " and "quantity")- relatives are heavily weighted and so dominate their average, i.e. lower it. The cards in the weighting are stacked so that weighting / or II pulls the index number down, or weighting /// or IV pushes it up, or both. The former weighting has a bearish, as the latter has a bullish, influence, or both, and in the absence of any other data and with no reason to believe the error all one way, we can best describe the tendency as a ''bias" in the weight- 100 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS ing ; an upward bias for III and IV and a downward for I and 11. Thus, in an index number of prices the 'price element in the weight has far greater influence on the result than the quantity element. We need not trouble much as to the quantity element, but we must take great pains to see that the price element is what it should be. Instead Four Methods of Weighting Compared (Prices) Median factor Anmeses ofj^edm '/3 M 75 'le *I7 78 Chart 17P. The effects on the index number of changing the weight- ing are, in the case of the median, similar to, but smaller and more erratic than, the effects in the cases of the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric. In some years the agreement is closer than is the case in the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric, but when there is a difference it is apt to be much more pronounced. of having to "mind our p's and ^f's" we need only mind our "p's"! But for the quantity indexes the opposite holds. Graphically, weight bias manifests itself in Charts 16P and 16Q in each of the three groups of curves. In each group the four curves are of the same type and differ BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 101 only in weighting. It will be noted that the curves, end- ing in 3 or 5 (weightings I and //), always practically coincide, as do the curves ending in 7 or 9 (weightings III and IV), although there is, in all three cases, a wide gap between the former pair on the one hand and the latter pair on the other. The mystery of this persist- ently recurring gap representing the joint error (by the quotient method) is to be solved by the existence of a Four Methods of Weighting Compared {Quantities) VJ y-f 75 7S 77 Chart 17Q. Analogous to Chart VIP. 73 distinct upward bias of III and IV and downward bias of / and II. Charts 17P and 17Q (upper diagrams) show the medi- ans, which exhibit the same sort of biases, though less than in Chart 16, and resemble the two medians of Chart 10. But we notice a curious and important difference between these charts and Charts 16P and 16Q for the arithmetic, harmonic, and geometric. In all these preceding cases the curves ending in 7 and 9, for example, nearly, but not quite, coincided with each other, according as slight changes in the incidence of weighting produced corre- 102 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS spondingly slight effects. But, in the case of the median, the effects of changed weighting go by fits and starts. In most instances curves 37 and 39, for instance, stick even closer together than 7 and 9, or 17 and 19, or 27 and 29. But when the cleavage between them is broken at all they are apt to be torn wide apart. This characteristic of the median, its insensitiveness, as contrasted with the arith- metic, harmonic, and geometric, has already been referred to. The four modes (not charted) are indistinguishable. § 9. Double Bias Illustrated Numerically and Graphically Double BiasiWeightBias and Numerically, our TypeBias)cfromul.Na9 ^^0"" (Prices) haps that of Pal- grave's index num- *.. . ber (Formula 9 in 5(Ati) our series), the 13 (Hi) arithmetic weighted tF \5% '17 78 IV, weighted by given year values, PiQi, etc. This ,nT, CI. • ,- X. J- index has a very Chakt 18P. Showing, by the divergence between 9 forward and 9 backward, their large jomt error joint error, half of which is the upward bias under Test 1 which of Formula 9. Tliis divergence, or joint error, . is also shown by the divergence between curves ^6 ^^^ ^^ analyze. 9 and 13. In this form it is easily subdi- In Table 7 We find vided into three parts of which the middle is . r • • , <• negligible. Of the rest, half is upward bias ^'^f J^^^^ ®^^^^ ^^^ of 9, comprising two parts, weight bias and this Palgrave for- type bias (the weight bias being half of the , annliPrl in divergence between 9 and 5, and the type bias "lU^'** '^^ appiieu io being half of the divergence between 3 and 1917 relatively tO 13). The other two quarters of the whole IQIQ f^ Ua 22 78 constitute the similar, but downward, double ' bias of 13. p e r c e n t. F o r BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 103 1918 relatively to 1917, it is 6.99 per cent. That is, Pal- grave's index number taken forward multiplied by Pal- rrtlt^baT OoutleBlasm^^^^^^^ ward is 1 + .0699. T/pedias) of Formula No. 9 About half of this (Quantities) error of 6.99 per y^ cent, or 3.5 per g^^j^) cent, may be as- ^^^^%m)^^^^^ signed to each of ^ j the two forms (for- ^^ *" ward and back- ^ . ^ . , . ^, . ,„« ,v „T , ,, Chart 18Q. Analogous to Chart 18P. ward). We shall find that this 3.5 per cent error is in turn made up of three parts. Graphically, Charts 18P and 18Q show the whole joint error and the three parts into which it may be divided. The hues are numbered with the identification numbers and also lettered ("A" for arithmetic, "H" for har- monic, with the Roman numerals attached to indicate the system of weighting). Beginning with Palgrave's formula (9, or arithmetic IV) taken forward, let us also take it backward, as shown by the dotted line, likewise labeled "9" or ''A 7F." These two applications of Pal- grave's formula, forward and backward, multiplied to- gether do not give unity. In other words, the forward and backward lines are not prolongations of each other. The prolongation forward of the backward line gives us 13 or H I,^ and the divergence between 9 and 13 (i.e. the vertical distance between the right-hand ends of Hues 9 and 13 in the chart) represents the percentage joint error of 9 forward and backward, that is, .0699. This joint error consists of three parts. Practically 1 For proof see Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 9). 104 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the upper half, that is, the divergence between 9 and 5, is due to changing the weighting of the arithmetic from IV (as used in 9) to // (as used in 5), i.e. from piQi, etc., to poQi, etc., i.e. by changing the price element in the weighting. The next part is very small and due to changing further the weighting system from II (as used in 5) to 7 (as used in 3), i.e. from poQi, etc., to po3o. etc., i.e. by changing the quantity element in the weights. Finally, the third part, practically the lower half, is due to changing from the arithmetic type (A I or 3) to the harmonic type (H I or 13), while retaining the same weighting system (7). Recapitulating, we note three shifts : (1) a shift of the price element in the weights, (2) a shift of the quantity element in the weights, and (3) a shift of the type of aver- age. The middle shift is always almost negligible and may be either up Weight Bias of Formula Na29 (Prices) 77 29(em) 25 (Gu) 25(GJ) \5% Chart 19 P. ya or down. Both the other shifts are necessarily down in the or- der we have read them. The first shift represents a joint error of arithmetic IV and 77 (9 and 5), being the Showing by the divergence be- lialf tween 29 forward and 29 backward their joint /J u* f error, half of which is the upward bias of For- UpWard ^ Dias 01 mula 29. This divergence or joint error is also weighting IV shown by the divergence between curves 29 and i y.r,'\e +Via 23. In this form it is easily subdivided into two ^"^ ^^^^' V parts, of which the lower is negligible, and half downward biaS of the upper is the upward bias of 29 with r jj T'Vip last weighting IV, and the other half the downward bias of 23 with weighting /. shift represents a BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 105 Weight Bias or Formula Na29 (Quantities) joint error of the arithmetic and harmonic types, half be- ing the upward bias of the arithmetic, and half, the down- ward bias of the harmonic. By a different choice of Unes the 77 '/8 analysis may be ^^..^-i^^i'f^i^ar^rf presented some- ^.^-^-"^''''''^ y ^ what differently, 29(gi^*-^'' 1 '*' but the essential ^ '^ fact will always Chabt IQQ. Analogous to Chart 19P. appear that 9, or A lY , has a double dose of up- ward bias, first, because it is of the arithmetic iy'pe and, secondly, because its system of weighting is IV, while 13, or H /, has a double dose of downward bias, being both harmonic and weighted by system /. The example chosen illustrates both kinds of bias, weight bias and type bias. Only the arithmetic and har- monic formulae have type bias, consequently the corre- sponding diagrams for the geometric, median, and mode are simpler, as there is no type bias. Charts 19P and 19Q show the contrast between weightings I (23) and IV (29) for the geometric. We see, then, that the joint errors shown in Tables 7 and 8 are not altogether unaccountable or, as we may say, accidental ; but are, in two instances, due to clearly discernible causes. First, the arithmetic and harmonic index numbers have a definite bias, upward and downward respectively, and, secondly, the methods of weighting III, IV, on the one hand, and J, II, on the other, have like- wise an upward and downward bias respectively.^ * The reader should not forget that all these results are general ; they hold good whether prices are rising or falling ; they are not due to any se- lection of commodities (other than that self-selection by which, e.g. xmder given year weighting, high price relatives draw high weights). 106 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 10. The Five-tined Fork Charts 20P and 20Q (upper) give a bird's-eye view of how the four methods of weighting affect the three princi- pal types of index numbers, arithmetic, harmonic, and geo- 77?^ Five 'Tine Fork of 18 Curves (Prices) 106. no. 124. j2e 13 '14 '15 te 77 75 Chakt 20P. The five-tined fork given in Chart 9P, with additional curves, and their factor antitheses (lower dotted diagram), which arrange themselves in the inverse order of the originals. The four gaps are biases. metric, exhibiting both single and double bias. We can see substantially the same five-tined fork as in Charts 9P and 9Q, where only weights I and IV were used. But in Charts 20P and 20Q No. 5 is added to No. 3, and almost coincides with it, 7 almost coincides with 9, 15 with 13, BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 107 17 with 19, 25 with 23, 27 with 29 ; also 3 and 5 coincide absolutely with 17 and 19 respectively.^ The middle tine is the bottom of the arithmetic index numbers (weighting /, or curve 3, and II, or curve 5), and, at the same time, it is the top of the harmonic 77?^ Five 'Tine Forlc of 18 Curves (Quantities) •— — ■•■«BS#' 73 'M 15 '/e '17 Vd Chakt 20Q. Analogous to Chart 20P. The spacing of the upper dia- gram is equal and opposite to that of the lower part of 20P; that of the lower is equal and opposite to that of the upper part of 20P. (weighting III, or 17, and 7 y, or 19), while the other two arithmetics (weighting III, or 7, and IV, or 9) are at the extreme top, and the other two harmonics (weighting /, or 13, and II, or 15) are at the extreme bottom. The extreme upper and lower tines represent doubly biased index numbers. The geometries, as in Charts 9P and 9Q, having single bias, he astride of the central tine. ^ The reader, at this point, may disregard the curves numbered 103 and upward, and also ail the even-numbered curves. These will be referred to later. 108 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS That is, the geometries with weightings III and IV (27 and 29) lie substantially midway within the arithmetic two tined fork, while those with weightings / and II (23 and 25), likewise midway within the harmonic two-tined fork. § 11. Bias Depends on Dispersion All the various formulae for any year would, of course, agree in their results if all the price relatives for that year happened to agree. The more nearly the price relatives coincide, the more nearly the averages will coincide, and the more the price relatives scatter or disperse, the more the formulse can be expected to disagree. It is interest- ing, therefore, to trace the effect which the dispersion of the original data has on the disagreement between index formulae, and, especially, on the disagreement be- tween the biased formulae. The relation between bias and dispersion is not a re- lation of simple proportion. Thus, in the period 1914- 1917, the bias increased quite out of proportion to the dispersion. Nevertheless a definite formula can be given connecting any bias with the dispersion of the price rela- tives.i When the dispersion is small, the bias is very small indeed. This explains why the bias of the arith- metic type has not been clearly discerned by users of index numbers. As shown in the table given in the Appendix, the average dispersion of the price relatives above and be- low their mean must reach about 20 per cent to make the bias as much as 1.67 per cent. But if the prices disperse 30 per cent, or half as much again, the bias doubles. And when the average dispersion is 50 per cent the bias reaches 8.34 per cent. When the dispersion reaches 100 per cent, i.e. when the high price relatives are, on the average, ^ See Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 11), where methods of measur- ing dispersion are given, with formulae and tables. BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 109 double their mean and the low price relatives are, on the average, half of their mean, the bias reaches 25 per cent. (Any "mean " will do.) Thus, if we know the dispersion, we can tell how biased an arithmetic index number may- be in any given case and approximately correct it. § 12. Our 36 Commodities Disperse Unusually Widely It is in time of war, crises, or other disturbance that the dispersion of prices is hkely to be great. Consequently, the arithmetic index number is the most untrustworthy for such periods, e.g. through 1861-1875 and 1914-1922. It is chiefly from the last-named period that our data for the prices and quantities of the 36 commodities were taken. They disperse very widely, therefore, as com- pared with the dispersion we find in any peace time period of the same length. Table 10 shows the average dispersion of our 36 price relatives and of 36 of Sauer- beck's price relatives (the 36 commodities most nearly comparable to our 36) : TABLE 10. DISPERSION 1 OF 36 PRICE RELATIVES, (1) BEFORE THE WORLD WAR, AND (2) DURING IT (In per cents) Yeak 1846 1856 1866 1876 1886 1896 1906 1913 Satjbbbeck's base 20 44 29 25 28 35 42 Year 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 This Book's base 10 16 24 58 45 ^Measured by the (arithmetically) calculated "standard deviation," as explained in Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 11). 110 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS It will be noted: (1) that in the four years, 1913 to 1917, the dispersion reached 58 per cent, which was more than any figure reached in the entire period of 67 years, 1846 to 1913 ; (2) that, in both series, war increases dis- persion, the Civil War year, 1866, having the highest figure in the first column ; (3) that the return of peace re- duces the dispersion, as witness the figures for 1876 and 1918 ; and (4) that, in general, there is a progressive in- crease in dispersion with the lapse of time, as witness the figures for 1886 to 1913. These same points are always in evidence whatever period is examined. The preceding table relates to prices only. Unfortu- nately there are no quantity relatives associated with Sauerbeck's price figures. But Professors Day and Per- sons have worked out quantity figures for 12 crops. Table 11 shows the dispersion of the quantities of the 36 commodities and of the 12 crops studied by Professors Day and Persons : * TABLE 11. DISPERSION 2 OF 36 AND OF 12: QUANTITY RELATIVES (In per cents) Year 36 Commodities Year 12 Crops 1913 base 1880 38 1914 12 1885 25 1915 17 1890 26 1916 17 1895 25 1917 24 1900 18 1918 27 1905 16 1910 base 1915 18 1920 10 * See Edmund E. Day, "An Index of the Physical Volume of Produc- tion," The Review of Economic Statistics, pp. 246-59, September, 1920. * Measured by the (geometrically) calculated "standard deviation," weighted as explained in Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 11). BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 111 It will be seen that the dispersion of the 36 quantities reaches, in only five years, a figure higher than that reached in a span of 25 years for the 12 crops. The only instance in which the 12 crop dispersion reaches a higher figure is in 1880, 30 years away from the base. It is because of the unusually great dispersion of our 36 prices and quantities that these data afford a very severe test of accuracy of the conclusions reached in this book. The index numbers which we have calculated and shall calculate, whether biased, freakish, or merely slightly erratic, differ among themselves much more than they would during six years of peace. Thus in Table 7 the biased Formula 1 has a joint error of 11.34 per cent, calculated forward and backward between 1913 and 1917, only four years apart. But Professor A. W. Flux ^ shows that Sauerbeck's index number calculated forward and backward between two periods, ten years apart (one of the two being the period 1904-1913 and the other the year 1919), gives a discrepancy of only eight per cent; he also shows that the Board of Trade index number calculated forward and backward between 1871 and 1900, a span of 29 years, gives a discrepancy of 13 per cent, which is only a little more than the 11.34 per cent we find here, although covering seven times as long a period of time. § 13. Formul© may be Erratic without being Biased In the case of Palgrave's index number (Formula 9 above discussed) the two kinds of bias — type bias and weight bias — conspire, as we have seen, to raise the index number and the same is true of Formula 7. Like- wise for Formulae 13 and 15 the two conspire downward. For Formulae 3 and 5 ( the same as Formulae 17 and 19), on the other hand, the two types of bias almost exactly ^ Journal Royal Statistical Society, March, 1921, p. 174. 112 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS offset each other. Thus, Formula 3, by virtue of being arithmetic, has an upward bias, but, by virtue of having weighting /, has also a downward bias; likewise as to Formula 5. As there is no way of telling which of the two opposing tendencies will be the greater, the net re- sult may be said to be unbiased, though still erratic, for bias is a foreseeable tendency to err in one direction. Again, taking the same formulae considered as harmon- ics, we may say that Formula 19, being harmonic, is biased downward, but, being weighted by system 77 is also biased upward ; and hkewise as to Formula 17. Or, taking the same formulae considered as aggregatives (for 3 is the same as 53, and 19 as 59), we may say that For- mula 53 has no bias ; for, while it is one-sided in that it contains the quantities for only one of the two years, the other being omitted, we cannot ordinarily foretell whether this fact will raise or lower the index number ; and likewise as to Formula 59. We can, however, say that the Formulae 53 and 59 are slightly erratic; for, taken forward and backward, the product is not unity though very close to it, as Tables 7 and 8 show. Thus the weighted aggregatives, or their equivalent arithmetics and harmonics, are erratic without being biased ; some other random selection of commodities than those here chosen might show a negative error in place of a posi- tive error in our tables, and vice versa. Thus, we must distinguish sharply between index numbers like Formula 51, which are simply very erratic, and those like Formula 9 or Formula 13, which are very much biased. § 14. Erratic and Freakish Index Numbers It may be assumed, for the present at least, that all index numbers are erratic to some degree. One of the chief objects of this book is to show to what degree. BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 113 Tables 7 and 8 convict every one of the 28 index num- bers so far considered of some error. In the case of 18 of the formulae we can show reason for some at least of the errors, the part which has been described and dis- cussed as "bias." In the cases of the other ten formulae, the joint errors shown are ''accidental" in the sense that we can assign no reason beforehand for their being in one direction or the other. Thus as to Formula 7, which shows in Table 7 a joint error in 1917 of +24.53 per cent under Test 1 (and of +18.44 per cent under Test 2 in Table 8) and a positive joint error in the ten columns of the two tables, we can confidently predict ^ that we shall always find a positive joint error whatever the data may be which enter the formula. But, as to Formula 21 which, under Test 2, shows a joint error in 1916 of +7.79 per cent and in 1918 of —7.22 per cent, there can be no assurance whether, for any other particular set of data, the joint error will be positive or negative. All we can say is that 21 is certainly erratic. Nor can we infer from these tables what the whole error of any formula, whether biased or merely erratic, really is. Thus from Table 7 we find that Formula 43, the mode, with base year weighting, shows an imper- ceptible joint error, and 21, 31, 41, 51, no error at all. But this may be due to the fact that errors forward and backward happen to offset each other. That this is the case is proven by Table 8 which finds errors in all these formulae, that for 43 reaching —18.18 per cent in 1916. Thus, if the real error under Formula 43, in the price index forward, in 1916, is —5.44 per cent and backward the same, while the real error in the quantity index for- ward is —13.34 per cent and backward the same, the * From the analysis in Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 2) and Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 6). 114 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS figures in both tables would be explained. As a matter of fact these errors are the real errors of No. 43 — in- dubitable within a small fraction of one per cent. But we are not yet ready to show this. Thus a small joint error, being only a net error between two index numbers, is compatible with large errors in Insensitiveness of Median and Mode 1o Number of Commodities 31 \5% 3 5 7 $ II 13 15 17 _ 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 NUMBER OF COMMODITIES Chart 21. Showing that a change in the number of commodities from 3 commodities to 5, 7, etc., commodities seldom affects the median (31) and mode, even the weighted mode (43 and 47) . Both median and mode remain the same throughout the sixteen changes in the number of commodities, ex- cept for six changes in the median (two at the *) and two in the mode. When the mode does change, it changes violently. both. But how can we ascribe individual error otherwise than by dividing by two the joint errors in the tables? While the answer to this question must be given in stages or instalments, we can, at this point, show that the modes, which never have perceptible bias, are never- theless very erratic, and the medians, which seldom have much bias, are moderately erratic. The evidence Ues in the fact that the mode and, to a less extent, the median, BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 115 are insensitive to many of the factors of which an index number is expected to be a sensitive barometer. The introduction of a new commodity ought, evidently, to change, in some degree, any price index which pretends to be a sensitive expression of the data from which it is computed (unless, of course, the new commodity happens to have a price relative exactly equal to the index number). But the mode and median often remain un- changed, Uke the hands of a clock not rigidly connected with the wheels which are supposed to move it. Again, every change in weights will be reflected by a change in any truly sensitive index number. But the mode will often, in fact usually, remain inert even when the weighting is changed radically. Graphically, both these points are illustrated by Chart 21 which traces median and mode numbers through suc- cessive stages as, one after another, we introduce new commodities, beginning with three (Ume, pig iron, and eggs) taken by lot and adding successively new commodi- ties by lot, two by two, until all 36 are introduced. The median taken is the simple median ; the mode is weighted. The weighted median is not taken because it is somewhat sensitive to weighting and we are illustrating insensitive- ness. We see that in all the 17 stages at which there ought to be a change the median changes only six times and the mode only twice! No clock can keep time to the second if it jumps only once in a minute, or once in an hour. Such a clock must invariably be in error most of the time, although, from the clock itself, we cannot say how much. In short, the horizontal hnes in the diagram betray the existence of error, but not how much error. Further- more, as to the mode, the fact that Formulae 43, 45, 47, 49 can all be represented by the same curve shows that 116 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the mode pays no attention to big changes in weighting, thus further betraying error. When an index number is highly erratic we have called it freakish. Evidently the modes, even the weighted modes, are freakish and the median, likewise, though in less degree. Formula 51 is freakish for another reason. Instead of being insensitive to influences which ought to affect it, it is sensitive to influences which ought not to affect it. Evidently an index number, to be a true barometer of prices, ought not to be affected by irrelevant circum- stances, such as whether the price of cotton is quoted by the pound or by the bale. Formula 51 alone of all the 28 formulae will be so affected and is therefore unrehable, very erratic, or freakish.^ Finally, every other simple index number may be considered somewhat freakish because its weights are arbitrarily equal, in defiance of the obvious inequaUties among the commodities in real importance. Thus, out of the 28 formulae, we know that 18 are biased. Of these 18, ten are also freakish {viz, 1, 11, 33, 35, 37, 39, 43, 45, 47, 49). Besides these there are four other freakish formulae {viz. 21, 31, 41, 51). This leaves only two formulae not condemned on either score. These two are 53 and 59 (or 3 and 5, or 17 and 19). Formulae 53 and 59 are very close together. Thus, al- ready, we find that all of the 28 formulae which differ widely from each other have a discernible reason to differ — bias or freakishness — while those for which we can- not discover any reason for differing do not, in fact, differ very much. § 15. Bias and Errors Generally are Relative We shall see that the ''ideal" formula, 353, gives an almost absolute standard by which to measure errors. * This feature is discussed in detail in Appendix III. BIASED INDEX NUMBERS 117 But, for the present, it is better not to try to imagine any absolute standard, however much we may disHke to rest on mere ''relativity." When we say, for instance, that Formula 1 has an upward bias and 11 a downward bias, both of, say, four per cent in 1917, we mean simply that these four per cent errors apply in addition to any other errors there may be. We thus think of each bias as measured relatively to the half-way point between 1 and 11, but without assuming necessarily that this half-way point is itself correct. This half-way point may, for aught we yet know, be too high by ten per cent ; in which case the error of 1 is 10 + 4, or 14 per cent, and of 11, 10 — 4, or six per cent. In that case the bias of 11 is still four per cent downward, despite the fact that the net error is six per cent in the opposite direction. Thus we may say, as compared with any other index number without assignable bias. Formula 1 has an upward bias, ''other things being equal." § 16. Historical The term "bias" has been used by Bowley and other statisticians as applied to errors. The idea of type bias was expressed, in other language, by Walsh.* Also, while he did not recognize weight bias, he did point out that the arithmetic average should be used with the weighting of the base year and the harmonic with the weighting of the given year.^ Perhaps, as pointed out to me by Walsh, Sauerbeck had an inkUng of the upward bias of the arithmetic aver- age in a passage quoted by N. G. Pierson,' although Sau- erbeck had no remedy to propose. * Measurement of General Exchange Value, pp. 327-28. 2 lUd., pp. 307, 349. * Economic Journal, March, 1896, p. 128. CHAPTER VI THE TWO REVERSAL TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULA § 1. The Time Reversal Test as Finder of Formulae ' Not only do the two tests reveal joint errors per- taining to each formula, but they afford the means of rectification. But before we can thus rectify any given formula we must first find for it two other formulse re- lated to it. These two other formulse are "antithetical" to the original formulae ; one being its antithesis re- specting Test 1 and the other its antithesis respecting Test 2. These two antitheses of any formula will there- fore be called its time antithesis and its /ador antithesis. To find these two antitheses is our next task and the ob- ject of this chapter. The time antithesis of any given formula is found by applying Test 1 to that formula. As we know, Test 1 involves two steps : (1) Interchanging the two times and thus obtaining the index number reversed in time. (2) Dividing the last found expression into unity. The result ought to be the original formula itself in order that Test 1 may be fulfilled. If it is not, then the resulting formula, instead of being identical with the original formula, is its time antithesis. That is, the time antithesis of any index number between one time and another is found by applying the very same formula the other way round and then turning it upside down. Algebraically, the first step, applying the formula the other way round, consists in interchanging the subscripts 118 TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULAE 119 (say "0" and ''1"), i-e. erasing "0" wherever it occurs and writing "1" in its place, and vice versa. Thus For- mula 7, viz.f -;^; becomes — :^; The second step, inverting, i.e. dividing into unity, con- sists of interchanging numerator and denominator. Thereby, the above becomes the required time antithesis, ^Poq. £)■ We have taken a particular case for the sake of illustra- tion. In the most general terms the process is : Let Poi represent any index number for time '^1" relatively to time ''0." The ''other way round" is Pio, and this "turned upside down" is ^-, which, therefore, is the " 10 general expression for the time antithesis of Pol It may easily be shown that the antithetical relation- ship is necessarily mutual, the original formula being deriv- able by the very same process from its antithesis, so that each of the two is the time antithesis of the other.^ § 2. Numerical Illustration of Time Antithesis Let us illustrate these two steps by starting once more with the simple arithmetic index number of prices for 1918 relatively to 1917 and repeating, in slightly different form, some of what was shown in Chapter V. This is 110.11 per cent. The first of the two steps is to inter- change 1917 and 1918, i.e. to calculate the simple arith- metic index number of prices for 1917 relatively to 1918. ^ See Appendix I (Note to Chapter VI, § 1). 120 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS This is 94.46 per cent. But these two index numbers, forward and backward, are mutually inconsistent, not being reciprocals, i.e. their product not being unity or 100 per cent. Test 1 is not fulfilled. But, by the second step, we divide one of them, 94.46 per cent, into 100 per cent, or unity, obtaining 105.86 per cent, which is the time antithesis of 110.11. This 105.86 per cent is the figure which multiplied by the arith- metic backward, 94.46 per cent, will give the true required 100 per cent. It will be recognized as the simple harmonic. § 3. Graphic Illustration of Time Antithesis Thus the simple harmonic is the time antithesis of the simple arithmetic. The illustration of this relationship is given in Chart 22. The Harmonic forward is parallel Here the original index to the Arithmetic backward , number is that of the 36 prices as they changed from 1917 to 1918 and ^flrw •, for^ff^^ is represented by the i^^ar^"'" arithmetic "forward" curve. The effect on ^^ari this index number of Qr0^^^^ "" interchanging the" O's" -, .jQ and "I's," or in this Chart 22. As in Charts UP and 14Q case, interchanging the the harmonic may be regarded as the arith- "4's and 5's," 1.6. in- metic backward in disguise, being parallel terchanging the years 1917 and 1918, is repre- sented by the "backward" pointing curve. This shows how the simple arithmetic would portray the price change in going backward from 1918 to 1917. The result is represented by drawing, parallel to the last named, the dotted fine pointing forward. This is the harmonic. TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULAE 121 § 4. Algebraic Expression of Arithmetic and Harmonic Time Antitheses Beginning with Formula 1 (simple arithmetic) and subjecting it to our twofold procedure we obtain : 2, Original Formula 1 n (1) Interchanging the ''O's" and __ 71/ (2) Inverting Po\ ViJ S( The result is the time antithesis of the original simple arithmetic. But the formula thus found is evidently Formula 11, the ''simple harmonic." That is, Formulse 1 and 11 are, as noted in the last section, time antitheses of each other. The harmonic (forward) is thus the arith- metic backward reversed in direction.^ Next take the arithmetic weighted /. Original Formula 3 Vpo/ I Pi ;pigi' ^° (1) Interchanging the "O's" and '' I's"^^— — ■^Piyi (2) Inverting \piJ which is Formula 19, harmonic weighted IV. Thus Formulae 3 and 19 are time antitheses. *■ Cf. C. M. Walsh, Measurement of General Exchange Value, pp. 327-28. 122 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Similarly, Arithmetic Formula 5 and Harmonic Formula 17 are time antitheses. Similarly, Arithmetic Formula 7 and Harmonic Formula 15 are time antitheses. Similarly, Arithmetic Formula 9 and Harmonic Formula 13 are time antitheses. Tabulating more simply, we may indicate the time antitheses by connecting lines as follows, the weighted arithmetic being related to the weighted harmonic in reverse order : Weighting Arithmetic Harmonic Formula No. Formula No. Simple 1-e >ll Weighted / X yrl3 Weighted // 5^ y^l5 Weighted III 7^ ^\^;^i7 Weighted IV y ^19 § 5. Time Antithetical Geometries, Medians, and Modes The other formulae in our list are also related. Algebraically, applying the same processes to the sim- ple geometric, we have : Original Formula 21 ^1 xi^Ox^^ p p:\\ X (1) Interchanging the »j/p ^©?. j^ /// /// ^^ 28 a /// ,^^^ J// f I5^ ZJ 74 75 'le 17 7B Chart 23P. In the case of the factor antitheses, the harmonic is above and the arithmetic below the geometric, in an order the reverse of that in which the original three types were arrayed. price level, and the corresponding index number of quan- tities for 1917 is 125.84 per cent of the 1913 quantity level. One of these is too big, since their product evidently ex- ceeds the value ratio, which is only 192.23 per cent. By TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULAE, 127 dividing this value ratio, 192.23, by the second factor (quantity index), 125.84, we get a new price index, 152.76. This we call the factor antithesis of the original price index, 175.79 — that is, the factor antithesis of the simple Three Types of Indey Numbers of Quantifies Factor Antitheses of Harmonic ^n Geometric ^^ -— -^ Arithmetic _--r — ^-""^^ 75 t4 7S ye '17 *i8 Chart 23Q. Analogous to Chart 23P. arithmetic index of prices. It is the figure which, when used as a factor and multiplied by the simple arithmetic quantity index, will give the true required 192.23 per cent. Or, reversely, dividing the value ratio, 192.23 per cent, 128 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS by the first factor (the price index), 175.79 per cent, we obtain 109.35 per cent, the factor antithesis of the quan- tity index, 125.84 per cent, i.e. the figure which if used Four Methods of Weighting Compared (Prices) [ador Antjlhemfjjif^'^^^^^^ Factor Ant. of Georru}tjic_ factor Ant,£j!sn^°J!E yj H '/5 'le '\7 % Chart 24P. Comparison of methods of weighting applied to factor antitheses of the index numbers given in Chart 16P. The change from weights with base prices (curve numbers ending in 4 and 6) to weights with given year prices (curve numbers ending in 8 and 0) shifts the curve down- ward. Changes in the quantities have little effect one way or the other. as the quantity factor and multiphed by the original price factor, 175.79, will give the true value ratio, 192.23 per cent. The factor antithesis of Formula 1 is numbered 2 ; the factor antithesis of Formula 3 is numbered 4, and so on. That is, each odd numbered formula has as its factor antithesis the following even number.^ 1 The complete system of numbering formulae is given in Appendix V, § 2. TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULA 129 § 10. Graphic lUustratiGn of Factor Antithesis Graphically, Charts 23P and 2SQ show three principal types of factor antitheses arranged in five groups by weights. The order is in each case the reverse of that of the original index number (see Charts 15P and 15Q) . The Four Methods of Weighting Compared (Quantities) f^tS- ..A„#58 , ^fi5^: — »- -;;;t: .J^— "— =" focft ^^^^2a« \5% '13 n 75 'le 17 '18 Chabt 24Q. Analogous to Chart 24P. The shifts are equal (and oppo- site) to those of 16P. Those of 24P are equal and opposite to those of 16Q. factor antitheses (even numbered) of the price indexes exhibit the same biases as the original quantity indexes (odd numbered) in the reverse order. Charts 24P and 24Q, classifying the opposite way, show the four varieties of factor antitheses correspond- ing to the four systems of weighting, arranged in three groups by types. 130 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Charts 20P and 20Q, lower part, show the combination diagram for the factor antitheses. It is similar to Charts 20P and 20Q, upper part, in reverse order. Charts 17 P and 17Q, lower part, show the factor antith- eses of the median. They differ only slightly from each other and exhibit the same inertness or tendency for 34 and 36 (and 38 and 40) to stick close together, except occasionally when they fly apart. The factor antitheses of the modes (not charted) would be indistinguishable from each other. § 11. Algebraic Expression of Factor Antitheses Algebraically, the first step, interchanging prices and quantities, consists merely in interchanging "p" and "g" in any formula, i.e. erasing "p" wherever it occurs, and writing "q" in its place, and vice versa; the second step is dividing the result into the value ratio. For example, according to the simple arithmetic, the index number for time 1 relatively to time is Original Formula 1 (1) Interchanging "p's" and "q's (2) Dividing into (2i) n 'r," \qo^ n SpoQ'o n Thus Formula 1 does not meet Test 2, but the appli- cation of that test leads to a new formula, the factor antith- esis of the former. TESTS AS FINDERS OF FOEMULE 131 Again, Formula 7, ms., — ^ — :;;^ — becomes ^^^ — * The second step consists in dividing the last found into ?Ml giving Formula 8. 2pogo The above are particular cases for illustration. In the most general terms we may let Poi be any index number for prices. Substituting ''^'s" for ''p's," and vice versa, we get Qoi, and dividing into the value ratio, we get— ^-^^-7- Qoi as the general expression for the fac- ^PoQo tor antithesis of Poi. The (even numbered) weighted antitheses of price indexes exhibit the same biases as the (odd numbered) original quantity indexes in opposite order. § 12. The Various Roles of Laspeyres' and Paasche's Formulae In precisely the same way we may obtain all the other factor antitheses. In the case of Formula 3 (or its substi- tutes. Formulae 17 and 53) the result is subject to simphfica- tion. As we aheady know, Formula 3 reduces to 53. Let us start therewith and apply the factor reversal test. Original Formula 53 |2i£o 2pogo (1) Interchanging "p's" and "g's" |^i^ (2) Dividing this into— ^^^ and cancehng SpoQ'o Spo3o ^qiPo which (according to our identification numbering) is called Formula 54. This is evidently identical with Formula 59. 132 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Thus it will be noted that the factor antithesis of For- mula 53 (namely 54) is identical with its time antithesis, 59, which we have known as Paasche's formula. Here- after Paasche's formula will be usually referred to as 54 rather than as 59. For the sake of uniformity of method we designate the factor antithesis of Formula 53 as 54 (and likewise of Formula 3 as 4, and of Formula 17 as 18, all of which [54, 4, 18] are identical with 59). Again, starting with Formula 59, we get as its factor antithesis a formula desig- nated as 60 which, of course, turns out to be identical with 53. Likewise the factor antitheses of Formulae 5 (called 6) and of 19 (called 20) are all identical with 60. Our table of formulae now has two sets of six identicals (3,6, 17, 20, 53, 60) and (4,5,18, 19,54,59), represent- ing two types, type L (Laspeyres') and type P (Paasche's). The following list of weighted arithmetic, harmonic, and aggregative formulae is arranged to show the repeti- tions of L (Laspeyres') and P (Paasche's) formulae (the only repeaters in the entire Ust of formulae). Arithmetic Aggregative Harmonic Formula No. Formula No. Formula No. 13 14 15 16 3L 53 L 17 L 4P 54 P 18 P 6P 59 P 19 P 6L 60 L 20 L 7 8 9 10 Thus L and P fall always among these three types. TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULA 133 § 13. List of 46 Formulae We had 28 formulae which included four identicals. All the even numbered formulae which we have just added to the Ust by applying Test 2 are new, excepting only Formulae 54 and 60 and their identicals. Thus instead of 28 formulae, or 24 after canceling identicals, we now have 56, or 46 after canceUng identicals. They are as follows : Aeithmetic Harmonic Geometric Median Mode Aggregative 1 11 21 31 41 51 2 12 22 ■ 32 42 52 3L 13 23 33 43 53 L 4P 14 24 34 44 54 P 5P 15 25 35 45 6L 16 26 36 46 7 17 L 27 37 47 8 18 P 28 38 48 9 19 P 29 39 ^ 49 59 P 10 20 L 30 40 50 60 L The following list omits duplicates (53 and 54 being retained but their duphcates omitted). Simple Fac. an. of simple Weighted I Fac. an. of weighted /. . Weighted II Fac. an. of weighted // . Weighted/// Fac. an. of weighted /// Weighted IV Fac. an. of weighted IV . u S S S S I o i < w a 1 11 21 31 41 2 12 22 32 42 _ 13 23 33 43 - 14 24 34 44 - 15 25 35 45 - 16 26 36 46 7 - 27 37 47 8 - 28 38 48 9 - 29 39 49 10 - 30 40 50 51 52 53 54 134 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS These 46 formulae may be called the 'primary formulae. The additional ones which follow in subsequent chapters are all derivatives from these 46 primary formula. Of these 46 distinct formulae : six are simples, viz. 1, H, 21, 31, 41, 51 sLx are the factor antitheses of the simples, viz. 2, 12, 22, 32, 42, 52 two are Laspeyres' and Paasche's, 53, 54 {aggregatives which interchange with some of the arithmetics and harmonics) two are other weighted arithmetics, 7, 9 two are the factor antitheses of these, 8, 10 two are other weighted harmonics, 13, 15 two are the factor antitheses of these, 14, 16 four are weighted geometries, 23, 25, 27, 29 four are the factor antitheses of these, 24, 26, 28, 30 four are weighted medians, 33, 35, 37, 39 four are the factor antitheses of these, 34, 36, 38, 40 four are weighted modes, 43, 45, 47, 49 four are the factor antitheses of these, 44, 46, 48, 50 § 14. Historical As has been pointed out in previous chapters, the time reversal test has, to all intents and purposes, been used by many previous writers. These same writers, notably Walsh, have likewise observed the essential symmetry of Formulae 23 and 29, of 1 and 11, and of 3 and 19 (or 53 and 59). - As to factor antitheses. Formula 52 has been used by Drobisch and Sir Rawson-Rawson (who proposed to measure the average price level of imports or exports by dividing values by tonnage). Formula 22 has been pro- posed by Nicholson and Walsh. Among other factor antitheses Formula 2154 (to be described later) was proposed by Walsh while 4154 (also to be described later) has been proposed by Lehr. As these are all factor antitheses of other formulae, the principle of such antith- esis must have been more or less consciously recognized. The other factor antitheses in our list, derived from the TESTS AS FINDERS OF FORMULAE 135 general application of the principle, seem not to have been expressed. Nevertheless the general principle may be said to be recognized whenever any series of statistics of money values (such as of imports, exports, production, clearings) are ''deflated" by dividing by an index number of prices to obtain a rough index of the underlying quanti- ties (physical volume of imports, exports, production, trade). CHAPTER VII RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" THEM § 1. Crossing Time Antitheses We have thus far reached two chief results from the use of the tests. First, we have noted which formulsB meet, and which fail to meet, these tests. Of the 46, only four, the simple geometric, median, mode, and aggre- gative, meet Test 1 and none of the 46 meet Test 2. Sec- ondly, we have, by Test 1, found for each formula its time antithesis (in each case an old odd numbered for- mula) and by Test 2 its factor antithesis (in each case, except for some dupUcations, a new even numbered for- mula). We now come to a third use of these tests, namely, to "rectify" formulse, i.e. to derive from any given formula which does not satisfy a test another formula which does satisfy it ; so that now we are about to pass from our 46 primary formulse to the region of derivative formulse. This is easily done by "crossing," that is, by averaging, antitheses. If a given formula fails to satisfy Test 1 its time antithesis will also fail to satisfy it ; but the two will fail, as it were, in opposite ways, so that a cross be- tween them (obtained by geometrical averaging) will give the golden mean which does satisfy. This will be true in all cases, whether the formulse paired and crossed are arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, median, mode, or aggregative (or any other for that matter). As will be shown, the geometric mean of the two antithetical index numbers may always be used for "crossing" them 136 RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 137 whether the two themselves be geometric, median, mode, aggregative, or one arithmetic and the other harmonic (arithmetic-harmonic). If we thus cross the two antithe- ses geometrically, the resulting formula will satisfy the test. But if we cross them arithmetically, or har- monically, it will not. By this simple process of crossing (geometrically) we can ''rectify" any formula whatever so far as securing conformity to either or both of the two tests goes. Thus, take the simple arithmetic. Its time antithesis is the simple harmonic. Neither of these fulfills the first or time reversal test. But the failure of each in one di- rection is exactly matched by the failure of the other in the opposite direction, and we shall see that the cross between the two meets the test exactly. § 2. Numerical Illustration The simple arithmetic index number for 1917 on 1913 as base is 175.79 per cent. The simple harmonic (time antithesis) for 1917 on 1913 as base is 157.88 per cent. Neither of these satisfies Test 1 but the cross between them is 166.60 per cent which does satisfy Test 1 since it is the reciprocal of 60.02 per cent, the figure reached by the same process applied the other way round in time. Thus 166.60, the rectified arithmetic (and, of course, the rectified harmonic as well), unlike the original un- rectified or simple arithmetic, 175.79 per cent, and the original unrectified or simple harmonic, 157.88, conforms to Test 1, i.e. is such that multipUed by the similarly obtained figure for the reverse direction, 60.02 per cent, it gives exactly 100 per cent, or unity ; in other words, the forward and backward are reciprocals. The simple geometric index number, on the other hand, being its own time antithesis, i.e. conforming to Test 1, 138 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS requires no rectification (so far as that test goes). For 1917 this simple geometric index number is 166.65 per cent and, in the reversed direction, it is 60.01 per cent, which is the reciprocal of 166.65 per cent. The Simple Geometric compared with the simple Arithmetic and Harmonic and their rectification by test I. (Prices) 13 U 75 16 17 18 Chakt 25P. The geometric (21) is practically identical with 101, the geometric mean of 1 and 11. The entire (price) series of the two, i.e. the recti- fied simple arithmetic-harmonic, 101, and the simple geometric, 21, are : 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Eectified Arithmetic- Harmonic (101) 100 95.75 96.80 121.38 166.60 179.09 Simple Geometric (21) 100 95.77 96.79 121.37 166.65 180.12 Comparison between these two index numbers satisfy- ing Test 1 reveals an unexpected result — that is, a re- markably close agreement. Thus, the supposed conflict between the geometric and arithmetic index numbers disappears by "rectification." RECTIFYING FORMULtE BY "CROSSING" 139 Hitherto there has been a disposition to think that the arithmetic and geometric stand on an equality, that, while the arithmetic lies above the geometric and the harmonic lies below it, this is Uttle more than an interesting fact. Jevons and a few others, on the other hand, have had a disposition to prefer the geometric as one always pre- fers a "golden mean" to extremes, but without assigning any clear reason for the preference. The mere fact that the geometric lies between two others is not a very logical reason for preferring it. The Simple Geometric compared with the simple Arifhmetic and Harmonic and their rectification by test I (Quantities) '/3 '14 15 16 17 18 Chart 25Q. Analogous to Chart 25P. But 21 and 101 disagree in 1918. We did, however, find a very good reason for rejecting the simple arithmetic (and, likewise, the simple harmonic) index number. It will not work both ways in time con- sistently with itself. But when, by ''rectification," this defect is remedied the resulting rectified arithmetic no longer presents any problem arising from results dis- crepant with the geometric mean. Test 1 thus serves as a touchstone for (1) convicting the arithmetic (and harmonic) of self -inconsistency ; (2) remedying that inconsistency, reaching another for- mula entirely free of this defect. 140 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 3. Graphic Illustration Graphically, Charts 25P and 25Q show the rectified index number (Formula 101) by crossing the simple arithmetic (1) and simple harmonic (11) and its practical identity with the simple geometric (21). § 4. Algebraic Proof that Rectification Can Always be Accomplished by Crossing Time Antitheses Algebraically, the full proof is ridiculously simple. Let Poi be any formula for the index number of prices of date 1 relatively to date 0. Its time antithesis, as was shown in § 1 of the preceding chapter, is — -. The geometric mean is found by multiplying these two expressions to- gether and extracting the square root, \-^- This is ■I 10 the new formula which we are to prove conforms to Test 1. Let us apply Test 1. (1) Interchanging the '^O's" and 'Ts," V^' -I 01 (2) Multiplying this by the original, we get unity as the test requires. Therefore the cross between any two time antitheses will obey Test 1. Thus, as Formulae 1 and 11 are time antitheses, the formula V(l) X (11) must fulfill Test 1, the time re- versal test. We have called this new formula, 101. In all, we may derive the following new formulae fulfilling the time reversal test by virtue of the fact that each is a cross between two time antitheses : RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 141 § 5. List of Rectified Formulae by Crossing Time Antitheses FormulsD derived from arithmetics and harmonics. . Vl X 11 or Formula 101 V2 X 12 or Formula 102 V3^l9 or Formula 103 V4 X 20 or Formula 104 . V5 X 17 or Formula 105 Ve X 18 or Formula 106 V7 X 15 or Formula 107 VS X 16 or Formula 108 V9 X 13 or Formula 109 VlO X 14 or Formula 110 Formulae derived from geometries : V'23 X 29 or Formula 123 V24 X 30 or Formula 124 V25 X 27 or Formula 125 V26 X 28 or Formula 126 Formulae derived from medians : , V33 X 39 or Formula 133 V34 X 40 or Formula 134 V35 X 37 or Formula 135 V36 X 38 or Formula 136 Formulae derived from modes : V43 X 49 or Formula 143 V44 X 50 or Formula 144 V45 X 47 or Formula 145 V46 X 48 or Formula 146 142 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Formulse derived from aggregatives : \/53 X 59 or Formula 153 \/54 X 60 or Formula 154 Formula 153 for prices is : 4 and for quantities : J Sgi??o ^ gg^^ ^S^oPo 2goPi This is what we shall call our ''ideal" formula. It is evidently identical with Formula 154, since 53 is identi- cal with 60 and 59 with 54. Likewise the resulting 153 and 154 dupUcate Formulae 103, 104, 105, 106 (which result from various identicals of 53 and 54). In numbering these rectified formulse for identification, it will be observed that we simply use the number 100, in- creased by the number of the lower numbered of the two time antitheses from which each is derived.^ § 6. Crossing Factor Antitheses We come now to Test 2, and factor antitheses. Recti- fication relatively to Test 2 is accomplished by taking the geometric mean between any two formulse which are factor antitheses. Again the proof, given in the Appen- dix, is simple.^ § 7. List of Rectified Formulae by Crossing Factor Antitheses Thus we obtain the following formulse conforming to Test 2 : Vl X 2 or Formula 201 V3 X 4 or Formula 203 * The complete system of numbering formulae is given in Appendix V, § 2. * See Appendix I (Note to Chapter VII, § 6) for proof and discussion. RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 143 V5 X 6 or Formula 205 V7 X 8 or Formula 207 Vq X 10 or Formula 209 Vu X 12 or Formula 211 Vl3 X 14 or Formula 213 Vl5 X 16 or Formula 215 Vl7 X 18 or Formula 217 Vl9 X 20 or Formula 219 V21 X 22 or Formula 221 V23 X 24 or Formula 223 V25 X 26 or Formula 225 V27 X 28 or Formula 227 V29 X 30 or Formula 229 V31 X 32 or Formula 231 V33 X 34 or Formula 233 V35 X 36 or Formula 235 V37 X 38 or Formula 237 V39 X 40 or Formula 239 V4I X 42 or Formula 241 V43 X 44 or Formula 243 V45 X 46 or Formula 245 V47 X 48 or Formula 247 V49 X 50 or Formula 249 V5I X 52 or Formula 251 V53 X 54 or Formula 253 V59 X 60 or Formula 259 In numbering these formulae for identification, it will be observed that we simply use the number 200, increased by the number of the lower numbered of the two factor 144 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS antitheses from which each is derived (just as, in reference to Test 1 we used the number 100 plus the number of the lower numbered of the two time antitheses). Of course, the ability of a formula to conform to one of the two tests does not necessarily imply ability to conform to the other (although, as a matter of fact, it tends in that direction). Accordingly, most of the 200-group of formulae are distinct from — even though usually giving results close to — the 100-group of formulae. Among the 200-group there are six alike, viz., those crossing Laspeyres' and Paasche's, or the following: Formulae 203, 205, 217, 219, 253, 259 ; and these are not only identical with each other but, as will be seen by inspection, identical with six of the 100-group, namely with Formulae 153 and 154, and the duplicates of the latter, namely Formulae 103, 104, 105, 106. This formula, 4 2£i9o ^ Spig i SpoQ-o 2pogi mentioned before as our ideal, is the cross between Las- peyres' and Paasche's. It is the only formula which occurs both in the 100 and the 200 lists. § 8. Fourfold Relationship of Antitheses It may be easily shown ^ that,"if any two index numbers are time antitheses of each other, then their respective factor antitheses are also time antitheses of each other. Thus, Formulae 1 and 11 being time antitheses of each other, Formulae 2 and 12 (their factor antitheses) are also time antitheses of each other. Likewise Formulae 23 and 29 being time antitheses. Formulae 24 and 30 (their respective factor antitheses) are also time antitheses of each other. 1 Algebraically, the proof of this theorem is simple and is given in Ap- pendix I (Note A to Chapter VII, § 8). RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 145 Similarly it may be easily shown ^ that if any two in- dex numbers are factor antitheses of each other, then their respective time antitheses are also factor antitheses of each other. § 9. Rectifying Simple Arithmetic and Harmonic by Both Tests Thus we find our formulae arranging themselves in quartets, which not only form two pairs of time antithe- ses, but also form two pairs of factor antitheses — all of them failing to meet tests, but rectifiable through cross- ing. Thus the quartet of formulae : 1 11 2 12 are such that either horizontal pair yields a formula con- forming to Test 1 (i.e. V (1) X (11) is Formula 101, and V (2) X (12) is Formula 102) while the vertical pairs yield formulae conforming to Test 2 (i.e. V (1) X (2) is 201 and V(ll) X (12) is 211). It may be shown that, in any such quartet, the crosses of the two pairs of time antitheses are factor antitheses of each other and the crosses of the two pairs of factor antitheses are time antitheses of each other. We are now ready to follow through the complete or double rectification of all formulae. This is obtained by crossing the crosses and gives the same result in which- ever order it is done, — whether first crossing the time antitheses and then crossing the results, or first crossing the factor antitheses and then crossing the results, and the result is the same as the fourth root of the product ^Algebraically, the proof is given in Appendix I (Note B to Chapter VII, § 8). 146 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Recti fled Arifhmetic and Harmonic, Simple / (Prices) /2 73 W 75 V5 V 'la Chart 26P, The upper tier are the curves of a quartet of related for- mulae. The next tier are formed by welding, or crossing geometrically, each pair of time antitheses (1 and 11 yielding 101; 2 and 12 yielding 102) ; the next, by welding each pair of factor antitheses (1 and 2 yielding 201; 11 and 12 yielding 211); and the last, by welding all four in the upper tier (or both in the second or both in the third). No one of the upper tier fulfills either test ; those of the second fulfill Test 1 but not Test 2 ; those of the third fulfill Test 2 but not Test 1 ; those of the last ful- fill both tests. RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 147 of the entire quartet. ^ Thus this fourth root, the double rectification of any of the quartet of formulae, must satisfy both tests. Recti fled Arithmetic and Harmnic, Simple (Quantities) W n 75 iS 17 Chaet 26Q. Analogous to Chart 26P. 7a A doubly rectified formula is numbered 300, increased by the number of the lowest numbered of the quartet of formulae from which it is derived. All the relation- ships may be illustrated by the following scheme for the quartet Formulae 1, 11, 2, 12, above cited. 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter VII, § 9). 148 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 1 crossed with 11 gives 101 crossed with crossed with crossed with 2 crossed with 12 gives 102 gives 201 crossed with gives 211 gives gives 301 § 10. Numerical Illustration We may illustrate all three rectifications by taking the figures for 1917 for the quartet of FormulsB 1, 11, 2, 12. These are for the index numbers of prices : (1) = 175.79 (2) = 152.75 (11) = 157.88 (12) = 172.11 The geometric means or rectifications of the time an- titheses are (101) = Vl X 11 = V175.79 X 157.88 = 166.60 (102) = \/2 X 12 = V152.75 X 172.11 = 162.14 It is interesting to observe that these results conform- ing to Test 1 are not so far apart as the original figures which do not so conform. Similarly the rectifications respecting Test 2 are (201) = Vl X 2 = V175.79 X 152.75 = 163.87 (211) = Vll X 12 = V157.88 X 172.11 = 164.84 It is interesting to observe that these figures conform- ing to Test 2 are closer together than the original figures which do not so conform. RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 149 Finally, the complete rectification gives (301) = VlOl X 102 = \/l66.60 X 162.14 = 164.35 = V2OI X 211 = \/l63.87 X 164.84 = 164.35 = v^ 1 X 2 X 11 X 12 = v^ 175.79 X 152.75 X 157.88 X 172.11 = 164.35 § 11. Graphic Illustration Charts 26P and 26Q give the rectification of the simple arithmetic and harmonic, i.e. of Formulae 1, 11, 2, 12 (in which quartet 1 and 1 1 are time antitheses of each other, as are 2 and 12, while 1 and 2 are factor antitheses of each other, as are 11 and 12). These four are drawn from the same origin (upper part of the figure), the factor antitheses, or even numbered, being dotted lines. Their rectifications by Test 1 are drawn immediately below, the dark curve 101 being the rectification of For- mulae 1 and 11 ; and the dotted curve 102 being the rec- tification of 2 and 12. These two rectified formulae agree with each other better than the original formulae. The third tier, on the other hand, gives the rectifica- tions by Test 2, 201 being the rectification of Formulae 1 and 2, and 211 of 11 and 12. These two also are closer than the first four. Finally, the lowest tier gives 301, the completely rectified index number. It may be considered as the rectification by Test 2 of the pair rectified by Test 1, or it may be considered as the rectification by Test 1 of the pair recti- fied by Test 2, or it may be considered as the rectifica- tion of the whole original quartet by both tests at once. Thus each rectification splits a difference and each index number represented by the final curve is the geo- metric average of the four from which it is derived. These methods of rectification by crossing apply generally. 150 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 12. Rectifying Simple Geometric, Median, Mode, and Aggregative by Both Tests Graphically, Charts 27P and 27Q show the recti- fication of the simple geometric. This is a shorter X 22,22 Rectified Geometric, Simple (Prices) 73 74 75 7tf V7 73 Chabt 27P. Analogous to Chart 26P ; but the quartet 21, 21, 22, 22 contains two duplicates, so that the upper tier of four curves reduce to two; the two of the second tier simply repeat those last named and the two curves in the third tier reduce to one. The one in the lower tier merely repeats the last named. process than that shown in the last section as the sim- ple geometric already meets Test 1 and only needs recti- fication by Test 2. But, for uniformity, we put in all four steps, the first "rectification" being, in this case, merely a repetition of the formulse ; for we may regard Formula 21 as its own time antithesis, and 22 as its own. RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 151 That is, the first tier gives the quartet, 21 21 22 22 (Formula 21 being the time antithesis of 21 and Formula 22 of 22, while one of the 22's is the factor antithesis of one of the 21's and the other 22 of the other 21). In Recfified Geomeiric, Simple (Quaniities) ^^^22.22 13 74 75 16 17 W Chaet 27Q. Analogous to Chart 27P. the second tier. Formula 121 is the ''horizontal" recti- fication of Formulae 21 and 21, i.e. is identical with 21, and likewise. Formula 122 is the "horizontal" rectifica- tion of Formulae 22 and 22, i.e. is identical with 22. The third tier, 221, is supposed to represent two coincident formulae, one the ''vertical" rectification of one pair, Formulae 21 and 22, and the other of the other pair, 21 and 22. The fourth tier is evidently identical with the third, being the rectification of Formulae 221 and 221 (as well as of 121 and 122). Were it not for the fact that usually we have four really distinct formulae to rectify we would omit two of 152 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS these tiers (the second and last) ; for the only real recti- fication is by Test 2. Charts 28P and 28Q show in exactly the same way the rectification of the simple median, and Charts 29P and 29Q that of the simple mode, and Charts SOP and 30Q that of the simple aggregative. Rectified Median. Simple {Prices ) '13 74 75 'le U7 '18 Chart 28P. Analogous to Chart 27P as to duplications. § 13. Results of Doubly Rectifying Simples Graphically, Charts 31P and 31Q show at a glance the rectification of all simples (modes omitted). The top tier simples are only 1 and 11 because the mode (41) is omitted; and because 21, 31, 51, already conforming to Test 1, are postponed to the second tier, where they occur as 121, 131, 151, along with those rectified by Test 1. All rectified by Test 2 are in the third tier; RECTIFYING FORMULiE BY "CROSSING" 153 while the last gives those rectified by both tests. It will be seen that Curves 301 and 321 are practically paral- lel everywhere except 1917-1918, where Curve 301 (fixed base) still bears evidence of the original distortion due to one commodity, skins. These two are fairly similar to 331, while 351 stands alone. Formula 341 (omitted) has comparatively little resemblance to the rest. Rectified Median, Simple (Quanfiiies) '13 74 75 '16 17 '18 Chart 28Q. Analogous to Chart 28P. Thus we may say, in general, that by rectifying simple index numbers we secure a moderate, but only a moderate, degree of agreement among the three principal formulae. That this agreement is not better is because the simples involve such outlandish weighting that they are almost incorrigible. This is especially true of the aggregative Formula 51 with its "haphazard" weighting, which has no relation to the weighting employed by the others. Moreover, the rectification of the simples by Test 2 154 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS involves a practical absurdity. Simple index numbers of prices have an excuse for existing only when we have no knowledge of what weights could be used, that is, no Rectified Mode, Simple (Prices) \5% •13 '14 '15 '16 '17 18 Chart 29P. Analogous to Chart 27P as to duplications. knowledge of the "g's" and so no knowledge of the values, Poqo, etc. But rectifying a simple index number of prices by Test 2, on the other hand, requires its factor antithesis obtained by dividing the corresponding simple RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 155 index number of quantities into the value ratio. This implies that we do know the quantities and values. But if we had all this knowledge we would, in practice, use it at the start, and employ a better system of weighting than the simple weighting. Rectified Mode, Simple (Quantities) --^-O^ 4l.4t . .-^ .^.^--'^^ ) 42,42 V5 7-* 'IS Chaet 29Q. 'te '17 us to Chart 29 P. 18 Nevertheless, for completeness, I have included in this book the rectification of simples. It serves to show how, even starting with the handicap of absurd weight- ing, we can achieve a very considerable rectification, though we can never completely overcome the handicap. 156 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 14. Rectifying the Weighted Arithmetic and Harmonic by Both Tests Far more important, therefore, are the rectifications of the weighted index numbers. The consideration of the first two quartets on the hst, consisting of Formulae 3, 19, 4, 20, and 5, 17, 6, 18, is Rectified Aggregative, Simple (Prices) tj '/'f 75 ye 77 'id Chart SOP. Analogous to Chart 27P as to duplications. postponed. The reason is that, in each case, their recti- fication is identical with that of Formulae 53 and 54. Graphically, Charts 32P and 32Q show the rectification of the arithmetic-harmonic quartet, Formulae 9, 13, 10, 14. By Test 1 in Charts 32P and 32Q we roll or weld Curves 9 and 13 into 109, and 10 and 14 into 110. Again, by Test 2 Curves 9 and 10 are compressed into 209, and 13 and 14 into 213. Finally, by putting all four through both roUing mills (in either order, or both at once), we RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 157 roll them together into the single curve 309 at the bottom of the diagram. Charts 33P and 33Q show the same process by which the quartet, Formulae 7, 15, 8, 16, are passed through our rolling mills to be welded into the fully rectified 307. Rectified Aggregative, Sinyoie (Quantities) '13 74 */5 Chart 30Q. ie 77 Analogous to Chart SOP. 78 Chart 33 resembles Chart 32 very closely in every detail. § 15. Rectifying the "Weighted Geometric, Median, Mode, and Aggregative by Both Tests Graphically, Charts 34P and 34Q show the rectified quartet of geometries. Formulae 23, 29, 24, 30. These charts resemble Charts 32 and 33 except that the four formulae to start with are only about half as far apart. Charts 35P and 35Q show the rectification quartet of the geometric Formulae 25, 27, 26, 28, and resemble closely Chart 34 in every detail. Charts 36P, 36Q and 37P, 37Q give the rectified 158 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS dimple Index Numben of Prices and Their Antitheses and DenVof/re'S. Satisfying neither test test I only. both tests (modes omitted) 73 14 15 16 17 ys Chart 3 IP. This double rectification of all the simple index numbers (of which 21, 31, 51 and their factor antitheses 22, 32, 52 are omitted in the first tier, being inserted in the second tier as 121, 131, 151 and 122, 132, 152) results in only a moderate degree of agreement, as the lowest tier of curves indicates. RECTIFYING FORMULiE BY "CROSSING" 159 Simple Index Numbers of Quantifies ond Their Antitheses and Deriyotives. Satisfying neither test, test I ortiy. « doth tests, (modes omitted) 13 1^ '15 '16 '17 Chart 31Q. Analogous to Chart ZIP. 'IS 160 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS medians as indicated. They are like the figures for the preceding except that they are usually still closer to each other than the geometric but less consistently so. Rectified Arithmetic and Harmonic, Weighted (By Values in One Year) (Prices ) 21^209 73 '14 '15 16 '17 'Id Chart 32 P. A quartet of widely differing weighted index numbers, with scattered chain figures, combined by rectification into 309, which is practically identical with the other rectified index numbers that follow, and the chain figures of which practically coincide with the fixed base figures. Charts 38P and 38Q give the rectified mode for the quartet of Formulae 43, 49, 44, 50 as well as of 45, 47, 46, 48 ; for these two do not need separate charts, being iden- tical up to the limit of our calculations. That is, 43 is practically identical with 45, 44 with 46, 49 with 47, and 50 with 48. Thus the mode does not respond appreciably to changing weights. RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 161 Charts 39P and 39Q show the rectification of the two weighted aggregatives, the formulsB of Laspeyres' (53) and Paasche's (54) which recur again and again in our system of formulae. It may be considered as the recti- fication, not only of the quartet, Formulae 53, 59, 54, 60, Recfitied Arithmetic ancf Harmonic, Weighted (dy Values in One Year) (Quantities) '13 74 V5 Vtf 77 Chart 32Q. Analogous to Chart 32P. but also of the quartets, 3, 19, 4, 20, and 5, 17, 6, 18, all three quartets being identical. This rectification, like some of the preceding, is not really of four but of two only. Also, unlike the case of the others, there is only one real rectification; that is, the first rectification and second are identical with each other as well as, of course, with the two together. Hence there is only the one identical curve for each of the three lower tiers. 162 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 16. Results of Double Rectifications of Weighted Index Numbers Graphically, Charts 40P and 40Q show at a glance the rectification of all the weighted index numbers (modes Recfified Arifhmeiic and Harmonic, Weighfed I (By ••Mixed' Values ) ___^ 7 /e (Prices) 207 '13 '14- -IS 'le 'I? Vd Chart 33P. Analogous to Chart 32P except that the weighting is by mixed or "hybrid" values. omitted). The agreement thus brought about among the weighted index numbers is far greater than that brought about among the simples. In fact, all these rectified weighted index numbers agree perfectly for practical purposes. If the medians were excluded the eye could scarcely detect any discordance. Only the RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 163 rectified weighted modes (omitted from chart) really disagree with the rest. Charts 41 P and 41 Q outUne the hmits of the various weighted formulae (omitting modes and medians), showing that the hmits contract as the tests are fulfilled. This diagram shows that all weighted index numbers (omitting Rectified Arithmetic and Harmonic, Weighted (By "Mixed" Values ) (Quantifies) '13 V4 'IS 16 '17 Chart 33Q. Analogous to Chart 33 P. 75 modes and medians) he within limits far closer together than the original price relatives or quantity relatives averaged. What is more important, it shows that this range is greatly reduced when at least one of the two tests is met. Finally, it shows that those which satisfy both tests lie within an amazingly small range, so small as, for prac- tical purposes, to be entirely neghgible. Charts 42P and 42Q give individually the doubly recti- 164 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS fied weighted index numbers (modes omitted). It will be noted that the eye can scarcely detect any lack of paralleUsm, except sUghtly in the case of the median. Rectified Geomefric , Weighted (By Values in One Year) (Prices) '13 74 75 7^ '17 'IB Chart 34P. Analogous to Chart 32P except that all of the quartet are of geometric derivation instead of arithmetic and harmonic. § 17. List of Quartets Let us now again "take account of stock," and list, first, all the quartets, and then all the formulae. The following is a complete list, omitting duphcates, of all the quartets which may be formed from the 46 primary formulae by matching each formula with its antitheses. RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" Arithmetic and Harmonic giving Formula 301 giving Formula 307 giving Formula 309 Recfitied Geometric, Weighted (By Values in One Year) (Quantities) 165 1 11 2 12 7 15 8 16 9 13 10 14 13 'M 'IS '16 '17 Chakt 34Q. Analogous to Chart 34P. 75 Geometric 21 22 21 22 giving Formula 321 23 24 29 30 giving Formula 323 25 26 27 28 giving Formula 325 166 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Median giving Formula 331 giving Formula 333 giving Formula 335 Recti fied Geometric, Weighted (By 'Mixed" Values) (Prices) 31 32 31 32 33 34 39 40 35 36 37 38 Chart 35 P. Analogous to Chart ^34P except that the weighting is by mixed or "hybrid" values. Mode 41 42 41 42 43 44 49 50 45 46 47 48 giving Formula 341 giving Formula 343 giving Formula 345 RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 167 Aggregative 51 52 51 52 53 54 59 60 giving Formula 351 giving Formula 353 RecfiFied Geomeiric, Weighted (By 'Mixed" Values) (Quantities) 13 'M IS 16 17 Chakt 35Q. Analogous to Cloart 35F. ^8 The omitted duplicates are 3 4 19 20 and 5 6 17 18 168 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Rectified Median, Weighted (By Values in One Year) (Prices) U3 7-f 'IS W 17 Chakt 36P. Analogous to Chart 32P. which are identical with 53 54 59 60 U8 all of which identical quartets merely contain Laspeyres' and Paasche's formulae in their various r61es. Each of the last three might be written L P P L RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 169 All these identical quartets remind us again that Laspeyres' and Paasche's formulae are time antitheses of each other and also factor antitheses of each other, as well as that they are arithmetic, harmonic, and aggre- gative. Rectified Median, Vfeighted (By \/alues in On* Year) (Quantifies) ^^ 34 '13 y-f '15 W 1(7. Chaet 36Q. Analogous to Chart 36P. W Of the quartets it has doubtless been observed by the reader that some really reduce to duets, namely, those quartets resulting in Formulse 321, 331, 341, 351 (in which cases the two numbers in the same horizontal line are iden- tical) ; and also the quartet resulting in Formula 353 (in which case the diagonals are identical, being Las- peyres' and Paasche's formulse). Formula 353, V 170 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS which is identical with the 12 formulse indicated in § 7, will hereafter be referred to only as 353. Rectified Median, Weighted (By 'Mixed' Values) (Prices) 73 74 75 'le '17 '18 Chaht 37P. Analogous to Chart 36P except that the weighting is by mixed or "hybrid" values. § 18. List of Formtilae thus far Obtained The complete list of formulae, including the primary, those fulfilUng Test 1, those fulfilling Test 2, and those fulfiUing both tests, are given in Table 12, in which duplications are omitted (being indicated only by a dash) . In this table any formula (like 21) which already fulfills RECTIFYING FORMULiE BY "CROSSING" 171 Test 1 before crossing is pushed forward and appears later (as 121) ; and likewise any (like 221) which fulfills both tests after only one kind of crossing is pushed for- ward and appears later (as 321). That is, in this table the numbers with "300" comprise those and those only RecfiFied Median, Weighted (By 'Miffed" Values) (Quanfiiies) j5e 73 74 75 'IS '17 'IB Chart 37Q. Analogous to Chart 37P. which fulfill both tests; the numbers with ''200" com- prise those, and those only, which fulfill only Test 2 ; the numbers with ''100" comprise those, and those only, which fulfill only Test 1, while the numbers less than 100 include those, and those only, which fulfill neither test. Thus far we have assembled for examination the follow- ing number of formulae : 46 primary formulae, including eight (21, 22, 31, 32, 41, 42, 51, 52) which conform to Test 1 and so are pushed 172 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Reciitied Mode, Weighted (Prictsi 44.50 (or 46.46) 43,43 (er45.^7i 243, 249(er245,i47i 343(or34S) 13 74 75 7ff '/7 '18 Chart 38P. Analogous to Charts 32P and 33P. forward (to 121, 122, 131, 132, 141, 142, 151, 152) in the last table of formulse ; 19 new derivative formulae (derived by crossing time antitheses among the primary) conforming to Test 1 and including one (153) which conforms to Test 2 as well and so is pushed forward (to 353) in the last table ; 22 new derivative formulse (derived by crossing factor antitheses among the primary) conforming to Test 2 ; 9 new derivative formulse conforming to both tests. RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 173 This makes 96 separate formulae, of which 38 conform to neither test, 26 conform to Test 1 only, 18 conform to Test 2 only, and 14 conform to both tests. This list of 96 formulae constitutes our main series of formulae and Rectified Mode, Weighted (Quanfities) ilJ.19(oM5,47t M4fer/4e) Y43(«rH5} 243.24B(or245,247l 343(6r345} 13 74 'S le '17 78 Chart 38Q. Analogous to Chart 38P. includes most of the important kinds. Certain other formulae which will be considered later are, in each case, closely similar to some of these 96 varieties. In a later chapter all these and other forms of index numbers will be systematically compared. But already one important conclusion forces itself upon us. It is 174 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS one which has already been noted, namely, that, after rectification, the great discrepancies which we first noticed among index numbers constructed by different formulae tend to disappear; and that excepting the modes and the index numbers derived from simples, all the index numbers thus far foundwhich obey both tests agree closely witheach other. Rectified Aggregative, Weighted (Prices) 13 14 '15 '16 17 '18 Chart 39P. Analogous to Chart 32P, but the quartet 53, 59, 54, and 60 contains two duplicates ; consequently the four curves in the upper tier reduce to two ; the two of the second tier reduce to one ; and the two lower tiers merely repeat the preceding. § 19. Other Methods of Crossing In this chapter the "cross" between any two formulae has always been the geometric mean between those two formulae. And we have seen that this geometric mean satisfied the test in question. That is, the geometric mean of two time antitheses satisfies the time test, and the geometric mean of two factor antitheses satisfies the factor test. If we try the arithmetic mean or the harmonic RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 175 mean of the two antitheses, it will fail to satisfy the re- quired test. Algebraically, this is readily proven by applying the usual twofold routine by which we have tested any for- mula. Take, for example, Formulae 53 and 54 or 59. If we cross these two formulae arithmetically instead of crossing them Rectified Aggregative, Weighted (Quantifies) 15 14 15 16 17 Chaet 39Q. Analogous to Chart 39P. 76 geometrically, we obtain 2 Starting with this formula, let us apply to it Test 1, by means of the usual twofold procedure : Interchanging the ''O's" and the "I's," SpogiiSpo^o 2 Inverting, 2 Spogi , 2po£o Spigi Spigo 176 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Weighted Index Numbers cf Prices ana Their Ant/theses and Derivatives Satisfying neither test test I onltf .. Z - both tests [modes omitted) \ior.»>a.to9.im. l23.l24.l2S.l2e, 133.134,135.133 Z33.2SS.23Z239 \30Z 309.3?3. )^2^3S3.3J^SS9i f/S 74 75 W 77 vd Chart 40P. Analogous to Chart 3 IP, except that the double rectifi- cation of these weighted index numbers results in a much closer agreement than was the case with the simples. The resulting formula is not the original arithmetic but the harmonic. Therefore, the original formula fails to conform to Test 1, and the resulting (harmonic) formula is its time antithesis. The reader can readily prove that the same formula also fails to satisfy Test 2. In this case the twofold pro- cedure consists, as we know, in interchanging the "p's" RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 177 Weighted Index Numbers of Quantifies and Their Antitheses and Derivatives. Saliafijinq neither test " test I only. » Z " . bottt tests. (modes omittedl 107. ma, io9.no. I2S.I24.I2S.I2S. l33./3t.l3S.I3e { \223.22S.227.2^Sl '30ZS09,323. yj 74 'i5 'iS 17 Chakt 40Q. Analogous to Chart 40P. and the "g's" ratio Spo^o* and dividing the result into the value The formula resulting from this twofold pro- cedure for Test 2 will, it may surprise the reader to find, be, in this case, the same as the above formula resulting from the twofold procedure for Test 1. That is, the orig- inal 'and final formulae (arithmetic and harmonic crosses of 53 and 54) are not only time antitheses of each other but also factor antitheses of each other. In passing, we may note that these two formulae, the re- sulting and the original, are listed in the Appendix as For- mulae 8053 and 8054, being factor antitheses of each other. If we should test the harmonic crossing we would sim- ply reverse the above process. We would start with 8054 and reach 8053.^ » See Appendix I (Note A to Chapter VII, § 19). 178 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Rcfnge of Prices and of Three Tkjpes of Index Numbers Weighted, Satisfijinq neither tejt. - - only I or onli^ Z. •• » both I and ^ Imodej and fnedionj omtlted) 75 14 15 16 17 78 Chakt 41 p. The limits of the weighted index numbers contract markedly as the tests are fulfilled. All of the above examples are of the aggregative type. What we have found is that if two aggregatives are crossed arithmetically (or harmonically) the resulting cross will not satisfy either Test 1 or Test 2. By like testing of the other types of index numbers, — RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY Range of Quantities and of Three Types of Index Numbers CROSSING" 179 Weighted, Satisfqm) neither test. ~ " onli/ I or onlii 2. m - both I and 2. (/nodes and medians omitted) yj 14 '15 '16 '17 76 Chabt 41Q. Analogous to CJiart 41P. 180 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Weighted Index Numbers Doubly Rectified (Modes Omilted) (Prices) '/S 74 '15 /6 17 78 Chart 42P. This chart shows separately the seven resultant curves (lowest tier) of Chart 40P, with the chain figures added. arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, median, and mode, — we find that crossing arithmetically or harmonically any two time antitheses {i.e. Formulae 3 and 19, 5 and 17, 4 and 20, 6 and 18, 13 and 9, 15 and 7, 14 and 10, 16 and 8, 23 and 29, 25 and 27, 24 and 30, 26 and 28, 33 and 39, 35 and 37, 34 and 40, 36 and 38, 43 and 49, 45 and 47, 44 and 50, 46 and 48) will yield formulae which likewise fail to satisfy either test. We can thus convince ourselves that not a single one of the 46 primary index numbers can be arithmetically RECTIFYING FORMULA BY "CROSSING" 181 Weighted Index Numbers Doubly Rectified (tlodes Omitted) (Quantifies) 353 7J 'H 'J5 "16 '17 Chart 42Q. Analogous to Chart 42P. 78 (or harmonically) crossed with its antithesis (whether time or factor) and yield a result which will satisfy either test. The only question remaining is, may any among them be successfully crossed by any other method than geometrically ? We need scarcely consider any other methods of cross- ing index numbers than the six types of averages which we have considered for index numbers themselves. Of these six we have already considered three. The remain- ing three are the median, mode, and aggregative. As to using the median or modal method for crossing two formulae, obviously this is impossible. No such averages exist when, as in the present problem, only two terms are to be averaged. There remains the aggregative method of crossing two index numbers. This method is inappUcable as a 182 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS I— I Pi CO O o o CO w m o H-l H < O I— I P^ I— I o PQ H 1—1 M lO 1 iO H CO CO 1 1 I O c: ym^ (M lO »C 1 1 <; CO ■* lO IC ^ CO lO 'Tt< rt< ^ CO CO CO CO lO t^ 05 o 1 -^ ^ -^ ■^ ca a (N IM .— 1 (M CO •* iO o ^ l-H I— 1 -* ^ CO Tt< lO CO r^ 00 Oi o ':*< ^ Tf< ^ rH Tt< tH »o ^ CO lO CO CO CO a CO CO CO CO lO 1^ cr> 1 CO CO CO CO o 1 1 O o O CO CO CO l-H CO lO Z l-H 1—1 1 1 IM (M (M < 1— < t^ a> ffi O 1 1 o o 6 (N (M c^ 1— 1 CI t^ CO 05 o O o 1 1 1 1 o o o l-H I— ( 1—1 '-' '-' PS < r-l .—1 CO 1— i »o O 1 1 1 1 tH (N 1 1 1 1 t> 00 Ol o tH RECTIFYING FORMULAE BY "CROSSING" 183 method of averaging Formulas 3 and 19, or any of the other pairs of antitheses, except the geometric and aggregative index numbers ; because, except in these two cases, there are no appropriate numerators and denominators of the terms to be averaged such as are required to fit into an aggregative formula. The reader who is interested will find these two cases discussed in the Appendix.^ § 20. Historical Except in the case of Formula 353, the history of which will be especially noted later, no crosses of formulae, such as those set forth in this chapter, seem to have been pre- viously pointed out. Instead of crossing the formulae themselves, previous students of index numbers have crossed their weights, as will be shown in the next chapter. 1 See Appendix I (Note B to Chapter VII, § 19). CHAPTER VIII RECTIFYING FORMULA BY CROSSING THEIR WEIGHTS § 1. Introduction The foregoing list of 96 formulae thus far obtained, and ending with Formula 353, constitutes a complete system of formulae, primary and derivative, which I shall call the ''main series." The additions to it in this chapter are, in essence, only sHght variations of this main series. These additions are included in deference to the wishes of other students of index numbers, and in order that the list shall cover all formulae previously suggested by others and all points of view. They may be called the "sup- plementary series." Each of these additional formulae is weighted and each weight is a cross between two other weights. This cross- ing of two weights is merely an alternative method of combining two kinds of weighted index numbers. To illustrate, if we start with the two formulae, 23 and 29, namely the geometric index numbers, — one weighted according to the values in the base year and the other weighted according to the values in the given year, and which are time antitheses of each other — we can combine these two formulae in either of two ways. One way is that already described in the main series, and con- sists simply in crossing the two index numbers themselves, i.e. multiplying them together and extracting the square root. The result is Formula 123 of the main series. The other way, about to be discussed, is to construct a new formula on the same model as 23 and 29, such that each 184 RECTIFYING BY CROSSING WEIGHTS 185 individual weight is a cross between corresponding weights in 23 and 29. This resulting formula is called 1123 and gives, as we shall see, virtually the same result as 123. The result of the first kind of crossing, such as For- mula 123, may be called a cross formula ; and that of the second, such as 1123, a cross weight formula. Numerically, Formula 23 (for prices for 1917 rel- atively to 1913) gives 154.08, while 29 gives 170.44. The ir cross by the g eometric mean, as per Formula 123, is V154.08 X 170.44, or 162.05. So much for Formula 123, the cross formula between 23 and 29. The cross weight formula involves more detail, for we must first cross each of the 36 pairs of weights. For bacon, the weight under Formula 23, that is, the value of bacon in the base year, 1913, is 133.117 while the weight under 29, that is, its value in the given year, 1917, is 282.743. The cross of these weights (by the geometric mean) is V133.117 X 282.743 = 193.86, which is the weight we were seeking for bacon. Similarly, the weight for barley is the cross between 111.607 and 276.549, which is 175.68 ; similarly, the weight sought for beef is 1097.04, and so on. Next we calculate a new index number based on these 36 new weights but otherwise precisely analogous to For- mulge 23 and 29. The result is found to be 161.62. This is by Formula 1123. Algebraically, Formula 123, the cross formula, is V23 X 29. (The reader who chooses can substitute the algebraic expressions for Formulas 23 and 29 as given in Appendix V.) On the other hand. Formula 1123 — the cross weight formula — is itself given fully in Appendix V. The reader will observe that it is exactly analogous to Formulae 23 and 29, the only difference being, that, instead of the weights poqo, p'oQ'q, etc., as per For- mula 23, or instead of the weights piQi, p'iq\, etc., as per 186 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS F ormula 29 , we now have the weights VpoqoPiqi , ^p'oq'op'iq'i, etc. § 2. The Cross Weight Geometries, Medians, and Modes We have taken Formula 1123 as the first illustration of a cross weight formula. It was derived by crossing the weights in Formulae 23 and 29 and, on their model, writing a new formula. The same method may be used for combining any two formulte of the same model differing only in their weights. But, it is interesting to observe, if we thus combine For- mulse 25 and 27 we get identically the same result as we have just obtained by combining 23 and 29; for the cross weights in the first case are V'(pogo) X ipiqi), etc., and in the second, V(po5i) X (pi^o), etc., which are evidently the same. Thus Formula 1123 may be just as truly said to come from 25 and 27 as from 23 and 29. On the other hand, the cross formula, 123, is made only from 23 and 29 ; that from Formulae 25 and 27 is 125, which is slightly different. Likewise we designate by 1133 the formula derived by crossing the weights of the medians, 33 and 39, or of 33 and 37; and by 1143 that by crossing the weights of the modes, 43 and 49, or 45 and 47. Formula 1133 agrees closely with 133 and 1143 with 143. The preceding formulae, i.e. the cross weight geometries, medians, and modes have been given first because they resemble each other so closely and are the simplest of the six types. Table 13 contains the identification numbers for the geometries, medi- ans, and modes, (1) of primary formulae, and (2) and (3) of the two kinds of derivatives from them — the cross formulae and the cross weight formulae. TABLE 13. DERIVATION OF CROSS FORMULA AND CROSS WEIGHT FORMULAE Ttpe (1) Primary Formula TO 3E Combined Combined (2) (3) By Crossing the Two Formute By Crossing Their Weights 23 and 29 25 and 27 33 and 39 35 and 37 43 and 49 45 and 47 123 125 133 135 143 145 1123 Median 1133 Mode 1143 RECTIFYING BY CROSSING WEIGHTS 187 § 3. The Cross Weight Aggregatives The process of deriving a price index by crossing the weights of the two weighted aggregatives (which we nnay here refer to as Formulse 53 and 59) is sHghtly different, since the weights are not values (Uke poQ'o and piqi), but only quantities (like go and gi). The resulting formula is 1153 of the same model as 53 and 59, but with weights (Vgogi, etc.) which are the crosses of their weights. It agrees closely with Formula 153. We have now considered the cross weight geometries, medians, modes, and aggregatives. There remain only the arithmetics and harmonics, which will be considered shortly. § 4. Comparisons of the Cross Weight FormulaB thus far Obtained All the cross weight types just given satisfy Test 1. This may readily be proved in the usual manner by inter- changing the ''O's" and the "I's" in the formulae of Ap- pendix V. Furthermore, each cross weight formula agrees almost exactly with the corresponding cross for- mula, except the median. That is, Formula 1123 is vir- tually the same as 123 or 125, 1143 as 143 or 145, 1153 as 153 ( = 353) . Table 14 shows some of these similarities. Graphically, the curves representing cross formulae and the curves representing cross weight formulas are indistinguishable, except in the case of the median, as shown in Charts 43P and 43Q. § 5. Cross Weight Arithmetics and Harmonics There remain to be described the cross weight arithmetic and harmonic formulse. These are numbered 1003 and 1013. In the above table they are not represented, as there were no corresponding cross for- mulae in our previous tables, for the reason, of course, that arithmetic for- 188 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS mulse are crossed not with other arithmetics, but with harmonics, and, vice versa, harmonics with arithmetics. Thus Formula 103 was a cross between 3 and, not 9, but 19 ; Formula 104 was a cross between 4 and 20; Formula 107 was a cross between 7 and 15 ; etc. But, while we can thus cross two formulw, one of which is arithmetic and the other harmonic, crossing weights of two formulae im- plies that they are both of the same model, differing only in their weights. If the models of two formulae differ we would not know which model to Close Agreement oF Cross Formulae and Cross Weight Formulae (Prices) 1103. m 1104.104 13 M 15 16 17 18 Chart 43P. The pairs indicated practically coincide (1103 with 103, 1104 with 104, etc.) except in the case of the medians. All the 16 formulae, shown in pairs in these eight separate diagrams, obey Test 1 but not Test 2. use in building the proposed cross weight formula. Thus, if we should cross the weights of an arithmetic and a geometric formula we would not know what to do with the weights after we had them. It is equally mean- ingless to cross the weights of an arithmetic and harmonic. In short, crossing weights is meaningless except as applied to two of a kind, such as to two arithmetics or to two harmonics — not one of each ; and when it is applied to two arithmetics or to two harmonics the result- ing cross weight formulae (unlike the other four tj^jes of cross weight for- mulae considered hitherto) will fail to satisfy Test 1. This is another interesting result of the one-sidedness of the arithmetic and of the har- monic. RECTIFYING BY CROSSING WEIGHTS 189 Close Agreement of Cross^Formulae and Cross-Weight Formulae (Quantifies) .103.1103 124,1,24 /J lA 15 '16 17 Chart 43Q. Analogous to Chart 43P. 7d TABLE 14. INDEX NUMBERS BY CROSS WEIGHT FORMULA (1123, 1133, 1143, 1153) COMPARED WITH INDEX NUMBERS BY CORRESPONDING CROSS FORMULAE (123, 133, 143, 153) ^ Pbices FOBMUIiA No. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 123 100. 100.12 99.94 113.83 162.05 177.80 1123 100. 100.14 99.89 114.17 161.62 177.87 133 100. 100.54 99.68 108.12 159.93 173.57 1133 100. 100.52 99.57 108.39 162.63 170.85 143 100. 101. 100. 108. 164. 168. 1143 100. 101. 100. 108. 164. 168. 153 100. 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 1153 100. 100.13 99.89 114.20 161.70 177.83 * Omitting, for brevity, the cross formulsB 125 and 145, which agree closely with 123 and 143 respectively ; and 135, which also agrees closely with 133 except in the years 1917 and 1918 when the former is 162.00 and 178.44 as contrasted with the 159.93 and 173.57 for 133 as given in the table. 190 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Quantities FormuijA No. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 123 100. 99.30 109.14 118.92 118.85 125.01 1123 100. 99.34 109.07 118.79 118.82 125.31 133 100. 98.60 105.58 115.82 118.16 122.94 1133 100. 98.71 105.46 115.50 118.23 122.27 143 100. 97. 103. 103. 98. 124. 1143 100. 97. 103. 103. 98. 124. 153 100. 99.33 109.10 118.85 118.98 125.37 1153 100. 99.33 109.08 118.82 118.86 125.29 Thus, Formulae 1003, 1004, in which cross weights are used to unite pairs of arithmetics, and Formulae 1013, 1014, in which they are likewise applied to harmonics, correspond to no cross formulae given in our main series. This is why we have numbered them 1003, etc., and not 1103, etc. If we wish to construct cross formulae which correspond to the new cross weight 1003, 1004, 1013, 1014, we need to cross 3 and 9; 4 and 10; 13 and 19; 14 and 20. This is done in Table 15 for the purpose of comparison. TABLE 15. INDEX NUMBERS BY CROSS WEIGHT FORMULA (1003, 1004, 1013, 1014) COMPARED WITH CORRESPONDING CROSS FORMULAE (1913 = 100) Formula No. Prices 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 100.43 100.45 100.99 100.93 116.17 116.02 171.14 170.81 v^3 X 9 1003 182.46 182.54 99.51 99.47 98.52 98.60 112.71 112.84 157.98 158.01 V4 X 10 1004 173.30 173.03 99.79 99.81 98.96 98.91 112.67 112.53 153.96 153.51 Vi3 X 19 1013 172.95 173.02 100.87 100.83 101.03 101.10 115.43 115.54 165.19 165.24 Vl4 X20 1014 183.74 182.94 Here, as before, the cross weight formulae and the cross formulae RECTIFYING BY CROSSING WEIGHTS 191 agree almost perfectly. They represent, essentially, two different routes toward the same result. Neither satisfies Test 1 (nor Test 2 for that matter). § 6. The Cross Weight Formulas Derived from the Factor Antitheses of the Preceding In our weight crossing, in the case of the geometries, medians, and modes, we have taken only the odd numbered formulae. But we may, in like manner, cross the weights employed in Formulae 24 and 30 {i.e. in their denominators) and so build up a new formula on their model. This is called Formula 1124. It is also the cross weight formula from Formulae 26 and 28. Likewise we derive Formula 1134 from 34 and 40 (or from 36 and 38), and Formula 1144 from 44 and 50 (or from 46 and 48). We have now derived, as our complete list of cross weight formulae of odd numbers: Formula 1003, 1013, 1123, 1133, 1143, 1153 and also those to which we have given the corresponding even numbers : Formulae 1004, 1014, 1124, 1134, 1144, 1154. But all except Formula 1154 of the latter six even numbered formulae were derived, not as antitheses (although such they are) ^ of the six corresponding odd numbered formulae. They were derived directly by crossing the weights of 4 and 10, 14 and 20, 24 and 30, 34 and 40, 44 and 50. § 7. Cross Weight Arithmetics and Harmonics are not Truly Rectified As stated, the arithmetic Formula 1003 is not analogous to the truly rectified 103; nor is 1013. There is no way whatever, through weight crossing alone, to rectify the arithmetics alone or the harmonics alone relatively to Test 1. To get truly rectified formulae the above results (1003 and 1013) have still to be crossed with each other. That is, in this case, the method of crossing weights must be eked out by the method of crossing formulae. Crossing, then, 1003 and 1013, we obtain a new for- mula, numbered 1103, which does satisfy Test 1 and is the nearest ap- proach to a cross weight formula analogous to the cross formula, 103. Moreover, their results practically coincide. Similarly (by crossing 1004 and 1014), we get the new Formula 1104, corresponding to 104. Having reached Formulae 1103 and 1104, we insert them in Chart 43 as the nearest analogues of 103 and 104. We note that, here again, the results of rectifying by crossing weights on the one hand, and by crossing the formulae themselves on the other, coincide to all intents and purposes. We may now add to Table 13 in § 2 the following : See Appendix I (Note to Chapter VIII, § 6). 192 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Primary FoRMtri^ TO BE Combined Combined Type By Crossing the Two Formulse By Crossing Their Weights By Crossing ihe Two Formulae in the Last Column 3 and 9 5 and 7 13 and 19 15 and 17 3 and 19 Sand 17 omitted ' 1 omitted * J omitted * 1 omitted ' / 103 105 1003 1013 impossible 1 > 1103 Arithmetic and Harmonic ' "Omitted" means that no identification number was given to these crosses as they eerve no purpose in our main series. But the figures for some of these formulse (for prices, fixed base) were calculated and given in § 5 above. Close Agreement of Cross-Formulae and Cross- Weight Formulae (Fully Rectified) (Prices) '303.303 323./323 J33.,yj3 13^3.353 15 M 15 16 17 Id Chart 44P. Analogous to Chart 43P, except that here both tests are fulfiUed. § 8. List of the Formulae Obeying Test 1 Derived Partly or Wholly by Weight Crossing We see that the arithmetic 1003 and the harmonic 1013, and their factor antitheses, 1004 and 1014, all derived by weight crossing, had to be used merely as a preliminary scaffolding for building 1103, derived partly by formula crossing. After discarding the scaffolding our new formulae are 1103, 1123, 1133, 1143, 1153, and these supplementary for- RECTIFYING BY CROSSING WEIGHTS 193 mulsB agree almost precisely with their mates (103, 123, 133, 143, 153) in the main series. Their factor antitheses (the next even numbered for- mulae, 1104, 1124, 1134, 1144, 1154) likewise agree closely with their mates (104, 124, 134, 144, 154). § 9. Rectifying the New Fomnilae by Test 2 The new formulae, 1103, 1123, 1133, 1143, 1153 (and their factor an- titheses, the next even numbered formulae) all satisfy Test 1, as do the corresponding formulae in the main series. But not a single one of them satisfies Test 2 (although in the main series one formula, the analogue of 1153, namely, 153, does satisfy Test 2), Close Agreement of Cross-Formulae and Cross-Weight formulae (Fully RecUfied) (Quanfliies) I353.33S 13 •M '15 IS 17 Chaet 44Q. Analogous to Chart 44P. 7(3 In order to obtain conformity to Test 2 we must further rectify and, for this purpose, the only process of combining the factor antitheses is by crossing the formulae themselves. Crossing their weights is inapplicable because the two formulae to be combined are, in every instance, of different models. The doubly rectified formulae numbers are given in the last column of Table 16. These pairs of corresponding formulae satisfying both tests agree with each other even more perfectly than did the pairs satisfying only Test 1 agree with each other. That is, Formula 303 agrees almost exactly with 1303, Formulae 323 and 325 with 1323, etc. Graphically, Charts 44 show the almost perfect iden- tity of 1303 with 303 and of 1323 with 323, of 1333 with 333, 1353 with 353, and 1343 with 343 (or would, were the last two indicated). Moreover, we may note in passing, that the entire group 194 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 16. DOUBLY RECTIFIED FORMULA DERIVED FROM PRIMARY WEIGHTED FORMULAE Wholly bt Formula Crossing 103 = 104 = 105 = 106 (= 153 = 15 4) V' lO/ X 1U8 •V^ lOO X 110 "^" 123 X 124 V l25 X 126 V' l33 X 134 •V^ 135 X 136 Vi43_2<_144 Vl45 X 146 153 = 154 ( = 103 = 104 = 105 = 106) Results in Main Series = 303 = 305 ( = 353) = 307 = 309 = 323 1 = 325 J = 333 1 = 335 / = 343 1 = 345 / = 353 ( = 303 = 305) Pahtlt by Weight Crossing ■^1103 X 1104 "^1123 X 1124 ^1133 X 1134 "^1143 X 1144 V 1153 X 1154 Results in Supplementary Series = 1303 = 1323 = 1333 = 1343 = 1353 of rectified formulae, by both methods of crossing, agrees almost absolutely, excepting only those originating from modes and medians, and even the medians agree with the rest well enough for most practical purposes. This re- markable agreement is clear from a study of the figures for all the index numbers given in Appendix VII and will be emphasized later. § 10. Several Methods for Crossing Weights as Con- trasted with Only One (in General) for Crossing the Formulae Themselves At the close of the last chapter it was shown that to cross formulae the geometric method of crossing is uni- versally appropriate (although in two instances the aggre- gative method would also be applicable). But in weight crossing the geometric method has no such preeminence for we can equally well, in all cases, use the arithmetic method or the harmonic method without prejudicing the conformity of the result to the test v/hich we are RECTIFYING BY CROSSING WEIGHTS 195 seeking to meet. In this chapter, I have employed the geometric method of crossing weights chiefly because it is the form of crossing hitherto most in favor. The other methods are discussed in the Appendix.^ They include several interesting and ingenious suggestions which writers on index numbers have made. But only one of them has much practical value. That one (2153) is useful as a short cut approximation to 353. § 11. Conclusions In this chapter we have obtained the following new formula: 1003, 1004,1013,1014, 1103, 1104, 1123, 1124, 1133, 1134, 1143, 1144, 1153, 1154, 1303, 1323, 1333, 1343, 1353 ; and, in the Appendix, 2153, 2154, 2358, 3153, 3154, 3353, 4153, 4154, 4353. Of these, all coincide approxi- mately with the middle tine of our fork, excepting the arith- metics, Formulae 1003, 1004 (which have an upward and downward bias respectively and which fall on the mid-upper and mid-lower tines) ; and also excepting the harmonics, 1013, 1014 (which have a downward and up- ward bias respectively and which fall on the mid-lower and mid-upper tines) ; and also excepting the modes, 1143, 1144, 1343, which are erratic; and, excepting also, possibly, the medians, 1133, 1134, 1333, which ara slightly erratic. From what has been said it is now clear that crossing the weights of two formulae of the same model and so forming a new formula of that same model yields almost identically the same numerical result as crossing the for- mulae themselves. It is also clear that formula crossing is a process which can be applied to any two formulae whether the two be of the same model or not, whereas weight crossing cannot be used except where the two 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter VIII, § 10). 196 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS formulse to be combined are built on exactly the same model, differing only in their weights. • In other words, formula crossing is a universal method of compromising between two formulae, while weight crossing is of restricted application. We found it incapable, for instance, of rectifying any formula by Test 2, and even incapable of rectifying some formulse by Test 1. In short, weight crossing is never necessary and is some- times inapphcable. § 12. Historical It is rather odd, therefore, that hitherto the simpler and more universally serviceable of the two processes has been almost wholly overlooked. The reason is his- torical tradition. In the history of the index numbers the first stage was to discuss the virtues of the simple index numbers, chiefly the arithmetic and geometric. The next step was to assign weights supposed to be rep- resentative of the conditions prevailing in the periods concerned. Drobisch was, apparently, the first to make use specifically of the quantities of two years compared by an index number. Following this line of study, Scrope and Walsh pro- posed the cross weight aggregative formula here num- bered 1153, and Walsh also 1154; Marshall and Edge- worth proposed the cross weight aggregative, Formula 2153; Walsh, Formula 2154; Lehr, Formulae 4153 and 4154, and Walsh the cross weight geometric, Formula 1123. Of the cross formulae, 8053 (see Appendix V) was suggested by Drobisch and Sidgwick. Finally, Formula 353, of which more will be said later, was first mentioned, though not at that time advocated, by Walsh. CHAPTER IX THE ENLARGED SERIES OF FORMULA § 1. Introduction Thus far we have accomplished three chief things. We have shown : (1) That there are two important reversibiUty tests of index numbers ; ' (2) That certain formulae have a " bias " or constant tendency to err relatively to Test 1 ; (3) That any formula whatever can be " rectified " so as to conform to either test or both. In the course of this study, we have constantly added to the number of formulae demanding consideration. Before proceeding to compare all these formulae as to their relative accuracy, we may now pause to " take account of stock " and also complete our Hst by the addition of ten more formulae. We first set forth the main series of 96 formulae (original and derivative) of which those having identification numbers between 1 and 99 were the primary formulae; those having identification numbers between 100 and 199 conformed to Test 1 ; those having identification numbers between 200 and 299 conformed to Test 2; and those having identification numbers between 300 and 399 con- formed to both Test 1 and Test 2. The last and culminat- ing one of these formulae, 96 in number, was Formula 353, 4 Xpoqo 2pogi ' We shall find this to be theoretically the best formula.^ 1 For model examples to aid in the practical calculation of this as well as eight other sorts of index numbers, see Appendix VI, § 2. 197 198 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS To this list of 96 formulae we have just added a supple- mentary list of 28 more formulae, which owe their origin to the process called weight crossing (in place of formula crossing employed in the main series). These 28 new formulie are as follows : Those numbered between 1000 and 1999, originated in crossing weights geometrically two by two ; those between 2000 and 2999, originated in crossing them arithmetically; those between 3000 and 3999, originated in crossing them harmonically; those between 4000 and 4999, originated in crossing them by means of a special weighted arithmetical average. To these 124 formulae we now add ten miscellaneous formulae, which make 38 in the supplementary series, in addition to the 96 in the main series, or 134 in all. They are : Those between 5000 and 5999, formed by crossing formulae in the "300" list ; those between 6000 and 6999, formed by using a broader base than one year ; those between 7000 and 7999, formed by averaging the six forms of Formula 353 obtained by using each of the six years as base ; those between 8000 and 8999, formed by crossing formulae arithmetically and harmonically ; those between 9000 and 9999, formed by using round numbers as weights. More specifically, these final ten miscellaneous formulae are as follows : As to the 5000's : Formula 5307 is the cross between Formulae 307 and 309 ; Formula 5323 is the cross between Formulae 323 and 325 : Formula 5333 is the cross between Formulae 333 and 335 ; Formula 5343 is the cross between Formulae 343 and 345. As to the 6000's : Formulae 6023 and 6053 are like 23 and 53 respectively, except that instead of the first year being the base, the base is an average made up of two or more years. Formula 7053 is an average of six forms of 353, with six different bases. Formula 8053 is the arithmetic average of 53 and 54. Formula 8054 is the harmonic average of the same, as well as the factor antithesis of 8053. It may be shown that the cross between Formulae 8053 and 8054 is identical with 353. » We may classify the 134 formulae which have been noted. They will be classified under five heads, according as they owe their origin to (1) arithmetics and harmonics, (2) geometries, (3) medians, (4) modes, (5) aggrega- tives. 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter IX, § 1). THE ENLARGED SERIES OF FORMULiE 199 § 2. List of the Arithmetic and Harmonic Formulae The first group, to which Table 17 is devoted, includes the two types, the arithmetics and the harmonics, since in the crossing, which we found necessary, these two could not be kept apart. The two upper lines relate to the simples and their derivatives, and the eight lines following relate to the weighted and their derivatives. The first column gives the arithmetic, the second, the harmonic, the third, the derived cross formulce satisfying Test 1, the fourth and fifth, the cross formulae satisfying Test 2, the sixth, the cross formulae satis- fying both tests, thus completing the arithmetic and harmonic formulae in the main series. The remaining columns give the cross weight formulce and their crosses. A dash indicates a formula omitted because duplicated elsewhere. These duplications are given below Table 17. In the same way, the du- plications of Tables 18, 19, 20, and 21 are given below them. TABLE 17. ENLARGED ARITHMETIC-HARMONIC GROUP Primary Formulae Cross FoRMULuSi Cross Weight FoRMULis and Their Crosses M 'k w H ^ By Test 2 o m Arith. Harm. o d . o 6 J Eh 11 Ucoco 1 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 101 102 107 108 109 110 201 207 209 211 213 215 301 307 309 1003 1004 1013 1014 1103 1104 1303 5307 Duplicationa (indicated above by dashes) : 3 = 53 17 = 53 103 = 353 203 = 353 303 = 353 4 = 54 18 = 54 104 = 353 205 = 353 305 = 353 5 = 54 19 = 54 105 = 353 217 = 353 6 = 53 20 = 53 106 = 353 219 = 353 The above table covers two of our six types. Each of the following four tables covers one. The next three are alike in form. 200 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 3. List of the Geometric, Median, and Mode Groups of Formulae The following three tables give lists of all the formulae in the geometric, median, and mode groups, including all derivatives. TABLE 18. ENLARGED GEOMETRIC GROUP Primary Cross Formula Cross Weight Formula and Their Crosses Cross op 323 AND 325 Formulae: By Test 1 By Test 2 By Both Cross Weight Formulffi Their Cross 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 121 122 123 124 125 126 223 225 227 229 321 323 325 1123 1124 1323 5323 Duplications (indicated above by dashes) : 21 = 121 221 = 321 22 = 122 TABLE 19. ENLARGED ] MEDIAN GROUP Peimaht FOBMUUE Cross Fobmuls! Cross Weight FoRMULiB AND Their Crosses Cross op By Test 1 By Test 2 By Both Cross Weight Formulae Their Cross l333 AND 335 131 331 132 33 133 233 333 1133 1333 5333 34 134 1134 35 135 235 335 36 136 37 237 38 39 239 40 Duplications (indicated above by dashes) : 31 = 131 231 = 331 32 = 132 THE ENLARGED SERIES OF FORMULA 201 TABLE 20. ENLARGED MODE GROUP Primary Formula Cross Formula Cross Weight Formula AND Their Crosses Cross op By Test 1 By Test 2 By Both Cross Weight Formulae Their Cross 343 AND 343 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 141 142 143 144 145 146 243 245 247 249 341 343 345 1143 1144 1343 5343 Duplications (indicated above by dashes) : 41 = 141 241 = 341 42 = 142 § 4. List of the Aggregative Formulae Finally, we have the aggregative group. TABLE 21. ENLARGED AGGREGATIVE GROUP Primary Cross Formula Cross Weight Formula and Their Crosses Formula By Test 1 By Test 2 By Both Cross Weight Formulse Their Cross 53 54 151 152 — 351 353 1153 1154 1353 Duplications (indicated above — except 59, 60, 259 omitted — by dashes) : 51 = 151 153 = 353 251 = 351 62 = 152 154 = 353 253 = 353 59 = 54 259 = 353 60 = 53 The preceding lists do not include certain other forms discussed in the Appendix/ namely, Formula 2153, the cross weight by the arithmetic method of crossing ; 3153, the cross weight by the harmonic method; 4153, 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter VIII, § 10). 202 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the cross weight by Lehr's method of taking a weighted arithmetic average of the weights ; the factor antitheses (2154, 3154, 4154) of these three cross weight formulae and the rectifications (2353, 3353, 4353) by crossing said antitheses (2153 with 2154, etc.). Besides these are a few other mis- ceUaneous forms (6023, 6053, 7053, 8053, 8054, 9051). § 5. The Seven Classes The 134 formulae constitute the enlarged series of for- mulae embracing all considered in this book. Including duplicates the number is 170 ; besides these there are the five formulae (9001, 9011, 9021, 9031, 9041) given in Appen- dix V, § 3. Our problem now is to examine and discriminate between these 134 formulae, — in particular to explain their differences and to select the best. These 134 index num- bers have been classified by type, weighting, and method of crossing. We may also, for convenience in our dis- cussion, classify them under the following seven groups : S, the simple index numbers and their derivatives, M, the medians and modes and their derivatives, 2 +, all other weighted index numbers having a double upward bias, 2 — , all other weighted index numbers having a double downward bias, 1 +, all other weighted index numbers having a single upward bias, 1 — , all other weighted index numbers having a single downward bias, 0, all other weighted index numbers having no bias. These seven groups are mutually exclusive, except that the simple modes and the simple medians, and their derivatives, are included under both the first two headings. § 6. The Formulae Grouped under the Seven Classes The following is a list of the formulse in each of the first two groups : - Group "S": 1, 2, 11, 12, 101, 102, 201, 211, 301, 21, 22, 321, 31, 32, 331, 41, 42, 341, 51, 52, 351. THE ENLARGED SERIES OF FORMULA 203 Closely associated with the "S" group, though not strictly members of it, are : 9001, 9021, 9031, 9041, 9051.i Group "M" : 31-40 inclusive, 133-136 inclusive, 233, 235, 237, 239, 331, 333, 335, 1133, 1134, 1333, 5333. 41-50 inclusive, 143-146 inclusive, 243, 245, 247, 249, 341, 343, 345, 1143, 1144, 1343, 5343. (31, 32, 331, 41, 42, 341 are in both the "S" and "M" groups.) The other five groups, {i.e. excluding "S" and "M") fall in the five tines of our five-tined fork (or, if we wish to avoid, so far as possible, any blurring of the tines, two such forks, one for the odd, and the other for the even numbered formulae), according to Table 22. The formulse hold their approximate positions on the " five-tined fork " wholly according to the following fixed rules : Those which have no bias lie approximately in coinci- dence and constitute the middle tine. Those which have only one upward bias, whether type bias or weight bias, likewise agree and form the mid-upper tine. Similarly, those which have only one downward bias, whether type or weight, make the mid-lower tine. Those which have a double upward bias, i.e. a type bias and a weight bias, make the uppermost tine. Likewise those doubly biased downward make the lowermost tine. The case of a downward bias of one sort and an upward bias of another being combined is also provided for. Such a curve turns out to have no bias at all, being merely erratic. Therefore, it also lies on the middle tine. For- mula 3 is one of these. As an arithmetic type it has an upward bias, but having weight / it has a downward bias, ^ Given in Appendix V, § 3. 204 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 22. THE FIVE-TINED FORK Tine Arithmetic Harmonic Geometric Aqgbegativi: Uppermost (2 +) 7,9 14, 16 Mid-upper (1 +) 1003 1014 24, 26, 27, 29 3=6=(L), 4 = 5 = (P) 17=20=(L), 18 = 19=(F) 53=60 = (L), 54 = 59 = (P) 107, 108, 109, 110, 1103, 1104 123, 124, 125, 126,1123,1124 1153, 1154 Middle (0) 207, 209 213, 215 223, 225, 227, 229 2153, 2154, 3153, 3154, 4153, 4154 203=205 = 217=219 = 323, 325, 1323 153 = 154 = 253=259 = 103=104= 303 = 305= 307, 30 lU5=lUb= 353=VLXP, WLXP) 9, 1303 1353, 2353, 3353, 4353, 5307, 5323, 6053, 7053, 8053, 8054 Mid-lower (1 — ) 1004 1013 23, 25, 28, 30 Lowermost (2 — ) 8, 10 13, 15 and the two neutralize ; for, after cancellation, 3 reduces to 53, which is of such a type that we cannot accuse it of a proneness to err up rather than down or down rather than up. Thus, barring " simples " and " modes " and their derivatives (and possibly medians if we wish to have our results very close), we find that, although we have numer- ous f ormulse, they all fall under only five clearly defined THE ENLARGED SERIES OF FORMULAE 205 heads, namely, those without bias, those with single bias up or down, and those with double bias up or down. The five tines include all the arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, and aggregative weighted index numbers and their derivatives which we have obtained. CHAPTER X WHAT SIMPLE INDEX NUMBER IS BEST? § 1. Introduction Our next problem is to compare the numerous formulae which we have found and to select the theoretically best formula or formulae, i.e. the most accurate. This problem may conveniently be subdivided into two parts, viz. : 1. Assuming that we have no weights available so that we are compelled to use simple averages, which index number then is best ? 2. Assuming, on the contrary, that we do have the data for assigning unequal weights, which index number then is the best ? In this chapter, we shall take up the first of these two problems. The assumption that there are no data for weights at once removes from our list of index numbers of prices all the even numbered ones, and those derived from them; since each of these was obtained by dividing an index number of quantities into a ratio of values, and, therefore, presupposes a knowledge of values and quanti- ties, which are the data for assigning weights. Obviously, also, our assumption rules out all the weighted index numbers and their derivatives. The only index numbers now left are : Formulae 1, 11, 21, 31, 41, 51, 101. Our problem, therefore, reduces itself to selecting the best from these seven formulae. § 2. Discarding the Two Biased Formulae Proceeding by a process of elimination, we may discard Formulae 1 and 11 as they possess an upward and a down- 206 WHAT SIMPLE INDEX NUMBER IS BEST? 207 ward bias respectively. This has been proved by Test 1, the time reversal test. Formulae 21, 31, 41, 51, and 101 meet successfully Test 1, as has also been proved. Our hypothesis, that no data for quantities or values are available, prevents the appHcation of Test 2, the factor reversal test, since this involves a knowledge of values. § 3. Freakishness So far as meeting tests is concerned, therefore, all five of the remaining formulae stand on an equality. If we are to discriminate further, it must be on some other basis. Such a basis is what we have called freakishness. All index numbers may be assumed to be somewhat erratic, that is, no one is certain to be absolutely correct. But some can be shown to be more erratic than others, that is, more likely to err. A formula which can be shown to be especially erratic, as compared with other formulae, has been called freakish. A biased formula errs in a given direction. An erratic formula or a freakish formula may err in either direction. § 4. Discarding Formula 51 as Freakish Formula 51 may be discarded as freakish. As has been noted before, while its weighting is called simple, it is not simple in the same sense as the other four formulae. In these four formulae the price relatives have equal weights. But in Formula 51 it is the prices themselves which have equal weights. Consequently, unlike the other four index numbers, Formula 51 is affected by a change in the unit in which any price is quoted. Its simple weighting is thus quite arbitrary, or, as Walsh says, '' haphazard." As Formula 51 is applied by Bradstreet, for instance, the unit of each commodity is a pound. The index number is found by taking the sum of the prices per pound 208 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS of a certain bill of goods. A pound of silver and a pound of coal are counted as of equal importance. If the units used in market quotations were employed so that the sum was made up of the price per ounce of silver and the price per ton of coal, the result would be quite different. In the case of the aggregative, I doubt even whether the general substitution of the pound for articles usually measured in other units produces any improvement. Most large units, like the ton or bale, are applied to coal and hay merely to lift up the quotation to a figure com- parable to those in which the smaller units are measured. In other words, we avoid quoting hay per pound because the resulting figure would be so small and out of line with quotations of other market figures. Reversely, radium is quoted per milligram and not per ton. That is, custom has already unconsciously assigned roughly adjusted weights in hitting upon the units respec- tively applied not only to silver, coal, hay, radium, but probably, to some extent, to almost everything. I am therefore inclined to think that in using Formula 51 it is better simply to add the newspaper quotations in pounds, ounces, tons, yards, etc., indiscriminately rather than to reduce them to one unit. This reduction is based on the misconception that economic weighting is a physical matter. Nevertheless, custom has not done its job well. The same substance is very inconsistently quoted according to its various stages of manufacture. Cattle per head and beef per pound give weights for Formula 51 widely different. Iron per ton, copper per pound, pig iron per ton, and tin plates per hundredweight are out of tune. Formula 51, therefore, unless helped out by judicious guessing will be apt to play freakish tricks upon the user. Sometimes, in fact, unless there be some exercise WHAT SIMPLE INDEX NUMBER IS BEST? 209 of judgment, it would be difficult to say exactly how 51 is to be interpreted ; whether, for instance, cotton is to be entered per bale or per pound, its quotation being expressible both ways. Formula 51 is the only formula among all the 134 where there is any such ambiguity. All other formulae give the same results whether cotton is measured in pounds or bales. § 5. Discarding Formula 41 and Possibly Formula 31 as Freakish Quite as appropriate, although in a different way, is the term freakishness as applied to the mode and, in less degree, to the median. While Formula 51 is too respon- sive to changes in the things to be compared, 41 and 31 are less responsive than the other formulae to the influence of change in any individual term. The fatal weakness of the mode (which is to some extent shared by the median) is that the process by which it is calculated gives undue influence to the few price relatives which happen to lie together in its vicinity, and gives practically no voice at all to the rest of the price relatives. Thus, in our regiment of soldiers where we found the modal height to be about 5 feet 9^ inches, this figure would still be the mode even if each of the soldiers taller than, say, 5 feet 10 inches were replaced by a new soldier a foot taller than his predecessor ! Reversely, the shorter men have practically no voice in determining the mode. The modal soldier is thus not a fair representative of the whole regiment because most of the soldiers may be taller or shorter without making any difference to the mode, just as a congressman is not a fair representative of his district when chosen by a clique. Where the number of price relatives is small the mode 210 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS is particularly haphazard. With a large number, the dis- tribution assumes some regularity, and the mode becomes more significant. Therefore the mode cannot properly be used unless the number of items is great, and then it should be thought of as only a rough approximation. For this reason it is practically never worth while to use the mode as an index number. It was (with some re- luctance) included in my list because it has been dis- cussed in connection with index numbers, and because it serves as a foil in our comparisons. § 6. Freakishness of Simple Median The simple median is much more nearly representative of all the price relatives than is the mode, and yet much less representative than the other simple index numbers. Any particular soldier in the regiment could be taken out and replaced elsewhere by another, taller or shorter, without displacing the median, so long as this change in height of the particular soldier did not send him to the other side of the median. All of the soldiers standing on one side of the middle soldier (say the shorter side) could be replaced by still shorter soldiers, even dwarfs, without changing the median in the least. Or they could all be replaced by taller soldiers up to the middle soldier's height without depriving him of his median character as repre- sentative of the regiment. Likewise, on the tall side, all the soldiers could be replaced by giants or all could shrink to the median, without changing the latter. In short, the median, like the mode, is insensitive or unrespon- sive. Every other index number, such as the arithmetic or the geometric, would faithfully register some effect of any change in the regiment, however slight. The extreme end soldiers, exactly like those nearer the center, have some voice and influence in determining the average height. WHAT SIMPLE INDEX NUMBER IS BEST? 211 If one of them grows even a quarter of an inch, the average will be affected. The mode and median, on the other hand, are not sensitive barometers but creaky weathervanes which seldom change, and when they do, they change by jumps. If, then, we are justified in excluding Formula 51, on account of its freakish weighting, and 41 and 31 on account of their freakish insensitiveness, we have left out of our original seven, only two index numbers, viz., 101 and 21, i.e. the arithmetic-harmonic and the geometric. These two agree very closely, so that, so far as accuracy is concerned, there is nothing to choose between them. This close agreement is shown in the following table : Formula No. Prices — Fixed Base 1914 191S 1916 1917 1918 21 101 95.77 95.75 96.79 96.80 121.37 121.38 166.65 166.60 180.12 179.09 § 7. Doubt as to Formula 31 vs. Formula 21 The above conclusion, that the geometric (or its equal, Formula 101), is the best, has been reached, however, only on the assumption that simple weighting is proper weighting, an assumption which we know is not correct. In the absence of available weights we are sometimes forced to use simple or equal weighting but we are never justified in assuming that it is really the best weighting. On the contrary, we must assume that this weighting contains unknown errors. It will usually be found, when the true weights are revealed, that the simple weighting was not only erratic but so erratic as to de- serve to be called freakish. In view of this fact, we cannot yet close the argument and give judgment to the geometric as against the median. If the commodities, reckoned 212 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS by simple weighting as though they were of equal impor- tance, are really of very unequal importance, the geometric may, from' its very sensitiveness, be more distorted by the false weighting than the median by its insensitiveness. The only way to settle the question whether, in actual fact, the simple geometric or the simple median gives the closer approximation to the result obtained by proper weighting, is actually to compare these three statistically. This will be done in the next chapter with interesting results. At this point we are merely justified in concluding that if the simple weighting does not happen to be too erratic, the geometric (or the practically coincident Formula 101) is the best formula of the seven considered in this chapter. CHAPTER XI WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? § 1. Introduction At the beginning of the last chapter, we set ourselves two problems : first, to find the best simple index number, which means best on the assumption that we lack the full data needed for weighting, and, second, assuming all needed data to be supplied, to find the very best. In the last chapter we took up the first problem. We are now ready to study the second (and, incidentally to add to our conclusions concerning the first). Let us assume, then, that we have accurate and complete data both as to prices and quantities and, therefore, values. The specific question to be answered in this chapter is : What formula for the index number of, say, prices is the most accurate ? § 2. Discarding All Simples and Their Derivatives We may begin by excluding not only all simple index numbers but all of their derivatives. Such derivatives are mongrels, almost contradictions in terms. As we have seen, a simple index number has as its excuse for existence a supposed lack of available weights. Yet we have rectified our simple index numbers by Test 2, although to use Test 2 presupposes a knowledge of weights. Of course, if we really have a knowledge of these weights we should, as previously pointed out, use that knowledge at the outset, and start off with weighted index numbers. No one 213 214 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS could argue that we should get the best results by starting with a bad index number, and then trying to reform it by the processes of rectification. The rectifications of simple index numbers, therefore, are mere curiosities to show how far the faults of a bad start can be overcome later. The results will be considered at the proper stage ; but, at present, in searching for the most accurate index number possible, we must rule out not only all simples, but all their derivatives, i.e. their antithe- ses and their rectifications, on the principle that we should not expect to " make a silk purse out of a sow's ear." § 3. Discarding All Modes and Medians and Their Derivatives "We have just ruled out group " S," the simples. We next rule out group " M," the modes and medians (so far as they have not already been ruled out by being in group " S "). Previously, in discussing the mode and median types of index number, we saw that they were freakish in that they were unresponsive to the influence of small changes in the terms averaged. On this account they are clearly less fitted than the other index numbers to provide a refined barometer. All that we need to add here is that this freakishness holds true of the weighted modes and medians as well as of the simple modes and medians. In fact, not only are the mode and median apt, so to speak, to fall accidentally into the clutches of a few of the price relatives instead of being equally in the hands of all, but the weighted mode and weighted median are apt to fall accidentally into the clutches of a single large weight or a very few large weights. If one or two price relatives near the middle of the range of price relatives happen to have large weights they are apt to. control the mode or median absolutely. When the index number is thus WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 215 captured no ordinary change in the price relative can dis- lodge it. It is, so to speak, " stuck." And when a big enough change does dislodge it, it simply jumps into another such situation. The weighted mode is thus almost a one-chance proposition, staking everything, perhaps, on whether or not some one commodity with a monstrous weight happens fairly to represent the rest in its price changes — the chances being, naturally, against it. In using the mode we almost " put all our eggs in one bas- ket." It is doubtful whether a weighted mode (or perhaps even a weighted median) is a better barometer than a simple mode (or simple median), especially where there are only a few commodities involved. Because of this characteristic of the mode, its inertness, the modes. Formulae 143 and 145, even though '' rectified " by Test 1 (i.e. by splitting the difference between 43 and 49, and between 45 and 47, where there are no observable differences to split), gain no real improvement in accuracy. The only real improvement in the modes effected by a " rectification " comes through Test 2. The numerator of the factor antithesis is the value ratio, and in the value ratio every element, p and q, has a voice. But this kind of rectification has power to correct only a small part of the freakishness of the original. And it may be balked in accomplishing even a partial correction ; for the denomi- nator of the factor antithesis (being simply another mode — of quantities instead of prices) also contains freakishness, and this may operate in either direction. The only gain is that, instead of (practically) a one-chance proposition, we now have a two-chance proposition. In view of what has been said it is not surprising that the modes (and to some extent the medians) are found to be out of tune with the other index numbers, sometimes far above and sometimes far below, without rhyme or reason. 216 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 4. Possible Improvement by Increasing the Nimiber of Commodities This freakishness of the modes (and of the medians) can, of course, be lessened by including a large number of commodities just as any other index number can be improved somewhat in the same way. By taking a very large number of commodities, we could perhaps make the rectified weighted modes and medians approximately coincide with the middle tine of our fork. Unfortunately, we have no data for testing this hypothesis and the simple mode, as given by Wesley C. Mitchell, for the 1437 com- modities studied by the War Industries Board, is as far out of tune with the other types of index numbers, say the simple geometric, as is the simple mode of our 36 commodities. The mode, in the two cases, Hes above (+) or below (— ) the simple geometric as follows : TABLE 23. EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY OF SIMPLE MODE OF PRICE RELATIVES (In per cents of simple geometric) No. OF Com- modities 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 36 1437 +2.08 + 1.52 + 1.03 -5.93 -10.74 -19.75 -19.16 -14.64 +5.56 -10.53 Thus, irrespective of the number of commodities, it will be seen that, whereas the arithmetic (as pre- viously shown) always lies above the geometric and the harmonic always below, the mode is above and below about equally often, being above in four of the ten cases and below in six. In the long run we may expect this approximate equality to be more perfect. In fact it is absolutely perfect if we always take into account backward as well as WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 217 forward index numbers, for if the forward (or backward) mode is above the geometric the backward (or forward) must be below it.^ That is, the mode has no inherent tendency to lie either above or below the geometric. Either is equally likely, although there is always a likeli- hood of deviating widely — freakishness. Exactly the same discussion applies to the median except that the freakishness is less. For the simple medians we have : TABLE 24. EXCESS OR DEFICIENCY OF SIMPLE MEDIAN OF PRICE RELATIVES (In per cents of simple geometric) No. OP Com- modities 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 36 1437 +3.S4 - .01 + 1.84 -5.66 - 2.11 -11.02 -1.70 -6.40 +6.00 - .64 Comparing Table 24 with Table 23, it will be observed that the median and mode usually jump together, first, on one side of the geometric, and then on the other ; but the median usually jumps less than the mode, thus lying between the mode and geometric. The average ratio of the two deviations (those of the mode and median from the geometric) is 2.5 in the case of the 36 commod- ities and 2.2 in the case of the 1437 commodities. It is noteworthy that the mode and median seem to be helow the geometric when prices are rapidly rising. Whether this is usually the case and, if so, why, I do not know. In this particular case, it may be partly accounted for by price fixing preventing many commodities from rising as much as they otherwise would, so that those com- modities which do rise inordinately raise the geometric but scarcely affect the mode or median. * See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XI, § 4). 218 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS While the freakishness of the mode and median can prob- ably be reduced by introducing large numbers, it cannot be eliminated altogether. Under all circumstances these index numbers are lame and limping, as compared with the other four types. I have estimated very roughly on the basis of the data above mentioned and the law of distribution of chances that, for a large number of com- modities, say 100, the rectified mode, Formula 343, would keep almost always within two per cent of the middle tine. In the present case of 36 commodities, it is ten per cent off the track for 1917, although for the other years it is usually within three per cent. And the rectified median is within two per cent even in the case of our 36 commodities. With 100 commodities it would doubtless agree still more closely. § 5. Discarding All " Biased " Index Numbers Leaves Only the Middle Tine (47 Formulas) Thus far in our search for the most accurate index number, we have eliminated (1) the " S " group, i.e. all simples and their progeny, and (2) the " M " group, — all medians and modes and their progeny. We have found these index numbers " freakish " or " haphazard," the first group because constructed from badly (that is, evenly) weighted material, and the second because so largely insensitive to changes in the individual prices and quantities. As we have seen, the rest of the index numbers do not vary at random but naturally group themselves into the five classes shown by the five-tined fork. That is, they differ from one another not by even gradations but by definite intervals. The causes for this grouping we have already investigated and expressed by the term " bias " to represent a distinct tendency or " list " in a particular WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 219 direction. We now eliminate all biased index numbers (classes 2+, 1+, 1 — , 2 — ), viz., all in the two upper and two lower tines, leaving only the ''0" or unbiased class for further consideration. § 6. Selecting from the 47 Formulse, the 13 Satisfying Both Tests There are 47 distinct formulae represented in this middle tine. Even if we proceeded no further we would have reached an important conclusion — even a startling con- clusion. These 47 formulae agree more closely than the standards of ordinary statistical practice require ! We may say, therefore, that, if we merely exclude formulce obviously freakish or biased, all the rest agree with each other well enough for ordinary practical purposes ! But we may go still further in our search for accuracy. Among these 47 approximately agreeing formulae there are two, 53 and 54, which, while free from bias, are not free from joint error. For instance. Formula 53 forward times Formula 53 backward does not give unity but sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less, revealing a slight joint error in the two applications of 53 ; and so also of 54. In short. Formulae 53 and 54 fail to obey Test 1 as also they fail to obey Test 2. The same is true of 6053, 7053, 8053, and 8054. Ruling these out, we have left 41 for- mulae all of which obey at least one test. But from these we may eliminate, as not obeying both tests. Formulae 107, 108, 109, 110, 1103, 1104, 123, 124, 125, 126, 1123, 1124, 1153, 1154, 2153, 2154, 3153, 3154, 4153, 4154, 207, 209, 213, 215, 223, 225, 227, 229. We now have left, as obeying both tests, 13 formulae from which to choose the best, namely, 307, 309, 323, 325, 353, 1303, 1323, 1353, 2353, 3353, 4353, 5307, 5323. The argument here is not that every one of these so far 220 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS surviving formulse is better than all those eHminated, for we shall find that this is not quite true, but that each of the excluded formulse, failing in one or the other of the two tests, is necessarily surpassed by some at least of the 13. Thus Formula 109, failing in Test 2, must be adjudged inferior to its own rectification, 309, which meets both tests, even if it (Formula 109) happens to be superior to some other of the inner circle of 13, say, 1303 ; and we may conclude that 8053 and 8054 are inferior to their own rectification (which is 353) without concluding that they are inferior to some other of the 13, say, to 309. In other words, out of the 47 best formulae we are select- ing, not necessarily the best 13, but the 13 which we know must include the best one of all. In still other words, while we have no reason to think that each of these 13 is superior to all the 34 excluded, we do have good reason to believe that each of these 34 is inferior to some one of the 13. § 7. Selecting Formula 353 as the " Ideal " "We have still to choose from the surviving 13, although their agreement is now close — far closer than practically required. Here the argument changes and becomes much less definite and sure. We can no longer appeal to the two tests as a means of further sifting ; for all the 13 formulse obey both these tests perfectly. But we can still find reasons for preferring one formula to another. We can prefer the crossed formulce to the cross weight formulce and their derivatives (except Formula 2353, reserved for later consideration), thus excluding 1303, 1323, 1353, 3353, 4353, and leaving only the eight formulae : 307, 309, 323, 325, 353, 2353, 5307, 5323. This exclusion is based on the consideration ^ that the cross weight formulse fail to insure a middle course between * As shown in Appendix I (Note to Chapter VIII, § 10). WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 221 the original formulae whose weights are crossed. They seem slightly erratic as compared with the rest. Again, on the principle that two equally promising estimates or measures may probably be improved in accuracy by taking their average, 307 and 309 may next be excluded in favor of their cross, 5307 ; and, likewise, 323 and 325, in favor of their cross, 5323. This leaves the four formulae, 353, 2353, 5307, 5323. From these four, all practically coinciding, I should be inclined, if forced to choose, first, to drop 2353 in favor of 353 on the theory that weight crossing of any kind is probably not as accurate a splitter of differences as formula crossing. This leaves the three formulae, 353, derived from aggregatives ; 5307, derived from arithmetics and harmonics; and 5323, derived from geometries. From these I am inclined next to eliminate 5307 on the ground that it descends from ancestors (7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16) far wider apart than does 353 or 5323. There seems more chance of error in using figures wide apart than in using those close together. If we must prefer one of the two remaining formulae (353 and 5323) to the other I would drop 5323 for the same reason. Thus Formula 353, derived from aggregatives, remains to take the first prize for accuracy. But I should not quarrel with those who would divide the prize with 2353, 5307, or 5323, especially the last. § 8. Other Argiiments for Formula 353 Our whole argument has hitherto been on the score of accuracy. If we add the consideration of algebraic simplicity, the superiority of Formula 353 over all its rivals is evident, and very marked. As to ease and rapidity of computation (of which I shall speak more fully later) 353 is immensely superior to all its 12 rivals, 222 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS though some excellent formulae outside of the 13 are still more rapid, as we shall see. Hitherto no use has been made of the argument that formulae of widely different nature are likely to be accu- rate if they agree with each other. Every formula was given consideration independently and on its merits. Thus, Formula 9 was condemned, not on the ground that it gave results higher than 353 and the other middle-of- the-roaders, but on the ground that, if twice appUed, once forward and again backward, it gave a result greater than unity so that at least one of its two applications was too large. We could thus prove bias without any comparison with other formulae. Likewise 41 and 43, were condemned as freakish, not because they differ so greatly from other formulae, but because they fail to respond to most of the changes which they aim to average. And yet as we have proceeded, step by step, we could not fail to notice that the good formulae give very similar, and the bad formulae, very dissimilar, results, and that the good agree in results despite wide differences of method. And now that we have completed the original line of argument, we may confirm it strikingly by citing, as new and internal evidence, these similarities and dis- similarities. The formulae which we condemned as up- ward biased (on the ground of comparison only with them- selves, reversed in direction), we now find do actually give higher results than 353 and its peers or next bests, the divergence for the doubly biased formulae being about double the divergence of the singly biased formulae; and similarly as to the downward biased. The only qualifications to this statement are such as merely further confirm what has been found. Thus the simples, modes, medians, and their derivatives, which, on general grounds, were condemned as very erratic, WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 223 behave peculiarly relative to 353 and the other foremost formulae, and thereby again justify the term " freakish." Thus all the formulae shown to be bad independently are found also to be bad comparatively, — that is, as judged by their departures from the very good formulae. Finally, the formulae which we found, by studying each one by itself, to be good, because free from bias and freak- ishness, are also found to be good as judged by each other. That is, they all agree amazingly well, constituting the middle tine of the fork. In fact, I think that anyone who had not followed the former argument but who should merely examine the internal evidence of agreement and disagreement would reach almost exactly the same con- clusions as to which formulae are good and which are bad. At any rate the agreements and disagreements between the 134 formulae are, without a single exception, consistent with all the conclusions reached on other grounds. § 9. Formulae 353 and 5323 Compared We have seen that Formulae 353 and 5323 present almost equal claims to be true barometers of changes in prices and quantities. But their results do not tally absolutely, as Table 25 shows.^ In only one instance do the two methods yield precisely the same result and that identity would doubtless dis- appear if we were to carry the computation one decimal further. What are we to infer from these disagreements ? Error there must be but we have no warrant for saying one is " absolutely right " and, therefore, all the error is in the ^ For the purposes of this comparison Formula 353 might have been called 5353 (although no such number is used in the list), for just as 5323 is descended from eight index numbers (23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30), so may 5353 (i.e. 353) be regarded as derived from eight (3, 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20). 224 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 25. TWO BEST INDEX NUMBERS (1913 = 100) Pbices Quantities Base Formu- la No. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Fixed 353 5323 100.12 100.13 99.89 99.87 114.21 114.09 161.56 161.59 177.65 177.67 99.33 99.32 109.10 109.11 118.85 118.92 118.98 118.96 125.37 125.35 Chain 353 5323 100.12 100.13 100.23 100.23 114.32 114.45 162.23 162.42 178.49 178.64 99.33 99.32 108.72 108.73 118.74 118.61 118.49 118.36 124.77 124.68 other. We must infer just what Pierson inferred, that index numbers are not and never can be absolutely pre- cise. There is always a fringe of uncertainty surrounding them. But, while index numbers can never quite pretend to rank with weights and spatial measures in perfection of precision. Table 25 reveals a very high degree of precision, not only far higher than skeptics like Pierson imagined possible, but higher even than believers in index numbers had supposed. Table 25 shows that, for prices, the two fixed base fig- ures for 1914 agree within about one part in 10,000 ; 1915 within about two parts in 10,000 ; 1916 within about one part in 1000 ; 1917 within about one part in 5000 ; and 1918 within about one part in 9000 ; while, for quantities, the corresponding degrees of agreement are substantially the same: one part in 10,000, one in 10,000, one in 1000, one in 6000, one in 6000. Turning to the chain index numbers we find, for prices for 1915, perfect agreement as far as calculated, and for the succeeding years one in 1000, one in 1000, one in 800 ; while for quantities the figures are: one in 10,000, one in 10,000, one in 1000, one in 1000, one in 1000. When we speak of two magnitudes as agreeing within WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 225 one part in 1000 we are speaking of an extremely high degree of agreement. The agreement is as close as that between two estimates of the height of Washington Monument which differ by a hand's breadth, or two estimates of the height of a man which differ by a four- teenth of an inch, or two estimates of his weight which differ by two ounces. These are higher degrees of preci- sion than those met with in the measures of commodities sold at retail and than most of those met with in whole- sale transactions. They are comparable even with many laboratory measurements. Thus, I learn from the United States Bureau of Standards that measures of volume by glass or brass containers are correct only to one part in 5000 to 10,000. The best portable ammeter measures electric current only to one part in 250, and the best port- able voltmeter measures voltage to only one part in 500. WTien we consider that these two methods of reckoning an index number by Formulae 353 and 5323 are wholly distinct, that, in one, the processes are adding and divid- ing, and, in the other, they are multiplying and extract- ing roots, it seems truly marvelous that by such widely different routes we should be led to almost absolutely the same goal. It would be absurd to ascribe the agreement wholly to " accident." The coincidences are too numer- ous, even without recourse to the agreements with other index numbers on the middle tine. We cannot escape the conclusion from this comparison that these two index numbers check each other up and prove each other's ac- curacy within an error of usually less than one part in 1000. § 10. The " Probable Error " of Formula 353 We may now cite the close agreement of all the 13 for- mulae which satisfy both tests and are also free of the accusation of freakishness (i.e. are not descended from 226 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 26. SELECTED INDEX NUMBERS (1913 = 100) FrxED Base FOR- Prices Quantities No. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 307 100.13 99.78 114.17 161.04 177.25 99.31 109.20 118.89 119.36 125.65 309 100.17 99.85 114.25 162.31 178.44 99.29 109.13 118.74 118.43 124.81 323 100.13 99.89 113.99 161.90 177.98 99.31 109.09 119.09 118.74 125.14 325 100.12 99.85 114.19 161.28 177.35 99.33 109.13 118.76 119.19 125.57 353 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 99.33 109.10 118.85 118.98 125.37 1303 100.14 99.88 114.22 161.75 177.82 99.32 109.11 118.84 118.84 125.25 1323 100.13 99.90 114.23 161.70 177.80 99.32 109.08 118.84 118.88 125.26 1353 100.13 99.89 114.22 161.71 177.79 99.33 109.08 118.85 118.87 125.26 2353 100.13 99.89 114.22 161.60 177.67 99.32 109.09 118.84 118.94 125.35 3353 100.14 99.90 114.35 161.94 177.36 99.31 109.08 118.81 118.70 125.57 4353 100.13 99.92 114.26 161.78 177.52 99.32 109.06 118.80 118.82 125.46 5307 100.15 99.82 114.21 161.67 177.84 99.30 109.17 118.81 118.90 125.23 , 5323 100.13 99.87 114.09 161.59 177.67 99.32 109.11 118.92 118.96 125.35 Chain op Bases Formu- la No. 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 307 100.13 100.22 114.56 162.50 178.42 99.31 108.74 118.49 118.30 124.83 309 100.17 100.22 114.61 162.76 179.30 99.29 108.74 118.44 118.10 124.21 323 100.13 100.23 114.45 162.47 178.69 99.31 108.73 118.61 118.32 124.64 325 100.12 100.23 114.45 162.36 178.58 99.33 108.73 118.62 118.39 124.71 353 100.12 100.23 114.32 162.23 178.49 99.33 108.72 118.74 118.49 124.77 1303 100.14 100.23 114.40 lo2.37 178.99 99.32 108.72 118.66 118.39 124.42 1323 100.13 100.24 114.65 162.71 179.05 99.32 108.72 118.41 118.14 124.39 1353 100,13 100.23 114.33 162.27 178.45 99.33 108.72 118.73 118.46 124.76 2353 100.13 100.23 114.32 162.31 178.58 99.32 108.72 118.74 118.43 124.71 3353 100.14 100.24 114.28 162.14 178.39 99.31 108.71 118.71 118.48 124.77 4353 100.13 100.24 114.38 162.20 178.46 99.32 108.71 118.68 118.51 124.79 5307 100.15 100.22 114.59 162.63 178.86 99.30 108.74 118.47 118.20 124.52 i 5323 100.13 100.23 114.45 162.42 178.64 99.32 108.73 118.61 118.36 124.68 WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 227 simples, modes, or medians). Table 26 gives these 13 index numbers from which we selected Formula 353 as presumably the best. By means of Table 26 we can further address our- selves to the problem of measuring the degree of accuracy of Formula 353. Critics hke Pierson have cited the disagreements of index numbers, which they mistakenly assumed to present equal claims to be true barometers of price changes, as evidence that index numbers in general were inaccurate. Though their premises were wrong their logic was right. And we may now apply it, freed from their mistaken premises. We may apply to these 13 barometer readings the processes of the theory of proba- bilities, and compute the probable errors. We shall assume, at the outset, that all the 13 have equal claims ; that is, we shall give them equal weights in our probability calculations. This is conservative; that is, it will tend to exaggerate the probable errors of the best. Table 27 gives the probable errors as so calculated. TABLE 27. PROBABLE ERRORS ^ OF AN INDEX NUMBER OF PRICES OR QUANTITIES WORKED OUT BY ANY ONE OF THE 13 FORMULA CONSIDERED AS EQUALLY GOOD INDEPENDENT OBSERVATIONS (In per cents of their average) Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Fixed Chain .009 .009 .025 .006 .050 .069 .128 .079 .118 .104 > See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XI, § 10). Thus we see that the probable error of any of the 13 formulae for 1914 was .009 per cent to be added to or subtracted from the index number, say, 100.12, or one part in 10,000. To state this exactly, assuming all of the 228 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 13 to be equally likely to be right, the error of any one of them is as likely as not less than one part in 10,000. Simi- larly, the probable (or as-likely-as-not) error in 1916 of the fixed base figures is .05 per cent of the index number — about one part in 2000. The largest error in a single index number is that for 1917 relatively to 1913. That is the index number has an error of .128 per cent, or about one part in 800, or about one eighth of one per cent. We may, therefore, be assured that Formula 353, being certainly more accurate, if that be possible, than at least most of the other 12, is able correctly to measure the general trend of the 36 dis- persing price relatives or quantity relatives within less than one eighth of one per cent! That is, the error in, say. For- mula 353, probably seldom reaches one part in 800, or a hand's breadth on the top of Washington Monument, or less than three ounces on a man's weight, or a cent added to an $8 expense. The above estimate of one eighth of one per cent is a maximum, for three reasons : (1) it is the maximum of the ten figures in the above table ; (2) the above table is based on an extraordinary war-time dispersion which tends to magnify the disagreements between index num- bers ; and (3) many of the 13 formulae treated as equally reliable are demonstrably less reliable than 353. To re- place the above maximum estimate by a more truly repre- sentative one is not easy and introduces doubtful consider- ations. Without detailing these, I shall merely say that after various other calculations I am convinced that the probable error of Formula 353 seldom reaches one per cent of one per cent. Assuming that, for practical purposes, a precision within one per cent of the truth is ample, we see that any first class index number is at least eight times as precise as it WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 229 needs to be. Humanly speaking then, an index number is an absolutely accurate instrument. This does not, of course, have any reference to inaccuracies in the original data, nor to inaccuracies due to the choice of data in- cluded as samples, or representatives of those excluded. It merely means that, given these data, the index number is able to give an unerring figure to express their average movement. As physicists or astronomers would say, the "instrumental error " is negligible. The old idea that among the difficulties in measuring price move- ments is the difficulty of finding a trustworthy mathe- matical method may now be dismissed once and for all. § 11. The Purpose to "Which an Index Number Is Put Does Not Affect the Choice of Formula It will be noted that Formula 353, or its rivals, has been selected as the best on very general grounds of a formal character. Consequently, the conclusions are as general as the premises from which we started. Whether prices are wholesale or retail, for instance, obviously does not affect the choice of Formula 353 rather than 1, or 31, or 9. For, in either case, there are precisely the same reasons for selecting a formula which is reversible in time or factors and for selecting a formula which will not be freakish, or spasmodic, in its findings. But so deeply rooted is the idea that various purposes require various formulae that the general significance of these results is not yet acknowledged by many of the stu- dents of index numbers. I must reserve for a separate article specific answer to those who have rejected the con- clusion, when first briefly stated at the Atlantic City meet- ing of the American Statistical Association, December, 1920, that a good formula for one purpose is a good formula 230 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS for all known purposes. But I may note here reasons alleged for rejecting this idea. There seem to be three : (1) There is the idea that a conflict exists between measuring the average change of prices and measuring changes in the average level of prices.^ (2) There is the idea that changes in the aggregate cost of a specified bill of goods or regimen, as implied in aggre- gative index numbers, is appropriate only for retail trade — despite the fact that Knibbs, the chief protago- nist of this concept, applies this idea of aggregate cost to a specified list of wholesale prices. Of course, it may be applied to any list in any market. What is the custom in the case has nothing to do with the accuracy of the procedure as a mathematical method. (3) There is the idea that the character of the dis- tribution of price relatives about the mode or other mean prescribes the choice of, say, the arithmetic or geometric type. This argument defeats itself through the reversal process ; any asymmetry displayed (on the ratio chart, at least) in the distribution of the relatives taken forward is reversed when we have to consider the relatives taken backward. 2 If the arithmetic be adjudged proper for the one it would have to be adjudged improper for the other, thus leading to such an absurd conclusion as that, in calculating the price level of London relatively to New York, the arithmetic index number is appropriate, but in calculating the price level of New York relative to London it would be highly improper ! Moreover, if we count the cases in both directions there are, of course, as many cases of asymmetry in one direction as in the other. It follows that, in the long run, there is no tend- 1 This is discussed in Appendix III (on ratio of averages vs. average of ratios). 2 As pictured in Appendix I (Note to Chapter XI, § 11). WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 231 ency to asymmetry in any one direction.^ Also when a large number of relatives are used, there is usually little asymmetry in any case. The opinion to the contrary is based on the wrong method, usually employed, of plotting on an arithmetic scale instead of the ratio chart used in this book. But, from a practical standpoint, it is quite unnecessary to discuss the fanciful arguments for using " one formula for one purpose and another for another," in view of the great practical fact that all methods (if free of freakish- ness and bias) agree! Unless someone has the hardihood to espouse bias or freakishness for some '' purpose," whatever formula he advocates will insist on coinciding with whatever formula anyone else advocates. The notion that the aggregative is appropriate for the cost of living, and the geometric for a wholesale price level, and the arithmetic for something else, becomes futile. For if we admit that in each case the rectified forms are to be used, we shall find that the rectified aggregative (Formulse 353, 1353, 2353, 3353, 4353), the rectified geometric (323, 325, 1323, 5323), and the rectified arithmetic (307, 309, 1303, 5307), all agree ten times as closely as is required for any purpose whatever ! The basic reason for misunderstanding on this subject is failure to take into account bias and reversibility in time. So long as the very bad FormulsB 1, 9001, 21, 9021, 31, 51, 9051 are used, no wonder writers on index numbers ^ Asymmetrical distribution is often characteristic in other fields than index numbers, e.g. human heights or weights. (See Macalister, "Law of the Geometric Mean," Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1879.) But in such cases there is no reversibility. The items averaged are not ratios. In the case of a skull index, on the other hand, the ratio of length to breadth may be reversed as breadth to length and is analogous to index numbers which are ratios of prices to prices or quantities to quantities. Ratios are essentially double ended and produce their own symmetry, by reversal in one form or another. 232 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS seek fanciful reasons for using one of these mutually conflicting formulae for one purpose and another for another. But as soon as it is seen that the weighted index numbers of all these types need rectification, — that there is no more justification for using, for instance, an arithmetic forward than backward, and that, therefore, it should be Wighfed Aggregafives for 90 Raw Materials V/ar Industries Board Statistics (Prices) fS H '/5 'le '17 *f8 Chart 45P. Showing the same close agreement and absence of bias of Formulae 53 and 54 for the 90 commodities, as was found in the case of the 36 commodities (see Chart 39P, top tier). rectified before being used at all, — all these fanciful distinctions and arguments fall to the ground. A year ago I issued a friendly challenge to those who object to this conclusion to supply a single case where Formula 353 should not be used. Several have tried to supply such cases but without success. It is clear that a considerable part of the disagreement is more apparent than real and due to misunderstandings. Mitchell gives seven purposes requiring, he alleges, dif- WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 233 ferent formulae.^ One of these " purposes " is the com- parison with an existing series of index numbers, in which case the formula used should be identical with that used in the existing series. Naturally ! In a somewhat similar way I, myself, in this book, have found use for 134 different formulae for the " purpose " of comparison. Another of Professor Mitchell's purposes is to make an index number which the common man can understand. Of course, we can go on indefinitely enumerating such varieties of purpose. Our purpose may be to secure the Weighted Aggregatives for 90 Raw Materials War industries Board Statistics (Quantities) U3 '/4 '/5 '/e 77 78 Chart 45Q. Analogous to Chart 45 P. cheapest index number. Then Formula 51 is the formula we want. Or our purpose may be to secure the most inaccurate. One of the modes might then be indicated. Formula 353 would not be the best for that purpose ! I had assumed, of course, that there was at least this uniformity of '' purpose " : that by the best index number would be understood the index number which was the most accurate measure. If this be taken for granted, 353 (or any of the 30 or more others which give the same results) seems the best for all purposes within the domain covered by index numbers. Whether the purpose be an index number of prices, or quantities, or wages, or rail- * Bulletin No. 284, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, pp. 76, 78. 234 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS road traffic, or whether the index number is to measure the value of money, the barometer of trade, the cost of manu- facturing, the volume of manufacture, the same varieties of mathematical processes can be used and will converge to close agreement, — that is, so long as the problem is of the same mathematical form, — as it is in all cases I have yet met with.^ In short, an index number formula is merely a statis- tical mechanism like a coefficient of correlation. It is as Formulae 55 and 54 Applied To Stock Market (Prices) \5% riAY' te 17 16 19 20 2f 1921 Chart 46 P. Showing the same closeness of agreement and absence of bias of 53 and 54 for stock market prices. absurd to vary the mechanism with the subject matter to which it is applied as it would be to vary the method of calculating the coefficient of correlation. § 12. Comments on Formula 353 and the Aggregatives Generally Formula 353 must already have impressed the reader as having noteworthy peculiarities and simplicities. It is formed more simply ^ than any other formula ful- 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter IV, § 10). ' To see how much simpler 353 really is than any other formula among the 12 rivals for accuracy we need only compare it with the next in sim- pUcity, 2353, as follows : 353 = ^fipK^^im WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 235 filling the two tests, being obtained merely from the four magnitudes SpoS'o, Spi^i, SpoQ'i, ^PiQo- The same four are Formulae 55 and 54 Applied To Stock Market (Quantifies) 16 /? /S HAY- 1921 /9 20 21 Chart 46Q. Analogous to Chart 46P. used, simply in different order, for the price index number and the quantity index number.^ The formula fulfills both tests, although it is obtained by only one crossing of antecedent formulae. That one 2353 -i Spig-i X S(9o + ?i) Pi X S(po + Pi) ?o 2po9o X 2(go + gO po X 2(po + Pi) qx The reader may care, for curiosity, to write out some of the still more complicated formulae such as 5323, the most accurate among the geometries. 1 See Chapter VII, § 5, regarding Formula 153 (the same as 353). 236 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS crossing may be the crossing of two time antitheses (53 and 59, or 54 and 60, or 3 and 19, or 4 and 20, or 5 and 17, or 6 and 18), or the crossing of two factor antitheses (53 and 54, or 59 and 60, or 3 and 4, or 5 and 6, or 17 and 18, or 19 and 20). Thus, it merely needs to conform to one test in order to conform to both. This can be said of no other formula. Formulae 5^ and 5^ Applied To 12 Leading Crops (Prices) (After WM.Persons) 54 53 \Sif 90 185 VO '95 •00 '05 10 •15 '20 Chakt 47P. Showing almost the same closeness of agreement but the presence of a slight bias, 53 always exceeding 54, except in the one year, 1920. The common origin of the two curves is 1910. It is derivable from the aggregatives (53, 54, 59, 60), from the arithmetics (3, 4, 5, 6), or from the harmonics (17, 18, 19, 20), or from both the arithmetics and the har- monics. Consequently, unlike other formulae, it recurs in its various roles again and again (as 103, 104, 105, 106, 153, 154, 203, 205, 217, 219, 253, 259, 303, 305), being en- countered, so to speak, at the many crossroads in our tables. Its constituent formulae, 53 and 54, are likewise frequent repeaters, and are the only pair of formulae which are at once time antitheses and factor antitheses. Another interesting fact, as shown in the Appendix,^ * See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, §9, "Proportionality Test"). WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 237 is that, while Formula 353 is a perfectly true average, nine of its twelve rivals (all excepting 1353, 2353, 3353 — themselves aggregatives) are not true averages. They fulfill the definition of an average of the price relatives only in case the quantity relatives are all equal. Another peculiarity is that the aggregative, alone of all index numbers, does not require calculating price ratios. Formulae 53and 54 Applied To 12 Leading Crops (Quantifies) (After WMPersons) W '85 '90 '95 '00 '05 '10 15 '20 Chart 47Q. Analogous to Chart 47P. § 13. Formulae 53 and 54 Already in Close Agreement Last but not least. Formulae 53 and 54 are also in actual fact far closer together than any other of the primary formulae which are crossed. The remarkable closeness between the two index numbers calculated by 53 and 54 is not an accident merely happening to be true for the 36 commodities here selected. Professor Persons has calculated an index of the physi- cal volume of exports for 1920 by Formulae 53 and 54, obtaining 93.3 and 95.1 per cent, differing by two per cent. We find the same closeness if we take the 90 commodities 238 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS (" materials ") for which Professor Wesley C. Mitchell gives the data in the report of the War Industries Board. ^ These are given in Charts 45P and 45Q and show the same closeness of Formulae 53 and 54 for prices and so also the same closeness for quantities. What is equally important to note is that, in both cases, as in the corresponding case Formulae 55 and 54 Applied To 12 Leading Crops (Prices) (After WhPersons) \s% (70 12 73 74 rS K 7/ Chakt 48P. Analogous to Chart 47 P. '/9 of 36 commodities, there is no tendency for either of the two curves to be constantly above or constantly below the other. Another case from an entirely different field is that of the prices of 100 stocks and the quantities sold on the New York Stock Exchange, from daily quotations. 'Wesley C. Mitchell, "History of Prices during the War, Summary" (War Industries Board, Bulletin No. 1), p. 45. Mitchell works out only 53 (for prices and quantities) but as, fortunately, he gives the data for values, it is easy to calculate 54. Mitchell uses 1913 as 100 per cent al- though the real base of calculation is 1917. Accordingly in the charts I have used 1917 as the common point. The corresponding data for all the 1366 commodities were not published and, although a search was made in my behalf, they cannot be found even in manuscript. Were this possible it would be easy to calculate 53, 54, 353, for the entire 1366. WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 239 Here again the closeness of Formulae 53 and 54 is illus- trated, in Charts 46 P and 46Q. Charts 47P, 47Q, and 48P, 48Q are made from the figures of Professor Persons for 12 crops, the first pair by five year intervals, and the second pair by year to year intervals,^ In these cases the divergence is a little greater than in the case of the 36 commodities.^ Charts 48 P and 48Q also give the chain figures, which show a considerable deviation from the fixed base figures. Formulae 53 and 54 Applied To 12 Leading Crops (Quantities) (After WKPersons) Z? 7J 14 15 16 1/ Chakt 48Q. Analogous to Chart 48P. In all these crop figures there is discernible the effect of an inverse correlation between the price and quantity movements. This is of interest to the student of index numbers in three ways : (1) it signifies a slight modifica- tion of the proposition that Formulae 53 and 54 are not subject to bias ; (2) it confirms the proposition that any bias in the fixed base system is intensified in the chain system; and (3) it shows that such a bias as is here ^Warren M. Persons, "Fisher's Formula for Index Numbers," Review of Economic Statistics (Statistical Service of the Harvard University Com- mittee on Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass.), May, 1921, pp. 103-113. '^ Somewhat greater, even, than appears at first glance, as the scale of these four charts had to be reduced to get them on the page. The little yardstick in the charts — the "5 %" vertical line — is evidently shorter than that in all preceding charts, indicating that in this chart a given verti- cal distance means a greater per cent increase than in former charts. 240 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS illustrated — a sort of secondary bias, as we shall see — is very small. ^ § 14. History of Formula 353 The constituent Formulae 53 and 54 from which 353 is constructed are, as has already been noted, due respec- tively to Laspeyres and Paasche. Formula 53, or Las- peyres, is the most practical of the two when a substitute for 353 has to be used. It (53) was advocated strongly and ably by G. H. Knibbs, Statistician of Australia.^ Formula 53 being identical with 3, it has been used sometimes as an arithmetic average with base year weighting and calculated laboriously as such. Apparently I was the first to point out the identity of the two formulae.^ The great service performed by Knibbs was to point out the great saving in time in calculating 53 as an aggregative rather than calculating Formula 3 as an arithmetic index number. Knibbs also points out that 53 (and the same might be said, though less emphatically, of the other ag- gregatives) has the advantage over the geometries and other types of being easily comprehended by the gen- eral public* Formula 53 is used by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, having been introduced by Dr. Royal Meeker. The method was recently endorsed in a resolution (No. 81) passed by the British Imperial Statistical Conference in 1920. This resolution reads : ^ See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XI, § 13). 2 See G. H. Knibbs, "Price Indexes, Their Nature and Limitations, the Technique of Computing Them, and Their AppHcation in Ascertaining the Purchasing Power of Money." Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Labour and Industrial Branch, Report No. 9, McCarron, Bird & Co., Melbourne, 1918. ^ Economic Journal, December, 1897, pp. 517, 520. See also, Pur- chasing Power of Money, table opposite p. 418, heading of Formulae 11 and 12 and discussion. * Discussed in Chapter XVI, § 8. WHAT IS THE BEST INDEX NUMBER? 241 Methods of Constructing Index Numbers That the index numbers should be so constructed that their comparison for any two dates should express the proportion of the aggregate expenditure on the selected list of representa- tive commodities, in the quantities selected as appropriate, at the one date, to the aggregate expenditure on the same list of conmiodities, in the same quantities, at the other date. This phraseology may perhaps be taken as applicable, not only to Formula 53, but also to 54, 1153, 2153, 3153, 4153. Since 2153 is, as we shall see, a short cut method of calculating 353, we may practically include 353 also. So far as I know, the earliest reference to the formula here numbered 353 is that made by C. M. Walsh inciden- tally in a footnote of The Measurement of General Exchange Value in 1901.^ Walsh's mention of it had escaped my notice until he called my attention to it in correspond- ing with me in 1920. The next mention appears to be in my Purchasing Power of Money, 1911, where it is given as Formula 16 in the table opposite page 418, but I did not then appraise it as the best. Apparently the next writer to mention this formula, and with high approval, is Professor A. C. Pigou in his Wealth and Welfare, 1912.^ He regards it as probably the best measure for comparing price levels of two coun- tries. This anticipation by Professor Pigou was called to the attention of Mr. Walsh and myself by Professor Frederick R. Macaulay. Next in order comes my preliminary paper on " The Best Form of Index Numbers," read December, 1920, where I advocated 353 as the best or " ideal " for- 1 p. 429. * p. 46. By inadvertence the square root sign is omitted, but is inserted in the later book Economics of Welfare, 1920, p. 84. 242 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS mula.^ Writing contemporaneously, without knowl- edge of my work, C. M. Walsh added this formula to the other index numbers recommended by him as " perhaps the best " in his Problem of Estimation,^ published February, 1921. The same formula was reached from a still different angle by Professor Allyn A. Young ^ as the best for measuring changes of the general price level. Several others have accepted 353 (e.g. George R. Davies, Introduction to Economic Statistics, 1922, p. 86) as best for certain purposes. It is a great satisfaction to know that several of us have now reached the conclusion that this formula is the best, even if some still add safe- guarding qualifications. I think we may be confident that the end is being reached of the long controversy over the proper formula for an index number. Professor Persons'' refers to the index number which I have called " ideal " as " Fisher's Index Number." This was doubtless pursuant to the too generous sugges- tion of Mr. Walsh at the Atlantic City meeting.^ If the conclusions of this book be accepted, I think my proposed term " ideal " is the most appropriate. But, if my name is to be used, Walsh's, or Walsh's and Pigou's should be used also. 1 Published, with discussion, in Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, March, 1921. » pp. 102-103. ' See Qvarterly Journal of Economics, "The Measurement of Changes of the General Price Level," August, 1921, p. 572. < "Fisher's Formula for ludex Numbers," Review of Economic Statistics, May, 1921, p. 103. * See Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, March, 1921, p. 544. CHAPTER XII COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS WITH THE " IDEAL " (FORMULA 353) § 1. All Index Numbers Arranged in Order of Their Remoteness from Formula 353 We have chosen Formula 353 as the most nearly ideal index number, have measured its precision, have found that the 12 others in our list which have the best inde- pendent claims to rival Formula 353 coincide with it for all intents and purposes, and that 34 other index numbers, i.e. those free merely from obvious bias or freakishness, agree with it nearly enough for ordinary requirements. And now we can look back and, by using Formula 353 as a standard for comparison (or, if anyone prefers, any other of those deserving honorable mention in our contest), we can compare all the other 133 formulae with that standard. For this comparison I have arranged all the formulae in order of their closeness to Formula 353.^ Numerically, Table 28 gives all the 134 ^ index numbers in the order of remoteness from 353, beginning with the remotest and ending with 353 itself. The figures are for prices, not quantities (although the order is substantially the same in both cases) , and for fixed base figures, not chain. In each case the formula number is given (in the first column) for identification. Thus, the first in the list is Formula 12, which is the factor antithesis of the simple harmonic index number. In the second column is given ^ For the method used see Appendix I (Note to Chapter XII, § I). ^ These form only 119 different ranks because those tied in rank are given the same number. Thus the second number in the list, "118," applies to seven different index numbers. 243 244 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the letter or number of the class, out of the seven classes enumerated in Chapter IX, § 5, to which the index num- ber belongs. Thus 12 belongs to " S," the " simple " group, being a derivative of the simple harmonic index number. In order to simplify the picture, the list of 134 is sep- arated arbitrarily into several classes in increasing order of merit. The first twelve index numbers, constituting the first of these classes, are labeled, rather harshly perhaps, as " worthless " index numbers (to designate the fact that they are the worst). The other six classes are labeled as poor, fair, good, very good, excellent, and superlative. Decimals are omitted (as superfluous for the comparisons) from all classes worse in rank than the *' very good " and these are given but one decimal. Only the " excellent " and " superlatives " are accorded two deci- mals. The reader will quickly form a mental comparison of various formulae by running his eye down the columns, especially 1917, for which the variations are the greatest. TABLE 28. INDEX NUMBERS BY 134 FORMULA ARRANGED IN THE ORDER OF REMOTENESS FROM THE IDEAL (353) (AS SHOWN BY THE FIXED BASE FIGURES FOR THE PRICE INDEXES) (1913 = 100) Identifi- cation Number Class OP Formula 19U 1916 1916 1917 I (Inverse) Order op Merit Worthless Index Numbers 12 S 103 101 115 172 244 119 44 M 103 106 132 196 180 118 46 M " " 4S M " " 50 M " " 144 M " '• 146 M " " 1144 M •' 42 = 142 SM 104 108 125 167 183 117 41=141 SM 98 98 108 135 190 116 1 S 96 98 124 176 187 115 51=151 s 96 96 108 147 173 114 COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 245 TABLE 28 (Continued) Identifi- cation Number Class OP Formula 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 (Inverse) Order op Merit Poor Index Numbers 11 S 95 96 119 158 172 113 21=121 s 96 97 121 167 180 112 101 s 96 97 121 167 179 111 251 =351 s 97 97 111 153 169 110 102 s 102 99 113 162 208 109 243 M 102 103 119 179 174 108 245 M " " " " '« 247 M " " " " " 249 M " " " " " 343 M " " •• " " 345 M " " '• " " 1343 M " " " " " 5343 M " " •• " " 211 S 99 98 117 165 205 107 9 2 101 102 118 181 187 106 52=152 S 97 97 115 159 165 105 7 2 101 102 118 181 187 104 14 2 102 102 117 168 190 103 15 2 100 98 111 145 167 102 13 2 99 98 111 147 169 101 301 S 99 98 117 164 193 100 8 2 99 97 111 152 167 99 10 2 99 97 111 155 169 98 16 2 101 102 117 169 189 97 241=341 SM 101 103 116 150 186 96 22=122 S 102 99 113 162 194 95 31=131 SM 99 99 119 164 191 94 34 M 101 105 118 166 182 93 221 =321 S 99 98 117 164 187 92 33 M 100 99 107 156 169 91 43 M 101 100 108 164 168 90 45 M " " " " " " 47 M " " " " " " 49 M " " " " " " 143 M " " " " " " 145 M " " " " " " 1143 M '• " " " " " 36 M 101 104 118 165 182 89 201 S 98 97 116 164 182 88 37 M 101 100 109 164 188 87 35 M 100 99 107 160 169 86 2 S 100 96 110 153 177 85 246 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 28 {Continued) Identifi- Class cation OF Number Formula 1914 I 1916 1916 1917 1918 Fair Index Numbers 1134 M 101 103 118 163 182 84 1133 M 101 100 108 163 171 83 9051 102 103 114 160 182 82 134 M 101 103 117 163 181 81 29 1 101 101 116 170 182 80 23 1 100 99 111 154 173 79 133 M 101 100 108 160 174 78 136 M 101 103 117 162 181 77 231 = 331 SM 100 100 117 163 187 76 1003 1 100 101 116 171 183 75 24 1 101 101 116 165 183 74 25 1 100 99 113 152 172 73 1013 1 100 99 113 154 173 72 27 1 100 101 116 171 182 71 38 M 101 102 117 158 180 70 1014 1 101 101 116 165 183 69 30 1 99 98 113 159 174 68 135 M 101 100 108 162 178 67 1004 1 99 99 113 158 173 66 39 M 101 100 109 164 178 65 28 1 100 99 113 157 172 64 6023 ('13-' 14) 100 100 112 154 173 63 32 = 132 SM 100 102 116 162 184 62 26 1 101 101 115 165 183 61 233 M 101 102 112 161 175 60 237 M 101 101 113 161 184 59 235 M 101 102 112 163 176 58 40 M 101 102 117 160 180 57 Good Index Numbers 335 M 101 101 113 162 180 56 1333 M 101 101 113 163 176 55 5333 M 101 101 113 162 179 54 333 M 101 101 113 161 177 53 239 M 101 101 113 162 179 52 6023 ('13 & "18) 99 99 114 160 180 51 6023 ('13-'16) 100 100 114 157 175 50 209 100 100 115 167 178 49 213 101 100 114 157 179 48 207 100 100 115 166 177 47 215 100 100 114 156 178 46 223 100 100 114 159 178 45 225 100 100 114 159 177 44 229 100 100 114 164 178 43 227 100 100 114 164 177 42 110 100 100 114 162 179 41 109 100 100 115 163 178 40 COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 247 TABLE 28 (Continued) Identifi- cation Number Class OP Formula 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 8NVERSE) RDER OF Merit Very Good Index Numbers 1 6053 ('13-'18) 99.8 99.9 114.0 161.6 177.9 39 54* 100.3 100.1 114.4 161.1 177.4 38 108 100.2 99.6 114.0 160.3 177.9 37 53t 99.9 99.7 114.1 162.1 177.9 36 6053 (' 13-'16) 100.0 100.0 114.0 161.9 178.2 35 4153 100.1 100.0 114.4 162.4 178.3 34 309 100.2 99.9 114.3 162.3 178.4 33 107 100.1 99.9 114.4 161.8 176.6 32 4154 100.1 99.9 114.1 161.2 176.8 31 6053 (' 13-'14) 100.1 100.1 113.9 161.3 177.7 30 123 100.1 99.9 113.8 162.1 177.8 29 3153 100.2 99.9 114.2 162.1 176.9 28 307 100.1 99.8 114.2 161.0 177.3 27 *54=4, 5, 18, 19, 59. t53=3, 6, 17, 20, 60. Excellent Index Numbers 323 100.13 99.89 113.99 161.90 177.98 26 124 100.16 99.85 114.25 161.74 178.16 25 3353 100.14 99.90 114.35 161.94 177.36 24 7053 100.09 99.96 114.03 161.53 177.90 23 126 100.12 99.85 114.20 161.18 177.36 22 325 100.12 99.85 114.19 161.28 177.35 21 1104 100.15 99.84 114.18 161.58 177.92 20 5307 100.15 99.82 114.21 161.67 177.84 19 1103 100.13 99.91 114.26 161.93 177.72 18 125 100.12 99.87 114.19 161.37 177.34 17 ' 4353 100.13 99.92 114.26 161.78 177.52 16 3154 100.12 99.92 114.28 161-77 177.78 15 1303 100.14 99.88 114.22 161.75 177.82 14 1123 100.14 99.89 114.17 161.62 177.87 13 1124 100.12 99.91 114.28 161.78 177.73 12 Superlative Index Numbers 5323 100.13 99.87 114.09 161.59 177.67 11 1323 100.13 99.90 114.23 161.70 177.80 10 1153 100.13 99.89 114.20 161.70 177.83 9 1353 100.13 99.89 114.22 161.71 177.79 8 1154 100.12 99.90 114.24 161.73 177.76 7 2154 100.14 99.90 114.21 161.69 177.72 6 2353 100.13 99.89 114.22 161.60 177.67 5 2153 100.12 99.89 114.23 161.52 177.63 4 8054 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 3 8053 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 2 353* 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 1 *353=103, 104, 105, 106, 153, 154, 203, 205, 217, 219, 253, 259, 303, 305. 248 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS It will be seen that of the 12 formulse which we found in the last chapter, each on its own independent merits, to be the closest mates to the ideal, Formula 353, two (307 and 309) are classed as " very good" ; six (323, 3353, 325, 5307, 4353, 1303) are classed as " excellent," and four (5323, 1323, 1353, 2353) are classed as "superlative." That is, all of the formulse selected as best on independent grounds also prove to be among the very best when ranked on the basis of agreement with 353. And yet, interspersed with these 12 are others just as close to Formula 353, though not exactly fulfilUng both tests. Most of these are the various combinations of 53 and 54. These two formulse are so extremely close to each other that any method of spUtting their hair's difference will necessarily agree almost absolutely with 353. Thus the formula closest to Formula 353 is 8053, the arithmetic average of 53 and 54. Although 8053 does not fulfill either test, it comes very close to fulfilling both and to coinciding with 353 which fulfills both ex- actly. All of the other " superlative " index numbers are combinations of 53 and 54. § 2. Chart Giving Index Numbers in Order Graphically, we can get a much quicker and clearer view than is possible by mere numerical figures. Chart 49 gives the same 119 ranks as were represented in Table 28. But the chart includes, in addition, the chain figures, represented, in the usual way, by small balls. ^ These * The distance between each ball and the curve exhibits the disparity between the fixed base and the chain figures. This distance for, say, the year 1918 represents the net cumulative effect of the disparities of all the preceding years. In order to show how much disparity there has been in the last year elapsed, a dark vertical line is inserted (i.e. extending from the 1918 ball to the point where that ball would have been had it remained the same distance from the ciuve as the ball of the last year, 1917) ; and likewise for each other year. COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 249 RANKING AS TO ACCURACY ^" OF ALL INDEX NUMBERS (I). Worth/ess Index Numbers (Prices) 151(51) 73 't^ '15 '16 77 78 Chart 49 (1). These index numbers, ranked as the least accurate, include one, the simple arithmetic (1), in very common use, and another, the sim- ple aggregative (51), in occasional use. The six index numbers, not only disagree widely with the ideal (353) used as a standard, but also with each other, and also as between the fixed base and chain figures of each (as shown by the balls and the dark verticals — the displacement of each ball from the curve indicating the cumulative divergence of the chain figures, and the dark vertical indicating the year-to-year divergence). 250 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS (2). Poor Index Numbers (Prices) '13 U '15 '16 '17 'Id Chart 49 (2). The same divergencies in less degree are here in evidence, except that 101 and 21 agree. The list includes two which have been actually suggested, the simple harmonic (11) suggested by Coggeshall and the doubly biased arithmetic (9) suggested by Palgrave. COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 251 C2)cont Poor Index Numbers (Prices) Chart 49 (2, continued). This set includes the simple median (31). 252 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS (5). Fair Index Numbers (Prices) '13 '/^ 75 'le '17 '16 Chart 49 (3). The same divergencies, still less marked, are noted. Of these the most usable is 9051, a quickly calculated rough-and-ready index number. balls and the dark vertical lines attached to them will be more especially discussed later. At present they may be ignored by the reader so that his attention may be con- centrated on the ranking. COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 253 (5)cont Fair Index Numbers (Prices) '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 76 Chart 49 (3, continued) . This list includes one fcrm of Professor Day's index number (6023). § 3. The Index Numbers Converge toward Formula 353 The most striking fact in Table 28 and Chart 49 is the steady natural convergence of the index numbers toward 254 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS W. Good Index Numbers (Prices) 239 6023 CiSand'ia) 6023 ('13-16) V3 7-? 75 7^ '17 '/a Chart 49 (4). The disagreements have here largely disappeared, whether as between each curve and Formula 353, or as among themselves, and also as between the fixed base and chain series. This list includes two forms of Professor Day's index number (6023). Formula 353. This would not be true if we had arbi- trarily chosen some widely different curve as the standard of reference, such as, say, 2 or 44. It is noteworthy that Formula 353 and those practically coincident with it constitute the only type of index number out of all the numerous varieties which can boast of having many like (5) Very Good. ($) Excellent and (7) Superlative Index Numbers (Prices) 6053 CI3-I8) , 108 53(3.6,17.20.60) 60S3a3-l6) 4/55 309 107 (5). Very Cood Ind Nos. (6).Excellent Ind Nos. (7). Superlative Ind. Nos. 5325 1323 1153 1353 1154- 215't 2353 2153 BOSf 8053 35 3(103, W4J05. 106,153.154.203205 2/7,219.253253,303^05) '/J 7* '/5 '16 17 76 Chart 49 (5, 6, 7). All the divergencies continue to disappear until they become imperceptible. The " very goods " include Laspeyres' (53), Paasche's (54), and Lehr's (4153 and 4154). The "excellents" include one of Walsh's (1123), and Lehr's rectified by Test 2 (4353). The "superlatives" include the above Walsh's rectified by Test 2 (1323), two of Walsh's (1153 and 1154), the same rectified by Test 2 (1353), Edgeworth's and Marshall's (2153), another of Walsh's (2154), the rectification by Test 2 of the two lat- ter (2353), Drobisch's (8053), and the " ideal" 353, used as standard for all of the Charts 49. 256 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS it. Thus, if any one should contend that Formula 2 was the best index number and should try to arrange the formulae in the order of closeness to 2, he would not find the picture altogether unlike that now before us. No. 2 would stand very much alone, its closest neighbors all being distant from it. Furthermore, the index numbers which we have chosen as the best would, in such an arrangement, though no longer placed at the culminating end of the list, still keep close together. As the list now stands, almost no index numbers, far away from 353 but neighbors to each other, are close enough neighbors to have any strong family resemblance. There is one exception ; namely, the pair of 101 and 21, which have already been noted as the best in the hierarchy of simple index numbers. Again, the 119 varieties in our chart vary about equally on the opposite sides of Formula 353, even though the modes and medians are included, as is shown by the follow- ing averages of Table 29.^ Except for the " worthless " class each class averages very close to 353, showing that the variations above and below are about equal, as was to be expected. What has been said would still be true even if we should leave out of consideration so many types of averaging 53 and 54. In short. Formula 353 (or any equivalent) is the evident goal of the complete set toward which, as toward no other, they tend to converge. § 4. Many Besides Formula 353 Pass Muster It will be seen that by pronouncing Formula 353 to be the best index number, it is not implied that it is separated by a wide gulf from all others. On the contrary, one of ^ Strictly the geometric average should be used ; but, except for the first few index numbers (where it was used), this would not differ appreciably from the arithmetic, which, for ease of calculation, was used in all other cases. COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 257 TABLE 29. AVERAGES OF EACH OF THE VARIOUS CLASSES OF INDEX NUMBERS Classes 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Worthless 100. 101. 118. 164. 193. Poor 96. 99. 115. 162. 181. Fair 101. 101. 114. 161. 179. Good 100. 100. 114. 161. 178. Very good 100.1 99.9 114.1 161.6 177.6 Excellent 100.13 99.88 114.20 161.65 177.71 Superlative 100.13 99.89 114.21 161.64 177.72 Average of all classes 99.35 100.06 114.37 161.83 179.46 353 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 our main conclusions is that there are others which are really just as accurate. It is only by literally splitting hairs that we can claim any superiority in accuracy of 353 over its fellow " superlatives," and then only with doubt. There is less room for doubt as to the superiority of 353 over the ''excellent" index numbers, but the degree of its superiority is neghgible. In fact, judged by ordinary practical standards, we can extend the equality to the " very good " or even to the " good." To put these comparisons in figures, let us take 1917 in which the variations are almost always the greatest. Among the " superlative " the smallest index number is 161.52, and the largest 161.73, while the " ideal," Formula 353, is 161.56. Among the " excellent " the smallest is 161.18 and the largest is 161.94. Among the " very good " the smallest and largest are 160.3 and 162.4. Among the " good," they are 156 and 167 ; among the 258 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS " fair," 152 and 171 ; among the " poor," 145 and 181 ; and among the " worthless," 135 and 196. In percentages these figures show the maximum de- viation from the ideal (161.56) to be as follows : among the " superlative," .1 per cent ; among the " excellent," .2 per cent ; among the " very good," .8 per cent ; among the " good," 3.7 per cent ; among the " fair," 6.2 per cent ; among the "poor," 11.7 per cent; among the "worth- less," 21 per cent. How far can we go in letting the less accurate index numbers pass muster as good enough ? The answer will vary, of course, according to the standards we set in any particular case. In practice, it is seldom that our stand- ards require a closer approximation than two per cent. On this basis we may admit as usable index numbers all of the 11 " superlative," the 15 " excellent," the 11 " very good," and most of the 16 " good," or nearly 40 per cent of the 134 index numbers in all. These are all in the " " or middle tine class, i.e. they include all except the biased and the freakish index numbers, which is in accordance with the findings of the previous chapter. § 5. Comments on Modes, Medians, and Simples A glance at the class symbols in the second column of Table 28 shows that " S " (or the simples and their derivatives) and " M " (the modes and medians) are mostly far away from Formula 353 ; that the " 2's " are next farthest from 353, the " I's " next, and the "O's " last. The rankings of the simples are of interest. When we were comparing the simples among themselves, we con- denmed the arithmetic and harmonic and their antitheses (Formulae 1, 2, 11, 12) on the sole ground of bias; we did not condemn them on the ground of freakishness of weighting, for then the simple, or even, weighting was COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 259 assumed to be correct. But now that we are applying higher standards and comparing the simples themselves with the best weighted index number (Formula 353), we condemn every simple formula, even Formula 21, on the ground of freakish weighting, while still condemning Formulae 1, 2, 11, 12 on the further ground of bias. These latter formulse are thus doubly bad, combining both freakishness and bias, despite the fact that, in some cases, the two happen to neutrahze each other. Thus Formula 2 for prices happens to agree closely with 353 for 1914 and 1918, but not for other years. Consequently these four formulse stand at, or near, the extreme top of Table 28. It should also be noted that the modes in particular occur in clusters in almost random order, and not in the order of their conformity to tests. Normally, as shown in the cases of the other varieties, the " rectification " process actually rectifies. For instance, in Table 28, we find that the primary and biased weighted geometries, Formulse 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, precede the (singly) rectified Formulse 123, 1123, 124, 1124, 125, 126, 223, 225, 227, 229, and these, in turn, precede the doubly rectified 323, 325, 1323, 5323 (except that 323 and 325 are slightly out of the prescribed order). Moreover, all these several geometries have each a separate rank in the list, whereas all of the 25 modes (including even the simples) occur in a few clusters and with almost no regard to any systematic order. For instance, we find the un- rectified modes, Formulse 44, 46, 48, 50, not preceding the rectified Formulae 144, 146, 1144, but clustered in exactly the same rank with them and with one another. Again, we find 243, 245, 247, 249, 343, 345, 1343, 5343 Ukewise clustered at identically the same rank. And the last- named cluster (consisting of rectified index numbers) precedes, instead of follows as it should, the cluster, 43, 260 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 45, 47, 49, 143, 145, 1143 (comprising mostly unrectified index numbers) . The medians behave considerably better but they also are immobile as contrasted with others. The table completes the evidence that what makes a bad index number is either freakishness or bias, and that the bias can be thoroughly eliminated by the rectifica- tion process, while freakishness cannot. Barring index numbers subject to these defects, all index numbers are good. In other words, all in group "0," which lie in the middle tine of the five-tined fork, are good. With few exceptions, every good index number obeys at least one of the two tests. The exceptions are Formulae 53, 54, 6023, 6053, 7053, 8053, 8054, all of which, while they fail to obey either test, come very near to obeying both tests. § 6. The Simple Median Nearer the Ideal than the Simple Geometric We are now ready to return to the unfinished discussion of the median. It is one of the interesting and surprising results of the comparisons in the complete list of formulae that the simple median has a better rating than any other simple index number. The order of increasing merit of the simples as here shown is: Formulae 41 (worthless), 1 (worthless), 51 (worthless), 11 (poor), 21 (poor), 31 (poor). The median thus not only outranks the mode, which was to be expected, and the simple arithmetic, so much in vogue, but even the geometric. After what has been said as to the freakishness of the median and the virtues of the geometric, it might have been expected that the median would rank among the worst of the simples, and that Formula 21 would rank as the best. And, as we have seen, when we assume that simple or equal weighting is the right weighting, the order of merit would make Formula 21 best and 31 far inferior. But, of course, COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 261 simple weighting never really is the right weighting, and our table of merit is based not on simple but on true weighting. On such a scale, Formula 31 seems to outrank 21. The comparison of Formulse 21 and 31 as to nearness to 353 may be presented numerically as follows : TABLE 30. ACCURACY OF SIMPLE GEOMETRIC AND SIMPLE MEDIAN, JUDGED BY THE STANDARD OF FORMULA 353 FOR 36 COMMODITIES (Prices) Formula No. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1913 21 100 96 97 121 167 180 31 100 99 99 119 164 191 353 100 100 100 114 162 178 Evidently, the median (31) is somewhat nearer the ideal (353) than is the geometric (21) in 1914, 1915, 1916, and 1917, — by three per cent, two per cent, two per cent, and two per cent respectively. It is farther away only in 1918, — by six per cent. We may further test the conclusion reached by comparing Formulae 21 and 31 as applied to quantities. The figures follow : TABLE 31. ACCURACY OF SIMPLE GEOMETRIC AND SIMPLE MEDIAN, JUDGED BY THE STANDARD OF FORMULA 353 FOR 36 COMMODITIES (Quantities) FORMUIiA No. 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 21 100 98 111 121 119 115 31 100 99 107 117 119 121 353 100 99 109 119 119 125 Here again Formula 31 shows to better advantage than 21, being one per cent superior in 1914 and five per cent superior in 1918, and scoring a tie in 1916, 1917, and 1915. In 1918 one unimportant commodity, skins, the quantity of which fell enormously while most others rose, spoils the sensitive geometric, — even making the average movement seem to be downward when it is really upward, — but it has no influence on the insensitive median. 262 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Further confirmation of our conclusion is found by a study of the 1437 commodities used by the War Industries Board. The weighted aggregative (Formula 53) was the index number employed there, and may here be used as our standard in lieu of 353. I have computed the simple geometric and median. The results, which are per prices, are as follows : TABLE 32. ACCURACY OF SIMPLE GEOMETRIC AND SIMPLE MEDIAN, JUDGED BY THE STANDARD OF FORMULA 53 FOR 1437 COMMODITIES (Pre-war year July, 1913 -July, 1914 = 100 percent) Formula No. 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 21 31 53 101 101 101 101 100 99 108 101 102 138 122 126 174 162 175 198 196 194 We note that Formula 31 is as close to 53 as is 21 for 1913 and closer in 1914 by one per cent, in 1915 by five per cent, 1916 by six per cent, and 1918 by one per cent. The only case to the contrary is 1917, where Formula 21 is the closer by seven per cent. Thus Formula 31 is superior to 21 for the prices of 1437 commodities, just as it was for the prices and quantities of the 36. Unfortunately we lack the data for calculating the quantity ratios of the 1437 commodities. Chart 50 shows the relations of the simple median and simple geometric for 1917 for commodities taken from our list of 36 by lot, beginning with three and including every odd number. It will be seen that, as compared with 353 (the dotted line) it is nip and tuck between 21 and 31 as to their closeness to 353, except where the number of commodities falls below 11, when 21 is decidedly the better. In spite of its insensitiveness, as shown by its few changes. No. 31 averages as close to 353 as does 21. Is this apparent superiority of Formula 31 an accident? It is hard to say, but I am inclined to think that, at any rate, 21 is not on the average superior to 31. Professor Edgeworth has advocated the simple median on the ground that it cannot be so easily influenced by extreme aberrations of one or two individual commodities of "mall importance. In simple (or equal) weight- ing, commodities of small importance are in some cases endowed with undue influence. This is so in the case of the geometric (or, for that matter also the arithmetic and harmonic), whereas in the case of the median such extreme variations produce no disturbance whatever. This argument of Edgeworth's is sound, although at first sight it seems to conflict with some of the lines of reasoning heretofore used in this book. While Pro- fessor Edgeworth praises the median because it is not exaggeratedly sen- sitive, it would seem that I have condemned it just because it is not a sufficiently sensitive barometer. This conflict of opinion, however, is more apparent than real. Insensitiveness is an unmitigated evil in a COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 263 carefully weighted index nximber, for it prevents some of the commodities from having their proper influence. This is likewise true also of a simple index number provided its (even) weighting happens not to be too far from the true weighting. But when this even weighting happens to differ enor- mously from the true weighting, as is frequently — probably usually — the case, the matter is not so easily disposed of. In that case it may well be that the insensitiveness of the median by preventing an undue influence of extreme aberrations of unimportant commodities may more than make up for any delinquency in preventing the due influence of important com- modities. Such a net benefit is pretty certain to accrue when the unim- portant commodities are the most extreme in their aberrations, and the important ones, the least. And, possibly, this is what we usually find. It follows that when we are forced to use a simple index number as a make- Simp/e Geometric and Simple Median, Compared wifii Idea! for Different l^umbers of Commodities \5% 3 5 7 9 II 13 15 17 19 21 25 25 27 29 31 33 35 NUMBER OF COMMODITIES Chakt 50. Showing that the simple median (31) and simple geometric (21) are, on the whole, about equally near the ideal (353) for the seventeen different numbers of conamodities except in the cases of 3, 5, 7, and 9 com- modities, when the geometric is distinctly nearer. shift for a carefully weighted one because we lack the data for weighting, the simple median may as well masquerade as a weighted index number as the simple geometric. The median cannot go far wrong when the really important commodities do not disperse very widely, whereas the geometric is apt to be thrown out of this middle course by giving a vastly exaggerated influence to a few unimportant but widely aberrant com- modities. Whether the important commodities really do usually keep near the middle of the road as compared to the unimportant is doubtful, however. Of the 36 commodities whose prices changed from 1913 to 1914, the middle 18 price relatives were much less important than the other 18, i.e. than the 9 whose price relatives were the highest and the other 9 whose price relatives were the lowest. The relative unimportance of the middle 18 is best meas- ured by their total weights (taken, say, as the mean between the 1913 and 1914 values). This total in 1914 was equal to only 3692 out of a total for all 36 commodities of 13024, or considerably less than half. In 264 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS other words, tlie average commodity near the middle of the price movement was less important than the average commodity near the extremes of movement. This is true in all the years. In 1915, the middle 18 commod- ities had weights of 4062 out of a total of 13588 ; in 1916, 4746 out of 15157 ; in 1917, 5776 out of 17857; in 1918, 6086 out of 19307, — in all cases less than half. Nevertheless, in spite of these facts for the 36 commodities, the simple median, as we have seen, is slightly nearer the ideal than is the simple geometric. Our conclusion is that the simple median, except when there are very few commodities, is probably at least as good on the average as a substitute for a weighted index number as is the simple geometric. Precisely the same argimients for and against the simple median (com- pared with the simple geometric) apply also to the simple mode. But in this case the balance is certainly against the mode, the mode being far more freakish than the median. The mode, Formula 41, is further from 353 than is 2 1 in Chart 49. This is for prices. The same is true as to quantities. The same is also true for the 1437 commodities, the simple mode (41) being 99, 99, 99, 108, 145, 173, as against the geometric (21) which runs 101, 101, 108, 138, 174, 198, while the aggregative (53) used as the standard by which to judge between 21 and 31, runs 101, 99, 102, 126, 175, 194. § 7. Slight Revision of the Order of the Best Formulae The order of merit, which we have found, was deter- mined quite mechanically and doubtless this order, toward the end where the competition for first place is so close, is somewhat accidental and would vary considerably if calculations were made with other data. The last score or two of formulae are practically all alike in accuracy. If we are to discriminate at all among these it is better not to be guided wholly by mechanical methods. We may revise slightly the order of precedence. It is doubtless an accident that places 2153 one place nearer the ideal than 2353 which, on independent grounds, should be the better formula. Doubtless ordinarily it is the closer to 353 and is actually found to be so in other cases. Without arguing all the fine distinctions which might be drawn, I shall, somewhat dogmatically, pronounce my COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 265 own final judgment as to the true order of precedence in accuracy, taking into account all the considerations in this and the preceding chapter. This (increasing) order of merit is : 309, 307, 5307, 1303, 4154, 4153, 3154, 3153, 4353, 3353, 1124, 1123, 124, 126, 123, 125, 1154, 1153, 2154, 2153, 323, 325, 8054, 8053, 1323, 1353, 5323, 2353, 353. These I should call the 29 best formulae with only infinitesimal preferences among them. The list has been intended to include all formulae satisfying both tests (barring medians, modes, simples, and their derivatives). It will be noticed, however, that the list includes a number of formulae obeying only one test and two (8053 and 8054), very excellent ones, obeying neither. This list contains none of the formulae in common use, most of which are objectionable because of bias or freakish- ness. This sheaf of 29 accurate formulae represents the best of the large crop reaped from the seed of the 46 primary formulae. The 29 are all within less than one-half of one per cent of the *' ideal," 353. So far as accuracy is concerned any one of them is good enough to serve for all practical purposes. Moreover, none outside of this list need ever be used for any purpose where great accuracy is demanded, although about as many other formulae are accurate enough for most purposes. As to other considerations than accuracy, more will be said later. Few writers besides Walsh have tried to go outside what are here called the primary formulae. The usual attitude is to observe regretfully that " different ways of computing index numbers lead to different results," and then either to shrug the shoulders in despair of any- thing better, as much as to say " you pays your money and you takes your choice," or vaguely to contend that "some kinds of index numbers are good for some purposes and 266 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS some for others." In view of what we have found as to bias, rectification, and the close agreements in the results, I do not see how any reasonable man can henceforth continue to take either of these views. § 8. Conclusions What, then, are the results of the comparisons among the 134 varieties of index numbers? The chief results seem to be : 1. The only really unreliable class of formulae are those which are distinctly freakish, whether because of a freak- ish type, as in the case of the modes and, in less degree the medians, or on account of a freakish weighting, as in the case of the simples. 2. Formulae which are merely biased can always be thoroughly rectified by mating with formulae of equal, but opposite, bias. 3. Consequently, in Table 28, all the biased formulae (unless of freakish origin) take their places with great regularity of order ; first, the doubly biased (the " 2 + " and " 2 — " classes occurring side by side), and then the singly biased in the same way. 4. Any type of formula, with the single exception of the incorrigible mode (which in our Table 28 never scores better than " poor "), can, by passing through our two rolling mills of rectification (Test 1 and Test 2), be straight- ened out into a good index number. All the roads lead to Rome, — whether the roads be the arithmetic, the harmonic, the geometric, or the aggregative. 5. Even the median, which is fairly freakish by nature, turns out in the end, when doubly rectified, to be at least ''good" (viz. Formulae 335, 1333, 5333, 333, — also 239, although only once rectified). Probably, if a large number (instead of only 36) of commodities were taken, COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 267 the median would come considerably closer to the " ideal." 6. As to the mode also, some improvement may be expected by increasing the number of commodities. Un- fortunately, we lack the data for testing weighted modes, and their rectifications, for a large number of commodities. Judging from such indications as are at hand, I venture the guess that, for 100 or 200 commodities, the rectified weighted mode would agree with the ideal within, say, two or three per cent. 7. Just as any type of index number (with the possible exception of the freakish mode) can be rectified to agree approximately with the ideal, so any system of weighting,^ excepting such freakish weighting as the "simple," can be rectified. It matters not whether an index number, to start with, be weighted according to systems 7, 77, 777, IV, or any crosses between them. After rectification by both tests the resulting index number will invariably emerge (except for modes) as competent. In fact, in one case, even simple weighting turns out fairly well. The simple median, after twofold rectification, becomes a " fair " index number. 8. Every doubly rectified index number (excepting the modes and simples) is at least " good." Four (medians) are classed as '' good " ; two (arithmetic-harmonic) are classed as '' very good " ; six (arithmetic-harmonic, geometric, and aggregative) are classed as " excellent " ; and five (ge- ometric and aggregative) are classed as " superlative." 9. Some 53 index numbers will pass muster as at least " good," of which the five worst are medians and the 11 best are aggregatives and geometries (the '* superlative "). ^ Because so much importance has hitherto been attached to the prob- lem of weighting, I have included an Appendix (II) on "The Influence of Weighting." But it is not essential to the course of the argument of this book. 268 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS All the intervening 37 index numbers are aggregatives, geometries, and arithmetic-harmonics (unless we call Formulae 207 and 209 arithmetics alone, and 213 and 215 harmonics alone). 10. Consequently, the nature of the index number formula (whether arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, median, aggregative, and whether weighted by one system or another) sinks into insignificance as compared with its conformity to the two tests. The only things which are really necessary for a first class index number are : a. Absence of freakishness ; h. Conformity to Tests 1 and 2. The conformity to Test 1 implies, as has been seen, absence of bias. If our standards of a good index number are not high, we need not insist on conformity to tests, but instead on " absence of bias." 11. Table 28 also shows that Test 1 is a better cor- rective of bias than Test 2, while Test 2 is a better cor- rective of freakishness. Thus, as a rectification of the biased arithmetic Formula 7, Formula 107 obeying Test 1 outranks 207 obeying Test 2, and likewise 109 outranks 209, 123 outranks 223, 125 outranks 225. But as a rectification of the freakish median 33, Formula 233 out- ranks 133, and 235 outranks 135. Again, as a rectifi- cation of the freakish simple 21, Formula 221 outranks 121 ; while, likewise, 231 outranks 131 ; 241 outranks 141 ; 251 outranks 151. 12. The most accurate formulae are those toward the end of the list, including especially : Formulae 353, 8053, 2153, 1353, 1323,5323. 13. If the data for quantities are available only for the base year or a series of years, the best available index numbers of prices are : Formulae 53, 6053, 6023. COMPARING ALL THE INDEX NUMBERS 269 14. If only roughly estimated or guessed weights can be used, the best formula is Formula 9051. 15. If we cannot, or will not, estimate or guess at the weights, the best index numbers are: Formulae 21, 101, 31, of which 31 is probably slightly more accurate unless there is good reason to believe that the true weights of the various commodities really are approximately equal, or unless the number of commodities is very small. We may restate and summarize our main conclusions as follows : Always barring the mode (as a freak type) and the simple (as a freak weighting), type and weighting have no material influence on our final results, after the rectifi- cation processes. After those processes are completed, all the results are substantially the same. This will seem a startling conclusion and quite contrary to common opinion ; for current views do not recognize the existence of bias in the index numbers used nor reaUze that it can be rectified. CHAPTER XIII THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST § 1. Introduction It will be remembered that the fault we first found in certain index numbers, e.g. the simple arithmetic, was that it would not work consistently as between two times, or between two places, like New York and Philadelphia. Test 1 required such consistency and our ideal formula, 353, and many others meet that test. Can we and ought we to extend this requirement for consistency as between the two times, or the two places, which the index num- ber compares (and, of course, it only compares two) to a general consistency between all the times or places to which we apply a. set oi index numbers? Hitherto this has been taken for granted by all stu- dents of index numbers. The small balls ought, it has been assumed, always to he on the curve. If they, or any of them, are separated by a gap from the curve, then it would seem there must be, to that extent, something wrong in the index number which permits such an inconsistency. By the so-called " circular test," taking New York as base (= 100) and finding Philadelphia 110, then taking Philadelphia as base (= 110) and finding Chicago (115) we ought, when we complete the circuit and take Chicago as base (= 115), to find, by direct comparison. New York 100 again. Or again, if Chicago is found to be 115 via Philadelphia, it ought consistently to be 115 when cal- culated directly. Still again, instead of taking percentages, let us take 270 THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 271 easy fractions. Let New York be unity, Philadelphia double this or 2, Chicago 50 per cent more, or 3. Then New York should be (according to the circular test) one third of Chicago, or 1 again. The three links around the circle are here f , f , i, and these, multiplied together, give unity or one hundred per cent.^ For a single com- modity, of course, this holds good. If the price of sugar is twice as high in Philadelphia as New York, 50 per cent higher in Chicago than Philadelphia, then self-evidently, in New York the price of sugar must be a third as high as Chicago. If this is true of one commodity, why not of an average for many ? But the analogy of the circular test with the time re- versal test, while plausible, is misleading. I aim to show that the circular test is theoretically a mistaken one, that a necessary irreducible minimum of divergence from such fulfillment is entirely right and proper, and, therefore, that a 'perfect fulfillment of this so-called circular test should really be taken as proof that the formula which fulfills it is erroneous. § 2. Illustration of Non-fulfiUment by Case of Three Very Unlike Countries We can see best by a concrete example. Let us take three places which, to fix our ideas, we shall call Georgia, Norway, and Egypt. Take a list of 15 commodities of which 5, led by lumber, are important in both Georgia and Norway ; 5, led by cotton, are important in both Georgia and Egypt ; and 5, led by paper, are important in both Egypt and Norway. Let us further suppose that the lumber group, important in both Georgia and Norway, have about the same prices in Georgia and Nor- 1 For the algebraic expression of the circular test, see Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, §1). 272 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS way, and that they so dominate the price comparison between these two countries that the index number is about the same in both countries, the other two groups of commodities in these two countries not greatly inter- fering with this equahty, because one is unimportant in Georgia and the other is unimportant in Norway. Like- wise, in comparing Georgia and Egypt, the cotton group so dominates the Georgia-Egypt index number as to make Georgia and Egypt about the same price level. We might conclude, since " two things equal to the same thing are equal to each other," that, therefore, the price levels of Egypt and Norway must be equal, and this would be the case if we thus compare Egypt and Norway via Georgia. But evidently, if we are intent on getting the very best comparison between Norway and Egypt, we shall not go to Georgia for our weights. In the direct comparison between Norway and Egypt the weighting is, so to speak, none of Georgia's business. It is the concern only of Egypt and Norway. In such a direct comparison between Norway and Egypt, the paper group, which played little part in the other two comparisons now tends to dominate the situation ; and if these 5 commodities are higher in price in Norway than in Egypt, that fact may suffice to make the whole Norwegian price level some- what higher than the Egyptian. § 3. Comparisons by Index Numbers Differ in Kind The paradox of finding the price levels of Norway and Egypt different, although by separate comparisons the price level of each is the same as that of Georgia, is no more strange than that we may find two people each resembling in their features a third person without re- sembling each other. Since an index number is a com- THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 273 posite dependent on heterogeneous elements, a variation in the composition will change the comparison qualita- tively. There is really, therefore, no contradiction or absurdity in the apparent inconsistencies ; for the three comparisons are all different in kind. If the three groups (lumber, cotton, paper) prominent in the Georgia, Norway, Egypt comparisons, instead of merely dominat- ing the respective comparisons, were completely to monop- olize them, any mystery about their inconsistencies would disappear. We would have three index numbers of only one commodity each : lumber for comparing Georgia and Norway (there being no other common commodity), cotton for comparing Georgia and Egypt (this being the only commodity in common), and paper, the only common commodity, for comparing Norway and Egypt. Our supposedly inconsistent comparisons reduce to the initial facts, viz. that lumber is the same price in Georgia as in Norway, and cotton in Egypt as in Georgia, while paper is higher in Norway than in Egypt, in which three statements are surely no mutual inconsistencies. The fact that lumber and cotton show certain comparisons for Norway and Egypt relatively to a third country is no reason why a commodity quite different from either lumber or cotton should show any particular comparison between Norway and Egypt compared directly. Similarly, even if not so self-evidently, the fact that index num- bers in which lumber and cotton are important show certain comparisons, is no reason why an entirely dif- ferent index number in which they are unimportant should show any particular comparison. In short, each dual comparison is a separate problem differing in kind from every other and, therefore, requiring no exact correspondence such as would be required if they were not different. If they were really the same, e.g. if we 274 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS had one and the same commodity to deal with, it would be absurd and impossible to find, say, the price of coffee the same in Norway as in Georgia, the same in Egypt as in Georgia, but yet higher in Norway than in Egypt. The truth is, if we were to find any other result than what we have found, we would know that that result was wrong. Such a formula would prove too much, for it would leave no room for qualitative differences. Index numbers are to some extent empirical, and the supposed inconsist- ency in the failure of (variably weighted) index numbers to conform to the circular test, is really a bridge to reality. That is, the so-called " inconsistency " is just what is needed to reconcile our theory with common sense, which tells us at once that we cannot consistently compare far- distant times and climes by means of averages of widely varying elements. Either we must give up the attempt, or we must content ourselves with an artificially rigid system of weights which contradicts the facts. § 4. The So-called Circular Test can be Fulfilled Only if Weights are Constant The only formulae which conform perfectly to the cir- cular test are index numbers which have constant weights, i.e. weights which are the same for all sides of the "tri- angle " or segments of the " circle," i.e. for every pair of times or places compared. Thus, if all the 15 com- modities, lumber, paper, cotton, etc., are arbitrarily assigned weights which remain the same in all three comparisons, in defiance of the actual differences, then the index number ought to show that if Norway and Egypt have the same price level relatively to Georgia, they will have the same price level relatively to each other. And this is precisely what we do find of the simple THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 275 or 'jonstant weighted geometric, for instance, and the sim- ple or constant weighted aggregative.^ But, clearly, constant weighting is not theoretically correct. If we compare 1913 with 1914, we need one set of weights; if we compare 1913 with 1915 we need, theoretically at least, another set of weights. In the former case we need weights involving the quantities of the two years concerned, 1913 and 1914; in the second case we need weights involving the (somewhat different) quantities of the two years, 1913 and 1915. We cannot justify using the same weights for comparing the price level of 1913, not only with 1914 and 1915, but with 1860, 1776, 1492, and the times of Diocletian, Rameses II, and the Stone Age ! Similarly, turning from time to space, an index number for comparing the United States and England requires one set of weights, and an index number for comparing the United States and France requires, theoretically at least, another. To take extreme cases, it would obviously be improper to use the same weights in comparing the United States, not only with England and France, but with Russia, Siberia, China, Thibet, and Central Africa. In comparing hot with cold cUmates, coal would be weighted heavily in some cases and in others lightly, and ice reversely. Allowances should likewise be made for differences, in different times or climes, in the quanti- ties of wool, silk, rice, quinine, ivory, glass, blubber, breadfruit, sisal, jade, bamboo, steel, cement, automobiles, boomerangs, machine guns, linotype machines, wax tablets, paper, and other things varying in importance geographically or historically. In comparing the prices of our times with those of 1860, it is just as important to have our weights representative of Lincoln's day as to 1 See Appendix I (Note A to Chapter XIII, § 4). 276 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS have them representative of ours. So also in comparing our country with China, we must give equal voice to the peculiarities of the two. If we start with weights appropriate to the United States of 1922, any comparison between the United States and modern Kamchatka or ancient Babylonia would be one- sided. Even more one-sided would be a comparison, by the use of these same American weights, between the price levels of Kamchatka and Babylonia. Only by employing the weightings of the United States in 1922, once for all, are we enabled to force a fulfillment of the circular test, so that the three comparisons between the United States in 1922, modern Kamchatka, and ancient Babylonia are mutually consistent. For instance, if the price level of the United States equalled that of Kam- chatka and also equalled that of Babylonia, then these two would equal each other. It is clear that constant weighting, though it makes it possible to fulfill the circular test, does so at the expense of forcing the facts, for the true weights are not thus constant.^ § 5. How Closely is the So-called Circular Test Fulfilled? But the important question is : How near is the circular test to fulfillment in actual cases? If very near, then practically we may make some use of the circular test as an approximation even if it is not strictly vahd. To answer this question, we shall take Formula 353 and the standard set of data for 1913-1918 which we have used hitherto. Numerically, by Formula 353, the price level of 1914 ' In this connection, the mathematical reader may be interested in another way in which, with a limited application, the circular test may be fulfilled. See Appendix I (Note B to Chapter XIII, § 4). THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 277 relatively to 1913 is 100.12, showing a rise of .12 per cent. This is the figure obtained by comparing the two years' prices directly, i.e. without the intervention of any other year. But if we compare them via 1915, we get 99.77 for 1914, showing a fall of .23 per cent from 1913 instead of the actual rise of . 12 per cent. The following table gives all the comparisons between 1913 and 1914, both directly and also indirectly, via certain other years. 1913 1914 True or direct 100 100.12 Indirect via 1915 1916 1917 1918 100 100 100 100 99.77 100.21 100.34 99.94 It will be noticed that, although the intervention of an intermediating year does not yield exactly the same result as the direct comparison between the two years concerned, the discrepancies are very slight. This is found to be true of all good index numbers. That is, while there should be some discrepancy and the index numbers which have none at all are therefore in error, a large discrepancy is equally wrong. Formula 141, for instance, exhibits a large discrepancy ; 353, a small one. Let us test, by the so-called circular test, Formulae 9 and 353, repre- senting a very bad and a very good index number respectively ; and, for this purpose, let us take the circuit of years 1913-1914-1915-1913 or 0-1- 2-0, which triangle of years we shall refer to briefly as "012." By Formula 9 the index number for the side of the triangle 0-1, i.e. the index number of prices for 1914 relatively to 1913 as base, is 100.93 per cent; the index number for the next side of the triangle, 1-2, is 101.16 per cent; and that for the returning side, 2-0, is 102.21 per cent. The product of these three index numbers around the triangular circuit is 104.36 per cent, showing that, even in this three-around comparison, the deviation from unity, or 100 per cent, of Formula 9 is very striking. If we should take a foiu'-around, five-around, or six-around case, the gap in 278 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the circle would be much greater. Evidently the gap, in the case of 9, is partly due to its known upward bias, each of the three factors tending to be larger than it should be. Next, then, let us try Formula 353, which has no bias and fulfills both tests. In this case, we find, for the same circuit 0-1-2, the product of the three index numbers for prices,^ 0-1, 1-2, !i-0, is 100.35, or only about one third of one per cent above 100 per cent or unity. The other index num- bers, which like Formula 353 satisfy both Tests 1 and 2, will, in general, deviate from the so-called circular test by about the same gap, aa Table 33 shows. TABLE 33. THE "CIRCULAR GAP," OR DEVIATION FROM FULFILLING THE SO-CALLED "CIRCULAR TEST" OF VARIOUS FORMULAE (In the 3-around comparison of price indexes for years 1913-1914-1915, or 0-1-2) Formula No. Circular Gap (Per Cents) 323 +.34 325 +.38 353 +.35 1323 +.34 1353 +.34 2353 + .34 5307 +.40 5323 + .36 This table shows that if we calculate by Formula 323, starting from 1913 (year 0) and proceeding to 1914 (year 1), then calculate from this 1914 as a base to 1915 (year 2), and then calculate from this 1915 as a base to 1913 again, instead of finding ourselves exactly where we started, the resulting figure will be slightly above the starting-point, exceeding the original figure by ^ny of 1 per cent. The other seven formulae give almost uniformly the same result, roughly, a third of one per cent. From these examples, and others which will be noted in other connections, it appears that there is a proper and there is an improper deviation from fulfillment of the circular test. The deviation or circular gap of about one-third of one per cent for Formula 353 and other good formulae represents, as it were, an irreducible minimum of legitimate deviation. On the other hand, the big gap for biased formulae, like 9, represents, for the most part, an illegitimate or erroneous gap. At the other extreme, the simple For- mulae 21 and 51 show no gap at all, even the small proper deviation being artificially suppressed by the use of constant weighting. * If an index number of quantities be used, the circular gap will be equal but opposite, provided, the index number fulfills Test 2. See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, § 5). THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST Circular Test Gaps for Years 045 of Formulae L9,25. 141,151 279 T^ ,4» \5% 75 7^ 75 7e y/ '/^ Chart 51. Showing that, calculating by Formula 1 and starting from 1913 (year 0), then proceeding to 1917 (year 4), 1918 (year 5), and back to 1913, the year from which we started, we end at a point above that from which we started; by Formula 9 the same circuit ends still higher; by Formula 23 it ends lower ; by Formula 141 (or 41) it ends stilll ower ; by Formula 151 (or 51) it ends at the starting-point. All five end wrongly. 280 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Graphically, Chart 51 shows five formulse, all with dififerent behaviours relatively to the "circular test," and none behaving correctly. Each relates to the triangular comparison between the years 1913, 1917, and 1918. Formula 1 is far from conforming to the circular test, returning very far above the starting-point. Formula 9 returns still further above, 23 returns to 1913 below the starting-point, 141 still further below, while 151 returns exactly to the starting-point. When the circular test is fulfilled, any indirect comparison between, say, 1913 and any other year, say, 1915 via 1914, will agree with the direct com- parison ; consequently, the chain figures will coincide with the fixed base figures, so that there will be no " balls" above or below our curves. The more nearly the circular test is fulfilled, the more nearly will the balls be to the curves. Thus the reader, by studying the balls in relation to the curves in the various diagrams, can readily gain a rough idea of how nearly the circular test is fulfilled. This subject will be referred to again. § 6. Complete Tabulation of '* Circular Gap " for Formula 353 Table 34 gives the gaps (for 353) for every possible triangle. TABLE 34. THE "CIRCULAR GAP," OR DEVIATION FROM FULFILLING THE SO-CALLED "CIRCULAR TEST" OF FORMULA 353 (IN ALL POSSIBLE 3-AROUND COMPARI- SONS OF PRICE INDEXES) Years op Ctpculap Gap " Triangle " (Peu Centc!) 0-1-2 +.35 0-1-3 -.09 0-1^ -.21 0-1-5 +.17 0-2-3 -.25 0-2-4 -.16 0-2-5 +.30 0-3^ +.32 0-3-5 +.30 0-4-5 +.06 1-2-3 +.19 1-2-4 +.40 1-2-5 +.48 1-3^ +.45 1-3-5 +.05 1-4-5 -.33 2-3-4 +.23 2-3-5 -.24 2^-5 -.40 3-4-5 +.08 THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 281 Even the maximum of these circular gaps (that for the triangle of the years 1-2-5, or 1914-1915-1918-1914) is only ^ per cent, or less than one half of one per cent. We find the same smallness of the gaps when the " circuit " consists of four or more sides around. Table 35 gives all the quadrangular or 4-aroimd comparisons. TABLE 35. THE "CIRCULAR GAP," OR DEVIATION FROM FULFILLING THE SO-CALLED "CIRCULAR TEST" OF FORMULA 353 (IN ALL POSSIBLE 4-AROUND COMPARI- SONS OF PRICE INDEXES) Years of Circular Gap Years op Circular Gap " Quadrangle " (Per Cents) " Quadrangle " (Per Cents) 0-1-2-3 +.10 0-3-2-4 -.09 0-1-2^ +.19 0-3-2-5 -.55 0-1-2-5 +.65 0-3-4-5 +.38 0-1-3-2 +.16 0-3-5-4 +.25 0-1-3-4 +.24 0^-1-5 -.38 0-1-3-5 +.22 0-4-2-5 -.45 0-1-4-2 -.06 0-4-3-5 +.02 0-1-4-3 -.53 1-2-3-4 + .64 0-1-4-5 -.15 1-2-3-5 +.23 0-1-5-2 -.13 1-2-4-3 -.04 0-1-5-3 -.13 1-2-4-5 +.08 0-1-5-4 +.11 1-2-5-3 +.44 0-2-1-3 +.44 1-2-5^ +.81 0-2-1-4 +.57 1-3-2-4 -.22 0-2-1-5 +.18 1-3-2-5 -.29 0-2-3-4 +.08 1-3^-5 +.12 0-2-3-5 +.06 1-3-5-4 +.37 0-2-4-3 -.48 1^-2-5 -.07 0-2-4-5 -.10 1^-3-5 +.41 0-2-5-3 -.00 2-3-4-5 -.17 0-2-5-4 +.24 2-3-5-4 +.15 0-3-1-4 +.13 2^-3-5 +.48 0-3-1-5 -.26 232 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Table 36 gives all the 5-around comparisons. TABLE 36. THE "CIRCULAR GAP," OR DEVIATION FROM FULFILLING THE SO-CALLED "CIRCULAR TEST" OF FORMULA 353 (IN ALL POSSIBLE 5-AROUND COMPARI- SONS OF PRICE INDEXES) Years of S-around Circular Gap Years of 5-around Circular Gap Circuit (Per Cents) Circuit (Per Cents) 0-1-2-3-4 +.42 0-2-4-3-5 -.17 0-1-2-3-5 + .41 0-2^-5-3 -.40 0-1-2^-3 -.13 0-2-5-1-3 -.04 0-1-2^-5 + .25 0-2-5-1^ +.09 0-1-2-5-3 +.35 0-2-5-3^ +.32 0-1-2-5-4 +.59 0-2-5-4-3 -.08 0-1-3-2-4 +.01 0-3-1-2-4 +.28 0-1-3-2-5 +.46 0-3-1-2-5 +.74 0-1-3^-2 +.39 0-3-1-4-5 +.07 0-1-3^-5 +.29 0-3-1-5-4 -.20 0-1-3-5-2 -.08 0-3-2-1-4 +.32 0-1-3-5-4 +.16 0-3-2-1-5 -.07 0-1-4-2-3 -.30 0-3-2^-5 -.15 0-1-4-2-5 +.24 0-3-2-5-4 -.49 0-1-4-3-2 -.28 0-3-4-1-5 -.70 0-1-4-3-5 -.23 0-3-4-2-5 -.77 0-1-4-5-2 -.45 0-3-5-1-4 +.08 0-1-4-5-3 -.46 0-3-5-2-4 +.15 0-1-5-2-3 -.38 0^-1-2-5 +.87 0-1-5-2-4 -.28 0-4-1-3-5 +.43 0-1-5-3-2 + .12 0-4-2-1-5 +.02 0-1-5-3-4 +.19 0-4-2-3-5 +.21 0-1-5-4-2 +.27 0-4-3-1-5 +.07 0-1-5-4-3 -.21 0-4-3-2-5 -.22 0-2-1-3-4 + .12 1-2-3^-5 +.31 0-2-1-3-5 +.14 1-2-3-5-4 +.56 0-2-1-4-3 +.89 1-2-4-3-5 + .01 0-2-1-4-5 +.51 1-2-4-5-3 +.04 0-2-1-5-3 +.48 1-2-5-3-4 +.89 0-2-1-5-4 +.24 1-2-5-4-3 +.36 0-2-3-1-4 + .38 1-3-2-4-5 +.11 0-2-3-1-5 -.01 1-3-2-5-4 -.61 0-2-3-4-5 +.13 1-3-4-2-5 -.52 0-2-3-5-4 -.00 1-3-5-2-4 +.03 0-2-4-1-3 +.03 1-4-2-3-5 -.17 0-2-4-1-5 -.23 1-4-3-2-5 +.16 THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 283 Table 37 gives all the 6-around comparisons. TABLE 37. THE "CIRCULAR GAP," OR DEVIATION FROM FULFILLING THE SO-CALLED "CIRCULAR TEST" OF FORMULA 353 riN ALL POSSIBLE 6-AROUND COMPAR- ISONS OF PRICE INDEXES) Yeahs of 6-around Circular Gap Years of 6-around Circular Gap Circuit (Per Cents) Circuit (Per Cents) 0-1-2-3-4-5 +.48 0-2-3-1-4-5 +.32 0-1-2-3-5-4 +.35 0-2-3-1-5-4 +.05 0-1-2-4-3-5 +.18 0-2-3-4-1-5 -.45 0-1-2-4-5-3 -.05 0-2-3-5-1-4 +.33 0-1-2-5-3-4 +.67 0-2-4-1-3-5 -.27 0-1-2-5^-3 +.27 0-2-4-1-5-3 +.08 0-1-3-2-4-5 +.06 0-2^-3-1-5 +.22 0-1-3-2-5-4 +.41 0-2-4-5-1-3 +.36 0-1-3-4-2-5 +.69 0-2-5-1-3-4 ! -.36 0-1-3-4-5-2 -.01 0-2-5-1-4-3 +.41 0-1-3-5-2^ -.24 0-2-5-3-1-4 +.13 0-1-3-5-4-2 +.32 0-2-5-4-1-3 -.36 0-1-4-2-3-5 -.00 0-3-1-2-4-5 +.34 0-1-4-2-5-3 -.06 0-3-1-2-5 -4 +.69 0-1^-3-2-5 +.02 0-3-1-4-2-5 + .34 0-1-4-3-5-2 -.53 0-3-1-5-2-4 -.19 0-1-4-5-2-3 -.70 0-3-2-1-4-5 +.26 0-1-4-5-3-2 -.21 0-3-2-1-5-4 -.01 0-1-5-2-3-4 -.05 0-3-2-4-1-5 -.47 0-1-5-2-4-3 -.60 0-3-2-5-1-4 -.16 0-1-5-3-2-4 -.04 0-3-4-1-2-5 + L19 0-1-5-3-4-2 +.35 0-3-4-2-1-5 -.30 0-1-5-4-2-3 +.02 0-3-5-1-2-4 +.33 0-1-5-4-3-2 +.04 0-3-5-2-1-4 +.53 0-2-1-3-4-5 +.06 0-4-1-2-3-5 +.62 0-2-1-3-5-4 +.20 0-4-1-3-2-5 +.68 0-2-1-4-3-5 +.59 0-4-2-1-3-5 -.02 0-2-1^-5-3 +.81 0-4-2-3-1-5 -.16 0-2-1-5-3-4 +.16 0-4-3-1-2-5 +.42 0-2-1-5-4-3 +.56 0-4-3-2-1-5 + .25 § 7. Discussion of the "Circular Gap" of Formula 353 Tables 34-37 give all the possible circuits among the years 1913-1918, and the '' gap " found for each circuit according to Formula 353. As we have seen, these devia- 284 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS tions are normal phenomena, not errors, but fortunately they are so small that for practical purposes they are not worth taking into account. The maximum gap among all the 20 possible triangular comparisons is, as already noted, only .48 per cent (for the circuit of the three years 1-2-5). The maximum gap among all the 45 possible quadrangular circuits is .81 per cent (for the years 1-2-5-4), The maxi- mum for the 72 5-around comparisons is .89 per cent (for 0-2-1-4-3 or 1-2-5-3-4). Lastly, the maximum for the 60 6-arounds is 1.19 per cent (for the years 0-3-4-1-2-5). Even these gaps are unusually large. By the ex- pression for the " probable deviation " we estimate that if any one of the 20 3-around figures be selected by lot, it is as likely as not that it will be less than .19 per cent ; while, a like random choice among the 45 4-arounds will, as likely as not, be less than .22 per cent ; of the 5- arounds, .25 per cent ; and of the 6-arounds, .27 per cent. In a word, the circular test is generally fulfilled within one fourth of one per cent ! The maximum gap and the probable^ gap for each group are given in Table 38. TABLE 38. "CIRCULAR GAPS" FOR FORMULA 353 Probable (Per Cents) 3-around .48 .19 4-around .81 .22 5-around .89 .25 6-around 1.19 .27 Even these infinitesimal results need to be divided in several pieces to give the share of the deviation per- * That is, the gap which is exactly as likely as not. This is the usual sense employed in studies of probability, i.e. the "probable error" of the series, i.e. .6745X the standard deviation, or square root of the average square. THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 285 taining to any individual index number, for it is to be remembered that the 3-around gap is to be distributed among the three sides of the triangle so that to suppress a .19 per cent gap entirely and force a complete fulfillment of the circular test, it would be necessary to " doctor " each of the three index numbers by only .06 of one per cent ! Furthermore, the case we are considering of 36 commodi- ties, very widely dispersing in war-disturbed years, is a very extreme and unusual case. In ordinary times the gap would be even less, and this would be true even if a great number of years were taken. Each additional year in the circuit at first increases the probable gap, in the extreme case here considered, by about .03 ; at this rate without allowing for any diminution, it would require a full century probably to bring the circular test gap up to three per cent ! And this is a conservative figure ; for the gap increases with the dispersion and, as has been often noted, the dispersion of our 36 commodities during this war period, 1913-1918, is much greater than usual. Sauerbeck's data (for 36 commodities selected as nearly like our 36 as possible) show a dispersion between 1846 and 1913, a period of 67 years, of only 42.10 per cent, or less than that (45.09 per cent) of our 36 commodities in five years. It follows, therefore, that, had Sauerbeck been able to use Formula 353, the discrepancy between the fixed base and chain system would have been found to be in 67 years less than the .27 per cent for our 36 commodi- ties in five years, say, less than ^ of one per cent and less than I of one per cent for a century consisting of years no more disturbed than the 67 mentioned ; but apparently the addition to the gap gradually diminishes, so that it would really be even less. It follows that, except for very long periods or for periods of greater dispersion than the 286 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Circular Test Largest Gaps 3-Arouncl 4 -Around 6 -Around Q- Around y3 74 75 7S 77 78 Chart 52. The circular test gap (at the left of each of the four circuits), even at its greatest, as here charted for Formula 353, is remarkably small in all cases. It slightly increases as the circuit of year-to-year index num- bers becomes more circuitous, reaching over one per cent in the 6-around circuit, 1913-'16-'17-'14-'15-'18-'13. years of the World War, if such be possible, or both, the circular test is always satisfied by the ideal Formula 353 for all intents and purposes. THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 287 Graphically, the four maximum gaps for Formula 353 are given in Chart 52. The hnes return so nearly to the starting point in each case that the observer has to look closely to see the gap. The " probable " gap is not pictured but would be in all cases about half the .48 per cent gap in the chart, the maximum for the 3-around comparison. § 8. Comparing the Circular Gaps of the 134 Different Formixlae Since the circular gap is the proper and necessary result of the ceaseless changing of the weights in our year-to- year comparisons, it is interesting to note that, among the best types of index numbers, the various gaps roughly correspond. Since no other index number has been worked out for all possible com- parisons as was Formula 353, we cannot study other formulae by exactly the same methods as we have just studied 353. The only comparisons available are those furnished by the contrasts between the ordinary fixed base and chain index numbers. Graphically, in Chart 49, the little vertical black lines (as explained in detail in the fine print below the chart) measure the deviations of each point from the position it would occupy had it fulfilled the circular test. Near the end of the list in Chart 49, the balls have substantially the same relative positions for all the curves, as do also the tiny vertical dark lines indicating the year-to-year deviations under the circular test. We have to count off nearly 40 curves (from the "ideal" at the bottom) before we reach one which shows an appreciable difference in the position of its balls. Beyond this point, as we encounter the less exact formulae, we find an increasing variability of the position of the last ball which never again sits close on the curve as in Formula 353 and the neighboring curves. There are three ways or methods by which the eye can sense the degree of deviation of the four balls from any curve. The first and easiest is merely to note the position of the last ball, i.e. that for 1918, which expresses the net cumulative result of all foiu* deviations. But this method gives merely the final result and ignores the intervening history. The four successive deviations, Hke four successive tosses of a coin, will occasionally (once in 16 rounds), all accumulate in one direction; on the other hand, though all four deviations may be great, they may happen largely to offset each other. The second way of reading the deviations, therefore, is to run the eye over all four balls and note, in a general way, how far they vary from the 288 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS curve. For curves near the bottom of Chart 49, the two methods show the same results, but for curves near the top they show some different results. The second method also may sometimes give an incomplete picture. For instance, as between the two curves — that for the fixed base drawn in black and that which we imagine as connecting the balls — the only disagreement may be all in the second link, 1914- 1915. After that point the curves may run exactly parallel ; in which case, the second, third, and fourth balls inherit the exact deviation of the first and the eye will be apt to count this one deviation four times, — in Charts 48, eight times. It is clear that the proper way to measure the four deviations is the third way, namely, to examine each separately as a year-to-year matter. This is indicated, in Chart 49, by the vertical dark broad line. This line shows, not how far the ball is from the curve, but how much farther or nearer it is than the 'preceding ball. If a ball is in exactly the same position relatively to the curve as the preceding baU, — if, for instance, they are both just a quarter of an inch below the curve, — there will be no dark line. It is the displacement from this position which the dark line measures ; that is, the extent to which the chain figure has gotten out of line in either direc- tion since the last year.^ The eye can readily sense the totaUty of these black lines for any curve and compare that totality with that for any other curve. It requires only a glance at Chart 49 to see that the " worthless " and " poor " index numbers have the dark lines very much in evidence except in a few cases (where they are made to disappear entirely by artificially assuming the weights constant). The " fair " index numbers show less blackness ; the " good " still less ; the " very good " very much less. The " excel- lent " still less and the " superlative" the least of all — so little, in fact, as scarcely to be perceptible to the eye. And this seems reasonable. For while, as we have seen, there must be some deviation to express truly the effect of varied weighting, we have found the effect really negligible. § 9. Status of all Formulae Relatively to the So-called Circular Test So negligible is this normal gap as compared with the ordinary effects of bias or freakishness, that when these 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, § 8). THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 289 effects are present they dominate. Thus we have three chief cases to distinguish : (1) where bias or freakishness is responsible for the gap ; (2) where the gap is forcibly suppressed by constant weighting, and (3) the remaining cases where the gap is normal. TABLE 39. LIST OF FORMULA IN (INVERSE) ORDER OF CONFORMITY TO SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST Formula No. Rank FORMUIiA No. Rank Formula No. Rank 43 35 27 15 125 5 201 34 37 126 243 33 237 227 245 " 1 14 325 247 " 209 1104 249 " 333 1153 44 32 2 13 1154 46 " 10 1303 48 " 207 2154 SO " 1333 3154 41=141 31 11 12 3353 9 30 211 4153 35 29 233 5307 1133 " 335 54** 13 28 14 11 301 15 27 30 309 7 26 235 353 t 12 25 5333 1014 32 = 132 24 16 10 1124 40 23 225 1353 38 22 223 2353 39 " 229 5323 31=131 21 231 =331 8053 241 =341 " 8 8054 33 20 24 101 34 " 53* 1123 135 " 102 1323 215 " 108 2153 1013 " 1004 123 239 19 26 323 25 18 28 21=121 133 " 307 22 = 122 134 " 109 51=151 136 " 124 62=152 213 " 1103 221=321 23 17 3153 261 =361 1134 " 4154 6023 29 16 4353 6053 36 " 107 5 9021 42=142 " 110 " 9051 1003 " *53 = 3 = 6= 17 = 20 = 60. ** 54 =4=5=18 = 19 =59. j- 353 =103 = 104 =105 = 106 =153 =154 =203 =205 =217 =219 =253=259 =303 =305. 290 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The formulae in class 2, — those conforming to the test by force, so to speak, are 121 (=21), 122 (=22), 151 ( = 51), 152 (=52), 321 (=221), 351 ( = 251), 6023, 6053, 9021, 9051, only ten i formula} in all, all geometries and aggregatives. Those in class 3 can be set off less definitely as the gradations are so gradual. Practically, however, they are identical with the "superlative" group which v/e set apart — also somewhat arbitrarily — on the score of nearness to the ideal, Formula 353. In Table 39 the formulae are roughly ranked solely according to the degree of conformity to the so-called circular test.'^ From this table it is clear that (excepting those at the bottom of the list which hold their rank unfairly, by stereotyped weights) Formula 353 Dispersion (Measured by Standard Deviations) ( Prices t Fixed dose) 353 \5% 'i3 */^ 75 7e 77 78 Chaet 53P. Showing the average dispersion of the 36 price relatives taken relatively to the fixed base, 1913, on either side of the ideal (353). ^ Not counting Formula 7053 (discussed in the next chapter) which might be added to the list, although on a slightly different basis. ^ The rank of each is reckoned roughly by adding together the dark lines in Chart 49 (after first applying to the several lines for the several years rough equalizing coefficients based on the standard deviations of the 36 commodities somewhat on the analogy of the method used for reckoning the order of merit or accuracy in Table 28). THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 291 and its former rivals hold close to first place here also ; and that, with few exceptions, the ranking here corresponds roughly to the former ranking in respect of nearness to 353. This confirms Walsh's conclusion on the same subject on the basis of which he accorded the first prize to 353.^ Thus, we find that theoretically and practically the best formulae should not and do not yield index numbers which will check 'perfectly when the circular test is applied. It is true that the best forms of index numbers, as determined by other standards, usually check more closely under this test than do the poorest. This is not, however, because the circular test is a valid test of good index numbers for it is not, but merely because any large defects of a formula which would classify it as a poor one under Tests 1 and 2 are likely to classify it as a poor one under the circular test. In fact, the effects of the change in the relative weights of different Dispersion (Measured by Stcmdard Deviations) (Quantities^ Fixed Base) 353 *13 'M 75 7S *t7 78 Chakt 53Q. Analogous to Chart 53P. commodities make themselves felt so slowly that the best formulae yield results which check under the circular test to a degree of accuracy far be- yond that required for any practical use to which index numbers are now put. In other words, this means that a single series of index numbers {i.e. one index number for each year) which is calculated by any one of the best formulae will permit the comparison of price levels of any two years to a degree of accuracy beyond anything which is likely to be re- quired for practical purposes. Practically, then, the test may be said to be a real test. Theoretically it is not ; for the ranking of formulae ought, ^ The Problem, of Estimation, p. 102. 292 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS in strictness, to be relative not to a perfect fulfillment of the test but to the irreducible minimum exhibited by Formula 353 (or its peers). That is, we should condemn the ten formulae which close the gaps entirelj'- just as truly as those where the gap is larger. Thus the test is not an essential one in the theory of index numbers.^ Dispersion (Measured by Standard De¥iations) (Prices, Chain) > ^ -^ ^^^ 'a '1^ 75 le 77 73 Chart 54P. Showing the average dispersion of the price relatives taken each year relatively to the preceding year, chain fashion. § 10. Macaulay's and Ogbum's Theorem Professor Frederick R. Macaulay, referring to arithmetic index numbers, says : ^ "the chain numbers draw away (upwards) from the fixed base num- bers" because of a "greater tendency to rise and a less tendency to fall (in percentages) with the smaller relatives than with the larger relatives." ^ There are other and still less essential tests which might be considered and were discussed by me in my Purchasing Power of Money (Appendix to Chapter X). See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, § 9). ^ American Economic Review, March, 1916, p. 208. THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 293 Macaulay verifies this conclusion by actual instances. It is also confirmed by the present study, for we find that the typically arithmetic index numbers, Formula 1 (the simple) and Formula 1003 (the cross weighted) as well as 7 and 9 show a cumulative upward tendency of the balls.^ Ma- caulay's and Ogburn's same reasoning could be applied reversely to the harmonic to show accumulation downward. This is illustrated by For- mula 11, 13, 15, 1013. The principle involved may be stated in this form : the chain arithmetic has a greater upward bias than the fixed base arithmetic, while, likewise, the chain harmonic has a greater downward bias than the fixed base har- monic. Dispersion (Measured by Sfandard Deviations) (Quantities^ Chain) 353 '13 74 75 7S 77 78 Chart 54Q. Analogous to Chart 54P. Gra'phically, there is a simple way of picturing this principle. We have seen that where there is bias in a price index, this bias increases rapidly with the dispersion of the price relatives. The reason the bias of the chain system increases faster than that of the fixed base system is that the dis- persion in the chain system increases faster than in the fixed base system. This fact is evident from Charts 53 P and 53Q which show that the stand- ard deviation on the fixed base system, while it increases with the years, increases more and more slowly. The dispersion starts off with a spurt, the first two lines diverging from the curve at a big angle. But year by year (in general) the angle (relatively to the central curve) diminishes. With the chain system, however, a new start is made every year so that we have a succession of spurts with no subsequent tendency to slow up as in the fixed base system. Each line in Charts 54P and 54Q for the standard ^ Professor William F. Ogburn has shown this algebraically, on the basis of probability theory. See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, § 10). 294 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS deviation has a slope diverging from the curve at an angle greater than the corresponding line for that same year in the fixed base system of Chart 53. The same slowing up is seen in Chart 55 which shows the dispersion for Sauerbeck's index number of prices, the dispersion being reckoned rela- tively to the earliest year, 1846, as fixed base.^ Dispersion (Measured by Sfandard Deyiations) ^Prices, Fixed Base) (Sauerbeck's Figures) / ^X / \ \ \5% / \ '46 '5S ise ye 'ss ve vs 13 Chart 55. Showing the average dispersion of 36 of Sauerbeck's price relatives, analogous to the 3P of this book, taken relatively to a fixed base, 1846. The dispersion in the five years, 1913-1918 (shown in Chart 53P) exceeds the dispersion shown in this Chart for 67 years. In short, the acceleration of the chain bias is due to the retardation of the fLxed base dispersion. The same tendency for the dispersion on the fixed base system to slow up as time goes on may, of course, be shown by the method of "quartiles" or "deciles" relatively to the median. The 1 Sauerbeck's index number itself is on the base 1867-1877. These charts may also be used in connection with the discussions on bias, in relation to dispersion, of Chapter V. THE SO-CALLED CIRCULAR TEST 295 many curves of this sort worked out by Wesley C. Mitchell show this slow- ing up tendency clearly.^ § 11. The " Circular Test " Reduced to a " Triangular Test " Before leaving the so-called circular test, it may be worth while to note that it may be considered, at bottom, to be simply a triangular test. If any formula (besides satisfying the time reversal test) will satisfy the circular test for any 3-around circuit it will necessarily satisfy it for a 4-around, 5-around, or any other larger number of steps. This extension beyond the original three is easily proved.^ § 12. Historical The basic idea of the circular test was first explicitly propounded by Westergaard, who maintained that a change in the base ought not to affect the relative sizes of the index numbers of the different years. Walsh, in his Measurement of General Exchange Value, greatly emphasized this idea. He expresses it in the shghtly modified form which, afterward, in his Problem of Estimation, he called the " circular test." He took the ground that, hke other tests taken individually, it is of itself only negative, capable of disproving, but not of proving, an index number. He noted that several old and famihar formulae, obviously faulty for their failure to fulfill other and simpler tests, completely conform to this one. The only formulae which he found to conform perfectly had constant weights.^ He sought for such con- 1 Wesley C. Mitchell, Business Cycles, pp. Ill, 137, University of California Press, 1913. 2 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIII, § 11). ^ See Walsh, Measurement of General Exchange Value, do. 334, 335, 393, 397, 398, 399, 431. 296 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS formity among the formulae recommendable for reasons derived from the study of the nature of exchange values and of averages, but he was unable to find any formulae that acciu'ately satisfy this test. Among the formulae which, for such reasons, he could recommend, he counted as best those which came nearest to satisfying this test. His latest conclusion is that the formula which I have called " ideal " comes nearest to satisfjdng this test, and he, therefore, agrees with, me in my conclusion that this formula is the best, but for very different reasons. Its failure perfectly to satisfy this test is regarded by him as a blemish or shortcoming. Much intellectual labor has thus been expended in a vain effort to find a formula which will yield the absolutely consistent results required by the circular test and still be satisfactory in other respects. The simple or the constant weighted geometric index number was favored by Jevons and Walras and several later writers, including Flux and March, chiefly, it would seem, because it satisfies this test, always giving self- consistent results whatever year-to-year calculations are made. CHAPTER XIV BLENDING THE APPARENTLY INCONSISTENT RESULTS § 1. Introduction I THINK most students of index numbers would be inclined to say of the circular test that theoretically it ought to be fulfilled, but that practically it is not ; and evidence would be cited from index numbers, like Formula 1, which have large circular gaps. We have found in Chapter XIII that the exact opposite is true ; that theoretically the circular test ought not to be fulfilled, but that practically it is fulfilled by the best index num- bers, and our evidence is the infinitesimal gap worked out for Formula 353 and the other curves in the " superlative " group. Theoretically, every pair of years has its own particular index number dependent on the prices and quantities pertaining to those particular years, regardless of any other year or years. As a consequence of this individualism of index numbers there is, theoretically, a lack of team play, as it were, between the index numbers connecting different years and there is, in consequence, an appearance of mutual inconsistency. It follows that, to secure the theoretically most perfect result, for the sake of finding the very best for each pair of years, we should, for a given series of years and with a given formula, work out every possible index number connecting every possible pair of years among all the years considered. Thus, for the six years taken for the calculations of this book, we should, theoretically, work out the index number 297 298 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS between 1913 as base and each of the other five years a IQI4 " " " " " " " " " 1915 " " " " 1916 '' " " " 1917 " " " " 1918 " *' " " That is, we should use every year as base for all the rest. This would give us a complete set of index numbers be- tween every possible pair of years, each separate figure having its own special meaning, and to be used only for the one comparison, i.e. between the two years for which it is calculated. This would make 30 separate index numbers. In this list of 30, every pair of years enters twice, in opposite directions ; once when one of the two years is the base and again when the other is the base. Thus there are only 15 pairs of years, each compared through two index numbers, which are reciprocals when Test 1 is met. Of these 15, we have, as the reader will remember, actually worked out index numbers for nine by each of our 134 formulsB, namely, the five on 1913 as base, which consti- tute the " fixed base" series ; and the five which constitute the " chain " system,^ less one duphcation, inasmuch as the first figure (that for 1914) is common to both the fixed base and chain systems. The other six, not worked out, are those connecting years 1914 and 1916, 1914 and 1917, 1914 and 1918, 1915 and 1917, 1915 and 1918, 1916 and 1918. For a series of ten years, there would be, instead of 15 such " permutations," — - — , or 45 separate index num- bers, of which nine (connecting 1913 with each of the nine ^ The complete fixed base series and some of the chain series for all the 134 formulae are given, as previously noted, in Appendix VII. BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 299 other years) would be the ordinary fixed base series and eight others would be added in the " chain/' For 20 years there would be , or 190 separate index num- bers. For 100 years there would be ^^^ ^ ^^ ^ or 4950 separate index numbers. To calculate such an enormous quantity of separate index numbers, for the sake of finding the very best for each pair of years, and to do so every time we are con- fronted with the problem of tracing price movements through a series of years, would clearly entail very great labor and expense. Would it be worth while? If not, that is, if, in practice, we must forego a theoretically perfect set of index numbers for every possible pair of years, what will be the best course to pursue from a practical point of view ? Shall we content ourselves with the fixed base set and use that series, not only for its proper purpose of comparing the fixed base year with each other year, but also for the theoretically improper purpose of comparing any other two years ? If so, shall we use the first year as the base from which to make our once-for-all set of computations, or shall we, for base, adopt an average covering several years? Or shall we employ the chain system which is theoretically proper only for comparing any two successive years but improper for comparing any other two years? Or shall we use both the fixed base and chain systems? We are now ready to work out answers to these questions. § 2. Formula 353 Calculated on Each Separate Year as Base To illustrate these problems, if we take 353 as our formula and 1913 as base, we get the following results : for 1916, 114.21, and for 1918, 177.65. But, theoretically, this does not justify us in assuming that the price levels 300 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS of 1916 and 1918, compared directly and properly with each other, stand as 114.21 to 177.65. Again, the chain system gives correctly the com- parison only between two consecutive years. Thus, it tells us that the price levels of 1916 and 1917 stood in the ratio of 114.32 and 162.23 and that the levels of 1917 and 1918 stood in the ratio of 162.23 and 178.49. But theoretically these do not justify us in assuming that the price levels of 1916 and 1918 stand in the ratio of 114.32 and 178.49. The theoretically correct comparison between 1916 and 1918 must be made, neither by reference to the first year, 1913, nor by reference to the inter- mediate year, 1917, but directly. That is, either 1916 must be the base and 1918 calculated from it, or vice versa. By such direct comparison, taking 1916 as the base and calling it, not 100 but 114.32 (to facilitate comparison with the above figures), we find that prices actually rose between 1916 and 1918 in the ratio of 114.32 to 178.36 instead of, as per the chain series, from 114.32 to 178.49 or, as per the fixed base (1913) series, from 114.21 to 177.65. Table 40 gives the complete set of index numbers for the years 1913-1918 with each year as base. The first line gives the index numbers with 1913 as the fixed base, taken as 100 per cent, as usual. In this series, the index number for 1914 is, for instance, 100.12. The next line gives the index numbers with 1914 as base, taken not as 100 but, to facilitate comparisons, as 100.12 (as in the Une above). Thus, with 1914 as such a base, 1915 is 100.23. The third Une gives the index numbers with 1915 as base taken (from the Une above) as 100.23; for instance, with 1915 as such a base 1916 is 114.32, and so on, each successive year being thus taken as base but not as 100 (excepting 1913). The figures mentioned as base figures are italicized in a diagonal and they themselves constitute the chain figures. That is, the diagonal series is the chain series. By this device, for example, the right and bottom corner figure, 178.49, serves the double purpose of being at once in the chain and in the 1918 fixed base series just as the diagonally opposite (left upper) corner figure (100.00) serves the corresponding double purpose of being at once the beginning of the chain and of the 1913 fixed base series. In the same way, the second row of figures is the fixed base series where 1914 is the base, and is taken not as 100, but as 100.12, the chain figure. Thus aU figm-es in the diagonal serve as the base for all the years on the same line as well as a link in the chain (the diagonal). If such a table were to be used in practice it would be used as follows. The first line, or ordinary fixed base figures (1913 being the base), would be used only for comparing any given year such as, say, 1917 ivith this base, 1913, and not for comparing it (1917) with any other year such as, say, 1915. If we wished to compare 1917 with 1915 we should find in the table the line in which one of these two years is the base (an italicized figure), for instance, the third line. There 1915 is the base, and is taken as 100.23. On this base, 1917 is found to be 161.86. Consequently, the best measure for the rise of prices between 1915 and 1917 is this rise from 100.23 to 161.86. It is, strictly, not the rise given in the first line in the table, by the ordinary fixed base system. It is there represented as a rise from 99.89 to 161.56 although in this case the two comparisons differ almost inappreciably. BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 301 Sp HH ^ m OS 1-1 t^ lo CO i^ t^ ^^ CO rH »0 00 l>; t~; »C »0 •<* rj5 T)^ ^ IM (M (M (M (M ®Q l-H 1-H I—l 1— 1 1— 1 T-l ^ 05 (Tl (M oq rH i-t 1-1 at 00 -* CO a> Oi oi 05 (M t^ TfH -^ rt< 00 Oi 00 00 q6 00 rH 1— 1 1— 1 1— 1 1-s T— 1 •^ t^ 06 oi rH rH '^ '"' ""* lO CO T}< ^ Tt< IC 00 o; i> ^-. !>. CO 00 00 00 od 00 00 rH 1— 1 rH >H r-H 1— 1 00 tH t>; 06 OJ i-< rH t4 O (N ©» cq 00 1-H ""! "^ ^ '^ ^ '^ oj 00 oo 00 00 00 o o o o o o "-H rH >-H rH ,— 1 I— 1 t^ 06 oi 1— 1 r-i <* 1-1 fO eo eo lo i-H CO CO eo CO T-^ t>. o 05 Cj 05 05 00 oi 05 O5 05 05 05 05 rH CO oi oi 05 05 s © CO rH 00 CO CO 05 10 10 00 t^ oi d Oi tH u 00 rH 10 10 CO 05 Ci CD 05 00 CO ■* -^ i>^ i> 06 06 00 oi l> t> t^ t^ t^ f^ 1— T 1^ rH tH tH >-s 05 06 t>^ 5 CO >-< CO CO eo CO »o c^_ 00 cq e^ (M_ rH ,-; ^ c-H T— 1 1-H 00 CO (M 1-H T— 1 lO s OJ CO s:i CO CO CO 00 iM <^ 00 CO ^ 05 d C3i 05 1-H Cq ^ (M T-H CO CO rH rs i-H CO t^ ■^ di '^ d> d Q d 000000 rH 01 CO ^^ rH CO a 10 (M 1> CO rH '* "* <:S d cS d d 000000 (M (M d d 1-H rH » « CO ^io CO f^^ rH 1-H 1-H rH i-H rH ^ II r CO CO CO CO CO CO 10 >0 lO 10 10 UO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ■2S bO tl .U ■^ td > „s ^ >. «M XI j^ .g l>^ -aJO 302 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS In the above comparison 1915 was taken as the base year and 1917 as the given year. We could, of course, reverse the bases, taking the fifth line where 1917 is 162.23, for base, in which case the given year 1915 is 100.46, thus giving the rise of prices between 1915 and 1917 as 100.46 to 162.23; this comparison is, of course, exactly the same as the first (i.e. 100.23 : 161.86 : : 100.46 : 162.23) because, as we know, our formula (353) satisfies the time reversal test. § 3. The Differences Due to Differences of Base are Trifling By Table 40 we may very readily see the trifling effects of shifting the base from one year to another. For 1913 the figures (for prices) in the left- most vertical column vary only from 100 to 100.47; for 1914, from 100.12 to 100.76; for 1915, from 99.89 to 100.46; for 1916, from 114.11 to 114.41 ; for 1917, from 161.21 to 162.23; for 1918, from 177.65 to 178.80. These, which are the extreme discrepancies brought about for each year by shifting the base each year, range only from one third of one per cent to two thirds of one per cent ! Let us take the last and largest of these and state the meaning of the discrepancy. It is the discrepancy between, on the one hand, 177.65 as the index number for 1918 on the base 1913 taken as 100 per cent, and, on the other hand, 178.80 for 1918 on the base 1915 taken as 100.23. And, to proceed back to 1913, this last named figure on the diagonal, 100.23, was found as the index number for 1915 on 1914 as base taken as 100.12 (preceding line), which, in turn (next preceding line), was found as the index number for 1914 on 1913 as base taken as 100.00. In other words, by the true direct comparison, taking 1913 as 100 per cent, we find that the index number of 1918 is 177.65 per cent; but by the indi- rect comparison, starting with the same base and proceeding one link to 1914 (diagonal), thence another link (diagonal) to 1915, and then jump- ing (level) to 1918, we get, not 177.65, but 178.80, or two thirds of one per cent more. Thus the difference between the various barometers of price-and-quan- tity-changes given in the table are trifling. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note that, as between 1914 and 1915 where the two index numbers are virtually equal, there is enough difference to tip the scales from one direc- tion to the other. According to the first line, or ordinary fixed base system, 1913 being the base, the price level seems to fall between 1914 and 1915 (from 100.12 to 99.89, or a quarter of one per cent) and a slight fall between the same years (1914 and 1915) is likewise indicated in the last three lines, i.e. with 1916, 1917, or 1918 as base; whereas by the direct, or true, com- parison between 1914 and 1915, i.e. with 1914 as base or 1915 as base (see second line and third line), we note that the price level is found to rise from 100.12 to 100.23, or one ninth of one per cent. The reader will notice that each italicized chain figure (say for 1915) is duplicated immediately above and also immediately below: — above, because the italicized 1915 figure was purposely taken from BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 303 the line above to start off the calculations on the new 1915 base; and below (the 1916 line) because the 1915 year is there calculated backward from the 1916 base by a formula which complies with Test 1. In a word, in the 1915 line, 1916 is calculated from 1915 ; and in the 1916 line 1915 is calculated from 1916, with a formula which works both ways, i.e. com- plies with Test 1. Graphically, Chart 56, plotting Table 40, shows the results of applying Formulae 53 and 54 and their cross, 353, on each of the six bases. The upper three sets give these 18 curves (six for each formula) individually, separated by spaces, while the lower three give a composite of each set. It is clear that the differences are extremely trifling, and, for 353, scarcely perceptible. The preceding table and chart thus show in another way what we saw in the last chapter specifically by means of the circular test, namely, how remarkably little difference it makes what the base or bases may be from which we calculate Formula 353. In \dew of this virtual agreement between the curves, whatever year is taken as the base, it is perfectly clear that for Formula 353 (and the same would be true of any other good formula) it would be a waste of time, in the practical calculation of index numbers, always to cal- culate all possible inter-year indexes. Any one series will suffice. In short, while theoretically the circular test ought not to be fulfilled, and shifting the base ought to yield inconsistencies, the inconsistencies yielded are so slight as practically to be negligible. To use for each formula all the six curves (for six years — more, for more years) would only multiply the time, labor, and expense by a large factor, without serving any useful purpose. In fact, it would be a positive nuisance. A single curve will suffice for all practical purposes. 304 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 4. Index Numbers on Different Bases may well be Blended Every one of the six curves is strictly correct only for the limited comparison for which it is constructed. Comparison For Six Bases of Formulae 53, 5^, 353 (Prices) 13 '14 '15 '16 '17 16 Chart 56P. These curves, especially the three lower, which are mere composites of those above {i.e. found by plotting all on the same scale, in- stead of separating them as above), indicate that the differences resulting from a shift of base are least for 353, but comparatively slight for 53 and 54 also. There remains the practical question : if we are not going to use all six, what single curve is the best one to use in their place, for the general purpose of all com- BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 305 parisons over a series of years ? Doubtless the very best as to accuracy, were it practicable, is the blend or average of all six. This blend constitutes Formula 7053, if it can be dignified by the name of formula. It is, of course, merely an average of the six sets of particular figures de- rived by Formula 353. This is a compromise single series Comparison For Six Bases of Formulae 55,54,353 (Quantities) Bales 353 53 Combined 5^ Combined 353 Combined /J '14 15 16 17 Chart 56Q. Analogous to Chart 56P. IQ of six figures that can be substituted for the whole table of figures, for the purpose of blending all separate exact comparisons into one general nearly exact comparison. With reference to these averages, no figure in the table deviates by as much as one half of one per cent. The " probable error " of any figure (for price indexes, for 1917) is two tenths of one per cent, and, for the other years, less. In other words, it is ju^t as likely as not that 306 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS any figures of Table 40 for 1917 taken at random will differ from the mean (or Formula 7053) figure for 1917 {viz., 161.53) by less than two tenths of one per cent.^ This blend may be compared to the " chromatic " scale on the piano. This chromatic scale is found by " tempering " the " natural " scale. By the " natural " scale a piano would have but one key ; to obtain other keys would require a separate piano for each, all out of tune with one another. These are blended into one by the chromatic scale by slight readjustments of the various notes. These adjustments change the number of vibra- tions in the natural scale in one case by as much as 1 in 122, or some ten times as great an adjustment as we are called upon to make in our present problem of adjusting index numbers. In other words, the " tempering " of the piano or " chromatic " scale relatively to the violin or " natural " scale, though imperceptible to almost any human ear, is ten times as great as the " tempering " which is neces- sary to secure Formula 7053. § 5. The Three Practical Substitutes for Blending But to calculate Formula 7053 every time we have an index number to compute would require, first, calculating each of the constituent curves and this, as has been said, could be done only at prohibitive costs. From a practical point of view, there are only three single curves worth considering: (1) that obtained by using the first year 1913 as base (the ordinary fixed base Formula 353 or its rivals) ; (2) that by using the chain of successive bases (also by 353 or its rivals) ; and (3) that by using 6053 (or its rival 6023), which are like 53 (or 23), except that 1 Formula 7053, as here used, begins in 1913 with 100.22. For conven- ience, we may reduce this to 100 and reduce all the figures for all the other years accordingly. Both forms are given in the preceding table, but only the last named in Appendix VII. BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 307 the base is not a single year but an average formed from several or all the years concerned. Such a formula may be called aggregative {or geometric) formula weighted I with broadened base. One of its chief claims to consideration is that it requires fewer statistical data to be furnished than does 353. To determine which of these three (353 fixed base, 353 chain, or 6053 broadened base) is the most accurate, TABLE 41. FOUR SINGLE SERIES OF SIX INDEX NUMBERS AS MAICESHIFTS FOR THE COMPLETE SET OF TABLE 40 (Prices) 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Formula 6053 (broadened base, 1913-1918) Formula 353 (fixed base, 1913) Formula 353 (chain) 100. 100. 100. 99.79 100.12 100.12 99.85 99.89 100.23 114.04 114.21 114.32 161.59 161.56 162.23 177.88 177.65 178.49 Formula 7053 (blend) 100. 100.09 99.96 114.03 161.53 177.90 This table shows that the chain system is the most erratic of the three as compared with Formula 7053 and that there is practically no choice between the other two. The figures for quantities show the same result. TABLE 42. FOUR SINGLE SERIES OF SIX INDEX NUMBERS AS MAKESHIFTS FOR THE COMPLETE SET OF TABLE 40 (Quantities) 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1S18 Formula 6053 (broadened base, 1913-1918) Formula 353 (fixed base, 1913) Formula 353 (chain) 100. 100. 100. 99.00 99.33 99.33 108.91 109.10 108.72 119.13 118.85 118.74 118.99 118.98 118.49 125.16 125.37 124.77 Formula 7053 (blend) 100. 99.37 109.02 119.04 119.00 125.20 308 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS it is only necessary to ascertain which of them is nearest to the best blend, namely, 7053. Numerically, Tables 41 and 42 on page 307 give these three sets of figures and also the theoretically best blend, Formula 7053, for comparison. Optional Varieties of 353 , (Prices) :i5 M^ 15 16 17 16 Chart 57P. The agreement between the broadened base index num- ber (6053), the blend of the six curves of 353 (7053), and 353 itself (whether with 1913 as a fixed base or with the chain system), is so close that, were precision the only consideration, there would be almost no choice between these four. Graphically, Chart 57 gives these three curves and also the theoretically best formula, 7053. They are absolutely indistinguishable to the eye. Our conclusion is, then, that either Formula 353, fixed base 1913, or Formula 6053, broadened base 1913-1918, is the best compromise on the score of accuracy. On the score of other and more practical considerations, such as speed of computation, more will be said in a later chapter. § 6. Chain vs. Fixed Base System The chain system is of little or no real use. The chief arguments in favor of the chain system are three : (1) that it affords more exact com- BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 309 parisons than the fixed base system between the current year and the years immediately preceding in which we are presumably more interested than in ancient history; (2) that, graphically, the year-to-year lines of the price curve have the correct current directions, whereas in the fixed base system the year-to-year lines are slightly misleading, merely connect- ing points each of which is really located relatively to the base or origin only, and not to its neighbors ; and (3) that it makes less complicated the neces- sary withdrawal, or entry, or substitution of commodities, as time and change constantly require. As to the first argument, though I have myself used it in the past, I have come to a lower estimation of its importance; partly (and chiefly) because the present investigation has shown that, in the case of all good index numbers, there is no really perceptible difference between the chain Optional Varieties of 353 (Quantities) 13 74 15 16 17 Chart 57Q. Analogous to Chart 57P. I8> and the fixed base figures; partly because, for years to come, we shaU be interested in comparisons with antecedent and pre-war years quite as much as with the immediately preceding years ; and partly because I have come to realize that the ordinary user of index numbers uses chiefly not the diagram but the numerical figure, and he thinks of this figure as relative to the base. Therefore, it is better that it should accurately express the rela- tion to the base. This the fixed base figure does. The second argument — the one concerning graphic representation — is sufficiently answered by the fact that the eye is not accurate enough to distinguish between the fixed base and chain base curves given by any of the better formulae. Very minute differences can be perceived only by printed figures. Theoretically, it may be said that the graphic curve for the fixed base system is an anomaly. To represent the fixed base and chain curves most appropriately, we ought to draw only the chain curve from year to year, i.e. from ball to ball, whereas, when we use the fixed base points, we ought to connect these, not with each other, but each directly with the base point or origin. In Chart 58 (fixed base, using the simple median) the connecting lines between each point and the origin are graphically indicated (dark short lines drawn only part way toward the origin to avoid confusing the eye) ; but these would not give much help to the onlooker were not their ends 310 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS connected by the dotted curve after the usual fashion of the fixed base curves. § 7. Splicing The strongest argument for the chain system is the third, i.e. the im- munity it gives from any complications arising out of the withdrawal of any commodity from the index number, or the entry of a new commodity, or both at once, i.e. the substitution of a new for an old. Simp/e Median and Quartiles dnswn from origin / (Prices) 73 '14 IS ie 17 76 Chabt 58. Showing how, strictly speaking, the fixed base index num- bers should be represented — by lines radiating from the fixed base to the given years. The lines are for the median (in the center), those above and below representing the quartiles. The dotted connecting line is needed to help the eye despite the fact that, strictly speaking, its directions do not represent year-to-year index munbers. It often happens that we wish to drop some commodity from the list because of its ceasing to be quoted, or of its becoming obsolete or super- seded. And, likewise, it often happens that we wish to include a new commodity because of a new invention or a change in customs. Still oftener must substitutions be made by replacing one grade or style of goods by another. When the chain system is used these operations create no embarrassment, no matter what formula is used ; for, imder this system, BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 311 a new start is made each year and the next link can be forged independently of all those preceding. But under the fixed base system these changes usually make Gordian knots to cut. In some cases there is no difficulty. Thus, if we drop one brand of, say, condensed milk and substitute another and if the newly marketed brand has, at the time of the change, the same price as the old, it may be substituted without any jar or adjustment, even though it did not exist in the base year. Similarly, if one grade, say, of wheat which did exist in the base year but was not used in the index number, is now sub- stituted for another and, though their prices per bushel do differ, their 'price relatives do not differ in terms of their base year prices, we may readily make the transference. Again, if the withdrawal or entry does not change the index nmnber, there is no trouble. This supposition implies, of course, in the case of entry, that the newly entered commodity was also quoted in the base year. But in all other cases under the fixed base system we must make some sort of adjustment. Let us assume that the change (whether withdrawal, entry, or substitu- tion) changes the index number, at the time, from 150 under the old way to 153 imder the new, or by two per cent. The new figure being two per cent above the old, all futin-e figures calculated by the new way may be presumed to be two per cent too high. Consequently, what is needed is, henceforth, after calculating by the new way, to trim down the result by that much. That is, beginning with the 153, every index number after being duly calculated is to be reduced in the ratio of 153 to 150. But in cases where an entirely new commodity enters, so that no base year quotations exist, we cannot enter it at all, in the fixed base system, on all fours with the rest. If it is a case of substitution for a commodity to be withdrawn, we may splice it on to the old series of quotations for the withdrawn conamodity. Thus, if the old commodity, at the time of withdrawal, stood at 120, the new may be arbitrarily entered in its place as 120 (despite the fact that there was no 100 for it in the first place) and its future price relatives computed in proportion. If the new commodity is not to be substituted for an old, but added as one more on the list, we may arbitrarily give as its price relative at the time a figure equal to the index number itself. That is, if the index number at the time is 130, the new commodity may start off with 130 as its price relative (despite the fact that there never was any 100 for it). In short, the fixed base system is objectionable because it sometimes requires patching. The chain system never does. But this objection to the fixed base system is not very serious. Besides, the patching may be largely or wholly avoided if, as indicated in a later chapter, we take a new start, not every year, but, say, every decade. The above explanation is stated in terms of price relatives and applies to all index numbers, except aggregatives. To these an analogous method applies.! On the whole, therefore, the fixed base system (at least as applied to Formula 353) is sUghtly to be preferred to the chain, because. 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIV, § 7). 312 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS (1) it is simpler to conceive and to calculate, and means something clear and definite to everybody ; (2) it has no cumulative error as does the chain system (as is shown by comparison with Formula 7053) ; (3) graphically it is indistinguishable from the chain system. § 8. Broadening the Fixed Base We have considered two of the three series originally contrasted, viz., Formula 353 in the fixed base and chain systems, and between these two we choose the fixed base system. We have also found that in the fixed base system we can always " patch " when commodities are changed in the formula. We have still to consider the broadened base system (which also requires revision from time to time) as compared with the fixed base year system. This is easier to calculate than the blend Formula 7053, and distributes in a simpler way the discrepancies due to differ- ing bases. Moreover it does not require that the cal- culator have at hand all the yearly data needed for 353. He may make his base as broad as the data available, or, as may be necessary to yield a good compromise. Broadening the base from one year to several requires : (1) taking as each base price, not one year's price, but an average of several ; and (2) likewise taking as each base weight not one year's but an average of several.^ As stated, the system of weighting is analogous to system I. It is the same throughout the calculation, i.e. constant weights are used for the entire series. For quantity in- dexes, of course, the analogous operations apply. We shall consider the advantages of broadening the base as applied to certain types of formulae. First, we shall consider Formula 6053. It is Formula 53, except * It may be worth noting, however, that (1) is a superfluous procedure in the cases of Formulae 6023 and 6053, the results being identical (except for a constant) whether one year's price or an average of several is used. BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 313 that the base values or quantities are taken as the average of the values or quantities for several years instead of one.^ It seems to show no real superiority over 53. The ranking of all index numbers in Table 28 shows For- mula 53 actually closer to 353 than is 6053 (1913-1918), the six years indicated being the broadened base, their average of prices being the base prices in place of the Po's of 53, and their average quantities being the weights in place of the qos of 53. Again, it shows Formula 53 nearly as close to 353 as 6053 (1913-1916), and not much less close than is 6053 (1913-1914) .^ So far as the aggregative type is concerned, therefore, Formula 53 seems about as good a substitute for 7053 as 6053, and, of course, it is easier to compute. If the broadened base Formula 6053 has any advantage over 53, that advantage is too small to show itself in the cases here available, including those for prices and quantities of the 12 crops, and for prices and quantities of stocks on the Stock Exchange given in Chapter XL We may, therefore, conclude with reasonable safety that Formula 53 is always a good makeshift for the ideal formula, 353, or for the ideal blend, 7053. Broadening the base to make 6053 seems a superfluous procedure.^ 1 This derivative of Formula 53 by broadening the base is, of course, the same as that derived from Formula 3 by broadening the base. So derived it might be called 6003. ^ The above comparisons were made with Formula 353 fixed base as the standard of comparison, but if Formula 7053 be used instead, we get the same results. ' The only case where there might be any really perceptible advantage in Formula 6053 over Formula 53 is in such a case as that of the 12 crops used by Persons and Day, i.e. where there is a large correlation between the price relatives and the quantity relatives so that Formula 53 has a slight bias, second hand, as it were. But even in such a case the advantage is not large, as is clear from the fact that 53 and 54 are so close together (see Charts 47 and 48) and, therefore, so close to 353. 314 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 9. The Geometric Formula Weighted / with Broadened Bases When we turn from the aggregative type to the geo- metric type, we find a different situation. In this case a broadening of the base (Formula 6023) does help ma- terially. Professors Persons and Day of Harvard have made much use of Formula 6023. Because of their ad- vocacy I have calculated 6023 in order to see whether this process of broadening the base would reduce the 355 and 6025 Compared /iH For 12 Leading Crops (Day& Persons) (Prices) •80 "dS '90 '95 DO '05 '10 75 "20 Chart 59 P. Showing the close agreement between Day's index num- ber (6023) and the ideal (353) for prices of 12 crops with a consistent but faint trace of downward bias in 6023 (1910 is the base). downward bias of 23. Evidently it does ; for all the three forms of Formula 6023 which have been calculated lie, in Table 28, nearer 353 than does 23. This is because the price relatives on the broadened base disperse much less widely than do those used in calculating Formula 23 and, as we know, bias decreases rapidly with a de- crease of dispersion. The reason why broadening the base makes so much more improvement over Formula 23 than over 53 is that there is more room for improvement ; for 23, on 1913 as a base, has a distinct downward bias. BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 315 It belongs to group " 1- " in our five-tined f ork. Broad- ening the base to include the two years, 1913 and 1914, re- duces this bias. Broadening it to include four years, 1913-1916, reduces it still further. This is shown in the following table : 533 and 6023 Compared For 12 Leading Crops CDay& Persons) (Quantities) Chaet 59Q. Analogous to Chart 59 P. The downward bias of 6023 is more evident. (1910 base.) TABLE 43. THE INFLUENCE OF BROADENING THE BASE IN REDUCING BIAS (Prices) FORMUIA No. Base 1913 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 * 23 6023 6023 1913 (1913-1914) (1913-1916) 100. 100. 100. 99.61 100.12 99.93 98.72 99.50 99.88 111.45 112.25 113.61 154.08 153.53 156.61 173.30 173.45 175.32 353 7053 1913 (blend) 100. 100. 100.12 100.09 99.89 99.96 114.21 114.03 161.56 161.53 177.65 177.90 But the figures are still below the standard (either 353, fixed base, or 7053) all along the line. Several other calculations harmonize with this conclusion. 316 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS After I had made these calculations for the 36 commodities, Professor Persons published his defense of Day's index number (Formula 6023). ^ His calculations, which are for 12 crops, are reproduced in Charts 59P, 59Q, and 60P, QOQ, and show a remarkably close agreement between Formulae 6023 and 353. At the same time they show a slight trace of downward bias remaining in 6023, and completely confirm the above conclusions. The base, in these studies of Day and Persons, is broadened to the five years 1909-1913 : that is, the constant weights used, instead of being the values for the one year, 1910, as per Formula 23 (i.e. instead of po3o> etc.), were the average values for the five years named. ^^^ and 602^ Compared For 12 Leading Crops (Day d Persons) (Prices) l« W 7/ T? 7J >» 73 78 77 T8 » Chart 60P. Analogous to Chart 59P. (1910 base.) In Chart 59 P, Formula 6023 is below 353 in four cases —in 1880, 1885, 1895, and 1915; and above in three cases — in 1890, 1905, and 1920. In Chart 59Q it is below in seven cases — in 1880, 1885, 1890, 1900, 1905, 1915, and 1920; and above in only one case, namely, 1895. In Chart 60P it is below in four cases — in 1914, 1915, 1917, and 1919 ; and above in three cases — in 1913, 1916, and 1918. In Chart 60Q it is below in six cases — in 1911, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, and 1919; and above in only one case — 1912. In all the years not mentioned 353 and 6023 coincide. All told, Formula 6023 is below in 21 cases and above in eight, thus showing that its innate downward bias has not quite been suppressed by broadening the base. It is also clear from an examination of the charts that, as we proceed in either direction from the base, 1910, the downward bias of 6023 asserts itself increasingly. Thus, by including a sufficient number of years — a full assortment of all the chief varieties met with in, say, a complete "business cycle" we can partly ^ eliminate (for a time at least) the bias of Formula 23. The longer and more representative the period, the more nearly will the bias 1 Warren M. Persons, " Fisher's Formula for Index Numbers," Review of Economic Statistics, May, 1921, pp. 103-13. 2 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XIV, § 9). BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 317 be eliminated. But in using Formula 6023, the corrective effect of broad- ening the base will wear off and the downward bias gradually reappear after a few years. Thus, by broadening the base from 1913 to 1913-1918, the dispersion of our 36 price relatives in 1918 is reduced from 45.09 per cent to 20.23 per cent. This results, as Table 48 shows,' in an even greater reduction of the bias — from 7.01 per cent to 1.67 per cent, and, as has just been stated, accounts for the improvement in the index number from broadening the base. But, as we have seen in Chapter V, the dispersion always tends to increase with the lapse of time. Sauerbeck's index number has a broad base (1867-77). Yet the dispersion of the price relatives used by him amounted, in 1920, to 129 per cent. This, as noted later, has given the index number an upward bias of 36 per cent. If Sauerbeck's index number had been calculated by Formula 6023 instead of by For- mula 1 (or 6001) its bias today would have been approximately as great in the opposite direction since, as is shown in Table 7, Formulae 1 and 23 353 and 6023 Compared For 12 Leading Crops (Day d Persons) (Quantities) tW V '12 73 74 IS 10 77 VS If Chakt 60Q. Analogous to Chart 60P. (1910 base.) have about the same joint errors (except in opposite directions, of course). The Day index, if continued long enough, will inevitably deteriorate in the same way. The general conclusion is that broadening the base of the weighted geometric, by which process Formula 23 is converted into 6023, partially eliminates the bias in the weighting of 23, but not entirely. Consequently, the aggregatives, Formulae 6053 and 53, which are virtually free from bias, are probably slightly better makeshifts for 353 than is the geometric 6023, which has a very distinct bias. § 10. Averaging Various Individual Quotations for One and the Same Commodity Broadening the base implies an average of the data for a series of years and so raises the question of how that average is to be constructed. As a matter of fact, I have used the simple arithmetic average. We need not discuss this at any great length, inasmuch as we have found broadening the base of little or no importance. 1 See Appendix I (Note to Chapter V, § 11). 318 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Essentially the same problem enters, however, whenever, as is usually the case, the data for prices and quantities with which we start are aver- ages instead of being the original market quotations. Throughout this book "the price" of any commodity or "the quantity" of it for any one year was assumed given. But what is such a price or such a quantity? Sometimes it is a single quotation for January 1 or July 1, but usually it is an average of several quotations scattered through the year. The question arises : On what principle should this average be constructed ? The -practical answer is any kind of average since, ordinarily, the variations during a year, so far, at least, as prices are concerned, are too little to make any perceptible difference in the result, whatever kind of average is used. Otherwise, there would be ground for subdividing the year into quarters or months until we reach a small enough period to be considered practically a point. The quantities sold will, of course, vary widely. What is needed is their sum for the year (which, of course, is the same thing as the simple arithmetic average of the per annum rates for the separate months or other subdivisions). In short, the simple arithmetic average, both of prices and of quantities, may be used. Or, if it is worth while to put any finer point on it, we may take the weighted arithmetic average for the prices, the weights being the quantities sold. This problem of averaging the individual price quotations of one in- dividual commodity in order to obtain "the price" for it for the year is, of course, quite different from, and much simpler than the main problem of this book, which is the problem of constructing index numbers from such yearly figures for many commodities after they are individually obtained to start with. § 11. Conclusions It appears that broadening the base to secure a blend is always disappointing. In the case of the aggregative it seems superfluous ; for we cannot find that, in practice, it is any improvement over Formula 53. Moreover a blend is a blur and disappoints our natural desire for definiteness. It is neither flesh, fish, nor fowl. In the case of the geometric it fails to suppress completely all traces of weight bias. The chief conclusions of this chapter and the last are : 1. Theoretically, a complete set of index numbers among a number of years consists of all the possible index numbers between every pair of years, using Formula 353 or any of its peers. 2. Practically, the apparent inconsistencies between BLENDING THE INCONSISTENT RESULTS 319 these index numbers coupling every pair of years is negli- gible so that the calculation of so many would be a waste of time, effort, and money. 3. Even were such multiple calculations practicable, — connecting every possible pair of years — they would not be helpful but confusing, like the conflicting natural scales in music. We would be inclined to " temper " or " blend " them into a single series. The ideally best blend would probably be an average (Formula 7053) of the index numbers formed by calculating 353 on all possible bases. 4. Practically (and so barring blends, like Formula 7053, of the different index numbers themselves), there remain three courses to pursue : (a) to employ one fixed base system, using Formula 353 or one of its peers ; (6) to employ the chain base system, using Formula 353 or one of its peers ; (c) to employ the broadened base system (such as Formula 6053). All three are in exceedingly close agi'eement. 5. Of these three systems the chain is subject to cu- mulative error and ought not to be used (unless, possibly, as supplementary to the fixed base system). 6. Of the two remaining systems, the fixed base sys- tem (Formula 353) is somewhat preferable to the broad- ened base system, partly because it is slightly closer to the best blend (7053) and partly because it itself is not a blend at all and, therefore, not blurred. 7. In those frequent cases, however, where the data are lacking for some years and so do not permit of using Formula 353, or its rivals, a broadened base is to be used. 8. Two broadened base formulae are practicable for 320 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS this purpose; the aggregative 6053 and the geometric 6023. As between these two, while both are good, Formula 6053 seems clearly the better because there is no bias even if only two years are included in the base, or even only one, the formula then reducing to 53. It often happens that only one year's quantities are known, in which case Formula 23 or 53 must be used. Formula 23, however, is not usable because of its downward bias, whereas 53 is good, practically as good as 6053. § 12. Historical The fixed base system has always been the principal method of presenting index numbers, sometimes the first year being used as the base and sometimes a series of years. The broadened base system has been in common use beginning, apparently, with Soetbeer and Laspeyres. Professor Alfred Marshall suggested the chain system in the Contemporary Review, March, 1887, and in the same year Professor Edgeworth and the Committee on this subject, of which he was secretary, recommended the chain system to the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Walsh advocated and adopted it in his book. The Measurement of General Exchange Value. Professor A. W. Flux discussed the effect of changing bases in a paper in the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, 1897, and ten years later, in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, discussed the chain method, but without using that term. The term " chain " seems first to have been used by me in the Purchasing Power of Money, in 1911, where I commended it, unduly, as I now believe.^ ^ Besides the historical sections scattered through the book, of which the above is the last, the reader will find in Appendix IV a brief sketch of " Landmarks in the History of Index Numbers." CHAPTER XV SPEED OF CALCULATION § 1. Time Studies Hitherto we have ignored the very practical question of speed and ease of calculation. Table 44 gives the results of time studies for calculating the index numbers of prices by the various formulae. The table is constructed on the assumption of 36 prices and quantities^ supplied to the computer. He is furnished with a computing machine and logarithmic tables. The time required to construct index numbers for either prices or quantities for the years 1914-1918 by Formula 51 (fixed base) is taken as unity. In the case of the particular computer who gave himself to these time studies, Formula 51 required 56 minutes. As he was probably slightly more rapid than the average computer, we may think of the time for 51 as one hour, and of all the other figures in the table as, therefore, representing hours. In every case the time of calculation was that required to calculate the five index numbers, to two decimal places.^ The absolute times would be different, of course, if there were a different number of commodities, a different number of years, or a different decimal figure to be calculated. But the figures given in the table are all relative to the time of calculating Formula 51 (or 151) and this relative time would not be ^ Except in the ease of the simples, for which no quantities are needed, and in the case of Formula 9051, for which it is assumed that guessed round weights (1, 10, 100, and 1000) are supplied. ^ Except for the modes which were calculated only to the decimal point. They could not be calculated beyond the decimal point by the rough method here used. 321 322 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS greatly affected by any changes in the number of commod- ities, or of years, or of decimal points to be computed. TABLE 44. RANK IN SPEED OF COMPUTATION OF FORMULAE Time of Computation as Multiple of Time Required by Formula 51 (Fixed Rank in Speed of Computation Formula No. Base) Taken as Unity Fixed Base Chain (Fixed Base) 5343 64.3 64.5 109 5307 62.1 62.2 108 5333 51.5 51.6 107 1303 45.3 45.5 106 345 44.6 44.6 105 5323 44.2 44.3 104 1343 42.7 42.8 103 4353 39.4 39.5 102 335 38.1 38.3 101 3353 37.8 37.9 100 7053 37.5 99 343 37.3 37.5 98 245 37.1 37.3 97 247 11 << (( 1333 36.3 36.4 96 307 35.5 35.6 95 1323 35.1 35.2 94 309 34.8 35.0 93 1353 34.5 34.7 92 235 33.9 34.0 91 237 It (( 11 225 31.9 32.0 90 227 (< a (( 207 31.7 31.8 89 215 (( << <( 126 31.6 31.7 88 325 31.5 31.6 87 323 31.3 31.4 86 333 30.y 31.0 85 146 29.7 29.8 84 108 29.3 29.4 83 243 29.2 29.0 82 1124 29.1 29.3 81 249 28.4 28.6 80 1123 28.0 28.1 79 1144 27.9 28.0 78 241 = 341 27.1 27.2 77 1143 26.6 26.8 76 SPEED OF CALCULATION TABLE 44 {Continued) 323 Time of Computation as Multiple of Formula No. Time Required by Formula 51 (Fixed Base) Taken as Unity Rank in Speed of Computation Fixed Base Chain (Fixed Base) 136 26.5 26.6 75 125 26.1 26.3 74 233 26.0 25.8 73 1104 25.3 25.5 72 239 25.2 25.4 71 1004 24.9 25.0 70 1014 a << 11 1134 24.7 24.8 69 145 24.3 24.4 68 1103 24.2 24.3 67 1154 24.1 24.3 66 107 23.8 24.0 65 1003 23.7 23.9 64 1013 li « u 229 23.6 23.8 63 1133 23.4 23.5 62 144 23.0 24.8 61 124 23.0 23.1 60 143 22.8 24.4 59 209 22.8 23.0 58 213 << a <( 123 22.7 22.9 57 3154 <( (< a 26 22.5 22.6 56 28 (( ti << 223 21.4 23.5 55 46 21.1 21.3 54 48 (< it <« 135 21.1 21.2 53 301 21.0 21.2 52 4154 20.8 20.9 51 231=331 20.6 20.8 50 110 20.5 20.7 49 109 20.4 20.5 48 134 19.8 21.6 47 4153 19.6 19.8 46 133 19.5 21.2 45 36 19.5 19.7 44 38 << 11 << 1153 18.7 18.9 43 324 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 44 (Continued) Time op Computation as Multiple of Time Required by Formula 51 (Fixed Base) Taken as Unity Rank in Speed of Computation Formula No. Fixed Base Chain (Fixed Base) 8 18.4 18.6 42 16 11 ti u 30 18.2 18.3 41 221 =321 17.6 17.6 40 3153 17.3 17.4 39 25 17.0 17.9 38 27 It <( tt 29 17.0 17.2 37 44 16.9 17.0 36 50 (1 It ti 6023 C13-'16) 16.5 16.5 35 24 16.1 18.3 34 45 15.7 15.9 33 47 (( (( (( 49 « It tt 201 <( it tt 211 It It tt 34 15.3 15.4 32 40 << (( (( 2353 14.9 15.1 31 6023 ('13-'14) 14.6 14.6 30 6023 ('13&'18) <( tt (( 10 14.3 HA 29 353* <( tt tt 8054 tt tt tt 35 14.1 14.3 28 37 (( tt <( 39 (1 tt tt 8053 tt tt tt 2154 14.0 14.1 27 42 = 142 13.9 14.1 26 7 13.0 13.1 25 9 « tt tt 15 K tt tt 32 = 132 12.9 13.1 24 43 12.6 15.9 23 102 12.6 12.7 22 14 12.0 13.4 21 22 = 122 11.9 11.9 20 23 11.6 17.2 19 ♦Identical with 103, 104, 105, 106. 153, 154, 203, 205, 217, 219, 253, 259, 303, 305. SPEED OF CALCULATION 325 TABLE 44 {Continued) FOBMULA No. Time of Computation as Multiple of Time Required by Formula 51 (Fixed Base) Taken as Unity Rank in Speed of Computation Fixed Base Chain (Fixed Base) 33 11.0 14.3 18 2 10.5 10.6 17 12 (( u ti 2153 9.6 9.8 16 54 = 4 = 5 = 8.7 8.9 15 18 = 19=59 41 = 141 8.5 8.6 14 251=351 7.8 7.8 13 31 = 131 7.5 7.6 12 101 7.4 7.6 11 13 6.6 13.1 10 6053 ('13-' 18) 6.5 6.5 9 21 = 121 6.4 6.4 8 6053 ('13-' 16) 6.1 6.1 7 6053 ('13-' 14) 6.6 5.6 6 52 = 152 5.5 5.5 5 53=3=6 = 5.3 8.9 4 17=20 = 60 1 5.1 5.3 3 11 11 << <( 9051 2.0 2.0 2 51 = 151 1.0 1.0 1 § 2. Comments on the Table of Speed of Computation of Formulae It will be seen that the first prize for speed goes to Formula 51 ; to calculate this requires only one hour. The booby prize is captured by a mode, 5343 ; this re- quires 64.3 hours. All the other formulae occupy the 107 intermediate ranks. Our ideal, Formula 353, requiring 14.3 hours, ranks twenty-ninth. In speed it surpasses all the twelve other formulae mentioned in Chapter XI as rivaling 353 in accuracy. One of the 13, next to the slowest in the whole 326 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS table, is Formula 5307, requiring 62.1 hours. Another, the closest competitor with 353 for the place of honor for accuracy. Formula 5323 — the best product of the . geometric type — requires 44.2 hours, or over three times as long as 353. Among other ranks in the table we note, beginning near the top, or slow, end. Formula 7053, requiring 37.5 hours ; 1123, one of Walsh's favorites for accuracy, 28 hours; Lehr's4154, 20.8 hours; 1153, another favorite of Walsh, 18.7 hours; 6023, the favorite of Professors Day and Persons, 16.5 hours (when four years are combined in the broadened base) or 14.6 hours (when two years are combined). All these take longer than 353 (14.3 hours). Among those requiring less time, the one I would especially note is Formula 2153, which our table of rank in accuracy shows to be practically identical with 353.^ The time for Formula 2153 is only 9.6 hours.^ Formula 6053 (with a four years' base) requires only 6.1 hours (as against 16.5 for its rival, 6023). Formula 53 requires only 5.3 hours, and 9051, when only round weights, multi- ples of 10, are used, needs but 2 hours. The chain system usually requires five or ten minutes' ^ For proof see Appendix I (Note to Chapter XV, § 2) . " Professor Persons ("Fisher's Formula for Index Numbers," Review of Economic. Statistics, May, 1921, p. 104) gives some time tests for his Formulae 6023 and 353, which give very different results from those of the tables here given. There are two reasons for this difference. In the first place, Persons's comparison between Formulae 6023 and 353 apparently omits the preliminary work of calculating the weights for 6023 and so does not give a complete comparison. Our figures show that Formula 6023 (four year base) requires 16.5 hours and 353, 14.3 hours — a small differ- ence, but in favor of 353. The second point is that Formula 2153 can be used as a short cut for 353, reducing the time to 9.6 hours, or nearly half of that for 6023, for which no corresponding short cut is available. Why Persons's time estimate for 353 chain should be double that of 353 fixed base, I do not understand. In any time study I have made, the dif- ference between these two is much smaller. SPEED OF CALCULATION 327 more time than the j&xed base system although in a few cases it actually requires less (because of certain items being duplicated in that system and so needing to be calculated but once). It will be noted that, in many cases, the most accurate index numbers require very little time for calculation while the least accurate require a great deal of time. Thus the modes are very time-consuming, and this de- spite the fact that they are worked out only up to the decimal. If they were accurately worked out by formulae instead of roughly calculated by ocular inspection, and if they were carried to the same two decimal places as are used for the other formulae, the times consumed would be several-fold more than the figures entered in the table. As it is, the slowest formula is a mode, 5343 ; the other modes in order are : Formulae 345, 1343, 343, 245, 247, 146, 243, 249, 1144, 341, 1143, 145, 144, 143, 46, 48, all in the slower half of the list, and of the remaining modes, 44, 45, 47, 49, 142, 43, 141, none can boast of speed, — even the fastest of them (141 or 41) ranking fourteenth. Nor are the medians as fast as tradition has led us to beUeve. The modern use of calculating machines has put the median to shame. The fastest median, the simple For- mula 31 (or 131), stands twelfth, requiring 7^ hours. For practical use, even when the highest accuracy is demanded, we never need to go beyond the fastest 16 formulae. The sixteenth formula is 2153, which, we have seen, is, to all intents and purposes, always identical with the ideal 353. And of these first sixteen the only ones which have any valid claim to be used in actual practice are Formula 2153 (sixteenth, requiring 9.6 hours), 31 (twelfth, requiring 7.5 hours), 21 (eighth, requiring 6.4 hours), 6053 (seventh, requiring 6.1 hours), 53 (fourth, requiring 5.3 hours), and 9051 (second, requiring 2 hours). 328 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS It will be noted that several of the index numbers used or recommended by others are not included in the above list. The simple arithmetic index number, Formula 1, stands well as to speed of calculation, ranking third and requiring only 5.1 hours. But, as we have seen, it ranks among the " worthless " formulae in accuracy. If a simple index number is really necessary, because of lack of data for weighting, Formula 21 and 31 are far more accurate than Formula 1 and do not take very much longer to calculate (6.4 and 7.5). Usually, however, the round weight Formula 9051, which is shorter to calculate and at the same time more accurate than Formula 1, can be used. Formula 53, which is still more accurate and requires but a trifle more time, can be used if quantities are known. Formula 54 need almost^ never be used. It has often been recommended, but, in accuracy, it is exactly as far from the ideal 353 on one side as 53 is on the other, while 53 can be calculated nearly twice as quickly as 54. Formula 6023, recommended by Professors Day and Persons of Harvard, is inferior both in accuracy and speed to 6053 and 2153. Formulae 1123, 1153, and 1154, formerly recommended as the theoretically best by Walsh, are probably not quite as accurate as 2153 (as ^ The only case where Formula 53 cannot be used in place of 54 is when the base weights (qos) are lacking while the current year weights (^I's) are available. The only instance of such a case which has come to my atten- tion is that of foreign exchange. The Federal Reserve Bulletin now pub- lishes an index number of the Foreign Exchanges relatively to their " pars." These pars {e.g. $4.86f for sterhng) are the base pnces (po's). But there are no corresponding base quantities (go's) since the " base," in this case, is of no historical year; in fact for some countries the "par" was never historically realized. But the current quantities iqi's) are avail- able. Here Formula 54 is indicated (or one of its equals, 4, 5, 18, 19). There is scarcely any other unbiased formula available. At present the Federal Reserve Bulletin uses Formula 29, which has an upward bias, — and a large one when, as at present, the exchanges have a wide dispersion. SPEED OF CALCULATION 329 shown in our table of ranks and in our discussion in Chapter XII), and require from twice to three times as long to calculate. In his last book Walsh has also rec- ommended^ Formula 2153 for adoption in practice, as well as 353 as probably the most perfect theoretically. The most important result of this chapter is that Formula 2153 may be used as a short-cut method of com- puting Formula 353, it being so close an approximation to 353 as practically to be identical. It gives almost the same result (within less than one part in 2500) and in 9.6 hours instead of 14.3 hours. It should, therefore, in practice be used when yearly data permit. When yearly data are incomplete, we should use one of the following formulae : 6053, 53, 9051, 21, 31, according to the completeness of available data, as set forth in Chapter XVII, § 8. ^ For further discussion, see Chapter XVII, § 8. CHAPTER XVI OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS § 1. Introduction We have studied the accuracy of the various possible formulae for index numbers and their comparative speeds of computation. These are the two chief considerations in constructing an index number. But the problem of accuracy was not fully covered ; for our study was confined to the question of the formula and did not cover the data that went into the formula. Hitherto, in this book, by the *' accuracy " of an index number has been meant its accuracy as a measure of the average movement of the given set of prices (or quantities, as the case may be) We have found, for instance, that Formula 353 enables us to measure the average changes of the prices of the 86 specified commodities within less than one part in a thou- sand. Yet the index numbers which have been thus com- puted and found to possess a marvelously high degree of accuracy, as a measure of the movements of those com- modities, do not, of course, pretend to any such degree of accuracy, as a measure of the movement of the prices of all the commodities, perhaps many hundreds, which we would wish to be represented. To obtain such precision in measuring the general movement of all the prices we would need to have and to use them all. Practically, such completeness of data is never possible. We must content ourselves with samples. We want to find, therefore, an index number constructed from a relatively small num- ber of commodities which shall measure, as accurately 330 OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 331 as possible, the movement not only of this small number included, but also of those excluded. ' Thus are opened up two new lines of investigation with regard to the accuracy of index numbers, namely, the influence of (1) the assortment of samples and (2) the number of samples. Each of these subjects offers a field of study which has scarcely yet been touched. I shall try here merely to utilize what has already been accom- plished by Mitchell, Kelley, Persons, and others, and to urge that their important work be followed up either by them or by other investigators. These two subjects are probably quite as important as the choice of the formula. Certain it is that, when the number of samples used is small, an unwise choice can spoil the result. It is also doubtless true that even the best available assortment and number of commodities cannot yield the same degree of accuracy as the merely mathematical accuracy of the formulae. I venture to express the guess that, when thoroughgoing studies are made in these two fields, it will be concluded that we can seldom reduce the errors, or fringe of uncertainty, of our index numbers to less than one or two per cent. As com- pared with such errors, small though they be, the errors which we have found present in the formulae are quite negligible. In short, in view of the rather rough work required of it, the formula (whether it be 353 or any other among over a score of the best formulae) may be regarded as a perfectly accurate instrument of measurement. § 2. The Assortment of Samples What is a wise assortment depends greatly on the purpose of the index number. If, for instance, the pur- pose is to represent the general movement of wholesale prices of foods in the United States, there should be more 332 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS samples of meats than of fish and more of cereals than of garden vegetables. The assortment should also include representatives of the various stages of production. Again, if all stages are included in one line of goods, e.g. wheat, flour, and bread, the corresponding stages should be included in other lines such as corn, hogs, and pork. The price movements of any raw material and its finished products, such as cotton and cotton goods, pig iron and wire nails, or wheat and flour will tend to resemble each other. On the other hand, there will be a cross- wise correspondence between all raw materials as con- trasted with all finished products — cotton, pig iron, and wheat, on the one hand, moving somewhat alike, while cotton goods, wire nails, and flour will move somewhat alike. As shown by Mitchell,^ the raw materials fluctuate more widely than do the finished products. Again, goods finished for consumers for family use have a resemblance to each other as compared with goods finished for indus- trial use, the latter fluctuating more than the former. Every group having any distinctive character should be represented in due proportion to the others. The price quotations should also be fairly assorted geographically. This process of fair sampling is intimately related to the process of fair weighting, for which, in fact, it may roughly be used as a substitute. The Canadian Depart- ment of Labor and the British Board of Trade endeavor to obviate the need of any specific weighting by represent- ing the important groups of goods by a large number of commodities, or series of quotations, while representing the unimportant commodities by a small number and then taking a simple average. By means of such precau- tions, a simple index number virtually loses its freakish weighting, and becomes roughly equivalent to a weighted 1 Bulletin 284, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, pp. 44, 45. OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 333 index number. The simple geometric formula (21) is thereby made nearly as good as the well-weighted formula (1123), a vast improvement, and Formula 1 brought nearer to 1003, an improvement, but not so vast, for the upward bias remains, though the freakishness has gone. Thus, the Canadian index number has the bias of Formula 1003 while the British Board of Trade index number has very nearly the excellence of 1123. Bradstreet's index number (Formula 51), thanks to a good selection of data, has also been converted from what would otherwise be a worthless index number into a fairly good index number, being virtually 9051, or a close approach to 53. Without such precautions great distortion occurs. During the Civil War the Economist index number became erratic because, out of 22 commodities, no less than four were cotton and cotton products. As the Civil War raised cotton prices enormously, the Economist index number showed in 1864 a rise of 45 per cent over the price level of 1860, whereas Sauerbeck's index number of 45 commodities showed for the same period only a 12 per cent rise (both series being recomputed from 1860 as base). Again, in the Aldrich Report of 1893, the simple average included 25 kinds of pocket knives, making pocket knives 25 times as important as wheat, or com, or coal. At best, however, such multiplication of commodities is only a rough substitute for actual weighting. On the other hand, even when weights are used they need to be adjusted to fit in with the numbers of commodities included under the various groups. Thus the War Industries Board, having included seven groups (foods, clothing, rubber- paper-fiber, metals, fuels, building materials, chemicals) subdivided into 50 classes (nearly 1500 separate commodi- ties or series of quotations), proceeded to weight them in two stages. In the first place, each commodity was 334 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS weighted according to statistics or estimates of the pro- duction or volume of business done in that commodity. Then, in the second place, inasmuch as some of the 50 classes were more fully represented than others, i.e. were represented by a larger number of commodities, the classes which were meagerly represented in number of commodities were the more liberally weighted to com- pensate. The weights first assigned to them as individual commodities were magnified or multipHed by factors called " class weights " to make them represent more adequately the large class to which they belong. This, or some equivalent procedure, should always be employed where the highest accuracy is desired. In short, either insufficient weights should be compen- sated for by duplicating samples (as in the Canadian and Board of Trade index numbers), or insufficient samples should be compensated for by additional weighting (as in the War Industries Board index numbers). Except as a substitute for weighting, samples need not be multi- plied greatly. In fact, where it is desired to save labor by restricting the number of commodities, those selected should be so assorted as to differ from each other in charac- ter as much as possible rather than to resemble each other as much as possible. As Professor Kelley says, the prices included should be correlated not so much with each other as with those excluded.^ Where the samples are thus well selected, the index number will not only rep- resent well the price movements of the commodities in- cluded, but also those excluded, usually the larger group. § 3. The Basis of Classification As Professor Mitchell points out, there is no consistent basis of classification in the grouping employed by the ' "Certain Properties of Index Numbers," Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, pp. 826-41, September, 1921. OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 335 United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and others. Sometimes the basis is physical appearance {e.g. as in the case of "metals"), use served {e.g. "house furnishing goods "), place of production (" farm products "), the industry concerned (" automobile supplies "), etc. Mitch- ell thinks, on the whole, that the most useful classifica- tions are raw versus manufactured; the raw being sub- divided into farm crops and animal, forest, and mineral products, and the manufactured being subdivided into goods for personal consumption, such as sugar, and goods for business consumption, such as tin plates. I venture to express the opinion that we shall ulti- mately find two chief bases or groups for classifying goods. (1) We need a basis for setting off the particular field which the index number is to represent. Since this may be any field whatever in which we are interested, the basis for including or excluding commodities may be physical appearance, use served, or anything else, according to the field to be studied. For instance, a leading paper manu- facturer has constructed for use in his business an index number of the costs involved in the manufacture of paper. These comprise wood pulp, labor, and all other items entering into that cost. (2) On the other hand, the basis on which, within the particular field thus marked out, the samples should be assorted is none of those bases above mentioned but rather the behavior of the prices. All behaviors should be fairly represented. In the paper manufacturer's index number of costs, both labor and wood pulp should be represented, not because they are so widely different in physical nature, but because the price of wood pulp and the price of labor behave differently. If it were true that they always rose and fell together a sample of either would serve perfectly for both. 336 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS One of the most interesting kinds of index numbers is Professor Persons' s new index number for use as a barom- eter of trade. In this case the selection of the ten com- modities included is based, not on any of the usual criteria, but on their previous behavior in relation to the business cycle. § 4. The Number of Quotations Used Ideally, the quotations should be as inclusive as possible of the quotations properly belonging to the class being studied. In reality, however, we are restricted by expense or other practical obstacles. If the assortment is good, the number is not very important. The War Industries Board used 1474 commodities, or series of quotations. But the resulting index number differs only sUghtly (seldom by one per cent) from that of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics for about 300 commodities. Wesley C. Mitchell, in Bulletin 284 of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, has compared the index number of the Bureau for about 250 commodities with the index number for 145, 50, 40, and 25 commodities, taking care to retain a similar representation of the various con- stituent groups of conunodities in the cases of the 145 and 50 commodities, but making the 40 representative on another principle, and choosing the 25 at random. He found that the 145 index differed on the average from the index of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, by less than one per cent, the 50 index by less than two and one half per cent, the 40 index by less than 5.4 per cent, and the 25 index (taken in two ways) by less than four and three per cent. I have made a similar comparison of various numbers of commodities from the list published weekly in Dun's Review. Beginning with 200 commodities and succes- sively halving, I have taken the sub-lists of 100 commodi- OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 337 ties, 50, 25, 12, 6, and 3, so selected as to be, so far as possible, equally and fairly representative of the various classes of commodities in exchange.^ These were calcu- lated (relatively to 1913 as a base) by Formula 53 (or 3). The results are plotted in Chart 61. They show a rather surprising resemblance. Taking 200 as a standard of comparison, and gauging the closeness of the others to this by the average ^ of their deviations from it, we find the following figures : TABLE 45. DEVIATIONS FROM 200 COMMODITIES INDEX Number op Commodities Deviations Included in Index (Pek Cents)] 100 1.78 50 2.05 25 1.61 12 2.64 6 4.31 3 3.65 ^ The similarity in assortment is, of course, necessarily rough. It is impossible, for instance, to assort three or six commodities so as to include a sample in every one of the eight classes used for the 200 commodities. The actual assortments are shown in the following table : PERCENTAGES OF AGGREGATE VALUE OF THE 200, 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, AND 3 COMMODITY INDEXES RESPECTIVELY, IN EACH GROUP s O a a g» ^ g < < Z § o 1" 6 ^ la >- 0. 2 1^ 5h 200 27.48 20.80 11.39 8.61 18.47 6.54 3.85 2.86 100. 100 27.18 22.73 9.29 10.94 18.22 5.13 3.35 3.16 100. 50 30.57 29.19 12.75 3.45 13.04 6.85 2.35 1.80 100. 25 23.69 30.06 13.72 5.24 16.64 8.11 1.09 1.45 100. 12 29.73 34.76 9.40 6.90 13.73 3.35 .76 1.37 100. 6 40.40 35.97 5.80 0.00 13.28 4.55 0.00 0.00 100, 3 55.75 25.92 0.00 0.00 18.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 100. 2 Calculated as the square root of the average of the squares of the deviations. 338 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS From this table and Chart 61, it is clear that the mere number of commodities is of only moderate importance. A small number may be nearly as good as a large number provided they be equally well selected or assorted. According to the theory of probabilities, the probable error of the mean of any number of observations is in- ^/Tect of Number of Commodities on Index Nos. 25 COMMODITIES ^° £2l:iM0Diries 100 COMMODITIES 200 COMMODITIES 1921 APRS I 3% NOV.II 1922. JAN.I3 J'JN.3 AU6.5 Chart 61. Comparing the index numbers of 200, 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, and 3 commodities, each group having roughly similar proportions of farm products, foods, clothing, fuel and lighting, metals, building materials, drugs, and miscellaneous. versely proportional to the square root of the number. This rule would apply here if all commodities were inde- pendent and equally important. We could then say, for instance, that 50 commodities would show twice the error which four times that number, or 200 commodities, would show, and the latter, in turn, twice that of 800. By this law of the square root, accuracy increases very slowly with an increase in number. OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 339 In actual fact the improvement in accuracy with an increase in the number of commodities is even slower than this rule would lead us to expect. From the preceding table of deviations I think it may be inferred by rough averages^ that, in order to reduce the error by half we must multiply the number of commodities not by four but by thirty-five. If this be true, the index number of the War Industries Board with its 1366 commodities is only twice as accurate as an index number formed from 40 commodities, other things equal. This slowness of improvement in index numbers with an increase in the number of commodities is largely because the number of commodities does not represent their importance or weights. These weights for the 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, and 3 commodity groups (in dollars and in per cents of the weights of the 200) are as follows : TABLE 46. COMPARISON OF THE AGGREGATE VALUE OF THE 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, AND 3 COMMODITIES WITH THE AGGREGATE VALUE OF THE 200 COMMODITIES No. OF Commodities Aggregate Value (in Millions or Dollars) Aggregate Value (in Per Cents) 200 18266 100 100 12079 66 50 6572 36 25 4331 24 12 3284 18 6 2416 13 3 1751 10 If we use these weights instead of the number of the commodities the resulting law of increasing accuracy with increase in weights of commodities included is more nearly in accord with that required by the theory of probabihty. As Table 46 shows, when a small number ^ Obtained by plotting the table of standard deviations in relation to the number of commodities on doubly logarithmic, or ratio chart, paper. 340 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS of commodities is used, we naturally choose the most important, which means those having the greatest weights. If, now, we calculate the relationship between the errors of the index numbers of 100, 50, 25, 12, 6, and 3 commodi- ties, on the one hand, and, on the other, not the total number of commodities but their total weights, we find that, on the average, in order to reduce the error by half, we must multiply the total weight of the commodities by ten, whereas probability theory requires four. Incidentally, by extending graphically these rough laws connecting error and the number or weight of com- modities, it may be estimated that the probable error of the index number of the 200 commodities as samples as compared with an index number calculated from an absolutely complete set of commodities is about 1^ per cent.^ But in order to obtain a trustworthy empirical formula we would need very much fuller data than those here given. I hope someone will make a thorough enough study of this subject to obtain such a for- mula. An index number, really valuable, has been computed for as few as 10 commodities, — that recently constructed by Professor Persons to be used for forecasting. Seldom, ^ however, are index numbers of much value unless they consist of more than 20 commodities ; and 50 (the number of classes used by the War Industries Board) is a much better number. After 50, the improvement obtained from increasing the number of commodities is gradual and it is doubtful if the gain from increasing the number beyond 200 is ordinarily worth the extra trouble and expense. ^ This same result obtains whether the numbers or the weights are used. For another (Kelley's) method of reckoning this probable error, see Appendix I (Note to Chapter XVI, § 4). As there shown, Kelley's method yields, as its result, a little less than 1 per cent in one case and 1.3 per cent in another. OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 341 § 5. Errors in the Data It is, of course, vital that the original data shall be as accurate as possible. That is, the markets used, the sources of quotations, and the collecting agency should be the most reliable and authoritative. Nevertheless, the net effect on the index number of inaccuracies in the original data is smaller than would naturally be supposed, especially if a large number of commodities are used. If there be 100 commodities and an average or typical group of ten among them are each ten per cent too high, the net effect on the index number is to make it only one per cent too high! And the chances against all ten thus erring in the same direction is negligible. The errors would probably largely offset each other, so that the probable error in the index number which would result from ten typical commodities, out of 100, being each ten per cent wrong, but some too high and others too low at random, would not be one per cent, but only about one fourth of one per cent. If every one of the 100 commodities is subject to an error of ten per cent in either direction at random, the net resultant error in the index number would probably not be over two and one half per cent. From such surprising examples we see : (1) that even rough data are valuable if we have enough of them, and (2) that, under conditions of ordinary and reasonable accuracy of the data, the inaccuracies which actually enter have a negligible influence on the result, probably less than one tenth of one per cent in the case of such an index number as that of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. What has been said applies to the price data (for an index number of prices). The quantity data, which are needed only for the weights, require even less accuracy. 342 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS As is shown in Appendix II, § 7, the effect of a change in a weight is only a small fraction of that of a change in the price relative. If the data for any or all of the weights were wrong by 50 or 100 per cent, the effect on the index number would seldom amount to one per cent. § 6. The Errors of Four Standard Index Numbers We have now seen that the accuracy of an index number depends upon four circumstances : (1) the choice of the formula, (2) the assortment of items included, (3) the number of items included, (4) the procuring of the original data. At present, the chief source of error in standard or current index numbers is in the formula. This book shows that this source of error can (if full data are available) be elimi- nated entirely — or, to be exact, can be reduced to much less than a tenth of one per cent. We may now summarize the whole subject of the degree of accuracy of index numbers by citing four actual examples : the index numbers of wholesale prices of the War Industries Board, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Statist's or Sauerbeck's, and Pro- fessor Day's index numbers of prices and quantities of 12 crops. In each case I shall estimate or guess at the errors due to each of the four sources of possible error and the extent to which such errors were avoidable. The War Industries Board index number, which is for the years 1913-1918, is probably the most accurate index number ever constructed owing to the huge number of commodities included and the fact that the data for quantities are available. 1. The error in this index number due to errors of the formula (53) is usually less than one fourth of one per OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 343 cent, but reaches about one half of one per cent for 1918^ (the figure used being below the ideal, 353). 2. The error due to errors in the assortment of items included (corrected by class weighting) is, I imagine, always less than one per cent. 3. The error due to the number of commodities (over 1300) not being complete is, I imagine, less than one half of one per cent. 4. The error due to errors in the original data is pre- sumably less than one tenth of one per cent. The net error due to all four sources is, I imagine, usually, if not always, less than one per cent. All of the errors were doubtless unavoidable excepting that due to the choice of the formula, and this probably accounts for perhaps a third, or a half, of the net error. That is, this most precise of index numbers might have been twice as precise as it is had Formula 353 (or any of its peers) been used as the formula instead of 53. Had this been done it would have been worth while to use a figure beyond the decimal point. It is a pity that the highest available degree of precision was not reached, as such a good oppor- tunity for calculating 353 seldom occurs, owing to the non- availabihty in most cases of statistics of yearly quantities. We may next consider Day's index numbers of prices and quantities of 12 crops. 1. As to ^he formula, or instrumental error, the calcula- tions of Professor Persons comparing Professor Day's (6023) with the " ideal " (353) shows an error in the price index of usually less than one fourth of one per cent, exceeding one per cent only once, when it was 1.6 per cent. * As judged from the 90 raw materials for which the War Industries Board publishes the full data needed for calculating Formula 353. Charts for Formulae 53 and 54 (the latter calculated by me) for these 90 commodities are given in Chapter XI. Formula 353, of course, exactly splits the difference between 53 and 54. 344 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS For quantities, the error is usually less than one per cent, the maximum being 1.5 per cent. 2. As to assortment, I can only guess roughly that the error from this source would be inside of one or two per cent. 3. As to the number of commodities, I would guess, say, two per cent. 4. As to accuracy of data, I would guess that the index number would not be affected more than one per cent. The total net error is probably usually within three or four per cent, although if all the errors happened to be in the same direction and all large they might make a total of five or six per cent. I assume that all of these errors are unavoidable, except that due to choosing a formula with a slight downward bias. Had Formula 353 been chosen instead of 6023, the error would have been reduced, but seldom by as much as one per cent. While the gains in accuracy by using a better formula would be small as compared with the errors from other and less avoidable sources, they would have been worth while, to say nothing of the gain in speed of computation. As indicated in Chap- ter XIV, § 9, the formula error is bound in the future to grow indefinitely. Our next example is that of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. The errors are probably about the same as for the War Industries Board : 1. Formula. 53 is used, erring, say, usually less than one fourth of one per cent, and, at most, say, one half of one per cent. 2. Assortment. Say, less than one per cent. 3. Numbers of commodities. Say, less than one per cent. 4. Data. Say, less than one tenth of one per cent. The total or net error is presumably usually within one OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 345 or two per cent, almost all being presumably unavoidable — that from formula included, owing to the non-avail- ability of j^early quantities. Finally, let us look at Sauerbeck's, or what is now the Statist's, index number. 1. Formula. This error is of two parts, that due to the bias of the arithmetic type and that due to the freak- ishness of the simple weighting. The first can be esti- mated with considerable certainty, if we calculate the standard deviation and use our formula connecting the standard deviation and the bias. I have worked out the standard deviation for 1920, relatively to the base 1867- 1877, for the 45 commodities. This is 129 per cent, from which we know that the upward bias is 36 per cent. For 1913 the standard deviation was 33 per cent and the bias 4.1 per cent so that, not only is the Sauerbeck-Statist in- dex number for 1920 distorted upward by this cause by 36 per cent relatively to the original base, but it is distorted relatively to 1913 by 31 per cent. As to the error of f reakishness of weighting this may be said to be practically the same thing as the error of assortment. 2. Assortment. Say, one per cent. 3. Number of commodities. Say, one or two per cent. 4. Data. Say, one tenth of one per cent. The net error is probably, say, 35 to 40 per cent. In this case the source of almost all the error is the bias in the formula which reaches so high a figure partly because of the long lapse of time since the base period and partly because of the great dispersion due to the confusion pro- duced by the World War. This source of error is, of course, avoidable. This Sauerbeck-Statist index number has done pioneer work and deserves that respect always due to long and faithful service. But it is now both too old and too old-fashioned to be of great service in the future. 346 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 7. A New Index Number I have worked out a new index number of wholesale prices of 200 commodities by a method which combines speed of computation with as much accuracy as the data afford. This I hope later to publish weekly. The data include only base year quantities and the formula used is a combination of 53, employing base year quantities, and 9051. For the 28 most important commodities the method of 53 is used, i.e. each price quotation is multiplied by the best obtainable statistical figure for the quantity marketed of that commodity, while for the other 172 commodities the round figures 1, 10, 100, or 1000 are used, whichever in any given case is nearest the statistical figure. No sacrifice of accuracy is made by using such round figures for so many unimportant conunodities, as I have proved by certain tests.^ In this way we avoid the necessity of having labo- riously to calculate to any greater degree of precision than that which is attainable. This saving of useless labor is enormous. To calculate this index number of 200 com- modities, once the data are given, requires (for the calculation of a single index number) only two and a half hours as contrasted with the eight hours which would be required if all of the 200 statistical weights were used. As to precision reached, I believe the error is nearly as small as that of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total error being, say, usually less than two per cent. § 8. An Index Number should be Easily Understood It is practically important that an index number, besides being accurate and quickly calculated, should be » See Appendix I (Note to Chapter XVI, § 7). OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 347 easily understood. In this respect the aggregatives have an obvious advantage over all other types. Any- one can understand Formula 53, especially if the base number be taken not as 100, but as the sum of values ( SpoQ'o) in the base year. In this case the index number is simply the number of dollars which a given bill of goods costs from time to time. Formula 54 is almost as simple, being merely calculated the other way around. Formula 2153 is next in simplicity, the bill of goods being the average of the above two. Formula 353 is a little harder for the man in the street to understand, but is intelligible as the mean of 53 and 54. These are easier to under- stand than any arithmetic average, still easier than any harmonic, and far easier than the geometries. Another advantage of the aggregatives is that of sim- plicity and ease of manipulation. When we wish index numbers of foods, clothing, etc., as subheads under a gen- eral group from which we also want an index number, the aggregative is the most easily and most intelligibly added, combined, averaged, and otherwise manipulated — far more easily than the medians, in particular. § 9. Ranking of Formulae by Four Criteria We may here summarize the whole subject of ranking the formulae in Table 47, in the third column of which I have arbitrarily ranked the 20 simplest in the order of their simplicity of formula, — in other words, their intelligibility. The three other columns give, likewise, the 20 best rank- ing formulae in respect of accuracy, speed, and conform- ity to the so-called circular test.^ * The order of "accuracy " is the revised order given in Chapter XII, § 7. The order of conformity to the circular test here given, above the line divid- ing those which fully conform from the rest, is also revised arbitrarily. The order given in Chapter XIII, § 9, is obviously largely accidental, being based on only four data for each formula. 348 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 47. (INVERSE) ORDER OF RANK OF FORMULA Of the 20 First in Acciiracy u « u u "Speed " " " " "Simplicity " " " " •' Circular Test Conformity Accuracy Speed Simplicity Circular Test Conformity 3353 22 52 2153 1124 23 6023 323 1123 33 23 325 124 2\ 353 8054 126 12] 8054 8053 123 2153 8053 1323 125 54 1153 1353 1154 41 9021* 5323 1153 351 9011* 2353 2154 31 101 9001* 21 353 2153 21 323 13 11 22 325 6053 2153 51 8054 21 6053 52 8053 52 54 321 1323 53 53 351 1353 1] 31 6023 5323 11] 1 6053 2353 9051 9051 9021* 353 51 51 9051 . * Index numbers by these "rough weight" formulse were not computed for this book. Consequently they enter into the competition only in column 3 (and one of them, 9021, in column 4) and not elsewhere, where computation is involved. The reason for omitting their computation is the impossibility of selecting the rough weights. Or rather there are an infinite number of sets of rough or guessed weights which might be used. The rough weights in the case of 9051, on the other hand, are definitely ascertainable, being 1, 10, 100, etc. ; for the unique idea of Formula 9051 is a minimum of calculation, — the rough and ready summation of the original data after "imply shifting decimal points. Approximate ranks can be assigned to these formula, however. With any reasonable selection of rough weights. Formulae 9001 and 9011, if computed and ranked for columns 1, 2, 4, would be too inaccurate to find a place among the 20 most accurate (column 1), and would find no place among the 20 in column 4, but would take rank, in speed, below the middle of column 2. As to Formula 9021, this is already ranked in the last two columns; it would find no place in the accuracy list (column 1) but would find a place in the upper half of the speed list (column 2). We see that, for accuracy, 353 takes first rank, for speed in computation, 51, for the convenience of conformity to the so-called circular test, any of the ten below the divid- OTHER PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 349 ing line in the fourth column, and, for simplicity, 51. In this table, the formulae which occur but once are itali- cized. As none of these are near the goal in any list they certainly need never be used. Eight occur three tunes (21, 51, 353, 2153, 6053, 8053, 8054, 9051) and only one (2153) occurs in all four columns. Taking into account accuracy, speed, ease of manipulation, and intelligibility, Formula 2153 seems, on the whole, to take the highest rank for ordinary practical use. § 10. Conclusions The " instrumental error," or error in the index number as an instrument of measure, can be reduced by the right choice of formula so low as to be negligible as compared with the errors from other sources — particularly the assortment of the commodities included and their number. The greater the number of commodities, other things equal (including assortment), the more accurate it is ; but the increase in accuracy is very slow, requiring perhaps a thirty-five-fold increase in numbers to cut the error in two. Of the four chief sources of error, formula, assortment, number of commodities, and original data, the two first are usually most at fault. The error in the Sauerbeck- Statist index number today reaches over 35 per cent from the first source alone. If an index number be constructed in the best possible way, not only from accurate data and with an adequate number of commodi- ties, say, several hundred, but from data carefully assorted for the purpose in view, and with a first-class formula, such as 353 or 2153, it can probably be made accurate within close to one per cent. General conclusions as to ranking are stated at the top of this page. CHAPTER XVII SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK § 1. Introduction An index number of prices is intended to measure such magnitudes as the " price level " of one date or place relatively to that of another. It is an average of " price relatives." These price relatives (or movements of the prices of individual commodities) usually disperse or scat- ter widely. The dispersion or scattering of the price relatives used in this book (for the years 1913 to 1918), was especially great. Thus the price of wool in 1918 (relative to 1913) was 282 per cent and that of rubber, 68 per cent. Evidently their average or index number (reckoned arithmetically) was 175 per cent. Since an index number for any date is always relative to some other date it necessarily implies two dates or peri- ods and only two. When we calculate a series of index numbers for a series of years each individual index number connects one of the years with some other year. The usual way is to take some one year, such as the first year, as the "base" and calculate the index number of each other year relatively to that common base. This is called the " fixed base system." Another way is that of the " chain " system by which the index number of each year is first calculated as a " link " relatively to the pre- ceding year and then multiplied by all the preceding links back to the base year. 350 SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 351 § 2. Varieties of Types, Weightings, and Tests There are only six types of index number formulae which need to be considered : the arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, median, mode, and aggregative — all defined in Chapter II. Of these, the mode and, in general, the me- dian, may be ignored as too sluggish or unresponsive to email influences to make them sensitive and accurate barometers of price movements. As shown in Chapters III and VIII, there are six chief ways of "weighting " the price relatives entering into any index number (except the aggregative) viz., (1) simple or even weighting, each price relative (like the 282 and C8) being counted once ; (2) by base year values (desig- nated in the book as weighting /), wool being counted twice to rubber once if the value of the wool sold in the base year is twice that of the rubber; (3) by given year values (weighting IV) ; (4) and (5) by '^ hybrid" values, each weight being formed by multiplying the price of either year by the quantity of the other year (weight- ings II and ///) ; and, finally (6) by crosses or means between the weightings I and IV, or II and III. Of these six systems of weighting the middle four are fundamental enough to tabulate : I by base year values (po?0) etc.) // '' hybrid " (pogi, " ) III " hybrid' " (pi^o, " ) IV " given year " (piQ'ij " ) In the case of the aggregative index numbers, since the weights (of an index number of prices) are, in this case, merely quantities (not, as in other cases, values), we have only four methods of weighting, viz., (1) simple ; (2) by base year quantities (weighting I) ; (3) by given year 352 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS quantities (weighting I V) ; and (4) by a cross or mean between the last two (7 and IV). There are two chief tests of reversibiUty for an index number formula (F) : First, it should give consistent results if applied forward (Poi) and backward (Pio) between the two dates " " and " 1 " (i.e. Poi X Pio should = 1). This has been called Test 1, or the time re- versal test. To illustrate, if the index number shows 1918's prices average twice those of 1913, the same for- mula should, when applied the other way round, show 1913's prices to average half those of 1918. Secondly, the formula should give consistent results if applied to prices and to quantities {i.e. Poi X Qoi should = Toi) ^.e. -^^). This has been called Test 2, or the factor reversal test. To illustrate, if we know that the total value of the commodities has doubled and our index number of prices shows that prices have, on the average, doubled, the same index number formula should, when applied to quantities, show that quantities, on the average, have re- mained the same. In short, we can check up the forward and backward index numbers by the principle that their product should be unity, and we can check up the price and quantity index numbers by the principle that their product should be the value ratio. § 3. Bias But many kinds of index numbers do not thus check up. For instance, the arithmetic index number does not. The product of any arithmetic index number, taken for- ward, multiplied by the arithmetic with the same weights but taken backward, fails to meet Test 1 by always and necessarily exceeding unity {i.e. Poi X Pio > 1)- SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 353 Thus, if we designate by 100 per cent the 1913 price of each of the 36 commodities used in this book, the prices of bacon, barley, beef, etc., in 1917 are respectively 193 per cent, 211 per cent, 129 per cent, etc., the simple arith- metic average of which figures — i.e. the simple arith- metic index number for 1917 — is 176 per cent ; while if, reversely, we call every price in 1917 100 per cent, the prices of bacon, barley, beef, etc., in 1913 are respectively 52 per cent, 47 per cent, 77 per cent, etc., the simple arith- metic average of which figures is 63 per cent. But these two arithmetic index numbers, 176 per cent and 63 per cent, are mutually inconsistent since the ratio of 176 to 100 is not the same as the ratio of 100 to 63, i.e. 1.76 and .63 are not reciprocals. In other words, 1.76 X .63 is not 1.00, but is 1.11, so that the 1.76 and the .63 are too big by a '' joint error " of 11 per cent, or about 5.5 per cent apiece. The 11 per cent is their " joint error " and the 5.5 per cent imputed to each index number is its "up- ward bias," a tendency to exaggerate inherent in the arithmetic process of averaging. Similarly, the harmonic process of calculating index numbers has a downward bias {i.e. Poi X Fio< 1). It is of interest to observe that the 11 per cent or other figure calculated for the " joint error " of any two forward and backward index numbers, or of any two price and quantity index numbers, is always an absolutely true figure. We can always know to a certainty how greatly the product of the two index numbers errs. But — and this is of still greater interest — the ascription of half of the joint error to each of the two is merely a guess, based on considerations of probability. We can never say with certainty how far wrong any one index number may be. The " absolutely correct " figure always eludes us. We have no absolute criterion of correctness but only of in- 354 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS correctness. Nevertheless — and this is of the greatest interest — we can, on grounds of probability, narrow down the fringe of doubt until it is practically negligible. Besides the above mentioned cases of bias lurking in two types of index numbers — the arithmetic and the harmonic — there is another sort of bias pertaining to certain systems of weighting. It might seem, at first sight, that any of the six systems of weighting would be as likely to afford errors in one direction as the other — that, for instance, the use of base year values as weights would be no more likely to yield a small index number than would the use of given year values, nor the use of given year values to yield a large index number any more than that of base year values. But such equal liability to err in either direction is not found. Of the six systems of weighting (applicable to all the types of index numbers, except the aggregative), only the simple weighting and the cross weighting are not definitely biased in some one direction. As to the other four weightings (7, 77, 777, IV), it was shown in Chapter V that the formulae with weight- ings 7 and 777 have necessarily a positive joint error, as likewise do the formulae with weightings 77 and IV. It was also shown that weightings 7 and 77 give almost iden- tical results, as also do 777 and IV. Practically, there- fore, the four systems yield only two results : 7, 77 and 777, 7F with a positive joint error between these two. If we apportion this joint error equally, we may say that 7 and 77 have a definite downward bias, and 777 and IV a definite upward bias. It was shown that the reason these weight biases exist is because 7 and 77 give too much weight to the smaller price relatives while 777 and IV give too much weight to the larger price relatives. Bias must be eliminated in order to obtain a good index SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 355 number. To be completely free of bias a formula of un- biased type, such as the geometric, needs also to have un- biased weighting, such as cross weighting. A biased type, however, can be remedied by the use of an oppositely biased weighting, or vice versa. Thus, in the case of an arithmetic formula weighted by base year values, the upward type bias is offset by the downward weight bias. Reversely, in the case of a harmonic weighted by given year values, the downward type bias is offset by the up- ward weight bias. Some formulae, however, have both type bias and weight bias. Thus the arithmetic formula, if weighted by given year values, has a double dose of upward bias {i.e. both the upward type bias inherent in the arithmetic process of averaging and the upward weight bias inherent in the given year weighting). Reversely, the harmonic formula, if weighted by base year values, has a double dose of downward bias (i.e. both the downward type bias inherent in the harmonic process of averaging, and the downward weight bias inherent in base year weighting). Other formulae, of course, have just a single dose of bias due either to the type or the weighting. Thus the geo- metric formula weighted by given year values has simply the upward weight bias from the given year weighting without any type bias, while, reversely, the geometric weighted by base year values has only the downward weight bias from the base year weighting without any type bias. Again the cross weight arithmetic has simply upward type bias pertaining to the arithmetic process without any weight bias, while, reversely, the cross weight harmonic has only the downward type bias of the harmonic without any weight bias. The bias of any index number (whether type bias or weight bias, or both) increases with the dispersion of the 356 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS price relatives and in a rapidly increasing ratio. Con- sequently a biased formula, while it has only a slight error when there is little dispersion, has an enormous error when (as happens with the lapse of time) there is a great dis- persion. As to the aggregative, the two types of weighting, I and IV, are not biased. The aggregative / (Formula' 53^ in our series of numbers) is known as Laspeyres' formula and the aggregative IV (Formula 54) is known as Paasche's formula. These two formulae are identical re- spectively with arithmetic I (Formula 3) and harmonic IV (Formula 19), as well as with certain others. Although only two (arithmetic and harmonic) of the six types of formulae and only four (7, II, III, IV) of the six kinds of weighting are " biased," i.e. liable to err in a given direction, they are all subject to some error and so may be called more or less " erratic." When a formula is especially erratic it is called " freakish." The mode and, less markedly, the median are freakish types and simple weighting is freakish weighting. The weighted aggregatives are only slightly erratic ; the joint error of the forward and backward aggregative index numbers is very small. § 4. Derivation of Antithetical Formulae By means of the two reversibility tests we find that each formula has its special '' time antithesis " and its special " factor antithesis." As shown in Chapter IV, the time antithesis is derived by reversing the times, i.e. taking the index number backward, and, then inverting the result (dividing it into unity), while the factor antithe- sis is derived by reversing the factors, i.e. taking the index ^ For the mnemonic system of numbering the various formulae see Appendix V, § 2. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 357 number for quantities instead of for prices and then di- viding the result into the value ratio. That is, the time antithesis of any index number formula, Pqi is ^- while the factor antithesis of Poi is ■—. By these processes, applied to the various types and sys- tems of weighting already described, we are provided with 46 primary formulae. As shown in Chapter VII, these are arrangeable in sets of four each, or " quartets " (some of which may be reduced to " duets ")• In each quartet, each horizontal pair of formulae are antitheses by Test 1, and each vertical pair are antitheses by Test 2, thus forming two pairs of time antitheses and two pairs of factor antitheses. These 46 primary formulae comprise : the simples, the weighted I, II, III, IV, just cited, and the factor antith- eses of all these. Of these 46 not a single one conforms to the factor reversal test, and only four (the simple geometric, median, mode, and aggregative) to the time reversal test. § 5. Rectification By crossing (i.e. taking the geometric mean of) any pair of time antitheses, we derive a formula which conforms to the time reversal test; and by crossing any pair of factor antitheses, we derive a formula which conforms to the factor reversal test ; while by doing both, we derive a formula which conforms to both tests. Instead of crossing formulae, we may, as already stated, cross their weights. By this alternative process we may also derive formulae that conform to Test 1. The two alternative processes do, however, present certain contrasts. For instance, in order to secure conformity to Test 1, formula crossing must be accompHshed through the geo- 358 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS metric mean (except that, in two cases, those of the geomet- ric and aggregative index numbers, the aggregative mean is also an available method). Weight crossing, on the other hand, may be accomplished through the arithmetic, harmonic, or geometric means and, of these three methods, the arithmetic probably yields the most accurate result. Any given cross weight formula and the corresponding cross formula always agree very nearly. By means of crossing formulae we mcrease our list of 46 " primary " formulae to the " main series " of 96 and, by crossing the weights, we enlarge the series to 134. By rectification any bad formula can be reformed. Bias can be eUminated, while freakishness can be reduced but not entirely ehminated. § 6. Base Shifting The so-called circular test requires that, in a given series of years no matter which year is taken for base, the re- sulting index numbers shall stand in the same ratios each to each ; consequently, if we calculate index numbers from year to year, or from place to place around a speci- fied circuit of years or places, we shall end at the same figure from which we started. But this circular test is, strictly, not a fair test ; for shifting the base ought to change these relations. A direct comparison between two par- ticular years is the only true comparison for those two years. Comparisons between those two particular years, via other years, ought not necessarily to give the same re- sult ; on the contrary, there ought, in general, to be a discrepancy or gap. Nevertheless, in the cases of our most exact formulae, this gap is, in actual fact, found to be negligible, being only a small fraction of one per cent. That is, the circular test, although theoretically wrong, is practically fulfilled by the best formulae. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 359 Consequently, it is not necessary, in practice, to calcu- late an index number between every possible pair of years. A single series will be sufficiently accurate for all these inter-year comparisons. For this piu"pose, we may use the chain system, the fixed base system, the base being one year only, or a broadened fixed base system, i.e. one in which the base is an average over several years. Of these three, the chain system is strictly correct only for consecutive years ; for longer comparisons {i.e. when reckoned back relatively to the original base), it is subject to cumulative error. Of the remaining two, the broad- ened fixed base system seems, on the whole, better than the fixed base system with its single year as base, although we may often be forced to use the latter for lack of data necessary for calculating any broader base. Moreover, in the case of the aggregative, the preference is inappre- ciable. Index numbers are more frequently used to compare each year with the base than to compare successive years. The fixed base system, when used for comparing two years neither of which is the base, is always subject to some error. But this error is usually sHght and is not cumula- tive. Only for long or for very dispersive periods, if at all, is any other index number needed in addition to those of the fixed base system. §7. Formulae Compared To find the best formula we first eliminate as " freakish " the simples and their derivatives, and the modes and me- dians and their derivatives. All the remaining formulse fall into five groups, which may be plotted as a five-tined fork, the middle tine portraying the formulae without bias, the two tines nearest portraying the formulae having a single dose of bias, and the two outer tines portraying 360 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the formulae having a double dose of bias. Eliminating all biased formulse, we have remaining only those on the middle tine, 47 in number, all of which agree closely with each other. These consist of rectified formulse and of the Formulse 53 and 54, Laspeyres' and Paasche's. Of these 47, the 13 which fulfill both tests agree with one another still better. Of these 13, the " ideal " Formula 353, J ^^^^° X —^^, is at least equal in accuracy and is Spogo Spogi probably slightly superior in accuracy to any of the others. This Formula 353 is demonstrably correct within less than one eighth of one per cent and probably within a hun- dredth of one per cent, as a measure of the average change of the given data (prices or quantities, etc.) between the two years for which it is calculated. In other words, in the case of Formula 353, we have no perceptible " instru- mental error " to deal with. So far as the mere question of formula is concerned, the index number method is cer- tainly henceforth to be recognized as possessing as high a degree of precision as the majority of physical measures in practical use. But there is no thought of maintaining that 353 is the " one and only " formula. On the contrary, a chief con- clusion is that all index numbers which are not freakish or biased practically agree with each other. Even the freakish medians, and probably also the more freakish modes, agree with the good ones fairly well when very large num- bers of commodities are used. In all others, viz., the arithmetic-harmonic, the geometric, and the aggregative, agreement is found to a startling degree. In other words, the idea that index numbers of different types or systems of weighting disagree is, in general, true only before they are " rectified." Those, like Pierson, whose studies have led them to distrust and abandon index numbers as worth- SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 361 less have simply not pushed their studies far enough. Nevertheless, a small grain of truth remains in Pierson's contention. There is no index number which can be spoken of as absolutely " correct." There must, theoretically, always remain a fringe of doubt. All that we can say with certainty is that this fringe of doubt instead of be- ing very large, as Pierson thought, is, for the " ideal " formula, very small — ordinarily less than a tenth or even a hundredth of one per cent. § 8. The Eight Most Practical Formulae We have seen that Formula 353 is the best when the utmost accuracy is desired. Formula 2153, wo i- gi; Pi 2(go + gi) Po however, which will seldom appreciably differ in its re- sults from 353, is more quickly calculated. In case the full data are not available for calculating Formula 353 or 2153, but data are available for calculat- ing 6053, 53, or 54, any of these three will serve excellently as a substitute for 353. If data even for Formula 53 are imavailable, round-weights may be guessed at, i.e. 9051 may be used as a makeshift for Formula 53. If no data at all are available for judging the relative weights so that recourse must be had to simple formulae, the simple median (Formula 31) and the simple geometric (Formula 21) are the best, with possibly a slight prefer- ence for the former in most cases. The simple arithmetic (Formula 1) should not be used under any circumstances, being always biased and usually freakish as well. Nor should the simple aggregative (Formula 51) ever be used ; in fact this is even less reliable. The relative accuracy of these eight formulae may roughly be given as follows : 353 is usually correct within one hundredth of one per cent ; 2153 is usually correct 362 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS within one fourth of one per cent ; 6053, 53, and 54 are usu- ally correct within one per cent ; 9051 is usually correct within three per cent; 21 and 31 are usually correct within six per cent. These eight important formulse are the only ones which ever need to be used, although not by any means the only ones which may be used. Their computation and that of 8053 are exemplified in figures in Appendix VI, § 2. § 9. Suggested Application to the United States These eight formulse are to be used according to the adequacy of the data. For the general index number of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, full data for quantities, being dependent on the census reports, are available only once in ten years. Consequently, Formula 353 can be used only once in ten years. In the intervening period, Formula 53 should be used as, in fact, it is. At the close of each decade the figure reached by Formula 53 can be checked up by means of 353 applied to the new data then available. The discrepancy may then be pro- rated over the preceding ten years and these corrected figures be substituted in all future publications for the figures originally obtained by Formula 53, just as is done with population figures. The figures for Formula 53 should be calculated by the fixed base method, as at present, and not the chain sys- tem, so that the discrepancy at the end of the decade may be a minimum. The Formula 353 figures, on the other hand, being calculated between successive censuses, would form a chain system, each link being a decade, although, to satisfy scientific curiosity, it would be well, as each new census appears, to calculate from each new census directly to all the preceding censuses. The discrepancies which would be found would inevitably be negUgible. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 363 § 10. Critique of Formulae Proposed by Others It has been necessary to compare many varieties of formulas only to find, in the end, little practical use for most of them. Until complete comparisons were made we could not be sure which agreed or disagreed, which were correct, or which lent themselves to rapid calculation. Of the 25 formulae mentioned by previous writers as possibly valuable, we have seen that the following ought never to be used because of bias: 1, 2, 9, 11, 23. The following ought never to be used because of freakishness : 41, 51, 52. All the rest may be used under various cir- cumstances (as to availability of data) as may also about 35 other formulae presented in this book for the first time. All these usable formulae will agree under like circumstances with the seven formulae actually rec- ommended as the most practical. The only formulae much in use of the 25 formulae men- tioned by previous writers are : 1, 21, 31, 51, 53, 6023, 6053, 9021. Of these eight, Formula 21 or Formula 9021, now used by the British Board of Trade, 53 or 6053, used by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics and the Aus- tralian Bureau of Census and Statistics, and Formula 23 or 6023, used by Professors Day and Persons in the Review of Economic Statistics, published by the Harvard Committee on Economic Research, are all good, although the last named will deteriorate as, with the lapse of time, the base period is left very far away. Of the other five, the most thoroughly objectionable are 1 and 51, although 1 is the formula most often used. There are two objections to Formula 1, the simple arithmetic, viz. ; (1) that it is " simple," and (2) that it is arithmetic ! — that it is at once freakish and biased. In the case of Sauer- beck's index number, for instance, the bias alone reaches 36 per cent ! , 364 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The conclusions of the present book depart from pre- vious thought and practice in fundamental method. Hitherto writers have been debating the " best type " (whether arithmetic, geometric, or median) by itself, the *' best weighting " by itself, and the bearing on these of the distribution of price relatives. But from our study it should be clear that it makes little difference what type we start with, or what the weighting is (so long as it is systematic), or what the distribution of price relatives may be so long as we " rectify " the formulae and so elim- inate all these sources of distortion or onesidedness. Moreover, even if we do not thus rectify the primary formulae but merely choose from among them, our study helps us do the choosing, so as to avoid bias and minimize error. Thus, as to the long controversy over the relative merits of the arithmetic and the geometric types, our study shows us that the simple geometric, 21, is better than the simple arithmetic, 1, but that, curiously enough, the weighted arithmetic, 3, is better than the weighted geo- metric, 23. § 11. Speed of Computation The chief practical restriction on the use of the many fairly good formulae is imposed by the time required to calculate them. No formula, for instance, surpasses appreciably in accuracy Formula 5323 and, were it as easily calculated as its equivalent, 353, I would seriously suggest 5323 for practical use. But, on a test problem, it requires 44.2 hours to calculate 5323 while Formula 353, which yields precisely as good a result, requires only 14.3 hours, and 2153, which yields almost as good a re- sult, requires only 9.6 hours. Besides accuracy and speed we need, in practice, to consider two other qualities, viz,, conformity to the SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 365 so-called circular test, and simplicity, or intelligibility to the uninitiated. The best practical all-around formula, taking all four points into account, — accuracy, speed, minimum legitimate circular discrepancy, simplicity — is the Edgeworth-Marshall formula, 2153. Formula 353 is " best " only in the sense of accuracy, as the telescopes in the great observatories are best. But smaller, cheaper telescopes, spy glasses, and opera glasses still have their uses. No one would want a Lick telescope on the porch of his summer residence or at the theater. § 32. Two Consequences of the Agreement of Index Ntimbers Among the consequences of the surprising agreement between the various legitimate methods of calculating index numbers are two which need emphasis here. The first is that all discussion of " different formulae appropriate for different purposes " falls to the ground. The second is that, the supposed differences among formulae once banished, the real problem of accuracy is shifted to the other features of an index number, — the assortment of the commodities included, their number, and data. Errors due to mere insufficiency of number are relatively small, while those due to inaccuracies of data are usually negligible, even though these inaccuracies individually be great. Thus the figures for weights in particular may usually be tenfold or one tenth of the true figures with- out appreciably disturbing the accuracy of the resulting index number. Henceforth, the effort to improve the accuracy of index numbers must center chiefly on the assortment of the items to be included. This will differ for the different purposes to which the proposed index number is to be put. 366 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 13. Current Ideas How do the conclusions reached in this book differ from previous views on index numbers ? Largely, of course , these views are confirmed and supported by new data. The main results of C. M. Walsh's thoroughgoing studies are supported. His three favorite formulae, advocated in his first and larger book, the Measurement of General Ex- change Value, are 1123, 1153, and 1154, all of which are '' superlative " in our hierarchy of index numbers, i.e. practically peers of 353. He also advocated (as Marshall and Edgeworth did before him and as I do) Formula 2153. In his second book. The Problem of Estimation, as already indicated, he reached independently the conclusion that Formula 353 is probably the king of all index number formulae. In like manner, the conclusions of this book support and are supported by most of the work of Jevons, Marshall, Edgeworth, Pigou, Flux, Knibbs, Mitchell, Meeker, Young, Persons, and Macaulay. Yet many of the conclusions are new and of these sev- eral run athwart current ideas. The concept of bias, as it applies to the arithmetic and harmonic types, has been implicitly recognized (though not specially named) by Walsh, and, to some extent, by others; but, as applied to systems of weighting, it is new. One of the points which, though by implication recog- nized by Walsh, will appear as new to almost everyone else, is that the kind of weighting befitting any index num- ber is different for different types. Test 1 has been more or less definitely recognized, but Test 2 is new and no index number hitherto in actual use conforms to Test 2. Rectification is a new idea, except as to one special case (namely rectification relatively to Test 1 accompUshed SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 367 by means of weight crossing). Consequently, many of the formulsB derived in the processes of rectification are new and several of these new formulae are, so far as ac- curacy is concerned, practically as good as any formula previously suggested. The conclusion that the circular test is theoretically wrong is entirely new ; that it is nevertheless practically right, as applied to all good index numbers, is almost new ; that all index numbers conforming to rational stand- ards of excellence agree to a nicety is new ; that the par- ticular type of formulae and the particular weighting of formulae prior to rectification and the particular sort of dispersion or distribution of the relatives to be averaged, are unimportant, and that only the criteria of goodness are vitally important, is new ; finally, that in selecting an index number formula the purpose to which it is put is immaterial is practically new. In view of these divergences from current thought, it is not siu-prising that the conclusions reached often col- lide with current practice. § 14. The Future Uses of Index Numbers If the conclusions reached are correct, some of the meth- ods of calculating index numbers now most in vogue should be discontinued. It is high time that index num- bers should be so calculated as to enable us to get out of them all there is in them. Their use is rapidly growing and often with little heed paid to the methods of making them. When they are made rightly, as a matter of or- dinary routine, their usefulness will be greatly increased and may be extended to many fields scarcely touched upon as yet. Thirty years ago only wholesale price indexes were used and even these were not as numerous, as widely 368 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS known, or as widely used as today, when so many official agencies and so many trade journals publish them. In- dex numbers of retail prices, of wages, and of the prices or sales of stocks were rarities, if not curiosities. Today these are common. In Great Britain alone, three million laborers have their wages regulated annually by an index nmnber of retail prices. We have numerous index num- bers of the stock market, even in daily papers. We now have also index numbers of the cost of living, of the mini- mum of subsistence, and of wages in terms of that mini- mum. Good index numbers of the quantities of goods produced, consumed, or exchanged are also comparatively new. Beginning with the crude efforts of Rawson-Rawson a generation ago, Kemmerer in 1907, and myself in 1911, such index numbers have in the past few years come to have considerable statistical value, and are even becoming differentiated into indexes of production, manufacture, crops, national income, imports, exports, barometers of trade, etc. Another recent application of index num- bers, now current in at least five countries, is that of measuring the trend of the foreign exchanges. One of the most interesting recent developments is the application of index numbers to special industries, such as lumber or building {e.g. the Aberthaw Index of the cost of a cement building) ; or even to special individual busi- nesses, such as the American Writing Paper Company {e.g. for paper production costs) ; or even to special de- partments in an individual business {e.g. the price of textbooks of Henry Holt and Company). When the business statistician begins to realize the usefulness of this device in his own business, index numbers will be found sprouting, right and left, to serve the purposes of trade journals, of railways, insurance companies, banks, commercial houses, and large corporations. Their use- SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK 369 fulness will be greatly enhanced when the wrong formulae (especially Formula 1) now generally used are replaced by right ones.^ But the original purpose of index numbers — to meas- ure the purchasing power of money — will remain a principal, if not the principal, use of index numbers. It is through index numbers that we measure, and thereby realize, changes in the value of money. Whether or not we ever stabilize that value, it is of the greatest impor- tance that we know just how stable or unstable our present money is. This is the chief reason why today we are so much more interested in index numbers than before the war. Index numbers tell us the value of the mark, lire, and franc, at home in terms of goods, as foreign exchange tells us their value abroad in term^s of gold. And if, or when, we do regulate and stabilize the moneys of the world, not simply relatively to each other but relatively to goods, it is the index number which will be requisitioned to measure and guide such regulation. Addendum to 1 9 Since this chapter was put ia paged type, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics has changed its system of weighting by substituting the newly available data of 1919 for those of 1909 hitherto used. Their results enable us to calculate the index number by Formula 353 between the two years, 1909 and 1919. This turns out to be 1.4 per cent lower than the Bureau's old figure based on 1909 data and that much higher than its new figure based on 1919 data. The adjustments needed for the intervening nine years barely exceed 1 per cent in any case. ^ For a list of current index numbers, see Appendix I (Note to Chapter XVII, § 14). APPENDIX I NOTES TO TEXT Note A to Chapter II, § 3. The Word "Aggregative." The word "ag- gregative" is here proposed for general use (after consultation with several experts) in place of "price-aggregate" or any other long phrase. I first favored "aggregatic," a coined word, but Professor Wesley C. Mitchell called my attention to the existence, in the dictionary, of "aggregative." Besides brevity it has several advantages over the "price-aggregate" or "aggregate-expenditure method," or other roundabout inadequate phrases which have been used, including its appUcabUity to quantities, wages, etc., as well as to prices. Note B to Chapter II, § 3. The Base Number Need Not be 100. Any other number than 100 may, of course, be arbitrarily taken. As such a common base number, G. H. Knibbs of Australia has used 1000. This would change our index number for 1914 from the above 96.32 to 963.2 and increase tenfold every other index number in the series. The London Economist takes 2200 as the base number, there being originally 22 com- modities in the index number. Analogously, we could here take 3600 as the base number, in which case the index number for 1914, instead of the above 96.32 would be 36 times as much, or the 3467.52 at the foot of the column in the table, saving us the trouble of dividing. Some index num- bers take, as the base number, the number of dollars spent on a given bud- get of commodities in the base year or period. But, in general, the 100 per cent figure is found most convenient. In Table 2 in Chapter II, § 6, while the base number for each individual link is originally taken as 100 per cent, in the final series the base numbers are 100, 96.32, 97.94, 125.33, etc., the first being used only as base num- ber for the second, the second (96.32) being likewise used only as base number for the third, etc. Note to Chapter II, § 11. Proof that for the Simple Geometric, Fixed Base and Chain Methods Agree. To prove algebraically the identity between chain and base averages under the simple geometric formula, the 1913-1914 link is V— X ^ X . Po Pa and the 1914-1915 link is x'^ X ^ X . . . Pi Pi The chain index number for 1915 relatively to 1913 via 1914 is the product 371 372 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS of these two links ; and, in that product, evidently the pi's cancel out as do the p'l's, etc., giving, as the result, -^El X — X . . . which is identical with the fixed base formula for 1915 Po p'o relatively to 1913. Note to Chapter II, § 13. Method of Finding the Simple Mode. There are Finding the Simple Mode rnodQ NUHBER OF COMMODITIES Chart 62. Illustrating the graphical distribution of the price relatives and the method of selecting the mode. (This chart is the only one in the book not a ratio chart ; but, of course, the location of the mode is unaffected thereby.) The top bar represents one commodity (coke), the price relative of which lies in the range 350 to 355 per cent ; the bottom bar represents two commodities (coffee and rubber) in the range 80 to 85 per cent ; while the mode occurs where there are four commodities — the largest niunber — within the range 135 to 140 per cent. APPENDIX I 373 many methods of computing the mode, several graphic and several alge- braic. The method here used is the simplest and roughest and is illus- trated in Chart 62, for prices for 1917.^ The largest price relative (351.8) lay between 350 and 355 and is represented by the topmost bar. The smallest (80.3) lay between 80 and 85 and, as there was another (83.5) in that range, these two are represented by the lowermost bar which is, there- fore, twice as long as the uppermost, or first mentioned, bar. Between these extremes are ranged the other price relatives represented by the other bars — usually representing one price relative each but in five cases, including the case of the lowermost, representing two price relatives, and in two cases, representing four. The total of the bars represents 36, the total number of price relatives, or the number of commodities. The commonest or most frequent is, therefore, the height of one of the two fourfold bars. The one chosen and marked "mode" has a height of 135-140. The chart illustrates the difficulty which often arises of choos- ing between two equal frequencies. Here the lower of the two fourfold bars was chosen because, by taking a range larger than 5 points, the fre- quency within that range is greater for the neighborhood of the lower bar than for that of the upper. Note to Chapter II, § 14. Proof that Fixed Base and Chain Methods Agree in Simple Aggregative. The formula for the aggregative index number for 1915 (year "2") relatively to 1913 (year "0") is Spo' On a chain basis, the formulae to be multiplied eventually are the 1913-1914 link ^^ Spo and the 1914-1915 Hnk -^^. Spi The chain index number for 1915 relatively to 1913, via 1914, is the prod- uct of these two links, i.e. (after canceling) it is — ^ which is identi- Spo cal with the above formula for 1915 on 1913 directly as base. Note A to Chapter II, § 15. The General Definition of "Average." An average, x, of any series of terms, a, b, c, etc., is any function of these terms such that, if they all happen to be equal to each other, x will be equal to each of them also. Thus, taking the simple arithmetic average a+b + c-\- . . . X = ■ ■ ! n where n is the number of terms, let us show that this is a true, average ac- cording to the definition. If each of these terms happens to equal every other, having a common value, k, i.e. ii a = b = c = . . . = k, then, evi- dently, ' This chart is not a ratio chart, but the results are not affected thereby. 374 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS k -\- k -{- k + . . . nk , X = — ■ = — = «, n n which was to have been proved. The simple harmonic is Ukewise a true average ; for, in this case, i + i + i + ... 1 + 1 + 1 + .. . „(i) 1 a b c k k k \kJ k which was to have been proved. Likewise, for the simple geometric, X = -y/a be. . . = Vfc k k . . . = VA:" = k. Likewise, as to the simple median. For the middle term of a, b, c, etc., when they become k, k, k, etc., is k; and, as to the simple mode, the com- monest term among k, k, k, etc., is A;. As to the simple aggregative we must start with fractions with specific numerators and denominators. Let a be — . 6 be —> c be — > etc. Then ABC the simple aggregative average of a, b, c, etc., is a+ /3 + 7 + . .. A+B + C+ ... Ifa = b = c = ...=k, then -7 = ^ —7; - ^ ^^^ a = kA; ^ = kB; ABC 7 = kC, etc. Hence, substituting these for a, /3, 7, etc., in the above expression for x, we have kA +kB + kC + . . . X = A+B + C + . . . k(A+B + C + . . .) A+B + C + . = k, which was to have been proved. We have found, then, that all of the six simple averages used in this book are true averages according to the definition. Weighting does not affect the matter; because weighting is, by defi- nition, merely counting a term as though it were two terms, or three terms, or any other number of terms. The only index numbers used in this book which are not true averages are some, not all, of the even numbered formulae (and derivatives), which are the quotients of a value ratio divided by an average. Our definition, however, may be modified to suit such cases by specifying as the test of an average P of the price ratios, not only that it shall equal the price ratios if they equal each other, but also that at the same time the quantity ratios shall equal each other. APPENDIX I 375 Thatis,if p = '^Pl2l^Q Spo3o 9i g 1 where Q is an average, by the ordinary definition, of — , ^, etc., we are to So go prove that P = k when Pi _ P'l _ P"i - - /g Po p'o p"o and when, at the same time, 2!'= ^ = . . . = k'. go g'o The last equations show that Q, being an average of -?3, etc., must be equal go to k'. Hence P = ^^i^} ^ &'. Spogo Since ^ = fc, Po it follows that Pi = kpo, etc. Substituting in the last expression we have p _ 2(fcpo)(fc'go) _^ j^, Spogo _ fcfc'(Spogo) ^ ^, spogo = k, which was to have been proved. It should be noted, incidentally, that the definition of an average, as originally stated, is a little broader than that usually employed, which re- quires that an average, to deserve the name, must lie between the highest and the lowest of the terms averaged. This would rule out the geometric average when one of the terms was zero or negative. But as index num- bers are always averages of positive terms this limitation of the geometric does not embarrass us. Even other forms which, under extreme conditions, kick over the traces seldom do so in practice. Note B to Chapter II, § 15. Proof that Geometric Lies between Arithmetic Above and Harmonic Below. The rigorous proof of this well known propo- sition (that the geometric average necessarily lies below the arithmetic and above the harmonic) is to be found in standard treatises on algebra.^ But the simple principle involved may be noted here. Let us compare first only the arithmetic and the geometric averages of (say) 50 and 200 (the arithmetic being 125 and the geometric, 100). The geometric average is based wholly on the idea of ratios. Relatively to ' See, for instance, Chrystal'a Text-Book of Algebra, Part II, p. 46. 376 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS the 100 the 200 is twice as great and the 50 is "twice as small," so that "geometrically," i.e. as to ratios, the two balance each other, one being as much superior in ratio to 100 as the other is inferior in ratio to 100. But these equal ratios on either side of 100 make unequal differences on either side of 100; for the differences are 50 below and 100 above. Hence 100, while midway geometrically between 50 and 200, is lower than midway arithmetically. Hence the arithmetic average lies above the geometric. Similarly, the geometric average of 10 and 1000 is 100, the 1000 being ten times as great as this average and the 10 being "ten times as small" as this average. But this 100, while half-way up from 10 toward 1000 in two equal ratio steps, is not nearly half-way up in two equal difference steps. Similarly, the geometric average of 1 and 10,000 is 100 because two steps of one hundredfold each carries us from 1 to 10,000, the 100 being the half- way step, but arithmetically 100 is far nearer to the 1 than to the 10,000. In short, the geometric method gives more influence to the small magni- tudes than does the arithmetic and so results in a smaller average. If we take the geometric average of any terms and then take the geo- metric average of their reciprocals, these two geometric averages are re- ciprocals of each other. By ordinary algebra this is almost self-evident, i.e. 1 1 ^ Ix-x- X VaXbXcX ... Vo X 6 X c X . Just as the arithmetic average is necessarily greater than the geometric average so the harmonic average is necessarily smaller than the geometric average. This is due to inverting. Take the same original figures, 50 and 200, whose geometric average is 100. Their reciprocals are rs and ^^ whose geometric average is tot, the reciprocal of the geometric average of the original figures 50 and 200. Now this inverting the three numbers 50, 100, 200, has also inverted their order from the ascending order of 50, 100, 200, to the descending order of TC, TiTff, Taty- But the arithmetic average always lies above the geometric. The arith- metic average, therefore, in the series 50, 100, 200, is on the right of the 100 and is on the left of the r^ in the series, tV, riir, ^hs- To be spe- cific, we may insert in both cases the arithmetic average in parenthesis in its proper order, as follow^ : 50, 100, (125), 200, and i^, (^), tot, ^■ Reinverting, we obtain 50, [80], 100, 200 where the 80 in square brackets is the harmonic average of 50 and 200 {i.e. the reciprocal of the arithmetic average of their reciprocals). Evidently this harmonic average is below the geometric. It is interesting to note further that, when there are only two numbers to be averaged (a and h), not only, as has just been shown, does the geometric average of a and h (which is Va X h) lie between the arithmetic and har- monic averages of a and b but it is their geometric average ; for the latter, the geometric average of the arithmetic and harmonic averages of a and h, APPENDIX I 377 S-^) ( a after reduction, comes out V a X b, the geometric average of a and b. Note to Chapter III, § 1. An Index Number of Purchasing Power. In the book no use is made of the concept of purchasing power of money. Everything which could be said of purchasing power can be said of prices and it may be confusing to treat of both. An index number of the general purchasing power of a dollar may be defined as the reciprocal of an index number of prices. If either is obtained, the other may be obtained from it by inversion. This index of general purchasing power may also be con- ceived as an average of particular purchasing powers over individual com- modities, each such being defined as the reciprocal of a price, i.e. a "dol- lar's worth" of anything. The ratios of such dollar's worths between any two dates is the reciprocal of the price relative. Any formula for prices in this book may be translated into a formula of purchasing power by substituting for po, etc., the expression l/ro, etc., where r stands for par- ticular purchasing power and by substituting for P, etc., the expression 1/R. It wiU be found that a given formula applied to work out an index num- ber of purchasing power will yield the same numerical result as if applied to work out an index of prices reversed in time. From this it follows that the reciprocal of the index number of purchasing power is equal to the time antithesis of the index number of prices. Note to Chapter III, § 4. Calculating the Weighted Median and Mode. According to the definition of weights, a term having a weight of "2" is counted as two terms ; and this applies as readily to the median as to any other average when the weight is an integer. When the weight is not an integer the same principle applies, though not so simply. In any case it is well first to arrange the price relatives in order of magnitude. Opposite such a column we write, in another column, the weight for each relative. This second column has 36 elements. Their total sum, S, is the total of the weights. The median is the position in the first column opposite the half-way point in the second. Take, then, half of this sum, -. Then add the elements in the second column, from above, tUl a point is reached where o adding one element more will make the sum exceed -. Let A be this sum or slightly smaller than -. Proceed in the same manner from below, obtain- Ji c ing another sum, B, slightly smaller than -. Then A < - and 5 < -. 2 2 This leaves one middle element with a weight which we may call m, the CI element which makes A ox B exceed — , and such that A + m + B = 5. 378 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The relative in the first column opposite the weight m in the second may be said to lie opposite the middle of m, so that this particular relative is the required median in case, and only in case, half of the second column falls exactly at the middle of m, i.e. in case A + !^ = fi+^ = ^. 2 2 2 In all other cases, the median is not exactly the relative in the first col- unan opposite m, but is an imaginary figure in the first column above or below said relative, which imaginary figure does come opposite the middle of S. This imaginary figure is interp>olated by proportional parts, i.e. by taking the distance in the first column between the two neighboring rela- tives between which the median falls and dividing that distance in the ratio in which in the second column, the middle of S divides the distance between the middle of m and the middle of the neighboring weight. (In practice the operation is simplified by multiplying by two, i.e. by not halving the two weights.) The mode is calculated by the same graphic method for the weighted as for the simple index number, i.e. by plotting columns representing the fre- quency (or total of weights) of price relatives which fall between certain equidistant limits, such as 100-120, 120-140, etc., and selecting the rela- tive having the greatest frequency, or highest colmnn. Various devices are resorted to to facilitate the work which need not be particularized, as the result is always somewhat arbitrary in any case. Note to Chapter III, § 7. Peculiarities of the Aggregative. It may be worth while here to note that the aggregative is, in every respect, peculiar as compared with the other five types of average. As we have seen, the aggregative average, unUke all the other averages, is not computed from the mere price relatives or ratios of which it is an average, but requires, in addition, the specific numerators and denominators of those ratios (the prices themselves). It follows that, if any particular ratio were "reduced" by division, while that ratio itself would be unaffected, its numerator and denominator would be affected and such a change would, in general, change the resulting index number. For any other type than the aggregative it would make no difference what the numerator and denominator were so long as their ratio did not change. Again, as we have already seen, the simple aggregative is not simple in precisely the same sense as the other simple index numbers, because it requires not only the price ratios but the prices. Finally, the weights used in the aggregative average are not weights in quite the same sense as are the weights used in the other averages because they are applied not to the terms averaged (i.e. the price ratios) but to their numerators and denominators separately; moreover, these weights are not values, as are the weights of the other averages, but quantities. Nevertheless, the aggregative conforms to our general definition of an average given in Appendix I (Note A to Chapter II, § 15) ; the simple aggregative is analogous to the other simples in that, given the initial ma- terials, in this case the prices, they are not reduplicated but are each taken once only ; and, lastly, the weights used conform to the general definition of weights given in Chapter I, § 4. I, therefore, prefer retaining the APPENDIX I 379 terms "average," "simple," and "weights" rather than discarding any of them in respect to aggregatives. Note to Chapter III, § 11. Formulce S and 17 Reduce to 68, and 5 and 19 to 59, by Cancellation. The arithmetic with weighting / (Formula 3) is Pi 1 r I P'l , Po p Poqo + p'oq'o + . . . Canceling the two po's in the first term of the numerator, and again can- ceUng the two p'o's in the second, etc., we have goPi + q'op'i + . . . Poqo + p'oq'o + which is identical with the aggregative with weighting / (Formula 53). Similarly, the arithmetic with weighting // (Formula 5) is Poqi 2J + p'oq'i ^ + . . . Po p Poqi + p'oq'i + . . . which reduces, by canceling the po's, the p'o's, etc., to giPi + q'lP'i + • • . Poqi + p'oq'i + . . . which is identical with aggregative IV (Formula 59). The harmonics /// and IV (Formulae 17 and 19) reduce, similarly, to the aggregatives / and IV (53 and 59) respectively. Note to Chapter III, § 12. Professor Edgeworth's and Professor Young's " Probability" Systems of Weighting Give Erratic Results. So far as I know, the only systematic methods of weighting not mentioned in the text which have been even hinted at by other writers are those mentioned by Pro- fessor F. Y. Edgeworth and Professor Allyn A. Young, modeled on proba- bility theory. Professor Allyn A. Young proposes, when the data are uncertain, the formulae V ^(qoW) and J s(£2W) ^ ^(qiW) and their geometric mean. His idea in thus using squares of quantities and values is to follow the analogy of the formulae of probability in the method of least squares. By these formulae, the index number of prices on 1913 as a fixed base would be : 3S0 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Formula 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 101.23 99.99 108.36 149.75 ^ ^(qoW) 164.59 J MqiW) ^ ^iqiW) 101.52 100.52 108.35 148.31 166.68 Edgeworth, to meet the case of uncertain data, proposes to use as weights the reciprocal of the squares of the deviations from some mean, on the theory that the price relatives which deviate the furthest are the least likely to be true indicators of the general trend of prices and therefore ought to be given the least weight. Edgeworth's formula has not been definitely expressed and might be variously interpreted. AppUed to the geometric mean it may be written ^^/(#>^Ci) iLLY'X where d, d', etc., are the percentage deviations of — , — , etc., respectively Po p'o from the mean »11n T) n X 'Po Po By this formula we would have as our price index number the following : 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 96.16 96.81 121.24 165.53 179.64 These results are widely different from our results by ordinary methods. Neither Edgeworth's nor Young's proposed formula seems to fit the case. I agree with Walsh that ordinarily it must be presumed that the price and quantity data are not uncertain but certain, and, if certain, each has a right to be represented, not in proportion to its deviation from some mean, but in proportion to its importance in the usual sense. It seems to me that the only proper application of ideas of probability to averaging price relatives is in cases where the data are actually defective or uncertain ; and the only practical way in such cases is, first, to write the formula deemed best and then, if the data are considered as uncertain, cor- rect this formula in the individual cases of uncertainty by multiplying by arbitrary coeflScients of uncertainty. APPENDIX I 381 At any rate, there is ordinarily no presumption that the uncertainty of the data varies inversely as their deviation (or as its square) from any nor- mal. Such a use of the deviations might lead to very bizarre results. Note to Chapter /F, § 10. The Scope of Our Conclusions. To see clearly the formal framework of our study, let us review it briefly. The problem of finding an index number Pqi for comparing, on the average, the prices (p's) of commodities at two times was mathematically conditioned by certain p's and q's, the q's being the coefficients by which the p's are multiplied to give the values, pq's, of these commodities. So that Spi?i and Zpoqo are the total values of the two groups. What we have sought is a formula or formulse for Pqi such that, if ap- plied the other way, Pio, these two appUcations wUl be consistent, i.e. PoiPio will be unity, and such also that if the same formula be applied to the q's as well as to the p's, these two applications will be consistent, i.e. PoiQoi = Spi^i -T- Spogo or PioQio = 2po3o ^ ^piqu All our conclusions flow from the above formal background. They are, therefore, of as broad application as is this background. They apply if the p's are wholesale prices and the q's are the amounts imported into the United States. They apply equally well if the p's are retail prices and the q's are the quantities sold by grocers in New York City. They hkewise apply if the p's are rates of wages per hour and the q's the numbers of hours worked, or if the p's are the freight rates and the q's the quantities of mer- chandise transported from New York to Liverpool by all Cunard steamers. They likewise apply if the p's are the prices of industrial stocks and the q's are the number of shares sold by John Smith in January. They hke- wise apply to the right-hand side of the "equation of exchange."^ (Some critics have, because of my interest in the equation of exchange, jumped to the conclusion that my discussion of index numbers is in some way limited to the problem of the equation of exchange !) They hkewise apply if the p's are the lengths of the visiting cards of the "400" and the q's their breadths, pq being their area. The results will differ only when the above mathematical conditions differ. Thus, while we could reckon the average change in the length and breadth of visiting cards between two years so as to preserve Tests 1 and 2, we would have to modify our methods if we were to measiu-e the average change in length, breadth, and thickness of dry goods boxes ; for the en- trance of a third factor in addition to the two, p and q, would change the conditions of the problem. Likewise we would need to modify our methods if, for any reason, Tests 1 and 2 are not required. What is emphasized is simply that within the formal conditions which apply to the above premises we find an enormous range of problems. We may formulate in the most general way the above mentioned con- ditions to which the reasoning of this book applies as follows : Given a group of variable magnitudes which, under a set of circum- stances designated by " " are po, p'o, p"o, etc., and which, under a second set of circumstances designated by "1" are pi, p'l, p"i, etc., respectively, and, Given another group of variable magnitudes which are in one to one 1 See Irving Fisher, The Purchasing Power of Money, pp. 26, 53, 388, etc. 382 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS correspondence with the members of the first group, and which, under the set of circumstances "0," are go, q'o, q"o and, imder the second set of cir- cumstances, "1," are 51, q'l, q"\, respectively, and, Given an objective relation existing between the corresponding members of the two groups such that the products poqo, p'oq'o, p"oq"o, etc., on the one hand, and piqi, p'lq'i, p"iq"h etc., on the other, possess a real significance in the field of study from which the magnitudes are drawn, such that it will be recognized as suitable for use in checking up with the ratios as described below. The problem is to construct an index number Poi which shall serve as a fair average of — , ^, ^—^, etc., Pa p'o P"q and Qoi which shall serve as a fair average of — , ^, ^', etc., qo q'o q"o and Pio which shall serve as a fair average of _, — , ^— ?, etc., Pi P'l P"i and Qio which shall serve as a fair average of — , — , ^—^, etc. 91 q'l q"i Under these circumstances it is fair to require the fulfillment of two tests, viz., Test 1 that Poi X Pio = 1 and Qoi X Qio = 1; also Test 2 that Poi X Qoi = ^^i2l and Pio X Qio = ^^Ml, The justification of these 2po5o 2pigi relations is that they hold true of the individual magnitudes of which Poi, Pio, Qoi, and Qio are averages. For example, we know that ^ x — = 1 1. 2 On reducing and simplifying, this fraction becomes 2 + 2a + a2 2 +2a which may be written 1 + 2 +2o This evidently exceeds unity, which was to have been proved. In other words, the two terms, 1 + a H , exceed 2. 1 + a Applying the theorem just proved to the problem in hand, we note that S ( ^Mz ( ^ ), which is to be miiltiphed out, may be written (^ + ^ + ^+...(n terms)) \po V a P I (PP + PJ + P:!" + ...(„ terms)). ^V\ P\ Pi ' On multiplying these two series, we see that the product consists of a series of terms to the nxunber of n^. Some of these terms (namely, those found 1 It is assumed, of course, that the price ratios — , ~, etc. , are not all equal and that they po p'o ore all positive magnitudes. 384 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS by the vertical multiplications such as — X — , etc.) are each evidently Vo Pi unity. The other terms may be arranged in couplets of reciprocals joined by +. Thus the product of the two factors, — X ^— ', may be joined to its reciprocal, — X - — , coming from the same two columns. Since these Po p"i two terms are reciprocals, one must exceed unity and the other be less than unity, i.e. they may be written (1 + a) + ( ) which sum we have U +a) ■■mf.) just shown exceeds 2. It follows that the numerator of — ^^^^ — vtiL will have terms to the number of n^, each term being either 1 or else coupled with another term, the two exceeding 2. Hence the numerator is more than n^ while the denominator is exactly n*. Hence the whole fraction exceeds unity. Note to Chapter V, § 6. The Two Steps between Weightings I and IV. In the text, systems / and // were summarily limaped together as practi- cally the same, and Ukewise systems /// and IV were lumped together. Let us now cUmb about from one index number to another, all based on the same price list but varied by weighting. Thus, in passing from such an index number with the first weighting (/) to one with the last weight- ing (IV), we shall take two separate steps, the short step from / to // and the long one from // to IV, or, alternatively, the long one, / to III, and the short one, /// to IV. To fix our ideas, let us adopt the last com^se I-III-IV. The first step is the passage from / to III, i.e. changing the weight of bacon from poqo to piQo (and likewise changing the weight of barley from p'oq'o to p'lq'o, etc.). Tliis change in the weighting system has the effect, as we have seen, of loading the more heavily those price relatives which are already high, and, therefore, of raising considerably the index number III above / with which we started. This raising always happens whether prices are rising or falling. That is, in this first or "long" step between / and III, there is no uncertainty. Any index number under the system of weighting /// must be larger than under weighting I. In the "short" step between III and IV, on the other hand, there is uncertainty. Any index nu.nber under III may be greater or less than under IV and may even possibly happen under very unusual circumstances to be much larger or smaller. It is a fair lottery. The high price relatives may draw either heavy weights or light weights with an even chance each way, as, likewise, may the low price relatives. The net effect wiU prob- ably be an almost complete offsetting so that the final index number (IV) will probably be close to /// and may be either slightly above or below.* ' It ia, of course, conceivable that there is a correlation between the prices and quan- tities but this may be in either direction according as the prime mover is supply or demand. In the case in hand there is essentially no correlation and investigation of some New York Stock Exchange prices shows the same absence of correlation. In the case of the 12 crops used by Day and Persons of the Harvard Committee on Economic Research, where supply APPENDIX I 385 So that after both steps are taken, and we compare 7 with IV, we cannot, as we could in the case of type bias, be absolutely sure of the result. AU that we can say is that it is exceedingly probable that IV will exceed I. No case to the contrary occurs in the present investigation and it seems very imlikely that such a case will ever be encountered in practice (except for the mode and, in rare cases, the median, or except when there are a very few commodities in the index number). But we have not, even yet, thrown our results respecting weight bias into a form quite comparable with that employed for type bias. In taking each of the two steps, the "long" and the "short," we have used only forward index numbers. But now, after putting the two steps together, we are ready to revert to the original method, that of multiplying together forward and backward index numbers of the same kind. Thus, we have shown that (in all probability) geometric IV forward is always a larger index number than its time antithesis, geometric I forward. But geometric I forward is the reciprocal of geometric IV backward. In proof : Geometric / (23) forward is ^Po Geometric IV (29) forward is Spigi Spogo//pi\po3o ^, {p'i\p'oq'o ^^ \\po> ^Vo> ^'■' Geometric IV backward is found by interchanging the "O's" and "I's" in geometric IV forward and is spogo )go//Po\po3o ^ (p'o\p'(^'o Evidently the first of these three formulae (geometric / forward) is the reciprocal of the last (geometric IV backward), which was to have been proved. It follows that the product of geometric IV forward X geometric IV backward is the same as geometric IV forward X ( - 1 ^geometric / forward/ which is geometric IV geometric / and this (since IV always exceeds 7) is greater than unity. Consequently the original product, geometric IV forward X geometric IV backward, exceeds unity. In other words, they have a positive joint error. In still was the dominant variable in changing the quantities marketed and where there is an in- verse correlation between quantity and price, weighting system I makes for a higher index number than II, and /// than IV. Yet it is noteworthy that the effect on the curves given in Chapter XI is almost negligible. 386 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS other words, geometric IV has an upward bias, and this bias is acquired through weighting, in exactly the same sense as type bias previously found for the arithmetic and harmonic. Likewise, we could trace the transformation of an index number by chang- ing its system of weighting from II to /// via I or IV, i.e. first by the short step- from // to I and then the long one from I to III, or first by the long step from II to IV and then the short step from IV to III. In all cases, changing a. quantity element in the weights has only a smaU effect, which must, in general, be assumed equally likely to be in either direction ; but a change of the price element in the weight has a larger effect and in a definite direction. By such reasoning we may impute upward bias to geometric IV, geo- metric ///, median IV, median ///, mode IV, mode ///, while similarly, / and // have a downward bias for the same three types (geometric, me- dian, mode). The arithmetic and the harmonic remain. We are to show that, for instance, arithmetic / F forward X arithmetic 7 F backward exceeds unity. In algebraic terms, in the first place, the arithmetic IV backward is the same as the reciprocal of harmonic / forward. For arithmetic IV forward is £o. 2pi arithmetic IV backward is Sp.g.Pl 2pigi Its reciprocal is spogo^"' . Pi. Spoffo spogo^" Pi This is harmonic I, which was to have been proved. Hence (to retain for comparison the "spelled out" method just em- ployed), arithmetic IV forward X arithmetic IV backward is arithmetic IV forward X harmonic I forward^ arithmetic IV forward harmonic / forward That this exceeds unity, or that the numerator exceeds the denominator, remains to be proved. We shall see that, not only does the numerator exceed the denominator, but that the numerator exceeds arithmetic I, APPENDIX I 387 or arithmetic 77, or harmonic 777, or harmonic IV, and that these exceed the denominator. In the first place, arithmetic IV exceeds arithmetic 77 as we have al- ready proved with certainty and, since arithmetic 7 in all probability agrees closely with arithmetic 77, it follows that, in all probability, arith- metic IV exceeds arithmetic 7. But we have seen that arithmetic 7 is identical with harmonic 777 (both being Laspeyres') while arithmetic 77 and harmonic IV are both Paasche's. And we know that harmonic 777 exceeds with absolute certainty harmonic 7. Thus, the numerator is greater than and the denominator is less than (indifferently) arithmetic 7 and 77, or harmonic 777 and IV, which was to have been proved. Note to Chapter V, § 9. Formula 9 after Reversing Subscripts and In- verting Becomes 13. Formula 9 (or arithmetic IV) forward being ♦_ go Spiji its backward application, found and represented by the dotted line in Charts 18P and 18Q by reversing the subscripts, is, as shown in the last note, Pi^ SpoSo ' the reciprocal of which (represented graphically by prolonging the dotted line in Charts 18P and 18Q) is Spo?o Spogo^° Pi But this is Formula 13 (or harmonic 7), which was to have been proved. Note to Chapter V, § 11. Bias and Dispersion in Formuloe. Any bias, as has been seen, is defined in terms of some joint error. Thus the joint error (in this case joint bias {B)) of the arithmetic forward and backward is given by the formula 1 -1- B = arithmetic forward X arithmetic back- ward, or, calling arithmetic forward A and remembering that arithmetic backward is the reciprocal of the harmonic forward (which we may call 1 A H), we have 1 + B — A X — = —. But the bias of the arithmetic for- II H ward is not the whole of B since 1 -1- S expresses the full ratio of the up- ward biased A to the downward biased H and so involves a double appli- cation of bias. Thus, we may define the bias, b, as half of B, or rather half geometrically (as in compound interest) according to the formula (1+ &)2 = 1 -H B, 388 'THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS whence * Our main fonnulae, then, are A 1 + 6 = -=» VAH 1 H •' 1 + & VAH either of which may be derived from the other, the former expressing the upward bias of A relatively to VAH , and the latter expressing the down- ward bias of H relatively to VAH. We next need a "dispersion" index, d, to represent the degree of the divergences of the price ratios from each other. Let us begin with the case of only two commodities, considered of equal importance, their price relatives (or quantity relatives, or whatever the subject matter may be) being r and r', where r is the larger. The total divergence from each other, D, of r and r' may be defined by 1 + D = r/r'. But a preferable magni- tude to use is not this total divergence between the two but the average dispersion, d, from a common mean, best taken as their geometric mean so that d is half of D geometrically, i.e. (l+d)^ = l+D=^,. r Hence -. 1 J fr r y/rr' \r' VrP , r 1 +d * r Vrr' ^ .: ' From these equations we may derive r = (1 + d) V^^ ' r' =l^^)lV'^'. VI +d) Since there are but two relatives to be averaged, r and r', their simple ' In the same way beginning with the harmonic, instead of the arithmetic, and using 6' If to express a downward bias we could derive 1—6' =—==. But since by multiplying together the equations for 1 + 6 and 1 — 6' we get (1 + 6)(1 — 60 " 1 we can better use, instead of 1 —h\ the equal expression -;; — — r and dispense with the use of &' altogether. 1+0 APPENDIX I 389 arithmetic average (il) is A = —^ — and their simple harmonic average (H) is H = r r' In these, we substitute the above expressions for r and r' giving H = r + r' L l+d + L_1 (l+d) 2 2Vrr^ 1+i r 'r' + (1 + d) r (1 + d) whence, dividing the equations and canceling VrP, 'a +d) + (l+d) A^ H In other words, the result is independent of the actual magnitude of the price relatives and dependent only on the ratio (1 +d) of their divergence from their mean. Anticipating this result, we might have substituted for the above proof the following simplification : Let the (geometric) average of the two price relatives be considered as 100 per cent, or unity, the upper one, l+d, and the lower, -. Then l+d and whence evidently a+d) + A = H = a+d) (l+d) + (l+d) A H l+d + 1 +d as before. A But we already know that (1 + 6)* is also equal to — . Hence we have H (after extracting the square roots) l+d + 1+6 = l+d 390 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS as the equation expressing the relation between the bias 6 and the disper- sion index d. That bias and dispersion are both relative to the same axis or mean pro- portional can readily be shown in several ways from the above equations. The mean proportional with reference to which h was reckoned was '^AH and that with reference to which d was measured was Vrr', and these two expressions are readily shown to be equal. From this formula it will be seen that the bias increases very rapidly with an increase in the dispersion, that when the dispersion is zero the bias is zero, when the dispersion is 5 per cent the bias is negligible, when the dispersion is 50 per cent the bias is 8.34 per cent as the following table shows : TABLE 48. FOR FINDING THE BIAS CORRESPONI>- ING TO ANY GIVEN DISPERSION (Both in per cents) Dispersion (d) BlA8 (b) 5 .12 10 .45 20 1.67 30 3.46 40 5.72 50 8.34 100 25.00 So much for the simple case of two price relatives and where the disper- sion is self-evident. Where there are more than two the dispersion must be some sort of average. To obtain such an average, we substitute, in thought, two imaginary price relatives for all the actual ones, the disper- sion of each of these two from their mean being an average of all the actual deviations of the 36 from their mean. Various such averages have been used to measure dispersion. That usually employed is the "standard deviation" obtained by taking the average of the squares of the deviations of the individual price relatives (each deviation being measured from the arithmetic average) and extracting the square root. Another is analogous to the above but is geometric in nature instead of arithmetic. It is found by taking the standard deviation of the logarithms of the price relatives and then taking the anti-logarithm of that. Another is the average "spread" between the median and the two "quartUes." Of these the middle one seems the best adapted to the present purpose. It is certainly better adapted theoretically than the first (the ordinary arithmetically defined standard deviation), because the price relatives and quantity relatives with which we have to deal are widely varying and have "skew" distribution varying more upward than downward which the geometric or logarithmic standard deviation tends to eliminate. APPENDIX I 391 Practically, however, the arithmetic and geometric standard deviations agree surprisingly well in spite of the skewness and greatness of the dis- persion. This will be seen from the following table : TABLE 49. STANDARD DEVIATIONS (FOR PRICES) (In per cents) Fixed Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Arithmetic S. D Geometric S. D 10 11 16 17 24 21 58 39 45 33 Chain of Bases Arithmetic S. D. Geometric S. D 10 11 12 12 27 22 29 22 20 22 We may then picture the dispersing terms (price relatives, or quan- tity relatives, or whatever the terms under consideration may be) as all reduced to two imaginary terms, say price relatives, one Ijdng above the (geometric) average and representing all the actual price relatives above the average, and the other lying below that average and representing all the actual price relatives below the average, and each diverging from that average in the ratio 1 + d (and from each other in the ratio (1 + d)^). In this empirical way we reduce the complex case of many price relatives to the original and simpler case of only two price relatives. The question now arises : Will the dispersion index d as thus defined {i.e. as the geometrically, or logarithmically, determined standard devia- tion) be actually related to the bias h according to the formula 1 + & = i— which we found to be true in the simple two term case? The answer is, yes, very closely. First we shall show that the above empirical relation between the bias h and the dispersion index d can be made absolutely exact for the case of any number of commodities if we suitably change the definition of rf to a fourth form, in terms of A and H, as follows : To maintain absolutely the equation l+d + l-h6 = 1 +d 392 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS we simply use it and the equation from which to derive {l+d) + 1 a+d) -\h = . 2 \^ VaH Solving this quadratic equation for 1 + d and reducing we have 1 +(i = Va^ - ah + a Vah This new determination of d is relative to ^ AH as before. The above formulae will seWe also for the harmonic except that whereas 1 + d is the magnitude pertaining to the arithmetic, is the magni- \ ■\- d tude pertaining to the harmonic, the d being the same. It only remains to show that this special form of dispersion index (in terms of A and H and therefore also, of coiuse, in terms of the original data themselves) is, in actual fact, very close to the geometric (logarith- mically calculated) standard deviation, as the following figures show : TABLE 50. SPECIAL DISPERSION INDEX COMPARED WITH STANDARD DEVIATION (LOGARITHMICALLY CALCULATED) FOR THE 36 COMMODITIES (SIMPLE) (In per cents) Special Stand ABD 1914 11.5 17.3 21.5 39.2 33.7 11.5 1916 17.2 1916 21 4 1917 38.7 1918 33.1 For the weighted arithmetic and harmonic the case is only slightly dif- ferent. We then have, for instance. l+d + 1+5=- 1 +d VA'H' where A' and ff' are weighted arithmetic and harmonic index numbers whence APPENDIX I 393 1+d = VA'^ - A'H' +A' VaW' This also is close to the (logarithmically calculated) standard deviation as the following table (in which the weighted averages have the mean weights Vpo2oPi2i> etc., as per Formulas 1003 and 1013) shows : TABLE 51. SPECIAL DISPERSION INDEX COMPARED WITH STANDARD DEVIATION (LOGARITHMICALLY CALCU- LATED) FOR THE 36 COMMODITIES (WEIGHTED) (In per cents) Special Standard 1914 8.3 15.3 19.2 39.1 26.2 7.7 1915 15 1 1916 19.2 1917 38.9 1918 26 5 So much for the type bias as applied to the simple arithmetic or har- monic, and as applied to their mean weighted forms. We have still to consider the weight bias of the various systems of weighting. Summarizing the proof in its simplest form, let us assume only two com- modities as before, their price relatives ( — and ^ ) being 1+d and VPo p'oj . As to the weights poqo, p'oq'o and piji, p'lq'i, we may call po and 1+d p'o 100 per cent, or 1, so that pi and p'l are 1+d and while as 1 +d' to the quantities we assume they do not change, i.e. qo = q\ and q'o = q'\ (which may be called q and q' simply) and that they are such as to make equal the average weights of the two price relatives over the two years, i.e. VpogoPi^i = '^p'oq'op'iq'i. Substituting in this equation the above values for the p's, viz., po = 1, Pi = 1 + d, and p'o = 1, p'l =7-—:. 1+0 V(l + d)go2i = yj q'oq'i i.e. (remembering the above q equalities, go = qi and q'o = q'l), vcr+«?-Vi^^ 394 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS whence, (1 + d)q^ = Sl. or (1 + d)V = 9^ or (1 + d^ = -^%r 2^ = 1 + d q^ q 1 + d or, letting q = 1, simply, q' = 1 + d. Summarizing, we may now substitute, in any formula to be investigated, the following magnitudes : po = 1, p'o = 1, go = 1, q'o = I + d, pi = 1 + '^' P'l = T-T-7' 91 = 1, 9'i = 1 + d. 1 +d Applying these, we find that Formulae 53, 54, 353, 123, 125, 323, 325 (some of which have not yet been explained) reduce to unity so that we may consider the bias of the formulae to be investigated as measured rela- tively to any one of these as a basis. The bias of any formula becomes simply the value of that formula after substituting the above eight values for po, p'o, go, q'o, Vh P'h Qh q'l- The following are the results for index numbers by Formulae 1003, 7 or 9, 27 or 29. ^+'^+rTl d- 1003 1 + & = o whence h = 2 (\ j^ d) ^^^ 7 or 9 l+& = l+dH ^ 1 whence h = -^— (2) 1+d 1+d -^ d- 27 or 29 l+& = (l+d)« + d whence & = -^ + .. . (3) 2 + the terms omitted in the last being negligible. Equation (1) gives the bias of the singly biased arithmetic and of the singly biased harmonic. Equation (2) gives the bias of the doubly biased arithmetic and of the doubly biased harmonic. Equation (3) gives the bias of the singly biased geometric. The equations are given in terms of upward bias but the corresponding downward biases also (i.e. of Formulae 1013; 13 and 15; 23 and 25) are im- pUcitly given merely by inverting, i.e. taking . 1+0 Evidently (as equation (2) shows) Formula 9, or Palgrave's formula, has a double dose of upward biao as compared with the bias (shown by equa- tion (1)) for 1003, the mean weight arithmetic. That is, besides the type bias, which Formula 1003 has, there is the weight bias of 9 and the one is equal to the other. The weight bias (given by equation 3) of the geometric, Formula 29, is evidently larger than either of the (single) biases as given in the first two equations. It is larger than the first, both because its denominator is less by d and because there are other terms to be added, although d is so small compared with 2 and with 2 + d and the additive terms are also so small, each involving a power of d, that the entire difference between the last equation and the first is negligible. The above equations are not only absolutely true under the special con- APPENDIX I 395 ditions assumed but are approximately true in actual cases such as that of the 36 commodities. The dissimilarity between the equations for the bias of the arithmetic and harmonic index numbers (1003 and 1013) and that for the weighted geometries (23, 25, 27, 29) might lead one to suppose that they would give widely different results. But when we calculate them we find they agree almost exactly, as the following table shows, giving the bias (5) of both corresponding to various standard deviations (d). d h h Arithmetic Geometric Harmonic (23, 25, 27, (1003, 1013) 29) 5 .12 .12 10 .45 .45 20 1.67 1.67 30 3.46 3.48 40 5.72 5.77 50 8.34 8.45 200 25.00 25.99 We could, of course, make the equations absolutely exact by suitably adapting the definition of dispersion to each particular case. But the object of this Appendix note has been to show how the size of the bias is related to the size of the dispersion of the original data. Where there is only slight dispersion the error caused by using a biased formula is small but as the dispersion increases the error thus introduced increases, and in a much faster ratio. Consequently, in cases of wide dispersion, such as those of the 36 commodities (for 1917 relatively to 1913), the upward bias of For- mula 1, for instance, or the downward bias of 23, is very great. For any particular set of statistics we can, by calculating the standard deviation or dispersion index, and from it the bias of any biased formula, tell in advance whether the use of that formula wiU introduce too large an error to make its use permissible. ^ Note to Chapter VI, § 1. If One Formula is the Time Antithesis of Another, the "Other" is of the "One." This is very simply shown. Let Poi stand for any index number, taken forward, i.e. for time "1" relatively to time "0. " Our twofold procedure gives : Starting with Poi (1) By reversing the times, Pio (2) By inverting the last, Pio which, therefore, is the time antithesis of the original Pqi- We are to show 1 See, for instance. Chapter XVI, § 6, for discussion as to the large bias in Sauerbeck's index numbers. 396 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS that starting with the last formula and applying the same twofold pro- cedure we shall reach, as its time antithesis, the original formula. Starting, then, with — — Pio (1) By reversing the times, — — (2) By inverting the last, Poi which was to have been found. Note to Chapter VII, § 6. The Cross between Two Factor Antitheses Fulfills Test 2. Disciission. Let Poi be any given formula. Its factor an- tithesis is _Ei^ -4- Qoi where Qoi is, of course, the formula corresponding Spogo to Poi appUed to quantities. Their cross or geometric average is 4 2po3o This last formula fulfills Test 2 because its factor antithesis is, inter- changing p's and q's, V QoiX^^i^-^Poi 250P0 and this, multiplied by the preceding, gives ^'^' , as the test requires. Sgopo We have considered the rectified formula for prices a cross between the original formula Pqi and its time antithesis, -J- Qoi. 2pogo But, evidently, the same expression may be written more symmetrically : while, likewise, the rectification of Qoi is 2po?o A/ Poi' In these forms for the rectified formulae the two factors are not index numbers. The first factor, iu both cases, is the mean between the value ratio and unity, or 100 per cent. Thus, if the value ratio is 121 per cent, its square root, or the mean between it and 100 per cent, is 1 10 per cent. This is what each index number, that for prices and that for quantities, would be if they were equal ; that is, it is their geometric mean or average. The other factor, in each case, is the multiplier or corrector of that aver- age, which is necessary, in the one case, to produce the rectified price index, and, in the other, to produce the rectified quantity index. These two factors are reciprocals of each other, one magnifying and the other reducing the average in a certain proportion. Thus if Poi is two per cent greater than Qoi, this two per cent is apportioned equally on both sides of APPENDIX I 397 the mean, 110, — the rectified P being 110 X Vi^ (or about one per cent above 110) and the rectified Q being 110 X VxM (or about one per cent below 110). The first factor \\ ^'^^ might be called the half-way ratio, being at ^ 2po9o once the mean between 100 per cent and the value ratio and also between th e rec tified P and Q (or unrectified, for that matter) while the second factor [— ^ or ■%/— might be called the jmce multiplier or quantity multiplier. Qoi ' ^01 In these terms we may say that the rectified index numbers of prices and quantities are each obtained from the half-way ratio by means of price and quantity multipliers. The reader may be interested in following through the application of the preceding remarks to the rectification of Formula 3 (which is the same as of 4, 5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 53, 54, 69, or 60), the results of which are very simple. Thus, for prices, the result is The four magnitudes entering into this expression are, of course, the same as those entering into that already given for 103P and 103Q. By merely a change in the order four different formulae are formed, two for 103P and two for 103Q. Note A to Chapter VII, § 8. Given Two Time Antitheses, Their Respective Factor Antitheses are Time Antitheses of Each Other. Let Poi and _j— be any time antitheses and let Qoi and — — (that is, the same formulae applied to quantities) likewise be time antitheses of each other. Then the factor antitheses of the first two are ^Ml4-0„xand?Mi^ 1 2po3o Spogo Qio These are evidently time antitheses of each other because by interchanging the "O's" and "I's" of either formula and then inverting, we turn each into the other. Note B to Chapter VII, § 8. Given Two Factor Antitheses, Their Re' spective Time Antitheses are Factor Antitheses of Each Other. Let Poi and — ^^ T- Qoi, be any two factor antitheses. Evidently their respective 2pogo time antitheses, viz. — and Qia -i- ■ '^° , are also factor antitheses of Pio 2pigi each other. 398 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Note to Chapter VII, § 9. Rectification May he First of Time Antitheses and then of Factor Antitheses, or Vice Versa, or Simultaneously. In general terms any quartet of formulae is Pox 1 Pio Zpigi Spogo 1 The two crosses of time antitheses are V Poi X- f/2pi£l\ X Spo^o \QoJ \ ^ (1) (2) the latter, (2), of which reduces to 2pogo 4 (2) QoiX-^ which is the factor antithesis of the former, (1), being obtainable from it by interchanging the p's and q's and dividing into —El3l, 2po2o The two crosses of factor antitheses are Qro / (3) (4) These are time antitheses of each other ; if in either we reverse and 1 and invert we get the other. Inspection will also show that the cross of either of the above pairs of crosses as well as the fourth root of the product of the original quartet will give the same result, viz. APPENDIX I 399 4 4/PoiQio(Spi9i)^ ,g. PioQoi(2pogo)2 This expression (5) is the general formula by which we may rectify any index number formula, Fqi. by both tests at once. Note A to Chapter VII, § 19. Crossing the Two Crosses (i.e. the One Obtained Arithmetically and the Other, Harmonically) . While neither arith- metic nor harmonic crossing of two time antitheses will yield an index number fulfilling the time reversal test the geometric cross of these two crosses will do so and will in fact be identical with the geometric cross of the formulae themselves, as the reader can readily prove. Moreover, without using any such geometric crossing we can approach the same result as a limit by continued application of the arithmetic and harmonic crossing as follows: (1) cross the original antithetical formulae arithmetically and harmonically ; (2) cross the last two results arithmet- ically and harmonically ; (3) again cross the last two results arithmetically and harmonically; and so on indefinitely. In this series the two terms approach each other so rapidly that two or three steps will suffice, practi- cally, to make them equal. Compare Appendix I, Note to Chapter IX, § 1. Note B to Chapter VII, § 19. Two Geometric Time Antitheses May be Crossed Aggregatively as May Two Aggregative Time Antitheses. Any two geometric time antitheses, such as 23 and 29, may be written, in fractional form, as follows : ^ 2P»9ypjPogo X p\pWo X . . . ^^'^P0V020 X p'oP'<^'o X and 2pi5l; 29 = VPi P'^' X p'lP'ig'' X 2pigi VpoPi2' X p'oP''8'' X . . . If written in the above form they may readily be combined aggregatively by adding the two above numerators for the new numerator and adding the two denominators for the new denominator. Likewise the aggregatives (Formulae 53 and 59) may be crossed aggre- gatively, the result being Spo3o + Spogi Each of these aggregative crosses (the aggregative cross of the geometries and the aggregative cross of the aggregatives) conforms to the time test, as may readily be proved by the twofold procedure. The last named ag- gregative cross (between the two aggregative time antitheses) is interest- ing mathematically because its factor antithesis turns out to be a new and curious average of Formulae 53 and 59 very different from any of the other averages used in this book, viz. 1 + (53) h- 1 + - — -. (59) 400 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS These aggregative means agree closely with the geometric means. Thus the geometric is the only one of our six types of averages which can be used universally ^ot crossing formulce themselves (any two time an- titheses or any two factor antitheses) so as to satisfy the time reversal and factor reversal tests. Of the other types of average only the aggre- gative will satisfy the time reversal test and its application is limited to crossing two geometric time antitheses or two aggregative time antitheses, as just shown. Note to Chapter VIII, § 6. Formulce IOO4, IOI4, II24, 1134, 1144 are Factor Antitheses of 1003, WIS, 1123, 1133, 1143, Respectively, Although Different Cross-Weiglttings of S^and^^ (Prices') II$3&II54 2154.2,5, 3154.31^3 41^^,^,54 13 74 15 16 17 16 Chart 63 P. There is close agreement between the four methods of crossing weights. The antithesis of each also agrees closely with its original, being sensibly identical therewith except in the last two cases and absolutely so in the first. Derived Otherwise. We are to show that if (1) P'oi and P"oi, differing only in weights, be combined so as to form another formula, Pqi, by crossing their weights, and if (2) their factor antitheses ( -^^ -4- Q'oi and ^2pogo -5- Q "01 1 be likewise combined to form another ( namely, ^'^^ -5- Qoi ) 1 2po9o / V 2po3o / the latter will be the factor antithesis of Pq\. When this is stated algebraically it becomes almost self-evident. If P'oi and P"oi be combined into Poi, andif their factor antitheses, namely. Spo3o Q'o, and ?Mi + Spojo Q"o be combined into APPENDIX I 401 Spogo -i-Qo this is evidently the factor antithesis of Poi (Qoi being of the same model as Foi since by hypothesis the former is of the same model as P'oi and P"oi, and the latter as Q'oi and Q"oi, while all these four are of the same model as each other). Note to Chapter VIII, § 10. Unlike Formula Crossing, Weight Crossing May be Not Only Geometrically but Arithmetically and Harmonically Done. Different Cross-We/ghtings of 5^ and 5^ (Quantities) ^^^^^^^ /l53SHI5t 2153.2154 5154.3,53 13 M '15 16 17 Chart 63Q. Analogous to Chart 63 P. 18 It will be remembered that the geometric method of crossing weights gives the same result from crossing weights / and 7F as from crossing weights // and ///. But this is not true of the arithmetic or harmonic methods of crossing weights. Just as the cross formulce, 123 and 125, slightly differ from each other (as do 133 and 135, 143 and 145), so do their cross weight analogues slightly differ from each other if the crossing is performed arithmetically, and also if it is performed harmonically. Since crossing the weights by means of the arithmetic method or by means of the harmonic method has never been suggested by other writers, except as applied to the aggregative index number, they have been cal- culated here only for that type of index number. The results do not, of course, differ very appreciably from those of the geometric method and the same agreement between the results of crossing by the various possible methods would be found, though not quite to the same degree, if the other types were calculated. The identification numbers of the arithmetic cross weighted index numbers begin with 2000 ; and the identification numbers of the harmonic with 3000. As to those beginning with 4000, Formula 4153 is a cross weight (of 53 and 64) by means of a weighted arithmetic mean of the weights. Formula 4154 is its factor antithesis and 4353 the cross (geometrical) of 4153 and 4154. Graphically, Charts 63P and 63Q show the closeness of the four methods of crossing the weights of Formulae 53 and 54. They could scarcely fail 402 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS to agree closely because Fonnulse 53 and 54 are themselves so close together. It is noteworthy that Formula 4153 differs more from its factor antithesis than any other combination of 53 and 54 differs from its factor antithesis. Charts 64P and 64Q show the final result after double rectification of all the cross weight formulse as compared with the cross Formula 353. They are quite indistinguishable from each other and from Formula 353. That is, all of the foregoing new cross weight formulae lie in practical coin- cidence with the middle tine of the five tine fork. So close are the new middle tine curves to Formulae 1153, 1154, etc., that the differences are of no practical significance. It is worth noting, however, that of the four methods of weight crossing, namely, those used in Formulae 1153, 2153, 3153, 4153, we can show reason for decided preferences. These will soon be discussed. The only point to be emphasized here is that Formula 2153 formed by arithmetically averaging the weights of Nos. 53 and 54 is the only one of the four which necessarily falls between 53 and 54, or necessarily agrees with these if they agree with each other. We are not justified in taking for granted, as has been done hitherto, that any cross weight formula lies between the two original formulae (as is the case with cross formulae). Examination shows that it is not true of the geometric, harmonic, or Formula 4153. Let us take up these three in order. First, consider the geometric method of crossing the weights. Suppose that of the price relatives to be averaged, half are 100 per cent and the remaining half are 300 per cent. Next let us suppose the numerical values of the weights for the base year to be (for the first 18 relatives of 100 each) respectively 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, etc., in alternation, and the numerical values of the given year weights (for the same 18 relatives) to be 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, etc., in alternation ; while for the second 18 price relatives, of 300 each, the weights are all unity. For convenience we may tabulate : Price Relativeb Weighting Base Year Given Year First half • 100 per cent 100 per cent 100 per cent 100 per cent etc. 2 2 2 2 Second half • 300 per cent 300 per cent 300 per cent 300 per cent etc. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX I 403 It is clear that, under the base year system of weighting, in the first half every even item has a zero weight and disappears leaving only the odd terms to be averaged. But these are all alike (100 per cent) and have each the same weights (2). In the second half the price relatives are all 300 and have weights 1. It foUows that the average of all reduces to an average of nine terms each weighted as though it were two and 18 terms each weighted once ; in other words, an average of two sets of 18 terms each, or a simple average of 100 per cent and 300 per cent. Turning to the given year weights we find the same result ; for in that case every odd term disappears in the first half, again leaving nine doubly weighted lOO's to be averaged in with 18 singly weighted 300's. It follows that the resulting index numbers are the same, whether base year weights or given year weights are used. In either case, we have the same figures 300 and 100 to be averaged equally weighted, so that the aver- age of 300 and 100 must be the same in both cases. (This must be true whether this average be arithmetic, geometric, or harmonic. If the average is arithmetic, the index number is 200 ; if geometric, 173 ; if harmonic, 150.) So much for crossing the formulae. When we cross the weights the result is surprisingly different. For the w eights in the first half are all zero (V2 X 0, Vo X 2, V2 X 0, Vo X 2, etc.) ! The weights in the second half are all unity. Hence, the entire first half disappears and the average becomes the average of 18 terms of 300 per cent each, which is 300 per cent. We have here, therefore, a case where the results of base year weighting and of given year weighting agree (being each, say, 200) whereas when we take the geometric mean of the weights we get 300 ! It stands to reason, I think, that if base year weighting and given year weighting both give identical index numbers (as 200), any mean weighting which is worth while ought to give the same result (200), and not be ca- pable of giving a result (300) larger than either. Again, if the base year and given year weighting give different results, such as 149 and 151, we may reasonably demand that the result of using mean weights shall Ue between these figures instead of lying far outside, Uke 300. Of course, what has been proved by using zero weights would be true, though in less degree, if weights not zero, but very snmll, were used. This possibility of miscarriage is even greater in the case of the harmonic average. For each harmonic average lies on the opposite side of the geo- metric from the arithmetic. We find some examples of such miscarriages of the cross weighted formulae. The median shows such a miscarriage. Thus the base year weighting (Formula 33) gives (for quantities, for 1918) 122.39 and the given year weighting (Formula 39), 123.50, but the geometrically cross weighted median (1133), instead of lying between 122.39 and 123.50, is 122.27. A few of the chain figures (for quantities 1917 and 1918) are still further out of line. For the aggregative Formula 1153 (with geometric cross weights) and 3153 (with harmonic cross weights) the figures in a few cases do not remain between those for 53 and 54 but likewise jump over the traces. 404 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The only case where this happens with the geometric cross weights is for prices for 1918 (chain) where Formiolae 53 and 54 give 178.56 and 178.43 while 1153 gives 178.37. The harmonic likewise escapes the confines of Formulae 53 and 54 in several instances for the fixed base index numbers. Thus for prices : For 1917, Formulae 53 and 54 give 162.07 and 161.05 whereas Formula 3153 gives 162.11 For 1918, Formulae 53 and 54 give 177.87 and 177.43 whereas Formula 3153 gives 176.94 353 Compared with its Cross -Weight Rivals (Prices) ■13 M 15 16 17 75 Chart 64P. On the score of accuracy there is almost no preference between the doubly rectified cross weight formulae and 353. As to Formula 4153, it presents the allurement of using a weighted aver- age of weights. But this overdoes the effort to use weights somewhat as a double negative overdoes negation. A simple illustration will suffice to show that Formula 4153 fails to split the difference between 53 and 54 and that its results are unfair. Sup- pose the price of wheat in 1913 was po = $1 a bushel and in 1914, pi = $20 a bushel, while rubber was p'o = $20 a pound in 1913 and p'l = $1 a pound in 1914; and that their quantities were 90 = 3 million bushels and g'o = 3 million pounds respectively in 1913, and qi = 300 million bushels and q'\ = 300 million pounds respectively in 1914. Then, by Formula 63, we find the average price change of these two commodities to be P'^° + P^g'" = 20X3+ 1X3 ^ 20+ 1 ^ 100 ,,^t. Pogo + p'03'0 1X3+20X3 1+20 APPENDIX I 405 By Formula 54, we have Pigi + p\q\ ^ 20 X 300 + 1 X 300 ^ 20 + 1 Poqi + p'oq'i 1 X 300 + 20 X 300 1+20 = 100 per cent. Thus FormulsB 53 and 54 agree. But Formula 4153 does not lie be- tween, i.e. does not agree with both. Formula 4153 is oq/ I X3 +20 X \ 1+20 pi / Pogo + PigA ^ p'j ( P'oq'o + P\q'i \ \ Po + Pi / \ p'o + p'l ) \ Po + Pi J \ p'o + p'l ) \a.i /' 20 X 3 + 1 X 300 \ / V 20 + 1 / I.e. '1 X 3 + 20 X 300 ) + 20( 20 X 3 + 1 X 300 1 + 20 ; \ 20 + 1 353 Compared with its CrosS'Vfeight Rivals, (Quantities) ) = 912 per cent. '13 7^ 75 7S 77 Chart 64Q. Analogous to Chart 64 P. 73 Each bracket is an average. Inside the brackets the use of the prices 1 and 20 as weights for averaging the quantities 3 and 300 gives the greater weight to the 300 in the left brackets and to the 3 in the right brackets. Hence the resulting average, i.e. the value of the bracket, is nearer 300 in the case of the left brackets and nearer 3 in the other two. In other words, that quantity always dominates which pertains to the year in which the commodity happens to have the higher price. Now it stands to reason that this is unfair, not only because the result (912 per cent) lies outside the two coincident results (100 per cent) of For- mulae 53 and 54, but also because their equality itself stands to reason. 406 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Formula 53 gives the index number when the quantities are 3 and 3 ; and Formula 54 gives the index number when the quantities are 300 and 300. This is clearly as it should be since the weighting is purely relative. If then the base year weighting and given year weighting are thus relatively the same for the two commodities we surely have no right to spoil this same- ness by any combination of these two methods of weighting. The numerical example given shows that weighting the quantities by prices (before averaging them for use as weights for prices) introduces a wrong principle. While it does not bias the result it produces a haphazard favoritism, favoring pi in the numerator or po in the denominator. This is unfair, for favoring pi in the numerator relatively to p'l in the numerator influences the resulting ratio in the same direction as favoring po in the denominator relatively to p'o in the denominator. Formula 4153 represents distinctly the most erratic of the methods of crossing weights. The geometric will follow closely the arithmetic, both being simple ; and the harmonic will be close to the geometric. But For- mula 4153 introduces in the weighting a new disturbing element. Accord- ingly, we find that Formula 4153 does not remain between 53 and 54 as often even as do 1153 or 3153. We find for prices (fixed base) the following cases where Formula 4153 falls outside the range between 53 and 54. For 1916 Formulae 53 and 54 give 114.08 and 114.35 For 1916 Formula 4153 gives 114.44 For 1917 Formulae 53 and 54 give 162.07 and 161.05 For 1917 Formula 4153 gives 162.40 For 1918 Formulae 53 and 54 give 177.87 and 177.43 For 1918 Formula 4153 gives 178.26 For quantities we find similar discrepancies for 1918. There are like dis- crepancies in the chain numbers. After rectification by Test 2 the results (for Formula 4353) are appre- ciably improved. Formula 2153 remains as the only cross weight formula which always and necessarily falls between 53 and 54. Formula 2153 is obtained by crossing the weights of 53 and 54 arith- meiically (by taking the simple arithmetic average of their weights). We shall show first that this cross weight formula is identical with the cross formula obtained by crossing 53 and 54 aggregatively. In its r61e as a cross weight formula (arithmetically crossed) it is APPENDIX I 407 In its r61e as a cross formula (aggregatively crossed) it is Spogi + spogo That the two are identical is evident by canceling the "2's" in the first and multiplying out. The last formula, being a mean or average of 53 and 54, must necessarily lie between 53 and 54, which was to have been proved. In this connection it is interesting to note that, besides Formula 2153, there could be constructed other formulae which are both cross formulcB and cross weight formulce. Formula 2 153 is such as between 53 and 54, aggre- gative index numbers. But similar results can be had with arithmetic index numbers and also with harmonic index numbers. In each of these cases we get precisely the same result by taking two formulae (say, 3 and 9, or 5 and 7, or 13 and 19, or 15 and 17) of the same model and crossing their weights arithmetically as by crossing the formulae themselves aggregatively. Note to Chapter IX, § 1. The {Geometric) Cross of Formulce 8053 and 8054 is Identical with 353. Using a for Formula 53, and 6 for 54, 8053 is , 8054 is . Their cross or geometric mean is a V 2-±i X ^— = VSS = VSS X 54 - 353. a Note to Chapter XI, § 4. // the Mode is Above the Geometric Forward It is Below Backward. This is most easily made evident by considering Charts IIP and IIQ. We saw that the arithmetic forward and backward are not prolongations of each other because the arithmetic fails to satisfy Test 1 ; and the same is true of the harmonic forward and backward. But for any formula which does satisfy Test 1, the forward and backward forms will be prolongations of each other. This is true of all the simple index numbers (except the arithmetic and harmonic) including the geometric and mode. Consequently, we have the picture simply of two straight lines intersecting at the origin, one for the geometric forward and back- ward, and the other for the mode forward and backward. It is, therefore, clear that if on one side of the origin the mode lies above the geometric, it must lie below it on the other. Note to Chapter XI, § 10. Derivation of Probable Error of Any of the 13 Formulce Considered as Equally Good Observations. Assuming that the 13 index numbers are equally good, the formula for their probable error, i.e. the as-likely-as-not deviation (from their mean) of any of the 13 observa- tions taken at random is .6745-1 / where d denotes the deviation from their mean of any of the observations, and n denotes the number (in this case 13) of the observations. 408 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS The expression for the "probable error" of the mean itself is the preced- ing expression divided by Vn. Note to Chapter XI, § 11. Does "Skewness" of Dispersion Matter f Hitherto one of the chief questions investigated by students of index num- bers is the question of the distribution of the data averaged, the sort of dispersion, whether in particular it is, or is not, "skew." Thus we know, from the work of Wesley C. Mitchell and others, that price relatives dis- perse far more widely upward than downward, the reason obviously being that there is more room for dispersion upward. In the downward direc- tion they are limited by zero while upward there is no limit. It has been assumed that the character of this distribution will have a determining influence in the choice of the best index number. Much is made of this consideration by Walsh, Edgeworth, and others. Elaborate arguments have been constructed to show that the geometric mean or some other is the appropriate mean to use in constructing index numbers based on the idea that the dispersion is supposed to be more symmetrical "geo- metrically" than it is "arithmetically." It will be noted that in this book we have had no occasion whatever to invoke this consideration. In choosing the formula for an index number the skewness or asymmetry of distribution of the terms averaged is of absolutely no consequence. This may seem a most revolutionary idea. There has been a growing tendency to take account of the distribution of the data in any social problem before deciding on whether the geometric or the arithmetic process of averaging should be used. I am offering no objection to this in general. On the contrary it is of great importance for many purposes in social problems. Even aver- aging human heights and weights should take the character of the distri- bution into account. But in the realm of index numbers the case is different and for a very simple reason. Unlike heights or weights, price relatives or quantity rela- tives are ratios of two terms either of which two may be taken as the nu- merator. Any ratio is necessarily a double ended affair. If used in one di- rection the ratios disperse in one way while if used in the other direction they disperse in precisely the opposite way. The large ratios for one of the two ways become the small ratios the other way and in the same rela- tive degree. Thus, if sugar rises from 10 cents to 20 cents and wheat from $1 to $3 between two times or places the price relatives are 200 per cent and 300 per cent, the wheat relative being a half greater than the other. But, reversing the direction of the comparison, the price relatives are 50 per cent and 33^ per cent, the sugar relative being now a half greater than the other. Charts IIP and IIQ illustrate the reversal of the dispersion through the reversal of the times. When, therefore, we rectify by Test 1 thus taking account, in equal terms, of these two opposite dispersions, any skewness of distribution enters in both ways and cancels itself out. Consequently, in our final results, such as 309, 323, and 353, there is no trace of any effect of skewness. These three, so far as they differ at all, differ sometimes in one direction and sometimes in the other, although 309, for instance, is made up from index numbers affected greatly by skewness of distribution. APPENDIX I 409 D'istribution of 14^7 Price Relatives (Forward and Backward) \000- FORWARD 10- J" BACKWARO itUMBER OF COMMODITIES Chart 65. Showing how, in the ratio chart, the distribution of the price relatives, taken for- ward and backward, is exactly reversed in skew- ness and order of averages except as to the arith- metic and harmonic (which exchange places). 410 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS If we plot the two distributions on an ordinary frequency curve such as Chart 62 it is true that the dispersion in both cases will be wider at the top than at the bottom (or, as it is usually plotted, at the right than at the left). But, and this is significant, the commodities which are at the top in one case are at the bottom in the other and vice versa. The real reason for the greater dispersion upward than downward lies in the arithmetical scale by which we measure. If we use the ratio chart we cannot even say that the distribution is skew, and if skew, in any par- ticular direction. Chart 65 shows the distribution of the 1437 price rela- tives of the War Industries Board for 1917 relatively to the year July, 1913- July, 1914 and (in fainter and dotted lines) the distribution reversed. It will be observed that the skewness is reversed, the mode being the least of the five averages in the original distribution and the greatest in the dotted figure. The order of the five averages is reversed in the two dis- tributions except that the arithmetic and harmonic exchange places as usual. When ratio charting is used we may say that a "normal distri- bution" is one which is symmetrical about the mode, or geometric, or me- dian, which three will normally agree, while the arithmetic will always be above and the harmonic below these three ; there is exactly as much chance of skewness in one direction as the other. Note to Chapter XI, § 13. Formulce 53 and 5 If. are Sometimes Slightly Biased. Whether 54 is greater or less than 53 depends on whether the price relatives are positively or negatively correlated with the quantity relatives. The price relatives and the quantity relatives (1913 being the base) for the 36 commodities used here are correlated as follows : 1914 + .265 1915 -f- .023 1916 + .035 1917 - .133 1918 - .250 These correlations are mostly too small to have much significance and are about equally positive and negative. A clearer and more consistent case of correlation between price and quantity movements is given by Pro- fessor Persons, who finds that for 12 leading crops the price and quantity movements are negatively correlated with the high coefficient of — .88. When the correlation is positive it means that the weights {i.e. the q's) in Formula 53, which has tne system called weighting /, are analogous in this respect to the system weighted / for all the other types of index num- bers. It will be remembered that for the arithmetic, harmonic, geometric, and median (and, theoretically, the mode), weighting / imparted a down- ward bias and weighting IV imparted an upward bias. This was due to the price element in the weights which in weighting IV tended to associate a large weight with a large price relative and a small weight with a small price relative, thus overweighting the high and pro- ducing the upward bias; with weighting / the opposite situation holds true. But in the case of the aggregative type, the weights contain no price APPENDIX I 411 element, as the weights are mere quantities. Yet the same effect is pro- duced if these quantities are positively correlated with the price move- ments ; for we then have the same tendency to an association of large weights with the large price relatives and small with the small ; only that tendency is much weaker — unless the correlation is 100 per cent so that the quantities behave exactly as though they were prices. We would expect, then, that wherever correlation is positive we would find the aggregative IV, or 59 (or 54), above the aggregative /, or 53, just as we found, for the other types, 3 below 9, 13 below 19, 23 below 29, and 33 below 39. And this is just what we do find except that the differences for the aggregative are much less than for the other types. On the other hand, where the correlation is negative we would expect to find the oppo- site and so we do. That is, in our calculations for the 36 commodities, 53 lies below 54 (or 59) in 1914, 1915, 1916, when the correlation is positive, but above in 1917 and 1918 when the correlation is negative. This is shown in the upper tier of Charts 39P and 39Q. But for Persons' figures for prices and quantities of 12 crops (relatively to the base 1910) 53 is always (except once) above 54 (or 59) showing a definite upward bias of 53 due to the definite and high negative correlation, i.e. to the fact that big crops make for low prices and vice versa. This is shown in Charts 47P, 47Q, 48P, 48Q. Some readers will be asking whether there is not always some upward bias in 53 and downward bias in 54 aside from mere error in either direction. The answer is that, while in the case of crops a negative correlation is found because crops here represent supply, prices are affected also by demand, and the quantities in our formulae are about as likely to represent changes in demand as changes in supply. As prices go up with increased demand and down with increased supply the chances seem about even whether the actual quantities marketed will be positively or negatively correlated with prices, and all the figures we have, except these crop figures, sustain this conclusion. Moreover, the same logic applies, not only to this comparison of aggre- gatives, but to comparisons of two arithmetics, or two harmonics, etc., where the weighting systems differ only as to the quantity element. In all these cases weighting I and weighting II differ from each other only as to the quantities as do III and IV from each other. Thus the same rea- soning by which aggregatives / and IV differ appHes to arithmetic I and 77, or to arithmetic 777 and 7F as well as to the corresponding harmonics and the corresponding geometries. An inspection of the charts shows just what we are thus led to expect. In all these cases, both for the price indexes and the quantity indexes, with trifling exceptions, the 7 is below the 77 (and the 777 below the IV) for 1914, 1915, and 1916 and above for 1917 and 1918. The only exceptions are for the quantity indexes of 1918 for the har- monics and geometries where 77 very sUghtly exceeds 7, presumably owing to some disturbing influence of the greatly aberrant quantity, skins. This faithful correspondence between correlation coefficients and the influence of quantities in the weighting of the price index is certainly re- markable when we consider how infinitesimal are the influences thus traced. 412 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Even the sluggish median reflects the same influences with few exceptions. We can also say that almost always the larger the correlation coefficient the larger the divergence found between 53 and 54. Thus the behavior of all of our weighting systems has been pretty fully analyzed. The large differences made (to price indexes) are those made by price elements in the weights and the small by the quantity elements in proportion to their correlation with the price relatives. We see, then, that Laspeyres' and Paasche's formulre (53 and 54) are usually close to each other even when slightly biased. In order to study the consequences of a really wide difference between them we pick out from among our 36 commodities "rubber" and "skins" and calculate the index number for these two only, and then do the same for "lumber" and "wool." The first pair are chosen to make 53 most exceed 54, and the second to make 54 most exceed 53. The reason is that the first pair, rubber and skins, happen, during the period covered, to have had their prices most affected by supply so that their quantities and prices tended to move in opposite directions. The quantity of rubber marketed rose and its price fell; the quantity of skins fell and the price rose enormously. Lumber and wool, on the other hand, were affected chiefly by demand. An increase of demand drove up the price of wool much beyond the average rise of prices, while the quantity marketed also increased ; contrariwise, a decrease of demand kept the price of lumber far behind the average while the quantity marketed decreased. That is, the p's and q's of rubber are correlated negatively, as are those of skins, while the p's and q's of lumber are correlated positively as are those of wool. As we have seen, when negative correlation prevails, 53 exceeds 54, and when positive, 54 exceeds 53. In the present case the figures are as given in Table 52 and Table 53. Here, occasionally, are considerable differences between the results obtained by using Formula 53 or Formula 54. In the less extreme case of lumber and wool, the maximum excess of 54 over 53 is only about eight per cent (for 1918), while, in the much more extreme case of rubber and skins 53 exceeds 54 by 32 per cent in 1918. One reason why the figures were worked out for such non-representative cases was to discover whether Formula 2153 would still be able to serve as a good short cut for 353. Table 54 and Table 55 show that it would be a good substitute for the less extreme case of lumber and wool, but not always very good for the other. It wiU be seen that, in the less extreme case of lumber and wool 2153 devi- ates from 353 more than a third of one per cent in only one instance, that of quantities in 1918, when the deviation amounts to nine tenths of one per cent. In the more extreme case of rubber and skins, 2153 deviates by over one per cent four times out of ten, the deviation reaching five per cent for prices in 1918 (when 53 exceeds 54 by 32 per cent and 353Q is over 200 per cent).^ Such deviations are, of course, quite impossible when, in- stead of two culled commodities, a larger number of commodities, unculled, are included. Note to Chapter XII, § 1. Method Used for Ranking Formulae in Close- ness to S5S. The method of ranking the 134 index numbers relatively to > See Appendix I, Note to Chapter XV, S 2. APPENDIX I 413 Formula 353 as ideal consists in : (1) finding the difference between any given index number and the ideal for each year (1914-1918) ; (2) reducing these differences to percentages of the ideal index number; (3) further adjusting them in inverse proportion to the dispersion index referred to in Appendix I, Note to Chapter V, § 11; and (4) taking the simple arith- metic average of these deviations disregarding plus and minus signs. This method of grading our formulae is not the most accurate possible but is accurate enough for our purpose and much more easily computed than the most accurate. The resulting order of formulae is probably al- most exactly the same as if a greater refinement of method were employed. The third step is inserted on the theory that a year of very wide dispersion, like 1917, would naturally show wider differences among formulae than would a year of small dispersion, like 1914, and that, therefore, in reckoning the distance of any index number from the ideal a small percentage distance in 1914 should count as much as a large one in 1917. Note to Chapter XIII, § 1. The Algebraic Expression of the Circular Test. Let the three cities, or years, be designated as 1, 2, and 3, and let the index numbers representing the ratios between their price levels be Pn, P23, P31 (and also, of course, their reverse, P21, P32, P13). The pro- posed test is that any particular index formula should yield results which will make Pu X P23 = P13 or will make P12 X P23 X P31 = 1. These two conditions are equivalent if Pis = — — (i.e. if our "time reversal" test P31 is satisfied) as is evident by substituting — for Pu in the first formula P31 (P12P23 = P13), and clearing fractions. The result is evidently the second (P12P23P31 = 1). In other words, the product of the three index numbers taken in the same direction around the triangle is required, by the supposed test, to be unity. Note A to Chapter XIII, § 4. The Simple or Constant Weighted Geo- metric (9021) Conforms to the Circular Test. That the simple geometric (21) or constant weighted geometric (9021) conforms to the circular test is easily shown. Formula 9021 is W^W where w, w', etc., are constant weights, i.e. the same for all the years, 0, 1, etc. The above formula is written for the index number of year " 1 " rela- tively to year "0," i.e., as we pass from "0" to "1." Passing from "1" to "2" we have the following : \1MSP^ '1 , V . ^Pl/ \p and to complete the circuit, passing from "2" to "0,' 2ti "^^^XAW---- 414 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS < zn '^ I— I < So o I— I ■* in lO CO lO ■* t^ IM ^ CO O t^ lO y O 'H lO o CO (N ^ <-H O 00 --• t- CO CO T-i t^ ■* o o o iH (M Tl< 00 CO CO (N IN ID > 05 00 CO o to >* lO CO -* 1 •H CO CO ^ CD H Ti t^ CD a 1— I 1-t 1—1 * CO 2 O CO O Oi o> 00 lO tH 00 r* Oi CO lO -H O lO S (M t^ .-( (N e> d CO rH CO 1-1 00 —1 O 00 (N 1-H •* CO ■ lO Tt< ^ 00 ■< IS O J t4 05 lO Tj< ^ tf 1-1 i-H l> l> o K O '-H CD t^ P^ 1-1 at CO CO (M CO CO ^ O Oi iH I> o 00 l> « 2 <=> oo o o o o »H »-H 1-H u « ^ CO -Q S CO **< «5 ITS t— I w H Q h.5 o o 3s ZC t> SI Wo >>* OM H W Q o HH Pi t^ CD Oi IM O 00 "* CO »H 00 t- 1^ to t4 00 CO Oi o I-H 1-H 'Cj* 1-1 Oi ^ t- (M 00 CO ■* e> r^ 1^ >* Oi 1-1 05 lO o o I-H » Oi ^ CO CO «e (N lO CD CD -< IM Tt< Oi 1-H ^ iH O CD O I-H tf ^ 1—1 I-H 1-H 1-H CO CO lO CO lO iH o o CO Oi a -* CO 1-1 C<1 ■< •H Oi >o o o c? lO t^ ■* CD 1-1 05 t» IM IM Tt< (N 00 00 Oi Oi IM CO 1-1 Oi 1-H CO o CO (M 1-1 Tt< iH CO 00 lO CD I-H IM 1-H 1-H O t^ Tf< O iH (M IM CD (M lO ■* T-l Tt< to t^ T< O CO o o S > 1-H 1-H 1-H 1-H p i-i CD Oi o ■ O ii O Q *H o o O ^ 1-H 1-H 1—1 I-H « oo OO o o O O a T-H I-H I-H rH tH r)H lO IH HO lO IN (N t^ Oi «o 00 rH CO CO -^ s ^ Tt* 1-1 CD CO ^ o (N (M r-l i-H 1—1 tH n oo ^^ o ^ 1-1 fH CO TjH iH 1-1 Oi lO I> t^ ■* CO iH l> 05 0> 1-H 1> Oi 00 lO 1-1 «o lO Tjl e> 1-H O Ti 05 0» t^ 00 g lO 00 CO K 1-1 l> 1> Ph 1-1 o> ^ 00 t^ Oi o iH t^ t- n o o r4 o o 1-H tH CO CO lO lO CO I-H (M 1-3 O O O o >H P5 CQ W pq :? w p I> 00 00 rH CO iH at 1-1 (M lH O O l> rH 00 c^ CD t^ 1-1 o o 1—1 1— 1 CO CD t^ r^ 1-1 1— ( 1-H 00 05 t" IM CO v4 CO CO 1-H I— 1 t^ (N to '^ to 0> CD CD 1H O O a o IS 00 Oi at CO CO K 1-1 o o (S I-H 1-H 00 00 «* 1> 1-- 1H 0> o o o o 1—1 1-H CO o o o o iH rH 1-H CO CO lO o CO 1-H (N 416 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Multiplying all three together we have ^ Vpo Pi Vil \P Pi P 2/ which by cancellation reduces to unity, thus satisfying the circular test. The above proof includes the simple geometric as a special case simply by putting w = w' = w" = . . . = 1, That the simple aggregative (51) or constant weighted aggregative (9051) conforms to the circular test is likewise easily shown. Formula 9051 is — — for the step from to 1 Ziypo — ?^ for the step from 1 to 2 /Zwpi ?^^ for the step from 2 to the product of which is unity. This includes the simple as a special case where w = w' = w" = . . . = 1. Note B to Chapter XIII, § 4. A Formula Fulfilling Tests 1 and 2 May he Modified to Fidfill the Circular Test as Applied to Three Specific Dates. It may interest the mathematically inclined reader to observe that, not only can conformity to the circular test be gained by making the weights arti- ficially constant in the face of the facts, but that such conformity limited to a specific triangle of dates can be attained by a mutual adjustment of the true formulae for the three inconsistent comparisons. Let the original index number be Poi which may be of any variety. Let its rectification by Test 2, in the usual way, be P'oi. Let the time antith- esis of P'oi be 1/P'io. With these P"s as our starting point we are to de- rive P"'s which fulfill Test 1 and from these P"'s we are to derive P""s which fulfill the circular test (so far as the three particular dates are con- cerned). The rectification by Test 1 of P"oi, is evidently, by the usual method, P"oi = -»/_-£I, which, by multiplying numerator and denominator by » P'lO VP'oi reduces to VP'oiP'io P'lO Likewise P"io = VP'ioP'oi the last two expressions having the same denominators. It is easy to show (by multiplying the last two equations together), and in fact it has previously been shown, that these rectified formulae fulfill the time reversal test, i.e. that P"oi X P"io = 1. APPENDIX I 417 This may, for present convenience, be called the circular test applied to two dates. (Unlike what follows for three dates, this two date test applies to any two dates.) Next, for the three specific dates or places, 1, 2, 3, such as, say, Georgia, Norway, and Egypt, we are to secure further "rectified" P""s such that P 12 X i 23 X i 31 = 1. These required formulae are ^ 12—3 Pf/r 23 — Pirr 31 — -VP"l2P"2zP' Pn 23 a/P"23P"3iP' P"31 '\ P" Z\P"\2P" a For proof, multiplying the above three equations together, we have p" p" p/' ■pft, Titn -puf ^ "^ "-^^ 31 C^ M" 23^ 31 == ■» , = 1 ■^J{P'\2Y{P'\Z)\P"ZXY which was to have been proved. Moreover, in obtaining the P" formula3 which satisfy the circular test, we have not lost the fulfillment of the time reversal test for two dates, nor lost the fulfillment of Test 2. This applies to the P""s as well as the P"'s. For instance, as to Test 1, P"21 V P 2lP 13P 32 and, multiplying this by the first formula above, we have pin w -pill __ P 12 X X 21 ^(P"l2 X P"2.) (P"23 X P"32) (P"31 X P"l3) 1 = 1 \/l X 1 X 1 which was to have been proved. If desired, by retracing our steps, by successive substitutions, we can, of course, obtain P"'i2 in terms of P12, etc. Thus the P'", formulae satisfy the circular test both as applied to the three particular dates, and as applied to any two dates (time reversal test). But this fulfillment of the circular test applies only to three specific dates. K we change date 3 this will change P"'i2. The index number be- tween dates 1 and 2 has thus no fixed value but has a different value for every different date 3. Moreover, if we attempt to go further, and find a formula, P"" which satisfies the circular test for four dates, such that it will still hold for every three and for every two, we encounter difficulties ; for the P""i2 which fulfills the circular test for 1, 2, 3, will differ from that which fulfills the circular test for 1, 2, 4. We shall not even have a single value of P""i2 which can serve in all comparisons, dual, triple, quadruple. 418 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Note to Chapter XIII, § 5. The Meaning of "Equal and Opposite " Cir- cular Gaps. Let P12P23 . . . Pni = 1 + a Let Q12Q23 . . . Qai = I — h, where a and h represent the circular "gaps." Since we are assuming that Test 2 is fulfilled, P12 X Q12 = 1 ; P23 X Q23 = 1 ; . . . ; PuiQm = 1 ; and, therefore, (P12Q12) (P23Q23) . . . (PnlOnl) = 1, i.e. (1 + a) (1 - 6) = 1, which is the theorem which was meant when it was stated, for brevity, that the deviations a and b were "equal and opposite." That is, 1 + a and 1 — 6 are reciprocals. Moreover, if, as in the case of Formula 353, a and b are very small they will also be numerically equal, to several decimal places. Note to Chapter XIII, § 8. For Formulm Failing in Test 1 It Makes a Difference Whether or Not We Pass All Around the Triangle in One Direction. In case the index number under consideration does not obey the time re- versal test, the dark vertical line does not, strictly speaking, measure the deviations from the circular test, if by that phrase is meant the discrepancy found after going all around the triangle in one direction. In such a case the dark vertical line for 1915 is the discrepancy found by going from 1913 around tivo sides of the triangle in one direction (e.g. from 1913 to 1914 and then to 1915) and comparing the position thus reached with that reached by another start from 1913 in the opposite direction along the third side, i.e. from 1913 to 1915. In such cases, where the time reversal test is not fulfilled, there are thus several discrepancies pertaining to any triangle of comparisons (instead of only one as for Formula 353 and the other formulae which do fulfill this test). Taking the years 1, 2, 3, we have the circular gap, 1-2-3-1 or 3-2-1-3 ; also the following others : 1-2-3 compared with 1-3 ; 2-3-1 compared with 2-1 ; 3-1-2 compared with 3-2 ; 3-2-1 com- pared with 3-1. But, in the case where the time reversal test is fulfilled, all these deviations reduce to the same, except that the reversing of the direc- tion around the triangle has the effect of changing the sign of the figure, so to speak. Thus the triangular ratio for 0-1-2 is 100.35 per cent in Table 34 while, for 2-1-0, It is 1/100.35 per cent, or 99.65 per cent, so that, in the first case, the triangular deviation from unity is +.35 per cent and, in the second, —.35 per cent. Note to Chapter XIII, § 9. The Relation of This Book to the Appendix on Index Numbers in the Author's " Purchasing Power of Money." This book has centered on the idea of reversibility as the supreme sort of test for an index number. In my earlier book. The Purchasing Power of Money, in the Appendix to Chapter X, I have employed other tests. The difference between the two studies is one of emphasis. Nothing in the earlier study needs to be abandoned (with the exception of the circular test), and the conclusions of that study are, in general, consistent with those of the present APPENDIX I 419 study. The fundamental difference in method between the two is that, in the earlier study, attention was concentrated on the algebraic properties of the formulae whereas, in the present, attention is concentrated on their numerical results. The present study had its origin in the attempt to compare the numerical results of formulae differing in algebraic properties. But as soon as these numerical results were calculated, they revealed new directions in which to study the reasons for the differences and similarities, directions of study of far greater practical importance than the algebraic properties of the formulae. But now that our new study is completed, we may compare it with the old. In the old, 44 formulae were studied, the original numbering of which, translated into our new numbering, is as follows : TABLE 56. CROSS REFERENCES BETWEEN THE NUMBERS FOR FORMULA TABULATED IN "THE PURCHASING POWER OF MONEY" AND THE NUMBERING USED IN THIS BOOK Number in " Pur- New Number Number in " Pur- New Number chasing Power OF Money" chasing Power OF Money" 1 51 23 4153 2 52 24 4154 3 1 25 9 4 2 26 10 5 11 27 7 6 12 28 8 7 21 29 9001 8 22 30 omitted 9 31 31 15 10 32 32 16 11 54 33 13 12 53 34 14 13 8053 35 29 14 8054 36 30 15 353 37 23 16 353 38 24 17 2153 39 27 18 2154 40 28 19 3153 41 25 20 3154 42 26 21 1153 43 omitted * 22 1154 44 omitted * But calculated in Appendix III. 420 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS There were, in the earlier study, eight tests, each of which was applied in two ways, first, for dual comparisons (between two years only) and, secondly, for comparing a series of years. In the folding table opposite p. 418 of the Purchasing Power of Money each index number was credited with a score of "^" for every test which it fulfilled in a dual comparison only and "1" for every test which it fulfilled in a series of years. Since, as we have seen, in Chapter XIII of this book, only dual comparisons have theoretical validity, we here ignore the distinction between the "i " and " 1." In the earlier study each test was stated with reference to the applica- tion of the formula to the equation of exchange to fulfill which any formula for prices must be accompanied by its factor antithesis (there called simply its "antithesis") for the quantities. Each test was stated both in reference to prices and quantities, and the fulfillment of either was credited as a good mark for the other, its factor antithesis, because the two were running mates in the equation of exchange. Inasmuch as we here seek to rectify the formulae so that the running mates may be of the same kind, there is no real need of such mutual crediting. We need con- sider, therefore, only the tests for one of the two factors, say, for prices (p's) and omit those separately stated (Tests 2, 4, 6) for quantities (g's). We may also ignore Test 7, "changing of the base," as this has been fully considered in the present book. There are left four tests included in the old book and not hitherto made use of in the new, namely : (1) Proportionality. An index number of prices should agree with the price relatives if those agree with each other. (2) De- terminateness. An index number of prices should not be rendered zero, infinity, or indeterminate by an individual price becoming zero. (3) With- drawal or Entry. An index number of prices should be unaffected by the withdrawal or entry of a price relative agreeing with the index number. (4) Commensurability. An index number of prices should be unaffected by changing any unit of measurement of prices or quantities. The last test eliminates all of the "ratios of averages" as shown in Ap- pendix III and also Formula 51 in our numbered series, together with those derived from, or dependent on 51, viz. 52 and 251. All the other formulae obey this test, which may be considered of fundamental impor- tance in the theory of index numbers. The test of proportionality is really a definition of an average.^ It is fulfilled among the primary formulae by all the odd numbered formulae. But none of the even numbered formulae fulfill it (except Laspeyres' and Paasche's, which are also odd numbered). This makes 24 primary for- mulae which fulfill the proportionality test. Table 57 gives the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of each formula as to all the above mentioned tests except that of commensurability already fully scored in the paragraph last but one. In the table a " X " signifies ful- fillment and a " — " signifies non-fulfillment. From this table it is clear that these tests differ radically from the re- versal tests in the text in that they make very little quantitative discrimi- ' Thus the formulse failing to fulfill the proportionality test are not true averages, except under certain conditions. Such a formula for the price index ia an average of the price relatives only when the quantity relatives are all equal. APPENDIX I 421 nation. The proportionality test, for instance, tells us that certain other formulae do agree with the relatives when these agree with each other, which agreement is certainly to their credit. Under such simple circum- stances where there is no dispersion all these various index numbers agree with each other. But then, no index number is needed ! When there is dispersion this test disappears and the various index numbers scatter. That is, the test applies when we do not need its help and, when we do, it does not help us. On the other hand, the test tells us that certain index numbers do not exactly agree with the relatives even when these agree with each other. This is certainly to their discredit. But, from a practical point of view, we want to know how near to agreement the formula then comes. We find that, in some cases, the disagreement is great and, in others, negligible so that the mere fact of non-agreement is of little practical value. It is worth while to note that, in all the formulae such as the "super- lative" which we have selected on other grounds as superior to the rest, the proportionality test is either perfectly fulfilled or almost perfectly ful- filled. That is to say, the proportionality test never conflicts appreciably with our previous conclusions as to what formulae are best, although it does not help us much in sifting them out from the inferior formulae. It is interesting to note that the proportionality test shows some predilection for the aggregative type and very little for the geometric. This is in spite of the fact that the geometric is, par excellence, a proportionality type. The reason is obviously that the factor antitheses of the geometric introduce a discordant element — the value ratio. In the case of the aggregative the value ratio is more congenial. Consequently, of the index numbers which might perhaps be called the two chief rivals for accuracy, 353 and 5323, the former conforms to the proportionality test but the latter does not — nor does 5307, the best of the arithmetic-harmonic type. Thus 353 has another small feather in its cap. In fact the only other formulae, among those fulfilling both the main tests, which fulfill also the proportion- ality test are 1353, 2353, and 3353, all aggregatives. Thus none of the others, fulfilling both the main tests, are, strictly speaking, true averages. As to the determinateness test the formulae which pass this test perfectly are usually very poor formulae while many of the best ones faU. Formula 353 and all the aggregatives pass; but 307, 309, 323, 325, 5307, 5323 faU. Here again 353 scores. As to the withdrawal and entry test, it follows the proportionality test among the primary formulae, being fulfilled by all the odd numbered for- mulae but not by the even (except those which are also odd). But when we come to the cross formulae few meet the test. All three tests relate to the behavior of the formula under some special circumstances, such as when all the relatives are equal, when one is zero, or when one coincides with the index number, and have little value as a general guide. All the good formulae which fail really pass practically. It will be seen, then, that those three tests are of minor importance. This is the reason I have not made use of them in the text. The only parts of my earlier work which have vital importance have been utilized and ampli- fied in the present text. These three minor tests, however, while weak, 422 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 57. SHOWING THE FORMUL/E WHICH FULFILL AND DO NOT FULFILL THREE SUPPLEMENTARY TESTS Formula Propor- Deter- MI- With- drawal Formula Propor- Deter- mi- With- DRAWAIj No. tionality AND No. tionality and NATENE88 Entry nate NESS Entry 1 X _ X 201 __ _ 2 — X — 203 X X — 3 X X X 205 X X — 4 X X X 207 — — — 5 X X X 209 — — — 6 X X X 211 — — — 7 X — X 213 — — — 8 — X — 215 — — — 9 X — X 217 X X — 10 — X — 219 X X — 11 X — X 221 — — — 12 — X — 223 — — — 13 X — X 225 — — — 14 — X — 227 — — — 15 X — X 229 — — — 16 — X — 231 — X — 17 X X X 233 — X — 18 X X X 235 — X — 19 X X X 237 — X — 20 X X X 239 — X — 21 X — X 241 — X — 22 — X — 243 — X — 23 X — X 245 — X — 24 — X — 247 — X — 25 X — X 249 — X — 26 — X — 251 — X — 27 X — X 253 X X — 28 — X — 259 X X — 29 X — X 301 — — — 30 — X — 303 X X — 31 X X X* 305 X X — 32 — X — 307 — — — 33 X X X 309 — — — 34 — X — 321 — — — 35 X X X 323 — — — 36 — X — 325 — — — 37 X X X 331 — X — 38 — X — 333 — X — 39 X X X 335 — X — 40 — X — 341 — X — 41 X X X 343 — X — 42 - X — 345 — X — 43 X X X 351 — X — 44 — X — 353 X X — 45 X X X 1003 X — X 46 — X — 1004 — X — * In case of withdrawal, the test is fulfilled only provided (if the number of terms is first odd) that the median term is also equal to the median of the two neighboring terms, or (if the number of terms is first even) provided the two middle terms are equal. Practically these conditions are fulfilled, at least approximately, in all ordinary circumstances. In case of entry no such reservations are necessary. APPENDIX I 423 TABLE 57 (Continued) Formula No. Propor- tionality Deter- mi- nate NESS With- drawal AND Entrt Formula No. Propor- tionality Deter- Ml- nateness With- drawal AND Entry 47 X X X 1013 X X 48 — X — 1014 — X 49 X X X 1103 X X 50 — X — 1104 X 51 X X X 1123 X X 52 — X — 1124 _ X 53 X X X 1133 X X X 54 X X X 1134 — X 59 X X X 1143 X X X 60 X X X 1144 _ X 101 X — X 1153 X X X 102 — X — 1154 X X 103 X X — 1303 _ 104 X X — 1323 _ _ 105 X X — 1333 — X _ 106 X X — 1343 — X _ 107 X — — 1353 X X _ 108 — X — 2153 X X X 109 X — — 2154 X X 110 — X — 2353 X X _ 121 X — X 3153 X X X 122 — X — 3154 X X 123 X — — 3353 X X — 124 — X — 4153 X X X 125 X — — 4154 — X 126 — X — 4353 — X — 131 X X X 5307 — _ _ 132 — X — 5323 — _ _ 133 X X — 5333 — X _ 134 — X — 5343 — X _ 135 X X — 6023 X X 136 — X — 6053 X X X 141 X X X 8053 X X 142 — X — 8054 X X — 143 X X — 8353 X X — 144 — X — 9001 X — X 145 X X — 9011 X — X 146 — X — 9021 X — X 151 X X X 9031 X X X 152 — X — 9041 X X X 153 X X — 9051 X X X 154 X X do not contradict but confirm so far as in them lies the conclusions of this book. Formula 353, our prize formula by other tests, fulfills perfectly all but one of these three minor tests and fulfills the remaining one — the with- drawal and entry test — so nearly to perfection as to more than satisfy every practical demand. This practical fulfillment would be clear a priori even if we were to make no calculation to verify it. For 353 is a cross between 53 and 54 each oj 424 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS which fulfills this test perfectly and which are always close to each other. Fur- thermore, it is clear that a newly entered commodity the price relative for which in 1917 agrees with the value of 353 P (as it was prior to the entry of the new commodity) both being 161.558, could not, if its weight or importance were very small, disturb appreciably the value (161.558) which 353 already had while, on the other hand, if the importance of the new commodity were very great, i.e. if its price relative were heavily weighted, it would so dominate the index number as to make its value practically coincide with its own (also 161.558). Thus, at either extreme, the result would be very close to 161.558 ; and it stands to reason that it could not depart from this very much at intermediate points. Formula 353 would fulfill this test at all intermediate points provided that — = 353Q. That is, 353P would remain unchanged by entering a new commodity such that — = 353P provided also — = 353Q.^ Po go If the ratio to be entered, ^, is not equal to 353Q the further away it is go the more will the new 353P differ from the old. To take an example more extreme than any met with even among our extremely erratic 36 quantities, let gi be one tenth of go. Now let us see how far 353P can get from fulfilling the withdrawal and entry test, by (1) talcing the case (that for 1917) where the two constituent elements 53P and 54P are the farthest apart and (2) assuming that while the price ratio of the entered commodity agrees with 353P ( i.e. — = 1.61558 ) its quantity \ Po / ratio is absurdly far from agreeing with 353Q ( i.e. — = — , although 353Q, >. \ go 10 for 1917, is 118.98 per cent, i.e. 1.1898). Let Po = 1 and pi = 1.61558. We have now fixed all the conditions except the absolute values of go and gi. If go is very small, say 1 (and so Qi is .1), the effect on the index number is infinitesimal; for, before the entry of po = 1, pi = 1.61558, go = 1 and gi = .1 the 353P was / ^Pigo X ^Mi = / 21238.49 J A/spogo Spogi \ 13104.818 25191.136 '2pogo ■ ■ Spogi \ 13104.818 ' 15641.85 = Vl.62066 X 1.61050 = 1.61558 J while after their entry 353P becomes 4 Spigo + pigo Spigi + pigi 2pogo + pogo Spogi + Pogi V 21238.49 + 1.61558 X 1 y 25191.136 + 1.61558 X .1 _ 13104.818 + 1X1 15641.85 + 1 X .1 '"Cf. Truman L. Kelley, Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, September, 1921, p. 835. The apparently different formula given by Professor Kelley reduces to 353Q. APPENDIX I 425 Vl.62066 X 1.61050 = 1.61558 the ratio of which to the original 1.61558 is 1.00000. Evidently, the new figures are too small to influence the result appreciably. On the other hand, if qo is very large (gi being always rtr of go and po being 1, and pi being 1.61558), say Qq = 1,000,000,000, the result is: 4 21238.49 + 1.61558 X 1,000,000,000 25191.136 + 1.61558 X 100,000,000 13104.818 + 1 X 1,000,000,000 15641.85 + 1 X 100,000,000 = Vl.61558 X 1.61558 = 1.61558 the ratio of which to 1.61558 is 1.00000, showing that the new figures eclipse the old but yield the same result. Between these two extremes qo has a value which makes the maximum discrepancy, i.e. which renders a maximum, or minimum, above or below unity, the ratio 4 4 Spigo >^ Spigi Spogo Spogi This value of go is obtained by diflterentiating and solving for go the equation — = 0. dqo Before differentiating we may omit the radical sign and omit the denom- inator, for the ratio R is a maximum or minimum according as its square is a maximum or minimum, which in turn is according as its numerator is a maximum or a minimum, the denominator being constant. For simplicity we may put Spogo = a, Spogi = b, Spigo = c, Spigi = d. We may also, for convenience, call go = x and gi = kx where A; = x&- Thus we are to maximize ( c + pix \ /a a + paxj \l ' c + pix \ ( d + pifca; \ ^6 -|- Pofcx/ or to maximize (c a d 6 \ substitutmg m = — ,n= — , r = — , s = — i Vi Po Pu Pot/ ( m -\- x \ / r 4- x \ n + x/\s + xj Differentiating this with respect to x, and placing the result equal to zero, we have (m+x)(s-r) , (r + x)(n - m) ^ ^ s-{- X n + X 426 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Solving for x, we have ■ 2 \4 where, for brevity _ (m + n) (s — r) + (a + r) (n — m) s — r -\- n — m , _ mn (s — r) + rs (n — m) 8 — r + n — m It remains to evaluate x numerically. The result of solving this equation is a; = 50 = 45134.14 so that also Poqo = 45134.14 which makes the new index number, after the entry of the new commodity, 1.61418 and its ratio to the original index niunber, 1.61558, .99913, instead of unity as it is if go is very small or very large. In other words, the maximum deviation from unity occurs when the new commodity entered has a value in 1913 of 45134.14, or over three times the total value (13104.818) of all the 36 original commodities. Such a gigantic commodity may have a price ratio of 161.558 agreeing with the original index number and yet its entry will change the index number from 161.558 to 161.418, because the quantity ratio of the new commodity does not agree with the old quantity index, being .1 instead of 1.1898. Yet even this maximum possible wandering from 161.558 is negligible, being less than one part in a thousand. If the new commodity were not so gigantic this tiny disturbance would be much tinier. Thus this single failure of our ideal formula, 353, to fulfill all tests applied is practically not a failure. Note to Chapter XIII, § 10. Ogbum's Formula for Macaulay's Theorem. Professor W. F. Ogburn has derived an interesting and simple formula * for the difference between the chain and fixed base index numbers when both are simple arithmetics. It shows that we may always tell whether the chain or fixed base figures tend to be the greater, by watching a cri- terion. This criterion is found by : (1) Subtracting any price relative (say that of bacon) for any given year from the index number of that year ; (2) Multiplying the difference thus found by the percentage increase of the price of that commodity (bacon) between said year and the next ; (3) Adding the product thus found (which may, of course, be positive or negative) for bacon to the cori-esponding product for barley, etc., through- out the hst. If the net sum thus obtained is positive, the chain figures are increasing (between said year and the next) faster than the fixed base figures. If it is negative, the opposite is true. It is usually positive ; because, for in- stance, the lower relatives, affording the largest differences, are the most likely to recover and so have the larger percentage increases to be mul- tiplied by. A low price going still lower is the exception. Note to Chapter XIII, § 11. If a Formula Satisfies the Circular Test for » See Wesley C. Mitchell, Bulletin No. 284, United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, pp. 88-89, footnote. APPENDIX I 427 Every Three Dates It Will Satisfy for Four, or Any Other Number. Thus, let us add Boston to the previous trio of cities (of Chapter XIII, § 1) and let us, in thought, step the price levels up or down from city to city in any desired circuit such as the following : Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia. What we are about to prove is that, if the test is fulfilled for every triangular comparison among these four cities, it will necessarily be fulfilled for the quadrangular comparison stated. By hypothesis (i.e. by the assumed triangular test) we know that passing around the triangle Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia we re- turn to the same figure, 100 per cent, with which we started. But, by the same hypothesis applied to a different triangle of cities, we know that the price level of Boston, calculated, in the above case, directly from Phila- delphia, is the same as though it were calculated via New York. Conse- quently, we may, without affecting the result, insert New York between Philadelphia and Boston. This converts the original triangular circuit Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago into a quadrangular one, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Chicago without disturbing the result, namely, that we end in Philadelphia at the same figure with which we started. Algebraically, we wish to prove that Pn X P23 X Pu X Pn = 1, and Pn X P23 X P34 X P45 X Pbi = 1, etc., etc. Since the triangular test is assumed to be fulfilled, we know that P12 X P23 X P31 = 1. But for P31 we may substitute P34 X P41, — since the triangular test P34 X P41 = P3 shows that P34 X P41 X Pu = 1, or (since Pi3 = — ) Making this substitution, we have P12 X P23 X P34 X P4i = 1, which is the proposition to have been proved, — for four steps around the circle. Again, substituting in the last for Pu the expression Pa X P&i we have P12 X P23 X P34 X P46 X Psi = 1 and, substituting likewise for Psi, we have P12 X P23 X P34 X P46 X Pbi X Pei = 1, etc., etc., which were to have been proved. Since all these theorems as to four, five, six, etc.. years follow from that for three only, it is clear that the essential number of years for this supposed test is three. It might, therefore, be called the "triangular" test rather than the "circular" test. In other words, the so-called circular test really starts with three years. It cannot start with two and introduce a third, fourth, etc., on the analogy of the above process, as the reader can readily convince himself if he tries it. Thus the triangular test is on a different plane from the dual or time re- versal test. The dual test befits an index number because, by its very nature, an index number (such as P12) involves just two times, such as " 1 " and "2," not three. The triangular test introduces an extraneous element not already represented in the index number itself. Note to Chapter XIV, §7. Splicing as Applied to Aggregative Index Numbers. The following is quoted from a statement kindly sent me by Mr. Charles A. Bell, of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, show- ing the method of spUcing employed by that Bureau : 428 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS In general, the method followed by the Bureau is as follows : When one grade or quality of an article is to be substituted for another, great care is taken that the newcomer shall correspond as closely as possible with its predecessor. In the case of manufactured prod- ucts, as shoes and textiles, the manufacturer furnishing the information is asked to make the selection. In this way the least possible violence is done to the continuity of the price series. In all cases of this kind the best advice available is sought. The two series are then brought together, with overlapping data for at least one full year, in which form the detailed price information is published. The continuous series of price relatives is con- structed through the medium of the overlapping year, which carries with it the assumption that prices of the substituted commodity in previous years, if available, would have shown the same degree of fluctuation as the former commodity. In constructing the group and general index numbers, the plan is followed of building two parallel columns of weighted price aggregates for any year in which an addition, a sub- stitution, or a withdrawal takes place. The first column contains items strictly comparable with those for preceding years and the second column contains items strictly comparable with those for succeeding years. The index number for the overlapping year is, of course, based on the items in the first column. The index numbers for subsequent years are found by summing the items for such years and converting them to percentages of the sum in the second column for the overlapping year, then multiplying them by the index number for the overlapping year, thus converting them to the original base. This is, in effect, a chain index system, welded into one with a fixed base. Its elasticity permits the intro- duction or dropping of commodities without serious jar to the structure, although the effort is made to reduce to a minimum consistent with fairness the number of changes in the list of commodities. As you understand, of course, the Bureau is not concerned with price relatives of individual commodities in constructing its index numbers. Note to Chapter XIV, § 9. Bias of 602S and 23 Small {in the case of the 12 crops) because of Correlation between Price and Quantity Movements. There is another reason why the downward bias of Formula 6023 is so small. This is that the downward bias of 23 itself is small. This is because of the inverse correlation between the price relatives and the quantity rela- tives. It will be recalled that weight bias exists in a price index because of the price element in the weight. In Formula 23, for instance, the index number is an average of price relatives so weighted that a high price relative draws a low price element in its weight and a low, a high. The other, or quantity element, was assumed as likely to lean in one direction as the other. But if this is not true ; if, instead, every high price element has associated with it a low quantity element and vice versa, evidently the weight itself, or product of a low price by a high quan- tity, or a high price by a low quantity, will be devoid of bias. If the price and quantity elements are thus correlated to the extreme limit of 100 per cent, the downward bias of 23 will be completely abolished. In the present case, where the correlation is —88 per cent, the bias is nearly abolished. Were it not for this inverse correlation the downward bias of 6023 (which is 23 with broadened base) would be much more in evidence. Note to Chapter XV, § 2. Special Proof that 2153 is Extremely Close to S53. Formula 2153 will, under all ordinary circumstances, be sufficiently close to Formula 353 to serve as a short cut substitute. Only where, as in this monograph, the highest accuracy is desired, is it necessary to spend the additional time for calculating Formula 353. Formula 2153 may be either greater or less than 353 according to circumstances. It is desirable to construct a table by which we may know how close 2153 and 353 may be under various circumstances. The two formulse (say, for prices, which we may call Formulae 2153P and 353P) will coincide, of course, if Formulae 63P and 54P, of which they are averages, happen to coincide. (In this APPENDIX I 429 case, Formulae Nos. 53Q and 54Q will also coincide.) The two (2153P and 353P) will also coincide if 53Q and 54Q happen to be reciprocals of each other, i.e. if one of the latter is above 100 per cent, the base, and the other below it in the same proportion. In all other cases, 2153P and 353P will differ. The following formula ^ gives the relative size of 2153P and 353P : (2153P) _ 1 + (54Q) _^ jEl (353P) 1 + (53Q) ■ \'53' The 54 and 53, under the radical, may be either both "P's " or both "Q's," they being proportional.^ The reader can readily verify this formula by substituting in it the ex- pression for Formula 53, etc.^ From this formula, it follows that if (54P) / ^ (54Q)\ J (53P) V (53Q)/ and if, furthermore, (54Q) X (53Q) > 1, then 2153P will exceed 353P as also will be the case if both the above in- equalities are reversed. But if only the upper, or only the lower, be re- versed, then 2153P will be less than 353P. The formula may also be written 1 + (353Q) VE 1 + (353Q) VH From this, knowing |4 and 353Q, we may calculate the different values of the formula for various possible values of || and 353Q. Evidently if either |4 or 353Q is equal to unity, the formula reduces to unity. That is, if either (1) 53 and 54 are close together, or (2) 353Q is close to 100 per cent, then 2153 and 353 are very close together. Table 58 tells us how near or far apart are Formulae 2153 and 353, if we know (1) how near or far apart are 53 and 54, and (2) how large or small they (and their average 353) are. 1 First suggested to me, in substance, by Professor Hudson Hastings of the Pollak Foundation for Economic Research. 2 By definition 54P = 7 -^ 53Q, likewise 54Q = F -^ 53P ; dividing these and cancel- ing we get the proportion. (F is the value ratio.) ' He may also be interested in developing the formulae (corresponding somewhat to the above for 2153), for 2154, 2353, 8053, 8054, 8353, in terms of 353 ; also in terms of 53 and 54. These include the interrelations connecting all available types of averaging the two for- mula, 53 and 54, i.e. the arithmetic (8053), harmonic (8054), geometric (353), and aggre- gative (2153) methods. That 2153 is an aggregative average of 53 and 54, i.e. is numerator of Formula 53 + numerator of Formula 54 .^ ^j^^^ .j ^^^.^ ^^ algebraically denominator of Formula 53 + denominator of Formula 54 expressed and compared with the ordinary formula for 2153, 430 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 58. FORMULA 2153P AS A PERCENTAGE OF FOR- MULA 353P (According to various values of H and 353Q, both expressed in per cents) 54 FoBMULA 3530 53 200 160 120 100 80 60 110 101.6 101.0 100.4 100.0 99.5 98.4 105 100.8 100.5 100.2 100.0 99.7 99.2 102 100.3 100.2 100.1 100.0 99.9 99.7 100 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 98 99.7 99.8 99.9 100.0 100.1 100.3 96 99.1 99.5 99.8 100.0 100.3 100.9 90 98.3 99.0 99.5 100.0 100.6 101.8 From this table it will be seen that the index number by Formula 2153 is always close to that by 353, even under the extreme conditions repre- sented by the four corners of the table — conditions seldom, if ever, reahzed in practice. The upper left corner represents a condition where H is 110 per cent, i.e. where Formula 54 exceeds 53 by 10 per cent (a difference probably never reached in practice) combined with the additional fact that the price level is very high (200 per cent). Under these two circum- stances, the ratio of 2153P to 353P is 101.6, i.e. 2153P is 1.6 per cent higher than 353P. In the other three corners other extreme circumstances are represented. The table shows that, even if only one of the two conditions is extreme, the two index numbers, 2153 and 353, coincide as perfectly as when neither is extreme. By means of this table, it is easy to tell in any individual case how great an error will be involved by using 2153 instead of 353, and whether the additional accuracy of 353 is worth the additional trouble. In the case of the 36 commodities, there is no instance where 353 would be needed as 2153 is close to 353, always within one tenth of one per cent. The reason is that 53 and 54 are so close together. In the case of Persons' statistics for 12 crops. Formulae 53 and 54 are further apart. But even this fact does not require the u^e of Formula 353 except possibly in the case of the year 1890, where, besides the fact that 14 is low (94.85 per cent), there is the additional fact that 353Q is very low (56.7 per cent). In this case, the ratio of Formula 2153P to 353P is 100.8 per cent. That is. the two differ by three fourths of one per cent. This is the greatest error I can find in any actual case and this, in most cases, would not be con- sidered worth taking into account. Note to Chapter XVI, §4. "Probable Error" by Professor Kelley's Method. Professor Truman L. Kelley ^ proposes another method of 1 "Certain Properties of Index Numbers," Quarterly Publication of the American Statis- tical Association, pp. 826-41, September, 1921, APPENDIX I 431 measuring the "probable error" of an index number, meaning the error due to incompleteness of sampling, or smallness of the number of commodi- ties included in the index. His method is to divide the list of commodities into halves, calculate (by the same formula as that used for the entire set) the series of index numbers for each of the halves, take the coefficient of corre- lation, r, between these two series of index numbers, or "sub-indices," take their "reUability coefficient," R, which is equal to , take the standard 1 + r deviation of each of the two series of sub-indices (from the mean of the series), take the average cr of these two and, from this, calculate the stand- ard devi ation o f the original index, for the same period, by the formula h JL. J. a' = ff-Y — - — • Having thus obtained R and 17 109 Cross between U *19 121 Cross between 21 and 21 123 Cross between 23 125 Cross between 25 1 27 J 29 102 Factor Antithesis of 101 and cross between 2 and 12 104 1 Factor Antithesis 106 1 Factor Antithesis 108 Factor Antithesis 110 Factor Antithesis of 103 of 105 of 107 of 109 and cross between and cross between and cross between 8 and cross between 10' 122 Factor Antithesis of 121 and cross between 22 and 22 124 Factor Antithesis 126 Factor Antithesis of 123 and cross between 24 of 125 and cross between 26 \ 28/ 30 131 Cross between 31 and 31 132 Factor Antithesis of 131 and cross between 32 and 32 133 Cross between 33 135 Crosa between 35 1 37. 39 134 Factor Antithesis 136 Factor Antithesis of 133 and cross between 34 of 135 and crosa between 36 1 38/ 40 ' Reduces to Formula 353. APPENDIX V 463 141 Cross between 41 and 41 142 Factor Antithesis of 141 and cross between 42 and 42 143 Cross between 43 1 145 Cross between 45 1 1 47/ f 49 J 144 Factor Antithesis of 143 and cross between 44 146 Factor Antithesis of 145 and cross between 46 \ 48/ ■ 50 151 Cross between 51 and 51 152 Factor Antithesis of 151 and cross between 52 and 52 1531 Cross between 53 \ 59/ 1541 Factor Antithesis of 153 and cross between 54 \ 60/ 1 Reduces to Formula 353. CROSS FORMULA FULFILLING TEST 2 (200-299) 201 Cross between 1 and 2 2313 Cross between 31 and 32 203' 2051 207 209 Cross between 3 and 4 Cross between 5 and 6 Cross between 7 and 8 Cross between 9 and 10 233 235 237 239 Cross between 33 and 34 Cross between 35 and 36 Cross between 37 and 38 Cross between 39 and 40 211 Cross between 11 and 12 241* Cross between 41 and 42 213 215 2171 2191 Cross between 13 and 14 Cross between 15 and 16 Cross between 17 and 18 Cross between 19 and 20 243 245 247 249 Cross between 43 and 44 Cross between 45 and 46 Cross between 47 and 48 Cross between 49 and 50 2212 Cross between 21 and 22 2516 Cross between 51 and 52 223 225 227 229 Cross between 23 and 24 Cross between 25 and 26 Cross between 27 and 28 Cross between 29 and 30 253 « 259 « Cross between 53 and 54 Cross between 59 and 60 ' Reduces to Formula 353. * Same as Formula 321. 8 Same as Formula 331. * Same as Formula 341. ' Same as Formula 351. * Reduces to Formula 353. CROSS FORMUL.^ FULFILLING BOTH TESTS (300-399) 301 Cross between 1,11; 2, 12 also between 101 and 102 also between 201 and 211 3031 Cross between 3, 19 ; 4, 20 also between 103 and 104 also between 203 and 219 3051 Cross between 5, 17 ; 6, 18 also between 105 and 106 also between 205 and 217 307 Cross between 7, 15 ; 8, 16 also between 107 and 108 also between 207 and 215 309 Cross between 9, 13 ; 10, 14 also between 109 and 110 also between 209 and 213 321 Cross between 21, 21 ; 22, 22 also between 121 and 122 also between 221 and 221 323 Cross between 23, 29 ; 24, 30 also between 123 and 124 also between 223 and 229 ^ Reduces to Formula 353. 464 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 325 Cross between 25, 27 ; 26, 28 also between 125 and 126 also between 225 and 227 331 Cross between 31, 31 ; 32, 32 also between 131 and 132 also between 231 and 231 333 Cross between 33, 39 ; 34, 40 also between 133 and 134 also between 233 and 239 335 Cross between 35, 37 ; 36, 38 also between 135 and 136 also between 235 and 237 341 Cross between 41, 41 ; 42, 42 also between 141 and 142 also between 241 and 241 343 Cross between 43, 49 ; 44, 50 also between 143 and 144 also between 243 and 249 345 Cross between 45, 47 ; 46, 48 also between 145 and 146 also between 245 and 247 351 Cross between 51, 51 ; 52, 52 also between 151 and 152 also between 251 and 251 353 Cross between 53, 59 ; 54, 60 also between 153 and 154 also between 253 and 259 The foregoing formulae constitute the "main series"; the following, the "supplementary series." CROSS WEIGHT FORMULAE (1000-1999) (Cross by Geometric Mean) (1003 and 1013 do not fulfill Test 1 ; all 1100-1199 fuIfiU Test 1 and 1300- 1399 fulfiU both tests) 1003 Cross weight from 3 and 9 ; also from 5 and 7 1004 Factor Antithesis of 1003 1013 Cross weight from 13 and 19 ; also from 15 and 17 1014 Factor Antithesis of 1013 1103 Cross between 1003 and 1013 1104 Factor Antithesis of 1103 1123 Cross weight from 23 and 29 ; also from 25 and 27 1124 Factor Antithesis of 1123 1133 Cross weight from 33 and 39 ; also from 35 and 37 1134 Factor Antithesis of 1133 1143 Cross weight from 43 and 49 ; also from 45 and 47 1144 Factor Antithesis of 1143 1153 Cross weight from 53 and 59 1154 Factor Antithesis of 1 153 1303 1323 1333 1343 1353 Cross between 1103 and 1104 Cross between 1123 and 1124 Cross between 1133 and 1134 Cross between 1143 and 1144 Cross between 1153 and 1154 APPENDIX V 465 CROSS WEIGHT FORMULA (2000-4999) (Other than by Geometric Cross) 2153 2353 Cross -weight (arithmetically) from 53 and 54 Cross between 2153 and 2154 2154 Factor Antithesis of 2153 3153 3353 Cross weight (harmonically) from 53 and 54 Cross between 3153 and 3154 3154 Factor Antithesis of 3153 4153 4353 Cross weight (Lehr's) from 53 and 54 Cross between 4153 and 4154 4154 Factor Antithesis of 4153 MISCELLANEOUS FORMULAE (5000-9999) Crosses of Cross Formulae (5000-5999) 5307 Cross between 307 and 309 5323 Cross between 323 and 325 5333 Cross between 333 and 335 5343 Cross between 343 and 345 Broadened Base Formula (6000-6999) 6023 6053 Like 23 except that base is average over two or more years Like 53 except that base is average over two or more years Blend (7000-7999) 7053 Average of 353's reckoned for every year Arithmetic and Harmonic Averages of Formulae (8000-8999) 8053 8054 83531 Simple arithmetic average of 53 and 54 Simple harmonic average of 53 and 54 (also factor antithesis of 8053) Cross of 8053 and 8054 Round Weight Formulae (9000-9999) ^ 9051 Calculated like 51 after judicious shifts of decimal points of the 36 quotations. 1 Reduces to Formula 353. 2 For 9001, 9011, 9021, 9031, and 9041, none of which are calculated in this book, see § 3 of this Appendix, Table 62. 466 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS § 3. TABLE 62. FORMULiE FOR INDEX NUMBERS (F is abbreviation for -Ell^) 2po3o Arithmetic Types Symbols for Identtfication Formula No. Letter Name 1 A Simple 2^ Po n Carli Schuckbvirg- Evelyn Economist Sauerbeck, Statist Most others 2 V: '' n 3* A7 Weighted / Zpo9o — Spo?o U. S. Bur. Labor Statistics 4t 230P0 — ■ Sg-oPo 5t All Weighted II 2po?i - S/Jo^i 6* ^1 290P1 — 290P1 7 A III Weighted /// Spi?o- 2pi5o 8 5i S91P0 — Sgipo 9 AIV Weighted IV 2pi9i Palgrave 10 2gipi * Reduces to 63. t Reduces to 54. APPENDIX V 467 TABLE 62 (o Jj Marshall Walsh 2154* Fact. Antith. of 2153 Y • ^ Walsh 2353^ Cross of preceding two (fulfilling Tests 1 and 2) V2153 X 2154 * As to alternative forms, see Note " Alternative Forms of Certain Formulae " at end of table. APPENDIX V TABLE 62 (Continued) 485 Symbols fok Identification Formula Approved bt No. Name (fulfilling Test 1) 3153* Harmonically crossed weight aggregative / 2 \ \qo gi/ / ^ \ \?o qif 3154 Fact. Antith. of 3153 I ^ \ 2(L+L)?i TT . \P0 Pi/ / M 2 1 ^ L Uo \Po Pi/ (fulfilling Tests 1 and 2) Cross of preceding two V3153 X 3154 (fulfilling Test 1) Weighted arithmetically crossed weight aggregative Po + Pi ^Pogo+Pigip^ Po + Pi Fact. Antith. of 4153 F ^ ■^ goPo + glPlg ^ go + gl ^ goPo + glPl „ 2. 1 qa go + gi Lehr (fulfilling Tests 1 and 2) Cross of preceding two V4153 X 4154 * As to alternative forms, see Note " Alternative Forms of Certain Formulae " at end of table. 486 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 62 {Continued) Crosses of Crosses (fulfilling Tests 1 and 2) No. Formula Approved by 5307 V307 X 309 * 5323 V323 X 325 5333 V333 X 335 5343 V343 X 345 Geometric and Aggregative Broadened Base Formula (fulfilling neither test) Symbols for Identification FOEMUIiA Approved by No. Name 6023 Geometric Same as 23 Day Broadened base after substituting Persons 1913-14 for "0," 0-1, or '13-'14 6023 Same Same as 23 Dav 1913-16 after substituting for "0," 0-1-2-3, or '13-'14-'15-'16 Persons 6023 Same Same as 23 Day 1913 and 1918 after substituting for "0," and 5, or '13 and '18 Persons 6053 Aggregative Same as 53 Broadened base after substituting 1913-14 for "0," 0-1, or '13-' 14 6053 Same Same as 53 1913-16 after substituting for "0," 0-1-2-3, or '13-' 14^' 15-' 16 6053 Same Same as 53 1913-18 after substituting for "0," 0-1-2-3-4-5, or '13-' 14-' 15-' 16-' 17-' 18 APPENDIX V 487 TABLE 62 (Continued) Arithmetic and Harmonic Means of Aggregative Index Numbers (fulfilling neither test) No. Name Formula Approved by 7053 Arithmetic mean of ideal formula on different base years 353 ('13) + 353 ('14) + 353 ('15) + 353 ('16) + 353 ('17) + 353 ('18) -j-6 8053 Arithmetic mean of aggregative 53 + 54 _ Zpo^o ' SpoQ'i Sidgwick Drobisch 2 2 8054 Fact. Antith. of 8053 'SqiPo , Sg-ipi y . 2goPo SgoPi _ 2 2 Spoqo Spogi 8353* V8053 X 8054 * Reduces to 353. All Types of Index Numbers with Constant Weights Symbols fob Identification Formula No. Name Weighted by arbitrary constants 2y, — where the w's Po are arbitrary Dun 9001 Arithmetic Falkner Zw constant weights Ar. Young 9011 Harmonic Sw; where the w's p^ are arbitrary ^"' — constant weights Geometric 9021 2w//pA«) where the w's \ \ / ' ' ■ ^^® arbitrary ^° constant weights 9031 Median Mid-weight term of price relatives 9041 Mode Weightiest price relative 9051 Aggregative Xio pi where the w's Xw po ^^^ arbitrary constant weights Lowe 488 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF CERTAIN FORMULA Many formulse may be changed into forms other than those given in the foregoing table. The footnotes to the table indicate some transformations such as of Formula 3 into Formula 53. There are many others. Thus we may derive at least five alternative forms for Formula 2153, five for 2154 two for 2353, five for 3153, seven for 4153. In most of these cases, the form easiest to calculate is not that given in the table. Thus the most easily calculated form of 2153 is that of 2154 is and of 3153 2(5i + 9o)Po 1 I 5Mo Spogo I I ^Pogi Spigi gogi go + gi 2po gogi go+gi APPENDIX VI NUMERICAL DATA AND EXAMPLES s 1. the data for the 36 commodities, prices and quantities Table 63. Prices of the 36 Commodities, 1913-1918 No. COMMODITT po Pi P2 P3 P4 P6 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1 Bacon .1236 .1295 .1129 .1462 .2382 .2612 2 Barley . . .6263 .6204 .7103 .8750 1.3232 1.4611 3 Beef . . .1295 .1364 .1289 .1382 .1672 .2213 4 Butter . . .2969 .2731 .2743 .3179 .4034 .4857 5 Cattle . . 12.0396 11.9208 12.1354 12.4375 15.6354 18.8646 6 Cement 1.5800 1.5800 1.4525 1.68SS 2.0942 2.6465 7 Coal, anth. 5.0636 5.0592 5.0464 5.2906 5.6218 6.5089 8 Coal, bit. . 1.2700 1.1700 1.0400 2.0700 3.5800 2.4000 9 Coffee . . .1113 .0816 .0745 .0924 .0929 .0935 10 Coke . . 3.0300 2.3200 2.4200 4.7800 10.6600 7.0000 11 Copper . . .1533 .1318 .1676 .2651 .2764 .2468 12 Cotton . . .1279 .1121 .1015 .1447 .2350 .3178 13 Eggs . . .2468 .2660 .2597 .2945 .4015 .4827 14 Hay . . . 11.2500 12.3182 11.6250 10.0625 17.6042 21.8958 15 Hides . . .1727 .1842 .2076 .2391 .2828 .2144 16 Hogs . . 8.3654 8.3608 7.1313 9.6459 15.7047 17.5995 17 Iron bars . 1.5100 1.2000 1.3700 2.5700 4.0600 3.5000 18 Iron, pig . 14.9025 13.3900 13.5758 18.6708 38.8082 36.5340 19 Lead (white) .0676 .0675 .0698 .0927 .1121 .1271 20 Lead . . .0437 .0386 .0467 .0686 .0879 .0741 21 Lumber 90.3974 90.9904 90.5000 91.9000 105.0400 121.0455 22 Mutton .1025 .1010 .1073 .1250 .1664 .1982 23 Petroleum .1233 .1200 .1208 .1217 .1242 .1695 24 Pork . . .1486 .1543 .1429 .1618 .2435 .2495 25 Rubber . .8071 .6158 .6573 .6694 .6477 .5490 26 Silk . . . 3.9083 4.0573 3.6365 5.4458 5.9957 6.9770 27 Silver . . .5980 .5481 .4969 .6566 .8142 .9676 28 Skins . , 2.5833 2.6250 2.7188 4.1729 5.5208 5.5625 29 Steel rails . 28.0000 28.0000 28.0000 31.3333 38.0000 54.0000 30 Tin, pig . 44.3200 35.7000 38.6600 43.4800 61.6500 87.1042 31 Tin plate . 3.5583 3.3688 3.2417 5.1250 9.1250 7.7300 32 Wheat . . .9131 1.0412 1.3443 1.4165 2.3211 2.2352 33 Wool . . .5883 .5975 .7375 .7900 1.2841 1.6600 34 Lime . . 1.2500 1.2500 1.2396 1.4050 1.7604 2.3000 35 Lard . . .1101 .1037 .0940 .1347 .2170 .2603 36 Oats . . .3758 .4191 .4958 .4552 .6372 .7747 489 490 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS Table 64. Quantities Marketed op the 36 Commodities, 1913-1918 (in millions of units) No. Commodity qo 1913 01 1914 92 1915 53 1916 qt 1917 95 1918 1 Bacon, lb 1077. 1069. 1869. 1481. 1187. 1498. 2 Barley, bu. . 178.2 195. 228.9 182.3 209. 256.4 3 Beef, lb. . . 6589. 6522. 6820. 7134. 8417. 10244. 4 Butter, lb. 1757. 1780. 1800. 1820. 1842. 1916. 5 Cattle, owt. . 69.8 67.6 71.5 S3.1 103.5 118.3 6 Cement, bbl. . 85.8 84.4 84.4 92. 88.1 69.4 7 Coal, anth., ton 6.9 6.86 6.78 6.75 7.83 7.69 8 Coal, bit., ton 477. 424. 443. 502. 552. 583. 9 Coffee, lb. . . 863. 1002. 1119. 1201. 1320. 1144. 10 Coke, short ton 46.3 34.6 41.6 54.5 56.7 55. 11 Copper, lb. . 812.3 620.5 1043.5 1429.8 1316.5 1648.3 12 Cotton, lb. . 2785. 2820. 2838. 3235. 3423. 3298. 13 Eggs, doz. 1722. 1759. 1791. 1828. 1882. 1908. 14 Hay, ton . . 79.2 83. 103, 111. 94.9 89.8 15 Hides, lb. . . 672. 924. 1227. 1212. 1113. 663. 16 Hogs, cwt. . 68.4 65.1 76.8 8R.2 67.8 82.4 17 Iron bar, cwt. 79.2 50.4 82.6 132.4 133. 132. 18 Iron, pig, ton 31. 23.3 29.9 39.4 38.7 38.1 19 Lead (white), lb 286. 318. 312. 268. 230. 216. 20 Lead, lb. . . 823.7 1025.6 1014.1 1104.5 1099.8 1083. 21 Lumber, M bd. i t. . 21.8 20.7 20.5 22.3 21.2 19.2 22 Mutton, lb. . 732. 734. 629. 618. 474. 513. 23 Petroleum, gal. 10400. 11200. 11840. 12640. 14880. 15680. 24 Pork, lb. . . 9211. 8871. 9912. 10524. 8427. 11426. 25 Rubber, lb. . 115.8 136.6 231.4 258.8 375.9 351.5 26 Silk. lb. . . 19.1 19.1 20. 24.4 29.4 27.1 27 Silver, oz. . . 146.1 144. 173.4 139.3 133.6 140.7 28 Skins, skin 6.7 5.9 4.3 5.6 2.7 .7 29 Steel rails, ton 3.5 1.95 2.2 2.86 2.94 2.37 30 Tin, pig, cwt. 1.04 .95 1.16 1.43 1.56 1.59 31 Tin, plate, cwt. 15.3 17.3 19.7 22.8 29.5 28. 32 Wheat, bu. . 555. 654. 588. 642. 605. 562. 33 Wool, lb. . . 448. 550. 699. 737. 707. 752. 34 Lime, bbl., 300 1 b. '. 23.3 22.5 25. 27.1 24. 20.2 35 Lard, lb. . . 1100. 955. 1050. 1141. 927. 1107. 36 Oata, bu. . . 1122. 1240. 1360. 1480. 1587. 1538. §2. EXAMPLES, IN TABULAR FORM, SHOWING HOW TO CALCULATE INDEX NUMBERS BY THE NINE MOST PRACTICAL FORMULA The following nine model examples may be of assistance to the reader who desires practical and specific directions for calculating an index num- ber. They include all of the eight formulae mentioned in Chapter XVII, § 8, as the formulae most recommended for practical use, together with 8053, a makeshift for 353. Formulse 53, 54, and 8053, are given first and axe followed by the others in the same order as in Chapter XVII, § 8. APPENDIX VI 491 In each case the data used are those for the 36 commodities as given on the two preceding pages. Formula 53, Laspeyres', Aggregative I, Poi =■ — 2pogo (For discussion see pp. 56-60, 131-2, 237-40) Computation of 2po3o Per Unit Million Units 1 (Bacon); po = $0.1236 ; ^o = 1077. ; po?o =.1236 X 1077 =133.117 2 (Barley) ; p'o = .6263 ; g'o = 178.2; p'og'o = .6263 X 178.2 = 111.607 3 (Beef) p"o3"o = . 1295 X 6589 =853.276 4 .2969X1757 =521.653 36 .3758X1122 =421.648 (adding) Spogo = 13104.818 Computation of Spi^o 1 pi = .1295; go = 1077; pigo = • 1295 X 1077 =139.47 2 p'ig'o = .6204X 178.2 = 110.56 3 .1364X6589 =898.74 36 .4191X1122 =470.23 (adding) Spigo = 13095.78 Whence P„j =IM2.= 13095.78 ^ gg gg ^^^^ ^ ^^^^^ numbcr for 1914 Zpogo 13104.818 Likewise p ^ 2p2g0 ^ 13061.84 ^ ggg^ „ „ ^ „ „ „ jgjg Spogo 13104.818 Likewise p„3 = ^P^g° = 14950.13 ^ ^^^Qg „ „ ^ „ „ „ jgjg Spogo 13104.818 Likewise Pn, = ^P^g" = 21238.49 ^ 162.07 " " = " " " 1917 Spogo 13104.818 Likewise p _ ^P&Qo _ 23308.95 _ ..-yo- ,, ,, _ »> j> n igig °' ~ Spogo ~ 13104.818 The above is by the fixed base system. 492 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 93 per cent By the chain system, we have Poi = 13095.78 13104.818 99.93 Pl2 = 13059.052 13033.034 100.20 P23 = 16233.560 _ 14280.976 113.67 P34 = 25388.869 17789.440 142.72 P48 = 27690.677 109.92 25191.136 Whence, by successive multiplication Poi = 99.93 = 99.93 per cent = index number for 1914 P01P12 = 99.93 X 100.20 = 100.13 per cent = index number for 1915 P01P12P23 = 99.93 X 100.20 X 113.67 = 113.82 per cent = index number for 1916 P01P12P23P34 = 99.93 X 100.20 X 113.67 X 142.72 = 162.44 per cent = index number for 1917 P01PX2P23P34P45 = 99.93 X 100.20 X 113.67 X 142.72 X 109.92 = 178.56 per cent = index number for 1918 Formula 54, Paasche's, Aggregative IV, Poi = 2pogi (For discussion see pages cited for Formula 53, especially pp. 131-2) Computation of Spi^i 1 pi = .1295 gi = 1069. pi^i = .1295 X 1069. = 138.436 2 p'lq'i = .6204 X 195. = 120.978 3 .1364 X 6522. = 889.601 36 519.684 (adding) Spi^i 13033.034 Computation of Spo5i 1 pogi = .1236 X 1069. = 132.13 2 .6263 X 195. = 122.13 36 ■ 465.99 (adding) Spogi 12991.81 Whence Poi = ^^^ = 13033.034 ^ jQQ 22 per cent = index number for 1914 Spogi 12991.81 APPENDIX VI 493 D 2^292 14280.976 ,nn in i. -1 , , . Po2 = -—- = TTT^^r^TTrr- = 100.10 per cent = index number for 1915 Spog2 14266.81 p ^ 17789.440 ^ jj^ 3 „ „ ^ „ „ „ 15557.52 Po4 = 161.05 " " = " " " 1917 PoB = 177.43 " " = " " " 1918 The chain figures in this and subsequent examples may be derived, as in the previous example, by linking. Thus P01P12P23 = 100.32 X 100.01 X 114.45 = 114.83 per cent = index number for 1916. Formula 8053, Poi = ^^^^ + ^^^^ = ^^°g" ^P°g^ 2 2 (For discussio.n see pp. 174-7) „ 99.93 + 100.32 mn 10 • j i. r -.ni. Poi = ■ = 100.12 = mdex number for 1914 P02 = 99.89 = " " " 1915 etc. Formula 353, "Ideal," Poi = V(53) X (54) = yl^Ml x ^Ml V Spogo 2po3i (For discussion see pp. 220-9, 234-42) Poi = V99.93 X 100.32 = 100.12 = index number for 1914 P02 = 99.89 = " " " 1915 etc. The square root may be extracted "by hand," by logarithms, or (most quickly), by a calculating machine, in which case the total time required to calculate the five figures (fixed base) is 14.3 hours. But it is seldom, if ever, necessary actually to extract the square root because the two figures under the radical are always so close together that the preceding Formula 8053 (requiring 14. 1 hours) can be used instead. The results of 8053 and 353 agree to the second decimal place, provided 53 and 54 do not differ by more than 1 per cent, which is usually the case. Whether or not they so differ can always be seen at a glance. In case they do differ by more than 1 per cent and the calculator still wishes to avoid the process of root extraction he can almost as quickly get the result by "trial and error," using 8053 as a basis. Thus, let 53 = 101.22 per cent and 54 = 104.26 per cent. Their dif- ference 3.04 exceeds 1 per cent (which would be 1.0122), We find 8053 = 101.22 + 104.26 ^ 102.74. We know that the geometric mean, which 2 we seek, is slightly smaller. We therefore try 102.73 by comparing its square ([102.73p = 105.535 per cent) with what it should be {i.e. 101.22 X 494 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 104.26 = 105.532 per cent). Here the square is slightly too great but is nearer than the square of 102.72, which is 105.514 per cent. Therefore 102.73 is the result sought. A second and more systematic method of avoiding root extraction is to calculate 8053 = 102.74 and 8054 = — — ^ — — = — ? — + 7^77 TTT-7r + (53) (54) 101.22 104.26 = 102.72. The geometric mean of these two is necessarily 353 * ; but these two (8053 and 8054) will always be within 1 per cent of each other, (even if the original 53 and 54 differ by as much as 25 per cent), so that their arithmetic mean (here 102.73 per cent) will always be accurate to the second decimal place. Formula 216S, Edgeworth-Marshall's Aggregative, Poi = ^ ■ 2(go + qi)Po (For discussion see pp.. 194-5, 401-7, 428-30) This is usually t a sufficiently accurate makeshift for 353 and requires 9.6 hours as against 14.1 hours for 8053 and 14.3 hours for 353. Computation of 2 (go + gOpi 1 (go + gi)pi = (1077. + 1069. ) X .1295 = 277.9070 2 ( 178.2 + 195.0) X .6204 = 231.5333 36 = 989.9142 (adding) 2(go + qi)Pi = 26128.814 (similarly) 2(go + qdpo = 26096.628 Whence Poi = '- = 100.12 per cent = index number for 1914. 26096.628 Likewise Poa = 99.89 per cent = index number for 1915. etc. Formula 605S (for discussion see pp. 312-3, 318-20) (assuming 1913- 1914 the "broadened base") is derived exactly as 2153 above except that go + gi is retained throughout all five computations instead of changing to go + g2 in computing P02, etc. If 1913-'14-'15 is the broadened base, go + gi + 92 is so used. Formula 53 has already been exemplified. Formula 9051, ^^^ (for discussion see pp. 198, 327-8, 348) is like 53 Swpo except that the id's replace the g's and are round numbers (1, 10, 100, etc.). These factors merely shift the decimal points of the p's so that Formula 9051 is really Formula 51 with such shifts, each shift being the best round guess at the proper factor. *See Appendix I (Note to Chapter IX, J 1). tSee Appendix I (Note to Chapter XV. §2). APPENDIX VI 495 1 pi = .1295; w = 1000; wpi = 1000 X .1295 = 129.5 2 p'i = .6204; 100 X .6204 = 62.04 3 .1364 1364. 36 419.1 (adding) Zwpi = 12697.242 Likewise Zwpo = 12487.4043 Whence p„ = 12697.242 ^ 12487.4043 Similarly P02 = 103.10 etc. Formula 21, Simple Geometric, Poi = -^P^P'^P"^ — ^Pop'op"o ... (For discussion see pp. 33-5, 211-2, 260-4) 1 log Pi = log .1295 = 1.11227 2 log p'l = log .6204 = 1.79267 3 log .1364 = 1.13481 4 1.43632 36 1.62232 (adding) Slogpi 2.13755 Similarly S log po 2.81385 (subtracting) 1.32370 = 35.32370 -36 (dividing by n = 36) .98121 - 1= 1.98121 which is the log of Poi = 95.77 per cent Similarly P02 = 96.79 " " etc. Avoiding logarithms. The many users of index numbers who wish to avoid logarithms and geometric means, such as Formula 21, may use the formula ^ '^ ^ — -. This is practically coincident with Formula 101 and so with 21. A somewhat similar remark applies when the problem is how best, with- out recourse to logarithms, to utilize rough weights in averaging two or more price relatives, or two or more index numbers already supplied. Sup- pose, for instance, we wish to calculate an index number for "the general level of prices" by combining existing index numbers of (1) wholesale com- modity prices, (2) retail commodity prices, (3) prices of shares on the Stock Exchange, and (4) wages, assuming that the separate index numbers of (1), (2), (3), (4) are, respectively, 200, 150, 250, 125, and that their rough 496 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS weights (representing, say, their roughly estimated values in exchange during a series of years) are 10, 5, 3, 1. The arithmetic formula 10 X 2.00 + 5 X 1.50 + 3 X 2.50 + 1 X 1.25 ^ ^ g^^g 10 + 5 + 3 + 1 (practically Formula 1003) would be improper, having an appreciable upv/ard bias because the 200, 150, 250, 125 disperse widely ; the harmonic formula l« + ^+^ + l =1.8387 10 X -^+ 5 X -^+ 3 X ^— + 1 X — ^ 2.00 1.50 2.50 1.25 (practically Formula 1013) would be improper for the opposite reason; the geometric formula ^/ (2.00)10 X (1.50)5 X (2.50)3 X (1.25) would be the best, but requires logarithms; the aggregative is im- practicable, since our weights, which are values, cannot be translated into quantities. We have recourse, then, to an average of the first two above — what is practically Formula 1103, i.e. we take the above arith- metic and harmonic averages, namely 1.9079 and 1.8387, and average them arithmetically, obtaining 1.8733. Or, instead of resting content with this result, we could (though it would seldom if ever be worth while) proceed another step by also averaging the 1.9079 and 1.8387 harmonically and then taking the arithmetic average of the two results (1.8733 and 1.8727), which is 1.8730, and so on, if desired, to any number of stages, thereby ap- proximating the geometric mean of 1.9079 and 1.8387 as closely as we wish. Formula 31, Simple Median, mid-term among the price relatives, — , — , ... Po p'o (For discussion see pp. 35-6, 209-12, 260-4) 1 Pi x= .1295 Po 2 PJ = p'o Rearranging these 36 price relatives in the order of their magnitudes, we find lowest price relative (coffee) 73.32 per cent next lowest price relative (rubber) 76.30 .1236 — 104.77 per cent .6204 .6263 = 99.06 »» >> n >> 18th (barley) 99.06 19th (white lead) 99.85 highest (wheat) 114.03 " APPENDIX VI 497 The median lies between the two middlemost terms, the 18th and 19th, 99.06 and 99.85, and is most simply taken as their arithmetic mean (al- though most properly their geometric mean) Poi = 99.45 SimUarly P02 = 98.57 etc. A little time may be saved by not rearranging the order of terms but crossing off from the original list any pair of terms, one very high and one very low so as to make sure that they are on opposite sides of the median ; then likewise erase another pair of extreme terms, i.e. two which surely lie astride of the median, and so on until so few terms are left that the me- dian is obvious. Another practical index number, calculated partly by Formula 53 and partly by Formula 9051, is described on p. 346. Formula 1 (simple arith- metic) is exemplified on pp. 15-24 but is not recommended for practical use. Formula 3 (base weighted arithmetic) is best reduced to Formula 53 before calculating. APPENDIX VII TABLE 65. INDEX NUMBERS BY 134 FORMULA FOR PRICES BY THE FIXED BASE SYSTEM AND (IN NOTEWORTHY CASES) THE CHAIN SYSTEM (1913 = 100) Although only the specified Price indexes are here given, Quantity indexes'as well as Price indexes — both fixed base and chain — have been computed for all the 134 formulae and are utilized in the charts. PRIMARY FORMULA (1-99) Those for which figures are given conform to neither test. Arithmetic Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 in Accuract, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 1 Fixed Chain 96.32 96.32 98.03 97.94 123.68 125.33 175.79 175.65 186.70 193.42 3rd in speed 3rd in sim- plicity 2 Fixed Chain 100.18 WO.IS 95.93 95.47 109.71 107.83 152.75 152.42 177.13 177.69 15th in speed (3) Same as 53 (necessarily) (4) Same as 54 (necessarily) (5) Same as 54 (necessarily) (6) Same as 53 (necessarily) 7 Fixed 100.55 101.77 117.77 180.53 186.98 8 Fixed 99.02 97.36 111.45 152.42 167.06 9 Fixed Chain 100.93 100.93 102.33 102.10 118.29 122. 41 180.72 I8O.4O 187.18 205.56 10 Fixed 98.70 96.97 111.10 154.96 169.27 ♦ As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 498 APPENDIX VII 499 TABLE 65 (Continued) Harmonic Identi- fication NuMBEB Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 11 Fixed Chain 95.19 95.19 95.58 95.64 119.12 117.71 157.88 158.47 171.79 167.76 3rd in speed 9th in sim- plicity 12 Fixed Chain 103.48 103.48 101.31 101.97 115.35 117.72 172.11 172.55 243.67 217.65 15th in speed 13 Fixed Chain 99.26 99.26 97.84 98.45 111.01 108.19 147.19 148.14 168.59 157.78 8th in speed 14 Fixed 101.81 102.41 116.80 168.37 189.80 15 Fixed 99.65 98.11 111.02 144.97 166.85 16 Fixed 101.34 101.98 116.63 168.60 189.38 (17) Same as 53 (necessarily) (18) Same as 54 (necessarily) (19) Same as 54 (necessarily) (20) Same as 53 (necessarily) * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 500 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 {Continued) Geometric Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity to Circular Test 21 Same as 121 (necessarily) 22 Same as 122 (necessarily) 23 Fixed Chain 99.61 99.61 98.72 99.28 111.45 110.91 154.08 155.03 173.30 166.93 17th in speed 18th in sim- plicity 24 Fixed 101.02 101.32 115.64 164.85 182.84 25 Fixed 99.99 99.07 112.58 152.45 172.37 26 Fixed 100.60 100.88 115.42 165.37 182.61 27 Fixed 100.25 100.67 115.82 170.82 182.45 28 Fixed 99.65 98.82 112.98 157.09 172.27 29 Fixed 100.63 101.17 116.26 170.44 182.41 30 Fixed 99.29 98.41 112.67 158.70 173.60 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. APPENDIX VII 501 TABLE 65 {Continued) Median Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity or Formula, and Conformity TO Circular Test 31 Same as 131 (necessarily) 32 Same as 132 (necessarily) 33 Fixed Chain 100.34 100.34 99.39 99.70 107.17 106.80 156.12 150.22 169.14 173.34 16th in speed 34 Fixed 101.20 104.66 117.57 165.53 181.97 35 Fixed 100.48 99.41 107.37 160.18 169.14 36 Fixed 100.97 104.01 117.62 165.49 182.16 37 Fixed 100.61 99.65 108.77 163.84 188.25 38 Fixed 100.57 102.07 116.74 157.84 179.74 39 Fixed 100.75 99.97 109.08 163.84 178.12 40 Fixed 100.52 101.78 116.85 159.90 180.33 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 502 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 {Continued) Mode Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplio- itt of Formula, AND CoNFORMITT TO Circular Test 41 Same as 141 (necessarily) 42 Same as 142 (necessarily) 43 Fixed 101. 100. 108. 164. 168. 44 Fixed 103. 106. 132. 196. 180. 45 Same figures as for 43 46 Same figures as for 44 47 Same figures as for 43 48 Same figures as for 44 49 Same figures as for 43 50 Same figures as for 44 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. APPENDIX VII 503 TABLE 65 (Continued) Aggregative Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, and Conformity TO Circular Test 51 Same as 151 (necessarily) 52 Same as 152 (necessarily) 53 1 Fixed Chain 99.93 99.93 99.67 100.13 114.08 113.82 162.07 162.44 177.87 178.56 4th in speed 5tb. in sim- phcity 54t Fixed Chain 100.32 100.33 100.10 100.33 114.35 114.83 161.05 162.02 177.43 178.43 13th in speed 6th in sim- plicity 59 Same as 54 (necessarily) 60 Same as 53 (necessarily) * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. t 53 =3, 6, 17, 20, 60. K 54 = 4, 5, 18, 19. 59. 504 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 {Continued) CROSS FORMULAE (100-199) Those for which figures are given fulfill Test 1 only. Arithmetic and Harmonic Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of Fihst 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OP Formula, and Conformity TO Circular Test 101 Fixed Chain 95.75 95.75 96.80 96.78 121.38 121.46 166.60 166.84 179.09 180.13 9th in speed 102 Fixed 101.81 98.58 112.50 162.14 207.75 103 Same as 353 (necessarily) 104 Same as 353 (necessarily) 105 Same as 353 (necessarily) 106 Same as 353 (necessarily) 107 Fixed 100.10 99.92 114.35 161.78 176.63 108 Fixed 100.17 99.64 114.01 160.31 177.87 109 Fixed 100.09 100.06 114.59 163.10 177.64 110 Fixed Chain 100.24 100.24 99.65 100.18 113.91 114.14 161.53 162.06 179.24 178.52 * As revised Iq Chapter XVI, § 9. APPENDIX VII 505 TABLE 65 {Continued) Geometric Crosses Identi- fication Number 121 (21) 122 (22) 123 124 125 126 Base Fixed Chain Fixed Chain Fixed Chain Fixed Chain Fixed Chain Fixed Chain 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN AcCtTRACT, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity to Circular Test 95.77 96.79 121.37 166.65 180.12 Same as Fixed Base (necessarily) 101.71 98.62 112.60 161.88 194.14 Same as Fixed Base (necessarily) 100.12 100.12 100.16 100.16 100.12 100.12 100.12 100.13 99.94 100.24 99.85 100.23 99.87 100.24 99.85 100.22 113.83 114.63 114.25 114-26 114.19 114.33 114.20 114-56 162.05 162.75 161.74 162. IS 161.37 162.18 161.18 162.54 177.80 178.87 178.16 178.50 177.34 178.36 177.36 178.81 6th in speed 10th in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity 18th in speed 1st in con- formity 15th in ac- curacy 17th in ac- curacy 14th in ac- curacy 16th in ac- curacy * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 506 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 ^Continued) Median Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 in Accuract Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, and Conformity TO Circular Test 131 (31) Fixed Chain 99.45 99.45 98.57 99.33 118.81 117.50 163.81 155.86 190.92 180.07 10th in speed 4th in sim- plicity 132 (32) Fixed 100.11 102.20 116.01 162.15 183.54 133 Fixed 100.54 99.68 108.12 159.93 173.57 134 Fixed 100.86 103.21 117.21 162.69 181.15 135 Fixed 100.54 99.53 108.07 162.00 178.44 136 Fixed 100.77 103.04 117.18 161.62 180.95 ♦ As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. Mode Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity op Formula, AND Conformity to Circular Test 141 (41) Fixed Chain 98. 98. 98. 95. 108. 104. 135. 131. 190. 151. 12th in speed 142 (42) Fixed 104. 108. 125. 167. 183. 143 Same figures as for 43 144 Same figures as for 44 145 Same figures as for 43 146 Same figures as for 44 "' As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. APPENDIX VII 507 Identi- fication Numb EH 151 (51) 152 (52) 153 154 Base Fixed Chain Fixed Chain TABLE 65 {Continued) Aggregative Crosses 1914 1916 1916 95.88 96.29 107.70 146.90 172.76 Same as Fixed Base (necessarily) 1917 1918 97.12 I 97.18 I 114.55 158.65 | 165.15 Same as Fixed Base (necessarily) Same as 353 (necessarily) Same as 353 (necessarily) Ranks* of First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 1st in speed 1st in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity 5th in speed 20th in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. CROSS FORMULA (200-299) Those for which figures are given conform to Test 2 only. Arithmetic Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1S18 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 201 Fixed 98.23 96-97 116.43 163.87 181.85 203 Same as 353 (necessarily) 205 Same as 353 (necessarily) 207 Fixed 99.78 99.54 114.56 165.88 176.74 209 Fixed 99.81 99.61 114.63 167.35 178.00 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 508 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 (Continued) Harmonic Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OP Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 211 Fixed 99.24 98.40 117.22 164.84 204.60 213 Fixed 100.53 100.10 113.87 157.42 178.88 215 Fixed 100.49 100.03 113.79 156.34 177.76 217 Same as S53 (necessarily) 219 Same as 353 (necessarily) * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. Geometric Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity of Formula, AND Conformity to Circular Test 221 Same as 321 (necessarily) 223 Fixed 100.31 100.01 113.52 159.37 178.01 225 Fixed 100.29 99.97 113.99 158.78 177.42 227 Fixed 99.95 99.74 114.39 163.81 177.29 229 Fixed 99.96 99.78 114.45 164.47 177.95 ♦ As revised in Chapter XVI, S 9- APPENDIX VII 509 TABLE 65 (Continued) Median Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity or Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 231 Same as 331 (necessarily) 233 Fixed 100.77 101.99 112.27 160.76 175.44 235 Fixed 100.72 101.69 112.38 162.81 175.53 237 Fixed 100.59 100.85 112.69 160.81 183.94 239 Fixed 100.63 100.87 112.90 161.86 179.22 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. Mode Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OP Formula, and Conformity to Circular Test 241 Same as 341 (necessarily) 243 Fixed 102. 103. 119. 179. 174. 245 Same figures as for 243 247 Same figures as for 243 249 Same figures as for 243 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 510 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 (Continued) Aggregative Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, and conformitt to Circular Test ^ 251 Same as 351 (necessarily) 253 Same as 353 (necessarily) 259 Same as 353 (necessarily) * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. CROSS FORMULAE (300-399) Fulfilling both tests Arithmetic and Harmonic Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, and Conformity to Circular Test 301 Fixed 98.73 97.68 116.82 164.35 192.89 303 Same as 353 (necessarily) 305 Same as 353 (necessarily) 307 Fixed 100.13 99.78 114.17 161.04 177.25 309 Fixed 100.17 99.85 114.25 162.31 178.44 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. APPENDIX VII 511 TABLE 65 (Continued) Geometkic Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 321 (221) Fixed Chain 98.70 Sam 97.70 116.91 1 164.25 187.00 e as Fixed Base (necessarily) 1st in con- formity 323 Fixed Chain 100.13 100.13 99.89 100.23 113.99 11445 161.90 162.47 177.98 178.69 9th in ac- curacy 10th in con- formity 325 Fixed Chain 100.12 100.12 99.85 100.23 114.19 114-45 161.28 162.36 177.35 178.58 8th in ac- curacy 9th in con- formity * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. Median Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 331 (231) Fixed 99.78 100.37 117.40 162.98 187.19 333 Fixed 100.70 101.43 112.59 161.31 177.32 335 Fixed 100.65 101.27 112.53 161.81 179.69 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 512 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 (Continued) Mode Crosses Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 341 (241) Fixed 100.96 102.88 116.19 150.15 186.47 343 Same figures as for 243 345 Same figures as for 243 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. Aggregative Crosses Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Identi- Speed, Simplic- fication Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 ity op Formula, Number AND Conformity TO Circular Test 351 Fixed 96.50 96.73 111.07 152.66 168.91 11th in speed (251) Same as Fixed Base (necessarily) 1st in con- formity 353 1 Fixed 100.12 99.89 114.21 161.56 177.65 1st in ac- curacy Chain 100.12 100.23 114.32 162.23 178.4d 17th in sim- plicity 2nd in con- formity * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. t 353 = 103, 104, 105, 106, 153, 154, 203, 205, 217, 219, 253, 259, 303, 305. APPENDIX VII 513 TABLE 65 (Continued) CROSS WEIGHT FORMULA (1000-4999) Ckoss Weight Aeithmetic and Harmonic 1000-1099 fulfill neither test. Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simpmc- itt op Formula, and conpormitt TO Circular Test 1003 Fixed 100.45 100.93 116.02 170.81 182.54 1004 Fixed 99.47 98.60 112.84 158.01 173.03 1013 Fixed 99.81 98.91 112.53 153.51 173.02 1014 Fixed 100.83 101.10 115.54 165.24 182.94 Crosses op Preceding 1100-1199 fulfill Test 1 only. 1103 Fixed 100.13 99.91 114.26 161.93 177.72 1104 Fixed 100.15 99.84 114.18 161.58 177.92 * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 514 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 (Continued) Ceoss Weight Geometkic, Median, Mode, Aggregative Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 in Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 1123 Fixed Chain 100.14 100.14 99.89 100.24 114.17 114.24 161.62 162.06 177.87 178.40 18th in ac- curacy 1124 Fixed Chain 100.12 100.12 99.91 100.24 114.28 115.05 161.78 163.36 177.73 179.70 19th in ac- curacy 1133 Fixed 100.52 99.57 108.39 162.63 170.85 1134 Fixed 100.75 103.33 117.53 162.59 182.15 1143 Same figures as for 43 1144 Same figures as for 44 1153 Fixed Chain 100.13 100.13 99.89 100.23 114.20 114.30 161.70 162.21 177.83 178.37 12th in ac- curacy 14th in sim- pUcity 1154 Fixed 100.12 99.90 114.24 161.73 177.76 13th in ac- curacy * As revised in Chapter XVI, S 9. APPENDIX VII 515 TABLE 65 (Continued) Crosses or Cross Weight Formula, All Ttpes (1300-1399) Fulfilling both tests Identi- fication Number Basb 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 1303 Fixed 100.14 99.88 114.22 161.75 177.82 1323 Fixed Chain 100.13 100.13 99.90 100.24 114.23 114-65 161.70 162.71 177.80 179.05 5th in ac- curacy 6th in con- formity 1333 Fixed 100.63 101.43 112.87 162.61 176.41 1343 Same figures as for 243 1353 Fixed Chain 100.13 100.13 99.89 100.23 114.22 114.33 161.71 162.27 177.79 178.45 4th in ac- curacy 5th in con- formity * As revised in Chapter XVI, i 9. 516 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 (Continued) Other Cross Weight Formul.^ (2000-4999) 2100-2199 Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1916 1916 1917 1918 Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, and Conformity TO ClKCULAB Test 2153 Fixed Chain 100.12 100.12 99.89 100.23 114.23 114.34 161.52 162.25 177.63 178.52 10th in ac- curacy 14th in speed 8th in sim- pHcity 11th in con- formity 2154 Fixed Chain 100.14 100.14 99.90 100.24 114.21 114.31 101.69 162.38 177.72 178.65 11th in ac- curacy 2300-2399 2353 Fixed Chain 100.13 100.13 99.89 100.23 114.22 114.32 161.60 102.31 177.67 178.58 2nd in ac- curacy 3rd in con- formity 3100-3199 3153 Fixed 100.15 99.88 114.23 162.11 176.94 3154 Fixed 100.12 99.92 114.28 161.77 177.78 3300-3399 3353 Fixed Chain 100.14 100.14 99.90 100.24 114.35 114.28 161.94 162.14 177.36 178.39 20th in ac- curacy 4100-4199 4153 Fixed Chain 100.12 100.12 99.97 100.25 114.44 114.55 162.40 162.45 178.26 178.79 4154 Fixed Chain 100.14 100.14 99.88 100.24 114.08 114.20 161.16 161.96 176.79 178.14 4300-4399 4353 Fixed 100.13 99.92 114.26 161.78 177.52 *A3 revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. APPENDIX VII 517 TABLE 65 (Continved) MISCELLANEOUS FORMULA (5000-9999) Crosses op Cross Formula (5000-5999) Identi- fication Number Base 1914 1915 1913 1917 1918 Ranks* op First 20 inaccuracy, Speed, Simplic- ity OF Formula, AND Conformity TO Circular Test 5307 Fixed 100.15 99.82 114.21 161.67 177.84 5323 Fixed Chain 100.13 100.13 99.87 100.23 114.09 IU.45 161.59 162.42 177.67 178.64 3rd in ac- curacy 4th in con- formity 5333 Fixed 100.68 101.35 112.56 161.56 178.50 5343 Same figures as for 243 Broadened Base Formtjl^ (6000-6999) 6023 ('13-'I4) 100.12 99.50 112.25 153.53 173.45 19th in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity 6023 ('13-'16) 99.93 99.88 113.61 156.61 175.32 ditto 6023 ('13 & '18) 99.45 99.12 114.23 159.93 179.54 ditto 6053 ('13-'14) 100.12 100.09 113.89 161.26 177.73 7th in speed 7th in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity 6053 ('13-'16) 100.02 100.04 113.99 161.88 178.24 ditto 6053 ('13-' 18) 99.79 99.85 114.04 161.59 177.88 ditto * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. 518 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS TABLE 65 (Continued) Ranks* of First 20 IN Accuracy, Identi- Speed, Simplic- fication Base 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 ity OF Formula, Number AND Conformity TO Circular Test Average of 353 by Six Bases (7000-7999) 7053 100.09 99.96 114.03 161.53 177.90 Arithmetic and Harmonic Means of Aggregatives (8000-8999) 8053 Fixed Chain 100.12 100.12 99.89 100.23 114.21 114.S3 161.56 162.24 177.65 178.50 6th in ac- curacy 15th in sim- pHcity 7th in con- formity 8054 Fixed Chain 100.12 100.12 99.89 100.23 114.21 114.32 161.56 162.23 177.65 178.49 7th in ac- curacy 16th in sim- pHcity 8th in con- formity 8353 (cross of above) = 353 Round Weight Formula (9000-9999) 900 It 11th in sim- pHcity 9011t 12th in sim- pUcity 902 It 13th in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity 9051 Fixed 101.68 103.10 113.63 160.37 182.07 2nd in speed 2nd in sim- plicity 1st in con- formity * As revised in Chapter XVI, § 9. t Not calculated. See footnote to Table 47, p. 348. APPENDIX VIII SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1863. William Stanley Jevons. Investigations in Our Currency and Finance. Sections II-IV, pp. 13-150. London, 1909. (Reprints of various articles published in 1863, etc.) 1887-1889. F. Y. Edgeworth. Reports of the Committee (of the British' Association for the Advancement of Science) appointed for the purpose of investigating the best methods of ascertaining and measuring va- riations in the value of the monetary standard. In Reports of the As- sociation pubUshed in 1888, pp. 254-301; 1889, pp. 188-219; 1890, pp. 133-64. 1901. Correa Moylan Walsh. The Measurement of General Exchange- Value. 580 pp. Macmillan, 1901. 1903. H. Fountain. " Memorandum on the Construction of Index Num- bers of Prices," from Report on Wholesale and Retail Prices in the United Kingdom in 1902, House of Commons Paper No. 321 of 1903, pp. 429-52. Darling & Son, 1903. 1911. Irving Fisher. The Purchasing Power of Money, pp. 198-234, pp. 385-430. Macmillan, 1911. 1912. G. H. Knibbs. Prices, Price Indexes, and Cost of Living in Aus- tralia. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Labour and Industrial Branch, Report No. 1, Appendix. McCarron, Bird & Co., Melbourne, December, 1912. 1915. Wesley C. Mitchell. Index Numbers of Wholesale Prices in the United States and Foreign Countries. U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bulletin 284, October, 1921. (Revision of Bulletin 173, July, 1915). 1916. Frederick R. Macaulay. " Making and Using of Index Numbers." American Economic Review, pp. 203-9, March, 1916. 1916. Wesley C. Mitchell. " A Critique of Index Numbers of the Prices of Stocks." Journal of Political Economy, pp. 625-93, July, 1916. 1918. G. H. Knibbs. Price Indexes, Their Nature and Limitations, the Technique of Computing Them, and Their Application in Ascertain- ing the Purchasing Power of Money. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistics, Labour and Industrial Branch, Report No. 9, Appendix. McCarron, Bird & Co., Melbourne, 1918. 1919. A. L. Bowley. " The Measurement of Changes in the Cost of Living." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, pp. 343-61, May, 1919. 1920. A. C. Pigou. The Economics of Welfare, pp. 69-90. Macmillan, 1920. 1921. G. E. Bamett. " Index Numbers of the Total Cost of Living." Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 240-63, February, 1921. 519 520 THE MAKING OF INDEX NUMBERS 1921. Irving Fisher. " The Best Form of Index Number." Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, pp. 533-51, March, 1921. 1921. A. W. Flux. " The Measurement of Price Changes." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, pp. 167-215, March, 1921. 1921. Correa Moylan Walsh. The Problem of Estimation. 139 pp. P. S. King, London, 1921. 1921. Warren M. Persons. " Fisher's Formula for Index Numbers." Review of Economic Statistics, pp. 103-13, May, 1921. 1921. Allyn A. Young. " The Measurement of Changes of the General Price Level." Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp. 557-73, August, 1921. 1921. Truman L. Kelley. " Certain Properties of Index Nmnbers." Quarterly Publication of the American Statistical Association, pp. 826-41, September, 1921. 1921. Lucien March. " Les modes de mesure du mouvement general des prix." Metron, pp. 57-91, September, 1921. (For completer references see the bibliographies issued from time to time by the Library of Congress.) INDEX References to pages where technical terms are defined or explained, have been set in boldface type. Aberthaw Index, cited, 368. Accuracy of index numbers, 330-349. Aggregative, the word, 15, 371; fixed base and chain methods agree for simple, 373. Aggregative average, simple, 39-40; peculiarities of the, 378-379. Aggregative formulae, systems of weighting for, 56-57; cross weight, 187; list of, 201; comments on, 234-237. Aldrich Senate Report, cited, 333, 445. Alexander Hamilton Institute, cited, 438. Algebraic notations, key to, 461. American Institute of Finance, cited, 438. American Writing Paper Co. Index, cited, 368. Antitheses, rectifying formulae by crossing time, 136-142; rectifying formulae by crossing factor, 142-144, 396-397; fourfold relationship of, 144-145. Antithesis, time, 118; factor, 118; numerical and graphic illustrations of time, 119-120; numerical and graphic illustrations of factor, 125- 130. Arithmetic average, simple, 15-23; among the worst of index numbers, 29-30; lies above geometric, 375- 377. Arithmetic formulae, cross weight harmonic and, 187-189; list of harmonic and, 199. Arithmetic forward by arithmetic backward exceeds unity, 383-384. Attributes of index number, 8-9. Australian Bureau of Census and Statistics, cited, 363. Average, index number defined as an, 3; a simple, 4-6; a weighted, 6-8; note on definition of word, 373-375' See under Aggregative, Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Median, and Mode. Averaging, 136; of various individual quotations for one commodity, 317-318. Babson, cited, 438, 460. Barnett, G. E., cited, 519. Base, fixed, 15-18; chain, 18-22. Base number, 18, 371. Base year, 19. Base year values, weighting by, compared with weighting by given year values, 45-53. Bell, Charles A., statement by, on method of splicing employed by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 427-428. Bias, 86; single, 86; in arithmetic and harmonic types of formulae, 86-88; weight and type, 91-94; double, 102- 105; rela\ion between dispersion and, 108-111, 387-395; errors and, gener- ally relative, 116-117; use of term by diiferent statisticians, 117; formulae characterized by, capable of rectifi- cation, 266; tables of deviation and, 390, 392, 393; of Formulae 53 and 54 slight, 410-412; of 6023 and 23 as affected by price-quantity corre- lation, 428; more disturbing than chance, in weighting, 446-447. Bibliography on index numbers, 519- 520. Blending, 305; substitutes for, 306- 308. Bowley, A. L., simple median average approved by, 36; use of term "bias" by, 117; cited, 519. Bradstreet, cited, 207, 333, 460; simple aggregative approved by, 459, 471. British Board of Trade, cited, 332, 333, 438. British Imperial Statistical Confer- ence, resolution passed by, on 522 INDEX methods of constructing index num- bers, 240-241. Broadened base system, 312-313. Brookmire, cited, 438. Burchard, H. C, index number con- structed by, 459. Calculation of formulae, speed of, 321- 329. Calculation of weighted median and mode, 377-378. Canadian Department of Labor, cited, 332, 334. Carli, G. R., simple arithmetic average approved by, 29, 458, 466. Chain base system, 18-22; for simple geometric fixed base system agrees with, 371-372; for simple aggregative fixed base system agrees with, 373. Circular test, 270-271; illustration of non-fulfillment, by case of three unlike countries, 271-272; can be fulfilled only if weights are constant, 274-276; question as to how near to fulfillment in actual cases, 276 ff. ; the circular gap, or deviation from fulfilling circular test of Formula 353, 278-288; status of all formulae rela- tively to, 288-292 ; reduction of, to a triangular test, 295; note on alge- braic expression of, 413; conforma- tion of simple or constant weighted geometric to, 413, 416; formula satisfying, for three dates will satisfy for four, etc., 426-427. Circular (test) gap, 277-280; tabu- lation of, for Formula 353, 280-283; discussion of, of Formula 353, 283- 287; comparison of, of 134 different formulae, 287-288; meaning of "equal and opposite," 418. Coggeshall, F., harmonic index number approved by, 33, 467. Commensurability, as test of index number of prices, 420-426. Commodity reversal tests, 63-64. See under Tests. Cross between two factor antitheses fulfills Test 2, 396-397. Cross formula, 185, 407. Cross references between "Purchasing Power of Money" and this book, 419. Cross weight formula, 185. Crossing of formulae. 136-183. Crossing of weights possible geometri- cally, arithmetically, harmonically, 401-407. Davies, George R., Formula 353 approved by, 242. Day, E. E., studies by, 14 n.; quantity figures worked out by, 110; Formula 6023 approved by, 486; cited, 253, 254, 313, 314, 316, 317, 326, 328, 342, 343, 384. Determinateness, as test of index num- ber of prices, 420-423. Deviation, standard, no; tables of, 337, 391; tables of bias and, 390, 392, 393. Dispersion, 108; dependence of bias on, 108-111; charts showing, measured by standard deviations, 290-294; notes on bias and, in formulae, 387— 390; "skewness" of, 408-410. Dispersion index, tables showing, compared with standard deviation, 392, 393. Drobisch, M. W., use of factor an- titheses by, 134; cross formula sug- gested by, 196; Formula 52 approved by, 471; Formula 8053 approved by, 487. Dun, Formula 53 approved by, 471; Formula 9001 approved by, 487; cited, 336, 460. Dutot, simple aggregative index num- ber approved by, 40, 458, 471. Economist (London), simple arithmetic approved by, 459, 466; cited, 29, 333. Edgeworth, F. Y., simple median approved by, 36, 262, 469; cross weight aggregative proposed by, 196; "probability" system of weighting of, 379-380; Formula 2153 approved by, 484; recommen- dations of, with regard to index numbers, 459; cited, 255, 320, 365, 366, 408, 519. Entry, as test of index number of prices, 420^23. Erratic index numbers, 11 2-1 16. Errors, joint. See Joint errors. Errors, probable. See Probable error. Factor antithesis. See Antithesis. Factor reversal tests, 72. See under Tests. INDEX 523 Fairness, a requirement in index numbers, 9, 10, 62. Falkner, R. P., Formula 9001 ap- proved by, 459, 487. Federal Reserve Board, geometric weighted by given year values ap- proved by, 468; cited, 460. Fisher, Irving, cited, 25, 82, 242, 520; The Rate of Interest, cited, 63 n.; Purchasing Power of Money, cited, 82, 381, 519; relation of present book to Appendix on Index Numbers in Purchasing Power of Money, 418- 426; Formula 53 approved by, 471; Formula 54 approved by, 471; ideal index number approved by, 482; Formula 2153 approved by, 484. Fisher, Willard, cited, 458. Fixed base system, 15-18; for simple geometric chain system agrees with, 371-372; for simple aggregative chain system agrees with, 373. Flux, A. W., cited, 111, 296, 320, 366, 520; simple geometric approved by, 468. Formulse, classification of, in six types, 15; time reversal tests as finders of, 118-135; rectifying, by crossing them, 136-183; rectifying, by crossing their weights, 184-196; lists of, 170-174; main series of, 184, 197; supplementary series of, 184; seven classes of, 202; compari- son of, with view to selecting the best, 206-212; comparison of other, with the "ideal" (Formula 353), 243-269; eight most practical, 361- 362; method for comparing with "ideal," 412-413; key to numbering of, 461-465; table of, for index num- bers, 466-488; alternative forms of certain, 488. Fountain, H., cited, 519. Freakishness, of median and mode, 1 1 2-1 1 &, 209-211; of simple aggre- gative, 207-209; lessening, by in- creasing number of commodities, 216-218; formulse rendered wholly unreliable by, 266. Geometric average, simple, 33-35; cross weight, 186; fist of formulae, 200; comparison of the simple, and the simple median, 260-264; fixed base and chain methods agree for, 371-372; lies between arithmetic above and harmonic below, 375-377. Gibson, Thomas, cited, 460. Given year values, weighting by, compared with weighting by base year values, 45-53. Haphazard, applied to weighting, 207; index numbers found to be, 218; differences between simple and cross weight index numbers are, 444. See Freakishness. Harmonic average, 30; the simple, 30- 33; hes below geometric, 375-377. Harmonic formulse, cross weight arith- metic and, 187-191; list of, 199. Harvard Committee on Economic Research, cited, 53, 438, 460. Hastings, Hudson, cited, 429. Historical notes, on methods of weighting, 59-60; on reversal tests, 82; on biased index numbers, 117; on tests as finders of formulse, 134- 135; on crossing of formulse, 183; on crossing of weights, 196; on Formula 353, 240-242; on circular test, 295- 296; on fixed base, broadened base, and chain systems, 320; on usp of index numbers, 458-460. Hofmann, Emil, cited, 437. Holt & Co. Index, cited, 368. Hybrid weighting, 53-56. Ideal blend, 305-306. Ideal index number (Formula 353), 220-225; probable error of, 225-229; history of, 240-242; Formula 2153 close to, 428-430. Index numbers, 3; simple arithmetic, 4-5; weighted arithmetic, 6-7; attributes of, 8-9; fairness of, 9-10, 62; six types of, compared, 11 ff. ; simple harmonic, 30-33; simple geometric, 33-35; simple median, 35-36; simple mode, 36-39; simple aggregative, 39-40; comparison of six simple forms of, 41-42; calcu- lation of, by different methods of weighting, 43-56; only two systems of weighting for aggregative type of, 56-57; relation of weighted aggre- gative to weighted arithmetic and weighted harmonic, 60, 379; reversal tests of, 62-82; joint errors between, 83-86; erratic and freakish, 112-116; 524 INDEX rectificationof formulae, by crossing, 136-183; rectifying formulse by cross- ing their weights, 184-196; the best simple, 206-212; finding the very best, 213-242; comparison of all, with Formula 353, 243-269; results of comparisons among 134 varieties, 266-269; so-called circular test of, 270-296; blending apparently in- consistent results, 297-320; influ- ence of assortment and number of samples, 331-340; future uses of, 367-369; Hst of discontinued, 432- 433; list of current, 433-438; in- fluence of wBighting on, 439-457; averages of ratios rather than ratio of averages, 451-457; landmarks in history of, 458-460; list of formulce for, 462-488; examples showing how to calculate, 490^97; tables of, by 134 formulEe, 498-518; bibliog- raphy on subject of, 519-520. Institute of Finance, American, cited, 438. International Labour Office, cited, 438. International Labour Review, cited, 437. Jevons, W. S., simple geometric ap- proved by, 35, 459, 468; cited, 139, 296, 519. Joint errors between index numbers, 83-86; expressible by product or quotient, 88-90. Kelley, Truman L., "Certain Proper- ties of Index Numbers" by, cited, 331, 334, 340, 424, 520; method proposed by, of measuring probable error of index number, 430-431. Kemmerer, E. W., cited, 368. Key, to principal algebraic notations, 461; to numbering of formulse of index numbers, 461-465. Knibbs, G. H., weighted aggregative formula approved by, 59, 240, 460, 471; cited, 230, 366, 371, 519. Laspeyres, E., weighted aggregative formula approved by, 59, 459, 471; formula of, in relation to factor antithesis, 131-132; cited, 60, 161, 168, 169, 240, 255, 320, 387, 412. Laughlin, J. L., cited, 458. Lehr, J., cited, 134, 196, 255, 326; Formula 2154 approved by, 485. Linking,''process of, 22. " London School of Economics, cited, 438. Lowe, Joseph, Formula 9051 approved by, 458, 487. Macalister, "Law of the Geometric Mean," cited, 231 n. Macaulay, F. R., theorem of, relative to so-called circular test, 292-293; cited, 241, 366, 426, 519. Main series of formulae, 184, 197. March, Lucien, cited, 296, 520. Marshall, Alfred, cross weight aggre- gative approved by, 196, 484; chain base system suggested by, 320; cited, 255, 365, 366. Massachusetts Commission on the Necessaries of Life, cited, 460. Median average, simple, 35-36; freak- ishness of, 210-211; compared with simple geometric, 260-264; calcu- lation of weighted, 377-378. Median formulae, cross weight, 186; list of, 200; comments on, 258-260. Meeker, Royal, cited, 240, 366. Messedaglia, A., cited, 459. Method for comparing other formulae with "ideal," 412^13. Mitchell, Wesley C, data collected by, 14; use of simple median average by, 36, 469; cited, 38, 39, 216, 232, 233, 295, 331, 332, 3.34, 335, 336, 366, 371, 408, 426, 445, 458, 460, 519. Mode, simple, 36-39; method of finding the simple, 372-373; calcula- tion of weighted, 377-378; if above geometric forward, below it back- ward, 407. Modes, cross weight, 186; Hst of for- mulae in group of, 201; comments on, 258-260. National Industrial Conference Board, cited. 438, 460. Neumann-Spallart, cited, 438. Nicholson, J. S., cited, 134; Formula 22 approved by, 468. Numbering of formulae, system of, 142, 461-465. Ogburn, W. F., theorem of, relative to so-called circular test, 292-293; formula of, for Macaulay's Theorem, 426. INDEX 525 Paasche, H., weighted aggregative formula of, 60; formula of, in relation to factor antithesis, 131-132; For- mula 5U approved by, 459, 471; cited, 161, 168, 169, 240, 255, 387. Palgrave, R. H. Inglis, arithmetic weighted by given year values ap- proved by, 466; cited, 102, 103, 111. Pearl, Raymond, cited, 382. Percentaging, i6. Persons, W. M., studies by, 14 n. ; quantity figures worked out by, 110; index of crops, 236-239; refer- ence by, to "Fisher's Index Num- ber," 242; defense of Day's index number by, 316; Formula 6023 approved by, 486; cited, 313, 314, 316, 326, 328, 331, 336, 340, 343, 366, 384, 410, 411, 430, 486, 520. Pierson, N. G., objections to index numbers quoted, .1; time reversal test first used by, 82; cited, 49, 117, 224. Pigou, A. C, mention of Formula 353 by, 241-242; ideal index number approved by, 482; cited, 366, 519. Price relative, 3, 16. Prices, dispersion of individual, 11—14; errors in weights less important than in, 447-449. Probability system of weighting, 379-381. Probable error of index number, 341; Kelley's method of measuring, 430- 431; of Formula 353, 225-229; deri- vation of, of 13 formulae, 407-408. Product, joint error expressible by, 88-90. Proportionality, as test of index num- ber of prices, 420-423. Purchasing power, an index number of, 377. Quantities, dispersion of individual prices and, 11-14. Quantity relatives, dispersion of, 110- 111. Quartets, 145; arranging of formulae in, 145-147; list of, 164-170. Quotient, joint error expressible by, 88-90. Ratio, price, 3, 78; quantity, 72-73. 78; value, 74, 78. Ratio chart method of plotting, 25-27. Ratios, index number average of, rather than ratio of averages, 451- 457. Rawson-Rawson, use of factor antith- eses by, 134; Formula 52 approved by, 471; cited, 368. Reciprocals, use of, in calculating simple harmonic average, 30. Rectification of formulae, 136; by crossing time antitheses, 140-142; by crossing factor antitheses, 142- 144; of simple arithmetic and har- monic by both tests, 145-149; by crossing weights, 184r-196; order of, 398-399. Reversal tests. See Tests. Samples, use of, in measuring price movements, 330-331; influence of assortment of, 331-334; number of, 336-340. Sauerbeck, A., simple arithmetic approved by, 459, 466; cited. 111, 117, 317, 342, 345, 349, 395. Schuckburgh-Evelyn, G., simple arith- metic approved by, 458, 466. Scope of our conclusions, 381-383. Scrope, G. Poulett, cross weight aggre- gative formula approved by, 196; Formula 53 approved by, 471; For- mula 54 approved by, 471; Formula 1153 approved by, 483; Formula 9051 approved by, 458. Sidgwick, H., Formula 8053 approved by, 196, 487. "Skewness" of dispersion, question concerning, 408-410. Speed of calculation of index numbers, 321-329. Splicing, 310-312; as applied to aggre- gative index numbers, 427-428. Standard deviation. See Deviation. Standard Statistics Corporation, cited, 438. Statist (London), simple arithmetic ap- proved by, 466; cited, 29, 342, 345, 349. Supplementary series of formulae, 184. Tests, reversal, 62-63; commodity reversal, 63-64; time reversal, 64- 65; time reversal, illustrated nu- merically and graphically, and ex- pressed algebraically, 65-72; factor reversal, 72; simple arithmetic index 526 INDEX number tested by factor reversal, 72-76; factor reversal, illustrated graphically, 76-77 ; error revealed by factor reversal, 77-79 ; factor reversal analogous to other reversal, 79-82; reversal, as finders of formulae, 118- 135; rectifying formulae by, 136-183; importance of conformity to, by first- class index numbers, 268; so-called circular, 270-295 (see Circular test) ; triangular, 295. Time antithesis. See Antithesis. Time reversal test. See Tests. Time studies for calculating index numbers, 321-325. Times Annalist, cited, 460. United States Bureau of Labor Statis- tics, aggregative weighted by base year values approved by, 471; cited, 53, 59, 240, 335, 341, 342, 344, 346, 363, 369, 437, 438. United States Bureau of Standards, cited, 225. Value, ratio. See Ratio, value. Wages, adjustment of, by index num- bers, 368, 460. Walras, L., cited, 296. Walsh, C. M., cited, 29, 35, 40, 59, 60, 121, 207, 255, 326, 328, 366, 408, 458, 459, 519, 520; on use of simple mode average, 39; on aggregative form of index number, 42; importance of time reversal test recognized by, 82; idea of type bias expressed by, 117; use of time reversal test by, 134; cross weight aggregative formula approved by, 196; reference by, to Formula 353, 241, 242; on the so- called circular test, 295-296; For- mula 22 approved by, 468; Formula 1123 approved by, 483; ideal index number approved by, 482; Formulae 1153 and 1154 approved by, 483; Formulae 2153 and 2154 approved by, 484. War Industries Board, weighted index number of, 44, 342-343; cited, 14, 216, 262, 333, 334, 336, 339, 340, 344, 410. Weighting, 6-8; just basis for, 43-45; by base year values or by given year values, 45-53; two intermediate (hybrid) systems of, 53-56; only two systems of, for aggregative type of index number, 56-57; history of, 59-60; additional systems of, 61; bias in, 91-94; influence of, 439 ff.; simple and cross, compared, 443- 444; errors in, less important than in prices, 447-449; the best system of, 449-450. Westergaard, idea of circular test propounded by, 295; simple geo- metric approved by, 459, 468. Withdrawal or entry, as test of index number of prices, 420-423. Wood, George H., "Some Statistics of Working Class Progress since 1860" by, 438. Young, Allyn A., estimate of Formula 353 by, 242; probability system of weighting of, 379-380; " ideal " index number approved by, 482; cited, 366, 520. Young, Arthur, Formula 9001 ap- proved by, 458, 487; cited, 43, 45. Zizek, Franz, Statistical Averages by, 438. 347/ X279 "^rl. ^ ^^-^ -^"c^. ■J- \ cV . - - '^A. ^<^ ^ \.^ '), - XV. ,^\\^' =^i$»i^; ^.# -^^^K