Calendar No. 354. 6 1th Congress, ) 1st Session. ) SENATE. \ Report No. 387. LINCOLN FARM ASSOCIATION. April 26, 1916. — Ordered to be printed. Mr. Beckham, from the Committee on the Library, submitted the following REPORT. [To accompany H. R. 8351.] The Committee on the Library, to whom was referred H. R. 8351, having considered the same, now reports it to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass with the foUowmg amendments: In line 5, page 1, strike out the words "President of the United States of America" and msert "Secretary of War." In line 8, page 1, strike out the word "or" and msert the word "of." In lines 9 of page 1 and 1 of page 2 inserts" eleventh day of April, nmeteen hundred and sixteen" mstead of "the day of , nmeteen hundred and thhteen." In Ime 23, page 2, strike out the words "President of the United States of America" and insert the words "Secretary of War." In line 24, page 2, insert "eleventh day of April, nineteen hundred and sixteen," mstead of "the day of — , nineteen hun- dred and thirteen." The purpose of the act is to authorize the Lhiited States to accept as a gift not only the cabin in which Abraham Lincohi was born, but in addition thereto the farm upon which he was born; and also an endowment fund made up as follows: Forty-four thousand doUars (par value) city of Louisville, Ky., 4^ per cent bonds, due in 1951; ■S2,0Q0 (par value) city of Louisville, Ky., 3 per cent bonds. The present market value of these bonds is nearly $50,000. A magnificent memorial hall has been erected and incloses the cabin, which stands near the spring, where it stood when Lincoln was born. On the farm is a substantial residence and other buildings, occu- pied by the superintendent of the farm. The farm comprises about 137 acres. Those who have saved the homestead of Lincoln from the ownership of those who might have exploited it for commercial purposes have also saved the log cabin in which he was born, and have inclosed LINCOLN FARM ASSOCIATION". ,U5 it in the memorial hall, which will forever preserve it from decay. \ They have also cleared the farm from brush and imdergrowth, haveKJ rebuilt boundary fences, have made a beautiful park immediately:^ around the memorial haU, and have endowed the farm "with a fund'i sufficient to maintain it. Having done all this they feel that they" have fulfilled their undertaking, and now suggest that the Xation take it over as a gift and see to it that Lincoln's birthplace is pre^ served for all future generations. ^ Already thousands of people, from all over the countiy, visit the place every year. It is anticipated that future 3^ears will see this number become multiplied over and over. The property has an income of more than $2,000 per annum from the endowment fund alone and is self-sustaining. The present holders of the fee-simple title have executed a deed of conveyance in fee to the United States, also an assignment of the endo%\anent fund, both of which instruments are now held by the Secretary of War, pending the passage of this act. The House passed the bill by a unanimous vote. The committee earnestly recommends that the same action be taken by the Senate. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 933 101 8 D. of D. MAY 3 1916 \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS nil HI nil ililiiilliiililllillil 011 933 101 8 J J