'^•'- ^-^ 0°^^ '^-^ "^'^^ ' /^ •>■'- \. 0^ O > ^^ ,0 c ° " '''» o \ o. V ' .^'>^<^ '^ ^ V-^' v\^ ^ ^^ '^^ ^.^ -^^^^ ^.z ^^■- %.^ ^^'% .-^^"^ !*r-ip<4:. •v. •LtrL'. •I o ^°-^* .-<- ^ 'o , » s o 0- a \c RUhES FOR BlLiliIflHt)S Rfit) POOL And an Illustrated Catalogue of Bl^IGGS' BlbblARD TflBLiES AND Billiard Furnishings A <^ plblished/bv OlilVEf? U./Qf^IGGS 970 Washington Street BOSTON, U. S. A. Ht 4rV T]r[is book is piiblisl:\ed for tl^e use of all interested iri Billiards. Tt^e iriforrT\atiori l^as beeri very carefully collected, tY\e rules carefully revised, and no pains spared to rnaKe it of real value, COPYKIC.HTKI) ISOo HV OUIVKK L. BRIGGS & SoS. *'The best cusliion in the market !" W'li.i.iAM P. Maksiiaij.. Boston (ilohe C<^ ® We taKe tl:\is opportunity to tl^ariK tlr[e public for tl^e ]:|earty support tl:\ey J^ave giver] Us iri putting forward a billiard cUs]:|iori of real rT\erit. Noia^, tl^at it l^as becorrie popular ir) NeiA^ Zr\qlaT\d, M)e can only say tl:|at tt^e present l^igti standard of tl^e ELECTRIC CUSHIONS Will always be rnaintained. OLIVER L. BRIGGS. FREDERICK H, BRIGGS, @ @ FROM THE PARKER HOUSE. BOSTON. Dear Sik : We have tested and used your recent invention, the new ELECTRIC CUSHION now in use at the Parker House, Boston, and consider it far superior to any cushion we have played on. Signed by the best players at the Parker House. (3) Oi.ivKK L. I^KKKis, 970 Wasiunc; roN St., Boston. Popularity Follows the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. HIGHEST AWARDS. The Briggs tables have never been beaten. The Briggs billiard tables have the unrivaled record of never being beaten in any competitive exhibition, although they have entered into competition with all the principal concerns that have ever done business in New- England. The number of diplomas taken are too numerous to mention here. The first medal received was awarded in 1876, then fol- lowed the exhibition of 1878, with five billiard exhibits, including the best known manufacturers in the country. The only medal awarded was given to the Briggs table. The Mechanics Fair of 1881 added another, the highst given that 3'ear. The year 1884 added two more medals — gold and silver — a bronze this year being awarded to another maker. The 1890 medal of silver (no gold that year), was awarded for superior workmanship and finish, thus marking an era of better construction than had hitherto been deemed necessary. The medal of 1892 was awarded by the Mechanics' Fair to the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS for being the greatest advancement ever made in billiard cushions. Oliver L. Briggs. 970 Washington St., Boston A new Billiard Light, the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. THE BILLIARD ROO^L In a private residence or a public place the billiard room >hould be first of all. convenient. The game of billiards affords the best recreation known, in that it combines moderate, healthful, physical and mental exercise. Already many business and professional men and women are recog- nizing this, and are seeking comfortable home-like surroundings to pass their hour or two with the cue ; therefore make your billiard- room light, comfortable, airy, easy of access, and keep vour tables in good repair. SPACE REQUIRED FOR BILLIARD TABLE. "-ir. i.-e required for 5 xlO Table 1.5 x20 feet. - ^ required for 4ix 9 fable 1-^4x19 feet. ■-. e required for 4 x S Table 13 xl7 feet. The above spaces may be varied by shorteniDg cues. ()i.i\ Kit L. Hki(.(;.s, 970 Washincjton St., Boston. Discard old Fogy Ideas and Use ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. Ihlliaids in i860 SIPPIO TABLE. How to Tip Cues. First — Give the end of the cue a square, clean, smooth surface,, slightly depressed in the centre. A cue cutter will be found use- ful in doing this. Second — Select your tip a trifle larger than the cue, if a high tip is preferred, pound with a hammer until the " spread" is taken out. Rub the bottom with sand-paper a few times. Third — Apply a small amount of glue to the end of the cue, and place the tip in position, holding it there by a cue press, or some weighty substance. Fourth — When dry, cut with a sharp knife the protruding leather, and finish with first coarse, then fine sand paper, shaping the tip as desired. (6) Oij\'ER L. HHKHis, ij-jo \\'.\sni\(; rf)X St., Boston. Purchased Opinions not needed for ELECTRIC CUSHIONS I.AIKsT I' A1 KNI". 1892. <>jTHE ELiECTHiC CUSHIO N IltADi: MARK. Ilicrhest award. Meclianics' Fair, 1S92. From a billiard cushion, jjlavers demand absolute accuracy, "English" takintr power, quickness, and durability, including in this term, action imchanged bv atmospheric or other causes. The ELECTRIC' are the onlv cushions that have satisfactorily united all these points. A \ erv ingenious combination of rubber, wire and air produces the long-thought impossible union of great speed and •'English" taking power, while none of the other important features are sacrificed. The results from the introduction, a vear ago. of these cushions are surprising. With a business more than doubled, with number- less unsolicited testimonials, we feel warranted in saying the ELECTRIC CUSHION is without a peer. The Electric Cishioxs are quick. They will please yourself, your friends, and your cust(^mers. They will wear well. They have all the advantages of wire, rubber and air cushions. They have nothing but the ])est of material used in their construc- tion. They will just suit 99 out of 100 billiard players. SLOW CUSHIONS. Recognizing the fact that a few accustomed to the older, slow^ cushions, used in certain parts of the country, have not vet regu- lated their game to the modern ELECTRIC CUSHIONS, we have made arrangements to furnish a slow cushion to anv that may desire it, but will do so only when especiallv ordered. PRICES. ELECTRIC CUSHIONS . . $so.oo SLOW Cl^SHION .... S500 (7) Oi.rvER L. BuKHis. 970 WAsinxcjTON vSr.. Hc>s' The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS have no Rival. The Briggs Tables. The more exacting demands of the present time have encouraged us to build extra well made, well finished tables that will withstand severe climatic changes without becoming weak and shaky in the joints. To the expense of keeping the older, cheaper made tables in repair, is due the popularity of billiards in clubs, \vhere all such expenditures are divided among many. A table made as ours are now. and fitted with the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS, will be found always ready for use, and need but a trifling amount spent for repairs, as many unsolicited testimonials from well-known men will show. Popular Styles. STYLE 26- Is made of solid quartered oak or mahogan^ , fin- ished light or antique to suit taste. This is a table that for general use can be highly recommended. STYLE 27. This style is sold for residences chieflv, and is of solid quartered white oak or .San Domingo mahoganv. An eftective and elegant table. STYLE 28. Is made of oak. This is a very neat table, easily kept clean. attracti\e to the eye and popular. (i>) STVLK 27 STVLK 26. STYLE 28. Cms HR L. Bricjgs, 970 Washington St.. Boston. Enterprising Billiard Rooms use ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. Billiard Room Fittings. Manx will be glad to know that at one Xew Eno^land Billiard Concern, a complete billiard-room outfit can be obtained. This branch of the business is new, but during the present year an order can be left with us for a complete outfit. We measure the room, place the tables, fixtures, chairs, etc. in position. Mak- ing the combined price lower by saving separate profits. This we do on easy terms if desired, to enable those with small capital, wish- ing to commence business, an opportunity. Articles Accompanying Tables. Billiard table outfit consists of One Cue Rack. One dozen Cues, Four Ivory Billiard Balls. Oue dozeu Chalks. Four Bridge Hooks. One set of Markers. Wire and Hook. Four Chalk Cups. Two Bridges. One set Rules of the Game. Pool table outfit consists of One Cue-Rack. One Ball-Rack. Sixteen Coraposition Pool-Balls. One Bottle. Sixteen Small Balls. One set Rules. One Triangle. One dozen Chalks. Six Chalk-Cups. Twelve Cues. Two Bridges. Four Bridge-Hooks. »9 ()i.i\KK L. I3Ki(;(is, 970 W.\siiiN(ri{)N S'l"., Boston. The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS are Up to Date. Billiard Supplies. Since our supplies ha\e l^econie so popular, many anxious to sell have untruthfully represented their goods as coming from Briggs. To avoid deception, always look for our label. Cloth just now is extremelv difficult to choose, on account of the many inferior grades oflered for sale. We are now using a cloth that has been selected after many years' trial, and can be rec- ommended as superior for this purpose to any other in the market, being made of the finest well-dyed wool, hard-twisted, short-nap- ped, and of extremely close web. In bu\ing first quality see that "No. i" in gold letters is marked next to the sehage edge. SIZE TABLt NO. 1 QUALITY NO. 2 QUALITY 4ix9for Bed and Cushion. . . ^20.00 .$16.00 '• Bed 10.00 13.00 '• Cushion 4. .50 3.50 4x8 ^' Bed and Cushion . . 18.00 * 14.50 '• Bed, 14.50 12.00 '• Cushion, 4.25 3.25 Pockets 'lie now made from leather as a novelty, although the old-fashioned worsted ones are still by far the most popular, having the advantage of adding a finish to the table. Worsted Xettiugs per set $2.00 Fringes 1.00 Leathers 50 Xettings, Fringes and Feather 3.00 Leather Pockets • . . 3.00 Ivory Balls ^ne still used for billiards, although seldom for pool. Because of its scarcity, seasoned ivorv can only be obtained from those carrvingf a lar2:e stock. Write to us for latest quotations on well seasoned ivory. Tip Glue has been another much needed article. A good glue has recently been made for this express purpose, put up in convenient cans and labeled with our label. (rlue — gill c.in«. with brush S .2.') (lO) ()M\-KFi L. Bi{i(;(,s, 9}ro \\ asiii Si., Boston The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS always make Friends. ER U.BRIOG Billiard-Room Clocks '^it^ made in either oak or cherry. The price has been reduced trusting that the many room-keepers now without any kind of price register may be induced to buy. Time and Price Register, either iu Oak or ("herrj^ . . §15.00 Cue-Clamps 'He used for holding tips while the glue is dry ing, and are very useful in the billiard-room. Cue riamps S .50 Ml Cue-Cutters 'ii*-* now generally used, tipping cues than the old *'saw and miter box. from fancy wood, with nickel-plated handles very ornamental. Cue-Cutters (uickel-plated. fancy wood) Cue-Cutters (lacquered and plain wood) (II) being far handier in ' A novelty is made and knife, which is 82.00 1.00 Oi.i\ KR L. BitiGCJs, 970 WashingtOxX St., Boston. Best Materials used in the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. Chalk is now mined in France, and put up there for billiard purposes. Money is saved by buying in original packages. Chalk, (original package) per gross $ .50 Composition Balls Have largely taken the place of ivory for pool. This fact has led to placing many poor grades on the market, thus prejudicing many against all composition balls. The fiict is that a very good pool ball can be made of composition if enough money is spent to do so. Our balls are made expressly for us and are vv^arranted to the purchaser for five years. Pool Sets (standard size) $25.00 Billiard Sets (standard size) 10.00 Insist on Briggs' label. Tips of good quality are difficult to find. The French have for years past supplied the world with the best. In order that our customers may have the genuine article and to guard against worthless imitations every box is labeled, "Briggs' Ow^n Importation." French Tips (oval tops) $1.00 French Tips Prof, (square tops) 1.50 Cue-Cases are made from Leather or Can- vas ; their convenience merits their growing popu- larity. Cue-Cases (Leather) $3.00 Cue-Cases (Canvas) 1.50 Cues were never made in so great varietv of styles as now. The purchaser being able to select as fancy dictates, from 25 cents upwards. For billiard-rooms those costing from $9.00 to $15.00 per dozen are in demand, while the indi- vidual usually indulges as his purse allows. Jointed cues are much used now on account of their convenience. SPECIAL OFFER. A jointed cue, hard wood butt, ivory case, complete, $4.00. (12) tip with Oliv KR L. Bhi(;(;s, 970 VVASHiNCiTox St., Boston. THE ELECTRIC CUSHIONS will Outwear any Other. PRICE LIST OF CUES. No. I. 3 joints, veneered, butt plate, name plate ivory tip $5.00 No. 2. 3 '• ( . k I 3.00 No. 3. 3 •• very fancy ' ' 15.00 No. 4. 2 graved butt " 4.00 No. 5. 2.50 No. 6. 2 " very fancy '' 10.00 No. 7. graved butt * • 3.00 No. 8. y i.. il '- 3-^o No. 9. Ik k k 2.50 No. 10. J k. 3.00 No. II. I " butt, closely w^ound w^ith cord 3.00 No. 12. I •* . " 1.50 Bamboo . . . without ivory tip $1.25 1-75 Maple, beaded and turned '• '' 1. 00 1.50 Maple, fluted . . . '• 1.25 1-75 Maple, polished plain . .50 1. 00 Ash . ■■■•'■ '■ .25 IV^ORY JOINTED CUES No. 8 J. . . $5.00 No. 10 J. • . $4.50 No. 9 J. . . . 4.00 No. 12 J. . . . 3.00 Cues tipped, each Cues ivory tipped, each •05 ,50 Cues ivory tipped, 2 ends 1.25 Cues ivory jointed, each 2.00 Novelties not quoted here always on hand. Any style desired made to order. (13) Om\kk L. 1^kic;(;s, 970 Washington St., Boston. Home Tables with ELECTRIC CUSHIONS not Neglected REPAIRS. The first axiom of our business is good workmanship. When a new man enters our employ he is subjected to very careful training. His particular "bent" is discovered , and he is kept at that kind of work. The men sent outside to repair tables are especially selected as to their adaptability, a record being kept of each man. This care- ul selection cannot be too highly over-estimated by billiard-table owners, as many good tables have been botched and ruined by men not thoroughly conversant with their trade. Our prices are as low as are consistent with first class work. We consider it a fa\'or if grienances wiel he reported AT THE OFFICE. Price List of Supplies. alphabet IC ALLY ARRANGED. Altering Carom Table to Pool, including Pockets and Pocket Irons ....... $25.00 Balls — Billiard, Ivory. Latest quotation on application Balls — Billiard, Composition. Best, warranted five years 10.00 Balls — Pool, Ivory. Latest quotations on application Balls — Pool, Composition. Best, warranted five years Balls — Small shake. Composition, 16 to set . Bottles, leather ...... Bridges, each. ...... Bridge hooks, each ..... Brushes ....... Bolts — cushion, per set .... Bolts — cushion, re-plated, per set . Chalk, French, per gross .... Chalk, French, per dozen .... Chalk Cups, per set .... Clamps, for tipping cues, each Clocks, time and price register (H) •s 25.00 . •50 . 1. 00 . •50 . .10 1. 00 to 3.00 . 4.00 1.50 . •50 . .10 1. 00 .50 . i;;.oo ()li\ i:i< L. I^KKiCis. 970 \\'\sm\c;ro\ St., Bostox The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS will never make you Miss. CON riNTKI). . see p PRICE LIST OF SITMT.IKS Cloth Covers, rubber ...... Court Plaster, green, per box Cues ....... i- Cue Cutters ....... Cues tipped, each ..... Cushions, Electric ..... Cushions, slow ...... Cushion Corners, false, set of 6 Cutting down Table to any size Cutting down Table to any size and bevelling Glue — tip, gill cans ..... Legs, per set. ...... Maces, each Markers Markers, Ratchet, Wire and Hook Markers, to set on rail, French Pins, per set ..... . Pocket Nettings, worsted, per set Pocket Fringe, per set .... Pocket Leathers, red, per set .... Pocket Nettings, Fringes and Leathers, per set Pocket, made of leather, per set Pocket Irons, per set . Pocket Irons re-covered, per set Pocket Irons re-plated, per set Polish, Scotch, per bottle .... Racks, cue . . . • • Racks, pool ....... Racks, private cue, one door Racks, Private cue, 12 locks Tips, Briggs' own importation Tips, Briggs' own importation, Prof., (square si Triangles ....•• Turning and coloring Billiard Balls, per set . Turning and coloring Pool Balls, per set . Turning and coloring Pool Balls, ivory, per set (•5) 10. $3.00 e p. I 1 .00 .05 50.00 35.00 15.00 40.00 60.00 •-5 15.00 2.00 3.00 8.00 •75 2.00 1. 00 .50 3.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 2.00 •25 6.00 6.00 10.00 18.00 1 .00 1.50 2.00 1 .00 4.00 5.00 to ()li\'kr L. Bin(;(}s, 970 Washington St., Boston. Club Men Like the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. How to Set Up a Table. A billiard table is carefully numbered. In setting up place portions similarly numbered together; No. i at the head, the others following from right to left. Tighten all bolts and level the frame. After the frame is level place the slates in position (small holes on the edge answer for numbers) screw down perfectly level, cementing the screw holes and joints with plaster-of-Paris so as to make one solid, level surface. Then clean all particles of dust from the bed. Stretch the cloth tightly over the bed and tack every inch. Put the rails on according to their numbers, being careful to tighten all bolts and level. Nothing remains but to place the ''spots" in position midway between the second diamonds from each end. (16) RULES FOR THK CAMES OF BILLIARDS AND POOL. Winning and Losing Carambole. As formerly played at l^oberts" Guildhall Coffee House, London. (Revised for use on the modern pool-table.) The game as played in London had some technical points, which without revision would make it impractical for the modern Ameri- can public. The revisor has tried to add only such points as would tend to popularize this old game and still keep its ancient value. DEFINITIONS. Bkeaking — Placing the balls as at the opening of the game, and either giv- ing a miss or striking the red ball as the player maj'^ choose. Bock—" String." ('OUP — Pocketing one's own ball, either by a miss or by accident. Holed— Pocketed . Odds — The player receiving '' odds '" leads off. RULES. The GAME is PLAYED upon a six-pocket table with one red and two white balls. The red placed on the LOWER SPOT, situated 6 in. from the centre of the lower cushion. The game consists of "winning and losing HAZARDS, CAROMS and FORFELrS," and is usually played fifty up. The LEAD and CHOICE of balls are determined as in the American game. HOLIXG the white ball, (the winning hazard) counts two. Holing the player's ball from the white, (the losing hazard) counts two. Holing both on the same shot counts four. Holing the red ball, counts three. Holing the player's ball from the red, counts three. Holing both on the same shot counts six. Each CAROM counts two. When two balls are struck, the player's ball, if holed, takes its value from the first ball struck. It will be seen that teiL is the most that can be made at one shot. (>7) ()li\kk L. BitH.Gs, 970 Washington St., Boston. Make a round table shot with the ELECTRIC CUSHION The FIRST PLAY is from within the semi-circle, which in this game is of eio;lit inch radius, described about the upper spot towards the head of the table with the string line as a diameter. The RED BALL when HOLED or off the table is replaced on its own spot, or if that is occupied, on one midway between the two side pockets. The OPPOXEXT'S BALL being HOLED or forced off the table is held in hand until the inning is finished, and then played from within the semi- circle. The PLAYER'S BALL being HOLED is played from within the semi- circle. A PLAYER CONTINUES to PLAY until failure to count. If the player forces his BALL OFF the TABLE it counts one for the op- posing side. If however he forces his own or adversary's off the table, after making a hazard or carom, he gains nothing by the stroke and his adver- sary plays without breaking the balls. A COUP counts three for the opposing side. A FAILURE TO STRIKE a BALL counts one for the opposing side. The PLAY'ER'S BALL being IN HAND must pass outside the string before hitting a ball, failing he loses his turn and counts one for the op- posing side. If a shot is made with the WRONG BALL, and is discovered before the next shot, it is optional with the opponent to have the balls broken. A BALL coming to a FULL STOP on the EDGE of a POCKET, and then falling in, shall be replaced and not counted. If the striker's BALL be TOUCHED WITH the CUE prior to striking, it must be replaced in its former position. THREE-BALL CAROM GAME. The Three-ball Carom Game, is (as the name indicates)played with three balls, two white and one red. The billiard table has three spots in a line dividing the table lengthwise, running from the centre of the head cushion to the centre of the foot cushion. One of these spots, cutting the line in two equal parts, is called the centre spot, and the other two are situated half way between the centre spot and the head and foot cushions. The spot at the head of the table is called the white spot, and the one at the foot of the table the red spot. The centre spot is only used when a ball forced off the table finds both red and white spots occupied. There- fore, should the white ball when forced off the table have its spot occupied, it would be placed on the red spot, or on the white spot if it be the red ball that is forced off the table. In beginning the game, the red ball and one white are placed on the re- spective spots; the other white remains in hand, and is placed near the white spot previous to the opening stroke of the game. (18) Oli \ KK L. BRK.cis, 9yo \\ AsmNc.roN St., Hoston. The ELECTRIC CUSHION is always accurate A player can take auy positiou within six inches of the white spot, but he must strike the red ball first before a count can be effected. In playing the game the following Kuleri should be observed : The game is begun by STRINGING for lead, the player who brings his ball nearest the cushion at the head of the table winning the choice of balls, and the right to play first, provided the player's ball in stringing has not touched auy other ball on the table. Should the player FAIL TO COUNT, his opponent makes the next plav, aiming at will at either ball on the table. A CAROM consists in hitting both object-balls with the cue-ball in a fair and unobjectionable way. Each will count one for the player. A penalty of one shall also be counted against the player for every miss occurring during the game. A BALL FORCED OFF the table is put back on its proper spot. Should the player's ball jump off the table after counting, the count is good; the ball is spotted, and the player plays from the spot. If, in playing a shot, the CUE is NOT WITHDRAWN from the cue-ball before the cue-ball comes in contact with the object-ball, the shot is foul, the player loses his count, and his hand is out. If the balls are DISTURBED ACCIDENTALLY, through the medium of any agency other than the player himself, they must be replaced by the referee, and the player allowed to proceed. If, in the act of playing, the PLAYER DISTURBS any BALL other than his own, he cannot make a counting stroke, but he may play for safety. Should he disturb a ball after having played successfully, he loses his count on that shot, his hand is out, and the ball so disturbed is by the ref- eree placed back as nearly as possible in the position which it formerly occupied on the table, the other balls remaining where they stop. Should a player TOUCH his own BALL with the cue, or otherwise, PREVIOUS TO PLAYING, it is foul, and counts one for his opponent, and the player cannot play for safety. It sometimes happens that the player, after having touched his ball, gives a second stroke; then the balls remain where they stop, or are by the referee replaced as nearly as possi- ble in their former positions, at the option of the opponent. When the CUE-BALL is very NEAR ANOTHER, the player shall not play without warning his adversary that the}"^ do not touch, and giving him sufficient time to satisfy himself on that point. When the cue-ball is IN CONTACT with another the balls are spottde, and the player plays with his ball in hand. Playing with the WRONG BALL is foul. However, should the player using the wrong ball play more than one shot with it, he shall be entitled to his score just the same as if he had played with his own ball. As soon as bis hand is out, the white balls must change places, and the game pro- ceed as usual. (•9) Oliver L. Briggs, 970 Washington St., Boston. No need of hitting hard with the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS In match games the CROTCH is barred. The object-balls shall be con- sidered crotehed whenever the centres of both lie within a 4^ inch square at either corner of the table. When the object-balls are so within said square, three counts only will be allowed, except one of the object- balls, or both, be forced out of it. In case of failure by the player his hand is out, and the next player goes on to play with the balls in position as left by last player. In this game no player is allowed to WITHDRAW before the game is out; by so doing he forfeits the game. The decision of the referee is final, but it might happen under extraordinary circum>tances, that one of the players should believe his rights to have been violated by the referee; in such a case he must declare the subject of his grievance, and announce that he is playing the game out under protest. Then, should he lose the game, the subject of the grievance is left to the decision of experts mutually agreed upon. OTHER FOUL STROKES ARE : If, in the act of striking, he has not at least one FOOT touching the FLOOR. If the player touches the cae-ball more than ooce in any way, or HIN- DERS or ACCELERATES it in any other way than by a legitimate stroke of the cue; or if, during a stroke or after it, he in any way touches, hin- ders, or accelerates an object-ball except by the one stroke of the cue-ball to which he is entitled. As TOUCHING anv BALL in any 7vay is a Stroke, a second touch is a foul. Should a ball that has once come to a standstill MOVE WITHOUT AP- PARENT CAUSE, while the player is preparing to strike, it shall be re- placed. Should it move before he can check his stroke, it, and all other balls set in motion by that stroke, shall be replaced, and the player shall repe.'it his shot, inasmuch as but for the moving of the ball, he might have counted where he missed, or missed where he counted. It is a foul if the striker plays directly at any ball with which his own is in FIXED CONTACT, and the striker must in this instance play from balls spotted, as in the opening stroke of the game. It is a foul to place MARKS of any kind L^PON the CLOTH or cushions as a guide to play : also foul to PRACTICE the banking shot for the lead- off upon the pica of testing the balls, which until the moment of banking shall never be hit with a cue, and after banking shall not again be hit with a cue until the opening stroke is made; and it is also foul if the striker, in making a shot, is ASSISTED by any OTHER PERSON in any way, save by being handed the bridge, long cue, having the gas fixture moved and held aside, etc., by the marker or referee, after he has requested either to do so. It is a foul against the non-striker, and the striker cannot make a count on the ensuing shot, if a ball in play is LIFTED FROM the TABLE, ex- cept it be unavoidable in those cases in which it is provided that, because of foul or irregular strokes, the balls shall be transposed or replaced. (20) Oliver L. Brigcjs, 970 Washington St., Bosto: Always find delicate action with ELECTRIC CUSHIONS In order to restrict deliberate PLA VING FOR SAFETY, it shall be op- tional with the non-«triker, if hi-^ ojiponent makes a miss in each one of three successive innings, to accept the third miss or reject it and force his antagonist to hit at least one object-ball; and for this purpose that antag- onist's ball shall be replaced by the referee. Should two balls be hit by this stroke, there shall be no count. WHEX PLAYED AS A FOl K-HANDEI) MATCH. In a four handed match— two playing in ipartnership against two— the foregoing rules of the single match must be substantially observed, with the following additions : In this double match the player's partner is at liberty to warn him against playing with the wrong ball, but he must not give him any advice as to the most advantageous mode of play, etc., except it has been other- wise agreed before the opening of the game. CUSHION CAROMS. In this game CAKOMS COUNT only when the player's ball goes to a •cushion before hitting the second object ball. If the players' ball is ''FROZEX" to the cushion, in order to make the cushion a factor in the carom, the ball must be played against the cushion and made to rebound from it. A DOUBTFUL cushion carom should be decided against the striker. When the CUE-BALL is in CONTACT with either or both of the object- balls, it shall be optional with the player to spot the balls and play as at the opening of the game, or to play away from the ball or balls with which it is in contact, and count from a cushion. The rules for three-ball game not conflicting with the above, also apply. THREE CUSHION CAROM. In this game it is necessary for the player's ball to hit three cushions at least, or a cushion three times to MAKE A CAROM. A CUSHION cannot be counted as one of those necessary to a carom by playing against it, the striker's ball being FROZEN to it. Rules of the cushion carom game not conflicting with the above, also apply. BANK-SHOT GAME. In playing the BANK-SHOT GAME it is necessary that the cue-ball hits the cushion before it hits an object-ball. This rule applies in LEADING OFF as well as later shots. A CUSHION cannot be counted as one of those necessary to a carom by playing against it, the striker's ball being FROZEN to it. (21) ()i.i\KK r.. Hin(,(,s, (.)'^o Wasiiinuton St., Boston. The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS will outlast any other The cue and OBJECT-BALLS being FROZEN, the striker must play with them as he finds them. A DOUBTFUL bank-shot shall be decided against the striker. The rules of the three-ball game not conflicting with the above, also- apply. KI,SS CAROM. In playing this game the two white balls only are used. The game is played the same as the ordinary three-ball game, except the object-ball when spotted is put on the lower spot, and in order to make a carom the striker's ball must hit the object-ball, go to a cushion, and then hit the object-ball again. BALK LINE GAME. The bed of the table for this game should be divided into nine sections, by four lines drawn parallel to, and 8 or 14 inches from the cushions run- ning clear across the table. The game is played like, and the regular rules for the three-ball game apply, except — Should the striker's and an object-ball be FROZEX, he may if he prefers play in that position without spotting, provided he does not play directly against the frozen object-ball. Should both object-balls be AVITHIX one of the eight spaces made by the BALK LINES and the cushion, and then two caroms be made in success- ion without making either object-ball cross one of the lines, then the second carom does not count and the player's side is out. A ball on the line is considered within it. PYRAMID POOL. The gamfe of Pyramid Fifteen-Ball Pool is played with fifteen object-balls and one white ball. The latter is the cue-ball, and each player plays with it as he finds it upon the table, or from behind the string, if 'it be in hand. The fifteen balls are all of one color. Before commencing the game these fifteen balls are placed in the form of a triangle upon the table, a triangu- lar frame being used for this purpose to insure correctuees. The triangle is so placed that the apex rests upon the deep-red spot pointing toward the head of the table. Each ])]ayer is to Docket as many balls as he can,^ and he who first scores eight balls wins the game. THE FOLLOWING RULES GOVERN THE GAME. In match or tournament contests the GAME is BEGUN by banking. The winner of the lead has the option of playing first himself from within the string at the head of the table, or obliging his opponent to play first from the same place. Note.— When more than two play the order of plav mav be determined by lot. (22) Oliver L. Briggs. 970 Washington St., Boston. Play cushion caroms with the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS The plaver who makes the OPENING STROKE must strike the pyra- mid of objeet-b.ills with sufficient force to cause two or more object-balls to strike a cushion, or cause at least one object-ball to go into a pocket. Should the player fail to do either he must forfeit one ball to the table from his score, and the next player plays. Should a player having NO BALLS to his CIIEDIT incur a forfeit, the first ball he scores thereafter shall be at once placed upon the table. All strokes must be made w ith the point of the CUE ; otherwise, they are foul. When two i)laver5 onlv are engaged in the game, he who pockets or scores eight balls first is \VIXXER of the game. But when more than two players are engaged, the game is ended only when the number of balls re- maining on the table do not amount to enough to tie or beat the next low- est score. AFTEI? the OPENING STROKE, each player must either pocket a ball or make at least one object-ball or the cue-ball, after contact with an object- ball, strike a cushion, under penalty of forfeiture of one ball. A player shall FORFEIT ONE ball for making a miss, pocketing his own ball or forcing his own ball off the table. If a plaver pockets one or more of the object-balls and his own ball goes INTO A POCKET or OFF THE TABLE he cannot score. FORFEITED OBJECT-BALLS must be placed upon the deep-red spot, or, if that be occupied, as nearly below it as possible. When the CUE-BALL is IN HAND, the player must play from within the string, and he is not entitled to play at any ball which is not outside the string. Should none of the balls be outside, that ball which Is nearest outside the string must be spotted on the deep-red spot, and the player may play at it. When the STRIKER is in HAND, should he play at any ball that is within the string line, or if, when in hand, he plays from any position not within the string line, without being checked previous to the stroke being made, any score he may make from such stroke he is entitled to; but if he is checked before making the stroke, and then makes it, it doei) not count for him ; his hand is out and the next player plays, and all balls disturbed by the stroke must be replaced or left as they are, at the option of the next player. Should the striker TOUCH the CUE-BALL in any way except with the point of his cue. the stroke is foul and he forfeits one ball. Should the player disturb an object-ball, the object-ball must be replaced by the mark- er in its original position, and the player loses his hand and forfeits one ball. Should the plaver STRIKE the CUE-BALL TWICE it is foul ; he forfeits one ball and loses his hand, and the balls (if any) disturbed in consequence of the second stroke aie to be replaced in their former position. Should a player PLAY OUT OF his TURN, it is foul, and the balls must be replaced in their former position, and he whose turn it is to play, plays. But should a player PLAYING OlIT OF his TURN make more than one stroke before being' checked, the strokes .so made are fair, and he is entitled to any balls he may have made, and to continue his play until his hand is out. Oi.ivKR L. BuKJcis. 970 Washington St., Boston. Depend on "English" with ELECTRIC CUSHIONS Should any ball or BALLS on the table be DISTURBED by any other person or cause than the player, rhey must be replaced bj' the marker as nearly as possible in their former position, and the player must continue. Previous to making a shot, the player must DISTINCTLY XAME the BALL which he intends to pocket, and designate the particular pocket into which he intends to put it. Should he by the same stroke POCKET other balls besides the ball he calls, he is entitled to all the balls he may so pocket. Should he fail to pocket the ball he calls, and by the same stroke pocket one or more of the other balls, the pocketed balls must be placed on the spot. Should he pocket a ball without naming or designating the pocket into which he intends to put it, the ball or balls which he may so pocket are to be spotted. Should a player pocket a ball fairlv. after having called the ball and desig- nated the pocket, and afterwards 'TOUCH or DISTURB any OTHER BALL on the table, he is entitled to the pocketed ball: but he loses his hand. PUSH SHOTS are allowed: that is, it is not necessary to withdraw the cue from the cue-ball before the latter touches an object-ball. When the cue-ball is in contact with another ball, the player may play directly on the ball with which it is in contact. A Stroke made when any of the BAIJ.S are IX MOTION is foul. Should such a stroke be made, the balls are either to be replaced or left as they come to rest, at the option of the next player, and the next player plays. The striker loses his hand and forfeits one ball. . When two persons are playing, should a player incur THREE PEXAL- TIES, scratches, or forfeitures, in succession, he shall forfeit every ball remaining on the table to his opponent Should more than two persons be playing then the offending player shall be adjudged loser of the game. Xo player is allowed to WITHDRAW before the game is played out; by so doing, he forfeits the game. 41 (FIFTEEN BALL) POOL. (By the courtesy of \\illiam P. Marshall, proprietor of the Marshall Billiard Parlors.) Give to each player TWO SMALL BALLS, one of which is returned to determine the ORDER OF PLAYING. The other is retained to count from ; no one else knowing its number. Each player plays in turn, one shot to an INNING, counting all the balls he may get on that shot, the number on them being added to the number of his small ball. When exactly 41 is made, the player or game-keeper DECLARES POOL, and the player the most distant from 41 is defeated. POOL is also DECLARED when all the balls are pocketed from the tab la The nearest to 41 is the winner; the most distant is the loser. A miss, or pocketing the white ball, is A SCRATCH, and the player so doing owes a bail to the table, besides what he mav have scored on that (24) Oliv KK L. Bhi(;(;s, 970 WAsFiixcrrox Si., Bosr The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS are always the same shot. If he has more than one bull in his rack, he can spot the one he pre- fers; if he has none, spot the first one holed. If he pockets more than one on his next shot, he can spot the one he chooses. If a player gets MOKE THAN 41, it is a burst, and all the balls he has scored must be spotted; the last holed, the nearest in the rear of the spot, and so on. In such cases he can have a new small ball if he chooses. In PLAYING FOR SAFETY a player must cause the white ball to go to the cusliion before or after liitting a ball ; failing to do so is a scratch. A player having NO BALL IN his IJACK is worse oft' than one with a ball, regardless of its number or the number of the small ball he may have, and a player owing a ball is still worse oft". A player making a BUKST and NOT* DECLARING it, must be credited with no' ball. All rules governing the Game of Billiards and not conflicting with the above apply to this game ; push shots only excepted. RULES FOR BOTTLE POOL. The GAME shall be PLAYED on a pool table, with two plain red balls, a white ball called the cue-ball, and a leather bottle, such as is used for the game of pool. The BOTTLE is placed in the centre of the table, standing on its mouth. The TWO RED BALLS are placed on the regular spots on the table, as in billiards. The ORDER OF PLAY' shall be decided by lot. The OPENING SHOT shall be played from within the string upon the red ball on the lower spot. If the player FAILS to HIT the object-ball on the opening shot, the turn passes to the next, who shall play from where the ball comes to rest. The game CONSISTS of thirty-one points, and is scored in the following manner : A CAROM on the two red balls counts one. POCKETING of a red ball counts one. KNOCKING the BOTTLE down counts five, except in case explained below. If the BOTTLE is KNOCKED DOWN by the cue-ball before hitting an object-ball, it loses five for the player. TURNING the BOTTLE completely OVER on its base is game at any stage of the play, unless on the same stroke the white ball goes into the pocket or is knocked off the table, or a foul is committed. KNOCKING the BOTTLE on to the floor counts ganie for the opponent at anv stage of the plav. (^5) Oli\ Kii L. l^Ri(;(;s, 970 \Vashin(;tox St.. Boston. Mathematically correct angles with ELECTRIC CUSHIONS There shall be NO SCORE placed against a player when he has no score. POCKETIXG the WHITE BALL in any event, a miss or a foul, counts five off the score. Should a player POCKET the AVHITE BALL TWICE in succession- without touching either of the object-balls, he forfeits the game. It is a foul whenever a player TOUCHES any BALL or the BOTTLE with the cue or any part of the person. Any SCORE made OX a FOUL, or when the white ball is pocketed, shall not count in the player's favor. When the BOTTLE is knocked down, it is to be SPOTTED, if possible, when it comes to rest on the table, otherwise it must be placed in the centre of the table. When the BOTTLE, in any way, shape, or manner, RESTS upon a CL^SHIOX, or is in or over a pocket, it counts five for the player, and shall be placed in the centre of the table. Whenever it is necessary to place the BOTTLE on the CENTRE SPOT, and the centre spot is COVERED, the balls are placed as in the beginning of the game, the cue-ball being in hand. A BOTTLE standing squarely on its mouth or on its base, and TOUCH- IXG the CUSHIOX, is not to be considered as resting on the cushion. When both OBJECT-BALLS are WITHIX the STRIXG. and the cue-ball is in hand, the play must be out of the string. When either RED BALL is POCKETED or driven off the table, it shall be placed, if possible, on the lower spot; otherwise on the upper. Should it so happen that both spots are covered, the balls and bottle are placed as at the beginning of the game, the cue-ball being in hand. The white ball KXOClvED OFF the TABLE counts the same as if pocketed. A red ball IvXOCKED OFF the TABLE is spotted, and if on the shot a count is made, the player continues. It is the duty of every player to WATCH his own SCORE, and if at an v time he exceeds thirty-one points, he shall start anew. His turn passes to the next player. A FOUL to be VALID must be claimed by an opponent, and in case of disagreement it shall be subject to appeal. A MISS renders the stroke void. PUSH SHOTS are allowed. It is a foul if the player has not at least one FOOT OX the FLOOR in the act of striking. TWO PENALTIES cannot be exacted for the same stroke. When not conflicting with the above, the general rules for Pyramid P'ool shall govern. (26) Oi.iv'EH L. ]5in(;(;s, 970 W'AsniNCi i on Si., I^oston, The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS have no Rival. High Low Jack. This GAME is PLAYED on a pool table, with a reo^ulation set of pool balls. The tifteen ball is HIGH; the one ball LOW; the nine ball JACK; the higfhest agrgregate GAME. High Low Jack and Game, each count one point to the possessor, the whole game being seven points. The HIGH, LOW and JACK are of equal VALUE, the first holed taking precedence in making score. In SETTING UP the TRIANGLE the three counting balls are placed in the centre, High in front. When players have EACH ONE TO GO, a ball is often placed 2\ inch from the bottom cushion and pocketed by banking it to decide game. Rules for pyramid not conflicting, apply. Continuous Pool. This game is played with a regular set of pool balls. The game CON- SISTS of a mutualiv agreed number of points, each ball pocketed counting one point. When all the BA^^LS are CLEARED from the TABLE, they are reset with the triangle, the player and play continuing without inter- ruption until the number of points agreed upon be made by one side. The CHOICE OF LEAD is determined by banking the same as in the American Carom game of billiards. The opening stroke is played from within the string against the pryamid of object-balls and must drive two or more to a cushion or one into a pock- et, failing to do either, two points are forfeited, the balls reset and the player tries again, and until a shot is made without forfeiture. A player continues to play until he fails to count. After the breaking shot the players must designate the ball to be pock- eted or return pocketed ball to table and lose the inning. If more than one ball is named, to count, all named must be pocketed. If a hall OTHER THAN the ONE NAMED be hit, the player need NOT pay the forfeit for a miss. The OBJECT-BALL when RETURNED to the table must be placed oi> the lower spot or as near it as possible on a straight line below. On each stroke the player must either pocket a ball or drive one object- ball or cue-ball, after contact with an object-ball, to a cushion under a pen- altv of forfeiture of one point. Should the CUE-BALL ALSO be POCK- ETED only one point is forfeited. ALL STROKES must be made with the POINT of the CUE. Each ball pocketed counts one for the player. One point is forfeited for making a miss, or forcing the striking ball off the table. Should a ball be pocketed at the sam^ time it is returned to the table. (27) Oliver L. Briggs. 970 Washington St.. Boston. Club Men Like the ELECTRIC CUSHIONS. The cue BALL being IX HAND, the plav must be at a ball outside the string line from any point behind the string. Should there be no ball outside the string the ball nearest the string is placed on the lower spot. A ball on the line is within it. The striker touching the CUE BALL in any way is counted a stroke, and subjects the oflender to all penalties attached thereto. The player TOUCHING an OBJECT BALL in any w ay, the disturbed ball shall be replaced or left and the player plays his shot or not as his adversary decides. In either case the turn is lost and no count can be made. One point is forfeited if any BALLS are IN MOTION when a stroke is made. The turn is also lost. The cue ball being STRUCK TWICE, the striker loses his turn and forfeits one point, the balls being replaced in their former position if desired by the opponent. Two points are forfeited for playing OUT OF TUEN if discovered before the second stroke is played. Should more than one stroke be made, the playe)' plays his innings out, the opponent playing the next two innings in succession. In case of outside DISTURBANCE OF BALLS, they are re-placed as near as possible to their former position. PUSH SHOTS are allowed. Should a player with a CLT: BALL IN HAND play from a point out- side the string without being checked, the shot is good. Being warned and persisting his turn is lost and the balls disturbed by the stroke are replaced. One point is forfeited when THE PLAYER'S BOTH FEET are not on the floor when striking. Should a fair shot be completed, pocketing a ball, and then the player touch or move a ball on the table, his turn is lost, but the pocketed ball is counted. A player making three forfeits in succession forfeits all the balls on the table, ^^'ithdrawal forfeits the game. A forfeiture mast be counted before the next shot, or not at all. (zS) Oliver L, Briggs. 970 \\ ashin(;ton St., Boston. The ELECTRIC CUSHIONS will never make you Miss. THE NEW FRENCH GAME. AS PLAVKD IN PAK1>. DIAGRAM FIRST The OBJECT of this game i?^ to drive the red ball inside the quad- rant C, made with a convenient radi- os, by the white ball played from within the string line down the table. The RED BALL is placed in the upper right hand corner, touching the side and end cushions. The WHITE, anywhere inside the string line. The GAME is WOX by the player who drives the red ball inside the quadrant in the least number of shots. The WHITE BALL is PLAYED I down the table, and must, before striking the red, go first to the left hand cushion, then the lower cushion. The white ball for EACH SHOT is taken in hand, and played as above described. After an inning commences, the RED ball must not be touched, but allowed to ROLL FREELY, as driven by the white. Should the player, AFTER TEX SHOTS, fail to '•corner" the red ball, then the inning is at an end. The red ball is replaced, as at the beginning, its place being marked, and the next player plays. At the commencment Red ball in position. WTiite ball in position for first shot, of a plaver's SECOND INNING, the Inclosed space, left hand comer. j.^^ ball" is placed in its former posi- tion, us marked at t^e end of his former inning. Marked spot. (29) DON^T! Don't fail to brush the cloth each time the table is used. Don't brush the cloth against the nap, but brush FKOM the head of the table. Don't let the table remain uncovered when not in use. Don't let the cushion screws become loose. Don't lean the cues against the wall but always keep them in a perpendicular position, thus avoiding warping. Don't let the leather project over the point of the cue, thus tearing the cloth. Use sand paper or a file. Don't blame the table when your ivory balls roll untrue, but send them to a maker to be put in order. Ivory balls are always getting out of round, no matter how well seasoned they may be, because ivory shrinks only one way. Don't let the woodwork on your tables get dirty; take good care of it, rubbing with a soft cloth or using polish recommended by a maker. Don't put polish on your tables which you know nothing about, as in many cases nice work is defaced or ruined by such treatment. Don't let your table get run down. Have your cloth taken ofi* and bed dusted, also a general over- hauling every little while, which a good workman can do in a short time and at a small cost. Don't let inexperienced persons tamper with your table. (30) INDEX Articles Aecompauyiug Tables ^ Awards 4 Billiard Koom 5 Billiard Room Fittings '•) Billiard Supplies 10, 11, 12 Brlggs' Tables S Cues 1"2 Don't 30 Electric Cushions 7 Popular Styles S Price List of Cues 13 Price List of Supplies 14, 15 Repairs 14 Rules for Balk Line Billiards 22 Bank Shot Billiards 21 Battle Pool . 25 (Continuous Pool 27 Cushion Caroms 21 Forty-one Pool 24 French Game 2'.i High Low Jack 27 Kiss Carom 22 Pyratnid Pool .22 Three Ball Carom 18 Three Cushion Carom 21 Winning and Losing Carambole 17 Setting Up Table li; Slow Cushions 7 Tipping Cues 6 MB -6 6^0 ^oy ,u V- - %..<^ ;,^i^\ V.-i*' -^^^fA". -^^ A^ -^^ """ >" ^ ""^" <^' ^^ C .0 ■, MM^ ^^^ r-\' '^0' HO, .<^' -o.*' • "•*'. \.'-r ^,' ■ ■i ,;*v»'^,- ^. V" '^. •^