ft8«HaBB £3% 0SS m f \ ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI OF RUTGERS COLLEGE, NEW-JERSEY. THE OHAETEE AND BY-LAWS OF THE dioiQ ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI OF RUTGERS COLLEGE, WITH THE Eegulations of the Standing Committee. NEW-BRUNSWICK, N. J. : 1FREDONIAN STEAM PRINTING HOUSE, 36 DENNIS-STREET. 1878. V :i8i. , AiA^ i g *i c OFFICERS AND STANDING COMMITTEE For the College Year^ iSj8-'-jg. Class 1850 1 1 1837. (C 1867, 11 1844 u 1847 PRESIDENT : PETER W. EOUSE, Esq., .... VICE-PRESIDENTS : WILLIAM II. STEELE, D. D., . NATHANIEL W. VOORHEES, Esq., . CHARLES SCOTT, D. D., ANSON DUBOIS, D. D., , . . ' . TREASURER : HENRY R. BALDWIN, M. D., ..." 1849.. SECRETARY : ROBERT ADRAIN, Esq., .... " 1873.. BIOGRAPHER : REV. DAVID COLE, D. D., . . . . " 1842.. PERMANENT CHAIRMAN STANDING COMMITTEE : RUSH VAN DYKE, M. D., .... " 1830.. STANDING COMMITTEE : HON. G. B. ADRAIN, " 1833.. S. E. APPLETON, D. D., .... " 1852.. JOHN L. SEE, D. D., " 1841- CHARLES SCOTT, D. D., . . . . " 1844. JOHN F. HAGAMAN, Esq., . . . . "1836. WARREN HARDENBERGH, Esq., . . " 1844. REV. JAMES LeFEVRE, . . . . "1854. PROF. I. E. HASBROUCK, .... " 1865. E. W. APPLETON, D.D., . 1852. R. H. STEELE, D. D., " 1844. JAMES NEILSON, Esq., " 1S66. WILLARD P. VOORHEES, Esq., ... " 1871- TZHZIE CHAETEE. fink of jjau-jmtfg, ss : N J Chapter CCXXVII, Laws MDCCCLXXIV. AN ACT FOR Tilt: INCORPORATION OF AN ASSOCIATION OF THE ALUMNI OF RUTGERS COLLEGE. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New-Jersey, That the Association of the Alumni of Rutgers College, in- stituted Anno Domiui one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, and the members of the same shall be and they are hereby created, a body corporate and politic in fact and in name, under and by the name, style and title of " The Association of the Alumni of Rutgers Col- lege," and by the same name and title, they and their associates and successors, are hereby constituted and confirmed, one body corporate and politic in law, to have perpetual succession, and be able and capable to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in all and any courts of justice and other places, in all manner of suits, pleas, causes and matters of what nature or kind soever, at law and in equity, and to have and use a common seal, and the same to break, change, alter and renew at pleasure, and to take, have, hold and enjoy all manner of property, real, personal and mixed, or of what kind soever, and the same to grant, let, alien or assign at pleasure ; provided, that the clear yearly value of the real estate of the said corporation shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars, lawful money of the United States of America. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Association shall consist of all Alumni of Rutgers College, who shall have hitherto been or who shall hereafter be passed, to a Bachelor's degree in the Arts or in the Sciences at said College, and who shall unite themselves with the Association by signing this Act, and complying with the requirements of the by-laws of the Association, and the Alumni-graduates of Queen's College shall be ex-officio members for life, entitled by courtesy to all the privileges of membership. 3. And be it enacted* That the objects of the corporation hereby created shall be the promotion and perpetuation of amity among its mem- bers, the cultivation of Literature, Science and Art-Taste, and the pro- motion of the interests, and the extension of the influence of its Alma Mater — Rutgers College. 4. And be it enacted, That the business of said corporation shall be transacted, the authorities and duties, and the number and titles of its officers determined and fixed, and the objects of its institution advanced in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws and special orders it may adopt for those purposes ; and a signature to this act shall be con- sidered a signature to the by-laws for the time being of the corporation ; -provided, that nothing therein contained shall be contrary to the consti- tution and laws of this State ; and provided, that no by-law shall here- after be valid and binding unless it shall be proposed and passed at one annual session of the corporation and be enacted and received at another annual session, and be sustained by the votes of two-thirds of the mem- bers present at each reading; and provided, that no alienation or lease for a longer term than one year of any real estate of the corporation shall be valid except the same be proposed at one annual session of the corporation, and be enacted and received at another. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall be considered a public act, and shall take effect immediately. Approved March 17th, 1874. STATE OF NEW- JERSEY. Department of State. I, Henry C. Keesey, Secretary of State of the State of New-Jersey Do Hereby Certify, that the foregoing is a true copy of an Act passed by the Legislature of this State, and approved by the Governor the seven- teenth day of March, A. D., 1874, as taken from and compared with the original, now on file in my office. Ik Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand^ , ' . and affixed my official seal at Trenton, this seven- -j Seal > teenth day of July, one thousand, eight hundred and ^— v— •> seventy-four. HENRY C. KELSEY, Secretary of State. BY-LAWS. Article 1. This Association shall be denominated "The Associa- tion of the Alumni of Rutgers College. Art. 2. The Association shall consist of all Alumni of Rutgers College who have been, or who shall hereafter be passed to a Bachelor's degree in the Arts or in the Sciences at said College, and every Alumnus so passed will be expected, as a friend of his Alma Mater, to unite with this Association at its business meeting on the day of his graduation? and the Alumni-graduates of Queens College shall be ex-officio life-mem- bers, entitled to all the privileges of membership. Art. 3. The objects of this Association shall be the perpetuation of those friendships which were formed by its members during the period of their Collegiate intercourse, the cultivation of Literature, Science and Art- Taste, the promotion of the cause of Education, and the advancement of the interests and the extension of the influence of its Alma Mater — Rutgers College. Art. 4. The Officers of this Association shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Biographer, and a Perma- nent Chairman of the Standing Committee. Art. 5. The Standing Committee shall be composed of the Per- manent Chairman thereof, the Treasurer and the Secretary of the Asso- ciation, and twelve members of whom four shall be graduates of at least five, and five with the Permanent Chairman shall be graduates of at least ten years standing, and five with the Permanent Chairman shall be a quorum for the transaction of business. Art. 6. This Association shall meet in annual session at ten o'clock in the morning of the day next proceeding the day of the Annual Com- mencement at Rutgers College and the session may be prolonged by ad- journment as may be deemed advisable, and the members present shall be a quorum for thetransactiou of business. Art. 7. The Officers shall be elected annually by a plurality of votes at the annual session, and the office of Permanent Chairman of the Staud- ing Committee shall be filled in like manner, whenever the same shall become vacant by death, resignation or otherwise. The election shall be by ballot, under the superintendence of tellers, as shall also be that of 6 orators, but when there are no opposing nominations the Secretary may by general consent, deposit one ballot on behalf of the Avhole house. Art. 8. At the sessions of the Association the President shall ap- point such temporary Secretary or Secretaries as may be necessary to as- sist the Secretary, (1), in noting the proceedings of the Association ; (2), in registering the names of attending members; (3), in receiving signatures to the constitution ; (4), in receiving and receipting for annual contributions, and in such other manner to aid him as may be necessary or he may desire. Art. 9. No member except a life member shall be eligible to office, or be entitled to vote at any election, unless he shall have paid an annual contribution for the preceding year. Art. 10. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be members resident in or near the City of New-Brunswick. Art. 11. Every member shall at the time-of signing these articles pay to the Secretary the sum of one dollar, which shall be his first an- nual contribution, and there shall be an annual contribution of one dollar. Art. 12. Any member who shall pay at one time the sum of Ten Dollars or who shall pay the sum of Five Dollars twice in any term of of three years, or who having paid his annual contribution annually for five years, shall thereupon pay the sum of Five Dollars at one time in lieu of all future annual contributions, shall be a Life Member, exempt from further annual assessments, and the monies thus contributed in sums of Five and Ten Dollars shall be invested in such manner as to procure and yield an annual income to the Association. Art. 13. Every Alumnus of Rutgers College will be expected to keep the Secretary of this Association advised of his residence and Post Office address, and the Biographer informed of his life record. Art. 14. The actual expenses of officers incurred in the perform- ance of executive or clerical duty shall be paid, on presentation of a prop- er voucher to the Standing Committee. Art. 15. The President, or in his absence, one of the Vice-Presi- dents in the order of seniority, shall preside at all meetings of the As- sociation, decide all questions of order, and regulate its proceedings generally. Art. 1G. The Secretary shall keep a correct minute of the proceed- ings of the Association, and make all records required by it. He shall receive and receipt for all monies contributed to the funds of the Associa- tion and pay the same over to the Treasurer. He shall have charge of and safely keep the records and papers of the Association, and shall open ■and maintain as directed such correspondence as may tend to advance its ■interests. He shall keep a register of all members attending the annual meetings of the Association, and a register of the names and Post Office addresses of all the members of the Association so far as the same can be ascertained. He shall present at each annual session, a list of all mem- bers eligible to office and entitled to vote at elections of officers, and should he desire it, at any meeting, the President shall appoint a temporary Secre- tary or Secretaries to assist him in the performance of his duties. Art. 17. The Treasurer shall receive and receipt for all monies paid over by the Secretary, keep correct accounts of his receipts and ex- penditures, pay all orders allowed by the Standing Committee, and ex- hibit an accurate account of his doings as Treasurer to the Association, at its annual session and whenever called upon to do so by the Standing Committee. Art. 18. It shall be the duty of the Biographer to present at each annual meeting of the Association, memorials of the lives of such of its members as may have died during the preceding year, and all such memo- rials shall be preserved in the archives of the Association or published an ils transactions as it may direet. Art. 19. The Standing Committee shall execute all such measures as may be committed to it, and shall have charge of all business of the Association not otherwise provided for. It shall prudently manage the monetary affairs of the Association and shall make a full report of its proceedings at every annual session. It may suggest such measures as it may deem proper for promoting the objects of the Association and shall have power to make rules for its own government and to till vacan- cies occurring during its term of service in its own number. Art. 20. Propositions to add to or amend these articles may be of- fered in writing by three members over their signatures, and the question .shall be upon the passage of the proposed alteration to a second reading, when if two-thirds of the members present vote in the affirmative, it •shall be read a second time at the next annual session, when if a"-ain .-sustained by a two-third vote it shall be enacted and received. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1 . The President shall take the chair punctually and cause the ses- sion to be opened Avith prayer. 2. The minutes of the previous session shall be read, corrected if necessary, and approved. 3. The President will announce appointments, if any, of temporary Secretaries. 4. Signatory members of the Graduating Class for the current year shall then be announced and introduced. 5. The President shall appoint a committee to nominate officers and orators for the ensuing year. 6. The President shall appoint a committee to invite the attendance of the President and Board of Trustees of the College at the anniver- sary exercises. 7. Reports of officers and of the Standing Committee. 8. Reports of special Committees appointed at the previous session.. 9. Unfinished Business. 10. New Business, including observations on any subject of general interest by any of themembers present, and reception of communications from the President, Faculty or Board of Trustees of the College if any offer. 11. Report of nominating Committee, and election of officers and oiators, Primarius and Secundus, for the ensuing year. 12. Appointment by the President of the Standing Committee for the ensuing year. 13. Adjournment. ANNIVERSARY EXERCISES. At the hour appointed the order of business shall be suspended, and 1. The report of the Biographer will be received. 2. Contributions and donations to the Museum, Art Gallery and Li- brary of the College may be presented. 3. Delivery of the annual address by the orator elect. 4. Semi-centennial and decennial class addresses. REGULATIONS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE;. Reg. 1. The Standing Committee of the Association of the Alumni' of Rutgers College shall meet at the call of the Permanent Chairman as soon as practicable after its appointment. Reg. 2. At the said meeting, the business first in order shall be to organize, under the superintendence of the Permanent Chairman, by the election of a Vice Chairman, whose duty it shall be to preside during the year at all meetings of the Committee, and perform the customary duties of a presiding otlicer. Reg. 3. The Permanent Chairman shall keep a record of the proceed- ings of the Committee, and shall report on its behalf to the Association as circumstances may require. He shall sign and distribute all calls for' stated and other meetings, and all other official notices. He shall sign all warrants drawn on the Treasurer, and shall conduct the correspond- ence of the Committee. Reg. 4. A Stated Meeting of the Committee shall be held on the Mon- day next preceding the day of the annual session of the Association, to- transact such business as may be brought before it, and to agree upon an. annual report, containing such representations and suggestions as it may deem it advisable and expedient to submit for the consideration of the Association. Reg. 5. Other meetings of the Committee may be called as occasion may seem to require, by the Permanent Chairman, at his own instance,. or at the request of any two members, or in the absence of the Permanent Chairman, by the Vice Chairman. Reg. 6. At meetings of the Committee, business shall ordinarily have precedence as follows : 1. Noting members present. 2. Reading minutes of previous meeting for correction and approval.- 3. Reports of Sub-Committees. 4. Reception of written or verbal communications and suggestions. 5. Matters relating to the objects of the Association. 6. Financial business. 7. Unfinished business. 8. Miscellaneous business. 9. Preparation of report of the Committee. Reg. 7. Members living at a distance, when unable to attend, may vote and be represented by proxy. ROLL OF MEMBERS, "Who have served the Association in an official capacity since its insti- tution in 1833 : PRESIDENTS. 1833 Robert Adrain, Jr., Esq., 1833'34. William Bloomfield, Esq., 1834'35. Augustus F. Taylor, M. D., 1835'36. Rev. Hansford Wells, 1836'37. Horatio G. Prall, Esq., 1837'38. Rev. Ransford Wells, 1838'39. Robt. H. Pruyn, Esq., 1839'40. Rev. C. C. Van Arsdale, 1840'41. George A. Vroom, Esq., 1841'42. Rev. John Forsyth, 1842'43. Rev. John P. Knox, 1843'44. Rev. Win. J. Thompson, . 1844'45. G. B. Adrain, Esq., . 1845'46. Rev. J. B. Alliger, . 1846'47. Rev. R. O. Currie, 1847'48. Rev. A. B. Paterson, 1848'49. Theo. Romeyn, Esq., A. M., 1849'50. Cortlandt Parker, 1850'51. Rev. T. W. Chambers, 1851'52. J. Romeyn Brodhead, 1852'53. Rev. Abm. Polhemus, 1853'54. Robert H. Pruyn, Esq., 1854'55. J. Stuart Patterson, Esq., 1855'56. C. C. Hoagland, M. D., 1856^57. Rev. C. E. Crispell, 1857'58. John W. Fei-don, Esq., 1858'59. John Hopper, Esq., 1859'60. Rev. Paul D. Van Cleef, 1860'61. Anthony Elmendorf, D. D., 186PG2. W. J. R. Taylor, D. D., 18G2'63. Rev. James Romeyn Berry, 1863'64. Rev. John Gaston, ;1864'65. John F. llagaman, Esq., A865'GG. Rev. J. 11. Suydam, - Class 1827. a 1828. i i 1829 l . 1827. i i 1828. i . 1827 . . 1833 . . 1828. it 1830. LL 1829 I'. 1830 ; . 1834 ll 1833 ll 1835 t c 1829 i . 1834 h 1833 u 1836 l i 1834 ll 1831 ll 1831 1 1 1833 ll 1832. ll 1828 a 1839 u 1847 i. i 1833 L i 1843 LI 1S36 " 1841 LL 1847 Li 1849 Li 1836 (( 1854 11 1866'67. John F. Hagaman, Esq., 1867'68. Mr. J. W. Schermerhorn, . 1868'69. Anson Dubois, D. D., 1869'70. Hon. Robert II. Pruyn, LL. D., 1870'71. Gen. Geo. IT. Sharpe, 1871'72. Hon. R. L. Larremore, LL. D., 1872'73. John L. See, D. D., 187374. Paul U. Van Cleef, D. D., . 187475. Mr. Alexander Brown, 1875'76. George W. Coakley, LL. D., 187677. Ransford Wells, D. D., 187778. Hon. Jonathan Dixon, Jr., 187879. Peter W. Rouse, Esq., Class 1836 tc 1857 It 1847 b b 1833 a. 1847 i. . 1850 a 1841 it 1843 a 1836. u 1836 a 1827 a 1859 it 1850 VICE-PRESIDENTS . 1833'34. Augustus F. Taylor, M. D, 1834'35. Robert Adrain, Jr., Esq., 1835'36. Horatio G. Prall, Esq., 1836'37. Rev. John P. Knox, 1837'38. Robert II. Pruyn, 1838'39. Augustus F. Taylor, 1839'40. Rev. Frederick Ogilby, 1840'41. G. B. Adrain, Esq., 184P42. Rev. Frederick Ogilby, 1842'43. G. B. Adrain, Esq., 1843'44. Rev. John B. Alliger, 1844 1 45. Rev. Garret C. Schenck, 1845'46. Joseph P. Bradley, Esq., 1846'47. Rev. John A. Van Doren, 1847'48. Garret S. Cannon, Esq., 1848'49. Rev. Garret C. Schenck, 1849'50. Hon. ffm. A. Newell, M. D 1S50'51. F. T. Freliughuysen, Esq., 185P52. John Hopper, 1852'53. John C. Elmendorf, Esq., 1853'54. Rev. John A. Staats, . 1854'55. Rev. Enoch Van Aken, 1855'56. Rev. Cornelius E. Crispell, 1856'57. John W. Ferdon, Esq., 1857'58. William Reiley, D. D., 1 . 1829. tc 1827. u 1828. a 1830. a 1833. u 1829. u 1833. 1 1 1833. u 1833. u 1833. a 1835. 1. 1 1828. c. 1836. Li 1835. u 1833. u 1828. 1 1 1836. u 1836. ii 1833. a 1834. a 1836. Li 1830. a 1839. n 1847. a 1833. M* 12 1858'59. Rev. John Gaston, 1859'60. Rev. William Irvin, 1860'61. Augustus H. Bruyn, 1861'62. Rev. Edwin Vedder, 1862'63. Rev. George J. Van Neste, 1863'64. John P. Vroom, Esq., 1864'65. Rev. Theodore B. Romeyn, 1865'66. Rev. George J. Van Neste, 1866'G7. Rev. John W. Schenck, 1867'68. David Cole, D. D., 1868'69. Rev. Nathaniel Conklin, 1869'70. Edward S. Vail, Esq., 1870'71. Jonathan Dixon, Jr., Esq., 1871*72. Rush Van Dyke, M. D., 18 72' 73. Rev. James LeFevre, 1873'74. Hon. William A. Newell, M. D Rev. John B. Thompson, D. D., Edward W. Appleton, D. D., Theodore B. Romeyn, D. D., 1874'75. Hon. Cortlandt Parker, John C. Elmendorf, Mr. W. R. Janeway, Samuel E. Appleton, D. D. 1875'76. Hon. John Hopper, Hon. Charles H. Voorhis, Cornelius Esselsteyn, Esq., Edward S. Vail, Esq., 1876'77. Garret S. Cannon, Esq., Rev. James Chipchase, Rev. John B. Alliger, Edward S. Vail, Esq., 1877'78. Rev. Ralph Willis, Edward S. Vail, Esq., Wm. Henry Anderson, Esq., Rev. George J. Van Neste, CURATORS. 1833-'35. Rev. Abraham Polhemus, 1835-'37. Rev. Frederick Ogilby, 1837'38. Horatio G. Prall, Esq., 1838-'40. Garret S. Cannon, Esq., . Class 1849 n 1851 a 1836 C( 1841 u 1842. I i 1849 u 1846 u 1842. ( i 1845. u 1842 u 1844 t 1 1839 a 1859 i i 1830 a 1854 u 1836 t i. 1851 tc 1852 a 1846 it 1836 a 1834 a 1837. a 1852. a 1833. a 1853. u i852. t . 1839. (C 1833. k ' 1842. 41 1835. U 1839. (C 1839. i I 1839. u 1862. u 1842. i I 1831. 1. 1 1833. a 1828. a 1833. 13 1840'41. 1841-'45. 1845-'49. 1849-'51. 1851-'53. 1853-'63. 1863-'65. 1865-'67. 1867-73. 1873-73. 1833. 1833'34. 1834'35. 1835-'38. 1838-'40. 1840'41. 1841 '42. 1842-'44. 1844'45. 1845-'47. 1847-'55. 1855-'59. 1859-'G2. 1862-'72. 1872-'75. 1875-78. 1S73-78. 1873-78. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. Edward Cook, Esq., . George A. Vroom, Esq., . Rev. Wm. J. Thompson, Rev. David Cole, Edward S. Vail, Esq., Mr. Henry L. Janeway, . Mr. David Bishop, Edward S. Vail, Esq., Heary R. Baldwin, M. D., TREASURER. Heary R. Baldwin, M. D., SECRETARIES. William Disbrough, Esq., Mr. Rush Van Dyke, Joseph G. Scott, Esq., Jacob Ennis, A. M., William Disbrough, Esq., Garnet B. Adrain, Esq., Edward Cook, Esq., John C. Elmendorf, Esq., Henry R. Cannon, A. M., Augustus F. Taylor, M. D., Rev. D. D. Demarest, Mr. David Bishop, Rev. John H. Suydam, Henry R. Baldwin, M. D., . John L. See, D. D., Mr. Henry K. How, Robert Adrain, Esq., BIOGRAPHERS. David Cole, D. D., Class 1836 tt 1830 n 1834 1 1 1842 1 1 1839 1 1 1844 1 1 1843 1 1 1839 tt 1849 1849. 1 1 1830 1 1 1830 . 1 1 1828 1 1 1 1 1831 1830 1 1 1833 . 1 1 1836 1 1 1834 . 1 1 1840 1 1 1829 1 1 1 1 1837 1*43 . . 1 1 1854 tt 1849 . . 1 1 1841 1 1 1842 , 1 1 1873 1842. PERMANENT CHAIRMAN STANDING COMMITTEE. Rush Van Dyke, M. D., . . . . " 1830. ORATORS. James R. Christie, .... Class 1828. Robert Adrain, Jr., Esq., " 1827. Wm. Bloomfield, Esq., .... " 1828. Rev. John Forsyth, " 1829. 14 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. 1841. 1842. 1843. 1844. 1845. 1846. 1847. 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. 1853. 1854. 1855. 1856. 1857. 1858. 1859. I860. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. 1675. 1876. 1877. 1878. Rev. C. C. Van Arsdale, Horatio G. Prall, Esq., Rev. G. I. Garret son, Rev. Isaae N. Wyckoff, D. D., G. B. Adrain, Esq., C. L. Hardenbergh, Esq., . Rev. Ransford Wells, Clinton DeWitt, Esq., Rev. P. O. Steddiford, . Matthew H. Jones, Esq., Rev. A. B. Patterson, Augustus F.Taylor, M. D., F. T. Frelinghuysen, Esq., John Hopper, Esq. Walter Rutherford, Esq. Rev. A. Polhemus, Cortlandt Parker, Esq., George S. Stitt, Esq., Rev. D. D. Demarest, W. H. Jansen, Esq., . Hon. Theodorick R. Westbrook, Rev. J. B. Alliger, Rev. John DeWitt, . Rev. J. Elmendorf, . ■ . John F. Hagaman, Esq., W. J. R. Taylor, D. D., . Edward S. Vail, Esq., Rev. Paul D. Van Cleef, . Rev. V. M. Hulbert, Peter Stryker, D. D., Rush Vau Dyke, M. D., . David Cole, D. D., . Jonathan Dixon, Jr., Esq., John A. Todd, D. D., Theodore B. Romeyn, D. D., . Hon. R. L. Larremore, LL. D... E. W. Appletou, D. D., . John Steele, D. D., Benjamin B. Leacock, D. D., Rev. Wm. R. Duryee, i t 1828. I i 1828. . t 1829. i i 1812. .c 1833. u 1809. ii 1827. i. i 1831. i I 1816. a 1830. i t 1834. t i 1829. " 1836. hi 1833. i : 1831. a 1831. a 1836. 1 1 1836. i i 1837. a. 1836. a 1838. a 1835. 1 1 1838. u 1850. u 1836. i i 1841. L i 1839. a 1843. a 1839. t i 1845. ii. 1830. u 1842. a. 1859. 1 1 1845. 1. 1 1846. ... l c 50. . . w ^ 1652. C( 1845. u 1847. u 1856. 15 STANDING COMMITTEES. Hon. Garnet B. Adrain, .... Class 1833 1873-1878- Daniel R. Boice, Esq., " 1836 187576, 187778. A. K. Coggswell, Esq., " 1859 1873-1876, 187778. Wm. Cornell, D. D., " 1859 187475, 187677, R. O. Currie, Jr., Esq., " 1858 187677. Mr. Edward DeRussy, " 1852. .. v 187374, 187576. Rev. J. T. Demarest, " 1834 187677. Rev. William R. Duryee, '• 1856 187677.. Hon. John W. Ferdon, " 1847 1876-1878. Frederick Frelinghuysen, Esq. " 1868 187677. James L. Hasbrouck, Esq., ' ; 1844 187576. John Hopper, Esq., ; ' 1857 1873-1875. Warren Hardenbergh, Esq., " 1844 187576. James R. Hardenbergh, Esq., " 1833 187576. Rev. J. H. Hopkins, " 1850 187778. Mr. H. L. Janeway, " 1874 187576. Joseph D. Krum, D. D., " 1858 187576. Hon. R. L. Larremore. " 1850 187576. James Neilson, Jr., Esq., " 1866 1873-1875. 1876-1878. Jacob O. Polhemus, M. D., " 1854 187778. Theodore B. Romeyn, D. D., " 1846 187778. John L. See, D. D., " 1841 1874-1876. Cornelius S. See, Esq., " 1867 1873-1875. J. W. Schermerhorn, " 1857 187475, 187677.. J. Elmer Stout, Esq., " 1854 187576. William H. Steele, D. D., " 1837 187778. Alexander J. Swift, Esq., " 1868 187778. J. F. Talmage, M. D., " 1852 187374. W. J. R. Taylor, D. D., " 1841 187778. E. P. Terhune, D. D., " 1850 187778. Edward S. Vail, Esq., " 1839 1873-1875. Is. Van Wagoner, Esq., " 1845 187576. Hon. T. R. Westbrook, " 1838 187677. AUG 17 1900 IK a SOL JUSTIM ET OCCIDEttTEM ILLUSTRA." 1770. LB Ap '05 $