EARLY RECORDS OF THE CHL'RCJf JX TOPS FI K r.o. COilML:M0AXK.D Br JOJIS If. OOULD. from th<: /f;HTo.i;r;A;. f;o/.;.fy;-no..*.<, oj-riif. k^.kx I'.R-nn.r-K. Vor. XXIV. p.m. ^W ■TuCrG EAELY EECORDS OF THE CHURCH IN TOPSFIELD. COMMUNICATED BY JOHN H. GOULD. At a Lawfull Town meeting y« 7 May 1680, TheTowne Manifested by voat that thay ware not willing Mr Hub- bard Should Continare in y^ work of y* ministry here at Topsfield without Mr Hubbard and y^ Towne can agree in a More Christian way than thay bee in at present, the Towne by vote doe declare that if mr hobard desire a town meeting he may disare with the towne if hee apopint a day the next weeke thay will meet with him if he give notis on Saboth day next 7 May 1680. "At a lawfull town meeting the forth of May 1681 En- signe Goold and Sargen John Redington ar chosen to go to mr apes at Salem to see if he will apcapt of a call to the menestre here. At a lawfull towne meeting the 17 of June 1681 Ensigne Goold and Isack este are chosen to goo to Mester danel apes to se if he will com to help us in Respact of the men- istri everi other Saboth or oftener if he can in order to a forther axperianc of ech other Voted. At a Lawfull Town Meeting y« 29 of July 1681, Thomas Perkins jur and Joseph Bixby Jun"" are chosen to goe to Cambrig to pilot mr Capen to Topsfield to Lieut Pebodys house. Lieut Pebody Deckon perkins Sargt Redington Jame How Senr mr Tho Baker John Gould Sargt Pebody Sam- uel Busell Senr John Wilds John How Joche (Joshua?) (3) 4 EARLY RECORDS OF THE Estey Gierke are chosen a Commitey to discorse with mr Capeii to Stay and preach here with us at Topsfield a while. At a lawfuU towne meeting the fift of Sapember 1681 Sargen Redington Jacob towne Senr and John how or ani two of them ar chosen to acompeni mr Capen to dorches- ter when hee goes to viset his frendes and to bring him a^ane if tha can with his frends Consent to Contene with us in the ministri 20 June 1682 Town granted to Mr Capen twelve acres of upland &medow if he settle amongst us. At a LawfuU meeting of y^ Selectmen y* 20 of decem- ber 1681, Ensigne John Gould and Isaac Easty Sener are chosen to go to mr Jerymyah Hobbard to demand the key of the parsonidge house. Voted. mr Capen answer to y* Church & Towne & neiaghdr of ye viling & Ipswich. In Answer to y® motion of y** Church & Towne of Topsfield and y® Neighbors of Rowly village & Ipswich Sept 18 : An do 1682 Having taken into serious Consideration y^ motion which hath been made by your selves to me in order to y* work of y® ministry among you having also to y* utmost of my understanding & abillity eyed & observed both y^ word & y* providences of God in order thereunto: and Although I am greatly Sensible of my inabillity and Insufficiency to so great a worke, yet Seeing it is God who hath by his providence brought mee into y^ Same & not seeing my way Clear to break of from that worke, Considering also y" Continuance of yo"" Love & good Affection to mee having also been Earnest with that God & wich directeth his in all their wayes & Setteth bounds to y^ habitations of all men for guidance, Counsell & Direction in this great Affair : Waighing all these things together I do Intend if God shall continue mee in this worke by Assitting & inabling mee there unto to Continue with you in the worke of y® Gos- pell in order to a farther Settlement in God own time un- CHURCH IN TOPSFIELD. 5 less auything Shall Intervene which Shall bee accounted by Indiffarant & Import all Judgments to bee Just ground & Sufficient Reason to obstruct any proceedings of that Na- ture Joseph Capen. 16 May 1684 The Towne did manifest by voat that they war willing to proseed to ordauation with mr Joseph Capeu. 1684r. A LIST OF YE members IN FULL COMMUNION AT TOPSFIELD WHEN WAS FIRST ORDAIN D, OR Y^ WERE ADMITTED AFTERWARDS. Francis Pabody John Reddlngton Abraham Reddington Sen"" Joseph Bixby Sen' John Gould Sen"" Thomas Baker Thomas Perkins Deacon died May 7th 86 John Pabody Thomas Dorman Ephraim Dorman Samuel Howlett William Howlett Isaak Cumins John French Isaak Estie — James How Sen' Samuell Pei'ley Nehemiah Abbot John Cummins Decem 7, 85 was dismissal to y^ church at Dun- stable Robert Stiles Thomas Perkins Jun*' Daniell Hovey Deacon Perkins wife Sen Lieftenant (John) Goulds wife Tho Dormans wife Isaak Esties " Jacob Towns " Joseph Towns " Widdow Mary Towne Ephraim Dormans wife John Wilds his James How Michael Dunnels John Nichols Daniell Bormans Isaak Cummins William Howletts Abraham Reddingtons wife Joseph Bixbys wife John Pabody s " Samuell Simons his wife Robert Smiths " William Smith " Widdow Andrews Nehemiah Abbots wife Widdow Perley William Watson his wife John French " " John Cummins " " EARLY RECORDS OF THE BAPTISMS. John Curtiss his Rebecka May 6 1688 Samuell Stanley Jun. 24 Thomas Towne his i Experience eodem die Lieft. Ephraim Dorraan his Jacob July 29 Samuell Stanley a Samuell Thomas Aug. 6 Samuel Stanley i( Jacob & Abagail t( It Zacheus Curtis (( Zechariah Sept. 9 Goodwife Nichols he I • Margaret Elits Lydia 16 Joseph Andrew his John (< (( Thomas Reddington (( Rebeka (( 23 Thomas Andrews (( Lilburn Oct. 7 Thomas Perkins (1 Thomas Dec. 9 John Stiles (1 John " 16 My own (Capen) Mary Feb. 17 1688 Daniell Redington ti Mary Mar. 17 89 Goodwif Bunnell her Tryphena Apr. 7 John Towne his Ephraim (( 22 Joanna Stanley ye wife of Samuell i< 28 Mr. Tobijah Perkins his Priscella i( <( Samuell Howlet (1 Meriam May 5 Joseph Estie (( Joseph (1 " Caleb Jackson 27 John Hovey Jun Joseph July 11 Tho Towne Mercy " 18 1703 Timothy Per ley Joseph " 25 Daniell Foster Phineas (< " Timothy Perkins Esther Aug. 22 Joseph Borman Hannah (( K Elizabeth Chapman Sept. 19 ye wife of W. Chapman Joseph Towne 3 Eliezer i( 31 Mr Timothy Perkins II Hannah Nov. 21 Thus far in old meeting hous 572 Samuell Stanley his John Dec. 11 Daniel Clarke Humphry " 19 Ebenezer Shurwin Jonatha Jan. 9 1703-4, Thomas Dorman Deborah Feb. 13 Nathaniell Porter Nathaniell (< 27 Tho Robinson Daniel Mar. 12 Joseph Towne Amy (( 26 Daniell Reddington Martha May 7 Benjamin Foster Deborah (( " Tho Perley Asa ( i( Ebenezer Averill (( Ruth Jun. 16 Thos Caves (( 23 Hannah Dunnel & " it Ann Caves " " Tho Dorman his Eleanoer Jun (30) Samuel Towne (1 Phillip K it Samuell Smith Son-in-law of John Curtis (1 Samuell (July) Tho Cummins " Samuell Aug. 4 John Cummins (( Stebbins " 18 Tho Robinsou (( Stephen Sept. 1 John Perkins (1 Mary (( [8 Caleb Foster i( Sarah n [" John Burton (( Isaac If 15 John French it Mary Oct. 27 Ephraim Smith t( John Nov. John Pritchet <( John Dec. Samuel Potter (( Esther Jan. [1706-7. Ebenezer Foster " Jemima Feb. Nathauiell Averil (( Sarah (( John Perley " Jane Mar. 2 Jacob Foster (( Israeli David Shapley <( Richard Apr. 6 Daniel! Waters " Hannah " 20 John Esty (( i; David ' Jonathan May 4 Kezia (( 4, 1707 Benjamin Foster his ! Kezia ) Ruth 5 u Thomas Dunnell " n Samuel Stanley " Hannah } Mary 5 (( Benjamin Bixby t ( <( Isaac Pebody " Anne Jun. 8 John Gould " Lydia (t t< William Averell " Jabez (< 15 Isaac Cummins " Pelatiah " it Daniell Foster (( Jeremiah " it John Andrews " James ) Mercy > July Joseph Robinson " it CHURCH IN TOPSFIELD. 17 Ephraim Curtis his 1 Ebenezer Job Averel " Job Aug. Daniell Clark (( Dan Sept. William Towiie (( Debora (( Lucy Wood her Hephzeba '« Zacheus Gould his Priscella u Joseph Shumwa Dec. 7 Doreas Shumwa (( (( Samuell Smith (( Joseph Jan. 4 Eliazer Foster (( Habijah Ebenezer Averill " Hannah Feb. Ephraim Wilds " Samuell Michaell Dunnell (( Stephen Mar. 14 1707-8 William Porter i< Ruth Ap John Dunnell (1 Susanna A Thomas Perley <( Abigail Paul Averill (( Ezekiel M 9 Peter Shumway (< Mary Thomas Dorman (1 Thomas Caleb Foster n Caleb Jun. Thomas Perley Short Tho (( M " 1708 John Perkins " Jemima July Mary Wood Daughter of N Woods 18 1708 Thomas Curtis his Thomas July -Joseph Bixby (I Lydia a Luke Hovey <( Luke Aug. 8 Isaac Esty (1 Rebecka " Joseph Towne (( Elisha Oct. Ephraim Smith Sarah N Daniell Waters (( David Samuell Smith <( Elizabet S]amuell Stanley Juu (( Samuell Jan. 9 1708-9 J]ohn How (( John Mar. 6 1708-9 Samuell Smith (t Phebe " 13 1708-9 J]olm Burton <( Benjamin Apr. 10 1709 Nathaniell Porter (< Abigail t( 17 Samuell Porter (( Samuel (( 24 TJhomas Dunnell i( David May 15 Nathjaniell Foster (< Hannah Jun. 5 WJilliara Hobbs ^i William Daniell Joseph I]saac Pebody (( Hephzebah July 10 1709 Nathaniell Averell i( Meriam n 17 Benjamin Bixby Jun 3 " John li " 18 EARLY RECORDS OF THE J]acob Foster his Martha July 24 J]ohn French (( Joseph Aug. 14 JJoseph Towne " Amos Sept. , 4 S]amuell Gould (< Jonathan " (( & (( Patience (1 " J]ohn Dunnell (( Ti'yphosa <( 25 E]phraira Wilds (i Hannah Oct. 9 Benjamin Foster " Gideon i( 16 Paul Averell (< Hephzeba Nov. 13 Benjamin Foster (( Benjamin " 27 John Gould (( Martha Dec. 4 Timothy Perkins (1 Elizabeth Jan. 15 Phillip Squire K 22 Ebenezer Foster C( Ruth Feb. 5 Jacob Robinson (< Jacob " 12 William Averil <( Moses t< 26 Michaell Dunnel (( Hannah Mar. 19 Thomas Curtis (( John <( 26 1710 John Towne (( John Apr. 9 Daniell Waters " Jemima " " John Pritchett " William (( 16 Caleb Foster (( Stephen <( 30 William Towne <( Mercy May 14 Jesse Dorman (( Philemon " 21 Samuell Potter (( Lydia Juue 4 Ivory Hovey (( Anne u 10 Job Averell l( Judith " 18 Joseph Towne H Bartholomew (< (( John Perkins X Kezia (( «( Nathauiell Wood " Zeruah <( " Ebenezer Averell a Mary Aug. 20 William Porter (( Judith " (( John Hovey (( Susanna Sept. 24 My son John (Capen) i> Joseph Dec. 24 Daniell Foster (( Asa Jan. 21 1710-11 John French (( Samuel Feb. 4 John Perley i( Jonathan " " Jacob Esty (( Jacob " (( John Gould (( Mary (( " Samuell Shumway Mar. 11 Nathauiell Porter (( Thomas Apr. 1 Jacob Kobiuson " Amos " 8 1711 Samuell Smith twins " John Mercy (1 15 Nathauiell Borman " Nathauiell «t '( CHURCH IN TOPSFIELD. 19 Peter Shumwa John Averill John Bunnell Jacob Foster Samuell Stanley Samuell Smith Ephraiin Wilds Ephraim Dorman Samuell Smith Thomas Hunkins Nathaniell Averill Ebenezer Nichols Benjamin Bixby Caleb Foster Ivory Hovey Thomas Gould Samuell Porter Amos Dorman Thomas Curtis Joseph Towne John Towne William Porter Benjamin How John Perkins Jesse Dorman Zacheus Gould William Hobbs John Burton Daniell Waters Joseph Knight John Gould Paul Averill Thomas Buzzell Jacob Stanley John Curtis his twins his Simon Bradstreet Isaac Esty " ye widdo Benjamin Smith owned ye covenant & had 4 children Samuell Apr. 22 John (( 29 John <( <( David Jun. 3 Jonathan i( (( Margaret (( (( Amos July I Ephraim (( (( Mary Aug. 19 Lydia Sept. 2 Daniell " 16 Joseph Oct. li Kezia Nov. 4 Mary Dec. 30 Dorcas i( (( Mercy Jan. 27 Jerusha Feb. 3 Amos Mar. 9 Phebe <( 23 Mary (t 30 1712 Elizabeth Amos 5 Sept. 30 1722 Joseph Towne l( Martha Lieut (Joseph) Gould <( Anna Nov. 4 Robert Andrews (( Robert (( 11 Benjamin Knight (t Margarett C( Nathan Bixby " Amos <( Timothy Perkins (< William Daniell Redington <( Daniell John Chapman (( Mary Mar Jacob Perkins l( Catharine Apr. 26 EAELY RECORDS OF THE Zacheus Gould John Wilds Benjamin Towue Thomas Stevens William Porter Francis Pebody Kobert Perkins Jacob Pebody William Redington Tobijah Perkins Thomas Potter Mark How Jonathan Perkins Aaron Esty John Perkins Isaac How John Abbot Samuell Curtis Samuell Smith Nathaniell Towne Jacob Perkins Samuell Potter Daniell Towne Gideon Towne Thomas Perkins Ensign John Burton Jacob Towne Samuell Towne Jacob Dorman Nathaniell Ramsdell Ephraim Kymball William lies Ebenezer Nichols Capt Tho Baker Jacob Reddington At)rahain Foster Jacob Peabody John Gould Thomas Curtis — Eliezer Lake Daniell Reddington Samuell Bradstreet his Susanna Apr. 20 a Sarah May 19 (( Benjamin 11 " l( Mary <( <( <( Jabez June 9 1723 (1 Nathaniell 11 " (( Elizabeth Jun. 23 1723 (( Thomas Aug. 25 It Elizabeth Sep. (< Tobijah Oct. 6 (( Joanna II 20 (( Hannah Dec. 1 <( Jonathan Jan. 5 1723 " Isaac II 26 (1 Thomas Mar. 11 8 22 1724 i( Nehemia " 2(9) (I Rebecca Apr. (( Robert <( Jemima Jun. 7 <( Hannah 11 11