,G V *o. *?77** >v • j j^W^*- «4 > ^ r 0* •- '** « /, :> VV •**, ^. °0 / 6£ZL THE ARMS OF MAJOR SAMUEL EELLS OF HINGHAM. MASS. AFFIXED TO HIS WILL, DATED AUGUST I, 1705. The Eells Family of DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS IN THE LINE OF NATHANIEL EELLS OF MIDDLETOWN, CONNECTICUT 1633-1821 WITH NOTES ON THE LENTHALL FAMILY COMPILED BY FRANK FARNSWORTH STARR FOR JAMES J. GOODWIN HARTFORD, CONN. 1903 Of- • ' norv ft. • Copyright, 1903, by James Junius Goodwin. THE TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR PRESS NEW HAVEN, CONN. ^3 PREFACE. This monograph on the Eells family is the result of a lengthy search. Many years since, Rev. William W. Eells, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, made a study of the family in America, and after his death, the work was continued by his brother, Rev. Edward Eells, of Washington, D. C. Mr. William E. Abbott, of Syracuse, New York, also made an investigation concerning the later generations. The compiler of this work has had the benefit of the results of their researches, which he has compared with the original records, enlarging thereon, and making further investiga- tions. The English portion of the work is the result of the labors of that energetic and successful antiquary, Mr. L,othrop Withington of L,ondon. In this part are " Ex- tracts from Parish Registers," " Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, " " Close Rolls, " " Chancery Proceedings, Bills and Answers." and " Subsidy Rolls." The Coat of Arms which forms the frontispiece to this work is the same as that on the seal which Major Samuel Eells, of Hingham, Massachusetts, affixed to his will, August i, 1705. This design is found at the College of Arms, London, on an "Ordinary of Arms," made by Robert Glover, Somerset Herald, from 1571 to 1588. There is nothing on the roll to indicate where the design was obtained nor when or to whom it was granted. IV The portrait of Major Eells is taken from a painting which has come down through various branches of the family, and is now in the possession of the family of Rev. William W. Eells, of Pittsburgh. The name of the artist and date are unknown. To the many persons who have aided the compiler in his labors he returns his sincere thanks. FRANK FARNSWORTH STARR. Middletown, Connecticut, November, 1903. CONTENTS. Page. The Eells Family in England, Abstracts of Parish Registers, .... x Abstracts of Wills and Administrations, . . 4 Close Rolls, 49 Chancery Proceedings, ..... 6 5 Subsidy Rolls, 93 The Eells Family in America, ... 95 The L,enthall Family, *73 Index to English Notes, *93 Index to American Notes, . . • .211 THE EELLS FAMILY IN ENGLAND A lengthy search of various records in England has failed to reveal anything by which the ancestry of John Hells, of Dorchester, Massachusetts, can be proven. That any one wishing to make further investigations may have the benefit of the work already done, the results thereof are here given. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. DEVONSHIRE. 1605, Jan'y 9, Richard Wooton & Joan Eles married, Buckfastleigh. 1627, Sept. 10, John Symons & Xiana Eyles married, Buckfastleigh. 1630-31, Jan'y 23, Thomas Toope & Joan Eyles married, Buckfastleigh. 1622, Sept. 16, Thomas, son of Edmund Eales, clerk, buried, Plympton, St. Mary. 1690, Dec. 9, Edward Eales, widower of Staverton & Anne Edgcombe of Totnes, wid., married. 1626, Feb. 2, Mary daughter of John Eales baptized, Barnstaple. 1630, May 2, Mary daughter of John Eeles baptized, Barnstable. 1631, Sept. 7, Elizabeth daughter of John Eales bap- tized, Barnstable. 1635, June 28, Thomas son of Nicholas Eales baptized, Barnstable. 2 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. 1638, Aug. 19, Robert son of Robert Eales baptized, Barnstable. 1638, Aug. 26, Mary daughter of Nicholas Eales bap- tized, Barnstable. 1641, June 29, Robert son of Nicholas Eales baptized, Barnstable. Pilton Register examined. No Eells entries. LONDON. St. Stephen's Church, Coleman Street. 1600, Jan'y 28, Edward Else sonne of Robert Else above baptized. 1601, May 24, James Eyles sonne of James Eyles bap- tized. 1602, July 23, Edward Eales sonne of James Eales beneath baptized. 1603, Nov. 26, John Eles sonne of John Eles beneath baptized. 1608, May 10, Katherine Eyles daughter of John Eyles baptized. 1609, Oct. 7, James Ejdes sonne of James Eyles Robin Hood Courte baptized. 1628, Jan'y 3, Robert Eales and Sara Web married. St. Botolph's, Aldgate. 1 61 8, April 7, John Eles and Katharine Cove both of our parish married. 1618, March 19, Katharine Eeles dau of John Eeles gun- smith and Katharine baptized. 1620, Sept. 17, Elizabeth Eeles dau of John Eeles gun- smith and Katharine baptized. 1622, Sept. 11, John Eeles sonne of John Eeles gun- smith & Katharine baptized. 1627, Sept. 30, John Eeles sonne of John Eeles gun- smith, Mynories, & Bridget baptized. PARISH REGISTER EXTRACTS. 3 1629, May 31, Margaret Eeles dau of John Eeles gun- smith, Mynories, & Bridget baptized. 1 62 1, Aug. 4, Alice Eeles dau of John Eeles gunsmith buried. St. Margaret's, Westminster. 1619, Oct. 20, Thomas Eales son of John Eales baptized. 1621, Jan'y 9, Edmond Sellwood and Elizabeth Eiles married. ABSTRACTS OF WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. PREROGATIVE COURT OF CANTERBURY. This Court had jurisdiction over the estates of all per- sons dying within the province of Canterbury, who had property to the amount of five pounds in some diocese of the province other than that in which the decedent resided. Consequently the abstracts from the records of this Court show persons of the Eells name residing in several coun- ties. Will of Anthony Eles, Eburye, parish of St. Martins in the Fields, Middlesex, yeoman, dated 7 November 1576. To daughters Alice Eles and Agnes Eles all leases of houses and farm in Ebury, Wife Agnes to hold for life etc. To daughters 100 marks each. Brother William Eles. Alee Glover to have keeping of chest writings. Jasper, William, and Alice, children of Brother Richard Eles, sister Ursula Godhelpes's son James and Thomas Godhelpes, ditto. Sister Mary Wicker and her two children. Proved 25 January 1576-7. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Daughtry, folio 3. Will of William Eeles of Northmymms, Co. Hertford, yeoman, dated 4 July 1580. To be buried in Churchyard of Northmymms. To Roger Eles my son tenement etc., in Wilsdon in Co. Midd. Daughter Anne Eles (unmarried). To Wife Alyce and son John farm called Boltons. Residu- ary legatee and executrix wife Alyce. Overseer son John. Witnesses Henrie Peacham, Robt. Maho, Thelder, Willm Brickley. 2 Sept. 1580 Commission to John the son, Alice the relict renouncing. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Arundell, folio 33. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 5 Will of William Eeles, servant to Wo. Thos. Forde, Esq., dated 29 May 1592. Father Thomas Eeles. Daugh- ter Elizabeth Eeles. Executors said Mr. Thomas Forde Esq., and father Thomas Eeles. If daughter die all to brother Philip Eels the witness. Proved 10 June 1592. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Harrington, folio 55. Will of John Eeles, Northmymes, Co. Herts., yeoman, dated 27 December 1592. To son John lease of Boltons at 21, Wife Agnes to enjoy said farm of Boltons till John is 21, to bringing up all my children. To John my other lease in reversion of Boltons. If John die, said lease of Boltons and other lease in reversion to child wife now goeth with if a son, or if a daughter said leases to all my daughters. If said children die, to my brother Roger Eeles, &c. Three daughters, Elizabeth, Susan and Anne at 18. Ditto to child wife goeth with if a daughter. To son John lease of South Mymmes parsonage at 2 1 . To poor of Northmymmes 3 s. 4 d. Rest to wife Agnes executrix, she giving ^300 bond to overseers, friend Mr. Eustace Grubbe, brother Roger Eeles, and brother-in-law Thomas Searnige. Witnesses Henry Peacham the writer, Thomas Adams, John Robardes, John Parratt, John Street. Proved 13 March 1592-3. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Nevell, folio 15. Will of Giles Aells of parish of St. Andrewes Under- shaft, within the city of Eondon, Merchant stranger, dated Sept. 5 1603, I James. To poor of Dutch church in said city and to the elders of said church. Poor of St. Andrews Undershaft. Cousin Trisca Parmatice of Sandwich. Poor of Dutch church in Sandwich. Friend Josias Bayarde. Servants to friend John Bayard thelder of Amsterdam, Mer- chant. Brother-in-law John Braunce. Cousin Daniell Van Hargo of Sandwich merchant. Wife Marye Aeles. Son Peter Aeles. To Daniell Braunce and friend Peter Bayard. Children of my said son Peter and Anne Bolly, my daugh- 6 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. ter, wife of George Bolly. Executors the said John Bayard the elder, Daniell Van Hargoe, Daniell Braunce and John Braunce. To Cousin Jockmy Eawkers of Sandwich £$. Witnesses William Jones Scr., Margarete de ffreney. Proved i Dec. 1603 by ffrancis Walleis Notary Public for Daniell Braunce one of the executors. Power being reserved to the other executors. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Bolein, folio 105. 23 July 1604, Administration to Margaret relict of Thomas Bales late of the parish of St. Olaves, Southwark, Co., Surrey, dec'd &c. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book, 1604. Will of Joane Eyles, Felpham, Co. Sussex, dated . Mr. Richardes, Margery Richardes, Mary Eyles, Joan Abias, Joan Abias' s daughter, Thomas (?) Abias. Richard Washer, executor. Witnesses Thomas Morrys, Thomas L/eedes. Proved 3 January 1605-6. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Stafforde, folio 3. Will of William Childe of the parish of Northmymmes, Co. Hertford, yeoman, dated 15 Nov. 1606. My body to be buried in the parish Church of Northmymmes. Raphe Childe my son at 21. To my three daughters, Constant, Marye, and Elizabeth Childe at 18. Son-in-law John Eales. His three sisters Eliz, Suzan and Anne Eales. My two servants John Wetherall and Thos. Morse. Ben- nett Pilgram and my other boy Kytt. William Wayte of Easonden. The poor of Northmymmes. My three brothers Henry, Arnold and Thomas Childe. My sister Mary Weekes. Mr. Bowman preacher. Residuary legatee and executrix Wife Agnes. Overseers Sir Raphe Coningsbye, Knt. and Thomas Marche of Darkes in the parish of Southmymmes, Esq. Witnesses Thomas Morse, John Wetherheade and W. Wayte ser. 24 Jan'y. 1606-7 com- WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 7 mission to Arnold Childe brother of deceased, Agnes Childe relict &c. renouncing. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Hudleston, folio 3. Will of John Eyle dated August 20 1607. Being to undertake a voyage into the straits &c. before my depart- ure from London. Brother Nathaniell Eyle £60 after the arrival of the Angell and Pearl in London, in which two shippes my adventure at going hath (devised (?)) viz: ^55 on the Andrew, Mr. Andrew Shilling. ^90 on the Pearle, Mr. Thomas Best. Sister Margaret Parr for her children. Sister Emma Truman. Cousin Richard Phipps. Ellinor Chester my fellow in house. All my sisters. Loving master Mr. Hugh Hamersley. Proved 2 November 1608. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Windebancke, folio 99. Will of William Eells, Aldenham, Co. Hertford, yeoman, dated Maye 25 161 5. To be buried in Aldenham church. Kinsman William Eells of Harrowe on the hill. Three daughters of my sister Agnes Paynter. Son-in-law John Nycoll and Susan his wife. Richard Nycoll, brother of John Nycoll. Son-in-law Thomas Briscoe and his wife. Daughter-in-law Jone Ewer. Daughter-in-law Elizabeth Fearne. Son-in-law John Briscoe of London, draper. John Eeles of Harrow on hill. Ann Woller. Elizabeth Wrench. John Eeles of Aldenham all goods in my house in Alden- ham repaying to Edward Morse, son of John Eeles sister, ;£ioo. Margaret Taylor widow. Wife Frisidfide execu- trix. Overseers Richard Briscoe, gent., and Thomas Bris- coe. Proved ult. June 161 5. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Rudd, folio 60. Will of John Yeeles dated 3 October 16 14. Eldest Son John Yeeles. Son William, my wife . Youngest son Henery. Daughter Margerie at marriage or 21. To Francis Turner my dau. on condition that my son-in-law Mihell 8 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Turner do deliver to my executrix to save her harmless from a bond which I stand bound with my son-in-law as concerning of one Turner. Son Gabriell and Henry at 21. Sister Cestion Winch. The poor of Wargrave. Wife resi- duary legatee and executrix. Overseers Wm. Thackam, Francis Wright, Francis Web and Raphe Willikes. Wit- nesses William Thackham, Francis Wright, Fra. Web, Raphe Wilkes. Proved 3 June 161 5 by Margerie relict. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Rudd, folio 63. Will of William Eyles of Sudburie in Co. Middlesex, yeo- man, dated 16 Sept., 13 James I. To be buried in Harrow churchyard. Son Lyon Eyles. Daughter Ann Eyles. Elizabeth Bateman daughter of Richard Bateman ^10 to be paid into the hands of Mr. William Page of Sudburie, gent, for the use of the said Elizabeth. Ann Huswiche. Son L-yon Eyles and neighbor Redcliffe Page executors. Wit- ness Alexander Bradle} 7 , William Hurde. Proved 1 1 Oct. 1615. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Rudd, folio 91. Will of John Eeles of Sudbury, parish of Harrow upon the Hill, Co. Middlesex, yeoman, dated 15 August 1615. Servant Agnes Hussy als Reade. Residue to Brother William Eeles he to be executor. Witnesses William Dod- desley and William Page. Memorandum. There is .£10 due to me by bond from William Symonds. Sister Mary Eeles. Brother William Eeles his daughter Margaret. His daughter Agnes. Proved 11 Oct. 1615. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Rudd, folio 91. Nuncupative will of John Eles of Sottwell, Co. Berks, yeoman, dated 1 December 161 7. For goodwill I bear to Elizabeth Adams, single woman, all goods. Witnesses Mar- gerie Rowland, Alee Wattson, Elizabeth Middleton. 29 December 161 7, Administration to Elizabeth Adams, leg- atee, unmarried. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Weldon, folio no. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 9 Will of Edward Eales, Broadhempston, Co. Devon, yeo- man, dated 20 January 1617. To be buried in church of Broadhempston. Poor of Broadhempston. Poor of Withe- combe. Poor of Torbryant. Wife Joane Eales. Son Edward Eales 4 parcels of land in Broadhempston called Great Prest- lande and Little Prestlande, Dabins parke and the Tongue, also another parcel purchased of Edward Sumpter adjoin- ing my Curtilege of my tenement called the Pitt in Broad- hempston for life, paying to my heirs 2d. yearly. My children's children a noble each. Sister Jone Collamore. Rest to son Richard Eales executor. Overseers Isaac Gons- well, clerk, and Tobye Rennye of Staverton. Witnesses Isaac Gonswell, John Barter. Proved 5 Feb. 1 620-1. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Dale, folio 20. Will of Lyon Eales of goodship Warn, dated Sister Ann Smith dwelling in Moreclacke. Executor Alex- ander Tucker. Witnesses Ralph Harris, William Coop. Administration to sister Ann Smith, executor renouncing 28 October 1625. Prerogative Court of Canterbur}^ Register Clarke, folio 105. Will of Walter lies of Wilton Clendon, (Milton Clendon? [F. F. S.]), Diocese of Bath and Wells, dated 5 August 1622. John Perry my sister's son. Alice Perry my sister's daughter. Fraunces lies my brother's daughter. Thomas lies my brother. Alice King my sister, David King her husband. Edward Kirton and William Bisse of Milton. To reparation of church of Milton. James Russe, son of Thomas Russe, and Richard Russe. Joane and Anne Russe. Thomas son of Thomas Russe aforesaid. John Jacobb son of William Jacobb. Maud Reeve. Executors friends Matthias Webb and Thomas Russe son of Thomas Russe. Overseers William Champion and William Jacobb. Witnesses William Jacobb senior, William Jacobb, Thomas Vickres and Garthrid Russe. Codicil. 12 August 1622. Legacies to Christian, John and Alice Perry to be laid out in lands by Peter Thacker vicar of Milton Cleevedon. John 10 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Gifford of Allington parish. Io Ditchett, yeoman and George Joyce of Everchrich for use of said Christian and remainder to John and Alice son and daughter of my said sister and my overseers to be instead Peter Thacher and John Byfford. Witnesses Peter Thacher, Thomas lies, John Dake, Maude Reeves, Gartred Russe. Proved 25 November 1622 by executors. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Savile, folio 100. Will of John lies, Southe Wraxall, Co. Wilts, clothier, dated 5 Sept. 1628. Sister Susan. Wife Agnes tenements late Millards etc. , and lease on tenements of John More and John Gibbons etc. To wife Agnes and son Thomas, executors. Brother-in-law John Edwards and neighbor Henry Malpas overseers. Witnesses Ric Waker, cl., John Waker, cl. Proved 10 Feb. 1628-9. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Ridley, folio 14. Will of Robert Eyles, Flaunsham, parish of Felpham, Sussex, the elder, yeoman, dated 24 February 1630. Daughter Alice wife of Anthony Nash the younger. Grandchild Mary Nash, daughter of daughter Alice at 18. Child of son-in-law John Watersfeild by my daughter Mary at 18. Daughter Mary Watersfeild. Kinswoman Joan Leech. Mary Turgis, wife of Thomas Turgis of Yapton. Kinsman Henry Eyles. Neighbor Beniamin Dowsett of Felpham. Kinsman William Eyles of Bognor Symonds, spinster, daughter of wife of John Whills of Aldwicke. Joane Walter widow. Her sons, John and William. William Walls of Flaunsham. William Wyatt of Felpham and his four children. Kinsman Robert Eyles dwelling in Weeke Rowe my godson. Daughter-in-law Alice Eyles, relict of son John Eyles deceased. Robert Watersfeild, son of John and Mary Watersfeild aforesaid. Servant John Lilliot. Rest to daughter Mary Watersfeild, executrix, if her husband John Watersfeild give bond in /300. Friends Edward Stoker of Yapton and Richard Williams of City of Chichester. Mary Eyles of Aldwicke WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. H widow. Witnesses Richard Williams, Edward Stoker, Benjamin Dorsett, John Lilliot, John Wyatt. Proved 19 Sept. 1632. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Audley, folio 95. Will of Sarah lies, London, widow, dated Son Richard Hancockes. Daughter Rachell, wife of Thomas Phillips. Executor to restore to Mr. John lies picture of my late husband, Mr. Thomas lies. Mary Allen. Eliz. Browne. If life spared till next quarter day money then due to son Richard Hancockes and son-in-law Thomas Phillips. Son-in-law Thomas Phillips and his wife my daughter. Because son-in-law Richard Hancockes lives most remote from London and son-in-law Thomas Phillips is resident in London, Thomas Phillips, executor. Wit- nesses Any Rowe, Thos. Reade, John Peck. Proved 4 January 1635-6. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Pile, folio 6. Will of Elinor Eale of Clesbury Mortimer, Co. Salopp, Diocese of Hereford, widow, dated 4 July 1636. Walter Weaver. Elizabeth wife of said Walter. Richard ffarmer the younger. William ffarmer. Elizabeth wife of Hum- frey Newall the younger. Margaret ffarmer. John ffarmer. Johane ffarmer my sister. Brother Richard York. Mar- garet Wynwood my sister. Sister-in-law Margarett Yorke. Richard Yorke the younger my godson. Residuary legatee and executor Richard ffarmer the elder. Witnesses William Unckle, Jasper Dudlick. Proved 25 October 1637 by execu- tor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Goare, folio 137. 15 April 1639 administration of John Yeeles, Pilton als Pulton, Co. Somerset, bachelor, to sister Joan Witherell, wife of Christopher Witherell of Glaston, Co. Somerset, husbandman. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book, 1639- 1640, folio 30. 12 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Will of John Eyles of the Benith in the parish of Hamble- don, Co. South' ton, yeoman, dated 23 January 1638. To be buried in the church or churchyard of Hambledon. Wife Alice. Daughter Anne, wife of Richard Goldsmith. Mary Goldsmith. Her brother Richard Goldsmith. Thomas Goldsmith. Henry Goldsmith. John Goldsmith. Daugh- ter Margery wife of William ffisher. Joane ffisher. Her brother William ffisher. John ffisher. Godson John Eyles. His brother Robert Eyles ,£200 and close of land I bought of John Manfeild. His sister Anne Eyles. Her sister Elizabeth Eyles. Servant Ellen Bulbeck. Residue in trust for son Robert Eyles children, ffriends John ffisher of Holte and William ffisher of ffrancklyn and Richard Goldsmith of Palsgrove and William Tribe of Hambledon, executors. Witnesses William Tribe, Thomas Seaward. Codicil. May 17 1639. Richard Goldsmith to have full power as executor in trust as my other executors. Same witnesses. Proved 4 Oct. 1639 by four executors. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Harvey, folio 161. Will of Wm. Hunt of St. Peters near Pauls Wharf, London, Beerbrewer. " To Wm. Eles £4 as soon as he shall have faithfully served out the time of his apprentice- ship." Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Evelyn, folio 1 16. 17 April 1645 administration of John Eles als Hilder, Ewell, Co. Surrey, to sister Joane Rylye, wife of Thomas Rily. ' Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book 1644- 1645, folio 41. Will of George Eales of Brownsover in Co. Warwick, yeoman, dated 1 June 1643. To be buried in church of Brownsover. Son John Eales. Sons William Eales and Nicholas Eales. Two daughters of my son Thomas. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 13 Edward Eales. The daughter of John Eales. Thomas Bassett the son of Richard Bassett when 18. Poor of Cran- borough and the ringers John Clarke and Edmund Eales to distribute it. To poor of Rugbie. Residuary legatee and executor son George Eales. Witnesses Thomas Petti- pher. Thomas Swift. Hervey Grubb. Proved 20 Febru- ary 1645 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Twisse, folio 12. 13 August 1647. Administration of the estate of William Eyles of (fanning?), Co. Berks, granted to widow Joane Eyles. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book for 1647, folio 123. 2 December 1647. (Will of) John Eales als Hilder of Ashlee Co. Surry, Builder. Sententia between Joane Rily als Eales the sister of deceased and brother William Eales als Hilder executor of nuncupative will of said deceased, in favor of will etc. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Fines, folio 258. Nuncupative Will. Memorandum that Warren Eales late of ffinchley in Co. Middlesex deceased who dyed two years since and somewhat more at the house of Henry Coreley tanner of ffinchley being asked &c, did by word of mouth declare his last will nuncupative &c. , a little land which my sister shall have and Sir Richard Strowde oweth me ^10 and that I give to Mr. Arundell my master. Witness Henry Corley. Richard Sutton. 12 May 1648. commission to Thomas Arundell to administer etc. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Essex, folio 75. Will of William Eales of Hatford, Co. Berks, Clerke, dated 15 Feb. 1648. To eldest son Alban Eales houses in ffrier lane and house in Wanting called White Hart. Son Nicholas. Third son George. Daughter Marie wife of Blazius Adams. Three children of daughter Elizabeth Masemore deceased twenty pounds on their father's acquit- 14 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. tance. My youngest daughter Jane Lane. Brother Edward Eales. Servant Lucy Thatcher. Kinsman & Godson Wil- liam Hammond when freeman of London. Friend William Rivers and Edith his wife. Residuary legatee and executor son Alban. Overseers friends Mr. Phillipp Yate of ffaring- don, Mr. Thomas Bassett of Great Harborough, Co. War- wicke, Mr. Archer of Sommerton, Co. Oxon, Mr. John Hinckley of Coleshall & William Masemore the elder of Wanting, Co. Berks. Witnesses Edward Eales Sein. Edward Eales Jun. Lucie Thatcher. Proved 29 May 1649 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Fairfax, folio 72. Will of John Ells junior of Henley upon Thames, Co. Oxon, malster, dated 12 Sept. 1649. Have purchased one messuage wherein I now live from William Benwell of Covells of parish of Poppard, Co. Oxon, yeoman. I bequeath to Joane my wife for life said messuage, at her decease to John Ells my son. John Ells my son at 21. Joane Ells my daughter at 21. Daughter Sarah Ells at 21. Residuary legatee and executrix Joane Ells my said wife. Overseers my father John Ells and my father-in-law (Thomas?) Dormer. Witnesses Lawrence Carver, the mark of William Jeffes, Jno. Syler. Proved 28 June 1650 by Joane Ells relict and executrix named. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Pembroke, folio 91. Will of Thomas Ealles of Wroxall, Co. Warwick, yeoman, dated 17 December 1649. SonSamuell. His son Samuell. Son Richard. Daughter Ann. Daughter Sarah. Daugh- ter Mary. Couzen Mary Eales. Sister Smart. Residuary legatee & executor son John. Overseers brother Thomas ffulford and Joseph Bennett. Witnesses the overseers & Richard Ludford. Proved 9 Nov. 1650 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Pembroke, folio 175. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 15 Will of John Else, town of Northampton, }7eoman, dated 1 2 April 1 65 1 . To poor of St. Sepulchres. Brother William Else and his children. Ann daughter of my sister Plow- right. Lidia Carswell my maidservant. Servant heretofore Elles Nicholls and Sarah L,une. William Else all lands etc. in Broughton, county North Hants or elsewhere. Exec- utors to be guardians of son during minority. If son die all to three nieces, Ann Plowright, Hanna Else and Anne Farrow. Executors, friends and neighbors, Mr. Henry Sprigg and Mr. Edward Collis. Overseers Mr. Thomas Barton, Mr. Hugh Eovell, Mr. John White and Mr. John Giles. Witnesses Chr. Younge, Richard Younge, Hen. Iyovell, Not. Publique. Proved 12 May 1651. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Grey, folio 84. Will of John Eales, citizen and grocer of London, dated 7 November 1646. Sister Mary Eales. Cousin Elizabeth Garrit, youngest daughter of my brother Amos Garrit deceased, when 21. Cousin John Garrit, Seth Garrit, James Garrit, Sara and Martha Garrit and their brother Amos Garrit the other children of my brother Amos Garrit when 2 1 . Sister Anne Flawse wife of my brother-in-law James Flawse. William, James, John, Richard and Jervis Flawse their children when 21. William, Elizabeth, Sara, Thomas, Samuell and Kate Brown children of my friend Thomas Brown of Eondon grocer and to their father and mother. To their servant Alice Twitchell. To cousin Mary Good wife of John Good of Dunchurch, Co. Warwick. Aunt Fraunces Croley. Cousin Elizabeth, Martha, Sara, Edward and Jno. Collie children of my cousin Edward Collie of Northampton. My sister Adams two children John and Elizabeth. To children of my uncle William Greene, Robert, William, John, Anne and Ellen Greene. To poor of Hillmorton where I was born. Residuary legatees my father William Eales and Katherine his wife my mother. Executors Richard Critchlow of London cloathworker and Edward Collie of Northampton mercer. Overseers friends 16 THE JOHN EELIvS FAMILY. John Harsenept and Thomas Brodrick. Witnesses Ed. Collie, William Rogers, Tobie Coliwell Towne Clerke of Northampton. Proved 15 December 1651 by executors. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Grey, folio 238. 10 June 1652, Administration of the goods of Joane Brad- ley als Gardner, als Towne, als Eagles (Eayles?) of Eudlow, Co. Salop, to natural brother Edward Bradley. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book 1652,. folio 105. Will of Edward Eales of Bagston, parish of Brodhemp- ston, Co. Devon, gent., dated 15 April 1652. Wife Avise, two orchards at Weston in said parish which I hold of Mr. Christopher Woolston. Rights in several messuages in Brodhempston. Tenement in occupation of one Allyn. Robert Waringe thelder of Modbury, gent. Mr. William ffesse Vicar of Brodhempstone. Mr. William Searle thelder of Dartington and John Blackaller of Brodhempston, yeo- man, trustees for wife and children. Eldest son Richard. Executors the said Robert Waringe, William ffesse, William Searle and John Blackaller. Witnesses William Rowe, John Coyte. Proved 24 May 1653 by executors. Prerogative Court of Canterburj^, Register Brent, folio 196. Nuncupative Will of Nathaniell Eles late of Harden, Co. Hertford, husbandman deceased, dated 26 July 1653. Children of Mr. William Eles. John Eles son of said William. Children of Mr. Nathaniell Eles. Richard White living with Mr. Nathaniell Eles and to the two sisters of said Richard, rents of his house and lands till his brother John's son shall come of age. To poor of Harnden and Esenden. To Mrs. Wilton and Mary Smith and others. His brother's daughter and son. His sister-in-law. Exec- utor Master William Eles. Witnesses Mr. William Eles, Mr. Nathaniell Eles, goodwife Reynolds, goodwife Eewis and others. Proved 18 ffebry. 1653 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Alchin, folio 179. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 17 Will of John Eles of Harpendon, Co. Hertford, dated i Nov. 1649. Son William Eles and his three sons John, William and Nathaniell. My son William's wife. My brother Child. My daughter ffoster and my son ffoster. My son Nathaniell, his daughter Jane and his sons Nathaniell and John. Wife of my brother Child. My sis- ter Porsey. Poor of Heardon. Executor Son Nathaniell. To be buried at Hearpendine or at ffianistead near his wife deceased. Proved 7 Feb. 1654 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Alchin, folio 213. Nuncupative Will of William Eyles late of Braunston, Co. Northampton deceased, who in September 1653 being asked etc., said all my goods &c. I give to my brother Eyles except one sheep which I give to my sister Elizabeth and made the said Edward Eyles his executor. Witnesses John Harwood and Thomas Eyles. Proved 8 June 1654 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Alchin, folio 241. Will of Thomas Eales citizen and cooper, dated 10 April 1654. My goods I leave according to the custom of the city. To wife Joane Eales lease of house I now dwell in, for life and after her decease to my son William. If said William happen to die then to his brother Robert Eales and his sister Katherine Eales. Executrix Wife Joane. Sealed 13 Day of April. Witnesses Andrew Langley and John Walker. Proved 18 April 1654 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Alchin, folio 473. 10 Nov. 1654 Administration of goods of William Eales late of St. Giles Cripplegate to widow Mary Eales. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book for 1654, folio 133- 18 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Will of George Eales dated 27 July 1654. Friend John Deuerell ^20 to be paid in Surratt. Thomas Atkins and Thomas Carten. Thomas South. John Townsend. Wages due from Hon. East India Company to father Edward Eales living at Samford, Co. Berks and he to be executor. Witness John Newton, Roger Ballard. Proved last day of August 1655 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Aylett, folio 83. 7 Feb'y 1655-6 administration of goods of John Eales of Mortimers Cross, Co. Hereford, to widow Elizabeth Eales. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book for 1656, folio 23. Will of George Eales of Brownsover, Co. Warwick, yeo- man, dated 1 December 1655. To be buried in church of Brownsover. Brother Edward Eales. Kinsman William Eales eldest son of brother John. Kinsman Edward Eales son of William Eales. Legacies to Kinsman Thomas Eales son of said William. Mary Eales daughter of said William. Zacharie Eales daughter of William Eales. Sarah Eales his daughter. Anne Eales her eldest sister. George Eales son of brother John. My brother Nicholas Eales. George Eales son of said George Eales Cooke. Ann Hammond daughter of my brother John. William Hammond youngest son of said Ann. George son of brother William Eales. Anne Seale daughter of brother Thomas Eales. Elizabeth Berry daughter of brother Thomas Eales. Alban Eales eldest son of brother William. Nicholas son of brother William Eales. Mary Adames daughter of brother Wil- liam. Kinswoman Isabell Hinckley. Kinswoman Eliza- beth Pettiferr daughter of Thomas Pettiferr. Kinsman William Bassett son of my kinsman Richard Bassett legacy given him by n^ father. Mary Bassett daughter of Thomas Bassett. The five children of kinsman Edward Bassett. Kinswoman Sara Pownie. Kinsman Thomas Bassett son of kinsman Thomas Bassett. Kinswoman Elizabeth Bas- sett daughter of kinsman Thomas. Kinswoman Elizabeth WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 19 Bassett daughter of kinsman Richard Bassett. Three chil- dren of Mr. Tillgharan of Rugbie. Children of my kinsman George Eales son of brother John. George Eales his chil- dren son of William Eales. Richard Deacon of Rugbie. Kinswoman Elizabeth Smith daughter of kinsman Robert Hinckley. Residuary legatee and executor kinsman Thomas Pettiferr. Witnesses William Bassett, George Butler, Elizabeth Rugbie, Edward Bassett. Proved n Feb. 1655 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Berkley, folio 63. 5 March 1656-7 Administration of Goods of John Eyles late of Barrowe, Co. Salop, to Widow Dorothy Eyles. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book for 1657, folio 60. Will of Robert Eales of North Bovey, Co. Devon, Tan- ner, dated 23 Jan. 1656. Son Jacob Eales lands in Middle Eukerdom in parish of Northbovey, in default of heirs to son Robert Eales or to his sister Ruth or sister Joane or her next sister Phillippa. Daughter Ruth. Daughter Joane. Daughter Phillippa. Daughter Mary. Daughter Hannah. Grandchild Steven Berry. Kinsman Jenner Eales. Residuary legatee and executor eldest son Jacob. Overseers son-in-law John Berry of Eeisleigh and cousin John Eales. Witnesses John Eenncraft, Thomas Cook. Proved 10 Dec. 1657 by executor. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Ruthen, folio 523. Will of Thomas Eales of Staverton, Co. Devon, yeoman, dated last day of July 1658. Wife Winefred messuage I now dwell in and messuage at Sparkewill and other tene- ments in said parish for life, after her decease to son John and daughter Anne the wife of George Martin of Darting- ton, Co. Devon, yeoman. Thomas Eales and John Eales the j^ounger son of John Eales my son. Their sisters Margery, Ann and Mary Eales. Winefred my daughter 20 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. and her two children. Mary Martin daughter of said George Martin. Her brother George and sisters Anne, Margery and Elizabeth Martin. Residuary legatee and executor wife Winefred. Overseers friends Symon Worth Esq. and Hugh Horsham, yeoman. Witness John Rowe, Agnes Snell. Proved 25 Sept. 1658 by executrix. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Wootton, folio 469. Will of Levy Ellis als Witnall (N.B. Eles in margin) dated 8 August 1654. Son John bigger house at the Lower Marsh where one Hether dwelleth and the lesser house after my wife's death. Daughter Margery. Grandchild Ann Weson when 21, or day of marriage. Executrix wife Mar- garet. Witnesses William Paultuck, Samuell Scudamore. Proved London 19 Oct. 1658 by executrix. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Wootton, folio 549. Will of John Eales of Bilton, Co. Warwick, yeoman, dated 22 Feb. 1646. Son George. Daughter Ann Hamon. Wife Zacharie for life then to son William and his children. Wife Zachary to be executrix. Witnesses John Ennews, Thomas Pettifer, Edw: Bassett. 28 Jan. 1658 administration granted to William Eales as relict died before execution. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Wootton, folio 679. Also Will filed P.C.C. Jan. 1658-9. Will of Mary Eales als Braunce of Braunton, dated 31 March 1657. Brother Phillip Whitfield. Cousin Honor Griffin and Johane Griffin. Executrix Cousin Mary Griffin. Witnesses Arthur Dyer, William Winge, Phillip Griffin. Proved 2 Dec. 1658 by executrix. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Wootton, folio 713. Will of William Eales of Weston, parish of Bulkington, Co. Warwick, yeoman, dated 6 Dec. 1658, being aged and WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 21 weak. To be buried in churchyard of Bulkington. Aunt Dorothie More of Chilverston, widow. Godson Edward Cudd of Filloughby. Wife of John Richardson my child's nurse. Former wife's son John Tobie to have diet out of lands in Weston. Wife Katherine Eales. Son Samuell when 21. House and lands &c. in Weston. Executrix wife Katherine. Overseers Richard Jennard, Jun. of Chil- verston and Thomas Richardson of Weston, tailor. Wit- nesses Richard Jennard, Thos. Richardson, John Barrows. Proved by widow Katherine Eales 19 Feb. 1658-9. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Pell, folio 53. 9 Aug. 1660. Administration of goods of Peter Eyles of Odean, Co. Herts, granted to widow Susan Eyles. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Admon. Act Book for 1660, folio 123. Will of Thomas Eales als Witnall of Chippinge Wick- ham, Co. Bucks, husbandman, dated 28 October 1660. Wife Elizabeth Eales. Mother Elizabeth Eales. Eldest daughter Elizabeth when 21. Second Daughter Joane Eales when 2 1 . Youngest daughter Mary when 2 1 . Exec- utors Mathew Archdale & John Stevens. Witnesses Ellen Cocke als Fange & Ellen Harding. Signed Thomas Eles. Proved Nov. 1660. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Nabbs, folio 209. Will of Joane Eales. Brother James Humpheries. Cousin Robert Richen. Cousin Susan Farlow. Ann Smithens. Sister Elizabeth Humphries. Sister Katherine Pragnall. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register May, folio 138. Will of John Eeles, Henley upon Thames, Co. Oxon, gent., dated, 1 June 1663. Son Henry Eeles and his wife Mary. My wife Sarah Eeles. Son Richard Eeles of Lon- don, barber surgeon. Daughter Sarah Toovey. Daughter Mary Higgins wife of Steven Higgins. Elizabeth Wool- sey wife of Richard Woolsey. Daughter Sisley Harmer 22 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. wife of Edmund Harmer. Three children of son John Eeles deceased, John Eeles, Joan Eeles and Sarah Eeles. Sister Mary Randall. Rest to son Richard Eeles and son- in-law William Toovey executors. Overseers Mr. John Phelps, Mr. John Tyler and Mr. Richard Boult. Proved 8 August 1664. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Bruce, folio 91. Will of John Eeles the elder of Doreton, Bucks, gent., dated 25 January 1 670-1. Grandson John Eeles eldest son of son Robert Eeles. Wife Elizabeth Eeles. Grand- daughter Sarah Eeles daughter of Robert Eeles. Grand- son Robert Eeles. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Duke, folio 76. Will of Richard Eeles citizen and barber surgeon of St. Bartholomew's Exchange, dated . Wife Anne. Son Joseph Eeles. Son Richard Eeles. Son John Eeles. Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Duke, folio 103. Will of Raphe Eles, Little St. Bartholomew, near West Smythefeilde, London, yeoman, dated 28 December 1622. To be buried in Little St. Bartholomew aforesaid. Son Edward Eles 40s. in seven years, if living, friend Mr. Moore Sondon to have the keeping of it. Rest to wife Mary Eles executrix. Witnesses Moore Sondon, Jonas Wood, Thomas Alvord, Henry Somerscales, apprentice to Hugh Treswell, scrivenor. Proved 4 January 1622. Archdeaconry Court of London, filed wills. 10 November 1625. Administration of Thomas Eales, St. Margarets, New Fish Street, London, to brother and chief creditor Nicholas Eales, widow Mildred renouncing. Consistory Court of London, Vicar General Book 13 (1623-1625), folio 163. 18 February 1663-4. Administration of William Eales, St. Stephens, Coleman Street, to widow Hanna Eales. Commissary Court of London, Act Book 20 (1 647-1 665), folio 104. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 23 BERKSHIRE. Will of Edward Eales, Buckleburye, Berks, husbandman, dated 21 February 159 1-2. To be buried in Buckleburye churchyard. To mother church of Sarum. Son Richard. Son Jeffery. Daughter Joane. Wife Jane and son John executors. Overseers Richard Browne of Nutchetche Streate and brother William Eales. Witnesses William Parker, senior, and Richard Forster. Proved at New- berry, 12 October 1592. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, Register I (1591-1596), folio 47. Will of Henrie Eales, Gressene, parish Sulhamstead Abbotts, dated last day of January 1609-10 (?). To be buried in church of Sulhamstead Abbotts. To church of Sarum. To Margerie and Katherine my son Raphe's daughters when married. Brother Thomas Eales. My goddaughter Dorothea Eales. Godson Henrie Eales. Son Ralph Eales executor. Overseers Thomas Bridgewater and Henrie (Sulfield?). Witnesses John Wilkins, Anne Eales. Proved 21 April 16 10. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, Register L, (1609-16 19,) folio 43. Will of Joane Eles, Uffington, Berks, widow, dated 7 Jan. 1616-1617. To be buried in Uffington churchyard. To mother church of Sarum. To church of Uffington. Son Richard Eles. Son Thomas Eles. Daughter Anne Eles in two years or at marriage. Son George Eles execu- tor. Overseers Thomas (Pou?) and Thomas Chamberlain. Witnesses Thomas (Pou ?), Thomas Chamberlain and Wil- liam Repington. Proved 22 January 1617-1618. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, Register L (1609-1619), folio 768. John lies, illegible, will filed. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, Register L, (1609-1619), folio 871. 24 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Will of George Eales, Braye, county Berks, fuller, dated 20 November 1625. Son John Eeles and Jacamye his wife and heirs of said John Eales ; for want of such to my son George Eels and Joane his now wife &c, then to my daughter Judith Eels, &c. Son George Eeles executor. Witnesses Richard Barfoote the elder. Tho. Goud. Proved at Readinge 7 April 1624. Inventory George Eeles of Bray, Co. Berks, clothworker, 15 December 1623 by Faithful Prince and Tho. Goud. 15-4-6- Ex. 7 April to ex. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, filed will. Will of Thomas Eles, Uplambourne, county Berks, hus- bandman, dated 28 June 1638. To be buried in parish church of Chippen of L,ambourne. To poor of Chippen Lambourne. To poor of Uffington, Co. Berks. To church of Uffington. Sister-in-law Mary Eles. My three cousins Jone Eles, Mary Eles and Frances Eles. To church of Lambourne. Cousin Elizabeth Pinnell, daughter of sister Anne Pinnell. Friend William Repington. Sister Anne Pinnell, executrix. Witnesses William Repington, Ralph Demmar. Proved at Newbery 5 October 1638. Inventory 7 September 1638 by Richarde Pinnell and William Repington ,£211-12-1. 5 October 1638. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, filed will. Will of Mary Eales, Uffington, Berks, widow, dated 14 August 1 65 1. To be buried in Uffington churchyard near late husband. Daughter Johane wife of Richard Saunders. Grandson Richard Saunders. Grandchild Mary Saunders (my god-daughter) at 16. Daughter Frances Eales till she marry. To said daughter Frances £6 yearly for term of my interest in two yardlands in Uffington, provided her husband willing to convey said £6 &c. Kinswoman, Mrs. Elizabeth Brooke, wife of Mr. Robert Brooke. Daughter Mary, now wife of Giles Stampe. Son-in-law Giles Stampe, executor. Overseers, kinsman, Mr. Robert Brooke and brother-in-law, Richard Stampe. Witnesses Thomas Stret- WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 25 ton, Robert Brooke, I. Ridley. Gyles Stampe, executor, sworne 12 December 1651. Proved 12 December 1651. Inventory 4 September 1651 by Richard Thatcher, Fran- cis Thatcher and John Johnson ,£76-2-9. Execut. 12 December 1651. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, filed will. Will of Joane Eeles, Wargrave, Co. Berks, widow, dated 22 August 1650 (1659?). My son William Eeles. My grandchild William Eeles and Susan Eeles. Son Robert Eeles my close of An Wargrove called Northcroft (12 acres) &c. Grandchild Mary Hobbs, executrix. Overseers, son Robert Eels and Henry Borhall, of Wargrave, scrivnor. Witnesses Ralph Swane, Thomas Hatbird. Executrix but 12 years old, admon. cum test, annexed to Thomas Hobbs. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, filed will, 1662. Will of John Eels, Bray, Co. Berks, husbandman, dated 8 February 1659. Daughter Mary, wife of Edward Plum- ridge house &c. I dwell in for life, then to Edward Plum- ridge ye younger, my grandchild. To Mary Plumridge my grandchild at 18. Servant Ann Eel. Kinsman Thomas Turner. Kinsman Thomas Eels. Joan Honton. Overseers William Eemdon and Humphrey Graston. Son-in-law Edward Plumridge, executor. Witnesses William Eemdon, John Lovell, Jr. Proved 3 February 1664-5. Inventory 19 January 1665, £59-16-8. Administration to Mary Plumridge, widow, daughter of deceased, the exec- utor being dead. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, filed will, 1664. William Eles, Ufton Robbets, Co. Berks, dated 20 May 1662. Nephew George Eles son to my brother George Eles. Wife Ann Eles, executrix. Witnesses Edmund Wheeler, Ann Wheeler. Codicil. Nephew Hugh Eles. Wife's niece Joan Wheeler. Witnesses Thomas Barker, Martha Smith. Proved 12 April 1665. Inventory 30 May 1662 by Ralph Harmswood and William Souger, £26-6-4. Archdeaconry Court of Berkshire, filed will. 26 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. Will of John Eales of Quainton in the county of Buck., dated , husbandman, sick in body but of good and per- fect memory. To be buried in the church or church yard of Quainton. My son John my house and land lying and being in Quainton and Quainton feilds when 21, condition- ally that he shall pay unto my daughter Annis twenty pounds when he my son John shall come to the age of 2 1 , and also that he shall pay unto my son Thomas five pounds when Thomas shall come to the age of 21, and if my son John shall refuse to pay this twenty pounds to his sister Annis then my will is that she shall have nine acres of my arable land etc. My son Henry when 21. My wife Jone during her natural life or widowhood. Raphe Hakins and Francis Foster overseers. Witnesses Daniel Playsted, Raphe Hawkins, Francis Foster. Proved 2 October 1630. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, filed wills for 1630, number 97. Will of Thomas Yeales of Quaineton, Co. Bucks, hus- bandman, dated 20 September 1637. Sister Joane Clarke. My brother Henry Yeales and his heirs all that my part of the cloase which I bought of my brother John Yeales lying in Wadesden parish called by the name of Bushie leas coppice, als Bushie leas penn. My brother Edward Yeales. Residuary legatee and executor, my brother Henry Yeales. Witnesses Dominick Haysteede, Francis Foster. Proved 1 June 1639 by Henrie Yeales brother and executor named. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Register for 1639, folio 33. Will of Margery Eeles of Dorton, Co. Bucks, widow, dated 14 February 1638. William Archer son of my daughter Elizabeth Eeles. Margerye Archer. My daughter Mary White and every one of her children. My daughter WIIvLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 27 Elizabeth Moores and every one of her children. My daughter Joane Allen and every one of her children. My daughter Anne Hobbs and every one of her children. Thomas Eeles the son of Robert Eeles. Frances Eeles daughter of my son Robert Eeles. Annis Eeles my son Robert's widow. William Eeles son of my sou John Eeles. John Eeles one other son of my son John Eeles. My daughter Anne Eeles now wife of my son John Eeles. John Grace which was my daughter Capern's son. To my old servant Maule. Residuary legatee (my late husband's will fulfilled) and executor, my son John Eeles. Over- seers Thomas Stevens and John Stevens. Witnesses Thomas Stevens his mark, John Stevens. Proved 5 Febru- ary 1640 by son John executor. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Register for 1640, folio 1 67 . See Will of Thomas Hunt of Hitchendon, Bucks, dated Gabriel Eles an overseer. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Register for 1641, folio 40. See Will of Elizabeth Lovell of Easington in the parish of Chilton, Bucks, widow, dated 24 June 1641. To John Eeles, Thomas Eeles, Henry Eeles and Agnes Eales. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Register for 1641, folio 54. Will of Thomas Wytnell als Eles of borough of Chip- ing Wicombe, Co. Bucks, Inholder, dated 23 December 1643. Thomas Wytnell als Eles lease of "Red Lyon" &c, wife Anne to have use till he is 22. Son Wytnell als Eles. Three daughters Ann, Elizabeth and Sara Witnell als Eles. Rest to wife Ann Wytnell als Eles, executrix. Overseers Mr. John Gibbons, Mr. Robert Whitton, Richard Lucas, and William Davenport. Witnesses Robert Whitton and William Davenport. Proved 12 January 1643-4. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, 1643, Iono 44- 28 THE JOHN BELLS FAMILY. Admon. to ? Tho. L,ane gent, of Hugenden to administer the goods of Elizabeth Eales Willi Eales als Witt- nail, f'ris doe Eliz. def. during minority. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Admon. Act Book 2, 1667. Admon. to. . . .L,ane of Hugenden gent, tutor of Wm. Eales son of Thomas Eales to administer goods now admin- istered by Math (?) Archdale & Jo : . . . .during minority, 14 April 1673. DEVONSHIRE. Will of Peter Eales of Manaton, dated 4 June, 8 Charles I. Wife Anstice. Son Phillip's children. Daughter Johan. Son John Eales. John Nosworthie. Agnis Comminge. Proved 9 July 1634. Inventory ;£ 16-8-0. Principal Registry of Bishop of Exeter, filed will. In the Archdeaconry Court of Barnstaple. Will of John Eales of Pilton. Dated 5 Sept., 14 Charles II. John Eales of Pilton in the county of Devon, Joyner, being sicke and weake in body but of good and perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God and calling to remem- brance the uncertaine estate of this transitory life and that all must yield unto death when it shall please God to call, I make constitute, ordaine and declare this my last will and testament revoking and annulling by these presents all and every testament and testaments will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or writing and this is to be taken only for my last will and testament and none other. And first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart for my sinnes past most humbfy desiring for- giveness for the same I give and commit my soule unto almighty God my saviour and Redeemer in whom by the merritts of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be saved and to have full remission and forgiveness of all my sins. And that my soule with my body at the general day WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 29 of resurrection shall arise again with joy and through the merits of Christ's death and passion possess and inherit the kingdome of heaven prepared for his elect and chosen. And my body to be buried in such place where it shall please my executrix hereafter named to appoint. And for the settling of my temporal estate and such goods chattells and debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserte to bestow on me I do order give and dispose of the same in manner and form following that is to say — First I will that all those debts or duties as I owe in right or conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truely contented and paid within con- venient time after my decease by my executrix, hereinafter named. Itm I give and bequeath unto my son John and to my son Samuel i2d a peece. Itm I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary wife of James Fox i2d. Itm I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth wife of Henry Horwood i2d to be paid by my executrix within twelve months and a day after my decease. Item I do will give and bequeath unto my now wife Mary immediately after my decease all and singular my goods chattels and debts whatsoever to have and enjoy the same during her natural life without any contradiction to her only use and behoofe and I do make her my executrix of this my last will and testament. Item I will that my said wife shall either by her will or deede or otherwise as shee shall think fitt after my decease dispose give and bequeath unto my said sons and daughters all such my goods and chattells as she shall be possessed of to be enjoyed by them after her decease in such manner and form as she shall appoint and she shall not be unduly troubled by any of my said sons and daugh- ters during her natural life for anything concerning my said estate besides their said legacies of i2d a peece. In witnes wherof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year first above written A.D. 1662. I John Eales his mark. 30 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Written on parchment. The document is very mouldy and decayed and several (unimportant) words are illegible. Proved 1663 Ap (date of proof illegible). Inventory ^19-19-6. Taken 27 Feb. 1662 by Jos. Amory & Wm. Cooke. (Is this the will of John Eells of Dorchester, Massachu- setts, father of Major Samuel Eells of Hingham, Massa- chusetts? [F. F. S.]) Zachary Eales of East Ogwell deceased, administration granted to the widow Grace 23 Sept. 1631. Bond ^60, Grace Eales of East Ogwell, widow, Stephen Crossing of West Ogwell, Co. Devon, weaver, dated 23 Sept. 1631. Inventory of Goods &c. of Zacary Eals late of East Ogwell, Co. Devon, healyer dec'd, taken and prysed by William Renell and Stephen Crossing 13 Sept. 1631. Total ,£25-8-0. Exhibited at Exeter 23 Sept. 1631. Archdeaconry Court of Exeter. Will of Eaurence Eales of Aishberton, Co. Devon, Cordi- ner, dated 13 Aug. 161 2. Body to parish churchyard of Aishberton. Thomas Dolbeare, John Dolbeare and Joan Dolbeare sons and daughters of Edmond Dolbeare and Suzanna Eales. Joane daughter of Thomas Eales. Chris- topher Whitewaye son of Christopher Whitewaye. Agnes Jarman. Henry Jarman. Agnes Eales one Brass Pan which was Ezechiell Casselltons. William Eales. Eliza- beth Jarman. Mary wife of Edmond Dolbeare. Margaret wife of Angell Scobell. Eaurence Knowling. Margaret my wife for lyfe. Residue to Edmond Dolbeare and Thomas Eales executors. Witnesses John Passe, George Baron. Will proved 8 Dec. 161 2. Inventory taken by Hy. Whiteway, Geo. Baron, Thomas Addiscott & Christopher Whiteway 25 Aug. 161 2. Total ,£41-3-0. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 31 Will of John Eles of Saverton, Co. Devon, dated 10 Sept. 1618. Son Thomas Eales. Daughter Anne. Daughter Jane. Daughter Isett. Daughter Joane. John Burns two children. Richard Cook's daughter. Residue to wife (not named) sole executor. Overseers Peter Irish of Buckfast- leigh, Ellisfford of Staverton. Witnesses Ellissfford, Wal- ter Hempston. Proved 30 Oct. 161 8. Inventory taken by Peter Irish, Ellisford 21 Sept. 161 8. Exhibited 30 Oct. 1618 by executors. Total ,£109-10-0. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of Annie Eales of Staverton, Co. Devon, widow, dated 20 Dec. 161 8. Daughter Jane. Daughter Anne. Isatte wife of John Burne. Jone wife of Richard Cooke. Residue to son Thomas sole executor. Witnesses Chris- topher Irishe, Geo. Hempston. Will proved 12 Feb. 161 8. Inventory taken by Peter Irishe and John Hurseman 10 Feb. 1 61 8. Total ^55. Exhibited 12 Feb. 161 8 by exec- utors. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of Warren Eales of Staverton, Co. Devon, yeoman, dated 16 Feb., 17 James. Son James Eales. Son Thomas Eales at his marriage. Son Edward Eales at marriage. Son Walter Eales at marriage. Daughter Johane wife of William Wotton of Rotterie. Daughter Jane wife of John Symons of Brent. Daughter Mary Eales 60 pounds on her day of marriage. To Christian Wotton daughter of William Wotton aforesaid. To each of grandchildren. Residue to wife Jane sole executrix. Overseers William Wotton & John Symons. Witnesses Tho. Caseley, John Lapthorne. Commission from Wm. Helyar, M.A., Clerk of the Dean and Chapter of Exon, to our well beloved in Christ Mr. Martin Keye Vicar of Staverton to swear Jane Eales relict and executrix of the Will of Warren Eales late of Staverton &c. dec'd, dated 26 Oct. 1621. Executed per me Martin Kaye 2 Nov. 1621. Will proved 4 Nov. 1 62 1. 32 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Inventory taken by Tho: Eymbeare and John Standon of Staverton. Total ,£391-10-4. Exhibited 4 Nov. 1621. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Phillip Eales of Ashburton, husbandman, dec'd. Admin- istration granted 20 Jan'y 1622 to Ellery Eales widow. Bond of Ellery Eales widow and Thomas Eales of Ashbur- ton, husbandman, 20 Jan'y 1622. Inventory taken by John Fors of Alison, Nicholas Harell, Christ: ffarmothe, ,£10-13-8. Exhibited by Mathew Macey in name of executors 6 Feb. 1623. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of Jane Eales of Staverton, Co. Devon, widow, dated 29 June 1629. Son James Eales, after his death to Warren son of James Eales. Son Edward. Son Walter ,£10 to be paid in one year after my death and the ,£30 which was given to him by his father. Daughter Joane. Daughter Jane. Christian daughter of William Wotton. Jane daugh- ter of Walter Eales. All of my children's children. Residue to daughter Marie Eales she to be sole executrix. Over- seers Hugh Wade and Nicholas Irishe. Witnesses Hugh Wade, Nicholas Irishe, Wm. Wotton. No statement of proof. Inventory taken by John Symons, Hugh Wade and Edward Eales ,£227-7-0 12 Feb. 1629. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. James Eales of Staverton, Co. Devon, dec'd. Administra- tion granted to John Abraham, 2 March 1629. Bond, John Abraham of Staverton, Co. Devon, yeoman, Elliott Abra- ham of Abbots Kerswell, Co. Devon, yeoman and John Voysey of Abbots Kerswell, yeoman. ,£200. Dated 2 March, 1629. Witness Richard Staplehill Reg 1 . Renunciation of Margaret Eales of Staverton, widow of James Eales dec'd, in favor of John Abraham who stands engaged in divers great sums of money as surety for the WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 33 said James Eales dec' d. Dated March i, 1629. Witnesses Will: Rowe, Ri: Preston, Tho : Eymbeare. Inventory taken by Ri: Preston, Tho: Lymbeare and Hugh Wade, 8 March 1629, .£59-8-4- Exhibited 16 March 1629 by Administrator. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. William Eales of Ashburton, Co. Devon, administration granted 1 June 1641 to relict Joane. Bond £100. Joane Eales of Ashburton, Co. Devon, widow, John Skreetch of same. Textorum. Witness Guil. Skitt. No inventory. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of John Eales of Aishburton in Co. Devon, cord- winer. John Eales and Samuel Eales my sons, Joane Eales and Dennis Eales my daughters £10 yearly out of the messuage which I hold of Sir Richard Strode, Knight, by lease for 99 years or for the lives of Joane my wife Thomas my son and Phillip son of William Michelmore of Buck- fastleigh during the whole term of twelve years hence next. To my said children all interest in Steere Wood and after their death to my executors. Joane my wife all my right in the house and pounds granted in lease by John Hynes for years determinable in the deaths of Mary, Susan and Dorothy my sisters and after my wife's decease to my four younger children. To Joane Eales my wife all the remainder of the estate granted unto me by Mary my sister in one messuage and one tenement garden in East St., Ashbur- ton, and all the houses and ground granted unto me by Sir Richard Strode for term of twelve years after my decease and after the expiration of said term I bequeath to my wife the houses wherein Thomas Lane now dwelleth. To Thomas Eales my son the houses wherein I now dwell and the meadow called Eeauer and the house wherein Thomas Eane now dwelleth after my wife's decease. Residue to my wife and son Thomas whom I make executors. My loving friends Samuel Tidball, gent., William Mickelmore, 34 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. yeoman, and Ric. Knowlings to be guardians of children and overseers of will. Dated 10 April 1656. Witnesses Wm. Mickelmore and Sampson Jerman. Proved in Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 27 August 1 66 1 by Jone the relict and Thomas the son exec- utors. On a slip of paper. Aishburton Parish. Thomas the son of John Eales was baptized the 18th July 1644. Ex. per. me Will. Dench Reg' r . Inventory prized 5 May 1656 by John Dound, Peter Manne and Sampson Jerman, ^83 — 7-0. Exhibited 27 Aug. 1 66 1 by the executors. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of William Eales of Ashburton, Devon, husband- man, dated 10 January, 12 Charles II. Wife . Son William. Son John Eales. Daughter Mary Fursse. Daugh- ter Iseto Maning. Daughter Agnes Aetkins. Daughter Eling. Apprentice Richard Rendell. Residue to my son Philip whom I make my whole executor. Witnesses Wil- liam Dugdaile, John Eales. Proved in Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 30 Aug. 1 66 1 by Philip the son and executor. Inventory by Henry Cole, David Maneing and William Dugdaile 27 Feb. 1 660-1, ,£35-15-3. Exhibited 30 Aug. 1 66 1 by Phillip Eales the son. Bond of William Eales of Ashberton, Co. Devon, hus- bandman and Robert Johns of same, weaver, 20 Feb. 1662. The condition of this bond is that the above bounden Wil- liam Eales being the administrator of the goods of William Eales his father not administered by Phillip his son and executor late of Ashberton to well and truly administer. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of Isott Eales of Aishburton, Co. Devon, widow, dated 8 Dec. 1662. Son John Eales my half of messuages and lands in Aishburton bequeathed unto Margeret Cole my sister and unto me the said Isott equally by Marion WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 35 Bond our mother. Agnes Atkins my daughter. Mary Furse my daughter. William Eales, Phillip Eales, Isott and Hellen Eales my sons and daughters. Residue to John Eales my son whom I make sole executor. Witnesses Thomas Eales, Jane Bowden and Mary Hing- ston. Proved in Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter by John the son and executor 15 Dec. 1662. 20 March 1662. Administration of goods of Isott Eales, widow, late of Ashburton, not administered by John Eales her son and executor, granted to Mary Eales the relict and executrix of said John. Bond of Mary Eales of Ashburton widow, Thomas Kelley of same and Bart. Kelley. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of John Eales of the Parish of Aishberton in Co. Devon, husbandman, dated 9 Feb. 1662. Uncle Thomas Eales. Joane Avery daughter of Richard Avery. David Manning the younger. If my wife Mary Eales be with child I give unto her all my messuages for term of her life which I have in Aishberton. But if she be not with child then she, Mary my wife, to have all said messuages for 99 years. Wife Mary executrix. Witnesses Thomas Lang, Henry Hole, Mark Hole, Ric. Pope, Alex. Pope and W. Nichollas. Proved in Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 18 Feb. 1662, by Mary the relict and executrix. Receipt by Mary the relict for the original will 1 April 1664. Inventory by Francis Hole and Thomas Salter 17 Feb. 1662, ^14-2-0. Exhibited 18 Feb. 1662 by Mary the relict. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of Thomas Eales of Aishberton, Co. Devon, cordiner, dated 9 Jan., 20 Chas., A.D. 1644. John Dound and Wil- liam Mutchamoore my sons-in-law. To every one of my grandchildren. Katherine my wife. Each of my daugh- ters. Rest of my goods unto my son John Eales whom 36 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. I do make my whole executor. Said sons-in-law to be overseers. Witnesses John Barons, Christ L,uce. Bond of Thomas Eales of Ashberton, Co. Devon, wostedamer and Joan Eales of same, widow. 19 June 1666. Administration with the will annexed granted to Thomas Eales the grandchild of testator. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 30 October 1690. Administration of goods of John Eales of Staverton, to Margery the relict. Bond of Margery Eales. Inventory by Ric. Preston and Thomas Symons, yeomen, 17 January 1689, ,£39-4-0. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of Mary Elles of Culleton, widow, dated 3 March 1677. Son-in-law John Elles of Exon. Son-in-law Rich- ard Stedam and to his wife my daughter-in-law. Richard Stedam's son and his daughter. My cousin Ann Wheler. Rest of my goods to Ann Elles my daughter whom I make my executrix. Witnesses Ric. Sampson, Ric. Stedam. Proved in the Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter, 10 June 1 69 1, by Ann Elles the daughter. Inventory by John Wicker and Nicholas Sampson 29 Sept. 1690, ,£22-17-10. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. 1 March 1695. Administration of goods of William Eales of Ashburton by William Eales the father. Bond of Wil- liam Eales of Ashburton, yeoman, and Joseph Eales, clothier. Court of the Dean and Chapter of Exeter. Will of William Yeales of Bury Pomeroy, dated 13 Jan'y 1614. Father Henry Yeales of Colebrooke. Ellis Ballam of Colebrooke. Robartt Yeales my brother. Chris- topher Yeales my brother. Synion Yeales my brother. Alse Yeales my sister. Henry Tracye son of Thomas Tracye of Bury Pomeroy. Joane Tracye daughter of the said Thomas. Walter Tracye son of the said Thomas. WILDS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 37 Tamsyn Tracye daughter of said Thomas. Thomas Myller of Bury Pomeroy. John Myller of Bury Pomeroy and his wife Joane Myller. Residue to Thomas Tracye of Bury Pomeroy, whole executor. Witnesses Tho. Myller, Geo. Stake. Will proved 7 July 161 5. Inventory of William Yeales late of parish of Coulbrooke, praysed by Tho. Miller and Rt. Haines, 2 March 1614, ^27. Exhibited 7 July 161 5. Archdeaconry Court of Totnes. Thomas Eales of Ilsington, administration granted to Joane Luscombe alias Eales his sister, 14 Sept. 1626. Bond ,£30. William Luscombe of Ilsington, Co. Devon, John Ideate of same, weaver, dated 14 Sept. 1626. Witness Hugh Sweete. Inventory of goods etc. of Thomas Eales late of Ilsing- ton, husbandman, dec'd, by Paschaw Strangcombe the elder, William L,eate and John L,eate 2 Aug. 1626, ,£13- 18-6. Exhibited 14 Sept. 1626 by Joane L,uscombe sister and administrator of dec'd. Archdeaconry Court of Totnes. Will of Thomas Eales of Dartington, Co. Devon, clothier, dated 25 Feb., 2 Charles. (1627). Warren Eales my brother. James Eales his son. Children of my sister Joane the wife of William Wotton. Richard P .... of Dartington. Wife Jane sole executrix. Over- seers Uncles John Trist of Harberton and Henry Howse of same parish. Witnesses Joan Trust, Nicklas Browse, Henry Howse. Proved 14 Sept. 1627. Inventory of goods of Tho. Eales late of Dartington, Co. Devon, clothier, dec'd. Prised by Rot. Stidson, John Tryste, Nicholas Evelynge, ,£27-8-0. Exhibited 14 Sept. 1627, per ffloram Beard relict and executrix. Archdeaconry Court of Totnes. Will of Joan Eales of Brodhempston, dated 28 Nov. 1625. Anne Smerdon daughter of Robert Smerdon. Mary Smer- 38 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. don daughter of Robert Smerdon. Rest of my children's children. Residue to Robert Smerdon executor. Wit- nesses Richard Smerdon, Richard Hamhyng. Will proved 14 March 1627. Inventory of goods etc. of Johanne Elles of Brodhempton etc. who died the 10 day of Dec. 1627 (?), taken by Ri : Smerdon, and Ri : Mayne 14 March 1627, ,£15-14-8. Exhibited 14 March 1627 per Robert Smerdon executor. Archdeacon^ Court of Totnes. Will of Thomas Eales of Buckfastligh, Co. Devon, the elder, dated 30 Oct. 1623. Thomas Eyles my son. Mary Tape my eldest daughter. Alse Eyles my second daughter. To each of the rest of my children when they come to lawful age. Grace Eyles my sister. To each of 1113- brother Alexander Eyles his children. To ffrancis Doddridg's children. Residue to wife Ieliane Eyles sole executor. Published in presence of Walter Chafe, Francis Doddridge and my overseers shall be John Canutar and Walter Chafe. Proved 11 Sept. 1629. Inventory of goods etc. of Thomas Eyls dec'd by Hugh Pope and Walter Chafe 12 Feb. 1628, .£18-13-7. A copy of same will enclosed named Tho. Yealls wrongly dated 1629 and no witnesses named. Archdeaconry Court of Totnes. Will of Peter Ealles of Northbovie, dated 1 Aug., 6 Chas. I, 1630. Daughter Joane Ealles all my right that I have in one Tenement called Healle wherein one William Croutt now dwelleth lying in Northbovie. Mary Ealles my daugh- ter. Elizabeth Ealles my daughter. Residue to my wife Johan, sole executrix. Rulers John Graye, William ffloud, my fathers-in-law and John Tapper of Combe. Will proved 11 Sept. 1630. Inventory taken 7 September 1630 by John Gray the elder, Wm. ffloud the elder and John Tapper. Total £54- 3-2. Exhibited 11 Sept. 1630 by relict Joan. Archdeaconry Court of Totnes. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 39 Will of John Eales of Northbovey, dated 28 Dec. 1633. Eldest son John Eales. Son William Eales. Daughter Wil- mote Vogwill. Grandchild Jane, daughter of said Wilmote. Residue to youngest son Andrew Eales whole executor. Witnesses John Xosworthy, John Xosworthy, Jr. Proved at Xewton Abbot per Andrew Eales son and executor 19 Dec. 1635. Inventory of goods etc. of John Eales of parish of Xorth- bovie, Co. Devon, prised 5 Nov. 1635 by John Gray, John Nosworthy and Oliver Casleigh. Archdeaconry Court of Totnes. HERTFORDSHIRE. Will of Robert Eles, of Colsell, Co. Hertforde, dated 2 August 161 2. To daughter Sara toward the making up of her portion all my freehold lands for four years, also ,£33 which my brother William Eles oweth me in case he pay the same for redemption of Chester piece and to that end I have assigned over to my said daughter all my estate in the said Chester piece. Residuary legatee and executor, Thomas Eles my son. Overseers friends John Hunt of Woodrowe and Giles Wattkins of (Agmondesham?). If I die before my son be of age, then I ordain them, the said John Hunt and Giles Watkins, my executors. Witnesses Christopher Carter, Richard Feild, Thomas Darrante. Proved 9 Oct. 161 2 by John Hunt, during minor estate Thomas Eles etc. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Register for 1611-12, folio 104. Will of Roger Eeles of parish of Easendon, Co. Hertford, yeoman, dated 23 August, 15 James. Wife Bridget. Son William Eeles when 21. Son Xathaniell when 21. Son Elisaye when 21. Daughter Anne when 21. Wife Bridget for life, paying son John 40s. a year when 21. Remainder to son John. Residuary legatee and executrix wife Bridget. Overseers brother-in-law Xathaniell Axtell and cousin John 40 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Eeles. Witnesses W. Wayte, Thomas Searancke and John Hill. Proved 17 January 161 7 by executrix. Archdeaconry Court of Huntingdon, Hitchin division, Register 5, folio 146. Will of Bridget Eyles, Essenden, county Hertford, widow, dated 23 October 1624. Son John. Son William. Son Nathaniell. Brother-in-law William Hille. Son Elisha. Daughter Agnes. Henry Whitt. Daughter Agnes exec- utrix. Overplus to three youngest sons and daughter Agnes. Witnesses Joseph Becke, CI., Henry Dudley, Henry Whit. Inventory 29 November 1624 by Thomas Nash, George Barley, Edward Nash and Robert Potter, ,£37-17-4. List of debts. Archdeaconry Court of Huntingdon, Hitchin division, filed wills for 1624. Will of John Eiles, Harmer Greene, j^eoman, dated 9 May, 1642. To be buried at Weller. Wife Anne and son Thomas lease at Harmer Greene of Mr. Hales land. Daughter Ann at 22, if married with consent of mother or after of her uncle William Tyler of Whethamsted and William Kentish of Burston the elder, if not to her brother Thomas and sister Roase. Younger daughter Roase. Poor of parish of Weller where I live. If Thomas die unmarried, to Ann and Rose. Wife Anne and son Thomas executors. Wit- nesses John Hale, John Vartla, John Casse. Proved 3 June 1642. Archdeaconry Court of Huntingdon, Hitchin division, filed wills for 1642, old number 35. Will of William Eles, St. Peter's, county Hertford, hus- bandman, dated 18 December 1641. Brother John Eles. Sister Anne Whit and her children at 2 1 . Fellow servant Susan Staffe. Brother Nathaniel Eles all my land in Easenden. Rest to brother Nathaniel Eles executor. Wit- nesses William Harding, Joseph Hyne, Philippe Axtell. Proved 26 March 1642. Archdeaconry Court of St. Albans, filed wills for 1642. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 41 Will of Thomas Eeles of Coleshill, Co. Hertford, yeoman, dated 14 February, 19 Chas. I. Joane my wife. Son Thomas at 2 1 . If my son die before age then my wife to possess lands, &c., for a term of 40 years after his death, she paying to my sister Sarah Beninge out of the same ^4 yearly and after end of said 40 years or death of my wife, said land to remain to the children of my said sister Sarah Beninge. To poor of Agmondsham. Executor son Thomas. Overseers Edmund Ball and Paul Ives my friends. Witnesses Paul Ives, Paul L,ynd, senior. Memorandum. My sister Sarah her three children now living. Witnesses as above. 20 June 1644. Administration granted to Joanne Eles, relict, Thomas Eeles, junior, son and executor named dying. Archdeaconry Court of Buckinghamshire, Register for 1644, folio 11. HUNTINGDONSHIRE. Will of Rob. Eles of Yaxley, dated 10 December 1556. To be buried in the churchyard of Yaxley. Residue to Alice Eles my wife and Rob. Eles my son and Elizabeth Eles my daughter. Alice my wife and Rob. my son exec- utors. Tho. Clapwell and Rob. Beatryche supervisors. Witnesses Ri. Duiie, Vicar, Rob. Cowper, Jno. Homes. Proved 12 May 1557 at Stilton. Archdeaconry Court of Huntingdon, Huntingdon division, book 11, folio 85. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Will of John Eals town of Maidwell, Co. Northampton, husbandman, dated last day of July 1588. To be buried in Maidwell churchyard. Daughter Jone. Daughters Alice & Margery their part at 24 or marriage with consent of my wife Constance, my father Nicholas Eales & my brother Edmund &c. Son Nicholas to enter on lands in Elson. If Nicholas die to son John, then to son Richard. To son 42 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Richard land in Byfield North Hants at 15. If Richard die, to John. Executors wife Constance and son John, they to have lease of farm of Maid well. Supervisors brother Nicholas, and brother Basely. Witnesses Nicholas Eales, William Basely, William Kirke. Proved 8 January 1588. Archdeaconry Court of Northampton, 1st series, Register 5 (1578-1589), folio 10. Will of Thomas Eale of Wilbarston, Northants, laborer, dated 22 November 1600. Francis Eale my eldest son. Residue of the portion I promised unto him at the day of his marriage to be paid him within three years of the day of his marriage with Anne Silbye. Roger Eale and James Eale my two youngest sons when 21. Dorothie Eale and Anne Eale my two daughters when 21 or marriage. Resi- due to wife, she executrix. Henry Moore of Midleton and Ri. Bullivante supervisors. Witnesses Rafe Silbye, Ri. Bullivant, Francis Eale. Proved 10 March 1600-01. Consistory Court of Peterborough, book 7, folio 150. OXFORDSHIRE. Will of Sislye Yeales, Eeafield, Oxon, singlewoman, dated 15 April 1680. Sister Joye Booton. Kinswoman Joy Boo- ton. Kinsman young John Yeales. Kinswoman Elizabeth Yeales, daughter of Robert Yeales. Kinswoman Jane, wife of George Prattey. Sister-in-law Jane Yeales. Cousin Jone Yeales. Cousin Edward Yeales. Sarah Yeales, daugh- ter of cousin Thomas Yeales. Cousin Thomas Yeales son ditto. Sister Borton. Sister Joane her four children. Witnesses John Harris, Robert Giles, William Coley. Rest to cousin John Yeales children, executor. Proved 27 April 1680. Oxford Wills, Register A (1 677-1 685), folio 188. Will of John Yeales, Leafield, Oxon, husbandman, dated 19 January 1678-9. To be buried in church of Shipton under Whichwood. (Grand)daughter Jane daughter of my WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 43 son Thomas Yeales. Son-in-law Henry Beckwith. Rest to daughter Cecily Yeales executrix. Overseers John Harris and James Rawlins. Witnesses Rd. Colman, John Shayler. Proved 27 April 1680. Oxford Wills, Register A (1 677-1 685), folio 190-200. Will of Margaret Yeales, Ramsden, Shipton under Which- wood, Co. Oxon, singlewoman, dated 8 January 1690. To sister Mary Moyger. Kinsman Robert Moyger. Rest to sister Jane Yeales executrix. Witnesses Thomas Sommersly, Martha Brand, Will Coley. Proved 11 March 1696-7. Oxford Wills, Register B (1 686-1 696), folio 312. The following are references to administrations, wills &c. in the County of Oxford of which abstracts have not been made for this search. William Eyles of Thame, administration, 29 May 1562, series 1, vol. 7, page 87. William Bales of Drayton, will and inventory, 29 April 1595, series 1, vol. 13, page 101. Henrye Yeles of Broughton, miller, 27 Sept. 1597, series 1, vol. 13, page 258. Richard Eeles of Henley, 26 Sept. 1665, Caveat book, folio 27. Thomas Eeles, Henley on Thames, victualer and yeo- man, administration, inventory and account, 23 Oct. 1669, Act book B, folio 152. Edward Yeales of Lemneld, parish of Shipton, husband- man, will and inventory, 5 April 1627. Consistory Court of Oxford, filed wills. The following are among the records of the Oxford Peculiars. William Eeles, senior of Thame, bond and inventory, 10 Oct. 1662. William Eeles, senior of New Thame, glasier, bond and inventory, 14 June 1683. Joan Eeles of Prestland, parish of Thame, spinster, will dated 24 Dec. 1694, inventory, 12 Jan. 1694. 44 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. William Keles, senior of New Thame, glasier, will, 29 Feb. 1699. SURREY. Will of William Eayles, East Mowlsey, Co. Surrey, yeo- man, dated 8 Aug. 16 10. Eldest son Thomas Eayles exec- utor. Daughter Alice Eayles. Rest to children equally. Overseers John Worman & Cuthbert Hutchinson. Wit- nesses John Beast, Wm. Evans, Baldwin Parker. Proved 20 Aug. 1610. Archdeaconry Court of Surrey, Register Berry, folio 125. Will of Thomas Eeles of Horsell, Co. Surrey, husband- man, dated . To be buried in Horsell churchyard. To Katherine Ieles my daughter £8 if any of her friends will take her to keep to be paid at Michaelmas and if not at twenty years of age. Mary my daughter. To my child my wife goeth with 40s. to be paid them at twenty. Residuary legatee and executrix Elizabeth my wife. Overseers John Eeles of Woking and John L,oveland of Worplesdon. Witnesses John Goringe, William Ireland, Richard Houl- ington. Proved 17 April 161 7, by Elizabeth, relict and executrix. Archdeaconry Court of Surrey, Register Stoughton, folio 250. Will of William Hildar als Eles of Ashted, Co. Surrey, husbandman, dated 26 February 161 6. I give to John Hil- der, Annis Hilder, Joane Hilder the rent of my house land in Ashted till my son William shall be 21 years of age. John Hilder to have rent of cottage till my son William Hilder be 21. Residuary legatees and executors, John, Annis, and Joane Hilder. Overseers John Melsham of Cob- ham and John Cooke of Ashted. Witnesses John Melsham, John Cooke and Jane Arow. Proved 25 July 1617, by Joane Hilder one of the executors named with power reserved &c. Archdeaconry Court of Surrey, Register Stoughton, folio 261. WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 45 Nuncupative will of John Beles als Hilder, late of Ewell, Co. Surrey, bachelor, died at Ashted 29 March 1645. Sister Anne and the widow that is my wife before God. Residuary legatee my brother William Eeles. Sister Ryley. Witnesses William Bradley, Nicholas Basdmore. 13 May 1645 commission to William Eeles als Hilder brother of deceased and principal legatee. Archdeaconry Court of Surrey, Register Harding, folio 401. WARWICKSHIRE. Will of William Eales of Flecknowe, dated 22 April 1593. To be buried in churchyard of Woolfehampcoate. Indebted to Richard Peele, and to my brother Thomas Wilkins and to Thomas Hickline and to John Eales and to Henry Eales. Son Henry Eales. Son John Eales. My daughter Bridgett Eales. Owe to Thomas Goode the younger. Residue to wife Agnes Eales & to be executor. No witnesses. Proved 12 Nov. 1594. Inventory of William Eales of Flecknoe taken 11 May x 593 by Edward Brooke, gent., John Tomkins, Richard Tomkins & Wm. Shaleswed, ^~2o-6s-2d. Coventry and Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1594. Will of Richard Ealse of Brandon in parish of Wolston, Co. Warwick, husbandman, dated 4 Aug. 1598. To be buried in Wolston churchyard. Son Richard Ealse. Wife Margaret Ealse. Son Roger Ealse. Son Thomas Ealse. Daughter. . . . Ealse. Sons John Eales and William Eales my overseers. Residue to wife Margaret and she to be executrix. Witnesses John Elles, Edmund Barber, Thomas Layeworth, William Ealse. Proved 15 June 1599. Coventry & Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1597. Will of Anthony Eales of Lillington in Co. of Warwick, sheppard, dated 22 January 1 599-1 600. To poor of Lilling- ton & Cubbington. To Margery Butler daughter of John Butler. Margery Robins daughter of Humfrey Robins. 46 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Three other children of Humfrey Robins. Widow Blake. Alice Eales widow (my mother). Katherine Eales daughter of my brother Thomas Eales deceased. Dorothy Pilking- ton, Alice Pilkington and Johan Pilkington daughters of John Pilkington, silkweaver, my brother, at 20 or day of marriage. Residue to John Pilkington, silkman, my brother- in-law and to be executor. Overseers Mr. Thomas Graven of city of Coventry, Alderman, and Nicholas Chambers of said city, scrivener. Witnesses Thomas Gravener, John Rop, Steven Moy, Nicholas Chambers, scr. Proved at Lich- field 20 Sept. 1605. Inventory of Anthony Eyles late of city of Coventry, 8 May 1606, by Robert Mason, joyner, and Thomas Shrawley, taylor. Coventry and Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1605. Will of Katherine Eyales late of Lodbrooke but now of Lyllington, Co. Warwick, widow, dated 10 October 161 3. To be buried in churchyard of Lyllington. Mr. Fossell minister of Lodbrooke. Son James 40s. in hands of Richard Savadge of Kington to be distributed by said James to his children. Alice Browne. Cycelie Joane Basford of Lodbrook. To Thomas Gloove of Lyl- lington. Susan Nicoldes. Residue to John Wellso of Lyl- lington, husbandman, and he to be executor. Overseers Mr. Thomas Forsett of Lodbrooke. Witnesses Thomas Mayne of Lyllington, John Nicolls of Lyllington. Proved23Nov. 1613. Inventory, ^"18-5-4, 12 Oct. 1613, by Thos. Forsett, Thomas Mayne, Roger Tibbies, Thomas , William Bell. Coventry and Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 161 3. Nuncupative will, John Eeles of Streetaston, Co. War- wick, shoomaker, dated 28 Aug. 1632. Wife Jane Eeles to be executrix and to bring up children. If that child which is at London be not provided for by those with whom it now dwelleth then said child to have a portion equally with the other children and if said child be provided for by those friends then to have something out of my goods WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 47 at discretion of my wife and friends. Witnesses Richard Stapleton, Basell Gibsonn. Memo. Jane Eeles and friends think the four children of said John Eeles should have ^4 each and the child at Lon- don if provided for but 20s. Signed Jane Eeles, Richard Stapleton, Basell Gibsonn, William Laughan. Proved 29 Aug. 1632 at Coventry. Inventory John Eeles of Streetaston, ,£46, 24 Aug. 1632, by Basell Gibson, William Laughan, William Willis & George Ridgelaie. Coventry & Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1632. Inventory of Nicholas Eales late of parish of Dunchurch, shepherd, deceased, taken 20 March 1639-40 by Edward Blackwell, weaver, Henry Crupwell & Marmaduke Fawkes, yeomen, ^37-11-8. Administration 27 March 16(40?) at Coventry to Widow Frances Eales. Bonds, widow Frances Eales of and Thomas Eales of Dunchurch, sheppard. Coventry and Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1640. Will of William Eales of Stockton, Co. Warwick, yeo- man, dated 28 Sept. 1639. To be buried in Stockton churchyard. Son John Eales all crop on the yard land which I have in the fields of Sawbridge in parish of Wolfe- mole, Co. Warwick. Daughter Jane Eales one week after her marriage to one Daniell Adkins of . Son Henry Eales. Residue to son Thomas Eales of Stockton, execu- tor. Witness Henry Stallock, Willm Crook, John Simes. Proved 8 July 1640. Inventory of William Eyles of Stockton deceased 23 June 1640, by James Hawley, John Simes (not totalled). Exhibited at Lichfield 2 July 1640, probated 8 July 1640. Coventry & Lichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1640. Will of John Eales of Bilton, Co. Warwick, yeoman, dated 22 Feb. 1646-7. Son George Eales. Daughter Hanna. Son William Eales. Loving wife Zachary. Wife 48 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Zachary executrix. Witness Thomas Pettifer, Edw. . Proved at Coventry 4 Nov. 1647. Inventory of John Kales late deceased in Bilton, 3 Nov. 1647, by Robert Westley & Fawkes Newbolder, ,£90-18-4. Oath of executrix Zachary Eales als Jordaine 4 Nov. 1647, widow of John Eales late of Bilton. Coventry & Eichfield, filed wills, Bundle for 1647. Administration granted of the goods of Thomas Eales of the parish of Holy Trinity, Coventry, to the widow Eliza- beth Eales 16 March 1625-6. Archdeaconry Court of L,ichfield and Coventry, Admon. Act Book, Number 14 (1625-27), folio 9. WILTSHIRE. Will of John Eeles, Marston, parish of Potterne, diocese of Sarum, dated 31 January 1633. To church of Sarum. To church of Potterne. Brother Christopher Elles. Sister Jane Elles. Father John Elles executor. Overseers Thomas Yorcke and John Pearse, junior. Witnesses Walter Eakens (?), William Ballard (?). Proved 28 May 1634. Inventory John Elles the ungeo of Mersham, parish Pot- terne 5 Feb. 1633 by John Pearce alias Hurd, Thomas Yorcke & Edward May, £"28-4-2. Consistory Court of Salisbury, filed will, (old number 42). Will of Ann Yeeles, Ufton, Co. Berks, widow, dated 1 1 Aug. 1 67 1. To grandchildren 5s. each and to daughters ditto. Younge Frances Mondey. Robert Auerds wife and her children. John Wickens. Ann Wickens. Betty Wickens. Mary Wickens. Goody Mondey. Betty Wickens and Mary Wickens. Sarah Cooper. Rest to son Hugh Yeeles executor. Witnesses John Wickens, Ann Hall, Mary Goode. Proved 27 Sept. 1671. Inventory, £"30-11-0 of Ann Eeles late of Upton, Berks, widow, 7 Sept. 1671 by Wm. Sanger & Thos. Wickens executors, 20 September 1671. Consistory Court of Salisbury, filed will, (old number 50). CLOSE ROEES. Close Roll, 5 James I. Part 32, (1909) i/vdaix & ai, (L,atin). Indenture 19 Nov., 5 Jas. I. between ET Ricm. Eydall arm. & Edmund Boscocke, gent, on 1 pte., Henr. Scudamoreof Kingsburie, Co. Midd. , gent. , Edward Hurst of Clifforde Inne, Eondon, gent. , George Dally of Newington, Co. Surrey, yeoman & Isaack Eyles, cit. & tallow chandler of Eondon on other pte. Witnesseth that sd. R. E-, E. B. for sum paid by sd. H. S., E. H., G. D. & I. E. do sell to sd. H. S., E. H., G. D. & I. E. & heirs all that rectory of Brentles & Elandivallie in Co. Brecon late parcel & possession of late Prioratt of Clif- ford in Co. Hereford with houses, stables, gardens, &c, &c, at Westminster 7 Nov., 5 Jas. I. &c. forever. Acknowledged same day. Enrolled 27 Feb. Close Roll, 11 James I. Part 44, number 84, (2197) Bond of John Beard of parish of Katherine Cree Church, taylor, Thomas Eales of parish of Margerete new Fish- streete, couper, and Richard Stukyn of Eymehouse, parish of Stepney, chaundler, to Edward Phellippes, Kt. Master of the Rolls and John Tyndall, Kt. &c. 100. Dated, Westminster, 11 October, 11 Jas. I., 1613. The condition of this Recognizance is that if James Gam- bolle, Henry Kinge, and John Basse, mariners, do stand to perform such order as the High Court of Chancery shall hereafter make upon hearing of the cause wherein aforesaid parties with others, being all mariners, are plaintiffs against Robert Wheatley, Christopher Nicholls, Rachel Jones, widdow, Michael Meryall, John Eldred, William Squyre, Julyan de Rew, and Radolphe Podres defendants, if it shall appear on the hearing of said cause that the voyage in the ship called the Mary Anne of Eondon was over- thrown through their neglect and misdemeanor that then this Recognizance void &c. 50 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Close Roll, 14 James I. Part 26, number 30. Indenture made 2 Dec. 161 5 between Nicholas Eales, cit. & joyner of London, of one pte. & William Eales of Hat- ford, Co. Berks, brother of the sd. Nicholas Eales, of the other pte. Said Nicholas in consideration of sum of three score pounds paid by sd. William Eales & in consideration of natural love he bears &c. , and to the intent that his lands and tenements hereafter named should continue in his own blood and kindred and that Anne the now wife of sd. Nicholas Eales should have jointure &c. in lieu of her dower &c, he Nicholas Eales doth grant &c. tosd. William Eales &c. freeholds, &c. situate in Greenewich lane als Fryer lane in parish of Allhallowes the More in Thames street, London, between the stables thereof now or late in occupation of John Tybballs als Theobaldes on the north part &c, &c, said hayloft now or late in occupation of sd. Nicholas Eales being in Greenewich lane als Fryar lane &c, &c. , to pay in Middle Temple Hall, London, on Nov. 2, 1 61 8 &c, then to use of sd. Nicholas Eales and Anne his wife forever and after to first son or issue male &c, in default to female &c, and in default then to William Eales & heirs &c. Enrolled 3 April, 14 Jas. I. Close Roll, 17 James I. Part 21, number 1. Indenture 6 May, 17 James I. between Roger Columbell of Darley, Co. Derby, esquire and William Else of Darley aforesaid, yeoman. Sd. Roger in consideration of sum of money paid by sd. William Else hath sold all messuages, cottages, farmes, lands &c. in Blyton or elsewhere in Co. Lincolne &c. , &c. Enrolled 8 May. Close Roll, 13 Charles I. Part 31, number 23, (3137) ewer Indenture made 30 July 1637 Betweene Henry & Ewer of Southmyms in Co. Midd. , gent. & Abell marsh £ wer Q £ shenley, Co. Hertford, brother of the said Henry Ewer of thone part and Thomas Marsh of CLOSE ROLLS. 51 Southmyms, Esq r ., John Adderley of the same place & Co., Esq r ., Naariah Gladman, Viccar of Southmyms, Thomas Harison & ffrancis ffiexmer of same place & Co., gent. & John Eeles & Richard Nicoll of same, yeomen, of the other part. In consideration of the sum of ^"85 being the poores money of the parish of Southmyms & for other good causes &c, &c, grant a messuage, lands &c. in Southmyms at the neither & northend of the streete of Southmyms now in occupation of Jonas Wynch abutting South on a footpath from said Streete to Northmyms on the East the glebe lands of the parsonage of Southmyms called Waldens & North the yard of a mess, of Mary Waldens widdowe sold to Richard Cole, Esq 1 ', of Shenley & others for the use of the poore of Shenley & towards the West of said streete being the L,ondon highwaye &c, &c, in trust for the poor of Southmyms &c. , the profitts of the sayd mess. &c. , on Some Sonday within 40 days after the ffeasts of St. Michaell Tharchangell & the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary to be devided by the cheife parishoners to the most needy poor of said parish &c, or towards the binding & putting forth of orphans & poor children to be apprentices &c. Enrolled 21 Dec. A p'dict. Close Roll, 14 Charles I. Part 11, number 41, (3157) ward Indenture made 30 May 1637, 13 Charles Between & George Ward of Upton, Co. Yorks, Esq r . & John CORBETT Ward, gent, son of the said George of the one part & ffrancis Corbett of Pattrington in the sd. Co., clerk & Stephen Eeles of same Co., miller, on the other part Wit- nesseth that Edward fferrers of Barne Elmes, Co. Surry, Esq 1 '. & ffrancis Phillips of London, Esq r . by Indenture dated 14 Dec r ., 11 Chas. did grant to sd. George & John Ward all that Windemilne & lands appurtaining in Wax- ham parcel of the Mano 1 ' of Withornsey & Owthorne in sd. Co. Yorks then in occupation of Thomas Woodward at a yearly rent of 30 s . payd as hereafter mentioned being 52 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. part & parcel of the possession of late monastery of Kirk- stall with all rights &c. as graunted by letters patent 2 Aug., 8 James &c. Now in consideration of the sum of £22 the sd. George & John Ward & in performance of the covenant hereafter mentioned grants sayd Windmill &c. , to be holden of the King's mat ie that nowe is &c, as of his mannorof East Greenewich in Co. Kent by ffealty only &c. Enrolled 23 April, 14 Chas. Close Roll, 15 Charles I. Part 14, number 16, (3201) rayment Indent. 6 May, 15 Chas. Between John Ray- ET ment of Harpesden, Co. Oxon, Clerk, one of eeles the gons of j ohn Rament i ate f Brome in parish of Southill, Co. Bedd., gent., dec'd, of one part & John Eeles of Henley upon Thames, Co. Oxon, yeoman, of the other part. For 5s. grants all those messu- ages & tenements with appurt's in Southill & Stanforde & Brome in the parish of Southill, Co. Bedd. called Capps with all howses &c. & one close of pasture thereto belong- ing containing 3 acres, one other messuage lately builded upon & piece of ground called Capps together with said piece of ground contg. 2 acres, one acre of meadow in Stanford in the broad Meade there, 17^ acres arrable land in the fields of Southill, Stanford & Brome with all commodities &c. now in occupation of sd. John Rayment. To the use of sd. John Eeles &c, &c. Enrolled 15 May. Close Roll, 22 Charles I. Part 15, number 36, (3354) eei.es et Indent. 1 June, 22 Chas. Between Richarde ward & ai, £ lse the younger of West Haddon, Co. Northt., yeoman, of one pte. & Dabridgecourt Ward of Nortofte sd. Co., gent. & Thomas Sibley of Tecton in sd. Co., yeoman, of the other part. For 5s. & other good causes &c. grant of lands, pastures &c. in Spratton in sd. Co. in occupation of Robert Hollis, purchased of one CLOSE ROLLS. 53 William Clark of Spratton, yeoman, by Thomas Else late of Collisbrook in sd. Co., yeoman, dec'd, grandfather of the sd. Richard the younger, also arrable lands &c. in the fields of Spratton now in occupation of Johes Ward, clerke, purchased by sd. Thomas Else and one Richard Dove late of Spratton, husbandman, with all rights &c. Enrolled 22 June. Close Roll, 1650 Part 47, number 4, (3538) freeman Indent, triptite 23 April 1650 Between John ^ Freeman of the city of Westminster, Co. Midd., gent., first part, Thomas Eales citizen & woodmonger of London second part & Miles Homberston of Furnifalls Inne, London, gent, of third part. Sd. John Freeman for 10s. paid by sd. Thomas Eales & other good causes &c. grants 4 messuages &c. in Hinde Court neere Fleete street in parish of St. Dunstans in the West now or late in occupation of Thomas Browne, D.D., Thomas Walrond, chirurgeon, Stephen Hearne & William Dudley, & one messuage in parish of St. Anne in precincts of Blackfriars nere Ludgate, London, in occu- pation of Josias Smith which sd. 5 messuages were devised to sd. John Freeman by his father John Freeman cit. & haberdasher of London by will &c. to the sd. Thomas Eales & his heirs &c, & it is agreed that sd. Miles Homberston may sue out a writt of en trie (sur disseison in le post) against sd. Thomas Eales &c. Enrolled 7 May A° p'dict. Close Roll, 1652 Part 36, number 45, (3676) Indenture 18 Feb. 1651 between William Steele, Recorder of City of London, Thomas Coke, Wm. Bosevile, John Sparrowe, Willm. Kenricke, Ralph Harrison, Willm. Scott, Silvanus Taylor, Thomas Hubbard, Cornelius Coke, Esqr., John Huntt, gent. & Sir Edward Barkeham, Baronet, being trusted by act of present Parliament for sale of manors &c. 54 THR JOHN EELLS FAMILY. belonging to late King, Queen, Prince &c. of one part & Griffith Lloyd of St. Ives, Co. Hunting., Stephen White, of Wellingborow, Co. of North' ton, Thomas Else of West- haddon, sd. Co. North'ton, Esqr. & Richard Ashby of Pugg- brooke, Co. North'ton, gent, of other part. Witnesses that sd. W. S. &T. C, W. B., J.S., W. K.,R. H., W. S., S. T., T. H., C. C. & J. H. & E. B. in obedience to sd. act & at the desire of Sir Richard Saltonstall, Kt. & Nicholas Bond, Richard Sidenham, Nicholas Lempriere, Esq. & Edw. Cressett, gent. & others authorised to treat &c. for sale &c. & in consideration of sum of ,£7519-19-6 (1st moitie being .£3519-19-9), Sir John Wollaston, Kt. & Thomas Andrewes alderman of city of London of treasurers ap- pointed have by writing 19 June 1650 now produced by sd. G. L., S. W., T. S. & R. A. certified to be paid &c. have granted &c. Old Enfield Park in parishes of Enfield & Edmonton, Co. Midd. bounded on N. by lands, E. Chase & Butley's farm & land of one Rogers, on S. & lauds of — Harvey & Baron Treavor, on W. (553 acres) & lodge house in occupation of Charles Crosby &c. , &c. Acknowledged same day. Enrolled 8 April. Close Roll, 1652 Part 47, number 17, (3687) lloyd esqr Indent. 8 Oct. 1652 Between Griffith Lloyd & of St. Ives, Co. Hunts., Esq., Stephen White STEKRY of Wellingborough, Co. Northt., Esq., Thomas Else of West Haddou in sd. Co. Esq. & Richard Ashby of Pugbrooke in sd. Co., gent, of one part & Peter Steery, clerk, of the other. The officers & soldiers of ye Regiment of Horse under command of Liver, gent. Charles Fleetewood by deed dated 23 Feb. 1649 appointed the sd. Griffith Lloyd their attorney to the several uses &c. in proportion to their debentures &c. for arrears of pay to contract with the contractors & trustees for the sale of Kings, Queens & Princes lands with power to take conveyances in the name of said Lloyd, White, Else & CLOSE ROLLS. 55 Ashby & William Buck dec'd in trust for the satisfaction of sd. officers & soldiers & sd. Lloyd contracted for the park or piece of land called Old Enfield Park in the parish of Enfield & Edmonton in Co. Midd. cont'g 553 acres & sd. trustees by indenture iS Feb. 165 1, enrolled 8 April last, granted to the sd. Lloyd, White, Else, Ashby & Buckall that sd. park & one close out of the park 3 roods 34 poles & lodge near Enfield town within sd. park & land called Hopyard & right of comon in Enfield & all the deer and game and all woods &c. , except as excepted, to be sold in trust as aforesaid & there is due to the sd. Peter Steery ^520 for arrears of pay, now for payment of the same grant 44 ac. parcells of sd. park abutting upon Bushe close E., Gregories Mead S., upon Richard Wotters & Robert Brown W., Highway from Enfield to London X., with the coppice & wood thereupon & the lodge called Swithans &c. Enrolled 24 Feb. 1652. Close Roll, 1652 Part 63, number 45. lloyd Indent. 16 April 1652 Between the same & grantors as above & the Hon. Charles Fleete- woode of Glenham, Co. Suff. , Esq. for arrears 45 of pay due to him & for 5s. grants the manor of Woodstock & Hundred of Wootton in the Co. Oxford divers lands &c. Hong deed). Enrolled 21 June. Close Roll, 1652 Part 50, number 7, (3696) Long indent, mentioning Thomas Else of West Had- don, Hunt, whereby William Steele, Recorder of London, Thos. Coke, William Bosvile, John Sparrow, William Kenwick, Ralph Harrison, Sylvanus Taylor, William Scott, Thomas Hubbard, Cornelius Coke, John Hunt & Sir Edward Barkham sell manor of Woodstock, Oxon, to Griffith Lloyd, Thomas Else, Stephen White & Richard Ashby. 56 THE JOHN EEIvLS FAMILY. Close Roll, 1654 Part 34, (number 3804) greene Indenture 4 Jan'y 1654 Between John Greene & the elder of Hardingstone, Co. North'ton, NAYLOR yeoman, of the one part & Richard Nayler of Stoke Bruen in sd. Co. gent. , William Walker of Hardingstone, gent., Robert Packwood, John Eyles, John Greene & Thomas Gee all of Hardingstone, yeomen, of the other part Witnesseth that by Letters Patent under the greate Seal & the seal of the Duchy of Lancaster dated 4 June, 4 Chas. said King Charles granted the manor of Hardingstone in the said Co. & all Demesne lands &c. & appurtenances (except mines of silver & gold) To Edward Dichfield, John Highlord, Humfrey Clarke & ffrancis Moss, citizens of London, they paying ^27. os. 9^d. yearly & whereas Tenants of the said mannor did raise a valuable sum of money for purchase of same which was to be con- veyed to Sr. Francis Harvey, Kt. one of the Justices of the Courte of Common Pleas & Robert Greene, gent, in trust for the said Tenants & by Indenture dated on or about the 25 Nov'r, 5 Chas. same was granted to said Sir Francis Harvey & Robert Greene and said Sir Francis Harvey died many years since & the said Robert Greene also lately died leaving the said John Greene the elder his brother & heir. Now in consideration of the sum of 5s. and for settling of said manor in Trust as aforesaid said John Greene the elder grants said manor &c. to said Richard Nayler, William Walker, Robert Packwood, John Eyles, John Greene & Thomas Gee their heirs &c. as the same was heretofore conveyed to said Sir Francis Harvey & Robert Greene in trust for them their heirs & all others owners of the said lands &c. paying their proportionable parts of the said yearly rent reserved &c. Enrolled 25 Jan'y 1654. Close Roll, 1656 Part 31, number 30, (391 1) Indenture 23 May 1656 between Peter Sterry, clerke, and Frances his wife, Moses Wall of Braintree, Co. Essex, CLOSE ROLLS. 57 gent. & Tempest Milner, aid. & cit. & M' chant taylor of London, on one pt. & Thomas Else of Edmonton, Co. Midd., Esq. on other pt. Witnesseth that said P.S. & F. & sd. M. W. & T. M. by direction of sd. Frances for consideration of ^455 sell 44 acres called Old Enfield Park, bounded on S. by Gregories Mead & Richard Wotters & Robert Browne on the West &c. & lodge called Swithens all which were sold unto Griffith Lloyd, Stephen White, sd. Thomas Else & Richard Ashby by indent. 8 Oct. 1652 enrolled in Chancery 24 Feb. same year &c. Acknowledged 10 Nov. Enrolled 10 Nov. Close Roll, 1657 Part 46, number 106, (3973) George Eales of Middle Temple, gent., William Chal- loner of same, gent. & William Mensell, cit. & grocer of London, before Lord Protector do acknowledge to owe William Lenthall, Esq., Master of the Rolls & Nathaniell Hobart, Esq., one of Masters of said High Court of Chancery ^80 to be paid on 29 Sept. next ensuing, if not then to be levied on their goods, 10 June 1657. Whereas above bounden George Eales having obtained an order of the Court of Chancery wherein George, William, Samuell & Mary Eales are infants by the sd. George Eales their father guardian pits., Thomas Pettifer deft, for the receiving of ^40 by sd. deft, for the of the sd. infants, condition of recognizance is that if sd. George Eales do answer to the pltf. all their respective ages of one and twenty yeares, their respective legacies, then this void &c. Glascock Gyles. Close Roll, 1658 Part io, number 44, (3984) utcott Robert Litcott of City of Westm., Esq., & according to an award made by Mr. Seriant LITCOTT Maynard & Mr. Edward Hoskins dated 5 Mar. 1657 inst. do release to Thomas Eale of Ealing, Co. Midd., gent, all right in one annuity of ,£40 issuing out of the Rectory of Ealing in sd. Co. & all 58 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. arrearages &c. now by vertue of an assignment made from me due and payable to John Bird of London, goldsmith, Grace his wife & Thomas Bird their son so as neither I the sd. Robert Ljtcott nor my executors shall at any time challenge any right in sd. annuity &c. Dated 24 March 1657. 6 April 1658 appeared sd. Robert Litcott &c. Enrolled 22 April 1658. Close Roll, 1658 Part 12, (number 3986) pettus kt Indenture 25 April 1658 Between Sir John ET Pettus of Cheston Hall in Cheston in Co. TUCKER g uff ^ Kt Qf one part and John Tucker of the parish of Woodland in Co. Devon, yeoman, Edward Eales of the sd. parish of Woodland, yeoman, & John Penny of Woodland, Clothier, in trust for the said John Tucker of the other part Witnesseth in Consideration of the sum of ,£50 paid by the said John Tucker and 5 e . paid by the said Edward Eales & John Penny, said Sir John Pettus grants 3 closes & parcells of lands called the Mill cliffes & Mille cliffes meade in the said parish of Woodland now or late in occupation of said John Tucker containing 10 acres or thereabouts being parcell of the manor of Ipplepen in the sd. Co. & wch Jane Tucker wife of the said John Tucker & Jane Tucker hold for their respective Estates &c. Enrolled 24 June 1658. Close Roll, 1658 Part 15, number 14, (3989) pettus Indenture 25 April 1658 Between Sir John & Pettus of Cheston Hall in the parish of bales Chestoll) Co Suff>) Kt on the first part and Edward Eales the elder of the parish of Woodland in Co. Devon, yeoman, John Coke & John Soper both of said parish, yeomen, in trust for the said Edward Eales For consideration of .£250 paid by said Edward Eales & of 5 s . paid by said John Coke & John Soper grants a messuage or tenement & one ffarthing of CLOSE ROLLS. 59 land in a place called Way in said parish of Woodland in occupation of said Edward Eales being parcel of the manor of Ipplepen & which the said Edward Eales the elder Edward Eales his sonn & Mary Eales his daughter hold by lease or copy of Court roll of the Said manor, with all rights &c. Enrolled 23 July 1658. Close Roll, 26 Charles II. Part 9, (number 4412) Kai.es & ai. Indenture made 1 Dec, 26 Charles II. 1674 ET Between George Eales of West Downe in Co. r y dnus g ussex clerk, administrator of the goods of Sir Edward fford late of Hasting in Co. Sus- sex, Kt. deceased (with the last will annexed &c. to letters of Administration) & the Right Honourable Katherine Lady Grey wife of the Right Honourable Ralphe Lord Grey Baron of Warke of the one part and the said Ralphe Lord Grey of the other part Whereas said Ralphe Lord Grey by the name of the Hon. Ralph Grey, Esq. one of the sons of the Hon. William Lord Grey of Warke did acknowledge a recognizance or Statute Staple of the penalty of ^3°°° dated 22 June, 21 Charles II. to said Sir Edward fforde. Now said George Eales at the desire of said lady Grey in trust for whom said letters of administration were granted doth release to said Ralph Lord Grey said recognisance & all sums of money due thereon &c. Witnesses Isaac Warren & Stephen Waterworth. Enrolled 4 December A° p'dict. Close Roll, 28 Charles II. Part 14, number 27, (4466) sone Indenture 29 August 1676 between Mary Sone ^ of parish of St. Saviors, Southwarke, Co. eai.es Surrey, widdow, on one part and Thomas Eales of parish of St. Olaves, Southwarke, Co. Surrey, joyner, of other part. Witnesseth that sd. Mary Sone in performance of covenant in one pair of inden- tures dated 15 Aug. 1674 between sd. Mary Sone of one pt. 60 THE JOHN EELIvS FAMILY. & sd. Thomas Eales of other, & in consideration of 6d. paid to sd. Mary Sone by sd. Thomas Eales &c., doth grant unto sd. Thomas Eales 5 acres of meadow heretofore called Watses & now called Bull Mead in or near Hackton in south end of Hornchurch, Co. Essex in occupation of Thomas Legatt, since in tenure of Samuell Sone the elder, late in occupation of Widdow Holeman, & since in the occupation of Millett widdow & now in tenure of Wil- liam Porter, which meadow heretofore conveyed in inden- ture 7 Feb. 1627 with livery & seizin endorsed from Samuel Sone the elder to John Finch for use of Samuel Sone the elder, then to Samuel Sone the younger, & after his decease to use of Mary Sone by the name of Mary Finch daughter of sd. John Finch & her heirs forever & sd. meadow con- veyed to Samuel Sone the elder from John Legatt by deed 20 July, 39 Eliz., sd. meadow to have to use of sd. Thomas Eales & his heirs. Acknowledged 4 Sept. Enrolled 26 Sept. Close Roll, 30 Charles II. Part 2, (number 4503) gorges et ai. This Indenture made the 7 December, 30 et Charles II. 1678 Between Ferdinando Gorges pemberton of London, Merchant, John Eyles of London, MII< Merchant, & Thomas Browne, citizen & Scriv- ener of London, on the one part and Sir ffrancis Pemberton, Kt., one of His Majesty's Serjeants at Lawe, William Cherry of the Middle Temple, London, Esq r . & Robert Pemberton of St. Albanes in Co. Hertf., gent. In consideration of the sum of ^7000 paid by said Sir ffrancis & of 10s. paid by said William Cherry & Robert Pemberton grant to sd. William & Robert the manor of Gosbertowne als Gosberkirke als Barraper in Gosbertone in Co. Lincoln with all rights &c. & all that marsh ground containing 76 acres more or less now or late in the tenure of Thomas Gregg or his assignes, 80 acres marsh in occu- pation of Thomas Jeffrey, 15 acres pasture ground in occupation of Richard Audsell, other 80 acres of marsh CLOSE ROLLS. 61 land in occupation of said Gregg, 9 acres marsh in occu- pation of William Marsham, other marsh grounds in occu- pation of said Jeffery & Gregg & of Thomas Compton, farm in occupation of ffrancis Burkitt, pasture ground in occupation of Robert Ramsdale, low ground in occupation of William Pindar, messuage or tenement in occupation of Thomas Carter, pasture lands in occupation of Thomas Nelson, other messuages & lands &c. in occupation of Thomas Gregg, Thomas Benington, Thomas Nelson, Jeremy Jeffery, Thomas Booth, Henry Harvey, Richard Marrett, Mathewe Browne, Thomas Sumpter, William and Thomas Harry man, Obed Cust, Samuel Burton, Owen Weldon & Phillipp Collington, all which lands messuages &c. are situate in Gosbertowne als Gosberkirke in said Co. of Lin- coln and all other the lands late of Sir Robert Carr, Bar 1 ., vested in and upon the Right Honourable Henry Lord Arlington by the name of Sir Henry Bennett, Sir John Newton, Bart. & Sir William Wray, Bart, by Act of Par- liament for settling the estate of said Sir Robert Carr, Bart, all which promises afterwards by Indenture for 6 months dated 26 Nov 1 "., 18 Charles II. 1666 made between said lord Arlington, Sir John Newton & Sir William Wray on the one part & Henry Mellor of the towne of Derby in Co. Derby, gent, and an Indenture tripartite of grant or release dated the 27 of said month of November & Indenture enrolled dated 6 May, 20 Charles II. Between the said lord Arlington, Sir John Newton & Sir William Wray on the first part the said Sir Robert Carr on the second part and the said Henry Mellor of the third part were granted to the said Henry Mellor who afterwards granted the said lands, messuages &c. to John Morris, Esq r . & John Wyse ; and the said lands, messuages &c. were afterwards granted to the said fferdinando Gorges, Thomas Brown & John Kyles with all rights, reversions &c. Now said fferdinando Gorges, John Browne & John Eyles grant the said lands &c. with all rights, reversions, deeds, writings &c. to the 62 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. said William Cherry & Robert Pemberton to the only use of the said Sir ffrancis Pemberton his heires &c. Enrolled 24 Feb'ry, 31 Charles II. Close Roll, 32 Charles II. Part 6, number 9, (4544) eeles Indenture 2 January, 32 Chas. II. 1680 be- tween John Eeles of Brill, Co. Bucks eldest PHILLIPPS son of Robert Eeles of Brill, gent, and grand- g child of John Eeles late of Dorton, Co. afore- said, gentleman, of one part & Thomas Phillipps of Ickford, sd. Co. Bucks, gent. & Moses Slade of Wallingford, Co. Berks, gent, of other part. Witnesseth that in consideration of sum of 5s. sd. John Eeles doth grant unto sd. Thomas Phillipps and Moses Slade messuage or tenement situated in Crowmersh Gifford, Co. Oxon on north side of the street there, a lane leading from Crowmersh aforesaid to Ewelme on east side together with barnes &c. , 6 acres of land & field called Hitching field & pasture for 2 horses & 2 kine &c. now in occupation of John Sadler or his assigns & were heretofore bought by the aforesaid John Eeles from one John Whitehand and Elizabeth his wife & by the sd. John Eeles grandfather to him from one John Whitehand and Elizabeth his wife and by the sd. John Eeles by his last will & testament in writing among other things devised to the sd. John Eeles now party hereunto & also land in Hitchingfield 1 1 acres shooteing north & south & also on west a way leading from Crowmersh Gifford aforesaid towards Oxford called Oxford way on east side thereof a cottage now or late in occupation of John L,eaver, at south end thereof which sd. acre is now also in occupa- tion of sd. John Sadler & was heretofore also purchased by the sd. John Eeles the grandfather to him of one John Clarke & by sd. John Eeles by his last will & testament also devised to sd. John Eeles now party hereunto & also all ways &c, 6 acres & one acre of arrable commons &c. Sd. messuages &c. unto sd. Thomas Phillipps & Moses Slade forever &c. Acknowledged 1 Feb. by John Eeles. Enrolled 19 Feb. CLOSE ROLLS. 63 Close Roll, 33 Charles II. Part 12, number 15, (4566) cai/ton Indenture 8 Oct., 33 Chas. II. between Paul ET Calton of Milton, Co. Berks, Esq. of one pt. & John Eyles of London, Esq. & William Kiffen of London, merchant of other pt. Witnesseth that in pursuance of certain indentures made or to be made between sd. Paul Calton & Susanna his wife & Moses Slade of Staple Inne, London, gent, of one pt. & sd. John Eyles & William Kiffen of second pt., Peter Wing of Wallingford, Berks, gent, of third pt. & Arthur Evans of Wantage, sd. Co. Berks & Thomas Gery of Middle Temple, London, gent, of fourth pt., for 5s. paid, sd. Paul Calton doth sell to sd. John Eyles & William Kiffen meadow called Westmead (43 acres) in Milton or elsewhere in Berks, now or late in occupation of Richard Sherwood & land called Nyott (15) in Milton late in occupation of Richard Howkins & tenement called Greyhound late in occupation of Robert Stone now in possession of Paul Cal- ton & meadow called Greate Hale (23) Burdens meadow (92) late in occupation of Thomas Burden, now in occu- pation of sd. Paul Calton, & Holbrooke (8) & Burdens lane late in possession of Thomas Burden, now of Paul Calton, & corne mills called Milton mills &c. (70) now or late in occupation of Thomas Stevens & cottages in occu- pation of John King, William Coulery, John Scarlett, Henry Ludlowes, John Plott &c. in occupation of Robt. Keate, Widow Hoare, and Thomas Herbert &c. & also perpetual nomination to the parish church of Milton & all land &c. now parcell to the manor of Milton to sd. John Eyles & William Kiffen forever. Acknowledged and enrolled 28 Oct. Close Roll, 36 Charles II. Part 10, number 8, (4624) wilmott Indenture 14 Feb., 1 Jas. II. between William ^ Willmott of London, gent, of one part & g Henry Eeles of Wallangford, Co. Berks, gent, of other part Witnesses that for ^400 64 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. paid by sd. Henry Eeles, sd. William Willmott doth acquit sd. Henry, being same sum of ,£400 mentioned in inden- tures bearing even date &c. between sd. parties &c. Wil- liam Wilmott grants messuage or tenements with appur- tenances called Holme Place in Stadham, Co. Oxon, now in possession of Michaell L-ucy, tenant of sd. William Wil- mott & lands &c. i. e. Jacks close (2 acres), the Moore (1), the Butts (6), Aliens orchard (ij£), the Whaddowes (38), Thurlsbridge (36) &c. all in Stadham town lands, & granting all right except pasture called Dowleaze in posses- sion of John Keene 3 little cottages now or late in posses- sion of Robert Miller, Mary Allen, Edward Belson, to have and to hold forever. Acknowledged and enrolled 16 Feb. CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. BILLS AND ANSWERS. Elizabeth, Bundle E i, number 63, Evelyn. undated. To the Right Honorable S r . John Puckeringe, (1595-6?) Knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Humbly complayninge your Lordships Orato r . Richard Eilles of (blank) in the Countie of Som s ., yeoman, that William Barlowe sometyme Bishopp of Bath & Wells being seised in his right as of the Bishoprick of and in the parsonage of St. John the Baptist in the town of Glaston in said Co. together with the Chapels of St. Benings in said town and of West Pennarde and West Bradley in said Co. to the said Rectory annexed and so seised by deed indented dated the 3 th September in the first year of the Reign of the late Queen Mary devised same vnto William Barlowe his son for term of 80 years from the expiration of a term for years then in possession of Sir Morris Barteley, Knt. which term was now long since ended yeilding and paying yearly ,£40.13.4 rent reserved with clause of reentry &c. the said lease confirmed by the Dean & Chapter of Bath & Wells & said William Barlowe entered & was possessed of said par- sonage &c. & so possessed granted the same to John Barlowe his brother & said John Barlowe in consideration of the sum of ,£280 by Thomas Huchins & John Dawes by Deed dated 10 April, 15 Eliz th . granted sd. premisses reserving a yearly rent of ^28 ouer and aboue the ,£42.13.4 reserved by the Bishops lease with condition of reentry if either of said rents remain unpaid a certain time &c. The said Thomas Huchins then conveyed his interest in sd. premises to William Hutchins his brother yet receiving the rents profits &c. of his moiety for life and said Thomas by his last Will & tes- tament devised same to Dorothy his wife & died & said QQ THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. John Dawes in the lifetime of said Thomas conveyed his estate in sd. premises to one John Yong of Sturminster Newton Castell in Co. Dor s . in trust to sever the jointure & after the death of said Thomas said William his brother did enter into possession &c. & by deed dated 25 July, 21 Eliz th . granted the Glebe lands in Glaston & West Bradley to said John Dawes & to one ffabyan Ransburye for the use of the said John Dawes but said Dorothy interrupted their possession by virtue of her said husbands will and assigned the interest to the said John Yong in trust for she intended to marry with one Gregory Morgan and being afraid that said Gregory might spend & waste away the profitts of said premisses & to the intent to reserve same to her owne vse for the better mayntenance &c. and the said John Yong in trust for both parties allowed them to take the profits and the said Dorothy not long after married said Gregory Morgan, and not long after said Gregory Morgan was inforced to go into Ireland being in great danger of arrest by reason of divers debts &c. and the said Gregory then intreated and requested the said John Yong and one John Hippisley, gent, to employ said profits on his the said Gregories behalf but the said rents not being paid in con- sequence therof the sd. John Dawes then reentered and shortly after a new deed quadripartite was made in the 26 th yere of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth that now is Between John Barlowe of the first part John Dawes of the second part John Yong of the third part & William Hatch of the fourth part and after the said John Dawes assigned his interest vnto yo r Orato 1 the said Richard Eiles & your orator entered & hath enioyed quiet & peacable occupation of sd. premisses for the space of 12 yeres or thereabouts But now so it is that said Gregory Morgan having returned again from Ireland & being acquainted with contents & conditions of the said Indenture did agree to same &c. Said Gregory Morgan with intent for the utter undoing of you r Orato r hath conspired with one Fitzjames & others CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 67 &c. Your Orator praying your Lordship to issue the Queens Writ in the Court of Comon pleas &c. With Copy of Bill Answeres of the several defendants. Demurrer of Dorothie Morgan Replication of Richard Eyles Decree &c. James I, Bundle E 2, number 60, Saunders. To the Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, l8 MAY l6lO Lord Chancellor of England. Bill of Complaint of Nicholas Eales of Buckfastlee in Co. Devon, husbandman, — yeares sethence your orato r was indebted to one Robert Bounde in sum of ^g.ios. or there- abouts by Specialty w c h your Suppliant intending to pay to sd. Bounde entreated to meet him at the house of one Philpe to end the same whether he came but refused to make any end of the said matter then for that the same was an alehouse and promised shortly after that same should be ended. Your Suppl 1 . being also indebted to one Shere in a sum of fforty shillings by one Specialty part thereof being paid &c. they submitted themselves to the arbitrament of one Thomas Caunter & others who awarded that yo 1 ' suppl'. should pay for use of sd. monies & for other things & for full satisfaction of sd. debts & sums of money & in Exchange and buying & selling of horses &c. which came into the hands of sd. Shere amounting to ;£io & you 1 suppl 1 . at sundry times bounden to one Rychard Harrys by specialty 20 marks &c. & having paid such debts demanded sd. Specialtys Bonds &c. & called up Richard ffoster & William Ilberte two of their neigh- bours to witness &c. & sd. Harris then delivered up one of sd. Bonds but refuseth to deliver other sd. Bonds & so to make end of the matter & threatens action &c. to the undoing of your suppl 1 . &c. (Bill only) 68 THE JOHN EEIvLS FAMILY. Charles I, Bundle E 26, number 41. , , , N To Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Ellesmere, Lord II FEB. (l6l2?) Chancellor of England. Bill of Complaynt of Richard Eles of Broadhempston in Co. Devon, yeoman, that one Nicholas Sumpter of Broad- hempston aforesaid, yeoman, being for many year seised of divers lands &c. but blind & decrepit his onely son Edmond manages his Estate for the benefit of said Nicholas & sd. Edmund hath granted sundry short leases of parts of said lands to yo r orator with license to plow. On or about 24 Jan'y, 9 his Mat its reign that now is ( ? James). Now sd. Nicholas & Edmond Combining to defeat yo r orator of the crops on sd. lands have Entred 2 actions at law & to further vex yo r orator have entred suits against two of yo r orators servants Nicholas Damerell & Thomas Booye for trespass in cutting said wheate &c. on the said parcels of land denying that sayd Nicholas had leased sd. lands, or that sd. Edmond had power so to do & the sd. agree- ment being by word of mouth only between your orator & sd. Edmond & your orator being an estranger to the laws &c. humbly entreats &c. (Bill only) Series II. Bundle 307, number 31, Tothill. To the Right Hon ble . ffrancis, Lord Verulam, X NOV IoIQ Lord Chancellor of England. Bill of Complaint of Rowland Eeles of Chipping Wic- kombe in Co. Bucks, mercer. That about 2 years last past one John Wheeler of London, marchant, having sould certain wheat to the value of /200 or thereabouts to one Henry Robinson and Samuel Trone of Chipping Wickombe aforesayd mealmen for payment of which the said Robinson & Trone became bound vnto Robert Bewick of Newcastle upon Tyne, marchant, by direction of said Wheeler and afterwards the said Robinson & Trone or some person at their instance satisfied and paid the said Wheeler (the said Bewicke being used only in trust and is CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 69 unknown to your orator) the sum of ^ioo parcel of the said ^200 &c. & afterwards making default of payment of the residue of ^100 a quantity of meal of the said Robin- son's of the value of ^60 was attached w'hin the City of London towards the satisfaction of the said sum and after- wards yo r orator upon the promise of the said Robinson & Trone (for the discharge of the said meal) that they together with one Robert Cracknell of Chipping Wickombe would become bound in a Counterbond of ^250 to save your Orator harmless, your orator became bound with the said Robinson and Trone to the Said Bewick in a Bond ot ^200 conditioned for the payment of the said sum of ^100 left unpaid by 40 s . weekly & the said Robinson & Trone paid ^"15 to the said Wheeler by weekly payments as aforesaid But now the sd. Robinson & Trone plotting with one George Bradshaw of Chipping Wickombe afore- said to get of yo r orato r the penalty of the said Bond and share it among them being much decayed in estate &c. do deny to give the said Counterbond for security to your orator and have entered into fresh security to the said Bewick and by Combination & confederacy with the said Wheeler have assigned the said Bond to the said Bradshawe & the said Bond is put in suit at Common Law against yo r orator & yo r orator having noe remedye &c. prays to be releived &c. With answer of Samuel Trone 2 of Defts 17 Nov. 161 9. With answer of John Wheeler one of Defts 10 Nov. 1619 & replication of Rowland Eyles Complt to the Answeres of Defts. Charles I, Bundle E 24, number 37. s ^«t> T * T ~ f° the Rt - Hon. Francis, Lord Verulam, Lord o FiiB. I0I9 Chancellor of England. Bill of Compl't of John Eyles of ffelpham, Co. Sussex, yeoman. Sd. John Eyles became endebted to one Hum- frey Gratwicke of Arrundell in sd. Co. in diuers sums & in satisfaction leased certain lands in ffelphom for 10 years 70 THE JOHN EEJXS FAMILY. reserving rent of ^20 p. ann. Same being worth at least ,£36 p. ann. & sd. Humfrie entred &c. & after one Robert Napper of Chichester, Mercer, combining with one Robert Grevet of ffelphom, butcher, & John Reggat of Sidlesham, shoomaker, how to get sd. inheritance from your orator & by pretence of selling a mare to yo r Orator obtained a bond of ^"20 & delivered same to said Napper & yo r orator was soon after threatened with arrest at the suit of sd. Napper & on the advise of sd. Grevet fled into Guildford in Sur- rey but sd. Grevet acquainting said Napper with yo r orato rs whereabouts said Napper entered suit against yo r orator at Guildford & threatened yo r orator with arrest unless he would deliver the counterpart of sayd lease &c. & your orator fearing &c. delivered said counterpart to sd. Gratwicke on assurance of said Napper that all bonds &c. should be redelivered to yo r orator. Now sayd Napper & sd. Grat- wicke utterly refuse &c. With answers of John Ruggett, Humfry Gratwicke & Rob f Napper. James I, Bundle E 5, number 35. „ , To the Rt. Hon bIe . & Rt. Rev' 1 . Father in God 3 JUNE ID22 John, Iyord Bishop of Lineolne, L,ord Keeper of the Great Seal &c. Bill of Complaint of Richard Eles of Broadhempston in Co. Devon, gent. That whereas one Richard Eles dec d . Compl'ts Grandfather was seised of divers messuages &c. in Broadhempston & Elswhere in the said Countie & per- ceiving that Edward Eles his son Compl'ts father had buried his first wife & had again married with one Joane Davye w l h whom he had a very small portion not exceed- ing 100 marks & Compl't being his eldest son, the sd. Richard did earnestly entreat the said Edward that what- soever estate Should come to the said Edward from the said Richard should descend to Compl't after the decease of the said Edward & that if he did not give him good satisfac- tion that he would perform himself what he desired & that CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 71 he would himself settle his estate so that after the deaths of the said Richard & Edward the said estate should descend & come vnto Compl't. which the said Edward promised faithfully he would do. But after the Death of the said Richard the said Joane by her importunity did so far dis- inherit Compl't as to enforce the said Edward to give to her one tenement &c. in Broadhempston of the yearly value of ^40 for her life in lieu of her dower & after her death to Edward Eles her son & the said Joane after the death of her said husband did enter into the said tenement &c. the same being a full third of all the lands &c. of the said Ed- ward and further the said Edward did give unto his son one other tenement in Broadhempston of the value of ^10 yearly & also by his last will did give to the said Joane & Edward the greatest part of his personal estate & yet the sd. Johne & Edward not greatly contented and perceiving that the said Edward had made Compl't his ex or . Not only after his death but in his lyfe time confederated with one Anne Smerdon daughter of sd. Johane & the sd. Joane Edward & Anne did get into their hands certain deeds & writings &c. & did carry away great quantities of gold & silver plate & other household stuff to value of ^300 which Compl't did demand to be returned and agreeing to arbitrament it was agreed that Tobj^as Reynell, Richard Blackaller, Robert Leyden & Robert Smerdon being near friends should hear & award &c. Prays that same may be discovered &c. Answer of Johane Eyles, widowe, Edward Eyles her son & Anne Smerdon, wife of Robert Smerdon, her daugh- ter deft s . to the Bill of Complaint of Richard Eyles Compl't. Sworn at Aish'ton. 22 June, 20 James I. James I, Bundle E 2, number 70, Saunders. , m , To the Rt. Hon. & Rev. Father in God, John, 16 OCT. 1623 Lord Bishop of Lincolne, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaint of Thomas Eles brother & heir of 72 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. William Eles dec d . That said William was at the time of his death & long time before seised of one messuage & other lands &c. in Walton in Co. Warwick & sd. lands &c. with all Deeds &c. after his the said William Eles his death descended & came to your Orator as brother & heir of sd. William &c. But one Robert Wilcocks, gent. & John Browne & Anne his wife has possessed themselves of said Deedes &c. and have entered into possession of said messuage &c. and Your said Orato r at sundry times hath entreated the sd. Robert Wilcocks to deliver up said Writ- ings & to suffer your Orator to enter quietly & peaceably into said messuage & to enjoy same & yet they do still refuse to deliver up sd. deeds &c. & do still detain the said premises & by reason your sd. orator hath not said deeds in his possession is unable to recover & enter said premises and therefore humbly beseecheth &c. whether the sd. messuage, lands &c. were the inheritance of you 1 " sd. orators Ancestors &c. as Inheritance of one William Daun dec d . whose heir your sd. orato 1 is &c. With Answer of Defts. Charles I, Bundle E 3, number 63. , Q To the Rt. Hon. the Lord Keeper of the Great 21 MAY 1628 r Seal. Bill of Complaint of William Eyles late of Wargrave in Co. Berks now of Burwey in sd. Co. in parish of Sonning, yeoman, was circa 1 Charles I. seised in fee simple of two Copy holds in Wargrave aforesaid held of the sd. manor of clear yearly valewe of ^14. & worth .£300 at the least to be sold. One Griffith fferryman of Sonning aforesaid in said year hath given out in speeches &c. that he himself was possessed of the farmhouse called Burwey farme in Sonning for 21 years by lease from Sir Peter Vanlore, Knt. deceased & under Color of such representations prevailed vpon yo r Orato r to forsake his holding &c. and after the said Griffin fferryman pretended to advance Moneys to stock sd. farm, but in sequel of a Covetous desire to strip yo r Orator of his CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 73 copyhold Estate prevailed vpon yo r said Orato r to borrow ;£ioo at the rate of £% per ioo with Conditional surren- der to Humfry Newbery, Esq. steward of said manor & then sd. Griffin demanded repayment of sd. ^ioo under collor that one Lawrence Halsted had purchased the interest of sd. Sir Peter Vanlore & Combining &c. With Answere of Griffin fferyman 29 May 1629. Bundle E 3, number 17. Replication of William Eyles Compl't to the Answere of Gryffin fferryman Def 1 . Says answeare is very untrue & will prove his said Bill to be true, &c. Charles 1^ Bundle E 8, number 3. _ , To the Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Coventry, 24 OCT. 1629 ' Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaint of Thomas Eyles of Tuttle Street in Co. Middx., Brewer, that 3 years since he became bound to one Edward Powell by the poyntment of one John Wing- feild in personal sum of ^"80 for payment of ^42 yo r orator was indebted to said John Wingfeild which said ^42 was to be paid by the deliury of 3 barrels of beer of the price of 6 shillings each barrel every week until the said sum was fully paid & yo r orat 01 . did immediately deliuer at the place appointed &c. every week & until so much as ^10 or there- abouts had been deliu d . in satisfaction of said sum & would have continued &c. but said John Wingfeild then refused to accept or to allow any other person or persons to accept deliuery &c. & sd. John & Edward combining have entred an estate in Bankruptcy & with the assistance of the Comtn". of sd. Court have entered yo r oraters premises & taken away certain Books of account & your orator having debts owing to him of about ,£350 is at a loss &c. neither will they allow your orator to view such books with intent to utterly undo yo r sd. orator &c. (Bill only much faded.) 74 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Charles I, Bundle A 2, number 58. 14 april Answer of Edward Underhall Deft, to the charles 1. Bin of Compl . t of Hugh Awdley, Esq. Compl't (sworn 14 Apl 8 Chas) Answer of Edmund Eales, Deft, to same (sworn same date) Believes that Laurence Bolton & Edmund Bolton were Seised of the mano r of Granborough & lands belonging of the value of ^525 p. ann. as mentioned in said Bill but whether they did about Nov r . 1629 Contract with Compl't to sell said manor defen- dant Knoweth not. Believes that Compl't may have cer- tain leases in said lands &c : Denies any Combination with the other Deft s . but only as baylie to his master & that Defendant is in full & perfect enjoyment of said leases if any there be without let or hindrance from deft, prays to be dismissed. Answer of William Radburne & Jane his wife defts. to Same. Do not know of any agreement made with Compl't. Defts. hold a lease from Compl't. Answer of George Beale, Clerk, deft, to same mentions the Boltons, Zacheus Isham, Ann wife of Laurence Bolton, Mary wife of Edmond Bolton. Consideration for said manor ^7800. Answer of Edmund Bolton & Mary his wife defts. to Same. That said Laurence was seised of the manors of Granborow & Wolscott in Co. Warwick & the Rectory of Granborow & about 20 June, 18 James there was an agree- ment made concerning same between the said Laurence & Edmund. Mentions leases &c. to Richard Newdegate & William Radburne &c. (sworn same date) Charles I, Bundle E 8, number 45. 17 june 1632 ^° Rt- Hon * Thomas, Lo rd Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal. Bill of Compl't of Thomas Eales of Aishb'ton, Co. Devon, Cordineare & Katherine his wife heretofore the wife of Zach- ary Clewter of Newton Abbott in sd. Co. dec d . & one of the CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 75 daus. of John Heywood late of Highwicke in sd. Co. , butcher also dec d . — yrs past Robert Babb of Newton Abbot seised of a close or closes of yearly value of ^10 in Highwicke afore- said & Woolborowe. Sd. John Babb leased to said John Heywood Thomazine his wife & the sd. Katherine your oratrix & the longest liver of them &c. & sd. John Hey- wood entred &c. sd. Thomasine dyed before sd. John & the sd. John Heywood died so seised & said lands ought to come to your sd. oratrix but being then married to the sd. Zachary Clewter sd. lease came into the hands of John Heywood son of aforesayd John since also dec* 1 , or to his son Gilbert & the sd. John the son & Gilbert entred &c. & enjoyed the profits &c. during the widowhood of sd. Katherine & now the sd. John the son & the sd. Zachary being dec t] . the sd. Gilbert doth still detain the sd. lease & premises &c. & yo r orator quietly demanding the sd. lease & premises sd. Gilbert doth utterly refuse to allow yo r orators to enter &c. & pleads that there was arbitrament between sd. Zachary & sd. John with answer of Gilbert Haywood. Charles I, Bundle E 29, number 13, Maydwell. The Replication of Thomas Eales & Kathe- UNDATED , . -r rs Ufa *.%. c ryne his wiie Lompl . vnto the answeere 01 Gilbert Hay ward def. The said Replyants all advantage of Exception to the uncertainties of the said answer now & at all tymes &c. for speeding the said Cause for hearing Saith that the said Defd ts . answer is very imperfect &c. & that of right the lands in question ought to come to Said Compl' 1 . Katherine either by grant bequest &c. from the said Rob*. Babb or John Haywood in the Bill named & if any award made it was against Zachary Clouter Compl Us . former husband & he being deceased the award is void &c. & that the matters in the said Bill are true &c. Ev. Trin. Ulto. 76 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Charles I, Bundle E 12, number 32. To the Rt. Hon'ble Tho., Lord Coventry, 24 june (1633?) Lq Keeper of the Greate Seale of England. Bill of Complaint of Thomas Eyles of Tuttle Streete in or near Westminster in Co. Midd. the elder, that 10 years since Sir Edward ffrauncis, Knt. was possessed of a certain house in Tuttle St. for a term of years not yet expired & leased same to yo r orator for 28 yeares at a yearly rent °f £$ & y° r orator converted same at Great costs into a brewhouse & made great additions at a cost of ,£100 or more & greatly increased the value &c. & your orator in need of monies to do so sd. Sir Edward lent yo r orator ^50 & likewise became surety for yo r orato r for ^50 more to one Allen ffenner. Sayd Sir Edward ffrauncis & Allen ffenner both now deceased about 5 years Since & sir Edward made his will making his wife & Sir William Goring, Bart, his Exors. & shortley after his death the sd. lady ffrancis & Sir Edward Goring intermedled with the leases Granted by Sd. Sir Edward ffrauncis & authorized one Edmond Church to deal with the business & therupon yo r orator made a fresh agreement with sd. Sir William Goring for 22 years & for one other house called the daker House otherwise y e labour in vain with right of renewall &c. & also about 4 yrs. since a bargain was made with one William Gynger of Ivinghoe, Co. Kent, malster, to give Credit to yo r orator for so much malt as would come to £50 to be delivered as yo r orator desired & } r o r orator with one Willm Dancie, Esq. & one W m . Grover the younger became bound in ;£ioo for payment of sayd malt which amounted to ,£44.5.0 & although no more had been deliuered said parties entred a suit against yo r orator to recover the full penalty although sayd sum had been offered yet they claim a bal- ance &c. & Execution was levied by one Nathaniell Samp- son the Sherriff &c. With Answer of Sir William Goring deft. CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 77 Charles I, Bundle En, number 5. The Replication of Thomas Eyles Compl't. To the Answers of Sir William Goreing, Bart. & Nathaniell Sampson, gent. Def'ts. Averres that the Bill is true & the Answers untrue & is prepared to swear &c. Charles I, Bundle E 21, number 18. , To the Right Hon. Thomas, L,ord Coventry, 1 may 1635 & ' ■" L,ord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England. Bill of Complaynt of Thomas Eyles of Tuttle St. in the Cittie of Westminster, Co. Midd. the Elder. A similar Bill to above. With Answers of Edmond Church, Arthur Apis, Edward Wood & Job Bradshawe Def'ts. " Sr. William Goring Deft. " William Dancey, Esq. Deft. Charles I, Bundle En, number 9. Demurrer of Sir William Goring, Bar 1 , one of 15 june; (1632?) the Def' ts . to the Bill of Complaynt of Thomas Eyles, Comp m . That the Bill consists of several parts having no Coherence. First against this def' 1 . on a pretended mortgage. Second That an agreement was made by Edmond Church mentioned in said Bill with Compl' 1 . that this deft, should make a lease of a certain messuage &c. called the Labor in Vain & that the said Church is not made a party to this suit. Third Concerning a bargain of Malt to value of ^50 made by Compl' 1 . upon one William Gynger & said Gynger is not made any party &c. Fourth Against Richard Dancy, Esq r . & William Grover 2 other def ts . concerning a bond of ^100, whereof he supposed the most part to be paid & yet said Dancey & Grover obtained Judgement against sd. Compl' 1 . 78 THE JOHN EEIvLS FAMILY. Lastly Against Nathaniel Sampson then Under Sheriff of Middx. for taking pltfs goods in Execution and selling them at low rates & prices & Keeping some of the monies for his own use & benefit &c. All w c h matters this deP. conceiveth are of several natures &c. & requireth several Examinations, degrees &c. Charles I, Bundle E 4, number 38. Plea and demurrer of Richard Dancey one of (1612?) t ^ ie ^ e ^ s - t0 ^ e Bill °f Complaynt of Thomas Eyles Compl 1 . That in the term of St. Michaell the Archangell 1629. Compl' 1 . before exhibited his bill of Complaint. Bargain made between Compl". & one William Ginger for Malt to value of ^53. & that compl't. this Def". and William Grover the younger became bound in ^100 to said Ginger for payment. & that Compl' 1 . payed for all the amount that was due to said Ginger Except £4. is. id. & said Grover and this Def*. Made answer to the suit then intituted & Judge- ment for ^69 in costs &c. made against this def". One John Powell of the Strand Exhibited his bill of compl' 1 . against this def". in respect of Execution &c. prays to be dismissed &c. Charles I, Bundle E 7, number 48. 28 tune 1617 ^ ^ e ***• Hon. Thomas, Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaint of Margarett Eales of Staverton, Co. Devon, widow. Whereas Edward Cooke & John Euscombe, Esquires, Lords or farmers of the Manno r . of Staverton for a long term of years not yet run out, of the grant &c. of the Dean & Chapter of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter, Exeter &c. said Lords granted to James Eales yo r sd. oratrixes late husband certeine copyhold Messuages &c. & sd. James Eales became seised of sd. messuages & so seised of sd. Coppiehould married your oratrix & had a good portion with her &c. & dyed after whose decease your CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 79 oratrix ought to hold said messuages &c. according to the custom of the said Manor and your oratrix entered into possession of sd. messuages. But nowe one William Hellier, Clarke, one of the Canons of the said Cathedral churche hath by divers means procured from said Edward & John the interest in sd. messuages & hath taken said lease in the name of Henry Hellier his son now deceased, & said Henry Granted an estate in said messuages to John Hellier grandson of the said William and the said William Hellier desired to thrust out and Evict your said oratrix & by Combination with one Samuell Tubball, Cl'k, procured the said John Hellier to make an entry &c. and after obtained an Ejectment lease & your oratrix was arrested thereupon &c. & refuse your oratrix to have a view of the Court Roll, Court Book, deedes &c. (Bill only.) Charles I, Bundle En, number 28. To the Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Coventrye, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Compl' 1 . of Robert Eales of Granborough, Co. Warr., husbandman. William Eales late of Grandborough in sd. Co., husbandman, dec d . father of yo r orator about 9 or 10 years last past borrowed of one Richard Harris late of same place, laborer, dec d . £6 & with yo r orato r . entered into bond of ^12 with said Richard &c. your orator being but a surety & your orators sd. father with consent of sd. Richard did yearly pay the interest on said £6 & also paid 20 s part of sd. principal a little before the decease of sd. Rich d now 3 years last past & said Richard died intestate. Now Mary Harris, Spinster, dau'r, of sd. Richard hath taken letters of administration on his estate and hath entered into a suit at law on the said obligation of ,£12 against yo r sd. orator. Offers to pay ^5 remainder of sd. principal with reasonable damages for interest since death of said Richard Harris &c. With answer of Mary Harris def 1 . 80 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Charles I, Bundle E 27, number 53. To Rt. Hon. Sr. Edward Littleton, Knt. f* t?t?"r t (Sao Lorde Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaint of Nicholas Eales citizen & Joyner of London using the mystery of buying and selling of wood & coales &c. at a wharf near Dowgate Hill, hath a great stock & there did drive a good trade which one Robert Churchman, Beadle of the Merchantaylors Hall in London, well Knowing & Knew yo r orato 1 ' had but one daughter one whom he conceived yo r orato 1 would settle all or a Great parte of his estate &c. & having a son newly come from beyond the seas. & having spent a greate part of his fathers estate &c. he the sd. Robert was very desirous to match his sd. son John to this defend" 8 daur. Sara & did promise to settle /ioo on the marriage & that ^400 which the said Robert & John had in an adventure at sea should in 4 mos be paid for the better Maintenance of sd. John & Sara &c. & to convey lands &c. to yearly value of ,£32 & a yearly rent of 25^ after the death of wife of sd. Robert, &c. & your orator not doubting the promises consented to sd. marriage & sd. Robert directed one John Pickering of Lon- don scrivener his son-in-law to draw up some writings & shortly after the said Mariage the said Robert & John & John Pickering Combined together & shewing your orator said writings &c. your orator sealed same without however their being read to him they declaring &c. & shortly after brought another note of agreement for your orator to sign promising former agreement should be cancelled &c. & now giveth forth that said note is a bill or bond for ^600 for your orator to pay to said Robert, and also Endeavoring to get all your orators Estate into their custody &c. With Answer of Robert & John Churchman & John Pickering. Charles I, Bundle E 24, number 69. , To the Rt. Hon. Sir Edw d . Littleton, Knt. Lord Keeper of the Greate Seale of England. CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 81 Compl't. of Nicholas Eales cit. & Woodmonger of Lon- don that Sir Moulton Lambert, Kt. while he lived of West- combe in the parish of Easte Green ewich in Co. Kent, dec d . was seised of a messuage or wharf in the parish of Greate Allhallowes London between the river of Thames South, the Common Dock West & Cozen lane East, with Stable & loft &c. & other rooms appurtaining &c. demysed to one Richard Wootton deceased & so seised by lease 26 April 1633 for Consideration of ^36 paid by yo 1 " orator whereof £6 to be payd to Dame lady Garrard his then wife & the yearly rent &c. as by sayd indenture more at large appeareth &c. with right of purchase &c. & yo r orator entered &c. & after said Sir Moulton Lambard died & yo r orator was informed about 7 years since that sayd rents &c. belonged to the said Dame Jane Lambard the widow & relict & you 1 orator duly tendered said rents &c. & said rents were accepted & yo r orator continued to enjoy sayd premises & about 2 y rs since said Dame Jane married with Sir John Garrard, Kt. who also accepted said rent & suf- fered yor orato 1 " to continue & enjoy said wharf &c. Sayd Sir John Garrard now deceased & some differences arising between yor orator & Thomas Lambard, Esq. son & heir of said S' r . Moulton & son to sd. Dame Jane. The said Thomas hath often by word of mouth & by letters solicited the sd. Dame Jane to question yo r orato rs estate in sayd premisses &c. & having gotten possession of the orig- inal lease by Combination with one Michaell Covell to dis- possess yo r orator have entred a suit at law &c. With Answer of Dame Jane Garrard, Widdo we & Michaell Covell, gent. Charles I, Bundle En, number 7. mch i6ai Replication of Nicholas Eales Compl't. to the Answers of Dame Jane Garrard, wydowe, Michaell Covell, gent. & Thomas Lambard, Esq. Def'ts. avers that matters in the bill are true &c. 82 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Charles I, Bundle E 2, number 33, John Page. jurat 21 may The answer of Thomas L,arnbard, Esq r . one l6 4 T of the defd ,ts . to the Bill of Complainte of Nicholas Eales, compl'*. Said def' 1 . saving to himself the insufficiency of the said Bill and that the said Bill & matters are insufficient to maintain the suit against the def n . & are rather out of spleen & malice & to cause unnecessary charges that any Just cause &c. but to make full answer concerning sd. Def u . doth Conceive it to be true that Sir Moulton Lombard, Knt. deceased this deft' ts . father was lawfully seised of & in the Wharfe & wharfe grounde, &c. in sd. parish of Great Alhallowes London & that he did in his lifetyme make a lease of sd. Wharf &c. to the Compl' 1 . Nicholas Eales & had power to make such lease but denieth that he doth in any way hinder &c. said Comp 1 ' 13 . or did combine with dame Jane Garrard this def'ts. Mother & Michaell Covell or either of them Def'ts. to this Bill & prays to be dis- missed &c. Charles I, Bundle E 5, number 16. To the Rt. Hon. Edward, Lord Littleton, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaint of Thomas Eyles son & heir appar- ent of Thomas Eyles of Sherfield, Co. South' 1 , yeo- man, late dec d . William Eyles of Sherfield yor orators Grandfather was seised of a messuage called Carters in Sherfield & 24 acres arable, 7 acres pasture, 4 acres meadow, 2 acres wood, &c. in Sherfield worth ^40 per annum or thereabouts & so seised took to wife one Ann Stiffe daughter of Thomas Stiffe heretofore of Bramley in sd. Co. Clothier & growing indebted to divers persons about 50 years last past Conveyed said lands to sd. Thomas Stiffe for a certain consideration & about 45 years since died, said Thomas yo r orators father being his only son & heir, sd. Thomas then settle his Estate on his said daur. Ann he to have use &c. for life & after & then after to said CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 83 Ann and after her decease to said Thomas your orators father & his issue &c. and sd. Thomas Stiffe made his last will & about 40 years since last past died & said Ann then entered into possession of sd. messuage, lands &c. & died about 30 years last past & sd. Thomas Eyles yo r orato rB father then entred &c. & about 2 years since died. Now Elizabeth Tailor of the parish of St. Martins in the ffeilds, Co. Midd., widow, William Wyfold of Herfield, Co. South' 1 ., Gent. & Thomas Wyfold of the city of West m ' having got possession of the deeds & will of sd. Thomas Stiffe &c. have given out that your orator hath no title of possession to sd. premisses &c. With answere of Elizabeth Tailor & Thomas Wifold. 31 June 1641. Charles I, Bundle E 9, number 12. Further Answer of Elizabeth Tailor & Thomas 11 feb. 1641 Wyfold to the Bill of Compl't. of Thomas Eyles. Beleive that said Walter Tailor mentioned in said Bill did truly pay the said sum of ,£540 for sd. messuage to sayd Compl' ts father. Charles I, Bundle E 10, number 68. Answer of W m . Wyfold one of the Deft's to ■; may 1642 J the bill of Compl't of Thomas Eyles Compl't. Has been informed that Thomas Eyles Compl'ts father was seised of the messuage in the Bill mentioned & so seised Compl'ts father & Ann his wife by Indenture tripar- tite 20 Sept., 12 Chas. between sd. Thomas & Ann of the first part & this deft & Thomas Hellhouse of the 2 nd part & Walter Tailor since dec d . & Elizabeth Tailor this def'ts sister by the name of Elizabeth Eewin, widdow, & Thomas Lewin her son & heir the other deft Thomas Wyfold this def ts brother of the 3 rd part for consideration of ^540 granted to this Deft & the said Thomas Hellhouse the said messuage &c, &c. & should levy a fine to use of the sayd 84 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Walter Tailor, Elizabeth & Thomas Lewin & that said sum was duly paid to Compl'ts father &c. Charles I, Bundle E 14, number 29. «. ™„ T^, T To tne Rt - Hon - Edward, Lord Littelton, Ivorde Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaint of Edward Eyles of L,onham in Co. South' 1 , yeoman. 3 years last past was seised of a close of arrable land in parish of Meane stoke in sd. Co. of 15 acres or therabouts called Shawford Close & so seised some treaty passed between yo r orator & one John Horner of Exton in sd. Co., yeoman, concerning the sale of sd. close & the said John being willing to purchase & your orator in need of the use of some monies about May, 15 Charles borrowed of sd. John Horner ^10 upon obligation indented about said date & became bound in the sum of ,£20 to pay the sd. ^ioon the feast of St. Michael the Archangell next following & about 3 weeks before said feast day your orator paid the saied sum and forgot to take up the obligation & shortly after came to an agreement as to the sale of the said close for the sum of ^"100 &c. & being indebted to divers persons did acquaint them with said agreement & promised to pay his indebtedness on receipt of sd. .£100. But now sd. John Horner being a greedy & Couetous man & knowing your orators necessity & that he being a very young man & onty Just lately of age to sell the sd. close, but being as aforesaid bound to sd. Horner to sell the same. The said John Horner doth utterly refuse to pay the said sum of ^"ioo or to allow your orator to make sale to any other person & doth likewise refuse to deliver up said obligation of ^20 but demanded ,£10 more forfeiture of said obligation & your orator being ignorant of the law was forced to pay sd. sum & release the said Horner of his agreement to buy the saied close & thereby was unable to satisfy his creditors as promised & to do so hath suffered greivous loss in having to sell said close at a loss of ,£20 &c. (Bill only) CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 85 Charles I, Bundle E 10, number 23. , To Rt. Hon. Sir (Ed) Littleton, Lord Keeper 12 FEB. 1641 v J ' r of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Compl n of Edward Eyles of (Losham?) in Co. South' '., yeoman (smothered in mud & practically unread- able) Answer of John Horner, deft of Epton in sd. Co. about a close of arrable land in Meonstoke in sd. Co. held of the Warden & Scholars of the college of Winton of the value of ;£ioo & borrowed Monies &c. Charles I, Bundle E 13, number 7. To the R 1 . Hon ,Me . Edward, Lord Littleton, may 1 42 -^ or( j Keeper of the Great Seal of England. Bill of Complaynt of Richard Eles of Broadhempston in Co. Devon, yeoman. That at the request of Richard Blackaller of Broadhempston aforesaid about 20 years since last past yo r orato r became joyntly bound with said Richard Blackaller to one John Shapleigh of Totnes in sd. Co., merchant, for the sum of ^60 and to one William Began, Esq r . for ^40 and yo r orator trusting in the promises of said Blackaller that said sums would be duly paid took not a counterbond of the said obligations from him. Now the Ex'ors of the said Shaply and the said William Began demand payment of said monies from your sd. orator, which your orator not having heard or enquired of said Shapleigh if said monies were paid albeit which he thought were long since paid being 20 years past borrowed &c. and now sd. Executors of the Said Shapleigh the said William Began and the said Blackaller declare part of said monies to be your orators debt well knowing that yo r orator had no part of said monies & have entered a suit at law &c. (Bill only) Before 17 14, Collins I, Bundle 104. To the R\ Hon. the Lords Commissioners for the Keeping of the great Seal of England. 86 THE JOHN EEIvLS FAMILY. Bill of Cotnpl't of Edward Eales of Broadhempson, Co. Devon, gent 1 , one of the Executors of the last Will of Richard Eales late of Broad Hempson, gent. dec d . his father. That sd. Richard Eales at the request of one Richard Blackaller late of Broad Hempson, yeoman dec d . with sd. Richard Blackaller & as his security about March, 22 James, became bound to one John Shapley of Totnes in sd. Co., merchant, also now deceased, in a bond of ^"6o for payment of ^30 and interest at a certain day long since past & did take no counterbond from sd. Blackaller to save himself harmless. The said Blackaller duly paid interest until about 22 years past when sd. Shapley made his will & John Shapley his eldest son & heir his Executor & sd. Blackaller continued paying sd. monies for interest & about 12 years since sayd John Shapley made his will & appointed Robert Shapley his brother Phillipp Levy & Lawrence Addams of Totnes, marchants, & Gilbert Eveleigh of Totnes, gent., Executors & shortly after died. But sayd Blackaller did either pay the sayd John Shapley the son the principal of ^30 with the interest due in his life time or shortly after to one of his Ex ors . & sayd Robert Shapley hath himself acknowledged said sums were satisfied. The sayd Blackaller died about 3 years since & on his death bed affirmed that said Principal & interest were duly paid & said bond ought to be delivered up. But now the sd. John Shapley, Phillipp Levy, Lawrence Addams & Gilbert Eve- leigh have entered said Bond in a suit against yo r Orato r alone well knowing that Margaret Eales yo r orators mother was joynt executor w l h him & hath administered the goods of the sayd Richard Eales & Sayd Robert Shapley doth prosecute his suit well knowing it was the debt of the sd. Richard Blackaller alone, a man of means & well able to satisfy his debts himself &c. With plea & demurrer of Robert Shapleigh, Phillip Levy, Laurence Adames & Gilbert Eveleigh def'ts to the Bill of Compl't of Edward Eales Compl' 1 . CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 87 That in 22 Charles they have alredy obtained Judgment & Costs in the same matter. Before 17 14, Collins I, Bundle 135. To the Right Hon Me . the Lords Commission- 17 aprii, 1 57 erg £ or ^ Keeping of the Great Seal of Eng- land. Bill of Compl' 1 of George Eales, W m . Eales, Samuell Eales & Mary Eales infants under the age of one & twenty years by George Eales of London, gent 1 , their ffather & prochein amy son of William Eales. That George Eales of Brownsover, Co. Warr., yeoman, yo r orato rs Greate Uncle (that is to say brother to William Eales who was father to George Eales yo r Orator" father) being possessed of personal Estate to value of one thowsand pounds & upwards about i st December 1655 made his Will & Thomas Pettifer of Brownsover in sayd Co. Warr. his Executor therof & directed that ,£200 should continue in his said Executors hands during the life of his brother Nicholas Eales. & his Executors to pay to his said brother Nicholas twelve pounds per annum interest on sayd ,£200 for his life and after the death of the said Nicholas he bequeathed ^40 part of the said ^200 to yo r orato 1 ' 8 in these words. I give and bequeath to George Eales his children the son of my brother William Eales ^40 equally to be divided among them being part of ,£200 by my Executor, after the death of my brother Nicholas &c. and shortly after said George Eales died & sayd Thomas Pettifer proved his will & took possession of his personal estate &c. & kept in his hands or put out to interest the sayd ^200 and paid to the Sayd Nicholas 12 £ p. ann. till his death about November last past, and after the death of the said Nicholas the said Pettiffer ought of right to have paid yo 1 ' orators the sayd sum of ^400 &c. being all children of the sayd George Eales & all born at the time of the said George Eales you r orato 1 ' 3 Great Uncle his death & have by their father & guardian several times demanded the said sum of ^40. & the said Pettifer hath in 88 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. the presence of diuers Witnesses promised to pay said sum &c. Yet now the said Pettiffer hath in Speeches &c. denied that yo r orato rs were all the children of said George Eales born at the time of yo r orato rs Greate Uncle George Eales his death and at others that there is no such legacy or that he hath not assets sufficient to pay said legacy with divers other wayes to defraud yo r orator 8 . & doth refuse yo r orators an Inventory of the Estate of the said George Eales and hath put in a pretended Inventory which does not dis- close the full particulars of the said Estate. Now may it please yo r Lo pps to issue a writ &c. With answer of Thomas Pettifer, Gent. deft. 24 Apl. 1657 Is willing to pay the said sum of ^40 on a sufficient dis- charge being given &c. hath paid other legacies to guard- ians of children when demanded & hath not refused to pay this sum deneys he has ever refused to pay & annexes a Schedule of legacies paid &c. A Scedule of such sums of money as this Deft, hath paid since the death of the Testator. Impr: To Edward Eales of Stratton Adderley ) lj - in the county of Oxon. J " To W ra . Eales of Bilton two Bonds 026 ' ' To Geo: Eales Cutler in London 030 To Robert Bury in London 010 To Edward Eales of Rugby 010 To George Eales Cooke in London 030 To Ann Hamond in London 010 To John Seale in London 010 To Richard Deacon of Rugby 002 To Blasius Addams of Charlton 010 To Thomas Bassett of Coventry 005 To Thomas Bassett of London 005 To Nicho: Eales of North Hincksey 020 To Willm Bassett of Brownsouer 010 To Mary Bassett daur. of Tho 010 Bassett deceased } CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 89 To W m & Sarah Powney in London oio To Isabell Hinckley of Coaten 050 To Edward Bassett of Brownsoeuer 005 Paid to Parents for the vse of their Children that are under age. Impr. To Willm Tilghman of Rugby 010 To Geo. Eales Cooke & Cit. of London 050 To Edw. Bassett of Brownsouer 020 To Willm Eales of Bilton 059 To George Eales of London 020 Paid Nicho Eales deceased for his anuity 012 Before 17 14, Bridges 1, Bundle 36, Easter and Trinity, 1661. To the Lords Comm rs . of the Great Seal of 20 JUNE 1659 England. Bill of Complaint of John Eyles of the Devizes in Co. Wilts, Mercer. That about Dec. 1 65 1 entred into treaty with one Robert Gale then owner of a fee farm rent of the yearly value of ,£32 out of a messuage &c. in Devizes for pur- chase of said fee farm rent. Sheweth that Edward Peirce of Devizes, Esq r . John Taylor, gent. John Stephens, John ffreind, Richard Webbe, Edward Hope & Phillippe Cole- man all of Devizes & Masters or Burgases of the said town or Burrough desired y or . orato r to Join with them in sd. purchase & yo r orator agreed &c. although if he had purchased for himself only he would have made at least ,£200 profit. &c. & about 20 Dec. 1651 at earnest request of sd. Richard Webbe, Edward Hope & Phillippe Coleman sent them ^200 on a bond of ^400 & on 22 Dec. 1651 a further ^200 on bond, said bonds payable with interest at certain dates specified &c. & which said sums were to be imployed for the purpose of said purchase &c. but said bonds became forfeit & about Michaelmas term 1654 yo r orator com- menced an action at law for recovery &c. but the said Edward Peirce & others named combining about Jan'y 1655 with one Captain Edward Scotton then quartered at Devizes at the house of the said John Stephens then 90 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Mayo r of the said Burrough by a pretended Commission from Olyver late Lord Protector to order & rule &c. all causes of difference &c. among any parties, commanded yo r Orator to come before him & did endeavour to make out that yo r orator was a malignant &c. which yo r orator in truth never was & would make yo r orator enter into a bond of ^1500 as a chavileer &c. unless yo r orator would deliver up to them the sd. Edward Peirce &c. the said bonds &c. yo r orator being a tradesman in good repute & having born the office of mayoralty in sayd burrough and being in the habit of visiting Bristol fair then near at hand & wishing not to lose his repute and to Keep said fair as he had been accustomed to do & being threatened with arrest if said bonds were not delivered which they did threaten yo r orator they would, yo r orator was forced to deliver up sd. Bonds &c. & hath gotten no redress for the said sums of ,£200 & ,£200 &c. With answer of Edward Peirce one of the def ,ts . & answer of Richard Webbe, John Stephens, Edward Hope & Phillipp Collman Def ,ts . Before 1714, Bundle 107, number 37. , To Rt. Hon. Heneage, Earle of Noting- 15 MAY l6S2 ° ' ° ham. Bill of Compl't of Mary Eales of Reading, Co. Berks, widow, Thomas Eales her son & Mary & Elizabeth her daughters infants. That Mary Fettiplace late of Fernsham in sd. Co. widow about 20 years since delivered to Edward Fettiplace of Univ. of Oxon, gent, her son-in-law ,£100, the interest to be paid to Compl't Mary Eales for life & after to the sd. Thomas & Mary & Elizabeth, which said Edward hath done, but now being infirm & aged cannot manage sd. trust. Prays that sd. Edward may set forth the conditions of sd. trust. Answer of Deft 15 June, 30 Chas. II. is ready to pay sd. ,£100 & prays to be relieved of sd. trust, Alban Eales Compl'ts late husband dec'd. CHANCERY PROCEEDINGS. 91 Before 1714, Hamilton 1, Bundle 106, number 43. Answer of Edward Saver to Bill of John 22 may 1710 J J Kyles, Esq. comp't. Grant of Charles II. to John Sayer defts father by letters patent of messuage &c. as mentioned in Bill sd. John made his will, mentions Sir Stephen Fox & deft Mary conveyed sd. lands. Deft borrowed ,£1000 from Elizabeth Legat secured on sd. lands by deft & deft Mary. Sd. premises mortgaged to compl't & his brother, no other encumbrance &c. Before 1714, Bundle 107, number 53. 28 sept. 1716 To Rt. Hon. William Cowper, Lord Keeper. Bill of compl't of Elizabeth Eales & Mary Eales, spinsters, of Wellwin, Co. Herts, Stephen Adams late of St. Albans, gent., dec'd, their uncle in 1699 seised of lands in Hemel Hempsted in sd. Co. & in Cambs. had no children, by will gave legacies to Compl'ts & their sister Anne all daughters of Dr. Luke Eales of Wellwyn. Francis Adams relict of sd. Stephen. Said Anne died about May last without issue. Sd. Francis combining with Luke Eales the younger, Thomas Kelsey & Thomas Clive refuses to give security to Compl'ts for payment of sd. legacies. Bundle C 5, number 36. Pl't'f Rayfe Cheseman, Deft William Baldwyn. Bill to enforce claim by lease made to defendant in trust for part of a tenament called Robards in a place called Agmondes- wood Row in the parish of Agmondesworthe the inheritance of Willm. Eilles. Bucks. Bundle P 13, number 12. Pit. George Putenham, Def. Thos. More, William Crosse, Willm. Eelys and Katherine Eelys. Bill to protect title by purchase of land in the parish of Sherefelde conveyed to Pit. by the Def. More with a covenant for further assurance. 92 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Charles I, Bundle H 118, number 16. The Replication of Willia. Hilder als Eyles Compl't against Thomas Rylie & Joane his wife defts. The said Repl't. reserving to himself now & att all times hereafter all advantages of exception to the uncertentys & insuffi- ciency of the Defts answers for replication therevnto this Replt. saith in all things as in his said Bill he hath already said & that the sd. Bill & all & every the matters & things therein contained are true &c. to be answered unto in such manner & form as in & by the said Bill is set forth & declared & that the said Defts answer all & every the matters & things therein contained are untrue uncertain & insuficient in the law to be replied unto Without that that any other matter or thing in the sd. Answer of Defts con- tained material or effectual & not herein & hereby suffici- ently replied unto confessed & avoided traversed or denied is true in such manner & form as in & by the said Defts answer is set forth. All w c h matters & things this Repl't is & will be ready to averr & prove &c. SUBSIDY ROLLS. DEVONSHIRE. Roll 102-463, 21 James I. Maunwaton, Peter Eales in lands 20s. Rathbourn, John Eales of Greenwaye, in goods £5. Hundred of Tynbridge. Aishberton, Hillary Eales in lands 20s. William Eales in lands 20s. Thomas Eales in lands £3. Roll 102-510, Charles I. Aishberton, William Eales of Lemenford in lands £1. Thomas Eales in lands £$. The name of Eales does not occur in the Hundred of Braunton in any of the following Rolls. Roll 100-385, 23 Elizabeth. " 101-411, 34 Elizabeth. " 102-463, 21 James I. " 102-490, 16 Charles I. Both Pilton and Barum are in the Hundred of Braunton. These Rolls are in good order. Samuel Eells Born June i, 1664. Died July 16, 1665. John Hells Born July 3, 1665. Died Jul}' 13, 1665. Esther Oviatt Born in Milford, Conn., March 20, 1665. Died April 27, 1700. Samuel Eells = Deborah Burwell Baptised Nov. 6, 169S. Date of marriage unknown. Baptised April 18, 1697. Was cornet of troop of horse in Second Regiment, Died after 1771. New Haven County. Died Jau. — , 1789. 7 r Martha Ee Born in Middletown, Dec 1743. Died there Feb. 1821. Martha Spencer = Jehiel Williams, Jr. Baptised Feb. 16, 1772. Baptised Dec. 1, 1765. Married Nov. 10, 1791. Hannah Spencer Baptised July 31, 1774. THE EELLS FAMILY IN AMERICA 1. Among the records of a session of the General Court of Massachusetts Bay " holden att Boston, the 18 th day of May, 1 63 1." we find this entry relating to the qualifications of freemen: " & to the end the body of the comons may be pserued of honest & good men, it was likewise ordered and agreed that for time to come noe man shalbe admitted to the freedome of this body polliticke, but such as are members of some of the churches within the lymitts of the same." 1 Nothing is known as to the date of emigration to New England of JOHN EELLS, Kales or lies as the name was sometimes written. On the Dorchester town records under date of ' ' The 6 th January, Mooneday, 1633" is found this entry. " Item. It is ordered that M r Hill shall have that p'cell of ground adjoyneing to his former lott betweene it and John lies." 2 The name of ' ' John Kales ' ' appears in the list of ' ' Free- men made att the Genall Court, May 14 th , 1634.'" From the vote of the General Court quoted above it will be seen that he must have been a member of one of the churches in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The following entry taken from the records of the present First Church of Dorchester indicates that he was a member of the original church of that town, a large part of the congregation of which removed to Connecticut and founded the town of Windsor. " Samuell Eelles. his ffather beinge memb of the church of Winso r was by Comunio of churches baptised 3 mo 3 tio anno 1640 " 4 1 "Records of Massachusetts," Vol. 1, p. 87. 2 Boston Record Commissioners Reports, Vol. 4, p. 5. 3 "Records of Massachusetts," Vol. 1, p. 369. 4 "Records of the First Church at Dorchester," p. 152. EELLS PEDIGREE. Places .mil unknown. 1633 to 164 John Hells " dates of birth, marriage and death all A resident of Dorchester, Mass,, from ' 1, when hi' returned lo England. \ resident ol I 'on '■■ June 1640, Nothing further kno' Anna Lenthall rl.,, 1 .,,i,l d:itr nf birth unknown. Died at Milford, Conn,, Feb. — . 1687, a -Samuel bells I:.,,.,,,, ,1 .,1 Dorchester, Mass., May v 1140 M.nn i(,(,\ Rcsi.h'd .it Milford, Conn. Custom Master, CmmiiisM. hut and 1 own Clerk of Milford, Captain of the Trainband and an oilier in Km- Philip's, war Ik-putv to the General Court. Married 2d, Aug. 22, 16S9, and i> l„ Hindiam Ma-., S- U. luian, Commissioner of Assessments and Repre- i.mirt, Major in the Militia and Justice ol th< Peace for Suffolk Co. Died April 21, 1709. Died at Sc As . , Feb 9, [71; ■ n County. I- . ilcnowo "i li •'-' ins 1 Kcgiinent. Died I iu 1 therOviatl ■ . 1665 Dii d 8 ■ injut l Bells Mill'ortl, t'aplain M.iji.i and Colonel ill the Btilitia A Deputy to ih< r.eueral Isseuibly and om a M.uili.i [ wiiiini" 1 nrs.. 11 Reliei a',i (Wilkinson) Baldwin ■.. ■!■ ihb I. ..mi in .M i II 1 1 r. 1 \ .,■ at Hartford Died between Died between March 14, 1750- Marcli 7 and NOV. i ( '. 1 J I 1 51 and I let. I", 1 752. Baptised Ji Date ol m 1 known. Died between iud N01 1 1, John Bells Prances 1 iviatl m itj Eella Fox B I eb 1 Perb ips lii in" March n garding b Born Dei 1 1. [67a Robeil l Born Jinn Burii -1 far Nathaniel Hells = Hannah North m n ■ ■ ■ baptised M . Nothing furilicr know n In, ,1 \i ,. 1 1 ■ . Graduated at Vale in 1724. 1st, Jan ii, i;j; 8. sd, 1737. Pastoi ol I church at New Canaan, Conn., when he died Oct. 15, 1785. AKr.Mil ComstCH k Martha StOW B01 11 Aug, 30, 1712. Died May 12, 1740. N.Hh.mi, I I ■.ell \llice While Baptised at Milford, July 22, 1705. Married ist, Oct. Born Feb. 25. 1 29. 1739. 21I, Feb. 17, 1742-3. Removed to Middle- Died March 5, Horn Nov. 26. 1677 A gi id Harvard, 1699 tfarrledOi ■ , 1,, in ii m| ....-, u where he aii d Aug ■-.I n'ii , Spencer 1 Uiddletown, Dei Born Ocl Married \i , .. ! Stow, Jr. B ipl [sed 1 let. .vo, 1774. I M| 8 I Mary Bella fohn 1 andi Horn in Middletuwn, Jan i\ BOTU in MiddletOWO, April 16, 1740, i;i» '.. Di.-d ,1 Hull and r.t Manud Maj jo, 1762. Removed ent, N. V., M in to Holland Patent, N\ Y., in 1803, and died then April 1 |, 1821 1 1 1 1 1 1 in Spencer Bapti 11 >i fan . 1 Died Jan. 28, 1778. Married v> ■2, 1776. Remo'vt d to II. -1 ri 1 Co.,N. V.. about 170'.. 1 1, atales Jan 7, 1S15 1750-1 1 lied Aug Daniel 1 1 11 Baptised a1 Middle-town, No [751 1 'led Aug. I, 1752 1 1 1 r 1 1 laies Spencer = Giles Kirby Baptised Man b ii, 1783 bom \; Died [ul) (5, 1S54. Married Nov. ] lied Ma) 15 01 Mary Spencer = Titus Morgan, M 1 ' Baptised Sept 14, 1784. Horn Dec 23, 1776 Died May ii, 1845 Married July 5, 1807. Died Nov 22, imi 1, Theodosi i Bell Born hi Uiddletown [une to, 1 , 5 1 Removed to New H and died there Dei Martha Hamlin 1851 1 Middlel 1761 N 1 flaj 26, isj4. ■'II. Sally Spencer = Joseph Morgan, Jr Bapti led Maj 6, '.--■, Born [au 4, 17s,, i". .1 '.11- 6, [859 Died [ula ■■.. 1843 Mary Morgan Janus Allwood Smith , Spencer Morgan = Juliet Picrpont 96 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Whether he actually resided in Windsor for a short time or whether it is meant that the Dorchester Church as an organization removed to that town, is a question. From the evidence hereafter given of his later residence in Dorchester the latter view of the case would seem to be the correct one. For many years the churches at Windsor, Connecticut and Dorchester, Massachusetts have both claimed to be the original church of Dorchester, which was organized in England. On the Dorchester Town Votes under date of ' ' 4th of January 1635." we find that "It is ordered that the p'tyes here vnder written shall have great lotts at the bounds betwixt Roxbury and Dorchester at the great hill betwixt the sayd bounds and above the marsh as foil, not to inclose medowe." The seventeenth name in the list is that of ' ' John Eales ' ' and the size of his lot is given as "20 acres. ' ' ' "The 27 June 1636" it was "ordered that M rs . Johnson that was shall have on acre of medowe next Goodman Eales Pale confirmed unto her." Also among the records of this date we find "The names of such as are to have medow in the Marsh by Goodman Grenwayes." The last in the list is " John Eales 2 acres betweene that medow he hath of M rs Johnson and the Creeke." 2 "Jul) r 5 th , 1636," * * "It is graunted that the ground about Rocky hill shall belong to M r . Ludlow, M r . Johnsons house, George Minot, M r . Hill, John Eales and Elias Parkeman, in community amongst them, p'vided they do nothing to p e judice the common passidge of people, Carts or cattle, both to the sea or any other as there may be occasion, this graunt being not to hinder any fortification, if the Countery at any tyme see cause, the bounds being (togeather with the wayes) from Jonathan Gillets pale and so round to their severall gruounds." * * * " It is graunted to M r . Ludlow, M r . Hill and the neighbours that haue lotts with them that may run a pale downe into the sea at the 1 Boston Record Commissioners Reports, Vol. 4, p. 14. 2 Ibid., Vol. 4, pp. 16, 17. JOHN EELLS. 97 Corner by M r . Ludlowes, and an other betweene M r . Hill and John Eales for the securing there Corne, and saving of much fensing, p'vided they leave stiles and gates for p'sons and cattle, when p'sons are disposed to travell or drive Cattle or swine that way to Clam- ming." * * * *» Other entries on the town records relating to him are as follows. "March 18 th , (1637) The Proportion which each man The Proportion which each man is to haue in the necke according is to haue in the Cowes Pasture to the rule agreed on for deuide- and other lands according to the ing the same as here vder fott same rule of deuision for euery on this side the Riuer Following this is a list of fifty-seven names of persons with their proportion of lands. The fifty-second in the list is akers. goads, rods. akers. goads, rods. * * * o Eales 5 2 20 5 2 20 2 "June 8 th 1640" * * * "John Eales Junior and George * * * are to be Cow keep™ this yeere, and to haue 5 s a Cow, and to keep the for the tyme and other Circumstances according to the order of the last yeere " 3 " 29 th 7 mo 1640. there was granted vnto John Eells a small p'cell of vpland ground Lyeing betweene his marsh and M r . Hawkins ground a Little belowe his house " 3 " m d — that vpon Februarie 22: 1638: John Eells sould vnto m r mather, all his Land in that portio of Land Called Dorchester necke which is recorded in the Deuision to be 5 acres ]/?. 20 Rods:" " 28 of 8 mo. 1640. m e . that John Eells of Dorchester in new Eng- land hath sould vnto nathaniel Patten now of Dorchester afforesaid all his Dwellinge houses and other outhouseinge thereto belongeinge with all his Lands in p'priety or comon, and all other appurtenances thereto app'taineinge in witnes whereof I haue herevnto put my hand the daye aboue said John Eells " 3 It will be remembered that in the record of June 27, 1636 ' ' Mrs. Johnson that was ' ' had a grant of one acre of 1 Boston Record Commissioners Reports, Vol. 4, p. 18. 8 Ibid., Vol. 4, pp. 29, 30. 3 Ibid., Vol. 4, p. 43. 98 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. meadow adjoining Goodman Eales, also in a further record of the same date John Eales was granted two acres " betweene that medow he hath of Mrs. Johnson and the Creeke." It is possible that John Eales bought this meadow of Mrs. Johnson, but it is suspected that she had become his second wife before this date and that in this way he obtained pos- session of the property. It is also perhaps significant that in the disposition of the last of his Dorchester property the record of the trans- action indicates that he sold more than one dwelling house. Further, in the record of June 8, 1640 "John Eales Junior ' ' was appointed cowkeeper. Of the persons ap- pointed to that office whose history has been traced, most, if not all, were under twenty-one years of age. If this fact will apply to John Eales, Junior, he could easily have been the son of the man whose history we have been tracing, and consequently born before the latter' s appear- ance in New England. It has long been a tradition in the family that John Eells returned to Old England and became an officer in the army under Oliver Cromwell. The following taken from the note book of Thomas L,echford, a lawyer at Boston from June 1638 to July 1641, would seem to confirm a part at least of this tradition. " Thomas Allen of Barnstable in N E y agreeth w th John Eells of Dorchester in N E planter for *jo£ in hand payd to convey unto the said John Eells & his heires & assignes for ever one house & garden w th the appurtenances in Barnstable in the County of Devon lying in Bowport streete in the occupation of Phillip Cole & Lewis Grove or their assignes all rents & revenues reversions therof after the lives of the said Phillip & Lewis & all Writings Leases & counterparts, and to be in possession of the rent presently And to make any assurance w"'in 7 yeares And to be bound to these articles in 150^", and that he shall receive 20^ due to me at the decease of my ffather-in- law John Marke of Bramton in Devon y. of his heires executors &c or of Edward Langdon of Branton in the County aforesaid y & he is to receive the bond of my brother Richard Allen of Branton afore- said yeoman And a letter of Attorney for the same." ' 1 Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 7, p. 418. JOHN EELLS. 99 "This Indenture made the eight day of July in the seventeenth yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God of England Scotland France & Ireland King Defender of the faith &c Annoqr Dni 1641 Betweene Thomas Allen of Barnstable in New England yeoman of the one parte and John Eells of Dorchester in New England planter of the other parte Witnesseth that the said Thomas Allen for and in consideration of the summe of seventy pounds of lawfull money of England to him in hand payd by the said John Eells before the sealing and delivery hereof wherof and where- with the said Thomas Allen doth acknowledge himselfe truly satisfied contented and payd & thereof and of every parte therof doth hereby remise release and forever quittclayme the said John Eells his heires executors and administrators Doth by these presents grant bargaine sell enfeoffe and confirme unto the said John Eells all that y" house and houses tenement and tenements garden and gardens thereunto belonging sett lying & being in Bowporte streete in Barnstable in the County of Devon now or late in the severall occupations of Philip Cole and Lewis Grove their assignee or assignes and all rents revercbns services wages lights easements commodities and hereditaments there- unto belonging And all writings leases counterparts of leases deeds excerpts records & miniments concerning the same w ch are in the custody of the said Thomas Allen or any person or persons to his use And all standing tables bedsteads wainscott ceeling & other goods demised with the premises unto the said P C and L G To have and to hold the said house and houses tenement and tenements garden and gardens rents revertions services and hereditaments and all and singular the premises with the appurtenances unto the said John Eells his heires and assignes for ever To the onely use and proper behoofe of the said John Eells his heires and assignes for ever To be holden of the cheife Lord or Lords of the see or sees of the premises by the rents and services therefore hereafter to be of right due & accustomed And the said Thomas Allen doth hereby for himselfe his heires exec- utors & administrators Covenant promise and grant to and with the said John Eells his heires administrators and assignes by these pres- ents that he & they shall or lawfully may from time to time and at all times hereafter quietly & peaceably have hold and enjoy the premises and every parte therof freed and discharged of and from all other grants bargaines sales feoffments ioyntures dowers & title of dower iudgments executions [illegible] Statutes merchant and of the Staple titles troubles charges & incumbrances Whatsoever except the severall Leases made of the premises unto the said Philip Cole & Lewes Growe each lease being now in being for three lives a peece as by the Counterparts therof it doth and may more plainely appeare and except the rents & services therefore hereafter to become due & LofC 100 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. of right accustomed for or notwithstanding anything done or suffered to be done or suffered by the said Thomas Allen his heires executors or administrators or by his or their meaues assent or procurement And the said Thomas Allen doth hereby for himselfe his heires exec- utors & administrators Covenant promise & grant to and with the said John Eells his heires and assignes by these presents that he the said Thomas Allen and his heires and his and their wife or wifes shall and will at any time or times hereafter within the space of seven yeares next ensuing the date hereof make seale & deliver acknowledge execute and suffer or cause to be made done acknowledged executed and suffered all and all manner of further and other conveyances & assurances in the lawe whatsoever for the more sure making & con- veying of the premises & ever)' parte thereof unto the said John Eells his heires & assignes according to the true intent & meaning of these presents be it by grant bargaine sale feoffment livery & seisin fines recovery or any other way whatsoever as shall be devised advised or required by the said John Eells his heires or assignes or his or their Counsell learned in the Lawe and at his or their reasonable request and cost & charges in the Lawe so that for the doing or suffering therof the said Thomas Allen & his heires and his or their wife or wifes be not compelled too travell fourth of the Jurisdiccbn of the Mattachusetts Bay in N E and New Plymouth in New England. Provided allways that if the said John Eells dye at sea w Ul out heires of his bod)* that then the premises shall be & remaine to the said Thomas Allen his heires & assignes as in his and their former estate as if these presents had never bin made. In witnessc &c. [ios.]" ' " Articles of Agreement indented made the 15th day of July Anno Dni 1641 Betweene Thomas Allen of Barnstable in New England yeo- man of the one parte and John Eells of Dorchester in New England Planter of the other parte as followeth. 1 Imprimis that the said Thomas Allen his executors & adm" shall enjoy the twenty pounds w ch he the said Thomas Allen oweth unto the said John Eells without rendering to him his executors or administrators any account. 2 Itm that whereas John Mark of Branton in the County of Devon yeoman and Edward Langdon of the same yeoman stand bound unto the said Thomas Allen in and by one obligation of 40^ condiebned for the payment of the summe of io£ unto the said Thomas Allen his executors administrators or assignes upon the decease of the said 1 Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 7, pp. 421-423. JOHN EELLS. 101 John Mark as in and by the said obligation and condicon therof it doth & may more at large appeare It is agreed betweene the said partyes to these presents that the said John Eells his executors admin- istrators or assignes shall be payd the said twenty pounds according to the forme and effect of the said obligation & condicon therof and shall have & enioy the same without rendering any account to him the said Thomas Allen his executors or administrators or assig:. 3 Item that Richard Allen of Eranton afores' 1 yeoman shall del the bond or obligation aforesaid or the money aforesaid if he hath received the same unto the said J E or his assignes upon lawfull demand. In witnes &c." ' " Knowe all men by these presents that I Thomas Allen of Barn- stable in New England yeoman doe hereby constitute & in my place & stead put my trusty & beloved friend John Eells yeoman my true & lawful Attorney for me and in my name to aske demand receive and recover of and from the heires executors and administrators of John Marke of Branton in the County of ; ,:nan and Edward Langdon of the same yeoman the summe of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England due or to be due unto me at or upon the decease of the said John Marke as in and by the obligation & condicon therof it doth & may more at large appeare And the obligation therof to demand receive & recover of & from my brother Richard Allen of Branton aforesaid yeoman or the said money if he hath the same received Giving & granting unto my said Attorney my full power & lawfull Authority for me and in my name in execu- tion of the premises to sue arrest impleade prosecute & recover And upon receipt or recovery in that behalfe to make seale & deliver suf- ficient & legall acquittance & release or releases and one or more Attor- ney or Attorneys under him to substitute & from time to time to revoke and all other matters & things thereabout requisite to be done for me and in my name to doe or cause to be done as fully & effectu- ally as I myselfe in person might or could doe Hereby ratifying con- firming & allowing all and whatsoever my said Attorney shall lawfully doe or cause to be done in the premises In witnesse &c 15'' Julii 41." 2 " Me Thomam Allen de Barnstaple in Nova Anglia yeoman tener' &c Johi Eells de Dorchester in Nova Anglia pl' r in Centum et Octo- ginta libris &c Dat' 1.5'' Julii 41. The Condicon of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Thomas Allen his heires executors administrators and assignes shall 1 Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 7, pp. 423, 424- 4 Ibid., Vol. 7, p. 424. 102 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. from time to time & at all times hereafter f ullfill observe performe & keepe all such articles coven ts and agreements conte}-ned & expressed in one deed indenture or grant and one other writing inituled articles of agreement indented made the day of the date of these presents betweene the said T A of the one parte & the said J E on the other parte which on y e p l and behalfe of the said T A his heires &c are to be fulfilled &c Then &c." x A search of various records in England has thus far failed to disclose anything by which John Eells' later his- tory can be traced, unless he was the John Eales of Pilton, Devonshire, who left a will dated September 5, 1662. See page 28. Children of John Eells. 2. Samuel, b. ; bap. May 3, 1640 ; m. 1. Anna Lenthall. 2. Sarah (Bateman) North, perhaps John, A "John Eales Junior" was chosen cowkeeper in Dorchester June 8, 1640. See page 97. 2. SAMUEL EELLS son of John (i)must have been born May 1, 1640, as his son Rev. Nathaniel of Scituate, Massa- chusetts left a memorandum to the effect that Samuel was 68 years 1 1 months and 20 days old when he died at Hing- ham, April 21, 1709. This would make him two days old when he was baptized at Dorchester, the record of which is as follows : ' ' Samuell Eelles. his ffather beinge memb of the church of Winso r was by Comunio of churches baptised 3 mo 3 tio anno 1640 " * He was but an infant when his father returned to England, where Samuel is said to have remained until he was about 1 Transactions of the American Antiquarian Society, Vol. 7, p. 425. 8 "Records of the First Church at Dorchester," p. 171. &mMJ&&Jk BAPTISED AT DORCHESTER, MASS., MAY 3, 1640. DIED AT HINQHAM, MASS., APRIL 21, 1709. MAJOR SAMUEL EELLS. 103 twenty-one years old. Just when he returned to America is unknown, but on the town records of Milford, Connecticut, appears this entry : "Mr Samuel Eells of Milford and ana Lenthall weare maryed the fift day of agust Sixty three by Captain Marshal Comisioner at Lin " 1 Owing to the destruction of the early records of Lynn comprising Births, Marriages and Deaths down to about 1676, Town Proceedings to 1691 and the records of the First Church to 1763, it is impossible to determine whether Samuel Eells resided at L,ynn after his marriage, but if so, it was only for a very short time. The records of the New Haven County Court show that at various dates from November 1666 to April 1671 he served on the jury. 2 The original L,and records of Milford prior to 1680 and the Town Votes before 1691 are not in existence. "A Town Meeting Jan r ? 7 th 1677 It is Ordered y'. there shall be A Commitee chosen to Transcribe out of y". Old books what is Necessary and of use to be Taken out of them and written in y* New book as Grants of Land &c The Hon 1 ' 1 * Deputy Gov r Thomas Welch Deacon Clark Ensign Stream Nicholas Camp Thomas San ford and Sam" Eells are Chosen a Committee for y end Affores' 1 ; And Sam" Eells is Chosen to Transcribe y* Same for Reasonable Satisfaction ; " 3 The committee did not think it ' ' Necessary and of use ' ' to copy considerable which must have been entered in " y e Old books ' ' relating to town meetings and other matters now forever lost, which would have added greatly to a knowledge of the town and its settlers. Early in life Samuel Eells displayed abilities which were appreciated by his townsmen and he became a prominent man at home and in the colony. 1 Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. I, p. 18. 2 New Haven County Court Records, Vol. 1, pp. 7, 9, 12, 13, 31 and 38. 3 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 9, reverse end p. 14. 104 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. " At a County Court held at Newhaven June. 10 th . 1668 : James Bishop is appointed to make entries & receive y e Customes of all wines & Liquo r s y l are brought in, or Landed, within y e Limits of Newhaven according to law for y e yeare ensueing M r Sam 11 Eeles apointed to Doe y e like at milford for y e yeare ensueing " * This appointment was renewed in November of the fol- lowing year, and on the seventeenth of December, 1679, he was appointed one of the ' ' custome masters ' ' of New Haven County. He was continued in office by the County Court at a session held June 8, 1681. 2 In May 1681 he was appointed by the town one of a committee to obtain from the Indians a deed of the lands purchased of them by the inhabitants at various dates, and in June, 1685, he was one of the town's representatives on a committee to establish the boundary line between Milford and Derby. At this latter date, the committee were instructed to obtain from the General Court a patent for the town. 3 On the records of the New Haven County Court for August 4, 1 68 1, is an entry to the effect that he was 1 ' appointed Clerke for this Court, the Clerke being gone into the Bay." 4 From an examination of the records, it is evident that the appointment was for this term only. He was a Deputy from Milford to the General Court of Connecticut, in May, 1677, May and October, 1678, '81 and '82, May, '83, October, '84, May and October, '85, May, July and October, '86, May, '87 and October, '8c,. 6 At the October sessions of that body from 1682 to 1687 1 New Haven County Court Records, Vol. 1, p. 15. 5 Ibid., Vol. 1, pp. 28, 119 and 127. 3 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 9, reverse end pp. 24 and 28. 4 New Haven County Court Records, Vol. i, p. 128. 5 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 2, p. 300. Vol. 3, pp. 2, 16, 75, 85, 97, 106, 115, 155, 169, 181, 195, 211, 214 and 230. Vol. 4, p. 9. MAJOR SAMUEL EELLS. 105 inclusive, he was one of the persons nominated for the office of Assistant to be voted for at the ' ' Court of Elec- tion ' ' in May following, but failed to receive a sufficient number of votes to be elected. 1 As a member of the Gen- eral Court he was often appointed on important committees. The report of a committee of four dated "17 th of 8 ber 1682" bears this autograph 2 p^Icfi^ From May, 1683 to May, 1687 inclusive, he was chosen a Commissioner for Milford. 3 On page 25, reverse end of volume 9, Milford Land Records, is this entry : " A Town Meeting Jan r ? 5 th 16S1 Samuel Eells y e Town Clerk is hereby Ordered and Impowred to Sign Seall & Deliver Authintique Deeds of Sale (to the Severall per- sons that the Town hath Sold land unto) in y e behalf of y e . Town;" He was also Town Clerk from December, 1686, to some time between October 2 and November 21, 1689. 4 In military affairs he was quite prominent. At the Gen- eral Court of May, 1669, "Thomas Campfield & Samuel Eales " were "confirmed Sarjeants of the Traine Band of Milford." In October, 1676, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, and in May, 1683 to the Captaincy of the company. 6 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 3, pp. 112, 129, 159, 182, 215 and 241. i Private Controversies, Vol. 2, Document 41, Conn. State Library. 3 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 3, pp. 115, 140, 169, 195 and 230. 4 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 1, pp. 160, 161 and 162. Vol. 2, pp. 2 to 59. Vol. 3, pp. 22 to 52. Vol. 9, reverse end p. 25. 5 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 2, pp. 107 and 292. Vol. 3, p. 116. 106 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. " Jan r : 14 th . 1669 Serg'. Eells hath giuen to him by the Town one parcell of Land Containing Six Acres of Measured Land lying in the meld on the West Side of the Mill Riuer att the further End of Mashes Swamp bounded with the Riuer East, and West, the Comon & North and South, In Length fourty and Eight Rod, and in bredth twenty pole wide " ' June 15, 1670 Samuel Bells "weaver" of Milford gave a mortgage to Alexander Bryan for ^100 of " my dwelling house wheriu I now Hue and Barn and homelott Containing four acres. ' ' 2 February 18, 1692-3 lie conveyed this property to Richard Bryan, grandson of Alexander, and in the deed the property is described as ' ' bounded with the Street East the Terrills and Briscoes land West Jonathan Lawe his homelott North and Thomas Andrews his homelott South." 3 Owing to the imperfect condition of the early town records of Milford it is impossible to identify positively this home- stead, but it is thought to have been situated on the West side of the highway, facing the open land in front of the present town hall. January 22, 1676 one mile of the sequestered land was ordered divided among the inhabitants. Immediately fol- lowing the record showing the division of part of these lands among those living on the East side of Mill river is this entry : ' ' The Order of y c Lotts for those that Dwell on y e West Side of y e Mill River begining where y e . Above Mentioned Ended " Samuel Eells was assigned lot 28/ March 3, 1679 "Samuel Eells of Milford in the Colony of Connecticott Gent ' ' purchased of Edward Shippen of Boston a dwelling house and land ' ' scituate at the South- erly end of the Town of Boston "...." bounded North Easterly by the Land of Nicholas Baxter and John Irons, 1 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 1, p. 134. * Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 104. 3 Ibid., Vol. 3, p. 108. 4 Ibid., Vol. 9, reverse end p. 12. MAJOR SAMUEL EELLS. 107 South Easterly on the highway next the Sea." ' June 28, 1 68 1 he sold this property to Ann Perry of Boston a former owner. 2 On page 78 of volume 5, Milford Land records, is "The List allowed for 1686 " of the taxable property in the town, the total amount being ,£9644-02. " Cap 1 Sam 1 Eells" is rated at ,£079-05. May 27, 1689. "Cap' Sam" Eells Timothy Baldwin & Samuel Couch proposeing to y e . Town to Have liberty to build a fulling Mill upon y e beaver brook within y e Common fence on Timothy Baldwins Land doe promise if y e Stoping of y e water by y e Dam be so y 4 . it is not passable in y e high way for Carts and horses they will make y e . way passable by Such a Bridge as shall be Necessary for Carts & horses & Maintaine y c Same So long as y e Mill & Dam shall Stand The Town by a full Vote Granted y e Request of y e s d . Sam 11 Eells Timothy Baldwin & Sam 11 Couch upon y e Conditions proposed" 3 The following account of the events that occurred in July 1675, during the war against the Indians, is taken from page 23 of the "History of King Philip's War" by Benjamin Church, second edition, Newport 1772 : " After this Dartmouth's distresses required succour, great part of the town being laid desolate, and many of the inhabitants kill'd ; the most of Plymouth forces were ordered thither ; and coming to Russell's garrison at Ponaganset, 4 they met with a number of the enemy that had surrendered themselves prisoners on terms promised by Capt. Eels of the garrison, and Ralph Earl, who persuaded them (by a friend Indian he had employed) to come in. And had their promises to the Indians been kept, and the Indians fairly treated, it is probable that most if not all the Indians in those parts had soon followed the example of those who had now surrendered themselves ; which would have been a good step towards finishing the war. But in spite of all that Capt. Eels, Church or Earl could say, argue, plead or beg, somebody else that had more power in their hands improved it ; and without any regard to the promises made them on their surrendering themselves, they were carried away to Plymouth, there 1 Suffolk Deeds, Vol. 11, p. 297. 2 Ibid., Vol. 12, p. 271. 3 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 9, reverse end p. 38. 4 In Dartmouth, Mass. 108 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. sold, and transported out of the country, being about eight-score persons. An action so hateful to Mr. Church, that he oppos'd it to the loss of the good will and respects of some that before were his good friends." Among the records of the General Court of Connecticut for the May session 1676, appears this entry : " This Court haueing considered the present danger of the country by reason of the enemie's force and strength, and the outrages they committ upon the persons and estates of the good people of the Vnited Colonyes, judg it necessary that there be forthwith raysed three hundred and fifty men in the Colony to be a standing army ; they, with the Indians, to be improved by the Councill in such way and manner as they shall finde most advantageous for the publique good, either in the Narrogancett country or elswhere ; to be raysed in the countyes as followeth ; Hartford county, 122 ; Fayrfeild county, eighty-two ; New Haven, 78 ; New London, sixty-eight. Each soul- dier to haue a pownd of powder and three pownd of bulletts (of their own or of the towne stocks.) To be at Norwich upon the 27 th of this moneth." ' ' ' Capt n Tho : Munson was chosen Capt n for N. Haven County ; Moses Mansfield, L nt ; Sam 11 Burrill, Ensigne." 2 "AT A MEETING OF THE COUNCIIX, MAY 24 th , 1676." "Vpon the acco 1 from New Haven of the difficulty of improving those officers that the Gen 11 Court pitcht upon in that County, the Councill did order and appoynt that Lnt. Moses Mansfelld shall be Captain of those new-raysed forces in that County, for the present service, and Mr. Sam 11 Eiles of Milford, Leivtenant, and Daniel Sherman, Ensigne, — all which will be expected to giue due attendance according to order in their respectiue places, and commissions will be prepared accordingly ; and signified the same to Mr. Joanes and Mr. Bishop in a letter." 3 Perhaps as a reward for services rendered in this war the General Court in May 1687, granted to " Capt. Moses Mansfeild, Capt. John Beard, Capt. Samuel Eales, Mr. John Burr, two hundred acres of land a peice, provided 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 2, p. 278. 2 Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 279. 3 Ibid., Vol. 2, p. 443. MAJOR SAMUEL EELLS. 109 they take it up where it may not prejudice any former grant to any plantation or perticular person ; " 1 Among the records of the General Assembly for October, 1708, is found this entry : ' ' Whereas the General Assembly of this Colony held at Hartford May 12th, 1687, did grant to Capt. Samuell Eells, then of Milford, (now of Hingham,) two hundred acres of land, and the General Assembly held at Hartford May 13th, 1708, did give and grant to the Reverend Mr. James Noyes, of Stoningtown, two hundred acres of land, provided the same should be taken up without prejudice to any former grant, &c. : This Assembly do now order and appoint the county surveyor in the county of New London, or else Capt. John Chandler of Woodstock, or either of them, shall survey and lay out the said lands granted as abovesaid, and make report of the survey thereof to this Court as soon as may be." 2 An examination of the Colonial records fails to reveal the entry of a survey if one was made. Samuel Eells was admitted to membership in the Congre- gational Church of Milford, May 15, 1670, and his wife Anna, July 10, 1670 ; against her name on the Church records is an entry to the effect that she died February, 1687. 3 On page 82 of the first volume of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Hingham, Massachusetts, is this entry : " Captaine Samuel Eeles & Sarah North widdow were marryed by Captaine John Smith assistant y e 22 th of August 1689." She was daughter of John and Hannah ( ) Bateman, and widow of Edward North, all of Boston. On page 1 of volume 8, Suffolk Probate Records is entered the will of ' ' John Bateman of Boston Now Resi- dent in Hingum in the County of Suffolk." The will bears the date November 10, 1689, and was presented to the Probate Court September 16, 1690. 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 3, p. 233. 2 Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 77. 3 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 8. HO THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. He refers to himself as " being aged & Infirm of Body," and makes bequests to his "Eldest son William twenty pounds in money provided he ever Appear in this Country of New England." "Item: I giue vnto my sou Joseph tenne pounds in money if he Appear as atToresaid Item I giue vnto my four daughters Elizabeth Arnold Sarah Ivells Rachel llolman and Mary Jones fine shillings apecee And I doe here- by make ordaine and Appoint my Lotting Sonus in Law Samuell Eells of Hiugum and Isaac Jones of Boston to be Executors of this my last will & testament " On page 68 of volume 9 of the Probate Records of Suffolk County is an entry showing that on July 26, 1683, admin- istration on the estate of " Edward North late of Boston Marriner dee' 1 intestate" was granted "unto Sarah his Relict widow ' ' The papers relating to this case comprise tile number 1289. The administration bond for ,£600 dated July 26, 16S3 was given by " Sarah North widow, and John Bateman Shop keeper both of Boston " The two inventories of North's estate are recorded in volume 9, page 68 of Suffolk Probate. The first, dated July 13, 1683, shows property consisting of dry goods, fruit, flax, tobacco and whalebone, and " Debts owing in Hingham 20-02-09" The value of all which was ,£192-02-7, and was signed by John Smith and John Prince. The other inventory signed by Joseph How and George Briggs is dated July 24, 1683. It comprised dry goods, cheese, flax, brooms, sugar, wheat, rye, Indian corn, butter, tobacco and whalebone " In the Shop," also household goods and wearing apparel. " Sundry Debts owing to the Estate in the Town of Boston 41. 10 03 " make a total of ,£183-12-3. Both inventories aggregate ;6375-H-iO- The records of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas for Suffolk County for the term held in March, 1693-4, disclose that a suit was brought by Edward Crippeu of Boston MAJOR SAMUEL EELLS. m against " Capt Samuel Eles of Hingham Merchant & Sarah his wife lately called Sarah North. Said Sarah when sole about Oct 7. 1682 of Boston owed plaintiff/ 16-11 for goods &c. Said Samuel & Sarah since inter- marriage have refused to pay." Samuel Eells removed to Hingham, Massachusetts soon after his second marriage in 1689 and probably in the fall of that year. The latest entry on the Milford re" which bears his name as Town Clerk is dated October 2, [689,' and in the annual town accounts of Hingham which were dated March 10, 1689-90, is this "Item to Cap'-. Samur:" -~ Journey to Stttoatc abou*. Hewit 5fl : 'O. for cloath for Richard woods 00-10- . Also at a session of the New Haven County Court held June 11. 1^90, he was released from the duties of adminis- trator on the estate of Robert Haughton deceased "he being removed out of this Colony." * Samuel Eells is described as a merchant in the suit brought against him by Edward Crippen of Boston above;. The following entries taken from the accounts of the Town of Hingham give an idea of the nature of his bus;:. "January th<: Item to Cap ; Eells for a Bell rope 00 ,2 00 Dec 18. 1696 To Cap- Eells for the widdow huett and for paper 00-04-0-, Dec 31. 1697 To Cap 1 Samuell Eelk foe or.'; hour glas Anno r7 It m To Maj r : Samuel Eells for an hour Esq™. Judges " Samuel Eels ) At this term of the Court there was tried the case of "William Pittkin Esq r . Nathan 1 . Pitkin & Ozias Pitkin of Hartford Pl u . versus Stephen Bishop of Coventry Defend'." The record reads that "Samuel Eells Esq r . was not in the Judgement in this Case being related to one of the PI 18 ." 4 At this date he was living with his second wife, Martha (Whiting) Bryan Bells (see page 129) Her half sister, Elizabeth Whiting, daughter of Rev. John and Phebe (Gregson) Whiting, married Nathaniel Pitkin of Hartford. 6 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 5, pp. 89, 143, 206, 309, 364, 425, 491 and 547. Vol. 6, pp. 3, 43, 108, 174, 234, 305, 367, 441 and 515. Vol. 7, pp. 3, 89, 150, 222, 268, 312, 364, 425, 483 and 543. Vol. 8, pp. 28, 79, 157 and 222. 8 Ibid., Vol. 8, pp. 288, 367 and 448. 3 Ibid., Vol. 5, pp. 241, 332, 384, 430, 509 and 566. Vol. 6, pp. 11, 44, 124, 180, 240, 316, 375, 455 and 517. Vol. 7, pp. 5, 91, 152, 223, 268, 313, 365, 425, 483 and 543. Vol. 8, pp. 28, 80, 157 and 223. 4 Superior Court Records, No. 1, 1715 to 1718. 5 The fact of such a marriage having occurred is stated on page 331 of "Goodwin's Genealogical Notes," but thus far the compiler of this work has been unable to learn when the marriage took place or COLONEL SAMUEL EELLS. 125 He was appointed in May 1730 Judge of the New Haven County Court and acted until May 1737, when he declined to serve longer. 1 In June 17 16 he was appointed Judge of Probate for the District of New Haven to act during the disability of Judge John Ailing. 2 The Probate records do not disclose any service rendered by him. In October, 1705, the General Assembly passed an act granting to certain persons the exclusive privilege of pro- curing and sending out of the Colony timber for use as masts in the Royal Navy. Samuel Kells was one of the persons named in said act. 3 In May, 1714, he was appointed Naval Officer for the Port of Milford. 4 He was one of the Committee of Safety raised in May, 1704, to take means for the protection of New Haven County in time of war. 6 In the Boston News Letter of June 19, 1704, appears this item : " New London June 15 On Tuesday Marched Capt. Samuel Eells of Millford with 100. men to Reinforce, Major Whiting at N. Hampton. This is the 21st. day of the Enemies French and Indians March from Canada, as we are informed." 6 In August, 1 7 10, he was selected as one of the Commit- tee of War. 7 by whom it was performed. On page 197, Vol. 3, Hartford Land Records is entered a deed, dated March 3, 1717-18 whereby Nathaniel Pitkin and his wife Elizabeth of Hartford conveyed to John Whiting, also of Hartford, 1 acre and 43 rods of land in the South Meadow presumably inherited from the Whiting family. 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 7, pp. 268, 313, 365, 426, 484 and 543. Vol. 8, pp. 28, 80 and 86. a Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 569. 3 Ibid., Vol. 4, p. 523. 4 Ibid., Vol. 5, p. 437. 5 Ibid., Vol. 4, p. 462. 6 From an original in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 5, p. 166. 126 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. In October, 1728 and May, 1734, he was on the Commit- tee appointed to repair or build the fort at New London. 1 At the October session, 1727, the General Assembly ordered proclamation to be made at New Haven, on the 18th of that month, of the accession to the throne of George the Second. The troops of New Haven and Milford were ordered to fire a salute on that occasion, and Major Samuel Eells was instructed to see that the order was properly executed. 2 In October, 1718, a Commission, of which he was a mem- ber, was appointed on behalf of Connecticut to determine the boundary line between New York and Connecticut from Long Island Sound to Massachusetts. The General Assem- bly took further action on this subject in May, 1719, April, 1720 and October, 1723, '24 and '30. 3 At the May session, 1705, he was appointed one of the Committee to regulate the settlement of the town of New Milford, and in May, 1708, he was one of the petitioners for a grant from the Colony of the lands in Newtown. 4 In October, 1737, the General Assembly ordered a sale at New Haven, of the lands in the town of Goshen. Samuel Eells was one of the Committee appointed to take charge of the sale and to sign the necessary deeds on behalf of the Colony." He was an extensive dealer in real estate, owning lands at Adding Plain, Buckingham Hill, Grassy Hill, Indian Side, Mashes Hill, New Haven Deers' Delight, Old Field Hill, Two Bit Purchase, the Point and the whole of Mil- ford or Clark's Island of 13 acres. In "the List allowed for ye year 1712 Maj r Sam 1 Eells" is rated at ^109/ By referring to his will on page 133 it will be seen that he gave 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 7, pp. 215 and 505. 2 Ibid., Vol. 7, p. 124. 3 Ibid., Vol. 6, pp. 71, 126, 170, 422 and 496. Vol. 7, p. 296. 4 Ibid., Vol. 4, P- 517- Vol. 5, p. 56. 5 Ibid., Vol. 8, p. 135. 6 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 5, p. 80. COLONEL SAMUEL EELLS. 127 to his son Nathaniel his house and home lot, containing about two and a quarter acres, located on the West side of Wharf street. One acre and a quarter with the house passed into the possession of Stephen Stow, in February, 1754 1 and the premises are still known as the Stephen Stow place. November 6, 1698, Samuel Eells, Jr., and his wife were admitted to membership in the First Church of Milford. 2 During the pastorate of Rev. Samuel Whittlesey a number of the congregation became dissatisfied with his theological views and attempts were made to form another church. The records of the Second Ecclesiastical Society of Milford disclose the fact that on January 5, 1740-41, forty-six male inhabitants of that town signed a document wherein they declared themselves " to be of the Presbyterian profession according to the established religion of that part of Great Brittain called Scotland," and agreed to act together in endeavoring to obtain relief from their religious troubles. Colonel Samuel Eells and five others were appointed a committee to petition the New Haven County Court on the subject. Three of the forty-six names were those of Samuel Eells, Nathaniel Eells and Samuel Eells, Junior. Action on the petition was postponed until the April term of the County Court, at which time the Court authorities requested the petitioners not to prosecute their dissent with the hope that they might come to an agreement with Mr. Whittlesey. In November of that year, a similar petition was pre- sented to the County Court which was dismissed. November 9, 1742, the County Court granted the peti- tioners liberty to erect a meeting house, and the Sunday following April 14, 1743 (April 17) Rev. John Eells of Canaan preached the first sermon in the new meeting house. 1 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 12%, p. 557. 2 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 22. 128 THE JOHN BELLS FAMILY. In May 1750, the General Assembly excused the dis- senters from paying taxes to the First Society, and granted them certain parish privileges, but they were not fully incorporated until May, 1760. 1 This was the origin of the present Plymouth Church of Milford. There is no record of any of the three marriages of SAMUEL Eells. It is surmised that his first wife was ESTHER OviATT, and the late Nathan G. Pond in his genealogical papers makes a positive statement to that effect. If this is correct, she was the daughter of Thomas and Frances ( ) Oviatt of Milford, and was born March 20, 1 665/ As confirmatory of this is a clause in Samuel Eells' s will (see page 132) wherein he gives to his son Samuel ' ' all the pewter Dishes y l was his Mothers marked withT. O." Against the record of the admission to Church member- ship of Samuel Eells, Jr., and his wife appears this entry " Mrs Eells died April 27, 1700." 3 The following reference is made to Samuel's second wife in his father's will, dated August 1, 1705 : "my daughter in Law Martha Eells, wife of my said son Samuel Eells, ***** that she had by her former Husband Capt. Sam 11 . Bryan" (see page 117) On the Milford records we find : " M r Samuel Bryan of milford and M rs Martha Whiting Daughter of M r John Whiting of hartford were married the 25 th Day of Decem- ber 1683 by Major John Talcott assistant " 4 At that time her father, Rev. John Whiting, was Pastor of the Second Church in Hartford. Her mother was Sybil daughter of Deacon Edward Collins of Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. 1 Records of the Second Ecclesiastical Society of Milford, Conn., and Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 9, p. 517. " Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, p. 19. 3 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 22. 4 Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, p. 40. COLONEL SAMUEL EELLS. 129 In 1846 Rev. William Newell, Pastor of the First Church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, preached and had printed a sermon entitled " Cambridge Church Gathering in 1636." Appended to this is a record made by the Rev. Jonathan Mitchell, then Pastor of " The Church of Christ at Cambridge, in N. E, or the Names of all the Members thereof that are in Full Communion : together with their children who were either baptized in this Church, or (coming from other churches) were in their minority at the parents joyning ; taken and registered in the 11. month, 1658." ' ' Mr. Edward Collius, Deacon of this Church, and Martha his wife, both in f. c. Their children, Daniel, now living at Konnings- berg, in Prussia, about 9 yeares old when his parents joyned here ; John, admitted into f. c. before he went from hence, being now minis- ter of God's word at Edinburgh in Scotland ; Samuel now also living in Scotland (the wife of Samuel Collins admitted into f. c. May 31, 1664. Their child, Edward Collins, baptized June, 1664); Martha. Nathaniel. Abigail, and Edward, borne and baptized here." "Mr. John Whyting, now preacher of y e word at Salem, and Sybill, his wife (daughter to y e forenamed Edward Collins), both admitted to f. c. here. Both dismissed to the Church of Christ at Hartford. Their children, Sybill and John both baptized here ; Wil- liam baptized ffebruar 19, 1659." On page 47 of volume 2 of the Records of the New Haven County Court under date of " Decenb r y e . 6 th : 1700," is this entry : "M r9 Martha Bryan Widdow y e : relict of Capt. Sam 11 Bryan late of Milford deceased and Administratrix to his Estate appeared & presented an accompt of Debt and Creditt upon s d Estate ' ' In volume 3, page 234 of the Land Records of Milford is a conveyance, dated January 14, 1700-01 from Gidion Allin to John Camp and recorded one week later. The witnesses to this deed were Samuel Bells and Martha Kells. These facts prove that the marriage of SAMUEL EELLS and MARTHA BRYAN, widow of Samuel Bryan, took place between December 6, 1700 and January 14, 1700-01. By the courtesy of Mrs. Nathan G. Pond of Milford, 130 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. Connecticut, we are able to print the following letter from the original in her possession. It is addressed : "For M r » Martha Eells Living att Milford $ M" Marshall QDC." "Honoured Grandmother Boston Sep* 3 1739 Madam When I wrote to you last I was in hopes to have seen you before this time, butt we have been under such Circumstances in the family that they would no ways allow of it, have buried out of it two Aged Relations the first was my Aged Aunt Powning, the other the last week my Aged Unckle Salter both upwards of 70 years, & now the fall is near Advancing that will not permitt butt hope if we live till next Spring if God Give leave to See the faces of Each other. I am Sorry to hear of the Sudden & Awfull Death of my Kinsman Benedict Bull & hope it will be Awakening to us all Especially Young ones for we know not when nor how soon we may be taken out of this world, pray we may be prepared there for, I hope this will find you & all friends well as it leaves us at present which with my duty to your Self & my Gandfather & all ny Cousine " The remainder of the letter is torn off but it is not impossible to identify the writer. Samuel and Martha (Whiting) Bryan had six children, all daughters. Jerusha the youngest married after Sept. 30, 1725 1 William Salter of Boston and had a daughter Mary, 2 who was unquestion- ably the writer of the letter. Uncle Salter was of course a brother of Mary Salter's grandfather and Aunt Powning was sister of her grand- mother Salter's second husband Daniel Powning of Boston, 3 the title ' 'Aunt ' ' being used simply as a token of respect or affection. On page 359 of volume 10 of the Milford Land Records is a deed dated March 7, 1740-41 from Edward Allen to Joseph Pritchard. This document was witnessed by Samuel 1 Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 7, p. 373. 2 Boston Record Commissioners Reports, Vol. 24, p. 178. 3 Ibid.. Vol. 28, p. 102, and Suffolk Probate, Vol. 32, p. 165. COLONEL SAMUEL EELLS. 131 Eells and Martha Eells and bears the latest date as yet ascertained at which Martha (Whiting) Bryan Eells is known to have been living. November 16, 1741 Robert and Jane Treat conveyed to Samuel Brisco lands in Milford. This deed, entered on page 113 of volume 10 of the Milford Land Records, was witnessed by Samuel Eells and Rebeckah Eells, and the acknowledgment was taken by Samuel Eells as Justice of the Peace. His third marriage must therefore have occurred between March 7, 1740-41 and November 16, 1741. The widow REBECKAH BALDWIN lived in the Baldwin homestead on the East side of Wharf street, and upon her marriage with Colonel Samuel Eells simply crossed the street to reside in his house. This interesting fact has been handed down from her granddaughter Freelove {Baldwin) Stow, who as a child lived with her on the Baldwin place. She was the daughter of Edward and Rebecca {Smith) Wilkinson and widow of Samuel Baldwin, all of Milford, and was born August 8, 1676. ' April 30, 1747 Colonel Samuel Eells and his wife Rebec- kah, Elizabeth Smith and Ruth Collins conveyed to Edmund Treat y% of two pieces of land near Long Hill ' ' being the first Division of Land Laid on our Rebeckah Wilkinson's right in the Common Land." 2 The date of death of Rebeckah ( Wilkinson*) Baldwin Eells is unknown, but as her will dated March 14, 1750-51 was presented to the New Haven Probate Court October 16, 1752, it must have occurred between these dates. In this will she made bequests to her son Samuel Bald- win, her grandson Samuel Baldwin, and granddaughters Mercy and Sybil Baldwin, her son Caleb Baldwin and his son Jared, sou Thadeus Baldwin, and to his so?i Ann, her son Peleg Baldwin and his son Hiall Baldwin and Filenah Baldwin and Rebecca Baldwin, her son Joel and 1 Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, pp. 26 and 30. a Milford, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 14, p. 63. 132 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. his son Joel Baldwin and his daughter Susanna Baldwin, her granddaughter Freelove Baldwin, her grandson Phineas Baldwin, her granddaughter, Catharine Miles and her daughter Rebecca Baldwin. 1 On the Probate records in connection with her will appears this entry " I Consent y l my wife make her Will Sam 11 : Eells." The date of Colonel Samuel Eells' s death is not on record. October 28, 1752, twelve days after the will of his wife Rebecca was probated, he made his will, which with the Court record is here given in full : " At a Court of Probate Held at New Haven March 20 th . 1753 Mefs": Sam 11 : Eells, John Eells & Nath 11 : Eells Ex'' 8 : of the laft Will & Testament of y e Honor Me Sam 11 : Eells late of Milford Esq r . dec' 1 , exhibited s d : Instrum': in this Court, the Witnefses to which being sworn before Roger Newton Esq\ Afs*: y e Same is accepted as proved in Court & approved for Record. s' 1 . Ex rs : accept s d . Truft. In the Name of God Amen, the laft Will & Teftam 1 . of Sam 11 : Eells of Milford in the County of New Haven in y e Colony of Connect': in New England I Sam 11 : Eells af ores' 1 : being in Comfortable Health & perfect mem- ory and Understanding, not knowing how Short my time may be in the world, I do hereby make this my laft Will & Testam 1 : in manner & form following firft I give my Soul into the Hands of God thro: Jesus Chrift my Redeem'', and my Body to a decent Burial according to y e Discretion of my Ex rs . hereafter named, & as to y e worldly Estate I have, I do hereby give & bequeath as followeth. — Item. I Give unto my Son Sam 11 : Eells besides what I have given be- fore, all y fl Reft of my Land in the Hill Lott, so Called, and Barn Lott, so Called, & all my Land below the Hill & all my Swamp Land & my Sword to him & his Heirs for ever, also my Coat & Waftcoat w th : the Silver Buttons & my silver Shoe Buckells & gold Buttons & all the pewter Dishes y l was his Mothers marked with T. 0. Item. I Give to my Son. John Eells besides what I have already given him, my Gunn & Silver Watch & one hundred & fourty pounds old Tenor out of my Estate : also I give him my Jack & Spit to him & his Heirs for ever. Item. I Give unto my Son Nath 11 : Eells besides what I have already 1 New Haven Probate Records, Vol. 8, p. 186. COLONEIv SAMUEL EELDS. 133 given him, my Houfe & Homelot where I dwell (upon Condition y* he pay to my Son John Eells one hundred & fourty pounds old Tenor) and to his Heirs for ever when my juft Debts are paid, the Reft of my Estate to be equally divided between my three Sons Sam 11 : Eells, John Eells, Nath 11 : Eells, & that my Ex": receive & pay my juft Debts : and I do hereby appoint my three Sons Sam 11 :, John & Nath 11 : to be the Ex 1 ' 3 : of this my laft Will & Testam': In witnefs y l this is my laft Will & Testam*: I have hereunto set my Hand & Seal in Mil- ford Oct r : 2S th : 1752. new Stile Signed, sealed & declared by y 6 s d . Sam 11 : Sam ll . EELLS [Seal] Eells to be his last Will & Testam'. In presence of Peter Perit Peleg Baldwin Peter Pond" 1 Nothing further appears on the Probate Records regard- ing the settlement of his estate, and it is therefore impossible to determine what property he owned at the time of his death and the value thereof. For a family so prominent in town and colony, it is to be regretted that there is nothing whatever in the burying ground at Milford to mark their graves. Children of Samuel Eells. By first marriage. I. Samuel, b. ; bap. Nov. 6, 1698; 2 m. Deborah Bur- well 3 and lived in Milford. II. ESTHER, " ; " May 7, 1699; 2 Nothing further is known concerning her. Evidently dead before the date of her grandfather Eells's will. 1 New Haven Probate Records, Vol. 8, p. 253. 2 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 27. 3 The following entries appear on the records of the First Church of Milford. Deborah Burwell, wife of Samuel Jr. was admitted to full com- munion April 18, 1697. Sarah and Deborah, daughters of Deborah Burwell, baptized April 18, 1697. Martha and Mary, twin daughters of Deborah Burwell, baptized August 28, 1698. 134 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. By second marriage. III. John, b. ; bap. Apr. n, 1703; 1 m. 1. Jan. 11, 1727-8 Anna Beard, 2 2. Abigail Comstock 3 and was Pas- tor of the Congregational Church, New Canaan, Conn. 6. IV. Nathaniel, " ; " July 22, 1705; 4 m. 1. Oct. 29, 1739 Martha Stow, 5 2. Feb. 17, 1742-43, Allice White. 6 Samuel, son of Deborah Burwell, wife of Samuel Jr. baptized June 21, 1702. On page 77 of Volume 4 of the New Haven Probate Records is entered the will of Samuel Burwell Jr. of Milford, which is dated March 19, 1712, and was probated August 12 following. In it bequests are made to his father wife and children, Samuel, Deborah and Mary. On page 345 of Volume 4 of the same records is the will of Lieu- tenant Samuel Burwell of Milford. This is dated April 29, 1715, and was probated May 24 of the same year. In it mention is made of his son- in-law, Joshua Lobdell ; grandchildren, Samuel, Joshua, Mar}', Eben- ezer and Susannah Lobdell ; Deborah, Mary and Samuel Burwell ; and Susannah Fowler ; daughter Susannah Fowler ; daughter-in-law Hannah Burwell ; son John Burwell and son-in-law John Fowler. In Volume 8, page 288 of the Milford, Conn., Land Records is a con- veyance dated December 24, 1733 from Samuel Eells Jr., wife Deborah and Stephen Miles all of Milford to John Burwell, of a house iy z acres and 10 rods of land on the West side of Town Street being part of the home lot of Lieutenant Samuel Burwell deceased of Milford. 1 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 31. 2 Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 2, p. 80. 3 On page 196 of Hall's History of Norwalk, Conn., is printed, as taken from the town records, the marriage of Moses Comstock and Abigail Brinsmaid February 23, 1709-10, also the death of said Moses January 18, 1766. In volume 1764-1767, pages 197-200 of the -Fair- field, Conn., Probate Records is entered the will of Moses Comstock of Norwalk. It is dated January 24, 1754 and was probated February 11, 1766. In it he makes bequests to his wife Abigail; sons Abijah and Moses ; and daughters Abigail, Hannah, Martha, Sarah and Phebe. Part of the estate was declared intestate and ordered divided among the widow and children whose names appear in the decree of the court. One of the latter was "Abigail Eells wife of John Eells." 4 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 33. 5 Cromwell, Conn., Cong. Church Records. 6 Middletown, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, p. 131. JOHN EELLS. 135 4. JOHN EELLS {Samuel 2, John 1) was born in Milford, Connecticut, but the date does not appear on the town rec- ords. He was baptized June 5 , 1 670. ' Nothing whatever is known in regard to his boyhood days. He does not appear to have owned any real estate, nor is there any clue as to his business. There is no record at Milford of his mar- riage with his wife FRANCES, which probably took place after November 11, 1691. 2 She is believed to have been daughter of Thomas and Frances ( ) OviATT of Mil- ford, and therefore born November 1, 1669. 3 This idea is strengthened by the fact of her age ' ' about 70 " at her death in 1738. March 16, 1697-8, John Eells was one of the appraisers of the estate of Samuel Samford, deceased, of Milford, and five days later, acted in the same capacity for the estate of Edward Wilkinson of that town. 4 John Eells died a few months thereafter because " At a County Court held at Newhaven Novemb r 14 : 1698. An Inventory of y e estate of John Eells late of Milford Deceased intestate was exhibited in Court and ffrances Eells wid w & Relict of s d Deceased haveing given oath to y e p^entm' of s d estate to y e apprizers who also have given oath to y e apprism 4 y e s rt Inventory is approved for Record And whereas it is reported & much Suspected yt ye s d estate will prove non-solvent this Court therefore order that there be a year allowed for y e Creditors to make their demand upon y e s d estate and also that there be made some publick informan of y e insolvency of y e sd estate in y e town of newhav" & milford." 5 In volume 2, pages 224 and 225 of the Probate Records for the District of New Haven is recorded 1 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. i, p. 11. 2 New Haven County Court Records, Vol. 1, p. 194. 3 Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, p. 22. 4 New Haven Probate Records, Vol. 2, p. 202. 5 New Haven County Court Records, Vol. 1, p. 267. 136 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. "An Inventory of y G eftate of John Eells late of Milford Deceaf d taken and apprised this 14 th day of November 1698 by us underwritten £ s. d 1 coat 20 9 / 1 veft & breeches 23 s / one fhirt 10 s 02 : 13 : 06 1 pr stockings 3 8 / 6 d . one fword 14 8 00 : 17 : 06 1 gun barrell and lock 12 9 / 1 grofs & y z puter buttens 9 s 01 : 01 : 00 1 old bed and bolfter 00 : 08 : 00 3 pillows 15 3 . 1 coverlid 16 8 . 1 pr of Coverlid 2" : 6 d 01 : 13 : 06 1 pr of Curtains & vallans 40 s / 1 old bed & 2 blankets 2i 8 -03 : 01 : 00 1 pr sheets 16 s . 1 pr ditto 20 s . 6 napkins & a table cloth 1 i 8 -o2 : 07 : 00 3 towells & one pillow bear 5 s : 6 d . one napkin and table cloth 00 : 07 : 06 22 11 : % of pewter at 2 s : 6' 1 . 02 : 17 : 00 1 platter 3 s : 6 d . 1 tankard 8 s . 1 old tankard 3 s : 6 d 00 : 15 : 00 1 pewter bason 8 s . 1 ditto 5 s . 2 ditto 4 s . 00 : 17 : 00 1 q l pot 4 s . 1 fait feller 3 s . 2 porringers 2*. 2 ditto i8 d 00 : 10 : 06 1 old fait feller & Saucer i6 d . 2 cups 3'. 00 : 04 : 04 1 candle ftick & porring r 2 s / 1 champer pot 8 6 00 : 08 : 00 1 old tiun lamp & caudleftick & puddin pan 00 : 03 : 00 1 brafs fkillet io 8 / 1 warming pan 14 5 . 01 : 04 : 00 1 old brafs kettle 3 11 . 1 old Sword and belt '9 03 : 09 : 00 1 fryan pan 8 s , 1 looking glafs & comb 3 s 00 : 1 1 : 00 13 trenchers I2 d . 1 piggin i8 d . 2 trayes 2 s . 00 : 04 : 06 1 earthen platter 2 8 . 2 ditto 4 s . 1 cheft 4 8 . one box i8 d 00 : 11 : 06 1 tray & Sive 2 s . 1 cradle io 8 . 00 : 12 : 00 1 wheel 6 s . 1 pr of combs 15 8 01 : 01 : 00 1 cheft 8 s . one table n 8 . 1 gri chaire 6 s 01 : 05 : 00 1 chair 3 s : 6 d . one little one i8 d 00 : 05 : 00 1 pr of billows 2 8 : 6 d . one hatt 2 8 / 2 cowes 7 11 : 5* 07 : 09 : 06 5 glass bottles 4 8 . 1 pigg 2 s . 1 ax : 4 8 . 2 books 3 s : 6 d 00 : 13 : 06 35 : 09 : 04 added No : 15 8" of tow 0:2:8 3 pound of linnen yarn 0:7:6 2)4 n of flax 0:3:6 Timothy Baldwin 1 bible 0:6:0 Milles Merwin Nov 1 "': 15 th . 169S then appeared before me the Subfcriber frances Eells the widow and Relict of the Deceafed and gave oath that she had given in the whole of her late husband's eftate to y e apprisers above s d that she knew of or remembred and that if any more come to her knowledge She will give it in to the apprifers to be apprised taken before me Thomas Clarke Justice Novemb r y e 15. 1698 Timothy Baldwin and Miles Merwin personally JOHN EELLS. 137 appeared before me the Subfcriber and gave oath that they have Set a due valuation and apprifem 1 on the eftate mentioned in y° within written Inventory according to their beft judgm 1 Sworn before me Thomas Clarke Juftis Children Eliz ,h : Eells abo* 5 y" old. francis 4y rs : anna 2 ?" old : and y° wid : w th child." Frances Eells was admitted to membership in the First Church of Milford, October 8, 1699, and the same day her three children, Elizabeth, Frances and Anna were baptized. 1 At the annual town meeting held December 25, 1699, it was voted that " widdow ffrances Eells Shall haue her rate giuen her that was due to the town y e year past." 2 On Suffolk Deeds are entered two documents, one from Nathaniel Hobart of Hingham, Massachusetts, dated Octo- ber 11, 1706, the other from Stephen Eazell also of Hingham dated January 10, 1706-7, both of which were witnessed by Frances Eells. 3 On the Plymouth County Deeds is a sale February 13, 1706-7 from Joseph Henchman to Rev. Nathaniel Eells and another to him from Caleb Torrey, March 15, 1721-2.* These two deeds were also witnessed by Frances Eells. From these facts it is inferred that after the death of her husband, she removed to Hingham and later to Scituate, Massachusetts. On the record of deaths kept by Rev. Ebenezer Gay, D.D., Pastor of the First Church of Hingham, is this entry: " 173S Nov. 2 widow Eells about 70." The two married daughters of John and Frances Eells resided in Hingham, and the probabilities are that after their marriages, widow Frances Eells returned to Hing- ham and died there at the time mentioned in the Church record, especially as she was the only ' ' Widow Eells ' ' to whom this record could refer. 1 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, pp. 22 and 29. 2 Milford, Conn., Town Votes, Vol. i, p. 13. 8 Suffolk Deeds, Vol. 23, folios 71 and 83. 4 Plymouth County Deeds, Vol. 7, p. 154 and Vol. 20, p. 14. 138 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. In volume 2, page 240, of the History of Hingham, this date of death is given as referring to Sarah, the second wife of Major Samuel Eells. This is impossible because it has been shown that she died at Scituate in February 1717. Children of John and Frances (Oviatt) Eei.es. I. Elizabeth, b. 1693; bap. Oct. 8, 1699; 1 m. Dec. 27, 1710, John Stowell of Hingham. 2 II. Frances, " 1694; " Oct. 8, 1699; " Frances Eells dau of John and Frances" was admitted to full com- munion August 7, 1 7 15 in the church at South Scituate, Mass. , of which her uncle Rev. Nathaniel Eells was the pastor. 3 " Frances Eells Daughter of Jn° Eells Late of Milford Died November 14th: 1718" 4 III. Anna, " 1696; " Oct. 8, 1699; " Nov. 25, 1714, Thomas Wilder of Hingham. 5 NATHANIEL EELLS {Samuel 2, John 1) was born in Mil- ford, Connecticut, November 26, 1677, ' and was baptized December 30 7 following. His father removed to Massachu- setts when Nathaniel was eleven years old, and the lad is supposed to have accompanied him. 1 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 29. 2 Scituate, Mass., Town Records, Vol. 1, part 1, p. 20. 3 South Scituate, Mass., Church Records, Vol. 2. 4 Scituate, Mass., Town Records, Vol. 1, part 4, p. 8. 5 Ibid., Vol. 1, part 1, p. 22. 6 Milford, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, p. 32. 7 Milford, Conn., First Church Records, Vol. 1, p. 13. REV. NATHANIEL EELLS. 139 Nathaniel was graduated at Harvard College in 1699. Among his classmates were John Bulkley and Stephen Hos- mer, subsequently Pastors of the churches in Colchester and East Haddam, Connecticut, Jeremiah Dummer, afterwards Agent of the Massachusetts Colony in London, Edmund Quincy, who became a Judge of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, and Jonathan Belcher, later appointed Governor of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New Jersey. The following votes appear on the records of the Second Church of Scituate now the First Church of Norwell, Ply- mouth County, Massachusetts. " At a meeting of the Church and Society upon the north River in Sittuate January the 12 th 1702/3 The day Abovesayd the Church and Society made Choice of Captain Stetson, Deacon King, M r John Cushing, Joseph Turner, Job Randall, John Bryant, peter Collamer, Israeli Hobart and James Torrey to be their agents to discourse with Lydia Barrell concerning entertaining Mr Eells and also to discourse with the Sayd Mr Eells concerning his Settling with us in the work of the ministry : and to make proposalls to him as may be Suitable for his Support and maintenance for the future in case he Se reason to Settle with us : " " 18 day of July 1703. The day abovesayd the Society voted that the agents Choson Janu- ary the 12 th 1702/3 : Apply themselves to Mr Eells at his Return to Hingham Concerning his Settlement in the work of the ministery with them." "At a meeting of the Church and Society on the north River in Scittuate August the i8 ,h 1703 A vote past to give Mr Eells five pounds more than formerly proffered makeing it Sixty and five pounds in money : and his fire wood." "Scittuate August the 18 th 1703 At a meeting of the Church and Society upon the north River in Sittuate the sayd Church and Society Agreed to Call M r Nathanaell Eells to settle with them in the work of the ministery, and that the Agents formerly chosen Should wait upon the Sayd M r Eells and acquaint him with their Sayd vote. And in their behalfe treat with him Concerning his settlement and Propose to him what they have Agreed to give him for his Support and maintainance (viz) Sixty five pound in money and his fire wood Annually ; in Case he Se Reason to Settle with them." 140 THIS JOHN KKU/S HAMIJvY. "At a meeting <>f the Church & Society on the north River in Scittuate march the 2' 1 1703/4 the Church and Society Impowered and Ordered William Perrey to kepaire the fence about the garden belong- ing to the parsonage & to make new what is wanting to enclose sayd garden well 5 " April 16, 1786; 4 m. Fanny Leonard and lived in Hol- land Patent, New York. IV. Son, "June 7, 1788; 5 " ; d. June 7, 1788. 5 V. Poi^EY, " Aug. 19, 1789; 3 ' 5 " Aug. 30, 1789; 4 m. Elon Andrews and lived in Utica, New York. 1 Middletown, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 37, p. 35. 1 Oneida County Deeds, Vol. 11, p. 182. s Middletown, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 2, p. 212. 4 Records of the First Church, Middletown, Conn. 5 John Cande family record, now 1900, in possession of Augustus Cande of Holland Patent, New York. 166 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. 9. NATHANIEL EELLS {Nathaniel 6, Samuel 3, Samuel 2, John 1) was born in Middletown, Connecticut, September 8, 1748, 1 and baptized three days later. 2 He married February 22, 1776, 2 HULDAH WHITE, born February 10, 1750-51, daughter of Moses and Huldah (Knowles) White of Middle- town. 3 Nathaniel is said to have been a soldier in the Revo- lutionary War and fought in the battle of Bunker Hill. The records of the Connecticut soldiers in that war are incomplete, and it is impossible to prove the accuracy of this tradition. " At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the North Society in Middle- town " held November 2, 1772 it was " Voted That Daniel Edwards & Nathaniel Eells Jun r Should Be Collectors to Collect the Ministers Rate for the Year Ensueing." The following year the committee were Samuel Sage and Nathaniel Eells, Jr. At the annual town meetings from 1781 to 1788, inclu- sive, and also in 1791, he was chosen one of the Listers, a Fence Viewer in 1794, and in December, 1780, he was appointed one of a committee to purchase powder in accord- ance with an act of the General Assembly. By the will of their father, Nathaniel and his brother Daniel inherited the real estate of the former (see page 158). They divided the homestead between them, Nathaniel tak- ing the South half, on which he resided. June 15, 1 79 1, Nathaniel sold his dwelling house, barn and homelot of 4^ acres for £150.* Just where he resided from this date until his removal to the state of New York is unknown. 1 Middletown, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 1, p. 131. 5 Cromwell, Conn., Congregational Church Records. 3 Middletown, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 2, p. 175. 4 Middletown, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 30, p: 12. NATHANIEL EELDS. 167 In January, 1797, he had become a resident of Whites- town, then in Herkimer, now in Oneida, County, New York. 1 February 1, 1800, while still a resident of that town he bought 50 acres in lot 26 and 50 acres in lot 32 of township 12 in Boylston's purchase in the town of Mexico then in Oneida County. 2 These lands he sold in October, 1801, and in the deed his residence is given as Frankfort, Herkimer County. 3 In January, 1804, he was a resident of that part of Mar- cellus, Onondaga County, 4 which in 1830 was set off as the town of Skaneateles, and this became his final residence. He was by trade a wheelwright and miller, and had charge of some mills at Skaneateles which belonged to Hugh White, of Whitestown. Nathaniel Eells died January 7, 181 5/ His widow Huldah (White) Eells died August 2, 1830. 6 Children of Nathaniel and Huldah (White) Eells. I. Nathaniel, b. Dec. 7, 1776; 6 bap. j 1 m. Susan White and lived in Whitestown, New York. II. Huldah, " June 14, 1778; 6 " June 21, 1778; 8 m. Rich- ardson and lived in Alex- ander, Genesee County, New York. III. Richard, " Aug. 18, 1779; 6 " Aug. 22, 1779; 8 died Aug. 1, 1830 at New Hartford, New York, unmarried. 1 Middletown, Conn., Land Records., Vol. 34, p. 185. 2 Oneida County Deeds, Vol. 7, p. 247. 3 Ibid., Vol. 9, p. 232. 4 Onondaga County Deeds, Vol. I, p. 100. 5 Gravestones in cemetery at Skaneateles, N. Y. 6 Genealogical Record of W. E. Abbott of Syracuse, N. Y. 1 From October 12, 1776 to June 14, 1778, there was a vacancy in the pastorate of the Cromwell, Conn., Congregational Church and the records for that period are very meagre. This undoubtedly accounts for the absence of any entry of Nathaniel's baptism. s Cromwell, Conn., Congregational Church Records. 168 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. IV. Clarissa, b. Jan. 31, 1782;' bap. Jan. 13, 1782; 2 died Oct. 10, 1847 at Leroy, 1 Genesee County, New York, un- married. April 27, 1783; 2 m. Mary Moss Hall and lived in Skan- eateles, New York. May 29, 1785;' 2 m. Jan. 4, 1803, Capt. Moses Loss 1 and lived in Skaneateles, New York. July 5,1789;' " July 19, 1789; 9 m. Asenath Newton and lived in Skan- eateles, Batavia and Alex- ander, New York. V. Sylvester, " Mar. 13, 1783; 1 VI. Susannah, " May 8, 1785 ;' VII. Horace, 10. DANIEL EELLS {Nathaniel 6, Samuel 3, Samuel 2, Johni) was born in the North Society of Middletown, Connecticut, December (5?), 1757,' where he was baptized December 4, I757- 3 According to family tradition he was among the Connec- ticut troops which were engaged in the siege of Boston in 1775, and is said to have worked all the night of June 16 building entrenchments, but in the morning being ordered on a scouting expedition he was not in the famous battle of Bunker Hill. It is a further tradition that in January, 1776, he enlisted for three months under Captain Jared Shepard in the regi- ment commanded by Colonel James Wadsworth for service at Boston. Also that in August of the same year he enlisted for three months under Captain Shepard and Colonel Mat- thew Talcott, and was in the battle of Long Island August 27, and with the troops in their retreat from New York City the following month. 1 Genealogical Record of William E. Abbott of Syracuse, N. Y. 5 Cromwell, Conn., Congregational Church Records. DANIEL EELLS. 169 Again, that at some later period, while on the ocean, he was captured by an English privateer and for a long time kept a prisoner on the island of Bermuda. As confirmatory of these traditions, the records disclose that in May, 1774, the General Assembly of Connecticut "established" Jared Shepard as Captain of "the fifth company or train band in the sixth regiment." 1 In May, 1775, it was enacted that the militia in the towns of Middletown and Chatham should comprise one regiment to be known as the twenty-third, and Matthew Talcott was appointed Colonel thereof. 3 In January, 1776, three regiments were raised in Connec- ticut for service until the first of April around Boston. The first regiment was placed under the command of Colonel James Wadsworth, of Durham. 3 The General Assembly in March, 1776, ordered three regi- ments to be formed from the militia for service at New York. The second regiment under Colonel Matthew Talcott in- cluded ninety men from the twenty-third regiment of militia. 4 The rolls of the Connecticut troops in the Revolutionary war are incomplete. Up to this time there has not been discovered any official record of Daniel Eells's service. Daniel married, October 3, 1782/ MARTHA HAMLIN, born March 29, 1761, daughter of Nathaniel and L,ucretia (Ranney) Hamlin, 6 of Newfield Society, Middletown. At the annual town meeting in December, 1780, he was elected to the office of Hay ward, and was re-elected in 1781, '82 and '83. He was chosen Tythingman in 1783 and '85 and Grand Juror in 1788 and '89. Daniel and his brother Nathaniel divided between them the real estate devised to them by their father. As a part 1 Colonial Records of Connecticut, Vol. 14, p. 272. * Ibid., Vol. 15, pp. 12 and 43. J Ibid., Vol. 15, p. 228. 4 Ibid., Vol. 15, p. 250. 5 Middletown, Conn., First Church Records. ' Middletown, Conn., Births, Marriages and Deaths, Vol. 2, p. 255. 170 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. of his share Daniel took the North half of the homestead. This was also Daniel's residence, and is so stated in the deed of sale thereof to John Williams May 26, 1795, the consideration being ,£330. ' January 2, 1796, " Daniel Eells of Middletown in the County of Middlesex and State of Connecticut ' ' purchased of Samuel Hall of Herkimer County, New York, for ^300, " lawfull money of the State of New York," 150 acres of land in Herkimer County, being part of lot number 4 of the lands granted in the patent to William Bayard and others, and commonly known as the Freemasons' Patent. 2 He evidently removed at once to the state of New York, and is said to have resided for several months in the town of Bridgewater. The lands purchased by him of Samuel Hall were situated in the town of Whitestown, which at that date covered a very large territory, and in January, 1797, he had become a resident of that town. 3 At different times thereafter he added to his original purchase. In 1798 Herkimer County was divided, the county of Oneida, including Whitestown, being formed therefrom. In 1827 by the division of Whitestown his lands became part of New Hartford, in which town he passed the remain- der of his life. He was by trade a cooper, and this business he carried on in connection with his farm. Daniel Eells and his wife Martha were buried in the graveyard on South street in the village of New Hartford, where their stones of white marble ornamented with urn and weeping willows, bear these inscriptions : In Memory of DANIEL EELLS, who died JULY 17, 1851; Aged 94 years. 1 Middletown, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 32, p. 257. - Oneida County Deeds, Vol. 13, p. 604. 3 Middletown, Conn., Land Records, Vol. 34, p. 184. DANIEL EELLS. 171 In Memory of MARTHA wife of Daniel EELDS who died May 26' 1834, ^ET, 73 years Jesus said " I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live:" John 11' 25 — Children of Daniee and Martha (Hamein) Eeees. Born in Middletown, Conn. Wieeiam, b. July 27, 1783; 1 bap. II. Robert, " July 26, 1785;* III. Patty, IV. Fanny, V. Nancy, Oct. 26, 1787; 1 June 28, 1790; 1 Oct. 8, 1792; 1 Oct. 10, 1784;' m. Nov. 8, 18 10, Nancy Savage and lived in Whitestown, New York. 1 July 31, 1785 f m. Oct. 16, 1S16, Rebecca Kilborn Hatch and lived in Kirkland Vil- lage, town of Kirkland, and later in the town of West- moreland, Oneida County, New York. 1 ; m. Mar. 7, 181 1, Paul Abbott and lived in L,ow- ville, Lewis County, New York. 1 Aug. 29, 1790; 2 m. Jan. 14, 1819, Samuel E. Johnson and lived in New Hartford, New York and Cleveland, Ohio. 1 Nov. 4, 1792; 2 m. Jan. 17, 1840, Tillinghast Simmons and lived in Paris, Oneida County, New York. 1 1 Genealogical Record of William E. Abbott of Syracuse, N. Y. 1 Cromwell, Conn., Congregational Church Records. 172 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. VI. LucreTia, b. Nov. 30, 1794; 1 bap. Dec. 7, 1794; 9 lived in New Hartford, New York and died Aug. 26, 1865;' unmar- ried. 3 Born in the State of New York. VII. Daniel, b. Nov. 22, 1797; 1 bap. ; d. Aug. , 1798. 1 VIII. DaniEE, " Sept. 12, 1799; 1 " ; m. Nov. 19, 1823 Emily Langdon Goodrich and lived in Constableville, Lewis County, New York, and Elyria, Ohio. 1 IX. Mary, " Oct. 5, 1801; 1 " ; m. Oct. 25, 1831, Edwin Miller and lived in Con- stableville, Lewis County, New York, and Elyria, Ohio. 1 1 Genealogical Record of William E. Abbott of Syracuse, N. Y. * Cromwell, Conn., Congregational Church Records. * Of the children that lived to maturity, this was the first death, and the ages of the eight at this date aggregated 584 years. Hawes Vlarrian Leutl place of birth ving Sept. 3, THE LENTHALL FAMILY ' ' The History and Antiquities of the County of Bucking- ham " by George Lipscomb, M.D., printed at London in 1847, states that a Robert Lenthall was Vicar of Great Missenden from June 28, 1604, until after 161 7, that another man of the same name was presented with the liv- ing in 1627, and that his successor, Byran Emmott, was instituted May 10, 1638. A Robert Lenthall was Rector of Aston Sandford from October 18, 1627, to about August 12, 1643, when his successor was instituted. Also one of that name became Rector of Great Hampden November 30, 1643, and an entry on the Church records would indicate that he died in 1647. His successor, John Sanderson, was instituted January 4, 1660. It will be seen from the evidence given later, that ROBERT LENTHALL, the father-in-law of Samuel Bells, could not have been the Rector of Aston Sandford, and whether he held any of these positions can only be deter- mined after further search. The Registers of the Great Missenden Church are missing prior to 1678. From the transcripts preserved among the Diocesan records at Lincoln the following extracts are taken : ' ' The Register of y e names of those w ch have bin Babtised in the Church of great Missenden in y e County of Bucks in y e yeare of the Lord 1605 " ' ' Baptised ****** September * * Elizabeth Leynthall daught r of Rob' Leynthall y e 19 day." (Signed) "Robert Lenthall Thomas Winter | cWnwardens .,> Thomas Grace i LENTHALL PEDIGREE. Lenthall = I dau, Suppose : I ■ i ■ ■ | | V ! Adryan Lenthall Living May, 1658. dau. = - Living v, 1658. dau. : .iving Living May, 1658. dau. - iup] losed to bi lii The dates of birth of this family heing unknown they are arranged in the order in which they are mentioned in Robert Lcnthall's will. Cic< I3 Date and place of birth and parentage all un- knot 11 Buried July 15. 1650 Marrian Lenthall I lair and place Of birth unknown. 1 ii ing Sept. j, [658. Rev. Robert Lenthall Dates and places of birth and marriage and names of parents all unknown. A resident of Weymouth, Mass., and Newport, R. I., 1637 to 1641. Returned to England and was minister of Barnes, County Surrey, 1649 to death, which occurred between May 10 and Sept. 3 . 1658. : Margaret Hate and place of birth and parentagi all un known. Died after Sept. 3, 1658 dau. = Thomas Laughton Supposed to be liv- A resident 01 Lynn, ing in May, [658. Mass., in Oct. 1649. Pickerings Anna Lenthall Samuel Eells Baptised at Dorchester, Mass Mav 3, 1640. Married Aug. 1663. DiedatHingham, Mas* April 21, 1709. I I I I I [~l 174 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. " The Register of greate Missenden in y e of Buck for y» year of o r Lord 1614. The names of those w ch have bin baptised ***** November Jane y e daughter of Robert L,eynthall ~\ ***** > were baptised on the 27. ***** 1 Robert Leynthall Minister John Putnam I /// I / ' ' '/■ Churchwardens." his in r ke Edward Lane J The Parish Registers of Great Hampden from 1557 to 1 81 2 have been edited by K. A. Ebblewhite and were printed in 1888. We take these extracts from the printed work. On page 3 of the Preface : "From 1608 to 1636 the entries are in the handwriting of Egeon Askew, the Rector, and from 1637 to 1641 in that of his successor Mr. Spurstow. For the next few years we have the notes of Robert Eenthall, and during the Commonwealth the entries were chiefly made by Thomas Walker, Registrar. ' ' Also on page 10 : "The entries in the 'Old Register ' to the number of three thousand, include many of historical interest, at the head of which stands the burial of John Hampden the Patriot (p. 77). Much controversy has taken place respecting this entry, and at times its authenticity has been doubted. Although it must be admitted that the line has the appearance of an interpolation, it will be seen, on careful examination, that the handwriting is identical with the other burials of 1643. Robert Lenthall was formally inducted on the 30th November, and has recorded this fact prior to the record of the Patriot's and other burials which took place earlier in the year. As I have stated on page 174, this Rector had no doubt officiated on these occasions, though, owing to the troublous times, he had not entered the fact until later in the year. Lenthall was only two years Hampden's junior, and it is not unlikely that he may have been at Thame Grammar School with him. The two families were connected distantly, at least by LENTHALL NOTES. 175 marriage, but still more closely, perhaps, as friends and neighbours, and by identity in education and politics." On page 19 of the Register under date of 1625 is entered: "Mary Weston, daughter of Isaac Weston and Jone his wife of great Missenden parish was upo' request of Mr. Lenthall, Vicar of Missenden baptised at Hampden the 4th day of Septemb. anno D'ni p'dict. ' ' On page 23 under date of 1643 we find : "Robert Lenthall, Rector, inducted y e 30 th of November." The last baptism in 1647 was on June 9 and immediately following is the attestation of " Robert L,enthall, Rector." The record of burials begins with the year 1557. On page 77 appear those for 1642 following which is entered "Robert L,enthall, Rector, Nove'b : 30, 1643." Then is entered the year ' ' t 643 ' ' and underneath " N. B. John Hampden Esquire Lord of Hampden Buried June 25 th ." On page 78 we find : " 1647 " " N. B. My daughter Sarah Lenthall was buried y e eleventh day of August An : supra, she came fro' London to Wickham & on ye Saturday only to see us & so to returne y e morrow in y e after- noone to Wickham againe, but then fell sick & on Wednesday morning following being y e n tU of Aug : about an howre before Sun rise dyed of y e sicknes & so in y e Evening we buried her in y e meade called y e kitchen meade by y e hedgeside as you go downe into it on yo r left hand, a little below y e pond at y e enterance into y e meade : She was aged 14 yeares, eleven moneths & seaventeene dayes — had she lived to Bartholomew day she had bin full 15 yeares of age. Susanna Lenthall my wife dep'ted this life Thursday evening about eight a clock y e 26 of August she died of y e sicknes com- fortably & in peace & was buried y e 27 by hir daughter Sara. John Gardiner a childe y' lived in my house died of y e sicknes & was buried August y e 29th. Adrian Lenthall my sonne a hopefull yong man & neere one & twenty yeares of age dep'ted this life, of y e sicknes, Thurs- 176 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. day morning, a little before day breake & was buried at y e head of sister Sara's grave y e same day, being y e 2 nd of Septe'b : My cosen John Pickering a lad about 13 yeares of age, dying of ye sicknes, was buried y e 25 of Septemb : 1647. Robert Lenthall, Rector." Following this sad record of the Rector's family is a burial on "26 of ffeb : 1647," then appear a few entries in 1648 and 1649 all of which seem to have been attested by " Thomas Walker Regester of Great Hampden 1654." The only marriage in 1 643 entered on page 1 1 3 is headed by this entry : "Robert Lenthall, Rector, Nove'b : 30, 1643." On page 153 is, "An Ace' of y e Rect" of G i Hampden collected partly f m the Register & in part f m very aged people w m y e fathers had told, 1764." The fourth name in the list is that of, " W m Spurstow, & one of those Heroes who wrote ag' y e Ch'h & Establishing — they were five in Number (viz) Steph : Marshall, Edm' 1 Calamy, Tho 8 Young, Matthew New Comen & y e above W m Spurstow." * * * * " This Worthy continued till 1642, w n (acc d e to y e Phrase of the Times) God gave Him a Call to a far Greater Living. Robert Lenthall (a suppos'd Relation of y e Speaker's) succeeded y e above & continued till y e Year 1647 (see y e dreadfull & uncom'on Fate of His whole Family, in y* Year, in 3" Register & in His own Hand Writing) when He had y e like Call as above. ' ' Appended to the Register and preceding the Index is a " List of Rectors, &c." compiled by the Editor from various sources from which we quote : "Robert Lenthall ('a suppos'd Relation of y e Speaker's', p. 154) was inducted 30 Nov. 1643 (pp. 23, 77 and 113), though, it is evident, from the entries on page 77, that he had been in charge of the parish for some months previous, and that he officiated at the burial of the Patriot on the 25th of June, 1643. He had previously been Vicar of Great Missenden, to which he was presented by Sir William Fleet- wood, Knt, in 1627. By his wife Susanna (who died 26 and was LENTHALL NOTES. 177 buried 27 Aug. 1647) he had two children : Adrian who died 2 Sept. 1647 aet. 21, and was buried the same day ; and Sarah who died 11 Aug. 1647 aet. 15, and was buried the sarne day. In addition to his wife and children, the unfortunate Rector lost by the plague his cousin John Pickering, and a child that lived in the house named John Gardiner, both of whom were buried in the same year 1647, as appears by the entries in the Rector's handwriting (see p. 78). He married a second time, and eventually died as Rector of Barnes, Co. Surrey, in 1658." The following extracts are taken from " Chancery Proceedings, Bills and Answers." Elizabeth, Bundle L 10, number 66, Covdell 4 To the R l . Hon. Sir Thomas Brumley, Kt., Lord 1586 Chancellor of England. Bill of Complaint of Willm. Lenthall of Lacheford, Co. Oxford, Esq., that whereas the Dean & Canons of her Ma tiM chapel of St. George in the Castle of Windsor, Co. Berks by deed dated 30 October, 30 Hen. VIII let to one William Lechlade of Hadua, Co. Bucks, hus- bandman, for 30 years from 1556 the Manor of Hasely Magna in said Co. Oxon. with certain exceptions & by other deed dated 2 Oct., 3 & 4 Phillip & Mary certain lands to one John Oglethorp (not John Ogle- thorp late of Newington, Esq. dec d .) & by other deed of 7 June, 9 Eliz. to John Tamwoth, Esq. said leases conveyed to yo r orator now by contriving with one Abraham Horseman & Edward Wyegate by divers pretended leases seek to dispossess yo r orator &c. With Answer of William Daye, deaue of Wyndsore. Before 1714, Bridges I. Bundle 3, number 107. 27 Nov. 1649 To the Rt. Hon. the Lords Com". Bill of Compl't. of John Lenthall of Sydbury in Co. Devon, gent. Adm r . of the Goods &c. of Jane Lenthall widow dec d . during the minority of Richard & Thomas Lenthall her children then infant3 the eldest not above 10 yrs. of age. Whereas Thomas fford of Aishbarton in Co. Devon, Esq. dec d . grandfather of sd. Richard & Thomas & father of Jane their late mother at time of his decease was indebted to one Alfride Denband of Aishberton, John Standen of Stauerton, Richard Langworthy of Newton Abbott, John Syms & Rolph Browne in divers sums of money & to Richard Lenthall, Gent, late of Aishberton, gent, father of sd. infants also dec d . in ,£100 part of the marriage portion of sd. Jane which sd. Thomas fford had promised Sd. Thomas fFord about 10 Charles made his last will & 178 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. appointed Thomas fford his eldest son now also dec d . uncle to sd. infants his Ex or . & appointed in a codicil that his debts should be paid & the money to be raised out of certain lands specified in his own occupation & in occupation of Walter Cater &c. Now Edward fford son of sd. Thomas refuseth to pay sayd ^"ioo &c. With Answer of Edward fford for himself & John fford his son an infant. Before 1714, Bridges I. Bundle 32. To the Rt. Hon ble . the Lords Commissioners for the 5 Keeping of the greate Seale of England. Bill of Complaint of Sir John Lenthall, Knt. Marshall of the Marshallsey of the Upper Bench. That one Henry Martyn was bounden to one Robert Grey, Citizen of London, in ^"1000 for pay- ment of ,£500 & sayd Grey died intestate & one Symon Middleton Citizen of London & Mary his wife a pretended Kinsman of sayd Robert Grey obtained letters of arl ministration &c. & after said Mary died & said letters were determined & administration granted to Willm. Clotworthy, gent, a near Kinsman of sd. Grey yet sd. Mid- dleton pretended he had still administration of the estate & threaten'd Said Martyn with an action in respect of said Bond & caused him to be arrested & Said Clotworthy gave yo r . orator acquaintance with his administration, yet Sayd Middleton threatens suit at law against yo T . sd. orator &c. With Answer of Simon Middleton, citizen & goldsmith, of Loudon & Edward Smith his Solicitor def'ts. Before 1714, Bridges I. Bundle 32. r , To the Rt. Hon. the Com" for the Keeping of the 25 NOV. 1656 r b Greate Seale of England. Bill of Compl't of William Lenthall, Esq. Master of the Rolls & Edmond Lenthall of Great Haseley, Co. Oxon, Esq. That S r . Edmond Lenthall late of Latchford in sd. Co. Oxon., Kt. dec a . was possessed for a certain number of years of the Manor of Great Haseley & a certain meadow parcel of the lauds of sd. Manor & by deed 23 May, 8 Charles assigned to yo r . orator William Lenthall & To S r . Richard Tetchburn, Kt. S r . Arthur Lake, Kt. & Charles Mordaunt, Esq. since all dec d . the sd. Manor for residue of sd. term &c in trust for your sd. orator Edmond & by survivorship your orator William became solely possessed of sd. Manor &c. But now one Edward Smyth of Greate Hasely, yeoman, hath entered into the sd. close of meadow &c. claiming a pretended lease precedent to sd. assignment &c. With Answer & demurrer of Edward Smith, 19 Jan'y 1656. LENTHALL NOTES. 179 Before 1714, Bridges I. Bundle 39. T , „~„ ce. To the Rt. Hon. Edward, Earle of Clarendon, Lord 14 NOV. IDOI Chancellor of England. Bill of Complaint of Sir John Lenthall of parish of St. George the Martyr in Southwark in Co. Surry, Knt. & Thomas Lenthall of sd. parish, Esq. & Henry Gilburne of Wolledge in Co. Kent. Esq. Thet ffrancis Ewre of Bucknell, Co. Oxon., Esq. indebted to yo r . orat or Sir John Lenthall in £\o by deed 12 Aug. 1656 sold the moiety of the Manor of Odington, Co. Oxon. & by Deed 1 Feby 1656 the Manor of Bucknell & diuers messuages lands &c. in Bucknell & said Gilburne & Thomas Lenthall became possessed of sd. messuages lands &c. in trust for the said Sir John &c. but the said ffrances Ewre com- bining with one William Jones of Nasse, Co. Glouc, Esq. & Samuel Trotman of the Inner Temple, Esq. & John Penrice of Lincolnes Inn, Esq. to defraud yo r . Orators & detain the rents of sd. Manno r , lands &c. & having Gotten possession of the Deeds &c. refuse to deliver up said lands, rents &c. Edward Ewre father of sayd ffrancis mentioned with Answer of Def'ts. Before 1714, Bridges I. Bundle 40. „ cc To the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Clarendon, Lord High 13 JUNE I062 ° Chancellor of England. Bill of Complaint of Thomas Trott of the Middle Temple, Gent. Whereas James Wood, Esq. dec d . in 1657 a prisoner in the Kings Bench under the Custody of S r . John Lenthall, K'. Marshall of said prison. Yo r orator managing the affairs of the said Wood &c. sd. Wood Gave a bond against his escape &c. One John Godfrey obtained a bond against sd. Wood & brought an action against him. said Wood died in prison &c. Now sd. S r . John Lenthall combining with others to force the penalty of said bond from yo r . orator &c. With Answer of Sir John Lenthall & Thomas ffountaine def'ts. Owing to the lack of Town records at Weymouth, Massa- chusetts, before 1641, and of Church records before 1700, it is impossible to determine the precise date when Rev. Robert L,enthall became a resident of the town, but from the following extracts we learn that he was there in 1638. " AGenerall Court, held at Newetowne, the 2 th Day of the 9 th Mo, @ 1637." " For as much as this Court hath bene informed of great dissen- tions growen in the towne of Waymoth, through the procurement 180 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. of some contentious psons, for the speedy redresse thereof, it is ordered, that the Go r nor or Deputy Gov r no r , being assisted w th some other of the magistrates, shall fourth w th call before them such parties as they shall thiuke fitt, & shall take such course for the peace of the towne & the well ordering of all affaires there, as to their wisdomes shall seeme most expedient./" 1 ' ' A Generall Courte, houlden at Boston, the 13 th of the First Month, @, 1638." "John Smyth, for disturbing the publike peace by combineing w th others to hinder the orderly gathering of a church at W^moth, & to set vp another there, contrary to the orders heare established & the constant practise of all our churches, & for vndewe pcureing the hands of many to a blank for that purpose, is fined 20 1 & cofn- itted during the pleasure of Court or the counsell./ Rich r d Silvester, for going w tb Smyth to get hands to a blanke, was disfranchised & fined 2 1 ./ " "M r . Robt Lenthall, vpon his free acknowledgment vnder his hand given into the Court, was appointed to appeare at the next coitrt, & enioyned to acknowledg his fault, & give satisfaction to the church at Waymoth, & to give a coppey (of that hee gave into the Court) to the church of Waymoth." 2 John Winthrop, Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, in his History of New England, in writing of this matter under date of 1638, says : "A church was gathered at Weymouth with approbation of the magistrates and elders. It is observable, this church, having been gathered before, and so that of Lynn, could not hold together, nor could have any elders join or hold with them. The reason appeared to be, because they did not begin according to the rule of the gospel, which when Lynn had found and humbled themselves for it, and began again upon a new foundation, they went on with a blessing. The people of this town of Weymouth had invited one Mr. Lenthall 3 to come to them, with intention to call him to be their min- 1 " Records of Massachusetts," Vol. 1, pp. 205, 217. 2 Ibid., pp. 250, 252, 254. 3 "Hubbard, 275, carefully copies his master, but neglects to enlarge our knowledge of this clergyman. I learn from Lechford, that he, soon after, found him at Newport, ' out of office and employment and lives very poorly.' From the proceedings in our Colony Records, 1. 241, we find his name of baptism was Robert. Callender, 62, gives all the further information that can be obtained, and confirms my LENTHALL NOTES. 181 ister. This man, though of good report in England, coming hither, was found to have drank in some of Mrs. Hutchinson's opinions, as of justification before faith, etc., and opposed the gathering of our churches in such a way of mutual stipulation as was practised among us. From the former he was soon taken off upon conference with Mr. Cotton ; but he stuck close to the other, that only baptism was the door of entrance into the church, etc., so as the common sort of people did eagerly embrace his opinions, and some labored to get such a church on foot as all baptized ones might communicate in without any further trial of them, etc. For this end they procured many hands in Weymouth to a blank, intending to have Mr. Lenthall's advice to the frame of their call ; and he likewise was very forward to become a minister to them in such a way, and did openly maintain the cause. But the magistrates, hearing of this disturbance and combination, thought it needful to stop it betimes, and ergo they called Mr. Lenthall, and some of the chief of the faction, to the next general court in the i month, where Mr Lenthall, having before con- ferred with some of the magistrates and of the elders, and being convinced both of his error in judgment, and of his sin in practice to the disturbance of our peace, etc., did openly and freely retract, with expression of much grief of heart for his offence, and did deliver his retractiou in writing, under his hand, in the open court ; whereupon he was enjoined to appear at the next court, and in the meantime to make and deliver the like recantation in some public assembly at Weymouth. So the court stopped for any further censure by fine, or etc., though it was much urged by some. At the same court one Smith was convicted and fined £20 for being a chief stirrer in the business ; and one Silvester was disfranchised ; and one Britton, who had spoken reproachfully of the answer, which conjecture that he returned home: 'They procured [for a religious teacher] Mr. Lenthal of Weymouth, who was admitted a freeman here August 6, 1640. And, August 20, Mr. Lenthal was by vote called to keep a public school for the learning of youth, and for his encouragement there was granted to him and his heirs one hundred acres of land, and four more for an house lot. It was also voted, that one hundred acres should be laid forth, and appropriated for a school, for encouragement of the poorer sort to train up their youth in learning ; and Mr. Robert Lenthal, while he continues to teach school, is to have the benefit thereof. But this gentleman did not tarry here very long. I find him gone to England the next year but one.' It seems, the New Lights of Rhode Island were willing to have advantage of the old light." 182 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. was sent to Mr. Barnard his book against our church covenant, and of some of our elders, and had sided with Mr. Lenthall, etc., was openly whipped, because he had no estate to answer, etc." ' Thomas L,echford, a lawyer from England, was a resident of Boston from 1638 to 1641, when he returned to England. His short residence in this country is accounted for by the fact that he differed in his theological views from the min- isters and other chief men of the colonies. Not being con- tent with holding such different views, he put them in book form for general reading, which action made him very obnoxious. Thomas Dudley, in a letter to Governor John Winthrop, dated " Rocksbury dec. 11, 1638." writes regarding the work : "I heare that M r Cotton & M r Rogers know somethinge of the matter, or man, w th whome you may if you please conferre : I heare also that hee favoureth M r Lentall & hath so exprest himselfe since M r Lentall was questyoned by the ministers :" 2 This reference to a questioning of Mr. L,entall by the ministers evidently relates to : ' ' A disputation held at Dorchester at Captayne Staughtons betweene Mr. Lentall & the rest of the Elders of the Bay about some Tenets y 4 Mr. Lentall held. Month 11 & 10 th 1638." Notes of the questions and answers regarding the points discussed at this interview were taken by Captain Robert Keayne, of Boston, who was evidently present. Rev. Ezra Stiles, for many years President of Yale Col- lege, made a copy of the Keayne manuscript on August 10, 1 77 1. This copy, preserved among the Stiles papers in Yale University Library, is the only known record of the 1 "History of New England" by John Winthrop edited by James Savage, third edition, 1853, Vol. 1, p. 346. See also "An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" by John Callender, 1739, edited by Romeo Elton, 3rd edition, 1S43, p. 116. * Mass. Historical Society Proceedings, Vol. 3, p. 311. LENTHALL NOTES. 183 conference now extant, the original manuscript having long since disappeared. In the course of the conference Mr. Lenthall makes this statement : "I was for witnessing to the Truth, unjustly east out of my place, to wch I was called by the people, with whom we sweetly agreed. Now some of my people came over to N. E befor me, & more I do expect ; & thease I take for my people, and hear we desire to reforme ourselves & to goe on according to the Custome of the churches hear, but whether thear be a Nullity of my first Ordination. 1 The subjects gone over at this disputation related to church government and religious belief. There is nothing in the manuscript to indicate that Mr. I^enthall's character was the subject of criticism. On Lechford's return to England he printed in 1642 a work entitled " Plain Dealing or Newes from New Eng- land." In the work he makes this statement regarding the Weymouth matter : "A Minister standing upon his Ministery, as of the Church of Eng- land, and arguing against their Covenant, and being elected by some of Weymouth to be their Minister, was compelled to recant some words ; one that made the election, & got hands to the paper, was fined 10 pounds and thereupon speaking a few crosse words, 5 pound more, and paid it downe presently." ' 2 It will be remembered that at the Court held in March, 1638, Mr. Lenthall was "appointed to appear at the next Court." There is no record of his appearance, and he probably soon left the colony. Among the records of the Colony of Rhode Island are found these entries : " At the Generall Courte Held at Portsmouth on the 6th of August, 1640. 1 Stiles Manuscript, Yale University Library. 2 "Plain Dealing," Trumbull edition, 1867, pp. 57, 58. 184 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. By the Generall Consent of this Courte, Mr. Rob't Lenthall, and Thomas Cornill, and Ralph Cowland, are admitted Freemen of this Body Politike, fully to enjoy the priviledges belonging thereunto " J His name appears in the "Court Roll of Freemen" at the election of Colonial officers March 16, 1641. 2 The wording of the records would indicate that all the freemen of the colony met together in one place for the election of their officers. It is recorded that "At the Generall Court of Election held on the 16th & 17th of March, att Newport, 1642. It is further ordered, that Mr. Lenthall being gone for England, is suspended his Vote in Election." 3 Further information regarding him is shown by docu- ments in the Massachusetts State Archives which read thus : Milford March 14 th i68f " Right Hon a,,le : Sir the occation of my Troubleing your Excellency, at this time with these lines is of the wrong which Ihaue had in being keept out of my Right of ahouse and Land at Rhode Island, which was granted to my wifes father Robert Lenthall, & he dyeing without ason IHumbly contend she is the proper heire to it, the paper here Inclosed will giue your Excellency atrue account of the matter the house & home lott and the meadow, is in the possesson of perticuler persons, but there is one hundred acres of Land, lyeth in the Comon, unfenced, and has been so euer since my father in Law left it ; and that w ch I humbly request of your Excellency is this, that if your wisdom think meet to grant me apattent of that 100 acres of Land, Called Lenthalls plaine, as for that which is in pticular mens possession, I Expect no relief but by Law, which Icould not haue vnder the former gouer- ment, they being quakers, & Henry bull that was in possession of the house & home lott was a quaker alsoe, and although I coihenced an action, & the Case Cornitted to the Jury, in the year 1665, yet Icould neuer haue a vardit to this day, as p y e Inclosed doth Informe you, & so Ihaue waited w"' patience, Expecting Long since, that there would be achaug of Gouerme*, whereby Imigh haue reliefe, Ihope 1 Rhode Island Colonial Records, Vol. 1, p. 104. 2 Ibid., Vol. 1, p. no. 3 Ibid., Vol. 1, p. 119. LENTHALL NOTES. 185 the length of time may be no Impediment, and now that god by his prouidence hath giuen your Excellency the gouerment of the place, & being well Certified of your uprightness In Judgment, & Clemency to hear those in distress, I thought it my duty, to apply my selfe to you, haueing so good an opertunity by Cap': Nicholson, & Cap' Rauenscraft whome I hope will giue you to vnderstand my Imperfect lines, better then my pen can doe which is all at present, with my prayers to almighty god for his blessing upon your Excellency in all Concerns I rest Sir your Most humble Seruant Samuell Eells " > ' 'A true relation of the case about M r Robert Lenthalls land at Rhod Island as followeth In the year 1640 M r Robert lenthall was granted by the towne of New-port, on Rhod Island, 104 acres of Land & giuen gratis, to him & his heires foreuer besides meadow, and there was one hundred acres of land laid out, & Impropriated for aschool, which he was to haue the benefit of it as long as he Keep school, but that Imedle not with ; it is still Improued for that use. but that w h was granted to Robert Lenthall & his heires foreuer, lyeth in two places, four acres is the home lott, where he built his house, & the 100 acres is in another place, called Lenthalls plaine, to this day, all which he possessed & Enjoyed for more then three years, & then went to England, & there dyed, & left no son. In the year 1649 Jeremy Gold (with whome Rob'. Lenthall left his land to let out & to keep the house and fence in repair) procures adeed (as his successors say) from Thomas laugh- ton of Lynn, wherein is sold to said Jer : Gold, all M r Lenthalls Intrest on Rhod Island, without any order from said Lenthall, with out any Consideration in the deed, for any thing paid, or to be paid, so that it was sold w' h out order, & for nothing, neither is their any Record of the deed. & said gold being in possession of y e said house and land, by virtue of y e said deed (Copie whereof is here Inclosed) sells the house & home lott to Henry bull, who hath been since Gouernour of y e place, giues the out land & meadow to his son daniel Gold, & Daniel sells the meadow to seuerall persons, & in all deeds M r Len- thalls title is acknowledged, but as for Lenthalls plaine, that 100 acres Jer : Gold gaue to his son Daniel gold, & daniel gold Exchanged it w th his brother John Gold, & John Gold Informing the towne of new- port, that he had bought it of M r Lenthall, & desired to Exchange it for 100 acres in another place which was granted to him, and so Lenthalls plain lyeth in Comon, vnfenced to this day, & no man (be- sides my selfe) lays any claime to it, & the reason of my claime is by 1 Mass. State Archives, Vol. 126, p. 264. 186 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. marriage of Anne, daughter of said Lenthall, & proper heire to the said land, there being no son. In the year 1665 Iwent w th my wife to Rhod Hand, and after demand sued Henry bull for the house & home lott, and was the first court cast, by reason of a law that gaue liberty but for three yeares for any in England (where we then were) to sue for any Land &c : which if they did not should be cutt off, w ch y e Kings solissiter y- present pro- tested against as repugnant to the Law of England, the solissiter was M r W m dyer. I being cast Entered a review to the next Court & the Case was Committed to the Jury but the Jury parted & neuer agreed nor gaue any vardit to this day so that the Case is yet depending Samuell Eells " l ' ' This deed bareing date the three & twentieth day of October in the year of our lord Christ 1649 witnesseth that I Thomas laugh ton of Lynn in the Jurisdiction of the Massachusetts planton by virtue of comission vnto me giuen from my brother in law Robert Lenthall Clarke (some time of Road Island) & now liuing in old England haue giuen granted bargained & sold vnto Jeremiah Gold of Newport in Road Island afforsaid yeoman all y e houses buildings fences lands wood lands earable & med ground with the Appurtinances thereunto belonging & containing by Estimation one hundred acres and four acres for a home lott be they more or less lying & being within the precincts of Newport in Road Island all which lands and meadow grounds was giuen and granted vnto the said Robert Lenthall by the Free Inhabitants of newport (and hath been for the space of six years last past in the possession & disposing of the said Jeremiah Gold by the said Robert Lenthalls order vnto him giuen) to haue and to hold all & singuler the afforesaid houses lands mead grounds with all ther apurtinances vnto them belonging vnto the said Jeremy gould & his heires foreuer and Ithe said Thomas Laughton doe for my Brother Lenthall by virtue of my comission from him as affore said couenant for him & his heires vnto Jeremy Gould & his heires that he the said Robert Lenthall at the time of the sale hereof was the sole true and right owner of all & singuler the afforesaid houses lands and apurtin- ances & therefore doe make warranty vnto y e said Jeremy & his heires that this deed is a good & firm & indefeazable deed in the law and doe make warrantie vnto them for there quiet & peaceable hold- ing & Injoying of all & euery p* thereof from the trouble or molesta- tion of any person or persons claim from by or under any right or Intrest which the said Robert Lenthall euer had therein or thereunto 1 Mass. State Archives, Vol. 126, pp. 265, 266. LENTHALL NOTES. 187 in witness whereof I the said Thomas Laughton haue for my Brother Lenthall on the year & day aboue said hereunto set to my hand & seal sealed & deliuered Tho : Laughton [Seal] in the presence of Robert Nash and dauid Barnot B his marke vera Copia : Now that this deed aboue written is in vallid in law appeares by these reasons i there was neuer any order did appear from Robert Lenthall for the sale of the said house & lands 2 there is no consideration for which it was sold in y e deed nor euer any thing paid for it as them selues haue owned 3 there is no record of the deed " J " In the old book page 2' 1 and 3 d may 23 d : 1640 upon the Record of Lands granted thus: Itt: to M r Robert Lenthall was granted the number of 104 acrs and giuen grates August 20 M r Robert Lenthall was Called to Keep a publique school 1640 for the teaching of youth & for his Incoradgm 1 thereto there was granted to him one hundred and four acres of Land and to his heires foreuer his home lott being part he is not to pay the 40 9 that was paid for it nor for the hundred two shilling p acre according to Custome Allsoe it was agreed that one hundred acrs should be laid forth & Impropriated for a school for the Incoradgment of the poorer sort to traine up their youth In learning and M r Robert Lenthall whiles he Continues to Keep school to haue the benefit of it True Copies taken out of the originall Records as they are recorded in the booke of Records belonging to the towne of Newport in y e Colony of Rhod Island & prouidence plantations in New England as attest Willm Dyre To : Clerke " s An examination of the Register of the Church at Barnes, in the County of Surrey, England, proves that Robert I^enthall was in charge of the parish from 1649 to some time in 1658. The following appears on the Register. " 1650. Burials. July 15. Ciceley y e wife of M r . Rob 1 . Lenthall " 1 Mass. State Archives, Vol. 126, p. 267. - Ibid., Vol. 126, p. 268. 188 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. The record of burials continue in regular order until we come to the date "1658," when there is no record until 1660. This deficiency in the Register is explained by the date and probate of the will of Robert Lenthall the minister in charge of the parish, from which it will be seen that his death occurred sometime between May 10 and September 3, 1658. 11 In the name of God Amen this tenth of May one Thousand six hundred Fifty and eight I Robert Lenthall of Barns in the County of Surrey Clerke at this present time in good health and remembrance (blessed be God) doe in manner and forme following and with mine owne hand writinge make and appointe this my laft will & testam' Imprimis my soule and spiritt I cheerefully and thankefully in the faith of Jesus Christ my redeamer resigne and giue vp into the hands of God my Creator And my bodie I leaue to my wife and children to see privately without any ringing or trouble of companie interred in the churchyard of the parish Church of Barnes as clofe and neare as may be to the corner wall of the west and north side of the said Churchyard and my graue appointe there to be digged at least eight foote deepe And to that purpose giue and bequeath to the Clarke or Sexton of the said parish for that service and his attendance there- about eight shillings Item to the poore of the said Barnes I giue and bequeath Twenty shillings Item to Richard Goldston I giue and bequeath Tenn shillings to Nan Blinde five shillings And to poore James Bennett five shillings Then for the rest of my worldly goods I thus dispose them Imprimis to my owne Brother Adryan Lenthall I give and bequeath a Legacie ring of golde of Eleaven shillings price to be sent him if then liveinge Item to my Sister Downes I give and bequeath Twenty shillings Item to my Sister Kitely Twenty shillings Item to my Sister Male a golde ring of Tenn shillings price Item the like to my Sister Hawes if then liveinge a ring of tenn shillings Item so to my Sister Laughton if liveing a ringe of tenn shillings price to be sent over to her And lastly soe to my Sister Pickeringe a gold ring of Tenn shillings price to be sent her, All which legacie rings I will to be enamelld with a deaths head and this posey inserted when this you see then think of me R. L. Item to Andrew Kitely I give a new suite of cloathes and forty shillings in money to put him out to some trade Item to my loueing wife Margarett Lenthall I give and bequeath the Threescore and fiue pounde which shee hath in her keepinge which is in parte of the Hundred poundes I promised I would leaue her if the Lord would would at my decease Item to the making up of LENTHALL NOTES. 189 the said Hundred to the former three score and five I give and bequeath more Twentie poundes of lawfull english money beinge parte of that Thomas Signall at the present oweth me which is to my wife fower score and fiue poundes Item then of that Hundred poundes there is tenn poundes to be excepted upon a debt I paid to M r . Barrat for my wife Then to the payment of the rest I will and appointe that there bee imediately sold of my goods and cattell that I die seized of to the value of Twenty pounds whereof to my wife I will and bequeath tenn pounds which will make the former fully one hundred with advantage And indeed could I otherwise have discharge it, it should have beene soe. But since I can not I hope this wilbe accepted of and the rather because there is soe little left for my two daughters Marrian and Nan Item to my daughter Marrian I give and bequeath Twenty poundes of law'full english money And likewise to my daugh- ter Nan twenty pounds of lawfull english money which said forty pounds betwixt them is that money in my deske and laid aside for them as all that porcbn that I am able to give them besides their share in some of my goods as hereafter is expressed praying them thereof to accept and therefore to be thankef ull to God Only it is my will that the Tenn pounde aboue mencbned and made of my goods sould and not bequeathed be to my daughter Nan to whome I bequeath it the rather for encoragement in well doeinge and because of the infirmitie in her sight shee lyes vnder. Item the Silver Cupp with eares I give and bequeath vnto my w T ife with all her owne goods she brought vnto mee Then for the rest of all my goods as the Siluer Cann and all the Siluer spoones bedds bedding besides curtains pillowes pillowbeeres linnen w 7 hatsover sheetes pillowbeers table cloaths napkins cubboard clothes & with all the carpetts hangings tables chairs stooles and all the pewter brasse Irons and whatsoever of my goods vnsould w 7 ithin or abroade w th all my books and noates whatsoever else vnmencbned or vnsould I give divided betwixt them with whatsoever money may be made of them or anie of them or whatsoever debtes oweinge, my wife to have the first choice and then Marrian the second and Nan the third praying that this divident of my goods or whatsoever vnbequeathed and to be divided betwixt them in money or goods may be done without Jarringe murmurynge discontent or vnthankefullnes on either parte And withall chargeinge my two daughters to goe con- tent with that they haue and not to giue their mother anie iust cause of complaint against them, but to be respective to her and rather to receive wrong with patience than in any thinge to doe her the least iniury or suffering to be done to her. Item hereby I appointe and constitute my loueing wife and my two daughters Marrian and Nan equally and ioynt Executrices of this my last will and Testament praying them to see the true performance of all the particulars therein 190 THE JOHN EELLS FAMILY. mentioned and true payment of the legacies therein bequeathed and overseers of this my last will and Testament I earnestly intreate to be M r . Thomas Eayres of Kensington gent and Thomas Signall of this parish of Barnes. To whom I give and bequeath two legacie gold rings of Eleaven shillings price apeece to be bought and given them by mine executrices entreating and praying them as loveing freinds to be assistant to my executrices in the fullfilling of this my last will and Testament and to see to the true and faithfull performance thereof and of every particular therein according to my meaninge and intent That all jarringe and discord may be prevented and loue and peace after my decease continued. In Witnes whereof the day and yeare aboue written to this my last will and Testament contained in two pages of one sheet of paper sub- scribed on both sides with my name : I have in confirmation thereof sett to my hand and seale Robert Lenthall. Proved 3 September, 1658 by executrices Margaret relict & Marrian & Anne Lenthall daughters." Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Register Wootton, folio 540. It will be remembered that in the deed given by Thomas Laugh ton of the lands at Newport, Rhode Island, he refers to ' ' my brother in law Robert Lenthall Clarke (some time of Road Island) & now lieuing in old England ". The legacy in the foregoing will ' ' to my Sister Laugh- ton if liveing a ringe of tenn shillings price to be sent over to her" would seem to prove beyond question that Rev. Robert Lenthall of Barnes was the man of that name who had been at Weymouth, Massachusetts, and Newport, Rhode Island. Also the Milford town records show that the marriage of Samuel Eells and Anna Lenthall took place at Lynn. Until the finding of the documents among the Massachusetts State Archives the reason why the marriage took place there was a mystery. Now it would seem to be clear that Anna was probably living in the family of her uncle Thomas Laughton. Children of Rev. Robert Lenthau,. I. Marrian, living Sept. 3, 1658. II. Nan or Anna, mar. Aug. 5, 1663, Samuel Eells, of Milford, Conn. INDEXES INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Abias, Joan, 6 Thomas, 6 Abraham, Elliott, 32 John, 32 Adams, \ , 15 Adames, - Blasius, 88 Addams, ) Blazius, 13 Elizabeth, 8, 15 Francis, 91 John 15 Lawrence, 86 Marie 13 Mary, 18 Stephen, 91 Thomas, 5 Adderley, John, 51 Addiscott, Thomas, 30 Adkins, see Atkins. Aetkins, " " Aeles, see Eells. Aells, " Allen, ) , 16 Allyn, i Joane, 27 Marj-, 11, 64 Alvord, Thomas, 22 Amory, Jos. , 30 Andrewes, Thomas, 54 Apis, Arthur, 77 Archdale, Math, 28 Mathew, 21 Archer, , 14 Margerye, 26 William, 26 Arow, Jane, 44 Arundell, , 13 Thomas, 13 Ashby, Richard, 54, 55, 57 Askew, Egeon, 174 Atkins, > Agues 34, 35 Adkins, j- Daniel, 47 Aetkins, ) Thomas, 18 Page. Audsell, Richard, 60 Auerd, Robert, 48 Avery, Joane, 35 Richard 35 Awdley, Hugh, 74 Axtell, Nathaniell, 39 Philippe, 40 Babb, John, 75 Robert, 75 Baldwyn, William 91 Ball, Edmund, 41 Ballam, Ellis, 36 Ballard, Roger, iS William, 48 Barber, Edmund, 45 Barfoote, Richard, 24 Barkham, \ Edward, 53, 55 Barkeham, > Barker, Thomas, 25 Barley, George, 40 Barlowe, John, 65, 66 William, 65 Barnard, , 182 Barnot, Dauid, 187 Baron, George, 30 Barons, John, 36 Barrat, , 189 Barrows, John, 21 Barteley, Morris, 65 Barter, John, 9 Barton, Thomas, 15 Basdmore, Nicholas, 45 Basely, , 42 William, 42 Basford, Joane, 46 Basse, John, 49 Bassett, Edw, 20 Edward, 18, 19, 89 Elizabeth, 18, 19 Mary, 18, 88 194 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Bassett, Richard 13, 18, 19 Thomas 13, 14, 18, 88 William, 18, 19, 88 Bateman, Elizabeth 8 Richard, 8 Bayard, ) John, 5j 6 Bayarde, S Josias, 5 Peter, 5 Beale, George, 74 Beard, Floram, 37 John, 49 Beast, John 44 Beatryche, Rob, 41 Becke, Joseph, 40 Beckwith, Henry, 43 Began, William, 85 Bell, William, . 46 Belson, Edward 64 Beninge, Sarah 41 Benington, Thomas, 61 Bennett, Henry, 61 James, 188 Joseph, 14 Ben well, William, 14 Berry, Elizabeth, 18 John, 19 Steven, 19 Best, Thomas, 7 Bewick, Robert, 68, 69 Bird, Grace, 58 John, 5S Thomas 58 Bisse, William 9 Blackaller, John, 16 Richard, 71, 85, 86 Blackwell, Edward, 47 Blake, , 46 Blinde, Nan, 188 Bolly, Anne 5 George, 6 Bolton, , 74 Ann, 74 Edmund, 74 Lawrence, 74 Page. Bolton, Mary, 74 Bond, Marion, 34, 35 Nicholas, 54 Booth, Thomas, 61 Booton, Joye 42 Booye, Thomas 68 Borhall, Henry 25 Borton, , 42 Boscocke, Edmund 49 Bosvile, I William, 53, 55 Bosevile, i Bowden, Jane, 35 Bowman, , 6 Boult, Richard 22 Bounde, Robert, 67 Bradley, Alexander, 8 Edward, 16 William, 45 als Gardner, als Towne, als Eagles, Joane, 16 Bradshaw, { George, 69 Bradshawe, S Job, 77 Brand, Martha, 43 Braunce, Daniel, 5, 6 John, 5, 6 Eales als, Mary, 20 Brickley, William, 4 Bridgewater, Thomas 23 Briscoe, John, 7 Richard, 7 Thomas, 7 Britton, , 181 Brodrick, Thomas, 16 Brooke, Edward, 45 Elizabeth, 24 Robert, 24, 25 Brown, I Alice, 46 Browne, J Anne, 72 Eliz., 11 Elizabeth, 15 John, 61, 72 Kate, 15 Mathewe, 61 Richard 23 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 195 Page. Brown, Robert, 55, 57 Rolph, 177 Samuell, 15 Sara, 15 Thomas, 15, 53, 60, 61 William, 15 Browse, Nicklas, 37 Buck, William, 55 Bulbeck, Ellen, 12 Bull, Henry, 184, 185, 186 Bullivante, Ri, 42 Burden, Thomas 63 Burkitt, Francis, 61 Burne, } Isatte, 31 Burns, J John, ... 31 Burton, Samuel, 61 Bury, Robert, 88 Butler, George, 19 John, 45 Margery, 45 Butley, 54 Byfford, John, 10 Calamy, Edmd., 176 Callender, John, 180, 182 Calton, Paul, 63 Susanna, 63 Canutar, John, 38 Capern, , 27 Carr, Robert, 61 Carten, Thomas, . . 18 Carter, \ Christopher, 39 Cater, i Thomas, 61 Walter, 178 Carswell, Lidia, 15 Carver, Lawrence, 14 Caseley, [ Oliver, 39 Casleigh, i Tho., 31 Casse, John, 40 Cassellton, Ezechiell, 30 Cater, see Carter. Caunter, Thomas, 67 Chafe, Walter 38 Challoner, William 57 Page. Chamberlain, Thomas, 23 Chambers, Nicholas, 46 Champion, William, 9 Chase, , 54 Cherry, William, 60, 62 Cheseman, Rayfe, 91 Chester, Ellinor, 7 Child, ) , 17 Childe, \ Agnes, 6, 7 Arnold, 6, 7 Constant, 6 Elizabeth 6 Henry 6 Marye, 6 Raphe, 6 Thomas, 6 William, 6 Church, Edmond, 76, 77 Churchman, John, So Robert, 80 Clapwell, Tho., 41 Clark, ) Humphrey, 56 Clarke, ) Joane, 26 John 13, 62 William 53 Clewter, } Zachary, 74, 75 Clouter, ) Clive, Thomas, 91 Clotworthy, William, 178 Cocke, als Fange, Ellen, 21 Coke, Cornelius, 53, 55 John 58 Thomas 53, 55 Cole, Henry, . . 34 Margeret, 34 Richard, 51 Coleman, Phillippe, 89, 90 Colman, Rd., 43 Coley, William, 42, 43 Coliwell, Tobie 16 Collamore, Jone, 9 Collie, Edward, 15, 16 Elizabeth 15 Jno., 15 196 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Collie, Martha, 15 Sara, 15 Collington, Phillipp, 61 Collis, Edward, 15 Columbell, Roger, 50 Comminge, Agnis, 28 Compton, Thomas, 61 Coningsbye, Raphe 6 Cook, I Edward, 78, 79 Cooke, J John, 44 Jone, 31 Richard, 31 Thomas, 19 William, 30 Coop, William, 9 Cooper, Sarah, 48 Corbett, Francis, 51 Coreley, Henry, 13 Comill, Thomas, 184 Cotton, , 181, 182 Coulery, William, 63 Cove, Katherine, 2 Covell, Michaell, 8i, 82 Cowland, Ralph, 184 Cowper, Rob 41 Coyte, John, 16 Cracknell, Robert, 69 Cressett, Edw., 54 Critchlow, Richard 15 Croley, Fraunces, 15 Crook, William, 47 Crosby, Charles, 54 Crosse, William, 91 Crossing, Stephen, 30 Croutt, William, 38 Crupwell, Henry, 47 Cudd, Edward 21 Cust, Obed, 61 Dake, John, 10 Dally, George, 49 Damerell, Nicholas 68 Dancey, a Dancie, Y Richard, 77, 78 Dancy, J William, 76, 77 Page. Darrante, Thomas, 39 Daun, William, 72 Davenport, William, 27 Davye, Joane, 70, 71 Dawes, John, 65, 66 Daye, William, 177 Deacon, Richard, 19, 88 de ffreney, Margarete, 6 Demmar, Ralph, 24 Denband, Alfride, .177 Dench, Will, 34 de Rew, Julyan 49 Deuerell, John 18 Dichfield, Edward, 56 Ditchett, Io 10 Doddesley, William, 8 Doddridge, Francis, 3S Dolbeare, Edmond, 30 Joan, 30 John, 30 Mary, 30 Thomas, 30 Dormer, Thomas, 14 Dorsett, Benjamin, 11 Dound, John, 34, 35 Dove, Richard, 53 Downes, , 1S8 Dowsett, Benjamin, 10 Dudley, Henry, 40 Thomas, 182 William, 53 Dudlick, Jasper, 11 Dugdaile, William 34 Dune, Ri., 41 Dyer, \ Arthur 20 Dyre, J William 186, 187 Eagles, Bradley als, Joane, 16 Eakens, Walter, 48 Eayres, Thomas, 190 Ebblewhite, E. A. 174 Edgcombe, Anne, 1 Edwards, John 10 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 197 Page. Eells, 1 Agnes, 4, 5, 8, 10, 27, 30, 40, 45 Aeles, Alban, 13, 14, 18, 90 Aells, Alexander, 38 Eale, Alice, 3, 4, 10, 12, 41, 44, 46 Eales, Alyce 4 Ealles, Alse 36, 38 Eals, Andrew, 39 Ealse, Ann, 8, 14, 19, 25, 36, 40, 48,83 Eayles, Anne, 4, 5, 6, 12, 18, 22, 23, 27, 3 1 , 39. 4o, 42, 50, 9 1 Eel, Annie 31 Eeles, Annis, 26, 27 Eels, Anstice, 28 Eelys, Anthony, 4, 45, 46 Eiles, Avise, 16 Eilles, Bridget, ... 2, 3, 39, 40, 45 Eles, Cecily, 43 Elles, [ Christiana, 1 Ellis, Christopher, 36, 48 Ells, Constance 41,42 Else, Dennis, 33 Eyales, Dorothea, 23 Eyle, Dorothie, 42 Eyles, Dorothy, 19, 33 Eyls, Edmund, ... .1, 13,41,74 Ieles, Edward, 1, 2, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 42, 43, 58, 59, 7°, 71, 84, 85, 86, 88 lies, Elinor, 11 Yeales, Elisaye, 39 Yealls, Elisha, 40 Yeeles, Eliz., 6 Yeels, Elizabeth, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 17, 18, 22, 26, 28, 38, 41, 42, 44, 48, 90, 91 Yeles, Ellery, 32 Yelles, Frances, 9, 24, 27, 47 J Francis, 42 Page. Eells, Frisidfide 7 Gabriel, 8, 27 George, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 47, 57, 59, 87, 88, 89 Giles, 5 Grace, 30, 38 Hanna, 15, 22, 47 Hannah, 19 Hellen, 35 Henery, 7 Henrie, 21, 23, 26 Henry, 8, 10, 26, 27, 36, 43, 45, 47, 63, 64 Hillary 93 Hugh, 25, 48 Ieliane, 3S Isaack, 49 Isett, 31 Isott, 34, 35 Jacamye, 24 Jacob, 19 James, 2, 31, 32, 33, 37, 42, 46, 78 Jane, 17, 23, 31, 32, 37, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48 Jasper 4 Jeffery, 23 Jenner, 19 Joan, 1, 22, 36, 37, 38, 43 Joane, 6, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 37, 38, 4i, 71 Johan, 28, 38 Johanne, 38 John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, ir, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 56, 60, 61, 62, 63, 69, 89, 91, 93 Jone, 24, 26, 34, 41, 42 Joseph, 22, 36 Judith 24 198 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Eells, Katharine, 2 Katherine, 2, 15, 17, 21, 23, 35, 44, 46, 74, 75, 9 1 Laurence, 30 Luke 91 Lyon, 8, 9 Margaret, 3, 6, 8, 30, 32, 43, 45, 78, 86 Margerie, 7, 8, 23 Margery, 19, 26, 36, 41 Marie 32 Mary, 1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 44, 57, 59, 87, 9°, 9i Mildred, 22 Nathaniel, 7, 16, 17, 39, 40 Nicho, 88, 89 Nicholas, 1, 2, 12, 13, 18, 22, 41, 42, 47, 50, 67, 80, 81, 82, 87 Peter, 5, 21, 28, 38, 93 Philip 5, 34 Phillip, 28, 32, 35 Phillippa, 19 Ralph 23 Raphe 22, 23 Richard, 4, 9, 14, 16, 21, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 45, 52, 53, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 85, 86 Roase, 40 Rob., 41 Robartt, 36 Robert, 2, 10, 12, 17, 19, 22, 25, 27, 39, 42, 62, 79 Roger, 4, 5, 39, 42, 45 Rose, 40 Rowland, 68, 69 Ruth, 19 Samuel, 14, 21, 29, 30, 33, 57, 87, 173, l8 5, 186, 190 Sara 39, 80 Sarah, 11, 14, 18, 21, 22, 42 Sislye, 42 Page. Eells, Stephen 51 Susan, 5, 10, 21, 25, 33 Suzan 6 Suzanna, 30 Symon, 36 Thomas, 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 60, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 82, 83, 90, 93 Walter, 9, 31, 32 Warren, 13, 31, 32, 37 William, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47, 50, 57, 72, 73, 79, 82, 87, 88, 89, 91, 93 Winefred 19, 20 Zacharie, 18, 20 Zachary, 30, 47, 48 als Braunce, Mary, 20 als Hildar, Anne 45 Annis 44 Joane, 44 John, 12, 13, 44, 45 William, ... 13, 44, 45, 92 als Jordaine, Zachary, 48 als Rily, Joane, 13 als Witnall, Ann, 27 Anne, 27 Elizabeth, 21, 27 Joane, 21 John, 20 Levy, 20 Margaret, 20 Margery 20 Mary, 21 Sara, 27 Thomas, 21, 27 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 199 Page. Eells, als Witnall, Willi, 28 Eldred, John, 49 Eling, , 34 Ellis, als Witnall, John, 20 Levy, 20 Margaret, 20 Margery, 20 Ellissfford, , 31 Elton, Romeo, 182 Emmott, Byran, 173 Ennews, John, 20 Evans, Arthur, 63 William, 44 Eveleigh, Gilbert, 86 Evelynge, Nicholas 37 Ewer, ) Abell 50 Ewre, 1 Edward, 179 Francis, 179 Henry, 50 Jone, 7 Fange, Cocke als, Ellen, 21 Farlow, Susan, 21 Farmer, Johane, 11 John, 11 Margaret, 11 Richard, 11 William, 11 Farmothe, Christ, 32 Farrow, Anne, 15 Fawkes, Marmaduke, 47 J Fearne, Elizabeth, 7 j Feild, Richard 39 Fenner, Allen, 76 j Ferrers, Edward, 51 j Ferryman, Griffin, 73 J Griffith, 72 I Fesse, William, 161 Fettiplace, Edward, 90 Mary 90 Finch, John, 60 Mary, 60 j Fisher, Joane, 12 | Page. Fisher, John, 12 Margery, 12 William, 12 Fitz James, , 66 Flawse, Anne 15 James, 15 Jervis, 15 John, 15 Richard 15 William, 15 Fleetewood, Charles, 54, 55 William, 176 Flexmer, Francis, . 51 Floud, William, 38 Ford, Edward, 59, 178 John, 178 Thomas 177, 178 Thos., 5 Fors, John, 32 Forsett, Thomas, 46 Fossell, , 46 Foster, ) , 17 Forster, ' Francis, 26 Richard, 23, 67 Fountaine, Thomas, 179 Fox, Mary, 29 Mary 29 Stephen, 91 Frauncis, Edward, 76 Freeman, John, 53 Freind, John, 89 Fulford, Thomas, 14 Furse, Mary, 34. 35 Gale, Robert 89 Gambolle, James, 49 Gardiner, John, 175, 177 Gardner, Bradley als, Joane, ... 16 Garrard, Jane, 81, 82 John, 81 Garrit, Amos, 15 Elizabeth, 15 James, 15 200 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Garrit, John, 15 Martha, 15 Sara, 15 Seth, 15 Gee, Thomas, 56 Gery, Thomas, 63 Gibbons, John, 10, 27 Gibsonn, Basell, 47 Gifford, John, 9 Gilburne, Henry, 179 Giles, ) Glascock, 57 Gyles, ) John 15 Robert 42 Ginger, ) William, 76, 77, 78 Gynger, ) Gladman, Naariah, 51 Gloove, Thomas, 46 Glover, Alee, 4 Godfrey, John, 179 Godhelpe, James, 4 Thomas, 4 Ursula, 4 Gold, Daniel, 185 Jeremiah, 186 Jeremy, 185 John, 185 Goldsmith, Anne, 12 Henry, 12 John, 12 Mary, 12 Richard 12 Thomas, 12 Goldston, Richard, 188 Gonswell, Isaac, 9 Good, ) John, 15 Goode, ) Mary, 15, 48 Thomas, 45 Gorges, Ferdinando, 60, 61 Goring, John, 44 William 76, 77 Goud, Tho., 24 Grace, John, 27 Thomas, 173 Page. Graston, Humphrey, 25 Gratwicke, Humphrey 69, 70 Graven, Thomas 46 Gravener, Thomas, 46 Gray, > John, 38, 39 Grey, I Katherine, 59 Ralphe, 59 Robert, 178 William, 59 Green, ) Anne 15 Greene, S Ellen, 15 John, 15, 56 Robert, 15, 56 William, 15 Gregg, Thomas, 60, 6r Grevet, Robert, 70 Grey, see Gray. Griffin, Honor, 20 Johane, 20 Mary, 20 Phillip, 20 Grover, William 76, 77, 78 Grubb, \_ Eustace, 5 Grubbe, \ Hervey, 13 Gyles, see Giles. Gynger, see Ginger. Haines, Rt., 37 Hakins, see Hawkins. Hale, , 40 John, 40 Hall, Ann, 48 Halsted, Lawrence, 73 Hamersley, Hugh, 7 Hamhyng, Richard, 38 Hammond, } Ann, 18, 88 Hamond, ) William, 14, 18 Hamon, Ann, 20 Hampden, John, 174, 175 Hancockes, Richard 11 Harding, Ellen, 21 William, 40 Harell, Nicholas, 32 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 201 Page. Harmer, Edmund, 22 Sisley, 21 Harmswood, Ralph, 25 Harris, I John, 42, 43 Harrys, I Mary, 79 Ralph, 9 Richard, 67, 79 Harrison, Ralph, 53, 55 Thomas 51 Harryman, Thomas, 61 William, 61 Harsenept, John, 16 Harvey, , 54 Francis, 56 Henry, 61 Harwood, John, 17 Hatbird, Thomas, 25 Hatch, William, 66 Hawes, , 188 Hawkins, . Raphe, 26 Hakins, ;- Richard, 63 Howkins, ) Hawley, James, 47 Haysteede, Dominick, 26 Hay ward, . Gilbert, 75 Haywood, [- John, 75 Heywood, ) Thomazine, 75 Hearne, Stephen, 53 Hellhouse, Thomas, 83 Hellier, l Henry, 79 Helyar, ) John, 79 William, 31, 79 Hempston, Geo. 31 Walter, 31 Herbert, Thomas, 63 Hether, , 20 Heywood, see Haywood. Hickline, Thomas, 45 Higgins, Mary 21 Steven, 21 Highlord, John, 56 Hildar, / als Eles, Anne, 45 Hilder, ) Annis, 44 Page. Hilder, als Eles, Joane 44 John, 12, 13, 44, 45 William, . .13, 44, 45, 92 Hill, ) John, 40 Hille, )' William 40 Hinckley, Isabell, 18, 89 John, 14 Robert, 19 Hingston, Mary, 35 Hippisley, John, 66 Hoare, , 63 Hobart, Nathaniel, 57 Hobbs, Anne, 27 Mary, 25 Thomas, 25 Hole, Francis, 35 Henry, 35 Mark, 35 Holeman, , 60 I Hollis, Robert 52 ; Homberston, Miles, 53 Homes, Jno., 41 Honton, Joan, 25 Hope, Edward 89, 90 Horner, John, 84, 85 Horseman, Abraham, 177 Horsham, Hugh, 20 Horwood, Elizabeth, 29 Henry, 29 Hoskins, Edward, 57 Houlington, Richard, 44 Howkins, see Hawkins. Howse, Henry, 37 Hubbard, , 180 Thomas, 53, 55 Huchins, see Hutchins. Humpheries, / Elizabeth, 21 Humphries, J James, 21 Hunt, John, 39. 53, 55 Thomas 27 William, 12 Hurd, Pearce als, John 48 202 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Hurde, William, 8 Hurseman, John 31 Hurst, Edward, 49 Hussy, als Reade, Agnes, 8 Huswicke, Ann, 8 Hutchins, ) Dorothy, 65, 66 Huchins, 5 Thomas, 65, 66 William, 65, 66 Hutchinson, , 181 Cuthbert, 44 Hyue, ) John, 33 Hynes, ) Joseph, 40 Ieles, see Eells. Ilberte, William, 67 lies, see Eells. Ireland, William, 44 Irish, ) Christopher, 31 Irishe, I Nicholas, 32 Peter, 31 Isham, Zacheus, 74 Ives, Paul, 41 Jacobb, John 9 William, 9 Jarman, { Agnes, 30 Jerman, S Elizabeth 30 Henry, 30 Sampson, 34 JefTery, \ Jeremy, 61 Jeffrey, ' Thomas, 60, 61 Jeffes, William, 14 Jennard, Richard, 21 Jerman, see Jarman. Johns, Robert, 34 Johnson, John, 25 Jones, Rachel, 49 William, 6, 179 Jordaine, Eales als, Zachary, .... 48 Joyce, George, 10 Kaye, Martin, 31 Keate, Robert 63 Page. Keayne, Robert, 182 Keene, John, 64 Kelley, Bart., 35 Thomas, 35 Kelsey, Thomas, 91 Kenricke, William, 53 Kentish, William, 40 Kenwick, William, 55 Keye, Martin, 31 Kiffen, William 63 King, ) Alice, 9 Kinge, ) David, 9 Henry, 49 John , 63 Kirke, William, 42 Kirton, Edward, 9 Kitely, , 188 Andrew, 188 Knowling, Laurence, 30 Ric, 34 Kytt, , 6 Lake, Arthur, 178 Lambard, | Jane, 81 Lambert, ) Moulton, 81, 82 Thomas 81, 82 Lane, , 28 Edward 174 Jane, 14 Thomas, 28, 33 Lang, Thomas, 35 Langley, Andrew, 17 Langworthy, Richard, 177 Lapthorn, John, 31 Laughan, William, 47 Laughton, , 188, 190 Thomas, 185, 186, 187, 190 Lawkers, Jockmy, 6 Layeworth, Thomas, 45 Leate, John, 37 William, 37 Leaver, John, 62 Lechford, Thomas, 180, 182, 183 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 203 Page. Lechlade, William, 177 Leech, Joan 10 Leedes, Thomas, 6 Legat, ) Elizabeth, 91 Legatt, ) John, 60 Thomas, 60 Lemdon, William, 25 Lempriere, Nicholas, 54 Lenncraft, John, 19 Lenthall, ) Adrian, 175, 177 Leynthall, ) Adryan, 188 Anne, 186, 190 Cicely, 187 Edmond 178 Elizabeth, 173 Jane, 174, 177 John, 177, 178, 179 Margarett 188, 190 Marrian, 189, 190 Nan 189, 190 Richard, 177 Robert, ..173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190 Sarah, 175, 176, 177 Susanna, 175, 176 Thomas, 177, 179 William, 57, 177, 178 Levy, Phillipp, 86 Lewin, Elizabeth, 83, 84 Thomas, 83, 84 Lewis, , 16 Leyden, Robert, 1 71 Lilliot, John, 10, 11 Lipscomb, George, 173 Litcott, Robert, 57, 58 Lloyd, Griffith, 54, 55, 57 Loveland, John, 44 Lovell, Elizabeth, 27 Hen., 15 Hugh, 15 John, 25 Lucas, Richard, 27 Page. Luce, Christ. 36 Lucy, Michaell, 64 Ludford, Richard, 14 Ludlowes, Henry, 63 Lune, Sarah, 15 Luscombe, Joane, 37 John, 78, 79 William, 37 Lydall, Ricm., 49 Lymbeare, Tho., 32, 33 Lynd, Paul, 41 Macey, Mathew, 32 Maho, Robert, 4 Male, , 188 Malpas, Henry 10 Manfeild, John, 12 Manne, Peter, 34 Manning, \ David, 34, 35 Maneing, >■ Iseto, 34 Maning, J Marrett, Richard, 61 Marsh, ) Thomas, 6, 50 Marche, f Marshall, Steph., 176 Marsham, William, 61 Martin, ) Anne, 19, 20 Martyn, J Elizabeth, 20 George, 19, 20 Henry, 178 Margery, 20 Mary, 20 Masemore, Elizabeth, 13 William, 14 Mason, Robert, 46 Maule, , 27 May, Edward, 48 Maynard, Seriant, 57 Mayne, Ri., 38 Thomas, 46 Mellor, see Miller. Melsham, John, 44 Mensell, William, 57 204 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Meryall, Michael, 49 Michelmore, Phillip, 33 William, 33, 34 Middleton, Elizabeth 8 Mary, 178 Symon, 178 Miller, -> Henry, 61 Mellor, Ijoane, 37 Myller, J John, 37 Robert, 64 Tho., 37 Thomas, 37 Millett, , 60 Milner, Tempest 57 Mondey, Frances, 48 Moore, ) Dorothie 21 More, S Henry, 42 John, 10 Thomas, 91 Moores, Elizabeth, 27 Mordaunt, Charles, 178 Morgan, Dorothy, 67 Gregory, 66 Morris, ) John, 61 Morrys, ) Thomas, 6 Morse, Edward, 7 Thomas, 6 Moss, Francis, 56 Moy, Steven, 46 Moyger, Mary, 43 Robert, 43 Mutchamoore, William, 35 Myller, see Miller. Napper, Robert, 70 Nash, Alice, 10 Anthony, 10 Edward, 40 Mary, 10 Robert, 187 Thomas, 40 Nayler, Richard, 56 Nelson, Thomas 61 Page. Newall, Elizabeth, 11 Humfrey, 11 Newbery, Humfry, 73 Newbolder, Fawkes, 48 New Comen, Matthew, 176 Newdegate, Richard, 74 Newton, John, 18, 61 Nichollas, W., 35 Nicholls, 1 Christopher, 49 Nicoll, Elles, 15 Nicolls, J John, 7, 46 Nycoll, J Richard, 7, 51 Susan, 7 Nicholson, , 185 Nicoldes, Susan, 46 Nosworthie, ) John, 28, 39 Nosworthy, } Nycoll, see Nicholls. Oglethorpe, John 177 Pack wood, Robert 56 Page, Radcliffe, 8 William, S Parker, Baldwin, 44 William, 23 Parmatice, Trisca, 5 Parr, Margaret, 7 Parratt, John, 5 Passe, John, 30 Paultuck, William, 20 Paynter, Agnes, 7 Peacham, Henrie, 4 Henry, 5 Pearce als Hurd, John, 48 Pearse, John, 48 Peck, John, 11 Peele, Richard, 45 Peirce, Edward, 89, 90 Pemberton, Francis, 60, 62 Robert, 6o, 62 Penny, John, 58 Penrice, John, 179 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 205 Page. Perry, Alice, 9, 10 Christian, 9, 10 John, 9, 10 Pettiferr, } Elizabeth, 18 Pettipher, f Thomas, . . 13, 18, 19, 20, 48, 57, 87, 88 Pettus, John, 58 Phelps, John, 22 Philpe, , 67 Phillips, ) Edward, 49 Phellippes, ' Francis, 51 Rachel, 11 Thomas, 11, 62 Phipps, Richard, 7 Pickering, , 188 John, . . 80, 176, 177 Pilgram, Bennett, 6 Pilkington, Alice, 46 Dorothy, 46 Johan, 46 John, 46 Pindar, William, 61 Pinnell, Anne, 24 Elizabeth, 24 Richarde, 24 Playsted, Daniel, 26 Plott, John, 63 Plowright, , 15 Ann, 15 Plumridge, Edward, 25 ZMary, 25 Podres, Radolphe, 49 Pope, Alex. 35 Hugh, 38 Ric., 35 Porsey, , 17 Porter, William, 60 Potter, Robert, 40 Pou, Thomas, 23 Powell, Edward, 73 John, 78 Powney, ~| Sara, 18 Pownie, ■> Sarah, 89 William, 89 Page. Pragnall, Katherine, 21 Prattey, George, 42 Jane 42 Preston, Ri., 33 Ric, 36 Prince, Faithful, 24 Putenham, George, 91 Putnam, John, 174 Radburne, Jane, 74 William 74 Rament, see Rayment. Ramsdale, Robert, 61 Randall, \ Mar}- 22 Rendell, / Richard, 34 Ransburye, Fabyan 66 Rauenscraft, , .185 Rawlins, James, 43 Rayment, I John, 52 Rament, J Reade, Thos., 11 Hussy als, Agnes 8 Reeve, / Maud, 9, 10 Reeves, > Reggat, John, 70 Rendell, see Randall. Renell, see Reynolds. Rennye, Tobye, 9 Repington, William, 23. 24 Reynolds, -. , 16 Renell, - Tobyas, 71 Reynell, ; William, 30 Richardes, , 6 Margery, 6 Richardson, John, 21 Thomas, 21 Richen, Robert, 21 Ridgelaie, George, 47 Ridley, I., 25 Rily, ^ > 45 Ryley, 1 Jone, 12, 92 Rylie, f Thomas, 12, 92 Rylye, J als Eales, Joane, 13 206 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Rivers, Edith, 14 William, 14 Robardes, John, 5 Robins, Humfrey, 45, 46 Margery 45 Robinson, Henry 68, 69 Rogers, , 54, 182 William, 16 Rop, John, 46 Rowe, Any, 11 John, 20 Will, 33 William, 16 Rowland, Margerie, 8 Rugbie, Elizabeth 19 Ruggett, John, 70 Russe, Anne, 9 Garthrid, 9 Gartred, 10 James, 9 Joane, 9 Richard, 9 Thomas, 9 Ryley, \ Rylie, >- see Rily. Rylye, ) Sadler, John, 62 Salter, Thomas 35 Saltonstall, Richard, 54 Sampson, Nathaniell, 76, 77, 78 Nicholas, 36 Ric, 36 Sanderson, John, 173 Sanger, ) William, 25, 48 Songer, ) Saunders, Johane, 24 Mary, 24 Richard, 24 Savadge, ) James, 182 Savage, ) Richard, 46 Sayer, Edward, 91 John, 91 Page. Scarlett, John, 63 Scobell, Angell, 30 Margaret, 30 Scott, William 53, 55 Scotton, Edward, 89 Scudamore, Henr., 49 Samuell , 20 Seale, Anne, : 18 John, 88 Searancke, Thomas, 40 Searle, William, 16 Searnige, Thomas, 5 Seaward, Thomas, 12 Sellwood, Edmond, 3 Shaleswed, William, 45 Shapleigh, > John, 85, 86 Shapley, i Robert, 86 Shayler, John, 43 Shere, , 67 Sherwood, Richard, 63 Shilling, Andrew, 7 Shrawley, Thomas 46 Sibley, Thomas, 52 Sidenham, Richard, 54 Signall, Thomas, 189, 190 Silbye, Anne, 42 Rafe, 42 Silvester, Richard, 180, 181 Simes, ) John 47,^ 177 Syms, S Skitt, Guil, 33 Skreetch, John, 33 Slade, Moses, 62, 63 Smart, , 14 Smerdon, Anne, 37, 71 Mary, 37 Richard, 38 Robert, 37, 38, 71 Smith, j Ann, 9 Smyth, | Edward 178 Elizabeth, 19 John, 180, 181 Josias, 53 Martha 25 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 207 Page. Smith, Mary, 16 Smithens, Ann, 21 Snell, Agnes, 20 Somerscales, Henry, 22 Sommersly, Thomas, 43 Sondon, Moore, 22 Sone, Mary, 59, 60 Samuel, 60 Songer, see Sanger. Soper, John, 58 South, Thomas, 18 Sparrow, John, 53, 55 Sprigg, Henry, 15 Spurstow, William, 174, 176 Squyre, William, 49 Staffe, Susan, 40 Stake, Geo., 37 Stallock, Henry, 47 Stampe, Giles, 24 Gyles, 25 Mary, 24 Richard 24 Standen, 1 Standon, j John, 32, 177 Staplehill, Richard, 32 Stapleton, Richard, 47 Staughton, 182 Stedam, Richard, 36 Steele, William, 53, 55 Steery, } Frances, 56 Sterry, f Peter 54, 55, 56 Stevens, ) John 21, 27, 89, 90 Stephens, ) Thomas 27, 63 Stidson, Rot, 37 Stifle, Ann 82, 83 Thomas 82, 83 Stiles, Ezra, 182, 183 Stoker, Edward, 10, 11 Stone, Robert, 63 Strangcombe, Paschaw, 37 Street, John, 5 Stretton, Thomas 24 Strode, ) Richard, 13, 33 Strowde, ) Page. Stukyn, Richard, 49 Sulfield, Henrie, 23 Sumpter, Edmond, 68 Edward, 9 Nicholas, 68 Thomas, 61 Sutton, Richard, 13 Swane, Ralph, 25 Sweete, Hugh, 37 Swift, Thomas, 13 Syler, John, 14 Symons, ) , 10 Symonds, ) Jane, 31 John 1, 31, 32 Thomas, 36 William, 8 Syms, see Simes. Tape, Mary, 38 Tapper, John, 38 Taylor, [ Elizabeth, 83 Tailor, i John 89 Margaret, 7 Silvanus 53 Sylvanus, 55 Walter, 83, 84 Tamworth, John, 177 Tetchburn, Richard 178 Thackam, William 8 Thacher, ) Peter, 9, 10 Thacker, ) Thatcher, Francis, 25 Lucie, 14 Lucy, 14 Richard, 25 Theobaldes, Tybballs als, John, . 50 Tibbies, Roger, 46 Tybballs, als Theobaldes, John, . 50 Tidball, Samuel, 33 Tilgharan , 19 Tilghman, William, 89 Tobie, John, 21 Tomkins, John, 45 Richard 45 208 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Toope, Thomas, i Toovey, Sarah, 21 William 22 Towne, Bradley als, Joane, 16 Townsend, John, 18 Tracye, Henry 36 Joane, 36 Tamsyn, 37 Thomas, 36, 37 Walter, 36 Treavor, , 54 Treswell, Hugh, 22 Tribe, William, 12 Trist, \ Joan 37 Tryste, j- John 37 Trust, ) Trone, Samuel, 68, 69 Trotman, Samuel, 179 Trott, Thomas, 179 Truman, Emma, 7 Trumbull, , 183 Trust, see Trist. Tryste, " " Tubball, Samuel, 79 Tucker, Alexander, 9 Jane, 58 John 58 Turgis, Mary, 10 Thomas, 10 Turner, Francis, 7 Mihell, 7 Thomas, 25 Tybballs, see Tibbies. Tyler, John, 22 William, 4° Tyndall, John 49 Twitchell, Alice, 15 Unckle, William, n Underhall, Edward, 74 Van Hargo, Daniel, 5, 6 Vanlore, Peter, 72, 73 Page. Vartla, John, 40 Vickres, Thomas, 9 Vogwill, Jane, 39 Wilmote, 39 Voysey, John, 32 Wade, Hugh, 32, 33 Waker, see Walker. Waldens, Mary 51 Walker, { John, io, 17 Waker, \ Ric, 10 Thomas, 174, 176 William, 56 Wall, ) Moses, 56 Walls, i William 10 Walleis, Francis, 6 Walrond, Thomas, 53 Walter, Joane, 10 John, 10 William, 10 Ward, Dabridgecourt, 52 George 51, 52 Johes, 53 John, 51, 52 Waringe, Robert, 16 Warren, Isaac, 59 Washer, Richard, 6 Watersfeild, John, 10 Mary, 10 Robert, 10 Waterworth, Stephen, 59 Wattkins, Giles, 39 Wattson, Alee 8 Wayte, W 6, 40 William, 6 Weaver, Elizabeth, n Walter, II Web, ) Francis 8 Webb, [■ Matthias, 9 Webbe, ) Richard, 89, 90 Sara, 2 Weekes, Mary, 6 Welden, Owen, 61 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. 209 Page. Wellso, John, 46 Weson, Ann, 20 Westley, Robert, 48 Weston, Isaac, T75 Jone, 175 Mary, 175 Wetherall, see Witherell. Wetherheade, John, 6 Wheatley, Robert, 49 Wheeler, | Ann, 25, 36 Wheler, > Edmund, 25 Jean, '. 25 John, 68, 69 Whills, John, 10 White, \ Anne, 40 Whit, j- Henry, 40 Whitt, ) John 15, 16 Mary, 26 Richard, 16 Stephen, 54, 55, 57 Whitehand, Elizabeth, 62 John, 62 Whiteway, / Christopher, 30 Whitewaye, ) Hy., 30 Whitfield, Phillip, 20 Whitton, Robert, 27 Wickens, Ann, 48 Betty, 48 John, 48 Mary, 48 Thomas, 48 Wicker, John, 36 Mary, 4 Wifold, see Wyfold. Wilcocks, Robert, 72 Wilkes, Raphe, 8 Wilkins, John, 23 Thomas, 45 Williams, Richard, 10, 11 Willikes, Raphe, 8 Willis, William, 47 Willmott, William, 63, 64 Wilton, , 16 Page. Winch, I Cestion, 8 Wynch, S Jonas, 51 Wing, ) Peter, 63 Winge, ) William, 20 Wingfeild, John, 73 Winter, Thomas, 173 Winthrop, John, 180, 182 Witherell, ) Christopher, , 11 Wetherall, J Joan, .11 John, 6 Wyegate, Edward, 177 Wytnall, ) als Eales, Elizabeth,. 21 Witnall, 5 Joane, .... 21 Mary, 21 Thomas, . . 21 Willi, 28 als Eles, Ann, 27 Anne, 27 Elizabeth, . 27 Sara, 27 Thomas, . . 27 als Ellis, John, 20 Levy, 20 Margaret, . 20 Margery, . . 20 Wollaston, John, 54 Woller, Ann 7 Wood, Edward, 77 James, 179 Jonas, 22 Woodward, Thomas, 51 Woolsey, Elizabeth, 21 Richard, 21 Woolston, Christopher, 16 Wootton, see Wotton. Worman, John, 44 Worth, Symon, 20 Wotters, Richard, 55, 57 Wotton, I Christian, 31, 32 Wootton, ) Joane, 37 Johane, 31 Richard, 1, 81 William, 31, 32, 37 210 INDEX TO ENGLISH NOTES. Page. Wray, William, , 61 Wrench, Elizabeth, 7 Wright, Francis, 8 Wyatt, John, 11 William, 10 Wyfold, I Thomas 83 Wifold, ) William, 83 Wynch, see Winch. Wynwood, Margaret, 11 Wyse, John 61 Wytnall, seeWitnall. Yate, Phillipp, 14 see Eells. Page. Yeales, Yealls, Yeeles, Yeels, Yeles, Yelles, York, \ Margarett, 11 Yorcke, I Richard, 11 Yorke, ) Thomas, 48 Younge, ) Chr., 15 Yong, S John, 66 Richard, 15 Thos., 176 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. The word in parenthesis is the maiden name and that in italics the married name of the female. Allen, \ Allin. \ Year of Birth. Pa g e - Abbott, Paul, 171 William E., 162, 167, 168, 171, 172 Addington, Isaac, 1 18 Edward, 13° Allin, > Gidion, 129 Richard, 98, 101 Thomas, . . .98, 99, 100, 101 Ailing, John, 125 Andrews, Elon, 165 Samuel, 121 Thomas, 106 Arnold, Elizabeth Baleman, 1 10 Askew, Egeon, 174 Bacon, Hannah Cande,... 164 Baldwin, Ann, 13 1 Caleb, 131 Filenah, 13 1 Freelove, 132 Hiall, I3 1 Jared, 131 Joel, I3 1 , x 3 2 Mercy, 13 1 Peleg, 131, 133 Phineas, r 3 2 Rebecca, 131, 132 1676 Rebecca (Wilkinson), 119. J 3 r Samuel 13 1 Susanna, 132 Sybil, 131 Thadeus, 13 1 Theophilus, 155 Timothy, 107, 136 Year of Birth. Page. . 182 Barnard, , Barnot, David, 187 Barrat, , 189 Barrell, Lydia, 139 Barstow, John 144 Lydia, 144 Bates, Caleb, 115, 118 Joseph, 115,118 Bateman, Hannah ( ), 109 John 109,110 Joseph no Sarah North, Eells, 102, 109, 145 William, no Baxter, Nicholas, 106 Bayard, William, 170 Beard, Anna Eells, 134 John, 108 Belcher, Jonathan, 139 Bennett, James, 188 Bishop, , 108 James, 104 Stephen, 124 Blaygrove, Nathaniel, 113 Blinde, Nan 188 Borland, John, 113 Boylston, 167 Bramhall, George, 118, 119, 145 Briggs, George, no Brinsmaid, Abigail Corn- stock, 134 Briscoe, , 106 Samuel, 13 1 Britton, , 181 Browne, Rolph, 177 212 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. Year of Birth. Bryan, Alexander, 106 Jerusha Salter, 130 Martha (Whiting), 119, 124, 129, 130 Richard, 106 Samuel, 117, 120, 128, 129, 130 Bryant, John, 139 Lemuel, 142 Bulkley, John, 139 Patience, Lord Eells, . 153 Bull, Benedict, 130 Henry, 184, 185, 186 Burr, John, 108 Peter, 124 Burrill, Samuel, 108 Burwell, Deborah Eells, . . 133. 134 Deborah ( ), . . 133, 134 Hannah ( ), 134 John 134 Martha, 133 Mary 133, 134 Samuel, 133, 134 Sarah, ; 133 Calamy, Edmd 176 Callender, John, 180, 182 Camp, John, 129 Nicholas, 103 Campfield, Thomas, 105 Cande, Augustus, 164, 165 Hannah (Bacon) 164 1786 Isaac, 165 1749 John, 161, 164, 165 John, Jr 164 1745-6 Mary (Eells), 165 1789 Polly Andrews, 165 Samuel, 164 Theophilus, 164 17S3 William, 165 Cater, Walter 178 Chandler, John, 109 Year of Birth. Page. Checkley, Samuel, 113 Christophers, Richard, . . . 124 Church, Benjamin,. . . .107, 108 Clap, , 143 Thomas, 140, 143 Clark, ) 103 Clarke, S Thomas, ... .136, 137 Clotworthy, William, .... 178 Coffin, Ebenezer, 113 Cole, Phillip, 98, 99 Collamer, Peter, 139 Collins, Abigail, 129 Daniel, 129 Edward, 128, 129 1664 " 129 John, 129 Martha, 129 ( ). 129 Nathaniel, 129 Ruth, 131 Samuel, 129 Sybil Whiting, 12S Comstock, Abigail Eells, . 134 — Abigail (Brinsmaid), . . 134 Abijah, 134 — Hannah, 134 — Martha, 134 — Moses, 134 — Phebe, 134 — Sarah, 134 — Cook, Alice White, 155 — Cornill, Thomas, 184 — Cotton, , 181, 182 — Couch, Elizabeth 143, 144 — Mary, 143 — Samuel, 107, 120, 143 — Cowland, Ralph, 184 — Crippen, Edward, no, in — Cromwell, Oliver, 98 — Cushing, , 146 — Ann, 151 — Anna ( ), 150 — Daniel, 115, 119 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. 213 Year of Birth. Page. Cushing, Hannah, 152 John 139,146,149,152 " Jr., 148 Joseph 144, 148 " Jr., 146, 148, 149, 152 Mary, 152 " Jr-. 152 Mercy Eells, 153 Nathaniel, 150 172 1 Damon, Anna Lenthall, (Eells), 149, 151 Zachariah, Jr., ... . 149, 154 Darrell, Mary (Goodwill) Helyer, 153 Daye, William, 177 Deane, , 154 Samuel, 141 Denband, Alfride, 177 Downes, 188 Dudley, Thomas, 182 Dummer, Jeremiah, 139 Dyer, | William, 186, 187 Dyre, i Earle, Ralph, 107 Eayres, Thomas 190 Ebblewhite, E. A., 174 Edwards, Daniel, 166 Eells, Abiah, 151 Abigail (Comstock), . . 134 1713-14 Allice (White), . . . 157, 158, 159. IDI 1696 Anna Wilder, 117, 137, 138 " (Lenthall), 109 1721 " Lenthall Damon, 148, 150, 154 1782 Clarissa, 168 1751 Daniel, 161 1757 " 157, 15S, 162, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171 1797 " 172 1799 " T 72 Year of Birth. Page. Eells, Deborah (Burwell), . 134 Edward, 153, 158, 162 1712-13 " 141, 148, 149, 150, I5 1 , !52, 153 Elizabeth, 144 1693 " Slowell, ...117, 137, 138 1699 Esther, 133 1665 " (Oviatt), 128 1790 Fanny Johnson, 171 Frances, 144 1694 " 117, 137, 138 1669 " (Oviatt), .116, 117, 135, 136, 137, - 138 Hannah, 151 1714 " 153 " (North), 117, 119, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152 " North, 151 1789 Horace, 168 1778 Huldah Richardson, . . 167 I 75° _ 5 I " (White), 167 John, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102 " Jr., 97, 98, 102 16— " 119, 120, 135, 136, 137. 138 1665 " 119 1703 " 127, 132, 133, 134 1708-9 " 148,150,151,153 1794 Lucretia, 172 1743 Martha Spencer, ..161, 162 1761 " (Hamlin), .170, 171 1712 *' (Stow), 154 " (Whiting) Bryan, 117, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 155 1670 Mary, 119 1716 " Williams, 148, 150, 154 1745-6 " Cande, 157, 158, 161, 164 214 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. Year of Birth. Page. 1801 Eells, Mary Miller, 172 1792 Nancy Simmons, 171 1677 Nathaniel, 102, 117, 119, 120, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143. 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152 1705 " 127, 132, 133, 134, 154, 155. 156, 157, 158, 159, 161 1710-11 " 140, 148, 149. I 50, 151, 152, 153 1748 " 157, 158, 159. 161, 166, 167, 169 1776 " 167 1718 North, ..148,149, 150, 151, 152, 154 1680 Patience, 120 1787 Patty Abbott 171 1676 Rebecca (Wilkinson) Baldwin, 131 1779 Richard 167 1672 Robert, 120 1675 " 120 1785 " W " Lenthall, 150 1640 Samuel, 95, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, no, in, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 128, 138, 144, 145, 173, 185, 190 1664 " 119 1666 " 116, 117, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133. 144, 154, 155 1698 " 127, 132, 133, 134 1706-7 " 148, 150, 151, 153 1705 Sarah Ttcrner, .... 150, 152 Year of Birth. Page. Eells, Sarah (Bateman), North, no, in, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 138, 145, 146 1785 Susanna Loss, 168 1783 Sylvester, 168 1754 Theodosia, . . .157, 158, 162 1783 William, 171 " Witherell, . . .150 Elton, Romeo, 182 Emmott, Byran, 173 Ewre, Edward, 179 Francis 179 Fearing, John, 118 Fisk, Bezaleel 159, 161 Fleetwood, William, 176 Ford, Edward 178 John, 178 Thomas, 177, 178 Foster, Hatherly 140 Fountaine, Thomas, 179 Fowler, John, 134 Susannah, 134 " (Burwell), . . 134 Fox, , 120 Mary, 120 Franklin, Benjamin, 143 Gardiner, John, 175, 177 Garnsey, Joseph, 122 Gay, Ebenezer, 137 Gilburne, Henry, 179 Gillets, Jonathan, 96 Godfrey, John, 179 Gold, Daniel, 185 Jeremiah, 186 Jeremy, 185 John, 185 Goldston, Richard, 188 Goodrich, Emily Langdon Eells, 172 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. 215 Year of Birth. Page. Goodwill, Mary Helyer Darrell, 153 Goodwin, , 124 Grace, Thomas, 173 Gregson, Phebe Whiting, , .124 Grenwaye, , 96 Grey, Robert, 178 Grove, Lewis, 98, 99 Growe, Lewes 99 Hall, , 134 Mary Moss Eells, 168 Nathaniel, 118 Samuel, 170 Hamlin, John, 124 Lucretia (Rauney), . . . . 169 1761 Martha Eells, .... 162, 169 Nathaniel, 169 Hampden, John, 174, 175 Harrison, Samuel, 123 Hatch, Ebenezer, 150 Rebecca Kilborn Eells, 171 Sarah ( ), 150 Haughton, Robert, 1 1 1 Hawes, , 1S8 Hawkins, , 97 Helyer Mary (Goodwill) Darrell Eells 153 Henchman, Joseph, . . . 137, 144 Hewit, ) , in Huett, ) Thomas, in Hill, , 95, 96, 97 Hobart, Israel, 139 Nathaniel, 137 Holman, Rachel Bateman, no Horseman, Abraham, 177 Hosmer, Stephen, 139 How, Joseph, no Hubbard, 180 Huett, see Hewit. Hutchinson, , 181 lies, John, 95 Irons, John, 106 Year of Birth. Page. Jacob, ) Joseph, 146 Jacobs, \ Joshua, .146, 149, 152 Jewet, Nehemiah, 113 Johnson, , .... 96, 97, 98 Ebenezer, 123 Samuel E 171 Jones, ) , 108, 151 Joanes, ) Isaac, no Mary Bateman, no William, 179 Keayne, Robert, 182 King, , 139 Kirby, Elisha, 163 Giles, 163 Kitely, , 188 Andrew, 188 Knowles, Huldah White, . . 166 Lake, Arthur, 178 Lane, Edward, 174 Langdon, Edward, .98, 100, 101 Langworthy, Richard, 177 Laughton, , .... 188, 190 Thomas, .185, 186, 187, 190 Law, Jonathan, 106 Lawson, Roger, 113 Lazell, Stephen, 137 Leavitt, Josiah, 112 Lechford, Thomas, 98, 180, 182, 183 Lechlade, William, 177 Lenthall, [Adrian, ..175, 177 Leynthall, S Adryan, 188 Anna Eells, 102, 103 Anne, 186, 190 Cicely ( ), 187 Edmond, 178 Elizabeth, 173 Jane, 174, 177 John, 177, 178, 179 Margaret ( ), 188, 190 216 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. Year of Birth. Lenthall, Marxian,. . . .189, 190 Nan, 189, 190 Richard, 177 Robert, .173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 180, 1S1, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 190 Sarah, 175, 176, 177 Susanna, 175, 176 Thomas, 177, 179 William, 177, 178 Leonard, Fanny Eells, .... 165 Lincoln, Benjamin, 114,115,118 Jeremiah, 1 18 Samuel, 114, 115 Lipscomb, George, 173 Lobdell, Ebenezer, 134 Joshua, 1 34 " Jr., 134 Mary, 1 34 Samuel, 134 Susannah, 134 Lord, Patience (Bulkley), . 153 Loss, Moses 168 Ludlow, , 96, 97 Lynde, Benjamin, 113 Male, , 188 Mansfield, Moses, 108 Marke, John, 98, 100, 101 Marshal, \ , .... 103, 130 Marshall, S Steph, 176 Martyn, Henry, 178 Mather, , 97 Mayo, John 114 Merwin, Milles, 136 Middleton, Mary, 178 Symon 178 Miles, Catharine, 132 Stephen, 134 Miller, Edwin, 172 Minot, George, 96 Mitchell, Jonathan, 129 Year of Birth. Page. Mordaunt, Charles, 178 Morgan, Joseph, Jr., 164 Titus, 164 Mould, Esther Stow, 154 Munson, Tho., 10S Nash, Robert, 187 Nettleton, Samuel, 120 New Comen, Matthew, ... 176 Newell, William, 129 Newton, Asenath Eells, . . 168 Roger, 123, 132 Samuel, 120 Nicholson, , 185 North, Edward, 109, no, "3> 145 Hannah Eells, .... 120, 145 Paul, 145 Sarah (Rate-man) Eells, 102, 109, no, in, 113, 145 Noyes, James, 109 Oglethorpe, John, 177 Oviatt, Esther, 119, 128 1669 Frances Eells, ... .119, 135 Frances ( ), . . . 128, 135 Thomas, ........ 128, 135 Palmer, Bezaleel, 150 Sarah (Eells), 150 - Parkeman, Elias, 96 Patten, Nathaniel, 97 Peck, Joseph, 120 Penrice, John 179 Perit, I Peter, 133, 155 Perritt, S Perry, ) Ann, 107 Perrey, ) William, 140 Phillips, John, Jr., 113 Pickering, ) , 188 Pickeringe, S John, .... 176, 177 Pitkin, Elizabeth (Whiting), 125 Martha Eells, 153 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. 217 Year of Birth. Page. - Pitkin, Nathaniel, 124, 125 Ozias, 124 William, 124 Pond, Nathan, G., 128 Nathan, G., Mrs., 129 Peter, 133 Powning, , 1 3° Daniel, 13° Prince, John, no Pritchard, Joseph, 13° Putnam, John, 174 Quincy, Edmund, 139 Randall, Job, 139 Ranney, ) Jeremiah, 156 Rany, f Lucretia Hamlin, 169 Nathaniel, 155 Rauenscraft, , 185 Richardson, , 167 Riley, Nathaniel, 155 Rogers, , 182 Rouse, William, 113 Ruggles, John, i49> I 5 2 Russell, , 107 Sage, Samuel, 166 Salter, , 130 Mary, 13° William, 13° Samford, Samuel, 135 Sanderson, John, 173 Sanford, Thomas, 103 Savage, Ebenezer, 156 James, 182 John, 156 Nancy Eells, 17 1 Shepard, Jared, 168, 169 John, 155 Sherman, Daniel, 108 Shippen, Edward, 106 Signall, Thomas 189, 190 Year of Birth. Page. Silvester, Mary, 144 Richard, 1S0, 181 Zebulon, 144 Simmons, Tillinghast, 171 Smith, I Edward, .178 Smyth, ) Elizabeth, 131 John, 1 10, 180, 181 Rebecca Wilkinson, ... 131 1779 Spencer, Betsey Kirby, .... 163 Elizabeth (Taylor), 162 1774 Hannah Stow, 163 John, 162 1777 Lucy, 163 1782 " Kirby, 163 1772 Martha Williams, 163 1743 " (Eells), ...158, 163 1784 Mary Morgan, 164 1787 Sally Morgan, 164 1744 Samuel, .. 158, 161, 162, 163 Spurstow, William, ...174, 17 6 Standen, John, 177 Staniford, John, 144, 145 Staughton, , 182 Stetson, 139 Stiles, Ezra, 182, 183 Stockbridge, Samuel, 146 Stow, Esther (Mould), 154 Freelove (Baldwin), 131 17 1 2 Martha Eells, 134, i54 Samuel, 154 Stephen, 127, 155 Zebulon, Jr., 163 Stowell, John, 138 Stream, , 103 Syms, John, 177 Talcott, John, 128 Matthew, 168, 169 Tamwoth, John, 177 Taylor, Elizabeth Spencer, . 162 Terrill, , 106 Tetchburn, Richard, 178 Thaxter, Samuel, 115, "9 218 INDEX TO AMERICAN NOTES. Year of Birth. Til den, Ruth Eells 154 Torrey, Caleb, 137, 144 James, 139, 14° Treat, Edmund, 131 Jane, 131 Robert, 131 Trotman, Samuel, 179 Trott, Thomas, 179 Trumbull, , 183 Turner, Benjamin, 152 Charles, 146 David, 143 " Jr. 149 Elisha, 144 Joseph, 139 Joshua, 144 Sarah (Eells), 148, 151 1705 Vetch, Samuel, 113 Wadsworth, James, . . .168, 169 Walker, Thomas, 174, I7 6 Waterman, Abiah Eells, ... 153 Welch, Thomas 103 Weston, Isaac 175 Jone, 175 Mary, 175 White, Alice (Cook), 155 1713 I750-5I Allice Eells, 134, 155 Daniel, 155 Hugh, 167 Huldah Eells, 161, 166 " (Knowles), . . . .166 Moses, 158, 166 Susan Eells, 167 Whitefield, George, 141 Year of Birth. Page. Whiting, , 125 Elizabeth Pitkin, 124 John, 124, 125, 128, 129 " Jr 129 Martha Bryan Eells, . 119, 124, 128 Phebe (Gregson), 124 Sybil, 129 " (Collins), 129 William 129 Whittlesey, Samuel, . .121, 127 Wilcox, ) Daniel, 158, 161 Willcox, \ " H., 156 Ozias, 161 Samuel, 155 Wilder, Thomas, 138 Wilkinson, Edward, . . 131, 135 1676 Rebecca Baldwin, Eells, 119, 131 " (Smith), 131 Williams, Benjamin, 165 Jehiel, Jr., 163 John, 170 Linus, H., Mrs., 156 1716 Mary (Eells), 149. 15* Seth, 154 " Jr., 149 Witherell, Hannah Eells, . . 153 Winter, Thomas, 173 Winthrop, John, 180, 182 Wood, James, 179 Woods, Richard, Ill Wyegate, Edward, 177 Young, Thos., 176 tt 137 C *w ,V *°-n t 4> W J O- ~*oVo» .0'' %> . 7 • ' A * ** c, ^p !••• v <5 ^0^ ^0^