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Allentown, Pa For the Members of the Rose Cross Order tf y\ fl 0* 'CI.A453728 JAN 22 1917 HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF AN INTRODUCTION In the wonderful and remarkable story, "The Mysteries of Myra." Wonderful, because it seems impossible that a sup- posed authority on a subject should be able to bring so many inconsistencies into so short a space, and remarkable, because it seems impossible that such an inconsistent story, would be seriously considered by mankind in general; however, there is at least one true statement in it. In speaking of the Black Brotherhood, the author of the story, Hereward Carrington, made the following statement: "The order is one of the most ancient origin — thousands of years old, I have been told. The order had been virtually wiped out in Europe because of the great war, but the master intends starting branches throughout the United States within the next few weeks. If he succeeds, heaven help the hapless country." The reason the story by Carrington has been accepted, is because it is, on the whole, accepted only as a story, and as containing but very little truth, but these people who accept the story, forget, that no lie can be told, unless there is a foundation of truth in it, and few of the thousands who are reading the story, would really believe that the one statement quoted is an absolute truth, as I propose to show throughout this article. Herewith, I will give extracts from a letter received but a few weeks ago by an editor of a magazine published in Chicago. This editor has been fighting the blacks for some years, and many victims have written to her, giving their tale of woe, but most of them have been afraid to reveal their names, fearing this arch-fraternity to that degree. The Rose Cross Order I use these extracts, because it is upon them that I will base my introduction, and because i" have in my possession, under guard of the Inner Circle, the letters which will prove every statement made, and in case some of the leaders of these blacks should succeed in making good their threat, of sending me to the "Beyond" before my time, that all these proofs will be in good hands. And it is for this reason that I write this at this time, for, should they succeed in giving me the undesired, but not unlooked for, send off, both the Order I represent, and its work will be defended and protected. In the letter, marked "not for publication," which begins with a reference to an author who is now in the limelight, the writer says: "She was a Fellow of the Theosophical Society, for some years unknown to the writer, until the year 1898, when Katharine Tingley changed the Theosophical Society into the Universal Brotherhood, at the Chicago Convention. She was in 1898 what one would distinctly call a medium. She afterwards, the year not being known to the writer, joined a Society, a so-called Rosicrucian Society, called "Golden Dawn," whose hierophant was then, and is now. the Kaballist, Liddell McGregor Mathers. "Some hints in regard to this secret organization ar egiven in the "The Equinox." The editor of "The Equinox," one who called himself "Frater Perdorado," but who is known as Aleister Crowley, is one of the most evil, and probably the most degraded creature in the world. "No member of this infernal organization, ever met by the writer was anything but a lying psychic, or a potential devil." There is one mistake made in this letter, and that is, that Crowley is not a member of the Rosicrucian Order, of which Mathers is the Hierophant. A history of the trial in the Court of London is now before me, in which it was not only clearly proven that Crowley had been made a member of the Mathers Rosicrucian Body through The Rose Cross Order misrepresentation, or some other fraudulent scheme, but that he had also been debarred from the body, because of the un- speakable life that he had led. But this man Crowley was not satisfied with his evil deeds, and by upholding publicly the most revolting practices, such as were aired in the Courts of India, but he had gone a step further, and attempted to expose, through his filthy sheet, the inner work of the Rosicrucian Order of which he had formerly been a member, and for v/hich he had been expelled from the order. The "Order of the Golden Dawn" is, so far as we can learn, not the child of Mathers, but that of Crowley, and we under- stand that Crowley, the arch-evil worker, is now in the City of New York, where he has, or is attempting, to start the "Order of the Golden Dawn," and, being evil incarnate, and the charges of immorality was uncontradicted by him when he sat in the Courts of London and listened to these fearful accusations, is no doubt teaching these evil practices to those who fall vic- tims to his distructive and degrading philosophies. * Eut this is not all, this man has no right to any of the Rosicrucian teachings that he may have, because no right, as was proven at the trial in London, had ever been given to him by the Rosicrucian body, nor has he any right whatever, to the title of "Order of the Dawn" or "Order of the Golden Dawn." These titles forming part of the Corporate power of an American Corporation, incorporated some eight years ago. Of this man too much cannot be said. Or, one might say, too little cannot be said of him, since he and his work should be forgotten. During the trial in London it was clearly shown *Those desiring complete information concerning people, teachings, etc., should write to "The Looking Glass," 149 Fleet street, E. C, London, England, and get copies of issue Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec, 1910, and May 6th, 1911. The Rose Cross Order that he upheld the most revolting practices, practices which work to the destruction of not only the Occulist, but the destruction of any man or woman who is unfortunate enough to fall a victim to them. The only reason we mention this man Crowley is because he is a great possibility for evil; he is in New York City, and is attempting to establish in that great city lodges of the most deadly and destructive evils. Evils such as put White Slavery to the blush. In other words, without passing judgment, but according to the testimony of men in the London trial, he is worse than a moral leper, if there is such a thing. This brings us to another phase of the great controversy, namely, the work of some members of the Theosophical Society, though I wish it to be clearly understood that this article is not indicting the Theosophical Society as a whole, but only certain members thereof who have no sense of honor. In the year 1858 the Rose Cross Order was started in America by Dr. P. B. Randolph. It is not my desire to give a history of this Order, as it is fully given in other books. Dr. Randolph taught the Rose Cross Doctrine and prac- tices, many of which are outlined in books. He founded Lodges, which were secret and in accordance with the rules of the Society. Moreover, many books were published during his life, as records show, and never for a moment did he give up the work of the Order. But some years ago, some of the leaders of the Theosophical Society saw that the Theosophical Society was loosing ground, and, being exceptionally shrewd, they also saw the progress that the Rose Cross Order, as founded by Dr. Randolph, was mak- ing. They furthermore found, that through long years of hard work the Rosicrucian School of Philosophy had become well known. What then was the plan? A very simple one though very dishonest, but what is honor to men and women who have been The Rose Cross Order openly accused of deeds that are foul? Their plan was to es- tablish Temples of the Rose Cross throughout the country, to admit men and women to them upon the payment of a fee, and the passing of a ceremonial Initiation. Absolutely no account was taken of the fact, that the Rose Cross Order had been long and honorably established. That ceremonies were the lesser part of the Great School, but, on the contrary, it was a great school of thought, and of Spiritual traning, ceremonial initiation being the end of the Great Work. All these facts were cast aside, all they considered was the fact that the true school had, through its good work, made the Order well known. When the head of the Order in America protested to the leader of the movement, she replied, stating that the Rose Cross was an old Order, and anyone could establish a body by that name. * What can one do to meet such an argument ? These people forgot that only one body of a given name can be established in a country, and even the State laws recognize this fact . They either did not know, or did not care, that the Rose Cross had been established for the express purpose of teaching men and women the true, the exalted and the refined life; and while ceremonial Initiation binds men and women together as a Society, it has little to do with the reformation of mankind in general. In other words, they either did not know, or did not care, for truth, for law and for order, all they cared for was their own purely selfish aim, and it was immaterial to them whether they, who profess to be spiritual teachers, would break every law in the spiritual catalog, so long as their object could be attained. Although these leaders thought they could accomplish won- ders through the open steal of this honorable, and honorably *See Exhibit A and B at end of Notes. 3 The Ros e Cross Order used title, they have no doubt found that to the people a Lodge is simply a Lodge, no matter what its title may be. Therefore, they must be greatly disappointed in having sacrificed so much honor of manhood, and of having received so little in return for the sacrifice. But, it is the history of the Sublime Order, that time and again should its name be deliberately stolen, that time and again should its leaders and its teachers be persecuted and pros- ecuted. This has been the history of the true Order, but always and forever, were those who persecuted and who stole defeated in the end, and died an ignoble death, "History but repeats it- self." Looking backward, we find Dr. Randolph, in Boston, in the year of 1872, persecuted and up for trial, through the machination of the worst trio that ever lived, a trio similar to the one that is now attempting to ruin the true Order. It was then that the prosecuting attorney, the Attorney for the State, had to pay this tribute to Dr. Randolph : "Over twenty years ago, Dr. Randolph was known to be a Rosicrucian, and in that period he ascended the steps of that mystical brotherhood, outstripping the thousands and rushing past hundreds of gray-beards in the mental race, until he at- tained the chieftainship of the true Rosicrucians in America and the Isles of the Seas, and finally to the supreme High Priesthood of the Order, and the Grand-Mastership of the combined Lodges of the earth likewise, reaching the double office through his ab- solute defiance of poverty and wealth, and persistent pursuit of ideas alone ! ,y This is from the records of the case, and it is well for my reader to impress this upon his mind as he reads this record, because it will help him to understand the work of the Black Brotherhoods, who, driven out of Europe, are now in this coun- The Rose Cross Order try, and would steal the honored name of an honored body. It will also be well to bear this fact in mind when passing judgment on the body, born in the Theosophical Society in another coun- try, and fostered upon the American people as the true Society. In 1897, Dr. Paul Tyner in an article called '"The Tem- ple," wrote these words: "Rosicruciae is spiritual, not material; a Fraternity rather than an Order. Its members are gathered from the East and the West, from among the lofty and the lowly, the learned and the unlearned, wherever there are free souls, and sympathetic and aspiring natures. It embraces all ages, races and climes, and reaches from the visible far into invisible realms of being. 'Si- lence, secrecy and unpretending good works are its characteris- tics, and one member may pass his life next door to another, and neither be aware of the bonds between them unless some stress of need draw the curtain aside.' The law of Silence is particu- larly emphasized, obedience to the injunction to 'enter unto the closet and shut the door' being imperative on all who would have access to the sources of power." This was published as part of the book, "The Rosicrucians ; Their Teachings," because it formed part of a Rosicrucian Man- ifesto and was authoritative. I wish to call the reader's special attention to the part which appears in Italics. About eight years ago, a man who may have been a student of the Theosophical Society, or of one of its members, came to this country, and deliberately conferred upon himself, not to use a harsher term, the title of Rosicrucian. He published under copyright of 1909, a book proporting to be Rosicrucian, but which is directly opposed to every doctrine of the true Rose Cross Order, and is, in reality, a compound of Theosophical teachings of German Mysticism. Bear in mind, my reader, I am not condemning the philosophy therein, because all men have a right to their philosophy, I simply call attention to the deliber- ate use of a name, honestly belonging to a body long established. In that book he makes the following statement: 10 The Rose Cross Order "It is possible to live under the same roof and on terms of closest intimacy with an Initiate of any school, yet his secret will always remain hidden in his breast until his friend has reached the point where he can become a Brother Initiate." Might we not call this the "Deadly Parallel?" Is this simply a coincidence ? Possibly his Masters, of whom he speaks so much, told him to use the title, and to copy, with but slight changes, that which has been written and published, years before. It may be that it was these same Masters who told certain teach- ers in India, of a certain large Society, to teach boys the "un- speakable practices." No wonder the world in general con- demns all Occult Societies, for the world is not in position to form judgment, knowing only of the evil practices, but nothing of the good which is done silently by the true Order. But let us go a step further, on Page 516 of the same book, in the 1909 edition, and just on the opposite page, there appears this statement: "His very name is an embodiment of the manner and the means by which the present-day man is transformed into the Divine Superman. This symbol, 'Christian Rosen Kreuz' (The) Christian Rose Cross, shows the end and aim of human evolution ; the road to be trav- eled, etc." In the year of 1904, or about five years before the publica- tion of this so-called Rosicrucian book, my book, "The Rosicru- cians; Their Teachings," had been published, and, beginning with page 187, under the title of "First Rosicrucian Manifesto" I give a complete exposition of Christian Rosicrucian, under the sub-title of "A Mystery Solved," and therein show that: "As an Initiate, and at variance with the established Church, and these pseudo-orders and imposters, he sought for a way to save these symbols from the curse that was sure to fall upon them, after a more sane age had set in; and it is a fact that The Rose Cross Order 11 even to this day all orders of this day are looked upon with mistrust by the German nations as a whole. "There was a way open to accomplish this, but in order to do so it was necessary for him to expose these pseudo-orders, and give the real meaning of Alchemy, Initiation and these symbols. This he could not do as he had taken the oath of 'Silence' even before he became a neophyte. He, however, perceived another way to accomplish this end, and this was by giving to the world a radical treatise that would throw ridicule on the so-called Alchemists, and others of that ilk, and at the same time give great and 'Inner' secrets to the world in a veiled language, and in such a way that it would draw the people away from these im- posters and arouse their curosity. This he could not do under his own name as it was necessary to reveal some secrets which he had learned, and at that time the true Order was very strict; he, therefore, sought for a nom-de- plume, and as the Rose Cross were the most powerful and universally known symbols of that or of any other time, even as they are at the present day; furthermore, as both of them are symbols of Esoteric Christian- ity, he took the name — the "Christian Rose and Cross," and in order to make an individual name out of it, he changed it to Christian Rosencreutz, and under that name as a nom-de-plume, he wrote the now famous "Fama Fraternitatis." I presume that if this other book had been issued in 1904, and my book in 1909, it would have been a pure and deliberate steal, but as this other book was five years after the publication of my book, in which this mystery was first explained, it must have been given to this man by his Masters. Possibly these Masters had imbibed a little too much, and had read the mys- tery in the published book, but thought they had read it in the Astral lights. But this man was not satisfied with this triple act, or what- ever you wish to term it. He had to go a step further. In the year of 1908, the series of books and lessons, known 12 The Rose Cross Order as Soul Science, were first started, as International Copyrights will show. At first, it must be admitted, this was a difficult proposition. But, as explained thus far, our good name having been deliberately taken and used to palm off goods which were not what they were called, we thought it best to allow the name Rose Cross to be in abeyance, and to use our own coined title of Soul Science, at least, until such time as mankind would learn the truth. Though, as stated before, the Soul Science work, being new to the public, it was a difficult task, but gradually the good work that was being accomplished through Soul Science became known, and it was an easy matter to reach the public with the work under that name. But early in the present year a member of the Inner Order sent us a marked copy of a magazine, in which he found that this same man had deliberately used the title as coined by our School, but had prefixed the word "Christian," evidently he thought it would protect himself against a protest of steal. Immediately we sent him the following letter: • « e Dear Sir: One of our Soul Science teachers has just mailed me a copy of your magazine, February issue, and has marked the second advertising page in the magazine. I, of course, know that you have taken to yourself, without any right or authority, legally or otherwise, the "Rosicrucian" title, knowing, as you must have known, that the Rose Cross Or- der has been founded and been teaching in America more than sixty (60) years, believing, that as the people learned the truth of the matter, results would prove to you that you had attempted to accomplish an impossible thing. "But I now find that you have also seen lit to add to goods which are not yours the title, of 'Soul Science.' This title was in- vented by myself, I used it for the first time, in my literature and The Rose Cross Order 13 the Copyrighted lessons. I claim that no one ever used the title before I used it, and had it copyrighted. Therefore, by legal and divine right it is mine, and belongs to our Hierarchy. Of course, you have prefixed 'Christian' to it, but I refuse to admit that in doing so you have the right to call any teachings of your own 'Soul Science.' "Though you may not be a Rosicrucian, nevertheless, I cannot understand how any man, professing to teach the Occult, can stoop to the position of deliberately taking a title honestly belonging to another, and use it to label his own goods. "I am now taking up this matter with our Copyright At- torney and will try my best to learn whether there is absolutely no justice to be had, even from those who claim to teach Sacred things. "Very truly, "R. SWINBURNE CLYMER. "Beverly Hall, Quakertown, Pa., Feb .4, 1916." # # # Needless to say, no reply was received from this man, and I have not been able to learn as to whether he still continues to deliberately deceive his followers. Thus, we have considered two of these Orders, which we call clandestine, but there are several others which need our careful consideration, because, considering all that Dr. Ran- dolph suffered) and what the U. S .Prosecuting Attorney said of him, it is necessary that we should have a complete record. We now have what may be considered the most deceiving attempt to give to the people, under the name of Rosicrucianism, that which is not Rosicrucian, made within the last year, by peo- ple from New York City, who claim to have authority from the Rose Cross Order, whose headquarters are in Paris. A lengthy article appeared in the "Pittsburgh Sun," dated Jan. 21st, 1916. We immediately wrote to the editor of the paper, sending him booklets in proof of our statements, but have never had a reply from him. |4 The Rose Cross Order The booklets mailed were several of which were issued in 1908, and some of later date. A copy of "The Rosicrucians ; Their Teachings" was also mailed to the Editor . The folowing letter is self-explanatory, and gives in de- tail the stand taken by this Fraternity : • # * Editor "The Pittsburgh Sun," Pittsburgh, Pa. My Dear Sir: — In your issue of "The Pittsburgh Sun" of Jan. 21st, I believe, there appeared an article entitled "Rosicru- cians Trace Order to Thutmose III," which is so absolutely false that it cannot be allowed to pass unchallenged. Under separate cover, I mail you booklets, these are marked "Exhibit A," "Exhibit B" and "Exhibit C." I will call your attention to these as I proceed. The statement that "after approximately 3,500 years, has just taken form in Pennsylvania state lodge of the Order, with headquarters in Pittsburgh" is a statement that is without foun- dation and with not a single shred of truth. If you will give the booklet "Exhibit A" but a hurried reading, you will find that the first Grand Lodge of the Rose Cross was founded in America, at San Francisco, in Nov., 1861. (Page 13, Exhibit A) and that in the same year, a San Fran- cisco citizen, recognized Randolph as a Rosicrucian and voiced his sentiments in a Boston, Mass., newspaper (see Page 7, Ex- hibit A). On page 13 of "Exhibit A" you will find the line of suc- cession of the Rosicrucian Order in America. Propaganda be- gun in 1857. First Supreme Grand Lodge San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 5th, 1861. Second Grand Lodge, Boston, Mass., 1871. Third Grand Lodge formed at San Francisco, Cal., 1874. And the fourth and last Grand Lodge formed at Philadelphia in 1895. At several periods it was found necessary for the Grand Lodge to dissolve on account of treason in its ranks, just as there is treason at the present time, though not affecting the Grand Lodge. The Rose Cross Order 15 From the article in your issue of date given, it would ap- pear, that in order to justify her conduct, Mrs. Hogin would lead the world, and more especially her followers, to believe that there had been no Rosicrucian Order in America prior to 1915, but published and Copyrighted books prove that the Order has been in existence, and continually working, for more than 60 years, and at this time it is working in every state of the Union, in its original states and under its original Charter, and that any body of men attempting to start another Order, and giving out the statements of this new body, founded within a year, as is admitted in the article, must be clandestine. * A further proof of the falsity of the statement that the Rosicrucian Order has but just been founded in America, is the fact that more than four years ago the Fraternity held a Grand Conclave, and that members now living in Pittsburgh were present and received the Rites of the Fraternity and signed their names as members upon the face of the original Charter of the Order. Should it be desirable or necessary, I can refer you to these members and of this Conclave there are in existence photo- graphic evidence of both the meeting place, and the Delegates, of members present from many states of the Union, including California, the original State, and even from Canada. We challenge anyone to show any books, manuscripts or Charters that were issued before Randolph started this Order in America. We further challenge any one in this country to show any books, bearing the Rosicrucian title, or pretending to be Rosicrucian works, even as far back as twenty years, which did net eminate directly from the body first founded in America more than sixty years ago. The booklet "Exhibit A" was issued and Copyrighted in 1908, which is seven years ago. Does this indicate, that a book *See Exhibit C at end of Notes. 1Q The Rose Cross Order which gives full details of an Order, then in existence, had actu- ally no existence then, and has just been started in this country by an entirely different set of people, who have no authority from this original body. The booklet "Exhibit B," which is mailed to you, was is- sued eleven year ago. This gives more details as to the teach- ings of the Fraternity, and is mailed to you merely as a proof of the work done in America many years before this clandestine body is organized. "Exhibit C," a text book of the Fraternity, was first issued in 1905, and is now in its second edition. The first edition was practically all sold before the end of 1906 and the new edition prepared. A hurried glance through this book will give you the Man- ifestoes just as they were issued by the Order since its founda- tion. These manifestoes were issued and distributed during the years as given in the book, and utterly disprove that there has been no Rosicrucian Order in America until 1915. It is true that the Order which Mrs. Hogin and her co- workers are attempting to organize had no existence, but, accord- ing to the Laws of most States, it is utterly illegal for them to use a name of an Order, or a Society, which is already in ex- istence, and according to these Laws such an attempt is clearly an illegal act. I challenge Mrs. Hogin or any of her Co-workers to show any book or paper, by any of her co-workers, and printed prior to my book "The Rosicrucians ; Their Teachings" or "Brother of the Third Degree," by Garver, which mentions the fact that Napoleon had anything to do with the Order, and I further challenge them to show any book, or paper, showing copyright prior to the publication of my books, which mention Lord Bulwer Lytton in like connection. I do not desire to play on empty words, the only proof that can stand before God and men, or before Courts of Law, are the The Rose Cross Order 17 books and papers in actual print, bearing Copyright stamp of the year issued, and to be found in the Library of Congress. I regret that this letter to you has become a necessity, but it is a question in my mind whether it is not as great a crime to allow a wrong to go unexposed as it is to commit the crime, especially when such a wrong is liable to lead thousands into error. Very truly yours, R. SWINBURNE CLYMER. "Beverly Hall," Quakertown, Pa., Jan. 28th, 1916. • * * At the same time, a copy of the letter mailed to "The Pitts- burgh Sun," together with the following letter, was mailed to the Secretary of this so-called Rose Cross Order : • •**•• Thor Kiimalehto, New York City, N. Y. Dear Sir: — It was on March 11th, 1915, that I had a letter from you anent the Rosicrucian Order, and at that time I an- swered you fully, giving you the necessary information to prove to you that, legally and otherwise, the Rose Cross Order has existed in America for more than 60 years and for that very rea- son, no other Order by that name could be instituted in America legally. You ansv/ered me and stated that you were placing the mat- ter before your Chief "across the water," but since then I have not heard from you. Naturally, you must be aware, that any charter from "across the water" has no more authority here than a charter from us would have in any foreign country where the Rose Cross Order existed previously. That is a natural, reasonable, com- mon sense view, and is legally true. I have now before me your magazine in which you pro- 18 The Rose Cross Order pose the "Ancient and Mystical" Order Rose Crusis and I hold that the use of the words "Ancient and Mystical" will not (le- gally or otherwise) cover the issue, for it has been held by the United States Courts, that where an Order of a given name had been instituted, another of same name, or a name similar enough to it that would be likely to confuse the ordinary person, could not be instituted legally and was held as clandestine and fraud- ulent. I hold that the use of the name "Rose Crusis" is con- fusing to the ordinary mind. But this is not what I want to especially place before you, but the absolutely untruthful statements given out by a Mrs. Hogin to a Pittsburgh newspaper, and which I have taken full steps to refute. I herewith inclose a copy of my letter to this Pittsburgh Newspaper and I believe this needs no further explanation, ex- cept to say, that these facts had already been placed before you nearly one year ago, and when all these documents are placed before the American people, possibly before the U. S. Courts, the public will draw its own conclusions. Moreover copies of all these letters, including this one, will be placed before all of our own people, together with the in- closed letter, which will be mailed to everyone of our thousands of correspondents throughout the world. When a man steals our good name, or our goods, we call him a common thief, but what is the man who sees that we have made a success of a work under a given name and who delib- erately and knowingly takes that name and uses it to label his own goods, and especially that which concerns the most sacred things known to man — Spiritual things ? Yours truly, R. SWINBURNE CLYMER. "Beverly Hall," Quakertown, Pa., Jan. 28th, 1916. The Rose Cross Order 19 Letters by the Ambassador-General of the Order for France, were at once written to the head of the Rose Cross Order in France, answers were received from the Grand Master there, stating that this body had no real authority, and that the so- called Degrees could not be had from the University of Paris except by a very few, he pronounced it a fake, pure and simple. These letters are on file at Headquarters and may be seen by any one in authority. Letters written by the Ambassador-General for Spain brought the same reply. That no such Order existed there. The question was then taken up with England, only to receive a reply stating that the authorized Body in England had granted no authority to these people. All of these letters are on file at Headquarters, and were carefully considered by the Executive Council of the Order at the 68th Annual Convocation. In the last issue of the magazine published by these people they made the following statement : "Dr. Clymer operates the Philosophical Publishing Co., of Allentown, Pa., and sells reprints of some so-called "Rosi- crucian Books," written by one Dr. P. B. Randolph, who never had either the right or the privilege of writing for publication any Rosicrucian secrets. In fact, Dr. Randolph was looked upon with displeasure and disdain by the A. M. O. R. C. in France, because of many acts — principally the selling of so- called 'secrets' which were no secrets at all." First of all, it is a deliberate falsehood to say that I ever reprinted, or offered for sale, a reprinted book by Dr. Randolph. This statement is on a par with every other statement made by these people, and, judging from letters I have in my possession, I am led to believe that all such statements were with the delib- erate intention to deceive. 20 The Rose Cross Order I should be only too glad to republish the books by Dr. Randolph, for I freely admit over my own signature, that I consider his books the greatest ever written by any man, and which, if faithfully followed, would save humanity much of its suffering. However, all these books are controlled and sold by Mrs. Randolph. He also mentions a book of 49 degrees which we published and sold. This is true, and when I finished this book, and sent it to the students who had ordered it, it was one of the proudest moments of my life, because I knew it would do a vast amount of good. But, I must say, the hardest moment of my life was when I learned that one who had taken our most sacred obligation, had deliberately broken his vow, and entered into the work with the Editor of the magazine in question. Traitors are the bane of civilization, but as a rule they get their just reward for being such. Another statement made, which is also a deliberate false- hood, is: "After Randolph's death, Clymer — as a printing ex- pert — undertook to reprint and resell the old books of Randolph, and so successful was he in promoting Randolph's plans for some sort of a Rosicrucian Fraternity (whose 'Grand Lodge' disbanded a number of times) that he wrote several books of his own concoction." That I consider the most contemptible statement printed in the said magazine, although there are many others. As before stated, I never printed, or reprinted a single book by Dr. Ran- dolph, though I would be very proud had I been able to do so. I did write books of my own, some forty of them, whether or not they are concoctions I will be glad to have others judge, but I wish to say here and now, that practically every statement made by this man is a deliberate falsehood, and have come to the con- clusion that they were made with the intention of concealing his The Rose Cross Order 21 own act, in deliberately taking a name that had been honorably used in America for more than sixty years. But let us consider the statements made by this Editor in his magazine, and compare them with a statement, or two, made in his official publication number two. On page (x) of this booklet, after making several other statement, he says: "This is why the attempts of Dr. Randolph and one or more other Rosicrucians of foreign initiation to establish the Order in this country within the past hundred years have always failed. The necessary papers, co-operation and privileges cculd not be secured, even regardless of the fact that Dr. Randolph was one of the foremost men of the order who ever lived in this country and was at one time Grand Master of the R. C. Lodge in France, which was attended by one of the Na- poleons." Just consider that statement and compare it with the one made in the magazine, which has been quoted. In the magazine Dr. Randolph was in disrepute, of no ac- count, and was held persona non grata by the brethren in France. But in the official booklet, knowing that he could not put Dr. Randolph in the background, admits that he had been Amer- ica's foremost Rosicrucian, and a Grand Master in France, and, yet, his books were not Rosicrucian books, and of no account. "Ye gods and little men" how Blacks do reason. Truly theirs is the logic of the Masters (sic). But that is not all, let us go a step further in this sublime new system of reasoning. In the same booklet, but on page (viii), this man says: "It (The Rosicrucian Order) has naught to do with any religious sect but vests its power in God and in the Grand Mas- ter." 22 The Rose Cross Order And there you are, dangerous admissions, every one of them. First of all, All power is vested in God and the Grand Master. Now then, God not being present, it follows that all power is vested in the Grand Master. As a consequence of this, the Grand Master, possessing all power, is not responsible to any man nor to any member. That is fact number one, and boldly stated by Mr. Lewis. Fact number two is of greater importance. That is, Dr. Randolph was, on the admission of Mr. Lewis, the greatest Rosicrucian America ever had. Moreover, and never forget this, Dr. Randolph was a Grand Master in France, as a Grand Master he had all power, and did not need any necessary papers. Co- operation or privileges, for all these were vested in him. Mr. Lewis admits all this. Fact number three. Clymer, as a printing expert, went after the work strong and follows Dr. Randolph, and — if you will excuse the slang, there you are. Who is the fakir ? But these facts are true in the main. Dr. Randolph was the Grand Master. As a Grand Master he had all-power. He did not care to remain in France, and as a Grand Master, he appointed his Successor for France, and he left for America. In America, there being no Rose Cross Order, he possessed his power as a Grand Master, and he started the work. That work continued during his life, and is still progressing, as the 68th Convocation, held in June of the present year at Beverly Hall, proves, and we say, in spite of all contradiction, that the body founded by Dr. Randolph is the true Rose Cross Order, and all men using that title in order to palm off their teachings are simply clandestine. And, bear this in mind, I have as authority, the speech made by the Attorney in the case of Dr. Randolph, where he freely admits that Dr. Randolph had been a Rosicrusian and Grand The Rose Cross Order 23 Master of the Order of the world for twenty years prior to that date, which was 1872, or date of his Rosicrucianism 1852, though we date only from 1858. Thus we have dealt with the facts according to the state- ments of those who have, first of all, defamed Dr. Randolph, and then, secondly, have stolen his works and his honored title. While the Conclave of the 68th Convocation of the Rose Cross Order was still in session, the following letter was re- ceived : June 20, 1916. Mr. R. S. Clymer, Quakertown, Pa. Dear Sir: — This is to infrom you that since you have not seen fit to take to Court, as you indicated you would do, the matter of your legitimacy and the illegitimacy of our Order, but prefer to write libellous and incriminating letters, we will take the mater up with the Federal Government, through the Post Office Inspectors, unless you immediately cease writing such letters and making such charges. Your representative, a Secretary in Buffalo, N. Y., has written letters in your behalf which no sane business man would permit to pass through the mails. They not only libel and blacken members and officers of our Order, but they make charges and statements which will cause considerable trouble for you and for her in any Court. Her magazine articles, too, are false in many statements. Therefore, I advisedly write to warn you that we are now prepared with sufficient documentary evidence to proceed legally and will do so unless you withdraw your false statements, such as you made to the New York World Editor and others who have investigated and found our statements correct and yours not only wrong but libelous and serious in a legal sense. If your charges against us were true in any degree you would have been warranted to take the matter into Court as vou 24 The Rose Cross Order threatened. But you failed to do so when we were ready. (Signed) H. SPENCER LEWIS. The following answer was immediately mailed : Executive Council 68th Convocation Quakertown, Pa., June 22nd, 1916. Rose Cross Order, "Beverly Hall," H. Spencer Lewis, New York City, N. Y. Dear Sir: — Your letter of the 20th inst. has been received by Dr. Clymer and was immediately placed before the Council for careful consideration. We, including Dr. Clymer, shall be highly pleased to have you place the entire matter before the Federal Government, through the Post Office Department, as you suggest. We assure you that copies of all letters written from Head- quarters will be ready to be placed before the Postal Department for inspection, moreover, it might give us the opportunity to place before that Department the letters written to Dr. Clymer and others, as well as the absolutely false letters written by your Mr. Saunders. Furthermore, it would be a pleasure to place before that department the letters now in our possession from the Police Department of Spain as regards the school from which you claim to hold papers, as well as letters from Headquarters in France and England. We welcome such an opportunity. As to Mrs. Morey, we believe that she is amply able to take care of herself, and believe that she knows what she is talking and writing about. No doubt most of her sisters of the Eastern Star who have known her for years, would be willing to agree to this, for, bear in mind, she was a student years ago, even when "Modern Miracle" was published in New York City. Any evidence you may have you are at perfect liberty to use at any and all times. We shall be ready to back up every assertion that we make, moreover, we shall direct Dr. Clymer to answer all letters honestly and to the best of his knowledge, and The Rose Cross Order 25 we shall certainly instruct him to continue to quote your own writings in defending Dr. Randolph and his work cf 60 years ago. We are, however, ready to "back-up" any statements that Dr. Clymer may have made to the "New York World" and would instruct him to repeat such statements should the neces- sity arise at any time in the future. The New York World has been invited to send reporters or representatives here at any time during the session of the Order, for we feel that we have nothing to fear from a careful investi- gation, but have much to gain. Your letter has been considered by the "Executive Coun- cil" now in session and is signed by the members of this Session of the Council. Countersigned by all the members present. The copy of signatures is at the command of any Government official. (Signed) DR. HENRY J. FRANK, Chairman. This letter was signed by the members present. See the "Roll of Honor" as it appears in the book "Fundamental Law, or The 68th Convocation." Needless to say, no further letters were received from Mr. Lewis, but the Executive Council was not satisfied with simply mailing this answer to Mr. Lewis, but in Executive Session, passed the following: The Executive Council of the 68th Convocation, held June 22nd, 1916, at Beverly Hall,m oved that Dr .Frank act as Chair- man, motion seconded by Mr. Peterman. The first subject to be considerad — a letter received from H. Spencer Lewis, June 20th, 1916. Letter read. Moved that Dr. Clymer answer same at once. The answer to foregoing letter was read in our presence and we immediately advised Dr. Clymer to forward same by first mail, a copy of which is to be placed on file at Headquar- ters.