a^lLQostarick T>EA% Hawaii BY MAY L. RESTARICK COPYRIGHT 1922 By may L. RESTARICK HONOLULU. HAWAII : PARADISE OF THE PACIFIC PRINTING CO. C1A692236 DEC -5 IS22 A A ®< JVII faljo lobe l^afoatt ^si ''Where soft waves creep and shadows fall, And God's great peace is over all" — M. C. Kittredge. A CHRISTMAS CAROL. '^ HRISTMAS carols and Christmas cheer, 1^-^ Songs of gladness now gi-eet the ear ! -^ Deck the Altar with flowers fair ! Twine the pillars with garlands rare! Fragrant maille, wreathe and bring To crown the Babe in a Manger, King! Gladden the sorrowful! Sing or say, The Prince of Peace was born this day! CHRISTMAS ALOHA. iVER the waters at sunset ,^^_^ Goes a song from Hawaii to thee ! ^(^)^May its burden of love find an echo In the heart true and loyal to me I Aloha! The olden time greeting Tnites us though distance divides! At Christmas fond memory awakens The love which forever abides! A CHRISTMAS GREETING. ^NXCE again, dear friends, we greet you, ^ On this Holy, Happy Day, ^'With the old familiar greeting, In our own Hawaiian way; Fond "Alohas" we would offer. Twined with leis and garlands gay, Fragrant flowers and Island Holly. Bear our love this Christuias Diiy. A WELCOME TO HAWAII. lELCOME friends! A right glad welcome! Ji Flowers and lets, what gifts more meet! ^Tokens of our fond Alohas, Friends or strangers thus we greet ! Welcome friends to dear Hawaii ! Land of sunshine, land of dreams! Here for you in life's bright noon-tide, May Love shed his kindliest beams ! LEI ALOHA *IS a soft and southern country Where these fairy flowers bloom, f.) , And they know that if they leave it, The harsh North will be their tomb; But they go with joy and gladness, Bearing love at my behest, To the friends who brought us brightness, Such as they have never guessed. They best carry our Aloha, Tender, soulful message sweet. In the language of Hawaii, Thus we part and thus we meet ! A MESSAGE FROM HAWAII. fROM the gales of the ISTorthland, their icy breath clinging, Come away to Hawaii, where wild birds are winging, To that sweet, sunny Southland, where bright flowers There lies the gold treasure sought from the beginning! O'er seas blue as sapphire, where soft winds are blow- ing. We send you this message from hearts ovei-flowing: "Aloha," dear friends! 'tis the old Island greeting, For glad days or sad days, at parting or meeting! HAWAII'S ENSIGN. ^|?|/yFURLI]S[G her colors, triumphantly flinging, fJyf^ Her bow from the clouds, spanning ridges and \Qj\yy bringing Such wealth of bright hopes, and good cheer without measure ! To each and to all she pours out her gold treasure! A SONG OF HAWAII. ^ ^EAR Hawaii, laud of dreams, J^ Rich in grand poetic themes, o ^ Surely here the Muses dwell, Tales of love in whispers tell ! Would-be poets stake their hopes', Here to climb Parnassus slopes. And attain an honored name In Hawaii's Hall of Fame! Tuneful lavs the bards have simg, Of these Isles, till every tongue Chants their praise in unison! Yet it still remains for one, Who aspires to try his wings. To soar higher while he sings! Thus to others he unfolds All the beauties he beholds! Dear Hawaii, I would tell Of thy charms I love so well — Of the ocean's surge and roar, As the waves break on the shore; Billows rhythmically beat On the coral at my feet, And I almost hear the chime Of th' eternal bells of Time ! Liquid sunshine, purpling mist, Rainbow sprays, the sun has kissed. Floating clouds their shadows throw, On the valleys bright below ! Marvellous views from dizzy heights. Perfect days and perfect nights, These and more in bright array. My poor pen cannot portray! Clotlicd with verdure moimtain steeps, Fern-entangled forest deeps, Waters leaping from the hills, Winding streams and crystal rills! 'Now in silent awe I turn To the liquid fires that burn. Where volcanic wrath is stored, Hurled hj Satan and his horde! With the crater at mj feet. Paradise and Hades meet! Paradise, wdiere man may dwell Safe, though bordering on Hell! Here I see God's mighty Hand Stretched forth over all the land! Here His mighty power is shown. Here His Sovereignty I own! 13 DEAR HAWAII. lEAIi HAWAII, skies a smiling, 'And with tropic air beguiling, o '^ 1-ike a siren, lures from duty, Friend or stranger, by lier beauty! Feathery ferns, their fronds uncurling, Palms, their frond-like leaves unfurling. Fringe the shore, and seaward bending. Cocoa palms, their beauty lending. Feathered songsters, gayly flying. Flowering trees in color vieing. Blossom-crowned, the fire-tree blazing, Men in wonder, speechless, gazing! Breadfruits, mangoes, plantains growing. Bounteous harvests for the sowing! Cane-stalks, proud, their light plumes waving^ Promise wealth the world is craving! Fruits and flowers, their fragrance stealing. Buds of promise, all revealing. Through the fronds and fruits and flowers, God's great love for us and ours ! Thanksgiving Day in Hawaii. A HAWAIIAN GREETING. HOUGH 'tis only a nod as of greeting, The violet gives as jou pass, Yet 'tis like a sweet smile at first meeting, To the stranger who crosses jour path ! Aloha ! The scented breeze carries The fragrance which friendship bestows! This word in the memory tarries Like the perfume distilled by the rose ! Then here's to the stranger at greeting, A hand-shake both hearty and true. Our tender Alohas repeating Hawaii's sweet welcome to you ! 'Tis a land of bright sunshine and flowers, A Garden of Eden abloom ! You may dream in the shade of its bowers, Where strangers may always find room! Here the simshine dispels clouds of sorrow, As a sunburst disperses the dew ! May your dream of a brighter tomorrow Be a sunburst of jewels for you ! HAWAII'S LOVE-CALL lO you hear Hawaii calling, Just as night is gently falling? 9 u Then in dreams her charms revealing. Comes the breath of flowers stealing ! *Kamaaina, *malihini, To her love-call each responds; Binds with tender cords and makes them, Willing slaves in captive bonds ! Her "Aloha" is her love-call, Which she sends to one and all ; Sweet as any bird-note trilling, Comes her message, clear and thrilling! Taste the sheer delight of living, i^ew life to the pulses giving! Feel her love, her joy in giving! Love is warmth and life and living! *Kamaaina, old resident. *Malihini, new-comer. i6 COME WHERE THE TRADE WINDS BLOW. tCOME where the trade winds blow, And the pahn branches wave to and fro ! Where the moonbeams so bright Shed their silvery light On the waters and all below! O come where the trade winds blow ! Their secret those only can know, To whom they bring health. More precious than wealth, Or a gift-laden ship could bestow ! O come where the trade winds blow ! Where there's neither frost nor snow ! Fly with birds on the wing To the land where 'tis Spring, And the flowers of Paradise grow! THE MERRY MONTH OF MAY. fTHE merry month of May ! When the flame-trees bloom so gay ! All the world seems yonng today ! 'Tis the merry month of May ! Warmth is in the tropic air, Winds are soft and skies are fair ! From dull tasks and toilsome care, Queen of Months ! No cold, no dearth ! FragTant blossoms scent the earth ! Fill each hour with joy and mirth ! Let us celebrate her birth! With all Nature let's be gay! Birds sing sweet their roundelay! On this flowery feast of May, Keep we happy holiday! NOVEMBER IN HAWAII. (With apologies to Thomas Hood.) O threatening clouds, no stormy skies, 'No frosty air that stings the eyes, No fog that hides the snn for days, No snow that blocks the traveler's ways ; No need of fires npon the hearth ; No blues — of mirthful hearts, no dearth; No winds that howl and pierce one through, No squeak of ghosts adown the flue ! No smoking chimneys causing wrath. No bursting pipes — no freezing bath ! No falling leaves all bro\\Ti and dead, No cold, damp sheets, no icy bed ! No lack of flowers, fruits and trees, No lack of sunshine, birds and bees ! No — veraber ! MOONLIGHT AT WAIKIKI. t RADIANT Moon, how far so e'er thou be, Though leagues apart, canst thou see him and me ? And does my lover, gazing on thy face, In memory recall the fond embrace? Thou from above, our plighted vows didst bless, Thou silent witness of our happiness! Tell me, dear Moon, oh tell me how he fares. And if, in dreams, he sighs for me, or cares That I, so lonely, here my vigils keep. With heavy eyelids, tears preventing sleep! Upon the ocean, deep, the "Sailors' Friend," Keep watch, kind Moon, unto his journey's end ! As thou, transfigured, glorified, serene. Dost pass through clouds and storms which intervene, As thou hast power to touch each human heart, So move my lover's being with thine art ! Look down on him, as thou didst look that night, And fill his heart with hopes as chaste and bright ! TH^ BIRD AND THE KONA STORM. [S morning! and the raging storm of niglit Is over, and the sun shines warm and bright! A bird is perched upon my window sill ! He blithely sings, while all my world is still ! O little bird, with heart and spirits light, What didst thou in the storm of yesternight? Did God protect thee in thy fragile nest, Though wind and rain and cold robbed thee of rest' And art thou giving unto Him the praise, \\Tiile man, too dumb, his voice to Heaven to raise. Accepts God's mercies daily without thought? O little bird, a lesson thou hast taught! little bird, thy song hath touched my heart! 1 will thank Him whose messenger thou art! I, too, will sing His praise with all my power, And homage pay, like thee, at this sweet hour! 23 WISHING. fELLOW mangoes, hanging high, Couldn't get them, if I'd try, Such a little boy am I ! Seems to me they touch the sky! Kind of makes me want to cry ! Do you think I'll ever be Tall and big as Daddy '^ Gee! Wait a bit and you shall see "Boy" that once was "little me" Climbing up a mango tree ! Tell you what I'd like to be — Wish I were a honey bee, Or a mynah bird so free, Nesting in a mango tree. Looking down on folks like me! Oh such fun could not be beat ! I would have the grandest treat. All the mangoes I could eat, Ripe and juicy, nice and sweet! Wouldn't that be joy complete? Queer what grown-ups wish to be! Father takes me 'cross his knee, Spanks for climbing up a tree! Yet he says he wishes he Were a little boy like me ! NOTE : Written for my grandson Henry Restarick Withington. 'Yelloiv 'mangoes hanging high!" THE CORAL TREE. (Erythrina) HE coral tree is abloom, abloom! 'Its fragrance rare, as of sweet perfume, riv' Fills tlie air ! In Paradise, 'tis said it grew ! Where else could flowers of such bright hue, Bloom so fair! 'Twas not till Krishna, Hindus say, Stole it from Eden's bright array. That India saw it spring to birth. On the Earth! In brilliant colors it is dressed ! An artist's brush could paint it best. But not I ! Leaves trifoliate — emerald sheen — Spikes uplifted 'bove the green. Towards the sky! Yellow blossoms, of the shade Mellow apricots are made! There's a dash of scarlet too, Of the Robin Redbreast hue. Flaming red! With its wealth of red and gold, With its legend centuries old, Comes this gift to you and me. To the bird, the ant, the bee, Beauteous tree ! And I do believe 'tis true, That in Eden once it grew. Do not you ? 27 THE TAMARIND TREE. fROM my window, ah me! what is there to see, As weary I lie and mournfully sigh, A moaning with pain, seeking comfort in vain! There's a tamarind tree, that's all I can see, Obstructing my view" of the earth and sky too ! What is there for me in a tamarind tree? There is life, I observe! In each limb's graceful curve, What beauty and strength ! Who can measure the length Or the height of desire, to whicli trees aspire ? To humans akin, a power from within, Down deep in the root, the tiniest shoot Has this spark of desire to climb liigher and higher! The stream and the rill feel the urge and the thrill ! Metaphysical man, since creation began, Calls it soul — and the sign of the essence Divine ! The life of a tree has its lesson for me! To work out His plan, God's commands were to man, For beauty or use, "Increase and produce !" There are blossoms for bees, and rocked by the breeze, Are fledglings at rest in their soft leafy nest. But the fruit of the tree is for you and for me! From the heat of the sun, the parched, weary one May be quenched of his thirst, and be tenderly nursed Back to life in its shade, till the fierce hours fade ! Oh a wonderful tree is the tamarind tree! A gift from his God, to a child of the sod! For you and for me, lives the tamarind tree! TO AN EASTER LILY. HIDDEN thought in the heart of God ! A life upspringing beneath the sod ! A shape and a form pushing up thro' the clod ! A face looking up to the face of its God ! With sunshine and air and room to grow, Refreshed from above, sustained from below, With strength to meet every wind that blows And calm endurance against its foes. To burst at last into glorious bloom. Its mission fulfilled, and then — to make room For others to come in the self -same way! Awaiting a yet more glorious day. With obedient trust in a loving God, It sleeps in its bed just under the sod, Neither fearing nor feeling the weight of a clod. To awake to new life at the call of its God ! 29 THE TULIP TREE. {Liriodendron tulijnfera) |9ARK, the honey-bees are buzzing, And as busy as can be, I can hear them in my garden, What they're up to I must see ! Why, they're flying in a bee-line About forty thousand strong! Such a swarming, such a buzzing, l!fot a laggard in the throng! 'Tis the tulip-tree they've scented ! See, 'tis gloriously abloom! Every blossom, honey-laden, Sends out ravishing perfume ! They are wiser far than we are, For they've found the tulip-cup ! There's a feast in every chalice, Nectar rare and sweet to sup ! Oh what warmth of pleasing colors. Red and orange greet the eye ! And its wealth of bright green foliage Holds and thrills the passers-by! Treasures from the flowery kingdom. Such, Hawaii brings to birth. Making this dear Land of Sunshine, A rare Beauty Spot of Earth ! Where, outside of Eden, blooming, Could be found such beauteous sights I Fancy ! Trees of flaming tulips ! In this Garden of Delights! 30 TO THE BANYAN TREE. (<^^PEAK, mighty Banyan, speak and tell me how C^ Thou camest here ! "\Vho planted thee and watched c^^Thy tender shoots expanding in the sun! Long since, that form of clay has turned to dust, But thou, endowed with life, still livest on ! 'Nor is the knowledge given to mortal man Whereby he measures thy allotted span ! Art symbol of the life immortal i Si)eak ! And tell me how thou gatherest strength on strength. In spite of storm and stress and passing years, ^Vhile man, so early baffled in the strife. Bends 'neath the weight of his brief span of life, And, hoary-headed, feeble child of dust, He passes on — to Nature yields his place To other weaklings of his short-lived race. God's purpose in creating thee, I see. To minister to man's necessity, To satisfy his sense of beauty, yet, Though life and death be wrapped in mystery, I would know more — I only know in part — I would that I might know thy power To propagate thyself. Thy wondrous roots Suspended from thy branches, poised mid-air, To earth descending, there to reproduce In kind, another giant tree, another link To strengthen and to bind the family group Into a mighty whole. 33 Thine outstretched arms Proclaim the largess of thy charity! Though thou hast sheltered kings and princelings, yet, On rich and poor thy benediction falls ! The tired traveler, spent, seeks not in vain Thy refuge from the heat and wind and rain. I would that I might learn from thee to live! Deep-rooted, grounded in the soil of faith, May I, too, grow in peace and charity! Oh may I learn to follow good desires ! To spread the truth, protect the weak. To stand upright when cruel storms assail ! To count it joy, with no reward in view. To serve the humblest of God's creatures here! To so deflect life's burning rays that fall. As to bring light and shade and happiness to all ! HIBISCUS Happiness you scatter, here and everywhere. Island flower we love you for your beauty rare! Blooming in the sunshine, drinking in the dew. In the hedges hiding — every shade and hue ! Softly drooping, nodding, in the high hedge-row. Curtains closing tightly, as the sun drops low! Under skies that love you, bloom on pretty one, Scattering rays of brightness, like the morning sun! 34 MY PINK HIBISCUS. ^U IKE a coj and dainty maiden j3i^ Is my pink hibiscus bloom ! '-^Qf- Blushes on her cheeks betray her, As she peeps into my room ! At my window she's been watching, Ever since the early dawn! Waiting patiently to greet me, While I dreamed and slumbered on! Talk about Miss Eluffy Kuffles ! My bright maid you must confess, Is the charmer and the winner, In her fresh, pink morning dress ! All her loveliness appealing, Fills my soul with pure delight, And the longing to possess her Captivates and holds me quite ! Shaking off the glistening dew-drops. As I reach for one caress, Playfull}^ she sprays me over. As my lips to hers I press ! Close beside me, little nosegay. To inspire me, you must stay! Just a glance in your direction Makes hearts happy, light and gay! 35 THE ROSE OF SHARON. (Hibiscus Syriacxis) tROSE OF SHAEON, Type of Christ, thou art ! Honored, enshrined, I hold thee in my heart, Fit symbol of the Sacred Name ! In thee I see His innocence and purity ! So virgin pure and white and undefiled At birth ! So like the blessed, Holy Child ! Like Him who changed the water into wine, God Avorks in thee a miracle divine ! Changed by the sun's warmth-giving rays, a flush Of pink, that makes the fairest rose to blush, Is thine! So God hath wrought in thee, sweet flower, A miracle to j)rove His mighty power! Like Christ, thou shedd'st thy fragrance one brief day, By men rejected, then, and flung away! Like Him, untouched by earth's polluting breath, Yet early garnered by the Hand of Death ! But, like Him, too, with power to rise again, To stir with love and hope, anew, the hearts of men! 36 THE LONE PALM IN EMMA SQUARE. HE king of palms, I rear mj royal head, And take a broad survey of men and things; O'er hallowed ground I view Time's measured tread, And sigh to mark the change each cycle brings! There stands the Towner in memory of the dead ! The Church where men adore the King of Kings! There words of praise and prayer are daily said, And anthems loud the whit«-robed choir sings. Beneath my shade the laughing children play; Of every race I've watched them come and go ! I've looked on prince and pauper by the way ! Heard many a lover's tale and tale of woe ! And once I saw a man resolved to die ! I waved my branches wildly to and fro, Which caused him to look up and sadly sigh ! In gazing upward, hope was born anew ! As on the Cross he cast his troubled eye. Despair forsook him and he stronger gi-ew ! The tolling bell proclaimed the hour of prayer — He rose and joined the throng that worshipped there. 39 EPIPHANY BELL. Written for Epiphany Church, Kalmuki, on the dedication of the bell. I^G out your glad message, Epiphany Bell! „^ Till your echoes resound over hill, glade and eyf3l9 dell! Christ's Gospel proclaim, that in peace we should dwell, With love toward God and our neighbor as well ! Speak out with new power, God's goodness to tell! Ring out your great message, Epiphany Bell! In deep tones and solemn, to sinful man tell. His soul's greatest need, since first Adam fell, To worship his God ! O Epiphany Bell ! Call to prayer and to praise and confession as well! Ring out your great message, Epiphany Bell ! Eor weddings and feast-days, your gladdest notes swell ! For Death, tolling slowly, a funeral knell! Send out voice of warning, Epiphany Bell ! The short span of life, take heed that ye tell ! Ring out your glad message, Epiphany Bell ! At Easter and Christmas, your glad tidings tell ! The children obey you, and love you so well ! And the hearts of their elders, how proudly they swell, As memories come thronging, Epiphany Bell! 40 THE NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS THE NIGHT-BLOOMING CEREUS tWOlSTDROUS flower, so radiant, pure and bright, Thou hlooniest but to brighten one dark night! O lovely flower, jour mission is performed ! Though born to bloom and fade away so soon, To die, ere youth's bright sun had reached its noon, Yet message straight from God to me you brought — The secret of true happiness I sought ! For others, e'en so brief a space to live, Though it were pain and sacrifice to give One's self, one's all, to ease another's pain, 'Twere worth it all such joy and bliss to gain ! To lose one's self in God's eternal love. Is LIFE not Death— ETERNAL LIFE above! 43 THE CALL OF HAWAII NEI. WAS the call of a voice by night and day, That bade me come away cj . From the land of storms, without delay. To the land of Hawaii nei! 'Twas here I found rest for heart and soul ! At last I have reached the goal! For I know that Heaven is not far away From the land of Hawaii nei! 'Twas here I found the freedom I sought From care and anxious thought ! Here I feel so near to God when I pray. In the land of Hawaii nei! I shall hear a Voice again, ''Come away !" And I shall not fear to obey. For heaven is only a step away From the land of Hawaii nei! 1 h JBWL -1 I^^HE t.2 ?6 S ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL. t PILGRIM from afar, come worship here, Where East meets West, where customs old and new Are blended in sweet harmony, in tune With I^ature sweet, whose music charms the ear Attuned to beauty and the sacred art! A\Tiere Spring and Summer, joined in wedlock, pour Their blessings on mankind of every race! Come, breathe the Heaven-scented air of Home, O pilgrim, at the shrine of Mother Church ! ''The Spirit and the Bride say Come," and kneel On bended knee before God's Altar there! Renew the solemn vows thou once didst take ! As babe, thy sponsors prayed and vowed their vows! As youth, thy Confirmation vows didst make ! And at the Holy Table didst receive The Heavenly Food, of which thou didst partake To strengthen and confirm the inner man! And then to man's estate, when thou hadst come, Thy bride, to God's high Altar, thou didst lead. And on thy lips thy marriage vows didst take! For all the joys and blessings from God's Hand, O come, in reverence humbly bow thy head! Come, kneel and worship Him enshrined within This holy Temple, sacred to His ISTame, To rise refreshed in heart and mind and soul. To meet the world with all its care and woe! 47 SUNRISE ON HALEAKALA * T sunrise as I sealed the heights ^f/ of Haleakala, With rapturous joy my eyes beheld God's great phenomena ! Above the clouds ! Clear azure blue ! By naught my sky o'ercast — Below — a billowy mass of foam, Upon an ocean vast ! Huge islands reared their rocky crests Against that sky of blue, And tiny wavelets dashing there, Showed mists of rainbow hue ! My senses thus deceived gazed on ! The picture at my feet, Allured me more than Heaven's sweet calm, Or breath of morn, most sweet ! Beneath her fleecy counterpane, The Earth, all slumbering, lay. Till hot with passion's breath, the Sun Her mantle snatched away! 48 A maiden blush spread o'er her cheek To find her covering gone, The lover's kiss awoke in her The roseate flush of DAWN! Bathed in a flood of crimson light, Love's mantle round her thrown, Through tremulous eyes her soul spoke out, Responsive to his own ! ''Greatest extinct crater on earth. Elevation, 10,032 ft.; cir- cumference, 20 miles; length, 7.48 miles; width, 2.37 miles. Situated on the Island of Maui. 4y OUR WEDDING DAY. S^ HAPPY day, Avlieii, each to each, ^7 As Christ and Holy Church doth teach, (Jy- We pledged our troth, and, kneeling there, At God's high Altar breathed a prayer, For grace throughout this earthly life, Our vows to keep as man and wife; For love like Thine which casts out fear, For trust and faith and hope to cheer. When shadows, such as come to all. Across our pathway chance to fall. Thy Benediction on us pour! Lord help us love Thee more and more ! 50 K THE CATHEDRAL CLOISTERS. '^ USrXG in the moonlit cloisters ^_ Ghost-like .shadows, flitful, play! 4)^ Ghost-like forms familiar pass me, Visions as of yesterday! Thro' the dim, arched, pillared portals Comes the sound of voices sweet, O'er the hard resounding pavement. Comes the tramp of many feet! Now the white robed choirs are singing Angels' songs on earth again ! Sweet the Christ-Child's message bringing Peace on earth good will to men ! Hark the bell is slowly tolling! 'Now with soft and solemn tread, Choirs in tones of deepest mourning, Chant their requiems for the dead! All is hushed in mournful silence, Christ the Lord is crucified I Children of the Church are keeping Fast and vigil bv His side! Calvary's solemn march is o'er, Resurrection hymns are telling Of the life forevermore! 5.3 Easter joy and Easter gladness ! Christian banners lifted high ! Children out of heathen nations, Praising God, are marching by ! All triumphantly are singing, Christ is risen, we hear them say ! Victory over death is ringing Over all the vi'orld today ! TO THE HONEYMOON VOYAGERS. FAIEY CANOE ^vdth just room for two, The voyage begins, friends are wishing for you, Fair Avinds and bright skies as you journey along ! But should storms assail, with a shout and a song. Firm gi-asp of the helm, and a heave-ho, my mate. Firm faith and strong courage will steer your bark straight ! Though waters be dark or waters be blue, With the lode-star of love kept ever in view, Over dangerous rocks, thro' tempests that roar, May you anchor at last on the beautiful shore Of these Fortunate Isles where the red, white and blue, The stripes and the stars wave a welcome to you ! THOSE SUNSETS IN HAWAII. HE afterglow of simset thrills, Its crimson warmth paints sea and sky ! ^ff' With raiDturous bliss my being fills, I'm dreaming of Hawaii ! So lingers in my heart the glow Of warmth, dear one, which fills my sky, The love you gave so long ago, Like sunsets in Hawaii ! I would portray with brush or pen. Those sunsets in a flaming sky! My memory paints them all again. Those sunsets in Hawaii ! I feel their magic spell and seem Beneath those tropic skies to lie, By day and night I fondly dream Of sunsets in Hawaii ! THE DYING DAY. ^ l^l/POX a couch of gold the dying day f^^LffX^ Breathed its last breath and sank away ^J\yy In slumber sweet, and as its soul took flight, The moon and stars came out and lent their light, To point the way to worlds unknoAvn to men. Upward it flew straight to its God again ! Life's little day on earth shall fade away. But lives to shine unto the Perfect Day ! A NEW YEAR'S THOUGHT AT SUNSET. tMAY the I^ew Year's last sun be as bright As this which marks the Old Year's hour of flight ! 'Tis fitting that a couch of gold should be His chariot, for His Majesty, tonight. Ascends to realms of Everlasting Light! Old Year, though gone to join those other years We mourn as lost, disperse our doubts and fears, That we may greet the 'New Year unafraid ! Be as our Guiding Star, shine through our tears, Till hope is born, and Perfect Day appears! 56 GREETINGS TO THE NEW YEAR. §ES, the Old Year lies a dying, As the sunset gilds the West! But away with tears and sighing, He'll be glad to be at rest! Sure he would not have us crying At the coming of our Guest ! Launch the boat, unfurl the rigging! Greet the New Year with a song ! Speed him Fair Winds, for he's bringing Faith and Hope and Cheer along! With a lightsome step and springing. Like a Koyal Guest, the throng Goes to meet him, goes to greet him, With Now the birds his way are winging, Now they're bursting into song! Happy New Year ! they are singing. Singing with the happy throng! Now the bells from towers are ringing ! Join the chorus, swell the song! For the New Year's coming, bringing Faith and Hope and Cheer along! 57 CONTENTS Page A Christmas Carol 9 A Christmas Greeting 9 A Hawaiian Greeting 15 A Message from Hawaii 11 A New Year's Thought at Sunset 56 A Song of Hawaii 12 A Welcome to Hawaii 10 Bird and the Kona Storm (The) 23 Call of Hawaii Nei (The) 44 Cathedral Cloisters (The) 53 Christmas Aloha 9 Come Where the Trade Winds Blow 19 Coral Tree (The) 27 Dear Hawaii 14 Dying Day (The) 55 Epiphany Bell 40 Greetings of the New Year 57 Hawaii's Love-Call 16 Hawaii's Ensign 11 Hibiscus Acrostic 34 Lei Aloha 10 Lone Palm in Emma Square (The) 39 Merry Month of May (The) 20 Moonlight at Waikiki 22 My Pink Hibiscus 35 Night-Blooming Cereus (The) .43 November in Hawaii 21 Our Wedding Day 50 Rose of Sharon (The) 36 St. Andrew's Cathedral 47 Sunrise on Haleakala ■ 48 Tamarind Tree (The) 28 Those Sunsets of Hawaii 55 To an Easter Lily 29 To the Banyan Tree 33 • To the Honeymoon Voyagers 54 Tulip Tree (The) 30 Wishing 24 59 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS lilllliillillllllllilllllll 018 349 838 1