v-'VW 'wwu'7V.^VvVyvv ViWW'vwWv^ ^ym Wm^^m m^y' )^^mmm^;^^ IlIBRARY OF CONGRESS. I! i f ~C>'5^ ', t ^ '^'lu.g. .^^.. rfouatigM f I UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, f V^V ,•„ ,VV V\ y^vvww igg'^gyww^ 'VV^'W\^^\j^ TTFrffnimm ^'fpM^$0^i^^ sn-(WW«¥*i^yyyk UJUU . Mw^fftm^ WAW^ ,yyW«W' ^«vMS^^vv#^^^raww SSm^ vyw j^/yy^vyii/ ygyv^wuvv yj""! 5 i t i iif»if,.» P5***«'^iP55||ffii ^mmri^ m'f^m y^W^W^ *i^wi^ «W:»yy U8||6 |||sya*3®P^^aBWM^ 5^*1 '»;^' i ■ ' V : . , ;, mM^ Mrf^kww'vv> iggww^-w^%^^^^ p^^i^^04^jH^^m^ mm^^i^ vw'w'ywv^ ,wva( ,iiv^^5W^^ ». g^^WjJ^u^W^, A BOOK OF INSTRUCTION FOR EVERY FARMER AND HORTICULTURIST. THE NEW FAEMER'S GUIDE: SHOWING Br EXPERIMENTS OF THE TRIAL FARMS IN EUROPE, THAT WITH A JUDICIOUS APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL FERTILIZEKS, THE YIELD OF THE PRmCIPAL AGRICULTUEAL CROPS MAY BE DOUBLED OR TREBLED ; ALSO GIYINQ SIMPLE AND EASY JVIETHODS FOR THE NITRIFICATION OF THE SOIL MATHIAS SCHKOEDER *, iS74 ^ , NEW yoek: BAKER & GODWIN, PRINTERS, No. 25 Pakk Row. /^p ^1^ Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1874, By MATHIAS SCHROEDER, In the OfBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. O PREFACE TuE following pages are submitted to the attention of American farmers as a compendium cf the latest and most reliable information obtained from the experiments and trials made bj European agriculturists. The opinions* of many of the ablest and most intelligent writers are given, not with a view of unduly exalting the merits of chemical fertilizers, bttt simply with the intention of showing how these fertilizers may, with the exercise of proper judgment and care in their manufacture and application, become of the greatest value in increasing the productiveness of the soil. There has been much misunderstanding as to the rela- tive value and excellences of farm-yard manures and chem- ical fertilizers. I do not advocate the extreme views of Mr. George Yille (from whose works I have quoted) as to the comparative uselessness of farm-yard manure, although, at the same time, I should not wish to be understood as un- dervaluing the general excellence of the writings of that gentleman. My object is rather to hold the balance fairly between the two kinds of manure, to explain the active qualities of each, and point out the ingredients which must always be present in manures in order that a favorable result be attained. In this way I seek to convince the American farmer that, in a great majority of cases, it will be greatly to his ad van- 4 PREFACE. tage to use the fertilizers, if they are properly manufactured from pure materials.' I have also thrown out hints upon a variety of topics, which will be found of some importance to agriculturists. More especially do I direct attention to the interesting questions connected with a discussion of the nitrification of the soil — a matter that has recently obtained a good deal of notice, but which needs to be much better understood by farmers generally. As a practical and theoretical agriculturist for a num^ ber' of years, I feel anxious that the discussions introduced in these pages shall receive general attention ; and with that view, I invite the co-operation of members of Farmers' Clubs and other kindred associations in the drssemination of the information they contain, which I have endeav- ored to present in such a form as shall be readily under-, stood, and be easily applied to practical use in the improve-, ment of our systems of cultivation of the soil. Mathias Schkoeder. CONTENTS. PAOB Preface 3-4 Experiments at the French " School of Manures." — Lecture by George Yille Y_20 Explanation of Terms. — Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms 21-22 Composition of Chemical Substances 23 Elements required in a Soil to produce Great Fertility 2-4-28 Effects of Various Kinds of Manure Explained, — Mr. Villc's Theories Discussed 29-32 Absorption of Atmospheric Nitrogrn by Vegetation 33-38 The Passage of Gases through the Vegetable Colloidal Membrane. ... 88 Results of an Investigation in East India, — Nitrates. — Soda 89-42 Researches of Boussingault on the Nitrification of the Soil. — Percent- ages of Saltpetre in the Soil. — The Nitre Beds of Algeria 43-45 Jeaunel on Nitrates and Nitrites 46 Analytical Tables compiled by Emil Wolf 47-56 Comparative Quantities of Potash, Lime, Phosphoric Acid, and Nitro- gen, ill an aTci'age crop of the principal Agricultural Products of Germany 57-58 Why American Agriculturists Object to Chemical FertiUzers 59-60 Approximate Exhaustive Time Table of Manures and Fertilizers, y the aid of these chemical products, we can obtain, in a soil altogether deficient in the essentials for producing veg- etation, results exactly similar to those produced by good soil, with the aid of manure, does it not follow that all the ingredients of farm manure, outside of the chemical portion which I have described, are useless, or, at least, of second- ary importance ? I maintain that the identity of results can only be traced to a similarity of causes. Kow, as to the last objection that may be urged, Is there any doubt as to the correctness of the experiments themselves? let me say : M. Kieffel, manager of the school of Grqjid-Jouan, had undertaken to superintend them, and tiiey were conducted upon an uncultivated and worthless piece of land, ploughed up specially for the purpose. He sowed two parallel crops of wheat and buckwheat, and ob- tained the following results per hectare : * Chemical Fertilizers. Farm Manure. Buckwheat 33 hectolitres. 19 hectolitres. Wheat 20 " 16 THE XEW FARMER'S -G'uIDE. 19 Chemical manure is thus seen to be superior to farm manure. On land v%'itliout any manure, nothing at all was produced, no crop whatever. It cannot, therefore, he said that the larger crops obtained by the use of the chemical fertilizers were the result of any substances inherent to the soil. But this is not all. I said that the withdrawal of one of the ingredients in the chemical fertilizer annuls the effect of all the other parts. M. Rioffel made new experiments on this branch of the subject. He omitted the phosphate of lime — thete was no crop ; he employed the azote jnatter alone — no crop ; he then tried the soil without any manure — still no crop ; but when all the elements were united, there was an al:iundant crop. All my argument amounts to this: that I would advise agriculturists to have done with discussions, and make trials for themselves. Many have done this, and the result of their experiments has been to 2^rove that chemical manure is from two to three hun- dred times more productive than farm manure. The ex- planation of this is, that in farm-yard manure we have the elements of the chemical fertilizer, but they are so mixed up with useless substances as to retard tlieir good effects. Finally, at my request, trials were made in producing vegetation with the chemical fertilizer alone, to the exclu- sion of all others, and the experiment succeeded admirably. So that there need be no doubt or hesitation. The most ex- tensive agricultural trials confirm our conclusions. The chemical fertilizers derive their effects from the presence of the same elements as are in farm-yard manure ; and ail that the latter contains, in excess of the former, is not needed by the soil. In order to demonstrate this fact more clearly, I have united in the same table a statement of the composi- tion of farm manure, of a plant, and of the soil^ taking as a 20 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. unit of comparison the hectare. The manuring and crop of a hectare, and the arable layer spread over a hectare — what does this table tell us ? It shows that the dung-heap possesses about the same composition as the plant, which is quite natural, since it is derived from vegetable productions modified by animal digestion. Again, it shows that the ground contains enormous quantities of the minerals com- prised in the second group, as silica, iron, manganese, sul- pliur, magnesia, etc., and tlils renders their presence useless in manure; while of azote, phosphoric acid, potash and lime, the amount is limited ; therefore it is necessary to give them back to the ground to make it fertile, and that is why we make use of these four substances in the composi- tion of our chemical manure. "We repeat, then, that azote, phosphoric acid, potash and lime are the elements which regulate the production of plants. Practical agriculture acknowledges this to be the case ; the vegetation of the primitive ages confirms it , and the most precise and exact experiments develop and sub- stantiate the trath of this theory. But what I must further remark, although I have not before alluded to it, is that these four substances, though always necessary, do not ful- fill an equal role with regard to all plants. According to the nature of the plant, one or other of tb.ese four substances manifests an action more or less decided on the crop — that particular substance dominates in the work of producing the crop. In cereals and beet, the dominant agent is azote ; while potash has the like effect in the case of beans, peas, and the leguminous plants. But we must always remember that this action never takes place without the aid and coop- eration of the other three elements. If they are withdrawn, the one substance alone would have no action whatever. THE YEGETABLE AND ANIMAL KINGDOM. EXPLANATION OF TERMS. "With the majority of farmers, there would probably be some difficulty in understanding chemical experiments, un- less an explanation were given of the technical and scientific terms used. As far as possible, the use of these terms is avoided throughout this pamphlet, but in order that every- thing may be rightly understood, and a correct judgment formed, I will now proceed to give such explanation as may be needed. Chemists have proved that the vegetable and animal kingdoms consist entirely of fifteen substances, called chem- ical ingredients. These are divided into two groups. The first group comprises carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and azote (or nitrogen) ; the second group consists of potash, soda, lime, magnesia, silica, alumin, iron, manganese, sulphur, phosphorus, and chlorine. These eleven included in the second group are inoi-ganic matters, or salts contained in the ashes of plants, and therefore they are called the inor- ganic ingredients of plants. The first group are known as gases ; although carbon is a solid matter, it is in the air, as a gas, called carbonic acid. By the wonderful laws of nature, each of these substances has such remarkable powers of attraction or afianity for the others, in forming chemical combinations or assimilations, they need only to be used judiciously to be available in bringing all kinds of plants to the highest degree of perfection. Now, for instance, we (21) 22 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. know that the air is composed of four-fifths nitrogen, one- fifth oxygen, and ^^Vo" P^^^ carbonic acid, and that it holds from 1 per cent, to 2t per cent, of water. We know that water is composed of one-ninth hydrogen and eight-ninths oxygen, the two gases chemically bound forming a liquid body. Potash, soda, lime and magnesia are combinations of oxygen, and these metals only. Ammoniacal gas is c'.>mposed of azote and hydrogen ; and nitric acid is a com- pound of azote and oxygen. Common salt consists of chlorine and sodium — the first, a suflTocating gas, the second, a metal that takes fire when brought in contact with water. 'We know, also, that carbonic acid is composed of 28 per cent, of carbon and 72 per cent, of oxygen ; that the leaf of a plant absorbs carbon and nitrogen, while it rejects the oxygen ; that 50 pounds of carbon and 50 pounds of water produce 100 pounds of woody fibre; that 50 pounds of carbon and 724 pounds of water produce 122|- pounds of either sugar, starch, or gum ; and that 50 pounds of caribou and 56 pounds of water make 106 pounds of vinegar. We further know that about one-half the weight of all the crops gathered, for the nourishment of man and beast, consist of carbon — the oxygen forms a little over a third part, the hydrogen enters into their composition only to the extent of a little over 5 per cent., and the azote seldom ex- ceeds 2^ or 3 per cent., with from 2 to 8 per cent, of ashes. This is shown in tiie following analysis of the component parts of different crops in perfect dryness : Carbon. Hydrogen. Oxygen. Aiote. Ashes. Hay 45.8 5.0 38.7 1.5 9.0 Hay and straw 47.4 5.0 37.8 2.1 7.7 Potatoes 44.0 5.8 44.7 1.5 4.0 Wheat 46.1- 5.8 43.4 2.3 2.4 Wheat straw 48.7 5.3 38.9^ 0.3^ 7.0 Oats 50.7 6.4 36.7 2.2 4.0 Oat straw 50.1 5.4 39.0 0.4 5.1 THE I^EW FARMER'S GUIDE. 23 Composition of Chemical Substances. The following will explain the composition of the vari- ous substances and matters mentioned in the foregoing : Ammonia consists of 14 parts of nitrogen and 3 parts of liydrogen. K"itric acid consists of 14 parts of nitrogen to 40 parts of oxygen. Phosphoric acid contains 31 parts of phosphorus to 40 parts of oxygen. Superphosphate of lime contains, in 100 parts, about 60 parts of phos- phoric acid, about 25 parts of lime, and 15 parts of water. Carbonic acid contains 6 parts of carbon and 16 parts of oxygen. Sulphuric acid is composed of" 16 parts of sulphur to 24 parts of oxygen. Silicic acid consists, in 100 parts, of 46 66-100 of silicon to 63 34-100 of oxygen. Carbonate of lime, in 100 parts, contains about 44 parts of carbonic acid and 56 parts of lime. Protoxide of ijon consists of 28 parts of iron to 8 parts of oxygen ; and peroxide of iron, 56 parts of iron to 24 parts of oxygen. Magnesia contains, in 100 parts, 60 4-100 of magnesium to 39 6-100 of oxygen. Sulphate of lime contains, in 100 parts, 46 of sulphuric acid, 32 of lime, and about 21 of water. Common salt contains, in 100 parts, when pure, 60 68-100 of chlorine and 89 32-100 of sodium. Nitrate of soda contains, in 100 parts, 63 53-100 of nitric acid and 36 47-100 of soda. Potassa contains, in 100 parts, 53 41-100 of nitric acid, and 46 59-100 of potassa. Sulphate of ammonia contains, in 100 parts, 60 60-100 of sulphuric acid, 25 76-100 of ammonia, and 13 64-100 of water. ELEMENTS REQUIRED IN A SOIL TO PRO' DUCE GREAT FERTILITY. Every farmer is acquainted with this fact, that the bulk of all soils consists of three distinct materials, as, for in- stance, sand, clay and limestone soil. Fure sand is the basis of. silica; pure clay is the basis of aluminum, and is composed of about 60 per cent, of silica and 40 per cent, of aluminum ; and lime, or carbonate of lime, is a composition of lime and carbonic acid. But besides these three sub- stances, the soil contains a great deal of organic and inor- ganic matter, and upon the quantity and quality of this lat- ter depends the fertility or the sterility of a soil. This point is illustrated by the well-executed analysis of three different soils, given below, which was prepared by Pro- fessor Sprengel, a German chemist, w.hile he was at tlie head of the Prussian High School of Agriculture. No. 1 in the analysis is a very fertile alluvial soil in Frisland, formerly covered by sea-water, but which had been culti- vated over 80 years, and yielded heavy crops without any manure. No. 2 is a fertile soil near Gottingen, producing good crops of clover, potatoes and turnips, yielding particu- larly well when manured with plaster. No. 3 is a very sterile soil near Kunebourg. After sufficient water had been applied to these three varieties of land, to separate the soluble parts from the insoluble matter, the coarse sand from (24) THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 25 the finer ingredients, the analysis for 1,000 parts showed as follows : No. 1. No. 2. No. 8. Soluble saline matters 18 1 1 Fine earthy and organic matter .. . 937 839 * 599 Coarse sand 45 160 400 1,000 1,000 1,000 The most striking difference in these numbers is the large quantity of saline matters found in the No. 1, these consisting of chloride cf sodium, chloride of potassium, sul- phate of potassium, and plaster, with traces of sulphate of magnesia, sulphate of iron, and phosphate of soda. The presence of such a large quantity of saline matters is, with- out doubt, to be accounted for by the fact that the soil had formerly been covered by sea-water, and it was probably owing to the same circumstance that it had produced large crops without any manure. No. 3, the sterile soil, is found to be the lightest of the three — 40 per cent, of it was coarse sand, but that alone is not sufficient to account for its ster- ility, as there are soils which contain even a greater quan- tity of sand without being sterile. The fine matters, sepa- rated from the coarse sand and the soluble ingredients, were, in 1,000 parts, as follows : No. 1. No. 2. No. 8. Organic matters 97 50 40 Silica C48 833 778 Alumin 57 51 91 Mixed iinie 59 18 4 Magnesia 8^ 8 1 Iron 61 30 81 Manganese 1 3 0^ Potash 2 Traces. Traces. Soda 4 Ammonia Traces. " " Chlorine*. 2 " '* Sulphur 2 0| Phosphoric 4i If " Carbonic acid • 40 4^ " Loss 14 — 4^ 1,000 1,000 1,000 26 THK NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. The composition of No. 1 verifies the correctness of the general principle laid down, that the jpresence of a great quantity of inorganic matters of every Icind is needed to render a soil eminently fertile. It is necessary, not only that the soil contain a considerable quantity of soluble and saline ingredients, but that it has, .in addition thereto, nearly 10 per cent, of organic matters ; and this becomes of still greater importance, in consideration of the large quan- tity of inorganic ingredients — 6 per cent, of lime, and also potash, soda, and the different acids. The soil Ko. 2, though fertile, has but a very small pro- portion of soluble saline matters, and amongst the insoluble parts, there exist only traces of potash, soda, and the im- portant acids — there is only 5 per cent, of organic matters and about 2 per cent, of lime. The smallness of the quan- tities of some important ingredients, and the entire absence of several others, places this soil below that class of soils which would be called, naturally very fertile; but, under the treatment of a judicious farmer, it might be brought to a high degree of productiveness, while, if cultivated without manure, it would soon become unproductive. In the " fine matters " of the soil, we find that soil No. 3 has less of the fertilizing ingredients than No. 2 — the or- ganic matters amount to about 4 per cent., and the lime to one-half per cent. ; but it contains 40 per cent, of coarse sand, so that, out of 100 parts, there is only 60 per cent, of fine matters, as the first table shows. The absence to such a great degree of fertilizing ingredients would not, however, in itself be suflScient to condemn such a soil as irremediably sterile ; but there is another element in the case to be con- sidered : in the fine matters of that soil we find over 5 per cent, of oxide of iron, and experience has proved that where there is so small a quantity of the vegetable matters, that THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 27 proportion of oxide of iron is too great, and would exercise a verj hurtful influence on cultivated plants. To improve such a soil, it would be necessary not only to furnish it with additional inorganic ingredients, but also with other reactive matters, which should neutralize the injurious effects of the oxide of iron. In the analysis of these three soils, we find that the first sample contains in itself all the elements of fertility in great plenty ; the second sample presents a soil which, though fertile, is wanting in several important elements, but which could be supplied by manuring, and it is reported that plaster produces a particularly good effect upon it ; and, finally, in the third sample, we have a soil which is not only wanting in a great variety of inorganic elements nec- essary to the life and growth of plants, but which also abounds in an inorganic substance that is always injurious to vegetable life. The following is an analysis of a very fertile soil in the vicinity of the Zuyder Zee, in Holland, as given by the cel- ebrated chemist, Mulder : Insoluble sand with alumina 67.646 Soluble silica 2.340 Alumina, soluble. 1.830 Peroxide of iron 9.039 Protoxide of iron 0.350 Lime 4.092 Magnesia 0. 130 Potash 1.026 Soda 1.9'72 Ammonia 0.060 Phosphoric acid 0.466 Sulphuric acid 0.896 Carbonic acid 6.085 Chlorine 1.240 Humus, or mold, ve<'-etable remains and water chemi- cally combined 12.000 ► Loss 0.828 Total 100.000 28 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. This is a most remarkably rich soil, and few in the world can compare with it in furnishing the raw material for producing bread and meat. These examples will help farmers to comprehend of what great service a chemical analysis may be in enlightening them as to the composition and real value of a soil, and they will readily see the practical benefits to be derived therefrom. EFFECTS OF VARIOUS KIXDS OF MANURE EXPLAINED. MR. YILLE'S THEOEIES DISCUSSED, In the discussion of the advantages resulting from using the various kinds of manures and fertilizers, the main object will be not to set up new theories, so much as to show, by reference to experiments and the views of writers on the subjects, what we deem to be the most correct and best established principles. ITaturailj, in the consideration of such a question, the point first to be referred to is the influence ot farm-yard manure on the soil. In a translation of the opinions of Mr. Yille (the gentle- man already referred to), which has been made by M. A. A. Fesquet, and published in this country, the following pas- sage occurs : FARM-YARD MANURE. " Q. How does such a manure act upon the soil? ^' A, It acts by its nite-ogenized matter, phosphate of lime, potassa, and lime, which are the indispensable agents for keeping up the fertility of soils, and obtaining all kinds of crops. " Q. Does farm-yard manure contain only these four substances ? "^. It contains at least ten more, which it is not nec- essary to consider, since plants always find them in the earth and in the air." 3* (29) 30 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. The writer here apparently ignores altogetlier the bene- ' ficial effects on the soil produced by the nitrification, the fermentation, and the dissolvent power of farm-yard manures. In another part of the same work I find the following: " Q. Is it known in what proportion the soil and air furnish nitrogen for the principal crops ? '* A. Here are the proportions indicated \>y carefully made experiments : Nitrogen. From the Air. From the Soil. Clover The whole. None. Barley 80 per ceut. 20 per cent. Rye 80 " 20 Wheat 50 " 50 Beets 60 '• 40 Rape or cole seed (colza). . . '70 " 30 " " Q. How can we prove that it is so, and that clover or peas, for instance, take no nitrogen from the earth, and draw it all from the air ? " A. It may be proved in two different ways — by labor- atory experiments, and by culture in the field. Let us speak first of the laboratory experiments, because the results are simple and certain. " A sample of earth was calcined in a porcelain furnace, in order to destroy all organized substances which may have existed in it ; this earth was then mixed with phosphate of lime, potassa, and lime, and watered with pure distilled water. Clover sown in it grew perfectly well, and the crop being analyzed, demonstrated the presence of a large pro- portion of nitrogen, evidently due to the air, since there was none in the soil. *' The practical proofs are not less certain. When a soil is cultivated without manuring, the crops become poor very rapidly. When wheat is grown every other year, the crop is better ; if wheat alternates with horse-beans, which con- THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 31 tain a great deal of nitrogen, the yield of wheat does not diminish. Indeed, the rotation with horse-heans is nearly as favorable to wheat as a year of fallow land. Why is it so ? Because horse-beans draw their nitrogen from the air, whereas wheat extracts it from the soil." My reply to this statement is, that the sample of cal- cined earth, mixed as described, was in the very best con- dition to form nitrates, and a crop of wheat even could have been grown upon it. It cannot be stated in what pro- portion the nitrogen was absorbed by the soil or by the leaves. The beneficial eJOiect of all the long-rooted and large- leafed plants upon the soil is known perfectly well by all practical farmers, but the proofs given by Mr. Yille, are scarcely sufficient to warrant such sweeping assertions as he has made. Concerning the calcined or burned soil, I take the op- portunity of stating that, in the mountainous regions of Europe, the most unproductive soils are, from time to time, thinly over-sliced and burned in small heaps in the dry season ; then the dried heaps are left for nitrification un- disturbed until the seeding-time, when the heaps are evenly spread, and the seed sown, the burnings being hoed in in small rows.. Low, wet, turfy lands, which can readily be drained, are, when dry, burned to the extent of six or seven inches deep, and one-half, more or less, of the burnings is used for the manuring of other soils, as it is said the whole quantity, if used, would render the soil too rich. The char- acteristics of the crops of these fields are : stiff straw, with \rell-filled ears, and a good quality of grain ; they render about double the amount of grain, in proportion to the straw, of tlie growth of cultivated land — that is to say, one pound of straw gives as much grain as would be obtained 32 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. from two pounds of the straw of cultivated land. This is due to the dissolvent power of burjiing on the inorganic matter, which is the cause of nitrification. Mr. Yille also says that '' 30 per cent, of nitrogen is lost during the decomposition of animal substances," and that this loss is altogether unpreventible and without remedy. This is not so, as tlie application of plaster in large quanti- ties would have prevented the loss of nitrogen. In com- posing his fertilizers, he calls the sulphate of lime, lime — the incredulous believe that it is more soluble ; but the fact is, that 500 parts of water will dissolve one part of plaster, while it takes 1,000 parts of water to dissolve an equal quantity of calcined lime; therefore, how can his theory be correct? It should be noted that Mr. Yille constantly speaks of plaster as lime, when it really contains only 32 parts of lime, the rest being sulphuric acid and water. Several times he says, also, that soda has no effect on plants ; but, in the end, he found that, practically, it was useful for roots, and even potatoes. In the same work, referring to potassa, we find the fol- lowing : " Q, Which is preferable, nitrate of potassa, or refined potassa % " A^ E"itrate of potassa is preferable, because its potassa costs 0.75 francs per kilogramme (or about seven cents per pound), whereas, that of the refined potassa amounts to 1.50 francs per kilogramme (or 14 cents per pound)." At the very time this was written, in Germany, refined potassa, of 50 to 54 per cent, of pure potassa, was quoted from 2 to 2 J cents, gold, per pound. Is this not very much like intentionally ignoring known facts? ABSORPTION OF ATMOSPHERIC NITROGEN BY VEGETATION. This subject has been treated upon by M. S. P. Dehe- rain, a well-known writer upon agricultural topics, and member of the French Academy of Science. The sub- joined is an abstract of a lecture delivered by M. Deherain, some years since, before the members of the Academy: Numerous analyses of arable earths have been made, and form part of the records of agricultural science. We find this fact to be clearly demonstrated-rthat there exists in the soil a considerable quantity of combined nitrogen, the origin of which cannot be attributed to old dressings, inasmuch as M. Boussingault has discovered that the amount of nitrogen absorbed by vegetation during the growth of crops, upon a given surface, exceeded the quantity con- tained in the manure wdiich that surface had received. The excess is often very considerable ; and the explanation must be, either the admission that plants draw nitrogen directly from the air, and retain it in their tissues, or that, in consequence of some reaction, as yet imperfectly under- stood, arable eartli becomes charged with atmospheric nitro- gen, which is then transmitted to the vegetation. The numerous experiments of M. Boussingault, in France, and Messrs. Laws, G-ilbert and Pugh, in England, attempted with a view of ascertaining if plants absorb nitro- gen direct from the air, have failed. The ammonia, or (83) o4 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. nitric acid, which may be produced by meteoric phenom- ena, rain, snow, or dew, is scarcely sniEcient to cover the loss occasioned by the evaporation of ammonia in the air, by the draining of superficial and subsoil (wliich would easily be the means of carrying away nitrates), and by the emission of free nitrogen, which is produced during the de- composition of organic matter used as manure. It is, there- fore, evident, d priori, that some powerful cause must act upon the soil to produce that fraction of nitrogen, the pres- ence of which is proved by analysis. After reflecting upon the various circumstances under which the union of the two elements of the air occurs, it is found to habitually accom- pany the oxidation of the organic ijiatter, and it seemed to me, that oxidation of the organic matter arising from the remains of former vegetation, or from manure, might, per- haps, produce tlie combination of atmospheric nitrogen with oxygen. To render this certain, I resolved to undertake two series of experiments. By the first, I have ascertained the absorption of gaseous nitrogen during the oxidation of or- ganic matter. In the second experiment, I examined the nitrogen in combination, w^th the view of discovering and pointing out those reactions which produce the black mat- ter (or humus) of arable earth. After several attempts, I succeeded in obtaining a regular absorption of nitrogen by the following means : Into a matrass of green glass, capable of containing 200 cubic centimetres, was introduced a mix- ture of equal volumes of air and oxygen, w^hose exact com- positions had been ascertained, and then a liquid, consisting of 15 grms. of glucose, dissolved in 15 c. c. of water, and 15 c. c. of common ammonia. This is closed before the blowpipe, and if the manipulation is rapid, only a very in- significant portion of air can ente^* the matrass. Even THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 35 should a larger quantity obtain entrance, tlie experiment will not be spoiled. The proportion of nitrogen in the matrass will become rather larger than is indicated by the analysis, only a small quantity of the nitrogen absorbed passing unperceived. Heat is applied for 100 hours by the water bath, and when completely cooled, the height of the liquid is marked upon the neck of the reversed matrass, and the end is broken under water. Compared with the pre- ceding proportions, the absorption is considerable, nothing but nitrogen remaining ; all the oxygen and carbonic acid will have disappeared. The gas is collected in a graduated eprovette (or tester) ; the entire absence of oxygen, or car- bonic acid, is ascei^ined by the application of potash and pyrogallic acid ; and the remaining quantity of nitrogen is read oif, the quantity being considerably less than what was introduced. Here are particulars of .the two experiments : Of 100 parts of gas introduced, SS-^Q^g- consisted of oxy- gen, 41y%0q- of nitrogen ; the liquid glucose and ammonia occupied 30 c. c, and the gas contained in matrass 184 c. c. Before the experiment, there were 76y|-jj- c. c. of nitrogen , in the mixture ; when, after heating the matrass, the end was broken under water, only 70 c. c. of gas were found, containing neither oxygen nor carbonic acid — 6y|-o c. c. of nitrogen were, therefore, absorbed, or 8y|-g- per cent. In one of the experiments, made with the nitrated glu- cose of H. P. Thenard, and with ammonia, with gas con- taining 62 of nitrogen to 48 of oxygen, an absorption was ascertained of 113 c. c, against 53 introduced; that is to say, 215 per cent. Six experiments were made with huraic acid mixed mth potash, acting upon atmospheric air ; and of 100 volumes of nitrogen introduced, an average of seven volumes was absorbed. Two experiments were made with 36 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. decayed wood mixed wnth potash ; the introduced gas was ' rich in oxygen — 3G volumes were absorbed per cent. . Upon substituting ammonia for the potash, no absorption of nitro- gen was perceived ; on the contrary, at the end of the ex- periment, more nitrogen was found tlian at the commence- ment. In twenty of these experiments, made with glucose and ammonia acting upon equal volumes of air and oxygen, an average absorption was established of 5yf^ c. c. of nitro- gen to 100 introduced. Lastly, in four experiments, in which a mixture of M. P. Thenard's nitrated glucose with ammonia was employed, an average absorption of 15.4 to 100 of introduced nitrogen was observed. Thus, in the presence of slow coimbustion of organic matters, atmospheric nitrogen enters into combination, probably to form nitric acid, which, from contact with excess of carbonaceous matter, is reduced, and yields its nitrogen to the organic matter. This last reaction has been estab- lished by M. P. Thenard, and having verified it, we may, by depending upon it, endeavor to imagine what is the origin of the excess of nitrogen found in plants, and in the soil, over the quantity furnished by manures. The condi- tions under which atmospheric nitrogen is brought into combination, require that some organic matters should be consumed in the air ; every plant, whose leaves remain upon the soil which bears it, is the means of more or less fixation of nitrogen. This reaction continues during many years, and ends by accumulating, upon soil abandoned to spon- taneous vegetation, such as waste land, a quantity of nitro- gen sufiicient to enable a cultivator, after clearing, to obtain several crops without the action of nitrated manure. The productive powers of the soil of forests and prairies are, however, not to be compared to those of arable land. The vegetable remains left upon the former are not in so THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 87 * favorable a state for fermentation as those which form the dressing received by the latter ; lor we have already seen that nitrated glucose, which occurs during the manufacture of farm-yard manure, is the most favorable of all mixtures employed for the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. The action of manure upon vegetation is not due only to the nitrogen it holds, but also to the decomposing carbonaceous matter which constitutes the entire mass. When buried in the earth, this matter is preserved there some time, if the cultivator does not endeavor to finish its oxidation. To this end, he tears the earth, he aerates it, he is unsparing of his means ; under the influence of the air, the organic mat- ter burns, producing in the soil those considerable quantities of carbonic acid which the analyses of Messrs. Boussingault and Levy have discovered in the air. This combination determines the union of the two elements of the air, and there is added to the nitrogen, which the dressing naturally contains, that which, drawn from the atmosphere, is thence conducted through a series of metamorphoses, from the soil to the plant, and from the plant to animals. What are the conditions of composition, aeration, and moisture most favorable to the fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in arable soils? This is an important question, since, by experiments, the circumstances under which the combination of gascDus nitrogen occurs are very clearly defined ; and it is also known that it does not so easily take place if the oxidation is either too rapid or too slow. The French Association at Paris for the Encouragement of Science has recognized the importance of making further inquiries upon this subject by offering a prize of 2,000 francs for the best mode of procuring the absorption of at- mospheric nitrogen, either in the form of nitrates, ammonia, or cyanogen. The prize is offered for tlie year 18T6. 4 38 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. «r ]t^itrate of potassa is obtained by the decomposition, under large open sheds, of materials of animal origin- mixed with earths holding clay and limestone, and which are after- wards lixiviated, in order to extract the nitre. This salt, for a long time, was produced from old building materials. It is not generally known amongst agriculturists that, by such a very simple process, nitrogen can be obtained. THE PASSAGE OF GASES THROUGH THE YEG- ETAELE COLLOIDAL MEMBRANE. The recent experiments of M. Bartholomy lead to the conclusion that the natural colloidal surfaces of vegetables have 13 to 15 times greater admissive power for carbonic acid than for nitrogen, and six to seven times more than for oxygen. These experiments, proving the dialysis of car- bonic acid through the cuticle of leaves, are of the same nature as the investigations of Dutrochet, on membranes and aqueous solutions, made with a view to determine the endosmose by the cellules. In a word, cuticular respiration appears sufficiently proved by the presence of this mem- brane on all the organs. RESULTS OF Al^ INVESTIGATION IN EAST Ii\i)IA. Some additional information may be . js^atliered on tliis subject bj a perusal of the following extract from a very valuable and carefully prepared report made to the British Government by Mr. Edward Nicholls, a gentleman who was appointed specially for the purpose of making an inves- tigation as to the quality and composition of water for drinking purposes in Eastern India : JSTlTRATES. ^N'itrates are invariably found in well-water derived from subsoils of decomposed felspar or of clay. Ammonia, whether that normally found in the atmosphere or that pro- duced by organic decay, becomes oxidized when in contact w4th porous soil ; and in presence of bases with v^eak acids, such as silicates and carbonates, it changes into nitric acid, and expels the weaker acid. As there are few soils that do not contain silicates or carbonates of potassium, sodium, magnesium, or calcium, the presence of nitrates is nearly universal, and we would naturally Qxpect to find them in the washings of salt mounds. The filtration of water through, soil containing silicates or carbonates would gener- ate nitrates, even if none were present originally. I found as much as 15 per cent, of nitric acid in the solid residue of a sample of earth washings — a quantity equal to 76 centi- (39) 4:0 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. grammes per litre of the fluid, and tlie moisture adhering to the crystals of salt, .subsequently obtained, was- highly nitrous. The nitrates present in earth washings are always deliquescent nitrates of calcium and magnesium, the sodium salts being excluded, in consequence of earthy sulphates and chlorides having already decomposed any sodium silicate or carbonate that would have been available for the satui-a- tion of nitric acid, as it is formed. Potassium, being of comparatively rare .occurrence in these soils, is excluded also from combination as nitrate. Nitrates, existing in every sample of earth washings that I have examined, are consequently wasted ; while, if the mother liquor of the salt crystals was treated with wood ashes, or other convenient source of potash, the earthy metals would be replaced by potassium, and nitrates would be obtained ; the quantity obtained, it is true, w^ould be not more than two or three per cent. The nearest place where 1 could find nitratesto be regu- larly made was at Sirragirri, about 20 miles north of Bel- larg. From the account given me of the process by the nitrate maker of Sirragirri, it would appear that earthy nitrates are never utilized, and that soil containing potas- sium nitrate already formed, is the only kind worked. To obtain nitrates at once in this condition, in a country where potassium salts are in the soil, the nitrate maker must con- tine his operations to soils in the neighborhood of villages, selecting those spots where, from infiltration of urine, from drainage of cattle-sheds, or from the vicinity' of ash-heaps, the earth has become artificially supplied with potash. Considering that Indians generally use the manufacturing processes w^hich are best adapted to circumstances, and which, though rude, prove quite as profitable to them as the more ingenious, but more expensive, processes of Euro- THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 41 pean industry, I am rather surprised that the addition of potash to earth washings containing earthy nitrates is not practiced in India as in Europe. The earth washings are allowed to evaporate, and are lost in the mother liquor. The nitrate is obtained, tolerably clear, in small prismatic crystals, mixed with the cubic crystals of common salt; this impurity varies from six to twenty per cent., or more ; if required to be refined, it is purified by solution and re- crystalization — a most wasteful process, under the circum- stances, as about 30 per cent, of the nitrate is lost. The impure nitrate is sold at one rupee per mound of 24 lbs. ; when purified, the same quantity costs one rupee twelve annas ; this low figure is, I think, occasioned by the nitrate being impure for shipment, as the manufacturers are not acquainted with the process of refining economically. The nitrate might be bought and refined at a total cost of not more than 12<§. per cwt., it being worth 28^. to 30^. at home. Ignorance of an economical refining process afibrds the only explanation of the low prices obtained for an article of such value.* To refine it economically, it would be necessary to accumulate a large quantity, mix it well, and determine by analysis of a sample the process to be adopted for its puri- fication. The process applicable to a nitrate containing five per cent, of impurity, would be quite inapplicable to another containing 40 per cent, of impurity. Soda. I have not been able to meet with any instance of this salt being produced near Bellarg ; that sold in the ceded districts is made, I believe, near Cuddolph ; the sodium carbonate, of which impure soda principally consists, is the result of de- composition of sodium silicate by atmospheric carbonic acid. Silicate and carbonic acid are of equal strength, and 4« 42 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. it entirely depends on circumstances which acid can expel the other from the combination. Silicic acid expels carbonic acid from solution, whilst carbonic acid acting in excess, and for long periods of time, expels silicic acid from silicates. In parts where soda is produced, it is found principally as an efflorescence on the surface, the sodium silicate of the soil having evidently been decomposed by atmospheric acid. Its presence is incompatible with that of earthy chlorides, sulphates and nitrates, and as these are constantly found accompanying the salt and nitrates yielded by black cotton soil, it is evident that the production of salt or nitrates ex- cludes that of soda, l^atural sodium carbonate does not appear to be produced in India to any considerable extent — perhaps little in excess of the limited requirements of washermen. The main features of the production of these earth salts may be thus summarized : Salt is derived from marine deposits in the black cotton soil ; it may be mixed with the following impurities: (1.) Marine earthy salts, principally magnesium chlo- ride and sulphate. (2.) Sodium sulphate, produced by decomposition of marine sulphates by sodium silicate. (3.) Nitrates, principally magnesium and calcium. Nitrates do not accompany salt as such (as potash nitre), but indirectly as earthy nitrates. Potash can only be ob- tained from soils to which potassium has been added acci- dentally or purposely ; soils containing the nitrified pro- ducts of decayed animal matter are alone profitable to work ; even in these there is a great loss, unless potassium salts be added. Soda is pi^oduced by action of carbonic acid on the sodium silicate of decomposed felspar rocks ; both carbonate and the silicate of sodium being decomposed by the soluble earthy salts which invariably accompany salt; and nitre soils yioldiii;^ the hitter salts caunot yield soda. RESEARCHES OF BOUSSWGAULT ON THE NITRIFICATION OF THE SOIL. M. Bonssingault, in the reports presented bj him to the Academj of Science, at Paris, France, gives the results of experiments made in hermetically sealed glass balloons, during a period of eleven years, with specially prepared soils and common air. These experiments proved that no more nitrates were produced during that eleven years than were formed during the first sixteen or eighteen months ; in all cases it was found that not one-fourth of the nitrogen- absorbing capacity of the soil was saturated, and the quan- tity of nitrogen in the inclosed air did not change, although nitrification took place. Therefore, we infer that confined dry air with a dry soil will not ofier the best conditions for promoting nitrification, as is proved in another part of this work. Odc of M. Boussingault's experiments was on ten kilo- grammes (equal to 22 pounds) of air-dried garden soil, which was first washed, to deprive it of the most of its nitrates, and then exposed to the air under cover, being every two weeks moistened. The indications of the pres- ence of nitrates was as follows : Nitrates in Grammes. On the 5th of August 0.096 " 17th" " 0.628 2d "September 1.800 mil " " 2.160 " 2d " October 2.260 (48) 44 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. After the last-mentioned date, the nitrification was con- tinued but very feebly ; and several other trials made in the same way showed but little variation in the quantity of nitrates present. Percentages of Saltpetre in Soil. M. Bonssingault also shows the percentages of saltpetre contained in some of the soils in France, which had been worked for a number of years in the manufacture of pow- der, to be as follows : Quantity of Saltpetre in each Kilogramme of Earth. No. of Grammes. In the Northern ProYinces 1.2 In Touraine 8.5 Earth artificially nitrified 10.0 " exceptionally rich 30.0 " of a sheepfold , 8.4 The artificial nitre beds consisted of clay soil, mixed with lime and animal matters, under an open shade, and worked over as a compost heap, generally for a period of 15 to 18 months. In the same address, which was delivered about a year ago, M. Bonssingault repeated a statement which he said he had made before the Academy many years previous, that land well plowed and manured possessed very much oi the same qualities as a nitre bed — in both cases the miner- als are associated with inorganic matters in forming the composition. Among the nitre mines on the equatorial line, the most important is that known as the Tacunga, which is very rich : it is composed of humus, phosphates, silicate of lime, and a great proportion of alkalies. In many parts of Spain the soil is so rich that the farmer can produce either saltpetre in great abundance or very large crops of wheat. In the THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 45 valley of the Ganges, in India, the saltpetre of Houssage is very much renowned ; it is found in great quantities on the surface of the soil, where it is deposited by the waters of the river, and it is found side by side with rich crops of tobacco, indigo, maize, &c. Therefore, it is certain that the association of mineral elements with organic matters is not the only condition upon which depends the formation of nitrates. There is in Peru an inexhaustible deposit of the nitrate of soda which, for its great abundance, is com- pared to the deposit of the common salt, except that it has a different origin. The Nitke Beds of Algeeia Have been described somewhat minutely by Colonel Chabrier, an officer of the French army, who, when serving in Algiers, embraced the opportunity of studying them very carefully. They are found on the sites of destroyed villages, and are composed of organic and animal matter mixed with mineral ingredients, such as lime, phosphate, silicates, and alkali salts, in a more or less decomposed state. The rich- ness and consequently the value of these nitre beds de- pended upon the quantity of organic and mineral matters found in them, those containing the §reatest proportion and in the most advanced state of decomposition being the highest in point of value. JEAUNEL ON NITRATES AND NITEITES. The following is an extract from a paper by M. J. Jeaunel, a member of the French Academy : '^ Many physiologists and horticulturists believe that it is imj^ossible to group plants in a sterile soil by means of artificial food composed of mineral substances dissolved in water. My aim is to prove by experiments, (1) that nitrates and nitrites are naturally found in soils containing organic vegetable matter when in contact with air ; (2) that it is possi- ble to feed plants with solutions of mineral compounds suit- ably prepared, so that the plants receive from these solutions the mineral constituents they require, and may thus grow more vigorously even in pure sand than in the best garden mold. "This opinion was put forth in 1856 by Boussingault, as the result of his experiments, and now the same conclu- sion is arrived at by Mi'. Yille. '^ Soils containing humus or lime determine, while dry- ing, the combination of the elements of the air, without any intervention of ammonia, so that either nitric or nitrous acid is formed, whicli is at once fixed by the lime," When a moist nitrogenized animal matter is exposed to the action of the air, ammonia is always liberated ; nitric acid is never formed. But when alkalies or alkaline bases are present, a union of oxygen with the nitrogen and nitrates is formed. — -Liebig. (46) ANALYTICAL TABLES. COaiPILED BY Dr. EMILE WOLF. The following analyses are selected from a sel'ies pub- lished in a very celebrated analytical work by Dr. Emile Wolf, Superintendent of Experimental Department at the Koyal Agricultural Academy at Hohenheime, Wurtem- burg, Germany. Table I shows clearly the dominating influence of the four principal ingredients — potash, lime, and phosphor, with nitrogen — over the secondary mineral salts in the principal agricultural crops. In the crops described as maximum, where the four dominating ingredients are found in the largest quantities, the secondary ingredients are also present to a great extent ; while, in the minimum crops, where the four dominating ingredients are in the smallest quantity, their influence on the secondary ingredi- ents is nearly lost, because the latter can scarcely be found present in the crops. Table II shows the influence upon the ashes in plants of the alkali salts — potash and soda — when present in either a maximum, mean, or minimum quantity. The study of this table will be of great interest, as the presence of a larger or smaller quantity of the alkalies is seen to have a strikingly different effect upon the other ingredients. This contradicts altogether the statements of Mr. Yille and others, that soda has no influence upon vegetable growth. The alkalies also play a very important part in the nitrifi- cation of soils. The tables are of great importance to the practical agri- culturist — they are the best upon this subject that have ever been prepared, and deserve the most careful study and perusal, (47) 48 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. COMPARATIVE STATEME]\^T OF THE PERCEIITAGE OF ASHES FOUNB IN AN ANALYSIS OF THE PRINCIPAL AGRICULTURAL CROPS. IN ion PARTS OF PURE ASHES DESCRIPTION.* Hay Red Clover in Flower., , .max. med. min . .max med.!98 min Lucerne. .max. med. Winter Wheat (grain) . . , Summer Wheat (grain). , Winter Rye (grain) Barley (grain) Oats (grain) Indian Corn (grain) Peas (grain) ,... . Horse Beans (grain) . . . Beans (grain) ^. Kapeseed (grain) 11.30 56.5S13.78I32. 70 16.65 4.93 21.31 8.64 63.21 6.02,25.54 4.43116.72 6.31 1.25 8.01 4.56 27 01 2.20! 7.63 0.30! 8.38 2.52, 0.13 4.61 0.6510.44 max.! med. 98 max med. 14 min . ■ j max med. 20 min i max . med. 50 min . max. med. 23 min . I max . I max. me.i. 29 min . max. med. 15 min . 9.15'52 02t 6.83i32.15! 5.02j 8.77J 9.53'41.9l! 7.46:24.581 5.36:il.40| 2.46 36.601 1.97 31.16| 1.58 23.18 ^.14 29.P9I 2.07 25.04' 8.89,53.36 26. 07 2.03 85.22 10.89 21.91! 5.34 3.52 2.09 1.60 2.60 1.90 4.07 3.14 2.50 37.54' 31.471 27.78 32. 20! 20.15i 11.39| 24.301 i6.8Si 12.94i 6 22 2.05 0.40 9.07 2.25 0.00 4.06 1.93 0.2i 4.45 1.70 0.00 6.00 2.53 0.00 5.27 2.24 0.00 max. med. min . 13 max . < med. i 18 min .! 1.72 31.861 7.54 1.5127.93! 1 1.28 24.33: 0.00 4.27 51.411 8.57 2.73 41.79: 0.96 2.36 35.801 0.00 62.88 9.00 42.17 5.24 24.74 2.80 8.2116.26 8.3411.97, 0.90; 9.10' I I 4.1213.62! 2.98 12.09 2.0710.68 5.0115.00 6 65 20.20 1.06 9 87 3.01 2.37 0.32 4 01, 1.26! 0.00 3.01 19.34 8.58 19.85 1.38 8.80 5.93; 6.07 0.50 4.54 3.94 0.81 J 1 I 2.99 52.62 2.22 5.91 1.31 46.98| 37| 2.11 0.00 39.20 0.00 O.OOl 0.00 0.59 51.00 2.48 2.14' 0.80 0.5148.63 1.52| 1.64 0.48 0.30 44.20; 0.20! 0.23i O.OT 21.39 7.22 1.88 11.76 3.89 1.20 8 05 3.45 0.95 1.01 0.22 4.11! 2.63 1.34; .60 8.35 3.73| 1.3] 14.37 11.54' 10.13! I 12. 47 1 8.6ii 5.00, 9.72I 7.06 4.93 1.63 0.20 2.93 0.97 0.00 2.05 67 0.00 50.35 46.931 39.90! I 42.56 34.68i 26.01; 32.29 23.02 15.64 3.76!17.85! 2.00 53.69 2.2814.98 1.26 45.00 0.27 12. Ill 0.00 37.63 I ! I 7.90 13.02! 3.8344.41 4.99! 7 96 0.8636.43 2.211 5.80! 0.00 29.30 4.30 47.89 2.61 3.57 42.49 1.34 4.73 3.28 35.64 0.00 2.86! 3.02i 4.51| 1.50 1.101 1.88 0.61 0.00, 0.52 0.00 I 3.5036.78 5.24 1.69 27.54" 0.93 0.0017. 27 00 ! 4.0155.95 2.88 1.36144.33 58 0.00133.46 0.00 4.13! 5.54' 4.79 1.80 1.88 1.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.46 4.02 51.90! 4.20 3.22 44.01 1.49 2.85 87.30 0.00 5.1929.49! 8.28 4.44 24 50! 1.63 9.86! 1.06 44.49 4.63 7.08 0.57 88.74! 2.53 5.33 0.00 32.51 1.37 13.40 12.12 6.38 7.62 1.20 5.80 17.80115.55 14.18'll.80 8.3621.841 0.00!10. 0.70 46.601 6.40 0.32 35.52! 4.05 0.00^27.10 1.38 8.8247.49 9.41 1.56 42.83 2.39 0.6335.57 0.00 8.02 6.50 0.86 1.54 0.00 0.00 5 24 6.85 0.78 0.00 i 1.71' 0.57 0.00 5.99 1.42 0.00 1.57 0.00 2.80 0.86 0.00 88 0.16 0.00 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 49 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, &c.— continued DESCRIPTION. IN 100 PARTS OF PURE ASHES. Flaxseed (grain) max med . 5 Winter Wheat (straw). .max. med. min . Summer Wheat (straw). . max . ■Winter Rye (straw) max. med, min . I Barley (straw) max. I med. 21 min. Oats (straw) . Peas (straw) . Horse Beans (straw) . . . Rapeseed (straw) .max. med. min . .max. med. min . .max. med. .mas, med, min , Flaxseed (s*;rav/) Potato (tuber) Beets (for cattlo) med miu , ,max med med, min . c/: I ►- 4.19 85.97, 3.24: 9 45 18 OT; 2.08 -14. T3' 8.15i 2.48i 44 3.(59 30.631 2.07| 8.10 14.29 1.12 41.50' 2.34 1 241 16 3.05^:7.14 1.27j 6.60(10.041 0.38 35.99 0.24 0.40 o'06 7.00;27 38 5.87;i3.6o 4.461 9.47 6.09 43.40| 4. 45128. 91 1 2.99110.051 7. 23' 1.38| 0.00 5.76| 2.65! 5.86 4.79 3.15 6.80 5.20 4.70 5.13 26. 4S! 19.241 9.83| 44.46! 22.85 1©.76 31.40 22.12 13.82 35.85 22.90 9.34 6.8714 61 2.69 6.89 34| 2.89 6.2710,11 2 15i 8.58 0.30! 5.45 5.18! 2.48! 1.25 4.04! 2.45 1.591 3.4l! 2.72: 2 Oil 1.22! 0.61| 0.06, 1.95 0.72 0.17 2.50 1.04 0.16 8.90 4.81 2.21 6.40 5.15 7.94 47 21 5.35 42 16 3.65J87.22 6.63 88.76 4.92 27.28 3.511 9 83 I ! 4.44!45.95 29.65 28.09 116 3.5331.06 8 14:22.23 i i 2.06; 9.70 0.00 14 90 8.45113.10 4.13 7.77 1.13 5.34i l,64l 0.00 4.66 2.89 0.83 5.701 2.60! 1.98 0.( 15.23! 7.03! 2.70 86 4.04| 1.45 4.89 2.331 0.40 13.57 43.90 13.89! 4.56 4. 7I36.82 8.04| 1.72 0.00117.30 3.29 0.00 8.61129.59 2.45122.40 1.7510.03 25.85 38.47 9.34 28.37 0.00 19.06 i !5, i58 3, I i 2, I !. 15 6, 1 i 4, 8 17S.eiil6, 77 60.371 2, 20^43.95; 0, 27 69.40 89, 44 54.0:il5, 41:25.571 5, 93 6.23 62: 2.57 001 0.51 20i 8.78 9- 4.19 30 2.17 Sugar Beet Turnips (root) . 11.71 7.58 6.66 15.40 6.01 2.78 11.74 6.58 3.50 13.58 4.69 1.321 7.9o! 4.5i! 2.11 2.67 1.26 31 5.52 1.84 0.00 5.59 72.46! 7.43 2.45i67.50! 1.68 0.74j49.58i 0.00 8.95'60.62i 6.13 3. 1347. 60' 2.19 3.401 1.46 89.02; 1.10 7 78| 5.7965.17! 5.14 2 71 56 SBl 3.21 0.83'46.52 7.20 8.01 '68. 50 4.48! 3 71'52.02i 2-20 0.80:82 111 7 54 4.69 1.94 2.51 0.47 9.05 2.26 0.00 4 36 r.5. 41 11.99 8m 9 48.571 6 81 2.15 33.03 1.50 18.1516 02:21. 35 16.16 8.05 6.26! 6.83! 5.64 3.84 0.61J 0.56! 0.00 8.80 8.37i3.98:i4.9T 7.89 8.55 7.37 5.84 5.03 0.00 2.39, 0.00 11.S2 13.00 17. 12'24.40 5.96 7.591 6.34 8.37 1.23 1.43i 0.00, 0.00 6.62 29 60 18.4214.22' 8.59 2.4018.591 6.54: 5.51 4.09 1.02! 8.03 3. S3 1.47 0.63 I i I i 7.18:27.1414.89 1.1817. 331 6.40 0.041 8.39 O.U Carrots (root) S med. min . .max. med. min . .max. med. min , 6.56 78.11 24.0412.20 11.02 98 3.86 55.1110.00 5.3!;] 7 53 j 2.45 89.7s 0.97, 1.59 2.34 97 62.68 20, 01 45.40! 9 89 26.55! 0, 7115.901 8i lO.GOj 00 5.47 8.04 53.36 34.75 16.52 7, 5.58 35.21 22,0711.42 4 4.34 17.03 10.92 O.SS' 1, 6.41 8.69 1.61 8.1110.75 2.13 3.11 0.00 0.85 3.1113.02! 6.0410.02 85.45 82' 8.45| 3.17 2.3S 8.40 0.39, 1.951 2.01 0.00 1.86 I I ' 3.1718 45 8 89 9.0016.95 0.93 IO.99I 3.81 1 80 5.1s 0.20^ 6 31| 1.27 0.77 0.53 2.8518,9418.07 7.9613.85 0.8112.71111.19 1.87 6.07 0.19_ 5.48j 2.62, 0.00 1.85 28i 2.02 15.02 11.73 5.7210.49 73i 1 08 12.46; 6.72 2.47 5 19 34 0.00 9,55! 3.49 0.90 O.OS 50 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, &c.— continued. DESCRlPnON. Sea-kale (root) max . med. min . Potato (straw) max . med. min . Beet (for cattle — leaves) . max . med. min . Sugar Beet (leaves) max. med. min . Turnips (leaves) max . med. min . Carrots (leaves) max. med. min . Sea-kale (leaves) max , med. min . Hops max. med. min . Hops (leaves) max. med. min . Hops (bine) max. med. min Tobacco (leaves) max . med. min , Wine (must) max, med, min , Grapevine max med min Mulberry (leaves) max med min Sugar Beets (pressed). . .max med min IN 100 PARTS OF PUKE ASHES, 1 1 4 •1 § cu -5.25;54 9124 7410.781 S.ll! 15 3.35|38.3015 7.02 27.9+1 2.75 4.41 4.69! i.3o; 7.19 16.33 15.1317.2110. 2.51 12.49' 7.93! 4.93 6. 76; 8.68 5.13 1.07| 1 80 12.89i42.78' 7.44 46.70 28.471 6, 8.58 I 5.16 20.95 21.78! 2.31 32.65 16. 51i 6.38| 0.0016.12! 6.98J 45.89 34.5613.92 14.52 4.32:12.14; 7.93 2.86i 7.89! 6.32 1.82 2.60 4.90 13 15.18 30.75 20.29 11.10 9.51 ill. 10 129.23 10 17.58 8.30 15. S. 96 10.44 7.82] 6.68 39.9619.40 19.66 20.46 28.4814.65 14.6514.98 12.62, 6.79 5.73 6.84 68 20.26 40. ^S 1011.64:23 43 9.45 32.92 I 7.81 12.32i 3.96:25.56 I17.83I22.26 28.70 41.79 713.53111.2619.83:32.75 8.42 7.65 8.81i21.29 12.46 59 95'28.0826 13 10.98:26.1817.63 19.67 8 88 11.46 15.27'51.61 7.59 34.45 5.31 16.31 4.0613.53 8.7824.58 2.19116.65 O.OOj 9.77 9.25 3.96 1.00 6.70 8.46 1.16 6 47 2.42 1.12 5.47 1.49 28.85;16.58! 6.13'49.68 11.61 ,18.0412.43' 3.8042.55! 6.46 13.08 5.71J 1. 57.34. 98| 2.38 6.4131.1510.17 38.73 16.61 4.85:28.03 4.04:30 88: 6.68 8.74117.111 1.5822.94; 4.12 22.93 30.98] 7.88!52.03 15.73 18.41:20.07! 8.39 41.59 11.72 17. 16111.43 0.41071.85 0.277:63 67 0.162 51.97 1 37 8.66 1.04 0.00 3.69 44.15 28.61 2.89 30.53 11.10 2.11J17.381 0.29 13.43'31.27 2.76 10.89:23.87 1.36 7.48,16.371 0.00 5.05!53.80,18.46 3.70i34.53 7 2.78 20.84! 2.45 2.67 1.45 0.51 7.27 5.46 2.08 10.20 5.97 3.08 2.33 15.49 11.09 0.98: 6.90I 5.19 0.171 2.77 1.89 9.4010.45 4.32 5.78 1.93 2.79 I 8.27 26.70 8.60 14.86 1.15i 1.40 5 58 26.78 3.2111.47 1.49 3.66 8.29:i4.28ll5.27 8.5716.30 1.58 7.30 9.40, 3.83 10.13 0.71 2.43 4.97 0.00 2 45 4 85 2.51 0.59 8.81 1 87 0.80 8.09 9.90:24.5814.36 4.42 7.4911.26 8.93 1.44 4.28 2.40 2.72 8.9910.69 6.30, 8 61 4.68i 5 41 6.17 22.90 3.4616.19 1.02: 2.00 3.18 22.61 12.23 26.061 6.95 1.45:16.73 3.58 16.60! 8.28 O.SSj 9.20, 00 10.48j 2.12 2.4111.62! 9 13 29.13 5.76 89, 6 08! 4 12 21.56 2.78 0.12j 3 52i 1.77 2.5l!l3.7o! 4.14 0.88:10. 78; 3.26 0.21 6.92' 2.64 27.10[ 7.22 7.4610.6? 5 05 5.47 3.87[ 3.27 46.86! 9 16 34.68! 5.19 25.58: 0.19 40 59 12.48 32.781 6.34 27.67, 3.04 I 80.72 22.27 22.351 6.52 11 59! 0.00 4.55 3.07 0.57 0.73 0.37 0.00 12.14 0.00 i 11 .84 10.22 8.46 9.07 6.07' 8.62 4.77! 5.94 18.89 11.14 3.16! 8 86 8 92 5.22 1.97 2.781 4.51 0.55 25.43 17.23 14.07 5.50 20.81 1.31112.64 0.16 5.25 1.94 1.18 0.74 12.65 7 84 3.51 5.93 2.18 5.82 3.56: 1.62 1.42 0.00 0.87: 0.00 8.64 2.13 0.81 8.18 8.66 1.66 0.89 0.00 0.09 4.64 37.71, 8.15 1 84 26.71 1.28 0.12, 1.46, 0.00 6.76 19.13, 6.48 25.23 21.40 8.051 9.84| S.33; 7.72! 8.60 0.961 4.16' 1.45 O.OOi 0.35 THE NEW FAEMER'S GQIDE. 61 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, &c.— continued. DESCRIPTION. Sugar Beets (molasses), .max med min Beech (leaves) max med min Moss max med min Ferns (brake) max . med min Heath max med IN 100 PARTS OF PUKE ASHES. Seaweed .max. med. 8.64' 6.88; 5.54 3. 71 2.56 1.30. 72.74 69.85 66.15 7.17i 3.93; 1.33 23.58 13.50 3.78 15.86 12.17 9.42 1.50 0.63 0.00 12.40 8 88 7.09 0.78; 0.45 0.80 2.56 1.45 5.70 CSlj 0.2s 0.60 2.04 0.41 4.37 0.00 0.08 0.23 1.59, 0.00 I I i 61.05 9.55 1.5S 74! 7 00 48.12 45.18 5.931 1.04 4.14! 3.64 83.69 25.20 2.14' 0.00, I.I81 1.45 26.70 I i I 26.26 10.69 19.28 11.83' 6.56 61.76 11.55 5.88 11 83 4.54! 5.03 28.77 1.14 0-00 3.49; 1.06! 2.83 10.90 7.94 48.30 8.70 21.40 6.76 35.57. 4.0412.28 5.1319.35 0.00 4 09 I I ! 3.32 34.0411.93 33 48 11 2.0812.89 6.59 21.49 0.84| 2.71! 0.86 12.02 I I ! 18.64 23.35 34 1714.91 12.98 22 11.19, 0.00, 9 12 25, 9513 63 7, 28 3. .94 1. .46 0. 1 .5412 .35 4. .94 1. .19! 4, .15! .43 94 20 64; 8 33' 1 77 21 08 6 54 42, 7 77 3 00 1 .00! 6. 18^ 3. .76 0. .4411. .74! 4. .60 1. .1730, .1421 .36 12 55 53 48 20 54 2 11.32 10.26 8.5^ 1.15 0.39 0.00 12.09 5.05 0.00 14.72 7.89 1.83 10 48 09 29 03 6 2.41 0.00 37.24 17.92 0.53 52 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT SHOWING THE INFLUENCE UPON THE ASHES OP PLANTS OF THE -A.IjK-A.LI S-A.LTS, I»OT-A.SII J^ISTID SOD-A., WHEN PKESENT IN EITHER A MAXIMTTM, MEDIUM, OE MIHIMTM QUANTITY. DESCRIPTION. Meadow Hay... .maxiinum. medium. . . minimum . Red Clover in Flower., . .max . med. mm . Lucerne max. ined. min. "Winter Wheat (grain) . . .max. med. min . Summer Wheat (grain).. max. med. min . Winter Rye (grain) max med. min Barley (grain) max . med. min . Oats (grain) max . med. min . Indian Corn (grain) max . med min . Peas (grain) max. med. min . Horse Beans (grain) max . med. min . Beand (grain) max . med. min . Rapeseed (grain) max . med. min . 6.97 C.02 4 7.07 6.83 6.64 7.00 T.46 8.48 1.97 1.97 1.96 2.07 2.14 2.16 2.05 2.09 2.11 2.62 2.60 2.57 3.19 3.14 1.45 1.51 1.56 IN 100 PARTS OF PURE ASHES. 31.30 25.54 18.58 40.26 32.15 23 90 ^ s ^ a 1 ^ t t 5.8213 4.43|16 2.65,21, 1.9831, 2.03:85 2.07i39, 24.58! 2.05,42 13.09' 3.6449 .27 8. .09 7. .2210. .1614. I ,47- 6. .17 5. ,54 3. 98! 0, 92; T.41: 251 8.01. ,67 9.51 85'l0.08 .06| 9 87i .371 9.68{ .2510.991 .88^ B.80: .65: 5.77! 38! 23. 77 56127.01 50 31.21 2.71 3.01 3.25 6.44 1.91 2.37 2.50 2.77 5.93 .6.07 4.9912.69 83.23 3.38 31.16! 2.25 29.25, 1.21 33.09 29.99! 1.19 1.93 27.92 2.48 84.23j 31.471 29.65 i 23.58 20.15 16.50 18.48 16.38 15.09 28.87 27.93 .37 2.7911.88: 1.39 45.08 0.17 .3411.971 3.6712.19: 4. 22*12. 89; 2.93 12.091 2.4611.61 .31 46.981 37 ,21|48.94: 0.62 .47!46.78l 0.61 .5l!48.63 1.52 ,54 50.01 2.06 2.52 11.98! 1.7144 93 05 1 70! 2.6311.54 1.63 40 93 1.10 1.47 2.7111.27 I 2.99 2.43! 7.84 2.53 2.60 8.6i 2.02' 2.79 9.41 3.81 2.24 1.27 1.83 0.50 3.88 3.73 3.54 2.14 2.28 2.6T 44.81 0.90 4.60 4.99 5.51 4.27 4.73 5.20 7.11 6.38 5.54 13.62 14.18 14.63 2.73 2.64 41.79 38.76 0.96 1.12 3.61 3.57 3.54 45.55 42.49 39.43 1.12 1.34 1.55 8.11 3.22 3.83 46.44 44.01 40.98 1.62 1.49 1.40 4.49 4.44 4.40 25.96 24.50 %3.59 8.87 1.68 0.24 1.57;48 26 1.80 0.88 32. 6s! 1.64 0.97 34.68 1.69 1.0636.65 1.74 6.85 0.5021.58 7.06! 67:23. 7.22i 0.80,24.05 14.69' 0.7845. 14.98; 1.26 45.00 15.571 1.70 44.03 7.84: 0.8034 7.96: 0.8636.43 8.10| 0. 88:37. 8i 7.25' 0.4237.95 7.08; 0;57 38.74 6.86! 0.9039.76 7.85! 0.24 31.95 7.62: 0.32 35.52 7 441 40.39.68 10.521 1.34 39.73 11.80! 1.56 42.83 12.601 1.7043.96 1.66 1.36 1.14 1.81 1.30 0.50 3.50 8.49 8.48 1.87 2.53 8.14 4.04 4.05 4.08 8.63 2.39 1.62 l.( 0.71 1.64 1.97 1.58 1 2.09 26.47 27.54 28.57 41.79 44.33 46.26 1.78 1.88 2.99 0.58 O.SG 1.15 47 0.78 1.02 0.54 0.57 0.61 1.04 1.42 1.66 THE N^EW FARMER'S GUIDE. 53 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, &c.— continued. DESCRIPTIOX. Flaxseed (grain) . . . IN 100 PARTS OF PURE ASHES. .max. 'iJi 8.36 84.26 med. 5| 3.69;30.63 min.l 31 8.91128.21 1.S9 8.42 13 14 0.50 38.63 1.57 1.46 0.i2 2.07 8.10 14.2;) 11241.50 2 84 124 0.17 2.19: 7 89 15.e.6 1.5443.41; 2.83 1.10 0.15 Winter "Wheat (straw)... max. I 8 5.1718 36 3.08 5.42 2.08 0.53' 8.76 2.25 64.73 2.85 med. rS; 5.37:13.65; 1.38 5.76 2.43 0.6l! 4.81 2.45 67.50! 1.68 min.lO 5.56 11.321 0.52, 5.83^ 2.82' O.GSj 5.67 2.61 69.69J 1.26 Summer "WTieat (straw).. max. I 4; 4.40 36.07! 1 10' 3.14' 1.94 0.55 5.25 3.60 4^.40! 1 81 med. 7 4.45l28.9l| 2.69 6.S9 2.45, 0.72 5.15 3.18 47.60: 2.19 4.54;19.38 4 4711.91, 3.12, 1.34, 5.01 2.5149.18, 3.17 Winter Rye (straw) max. med. Barley (straw) Oats (straw) Peas (straw) Horse Beans- (straw) . . • Rapeseed (straw) Flaxseed (straw) Potato (tuber) Beets (for cattle) 5 4.41 22.70 10 4.7919.24 5 5.26,15.79 1»99 9.88' 2.67' 0.88 5 23 2 15! 8.5S' 2.72 1 041 5.14 2.30: 7.78, 2.77| 1.20! 5.05 max. 12! 4.76'29 51 4.23 7.42' 2.46 0.14 4.14 med. 21 1 4.80122.85 4.13 7.771 2.60| 0.691 4.48 min. 9i 4.94 13.891 3.98 8.26 2.78 1.26! 4.94 2.96 51.60 2.95 2,7156 38 2.51 2.45 60.98 2.0T .max, med. .max. med. min . .max. med. min , .max, med , min , .max med 5.11:25.14 4.17' 7.82 4.15 4.70-22.121 2. 89' 8. 86! 4.04 4.30,19.08 1.6110.16 3.89 4. 60! 4.95 28 5.13 22 5.1917 5.02 44 5.35:42 5.53|40 5.56 83 4.92:27 4.28 21 3.43 35 3.1^31 3.65 26 1.32 1.45 4.69 1.62; 4.81 3.48 34.55- 4.07 36.82 4.52 40.43 i I 2.7718.461 2.45 22.401 41 2.21 25.55 I 6.01 26.10 .281 9.84 28.87 .15:12.67 30.02 .01! 7.92 21 84 .061 8. 14 22.23 .42 8.42 22.73 .max. 27 3.90|64.98| 2.89! 2.24 med.;53 3.7760.371 2.62 2.57 mm.:26 3.40 55.62 2.50! 2.91 max.! 9 6.41 59.5715.10 med. 15 6.44 54.02:15.90 min.; 6, 6.46 45.71 17.43 Sufrar Leet 3.74 4.19. 4.69 Turnips (root) Carrots (root) .max. 42 3.69'63.30 9.50 4. med. 98 3.86 55.1110.00 5. min . 56 3.92 48.32 10.53 6.29 .max.liel 8 02'48. 93 10.75' 9.16 med. 32 8.01 45.40 9.8410 min. 16 8.00 41.56: 8.93 12.58 .max, med, min , ' 6 5.49 42.19 20.87 9.53 11 5.5S 85.21 22 0711.42 5 5.69 26.83 23.50 13. P8 7.28 8.04 8.42 I 7 53' 7.53 7.62 5.77: "6.01 6.20 6.93' 6.58' 7.04 4.01 4 69 5.38! ! 4.41 4.54 4.81 5.35' 7.53: 9.14 1.72 7.06 1.72! 8.05 1.711 8.68 0.93 1.26 1 52 8.28 7.39 6.68 4.52 46.48 8 71 52.02! 2.68 59 84; I 3 03 46.27! 3.29 48.57 3.67 48.95, 6.85 4 54 6.26; 6.83 6.19 8.27 1.97 5.40 1.84 5.96 1.70! 6.53 2.19 12.73 2.40 13.59 2.6714.70 4.64' 7.88' 3.55: 7.371 2.67| 6.57, 8.32' 6.27 7.59| 6.34 6.86 6.41 .21 4.82 8.18 .54' 5.51 4.09 .98; 6.31 5.24 1.97 2.26 2.61 4.63 6 31 7.91 6 83 5.64 5.10 4.23 5 84 7.09 6.90 8.37 9.85 1.1716.09 5.18' 0.79' 3.5G 1.1817.33 6.49 2.13 3.11 1.19 18.70 8.OO1 8.111 8.00 0.51 8.56 2.95 82 8.451 3.17; 1.06 8.32 7fi: 7.85 0.93 10.99 .81 1.34 5.24 2.33 8.40 3.9313.14 I O.8O' 5.54 1.80 5 18 1.06 12 SO'; 4.58! 2.58 4.75 8.45 0.6511.2810.46 1.03 5 89 3.69 0.8112.7111.19; 1.87 5.07 8.90 1.01 14.0511.791 2.65 4.62 4.33 1.0211.73] 6.11' 1.38 8.55 4 73 1 03 12.46] 6.72i 2.47 5 I9 6.21 1.03 13.361 7.45i 3.77 t.lg 54: THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, &c.— continued. DESCRIPTION. Sea-kale (root) max . med. min . Potato (straw) max . med. min . Beet (for cattle — leaves) .max . med. min . Sugar Beet (leaves) max. med. min . Turnips (leaves) max . med. min . Carrots (leaves) max. med. min . Sea-kale (leaves) max . med. min . Hops max. med. min . Hops (leaves). max . med. min . Hops (bine) max. med. min . Tob acco (leaves) max. med. min . Wine (must) max. med. min . Grapevine max. med. min . Mulberry (leaves) max . med. min . Sugar Beets (pressed). . .max . med. mjn . 1 a < 1 IN 100 PARTS OF PURE A SHES 1 1 in i 2 »< 1 1 3 % i 'uj .1 1 9, 8.88 39 94 19 06 6.00 151 3.35 38.80 15.68 7.02 6j 3.18 35.1610.61 8.54 3.90 4.69 5.89 1.67 12.46 6.53 2.5112.49 7.93 3.7S 12.53 10.03 8.10 4.98 7. 69 8.01 6.95 5. 83 s! 9.1483.671 1 69 21.9512.70 6i 8.58 21.78' 2.31 32.65 1(5.51 3i 8.02 9.56; 2.94 43.85 20.32 III 2.40 2.8*; 3 32 10.90 7.21 7.89 6.32 4.95 5.44 1 2.32 4.32 5.96 6.82 5.78 4.75 715.26 36.9517.56 11.18 8.07 13 15.18 30.75 20.29 11.10 9.51 6 15.10 24 99 24.12 10. 9i 11.20 1.81 1.45 1.04 5.93 6.85 5.46 5.97 4.1)0 5.14 4.51 3 CO 2.47 9.51 14.86 17.92 518.80 36.5614.8211.1111.16 10 17.58 2o 4^14.6514.6514.98 516.79 20.00 14.47 17.80,18.41- 0.67 0.98 1.32 4.63 3 71 6.9.1 5 19 9.16, 6.66 2 1815.56 8 2111.47 4.24j 7.38 510.90 29 14' 6.96'32 51 10 11.64 23 43 9.45 32 92 512.37 17.73 11.95 33.34 4.50 3.96 3.62 0.96 1.58 2.20 5.-2 7 80 8.87 9.07 9.40 9.74 3 2510. 15 8.8510.13 4.41 ilO 11 4 12 57 13.58 21.84 83.50 7 13.53 11.26 19.83 32.75 3 14.83, 8.17 17.16 31.08 8. 89 3.46 2.90 2 54 2.51 2.46 4.37 4.42 4.48 7.57 6.28 7.4911.26 7.39 17.56 7.44 8.93 10.91 3 12 24 47 Oil! 6.7815 00 10 10 98 26.1817.63 19.67 710 73 17.25 22.27^1.67 2 85 2.42 2.37 1.90 1.87 1.86 6.95 6.30 6.02 8.88 8 61 8 50 2.47 3.46 3.89 10.20 16.19 18.76 15 7.29 40.51 2.40 15.31 25 7.5934.45' 2 19 16.65 10 8.01 25.16' 1. 88 18.66 4 98 5.47 6.22 1.20 1.45 1.81 16.19 16.73 17.54 1.63 14.79 8.5816.6i> 6.52 19.47 3. 73 3.28 2.60 515.4615.05 4.14'41.98 818.04 12.43, 8.80 42.55 8 21.81 8. 04; 3.23 43.83 5.07 6.45 8.1(4 1.10 89 0.54 7.16 6.08 4 26 4.7018.13 4 12 21.56 3.15 27.29 8.66 2.73 1.18 4' 5.10 80.76' 2.5182.87 5 4.85 28.03. 4.04 30 88 1 22.94 4.20 6.68 16.61 0.47 0.88 2.51 10.22 10. 7S 12.98 3.04 3.26 4.14 8.7' 8.46 7.46 8.59 9.0T 7.99 518.7127.67' 4.95 32.56 1218.4120.07; 8.39 41.59 718.19,13.73 2 09 48.03 ' 9.69 11.72 13.19 3.40 8.07 2.83 3.05 3.16 3.24 8.9110.62 8 86 8.92 4.22 7.71 5.82 5.22 5.14 6'o.03o'65.62 1.21 4.77 7 0.277 63 67, 1.04 5.05 10.162 51.971 — 5.68 4.61 5.47 10.62 , 0.48 0.37 15.86 17.23 25.43 3.16 3.56 5.93 1.84 1.62 0.37 1.66 1.42 8 2.97 34.52 16.5130.76 19 2.89 30.53 11.10 34.68 11: 2.72 27.62j 7.17 37.54 8 19 5.19 6.65 '1.17 : 1.81 ,1.41 9.55 12.64 14.70 2.13 2.47 2.00 0.68 1.66 0.89 1.89 1.05 510.43'27.16! 2.15 34 98 1510.89 23.87 1.86 32.78 1011.12 21.53 0.8531.79 7.40 6.34 5.81 1.02 1.13 1.19 7.67 7.84 7.93 2.4818.98' 1 64 1.84 26.711 1.23 1.52 31.58! 1.05 4 8.68'44.53 6.4013.49 8.70 84.53 7.98 22. 3S 3.72,28.81 8.88 25 98 5.10 6.52 7.75 '2.77 3.05 8.21 11.97 9.84 8.62 3.27 3.33 8.37 6.90 7.72 8.18 1.86 8.60 4.75 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, &c.—conti7ined. i f . DESCRIPTION. 1 j i 1 1 1 4 i 9.98 71.69 11.44 5.35 9.97 69.85 12. IT 5.70 9.96 68,63 12.00 6.05 7.68 G.13 1.09 4G. 36 •a 1 a. 31 0.31 0.31 5.22 1 0.42 0.60 0.7-7 4 77 3 1 1 o Sugar Beets (molasses) Peach (leaves) max. med. min . .max. 0.29 0.28 0.26 2.10' 0.15 2.04 0.41 1.95 0.67 2.82 81.56 9. 53 IU.26 10.94 0.28 med.i 6 6.83 3.9.^. 0.(58 ^5.18; 5.93 1.04 4.14 3.6433.69; 0.89 m;n 31 6.31 1.73 0.18 43.99: 6.30 1.01 3.51, 4.46 35.82 0.49 Moss max. med. min . Ferns (brake) max . med. min , Heath max. med. Ill 2.0812.89 0.59 21.49 min. 6| 2.42| 7. 89 6. 84 16.88 max.! 9 15.70 17. 52 24 32 10.65 med. 17 14.9112.98 22.9513.62 4 2.3419.85 7 9413 20 8.0012.94 6.93 6.14 13.76 5 00 7 2.56 13.50 8 38 11.551 5.8811 S3 4.54 5.03 28. 77 5.05 8i 2.86 5.69 8.96 9.35 2-7210.36! l.Oll 3.52 48.79i 5.11 5! 6.76 43.13 4.24 14.07 8' 6.76 35.57 4.04 12.28 3j 6.76 22.94 3.71 9.30 5: 1.9120.50 6.22 t 76 0.84 9.69 4.85 6.0610.01 6.94 1.G4 8 18! 3.48 20 32 7.89 5.58 2.98 5.68J 1.20 44.10| 8.95 11.10 3.14 10.00| 3.93 13.221 2.GT ' 9.35 4.08 6.741 4.09 29.6fi 2.41 7.90 4.86! 4.03 4.22 39.99 2.23 Seaweed. e.75 8.15 0.29 0.77 3.21J20.85 0.8(5 17.67 3.14 21 54 2.0717.92 min.! 813.91 7.88 21.26 15.84 9.71: 1.32 3.0422 31 8.44 18.19 56 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. STATEMEI^T ILLUSTRATING BY ANALYSIS PREDOMINANCE OF POTASH, LIME AND PHOSPHORUS IN THE GREAT MAJORITY OF VErjKTABLES, FRUITS AND OTHER SUBSTANCES. DESCRIPTION. Sugar-cane Sanfoin, Clover Cotton Seed " Straw •• Fibre " Oil-cake, decoriated Flaxseed Oil-cake Tea Leaves Coffee Bean Apples, fresh fruit . . . Pears, ' " "... Cherries, " " .. . Plums, " "... Gooseberries, " "... Strawberries, " "... Meat, Beef " Veal " Pork Milk, Woman's " Cow's " Goat's Blood, Human . . Hen's Egg, the Albumen . . " " Yolk Cabbage, white Onions Asparagus Red Clover Roots Orange Fruit Rhubarb Leaves I\ 100 PARTS OF PUhE A!-HE3. 7.70 39 5 50 28, 4.00 36 8.0121) 1.03 41 6.60 47 5.84 24 5 48 24 ^19 62 1.44 35 1.97^1 2.20 51 1.82 59 3.39 38 8.40 21 7 60 48 5.20 34 4.06 37 2.00 38 1.75 29 — Ill 4.36 81 s 40 8.24 2 47 8.2S3G. 00 1.10| 6. 06 — 142. 08 6.01 00, — 33' 1.46 6719.42 47 1.64 68 26.09 4 C9 8.53 7 85 2 191 7 21| 0.5410 6o' 9.92 12 07:28.48 14 Olj ~ 40' 7.26 1 53 4.54,7 08: 5.6918 ,77 8.6017 ,62 9.14 4 ,35 36.10 1 41 26.72 3 26 3.80 61 6 49 02 14 02 01 8,01 0311.02 5815.26. 4015.831 3.08i 8.93 13.92 39.55 00 71 42 72 — i3 5.30 51 8.41 10 8.40 38 8.72 14.47 81.77 5.1212. 5:4119. 1.79 23. — 21. 7.1717. 7.64 22. .87 6.18 29 9.69 08 8.751 .98 5.22 .47 5.46' .04 5.46' 20 5.85 .21 1 .91 2.80; 99 1.45 .58 4.83 .78 0.87| .31 1.90, 5tt 2.42' 87 1.27 15 8 56 ,21 2.07' .58 3.81 .77 4.01 .88 .45 5.71 .99 6.55 .95 5.59 — I 7.12] 1.15 9. 94 06 3.72| O.CiP 18.06! 2.04 6.04 1.87 48.00; 2.6131.62 2.29 13.281 0.65 13.29; 1.4013.59; 1.0415.20 1.9815.97; 3.20 15.10 4.5619.68 5.89 18.82 0.82 36.08 0.85 44.41 0.1119.10 0.38 29.18 — 14.17 8.76 11.20 0.62 4.27 1.45 69 53 1.00 16 73 — 19.67 0.3112.36 4.2310.92 0.92 14.99 1.28 31.14 7.70 17 8.40 4.01 8.05 4 02 1.13 8.95 7.00 3.80 6.09 5.69 5.09 6,89 8.15 3.84 2 1.18 2.05 1 1.50 14.81 5.90 4.49 6.85 2.25 9.52 0414.33 28 3.83 - 05 0.07 7.08 97: — 50 0.71 82 1.79 54 0.91 32 — 49 — 04 1.85 8.02 0.03 12. 58 0.T5 05 1.69 47! 6.04 81| 6.43 — 0.62 — 119.00 1.0914.37 — 81.05 — 84.09 1.3182.82 1.551 — .32, 7.46 1.28' 2.(^5 !.74i 7 84 5.25' 1.3G ).24! — ANALYSIS COMPARATIVE QUANTITIES OF POTASH, LIME, PHOS- PHORIC ACID, AND NITROGEN In an Average Crop of the Principal Agricultural Productions of Germany. The subjoizied analysis was prepared by Count Yon Lippe-Weihenfeld, and shows the main ingredients of which average crops of the leading agricultural products in Germany are composed. When it is desired to double or treble the crops, it is, therefore, only needful to add, in a proportionate degree, to these four articles, as it is shown they are the dominat- ing ingredients in the composition of the various crops mentioned. ANALYSIS. Average Crop per Acre. Potash. Bushels. Pounds, Rapeseed . . 26 41 Wheat 82 31 Potatoes.... 110 82 Oats 54 Z1 Vetches . . , 24,800 U. S. lbs. 158 Rye 32 43 Su^r Beets 40,000, '' 206 Barley 38 24 il^ed Clover. 42,000 ** 146 Lime. Phos. Acid. Nitrogen. Pounds. Pounds, Pounds. 55 33 58 11 26 55 12 21 53 14 17 58 18 48 115 13 25 45 40 39 105 9 17 38 151 41 168 58 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. The foregoing table i& calculated for the surface of a U. S. acre, from good average crops, as generally produced in Germany, for the express purpose of showing the amount of the four most important ingredients contained in good average crops — viz., potash, lime, phosphorous, and nitro- gen. Their dominating power over the second group of inorganic matters and gases, predisposes them for the as- similation of the plants, and therefore, in well-prepared soils, we may be nearly certain that, in doubling or trebling these four ingredients, the crops will be doubled or trebled. This has been proved by_a number of trials which have taken place. WHY AMERICAN AGRICULTURISTS OBJECT TO CIIExlICAL FERTILIZERS. It must be admitted that very many intelligent farmers have great objections to the use of chemical fertilizers, on the ground that they are not found beneficial to the extent that might be ej^pected ; and in many cases they have had very good reasons for the opinions they have formed. The explanation, however, is that the proper standard of quality has not been maintained by American manufacturers, and hence the failure of the manures to produce the desired re- sults. I have no hesitation in stating this to be the case, not only as the result of my own experience, but on the au- thority of two eminent gentlemen, well known amongst agriculturists — Mr. James Bennett Chynoweth and Dr. William H. Bruckner — in whose " Farmers' and Planters' Guide," published in IS'Tl, a series of analyses are given (which have never been disproved), showing that the fer- tilizers of American manufacture are not of the quality nec- essary to produce satisfactory results. This will probably continue to be the case until a law is passed fixing a stand- ard of quality, which all manufacturers shall be required strictly to observe. In Europe such a law was also found necessary, and is now carried out under a system of govern- mental inspection. By this means the quality can be kept up, and tlie manures will be found fully satisfactory in America, as they have been proved to be in England, France and German v. (.59) 60 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. The manufacture of these fertilizers is every day becom- ing of greater importance. In consideration of our ex- haustive system of cultivation, more especially in the South- ern States, and that farm-yard manure is not produced in the same abimdance as in European countries, an adequate supply of chemical fertilizers of the best quality becomes absolutely necessary. It will not be advisable to depend for this supply upon importation solely, as already the for- eign producers find great demand for these manures in their own immediate surroundings ; so that I think it will be readily seen as most desirable and beneficial to have the manufacture of chemical fertilizers carried on here under such regulations and supervision, as I have hinted at. It will also be most advantageous to make the raw materials necessary for the manufacture of fertilizers ffee of import duty, so that there may be every opportunity for home pro- ducers to compete with importers as to price and quality. If such legislation as I have suggested cannot be readily obtained, the next best plan would be for G-ranges and farmers' societies to buy up the materials wholesale, and mix for themselves as the manures were needed ; by this means a better quality of manure would be obtainable. APPROXIMATE EXHAUSTIVE TIME TABLE Of different hinds of Manures and Fertilizers^ showing their state of Exhaustion^ or Assimilation^ in one^ two or three years'^ time^ as proved hy a numher of Experi- ments made for the purpose of investigating the subject. BY COUNT VON LIPPE-WEIHENFELD. Per Centage. Time of Exhaustion. Rotten Manure 20 centals. Partially Rotten Manure .20 " Liquid Manure 15 " Nightsoil 15 " Peruvian Guano 1 cental . Bone' Meal Superphosphate Fish Guano Ammoniated Potash Superphosphate .... Sulphate of Ammonia . Stassfurt Concentrated ) Per cent, of Potash \ Piire Potash. Potash, 3 times concen- )^ ^ trated ) Potash, 5 times concen- ) u trated ) 17.23 11.49 9.94 6.63 3.31 6.63 27 to 28 84 " 37 52 26.52 12.37 0.66 3.31 33.15 26.52 14.80 4.42 0.15 9.04 11.05 26.52 19.89 13.26 9.94 13.26 13.26 8.84 6.63 11.49 13.70 3.31 11.05 3.31 8.84 (61) STASSFURT POTASH SALTS CONSIST OF Muriate of Potash ^ 80 per cent. Sulphate of Potash 90 per cent. Thej are used as special manures in connection with stable manure, and are rarely applied in larger quantities than about 200 lbs. of the higher grades, 300 to 400 lbs. of the lower grades per acre. In case thej have to be applied as top-dressing, for instance, upon meadows, etc., they liave to be mixed with at least three to four times their volume of soil, compost, etc. They are usually applied together with guano, superphosphate of Ikne, ground bone, etc., (^r are incorporated w^ith barn-yard manure. The best results regarding the same crops have been noticed upon a loamy soil, less favorable upon a stiff, wet, clayey, or marshy soil, or upon sandy soil without retentive subsoil. When the Stassfurt potash salts were first introduced, their true value was greatly underestimated on account of the potash being in its rough state, and mixed wdth other foreign article-^, such as magnesia and common salt. The proportions of ingredients given above are recommended as best suited for agricultural purposes. I do not recommend the description known as kinate, as that has not generally given satisfaction. (62) ARTIFICIAL PLASTER, OR SULPHATE OF LIME. Fine pulverized Sulphur ^ 10 pounds. Fine pulverized fresh-burned Lime (not slacked) . . 100 pounds. These to be mixed together as carefully as possible. In a few days the pale yellow color of the mixture will change to white, and then through the action of the oxygen is formed sulphate of lime. The quantities stated above pro- duce 133 pounds of plaster, in a mixture of 180 pounds total weight. Plaster is exceedingly useful, not only for the soil, but in fermenting the manure, and sprinkling freely in stables, its action being to fix the ammonia. As ammonia is very volatile, it is fixed efi'ectually by the appiication of plaster. Probably this was the object of Mr. Yille in using such a large quantity of plaster in his artificial manures. (63) FERMENTATION OF MANURES AND NITRI- FICATION OF THE SOIL. What is the most advantageous mode of fermenting manure ? and when are the best times for the application ? These are questions continually asked in the agricultural papers. Messrs. Deherain and Thenard give the best an- swer in their trials with nitrated glucose, which holds about the same ingredients as a well rotten manure. If a rich moist manure-heap is kept in a medium state of tempera- ture, not only no ammonia is lost, but 15 to 21 per cent, of the atmospheric nitrogen is absorbed by the manure. If alkalies, phosphates, carbonate and sulphate of lime are added, tli# greater will be the efficacy of the absorbing power of the manure ; but in all cases where a quick return is not wanted, the sooner the fresh manure can be mixed with the soil, the more nitrates will be formed, and the action of the fermenting power of the manure on the insol- uble inorganic matters in the soil will be the more effective. It is proved to-day that nitrogen and the inorganic ingre- dients are the predominating elements in vegetable life ; and it is not less clearly proved, that though we can produce very large crops with artificially-rendered soluble nitrogen- ized mineral matters, the most fertile cultivated soils, which produce large crops without manure, are eminently rich in both organic and inorganic matters in a soluble state. This confirms the impressions formed from soil analyses, where (64) THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 65 it was found in two soils equally rich in mineral matters, that the one contained a good deal of humus or organic matter, and was very fertile, while the second, which was devoid of organic matter, produced a good crop only when heavily manured, the reason being that through the action of the humus, the first soil held soluble inorganic matter, while in the latter it was insoluble. The best time and mode for manuring is in summer, on a plowed soil — the manure well mixed with the suifkce, because it is proved that the best conditions for the process of nitrification are a warm temperature with a moist soil, and a mellow fermenting surface. These are just the con- ditions in the tropical countries (where the moisture is sup- plied by heavy night dews), under which all the commercial nitrates are produced ; in these countries the nitrification of the soil goes on the whole year — never ceasing ; whereas, in the temperate countries, there is little or no nitrification in the winter — it ceases altogether for a longer or shorter time. Thus science explains the well-proved practical fact (which has long been extensively known and appreciated on the continent of Europe), that manure should be mixed in sum- mer with a well-plowed soil, stirring it several times, by this nieans producing a double action — the nitrifying action of the atmospheric nitrogen combining with the decomposi- tion of the carbonaceous matter of the manure. This action and reaction has a dissolving efiect on the insoluble matters in the soil, and helps to render them soluble ; the greater the amount of the soluble nitrifiable inineral salts present, and the higher the temperature of the summer, the greater will be the richness of the nitrates produced by the soil. These are facts which cannot be too often repeated to farmers. 6* DEEP AND SHALLOW PLOWING, Deep plowing 1*3 always a great benefit in rich alluvial soils, where the subsoil is permeable and of an even quality with the surface soil, and also in nearly all the soils which contSn a great quantity of organic and inorganic matter. In such soils deep plowing and a continual stirring is sufiicient to keep them fertile for a long time ; because, through the decomposing action of the air on the organic matters, nitri- fication takes place, and at the same time dissolves the in- organic matters, and renders them capable of being assimi- lated by the plant ; but in all other cases, with thin surface soils and defective, poor or impervious subsoils, it would be poor economy to mix the surface soil with a part of the subsoil (except gradually), because, without a continual manuring, the damaging effect would be felt for a long time. Such improvements are of little value, except where the subsoil holds some organic or inorganic matters ; but in ex- ceptional cases, as in turfy soils, where the surface soil con- sists of too much organic matter, the subsoil must be brought up, no matter what kind of soil ; but the burning of such a soil, as is generally done in Europe, would convert it when drained into a permanent fertile soil forever. We there- fore draw the folio win 2^ Conclusions : (1.) That all naturally rich soils, holding in a soluble state and in great quantities the inorganic matter needed as plant-food, should always be deeply cultivated. (2.) That all good deep soils, to which some of the prin- (66) THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. QT cipal inorganic matters have to be added to produce heavy- crops, should also be deeply cultivated. (3.) In all soils of medium quality, where the subsoil is poorer in inofganic matters and in an insoluble state, as is generally the case, deep plowing would not be proiitabie, except where continual manuring could take place, which v/ould^ferment the soil, and render the inorganic matters soluble. (•1.) It is now proved that a great deal of heavy clay soil, very rich in inorganic matters, but without organic matters, is nearly unproductive, unless heavily manured, so as to render the inorganic matters soluble, because the or- ganic matters act as a dissolvent and nitrifier ; and, there- fore, in the artificial nitre beds in hot climates, lime and organic matters are mixed with clay soil for the production of nitrates of potash. (5.) In a greater part of the prairie soils of the West, there is too much organic matter in proportion to the inor- ganic ; and application should be made of lime and alkalies for the burning and decomposition of the organic matters, as thereby the nitrogen of the air enters into combination with the carbonaceous alkaline ingredients to form nitrates. In addition, I would say that the most approved princi- ple in cultivation is to keep all the manuring matters, or- ganic or inorganic, mixed with the surface soil, as it is a settled fact that decomposing organic matter in the presence of inorganic matter, and in contact with the air, leads to the formation of the greater amount of nitrates, particularly in the summer season. "When mineral salts capable of nitrification are present, the higher the tempera- ture, the greater will be the richness of the nitrates pro- duced by the soil. These are well established facts, whicli cannot be too often repeated and kept under the notice of the farmer. WHY WET LANDS SHOULD BE PLOWED IN BEDS. • Yery frequently farmers with large tracts of low-lying flat lands suffer greatly from the effects of heavy rains and the melting of snow ; and many persons argue that the only remedy in their case is the carrying out of a perfect system of drainage. To drain land in the manner advocated would, in many instances — more especially in tlie Western States — be a very expensive, if not impracticable, process. 1 would advise in all impermeable subsoils that the land should be plowed in beds, of from four to six yards wide; and this plan, which has long been in operation in various parts of the continent of Europe, would be found to answer very much the same purpose as the more expensive drainage system. Plowing in beds will, to almost the same extent as drain- age, render highly productive land that would otherwise be unproiitable. One of the first necessities in the cultivation of land is to get it well drained, as wet subsoils will never nitrify to the extent necessary for rendering them produc- tive, and hence the killing of winter wheats, of which Western farmers so often complain. But draining in many cases presents such insm'mountable difficulties, that farmers will not attempt it, unless it can be done by some such simple and cheap, process as that I have suggested. (68) SYNOPSIS OF AGRICULTURAL TRIALS MADE AT PROSKAU, GERJVUI^Y. A series of agricultural trials were made in 1869, by the professors of the Trial School at Proskau, Germany. The following were among the results arrived at as to the bene- Hcial effects upon the ground of the growth of certain crops : 'stubble AST) ROOTS AFTER HARVEST 10 INCHES DEEP. Totel Dry Substances per English Acre. No. of lbs. Organic Mdtter. No. of lbs. Ashes. No. of lbs. Nitrogen. No, of lbs. Potash. Phosphoric Acid. No. of lbs. No. of lbs. Lucerne Red Clover Sanfoin 9,702 8,953 5,952 8,498 7,026 4,925 1,204 1,927 1,027 137 193 124 37 82 48 40 75 30 In connection witli these trials it is proper to draw at- tention to the disadvantages of climate for the growth of many plants, from which the American farmer suffers more, in comparison, than European agriculturists. The latter also, in addition to their extensive cultivation of clovers, roots and tubers, vetches and forage plants, possess the great benefits arising from the natural and artificially irri- gated meadows, which produce large crops without manure and with very little labor. In the mountainous parts of Europe agriculture could hardly exist without these mead- ows, so important is their influence in increasing the pro- [uctiveness of the land. (69) TO THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. There is an erroneous idea that irrigation has only a moistening and dissolving effect — instead of this being the case, all the water derived from cultivated soils liolds in a soluble state all the ingredients necessary for vegetation, and hence the productiveness of this meadow land, to which I have referred, without the application of manure. It will be observed that, in the above analysis, red clover occupies the medium place in the beneficial influence which its cultivation produces upon the soil. It is the only one of the three that has at present been at all extensively cul- tivated in America. Red clover cannot be too largely cul- tivated by the American farmer, and it will always be found of very great service in preparing the soil for other crops. Lucerne is considered the best j^ant for soiling in Eu- rope, and I recommend it as the best for introduction here. It has not at present received any extensive notice ; but there is no reason why it should not be used to a large ex- tent. It needs a dry, rich land, as the quicker its growth the better is its quality. Sanfoin is the best feed for cows, improving the quality and increasing the quantity of milk more than anything else. It requires a dry soil, either drained, plowed in beds, or a naturally dry land. Sanfoin does not require quite such rich land as lucerne. The cultivation of each of these should receive the care- ful attention of all farmers' clubs, and it would be most desirable that prizes should be offered for competition, so that the best conditions for their growth might be definitely ascertained, and their advantages become better known. In consideration of the importance of irrigation, I would also recommend that prizes should be offered, for general competition, with a view of obtaining the best and cheapest plans by which American farmers can be enabled to have all the information on that subject at their disposal. GRASSES I recommend for cultivation the quick-growing natural grasses: (1) wild rice {siza?iia aqzmtica) ; (2) orchard-grass {dactylis glomerata\ already grown extensively in the Southern States with great success ; (3) tall oat-grass {ar- rhenatherum avenaceum). Each of these are excellent hay and pasture grasses, and even for green manuring. Their yield is nearly double that of timothy and red-top grasses ; and they are very early and late growing grasses. I would particularly recommend the sowing of other large-leafed and deep-rooted grasses, for the special purpose of green manuring, as these can be raised on wet and poor land, where clover would not succeed. This was the plan advocated by Charles L. Flint, the well-known Secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, in his work on " Grasses and Forage Plants," published in 1859, and if his advice had been more generally followed, beneficial re- sults would have been seen therefrom. On this point, as well as the cultivation of clovers and irrigation, I would again suggest that prizes should be offered by all farmers' clubs, so as to promote trials by- farmers, and thus bring about a more general appreciation of the importance of selecting the right kinds of grasses. (71) POTATO TRIALS Y/ITH TURF AND INOR- GANIC MATTER. ■ Made hy Ph. Zoeller and Beichenbac\ and piMished in Henneberg^s ^'Journal of Agriculture^^ for 1866. These trials were made in wooden boxes, each one filled with T20 litres of turf, equal to 760 quarts; and the turf contained 5 in each box, 25 kilogrammes (equal tg 55 quarts) of ashes. In 100 parts of dry turf there were contained : BOX Nq. 1.— turf, with ASHES. Potash. Soda. Lime. Magnesia. Phosph. Sulph, Chlorine. Silica. Nitrog. Amm. 0,110 0,023 1,108 0,095 0,220 0,121 0,039 2,245 2,460 0,183 BOX No. 2, IN ADDITION TO ABOVE: BOX No. 3, IN ADDITION TO ABOVE; 0,110 0,044 0,068 0,093 0,098 At the end of September the tops began to dry ; the crop was gathered the 3d of October, and the crop in each box was as follows • AIR-DRIED CROP. No. 1. No. 2. No. 8. Grammes. Grammes. Grammes. Potatoes 2,520 3,062 '7,201 Tops 1,837 3,535 2,870 These crops, calculated on the surface of one quarter of a hectare, equal to five-eighths of an acre, are as follows : No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Potatoes 7,000 8,506 20,003 Tops 5,013 9,320 7,972 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 73 These potatoes were all sound at the digging, but six weeks after Nos. 1 and 2 began to rot, while ISTo. 3 remained sound until spring time. These experiments confirmed the belief which has been advanced, that potash and the mineral salts not only pro- duce a healthy crop, but by judicious application are capa- ble of doubling or even trebling the crop, as Ko. 3 gave 530 bushels to the acre. Potato Trials. By T. H, Anderson^ published in the " JouiTud of the Highland Society^'' in 1863. Two kinds of potatoes — Dalmahoy and Regent — were raised on a rich and heavy clay soil, and the conditions under which the eight distinct trials were made were as follows : (a.) Dalmahoy: Trial No. 1 , without mauure ; No. 3, superphosphate of lime, 5 cwt., and guano, 3 cwt. ; No. 5, farm-yard manure, 25 tons; No. 7, farm yard manure, 35 tons. (6.) Regents; Trial No. 2, without manure; No. 4, superphosphate of lime, 5 cwt., and guano, 3 cwt.; No. 6, farm-yard manure, 25 tons; No. 8, farm-yard manure, 35 tons. At the gathering of the crops, October 21st, the average weight of a single plant, in grains, was as follows : DESCRIPTION OF POTATO. • (a.) Dalmahoy. (&.) Regent. 13 5 7 2468 Grains. Grains. Grains. Grains. Grains. Grains. Grains. Grains, Sound Potatoes. . 6,683 12,383 12,200 10,550 6,014 8,133 8,014 7,616 Sickly " .. 3,133 2,900 5,016 6,416 2,700 7,916 4,433 3,941 Tops .. 1,816 1,640 1,750 1,566 1,683 1,688 1,383 1,658 The i-esult of these experiments confirms the general belief that no healthy crops of i)otatoes can be raised in heavy, rich soils, no matter what manure may be applied to the soil. TRIALS OB SUGAR-BEETS WITH TURF AND FERTILIZERS. Made dy Ph. Zoeller, and published in Henn^erg^s " Journal of Agri- culture^' for 1866. These trials were made. in wooden boxes, and powdered turf was used as soil. The air-dried turf contained 20.83 per cent, of water, 7.60 of ashes, and 3.11 of nitrogen. The ashes contained, in 100 parts: Iron & Carb. Potash. Soda. Lime. Magne. Phosph. Sulph. Chlor. Alumin. Silicon. Acid. Sand, &c. 0,924.1,928 31,470 2,660 0,960 0,058 0,000 13,250 7,910 0,000 38,242 There were six trial-boxes, and each box held 600 litres of turf, equal to 632 quarts. 1^0. 1 contained only turf. No. 2. The same turf, with 4,389 grammes of potash, 366 grammes of ammonia, and 246 grammes of phosphoric acid. ISTo. 3. The same turf, with 366 grammes of ammonia, 246 grammes of phosphoric acid. No. 4. The same turf, with 366 grammes ammonia, 246 grammes of phosphoric acid, 438 grammes of potash, and 250 grammes of common salt. No. 5. The same turf, with 438 grammes of potash and phosphoric acid. No. 6. The same turf, with 438 grammes of potash, 250 grammes of common salt, and 246 grammes of phosphoric acid. (74) THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. Besides, there was added to each box (I^o. 1 excepted), 100 grammes of magnesia. As the ISTo. 2 was shaded by a tree, it cannot well be compared with the others. In each box there were nine beets grown, which gave, on the -ith of l^ovember, the following results : Air-dried Roots . . " Leaves . No. 1. Gram. 1.552 2,717 No. 2.- , Gram. 3,935 6,625 No. 3. Gram. 3,322 7,583 No. 4. Gram. 8,518 7,901 No. 5. Gram. 7,691 5,706 No. 6. Gram. 7,723 8,697 Percent, of Sugar in the Roots. . . 7.46 5.86 8.34 6.50 » 7.32 4.42 The results of the six boxes are calculated on the sur- face of one quarter of a hectare to f of an acre : No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No 4 No. 5. No. 6. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Roots 7,964 20,192 17,047 43,695 39,466 39,610 Leaves 13,942 33,996 38,912 40,544 29,280 44,629 The general conclusion to be drawn from these trials is, that ammonia and chlorine develop the blade more than the roots. Potash is needed for tlie production of nearly every crop, but particularly for potatoes and sugar-beets. In the case of potatoes, it develops the starch, and improves both quan- tity and quality; while, in sugar-beets, it increases the per- centage of saccharine matter. Farm-yard manure is dam- aging for both of these ; it will injure the taste of potatoes and produce rot, and if used with sngar-beets, the quality will deteriorate, in consequence of foreign matters destruc- tive of the saccharine qualities being thereby introduced. Large potatoes should always be selected for the pur- poses of seed ; cut the tops (not too thin) between the fail and spring, and keep dry until planting time. It is proved that nearly all seeds are the best and soundest when they contain the largest quantity of inor- ganic matters. METHOD FOR DETERimiKG THE QUANTITY OF STARCH IN POTATOES, As practiced by the Starch Manufacturers in Germany. . The process is as follows : . Take seven large glasses, and put in each one half a pound of water, then add to the first glass 480 grains of well-roasted common salt ; to- second glass, 540 grains ; to third, 600 grains ; to fourth, 660 grains ; to fifth, 720 grains ; to sixth, 780 grains ; and to seventh, 840 grains. If the salt is all dissolved, then put the potato that is to be tried in No. 7 ; if it swims, put it into No. 6, and so on, until the glass is found where it sinks, and the water is, therefore, lighter than the potato. Note the. number, and then con- tinue trying six to eight of the same kind of potatoes, mark- ing the number of each yjotato, and the glass in which it sinks. Then add all these numbers together, and the aver- age, or mean, will indicate the approximate Quantity of starch contained in any khid of potato tried, as is shown by the annexed table : Salt Solutions. No. 1. " 2. " 3. " 4. " 5. Quantity of Salt Approximate in half pound of AVater. per cent, of Starch, 480 grains. 15 540 17 600 19 660 " - 21 720 22i 780 " 24 840 26 C^e) THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDK 77 If the potato swims in No. 1, then it has less than 15 per cent, of starch ; and if it sinks in 'No. T, then it has more than 26 per cent. Though these trials give onlj ap- proximate results, it is proved that different sorts of pota- toes may vary between 14 and 27 per cent, in starch. The fact that any body can at any time make these experiments, is of the greatest importance for farmers, starch manufac- turers and dealers to know, as the percentage of starch in a potato determines its quality. ADDRESS or BARON JUSTUS VON LIEBIG TO THK ACADEilT OP SCIENCES AT MUNICH. During last year, experiments relative to the establish- ment of laws on the nutrition of plants have been pursued by the Institute of Physiology of Plants, under direction of Professor Nsegali and Dr. Zoeller. Their experiments were made upon the potato, as the plant most important for food after the cereals (corn). Three fields were prepared for ex- perimenting on ; the first composed of mold (pulverized peat) from the turf-beds of Kolb ; the second, of the same soil, mixed with ammoniacal salts, as the principal agent in animal manure; and the third, of the same mold, to which was added the fixed elements constituting the ashes of the potato. An equal number of tubers of the same kind were planted in each field. Without detailing the various stages of development, I will confine myself to calling attention to the diiferences between the crops. That from the land manured with the ammoniacal salts was 20 per cent, larger than that of the field 'No. 1, which had received no addition ; but that of the third field (which had the manure of phosphate of lime and of potash) was nearly triple. The proportion of the three crops ran thus: 100, 120 and 285. The quantity of pota- toes gathered on field Ko. 3, to which had been furnished (IS) THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE, 79 the elements composing the ashes of the plant, was 282 hundred-weight to each workman — nearly double -the crop given by the best arable land. The results, so very different, of the three experiments can only be attributed to the different composition of the land of the three fields, all other conditions being identically alike. In tlie two first, a number of circumstances were to produce in the subterranean organs as many organic sub- stances (or tubercles) as in the third ; or rather, which is the same, to take from the air a sum equal to their constituent elements. These indications, although important enough in them- selves, are, nevertheless, not the most remarkable results of the experiments ; for here is the precious information they give us: All the potatoes gathered from the two fields which, by the composition of their soil, presented the ele- ments necessary for the development of the plants only in insufficient quantity, or in false proportions, were the prey of disease. From the straws, which became black, decom- position spread, and at the end of a few weeks had thor- oughly gone through the interior. In opposition, the pota- toes in the third field, manured with the fixed elements of the plants, are now (Dec. 1st, 1865) perfectly sound : in not one is seen traces of the ravages commonly attributed to the oidium. Hence, from these observations, we see that, undoubtedly, the conditions favorable to the normal devel- opment of plants are those which prevent disease, and that, in consequence, the first cause of the disastrous epidemic should be sought in the land. If the land present in suffi- cient quantity the elements indispensable to organic life, or the growth of the plant, the latter receives the power of op- posing resistance great enough to paralyze completely all hurtful influences which can affect it from outside. WHEAT TRIALS By Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert, in England, between the years 1845 and 1854, showing the Average Crop per acre from Unmanured Land, with the use of Am- monia Salts alone^ and of Mineral Manure combined with Ammonia Salts. These trials were continued for twenty consecutive years 071 the same field, the results being always about the sar)ie. AVERAGE CROP PER ACRE. Use of Mineral Manure lanured Land. Use of Ammonia Salts alone. with Ammonia Salts. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. 2,856 4,808 5,564 EFFECT OF VARIOUS KINDS OF MANURE ON OATS AND BARLEY. Table showing the comparative quantity of starch and albumen contained in 100 pounds of oats, barley and wheat grown on the same kind of soil, but with different kinds of manure — -an equal quantity of manure for each kind of grain : f BARLEY. OATS. WHEAT. DESCRIPTION OF MANURE. Percentage of Starch. Albumen. Percentage of Percentage of Starch. Albumen. Starch. Albumen. Blood 66^ 66 66i 66 69 69 69i 6i 61 H H 3 3 60 60 61 61i 62 66^- 664^ 5 H 41 42 62 62 G6 54 Poudrette Sheep Manure Horse " Cattle " Green " Without " 33 14 12 10 This table shows that very rich nitrogenized manures have little beneficial influence on the grain of oats and barley ; and therefore it was an error on the part of Mr. Yille to recommend such a free application of nitrogen in the cultivation of those crops. (81) MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS. Plow and Ca^rt-horses. A question which must yet receive careful attention on the part of American agriculturists is, as to the best method of procuring and retaining a class of useful, solid plow and cart-horses. The mere importation of a good race of horseP is not sufficient, unless the type shall be kept pure. In Europe the same difficulty has liad to be met ; and it has been proved by the experience of the past that the charac- ter of horses soon deteriorates if mixed with a breed of a different class. What is greatly needed here is to obtain a class of agricultural horses fitted to the country and to the especial work for which they are intended, and then let the race be kept pure and distinct, introducing, when necessary, oriental horses for giving more vigor and improving the type. I would advise, also, as likely to prove advantage- ous, the production of a. class of larger mules. LrvE-sTOCK, Feeding, Buttek and Cheese Factokies, &g. My advice to Western farmers is, to keep an improved class of live-stock, and to use all their corn for the purposes of feeding, as this will, in the end, be found more profitable, and a large quantity of manure will thus be produced. Farmers should also combine for the purpose of estab- lishing butter and cheese factories, slaughter and smoke- (82) THE NEW FARMER'S GL'IDE. 83 houses ; if they do this, I believe they will have the advan- tage over all the farmers of the world. Canals foe Irrigation and Transportation. In another part of this work, I have suggested a method by which farmers who cannot afford the expense of carry- ing out a system of drainage or irrigation, may promote the fertility of their land by plowing in beds; yet I cannot too strongly enforce the need for irrigation and that the making of canals be more generally attended to. It is only by these means that much of the land can be continued fertile ; and the canals made for the purpose of irrigation may afford the means of transportation, as well as refresh- ing the land during the summer months. This is what England is doing on a very extensive scale in her Indian possessions ; and the same idea has commended itself to the large bodies of practical agriculturists assembled in the various Granges recently formed in this country, by whom the question of transportation has been discussed with a view to the discovery of the most practical method of sur- mounting the difficulties in the way of successful farming in the Western States. • All Seeds fob Planting should be Imported Free of Duty. In Russia a special arrangement is made, under govern- ment authority and superintendence, for the production of flaxseed exclusively for seeding. It is grown under the most favorable conditions possible, and is raised for the express purpose of exportation. Before leaving the exporters' hands it is packed and officially stamped. The quality is so re- markably good that it produces double the crop of fibre and 84 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. seed as compared with other kinds of seed, and at the same time a crop of superior quality to any other. The diflSculty in the way of this seed being used in America is, that it is very high in price, by reason of the amount of import duty which has to be paid. There ought not to be any duty for the importation of seeds intended solely for the purposes of planting ; but the actual fact is, they have to pay higher duty than any other descriptions of seed — ^just contrary to the practice in the leading Euro- pean countries. CONCLUSION, I would draw special attention to a few of the leading points presented in the foregoing pages, mj desire being to make the hints I have given as practical and useful as pos- sible to American farmers. Agreeing, in the main, with the lecture of Mr. Yille, I cannot omit to mention that, in my view, some of the opin- ions advanced by that gentleman are too extreme and sweeping. In contrasting the influence of farm-yard manure with chemical fertilizers, for instance, his estimate of the value of the former is not fair or just, as sufficient im- portance is not attached to the four inorganic matters found therein. His statement that the worst soils possess secondary minerals in abundance is wide of the truth, as that is not the case ; and in one instance the experiments on whict^ his argument is based are contradictory, it being proved in one experiment that the plant did not die wlien there was no phosphate, while in another place he affirms that it did. Still, taken as a whole, the lecture is an im.portantaid to the discussion of the question at issue, even though the opinions advanced in favor of the excellences of artificial manures are a little inclined to be extreme. The first principle needed to be understood, in order to successful farming, is as to the nature and qualities required to make a soil productive ; and the analysis of three kinds of land will throw light upon that point, showing, as it does, that the presence of a great quantity of inorganic matters 8 (So) 86 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. of every kind is absolutely necessary to render a soil thor^ ouglily fertile and productive. The theory of M. Deherain, as to absorption of atmos- pheric nitrogen by vegetation, I hold to be correct. The question as to the proportionate quantity of nitrogen drawn by plants direct from the air had certainly never been set- tled by the experiments of Boussingault, Laws and Gilbert, or the writings of Jeaunel, Thenard, and others ; but M. Deherain's experiment is very clear, and his theory may, perhaps, be considered almost conclusive. The investigations by Mr. Nicholls in East India, and the experiments of M. Bartholomy, as to the passage of gases through the vegetable colloidal membrane, are valu-. able, as furnishing confirmatory evidence as to the correct- • ness of M. Deherain's theories. Among agriculturists there has always been a wide dif- ference of opinion upon this important subject — the action of the air in the nitrification of the soil ; and I have, there- fore, thought it advisable to bring together in this work the thoughts and arguments of several eminent men, with a view of elucidating the whole question, and showing the present position of the discussion as plainly and clearly as possible. The analytical tables of Dr. Emile Wolf are, probably, the most complete and authentic of any analyses ever pub- lished on the particular question to which they refer, namely, the percentage of ashes found in the principal agri- cultural crops, and the efiects produced by alkalies upon the other inorganic matters ; the latter being given with a view of proving that potash, lime, phosphorus and nitrogen are the four dominating ingredients, upon whose presence in the soil depends, in a great measure, the value of the crops produced. THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 8< The analysis bj Count Yon Lippc-Weihenfeld, showing tlie four dominating ingredients in an average crop of the leadiug agricultural products of Germany, confirms the cor- rectness of the calculations of Dr. Wolf, and also of the opinions to which I have given prominence. I wish to draw marked attention to the importance of using a greater quantity of nitrates in farming operations in this country. More lime and alkalies should be em- ployed, as nitrifiers, in conjunction v^ith organic matters in the shape of green manures ; in that way obtaining, to the greatest extent possible, the beneficial efifects which follow the natural nitrification of the soil in hot climates. To this end, I have very earnestly recommended to farmers to adopt the cultivation of lucerne, sanfoin and red clover, and also the large-leafed, deep-rooted natural grasses. In the latter part of this work I have given details of various trials made by eminent agriculturists, for the double purpose of disseminating valuable information on practical questions interesting to all agriculturists, and also with a view of inciting American farmers to make experiments of a similar nature themselves. FRENCH KILOGRAMMES REDUCED TO UNITED STATES POUNDS. 1 0, 8. P. F. K. V. s. p. F. K. c. s. p. 7. K. u. s. r. F. K. U. 3. P. 2.21 20 44.20 300 663 3000 6630 80000 66300 2 i 4.42 30 66.30 400 884 4000 8840 40000 88400 S i 6.63 40 88.40 500 1105 5000 11050 50000 110500 4 8.84 60 110.50 600 1326 6000 13260 60000 132600 5 11.05 60 132.60 700 1547 7000 15470 70000 154700 6 13.26 70 154.70 800 1768 8000 176S0 80000 ■ 176800 V 15.47 80 176.80 900 1989 9000 19890 90000 198900 8 17.68 90 198.90 1000 2210 10000 22100 100000 221000 9 19.89 100 221.00 1100 2431 11000 24310 110000 243100 10 22.10 110 243.10 1200 2652 12000 26520 120000 265200 11 24.31 120 265 . 20 1300 2873 13000 28730 130000 287300 12 26.52 130 287.30 1400 3094 14000 30940 140000 309400 13 28.73 140 309.40 1500 3315 15000 33150 150000 3ol50() 14 30.94 150 331.50 1600 3536 16000 35360 160000 353600 15 33.15 160 353.60 1700 3757 17000 87570 170000 375700 16 85.36 170 375.70 1800 8978 18000 89780 180000 397800 17- 37.57 180 397.80 1900 4199 19000 41990 190000 419900 18 89.78 190 419.90 2000 4420 20000 44200 200000 442000 19 41.99 200 442.00 HECTARE, EQUAL TO 2>^ ACRES; HECTOLITRE, EQUAL TO 2 84-100 BUSHELS. (88) RECAPITULATION. (1.) It is to-day an established fact that nitrogen, pot- ash, phosphor, and lime, are the four principal ingredients in vegetable life ; and farmers should therefore be induced, by all possible means, to produce, naturally and artificially, such articles themselves, so far as practicable. (2.) That, in Europe, the limestone rubbish of old build- ings was lixiviated for the nitrate of potash. (3.) That clay, holding from two to four per cent, of potash, was mixed with lime, animal and organic matters, as an artificial nitre bed, for the lixiviation of nitrates of potash. (4.) That a well-mixed compost heap is but an artificial nitre bed. (5.) That Professor Grandeau, of ]N"ancy, France, proved by dissolving, that soils rich in inorganic matters were not productive, except by copious manuring ; but that other soils not richer in inorganic matters, were productive with- out manuring ; the real cause of this being proved to be that tbe first mentioned soils holding no organic matter, their inorganic matters were in a state of insolubility, whereas the latter soil, holding a great quantity of organic matters, their inorganic matters were more or less soluble. (89) 90 THE NEYf FARMER'S GUIDE. (6.) That Boussingault proved that permanently wet land cannot nitrify ; that dry air and a dry soil are very slow in coming under nitrifying conditions ; but that the best results of nitrification have been a moistening and drying process of the soil, and that he used only lime, magne- sia, and a little potash as a nitrifier in his nitrifying trials. (7.) That Jeaunel proved that soils containing humus and lime produce either nitric or nitrous acid, and that by the moistening and drying of the soil the most nitrates are formed. (8.) That E. Nicholls, as an analytical chemist in East India, shows how easily the nitrates are formed in the black, humic soil of that hot country ; also how the different kinds of acids act and react on each other as dissolvents ; thereby Mr. Mcholls shows the absence of nitrates of soda and potash, and that all nitrates at that place were deli- quescent nitrates of lime and magnesia, and very easily- lost by rain (see page 39). (9.) That in the analysis of Sprengel and Mulder, is it not clearly shown that the large amount of organic matter and acid carbonic produced the great amount of soluble inorcranic matter in the lower fertile soils ? (10.) That on the mediocre quality of soil on the conti- nent of Europe, where the three and four years' rotation plan is yet in operation, the fallow land- is all plowed in spring ; then the manure is spread broadcast over the soil, then turned by the plow and the harrow during the summer ; and so the farmers, witnessing the good effects of such a process, without understanding the dissolving and nitrifying chemical process of the soil. The proof that such soils have not deteriorated is, that potatoes are always planted the second year after the manuring, as a general rule ; and if the THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 91 # average crop of an acre is under SOObnsliels of good, sound potatoes in a good soil, then that year is considered as a bad potato season. (11.) That, fifty or sixty years ago, on the continent of Europe, the black hutnus-holding soils, with impervious subsoils, were considered as of little value, as they pro- duced only a bad crop of oats ; but after a perfect super- ficial dra,inage, in plowing the laud in beds, vrith copious application of lime and manure, they were made to pro- duce the heaviest crops in such land. Therefore, the fact that nearly all the plowed land of the continent of Europe is superficially drained in beds, and also that only a small percentage of subsoil drainage is yet executed, proves the satisfactory effects of superficial drainage during centuries, and the advocates of superficial drainage claim : 1st. That the work can be done by the farmer himself, without any expense ; 2d. That it can be changed at any time ; 8d. That the beds shed the rain water on both sides, without soaking the soil of the soluble matters, and particularly in mellow soils ; 4th. That in all clay land, particularly if flat, the soils in beds are less tenacious and lose less of soluble mat- ters than flat plowed ; 5th. The great cost of a subsoil drainage, and the loss if not well executed. (12.) That J. Yille ignored purposely the fermenting and the nitrifying quality of the stable manure in the soil, in recommending the use of chemical fertilizers exclusively, and the reduction and the fixation of the nitrogenized matters in his mixtures of the chemical manures (by the 92 THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. action of the sulphuric acid in the plaster) was clone under the pretence for the supposed greater solubility of the lime in the plaster ; but the sulphate of lime or plaster is not so valuable, on account of his 32 per cent, of lime, as for his 46 per cent, of sulphuric acid, as a fixing medium of nitro- gen and ammonia, and it cannot be used too copiously by farmers in manures and in the stable to prevent any loss of ammonia. (13.) That the richest natural and artificial nitre beds are those holding the greatest amount of inorganic and organic matters in a decomposed state ; but that subsoils, rich in insoluble inorganic matters, were unproductive till a copious broadcast of stable manuring had taken place ; that in mixing clay, lime, organic or animal matters to- gether, inorganic matters get soluble, and nitrates are formed ; that in a compost lieap the same thing takes place, and therefore, in a well-manured and cultivated soil, of necessity the same takes place. In consideration of all this, is it a wonder that such a great quantity of American soil has been exhausted ? But a partially plowed, overcropped, and never manured soil may not, in my opinion, be exhausted, but is only starved out of its soluble inorganic matters, for the want of a dis- solving power being applied to it in time to prevent all this. Money and time expended upon such soil would have the effect of restoring it to its primitive fertility. Therefore, I advise that you do not compost your manure with soil, but compost all your plowed land with your manure — with green manure, and with lime — to convert it all into an '^artificial nitre bed," as Boussingault calls *it. As the natural production of your stable manure will not be sufficient, use fertilizers in the beginning, till you have THE NEW FARMER'S GUIDE. 93 doubled or trebled your crops, and you will thus show that farming pays, because the cost of producing a minimum crop is about the same as the cost of a maximum crop. Many people speak of inorganic matter, or of the great amount of nitrogen in the air, as if those ingredients could be eaten by the plants with spoons. Carbonate of lime and magnesia are not only valuable plant food, and, as de- composers of organic, and inorganic matter ; but they are as great nitrifiers as the alkalies, though their nitrates are of a more deliquescent nature. Neither lime nor alkalies should, however, be used in a caustic state to any manure or com- position of manures where actual ammt)nia or nitrates are present, because there would be loss of ammonia and nitro- gen ; and as for lime in the soil requiring a great deal of water and time for its dissolving action and reaction on the soil, the fact is that lime should never be applied imme- diately to plowed land, that has to be seeded immediately. It is only by closely studying nature's laws that any one can succeed in discovering their secrets. After great consideration of the controversy as to the proper estimated value of the different kinds of guano, as shown by various analyses, my conclusion is that the Peru- vian guano has proved always the best — it is the highest in value, especially if it be obtained from the first hands. For a reliable estimate of the value of Peruvian guano, the reader is referred to the analytical table of Count Yon Lippe-Wiehenfeld, given on page 61. . H. J. BAKER & BRO., H.J. BAKEK, ) 215 Pearl St., NEW YOMK, C. BAKER, Jr., V ^ 7 F. WILEi'. IMPORTERS AND DEALEUS IN STRIOTX.Y FIRST Q,XJALirY FERTILIZERS. We Compound Special Fertilisers for Particular Grops^ GEORGE B. FORRESTER, Manager of this Department. ENGLISH SULPHATE OF ArvIMONIA, in casks. SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, high grade, in barrels. GERMAN POTASH SALTS, German test 35 per cent. Sulphate of Potash, in bags. 40 per cent. ACTUAL POTASH, in casks or barrels. MURIATE OF POTASH, or CHLORIDE OF POTASSIUM, in bags, not below 80 per cent. NITRATE OF POTASH, in barrels, either Crude or Refined. STRICTLY PURE GROUND BONE, in barrels. (Purity guaranteed.) SULPHATE OF SODA, ground, in barrels. NITRATE OF SODA, in original bags, as imported. AGRICULTURAL SALT. SALT CAKE, in bulk. NITRE CAKE, in bulk. LAND PLASTER, in barrels. SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA. ORGANIC NITROGENOUS MATTER, PERUVIAN GUANO purchased on commission. POTATO FERTILISER, prepared expressly for the Potato Crop, under the formula of Geo. B. Forrester. This article is put up in barrels. COTTON FERTILIZER, in barrels, under formula of Geo. B. For- rester. WINTER WHEAT FERTILIZER, in barrels, under formula of Geo. B. Forrester. Our SPECIAL FERTILIZERS for particular crops have given excel- lent satisfaction. We sell only prime goods. H. J. BAKER & BRO., 2 I 5 Pearl St., NEW YORK. PURE BONE DUST, FOR FERTILIZING. For Sale by Peter Cooper's Glue Factory, No. 17 BUI\LING SLIP, New York City. W. M. HABIRSHAW, F. C. S., CHEMICAL ENGINEER AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, J^o. 86 J\rEW STREET, New York City. GENUINE PEETJYIAI &UA10. New York, SEPTjaMBER Ist, 1874. I have the pleasure to inform the agricultural commuuity that the special agency established for the sale of Genuine Peruvian Guano, in small or large lots, at the same price at which it may be sold by Messrs. Hobsox, Hurtaix) ■ S- S: 3 o tf - 2. tf ITI M-^^ CD W ^' Q" a tr. ►-. fi. o Cr-p.^ ^ C P ® -4. n: ST tn 0S=g HP. M, CD ^ P H< OSS. B"' t— B 0» hi ® O gg^4 i^S^:?> 50 r^ ^ 2 P * D 2 S" ^ ft " t- ^1 a "> p 2 r-B K C^-P H-C ^C "^ ^Sp-^g^M O CD ^ B ft- ^ O i_, ? f p S-»s ::S cji ^^§^%i^tt^^ vwwuyawu «w.^^jvvvv^j .. ii^ijmmm S«5S«-««?ft»0> UffVt mm ^JWyWoWj HdiM 4nm 'v^#^-=«a»*^«^^ WW'W\jv>'w iVvvV^'^ v^uwuv yy^gvy/yi^yyyyu ^^^a^^^vy::^;i;i;i^ww^^,ywww^wgyy^ vy^y su. . ■i*y vy ^Jy^WJjJi^ VV^-'^ajW w^vvv '^\^c^WWyw^y^i^c/W^ ^i^^^^-.^^ vvvff^l^fywwv 'VvVn^,, ,v;UV; J\^WWV' •im m^ h..^,Mm mm^m^ii^^mmJ^^m^ m^'r^wvv: F.fi»lQk jIv^J^AJT'^*! '*^«^^Ni^ . 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