qass &Vfffk - Book2L5 ftie- LC Control Numbei tmp96 026373 STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION Rules and Regulations for the Government of Boxing in the State of Minnesota Part I. Preliminary Provisions and Duties Imposed on Clubs 1. The general offices of the Minnesota State Athletic Commission shall be located at the office or business place of the Secretary in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. 2. The offices shall be open between the hours of 9 A. M. and 5 P. M. except legal holi- days, and Saturdays from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. only. 3. Blank applications forms for license to conduct boxing and sparring matches or exhi- bitions, and all other blanks to be used in con- nection therewith shall be provided by the Commission. 4. Applications for licenses and accompany- ing documents required by law and the rules of the Commission shall be written plainly and all questions appearing thereon shall be answered fully. Said application and all other documents required by the Commission from any club shall be signed and verified by an officer thereof. CJ» 'V/V^ 5. All papers filed with the Commission shall be the property of the Commission. 6. Before acting on the application for a license, the Commission may in its discretion, examine on oath any officer of the applicant and other witnesses. 7. The form of the license shall be as follows : State of Minnesota. State Athletic Commission. To All Whom It May Concern: — License No Whereas due application was made for a license in accordance with the terms of Chapter 363 of Laws of Minnesota for the year 1915, and the Rules and Regulations of the State Athletic Commission, and the said Commission having duly considered the said application and ordered the issuance of a license thereon, Now Therefore, The State of Minnesota, by and through the State Athletic Commission, does hereby grant unto: a license to conduct, hold or give boxing and sparring matches and exhibitions within the State of Minnesota in accordance with the oro visions of law aforesaid, and subject to such Rules and Regulations, and amendments there- of, as the State Athletic Commission may from time to time prescribe for a period of twelve (12) months from the date hereof. This license is revokable at the pleasure of the Commission. ___* ^_ M «„ -i LI WWW OF CONGRESS r8:ceiveo AUQ181M1 OOOUMINTA 0IVI9ION In Testimony Whereof, the State Athletic Commission has caused these presents to be signed by its Chairman and Secretary and has affixed its seal this day of..., ,19 State Athletic Commission. (Commission Seal.) By Chairman. Secretary. 8. All clubs holding licenses shall be held absolutely responsible to the Commission for all matches or exhibitions held by said clubs, and compliance by them, and each of them, with the Rules and Regulations of the Com- mission, and the laws of the State of Minnesota. 9. All clubs must file with the Secretary of the Commission a statement, in writing and on blanks furnished by the Commission at least three days prior to the holding of any such contest or exhibition, and such statement shall show the name of the club, the place or city where such exhibition or contest will be held, the name and location of the building wherein the same will be held, and the esti- mated seating capacity thereof, that such building complies with the provisions of Chapter 363, Laws 1915, the names of the contestants and the weights—each contestant respectively :W- S * b will make, together with such other information as the Commission may require. At the same time, such club shall pay to the Commissior, either in money or by certified check, a fee in the sum of One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each and every exhibition, contest or match, (not bout) given by such club. Every club, incorporation or association is hereby forbidden and prohibited from giving any match, exhibition or contest, unless it shall have first filed such statement aforesaid, and paid such fee, of which fact the receipt of the Secretary of compliance herewith shall be evidence. 10. The financial report required by Sec. 8 of Chapter 363, Laws 1915, shall be made in duplicate, one copy shall be transmitted to the State Auditor of the State of Minnesota, and the other copy shall be filed with the Secre- tary of the Commission together with the receipt of the State Treasurer, showing the payment of such statutory tax. Blank forms for the foregoing reports shall be furnished by the Commission. 11. No person shall be admitted to any boxing or sparring match or exhibition who is under 16 years of age. 12. No person shall be admitted to a boxing or sparring match or exhibition without a ticket. 13. All tickets issued to the Press shall be marked "Press". All complimentary tickets fihall be marked "Complimentary." The total number of complimentary tickets, exclusive of press tickets, shall be limited to three (3) per centum of the seating capacity of the hall or auditorium wherein the exhibition or match is held. 14. All tickets, exclusive of press and com- plimentary tickets, shall have the price plainly printed thereon, and shall have a coupon attached, which may be held by the purchaser thereof. 15. The price of tickets shall be printed in large type and displayed above all ticket sellers' windows and shall not be varied. 16. Every ticket must be deposited by the ticket-taker in a locked box, which shall only be opened by an officer of the club, corporation or association holding the license, and such officers shall count the number of each class of tickets in such box or boxes, in the presence of a representative of the Commission or of the State Auditor, and shall also report the number of exchange sales and the amount received therefor. 17. The Commission may appoint an official representative, who shall receive a card author- izing him to act as such. He shall be present at all matches or exhibitions to see that the Rules and Regulations of the Commission are strictly observed, and shall also be present at the counting of the gross receipts and tickets aforesaid. 18. One representative from each newspaper holding a press ticket, shall be entitled to a seat in the row or stand. 19. Representatives of papers holding press tickets shall receive preference in the allotment of press seats. 20. No intoxicating liquors shall be sold or allowed in the hall or auditorium where matches are being held either before or during the pro- gress of such matches or exhibitions, nor shall any refreshments drinks of whatever descrip- tion, cigars, tobacco, pop-corn or other edibles be sold or offered for sale either before or during the progress of such matches or exhibitions. No smoking shall be permitted either before or during the progress of such exhibitions or matches. 21. In all boxing or sparring matches or exhibitions, contestants, referee, time-keepers, seconds and examining physicians shall at all times be under the control and direction of the Commission. 22. No boxing or sparring matches or ex- hibitions shall be held on Sunday or Christmas or Good Friday. 23. There shall be prominently displayed in at least four (4) places in every hall or audi- torium, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 363, Laws, the following notice and sign: in NO BETTING ALLOWED Any person making or offering to make a bet is guilty of a misdemeanor, and will be immediately ejected. 24. No person shall compete in a boxing or sparring match in any club, corporation or association, or any other organization not licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 363, Laws 1915. 25. No boxing club shall be permitted to sell tickets thru boxers, their managers or seconds. 26. No collections, regardless of the pur- pose or object, shall be taken up from the spectators at boxing exhibitions. Penalties for Violations of Preliminary Pro- visions and Duties Imposed upon Clubs, Desig- nated as "Part I." Any club, corporation or association con- testant or official violating any of the foregoing Rules and Regulations shall be penalized as follows : (a) In case the violation is committed by the club, corporation or association, it shall in the discretion of the Commission, thereby forfeit its license issued in accordance with the provisions of law, which license shall there- upon be by the Commission cancelled and declared void. (b) In case the violation is committed by n any contestant or any official, he shall, in the discretion of the Commission,, be restrained from participating in any boxing competition to be held or given in the State of Minnesota for a period of not more than six months and not less than thirty days, and in case the offen- der be an official, he may be restrained from entering any club, corporation or association licensed hereunder for a like period. Part II. Rules Governing the Contest 1, The boxing ring shall not be less than 16 feet nor more than 24 feet square. The floor of the ring shall extend beyond the lower rope for a distance of not less than three feet. Posts rrtust be properly padded, and the ring floor padded with felt or other soft material not less than one inch in thickness, under a proper covering. 2. The scale of weights shall be: Paperweight 108 lbs. Bantamweight................ , .....115 lbs. Featherweight.... 125 lbs. Lightweight.,.. , 135 lbs. Welterweight ,...., „ 145 lbs. Middleweight ,.,..,, 158 lbs. Commission 175 Heavy , .....All over 12 3. The chief official of the boxing match or exhibition shall be the referee. 4: The referee shall be appointed by the Commission, and shall receive from the Com- mission a card authorizing him to act as such referee, and no club shall employ or permit anyone to act as referee excepting those holding such card of authorization from the Commission. 5. The referee shall have general super- vision and control over the match or exhibition, and s^hall take his position within the ring. 6. No decision shall be rendered by the referee. A decision may be given in amateur tournaments pursuant to the authority and jurisdiction of the Amateur Athletic Union 7. The referee shall, before starting the match or exhibition, ascertain from each con- testant the name of his chief second, and shall hold said chief second responsible for the con- duct of the other seconds during the progress of the contest, and shall, prior to the contest, instruct the contestants concerning the Com- mission rules. 8. Contestants must box in proper athletic costume, including protection cup. 9. Contestants may learn the name of the official referee of the club before whom they are to compete, by application to the Secretary of the Commission. If said contestants are not satisfied with the official referee they must notify the Secretary of the Commission in writing, forty-eight hours prior to the match or exhibition, and in case of failure to do so, they must submit to the jurisdiction of the club referee. 10. All matches or exhibitions in which more than two principals appear in the ring at the same time, commonly called a "battle royal" exhibition are forbidden. 11. No two same men shall box or spar more than ten rounds in the same ring on the same day. 12. All clubs and contestants must enter into written contracts, which contracts shall be executed in duplicate each party holding one. 13. Clubs must not willfully violate or break contracts properly consumated between boxer and club. 14. Boxers or contestants must not wilfully violate or break contracts consummated between boxer and club. 15. In all matches or exhibitions not more than three seconds shall attend or assist a contestant, and the official referee shall en- force said rule. 16. There shall be no coaching by the seconds or any other person, and the seconds must remain seated during contest, and must not rise from their seats until the bell announces the termination of the round. 17. The contestants in all exhibitions shall 14 weigh in not later than 3 o'clock of the day of the match in the presence of a representative of the Commission, club representative and Commission physician, who will make physical examination of contestants at that time. This rule must be observed regardless of private agreement concerning match. 18. Chief or main match or exhibition shall commence not later than ten P. M. The club must select from the various contests, the chief or main match or exhibition. 19. The kidney punch or blow shall be forbidden in all contests. 20. Contestants shall break clean and must not strike a blow while breaking from clinches. Contestants must not hold and hit. Butting with head or shoulder, wrestling or clinching, or illegal use of elbows shall not be allowed. There shall be no unsportsmanlike conduct on the part of the contestants. This shall include the use of abusive or insulting language. 21. The referee must stop the contest when either contestant shows marked superiority, or is apparently out- classed. If contestant falls thru weakness or is knocked down, he must get up unassisted, ten seconds being allowed him to do so, the other man in the meantime must return to his corner. 22. Each glove shall weigh not less than five ounces for contestants from one hundred and forty pounds to one hundred and seventy- 15 five p3imds, and not less than eight ounces for contestants over one hundred and seventy five pounds. No gloves shall be used except those handed to the contestants by the referee. The gloves must not e twisted or in any way manipulated. In case a glove shall break or come off during the contest, the referee shall order time taken out while a new glove is being adjusted. 23. Only soft cotton or linen bandages shall be used, and all bandages shall be subject to the approval of the referee. Hard bandage;, or substances of any kind, being prohibited. 24. The length of the match or exhibition shall be not more than ten rounds. Each round shall be limited to a three minute period. There shall be one minute intermission between each two rounds. 25. No person under eighteen or over forty years of age shall be permitted to participate in any contest or exhibition. 26. Each contestant shall be examined prior to entering the ring, by a physician who has been licensed to practice in the State of Minne- sota for not less than five years. The physician shall be in attendance during contest, prepared to deal with any emergency wMch may arise. Said physician shall file said report of examina- ' tion with the Commission within a period of twenty-four hours after the contest. Blank forms of physician's reports may be had at the Commission's office, and all questions must be answered in full. !6 27. No person other than the contestants and the referee shall, during the progress of the contest, enter the ring. 28. If a main match or exhibition is stopped by the referee, or by a member of the State Athletic Commission, or the Secretary of the Commission, if no member thereof is present, for an infraction of the rules of the Commission or for a violation of the provisions of Chapter 363 of the Laws of 1915, the club shall hold all box office receipts of the said match or exhibi- tion for a period of forty-eight hours, pending the decision of the Commission. 29. No boxer shall be permitted to contest against an opponent ten pounds heavier than himself in the lightweight class or under said class. 30. Any question arising, not provided for in these rules, the referee shall have power to decide su h question or interpretation of rules. 31. All persons attending a sparring match or exhibition shall behave in a gentlemanly and sportsmanlike manner. 32. No officer or stockholder of any club, corporation or association shall officiate in any capacity at any boxing or sparring match or exhibition or interfere in any way with the contestants. 33. Contests between negroes and white persons, otherwise known as mixed bouts, are strictly prohibited. 17 34. All boxers shall be required to weigh in in ring costume, or in clothing weighing not more than ring costume and the weights of the contestants shall be announced at the ringside. 35. Unless the Commission shall have been informed of the name of the club's referee as provided by Rule 9 or at least 48 hours prior to an exhibition, the Commission will assume the right to appoint a referee for such exhibition or contest. 36. Any boxer under contract or agreement with a club to appear or compete, who discovers that it is impossible for any reason whatsoever to appear or compete, shall immediately notify the club, and such club shall immediately post notice to that effect over the box office win- dows, and shall give notice of the same thru the public press, where practicable. 37. In case of a substitution, the substituting boxer must satisfy the examining physician that he is physically fit to engage in a contest, or he will not be allowed to box. 38. The examination givsn boxers must be as follows: Temperature, pulse (sitting and standing), lungs, heart, blood pressure, urine analysis (when deemed necessary) and the " examining physician shall report specifically his findings on each of these for each boxer. Boxers failing to appear for weighing and examination at three o'clock, as provided by Rule 17, Part II hereof, must be reported to the Commission. 18 39. All introductions in the ring except of the contestants themselves, are hereby pro- hibited. 40. If any case occurs which is not, or which is alleged not to be provided for by these rules and Regulations, or Chapter 363, Laws 1915, it shall be determined by the members of the State Athletic Commission in such manner as they think best and just and conformable to the usage and the best interests of boxing. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF RULES GOVERNING CONTESTS, DESIGNATED AS "PART II" Any club, corporation, association, contestant or official violating any of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be penalized as follows: (a) In case the violation is committed by the club, corporation, or association, it shall, in the discretion of the Commission thereby forfeit its license issued in accordance with the provisions of law which license shall thereupon be by the Commission cancelled and declared void. (b) In case the violation is committed by any contestant or any official, he shall in the discretion of the Commission, be restrained from participating in any boxing competition to be held or given in the State of Minnesota 19 for a period of not more than six months and not less than thirty days, and in case the offender be an official, he may be restrained from en- tering any club, corporation or association licensed hereunder for a like period. In case there be any violation of law, as provided by Chapter 363, Laws 1915, the penalty shall be as therein provided. AMENDMENTS. Any Club authorized by the Commission to engage in a boxing contest is not allowed to pay a boxer or contestant before he enters the ring and is not allowed to pay the boxer or contestant after the contest until payment has been approved by a Commissioner who witnessed the contest. If a boxer refuses to enter the ring unless he is paid in advance the money is to be turned over to a Commissioner, who is to hold same in trust until after the contest. In case the boxer refuses to enter the ring unless he is paid in advance or refuses to allow the Commissioner to hold his payment until after the contest he is automatically barred from boxing in the state. The boxers or contestants who engage in the main bout are to post a forfeit for appearance at least three days before the contest. 20 Failure on the part of the Club to pay the $100.00 license fee to the Commission within forty-eight hours after the bout automatically cancels their license. The Club shall pay a fee of $100.00 to the Commission for each show but no more than in one year. Any Commissioner attending a boxing match other than in his own city is entitled to $15.00 and as much more as his expenses amount to, this amount to be paid out of the Commission funds. Any additional help other than the Secretary, needed in protecting the percentage of the state, is chargeable to the Club under which the boxing contest is held. Minnesota State Boxing Commission Frank B. Thompson, St. Paul, Robert J. Seiberlich, Minneapolis, Henrv Ribenack, Duluth. 21