Rnnk G ^ E 2 / Union Cemetery, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Conn, , Copied by Mr, William A.Eardeley, Post Office Box 91, Brooklyn, New York 9 June 1907 and accurately compared Dec,, 4,1912 /■■•". 1. Union Cemetery, Greenwich, Fairfield County, Conn.; etill used ; well kept. Copied "by Mr. William A.Eardeley, Post Office Box 91, Brooklyn, Hew York, 9 June 1907. Alford see Scofield 427 Ausborn see Christian 70 Allen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. see Green 144 Margaret d.lO July 1862 ae,69 William d.29 Dec. 1899 ae.77 Caroline his wife d,28 Nov. 3 895 ae.6e Maggie J (Called "Nin" ) b.l853 d.l904 no more Thomas d.ll Apr, 1860 ae.?5 Sarah Louise b.18 Dec.1862 d.2e July 186 5 Margaret Jane b.8 Aug. 1847 d.7 Aug. 1848 8. Armstrong James H_ _ d.22 July 1862 in 25 9. Ad lay En4ch d.20 Apr. 1902 ae,?7 lO.Adsit 11. 12. 13. 14. Fanny K_ b.4 June 1848 d.21 Bee. 1902 wife of Daniel H . . Archie D b'i.SO June 1876 d,20 Sept. 1905 Violet b.6 Aug.— d.27 Aug.— 1861 Helen S b.l2 Mch.— d.23 Aug.— 1875 Frank K b.2 Jan, 1886 d.28 Jan. 3888 11 per 14 are the children of Daniel H and Fanny K 15.Anyan Sergt .Lionel d,5 Aug. 1877 ae.?8 ; Company A first IT.Y. Vol .Engineers Barnacutt see Studwell 460 Barremore see Dick 85 Belcher see Mead 323 and 343 Benedict see Korton 173 2. Blackett see Ritch 413 15a.Blalce 15b. B G no dates Co, T), 107 Conn., Inf. no dates Co.B,93 N.Y.Inf. 16. Bloomfield Walter S 17. b.l June — d.l9 Oct. — 1886 b.l6 Sept. 1884 d.24 June 1888 Joseph H ^ ^^ ^^ 16 and iv are the children of Samuel and Slaxgaret Brooker see Merritt 296 Brown see Mead 336 Brush see Dayton 101 ; Hobby 176 Buckhout see Studwell 466 and 467 Bunker see Studwell 453 Burns see Owens 354 Bush see Sfead 243 Byrns see Owens 354 18, Barremore ¥eater d.22 Apr, 3 825 ae, 35-2-11 merchant of N.Y, 19. Brinkerhoff Abraham b.6 June 1816 d.ll July 1894 20, Charlotte his wife d.8 Feb. 1903 ae,77 these two are on a monument 21, Burns Erastus b.9 Apr. 1830 d.4 2£ch.l905 Company I 10 Conn. jVols, 22. Sarah F b.l858 d.ie65 no more 3. 23. Burns Percy 13,1860 d,1861 no more 24, George H 13,1872 d,]880 no more 12 per 14 are the children of Erastus and Lucy M 25, Sarah wife of Hiram b,1802 d.l889 no more 26, Rebecca Miller wife of Eleazer Burns b,1804 d.l896 no more 21 per 26 are in a plot 27, Burns Chloe d,28 July 1855 ae, 78-4-17 28. James d,28 Sept. 1853 ae. 79-6-22 29. Lorain Hopper d.5 Dec, 1852 ae,^ months daughter of Leander K and Ellen M 30. Richard d.l8 Feb. 1876 ae, 78-3-23 31. Mary his wife d.l3 Mch,ie64 ae. 62-10-16 32. Ephraim their son d.3 Apr, 1852 in 24 33 .Bush Arthur b,12 May 1858 d.ll Aug, 1885 34. Candice d.ll Aug. 1859 ae,80 35. Hester Mead d.2 ilch.1864 ae,66 daughter of Candice Bush 36. Bancroft Harriet d.l May 1871 ae,82 37. Banks Edwin M ^_ b.25 Hov.1862 d.l6 Mch.ieSS 38. Barnes 39. 40, Gertrude M R M " _ d,4 Aug. 1892 ae, 0-4-13 daughter of and Lizzie Josialr; d,l Kay 1868 ae, 22-6-25 Ida d,9 Jan, 1868 ae, 2-7-5 41. Bock Adam b.l817 d.l886 no more 42. Mary Pieffer his wife b.l820 d.]900 no more 43.Barmore 44. 45. 46. 47. Jennie L William H William H' _ d,9 June 1878 ae,ll-6-0 daughter of _ and Elizabeth ZZ.^ d.lS Apr. 1881 ae. 56-2-0 his wife d.l3 Jan. 1857 ae. 31-1-0 Rebecca P Nathaniel' d.l Nov. 1867 ae. 66-10-0 Nathaniel d.4 Oct. 1863 ae.33 48. Barren 49. Cornel iiis J d.26 Nov. 1861 ae. 1-11-3 Evveline d.9 Apr. 1863 ae. ©-10-17 48 and 49 are the children of Hubbard C_ Mary A and 4. Carleton see SmitJi 442 Chandler SO.Chappel see Partridge 383 Capt.Amos d.ll Mch,1777 ae,41 of Sharon, Conn, ; commander in the expedition 51. Chase 5?. 53. 54. 55. Nathaniel S _ "b.? Apr. 1824 d.22 Sept. 1898 ELiza Sherwood his wife b.6 Aug. 1834 d.4 Nov. 1898 these two are on a monument Ann Maria b.l851 d.30 Mch.1864 ae. 12-5-23 Bnma C b.l858 d.5 Jan. 1862 ae. 3-3-0 Everett Sherwood b.l866 d.l Oct. 1868 ae. 2-1-16 53 per 55 are the children of 51 and 52 51 per 55 are in a plot Chester see Talbot 477 Clark see Mead 289 euid 290 56.Carr 57. Eoieline d.8 Jan. 1865 ae. 19-5-2 wife of Frank W_ Webb also Carrie their infant daughter no dates 58. Cameron Ray d.28 Apr. 188 5 ae. 1-6-0 59. Carpenter Addie P_ b.l8 Dec. 1863 d.7 Mch,1875 daughter 60. of Nathan and Margery Nancy b.28 June 1857 d.l3 Oct. 1886 wife of B. Parrington Hunt 61. Crawford 62. 63. George A_ Jennie G_ James A b.8 Apr. 1883 d.21 Feb. 1891 b.20 Sept. 1873 d.25 Sept.] 874 b.27 Mch.— d.6 Sept.— 1879 62 and 63 are on the same stone 61 per 63 are the children of William H_ Sarah and 64. Carter 65. 66. 67. John W b.l9 May 1821 d.3 Oct. 1890 ELiza B his wife b.20 Dec. 1852 d.:2 Apr. 1895 Maria S Mcrritt d.3 Sept. 1888 ae. 80-10-22 "Mother" Ebenezer Wright d.l3 May 1851 ae. 47-9-3 5. 68, Carter Deborah Wright b,9 Dec. 1800 d,7 Dec. 1890 64 per 68 are in a plot 69, Chard William d.6 Apr, D 873 ae. 67-6-0 70, Christian William HenrJ b.?l May 1861 d,26 Oct, 1875 ae,]4-4- -26 son of J4hn Ausborn Christian and Eliza 71, John Osborn b,llch, 1829 d,6 Peb.1903 72, Eli2a Punston his wife b.31 July 1835 d,24 Ifay 1895 73.Charman lialvina d,2 July 1870 ae,15 years daughter of Henry and llary F 74 . Chard 75. David B_^ Ludlow L Company I 10 Conn,, Vols, b,19 July 1843 d,22 July 1891 d,6 Aug. 1865 ae. 24-6-16 formerly of Delano see Reynolds 389 and 390 76, Denton Humphrey b.lO Oct. 1821 d.l3 Jan. 1886 77. Ruth Jt Peck his wife b.24 5'eb.]825 d.6 Jan,]857 78. Catherine Kelly his second wife b.l Feb, 1840 nO more these three are on a monument 79. Lillian J d,ll Aug, 1880 ae, 27-11-0 daughter of 76 and 77 80, Denton 81/ 82. 83, 84, Samuel S d,16 July 1863 ae, 34-11-22 John ]f ^_^ d,26 Apr, 1872 ae, 77-2-23 Elizabeth wife of Jabez d,16 Feb, 1883 ae,87 Samuel S d,16 Feb, 1874 ae, 15-7-24 Willie U d,20 July 1883 ae, 20-3-10 83 and 84 are the children of Samuel S. Margaret and 85. Dick Mary Barremore b.3 Jan, 1794 d,l Mch,1866 Drake see Marshall 306 and 311 ; Studwell 451 86, Dent on 87, Thomas C Sal3v M 88, Delano 89. Rufus C Mary his wiie a b,1804 d,1888 no more b,1813 d,1884 no more 6. 90,Darrow no name b.l2 yeb.iesi d.l9 Nov.] 858 91.Darrah 92. Jane d.lO Sept. 1866 ae,40 wife of John Margaret b.l8 Jan. 1857 d.]7 Feb. 1873 93. takes the place of 15a 94. takes the place of 15b 9 5. Douglass 96. Kate b.26 Apr. 1864 d.l Apr, 1866 John b.24 Aug. 1867 d.lO Sept. 1868 95 and 96 are the children of Archibald and Katherine 97.Danard 98. Agnes McParland b.8 Dec. 1875 d,28 Aug. 1888 Sarah Maria b.31 Aug. 1847 d.l Sept. 1902 wife of William 99, Doty Cyrus B b.5 Aug. 189? d,20 May 1900 dau- ghter of Cyrus E and Amelia 100. Dayton 101. 102. 103. David b.6 Mch.l79e d.26 Jan. 1872 ae,73-l©-20 son of David and Elizabeth ( Osborn ) Elizabeth Binash his wife d,20 Sept, 3 863 ae.66. -7-8 daughter of Edward Brush David d.7 Mch.1866 ae. 26-0-12 Charles d.l6 Jan. 1881 ae, 48-6-12 102 and 103 are the children of 100 and 101 104. Elliott 105. 106. 107. 108. Jennie d.l 9 Nov. 1869 ae. 3-1-6 youngest daughter Georgeana H d.lO Jan. 1857 ae.lO days 104 and 105 are the children of J D and A __ Joseph K .' d'.lO May 1860 ae, 0-3-5 son of William and Mary A _ Nancy D d,14 Sept. 1848 ae.40 wife of Wil- liam Mary Amanda d.24 Sepit.ie48 ae,26 days daughter of William 107 and 108 are on the same stone 109. Eliot Jane d.2 Nov. 1883 ae,77 wife of William McDou- gall Everett see Chase 55 ; Reynolds 389 7. Harrington see Carpenter £0 Ferris see St. John 419 ; Studwell 451 Finch see Mead 347 Pinette 110, Ferris lll.Fraser Punston see Mead 277 Jaco"b d.4 Mch.1871 ae,60 Anna S d,7 Jan. 1901 ae,71 see Christian 72 112, Ferris 113, 114, Harvey L of H P d,34 sept. 1895 no age infant son and E S Maud Estelle d,6 Feb, 1893 ae. 13-10-0 Laura Mabel d,17 July 1887 ae. 0-11 -15 113 and 114 are the children of George T and Estelle M 11 5, Field Joseph C_ d,30 Mch,1860 ae. 31-0=28 lie.Pelmette 117. James d,22 Sept. 1848 ae. 46-3-13 Elizabeth his wife d.9 July 1855 ae, 52-5-0 118, Punston 119. Isabella d,8 Apr. 1868 ae.41 wife of Hugh Sarjih d.30 Sept. 1889 ae.49 wife of Hugh 120. Poster John E b.3 Mch.1840 d.]8 Aug. 1901 G.A.R. 121. Fergus on 122. 123. 124. Nancy d.5 Dec. 1874 ae.78 wife of William Williajn Ray d.ll Oct. 1893 ae.49 Margaret his wife d.l2 Aug. 1877 ae.31 122 and 123 are on the same stone Robert J . Ray d.ll Feb. 1887 ae,]7 years 121 per 124 are on a monument and in a plot 125. Punston 126. James b.30 June 1848 d.l3 July 1876 Henry d.4 Aug. 1893 ae. 48-3-0 8. l27,Funston William d.9 Aug. 1891 ae.51 128. Ferris 129. 130. 131, 132. 133. Clement E d,17 Jan. 1867 ae. 0-4-11 son of J and E John d*.19 Itch. 1871 ae.67 Mary A his wife d.9 Mch.1882 ae. 74-6-0 129 and 130 are on the same stone Alexanderd.ie May 1864 ae.21-5-0 at Drury'e Bluff, Virginia in battle ; son of John and M Afl-^anda Elizabeth B _.^ d.8 Dec. 1834 ae, 3-3-29 ~ Henry 1 d.'6 June 1849 ae, 1-7-1 9 132 and 133 are the children of John and M_ Amanda 134, Gibson Gilbert Alexander d.8 Mch.1877 ae. 55-1-4 see Marshall 329 and 332 ; Shute 435 135.Gelin Pierre b, Angers, j-rance 1797 d.l875 no more 136. Marie Louise his wife b. Paris, Prance 1811 d,1876 in Brool,6 Sept. 1864 ae. 45-0-9 Eliza his wife d.lO Apr, 1880 ae. 59-2-19 Maria A Mills d.25 Oct, 1885 ae, 1-2-0 daughter of George H and Lucretia 271 per 291 are in a plot 292, Me ad Rachel d,27 Nov, 1773 ae, 20-11 -14 wife of Jonah 293,Merritt 294. 295. 296. George E_ John A d.l2 Oct. 1860 ae, 19-1-10 ._ d,21 Apr, 1861 ae.51 Lavina his wife d.24 lTov.1832 ae. 72-7-4 Mary J d.26 Apr. 1868 ae. 26-0-4 wife of J P Brooker 16. 297.:ierritt 298, Oscar d,18 Aug. 1892 ae. 17-1-15 Anna A d,4 lfch,1858 ae, 2-10-2 297 and 298 are the children ofi Alvah and 293 per 298 are in a plot Sarah E 299.1tiller 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. Mildred J. of Pred b" VTilliam a" LUGS'- M_ i- _ "b.S May — d.31 May -- 1903 daughter _ and Bertha A d,17 Sept. 1873 ae .'9-4-0 d.21 June 1866 ae. 18-8-0 daugh- and Julia A_ ter of Alber't-» 300 and 301 are on the same stone Charles H d.ll Oct. 1838 ae. 44-6-0 Albert H d.5 Mch.1393 ae.79 "Job. "Edward d,30 Aug. 1900 ae.42 300 per 304 are on a monument 305. Mar shall 305. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. Alexainder S d. 8, Nov. 1391 ae.56 "A.P.and A.M." in the plot of Charles Studwell Sergt. Drake S d.lS June 1867 in the army ae.26 -5-12 of consuraption Bonny S d.l8 Aug. 1854 ae. 14-4-11 Sarali J d.l2 Sept. 1845 ae. 1-4-2 307 and 308 are the children of Drake and Rebecca Rufus P_ d.l9 May 1869 ae, 22-6-18 Charles E d,13 Peh.1877 ae, 22-10-23 309 and 310 are on the same stone Drake d,6 Oct, 1863 ae. 52-6-11 Rebecca his wife d.l9 lfov.1883 ae. 72-3-18 John d.l9 Nov, 1870 no age Co. I 17 Conn. Vols. Julia Ann b.3 Sept. 1832 d.5 Apr. 1841 daughter of John and Susan 31 5. Mead 316, Mary E B and A d.5 July 1892 ae. 2-11-0 daughter of S_ and frankie d.8 ©60,1874 ae.3 yrs. son of Z L ^, E 317 .Mead 318. 319. 320, 321. James b,1807 d,1876 no more Oliver A d.l6 May 1854 ae. 1-2-10 Lizzie A, d.ll May 1865 ae. 2-7-23 Arabella b,21 Mch.1851 d,26 Apr. 1881 313 per 320 are the children of Joseph G_ Mary (Taylor) Jotham Taylor d.ll Dec, 1855 ae,69 317 per 321 are in a plot and 322, Mead Amoe d,24 Aug. 1850 ae. 69-1-7 17. 323,3teeid Alice his wife d.l7 Pe"b,1815 ae.P9-ll-7 nee Belcher 324. Mary Purdy his wife d.l Mch.1832 ae. 37-6-0 325. Edgar b.l830 d.aged about 3 yrs, no more 326. KLisha B d.5 Apr, 184 9 ae. 2 5-7 -16 327. Stephen W d,23 Peb,1852 ae, 30-6-8 322 per 327 are' in the ELkanah Mead plot : see 341 d.l5 Oct. 1890 ae. 25-10-3 daughter of 328.31arshall Harriet J_ Henry and Sarah 329, Gilbert b.25 Dec. 1827 d.l8 Jan. 1902 330, Jonathan b,14 Uov.1820 d.7 Dec, 1389 331, liar i a d.l May 1899 no age 332, 333. stones 330 and 331 are exactly alike Belle d.l3 Aug. 1880 ae. 20-3-26 only daughter of Gil- bert and Hannah Sarah Maria Wade wife of James W d.l Jan. 1858 ae. 29-5-22 ( nee ? Westcott ? ) 334.Merritt 335. Louis I d.23 Dec, 1906 ae.43 EnMia Otto his wife d.6 Oct. 1889 ae.27 these tw4 are on the same stone 336, Mead 337, 338. 339. 340. Hannah wife of Ebenezer d.9 Nov, 1746 in 52 nee Brown Hannah only dauglriter of Eben b,5 Dec, 1734 d,25 June 1757 in 22 Ebenezer b.25 Oct, 1692 d.3 May 1775 in 83 Sarah relict of Capt,Jabe2 d,Apr,"V"1787 ae,53 nee Mills ; daughter of Samuel Mills "J.H. " probably Capt,Jabe2 b.lO June 1699 d,1769 after 3 April ; this stone is broken and is alongside of 339 341 .Mead 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347, Elkanah b,16 Mch.1818 d,12 Apr. 1894 Jane Mead his wife b.l8 Apr. 1817 d.28 Apr. 1872 ELlsha Belcher d,31 July 18S5 ae, 1-2-20 son of Elka- nah and Esther V _ ( nee Waterbury ) Stet)hen Waring d,29 Apr. 1355 ae, 1-9-4 Catharine Lyon b.20 Aug, 1842 d,31 Jan, 1893 Thirza Jane d,13 June 1843 ae, 2-4-29 daughter of El- kanah and Jane 344 per 346 are on the same stone Hannah B d,ll Jan, 1871 ae, 26-0-21 wife of Jared Pinch 341. per 347 are in a plot see 322 348.Mo3hier James d,24 Jan. 1878 ae. 68-6-5 18. 349,:ioshier 350. 351. Lois his wiffe "5.14 Deo, 1814 d,5 Feb, 1896 nee Timpany elie descends from iois Todd Head Holly- Jennie H d,3 Feb, 1877 ae, 26-8-3 wife of Samuel A Leander b. Greenwich, Conn, 1 Dec. 1341 d,15 Nov, 1862 ae. 20-11-15 in Hewbern,H. C, Co, I io Conn, Vols, 352.1Tichols John d.20 Sept. 1899 ae.72 Co.B,17 Conn, Vols, Osborn see Christian 71 ; Dayton 100 Otto see Merritt 335 353, Owens Charles W d.l6 Sept. 1382 ae. 69-10-13 354. Mary E Burns his wife d,27 Aug. 1879 ae. 61-5-12 Oxer see Ritch 403 Park see Husted 186 Peck see Denton 77 ; Peck 365 and 372 ; Ritch 404 ; Shute 436 j Veed 499 Pieffer see Bock 42 Pond see Marshall 251 355, Park 356, Peterson William d,19 Dec, 1866 ae. 4-3-0 Robert d.l5 May 1885 no, age Co.E,29 Conn,Vo4.s, 357, Peck 358, 359. 360, 361. 362. 363. 364. Joseph A^ d.6 Mch.1863 ae. 32-9-1 "Mrs. "Sarah d,27 Jan. 1866 ae. 6 5-7-9 nee Guernsey Nehemiah Lewis b.3 July 1852 d.7 Jan. 1855 ae. 2-6-0 son of Alpheus and Louisa A (nee Steitz) Israel d.lS Jan. 1819 in 69 Lavina Purdy (?hi8 wife ?)d.l2 Jan. 1838 ae. 82-11-9 Rachel their daughter b.28 Oct. 1787 d.25 Mch.i =;''■? Israel d.22 Apr. 1784 ae. 89-4-15 Almira Mead his wife d.l8 Nov. 1831 ae, 80-2-3 19. 365. Peck Dorinday wife of Israel "b.SO Feb. 1796 d.9 Dec, 1871 daughter of Jabez and Mary Peck 366. Jabez d.9 Apr. 1347 ae,25 son of Israel and Dorinda 367. Palmer Hattie /\ b.l8 June 1867 d.21 Nov. 1873 368. Jennie b.lO Dec. 1370 d.l5 Feb. 1872 these two are the children of Darius U and Harriet 369. Peck Cornelius b.27 June 1823 d.l8 Oct, 1826 this stone is next to 381 and 382 370. little Anna born and died 1817 no more 371. luther b.2S Dec. 1766 d.29 Oct. 1860 372. Rachel his wife b,15 May 1775 d,2 Apr. 1855 nee Peck 371 and 372 are on the same stone 373. Peck Eliza A . b.23 July-- d.ll Aug. — 1869 daughter of Edward A and Frances M 375. Edward A ^b.22 Oct, 1834 d,12 Mch.1884 376. Ella 7 b,12 Sept. 1870 d.lO Feb. 1890 377. ELiza J Scofield b.l7 May 1840 d.25 Mch.1867 378. Lcola Matil'da Scofield b.30 Aug. 1859 d.2 Sept .1361 379. Joseph Henry Scofield d.28 Jan. 1858 ae. 5-0-3 377 per 379 are the children of Willigim and Cornelia ( ilead ) 380. /Cornelia Mead b.l2 Sept. 1820 d.9 June 1873 wife of William Scofield 373 per 380 are in a plot 381. Peck Samuel d,21 Mch.1798 ae, 59-4-27 382, Hannah Sherwood his wife d,16 Apr, 1811 ae. 67-3-7 383. Partridge James Chandler d.4 Apr. 1898 ae.l year son of C. a and A L Pvirdy see Mead 324 ; Peck 361 Ray see Cameron 58 ; Ferguson 122 and 123 and 124 Rich see Studwell 452 Roswell see Ingersoll 187 Rubindin see Morton 228 20. 384, Radford Francis d.l2 Sept. 1874 ae,32 385. BarlDara hie wife d,2 ach.1875 ae. 22-0-22 386. Reed Ephraim d,6 IIch.1874 ae, 55-1-15 387. Reynolds Henrietta R d.8 Feb. 1882 ae. 23-0-8 wife of Charles 388. Mary J Stephens b.30 Bee. 1825 d.6 Jan. 1890 wife of William H 389. Willie Everett Delano d.31 S£ch.l822 ae. 4-9-22 390. Howard Delano d.23 July 1876 ae.0-6-22 389 and 390 are the children of ¥ S _ and S E ■ ^' '" 391.Rodermond Michael C ^,25 Dec. 1826 d.23 Oct. 1385 392, Jane his wife b.l6 May 1835 d.l Apr, 1389 these two are in a plot 393.Ritch Sarah d.7 Aug. 1388 ae. 60-11-25 wife of William }!.••*• 394. Ralph their son d.ll July 1856 ae.4 days 395. Sarah E b.l2 June 1851 d,18 Sept. 1392 396. Clara L d.3 l£ch.l899 ae. 10-2-25 397. Harry ¥ d.ll Sept. 133 5 ae. 1-8-24 396 and 397 are the children of ¥illis M_ and Lillie 398. Lyman M ^_ d.l 5 July 1885 ae. 0-10-1 399. Jiabel H d.l4 Apr, 1890 ae. 2-3-4 398 and 399 are the children of Silas D and Ida P 400. George H b.23 Aug. 1852 d,9 Jan, 1896 401. Bobby b.24 June— d.8 July— 183 5 402. Ada D d.2 Nov. 1892 ae,3 yrs, 401 and 402 are the children of George H . and Susie D___^ Robert P Head 220 here 403. William R Oxer d.2 Nor, 1873 ae. 30-11-3 404. Emma 3i Ritch d.20 May 1883 ae. 23-10-0 wife of Elias D_^ Peck 405. Hudson L b.5 Apr. 1888 ae, 27-6-29 406. Thomas b.l4 Jan. 1825 d.22 Apr. 1904 407. Elizabeth his first wife d.lO Dec, 1856 ae.2<-9-23 408. Sarah F his second wife d.l3 Mch.1872 ae,32-4- -20 409. Louise S (or D )hi8 third wife b,29 June 1834 d.8 Oct. 1894 410. Ralph d.28 Dec, 1846 ae. 48-9-9 411. Clemence S Mead his wife d.27 Mch,1867 ae. 69-3-2 21. 412. Hitch Justus d,5 July 1864 ae. 42-5-21 413, Prances A Ritch d.26 Jan. 1856 ae. 29-0-12 wife of John Blackett 393 per 413 are all in one plot 414.Rowe William M b.21 — d, 28— June 1894 415. George l),28 June 1897 d,18 June 1903 416. Sarah ^,21 Nov, 1902 d.l Jan. 1903 417. St. John Alice P d.l8 Aug. 1863 ae. 3-11-1 418, Erederick A d.27 Nov. 1864 ae. 0-11-^3 417 and 418 are the children of Albert G and Sarah E 419, Sarah E d.l2 ^613,1872 ae,36 daughter of John and Llary A perris 420, Sampson Augustus b,9 Sept, 1830 d,20 Sept, 1883 421. Ida May b.lO Aug, 1867 d,19 Sept, 1872 these two are in a plot 422, Sargent Moses P d,29 J[ch,1862 ae, 2-10-3 son of Moses P_ and Mary J_ Saunders see Worden 523 Scofield see Ingersoll 187 ; Peck 377 per 380 423.Scofield Sylvester U b.l2 June 1876 d.l June 1886 424, 2£aud d,20 Aug. 1883 ae. 0-5-7 425, Julia D d.l June 1878, ae. 0-4-14 these three are the children of George E and Isabel C 426, George A. b.6 July 1868 d.7 Oct, 1904 ''A,P.and A.M." 427, Alford V B b,21 Peb,1838 d,31 Jan, 1898 "G.A.R." 428, Rufus d.28 July 1854 ae.75 see the large 3 volume Whitney Genealogy for his descendants 429. Scott Capt .William d,13 July 1899 ae.87 430. Mary E his wife d.29 Oct, 1877 ae,60 431. Charles E b,1843 d,1900 no more Scudder see Howard 155 22. 432. Seward Sadie d.9 Apr. 1887 ae.33 wife of James H 433. She a 434. Marion A_ Sarah T d.6 June 1870 ae. 0-2-10 d.6 I£ch,1872 ae. 0-6-16 these two are the children of Jamea and Sarah E Sherwood see Chase 52 and 55 ; Lent 206 ; Peck 382 435,Shute Gilbert b.8 Feb, 1814 d,21 Apr. 1883 ae. 69-2-15 436. Mary Peck his wife h.l2 July 1820 d,24 Mch.1867 Simmons see Stoothoff 450 437.Slagle Isabella b.l9 May 1842 d.l6 Dec, 1880 wife of Sulli- van V 438. Slater M Augusta b.5 Jan. 1850 d.lO May 1901 439.Slocum Cynthia d,16 Sept. 1377 ae. 68-10-19 wife of James V_ 440, Smith 441. 442. Mildred A d.l June 1902 no more Ellen d.5 Jan. 1880 in 72 Carle ton Hoyt d.6 July 1878 ae.lO mos. son of Morti- mer r and Libbie Smith see Hubbard 164 j Studwell 451 443. Sniff en Charles W_ d.l8 June 1856 ae. 36-8-9 eldest son of Epenetus and Hulda 444. this stone was down and too heavy to lift 445. this stone was down and too heavy to lift 446. Sniff en Jennie d,6 Peb.1856 ae. 0-9-20 infant daughter of Samuel L and Maria Spencer see Johnson 190 Steitz see Peck 359 23, Stephens see Reynolds 388 447, Stevens Grace 13,25 Apr. 1893 d.l4 Apr. 1398 daughter of Prank and Emma ( Marshall ) ; this stone is near the Studwell plot 448, Stevenson Edward d,15 Sept, 1795 ae,20-7-0 son of Frederick 44 9,Stoothoff Stephen A 450, no dates Susan Simmons his wife 13.23 May 1828 d,21 Aug, 1905 Studwell see Marshall 305 ; Stevens 445 4 51, Studwell 452, 453, Sarah E d,20 Jan. 1399 ae,58 daughter of Luther Harvey Studwell and Julia ( Ferris ) Luther H, was son of Drake and Elizabeth (Smith) Capt. Charles d,31 Dec. 1868 ae, 62-3-12 son of Sol- omon and Esther (Rich) Margaret Abn B\mker his wife d.l6 Mch.1360 ae, 50-8-15 4 54, Studwell 455, 456, 457, 458, Caroline L June d.9 Jan, 187 5 ae, 36-4-8 wife their daughter b,26 Oct, 1866 d,18 of Charles E__ Margaret B Mch,1897 Bertha I d,9 Jan. 1875 ae, 5-0-11 Mamie Hyatt d.23 Aug, 1868 ae. 0-5-28 Carrie Jane d,18 Nov, 1865 ae, 0-4-18 455 per 4 58 are the children of Charles E_ and Caroline L_ 454 per 458 are in a plot 4 59. Studwell 460. 461. 462, 463, 464, Capt. Henry F_ b.22 July 1813 d,24 May 1884 Amanda Barnacutt his wife b.29 June 1819 d.9 Mch,1872 these two are on a monument Frank B d.29 Oct. 1834 ae. 28-5-25 Susan A d.21 Aug, 1850 ae. 2-4-0 William H b.29 May 1843 d,16 Sept, 1894 461 per 464 are the children of 459 and 460 Alice M b,3 July 1875 d,28 Apr, 1396 dau- ghter of John H and Isabella A ( Telfer ) 459 per 464 are in a plot 24. 46 5,Studwell 466. 467, 468. 469. 470, 471. 472, George 0_ b,3 Dec, 1317 d, 1S97 no more Joanna Buckhout iiis wife -0.1316 d,l ©60,1866 ae, 50-1-0 daughter of Jtunea Margaret Buckhout his second wife "b,1321 d,1867 no more she does not appear in "The Studwell Family of Fairfield County, Conn." 1399 these three are on a monument John Henry d,9 Nov, 1866 in 18 year Henrietta H Townsend b,l Deo. 1867 d.8 Aug. 1868 Herbert Henry Townsend d,30 June 1872 ae, 1-1-3 Bertha Eugenia Town3endd,30 2/Lch.l881 ae, 3-2-21 Henrietta Anna Townsend d,25 Mch,1881 ae, 7-9-4 471 and 472 are on a monument 469 per 472 are the children of George S and Henrietta B (Studwell) 465 per 472 are in a plot Sydney see Lockwood 209 473, Talbot 474, 475. 476, 477, George E b.l856 d,1896 no more Virginia his wife b»1865 d,1893 no more these two are on the same stone baby Louie no date aged 0-4-26 no more William d.20 Jan. 1384 ae. 58-11-19 "Father" Chester b.H Aug, 1880 d,28 Sept, 1887 son of V_ R and A A Taylor Telfer 478.Tilson see Mead 320 and 321 see Studwell 464 Zachariah L_ Edward G ^,d,28 June 1905 ae, 1-6-2 son of 'and Emma F Timpany see Moshier 349 ; Worden 523 479, Timpany 480. 481. 482. Elvira d,10 Nov, 1880 ae, 78-10-14 Charles d.27 Oct. 1889 ae. 72-8-27 Delia A his wife d.l8 Aug. 1893 ae. 73-8-4 Hannah d.l Oct. 1361 ae, 39- 5-23 Townsend see Studwell 469 per 472 ; Todd see Moshier 349 25. 483, Trowbridge 484. 485. 486, Clara B_ no more lily no more Willie no more Jeunes no more these four are on the same stone j 484 per 486 are are the children of Clara B 487. Turner 488. 489. Edward Frank 13.1863 d,1900 no more Ella i, Morrell hie wife b.l861 d.l902 no more Edward E their son d,6 May 1394 ae.0-23-2 490,Vo88 491, Charles A d,17 Apr. 1866 ae, 22-3-25 John Henry d,2 Aug. 187 5 ae, 68-3-12 Wade see Marshall 333 Wallace see Hubbard 164 ; Morrell 229 492. Wallace 493. 494, William d.5 Jan. 1884 ae.70 Eliza his wife d.l8 June 1900 ae,84 these two are on a monument William H b,27 Dec.1839 d,4 Apr .1906 495,Walz Elizabeth b,8 May 1838 d,27 Apr. 1904 wife of Louis Waring Warren see Mead 344 see Mead 240 Waterbury see Mead 343 496. Watson Jennie d,20 Oct, 1873 ae. 24-8-6 wife of L_ E Webb see Carr 56 Webber see Ingersoll 187 497 .Weber Margaret d.2'7 Mch.1868 ae, 23-0-23 wife of John 26. 498, Weed Isaao b.lo Peb.1802 d.30 Jan. 1897 499, Huldah Peok his wife b.27 Apr. 1302 d,18 Aug, 1891 500, finily their daughter d,24 Aug, 1834 ae, 0-9-19 501, Edwin G d,15 Mch,1869 ae. 3-9-10 son of Edwin P and Celine C 502, Isaac d.20 May 1851 ae, 76-11-15 503, Hannah his wife d,6 Feb. 1838 ae, 76-6-15 504. Weiss Charles d.4 Nov. 1893 ae.52 505.Vesc4tt John b.lO May 1800 d.l4 May 1879 506. Elizabeth his wife d.l4 June 1862 ae. 59-1-11 Westcott see Marshall 333 507, White William b.l8 June 1816 d,23 Nov. 1368 "Father" 508, Elizabeth b.l July 1817 d,9 Aug, 187 5 "Our Mother" these two are on a monument 509, Benjamin their son d,17 July 1875 ae. 16-8-0 510, Bneline d,18 Sept, 1843 ae,10 mos, 511, Willian Henry d,4 Aug. 1844 ae. 0-3-20 512, Thomas d,3 Nov. 184 5 ae. 0-4-23 513, Jane d.6 Apr, 1846 ae, 9-6-20 510 per 513 are on a monument Whitney see Scofield 428 514,Wiegand Ida R H d.8 Oct. 1885 ae. 26-9-10 wife 4f J Wilber see Luther 205 Willis see Mead 271 515.Wilmot Joseph d.30 May 1868 ae.69 516. Mary his wife d.3 Apr. 1872 ae.66 517.Wilson Thomas d.9 Jan. 1860 ae, 65-0-28 518. Word en E B b.28 May 1833 d.26 Aug, 1904 "Father' 27. 519.Worden 520. 521. 522. 523. Hannah M d.l6 Jtch.1868 ae, 30-6-16 this stone sunken Andrew d.l9 Jan. 1868 ae, 64-9-0 son of Isaac and Hannah Amanda Timpany his wife b,27 Aug, 1808 d.D jeb.lSSb Hannah d,26 Jan. 1853 ae. 81-7-7 wife of Isaac ; prob- ably nee Saiinders Wright see Carter 67 and 68 The oldest stone is Nov, 1746 Hannah (Brown) Mead 336 The latest stone is Dec. 1906 ILouis I Jlerritt 334 28. Notes 200,Lyon Algernon Bouton '5.14 July 1855 d. 1897 son of Augustus S and Elizabrjth Betts (Bouton) 201. David son of David and Elizabeth (Townsend) 202. Elizabeth M Jones daughter of James and Elizabeth 174.Hecker b.24 Aug. 1895 son of Frederick il b.2 Aug. 1874 married 22 July 1394 Lena R Mead b,18 iich.1873 daughter of Bush and Sarah (Wilaon) 238. Mead Amos son of Matthew and Nancy (Hobby) 239. Mary Eliza Stryker 240. b,6 Jan. 1865 241. b.6 Apr. 1861 242. Itotthew b.3 Mch.1314 married July 1852 ; son of Bush and Sarah (Wilson) 243. Mary Bush b.23 Sept. 1813 married first Hiram Ray 262, Matthews John married Susan Mead b. daughter of Bush and Sarah (Wilson) 258.Merritt Nancy ( nee Hobby ) Mead ; Hannah b.6 July 1791 220,Mead Robert P „_son of Lucknor and Sophia (Fletcher) 276.MeeMi Lyman b.26 Mch,1824 married 18 Sept. 1848 Sarah 5* Acker ; son of Zenas and Mary (Lashly) 306 .Marshall Drake S b,5 Dec. 1841 son of Drake b,20 Mch.1811 married 21 Mch.1832 Rebecca Mead b,31 #uly 1811 dau- ghter of Justus B and Polly (Kiiapp) 307, Benny S b.2 Apr. 1840 308, b.lO May 1844 309, b.l Nov. 1346 310, b,20 Mch.lS54 309 and 310 are the children of Drake and Rebecca (Mead I 338.Mead Ebenezer son of Ebenezer etnd Sarah (Kiiapp) he married second 19 Dec, 17 59 in the Congregational Chvirch in New Canaan, Conn. , Naomi Weed ; she survived 339, Sarah daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Denton) Mills 383. Partridge 29. Notes ; page 2 James C. son of Ch.arle3 R ried 27 June 1894 Adeline L daughter of Zachariah and Louisa E b.28 Ju]y 1867 mar- Mead b.23 i"eli,1367 _ (Welch) 393,Ritch 396, 398, 405. 406, 407, 408, 409, 411, 412. 413, nee Sarah Hamilton William M_ b.l June 1824 son of Ralph an^ Clem- enoe (Mead) WilliB U b.l5 Sept. 1835 married Elizabeth Henderson Silas D married Ida F Mead daughter of Lyman and Harriet R (Mead) Hudson L b.7 Sept. 1860 married H Aug, 1886 Harriet J Mead b,26 May 1863 son of Thomas and Sarah P (Silleck) Thomas son of Ralph and Clemence (Mead) Elizabeth A Silleck married 30 Jan, 1854 Sarsih P Silleck married 9 Jan. 1858 Mrs .Louise S Mead married 3 Aug. 1373 ; she was widow of Major Daniel M Mead \ daughter of Col. Thomas and Hannah (Seaman) Mead ; Thomas Ritch mar- ried fourth 1 June 1896 Evalyn Cramer Clemence S.b,25 Dec;. 179? married 5 Dec. 1819 ; dau- ghter of Matthew and Nancy (Hobby) Mead Justus b.l4 Jan, 1822 married Maria Rodeman Frances A. b.l4 Jan. 1831 married first Capt .William Peck ; married second John Sackett 417. St. John 418, Albert Gould b,28 Nov, 1830 d,Peb, ^1878son of Gould Lee St, John and Esther Mary (Lockwood) ; A.G. married Elizabeth Ferris b.7 Mch,1836 ; John Ferris married Mary Amanda Porbea ; Alice P, b.l7 Sept. 1859 Frederick Almon b.4 Bee. 1863 423,Scofield William b,20 Sept. 1815 d,10 Apr, 1885 married peb. 1838 Cornelia Mead (see 380) and had George b,29 Jan, 1348 married 19 Oct, 1870 Isabel C Merritt b,16 June 1852 Acker 28 Adlay 1 Adsit 1 Alford 1 Allen 1 Almon 29 Anyan 1 Armstrong 1 Auslaorn 1 Bancroft 3 Banks 3 Barmore 3 Barremore 1 ; 2 Barnacutt 1 Barnes 3 Barrel! 3 Belcher 1 Benedict 1 30, Indey. page 1 Betts 28 Blackett 2 Blake 2 Bloomfield 2 Bock 3 Brinkerhoff 2 Brooker 2 Brown 2 Brush 2 Bouton 28 Buckhout 2 Bunker 2 Burns 2 ; 3 Bush 2 i 3 ; 28 Byrns 2 Cameron 4 Carleton 4 Carpenter 4 31. Index page 2 Carr 4 Carter 4 ; 5 Chandler 4 Chappell 4 Chard 5 Charaian 5 Chase 4 Chester 4 Christian 5 Clark 4 Cramer 29 Crawford 4 Danard 6 Bar rah 6 Darrow 6 Dayton 6 Delano 5 Denton 5 ;28 Dick 5 Douglass 6 Doty 6 Drake 5 ; 28 Eliot 6 Eliott 6 fiverett 6 Parrington 7 Pelmette 7 Ferguson 7 Ferris 7 ; 8 ; 29 Field 7 Finch 7 Finette 7 Fletcher 28 Forbes 29 Foster 7 Fraser 7 32. Index page 3 Punston 7 ; 8 Garey 8 Gelin 8 Gibson 8 Gilbert 8 Gould 29 Green 8 Guernsey 8 Hamilton 8 ; 29 Hammel 9 Hanthorn 10 Heady 9 Hecker 10 ; 28 Henderson 9 ; 29 Hess 10 Hewes 9 Hickson 8 Hobby 9 ; 10 ; 28 ; 29 Holly 9 Hopper 9 Horton 10 Howard 9 Hoyt 9 Hubbard 9 ; 10 Hudson 9 i 29 Hugfcrd 9 Hunt 9 Husted 10 Hutchinson 10 Hyatt 9 Ingersoll 10 Jermon 11 Johnson 11 Jones 28 June 11 Kalb 11 33, Kane 11 Index page 4 He Dougall 12 Kelly 11 lie Farland 12 Khapp 11 i 28 tc Gurn 13 Lally 11 Lambert 11 Lashly 28 Lee 29 ate Question 15 Manning 15 Marshall 12 ; 14 ; le j 17 ; 28 Mather 13 Lent 11 ; 12 Lewis 11 Lockhart 12 Lockwood 11 ; 12 ; 29 Lombard 12 Lucknor 28 Ludlow 11 Matthews 14 j 28 Mead 12 ; 13 ; 14 ; 15 ; 16 ; . 17 ; 27 ; 28 i 29 ierritt 13 ; 14 ; 15 ; 16 ; 17 27 ; 28 ; 29 Miller 13 ; 16 Mills 13 ; 14 ; 28 iorrell 13 j 14 Morton 13 Luther 12 Moshier 17 ; 18 Lyman 15 ; 28 Nichols 18 Lyon 11 i 12 ; 28 Oshorn 18 34. Index page 5 Otto 18 Owens 18 Oxer 18 Palmer ai9 Park .' 18 Partridge 19 ; 29 Peck 18 i 19 ; 29 Peterson 18 Pieffer 18 Pond 18 Purdy 19 Radford 20 Ray 19 ; 28 Reed 20 Reynolds 20 Rich 19 Ritch 20 ; 21 ; 29 Rodeman 29 Roderaiond 20 Roswell 19 Rowe 21 Ku'bindin 19 St. John 21 ; 29 Sac^ett 29 Sampson 21 Sargent 21 Saunders 21 So of i eld 21 Scott 21 Scudder 21 Seaman 29 Seward 22 Shea 22 Sherwo od 22 35. Shute 22 Silleck 29 Simmons 22 Slagle 22 Slater 22 Slocum 22 Smith 22 Sniffen 22 Spencer 22 Steitz 22 Stephens 23 Stevens 23 Stevenson 23 Stoothoff 23 Stryker 28 Studwell 23 ; 24 Index page 6 Talbot 24 Taylor 24 Telfer 24 Tilson 24 Timpany 24 Todd 24 Townsend 24 ; 28 Trowbridge 25 Turner 25 Voss 25 Vade 25 Wallace 25 ¥aaz 25 Waring 25 Warren 25 Waterbury 25 Sydney 24 Watson 25 36, Index page 7 ▼ebb 25 Webber 25 Weber 25 Weed 26 ; 28 Welch 29 Weiss 26 Wescott 26 Westcott 26 White 26 Whitney 26 Wiegand 26 Wilber 26 Willis 26 ; 29 Wilmot 26 Wilson 26 ; 28 Worden 26 j 27 Wright 27