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Page Hermetic Philosophy 131 The Hermetic Brotherhood 137 The Atlantean Brotherhood 143 The Maya Brotherhood 149 The Akkadian Brotherhood 157 The Chaldean Brotherhood 163 The Egyptian Brotherhood 169 The Persian Brotherhood 179 The Hermetic Brotherhood of Elephantis 183 PREFACE. The "Stanzas of Dzjn'' is a book of poetry, dealing with the history of Creative Evolution from the ear- liest dawn of Creative Action down to the final con- summation, when the Universe returns into the Bosom of Infinity. There are reasons for believing that in its original Form, it was the product of the Nagas of Ancient India, though as we have it now, it is un- doubtedly influenced greatly by Hindoo and Thibetan elements. . These Stanzas have for a number of cen- turies been in the custody of the Buddhist Monas- teries of Lahdak. It was there that Madame Bla- vatsky obtained a number of the Stanzas. Some of these she published together with her Commentaries, under the Title of The Secret Doctrine as Anthropo- genesis, and Cosmogenesis. These Stanzas and Com- mentaries will be found in the First and Second Vol- umes of the Secret Doctrine. It was her intention to later on publish certain of the Stanzas following these, but her untimely death prevented this. The later Stanzas dealing with Theo- genesis, or the Evolution of the Divine Nature in Man, remained unpublished for a number of years. In the course of time, they fell into the hands of Thg Temple of the People, who published them in the Temple Artisan. In this way they fell into the hands of the Author, who was requested to write a Com- mentary on them. This he did, the Temple of the People promising to publish it. He has now waited two years, and they have made not the slightest move in that direction, and hence it becomes evident that if the public are ever to have the benefit of these Com- mentaries, he must publish them himself. Through the Hermetic Publishing Company, he is now able to bring them out. He has determined to add to them certain articles dealing with Hermetic Philosophy, in order that the reader may the better understand the principles enunciated in the Commentary, these Ar- ticles will be found in the Second Part of the book. The Author trusts that this volume will enable the reader to better understand the Esoteric Kosmogany of the Ancients. He begs to assure the reader that this work is authoritative, and is the last word in such matters, as he has full authority to speak in regard to all Hermetic Mysteries. His reason for publishing these matters at this time is the fact that he is con- vinced that we are now living in the time of the Great Transition, and that those things which have been kept secret for ages must now be revealed. He acknowledges his indebtedness to the Temple Artisan for the Text of the Stanzas, from which pub- lication it was taken. In offering to the public a work on Transcendental Occultism, particularly one dealing with the subject from a purely Kosmical standpoint, the Author real- izes that he has much opposition to overcome, on account of the Individualistic view that has grown up in this country, but at the same time, he feels that the interest of Truth and Progress demands that he shall take this stand, and in this spirit, he hands to the people this work on Creative Evolution, viewed from the Esoteric and Hermetic standpoint, feeling that it is the greatest contribution to Hermetic Liter- ature thus far given to the world. DR. A. S. RALEIGH, Master Elder Brother, Hermetic Brotherhood of Atlantis. Oceano, Calif., Dec. 1st, 1914. THEOGENESIS THE STANZAS OF DZJN There has been some criticism recently as to the authenticity of the Stanzas of Dzjn, which, together with the Commentaries, have been run in serial form in the columns of Temple Talks. It has been alleged by some of our readers and others who are not our readers that they are not authentic, but are in fact Astral Rub- bish. This accusation has been brought against them by the editor of the Word, and by at least two other persons who are looked upon by many as authorities on occult matters. Some of these criticisms are based upon a lack of confidence in the Temple of the People, who first brought these Stanzas to the notice of the public, while others evidently do not like some of the things stated in the Stanzas. Now it is evident that in literary criticism we must confine our criticism to the merits of the particular piece of literature, and not be influenced by our opinion of those who have given it circulation. The real question for each one of us to solve is this : Do the Stanzas upon their face indicate that they are authentic? The question of authenticity is in reality a question of whether they are a bona fide continuation of the Stanzas commented upon in the Secret Doctrine, or forgeries that are designed to pass for such continuation. In criticism of this nature there are but two elements that may enter into the equation, viz., style and the nature of the Doctrines taught. The style of the Stan- zas of Theogenesis and that of the Stanzas of Kosmo- genesis and Anthropogenesis is identical. This dem- onstrates that they were all written by the same party, or else that the Stanzas of Theogenesis were forged by some one able to exactly duplicate the style of the original Stanzas. When one realizes the great diffi- culty which anyone meets with in an effort to dupli- cate the style of another this seems impossible. Then we must bear in mind that in this case the difficulty is greatly increased by reason of the fact that there are in both sections of the Stanzas numerous technical terms belonging to a Dead Language with which not one connected with the Temple of the People is at all familiar, and also that there are technical terms con- THE STANZAS OF DZJN. nected with religious ideas as well as philosophical doctrines of which the leaders of the Temple of the People are entirely ignorant. Add to this the fact that these Stanzas are in the form of Oriental Poetry, and that the meter had to be preserved as well as all the other matters, the difficulty in the way of a forgery that would not be transparent at first glance becomes well nigh unsurmountable. Now, when we come to the other element of criti- cism, viz., that of Doctrine, the difficulty in the way of forgery becomes even greater. It is to be borne in mind that the Stanzas of Dzjn are in reality a work on Creative Evolution. The Stanzas of Kosmogenesis deal with the Evolutionary Forces that were operative in the engendering of the Kosmos. Throughout this entire series there is presented a certain theory of Evo- lution. In the Stanzas of Anthropogenesis this same Theory of Evolution is applied to the generation of Man, showing that it is the same system that is opera- tive throughout the two sections of the Stanzas. Now, in the Stanzas of Theogenesis we find the workings of the Creative Evolutionary Process applied to the Evo- lution of Godhood in Man. It is evident that Theo- genesis gives to us the workings of the identical forces that have in the past evolved the Kosmos and Man. Not only is this true, but it is the same Theory of Evo- lution that is brought out in these later Stanzas. The Stanzas of Theogenesis give us exactly what we would expect to find as a result of what was given in the previous Stanzas, provided we understood the Theory taught in the former Stanzas. That is to say, Theo- genesis is the logical outgrowth of Anthropogenesis. Now it may be alleged that Mrs. La Due and Dr. Dower were familiar with the Principles involved, and that they formulated a system of Stanzas that would give expression to the same Principles. This would apply if they knew the inner meaning of the former Stanzas and had the Logical capacity to work out the future Evolution of Man, neither of which propositions is true of them. There is another matter that must be taken into con- sideration at this stage of our inquiry. There has at all times been an Esoteric Science of Evolution, which has been fully understood by certain men. This Sci- THEOGENESIS ence not only covers the Evolution of the past, but, dealing in Universal Principles, covers that which is to be. There are those who perfectly understand this Evolutionary Process and what the work of Theogen- esis will be. Now the Stanzas of Theogenesis in their entirety, so far as their Inner Meaning is concerned, are an exact duplicate of that Esoteric Tradition as to the Future work of Creative Evolution. Is this a coin- cidence ? Or was the Author of them familiar with the Esoteric Science of Creative Evolution and was he writing in the form of Poetry that which we know to be the true Science of Theogenesis? This Esoteric Key is not known to either B. S., R. S. or to the Author of the Commentary signed by the Symbol of Hilarian, whoever he might be. We know this, for their Com- mentaries manifest the grossest ignorance of the Eso- teric Meaning of the Stanzas, and therefore we know that neither one of them is in possession of the Eso- teric Tradition. Is it at all likely that one ignorant of the Esoteric Science could write something in which the Esoteric Science was perfectly revealed and never make a single mistake? However, this is not all that we have to consider. The Esoteric Science makes use of a definite system of Symbolism, therefore the Tradition can either be writ- ten in philosophic terms or else in the form of the Sa- cred Symbolism. Were an Epopt to undertake to write a work on Theogenesis in the language of Sacred Sym- bolism he would use every one of the Symbols used in our Stanzas in exactly the same sense as they are there used. We know that the persons who are ac- cused of forging these Stanzas did not know the Sacred Symbols, for in their Commentaries they have mani- fested the most erroneous views concerning them, not- withstanding the fact that they had previously had access to a Commentary giving their correct meaning. When people are so ignorant of the meaning of the Sacred Symbols that they cannot recognize the true interpretation when they see it, is it at all reasonable to suppose that they will be able to make use of them in their exact sense while making a forgery? Given a person ignorant of the Esoteric Tradition and likewise of the Sacred Symbols, is it at all probable that he will stumble onto a method by which he can write the Eso- 8 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. teric Tradition in the form of its proper Symbols? Will Mrs. La Due's bitterest enemies assert that she is a master of the Mystery of the Sacred Animals? Yet those Sacred Animals are made use of in the Stanzas of Theogenesis in the sense in which none but a Be- holder could use them. If those Stanzas were origin- ally written in the Temple, they were written by an Epopt, and I do not presume that the most militant member of the Temple would assert that there are any Epoptae at Halcyon ! Furthermore, there are matters taught in the Stanzas that the Temple does not accept. In the Commentary now running in Temple Talks it is conclusively proven that, according to the Stanzas, we are now in the Sixth Round, and that the 10th Ava- tar is now living upon the Earth, and this is flatly con- trary to the Teaching of the Temple. Is it at all likely that they would consciously put out something that contradicted their own teaching? If they understood the Inner Meaning of the Stanzas they would teach altogether different to what they do. Is it thinkable that a people would forge something that they them- selves did not understand? Forgeries are not made in that way. For the reasons above indicated, and for others which we have no space to enumerate, it is evi- dent that the Stanzas are an authentic fragment of the Esoteric Tradition, and that therefore the Temple of the People has merely passed it on to others. THEOGENESIS THE STANZAS OF DZJN. THEOGENESIS. (Text: Temple Artisan, 1906, 1912, 1913.) Stanza I. 1. Since Fohat gathered two lines of fire in a close embrace, forming a circle of flame to make room for the feet of the Fifth, have the demi-Gods been filling that Kosmic field with images of themselves. 2. To and fro have the first-born run, darting be- hind each Flaming Sword that sprang from the head of the Mighty One, while seeking for Pasture against the day of the birth of the great Red Cow. The milk of that cow will gather and flow in rivers of Water and Wine to quench the thirst of the twice-born Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire. Stanza II. 3. Said the Radiant One to the Shining Face: I will cause a shade to cover thee for a day and a night of time. I will brood thy young, and bring them forth in strength and might when the shade has passed from thy face and thou shinest forth once more. 4. For thou shalt shine again with seven-fold light, and the face of thy First-born Son shall reflect the light that shines from thine own. The black and brown shall be no more, and the golden-hued shall awaken from sleep, and rule as they ruled of yore. 5. Fire and flood, acid and blood, shall flow in streams and drench the star with the blackened face. The once bright sons of the demi-Gods have cast deep shadows upon that face ; they have stolen the fire that lightened its eyes and molded it into a gleaming mass to fetter and bind their once lithe limbs. Vengeance swift will overtake and cast them into the pit. 6. When the circle of flame shall open again and the line of life be loosed from thrall, the five will fall into the six, and Surabhi's teats will deliver four doves — each bearing a branch of the Sacred Ash for the help 10 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. and healing of Maya's sons. Fohat will once more cross the line with another and mightier stride, and will draw the downward arc of the line of life to an upward sweep, by the strength of his own right arm. Stanzas III. 7. The four-fold Lahs will emit from their loins the germs that shall grow into three-fold coverings of animal forms, of fish and of fowl for the service of man. 8. No more shall huge creatures and crawling things find room on the Rim of the Wheel where dwelleth the Sons of Fire and Flame. The beasts of the field and birds of the air will meet and part in peace, and both shall feed on the purple grain, the gift direct of the Gods. All growths of the under crust of the Wheel shall be thenceforth forbidden, and man shall live by the power of his Will in place of coarser foods. When the Wheel has whirled one crore and a half, the Sparks will embody themselves in a fruit, the like of which no man hath known. The infant as well as the full-grown man shall eat of that fruit, and words of wisdom will fall from its lips, to the wonderment of the Gods. Stanza IV. 1. Fohat has lifted his foot, but halts ere he reaches the limit of his stride. The Sons of Flame have cried to him in sore distress : "The Sons of Maya cannot reach the ring, pass not, if thou shalt place thy heavy foot upon their necks before they reach the Chaya of that ring/' 2. Fohat lifts his voice, that voice long stilled, and bids the fiery servants of his will to take his ultimas um to the Sons of Flame : "I will not halt for Gods or men, but this much will I do," Go thou to Maya's sons and strike the sacred chord upon the seven stringed lyre within each one. Perchance it may arouse them from their sleep and give them speed to reach the goal ere falls my foot upon the nether side of the dark stream. 3. Back came the messengers and said, "We can- not wake the sacred chord. But five of the seven strings of the lyre will sound, two lie jangling and untuned." THEOGENESIS. 11 4. Fohat roused to anger, shot forth a stream of fire which circled all the Heavens and awoke the Asuras on the heights. Swiftly on the wind of their own wings came they from the realms of rest and gave speech to Fohat, saying, "Put down thy foot if so thou wilt and close thy stride, but ere thou doest so, know this, ere thou raisest it again we with our brothers, the divine builders, will have given of ourselves to Maya's sons that which thou wouldst now withhold, and the two strings of the lyre will no longer jangle out of tune. 5. When the first full chord is struck then thou shalt die — for thou are old and thy work well nigh done, so cease thine anger and give some space for effort if thou wouldst prolong thine own labors. Stanza V. 1. And wilt thou then make bold to cross my will? cried Fohat in his rage. Wilt thou dare the wrath of the Shining Face and His circling hosts? Take heed lest I set down my foot so hard the bridge 'twixt the Gods and Men be broken ; then could'st thou no longer minister to man, or strike the full toned chord. Behold I call the Lahs, the bright Dhyanis — the sons of Law and Wisdom — and He of the Shining Face, all, all to me — They shall decide. 2. Out from his head, his feet, his left hand and his right, sped four vast streams of Fire. They sought the abode of the Gods, and swiftly brought them to the bridge whereon Fohat stood with lifted foot. From his navel came the Sparks which all unknown to him had power to overcome e'en death itself. 3. So came they all, the Gods of the overworld and of the underworld, saying our power to make or to unmake is all but gone. The sons of Maya have taken our might and wisdom by violence. Thou, great brother, may'st finish the Fifth stride, but when thou shalt rest from thy labor and again shalt lift thy foot for the Sixth, — lo — thou shalt be alone. They whom thou now decriest shall be the Gods ere falleth thy foot on the Sixth Stride, and thou shalt not raise thy foot again, for the circle of Flame shall open for thee and thy line of life be cut in twain. 12 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. 4. Unabashed but with abated strength, Fohat set his lifted foot upon the nether shore of Time. Dark- ness overwhelmed all living things. The faces of the Shining Ones were hid from the circling Wheels. The Spirit brooded once again. Stanza VI. 1. The darkness and the twilight of another Night were passed. The foot of the Mighty One was raised again, and with His torch He lit the faces of the Shin- ing Ones. The smoldering Sparks awoke to life and sought the teats of Suribi, and on the milk they drew therefrom, grew fat and strong. The Holy Mountain woke, and from its depths arose vast clouds of fire and smoke and thunderous sounds. The demons of the underworld came forth and shook the face of the Dark Star 'til once again it stood in balance true. 2. Unto him of the Shining Face, Meru cried loudly, "Smile thou upon my face and unlock the chain which binds the lesser lives in frozen bonds, that so the new clothed Sparks make living things to grow for Maya's Sons to feed upon when they be come again to seek fulfillment of their dreams. 3. Then came the Dhyan Chohans — the Devas of the Fourth — those who failed the Third. Said they to the Shining Face: "Let us now finish the labor wherein we failed; we have learned our lesson." Then entered they the bodies created for them. The fathers of the Fourth became their own offspring of the Fifth. They took unto themselves mates and created abund- antly. But their offspring knew naught of their fathers' offenses against the Gods, or the causes for karmic visitation upon them ; their minds were holden. Fierce and bitter was the struggle 'twixt them and the nature spirits clothed in lower forms, and with the demon hosts of the underworld. At times they lost, at times they won. They cried unto the images they made with their own hands, and to the stars, and to the invisible ones, "Show us the mysteries of our fathers. We are blind and deaf and dumb before our enemies. We grope in the darkness for the Light which lit the Fire which now burns so low within us. We know that Light burns clear and bright in hidden places, but ever as we draw near to it it recedes from if THEOGENESIS. 13 us. The darkness increases by contrast when we have lost the faint gleam of that Light. Rather would we die than suffer always from the gnawing pain of unrequited longing for that Light." 4. Then awoke compassion in the heart of the Mighty One — He who rides the White Horse in majesty — and He answered them, saying, "I will send forth my Son. He will be clothed in Fire and be as a torch to light the Fires in your hearts. From the Fires so lit will the true Light shine upon you." The space between the upper and nether waters of the heavens opened, and One came forth in power and glory as a sun. He stood upon the topmast arc of the Dark Star and touched the blinded eyes, the ears and lips of all the supplicants gathered there to see and hear and speak to Him. Said He to them, "I am sent to be a torch to light the Fires within your hearts, and I will stay with you until the Sacred Light shall shine so bright that every foe will stand revealed be- fore your eyes, but you alone have power to slay those foes. Go ye forth to gather fuel, and lay the Fires aright." 5. He called aloud and the Great Mother descended with the Lipicas. They cooled and pressed the Fiery Sparks. Where they had been Three, Four and Five angled when the long night fell at the close of the Fifth, they were now molded and pressed into the Six and Seven angled. 6. The Six Sons of Fohat came to harden, condense and direct them into form, according to the pattern of the Chayas of the Gods. Stanza VII. 1. The wild White Bull o'ershadowed the Great Red Cow, and with one expulsive effort she gave birth to a Pure White She Calf. On either side of its head came a Golden Horn and in the middle sprang forth suddenly a Diamond Tipped Horn. 2. Fast grew the Three Horns, many cubits by day. The Two Golden Horns circled the races of the Changing Star. The Middle Horn curved and entered the Earth and sought the abodes of the Serpents of 14 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. Wisdom. It drew them forth from their retreat and set them in high places. 3. When their eyes beheld the White Calf they said with one voice, "Thou art a sign to us. Now will we enter the Circle of the Golden Horns, and will give of our Wisdom to those whom thou wilt mark with thine own sign, and they shall be our Messengers to young and old alike." 4. Two new doors were opened from the finite to the infinite. The clear white ray of the Divine Sun shone through the newly opened doors and did not break into fragments. The face of the once Dark Star was changed ; it shone with brilliant light. Its companion Wheels now caught the broken rays, for they were last in the race. 5. The Great Mother cried to the One Eternal, "My work is done for this thy once rejected Son; and he shall rule my progeny, while I return to Thee." Then fell the bars between the upper and the under worlds. 6. The Dragon of Wisdom descended, and with it the Diamond Souled Host. In their own diviner essence they enfolded the forms created for them — no longer Maya's Sons were they, but Sons of Will and Yoga. 7. No more shall the bars be raised between the finite and the infinite, for the Sixth shall fall into the Seventh with ease. Stanza VIII. 1. At last the Full-toned Chord was struck by Maya's Sons, and at the sound Illusion vanished. Truth stood full revealed. Knowledge, Power, the glory of achievement clothed the newly born as a garment. 2. Adown the star-spangled path of the Gods — the path of lesser Lights awaiting birth in other forms — came One unlike the Gods, yet kin to them ; like unto man, yet more than man ; One clothed in raiment, glistening like the hoar frost in the sun; majestic, stern of countenance, yet soft of speech. 3. From lesser Light to Light He stepped, and as His footsteps pressed each Star it gave a chord of sweetest melody. As He drew near and nearer still, THEOGENESIS. 15 each new pressed chord was placed in song tri- umphant. 4. At length he halted, poised aloft and bent His ear to catch the song the Stars now sang so clear and strong from far beneath His feet. 5. The once Dark Star now shone with glory re- flected from His face and full and clear He heard the echo of the chord which hitherto had sounded only minor tones of woe and anguish. 6. The King had come into His own and now was known to them. I am the first, He said, and I am last, and we are one. Out of the darkness hath come the light. Out of nothing hath come all things. Out of Death hath come Light eternal. It is done. Stanza IX. 1. From the East, the West, the North, the South come the four Holy Ones. On their way they gather the hosts of destroyers thronging their path, and set them in swifter motion. 2. At the ring ''Pass Not'' they pause, and with one accord cry unto Kwan Yin, "Speak thou but one word, a word of two parts, and we will bear that word "within the veil" upon our wings. 3. Then with a loud voice Kwan Yin gave utter- ance to the word. It shook the heavens and reopened the path between the fiery red star and the star which had been cleansed of its blackness. 4. Said he to the Holy Ones, "Gather your hosts and make fit habitation for the Angels of the Voice. They shall lead the new born Sons of Will and Yoga within the path I have opened, that they may people the fiery red star with a new race. Dongma shall open their eyes to the Glory of the Hidden Way. THEOGENESIS. 17 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. THEOGENESIS. Stanza I. 1. Since Fohat gathered two lines of fire in a close embrace, forming a circle of flame to make room for the feet of the Fifth, have the demi-Gods been filling that Kosmic field with images of themselves. 2. To and fro have the first-born run, darting be- hind each Flaming Sword that sprang from the head of the Mighty One, while seeking for Pasture against the day of the birth of the great Red Cow. The milk of that cow will gather and flow in rivers of Water and Wine to quench the thirst of the twice-born Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire. COMMENTARY. Fohat is the active principle in the Kosmos, manifest- ing as the outward vibratory force, which thus becomes the creative principle in the Universe. He is, therefore, the Great Breath acting in its creative capacity through Matter. Lines of any character are but the effect of vibration in a given direction, hence they represent vibra- tory currents of force. The two lines of fire gathered by Fohat are the two currents of vibration set into activity by the activity of Fohat ; that is, they are the two active currents of the Great Breath as it manifests through Matter. In other words, they are the Positive and the Negative Principles, or Kosmical Electricity and Mag- netism. These two currents were acting through the medium of the Fire Principle, which will in this case represent the Manas. The gathering of the two lines of fire in a close embrace indicates the union of the positive and the negative poles of the Manas in such a way as to provide the proper base for the state of activity which is to be manifested as a result of this embrace. It was this union of the two aspects that prepared the nucleus for the Material Sphere where the Life of the Kosmos was to express itself in the New Aspect. This nucleus was the circle of flame which gave room for the feet of the Fifth. The Fifth here is the Fifth Principle or Manas and also its incarnation in the Fifth Race. Thus 18 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. we are to see that the two currents or lines of fire are the Positive and Negative Currents of the Manas, and their conjunction means the creation of a vortex in the Manas, the two currents acting centripetally and thereby react- ing upon themselves, creating a centrifugal force which flows out from this center, thus creating the vortex wheel of the Manas, which perpetually whirls and in this way begins the manifestation of the Manasic Cycle, for this is the origin of the present Manasic Round which is now coming to a close. The Kosmos manifesting during this Round will, of course, have to be Manasic in its keynote, and therefore the humanity living during this period will have to specialize Manas, for the reason that the dominant note of the Kosmos will be Manasic during this entire Round. The Manasic Race is, therefore, the inevitable result of the Manasic Round. It is not true that they were souls who had worked out all the lower principles during the time of former Rounds, for the idea of merit in this connection is altogether wrong. The New Race is not the incarnation of the former Race, but rather the individualization of the New Round. This, of course, i* stated mystically. The meaning is that the souls at any time are the expressions of the Kosmical Energy active at that particular time, and not the re- sult of their own former actions. These souls are the effects of the Round which produces them, though they may contribute to some extent to the hastening or re- tarding of the next Round. It has been in this way that the Fifth Race has grown up during the Manasic Round, which has been produced by the action of Fohat upon the Manasic Octave. The demi-gods here are the diverse Kosmical currents which are acting upon the Manasic Octave. They mold the development of the Human Minds and therefore souls which live during this time, so that they are but so many incarnations of those Forces, hence they are spoken of as images of themselves ; that is, they are the expression in form of the forces which have organ- ized them. All the entities produced during this period are the images of the Manasic Forces which energizes them, and so it must be as long as the present Round shall last. The Kosmic field here is the Kosmos organ- ized by the Manasic Round. The Mighty One in the second Sloka is Fohat also. The Flaming swords are the destructive forces which are the result of that active force. The running to and fro THEOGENESIS. 19 is the active life of the creations of those Kosmic Powers. Not so much human beings as the archtypes or Oversouls, that are first produced by the playing of these powers and which are manifesting through the diverse human beings, the Geniuses of the people rather than the people them- selves. They are the Creative effects of the activities of Fohat, corresponding to the Devas, only the latter are related to the body of the Kosmos, whereas these are re- lated to the individual life animating it. These first- born, that is the ones coming before man, being the arch- types of men, are all the time dodging the Swords or destructive forces of Fohat, and it is only as they are able to do this that they are able to live in the struggle, for life is the continual struggle between the creative and destructive forces of Fohat. This struggle is in the re- gion of the archtypes and only that which survives is able to descend into incarnation in individual life. They are continually seeking Pasture against the day of the Birth of the Great Red Cow ; that is, they are seeking an opportunity to incarnate in form and thereby manifest in life. The Earth life which we see is the field of their activity. When the Great Red Cow is born all this activity will have to cease, for then they will have no field of activity. The bull is the generator, and hence in a certain sense the Cow is the generatrix. She is in this sense the sym- bol of Isis and of several of the other godesses who fill the place of the Great Mother. She is, however, in a still higher sense the symbol of Hathor, the Suckler or the Wet-nurse of the Gods. The Cow is in India taken as the symbol of Maternity, and that because she is the Suckler the same as is the Mother, but this is in reality the Great Mother that is symbolized, but remember the Cow is the Great Mother as the Suckler rather than the Bearer. In a sense also she is the symbol of the Intellect, which feeds on the grass, that is the objects of sense. It will be seen that the Great Red Cow is the Suckler of the Next Round and of the Life which will manifest in the Kosmic Field during that time. The color red is the symbol of the physical octave, and hence we are to realize that there is to be at this time a new birth of the material universe. Because the Kosmos is to be born again it will be seen that it must be suckled, and to suckle the diverse powers of the New Kosmos is the function of the Red Cow. The Gods are Kosmic Powers and therefore the 20 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. Suckler of the Gods is the one who gives nourishment to those Kosmic Powers. It means a new specializing of the Kosmical substance so that it may be expressed through the diverse manifesting qualities which are in- carnated in and manifested through the living beings in the Kosmos. The milk of the cow, that is this Kosmic Pap, the Mother substance of the Kosmos specialized for the nour- ishing of the New Life of the Kosmos, will gather and flow in rivers ; that is, powerful currents of force suited to the needs of the diverse powers of the overshadowing realm and on a still lower plane of the individual life of the New Kosmos. This milk will flow in rivers of Water and Wine. Water is the Mother principle, and repre- sents the flowing of the substance which must be the means of giving form to all things. Wine, by reason of its exhilarating effect, is the symbol of the life side of the Spirit, the masculine energy which quickens the activity of the principles in man and thus awakens his consciousness to a higher and more intense state of activ- ity, hence'it is the symbol of the masculine or life side. The rivers of Water and Wine then show that this nour- ishing principle will feed both the Energy Side and also the substance side of the Kosmical powers, and through them of the individual life which they manifest. This nourishment will be of the nature of the New Kosmos and not that of the Old. It is in this way that the New Round will manifest a Kosmos specializing its keynote, And that this will develop a corresponding Race in which this New Race Spirit will be incarnated. The twice-born Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire are first of all those qualities of the New-born Kosmos, and second the souls through which they are manifested in life. They are spoken of as twice-born for the reason that the products of the present or Manasic Round can- not reach that state until they have been born again through the action of the New or Buddhic Round. Again the fact that they are termed twice-born indicates that they are not separate creations of the New Round, but rather those qualities of the Fifth Principle which have through the action of the New Round been born again; thus it is, as it were, a reincarnation of those qualities on a higher octave. It is this which makes them Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire. Fohat, acting on the Manasic THEOGENESIS. 21 Octave, manifests as the ordinary fire, but when acting on the Buddhic Octave he manifests as the Mystic Fire, mystic because it is the medium of union between the Mental Fire and the Airy Principle of Nirvana. These Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire are therefore the cur- rents of Buddhic Force, which are the active qualities manifesting in the individual life of the Sixth Race Period. Because these Kosmical qualities constitute the Kosmical Oversouls which, acting through forms, ensoul them and in this way constitute the individual Souls, it follows that all that is stated here of these Lords of the Sacred Mystic Fire, these Geniuses, is at the same time applicable to the Souls through which they are mani- fested. Therefore, it is true that the members of the Sixth Race will be twice-born also. That is to say, the same ones who are now members of the Fifth Race may be born as members of the Sixth Race. This does not mean that they will be incarnated again through the agency of a human mother, but rather that they will gradually change the qualities which they are manifest- ing, so that they will no longer manifest the Genius on the Mental Plane, but will express that on the Buddhic Plane. It will not be a case of the same soul incarnating in another body, but rather that of another Oversoul incarnating in the same soul which we have had, and thus giving a new soul, and yet it will not be another Over- soul, but rather the same one born again on a higher octave. Thus it will be the same soul born again on this higher octave. It is to be borne in mind that one does not have to leave the body in order to make this change, for it will go on within him, and not without him, hence he may continue in the body and yet pass from one Race to the other, and yet he will certainly be born again. In fact, he must pass through both of these births, the natural Fifth Race Birth and this Kosmic Sixth Race Birth, in one life to be entitled to the distinction of the twice-born. This Stanza, therefore, begins the transition from the Evolution of the Fifth to that of the Sixth Race Spirit. At the same time it shows that the origin of those Races is not to be sought in man, but in the action of the Fohatic Force in the Kosmos. 1 THEOGENESIS. 23 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. THEOGENESIS. Stanza II. 3. Said the Radiant One to the Shining Face : I will cause a shade to cover thee for a day and a night of time. I will brood thy young, and bring them forth in strength and might when the shade has passed from thy face and thou shinest forth once more. 4. For thou shalt shine again with seven-fold light, and the face of thy First-born Son shall reflect the light that shines from thine own. The black and brown shall be no more, and the golden-hued shall awaken from sleep, and rule as they ruled of yore. 5. Fire and flood, acid and blood, shall flow in streams and drench the star with the blackened face. The once bright sons of the demi-Gods have cast deep shadows upon that face ; they have stolen the fire that lightened its eyes and molded it into a gleaming mass to fetter and bind their once lithe limbs. Vengeance swift will overtake and cast them into the pit. 6. When the circle of flame shall open again and the line of life be loosed from thrall, the five will fall into the six, and Surabhi's teats will deliver four doves — each bearing a branch of the Sacred Ash for the help and healing of Maya's sons. Fohat will once more cross the line with another and mightier stride, and will draw the downward arc of the line of life to an upward sweep, by the strength of his own right arm. COMMENTARY. That which is stated in a general way in the First Stanza is developed in a more detailed manner in this Stanza, and at the same time there are other aspects of the problem presented. The Radiant One is the First Purusha; that is, the Supreme Vishnu. He is the great fountain of spiritual light, the Great Spiritual Sun, as the Spiritualists say. He is Radiance in the highest sense of the word, for He is in fact the radiance of Para-Brahman. 24 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. The Shining Face is the Third Purusha, or Ishvara, for he is in a sense the manifesting face of Vishnu, and man- ifests the Brightness of the First Purusha. In the same sense that Vishnu is the Radiance of Para-Brahman, so is Ishvara the Brightness of Vishnu. The speaking of the Radiant One to the Shining Face indicates the stirring up of the activity of the First Purusha to such an extent that it acts upon the Third Purusha and exercises an ap- preciable influence upon his course. Not only this, but he even proposes to act so as to bring about certain trans- formations in the being and life of the Third Purusha, It means that Vishnu is to take control for a time, and in this way subject Ishvara to his will, even to the extent of subduing his brightness to some extent, and thereby acting upon the universe from another center. This can only mean that he is to act upon it directly, and not so much through the instrumentality of the Third Purusha. This cannot mean that it is all to go into Pralaya, for it is stated that this is to be during a day and a night of time. Now Pralaya is always night, while Manvantara is a day. As this is to be during both a day and night of time, it is to be both a period of Manvantara and one of Pralaya, hence it does not mean the dissolution of the material universe in the sense that this is ordinarily un- derstood in the teaching relative to Pralayas. Farther, it is not stated that the Brightness is to go out, but only that a shade is to pass over his face. Now it is to be borne in mind that Ishvara is the whirling, vibrating aspect of the spirit, the Maya in one aspect, which vibration is the generating cause of all the Monads. He is for this reason the personal God ; that is to say, the Mask behind which the Impersonal God or Vishnu is concealed, and through which he expresses himself in the Kosmos. It is when those diverse Monads, which, are but aspects of Ishvara, take themselves to be Ultimate Entities and not mere forms of the One Substance that He becomes the Great Ensnarer. The Race, then, is the continual playing and skipping of the Ishvara Spirit, which thereby organizes the diverse forms under which the Vishnu Spirit is con- cealed. This Race represents the activity of the Third Purusha, and the Manifestation which grows out of tfiat activity. The shade covering the face means that this activity and the resultant manifestation are to be checked for a time, and the only way in which this can be accom- plished will be by the concentration of a greater power, THEOGENESIS. 25 so as to bring about a greater force than Ishvara is him- self able to express. At the same time we must not lose sight of the cause of shades. A shade can only result from the presenting of a dense body between the object shaded and the light, hence it will be seen that in order for a shade to be cast over the face of Ishvara it is neces- sary that some dense material be brought between Him and Vishnu, the source of His Light. This can only be by the arousing of the material forces of the universe to the extent that they will to a certain extent make them- selves independent of Him, and thus bring the Personal God into subjection to matter. It is this materializing of the Third Purusha that is to cast the shadow over His Face and shut out the Radiance of Vishnu, and of course the result will be that He will himself become more mate- rial, and will not be able to express His own proper de- gree of Spirituality. It is only proper to state that this has already been accomplished, for the Kali Yuga is ex- actly such a time of obscurity as is here depicted. But how are we to understand that this has been the work of Vishnu? It has been the continual expression of the Spiritual through the Material that has brought about this state of materiality in the Purusha itself. It has been because the Spirit has been operating in the external rather than the internal that this has resulted as it has. This has been the inevitable result of the Spirit's descent into Matter, and the material expression for which this descent was made. This descent was an act of Vishnu, and was as much a part of the Great Plan as the ascent up the Cycle will be when it has been entered upon. The Kali Yuga was, therefore, a part of the work of the Spirit, but was simply the deepest dip into Matter, at the end of which the ascent must in the very nature of things be commenced, which will give us the Sattva Yuga. This will also be the act of the Spirit accomplished through the inward activity in the place of the outward activity. The young of Ishvara are the Monads or Atmas that are generated through His activity. The brooding of His young by Vishnu means that at the close of this period, or rather in the closing days of the period of the shadow, Vishnu is to brood upon Ishvara in such a way as to be- gin the formation of an order of Monads w T hich will not partake of the nature of Ishvara during the Kali Yuga, but which will, on the contrary, be pure Sattva ; that is, 26 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. they will be the Monads suitable for a Sattva Yuga, though they will be begotten as it were during the time of the shadow. Little as we realize it, the present time of materiality is the very time when the New Order of Atmas are being developed in the embryo ; it is, as it were, the period of gestation for those Sattvic Monads. The passing of the shade from the face of Ishvara is the as- cending of the Third Purusha from the external and ma- terial to the internal and Spiritual aspects of manifesta- tion. At this time Ishvara will return to Vishnu, thus drawing from his radiance, and will as a result be able to shine forth in all the Spiritual Brightness that he ever shone with before. This will be the beginning of the Sattva Yuga, and the Bright Shining will increase dur- ing the entire period of the Sattva Yuga, for the time of darkness and shade is at an end; we are then upon the upward arc of the Cycle of manifestation. It is in the opening days of the Sattva Yuga that those Monads which have been brooding and gestating during the clos- ing of the Kali Yuga, will be brought forth, so as to ex- press themselves in the New Yuga; that is, the comple- tion of the Forms which will constitute the perfect Atma will be through the Spiritualizing of the Purusha. After Ishvara has been spiritualized and made to shine forth, thus bringing in the Sattva Yuga, all the Monads that are organized by the activity of Ishvara will be of the pure Sattvic nature. It is in this way that Sattva will be manifested in life. At the same time it is to be borne in mind that it will take a considerable time for these atmas to dominate material life, for they must find time to incarnate in physical form ere all traces of the Kali Yuga can be wiped away. In the 4th Shloka, Ishvara is told that He shall shine again with seven-fold light. This means, in the first place, that He is to shine forth through all the seven principles in man and nature. During the Kali Yuga, Ishvara has been held in a measure of subjection to Mat- ter, but now He is to dominate all the lower principles and at the same time the Atmas are to reflect His perfect light. It will be a resurrection of Ishvara, in fact, which will cause Him to dominate the entire universe, and this is perfectly right, for the universe is but the Form through which he expresses himself, He being the Spirit of Nature THEO GENESIS. 27 in fact. In the second place, it means that the light which will emanate from Him will be seven times as great as that which has emanated from Him during the Kali Yuga, for during this Yuga matter has dimmed the light of Ishvara, but in the Sattva Yuga this will no more be, and the light of Ishvara will shine forth in all its glory because it will be acted upon by the Radiance of Vishnu the Supreme. The question then is, why is it that Matter has been able to cast a shade over the face of Ishvara? It is because the vibration of the Third Purusha has been lowered and in this w T ay the material vibration has been able to gain the ascendancy, but now in the Sattva Yuga the vibration of Ishvara is to be quickened until it is raised above even the proper rate of Ishvara and will in this way approach unto that of Vishnu. It is in this way that it is to shine forth with such a great light. The first-born Son of Ishvara can be none other than the Buddh, the Sixth Principle or Kosmic Reason, the Logos, for this is the First Emanation from the Spirit, and is individualized in man as the Buddhi or Spiritual Soul. The fact that this first-born Son is to reflect the light that shines from the Shining Face means that at this time the Brightness of the awakened Ishvara is to be re- flected in the Buddh, and as a result the brightness of Atma will be expressed through Buddhi. It will be almost an Apotheosis of Buddhi into Atma. The full significance of this statement only dawns upon us when we realize that in the Next Round we are to pass from the Fifth to the Sixth Principle; that is, from Manas to Buddhi, as the dominant note of the Kosmos as well as of the Soul. Buddhi w T ill be the dominant note, but Buddhi will be a perfect reflection of Atma, hence from the very beginning of this Round it will partake of the nature of the next one, and therefore it will only be a matter of time, and that a very short time, before the Atma will entirely dom- inate the Buddhi and so this Round will merge into the next one: that is. the Atmic Round, when Buddhi will be drawn up into Atma in a sense, and so Atma will have been made the dominant principle of the Kosmos and of man. This means that the next Round must be a very short one, and the Sixth Race of very short duration, for it must shortly be merged into the Seventh Root Race, which will be the true Sattvic Race. This must be the case in the Sattva Yuga ; there must be a race which will incarnate the Essence of the Yu^a. Now the Sattva Yuga 28 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. is to follow immediately after tbe Kali Yuga, and the Sixth Race can only grow up in the fall of the Kali Yuga, for it has neither part nor lot in the essence of that Yuga. Thus it will be seen that the Sixth Race can only be a con- necting link between the Fifth and the Seventh, which must be developed during the lapping period when the two Yugas are mixed and contending for the mastership, but the moment the Sattva Yuga has become absolute it can no longer be developed, but must gradually merge into the Seventh or Sattva Race. This, of course, will be the ultimate realization, though we must now return to the period of the Sixth Principle. The disappearance of the Black and Brown relates both to the disappearance of those principles from the Kosmos and also to the disappearance of those colors among men. The color of races and types is not due to climatic con- ditions as much as to the corresponding vibratory activi- ties of the Kosmos. There are vibratory forces in the Kosmos which correspond to all the colors, shades and tints and it is the activity of these vibratory forces that produces the corresponding colors, shades and tints. They are to be" seen in the Higher Planes of Nature, and also in the Ether, and it is these same vibrations which, acting on the Physical Plane, give to us the sensations of the corresponding colors. When the rate of vibration corre- sponding to a certain color is dominant in the Etheric vibration of a man or a Race, it produces in that man or Race the complexion corresponding to that vibration. The Kali vibration is black, for black is the color of disinte- gration, and She being the principle of wanton destruc- tion, will correspond to black and will therefore produce the black vibration in the magnetic bodies of all,, to some extent, in some more than in others. This black vibration will express itself in the gross body in the form of a dark skin, the proportion of blackness will correspond exactly to the proportion of the black or Kali vibration that is manifested there. The disappearance of the Kali Prin- ciple from the Kosmos as a result of the Sattva Yuga will be accompanied with the disappearance of the Kali vibra- tion, and hence of the black vibration, and there will, as a result, be no vibration in the Kosmos corresponding to the black color, or the brown either, for brown is a mixture of black with other colors. This will mean that from the time of the disappearance of the Kali vibration there will be no black or brown in the Kosmos. This vibration will THEOGENESIS. 29 then manifest in man so that the black and brown vibra- tion will cease to act in his magnetic body and as a re- sult the black and brown colors will disappear from his skin ; it will be thus that the black and brown races will disappear from the earth, not in the sense that those indi- viduals will die out, but rather that they will go through a change in their vibration, and will as a result change color to correspond with the change in vibration. Of course this will cause the death of many of them, owing to their difficulty in adjusting themselves to the new vibration, but the fittest will survive. Not only will this change in the vibration work a corresponding change in the complexion of the people, but it will also work a cor- responding change in their nature and character. The two races, Black and Brown, have exactly the types of character that correspond to those colors, and when they have lost those complexions as a result of losing the vibra- tions which produced them they will also lose the qualities which grow out of those vibrations. It will be in this way that the two races will disappear from the earth and there will be left only the white and yellow and the red races. The Sattva vibration which eliminates the black and the brown vibrations from the Kosmos will at the same time intensify the golden vibration to such an extent that it will become the dominant color. The two colors of the Spirit are gold and white, or rather silver. The feminine or magnetic side is silvery, while the masculine or electric side is golden, hence it is to be seen that the positive mas- culine vibration of the Spirit during the Sattva Yuga will correspond to the golden color. The golden vibration will then be the positive vibration of the Kosmos during that Yuga, and the result will be that the dominant hue of the Kosmic Spectrum will be golden. This Kosmic vibration will manifest in the principles of the individuals dwelling on the earth, and will thus become to some extent the vibration of their magnetic bodies, though differing in degree in the different persons and races. This will manifest itself in a corresponding change in the complex- ion to the golden hue. There will grow up a race of per- sons in whom the golden vibration is so great that they will have the pure golden complexion as did Gautama Buddha. They will, of course, be the positive incarnations of the Spirit The awakening of the golden-hued from sleep does not relate to the awakening of individuals, but 30 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. rather to the awakening of the golden vibration so that it becomes a creative and dominant force, and is thus able to manifest its power through man. All will not become golden-hued, at least not for some time after the time in- dicated here, but there will rather be developed a Saviour Race of golden-hued people, who will rule the world as they ruled of yore, when the Spirit was dominant in the ancient times. They will constitute a Spiritual Aristoc- racy, which will guide and direct the rest of the world, as the ancient Heaven Born Race did. They will indeed and in truth be the Twice-Born Cast to whom all author- ity has been given, because of their spirituality and strength. It is not enough that one be spiritual ; he must be royal if he is to rule, and in addition to this he must have all the elements of rulership, and this will be what will be manifested in the golden-hued race which will grow up under the fostering vibration of the Sattva Yuga. In the 5th Shloka the Star with the blackened face is the Earth. Its face is blackened because of the domi- nance of the Kali vibration, and hence the rule of mate- riality and destruction throughout its principles. The Fire and Flood, acid and blood, flowing in streams to drench it, relates to the terrible chastisement which the Earth must go through before it is freed from the Kali influence. It is the sword of Kalki directed with all its destructive power against the Kali forces which have the earth in thrall, and it must cut until it has removed all the vileness of the mundane nature. It is the terrible discus which must continue the reverse direction until it has disintegrated the Kali influence, before it can begin to whirl in the constructive direction and thus evolve the Sattva condition. It is again the whip in his hand which shall scourge the rebel forces, which are, however, not in themselves vile, into subjection to the Spiritual Will, and thus bring all into harmony. It is through this great trouble and agony that the new state is to be brought forth. Only through travail is the child born and partic- ularly is this true when that child is the Kosmos which is to be re-born. It will indeed be a time of trouble such as has not been since there has been a nation. It is this ter- rible period of pain, as travail upon a woman with child, that is to overcome and then regenerate the earth, and which will at the same time have the same influence upon the humanity upon it, that is here indicated. The pain will, of course, be felt by the people as well as the Earth, THEOGENESIS. 31 and they will have to be whipped into subjection to the Spiritual Will, and in this way be regenerated, and then re-born into the perfect Spiritual State of life and con- sciousness, the Sattva state. The once bright sons of the demi-Gods are, of course, the Over-souls which are incarnating in man. Because they have partaken of the material rather than the Spirit- ual vibration, they have lost their brightness and have taken on material qualities, which they have imparted to the Earth, and have expressed through the souls that en- soul them. The fire that lightened its eyes was the vibra- tory force of the Earth, particularly its fire vibration, which gave light to it, because its vibration was then so high that it was more Spiritual than material and the physical was scarcely apparent. When these Over-souls have stolen the fire, it is meant that the vibration has been lowered so as to manifest the fire vibration on the physical plane rather than above it, and in this way all has been drawn downward to the gross state. This fire has been molded into a gleaming mass ; in other words, it has been fixed, and has become a physical fire that has held all things in captivity to the physical. Their once lithe limbs relates to the perfect freedom of movement en- joyed by the Over-souls, their ability to vibrate all through the Kosmos and at will, but now, as they have used this gleaming mass of the fire to fetter and bind their limbs, they are now bound down to the material so that they are not able to transcend its limitations, and there- fore are held in subjection to it. Of course, if the Over- soul is thus limited, the same limitations will be expe- rienced by the soul that ensouls it. Vengeance swift that overtakes them will be the great force of the fire that will come upon the Over-souls, and, drawing them down into the pit of destruction, will disin- tegrate them, so that other Over-souls free from mate- riality may be brought forth. This is not vengeance upon the human soul, but upon the Over-soul which manifests through it. When the material qualities have been purged out, the Over-souls will be re-born, in accordance with the new order of things. This is the real Lake of Fire and Brimstone, and it is not the soul but the Over- soul that is to be cast there, though, of course, there will be a measure of the suffering attendant upon the disinte- gration of the Over-soul felt by the soul. It is also the 32 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. fire that is to descend upon the Earth, for its soul must be purged of the material fetters also. In the 6th Shloka we are told that when the Circle of Flame shall open again — that is, at the end of this period of submersion in the pit of disintegration — when there will be an opening in the fiery prison, and some opportunity for expression will be given, and the line of life is loosed from thrall, that is when the material limitations which have held life in bondage to matter have all been overcome by the disintegrating fiery vibration, and the Life Prin- ciple has thus been liberated from material bondage, and then the work of the fiery prison having been accom- plished, Life is now set free to again express itself with perfect freedom, the Five will fall into the Six, that is the five active principles of Nature as we see them now will have added to them Buddhi, the Sixth Principle, and there will then be six principles instead of five, hence the five will be five parts of the six. All this goes to show that this trial of fire is to arouse the Sixth Principle into activity, hence we have the next Round brought about in this way and hence the dominance of Buddhi. Surabhi is another name for the Sacred Cow as the Suckler, the wet-nurse of the gods. She is the lactative aspect of the Great Mother. From her teats, this is com- ing forth out of the channels of nourishment, flowing out of that capacity as the Suckler, will be deliv- ered the doves. Now the dove is the bird of passage between Heaven and Earth. It was the doves at the grove at Dodona that communi- cated the word of Zeus. It is also in the form of a dove that the Holy Spirit descended upon the head of Christ, and it is always so represented. The doves were sacrificed to the Lord by the Jews, there becoming the passage from man to God, just as the descending dove is the passage from God to man. These doves coming from the teats are the passage of the pap of the Great Mother, here symbolized as the Sacred Cow. The four doves rep- resent the four aspects of the square, and show that the nourishing force is to douse the material world and thus promote its apotheosis. They also represent the positive and negative aspects of electricity and magnetism, and are the same as the Swastika. The sacred Ash is the same as the Ash of the Gods at the entrance of Asgard, the THEOGENESIS. 33 place where all the Norse Gods meet. The Gods being the diverse Kosmic Powers, it is to be seen that this Sacred Ash is that one Kosmic Force in which all the other forces meet, and from which they derive their es- sence. That is the Sex principle of the Kosmos, and that is what is represented by the Sacred Ash. The four doves each bringing a branch of this Sacred Ash for the help and healing of Maya's sons indicates that the nourishing streams of the Great Mother are to so charge the material universe with the four-fold aspect of the Pure Kosmic Sex Energy that all the people here spoken of as Maya's sons will embody it, and it will take the place of their own individual sex principle, so long the channel of fleshly lust, and in this way the sex of man will be iden- tical with that of the Kosmos, and in this way the union of the individual with the Kosmos will be accomplished through the medium of his sex principle. In this way humanity will be healed of the material ills that afflict them, because of their separation from the higher prin- ciples of the Kosmos, for they will be nourished on the milk of the Great Mother, and at the same time filled with her sex energy and that of the Father of Gods and men. Thus they will cease to be of the present order, and will be born anew into the higher state of being suited to the next Round. But in the strictest sense they are already born, for it is this new-born race that are nourished by the teats of Surabhi, and then the entrance of the sex force into them means that they will have reached the time of puberty when they will express Kosmical Sex rather than that which has been so degenerated in the past, But the most important point here is that it will be the sex principle of the Triad Atma-Buddhi-Manas that will be awakened in them and will descend into the material square of the four lower principles, and hence it will not be physical, vital, astral or mental sex that will be manifesting there at all, but the higher triad. This will work the regeneration of man through his sex principle. At this time it will be that Fob at, the active principle of the Kosmos, the evolving energy, will be stirred up to action and will cross the line — that is, the Line Pass Not, which is the limit of the present Round. He will do this with another and mighter stride — that is, one mightier than any that he has yet taken. This can only mean that 34 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. he will close the present Round and start the next one. This one will be greater than any that has gone before, for it will be the last one ever to be taken by him. At this time — that is, at the next Stride — the downward are of the line or course of life, in this instance Jiva and not Prana, in a word the descent of the Spirit into Matter, will be drawn into an upward sweep, the inward rush on the way of return, the apotheosis of Matter into Spirit will begin. The outgoing of the Spirit will be over and all the Kosmos will begin the Great Return to the Spirit, which is its final destiny. The elimination of this sweep must be the ascending of the Kosmos to Nirvana. And hence we see that this will be the end of Fob at, for there will then be nothing but Spiritual activity, and Fohat is the active principle in the realm of Matter, hence when Spiritual action takes the place of Material action, Fohat will be transcended and thus fall into the nothingness from whence he was born when Action began through Matter. This last stride will be made and the New Sweep to Nirvana will be by the strength of the right arm of Fohat, because it is the arous- ing of force in the material region, by reason of the in- tense activity of the Fohatic Force, that all the Material Universe is to be turned inward to the Spirit. It is this force that will become so active that it can no longer ex- press itself outwardly, and thus will have to turn inward, and thus the centrifugal force will be overcome by a cen- tripetal force, or rather, having exhausted its centrifugal- ity, it will become centripetal, and will thus flow inward to the Spiritual Center until it reaches the Lotus Feet of Vishnu. Thus it is that the universe will be drawn up into the Spirit, and thus the material Kosmos will be apotheosized into a spiritual Kosmos, and it is to be borne in mind that this is the result of the present material ten- dency, for the moment material force has so exhausted itself in action as to become a Minus quantity, the oppo- site, or Spiritual, force must in the nature of things be- come a Plus quantity. When the outward force has gone as far as it can, the inward urge must, according to nat- ural law, draw all things inward. Thus the active force of the universe must ultimately produce the indrawing of the universe into the Spirit. Though the force acts blindly, yet it must return to the center sooner or later, and the farther we get from the center the quicker we shall return to it, for the reason that it is only when the THEOGENESIS. 35 outgoing force has been exhausted that it can give way for the ingoing Desire Principle to operate. For this rea- son the more material the world becomes the sooner will its material will be broken and all things turn inward to the Spiritual state, hence the more grossly material the universe becomes the more encouraging the prospect becomes. There is a limit to the Spirit's descent into Mat- ter, and the nearer we get to that limit the sooner must the return sweep begin. We are not here thinking of any direction on the part of a conscious will, but solely of the inevitable workings of the unconscious will and desire principle in nature, on the basis of the immutable Law of Motion, as a purely physical and metaphysical force separate and apart from all individual direction on the part of a God, Angel, Spirit or Man, conceived in the individual sense of the terms. It is natural law and not the arbitrary direction of any one, that is to bring about the return of the Kosmos to the Spiritual state, for this is the rebound from the descent into Matter, simply that and nothing more. We have ground to hope for this re- turn to Spirit for the reason that it cannot be otherwise. We are not depending on any promise to do this for us, but upon the certain results of the fundamental Law of Universal Motion. THEOGENESIS. 37 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. THEOGENESIS. Stanza III. 7. The four-fold Lahs will emit from their loin's the germs that shall grow into three-fold coverings of animal forms, of fish and of fowl for the service of man. 8. No more shall huge creatures and crawling things find room on the Rim of the Wheel where dwelleth the Sons of Fire and Flame. The beasts of the field and birds of the air will meet and part in peace, and both shall feed on the purple grain, the gift direct of the Gods. All growths of the under crust of the Wheel shall be thenceforth forbidden, and man shall live by the power of his Will in place of coarser foods. When the Wheel has whirled one crore and a half, the Sparks will embody themselves in a fruit, the like of which no man hath known. The infant as well as the full-grown man shall eat of that fruit, and words of wisdom will fall from its lips, to the wonderment of the Gods. COMMENTARY. The Lahs or Lhas are the Pitris, the Father Spirits, in the sense of being Paternal Spirits or Forces. They are in no sense of the word Spirit Entities as being the Spirits of those who had once lived upon the Earth, but are Forces which have a generative power which they exercise upon the Kosmical Substance. They are, in fact, not Spiritual at all, for they relate to the realm of mat- ter, and are the generative principle in the Three Worlds. The four-fold Lhas are the generative forces in the square of matter. When the upward sweep has commenced the vibration will awaken these generative forces, so that they will respond in harmony with the Spiritual tendency of the Kosmos, and as a result their activity will emit these sparks of the new Kosmic Life, life germs so to speak, which will gradually grow into the coverings of animal form, that is as the Astral Magnetic and Gross Bodies of the fish and fowl. The meaning of this is the genera- tion of entirely new Life Germs through the generative 38 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. activity of the Lhas, which as they descend will organize for themselves vehicles out of the material of the Lower principles through which they pass, and will thus appear on the Earth as new Tribes and Genera of fish and fowl. They will not be the evolution of what we have now, but will be entirely new and original ones growing out of the New State of vibration resulting from the New Round. The Wheel mentioned in the 8th Shloka is what Bud- dhists call the Wheel of Things. It is that which grows out of the Round. First there is the Whirl in the Akasa, which causes it all to revolve, and there is thus produced the Wheel, which is ever turning round and round. Every revolution of this Wheel constitutes a Round. The Wheel is therefore Manifested Existence, and its nave is the point of activity from which all things emanate. This, however, does not relate to the Spirit but rather to the Buddhic Plane, for all things begin here, though it is, of course, attached to Ishvara in a sense, as all things have their Monads. The spokes of this Wheel are the lines of force which are descending from that point of beginning through the Lower Worlds, until they reach the Rim, which is the World of Form, hence the Rim is the Physical World which man lives upon and knows. The Sons of Fire and Flame are the men who are the products of the Fire principle of Nature, and of the Flame which is its manifesting side. Fire is the Latent Fire Principle, while Flame is its active manifestation. Men are Sons of Fire and Flame in the sense that they are the organized expression of those two aspects of the one Fire Principle. But in this case it is the Buddhic Fire and Flame of which they are the Sons, hence they are the Buddhic Race, which is on the way to become the Nirvanic Race. The Rim of the Wheel where they dwell is the Earth after it has begun the return sweep, that is in the next Round. The meaning then is that those huge creatures and crawling things which are a menace to animal life will disappear from the earth, for now con- ditions will no longer be propitious to them, and they will in this Round disappear, some of them by being transformed in such a way as to give expression to the New Life Wave, which will then sweep through the Earth., and others by dying out, so as to leave room for those which will be generated directly by the New Life Wave. But one way or another all these creatures will THEOGENSSIS. 39 disappear, for they were the outgrowths of the Spirit's descent into matter, and cannot live in the period of Matter's ascent into Spirit. During the Sattva Yuga the Destructive Vibration of Kali will be neutralized throughout the Kosmos, and hence there will be no vibration acting in the diverse animals to move them to destruction. The result will be that when the vibration of destruction ceases to actuate them there will be no destructive impulse, hence they will not destroy any form of animal life. There will be no anger, but love and peace between them at all times, for they will be actuated by the Spirt of Peace and Spir- itual Harmony. The purple grain is a gift direct from the gods because it is not the product of evolution from some of the grains now growing on the Earth, but is to be spontaneously generated from the Earth during the Sattva Yuga by the vibration emanating from certain of the gods, or Kosmical Powers which will partake of the Sattva nature, and will thus emit a vibration par- taking of that nature likewise. The qualities of those Forces personified as Gods will be incarnated in this new grain, and thus it will become the medium through which those qualities will be transmitted to the ani- mals who eat it, and in this way they will be nourished and will grow up into the form of incarnations of those qualities. The present forms of grain will not be suited at that time, because they partake of the nature of the Kali Yuga, and will for that reason tend to perpetuate that principle in the animals who eat them, and as all of those qualities are to be eliminated it will follow that ani- mals living upon such food will not be able to survive. In order that the animals may thrive during the Sattva Yuga they must have Sattvic food, and for this reason the food must be spontaneously generated by the direct action of the Kosmic Powers while dominated by the Sattvic vibration, which will then be the dominant vibra- tion of the entire Kosmos. The growths of the under crust of the Wheel are such as vegetated during the Kali Yuga and therefore par- take of that vibration, and would as a consequence tend to perpetuate that vibration in the organism of the one eating them. They are, therefore, forbidden to both man and animal from this time forth. All the plants that throve during the Kali Yuga will be accursed until 40 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. they have entirely died out, or have so transformed them- selves under the Sattvic vibration that they are expres- sions of that vibration, the same as though they had been generated by it. Man shall not eat the coarser foods at all, or not even gross foods of any kind. He will through the power of his Will draw in the diverse principles of the Universe and replenish his corresponding principles directly and will not have to go through any process of digestion at all. That is his Atma will absorb the Universal Spirit, his Buddhi will absorb the Buddh, his Manas will absorb the Kosmic Manas, his Kama Rupu will absorb the Kama, or Astral Fluid, his Prana will draw in the Kosmic Prana, his Magnetic Body will draw in the magnetism from the Ether, and his Gross Body will feed upon the Earth, Air, Fire and Water, or the elemental gases. It will be thus that he will never have to partake of any solid or liquid food at all, but will absorb the elements directly which he may need for the sustenance of his being. Man will thus not live on food, but by the strength of his own Will. He will thus be above the reach of all terrestrial things, though still living on the Earth; he will be the master and not the servant of the Earth. A crore when taken literally is a period of ten thou- sand years, and in this sense one crore and a half would be fifteen thousand years, but the time spoken of in the Esoteric Teachings is never literal but at all times Mystical, and the meaning is to be sought and found in Occult Mathematics. 10 is the paternal Scepter, the sym- bol being the Phalus ; it is the masculine generative prin- ciple. When it becomes ten thousand it means the in- creasing of the generative potency a thousand fold, and it also carries the thought of the descent of the genera- tive principle from stage to stage, that is the Radiant One; 10 is the Generator of the Shining Face 100, who in turn generates his First-Born Son 1000; he in turn becomes the generator of Manas, which will become the Generator with power of 10,000. But it is here to be borne in mind that in this particular instance it is the whirling of the Wheel, hence the generative potency is in the Wheel, hence Buddhi is 10, Manas the 100, the Astral Light is the 1000, and the magnetism of the Earth is the 10,000, unless we apply this to Prana, In either THEOGENESIS. 41 case the thing generated will be the Physical Universe, or something upon it, in the latter case the Ether, and in the former case the Physical Earth; that is, the genera- tive potency will act upon them and in this way we will have the fruit springing forth. Five is the number ot the feminine generative principle. The symbol is the window, but it means the Ovary, hence the generation of the Egg, which is fertilized by the masculine generative process. The five thousand has the same relation to the five that the ten thousand has to the ten, and the crore and a half is, therefore, the conjunction of the 10 and 5, that is of the Ovary and the Phalus, in a word the copula- tion of the Kosmical Generative Forces in the bringing into being the new fruit upon the Earth. It will not be those principles as we have them now, but rather what they will be in the New Round, when the Sattvic Period has begun. This is the work of the whirling of the Wheel, and, therefore, it will be all the result of the Round; but it must be borne in mind that it is not during the Buddhic Period that this will take place; it is in the long Round that is to succeed that short Round, the Nir- vanic Period, in fact, when the Sattva Yuga will be in full force. It will have to whirl until it has brought about the copulation between the masculine generative forces of the Spirit with those of the feminine side, in other words the manifestation of the two aspects of Ish- vara ; when that has taken place will there be generated this fruit, as the embodiment of the Sparks that will be thrown off; that is, the generative seed of both the male and female side will act upon the Earth so that it will generate a new species of fruit. It will be one the like of which no man hath known. This is not exactly correct, for it was known once, but for all practical pur- poses this statement is correct. It is, indeed, the Tree of Life which was in the Garden of Eden, and which John says he saw in a vision in the midst of the Paradise of God, and also in the Holy City. New Jerusalem, as it came down from Heaven. The Greek word there means wood of Life, and so does the Hebrew, and John saw it growing on both sides of the River, hence it was a grove of trees through which the River of Life flowed. The tree of Life, then, is a species of tree and not a single tree. Why was it that it disappeared from the Earth? It is a tree that can only grow in Paradise, because it draws all its strength from the Spirit, and hence all of its surround- 42 TH E STANZAS OF DZJN. ings must be Spiritual; it cannot grow under any other conditions. It is for this reason that it has died out, for only in the very depths of a Sattva Yuga will it be able to live. Hence, when the Sattva Yuga has lasted long enough for the Spiritual force to become strong enough, this wonderful tree will be again generated from the Spir- itualized Earth and will flourish once more. Whenever any one eats of this fruit, which will be the Pure Sattva Guna in an embodied form, there will be given to him so much Sattva that he will be filled with it, and it will take hold of his faculties, and though he be but a child he will be filled with Divine Wisdom and what he speaks, coming as it does from the depths of such Spiritual Wisdom, will cause the Gods, the Kosmical Powers, to wonder, for the Sattva man will be superior of all the Gods, being an aspect of the Lord God Vishnu himself. Man at the beginning made the fatal mistake of partaking of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, and he died, but in the Sattva Yuga he will eat of the Tree of Life ano! there will come to him Wisdom in the place of knowledge. The tree being nourished by the Sattva Guna will be the very essence of Sattva, and its fruit will im- part this to all who partake of it, so that they will be nourished with Sattva and thus wisdom will be given to them through the manifestations of this Sattva in con- sciousness. It will be in this way that the Fall of Man will be overcome, and Paradise will be restored to the Earth. However, we must not make the mistake of liter- alizing this tree into a simple fruit. It is in one sense that, as all things have their material symbols, but above and beyond that it is the specializing of Sattva in such ways as to be incorporated by man and thus made a part of himself, which will give to him that great Spiritual Wisdom which the humanity of the past rejected, when they chose to learn by experience rather than within through the Spiritual Intuition of their souls. It is im- possible to speak plainer here, for there is a Great Mys- tery concealed under what has been stated; that is, all that has been stated is true, but yet there is a yet deeper Mystery concealed under it, which can only be revealed to him who is duly and truly prepared, worth and well qualified to receive the Higher Mysteries. Whoso read- eth let him understand. Farther than what has been stated this affiant saveth not. THEOGENESIS. 43 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. THEOGENESIS. Stanza IV. 1. Fohat has lifted his foot, but halts ere he reaches the limit of his stride. The Sons of Flame have cried to him in sore distress : "The Sons of Maya cannot reach the ring, pass not, if thou shalt place thy heavy foot upon their necks before they reach the Chaya of that ring." 2. Fohat lifts his voice, that voice long stilled, and bids the fiery servants of his will to take his ulti- matum to the Sons of Flame : "I will not halt for Gods or men, but this much will I do/' Go thou to Maya's sons and strike the sacred chord upon the seven stringed lyre within each one. Perchance it may arouse them from their sleep and give them speed to reach the goal ere falls my foot upon the nether side of the dark stream. 3. Back came the messengers and said, "We can- not wake the sacred chord. But five of the seven strings of the lyre will sound, two lie jangling and untuned." 4. Fohat roused to anger, shot forth a stream of fire which circled all the Heavens and awoke the Asuras on the heights. Swiftly on the wind of their own wings came they from the realms of rest and gave speech to Fohat, saying, "Put down thy foot if so thou wilt and close thy stride, but ere thou doest so, know this, ere thou raisest it again we with our brothers, the divine builders, will have given of ourselves to Maya's sons that which thou wouldst now withhold, and the two strings of the lyre will no longer jangle out of tune. 5. When the first full chord is struck then thou shalt die — for thou are old and thy work well nigh done, so cease thine anger and give some space for effort if thou wouldst prolong thine own labors. COMMENTARY. The key to the mystery contained in this Stanza is to be found in the 3rd Shloka. The Seven Stringed Lyre is 44 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. the Septenary Nature of man, each string representing one of the seven principles of his soul. The fact that but five of seven strings will sound, while the other two lie jangling and out of tune, indicates that man has only awakened the five lower principles into activity, whereas the two higher, Buddhi and Atma, . remain in a state of latency. This goes to show that this is the Fifth Race Humanity that is here indicated. Fohat is the principle of Sound ; that is, the Sonorif er- ous Ether, manifesting on all the Planes of the Kosmos. In a certain sense he is the movement of the Great Breath, for Fohat, the Sonoriferous Ether, contains all the other four Tattvas in itself in a state of latency. The first sen- tence indicates that this Fohatie Force is in a state of activity ; however, there is a delay, a pausing in the move- ment of this Force. The stride of Fohat is the Evolving Force of the Kosmos, and each stride represents a Round, hence to place his foot down means to close the Round. This act is delayed by the protest of the Sons of Flame, the guiding forces, which are directing the evolution of the Race Spirit ; it is their cry of distress, that is, the opposition of those forces, which checks the advancing Kosmic Evolutionary Force, and thus delays the comple- tion of the Round. The Sons of Maya are the humanity upon the Earth. The word Maya is from the root Ma. A root coming down from the original language of hu- manity. In Egyptian it is the name of the letter M ; Ma is also the Water, and in the Kabbala the letter M is the letter corresponding to the Water in the ancient symbol- ism. The Water here represents the Water of the Mys- teries. The Mysteries are presented in the form of the Two Truths, Water and Breath-, hence Matter and Spirit ; but it is not gross matter that is here indicated, but rather the Passive or Static Principle of the Universe, the Heav- enly Water or Spiritual Substance, in the highest sense it is Lakshmi as the Great Mother, just as the Breath is the Active or Dynamic Principle of the Universe, the Spiritual Energy; in the highest sense it is Vishnu, the Father of Gods and Men. This is the water which is in- dicated by Ma. Applied to the human body, Ma is the womb, because this is the part of the body where the most important of all the maternal functions is per- formed, that of gestating the foetus. It is in the Heav- enly Waters that all things are gestated and from them that they are born, and hence they are the womb of the THEOGENESIS. 45 Great Mother, Ma. Hence this term is applied to the womb of the woman, because her great function is Motherhood. While the name does not survive in this way among" them, yet the Keltic Druads had a perfect knowledge of the Mystery in the Cultus of Ked the Great Mother, and the name Ma still survives in English as a child's name for the mother, thus calling her the womb, or the incarnation of the feminine, and hence maternal, principle of the Kosmos, and where could a more appro- priate name be found than this ? Is not every mother an incarnation of the Divine Mother, of the Maternal Prin- ciple? Also the name Mama is the Pudendum, the door through which the child is born, and so we have this sur- viving in Mama, the pet name of the child for its mother. All this goes to show that the root relates directly to the maternal principle of the Kosmos, and also that it is older than either the Druads or the Egyptian systems, be- ing a survival from a time anterior to the differentiation of these two Races. Again it is to be borne in mind that this same root Ma is the origin of our month May, which is, therefore, the Mother month, the month in which Mother Earth gives birth to the Spring Vegetation. What was the source of this symbolism and this word Ma? It was not Egyptian, for if it was, then the Keltic Druads would have had to get it from them. But when we real- ize that the same root survives in the Maya of the Sancrit, we must find the same source for all of these nations and languages. The Egyptians claimed to have derived their Mysteries from the Mysterious Western Lands, and hence it is evident that it came from them. Who were those people in the Mysterious Western Lands? They were none other than the people of Atlantis, and as the British Isles were a part of that land, being higher than the Land of Atlantis, they remained above the water when the mainland was submerged ; the inhabitants remained on shore and have been there ever since, hence the Keltic Druads were the survivors of the Atlantians. It is for this reason that they have the Mystery of the Great Mother, and also the root Ma, in its diverse application ; they have retained them from the days of Atlantis to the present time. In Atlantis we had the first survival of the orig- inal language of mankind. In the Ancient Greek Poetry it is alluded to as the Land at the utmost bounds of the World, far beyond the Pillars of Hercules, where the 46 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. Eitlieopes dwell. These Eitheopes are in one rendition the Bright Faces, or the Shining Faces, but the most primitive rendition is the people who speak the language of Eithar. Now we must bear in mind that there are two kinds of Eitheopes in the Greek literature. There are first a Mythological Race of Eithopes which are identical w T ith the Lemurian Race, and then there are the Historical Eitheopes, the people who spoke the language of Eithar, that is of these Mythical Eitheopes, or Lemurians. This means that the Atlantians were speaking the Lemurian language. From them has descended that Original Lan- guage of Humanity. By this it is not meant to state that all the other Races that exist at the present time, or have existed since the Atlantian time, have sprung from them, as some would have us believe, for this is not true. What is meant is that Atlantis received the Original Lemurian Language and that has survived in a more or less corrupted form in these Races that have descended from them or at least in the roots of those Languages, and also in these Races that have derived their civilization and their religion from them. The Atlantians have sur- vived in the Mayas, the Quechis, the Inchas, the Toltecs, the Aztects and the Indians. The Mayas are the oldest of those surviving nations, the Quenches next, then the Toltecs, the Inchas, and finally the Aztects. Now the name of the Mayas means the Ma people, that is the Mother Race, and the name of their country in Yucatan, Mayax, means the Mother Land. By this they claimed to be the original Atlantian Race, and the Mother of all the other peoples that had developed upon this conti- nent. Ma is given to the country in the sense that it is the bearing Mother of its inhabitants ; the name is also given to the Earth in the same sense; that is, as Mother Earth. This will demonstrate the origin and meaning of the root Ma — that is, the womb of the Great Mother — which is mystically the Maternal Essence of Lakshmi, and all words derived from this root carry this meaning with them. Now in India we meet with the nama Maya as the term for the Mother and Maha-Maya as the Great Mother, the same as in Egypt and among the Keltic Druids, hence we see that it there has the same mean- ing that it has in the other languages, and that the Cultus of the Great Mother is at the bottom of all the Mysticism of Hindooism. The all-important matter for our pur- THEOGENESIS. 47 pose, though, is the fact that Maya means Mother in Sanscrit and hence Maya is the Great Mother. Again, Maya is the skipping and playing of the Spiritual Force, the Sporting of Ishvara. The former sense as the Great Mother is that of the Passive Substance of the Spirit, while this second aspect is that of that substance in a state of activity, as we see it in the case of the Third Purusha. This is the Sporting and juggling of the Spir- itual Principle, thus manifesting the forms which grow out of this whirling and playing. This gives rise to the forms which are taken for realities and not for mere appearances of the Mother Substance. Name and form become the subject of our contemplation, and thus en- snares us so that we fail to see the Reality that is taking on all those changing forms of manifestation; thus Illu- sion arises through our mistaking the form for the Sub- stance and Energy which produces it. This is the sense in which Maya becomes Illusion; it is the Mother Sub- stance masquerading in all those fleeting forms which delude man so that he does not recognize her, and this fleeting Garment of Illusion is what he calls Nature. The Sons of Maya, then, are the products of this dance of Illusion and are at the same time bound by it in a sense. No matter how free they become, they will still be Sons of Maya, but it will be in a different way. They are now the Sons of the Illusion of Maya because they recognize that as the Ultimate Truth ; that is they Accept Nature — and are at the same time governed by Natural Law. In time they will rise above this Plane and reach the point where they will become Sons of the Sporting of Maya, for they will be Free from the Illusion, and will express the whirling of Ishvara in their entire being, and at last they will reach the point where they will rise above this Playing and will express the perfect substance of the Spirit, on Para-Nirvana, but they will still be sons of Ma the Mother. However, the Sons of Maya here alluded to are those who are products of the Illusion, and are there- fore bound by it, and fail to see above the veil of matter. Humanity evolves very. slowly, and can only evolve while the Earth is evolving with it ; the two must go together. If the Earth starts upon another Round before its hu- manity has completed the present one, they will fail to begin the New Evolution with it, and will under the changed conditions be unable to carry on their present evolution, hence they will all be failures. It is for this 48 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. reason that they will never be able to reach the ring Pass Not, if the force of Fohat terminates the evolution of the Planet this side of the rim ere they reach it. Kosmic Evo- lution must therefore be delayed so as to permit Human Evolution to keep pace with it, otherwise it will prevent rather than promote Human Evolution. The Lifting- of Fohat 's voice means the intensification of the Fohatic Force until a great sound is produced. The fact that it has been long stilled indicates that it is the arousing of the Force to a great effort, to that which will end the Kound shortly, for it is bound to set all the Pow- ers of the Kosmos into the greatest agitation. It will not halt for the Gods, Kosmic Powers or men; that is, this Force has the will to rush on in its path, without refer- ence to the needs of man in his evolution, or even of the Kosmos itself, which needs time to grow into the new condition. If they will not move with the Fohatic Force, it will throw them out of its way and pass on to the final goal which is ever before it. It will not pause for any one, both the Kosmos and Man must keep pace in their evolution with it. The striking of the Sacred Chord upon the Seven Stringed Lyre in each of Maya's Sons means that the Sons of Flame, the Evolutionary Force of the Race Spirit, to steer up the active principle in each of the Seven Principles of man, so that he will awaken all the latent powers within and thus complete all that is to be done, and in this way enter the next Round, when the stride of Fohat will take the Kosmos with them. This simply means that they are to be awakened to the com- pletion of the work which should have been done during the present Round. The third Shloka shows that it was impossible for the Sons of Flame to accomplish his work, for only the five lower principles would respond, but Buddhi and Atma slumbered still, and there was not sufficient force in the Race Spirit to awaken them and thus make them function through those two higher principles, in this way prepar- ing them for the next Round. The real reason for this is that the Race Spirit itself is suited to the development of Manas and not of anything higher. In a sense the Lords of the Flames are the Forces of the Spirit, but it is not the Lords of the Flames, but the Sons of the Flame, that are here striving to perfect man, and they are of a much lower order than the Lords of the Flame. THEOGENESIS. 49 The failure of man to respond to the Buddhic and Spiritual Chords arouses the Fohatic Force to such a state of activity that it is here spoken of as Anger, the positive, driving force which must drive all things before it, let the results be what they may. He starts to com- plete the Round by closing the stride and thus leaves the Kosmos and the Race without any chance of ever completing their evolution and in this way entering upon the New Round. The Asuras are the destructive, disrup- tive forces which tend to disintegrate all forms, the pow- ers of Chaos, which are ever at war with the Kosmic Pow- ers of Creation. This positive force of Fohat becomes so great that it arouses all these Chaotic Forces into activ- ity. This brings them from the realm of rest, the state of inactivity, where they have been consigned during the entire Life Cycle, and causes them to speak to Fohat — that is, come into opposition to him, for he has started up a force sufficiently great to bring the Law of Opposites into play. The Fohatic Force may close its stride and thus end the Round, thus bringing an end to the present aspect of Evolution, but if so it will cause such a disturb- ance in the Kosmos as to awaken the Asuras and also the Divine Builders, or Devas — that is, the forces of De- struction and of Creation— and cause them to go to war with one another, and in this way the disturbance will rend the Kosmos and will react upon the Sons of Maya, causing the greatest disturbance within them, resulting in such great pain that the Sixth and Seventh Strings will be awakened into perfect harmony and the Sacred Chord will have sounded in all of its fullness. The two last strings of the lyre will no longer jangle out of tune, but the Sacred Chord will be completed. This means that the entire Evolution of Man will be at an end. The Seven Strings will all sound, and thus all his Seven Principles will be perfected. The Race will thus become one of Free Souls or Nirvanees as a result of the terrible pain through which they pass as a result of this Kosmic upheaval grow- ing out of the violent force of Fohat before the Kosmos, and its Humanity are ready to go with it. We are here shown what will be the result of such a violent ordeal of Kosmic Life ; it will mean the travail of the Kosmos and of the Race, and will cause it to pass through the birth throes and thus give birth to a New Race, which will have completed the Human Evolution. This will have to re- sult ere Fohat is able to lift his foot and thus usher in 50 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. another Round of the Great Life Cycle. The disturbance which will result from the closing of the present Round will awaken the two strings so that man will have com- pleted the work of the Great Life Cycle all at once, and will during that fearful agony have realized Human Per- fection, and thus been born into the state of the Per- fected Type; hence he will have gone beyond Fohat ere he can begin the next Round of the Spiral. When the first full chord is struck then thou shalt die. That is when all the Seven Principles have been awak- ened in man, and he manifests the fullness of conscious Septenary Life, he will be living on all of the Seven Di- mensions of Space. When this state is realized he will cease to vibrate on the four lower dimensions with suffi- cient intensity to manifest consciousness there, and the re- sult will be that he will cease to be conscious of those four lower dimensions, but will live in the consciousness of the three higher dimensions alone. Now to cease to be con- scious of the four lower dimensions means that those four forms of vibration which give us the consciousness of form will cease to vibrate within man, or at least their vibration will be so slight as to make no impression upon his consciousness, for it is this vibratory activity that gives the consciousness of length, breadth, thickness and insideness, the four elements of all forms. Man will in this way become unconscious of the four lower dimensions of space. Now, inasmuch as objects exist only in the mind, it follows that the moment man becomes unconscious of the four lower dimensions of space they will cease to be active and will therefore relapse into the state of inactiv- ity where they properly belong. When man has reached this stage of consciousness he will no longer take note of the Square of Matter and Form, but will live in the con- sciousness of the Triangle where all things are formless, in the realm of Substance and Energy, and not in that of Form. When he realizes this consciousness his principles will vibrate in that way and the result will be that he will be no longer bound by the four lower dimensions of space, but will transcend them all and will live in the Formless state of life. This will mean that he will rise above the power of the Fohatic Force, for it works through the Square of Form. Not only will man rise above it, but he will also change the vibration of the Kos- mos and it will transcend the four lower dimensions of THEOGENESIS. 51 space, and the Square of Form will be drawn up into the Formless Triangle, and the Universe will have become Fluidic, representing the state of Pure Mind. Atma- Buddhi-Manas will reign supreme. Matter will have been drawn up and apotheosized into energy and substance; the Kosmos will have ascended to Nirvana, and there will be nothing below. This is what is meant by the absorp- tion of the Universe into Vishnu. This will, of course, mean the death of Fohat, for he is the Sonoriferous Ether in the realm of the Square of Form. He is old and his work well nigh done, for the reason that the time is draw- ing near when this absorption is to take place, at which time there will be nothing for him to do. His life cycle is drawing to a close. So cease thine anger and give some space for effort if thou would prolong thine own labors. That is, if thou would continue to do thy work in this realm of form, cease thy aggressive force and permit man and the Kosmos to work out their evolution in their own time, for if thou dost not do this, but dost continue to send forth all this driving force, it will only awaken the warring forces of creation and destruction in man and in the Kosmos and will cause all the work of evolution to be done at once and in a violent upheaval, and will thus cause the apotheosis of the Universe as well as man into Nirvana, and in this way there will be nothing farther for thee to do ; hence thou shalt cease all activity and thus lapse into nothingness, for the reason that it is only in thy Mode of Motion that thou are existent at all, apart from this motion thou art not, and therefore when thou shalt cease to vibrate thou wilt cease to be. This will be the end of the Illusory aspect of Maya, and Maya's Sons will be brought to the Lotus feet of Vishnu, and the Uni- verse will present the Playing of Ishvara, but not the Illusory forms that have in the past grown out of it. From all indications it begins to look as though this was a perfectly clear indication of what was actually go- ing to take place. It would seem as though the Fohatic Force is arousing itself to such a frenzy of activity that the Forces of Creation and Destruction were going to rend the Kosmos to its very foundation, and in this way to force it, as well as the Race, into the New Birth, which will complete the Evolution at once, and in this way end the Life Cycle which has manifested through Form, and usher in one manifesting in 52 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. the Formless State. The apotheosis of the Kos- mos into Nirvana seems drawing near, and if so it will be the work of the Storm aroused by the fiery rage of Fohat. The Kosmos will have to go through the birth throes and Avill in reality have to die in giving birth to the Formless Kosmos, which will be itself again. The whole Universe seems to be getting ready for such an event, and it is for this reason that this Stanza has been given out at this time. It will help all who are awake to understand the meaning of the Storm when it shall break forth upon the Kosmos, and all the powers of Chaos are striving to dissolve the Universe. It will also direct man how to pass through the Storm and make it the means of his higher realization in the end. It was not given out in the past for the reason that it was not needed for this purpose at that time, but now it is given to the world because the time is a hand when the Rage of Fohat is going to awaken the Kosmic Storm, which will turn all the Forces loose and in this way bring about the New Birth of the Kosmos through pain, thus ending the reign of Form. The Whip, which is the symbol of the Spirit that is of the Energy Side, will scourge all materiality out of the Kosmos. THEOGENESIS. 53 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. THEOGENESIS. Stanza V. 1. And wilt thou then make bold to cross my will? cried Fohat in his rage. Wilt thou dare the wrath of the Shining Face and His circling hosts? Take heed lest I set down my foot so hard the bridge 'twixt the Gods and Men be broken ; then could'st thou no longer minister to man, or strike the full toned chord. Behold I call the Lahs, the bright Dhyanis — the sons of Law and Wisdom — and He of the Shining Face, all, all to me — They shall decide. 2. Out from his head, his feet, his. left hand and his right, sped four vast streams of Fire. They sought the abode of the Gods, and swiftly brought them to the bridge whereon Fohat stood with lifted foot. From his navel came the Sparks which all unknown to him had power to overcome e'en death itself. 3. So came they all, the Gods of the overworld and of the underworld, saying our power to make or to unmake is all but gone. The sons of Maya have taken our might and wisdom by violence. Thou, great brother, may'st finish the Fifth stride, but when thou shalt rest from thy labor and again shalt lift thy foot for the Sixth, — lo — thou shalt be alone. They whom thou now decriest shall be the Gods ere falleth thy foot on the Sixth Stride, and thou shalt not raise thy foot again, for the circle of Flame shall open for thee and thy line of life be cut in twain. 4. Unabashed but with abated strength, Fohat set his lifted foot upon the nether shore of Time. Dark- ness overwhelmed all living things. The faces of the Shining Ones were hid from the circling Wheels. The Spirit brooded once again. COMMENTARY. The Rage of Fohat is the arousing of the positive force of the Fohatic Will, the driving force, which is aroused by the opposition which is offered to him in the threat of his destruction. Of course, we must never assume that 54 THE STANZAS OF DZJN. this is an account of the conversation between Spiritual Entities who carried on this controversy in the ordinary human sense. They are all Kosmic Forces, and the words put into their mouths merely indicate what is tak- ing place within them. The resistance to his action which was indicated in the 4th Stanza has aroused all the driv- ing force of Fohat and thus we see his rage ; that is, the Fohatic Force stirred up to the highest point of activity. For any of the lesser powers, either those of Creation or Destruction to cross the Will, or Driving Force, of the active principle of the universe itself was an unheard-of thing, and the very effort so to do aroused all the strength of that force to the point of fury. Not only would such a course on their part arouse the opposition of the Fo- hatic Force in the realm of Matter, but also the Shining Face or Third Purusha, Ishvara, who has directed the evo- lution of the Kosmos along this line, would also resent with great bitterness any interference on the part of these lesser fosces, for Fohat is the expression of Ishvara, hence when they resisted the action of the Fohatic Force they were in reality resisting the Will of Ishvara. The circling Hosts of the Shining Face are the Spiritual Powers, which are the expressions of the diverse attributes or qualities of the Third Purusha, hence the action of the Asuras and Devas in attempting to complete the evolution of man and the Kosmos, would not only be placing them- selves in opposition to the trend of Fohatic action, but likewise to that of the Third Purusha and to all of the Spiritual Powers; that is, they will in reality be resist- ing the tendency of the entire Kali Yuga and this would draw down upon them all of the force of those Powers which would be aroused for the maintenance of their position. This will, of course, mean a war between the Devas and Asuras on the one side and of all the Great Powers, Material and Spiritual, on the other. The threat of Fohat to set down his foot so hard that the bridge 'twixt the Gods or Kosmic Powers and men be broken means that if they oppose him enough so that he becomes angered beyond all bounds this intense force of activity will become so great as to break all communion between the Kosmic Powers and the men through whom they are manifested. The meaning of this is that the vibration of those Forces will become so great that they will destroy any body they enter, and hence man will be unable to THEOGENESIS. 55 receive and express them even in the slightest degree. Thus man will be cut oft' from the universal forces and will be unable to advance at all; he will be completely cut off from the process of Kosmic Evolution, and this by reason of the fact that the activity of the Kosmic Forces was so intense that it was not possible for man to give expression to it. This would, of course, put a final stop to the progress of Human Evolution and hence man would remain at a standstill until the destructive force of Kosmic Evolution eliminated him from the face of the earth as one of those unfitted to survive in the struggle. Fohat then calls the Lahs the Father Spirits, those powers that have originated the present forms of earth life, in a certain sense the archtypes of the various lives manifesting in the physical world, the overshadowing group spirits, though they are also material. They are the sons of Law, that is of the Good Law, which regulates all things and of that Kosmic Wisdom, the great analytic principle of the Universe. Law and Wisdom are then merely names for the principles of Kosmic synthesis and analysis, as the two-fold creative and evolutionary proc- ess. They are the sons of this Law and Wisdom, as is everything else, because they are all the products of these two principles. Fohat 's calling them, and also Ishvara, He of the Shining Face, to decide the matter, means that the intense activity of the Fohatic Force has awakened the Lahs and even Ishvara to a corresponding activity, and it is to be the work of these powers to decide the con- flict between the Fohatic Force and the Lesser Powers by joining forces with one side or the other. The four vast streams of Fire which were sent forth from the head, feet and the two hands of Fohat indicate the square of force which was excited by the Fohatic vi- bration, so that it manifests as the Fiery Principle. The stream from his head is the Fire on the Mental Octave, which awakens all the force of the Manas, that from the feet is the Physical Fire arousing all the activities of the Physical Plane, and that from the right hand is the posi- tive and that from the left hand the negative current of the Astral Light, now kindled into a Fire. Thus it is seen that all the power of the Fohatic Force is now mani- festing in the form of Fire and those streams of Fire are 56 THE 5TAXZA5 OF DZJN. ging through the Three Worlds ThfSf -: . - : 1-t surge through all the Thr nd arouse the II smic Powers - is and bring them forth, tha: is re aroused to action, and thus come to the bri . where J I .:: stands ith uplifted foot: that is tc - they are now - f on the channel between themsel and man-, it is the stirring up of all the forces of the Three World- is weO :_ - irit itself, so that they are in a state of united action on the path between the Upper Lords and the Human Race through which they manifest. The navel is the seat of the 144.0