•^o* v** .-is&te w .--Ste- *<** «fe ^ -'Jill' W ' •* ^ ■*•. 5 A ■ - ••-'" - '■• Bfc RICHARDSON & CT"" UNCLAIMED MONEY REGISTER OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. A DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF 20,000 ITAMES OF HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN BRITISH SUBJECTS WHO HAVE DIED INTESTATE IN AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND, AMERICA, AND THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. TOGETHER WITH HAXCERY AND OTHER ADVERTISEMENTS FOR HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND PERSONS WANTED, AND UNCLAIMED ARMY AND NAVY PRIZE MONEY From 1665 to Date. PHILADELPHIA : RICHARDSON & CO. No. 711 Sansom Street. 1880 ^RICHARDSON & GO'S UNCLAIMED MONEY REGISTER GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. a DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF 20,000 istjlj^l^is OF HEIRS AND NEXT OF KIN BRITISH SUBJECTS WHO HAVE DIED INTESTATE IN AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, NEW ZEALAND, AMERICA, A-ND THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. TOGETHER 'WITH CHANCERY AND OTHER ADVERTISEMENTS FOR HEIRS, LEGATEES, AND PERSONS WANTED, AND UNCLAIMED ARMY AND NAVY PRIZE MONEY From 166S to Date. PHILADELPHIA : RICHARDSON &' CO..- No. 7U Sansom Street. 1880. *% Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1880, by Richardson & Co. , in the office of the Librarian, at Washington. CONTENTS. Fees, ------- viil Next of Kin, Advertisements for - - - - 1 Chancery, " " 78 Legatees, " " 105 Persons Dying Intestate in the Colonies, - - 133 Addenda to General Index, - - - - 151 UNCLAIMED PROPERTY. $285,000,000. In the Court of Chancery alone, the amount of money and other property unclaimed and awaiting legal owners, is said to be about two hundred and eighty-five million dollars. The right- ful heirs to this large sum are scattered throughout the world, and, it is reasonable to suppose, that a majority of such are residents of the United Sates and British Colonies. This property has been left principally by persons who have died intestate. In the Treasury alone, the money taken pos- session of by the Government, amounts to many millions of dollars, although advertisements have been inserted in the public papers for the proper claimants. Not only in Great Britain, but in India and the British Colonies large amounts are awaiting ownership. BANK OF ENGLAND DIVIDENDS. An extract from the London Times , speaking of one branch of this subject, says : " The unclaimed dividends handed over to the Commissioners for the Eeduction of the National Debt, and by them invested in the public funds, amounted at the close of the last fiscal year, to no less than $14,000,000 stock. There is also in the hands of the Commissioners, more than half a million stock, on which no dividends have been claimed for upwards of ten years." Thus we have in this single item of unclaimed bank dividends, nearly three million of dollars, the (v) (vi) rightful claimants to which are doubtless unaware that they are entitled to any part thereof. In India, the amount of money left by British subjects who have died there within the last hundred years is large, all of which is recoverable, on producing proper proofs of relation- ship to the various deceased persons. Other large amounts have been left by persons who have died intestate in Australia within the last thirty years. ARMY AND NAVY PRIZE MONEY. Another important item seldom noted, is Unclaimed Prize Money. On the 31st of December, 1862, this amounted to about $6,000,000. One would scarcely believe that so respectable an amount of money, the legal property of England's defenders and their legal heirs, should thus be forfeited and unclaimed ; but the wonder will partly cease, when we consider the long period that is usually allowed to elapse before distribution of such funds. RICHARDSON & CO'S Unclaimed Money Registry, For the Recovery of Claims in all Parts of the World. OFFICE, 711 SANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Office Hours from 10 to 4- o'clock. To facilitate the work for which our Eegistry has been established, we have, at considerable trouble and expense, secured the valuable information within; but we would further inform inquirers, who believe themselves entitled as rightful claimants to such interests, that we have secured access to still further information, when wanted, to the extent of over one hundred thousand names, through correspondence with similar registries in Great Britain, of twenty years' experience, and possessing every facility for searching and tracing the rights of claimants, as far back as 1665. All persons who believe themselves entitled to claims for such property or moneys, or who wish investigation to be made for the same, are respectfully requested to make appli- cation to our Eegistry, where every facility will be afforded for aiding them in the matter at a comparatively trifling cost. Wills of persons who have died in Great Britain, Ireland, India, and other parts of the world, since the year 1600, searched for and obtained; also copies of advertisements, and all other documents requiring search in the matter of Unclaimed Estates Dividends in the Bank of England, and Unclaimed Prize Money, &c. (vii) (viii) FEES. 1. Search for name not in index, with abstract $ 2 00 2. Copy of advertisement for heirs 6 00 3 Search for Will 10 00 4. Copy of Will in proportion to length, given when found. 5. Search and examination of proceedings relating to any chancery suit, and report thereon... 25 00 6. Special investigations dependent upon the nature thereof, and expense attending the same. Note — Applications and letters requiring answer, must be accompanied by return postage, to require prompt attention. All remittances mast be by Post Office order, and all corres- pondence be addressed to RICHARDSON & CO., 711 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. NEXT OF KIN. Anderson, Thomas, Wm. d abrd 1858 " David ) brothers of Wm. « ' Nathl. > A. of America & " Thomas ) London 1795 " Francis ) cousins of Wm. " Mary G. > A. of America & Overton ) London 1795 Andoird, George, d abroad Andrews, Hannah, of Essex, d 1812 John, of Norfolk d abroad 1817 Rev. Jno. of Glo'ster,tZl811 Marg. of Dorsetshire// 1833 " Mary, Somers Town I* Mordecai, of Essex, d 1812 Angrer, George, d in Soho Angus, John, d Aberdeen 1836 Anson, Charlotte, of Hampstead Anthony, John, of Beaconfield 1800 An tram', Thos., of Clerkenwell 1802 William, of 32d Regt. Foot Antram or ) Eleanor, of Epson, d in Antrim $ Kent 1815 Applebye, Christopher, Surrey 1751 Appleton, Daniel, of London 1775 Applebee, William, of Westminster Applebee, James Apsland, Elizabeth Appleby, Wm. d in Surrey 1810 Arnold, Richard, of London 1758 Arthur, James, of Yorkshire 1786 Armstrong, Thomas, of Hants Arnold, Lumley, of Northampton- shire Armstrong, Edmund, of London Arlidge, Thomas, of London 1 Archdall, Richard, of Madeira, 1811 Yrchdall, Eliza, of Exeter Armstrong, Emma, dan of Henry Arnold, Henry, of Bath Arbouin, Francis, of London 1763 Arnold, John, servant Arnett, Thomas B. d Stafford 1863 Arden, Edward H. Armstrong, George, Middlesex 1826 Arbuthnot, Elizabeth, d Dorset 1824 " Jno.& Co. Peterhead 1814 Robt, of Edinburgh 1809 Archael, Isabella, frmly Day Archer, Charles, of Perth 1810 " George, of Birmingham " George, surgeon 17th Regt. " Joseph, of Suffolk Wm. , d i n South wark 1864 Ardesoif , Ann, frmly Buckie Vrmsby, Fred, seaman M S Armstrong, Archibald N.Paddington " David E. Capt. Scotland " Elizebeth, dat Paris 1830 James, seaman " Mary, w of capt. Philip, " Peter, seaman M S Arnold, David, d in Liverpool " Elizabeth, o'wise Ashcroft, d 1824 " Hannah, of Shrewsbury " Richard, mariner, Portsea Arnott, Mary, d in Hants 1842 Arthur, John, of London 1770 " Dr. John, Army Arundell, BriantW.,Kensingt'nl827 Ashwell, Mary, of Exeter Ashby, Hannah M., of London Ashworth, John, of Lancashire " James, of Bacup Asquith, Amos, d Surrey Ashworth, John, of Liverpool " Rev. John Harvey Ashford, Eliza, of Pimlico. Ashton, Arthur, of London 1812 Aspinal, Benjamin, of London 1812 Astle, Thomas, son of Thomas Ashley, Sarah, of Pimlico Ashburner, George, of Kensington Ashcroft, Elizabeth, frmly Arnold Ashkettle, Mary, London, d 1829 Ashton, John, of Cheshire, d 1846 Ashworth, Rebecca, Dublin, d 1812 Ask, William, seaman R N Askew, Elizabeth, frmly Batterson " George, of Lancashire Askey, Edward, of London " Hannah Aston, Thomas, carpenter, Coventry Astor, John J . d in New York Atwell, Henry, d Holland 1788 Atkinson, Eobert e ^ ofCuml3el . land Atkinson, Lieut, d abroad Atkins, John, d Middlesex Atkinson, John, of Sidmouth Atkins, Anna, of Brittany Atkinson, Capt. G. P. Atherton, John, d in India 1821 Atkins, Joseph, seaman R N " Robert, d at Norwood 1861 Atkinson, Ann, frmly Grewer " Ann, d Whitechapel 1858 " John, merchant 1807 Atkyns, Charlotte, of Norfolk, d abd " Richard, California Atwick, Rev. Geo. d Edmonton 1849 GENERAL INDEX. Aubrey Family, of Bath Auchmutty, Capt. Warren Austen, George, of Surrey Audinet, James, of London Austin, Robert, of Middlesex " ISdS rf London " Mary C. of Dublin Aulsebrook, Alex, d Middlesex Aubrey, Charles L. d in Surrey 1836 " Peter, of Westminster Auchenlech, William, d in India Austiss, William, butler Auston, Robert, of Dartford Averill, Thomas, d in America Aves, William, d at Hammersmith Avill, Mary, Clapham, d 1861 Ayray, Richard, of Limerick Ayscough, James ) " Thomas > sons of Jas. A. " William ) Axford, Dorothy, of London B Barrett, Mrs. Frances Bartram, Alfred, painter Batley, R., of London Barbor, Robert, of London 183-1 Barry, Herbert, of London 1< ( J6 Baker, Elizabeth, housekeeper Baldery, John, Milbank, warder Bashford, Thomas Augustus Barnett, James, d Scotland Bate, Mary, d 1848 Banks, Mary, frmly White Barker, Richard, of Bucks Barlow, Richard, of London Bartles, Susannah, of London Baldwin, John, of Worcestershire Barlee, Dorothy, Thorp Mandville Barker, Henry, of Chiswick Barnard, Ramsden, of Yorkshire Bance, John, of Berkshire Bayley, Francis, of Middlesex Batten, Walter, of Essex Barton, Mary, of Gravesend Barnes, John, of London Barnes, Cornelius, of Hants Bart, John, of Dunkirk Barlow, Sophia, of Yorkshire Baker, Miriam, formerly Pedingham Barrett, Elizabeth, formerly Hook Basnett, William, a Middlesex Baber, Frances, of Worcestershire Bache, John, d London Bambridge, James, d London Barnevelt, Robert, d London Baker, Frances, frmly Griffin Barton, Rev. Philip, of Bucks Barter, William, of the New Forest Bates, Robert, Middlesex, d 1741 Batlely, Rev. Charles, of Suffolk Badger, Ann, of Gloucester Bargean, John ) relatives V Joseph V of " Francis ) Mary Le Reux Bayne, John, d Middlesex Baker, Jeremy, of Gloucester Ball, Ann, of Wiltshire Baynes, Rev. Thomas, of Suffolk Banks, William, of Lancashire Banks, Elizabeth, d Lancashire 1863 Bainbrigge, Thomas, d Staffordshire 1818 Baker, Joshua, d London 1787 Batema.n, Josiah, of Staffordshire Bayfield, William, d Norfolk 1821 Barratt, Samuel, of Lothbury Baker, James, of Chichester Barry, Daniel, nephew of Mrs. Payne Barton, Matthew, left London 1849 Baker, Samuel, mariner, 1851 Baron, Catharine, Lancashire, d 1861 Baker, Mrs. A ., of City-road, 1852 Barby, Edwin Y., son of Nancy Barrett, Mary Ann, of Norfolk Balsdor, Mr., tailor Barnard, James, of London 1799 Bassett, William, of London 1800 Baldwin, Samuel " Catherine, frmly Palmer Bailey, Maria, frmly Haines Badderley, Robert, d London 1799 Baker, John, of Linton, Kent Barnes, John, otherwise Baker Balderson, Catherine, of Woodstock Barrow, James, of Whitehall 1821 Bayfield, George C, of Norfolk Barwick, George, carpenter Banks, Major Roger, d 1834 Ball, Wm, of Covent Garden 1859 Barr, Alfred, left England 1850 Barker, Thomas, builder, Clapham Bateman, Thomas Major, E I C S Balme, John, of Leeds Barbone, Angelina S , Surrey, d 1867 Baird, Mary, £ mother and sister of " M. J., S J. T. Baird Bagnall, Ann, w Gloucestershire Barge, William, brother to John NEXT OF KIN. Ball, Charles Edmund Band, William, seaman M S Barnett, William, seaman M S Baird, Mary A., frmly McNeil ance Banks, Mary ) sisters of Elizabeth Barnes, Sarah ) Flatters Bachons, Richard, of Clerkenwell Ballaine, John, of Jersey Baker, Hannah, of Warwickshire Barton, Thomas, of Marlow, Herts Barton, Henry, tailor, of G-reenhythe Barker, J., d abroad 1864 Bartlett, G., d abroad 1864: Barber, John Yaughan Barrow, Samuel, d Australia 1854 Bant, J., d abroad 1865 Bates, Ann, Somers Town Bates, Thomas, of London 1723 Batchelor, Amey, of Hadley " Isaac, d in China 1857 " Eliza, o'wise Brown, d 1851 Bates, Joseph, of Canada West Batho, Mary, of Bees, Salop Batten, John, seaman M S Batterson, Elizabeth, Westmoreland Batting, Eliz., of Tewcrofts, Bucks Battiscomb, Robert, of London 1723 Bathurst, Dorothy F., of Wilts Baxter, Alex., surgeon, EXd 1812 " Alfred, of London, d 1834 " Isabella, frmly Watson Bayley, Eliz., of Guildford, ^1863 Baylie, Richard, of Walworth Baylis, Thomas, of Stepney Baynes, Thomas, Captain, d in India Barlow, Joseph, of London 1812 Bacon, Joseph, of London 1812 Band, John, of Bond-street 1836 Bavlev, Peter, of Kennington 1814 Ball, Ellen M. ( children of Charles " Matilda ) Edmund Ball Barker, William, servant Bailey, John ) relatives of William " Joseph > Bailev. of Ports- " Mary ) mouth 1792 Barrow, Gustav, of Stockholm 1850 Bailey, Charles, d Sussex 1805 " Dinah, of Heckfield " Mary, o'wise Moore " Barnard, of Hammersmith Bassett, Mrs., frmly Henson Baker, Thomas " Edward Barker, Thomas, of Yorkshire Backhouse, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Back, Mary, Hadley, Middlesex Backhouse, Thomas, of Bucks Backler, Margaret, Hoxton Bacon, William, seaman R NT Badaley, Joseph, d Staffordshire 1785 Baddeley, James, d West Mailing 1795 Badiffe, James, living 1717 Bailey, Benjamin, of London 1800 " Elizabeth, of Marylebone " Jane, frmly Twigs, d 1800 " John, of London 1800 " Mary, frmly Wy art, d 1825 " Sarah," o'wise Leferre " Thos., Greenwich pensioner, d 1852 " William Baines, Thomas ) descendants of " Susannah } wanted Baillie, James, of Scotland 1794 Baird, John, mariner " William, of AVestminster 1724 Baker, Ann, of Finsbury 1852 " John, d in Kent " John, seaman R N " John, of Devon, d 1821 " John, seaman M S, d 1836 " Juliet, w of Major James " Margaret, London " Mary Eliza, d 1857 " Mary, London " Ursula, Bucks, d 1870 " William, of Greenwich 1818 Balantyne, Rob't, of Edinburgh 1809 Ball, John, ship carpenter Ballard, Elizabeth ) children of " John f John B. gro- " Nancy (■ cer, London, " Thomas 1 1750 Balmanno, Alex., d Kensington 1839 Bamblet, William, d Australia 1858 Bamf on I , Mary, d London Banck, Frances M., o'wise Harper Banks, William, marine Navy Banks, William, d in India Bannerman, Elizabeth, d Richmond Bannister, Martha, of Wigan, dllS'S Barber, Charles, d in London 1799 " Francis, seaman M S Barclay, George, Capt, , d India 1811 Barford, Hugh, of Surrey, d 1860 " Richard ) married 1782 " Fhoebe S lived at Lichfield " Mary, o'wise Bradbury Bar .? e 'B e a?S l JofLondonlSlO GENERAL INDEX. Barker, William, butcher, M S " Sam'l, of Manchester, d 1834 " M&iy, frmly Bond " Caroline A., of Brixton Barlow, A., d abroad " Ann, of Turnham 1731—90 " Catharine " Frederick, of London 1804 " Frederick, London 1823 Barland, John, of Scotland 1810 Barnard, David, of Norfolk, d 1808 Barnes, William, seaman Navy " John, of Cumberland " Sarah, Berkshire, d 1853 Barnett, William, of Hereford Barnewall, George, Captain Army Barr, Jane, d at Chelsea 1826 " Alfred, of Australia 1850 Barratt, Thomas H., of Ewell, Surrey Barrett, Mary A., of Norfolk Barrow, Ann, of Acton, Warwick Barron, Patrick, of Aberdeen 1800 Barry, David, seaman Navy " Michael, " " Elizabeth, o'wise Wyeth Bartlett, William, of Weymouth Bartington, John, of London Bartholomew, Ann, frmly Walls Barton, Benjamin, seaman M S " T., d abroad 1863 " Thomas, of Marlows, Herts " Henry, tailor, Greenhithe " Sarah, frmly Emere Baioton, Jeremiah " Dorothy Barnett, Catharine, London " William, seaman M S Bassett, M., frmly Fish, of Jamaica Bates, Ann, frmly Hopkins, d 1862 " Edward, d in China Baumont, John William Bellamy Family Besley, Elsie Burrow, dau of Emma Beeby, William, d Cumberland 1817 Bellew, F. J , d Cheshunt 1868 Bean, Henry, of Luton Bennett, Ann, of Norwich Benson, Joseph, of Windermere Bettle, Jonathan, of Woolaston Benwell, John, of Cambridge Bernes, Andrew, d Chelsea Beake, Mary, d Westminster Beeby, Abraham, of London. Beaumont, William, of Suffolk Beeke, Thomas, of Lincoln Beale, Kichard, of London Beard, Charles, d London 1741 Beale, William, d Middlesex Bethell, Elizabeth, o'wise Henshaw Bennett Family, of Bristol Benson, Miles, of Hants Bell, Nathaniel, of London Bevan, Elizabeth, Carmarthen 1787 Bennett, Carrington, of Surrey Beadon, Kev. Edward, of Devon Beaven, Rev. John, of Monmouth Beswell Family Bond Family Beswell, Edward, of Surrey Bell, Richard, London 1834 Beaumont, Thos. R ., South wark 1814 Bennett, Thomas, Bath 1857 Bell, Dr. William, d abroad 1868 Bellamy, Ann, frm'y Bailey Beattie, George, of Southwark Belfit, Richard, of Marylebone 1867 Bezely, Sarah, o'wise Webster Bennett, — , a butler Benham Family, 1785—1798 " Francessa Beard, John, of Kingston, Surrey Bealson, Mary, of Aldersgate 1811 Bennett, William | of Carshalton, " Richard j Surrey 1800 Benton, Joseph, seaman M S Bell, Maria S. C, o'wise Arnold Bed well, Henry, of Llandillo Bernardi, Casimirro, d Pimlico 1860 Bennett, Estevan, d abroad Benson, Joseph, Windermere d 1828 Beer, Samuel, d Devonshire Bentley, Abraham, of Yorkshire Beckman, William, seaman M S Berry, Michael, seaman M S Bennett, Elizabeth, of Manchester Benn, Anthony, of London 1719 Beauclerk, Charlotte, London 1812 Bevis, Mary, w, Cornwall d 1865 Beel, James, went to Sydney 1853 Beagley, Thomas, of Somers Town Beale, Ann, frmly Minett Bear, Mary, of Durham Beard, Jane, native of Stirling Beauchamp, Robert, Captain, a India Beaumont, Edward, of London, 1828 Beavis, James, seaman M S d 1828 Beazely, Thomas, footman Becber, Charles C., of London 1816 Beckman, John, seaman Navy Bedell, Thomas, of London 1720 Bedingfleld, J., of London Beechy, Blackman, of 65th Regt. NEXT OF KIN. Begg, James, of Edinburgh, d 1805 Belcher, George, seaman M S Belin, Peter, of London d 1786 " Elizabeth, o'wise Brown, d 1781 Bell, Alexander, d abroad 1838-9 M Charlotte, Mrs., d in Middlesex " Charles, of Perth 1810 " Elbth., o'wise Hunt " John, of Perth 1810 " Malcolm, d in India " Mary, niece of C. Graham " J. F. G., d in Prussia Bellas, Sarah, o'wise Smith, d 1811 Bellier, James, of Ireland, d abroad Bellingham, J. G., Captain, d in India Bellman, Yincent Benbow,Daniel, of Glamorgan d 1828 , " Mary d, London Bending, Hy . , master mariner, d 1851 Bendix, Matilda, Stepney, d 1827 Bennett, Charles, surgeon 1779 " Charles, of Essex 1833 " Charles, mercer in 1800 Bennett, Estevan, d in Mexico " C. E., Mile End, London 1 ' Frances, frmly Edwards " John, of Cornwall, d 1833 " Margaret, d London Maria D., d 1856 11 Mary, w of John, d 1859 " Mary, of Croydon, Surrey I 1 ' Sarah, frmly Lawrence " Sarah, living in 1836 " Wm., Capt., d abroad 1812 j Benning, Lieut., d in China 1861 Benoist, Mary M., "Westminster 1788 | Benson, Henry,ship-carpentcr,cZ 1830 Benson, Peter, seaman Navy " George, Captain, d abroad Bentinck, William, seaman Navy Bentley, William, seaman Navy " Thomas, of America 1783 Ben well, Joseph, d in India Berridge, Cath., o'^'^Horwood 1811 Berry, Samuel, plumber, Croydon " Elizabeth, Croydon Bert, Margaret F., o'wise Markham Bertram, Jane, o'wise Ferguson, 1786 Berton, Sarah, o'wise Kaye, d 1831 Bestman, Frances A., London d 1863 Bethinger, Francis, d abroad 1760 Bethune, Hugh, of London 1809 Bettle, James, of Hale Weston, Hunts " Thomas, I of Northampton- " William, I shire Betty, Pvachel W., London i Betts, George, of London 1804 Bird, Joseph, d Croydon Biscoe, Fanny, of Kentish Town Birch, John, of Mansfield Billingley, Elizabeth, Kidminster Bickley, Brune, of Surrey Bird, H. C. W., d Middlesex Binmer, John, of London Birket, C. J. W., of Berks Biddlecombe, Charles, of Surrey Bicknell, Elizabeth, d London 1838 " William, of Berks 1830 Binham, Esther, d Exeter 1866 Bissett, Ann, formerly Wheeler Bill or Bills Family Bishop, John, formerly of Bath Binks, Alfred Ephraim Bishton, Ann, formerly Clark Bishop, Harry George, d abroad " Thomas, Manchester, d 1844 Brimes, John, living 1840 Billing, Arthur J., 17th Lancers Bishop, Kobert, of Gloucestershire Bittleston, John, of London Bickley, Edward ) living from " Elizabeth ) 1750—1780 Bissett, Elizabeth, d 1865 Bickley, Dr. B., of Surrey d 1749 Biddell, Mary, Chelsea d 1838 Biddulph, Henry, seaman Navy Bigg, Hester, d Camberwell 1829 Biggert, Sarah, Paisley N B Biggs, Elizabeth, d Southampton 1830 Bignell, John, servant Bignell,Mary, of Tunbridge Wells, d 1851 Bigot, Anthony, of Leeds & Brighton Bincliff,Rev. Jonathan, Derby d 1815 Binder, Thomas, seaman M S Binton, Joseph, seaman M S Birch, John, yeoman Hants " Hannah, d Staffordshire 1807 " William,of Birmingham d 1840 " Joseph l nephews of Joseph, " William j Showell ' ' Joseph, d at Hammersmithl812 " Wm., went abroad 1800 Bird, James B., of London " Jane, of Tyburn, 1840 " Joseph, of Ratcliffe 1802 " Kichd. J., Lieut, d in India " William, ) of Newton Abbott, " Bridget, j Devon Birkbeck, David, draper, Finsbury Birkett, Thomas, of Cumberland " Henry, d in Australia GENERAL INDEX. Birrell, Dr., surgeon, Army Birwood, John, of Devonshire Bishop, Thos. , of Manchester d 1844 Martha, of Deptford Bispham, Margt., Lancashire d 1830 Blcthin, William, of Monmouth Timothy ~) " Temperance f all living Margaret f 1730 " Annie ) Blackshaw, Elizabeth I of Covent " ' Edward ) Garden Blacklow, Thos., of London 1838 Blew, John, d Blomsgrove 1819 Blofield, Thomas, of Norfolk Blackford, William, of Latchford Blunt, William, of Essex Blosse, John, of London Blue, Joshua, d London Blecheynden, Carter, of Kent " Thomas, of Essex Blackall, Thomas, of Oxford Blum, Anthony, of Germany Blomely, Ann Blenkinsop, Henry Blunt, Thomas, of London Blay, Charles, of Iffley Blackbourne, Wm., d London 1840 Blue, John, seaman M S Blissett, Thomas ) " Sarah ) Blissett, Mary " Harriet ' Catherine " Susannah " Thomas of South wark William " Richard JBloxham, Rev. C Blazely, William, Blight, James H children of Thomas and Sarah Blissett, of Southwark , of Wilts of Norfolk of Canton 1835 Blacklock, Elizbth., of Finsbury 1831 Blatch, William Henry, of Andover Black, Chas. W., d in India 1824 " Samuel, d in Canada 1841 " Wm., d at Hammersmith 1829 Blackall, Bichd., of Hampstead 1776 Blackie, James, seaman 1793 Blackiston, R., Capt. R. N. Blackman, Ann, of Kingsland Road Blackmore, JohnF., London d 1827 Blackstock, Jas., of Whitehaven Bladen, Wm., seaman, M S Blades, John, of London 1823 Blagden, Francis E., d S America Blair, James, b at Wapping 1778 Blair, James, of Ayr, N B " Maria, otherwise Hardcastle Blake, Catherine M., s, Hants,d 1845 Blackwood, Rev. Robt. , of Aberdeen Blake, Ann, w, Bethnal Green Blakeley, Robert, Pentonville " Jane, of Southend, Essex Bland, Harriett, Kensington, d 1840 Blanchard, Sarah, d Norwood " John, seaman, Navy Bland ford, Mrs., of London Blankett, Rear- Admiral, d 1801 Blazely, William, printer, Norwich Blay, James, seaman, Navy Blaney, Thomas, of Worcestershire Bleckley, Jas., d Godmanchester 1843 Bletso, Elizabeth otherwise Cheyre Blomfield, Sarah, of Norwich Bloomfield, Robert, of Essex " Robert, of N. York, 1833 Blouse, William, d at Sydney 1820 Blowficld, Mathw., of London,^ 1815 Blunden, John, Chelsea pensioner Blundell, Ann, w of Henry " Archd., Lieut. Army, 1795 Blyth, Thos., seaman MS.,d 1841 Boydell, Dr. Josiah Boyle, J., d abroad 1869 Boby, Ann, of Ipswich Boyes, Craven, d Yorkshire 1836 Bodell Family, Ireland Bowes, George, of Northampton Bowden, John, of London Bodens, Meliora, d Middlesex Bowers, Robert, of Berks Bolton, John, of Jamaica Bottomley Family, of Yorkshire Booker, John, d Canterbury Bourke, Michael, d Middlesex Boyce, Lieut., d abroad Bolney Family, Bowis, John, of Lincolnshire Bouillon, Francis, d Middlesex Bowes, Thomas, of Yorkshire Bowden, David, d Lisbon Boardman, Martha, frmly Andoe Boclfield, Mr., of London Bolleau, John J. M., of Marylebone Bond, John, of Bristol, d 1827 " Sarah, of Hackney Bowis, Peter, of Peterborough 1860 Bowles, Michael, seaman, Royal Navy Boreman, Ambrose, of Surrey Bowen, Eliza, Croydon Bowtell, Thomas, of Deptford, d 1822 NEXT OF KIN. all lived near Enfield Bourne, Elizabeth " Lucy " Sophia Charlotte Bolton, Frances, Liverpool, d 1866 Booker, George, of Liverpool, d 1866 Borthwick, Walter, of London 1720 Brown, John, native of Notts Bolcherly, Mr., living 1812 Boaring, John, of Yorkshire Bownas, John, seaman, M S Bodicote, John, d 1783—1796 Bottom, Hannah, o'wise Strudwick Boast, William, left Yorkshire 1855 Boyle, A., master-mariner 1861 Bolton, Robert, of London 1828 Bodkin, Joseph, otherwise Jeffries " Ann, otherwise Jeffries Bovse, Rev. Richard, Wexford, d 1861 Bc !? d ' ?r« Z £ beth ) brothersandsis- « Sara! ters all living in « William ) 1800 Bonnery, John, seaman, d 1812 Bonus, James, clothier, London Boon, Maria, frmly Price Booth, Jeremiah, of Croydon, d 1805 " Samuel, d in America " Sarah, frmly Whitaker Boothe, James, surgeon, 12th Regt Bostock,Sarah,/rw^Yeomans,fZL833 Bosville, Margaret, of Hammersmith Bouchier, Rev. Richd., of Berkshire Boucher, Sarah E., d abroad 1825 Bonghton,Edwd.of Gloucester,^ 1830 Bourn, Aaron, of Wolverhampton Bourne, Elz'th0'?m Francis, of Thomas J Cavan,Ireland Carter, Thos. W., Maidstone, d 1838 Campbell, Major K., d in India Cain, Mary, of Torkvill Capon, Jane, Yarmouth 1811 Carr, Henry, d Middlesex 1860. Carter, John, of Camberwell 1838 Carnley, Daniel, of London Cabil, John, draper, Kingsland Cahil, Elizabeth, of Edmonton Caldicott, Richard, of Lincoln, ^1862 Callum, Miss, d Ramsgate 1859 Came, Barbara, frmly Opie, d 1727 Cameron, Ann, Bath " Duncan, of Scotland 1832 " John, d London 1811 " John, of Scotch Regt. 1719 Cambridge, Elzbtli, of Glo'stershire Camfield, Elizabeth, frmly Thurley Campbell, Agnes, of' Ayrshire 1803 " Adyne " Alexander, d India 1783 " Colin, Perthshire, d 1827 " Caroline, of Ayrshire 1803 Duncan, d abroad 1852 " Daniel, seaman " E. C. Lieut, d abroad 1820 " H.F.Ensign,rf abroad 1821 " John, d Birmingham 1820 John P. Lieut. R N " Maria, frmly Wilson Mary N. S'. surgeon 56th Regt. " Patrick, of Ayrshire, 1803 " Peter, steward M S " Robert B. Captain R N " W. F. of Brompton, Midx. Campe, John, clerk London Camper, James, of Rochford, Essex Cannell, Elizabeth, of Essex Canning, John, mariner, d 1810 Canning, William, of Quendon, Essex Canochan, Margaret, of Baltimore Caplen, James, quartermaster Army Canter, John B. of Bristol, d 1862 Card, John, seaman Navy Carey, Elizabeth, of London 1730-90 Carman, Thomas, of Kent, d, 1830 Carmichael, John, d abroad 1781 " T. Lieut, d 1819 Carpau, Basil, d at Edmonton Carpenter, Ann P. ~) " Edward > of London 1810 " John P. > " J. of Greenwich, d abd. " Henry, of London, dl8SJ " XathanieLcZ America 1778 14 GENERAL INDEX. Carpenter, Coryndoa") relatives of " Bushrod I Dr. Nathaniel " Nathan '1(C. who d in " Wrn. F. J America 1778 Carr, Jane, w, Guernsey " Jane, of Southend, Essex " John, d Eatcliff Carroll, VV. seaman Navy " Anthony, d in India Carry, Michael, d South America Carston, Jacob, of Middlesex d 1848 Carter, Mrs. Ann, of Middlesex, 1830 " Carolina, o'wise Moohy " Henry, of London, d 1837 " Isaac, seaman, M S " John, of Durham, d 1835 " John, farmer, Yorkshire " John, Mariner MS " John, of Gloucester, d 1802 " Joshua, of Whitechapel 1800 " Samuel, of London 1800 " Susannah, of Bloomsbury Cartwright, Thomas, of London Carver, George, of Peckham, d 1847 Case, Bichard, of Worcestersh, d 1767 " William, of Willoughby, d 1817 Cass, J., d abroad 1863 Cassin, Peter M., d India 1810 Castiron, Thomas, d abroad Caston, Mary, of London, d 1828 Castle, Mary, of Wapping Castry, John, d abroad 1847 Cator, Tliomas, of London Child, George, of Bristol Cheer, James, of Bucks, d 1869 Chapman, Mary E., frmly Playle Church, John B., of* London 1834 Chambers, Dorothy " Simon Chad wick, Robert, d Kent Charie, James, of London Cheesebrough, Chris., of London Challen, Stephen, of Sussex Cheek, Robert, of Essex Chamberlain, Eliza, of Chester Chichester, John, d America Chapman, Elizabeth, d London Cheeseman, Alice, frmly Draper Church, Bichard, d Bombay Choak, Ell-n A., d Stepney 1866 Chapman, Thomas, of Lid'dington Cheyney, Levin ^ William | related to Ann " James } Lev r in, London " George | 1756 Ann J Chequers, Daniel, of Lockeridge Cherry, Matthew ) of Northampton- " Bridget \ shire Cheeseman, Thos. of Walworth, d, 1 833 Chambre, Major Alan, Twickenham Chiene, John, d abroad 1837 Champion, James Henry Charles, Thomas, of Devon 1822 Chitty, Philip, d Tasmania 1840 Charieton, Mrs., of Regent's Park Cheeseman, John ~) brothers and " William f sisters of " Mary ( Thomas, who " Frances J d 1833 Charnock,Miss,of Westbourne Grove Chrisman, George, corn merchant Chambers, Richard, of Lincoln 1775 Chapman, Mary, d 1838 Church, Janetta, of Wimpole Street Charters, Benjamin, London 1805 Chifney, Sarah Mary Chittock, Wm., d Westminster 1865 Chapman, Jane Chalmers, Robt.,of Vauxhall 1827-37 Chambers, Thos., of Hackney Road Cheek, Solomon, of Westminster Chad wick, Wm., of Plymouth 1845 Chalk, James, of London 1823 Chalmers, John, of Edinburgh 1796 " Mary, of Berkshire " John, quart . mast. EICS " James, of Perth 1810 Challet, Ann, o'loise Crookshank Challoner, William, of Yorkshire Chamberlayne, Alice, of Hadfield Chambers, Matthew, seaman, Navy " Thomas A., d abroad Chamness, Js. of Twickenham,^ 1802 Champion, Alex., of London 1800 Channing, T., d abroad 1851 Chapman, Mary, o'wise Davis " Joseph, Capt. 42nd Regt. " Joyce, Mrs., of Lambeth " Elzth. of Walworth, d 1837 " Geo., shipwright, Portsea Charles, Richard, of Dublin Charieton, Mat. N'thumberland 1862 Chatfield, W. B., son of Rev. John C. Chatterton, Esther, London 1787 " James, of London 1750 Chauncey, William, d 1765 ' ' Richd. of London 1750-80 Cheese, Thos., of Bodenham, d 1836 Cherriman, Gregore, d India Chesney, Alex., victualler, Liverpool Chesterfield, Robt. of Devon, d 1854 NEXT OF KIN. 15 Chorus, Maria A. J., d Chelsea 1822 Chorley, John, draper, London 1754: Chilnian, Robert, of Paris Chrichton, Jas. mast, mariner, d 1838 Christie, John, seaman M S " James, d South wark Christmas, Mary, frmly Gostelow Cheyne, Elizabeth, frmly Bletso 1790 Church, William, d India 1795 Churchill, John, mariner Thos., of Chertsey, d 1782 " Ann, w of Thomas " Elizab'th, mother of Thos. 11 Dorothy, half-sist.of Thos. Churchman, John, of London 1G80-8 Clarke, Mary Jane " James, of Stepney Clark, John, m C. Laundry Clapperton, James, of Dysart Clark, Sarah, o'wise Knowler Clifford, Rev. Edward, d Sussex Clarke, John, of Cockermouth Clark, Ann, of Rochester Clapham, Jolly, d India Clayton, Jonathan, d Middlesex Clifford, Loftus, of Mansfield Clement, John, of Glamorgan Clarke, John, of West Wycombe Clinton, John, of London 1815 Clarke, Mich'l, Warwickshire, d 1865 " Hannah, frmly Huskins Clark, John, married M. S. King " James, of Stepney " Richard, of London " Thomas, of Tooting " William, London 1836 " Benj., of Kingston, Surrey " Margaret, Clifton " George, of Norfolk Cluley, John, of Moxley 1863 Clay, Reginald G. M. \ sons of " William T. M. \ K. M. Clay Cliquet, R. E. Celestine Clemens, , d abroad 1863 Clinton, James, d Cheltenham Clegg, Thomas, of Wakefield Clowes, William, Henley, surgeon Clark, James, son of Edward Clement, Mary ) natives of " Ann S Herefordshire Clifford, Susan C. \ grandchildren " Alice C. \ of George Clark, Louisa, formerly Wright •' Thomas, d Sunderland 1864 " Julia, o'iciss Sullivan " James, of Stepney Clifford, Thomas, of Walworth ' ' Susan \ " Maria I children of " John f Thomas " Selina J Claer, Jas., of Leatherhead, d 1814 Claggett, Grace, d 1807 Clark, Ann, o'wise Smith, d 1823 " Alexander, mariner, d 1832 " Charles B., of Pembrokeshire 1 * Fred'ck, Lieut-Col. , d abroad " Hannah, Mrs. " Jane, of Portsmouth 1810 " John, of London 1800 " Joseph, of Peterborough 1819 " Julia, d New York " Margaret, d London 1833 " Mary, d America " Mich'l M., Chelsea pensioner " Paulina, lady's-maid " Sarah, Lambeth, d 1819 " Sarah, Bristol, d 1786 " Sarah, of Newington, Surrey " Thomas, attorney, London " Thomas, d at Greenwich " Thomas, d at Sunderland 1864 " Thomas, schoolmaster, d 1864 " William, of London 1823 " William, of Blackfriars 1804 " Mary, of Godstone, d 1839 ' ' J ames "| " Samuel | brothers & sisters " Henrietta J- living in London " Hester J. | about 1804 " Jane Y. ) Clarke, Ann, of Gloster " Ann, frmly Axtell, d 1810 " Ann, frmly Griffith, ^1860 " Elizabeth, Chislehurst, Kent " Lieut. E., d in India " John* \ seamen M s " John, of Wisbeach, d 1748 " MariaA.ofMarylebone,dl850 " Mary, d in London ' ' Patrick, surgeon R N, d 1825 " Susannah, London, d 1808 " Thomas, d in Durham 1864 " Thomas, marine Navy, d 1813 " Thomas, Army surgeon " Thomas, hairclres'r, Norwich " Thomas, Worcester, d 1826 " James ^ descendants of " Richard 1 Meece Beau- " Meece B. f champ, W. Indies " Elzbth. J and living in 1782 16 GENERAL ISDEX. Clarke, W. J., servant, d 1840 Clarkington, Chas. photographic art. Clarkson, David, of Yorksh., d 1827 " Sarah, York, d 1858 Clary, John, native of Ireland Clay, Ann ) children of Geo. C, " Elzbth. I of Rotherithe, " Susanna ) living 1825 " Martha, Loughton, a 1803 Clay don, Rich., of'Cropedy, Oxford Clayton, Elzb., native of Newcastle Clegg, Edmund B., of Salford, d 1859 Clements, Sarah K., d 1815 Cleveland, Mary IT., of Islington " Mary M , Bath, '?meDeMaiizan Cray. Samuel, of Tideswell Creed, Eobert, of Norfolk, d 1862 Cree, Lieut. David, R N, d 1820 Creak, Thomas, native of Norfolk Cresswell, Mary, native of Shropshire Crichton, Strahan & Co., Dundee 1800 Crick, James, of London, d 1821 Cripps, John D., of London, d 1810 Croft, James, d in Surrey 1862 " Mary, servant, Cheshunt Crogham, Christopher, d abroad Crompton, Win., of London, 1720-80 Lieut. H.T., Army, d 1862 Croome, Mary, d London 1863 Croombe, Mary, of Marylebone Crookshank, Ann, Grenada, d 1841 Crosbie, James, of London 1800 Cross, Ann, frmly Cope " Thomas, grocer, Dorset Crosby, George, seaman M S Crosswell, Hannah B.,o'icise Douglas ; Crottey, Timothy, of Dublin Crouch, Charles, of Antigua " Joan, of Sopley, Hants " Samuel, of Sussex, d 1835 Crowther, Joshua, of Yorkshire Crutchley, Jas., d Westminster 1841 Crutchley, Mr. , of Western Australia Crucifix, J. H., d in India 1805 Crump, Mary, of Rotherithe d 1782 Crussell, John, of Colchester Crozier, William, of Southwark Cushing, Catharine, milliner " Kate, of London 1850 Cullern, Charlotte, d Berks 1869 Cunliffe, Blandina, o'icise Topsfield Cu ^ JX^ I of Norfolk Culliford, Richard, of Chelsea Cuppage, Walter, of London Cunyngham, Walter, of Scotland Cunliffe, Ann, d Middlesex " Nicholas, of Middlesex Cull, Stephen, of Gloucester Cudjoe, Frederick, of Ireland Curwen, Henry, of Cumberland Cunningham, Archibald, d Kent Cullingfor, Sarah, d London Cunningham, Thomas, d Norfolk Cundrie, Isabella, d Liverpool 1838 Curl, W. H. R., d India Cutting, Hannah, d Essex 1813 Currie, William, d India Cumming, Robert, seaman Curry, Susan, ^Surrey 1867 Curr'an, Mary Ann Cundall, William, o'wise Morgan Curtis, James, of Dalston Cullen, Rich'd, d Lincolnshire 1834 Cullum, Elizabeth, frmly Turner Cumberland, Sallv, Sussex Cummings, C. J. F., d Paris 1837 Cumyns, Right Hon. and Rev. Cunningham, Sophia, frmly George " Susanna, of Ireland 1805 Curran, Margaret, d Manchester 1858 Currie, Ann, d Kennington 1800 " William, of Inverkeithing " William, d Edinburgh 1862 Curry, Andrew, d Southwark 1857 Curtis, Timothy, of London 1800 " John, of Bristol Cuthbertson, Jas., d Wolverhampton Cuslc, Mary, London Cussen, R. J., d abroad 1852 Cundy, Wilcox N., engineer Dalton, Ellen, of Newhall Davis, Emily, lived at Birmingham Davis, Paul, of Monmouth 1730 David, Mr., frmly of the Strand Dallas, Robert, of London 1800 Daniel, Edward, of Middlesex 1840 Dawson, Elizabeth, d Yorkshire 1868 Dargent, James, of London Davis, Thomas, of London Darby, Richard, of London " Sarah, o'wise Underwood Dance, William, of Wilts Dalzell, Robert, d Middlesex Dav, John, of Norfolk Darley, Yincent, of Cornwall Darwent, Sarah, frmly Sawney Dance, Richard, of London Da Costa, Rebecca M., d London Davy, William, d Gloucester Da Costa, Benjamin de M. Raphael de M. M. 20 GENERAL INDEX. Da Costa, E. DeB. M. Darke, Absolam, of Great Yarmouth Dancer, Francis, d Middlesex Darrett, James, d Middlesex 1850 Dawson, Ilarriett, d London 1858 Day, Ann, of London Davis Thomas "i " Richard ! of Priors Marstin , " John f Warwick. " Edward ) Davies, Mary a Ada Dashwood, William, d 1834-5 Davidson, John, d in Australia " Charles, din Australia Dale, William D., of Essex D'Amboise, Eliza, frmly Beston Dawson, Richard, of Yorkshire David, C. J., r£ abroad 1835 Davies, Louisa, London 1857 " George, of Gloucestershire Davis, Mrs., sister of Major Humf ray Day, William, of Collingwood street Davis, Sarah, of Spain, 1865 " Jemima, s Chelsea, d 1859 " E., d abroad, 1861 Darsie, Thomas W., of Sudbury Daiscol, Jeremiah, Spitafields 1812 Day, Elizabeth, of Holborn 1848 Dawes, Frederick, of Norfolk Davison, Robert, son of Thomas Davis, John, Liverpool, d 1860 Dargie Stewart C, of Forfarshire Daniel Charles ) supposed to have " John ) been born in Notts Day, Eliza, of Brompton, 1862 Damylaville, Madame Davis, D., frmly of Stratford Dalmigavie Family, Inverness Dawkins, Ann, of Lewis Dacre, Joseph, of Cumberland Daniels, John ) nephews of " George ) Thomasin Fagg Darley, John, Esq Davies, William, of Elleswell Daniel, Edward, of London 1839 Da Silva, Baron H. J,, merchant 1848 Dawson, William, of Bristol 1827 Davis, William, d Eppingl867 Davison, Mary, Yorkshire, d 1842 Davis, Charles G. EL, d abroad 1868 Davies, John Thomas, of Wrexham Darbyshire, Hannah, finly Williams Dawson, Sarah, of Cheshire Day, Benjamin, d in Jamaica " Samuel, clerk, 1744 Day, Lieut. Thomas, E^d 1819 " George, seaman M S " John, farmer, Kent, d 1832 " John, d London ' ' Susannah, frmly Dennis " Mary, of Somerset Darley, Hill, of London, d 1817 Darman, William, victualler, London Dart, William, coachman, d 1859 Dauber, Elizabeth, of Olney, Bucks David, C. J., d abroad 1835 Davidson, Elizabeth, d London William, d London 1816 Davies, Eleanor, w of Archdeacon D. " George, seaman, M S " Hannah, o'wise Burroughs " John, of London ' ' Joseph, of London, 1600-1700 " Louisa, d London 1857 " Robert, of Mold, Flintshire " Thomas, of Windsor, d 1797 " William, of London, d 1833 Davis, Capt. Evan, d India 1827 " James, d Pembroke 1827 " James, d London " Josiah, of London 1700 " John, seaman, d 1842 " George, of London, d 1841 " Isaac, mariner, d 1823 " Henry, of Oxford " Louisa, of Holborn 1857 " Mary, of Oxford, d abrd 1826 " Mrs. Mary, of Sussex " Richard, mariner, Bermuda " Thomas, d in London 1790 " Charles ) brothers of Mary " George > D. of Tyldesly, " William ) Lancashire Datton, Richard, d Oxford 1812 Davey, John, of London, d 183J " ' Mary, of Chelsea Dawe, Geo. Rd. of Marylebone, dl829 Daws, Alice, native of Plymouth Dailey, William, d America 1812 Daldy, Ephraim, d Kent 1822 Davill, John, d Surrey 1815 Deacle, Sophia, frmly of Chichester Dean, Elizabeth, o'wisi Kohler 1756 Debbeig, Hugh, clerk Exchequer Office De la Tour, William, London Delahay, Thomas, of London 1725 Delannov, Peter, of London 1700 Delap, Win., surgeon, Ireland, d 1842 Dempster, Wm., of Montrose, IS" B " Francis, brother to Wm. NEXT OF KIX. 21 Denderson, Thomas, seaman, d 1843 Denis, Mary, of the Isle of France De Bray, Elizabeth, of London De Grregorio, Coza Cazar Dewick, James, of London 1831 Desorineaux, Ann, d Middlesex Dent, Joseph, d Essex Deards, William, of London Denne, Benjamin, of Westminster Deere, Mary, of Glamorgan De Pinna, Isabella Louisa, d abroad Dean, Sarah, o'wise Fisher Descudigan, Phillip, d Middlesex " Esther, d Jersey Dewdney, Jane, s, London, d 1817 De Lancey, Susan, s, Cheltenham, d 1866 De Pontes, A. T. D., d Kyde, 1865 De Lavaux, Leon Delaporte Ann, of Xewington De Jon^e, Jacob Isaac, London Deacon7 J ames W. of Hyde Park 1838 Dennis, John, groom Devine, Mrs., of India Deszabo, Imre, merchant, d 1865 Deyell, Thomas, ^in America Dernier, Elizabeth, d Vienna 1861 " Charles, of Madgeburg DeCourcy, Henry L. A., d New York Deacon, Joseph, of Shoreditch 1857 D'Estriband, Harriett Julia Dennison, Maria B., w, Surrey, ^1867 De Franca, Jos. H., Greenwich 1851 De Maltzan, Baroness, d abroad Dennis, Elizabeth, of Westminster De Haum, Henry, d Westminster Delamore, Richard, d abroad 1812 Denison, P., Esq., of Dublin 1760 Dean, Thomas A., of Lambeth 1832 De Bray, Jacob, of London 1805 De Sahitonore. Eliza, Charlton Deir, William Delafield, William, of London Dennis, Mary, w, d Soho 1824 " Susannah, o'wise Peasgood Denvon, Donald, of Lritth 18 ;0 Densham, Joseph, of Kingsland 1810 Denston, Rev. John, of Warwick " Kichard, brother to John Denton. Jane, w, Suifolk 1787 Devereux, Capt. Win. P., d 1861 Devey, William, of London, d 1836 Devies, Benjamin, of South wark Devinny, John, d abroad Dewell,* Lieut. Thomas, d 1825 Dexter, Jn. of Southgate-grove, (Z1858 DeEsterre, Eleanor, s, d Isle of Wight Dickson, Alfred, son of John Dickson, John, of London 1832 Dickenson, Sarah, of Surrey Dickenson, Elizabeth, d Middlesex Dickson, William, mariner " Henry, of London 1823 " John, of London 1843 Dixon, John, d Middlesex 1845 " Franklin Dinning, Deborah, of Exeter 1830 Dixon, Henry, of North Shield Dickson, Alexander L., d abroad " Alexander L., d abroad Dick, David, shoemaker, Glasgow " Douglas ) sons of David, of " Forbes ) Glasgow " William, d at Windsor Dickens, Thomas, of London, (21814 " Wm., of Manchester, d abd Dickenson Wm., surgeon, London Dickie, Wm., tailor, of Devonport Dickson, William, of Perth 1810 " Major Jos., d abroad 1805 " Captain J., d India 18)8 Dillon, Ann, s, born Dublin 1759 " Mary, frmly Wood " Eliza, o'ic^gArchambad,^1857 Dinham, A. M. G. C, s, of Spalding Dipple, Thomas, of Islington, d 1859 Ditchburn, John, of New Castle-on- Tyne Dixon, Joseph, draper, Holborn " Margaret, Mrs. , of Southwark " Richard, of Yorkshire, d 1832 Dove, Eliza, widow Doughton, Hannah, d Kent 1870 Dona ven, Patrick, of Ireland Dobyn, William, of Monmouth 1737 Downe, John, of London Docksey, Hope, of Derbyshire Doolittfe,Elizabeth,/r;^j/Billingsley Doidge, Henry, of Fnlham Dobell, William, of Sussex Dobbins, Phillip, d London Dow, William, d Middlesex Dodson, George, of Cresage Doyle, Ann, d America Donaldson, John, d London 1836 Donald, Mary, o'wise Blair Domett, Judith, of Devonshire Dowdall, Granville, Hockridge Dolier, Isabella, of Liverpool Dolier, Edward, of London Dobbing, Anthony, of Sunderland Dobie, George S. , son of James 22 GENEKAL INDEX. Dolphin, William, toll-gate keeper Don, a medical gentleman Dobie, George S., Scotland, d 1864 Dobson, George, native of Northum- berland Dolman, J. G. C. Downton, George Doyle, James, d Lambeth 1865 Douglass, HannahB.,/rmfa/Cresswell Doe, Susan d Switzerland 1861 Dove, William, d Tasmania " Thomas | brothers of William Dobson, Lieut. Geo., 45th Kegt. Ft. " Henry P., of Jamaica " Sir Richard, Australia Dodd, Rev. Rcl., of Camberwell 1804 Dodge, Elzbth., d Paddington 1840 " George, d abroad 1861 Doherty, Margt., Monmouth, d 1837 Dolbeare, Thos., of Boston, America Dolan, Maria C, d abroad, 1864 Dolman, Samuel, seaman, Navy Dolman, Samuel, seaman, Navy Donelan, Henry, d India, 1858 Donaldson, James )of Borrostown, " Agnes $ Scotland Donohue, Miss Hannah, of Dublin Dorkins, Wm., steward M S, d 1835 Doran, Capt. William, d abroad 1851 Dorsdell, Richard, master mariner Dorville, W. and G., of London 1811 Dott, Thomas, seaman 1793 Douglas, Maj. Alex., <2 Limerick 1828 " Harriet B., d Derby 1852 Hugh M., d about 1852 ' ' James, mariner, d 1835 " Mrs. Mary, of Kelso " Ensign, William N., d 1824 William, of Scotland 1799 Douse, Joseph, surgeon, Yauxhall Dowland, Captain, John, $1860 Dowles, Charles, d London 1854 Dowling, John, d abroad 1859 " Catherine, d London 1862 Downe, George, of London, d 1806 " Richard, of London 1820-9 Downes, Rich., of Stockwell 1700-20 ' ' Elizabeth, niece of Richard Downey, Ensign, Robert, d abroad Downham, A., o'wise Molineaux Downing, Capt. John, d abroad 1823 Doyle, Arthur, of Waterford, d 1841 " John, seaman M S, d 1842 " Mary, dau. Elzbth. of Dublin " Michael, d abroad 1859 Drake, Elizabeth, frmly Goss Draper, Comfort, of Worcestershire Drage, John, of Cambridgeshire Dressier, Maria, d abroad 1820 Draper, Mary, Somerset " Edward, d in Surrey 1827 Drayton, Ann J) " Benjamin > of London Sarah ) Drew, Charles, d Suffolk 1740-50 Driver, George, serjeant, d abroad Dromford, Jane, of Chelsea and Bris. Drummond, Margaret, d Farnhain " James, W. S. 1801 " Miss C, Edinburgh 1799 1 1 Peter, of Edinburgh 1796 Drybutter, James, of London 1800 Duncombe, Henry Stuart Duncan, Robert, of Middlesex 1826 Duke, Richard, of Devonshire Dunbar, George, of London Duer, John, of Middlesex Duffleld, Francis, of Bucks Dunstall, John, d London Dunce, Joseph, of Reading Duffleld, Michael, d Chelsea Dudley, Thomas, of Shropshire Dutton, Charles, d Middlesex 1866 Dunch, William Dudley Duncan, Ann, d Fifeshire Dunderdale, Henry ) merchants, " W. T. S London 1820 Dufty, Thomas, d abroad 1865 Dudley, George, living 1770 Dunant, AVilliam, Yorkshire 1823 Duff, J., of Genoa 1849 Dunning, Mrs. of Exeter Duncan, John F., London, d 1865 Dunleary, Hugh Francis, valet Dunn, Joseph, of Lincolnshire 1805 Dubois, James, living 1800 Duffy, James, surveyor Dwindell, Martha, d France Dunn, Thomas, of Roxburgh 1759 " Isabella, daughter of Thomas " Thomas, miller, 1790 " John, d in Canada " James, d Canada 1837 Durham, Nathan, d Warwick 1867 Duffleld, Francis, of Bradford Duckett, SamueJ, of London 1764 Ducket, Sir George, Bart. Dudley, Robert, of Bethnal Green Dudie, Captain Thos. A., dat Poole Duff, Alexander M., of Banff 1804 NEXT OF KIN. 23 Duffy, Hugh, d in London 1830 Dudgeon, Robert, of Edinburgh 1798 Dugdale, Robert, of Dorsetshire Duke, Robert, draper, Colchester " Capt. Charles, of Quebec 1800 Dufneld, Job, d Islington 1850 Dunbar, W. G. C, d India 1812 " Mary, of Torquay, &c. ' ' Margaret, d London 1811 Duncan, William G., d India 1858 " John, of Bristol, d 1853 " David, seaman M S Dunlop, James, baker, Beith X B Dunn, Ann, Marvleboue 1811 ' ' Elzbth. frmly Althorpe, d 1809 j " George, of Milton, d 1811 Dun stone, Jas., master-mariner 1813 Durant, William, soldier, d abroad Durndell, Martha, d in France Durward, James, master-mariner Dupree, Ann, d London 1855 Duguid, James, of Edinburgh Dutton, Joseph, of London 1770 11 John /sons of Joseph, of " Henry $ London Duval, Ann, Hoxton " David, of Loud, and America Dyott, John, of Lichfield Dyer, William, d Birmingham 1827 Dyke, John, d Lymington Dyble, John, marble mason Dyke, Hester, d Somerset 1865 Dyer, John, d London 1791 Dyle, Frances, servant, dlS55 Dyer, Elizabeth ) daughters of Thos. " Sarah $ of London Dyett, Mr., of London, d abroad 1813 Dynley, Lieut. Win., d in London Earp, Edward, d Coventry 1868 Eaton, Christopher, d Norfolk: 1799 Early, John, son of William Eades, Ann, of Woolwich 1723 Easton, William, son of Charles Eagle, William, d Middlesex 1867 Ealand, Robert G., d Middlesex EadneU, Richard, attorney, London Eagles, Capt, Edward, of India 1777 Earlesman, Richard, of Salisbury Earp, Thomas, of Withyham, Sussex East, James, groom, d 1852 " Thomas, d abroad 1858 East-hope, Jane, native of Salop Eaton, Ann, d Ormskirk 1822 " Benj. of Rotherithe, d 1815 " Elizabeth A., d London 1810 " George, of Pimlico Eckford, Robert, d Jersey 1865 Eccles, Lieut. G. W., d India 1812 Eckford, Alexander, d 1858 Edwards Family Edwards, John, d Kent 1851 Edmunds, C. H., of Oxford Edge, Richard, of Lancashire Edwards, William, d Kensington Edwin, Catherine, of Bedford Edmonds, Giles, of Wiltshire Edmonds, John, merchant 1750 Edes, Edward, of Bermondsey Edes, John, of Egham Edgar, John, d London 1797 Edwards, Frances Elizabeth " Mary " Robert, d in New Z -aland Edmonds, Luther, Bishopsgate Edgar, Edward, of London 1827 Edney, Harriet, wife of John Edmonds, Edgar, Barnwell Eldred Alfred Edwards, Mary, London " George, of Dorset Edmond, James, Glasgow 1832 Edmondson, Richard Edge, Thomas F., d Edinburgh 1843 Edhouse, Sophia, Knightsbridge 178 J Edie, Robert, of Dundee 1812 Edmond, James, of Glasgow 1832 Edmonds, John, of Bristol, d abroad " Mary E., d London Edridge, William, of Bermondsey Edwards, Edward, of London, d 1810 " Frances, o'wise Bennett " Lieut. John, d abroad 1833 " John, of Newgate, d 1832 " Joyce, Isle worth 1720 " Isaac, d London ' ' Maurice, Cirencester, d 1 848 " N., sister to E. Houghton " Samuel, of Birmingham Effringham, John, d Surrey 1739 Egan, Joseph B., d abroad Egan, Colonel, of Surrey Eiffert, Philip P., d London 1793 Ekins, Mary, o'wise Brown Elmslie, Mary, d Surrey 1868 Ellis, Mrs. Ann Elburn, Sarah, of London 1797 Elmes, Sarah, o'xoise Young 24 GENERAL INDEX. Elliott, Robert, d London Elclrecl, John, of Suffolk El wick, G-eorge G., of Kent Ellerker, John, d Doncaster " Alice, d Doncaster Ellis, James, E I C service Elvin, Joseph, d London 1870 Ellard, Martha, frmly White Ellis, Mary, of Kent Elisha, Sarah, frmly Whitehouse Elmore, W., d abroad 1866 Ellison, Capt., Knight of Windsor Elliott, Samuel, of Southampton " Alice Elger, Thomas, of Islington Elstob Family Ely, Mr., of Bury Eliot James, d Middlesex 1858 Elsey Rosina, w of John" Ellis William, d in India Elkins Mary Ami, frmly Evans Eldridge Thomas, of Stock, Essex Elkin Thomas, of Hanbury, Stafford Elley John, station-master, d 1861 Ellinett, Lt. Geo. P. Royal Marines Elliott, Lt. Edmund, d abroad 1841 " Fleming, born London, 1750 " George^ d London 1857 " Grace, d Devon 1844 * ' Mrs . H. J . , of Paddin gton " John, of Smith/field 1790 " John, of London " J. B., d abroad 1857 " Mary, s, Dorchester " Mary, of Derby, d aged 92 " Ensign Robert, d abroad " William, of London Ellis, Mrs. Ann, of Humstead " Eliza, frmly Smith, d 1858 " James, seaman Navy Jeremiah, d abroad i810 " John, of Yorkshire, of Londonderry " Ann ) Finigan, Elizabeth Fillingham, John J. A., d 1862 Fisher, James, merchant, Liverpool " Isabella, married E. Dolier 26 GENERAL INDEX. Firth, Joseph, of Yorkshire Finch, Joseph, d India 1815 " Justin, d India 1861 Field, John, of Birkenshaw Fiddes, Alexander, of Scotland, d 1833 Field, Mary, of Tottenham " Frances A., of Paris 1841 Fielder, Joseph ) living in London " Thomas $ 1790 " MartTa 8 j of London 1790 " Ebenezer ) children of " John ) Thomas Fieldsend, J. C, d abroad 1853 Filer,Edw.,of Lincolnshire, d 1853-1 Fillingham, Susannah, f?*mly Dennis Finch, William G., d London 1826 " Hon. Kev. Ed., d abroad 1830 " Henry, builder, Walmer Finlay, Mary, Durham d 1805 Fish, Lieut. Nathaniel, E N " Charlotte, London 1800 Fishbourne, J. M., Army surgeon Fisher, John, of Whitehaven " Mary, Brompton Fitch, Mr., d at Cork 1850 Fitzgerald, Patrick, d Westminster Lieut. M. C, 'd abroad " SSI— ^v y Fitzgibbon, Michael, d London 1851 Fletcher, William, d Middlesex Floyer, Margaret, of Dorchester Flower, Edward, of Essex Fletcher, Sarah M., d Suffolk Fletcher, Mrs., of Regent's Park Flett, Andrew, of Orkney Flatters, Elizabeth Fletcher, Susannah, o'wise Curry " Richard, of Walworth Fleetwood, Comerius,mariner,<2 1770 Flack, William, of Copford, Essex Fleaureau, C, o'wise Syfret Flemming, Archibald, d London 1838 John, E I C S Fletcher, Mary A., of Essex, d 1849 " Elizabeth " Mary ' ' Harriet " Jane " Richard John " Charles Orlando Flinn, Richard, master-mariner Flint, Thomas A., servant 1818 " Mrs. IL, of Epsom, Surrey Flower, Jane, w Bethnal Green Folds, James, d Lancashire 1820 Fortune, William, of Scotland Forster, John, of Northumberland Fosse, Ann, of Ilfracombe Forster, James, d London Fortrey, James, of Cambridgeshire Fowke, Mary, frmly Wrotte Foster, Elmes, d Northamptonshire Forster, Alice, (Z Middlesex Foster, Michael, d Essex Foljambe, Henry, d Surrey 1788 Forrest, James, d abroad 1821 Fosbrook, Anthony ~D.,d Norfolk 1861 1 Foster, Albert B., d in Russia " Frances A., dau of Robert Foley, George, Yorkshire d 1863 Forrest, William, of Glasgow Foster, William C, son of Lawrence' Foulds, Mary, Lancashire d 1817 Fontaine, Charles, d in America Fox, Francis, of Falmouth " William, d Woolwich 1864 Ford, J., mariner, ^1865 Foyle, James, went to America Fort, Eliza, Leeds, d 1862 Foot, Malachi, of Clerkenwell Ford, Susannah, daughter of James Fowler, Richard, ironmonger, 1831 Forster, Andrew, seaman M S " Thompson, Notts, d 1830 Fox, Mr., of City Road Fogg, William, merchants abroad Forbes, Dr. James ' ' William, of Aberdeen d 1863 Ford, Thomas, seaman Navy " Thomas, of South war k 1800 Forest,Thomas,of Westminster 1759 Forrester, Sarah, o'wise Fry Forsyth, David, seaman M S Forster, John, d abroad 1813-14 Forsant, Peter, d London 1791 Fortune, John, quartermaster,^ 1813 Fosbery, F., d abroad 1883 Foster, John, d Greenwich 1854 " Chas., of Somers Town, 1810 " Elizabeth, o'wise Berry " Joseph, seaman 1841 " Lucy, of Plymouth 1803 " Mary, living 1780 " Nanny, of Settle, York " Phoebe, frmly Whiteho use " Samuel, d at Birmingham Fotheringham, Samuel, d abroad Fouracre, Mary, Hoxton, d 1841 Fowle, Elizabeth, Norfolk, d 1839 " Nicolas, of Kent 1715 NEXT OF KIN. 27 Fowler, Joseph, d in America " Joseph, solicitor, London " Mr. , attorney, Cornwall " Mary A., o'wise Carman 11 William, of Pimlico d 1848 Fox, Charles, seamin d 1814 Freeman, Fielder, E I C S Fryer, Kobert ( of Newcastle- Stephen S on-Tyne Frank, Isaac, of Leighton Bnzzard Fruin, William d Rochester Freeman, Barbara, d Essex Frost, Eliza, dau of William Franks Family Fraser, James, of Brighton " Elizabeth, of Edinburgh " John, son of Hugh Francis, Vincent, d Middlesex " John, of London 1816 Fry, John, of London 1815 Frost, John L., of London 1832 France, Thomas, of London Freer, Thomas C, d abroad 1866 Frost, Eliza, of Nottingham Fraser, Agnes, of Edinburgh " Hugh, of Aberdeen Freeman, Martha, fnnly Rickard Fryer, George H. , d Kingsland Frazer, Alexander, of Perthshire " Archibald, d Australia Freeman, Alfred, went abroad 1851 Fraser, Capt., 4th Light Dragoons Frost, Charles H., d Southwark 1866 Freeman, J., clerk 1857 Frampton, James A., d Middlesex Freer, Thomas C, d abroad 1866 Franklin, Henry, surgeon d 1861 " Henry, of Canada 1851 Freeman, Mary, Chipping Norton French, William G-., of Marylebone Friend, William, merchant, London Fries, Elizabeth d Essex 1809 Frill, Hugh, sergeant d 1810 Frisby, Richard, merchant London Frobisher, Ann, w, London 1820 Fromow, Mrs., w of Peter Frost, John L., of London " Michael, of Barkston, Lincoln " James, son of Michael Fry, Sarah, w Chatham 1829 " Francis, yeoman, Hants Franckland, Joseph " Jane Mary Franklin, Arthur, of Eotherithe Lydia, Chichester 1829 living 1820 Francis, Harriet, d London, 1814 Francis, Albina, o'wise Curtis " John, of Poplar, d 1835 " Thomas, d London 1787 Frampton, Sarah, o'wise Turner Fraser, Alex., din Surrey 1806-7 " Mary " Jean, of Aberdeen, N B ' ' Alex. , of Inverness d abd 1848 " Lieut. Thomas D., d abroad Frazer, William, seaman Navy Frederick, Charles, seaman d 1850 Freeman, David, servant d 1824 " John, seaman Navy " Robert, of Norfolk 1805 " Samuel, d 1819 " William, of Westminster French, Elizabeth " G-eorge " Elizabeth, w of G-eorge " Mary, d Newbury 1835 " Mary, o'toise Clements " Richard, seaman d 1816 Fulcher, Mary, d Middlesex 1866 Fuller, John Proctor, d London Furnivall, Sarah, of Middlewich Fuller, Thomas, d Essex 1662 Fuller, Miss Mary Ann Funnell, Edward H., courier Fudge, George, shoemaker, London Fuller, Sarah, w Southwark Fulwood, John, of Southwark " Mary, o'wise Gregory Fulton, Charlotte, o'wise Surrey " Charles, of Luton, d 1832 " Thomas, of Picton, Herts " Elizabeth, o'wise White Fusedale, Alice, s, d Surrey 1859 Fvfe, G-eorge, of Dundee 1841 Gaskin, Eliza Sarah, o'wise Nudd Gardner, Miss Henrietta A. Gascoigne, Fred'k H., London 1854 Gauden, Gilbert, of Scotland Galbraith, James, d Scotland 1794 Gater, Richard, of Sussex Gardiner, William, d Middlesex Garth, John, of Durhan Gall, William, d Whitehaven Garrett, William, d Hampshire Gace, Mary, d Greenwich 28 GENERAL INDEX. Gartside, Sarah, o'wise Teaton Gauldie, Ann, Edinburgh, d 1866 Garlic, Sarah, Yorkshire, d 1866 Gayard, Charles, of Lincoln, d 1856 Galiffe, Benjamin, of Yorkshire Calloway, Mary, o'wise Collier Garston, John, seaman M S Gay, Mr., d abroad 1867 Gardener, Eichard, of London 1831 Gabain, George, of London, 1854 Gardner, Henry, of London 1820 Gadd, Ann, wife of William Garner, Harry, son of Matthew Gahagan, James, of Grenada 1798 Gale, Sarah, of Berkshire " Jonathan, d Manchester 1844 Galloway, Win., of Edinburgh 1801 Gant, Eichard, of London 1759 Gardiner, Eev. John, of Surrey " Lucy, of Essex, d 1742 Gardner, Edward, d New Zealand " Hannah, o'wise Stears " Susannah C, s living 1802 " Eobert, d 1818 Garlie, Benjamin, of Albany Garnatt, Win., of Tadcaster, ^1840 Garner, Thomas, surgeon, d 1762 Garnett, Thomas, attorney 1770 Garratt, Jas., quartermaster, d 1809 Garwood, John E., of London Gasner, James, of Eochester 1804 Gates, Elizabeth, of Brighton Gay, Ann, frmly Nice Gerrard, William, of Stirling Genet, Ann, o'wise Jean Gellatly, Betsy L, of Gravesend Gedge, John, of Middlesex, 18,39 Gerrans, Eev. B., d Surrey 1825 Ge things, Ann Geldhart, Eichard, of Liverpool Gerard, George, of London Gentle, Eliza, Hoxton, d 1865 ^net, Anthony j Uving 1810 Geddis, Miss Jane, of London Gedney, John, d Yorkshire 1809 Geed, Charles, mariner, d abroad Geer, George W., d abroad George, Eichard, of Wilts, d 1795 " Lieut. John, d abroad 1803 " Geo. C, of Cornwall, d 1830 " Hannah, frmly Taylor " Sylvester', seaman Navy " Thomas, seaman Navy Gepp, Harriet M., id London, i849 Gibson, Frederick, d abroad 1866 Ginman, Elizabeth, servant Giddins, William, carpenter Giffard, Sarah E., o'toise Phillips Giles, William, of Croydon Gilding, Abigail, d London Giles, John, d Middlesex Girdier John S., d Middlesex Gibson, Ann, o'wise Blundell Gill, Hannah, Marylebone " John, of Eotherhythe Gillet, Sophia E. C, b at Paris " Christopher, of Lincolnshire Giles, Thomas, Somerset, d abroad Gibson, Eobert, E I C S 1848 Ginstimani, J. P., of London Gibson, Matthew, London Gipps, Henry P., of Hythe Giddings, Simon, Somerset Gibbs, Sarah, frmly Skinner Giddings, James, son of Matthew Gibbs, William John, d abroad Gill, Thomas, d Sydney Giles, William, seaman M S Gilbert, John, waiter, London Gibbs, William, of Southwark Gibbs, Sarah, frmly Skinner Gillespie, Peter, of Scotland 1740 Gilbert, John, of London 1838 Gill, George, of London 1807 Gilbert, Joseph, of Islington 1831 Gibberson, George, d abroad 1856 Gibb, Liedt., d abroad 1864 Gibbon, Sarah, Sunderland . Gibbons, Joseph, of Lambeth 1808 Gibbs, Betsy, d Camberwell 1841 Gibson, James, of Edinburgh 1795 " Jas., of Shrewsbury d 1840 " James, seaman M S " M. A. M. P., o'wise Critchell " Peter, of Edinburgh, 1797 " William, d abroad 1807 William, of Weardale, d 1840 Gifford, Lieut. John, d abroad Nathaniel, of London 1700 Gilbert, Dorothy, of Durham " Thomas, of London 1750-60 " Mrs. Alice, of London Gilding, John, of Staffordshire, dlS5S Gill, Thos., solicitor, London, d 1837 " William, tailor, Marylebone Gillette, Sarah, o'wise Cotton Giles, Sarah, of Twickenham Gilson, Lawrence, of Marylebone Gisbey, George, cl in Essex 1763 Glover, William, ship steward, d 1848 Glenn, Eichard, Bowness,.d 1865 NEXT .OF KIN. 29 Glanford, J., d abroad 1864 Glassier, Elizabeth, frmly Penny Glasenkamp, Franz Frederick " Elizabeth " Maria Glazier, Eichard, b 1756 " Samuel, of Lincolnshire Glasgow, Major Geo., of Quebec 1800 " Robert, d abroad 1862 Glass, Alexander P., surgeon, d 1862 " Donald, of Eoss, d 1841 Glasse, Anna A., d abroad 1857 Glen, Andrew, merchant, Glasgow " William, d abroad 1863 Glencross, Sam'l, left Scotland 1730-40 Glencross,Elzbth., sisters to Richard " Nancy ) " George, of London, d 1833 Greenway, Alice ) " Henry > of London " Sarah ) 1750-80 Greenwood, Thos. of Sensing, d 1846 Phillis, d in Kent Gregory, Ann, London, d 1853 Grice, Mary, of Limehouse Grier, Mary A., of London 1708 Grierson, Joseph, clerk, d 1862 Grieve, Andrew, H E I C S, d 1844 Griffin, Sophia, d Middlesex 1843 Griffith, Eliz'h, sistertoMary Cumley Grint, John, of Wandsworth Grant, Henry E., of Edinburgh Grittors, Lieut. H., d Chatham Grant, George, of Walworth Green, Margaret, frmly Heath " Louisa, dau of Charles Graham, Eliz'bth M.,fmly Campbell Granet, Dr. B., of Chelsea 1835 Greaves, J. B., of London 1836 Green, John, of Horselydown 1853 Grinsell, William, of Woolwich 1860 Grover, Thomas, London 1836 Gurney, Catharine, d Bermondsey Guest, Robert, of Shropshire Guyard, Caroline, d Middlesex 1868 Gurney, Caroline, d Surrey 1867 Gutzlaffe, Jacob, d abroad Guest, Robert, of Shropshire Grimes, Sir Thomas Gunter, James, b 1790 Guest, Elizabeth ) - B * t i " Henrietta ° \ ol ±Jllsto1 Guthurie, Julia, frmly Wilkinson Gurr, Jane, of Ramsgate Guest, William V., London 1851 of Shropshire of Rees, Shrop- shire of London Gwyn, Thomas T Mary A. Gwynne, Thomas i " Mary \ Gwillin, Catharine, Gunn, Elizabeth, d Hoxton 1826 Gunner, Sarah, of London Gunning, Richard, hatter, London Gurr, John, of Kent, d 1803 Gutcher, Thomas, d about 1861 Gwinnett, Ann, o'wise Bourn 1781 " Batton, d Woiverhampt'n 11 Emilia, of Glamorgan NEXT OF KIN. 31 Gye, Samuel, d G-osport Gwynn, John, d Worcester H Harrison George, d Torksliire 1867 Hamilton, Maurice Handcock, Captain Elias E Harrington, S., of Kingston Hales, Julia Emma, of London Halliday, Margaret, of Walworth Haynes, Ann, "of Finsbury 1817 Hamond, Miss, of Gravesend 1864 Havens, Sophia Hargrave, Matilda, d Wakefield 1865 Hartley, Ralph, d Manchester Hall, William, d London Hackett, Elizabeth, frmly Harman Harrison, Henry, born about 1662 Harvey, Richard, of Glostershire Hardwicke, Edward, d Middlesex Hay, Richard, d Middlesex Haves, Jacob, d Somerset Halley, Thomas, d Colchester Hall George, d Surrey 1813 Hall, JohnR., of Ludlow Hall, John, d Daventry 1829 Hamilton, Marg'reM Chichest'r 1824 Hanley, Elizabeth, d Essex Harrison, William, of London Ha ward, Searl E., d Surrey 1766 Haward, Edward, of Surrey 1809 Hall, Esther, sister of Mrs. Ennis Hawes, Sarah Hawes, Jane, married Mr. Johnson Hawes, Francis, of London Hawes, Matthew, son of Francis Ha worth, Sarah, of Chester Hards, Ann, d 1842 Hardman, Catherine Harford, Mary, servant 1810 Hale, Ann, Brompton, d 1839 Hales, Robert, of Norfolk Hardman, Sarah, w Hadfield Hall, William, seaman, d-1845 Ilarland, Robert, of Southwark Harris, Richard Halsey, Mary, of Middlesex Harris, Mark S., of London, 1793 Hartwall, James, d Somerset 1866 Hammond, Robert, of London Hamp, Alfred, brother to Edward Haynes, James, went abroad 1852 Hampshire, Mary, of Whitcchapel Hargreaves, William, of Lancashire Hayes, Jane, o\oise Hambley 1807 Harvey, William, of Falmouth Hassell, John, d Staffordshire 1822 Haley, Martha, frmly Hassell Harpe, Grace, frmly Hassell Hassell, Elizabeth, sister of John Harrison, Lauristina, d abroad 1862 Harries, Elizabeth Harris, William, blacksmith Hampton, John, servant Hassen, Jane, married Mr. Cook Hall, William G., of Bombay Halford, Joseph b at Utah Harris, Susannah, of Chemlsford Hartshorn, Mary, Bilston, d 1843 Haine, Madame R., of Antwerp 1856 Harrison, A. W., of Wolverhampton Harper, Frances, Surrey, d 1861 Haigh, Mr., trustee of Elizabeth Waskett Harris, Henry, o'wise Hunt Harding, John, Surrey, d 1842 Harding, William ^'brothers and " Thomas > sisters of John, Elizabeth ) of Surrey Harrison, Mr., of Liverpool Hams, Robert P., d Liverpool Haines, Maria, o'wise Bailey Harrington, Richard, Warrington, dl863 Haynes, Susannah, o'wise Maltwood Hahlon, J,, d abroad Harris, Edward, of Clerkenwell Haley, Robert, of London 1814 Harrap, Harriett, frmly Legood Harriss, W. T. O., of City Road 1854 Harvey, Kate, of Brompton Haynes, Ann, of Finsbury 1820 Hayes, Charles, wine merchant 1815 Hagarty,Marg'ret, of Shoreditch 1866 Haggison, John, seaman M S Hartley, Bernard, d Yorkshire Hardy, Lucretia C, Middlesex Hardman, Daniel, of London Harvey, Susannah, b 1757 Handen, Mary, Middlesex Hall, Ann, d in Paris Hamilton, John J., d Yentnor 1866 Hackett, Charles A., living 1835 Hawkins, James, son of Robert Hammond, Mr. Hartley, William, left England 1835 Hardy, Elizabeth, Sussex, d 1860 Haynes, Benjamin Hammond, Robt, went abroad 1854 Hardy, S. C, w of Admiral John H. 32 GENERAL INDEX. Hardy, Sarah, of London Harrington, Joseph, of Isle of Wighj; Hamilton, Henry, d abroad 1808 " Rev. Andrew, of Ireland " Rev. Edmund, of Ireland Hammond, Sarah " Martin, mariner, d 1794 " Rev.James,livingl820-33 " John, d in America Hampton, John, d 1859 Hand, Elizabeth, o'toise Miller " Richard (Jr., d at Chelsea Handley, Frances, Birmingham Hankins, Mary, of London 18. >0 Hannaford, Geo., mariner, d L827 Hannay, Martha, of Westminster Hannington, Lieut. J. G., d abroad Hanson, Cath , of Westminster Hansen, J. , d abroad 1863 Harbut, Delia, Lincolnshire 1838 Harcourt, M. R. G., frmly Stracey Hardcastle, Maria, frmly Blair Harden, Mary, frmly Seaman Harding, Elizabeth, Somerset " Joseph, solicitor " Maj . Richd., d abroad 1808 Hart, Sarah, of Sussex ' ' Frederick, of London Haslane, Sarah, London Hassell, Sarah, of Brighton 1851 Hatton, John, d 1855 Hawkins, Henry, of London ' " Lieut. William, d 1816 Hay, Francis, seaman Navy ' '' James Scott, d abroad " Sarah, Paddinston, d 1837 " Wm., of Northumberland 1796 Hayley, Thomas J., d abroad 1809 Haynes, Elizabeth, of Shropshire " Sarah, Southwark, d 1821 " William, of London Hayward, Jane, o'wise Wake ' ' John, brother to Thomas " John, d 1858-60 Phoebe, o'wise Boyes " Thomas, of Portsea, Hants " Mrs. Margaret,of Somerset Hamer, John, of Southwark 1817 Hamilton, John, of London 1820 Hayes, Charles, of London 1816 Haynes, Ann, of Finsbury 1817 Harrison, Charles, of Lambeth 1819 Haines, Nathan T., of London 1815 Harrison, Mary G., Lancashire d 1867 Haring, John, of London 1823 Hayman, C, d abroad 1868 Hart, Martha, o'wise Andoe d 1819 Harvey, John, went to America 1796 " Mary York, dctu. of John Hammond, William, d Devon 1832 Hatton, Elizabeth,_/rmfo/ Paine, d 1868 Hancock, John, of Shropshire Harris, Edward, of Clerkenwell Hadfield, George, architect 1782 Harborne, Edward, of Solihull Harrison, Margaret, Liverpool 1811 Harris, Captain Edward W., d 1867 Hare, William, of Stratford, d 1864 Harper, Thomas, of London Hayden, William, of Wandsworth Hazlefoot, William Henry, of Chelms- ford Haase, Mary, wot F.B. II., who d 1770 Haddon, Wm., d abroad 1857 Hadkinson, John, d London 1826 Hagan, James, of Ireland, d 1800 Ilaggar, Mary, of Bedford Haines, George J., of London " John, of Southwark 1825 " Sarah, wife of Thomas Ilaldoine, Lieut. W., d abroad Halfpenny, Cornelius, d 1852 Hall, Ann, d Brixton 1856 Ann, of Newington, Surrey Betsy, d at Brighton Catharine, of Notts 1804 Dorothy, frmly Robinson Edward, of E I C S, d 1831 Elizabeth, d in Bloomsbury Isaac, seaman Navy John, of Notts, d 1811 Rev. John, of Yorkshire 1760 Mary, d London 1833 Richard, of Ifield, Sussex Sarah, Alnwick Thomas, cordwainer, Lewes Thomas, of Bungay, Norfolk William, seaman M S Hallett, Mary, London 1823 Halliclay, Ann, Westminster, d 1830 Hallmarke, Jos.of Gt. Yarmouth 1799 " James,native of Cheshire Halsey, Samuel, of London Hamilton, Cath., Dublin, ^1777 Harrison, Elzbth., Yorkshire, <21818 " Lieut.Geo.L.,dabroadl816 " Henry " Jane, Philadelphia " Lieut. John, d abroad ' ' John, native of Manchester " Mary Ann, d London Rich. , of Warrington, d 1863 NEXT OF KIN. 33 Harrison, Ralph, of Greenwich, Kent " Susannah, frmty Deighton 11 Thomas " Thos. butcher, Westminst'r " William, of London 1759 Hart, Alexander, d abroad Hartley, Hannah, of Surrey Hartson, James, d abroad 1858 Harsley, Charles, of Yorkshire Harvey, Jane, d Dublin 1815 " Susannah, daughter of John " Richard } of Wallingford, " Hannah $ Berks " Robert, merchant 1830 Harvie, Sophia, of Hertford 1856 Hardress, John, of Canterbury 1709 j " Tomlinson, wife of John Hards, Richard, of Sussex, d 1805 Hardy, Ann, frmly Spencer " Alexander, d abroad 1851 " William, of Dors3t, d 1853 " Wm., surgeon, d abroad 1820 Hardyman, Elizabeth, Somers Town Hargraves, Ann, Grantham, CZ1846 Harkness, John ) of Lisbon, " Jane ) Portugal Hailing, Hy., of Bethnal Green,dl828 Harmer, John, of Greenhithe, Kent Harnes, John, seaman M S Harper, Captain Win., d abroad " Frances ^L, frmly Bauch Harradin, Elizabeth, of Whitehaven Harrington, Andrew, seaman Navy Lieut. J. G., d ab:l 1820 Mary, of Westminster Peter, seaman Navy Harris, Lieut. Alex. M., d 1851 " Ann P., o'loise Josling " George, d Surrev 1838 1 ' IlenryG. , d Kennington 1847 " James, d Bloomsbury 1826 " Jane, of Brighton " Jane \ of or near Woolwich, " John S 1820 " John, of Herefordshire " Susannah. Chelmsford, d 1825 " Wm., of Dagenham, d 1859 Heddington, Ann, of London Heyworth Family Herbert, Joseph, d abroad 1837 Heather, Michael, of London 1850 Heasman, John, of Sussex Heath, Matthew, of Wiltshire Hesse, John A. F., d Paddington Heath, James, of B3rkshire Hemment, Ann, of Whittlesley Henshaw, Thomas, d Blackley 1810 Herbert, William, d Chelsea Heslop, Thomas, of Whitehaven Heath, Margaret, of Staffordshire Hebden, George, of Leeds Hegley, William, of London Herbert, William, of Oxfordshire Heywood, John P Hewson, Ann, Gainsborough Heeson, Christopher, of Cornwall Henzell, Ann, Cheapside 1838 Henderson, William, surgeon R N Ilanville, M E., Hants, d 1866 Henghain, Robert K., d abroad Heetey, Martha, frmly Hassell Heath, Mary, frmly Russell Healum, George, valet 1859 Hemment, Ann, Isle of Ely, d 1801 Ileale, G. W., of Greenwich Ilering, W. H., Esq., Tamworth Heath, Mary, dan of Moses, d 1810 " John, of Gloucester Henderson, Ann M. S., Portsea Hegginbottom, George, living 1846 Hely, Henry Parnell Hearne, Francis, d in America " JohnB., of Surrey He yes, William, of Mold Heighington, Jessica, Mrs. Hemmens, Jane E., of Bristol Heath, William, of 15th Hussars Henningham, Mrs. E., of Woolwich Henningham, J. G. C. D. Heathcote, Thos. of Berkshire, 1823 Hernon, Elizabeth, of London 1832 Hewitt, Dan'l Chas., of London 1847 Henfry, Benjamin ) brothers of John George J of Sheffield Henson, — , otherwise Bassett Heath, Henry B.T.,of Edgware Road Herring, John, of Lambeth, d 18 13 " Joseph, of London, d 1763 Head, Charles, d abroad 1832 Heapy, Elizabeth, Islington, d 1799 " Esther, Rotherhithe Heard> William, gardener, Essex 1816 Heath, Thomas, of London " Colonel Robert T., d 1813 Hedley, Hannah, Durham d 1840 Hedges, Mrs. Susannah, d 1838 Helm, — , of Germany, d abroad Hemans, Mrs., of London Hemming, Samuel, of London 1760 Heming, Capt. George, d abroad Henderson, James, surgeon R N " Marian, of Southwark 34 GENERAL INDEX. Henderson, Rev. R., d abroad 1839 William, of Elgin N B William H. J., d 1860 Hendrick, Elizabeth, d London 1829 Hendry, Elizabeth of Portsmouth Heney, Mary, Bristol, d 1846 Henley, Edwd., of America, 1760-80 " Lady B., of Hants 1709 Elizabeth 1 " James i of Hailsham, " Mary f Sussex " William J Henry, Charles, d abroad 1857 Hepburn, Col. David, d 1851 Hepworth, Thomas, d about 1857 Herdsman, Richard, of Somerset 1815 Heme, Jane ) " Jacob > of London, 1750-60 " Thomas ) Herring, Charlotte, of Richmond " Hester, o'wiss Howe, d 1816 Hester, Jno.. of Surrey, d abrd 1839 Hewlett, Martha, o'wise Hanning Hewson, Henry, seaman M S " Mary A., Hammersmith Hewston, James, of London 1806 Heyes, Elizabeth, of London 1807 Heynault, Francis, of London 1793 Hill, Louisa, of Poplar Hill Family Hill, William, d Middlesex 1868 Hills, Charles, b London 1803 Hiort, Mary A. G-., d Grantham 1869 Hicks, J. II. , frmly of Fulham Hitchcock, Thomas Highstreet, Andrew, d Westminster Ilickes, William, d Hamburgh Hirst, Joshua, d Yorkshire Hindlev, Susannah, d Alcester Hill, John D., of Bradford Higginbottom, Geo., of London 1816 H ^']X y ? living 183 1 Higgs, Thomas, d Kidlington 1811 Hill, William, d Middlesex " Thomas, of London, 1802 " Margaret, d Edinburgh 1866 Hindmarsh, Thomas, d abroad Hillier, John ) of the Isle of " Caroline $ Wight Hill, Thomas Hickman, Sophia, frmly Upsall Higson, Mary, o'wise Balshaw Hirst, Hannah, o'wise Vickerman Hicks, Richard, of Southwark Hill, Arthur, went to Sydney 1821 Hibbard, Richard, of Sleaford Hill, George, Notts, farmer, d 1863 " Sarah, of Hemel Hampstead " Hannah, w of George Hibble, Ann, frmly Merry, d 1833 Hibbert, Margaret, of Twickenham Hibble, Ann, s, d London Hickes, George, of London Hicks, Jno., of Godmanchester, ^1827 Higginbotham, John, of London Higgin, John, yeoman, Wilts Higgins, Harriet s, d Torquay " Joseph, d India " Mrs. M., of Southampton " Thomas B., of London 1813 " William, of Radnor " Matthias, living 1801 Hill, Benjamin, of Northampton " David, <2 Edinburgh, 1860 " Esther, Mrs., of Clapham, 1772 " Francis, of Walworth, d 1790 ' ' Major George, d abroad 1809 " Jane, of Walworth, d 1790 " Johu, d Sheerness 1821 " Joseph, purser R N, d 1808 " Joseph, of Northampton " Mary, o'wise Wood, d 1700 " Mary, o'wise Barrow " Mary, of Yorkshire, d London " Mrs., of Marylebone, 1767 ' ' Sarah, d in Russia ' ' Thomas, d in London Hilliard, James, of Walworth, d 1800 " John, of Liverpool, d 1836 Hillier, Hannah, frmly Taylor ' ' William,of Bloomsbury,1784 Hills, John, of Wick?r, Cambridge Hinchcliff , William ) of Harwich, " Ann ) Essex Hind, Sarah, s, native of Gloucester Hinkley, Maria ) of Kent, went to " Barbara ) ~ Scotland Hinckesman, Anthony ) stationers, " Richard j London Hinley, Daniel, of London, d 1812 Hines, Thos., of Pinner, Middlesex Hinton, Ann, b 1760, d abroad Hitchcock, Giles, d London ' ' Wm. G. , d in America " Henry, d London Hitching, Ann, w, Pembroke, d 1833 Hitchin, Elizabeth, w, Westminster, 1811 Higgs, John, of Berkshire, d 1799 Holbrook Family Hooper, Mrs., of Paddington NEXT OF KIN. 35 Holmes, Mary, icidow Hotchkiss, Thomas, of Shropshire Hopkins, Elizabeth, d Clifton, 1863 Holton, Daniel, d abroad 1869 Horrock, Sarah, widow Hodgins, Sarah, d Surrey 1869 Hooper, Miss Holmes, John F., of Ayr, IS" B Houblon, Peter, d London 1707 Howell, Richard, of Kent Hockenwall, John, of Cheshire Housson, William, d Kent Hollins, Sarah, d Han bury Hollins, William, d 1861-5 Holloway, John, d Middlesex, 1821 Holmes, Dorothy, of Yorkshire Honeyman, Elizabeth, of Middlesex Holt, 'Sarah, frmly Jones Howell, Henry \ f rhpl „ pa Martha \ ot ° nelsea Horn, James, brother to Lawrence H * y '2T junelestoJohn Hornby, John, of Lancashire Hoskin, Jane, d Middlesex Holyfield, William, London How, Hester, Middlesex, d 1846 Hookes, William, of Canterbury Horwood, Mary S., d 1810 Hogg, Archibald, of Scotland Hollins, Ann, o'wiss Eogers Horton, Elizabeth, Bath, d 1811 Holmes, James, of Brixton 1850 Hodges, William, painter 1831 Hodgson, Isaac, of Wapping 1827 Holland, George, of London 1835 Holloway, John, of London 1841 Howell, "Thomas, of London 1810 Howorth, Mrs., frmly Rider Houlding, Mary A. R., of Uxbridge Hobber, Jane, of Brompton 1842 Holland, James ) " Annie > of Stepney 1842 11 Henrietta ) Hodgson, Robert, of London Hood, ]S athaniel, of Greenwich Holman, Mr. Homewood, William Honeyman, John, of Glasgow Howell, Sarah, o'wise Porch Howard, Ann, Surrey, d 1868 Honlden, sister of John Henfrey Home, Frederick W., mariner Howell, William ) of Pembroke " Mary S 1770-80 Horwood, Henrietta S., Islington Holmes, Robert Alexander Howard, C, mariner, d abroad 1866 Horgan, Jeremiah, Australia, farmer Holton, Mrs. of Marylebone Houston, Elizabeth, Dublin Hornby, Elizabeth j of Torkshire Hopley, John, of Occlestone Holm Family, of Inverness Hogarth,Hannah,otherwise Johnson Horton, John, left England 1861 Hopkins, John, of Somerset Howell, John, Cambridge, d 1867 Hopkins, Ann, otherwise Bates, d 1862 Holder, William W., Worcester " Mary Ann, of Worcester Hopkinson, Miss, aged about 80 Hollaway, James, of Bristol Home, Miss, dan. of Frederick W. Hobbs, Sarah, w of George Howe, Balwin W., of Kent Hobbs, 'Frances, frmly Irish Hockett, William, army surgeon Hobson, Charles, d in Dorsetshire Hodkinson, Samuel, d abroad " Thos., of Birmingham Hodson, James, farmer, Cambridge Hoffman, John, of Cambridge, ^1797 Hogarth, George, of Scotland 1796 Robert, of Berwick, 1801 Hogg, George B., d 1854-5 " Wm., surgeon, d abroad 1820 " Archibald, <2 London 1801 Hogan, Margaret, w, Somers Town Holden, Win., of Yorkshire d abrd Holdon, William, d London Holland, Ambrose, of Essex " Harriet, s, Dublin, d 1835 " Richard, of Leominster Hollis, Martha, s, Essex, d 1841 " John, of Eling, Hants Holliday, John, of Essex Hollaway, Mrs. Jane, of Wiltshire Holme, John, d Preston, 1863 " John, of Gilling, Yorkshire Holmes, William, cook, M S, d 1813 1 < Mary, frmly Little " Joseph, of Dublin, d 1829 " Thomas, d in London 1827 Holt, Wm., banker, London 1823 Homer, Mrs. ) of Clerken- " Miss Amelia $ well Hooke, Esther, living 1701 Hook, Lawrence, seaman, d 1810 Hooper, Stephen, of Ramsgate Hooton, Rich., of Nottingham, c?1851 36 GENERAL INDEX. Hope, Susannah, s, Bath " Mary A., s,d London 1863 " William F.,d Chatham 1856 Hopkins, Wm., native of Canterbury " George, of Gloucestershire Hopkinson, Benj., of London, 1821 ." Benj., solicitor, d 3835 ' Hopley, John, seaman, d 1813 Hopper, Benjamin, sergeant, d abrd Horah, John A., d about 1861 Horldon, George, of Canada Horn, Lawrence, d Middlesex 1808 Hornby, Elizabeth, s, d London 1823 ' ' John, d in America Home, A. E. R., w, d Battle 1859 Horsey, Samuel, of Surrey, 1781 Horseheld, Elizabeth, frmly Booth Horsenail, Lieut. S., ii 1ST, d 1791 Horwood, Elizabeth M. N., d 1819 Hough, John, of Chester Houghton, Cath., wife of Richard Houlston, James, seaman, Navy Hounsham, A., d America 1853 Houston, Alex., of Glasgow 1800 " Robt., d in S. America Houstown, Geo. H., of South wark Howard, Elizabeth, s, d Bloomsbury " Henry, of Bermondsey ' ' Isaac, d in America ' ' Henry, attorney, d 1806 " Robert, seaman M S " R. F., master-mariner " William, of London, d 1771 How, Joseph, solicitor's clerk ' ' Rich'd. , of Market Harborough Howe,Elizab'h L.,o'wm Underdo wn " John, of London, d 1817 " Navy, frmly Weston, d 1835 " Edward L., merchant, d abd Horwick, Henry ?of NorthChapel, " Thomas $ Sussex " James ) of Denton, " William $ Sussex Howlett, Henry, of London " Samuel, seaman Navy Ho worth, Robert, of Essex, d 1819 " Ann I daughters of Sarah S Robert Honett, Anna, s, d in Kent 1841 Hunt, Hannah, d abroad " John, mariner Hutchings, John, d London Hurst, Edward, d London Hunter, John, d America Hutchinson, Robert, d Carlisle Hurst, Jane, frmly Smith . Hunt, Thomas, d Surrey 1841 Hunter, John, son of "William Hunt, Elizabeth " Jane Hutchinson, Mary, of Winton " Isabella, of Winton nummell, Sarah, of Hammersmith Hunter,, Thomas, Westminster 1816 Hudson, Justice, of London 1823 Hunt, John, living 1817 " Thomas, of Madras ) Hullins, George, master-mariner Hutt, George E., d Middlesex 1867 Hutchins,Chas. J., of Liverpool d 1868 Hubbard, Richard, chair-maker Huskins, Hannah, o'wise Clarke Hunt John, son of Amos " Thomas, d at Peckham Hughes, James, d London 1868 Humfreys, John, d abroad 1824 Hunter, Elizabeth,. frmly Nielson Hughes, John, d Middlesex 1820 " Helen M., Taunton 1837 Hurrell, Thomas, of Suffolk 1814 Hunt, Henry H., of Lambeth Hutchinson, John, d abroad 1861 Hume, William, of Liverpool Humfray, Major Samuel, d abroad Hudson, William, Yorkshire, d 1864 Huckin, Henry, d Colney Hatch 1863 Hudson, Robert " Market Gilbert Hunt, Isabella, d at Brixton Hudson, John " Elizabeth, o'wise Lowe " Ann, of Kilkenny Hutchinson, John, of Lazenby Huggins, William F., living 1835 Hughes, Richard, of London Humbus, Ann C, d Brugen 1813 Hunter, William, of Ayr, N B Hume, Jane Annie children of W il- liam Hume, of Liverpool « Mary " Margaret [ " James " Joseph J Hudson, Henry, of Hayling Isle " Geo., gardener, Lancashire " Susannah, niece of R. Sheldon Huett, Sophia II., London 1810 Huff, Andrew B , seaman, d 1818 Huggett, Abraham, d London 1818 Hugh, Aaron, of Brecon Hughes, David, d London 1840-4 NEXT OF KIN. 37 Hughes, Elizabeth, servant " Hester, Bristol, d 1836 Mr. H. A., d abroad " John, of Bermondsey,^1827 " John, seaman M S " Thomas, stationer, London " Tkos., of Peny frith, d 1852 " Thomas, d in Lancashire " William, servant, d Bath Huke, James, of Bloomsbury 1816 Hull, Elizabeth, frm'y Bell " John D., living 1810 " Charles Edward, of London Hulme, George, d London 1813 Humber, John, of Dorset Humes, William, seaman Navy Hume, J. E., army surgeon Hume, Priscilla,./Vra'?/"Elkin ' Humphreys, Mary P., o'icise Young " Samuel J. G., d abroad " John, clerk R N Hunt, Lieut. George M., d!abd 1810 " Sir Thomas 11 Mary, o'icise Stephens 1796 " Samuel, of London 1796 " Samuel, d abroad 1824-25 " William H., d abroad Hunter, Ann, of London, 1776-90 " Thomas, d abroad " George, seaman Navy " James, d abroad 1858 " William, soldier, d abroad " Captain William, d abroad " Bridget, d abroad 1821 Huntle, John, seaman, d 1812 Huntley, Israel, d London 1838 Huntingdon, Jane, of Cumberland Hurley, John, seaman Navy Hussey , Edward, d Noxton 1 858 Hutchinson, Wm., d abroad 1863 Hutchins, Jane, of Bath and London Hutchinson, Thomas, seaman Navy Capt.W. F., d abroad " Rev. Walter. of Worcester Huton, Mrs. Ann, of London Hullmandel, C. J., of Westminster Hvde, Charles, d Stockport " Ann, d Surrey, 1811 " George, d abroad 1827 " John, of Worcestershire " William, d London 1820 I'ans, Michael Irish, John Arthur, d Shropshire Ireland, Edward, d London Imison, Joseph, of Knaresborough Ireland, John, of London Ivie, Ann, o'icise he Sueur Ingram, Samuel, d Exeter Ingles, John, of Stanton, d 1762 " Ann, d 1767 " Culpeper, living 1757 " Richard, d Burford 1803 " Catharine, d Burford 1816 Ireland, Edward C, of Cardiff Ibbottson, William, d York 1796 Innes, Mary, d Russia 1864 Irving, John Crockford, d Derby Ilsley, Martha, Cowes, d 1866 Inglish, George, alias J. Smith Ibbottson, J ames, Middlesex, d 1845 " Sarah, dl847 Israel, Samuel, merchant, Hamburgh Infield, John, brother to Caleb Innes, George, native of Aberdeen Ilett, William Ingram, Adam Ikin, Jonathan, of London 1822 lnster, Archibald, native of Shetland Ireland, John A., d London Irvine, William, seaman " Lieut. John, d abroad Irving, Geo., underwriter "Lloyd's" " Mary, d Carlisle 1860 Isaac, George Frederick, of London Ives, Elizabeth, frmty Stabbs, d 1813 " William, seaman Navy Ivie, Lieut. Thomas, d abroad Ivory, Charlotte, Southwark, d 1820 Ivyleafe, James, of Essex Imlach, Chas. J. F., surgeon, ^1857 Infield, Lieut. Caleb, R N, d 1829 Inglis, Walter, seaman Navy " William, d Surrey 18*02-3 Inglish, Mary, Marylebone, d 1808 Innes, Lieut. Chas. D., d abroad 1857 " George, mariner, M S " Gilbert ? of Aberdeenshire, " Jean $ Scotland " James, d Jamaica 1798 " Judith, of Plymouth, tf 1814 " William, d London 1791 Jarvis, Anna, of Feltham Jackson, William Jackson, John Jackson, Mary Jarrold, Matthew, of Suffolk 38 GENERAL INDEX. Jarrett, William, of Sussex Jacobs, John, d Gloucestershire Jackson, Honoria, of Yorkshire James, Thomas, of Pembrokeshire James, Edward, of E I C S Jacob, William, d Colchester James, John, d abroad 1831 Jay, Sir James, of Bath Jaines, James, d Middlesex 1844 Jaques, Edward R.> of Essex Jardine, John, d abroad 1821 Jarrett, John, d Kent 1861 Jackson, William, of Liverpool " Wm., of Yorkshire, cl 1820 " Isaac, d Middlesex 1868 James, John, of Piccadilly 1838 " Joseph, of London 1820 Jackson, William, York, d 1818 James, Mary, Bristol, d 1865 Jackson, Sarah, Middlesex, d 1866 " George, of New Kent Road Jacques, Louisa, Essex, d 1862 Jamieson, James, d America Jackson, Martha, frmly Hallow 1824 " Mrs. Catherine, 1853 " William, sergeant, 1834 " John Miles :; Jl-y | of Cumberland James, Elizabeth Ann, d Surrey 1848 " Alexander Jackman, William, d about 1859 Jackson, William, of Liverpool James, Elizabeth, London, d 1837 Jarram, Lucy, left Sheffield 1837 Jackson, Oliver, Esq. " Charles, seaman Navy " Henry d London " • Jane, o'wise Farrer, d 1852 '■ John, d America " John, mariner " John, d in S. America " John, son of John " Sarah, Westminster, d 1852 •« William, of Nova Scotia " William, of Bristol, b 1757 " William, of London 1780 James, Abraham, seaman M S " David, seaman M S " Elizabeth, Lambeth 1776 " John, of Brentford, d 1813 " Philip, seaman M S " Richard, d America Jameson, John, seaman, d 1847 Jamieson, William, d in Jamaica " John, d in America living 1700 Jennings, Thomas, of Deptford Jefferson, Thomas, d Cumberland Jenkins, Richard, of Bath " Emma " Sarah " Elizabeth Jenning, Henry, carver Jeffe, James, of Harrow Jerningham Family Jenks, Sarah O., of France Jennens, William " John " Sarah " Mary Elizabeth " Ann " Humphrey " Robert Jeff cot, Arthur, of Camber well 1839 Jefferd, William, w T ine merchant Jenkins, Thomas, of America 1861 Jennings, Eliza, o'wise Thorn Jeffries, Ann, o'wise Bodkin Jenkins, Mary, daughter of Edward Jerrom, Rev. Thomas Jennings, Thomas, of Somers-town Jeeves, Catherine ?of Hampstead, " John ) Middlesex Jeffrey, Alexander, of Alloa, N B Lieut. W. N., d abroad 1819 Jeffries, Michael, of Pacldington Jefferson, Fanny, Cockermouth Jefferies, Mr., jeweller, London Jenkins, Capt. Chas. K. d abrd 1805 Capt. Thos., d abrd 1814-15 " Jane, wife of John " E. A., army surgeon " Rev. Wm., d London 1764 Jenkinson, Edna, Manchester, d 1845 Jennings, Ann, Westminster " Elizabeth, o'wise Fisher " Humphrey, of Suffolk " Jane, Somerset, d 1834 ' ' John, seaman M S John, of Enfield, Yorkshire " William ) 1011ihlllie Katinska, Anna, firmly Thompson Keiling, Thomas' Kearney, Ellen, d Middlesex 1867 Kemble, John, d Dublin 1856 Kenyon, James, d Lancashire 1860 Keating, Arthur Saunders 1838 Keys, Alexander, d in America Kearney, Richard, of Kildare " Mary, o'wise Flood Kerton, John ' ) went to America " Sarah $ 1848 Keveney, Mrs., of Mayo, Ireland Keen, Mrs., of Stratford-place Ken worthy, Hugh, Leeds, d 1854 Keld, Henry, mariner, Yorkshire Keith, John, d in Australia Keating, Ann, of Essex, 1830 Keaquick, John, of Bristol 1844 Keating, Eliza E., Birmingham Keate, George, living 1815" Kennedy, Emily Jane Ker, James, of Ayton, N B 1781 Kenward, Mary, Sussex, d 1867 Kennington, Thomas, of Soho 1826 Kenny, Peter, surgeon, d abd 1845 Kent, John, gardener, Kent, d 1809 " William, of Teddington Kenworthy, John, of London 1754 Kerby, Eleanor, Bloomsbury, d 1824 Kerr, James, seaman M S Kerrison, Wm., gardener, of Wales Kerry, Thomas, of Shropshire Kesterton,Sarah, of Wandsworth R'd Kettlewell, Catherine " Thomas Kew, William, of America 1837 Key, William, cork-cutter, London " Harriet, Glo'stershire " Mary, d in Sussex 1861 Keys, David W., native of Canada Kean, Farmer, d London 1830 Keane, Mary, of London " Michael, d abroad 1858 Kease, Mary, London Keeier, Thomas, farmer, Kent Keene, Frances, Marylebone 1819 Keilly, Lieut. Augustus T. P., dlSSi Keith, James, seaman Navy ' ' James, merchant, Banff 1788 Kelby, James, seaman Navy Kelliam, John, d in London Keller, Eliza, of London Kelly, Ann, Lewisham " Cornelius, d S. America " Elizabeth, d London 1842 " Edward, of Piccadilly, d 1820 " James, seaman Navy " Jane, d London 1847 " Gibbons, clerk, London 1823 ' ' John, son of John and Bridget " Thomas, seaman Navy Kelly, Colonel Thomas E., d 1858 < ' William J . , of the Navy 1813 Kelway, Henry, of Plymouth,^ 1730 Kemp, Catherine, of Bristol, 1840 " Elizabeth, of Deptford " Elizab'h,/m^Seabrookl820 NEXT OF KIN. 41 Kemp, John T., clerk, d London Kempe, Lucretia, Yorkshire, ^1823 " Win., d in Wiltshire 1859 Kempson, Ann ) of London, Samuel $ 1770-90 Kendall, Francis, d America 1820 Lieut. Tkos., d abroad 1813 Kendrick, John, of Whitechapel 1771 Kenknight, William ) of Cliff e, " Mary $ Kent Kennedy, James, seaman M S Kennett, Capt. John, d abroad 1815 " Thomas, of Portsea, d 1812 Kennin, Oswald, of Cumberl'd,^1818 Kendrick, Charles, of Winchcomb Kingsby Family King, Samuel, d Surrey Kidd, W. J. P., d Gleneig 1870 King, John, of Westminster 1851 Kitchen, Elizabeth, d London Kidley, Elizabeth, //-wity Ho worth Kilpatrick, Samuel, d abroad Kirk, John, of Islington Kingston, Henry, of Lincolnshire Kimber, William, of Berkshire Kirton, John, d London 1833 Kinshott, Mary Kinlock, Charlotte G.S./Z Surrey 1835 Adine ) children of Georgian a ) John Kite, Hannah," lived at Exeter King, Walter 1 " Feilder | nephews and niece " George } of William King, " Charles | of Surrey, d 1861 " Ada K. ) Kirby, Elizabeth, Greenwich King, William, Godalming, d 1864 " George, Buckingham, d 1861 " Mary Ann, o'wise Price Kirchner, Edward, d abroad 1863 Kirkpatrick, W. G., Isle worth 1825 King, Edward, of Brighton ^•S&otte ^ofMaryXebone Kirwan, Henry, of Dublin Kidd, James, d in America Kidney, Benjamin, of London, d 1817 Kidney, Sarah, of London Kilgour, Peter, of Scotland, d abroad King, Ann, d Southampton 1812 " Andrew, of Chelsea, d 1823 " Elizabeth, frmly Stackhouse " Ensign George F., d 1815 " Lieut. Henry P., d abroad ■' John, seaman M S King, John, of Halifax, York " Lieut. John, d abroad 1812 " Kesia A., d in Lambeth ' ' Mary, frmly Baker " Mary, of Bungay, Suffolk " Mary, w of Thomas " Samuel, seaman, d 1831 " Sophia D., Chelsea, d 1816 " Thomas, d in Middlesex 1860 " Richard, solicitor's clerk " William, of Maidstone Kingston, William, of Hants, d 1853 Kinkade, Thomas, d in London 1835 Kinnersley, Mary, frmly Holmes " William, d in London Kirby, Bartholomew, d abroad 1811 Kirke, Anna M., of Bampton, Oxford Kirton, George, solicitor, London Kittridge, William, of London Knight, Isaac, of Bristol Knott, Jeremiah, d America Knowles, Thomas, of Sowerby Knightsbridge, Alice, d Westminster Knott, John, d Surrey Knudson, Colonel Christopher Knight, Elizabeth, d London 1869 Knowler, Sarah, frmly Clark Knight, Henry, of Lambeth Knight, Stephen, of Fulham Knee, P, station-master, Bombay Knight, Henry, of Limehouse " James, of Wigan, d 1833 " Jeremiah, of London, d 1822 " Sir Joseph, R'r- Admiral 1775 Ralph, of Wigan, d 1837 " Rich'd, of Lincolnshire 1710 Knox, Andrew, of Montrose 1803 " Maria, frmly Webb Knowles, James, of London, 1808 " Richard. ) of Peckham, " Martha $ Surrey, 1783 Kowing, William, native of Hanover Krake, Ann C, d at Ilolloway 1827 Kynaston, Lieut. Chas. T., d abroad " Thomas, of Harley, Salop Kyte, Henry, d India Lavis, Elizabeth, o'wise Martin I Law, Henry, d abroad Lavender, Selina, of Essex Lawes, Maria, o'wise Wilby Laing, James, master-mariner Lancaster, Elizabeth Large, Peter, d abroad 1694 42 GENERAL INDEX. Lawrenson, Joseph, d London Lawrence, Wil liam, d Gloucestershire " Richard, d Westminster " Eohert, d Norfolk " Thomas, d Deptford " Edward, d Dorset " Thomas, d America " Richard, d Hants Langston, John, d Africa Lambe, Thomas, d Northampton Lambert, Richard, d London ' La Beaume, Melchier, d Carlisle Latour, Caroline, of Hoxton, Beds Large, Ruth W., frmly Sparks Lawley, Alice S., London, d 1861 Lakin, John, Durham, d 1829 Large, William " Matilda " Jane Lawson, Ann, Whitehaven, d 1867 Lawrence, Reginald, son of Henry Lacey, Thomas, of London 1830 Lamont, John, of Radcliffe 1847 Langston, Thomas, of London 1817 Lay, Mark, of Deptford 1813 Lane, Arthur, son of William Lawriston, Colonel A., d 1821 Lamb, John, draper Lane, William, of Worcester, d 1867 Ladbroke, Felix, of London Laing, William, gunner Navy, <21812 Lamb, Dr. James, d London 1830 " Peter, of London, 1730-80 Lambert, Mary, Worcester, d 1851 " Allan, of Surrey, d 1827 " Elizabeth, of Surrey, d 1830 " Mary,/ra^Wadham,rfl820 Lambertson, Fanny, frmly Oakes Lambell, Elizabeth, d Lambeth, 1835 Lane, John, of Salisbury " Giering, of London 1800 " Lieut. George, d abroad Lang, Robert, of Accrington Lang, Henry D., of Cheshunt Langford, Robert, of Mold, Flint Langan, John, merchant, d abroad Langley, Samuel " Caroline, Homerton Lanigan, Charles, of Birmingham Langmore, Mary, frmly Abbott Lapsley, James, of Scotland Lascelles, Jane,/n?2%Lumley Laud, Ann, d London 1811 Laughlin, Eliza A., d America Laurie, James D., of Edinburgh Laver, Mrs. Sarah, of Essex Laverick, John, mariner, d 1818 Lawler, Bridget, Middlesex 1838 " Elizabeth, London 1840 Lawrence, John, d America 1814 " Mary, of Bath " Sarah, o'wise Bennett " William, cooper, fZ abroad Lawson, Joseph, mariner, d 1800 " William, d Liverpool 1842 Lawton, Sarah, Litchfield " John, d abroad 1857 Lawson, Christopher, d 1834 " Henry, seaman Navy Laxton, Stephen, brother to Hannah " Thomas, of Everton, d 1816 " S. , of Cattismore, Rutland Lay cock, John, of Bramley, Leeds Leach, Lieut. William, $ abroad 1804 " Elizbth., niece of D. Marshall " Mary A., d abroad 1862 Lesley, Charles, butler, 1815 Le Pennell, George Leigh, Elizabeth, of Yorkshire ^'S^ (formerly of Bath Leiven, John, d London Lemon, William, d Surrey Lemon William, d Truro Leggett, Samuel, d Norfolk Lewis, William, d London " Edward, d abroad " David, d Carmarthen " Joseph, d London Leigh, George, of Halifax Lennox, Gilbert, d Glasgow Lewis, John, d Wilts 1811 Legood, Harriet, o'wise Harrap Leman, Clement, d Bristol 1810 Lewis, George, of London 1775 Lewis, William, o'loise Penfold Lee, George, civil engineer Leadbeater, Sarah, Yorkshire, d 1865 Leslie, Hugh, London Le Frank, James, Norfolk, d 1864 Leman, Abraham, of America Lewis, Mary, Lambeth 1850 Lee, Edward C, mariner, d abroad Lennon, James, d London 1861 Lenton, Thomas, d Kent 1860 Leslie, Robert, London, merchant Leaver, Miss, of Bath Leslie Family, Scotch Ledger, Sarah, formerly Davies Lees, Sarah, Gloucestershire, d 1838 Lean. John Harvey, of London 1816 Levitt, Lewis, of London 1834 NEXT OE KIN. 43 Lee, William, of Scotland Le Pennell, Eliza, dau. of Chas. Lee, Thomas, porter 1836 Leigh, William Lempriere, George, of Rotherham Leeke, John, of Grosvenor-place Leabury, John, of Yorkshire, d 1853 Leake, Wm., of Wimbledon, Surrey " Thos.,of Handsworth, Staff 'rd Leather, Henry ) uncles of Elizab'th " James $ Banks Leathart, Rebecca, Islington, d 1855 Ledger, John, of Chelsea Lee, John S., d London 1811 James, seaman Navy Nebuchadnezzar, of India 1800 Peter, seaman M S Thomas, of Plymouth, d abroad Dr. Thomas, married Miss Bray Thomas, d in America Lefhew, Capt. Hy., G. Legion, ^1827 Leftwich, Susannah, of London Legge, Eliza'hW. Teignmouth,<31843 Leggett, William G., master-mariner, a abroad 1 Leggatt,Anne " Jane Mary Susan sisters to John L., the grandfather j of Mary Mullen Leighton, James, seaman, d 1841 Frances, servant, d 1840 Mary, of Glasgow, 1793 Mary, alias Morton " Sarah, o'wise Cook, 1812 Leith, George, d abroad 1862 Leman, Sir Wm., of Hertford, d 1701 Lennot, Alexander Mary Leo, Capt. Daniel, d Bath 1803 Leonard, John, quartermaster Lepine, Francis, native of France " Maria, d Westminster Laporte, Anthy., of London, 1760-80 Lernoult, Rev. Francis, d 1806 Lessine, Francis, of France Lester, Mary, of Essex Leven, George ) relatives of Ann L., " James > servant in London " Wm. ) 1765 Lever, Mary A., d Camberwell 1864 Leavington, Jermh ., of Brompton d 1843 Levy, Benjamin, of London, 1690 Leybourn, Ann, of Yorkshire, ^1822 Lewis, Benjamin, of Salisbury " t Lieut. Col. Charles, d 1852 Lewis, Cath., of Woolwich 1836 " Elias, of Bath " George, d abroad, 1862 " Hugh, d London, 1813 " James, seaman, d 1844 " James, of Chester " Jane, d abroad 1844 " Jane ' John, seaman Navy ' ' Rev . Richard , of Sussex, d 1783- " Samuel, d London 1858 " Samuel, d in India " Lieut. Col. Wm., ^abroad 1817 " William, seaman, d 1841 Le worth, William, of Clerkenwell Lines, Elizabeth, of Suffolk Lilley, Abraham, of Chelsea Lightfoot, William, law agent Litherland, James, seaman Lightfoot, Elizabeth, frmly Smith j Linsey, Thomas, d Norfolk Lister, James, d Calcutta Lincoln, Edmund, d abroad Little, Sarah, of Hungerford Lindo, Alexander, of London 1810 ' Lillie, James R., of Aberdeen I Little, John S., d Surrey, 1868 Lindsey, John, Aberdare, d 1867 Lindsey, John, of Lincolnshire Lindwart, Percy, d Ireland 1867 Livingston, Andrew, of Glasgow Lithgoe, William, waiter Lind, Edward " Francis " George Littlepage, Mary, frmly Bramley Lilley, Elizabeth, w Boston, d 1845 Liveley, William II., of Clerkenwell Lisner, Elzbth., o'tcise Dressier 1820 Lisabe, Francis B., d Cork 1866 Liart, Samuel, of Cornwall 1800 Lightfoot, J. G. R., d abroad 1863 Lilley, John, of Taunton Linaker, Thomas, farmer, Leicester Lindfield, Mrs. S., of Walworth Lindbergh, M. H., o'wise McDonald Lindley, Hester, to, Kensington Lindsay, Lieut. Col. Adam, d 1812 " John H , of London " Henry, d in India " Thomas, jeweller, Bristol Ling, Thomas, d Greenwich 1847 " Fina, Great Yarmouth, d 1858 Lington, Maria, frmly Nixon Linton, Sarah, of Denton, Sussex Lisner, Joseph, tailor, London, 1808 44 GENERAL INDEX. Litchfield Ann ) of Mansfield, " Frances j Notts, 1790 Col. John Little, Elizabeth, d Southwark Lithgovv, William, of Edinburgh 1798 Lin wood, Wm., of Sproatley, York Liver moor, Thomas, d at Durham Lloyd, William, d 1869 " Thomas " Richard, d Westminster " Thomas, d Cardigan 1815 Lluellyn, Rev. R., d Sanderton 1770 Lloyd, John, of Kensington 1830 " Selina S. dau. of John " Amelia M. o'wise Tarbuck " Mrs. Ann, of London 1814 " Cath., of Birmingham " Celia, d London 1824 " David, attorney, Brecknock " Lucy M., dau. of John " Lieut. Col. Richard, d abroad 1813 " William, tailor, London 1848 Lome, Alexander, of Scotland Loney, William, d Middlesex Low, Thomas, d America Lord, Aaron, d Gloucestershire 1795 Lowe, Sarah, d Middlesex 1869 Loft, Mary, dau. of William Lowden, John, d Middlesex Longley, H.F., of Camberwell Long, William, d London 1868 Lovell, Benjamin Charles Lockead, Isabella, o'wise Paul " William, carpenter Long, Joseph, of Wilts Lovell, Elzbth., <3 Gloucestershire 1830 Lord, Thomas D., of Devon 1824 Loft, William, of Southwark Lowrie, Robert, of Leith Lomas, James, of London Lockyer, Henry F., general, d 1860 Lockwoocl, John II., London 1847 Lonsdale, E. , d abroad, 1862 Lockyer, Joseph Louner, Charles, living 1795 Lowe, Elizabeth, frmty Hudson Lovvdey, Thomas, Cardiff, mariner Lockwoocl, Catherine, Middlesex Lowe, Robert, of Scotland Low, Margaret, of Fermanagh Long, Joanna, Wamborougli Lopdell, Honor, Reading 1800 Lor rimer, Charles, living 1795 Lothian, Walter, of Edinburgh 1796 " Janet, o'wise AVilkie Lott, Johanna, d abroad 1837 Louth, James, seaman, d 1831 " Rev. Robert Love, Rev. David, of Essex, d 1828 Loveridge, Lieut. J. E., d in India Loving, John, of Middlesex 1731 Low, Robert, seaman M S Lowe, John, carpenter, Westminster ' ' Maria S. , Lincolnshire d 1835 " Mary H., d London Lowdell, George, of Surrey, d 1827 Louden, D., Esq., d abroad Lowry, Robert A., d London 1842 Loan, Mary, m T. Huxley " Meliora, frmly Shetterden Loat, Henry, of Wrexham, N". Wales Lockett, James, d London 1841 " John, clothier, London " John, servant, d 1860 Lockey, George F., of London 1823 Lockhart, Stephen, of Scotland 1799 Lockyer, Henrietta, of Chelsea Logan, Daniel, d abroad 1857 ' ' Margaretta, o'wise Robertson London, William, d London 1860 Long, Catharine, d Wilts 1814 " Lieut. Col. John, d abroad " Joshua, of London 1795 " William, merchant, London Lonsdale, F. L. , of Kingston, Surrey Loombe, Sir John, d 1817 Lyton, John R., d Herts Luff, John, d Hants 1797 Lupton, Thomas ) f T , George H. * ot ■ Leecls Ludlow, John, of London Luxford, Ann Georgianna Luyken, Joseph H. M., d 1832 Lundie, Henry, merchant, d 1855 Lucas, Fred'k J., went abroad 1859 Lyll, William, left Edinburgh 1840 Lyons, Mrs., of Mayo, Ireland Lynali, Mary, m R. Tagg 1772 Lushington, C. A., of London 1839 Lyon, Anthony, of Wandsworth Lysons, Robert, of Boston Lynch, William, of Kennington 1814 Lubbock, Joseph, painter, London Lucas, Sarah, London , d 1848 " Mary, o'wise Poll ard " Wm., pawnbroker, London Luce, Hester, of Gloucestershire Luck, Mary, servant, d 1833 " Thomas, d in London Lucking, Thomas " Margaret NEXT OP KIN. 45 Lucock, Jane, of Ockley, Surrey Lucllum, Henry, d abroad 1857 Ludwig, A\m t frmly Doyle Luer, Mr, apothecary Luff, John, mariner Luke, Dugald, of Glasgow, d 1784 Lumbruggen, Rev. Henry, d abroad Lumley, Jane, o'loise Lascelles " Mary, " Parkinson " Sarah, " Abrams Elzbth., " Coates " Ann " Steward Lumsden, J. F., attorney, London Lunnon, Thomas, of Bucks, d 1841 Luscombe, Matthew, of Devonshire Lynch, Richard, d London, 1813 " John, seaman M S Lyne, Edward, native of Malmsbury " Maria, of Moatlands, Berks " Edward ~\ uncles of S. Lyne " Joseph {_ Stephens, of Roe- " Richard ( hampton, Surrey, " William ) who died 1860 Lyon, Peter, of London, d 1788 Lysaght, Margaret, of Dublin Lytcott, Philip, merchant, d abroad Lythell, Edward, printer, Cambridge " Ann, sister to Edward " Thos. of Richmond, Surrey M McCallum, John, d London 1869 McLacklan, James, of Lincolnshire McNeil, Neil, of Glasgow, d 1717-9 McGuire, William, d London McPherson, Duncan, d abroad 1851 McCarthy, Phoebe, of Middlesex 1821 MeLims/John, of Lambeth 1858 McKenzie, Marv, of Edinburgh McKellar, Mr., of Ceylon, 1845 McCormick, John, d Surrey 1866 McCann, John, d Longford 1867 Mcintosh, Duncan, of Perth, d 1838 McConnell, Margaret, dau. of James McCarthy, Joseph, of Killarney McKenna, Bridget, Liverpool, d 1865 McKenzie, Angus, d America 1867 McNeilanee, Mary Ann, of Ireland McMurtrie, Andrew, of Ayrshire " David, d America 1860 McAdam, Marian, of Canada 1839 Mcintosh, Duncan, of America 1813 McDouall, John McDonald, Jemima, living 1800 M'Adam, James, of Scotland, tfabrd M' Alpine, Jno., mariner, dabrcll859 Lieut. R., din India " Lieut.Rich'd, d in France " . Lieut. Robert, d 1826 M'Allister, Rich'd A., Sydney 1831 M 'Arthur, James M'Auliffe, Denis, seaman M S M'Bain, Mrs. Mary, d abroad 1847 M'Barrett, Capt, G. G. M'Caan, Francis, of Ireland, d 1845 M'CaJlum, Gilbert, seaman M S M'Carthy, A. F. T., R N, d 1840 M' Clellah,Robt. surgeon, Hampstead M'Cogan, Samuel, clerk M' Coomb, James, seaman Navy M'Cormack, Maurice, coachman M'Coy, — , surgeon, ^1862 M'Cluer, John, d abroad 1796 M'Cray, Dennis, d Surrey 1815 M'Cullock, John, coachman, d 1857 " Rev. Robert, of Dairsee M'Cullam, Alex., of Greenock 1842 M'Cune, Robert M'Dermott,Phil.,d Westminster 1862 M'Donald, Alex., d Middlesex 1839 Elzbth, d at Reading 1820 " James, d abroad 1822 " John, seaman Navy ' ' John, surgeon UN, d 1824 M'Dougall, Lieut. Alex., d 1825 " Robert, seaman Navy M'Dowell, Elzbth, Buckingham 1760 " Michael, d abroad 1850 M'Egan, W. B. surgeon, d abroad M'Eiver, Jane, Greenwich, d 1835 M'Farlane, Major Alex., d abrdl807 M'Farson, John, seaman M S M'Gonnell, Patrick, dm America M'Grath, Major Eugene, d abroad M'Gregor, Agnes, o'wise Hunter " Rev. Alex., of Perth, d 1835 " Elzbth, d in Glasgow 1864 " William, of Glasgow 1840 M'Halee, John C, tailor, New York MTntyre, — , Army Surgeon " Robert, of Scotland " Isablla.of Dumbartonshire M'Kay, John, seaman Navy d 1812 " Win. P., d in America 1861 M'Kenzie, Patrick, army surgeon " Samuel, seaman Navy M'Kev, Robert, d abroad 1833 M'Kidd, Alexander, Liverpool M'Laran, Margaret, d 1863 M'Laughten, Archbld, merchant 1800 46 GENERAL INDEX. M'Lean, Hugh, of Jamaica, d 1843 " John, seaman 1850 " Kobert, seaman, d abroad M'Leod, Jane, d London 1846 " John, seaman M S . « $SK?j "London " William, of Banff, d 1842 M'Mellan, Margt., Islington, d 1840 M'Millan, Thos., E I C S, d 1811 M'Mullon, Thos., gardener, d 1831 M'Nabb, Thos., d abroad 1818 M'Nair, — , of London 1812 M'Neah, mzhtb.., frmly Ladd, dimi M'Neal, Robert, brother to Thomas M'Neill, Malcolm, cl 1860-1 M'Pherson, Patience, d Islington 1830 " William, seaman M S M' Quire, James, mariner, d 1807 M'Whirter, Hugh, of Bleachfield 1799 M'Whirter, J. P. M' Williams, Thos., of Scotland, rZabd " Williams, seaman Navy May, John, of London Mawson, Margaret, o'wise Robson " John, of Twickenham Macolla, John, of Nova Scotia Mackenzie, Alex., of London 1830 Martin, Thomas ) relatives of « MfryElzbth.[^T ur f h - " Robert ) DLlin Macdonald, Colonel Alexander Sir John " James Bonassey Martin, Robert, of London 1814 . Macfarlane, Elizabeth, d abroad Madden, Patrick, of Middlesex 1840 Maddocks, William, d Kent 1835 Martin, Richard, d Essex 1846 " Anne, o'loise Nunn Marshall James, d Scotland 1850 Martin, John, d abroad 1867 " Elizabeth, frmly Lavis Mason, Richard, d Surrey Matson, Henry, merchant Marston, Job ) f WoiTestpr . « Christopher 0t sh Y re ^Oq " John ) snire,i/uu Matthews, Catherine, d London Marriott, Samuel, d Middlesex Mayhew, Mary, d Sussex Mallory, John, d London Martin'dale, John, d Liverpool Mapperly, Elizabeth, d Bath Macaile, Matthew, d Africa Matthews, Margaret, of Canterbury Malcolm, John, d London Martin, William, d London Mallett, Lucy, d Paris 1795 Massoth, Vincent, d Russia 1798 Mason, Ann, d London Maddock, Robert, d Witney 1829 Majendie, Andrew, d abroad 1782 ■ Mare, John, d Wilts 1805 Martin, Sarali, d Oxfordshire Matthews, Joseph, of Hants Mayne, Phillip, of Berkshire Mackay, Alexander, d Australia Marr, Peter, of Edinburgh Ma '' iS 'M°ar?a j<* Norfolk Madeline, Prudence ) left Paw for " Rosalie $ Dublin 1838 Malinson, Richard, Newcastle 1860 Mackay, Thomas, of Clapham Mason Elizabeth, frmly Bourne Macdowell, Hay, d India 1865 Macfarlane, William, Bayswater 1851 Matthew, John, London 1760 Massey, Gilbert, Bethnal Green March, William, son of Abel Macknair, James, went abroad 1828 Martin, John, Isle of Sheppey Mackall, Danisl, d Chelsea 1861 Major, John T. W., musician Mayne, John, of Ilfracombe Matherwick, James ) natives of Som- " John \ erset Mahoney, John, of Waterford Martin, Ann, frmly Gray Macarthy, Dennis, d 1865 Mason, Teresa, Camberwell Road Masters, Elizabeth, Australia Mackness, William C, of Bedford Maynard, Thomas, London 1821 Mason, John, seaman M S Matis, Andrew, seaman M S Mayo, John, of Bayford Matthews, James ) relatives of " Samuel ) Isaac Maskell, Daniel, of Tattersal, d 1867 Matthews, Isaac, d London 1864 Marshall, John, d Yorkshire 1867 Matthews, D., d abroad 1867 Mallock, John, of Glasgow 1854 Martin, William, Durham, d 1867 Madgwick, Mary A., Middlesex Malt wood, Susannah, London 1813 Mann, William, of Kent, d 1865 Manning, Thomas, d Kent 1865 Maclean, John S. , d abroad 1865 NEXT OF KIN. 47 Maysey, Richard, of Rutland, d 1797 Marsh, Mary A. , servant 1862 Macabe, Christopher, d Hani 1816 Macauley, General, d abroad 1817 " George W., underwriter IMacclarey, Sarah, frmly Eales 1778 Macdonald, Angus, living 1791 " John, of Swepstone 1855 " Maria H., of France 11 Peter, d London 1770 Macdougall, Geo., brother to Dugald Macdowell, Elizabeth, of Bucks Mace, Philip, mariner, of Yarmouth Macey, William, d in London Macfae, John, native of Ireland Macgillioray, David, of Scotland, d 1820 Macintosh, Edward, d abroad 1805 Machin, Mary A., of Shrewsbury Mack, Ann, Littlehainpton, d 1813 " Mary, Fitzroy Square Mackay, Alex., of Sunderland N B " Angus, merchant, London " James, of Skirray, d 1790 EUzabeth^ daU ^ r e Sof " Jane ) James " Lieut. Robert S., d abroad Mackenzie, Dugald, d abroad 1857 " Colin, d abroad 1858 " Capt. Alex'der W. Army " John Ford, living 1798 " Capt. Thomas A., d 1856 Mackerell, Capt. Timothy, d abroad Mackey, Thomas, mariner, d 1809 " Mary, London Mackinron, Capt. D. W, d 1857-8 Mackintosh, F. M., d 1775 Mackley, Ann, of Kent Macleod, Lieut. Allan, d abroad Macnair, James, of Glasgow, d abd Macnamara, Thomas, d abroad Macpherson, Francis, d London " Lieut. Col., d 1811 Macqueen, Capt. Donald, d abd 1826 Macquire, William, d abroad 1822 Maddox, Henry,of Hampshire,^ 1810 Madgwick, Mary A., London Mahoney, John, R X, d 1823 Main, Andrew, master-mariner Maize, James, of London, 1800-20 Major, Jonathan W., d in Kent 1812 Mahan, Elizabeth, Walworth, d 1813 Mallett, Wm., labourer, Oxford Mallalieu, Ben., of Yorkshire, d 1845 Mallough, Jer., of New York, d 1823 Malone, Patrick, of Alloa, N B Maltzan, Baroness de, frmly Crawf 'd Mankin, John, mariner Mann, Joseph, of Liverpool " William, seaman Navy " Colonel G., of Quebec, 1800 Manners, Rich'd., left England 1815 Manners, — , killed at Waterloo Mannon, Edward, of London 1828 Manning, Lewis, of Chelsea Manowick, George, seaman M S Mansfield, Capt. Thomas, Navy Mansell, Elzbth. Brentford, d 1814 Manley, John, of London, d 1743 Mansfield, Wm., master R N, d 1812 Mansell, Ann D., of Lewes, Sussex " Mary, Lambeth, d 1827 Manks, William, d in America Mansfield, Thomas, seaman Navy March, Berrington, d 1812 Marchand, John P., d London 1808 March, Sarah, frmly Jones Markam, Mrs. Ann, of Cambridge " Edward " Mary Frances 11 Jacques ) children of Ed- ' William ) ward and Mary Markell, Sarah, of Newington Marland, Martin, living 1775 Marrett, Philip T., d in India 1 Mace, Charles, of London 1812 I Mackenzie, Murdoch, of London 1805 j Mackintosh, John, of London 1810 Malcolm, Samuel, of London 1812 March, Thomas, of London 1830 Marks, John, of London 1814 Marshall, William, of Bermondsey Martin, Adam, of London 1811 Francis P., of London 1820 " James, of Enfield 1812 " Thomas, of London 1820 Mathews, James EL, Middlesex 1837 Maunder, Samuel, of London 1836 Maynard, Thomas, of London 1821 Matthews, Joseph H., d 1819 Maciejowski, Stanislaus, d London 1868 Manning, William, of Lambeth Maddison, Robert, d abroad 1777 Magnay, Christopher J., of London Marriott, Martha, of Northampton " Mrs. W., of Jamaica Marsden, Thomas, of London 1810 Marshall, James, d Edinburgh 1829 " James B., of Dumfernline " Jane, Newport Pagnell 48 GENERAL INDEX. Marshall, John, HEIGS " Mary, o'wise Turner, 1773 " Samuel, of Kennington " William, of Islington " William, of Scotland " Mary, wife of W. Sheoch " W. C, builder, Portsea " W. C, gardener, Portsea " Thomas, of Bloomsbury " Daniel ) children of Elizabeth [ Daniel, of " Sarah ) Bloomsbury Martin, General Claude, d 1800 " David, living 1789 " Esther, dau. of John " & \ "London " George, coachman " John, din. Mexico " Mr., tailor, Soho ' ' Mary, frmly Benoist " Robert, of Chelsea " Sarah, of London " Thomas, d abroad 1800 " Thomas, seaman Navy " Thenes, mariner " William, d Kingsland " William, seaman Navy " — , d abroad 1862 Mason, Ann, Hadley, d 1829 Maslin, Sarah, frmly Thorp Mason, George ) of Edinburgh " James ) 18()0 Massey, Charles, d abroad 1798 Mary, Essex, d 1798 Massie, James, of Lancashire, d 1831 " Thomas, of Cheshire " William, surgeon, 1778 Matthews, Mary, native of Kent Mary, d 1832 " Jas., of Monmouth, d 1811 Matthas, Hannah, d 1864 Mate, William L., of Dover Mather, James, d in India " William, d Brixton 1830 Matchell, Win., of Surrey, d 1811 Maurice, Elizabeth A., London,cZ1864 Maw, Abdy C, d abroad 1812 Mawhood, Richd., of Wakefield 1790 Maxwell, James, merchant, d abroad Maxwell, James, seaman Navy May, John, seaman Navy " William, sergeant Army " Win., brother to Margt. Palmer " Wm., d Birmingham 1700 Mayer, Michael E., d abroad Mayer, John C, of Ireland, d 1801 Mayhew, Cath., d Bath 1830 Mayne, Terry G., d abroad 1802 " James, d in Dorset 1849 Mayo, Joseph B., of Hereford, d 1675 " Mary, dau. of James, d 1864 Mahan, Richard, d West Indies Masters, Charles, of London 1843 Maslin, Edward May, Maria, servant 1842 Macindoe, William, of Kincardine Malony, Patrick, d Liverpool 1868 Matneld Family Matfield, Erick, d abroad 1813 Mackay, Martin, d in India Macgilliardie, Anne, seamstress Matthew, Emily Jane Meginnis, Elizabeth, o'wise David Metcalf, John Mendel, Samuel, of Mincing Lane Meredith, William, d Middlesex " Elizabeth, d Wrexham Meyrick, James, d Westminster Meyer, John Baptist, d London Mercarclo, Solomon, d London Menforte, Manuel M., merchant Mears, William M., d Liverpool Menzies, Edward, of Perthshire Meik, Margaret L., o'wise Macarthy Mercer, E. G., of Camberwell 1866 Metize, Mr. , of Soho Mends, Jane, Plymouth, d 1867 Mealey, William, of London 1810 " William, Brighton 1840 Meggott, Eliza, Scotland, d 1857 Meyer, Nathan M., living 1796 Meanley, Jeremiah, Liverpool, d 1863 Meares, George " Hannah, frmly Gardener " Elzbth., niece of T.Wainman Meadows, Thos., bro. to Ellen Gore Meddowcroft, Wm. , of Cheshire d 1835 " Mary, o'wise Stanley Medlicott, John, Commander RN Meek, Elizabeth, York, d 1861 Mee, Mary, Worcester, d 1810 Meggison, Robert, d abroad 1808 Meiklejohn, Ed., mariner, d abroad Mell, William, d Shrewsbury 1831 Melvin, Alexander, d abroad 1813 Menzie, Joseph, seaman Navy Mercer, Israel, of Lancashire, d 1828 Meredith, Louisa, of London, 1796 " Mary, dau. of Louis " John, of London Merredith, Catherine, of Shropshire NEXT OF KIN. 49 Merrick, Mrs., of Essex Merry, Ann, d London " Ann, o'wise Hibble, d 1833 Merryman, L., mariner, d 1810 Mervin, Fran., of Kotherhithe, d 1807 Metcalf, Edward, of London Meymott, Samuel, of London Mill, William, went to America Miller, Henry, of London 1816 Mitchell, Jane, of Stepney " Georgiana, living 1810 Millar, Pauncefort, d Jamaica M 'i eS ' John rd \ d in London Miller, Charles, d Gloucestershire Mitchell, Robert, d Guildford Miller, James, d Carlisle 1791 Mills, Mary, of Wilts Mitchell, 0., o'wise Elder Miller, James ) " William > brothers and sister " Jane ) Mingay, John, of East India House Mitchell, Samuel, Dorset, d 1861 Minor, George S. ) of Somers Town " Andrew R. $ 1850 Mitchell, James Harrington Mills, Thomas, d New Zealand 1862 Millet, John, d in America Mitchell, Thos. B., of Adelaide 1818 Mitchels, Anna, native of Hanover Mills, George, of London 1833 Miller, Alexander, of London 1840 te James, of London 1835 Mitchell, E. C. , of London 1836 Milner, Joseph, of London 1810 Mitchell, Strasburg, London 1812 Minslrull, George R., of London Mill, Nicholas P., serg't of marines Miller, Mr. , of Long Acre Mitchelson, John R., seaman R N Mill ward, Thomas N., of Jamaica Millward Familv, of Jamaica Mitchell, William L., of Calcutta Michener, Richard, of Eaton, Bucks Middleton, Mary, o'wise Healey Lord, d 1835 " John, of Somers Town " Elzbt. of Kensington 1802 Midling, Joseph, of Surrey Milbnrn, Capt. Reginald, d abroad Mild, John, of Ashford and London Miley, John, seaman M S Mill, George, of Fifeshire, d 1841 Millard, John, of London, 1807 Miles, John, of Chesham Miles, Thomas, mariner, d abroad « fohn a,d 1 relatedto " Elizabeth, o'wise Harris Miller, Andrew, seaman M S " Charles, mariner, d 1846 " Daniel, native of Prussia " Elizabeth, of Kingston 1804 " Francis, of Westminster " Jacob, merchant, Edinburgh " James, of Edinburgh 1800 " James, merchant 1H11 " John, of London 1806 " John, of Edinburgh " John, of Woolwich, d 1811 " John, native of Jersey " Margaret, o'wise Martin " Mary, of Newington, Surrey " Nathan, son of James " Thomas, of London 1700 Mills, Charles E., d in India " Ephraini, seaman, Navy " John, of London " Major, of Teddington " William, painter, Walworth Millington, Mary A., London Milgreave, Margaret, of Cheshire Milnes, Mary, of Liverpool Mingay, John, of Edinburgh, dl861 Minster, Thomas, d abroad 1850-1 Missett, Mary, Lambeth, Morrall or Mor- " Sarah ) roll, of Portsm'th Morrell, Jane, Uxbridge, d 1830 Morris, Charlotte, New York 1840 " Charles, of Lambeth 1759 ' ' Mrs . Elizabeth, d in America " John, seaman, d 1837 " Lieut. Peter, d abroad 1848 " Peter, seaman, d 1854 " Susan, cook, Brighton " Thomas, of London 1700 " Thos., of Montgomery 1767 Morrison, — , surgeon Army Eliza, Brighton, 1849 " Dr. J. B. K, of Brighton " Morris, d at Chelsea Morroll, Mary, frmty Gray Morse, Major Charles, d 1855-6 Morton, Francis, of Middlesex ' ' Catherine E. , d London 1852 NEXT OP KIN. 51 Mortlock, Jno. W. , d Cambridge 1833 " W Cambridge, d 1828 Mosman, John, of London, d 1807 " Mary, wife of John " Mary, dau. of John ' ' William, of Newcastle 1796 Moss, Elizabeth, d at Kircudbright " Capt. John, tf abroad ' " Sarah, of Don caster Mossum, Mary, of Kilkenny Motley, Mary, Hereford, d 1861 Mott, bL&ry, frmly Christmas Mottram, Robert, tf Birmingham Monlton, Wm., d Newcastle 1772 Mountford, Capt. Francis, d abroad " C, seaman MS, d 1829 Moyce, John, tailor, Kingsland Moyse, Shadrach, of Scotland 1812 Munro, Hector Edwin Mnrrell, William, d London 1700 Munday, Stephen, d London Murphy, Robert, d Ireland 1785 Muir, George, d London Mudford, Nixon, of Shoreditch Mumford, Joseph, of Westminster Munden, Edmund Muston, Charlotte "M.., frmly No well Munk, James, d Poole 1866 Murray, Robert, London 1831 Munday, Jane, o'icise Tiley, d 1855 Mulcock, George C, seaman Murrell, William, of Middlesex Murphy, John J. , d London 1866 Munsell, Hannah, London March, Miss Aurelia Munday, Elizabeth, Cheshire d 1865 Murray, Robert A., dl858 Much/ John, of Berkshire 1800 Muhle, B. G., of London 1798 Mullagan, Thomas, seaman Navy Munro, James, d abroad 1862 " Robert, d London 1768 Munt, Henry, Lieut-Col., d abroad Mupstone, James, master-mariner Murray, Thomas, of Edinburgh 1796 " Ursula, frmly Baker Murrell, Judith, of Peckham Murphy, William, d at sea 1860 " Thomas, d abroad 1857 Muse, William Musgrave, Simon, of Haltwistle Myers, Daniel C, d abroad 1860 Mylburn, Catherine, Stepney, 1786 Myles, Samuel, sergeant, d abroad N Naunton, William, of Suffolk Naldi, Joseph, d abroad Nash, James, of London 1805 Nabb, John, d Preston 1791 Nailor, Elizabeth, of Mawley, Salop Naish, G., d abroad 1863 Nash, Rev. J. W., d abroad Nattes, Mr. \ of Hammersmith " Mrs. \ 1815 Nattis, Ensign J. W., d abroad Naughton, Michael, of Ireland Nelson, Hugh, d Penrith Newport, John, d Herts Nevy, John, of Devonshire Neethorpe, Edward, of London Nelson, Barbara Jacoba Nerestant, Charles E., d 1868-9 Newton, Wm., of Westminster 1825 Neal, Robert Joseph Nector, Ursula, d 1814 Neilson, Archibald, of London 1821 Newman, Henry, of London 1816 Newbery, Maria, housekeeper Newsham, Isabella Newbury, Thomas, of London " Charles, of London " Ann, wife of Charles Nevit, James, mariner Nevill, Barbara, of Salford Newman, Henry, of Hampshire Nesbit, Henry, solicitor Neville, William, d London 1821 " Jessica, Bucks, d 1862 Newbegin, Elzbth, /rrafo/ Hutchinson Newberry, Harriett, frmly Goodman Neal, Robert, d in Australia " Mary, of Liverpool Neale, James, transported 1815 " Wm., of Marylcbone, d 1829 " Elizabeth >of Isleworth, " John ) Surrey Neane, Robert, d abroad 1851-2 Nee, Edward, married J. Palmer N ^»ine |chUd-»of E dward Nedham, Samuel, d abroad 1835 Negus, Charles, d London 1812 Neild, Lieut. Fred. J., d abroad 1838 Nelmes, John, of Pentonville Nelson, Alexander, seaman d 1811 " George, d India 1806 " George, d India 1857 " John, seaman, d 1824 " Lieut. John, d abroad 1807 52 GENERAL INDEX. Nelson, Peter, seaman, d 1806 " Robert, tailor, London Nesbitt, John, underwriter Nevay, James, left Scotland 1752 Nevill, James, seaman M S Nevin, William, servant Newbegin, William, d abroad 1862 Newcomb, Ann, d London 1807 Newenham, S. A.frmly Waring Newell, Wm., farmer, Goring, cl 1830 Newland, Lieut. George, d abroad Newman, George, of Wapping Newton, Isaac, "of Manchester " J., Army surgeon " James, d London 1799 Nichol, Anthony, d Lichfield Nicholls, Francis, d Newcastle Nightingale, Miles, d London Nicholson, Jeremiah, Berks Nightingale, John, d Surrey Nisbet, Robert, d Jamaica .Nicholas, Peter, of Hants Nixon, Ann, servant 1859 Nield, Frederick J., d 1838 Nicol, John, of Marylebone Nilmari, William M., America 1843 Nicholson, Elizabeth, of London 1860 Nicks, Thomas J., of Clerkenwell Nichol, Colin, merchant, Glasgow Nicholas, John, d Shropshire 1843 Nicholls, Jacob, of Kensington " James, d Marylebone 1857 " John, seaman," d 1807 " Lieut. Charles, dl814. " Mary, of Norfolk " William, of Poplar " William, seaman, d 1809 Nicholson, Charles, seaman, d 1841 Mrs. Eliz., of London 1821 Nicol, Mary, otherwise Warren " Susan, otherwise Smith Nicolay, Capt. Thos. F., d abrd 1853 Nicoll Family, of Bedfordshire ' ' Wm. , of Bedfordshire, d 1726 " William, of Herts, cl 1746 " Samuel, of Herts, d 1758 Nickson, Elizabeth, London Niele, J., drum-major 89th Regt. Nielson, Niel, seaman M S " Jane, d abroad 1808 " Adam, brother to Jane Nievan, H. D., d in India Nisbett, Amelia, otherwise Morut " Josiah, of West Indies Nixon, John, d at Pimlico " Maria, of Lancashire, d 1827 North, Thomas, of Sussex Norman, Elizabeth, d Westminster Norman, Edward, d Middlesex Norrys, Anne ) daughters of " Margaret \ Edward Norman, Mrs., of Marylebone 1818 Norton, Thomas Francis Noble, George, " Harriet (_ descendants of Lucy ( W. " Mary ) Parsons, Edward, of Southend, Essex Parson, Sarah, London, d 1815 Partridge, Joseph, of London Pash, George, d abroad 1862 Pashley, Charles W., d London 1851 Patch, William, of Finsbury, 1810 Paterson, James, d Leith, 1831 Paton, James, of Perth, 1810 " Joseph, of London, 1801 Patrick, Adam, of Chelsea " Charles, of Scotland, d abd " Ann, wife of John " Thos., engineer, Liverpool Patten, Rev. Thomas, of Berks, 1790 " Robert, nephew of Thomas " Thos., grandfather of Thos. ' ' Thomas S. , d India 1780 Patterson, Alexander, d at Fulham Charles, d abroad 1825 " James, seaman Navy " James, seaman M S Lieut. James, R N John, seaman Navy Rebecca, of Finsbury Thomas, seaman, d 1816 " Thos., of Preston d abd " Robert, seaman Navy " Wm., of London, 1801 Payne, James, of Hereford, d 1811 " Philip, of Gloucestershire " Philip of Essex, d 1829 Pepwell, Jane, wife of Thomas Peachey, Mary, d London Peachey, Gracchus, of Sussex Peck, Thomas ) " John > of Boston, America. " Ann ) Pennell, William, of Horncastle Pescocl, William, Winchester, d 1760 Petre, Nathaniel G., d London Peppin , Joseph , of Northampton shire Perchard, Peter, of London, 1800 Pearson, Matthew, of Dublin Pettitt, John, d Salford 1836 Peche, Chas. D ,of Southarnptoh,182!' Penoyer, William, d London Pelissier, Elizabeth, d abroad 1839 Peplow, Jas. R., Bethnal Green, 1810 Pearce, George, went abroad 1852 " Eliza, frmly Collins Percival, James, d Norfolk 1831 " Charles, d Paris 1812 Pedder, Robert, of Brighton " Frederick Hoffman Pease, Joseph, of Liverpool Penny, Elizabeth, o'wise Glazier Pease, William, of Yorkshire Perryman, MaryA. , Chippenham 1811 Pearson, Thomas, d Essex 1861 William, of London, 1828 Perigal, John, of London 1816 Perkins, John, of London, 1816 " Joseph, of London 1811 Peters, James, of Littlehampton 1836 Percy Family, of Bucks 1500 Peters, Robert, of Scotland Peacock, John, Yorkshire, d 1866 Pearce, Ann, frmly Hearn Pearson, Juliana, London 1832 NEXT OF KIN. 55 Pennell, Eliza Le, e&m. of Charles Pennefather, Major K., d abroad Peffers, David, of Haddingtonshire Petrie, William, d abroad 1848 Percy, Elizabeth, frmly Parish Petty, Henrietta Perry, James, of Waldingfield Peerless, James, builder, Bromley Penruddoche, Thomas, d Hants 1867 Peaveridge, Antony, seaman M S Peach, Sarah, o'lois'e Skegg Peacock, Thomas " William 11 Mary, d Homerton 1832 Pearce, Thomas, of Westminster " Ann ) of Bath and Isling- " John j ton 1800 Pearl, Ann, of Newfoundland Pearice, Capt. Edward, d 1838 Pearse, Ann A., d at Bristol Pearson, Robert, of Devonshire " Robert, seaman, ^1815 ' ' Sarah, frmly S weetman " Thomas, baker, London Peasgood, Susannah, frmly Dennis Peart, Thomas, d Lambeth 1861 Peat, William, of Derbyshire Perry, Nathaniel, d London 1817 " Sarah, o'wise Brown " William, of London Perryman, — of Berkshire Pescbd, Sarah, Alverstoke, d 1820 Pester, Elizabeth, living 1800 Peters, Thomas, tailor, Mortlake " John, butcher, Bristol " Simon, seaman Navy " Peter, seaman M S Peterson, Charles, seaman, d 1844 Peto, Sarah, d in Surrey 1829 " William, of Surrey, d 1835 " Joseph " Mary A. Petril, William, d India, 1848 Peyton, John W., d in S. America Peck, Capt. Thomas, d 1777 " Christian, wife of Thomas " Hannah, of Northumberland Pedder, Edward, farmer, Kent Peddle, Rev. John, of Somerset Pedley, Francis d abroad Peg, Cornet William, 25th Dragoons Pelipier, Elizabeth, d abroad 1839 Pemberton, Harriett, West Indies " James, of Liverpool 1823 Penaire, Elizabeth, frmly Bealc Pendrill, George " Humphrev John " Richard " William Penclry, Jacob, of Warfield, Berks " Elizabeth, servant Penfold, Henry, seaman M S Penman, Fanny, of Workington Penn, Thomas, grocer, Hackney Pennell, Lowell, of London 1810 " Jane, frmly Voughton Penny, John, seaman Navy " Stephen ) sons of Thomas, of " Thomas S Somerset 1780 Percival, Joseph, of Southwark Perdine, Jas., of Kensington d 1827 Perkins, Elizabeth, of Cambridge Perochon, John E., d London 1826 Perrett, R. , of London 1800 Perriman, Deborah, of Somerset Phillips, John, m A. Slade " Judith, of Ireland " William, of Middlesex Phillipson, Richard, of London Phipps, John, of London " John, of West Indies Phelps, Caroline, living 1855 Phillips, George, d Surrey 1865 Philpot, William < ' Elizabeth Phillips, S. V., frmly Whildon Phelps, Thomas, d abroad 1867 Phillips, Charles, surgeon, 1822 "- Nathaniel T. Somerset " John, of Cornhilll815 Phelan, Edward, of Ireland, d abroad Phillipan, William, seaman Navy Phillips, Catharine, d Croydon 1S28 " Elizabeth C, of London " George, of London " Robert, of Kirkaldy 1796 " William, of Kent Whinifred, of Wilts Philpot, Charlotte C., of Lambeth Phipps, Mary, o'wise Price Pickmere, Amelia, d Lancashire Pickney, Saintloe, of Nottingham Pilkington, Eglington, of Yorkshire Pilman, John, d London Pickney, James, d Yorkshire 1751 Pickett, John, d Middlesex Pipping, John, d Bristol 1776 Thomas, d Bristol 1786 " William, d Bristol 1789 56 GENERAL INDEX. Piggott, George, of South wark Pike, Elizabeth, d Bath 1869 Pimpton, Ann, d Scotland 1869 Pickard, Martha, o'wise Freeman Pierce, Robert, d Surrey 1867 Pitt, James, d Gloucestershire 1830 Pitchers, William, d Surrey 1865 Pitkin, Richard, of Shoreditch Pike, Susannah, of the Strand Pierce, George, left England 1852 Piercey, Whyley, of Leicestershire Pinfold, William L., went abrcl 1820 Pistell, Charles B., Notts, ^1846 Pickernell, Jeremiah, of Hants Pill, George, London 1838 Pickthall, William, d London 1865 Piercey, Richard, living 1750-80 Pink, Martha \ " Richard formerly living in " Elizabeth >theEdg ware Road, " Jane London ' ' Sophia J Pilgrim, Thomas, of Islington 1852 Pinhorn, John, of Isle of Wight Piercey, Miss, dau. of Edward 1854 Pickam, Mary, Brompton, d 1825 Pickbourn, James, d\\\ America Pickett, Elizabeth, Clapton, d 1848 " Francis, of Rotherhithe 1790 " John, bank clerk " Elizabeth, sister to John Pickering, Elizabeth, o'wise Horton Pickersgill, William, d London 1858 Pierce, Thomas, of Wilts, d 1829 " Mary, frmly Shillock Pierie, John, of London 1776 " Major William, d abroad 1812 ' ' Margaret, sister to John ^Piers, John, seaman M S Pike, Mary, London, d 1820 Pilbrow, Thos. of Bethnal Green 1819 Pilkington, James, of London " Wm. of Mary lebone,^ 1828 " Joseph, of Ireland 1844 Pinkston, Rebecca, Islington, d 1818 Pinto, Francisco, J.G. din S.America Piper, John, of London, d 1826 " G. sergeant, din Jamaica Pitcairn, Lieut. Alex, d abroad 1825 Pitches, William, of Norwich, d 1810 Pitter, John, of Stockbridge, Hants Pollock, Robert, engineer Pool, Jonathan, of Cheshire Poole, Abraham, d Windermere 1860 Polehampton, — , d London 1772 Poole, Jane, of Somers Town Pope, John, d Newark Porter, Nathaniel, of London Pope, James, d Madeira Polkinghorne, Michael, of Cornwall Powell, Price, of Hereford " John, of Bristol " Ann, d Middlesex " Joshua, d Surrey 1793 Porter, Penelope, d Lichfield Poole, Samuel, of Gloucester Poole, T., d at sea, 1856 Pook, John, of Golden Square Pounsberry, E., d abroad 1865 Pope, Thomas, Kenilworth, d 1831 " Mary, Kenilworth, d 1864 Polgiaze, Henry, d Kensington 1844 Powis, John, of Brixton Pope, Margaret, Middlesex, d 1867 Porris, Mary, b London 1759 Porteous, Charles, frmly of Hants Poole, Vernon, d Leamington 1867 Porter, Henry, of London 1812 Pollard, William, of London 1812 Potter, Samuel, of London 1830 Porch, Sarah, frmly Howell Polley, Ralph* of Essex, d 1831 " Susan, wife of Ralph Porrett, William, d abroad 1867 Porter, Catherine, living 1815 Powell, William H., d Middlesex 1865 " George, seaman, d 1812 " John, born about 1760 " Jn. D. of Staffordshire, d 1822 " John, seaman Navy " Joseph, of Birmingham " Margaret, of Middlesex 1814 " Mary, frmly Moffatt " Richard, tailor, London 1767 Power, Ann, Whitechapel, d 1834 " Susannah,of Bloomsb'y,^1843 Pontiguy, Henry, merchant, London Pocock, Jane, of Chelsea and Hants " John, of Paddington, d 1831 Polchet, Louisia, d at Sandhurst Pollard, Edmund, of London 1786 Polstern, Elizabeth, o'wise Wilson Pool, Catharine, of Marylebone,^1853 Poole, John, of London, d 1836 " John, son of Hugh, of Somerset Pooley, Elzbth., London, d 1855 Pope,' Edward, d Bayswater 1815-20 Popham, Stephen P., R N, d 1842 Porter, Mary, Islington, d 1856 " William, d at Pimlico Porteous, Alexander, of Perth 1810 Porsons, Theodore, cl abroad 1856 NEXT OF KIN. 57 Pott, John, d London 1848 Potter, W. H., d abroad 1800 Pountney, Benjamin, d London 1832 Ponlton, Robert, farmer, Essex Powell, Ann, London, d 1833 " Catharine, of Herefordshire " Ensign C. J., d abroad " Evan, of Brecon 1 ' Frances, of Bermondsey 1767 Playle, Mary, o'wise Chapman Plowden Family, of Norfolk Plunkett, John, d abroad ' ' James F. , d London 1862 Place, Daniel, private 67th Foot Plomer, Edward, solicitor 1822 Plumber, Eugenie, Brompton 1863 Plumbe, Catherine, of Leicestershire Plant, Catherine//'?/^ Barnett Prathernon, George, living 1800 Present, Christopher, R., of Suffolk Price, James, d Surrey 1869 " David, of Warminster 1826 Preston, Rev. Thomas Proctor, James, engineer Prowde, Francis, of Somerset Pretyman, Elizabeth, d Kent 1780 Pritty, William, d India Price, Mary A., frmly Sampson Proven, John, d in Australia Price, Edward T. J. Pryor,George,of Edgeware Road 1826 Price, Catherine, b 1792 Probert, James C., mariner 1865 Pritchard, Esther, ^Birmingham Proctor, Thomas ^ " George nephews and " John I nieces of the ' ' Christopher [ Rev. Christo- pher Preston, ofAtherstone, ^1783 Isabella ' William Mary " Richard Preston, C, Warwick, d 1783 " Thomas Price, Charlotte, London, d 1863 Pratt, Edward, seaman M S " Grace, Yorkshire, d 1813 Preddy, William, Southwark Prentice, John L., of London 1813 Preston, Louisa, London, cZ1842 " Sarah, d America 1806 Prevost, William, d America 1826 Price, Anna M., 0'm9 of Dean-street, Soho Sarah ) Robertson, Bower R., d Pembroke 1851 60 GENERAL INDEX. Rosenbohn. Johanna, d London 1862 Robinson, William, of Liverpool Rowland, Robert, of Bristol 1838 Rogers, James, of Holt, Hants Rowbottom, Mark, of Matlock Rogers, Anne, frmly Hollins John, d Middlesex 1865 Ronaldson, Wm., d Surrey 1865 Ronaldson, Wm., d London Robinson, H. B., frmly Ross Robins, John, of London Rose, Joseph, auctioneer 1840 Rodmell, Sarah, Sussex Robson, Wm. D., dSalford 1867 Robertson, Alex. \ of Limehouse " James y 1820 Rochfort, F., of London 1840 Roscow, Robt. of London 1820 Ross, Colin, of London 1812 Rordansy, Henry, of London 1815 Robinson, Samuel, of London Rowcroft, Thomas, of London Robertson. John, of Glasgow, d 1832 Robinson, Joseph " Rebecca, Essex, ^1866 " Raseleyl " John I brothers and " Alfred } sister of " Wm. Rebecca " Mary J Rome, Mary, frmly Robinson Ronaldson, Wm., ^Middlesex 1867 Robertson, Sophia G., of Canada Roberts, Dorothy, frmly Williams Robinson, Mrs. Heaton B. Roberts, Ann J., frmly Burrows " Lieut. Christopher, R N " Capt. Christopher T.,Army " Ed. E., paymaster R N,1863 " Edward, native of Wales " Frances, of Marylebone " John, solicitor, London " Owen, cook, M S " William, of Sheffield Robertson, John, of Plewlands 1797 ii John, mariner, d 1812 " Capt. John, d abd 1805 " James, of Patrick Robinson, Elzbth., Berwick, of London 11 William \ 1805 Russell, C, dm India 1815 " Edward, of Surrey SirR.G., of Bucks " Thomas, sergeant, d abroad Rutherford, Jane, d London " Mary, of Scotland Rutledge, Capt., of India, 1789 R utter, Susannah, London, d 1813 Evan, Colonel Charles, d London Ryley, Samuel, of London 1743 Sander, Mrs. of St. John's Wood Savage, Sarah, servant Sayer, Lydia, o'wise Wade Sainthill, Samuel Sardeson, Elizabeth, of Alverton Salter, Humphrey, d London Say, John, of Norfolk Savage, James, d London 1781 Saxton, John, of Bolton, d 1838 Sankey, Sarah A., Chatham 1865 Salmon, Rachael B., Hackney, d 1862 " Ann ) of Brentford, " Elizabeth $ Essex Saunders, Sarah, of Herts, d 1838 Santer, Elizabeth, frmly Bradley Sadler, Captain James, d abroad Sanderson, Robert, Stromness 1796 Saunders Family, living 1716 Sansom, Faul, of Harwich Saunders, James ) " John > of Kensington " Frederick ) Sawer, William ") " Elizabeth f " Charlotte \ children of John " Sarali [ & Mary Sawyer " Hannah Lucy J " William, d London 1811 Salter, Sarah, Mile End 1816 Salmon, Eobert, son of John Sawkell, John, of Durham Savage, AYilliam, linen draper " Marynannah Salt, Sarah, of Finsbury Savage, John, of London Sadler, Richard, merchant, d abroad Sage, Mr., of India 1787 Saggers, Ann j descendants of w . " John ) nephews of Ann " William j and John Saise, Mary, Hereford, d 1806 Salmon, Sarah, niece of Mrs. Irish " John, of Sunderland 1805 Salmond, James, of Yorkshire, d 1859 Salter, Lieut. John, R N Sampson, John, servant Sanders, Thomas C, of London 1800 " Joseph, of Langley, Herts Sanderson, Ann, of Edinburgh 1855 " Elizabeth, d Cumberland ' ' John , of Westmoreland " Nicholas, of Whitehaven Sanderson, William, of London Sanforcl, William, of the R N Sandison, Robert, of Scotland 1796 Sandys, Samuel, of Bristol 1780 Saunders, Charles, d abroad 1862 Henry, native of Exeter " Lieut. T. , d abroad 1805 " Joseph, of Oxford, d 1836 Walter M. , of Kent 1800 Savill, Joseph, of Essex Saville, Benjamin Savage, William, of London 1809 Savory, Francis, of Surrey 1780 Sawyer, Robert, gardener, Dorset Sawkins, Mrs. Mary, of Chelsea Sayer, George, surgeon, London " John, of Cambridge 1720 Scarville, Jeremiah, d Sussex Scotnay, Bryant, d Middlesex Schleinzer, Joseph M. , d London Scott, Sarah, d Westminster Scanlan, John J.,d Middlesex 1869 Schofield, Mary, ^ 1869 Scriven, John Hampden Sclater, Thomas, of Denmark Scott, John, d Liverpool 1869 " William H, f? 1868 Scaife, William " John C. Scruby, Susan, o'wiss Folley Scott, Thomas, of Madrid 1835 Scaife, Jane, of Westmoreland Scales, Ann, o'wise Le Costa School, John, ship carpenter 1826 Schovell, Noal, of New York Schory, Capt. Michael, d abroad Schram, Mary, London, d 1818 Scorah, Ann, da a. of William Scolay, Robert, seaman, d 1823 Scott,' Archibald, purserR N 1796 62 GENERAL INDEX. Scott, Elizabeth, d London 1812 " Hannah, d in India ' ' Isabella, d London 1856 * ' James, seaman, d 1814 " John, d Westminster 1815 " John, of Glasgow, d abroad " John R. D. D., of Westminster " Joseph, of Durham, d 1833 " Kobert, seaman Navy " Sarah, o'wise Butler " Thomas, d London 1841 Scouler, Lieut. James B., d abroad Scougall, John, Leith 1800 Scroggs, Richard, of Worcestershire Scrambler, John, of Southwark Scudmore, Ann \ of London " William \ dm 5 Seager, Eliza, wife of Henry- Seymour, James, living 1843 Seaborn, Thomas, of Middlesex Seymour, Jane, of Berkshire Selby, Thomas J., d Bucks Seymour, Elizabeth, d Middlesex Search, James, left England 1860 Sewell, Frederick, of Stockwell Seaman, George, of London 1815 Seel, Charles M., went abroad 1852 Seymour, Mrs. of Berkeley Square 1852 Seftley, Charles, of Berkeley Square 1820 Seabrook, Elizabeth, of Plumstead Seagrave, Thomas, seaman, d 1845 Seaman, James, of Swansea, d 1825 " Mary, o'wise Holmes Searles, Susanh., Paddington, d 1806 Searle, Francis, of London 1818 Sedden, Elizab'h ) daughters of John " Esther $ of Manchester Selby, Ann J., d Plymouth 1862 " Clarke, living 1760 Settle, John, merchant, York Sewards, Robert, of Melbourne Sewell, John G., of Norfolk " Mary, of London " William, of Lambeth Seyer, Capt. R. T., d abroad 1833 Seymour, Lieut. Robert, d abroad Shakeshaft, John j of EweU> gurrey 11 Richard, surgeon 1790 " Susannah, o'wise Foley Shepperd, Thomas, of London Shuttlewood, Thos., d Falmouth 1753 Sherman, Elizabeth " Ezekiel of Colchester Short, Grace, d Devonshire Shady, Peter M., d Bristol Shanks, Fitzroy, of Sydney Sharpe, Valentine, of Wisbeach Sheppard, William, of Clapham Shaw, Jane, d Kent 1868 Sherwood, Hannah, o'mstfCoibach Sharpe, Thomas Sheldon Family Shute, Stephen, d Devon 1824 Shackleton, William, d York 1800 Shepherd, Con oily, left Liverp'l 1859 Shackleton, John, of Lancashire Shepherd, Win., of Kent Road 1847 Shaw, John, of Coldstream 1800 Shargood, Martha, Islington 1865 Sheldon, James, m C. Smart Shaw, Duncan, of Southwark 1830 " William ) sons of A. Shaw, of " Andrew ) Canada Shepherd, Thomas Shaw, Mary, frmly Hassell Shepherd, Sarah, dau. of James Shirley, Samuel, of London 1830 Shield, J. R., of Cray's Court 1862 Shippore Family Shaw, James D., Newcastle d 1865 " Mary, o'wise Creak Sherville, John James, of London Shakeshaft, Chas., d Brompton 1843 Shapton, G. , of Plymouth Shakespear, Arthur, of London 1800 Shard, Frances M., of Devon Sharpe, Edward, of Lincoln, d 1840 Sharpies, John, of Lancashire Shave, John T., of Calcutta Shaw, Agnes, o'wise Donaldson " Capt. A., West India Regiment " Hector, d in India " John J., seaman " Thomas, of America 1783 " William, of Scotland Shearman, Robert, of Chelsea Sheffield, Elizbth., d Longhead 1765 Sheldon, William Shelmerdine, Daniel, of Lancashire Shepherd, Elizabeth, d Surrey " John, seaman " Kesiah, of Essex Lieut. H., d abroad 1824 " Susannah, o'wise Hedges " William, seaman 1820 " William, of London 1700 Shephard, Samuel, of Stratford 1760 Sherratt, Charles, of London 1770 Sherlock, Amelia, London 1819 NEXT OF KIN. 63 Sherston, Capt. Hugh W. Shetterden, Tlios. ? died early in tlie " Elzbh. ) last century " Meliora, o'icise Loan " Dorothy o'icise Smith Elizabeth o'icise Clarke ^Shields, John T., d London 1835 Shilham, Thomas, living 1790 Shipley, Lieut. George L., d 1822 Shipmore, Elzbth., sist.to D. Hatfield Shore, John, sergeant-major Short, Alice, d 1784 " Cath., Market Harborough " Capt. William, of Somerset Shubrick, Richard ) of America, d " Sarah $ 1760-90 Simpson, Thomas, son of Walter Silver, Mrs., of Pimlico Sibbald, Alexander, d Glasgow " Mary, o'icise Brown Sierra, Moses, d London Singleton, James, of Kendal Sidbury, John, of Devon Simson, Nathan, d London Simson, Dysie, widow Simmington, Eleanor, of Scotland Simpson, Thomas, d Middlesex " Andrew, d Scotland Sidden, Samuel, of Rochester " Jane, o'icise Butler Singleton, Maria Simpson, William G., d abroad " George, mariner, d 1777 Sidden, Elizabeth, London 1775 Sidebotham, — , London 1771 " John, d abroad 1854 Silcock, Benjamin, of London Silver, Ann, London 1838 Silvester, Ann, sister to E. Box Thomas, of Bristol Sime, Henrv, d abroad 1836 ' ' Walter, of Aberdeen 1797 Simeon, David, d abroad Simeons, — , d abroad Simes, John, of Islington 1765 Simkins, Thomas, of Islington Simmons, John, d about 1790 " Thomas, of Lincoln Simpkin, John, of Norfolk 1857 Simpson, Aitken M., dl861 " Lieut. Andrew, d 1816 " Elzbth., of Woodorling 1825 11 Edward, seaman " John, of Leicester, d 1841 " Sarah, o'icise Leake " W. E., of Edinburgh 1793 Simple, Robert, of Edinburgh 1796 Sims, Jane, o'icise Moody 1834 Simson, Thomas, mariner Sipp, Joseph, master-mariner Sinclair, George, seaman Singer, Hannah, d London 1808 Skerrett, Ann, o'icise Wyer Skinner, Joseph, of Dev'onport Skelding, Jane, o'wue Scaife Skelton, William, went abroad Skymer, Margaret, widow Skinner, Mr., of Camden Town " Sarah, dau. of Robert Skae, David, of Edinburgh 1798 Skeen, Richard M., of Kennington Skeene, — , army surgeon Skelton, Belona, d 1849 " John, of Dublin Skerry, Elizabeth, Birmingham Skinner, Barbara, frmly Opie 1770 Slade, Amelia, o'icise Phillips " John, d London Slight, Samuel, clerk Slade Family Skeff, S., d abroad 1860 Slaughter, W. P. N., d London 1865 Sloane, Mary, sister of William Slumbers, Caroline, London Sloane, William, London Sleap, Elizabeth / children of " Ann M. ) John Slater, Joseph, mariner, d 1800 Slator, George, of London Sloat, John, d Bermondsey 1855 Sloe, Mary, d Surrey 1863 Smith, Andrew, d Southampton " Peter, d Suffolk " Ann, d London " Matthew, d Norfolk Smithes, Voyce, d Surrey Smith, Elizabeth, o'icise Lightfoot " Thomas, d London, 1767 Smyth, Ann, d Surrey 1774 Smith, Dorothy, of Surrey Smithies, Charles, d Surrey Smith Family, of Gloucestershire " John, d Oxfordshire " Thomas, d London 1776 " William, d Middlesex " Mary, d Middlesex 1795 " Thomas, of Worcestershire " Thomas, watchmaker " John, mariner " James, W., d London 1845 " Susannah, dau. of Charles " Jane, o'wise Hurst 64 GENERAL INDEX. Smith, Mary, of London 1842 Smart, John, of Middlesex 1820 Smith, Henry Jdarwood " Kobert, cl America 1867 " Mary, of Islington " Hervey, living 1765 " John, of E. Navy 1831 Smythies, Thomas, of Liverpool Smith, Ann, of Seven Dials 1815 " Sarah, frmly Hudson I " Michael John, of Jamaica | Smithson, Caroline, Yorkshire 1865 Smith, Hannah, Warwick " Martha, Sheffield, d 1865 " J. T. B., cl Middlesex 1861 " Alexander S., Liverpool, d 1865 " John, of Sussex, cl 1862 • " George, Aberdeen, cl 1866 Smither, Samuel ) children of Caro- " Caroline ) line Smith, George, of Nottingham " Edmund, Melbourne, cl 1852 " Alexander, of Glassingal " Dorothy, frmly Churchill " Eliza, frmly Ellis, d 1858 " Elizabeth, o'ic-ise Wilkie " Robert, of Pittenween, N" B ' ' Barbara, frmly Gauden Smout, John, o'iciseJ. Evans Small, Elizabeth " William, of Chobham Smith, Frances, of Maidstone 1815 " Win., of Gower Street 1810 Smyth, Constantine J., Dublin 1848 Smith, Bichard, of Piccadilly 1830 Smallbones, John, cl Paddington Smallman, Solomon, of India Small, Henry, seaman, d 1822 William, d in Herts 1823 Smart, William, of Horsham Smeaton, Catharine, frmly Coventry Smith, Abel, of Worcester, d 1816 " Ann, London, d 1843 " Ann M., o'icise Summers " David, of London, cl 1811 " Dorothy, frmly Shetterden " E., draper, Birmingham " Edward, of London " Edward, seaman, d 1814 " Elizabeth, sister to Thomas " Eliza, of Leicestershire " Francis, o'icise Well ard " Francis, seaman, d 1822 " George, seaman, cl 1850 " George, of London 1805 " George, seaman, d 1818 Smith, George, yeoman, Bath " Gerard, of London 1770 " Henry, of Suffolk 1829 " Henry L., of Greenwich " James, yeoman, Lettendy " James, of Bilston, ^1862 " James, of,Tenterden, d 1827 " Capt. James, cl 1828 " James, of Macclesfield, d 1843 " Jane, frmly Payne " John, seaman, d 1846 " John, of Manchester, cl abrd " John, mariner, cl 1836 " John, of Buntingford, cl 1811 " John, m Catharine Owen " John, seaman, cl 1819 " John, of Aberdeen 1800 " John, cl Islington 1824 " John, of Glasgow 1810 " John, of Lettendy, NB " Joseph, cl Lambeth " Mary, Leamington 1853 " Mary, frmly Hill, d 1831 " Phillip, d London 1813 " Bobert, of Bermondsey 1789 " Bobert, seaman, cl 1818 " Samuel, brother of John " Sarah, Litchfield ' ' Sarah, frmly Bellas, cl 1 841 ' ' Susan, frmly Xicoll " Thomas, baker, London " Thomas, seaman, d 1814 " Thomas, master-mariner " William, E., cf London " William, seaman, d 1821 " William, of Deptford 1817 " William, cl at Andover " Lieut. W., of Elizabeth Ives, of Shropshire nephews of Eliza- beth Ives * Mary p< George 11 John 11 Robert Stuart, Robert, merchant, 1820 " Alexander, of Glasgow 1810 Sturrock, Ensign H., d abroad Sturt, John, d Sussex 1815 Styler, George, seaman, d 1818 Styles, Thos., master-mariner, d 1860 Swete, Benjamin, d London Swan, George C, d York 1788 Swallow, Robert, d Rotherham Sugden, Charlotte, d Ipswich Sullivan, J. F., d abroad 1863 Sutherland, James, R Navy, d 1814 Sutcliff, Edwin, of Whitechapel Summerland, Mrs., Gravesend 1862 Swain, Bonner, formerly in the Navy Swainson, Eliza, frmly Moore Symons, Sophia, frmly Cheeseman Surrell, Harriett, London 1867 Summers, Daniel, Woodford, d 1865 Swallow, Rev. W. H., d 1867 Swan, Henry, of Esher Sweet, Samuel W., of London Syfret, Stephen, of London Symonds, Eliza ) " Matilda > of Brighton 11 Joseph ) Sudon, Chas. L., 60th Regt. of Foot Sugars, Nancy, sister to Robert Sugrue, Charles, d abroad 1816 Suker, William, d Bobbington 1800 Sullivan, John, seaman 1822 Summers, Ann, of Harpenden " James H., d abroad 1810 Surrey, Charlotte, frmly Full wood Surtees, A. A., of Camden Town Suter, Rev. Thomas H., d 1861 Sutton, F. M., of Notts, d 1826 Swaddell, Maria, frmly Cope Swaisland, George, seaman, d 1864 Swanson, John, seaman Swayne, Lieut. John B. Sweeny, Margaret, of Plymouth " John, seaman M S Sweetapple, John, of London 1690 Swindle, John, wine merchant Swindall, Ann, d Lambeth 1845 Swift, Vincent, d London 1820 Swinarton, Richard, d London 1858 Syfret, Charlotte, of Kennington Symondson, Anne " Catharine " Frances E. Symons, Lieut. John, d abroad 1835 Swann, Anna, of London Symkin, Sarah, o'wise Darrell Sykes, Thomas, of Yorkshire Taylor, Janet, dau. of Peter Tagg, Abraham, of Derbyshire " Elizabeth, w, d 1846 Taylor, Robert, of London 1838 Tann, Charles, d Sydney 1848 Taylor, Thomas, of Cheshire " Milborne, d Bristol " Elizabeth, d Middlesex " John, d Surrey 1707 Tancred, Christopher, of Yorkshire Taylor, William, d London " Jonathan, of Lyme Regis Tawney, Sarah, o'wise Darwent Talbot, Thomas, d Hereford 1787 Tanner, Nicholas, d Surrey Taylor, Mary , d Middlesex Tate, Edmund, d Middlesex 1829 Taylor, Mary A., d London 1864 Talbot, Joshua, of Leicester Tabor, J. S., d abroad 1849 Taitt, Chas. W. W., of Bathurstl853 Tait, Capt. Alexander, d Edinburgh Taylor, Joseph, of Edinburgh Gabriel, b 1782 " John, of Lincolnshire, dl861 Ann, d 1861 Talbot, James, of Windsor 1850 Tagg, Richard, of Staffordshire 1772 1 ' Mary, frmly Lynall 1772 Taylor, John, of London 1815 " Peter, of Scotland Tapner, John, of Woolwich 68 GENERAL INDEX. Tapner, Elizabeth ) daughters of " Catherine ) John Tarrald, Gabriel, mariner, d 1777 Taft'e, Mathew, seaman Talbot, Lieut-Colonel Sarah, Guildford 1862 Tallentira, Thomas, d London 1816 Tannatt, Edward, of Montgomery Tanner, G-eorge, of Essex Tapp, William, d London 1848 Tappin, Mary, of Warwickshire Tarbuck, James, of Lancashire Target, Thomas, d London Tasker, Edward, d abroad 1858 Tasman, Elizabeth, London Tate, Admiral George Tatem, Henry, seaman, d 1811 Taylerson, Ann, Sunderland " Margaret, Durham Taylor, Ann, Gloucester 1855 " Anthony, d India " Charles, of Devon Elzabth. , of Manchester 1857 " Harriet, London 1847 " John, of West Bromwich " John S., of London " John W., seaman 1823 " Mary, dm. of Charles " Mary A., Somerset 1843 " Thomas, manner, d 1843 " William, of Walthamstow " William, d abroad 1856 " William, of Louth, Lincoln Tempest, George, d abroad Teague, Adam Joel Teagles, John Charles, of London Teall, Jane, wife of Timothy " Mary, d Lancashire 1864 Teasdale, Mary, Wetherby " Marmaduke, d 1795 Teaster, John, seaman, d 1824 Tedford, Honoria, d in India Terry, Martha, of Mortlake " Rebecca, o'wise Beech Tether, Thomas, d London 1846 Thomas, John E. Thornly, Rebecca, o'wise Cooper Thompson, Mr., d London 1835 Thibault, Joseph E. Thomson, Robert, of Glasgow Thorowgood, Wm., d London Thompson, John, d 1715 Thomson, Thomas, d abd 1750 Thomas, Theophilus, of Glamorgan " Samuel S. , d abd 1797 Thirkill, Christopher, of Durham Thomson, Thos. S., d Glasgow 1860 Thornaby, Daniel, of Manchester Thompson, James, son of Rev. E . Thomas, Sarah Thompson, Samuel, of Belfast Thurgood, Wm., London 1820 Thomson, James, of Scotland " Alexander G. Thomas, George, seaman " Charles, chymist Thompson, Ovid, Liverpool 1839 Thomson, David, mason, Greenock Thomas, Wm., of London Thorn, Mary, o'wise Jennings 1865 Thielthorpe, Wm., of Kensington Thompson, John T., ^abroad 1857 " Dr. W. , army surgeon 1820 Wm. , of London 1830 " Alderman " Wm. , d London 1777 Thornton, Thomas, of Greenwich Thomas, Mary, servant 1847 Thomson, Ann, of Yorkshire ' ' Helen, of Edinburgh " John, master-mariner " Capt. John, of S. Shields " Marmaduke, ^1846 " Thomas, of Brixton " William, of London " William, of Kensington Thorne, Charles J., of London " James, seaman, d 1834 Thornton, Capt. James, d abroad " Susan, of Totness Thornycroft, Ann, Chester 1831 Thorpe, Charles J., of London " Jane, London 1800 Thacker, J. S. , mariner, d abroad Thackstone, Rebecca, w, Portsea Thomas, Henry, seaman, d 1821 " James, seaman Navy " John, seaman, d 1839 " John, seaman, d 1821 " John, brother of M. Cumley " John, d Liverpool 1820 " Joseph, seaman, d 1818 " Philip, of Pembroke " Robert, d London 1820 " Sarah, Norwich, d 1842 Thomason, Wm., ^in India Thomlinson, John, d London " Jane, d York 1817 Thompson, Allan, merchant 1808 " Charles, seaman, d 1822 NEXT OF KIN. Thompson, Elizabeth, Keimington " Elzbth. A., o'wise Otway " Euphemia, d abd 1828 " James, seaman M S " John, seaman M S " John, seaman, d 1814 John, frmly in the Army " John, d Edinburgh John T ., gunner 1828 " Mary, Pimlico 1854 " Richard, of Dover " Robert, paymaster Army " Lieut. W. R., d abd. 1818 " Capt. Wm., dabd 1828 " William, seaman M S " William, of London Tibbenham, John, d Suffolk Tillyard, Mary Ann Tibbs, Wm., d abroad 1864 Tickel, Mary Tickel, Jane Tipper, Joseph, of Deal Tillottson, John, of Wapping 1845 Timson, George, of London 1834 Timbrell, W . H., of Lewisham Tierney, Robert, d London Tilly, Joseph, of London 1788 Tindale, Rev. Goo., of Yorkshire Tisdale, Lieut. Harmer, d 1825 " John, d America 1805 Todd, Henry J., of London 1845 Toulmin, Samuel, d London 1809 Todd, W. W., d Herefordshire Tomkiss, Edward, d Shrewsbury Toogood, John, d Dorset 1852 " Elzbth., d Dorset 1868 Townsend, Septimus, b at Durbridge Tole, Samuel, of Beeston, Notts Todd, Arch'd, Knightsbridge 1849 " John, mariner Tooth, Griffith, of Uttoxeter, d 1861 Tomson, Sarah, Kent, d 1865 Townshend,Cattarn,of Leicestersh'e Toms, Rev. William Tobin, Ann. d at Lisbon " Eleanor, of Kilkenny Tod, Francis, of London 1778 Todd, Jacob, seaman, d 1826 " John, d London Toderingham, Thomas, d abroad Tollett, Maria, o'loise Clifford Tolson, Eleanor, Westminster 1786 " Mary, Bloomsbury 1786 Tomalin, Obadiah, of London 1816 Tomlinson, Geo., of Norfolk 1802 Tompkins, Paul, of London Toombs, John, of Gloucester 1822 Toomer, John, of Somerset Tooth, James, d Rugely 1842 Towers, James, of London Townley, Ann, Norfolk 1825 " Rev. Geo., living 1774 Robert ' George Rev. William, d Kent Townsend, Margaret,^ Sheffield 1815 Trinder, Jane, d Middlesex " Thomas, of Gloucestershire Tracey, Robert, of Gloucestershire Trafford, Richard, d Liverpool Trinder, Thomas, of Oxfordshire Tranter, James, of Gloucestershire Trotter, Charles, of Calcutta Trenwith, Rebecca, d Cornwall 1796 Troup, James, d London 1867 Trimble, William, d 1828 Truster, Edward, d 1848 Trim n ell, Mrs., alias Wilcox Truslove, Henry, d Birmingham 1840 Trist, Richard, d Brighton 1867 Trent, Ann, Llanegward, d 1866 Treston, Edward, d India 1849 Tranter, Philip, Warwick, d 1862 Treatt, Edwin O S. " George B. Try on, Samuel Tracey, James, d Marylebone 1818 Trapp, Samuel, of Birmingham Travist, Wm., d Lambeth 1843 Trenery, Wm., of London 1850 Trinby, George, of London Trinks, Charles, d 1782-4 Trivett, Wm., of London Trott, Matthew, d Upwell 1827 Trotter, W. C, d Australia 1855 Trow, Ann, London, d 1828 Tucker, Catharine, frmly Redman T ulley, Thomas, of Brighton " Charles, of Clayton Turner, Charlotte, of S'tockwell " John, d Essex Tuck, Adam, d Wiltshire Tutet, Mark Cephas, d London Turney, George, of Acton Tucker, Nathaniel B., d 1857 Turner, Mary, d Kent " Ann, d Dawsley 1835 Tucker, Allan, of Yorkshire Capt. N. B., d 1857 Tulford, Maria, London, d 1817 Tullaterton, Margaret, of Kilkenny Tumber, Joel, S. II., of Manchester 70 GENERAL INDEX. Turnbull, Andrew, seaman, d 1822 " Thomas, seaman, d 1813 Henry, of Scotland, d 1806 " William, d at Hackney Turner, Adam, d Sunderland " Betty, o'wise Wilkins " Elizabeth, o'wise Cullum " Elizabeth, Homerton 1854 " Henry, d in Kent " James, d Suffolk 1847 " James, seaman, d 1814 " John, clerk, d aged 86 " John, d West Indies " Mary, frmly Marshall " Robert, of Sunderland " John, d Marylebone 1842 " Richard, seaman, d 1821 " Sarah, d Surrey 1829 " Thomas P., d 1812 " Frederick,of Bloomsb'yl838 " Thomas, of London 1820 " Kobert, seaman, d 1868 " John Price, of Exeter ' ' Kobert Drysclale Tumor, Exupenous, of Bucks Turniclge, Martha, Essex Turkington, James, surgeon K N Turwell, Bates F., of Cambridge Turpin, James, of Lambeth 1832 Turlington, Ann, of Reading Tyler, William, of Walthamstow Tyssen, Francis J., d Middlesex u Underbill, Kichard, d Lincoln 1815 Underwood, John, d Middlesex Urquhart, Jane, living 1800 Underdown, Elizabeth, Derby ' ' Elzbth. L. , frmly Howe Underwood, Sophia, of Somerset " Thos.,of Chipping Barnet Unwin, James W, d Derby 1846 Umfreville, Sarah, frmly Conyers V Yandome, Ed. L., d Wilts 1858 Yaughan, Maurice, master-mariner Yarey, Wm., son of Col. Jas. 1792 Yarndell Family, of Berkshire Yarney, Harriet, London, d 1852 Yasper, John, seaman, d 1832 " Capt. J. H. A., dl851 Yauspall, Francis C, d 1822-3 Yaux, John, of Clerkenwell Yerdenhulm, Elizabeth, living 1805 Yernon, Thomas, d London 1838 Yevers, Sarah, frmly Dick 1806 Yincent, Jane, of Brighton Yaughan, Chrysogen, d 1798 Yickerman, Hannah, w, d 1865 Yosper, Capt. H. A., d 1850-1 Yallantine, William Yivers, Sarah Yan de Wall, Phillip Yaughan, Fanny, w, living 1860 Yance, Hugh, of London 1810 Yanderburgh, Joseph, of Middlesex Vintj.Martha Elizbtli.,w,Essex,d 1867 Yoice, Anna Maria " John Yokins, Robert Yoysey, Thomas James Yincent, Riches, of King's Lynn " Richard, of Guildford Yine, Tliomas, carpenter, d 1784 Yiney, Charles, d Surrey, 1756 " W. W., of Bucks and London Yintner, William, grocer, London Yirtue, Capt., marines, 1849 Yivers, — , d in Australia Yizac, Mrs. M., d India 1804 Yogel, John W., of London 1805 Yotes, George, seaman 1820 Youghton, Jane, o'wise Bennett Yernon, Thomas, living 1757 Yollum, Mary, native of France w Walkley, Harriett A. Ward, Thomas, of Warwickshire Waller, Sarah, d Kent 1869 Waterman, William, builder Waterman, Jane, of Camden Town Walker, Cecil S. Taylor Watts, James, o'wise Sparkes Waters, Edward, of Monmouth 1725 Watson, W. H., of Maida Yale Waterall, Elizabeth, o'wise Tagg Watts, John, d America 1841 " Ann, o'wise Desormeux Watson, James, of Carlisle Waring, John, d London Warham, Winnifred, d Middlesex Waterman, John, d Middlesex Wa " ren 'john beth i ofLondon Waller, Richd., of the Isle of Wight Waddell, Thomas, d Perth NEXT OF KIN. 71 Wainman, Thomas, of Notts Walford, Elizabeth, d London Walker, John, d Middlesex 1806 Waring, Eliza, of Oxfordshire Watkins, Daniel 3.,d London 1808 Warren, Thomas, of London 1840 Watts, Walter, of London 1811 Walker, James, of Wapping 1810 Wall, Joseph, of Greenwich 1810 Warren, Thomas, of Canonbnry 1846 " Thomas M., of London 1845 Wantry, Gabriel F.of Edinburgh 1780 Ward, Eliza, frmly Wood Wall, Mary Ann, London 1832 Wantress Family Wate, Eliza S. , io of Mr. Wate Wade, Alfred, of Oxford Street Watchorn, Ann Washbrooke,Hen.,^ Ludbrooke 1865 Warne, Mr., of Holborn Waterworth, William, of Blackburn Waddington, H. C, d abroad 1842 Mary, Salop 1831 Wade, George, of Wakefield " Benjamin, carpenter " Peter, d in India Wadley, John, drummer, 48th Kegt. Wain, John, of London 1810 Waine, James, of Northampton 1788 Waite, Sarah, Bermondsey 1857 Wake, Jane, frmly Hay ward Wakeford, Walter, of Somerset Walcott, Elisha, of Canada 1811 Wales, Hannah, o'wise Warne " Hannah, 51768 Walham, Mary, of Clifton Walcott, Edward, of London Walker, Peter, of Fifeshire 1797 " Ann, of Lindfield " David, uncle of Jane " Ensign George, d India " George, of Leeds " Ensign Henry, d abd 1842 " James, of London 1800 " James, exor. to A.Anderson " Jane, Aberdeen " Janet, native of Scotland " John, d London 1811 " John, d South wark 1812 " John, of Homerton " Mary, of Marylebone " Mary, frmly Covert " Samuel, of Manchester 1850 " Stiers, seaman M S " Thomas, seaman M S " William, d Yorkshire 1846 brothers, living 1820 nephews and nieces of Hen- ry Lundie Wall, George ' ' John " Samuel " Stephen, living 1790 " Stephen ) brothers, died about " John \ 1768 Walker, Joseph, left England 1830 Watson, Alexander G., of Cheshunt Walker, Win. J., d Deptford 1S60 Waskett, Elizabeth Walker, M., of Whitehaven " James, cl before 1815 Wardrop, Thomas J. ' " Andrew " James ' ' Margaret " Margaret " Mary " Catherine Waite, John, Marylebone, d 1829 W S i4 > 15^1 brothers of John Warren, Joseph, of Gloucestershire Watts, Ann Watt, James, d 1864 Watts, Anna M., frmly Glaine Watkins, Ann E., of London Waterhouse, Stephen, living 1770 Waller, Martin, of Southwark 1855 Waddington, H. C, d abroad 1842 Warner, James C, d 1850-1 Walker, Frank, of North Carolina " Alexander, of Australia Waldron, Catherine, servant Watson, William, m M. Palmer " John, of Manchester Wasey, Oliver, footman 1850 Watkins, Towel, d Middlesex 1863 Warren, Thomas, of Islington 1850 Walmsley, William, of Bath Walter, Rev. Daniel, of Sussex Watson, E.W., of Tottenham-court-rd Watson, Elizabeth, d in Lambeth " George, seaman, d 1823 " John, d Durham 1814 " John, of London 1764 " John, of Oxford " Mary, of Lincolnshire " Peter, d London " Richard, living 1797 " Richard, d Yorkshire 1817 " Thomas, d abroad 1810-12 " Thomas,of Edinburgh 1796 " Thomas, d Watford 1800 " William, d Liverpool 1847 " William, captain,fZ America 72 GENERAL INDEX. Westminster of Thorpe 1766 children of Stephen, and living 1790 Watts, Ann, Worcestershire " Robert, Lieut. R N " Samuel, " William Wall, Charles . George James John Samuel Benjamin "J Charles I child'n of Charles, John ( and living 1790 William ) Mary, London, 1787 James, son of Mary, d 1794 James, d London 1803 Wallace, Mr., d abroad 1863 Walland, William, d Surrey 1780 Waller, Elizabeth, Berkshire " John, d London 1811 Wallis, Elizabeth, Bath, d 1847 " Thomas, of Wallingford " W. H., major, d abroad 1820 Walpole, Elizabeth, d Cheshunt 1841 Walsh, Andrew, d London 1828 Walser, John, seaman, d 1822 Walter, Wm. J., d Deptford 1860 Ward, Ann, frmly Collins George, seaman, d 1817 John, of Derby 1788 John, d China 1857 Mary, living 1777 Sarah, of Finsbury Sarah, of Hull Sarah Mrs., of Bucks Sophia, Hitchin, d 1856 Thomas, seaman Warden, Charles, of London 1798 " Chas., master-mariner 1825 Warne, Hannah, d 1845 Warner, Jonathan " James C, Lieut. 1860 " George, d Surrey 1850 John, of Stratford 1783 Warrall, John, of Marylebone 1806 Warren, Mary, frmly Nicol Sir P., Y.- Admiral " Robert, seaman, d 1813 " Michael, of Cork " Samson, d 1816 Waterhouse, F. M., of Eastbourne Waterman, D. Mrs., of Middlesex Waters, Edmund \ of Marylebone " Morgan $ 1802 Watkins, J. G. R., d abroad 1810 " Richard, d London 1833 Watkins, Samuel, of London William, of Hoxton 1823 " William C ., of Kennington Watson, Alex., d Middlesex 1807 Webb, John, of Wilts, d 1740-50 Webb, Marmaduke A., d Middlesex Westrup, George, of Whitechapel Webley, Walter, of Monmouth 1737 Welsh, Thomas, went abroad Welsford, William, of Devon Webb, Clarissa Julia, of Paris Wells, Daniel, of Sussex West, Charles M., d India 1838 Weels, John, of Hartlepool Wells, Sarah, of Gloucestershire Wedgwood, John, of Staffordshire Wennington, Charlotte, Pelsall 1845 Westfold, Thomas, d abroad 1826 Welsh, Robert, of Harwich " Lady Hester, d Eltham 1826 West, Capt. J. E., of Swansea " Thomas, London, surgeon Weeks, J. M., Bristol, d 1865 Webb, William, of Somerset West, Elizabeth, Stratford-le-Bow Weston, William > children of Jame s " Ann $ and Mary Weston Westlake, Henry George, of Essex Weatherall, Captain, of Australia West, John, butler " Joseph, of Shoreditch 1840 Webster, George, d Canada 1865 " Sarah, w, Canada 1867 Weatherhead, Thos. of Wokingham Westerby, Dinah, /rm^Stopford West New Jersey Society Webb, Ensign Henry, d 1777 Wells, Jonah S., of Islington West, Charlotte, d Surrey 1840 " Edward, of London 1694 " Francis, seaman, d 1823 :: sxr Hun** " Nicholas^ Middlesex " Morris, of Edinburgh, 1800 Weston, Elizabeth, d Wilts 1819 " James, of Sherborne " Robert H., of Birmingham Westall, William, army surgeon Westmoreland, W. Welsh, John, seaman, d 1811 " William, seaman M S Welter, J. F., d abroad 1862 Werrett, Sarah, Bermondsey NEXT OF KIN. T3 of London d 1790 Wescott, John, ". Hannah West, — surgeon 4th Regt. Foot Wear, Thomas, d in India Wearland, William, of Surrey, d 1770 Webb, Ann, dan. of Edward " Elizabeth Mrs., of London " Elizabeth, frmly Odall " John, d India 1802 " John seaman, d 1822 " John, S., mariner, Portsea " John, seaman Navy " James, d Greenwich " Maria, o'wise Knox " William, seaman Navy " William, of India, 1817 Webster, Thomas, of Orkney Wedlake, Priscilla, P. of Middlesex Weekly, Edward, of Kent, 1725 Weir, George, d London 1829 " William, of Edinburgh Weight, Theophilus, mariner Weldon, Sarah, of London 1810 Sarah, of Halifax William, d Yorkshire 1838 Wellard, William, of Kent Welles, John, of London 1805 Wellman, William, d London 1803 Wells, Elizabeth, Wanborough « Hanth 11 or Mitcham, „ Hann ah \ Surrey ' ' Gideon, d Gainsborough 1810 " Sarah, Gloucestershire White, Thomas and his wife Whiffin, George, of Calais 1812 Wharmby, John, Cheshire, d 1864 White, James, of London 1810 Wheatley, Charles, of Hammersmith Whitehead, George, of Kendall Whitewell Elizabeth, schoolmistress Wheelhouse, George, of Kent, d 1861 Whyte, John, of Toronto Wheable, Ann C. Walworth, d 1865 White, J., d abroad 1863 Whitbrook, Charles ) went to " Ann ) America White, Christopher " Harvey Whiteway, Thos. B. d Cornwall 1868 White, Nathaniel, d Middlesex 1783 " Robert " Mary, o'wise Banks " Martha, o'wise Elland Whit worth, John Harry Whately, Thomas, d Herts 1867 Whitely, Mary Ann Whiteford, Francis, of Louth Whittney, William, d abroad White, Frances, frmly Wyndham Whittaker, William, a London White, James, d Surrey 1794 Whitaker, John, of Norwich Wheeler, William, d India White, William, d Surrey ' ' William , d abroad 1799 " John, d Surrey " William, ship steward Whildon Family Whistler, Charles, of Odiham Whildon, Susannah E., London 1780 " Elizabeth \ of London, " Sarah \ 1780 Whitfield, Amelia, frmly Smart White, G. F., of London 1842 Whitaker, Joseph, of London 1845 White, John, of Dundalk Wheeler, John G., d abroad 1867 White, William ) " Mary > living in Yorkshire " Hannah ) Wilkinson, George, of London 1823 Whare, Ann, o'wise Thomson Wheatley, John, of Darlington Wheeler, Elizabeth, frmly Rice Wheeler, Thos. L., d London 1792 Whillan, Alice A., of Margate Whitaker, —., of Sligo " Joseph, of Bloomsbury ' ' Mary, frmly Brook " Steph., d Marylebonel734 White, Ann, d London 1860 ' ' Elizabeth, frmly Fulhvood " Francis, of London 1791 " Francis, ensign, d 1825 ' ' Hannah , frmly Moore ' ' John, master-mariner, d 1806 " John, d Yorkshire 1837 " John, of London 1805 " John, of Canada 1796 " John, gunner Navy 1821 " John, of Mitcham " Mary, of Norfolk 1818 " Mary, Pimlico, d 1823 " Michael, d Bucks 1839 " Robert, d London " Rosetta, d London 1831 " Thomas, Captain, d 1819 " Thomas, seaman, (21818 " W. R., army surgeon " William, steward Navy Whitehead, John, seaman 74 GENERAL INDEX. Whitehead, Robert, of Scotland, 1796 Whitelaw, Wm., d Kennington 1861 Whitfield, Joana L., d abroad 1837 Whiting, Margaret, of Somerset " Anthony, d Kent 1841 Whyte, J., of Bermondsey 1796 Wilson, Timothy, d Surrey Wightwick, James, d Tunstall Wing-field, Timothy, d Amersham Williams, John, of Tenby Willsbee, Sarah, o^oiss Campbell Withers, Samuel, d Kent 1755 Wilson, Joseph, d London Wilson, Ann, daw. of Joseph Wilson, Joseph, of Scotland Wilkins, Samuel, d Surrey Williams, Sarah, of Ipswich Wilkins, John, of Yorkshire Wilson, Hugh, of Ayr Williams, Sarah, d London " William, d America " Edward, of Chipston " Edward, d London " Lyclia, ohoise Sayer Wiggins, Charles, of London William, William, of Devon 1730 Winterbottom, John F., d Berks 1868 Willis, Catherine A., d Bath 1864 Williams, Sophia, of Witney Wigman, Watt, of Surrey William, Benjamin William, John, of London 1828 Wilby, Charlotte, of Suffolk Wilby, Simon, d Suffolk 1861 Williamson, Mary, Rosa A. Winter, Noel " Conyers Wise, John, d Berks 1851 Wilkinson, Joseph, d Surrey Williams, William, son of Thomas Willmott, Aim, fnnly Harris Williams William, of London Williamson, J. F., d London 1828 Willis, Thomas, d Surrey 1790 " Mary A., of Yorkshire Win grove, William, d Surrey Wiston, John, d Hants 1831 Williams, Ann, d Jersey Wickers, Thomas, of Lincoln 1775 Williams, Joseph, of Oxfordshire Willcock, Thomas, of Exeter Wiggins, Joseph, of Brighton 1850 Willcox, Julia, o'wise Trimnell Williams, George, seaman M S Wistow, John, of Southampton Wilson, Rickenson, of Cumberland Wilkinson, Herbert, of America Wilson, William Dicker Wildman, Mary, frmly Cheesman Williams, David Wilkinson, Joseph B., went abrd 1852 " Ann, w of William Winter, William, of New Cross Wilson, William W., of Bowness Witham, Alice A., Kent, d 1856 Wiginton, Mary A., of Hackney 1823 Wilson, J., d abroad Williams, Lieut., d China 1864 " Maria ) of London " Mary $ 1832 Wiseman, William ?i;,. ivi „ 1 7 K ft » Elizabeth 5 llvmgl75 ° Williams, Ann, Brixton, d 1865 Willetfc, Christian, Greenwich d 1858 Williams, Mary, o'tcise Jones Wilkinson, Jonathan, London Winder, Elizabeth, frmly Rowes Wise, Reginald A., son of Mary Willis, Mary A., Yorkshire, d 1862 Willard, Richard, Sussex, d 1862 Winch, William, of Wimbledon Wilks, Mary, d Worcestershire, 1862 Williams, William, d abroad 1860 Williamson, Thomas, of Marylebone Winn, John, d in Devon 1860 Winsor, Eliza, of Regent's Park Wilson, John C., formerly of Calcutta Williams, William, d Middlesex 1865 Wilson, John > f FfIilimirp . h Elizabeth \ ot iLdinburgn Williams, Jane, d abroad Wilkinson, Catherine, d 1866 Williams, John, d Westminster 1832 Wilson, John, of Stafford " John, of Scotland Wilkinson, John, of London 1812 Wilson, Christopher " Eclmond " Thomas John E., Southwark 1810 Williamson, James, of Lambeth 1810 Winwood, Catherine Williams, Elizabeth, Hereford, ^1868 Wilson, John, of Canada " Archibald, mariner Williams, Thomas, of Tottenham Williams, Mary, living 1815 Wiltshire, George ^ J! g e °o b 5e [ofClapham " Frederick J Wilcocks, Sarah, of Staines ironmongers, London 1820 NEXT OF KIN. 75 Wild, John, of London Wilder, James, seaman Wildey, Thomas, d in America Wilkie, James, d London 1795 Patrick, Lieut., d 1828 Wilkins, Betsey, Hants Martha, of Marylebone ' ' Thomas, of Pentonville 1844 Wilkinson, B. C, Lieut., <31823 John, Ensign, ^1830 " James, d abroad 1840 ' ' Susan 'h , of Northampton Wilks, Francis, of London 1740 Willett, Rickett, of Cardiff, d 1827 Williams, A., d in London " Ann, Marylebone " Ann, Tottenham 1840 " Charles, seaman 1824 David, d in Australia " David, seaman, d 1842 " Elizabeth, rt London Elizabeth, r?Bi'stol 1848 George, seaman " Henry, seaman, d 1822 Henry, alias Rogers J. H. T., master-mariner " James, d 182o " J. H., mariner, d abrd 1833 John H., d Ipswich 1850 John, d London 1818 " John, seaman, d 1837 John A. S., d abroad 1812 " John, seaman, Navy " Lieut., d China 1864 Mary, dan. of Capt. W. Mary, frmly Keasure Marv, living 1800 Mary, Bristol, d 1806 " Tbomas, seaman Thomas, of Cardiff Thomas, of Liverpool William, of London 1800 William, seaman Williamson, Ann, Worthing 1842 Dorothy, d London 1780 Willimore, Harriett, frmly Wheeler Willis, Sarah, of London " Henry, of London 1705 " William, d Glasgow 1858 Willmott, H., Thornton, d 1820 " Hannah, of Yorkshire " Arthur M., d abroad Willson, Elizabeth P., w of Thomas Wills, Thomas ) of Herts, d at the " Sarah S Cape of Good Hope Wilson, Alexander, d in Paris Wilson, Emma, Yentnor, d 1859 " Henrv, mariner, d 1834 • ( Ida E". , frmly Gainsf ord Wilson, Isaac, ship carpenter 1816 " James, E I C S, d abroad " James, d South wark 1813 " James, of Monmouth, d J 81 7 " Jas.J.Dr.,^ Manchester 1803 " James, seaman, d 1827 " James, seaman, d 1851 " John, master R N, d 1827 " John, quartermaster Army " John, d London John, of Suffolk " John C, of Mansfield, d 1828 " Jonas, seaman M S " Joseph, attorney, d 1820 " Lawrence S., d in India " Maria, o'wise Campbell " Mary, Brentford, d 1833 " Margaret, of London " Nathaniel, of Glasgow,^ 1822 " Parnell, Brompton " Thos rt l mercfl ants,Lond*ii " Thomas, of Stourbridge " Thomas, seaman, d 1822 " Thomas, captain " Thomas, m E. Polstern ' ' Thos. , executor to T . Patten " Thomas, Esq. " T., ^abroad 1863 " William, of Surrey, d 1794 " William, of London " Alexander " John children of Robert & Maria Wilson, all living in 177i " Robert " Thomas " Samuel ' ' Elizabeth " Jane cc "TV To -pi o Wilton, William H., d 1847 Wingrove, Elizabeth, frmly Roach Winkles, Peter, of Bloomsbury Winter, Samuel, of America 1781 " Ann ^ " Benjamin > living in 1775 " Thomas ) Wise, Sarah, d 1829 Wiseman, James, d London 1861 Wiseheart, John, writer, Glasgow Wissett, John, Lieut-Colonel Witchurch, Sarah, dau. of James Withy, Mary, London, ^1841 Witinill, Joseph, of Crowmarsh 76 GENERAL INDEX. Wichells, Henry, d London 1848 Wolfe, James W. M. " Janet, o'wise Mills 1776 Wotton, Martha Wood, John, son of George Woodford, Ann Eliza, d Bath Wood, Georgiana R., d Herts 1857 Wormal, Israel, d London 1737 Wolley, Margaret, of Worcestershire Woodruff, Daniel, d Middlesex Wood, John, of London Wood, Charles E., d abroad 1798 Woodhead, Anthony, of Edinburgh Worth, Jacob W., a London Wood, Clement, of Lincoln 1755-9 Wood, Grace, o'wise Randes " John Samuel, of Norwich Worgan, John, living 1790 Wood, Henry, of Newington 1820 Woodrow, Robert, of Norfolk " Lewis, J., d London I860 Wollaston, Mr., lost at sea, 1852-3 Wood, Hicklington, native of Ripon " James, of Glasgow " Matthias, of Barnsley " William, of Reigate 1800 Woods, Joseph S., went abroad 1840 Worsley, Ephraim, Middlesex Wookey, Charles, of 16th Regt. Wood, Eliza, dau. of Thomas Woodroff, Thos., brother of Stephen Woolley, John, of Stockwell Wolff, Ernest, of London 1838 Wood, Charles, of London 1850 " Humphrey, of London 1812 " Thomas, of London 1845 Wolgar, William, schoolmaster " Ellen, wife of William Wolley, Charles S. , d in America Wood, Ann, of Soho 1762 " Ann, frmly Ling " Elizabeth, London 1827 " Eliza, d Hampstead " Charles,of Lincolnshire,^ 1819 " Isaac, of Lincoln, d 1849 " Henry, of Australia 1820 " James, merchant, d abroad " John, native of Wakefield " John, d Bath 1780 " John, seaman, d 1818 " Mary, o'wise Day " Matthew, d abroad 1863 " Robert, d London 1842 " Samuel, of Clerkenwell " William, labourer " William, seaman, d 1814 Wood, William, clerk, tf 1828 Woodham, W., d London 1838 Woodhouse, Elizabeth, frmly Bond Woodman, John Slater Woodcock, John, d Surrey 1828 Woodward, Jane, of Rottingdean " Mary A. J., ^Portsmouth " Thos. , married M. Hayes Wooldridge, Frank, Lieut. R N Wooley, Thomas, of Bloomsbury Woolfe, William, of Surrey Woolley, Wm. Dr., d India Woollard, Thomas, of Colchester Woolnough, Mary, (2 Yarmouth Woolridge, Benjn., of Surrey, 1724 Woods, Ann, of Bungay Wordie, Cath , Cheltenham 1837 j Wordsworth, Elzbth., Reading 1847 Worlidge, Edward, d 1840 Worth, Robert, d in London Worthington, James, d London Worral, Henry, of Manchester " Hannah, frmly Rigg " Mary, o'wise Rooke Wolfe, Robert, d abroad 1864 Wrench, Edward, d Cheshire Wright, John W.,d Northampton 1867 " John, d Cheshire 1868 " William, d Lincolnshire 1848 " Wm., of Hackney-road 1815 " John, of London 1742 " Margaret, of Aberdeen " Peter, d London " W. H., d London 1840 « Barnard X others of « Robert ^izbth. Flatters " Louisa, of Greenwich ' ' Geo. T ., of Birmingham 1820 " Francis, ^Lambeth 1866 " George, of Lincolnshire Wraith, Robert, d Stournmouth 1811 Wraughton, N. Capt., d 1851 Wrentmore, Ann, d Devon 1831 Wright, Cath., d Dundee " Elizabeth, of Aldley " Francis, d Lambeth 1856 " Geo. S. of Birmingham 1820 " Hannah, Lambeth, d 1828 " John L., of Brechin, N B " L. Capt., of Chatham 1718 " Lucy, Middlesex, d 1795 Wynne, Grace, of Ruthin Wynn, Benjamin, d Yorkshire Wyer, Ann, frmly Skerrett Wyatt, C. P., of Ghent, 1850 NEXT OF KIN. 77 Wylds, Michael, b Jersey 1764 Wylde, John, of Bolton Wynard, Eichard L.d Middlesex 1826 Wyse, Edmund, of London 1780 Wheelwright, Hannah, d Hoxton Yardley, John, d Suffolk 1827 Tare, Ann P., London, d 1813 Tarnold, Cath., Surrey, d 1858 Ya ' t ' eS ' Mary ^ \ ° f Maidenhead " William Yate, Ellen, of Hillington 1851 Yeaman, Margt. S., of Perthshire Yeo, Samuel R., o'wise Jowett Yeoman, Thomas, Rev., of Stoke Yeomans, Sarah, o'wise Bostock York, William, d Middlesex Young, Sarah, /mtyElmes " Elizabeth, d Cardiff Youlden, John C, of Camden Town Young, Richard, of Edinburgh " F. J.,marriedMiss McDonald Young, Jeffrey M. ; of Norfolk Youle, Ann Yorke, Sir Joseph Young, Thomas, of Battersea " Thomas, of Rosetta, W B " James ) of Dundee, " David S mariners Youd, Mary, w, Hampstead 1821 Youl, Robert, master-mariner Young, Anna, Rochester, a 1859 " Edward, d Bristol 1855 " George, d India " George, d Yorkshire 1849 u Hester, o'wise Moore " James, of Camden Town " James, ^abroad 1806 " James, d 1825 " James, of Edinburgh 1796 " John, d Isle of Wight " Peter, ship carpenter " William, sailmaker, d 1840 " William, of Edinburgh 1796 Yule, Andrew, d abroad 1850 Yuill, William, of London Zornlen, Eleanor, of Camberwell Zimmerman, F. C, of London 1815 INDEX TO CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS, THE HEIRS-AT-LAW, NEXT OF KIN, AND .RELATIVES OP THE FOL- LOWING PERSONS HAVE BEEN ADVERTISED FOR BY THE COURT OF CHANCERY SINCE THE YEAR 1700. Abbott, James, d Westminster 1791 Abel, James, d Hampstead 1817 Abondio, Margaret, d Lambeth 1840 Abraham, George, d London 1834 Ackers, James, d Lancashire 1824 Acton, John, of Burslem, d 1853 Ac worth, Ball B., d 1818 Adams, Elbth., Shrewsbury, d 1789 1 ' John, of Newport, Salop " John, d Westminster 1832 " Tabitha, frmly Spencer Adamthwaite, J. Rev., d Warwick Adkin, William, d Suffolk 1813 Adnam Boder, d Fulham 1823 Ainsworth, David, d Lancashire 1824 " Thos., d Lancashire 1848 Aisley, Stephen, d Surrey 1805 Alder, Ann, of Portsmouth, d abroad Aldrecl, John, d France 1839 Aldren, Mary, Lancaster, d 1835 Alexander, Catherine, frmly Elkin Allen, Ann, d in Herts " George, of Essex, d 1841 " John, of Isle worth, d 1825 " John, d London 1799 " Key, surgeon, Chesham " Thomas, d America 1794 " William, d South wark 1833 Allison, Esther, Yorkshire 1829 " Jane, Durham, d 1836 Amies, John, b 17G6, d 1815 Amy, Ann, Cornwall 1790-9 Anderson, Ann, Windsor, d 1835 Andrew, major, d 1824 " Joshua, d Carlisle 1846 " William, surgeon, d 1763 Andrews, Eleanor, frmly Elkins " John, of Hants, d 1814 Andrews, John, of Devon, d 1762 " Thos. of Manchester, d 1843 Andrus, George, of Kent, d 1847 Annison, W. G., d London 1795 Antt, Bridget T., o'wise Profit Applebee, John, of Essex, 1825 Appleby, William , d South wark 1810 Arbourin, Charles, of London, d 1856 " James, d London 1821 Arden, S., d Wolverhampton Annan, Sarah, of Wilts Armfield, Eliza A., Falmouth Armistead, Arthur, d Cheshire 1857 Armstrong, Anna J., Bristol 1816 " Eliza, Bristol, d 1818 Arnold, John, of Cardington " Richard, of Norfolk, dIBIB Arnot, David G., of Oxon, ^1842 Arthur, Boyle, of Bath, d 1844 Maria, Bath, d 1851 " Robert, of London, ^1815 Arundell, Richard, d Cornwall 1832 " W.B., of Kensington,^ 1827 Ashbee, Thomas, of Kent, d 1831 Ashcroft, Elizabeth, frmly Arnold Ashton, James, d Marylebone 1803 " John, of Cheshire, t d 1846 Aspl and, Elizabeth, Ipswich, d 1852 Asprey, Alice, o'wise Bradford " Bedwin, o'wise Bradford Athorpe, Navy, frmly Smith Atkins, John, d Stock well 1786 Atkinson, Mary, d Lancashire 1847 Mary A. , d Lincoln 1854 Attwell, Thomas, d Marylebone 1831 Austin, Robert, of Kent, d 1832 Austwick, Joseph, d Devon 1838 Autrobus, Philip, d Cheshire 1830 Avarn, John, d Surrey 1809 Aveis, Judith, o'wise Phillips Avery, David, d London 1775-6 (78) CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. 79 Avery, Thomas, d Faversharn 1799 Ayes, Ralph, d Essex 1818 Ayres, James, of Froome Ayscough, Ann, Hants, d 1828 B Baas, Joachim G., d London 1767 Backhouse, John, d Yorkshire 1796 " Thomas, of Bucks, d 1800 Bacon, John, of Durham, d 1752 Bacon, John, d Northumberland 1739 ' ' William, d D urham 1748 Baile, George, d Carmarthen 1851 Bailey, Benjamiu, of London, d 1810 " Hannah, d Marylebone 1808 " Henry, of London, d 1771 11 Jeremiah, d Wilts 1841 " John, d Wilts 1840 " Thomas, d Wilts 1835 Bailie, Elbth., d Bath 1831 Baiston, Robert, d Billingham 1845 Bagley, John, d Yorkshire 1812 Baker, H. E. R., Capt, d 1820 " John, d London 1811 " John, of Essex 1790 " John, d Essex 1836 " Joseph, d Stafford 1840 " Susannah, frmly Phillips " Thomas, d'Stockwell 1814 " Thomas E., d Wilts 1813 " William, of Bidford, 1786 " William, d Surrev 1814 • ' William B. , d Turkey 1856 Baldwin, Charles, d Manchester 1801 " John, d Lancashire, 1819 Ballenden, James, d London 1841 Balshaw, Mary, frmly Higson Bampton, A.\\ii, frmly Reeves Banks, Ann, o' wise Halliday " Moses, d Brentford 1824 " Paul Sir, d Cork 1788 Bannister, Jas.D ,d Westminster 1840 " William, d Yorkshire 1849 Barber, Charles, of Calcutta, d 1799 " Daniel, of Moulton, d 1826 " Isaac, of Rochester, d 1831 Barfield, Mary, Colchester, d 1834 Barker, Ann, Yorkshire, d 1773 " Sarah, of Kent, d 1808 Barley, William, d March 1810 Barnes, Diana, Gloucestershire " Jno.K.,rZ Worcestershire 1844 Baron, Cath., Lancashire, d 1861 " Thomas, d Lancashire, 1846 Barr, Martha, Surrev, d 1851 Barrett, James, of Ledbury, d 1841 ' ' John, of London, d 1796 " Robert, of Norfolk, d 1820 Barrington, Paul, d Westminster 1765 Barrow, John P ., of Somerset Bartholomew, R. J . d Plymouth 1845 Bartlett, Elbth., d Middlesex 1845 " Henry W., d Lambeth 1828 11 Samuel, d Wimborne 1820 Barton, Richard, d Surrev 1822 " Thomas, d Manchester 1822 " Thomas, d Shrewsbury 1791 " William, d Froome 1804 Basden, Samuel T., d 1859 Basire, James, d London 1812 Baskett, Wm., indigo planter, d 1831 Basnett, James, d Lancashire 1832 Bateman, H. \V.,of Woodstock, who d in London William ) 1834 Biggs, Gilbert, d in Hants " Thomas, of Kent Bilham, John, d Norfolk 1854 Billers, Joanna, Bristol, d 1769 Billingsley, Hannah, d 1780 Binches, Henry, d London 1834 Bingham, John, of Somerset William, d London 1811 Birch, Charles D., Calcutta 1837 " John B.,d India 1829 " John P., d Woodford 1855 Bird, Jane, Durham, d 1835 " Pilchard, d India 1842 " Sarah, of Worcester Birkett, Henry, d Australia 1854 Birley, Hugh H., d Lancashire 1845 Bishop, John, d Bucks 1813 " John, of South wark " William, of Middlesex 1830 Bitten, Robert, d London 1808 Blackhall, George, d 1709 Blackmore, John, d Marylebone 1827 Blackford, Robt. P., d Osborne 1790 Blagrove, Fredk., d Petersham 1817 Blake, Thomas, d London 1833 " William, of Chelsea, d 1838 Blakelock, Sarah, frmly Clough Bland, Thomas, « Isleworth 1816 Bleakey, Robert, d Pentonville 1850 Bleaze, Thomas, d Manchester 1809 Bludworth, Augusta, Hants, d 1803 Boag, William, surgeon, d abrd 1806 Bockett, Louisa A., d Surrey 1858 Bogg, Robert W., d Iloxton 1835 Boileau, S. B. General, d 1860 Bold, Ebenezer, of Wigan Bolt, Richard, of Oxford, d 1817 Bolton, David,<3 Gloucestershire 1814 " Mason Colonel, d 1718 Bomford, Thomas, d Brenock 1844 Bond, Ann, London, d 1800 " John, of Somerset, d 1835 " Phillis, Gorhambury, d 1853 Boncock, Joseph, d Islington 1825 Bonnes, Elizabeth C.,Kent, dl830 Bonnor, James, d India 1824 Bonsom, Thomas, d Lincoln 1830 Bonus, James, d London 1834 Booth, Charles Sir, d Kent 1795 " . James, d Kent 1830 " Mary, London, dl796 " William, of Notts, d 1824 Boreham, Michael, d Feltham 1814 Borwick, Henry T., d Middlesex 1827 Bottomley, Joseph, d London 1794 Boughton,, Wm., d Worcester 1831 Bourn, Aaron, of Wolverhptn, dl794, Bowden, Thomas, of London 1796 Bower, Catherine Bowers, Mary A. niece of E.Longuisty Bowis, Peter, d Essex 1830 Bowles, John, d Berks 1798 Bo wring, Ben]., d Dorchester 1837 Boyes, Thomas, d Yorkshire 1838 Brabbin, Betty, wife of Samuel Bradby, Daniel, d India 1805 Braddon, Elbth., Marylebone, dlS23 " Mary, Canterbury, d 1834 Brade, Eleanor, frmly Kidd Bradford, Alice, o'wise Asprey " Richard, d Surrey 1816 " Sarah, o' wise Bedwin Bradley, John, d Somerset 1792 ' ' Robert, d Lancashire Bradshaw, Humphrey, of Westmst'r " Peter, of Wigan, d 1857 Bragg, Robert, d Westminster 1777 Brailsford, Samuel, d Derby 1797 CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS 81 Braine, Honor, Bristol, cl 1837 Brame, Benjamin, d Ipswich 1857 Brand,' Rene, cl Marylebone 1808 Brandon, Samuel, (2 Surrey 1818 " William, cl London 1806 Bratley, John, of Cambridge 1798 Brazier, Mary M., Rye, cl 1816 Bree, Elizabeth, Middlesex, cl 1845 Brent, Frances, London, cl 1739 Brett, Elizabeth, Adington, cl 1813 Brien, Honor, Bristol, cl 1837 Brigham, William, surgeon, (21821 Bright, Mary, Oxford, cl 1831 " Mary, Yeovil, (21810 Brimble, Albert, cl Southwark 1733 Brinley, Sarah, Swansea, cl 1835 Brinton, William, cl Portsea 1818 Broadly, Elizabeth, o>:^Kennett Broadwood, Matthew, cl London 1810 Brock, William, of Cheshire Brockett, William, merchant, (21807 Brodie, Alexander, cl Surrey 1811 Bromley, Thomas, cl Brighton 1827 Brooke, Georsce, cl Marylebone 1823 T.of ChippingSodbury, (71813 " Frances, " " (L1S32 Brookes, Francis, of Stafford, cl 1836 William C olonel , d 1 831 Brooks, John, d Lambeth 1788 " Mary M., Surrey, cl 1853 Brookland, Emma, of Netherbury Broughton, Sarah, Gloucester Brown, Catherine, o'icise Lambert " Ed, C, d Somerset 1817 " Eliza, //w'^Batchelor " Frances A., d 1835 " George, of Stratha von, N B " George G., d Bath 1842 " Henry W. ) sons of Joseph, " Joseph } (21811-45 " Joseph, of Portsea, cl 1840 u James, d London 1836 " John, of Blankly, Lincoln " John, of Hereford, cl 1806 " John B., cl Torquay 1833 " Malcolm, cl Wilts J 847 " Mary, Lincolnshire, cl 1859 " Mary, Axholme, d 1822 " Mary, Holbeach, cl 1850 " Robert A .,Leicestershirel824 " Robert, of Somen, ot " Sarah, Islington, cl 1830 " Stafford, d Wilts 1847 " Thomas, of Beds., cl 1821 " Wade, d Monkton Farlcigh 1851 Brown, William, d Stafford 1856 " William, cl America 1811 " William, of Henley, d 1822 Browne, Elizabeth, (2 Kent 1817 " James E,, d India 1813 Browning, James, d London 1861 Broxup, Zachariah, d Tottenham 1830 Bruton, Thos., d Staffordshire 1844 Brumby, M artin, of Notts Bryant, J oseph, d Somerset 1799 Mary, d Caldicot 1842 " Robert, d Middlesex, 1832 Brydges, James, of Harrow, d 1789 Buchanan, Peter, d London 1794 Buck, Margaret, d Lancashire 1830 " William, cl Liverpool 1826 Buckeridge, M. D., Captain, (21799 Buckle, Francis, d Peterborough 1823 William, d " 1828 Buckley, Alice, of Yorkshire, d 1859 II., Mrs., of Cheshire 1788 " William, of Chelsea Butld, William, d Hants 1840 Budden, Robert, (2 Dorset 1811 Budge, Elizabeth, Kent, d 1775 Buffar, Pyke, of Greenwich 1770 Bunbury, AY. H. Colonel, d 1833 Burcham, William, d Norfolk 1799 Burdekin, Joseph, d Yorkshire 1822 Burdon, Mary, Stockton, d 1821 Burgess, Daniel, d Liverpool 1840 " Richard, cl Leicester 1754 Burke, Jane J., Bath, cl 1802 Burnard, John, of Somerset Burnett, William, of Hants 1843 Barridge, Thomas, of Tenterton Burrows, Elizabeth, Liverpool ; (Z1835 Burton, Edward, d Bristol 1826 " Eliza M., o'icise Price " Frances, Suffolk, d 1807 " Rachel, o'wise Chance Burton, Peter, of Edmonton 1780 Bush, Charlotte, of Herts, (21835 Buswell, Wm., d Abingdon 1829 Butter, Bernard, d Bath 1822 " Betty ) brothers and sister " Jacob > of Bernard, " Joseph) of Bath Butler, Ann, London, d 1826 Robert, of Kilkenny, d 1788 " Samuel, cl Middlesex 1837 " William, (2 Brentford 1858 By, Henry, of Sussex, cl 1852 Byrne, James, cl London 1815 * " Maria, London, (21826 Bythesea, Edmund, cl Bath 1842 82 INDEX TO Callard, Sush., d Westminster 1857 Callow, Rebecca, North'ton, d 1826 " Rebecca, North'ton d 1823 Came, Barbara, Hoxton, d 1727 Cameron, Donald, d Caxton 1821 Campbell, Allen, Colonel, d 1794 W. W., of Ireland, d 1858 Campion, Jane, London, d 1834 Cane, Dorothy, Chelsea d 1843 Canning, Richard, d Ipswich 1789 Capper, Ann, Sussex, d 1843 Caradine, Richard, d Kensington 1825 Garden, James, d London 1803 Cardinal Charles Carlton, Elzbth., o'wise Powney Carmichael, John, merchant d 1781 Carpenter, Ann, Sussex, d 1857 James, d Wilts 1819 " George, General, d 1855 Carr, Jeremiah, d London 1775 Carroll, Robert, of Demarara, d 1805 Carruthers, John, d Berks 1857 Carter, Anna M., d Dorset 1844 " Henry, d Oxford 1843 " John, d Durham 1835 Sybella, Kent, d 1835 Cartledge, Page, Lincoln Cartlich, John, d Macclesfield 1836 Cartwright, Peter, d Liverpool 1811 " Isabella, dau. of Peter Cass, John, d Herts 1813 Castle, Robert, d 1800 " Janet, wife of Robert, d 1792 W. H., d Bermondsey 1858 Causton, Nathaniel, d London 1782 Cawston, Mary, Middlesex 1806 Cawthorn, Thomas, d Leeds 1839 Cawood, Sarah, Yorkshire, d 1848 Chad, George, Sir, Bart., c£l815 Chamberlain, Sarah, w, London Chambers, George, d Middlesex 1836 " James, d Manchester 1847 " John, d Shepperton 1776 Chandler, Edward, d Lambeth 1740 " James H., d Kent, 1855 Chapman, Anth'y, d Middlesex 1772 " Joseph, d Yorkshire 1817 Thomas, d\ 795 " Thomas,^ Yorkshire 1846 Charlton, Matthew, d Elsdon 1862 Charters, Thomas, d abroad 1847 Chatteris, William, d London 1819 Cheine, Margaret, w of Robert Chidell, Eliza, of Ems worth Chidley, Thomas, d London 1816 Child, John T., of Andover Chilton, John, d Westminster 1799 Chitty, Mary, Hackney, 1790 Choat, Joseph, d Tichingfield 1828 Chodwick, Thomas, d Surrey 1854 Claer, James, d Surrey 1814 Clare, Ann, Salop, d 1823 Clark, Bradshaw, Capt. d 1819 " David, d Glo'cestershire 1830 " Daniel, d London 1820 " George, d London 1830 " Richard, d London 1796 " Robert T., of Surrey " Sarah, Bristol, d 1804 Clarke, Ann, Bucks d 1810 ' ' JohivZ Leamgt'n Priors 1855 " John, of London 1780 " John, of Cambridge, d 1748 " John, d Warwickshire 1814 " Jos. A., d Cumberland 1849 " William, rf Northampton 1814 Clarkson, Isabella, o'wise McKenzie Claremont, Gabriel Clay, Margt., d Tynemouth 1845 " Martha, Essex d 1803 " Wm., d Herts 1813 Claydon, John, d Cambridge 1834 Clegg, John, of Lincolnshire Cleghorn, Robert, d London 1824 Clemence, Chris., d Cornwall 1850 Clement, Henry, of Chichester " John, of Darlington 1799 Clements, Mary, frmly French " Mich'l'H., of Lincolnshire Clerk, William L., of Kent Cleathing, John, d 1841 Cleverly, Richard, d London 1833 Clex, Maria, Manchester, d 1850 Cliffe, Robert, d Lincoln 1792 Clobery, John B . H.,d Cornwall 1805 Clough, Sarah, o'loise Gledill Clubley, George, d Scarborough 1837 Clues, Sarah, Middlesex d 1838 Cobb, William, d Yorkshire 1810 Cochrane, John, d Middlesex 1835 " Margt.D.,Mid'lesx,dl834 " Peter, of Renfrew, d 1831 Cockoll, Wm., d Kensington 1733 Cocker, John R. , d London 1834 Cocking, Selina, d Marylebone 1836 Codd, John, d Lincolnshire 1836 Codrington, Thos. S., d Wilts 1839 Coe, William, d Suffolk 1778 Coffin, Isaac Sir, d 1839 Coghlan, Andrew, Colonel, c?1837 CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. 83 Cohen, Gabriel, d Surrey 1839 Cole, Ann, frmly Strong " James, d Chelsea 1793 " John, of Kent, d 1803 Collier, Wni.,tf Kuightsbridge 1835 Collin, Elbth. O , Durham, d 1846 Collingwood, A. L. , Bath, d 1856 Collins, Ann, o'icise Ward " John, d Dunthorpe 1856 " Robert, of London " Sophia, Surrey, d 1815 " William, Rev*, of Sutton Collis, Cath., Herts, (Z 1814 Colt, James Rev., d Leominster 1832 Colt-man, Thos., d Lincoln 182G Colewell, John, d Cornwall 1817 Comely, Wm., of Somerset, d 1818 Coney, Margt., o' wise Abondio Connett, Eleanor, Devon, d 1816 Consett, C. C, d Surrey 1852 " Peter, d Yorkshire 1839 Constable, W.H.M., d Yorkshire 1797 Cook, Hannah, of Woburn 1738 " Jane, Cheltenham, d 1852 " John P., d London 1831 " Thos., d Gloucester 1850 Cooke, Charles, d Hereford 1840 " Edward, d Ha versham " John, d Lincoln 1854 " Hannah ) of " Matthew ) Gloucestershire Cooper, Ann, o'wise Davis, d 1830 " Ann, Wolverhampton, d 1775 " Cooper, Edward, d Surrey " Frances, Leicester, d 1818 11 John, d Suffolk 1819 J Cope, Edward, d Cheltenham 1849 ; " James, of Staffordshire Coppinger, Jane, (Z1723 Corbett. Michael, d Gloucester 1830 Corfield, John, d Worcestershire 1825 Corpe, Thomas, of Herts, d 1847 Corral 1, Ann, Bath, d 1832 Cotterell, Charles, of Essex, d 1807 Cotton, Mary, Herts, d 1838 Coulton, Margt., Essex, d 1819 Coulston, Elbth., of Westminster " Frances, London, 1780 Councel, Mary, d Somerset 1841 Courtney, Jane W., d 1847 Coutts, Alexander, d London 1804 Coventry, Thomas, d London 1798 Coward, Leonard, d Bath 1798 Cowleshaw, John, fZShardlow 1838 Cowling, L. L. S., d France 1830 Cox, Charles, of Kent, d 1822 Cox, Elizabeth, Turnham Green Coyle, John, d Sydney 1846 Conway, J. C, a Flint 1836 Cracrof t, Robt. , d Monmouth 1832 Cragie, John, Colonel, d 1840 Craigill, Wm., d Orthwaite 1846 Cramer, Sarah, o'wise Procter | Cramp, John, of Sussex, d 1854 ' Crane, John, d Birmingham 1857 " H. S., d Essex 1848 Crapp, Thomas, d Devonport 1829 ] Crayle, James \ living William $ 1750-90 Creasy, James, d London 1816 I Cresey, William, of Terrington ; Cresswell, Ann, Mrs., of Sussex Crew, Louisa, Islington, d 1808 Cribb, Henry, d Marylebone 1843 Crichton, Benjamin T., d Kent 1855 , Cripps, John D., d Bristol 1847 Crispe, Edward, of Kent, d 1823 William, of Kent, d 1808 Croft, Mary, o'wise Laud | Crofts, Jane, d Middlesex 1849 Crombie, James, d Surrey 1798 " Alexander ~) brother and " Jane > sisters of Jas. " Margaret ) of Deptforcl Crompton, Sarah, Marylebone Crosbie, Jno.T. master-mariner d 1838 Crosley, Samuel, d London 1845 Crosse, John, of Bradford, d 1816 Crossland, Thomas, d Chelsea 1776 Crookes, Jonathan, d York 1778 Crouch, Charles, d Tottenham 1830 " James, d Somerset 1835 " Mary, Andover, d 1832 Crow, John, d Liverpool 1841 Crowhursc, Elbth., Chelsea d 1833 " William, d Chelsea 1831 Croxton, Thomas, d Portsmouth 1826 Crumbleholme, Geo., d America 1820 Crump, William, of Worcester Crussell, John, d Chelmsford 1852 Cruwys, Bridget, London, dl794 " Dorothv, London, dllol Cullen, Murty, of Essex, d 1807 Culling, Isaac, d Kennington 1808 " James, d Kennington 1823 Gumming, Edw'd, d Lancashire 1844 Cunningham, Jerh. d Yorkshire 1843 Currie, Eliza, frmly Hubbald Curtis, John, d Bristol 1822 " Susannah, d 1832 Cushen, Edward ) of " Mary $ Southampton 84 INDEX TO distance, James, of Sutton, Cambshr Cuthell, John, d London 1828 D Dalrymple, G. 11., Lieut. 91st Eegt. Dalton, Thomas Rev., d Essex 1829 Dance, William, d Middlesex 1811 Danger, Elizabeth, Oxford d 3854 Dare, John W., d India 1838 Darjeant, James, of Essex, d 1810 Darke, Elizabeth, Exeter d 1859 Darker, William, of Notts, d 1824 Darley, Frances, d Bristol 3816 Darrell, Sarah, Cornwall, d 1795 Davenport, C. Eev., of Yorkshire Davidson, Mango, of Scotland, ^3774 Alex. ) sons of Mungo, " John ) who d Amer'a 1774 " Sarah, of Isle of Ely, ^1846 " Sarah, of Kent, d 3846 Davies, Ann, Islington, d 1832 " Jane, Gloucester " Jenny, Worthing, d 3820 " John, of Carmarthen John, of Telgar'tte, d 3819 Meredith , o f Telgartte, tf 1818 " Robert, d London 1810 " Sarah, Covencry, rf 1832 " William, d London 1827 Davis, Abraham, d Gloucester 3804 " Henry, of Oxford " Jenny, Islington " John C, d abroad 3807 " Richard, d Shad well 3811 " Susannnh, Swansea d 1833 " William, of London Davison, Wm., of N. Shields, d 3809 Dawe, James, d Middlesex 3829 Dawson, Harriett, dKenningt'n 3858 Sarah, Stafford d 3834 Day, Charles, of Edgeware, d 3836 " Frank, of Madras, d 3800 " James, d Rochester 3844 " John, d Kent 1832 " Mary II., d Isle of Wight " Samuel, d South wark 1832 Dean, Thomas, of London, c£abdl806 " Thomas, d Middlesex 3839 " William, ^ Camber well 3784 Death, John R., of Kent, d 1835 Debney, Thomas, d London 1841 De Blanchy, Ann, Bath d 1853 Decafour, Mary, Canterbury d 1835 Dela Motte, Peter, d Weymouth 1814 Delves, Hugh, of Wavretree d 1844 Demi, William, of Bloomsbury Dennis, Sarah, Lambeth d 1835 Dennson, Samuel, d London 1776 Dent, Ann, of Yorkshire Dent, Joseph, d London 1773 Denton, Elizabeth, d Durham 1773 Devaynes, John, d London ! Devereux, John, d France 1838 I Deverill, John, d Bucks 1837 Dewar, Caroline " Caroline L. Dewell, Thomas, d Gosport 1825 Dick, Alex., of South wark d 1803 " Ann, o'wise N orris, d 1822 " James, d London 1806 " Sarah, o ( wise Yevars, d 1806 " William, d Windsor 3800 Dickin, Stephen, d Shrewsbury 1843 Dickon, Thomas, d Yorkshire 1827 Dike, Elizabeth, Gloucester d 1856 Dimsdale, Ann, Hereford, d 1832 Dixon, James, of Lancaster Dobson, Margaret, Durham d 1808 " Sophia, of London 1787 Dod, Ann, Middlesex d 3843 " Thomas, of Edgbaston Dodd, Wm., d Northumberland 3809 Dod well, W , d Lincolnshire 3824 Donville, Christopher, of Bath d 3859 Dorsdell, Rich'd, d Scarborough 3800 Dott, James, of Scotland d 3813 Doubleclay, Robert, d London 3809 Douglas, H. N. Colonel, d 3849 " John, ^3834 " William, of Preston d 3859 Doweling, Peter, of Shire Hampton Dowling, John, d London 3807 Downer, Susan, d London 3«16 Drakely, John, d Worcester 3830 Draper, Robert, of London Druce, Robert A., d Middlesex 1829 Dudding, John, of Yorkshire Dudley, Mary A., Wednesbury Duffield, Job, d Islington 1850 Dufty, John, Major a 1810 Dugdale, Henry G., d W orcester 184(j Duncalf, Mary, Adlington d 1812 Duncan, Helen, o'loise Stevenson Dunlop, Conyers, d London 1799 Dunn, Ann, Islington d 1829 " John, d Berks 1842 < ' Richard M ., of Derby, d 1829 " William, of London, d 1801 Durbin, Alice, Long Ashton d 1834 Henry, d Bristol 1798 Duval, William, Captain, d 1807 CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. 85 Dyke, Joseph, d Wolverhamp'n 1815 Dvkes, Phillip, of Suffolk " Susan, of Suffolk d 1821 Eades, John, d Staffordshire 1835 < Earlesman, Richard, d Wilts 1831 Eastaff, William, d Bedford 1859 Eastland, Elzbth. S., Surrey d 1832 Eaton, George, d Pimlico 1828 " Harriett, Hampstead d 1857 " Robert, ^Staffordshire 1855 " Sush. M., d Peckham 1853 " William, d Middlesex 1828 Edden, Thomas, d Worcester 1811 Edeu, Robert J., d Windleston 1811 Edes, John, of Chipping Morton " William, d Edmonton 1777 Edgar, Mary A., Ipswich, d 1835 Edkins, George, d London 1821 Edmonds, Cliarles, d London 1817 Edmonson, William, of Leeds d 1816 Edward, Margaret, Ludlow, d 1816 Edwards, Ann, Gloucester, d 1831 Cath., Marylebone, d 1816 " Charles, d Middlesex Edward, Colonel, d 1836 " Elizabeth, frmly Yew " Grace, frmly Ogle Iron, of Herts, d 1811 " John, of Beds, d 1810 " John, of Chester, d 1854 Price C.,of Somers't,(2 1855 Egerton, Thomas, d London 1830 Eglington, Richard, d Norwich 1827 Eldridge, Thomas, of Essex, d 1851 Elgin, Ann, Yorkshire, d 1822 Elkin, Catharine, o'wixe Alexander " Priscella, 0'wwtelIume " Rose, " Kopinan " Sarah, " Lewin Elkins, Elzbth., " Yew, d 1819 Ellerker, John, of Lancaster Elliott, Mary S., Brighton " Sush., d Norfolk 1811 William, of Essex, d 1801 Ellis, Charles, of Dalston, d 1815 " Ellis, of Denbigh, d 1818 " John, d Middlesex, 1819 " Mary, Cork, c?1850 " Richard, of Cheshire, d 1851 " Thomas, of Sussex, d 1829 Ellison, Ralph, d Yorkshire 1805 Elly, Richard, d Gloucester 1755 Elms, Richard, xl Wisborough 1801 Elmsley, Peter, d Oxford 1825 Elmslie, James, d Surrey 1833 Ellington, Thomas, of Aston Elson, Joseph, d Ramsgate 1827 Elston, Joseph C.,of Iialeliam,dl833 Elton, William, Colonel d 1817 Ennis, Edward M., Captain, d 1813 Ernest, Peter, d Middlesex 181j Erule, Constantia, of Wilts Essery, Mary, Cornwall, d 1833 Evans, Alice, Hoxton, d 1823 " Edward, d Hoxton " Elzbth., Bristol, d 1851 " Mary A., d London 1855 " Samuel, d Marylebon.3 1835 " Sarah, Pembroke, d 1831 " Sarah, Bristol, d 1817 Evanson, Eleanor, Bath, d 1800 Evelyn, Mary, frmly Turton, d 1817 Everett, Ann, frmly Tolson, d 1831 Evers, Mary, frmly Lawkins Everson, Cath., Suffolk, d 1825 Exton, George, d London 1749 " Mary, Herts, d 1799 " Mary N., Herts, d 1799 Eyre, James, d Sheffield 1818 Fackerell, Edward, d London 1780 Fairbrain, James, d Cumberland 1835 Fairbank, Thomas, of Yorkshire Falkner, Richard, of Northampton Falls, Sophia, frmly Orme Fardell, David, d Wisbeach 1838 Farm, William, d London 1812 Farmor, George, of Holbeach Farnham, Sush. S., of Grantham " Win, cZLaunceston, 1892 Farr, John, of Ormskirk, d 1761 " Susan, o'wise Dykes Farraine, Joyce, Norwich, d 1824 Farquhar, John, d Wilts, 1826 Farthing, Robert, d Norfolk 1792 Faverson, John, of Kent, d 1814 Fawcett, Ann, Yorkshire, d 1856 " Charlotte, w of Sir Wm. Fa wnt, George, of Leicestershire Fearns, Louisa, Westmoreland, cZ 1819 Featherby, Sush., Lincoln, d 1816 Fell, Agnes, of Lancashire, d 1824 Felton, Win., d Berks 1821 Fenner, Zachariah, of Surrey Fenton, John, d America 1799 Fenwick, Cath., Reyton, dl838 Ferguson, Elzbth., frmly Amis 86 INDEX TO Ferguson, George, d Cumberland 1821 Win. Lieut, d 1800 Field, Joshua, d Yorkshire 1809 Fielder, John, ^ Lymington 1793 Fildes, Jonathan, d Eochdale 1810 Finch, Robt., d Rome, 1830 " Thomas, d Sussex 1820 Fisher, Ellen, frmly Balshaw " John, of Whitehaven " Sarah, frmly Dean Fiske, Wm, of Norfolk, d 1826 Fitzgerald, Edward, d Africa 1833 " Keane, of Herts, d 1831 Fitzmaurice, Hon., London 1785 Fleet, Elzbth., Deal, d 1820 Fleming, Wm., d London 1837 Fleming, Wm., of Lancashire Fletcher, Geo., d Notts 1845 " James, d Suffolk 1811 " James, d Lancashire 1836 " Martha, London, d 1801 " Mary A., Middlesex, ^1859 " Paul, d Yorkshire 1829 " Thomas, d London 1797 Flesher, Thos., d Blakesley 1797 Flitcrof t, Henry, of Hamstead 1790 Flv, Henry, of Willesden, d 1833 Forbes, Cath., Poplar, d 1820 George J., d 1836 " Nathaniel, General, d 1851 Ford, William, d Dagenham 1825 Fordyce, James, d Bath, 1796 Forster, Wm., of Norfolk, d 1820 Forty, Daniel, E., d London, 1841 Forwald, Wm., d Middlesex 1848 Foster, Daniel G., d London 1835 " Elzbth., Sherborne 1827 " Francis, d abroad 1843 Fothergill, Anthony, Dr. ^1813 Fountaine, Mary, Ohigwell, d 1804 Fowden, William, Captain Fowler, Clara S., d Southampton 1856 ' ' John, of Surrey, d 1786 Fox, Charles, Bermondsey 1823 " John, d Yorkshire, 1811 " John, d Westminster 182 L " John, of Kent, d 1828 " Sarah, Kent, d 1849 Francis, Maria P., Derby, d 1858 Franklin, John, d Sussex 1767 Fraser, James, d Westminster 1818 " James, of Ipswich Frazer, Simon, of Scotland, d 1819 Freeman, James, of Durham " John, d Enfield 1817 " Joseph, d Leicester 1824 Freeman, Robert, d Norfolk 1865 " Robert H., d Norwich 1847 French, Mary, of Dorset, d 1839 Friend, Daniel, master-mariner John, of Kent, ^1834 Frith, Mary, Kensington, d 1821 Frost, John, of Suffolk, d 1845 " Wm., of Essex, d 1814 Fry, John, of Marylebone, rZ 1812 " Thomas, of Kent, d 1810 Full wood, Charles, of Luton, d 1832 " John, d Surrey " Thomas, d Herts Funnell, Thomas, d Kent 1812 Fyson, Samuel, of Brighton, d 1849 Flinn, John, Lieut., d 1810 Galbraith, Peter, d India 1815 Gale, Robert, d London 1816 Galloway, John, d Berks 1818 Gannon, P., d India Gardiner, Thos., d Middlesex 1832 Gardner, Robert, d Kent 1856 Gardon, Wm., d Lancashire 1847 Garland, Theodora, Norwich, d 1843 Garner, Nicholas, d Nassau 1802 Garnett, John, Right Rev., 1700 Garrett, James, d Norfolk 1807 " John, d Devon Garrod, John, of Hants, d 1774 Gaskin, Samuel, mariner, d 1821 Gates, Elbth., Brighton Gayfere Thos., d Derbyshire 1815 Gearle, James, d Hants 1810 Gedney, John, d Yorkshire 1815 Gent, John, d Finsbury 1847 George, John F., d London 1836 " Hannah, Somerset Germaine, Rachael, Manchester Gibbon, Edward, of Marylebone " Richard, of Marylebone Gibson, John, d Manchester 184] " Letitia, Croydon d 1831 Gilbert, John, of Whitechapel Gilchrist, John B., d Edinburgh 1841 Gilder, Robert, d Berks 1842 Giles, Robert, d 1824 " William ? butcher, " Mary ] dim. Gill, William, d Yorkshire 1814 Gilpin, Mary Gilson, Lawrence, d London 1811 Gingell, Wm., H., d Finsbury 1837 Gittings, Sarah, Norwich CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. Glover, Elbtli., Hampton 1813 " Joshua, d Hampton 1783 Glyn, John, d Bath 1836 Glynn, Wm., d Swansea 1859 Godolphus, ATm., d Westminster 1781 Godwyn, Daniel, of "Westminster Going', Susannah, of Essex Goldborough, Robert \ of America Sarah $ 1770-1800 Goldsmith, John d Gt. Marlow 1803 Gouge, William, of Hammersmith Goodall, John, d Derbyshire 1848 Goode, Eliza, of South wark " Edward, d Cambridge 1815 " John, d Hereford 1820 Goodear, Mary, o'wise Batty " John, d Lancashire 1832 Goodall, Wm., d London 1833 Goodlad, Elzbth., Marylebone Goodwin, Henry, of Surrey 1810 Goodyear, Daniel, d Surrey 1770 Goodyer, Sarah, Surrey d 1809 " John, of Essex, d 1824 Gordon, Henry, d Somerset 1839 Goring, George F., d Surrey 1827 Gorsuch,Thos.T.,^ Westminster 1820 Gorton, John, d Lambeth 1837 Gosden, John, d Sussex 1829 Gosling, Matthew, of Mold, d 1841 Thos. W., d Surrey 1843 Gostling, John, d Middlesex 1841 Gould, Mary W. rfWolverhampt 'n 1841 " Richard, d Sussex 1848 Graham, Sush., frmly Davis Gram, Andrew, of Norway, d 1803 Grant, Angus, Major, d 1810 " Alex., of Banffshire " Elbth., Setton d 1778 " Wm.,^1794 Grantham, James, d Manchester Graves, Frances C, d Bristol 1832 " George, d London 1839 " George, Captain Grav, Francis D., d 1846 " Richard H., d Surrey 1844 " Simon, d London 1842 " Wm., d Russsia 1819 Green, Edward, d Berks 1824 " Joseph, d Alcester 1784 " Joshua, d Rawden 1799 Robert, d Melburn 1791 " Richard, d Dorset 1819 " Thomas, d Paddington 1843 Greenall, Wm., d Lancashire 1841 Greene, Elbth., Norwich, d 1803 Greet, Thos. Y., d Kent 1829 Gregory, Gregory, of Lincolnshire John, d Watford 1840 " John, of Shoreditch 1808 " Mary, d at Hornsey Gregson, Ann, d London 1815 Grice, James, d Warrington 1837 Grier, Thos., d Deptford 1797 Griffin, John, of Wokingham 1790 Griffin, Mrs. of Woburn 1790 Griffith, John, d Sussex " Joseph, d Cud worth 1814 Griffiths, Edward, d Bristol 1826 : ' Elizh., sister to M. Crumley " Mary, Herts, d 1815 Phillip, of Merthyr Tydvil Thos., d Woolwich 3 823 " Vaughan, d London 1832 Grigg, Mary, Bloomsbury Grim wood, John N., d Essex 1829 Grisbrook, Wm., d Lambeth 1808 Groome, William, of Arundel, (71838 Grundy, Henry W., d Kent 1859 " John, d Lancashire 1829 Gudgeon, Thos., d Middlesex 1819 Guest, William, of Salop Gurney, Mary, Dover, d 1843 Gurr, Elizabeth, o'wise West Guthrie, Edward, d Stafford 1815 ' < Simon D. , d Middlesex 1848 G waiter, Hugh, d London 1806 Gwennass, Thomas, d Middlesex Gwinnett, Emilia, of Glamorgan Button, d Wolverhampton " Ann, d Wolverham'n 1781 Gwilt, William, d India 1804 Gwynn, John, of Westminster H Haddock, Martha, Chelsea Hadley, Joseph, d Stafford 1842 Haigh, Charles, d Doncaster 1831 " Hannah, Calcutta Halden, Elizabeth, Herts, 1822 Hale, Charles, of Devon, d 1795 " William, of Herts, d 1816 Halke, Elizabeth, Plymouth, d 1820 Halkes, Ed. T. D., d Chatham 1823 Hall, Charles A., Devon 1795 " James, d Monmouth 184- " Thomas, d Pimlico 1838 " Thomas, d London 1786 " Sarah, London, ^1813 " Charles ) brothers of Thomas " Peter > of London, who " William ) d 1786 88 INDEX TO Hall, William, d London 1852 Hallett, Ann, London, d 1817 Hallgate, Sarah, of Market Drayton " James, of ditto, d!820 Hall ward, John, d Alcester 1765 Hames, Sarah, Surrey, d 1837 Hamborough, Maria, d 1816 Hamilton, Mary, Chichester " Eob't, of Manchester 1800 " Thomas, of Brighton Hammond, G-eorge, d Yorkshire 1767 " Martin, d India 1795 Susan, of Sussex " Thomas, d Cheshire 1852 Hampton, Chas. D., d Alborne Brook Joseph, d Lancashire 1827 Hanbury, William, d 1793 Hancock, John, d Stepney 1797 Thomas, d Chelsea 1811 Handley, Michael, d Lincoln 1835 Hankin, Elizab'h, d Westminster 1788 Hanson, Edward, d Hackney 1803 Hany, Charles, d Devon 1833 Hapgood, Jane, frmly Luff Haram, Ann, Surrey, d 1855 Harby, Sarah, Cambridge, d 1799 Harborne, Richard, d Aston 1840 Harcourt, W. B., d Berks 1817 Harden, John, d London 1791 Harding, Francis, d London 1777 " John, d Gloucester 1851 " John, d Cul worth, 1826 John, of Hinclon, Wilts 1 ' Win. , d Westmoreland 1815 " Sarah, o'loise Hallgate Hardman, Elizab'h, d Wakefield 1764 Hard wick, Wm., d Manchester 1799 Hare, Charles J., d Herts, 1842 Hargrave, Timothy, d Brentford 1793 Hargraves, Alice, d Lancashire 1843 Harker, Henry, purser RN,^ 1805 Harle, Ralph, d Newcastle 1746 Harley, Sarah, Cambridge, d 1799 Harman, Henry, d Worcester 1817 Harper, John, d Burton Latimer 1800 " Samuel, d Worcester 1832 Harris, Charles, d Lambeth 1854 Dorothy, Devon, d 1833 ' ' George, d London 1796 John, d Hereford 1829 ' ' Robert, d London 1838 " Thomas, of Devon, d 1836 " William, d Marylebone 1831 " William,^ Westminster 1807 Harrison, Anna L., Stafford, d 1837 " Elizabeth,^ Yorkshire 1818 Harrison, John, d Leeds 1856 " Grace, sister of John " John, of Cumberland " John R., d Middlesex 1844 " Isaac ) brothers of " John > Thomas, of Cam- " Joseph ) bridge " Thomas, d Cambridge 1767 " Thos., d Paddington 1843 * c Thomas, of Bucks " William G.,d Jamaica 1825 Harriss, Joseph, d Surrey 1835 Harriman, Joseph, of Perth, d 1847 Hart, Anthony, Sir, d 1831 " Louisa, d Clifton 1849 " Moses, d London 1756 " Napthali, d Islington 1828 " Robert C.,d Shrewsbury 1818 " Sush. S., Shrewsbury Hartley, John, d Kent 1833 '' Hen. A., of Devon, " W. S. ) living 1750 Rowland, William, d Oxford 1835 Royds, Ann, Rochdale, d 1789 Boyle, Samuel, d Lancashire 1820 98 INDEX TO Eoyle, "William, d America Roylance, John, d Cheshire 1812 Ruddy, Thomas, d Surrey 1850 Ruffin, Thomas, of London Rumbold, Thomas ) sons of Thomas, " William $ of London Russ, John, d Berks 1825 Russell, Mary S., of London 1780 " Richard, d Surrey 1784 Rutter, Catherine, of Doncaster Ryley, Catherine, of Carshalton Rymsdyke, John Y., d London Sadler, William, d Lancashire 1789 Robert, d Wilts 1839 Sainsbury, Charles, d London 1843 Salisbury, Martha, d Middlesex 1855 Stephen, d Kent 1807 Salmon, John, d Bath 1809 " Robert, d Hexham 1786 Salt, Thomas, d Warwick 1833 Sampson, Ann, Marylebone d 1833 Sanderson, Elizabeth, Cumberland " Jackson, d Birkley 1852 ' ' Nicholas, surgeon d 1816 Sandford, Thos., d Somerset 1851 Sands, John, d 1802 Sandys, Mary, Middlesex 1811 Saner, Jacob, of London Sargeant, George, d Middlesex 1844' " Samuel, d Roth well 1832 Saunders, William, d Surrey 1776 Saunt, Mary, o'wise G-ardener Sause, Richard, d London Savage,Wm., d Wolverhampton 1822 Savill, Joseph, d Essex 1823 Savignac, Alice, Middlesex 1805 Savory, Henry, of Hampstead 1822 Saward, William, d Essex 1840 Sawkins, Mary, Chelsea, d 1830 Saxton, William, d Brentford 1850 Sayer, Charles, d Sussex 1843 " Sarah, d Parklington 1850 Scarman, Ann, Chelsea d 1829 Scarpelain, John M. Scholey, Martha, d Yorkshire 1828 Schuppe, Sarah, Essex d 1798 Stott, Betty, Rochdale d 1821 Scott, Major David, d India " Elizabeth, of Cumberland " Edmund, d Herts 1829 " James, d Marylebone 1833 11 Joseph, d Durham 1833 " Walter, brother to David Scouler, James B., #1812 Scourfield, W. H., d Pembroke 1843 Seagrave, John, a London 1776 * Robert, d Notts 1790 Seaman, Amy, Chester d 1798 " Ann, Chester d 1829 Sergison, Ann, Sussex d 1806 Senhouse, Louisa W., Surrey, d 1845 Settle, John, d Yorkshire 1857 Seaward, Elbth., Marylebone, #1820 " Robert, d Yorkshire 1854 Shaker, John, d Cramlington 1841 Shanks, John, purser R N, d 1817 1 * William , of Scotland, d 1825 Shapton, Gawen, d Devonport 1855 Sharp, Benjamin, d Romsey 1840 " Henry Sharpies, William, d Hindley 1841 Shaw, Christopher, d Chelsea 1770 " John, d Tottenham 1800 " Major Robert, d 1812 " William, d Liverpool 1841 Sheffield, Elbth., d Cumberland 1765 Shefford, William, d Marylebone 1791 Sheldon, Benj., d Leicestershire 1832 1 Elbth., London, #1829 Shelton, Col. John, d 1845 Shepherd, Alice, Yorkshire, d 1808 " John, of Gosport " William, d India Sheppy, William, d Totteridge 1835 Sherburne, John, d Hereford 1832 Sherrard, Joseph, d 1835 Shields, John T., of London 1794 Shirley, Henry, d London 1812 Shore, Lydia, Derbyshire, d 1839 Showell, Joseph, d Bedworth 1796 Shuttle worth, Fredk., d Notts 1823 Short, Charles, d India 1785 Shrapnell, William, d Bath 1848 Shuter, John, d Middlesex 1847 Silcock, Benj. B., of Yorkshire Sim, James, d Bloomsbury 1833 " John, of Scotland, d 1824 " Robert, grandfather of John Simpson, Capt. John, d 1849 Simson, Nathan, of London Sims, Adam, d Kent 1817 Sims, Thomas, of Denton Skelton, Belona, Middlesex, d 1849 " Jonathan, d Newcastle 1786 Skey, Mary, Wilts, d 1825 Skiff, Moses, d Middlesex 1819 Skinner, Barbara, Tottenham, d 1770 Slade, Mary, o'wise French, d 1839 " Sas.frmly Gilkinet, #1841 CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. 99 Slater, Philip, d Middlesex 1808 " Thomas C. d Yorkshire 1831 Slatter, John, d London 1832 Sloan, David, d abroad 1829 " Stephen, d London 1823 Smallwood, Thomas, d Cheshire 1775 Smart, Elizabeth, of Durham " John, d Sussex 1835 " Samuel, d Bristol 1849 Smith, Ann, d Lambeth, 1847 11 Ann E. Middlesex, d 1847 " Benj. d Sheerness 1852 11 Betty Shropshire, d 1829 " Charles, d London 1833 " David, Dundee " Edward, d Stourport 1821 " Edward, d London 1790 " Eleanor, Brompton, d 1845 11 Elizabeth, Brighton, d 1834 " Frances, Hoxton " George, d India 1790 " Hannah, Newcastle, d 1858 " James, builder, Kamsgate " John, d Warwickshire 1847 11 John, surgeon, d India 1807 1 ' John, d London 1792 11 John, d Liverpool 1817 " Gen. Joseph, dl790 " Mary, Gloucester, d 1831 " Mary, d Leamington 1858 " Mary, Berrick-Salem, d 1818 " Mary, Bristol, d 1734-6 11 Bichard, of Oxford " Bichard, of Worcestershire " Bobert, of Dundee, d 1795 " Sarah, d Cockermouth 1817 1 " Thomas, d Westminster 1812 } " Tliomas, d Coventry 1831 " Thomas, brother to Joseph " William, d Birmingham 1841 " Wilham, d Middlesex 1843 " William, d Shrewsbury 1828 " William, d Newcastle 1795 11 William C, of Leicestershire Smyth, George E., d Middlesex Smythies, Thomas, of Liverpool Snare, Bobert, d Beading 1838 . Snell, Thomas, d Portsmouth 1786 Snepp, John, of Sussex, d 1857 Snibson, Ann, o'wise Moore " Sarah, o'wise Morris, d 1857 Soper, William, d Surrey 1839 Sorel, Louisa, Enfield, a 1847 Sotheby, Capt. G. H., d 1838 Southam, John, d Bucks 1808 " Joyce, d 1849 Southam, Henry sons of John> Thomas > of Bucks ' « Willian !J yeoman, d 1808 " S. L. S., o'wise Young " Mary " Hodgson " Eebecca " Hucey Southby, Charles, d Berks 1834 Southerne, Ann, Bath, d 1832 Southgate, Win., d South wark 1807 Southmeade, Charlotte, Exeter Sowerby, Bobert, of Kent, d 1830 " William, of Kent, d 1817 Sparke, Bichard, d Suffolk 1816 Sparkes, John, d London 1804 Sparks George, d Sidmouth 1824 Sparrow, Martha, of Ealing 1783 Spearman, Thos. B. purser, B N Spencer, Elizabeth, d London 1784 " John, d London 1806 " John, d India 1766 Spicer, Mary, o'wise Kennett Spilling, Thomas, d Norfolk 1829 Splidt, Philip, of London Spooner, Thomas, d London 1839 " William, d Surrey 1836 Springhall, Godfrey, d London 1785 " James E.cf Middlesex 1823 Spurstone, Bev.Dr. W.^Hackneyl666 Squire, Thomas, d Folkestone 1810 Stagg, Lucinda, Kent, d 1833 Stains, William, d Canterbury 1827 Stalker, Alice, Stafford, d 1814 Stamp, James, of London Stanley, Mary, frmly Meddowcroft " Mary, d Lancashire 1833 Stark, William, d London 1824 Starkey, Henry, d Westminster Starkie, Elbth., London, d 1780 Steady, John, alias Swain, d 1832 Stedman, Ellen, Middlesex, d 1855 Steele, William, d Shropshire 1807 Stevens, Ann, wot James, d 1834 " Elbth., o'wise Coles 1760 " Frederick, d Rutland 1833 " James, d London 1831 " Joel, d London 1765 11 Lewis, d Exeter 1795 Stephenson, David, d 1807 " Hugh, d Lambeth 1821 ' ' Bobert, d Middlesex 1819 1 ' William, d Beverley 1829 Sterne, Bichard, d Beverley 1791 Stevens, Dorah, Liverpool, d 1815 " William, d Coventry 1800 Stevenson, Ann, of Hammersmith 100 INDEX TO Stevenson, Helen, frmly Duncan " Mary, Islington 1801 Stieball, Bernard, d Frankfort 1830 Stewart, Dorothy C, York, d 1858 " Robert R. , d Chelsea 1833 Steward, Mary, of Norwich Steygould, Margt., Islington, d 1833 Stockdale, Jer., of London, d 1823 Stacker, Elbtli. o'wise Aspland, d 1852 Stocking, Henry, d Norwich 1826 Stockton, John, of Nawton, York " John, Kirckdale Stobbs, Jane, London Stokes, Hugh, of Pembroke, d 1822 Stone, Catharine, London " Capt. Chas., dl83l Stones, Thos., of Swettenham, dl822 Storke, Thos., of Suffolk, d 1760 Story, Sarah, frmly Poole Stow, Elbth. o'wise Miles, d 1828 St. Leger, Frances, Deal, d 1820 Stracey, Frances, of Herts, d 1857 Strachan, James, of Scotland, d 1810 l«ton | of Durham, d 1846 Strahan, Sir John, of Hammersmith Strailer, Thomas, of Surrey, d 1798 Stratford, Francis, P. of London, cM 841 Stratton, Kebecca, Chelsea Strode, Nathaniel, of Bristol, d 1794 " Jane, wife of Nathaniel,^ 1805 " Jane, dau. of Nathaniel,^ 1813 Strong, Hugh, d V^lts 1829 Stuart, Capt. Chas., RN,d 1814 Styles, Henry T., of London, d 1835 Sullivan, Daniel, cf Cork, d 1843 Summers, Richard, of Somerset,*:? 1830 " Williaimof Hereford,dl779 Sunderland, John, of Halifax, d 1820 Supple, Robert, of Clifton, d 1847 Surrey, Charlotte, d in Herts Sutcliffe, John, of Lancashire, d 1845 William, of Bath, d 1852 " Clara, Bath, d 1833 Sutherland, Charles, of Wilts, d 1839 Sutton, John, of Staffordshire Sutton, Thos. of Lincolnshire, d 1845 " William, d South wark 1820 Swain, Jenny, Stockport, d 1839 " Joseph, d Yorkshire 1831 Swainston, Isabella, London 1810 Swan, Jeremiah, of Sussex, d 1828 " William, of London, d 1831 Swarbr eck, J no. of Wokingham 1790 Sweetland, Edw. S., d 1809 Swelling, Rowling, of Kent, d 1843 Swindell, John, of London, d 1831 Swithenback, Eli, of Leeds, d 1840 Talbot, Francis, of Derbyshire, dl850 " Thomas, d in Wilts 1843 Tallentire, Thomas, d London 1816 Tannatt, Elizabeth, o'zoise Deacon Tapper, J ane, of Sussex Tarboton, Sarah, Bradford, d 1791 Tarbuck, James, of Lancashire,^ 1831 " James, of Lancashire, <£L828 " Jas., son of Jas. of Prescott " Jonathan, of Lancashire Tarleton, Margaret, Liverpool 1780 Tarr, Susan, o'wise Dykes, d 1821 Tate, William, d Pentonville 1827 Tayleure, William, of London,^ 1766 Taylor, Ann, sister of Thos., of Bath " Ann, Everton, d 1839 " Ann, London, d 1800 " Charles, of Devon, d 1766 " Frances, Louth, d 1856 " Frances, of Surrey, d 1840 " Jacob )broth'rs of Thomas, " James $ of Bath ' ' James, d Manchester 1812 " John, d Durham 1798 " John, of Islington, d 1846 " John, of Tamworth " John, of Wiggington " Mary, legatee of A. Jobson " Matthew, d Wilts 1814 " Randal], of Derby, d 1839 " Sarah R.,o'wis3 Walker " Sophia,ofRotherhithe, d 1831 " Susan, Limehouso, d 1818 Thomas, of Surrey, d 1840 Thomas, d Surrey 1808 " Wm., of Birmingham, d 1841 Win. , of Middlesex, d 1837 " William, d Greenwich 1801 " William, d Oxford 1806 Teague, Thos. of Birmingham,^ 1847 Telford, Thomas, of Dumfries,^ 1834 Templar, Dudley, of Marylebone, d 1795 Tempest, S. P., Worcester, d 1821 Tennant, David, of Swansea, d 1839 Terrill, Anna, London, d 1803 Territt, William, of Suffolk, d 1836 Terry, Henry, of South wark " William, of Camberwell Thayers, Ann, of Eckington, (21847 CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. 101 Thedwall,Francis,ofFolkstone,#L817 Tlielwall, Hannah, Lincoln, d 1800 Theodore, Elbth., o'wiseTLvrst,dl856 Thirkhill, Thomas, d Bristol 1818 Thomas, Benjamin, of London, d 1821 " Francis L., d Middlesex 1819 " George, of Tenbmy, d 1826 " George, d Essex 1806 " Harriett L., d London 1831 " John, of Cardigan, d 1819-20 " John, d Liverpool 1828 " Robert, d 1806 " William, of Worcestershire Thomlinson, JohnG., <2 Durham 1807 Thompson, A. S. J. F., d Paris 1835 " Betty, Middlesex, d 1833 " John, d London 1829 " John, d Newcastle 1818 " Margt . , Middlesex, d 1831 Thos. of Yorkshire, d 1819 " Wm., of Stowe, Scotland " William, of Hants, d 1829 " William, living 1700 Thomson, James, purser, d 1851 " Ann, Kent, d 1819 Thorne, Richard, d Amsterdam 1822 Tiffin, John, of Tottenham, d 1828 Tilley, Sarah, of Middlesex Timson, Martha, Kent 1849 Tippell, William, d Suffolk 1797 Tifford, Sarah, d 1813 Todd, Henry, d Northampton, 1809 " Jane, Herts, d 1817 " William, d Middlesex 1819 Tolson, Henry, d Bridekirk 1724 Toms, Frances, Somerset 1828 Topham, Newhall, d London 1806 Toulmin, William, d London, 1805 Towell, Samuel, d London 1812 Towers, Elzbth., Lancashire, d 1825 Townsend, Margt., Sheffield, d 1815 Tranter, William, d Marylebone 1822 Trathen, John, of Devon, d 1829 Travers, Richard, of Dorset, d 1813 Treacher, Mary, frmly Vincent Trenwith, Henry, relative of Rebecca " Rebecca, d Cornwall 1790 Tripp, Henry, d Tunbridge 1831 Troutback, Samuel, d India Truman, Elizabeth, d 1834 Truscott, Ann, Middlesex Truss, John, d Pimlico 1815 Tubbey, Thomas, d Surrey 1815 Tucker, Ingram, d Kent 1851 " John, of Pembroke, d 1791 " John, of Wilts, d 1812 Tuder, Matthew, d India 1794 Turnbull, Henry, d Norfolk 1806 ' ' Mary, frmly Musgrave Turner, Elzbth., Marylebone, d 1815 " John, d London 1842 " Capt. John, d 1801 " Joseph M. W., d London 1851 " Sally, d Spelsbury 1819 " Sarah, d Kent 1833 1 ' Sarah, frmly Tyce " Walford, d 1819 Turnock, Elizabeth, Stafford, d 1832 Turst, Salone, London, d 1805 Tutin, Edward, of Notts, d 1784 Tutte, James, d Sussex 1824 Twiss, Gen. William, d 1827 Tyler, William, of Bristol u Underwood, John, of Homerton " William, d London 1830 Unwin, Rowland, d Sussex 1837 Ure, Elizabeth, frmly Stoddard V Van Hacchen, Alexander, d London Yaughan, Cath., d Gloucester 1832 " John, d India 1842 Vaux, Edward, of London Yeal, John, of Wilts, d 1805 Yellers, Robert, d Worcester 1815 Yenn, Ann, Gloucester, d 1790 Yernon, Dorothy, Gloucester, d 1775 Lydia, Bath, d 1789 Yeriar, James, d London 1795 Yezey, John, of Notts, d 1819 Vicars, Richard, d Lincolnshire 1811 Vicq, Col. John, d 1832 Villebois, Frances E., d 1852 w Waby, Edward, of Herts, d 1809 Waddell, Joseph, of Berwick " William, d Berwick 1807 Wade, John, d Middlesex 1818 " Martha, o'wise Wildon Walch, Elbth., Middlesex, cZ1849 Walcott, Edmund, d London 1667 " Thomas L., of Gloucester 102 INDEX TO Wall Wain wright, Thomas, d 1770 Waite, John, d Marylebone 1829 " James ") " Thomas f "brothers of John, 11 Stephen f of Marylebone " William ) Waldron, Daniel, d Surrey 1806 Walford, Isaac, d Halstead 1849 Walker, Ann, Somerset, d 1801 " Eliza, o'wise Chidell, d 1843 " George, d Middlesex 1812 " John, tZHomerton 1770 " John, d Kent 1805 " John, d South wark 1802 " Elizabeth, of Lincolnshire " Henry, d Middlesex 1830 " Lavender, d Kent 1829 ' l Mary A. d Staffordshire 1827 Prudence, Oxford, d 1852 Edward, of Kilkenny, d 1819 John, d Derbyshire 1769 " Kobert, of Bermondsey, 1790 Wallace, John, d Paddington 1814 Waller, Elizabeth, of Lincolnshire " George, d London 1842 " James, d Sussex 1811 Wallis, James, d London 1759 " Edward } brothers and " John > sister of James, " Sarah ) of London " John, d Pimlico 1808 " John, d Newcastle 1839 Walton, John, d Cumberland 1818 " John, d London 1794 " Thomas, of Chester, d 1757 Walker, Mary A. o'wise Hicks, d 1830 " Mary A. wife of David, tf 1831 Wake, William, d Bermondsey 1847 Warburton, George, d Bow 1778 " Joseph, d Lambeth 1817 Ward, Chas., of Chipping Wycombe ' ' George, of London " Henry, d Exmouth 1848 " John A., d abroad " Kobert, d Norwich 1836 " Kobert, d Darlington 1790 " Sarah, London, d 1819 " Sir Thomas, d 1788 Wardle, James, d India 1832 " James, of Stafford, d 1828 " James, of Stafford, d 1831 Waring, Sarah, o'wise Newenham "■ Ann, Surrey, d 1842 Warre, John, of Dublin 1780 Warren, Elizabeth C, Norfolk Warwick, Thomas, d London 1813 Warren, Edw., ^Northampton 1820 Waterhouse, Jno. d Birmingham 1776 Watermouth, Frances, Liverpool Waters, William, of Surrey, d 1841 Watkins, Henry, d Westminster 1834 " H. A., d Southwell 1832 " John, d Lancashire 1821 " John, d Lancashire 1759 " Margt. A., of Notts, d 1832 " Mary, d London 1810 " Richard, d Worcester " Thomas, d Middlesex 1830 " William, d Kent 1808 Watson, Ann, Yorkshire " George, d Suffolk 1827 " Henry, of Suffolk 11 Jane, Durham, d 1838 " Richard, d London 1808 ' ' Wi lliam , d Lincolnshire 1813 Watts, Ann, Worcestershire, d 1859 " Kev. Clement " George, d Norfolk 1789 " John, d Pimlico 1849 " Robert, of London 1790 Webb, Ann, d Bristol 1841 " Elizabeth, frmly O&all " Elizabeth, Cheshire, d 1828 " Elizabeth, Oxford, d 1792 " Job, of Birmingham " John, d London 1788 " Thomas, d Sherborne 1808 Webber, Ann, d Gloucestershire 1834 " Thomas, of Surrey Weekes, Elizabeth B., frmly Dixon Wegg, William, d Norfolk 1827 Weighway, Edward, d Salop 1826 Welch, Elizabeth, Bath, d 1843 Weldon, William, d Yorkshire 1838 Weller, Edward, d Marylebone 1819 " James, d Surrey 1832 " Richard, d Lambeth 1807 Welles, William, Worcester Wellis, Sam'l, of Chipping Wycombe Wells, John, of Hartlepool Wellstood, John, d Liverpool 1848 Welsf ord, Mary, of Brighton Weppler, Elizabeth B. , Kent, d 1820 West, Elizabeth, frmly Gurr, d 1822 Westbeech, John, d Ramsgate 1813 Westbrook, John, d Heston 1829 Westerman,Sarab,/'rw% Pennington Weston, George, d Islington 1805 " Thomas, d Enfield 1816 Wetherell, Thomas, d Middlesex 1814 Whadcott, James, of Surrey Wharton, Sarah, o'wise Maddock CHANCERY ADVERTISEMENTS. 103 Wharton, Thomas, of Shropshire 11 Thomas, of Birmingham Whealley, Hugh, d Stafford 1835 " John, d Harlington 1855 Wheatley, Richard ) uncles of John " Samuel ) Adams Wheedall, Alice John Wheeler, Henry, d Lancashire 1830 " Thomas, d Wilts 1830 " Ann ' " James sister & brothers " John I of Thomas, Peter f of Manton, Wilts, 11 Rich'd yeoman Wm. J Whincopp, William, d Suffolk 1808 Whitaker, Robert, uncle of J. Kinsey " Elizabeth, wife of Robert Eliz'h, of Tunbridge Wells " William, (2 Higher Bencliffe White, Amelia, Islington, d 1823 " Elizabeth, d Southgate " John, d Westminster 1851 " Mar y , Ki ng ' s Lynn, d 1811 " Sarah, Wolverhampton " Samuel, d Cambridge 1793 " Col. Thomas ' ' William, d Jamaica 1799 ' ' William, d Keswick 1811 Whitehead, Thomas, of Essex " Thomas, of Poplar Whiteman, Henry, d Cambridge 1816 Whitcomb, Thomas, d Worcester 1827 Whitfield, Rev. George, d 1832 " John, of Dulwich 1 ■ William , d London 1849 Whiting, John, d London 1801 '•' Margaret, o'wise Hay ward " Wm., legatee of A. Jobson Whitridge, Steph.,^ Cumberland 1846 Whittaker, Elizabeth, d Kent 1848 John, of Jamaica " William, of London Whittell, Sarah, Hornsey, d 1838 Whittingham, James, of Derby Whittori, Edward, d Bucks 1774 Whorwood, Ann J. Whvte, Alexander, d London 1832 Wickham, Robert, d Fulham 1832 Wilden, Joseph, d Shropshire 1828 Wildon, John, d London 1794 ' ' Martha, frmly Stone, d 1809 Wilebore, Isaac, a Upwell 1788 Wilkins, Ann, Bedminster 1780 " John, d Marylebone 1832 Wilkins, John, d Wilts 1730 " Julia, d Wilts 1730 1 « Mary, frmly Field, d 1839 Wilkinson, Alex., d Cambridge 1819 " Ann, of Derby, d 1827 " Henry, dWent worth 1768 " Henry, d Middlesex 1791 " John, d Pimlico 1833 11 John, d London 1823 " Joseph, d Yorkshire 1773 " Thomas, d Darfield 1765 " Wm.,^ Yorkshire 1766 Williams, Ann, Tottenham " Anthony, d Surrey 1810 " Charles, d India " David, d Glamorgan 1827 " David, d Carmarthen 1819 " Edwd., of Monmouthshire " Edward, d Mold 1827 " Elizabeth, Pimlico, d 1839 " John, d Wales 1797 " John, Cardigan " John, dBrompton 1833 " John, d Monmouth 1821 " John, d Worcester 1843 " John, d Cardigan 1806 11 John, d Middlesex 1774 " Lieut. John, d 1837 " John J., d Merioneth 1842 " John A. S., of Bristol " Mary, Bristol, d 1806 " Mary, d Westminster 1845 " Margaret, Oswestry, d 1812 " Margaret, o'wise Morgan ' « Rachael of Wales, d 1797 " Samuel, d Middlesex 1833 " Thomas, of Worcester " Thomas, Cardigan Williamson, J., d London 1828 " Maria A., Chelsea,^ 1854 " Richard, d Suffolk 1832 " S. T., of Lincolnshire " William, d Cheshire, 1816 Willats, Thomas, d London 1831 Willis, Arthur, d London 1857 " John, of London Wilmore, Edward, d London 1858 Wilson, Anthony, d Bristol 1824 " Charles, d London 1846 " Elizabeth, London, d 1854 " Elizab'h, Nottingham,^ 1793 " Elizab'hW.,Finsbury,^1851 " James A., d 1806 ) of 11 James, d 1805 S Kendal " Joseph, d Middlesex 1820 " Mary, Worcester 104 INDEX TO Wilson, William, of Harrow " William, d Launton 1826 Wimpey, William, d Devon 1814 Windsor, Elizabeth, of Ringwood Windson, C. K., Taunton, dl835 J Wingfield, Eliza, firmly Julian Win grave, Matthew, a Herts 1849 Winkworth, Sarah, widow Winter, John, d Acton 1843 Winterbottam, John, dl838 " Joseph, of Yorkshire Wintle, Sarah, Glo'stershire, d 1841 Wisdome, Thomas, of Herts, d 1801 Wiseman, Wm., d Middlesex 1842 Witham, William, d Yorkshire 1851 Withering, William, d Somerset 1832 Withers, Henry, d Wrexford 1806 " Joseph, d Kent 1755 Withnall, Thomas, d Hants 1826 Wivell, Abraham, d Middlesex 1827 Wood, Abraham, d Lancashire 1830 " Eleanof, living 1810 " George, ^Stoke-upon-Trent Woodcock, Elizabeth, Cheltenham Woodhouse, John, d Leominster 1820 " Mary, Leominster 1842 Woodroff, William, d Notts 1843 Woodward, Hannah, Lancashire Woody att, Ann, frmly Jones | " John, of Marylebone Woolaston, Richard, d Salop 1845 Woolaway, Agnes, Herts, d 1855 Wooley, Sarah, Stockport, d 1806 Woolfe, William, d Surrey 1828 Woolmer, Elizabeth, frmly Hubbard Wordie, Catherine, Jamaica i Wornell, Alexander, d Surrey 1832 Worallow, John, d Wolverhampton Worship, James, d Norwich 1792 Worth, Jacob W., d London 1838 Worthington, Jonathan Wreight, Henry, of Kent, d 1840 Wrench, Peter E., d Norfolk 1778 Wright, Ann B., Clifton, d 1830 " Barbara, London e? 1829 " Francis, d Chelsea 1817 " Jane, London, ^1772 " John, d Cheshire 1831 " Mary A., Oxford, d 1842 " Peter, d London 1843 " Thomas, d 1770-80 Wroth, Henry, d Islington 1729 " Mary, o'wise Fowke, d 1763 Wyatt, Daniel, d Glo'stershire 1783 " Henry, d Glo'stershire 1847 " Martha,/m^ Hawkins,^ 1858 " Thomas, of Salisbury Wyche, Mary, Sussex, d 1810 Wynne, Edward, d London 1807 " George, d Surrey 1834 " Margaret R., d Berks 1844 " Robert, of Kensington Yates, Elizabeth " Sally , frmly Greenwood " William, d Lancashire 1813 Yeomans, Rev. John, d 1823 Yerbury, Richard, d London Yew, Samuel, d Wilts 1757 Young, Mary, Lincolnshire, d 1837 " Mary P., Surrey, d 1834 " S. L. S., o'wise Hanshaw Younghusband, William, of London INDEX TO LEGATEES AND PERSONS ADVERTISED FOR. LEGATEES AND PERSONS WHO HAVE BEEN ADVERTISED FOB SINCE THE YEAR 1800. Abbott, George, jun., of Mark Lane Abraham, Elizabeth, o'wise Torry Abrams, M&iy, frmly Lurnly Adams, Thomas J., appraiser " James Christian William ) Mary > Caroline > legatees of John Truss, of Pimlico 11 John, of Newport " Peter, of Devonshire " Harriett, spinster " Ann , frmly C url 11 Miss, milliner " Geo., son of Geo. and Mary Adcock, Henry, civil engineer Adlar, William Addenbrooke, B. B., of London Aird, Donald, schoolmaster Ains worth, Thos., of Loughborough Aitkin, Mary A ., of Soho Aitkins, Ann E. \ " John ' children of Ann, " Peter ( of London " William ) Ager, Joseph, of Suffolk Aland, Robert O., of Soho Aldons Thomas, of Colchester Albeth, Rebecca, of Denbighshire Alden, Elizabeth, frmly Harding Alderson, Fanny, governess, 1856 Aldridge, Hugh W., seaman Flora James, seaman Alfrey, George ) sons of George, " Joseph ) tide-waiter Allan, Mary C, dau. of William Susannah S. , of Norfolk " Alexander, of Montrose, NB ' ' John, of Montrose, N B Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth " Thomas, went abroad " Sarah,d William Pinchback 11 John ; of Camberwell Alsopp, William, of Leicestershire Alsop, John, of London 1816 " William, son of Robert Ambrose, Elbth. B., dau. of Thomas Anderson, John, of Gottenburgh John, of Aberdeen " Frederick W., seaman " William, broker, London " AIfred,of NewYork,1832 " John, of London " Jos., of Cambridgeshire Andrews, mariner, of Fulham " William, of Deptf'ord George, of Basingstoke Joseph, of Dublin " Jane Wm., carver and gilder " Wm.,of Clerkenwell,1821 Anglis, William, of Coventry Annesley, Robert M., of London Anthony, John (105) 106 LEGATEES An '< tee ' Sarah \ ot Buckinghamshire Apperley, Charles O., Esq. Appleby, Win., left Liverpool 1850 Applebee, James, of Westminster Armstrong, Eobert, of Finsbury " John, of Newport, Salop " Mr., of London, 1818 " Sarah, of Ryal, Lincoln Daniel, of 70th Rgt. Armitage, Frederick ) of Mile End " ' Francis $ London 1849 Armit, John L., of Farnham Armsby,Col. | Qf EagtBarDet Arnon, Elizabeth Arnold, John, of Bedfordshire " Charlotte P., lady's-maid ' Richard, mariner, Poplar " Mary Ann Arthur, Robert, of Whitwell, Derby Ash, Robert, went to Africa " Francis, of Blackfriars Aspinall, Peter, mariner Aston, Thos., vet. surgeon, Madras Ashley, James ) cousins to James, Elbth. S of Herts. Ashkettle, Mary, of London Ashworth, John, brthr. to Margaret Ashby, Samuel Ashworth, James, broker Aston, John Gr., of Birmingham Atchison, Anna M. F., of Chelsea Atcheson, Robt. S., frmly of London Atkin, Dr., of Edinburgh Atkins, Geo., son of Ann, of London " John, of Somerset " Jane, wife of T. Jones " Charles, w r ent abroad " Philip " William, seaman " Mrs. Mary A., of Eton Atkinson, Mr. J. Wray " Catharine, wife of Rich. " James, son of Robert " William, of Dublin " John William, chymist Attree, W. H., surgeon Austin, Robert, of London " Thos.,neph.of Sophia Brown Aubert, Dorothy " Olympia ' ' Harriett ' ' Alexander legatees of Baroness Susannah L. " Anthony J Avis, Thomas, painter St. John Ayliffe, William, son of John Aylesbury, Mary, children of Ay ton, Elzbth., married Mr. Malms- bury 1841 Ayliffe, Alfred, nephew of Samuel Ayrton, Edward, of Kent Bacon, Richard, of Birmingham 1857 Bailey, John, father of Emma, who died 1843 " Elbth., native of Marlboro' ' { Martha John " Maria, frmly Haines " Frederick, of Tooting Baillie, Peter, native of Taisley " John I sons of John, of " William $ Edinburgh Bainbrigge, William A. Baines, William, of Yorkshire Baird, William, of Lochend Baker, Henry, footman " John, son of Jane " George & Son, tailors " Mary R., frmly of Charlton 11 Charles \ legatees of " Elbth. S James Trowbridge I" John, shoemaker, of Henley " Thomas, seaman " Henry, of Colchester " James, seaman, of Poplar " Elizabeth, w of Joseph, R N " Samuel ) legatees of ' " Richard \ J.Twentyman " George, ironmonger " Frederick, mariner " John, of Norfolk " Ann, niece of Sam. Crouch " James, of Oxford " Thomas, of Cripplegate " Henry, ship-carpenter Balmont, Wm., solicitor, Somerset Balderson, James Balsdon, William, tailor Balderson, Hannali Balshaw, Mary, frmly Higson Baldock, Mrs., of Canterbury Ball, Thomas, of South Australia " Edward, of Gravesend " Thos. ) related to John Hope, " John S of Devizes Ballard, Mrs., o'wise Benson Ball, Richard, of Gaunton ADVERTISEMENTS. 107 of Sussex t, „ n 4. „ A „,„ C cousins of Jane Ballantme, Agnes \ Crookhillj of Janet ^ Manchester Balls, Elizabeth, of Suffolk Bank, John, of Edinburgh Banks, Charles, of Kent Bannister, Clementina, of Norwich " Edward Banks, John, shoemaker, Suffolk Barber, Caroline, o'wise Keynolds Barclay, John, of Scotland Barby, Edwin Y., seaman Barfoot, Samuel, nephew to Robert Barlow, Mr., of Beaumont Street Barker, Mr., of Cheshunt, 1818 " Mr. ) of New Square, " Miss ) Minories " Mary, of Elston " Sarah ) daughters of " Ann S Sarah Burns Thomas B., of Hull Barber, W. H., solicitor Barlow, Sarah, of Hull " Sarah, of Brighton " Francis, of Bedford-square Barford, John Richard Barnard, Charles " Richard Barnes, David, corporal 16th Regt. " William, of Edgeware-road " Alice, dau. of William " Eleanor Barues Family " Robert, of Bermondsey 1856 Barnett, Sarah, housekeeper " John L., of London M John G-., of London Barnes, Wm., of Woking Bardsley, William, of Nottingham Baron Family Barr,Sophia C. \ nephew and niece of " Chas. G. S H. Barr, of Suffolk " Hugh, of Paisley N B Barratt, Elizabeth Jane Barrett, Samuel, of London Barrow, John P. , of Somerset Barry, Augustus, of 14th or 16th Reg " Mrs. Elizabeth " Jacobus ) descendants of W. " Elizabeth S Beauchamp " Msuy, frmly Grimes " Henry, Esq. Barter, Mary ) daughter of Henry B. " Jane $ of Dorset Barton, Mary, daughter of James Bartlett, Rosamond Bartlett William, of Weymouth " Elizabeth, niece of J.Cullen Barton, Esther, cousin of T. Craven Baskell, Mrs. Juana, of London Batson, John, son of Alice Bateman, Diana Batley, Mary, o'wise G-ordon Baltham, James, solicitor's clerk Bate, James, servant Baton, D., native of Scotland Bathies, William, native of Dublin Bateman, James, solicitor Bathe, Anne, of Drayton Baxter, Alexander, of Lancashire " Mary, o'wise Timmons Bawdon, John, attorney, Somerset Baynes, Mary, o'wise Shanley Bayley, Mary, servant Baylee, Henry H., of Limerick Baynton, Sarah, legatee of J. Truss Baynes, Robert, of Bishop's Stortford Badkin, Richard, enlisted 1825 Beazley, Thomas Beagley, Helen, of Oxford Street Beesley, James, of Turville Bucks Bellamy, G-eorge L. Benson, Wm., of Liverpool Beecham, William, of Dover Bell, William, of Brompton 1814 " W. H., seaman " E. Mr., ship surgeon " John, of Northamptonshire " William Gr., commission agent " James, went to Sydney 1853 " James, of Ripon " Christopher, son of Thomas " Joseph Copeland Besley, James, son of Thomas Beaumont, Edward, of London Beamish, Francis, seaman Bellamy, John, frmly of Derby Beasley, Alfred Beaumont, Sarah, frmly Scott Beyer, Mary, dau. of Charles Bennett, Martin ' ' Elizabeth " John 1 " Elizabeth | legatees of Ann " Sarah j> Bennett, " Mary of Norwich " Thomas ) David H., of Notts " James, son of Andrew " John, left London 1841 " Rebecca, of Leicestershire Berriman, Greorge 108 LEGATEES Beard, Charles, carpenter Berrey, Sarah, dau. of G. Anderson " James { of Idle, near " Thomas J Bradford Beltman, Vincent Bernard, Hewitt Beck, William, groom Beaumont,Francis, of Liverpool 1837 Beck, Isaac, of Birmingham Bear, Mary, legatee of M. Portis Beard, Thomas " Lieut. John, HEICS Beard, Abel, mariner Belk, George, of Yorkshire " Hannah, sister to Wm. Bealson, Mrs. Mary, living 1811 Benjamin, John Beaumont, Thomas, of Shropshire Beale, Fanny J., spinster Bevie, John W., of Cheltenham Benedick, Maria, of Kegent Circus Bently, Edward, of Bunwell Bellamy, Elizabeth, of Yorkshire Beeson, Thomas, of Leicester Bennedy, Mark Beechirig, James Berridge, Thomas, farmer 1861 Best, William, of Louth, Lincoln " Sarah, sister of William Bigot, Miss H., teacher of drawing Bissett, Ann, frmly Wheeler Binns, William, of Sheffield Biggs, Ann ) legatees of " Bryant \ James Trowbridge Bishop, Thomas C, of Berks " Hannah ) sisters of Thos., of " Elbth. S Manchester Billingham, Bobert, of Scarboro' Birmingham, Lieut. John W., Army Birley, Sarah A., of Australia Birkenshaw, Nathaniel C.,of Oxford Bickerstaff , Richard, son of John Bingley, Catharine, frmly Milner Bisney, Sarah, dau. of William Bilding, Sarah, o'wise Lewis Bignell, George, of Tunbridge Wells Bishop, Mary, servant Bickerston, David, of Scotland Bird, William, son of Susannah - ™° | of Devonshire " Mr., of Mortlake, Surrey Bishop, Bobert W., of London Birch, William, went abroad 1800 Bishop, John O., of Bushey Blunden, Susanna, of Surrey Blakely, Bobert, of Belfast Blackall, Charles, of Berkshire Black, James L., of Edinburgh Bloy, Louisa, of Marylebone Blackbone, John H. P., of Essex Black, Margaret, frmly Coventry Blyth, Lloyd Blackbourne, T. Blanchard, Elizabeth Blomely, Thomas, of Gateshead 1840 Blain, William, of Galloway Bland, Richard Blair, Richard, son of Alexander Blunt, Jane, servant to J . Stockdale Blake , John, brother to Mary Blackburn, Joshua, of Huddersfield Bown, John, native of Notts Boast, William, left Yorkshire 1858 Booth, Elizabeth, nurse Bodgers, Mr., banker of Ludlow Bowness, G. H., son of Rev. Dr. B — . Bostock, Peter, of Cheshire Box,John,proctor,Doctors'Commons Bond, Joseph, of London Bowren, Amelia, daughter of Jessie Bosser,Rev. William, late of Durham Bonner, Emily, servant Bothwell, William, of Halifax Bousfield, Richard P., of London Booth, William Henry Bowles, Lydia, of Essex Booth, Jas. R. ^grandchil. of Jere'h, Elbth. \ of Croydon Boulton, Chas. ) nephews and niece " Wm. > of Henry B— , of " Margt. ) Piccadilly Bothamley, Emma, servant Boyton, Michael, of Dover Boyd, William, son of Cathcart Bowman, Joseph, of Cumberland Boys, Mary S., frmly Preston Boniton, Francis, sen. Boulton, Robert, merchant 1835 Bonny, James, of Lancashire Bodlev, George, of East Sheen Bockett, John W., of Bloomsbury Bowker, — , Family Bowman, Joseph, of Penrith Boy dell, Thomas, of Shropshire Boyd, William, sadler, &c. Booth James, servant Bradley, James, of Leicester Bray, James, valet Braithwaite,Samuel, brother toRobt. Bradbury, William " Thomas ofStaffordshire ADVERTISEMENTS. 109 Braclen, Sarah, sister to James Bradley, James, grandson of Walter Brady, Matthew, of Bermondsey 1834 Braden, Sarah, of Bucks Bray; Philip, native of Winchelsea Bramweil, Stephen ) sons of Geo. George > of Pilsley, " Thomas) Derbyshire. Branscombe, Fred, went abroad 1856 Bradford, Louisa, widow Bratt, Ann Brett, Edw. W. ) brothers, frmly in " Wm. J. ) or near London Bretland Family, of London Breton, Eiial E., of London Brennand, Benjamin, of Yorkshire Brennan, Ann, of Romford ' ' Margaret, frmly Slinger Brenan, Jeremiah " John 11. mariners, left of Greenwich, Kent James ) Dublin 1837-40 Brittain, Harriett, of Southwark Bridgeland, Elizabeth, Hackney Brittain, Susan, of Cambridgeshire Brough, Mary ' " Ann Brooks, John J of London 1810 Brooke, Sarah A. frmly Harrison Bromley, Andrew, of Whitechapel Broniett, John W., of Jamaica 1820 Brodie, James, of Cambridge Broom, Frances Brough, W. P. of Laughterton Brooks, Mr. Reuben Broomley, Charles, of Corsham Wilts Brock, Thos. ) left home about 1850, " Geo. S a ged 5 and 3 years Bromley, Jeremiah " Benjamin " Henry Brookman, Susannah Brotherton, John, of Warwick Bromhead, Benjamin, son of John Broad, Mary, dau. of Thomas Brookfield, Ann, frmly of London Brooks, Jane, Birmingham Broad, Charles, gardener Brown, John E. of Melbourne 1854 ' ' Mrs. of Germany " Mary Ann " John, of Finchley u David, brother to Molesworth Sarah, of Sheffield " Thomas, son of John Lady of London 1831 Brown, Thos., son of Thos. & Sarah Mary, of Suffolk " John " Ebenezer, left Leith 1809 " George, of Strathaven ' ' John , went abroad 1817 " Mary S. frmly Goode ' ' George, seaman " John, native of Wilts " Robt.,went to Australia 1858 " Samuel, of Derbyshire 1 ' James ) sons of Samuel, of " John ) Banwell " Joseph, of London " Edward, son of Anthony " James ' ' George " Robert, of London " Agnes, frmly M'Whinnie " Mary, frmly Hall " John, of Manchester Browne, Dr. James Browning, Thomas, of Whitstable Brownall, Robert C, of Stepney Brownlows, Charles, of Oxford Bryant, Joseph, went to Tasmania Brim win, Ann, of Essex Bryant, Helen, of Stamford Hill Brumby, Thomas, of Yorkshire Burt, John, son of Jas. of Kingsland Bullock, Peter, of Whitechapel Butler, James Burdett, James \ brothers of Wm., " Phillip \ of Middlesex Butler, Mrs. Rosa Bullen, William, hatter, London Burns, John, son of Cornet B — Burchett Family, of London Burton, Wm. C. of Hyde Park Buckmaster ,William, of London 1824 Buchanan, Jane, niece of H. Lundie Burnett, John W, of Jamaica 1820 Budd, Charles, left England 1830 Buxton, Miss, of Manchester Butt, Mr. of London 1818 Burrows, Edward T. " Dennis " Mary A. C. " Eropa P. Ann P. William P. John Bush, George, native of Martinique Burgess, Mr. James Burns, Robert, frmly of Belfast Burnes, Mrs. Sarah children Dennis, who was married 1720 of 110 LEGATEES Burd, John, of Devonshire Buckland, Thomas, tailor Bullin, Penelope, of Spitalfields 1835 Burtt, John, coachman Burdon, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Button, Mary, of Woodchurch, Kent Bull, Mrs., of Southampton Butler, Mary Burrows, Mrs. , w of John Burch, John, of Mersham, Kent Buchanan, William, of London and Glasgo w Burt, Kobert William, of Sussex " James, of Sussex Burnham, William, tailor Burgess, James, clerk Bufton, Ann, servant to J . Stockdale Burgon, Mary ) daus. of Joseph B — " Hanh. > and nieces of II . " Ann ) Minskip Busleman, Jane, of Kennington 1835 Burke, Mrs. D. of Ireland Buxton, J3,ne,dau. of Mrs.Mortimore Burnell, Arm, frmly Jenkins Burke, Thomas \ sons of Elizabeth " Patrick $B— , of Dublin Burnham, John D., of Yorkshire Burt, John, of London 1835 Butler, H. H., of Clapham 1834 " Edward, of Cheltenham Bull, William, brother to James Butt, Elizabeth E. A., of Colne Butler, Thos., of Soho and Australia Butt, Miss, of Houghton, Hants Bywell, Vincent, of Southwark, 1836 Byfield, Elbth. ) children of " Mary > James B— , of Hannah ) Pentonville 1804 Bowman, John ) sons of John, " Joseph ) of Sarking Bourson, Anthony Brunt, Isaac, of Exeter Battams, Ann Cahil, Patrick, of Scotland Callard, Charles, went to Australia Caldwell, Benjamin, ship engineer Caink, Edward, of Oswestry Callow, John, brother to Mary Calder, William, mariner Callow, John, baker, Worcestershire Campbell, Douglas, seaman " Mr. of New York " Jean, of Argyleshire, N B Campbell, Mary, of Montserrat " C, servant to Lady Kerr 11 Colin, of Dumbartonshire 11 Constantia, w of Alex. " Wellesley, of H E I C S Cannock, Charles Canny,Matthew F. ,born Ireland 1810 Carus, William, of Lancashire Carpenter, James, brother to Daniel " Thos., nephew to Daniel Cardy, Mary, of Peckham Carley, John, working jeweller Carr, James T., surgeon, H E I C S " George j of Kewcastle-upon- " Mary ) tyne Carter, Mary " Eliza, of Bethnal-green " F. ,of MiddlesexHospital 1832 Alfred, of London 1837 " John, tanner <"< Samuel j »f London 1800 Cartwright, Sarah, of Nottingham " Matthew, of Philadelphia Cartledge, Frederick, of Yorkshire Carr, George, of Suffolk Cary, Henry, of Piccadilly Carson, Isabella, of Australia Cass, Mary, of Yorkshire Cassons, Ann, o'wise Kitchens Cassidy, Geo. H., son of Alexander Cartwright, John, of Warrington Caltober, M&rtha,, frmly Slight Chamberlayne, R. John, waiter Chambers, William C, seaman " Samuel, of Dumfries Charles, Richard ) carpenters, sons " Robert > of Richard C— , " William ) of Dublin Charrison, Thomas, steward R N Chapman, George, of Middlesex " M. A., frmly Langhorne " Thomas Chappie, William, trunkmaker Chadley, Sarah, of High Wycombe ! Chaddock, William, of Cheshire Chawnor, Mr., of Manchester Chandlers, Fanny, of Suffolk Chalmers, Robert K., of NB Charles, Thomas, of Devon Charters, James, of Ireland Cheston, Rev. J. B., of Gloucester Cherrey, Ann, w of John Cheeseman, John \ sons of John Chas. J. J of Deptford Checkley, William, of Swansea ADVERTISEMENTS. Ill Chinton, George, of Kensington Child, Anthony, servant " John A., of Komsey Chilmain, Thos. ) brother and sister " Jane S to Frances Cheeseman, Kate, dau. of W. Hughes Choak, Charles, brother of Caroline Christmas, John, of Ockharn, Surrey Chidcot, Sarah, of Bristol Churchman, Mrs. Charlotte Church, Thomas ) children of " Mary J. > George C— , of " Jane J. ) Northamptonsh'e Chumley, Martha, of London 1819 Clark, James \ children of " Ann S Edward C— " Mrs. Hannah « James | of Stepney " William, of Spitalfields 44 Elizabeth, wife of Samuel 11 George, builder 11 Robert, of Stepney 14 Catherine, wife of William 44 John, of Yorkshire Clarke, Mrs. Ann, of North Brixton " Simon, Esq. Clare, Ann, legatee of W. H. Yincent Clayter, Mary, of Horsham, Sussex 44 George ) grandchildren of 44 Matilda ) urn., of Horsham Clavering, William A. Clayton, Edward, of Worcestershire 44 David, of Lincolnshire Clewer, John ) sons of Mrs. C— , Edw. S who d Madras 1829 Cleveland, Sarah, of Kent Clement, Richard, of Plumstead Clifford, Charles F., of H E I C S C Upson, William, of Westminster Cobley, Elizabeth Cobb, Ellen, native of Chichester 44 Phoebe, of Kent Cobson, George, of California Cock, George, grocer, Plymouth Cocker, Joseph, of Derby Coe, George, of Acton, Suffolk 44 Thos. Jno., went to Australia Coglan, Elizabeth A . Cole, Ann, of Lincolnshire 44 Wm., servant to Lady Arden Coles, Thomas J., of London 44 George, of the Royal Artillery ' ■ Ann, of Burley, Hants 44 Sarah, o'wise Hawks Collins, Edmund, clerk, Stockport Collins, Wm., of Westergate, Sussex " Omar, son of William 44 Mr., of Berks and Oxon Collier, James, 22nd Dragoons Collard, Charles, of Chelsea Collison, Charles, baker Collett, Charles, servant 44 Frederick, of Ipswich Coleman, Harriett, servant 44 Sarah A. 44 Fanny 44 Charles Coles, Dan. neph.ofLucyWhit worth Colville, Josiah Henry Cooper, George, of Preston 44 George, of California 1856 44 George, of Skelton 44 James Henry 44 Emma 44 John, of Misterton, Notts 44 Susannah, of Walworth 44 Mrs., w of Dr. John 4{ * Sarah, frmly Harrison Cooler, Samuel Cook, George, of Byfleet, Surrey 44 Mr., of Swindon, Wilts 44 William, of Northampton 44 Jane, of Byfleet, Surrey Cooke, Jane, of Shoreham 44 Mrs. Mary 44 C. J., of Regent's Park 1838 Corner, James, of Scotland i Cowper, — Family of, Dorset Coombs, Alfred, solicitor Cox, George, alias Oxford George j Corgan, Teresa, of Cheltenham Cousens, J., tailor, London , Cox, James, servant to Mr. Curling I Cornish, W. B., of Exeter 44 Benjamin 44 Daniel 44 William 44 Charles 44 Benjamin L" Mary Cornish, Harry, of Deptford Conolly, Valentine Cowley, Stephen, of Warwickshire Constable, Mrs. Elizabeth Cox, Mary A. 44 Jane 44 Wm., nephew to Mrs. Flower 44 Richard, of Hobart-town 44 Maria S., Pimlico 44 William M., schoolmaster Coupland, Walter 112 LEGATEES Coventry, Andrew ) bro. & sisters " Catharine > of Charles, " Margaret ) of Glasgow " Elbth., legatee of J. Trass Cotton, Sarah, legatee of B. St. John Cotterell, Thomas, of Blconisbury Sarah J. " Phillis P. Coy, John, druggist, of Royston Compton, Mrs., of Camberwell Constantine, Martha Cornwall, Ann, of Dublin Corson, Elizabeth, o' wise Ross Cornelia, John B. " James " Mary Constable, Joseph, of Manchester Corney, Elizabeth, of Pentonville Coulter, John, of Brandon Coultart, W. R., architect Coupland, Agnes, o' wise WhWbroo'k. Cowell, Mr., grocer, Richmond Craynes, John, of Winchester 1841 Crawford, Elizabeth, of Shorne Kent Crane, Thomas, of Chester Crawford, Miss " John, of Durham 1830 " Charles, seaman " C. C, sister to H. Lundie Crabtree, James, of Yorkshire Craddock, Richard, son of Capt. C — Creed, William, jun., tailor Crew, Robert Crease, E. M.H. married Ed. Turner Crisp, William, of North America Crick, Mrs., of London Cross, Horatio, of the West Indies Crossley, Mrs., dau. of J. M. King Crowe, Win., professor of language Cross, David, footman 1840 Crook, James R., of Brixton Croyle, Charles, of Dorset Crout, James, of Lambeth Crouch, William 1 " John " Thomas ! " James f " Edward j " Stephen J Crossland, Thomas, of Rotherham Cross, Sarah, o'wise Marsden '"'rooks, Rebecca, frmly Farley Crowley, James, of Brandon Curling, Thomas ( sons of William " ' William $ of Shad well Curline, James nephews of Samuel Crouch Currie, James, baker, Scotland " George T., seaman N B Curren, Michael, of Belfast Curtis, John, of Ryall, Lincoln Cuthbert, Rev. Dr. W., of Middlesex Curtis, James, of Kent Cubbin, Sarah, of Hants Curtis, Dorothy, of Walworth 1850 Cutting, Sarah, daughter of John Cundrie, Ellen ^ isters to IsabeUa •< Jane S °-' of Liverpool " Win. , brother of Isabella " Ann " Mattie " Christopher ) nephews of " William ) Isabella Curteis, George, of Norfolk Curd, Frederick G., of Gravesend Cunningham, Susannah, of Ireland Cavell, Thomas, of Deal Clifford, Susan i children of Thomas ' ' Maria > and Maria, of " John ) Walworth, Surrey Dale, James, of Scarborough " Sarah, of Baddingham Dalton, Mrs., of Chelsea " Sophia Dallimore, Ann, o'wise Williams Daniel, John S., of Lambeth " Mr. S. of Bethnal Green 1851 Daubidon, Samuel, of Manchester Daffs, Mrs. Eliza, of Yorkshire Davies, Elb'th, daughter of William ' ' Alfred, frmly of Preston " David, of Enfield Davis, John, of Luton, Beds " Henry, clerk " Thomas, of Reading " Joseph, native of Shropshire " John William, of Cork " Eliza, legatee of J. Clark " Herbert, engraver Davison, James, of Chelsea " John, of Durham Dawes, Elizabeth, servant Davy, Thomas, joiner Dawson, Thomas, of E I C S " Mary, of Lancashire " William, of London 1825 " Mary, of Westmoreland Debell, John ) natives of Corn- M William ( wall ADVERTISEMENTS. 113 Dewer, John, of Dublin Dew, Sarah ) of Albany street, " Mary ) Regent's Park Dell, Mary, daughter of Mary Dent, Lvclia, servant Deards, William, of London Devaux, Mrs. Maria Dean, Mary, frmly Pen dry Dewell, Francis, of Suffolk Dewe, Henry, left England 1844 De Granville, Edw'd, of Sunderland Denny, Louisa, of Hampshire Dennison, Mary, servant Dennis, Edward, of Waltham Abbey Digby, James, of Devonshire Dibden, Stephen Dickson, William B., of Shrewsbury Ditchburn, Margaret, niece of John Dixon, George, grocer, Coventry Digby, John R. i cliil. of William, " Anne E. S of Sudbury Dix, Sarah, o'wise Hurst Dickinson, John, nephew to Elzb'th Dickens, Elizabeth, frmly Thomson Dix, Elizabeth, daughter of J. Plant Dixon, George, builder, Marylebone Dickson, Jane, servant Dimbley, Sarah, went abroad Dobbs, William L., ship's steward Doherty, Elizabeth Douglas, William, seaman Alexander, of Devon " Eliza, of Soho 1820 " Thomas Mr. " Gordon, went abroad 1847 Dobson, John, son of Richard Donnell, Mary, frmly Marony Dore, Joseph \ sons of John D " Richard \ of Notts Dodd, James, of Lambeth " David \ legatees of H. " John S Dodd " Edmund " Blanchy " Rachael Dods worth, Thomas, of London 1837 Dowley, Thomas, farmer of Plaistow Downie, John, of Lincoln College Dossett, Edward D. S. Doyle, Michael, footman 1812 Dobne, Anne, of Romford, Essex Dolman, William, of Boulogne Downham, Joseph, of Basinstoke Dolan, Sarah, sister to Maria C. D. Draper, Thomas, son of Samuel Drinkwater, Mary, dau. of Samuel Drinkwater, — , nurse Draper, William, seaman 1860 Drummond, Francis P., of Maryle- bone Duke, Henry ) " William Vchil. of Sarah D— . " Mary ) Dugdale, Thomas John B. Dunlop, James, of Russell-sq. Duckett, Thomas, of Yorkshire Dutton, Mary Dunn, Harriet, daughter of Thomas Dudgeon, Susannah, Leicester 1848 Duberly, Elizabeth, of London 1832 i Dunstan, John, of London Dunham, Samuel A., L.L.D. Dunbar, John i>chil. of William, of " Sarah \ Bloomsbury Dunsdale, Henry, of London Dychoff, Henry \ sons of Sarah William ( and William Eade, Mary, frm 1 y Thrower Eason, Charles, seaman Easton, William, of Bermondsey Eden , John, of Pimlico Edmond, Robert, of Derby Edwards, John, of Liverpool " Wm., of Gloucestershire East, Sam'l, of Mile-end, Middlesex Egan, Terence C. J . Elland, Richard Eldridge, Fanny, servant " James, of Spitalfields " Henry, left England 1830 Elgin, Eliza, frmly Parsons Elder, James, native of Scotland Elkins, Francis, of Hanbury Ellis, Hugh, brother to Mrs. Scott " Joseph, J., of Worcester " Robert \ from " Henry S Aberdare " Joseph, went to Tasmania 1854 " Thomas, brother to Joseph Emmins, George, son of Betsy English, John ) of Joseph \ Whittlesey " Emma, daughter of Robert England, Ann S., London Endacott, John, of Jersey Erskine, Samuel H., of N B Escott, Ann, of Dorsetshire 114 LEGATEES Estell, Regent H., seaman Evans, — , of Kidderminster ' ' George \ children of George " Martha \ of Lambeth " Mrs., housekeeper " George ") father and " Charles i brothers of " Thomas! George, who died " John J in Australia " Mary ) daughters of Mr. E— , " Ann $ of London Eve, William H., went abroad 1851 Everett, Elizabeth, Romford Emery, Mary, of Hoxton 1828 Eyles^ Charlotte, dau. of Admiral E— Farr, Alex. W., midshipman 1852 Fawcett, Elizabeth, of Whitby Fairclough, Henry, of Sunderland Fairweather, William, of Yorkshire Fairclough, W. H., of London Fallon, Margaret, wife of Henry ^'K^ jo* Warwick Fayle, William, of Ireland Farquar, Mrs. Christian Faulkner, James, of Lingfield, Surrey Felton, Robert, of Salisbury Fetwell, William, of Hayes Fenton, James, of Lenton Ferguson, John, of Exeter ' ' Samuel D , of Kennington Fearnhead, Mr., of Cheshunt 1818 Ferris, Charles, of Kent Feley, Maria, native of Galway Feint, Gaspar, of Guernsey Finlay, Archer, of America Fidler, Isaac, of Islington Field, Sarah, servant " Henrietta, dau. of Frances A. u Augusta Fielder, Mr. , brother to Joseph Fitzgerald, Charles, of Limerick Finch, Caroline, milliner Fischer, George E., of Hanover Firman , William Firth, Mrs. Martha, of Idle Findlay, John, shoemaker Finlay, James, of Dalston Flavell, Henry, of Warwickshire Flemming, W. T., of Exeter Fletcher, George, of Yorkshire Flint, Leonard, of Yorkshire " George, of Northumberland Fletcher, David, clerk " John " James children of " Roger Esther F. and " Richard nephews and ' ' Joseph \ nieces of " William Hannah " Jones Minskip, of 11 Elbth. Doncaster " Hannah j Floyd, Joseph, of Nuneaton Ford, Benjamin, of Kew Forbes, Mrs., of Kennington Forman, Wm., of Walworth, Surrey Fogg, Robert W., of Bedford-row Folderoy, Thomas, of Shropshire Foster, Mary " Ann, of Stockton-on-Tees " Jane, dau. of John Forde, Arthur Brownlow Forey, Lieut. Samuel Foster, W. C, native of Kent Forman, William, brother of John Forster, George, of Norfolk Forrest, William, of Norwood Forsham, Elizabeth, of Liverpool Foreman, Thos. serv't.to J.Stockwell Foot, Berkely I sons of Matthew, " Frederick ) of Wicklow Foster, James ) sons of Thomas, of " Henry ) Thames Ditton. Foy, Mrs. Fowle, James, servant Fox, Miss S., of Exmouth 1856 " Mrs. Jane, of Yorkshire Fowler, Mary, servant 1828 Fox, Charles, of Wiltshire Fraser, Jane, legatee of D.McPherson Franklin, Mary, w of William " Maria H. Francis, Thomas, of Whilcot " Phillip, of Kerry " Elizabeth, dau. of Philip " Jane, sister to Vincent Frazier, Miss., dau. of Simon Frazer, Archd. C, of West Indies Fraser, — , Family " J ames, of Limehouse Freeman, Robert, of Norwich " J., solicitor's clerk 1857 Freborn, Martha ) sisters to Emma " Caroline j Williams Free, Mr., Accountant French, James, of Limehouse Frost, George, of Yorkshire " Samuel, of Shoreditch ADVERTISEMENTS. 115 Fryer, John \ of Long Crendon, " "William S Bucks Furze, Mr., of London 1818 Funnell, Edward, courier Frant, Joseph S., of Leeds Gane, Ann, of Salisbury Garland, Susan, servant Gardner, William, servant " Richard, of Mincing-lane " Thomas,butcher, Tasmania Gardiner, Charles ) of St. Martin's- " Sarah $ lane, 1845 Garlic, Lawrence " Mary Garnick, Wm., commercial traveller Garton, John, of Pointon-Few Gartside, James, of Oldham Garrod, John, servant Gaiger, George, of Sparsholt Gaynor, Joseph, of Ireland Gelder, "William, brother to Mary Geary, William, of Nuneaton Gerrish, Rebecca, dau. of R. Lee Gernon, James, of Dublin George, John, of Worcestershire Gibbs, Jennings, of Kent " William, of Canterbury " Cecilia, niece of F. Lippincott " John, of Bromley, Kent " Charles Gibbins, Ann, o'zcise O'Donnell Gibson, Richard, of Lancaster " James " Alexander *\ children of " Christian I Thomas G., " Helen f of Potwood, " Thomas 1 Peebleshire " Charlotte M., of Deptford " Fanny ) daughtersof John, " Ellen S of London 11 Nicholas, of North America " Sarah, o'wise Race Gibbons, William, mariner, of N B Gilpin, Richard, legatee of Mary G— Gill, Frederick, of Devonshire 11 Ann, dau. of John " Thomas, solicitor Gillett, Mary, of Wilts Gillman, Charlotte, o'wise Solman Gillam, Thomas, footman Giles, John, servant " George, nephew of John Glover, Henry S., of Brighton Glover, William, of Reading Glue, Sarah, servant Goble, William, native of Kent Goff, William, chemist Godman, Christopher, solicitor Godbee, James, of London Golton, Olivia, of Stepney Golding, William, of Cheapside 1839 Gollond, Maria Gollshead, Mrs. Gooch, Matthew " Ann Goodson, William, nephew of Joseph Goode, John " Henry nephews and " Susannah nieces of ' ' Ambrose i Edward G. , of " Hannah f Cambridge, " Henry who died Samuel 1815 " Mary S. j Goodall, Edward \ hotel kpr. frmly " Caroline S of Sheffield Gordon, George, nephew of C. Goode " JohnH.) of Regent's Park " Mrs. ) 1840 " Mrs. G., frmly Bushman 11 Miss Eleanor E. ' ' George, naval officer " William, of Seymour Street Gorringe, Thomas, of Kentish Town Gove, George, of Bloomsbury Gould, Edward Gostelove, — , Family of, Dorset Grace, Henry ) descendants of the " Jane $ brothers and sisters Grange, Joseph, of Hoxton Graham, William, of Dundee police " Jane, o'wise Clark " Ann, frmly Ansdall 11 Susannah Grant, Robert, surgeon, Kilkenny Gray, Paul, of Yorkshire " David F., of West Indies " Allan, Esq. " Maria, servant 1852 " Elijah > of March, " William $ Cambridge Graystone, Sarah, frmly Thurston Graves, Dr. J. W , of Brompton " James, native of Woolwich Green, Susan, of Lincolnshire " Hannah, servant to LadyKerr " Emily, wife of Litchfield « Rebecca | of Ryall> Lincolll 116 LEGATEES Green, William, of Brighara Greening, Joseph H., of Chester Greenwood, Henry, of Grantham Greenfield, Isabella, dau. of Alexand'r Greig, Philip H., son of Dr. G — Gregory. Charles \ of London William \ 1847 " Richard B., surgeon " Thomas, of Han well 1821 " Edward, carver, etc. ' ' Thomas B., son of Thomas Grier, Bobert, of Carlisle " Margaret, o'wise Little " Ann, o'wise Nisbett Griffies, John ) nephews of W. " William ) White, of Sutton Griffin, James, farmer Griffiths, Ann, niece of Mrs. Davis " Henry C, of America 1854 Griggs, John B., of Diss, Norfolk Grigge, Mrs. C, of Calcutta Grisdale, Matthew, of Whitehaven Groom, Bichard, of London Grosse, Joseph Grocock, William H., son of Hannah Grogan, Thomas, publican Groome, Susannah E. Grimshaw, William Grubb, Mary, frmly Cooper Grubin, Mrs., of Pimlico Grubb, Thos., of Porchester Gulley, James, of Gloucestershire Gunston, Mary, of Kennington " Emily > sisters to Letitia Harriet S Hart, of Dublin Guthrie, William ) of Worcester- " Jane S shii\ Gunn, Edward, of Wivenhoe, Essex Gnnnis, Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Guest, William V., of London 1851 Gwynne, Thomas T. )ehil. of Thos. " Mary Ann \oi Shropshire Giles, H., of Notting-hill H Hackett, William, of Oxford Hague, Thomas ) " John > nativesof Cornwall " Lucy ) Haines, Elbth., niece of E.Lonquisty Hall, John C, master-mariner " James \ nephew and niece of " Eli zabh. \ George II., of York " Eliza, Miss, of Grantham " John Hall, Mary Ann, of Bedfordshire . " Geo. sen., of Kingsland-road " Wmfarn | stives of Sussex Haider, Mr., of London 1839 Hamblin, Maria Hammond, Oliver, seaman, 1854 " Geo., brother of Bichard " Jas., of West Chillington Hamilton, Mary Ann, servant Hampton, Mary A., of Netherton Hanson, John children of - IuShW illiam ' o£Bow " William £ brothers of Jas., " George ) of Lichfield " Fanny, dau. of George Hance, Henry Hankins, Thomas. of Kenningt'n 1856 Hankin.Geo., nephew to C. Kendrick Hancock, Fanny, of Devonport Hanson, Mr. J., architect Handover, Louisa, of Staines Harbour, John ) children of Sarah, Sarah $ of Suffolk Harding, Louisa, wife of Charles Hares Matthew, of Tasmania 184(5 Harden, Mr. Thomas Harland, Edward, of South Molton st Harding, Samuel, of Somerset Harby, Philip, of Leicestershire Harrington, Eudocia, i /r«i^ Shee " Martha " Thomas, of Nottingham Harris, Charles B., carver, &c " Charles ^ " James > of Gloucestershire William ) " Sarah, of Hants " Thomas, of Hackney " John T., of Islington Harrison, Sarah A., o'wise Brooke " John, of London " Emma, of Edinburgh " Samuel, of Drury-lane " Josiah, sen. ] " Josiahjun. j of South- " William } wark, " Eliza Jane j Surrey " Sarah ) " Charles, of Yorkshire Hart, Mrs. Letitia ) of Dublin Mr. Thomas S 1798 Boach D., went to Australia Charles, native of Stafford Beuben, of Portsmouth ADVERTISEMENTS. 117 Hart, Henry, of London " James, of Barking Harwood, John, son of George Harriott, Robert Edward Hastie, Hastie, of Alnwick " Charles, of Calcutta Hatching, Robert, of Manchester I la warden, Edward, of Somerset Hawkins, Eliza, tive&frmly in Hants " Charles, of Kingston " Thomas, son of Henry Family, of Herts " Thomas ) nephew & niece " Ann $ of E. Lonquisty Hawson, Thomas, of H E I C S Hawton, Joseph, of Sherrington Hayden, William, of Camberwell Hays. William, of Pimlico 1844 Hay ward, W. C, of Bermuda " James, of Poole John W. or children Phoebe, o'icise Boyes " Jane, o'icise Wake Benj. ) child, of Benj. T. Elbth. SH.— , of London Hayes, Henry ~) chil. of Henry and " Fredk. > Margaret H., of " Louisa ) London Haynes, Benjamin Hay ley, George, of the Kent-road " Mrs., of Brighton Haywood, Charles, of Pentonville Hayman, Edward, of Deal Haynes, Sarah, native of Battersea Hayes, Henry, of London Hay ton, Margaret Ha slock, William Hazel, William, of Suffolk Harvey, Robert, merchant 1800 Healey, Michael, of Southwark " John, of Holborn neald, Patty ) legatees of W. H. Heath, Richard ) Vincent Heard — , Family Hearne, Charles'H., seaman " Mrs. Algernon J. Hebditch, John, of Limehouse Hedge, Capt., of Xew York Hellman, John, of Plymouth Hellyer, Sarah, o'icise Watson Hedges, David, of Farrington Hemming, — , Family, of Berks Henderson, James, of Liverpool George, brother to Eliz'h John, of London John, of Glasgow Henderson, Francis E. Henshaw, Ann, went to America Henvill, Edward, son of Rev. P. H.— Herbert, Tyrell, Esq. , of Antigua " Edward, of Australia " George of Coleford 1844 " Thomas M., of Birmingham Heslitt, Mrs. S., of Hounslow Hewling, George, of Jersey Hewson, Richard, of St. John's- wood Hewett, John, of Lymington " Mary £ nephew and niece " Joseph \ of J. Osbaldston Hewitt, Miss, of Somers-town 1852 Hewett, John ) natives of Devon, " William $ went abroad Hewlett, Emma, of Stepney Hey wood, Mary A., of Mayfair Hesse, Mr. D. E., of Ludgate-hill Hicks, Ann, w of Finsbury Higgs, Charles, of Worthing " Ann, of Oxfordshire Higgins, Joshua, of Cheshire Hickson, John B., of Derbyshire Hildreth, William, of Newcastle Hilliard, or Hilly ard, attorney Hill, Thomas, of Suffolk " Allan, of Bedfordshire " Thomas, of Derby " Margaret, of Queen street " Eliza, id of Thomas " Esther, o'icise Plaskett " Mary, of Newport Salop Hills, W. S., of Lewisham, Kent Hilton, Lieut. G. A. Hinsley Fred. Hindman, Harriett, of Suffolk Hippisley, Captain, of Dorset Hirstj Henry J., of Masbro' | Hoile, Isaac, corn merchant Holmes, Clara Holloway, — , servant to Lady Kerr Hodgeman, Elizabeth ; Hodgskin, Phcebe, of Bucks ! Hodgson, Miles, of Rochdale I Holland, John, builder j Hodgkinson, Geo., of Aldersgate st. ; Holloway, John, clerk j Hodgman, Alex'drM., of Ramsgate J Hocken, Edward, commercial trav'r ! Hockley, Leonora, servant Hollins~ Francis A. Holt, Charlotte, id of George Hoghen, Emma M.M.A., of Kent Holdsworth, Abraham, of London | Hodson, Ann Elizabeth, of Hull 118 LEGATEES Holmes, James, solicitor Hoggar, William " Mary Hobbs, Thomas, seaman Hodges, Samuel, of Euston-road Hoad, Edmund, son of Thomas Hodgkin, Charles, seaman Holgate, Caroline, daug. of George Holbrook, George, of Chester Hodson, Stephen, tailor Hoar, Eleanor, o'wise Clark Holland, Isaac, of Wilts Holds worth, John H. of Bays water Holt, William J. of Grantham Horah, Mrs. Sarah, w of Major H. Home, Mr., baker, Brixton Horborne, Edward, of Solihull Hope, John, of Edinburgh Hopkinson, George 7 of " Isabella ) Liverpool Hoslee, John, of Sudbury 1820 Horton, Mary A., o'wise Hawkins " Henry, went abroad 1842 Houghton, Thomas, of Norfolk Houston, Miss Innes Hopkins, Elizabeth, o'wise Smith How, Mr., of London 1818 Howard, George, of Yorkshire " Catherine, frmly Symons " Thomas, of Knutsford " Keuben, son of R. H. — " Wm., of Drury-lane 1832 " Edward J., of Brompton Howe, Baldwin W., of Kent Howie, James, seaman 1853 Howell, Mary ) of Pembroke- " William ) shire Howlan, Timothy, seaman London Howes, William, 'native of Oxford Howison, Archibald, of Falkirk, 1ST B Hoyle, James Hopkins, Harriet, of South wark Horwood, John ) of Elzbth. S Aylesbury Hoffman, Elbth. dau.of Capt. F. H— Hughes, Chas. of 77th Regt. of Foot Hudson, William ) of " Mary ) Nottingham Husband, Arthur, of Fifeshire Hutchinson, Edward, of Leith Hunter, Robert, of Edinburgh Hurst, Sarah, o'wise Dix Hutton, Mrs. S., of Northumberland Hunt, Ellen, of Shepherd's Bush Hussman, Peter, seaman 1854 1 Hutchinson, John, of Birkenshaw Hughes, John T. ) both in " Ellen (Australia " Sarah A., o'wise Birley " Ann, o'wise Jenkins Hurst, George, of Kingston-on-Hull Hunter, Ann " John, solicitor 1837' Hutton, Mrs. M., servant Hutchinson, Betty, of Preston Huntley, William, of Ecclescliffe Hughes, Thomas, clerk 1840 Humphreys, Rebec. , of Sittingbourne Hunter, Henry, of London " Jane, of Nettleton-court Hutchinson, Elbth., of London 1839 Hughes, Thomas W., of Islington " Eliza, o'wise Elgie Hurst, Henry, of Yorkshire Hughes, John, of Gloucester Hurry, William, of Romford Humphreys, Nathaniel, of Antigua Hurt, Frederick, hosier, London Hulond, Frederick, of Bath Hughes, Ellen M., of Somerset Hurst, Mrs. Emma, of Melbourne Huson, T. or E., of Halford Huggins, R., of Water lane 1850 Hutchinson, Thomas, servant Huckin, Charles, brother to Henry Hudson, George, of Yorkshire " Sarah, o'wise Smith Hawkesley, John W., carpenter Impleton, Thomas, of Hornsey Ingall, Edward, of Gravesend 1842 Inge, Edward, of Coventry " John R., of Scarborough Ingram, Adam, of Roxburgh Innell, Mrs. Mary Innes, Christiana, of Ross-shire " Geo. J. W. ) legatees of W. " James ) H. Vincent, Esq. " Louisa, of Ceylon " Robert D., of Canada " James L. ) " John T. Sof Mexico " Claude A. ) " Lewis C, of Madras Inskip, Louisa, of London 1854-6 Ireson, Elizabeth Ironmonger, David, of America 1845 Irwin, Mr. , of Hampstead " Selina, dau. of James ADVERTISEMENTS.^ 119 Isaacs, Mrs. Ann. of Whitechapel Ivery, Ann, of Lambeth Jackson, James, seaman, Poplar " Mrs. Mary < ! ?f^ r§e I brother and sisters " Sa?ah \ ofJoh » Jack, Alex., native of Perthshire Jacob, Abraham, seaman " Charles, coachman Elizabeth S. , of Pottern, Wilts Jackson, Jno., heir-at-law of Sampson James, Harriett, of Regent street " . John, of London 1805 " Amelia, servant Jacobs, John ) formerly of " William j Chelsea Jaffray, Thomas, of Dublin Jagger, John ) sons of John and " Joseph ) Mary Jar vis, W. Henry, of Hanway street Jardiue David, of Plymouth Jarratt, John, of Monmouthshire Jayes, Elizabeth, of Southwark Jefferey, Eliza, of London and Exeter Jefferies, John, of Somerset Jeffreys, Aim, wife of John Jeffrey, William, of Eotherithe Jeffries, Thos., of Romford, Essex Jenkins, Ann, wife of Robert William, schoolmaster, R N " William, of Australia Jephcott, Thomas, of Willoughby Jepson, Mrs., of Manchester Johnson, John, steward Edward W . , of the H E I C S " Marv, of Worcester Geo., of 12th Regt. of Foot " James, of Yauxhall " Mrs. Ann, of Sussex William Elizabeth " Sarah, legatee of Mr. Gilpin " Joseph L., of Yorkshire " Eliza ) relatives of Miss Wm. R. i Leigh Eliza G.of Kennington 1859 Harriett, of Xotting-hill " Sarah, daughter of Harriett Mrs. Elizabeth, of Edge- ware road " Dr. Edward " Thomas, of Macclesfield " Thomas, of Southwark 1838 Johnson, John, heir-at-law of Daniel " Thomas B., son of Francis Johnstone, Robert, of Finsbury " C.J.C., left England 1844 Jones, John ) of Clerkenwell " William $ 1830 " Fanny, servant " Mrs., of Clerkenwell " Edward, of London " Thomas, of Clerkenwell 1832 " Benjamin, son of Henry " Jane, of Fleet street " Jane,/rmfo/ Castleman " Eleanor, of Southwark 1824 " Margaret, o'wise Wilcox " Mary A., legatee of Mrs. Cor- tisos " William, of Iscoyed « ' Fanny, of Kidderminster 1833 ' James, of Warrington " Arthur B., of Manchester " George, of Notting-hill " William, son of John " Francis ) cousins of Elbth. " Harriett j Lawrence " William S., of Bagshot Jordon, James Joslin, Mrs. Caroline, of Canada Jowsey, Fanny Joyce, Rev. Jeremiah Jupe, Mary, of Mere, Wilts Judson, Mrs., w of Thomas Julian, Robert, of Beccles K Kay, Thomas, of Brookshaw : ' B., Esq., of Sydney, 1853 " James, native of Scotland Kaye, John, of Netherton '"' WilUam Jclothdressersof .I pete* ) Torksllire Keate, George, legatee of Jno. Truss Kearnes, John, traveller Keene, Hannah, frmly Thurston Keep, William, native of Welwyn Keen, Mrs., of Stratford-place " Alice, laundry-maid Keegan, William, of Surrey 1812 Kelly, Ann, native of Kildare " Samuel, seaman Keeler, Vincent " Richard ' ' George Kelsey, Ruth 120 LEGATEES Kemp, William, of Egham, Surrey Kendall, John P., of Marylebone Ken (kick, James, of Edge ware road Kenknight, William J Qf ^^ Kent Kennett, Henry, of Dover (Kennedy, Angus Kenny, Edward " Anna B. Kerr, James, of London, 1844 Keymer, Charlotte E., of Suffolk Kibbey, W., son of W. C. K— Kilvington, John I legatees of Ann " Ann I Orfeur King, Mary Ann Chapman " John, of Norfolk " John, of Sudbury " Jane, cousin of Mary Smith " Elizabeth, of London " Mary, of Somerset " Mary, of Suffolk " Thomas A., of Greenwich " William, of Wiltshire " Samuel, son of Serjeant K— " Mary A, of Tasmania Kingsbury, Phoebe, w, Marylebone Kingsworth, W.M., nephew of Thos. Kingsley, John, of Bedforshire Kta ^ y Tdw B ard (-nsofWm.K- Kinsman, Robert J. " Susan O. B. Kirley, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirksep, John Kirby, John, left Plymouth 1833 Kitchin, James L., of Guernsey " Ann, frmly Cassons Kittrick, Thomas, of Brompton Knight, Richard, of Cork " John, servant Knowles, John, of Isle of Wight " Thomas, seaman Knox, Mary, of Hoxton 1828 Labrum, Robert " George Charles Lacey, Mary A., frmly Sherwin " Thomas, seaman Lait, Matilda, of Gloucestershire Lambert, William, son of James " Rebecca, of Ramsgate Lamb, Thomas, solicitor " Charles Lane, Sophia, niece of J. Wilson Langworth, Robert, of Pentonville Lanigan, Stephen " Anne )daus. of Stephen " Maria F. S of Brighton Lane, Ann, frmly Walsam " Penelope Lake, John, purser 1814 Lavery, Catherine, of Brussels 1864 Lavington, Mrs., of Staines Larrard, Charles, of Croydon Lavis, Elizabeth, frmly Brown Law, John, of New Zealand 1859 " Robert C, of Bristol " Thomas, of Stoke Newington Lawrence, John William ) of Bethnal- " Mary A. ) green " Sarah Lawrey, Mary, of Kendal Lawson, Agnes, wife of Dr. L— Lawton, George, of Dorset Laxton, Ann ) dam. of Thomas " Mary > L— , of Everton " Sarah ). Beds. Lay, Emma, of South wark Leake, Thomas Leatherbarrow, Thos., of Manchester Lea, Benjamin, of Alcester Leake, John, left home 1858 Leairs Charles, J. M., of Birmingham Lebbey, Agnes ) ^^^ Elizabeth i servants Ledicott, William, hatter 1840 Ledwick, William " Evan } legatees of Vin- " Martha > cent Francis, of " Hannah ) Camden-town Ledger, John ^children of Sarah " Henry > L — , of Here- " Sarah ) fordshire Lee, Agnes, frmly Scott " Isabella, of London 1852 " Charles D., of Bilston " William, of Wandsworth Leeks, James, of Suffolk Leedham, George T., of Coventry Le F' l^ lot Burford-bridge Sarah Legget, John, seaman Leigh, Robert, seaman " Family Lennon, Patrick S. , of Ireland Leomain, William C., Esq. Levick, Elizabeth, of Norfolk " George, of Clay worth ADVERTISEMENTS. 121 Lewis, W. A. D., of Basingstoke " Hannah, servant " William C, of Worcester " Mary, aged 50 Letsoni, George Lewthwaite, John, son of Thomas Leppard, Ann, sister to Edward Leslie, W. W., native of Edinburgh " Henry, master-mariner Lethbridge, Gr,, of Portsea Lindsey, Charles, of Westminster Livock, Sarah Ann, servant Lightfoot, Trcfina, dau. of John Lingham, George A. Little, John, of London LipscombejGeo.jM.D., of South wark Lipcombe, Charles, of Hants Linay, William, of Orkney Lindsay, John j of London 1843 Little, Margaret, of Lockerbie, 1ST B Lloyd, Richard, of Shrewsbury William, of Salt Lake City " Joseph, of Worcestershire Lockier, William, of Gloucestershire Lockett, Mary D., wife of John Lockwood, George, of Lincoln Longlands, Alexander Long, George, of Ramsgate " Jane, o'wise Nettleford Lore, Maria, of Vauxhall Lourie, — , Family, of London Loudon, — , Family Lovett, John W. , Madras Artillery Lovatt, Thomas, of Manchester ' ' Mary, of Piccadilly Lovejoy, Cassandra, frmly Burton Lowe, Charles, of Stratford-on-Avon ' ' Mary A . , o'wise Pike Loxdall, William Luce, Lawrence Lucas, Harriett, of Portsea 1811 " Maria, of Finsbury Luckhurst, Lucy Luke, Dennis Ludlam, George, of Leicester Lyle, William, left Edinburgh 1840 Lyrick, Hannah, frmly Cooper Lyon, Gordon, went to India 1K20 Lyford, Richard, of Egham, Surrey Lyons, Solomon, of Newport M Mc Alpine, John, seaman McAffee, Joseph, of Tipperary McClung, James, frmly of Ayr, N" B McCormack, Edward, tailor 1837 McColl, James Tl.} frmly of South " Agnes I Shields, Dur- " Jane f ham, late of " Mary ) Australia McC ullock, John, neph. of J .Thomson McDonald, Donald, son of Alexander McDougal, Joseph, Edinburgh McDrummond, Mrs. of Brighton McGowan, Robert, of Jamaica McGaw, Peter, son of James McGregor, Christian " Margaret Mclntyre, Miss, of Liverpool McKay, John, of Scotland, seaman McKinlay, William, of 80th Regt. McKeene, Maxwell McKellar, James, of Glasgow McKenzie, Isabella, frmly Clarkson McLaren, Robert, nephew of James McLaughton, Archibald, living 1800 McLeod, Mary, of Lambeth " Gordon, went abroad 1863 " Angus, of Scotland McMullon, Thomas, of Ludlow McNair, ~, of London 1812 McPherson, Jane, legatee of Duncan McVane, William, of Ireland Macdonald, B. R., seaman " Daniel, son of James Maclean, James, of Wicklow Mackay, James, went to Australia " Murdock, Mr. " Geo. ) sons of Angus M — " James S of Islington « Ss^ |^-ofA ng us Macaulay, Robert, plumber, Lincoln Mackenzie,Lilias, dau. of Col. A.M— Macgregor, Grieg, engineer, of NB Macfarlane, Louisa, dau. of Andrew Mackley, Mary, of Rotherhithe Macquire, Alexander, of Drury-lane Macey, George, of Ramsgate Machell, Henry, of Yorkshire Madden, Capt. Lewis, of R. Marines Maddeford, Edward, of London 1832 Mainwaring,Chas.son of Admiral M. Malone, Thomas, traveller Mallyon, William B., of Ramsgate Malyn, John, surgeon, Westminster Mann, Thomas, mariner " Robert, private, 10th Hussars " James, of Edinburgh 1810 " William, of Cumberland 122 LEGATEES Manning, Jacob L. Maitland, John, of London Manners, Thos., of West India Regt. Maney, James " George C. Manvell, Jesse, native of Surrey March, William, of Whetstone Martin, Robert John, clerk " Robert A., of Galway " Anna M., of Westminster " Louisa " William, French cook " John, of Dorsetshire " Maria Ann " Thomas J., from America Marsh, John, of Chelmsford ' ' Ann, frmly Betts Marshall, William, of Holland 1844 " Charles, of 72nd Regt. " John, brother to William " Henry, seaman " Mr., tailor 1818 Vine W. Marriott. Joseph, of Coventry Morley, William, painter Markham, — , Family Marsden, Sarah, frmly Cross Marks, Mr., of Kent-road 1849 Martell, Marvina, of Paris Marsh, Mary A., servant 1852 Massey, Harriett, of Green street ' ' Ann, frmly Riley Mason, Sarah, of Bury St. Edmunds " Mr., of London 1818 " Charlotte, servant " Boulton, of London Massey, Elizabeth, frmly Watson Masson, John, merchant, London Matthews, Charles \ sons of John, Thomas S of Kent " Martha, servant " Henry " George, baker 1834 " Robert, son of Edward " Elizabeth, servant Mathieson, John L., of Dumfries Mathison, Farquhar Maundrell, Thomas Mauldon, Frederick, of Brixton Maude, Mary A., of Camberwell Maver, Mary, of Brixton Mawor, William, of Boston, Lincoln Mawle, Frederick ~) child, of Thomas " Maria C. > and Martha, of " Louisa A. ) Chelsea Mapham, Elizabeth, cook sisters of Philip M— , of Berks Mayne, Mary " Catherine " Martha Mealing, William, of Suffolk Mead, Elizabeth, servant 1845 Measey, Mary A., clau. of Thomas Mears, Thomas, of Shropshire Manley, Benjamin "} " Richard (_ ch. of Jeremiah " Priscella t M— ,of Liverp'l " Jane ) Meade, Jno.R., of Dublin and London Meachem, James, seaman Medwell, Daniel Medland, Henry, nephew of William Mellish, Russell L . lwov „„ Q wi a " William \ railway guards Menzies, James Meredith, Joseph, of Hereford 1823 Metcalfe, Henry B. ) ,,,,,„ „«. ~ „„ , " B W A S Joseph " Mary, dau. of John Messinck, Elizabeth Middleton, Mrs., of Blackheath " Jane, of Gravesend " Charles, seaman 1823 " Hannah Mary ) waner Milne, John " Stewart, of Dalston Miller, James, of Clerkenwell " Charles G., native of N B " John, Rev. " James, merchant 1811 ' " Mrs. Walter, of Highgate " Boyde, of Castle-court " John " Charles ' { Wm. I of Edinburgh, went to " Philip S America 1841 a Maria J Mills, Charles M. \ chil. of Charlotte " Susan P. S E.Mills " James, of Clerkenwell 1838 Millwood, Phcebe Milsom, George P. " Macleod Minshull, Ellen, milliner 1845 Minet, Reb'ca,native of East Hailing Mitchborn, John, Blunham Mitchell, John, of Yorkshire " Mary Ann, servant " John, of Newfoundland " Miss Lois, of Stratford ADVERTISEMENTS. 123 Mitchell, Samuel T. ) " Christiana >of Dorsetshire a Sarah S Thos. B. , of Adelaide 1 849 Mohrink, John i Joseph > sons of Thomas " George ) Monk, Eliza, dau. of Rachel " William, of Wilts Momcke,JohnT^ br0 . and sisters » Lucv ( C of JonnM-,of « EUzI J Clerkenwell Montgomery, Rich'cl, of Hampstead Morgan, Louisa James ) " Henry 5 e " David, of Brecon " Elizabeth ? ofTq , on Charles \ ot Hoxton " James, of Hereford " Philip, private 5th Reg. Foot " James, went to America " William, native of Portsea " Benjamin, of Holborn Morgue, Fulcrancl, of London Morley, Jemima, servant Morris, Ann, dau. of William " Caroline, sister to Valentine " Miss Ann, of Chelsea " W. W., of London 1 ' Mary A. , horn at Bletchington " William, brother of M. A— " Jane, of the Blue Anchor tav. " Lieut. Peter, R N Morrison, Howard, in California " Janet, of Blantyre " Man*, dau. of Morris Arthur D., clerk Morrisette, Mrs. " Janetta J. Morrow, John, son of Thomas Morgan, Wm., brother to Capt. M — Mortimer, Ellen, of St. John's- wood Moriarty, Miss Elizabeth Mordauht, Mary, niece of John Moor, William, 'coachman Moore, Lieut. Henry, 41st Regt. " Benjamin, of Clerkenwell " Emma, of Hendon 1830 " Agnes, of Nelson-square 1835 " Ann, of High Wycombe " John, servant 1828 " Philip, of Hants " Rich'd, legatee of Mrs. Turner 1 i Ann, frmly Hearne Moore, John, of Belfast Moody, James, of Wellington, Salop Mottram, Henry C, of Clerkenwell Moseley, Mrs. \ id & dau. of Richard " Ann \ of Shoreditch Moget, James, of Harling Moseley, Joseph, of Brighton Mullen, Bridget, o'lrise Crisham Murray, Francis, son of Patrick William, of Isle of Wight Mullins, Elizabeth, frmly Nbrris " Mary, dau. of Ellen Murrell, William, of Higham Mullard, William, of Knighton Mullen, John Munton, Charles Muldoon, Patrick, wine merchant Murrell, Dinah, w 1840 Munro, William, of London 1840 Munday, Edwin H., of Chippenham " Mrs., of Dorsetshire Muller, Mary Murray, Margaret Murphy, W. S., of North America N Xaine, Mrs., of Gravesend Nalder, Francis W. , of Melksham Nash, William, of Egham, Surrey Naylor, Robert, of Leeds. Neal, William ^ brothers of Robert, " John > who died in " Jeremiah ) Australia Neate, Eliza, of Bristol Xeedham, Jane, Somers-town Nelson, Joseph, of Peckham-rye Nepecker, Mrs. Nettleship, Edward, chemist Newman, John, of Coventry " Mrs., of Chelsea " Margaret " Hannah Newnham, Barbara, dau. of John Newton, James, shoemaker, Notts " Geo., joiner, Camden-town H. C, of St. John's- wood Nichols, Martha, of London 1819 " Mary, of Norfolk Nicholson, Ann, wife of James " Robert, of London " Thomas, of Walhampton Nisbet, Ann, of Carlisle Niven, John, of London 1829 124 LEGATEES Nixon, William " Ann, servant 1859 Noble, Mr., brother to George " John, of "Lloyd's" Noad, John, of Bath 1851 Noon, Maria, of Wimborne Noonan, Mrs. E., of Dublin Norris, Alexander, seaman North, George, of Southampton 1836 Norton, Louisa Nunn, Edmund ) sons of George N-, " George > Trinity Pilot, " John ; Aldeburgh Oakley, Jane, of Hoxton " Charles, of Whitechapel O'Dwyer, William ^ born in France ' ' George > abt. 1790, went " Richard ) to America Odpll, John, or his sister Odium, Lieut. Abraham Oliphant, Benjamin ) nativesof Shet- " Gideon ) land Olliver, John, of Acton 1841 ' ' James, of the Blockade service Ollivant, Thomas? merchant, London Onslow, E., of Calcutta 1850 Ogilvy, Lady, w of Sir William O'Reilly, Patrick Osbaldston, Adam, cousin of John Orton, Private William, Artillery Oriel, Henry, seaman Osborn, George, married Miss Cook " James ?chil. of John O., of Elbth. \ Tylehurst " Ann "} " Charles | chil. of Edward O. Edward } of Tylehurst, " Obed. who died 1808 " Thomas J Osborne, LucindaC.,/rw??/Humphrey " Isabella ' ' Georgina Outlaw, Thomas, of Northampton Ovenden, Elbth., of Clerkenwell Overman, Jacob, of Whitechapel Owen, William, of Ridinghonse-lane " Private John, 60th Rifles " Harvey " Margaret " David, son of Rev. Jeremiah Orchard, Frederick, of Cheshire childrenof Hugh Pacey, Barbara, native of Worcester Page, Alfred, of D anbury, Essex " Thomas E., clerk " Samuel, mariner Paine, Maria, of Vauxhall " Jane, legatee of J. Stockdale Palmer, Leonard G. ) " Frederick W. >of Tasmania " Mary Ann ) " Henry, of Camden Town " Mr. R., of Fumival's Inn Henry, of Clifton " Matilda, of Banffshire Parker, Benjamin ) of Barley, " Frederick ) Hants " Willmot, solicitor " William, of London 1838 " Anthony, brother to Charles " George W., of Bayswater " William, mariner, R N " Agnes, wife of Dr. Lawson " Christopher M. Parkinson, Robert Parker, John, joiner, Glasgow Parrock, Jane, native of Wales Parry, Richard, mariner " Richard, son of R. C. P— " Richard, of Greenwich Parsons, Mary Ann, of Pimlico, 1864 " Eliza, o'wise Elgie " John, gasfitter, Marylebone Passmore, William Pascoe, James, of Plymouth Patchett, Henry j went to America Paterson, Alfred, of Lambeth " Charles, of Stranraer Patterson, William, of Dublin " Thomas, of Edinburgh " Thomas, of Alnwick " N.H.. seaman, Edinburgh " William, clerk " Thomas, gardener " John, tailor Patton, Mr., of Bridport Paxton, Joseph, landing- waiter H MC Payne, Maria " Rebecca, servant, Pimlico " Joseph, of Kingston, Surrey " Walter, shoemaker, Glo'ster Peacock, Eliza A., went to America " Samuel, of Sheffield ' ' James, of Glasgow learce, Jane E., of Hackney ADVERTISEMENTS. 125 Pearson, Joseph, of Cumberland " Charles, of Walworth " James, went to Australia " John Pears, George, of London Pe:lder,W.L. , nephew of Sir John P— Pelham, Mr. Pemberton, Benjamin, of Walsall William, son of William William, son of Thomas Penny, W. J. H., of Tasmania 1836 Penton, Thos., surgeon, Kennington Pendrill, — Family Penny, Charles Pepper, Sarah, of London Peppin, William H., of Dulverton Percival, Thomas ) f H f , Susan fOi^eietora Perfect, Thomas, son of William Perry, Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Perry man, Peter, of ship "Regard" Peto, Joseph ) chil. of William, of " Mary A. ) Surrey Petchel, William, of Lincolnshire Peterkin, Alexander, of Edinburgh Peters, Henry P., of Bristol Phelan, Sarah, servant Pheasey, Joseph, of Wolverhampton Phibbs, Richard, of Bushey, Herts Phillips, Charles J., of Herefordshire " Nathaniel, of Marylebone " Thomas, valet " John, shipkeeper " Jacob, carpenter Phipps, Olivia, o'wise Dallas Pilcher, Capt. , of the merchant service " Mrs., wife of Captain P— Pilgrim, Elizabeth, o'wise Johnson Pirie, George, of Rotherhithe children of William and Sarah P. Pierce, James " Jane " John Elizabeth ' ' Mary " Stephen Thomas William Pitt, George, of Twyford, Hants Place, D.M. M. C. H. G. Pi 5 nt »^ \ of Derbyshire Plaskett, Esther, w of William Plasterer, William A., of Pentonville Plumb, Mar Potterton, Thomas, of America Pollard, Edward, of Gould-square Ponsford, James, of London Porter, Ellen, o'wise Faby Powell, John, of Dublin' Porter, Cath., legatee of John Truss " John, son of Caleb " John, of Bandon " Mary, Mrs. " Thomas, mariner " Charlotte Poulton, Robert, of Bedfordshire " Mary, sister to Robert Ponusberry, John, of Taunton Postle, Henry, native of Norfolk Prayer Family Pratt, George, of Newman street " John, legatee of M. Boreham " Martha, of Barking Pratten, Lieut. John ) \ -*r n „„ ni . n Themor \ of Margate Prevost, William Price, Joseph, solicitor " Stephen, grandson of S. Bishop " David, surgeon 1822 " Francis, waiter, Gloucester " Charles, of Hereford ' ' Phcebe, maiden name Francis " Thomas, of Harley, Worcester " Ann, niece of Samuel Pridley, William, of Twickenham Pritchett, Capt. Pritchard, Jane, actress " Isaac, of Deal " James L. , of London Prior, Fanny, servant " Mr., of Stock well 1818 Prodgers, Mr., banker, Ludlow Prosser, Rev. W., late of Durham Charles, of Monmouthshire Pruson, Charles of Walthamstow ' ' Sarah Pratt, John, native of Sussex Pryde, James, of Dundee, N B Purkis, Charles, left Kent 1821 Pugh, Mrs. Edward Puddifoot, William Charles Punch ard, Mrs. Elizabeth Purse, George, native of Lyndhurst Putland, Edward, auctioneer Puffy, Mrs. Mary, of Hackney Pugh, William, footman Pyke, John, of Liverpool Percy, Mrs., frmty Parish Perry, James, of Waldringfield 126 LEGATEES Quincey, John, of Kyal, Lincoln Quinton, Ann, frmly Shepherd Quick, John, seaman, son of Richard Radclyffe, John Radford, William, of Bristol Race, Sarah, frmly Gibson Rapley, James, of Hampshire Ramsden , Joseph " Richard, servant Kavenscroft, Charles 1 0(Jersey " Valentine " Louisa Rawlings, John, butcher, Newgate Ray, William, of Edenbridge, Kent Rayner, Robert S. Alfred H. Read, Richard, brother to Penelope " William, of Wiltshire " Charles, grandson of John " Ezekiel, went to America Rees, George, surgeon Reese, William, husband of Jane Reeves, Elizabeth, of America Reid, David, of Dumfries " Daniel, J. of Wolverhampton " 'James, legatee of T. Griffith " William, brother to Walter Reilly, William A. of Dublin Renshaw, Ann E. \ legatees of " Jas. R. S Ellen Stedman Renwick, Thomas, son of David Reynolds, Catherine, frmly Broom " Francis, of the Strand 1856 " Kitty, of Camberwell " Francis, of Islington Rhodes, William, nephew of T. Toole " Samuel \ nephews of " Richard \ Mary Budd Hhynd, William, seaman Rich, Mrs., dau of Mrs. Whitfield Richards, John, solicitor " Catherine, of Bloomsbury j " Richard, of Exeter " Joel, of West Cowes " Thomas, of Gloucestershire j " Robert, of Shropshire ZRichardson,Thos., left Bucks 1845-6 \ lt John, of Swanbourne 11 Samuel, of Kensington i Richardson, William, son of Robert " Alexander, of Edgeware " Catherine ) lived at " Robert } Duckett " Charlotte ) 1811 " Mrs. M. of Hackney C.S. of Tunbridge Richbell, Ann, frmly Thrower Riches, Se\in&,frmly Clifford Rickard, Henry, of Doncaster Rickcord, John George Riddock, James, native of Scotland Rigg, George ) of Stokenchurch, " Eliza S Oxford Riley, Ann, o'wise Massey Riseburgh, — , Family Ritchie, Miss, schoolmistress 1854 Riseborough, Robert, mariner Robert, Miss E., ofCamden-townl854 Roberts, John, of Dublin " R. J. purser, R N " John, publican, Hamstead Robertson, Elizabeth ) - T n „ Anin Catherine \ of London " Thomas, of Bloomsbury ' Robert,seaman, Aberdeen 1 David, gardener, N B Robathan, William, son of Ann Robinson, Joan, of Yorkshire " John, frmly of Kendall " James, convict in 1830 " Private George,96th Regt. " James, brother to Sarah " Henry, seaman " William, of Berks " Frances, niece of John Robins, Mr. E. T., of London Robson, Charles, of Boston Rodgers, Captain John, of Falmouth Roe, George J., of Tipperary Rogers, George ' ' Charles, brother to Henry " Miss I of Kensington Miss Mary $ 1816 " Isaac, of London Rogerson, Mary A., of Manchester Rolt, Edward C., tutor Rolls, John, son of Captain R. Rose, Elizabeth Ross, William C, of Quebec " Matilda, of Clapham-road " William, carpenter, Brentford " Elizabeth, frmyl Corson " Hugh, of Laing, Sutherland ADVERTISEMENTS. 127 Rotheroe, Elizabeth ) sisters " Winifred $ of Henry Rotton, Benjamin, of Gloucester Rowe, Thomas Rowley, William, went abroad 1790 Rowland, Robert, of Bristol 1838 Ruddock, Hannah, dau. of Ann Ruding, Mrs., of Barnes 1815 Rudland, Robert, of Suffolk Ruddock, Philip Joseph of Lopham, Suffolk Rugely, Ann " Elizabeth " Frances brothers " Henry I and " Matthew [ sisters " Rowland " Susan " William Rulton, Mary, of London 1825 Russell, Ann " Ann, of Leaham, Kent Rutherford, G-eorge, of Trinidad Rutledge, Sarah H., w, Brighton Rycroft, Elizabeth, of Yorkshire Ryves, Miss Jane W. Sabey, Richard, of Ashwell, Herts Sadler, Elizabeth ) grandchil. of " Susannah T. $ Sam. Thrower Saiman, James, gardener 1856-7 Sainsbury, John, of Maida-hill 1861 Salmon, Thomas, of Tasmania " John Sanford, James, of London 1825 Sanderson, William, of Wooton, Beds Sandom, Alice, of South Sea Salmon, Susannah, of Yorkshire Sampson, George, of Folkestone Sarsfield, Patrick, son of Simon Saunders, Joseph Savage, John W., son of Capt. J. S. Scadding, Henry, son of Henry Scaife, John L Pflm p n " William i seamen Scanlan, Nicholas, sadler, of Ireland " Jane, wife of Nicholas Scotes, Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Scott, Agnes, o'wise Lee 11 John, brother of Walter " Paulina, of Edinburgh " Thomas, son of William " James, of Beauchamp, X B " James, servant Scott, Eleanor, native of Cumberland " Sarah, o'wise Beaumont " Elizabeth, servant " John, solicitor's clerk 1835 " Frances M., of South wark " James, clerk Scully, Mr. Seaton Clara, o'wise Wilson Searle, Hannah, frmly Goode Sextie, John, son of Robert Sexly, John S., of Dorsetshire Sedgeley, Hannah F., of Finsbury Seymour, James, of Canada 1843 " Edward, of London 1808 " Thomas, seaman 1810 Seyton, Elbth., niece of Valentine Morris Shaw, Ellen, servant Sharp, Ann, servant 1826 Shaw, Henry, draper " James, of Ireland " Mr. William, traveller Shand, Adam, of Aberdeen Shanley, Mary, o'wise Baynes Sharp, John F., of Walworth 1816 " John, butcher, Warwick Sharpies, Elizabeth, of Marylebone Shea, or Shaw, Thomas Shearn, George, tailor Sheffield, Elizabeth, of Hampstead " Charles, of Kingsland Shelley, William, of London Sheldon, William, o'wise Sherradon " William, of Stevenage Shepherd, Thomas, solicitor's clerk " Robert, of Marylebone " Henry " William, glover Sherwin, Eleanor, of Whitehaven 1856 Sherratt, Dorothy, dau. of John " Samuel, of Macclesfield Sherrard , — , Family Sherlock, Sarah Ann Shipley, Elizabeth Shiridge, James, cousin of Richard Shoosmith, George | of Chichester Showbridge, John K., Isle of Man Shore, George, of Soho Sibson, James, of Berkeley-square Sigel, Charles George Silvester, Ann Silver, John Simmons, John, of Wolverhampton Simons, William, of Cheltenham Simkins, Charles 128 LEGATEES Simpson, Elizabeth, of Chelsea Ellen, of Chelsea " Frederick, schoolmaster Mrs. Elizabeth ' ' Thomas, butcher " John, of Shipborne, Kent Singer, Luke, son of Hannah Sims John, of Hackney " ary, sister to Catherine " Mr., butler Singleton, Elbth., of Lincolnshire Skidmore, John, of Stockwith 1821 Skitter, Stephen H., son of Elizabeth Skarden, James, of Devonshire Slater, Joseph, of Stafford " Charles Henry " John A ., of Ilford, Essex Sleep, John, of Bath Slight, Martha, o'wise Caltober Slinger, Margaret^ " Richard I chil.of Richd.S— " Stephen ( of Kirby Lonsdale " Tempest J Small, Thomas, brother to Henry Smallwood,Mrs.L.,of Edgeware-road Small, Rebecca, of Sittingbourne 1813 Smith, Anthony, H.of South wark 1833 " Charles, of London 1811 " Charles G., of Oxford " Elizabeth, Swallowfield " Edgefield " Elizabeth, frmly Richardson " Frederick I)., mariner " George, of Southwark 1840 " George, of Aldgate ' ' George, of Stanton " Josephs , of Lincolnshire " John F., of Stamford street " James, coachman 1840 " James, of Leith " Joseph, of Bermuda " John, of Clapham-road 1850 " John, of Manchester 1838 " Jonathan, brother of Sarah " John, of London 1807 " John, of Lambeth " John, o'wise J. S. Thompson ' ' James, livery-stable keeper " James, of Gateshead 1840 Janet, of Perth 1837 " John, of Newark-upon-Trent " Henry, of Blackburn " Mary, wife of Samuel " Mrs. wife of Thos. S., seaman " Mr., of Kingsland-road " Matilda, cousin of Mary Smith, Richard, native ofGreatStukly " Richard J., broker " Richard, of Hants ' ' Richard " Rachel, of Camberwell " Richard, of London 1814 " Samuel, living 1800 " Sarah, of Lincolnshire " Sarah, frmly Hudson " William Smith ers, John, carpenter Smythies, Thomas, of Liverpool Smyth, Martha, of Brompton 1847 Smoult, William, of Newcastle Snowden, William Snow, Jeremiah, of Ratcliffe Somerville, John, of Glasgow Southern, John, of Durham Sollom, Ann, of Bermondsey Soames, Robert, seaman, 1860 Solley, John, of Kent Somerville, John, of Cumberland Speirs, Richard, seaman Spencer, Richard F., of Westminster " Joseph I sons of James S— , " John $ who died 1821 William ) chil. of William, " Mary ) of Camden Town " Mary,sister to MajorSparrow " Charles, driving master 1821 " Anna M., wife of Charles " Ann, native of Tottenham Sparrow, Sarah, of London 1829 Spadie, Charlotte, ddu. of John Spiney, John, legatee of Lydia Ward Spooner, George, of Southwark Spry, Thomas Squires, Eliza, of Essex Stanmore, William, of Berks 1843 Stagol John " Jonathan " Maria }■ chil.of John S — " Fanny " Patty Stack, Rose, of Hemel Hempstead Stapley, Ann, married a gardener Staples, Ann, of Whitechapel Stainer, Thomas, of Hull and Louth Stacey, Thomas, servant Staples, Charles, alias Simmons Stallion, Henry, tailor, Oxford street Stevenson, Robert, went abroad 1821 Steel, Mary A., Oxford Stephhenson, F., of Westminster Stephens, Alfred, chemist Steel, Robert L., of Edinburgh ADVERTISEMENTS. 129 Stein, Andrew \ distillers " Charles $ 181i Stephenson, John A., of London 1794 Stewart, James, legatee of G. Ealand Stevens, Mary A., of Whitechapel Stent, Mary, sister to R. Ponlton Stewart, Catherine, of Aherdeen " Ann, dau. of Catherine Stephens, James A., of Hendon ' ' Henry ) chil. of Henry, " Hannah \ of G-lo'stershire Stewart, Rev. Henry, of Greenwich " Thomas, native of Farnham Steed, John, civil engineer Stephen, Thomas, seaman Steele, Forbes, wife of Charles Stewart, Mr. Butler Stirling, Ellen, of London 1845 Stilwell, Richard, of Edmonton Stenton, Harriet, w, United States Stivens, Sarah, dau. of James Stone, Charles, from Bombay " Richard, of Blandford Stock, Henry, of Woodford Stone Family Stonhill, Fred., of Leicditon Buzzard Stockham, Mary A., o'wise Wiggins Stopforth, Richard, of Liverpool 1842 Stockley, Harriett ) children of William \ H. S— Storr, George, brother to C apt. B.S— Stow, John D. I of London " Mary A. $ 1859 Stringer, James, of Worcester Stratton, William, of Durham 1823-4 I Stretton, Mary, dau. of Peggy Moore Streatfield, W. ) of Clapham Rise H. H. S 1851 Street, Elizabeth, dau. of John Stroud, Martha, servant Stratford, Messrs., of Aldborough Stuart, Robert, merchant 1820 Stewart, Capt. of the "Glendalough" Stackhouse Family, of Berks Sutcliffe, Robert, of Lancashire Sutherland, Emily, frmly Tunstall Sutcliffe, Phillis, legatee of T. Sykes i Sutherland, Capt. Robert Sullivan, Mary A., servant 1852 Suter,Mrs. Catherine, of Bermondsey Summers, Lucy, of Somers- town 1819 Swan, Edward', of Norfolk Sutton, George, draper, of Dublin Sweetlow, Eliza Sweet, Luke, chairmaker Symoms, John, of Plymouth Sykes, James, nephew of Thomas Syoms, John, valet Symonds, John, of Penzance Southgate, Anne \ daus. of William, " Mary ) of South war k Smythe, Mrs., frmly Whitelegge Studholme, Joseph, of Alvechureh Talbot, Sarah, servant Tanuar, Ann, sister of John, baker Tait, Andrew B. , native of Scotland Target, Emma S., wife of Felix Tait, James, tin-plate worker Taite, Elizabeth, servant Tapp, William, son of Thomas Tanner, Mr. , of London Tandy, Charles, native of Dublin Taylor, Louisa M., niece of J. Davis " Charlotte Ulaus. of William, " Lydia $ ofGlo'cestershire W, Esq., of St. Vincent " Ebenezer, ship's steward " Elizabeth, frmly F\mga,n " George, surgeon 1823 " Ann, of Lambeth Horatio W., of Bristol " James ) merchants of " David ) London " James, of Winchester Tetly, Joseph, of Armsley, Leeds Tebbutt, Thomas, of Smithfield-bars Tessier, H. P. Templer, Elizabeth o'ioise Collins Teasdale, John, sen. ) farmers, " John, jun. $ Clifford Thacker, Francis, of Chiswick 1819 Thomas, Mr., of London 1818 " Evan, of London " William, of Blandford Thomason, W., son of Hugh Thompson, Ferdinand R. " Mary, wife of Ebenezer " Mary, niece of Colin Anderson Thomson, William, of Hyde Park " William, solicitor's clerk Thorpe, William, of Ash, Kent " William, of London 1818 Thrower, Edward ) ,. n - " Mary A. I £hi drenof « Susannah S Wllham r- " Mary, o'wise Eade " Ann, o'wise Richbell ' ' Samuel ) sons of " John ( James T. 130 LEGATEES Thrower, Jonathan " Jonathan, jun. Thurston, William ) children of " Sarah > Susannah " Hannah ) Thrower Tidd, Thomas, of Barbican Tiddie, Miss, governess Tindall, James ) sons of Thomas, " William $ of Hackney Tinkler, John, of Grantham Tonks, Mary Ann Tod, John, of Madras Artillery 1847 " Emma P., wife of John Todman, Joseph, of Greenwich Towers, Mrs. ) of London John j 1839 ■ Tounton, John, of Lincolnshire Topham, Mr., surveyor of Stafford Tomlins, Francis, of London Togood, — , valet to B. Lee, Esq. Tomlins, Eleanor H., of N. America Townley, John ) of Northampton- Elbth. S -shire Trinkler, Ann Trinkhole, George, of Dorsetshire Tripp, Mr., of Islington Troyman, Edw., went to Australia Tredwell, William, of Pentonville Trotter, William, son of Thomas T— " Margaretta " Maria " Hannah " Mary, niece of Thomas " Robert £ brothers of " William ) Thomas Truss, John \ legatees of John ; < Thomas S T— , of Pimlico •' Thomas, son of Thomas TUi;1 < ier ' Alice | of Gateshead " Joseph M., of Marylebone " James, of Green-alley 1827 " Mark, legatee of M.Turnbull " Mrs. E., of Portland-place " Thomas, of Epping " Charles H., of Kedleston Turnbull, Charles, coachman Turnly, James, of Belfast Tupper, David H., of Brighton Tug well, Humphrey, son of Phoebe Turtle, James, bank manager Tucker, W. S., married A.Kingsbury Turvey, Mary, of Redburn Turner, John, of Oxfordshire Twedell, Richard, of Calcutta 1807 Tweed, James sisters of Thomas T— u Underwood, John, son of Matthew " Elizabeth, of Witney " Eleanor, of Pimlico John I legatees of " Francis $E. Stedman Utting, John, master-mariner v Vaile, Martha Morgan Trigg Yarndell, — , Family of, Berks Yasey, Lawrence Vallens, William, of Brentford Varley. Mary A., dau. of Cornelius Yassey, George, of Berkshire Yictor, Charles, went to America Yentors, Mary C, of Devon " M. C, of Tasmania 1849 Yernon, Edward, of Gibraltar Yevers, John W., of Hackney Yincent, James, of Thelnetham " Mary, sister of James " R., of King's Lynn " John, of Cecil street, Strand " Harriett, w of Col. Thomas Yiner, Mary A., barmaid Yick, John, son of John and Sarah Yickall, Mr., of Manchester Yictuller, T. H. J., draper, Chatham Yillock, — , Family Youtier, Mrs., of the Strand 1858 w Waldby, Isaac, went to sea Waller, Martin, of South wark 1855 AYallis, George J., of Ipswich Wall, Messrs., brothers of Mrs. King Walsh, Rev. J. R.,/rm^inthe army " E. A. J.,frmly an attorney Walpole, Mary, dau. of Elizabeth Walford, Nathaniel, builder Walter, John, of Jamaica Walch, Richard, son of Andrew Walpole, Joseph /nephews of " John J Richard Wallace, Robert, of Coldstream 1829 Walcott, Elisha, of Canada 1811 Wallis, Peter, surgeon, London Wallis, Major W.H. Walter, Ann " Matthew, of Hatton Garden Walsh, — , widow, of Fenchurch st. " Henry W., of Kildare Walker, James, of Falkirk ADVEETISEMENTS. 131 "Walker, Elbth.,tfof Marylebone " Miss ) West, — , Family Westland, — , Family Weller, Francis, native of Bath Weston, Matilda, of Lyndhurst, Hants Wentworth, Edward Whales, Robert, seaman 1860 Whatmore, Arthur Whatoff, John, servant Wheatley, Joseph, legatee of D.Clark " Charles, of Hammersmith Wheeler, Daniel, of Twickenham " brother to M. Bennett Whelan, Michael, of Ireland White, James, son of Sophia " Mary, legatee of J. Morrison " Mary,o'io*seThornton,of Wilts " Charles " Thomas, of Sunderland ' ' John, alias Restorick " Diana, dau. of Jane W. H. , of Rotherhithe 1825 Whitelaw, David, seaman, of Scotland Whitfield, Geo., nephew of N. White Whitrow, Richard ) brother & sister " Mary ) to Geo., of Ely- White wood, William, fireman Whiting, Patty, legatee of John Truss Whiche, Mr., of Ashton-under-Lyne Wheedall, John " Alice Whitingdon, George T., merchant Whitby, Mrs. Sarah, late of Russia Whitbrook, Chas . ) engineer, went to " Ann \ " America Whittaker, Mary, of Falkingham Wilding, Jeremiah T. Wildsmith, Sarah, servant Willard, Horace ) sons of Richard, of " John ) Sussex Williams, Wmiam | of ^ Mhl0ries " Martha, of Pembrokeshire " Jas., seaman, Caernarvon " Hugh, chemist " Mary ) legatees of J. " John ) Truss " Thomas, son of Sarah 132 LEGATEES. Williams, Henry ~\ " John ! sons of Samuel, Thos. t of High Holborn Wm. ) " Mary, milliner 1845 " Arthur, servant John, of Hereford 1836 " Yine, of Canada 1808 " John, nephew of J. Wilson " Oliver, of Wolverhampton " Emma,/mtyFreeborne ' ' Mrs . M. A. , of Birmingham Hyde " Mary J. " Ann , frmly D allimore Williamson, Elbth-, barmaid Wilkinson, Joseph, of Hull Wilks, Mrs. Rebecca Wilmott, John, son of Francis Willison, F. A., of Chelsea 1817 Wildblood, William, of Yorkshire Willmotfc, Sarah, sister to Y. Morris " Henry, brother to ditto " Henry, nephew to ditto " Sarah, wife of Henry W — , Willcox, Mrs., dressmaker 1852 Willey, Joseph A. C. Wilde, Charles, of Liverpool Wilkins, Miss Wild, Charlotte, frmly Watts Wills, Henry, of "Carmarthenshire Wilkinson, Richd., executor of John Willoughby, Ann, frmly Gostelow Wild, Elbth. S., daughter of Thomas Wilson, William, son of John " Clara, o'wise Seaton Eleanor E.,wife of J. H. W. " William S., baker, Oxford " John, went to Australia " George E., of Westminster " John ) of Yorkshire, went to " Mary ) America Wiltshire, Lucy ) legatees of " Ann Mar \ J. Truss Withers, Richard ) of " James $Wrexford Wittingham, Ann, o'wise Daunton " Rich, son of AnnS.W — Winstanley, Mrs. Elbth. and son Willsteid, W. H. H., of Southsea Woblett, George, nephew of Charles Wood, Thomas, of Salford " John, of Scotland " Mrs., frmly of Southwark " Henry, of Australia 1820 " Matthias, of Barnsley " James, son of Geo., of Glasgow Wood, Emma.w of Edw., of Stepne » Woodward, Thomas, grocer 1834 John, of Winchester " Samuel, of London! Wooden, Frederick S. , of Islington Woodhall, John, of Nottingham Woodhouse, Joseph Woods, Thomas F., of Jersey " Mrs. Mary, of Liverpool Woolley, Thomas, goldsmith, London Wormaldj Eliza, dau. of Jane Wort, Geo. J. T., son of Geo. Worley, Isaac " Samuel Worrall, Jane, dau. of John Wolff, Benjamin, of Devon Worth, James, of Reading Worsdell, Sarah, went to America Worvill, George, of Buckingham Wrack, John, of London Wright, George, of Broughton " James, of Hayes " Charles, of London " John, merchant, Honduras " James, native of Paisley " Mrs., niece of J. Stockdale " Edward, of Jamaica 1810 Jane S. " Thomas, broker, London " Geo. N., son of Lieut. W— " John, of Beckham 1825 ' ' Eliza, of the Harrow-rd.1854 " John, frmly of Gower street Wreford, Rebecca Wrake, Michael B., seaman Wrentmore, William W., of Somerse t Wyllie, Miss E. C, dau. of Major W. Wyeth, John, servant, Dulwich Wvndham, J. C, of Bristol Wylie, William, son of Robert Yates, Jas., son of John, of Hanbury " William, of St. Pancras Yeats, James ) f fll -, roa( i " Charles R. \ went aDloacl Youdan, Elizabeth, frmly Everett Young, H. W. John, of Norfolk " Ann, servant, Leeds " ThomasT.,of North America ' ' Thomas,nativeof Dorchester " John, of Honduras Youngh, Thomas, of Preston 1826 Yuill, John, native of Glasgow Yule, Sarah, dau. of Mary Milnes INTESTATES. THE FOLLOWING PERSONS HAVE DIED INTESTATE (SINCE THE YEAR 1840) IN AUSTRALIA, NEW ZEALAND, TASMANIA, BRITISH GUIANA, NORTH AMERICA, AND THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Abbott, William Adams, James " John " Samuel " Stewart J, Affleck, Harry Aikman, Edward Aldenton, Robert Allen, John " John Alexander, Andrew Alston, James E. Anderson, Alexander " Charles J. David " Francis John Angus, John Arbour, Susan Archer, Thomas Armstrong, D. " John Thomas Arnold, George " John T. G. Arnott, James Arthur, John Asher, Charles Ashling, Jonathan Ash worth, Abel Atkins, John Allen, James " John " William " William Allibone, William Allison, Ellis Alom, Mary Anderson, Ann " John Peter Andrew's, Alexander Archy, Thomas Armstrong, Thomas Ashby, Francis Ashworth, John Aslett, Solomon Atherton, Thomas Atkins, George " George - ' Sarah " Thomas Ayers, Samuel Abbott, Henry Abel, Thomas Adams, James Peter " Thomas Aitken, Charles Alexander, Donald Alger, Philip Allan, Edward " James Abbott, Edward J. Atkins, Richard Anderson, William Atkins, Mary Anderson, Alexander " George Armstrong, Mary " Samuel Anderson, Bernard " Alexander " John Ashby, John Bishop, John (133) Blacker, William Blanch, John Blackwood, John Blakely, T. B. Blassmire, J . E. Blight, Ralph Bloomfield, Richard Blundell, W. Bocock, Robert Boland, Patrick Bondell, James Boodle, George Booth, James Boucher, John Bourke, Patrick Boursfield, John Bowes, Michael Boyes. Richard Boyle, Daniel O. " James Boys, Edward Bradford, Edward Bradley, Charles " James Bradshaw, William Brady, James Bragg, John Brame, Frederick Branson, Charles Breerton, John Brick well, George Briese, Henrich Britchley, Charles Brindle, Moses Brodie, Andrew Brogue, Henry Bloomer, Sarah Booth, Samuel Brannen, John Brogan, Patrick ' ' Rose 134 INTESTATES. Brown, James J. " Margaut " Samuel " Thomas Burk, Ellen " William Beatty, Margaret Battey, Margaret Baxter, William Baldwin, Alfred Baker, William Barnes, John Barker, William Bean, Susan M. Beeson, John G. Bell, George Bennett, Elizabeth Billington, Henry Bingham, William Blake, William Boxer, Kichard Brownley, James Brown, David ' ' Francis " John Brownley, Jessie Bruce, John Boylan, Peter Burton, Charles Burnage, W r illiam Bradney, Charles Bradshaw, James Bragg, Thomas Bramhall, William Brandon, Kichard Brannan, Edward Breen, Edward Brian, Simon Bricknell, Moses Brignall, Joseph Bailey, John ' ' Henry Baillie, Matthew Baker, Robert Ball, John Barker, James Barnacle, James Barnes, Thomas Barnett, R. H. Barry, J. C. " William Barton, J. H. Bassett, Thomas Batty, James Bayley, James Beck, John Beck, Martha Beckley, William Beard, William Beilby, Thomas Bell, William H. Bellingham, Thomas Bennett, Hugh " George " Thomas Bent, John Bentson, Charles Bettridge, Mary Bidders, Joseph Bishop, Joseph Black, Thomas " William Boddy, Charles Booth, William Barrow, John Bott, Henry Bourne, John Bo wen, Daniel Boyd, Benjamin Boyle, Daniel " Richard Boyne, Patrick Bradford, James Babbington, Anne Baker, James * Ball, J. Barchfeld, J. B. Barrett, Robert Becker, William Blanks, William Blyth, Benjamin Brown, James Buckley, John Buckton, Henry Barney, John H. Bingham, D. H. Blagg, Charles Bagg, Samuel Bailey, James Bain, David " Douglas Balbirnie, James Bamford, Thomas Bannister, Charles Baker, James Barbauld, Montague Barclay, Peter Barnes, John " George Barnett, Edward ' ' Joseph Barrimore, James Barry, D. " George " Patrick Barton, George Bates, Stephen Baumgartner, A. Bayley, Thomas Baylis, Thomas " John Beaumont, William Bees, George Belcher, Thomas Bell, James " James J. " John " John Bergin, Edward Berry, Joseph Bertone, James Betts, Alfred Bex, Samuel Birch, Joseph Britton, John Broker, Thomas Broughton, Robert Brown, George " James " James John " Thomas William " William William J. William W. Browne, William H. Brennan, John Bryant, William Bryson, William Bullmer, Benjamin Bunn, George H. Bunning, William Burgess, J. C. Burke, Martin ' < Michael " Myles Burns, Patrick " Terence Burton, J, H. Bury, Wilson P. Butler, William Byron, Ada E. Bromley, Richard Brown, Edward " Frank " Jane " James INTESTATES. 135 Brown, James John " John " Mary Eobert " Samuel " Samuel " Thomas William " William Bruce, Joseph Brumley, Kershaw Bryant, H. R. " Joseph Bryce, David Buchan, Peter Buckler, Christian Buckley, Robert William Budden, Philip Burdett, William Burgens, Stephen Burke, John Burns, Robert " Peter Burridge, Henry Burrows, Robert Burt, James Butler, David Butter, Archibald Byrne, Peter Byrnes C. Babb, Robert Baker, George Barry, Francis Beaumont, William Blair, ^"ancy Blake, Ann " Thomas Boyd, Robert Brown, John Buchanan, Robert Burnett, James Burnham, Cornelia Brady, James Brown, Margaret " JolniW. Burdett, George F. Brown. Charles Brenan, John M Bruesing, Charles Breaden, Mary Benjamin, Simeon Briggs, Susan Burns, John Carter, Henry " John " John " Martin Cassidy, Henry " Michael " William Castin, George Castle, William Challoner, Edward Chambers, Thomas Champion, Richard Chapman, James " Joseph Cheetham, J. Chisholm, Jessie Chitty, William Christie, James John Chubb, William Clapham, J. G. Clark, William Clarke, Edward D. " John Claxton, William Clay, Joseph F. " Richard Cleary, Thomas Clelland, Arthur Clement, John Clewer, Joseph Clunes, Gordon William Clerk, Charles Cobham, George Cock, Henry " John Cole, Samuel Coleman, James " James John Collins, Edward " George " John Colstone, W illiam Comynn, Patrick Condon, Bridget Conefry, Hugh Congalton, Samuel Connolly, James Connor, Thomas " William Constantine, William Conway, Patrick Cooper, Daniel " Robert Crichton, John Cromarty, Robert Crofton, Henry Croker, Jacob Cullen, Patrick Culling, Charles Cumberland, William Cunningham, Richard Cunninghame,Ter'nce Curran, Thomas Curtis, William Cushion, William Cutts, Thomas Caffrey, Ellen Carr, Catherine Clark, John " Mary Connor, Catherine Chappell, Samuel Carville, George Carroll, Mary Carey, Susan Crow, Ann Carr, Bridget Costello, Patrick Cole, George Crawford, Sarah Coggins, Catherine Cole, Isabella Compton, George Connay, Ellen Conner, James H. Coneskay, Alice Corcoran, Michael Coughlin, Catherine Coulton, William Creamer, Michael Croley, Samuel Caughlan, Jeremiah Chambers, William Chapman, John " William Chatterly, John Cheese worth, Joseph Chester, William Cheston, William Chevin, Joseph Chrichton, John Christie, Thomas William Clarke, Henry " James John Clarkson, Capt. W. 136 INTESTATES. Clayton, Edward " George Cluff, Eichard Cocker, Edward Coleman, Patrick Collins, Charles " David Oliver Philip William Condon, P. W. " Eichard Coulen, James Connor, Andrew " James 11 James " John " Thomas " Patrick Conn, Margaret Conway, Francis Cooke, Eobert Cooper, James " John " Joseph " Joseph Coote, James Cope, William Corbit, James Cornish, William Corrigan, John Cotten, Patrick Timothy Coultate, Henry Coulson, George Cox, Dennis Crawford, John Crawley, James Craig, Eobert Crigan, Patrick Chevitt, William Craig, Eobert Caddick, William Cairns, John Gallagher, John Callison, Isabella Cammill, Thomas Campbell, George ' ' John W. B Canavan, Charles Candy, Benjamin Cannon, Thomas Carey, Patrick Carkeck, John Carle to n, George Carnell, William Carpenter, Henry ' ' Joseph Carter, George Cagney, Michael Cahill, Eichard Cain, Patrick Callaghan, Owen ' ' Samuel Cameron, Alexander " Archibald Donald Campbell, Alexander " James Eobert Cargill, Thomas A. Carlyle, Worthey Carne, William Carney, John Carr, Sarah " William Carroll, Lawrence ' ' Patrick John Carter, Eobert Carruthers, Eobert Carty, John Carter, John Casey, John Cater, John Coarney, Samuel Croton, William Costelow, William Cochrane, John Cumm ings, Mark Carstairs, James Crisby, George Colmon, James Cooper, Thomas " Thomas Costello, John Cosgrove, James Couch, Francis P. Coulson, Alfred Coulthercl, William Courtney, William W. H. Cornis, Eliza Cornish, Alfred Corbett, Thomas Cormick, Edward Craddock, John Craig, William Crawford, W. J. John W. W. Crawley, Patrick Cremer, James Crosbie, James Cross, William Crotty, Darby Cuddy, James dimming, James Cunningham, G. Currie, Henry Curtayne, W. T. Curtis, Joseph " William Cuthbertson, James Cuthbutt, William Cutts, Samuel Chatterly, William Cook, George Crawford, Donald Clarke, James Colbert, Thomas Cotten, William Caddy, Joseph Collier, Aaron Collins, George Caldwell, John Christie, William Clarke, Archibald Conn, William Cook, Thomas Cormack, Ann Cagney, Michael Cahill, Eichard Cain, Patrick Callaghan, Owen " Samuel Cameron, Alexandev " Archibald " Donald Campbell, Alexander " James Eobert Cargill, Thomas A. Carlyle, Worthey Carne, William Carney, John Carr, Sarah Cambridge, Caroline Campbell, Hugh Carraichael, Francis Christy, John Clancy, Eev. W. Clark, Thomas Clarke, C. S. " James Conville, E, Cramer, John INTESTATES. 137 Crosby, Richard D *YArey, Patrick Daley, James " John " Patrick 11 William Dalton, Thomas Darnell, William Dart, Henry Dawes, Robert Davies, Henry H. Davis, Henry " James " James " John " John " Timothy Day, James " John Delamere, Frank Dell, Richard Dennis, Henry Deoline, Panl Dick, John Dickenson, George Dickinson, Joseph Dodge, James Doherty, Richard Dooling, Miles Dore, John Dorina, John Dowdell, John Downes, James Dowling, Lawrence ' ' George R. Dowsley, William Doyle, John " Peter " Thomas Dutton, Samuel Duncan, John Durkin Ann Dowsing, Charles Deane, Thomas Dorrington, Stephen Douglas, John Downing, Anne Dunlap, James Dowling, John Dainton, Cornelius Daly, John Davidson, William Davidson, W. Davies, Griffith " William Davis, Evan " George " James W. " John Davison, John Dartwell, T. W. Daw, John Dawe, Richard Daws, George Daxon, Arthur Denning, Alfred Dennison, John Dernie, John Deverill, George Devonport, Charles Dewar, Andrew Dunn, Ann Durguan, Ellen Donovan, Patrick Dalton, Julia Dalton, Lawrence Drew, Robert A . Dalton, Christopher Devine, Margaret Dewey, James Donnelly, Edward Drew, Nicholas H. Dunn John B. Dewing, Thomas P. Diaper, Alfred Dignam, Michael Dingham, George Dix, George Dixon, Samuel Dockray, William Dodd, Joseph " Valentine Dodge, Joseph Donald, James Donaldson, Robert Donnelly, John " Thomas Doxey, Edward Doyle, John Drakeford, William Drury, Charles Duddy, Michael Dudley, John Duel, Sarah Duffey, James " John Dufuer, David Duggan, Joseph Duncan, Alexander Duncan, William S. H. Duncanson, Robert Dunkley, William Dunn, George " John Durant, Charles Durnford, Thomas Dye, Moses Davis, Harris Dawson, Francis " William Downes, Richard Dunn, William Edington, W. H. Edwards, D. J. " Joseph " Thomas Egerton, Thomas Egleton, Richard Elliott, William Ellis, Thomas English, John " Michael Entwhistle, James Everness, William Evans, Charles " Esther " William Estote, Martin Evans, David " Griffith " H. J. il Samuel Everard, George Ewald, Wilhelm Eylward Joseph Eady, Philip East, Thomas Earp, Joseph Edgar, George Edward, James Edwards, Charles " George " James " John " Robert " Thomas Elliott, John Ellis, Alfred " John " Thomas Elsey, John 138 INTESTATES. Emery, Robert " William England, Thomas Epps, John Elliott, Maria Ellis, John Egan, Stephen Eat, Daniel Elligood, Samnel William Elliott, John Ellis, David " William Falconer, Daniel Fauning, Daniel Farrell, Edward ' ' Patrick Faulkner, Charles Fawcett, William Fildew, Samuel Finn, Arthur " Edward Finlayson, William Fisher, James " Thomas Fitzgerald, John ' ' Peter Fitzpatrick, Patrick Flannigan, Thomas Flemming, John Fletcher, Thomas M. Flynn, Thomas " Michell Forde, John Forehead , George Foley, Edward Ford, Edward Forster, Miles William Foulkes, Sarah Fowler, Thomas Thomas H. Fox, Richard Foxcroft, Henry Francis, William Franks, James Frazer, John Fredericks, Christian Freeman, Eliza " George French, John ' ' Thomas Frith, James Froggart, Henry Frost, William " Daniel Fry, Richard Fooks, George Fletcher, John Fuller, James Fussel, Simon Fettle, Frederick Fidlar, David. Finnigan, Michael Frawley, Thomas Forsyth, John C. B. Francis, Elizabeth Foley, Margaret Frazer, Charles S. Fabren, Peter Fagan, John " Mary Faircloth, John Falconer, R. B. Fardel], Thomas Farmer, John " Thomas Farquhar, Arthur Farrell, B. O. " Benjamin " Daniel " James Fawcett, Thomas Fegan, James Fenton, George Fenwick, R. W. Feren, Daniel Ferguson, Robert Fetter, Henry E. Field, William Fielder, Thomas Finch, George Finlay, Robert Fitzsimmons, W. Flat, Thomas Fleck, Henry Flemming, Miles Fletcher, Frederick W. J. Foley, Jeremiah " Patrick Foot, Thomas Forbes, J. A. G. " William Ford, Jacob Forrest, Thomas Fox, Catherine " James " John Fox, Thomas " Thomas Francis, George Frankland, William Franklin, John Fraser, Alexander " Donald Fox, Matthew Flanigan, James Fallon, Ann Fletcher, William Flett, Andrew Foord, John Foran, Timothy Fowler, Joseph Franklin, Bartholm'w Friel, John Furlong, James Fyfe, John L. Flay, Susannah Fraser, Richard D. Forgerty, Michael Flynn, William " Bridget Frawley, Patrick Fullerton, Robert Fury, Michael Garden, Alexander Gibbs, William Gibson, James " Edmund Giles, Samuel " Edward Gnowling, William Glover, Joseph Goldfinch, Simon Good, James Goodwin, Stephen Gordon, James " William " William Gorman, George " John Gough, Edward Gower, John Goulding, Edward Grace, Charles Graham, Thomas Grant, George Gray, John Green, Charles " George " James INTESTATES. 139 Green, Thomas " Thomas Greenfield, Charles Greaves, Charles Gregor, Rev. John Gregory, James L. B. Gribble, George Groves, James Gumley, Samuel Guiton, William Guillam, William Grant, William Goddard, Joseph Griffith, Daniel Gilniartin, Thomas Garry, James Geddes, James Gordon, John Grady, Honora Green, George Griffiths, Edward Groat, James P. Gubble, Samuel Guild, Alexander P. Gunning, James Garratt, James Getze, JohnF. Gibson, Catherine Gilham, Samuel Good, George Gordon, John B. Gough, George Grant, Henry Griffiths, James Gilchrist, Gordon Xiel Gillard, J. G. S. Gill, John Gil lis, David Grant, Lachlan Gray, Alexander Grey, Magnus Gulleage, William Grant, Alexander Gosling, George Gaffney, Michael Gallagher, Matthew Galloway, John Galvin, Jeremiah " Michael Garvie, William Gaskin, William Gaynor, Michael " Patrick Genn, Daniel Gibbs, William Gibson, George " James " William Gilbertson, James Giles, George Gill, George Gilliam, Joseph Gilliman, William Gilliver, Charles Glanville, George Glass, James Gleddon, C. S. Gleeson, Martin Glover, Christopher Goddard, William Godden, George Gomm, Absalom Goodman, Thomas Gorman, Patrick Goven, William Grabham, C. Grace, William P. Graham, Sarah Grant, Charles 1 ' John " Samuel " William Graves, Henry T. Gray, Charles " George Greaves, Henry Greaney, Anthony Green, John " Lewis " William Gregg, William Griffin, John Griffiths, James " Thomas Groves, James Grumbell, William Haen, Thomas Hagerty, William Haggerty, Matthew Hale, F. Hales, John Halfpenny, James Hall, John Hall worth, Eliza Hamilton, James " John " Thomas Hand, Thomas Hanly, Thomas Hanson, Jasper Hansill, Peter Hardie, Thomas Hardy, William Harkins, Charles Harris, Hugh H. " James " William " William F. Harrison, John Hartwick, Joseph Harvey, Humphrey John H. " William Hawk, Thomas Hawkins, Richard Hawtin, John Hay, Forest Hayden, John Hayes, Benjamin " John " Thomas Haynes, Charles Hayward, William Hazlett, John Healy, Patrick " Peter Hearn, William Hellyer, John Henderson, D. ' ' James " Henry John H. Henry, John Henshaw, Thomas Henston, John Herbert, William Herbertson, Francis Hethom, R.H. Hines, William Haydon, Edward Hill, James Harrington, Sarah. Horsley, John Hall, John Hamilton, Ellen Healey, Thomas Henson, Abraham Hickey, Mary Higgins, Thomas Hodson, Thomas Holmes, Thomas Hornby, John Hughes, Sarah 140 INTESTATES. Hunter, Hugh Humphreys, C. H. Harrison, Thomas Holt, William Higgins, James Hinds, Eliza Hodgkins, Thomas Harland, Henry Hogan, John S. Hartshorn, John Haylett, Henry Hillier, William Hamilton, John Hobson, Joseph Hyde, Eliza Hayer, Edward Harbroe, John Herrell, Kobert Holloway, Henry Hogsett, Thomas Hownan, Alfred Hunt, James M. Hill, Thomas Hunter, John Huntsman, George Hurley, Eliza " Thomas Hurst, Henry Hutchins, Joseph Hamilton, Capt. J. Hansen, M. Hazlewood, Sarah Hewitt, Thomas Hiekey, Mary " Michael Hickinbotham, Mary Hickling, Thomas Higginbottom, Edwd. Hill, Adam " George " James D. Hillier, William Hilton, Thomas " William Hinchley, John Hinson, Catherine Hinsworth, Daniel Hinton, J. H. Hogan, Patrick Hogg, David Hofden, James Holdsworth, W. T. Holgate, S. W. Holgate, William Holland, Harry John Holland/ Mary Holloway, Joseph Eob't W. Holmes, James John Hong, Charles Hood, Thomas Hooper, John John C. Hopkins, James Hopson, Nicholas Howard, Joseph Hewell, William Hughes, Thomas Hummerstead, J. Humphries, Eobert Hunt, Eobert Hunter, Andrew " Ann Hurcum, George Hurst, George " John Hynd, Thomas Hynes, John J. Hernan, John Hampson, Benjamin Hands, Samuel Hanley, Maurice Hainan, Thomas Hants, John Harkens, Daniel Harker, Eobert Harkins, James Hart, Levy " Lazarus " Michael Harthill, John Harvey, Thomas D. " George Harton, Henry Haskell, Thomas Hastings, Caroline Hatton, John Hawkrigg, James Hayes, James Healey, James Heenan, A. P. " Matthew Hely, Frederick Henderson, John Hetherington, Samuel Hewitt, John Hexton, James Heydon, Henry Hiekey, Christopher Higgins, Thomas Higgins, John Higginbottom, John Hill, James Hines, John Hives, George Hodson, Henry Holden, George Holdsworth, Henry Holland, Thomas Holloway, Thomas Holmes, William Honey burn, William Home, John Horrigan, Jeremiah Horton, Geoffrey Houghton, Charles Howard, Walter How r e, Edward Howie, Eobert Hoxy, John Hubbard, Charles Hubert, Samuel Huggins, William Hunt, James " WiUiam C. Inglewood, Daniel Ireland, William Irvin, Lewis J. " Eobert Irvine, Joseph Irving, Henry Inches, John Ingram, John Ingerthorpe, William Innes, William Irwin, Simon Irons, William K. Ivers, William Isaac, Edwin Islop, John Jackson, John John " Thomas James, W. E. Javerly, Andrew Jeffries, John " Joseph " Thomas Jervis, Christopher " George INTESTATE: 141 Jervis, Henry n, Ann Johnson, Charles " George Hannah Robert William Joice, Thomas Jones, Alexander " John •• John • John D. ■• Howell Margaret • ; Richard 11 Robert " Thomas Jordan, William Jacobs,' Hester E. F. James, John < ; J. O. Jones, William Julian, John Jones, John JoJson, Henry J.;yne, John Jameson, Henry Jamieson, David Jones, Jane Johnson, Eichard Jamieson, John Jones, Bernard " Henry L. '•' John" Jackson, Joseph Peter " Eichard Jacques, John Jamieson, Thomas Jarman, Thomas Jenkins, Benjamin " George Johns, James Johnson, Frederick John " William Johnston, John Johnstone, John P. " Joseph Jones, Ebenezer " Edward Evan " Harry Henry J. " James P John P. Jones, Lewis J. " Eichard E. W. W. " Samuel " Thomas T. W. William Joyce, William Juby, George Kean, Samuel Kearis, William Kearas, William Keckham, James Kellagher, Martin Kelly, George '•' " John " S. E. " William Kelsall, Eobert Kendalin, Michael Kennedy, Donald Kennedy, Francis Kent, William Kennedy, Patrick Kenny, John Ken worthy, Edward Kerr, Hucj'h " William Kesterton, F.William Kidd, William . King, James " Johu Kingswell, William Kirby, Frederick Kirkham, Joseph Kingston, William Kitchen, James Knox, Walter King, Thomas Kirton, W. J. Kellv, James Killing, William Kendal, John Kealy, David Keane, John Kearney, P. H. Keating, Edward Keenan, John " Patrick Kelly, James ■'• ' James " John '« Michael Kellv, Patrick " " Eichard Kelty, John Kemp, Isaac Keneliy, Jeremiah Kenny, James Keefe, Daniel Kilfol, Owen Kilfovle, John Kilduif, Peter Killean, James Kilminster, William Kidman, William Kinsela, John King, Charles E. Knight, Mark 11 William Kelly, Eoger Kane, William Kelly, Eosalia " James Kirby, James Laball, Sydney Labot, W'illiam Laird, Alexander Lake, John " Thomas Lamb, H. S. Lambert, Nathaniel Lambie, James Lambshire, Thomas Lambton, John Langridge, James Lan'kester, James Lanyon, Eichard Lawrence, Benjamin " Samuel " William Lawrie, Frances J. " Thomas Lawton, James Laxton, William Lay-field, Noah Leake William Lee, Andrew " James " John Lenaine, Nicholas Lennox, Hugh Leonard, James Levers, Henry Lewis, Clement David 142 Lewis, James " James John John " Morgan " R. H. " Sophia Lillicrop, Richard Ling, Walter Lindsay, Robert Linton, M. D. Lilster, Henry- Lister, W.H. Lloyd, John " John " William Logan, Thomas Lamont, N. C. Leslie, John Lewis, John Landers, William Langton, John Livesay, John Lucas, Samuel Lloyd, Charles Lumsden, Leslie Logan, Robert William Long, George " William Loud, John Love, John Lovelady, Richard Lowe, John " Thomas Lowther, H. J. Lumb, Robert Lumbsden, William Lynam, Patrick Lyne, Charles N. " Joseph Lyon, Richard Lyons, John Laird, Alexander Lamb, John Lambe, Henry Lane, Sarah I " Charles Larkins, Patrick Law, James Leach, William Leaky, John Leary, Mary " Michael Lear, Charles Lee, John INTESTATES. Lee, John " James " William Lees, David Leeson, James Leighy, Timothy Leggett, Ann Lench, Thomas Lemon, James Lev/is, Henry " William Lindsay, John Lloyd, T. H. L. Logur, Thomas Long, William " John Loobey, Michael Low, Henry Lowe, Richard Lovell, Anthony Lucas, Charles " Thomas Livermore, John Lynam, Thomas Lynch, John Lyons, Cornelius " George Laverty, Ann Lagger, Jane Laughlin, Eliza A. Lawrence, John Ledde, Daniel Lee, Henry M. " James " Thomas Leicester, Henry Leitch, Margaret Leonard, Michael Levick, Samuel L. Lillie, Thomas Locke, Thomas M McAllister, Angus " James McBean, George McClellan, John " Thomas McCain, Matthew McCarthy, Francis McColl, John McCord, John McCrossen, W. B. McCullock, Hugh McDonald, Alexander McDonald, Donald " George " Patrick McDougall, Archibald D. " James McEllione, J. " F. McElligott, Mary McElligot, Thomas McEwan, James McEwen, Moses McFarlane, Mrs. " M. W.P. McGarry, James McGee, Patrick McGill, Joseph McGlassen, John McGlynn, James McGowan, Patrick McGrath, Hugh " William McGregor, John McGuire, James Mclnnerney, T. McBeth, Sarah McClure, William I Mcintosh, Alexander MiKinnon, John McKirdy, Mary McLaren, William McNamara, Eugene Martin, John Munro, George Mc Arthur, Duncan McBride, John McCann, Michael M'Cann, Hugh McCabe, James McCall, James McCarty, Dennis McColl, James McClymont, James McDonald, Alexander John " John McDonough, Charles McEwen, Daniel McEncroe, Patrick McFadden, Archibald McGarey, John McGovern, James McGuiness, John McGuire, James McKay, John INTESTATES. 143 McKenna, Joseph McKeller, Frederick McKendray, Edward McKenzie, Allan W. M. William /McHue, Ellen Me Lou ghl an, John " Patrick Edward McLean, Kenneth ! McLeod, Kiel McManus, Hugh McXamara, Daniel " Thomas McMahon, James Mclnnis, J. Mcintosh, Alexander Mclntyre, Archibald " James McJudure, George McKay, Alexander " John John McKennan, John McKinnon, Alexander McKenzie, Hugh McLachlan, John " Eobert McLean, Donald McLelland, Donald McLeod, John McMartiu, Duncan McMaster, George McMillan, Archibald Malcolm McMullin, Daniel McNabb, Jessie " William McXeal, Malcolm McPherson, Donald Hugh McQueen, Peter Monteith, Patrick Mitchell, James McXaughton, James Maddock, John F. Mackay, William Mackie, Thomas Madget, Edward Magovenv, Henry Maltby, Robert Mannere, Thomas Mansfield, Richard Man son, Donald Marshall, John Martindale, Ralph Martin, Edward F. G. " Henry " Henry " Thomas Martins, James Mason, George Matthews, Henry JohnD. " Thomas Mawdesly, Thomas May hew, W. Maylan, F. G. Maynard, Richard Mead, George Mears, William Mee, William Mercer, James Mackay, William McLaughlin, William Makin, John Mahon, John Mansel, John Mappleback, John Martin, David " Jeremiah Marsh, George P. Marshall, Peter Mason, John Malcham, H. W.C. Maw, James Maxwell, Vv illiam May, Frederick Mayhew, William Meade, James Meacle, J. C. Meredith, John Meyer, W. II. Miller, Ambrose " Henry Marlow, John T. Marsden, John McAulev, John McDonald, William McGurn, James Merrey, James Millan, Hugh Moore, George Morris, Thomas " Michael Mott, William Munday, Mary Monroe, William Morgan, John J. Mitchell, Robert Maddock, Arthur Madson, James Moore, Posonby McBeath, William Middleton, William Midforth, Charles Milards, James Miles, James Mills, Henry " Henry ' " William Milne, James Milnes, Edward Millar, George Miller, John Minough, James Minty, Robert Mitchell, John John " Robert " William Miller, Thomas Miley, Joseph Mills, James " Joseph Minton, James Minnow, George Mitchell, David " John " Roderick William William B. Moncur, James Montage, James S. Moody, Jasper Moor, Henry Moore, Henry T. Thomas Morgan, Patrick Morris, Samuel Morrison, Robert. Motley, George Morton, Richard Mott, Robert Mould, Arthur Moylett, Patrick H. Mundy, T. M. Munroe, James Murphy, John Murray, James ' ' James Mustov, Isaac Myers, Thomas Moffitt, William Monk, Thomas Monahan, Maria 144 INTESTATES. Monteith, James Moreton, Charles Morgan, David ' ' John " Charles Morris, John " John Morrison, Charles " . John Robert Moore, Michael John Mooney, James Mullen, Catherine Mullins, John Munden, George Murphy, Edward " Bernard " William William Murray, John " John Myles, Patrick Myers, Rawson Mosely, William McDonald, Ann Muii roe, John Martin, Catherine Mitchell, John May, Stewart Martin, William McCall, Rebecca Myers, Thomas McKeon, Margaret McAveny, Thomas McCartney, Margaret McCoun, Isabella McCraw, Peter McDonald, Maria McGahan, Patrick McGlinchy, Michael McKelvey, James McKenna, Frances McLaughlan, Patrick McManus, Julia McMenomy, Patrick McNalty, George McPeake, Rachael MeSorley, Philip Malcolm, Joseph Man ay, Mary Manks, William Martes, William Matthews, John Migham, Sarah Moore, Mary Mulligan, Harriett Mussell, Maria N Nash, Sophia Neale, John Newton, Ann " Edward Nicholson, S. D. Nicholls, Hugh Niven, Hugh Nixen, Edward Norris, William Newland, Patrick Nudds, Robert Nutkins, George Naget, Jacob Napier, Henry Nelson, Martin Newman, George Nibloe, Thomas Nicholl, Robert Nixon, Joseph Norris, Richard North, Elijah Nowell, S. Nuun, Thomas Norvell, William Noble, Valentine Nolan, Bridget Norris, Augustus Navine, Hugh Nicholl, Peter Napier, Adam Newman, William O'Brien, Edward H. O'Connor, John O'Kell, Thomas O'Neil, Alice O'Neill, Francis " James Overall, John Ovens, John O'Doherty, Michael O'Donnel'l, Bryan O'Hara, Charles O'Laughlin, Peter O'Leary, Patrick O'Neil, Bernard O'Neill, Thomas Older, Edward Orr, William Owen, Frederick John " Owen " Samuel Thomas Owens, Thomas Owin, William O'Brien, Daniel " Dennis " Timothy O'Connoll, John O'Connor, Peter O'Donohue, Thomas J, O'Connor, William O'Shane, William O 'Sullivan, Phillis Oathwaite, James O'Brien, Edward *' James Owen, James G. Penny, Henry Puclney, John Pearce, W. W. Plyer, John Power, Robert Peters, James Proby, Hugh Parr, Thomas Phipps, George Padfieid, Robert Pagnell, John Page, George " Anthony Paige, James E. Paine, Charles Palmer, Robert Parfit, Jane Parker, Abraham Parsons, William Paterson, John William Perkins, James Peters, Ann Pitts, Reuben Pittron, Isaac Poltick, James Potter, George Thos. Powell, Robert " Thomas " Thomas Price, Charlotte Prince, Alfred Prisk, John INTESTATES. 145 Pryde, William Pullen, John ' ' John Purtell, John Purcell, Charles " John Pluck, Richard Paul, Samuel Powell, William Parker, Edward Polkman, Edward Pollock, William Poole, Daniel " Henry 11 Henry G. Poppleton, Edward Porrett, James Porter, Henry Powell, Dayid " George " William Power, James F. Pratt, James Preston, John Price, James " John Priest, Thomas J. Prince, Thomas Pringle, George Proctor, Ann Prosser, Thomas Puryis, James " J. G. Painter, Henry T. Page, James Pardy, Thomas Parker, Henry " John " Thomas Parry, Richard Parsons, Martin " Jasper " William Parvis, James Patterson, Donald Frederick James John John Paul, Peter Paull, Richard Paxton, Peter Payne, Daniel William Pearse, Everson Peck, J. B. Pender, John Percival, John Percy, William Perkins, Horatio F. Perks, Joseph Perry, George Pettitt, Thomas Phelan, John Phillips, James W. P. Philpot, William Pickering, Robert Pike, John Piper, Thomas H. Pitt, William Pitts, Walter C. Parry, Mary Patterson, James Perry, John II. Pick, Jeanette Phelan, Edmund Porteous, Richard Price, Thomas Paddock, George Page, Thomas' Paulstone, John Pedley, Joseph Perrey, John Phillips, Thomas Pilch, Samuel Quinn, Patrick Quinlan, John Read, Charles Reader, Ellen Reardou, William " Michael Reade, Thomas Redgate, Ann Bedford, William Pennington, Henry Reid, Mark Reynolds, Thomas Rhodes, William Richards, Henry Ramsay, Willia m Rayall, James Reddie, William Rees, John- Reid, George " John Reilly, William Remain, August Renners, Frederick Reynolds, Frank " Joseph Richards, Dayid J. " James William Riddle, Isabella Rielly, Edward Rigby, Benjamin " John Riley, John Ring, James " Joseph Ritchie, Thomas Rhind, Thomas Roberts, Francis Henry F. Hugh " John J. Robert Richard G. Hugh J ames Richardson, James Rix, William Roach, Walter Roberts, James John Stephen H. Robertson, Duncan " Alexander Robinson, Alexander Michael Robson, Andrew Roche, James Roe, James Rogers, William Rose, George Rosemary, William Rosin, William Ross, John " George " John " Frederick Russell, Henry C. Rush, Michael Ryan, James " John " Joseph " Matthew ' ' Dennis William Robertson, James C. 146 INTESTATES. Rowland, Richard Robertson, Elizabeth Ryan, Julia Riley, James Russell, David Reck, Susan Rankin, John Ryrie, William Roach, Thomas Roberts, S. J. Robertson, James Rose, William Ross, Donald ' ' John Record, Mary A. Robertson, John S; Hugh Richards, Elias Russell, Henry Ready, John Reynolds, Mary Robertson, James Rowe, Henry Robertson, James " John " William Robinson, Daniel ' ' George Robson, Edwin Rodgers, John Rodnell, William Roe, John Rogers, John ' ' Enoch Rolf, John Rooney, Patrick Ross, Ann " David ' ' James " James O. " John " Samuel Rourke, Michael Rowe, Thomas S. Rowell, Cuthbert Rowley, James U. Rout, Frederick Roy, Donald " William Royall, James ct Julian Royston, William Rudd, Thomas Ruddick, William Russell, George " Pierce Ryan, Joseph " William Reed, Rosanna Riley, Charles Robertson, James Roe, Thomas Ross, Allan ' ' Margaret Ryan, John " Patrick S Shannon, Robert Strong, Frederick G. Simms, William Sexton, James Springfield, William Spencer, John " James " James Sandford, Benjamin Shapley, William Simpson, Robert Slater, Thomas Slogan, John Smith, Robert Sowerby, John H. Spry, Col. W. B. Stephenson, William Simpson, Horatio Seeker, James Sharpe, J. F. S. Salmon, John R. D. ' Shea, Patrick Snead, William B. Souch, William Stacey, Charles Stafford, Thomas Scanlan, Thomas Sandys, Catherine Stuart, Priscilla Smith, Jane Ann Stuart, James P. Stewart, Daniel Scott, W. H, Sevill, John Shea, Patrick Siddons, Thomas Smith, Eliza Stanford, Charles Sanders, George Sanderson, James G. John William Sangster, John Sage, William Salmon, John Saunders, George Say, W. H. Scarce, Richard Scott, John " Thomas C. " Charles " James " James " John " Peter " Thomas H. " Walter Scotland, William Scarlan, Matthew Sedgwick, William Sefton, William Senior, Joseph Shanley, Richard Shannon, John Sharpe, Abraham Shaw, John " Joseph Sheddy, C. S. Sheffield, W. F. Shelton, John Shepcott, Joseph Shepherd, J. H. M. Sheppard, J. Shippey, John Shirley, Caroline Sharpe, W. S. Sheardon, James Shepherd, R. C. " Joseph " Robert Sherwin, William Shipway, John Short, James " Jeremiah " Richard Silk, Richard Simms, Samuel " Charles Simpson, James S. " James Simpton, Thomas Sinclair, Duncan Skews, W. H. Skey, James Siddle, Jonathan Simms, James C. Simmonds, William Simpson, John John INTESTATES. 147 Simpson, Joseph " Thomas I William II William Sly, John Slater, William Slattery, James Slayter, William Sloane, John Srnallbridge, William Smith, Charles Charles Francis George Henry Henry Hugh James James Jarvis John John Joseph Eoss Samuel Thomas William B. Smart, William Smith, Emma Eliza M. " Frederick Henry W. " James H. " James " James " John i " John " John M. A. Robert " Thomas " Thomas " William 11 William Snell, Thomas Snowling, William Southey, William Speer, A. T. Spears, Robert Sparks, John Spinks, Abraham " John Spratley, John Spence, Alexander John Spencer, J. B. Speight, John Spero, John Springhalt, John Squires, James Standing, Benjamin Stanley, William Stapleton, William Steadman, Joseph Steel, James Stephenson, George Stevens, George John Stewart, Alexander " David " Henry " James " James " Kirkman William " William S. Stirling, Andrew Stoker, James Stokes, Henry B. Storey, Edward Strafford, Eliza Strachan, Robert Stringer, Edward Stroude, William Stubbs, Thomas Stack, John Stanton, John Stafford, Robert William Starkey, Joshua Stanwell, Richard Stewart, Samuel Steele, William S. Stephens, Charles " William Stephenson, William Stewart, James Stone, Edwin " John Stnbbs, George Sturmey, Benjamin Sullivan, John Summerfield, William Sugg, Solomon Suttcliffe, John Stonehurst, Thomas Sprent, John Seeley, Edward Sullivan, James " Michael " Timothy Summerfield, John Sweeny, William Swords, William Syme, Peter Symonds, John A. Scott, Sarah Semple, Robert Sharp, John Shoeman, John Simpson, William Soles, George Sutherland, James Symes, James Throssell, George Tindale,John Tingle, A. A. Tipple, Thomas Toole, David Trainer, Thomas Trigg, Thomas Trimnell, Charles Trenowith, H. Turnbull, James Tucker, Henry Turner, Thomas " William Tyacks, Joseph Tyler, Eliza Tapper, William Thompson, Robert Taylor, J. T. E. Thomas, Charles Thomson, Robert Tweedale, James Tyte, Samuel Thatcher, James Tait, John Talbot, John Taylor, E. S. " John " Richard Ternan, M. J.E. Terrett, R. Terry, Ellen " John " John " William Theill, Auguste Thomas, David Evan " Frederick " George " John " Samuel 148 INTESTATES. Thomas, Thomas Thompson, Alex. H. G. A. " James John John J. S. " Kichard William " Francis Thomson, James John JohnT. William Thornhill, William Taylor, John ' ' J ohn " Peter H. " Joseph Tegg, James Telford, John Tester, William Tidswell, Joseph Tindall, Charles J. Thomas, James ' ' John Thompson, James ' ' Kichard " Thomas William " William Thomas Thorne, George Tompkins, Jasan " Susan Todd, William Torpy, Michael Trainer, James Tripp, Samuel Tucker, Cornelius " John Tunell, Robert Tappin, George Turner, Joseph Tute, Samuel Tynan, Samuel Taylor, John " Sarah Thompson, Mary Trotter, Thomas Tuite, Elizabeth Talley, Peter J. Taylor, Charles Tesser, John Tinker, Mary Trevors, Mary U Underwood, Henry Urquhart, Alexander John Ustril, John Uxay, Mary Ann Urquhart, Duncan Valentine, John William Yaughan, John Victualler, — Viney, Richard Vicars, George Venables, Thomas Vewles, Thomas Vincent, James Vansittart, William W Ward, James Whitehead, R. T. Walsh, William Watkins, John R. Watson , David Wells, Thomas Whitaker, George White, William Warr, James West, James Williams, Thomas " James ' ' Edward Watson, Daniel Way, Dr. John Wilson, William Work, James Wray, James Wake, William J. Wakefield, Isaac Wainfield, John Wackham, George Walch, Edward Wadley, Charles Waldron, John Wallace, Nicholas Ward, Edward " Joseph Ware, William Warren, John Watkins, William Waters, William Watson, James Waddle, Archibald Wagner, John Walker, Charles " James John " William Wallace, James J. M. Wallen, James Walters, Edward ' ' Frederick Waunell, John Ward, Frederick W. " Rev.G. " Robert " William Warde, George Warren, James ' ' John " Joshua Waters, Ann Watson, John " Joseph Thomas Watts, John " Samuel Webb, Henry ' ' Joseph " Henry Weight, John Welch, Patrick Wells, Thomas Wenham, Elizabeth White, George " Moses " Thomas " Thomas ' ' Daniel Whitehead, William Whiteman, Edward Webb, John ' ' Thomas Webster, John " John " Susannah Wells, Charles West, John Whelan, Edward Whipman, T. W. White, Alexander M. " JohnD. ' George " Philip Whitehead, John Whitehouse, W. T. INTESTATES. 149 Whitson, Frank Whittaker, Thomas Wiewhardt, Carl Wigley, John Willards, James Willcox, TV. B. Wilkinson, James Williams, Edward " David " James John " John " Morgan D. Thomas F. " Thomas Williamson, Archibald John John Wills, John Wilson, Benjamin " James John " Joseph Peter " Thomas " William William S. Winn, George Winter, Benjamin Witham, John Witson, George Wilton, W. J. Wisenden, F. Wilkinson, George Williams, Charles " Daniel " George " Henry " Samuel G. " Thomas ' ' William Wilmott, Thomas Willway, James Wilson, Henry " James Robert " Richard " Thomas " James " Alexander " Samuel Wilton, Henry Worthington, John Wotherspoon, Oswald Wright, Benjamin " James " George Winters, William White, Joseph Worth, J. W. Wilson, James Williams, Horace Williams, Frank Welch, Ann Walch, Matthew Welch, Anna Wells, Joseph C. Willis, Jessie Wilson, Anna Wood, James Woodworth, Augusta Wormby, James Wolfenden, Thomas Wood, E. 0. " George " James Woodcock, Louisa M. Woodhouse, Mary Wright, Ann " John Wyatt, Arthur M. Young, Jane " James " Joseph Yardley, Thomas Yates, Gordon Young, Henry " John " John ADDENDA TO GENERAL INDEX. Adams, James R., living 1838 Adderton, John, baker Adcock, Mary A., frmly Cattley Adam, William, of Middlesex 1812 Adams, Adam, d Scotland " Jean, frmly Crammond " Charles, d Scotland Agnese, Joseph M. L., d London Ager Charles, d Middlesex 1870 Agge, John James B. Atlardice, John G. , of London 1857 Alexander, Mary, frmly Manning Allen, Mary Ambrose, Mary A., d Devon 1871 Anning, William, of Axminster Andrews, John, of Devon ' '• Captain Ansell, Solomon, son of Thomas " Sarah, frmly Fenn Anderson, Isabella, o'icise Gibson Andrews, Thomas W., d abroad " James, d Surrey Anderson, John \ of Charlestown Alex. \ 1806 Appleton, Sarah, frmly Usher Apthorpe, Mrs. Armistead, Henry, d abroad 1870 Armstrong, Henry, of Eeigate Arnold, Thomas, d abroad Arkinstall, Joseph, of Staffordshire Armstrong,George, of Middlesex 1839 Arrowsmith, John, d Middlesex 1873 Atkinson, John P., of London " William \ of the Isle " Kate S of Man " Christopher W. William, of Liverpool " William George Ashcroft, James, Sergeant R. A. Ash, Mrs. Ashley, Sarah, d Wilts, 1869 Austin, John, of Surrey 1830 Aylott, William, d abroad B Bailey, Lewis, of Northamptonshire Barton, Alfred, d abroad 1859 Badcock, William K., of Taunton Bassett, Elizabeth, d Middlesex 1869 Bardon, Jane, dau. of Thomas Banks, Philip H., of Birmingham Barrett, William, d London 1848 Banks, Elizabeth, d Middlesex 1859 Baxter, William James Barnes, William, d Middlesex 1817 Bannister, Henrietta, wife of John Bagnall, Catherine Bailey, Samuel, d Sheffield 1870 Bates, Mary, d London Bate, Lucretia, of Devon Barker, John W., d Middlesex 1871 Barry, Patrick, of Essex Bacon, Joseph, of Middlesex 1810 ; Barnes, W., of Herts Bacon, Jane, born at Norwich Bashford, Edward, footman Barry, James, of Kent Barton, Samuel \ f Ar nT iphPofPeckham " Frances ) Curtis, Jarvis, of Gloucestershire " Thomas, of Lincolnshire " Susan, o'wise Twell Culverwell, Richard, of Marylebone Curling, William Cummings, James, d Liverpool 1870 Cuffley, Benjamin PL, of Essex,^1843 Cupples, Theresa Jane Cusack, Thomas, of Dublin Curine, William H., of Dorset Davis, Richard, of Middlesex 1824 ' ' Mary, frmly Porter Da vies, Jane, o'wise Macallister " Daniel, d Cheltenham 1853 " Benjamin " Samuel Davis, Charles, of Camberwell Dands, Joseph, of Bristol Danson, William, of Bristol 1825 Davison, Sarah J., d Middlesex 1871 Dawson, Frederick M., barrister Davies, Mrs., widow Day, Mary Ann, dau. of William Davis, Joseph, of London Day, John, son of Thomas Davis, Alliss, of London 1835 Daviet, Sarah, d York 1864 Davidson, James, d Scotland 1823 Dallaway, Joseph, surgeon R N" Davey, John B., of Exeter Dallas, Peter, d Glasgow 1872 Dallas Family, of Islay Deming, Mary A., w Hyde Park Derner, Charles, of Madgeburgh Derinzy, William P., of Wexford Debnam,Mary | ofWarminstor Dennent, William Deeley, Edwin, seaman Denley, William, servant Dennis, George, of Mansfield Dean, Samuel, of London Deane, Martha R. D'Espourin, Miss Deacon, William E., of Reading Delbosque, Madeline, of Brompton Demold, Charlotte, frmly Gasquet Delaforce, John, of Surrey 1838 Dixon, Samuel, d abroad 1846 Dixon, Elizabeth, frmly Scaf e GENERAL INDEX. 155 Dixon, Samuel, d Gravesend Dickie, Charles, of Deptforcl Dillon, Amelia, Ann Dixon, Hannah, wife of John Dickinson, James, of Lancaster Dickson, John, of London 1813 Doig, Andrew Wood " Hannah Charlotte Dove, Beata, o'wise Wicker Dore, Kesiah, o'wise Wicker Dove, Mary Ann, of Herts Doyle, Thomas, of Southwark Douglas, Arthur, of Lancashire Donkin, G-. R., Lieut. R ]S" Dow, Thomas, d Perthshire 1858 Dod, John, living 1760 Dove, Eliza, w Middlesex Douglas, Fredr., born in Shoreditch Dore, Frank, left England in 1870 Dow, James, of Edinburgh Doonnan, Charles C, of London Drausfield, Judith, frmly Hill Drage, John D L , of Sutton Dryborough, Mary B., d Kent 1869 Drew, Alexander, of London 1810 Drake, Sarah, d Essex 1859 Dugard, Thomas, of Islington Dunlop, James, d Liverpool 1870 Dunn, John, of Truro 1860 Dunneady, Joseph, of Dublin Duncan, Anna, of Morpeth Dunn, Frances, w 1829 Dugmore, Dorothy A. ,o'wise Thomp- son Dubble, William, d India Dyer, Louisa, of Finsbury I Eaton, Edmund, d Australia 1872 Ebert, Frances, d Sheffield 1871 Eccles, David, of Yorkshire Ede, Charles, of Cornwall Edie, Robert, of London 1810 Edwards, Thomas, of London 1856 " Harriott, of Sussex " James, of Middlesex " Ann, o'wise Weeks " Ann, o' wise Bradbury " Samuel, pensioner Edmett, Thomas, d Kent 1871 Edwards, William, d Middlesex Edgar, Robert, of Newfoundland Ellis, Thomas, of Essex 18, r 58 Elliott, Janet, o'wise Hume " John, silversmith Elvin, Joseph, d Middlesex 1870 Elev, Mary, o'wise Redford Eld'ridge, Elizabeth, of London 1825 Elder, Joseph, d Birmingham 1870 Elwin, Harriett, o'wise Elliott Elliott, John, of London 1821 Elsworthy, William, gardener ' ' Mary, frmly Burghope Elsby, John, of India 1811 Elliott, Arscott, of London 1860 " George, of Rochester Emery, William " Joseph Emrie, Margaret E. M. J. Em wright, John T., d Hants 1869 Enson, Mary Ann \ f Flthqrn EramaB. J ol Eltliam English, Robert, of London English, Ann, frmly Hillyer Erratt, Fanny, frmly Burbidge Evans, Richard A. " Mary Ann " James, of London 1806 " George Francis :: ~ | living^ Eyres, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Eycott, John N. H.,of Gloucester 1857 Farra, Joseph, of Liverpool Fairbairn, Robert K. Fallon, Jane, firmly Bacon Farmer, Thohias, of Haddington Farrand, George, son of Esther Faulksham, Mary, o'wise Benson Ferguson, William J., r? Ireland 1869 Fenton, David, of Middlesex 1825 Fernandez, J. D., of Jamaica Ffrench, Michael, d Middlesex 1843 Finlay, David, of Scotland Fitzgibbon, Margaret, of Surrey " Mary ) Irvine, Robert, d Scotland 1870 Jackson, Elizabeth, frmly Hill Jamaica, unsettled Chancery causes Jackson, George, schoolmaster " Sarah A. Jacobs, William, of Dover Jackson, Jane, d Middlesex 1808 Jeffreys, Mary Maria, of Jersey Jenkins, Georgina H. , d Swansea Jennison, Thomas, lived in Surrey Jermyn, Emily, of London 1860 Jerningham Edward, of Westminster Jenkinson, Elizabeth, of Middlesex Jennings, John, d Essex 1841 Jiggs, Daniel, d Horncastle 1844 Jones, Carolina M., of Limehouse " Helena S., d abroad 1872 " William, of Carmarthen William, of Bath " Mary Ann " Sophia, of Pentonville " William, private 10th Foot " John, of Tottenham William C. " Thomas, of Islington " Charles, of Herefordshire ' ' George " Samuel, son of Edward " Frederick, of Southwark " Edward, of Ruthin 1854 " Robert T., of Ipswich Johnson, Sarah, d Suffolk 1795 " Alexander, of Surrey 1860 " Thomas, of Warwickshire Johnson, Mary, d Hereford 1869 " Cornelius, d Stepney " Ann " Lorenzo C, of Stepney Joyce, Charles, of Lancashire Joynt, Mary, of Mile End Judge, Elizabeth A. ) of London " Joseph J 1823 K Keen, Lieut. W., son of Robert Keay, Mary Ann, d Dumfries 1870 Kettlewell, Thomas, of Yorksh. 1803 Kean, James, of London 1848 Kemp, Ann, d Middlesex 1871 Kersopp, Christopher, of Newcastle Kelly, Margaret Kenny, Edward William Kean, William, b in Wales K - mP ' MaTy \ of Southwark 1780 Keane, William, d abroad Kempton, Sophia, of Shoreditch 1860 Kennedy, Mary, d abroad 1872 Kerr, Jonathan D., of Edinburgh King, Samuel, d Surrey 1867 " Maria, of Suffolk " Charles M., d Surrey Kingston, Mary, d Middlesex King, William, of London Kidd, W. J. P., d Scotland 1870 Kinton, Janet, d abroad 1872 Knight, Elizabeth M., of Bromley Knott, Harry, went to America Kyan, Ellen, d Guernsey 1870 Layde, James, of Clevedon Lawson, Caesar, d Southport 1869 Lauder, William, son of John Lardner, Ann Langley, Henry, joiner Lacy, Edward, dKent 1871 Lawson, Alice, widow Lambert, , d abroad Lawes, Mary A., of Middlesex 1864 Lane, Robert C, of Devon 1870 Lawrence, Emma, servant Larchin, Mary, d about 1810 Lawdey, Charles A. " Frances M., of Middlesex Lavender, John, of London Laskey, James, of Middlesex GENERAL INDEX. 159 Laskie, David J., d Middlesex 1868 Lane, William, of Clerkenwell Lessley, Charles, butler 1818 Leavesley, Dorothy, d Cheshire 1869 Lediard,M. F. A., d Leiscest'she 1868 'Leiscester, Frederick Rev. Lee, Edward F. , of London Leicester, Peter, of Manchester 1835 Lee, Thomas, of Birmingham Levitt, Lewis, of London 1832 Lee, James, of Yorkshire 1849 " Caroline, servant Leach, Charles, of Kent Lewis, Eliza, o'tcise Clarke Litchiquary, Mary Llewellyn, 'Anna M., o'wise Martin Lock, James, of Putney 1831 Lonsdale, Maria F. L. Logan, Mary, w of James Lowe, William, d abroad Lodder, Thomas, d Middlesex 1871 Longhurst, Samuel, d Yorkshire Lowrie, Jane, o'wise Phiilips Lowe Family Loran, Kate, of London Low, William, d India Loughiin, John, gunner R. A. " Michael, of Dublin Loughran, James, of Dublin Lanigan, James, of Scotland Luxford, William Lushington, Anna N\,of Matlock 1844 Lynne, Jane, of Bognor Lyle, William G-., of London M Mawson, Percival, w T ent abroad Matthews, John, of Walworth Martin, Anna M. Mason, Anna M., d Middlesex 1869 Martin, Thomas, of Clerkenwell Matthews, Ruth, of Bristol Martens, Sophia D., of Margate 1868 Main, James, sow of Edward Manning, Ann, of Notts Matthews, James H., of Middlesex Manning, Anna, o'icise Hentley Man gin, Warren G., d Middlesex 1871 Mangin, Samuel H. Manning, Mary, dau. of John Mayne, Mary, of London Martin, Elizabeth, frmly Wood Mason, Henrv Swaine Maxwell, Mary Ann, d Kent Maltman, Gavin, of Scotland Maclntyre, , of Mile End 1867 Marrin, Walter, of Ireland Maid well, Francis, d Suffolk 1871 Mackenzie, Elizabeth, of Paris Martin, Mary Jane, w " David, of Whitechapel Margrove, Rachel, d Middlesex 1872 Manning, Sarah, d 1865 Mawer, William, of Gateshead Mann, Abraham, of London 1830 Mahon, James, of Dublin Maguire, Patrick, of Dublin Malyn, Henry, of Middlesex 1824 ' ' Mary A. , frmly Porter Markham, Sarah, of Ireland Mahony, Joseph R., of London Macallister, Jane, d Doncaster 1870 Maslen, William J., d Surrey 1870 May, William Marshall, Mary, o'wise Goldsmith McNabb, Henry, d Lancashire 1856 " Family, of Tyione McLerman, Roderick McFarlane, Margaret, d London 1866 McLay, Helen, o'wise Spiers McKernan, John, of Dublin McEwen, Jonah, of Glasgow " Family McViccar, Duncan, d 1866 McNeal, Daniel, of London 1810 " Family, London McHugh, Lyd\n, frmly Wilkins McPherson, John, d India McConnell, R, C, d India McCrummen, Norman S., d 1871 McArdle, Charles, surgeon McQueen, Elizabeth, o'loi&e Gordon McEwan, John, d America " James McKerroll, Isabella Merredith, Michael, d Middlesex 1865 Mellor, Frances M., of Australia Meredith, Elzbth. M., d Surrey 1872 Mercer, Andrew, d Canada 1871 % Meacher, Esther, o'wise Roy Mears, Mary, dau, of Thomas Metcalfe, William, d Surrey 1836 ' Meighan, Richard, of Kevin's Por.t Miers, Samuel, d Leeds 1866 Miller, Charlotte, of Bray Millner, John, of Dublin" Miller, Clara, frmly Ward Mitchell, Ann, frmly Tomlinson Millbanke, Elizabeth, of Kent 1860 160 ADDENDA TO Mitchison, George B., d Surrey 1871 Mills, Richard, of Tarring Miles, John, d Middlesex 1866 Miller, James, of Scotland Milne, John G. Molineaux, William, printer 1834 Moses, Moses, of London 1856 Morley, Matthias, of South wark 1830 Morcombe, Elizabeth, of Taunton Morgan, Margaret, d London 1865 Morley, Robert, solicitor 1790 Morgan, David, of Dalston 1870 Morton, J., of Australia 1856 Molyneaux, Edward, d before 1828 Morgan, William, tin-plate worker " Margaret, dau. of Ann " Phillip, d Herefordshire Monk, Daniel J., of Middlesex 1810 Morgan, Cornelia, of Bristol Moore, G., d abroad 1863 Motham, Charles, of London Mouat, Henry, d abroad Moss, Elizabeth, d Surrey 1870 Morine, George, of Doncaster, d 1872 Morley, George, d Yorkshire 1866 Morrison, Sarah, w of Thomas Morris, Joseph, d Ramsgate Moore, Thomas, son of Isaac Moodeey, Richard, of London 1699 Moreton, Samuel H., d Liverpool 1869 Moore, David, b in Edinburgh Morse, Robert, son of John Murphy, Humphrey, of 17th Regt. " Barnaby, of Dublin Murray, Robert, of London 1835 Munro, Hugh, d abroad Mullett, John, of Chelsea 1860 Munro, William, railway contractor Murney, George " Edward Myers, Thomas, of E I C Service N Nash, John, d Bristol 1822 " William, living 1818 Naylor, , d abroad Newnes, George Newman, William S., d Chester 1872 Nest, Eliza, of Gloucester Nee Family Nelson, William, d abroad Negri, Lucie, o'zoise Phillips Newman, John, of Chelsea Nee, Edward, of London 1813 Neucabie, Henry S., d Lincoln 1869 Nicholas, Sarah, d Worcester Nicholson, Theodocia Nish, Thomas M., of Glasgow Nolte, John A., merchant Norris, William, d Bath 1832 Norton, Henry, d Middlesex 1843 Norman, Eliza, o'wise Gardner Nudd, James, of Norfolk Nugent, William S., d abroad Nye Family Oaks, Mary, frmly Tomlinson Oakley, William W., of Clerkenwell O'Brien, Emma Eliza, w 1836 " John of Dublin " Thomas F., seaman " John, of Ireland Ockerby, James T., of Hull O'Farrell, John, of Dublin " Andrew Ogilvie, Francis M.,/rm^01dfield Ohren, Margeret " Emma O'Keefe, Arthur, of Dublin Okey, Thomas, of Bristol Olivant, Betty, of Lancashire 1869 Oldfield, James, d Middlesex 1857 Oldroyd, Mary, wife of Thomas Oldham, Thomas C, of London Olding, John, of Southampton Ommanney, John, of Hants 1768 Ormiston, Robert, of Edinburgh Oxford, Thomas, d Lancashire 1810 Osborne, Elizabeth, of Kent 1835 " Mary Ann, d Staffordshire " William, of Northampton O 'Sullivan, John L. ) of North " Susan R. j America Otter, Denis, son of William Owen, Henry Hugh, d abroad Oxley, Charles, of Camberwell Patterson, Charlotte, d Middlesex Parker, Eleanor E., of Hoxton 1862 Parry, Elizabeth, w London Parker, Sarah, frmly Fisher Page, Ann, d Surrey 1855 Parker, Eliza P. W., of London 1840 Paull, Frances, frmly Andrews Paterson, Thomas A., of Putney GENERAL INDEX. 161 Page, Elizabeth, of Kent Paine, Richard, lived in Walworth Park, Diana, d abroad Parker, Mrs., o'wise Kawlinson Payne, William, d America " Family- Paling. Catherine, of Northampton- shire Paine, Sophia M. C. Parrot, Louisa C. Parsons, Elizabeth, d 1862 Palmer, Sarah, of Surrey Paske, John C, d abroad Park, Marian, wife of Adam Palmer, Thomas R., d Middlesex Pain, John H. Palmer, Isabella Parkins, , sheriff 1829 Patterson, William, of Kevin's Point Parker, Robert W., d Manchester 1872 Paterson, Henry Penaluna, Thomas, d Kent 1871 Peterson, T., of Liverpool Pearcv, Matthew, of London 1828 Perl, Jacob M., of London 1865 Pearse, Agnes, of Middlesex 1852 Peacock, Amelia, of Camberwell Pearce, James E., d Middlesex 1869 Peacock, Isabella, servant Percival, James, of Cheshire d 1806 Pearson, Eve, d Surrey Peche, Charles, d Middlesex 1828 Pearce, M. A., d abroad 1868 Pitkin, Hannah, d Bucks 1869 Pine, Agnes Miller, w Pilkington, Diana George, of York Pike, George, of Kent 1815 Pither, Charles, of Hants Pick, William, of Yorkshire Pickworth, William John Pillar, Anna M., d Surrey 1872 Pilcher, James, of Chelsea Pittman, Frederick, of Sandwich Pickett, William, d Middlesex Phelps, Philip H. F., d Sussex 1872 Phillip, Robert, d Scotland 1868 Phillips, John, of Carmarthen " Thomas, d Australia William, of Surrey 1810 Phillip, Jane, o' icise Lourie Phillips, Herbert, servant Plowden, Edmund W. C, d Kent 1865 Plowman, John, d Middlesex 1852 Plomer, Thomas, of Dorset Porter, John, artist Pointon, Francis, d Herts 1866 Powell, Elizabeth, frmly Wheeler Potts, John, quarter-master Porrall, Richard, of Yorkshire Potter, Sarah, d Surrey 1869 Porter, Amelia A , of Islington " Mary A., o'wise Malyn " Mary, o'wise Davis " Sophia, o'wise George Postle, Edward, d abroad Prigent, Mary Frances C. Priest, Ellen, d Bristol 1870 Prosser, Mary, d Brecon 1870 Pretlove, David, d London 1831 " Hannah, d Middlesex 1872 Pullen, George " Samuel Pursey, Joseph, of Canterbury Putley, Francis, of Surrey Pursliouse, Mrs. Pyne Family Pyle, Edward, of Newcastle Ratray, Mary G., d Middlesex 1873 Randall, Richard " Ann, o'wise Wagstaff " Edward, groom Rawlinson, Alexander Ramsay, William, of Edinburgh 1826 " Margaret, d Glasgow 1872 Reynolds, Elizabeth, frmly Wheeler Rennolds, Susan, of London 1825 Read, Cordelia A., d Surrey 1871 Redford, Mary, frmly Eley Reeve, Thomas, of London 1831 Reader, Richard, of Kent Rea, Jane, of Kent, d 1818 Reilly, Bernard, d Ireland, 1871 "• 3££&t! of Africa 18G9 ! Reid, Catherine, frmly McEwen " William, of Glasgow " John J., <3 Surrey 1873 i Reilly, Valentine, of Ireland \ Reid, Miss A., of Bristol 1 Reynolds, Louisa, servant Rennie, Ann, d Middlesex 1873 Reid, John, cabinetmaker " George Rhoads, Mrs. John Richardson, Henry, d Middlesex 1869 | Rishworth, Thos., of Middlesex 1814 Ritchie, Nicol, of Newcastle 7 162 ADDENDA TO Ridge, Priscilla, d Surrey- Richardson, John A. B., of Essex Ritson, Daniel, of Liverpool Richards, John, of Exeter Rose, George F., d Middlesex 1872 Robertson, William, son of Andrew " David, of London 1812 " Alexander Roberts, William, of Marylebone 1845 Robertson, Thomas, of London 1835 Rose, Ellen, of London 1860 Robinson, Eliza, d Kent 1866 Roughton, John, d Notts 1819 Robb, Robert, d London 1870 Rolls, Edward John, of London Roberts, William, of London 1843 j Ross, David, Doctor of Medicine Rossiter, Elizabeth, d Bristol 1871 Roughton, Francis, of London Robertson, John, d Scotland 1870 " John, d about 1740 Rowles, Byron G., d abroad 1861 Roule Mrs. Mary Robertson, James, of Penrith Rose, John of London Roodhouse, Robert, of Wakefield Roy, Esther, frmly Meacher Rushton, Ann, d Warwickshire 1871 Rushby, Jane, dau. of Thomas Rumsey, Sarah A., frmly Chick William, of Bath Rubidge, Eleanor, of Camberwell Russell, William, of London Rumbold, George Samuel Rule, James, of Edinburgh Rudden, Ann, ^Surrey 1870 Rushby, Jemima, o'wise Hough J3yder, Mary Ann " Andrew Salmon, John, of Jamaica 1810 Sanderson, Henry, ship steward Savell, William, d Middlesex 1858 Sayers, Robert, son of Sarah Sanders, John, of Brenchley Sayer, Lydia, o'wise Wade Sadler, Edward T. , d India Saunders, William, d Gloucestershire Salisbury, John, d Middlesex 1853 Sayers, Benoit, of London Savage, Henry A., d abroad 1861 Saunders, Robert, of Australia 1865 Sawden, Elizabeth, frmly Beilby Sayer, Matilda, of Middlesex Sabine, Charles, of London 1836 Salomson, Samuel, of London Sandys, John W., d London Sandford, Edward, d London Savage, Charles, of Whitechapel 1831 Sambourne, Edward M., of London Saer, Margaret | ofCaermarthe]x Sclater, Thomas, d Greenwich 1835 Scarth, Elizabeth, frmly Tomlinson " Henry W. , d London 181 1 " Henry, d Surrey 1870 Scott, Walter, d Beds, 1843 " John, of Cumberland " Mary Ann, w Scholes, George, of Yorkshire Seheberras, Jane, born 1823 Scott, William, lived in Surrey Sellers, Harry B. " William, J. B. " Selina M. Selby, Thomas, of Brompton " Catharine, d Leicestersh 1869 Seed, William, of Lancashire Seggie, Peter, of West Calder Sevestre, Julia ) of " Henrietta C. $ Calcutta Sell, Thomas ) " Anne > of London " Mary ) Sheriden, John, of Kilmainham Sheppard, Elizabeth, living 1760 Shaw, Thomas H. , of Bedminster " Ann H.,d 1871 Sharland, Elizabeth H, of Devon " Thomas V., d Devon 1870 Shirra, David, of Edinburgh Sherratt, John, of Aberdeen Shaw, Hannah, frmly Hill Shepherd, John, d Cheshire 1871 Sharp, Martin, captain Shepley, George S, of Lancashire Sherman, Amy, of Chiswick 1780 Sienesi, Joseph Simpson, Mrs. , frmly Stewart Siddely, J., d abroad Sikes, George, of Dublin Silvester, W., baker Slyman, Anne, d Middlesex 1873 Slight, Thomas, d Hunts 1871 Sleap, Elizabeth, o'lcise Dixon Slattery, Mary, d Surrey 1872 Smith, James W., of London 1830 " Rose, o'wise Graham " William, of London 1810 GENERAL INDEX. 163 Smith, Margaret A., of Sussex 11 George, d London 1843 " Thomas, of Ryde 11 John, of Hereford " Thomas, lived at Leeds " Mrs., of Southwark ' ' George, went abroad 1854 " Henry, coachman ' ' Courtney, of London " James, ^Westminster 1873 " Robert, Lieut-Colonel " Jane, o'wise Hurst " Mary, of London " William, d Middlesex " William P. , of New Zealand " Ann, of Westminster 1817 11 Mary E. , d Somerset 1870 " George, d Middlesex 1842 ' ' John G., d Surrey 1861 " James, of Dublin " Charlotte, of Middlesex 1860 " Janet M., of Middlesex Smallbones, George B., d abroad 1873 Smart, Joshua, of Essex Smyth, Henry, d Sandown 1867 Smart, John, of London 1820 Soper, James, of Brighton Sowclen, William, went abroad Spellar, Mary, of Kent Spry, Matthew, of Exeter Spintall, Mary, o'wise Cottrall Squires, Mary, o'wise Bryan Steele, Richard, d abroad 1866 Story, Mary, of London Starr, Joseph ) resided " Rebecca $ in America 1 Street, Family of Pinner Stroud, Edward A., of Berks Starling, James, of Essex Stone, Henry Stannard, W. B., grocer Stephens, Stephen, of London Stewart, Mary A., of Hackney 1857 Steele, George, d abroad 1872 Stanley, Eleanor, d Middlesex 1872 Stephens, Robert, Rev. Stanford, William, d Chester 1872 Staples, Robt. P., of Middlesex 1837 j Steele, George, of Dalkeith Stobie, John, of Dumfermline Steel, Lieut. Royal Marines 1812 Stow, Ann, icife of William Strong, Henry, of Surrey 1848 Stratten, James, of Middlesex 1780 Stafford, T., o'wise Williams Still, Henry, born 1824 Still, Charles, born 1821 " Edmund, born, 1827 Steel, Robert H., of Suffolk Sterne, Henry L., of Jamaica Stewart, Margarey, d Scotland 1872 Sutherland, William Swaine, Bennett, of Lincolnshire Swanton, Francis, of London Swann, Anna, of London 1830 Symes, Charles P. \ _ - -n_ TOrtf ^ » 'William j o f Dorset Sym, Elizabeth, of Scotland Sykes, Judith, d Yorkshire 1828 Sumption, John, d Middlesex 1847 Talver, John, d Devon 1837 Taylor, Thomas, of Kent " James, d Scotland 1842 " William, of Marylebone " Richard T. W., d Cornwl. 1817 Tait, Margaret, of London 1828 Tarleton, John E., d Kent 1849 Taylor, John , son of Thomas Tarleton, William, of Tasmania Tayler, Richard, of London 1830 Tart, Obadiah " Mary, frmly Wheeler Taylor, James, d Middlesex 1872 " John, d Middlesex " Joseph, of Glo'ster " Esau, son of Thomas Terry, James, of Bath " Robert, son of John Tepper, Jabez, d Middlesex 1871 Thompson, John, tobacconist " Emma, of Homerton Thomas, William, tailor Thurnell, William, of London Threlfall, Elizabeth, frmly Seed Thomas, Robert, d abroad Thompson, Samuel, of London 1820 Thornton, Thomas, of Sussex Thompson, James, servant Thurlow, Thomas Thomas, Mrs., of Marylebone Thompson, Mary, of Middlesex Thomson, Andrew, of Selkirk Thompson, Dorothy . A., frmly Dug- more Thompson, Mary ) " Alfred \ of Pimlico " George ) Thomas, Anna M., dKent 1872 164 ADDENDA TO Tippler, Robert, of London 1850 Tilley, John, of Charleston 1806 Tiley, James, of Bath " Matthew Tibbenham, John, d Suffolk 1854 Tinclall, Jane, wife of George * ' ' Margery, wife of John Titcombe, Jane P., S Surrey Tobin, Michael, d Ireland 1866 Townsend, Sarah, frmly Wright Towers, John G., of London Todd, Henry J., of London 1846 Tomlinson, John " James " Samuel Tovey, James T., d India Toker, John Rev. Tripe, Anthony Rev. Trollope, Frances, d abroad 1872 Turnville, Ann, of Clevedon Turncock, Hannah, w Twiss, Charles Edward Twell, Susan, frmly Curtis Tyas, Esther, widow u Uholamb, Frederick W., of Pimlico Ullathorne, John Upton, William, d Middlesex 1872 Urquhart, C, d abroad 1870 ' ' Ann, frmly Cooper Usher, Samuel, d Middlesex V Valentine, George C. Vaters, John, of Frome Venton,JohnJ j f Plymouth " Francis J. J J Yickers, James, of Peckham Viney, Alfred, of Kidderminster w Watson, John, d 1831 Ward, Thomas, d 1836 Watson, Catherine, cZ Scotland 1870 Ward, Nathaniel, of Wisbeach Waters, Robert, of London 1831 Warn, Elizabeth, of Poplar Ward, Emma ) daus. Catherine s of Thomas Wade, Lydia, o'wise Layer Watts, Elizabeth, d Middlesex 1872 Warcup, William, d Yorkshire 1872 Watkins, Jeremiah, of London " Family Wallace, John, of London 1845 Warren, Alfred, of London 1865 Wakefield, John Davis Wagstaff, Ann, o'wise Randall Ward, James, sergeant 35th Foot Wallace, William, of W. Indies 1820 Wandby, Arthur J.,d Middlesex 1872 Wancly, George, d 1862 Waring, Henry " William Warner, Simeon, of Kent Wagstaff, Ann R., of London 1843 Wayne, Richard, went abroad 1760 Wailis, John, d Surrey Waters, Robert, of Middlesex Warwick, Emmanuel Warcle, John, of Berks Watkins, George, of London Wardell, James R., of London Ward, Eleanor, of York 1845 Watson, William, of Leeds Ward, Eliza Ward, Thomas William Wakerhill, Elizabeth, d Berks 1870 Watts, Caroline A., d Devon 1866 Webster, John C.,d Sussex 1850 Webb, Bethia, d 1800 Wells, William, of London 1839 Webb, Mary, of Birmingham Webster, William F., of London West, Martha " Anne Welham, Joseph, of Suffolk Wederburn, Thomas, of London Webb, Edward West, Thomas, of Oxford, d 1872 Weir, John ' ' Marion Weaver, Charles ) nf t?™ pv " Henry \ 0± Jissex Weston, Charles H., of Bow Wells, Daniel, of Sussex West, James, engineer Waterhall, Laetibia, of Melbourne West, Martha, of Battersea Welbum, Benjamin, of Hull " Charlotte White, Robert _ Wheeler, Charles, d Middlesex 1869 White, Thomas, of Surrey GENERAL INDEX. 165 'hittan, Thomas ' John )> of York 1 Joshua IWhur, Cornelius W., d abroad 1866 [White, George T., of London 1843 IWheeler, Mary, o'wise Tart 1 William, d Shropshire 1815 ' Elizabeth, o'wise Powell (Whitehead, Jonathan, d Essex 1873 John | Williams Family, 1824 ' John, of Hammersmith F^.™- | of London Wilkins, Sarah, d Surrey 1870 Wilson, Agnes, o'wise Evans Williams, Edmund, d Dorset 1873 ' William \ of London 1 Jane S 1805 Wilkinson, Janet, wife of John Williams, William, d London 1821 Withers, Mary, went abroad 1855 Wiltshire, Harriet E., d Hants Wilson, Martha, d Middlesex 1872 Wilkinson, Mrs. w Willers, William, living 1760 Wishart, James Wilkins, Lydia, o'wise McHugh Wilson, Mary, d Cheshire 1872 Alexander, of Cumberland Williams, James, d Liverpool Wilkie, James, d abroad 1825 " David, d Middlesex Willdigg, Hannah " William Winn, Elizabeth,, frmly Smith Winterbottom, John Wicker, Daniel, d Isle of Wight Wilson, Alexander ) - ,.„,., « Thomas j of Carlisle " John, of Liverpool " Jane, o'wise Byrne " Eobert, d abroad 1759 Williams, Williams, d Cardiff 1859 " Isaac, of Yeovill Willey, Catharine M., widow Williams, George, d Kent 1868 Williams, Thomas, d Surrey 1862 Wise, John, d Berks 1851 Williams, Maria, d Middlesex " Francis " Augustin Woods Family, Cheshire Wood, Elizabeth, o'wise Martin Woodroff, Thomas Worlding, Elizabeth M., d Middlesex 1835 Woodward, Edwin, d Middlesex 1871 Wood, John, d Northamptonshire 1870 " Charlotte, of London 1818 " William Henry, cooper W T oodman, Charles " Mary Wood, John, of Edinburgh " Alexander Woods, James P., of London Wood, Susan, servant " John, d Yorkshire 1872 Wright, Charles, of Whittlesea " Ellen, of Southwark 1850 Wriggles worth, James, of Southwark Wyatt, William H., of London 1818 Wylie, Alexander, of Scotland Wyatt, A., of Brompton Wymas Family Wymas Family Yates, Catherine " Frances it., frmly Symendson " Matthew L., living 1816 " Francis, of London 1810 Yeatts, John ' ' Alexander " Jane " Maria Youatt, William, surgeon Youart, Frank, shoemaker Young, Eobert, of Surrey George W., of Essex 1860 William, d Essex 1870 Yoxall, John George lit' W :tf&': 1?* -111: *tS* Wi VV,S *<^** r wbb$ ' i si b • \ - nni ■imSMIIilBll BBMi aweaBB MM IotImBS8ct» mmpmmEt *"mR mm mam BWHH hss LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 027 211 075 A .