Book'W/?^' w xtr II K rowN F U I »K DS ; i £ * 4 ^ ulorrfNlrr Soriffp of J&nHqnilg. ■ n rr 11 1898 '^OFWASHtt^ o*: WORCESTER TOWN RECORDS From 1753 to 1783. Edited by FRANKLIN P. RICE. WORCESTER. MASS. : THE WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY 1882. U. B. A cvi. L THREE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED. This volume is presented as the result of a vote passed at a regular meeting of the Worcester Society of Antiquity, May $d, i88t. It contains the proceedings of the town for thirty years, and com- prises the third and about half of the fourth volumes in manuscript. A full index has been supplied. ERR A TA. Page 14, 8th line, for 6: 6 read 1 : 6. Page 39- 8th line, delete the. Page 64. 5th line, supply his before Receipt. Page 170, 22d line, supply Town before Treasurer. Page 180, 17th line, for David read Daniel. Page 247, 26th line, for for but read /net for. Page 324. 3Sth line, for Bussel read Russell. CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. Worcester, Mass., July 24///, 1882. I hereby certify that the matter contained in this volume has been compared with the original records in this office, and found to be, with the above correction, a true copy of the same. E. H. Towne, City Clerk. Worcester Town Records. WORCESTER RECORDS. The Town Records of Worcester from 1722 to 1753 have been published under the name of "Early Records." In the present undertaking the work will be continued from the last mentioned date to the close of the Revolutionary War in 1783. It will be issued in three parts, paged continuously to form a volume. A title page etc., and a full index will be supplied with the third part. Worcester Town Records. Att a general Town Meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester march : 18 th 1754 for the Choice of Town officers &c for the year ensueing at said Meeting John Chandler Esq was Chose moderator Att 8 Daniel Heywood T. Clerk Att said meeting the following officers were Chosen viz* John Chandler Jun r Esq. John Curtis Nath" More Jun r Jon a Lynds Timothy Paine John Boyden Gard r . Chandler Selectmen and Assessors Timothy Paine Town Clerk John Chandler Jun r Esq T. Treasurer Simon Gates and Jonas Woodward Chose Constables and in the Meeting Simon Gates procured Daniel Hubbard to Serve and the Town voted him in Constable in the Room of Simon Gates John Chadick Sealer of Leather Maj r Dan 1 Heywood Clerk of the market & Surveyor of Boards Clapboard & Shingles John Curtis Jona Lynds Joshua Bigelow Surveyors of Highways and Collectors of the Highway Tax to be granted for this year John Gates Jn° Chadick Junr Fence Viewers David Bancroft Benj a Chapin Tything Men John Gates Thomas Wheeler Jun r Deer Reeves Jon" Gates Jun r William M c Clellan Timothy Knight Benj 8 Crosby Adonijah Rice James Mfarland Nathaniel Tatman Samuel Curtis Gardiner Chandler Hog Reeves io Worcester Tozvn Records. [i 754. Voted that the Schools be supported in the same way and man- ner as they were the Last year and that John Chandler Jun r Nath 11 Green and Luke Brown be a Comitte for Providing a master for the Center School Samuel Mower John Boyden Ebenezer Willington James Boyd Noah Jones and Francis Harrington be a Comitte for the Sev- eral Parts of the Town they live in for providing masters and the Selectmen are Impowered To fix the Bounds of Smiths Quarter & Flaggs Quarter and if need be the Places that the School is to be Kept in The Selectmen made returns of several Roads or ways Laid out by them viz' a Road to accomodate Josiah Peirce going through Land of Samuel Eaton a Road to accomodate Ezekiel How and others going through Land of John Knights Timothy Knight and Edward Knight the Heirs of Col° Heath and Land of Col. Hatch and also a Road to accomodate James How and others going through Land of said Heaths Heirs Land and Land of Col. Hatch all which the Town accepted of as private ways and voted to be Recorded provided the Town are not put to any Cost in purchas- ing the same Voted that Mess. Israel Jenison John Curtis and Joshua Bigelow be a Comitte to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer and re- port their doings at the next meeting Voted that the Incouragement for Killing Wolves & Rattle Snakes as allowed and Voted the Last year, be allowed and granted for the present year Voted that the sum of one Hundred and Fifty Pounds Lawfull money be assessed and Leveyed on the Polls and Estates in this Town in the same way and manner as was voted at the annual meeting held y c 4 th of march 1 750/1 to be Expended in Building Bridges and Causways and mending and repairing decayed ones and Putting the Roads and ways into repair the present year and that the same wages be allowed and Rules followed in all regards as was voted at said meeting and the Selectmen are to direct in giving orders to the Surveyors to allow Persons to work so as may best accomodate them having a general Regard to the publick 1 754-] Worcester Tozvn Records. 11 Benefit and such Persons if any there be who have not paid their Tax for the year 1753 : may discharge the same in Labor by the first of next June and those who have worked out more than their part may be allowed the same out of the Tax for the present year producing proper certificates Voted that Mes s Tho 9 Stearns James Brown & Tyrus Rice be a Comitte to put and keep the Parsonage Buildings & Fences into good repair and to Keep them so till further order and that said Comitte take into Consideration the ninth article of the warrant relateing to William Mahan Junr his desire to purchase a small Peice of the School Land adjoyning to his Land and they are de- sired to consider thereof under under all the circumstances attend- ing the same Especially as the Rev d M r Maccarty has a claim thereto and the same was by the Town in may Last voted to be fenced — and that said Comitte Report at the next meeting what they may apprehend best for the Town to do therein The aforegoing votes passd at said meeting Att 8 John Chandler Mod. Recorded '<$ Tim . Paine Town Clerk — Worcester ss march 18 th . 1754 I Certifie that Each and Every of the Persons elected as Town officers at the annual meeting this Day held in the Town of Worcester as named in the within vote or List (Excepting Jona- than Gates Jun 1 ' Benjamin Crosby & adonijah Rice) each of them were duly sworn to the faithfull discharge of their respective Dutys & Trust agreeable to Law and at the same Time Each of them took the oath prescribed in the act of the 2 2 d year of his majestys Reign Relateing to the Bills of Credit of the other Governments 1 Att" J Chandler Just Pac. Entred from y c orig 1 being wrote upon the original votes of S d meeting ~$ Tim° Paine Town Clerk 1 Extinct from the Massachusetts Province Laws of 1748 '" And whereas Bills of Credit have been the only medium of Trade within this Government for many years past, and the Bills of Connecticut, New- 12 Worcester Town Records. [i 754. June io ,h 1754 Jon a . Gates J r and Benjamin Crosby Hogreaves have since been sworn att 9 Tim . Paine T C Memorandum of several Roads Laid out viz', a Road to ac- comodate Josiah Peirce through m r Samuel Eatons Land as follows begining at a heap of stones by the side of a Post in the west Line of said Peirce and from thence to run westerly over a Little Bridge and from thence to a white oak markd and from thence by the side of the fence to the cross Fence south of his Barn and from thence by the House of said Eaton into the Lane said Eaton hath fenced for his own conveniency and from thence by markt Trees and as the way is now used to the Country Road the Road to be one Rodd half wide Except in the Lane aforesaid where it is to be of y e same wedth it now is. the marks are on the northwesterly side the Road Hampshire, and Rhode-Island, have passed promiscously with the Bills of this Government, and the Inhabitants of this Government will he liable to greater Evils than they have ever yet suffered, if the Bills of those Govern- ments continue current in this Province : "Be it further enacted, That if any Person from and after the thirty-first Day of March One Thousand seven Hundred and fifty, shall account receive take or pay any Bill or Bills of Credit of either of the Governments of Con- necticut. New-Hampshire, or Rhode-Island, in discharge of any Contract or Bargain or for any valuable Consideration whatsoever, every such Person so accounting, receiving taking or paying the same, shall forfeit the sum of fifty Pounds for every offence, to be recovered and applied in like Manner with the Forfeiture or Penalty for receiving or paying Silver Coin at any higher Rate than is regulated by this Act." The following was the oath administered to all those holding office under the crown in the province, town officers, plaintiffs in suits at law, innholders and others : "You A. B. do in the Presence of GOD. solemnly declare, that you have nut since the last Day of March 1750, wittingly and willingly, directly or in- directly, either by yourself or any for or under you. been concerned in re- ceiving or paying within this Government, any Bill or Bills of Credit of either of the Governments of Connecticut. New- Hampshire or Rhode-Island. So help you GOD." Neglect or refusal tu take the oath was punishable by a tine. 1 754.] Worcester Town Records. 13 We also Laid a Road to accomodate Ezekiel How John Knight and Tim" Knight as follows begining at the County Road South- erly of John Knights House at a heap of stones and to run South- erly and by marked Trees through said John Knight Land to Tim" Knights Land and Riming through his Land by marked Trees till it comes to Land of Edward Knight and from thence through his Land by marked Trees and across Burnt Coat Plain to the County Road where they meet at the shading Place, the Road to Lye on the Easterly and Southerly side the marks and to be Two Rods wide We have also laid a Road to accomodate James How Edward Knight and Daniel Knight as follows begining at the County Road at the northwest corner of said Hows stone wall and Runing to the Brook as the way is now Trod to the Bridge the Bridge to Lye on the North side of the Road and from thence to an oak staddle marked in or near the Line of How and Knights Land and from thence continueing westward to a heap of stones then to turn Southerly on the Brow of the Hill to an oak stump faced on the North side said stump, said stump to be on the south side the Road and from thence westerly as the way is now Trod to said Knights House and from thence to run in the Lane to a Red oak marked and from thence to a Popple by the side of a Brook and so over the Brook to a Chesnut Tree marked and from thence the same course to a Red oak marked and from thence to a Large Rock and from thence to a Red oak and from thence to the County Road near the House of Josiah Flagg the Road from said Knights to Run through the Land of the Heirs of Col : Heath and the Land of Col : Hatch all the marks Except the first mentioned and the oak stump to Lye on the north side the Road aforesaid the Road to be Two Rods wide John Chandler Jr ~\ Selectmen Worcester Febuary 5 th 1754 Daniel Heywood >- of Daniel Ward ) Worcester Att an annual Town meeting held at Worcester march 18 th 1754 Voted that the aforegoing Roads or ways be accepted and ap- proved as private ways & Recorded so that the Town be at no Charge in Purchased [sic] them att" J Chandler mod. Recorded ^ Tim" Paine Town Clerk 14 Worcester Town Records. [i 754. Att a general Town meeting held at Worcester may 20 th 1754 at said meeting John Chandler Jun r Esq was Chosen modr atts Tim Paine Town Cler Att said meeting Voted that y e following sums in Law full money be granted to and for y e following purposes vizt To John Chandler Esq for 16 Rattle snake Tails £o: 8: o To Elisha Smith Junr for 150 feet of Plank 8: o To William mcfarland for three rattle snake Tails 6 : 6 To Jacob Hemenway for 250 feet of Plank 13 : 4 To Tyrus Rice for Plank for Tatmans Bridge & ") Holmes Bridge 6/ and for one Days work at >- 8:0 mr mcCartys Barn 2/ J To Francis Smith for 75 feet of Plank o : 4:0 To Win Johnson for an Iron Svvivell & Ears to mr "I maccartys Bucket J 0:2:0 To John Chandler Jr for a Record Book he bought for ye Town o : 1 1 : o To Jabez Sargent for 50 Bricks for mr mcCartys oven & tending ye mason and rinding Clay o : 2 : 4 ^ To Tyrus Rice for l & % Day mending ye Parsonage fence finding Post and Hanging ye Gate o : 4:0 To Thomas Richardson for John Hart James Ball Richard Heard John mcquire and Daniel Greenwoods Rates o 19 o To Elisha Smith Jr for alexander Clarks Rates 14 3 To Israel Jenison as Constable for 1749 for Eb. steams Rates £ 2: 2: 3 1 ., Last Emission in Lawfull money 1 26 '.', To Thomas Richardson for James Glassfords Rates 7 6 To Thomas Richardson for part of Capt John Stearns Rates in Consideration of distressing sickness he hath had in his family the Last year 15 4 '., To the Support of ye School to be disposed of in ye same proportion as ye Last year 60 00 To the Revd mr mcCarty for his Sallary ye year Ensueing 80 In all one hundred forty seven Pounds & Ten pence halfpenny ;£'47 o 10 ^' The aforesaid sums being one hundred and forty seven Pounds and Ten pence 3/4 Lawfull money voted to be Levied and as- sessed by the assessors according to Law on the Poles & Estates in y e Town and paid in the Town Treasury one half by y e 25 th of next December and y e other half by y e first Day of inarch follow- ing and to be paid for y L ' above uses and the Sallary granted to y e Revd m r maccarty be made into a Distinct and Separate Tax 1 754-] Worcester Town Records. 15 Voted that the Report of the Comitte on the accounts of John Chandler Jun Esq Town Treasurer be accepted and that he be discharged of the sum of one hundred sixty four Pounds thirteen Shillings and Two Pence Lawfull money and that he further ac- count with the Town for y e sum of Eighteen Pound Sixteen Shill- ings and Eight Pence now in his Hands The Comitte heretofore appointed for clearing y e Publick Land west of the Heirs of Judge Jenison and sowing y e same with grass made a verball Report that about Fifteen acres thereof was cleared Excepting some miery Places and that upon y e whole they are of opinion it would be most for y e benefit of the Town Either to Lease or sell the said Land considering y e Distance it Lyes from the Rev d m r maccarty and y e great Expense the Town must neces- sarily be at in clearing and fencing y e same whereupon it was voted that this Report be refferred to the next meeting for further Consideration The Comitte appointed in march Last to take into Considera- tion the Request of W" mahans desire to purchase a small Peice of the School Land adjoyning to his Land made Report that they had viewed the same under all the circumstances and are of opin- ion that it is not advisable for the Town to sell it which Report was accepted by y e Town The foregoing votes Passed at Said meeting att John Chandler Jr mod r Recorded from y e orig 1 votes of said meeting att Tim Paine T. Cler. [Extract from a warrant dated May 20. 1754.] "To see if the Town will come into any method Either of Leas- ing or selling the ministerial Land Lying west of Land of the Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d containing about forty acres and if the[y] come into a vote for selling the same to appoint some proper Per- son or Persons to Petition the great and general Court for their Leave so to do — and to acl thereon as the Town shall think proper Either to their Leasing or selling: the same" 1 6 Worcester Town Records. [i 754. To the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester at their meeting to be held at Worcester may : 27 th 1754 Gentlemen I understand that the occasion of your meeting is to come into some method Either to Lease or sell the ministerial Land Lying west of the Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d — I therefore Signifie my consent Either to your Leasing or selling y e same Pro- vided if its Leased I may have the Rent thereof or if sold the Interest of the money arising by the sale thereof dureing my Con- tinuance among you as your minister as by a vote of the Town y e Improvem' of said Land belonged to me I am gen 1 your well wisher Thaddeus maccarty Entred from y e orig 1 & Examd ^ Tim° Paine T Cler Worcester may 27 th 1754 at a general Town meeting held at Worcester on said [day ?] at said meeting John Chandler Esq r was Chosen mod r att s T Paine T Clerk after some debate upon the article contained in the within war- rant Relateing to the selling or Leasing the ministerial Land Lying west of Land of the Heirs of the Late Judge Jenison Dec d — the said meeting was by vote adjourned to the first monday in Sep', next at three oClock P. M att s T Paine T. Cler att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester the second Day of September by adjournment from y e 2 7 th of may Last Past The Town resumed the Consideration of y e Subject matter con- tained in y e wart and Passed the following votes thereon — viz. Voted that the present Selectmen of this Town or the major Part of them be and they are hereby fully and absolutely Impow- ered In the name of y e Town to Lease out about forty acres of Land Called ministerial Land Lying west of and bounding East on Land of the Heirs of the Late Judge Jenison I)ec d . west on Land of the Heirs of Joshua Rice Late of marlboro\ Dec d . South on Land of maj r Daniel Heywood & northerly on Land formerly be- longing to Corn 1 * waldo Esq now a Town or Private way (the 1 754-] Worcester Town Records. 17 bounds to be first ascertained) for the Term of nine hundred and ninty-nine years and to set up the same at Six Pound Eight Shill- ings to be applied for y e support of y e Gospel ministry in this Town and the highest bidder to be the Lessee and whoever hires the same to give good and undeniable security to the acceptance of the Selectmen or the major part of them for punctually paying the Rent annually at the time to be prefixed in the Lease That for Enabling the Selectmen to Lease the same and for managing for the future all maters Relateing thereto it was voted that the present Selectmen or the major part of them and their successors as Selectmen for the time being or the major part of them forever hereafter dureing said Lease be and continue a Com- itte fully Impowered for the Purposes aforesaid by the Name of the Comitte for Leasing out part of the ministerial Lands in Wor- cester and by such Name to bear and hold Perpetuall Succesion for the purposes aforesaid It was further voted that the Lesse shall be obliged in and by the Lease once in five years dureing the Continuance of said Lease or oftner if Required thereto by the Selectmen or major part of them to give such new security as may by said Selectmen be Judged necessary It was further voted that if the Lessee at any time hereafter should Incline to pay Down a sum that the Interest thereof at six ^ cent ^ annum should be sufficient to raise a sum equal to the rent that in such Case the Selectmen for the time being or major part of them may receive the same and give a full and compleat Discharge for all after Demands for Rent saving one Ear of Indian Corn annually (if demanded) said money when Received to be Immediately applyed for Raising a sum Equall to the Rent afore- said and applyed to the aforesaid purposes It was also Voted that the Selectmen or the major Part of them be and they are hereby Invested with full Power & authority for perfecting and compleating all the aforegoing articles passd in the aforegoing votes and that the Town will from Time to Time and at all Times Indemnifie said Selectmen in their doings and Pro- ceedings relateing to the Premises said Selectmen and their Suc- 3 1 8 Worcester Town Records. [i 754. cessors allways to be Subject to render an account of their said Proceedings at the annual meetings in the month of march dureing Said Lease and to be accountable for their doings Relative to y e Premises and whereas m r Thaddeus maccarty our present Rev d Pastor has manefested his willingness to have said Land sold or Leased as the Town shall Judge Proper — therefore voted that dureing his Con- tinuance in y e work of the ministry in this Town that the Rent or Interest arising annually as aforesaid be from Time to Time paid to him as he is Intitled to the Improvement of said Land by for- mer votes and that spesial Care be taken in the Settling all Suced- ing ministers in this Town that they Relinquish all Claim to said Land they having the yearly Profit thereof arising as aforesaid The aforegoing votes passd at said meeting atts John Chandler mod 1 " Entred from y e orig 1 . ^ T Paine Town Cler att a general Town meeting held at Worcester Sep'. 2 d . 1754 — at said meeting John Chandler Esq 1 " was Chosen mod r . att s Tim" Paine T Cler at said meeting voted unanimously that it is contrary to the mind of said Town that the act relateing to the Excise on the Pri- vate Consumption of Spiritous Liquors &c within this Province be passed into a Law and That John Chandler Jr Esq y e Representa- tive of said Town use his utmost Endeavor to prevent the same Voted that the following sums be granted to and for y e following purposes vizt To Joseph Clark for 766 feet of Plank @ 5/4 £2 : 0:4 To Palmer Gouldlng Jr for ringing the Bell takeing \ care of the meeting House the Last year J 2: 2: S To John Chandler Jr his account ' 10: 3 £4 13 : 3 Voted that the aforegoing sum of four Pound thirteen shillings and three Pence together with the sum of Sixty seven Pounds Ten 1 755-1 Worcester Town Records. 19 Pence 3/4 granted in may Last makeing in the whole Exclusive of the Rev d m r maccartys Sallary Seventy one Pound fourteen shill- ings and one Penny three farthings be Levied and assessed by the assessors according to Law on the Poles and Estates in the Town and made into one Tax that the sum of Eighty Pounds granted in may Last for the Rev d m r maccartys Sallary be accordingly assess- ed and made into a Distinct and Separate Tax — and one half of Each of the aforesaid sum be paid in the Town Treasurer by the 25 th of next December and the other half by the first Day of march next and to be applyed for the use and Purposes for which they were Granted The foregoing votes Passd at S d meeting att 8 John Chandler mod 1 " Entred from y e orig 1 votes ^ Tim° Paine Town Cler Att a general Town meeting held at the meeting House in Wor- cester march 10"? 1755 for the Choice of Town officers &c for y e ye,ar Ensueing at said meeting The Hon : John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator atts Tim Paine Town Cler att said meeting the following affairs were Transacted vizt John Chandler Jun r John Curtis Tim Paine Tyrus Rice Gard- iner Chandler were Chosen Selectmen and assessors Tim Paine Esq Town Clerk John Charfdler Jr Esq Town Treasurer John Boyden and Joseph Wiley chose constables and in y e meeting Joseph Wiley procured Thomas Cowden to serve in his stead and y e Town voted him in Constable in the Room of the said Joseph Wiley John Chadick sealer of Leather major Daniel Heywood clerk of y e market and Surveyor of Boards & Shingles [The remainder of the record of this meeting is lost. Three leaves are wanting in the volume.] 5- IO 19 = 2 1 : 5 = 4 13 = 7 9- o A- o 8 IO 12 6 1 20 Worcester Toivn Records. [ T 755« Att a general Town meeting held at Worcester may : 19 th 1755 at said meeting the Hon. John Chandler Esq was Chosen mod- erator atts Timo. Paine Town Cler Att said meeting Voted that the following Sums in Lawfull money be granted to and for the following Purposes vizt To Robert Gray for 484 feet of Plank £ 1 : To Jacob Hemenway for 360 feet Plank o: To Francis Smith for 476 feet of Plank 1 : To James Barber for 230 feet of Plank o To Tyrus Rice for repairing ye Parsonage House & 75 feet Plank To Samuel Eaton for white washing ye Parsonage House O To Daniel Hubbard Late Constable for Noah Harris Pole Tax being To James Trowbridge 236 feet Plank for wards Bridge o To Jabez Sargent for sweeping ye meeting House ringing Bell &c 228 To Daniel Hubbard Late Constable for Roger Stevens Pole Tax 8 10 To Samuel andrews Constable for y= year 1752 for Win Farmers Rates 099 To Elisha Smith Junr Constable for ye year 1753 for Wm Farmers Rates To Daniel Hubbard Constable for ye Last year for Wm Farmers Rates To Jonas Woodward Constable for ye Last year for Nathl Bullards Rates To Elisha Smith Junr for four Rattle snake Tails To Daniel Hubbard Constable for ye Last year ye sum of nine shillings & three pence for John Rikey Francis Harvey Edwd Hair their Town Rates they being Inlisted into his majestys Service To Thos Parker for 2 Rattle snake Tails To Palmer Goulding Jr for mending ministers fence To Robert Smith for 200 Plank To the Support of ye School to be disposed of in ye same proportion as the Last year 75 o To the Revd rar Thaddeus maccarty for his Sallary for ye year Ensueing 80 o 14 3 9 7, 3 4 I 1 8 2 9 3 1 3 10 8 168 To Josiah Peirce ye Sum of four Pounds to Enable him in some measure to pay for a Road from his Farm through the Land of Samuel Eaton 1 755*] Worcester Toiun Records. 21 The aforesaid sums amounting unto the whole the sum of Lavvfull money was Voted to be Levied and assessed by the assessors according to Law on the Poles and Estates in y e Town and paid into the Town Treasury one half by y e Twenty fifth Day of December next and y e other half by the first of march following and to be paid for the above uses Cap' Palmer Goulding prayed to have a grant made to him of so much as his Pole was Taxed at the Last year — Inasmuch as he is deprived of y e use of his Right arm and being put to vote it passed in y e negative The Comitte appointed in march Last to Consider the Petition of James How and sixteen others relateing to the fixing of y e Quar- ter called Flaggs Quarter and the Place where the School should be Kept in said Quarter for y e future &c made Report That they had attended said service and their Judgment was that their ought to be Two School Houses and stand as follows vizt. one on y e Country Road where the Road from old mr Knights comes into y e Country Road near Josiah Flaggs and that the other ought to stand on the Road that Leads by Elisha Smiths near or on y e old seller where John Peibles formerly Lived as by S d Report appears — after some Debate the Quesbon was put whether the said Report should be accepted and it passed in y e negative Voted that the Report of y e Comitte on y e accounts of John ('handler Jun r Esq Town Treasurer be accepted and that he be discharged the sum of one hundred and fifty Eight Pounds 12/ 2 d .3^ L. m : and that he further account with the Town for the sum of Eleven Pounds Eighteen Shillings & Seven pence Lawfull money (which is out standing in y e Constables Hands) when he Receives y e same The foregoing votes passd at S d meeting att 8 J Chandler mod r Entred from y e orig 1 by Timo. Paine Town Cler Worcester Sep 1 . 10 1755 at a general Town meeting held at Worcester after Legal warning The following affairs were Transact- ed John Chandler Jun r Esq was Chosen moderator atts Timo Paine Town Cler 22 Worcester Tozvn Records. [i 756. Those of the Inhabitants that were Present that had not hereto- fore given a List of their Poles & Estates now gave them in to the assessors in order for a Just assessment after some Debate the Question was put if the Town Reconsid- er their vote in may Last in granting the sum of Four Pounds Lawmll money to mr Josiah Peirce to Enable him to pay for a Road from his Farm through the Lands of Samuel Eaton & it passed in the affirmative & thereupon the Town voted that the same be not assessed on the Inhabitants the present year — Then the Question was put if the Town would give order to the Treas- urer to pay y e same out of the money now in his hands & it passed in y e negative Voted that the sum of Eleven Pounds Seventeen Shillings be granted & paid to the Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay the County Tax the Present year and that said sum together with those granted in may Last (Except the sum of £4- granted to mr Peirce to pay for his Road) be assessed and made into one Tax The foregoing votes Passed at said meeting atts John Chandler Jr moderator The Foregoing Warrant & Transactions of S d meeting Entred from y e original ^ Timo Paine Town Cler To the Selectmen of the Town of Worcester Gentlemen I have taken into my House one Nathan Baldwin & his wife & their Children in the month of Nov r . Last, they came from medford in the County of middsx — as to their Circumstances I have no knowledge off which I now Inform you off & desire you would Proceed with them as you think Proper I am Gent. y r Humble Serv 1 Worcester Feb. 9 th 1756 Gard r Chandler Entred 19 Tim . Paine Town Cler. 1 75 6.] Worcester Town Records. 23 Att a general Town meeting held at the meeting House in Wor- cester the first Day of march 1756 for the Choice of Town officers &c for the year Insueing at said meeting John Chandler Jun r Esq r was Chosen moderator Att 3 Tim" Paine Town Cler agreeable to the Several articles Contained in the warrant the Following affairs were Transacted vizt John Chandler Jun r Esq, Cap' Israel Jenison Tim Paine Esq majr Gardiner Chandler Josiah Brewer Esq were Chosen Select- men & Assessors Timo Paine Esq unanimously Chose Town Cler John Chandler Jun r Esq Town Treasurer David Bancroft asa moore Constables John Chadick Sealer of Leather Daniel Heywood Esq Clerk of y e market & Surveyor of Boards and shingles John Curtis Tyrus Rice John Boyden Sam 1 mower Jr Josiah Brewer Esq Elisha Smith John Chandler Jr E^sq Surveyors of High- way and Collectors of y e Highway Tax to be granted for this year John Gates Daniel Wheeler Fence Viewers Jacob Chamberlain James Goodwin Tythingmen Samuel Andrews David Earl Samuel Curtis Josiah Brewer Jr Benj a Crosbey Isaac willard Daniel m'Tarland Hogreeves Voted that the School be Kept in the same way and manner as they were the Last year and that John Chandler Jun r . & Tim° Paine Esq and mr Asa moore be a Comitte for provided [sic] a master for y e Center School and that Jacob Chamberlain Daniel Ward Capt Jenison Elisha Smith Jun r Josiah Brewer Esq and Francis Harrington be a Com- itte for the Several Parts of the Town they Respectively Live in for providing School masters Voted that Samuel mower Josiah Brewer Esq & Capt James Goodwin be a Comitte to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer and Report their Doings at the next Town meeting 24 Worcester Town Records. [1756. Voted that the Incouragement for Killing of Wolves and Rattle Snakes as allowed & Voted the Last year be allowed & granted for y e Present year Voted that the Sum of one hundred and Fifty Pounds Lawfull money be assessed and Levyed on the Poles and Estates in the Town in the same way and manner as was voted in the annual meeting held the fourth of march : 1 750/1 to be Expended in Building Bridges & Causways mending and Repairing decayed ones and putting the Roads and ways into repair the present year and that the same wages be allowed and Rules followed in all Re- gards as was voted at said meeting and the Selectmen to direct in giving orders to y e Surveyors to allow Persons to work so as may best accomodate them having a general Regard to y e publick Ben- efit and such Persons if any there be who have not paid their High- way Tax for the Last year may Discharge the same in Labor by y e first of next June and Those who have worked out more then their part may be allowed for the same out of y e Tax for the Present year producing proper Certificates The Selectmen of The Town being y e Comitte for Leasing out the ministeriall Land Lying west of the Land of the Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d . Reported that they had Rec'd the first years Rent for the same and agreeable to a vote of the Town had paid y e same to the Rev a . m r . m c Carty and took his Rec' accordingly which Re- port being read voted that y e same be accepted and that the S d Selectmen be discharged from y c first years Rend \jic\ Voted that the Swine may go at Large they being yoked and Ringed according to Law The Selectmen made Return of Sundry Road Laid out by them viz', a Road Laid out to y e Farm belonging to John Chandler Jun r Esq. begining at his house where John Johnson now dwells and to Extend Easterly to a Large Chesnut Tree marked and from thence to Daniel m c farlands Corner and from thence to a small Black oak marked and from thence to a white oak marked and from thence to another white oak marked and from thence by marked Trees to the Road called Smiths Road, the markt Trees to stand on the northerly side said Road and to be Two Rods wide Laid out Janry io ,h . 1756 1756.] Worcester Tow7i Records. 25 Voted that the aforegoing Road or way be accepted and ap- proved as a private way & Recorded so that y e Town be at no charge in purchasing y e Land Voted that the Consideration of the Road Laid from Eben r Flaggs Land to y e County Road through the Land of the Heirs of Joseph Heath Esq Dec d as also the Road Leading from Elisha Smiths to John Fisks through the Land of y e Heirs of John Brooks Dec' 1 be reffered to y e adjournment of this meeting Voted that the Road formerly Laid between the House of James Barber and y* Land of Ebenezer Flagg be discontinued and that in Lieu thereof the Road as Laid out by y e Selectmen in Nov r . Last and now Returned viz' begining at y e Corner of said Flagg Fence and to run as the way is now Trod and by marked Trees to the House of James Barber Two Rods wide and Lying on the East side the marks be Confirmed and Recorded as a Town or Private way agreeable to the Return of the Selectmen Voted that Inasmuch as the Road called Smiths Road that goes through Daniel mcfar- land Land was Laid out in deep miery Land on the East side that the Said Road for y e Future Extend no farther East then y e Fence now stands, provided the said Daniel mcfarland moves his west fence so far west as to Leave the Road three Rods wide Voted that the present Selectmen of this Town or the major Part of them be and they hereby are fully and absolutely Impow- ered in the Name of the Town to Lease out the School Land Ly- ing near the House of William mahan Jun. Containing about Fifty acres bounded southerly partly on Land of William mahan and partly on Land of Zebediah Rice northerly on ministerial Land westerly on Land of Ebenezer Lovell Southwesterly upon Land of William mahan Jr and William mahan — The bounds to be first as- certained — for the Term of nine hundred and ninty nine years for the same the most [sic] will Fetch for y e yearly Rent thereof and the Rent to be paid into the Town Treasury annually to be ap- plyed for the Support of a School in said Town and for no other purpose whatsoever, the Highest Bidder to be the Lesse and who- ever hires the same to give good and undeniable security to the 4 26 Worcester Town Records. [ 1 756. acceptance of the Selectmen or major Part of them for punctually paying the Rent annually at y e time to be perfixed in the Lease That for Enabling the Selectmen to Lease the same and for manageing for the future all maters Relateing thereto it was voted that y e Present Selectmen or y e major Part of them for ever here- after dureing S d Lease be & and Continue a Comitte fully Impow- ered for y e Purposes aforesaid it was further Voted that the Lessee shall be obliged in and by y e Lease once in five years dureing y e Continuance of said Lease 'or oftner if Required by y e Sele6tmen or major part of them to give such new security as may by said Selectmen be Judged nes- sessary It was further Voted that if the Lesse at any Time hereafter should Incline to pay down a sum that the Interest thereof at six per cent : per annum should be sufficient to raise a sum equal to y e Rent that in such case the Selectmen for the Time being or the major Part of them may receive the same and give a full cS; Corn- pleat Discharge for all after Demands for rent saving one Ear of Indian Corn annually (if demanded) said money when Reed to be Immediately applyed for raising a sum Equal to the Rent afore- said & applyed for y e purposes aforesaid it was Voted that the Se- lectmen or y e major part of them be and they are hereby Invested with full Power and authority for perfecting & Compleating all the foregoing articles passed in the foregoing votes and that the Town will from Time to Time Indemnifie said Selectmen in their Doings and Proceedings relateing to y e Premises and Selectmen and their Successors always to be Subject to render an account of their said Proceedings at their annual meetings in the month of march dureing S d Lease & to be accountable for their doings Relative to y e Premises Voted that this meeting be adjourned to y e third monday in may next at Two oClock P M : and then the said meeting was adjourn- ed accordingly The foregoing Votes pasted at said meeting atts John Chandler Jun moderator 1 75 6.] I Wire ester Town Records. 27 Worcester ss. march : i st . 1756 Each of the Persons Elected and Chose Town officers at y e annual meeting this Day held in the Town of Worcester as mentioned in the within Votes or List ( Excepting the Town Clerk Town Treasurer and Tim° Paine Esq one of y e assessors. Benj". Crosby a hogreeve Jon". Gates Fence Viewer & asa moore Constable) were duely Sworn to y c faithful! Discharge of their respective Dutys and Trust, and also took y e oath relateing to the Bills of Credit of y* neighbouring Govern- ments by act. 27. Geo. 2 d . appointed to be Taken Before me Tim Paine Just Pac s Worcester ss march : 3 d 1 756. asa moore took y e oath of a Con- stable and y* oath relateing to the Bills of Credit of y e neighbour- ing Governments Before Tim° Paine Just Pac 9 Worcester ss march : 10 th 1756 Tim" Paine Esq Chosen Town Clerk and assessor for y e Town of Worcester the year Ensueing was this Day duel\- Sworn to y e Faithfu'.l Discharge of the respect- ive Trusts — and also took y e oath relateing to y e Bills of Credit of the neighbouring Governments by act : 27 : Geo : 2 d . appointed to be taken Before me Duncan Campbell Just Pac 8 Worcester ss march n ,h 1756 John Chandler Jr Esq Town Treasurer was sworn to y e faithfull Discharge of said Trust and took y e money \sic\ by act 27. Geo. 2 : appointed to be Taken Before me Tim" Paine Just. Pac 8 Worcester ss march : 22: 1756 John Gates being Chosen a Fence Viewer for the Town of Worcester for this year was Sworn to y e faithfull Discharge of his office & took y e oath relateing to Bills of Credit of y e neighbouring Governments by act. 27 Geo appointed to be taken Before me Tim" Paine Just Pac s Entred from y e orig 1 . votes &c — Examd {^ Tim Paine Town Cler Art a Town meeting held at Worcester the 1 7 th Day of may 1 756 by the votable Inhabitants thereof by adjournment from the first I )ay of march Last 28 Worcester Town Records. [1756. The following affairs were Transacted vizt Isaac moore Jonas ward Chose Deer Reeves John Gates Daniel Hubbard feild Drivers The matter Contained in the 8 th & 9" 1 articles of the original warrant relateing to the Roads Laid out through the Land belong- ing to the heirs of Joseph heath Esq Dec d and the Lands belong- ing to m r John Brook Voted that the Consideration thereof be reffered to the adjournment of this meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first monday in September next at Two oClock in the afternoon The foregoing votes passed at S d meeting atts John Chandler Junr moderator Worcester ss may 17 th 1756 I Certify that the above named Isaac moore Jonas ward Deer Reeves & John Gates & Daniel Hubbard feild Drivers were duely Sworn to y e faithfull Discharge of their respective offices and at y e same Time took y e oath by Law req d Relateing to y e other Governments Bills of Credit Coram J Chandler Jus Pac" Att a Town meeting duely warned and held at Worcester the 17 th may 1756 by y e Votable Inhabitants thereof at said meeting the Hon. John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator atts Tim Paine T Cle Voted that the following Sums be granted to y e following Per- sons viz 1 To William mahan Jr. for mending fence for mr mcCarty in the year 1754 iS: 1755 060 To Thos Cowden for Conveying John mcWaten to Shrewsby by vertue of a warrant from y^ Hon J Chandler Esq 16 o To Thomas Cowden for Denni[s?] obrian & James Briants Taxes 1 10 11 To Ditto for James moore sons Pole Tax he being under age when Rated o 15 $)4 To Tyrus Rice in full of his acct for work done abt y<; Parsonage & Plank for P»ridges 1 2 o T<> Ebenr. Wiswall for mending windows in ye meet- ing House &c ' 1196 1 75^*3 Worcester Town Records. 29 To Willm Johnson for work Done to mr mcCartys well iV mending ye Bell 6 8 To Daniel Hubbard Constable for 1754 for moses Do- littles Taxes 8 a 3 ., To Josiah Brewer Esq for y« Plank for ye Bridges over half way River 1 o o To John Boyden Constable for 1755 the whole of Joshua Bancrofts Rates 1 6 3 1 ., To John Chandler Jr for makeing stone chimney in the School House and finding all the materials & Paying y e Workmen 1 2 5 To John Chandler Junr for Repairing ye Pound 3 5 To John Gates for a Days work mending Parsonage fence 2 o To Xathl moore Junr for 2 feet of Plank for Bridges 10 O To Jabez Sargeant for King the Bell takeing care of and sweeping meeting [House] one year 228 for the Support of the Schools one year 75 o o for the Sallary of ye Revd mr Iliads maccarty one year 80 o o ;£i6S 12 l% Voted that the same Comitte take under Consideration the ac- count of Thomas Stearns for Boarding the Schoolmaster in y e year 1752 and Report what they think proper for y e Town to do there- on at the adjournment of this meeting The Comitte appointed in march Last to Examine the Town Treasurers account reported that they had not finished the matter there upon Voted that the Consideration of the 2 d article of the warrant be continued to the adjournment of this meeting — upon the fifth article in the warrant after some Debate voted that the sum of Two Pounds 13/4 belonging to the Poor of the Town & now in the Treasury be put into the Hands of y e Selectmen for y e Stipport of margaret Ditty — and that the S d Selectmen take an In-, ventory of her Effects in her Hands Voted that the present Selectmen of y e Town of Worcester or y e major part of them by and with the Consent and leave of y e Rev d mr Thaddeus maccarty y e present minister be and they hereby are fully and absolutely Impowered In the name of the Town to Lease to mr James Putnam of Worcester for such Rent as they shall Judge reasonable about one acre of ministerial! Land Lying Southerly of 30 Worcester Toivn Records. [ 1 756. y e County Road and adjoyns to y e School Lott now in his Pos- session and bounds South Easterly on Land of Zebadias Rice and northerly and northeasterly on y e Country Road and is divided from the ministerial! Lott by S d Road for y e Term of 999 years — The said James Putnam giving Security to y e acceptance of y e said Selectmen or major part of them for y e punctually paying the Rent that they shall agree upon which is to be applyed for y e Support of y e Gospell ministry in S d Town the said Selectmen or y e major part of them or their Successors in said office for the time being or the major part of them for Ever hereafter during S d Lease be and Continue a Comitte for y e purpose aforesaid by y e name of y e Comitte for Leasing out part of the ministeriall [land] in Wor- cester adjoyning to y~ School Lott and by that name to bear and hold perpetuall Succession but if the said James should Incline at any [time] hereafter to pay down a sum that the Int : thereof at six per cent per annum should be sufficient to raise a sum equal to y e Rent that may be agreed upon that then the Selectmen or major part of them may Receive the same and give a Discharge for all after Rents Except an Ear of Indian Corn if demanded and S d money when Rec d be Immediately applyed for raising a sum equall to the Rent and applyed for y e Purposes aforesaid The said Selectmen and their Successors to be accountable to the Town in the month of march at y e annual meeting dureing S d Lease for their doings Relative to y e Premises and that the Town will from Time to Time and at all Times Indemnifie the said Se- lectmen in their doings and proceedings relative to y e Premises and they are hereby Invested with full Power & authority for perfecting & Compleating the said Lease agreeable to y e foregoing Votes — and also voted that Special Care be Taken in the Settleing all suc- ceeding ministers in the Town that they Relinquish their claim to said acre of Land they having y e profit thereof arising as aforesaid Voted that this meeting be adjourned to this first monday in September next at Two oClock afternoon The foregoing Votes passd at S' 1 meeting att s I : Chandler mod 1 " ^S^.] Worcester Town Records. 31 Att a Town meeting held at Worcester at the meeting House by the Votable Inhabitants of said Town by adjournment from the 17 th Day of may to the first monday of September 1756 Voted that John Chandler Jun r Esq be the moderator of this meeting in the Room of the Honble John Chandler Esq who is absent Voted that the Said meeting be further adjourned to y e 13 th of September Currant at 3 "Clock P. M atts John Chandler J r moderator Recorded & Exam' 1 by Tim" Paine Town Cle Att a Town meeting held at Worcester at the meeting House by y e votable Inhabitants of S d Town by adjournment from y e 1 7"' Day [of] may 1756 to the first monday in September 1756 and from then to the 13 th Day of y e same September at S d meeting the following affairs were Transacted viz' ( iranted to Thos Stearns for Boarding mr Henry Gardner ) thirteen weeks Qy 5/4 per weak in ye year 1752 / 3: 9 4 The Comitte appointed on ye account of Francis Harring- ] ton relateing to Kesiah morse was Read & not ac- [ cepted & thereupon voted that the said Harrington be allowed 32/ in full for his said account £s : I 4 Voted that margaret Ditty be Rec d as the Towns Poor provided Capt James moore Entertain her at a reasonable Lay at his House or some other Convenient Place in the Town till next march and that S d moore relinquishes his grant of Two Pounds 13/4 made him in may Last towards Supporting her Voted that the Report of y e Comitte on the accounts of John Chandler Jr Esq Town Treasurer be accepted and that he be Dis- charged the sum of one hundred and Eighty six Pounds 4/6^ Lawfull money & that he further account with the Town for y e sum of ^5 : 1 2 : 1 1 / 2 out standing in y e Constables Hands when he Re- ceives y e same The foregoing votes passd at S d meeting att' John Chandler Jr moderator Recorded & Exam' 1 bv Tim° Paine Town Cle 32 Worcester Town Records. [ T 757- Att a Town meeting held at Worcester by y e Votable Inhabitants of said Town on, the 13 th Day of September 1756 at said meeting John Chandler Jun r Esq r was chosen moderator att 8 Tim° Paine Town Cler at S d meeting the following affairs were Transacted vizt Those of the Inhabitants that were present that had not given in a List of their Estate in order for an Equitable Tax or assess- ment then gave y e same in to y e assessors Voted that the sum of Eleven Pound seventeen shillings ] be granted to John Chandler Junr Town Treasurer j- j£ll: 17 o to Enable him to pay ye County Tax J Voted that the sum of Twenty Two pounds be granted to ye Selectmen to Enable them to purchase a Town Stuck of ammunition cS:c Voted that ye Sum of Six Pounds be granted to ye Select- "^ men to procure a Decent Burying L'loth j £39: 17 o Voted that the foregoing sums Together with those heretofore granted & not yet assessed be assessed on the Poles and Estates in the Town in one Tax and paid into y e Town Treasury one half thereof by y e 25 th of December next and y e other half by y e first of march 1757 and to be paid for y e uses for which they were granted The foregoing Votes passd at S d meeting att 8 J. Chandler Junr modr att a Town meeting held at Worcester by the Voatable Inhabi- tants of said Town on the twenty fourth day of January : 1757 at said meeting House John Chandler Jun r Esq r . was Chosen mod- erator att 8 Israel Jenison Josiah Brewer Select men att said meetind the following affairs was Transacted vizt. the Select men Returned a list of the persons Lyable by Law and which they Judged able and well Qualifyed to serve on the Petit Jurors a greeable to a law of this Province made in the Present year of his majestys Reign Entituled an act for the Better Regu- lating the Choice of Petit Jurors which is as follows vizt J 757-] Worcester Town Records. 33 James Brown Robert Barber John Barber Jeremiah Beath Thomas Cowdin Jacob Chamberlain Ephraim Doolittle Samuel Eaton David Earl Ebenezer Elagg Josiah Elagg John risk Junr Isaac Gleason Simon Gates Jacob Hemingway Ezekiel How Daniel Hubbard Solomon Johnson Junr Isaac moore William mcfarland Samll miller Junr Josiah Peirce Thomas Stearnes Elisha Smith Junr Stephen Sawing Joseph Temple Israel Jenison Ebenezer Lovel asa moore Samll mower Junr Thomas Wheeler Ebenezer Willington Joseph Willey william young Charles Adams Nathll Adams Samuel Andrews Joshua Biglo Daniel Boyden John Boyden 1 lavid Handcraft Benja Chapin John Chadwick Benja Elagg Benja Kisk Palmar Goulding John Gates James Goodwin John Goddard mathew Gray Daniel Hey wood Josiah Herington Jacob Holmes Erancis Herington Noah Jones Natll moore Junr James Nichols Nathan Perry absolom Rice Gershom Rice Junr Tyrus Rice Thomas Richardson John Stowell Cornelius Stowell Jonathan Stone Thomas Wheeler Daniel Ward Ebenezar Wiswell Joseph Clark at said meeting the Question was Put wither the Town accepted of the foregoing List and It Passed in the affirmative att s John Chandler Jun r moderator Entred W Timo Paine T Cle Att a general Town meeting held at the meeting House in Wor- cester the Seventh Day of march 1757 at nine oClock A M for the Choice of Town officers &c for the ensueing year by the Votable Inhabitants of S d Town of Worcester Att said meeting the Hon ble John Chandler Esq was Chosen mod 1 " Att 9 Tim° Paine Town Cler agreable to the Several articles contained in the warrant the fol- lowing affairs were Transacted vizt 34 Worcester Town Records. [ I 757« John Chandler Jr Esq Tim° Paine Esq m r William young Cap*. Israel Jenison & m r asa moore were Chosen Selectmen & assessors for y e year Ensueing Tim Paine Esq Chosen Town Clerk John Chandler Jr Esq Town Treasr Capt Daniel ward m r John Chaddick & mr Daniel Hubbard overseers of y e Poor James Nickols and Jacob Chamberlain Chose Constables and in y e meeting James Nickols procured Thomas Richardson to serve in his Room and the Town voted him in Constable in S d Nickols Room John Chadick Sealer of Leather Daniel Heywood Esq Clerk of y e market & Surveyor of Boards & Shingles Thomas Rice John Boyden John Chandler Jr Daniel Hubbard Jacob Plemenway Samuel mower Jr Robert Barber Joseph Clarke Francis Harrington Surveyors of Highways & Collectors of y e High- way Tax to be granted for this year John Gates Phinehas ward Fence Viewers John Gates Daniel Hubbard feild Drivers John Chaddick Jun r W m mcfarland Deer Reeves James Goodwin Daniel Boyden Tythingmen Benj" Crosby Isaac Willard Comfort Rice ob ward Josiah Peirce Charles Davenport Jr James Hamilton Hog reeves Voted that the School be Kept in y e same way & manner as they were the Last year and that John Chandler Jun r and Tim Paine Esq r & mr Samuel Andrews be a Comitte for providing a master for y e Center School and that Jacob Chamberlain Daniel Ward Capt Jenison Elisha Smith Jun r Joseph Clark & Francis Harring- ton be a Comitte for the several Parts of the Town they respect- ively Live in for providing School masters Voted that [the] sum of Seventy five Pounds be granted for y e Support of the Schools to be disposed of in the same proportion as v ,; Last year 1 757.] Worcester Toivn Records. 35 Voted that mr Samuel mower Josiah Brewer Esq & Capt James Goodwin be a Comitte to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer and Report ther Doings at the next Town meeting Voted that the Sum of one hundred and Fifty Pounds Lawfull money be assessed and Levyed on the Poles and Estates in the Town in y e same way & manner as was Voted at the annual meet- ing held the fourth of march i 750/1 to be Expended in Building Bridges & Causways mending & repairing decayed ones & putting the Roads and ways into repair the present year and that the same wages be allowed and Rules followed in all regards as was voted at S d meeting and the Selectmen to direct in giving orders to the Surveyors to allow to persons to work so as may best accomodate them having a general Regard to y e Publick Benefit and such Per- sons if any there be who have not paid their Highway Tax for y e Last year may Discharge the Same in Labor by y e first of next June and those who have worked out more than their proportion may be allowed for y e same out of y e Tax for y e Present year pro- ducing proper Certificates The Selectmen of y e Town being the Comitte for Leasing out the ministerial Land Lying west of y e Land of y e Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d reported that they had rec d the second years Rent for y e same & agreeable to a vote of the Town had paid the same to y e Rev d mr maccarty and took his Receipt accordingly and that the Capitall Sum still remains in the Hands of Daniel Heywood Esq mess asa moore and Sam 1 Andrews which report being read Voted that the same be accepted and that the said Selectmen be Discharged from y e 2 d years Rent. The Selectmen of the Town being the Comitte for Leasing out the School Land Lying adjoyning to Land of W™ mahan Jun r for the Term of 999 years Reported that agreable to the Votes of S d Town in march Last they on y e 29 th Day of y e same march Leased the same to mr James Putnam for y e yearly Rent of Five Pounds he being the highest Bidder and the said Putnam agreable to the votes of S d Town hath paid into the the hands of S d Selectmen Such a sum of money as the Interest thereof at six per cent per annum is Sufficient to Raise the Rent afores' 1 and that they have 36 Worcester Town Records. [ l 757- given S (1 Putnam a Discharge for all after Rents and the said sum so paid they have put out on Interest to mess. David Baldwin of Leicester asa Baldwin of Spencer & Jon a . Wheelock of y e Country Gore to Raise the Rent aforesaid which Report being read Voted that the same be accepted and that the S <1 Five Pounds when Rec d be disposed of in the same proportion for y e use of Schools in S d Town as other Grants for Schooling are Voted that the Swine in S d Town go at Large they being yoked and ringed according to Law The Selectmen made return of Several Roads Laid out by them viz 1 a Bridle way to accomodate micah Johnson through the Land of william young and Solomon Johnson J r till it comes to Land Leading to Deacon Wheelers through Gates as follows viz 1 begin- ing at the House of S d Johnson and thence Extending to a white oak Tree marked in the Line between S d Johnson and young and from thence to youngs House the House to be on the west side the Road and from thence to the northwest corner of S d youngs Barn & from thence to a white oak stadle marked in the Line be- tween S d young and Solomon Johnson Jr and from thence to a white oak Tree marked and from thence to a pine Staddle in the Road that Leads to Deacon Wheelers the marks to be on the Easterly side the Road & to be Two Rods wide also a Road Leading from Isaac Willards to Sutton Line through the Land of Jonas woodward begining in the Line of S d Willards Land & riming to the Lane towards said woodwards House the fence on Each Side to be the Line of the Road to his House and from thence Extending to y e Southwest Corner of his Barn and from thence to a heap of Stones in the Town Line the Two Last marks to Lye on the Northerly side the Road the Road to be Two Rods wide — which returns being read Voted that Inasmuch as the said Wm young & Jonas woodward through whose Lands the said Laids are Laid are willing to give the same That the Returns of said Roads be accepted and that they be approved of as Private & Townways Voted that the Consideration of the Roads Laid out to accom- odate John mahan &: Eben T Lovel be Reffered to y e adjournment of this meetinge 1 757.] Worcester Town Records. $7 Voted that the ministerial Land Containing about Eighty acres more or Less Lying in Worcester adjoyning to the Road Leading from the meeting house in Worcester to mr obadiah wards with the Consent of y e Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty the Present minister of S d Town be sold and that the Selectmen of said Town of Worces- ter for the Time being or y e major Part of them be a Comitte with full Power to sell the said Land in behalf of S d Town & give War- rantee Deed or Deeds for the same and the money arising by such sale to be Lett out at Interest and the Interest thereof be paid to y e Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty to Enable him to provide firewood for his family dureing his ministry also voted that the sale of the same be publicky Notifyed and that the said Lands be sett up at one hundred Seventy Seven Pounds fourteen Shillings & Sixpence and that the said Town will warrant and defend any Person or Persons that purchase S d Land from the Claims of all Persons and that the S' 1 Selectmen make Report of their Doing at the next Town meeting A Petition of James Hart Tho" Beard James wallis & Jonathan Stone shewing forth that they have Petitioned to y c Town of Lei- cester praying to be sett of with their Lands to y e Town of Wor- cester in case this Town are willing to receive them — The said Petition being read thereupon the Question was put if the Town of Worcester were willing to receive the S d Petitioners in S d Town provided the Town of Leicester are willing they should be sett off & it passed in y e affirmative Voted that the School Lott Lying adjoyning to Land of william mahan Jr winch was on y e 29 th of march Last Leased to m r James Putnam for 999 years be now sold to him In Consideration of y* sum of money which he has paid into the Hands of y e Selectmen the Lawfull Interest whereof amounts to five Pounds per annum and that the Selectmen of y e Town of Worcester for y e Time being be and they hereby are Impowered in behalf of S d Town to pass and Execute a good warantee Deed of said Land to the S d James Putnam his heirs & assigns for Ever Voted that dureing the Time that John Young Kept the School in the Quarter called Goldings Quarter the present Winter he be 38 Worcester Town Records. [!757- paid therefor according to y e agreement made with him and that the Treasurer be and he hereby is directed to pay the Remaining parts of the money to the Comitte man of S d Quarter at such Time when the same shall be Expended in Schooling The Question being put If the Town grant a proper sum of money out of the Town Treasury to y e Quarter called Goldings Quarter Sufficient to pay for Ten weeks Schooling being for School- ing they Lost some Time Since & it passed in the Negative Voted that this meeting be adjourned to y e 16 Day of may next at Two of y e Clock in the afternoon and then the said meeting was adjourned to the meeting House accordinglye The foregoing Votes passd at S d meeting att s John Chandler mod r Worcester ss march 7 th 1757 I Certify that all the Persons herein named (Excepting Benj a Crosbey a Hogreave) to whom an oath by Law is req d to be adm d were duely Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of y e Respective offices to which they were Chose & also took y e oath by Law reqd Relateing to y e Bills of Credit of y e Neighbouring Governments Sworn Before me John Chandler Jus Pac Worcester ss 22 march 1757 Benj a Crosbey Sworn as above Before me Tim Paine Just Pac Entred "P Timo Paine Town Cler Att a Town meeting held at Worcester on y e 16 th of may 1757 at Two of the Clock in the afternoon by adjournment from the Seventh of march Last The Town took into Consideration the Road Laid out Through Ebenezer Lovels Land to accomodate John mahan by the Select- men of Worcester the i st of march Last and after some Dabate Voted that the same be accepted & Recorded as a Town Road Provided the said John mahan Frees the Town from all cost and Charge for the future Either in purchasing said Land or in makeing & Keeping S d Road in repair which Road as Laid out by Sd Se- 1 757-J Worcester Town Records. 39 lectmen is Discribed thus — begining in the Line between said mahan & Eben r Lovel at a Black oak Tree marked thence Ex- tending to a Chestnut Staddle thence to another Chesnut Staddle & thence to a maple Stadle by the side of Beaver Brook near the Line of Wm mahan Jr & from thence to a Pitch Pine Tree and from thence to a Black oak staddle and from thence to a Chesnut staddle and from thence to a white oak to mr James Putnams Line and from thence to a Pitch Pine Staddle on the Said Putnams Land and from thence on the Line between S' 1 Putnam & William mahan Jr. to the Country Road all the Trees aforesd are marked & Two Chops on the Southwest side of the Tree the Road to be Two Rods wide and to Lye on the Southwest side of y e marks aforesaid Voted that a Road Laid out by the Selectmen i st of march 1 757 Two Rods wide To accomodate Ebenezer Lovell through the Land of obadiah ward begining at the Northerly side of his said Lovels Land at the end of his stone wall at a clump of Chesnut Bushes from thence through Land of said ward Riming by a walnut & white oak Tree about 25 Rods untill it meets with y e Road Lead- ing by said wards House be accepted & recorded as a private way Provided the Town be at no Charge in purchasing or makeing & maintaining Sd Road Voted That the Hon b,e John Chandler Esq be one of y e over- seers of y e Poor for y e year Ensueing Voted that Daniel Hubbard be a Collector of y e Publick Taxes on y e northerly side of y e Country Road for y e year Ensueing The Town took under Consideration the Petition of James Hart &c of Leicester & Jonathan Stone of Worcester praying that the Town of Worcester would receive them with their Estates unto said [town] Provided it please the General Court to sett them of from Sd Leicester & annex them To Worcester The Question be- ing put it passed In the affirmative The foregoing Votes passd at Sd meeting att s J Chandler mod r Worcester ss 16 may 1757 Daniel Hubbard being Chosen a Collector of such publick Taxes as should be Comitted to him to 40 Worcester Tozvn Records. [ x 757- Collect on y e Northerly side of y e Country Road the Present year was Sworn to the faithfull Discharge of his Sd Trust and at the same Time took y e oath Relating to the Bills of Credit of the Neighbouring Governments Before J Chandler Jus Pac Worcester att a Town meeting regulerly warned & assembled at the meeting House in Worcester on monday y e 16 may 1757 by y e Qualified Voters of said Town att Sd meeting y e Hon John Chandler Esq was Chose mod 1 " Voted that the following Sums be granted for y e purposes here- after mentioned To Noah Jones For Two Ladders for ye parsonage House 080 To Jabez Sargeant for Ringing the Bell Sweeping the meeting House takeing Care of ye same & providing water for Baptisms for one year the sum 228 To David Bancroft Constable for ye year 1 756 for Rayham Bancroft Pole Tax he being rated Twice 16 7 To the Revd mr Thaddeus mcCarty for his present years Sallary the Sum of 80 o o To Samuel Eaton for Building a Stone Chimney & Laying Hearths in ye Parsonage House six Days work & for Carting a Load of Clay 019 o To Ebenr Flagg for I2 W Bricks of Nath Goodspeedj Leicester We the Subscribers being appointed by the Selectmen of Wor- cester & Sutton met and perambulated the Line and renewed the Bounds between said Towns begining at the Southwest Corner of Worcester through to the South west Corner of mr Appletons Farm according to former Custom Asa moore ~\ Selectmen of Daniel Boyden >- Worcester or David Bancroft ) appointed by [them Daniel Greenwood ") in behalf of Charles Richardson >■ y e Town of Samuel Trask ) Sutton Worcester June 12 1758 by adjournment from the 31 may last Tim Paine John Curtis & John Chaddick appointed on the part of Worcester to perambulate the line between Worcester & Shrews- bury met mr Phinehas Heywood & Isaac miller appointed on the part of Shrewsbury at a red oak Tree near the Long Pond and so ren d the Bounds between those Two Towns untill we came to a small white oak Swamp Tree and heap of Stone being the north- east Corner of Worcester Tim Paine Phinehas Heywood John Curtis John Chaddick Isaac miller 5Z '■ 6. 8. Eb. Willington £13. 6. 8 and that they had also rec d Five Pounds the Interest of the money by y e School Land & applyed the same for Schooling The Capitall remains in the Hands of David Bald- win asa Baldwin of Spencer & Jon a Wheelock Charlton That they had also Rec d the Interest of the Last year Ending 28 th march 1759 arising by the sale of the ministerial Land Lying by Zebadiah Rices and paid the same to the Rev d mr maccarty to purchase his wood & taken his Receipt therefor The Capital re- mains in the Hands of Theop. Chandler 50- ob ward 36 : Palmer Goulding 35. 17. 10 Phinehas ward 22 : 15/ Sam 1 Eaton 35 : 16 8 as by S d report on file appear Read & accepted & Voted that the Sd Selectmen be discharged from S d Sums Voted that Capt John Curtis mess Palmer Goulding & John Gates be a Comitte to put & keep the Parsonage Fences in good Repair y e year Ensueing year [sic] Voted that the Swine go at Large they being yoked and Ringed according to Law Voted that Josiah Brewer Esq John Chandler Jr Esq mr Joshua Bigelow Cap' James Goodwin Thomas wheeler mr Daniel Boyden mr David Bigelow L' Jacob Hemenway & Cap' Israel Jenison be a Comitte to draught a Plan of a new meeting House Calculate what the same will Cost and see who will be Subscribers or Pur- chasers of y e Pews and what the Pews will pay Towards Building Sd House & report at the adjournment of this meeting in order for the Town then to act. thereon (if they See Cause) [Article in the warrant relating to the above : "IX. whereas the Publick meeting House in Town wants repairing & is so small that it will not accom- odate the People that usually attend the publick worship, Therefore to see if the Town will Build a Suitable House for ye publick worship and to give such Direction relative thereto as they shall Judge Proper"] 1760.] Worcester Tozvn Records. 65 Voted that the Roads mentioned in the Tenth article of the warrant laid out & accepted Last march thro Joseph Blairs Jacob Chamberlain mess asa moore & Samuel millers Land be discon- tinued Voted that Cap' Israel Jenison Cap 1 Thomas Stearns & Cap' Ty- rus Rice be overseers of the Poor y e year Ensueing John Chandler Jr Esq Chosen at this meeting a Selectman as- sessor and Town Treasurer Refusing to serve in Either of S d offices Thereupon Voted that Cap 1 John Curtis be a Selectman assessor and Town Treasurer in the Room of the S d John Chandler Esq Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the third Tuesday of may next at Two oClock afternoon The foregoing Votes passed at S d meeting att 8 John Chandler Jr moder Worcester ss march 3 d 1760 I Certify that Tim° Paine James Putnam Esq asa moore John Curtis Jonathan Stone Chosen as- sessors for the Present year & Tim° Paine Esq Chosen Town Clerk made oath to discharge their Respective offices according to Law & took the oath relating to other Government Bills march 10 1760 Jacob Smith Chosen an Hogreeve Sworn ac- cording to Law & took y e oath relating to other Government Bills J Chandler Jus Pac Worcester ss march 5 1 760 all & Every of the Several Persons Elected to the Several offices for y e year Ensueing Excepting those Sworn by John Chandler Esq a Justice of y e Peace & Stephen Sawen Chosen Constable & John Chandler Jr Surveyor & Collector made oath before me to discharge the Duties of their respective offices according to Law & at the same Time took y e oath relate- ing to other Government Bills Coram Tim Paine Jus' Pac Worcester 20 th may 1 760 att a Town meeting of y e Inhabitants of Worcester regularly assembled by adjournment from the third Day of march Last 66 Worcester Town Records. [1760. The Comitte appointed to draw a Plan of a New meeting House Calculate what the same will Cost and Se who would be Subscri- bers or Purchasers of the Pews and what said Pews will pay towards Building said House made Report That it was their opinion that it is Time the Town began to prepare for Building that the House to be built be 70 feet Long 55 feet wide that there be in S d House 68 Pews 67 of which the Comitte apprehend will sell for ,£400 — That the Cost of the House will be ^1000 that about one Quar- ter of said sum might be supplied by the Inhabitants of the Town in the articles of Boards Shingles Lath Clabboards & small Timber and Large that the Remaining Sum be divided into three Taxes and assessed on the Inhabitants one third this year and the other Two Thirds the Two next years as by said Report on file appears Read and not accepted and being put to Vote whether the Town will now proceed to Build a new meeting House and it pass- ed in the negative Stephen Sawen who was Chosen to serve in the office of Con- stable having refused to take y e oath off office Voted that Samuel Eaton be Constable in the Room of S' 1 Sawen who was sworn in meeting The foregoing Votes passd at S d meeting att 8 J Chandler moderator Worcester may 20 th 1 760 Att a Town meeting regularly warned and held by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town Qualified to vote in Town affairs at the meeting House at three oClock afternoon Voted That John Chandler Jun r Esq be the moderator of this meeting Att s Timo Paine Town Cler Voted That the following sums be granted for y e following Pur- poses vizt 1760.] Worcester Town Records. 67 To Joshua Eigelow for 7 & }.$ Days work at the ministerial fence £ 1 26 To Daniel Johnson a Premium of 20/ for Killing a wild Catt in said Town I O O To Peter Johnson for Killing Seven Wild Catts 700 To Noah Jones for Killing one Do 100 To John Gates mending fence & well Crock for ye minister &c 8 4 To Joseph Clark for 10 string Peices for a Bridge 10 o To Fphraim mower Constable for ye year 1758 The sum of 25/10 1 2 being the taxes Laid on Francis Verry who is poor and unable to pay them 1 5 ioj^ To William mcfarland the sum of 20/4 being what Noah Flood was Rated for his Pole Tax 104 To Cornelius Stowell Constable for ye year 1758 for carrying one David miliar a Poor Person from Worcester to Leicester 3 o To Robt Barber for a weeks Schooling & Boarding School master 10 8 To the Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty for his Support & Sallary the Present year 80 o o To the Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty the sum of Twenty Pounds as an addition to the said £&0 In Consideration of the Dearness of the necessary of Life for ye Present year 20 o o 126 o %% The Comitte appointed in march Last to Examine the accounts of John Chandler Jun r made report That they found the said ac- count Right Cast & well vouched and that he has Reed three Shillings & Two pence % L m more than he hath paid out which he had paid to Capt John Curtis the Present Treasurer read & accepted & voted that he be discharged from the sums he has reed Voted That Joseph Perry & Family be admitted Inhabitants of the Town Voted that the ministerial Land Lying west of the Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d which was Leased to m r asa moore for 999 years be now sold him In Consideration of the sum of money which he paid into the Hands of the Selectmen the Lawfull Interest whereof amounts to the sum of £ 1 1 4/ per annum — and that the Select- men of the Town of Worcester for y e Time being be and they here- by are Impowered In behalf of said Town to pass and Execute 68 Worcester Town Records. [1760. a good warrantee Deed of said Land to the said asa moore his heirs & assigns for Ever The Selectmen- haveing Laid before the Town a List of Persons liable by Law and which they Judged able and Qualified to serve on Petit Jurors out of which the Town Selected out one quarter part to serve as Jurors at y e Superior Court of Judicature Court of assize and general goal Delivery namely — James Brown Israel Jenison Nathan Baldwin Daniel ward Jacob Chamberlain asa moore Eph : Doolittle Saml mower Jacob Hemenway Elisha Smith Jr Corn. Stowell Joshua Bigelow David Boyden John Boyden David Bancroft Jonn Chaddick Jonathan Stone James Goodwin Daniel Hubbard Noah Jones Nath moore Jr Cershom Rice Jr and the remainder of said List to serve as Jurors on the Inferior Court of Comon Pleas & Court of general Sessions of the Peace namely Luke Brown Joseph Blair James Barber Saml Brooks Jer. Beathe David Bigelow Josiah Brewer Jr Saml Bridge John Curtis Jr Thos Cowdin John Chaddic James Carlyle David Earl Eb Flagg John Fisk Josiah Flagg ]•- Isaac Gleason Phinehas Gleason Solomon Gates Simon Gates Ez Howe Solomon Johnson micah Johnson Peter Johnson Jno mower Isaac moore Saml moore John mahan James mcfarland william mcfarland Samuel miller Daniel mcfarland Josiah Peirce Jabez Sargeant David Thomas Joseph Wiley Eb Willington Jr Benja Whitney Win young Benja Chapin Samuel Curtis Simeon Duncan Benja Flagg Benja Fisk Palmer Goulding John Green John Gates Jona Gates mathew Gray Jno Goddard Josiah Harrington Francis Harrington Win mahan Jr James Nichols nathan Perry absolam Rice Tyrus Rice oth Taylor James Trowbridge Thos wheeler Jr Phin ward Eb w iswall Henry ward and Voted that they be put into Separate Boxes according to Law The foregoing votes passd at S d meeting atts John Chandler Jr moder Entred from y e orig 1 "P Timo Paine Town Clerk 1760.] Worcester Tozun Records. 69 Worcester 06I 13 1760 3 oClock afternoon att a Town meeting regularly assembled at the meeting House in Worcester Voted that John Chandler Jr Esq be moderator of said meeting Voted that the Sum of ^n 16 8 be granted to the Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay ye County Tax ye Present year p^ii 16 8 voted that the sum of 2 : 2 : 8 be granted to mr Jabez Sargeant for takeing Care & Sweeping the meeting House, ringing the Bell and providing water for Baptisms 228 To Tyrus Rice for one Day work at ye Parsonage 3 To the Selectmen for to be Laid out in mending the meeting House windows 1 O o 75 126 '5 8 1 1 4 - 216 2 l ., Town Debt £*S l 4 Voted that the above sum of jQ 1 5 . 1 : 4 Together with the sum of £ 75 granted in march Last with the sums granted in may Last be assessed on the Poles & Estates of the Inhabitants of said Town of Worcester in one Tax & paid into the Town Treasury for the purposes for which they were granted one half by y e 25 th of De- cember next and the other half by y e first Day of march next Voted that the fine of Five Pounds forfeited by Stephen Sawen for not serving in the office of Constable to which he was Chosen in march Last be remitted to him Provided he does within four weeks pay unto the Selectmen their Charge in applying to the Ses- sions for a warrant of Distress to Levy S d Fine Those of the Inhabitants present at S d meeting who had not given in Lists of their Poles & Estates gave them in Voted that V Jacob Hemenway mess Sam 1 Eaton & Joshua Bigelow be a Comitte to put the Parsonage House and Barn into Repair as they shall think proper Voted that dureing the Towns Pleasure John Chandler Jr and Jacob Hemenway be allowed to Erect. Two Gates upon the Road yo Worcester Town Records. [1760. leading out of y e Country Road to S d Heminways one to be near mr Newtons Blacksmiths Shop y e other at or near Beaver Brook Entred from y e orig 1 !§ Tim Paine Town Cler Att a meeting of the Selectmen of Worcester 061 13 1760 The said Selectmen appoint Palmer Goulding Pound Keeper of the new Stone Pound Lately Erected near his House Att s Tim Paine Town Cler Proportion of School money 1 Center 36 8 3tt Tatnick 9 16 11 Smiths Q r 7 5 Curtis 5 6 8 Harrington 6 14 3 Bogachoge 9 Stone 5 8 9 3 A £*° grant £ 75 Interest of School 5 money ^80 Att a general Town meeting regularly warned & assembled at the meeting House in Worcester the Second day of march 1761 at 8 °Clock A m for the Choice of Town officers for the Ensueing year and to Transact other matters Contained in the warrant, by the Votable Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Voted that the Honble John Chandler Esq be the moderator of this meeting Att s Tim° Paine Town Cler agreable to the several articles Contained in the warrant the fol- lowing Affairs were Transacted vizt 1 76 1.] Worcester Town Records. 71 John Chandler Jr Esq Tim Paine Esq Capt Israel Jenison mess Asa moore & Jacob Chamberlain were Chosen Selectmen and As- sessors for y e year Ensueing Tim Paine Esq Town Clerk John Chandler Jr Esq Town Treasurer James Brown Nath 1 moore Jr Samuel mower Thomas Cowdin Wardens to see the Lords Day duely Kept agreable to Law Palmer Goulding John Curtis Jr Constables Luke Brown Sealer of Leather Daniel Heywood Esq Clerk of y e market & Surveyor of Boards & Shingles Daniel Boyden John Gates Nathan Perry James Hart Robert Barber Elisha Smith Jr Sam 11 mower Noah Jones Surveyors of High- ways & Collectors of y e Highway Tax to be granted this year Phinehas ward Thomas wheeler Fence Viewers Josiah Peirce John Boyden Deer Reeves Josiah Peirce Joshua whitney Tything men Sam 1 Bridge Wm Taylor David Richardson Tarrant Putnam Jacob Smith David Cunningham Hogreeves Cunningham Sworn March 6 1761 Voted That the Schools be Kept in the same way & manner as they were the Last year Voted that the sum of Seventy Five Pounds be granted & as- sessed & Levied on the Poles & Estates within the Town for the Support of the Schools the Present year and That Daniel Boyden Joshua Bigelow Josiah Brewer Esq John Chandler Jr Esq Josiah Peirce Esq asa moore & Eben r Wellington be a Comitte to appor- tion said sum and the Two Pounds arising by y e sale of y e School Land & Report at y e adjournment of this meeting what Each part of y e Town shall have of S d sums towards Supporting the Schools in them Voted that John Chandler Jr Esq Josiah Brewer Esq & Capt Ephraim Doolittle be a Comitte to settle accounts with Capt John Curtis the Late Town Treasurer j 2 Worcester Town Records. [i 761. Voted that the sum of ^150 be granted assessed & Levied on the Poles and Estates within the Town of Worcester in the same way & manner as voted at the annual meeting held the 4 th of march 1 750/1 to be Expended in Building Bridges & Causways mending & Repairing decayed ones & putting the Roads & ways into good Repair the present year and that the same wages be allowed & Rules followed in all Regards as was Voted at S' 1 meeting and the Selectmen direct in giving orders to y e Surveyors to allow all Per- sons to work so as may best accomodate them haveing a general Regard to y e Publick good & Such Persons if any there be who have not paid their highway Tax for y e Last year may discharge the same by Labor by the first of June next and those who have work- ed out more than their proportion may be allowed for y e same out of y e Tax for y e Present year they producing proper Certificates Voted That Capt John Curtis mess Palmer Goulding & John Gates be a Comitte to put and Keep y e parsonage Fence in good Repair the Ensueing year Voted that the Swine go at Large they being yoked & Ringed according to Law Voted That the Bridle Road Laid out by the Selectmen across Land of Joseph Blair & Jacob Chamberlain be accepted and that the Town Clerk Record the same as such Voted That John Chandler Jr Josiah Brewer Esq & Capt James Goodwin be a Comitte to take under Consideration the Road Laid out by the Selectmen to accomodate D r William Crawford & D r John Green & Report at the adjournment of this meeting what is Proper for y e Town to do thereon to which Time the further Consideration thereof is reffered The Question being put if the Town will Remitt all or any part of the Fine belonging to them for which m r Joseph Dyar now stands Comitted to his majestys Goal in Worcester for not attend- ing a military muster & it passed in the negative 1 Voted That John waters and James Carlyle have Liberty to Ere6l Convenient Shops on the Towns Comons in Such Place as 'See Early Records <>k the Town of Worcester, Book II.. page 13. 1 76 1.] Worcester Town Records. 73 the Selectmen shall appoint for carrying on their Respective Trades said shops so Erected to stand on the Comon dureing the Towns Pleasure Voted that the Selectmen at the Charge of the Town Erect some Convenient Building In a suitable Place for Repositing the Towns Stock of ammunition The Twelfth article contained in the warrant Relateing to the Building a new meeting House came under consideration & the Question being put if the Town would now proceed to give orders for Building a new meeting House and it passd in the negative Thereupon voted that the further consideration for Building a new meeting House be reffered to the adjournment of this meetinge Voted That the Selectmen at the Charge of the Town take prop- er care for preserving y e growth of y e Trees sett out about the meeting House for shades by Boxing them & that the Inhabitants be desired not to Tye their Horses to them Voted That this meeting be adjorned to y e 3 d monday of may next at this Place Two oClock afternoon then & there to act on y e other articles contained in the warrant not acted upon & those not fully acted on The foregoing Voted Passd at S d meeting Att 8 John Chandler mod r Worcester ss march 2 d 1761 We Certify that Each & Every of y e Several officers within named (Except wm Taylor & Daniel Cunningham chosen Hog- reeves) were sworn to y e faithfull Discharge of their Respective offices according to Law and at y e same Time took the oath re- lating to y e Bills of Credit of y e neighbouring Governments Before us J Chandler { Justices of T Paine j y e Peace Entred & Recorded ^ Tim Paine Town Cler Return of a Bridle Road Laid out by the Selectmen for y e ap- probation & acceptance of the Town at their annual meeting in march 1761 begining at a Chesnut Tree standing on y e north side of y e Road Leading to Tatnick on Joseph Blairs Land and near 10 74 Worcester Toiun Records. [i 761. the Southwesterly angle of S d Blairs orchard from thence Extend- ing northwesterly to another Chesnut Tree marked and from thence to another Chesnut Tree marked and from thence to a small Gray oak Tree in Jacob Chamberlains Land from thence north Easterly to a Chesnut Tree marked in S l1 Chamberlains Land from thence to the Southerly Side of S d Chamberlains Barn & from thence to y e north west corner of his House thence as y e way is now Trod on y e Brow of y e Hill To a small walnut Tree near the Land said Chamberlain bought of Stephen Sawen from thence as S (1 way is now Trod To a Black oak Tree standing in the Line between S d Chamberlain and y e Land he bought of S d Sawen to y e Town way Leading by y e House Lately Stephen Sawens S d Road to be Two Rod wide & Lyes on y e westerly & northwesterly side of y e marked Trees all which is Submitted ^ Tim Paine ~\ Selectmen John Curtis > of asa moore ) Worcester Worcester march meeting 2 d Day 1761 Read & accepted & ordered that the S d Road be Recorded as a Bridle way Att s Tim Paine Town Cler Recorded ^ Tim Paine Town Cler Att a Town meeting held at Worcester on monday the Eighteenth Day of may 1761 by adjornment from the monday the Second Day of march Last The Comitte appointed to apportion the money raised for school- ing this year made Report. Read & it being put to vote if the Town would accept the same and it passed in the negative and thereupon Voted to Reconsider the Vote passed at this meeting for raising y e sum of Seventy five Pounds towards the Support of Schools and that in Lieu thereof .Voted that the sum of Forty three Pounds be granted assessed and Levied for the Support of the Schools the present year and that the Schools be Kept in the fol- lowing manner viz' in the middle of the Town Twelve weeks and Each of the Quarters Ten weeks Each — and that the Two Quarters 1 76 1.] Worcester Toivn Records. 75 of the Town called Flaggs Quarter Including Smiths Rowe so call- ed and the Quarter called Bigelovvs have Liberty untill the first I )ay of august next to agree in what Places in S a Quarters the Schools shall be Kept and if they do not agree by that Time — Voted that the Selectmen Determine the matter — the Rowe called Parkers and the Rowe in Flaggs Quarter to have their money as usuall The affair relateing to Building a new meeting House came un- der Consideration and after some Debate The Question being put if the Town would build a new meeting House and it passed in the Negative Voted that the Selectmen be Discharged of the sum of Eight Pound Eight Shillings part of the Interest money arising by y e sale of the School Land Last year they having paid the same to y e Rev' 1 m r maccarty The Question being put if the Town would accept of the Road laid out by the Selectmen to accomodate Win Crawford & John Green and it passed in y e negative The Question being put if the Town would accept of the Road Laid out through Elisha Smith Jrs Land and Heirs of Brigadier Waldo by the Selectmen thereupon Voted to accept the same Pro- vided that the Town be at no Charge in purchasing S d Road and that the same be Recorded as a Town Road upon the Condition aforesaid Entred from y e orig 1 votes att 8 Tim° Paine T Cler Return of a Road Laid out across Land of Elisha Smith Jr and Brigadier Waldo Heirs from the Road by his House to the Road by Robert Barbers — begining at a heap of stones at Joseph Tem- ples Southwest Corner thence Through Smiths Land on Temples Line to a walnut stump marked at Temples South East Corner thence a Strait Line through S d waldos Heirs Land to a Black oak Tree on their Line thence to a walnut marked on Smiths Land & so by marked Trees to the School House thereon Smiths Land by Eben r Flaggs Line to an Elm Tree by Flaggs Corner thence a Strait Line to a Black oak on the Road from Barbers To Flaggs j 6 Worcester Town Records. [i 761. Land the Road to be Two Rod wide Submitted to the Town for their acceptance in march 1761 Tim Paine ~) Selectmen asa moore >■ of ] l ) Worcester Entred *§ Tim° Paine Town Cler Whereas there is a dispute arisen between Samuel Goddard and James Forbush Junr both of Worcester Relateing to the makeing and maintaining the Divisonal Fence between their Improved Lands Lying in Worcester & East of y e Road Leading to Sutton and the said Samuel having made application to us the Subscribers Two Fence Viewers for the Town of Worcester to settle the Same we haveing accordingly Viewed the same and do assign to the said James Forbush as his part of said Fence to make & maintain as follows, begining at S d Road & Running Easterly Eleven Rods to a Large Stump and from thence we assign unto the S d Samuel Goddard to make & maintain Sixty Two Rods to a Stake and Stones and the said James from thence to make and maintain the fence 51 Rods to a Stake and Stones as witness our Hands this 19 Day of October a. D. 1761 Thomas Wheeler Phinehas Ward Entred from y e orig 1 & Examd *§ Tim° Paine Town Cler Att a Town meeting at Worcester may 18 1761 at the meeting House in S d Town regularly assembled Voted That John Chandler Esq be moderator thereof Voted that the following sums be granted for y e following Pur- poses viz' To Othniel Taylor for 193 feet Plank @ 5/4 ^010 4 Noah Jones 207 : Do @ 5/4 1 1 o To Constable Eaton for ye year 1760 for Tnomas Lee and \vm wards Province & Town Rate they having paid the same to Constable Perry 2 13 4% 1 Name trimmed off. 1 76 1.] Worcester Town Records. yy To Josiah Brewer Esq for 275 Feet Plank @ 5/4 14 8 Daniel Boyden for 330 feet Do @ 5/4 17 7 Jacob Hemenway 238 @ 5/4 12 8 Wm Taylor for Posts for ye Parsonage 8 To Jona Stone for no feet Plank @ 5/4 5 10 John Ciates for working at ye Parsonage 7 4 Wm mcfarland Constable for 1759 for John Tufts Pole Tax 104 Saml miller 153 feet Plank @ 5/4 8 2 Saml moore for Smith work (w ye Parsonage 3 6 To Constable nathan Terry the whole of Charles Davenports Taxes 2 5 3% To Do the whole of Jessaniah Rices Taxes 4 1 io}^ To Samuel Eaton for John Teagues & Joseph Gleasons Taxes 2 511 To Do David youngs Pole Tax 1 2 n}4 To the Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty for his Sallary ye Currant year ^80 and the further sum of ,£20 in addition thereto in Consideration of the Dear- ness of ye necessary s of Life £i°o 118 8 9 i£ The Petition of Josiah Harrington &c came under Consideration and the Question being put if the Town would give any orders re- lating to the Enlarging & repairing the meeting House and it pass- ed in y e negative [The remainder of the record of this meeting trimmed off.] att a general Town meeting held at Worcester at the meeting House Oct 26 1 76 1 duely warned Voted that John Chandler Jr Esq be moderator of S d meeting atts Tim Paine Town Cle Voted that the following sums be granted for y e following Pur- poses vizt To John Chandler Esq for Josiah Gates Town Rates he having been Taxed at Sutton £0 6 7% To Jabez Sargeant for Takeing Care of ye meeting House ringing the Bell and providing water for Baptisms 228 To James Goodwin for a Days work at ye Parsonage 3 4 78 Worcester Town Records. f 1 761. To Samuel mower for sawing Planks for ye Town 8 o To John Chandler Jr Esq Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay ye County Tax 16 19 o Voted that the sum of Sixteen Pounds he granted to defrey what the Town is now [in] arrears for ye Last year 1600 and the sum of fourteen Pounds for defreying Con- tingent Charges ye Currant year Including Sup- porting ye Poor 1400 To Timo Paine ye sum of 28/ 1 8 to asa moore 24/ 1 4 John Curtis 24/ I 4 Jona Stone 24/ 1 4 asessors ye Last year for their Time spent in takeing ye Valuation Voted that y e above sum of fifty four Pounds 19/7^2 Together with the sum of ,£43 granted in may Last at the adjournment of march meeting Last and the sum of £118: 8. g}{ granted at a Town meeting in may Last makeing in the whole £216 : 8. 4% be assessed on the Polls and Estates of y e Inhabitants of y e S d Town of Worcester in one Tax & paid into y e Town Treasury one half by y e 25 th Day of December next & y e other half by the first of march next The Comitte appointed in march Last to settle accounts with John Curtis Late Town Treasurer reported. Read & accepted & thereupon Voted that the S a John Curtis be discharged he having paid the Ballance of his account being £2: n. o3^ To John Chandler Jr Esq the Present Treasurer Whereas Joseph Dyar now stands Comitted to his majestys Goal for a fine of Sixteen Pounds &c for not attending a military muster Two Thirds of which Fine belongs to y e Town and the S d Joseph having been Confined about Two years and it being apprehended by the Town that if he still Continues under Confinement his Fam- ily will be Chargeable to the Town. Therefore Voted that upon his paying the other Third of S d Fine and the Costs that he be dis- charged from the S fI Two thirds belonging to y e Town 1762.] Worcester Town Records. 79 Voted That John Chandler Jr Josiah Brewer Esq & Capt Eph- raim Doolittle be a Comitte to Renew and ascertain the Bounds of Publick Lands and make Report at y e next Town meeting The foregoing Votes passd at S (l meeting att s John Chandler Jr moderator Entred from y e orig 1 ^ Tim" Paine Town Cler Rec d of Selectmen of Worcester Twenty one Pound Six Shillings & Eight pence in full for Two years Interest arising by y e sale of y e ministerial Land Lying by William mahans Ending the 28 of march Last and the sum of Two Pounds & three pence half penny Towards y e present years Interest Worcester march 6 1762 Thaddeus Maccarty Rec d of the Selectmen of Worcester Eight Pound Sixteen Shill- ings three pence half penny which with y e above sum of Two Pounds and three pence half make Eight Pound I0 10 /{ ^45 1 1% Therefore voted that y e above sum by him so advanced be paid him out of the said outstanding Debts when he receives y e same Voted that y e sum of Eight Hundred Pounds be granted Towards Building y e new meeting House. That four hundred Pounds part thereof be assessed according to Law the present year and the Remainder thereof being four hundred Pounds more be assessed upon y e Inhabitants of said Town in y c year 1763 and applyed by y e Comitte for y e Purpose afores d The foregoing Votes passd at S d meeting att 8 John Chandler Jr modr Entred from y e orig 1 ^ Tim Paine Town Cler Worcester Att a Town meeting regularly assembled on y e 25 th Day of oclober A d 1762 three of y e Clock afternoon Att said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator Att 8 Tim Paine Town Cler Voted that y e following sums be granted for y e Purposes here- after mentioned vizt 86 Worcester Town Records. [1762. To John Chandler Esq to Enable him to pay ye County Tax 1 1 60 To Jacob Hemenway to discharge his accl for Building the Powder House 4 1 3 To John Chandler In full of his ac6l Exhibitted for Sundry Supplys for ye Town 7 8 6)4 to the Selectmen to Enable them to procure some white oak Plank 3 Inches thick for Bridges 3 10 o To Do for ye Support of ye Poor ye Present year 25 o o To Do to get ye meeting House Glazied 200 To Henry ward for a Bell Rope found by him 5 4 -£53" lM Voted that such of y* Inhabitants of y e Town as desire it have Liberty to discharge their Tax that may be assessed on them the present year in the whole or in part for Building the new meeting House by finding Stuff for y e same or by their Labor to y e accept- ance of y e Comittee or y e major part of them Provided those that find y e Timber for y e frame deliver in a List of what they will pro- cure to the Comittee in one month and deliver the same at y e spot by y e first of may next those that find the stone deliver into y c Comittee what they will find in Ten Days and deliver them by y e first Day of may next Those that find Boards Shingles & Clap- boards & Lath deliver in a List in Two months & to deliver them by y e first of august next Voted that y e Comittee for Building y e meating House or y e major part of [them] have Power to purchase such articles as they cannot agree with the Inhabitants for with any other Person or Persons and that they have Power to Contract with any other Per- son or Persons for y e framing finishing or any part of Sd House Separately if they think it most advantageous to S d Town Voted that the sums granted in march & may Last together with y e above sum (Exclusiv of y e meeting House Tax which is to be made separately) be assessed on the Polls & Estates of y e Inhabi- tants of S d Town in one Tax & paid unto the Town Treasury one half by y l - 25 th of Dec 1 " next & y e other half by the first of march next The foregoing Votes passd at S d meeting- John Chandler moderator Entred from y e orig 1 ]9 Tim" Paine Town C. 1763.] Worcester Town Records. 87 Worcester Att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on Monday y e 14 th Day of March A. D. 1763 After legal warning for y e Choice of Town Officers &c and to Transact other Matters Agreeable to y e Several Articles Contained in y e Warrant Att said meeting John Chandler Esq Was Chosen Moderator Att s Tim" Paine Town Clerk John Chandler Tim" Paine Josiah Brewer Esqs Cap' Eph. Duo- little D e Samuel Miller Chosen Selectmen & assessors Tim" Paine Esq Town Cler John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer Sam 11 Moore Nathan Perry John Curtis Jun r James Mfarland Wardens Jonathan Stone was Chose Constable paid his fine for not serv- ing Thereupon Voted & Chose Henry Ward Constable Josiah Peirce was chose Constable Procured Samuel Eaton to serve in his Room Thereupon Voted that the S d Sam" Eaton be A Constable in the Room of the S d Josiah Peirce Luke Brown Sealer of Leather Tan d & Curried Daniel Heywood Clerk of y e Market Eph : Doolittle Surveyor of Boards Shingles Hoops Staves & — Nathan Baldwin Surveyor of Wheat & flour Francis Harrington Tho s Cowdin Mathew Gray Daniel Ward John Curtis Surveyors of highways & Collectors of y e Highway Tax Samuel mower Thomas Beard Elisha Smith Junr John Chandler Surveyors of highways & Colleclors of y e Highway Tax Samuel Goddard Joseph Blair Fence Viewers Asa Flagg Bezeleel Glezen Deer Reeves Robert Smith Ebenezer Willington Tythingmen Jacob Holmes Jun r Francis Cutting Wm Taylor Mathew Barber Tim" Bigelow John Elder Hogreaves John Gates Absolom Rice Feild Drivers Voted That the sum of Forty three Pounds be granted & As- sessed According to Law for y e support of y e School the Present year and That the School be Kept Twelve weeks in the Center and 88 Worcester' Tozvn Records. \_ l 7^Z- Ten Weeks at Each Quarter of The Town and That the Rowes, so called be Allowed for Schooling as usuall, And that nahum Wil- lard Daniel Boyden and Asa Moore be a Committee to Provide a School Master and The S d Comittee are to Dire6l in which part of y e Town the School from Time to Time Shall be Kept as Afores d Voted that John Curtis Joshua Bigelow & Asa Moore be a Com- mittee to Settle Accounts with the Town Treasurer Voted That The sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds be Grant- ed & Assessed & levied on Polls & Estates in S d Town in y e same way & Manner as Voted at y e General Annual Meeting held y e 4 th of March 1 750/1 to be Expended in Building Bridges Causways Mending and Repairing decayed ones Putting and Keeping the Roads in good Repair the Present year and that the sum be work- ed out by y e first of October next & y e Same Wages be Allowed and Rules followed in All Regards as was Voted at said Meeting and y e Selectmen to Direct in Giving orders to y e Surveyors to Al- low All Persons to Work so as may accomodate them Having a general Regard to y e Public good and such Persons if any There be who have paid the Highway Tax for y e Last year may Discharge the same by Labor by y e first of June Next, and Those who have worked out more than their Rates for y e Last year may be Allowed for y e same out of y e Present years Tax they producing proper Certificates Voted That the Selectmen of y e Town be Discharged from the Interest money Arising by the sale of the Ministerial Land Lying West of the Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d to the first of November 1762 & Also from the Interest of y e money Arising by the sale of Land Lying by Zebediah Rices to y e 28 th of March Last They having paid the same to the Rev d mr Maccarty and also for y e sum of Five Pounds rec d for Int : money Arising by y e sale of School Land Sold James Putnam Esq for y e Last year They having Paid the Same for Schooling Agreeable to y e Vote of y e Town Voted That Tyrus Rice & Palmer Goulding be a Comittee to take Care of the Parsonage House and Fences & Keep them in good Repair The Selectmen Made Return of a Road Laid out by them Lead- ing out of y e Country Road by Josiah Brewers Ju r Across his Land 1763.] Worcester Town Records. 89 Simon Gates Jacob Hemenways [ ? ] 1 S d Brewers Josiah Brewer Esq Micah Johnson W m Young & Solomon Johnsons Ju r Land unto the Road Leading from Deacon Thomas Wheelers to y e Meeting House, the Question being put Whether The Town would accept of S d Road & it passed in the negative The Selectmen made Return of a Road laid out by them to Ac- comodate Rob' Crawford & l) 1 ' John Green through his Land & y e Land belonging to the Heirs of John Ball Dec' 1 into the Country Road — The Question being Put Whether the Town Would accept of S d Road & it Passed in the Negative Voted That James Putnam Esq & others have Liberty to set up a School House on such part of the Towns Land as the Selectmen shall think Proper Voted That There be a Suitable Work house Built for Placing Therein All Persons that are or May hereafter be Supported by The Town The Building of S d house to be under The Care Inspection & Directions of y e Selectmen the Aforegoing Votes Passed at said meeting Att s John Chandler Moderator Entred from y e orig' Votes att s Tim Paine all the afores d officers are duely Sworn Except Sam 1 Goddard Pence Viewer Jacob Holmes hogreave Thomas Cowdin & Thomas Beard Surveyor of highways Att s Tim Paine Town Cler march 2 2 d 1763 Jabob Holmes since Sworn viz 22 march 1763 Worcester Att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester after due warning on y e 18 th may 1763 John Chandler Esq Chose moderator atts Tim" Paine Town Cler Voted that the following sums be granted for y e following Pur- poses vizt 1 Word trimmed off. 90 Worcester Tozvn Records. C 1 7^3- To John Curtis Jr Constable for ye year 176 1 For Thomas Lees Tax 117 2^ To Palmer Goulding constable for ye year 1 762 for John Ross Rates 1 13 7 To Benja Whitney Constable for ye year 1762 for wiers Rates 15 6 To Palmer Goulding constable for ye year 1762 for Barretts Rates he having been Taxed in Connecticut 1 3 7 To Luke Brown for Two Blankets & a Rugg Supplyd in the Time of ye Small Pox 20/ ^100 To the Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty for his present years Sallary So o o and the sum of ^20 in addition thereto on account of the Dearness & Scarcity of Provisions for ye Present year 20 o o ^105 19 IO>o upon the fifth article in the warrant relative to the alteration of the Place for the New meeting House the Question being put if the Town would give order for Setting S d House on y e gravelly Knole between m r Putnams & the Burying Plac'e & it Passed in the Negative — Thereupon Voted that the Comitte for Building the New meeting House as soon as may be pull down the old meeting House and save what stuff they can, and that the New meeting House be Sett on y e Spot where the old one stands, as may be Convenient and that the said new House Front y e Country Road, Former Votes of the Town in march 1762, Notwithstanding Voted, That the S d Comittee Hire a Suitable Number of men to Raise the New meeting House in the cheapest manner they can, and that there be no Publick Entertainment Voted that the sum of ^30 be granted for the Support of the Poor the Currant year The foregoing Votes Pass'd at S d meeting John Chandler moderator [A line trimmed off.] [The warrant for the above meeting contained the following article :— " 7 To See if the Town will grant a sum of money to y e widow Jane Ricky to pay Doclr Greens account for Doclering her Daughter in her late sick- ness"] J 7^3-] Worcester Town Records. 91 To the Selectmen of Worcester Gent I would Inform you that I have Lately brought into S' 1 Town viz' on y e 15 06I Last a Boy about seven years old son of Samuel Warren of Watertown in y e County of middlesix who is a poor man and now give you Information thereof that you may proced against him as you think proper Joshua Whitney Worcester 06I 18 1763 and there is now residing at my House one Sol Sanger who came into [town?] on or about 4"' Day of oct. Curr*. Last from watertown in y e County of middlesix — his Circumstances are not Known to be & desire you would proceed against him as you Judge Proper Joshua Whitney Worcester oct : 18 : 1 763 Worcester ss att a Town meeting regularly assembled at the Court Honse in Worcester on Tuesday the 25 : Day of oct. 1763 three oClock afternoon John Chandler Esq Chose moderator att s Tim Paine Cler Voted that ye sum of £ n : 6 be granted to John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay ye County Tax £l\ 6 o To Joseph Blair for his Time & Expenses going to Pophret to bring ye Schoolmaster 18 To fabez Sargeant ringing Bell &C as usual 228 £14 6 8 The Comittee appointed in march last to Examine y e Town Treasurers accounts made report. Read & accepted & whereas it appears by S d account that The Treasurer is in advance for y e Town y e sum of ^22 S 3% and that there is still outstanding in Constable Curtis Hands £1 17 2j4 in Palmer Gouldings Hands for 1761 2 3 io_^ in His Hands for 1762 19 16 1 ]/± in Constable whitneys Hands 10 2 10^ ^34 o oy 2 92 Worcester Town Records. [1763. Therefore Voted that the Treasurer pay himself out of said out- standing money the sum by him advanced when he recives the same Voted that John Chandler Joshua Bigelow & Jacob Hemingway be a Comittee to make sale of y e Effects of y e old meeting House at Publick Vendue giving first Seasonable notice they to account for y e Proceeds The Inhabitants that were present gave in Lists of their Estates &c Voted that the sum of ,£43 granted in march last for Schooling and the sum of ^105. 19. io^4 granted at the Town meeting in may last £5° granted for support of y e Poor together with the above sum of ^14. 6. 8. makeing in y e whole ,£193 : 6 : 6 l / 2 be assessed upon the Poles & Estates of the Inhabitants of S d Town in one Tax and paid unto the Town Treasurer one half by y e 25 Dec r next and y e other half by the first of march next The foregoing Votes passed at S d meeting Att s John Chandler mod r Entred 19 Tim Paine Town Cler Worcester at a Town meeting regularly assembled at the meet- ing House in Worcester, 12 th December 1763 Voted that John Chandler Esq be moderator Att s Tim Paine Town Cler Voted that there be Sixty one Pews built in y e new meeting House on y e Floor, and that they be built & y e Seats also, agree- able to a Plan exhibited That Sixty of S d Pews raise y e sum of four Hundred Pounds & that there be eleven Pews built in y e Fronl Gallerys upon y e Back of y e Seats, & that S d eleven Pews raise y e sum of Forty four Pounds ; and that John Chandler, James Putnam Tim Paine Esq* 8 , Cap : James Goodwin & Cap Palmer Goulding be a Committe to esti- mate S (1 Pews, by fixing such a Value to each of them that takeing one with another shall raise S d Sums, and lay y e same before y e Town for their Acceptance & Approbation T 763-] Worcester Town Records. 93 Voted, that those Persons who are Inhabitants & Freeholders of S' 1 Town & have paid most towards building y e meeting House on their real Estates shall have their Choice of S d Pews, paying ac- cording to y e Value set on them, & where it may happen that sun- dry real Estates have been estimated of an equal Value, in that case y* Person or Persons owning such real Estate that have paid most towards building S l1 House on their other Estate, shall have y e Preference in their Choices Voted, that it be an Instruction to y e Committe for Building y e new meeting House that they build a Porch at y e Front Door, so as to accomodate going into y e Front Callary Voted that this meeting be adjourned to yf 14 th Instant one oClock afternoon, then to meet at y e meeting House The foregoing votes pass d at S d meeting atts John Chandler mod Enterd p Tim Paine Town Cler At a Town meeting held at Worcester on y e 14 th Day of Dec r 1 763 one "Clock Afternoon at y e Meeting House by Adjournment from y e 12 th of S d Month The Committee appointed to estimate y e Pews in y e new meet- ing House made Report ; That they had attended S d Service & estimated y e Pews on y e lower Floor as marked and numbered on the Plan, in y e following manner vizt 94 Worcester" Town Records. \_ l 7&l No I @ £8 No 21 @ ^5 10 No 41 @ £s '5 2 @ 9 22 @ 6 12 42 @ 7 10 3 @ 8 23 @ 6 12 43 @ 7 10 4 @ 4 10 24 @ 6 12 44 @ 8 00 5 @ 5 25 @ 5 10 45 @ 8 00 6 @ 6 26 @ 6 12 46 @ 8 00 7 @ 6 12 27 @ 6 12 47 @ 8 00 8 @ 6 12 28 @ 6 00 48 @ 6 00 9 @ 5 10 29 @ 5 00 49 @ 6 00 IO @ 6 12 30 @ 4 10 5° Town Pew ii @ 6 12 3i @ 8 00 5 1 @ 8 00 12 @ 6 12 32 @ 9 00 52 @ 7 10 13 @ 5 10 33 @ 8 00 53 @ 7 10 H @ 8 34 @ 6 00 54 @ 5 15 IS @ 9 35 @ 5 '5 55 @ 5 5 16 @ 9 36 @ 5 15 56 @ 5 5 i7 @ 7 37 @ 5 15 57 @ 6 18 @ 9 38 @ 6 00 58 @ 5 !5 19 @ 9 39 @ 5 5 59 @ 5 15 20 @ 8 40 @ 5 5 60 61 @ @ 5 15 6 00 Read & accepted & voted that y e Prices afores d affixed to S d Pews by S d committee be paid by those that shall draw S d Pews Voted, that the Pew N°. 18 be granted to y e Home Stead Farm of y e late Hon ble John Chandler Esq in Consideration of his Do- nation towards Building S d House Voted, that y e following Persons have their Choice of S (1 Pews & in y e order following viz 1 John Chandler Esq, Daniel & Abel Heywood, Thomas Stearns, Samuel mower, Josiah Harrington, Gershom & Comfort Rice, Elisha & Robert Smith, Nathaniel Adams, James Brown, Jacob Hemingway, Israel Jenison, Joshua Biglo, Francis Harrington, John Chandlers mill Farm, Gardiner Chandler Esq 1 ', Nathaniel moore, John Curtis, Jonathan Stone, John Chaddick, Elisha Smith Jun r , .Tim" Paine Esq, Daniel Ward, John Boyden, Thomas Rice, Jacob Holmes, Joshua Whitney, Joseph Clark Jun r , Jacob Chamberlin, James Goodwin, Thomas Cowden, Ebenezer Flagg. Robert Barber, Ezekiel How, James 1 7^3-1 Worcester Tozvn Records. 95 Putnam Esq, Tyrus Rice, mathew Gray, Isaac Gleason, Nathan Perry, Thomas Wheeler, Daniel mTarland, David Banecroft, Sam- uel miller, Daniel Boyden, Benjamin Flagg, William rafarland, Isaac moore, Robert Gray Jun r , John m'han, James mfarland, Luke Brown, James Nichols, Josiah Peirce, Amos Wheeler, Asa Flagg, Ebenezer Lovell, Samuel Curtis ; Josiah Brewer Esq, Thom- as Parker, Asa moore The Committe further reported that they had estimated y e Pews in y e Gallery, equally viz'. @ four Pounds each ; read & accepted & voted that y e Price afores' 1 affix' 1 to S d Pews by y e Committe be paid by those that shall draw S d Pews Voted, that y e following Persons have y e Choice of S d Pews & in y e order following vizt., Ebenezer Wiswell, Jonathan & David Fisk, Samuel Eaton, Edward Knight, John Gates, Joseph Blair, Zeb- ediah Rice, Simon Gates, othniel Taylor, William Harris, Joseph Temple Benjamin Whitney Voted, that y e above Persons who by y e Votes afores d are enti- tled to draw S d Pews Signifying in writing unto y e Town Treasurer on or before y e first Day of January next, if they intend to draw their Pews agreable to y e order afores d , and that such Person or Persons who are entitled unto a Pew on y e lower Floor, advance & pay towards S d Pews, each y e sum of five Pounds. And those who are entitled unto a Pew in y e Gallery each y e sum of three Pounds to y e Town Treasurer on or before y e first Day of march next, to be by him paid over unto y e Committe for Building y e new meet- ing House to enable them to finish y e same, & that upon Drawing y e Pews they pay y e Remainder of y e money And if any Person or Persons shall neglect to signify his or their mind to y e Treasurer afores d , or to pay S d money at y e time afore- s d , that in such case, voted that y e next Person below him in y e order afores d shall have y e Liberty of takeing his Place, and so all below advance accordingly in their Choice Whereas y e Town at this meeting gave Instructions to y e Com- mittee for Building a Porch at y e Front Door, so as to accomodate 96 Worcester Tozvn Records. [1764. going into y e Front Gallery, y e Town taking y e same into further Consideration, voted, that y e S d Committee only build a low Porch at S d Door The foregoing votes pass d at S d meeting att s John Chandler moderator Enterd $ Tim Paine Town Cler att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the fifth Day of march a D 1 764 after Legal warning for the Choice of Town officers &c & to Transact other matters agree- able to the several articles Contained in y e Warrant at said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Tim Paine Town Cler John Chandler Esq Timothy Paine who declined serving Eph- raim Doolittle Jacob Hemingway Palmer Goulding Sam 11 miller Chosen Selectmen voted that y e Selectmen be also assessors for y e year Ensueing John Chandler Esq Town Cler John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer Ebenezer Willington Phinehas Ward Sam" moore Capt Tyrus Rice Wardens Benjamin Flagg Luke Brown Constables Luke Brown Sealer of Leather Tanned & Curried Ephraim Doolittle Clerk of y e market Ephraim Doolittle Surveyor of Boards Shingles Hoops Staves &c Nathan Baldwin Surveyor of Wheet & flower Joshua Bigelow Samuel Brooks Capt Daniel Ward Josiah Brewer Jr Sam 11 mower Tho s Beard Elisha Smith Jr Josiah Peirce Nathan Perry Surveyors of Highways & Collectors of the Highway Tax William mahan Joshua Whitney Fence Viewers Isaac moore Benj a Stowell Deer Reeves Joseph Wiley Isaac Willard Tythingmen 1 764.3 Worcester Toivn Records. 97 John Lincoln andrew Boyd Francis Cutting abraham Taylor Sam" Whitney nath" Tatman Robert Cook Joseph Perry Hog Reeves John Gates Tho s Brown Field Drivers or Hay wards Voted that y e sum of forty three pounds be granted and assessed according to Law for y e Support of y e School y e Present year and that the School be Kept twelve weeks in the Center and ten weeks at each Quarter of y e Town and that y e Rows so called be allowed for Schooling as usual! and that Nahum Willard Daniel Boyden and Josiah Peirce be a Comitte to Provide a School master Voted that James Putnam Esq Joshua Biglo and Capt James Goodwin be a Comittee to settle accounts with y e Town Treasurer Voted that y e Sum of one Hundred and fifty Pounds be Granted and assessed and Levied on y e Polls & Estates in said Town in the same way and manner as voted at y e General annual meeting Held the fourth march 1 750/1 to be Expended in Building Bridges Causways mending & Repairing Decayed ones Putting and Keep- ing the Roads in good Repair the Present year and that y e same be worked out by y e first of October next and y e same wages be allowed and Rules followed in all Regards as Voted at said meet- ing and the Selectmen to Direct in Giving orders to y e Surveyors to allow all Persons to work so as may accomodate them haveing a general Regard to y e Publick Good and Such Persons if any there be who have not paid their Highway Tax for y e Last year may dis- charge y e same by Labour by y e first of June next and those who have worked out more than their Rates for y e Last year may be allowed for y e same out of y e Present years Tax ihey Producing Proper Certificates Voted that y e Select men of y e Town be Discharged from the Interest money arising by y e sale of y e ministerial Land Lying west of y e Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec 11 to y e first of novem r 1 763 and also from y e Interest mony arising by y e sale of Land Lying by Zebadiah Rices to y e 28 th of march Last they having paid y e same to y e Rev d mr maccarty and also for y e sum of five pound Received *3 98 Worcester Town Records. [1764. for Interest mony arising by y e sale of School Land sold James Putnam Esq for y e Last year they having Paid y e same for School- ing agreeable to y e vote of y e Town Voted that mess James Goodwin Joshua Biglo and John Curtis be a Comittee to view the Parsonage and Report at y e next meet- ing what Repairs are Necessary to be made agreeable to y e 8 th article in y e warrant y e Question was Put if y e Town would vote to build four more Pews on y e Lower Floor in y e meeting House and it Passed in y e Negative agreeable to y e 9 th article in y e Warrant y e Question was Put if y e Town would Reconsider y e vote of y e Town Passed y e 1 2 th of December Last Relative to y e Drawing y e Pews on Real Estates &c & it passed in the Negative and thereupon voted that those Persons who have complyed with the vote of the Town Relative to signing for and advancing five pounds Towards their Pews That upon their Drawing their Pews and paying y e Remainder of y e mony for their said Pews That the Pews so Drawn by them be to them their Heirs and as- signs forever and that y e Clerk for y e time being make Record of the said Pews and by whom Drawn upon y e 10 th article y e Question was put if y e Town will Choose Collectors to Colle6l y e Taxes in Leiu of the Constables & it passed in y e Negative Upon the Eleventh article Relative to some addition to the Rev d mr maccartys Sallery voted not to a6l thereon at this time Voted that the Comittee for Building y e meeting House be & hereby are Directed to Build a Porch in y e front of y e meeting House so as to accomodate going up into y e front Gallery upon the 1 3 th article y e Question was Put if y e Town, would now Give orders for y e assessing y e sum of four pounds Granted to Jo- siah Peirce 19 th may 1755 To Enable him In some measure to pay for a Road through y e Land of Samuel Eaton and it Passed in y e Negative the foregoing votes Passed at said meeting atts John Chandler moderator 1764.] Worcester Tozvn Records. 99 Worcester ss march 5, 1764 I Certifye that all y e within named Persons Elected to offices in y e Town of Worcester y e Ensueing year (Except Tho s Beard a Surveyor of Highways and Collector of 1 1 ighway Taxes andrew Boyd & Robert Cook and abraham Taylor Hogreaves) personally appeared and made oath to y e faithfull Dis- charge of their Respective offices according to Law and at y e same time took y e oath Relative to y e Bills of Credit of y e Neighbouring Governments Coram Tim° Paine Jus' Pac 8 Worcester ss march 6 : 1 764 andrew Boyd above named a Hogreave made oath to y e faithfull Discharge of his office & Took y e oath Relative to y e Bills of y° Neighbouring Governments Coram Tim Paine J Pacis Entred ^ John Chandler Town .Cler at a Town meeting held at y e meeting House in Worcester on Wednesday y e 23 Day of may a 1) 1764 after Legal Warning Two oClock afternoon John Chandler Esq Chose moderator atts John Chandler Town Cler voted that y e following sums be Granted for the following Pur- poses viz' To Capt Tyrus Rice for work at ye Parsonage 046 To James Trowbridge for 300 of Plank 16: o To Do for Timber for Clarks Bridge I I 16 O To Josiah Brewer Esq for 180 feet 3 Inch Plank 12 8 To Simeon Duncan for 2 cord wood for Widdow Glasford 8 To Henry Ward for Transporting a poore Person to Shrewsbury 4 6 To Isaac miller for his Personal Estate Taxed in ye years 1762 Through mistake ye sum of 104 To Samuel Eaton for Pollards Pole Tax 1 1 7% To Do for Wm Jordan Tax 1 2 0% To Constable Ward for Francis Harrington Jur Pole Tax 1 o 0% To mr Samll Brooks for asael Warrens Pole Tax he not being of ye age of Sixteen years 1 o 0% ioo Worcester Town Records. [ I 764. To the Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty for his Present years Sallery ^8000 and ye sum of 20/ addition thereto on account of the Dearness & Scarcity of Provision ye Present year 20 100 £107 19 10 upon y e fifth article Relative to y e Repairs of y e Parsonage House the Comitte Reported verbally that it was Necessary to y e Repair y e same whereupon it was voted that y e Hon blc Tim Paine Esq Capt James Goodwin and mr Jacob Chamberlin be a Comittee for that Purpose that they be directed to make a Thorough Repair and if need be to Build a New Chimney and Lay their account of charge before y e Town for Payment on y e sixth article y e Town Treasurer Reported verbally that mr Josiah Peirce signed for mr Ebenezer Flagg to have his Pew in the meeting House and that mr William Young paid the five Pound mentioned in the vote of the Town of 14 th of December Last not having his order for so Doing Whereupon the Question was put whether said Flagg had Complyed with y 1 -' vote of y e Town and it Passed in y e Negative Whereupon voted that as mr Joseph Blair had complyed with the vote of y e Town Relative to a Pew in y e Gallery and having paid five Pound to y e Treasurer he have a Pew on y e Lower flower he complying with y e Conditions of y e vote of y e Town Relative to y e Pews Said Treasurer also Reported that Joshua Biglo had not Com- plyed with y e vote of y e Town Relative to his Pew Whereupon it was voted that mess Jonathan and David Fisk have a Pew on y e Lower flower they being y e Next Highest Payers they Paying five Pound to the Treasurer in one month and on Drawing y e Pew Complying with the vote of y e Town Relative to the Pews Said Treasurer also Reported that mr amos wheeler had not Complyed with y e vote of y e Town Relative to his Pew voted that y e Treasurer Look over y e List of Real Estates for y e years 1762 & 1763 and on his Finding y e Highest Payer on Real Estates that Person to be Entituled to a Pew and if it should so Happen that 1764.] Worcester Town Records. 101 several Persons Real Estates should be Estimated at an Equal value then y e Preference to be Given to him out of said Number that pays most on his Personal Estate he paying five Pound to y e Treasurer in one month and on Drawing said Pew Complying with y c vote of Town Relative to y e Pews voted that said Pews be Granted to them their Heirs & assigns forever & to Choose their Pews In y L ' order of this vote voted that it be an Instruction to y e Comittee not to Build y° Pews in y e front Gallery at y e Present on y e Seventh article voted that y° Hon blc Timothy Paine Esq Gardiner Chandler Capt Palmer Goulding mess Jacob Chamberlin and Jonathan Stone be a Comittee to Settle accounts with the Comittee for Building y e meeting House and Report at y e next meeting on y L ' Eighth article voted that y e forty Pounds Given by y e Ex- ecutors of y e Late Hon ble John Chandler Esq Dec d Towards build- ing a New meeting House be applyed towards Purchasing a Bell in said House and that y e old Bell be sold and y e Proceeds thereof be added to said forty Pounds for said Purpose on y° Ninth article voted that James Putnam Esq Jacob Cham- berlin John Curtis Ephraim Doolittle and Palmer Goulding be a Comittee to assign to such Persons as are Desireous of Building Stables near y e meeting House Suitable and Convenient Places therefor and that they be built with Double Ruffs & agreeable to y e Directions of y- Comittee The aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered ^ John Chandler Town Cler Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester one Hundred Pound Lawfull money In full for my Last years Sall- rey Ending in June Last 06to 17 : 1764 Thaddeus Maccarty 102 Worcester Town Records. [ J 764. at a Town meeting held at y e meeting House in Worcester on monday the tenth Day of September a D 1764 after Legal Warn- ing at four oClock afternoon John Chandler Esq Chose moderator att John Chandler Town Cler upon y e second article y e Question was Put if y e Town would sell y e Parsonage House with y e Land adjoyning and it passed in y e negative [Second article: "The Comittee for Repairing ye Parsonage House have- ing Informed the Selectmen that ye same cannot be Done without Great Cost and Charge and Desireing a Town meeting to Know ye mind of ye Town Relateing to ye Premises — To vote if they see Cause to sell the Parsonage House with ye Land adjoyning"] upon y e third article y e Question was put if y e Town would build a New House on y e Towns Land and where they should order and it passed In y e Negative upon y e fourth article y e Question was put if y e Town would give and Grant said House and Land adjoyning to y e Rev d mr Thad- deus maccarty his Heirs and assigns forever on condition of his Discharging the Town from any further Cost & Charge Relative to y e Parsonage and it passed in y e affirmative Whereupon it was vo- ted that y e Hon ble Tim Paine Esq Capt James Goodwin and mr Jacob Chamberlin be a Comittee in y e name of y e Town to take a full Discharge of y e Rev d mr maccarty Relative to y e Parsonage that y e Town be put to no further Charge on that account and up- on their Receiving said Discharge to make seal & Execute unto y e said Thaddeus maccarty his Heirs & assigns forever In y e Name of y e Town a Good and Sufficiant Deed of y e Parsonage House and Land adjoyning with y e appurtenances thereof Containing about two acres and that y e Town will Indemnifye said Comittee from all Cost & Charge Relative thereto y e aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered p John Chandler Town Cler 1764.] Worcester Toivn Records. icr 1 1 10 8 11 A% >4 18 1 1 0% 1 3 7 1 7 9 9% 12 7 5° at a Town meeting Held at the meeting House In Worcester on Thursday the Eighteenth Day of October a D 1764 after Legal Warning Eight oClock forenoon John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att John Chandler Town Cler voted that y e following sums be Granted for y e following Pur- poses vizt To Timothy Paine Esq for Biick & Lime for ye Repairing ye Parsonage House To John Chandler Esq his accl To Do To Enable him to pay ye County Tax To Samll Eaton for Jonathan Parks Pole Tax To Benja Whitney for Wm Brewers Pole Tax To Palmer Colliding for Benja Johnsons Pole Tax To Jacob Hemingway for 140 feet Plank @ 7/ To Robert Barber for 180 feet Do 7/ Voted that ye sum of 50/ be granted to ye Selectmen for ye Support of ye Poore ye Currant year they to be accountable 7' 9 8% Voted that y e above sum of 71:9:8^ with y e sum of 43/ Granted in march Last for Schooling and the sum of 107 : 19 : 10 Granted in may Last making in y e whole y e sum of ,£222 : 9/ 6^4 be Levied & assessed upon the Poles and Estates in said Town in one Tax y e Currant year one half of said sum to be paid into the Town Treasurer on or before the 25 th Day of December next and the other half on or before the first Day of march next The Comittee appointed in march Last to Examine the Town Treasurers accounts made Report Read & accepted and whereas it appears by said account that the Treasurer is in advance for the Town the sum of 94 : 1 : 7 and that there is still outstanding in Constable Whitneys Hands In Constable Gouldings Hands In Constable Wards Hands In Constable Eatons Hands 100 : 17 I 1 1 22 : 9 itf 28: 18 8X 47 = 18 m 104 Worcester Town Records. [ T 764. Therefore voted that y e Treasurer pay himself out of said out standing mony when he Receives y e same The Comittee appointed in may Last to Examine the account of y e Comittee for Building y e meeting House Read & accepted whereby it appears they have already paid Towards Said House the Sum of ^£1242 : 17 : 6 and that they have Received in Cash &c Including forty Pound a Donation made by the Late Hon I,le John Chandler Esq the sum of Eleven Hundred twenty one pound fifteen Shillings & ten pence farthing So that y e Comittee are in advance the sum of one Hundred twenty one Pound one Shilling & Seven pence three farthings The Comittee further Report that there is yet out standing of the meeting House Tax already Raised the sum of Sixteen pound Six Shillings and Six pence farthing which with y e sum of ninety Six pound yet Due from y e Persons Intituled to Pews on y e Lower flower makes one Hundred and twelve pound Six Shillings & Six pence farthing and may be applyed towards paying y e above Bal- lance and from the Best Information Your Comittee Can Git there will be a Necessaty of Raising the Sum of two Hundred and fifty Pound in order to Discharge y e Remaining Part of said Ballance and for finishing y e House and upon y e whole are of opinion that the said account be allowed and Lodged with the Town Treasurer for y e Inspection of any of y e Inhabitants of said Town Whereupon it was voted that y e said Ballance of 121 : 1 : 7^ be paid to John Chandler Town Treasurer who advanced the same out of y e Ballance of y e Pew mony y e outstanding mony & y e Re- mainder out of y e Grant that shall be made at this meeting for fin- ' ishing y e House on y e fifth article voted that the sum of three Hundred Pound be Granted Levied and assessed in one Tax y s Currant year on y e Poles and Estates In said Town one half thereof to be paid into the Town Treasury on or before y e Twenty fifth Day of December next and the Remainder on or before y e first Day of march next to be by him paid over to y e Comittee for Building y e meeting House to Enable them to Compleet y e same 1764-] Worcester Town Records. 105 on y e Sixth article voted that mess Ephraim Doolittle Joshua Biglo and Nathan Baldwin be a Comittee to appear In the name of the Town at y e next Court of Gen 11 Sessions of y e peace to be holden at Worcester for said County on the first Tuesday of no- veniber next to Give Reason why the Road Laid from the House of Josiah Brewer J u r to Deacon Wheelers Road ought to be Dis- continued and that they Lay their accounts of Charge before y e Town on the Eighth article voted not to act thereon [Article "8 For the Town to give such order as they shall Judge Proper to the Comittee for Building the meeting House Relative to the Pews in ye front Gallery whither to Build or not to Build them"] on y e Ninth article voted that y e Comittee for Providing a School master the Currant year Provide masters Sufficient that each part of the Town may have their Schooling within y L ' year the masters they shall Provide to be approved of by y e Selectmen on y e Tenth article voted that Timothy Paine James Putnam & John Chandler Esq™ Give Reason to y e Gen" Court why y e Prayer of abel Lawrence and others Praying for part of y e County of Wor- cester & part of y e County of middlesex to be Erected Into a Sep- arate County Should not be Granted on the Eleventh article voted that y e Selectmen Provide a suit- able Person to Ring y e Bell and take Care of y e meeting House & to sweep y e same and Provide water for Baptisms and agree with such Person as to y e Price of his Service voted that this meeting be adjourned for one Hour to be held at this Place att John Chandler moderator at a Legal meeting held at the meeting House In Worcester on y e 18 th Day of October a D 1764 one oClock after noon by ad- journment at twelve oClock on this Day for one Hour on y e Seventh article voted that the Persons to whom the Pews on y e Lower flower by former votes have been assigned Imediately make their Respective Choices & In y c order assigned them by y e vote of y e Town of y e 14 th of December Last 106 Worcester Town Records. [ x 764. Whereupon John Chandler Esq y e owner of y e Homestead farm of y e Late Hon ble John Chandler Esq Dec d Chose y e Pew No 18 being y e Pew assigned Him for said Farm by y e vote of y e 14 111 of Dec r Last John Chandler the Pew No 32 Daniel & abel Hey- wood the Pew No 1 9 Thomas Stearnes y e Pew No 44 Samuel mow- er y e Pew No 31 Josiah Harrington the Pew No 15 Gershom and Comfort Rice the Pew No 46 Elisha and Robert Smith the Pew No 20 Nathaniel Adams the Pew No 1 James Brown the Pew No 3 Jacob Hemingway the Pew No 17 Israel Jenison the Pew No 29 Francis Harrington the Pew No 16 John Chandler Esq the Pew No 5 Gardiner Chandler Esq the Pew No 2 Nathaniel moore the Pew No 11 John Curtis the Pew No 51 Jonathan Stone the Pew No 47 John Chaddick the Pew No 39 Elisha Smith Ju r the Pew No 23 Timothy Paine Esq the Pew No 33 Daniel Ward the Pew No 14 John Boyden the Pew No 43 Thomas Rice the Pew No 38 Jacob Holmes the Pew No 30 Joshua Whitney the Pew No 1 2 Joseph Clark Ju r the Pew No 9 Jacob Chamberlin the Pew No 22 James Goodwin the Pew No 5 7 Samuel Hunt assignee of Thomas Cowdin the Pew No 28 Robert Barber the Pew No 21 Ezekiel How y e Pew No 27 James Putnam Esq the Pew No 45 Tyrus Rice the Pew No 13 mathew Gray the Pew No 56 Isaac Gleeson the Pew No 24 Nathan Perry the Pew No 10 Thomas Wheeler the Pew No 4 Daniel mTarland the Pew No 49 David Bancroft the Pew No 40 Samuel miller the Pew No 25 Daniel Boyden the Pew No 42 Benjamin Flagg the Pew No 55 William mTarland the Pew No 54 Isaac moore the Pew No 58 Robert Gray Ju r the Pew No- 61 John m c han the Pew No 6 James mTarland the Pew No 48 Luke Brown the Pew No 53 James Nichols the Pew No 8 Josiah Peirce y e Pew No 26 John Chandler assignee of asa Flagg the Pew No 7 Ebenezer Lovell the Pew No 34 Samuel Curtis the Pew No 41 Josiah Brewer Esq the Pew No 52 Thomas Parker the Pew No 37 asa moore the Pew No 35 Joseph Blair the Pew No 59 Jona- than and David Fisk the Pew No 60 John mower the Pew No 36 The Town Treasurer Informed the Town that y e aforenamed Persons had paid him their Respective Ballances for their Pews — 1764.] Worcester Town Records. 107 as they Chose them Whereupon it was unanimously voted that y e aforenamed Persons their Heirs and assigns forever should have hold & Injoy their Pews Respectively as Numbered Butted & bounded In y e annexed Plan agreeable to y e former votes of the Town att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared therewith ^ John Chandler Town Cler [io 9 ] thlPlan OF Y'LOWCR FLOWER OF Y*"W EETlNGTIOUSF. ; g r ■* £ — O o~ Mr r« •=-=- ?! § » „ E (£" |s ' £ o ,3 v> *-* u E •t E £ * "3 ? ft- | £ -a K X = J! u ■ Comittee Daniel Boyden ) Entered from y e original & Compared therewith *$ John Chandler Town Cler The Town at their annual meeting In march Last voted that when the Persons to whom y e Pewes In the front Gallery In y e meeting House had Complyed with y e vote of Town Relative to Signing & Paying for their Pewes &c I Certifie that Joseph m c Crakin Jonathan Gates noah Jones William Young William m e han Timothy Paine assignee to Josiah Flagg David Thomas John Curtis Ju r & Joseph Wiley have Complyed with y e votes of the Town In Signing Paying & Drawing their Pews Number from 1 : to 10 to begin at y e South End of y e meeting House Joseph m c Crakin Chose No 3 Jonathan Gates No 8 Noah Jones No 4 William Young No 7 Wil- liam m c han No 5 Timothy Paine assignee to Josiah Flagg No 6 David Thomas No 9 John Curtis Ju r No 2 and Joseph Wiley No 10 and Phinehas Ward haveing failed Complying with y e vote of y e Town Relative to one of Said Pews the Selectmen Gave y e offer to Jonathan Knight who was y e Next Highest Payer & he having Complyed with y e order of y e Selectmen the Pew No 1 fell to him att John Chandler Town Cler The Subscribers meet this Day at an oak tree at y e North End of y e Long Pond and Renewed y e same and Preambulated the Line and Renewed y e Bounds between the Towns of Worcester and Shrewsbury april 2 2 d 1765 John Chandler ) on y e part Isaac Temple ") Selectmen John Curtis j of Worcester Silas Witherbee ,' of Ezekiel Knowlton ) Worcester Gent We hereby appoint mess Daniel Boyden and Sam" Curtis with mr John Boyden to Preambulate y e Line between y e Town 1765.] Revolutionary Period. 123 of Worcester & Sutton and to Renew y e Bounds We are Gent your Humble Sv ts John Boyden John Chandler ") Selectmen Sam" miller Ephraim Doolittle [• of Worcester april — Josiah Pierce Palmer Goulding ) Worcester 1765 To y e Selectmen of Sutton We y e Subscribers met at time and Place within named & have Renewed y e Bounds between Worcester & Sutton april 22 1765 Henry King ■, Selectmen Daniel Boyden n By appoint Ebenezer Peirce [• of Sam"Curtis I for Elisha Goddard - Sutton John Boyden ' Worcester I Gent we hereby appoint mess William Young with m r Sam" mil- ler and Josiah Peirce To Preambulate y e Line between y e Towns of Worcester and Holdin and to Renew y e bounds we are Gent your Humble Serv 19 John Chandler !„, A Ephraim Doolittle I belet ™ ien Sam" miller Palmer Goulding Josiah Peirce John Boyden april 2 2 d 1765 Pursuant to a notification to us Directed by the Selectmen of Worcester Dated march 30 1765 we at time and place therein mentioned met y e Selectmen & [Constiuant ?] of Worcester and have with them Preambulated y e Line and Renewed the Bounds between y e Towns of Worcester and Holdin Joseph Hubbard ^ Selectmen John Child [ of Isaac Smith ' Holdin Gen' we hereby appoint mess Daniel Boyden and Sam" Curtis with m r John Boyden to Renew y e Corner between Worcester & oxford we are Gen' your Humble Ser ts Worcester april 5 : 1 765 John Boyden John Chandler Selectmen Sam 11 miller Ephraim Doolittle of Josiah Peirce Palmer Goulding Worcester To y e Selectmen of oxford 124 Worcester Town Records. [1765. We y e Subscribers met at time and Place within named & Re- newed y e Corner & other bounds between y e Towns of Worcester & oxford Jeremiah Learned ") Selectmen Elisha Davis >■ of april 22: 1765 Sam 11 Harris ) oxford John Boyden ") ^ appointment Daniel Boyden >• for Sam 1 Curtis ) Worcester Enterd from y e original & Compared therewith ^P John Chandler Town Cler Received of John Chandler Town Treasurer of Worcester Eighty Pound Lawfull mony In Part of my Present Years Sallery Ending in June next may 20 : 1 765 p£8o o o Thaddeus Maccarty Rec d of John Chandler Town Treasurer of Worcester twenty Pounds Lawful mony being with y e above Receipt In full for my Present Years Sallery Ending in June next may 20 : 1765 Thaddeus Maccarty at a Town meeting Held at Worcester on the third monday In may 1765 one oClock afternoon by adjournment from y e 18 th of march Last on the third article In y e Warrant y e Comittee Chosen to take Into Consideration what method will best Serve the Town Relative to the School made Report as their opinion that there be this year Raised by a Tax the Sum of ^60 Lawful mony that the Same be Expended in Schooling In the following manner vizt that the Center have their Schooling In the same Proportion as the Last year haveing Regard to y e Sum Raised that y e other Parts of y e Town that have formerly had Schooling have the Remaining Part of y e mony Divided among them In Equal Proportion that there be a Stedy Gramer School and that English masters be Provided to Expend y e Remaining Sum In Such Season of y e year as shall be 1765.] Revolutionary Period. 125 most advantageous to y e Several Parts of the Town In which y° English Schools Shall be Kept Read and accepted and thereupon voted that Capt Ephraim Doolittle mess Comfort Rice and asa moore be a Comittee to Provide School masters and order as to y e Several Parts of y e Town where y e (iramer or English School Shall be Kept voted that y e Sum of ^60 be Granted for y e Sup- port of y e School y e Currant year on y e thirteenth article y e Comittee Chosen to take Care of y e Towns Land Reported that they had Renewed y e bounds of y e Land at Wigwam Hill and millstone Hill a Plan of millstone Hill they Returned at this meeting Whereupon the Town voted that y e same be Recorded on y e fourteenth article 1 voted that it Lye for y e further Consid- eration of y e Town on y e 18 th article y e Question was put whither y e Town would take upon them to free Cap' Thomas Stearnes from y e Charge of y e Last Sickness & funerall Charges of Richard Stowers and it Passed In y e Negative voted that this meeting be further adjourned to y e first monday In October next at one oClock afternoon to be held In this Place y e aforegoing votes Passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared therewith '$ John Chandler Town Cler This is a Plott of millstone Hill so called Lying In Worcester Containing 100 acres & 100 Rods without allowance for Swag of Chain Together with a Plot of 1 7 acres & one Quarter of an acre belonging to John Chandler Esq Surveyed april 30 : 1 765 *$ Wil- liam Young Surveyer Joshua Biglo ") was Protracted by a Ephraim Doolittle > Chainmcn Scale of 30 Perch John Curtis ) 'Printed on page 1 19. 126 Worcester Toivn Records. [I765- -1 3= « * w « j* « a — 00 WALNUT 1765.] Revolutionary Period. 127 To the Town of Worcester Gent the within is a Correct Plan of the Town Land Lying on millstone Hill which we have Taken by y e assistance of m r William Young Surveyor according to y e Best of our Skill & we have also Renewed y e Bounds of y e School Lott Lying on Wigwam Hill all but y e North End Worcester may 20 : i 765 Joshua Biglo ~$ your Serv t3 John Curtis Ephraim Doolittle our Service 2 Days j Each j 6 Days £0 : 18/0 mr W" Young o : 10/8 Entred from y e original & Compared therewith ^ John Chandler Town Cler at a Town meeting Held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday y e 20 th Day of may A D 1765 two oClock afternoon after Legal Warning John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att John Chandler Town Cler voted that y e following sums be Granted for the following Pur- poses vizt To Benja Flagg for Jon Boydens Pole Tax 17 8}.> To Luke Brown for Simon oaks Pole Tax 17 8^» To Do for Samll Rice Jur Pole Tax 17 8J£ To Joshua Biglo 6/ John Curtis 6/ Ephraim Doolittle 6/ & Wm Young 10/8 for their time Renewing ye bounds of the Publiek Lands and Returning a Plan of millstone Hill To y e Selectmen to Enable them to Support ye Poore to be accountable 30 o o To ye Selectmen to Defray ye Contingent Charges of ye Town they to be accountable 10 o o To ye Selectmen to Enable them to Purchase a Carriage for funerals 600 To ye Revd mr maccarty for one years Sallery Comincing In June next 100 o O £i5° * 9% 22 : i:qK 7 8: o: 4 81 : 1 = 5^ 128 Worcester Toivn Records. [*765. on y e fourth article y e Comittee appointed in march Last to Ex- amine y e Town Treasurers accounts made Report Read and ac- cepted & whereas it appears by said account that y e Treasurer is in advance for y e Town y e sum of £i^ 2 : o : 1 and that there is still outstanding In Constable Whitneys hands 1 : 11:0 In Constable Gouldings hands In Constable Flaggs hands In Constable Browns hands ^183: 1 :io# Therefore voted that y e Treasurer Pay himself out of the out- standing mony when he Receives y e Same on the Sixth article voted that y e Honble Timothy Paine and Gardiner Chandler Esq Palmer Goulding Jacob Chamberlin and Jonathan Stone be a Comittee to Settle accounts with y e Comittee for Building y e meeting House and Report as soon as may bee The aforegoing votes Passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Enterd from y e original & Compared therewith *$ John Chandler Town Cler at a Town Meeting Held at the Meeting House in Worcester on Monday the twenty first Day of October A D 1765 at two oCloek afternoon after Legal Warning John Chandler Esq Chose moderator att John Chandler Town Clerk Voted that the following Sums be Granted for the following Purposes viz To Samuel Eaton for part of George tracys Tax for the year 1763 8 0% To Mathew Gray a Pole Tax for 1 764 1 7 %}■{, To Simon Gates for 80 feet Planks @ 7/ 57 To John Chandler Esq To Enable him to pay ye County Tax 16 17 3 1 7 6 5 . J Revolutionary Period. 129 tn Joseph Perry for 150 feet of Plank 10 6 To Solomon Johnson for 27 Feet Plank 1 10 To Henry Ward for Ezekiel Gooddales Pole Tax for 1763 11 7% 19 12 7 On y c third article the Town taking into. Consideration y e Peti- tion of Daniel Hemmingway Praying for a further allowance for his Building y e Meting house and after some debate thereon the Ques- tion was put whether the Town wold make him any further allow- ance and It Passed In y e Negative on y L ' fifth Article voted that it be an Instruction to Capt Eph- raim Doolittle our Representative that he Joyns In no Measures Countenancing y e Stamp Acl on the Sixth article voted that James Putnam Esq Josiah Brewer Esq and mr Jacob Chamberlin be a Comittee In y e name of y e Town to appear at y e Court of Gen" Sessions of y e Peace to be Holden at Worcester for the County of Worcester on the first Tuesday of november next to Defend at Said Court against y e Pe- tition of y c Town of Chelsea Relative to the Support & funeral Charges of Richard Stowers & so from Court to Court until the same be Ended voted that the Sum of twenty Pound be Granted for to pay such sums as shall be awarded against y e Town in favour of y e Town of Chelsea & y e Charges that have or may attend y e Prosecution Voted that y e Foregoing Sum being ^39 : 12/7 and the sum of Sixty Pounds Granted for y e Support of Schooling on the third monday In may Last by adjournment from y e 18 th of march Last and y e Sum of ^150 : 1 : 9^ Granted on y e twentyeth Day of may Last making In y e whole sum of ^249 : 14 : 4^2 be Levied and as- sessed upon the poles and Estates in said Town In one Tax y e Currant year one half of said sum to be paid Into the Town Tres- ury on or before y e 25 th Day of December next and y e other half on or before y e First Day of march Next The aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y c original & Compared therewith y John Chandler Town Cler 17 130 Worcester Town Records. [1766. Reced of the Select men of Worcester Eleven Pound four Shill- ings In full for y e Interest mony arising by y e sale of y e ministerial Land Lying west of Judge Jenisons Heirs To y e first Day of no- vember a D 1765 Thaddeus maccarty Worcester march 10 : 1766 ,£11:4:0 Rec d of y e Selectmen of Worcester ten pound Sixteen Shillings & Seven pence In full for y e Interest mony arising by y e sale of y e ministerial Land Lying by Zebediah Rices to y e 28 th of march aD 1765 Thaddeus Maccarty Worcester march 10: 1766 £to\ 16: 7 at a Town meeting held at y e meeting House in Worcester on monday the tenth Day of march a D 1766 after Legal warning for y e Choice of Town officers &c and to Transact other matters agree- able to the Several articles Contained In the Warrant at said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att John Chandler Town Cler John Chandler Esq Ephraim Doolittle Timothy Paine Esq Benj a Flagg Samuel Curtis Chosen Select men and assessors John Chandler Esq Town Cler John Chandler Esq Town Tresurer Daniel Boyden Samuel Brooks Wardens asa moore Cornelius Stowell Constables Joshua Biglo Collector of Taxes Palmer Goulding Sealer of Tanned & Curryed Leather Ephraim Doolittle Cler of y e market Ephraim Doolittle Surveyor of boards Shingle Hoops Staves Israel Jenison Surveyor of Wheet & flower Thomas Wheeler nahum Willard John Boyden nath 11 moore John Curtis Samuel mower William m e farland Jonathan Stone Jo- siah Peirce Daniel Hubbard Surveyors of Highways and Collectors of y e Highway Taxes 1766.] Revolutionary Period. 131 John Gates Josiah Flagg Fence Viewers Isaac Gleeson Isaac moore Deer Reves John Curtis Jur Timothy Biglo Tything men Joshua Johnson Jonas Newton Richard Pratt Ebenezer Willing- ton Darius Boyden William Johnson Hog Reves Joshua Whitney Jonathan Knight field Drivers at said meeting a Register of Deeds and Conveyancer was voted for and Sealed up In the meeting by Sam" Eaton Constable also voted for a County Tresurer voted that y e sum of Eight Pound be & hereby is Granted unto Joshua Biglo for Collecting y e Taxes y e Currant year voted that he give Security to y e Town Treasurer to pay Into the Town Treas- ury the mony that shall be Granted the Currant year and Comitted to him to Collect agreable to y e Direction In the Warrants for Collecting y e Same on the fourth article voted that the School be Kept in the same way and manner as was voted the Last year and that Capt Eph- raim Doolittle mess asa moore and Comfort Rice be a Comittee to Provide Schoolmasters also voted that y e sum of Sixty Eight pound Eight Shillings be granted Levyed and assessed for y e Sup- port of y e Schools y e Currant year on y e fifth article voted that Joshua Biglo Ephraim Doolittle and John Curtis be a Comittee to settle accounts with the Town Treas- urer on y e Sixth article voted that y e sum of one Hundred and fifty Pounds be Granted assessed and Levyed on y e Polls & Estates in said Town in y e same way and manner as voted at y e General an- nual meeting Held y e fourth of march 1 750/1 to be Expended In Building Bridges and Causways mending and Repairing Decayed ones Putting and Keeping the Roads In Good Repair the Present year and that y e same be worked out by y e first Day of October next and y L ' same wages be allowed and Rules followed In all Re- gards as voted at said meeting and that the Selectmen Direct in Giving orders to y e Surveyors to allow all Persons to work so as to accomodate them they having a Gen" Regard to the Publick Good 132 Worcester Toivn Records. [1766. and those who have worked out more than their Rates for y e Last year may be allowed for y e same out of y e Present years Tax they Producing Proper Certificates on the Seventh article voted that y e Selectmen be Discharged from y e Interest mony arising by y e sale of the ministerial Land Lying west of y e Heirs of Judge Jenison Dec d to y e first of novem- ber 1765 and also from y e Interest mony arising by y e sale of y e Land Lying by Zebediah Rices to y e 28 th of march Last they have- ing paid the same to the Rev d mr macarty and that y e Interest mony outstanding to said time be and belong to John Chandler Esq who advanced the same on y e Eighth article voted that y e sum of three pound ten shill- ings be and hereby is Granted unto Simon Gates and Jacob Hem- ingway In full Satisfaction for the mony they Expended In order that y e Road Laid out from Josiah Brewer Jur to William Young Should be Discontinued on the ninth article voted that so much of y e mony In the hands of John Chandler Esq r as Shall be Necessary for Compleating y e Pay for Scholing y e Currant year and also so much as is Necessary for Paying for a Standard of Weights & measure be appropriated for that Purpose and that he further account for y e Remaining sum In his hands at the next meeting on y e tenth article y e Question was Put whither y e Swine should go at Large y e Currant year they being Yoaked & Ringed accord- ing to Law and it Passed In the affirmative on the twelfth article the Question was Put whither y e Town would accept of y e following Roads Laid out by y e Selectmen vizt a Road Laid out to accomodate David Biglo also a Town way Laid out from Holdin Line by y e House of Lemuel Rice & a Bridle way Laid out through Jonathan Bartlett Land to accomodate amos Wheeler also a Bridle way Laid out from said Wheelers Extending Southerly thro his Land and Land of John Lincoln to a Town Road and Passed In y e affirmative and voted that y e several Re- turns of said Roads as Reported by y e Selectmen be Recorded 1766.] Revolutionary Period. 133 voted also that the further Consideration of y e Road Laid through Francis Harringtons Land be Referred to the adjourn- ment of this meeting on y e Eleventh article voted that y e sum of thirty Six Shillings be & hereby is Granted unto William Elder In full Satisfaction for y e Land Taken from him for a Town way Laid in his Land on y e thirteenth article voted that y e wood and Timber Standing on y e Towns Land on millstone Hill be Reserved for y e use of the and that no Person Cut thereon without Leave first had and ob- tained from y e Selectmen for y e time being on y e fourteenth article Relative to y e Discontinueing of one Rod of y e Road north of m r Holbrooks House be Referred to the adjournment of the meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the nineteenth Day of may next at one oClock afternoon to be held at this place The aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att John Chandler moderator Worcester ss march 10: 1766 I Certifye that all y e within named Persons Elected to offices In y e Town of Worcester the Ensueing year Except (my self & Jonas Newton a Hog Reave Personally appeared & made oath to y e faithfull Discharge of their Respective offices according to Law and at y e same time took y e oath Relative to y e Bills of Credit of the Neighbouring Govern- ments Before me Tim Paine Just Pacis Entred from y e original & Compared therewith ^9 John Chandler Town Cler Memorandum of a Town Road Laid out to accomodate mr Da- vid Biglo to his farm where now Dwells vizt Begining at a Stake and heap of Stones about four Rods Southerly of his y e said Davids Barn thence Extending westerly to a Large Rock with small Stones Heaped on the same and thence to a heap of Stones where said 134 Worcester Town Records. [1766. Road meets with or comes to a Road Laid out to accomodate mr Ezekiel How & others said Road Lying on y e northerly side of said Bounds & to be two Rods wide John Chandler ~\ Sam" miller Selectmen Worcester Feb 10 : 1766 Sam" mower John Boyden of Palmer Goulding j Josiah Peirce J Worcester Entred from y e original & Compared therewith f John Chandler T Cler memorandum of a Town Road Laid out begining at Holdin Line and Extending Southerly by markt trees till it comes to y e Lane Leading to Lemuel Rices and as the fences now stands be- tween y e Land of said Rice & David moore & from thence to Ex- tend by markt trees Easterly till it comes to y e Road that was Laid out to accomodate John mower y e markts standing on y e Northerly side y e Road & y e fence on y e South side to be y e mark John Chandler ') Worcester Feb 20: 1766 Sam" miller j Selectmen Sam 11 mower of John Boyden { Worcester Palmer Goulding | Josiah Peirce J Entered from y e original & Compared therewith "$ John Chandler Town Cler memorandum of a Bridle way Laid out thro the Land of Jona- than Bartlett to accomodate amos Wheeler begining on said Bart- letts West Line & Extending Easterly by markt trees and as the Road is now trod till it comes to y e Town Road that Leads to David Thomas y e marks standing on y e Southerly side said Road and to be two Rods wide also a Bridle way begining at the South- west Corner of Thomas Wheelers Land and Running Southerly 1766.] Revolutionary Period. 135 tho' amos Wheelers Land and the Land of John Lincoln to the Town way and to bound Westerly on Land of Jabez Green & to be two Rods wide John Chandler Worcester Feb 20 : 1 766 Sam" miller Selectmen of Sam" mower John Boyden j Worcester Palmer Goulding Josiah Peirce J Entered from y e original & Compared therewith ^ John Chandler Town Cler Rec d of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester Six- teen pound twelve Shillings x hereby are Impowered to Hire ye same 700 on Interest till the monv be Raised and paid into the Treasury to Enable them to pay ye same and ;£i68 18 u)^ that ye sum so Granied be under their Direction & used for no other Purpose 148 Worcester Town Records. [ij6j. on y e Seventh article voted that Capt Doolittle m r Baldwin and m r Stone be a Comittee to Draw up Instructions for the General Conduct of our Representative y e Currant year and to make Re- port at the adjournment of this meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the Eighteenth Day of may Currant five oClock afternoon to be Held at this Place y e Aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entred from y e original ^ John Chandler Town Cler at a Town meeting Held at Worcester on monday the Eighteenth Day of may a D 1767 at five oClock afternoon by adjournment from y e Seventh Instant voted that ye sum of twelve Shillings be and hereby is Granted to amos Wheeler full for Removing Cotton Bradshaw from Worcester to Shrewsbury £0 12 o To y e Revd mr macarty In, addition to his Sallerv Granted ye Seventh Instant ye Sum of ten pounds 1000 £10 12 o The Comittee appointed y e Seventh Instant to Draw Instructions for y e Gen 11 Conduct of mr Joshua Biglo onr Representative y e Currant year made Report Read & accepted and ordered to be Recorded y e aforegoing votes Passed at said meeting att John Chandler moderator Enterd from y e original ~$ John Chandler Town Cler To M r Joshua Bigelow S r as we have Devol d on you the Im- portant trust as Representing us at the Great and General Cort the Year Insueing we your Constituents therefore think it our Duty and Interest to Give you the following Instructions Relative to Some of Your Conducts In Said Trust (viz) First that you use your Influence to Maintain & Continue that Harmony and Good will Between Great Brittain and this Province 1767.] Revolutionary Period. 149 as may be most conducive to the Prosperity of Each, by a Steady and firm attachment to English Liberty and the Charter Rights of this Province and that willingly suffer no Inovations Either Through Pretext of Precedency or any other way whatsoever ; and if you find any Incroachments on our Charter Rights that you use your utmost abillitys to obtain a Constitutional Redress 2 tlty that you use your Influence to obtain a law to put an End to that unchristian and Impolitick Practice of making Slaves of the Humane Speices in this Province and that you give your vote for none to serve in his Majestys Council who you may have Reason to think will use their Influence against such a Law or that Sustain any office Incompattable with such Trust and in such Choice Pre- fer such Gentlemen and such only who have Distinguished them- selves in the Defence of our Liberty 3 ly that you use your Influence that the fee Table of this Prov- ince be Established more agreeable to the Rules of Justice set not to the Sherrifs fees &C Double as much pay as the service may be Done for (and in General is by the Deputy Sherriffs) Neither oblige Jurymen &c &c to Do service at the Expence of their own Private Esteates or be Subjected to Large fines or Penalties but Subject all or none at all by Penaltys and appoint so much fees and no more as may be Agreeable to Each Service and that you observe this Rule in Granting Pay for Contingent & ocational Charges 4 ,y that [you J use your Indeavour to Relieve the People of this Province from the Great Burden of Supporting so many Latin Grammer Schools whereby they are Prevented from Attaining such a Deegree of English Learning as is Necessary to Retain the free- dom of any State 5 ly that you make Deligent Inquirey into the Cause of such General Neglect of the Militia of this province and Indeavour a Redress of such Grievance without which we Apprehend in time we be made an Easy Prey by the Enemies of Great Britain 6 ly Take Special Care of the Liberty of the Press and S r we hope and trust that in all Matters that may come before you you will have a single Eye to the Publick Good have a watchfull Eye 150 Worcester Town Records. [ij6j. over those who are seeking the Ruin of this Province and Indeav- our to make this Province Reciprocally Happy with our Mother Country Worcester ss at a meeting Regularly assembled at y e meeting House In Worcester In S d Town on monday y e nineteenth Day of October a D 1767 John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att John Chandler T Cler The following sums Granted for y e following Purposes viz 1 To John Chandler T Treasurer to Enable him to pay ye County Tax ^14 on To Do for Capt Doolittle 5 To Ebenezer Wiswell for mending meeting House Windows 3 o To Samll miller for 150 feet Plank @ 8/ 120 To Josiah Brewer Esq for 75 feet Plank 6 o To Samll Hunt for [ ? ] Hd Plank 10 o To John Chandler for Interest on ye mony ye Town owed him towards ye meeting House 226 To y e Selectmen to Enable them to pay for ye Taking Care of ye meeting House 300 To Joshua Biglo for Henry Springs Pole Tax 13: o To Do for Joshua Bancrofts Taxes 1766 1:3: i 7 s l IO l l& 22 15 6 7 , on y e third article y e Comittee appointed In march Last to Ex- amine y e Town Treasurers account made Report Read & axcepted and whereas it appears a Ballance Due to y e Town being 37:5/ 10^ part of which is now outstanding In Joshua Biglo Hands Collector for y e year 1 766 viz 1 y e sum of ^9 : 15/ 1 1 Vs which Bal- lance y e Treasurer is further to account for on y e fourth article Such of y e Inhabitants Present which had not Givein in Lists of their Polls & Estates Gave in y e Same on y e Sixth article voted that y e sum of Eighty three pound Six- teen Shillings Granted In march Last and v e Sum of one Hundred 1768.] Revolutionary Period. 151 Sixty eight pound Eighteen Shillings & Eleven pence half penny Granted on y e Seventh of may Last & y e Sum of ten pounds twelve Shillings Granted on y e Eighteenth Day of may Last & y e Sum of twenty two pound fifteen Shillings & Sixpence Seven Eighth of a penny Granted at this meeting making In y e whole y e Sum of ,£286 : 2/6^8 be Levyed and assessed upon y e Polls & Estates in Said Town In one Tax y e Currant year one half of Said Sum to be paid into the Town Treasury on or before y e twenty fifth Day of December next and y e other half on or before y e first Day of march next the aforegoing votes Passed at S d meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared therewith ^ John Chandler Town Cler Worcester ss : at a meeting Regularly assembled at the meet- ing House in Worcester In said Town on monday y e Twenty eighth Day of December a D 1767 John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att John Chandler Town Cler voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the fourtenth Day of march next two oClock afternoon att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original ^ John Chandler Town Cler Received of y e Selectmen of Worcester by y e hand of John Chandler Esq Eight pound ten Shillings In part of y e Interest mony Due to me march 14 1768 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of y e Selectmen of Worcester by y e hand of John Chandler Esq fifteen pound Seventeen Shillings & Sixpence on account of Interest mony Due to me Nov 19 1768 Thaddeus Maccarty 152 Worcester Town Records. [1768. at a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the fourteenth Day of march A D 1768 after Legal warn- ing for the Choice of Town officers &c and to Transact other mat- ters agreeable to the Several articles Contained in the Warrant at Said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att John Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Tim" Paine Esq Joshua Bigelow Benj a Flagg Jon a Stone Selectmen and Assessors Clark Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer Absolom Rice Edward Knight Wardens Palmer Goulding Josiah Peirce Constables David moore Collector of Taxes Samuel m e Crakin Sealer of Taned & Curryed Leather Palmer Goulding Clerk of the market Israel Jenison Surveyor of Shingles Boards Hoops & Staves David moore John Curtice Samuel mower David Bancraft Sam- uel Eaton Jonas Hubbard Benjamin Stowell Jonathan Stone Eli- sha Smith Francies Harrington Surveyers of Highways and Col- lectors of the Highway Taxes Noah Harris Cornelius Stowell fence Viewers Samuel Brooks Elijah Harrington Tythingmen John Barber Joshua Whitney Dear Reives Henry Ward Luke Brown Jun r Rayham Bancraft Benj a Whitney William Taylor Jonathan Rice James m e farland Hog Reeves Samuel Whitney Joshua Whitney Feild Drivers on the third article voted that the sum of five pound be and hereby is Granted unto David moore for Collecting the Taxes the Currant year Voted that he Give Security to the Town Treasurer to pay the money that Shall be Granted the Currant year and Comitted to him to Collect as also the province tax that Shall be Laid on Said Town the Currant year & pay in the Same to the Respective Treasurers agreeable to the Direction in the Warrant for Collecting the Same 1768.] Revolutionary Period. 153 On the fourth artikle voted that the Skool be Kept in the Same way and manner as was Voted the Last Year also voted that the Sum of Seventy Six pound Sixteen Shillings be Granted Levied & assesed on the Polls and Estates in said Town agreeable to Law for the Support of the Skools the Currant year On the fifth artikle Voted that James Putnam Esq John Curtice and Nathan Perry be a Coinittee to Settle accounts with the Town Treasuer On the Sixth artikle Voted that the Sum of two Hundred pounds be Granted Levied and assesed on the Polls and Estates in Said Town in the Same way and manner as Voted at the Generall an- nual Meeting held the fourth of March 1 750/1 to be expended in Building Bridges and Causways Mending and Repairing Decayed ones Putting and Keeping the Roads in Good Repair the present year and that the Same be worked out by the first Day of October next and the Same wages be allowed and Rules followed in all Re- gards as Voted in Said Meeting and that the Select men Dire6l in Giveing orders to the Serveyors to allow all Persons to work so as to accomodate them they Haveing a Regard to the Publick Good and those who have worked out more than their Rate for the Last year may be allowed for the Same out of the Present years Tax they Producing proper Certificates and those who have not worked out their Last year Tax may have the Liberty to work the Same provided they do it before the twenty fifth Day of June Next On the Seventh artikle the Select men made a verbal Report that they had Recived the Sum of Eight pounds ten Shillings part of the Interst mony due to the Town and paid the Same to The Rev d mr maccarty — Voted that they be Discharged of Said Sum On the Eighth artikle the Question was put whether The Swine should go at Large the Currant year they being Yoaked & Ringed according to Law and it passed in the affirmative On the Ninth artikle the Question was put whether the Town would accept of a Town way Laid from the East End of the Farm in Worcester where Joseph Wiley Lives to Holden line & Thro the Land of the Heirs of Col° Brown & it passed in the affirmative and ordered that the Return of Select men be Recorded 154 Worcester Town Records. [1768. On the Tenth artikle the Question was put whether the Town would accept of a Small Peice of a Road Laid out by the Sele<5t men on the South Side of the House of the House of the Widdow Lydia Ball so far East as the East of the wall and it passed in the affirmative and ordered that the Return of Said Road by the Se- le6t men be Recorded Voted That the Sum of three pounds be and hereby is Granted unto the Said Lydia Ball for the Land Taken from her by the above Road and the Land taken from her by the Comittee of the Court of General Sessions for the County of Worcester for the Road Laid to accomadate John Green and that the Road be fenced out at the Charge of the Town & that the Selectmen in giveing out their or- ders to the Serveyers of order that the Respe6tive Serveyers allow Such persons as work at Said fence out of the Highway tax in the Same Manner as tho they worked at Repairing the Road Voted That the Hon ble Timothy Paine and James Putnam Esq 1 " be a Comittee to apply to the Court of Gen r " Sessions of the peace to be held at Worcester in may Next Praying that Said Court would Discontinue so much of Said Road as is Laid out and accepted by the Town and as the Town has by the above vote agreed to Make Satisfaction for the way Laid by order of said Court to accomadate said Green to pray that the Petition of Said Lydia for Damages may be Dismissed The aforegoing Votes Passed at S d Meeting att s John Chandler Moderator at the above Meeting the Town Signified their mind that Joshua Bancrofts Rates should be abated the year past W m Elder at this meeting agreed to Support the Widdow Burnet for 5/4 ^ Week James Hart also agreed to Support the Widdow Gleasson for 4/ f Week assessers sworn March 21 1768 & Town Treasurer Memorandum of a Road laid from where the Town Road for- merly Laid out to the Land of Joseph Wiley at the East End of his farm to Holden line Begining at the End of Said Road & 1768.] Revolutionary Period. 155 Turning Round the Corner of said Wileys Lott and bounding on his North Line to an oak Tree marked and from thence turning Northerly by marked tres thro the Land of the Heirs of Coll° Brown to Holden line Worcester December 4 : 1 768 John Chandler ") Selectmen Joshua Bigelow ,- of Jonathan Stone ) Worcester Entred from the Originall fp Clark Chandler T : Clerk Memorandum of a way Laid to accomadate Docler John Green Begining at the Gate Near the House of Lydia Ball and to Extend Easterly till it Comes to the East Side of her wall to bound North- erly on her House & Continueing the Same Course till it Comes to the East Said of the wall aforesaid and to Extend so far South- erly till it Comes to the North of the wall aforesaid and is aboute one Rod wide Worcester February 19 : 1768 Tim Paine ~) Selectmen Joshua Bigelow > of Benj" Flagg ) Worcester Entred from the Originall *$ Clark Chandler T : Clerk at a Town meeting held at Worcester on rnonday the fourteenth Day of march a D : 1 768 two oClock afternoon by adjournment from the twenty Eighth Day Deacember Last on the Second ar- tikle the Question was put whether the Town would Prosicute Thomas Stearns in the Law to Recover the money the Town of Chelsea Recovered of this Town for the Last sickness & funeral Charges of Richd Stowers a poor person received in hear by said Stearns and it passed in the Negative On the third Artikle the Question was put whether the Town would Prosicute in the Law John Curtice Jun r to Recover the money paid by this Town for the Support of Lydia Cutting a poor person Recivd in here by Said Curtice it being Suggested to the Town to be a Trifling Sum and it passed in the Negative On the fourth artikle the Question was put weather the Town would prosecute in the Law Francies Harrington to Recover the 156 Worcester Town Records. [1768. money this Town must pay for the Support of Jane Morse a poor person Received in here by said Harrington and it passed in the Negative On the fifth artikle the Question was put whither the Town would Grant a Suitable sum of money for the Prosecuting in the Law William Jenison Stearns for the [recovery] of the thirds that the Widdow Deliverance Stearns a poor person now Supported by this Town has in the Estate of said Stearns and it passed in the Negative On the Sixth Artikle the Question was put whither to [«V] the Town would Grant a Suitable sum of money for the Building a Work House Voted some time Since to be Built and it passed in the Negative The Seventh artikle in the Warrant being Read Relative to the Promoting Industry & QCconomy m r Joshua Biglow our Repre- sentee moved to the Town that before they Came to a Vote he might Read the Vote of Honb le House of Representatives of this Province Passed the 26 th of February Last Relative to the Pro- moting Industry G2conomy & Good Morralls and for the Dis- countenancing the use of foreingn Superfiuetyes and to Incourage the Manufactures of this Province which was Granted him it was also moved & Seconded that the Reasons Given by the Honb 11 ' Timothy Ruggles the Representative of Hardwick on his Desent- ing answer to the Vote aforesaid might allso be Read which ac- cordingly was done and the Question was put whither the Town would buy any Brittish manufaclurys more than they Could pay for and it passed in the affirmative Voted that the Eighth artikle 1 in the Warrant be Refered The aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting att s John Chandler moderator Entrerd from the Originall ty Clark Chandler T : Clerk at a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the Ninth Day of may a I) 1 768 for the Choice of a Rep- resentative & other matters Contained in the Warrant 'Relating to the abatement of ;i poll tax. i6 1 4 3 19 6 5 3 7 12 '7 1768.] Revolutionary Period. 157 Joshua Bigelow was Chosen to Represent said Town in the Generall Court the Currant year On the Second artikle John Chandler Esq was Chosen modera- tor att s Clark Chandler T Clerk Voted that the following sums be Granted for the following pur- poses (viz) To Daniel Hubbard for Joshua Bancrofts Taxes £i To Micah Johnson for 29O feet Plank for Bridges I To Joseph Perry for Timber for Bridges To Doct (Jreen his accf against James Whitney 1 To Win mcFarland for his Prentices pole tax when he ought not to have been Rated I To William Elder for a small peice of Land Taken for a Road o To James Ouigley to Enable him to pay for Doctring of Margrett miles 3 To Luke Brown for Simon ( )akes Pole Tax On the fourth artikle Voted to the Revd mr maccarty for one year Salery Commencing in June Next 100 1 10 16 t, 1 .. On the fifth artikle upon the Petition of the Town of Lancaster whereas by Removing any of the Courts from the Town of Wor- cester the shire Town of the County to Lancaster 1 three fourths of the Inhabitants of Said County will be obliged to Travel further than they at present do there fore voted that m r Joshua Bigelow the present Representative of the Town of Worcester use his utmost Endeavour to prevent the Removing Said Courts and that he allso use his Endeavour that another Term of the Superior Court be held at Worcester for Said County Voted that the accounts of Charge made by Capt Palmer Gould- ing & m r John Gates be Refered to the Selectmen that they audit the Same & order payment to be made for Such sums as are Re- spectively Due to them On the Seventh artikle voted that Capt John Curtice Capt Israel Jenison & m r Jacob Chamberlane be a Comittee for fencing out the Road thro the Widdow P>alls Land to accomadate John Green 'At the time of the formation of the county, the proposition to make Lan- caster a shire town was opposed on the ground that it would corrupt the morals of its young people. 158 Worcester Tozvn Records. [1768. & that they Lay their account of Charge before the Town for their allowance the aforegoing Votes passed at S d meeting att 8 John Chandler moderator Entred from the Original ^ Clark Chandler Town Clerk Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester one Hundred Pound Lawful money In full for my Last years Sall- ery Ending In June Last November 7 : 1768 Thaddeus Maccarty at a Town meeting held at y e meeting House in Worcester on monday y e Seventh Day of November a D 1768 three oClock af- ternoon To Transact on y e Several articles Contained in the War- rant John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att s Clark Chandler Town Clerk on y e Second article voted that y e following Sums be Granted for the following Purposes viz 1 To Jonas Bancroft for 660 feet of three Inch Plank To Samll Moore for 219 feet Ditto To Joseph Perry for boarding & Nursing John Spence Eleven Weeks while Sick To Jonas Hubbard for Bringing up y e Bell To Jonathan Stone for 6 Sticks Timber for Kittle Brook Bridge 30 feet Long To Tyrus Rice for 17 trees usd in half way River Bride To Jacob Hemingway his accl of Sundrys To Samuel Eaton for Reubin Rice Pole Tax 1765 To ye Selectmen ye sum of fifty Pounds for y e Support of ye Poore they to be accountable 50 o o To ye Select men ye Sum of twenty eight pound six shillings and Eight pence for ye Contingent Charges of ye Town to be accountable 28 6 S To Daniel Hubbard for John Vv'illard Pole Tax 5 10 To Josiah Brewer for 204 feet 2 Inch Plank 12 o £2 12 17 9 6 5 8 14 4 10 '7 2 5 12 2 8 1768.] Revolutionary Period. 159 To ye Town Treasurer fourteen pound & Eleven pence to Enable him to pay ye County Tax 14 on To ye assessers for Taking valuation vizi John Chandler 9 Days I 16 O Expenses pd by him 113 2 7 3 Timo Paine Esq 2 & x \. Days 10 O for Cash pd for Black Lists 9s 0190 To Joshua Biglo 4 Days & half 18 O To Jonathan .Stone 4 Days & 1 . 2 180 To Benja Flagg 4 Days &. % 180 .£"2 13 3 on y e third article y e Comittee appointed In march Last to Ex- amine the Town Treasurers account made Report Read and ac- cepted Whereby it appears y e Treasurer is in advance the sum of twenty four pound & Eight pence that there is a Ballance due from m r Collector Biglo 01*34 15/8 and of Collecler Hubbard of 26 7/ 17^ that 24 : 0/ 8 of said sum be applyed to pay y e Treasurer what he is in advance and that he further account for four pound & Seven pence half penny when he Receives y e Same on y e fourth article Such of y e Inhabitants Present as had not Given in their List of Estate Gave them in on y e fifth article voted that m ra Lydia Rice and her Unmarryed Daughters have Leave to Build an House for them to Dwell in During her Natural Life and their Remaining Unmarryed on y e Towns Land East of Capt Palmer Gouldings shop either with Liberty of Removing y e Same when they Please Reserving to y e Inhabitants of y e Town Liberty of Purchasing y e Same House at y e Death of y e Lydia and marriage of her Said Daughters in Case they do not Remove y e Same and that y e Select men mark out Said House Spot on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of Eighty four pound Six- teen Shillings Granted in march Last and y e Sum of one Hundred &f ten Pounds Sixteen Shillings & three pence half penny Granted the ninth Day of may Last and the Sum of one Hundred and twelve Pound thirteen Shillings & three pence Granted at this meeting making in y e whole y e Sum of ^308: 6 6*^ be Levied and assessed upon y e Polls and Estates in Said Town in one i6o Worcester Town Records. [1768. Tax y e Currant year one half of said Sum to be paid Into y e Town Treasury on or before y e first Day of January next and y e other half on or before the first Day of march next voted that the Select men be a Comittee to Provide Stone Steps for the meeting House and Lay their accounts of Charge before y e Town for their allowance The Select, men haveing agreable to y e Seventh article In the Warrant Laid before y e Town a List of Persons Liable by Law and which they Judge able and Qualified to Serve on Petit Jurors out of which y e Town Selected out one Quarter Part to Serve at y e Superiour Court of Judicature Court of assize and General Goal Delivery namely Daniel Boyden Nathan Perry Jacob Hemingway John Boyden Cornelius Stowell Israel Jenison David Bancroft Jonathan Stone asa moore Benja Flagg Samll Brooks Samll Miller Palmer Goulding Nathan Baldwin Elisha Smith James Goodwin Jacob Chamberlain William Young and the Remainder of Said List to Serve as Jurors at the Inferiour Court of Comon Pleas and Court of Gen 11 Sessions of the peace Namely Daniel Biglo Jr Samll Bridge Timo Biglo David Chaddick Joseph Clark Jr Saml Curtis William Gates Josiah Harrington Elijah Harrington Joseph Hastings Nathll moore Silas moore James Nichols Jr Richard Pratt Comfort Rice David Richardson Jonathan Rice Benja Stowell James Trowbridge Thomas Wheeler Isaac Will aid Henry Ward Ebenezer Wiswell Joshua Whitney Thaddeus Biglo Eleazer Holbrook Jr Samll Brown Joseph Blair James Barber David Biglo John Fisk Josiah Flagg Isaac Gleeson Robert Gray John Smith ve 2d Ezekiel How Jonas Hubbard micah Johnson Jonathan Knight John Kelso Ebenezer Lovell John mower James mcfarland John moore Samll mcCrakin Josiah Peirce Tarrant Putnam David Thomas amos Wheeler Joseph Wiley Ebenezer Flagg Ebenezer White 1769.] Revolutionary Period. 16 t and voted that they be Put into Seperate Boxes according to Law The aforegoing votes Passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared therewith %* Clark Chandler T Clerk Reed of John Chandler Town Treasurer of Worcester fifty Pounds Lawful money In part of my Present years Sallery January 10: 1769 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester fifty Pound Lawful money In full for my Present Years Sallery Ending y e 25 of June next Worcester march 6 : 1 769 Thaddeus Maccarty Rec' 1 of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Worcester fifteen pound nineteen Shillings & two pence which with what I have before Rec d at Sundry times before is In full of y e Interest money Due to me to y e first Day of November Last Worcester march 6 : 1769 Thaddeus Maccarty at a Town meeting Held at y e meeting House in Worcester on monday y e Sixth Day of march a D 1769 after Legal Warning for y e Choice of Town officers &c & to Transact other matters agree- able to the Several articles Contained In y e Warrant at Said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Tim Paine Esq m r Joshua Biglo Benj a Flagg micah Johnson Select men and assessers Clark Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer John Gates Joseph Blair Wardens Capt Palmer Goulding Josiah Pierce Constables 1 62 Worcester Town Records. [1769. Francis Harrington Collecter of Taxes Sam 11 M e Crakin Sealer of Tanned & Curryed Leather Tyrus Rice Cler of y e market Israel Jenison Surveyer of Shingles boards Hoops & Staves Francis Harrington Robert Smith Nath 11 Moore Joseph Clark Jr Simon Gates Josiah Peirce Joseph Perry Capt Sam 11 Mower Capt Israel Jenison Tim" Biglo John Chandler Surveyors of Highways & Collectors of y e Highway Taxes Benj a Stowell & Josiah Flagg Fence Viewers Isaac Willard David Biglo Tything men Elisha Smith John Gates Deer Reeves Joshua Whitney Henry Ward Gershom Rice Jr John Brewer Daniel Tatman Nath 11 Brooks Samuel Rice Elijah Harrington Hog Reeves Joshua Whitney Daniel Harris field Drivers Tim Paine Esq Sworn may 26 : 1769 assesser !$ J Chandler Just Pacis on y e third article voted that y e Sum of Six pound ten Shillings be & hereby is Granted unto Francis Harrington for Collecting the Taxes y e Currant year voted that he Give Security with sufficient Bondsmen to y e Town Treasurer to pay y e money that Shall be Granted y e Currant year and Comitted to him to Collect as also y e Province Tax that shall be Laid on said Town y e Currant year and pay In y e same to the Respective Treasurers agreeable to y e di- rection in y e Warrants for Collecting y e Same on y e fourth article voted that William Young Joshua Biglo Jo- siah Peirce Jonathan Stone David Bancroft, Cornelius Stowell Is- rael Jenison and Benj a Stowell be a Comittee to treat with y e Pro- prietors of y e Gramer School In Town and to agree with them upon what terms they will allow said School to be Considered as the Towns Gramer School for y e Benefit of Such Persons In Town as Shall Incline to send their Children there and also to Consult Some Plan for Keeping English Schools In S (1 Town on y e fifth artikle voted that James Goodwin Jacob Chamberlin and Nathan Perry be a Comittee to Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer 1769.] Revolutionary Period. 163 on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of two Hundred Pound be Granted Levied & assessed on y e Foils and Estates in said Town In y e Same way and manner as was voted at y e General annual meeting held the fourth of march 1 750/1 to be Expended in Build- ing Bridges & Causways mending & Repairing Decayed ones Put- ting & Keeping y e Roads In Good Repair y e Present Year and that y e Same be worked out by y e first Day of October next and y e Same wages be allowed and Rules followed in all Regards as voted in said meeting (and that the Select men Dire6l in Giveing orders to y e Surveyers to allow all Persons to Work so as to accomodate them they haveing a Regard to y c Publick Good) and those who have Worked out more than their Rate for y e Last year may be allowed for y e Same out of y e Present Years Tax they Producing Proper Certificates and those who have not Worked out their Last Years Tax may have y e Liberty to Work the Same Provided they do it before y e twenty fifth Day of June next voted that John Chandler Esq have his Tax and Daniel mansfield Tax to Repair y e Road to S' 1 mansfield on y e Seventh article y e Selectmen made Report that they had Renewed y e bonds Due to y e Town and Taken them Payable the first Day of November next y e Same being Due from y e following Persons vizt W" Young & W™ M'farland So o o David Sanderson John Stowell & Jon a marble 50 o Ebenezer Richardson David Child & Jonas Ward 40 Palmer Goulding John Boyden and Cornelius Stowell 35 17 10 Noah Jones and Daniel Boyden 20 Ebenezer Willington and Edward Knight 1368 John Boyden and James Nichols 33 6 & Phinehas Ward John Boyden and abel Heywood 2215 o Samuel Eaton & Ebenezer Flagg 35 1 6 8 331 2 10 a Bond Due from Hugh Crawford William Yong 36 and W™ nVfarland Sued to Last January Court 367 2 10 164 Worceste}' Town Records. [ J 769. That they have paid y e Interest arising by y e above bonds to the first Day of November Last to y e Rev d m r maccarty & taken his Receipt In full to that time y e Interest Due on y e Last mentioned bond when paid will belong to John Chandler Esq who advanced the Same Read & accepted voted that y e Select men be Discharged of Said Interest mony on y e Eighth article y e Question was Put whither y e Swine should go at Large y e Currant Year they being Yoaked & Ringed accord- ing to Law and it passed in y e affirmative on the ninth article y e Select men made Report of a Town Road Laid out near Robert Smith House thro his Land & so to the House of Benj a Whitney and from thence to Holden Line thro the Land of y e Heirs of Col° Browns Dec d Read and accepted and ordered that y e Same be Recorded also of a Town Road Laid out from S d Road to John Barbers Read and accepted and or- dered that y e Select mens Return be Recorded also of a Town Road Laid thro the Land of y e Heirs of John Chaddick Jr Dec d across S d Heirs Land and Land of Jonathan Chaddick to y e Road Leading to Robert Smiths Read & accepted and ordered that y e Select mens Return be Recorded on y e Eleventh article y e Question was put whither y e Town would Sell y e School Land adjoyning to Othniel Taylers and y e Town Land on mill Stone Hill and it passed in y e Negative voted that the Select men with Capt Daniel Ward Samuel M c Crakin and Jacob Hemingway be a Comittee to audit Ebenezer Wiswells account against y e Town and Report at y e next meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to Wednesday the fifteenth Day of march Currant one oClock afternoon to be Held at this Place att 9 John ("handler moderator The following Road Laid out by y e Select men of Worcester on ye ! yth Q f N ovem a Y) 1 768 is Presented to y e Town for their ac- ceptance at their annual meeting march 1 769 viz' begining at a Black oak tree Supposed to Stand in y e Line between Worcester and Holden from thence in y e Land of y e heirs of Col°. 1769.] Revolutionary Period. 165 W" 1 Brown Dec d to a Black or Gray oak then to a Small Pitch Pine tree then to a Rock with Stones on it then to a White oak and heap of Stones Round it then to two Chestnuts with fixed Rocks nigh y e Root then to a gray oak a Rock being nigh y e Roots then to a white oak near an old trod Road then in y e trod Road about 8 Rods & Crossing y e Same to a Chestnut and heap of Stones Round it from thence to a Walnut from thence to another Walnut all y e said marks being in said Browns Heirs Land & from y e Last Walnut to a Gray oak in Benj a Whitney Land from thence to a Large Chestnut in y e Line between said Benj a Land and his Son Samuel and from thence to a Stake and Stones on the West Side of y e Lane Leading from said Benj" Whitneys House y e Road from y e begining to said Stake and Stones is Laid on the Northerly Side said trees 'which are all marked & from said Stake and Stones in said Lane to a Chestnut Stump & heap of Stones In Benj a Whit- ftey Jr s Land on y e northerly Side said Road & from S d Stump to Chestnut Just within y e fence and from thence to a Walnut then to a Small Red oak then to a Large Stooping White oak near Robert Smith Line then through said Smiths Land upon y e South- erly Side his wall untill it Comes to a pair of Barrs and from S d Barrs Straight to a Cherry tree Standing South of his House and from thence to a Wild Cherry tree Into y e County Road Leading by his House to Rutland the marks from y e Stump and Stones In Benj a Whitney Jr a Land are all on y e Northerly side y e Road and y c said Road is Laid out two Rods wide John Chandler Tim" Paine j Selectmen of Joshua Biglo Benj" Flagg j Worcester Entered from y e original "$ Clark Chandler Town Clerk The following Road Laid out by y e Select men of Worcester on ye j ^th f Ncwem a I) 1 768 is Presented to y e Town for their ac- ceptance at their annua] meeting march 1769 Viz' begining at a Stake and Stones in y e Line between Sam 11 . Whitney and John Barber at y e north End of y e Barn near said Barbers House from thence to Run Easterly in said Whitney Land to Walnut Standing South of said Whitneys House and from thence to a heap of Stones upon y e West Side of y e Road this Day Laid 1 66 Worceste}' Town Records. [1769. out by the Select men Leading from Benj* Whitneys House y e said Road is Laid upon y e Southerly Side said marks one Rod & an half wide John Chandler Tim° Paine Joshua Biglo Benj a Flagg Entred from the Originall ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk The following Road Laid out by y e Selectmen of Worcester on ye jyth f November a D 1768 is Presented to y e Town for their acceptance at their annual meeting march 1769 Viz 1 begining at a Stake and heap of Stones on y e Road Leading from y e Widdow C haddicks to Robert Barbers and from said Stake & heap of Stones Runs Westerly in Land belonging to y e Heirs of John Chaddick Ju r Dec d to a White oak then to another White oak thence to a White oak In Jonathan Chaddick Land from thence to a maple in his Land & from thence to a White oak from thence to another White oak & from thence to a Gray oak all in his Land from thence to a White oak in Land Late belonging to Cornelius Waldo Dec d now owned by m r Brook in Great Brittain from thence crossing a Swamp to a Large Stooping Chestnnt tree on y e West Side said Swamp and from thence by a Poplar tree into y e County Road from Worcester to Holdin by Robert Smiths y e said trees are all marked & the Road Laid on y e northerly Side said marked trees two Rods wide John Chandler Timothy Paine Joshua Bigelow Benj a Flagg Entred from the Originall ^ Clark Chandler T : Clerk at a Town meeting held at Worcester on Wednesday the fifteenth Day of march Currant one oClock afternoon by adjournment from the 6 th march A I ) 1 769 On the fourth Artikle the Comittee for the School Reported that they have attended Said Service and have proposed to the pro- prietors of the Cramer School that the Town allow Said Proprietors Six pound the Currant year Said proprietors Engaging that the Said Gramer School shall be free for all persons in Said Town Desirious of Learning the Languages be admitted by said proprie- 1769.] Revolutionary Period. 167 tors to have the Same priviledges and upon the Same Terms in Said School as the Children of Said Proprieters which proposals the Said proprieters have accepted and your Comittee are of op- pinion that the method for Keeping English Schools in Said Town and for the Support of the Said Schools Each part of the Town Draw the money they pay towards the whole Sum Raised the cur- rant year and Each have their proportion of the Interest money belonging to Said School said school to be Kept in the Several parts of the Town in Such Season of the year as shall be agreed up- on by the major part of Said Quarter Your Comittee have Divided the Town into Eight parts and herewith Deliver the Same by the Report on file appears the Several parts of the Town proportion as Settled by the Committee as follows Center of the Town Tannick Smiths Quater Hogachouge Stones Quater Stowels Quater Capt Curtices Quater Capt Flaggs Quater £V) 17 o Read and accepted and Voted that the Sum of Seventy six pounds Sixteen shillings be Levied and assessed upon the pools and Estates in Said Town the Currant year for the Support of said Schools Voted that the Sum of Six pounds part of the aforesaid Sum be paid unto the proprietors of the said Cramer School in Said Town on Condition of theire Complying with the Condition of the Report of the Committee Relative to the School Voted that there be paid for the Support of the School In the Several parts of the Town out of the Town Treasury the Several Sums as above mentioned Except the Center School & that only the Sum of fifteen pounds be paid out of the Treasury for the Sup- port of the Center School /Jin 1 10 10 9 8 8 8 8 5 8 3 7 1 1 7 1 1 1 68 Worcester Town Records. [ 1 769. Voted that the Honb le Timothy Paine, David Bigelow, W m Yong, Benjamin Flagg, Benjamin Stowel, David Bancroft, Jonathan Stone, & John Curtice be the Committee for Schools Each to act for his Respective Division and that Each of the Committee aforesaid Notifye their Respective Quaters or part of the Town & Take their Direction with Regard to the Keeping of the School and what time the School shall begin the matter to be approved of by the Select men agreeable to Law Voted that John Boyden be a Surveyor of Highways and Col- leger of Highway Taxes the Currant year the foregoing Votes passed at Said meeting attest John Chandler moderator Entred from the Originall & Compared therewith f Clark Chandler T : Clerk at a Town meeting Held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the twenty Second Day of may A D 1 769 for the Choice of a Representative and other matters Contained in the Warrant Joshua Bigelow was Chosen to Represent the Town in the Gen- erall Court the Currant year on the Second Artikle John Chandler Esq was Chosen moder- ator attest Clark Chandler Town Clerk On the third artikle the following Sums were Voted to the fol- lowing Persons (viz) Samuel raoore for 322 feet Plank To Samuel Mcraken his account for mr Glassford To John Chandler Esq his account for Do To Ebenez Wiswell for mending meeting House Windows To Do Boarding Phillip Robert 11 weeks & half To James Trobridge for 53 feet Plank To Phinehas Rice for Killing 3 Wild Cats To Samuel moore for Do To Palmer Gouldins for Ringing the Pell £l 6 6 S 10 I 2 6 270 3 7 1 10 1 10 1 4 1 769. j Revolutionary Period. 169 To John Waters the Sum of 4 : 10/ for taking Care of the meeting House & Sweeping it Including the Insuing year 4100 Voted that the Selecl men be a Committee to audit Luke Browns account & to make Report on the fourth artikle voted that the Sum of one Hundred pounds he & hearby is Granted to the Revd mr maccarty for a years Sallery Comincing in June Next 100 o o £ ll 3 5 5 On the fifth artikle the Question was put whither the Town would Seet the meeting House & it passed in y e Negative on the Sixth artikle voted that the Elder Seet be used for Some Suitable persons to Lead the Congregation in Singing the Question was put whither the Town would appoint a Committee to Invite Some Suitable persons to Set in the Elder Seet to Lead the Con- gregation in Singing and it passed in the Negative on the Seventh artikle the Question was put whither the Town would Sell a Small peice of theire Land in the Center of the Town to adam Walker to Build on and it passed in the Negative The aforegoing Votes passed in S d meeting att John Chandler moderator Entred from the Original! ~§ Clark Chandler T : Clerk Worcester ss at a Town meeting Regularly assembled at the meeting House in Worcester in Said Town on monday the Thirtyeth Day of Octo- ber a D 1 769 John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator atst Clark Chandler Town Clerk On the Second artikle mentioned in the Warrant the following Sums weare Granted to the following Persons (viz) To the Select men for the Support of the Poore they to be accountable ,£50 o o To Simon Gates for 2 Sticks Timber for half way River Bridge 3 To David moore for Robert Browns Pole Tax 6 I 19 '5 IO 3 8 4 »9 °K 170 Worcester Town Records. [1769. To Jacob Chamberlane John Curtice and Israel Jenison the Committee for fencing Docl Green Road to Enable them to pay for the fencing they to be accountable 40 o o To Ebenz Wiswell for Boarding Jane morse 124^ weeks Ending august 28 1769 To John Fisk for 1 Days work at the Stone Bridge To Do his Ballance for 43 Days work at the meeting House To John Kelso for Days work at the Stone Bridge 1 9 4 To Do his Ballance for 4 }■% Days work at the meeting House Steps & Stones found 5 18 1 1^ £7 8 3^ To David Chaddick for his Ballance Due for work at the meeting House Steps & Stones found 2 1 1 To Jacob Holmes for his Ballance Due for work at the meeting House Steps 415 8 To Isaac Gleason for 9 Days work at meeting Steps Steps 1 7 o To Jacob Hemingway 593 feet of Flank for Bridges 266 To David Bancroft for 400 feet Plank for Bridgs 112 o To Robert Gray 145 feet Plank for Bridge n 6 To John Chandler Tresurer to Enable him [line trimmed off] 13 18 1 1 £i47 IO 4 1 " On the third artikle the Comittee appointed in march Last to Examine the Town Tresurers account made Report Read & ac- cepted Whereby it appears a Ballance Remains in his Hands of ^10 : 16 : 2% Exclusive of the Sums out Standing (viz) in Joshua Bigelow Hands 34/ 1 y% in Collector moors Hands Six Shillings & one one penny making in the whole twelve pounds Sixteen Shill- ings & five pence half penny Therefore Voted that the Treasurer be Discharged of the Sum of three Hundred and four pounds Nine shillings & Eight pence halfpenny & that he further account for the money in his hands and the out Standing money aforesaid On the fourth artikle Such of the Inhabitants present as had Not Given in List of theire Estate Give them in On the fifth artikle voted that the Sum of Eighty three pounds Six Shillings Granted in march Last and the Sum of one Hundred & thirteen pounds five Shillings & three pence Granted in may Last & the Sum of one Hundred forty Seven pound ten shillings & fore pence Half penny be Levied & assessed upon the Polls & Estates in Said Town in one tax the Currant vear one half of Said 1 7 70. J Revolutionary Period. 1 7 1 Sum to be paid into the Town Treasury on or before the fifteenth Day of January Next & the other Half on or before the first Day of march Next On the Sixth artikle the Town Granted to the Committee ap- pointed to fence out the Road to Docl Greens the Sum already mentioned among the Grants The aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting atst John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original ~$ Clark Chandler Town Clerk Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester fifty four pound fourteen Shillings & fore pence half penny Lawful mony In part of my Present years Sallery Worcester march 3 d 1770 Thaddeus Maccarty Rec' 1 of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Worcester twenty two pound & Seven pence full for one Year Interest mony Due to me for ministerial Land Ending Nov r 5 : 1 769 march 5 : 1770 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester forty five pound five Shillings & Seven pence half penny In full for my Last Year Sallery Ending In June Last Nov 23 : 1770 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Wor- cester ten pound Eighteen Shillings & six pence three farthings Lawful mony In part of y e Interest mony Due to me Nov 1 : 1770 Worcester Nov. 23 : 1770 Thaddeus Maccarty Rec d of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Worcester eleven pound one Shilling & Eleven pence farthing In full for y e Interest mony Due to me to y e first Day of Nov. 1770 march 4 : 1771 Thaddeus Maccarty 172 Worcester Town Records. [1770. at a Town meeting Held at y e meeting /House in Worcester on monday y e fifth Day of march ad 1 770 after Legal Warning for y e Choice of Town officers &c & to Transact other matters agreeable to y e Several articles Contained in y e Warrant at Said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler T Clerk John Chandler Esq Tim Paine Esq M r Joshua Biglo Capt Benj a Flagg M r Nathan Baldwin Selectmen & assessers Clark Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer John Smith Hatter & Joseph Clark Jr W T ardens Thomas Wheeler & John Gates Constables Jonas Hubbard Collecter of Taxes Samuel M c Crakin Sealer of Tanned & Curryed Leather Capt Tyrus Rice Clerk of y e market Capt Israel Jenison Surveyer of Shingles boards Hoops & Staves Daniel Biglo Jr Sam" Brooks Noah Jones Jonathan Stone Com- fort Rice Daniel Ward Benj a Whitney Noah Harris John Mower James Goodwin Benj 11 Stowell Surveyers of Highways & Collecters of y e Highway Tax Josiah Flagg & Jonathan Fisk Fence Viewers William Tayler & Isaac Willard Tythingmen Capt Elisha Smith & Joshua Whitney Deer Reeves abraham Smith William Tayler James Elder Edmund Heard Tho s Knight Robert Cook Moses Miller Hog Reeves Joshua Whitney & David Harris field Drivers on y e third article voted that y e Sum of Eight pound be & here- by is Granted unto Jonas Hubbard for Collecting y e Taxes y e Cur- rant year voted that he Give Security with Sufficient Bondsmen to y e Town Treasurer to pay y e mony that Shall be Granted y e Cur- rant year and Comitted to him to Collect as also the Province Tax that Shall he Laid on Said Town y e Currant year and pay y e Same to y e Respective Treasurers agreeable to y e Direction in y e Warrant fur Collecting y e Same 177°-] Revolutionary Period. 173 on the fourth article voted that mess James m'Tarland Jonathan Stone and P^benezer Flagg Set in y e Elder Seat to Lead in y e Con- gregation in Singing and on a motion made and Seconded voted Unanimously that m r William Swan Set in y e .Same Seat to assist y e aforesaid Gentlemen In Singing on y e fifth article y e Comittee for Fencing Docler John Green Road thro y e Land of y e Widdow Ball Reported that they had agreed with John Ball to fence out said Road and make a Suffi- cient Wall four feet High that he had made y e Wall but not agree- able to their Contract with him they therefore Submitt y e matter to y e Town for Direction Relative to y e paying y e said John for said Wall as by y e Report on file appears voted that Said Com- ittee Draw an order on y e Town Treasurer to pay said John Ball Such Sum of mony for S a Wall as they Shall Judge y e Same to be Reasonably worth on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of Seventy Six pounds Six- teen Shillings be Levied and assessed on y e Poles & Estates in said Town the Currant year for y e Support of Schools that y e School Interest mony be also applyed for Schooling that Six pounds part of said Sum be & hereby is Granted to y e Proprieters of y e Gramer Schools y e Currant year said Proprieters haveing Ingaged that said Gramer School shall be free for Learning y e Languages be admitted by said Proprieters to have y e same Priviledges & upon y e same terms in said School as y e Children of said Proprieters That the Honb'Timothy Paine Esq Josiah Flagg William Young James Good win Joshua Whitney Sam 1 Curtis Jonathan Stone and Sam 11 Brooks be y e Comittee for Supplying y e Town with Schooling said School to be Kept in y e several Parts of y e Town In such season of y e year as shall be agreed upon by y e major Part of the Quarters & that y e aforesaid sum of 76 : 16 with y e Interest aforesaid be paid to said Comittee in y e following Proportion vizt the Honb' 1 ' Tim" Paine Esq ,£15 Joshua Whitney 8 3 Josiah Flagg 9 8 o Sam" Curtice 880 William Young 10 10 o Jona Stone 8 1 o James Goodwin 711 o Sam 11 Brooks 711 o .6/4 16 o 174 Worcester Town Records. [1770. that said Comittee each act for his Respective Division and that Each of said Comittee aforesaid notifye their Respective Quarters or parts of y e Town & take their Direction with Regard to y e Keeping of y e School & what time y e School shall begin y e master to be approved of by y e Select men agreeable to Law on y e Seventh article voted that y e Honb le Timothy Paine Esq Jacob Chamberlin & Capt John Curtis be a Comittee to Settle ac- counts with y e Town Treasurer on y e Eighth article voted that y e sum of two Hundred and fifty Pounds be Granted Levied and assessed on y e Polls & Estates in said Town In y e same way & manner as was voted at y e Gen 1 ' an- nual meeting Held y e fourth of march 1 750/1 to be Expended In Building Bridges and Causways 'mending & Repairing Decayed ones Putting & Keeping y e Roads In Good Repair y e Present year and that y e same be Worked out by y e first Day of October next and y e same Wages be allowed & Rules followed as was voted In said meeting and those who have worked out more than their Last Year Tax may be allowed for y e same out of y e Present Years Tax they Producing Proper Certificates & those who have not worked out their Last Years Tax may have the Liberty to Work y e Same Provided they Do it before y e twenty fifth Day of June next on the ninth article the Select men Reported that Since the Last Report they had Received of Hugh Crawford y e thirty Six pounds Due on his bond and had Let y e same to William Young & William ATfarland on Interest Payable y e first Day of november Last and that y e Remaining Sum Still Remains in y e hands of y e same Per- sons agreeable to their Last Report that they had Received y e In- terest Due to y e first of november Last and paid y e same to y e Rev d M 1 ' Maccarty Therefore voted that y e Select men be Dis- charged of said Interest mony on y e tenth article y e Question was Put whither y e Swine should go at Large y e Currant year they being Yoaked & Ringed accord- ing to Law & it Passed In y e affirmative on y e Eleventh article y e Question was Put whither y e Town would Give Leave to y e Town of Shrewsbury to Git Stone Steps on mill Stone Hill for their meeting House & it passed In y e affirma- tive 1 7 70. J Revolutionary Period. 175 on y e twelfth article y e Question was Put whither y e Town would Sell a Small Peice of meadow Lying in Prospect meadow belong- ing to them and it Passed In y e affirmative Therefore voted that ye Present Select men be a Comittee fully & absolutely Impowered to Sell Said meadow Lott to Such Person as Shall appear to Give most for y e Same and to make & Execute a Good & Sufficent Deed of y e Same to y e Purchaser for which Doing y e Town will Indem- fye them & that y e mony arising by y e Sale be by them paid Into y e Town Treasury to be Disposed of by y e Town as they Shall here after order on y e thirteenth article y e Select men made Report of a Town Road Laid out in Capt Israel Jenisons Land and for y e Discontinuance of part of a Road formerly Laid In y e Land now owned by said Jenison Read & accepted & voted that said Peice of Road as mentioned In Said Report be Discontinued and Said Road as Laid by y e Select men be accepted In Lieu thereof and ordered that y° Doings of y e Select men Relative thereto be Recorded on y e fourteenth article voted that y e following Taxes for y e year 1 769 be abated vizt Samll Wiswell Tax £o 15 4 loseph Temple Jr Tax Enoch Cooks Tax £1 8/ '3/ 9%} 3Hi £1 12 oh Elijah Brown Tax Jona Ki^k [ ] Tax £1 3/ 16/ 3h X 7 1 £1 9 ,ol 4 the Widdow Elizabeth So ministerial Tax uihgates 1 £ 3 *H [trimmed off] That the Treasurer be & hereby is Directed to allow the above Sum of 4 : o : &J,i to M r Francis Harrington Colleger of Taxes in his Settlement with him voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the fourteenth Day of may next two oClock afternoon then to be held at this Place The aforegoing Votes passed at S (1 meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y* original oc Compared there with f Clark Chandler T Clerk 176 Worcester Town Records. [1770. To the freeholders and Qualified voters of Worcester at their Town meeting In march 1770 the following Report of Laying out y e following Road is Presented for their acceptance & allowance begining at a Stake about Eighty Rods Southerly of y e Country Road Standing In y e old Fence In Capt Israel Jenisons Land and as y e fence Stands to Said Country Road Said Road to Lye on y e East of Said fence and four Rods wide and is Laid out in Leiu of y e Road that was Laid between this now Laid Road & Long Pond which old Road y e Said Select, men apprehend in Case this new Proposed Road be accepted Should be Discontinued Feb r 13 1770 John Chandler-, Tim° Paine [ Select men of Joshua Biglo I Worcester Benj a Flagg Entered from y e original & Compared there with 19 Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester may 21 : 1770 Att a Town meeting Regularly warn- ed and held by the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to Vote in Town affairs and for the Choice of a Repre- sentative on the first Artikle Joshua Bigelow was Chosen to Represent Said Town in the Generall assembly the Currant year on the Second Artikle John Chandler Esq was Chosen moder- ator atsst Clark Chandler Town Clerk on the third Artikle Voted that the Following Sums be Granted to the following persons (viz) To Joseph Clark Jun his account To Rayham Bancroft all his Taxes in Constable Harringtons Rates To John Chandler Esq for a winding Sheet for Phillip Roberts To Ebenez Wiswell his account To Thomas Whealer for a Days work on the fourth Artikle Voted to the Revd mr maccarty for one years Sallery Commencing in June Next /i°;, 4 4 1 £0 7 £0 17 Vi 6 1 1 1 4 2 4 100 1 7 /O.J Revolutionary Period. 177 on the 5 th Artikle the Question was put weather the Town would Vote off Gershom Rice and Eighteen others with their Estates to be Erected into a District with a Number of the Inhabitants of the Towns of Leicester Oxford & Sutton and after a Long Debate it passed in the Negative Allso at Said meeting Samuel Cowdin was Excused from work- ing out his Highway Taxes the aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting Attst John Chandler moderater Entred from the original & Compared therewith V Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester nov 27: 1770 at a Town meeting Legally Warned and Held at y e Publick meeting House in Said Town by y e free- holders and other Inhabitants Qualified to vote in Town affairs John Chandler Esq was chosen moderator att Clark Chandler Town Cler on the Second article voted that y e following Sums be Granted to y e following Persons viz 1 To John Elder for ioo feet of Plank To Jonathan Stone for Ditto To Oliver Curtis for timber full of his accl To Samll & Stephen Salsbury full of their account To Jacob Hemingway for Plank To Joshua Whitney for timber for Biglo Bridge To Simon dates for live Sticks of Timber To Clark Chandler full of his account To asa nioore for 400 feet Plank To Collecler Harrington Joel Wessons Tax for 1769 To Do Silas Flaggs Do To John Chandler Esq to Enable him to pay ye County Tax 22 6 3 To ye Select men to Provide for Samll Denny they to be accountable 500 To Do for ye Poore to be accountable 30 o o To Joseph Clark for Seven Sticks Timber 18 8 for Trowbridge Bridge £-2 13 93 7 8 2 5 8 1 7 4% 4 7 8 1 5 7 6 • 4 3% 1 12 12 2 12 2 178 Worcester Town Records. [17 70. on y e third article y e Hon ble Tim Paine Esq one of y e Comittee appointed In march Last to Examine y e Town Treasurers account made Report Read & accepted whereby it appears a Ballance Remains yet to be accounted for vizt In Joshua Biglo Hands In Collecter Harringtons Hands I 14 iH 18 11% 19 J 5 0/8 3 8 3 3 /3 In y e Treasurers Hands £ 2 3 3 4 and that the Treasurer be Discharged of three Hundred thirty three Pound fourteen Shillings & Eight pence half penny Lawful mony voted that he be Discharged of Said Sum and further ac- count for the Sum of twenty three pound three Shillings & five pence half penny y e Ballance In his Hands & out Standing on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of ;£88 : 16 : 8^ of a penny Granted at y e annual meeting in march Last and y e Sum of ,£103 : 4/ 4^ Granted In may Last and also the Sum of ^72 : 13 : f)Y 2 Granted at this meeting making In y e whole y e Sum of ^264 : 14 : 10^8 be Levied and assessed upon y e Poles & Estates in Said Town In one Tax y e Currant year one half of Said Sum to be paid Into the Town Treasury by y e first Day of February next and the other half on or before the first Day of march next on y e Seventh article voted that Nathan Perry and Josiah Peirce Set In y e Elders Seat to assist those already Seated there in Lead- ing y e Congregation In Singing voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday y e Seventeenth Day of December next three oClock afternoon to be held at this Place y e aforegoing votes Passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderater Entered from y e original Warrant & votes & Compared there- with }> Clark Chandler Town Clerk 1 7 jo. J Revolutionary Period. 179 at a Town meeting held at Worcester on menday the Seven- teenth Day of December 1 770 three oClock afternoon by adjourn- ment from y e 27" 1 of november Last It being moved and Seconded whither the Town would Recon- sider their vote of the twenty Seventh of november Last for Grant- ing forty five Shillings & Eight pence to Oliver Curtis for Timber and it Passed In y e affirmative It was also moved and Seconded whither y e Town would Re- consider their vote of y e 27 of november Last for Granting twenty five Shillings to Joshua Whitney for Timber and it Passed in y e affirmative at said meeting the following Sums were Granted to the follow- ing Persons vizt To ( )liver Curtis for Timber in foshua Whitney for Ditto To Samuel miller for 100 feet of Plank for Bridges To Jacob Hemingway for Timber To noah Jones for Rum used at ye Building halfway River Bridge To Francis Harrington for a Pole Tax Rated to ye Widdow Phebe Bancroft tho mistake To Capt Palmer (ioulding one year Ringing ye Bell I 4 o To John Waters for one years Sweeping y e meeting House & Taking Care of said House Ending In may next 300 7 2 8? 4 voted that y e mony Granted at y e annual meeting In march Last and In may Last and also on y e 27 of november Last Excepting y e Sums Granted to Oliver Curtis & Joshua Whitney and the mony Granted this Day making In y e whole y e Sum of ^268 : 6/ 11^ be Levyed and assessed on y e Poles & Estates In Said Town In one Tax y e Currant Year one half of Said Sum to be paid Into y e Town Treasury by y e first Day of February next & y e other half by y e first I )ay of march next the aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared there with att Clark Chandler T Clerk 6 9k 16 II >5 4 4 10K 12 2 180 Worcester Town Records. [iy/i. at a Town meeting held at y e meeting House In Worcester on monday the fourth Day of march a D 1 77 1 after Legal Warning for y e Choice of Town Officers and to transact other matters agree- able to y e Several articles Contained In y e Warrant at Said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler T Clerk John Chandler Esq Tim° Paine Esq Joshua Biglo Capt Benj". Flagg Capt Palmer Gould ing Selectmen & assessers Clark Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer David Bancroft Samuel m c Crakin Wardens Samuel Bridge William Gates Constables Jonas Hubbard Collecter of Taxes Samuel m c Craken Sealer of Tanned & Curryed Leather Capt Tyrus Rice Clerk of y e market Samuel Brooks Surveyer of Shingles boards hoops & Staves David Biglo Ju r John Curtis Jonas Hubbard Jonathan Stone Wm m c han Comfort Rice noah Harris John moore James Good- win Jonathan Rice Capt Elisha Smith Surveyers of Highways & Collegers of Highway Taxes Daniel Biglo Timothy Biglo fence Viewers Daniel Biglo Joshua Whitney Tythingmen Benjamin Stowell Daniel Boyden Deer Reeves Samuel Whitney James Elder Luke Brown Ju r William Taylor Josiah Peirce Lemuel Rice Hog Reeves Joshua Whitney Josiah Flagg field Drivers a Register of Deeds & Conveyances & a County Treasurer voted for on the third article voted that the Sum of Six pound be and hereby is Granted unto Jonas Hubbard for Collecting y e Taxes the Currant Year voted that he Give Security with Sufficient Bonds- men to y e Town Treasurer to pay y e mony that Shall be Granted y e Currant Year & Comitted to him to Collect as also the Province i 7 7 1 . | Revolutionary Period. 1 8 1 Tax that Shall be Laid on Said Town y e Currant Year and pay the Same to y e Respective Treasurers agreeable to y e Directions in y e Warrants for Collecting y e Same on y e fifth article voted that the Honb ,e Timothy Paine Es<| Capt John Curtis and nathan Perry be a Comittee to Settle ac- counts with y° Town Treasurer on y e forth article voted that y* Sum of Seventy Six pound Six- teen Shillings be Levyed and assessed on y e Poles & Estates in Said Town y e Currant Year for y e Support of Schools that y c School Interest mony be Likewise applyed for Schooling that Six pound part of Said Sum be & hereby is Cranted to the Proprietors of y e Gramer School y e Currant Year Said Proprietors having Ingaged that Said Gramer School Shall be free for Learning y e Languages be admitted by Said Proprietors to have y e Same Priviledges & upon y e Same Terms in Said School as y e Children of Said Pro- prietors that the Honb' e Timothy Paine Esq David Biglo William Young James Goodwin Joshua Whitney Daniel Boyden Joseph Clark Ju r and Samuel Brooks be a Comittee for Supplying y e Town with Schooling Said School to be Kept in y e Several Parts of y e Town In Such Season of y e Year as Shall be agreed upon by y e major Part of the Quarter that y e aforesaid Sum of Seventy Six pound Sixteen Shillings With y e Interest aforesaid be paid to Said Comittee In the following Proportion vizt the Hon ble Tim° Paine Esq^is oo Joshua Whitney 830 David Biglo 9 80 Daniel Boyden 8 80 William Young 10 10 o Joseph Clark Ju r 850 James Goodwin 7 1 1 o Sam" Brooks 7 1 1 o That Said Comittee Each act for his Respective Division and that Each of Said Comittee notifye their Resgeclive Quarter or part of y* Town and take their Direction with Regard to y e Keeping of y e School and what time y e School Shall begin y e master to be ap- proved of by y e Selectmen agreeable to Law voted that forty Shillings now Remaining In y e Treasury for Schooling y e Two Last Years be also Divided and paid agreeable to y e above Proportion & Laid out In Schooling 1 82 Worcester Town Records. [ijji. on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of two Hundred and fifty Pound be Granted Levied and assessed on y e Poles & Estates In Said Town y e Currant Year to be Expended In Building Bridges & Causways mending & Repairing Decayed ones & Putting & Keeping y e Roads In Good Repair y e Currant Year and that y e Same wages be allowed as was y e Last Year and that y e Same be worked out by y e first Day of October next that y e Select men Squadron out to Each Surveyer the Persons that Shall Work under them So that Each Surveyer have a Tax In Proportion to his La- bour that Such of the Inhabitants as Worked out more than his Last Years Tax may be allowed for the Same out of y e present years Tax they Producing Proper Certificates and those who have not Worked out their Last Years Tax may have y e Liberty to Work y e Same Provided they do it before y e twenty fifth Day of June next on the Seventh article y e Select men Reported that y e mony arising by y e Sale of y e ministerial Land was in y e hands of the fol- lowing Persons vizt William Young & Robert Henry 1 1 6 o o David Sanderson John Stowell & Jonathan marble 50 Ebenezer Richardson David Child & Jonas Ward 40 Palmer Goulding John Boyden & Cornelius Stowell 35 1 7 o noah Jones & Daniel Boyden 20 Ebenezer Willington and Edward Knight 13 6 John Boyden and James Nichols 33 6 8 Phinehas Ward John Boyden & abel Hey wood 22 15 o Sam 11 Eaton and Ebenezer Flagg 35 16 3 367 2 1 that they had paid the Interest mony arising by y e above bond to y e first Day of nov r Last to y e Rev d m r maccarty and Taken his Receipt In full — Therefore voted that the Select men be Dis- charged of said Interest i 77 J - J Revolutionary Period. 183 on the Eighth article y e Question was Put whither the Swine Should go at Large y e Currant Year they being Yoaked and Ring- ed according to Law and it Passed In the affirmative the ninth and tenth articles 1 Referred to y e adjournment of y e meeting on the Eleventh article voted that noah Jones Taxes for y e year 1770 be abated being £2 16/ 4 and that the Treasurer allow y e Same to m* Jonas Hubbard Collecler In his Settlement with him Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the twentyeth Day of may next three oClock afternoon to be held at this Place y e aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y L ' original & Compared there with ~$ Clark Chandler Town Clerk Rcc d of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester Sev- enty three pound nine Shillings & Sixpence In part of my Present Years Sallery april 26 : 1771 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester twenty Six pound ten Shillings & Sixpence In full for my Sallery Ending In June 1771 Including y e above Receipt Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Wor- cester twenty two pound & Sixpence Lawful mony In full for y e Interest mony Due to me to the first Day of november 1771 Worcester Feb 26 : 1772 Thaddeus Maccarty [ l'age 28. (vol. in.) original record.] Perambulation of Worcester & Shrewsbury April 30 : 1771 Began at a Black oak tree at the West Corner of the upper End of the Long Pond so Call d thence to a heap of Stones in the fence 1 Relating to accepting a road and building a work house. 1 84 Worcester 'Tozvn Records. [ 1 7 7 1 . betwixt Capt Jenisons Feild & Capt Curtis's feild Leading North- ward to the County Road from thence to a Dead Walnut Stump * Nor- East Corner of Capt Jenisons rye feild from thence to a ma- ple tree in m r Phin Heywoods Entervail from thence to a heap of Stones a Little Nor-west of Jon a Lovels Dwelling House from thence to a heap of Stones nor- westerly of a Little Bridge Crossing a Little Brook in the Road Leading to Jonas Wards thence to a Walnut tree in the fence Betwixt Land of Leuit Josiah Peirce & Phinehas Heywood from thence to a heap of Stones \. nor-Easterly Corner of Leiut Josiah Peirces Land thence to a Pine tree Betwixt Land of the Wid° Hancock & David Child from thence to a Yong Swamp oak being the Nor- of Worcester East Corner & South East Corner of Holden which marks we have Renewed this Day ]osiah Peirce, Samuel mower, Sam Brooks, Worcester Comittee Zeb Johnson Edward Flint Shrewsbury Comittee April 30 : 1771 These may Certify that we the Subscribers Palmer Goulding & Jonathan Stone by y d Select men of Worcester to Perambulate the Lines between Worcester & Leicester & Thd 8 . Denny W m Henshaw & Nathan Sargant Select men of Leicester met this Day at a heap of Stones on the Root of a Hemlock tree blown down in a Swamp being the Southeast Corner of Leicester & Perambulated the Line between Worcester & Leicester to a heap of Stones at the Corner of m r Isaac moors Land being the North- west Corner of Worcester Palmer Goulding, Jonathan Stone Thomas Denny, W m Henshaw, Nathan Sargeant We the Subscribers Pursuant to the trust Reposed in us met at time & Place appointed began at the Southwest Corner of Holden and the Northwest Corner of Worcester & Renewed S d Corner & Continued to Preambulate & Renew bounds to the Southeast Cor- ner of Holden & the Northeast Corner of Worcester April 31 : 1771 John Child, David Fisk, Benj a mead Select men of Holden I77 1 -] Revolutionary Period. 185 We the Subscribers Select men of Sutton have mett the Com- mittee appointed by the Select men of Worcester att oxford Line & have Renewed the bounds on S d Line to the Corner at Apple- tons farm April 30 th 1 7 7 1 Edward Putnam Samuel Trask Caleb Chase Select men of Sutton [Line trimmed off.] Worcester may 20 : 1771 att a Town meeting Regularly warn- ed & held by the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to Vote in Town affairs and for the Choice of Repre- sentative On the first Artikle m r Joshua Bigelow was Chosen to Repre- sent Said Town in the Ceneral assembly the Currant Year 2 d Artikle John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator Attst Clark Chandler Town Clerk 3 d Artikle voted that the following Sums be Granted to the fol- lowing Persons (viz) To Jacob Hemenway for his account £6 10 To Thomas Baird for do I To Joseph Blaire for a wild Cat 10 To John Waters for taking Care of the meeting House the Ensuing year 300 To Capt Palmer Goulding for Ringing the Bell 1 10 o To Benja Stowel for a Stamp [?] 5 4th Artikle Voted to the Revd mr maccarty Commencing in June Next 100 o o ^112 9 5 ,h Artikle Voted that the Select men make Sale of Such of the Powder in the Powder House in Said Town as is upon the Decay and the money arising by Said Sale be applyed for the Purchasing Good Powder to be Placed in the Room of that they Shall Sell Voted at Said meeting that the Select men Provide a Gushing for the Pulpit 24 1 86 Worcester Town Records. [ijji. Allso Voted that the Select men waite on the Revd m r maccarty and Inform him the Town Desires that the Intermission on the Lords Day (viz) in the Summer Season one Hour and a Half and in the Winter Season one Hour The aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting Attst John Chandler moderator Entred from the Originall "$ Clark Chandler T Clerk att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the twenty eighth Day of may AD 1771 by Adjournment from the fourth Day of march Last Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the third monday in October Next one oClock afternoon to be held at this Place attest John Chandler moderater Entered from the original "$ Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester October 29: 1771 at a Town meeting Regulerly Warned and held by y e freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to vote In Town affairs at y e Publick meeting House In Said Town John Chandler Esq was chosen moderator att s Clark Chandler T Cler on y e Second article the following Sums were Granted viz' To Joshua Biglow for 244 feet Plank & Carting 1 4 8 To Jonathan Stone for 600 feet Ditto 2 S o To Capt Daniel Ward for 10 Plank 6 4 To ye Selecl; men to Enable them to pay for a Cushin & Curtin for ye Pulpit 616 o To John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay ye County Tax 22 6 3 To ye Selecl: men to Enable them to pay for Timber for Bridges ye year Past to be accountable 919 4 To y e Selecl men to Enable them to Support ye Poore they to be accountable 20 16 I77 1 -] Revolutionary Period. 187 To Jonas Hubbard for John [ ? ] Rates 9 10 Phillip Dooland Ditto 9 10 Valentine Harris Do 12 4 To ye Town Treasurer John Chandler Esq for andrew Boyds Taxes 13 2 for Daniel Tatman 9 10 £66 11 voted that Jonathan Stone noah Jones and David moore be a Comittee to view y e Timber used over half way River Bridge and y e Bridge by m r Trowbridges and Report to y e Select men their opinion of y e value thereof and that their Report be a Rule to the Select men In paying for y e Same on y e fourth article the Inhabitants Did not Bring in any List or Lists of their Ratable Estate on y e fifth article voted that y e Sum of ^85 124 Granted in march Last and y e Sum of 1 1 2 9 o Granted In may Last as also y e Sum of 66 n 7 Granted at this meeting making In y e whole y e Sum of two Hundred Sixty four pound twelve Shillings & Eleven pence be Levied and assessed on y e Poles & Estates in Said Town In one Tax y e Currant Year one half of Said Sum to be paid Into y e Town Treasury by y e first Day of February next and y e other half by y e first Day of march next on y e Sixth article y e Question was Put whither y e Town would Petition of one half of y e three Hind Seats on y e womans Side of the front Gallery for y e men to Set in and it Passed in y e Negative on y e Seventh article voted that Josiah Peirce Edmund Heard & David Biglo Set in y e Elders Seat to assist In Setting the PSalms &c on y e Eighth article y e Question was Put whither y e Town would Grant a Sum of money Sufficient to pay the Damages (assessed on y e Town) Timothy Biglo y e Heirs of abel Heyvvood & y e Widdow Hannah Heywood Sustains by Reason of Widening y e Road from y e Stone Bridge by Said Biglos So far South as Said Widdows Lands Extends & it Passed In y e Negative the aforegoing Votes passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared there with "$ Clark Chandler T Clerk 1 88 Worcester Town Records. \_1jj2. Rec d of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester Seven pound Seven Shillings & five pence farthing In part of my Present Years Sallrey Feb 26 : 1772 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester fifty two pound twelve Shillings & Sixpence three farthings Lawful mony In part of my Present Years Sallery Worcester march 17 : 1772 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester forty Pound Lawful mony which with y e two above Receipts Is in full for my Present Years Sallery Ending In June next may 14: 1772 Thaddeus Maccarty at a Town meeting held at the meeting House In Worcester on monday the Second Day of march a D 1772 after Legal Warning for y e Choice of Town officers and to Transact other matters agree- able to y e Several articles Contained in y e Warrant at Said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler T Cler John Chandler Esq Tim Paine Esq mr Joshua Eiglo Capt Benj 11 Flagg m r Jon a Stone Select men & assessers Clark Chandler Town Cler John Chandler Town Treasurer William Young Richard Pratt Wardens Joshua Whitney Sam 11 Brown Constables Jonathan Rice Collecter of Taxes Sam 11 m c Crakin Sealer of Tanned & Curryed Leather William Swan Clerk of y e market David Biglow Surveyer of Shingles boards hoops & Staves Daniel Biglo Ju r Capt John Curtis Simon Gates Joseph Clark Ju r Jacob Stevens Josiah Peirce Capt Sam 11 moore Francis Har- rington Benj a Stowell abraham Smith Timothy Paine Esq Surveyers of Highways & Collegers of Highway Taxes 1 7 7 2 . ] Revolutionary Period. 1 8 9 Sam 11 moore Jacob Holmes Jr Fence Viewers Daniel Biglo Jur Jonathan Gates Tythingmen Ephraim Smith Elijah Harrington Deer Reeves William Gates Jacob Holmes Jr Field Drivers Simeon dunkin James Quigley William Bancroft Samuel Whitney Luke Brown Ju r Cyprian Stevens Hog Reeves a County Treasurer was voted for on y* third article voted that y e Sum of fixe pounds be and is hereby Granted unto Jonathan Rice for Collecting y e Taxes y e Currant Year — voted that he Give Security with Sufficient Bunds- men to y e Town Treasurer to pay y e mony that Shall be Granted y e Currant Year and Comitted to him to Collect as also y e Province Tax that Shall be Laid on Said Town y c Currant Year and pay y e Same to y e Respective Treasurers agreeable to y e Direction In y e Warrant for Collecting y e Same on y e fourth article voted that the Sum of one Hundred Pound be and hereby is Granted for y e Support of Schools y e Currant Year that the Hon ble Tim Paine Esq Capt Elisha Smith William Young Capt Benj a Flagg Benj a Stowell David Bancroft Jonathan Stone and Capt John Curtis be a Comittee to Consider of the most advan- tageous way & manner for Laying y e Same out In Schooling So that Justice be Done to Each part of the Town and to make Re- port at y e adjournment of this meeting on y- fifth article voted that y e Hon blc Tim Paine Esq Capt John Curtis & mr nathan Perry be a Comittee to Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of two Hundred Pounds be Granted Levied and assessed on y e Poles & Estates In Said Town y e Currant Year to be Expended In Building Bridges and Causways mending & Repairing Decayed ones & Putting & Keep- ing y e Roads In Good Repair y e Currant Year and that y e Same Wages be allowed as was y e Last Year and that the Same be Work- ed out by y e first Day of October next that the Select men Squad- ron out to Each Surveyor the Persons that Shall Work under them So that Each Surveyor have a Tax In Proportion to his Labour 190 Worcester Town Records. [1772. that Such of the Inhabitants as Worked out more than His Last Years Tax be allowed for y e Same out of y e Present Years Tax they Producing Proper Certificates and those who have not Worked out their Last Years Tax may have Liberty to Work y e Same Provided they do it before y e twenty fifth Day of June next on y e Seventh article y e Select men Reported that the mony arising by y e Sale of y e ministerial Land Is in y e hands of the fol- lowing Persons viz 1 William Young & Robert Henry David Sanderson John Stowell & Jon a marble John Childs Jr Isaac Smith & Jonas Ward Palmer Goulding John Boyden & Cornelius Stowell noah Jones & Daniel Boyden Ebenezer Willington & Edward Knight John Boyden & James Nichols Phinehas Ward John Boyden & abel Heywood Tho s Eaton & Ezekiel How ^367 2 10 That they had paid y e Interest mony arising by y e above bonds to y e first Day of november Last to y e Rev d m r maccarty and taken his Re6t In full — Therefore voted that Said Select men be Dis- charged of Said Interest on y e Eighth article y e Question was Put Whither y e Swine Should go at Large y e Currant year they being Yoaked & Ringed according to Law & it passed In y e affimative on y e ninth article voted that y e Petition of Silas moor & four- teen others Relative to y e Dividing y e Quarter Called Smith Quar- ter and that the School therein be Kept In two places be Referred to y e Comittee Chose Relative to Schools & to Report at the ad- journment of the meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday y e Sixteenth Day of march Currant one oClock afternoon to be held at this Place the aforegoing Votes passed at S d meeting att John Chandler moderater Entered from y e original & Compared there with 19 Clark Chandler Town Clerk 116 50 40 35 17 10 20 *3 6 8 33 6 8 22 T 5 35 16 8 1 7 7 2 . ] Revolutionary Period. 191 at a Town meeting Held at Worcester on monriay the Sixteenth Day of march Currant one oClock afternoon by adjournment from the Second Day of march a D 1772 on the fourth article the Comittee for y e School Reported that forty Pounds of the mony appropriated for Schooling the Year En- suing be Imployed for Paying & Supporting a Gramer School mas- ter that the Remaining Sixty five pounds be Divided In the Several Parts of the Town for the maintaining English Schools viz' To Tatnick 11 16 6 To Clarks Quarter 9 14 3 To Stowell Quarter 9 15 7 To Curtis Rowe 2 11 o To Goodwins Quarter 9 15 7 To Smiths Rowe 5 16 o To Bogachoge 9 15 1 To Peirces Rowe 5160 £(>S o o That the Gramer School be Kept the first Six months In the mid- dle of the Town the next three months at Curtis Rowe & the other three months in the middle of the Town that a Comittee be ap- pointed to Procure a Gramer School master for the Keeping Said Gramer School that one Person in Each Part of the Town Where the English Schools are to be Kept be appointed to Provide Eng- lish School masters Such as the Select men Shall approve off to Keep Said Schools & to be* Kept at Such times within the Year as the major Part of the Quarter at a meeting Duly notifyed by Such Comittee man Shall agree upon and Said Comittee Report upon y e Petition of Silas moore &c Comitted to them to Consider that y e Said Quarter In Said Petition be Divided and that y e mony belong- ing to Said Quarter be Equally Divided as above and that the School be Kept In two Places in Said Quarter viz' In that Part of y e Quarter Called Smiths Rowe as nigh as may be upon y c Road Leading to Holdin half way between y e House of Josiah Harring- ton Jun 1 and the House now owned by Stevens of marlborough and in Peirces Rowe as nigh as may be upon y e Road over Burnt Coat Plain halfway between Samuel moore and Josiah Flaggs at both which places y e Said Rows by their agents have Signified to y e Comittee they Propose to Build School Houses 192 Worcester Town Records. [17 7 2. Read & accepted and voted that y e Hon bIe Timothy Paine Esq and m r Sam 11 Bridge be a Comittee to Provide a Gramer School master agreeable to Said Report also voted that mess micah John- son Benjamin Stowell Thomas Wheeler David Bancroft Jonathan Stone John Curtis Elisha Smith and David Biglow be a Comittee for English Schools each to a6l for his Respective Division agree- able to y e Report of y e Comittee for Schools voted that Cornelius Stowell \ Surveyers of Highways & Joshua Whitney j Collegers of Highway Taxes The aforegoing Votes Passed at Said meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester march 16: 1772 at a Town meeting Legally Warned & held by y e freeholders and other Inhabitants Qualifyed to vote In Town affairs one of y e Clock afternoon John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler T Clerk on y e Second article voted that y e Sum of fifty Pounds be and hereby is Granted for y e Building a Work House in Said Town also voted that Tim Paine Esq James Goodwin Benj a Elagg John Chandler Esq and Tho s Wheeler be a Comittee to Cause Said House to be Built that y e Same be Built not Exceeding forty foot by Eighteen & Set on y e Towns Land between y e malt House of Capt Goulding and Holmes Bridge as near as may be to y e Brook that y e Comittee Procure Said Work to be Done In y e Chepest manner and Lay their account before y e Town that they Draw on y e Town Treasurer for y e above Sum or So much thereof as they Shall [ ] Expend In Said Building on y e third article y e Select men Laid before y e Town a List of Persons Liable by Law & which they Judge able & Qualifyed to Serve out Petit Jurors out of which y e Town Selected one Quarter part to Serve as Jurors at y e Superior Court of Judicature Court of assise and General Goal Delivery Namely 1772.] Revolutionary Period. 193 Daniel Riglovv Jur Daniel Boyden John Boyden David Bancroft Timothy Biglow David Biglow Samuel Brooks Jacob Chamberlin Benja Flagg Palmer Goulding James Goodwin Jacob Hemingway Ezekiel How noah Jones micah Johnson Israel Jenison natll moore asa moore Samuel miller nathan Perry Josiah Peirce Cornelius Stowell Jonathan Stone Elisha Smith Thomas Wheeler William Young Samuel Curtis and y e Remainder of Said List to Serve as Jurors at y e Infeirour Court of Comon Pleas and Court of General Sessions of y e Peace Namely nathan Patch James Barber Thomas Drury Thomas Beard Joseph Barber andrew Duncan Samuel Bridge nathll Brooks William Campbell Thaddeus Biglo John Barnard Thomas Eaton Samuel Broun David Chaddick John Fisk James Brown Joseph Clark Jur Jonathan Fisk Luke Brown Jur ( >liver Curtis Josiah Flagg Joseph Blair John Chamberlin William Gates John Gates Jonathan Gates Isaac Gleeson Robert Gray Simon Gates Jacob Holmes Jur Eleazer Holbrook Jur Jonas Hubbard Daniel Harris noah Harris Edmund Heard Solomon Johnson Jur Peier Johnson Jonathan Knight John Kelso Ebenezer Lovell Jonathan Lovell William mchan Silas moore John mower William mcfarland John moore Samuel mcCrakin Ephraim miller James moore James Nichols Thomas Nichols Richard Pratt Jonathan Rice Comfort Rice David Richardson Lemuel Rice Benjamin Stowell Robert Smith John Smith Hatter Stephen Salsbury David Thomas Benjamin Tainter Isaac Wil- lard Ebenezer Wiswell Joshua Whitney amos Wheeler Ebenezer Wellington Joseph Wiley Ebenezer White Samuel Woodburn Josiah Harrington Jur Samuel moore Jacob Stevens Thomas Beard Jur John Barber Benja Chapin Robert Crawford Thos Grout Joseph Hastings asa Ward and voted that they be Put Into Seperate Boxes according to Law y e aforegoing Votes passed at S d meeting att : John Chandler moderater Entered from y e original & Compared there with Hi Clark Chandler T Clerk ■ 2 5 1 94 Worcester Toivn Records. [1772. Worcester march 16 : 1772 at a Town meeting Legally Warned & held by y e freeholders and other Inhabitants Qualifyed to vote In Town affairs two oClock afternoon John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler Town Cler on y e Second article y e Question was put whither y e Town w : d take upon them y e Defence of an action of Trespass Comenced by Ebenezer Bradish of Said Worcester to be heard & Tryed at y e Infeirour Court of Comon Pleas to be holden at Worcester for y e County of Worcester on y e Last Tuesday of march Last against John Chandler Esq Tim° Paine Esq Joshua Biglo Benj a Flagg and Palmer Goulding assessers of Worcester for y e year 1771 &: Jonas Hubbard Colleger of Taxes for Said Year for y e Damage Said Bradish Sustained by means of his being Taxed & thereby Compelled to pay thirteen Shillings to Repair his Liberty and it Passed Unanimously in y e affirmative voted that mess David Bancroft Jonathan Stone & Jacob Cham- berlin be a Comittee at y e Charge of y e Town for Defending Said Suit & Pursue y e Same to final Judgment that they Draw on y e Town Treasnrer for So much mony as they Shall Expend In y e Defence of Said Suit & finally Securing y e aforenamed John Chan- dler Tim° Paine Joshua Biglo Benj a Flagg Palmer Goulding & Jonas Hubbard from all Cost Harm or Damage by Reason or means of y e Suit aforesaid The aforegoing Votes passed at S d meeting att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original & Compared there with m Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester may 18 : 1772 at a Town meeting Regulerly Warned and Held by y e freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to vote in Town affairs & for a Representative I77 2 -] Revolutionary Period. 195 on y e first article m r Joshua Biglo was Chosen to Represent Said Town In y e General assembly y e Currant Year on y e Second article John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler Town Clerk on y e third article y e following Sums was Granted to y e following Persons viz' Tu Palmer Goulding full of his account 211 4 To Jacob Hemingway for a Coffin for Widdow morss 7 o To Eli-,ha Smith for his for Elisha Taxes for ye year 1771 10 o to Collecler Hubbard for Benja Crosbys Taxes for ye year 1770 9 10 To John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer ye Sum out Standing Due from Colledter liiglo being Isaac millers Taxes on ye fourth article To ye Revd mr Thaddeus maccarty for one years Sallery Comencing in June next I 14 I# IOO IO5 12 7% on y e fifth article y e Hon b!e Tim" Paine Esq and Nathan Perry two of the Comittee appointed in march Last to Examine y e Town Treasurers accounts made Report Read & accepted by which it appears he has paid according to order y e Sum of 574 12 83/fc that he has Received y e Sum of 560 11 n^ that he is in advance y e Sum of 140 8% that there is Still out Standing In Joshua Biglo Hands a former Collecler 1 14 iS/g In Collecler Hubbards Hands 11 7 10^ jC i 3 2 o and that y- Treasurer be Discharged of five Hundred Sixty Pounds Eleven Shillings & Eleven pence three farthings and that the Bal- lance out Standing be applyed towards Repaying him y e mony he is in advance that y e Ballance of 18/ 8^ be Repaid him which Sum he is in advance after y e whole of y e Taxes are paid voted that y e Sum of 34/ 1^$ uncollected In y e Hands of Joshua Biglo be [ ] and that Said Sum be Granted to the Treasurer John Chandler Esq 196 Worcester Town Records. [1JJ2. On y e Sixth article Relative to a Proper Place to Erect y e Work House voted that y e Comittee for Building y e Same Give Such Directions Relative thereto as they Shall Judge most Convenient on y e Seventh article voted that y e Hon ble Tim" Paine Esq Joshua Biglo & Jacob Chamberlin be a Comittee to Draw up an answer to y e Petition of Gershom Rice & other Inhabitants of Worcester Sutton Leicester & oxford Should not be Set of Into a Seperate District and make Report at the adjournment of this meeting voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday y e 25 Day of may Instant three oClock afternoon att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original ^p Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester may 25 : 1772 at a Town meeting held by adjourn- ment from y e Eighteenth Instant met & y e Comittee appointed to Draw up Reasons Why Gershom Rice and other Inhabitants of Worcester Sutton oxford & Leicester Should not be Set off into a District made Report as on file Read & accepted & voted that mr Joshua Biglo our Representative Present y e Same to y e Great & Gen 11 Court & use his 'Indeavour Said Petition be Dismissed att John Chandler moderator Entered from y e original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester ss Worcester August 28 th 1772 Att a meeting of the Select men of Worcester in the County of Worcester Samuel Brown one of the Constables of Said Town be present at Said meeting the Said Select men and Constable made Choice of Wil- liam Swan a Sealer of Weights & measures in Said Town John Chandler ^ Entered from the original Tim Paine | Selectmen Joshua Bigelow }■ of "§ Clark Chandler Town Clerk Benj a Flag | Worcester Jonathan Stone Samuel Brown Constable i8 3 i 16 o 19 6 10 8 9 6^ 15 8% 64 1772.] Revolutionary Period. 197 Worcester nov 2 (1 1772 at a Town meeting Regularly Warned and held by the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to vote In Town affairs John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler T Cler on y e Second article y e following Sums was Granted viz' To Clark Chandler full of his account To micah Johnson for 450 feet Plank To Jonathan Stone for 245 feet Plank To Simon dates for five Sticks Timber To Collecter Hubbard for Tarrant Putnams Province Tax Do Town Tax John mcqaire Town Tax Patrick Fleming Province & Town Tax 104 21 ii :! f To ye Select men for ye Support of ye Poor they to be accountable 20 o o To John Chandler Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay the County. Tax 19 39 voted that ye Sum of five pounds be Granted to ye Select [men] to Enable them to pay for a Standard for ye Town the Sum heretofore Granted for that Purpose being appropriated for another use by ye Town 500 voted that ye Sum of live pounds be Granted to ye Select men for Contingencies to be accountable 500 on ye third article ye Comittee appointed to build an House for ye use of ye Town Report that after Procuring many Calculations of ye Cost of ye House they Let ye Same out to build & finish to Capt Palmer Goulding for ye Sum of Sixty Pounds being ye Least Sum any one would undertake to do it for that the Town voted for that Purchase only fifty Pounds your Comittee Therefore Desire ye Town to vote ye further Sum of ten pounds to Compleat their Con- tract with Said Goulding as (( ' y<^ Report on file ap- pears Therefore voted that ye Sum of ten Pounds be ('.ranted to Said Comittee for Said Purpose IO o O £65 10 1% on y e fourth article Such of y e Inhabitants as were Present Gave in Lists of their Poles & Estate on y e fifth article voted that Benj" Crosby have Leave to build a House for himself to Live on y e School Land at Wigwam Hill 198 Worcester Tozvn Records. [1^2. So Called and. to Improve one acre of Land there under the Di- rection of y e Select men and During y e Pleasure of y e Town voted that Tyrus Rice Jacob Hemingway and micah Johnson be a Comittee to Estimate y e value of y e Timber found by Jonas Hubbard for y e Bridge by James Trowbridge and Report to the Select men the value thereof and that to be y e Rule for y e Select men for Paying for y e Same on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of 105 00 Granted at y e annual meeting In march Last & y e Sum of 50 1 Granted y e 16 march Last and y e Sum of ^108 5/5^ Granted at y e meeting in may Last and y e Sum of 65 10/ i7/% Granted at this meeting mak- ing in y e whole y e Sum of ^328 15 10 be Levyed & assessed on y e Poles & Estate in Said Town in one Tax y e Currant Year one half of Said Sum to be paid Into the Town Treasury by y e first of Day of February next & y e other half by the first Day of march next the Seventh article 1 Refered to y e next meeting y e aforegoing Votes passed at S d meeting att John Chandler moderator • Entred from y e Original & Compared therewith ■39 Clark Chandler Town Clerk Rec d of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Worcester Seventeen pound one Shilling & Sixpence half penny In part of the Interest mony arising by y e Sale of y e Publick Land. Due nov 1 : 1772 Dec 19 : 1772 Thaddeus maccarty Recd of John Chandler Esq one of the Select men of Worcester four pound Eighteen Shillings & Eleven pence half penny with y e above Rect is in full for y e Interest mony arising by y e Sale of y e Publick Land Due nov 1 : 1772 march 1 : 1773 Thaddeus maccarty 1 In relation to building a pest house. 1 7 7 3 . ] Revolutionary Period. 199 at a Town meeting held at y e meeting House in Worcester on monday y e first Day of march a D 1773 after Legal Warning for y e Choice of Town officers and to Transact other matters agreeable To y e Several articles Contained In y e Warrant at Said meeting John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator att s Clark Chandler Town Cler John Chandler Esq Timothy Paine Esq m r Joshua Biglo Capt Benj tt Flagg Leiut Tho 8 Wheeler Select men and assessors ■ Clark Chandler Town Clerk John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer Jonas Hubbard Daniel Biglo Ju r Wardens Benj" Stowel Jonas Hubbard Constables Jonathan Rice Collecter of Taxes Samuel m'Crakin Sealer of Tanned & Curryed Leather William Swan Rufus Chandler Stephen Salsbury Clerks of y e market David Biglo Phinehas Ward Surveyers of Shingles boards hoops & Staves Jabez Tatman Capt John Curtis John Bearnard Tho 9 Beard Ju r Comfort Rice Samuel moore John Gates William Gates nath" moore Jacob Chafnberlin Timothy Paine Esq abraham Smith Joshua Whitney Surveyers of Highways and Collecter of Highway Taxes moses miller Sam 11 Whitney Fence Viewers Samuel Whitney David Thomas Sam" Brooks Tything men Ephraim Smith Elijah Harrington William Gates Joshua Whit- ney feild Drivers Simeon Duncan Daniel Harris Deer Reeves Ephraim Curtis W m Taylor John Elder Hog Reives a County Treasurer was voted for on y e third article voted that the Sum of five pound nineteen Shillings be & hereby is Granted unto Jonathan Rice for Collect- ing the Taxes the Currant Year voted that he Give bond with Suf- ficient bondsmen to y e Town Treasurer to pay y e mony that Shall 200 Worcester Toiuh Records. \_ l 773- be Granted and assest y e Currant Year and Comitted to him to Collect as also y e Province Tax that Shall be Laid on Said Town the Currant Year and pay y e Same to y e Respective Treasurers agreeable to y e Direction In y e Warrant for Collecting y e Same on y e fourth article voted that y e Sum of one Hundred Pounds be & hereby is Granted for y e Support of Schools y e Currant Year which with y e School Interest mony being five pound be applyed for y e Support of Schools in y e Same way & manner as was voted y e Last Year In all Respects also voted that y e Hon ble Tim Paine Esq Provide the Gramer School master also voted that micah Johnson Benj a Stowell Tho 8 Wheeler David Bancroft Jonathan Stone Sam 11 Brooks Levi Houghton and Josiah Flagg be a Com- ittee for English Schools Each to act for his Respective Division agreeable to y e vote aforesaid on y e fifth article voted that y e Hon ble Tim° Paine Esq Capt John Curtis & Deacon Jacob Chamberlin be a Comittee to Settle accounts with y e Town Treasurer on y e Sixth article voted that y e Sum of two hundred and twenty pounds be Granted Levied & assessed on y e Poles & Estates in Said Town the Currant Year to be Expended in Building Bridges and Causways mending & Repairing Decayed ones & Putting & Keeping y e Roads In Good Repair y e Currant Year and that y e Same wages be allowed as was y e Last Year and that y e Same be worked out by y e first Day of October next and that y e Select men Squadron out to Each Surveyer y e Persons that Shall work under them So that Each Surveyer have a Tax in Proportion to his La- bour that Such of y e Inhabitants as Worked out more than his Last Years Tax be allowed for y e Same out of y e Present Years Tax they Producing Proper Certificates and those who have not worked out their Last Years Tax may have Liberty to Work y e Same Provided they do it by y e twenty fifth Day of June next on y e Seventh article y e Select men Reported that y e mony arising by y e Sale of y e ministerial Land is in y e Hands of the fol- lowing Persons viz' 1 773-] Revolutionary Period. 201 William Young & Robert Henry 116 o o David Sanderson John Stowell & Jonathan marble John Childs Ju r Isaac Smith & Jonas Ward Palmer Goulding John Hoyden and Cornelius Stowell noah Jones & 1 )aniel Boyden Ebenezer Willington & Edward Knight John Boyden & James Nichols Phinehas Ward John Boyden & abel Hey wood 29 15 o Tho 8 Eaton & Kzekiel How .35 16 8 50 40 35 *7 10 20 13 6 8 33 6 8 367 2 IO that they had paid y e Interest mony arising by y e above bonds to v c Rev' 1 m r maccarty & taken his Reel; In full Therefore voted that Said Sele(5t men be Discharged of Said Interest on y e Eighth article y e Question was Put Whither y e Swine Should go at Large they being Yoaked & Ringed according to Paw and it Passed In y e affirmative on y e ninth article voted that y e Select men be a Comittee to wait on y e Comittee appointed by y e Gen" Court to view y e South part of the Town who have prayed to be Set of Into a District and to Show them y e Scituation of y e Town that So they may be able to Report the Unreasonableness of Said Petition the Tenth article 1 Dismist on y e Eleventh article y e Question was Put whither y e Town would Give order that any part of y e Womens Gallery Should be appropriated for y e men to Sit in and it Passed In y e Negative on y e twelfth article y e Petition of Othniel Taylor and forty others was Read & y e (Question Put whither y e Pamphlett Drawn up by y e Town oi' Poston Containing y e Creivances this Province Labour un- der Should be Reed and after Some Debate thereon it Passed In y e 'Tenth article: "To Receive ye Report of a Comittee appointed .... to Estimate ye value of ye Timber found by Jonas Hubbard for Trowbridges Hi idge" 26 202 Worcester Town Records. [ l 773- affirmative and voted that mess William Young Samuel Curtis Stephen Salsbury Timothy Biglo & David Bancroft be a Comittee to take y e Same into Consideration voted that this meeting be adjourned to next may meeting Entered from the original & Compared there with 38 Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester ss may 18 : 1773 at a Town meeting Legally Warned & Held by the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualified to vote in Town affairs and for a Representative on the first Artikle m r Joshua Bigelow was Chosen to Represent Said Town in the Generall assembly the Currant Year on the Second artikle the Hon ble Timothy Paine Esq was Chosen moderator Atst Clark Chandler Town Clerk on the third Artikle the following Sums was Granted to the fol- lowing Persons (viz) Ebenezar Wiswall mending the meeting House Windows 030 To Palmer Goulding for a pair Shoes for Benony Grout 5 1 for work at the Towns House 19 8 Ringing the Bell one Year 1 4 £2 S 9 To the Select men for Support of the poor they to be accountable 20 To John Waters one year taking care of the meeting House 3 To Joshua Whitney Carrying two poor persons to Shrewsbury 10 To Collector Rice for one of John Smiths Poles 10 8 To Jonas Hubbard James Rices Pole Tax 10 4 To Wm lohnson for Staples Hooks & Key for the meeting House 9 on the fourth artikle to the Revd mr maccarty Sallery Convincing in June next 100 127 1 4 on the fifth Artikle the Committee appointed in march Last to Consider the Rights of the Collonys & of this Province in particu- lar Reported as follows (viz) 1 773-1 Revolutionary Period, 203 It is our opinion that mankind are by Nature free, and the End and Designe of forming Social compacts, and entering into civil Society, was that each member of that Society, might enjoy his liberty and property, and live in the free exercise of his Rights, both civil and Religious, which God and Nature gave ; except such as are expresly given up by compacl. this we apprehend to be the Scope of that noble System of Government, the English Con- stitution, The Great Wisdom in giving so just a ballance of Power, through all its parts, very justly excites admiration : and when we apprehend a Designe to overthrow the Same in one part by any per- son or persons, (by Distroying Dependance of one of the Com- munity, on the other, and Substituting, in its room, a crafty, or political Dependance, the former being as much Superior to the latter, as the wisdom of Cod, is Superior to the Crafty Designes of wicked corrupt plunderers of mankind) it is our duty, to exert ourselves against it to the utmost of our power for by Nature, and the Charter of this Province, we are intitled to all the Rights, and privelages, of the above Constitutions, as though we were born within the Realm of England : and it is our opi[ni]on that those Rights & Priviledges, have been unjustly infringed upon, and there- fore Calls for our imediate attention : it ought to render the Charter more Sacred, when we figure to ourselves, the amazing enterprize of leaving feilds, and gardens, and emigrate into a hedious wilder- ness, 3000 miles Distant, this was the Case of our worthy ancestors who Removed into this Remote Region, "with no other view then to enjoy liberty of Conscience, without hazard to themselves, or offence to others, they were not Criminals, nither were they neces- sitous, nor had they made any attempt to overthrow the Church, or State at home :" but removed at their own expense, with the Consent of their Soverrein, in a laudable and peaceable manner, and by that means, as great a teritory is aded to his Dominions as all he before Reigned over, and took care to Secure to themselves in their Retreat, all privileges and iminunitys of home born Sub- jects of Great Britain, without reserve, Secure, as plighted Royal faith could make them, and that they might have a more Just, and equitable title to their lands, than barely holding them under the 204 Worcester Town Records. [ l 773- King of Great Britain, whose Sole title was Discovery, it then being the property of the Natives, and a very Great part of the Continent Stills Remains so they purchased their land of those aborigens, who received their title (for what is ) from the King of Kings, and this title being transmitted to the present Generation by heirship, as well as by the law of equity, and the English constitutions There- fore, to infringe those rights, that are so well founded, both in na- ture, and civil government, has a tendency, to bring an aspersion upon the most Sacred compacts, and too Great a greavance for us Sileintly to bear : The malancoly enumeration of the infringments of our Rights, in every particular is needless, when they are so ac- curately Set forth by our Brethren, the Respectable inhabitants of the Town of Boston ; in the Boston Pamphlet (so Called) and Also, not only very Sensibly exprest, by a Great Number of the Principle Towns, but the Province in General, for which Recent instance of their Publick Virtue, Patriotizm, they have rendered themselves Dear, to every lover of his Country, and mankind in general, for which they have highly merited our greatfull thanks : it is our opinion, that the infringments of our rights and libertys, and those of all the Inhabitants of British America / Courts of Inquisition appointed, as arbitary, and terrable as those under the Popes Jurisdiction, the appointment of papist, to high places of trust, in the British Dominions, natural tend, to alienate the effections of millions, of truly Loyal Subjects, of the English Government) would never have recived the Royal assent, had not his majesty been misinformed : we therefore think it our Duty as Good and loyal Subjects, to the King, and Constitution, to Joyn with our Brethren in offering our Sentiments, of all British America) that his majesty may be undeceived, in so Important a matter, and we are of opinion, that there never could be a Just Prentance, that we ever were unwilling to pay our full proportion, of the Common burthens, have only to Recite as an incontistible proof, instances of the British Parliment, in Consequence of being Sensible we had Done more than our Share, in the repeated wars that the Nation has been ingaged in, has reimbursed considerable Sums of money to us and we have been equally as ready to venture 1 7 7 3 . ] Revolutionary Period. 205 our lives, in Defence of his majestys Rights ; and Securing his Dominions, to the utmost of our Power, as any Subjects within his Dominions, Witness the People of this Country, taking Acadie, or Nova Scotia, in 1690 at their own Expense, which was never re- imbursed, and also, the Conquest of Cape Breton, at a time whe[n] the French was in Possession of madrass, and Nitherlands, and Holland lav at their mercy, flushed with a long course of uninterupt- ed victories) ; our exertions, att that time, were not only the means of giving peace to Europe, but also of Settleing it, much to the advantage of great [Britain] and we are indubitably preswaded, that the proofs of Duty, and loyalty, to the best of Kings, and Constitutions, have been to ma[rked] and Conspicuous, to Escape the Notice of all well effected Subjects in the British Empire. The fond effeclion that ever has Subsisted in our hearts for Creat Britain and its Soveriegn, has ever induced us, to Esteem it above any other Country, and as fond Children Speek of a fathers house, we have ever called it our home, and always rejoice, when they Rejoiced, to weep, when they have wept, and when ever Required to blead when they have bled ! and in Return we are Sorry to Say, we have had our harbours filled with Ships of war, in an hostile manner, and troops Posted in our metropilis, in a time of profound peace, not only posted Creatly insulting, but actually Slaughtering the Inhabttants, cannon levelled against our Senate House, the fortress or Key of the Province taken from us : and as an addition to our Distress, the Commander in Cheif of the Province he had not power to controle the troops &c Nevertheless we are Ready, and willing to Stand forth in Defence of the King of Creat Britain, his Crown and Dignity, and our noble Constitution ; and when called to it to risk our lives "and in that Day let him that has no Sword Sell his Carment and buy one." And further ; that there be a Comitlee of Correspondance chose, to correspond witn the Committees of correspondance, in the other Towns in this Province, to Give the Earliest inteligence to the Inhabitants of this Town, of any Designs that they Shall Discover at any time against our Natural and Constitutional Rights 206 Worcester Town Records. [ l 773- Lastly that the Town Clerk, reccord the above proceedings, on the Town Book of Records, and Give an attested Copy thereof, to Such Persons as Shall be chose, a Committee of correspondance, to transmit the Same to the respectable committee of correspond- ance at Boston W™ Yong David Bancroft ") Sam 1 Curtis > Comittee Tim Bigelow ) Stephen Salisbury Att a Town meeting regularly warned and assembled at Wor- cester on the 1 8 th Day of may AD: 1773 The foregoing Report being Read is accepted, and the Town appoint mess William Yong Tim Bigelow & John Smith a Comittee of Correspondance for the purposes in S d Report mentioned Atst Clark Chandler Town Clerk On the Sixth artikle voted that the Two Hind Body of mens Seats on the Lower floore in the meeting house be assigned for Seats to those Persons who Shall Sett together and lead in Singing in the Congregation on Lords Days voted that those persons who have of late Set together in the Gallery and lead in Singing be Desired to Sett in the Said Two Hind Seats aforesaid now assigned to lead the Congregation in Singing The foregoing Votes passed at S d meeting Atst Tim Paine moderator Entered from the original *$ Clark Chandler Town Clerk Worcester August 18 th 1773 at a Town meeting Legally warned & Held by the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to Vote in Town affairs The Hon 1 ' 1 '' John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderater Atst Clark Chandler T Clerk On the Second artikle in the Warrant m r Josiah Peirce the Hon ble Tim Paine Esq r and m r Tim Bigelow was Chose a Com- ittee to make answer before the Court of Sessions in September ] 773-] Revolutionary Period. 207 Next to a Presentment found against the Town for their Neglect in not Keeping the County Road in Repair Leading from John Smiths to David moores in S' 1 Town The aforegoing Votes passed at S' 1 meeting Atst John Chandler moderater Entered from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Received of John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer of Worcester one Hundred Pound Lawfull mony In full of my Last Years Sallery Ending In June Last October 23: 1773 Thaddeus Maccarty Received of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Wor- cester four pound fifteen Shillings & ten pence three farthings In part of Interest mony Due In november next O6I0 23 : 1773 Thaddeus Maccarty Red of John Chandler Esq three pound on y e above acct also Sixteen Shillings more Feb 1 : 1774 Thaddeus Maccarty Rec'd of John Chandler Esq one of y e Select men of Worcester thirteen pound Eight Shillings & Seven pence three farthings which with y e Preceeding Receipts In full for y e Interest mony Due nov 1 : 1773 march 7 1774 Thaddeus Maccarty Worcester march 18 : 1776 Receiv'd of m r Nathan Perry, Town Treasurer, the Sum of Sev- enty pounds, which, together with thirty pounds, receiv'd of m r Jonathan Rice, Collector for the year 1773, for which a receipt was given him, (now missing) compleats the Sum of one hundred pounds, being the whole of my Salary, commencing June 21 : 1 773 ending June 21 : 1 774 ,£100 p' me Thaddeus maccarty Worcester June 8. 1776 Receiv'd of m r Nathan Perry, Treasurer, the Sum of twelve pounds eleven Shillings & Eight pence, which, together with what I have heretofore receiv'd compleats the whole of my Sallary, viz, one hundred pounds, commencing June 21. 1774, & ending June 21: 1775 p r me Thaddeus maccarty 208 Worcester Tozun Records. [ l 773- Worcester att a Town meeting held at Worcester in the County of Worcester on the 25 th Day of October AD 1773 Regularly called & warned the following affairs Transacted (viz) 1 Tim° Paine Esq was Chosen moderator Atst Clark Chandler T Clerk 2 Voted that the Sum of 10/5 be Granted unto Joshua Bigelow for 130 feet 3 Inteh Plank for Holmes Bridge o 10 5 Voted that the following Sums be Granted to fona Rice Late Collector for the following Persons Taxes he not being able to Collect them (Viz) James Conway 10 8 michael Katon [?] 10/8 Jona Stone io/S 1 1 4 Ephraim Harrington 3/1 i 5 o Peter Buck 10/8 14 7^ 2 6 7 5 8 Voted that the Sum of 4/ be Granted to Jonas Hubbard Collector for ye year 1771 for Ephm Harringtons Taxes 4 Voted that the Sum ^25 5 1 1 to the Town Treasurer to Enable him to pay the County Tax 25 5 1 1 Voted that the Sum of ^3 be Granted John Waters taking Care the meeting House one year 3 Voted that the Sums Granted in march and may last and those Granted at this time be assessed according to Law in one Tax Saveing the ministers tax which is to be assessed Separrately that one Half be paid into the Town Treasury by the first of January Next the other half by the first of march Next The Comittee appointed [to] Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer make Report as on file Read & accepted & the S d Treasurer is discharged from the Sum of ,£344 : 4 : 1 1 that he account for the Ballance when he receives the Same being £2 129 The Comittee appointed at the Last meeting [to answer] to a Presentment found against the Town for not Repairing Tatnick Road made Report the S d Presentment is Continued to the Next Court of General Sessions of the Peace that the Town may have oppor- tunity to Repair the Same to the Courts acceptance — Thereupon the[y] Took y e 'Same into Consideration Capt Samuel mower asa moore Joseph Blaire John moore & Lemuel Rice being present 1 773-] Revolutionary Period. 209 Signifyed their willingness to put Said Road into Repair Voted that they are desired under the Direction of the Said Samuel mower So to do and that what work they do be allowed them out of their Highway Tax for the next year Upon the 7"' article in the Warrant Voted that the time of In- termission on the Lords Days between the morning and afternoon Service be but one Hour until! next march meeting and that the Town Clerk Transmitt a copy of this Vote to the Revd m r maccarty that he may Conform accordingly Those Persons Present that had not given in List of their Estates had opportunity to do it The foregoing Votes passed at S li meeting Atst Tim" Paine moderator Entered from y e original

' order 240 4 pd Jonathan Grout ffi order 1080 5 pd my Self lf J order 15 3 pd Jonas Hubbard Elisha Smith Junr pole tax 10 4 L paid Do Benja Crosby Do 9 10 paid Jonas Hubbard his Grant Novb last fi for Sundry Rates abated 2 1 1 1 7 pd Timo Paine Esq ft? order 18 8 pd my Self #" order 14 6 9 pd Thomas Wheeler Scholl mony for 177 1 6 pd Schooling in the Several parts of the Town 105 o o pd Jacob Hemenway his Grant 7 pd my Self ye Debt out Standing In Collector Bigelows Hands 1 14 1 3 _ pd my Self ye County Tax for 1772 19 3 9 pd Simon Gates 10 8 pd micah Johnson 116 o pd Clark Chandler 18 8 1 ., pd Jonathan Stone » 196 pd Jonathan Rice Collecler his Grant 5 pd for Town Standard wine measures & Sealed Wts 3 10 o 10 pd Wido Eaton taking Care Asael Knights wife last year 5 4° 11 pd Jonas Hubbard & order 3 16 o 12 pd Nahum Willard #>* order II 8 pd Benja Stowed, Remainder of School money for 177 1 9 7 pd Palmer Goulding 211 4 /I3 1 £344 4 1 1 1 773-1 Revolutionary Period. 211 John Chandler Town Treasurer C may meeting 1772 By Ballance out Standing 13 2 By Town tax for 1772 328 15 10 By School Interest mony c £W> '7 lo Worcester October 25 1773 a True account John Chandler Town Treasurer Worcester ss Worcester October 25 : 1773 The Comittee ap- pointed to Examine the Town Treasurers account report that they have attended the Service & find the Same right Cast & well Vouched whereby it appears that he has paid by order of the Se- lect men & agreeable to the grants of the Town the Sum of ,£344 4 1 1 — that he has made himself D r for the Sum of three Hundred & forty Six pounds Seventeen Shillings & ten pence part of which Sum is now out Standing in the Collectors Hands (Viz) Jonathan Rice, which when paid to him there will be a ballance of £2 : 12 : 9 which he is further to account for when [he] receives the Same p order of the Comittee Tim Paine A true Copy Entered from the original account Atest Clark Chandler T Clerk [End of the Record in the third volume.] 212 Worcester Tozvn Records. [1774. Att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester, on monday the Seventh Day of march A. D. 1 7 74 after legal warn- ing for the Choice of Town officers and to transact other matters agreeable to the Several Artikles Contained in the Warrant at Said meeting The Honourable Timothy Paine Esq r was Chosen moderator Atst Clark Chandler Town Clerk The Hon b,e Tim Paine Esq r Capt Benj a Flagg Lt Thomas Wheelor m r William Yong Lt Josiah Peirce Selectmen and Assessors Clark Chandler Town Clerk The Hon ble John Chandler Esq Town Treasurer William Dana James Hart Jun r Wardens Samuel Bridge John Peirce Constables David Thomas Collector of Taxes Samuel m'Craken Sealor of Taned & Curryed Leather Stephen Sailsbury Andrew Duncan Clerks of the markett David Bigelow Phinehas Ward Serveyors of Staves Hoops Board & Shingles Nathan Perry, Isaac Cleason William mahon, Tho 8 Baird Jun r , William Dana, Ezekiel How Samuel miliar, John moore y e 2 d Peter Boyden William Gates Jonathan Rice Jacob Chamberlane & John Fisk Surveyors of Heighways & Collectors of Heighways Taxes Jonathan Rice Samuel Whitney Fence Viewers Joseph Wiley William mahon Tything men Ebenezar Barber Joseph Barber Dear Reaves Joshua Whitney William Gates Feild Drivers David Richardson John Bearnard John Baird James moore James Barber James Willard Joseph Ball William Taylor Hog Reeves a County Treasurer was Voted for On the third artikle voted that the Sum of Six pounds be and hereby is Granted unto David Thomas for Collecting the Taxes the Currant year voted that he Give bond with Sufficient Bonds- men to the Town Treasurer to pay the money that Shall be Granted 1 774.] Revolutionary Period. 213 and assest the Currant Year and Comitted to him to Collect as also the Province Tax that Shall [be] laid on Said Town the Currant Year and pay the Same to the Respective Treasurers agreeable to the Direction in the Warrants for Collecting the Same On the fourth Artikle 1 the Question being put whither the Town would act thereon and it passed in the affirmative Voted that William Ybng, Josiah Peirce & Timothy Bigelow be a Comittee to take the Same into Consideration and Report to this meeting in two Hours which was accordingly done and their Report being Read the Question was put whither the Town would accept the Same and it Passed in the affirmative and theire Report was as follows We the Freeholders and Inhabitants of Worcester, think it our duty at this important time, when affairs of the Greatest Conse- quence to our Selves and Posterity, are hastning to a Crisis : after due Consideration to offer our Sentiments, on the many Greivous impositions, which are laid, and are attempted to be laid, upon us : we would particularize Some of the most Intolerable ones, (viz) Courts of Vice admiralty, wherein that inestimable Previlege, trials by Jurys is destroyed. Board of Commissioners, with their numer- ous train of Dependants which Departments are generally filled with those, who have proved themselves to be Destitute, of honor honesty, or the common feelings [of] humanity, those who are known to be the Greatest enimyes to the people, and Constitution of this Country, even those, that have murdered its inhabitants : for a resent instance of their consumed insolence, and barbarously harising the Subject, from port to port, at the Expence of time and money, and unjustly Detaining property, we would mention the petifull case of Capt Walker, commander of the Brigantine Broth- ers 1 Fourth article: '"for the Town to Consider and act j& Vote as they think proper upon a Request of Twenty Seven of the Freeholders and other In- habitants of Said Town Relating to an act of Parliament giving a Friviledge to the Fast India Company to Export Teas to america Subject to Duty to Raise a Revenue for his majesty &c" 2 14 Worcester Town Records. [ T 774- 2 The governor, and Judges of the Superior Court, rendered independent of the People of this Province : we apprehend that all officers are nothing more, than Servants to the people, for whose Good only they were appointed, for which Service, they ought to Depend on those they Serve for their pay : and we are constrained to Say, that to have those who are to Judge, and Determin, on our lives, property, paid by a foreign State, imme[d]iately Destroy, that natural dependance, which ought to Subsist between a people, and their officers, and of consequence, destructive of liberty : For which reason we are of opinion, that we [are] not in the least bound in duty to Submit, to the ordering and Determining of Such officers, as [are] not dependant on the Grants of this people for their pay. but we have the Satisfaction to hear that four of the Superiour Judges, to their immortal honor ! have refused the bribe offered them But as we have had an oppertunity heretofore, Joyntly to express our minds respecting our many Greivances ; we therefore Shall principly confine our observations, to the East India companys Exporting teas to america, Subject to a duty, laid thereon by the British Parliament to be paid by us, not so much as mentioned for the regulation of trade, but, for the Sole purpose of raising a rev- inue ; in consequence of which we take upon us to say, that it is an addition to the many proofs that the British ministry are De- termined if possable to enslave us, but we rest assured, that how- ever attached we have been to that truly Detestable herb, we can firmly resist the Charm, and thereby Convince our enimys in Great Britain and america, that However artfull and allureing their Snares and gilded the bait, we have wisdom to foersee, and Vertue to re- sist Therefor Resolved that we will not buy, Sell, use, or any ways be concerned with India Teas of any Kind, dutied or undutied imported from Great Britain, Holland or Else where, untill the un- rightious act imposing a duty thereon be repealed, the former on account of the aforesaid duty, the Latter because we still maintain such a regard for Great Britain, as to be unwilling to promote the Interest of a Rival 1 774-1 Revolutionary Period. 215 2 Resolved, that we will break of all commercial intercourse with those persons if any their Should he in this, or any other, place, who should act counter [to] these our resolutions, thus publickly made Known, that the tea consignees, and all those that have been aiding, or assisting in interduceing the East India Com- panys tea among us, have justly merited our Indignation, and Contempt, and must be considered, and treated by us as enimys and trators to their Country, that we contemptiously abhor, and detest, all those wether in Britain or america, that are not content with the profits of their own honest industry, but contrarary to the Known principles of Justice, and equity, attempt to take the prop- erty of others in any wise without their consent 3 Resolved that we have an indispensable right at this time, and at all times, boldly to assert our rights, and make Known our grievances : being Sensible, the freedom of Speech, and Security of property, always go together: none but the base tyrant, and his wicked tools, Dreads this liberty, upright measures will allways Defend themselves, It is not only our indubitable right, but a requiset Duty, in this legal, and publick manner, to make Known our griev- ances : amongst the many benefitts that will naturally result there- from, the important one we hope, of undecieving our gracious Sovereign, who from the wicked measures that have been practised against us, we have just reason to Suppose, has been artfully deluded : in 1 )efence of whose Sacred Person, his Crownand Digni- ty, together with our natural, and constitutional Rights, we are ready att any time, boldly to risk our lives, and fortune while we are thus complaining of the Encroachments of Great Britain, and Strugling against arbitary power, we would not let those pass unnoticed among ourselves in Different parts of the Province, who are ever Ready to assist in Carrying the unconstitutional] acts of the Brit- ish Parliament into Execution Americans Blush I we have those among us who have advised and Solicited for Troops from Great Britain, that have shed the inocent Blood of our Countrymen ! a Number of Tools to arbitary power, that have unweariedly prac- tised every low, artifice to Decive the more unthinking part of the Community, so that the Chains of Slavery may be more Esily put on 216 Worcester Town Records. [ J 774' We would also complain of the mercantile part of this Province that Notwithstanding they have made vertuous Stands, and ought to be Considered as a Respectable part of the Community, think it would be acting impartially to point out some particulars wherein we are of opinion they are Blame worthy I st first their Conduct in importing teas Subject to a duty, while the merchants and tra- ders in the other Goverments Desisted from it 2 when the East India Company teas was expected Soon to arrive among us, they were for most in their Complaints and very Justly represented that the Importing teas was the Greatest Drain of Cash, of any artikle of imports, and as Soon as they found the people were Sensible, that it was for their interest to oppose the tea act, and thence be- ing sure of the trade themselves, they Raised the Retail price, upon their old Stock from three to five Pistereens Per pound and pro- portionably by wholesail an extortion that is Sufficient to put them to the blush, if they are not lost to every Sentiment, Except that of Self interest, Their raising the price of Coffee Chocolate, &c when we all know that the Artikles can be Sold, and a good profit made at the usual price is all of a Peice, with the aforegoing mer- cantile patriotism. However we are heartily join with them in the opposition to the Arbitary acts of Great Britain Lastly voted that the Town Clerk record the above proceedings, in the Town Book of Records and furnish the Committee of cor- respondance with an attested Copy of the Same, to be forwarded to the Committee of Correspondance att Boston We the Subscribers being Chose by the Town of Worcester as a Committee to consider of the unconstitutional acts of British Par- liament Respecting America beg leave to offer the above William Yong ") Josiah Peirce v Committee Tim" Bisjelow 1 We whose Names are under written beg leave to enter our de- sent & Protest against the vote of the Town of Worcester Relating to the four Artikle in the Warrant for the Town in meeting march 1 774.] Revolutionary Period. 217 1774 and do accordingly Sign this as Protest against the accept- ance of the Report of the Comittee thereon Worcester march 7 : 1774 James Putnam, John Chandler, Daniel Ward, John Curtis. Daniel Boyden, W" Campbell, Nath 1 moore, Rufus Chandler, John mower, William Paine. Nahum Willard, David moore, James Hart, Jun r , Samuel moore, Cornelius Stowel, Andrew Duncan, Palmer Goulding, Samuel mower. James Coodwin, Samuel Bridg, David Bancroft, Jacob Stephens, Jonas Nichols, Gershom Rice, lunr, Darius Boyden, Joseph Blaire On the fifth artikle voted that the Sum of one Hundred pounds be and hereby is Granted for the Support of the Schools the Cur- rant year which with the School Interest mony being five pounds be applyed for the Support of Schools in the Same way and man- ner as was Voted the last year in all Respecls allso voted that the Honourable Tim" Paine Esq Provide for the Cramer School mas- ter allso William Yong, Daniel Bigelovv Jun r , William Gates, David Bancroft, Jonathan Stone, David Chdvvick, Joseph Barber, & Silas moore be a Comittee for the English Schools Each to act for his Respective Division agreeable to the Vote aforesaid On the Sixth Artikle Voted that Stephen Salisbury Nathan Perry and Timothy Bigelow be a Comittee to Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer On the Seventh Artikle Voted that the Sum of two Hundred and twenty pounds be Granted Eevied and assessed on the Poles and Estates in Said Town the Currant year to be Expended in Building Bridges and Causways mending & Repairing Decayed ones & Putting & Keeping the Roads in Good Repair the Currant year and that the Same wages be allowed as was the last year and that the Same be worked out by the first Day of October Next and that the Selectmen Squadron out to Each Surveyor the persons that Shall work under them so that Each Surveyor have a tax in pro- portion to his Labour that Such of the Inhabitants as Worked out more than his last year tax be allowed for the Same out of the Present year tax they Producing proper Certificates and those that 2t8 Worcester Town Records. [ : 774- have not worked out their Last years tax may have Liberty [to] Work out the Same provided they do it by the twenty fifth Day of June Next On the Eighth Artikle the Selectmen Reported that the money arising by the Sale of the ministerial Land is in the Hands of the Following persons (viz) William Yong & Robert Henry £, David Sanderson John Stowell & Jon a marble John Childs Isaac Smith & Jonas Ward Palmer Goulding John Boyden & Corn 1 Stowell noah Jones & Daniel Boyden Ebenezer Willington & Edward Knight John Boyden & James Nichols Phinehas Ward Sam 1 Curtis & David Richardson David Bigelow & Jonas Ward ^367 2 i° That they have Received the Interest of Said Bonds and paid the Same to the Rev d m r maccarty & Taken his Recipt There- fore voted that the Select men be Discharged of Said Interest On the Ninth Artikle the [question] was put whither the Swine Should go at Large they being yoaked and Ringed according to Law and it passed in the affirmative On the tenth Artikle Voted that Daniel Knight with the money he pays for Schoolling be annexed to Peirces Roe So Called On the Eleventh Artikle the Question was put whither the 1 own would allow Doct William Paine to Erect a Hospital for Innocola- tion in Said Town and it Passed in the Negative On the Twelfth Artikle the Select men made Report of a Private way laid out by them to accomodate Frances Cutting from the house of Said Francis till it Comes to the land of Ebenezer White & from thence through his land between his House and Barn & from thence in the trod way to the County Road leading to Capt EI6 5° 40 35 17 10 20 13 6 8 33 6 8 22 15 35 16 8 1 774-1 Revolutionary Period. 219 Wards Voted to allow and approve of Said private [way] & Order that the Same be put on Record the Said Select Men also made Report of another Private way Laid Out to accomadate John Tat- man begining at the Corner of Said Tatmans Land On the Road Leading to Sutton & Extending Northerly One Rod on the land of Samuel Goddard and from thence Running in Said Goddards Southwesterly four Rods till it Strikes said Tatmans Land said Road to Lye on the Southerly Side Said line Voted [to] allow and approve of the said private way and Order that the same be put on Record On the thirteenth article wishing the Town would grant the Re- quest of Jacob Chamberlain & seven Others tor their Schooling to be laid Out among themselves and it Passed in the Negative On the fourteenth article Voted that the Select Men Provide what may be wanting of the Town Stock of amunition and lay their account before the Town for their allowance & Noah Jones from James Baldwin ) Comittee from Jonas Hubbard 1 Worcester Thomas Denny | Leicester Enterd from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Holden April y e 28 th 1774 Then we the Subscribers according to the Notification of Worcester Select men of S d Worcester met the Gen'men they appointed according to time & place & Pream- bulated from the Corner Next to Leicester line & Renew d S d Cor- ner and Sundry other marks to the Corner of Shrewsbury line John Child ^ Select men Jon a Rice ,' of Paul Raymond ) Holden Enterd from the original ~$ Clark Chandler T Clerk April 28 th 1774 Pursuant to an appointment of the Select men of Worcester we meet a Comittee of the Sealect[men] of Shrews- bun' at the Northeast Corner of AVorcester and from thence pro- 222 Worcestc7' Tozvn Records. [1774. ceed to and did Perambulate the line between Said Towns and Renewed the Several boundarys on Said line ending at Quinsiga- mug Pond \ Edward Flint Comittee ~\ W m Yong Com te€ for ,'- Joab Hapgood for [• Josiah Peirce Shrewsbury ) Daniel Smith Worcester ) Tim" Bigelow Enterd from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk These may Certify all whom it may Concern that we the Sub- scribers have appointed m r Daniel Smith, Edward Flint & Joab Hapgood or any two of them to appear on our part, the twenty Eighth day of April Instant at Nine of the Clock A m at the North- east Corner of Worcester, To perambulate the line and Renew the Bounds, between the Towns of Worcester & Shrewsbury Shrewsbury April y e 11 th 1774 To the Select men of Worcester Artemas Ward \ Select men or Such as they Shall appoint Edward Flint [-' of on their part Joab Hapgood ) Shrewsbury Enterd from the original "j# Clark Chandler T Clerk Thursday April 28 th 1774 mett the Comittee appointed by the Select men of Worcester att the Southwest Corner of Worcester and Renewed all Known marks on Said Line as far as appletons farm Edward Putnam ^ Select men Sam 1 Trask > of Caleb Chase ) Sutton Enterd from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Thursday april 28 : 1774 mett the Committee from Worcester at the South west Corner of Worcester and Renewed the Same and proceeded on S d line to Sutton Corner & Renewed the Same Ebenezar Learned } Select men William Watson ) of Oxford Enterd from the original ~$ Clark Chandler T Clerk 1 774-]. Revolutionary Period. 223 Worcester may 1 6 : 17 74 att a Town meeting Legally Warned & Held by the freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualifyed to vote in Town affairs and for a Representative the Currant Year On the first artikle m r Joshua Bigelow was Chosen to Repre- sent Said Town the Currant year in the General assembly On the Second Artikle the Honb ,e John Chandler Esq was Chosen moderator Atst Clark Chandler Town Clerk On the third artikle the following Sums was Granted to the fol- lowing Persons (viz) To Timo Paine Esq for Work done at the meeting House 9 4 To fonas Hubbard for YVm Knights Pole tax for the year 1771 IO 4 To Do Carrying John mcBright to Shrewsbury 6 16 4 To Ebenezar White for Sundrvs found for the Support of John Waite in the time of his Sickness Jf' order of the Select men £2 12 4 To Samuel mcCraken for a pair Shoes for Ditto 7 8 To the Select men for the Support of the poor they to be accountable 20 o o To John Waters for taking Care of the meeting House the Ensuing year 3 To Jonathan Rice for Paul Gates Pole tax for the year 1772 in Saml mcCrakens Rates. being under age 10 8 27 16 4 On the fourth artikle 1 the Select men was Chosen a Comittee to desire the Revd m 1 ' maccarty to attend the Town at the adjourn- ment of this meeting The Comittee for Defending the Suit Ebenezer Bradish on the Select men & Jonas Hubbard, Reported that they had Recivd of the Town Treasurer Seven pounds ten Shillings & Expended j£"j : 5/ 5 voted that they be Discharged of Said Sum of ^7 : 10/ 1 Fourth article : ,- to grant the Sallary of the Revd mr maccarty the Cur- rant vear" 224 Worcester Tozwi Records. [1774. On the Sixth article voted that William Yong, Tim Paine Esq & Tim Bigelow be a Comittee to Settle the lines and bounds of the Towns Land Lying on the Northerly Side of the Comon and the Heirs of the Late Judge Jenison and the Heirs of the Late major Heywood Deceased the Seventh Arlikle 1 Referred to the adjournment of this meeting Voted that Josiah Peirce, Tim Bigelow, Stephen Salsbury, Sam 1 Curtis, Edward Crafts, John Kelso, & Joshua Whitney be a Com- ittee to Draw up Instructions for our Representative the Currant Year & make Report at the adjournment of this meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourned to fryday Next the twen- tyeith Instant five oClock afternoon to be held at this Place Atst John Chandler moderator Enterd from v e original Clark Chandler T Clerk Att a Town meeting held in Worcester by adjournment from monday may 16 th 1774 to fryday may 20 th The Honourable Tim Paine Esq was Chosen moderator Attest Clark Chandler Town Clerk On the fourth Artikle in the Warrant Voted to the Rev' 1 m r mac- carty one Hundred pounds for his Sallerv Commencing in June Next ^100 On the Seventh Artikle the Petition of the Inhabitants of the South part of the [Town] with Drawn The Comittee appointed the 16 th Instant to Draw up Instructions to the Representative the present year made Report as follows To m r Joshua Bigelow \ Worcester may 20 : Representative for the Town of Worcester f 1 7 74 As English america is in a general alarm in consequence of Some 1 Seventh article : "to See if the Town will Vote their Consent that the Precinct lately erected by order of the general Court out of the Towns of Worcester oxford & Sutton be incorporated, in a Town or District agreeable to the Request of a Comittee of Sd Precinct" 1 774.] Revolutionary Pe7'iod. 225 late unconstitutional Stretches of power, we are Sensible that this is the most difficult period that hath ever yet commenced since the first arrival of our worthy ancestors into this then unexplored un- cultivated & inhospitable wilderness : and being fully sencible that the wisest head uprightest heart & the firmest Resolution, are the Necessary qualifications of the person fit & Suitable to Represent us in the great & general Court of this province the present year ; have honoured you with our Suffrages for that Important office — Notwithstanding our confidence in your Vertue and abilities, think it Necessary to prescribe Some Certain Rules for your conduct — And find as there is [a] late aft of the British parliament to be Enforced in ameraca with Troops <.\: Ships of War the first of June, in order to Stop the port and Harbour of Boston, & thereby de- priving us of the Benefit of the Winds & Seas which God & Na- ture gave in common to mankind — We are Induced to believe that Great Britain through misinformation are lead to a prostitution of that power that has heretofore made Europe to tremble, to abridge us their Brethren in this province of our natural & Civil Rights Notwithstanding (Exclusive of our Natural Rights) we had all the priviledges ..V" Immunities of English men confirmed to us by our Royal Charter — and as we view this hostile mancevre of great Britain as a Blow aimed through Boston at the whole of american Liberties : Being Imboldened through a consciousness of the Justness of our ( 'ause we in the most Solemn manner direct you, that whatever measures great Britain may take to Distress us, that you be not in the least Intimedated ; and thereby Induced that whatever Requisitions, or ministerial mandate there may be in order to Sub- ject us to any unconstitutional acts of the British parliament, to Comply therewith : But to the utmost of your power Resist the most Distant approaches of Slavery But more particularly should the people of this province through their Representatives be Re- quired to Compensate the East India Comp- v for the lost of their Tea. We hereby lay the Streckest Injunction on you Not to Com- ply therewith : as the Destruction of the Tea was not a publick act, 29 226 Worcester Tozvn Records. [ I 774- we cannot see the Justness of a publick Demand as the Civil Law is open to Punish the Offenders : we rather think Instead of an Equitable Compliance, it would be the means of Encourageing Riots & Robberies, and of Consequence Render the Courts of Justice of no use Also we earnestly Require that a Strict union of the Colonies be one of the first Objects in your View, and that you Carefully & Imediately persue every Legal measure that may tend thereto Viz' that Committees of Correspondence be kept up between the Sev- eral Houses of Assembly through the Colonies — and that you by no means fail to use your utmost Endeavors that there be a general Congress, from d of Deputies from the Same, that so we may unite in Some safe & sure plan, to Secure & Defend the american Lib- erties at this Important Crises of Affairs Also we Direct you as soon as may be to Endeavour that Peter Oliver Esq r be brought to answer to the Impeachment against him, by the Representatives of this Province in the name of the whole people — there is a Number of other Matters Respecting the In- ternal polecy of the Province that in our opinion Requreirs at this Season the Attention of the Legislator, but at a time like this when Britain in Return for the Blood we have on every Needfull Occation so freely Spilt in their Cause have Reduced Thousands through a Wanton Exercise of Power in our Metropolice, to the most Pitifull Circumstances, which at first View, is Sufficiant to Excite in the Human breast, every tender, and compassionate feeling, is Enough to Engross our whole attention But should other Matters come under your Consideration, in the course of the present year, Relative to the common & ordinary Exigencies of Government, we make not the Least Doubt you will on your Part, make the Peace & prosperity of the whole province, your ultimate aim and End and by that means honour your self & us your con- stituents in the Choice we have made We the Subscribers being Chosen a Comittee to Report In- structions for the Representatives beg Leave to offer the Above for your acceptance and further we Advise that the beforegoing In- 1 7 74.] Revolutionary Pei'iod. 227 structions be Recorded In the Town Book of Records and an at- tested Copy be given to M r Joshua Bigelow Josiah Peirce 1 Samuel Curtis Stephon Salisbury | Timothy Bigelow \ Comittee John Kelso Joshua Whitney Edward Crafts Enterd from the original *$ Clark Chandler T Clerk [Warrant.] Worcester ss To Samuel Bridge one of the constables of the Town of Worcester in the County of Worcester — Greeting Whereas a great Number of the Freeholders Inhabitants & Voters in Said Town of Worcester prefered a Petition to us the Subscribers Select men of S d Town therein Setting forth that there have been of late diverse Commotions & Disturbances in many Towns & Places within the Province and many actions of a Riotous Nature and dangerous tendency have been done and comitted, whereby the Property of many of his majestys good and peaceable Subjects have been destroyed their persons insulted and their lives endangered, more especially in the Town of Boston — and that by the artfull Practices of Some People there under the Pretence of Patriotism but with evil Intentions & making unrightious Gain to themselves by the Ruin and Destruction of others ; a Spirit of op- position to all Law order and Good Government has been raised and propagated in many Towns and Places within this Province, and Some have been thereby so far seduced that they have un- warrantably adopted measures Subversive of publick Liberty and the good order of the State, and destructive of the Peace and well- fare of Society and in some places Votes and Resolves have been passed which they have Seen published approveing or Justifying the unwarrantable and riotous Proceedings of the Said Town of Boston and have thereby as thev fear in some measure made 228 Worcester Toivn Records. [1774. themselves Partakers of their guilt. [To] avoid the reproach and Imputations of any Such guiltiness falling on them they desire to bear their publick Testimony against all Riots unlawfull assemblies actts of Violence. Oppresion and robbery, more Especially would they manifest their utter Detestation and abhorrence of that un- parreled act of Violence, the Destruction of the Teas, the last win- ter in Boston and also against, the unlawfull Force and Violence in Diverse riotous acts comitted on the Persons and properties of Sundry good People in this Province to whom the Said Teas were consigned —and at the annual meeting in Worcester in march last certain resolves were passed, and Voted to be Entered on the Rec- ords of the Town of Worcester against the Express will and opinion of the respectable Inhabitants of the Town then assembled, and had not the members of the Comittee themselves who made or copied, these resolves Voted for their being accepted and recorded there would have been a majority of the Town against the acceptance of them and at that time many of the Sober Judiceous People of the Town thought that those resolves were calculated to Serve Seditious Purposes & some of them did therefore Enter their Protestation in writing against the Said resolves and proceedings and desired the Same might be Entered and recorded with the Record of the Town. yet hoping to prevent it the Town did unreasonably & hastily Vote that the Said Protestation should not be recived or recorded — and they have reason to apprehend there are many more Persons of Consideration and Interest within said Town that did not then protest for want of opportunity to do it that would be glad of a fit Time for doing it and discovering their mind on many late acts & proceedings in a publick manner— and they are of opinion that were the same matters now again to be Considered and acted on by the Town their Proceedings would be very different from what they were before, at least, that such Number would now protest and would before, had they been present as are the owners & pro- prietors of by far the largest share of the Interest & Property of the Whole Town & Praying that a meeting of the Said Town may be warned that the Inhabitants being Vouters may be assembled, as soon as may be. and so have an opportunity of declareing their Sentiments and acting with Freedom in a legal way with respect 1 774-] Revolutionary Period. 229 to the Votes resolves Protestations &c before reffered to. and to examine into the Proceedings & Conduct of certain Persons in the Town of Worcester Stiling themselves the Comittee of correspond- ance for the Town and their power & athority may be exam d into & they required to lay before the Town all their Proceedings and doings as a Comittee together or apart Since they have assumed that Charactor. and that they lay before the Town all Such ad- vices Letters, and Intelligence as they or any of them Shall have recived and from whom they had it relateing to publick matters &c and produce true Copies of all Such advices and Letters as they or any of them in the Course of their Correspondence have com- municated to others that the Town may have a full & fair oppor- tunity of publickly examining into their whole conducl & proceed- ings — as by Said Petition appears You are therefore hereby required in his majestys Name in the usual way and manner to warn c\: give Notice to the Free- holders & other Inhabitants of Said Town qualified according to Law to Vote in Town affairs to meet and assemble at the meeting House in Said Town on monday the Twentieth Day of June next Three oClock afternoon then and there in the first Place to Choose a moderator 2 To act on the Several matters and things contained in Said Petition & to recive the Report of the Comittee of Correspondence relative to their proceedings as therein mentioned and for the Town to a 61 on all matters mentioned in S d Petition as they Shall Judge Proper hereof fail not and make Return of this warrant with your Do- ings to Some of the Sele6t men before Said meeting Dated at Worcester the thirtieth Day of may in the fourteenth year of his majestys Reign annoque Domini 1774 Tim Paine -> Sele6t men W m Yong / Tho s Wheelor t of Josiah Peirce Worcester Worcester ss Worcester June 3 : A D 1774 In Obedience to this Warrant I have notifyed the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of Said Town qualifyed to Vote in Town 230 Worcester Town Records. [1774. affairs to meet and assemble at Time and place within mentioned to act on the Several matters and Things contained in the Within Warrant by posting up a true Copy of the Same at the Sign Post near the meeting House as usual Sam" Bridge, Constable Worcester ss att a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualifyed to Vote in Town affairs on monday the 20 th Day of June A D 1 774 duely warned according to the within War- rant Tim Paine Esq Chose moderator Atst Clark Chandler Town Clerk A motion being made and Seconded to see if the Town will now proceed and act on any of the matters and things Contained in Said Warrant and it passed in the Negative Voted that this meeting be Dissolved atst Tim Paine moderator Enterd from the original '$ Clark Chandler T Clerk [At this meeting a protest offered by the loyalists was rejected, but was entered in the town book by Clark Chandler, the town clerk. This facl did not come to the knowledge of the patriotic party until some time after. The protest with a brief note prefixed, was published in the Boston News Letter of June 30. and in the Massachusetts Gazette of July 4. 1774, as follows: — Messrs. Printers : If you please you may give the following Protestation &c of us a few friends of truth, peace and order, a place in your paper : for it is believed that we and many others thro' the Province, -have too long already held our peace. "At a meeting of the inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, held there on the 20//2 day of June, A. D. 1774, pursuant to an appli- cation made to the Selectmen by 43 voters and freeholders of the same town, dated the 20//1 day of May last, therein among other things, declaring their just apprehensions of the fatal consequences that may follow the many riotous and seditious actions that have of late times been done and perpetrated in divers places within this Province ; the votes and proceedings of which meeting are by us deemed irreaular and arbitrary : I774«] Revolutionary Period. 231 Wherefore we, some of us who were petititioners tor the said meeting, and others, inhabitants of the town, hereunto subscribing, thinking it our indispensable duty, in these times of discord and confusion in too many of the towns within this Province, to bear testimony in the most open and unreserved manner against all riotous, disorderly and seditious practices, must therefore now de- clare, that it is with the deepest concern for public peace and order, that we behold so many whom we used to esteem sober, peaceable men, so far deceived, deluded and led astray, by the artful, crafty and insidious practices of some evil-minded and ill-disposed per- sons, who, under the disguise of patriotism, and falsely styling themselves the friends of liberty, some of them neglecting their own proper business and occupation, in which they ought to be employed for the support of their families, spending their time in discoursing of matters they do not understand, raising and prop- agating falsehoods and calumnies of those men they look up to with envy, and on whose fall and ruin they wish to rise, intend to reduce all things to a state of tumult, discord and confusion. And in pursuance of those evil purposes and practices, they have imposed on the understanding of some, corrupted the principles of others,, and distracted the minds of many, who under the influence of this delusion, have been tempted to act a part that may prove, and that has already proved, extremely prejudicial to the Province, and as it may be, fatal to themselves ; bringing into real danger, and in many instances destroying, that liberty and property we all hold sacred, and which they vainly and impiously boast of defend- ing at the expense of their blood and treasure. And. as it appears to us that many of this town seem to be led aside by strange opinions, and are prevented coming to such pru- dent votes and resolutions as might be for the general good and the advantage of this town in particular, agreeably to the request of the petitioners for this meeting. And as the town has refused to dismiss the persons styling them- selves the Committee of Correspondence for the town, and has also refused so much as to call on them to render an account of their past dark and pernicious proceedings : 2^2 Worcester Town Records. [ J 774- We therefore, whose names are hereunto Subscribed, do each of us declare and protest, it is our firm opinion, that the Committees of Correspondence in the several towns of this Province, being creatures of modern invention, and constituted as they be, are a legal grievance, having no legal foundation, contrived by a junto to serve particular designs and purposes of their own, and that they as they have been and are now managed in this town, are a nuis- ance. And we fear, it is in a great measure owing to the baneful influence of such committees, that the teas of immense value, lately belonging to the East India Company, were, not long since, scand- alously destroyed in Boston, and that many other enormous acts of violence and opression have been perpetrated, whereby the lives of many honest worthy persons have been endangered and their property destroyed. It is by these committees also, that papers have been lately pub- lished, and are now circulating through the Province, inviting and wickedly tempting all persons to join them, fully implying, if not expressly denouncing the destruction of all that refuse to subscribe those unlawful combinations, tending directly to sedition, civil war and rebellion. These and all such enormities, we detest and abhor, and the authors of them we esteem enemies to our King and country, vio- lators of all law and civil liberty, the malevolent disturbers of the peace of society, subverters of the established constitution, and enemies of mankind." William Elder, Daniel Ward, John Walker, Nathaniel Adams, William Campbell, Samuel Moore, John Mower, Joseph Blair, Micah Johnson, Edmund Heard, Thomas Baird, Jr., Nathan Patch, Samuel Mower, Jr., Isaac Moore, Joshua Johnson, John Chandler, Gardner Chandler, James Putnam, Daniel Boyden, John Curtis, Thomas Baird, James Hart, David Moore. James Hart, Jr., Cornelius Stowell, Israel Stevens, Jonathan Phillips, Samuel Brooks, Isaac Willard, Jacob Stevens, Joseph Clark, Isaac Barnard, William Paine, 1 774.] Revolutionary Period. 233 Samuel Mower, Elisha Smith, Thaddeus Chamberlain Samuel Bridge, Tyrus Rice, John Chamberlain, Jacob Chamberlin, Nahum Willard, William Curtis, Andrew Duncan, Rums Chandler, Abel Stowell, James Goodwin, Palmer Goulding, Daniel Goulding, Clark Chandler, Adam Walker, William Chandler, Israel Jenison. The publication of this protest, together with the knowledge of the fact that it had been entered upon the records of the town, excited the indigna- tion of the whigs to the utmost degree. Upon the petition of Joshua Bigelow and others, a warrant was issued on the 29th of July calling a meeting the 22d of August. From this warrant the following extract is made :] [2d article :] to Consider of and act on the Petition of mr Joshua Bigelow and fourteen others, as by S' 1 Petition reference had thereunto shall appear. Desireing the town to take under their Consideration the Protest of mr William Elder and John Curtis and others, lately Published in the massachusetts Gazette, As a True Copy of the record, made in the Book of Records ; for this Town, and attested by the Town Clerk, and whereas there is, in the S d Published Protest an odium cast upon the Town, as acting arbitarily, which we think is false, without all votes are Deem' 1 ar- bitary, that are carried by a great majority. And also in Said Pro- test, it is asserted that the Town has refused to Dismiss, the Per- sons Stilling themselves the comittee of correspondence, for the Town And Also refused, so much, as to call on them to render, an account, of their past, Dark, and Pernicious proceeding Hereby falsely, and maliciously Slandering, the Town ; as tho they Toller- ated, Sundry Persons, in this Town to Stile themselves a committee of Corrispondence for the Town and to assume that character, And to acl. darkly and Perniciously with impunity. Whereas the Town, hath never been requested, to Dismiss any Person, or Persons as aforesaid neither hath there been any Person or Persons in this Town So Stileing themselves or assuming the character and acting as aforesaid Also in the Protest aforesaid, it is Declared that Committees of Correspondence in the Several Towns, of this Province are a grievance, and that they as they have been and now are managed, in this Town are a Nuisance, hereby Inviduously and 234 Worcester Town Records. [ I 774- falsely Slandering the charactors of those very worthy Gent, of which our committee is Composed. And also the charactor of the whole Town as Tollerating a Nuisance, and whereas by the S d Protest it appears that the Town Clerk, of this Town hath re- corded it upon the Town Book of records Notwithstanding the many falsehoods and Slanders, therein contained & expresed against the Town and as we apprehend in violation of the Trust Reposed in him (if not his oath) For Remedy whereof, we think it would be proper and very much for the Safety of the Town to have the present, Town Clerk brought to give an account to the Town, by what athority he has Recorded in the Town Book of Records the Before mentioned falsehood and Slanders, against the Town and if he cannot vindicate himself to the Satisfaction of the Town ; that he be Shown Such marks : of the Towns Disapproba- tion of his Conduct, as they Shall think proper ; and the Said re- corded Protest Erased from the Town Book. And whereas the Port, and harbor, of Boston, is Blocked up : and the Trade and Commerce of that Town obstructed, and in a great measure annihilated and Distroyed ; by a late act, or acts, of the British Parliament whereby we think many of the worthy In- habitants, are berieved, of the means, of their Support ; and are proper objects of our Charity. We Desire, that the Town, would come into some method ; to make Some charitable Collections for the relief of the Distressed Poor of that Town, And also for the Town, to take under their Consideration, a late act of the British Parliament, (which we have been informed of by the Publick Prints and other ways) to Deprive us of Origonating ; and holding Town meeting, in our Corporate Capacity, agreeable, to the Charter of this Province and antient and usual Custom And also, for the Town, to take any other act, or acts, of the British Parliament ; under their Consideration, and to pass such votes & Resolves Relative thereunto as the Town shall think proper And also for the Town, to chuse a committee if they think best, to wait on Such Persons in this Town as have not already Signed the agreement, or Covenant ; for the Non Consumption of British Goods, that they may have an Opportunity of Signing the Same, 1 774-] Revolutionary Period. 235 that being as we think, a Iawfull, and Peaceble, measure which may have a Tendancy to obtain the Desired end, (viz a repeal of the act aforesaid) and prevent all the a6ts of violence which we abhor and Detest Worcester ss At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in first Parrish in Worcester on monday the twenty second day of August A D 1774 m r Nathan Perry was Chosen moderator Atest Clark Chandler Town Clerk Voted that mess Joshua Bigelow, Jonas Hubbard, David Ban- croft, Samuel Curtis, ]on a Stone, Benjamin Flagg, & Josiah Peirce be a Committee to take under their Consideration the protest of Will'" Elder, John Curtis and others and the Town Clerk for Re- cording the Same and make Report to the Town of their doings thereon at the adjournment of this meeting Voted that the S left men be a comittee to Recive any Artikles of Provisions &C the Inhabitants of this Town may give to the poor of the Town of Boston anil that they the Said Select men take an account how much of any Kind of Provision &c each person gives and that they Send it to the Select men of Boston for the use of Said poor Voted that mess" Daniel Beard, Doct John Green, John Smith, David bigelow. & Samuel miliar be a Committee to take under their consideration the acts of the British Parliament Respecting America and Report to the Town of their doings thereon at the adjournment of this meeting Voted that mess" Jonathan Stone, David Bancroft, Josiah Pence, Jonathan Rice, & David Chadwick be a Committee to offer those persons that have not Signed the agreement or Covenant for the Non Consumption of British Coods so that they may have an op- portunity to Sign the Said grement or Covenant Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the twenty fourth In- stant at two oClock afternoon Atst Nathan Perry mod r Enterd from the original "p-' Clark Chandler Town Clerk 236 Worcester Town Records. [ I 774- Worcester ss at a Town meeting he[l]d in Worcester at the meeting House by adjour[n]ment from monday August 22 to Wednesday the 24 th Instant The Committee appointed by the Town to take under consid- eration the protest of William Elder, John Curtis and others and the Town Clerk for Recording the Same Reported as Follows (viz) Having taken under our consideration the protestation of m r William Elder, John Curtis and other inhabitants of Worcester published in the massachusetts Gazette of June 30 th 1774 beg leave to offer the following That whareas the publication aforesaid was made as a protest of the Signers of it against the proceedings of the Town of Worcester, and contains in it a number of groundless reflections and asper- tions against the inhabitants of the Town (Viz) It seems to be implied in the dereclion to the Printer, published at the front of the protest that the Singnors were the only persons in the Town that was freinds to truth Peace and Order and that they only was the Persons that had any Just apprehensions of the 111 Conse- quences arising by mobs and Riots &c. and that all the Rest of the Inhabitants acted Irregular and arbitrarily (notwithstanding the matters in Said meeting was fairly Debated) and that they was so destitute of Understanding as to be Led astray by evil minded Persons who was Endeavouring to reduce all things to a State of Disorder and Confusion hereby making themselves the Sole Judges of what is Rule and order and what is not : proceed to Stigmatize the Inhabitants as holding To Such bad opinions as to Prevent the Towns acting Prudently and for y e Generall Good and it is also Implyed in the Publication aforesaid that this Town allows a Number of Persons in it To assume the Character of a Comittee of Correspondence for y e Town and To ac"t Darkly and Pernicious- ly with Impunity Contrary to Rule and Good Order : and in Vio- lation of the Truth after with Unparralled arrogance Representing themselves as y e only friends to it asserts that the Town has Re- fused to Dismiss the Persons Stileing themselves a Comittee of Correspondence for y e Town when Setting aside the Inconsistency of the Towns Dismissing persons who had arrogated the Character 1 774.] Revolutionary Period. 237 of a Comittee and Consequently not Chose by the Town they well knew that y e Town has not been Requested either to Dismiss Per- sons Stileing themselves a Comittee or those Gentlemen so de- nominated by the Town neither was their an article in y e Warrant for Calling Said Meeting to Dismiss any persons whatever from office nor so much as proposed in y e meeting there is also a malignity Cast upon Comittees of Correspondence in General] through the Continent and in particular against the Comittee Chosen by this Town without any Reason as- signed for y e Same but this Opinion of the Protesters too Slender a foundation to asperce the Charactors of the Town officers upon and have endeavoured to Insinuate into the minds of the Publick that the Men of which Comittees of Correspondence are Com- posed thro the Province are a Parcell of unprincipolled knaves who are endeavouring to Destroy the Lives and Propertys of the Peace- able and well Disposed and also alledging that it is by these Com- ittees that Papers have been Lately Published and wickedly tempt- ing all Persons To Sign them which they Call unlawfull Combina- tion Tinding directly to Civil War and Rebellion This Town knows of no Such Paper if it be the Non Consumption agreement enterd and Entering into thro this and the Neighbouring Provinces that is pointed at we take it upon us to Say that we much approve of v Same that if Strictly adhered to will Save our money promote Industry frugallity and our own manufactories and tend dire6tly to Prevent Civill war and Rebellion and after offering their opin- ion of mobs Riots tumults Disorders and y e Proceedings of this Town do Cruelly and with Such Temerity as shews them to be Destitute of that Humanity and Christian Charity which we all in Duty owe one to the other Brand all that dont Joyn with them with the Characters of Enemies of our King and Country violalors of all Law and Civill Liberty the malevolent Disturbers of the Society Subvertors of the Established Constitution and Enemies to man- kind and as it appears by the Said Publication that the Said Pub- lication that is Recorded upon y e Town Book not withstanding the many aspertions and falshoods therein Contained against the People of this Town without the Liberty or Knowledge of the Town Therefore ■J 8 Worcester Town Records. [ x 774- Voted That the Town Clerk do in Presence of the Town obliterate erase or otherwise Deface the Said Recorded Protest and all y e Names thereto Subscribed So that it may become utterly Illegible and Unintelligeable 1 Voted That the method taken by the Leaders in Protisting and Procuring a Very Considerable Number to Sign to the Protest that was not Voters in y e Town we think was a Peice of Low Cunning to Deceive the Publick and make their party appear more Numerous and formidable than it was in Reallity Voted that the Signers of Said Protest on Some of whom the Town have Conferred many favours and Consequently might Expect their Kindest and best Services be Deemed unworthy of hold- ing any Town office of Profit or Honour untill they have made Satisfaction for their offence to the acceptance of the Town which ought to be made as Publick as their Protest was Voted that it is highly needful that those of the Signers who have not made Satisfaction as aforesaid Should be known in futcr it is therefore necessary that their Names Should be hear in- serted as follows (Viz) James Putnam W m Paine Isaac moore John Walker Joshua Johnson Voted y e following admonition be given to the Town Clerk Vizt M' Clark Chandler whereas this Town at their annual Town meeting in March Last as well as for Severall years before Honoured you with Chusing you for their Clerk Relying upon you[r] fidelity that you wod act for the Honour of y e Town find themselves much Disappointed by your Conduct in recording on y e Town Book the Scandalous Protest of "W m Elder John C urtis and 'The requirements of this vote were complied with by the town clerk, who in open meeting with pen and ringer dipped in ink. obliterated the obnoxious entry, so that it is "utterly illegible and unintelligeable." A fac-siniile in heliotype of one page of the defaced record was published with the account of the centennial celebration at Worcester in 1S76. 1 774-] Revolutionary Period. 239 others filled with falshood and Reflections against this Town we have Just Reason to fear you was actuated in the matter by Un- justifyable motives and at this time Exhort you To be more Cir- cumspect in y e Execution of your office and Never give this Town the Like Trouble of Calling a Town Meeting again on Such an Occasion The Town wishes To See your behaviour Such as may Restore you to their former Good Opinion of you Whereas the Comittee of Correspondence for this Town will- ingly Laid all their Procedings before the Town when Requested and it thereby appears Notwithstanding the Ungenerous abuse heaped on them by y e Protestors that they have acted with dili- gince Care and Caution therefore Voted that the Thanks of this Town be and are hereby given to y e Comittee of Correspondence for their Circumspection and that they are directed To go on with their Vigilance in Corresponding with y e other Comittees in y e Severall Towns in this Province — also Voted that the beforegoing Transactions and Proceedings be Recorded in y e Town Book of Records and that an attested Copy be given to the Comittee of Correspondence for them to transmit* to y e Comittee of Corres- pondence for y e Town of Boston To be Published in the Massa- chusetts Gazette and also in y e Massachusetts Spy all which is Humbly Submitted by Joshua Bigelow David Bancroft Jonathan Stone Benj a Flagg Josiah Peirce Sam 1 Curtis Jonas Hubbard Voted this Meeting be adjourned To y e 1 7 th Day of October at one oClock afternoon to hear the Report of Samuel miller & Others Attest Nathan Perry mod r Enterd p? Clark Chandler Town Clerk Worcester ss att a Town meeting held at the Meeting House in the first Parish in Worcester on monday y e 26 Day of September 240 Worcester Town Records. [1774. 1 7 74 for the Choice of a Representative and other matters Con- tained in the Warrant for Calling Said Meeting 1 M r Joshua Bigelow was Chosen Representative 2 M r Joshua Bigelow was Chosen moderator att Clark Chandler Town Clerk 3 on the third Article voted that Mess" Joshua Bigelow David Bancroft Jonathan Stone and Stephen Salisbury be added To the Standing Comittee of Correspondence for the Town 4 On the fourth Article Voted that the purchasing of Cannon be Considered at the adjournment of this Meeting also Voted that Jacob Hemenway Edward Crafts and David Bigelow be a Comittee To Provide Carriages for four Cannon Voted that this Meeting be adjourned To the 1 7 th Day of Oct- ober Next at two oClock afternoon Joshua Bigelow Moderator Enterd from y e original ~$ Clark Chandler Town Clerk Meet on Said 1 7 th Day of October and Dissolved att Clark Chandler Town Clark Worcester ss at a Town Meeting held at the Meeting House in the first Parish in Worcester on Monday the fourth Day of Oct- ober A : D 1774 for To act on the Matters Contained in the war- rants * M r Josiah Peirce was Chosen moderator attest Clark Chandler Town Clerk On the Second Article in the warrant Voted that M r Joshua Bigelow Representative for the Town have Instructions for the Rule of his Conduct at the Great and Generall Court of this Prov- ince On the Third Article Voted that Proper Instructions be Given to M r Timothy Bigelow the Delegate Chosen by the Town To Represent us at the Provincial Congress To be Convened at Con- cord on the Second Tuesday of October Currant JVo. XVI. WORCESTER TOWN RECORDS From 1775 to I 7%3- Edited by FRANKLIN P. RICE. WORCESTER. MASS. : THE WORCESTER SOCIETY OF ANTIQUITY 1882. IT. S. A. CVI. The Worcester Society of Antiquity. ■All acknowledgements ai|d communications relating to ll|o l'uhlicalions of tl|is Society should be addressed to tl|c Librarian, \o. 11, Foster street, Worcester, }&h$. S. E. STAPLES, Librarian. 1 774-] Revolutionary Period. 241 Voted that Mess rs David Bancroft Jonathan Stone Nathan Bald- win Samuel Curtis and Stephen Salisbury be a Committee to draw up the two fore mentioned Instructions and make Report to this meeting in two Hours which Report being Read and the Question being put whither the Town would accept the Same and it passed in y e affirmative and their Report was as follows Worcester 06lb r 4 : 1 7 74 To M r Joshua Bigelow Sir The Free Electors of the Town of Worcester being greatly arlarmed at the Unconstitutional authority assumed by the British Parliament in Severall of their Late acts Some of which already have and others which are Intended To Opperate in this Province To the Intire Subversion of all we hold Valuable in our Charter and which we have an Indubitable Right To Enjoy by the Laws of Nature and by the Principles of the Christian Religion as well as by the Compact Contained in Said Charter Therefore that the Cruel acts that have already been carried into Execution to the ( Ireat I )etriment and Distress of this Province and Dangerous to the Inhabitants of the whole Continent of America may Cease to Operate any Longer To the entire Stoppage of Commerce with Great Brittain the Dishonor of his Majesty and the Parliament and that those other acts which have Not yet Operated may be pre- vented from ever being Carried into Execution and we thereby Reduced to pay obedience To the acts of any future Venal Cor- rupt administration which may deprive us of Life and Property with Impunity for the Prevention whereof and the Security of all and every of our Natural and Charter Rights we have Chosen you to Represent us in the Creat and General Court of this Province Reposing Special Trust in Your Wisdom and fortitude give you the following Instructions as the Rule of your Conduct respecting the particulars hereafter mentioned and not to Recced from the most Rigid Virtue in Recovering and Defending all other our Rights and Libertys herein not Expressly mentioned that may come under Your Consideration 3 1 242 Worcester Town Records. [1774. 1 agreeable to the Recommendation of the Comittees of Cor- respondence for this County in Convention we Instruct you abso- lutely To Refuse to be Sworn by any Officer or Officers but Such as are or may be appointed according To the Constitution or to act as one Branch of the Legislature in Concert with any other Except Such as are or may be appointed and Supported according to the Charter of this Province and that you Refuse To give your attend- ance at Boston while the Town is Invested with Troops and Ships of War and Should there be anything To prevent your acting with Such a Governour and Councill as is Expresly Set forth in the Charter that then you Immediately Repair To the Town of Con- cord and there Joyn in a Provincial Congress with Such other Members as are or may be Chosen for that Purpose To act and Determine on Such Measures as you Shall Judge proper To Ex- tricate this Colony out of its present unhappy Circumstances Thus far Sir has the Body of this County Resolved as proper In- structions for the Representatives that might be Chosen in their Severall Towns To Meet at Salem the former part of which we Should have adopted Verbatim with the addition of Severall other Articles as proper rules for you to have observed as a member of the Great and General Court provided you had Not been Excused and Discharged therefrom by the Governours proclamation the Latter we do adopt as proper to direct you To attend at Concord aforesaid with M 1 ". Tim . Bigelow who we have Chosen To Rep- resent us in the Provincial Congress To be holden there and Strictly adhere To y e Instructions given him for y e Rule of your Conduct in Said Congress respecting the Particulars therein Contained By order of the Comittee David Bancroft Chairman Enterd from To M r Timothy Bigelow Sir as you are delegated To Repre- sent the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester in a Provincial Congress To be Convened at Concord on the Second Tuesday of Octb r . Instant the following is offered and Enjoyned upon you as the Instructions of us your Constituents which you are to observe 1 7 7 4 . ] Ret 'olu tie nary Period. 243 and follow as a member of Said Congress (Vizt) as the first Char- ter given to this Colony was Violated and as we think wrongfully wrested from us by Great Britain and that our Second and Late Charter is Nullifyed and Destroyed by Late acts of the British Parliaments (Vizt) by their assuming the authority of making Laws binding upon us in all Cases whatever and To enforce our Com- pliance have Sent Ships of War and blocked the Port and Harbour of our metropolis and 'Troops in Hostile array To Dragoon the People and the Govemour made Independent of the People for his Support and mantling our Capital in Such a manner as may Reduce the worthy Inhabitants To a military Government Therefore that you Endeavour in the most Peaceable way «.\: Obtain a Redress of the following Greivances first that the Port and Harbour of Boston be opened and the freedom of Trade Re- stored, and the Kings Troops be Removed out of this Province and the Command of the Fortification So Called at the South End of Boston be Resigned to the Inhabitants and y e Commander of the Kings Troops be prohibited from Erecting any fortress or making any Intrenchments within y L ' Town of Boston or Near any of the avenues Leading to it 2 Rl That the Province Store of Ammunition Lately Removed by the Kings Troops from the Arsenal in Charlestown be Returned To the Place from whence it was Taken or into the Care of Such Person or Persons as you Shall appoint To Receive and keep the Same for the use of this Province and that all the ammunition in the Maggazine in Boston be Delivered to the Proper owners if by them Requested 3 rd that Every of those Incorrigeable Enemies to this Country who have lately been appointed by mandamus from his Majesty as Councellors and have accepted a Seat at the Councill Board of this Province and Shall Not Resign their Said office of Councellor before the Second Tuesday of this Instant be Impeached as Trai- tors to the Constitution of this Province and that they be Taken into Custody and Secured for Tryal 4"' That you Endeavour that the Provincial Congress Depute an agent or agents from that Body To go to Cannada and there Treat 244 Worcester Town Records. [1774. with the Inhabitants in y e Name and on y e Behalf of the People of this Province and Establish Such Rules of Conduct to be observed by them and us as may be for the Mutual Benefit of Both and give assurances to them on our Part of that friendship which Some of • their Inhabitants have Nobly Displayed in a Late Generous Do- nation To the oppressed Suffering Poor of Boston for which we would in this Publick manner Return our Gratefull Thanks and which we would willingly Refund in y e Same Species if a Change of Circumstances Required it which God Grant may never be the Case with any of our Generous Benefactors 5 th That if all Infractions on our Right by acts of the British Parliament be not redressed and we Restored to the full Enjoy- ment of all our Priviledges Contained in y e Charter of this Province Granted by their Late Majestys King William and Queen Mary To a Punctillio before the Day of your Meeting That then and in that Case you are to Consider the People of this Province as absolved on their Part from y e obligation therein Contained and to all Intents and purposes reduced to a State of Nature and you are to Exert yourself in Divising ways and means To Raise from the Dissolution of the Old Constitution as from the Ashes of the Phenix a New form wherein all officers Shall be Dependent on the Suffrages of the People for their Existence as Such whatever unfavourable Con- structions our Enemies may put upon Such a Procedure the Exi- gency of our Publick affairs Leaves us no other alternative from a State of Anarchy or Slavery 6 th You are to Give diligent attention To the advice and Result which you may Receive from the Continental Congress Now Sitting at Philadelphia as we Shall Esteem it the greatest Happiness To Have the approbation of our Sister Colonies in all matters Re- specting our mode of Government and therefore if your advices from Said Congress Should Not perfectly Coincide with these our Instructions respecting the mode of Government for this Province you are to desist from acting any further on that matter untill you have our further Instructions anything herein Contained to the Contrary Notwithstanding 1 774.] Revolutionary Period. 245 7"' That whereas the Comission officers in y e Militia of this Province have generally resigned their Comissions and y e People have formed themselves into Military Companies and Chosen offi- cers of their Respective Companies feild officers &c. Notwith- standing all which it is highly Necessary that there be a Captain General] to preside over y* whole we therefore Instruct you that you Endeavour that there be Such a Captain Generall advised To by the Provincial Congress as soon as may be 8 th The foregoing you are to adhere To and Religiously observe in all Respects according to the Nature of your Office and as the way and means fur y e Recovery and Defence of our Rights Lib- ertys and Priviledges By order of the Committee 1 )avid Bancroft Chairman Voted that this meeting be Dissolved Atest Josiah Peirce moderator Enterd from the original V Clark (handler T Clerk Worcester ss at a Town meeting held in Worcester on the Seventeenth Day of October by an adjournment from an adjourn- ment of the 24 th of August Last The Committee appointed on the 22 11 Day of August last to take under Consideration the late acts of the British Parliament & the Question being put whither the Town would accept the Same & on Dabate it appeared that the County Convention had acted on the Same matters therefore Voted not to have the Same Re- corded on the Town Book of Records Also Voted that the Recantation of W" Campbell be Recorded on the Town Book he having given Satisfaction to the Town Voted that he be Restored to favour The aforegoing Votes passed at Said [meeting] Attest Nathan Perry moderator Enterd from the original ^ Clark ( 'handler T Clerk 246 Worcester Town Records. [1774. To the Inhabitants of the Town ot Worcester ; Gen f . Whereas I the Subscriber, with a Number of others, Signed a protest against the Proceedings of this Town, and the Same was published in the Boston Gazette in June Last, wherein the Inhabitants was unjustly reflected upon, in general, and the Committee of Correspondence for this Town in Particular, and also the whole body of Committees of Corrispondence throughout the whole Province, for which I am heartily Sorry and ask the forgiveness of all the inhabitants of the Town, and the Justly offended Publick. and also for any other of- fence, that I may have given by any means, whether in Words or actions, and I heartily Request your acceptance of this Sincere ac- knowledgement, and that if either of the inhabitants has any other particular Charge against me for any perticular of my Conduct, that they would make it known, that I may have the opportunity of giving Christian Satisfaction which I ever Shall Stand ready to Comply with Witness my Hand William Campbell Worcester Oct r . 5 : 1774 Enterd from the original 39 Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester ss at a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 1 7" 1 Day of October at three oClock afternoon 1 M r Josiah Peirce, was Chosen moderator Atest Clark Chandler Town Clerk 2 Voted that the following Sums be granted as follows (viz) Twenty pounds for Support of the poore of the Town ,£20 o o To the Select men to Enable them to pay the mony they Borrowed of the Honble '1 imothy Paine Esqr to Discharge the Execution of Ebenezer Bradish against the assessors Principle 6: 18/ 4 Interest one year Ending the 20th of April Next 8/5 769 To Josiah Peirce & Timo Pigelow a Comittee to Defend a Presentment of the Town 2 18 2 To Wm Vong for 120 feet Plank 9 7^ To Ephraim miliar for 140 feet Plank II 2 To John Chamberlain for 164 feet Plank 13 To William mahon for 50 feet Plank 4 £32 2 8% 1 774.] Revolutionary Period. 247 Jonathan Grout agreed to keep Benony Grout at three Pis- tereens a week one year from this time 3 on the third article for the Inhabitants to bring in a list of their Rateable Estates in order for a Just assessment 4 On the fourth article Voted that y e money Granted in march and may last also the money Granted at this meeting Except the minister tax & takeing care of the meeting House be put in one tax 5" 1 Article Voted that the afore mentioned monies be paid in- to the Town Treasurer (Viz) one half by the first Day of January Next and the other Half by the first Day of march Next Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the 25 th Instant at two oClock afternoon Atest Josiah Peirce, moderator Enterd from the original ~$ Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester ss At a Town meeting held in Worcester by adjourn- ment from monday October 17 : 1774 to the 25 th Instant at two oClock afternoon Voted that the following Sums be Granted for the following Pur- poses (Viz) Voted that the sum of thirty six pounds he Granted to the Select men to purchase Ammunition to Compleat the Town they to be accountable £T,b Voted that the Committee appointed in September last to provide Carriges for four Cannon provide for but three (Viz) the three Small Cannon and Voted that the Sum of thirty Eight pounds be Granted to the Select men for mounting the three Said Cannon they to he accountable for Said Sum 38 O o To Jona Rice the Sum of two pound 12/10 for his time trouble and Expenses in geting the Cannon out of Boston 2 12 10 To Jona Stone the Sum of two pounds for his time Trouble and Expences for geting Cannon out of boston 200 248 Worcester Town Records. [ T 774- To Edward Knight for Carting two Cannon from Brookline 168 To Wm Dana for Carting one Do Do Do 113 4 To Samuel Whitney for Carting one Do Do Do 113 4 ^83 6 2 Voted that the Committee appointed to provide Carriges for the three Small Cannon provide timber directly for the two large Can- non Voted the moneys Granted at this meeting be assest with the monies Granted before Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the Second Tuesday of November Next at one oClock afternoon Attest Josiah Peirce moderator Enterd from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester ss at a Town Meeting held In Worcester on y e Twenty fifth Day of October A : D 1 774 M r Josiah Peirce was Chosen Moderator Attest Clark Chandler Town Clark The Question being put whether the Town would act. on the article Contained in the warrant and it passed in y e affirmative Voted that Mess rs . John Kelso, Nathan Baldwin and Ebenezer Lovell be a Comittee of Inspection To Examine from time To Time the Merchants and Traders of this Town whether they do Not offer for Sale any Goods wares or Merchandise that were in any manner Imported or purchased Contrary To y e Spirit and In- tent of y e Solemn League and Covenant which this Town has En- tered Into The aforegoing Vote passed at S d meeting attest Josiah Peirce Moderator Entered from y e original ~p Clark Chandler Town Clerk 1 7 7 5 . ] Revolutionary Period. 2 49 Worcester ss at a Town Meeting held in Worcester on y e 8"' Day of November A : 1) 1774 from an adjournment from y e 25" 1 of October Last The Question being put whether the Town would Grant any money for to purchase ammunition and Shot for y e Cannon which was Lately ordered by the Town To be mounted and it passed In y e Negative Voted that this Meeting be Dissolved Atest Josiah Peirce, moderator Enterd from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk Worcester ss at a Town meeting held in Worcester on the third Day of January A I) 1775 agreeable to the Warrant first m r Josiah Peirce was Chosen moderator Attest Clark Chandler Town Clerk 2 Article the Question being put whether the Town would Chuse a Comittee of Inspection agreeable to the Recomendation of the Continental Congress to Carry their association into Execution and to Give Said Comittee Such Instructions as the Town Shall think proper «S: it passed in the affirmative Voted that Jonathan Stone, Samuel miliar, Nathan Perry, David Bancroft, Samuel Curtis Silas moore, Jonathan Rice, Thomas Knight Samuel mcraken, Robert Smith, John Green & David Big- elow be a Comittee for the abovesaid purpose also Voted William Yong Nathan Baldwin & Joshua Bigelow be a Comittee to Draw up Instructions for the above said Comittee and Lay the same be- fore the Town at the adjournment of this meeting 3 Article Voted that it is Recommended to the Company of minute men that they Disapline themselves in the miletary art un- till the month of march Next & then the Town to give them prop- er Incouragement after that time 4 Article Voted that William Yong, Nathan Baldwin & Joshua Bigelow be a Comittee to Draw up proper Instructions for the Collectors of Taxes for this Town Respecting the Publick moneys and Lay the Same before the Town at the adjournment of this meeting 250 Worcester Town Records. [ T 775- 5 th Article m r Timothy Bigelow was Chosen to Represent the Town in a Provincial Congress according to a Recommendation of our Late Congress also Voted that Nathan Baldwin, David Ban- croft & Jonathan Stone be a Comittee to draw up Instructions for him and Lay the same before the Town at the adjournment of this meeting 6 th Article Refered to the adjournment of this meeting 1 7 Article the Question being put whether the Town would dispose of the two Largest Cannon belonging to the Town to some one or other Neighbouring Town and it passed in the affirmative Voted that the Select men be a Comittee to dispose of the Said Two Cannon Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the 24 th Instant at two oClock afternoon Atest Josiah Peirce mod r Worcester ss at a Town meeting held in Worcester by an ad- journment from the third Day of January A D 1775 to the 24 th Instant The Comittee appointed to Draw up Instructions for the Com- ittee of Inspection to see that the Recomendation of the Conti- nental Congress be put into Execution made Report as follows — voted that the Committee of Inspection for this Town (Viz) mesr s Jon a Stone, Samuel miliar, Nathan Perry, David Bancroft, Samuel Curtis, Silas moore, Jonathan Rice, Thomas Knight, Samuel m c - raken, Robert Smith, John Green & David Bigelow or any Seven of them be a quorum to Cause the association of the Continental Congress to be Strictly executed agreeable to a recommendation of the Provencial Congress held at Cambridge Dec r 5 ,h 1774 refer- ence thereto being had their Duty may fully appear in the partic- ulars thereof The Comittee appointed to draw up Instructions for the Collect- ors of taxes for this Town made Report as follows 1 Report of the committee to settle accounts with the town treasurer. 1 7 7 5 • ] Revolutionary Period. 251 We the Subscribers being Chosen a Committee to Draw up proper Instructions for the Collectors of taxes for this Town re- specting publick moneys and Lay the same before the Town beg Lave to Report as follows (Viz) That as all publick monies, ever ought to be appropriated for the Greatest publick benefit and our late Provincial Congress have recommended that the Inhabitants of every Town & districk within this Province do oblige and compell their respective constables and Collectors to comply with and execute their Resolve passed in Congress held in Cambridge October 28: 1774 making Henry Gardner Ls(i r of Stow Reciver General &c. We do approve of the Said Resolve and do order and Strickly enjoin upon messr 9 . Jon a . Rice and David Thomas, Collectors of taxes for this Town, to Govern themselves according to Said resolve in paying all the Province monies now in their hands Respectively or which they may either of them Collect by Virtue of any Assessment in any or either of their possessions or that Either of them may hereafter recive from the assessors of this Town until] we otherwise order and we will indemnify them for their Compleance herewith W™ Yong Joshua Bigelow Nathan Baldwin Tie above Report being Laid before the Town and the Question being put whither the Town would accept the same and it passed in the affirmative The Comittee appointed to Draw up Instructions to m r Timothy Bigelow Chosen to Represent this Town in a Provincial Congress to be Holden at Cambridge made Report as follows To m r Timothy Bigelow S r . at this Day of difficulty and tryal in America in General, and in this Province in perticular, by means of Several acts of the British Parliment, whereby we are deprived of the advantage of civil government, agreeable to the Rights, Lib- erties, Priviledges of Englishmen, the Governor of the Province invested with a power of making & unmaking many of our officers in such a maner as Renders our executive & Courts dangerous to the lives, liberties, and properties of all such as shall oppose the 252 Worcester Town Records. [ r 7 7 5 . establishment of a Dispotick Government in this Province, and his being made independent of the people of this Province for his Sallery we apprehend has such influence upon his Conduct that we have Just ground to fear he will pay more regard to the In- structions that he may recive from the British ministry than to the Wellfare of this Province or the English Constitution of Govern- ment He hath allready (we think wantonly) dissolved one General assembly of this Province, and issued writs for calling another, and in an unprecedented maner dissolved said writ before the day on which said Court was to meet ; and no other like to be called that we know off. By these means we being deprived of the ad- vantage of such a General Court or assembly as the Charter of this Province intitles us to, are constrained instead thereof to hold a Provincial Congress agreeable to the Recommendation of our Late Congress held at Cambridge. Therefore we have made Choice of you to represent us in the Said Congress at this critical and im- portant crissis of our publick affairs, when the fate of millions de- pend, upon our wise cool and prudent conduct ; you we make no doubt will be duly Sensible of the great & important trust reposed in you by us your constituents, the uncertainty of events may cause many matters to come under your consideration which will require your utmost fortitude, which we cannot give you perticular instructions upon at this time, but the following we give you as the rule of your conduct Respecting the matters hereafter mentioned (Viz) First That you endeavour that if the Provincial Congress should meet at Cambridge agreeable to the Recomendation of our late Congress that they immediately adjourn from Cambridge to some Town in the Country at a greater distance from Boston Second That you are very Carefull in Disposing of the publick monies especially that you do not give your Consent to any Ex- travagant grants if any such should be proposed to be made to any person or persons for their Services Third That you Endeavour that the members Chosen by our late Provincial Congress to Sitt in a Continental! Congress to be 1 775.] Revolutionary Period. 253 Holden at Philadelphia in may next may be instructed as early in their Sessions as possable to obtain the advice of the members thereof what measures are the most proper for this Province to adopt respecting civil Government, which at this day we are de- prived off. And we determine to rest quietly in this Situation however per- plexing agreable to the recomendation of our late Continental! Congress until! the opperations of their petition to his majesty be Known. Excepting the Commencment of hostilities against us should require the adopting a form of Civil Government for the defence of our lives and properties and under such exigency you are to conduct your Self accordingly and endeavour the best form possable be adopted for the Support of Good order and the liber- ties of the people which we think must and shall make every Ser- vant of the publick Dependant upon the Suffrages of the people for their authority Nathan Baldwin Jonathan Stone The three above mentioned Reports being Laid before the Town for their acceptance the Question being put whether the [Town] would accept the Same as Instructions for the purposes therein mentioned and it passed in the affirmative Josiah Peirce moderator Enterd from the original ^ Clark Chandler T Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the sixth day of march A 1). 1775 after legal warning for the Choice of Town officers c\x and to transact other matters agree- able to the several artickles Contained in the Warrant att said meeting m r William Young was Chosen moderator attest Clark Chandler Town Clerk m r Joshua Bigelow Cap' Benj a Flagg m r William Young Lieu 1 . Josiah Peirce m r Jonathan Stone Lieu' Sam 11 Curtis Deac" Sam" miller Select men & assessors and Overseers of the Poore 254 Worcester Town Recoj'ds. [ T 775- Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Lieu' Nathan Perry Town Treasurer Joshua Whitney David Bigelow Comfort Rice Wardens John Smith Sam 11 m c Craken Constables John Smith was Excused at y e adjournment & m r David Chad- dick was Chosen in his Stead Jonas Hubbard Collector Sam 11 m°Craken Sealer of tannd & Curried leather Timothy Biggelow Ephraim Curtis Clerks of the market David Bigelow Phinehas Ward Surveyors of Bords shingles hoops & staves Nathan Perry Ebenezer Willington Will" 1 mahon Solomon Bixby Sam" Curtis David Bigelow Sam 11 miller Will" 1 Young Jonas Nichos Will" 1 Taylor Daniel Beard Benjamin Whitney James Barber Sur- veyors of the high ways & Collectors of high way Taxes Daniel Johnson Joshua Whitney Fence Viewers Benjamin Stoel William Gates Jonas Nichols Tything men Ebenezer Barber Joseph Barber Deer Reeves Joshua Whitney William Gates Field Drivers William Dana Robert Cook William Brown Solomon Johnson Jun r Sam 11 Eaton Jonas Cutting Joseph miller Joseph Hastings Hog Reeves a County Treasurer voted for Voted on the third artickle in the Warrant that the sum of seven pounds be and hereby is Granted unto Jonas Hubbard for Collect- ing the Taxes the Currant year and that he give bond with suffi- cient Bondsmen to the Town Treasurer to pay the money that shall be Granted & assessed the Currant year and Commited to him to Collect On the fourth artickle Voted that One Hundred pounds be & hereby is Granted for the support of the schools the Currant year, which with the school Intrest money being five pounds be ap- plied for the support of schools in the same way and manner as was voted the last year, Excepting the alteration made by the 1 7 7 5 • ] Revolutionary Period. 255 following grants of Petitions on file (viz) Voted that Thomas Nichols, Will'" nV'Farland, Jacob Chamberlain, Joseph Wyley, Paul Kingston,, John Chamberlain & Thadeus Chamberlain have such Proportion of School money as they Pay to be imployed in schooling their Children. Voted that Josiah Knight and Jonathan Lovel be taken of from Curtises Quarter and be aded to Peirces Quarter for schooling. Voted that Parkers quarter or district for Schooling be allowed to be Divided by the inhabitants of said quar- ter into two Distinct Districts as they shall agree. Voted that the following persons be a Committee to provide School masters the Currant year (viz) Timothy Bigelow for the Crammer school Samuel Mower, William MTarland, Samuel Clark, William Cates, Comfort Rice, Solomon Bixby, Noah Jones, John Greene, Robert Smith & Ezekiel How for English schools. Voted that Amos Wheeler, Joseph Sprague and David Thomas have their school money provided that they be under the direction of the Committee man of Tatneck quarter for the laying out & disposing of the same Voted on the fifth artickle that Sam" Brown David Bancroft and William Dana be a Committee to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer. Voted on the sixth artickle that the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds be Granted Levied and assessed on the poles and Estates in said Town the Currant year to be Expended in building Bridges & Causeyways and repairing such as are decayed and in puting & keeping the Roads in good repair the Currant year and that the same wages be allowed labourers at the highway as was the last year, and that the same be worked out by or before the first day of October next and that the Select mene squadron out to Each Surveyor the persons that shall work under them so that Each Surveyor have a tax in proportion to his Labor, and that such of the inhabitants as worked out more than his or their tax the last year be allowed for the same out of the present years tax he or they producing proper Certificates thereof, and those that have not worked out their last years tax may have liberty to work out the same provided they do it by or before the twenty fifth day of June next 256 JYorccstei' Town Records. [ 1 7 7 5 . Voted that the Seventh artickle 1 be refered to the adjournment of this meeting. On the Eighth artickle Voted Liberty for the swine to go at large provided they are yoked & ringed according to law. Voted that the ninth artickle- be refered to the adjournment of this meeting. Voted that the Tenth artickle 3 be refered to the adjournment of this meeting Voted that the Eleventh artickle 4 be refered to the adjournment of this meeting. On the twelfth artickle Voted that mess rs Joshua Bigelow Sam 11 miller & Nathan Perry be a Committee to treat with m r Simon Gates and all such persons as own land, through which the Select men have lately laid out a road leading from the Country Road near Elisha Gurneys to micah Johnsons Respecting the Damages they severally do or shall sustain by means of Said Road being laid through their lands and make report at the adjournment of this meeting. Voted that the thirteenth artickle 5 be Refered to the adjourn- ment of this meeting. On the fourteenth artickle Voted that the Select men be a Com- mittee to take proper Care of the Town stock of ammunition Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the 20 th Day of march Instant at one of the clock afternoon at this place Will™ Young moderator Entered from the Origonal attest ~ft Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Worcester ss. march 6 1775 Then Came before me the sub- scriber one of his majestys Justices of the peace for the County of Worcester the following persons Elected into the following offices in the Town of Worcester namely. 1 Refers to ministerial interest money. •' 1,J These articles have reference to new roads. 17/5- 1 Revolutionary Period. 257 Joshua Bigelow, Benjamin Flagg, William Young, Josiah Peirce, Samuel miller Chosen assessors — Nathan Perry Town Treasurer — Joshua Whitney David Bigelow & Comfort Rice Wardens — Sam- uel nV'Craken Constable — Jonas Hubbard Collector of taxes — Samuel nV'Craken Sealer of Tanned & curied leather — Timothy Bigelow Clerk of the market — David Bigelow, Phinehas Ward Sur- veyors of Bords hoops &c — Nathan Perry, Ebenezer Willington, William mahan, Solomon Bixby, Samuel Curtis, David Bigelow Sam" miller William Young, Jonas Nichols, William Taylor, Daniel Beard & Benjamin Whitney Surveyors of high ways and Collectors of the high way Tax-Daniel Johnson, Joshua Whitney fence Viewers — Benjamin Stoel, William Cates Jonas Nichols Tything men — Joseph Barber Deer Reeve — Joshua Whitney n the third artickle Voted that the sum of Twenty pounds be Chanted to the Select men to enable them to support the poor and they to give account to the Town how the same be laid out v£ 2 ° ° ° ( >n the fourth [artickle] Voted that the sum of Eighty pounds be Chanted to the Revd. Mr Mecarty for his Sallery Commencing in June next So ( )n the fifth artickle Voted that the Sum of three pounds be granted to the select men to be applied towards taking ('are of the meeting house and ringing the bell and they to account to the Town for the same 3 Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 29 th clay of mav instant to meet at this place at five oClock after noon Will 1 " Young moderator Entered from the Origonal ~fi Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester held by adjournment from may the 22 nd to may y e 29 instant On the Petition of Jacob Hemingway, Robert Gray, James m c - Farland, Sam" Miller, Ephraim miller, W" Jenison Sterne, John Moore, and Moses Miller, Praying that they might be allowed to have their own school money and lay it out among themselves for the education of their Children they being very remote from those schools that are kept. Voted that the prayer of this petition be granted for the present year and that the money be under the inspection of the Commit- tee man for that quarter. 2 64 Worcester Town Records. [ 1 7 7 5 . The Committee Chosen by the Town at their last meeting to draw up proper instructions to be given to M r . David Bancroft Re- specting his Conduct in the Provincial Congress Returned the fol- lowing and the Town by a unanimous vote accepted the same which is as follows. To M r David Bancroft S r . The Town of Worcester having Chosen you their Delegate to Represent them in the Provincial Congress to be Convened and held at Watertown upon the 31 st Day of may Instant and so de die in diem during their Session & Sessions for six months from the said 31 st day of may and no long- er. And notwithstanding the high Opinion we have of your in- tegrity, wisdom, and fortitude, think it our Duty to give you our perticular instructions Relative to some matters that may Come under your Consideration, and when anything Extraordinary of a publick nature Occurs that Concerns your duty as our Represent- ative, we injoyn it upon you that you take our further perticular instructions upon the matter if in your power. Especially at this time, when a Corrupt Despotick ministry with a wink or a nod rules both the King and Parliment of Great Britain with such ab- solute sway that they are but a meer nose of Wax turned and moulded any, and every way to answer Despotick purposes, Over- throw the English Constitution of Government and plunder the americans of both liberty & Property. From hence our Charter Nullified our Governor made Despot- ick and independant of the people, our Judges of our Court De- pendant upon the King for both their place & pay, Jurors to be packed by a dependant Sherrif, a law purporting for the Kings of- ficers if they please to murder the Kings subjects in this Province with impunity, the port and harbour of Boston blocked up and our trade stoped untill we shall pay for tea we know not how much, and destroyed by we know not who, and if we Comply and pay for said Tea then all the wharves, Docks, Quays, landing places, and Shores within the port and harbour of Boston are forfieted in- to the hands, and are to be at the Disposal of his present majestie and his successors for ever, the Town of Boston reduced to milla- tary goverment, the Governor of the Province sending out troops 1 775-] Revolutionary Period. 265 into the Country frequently who have Robed and plundered the publick stores maggazines &c, and Destroyed private property, and to compleat the secene have murdered and butchered a great number of our peaceable quiet inhabitants and loyall subjects of his majesty. ( )ur legislative authority according to Charter De- Stroyed, and we Drove to the necessity instead thereof to hold a Congress and as the spiritual ruin was designed against us as well as temporal, the Romish Religion is established in the largest Gov- erment upon the Continent Civil Goverment the former security of life and property we are deprived off and under the Disagreeable necessity of taking up armes and Defending ourselves against Brit- ains who ought to Joyn with us in the defence of our lives rights, liberties, and the English Constitution, the only safe bassis of his majestvs throne. These are but a part of the acts of that legislature that Claims a right to make laws binding upon us in all Cases whatever. Under these accumulated oppressions and Tyrannical acts of the British Parliment, it behoves you to steer clear of those Rocks that have dashed the constitutional liberties of our fellow subjects in Great Britain & threaten us in america. The millions upon millions of the national debt hath arisen (as we think not by misfortune but) by exorbitant grants to placemen and pensioners. You are therefore in all (bants of the Publick money to be es- pecially Careful] that no more is given to any person for his services than an adequate pay for the same, & that no person be allowed to live in luxury and idleness or become oppulently rich at the publick expense, there is nothing in a well ordered Goverment that requires it ; and in whatever Community it is allowed they are raising such another tribe of Tyrants to destroy themselves as we are now Justly fighting against, this nothing for its illustration but to take a Retrospective view of the Conduct of some persons of this Town as well as other parts of the Province. God grant that this Country may never produce any more such ingrates. The difficulties we labor under for want of an Established civil Goverment necessitates us to Injoyri it upon you that you endeav- or that advice of the Grand Continental Congress be obtained upon 34 266 Worcester Town Records. [ r 775- that matter, and that we have such a form of Goverment Estab- lished as that every officer in it be dependant upon the Suffrages of the people for their place & pay. And as General Gage Com- mander in chief of his majestys forces in america hath since he has been in Boston sent out his troops into the Country who have robed plundered and murdered a number of his majestys loyal sub- jects, and by fraud disarmed the inhabitants of Boston and by breach of solemn Contract detains some of them prisoners in Bos- ton and been guilty of such conduct as is not only unchristian and Derogatory to the Character of a good Soldier, but would be a dis- grace to a savage. You are therefore as far as is Consistent with the nature of your office to give all the aid and assistance in your power towards sub- jecting him and the army under his Command and Recovering the property both publick & private that they have unjustly taken away, and that he and the murderers under his Command may be brought to Condign punnishment, and that the Estates of our Do- mestick Enemies may be secured for the Publick use. You are also to Endeavor that proper measures be taken to supply this Collony with arms ammunition and all warlike stores necessary for defence, and to take proper measures for keeping up harmoney and Union with all our Sister Collonies. Will" 1 Young *|3 ord of the Committee Worcester may 29 1775 Entered from the Origonal Nathan Baldwin T Clerk — Will" 1 Young moderator At a Town meeting legally warned and held at the meeting House in Worcester by the freeholders and other inhabitants of said Town quallified to vote for a Representative the Currant year. A motion was made & seconded to see if the Town would pro- ceed to choose one or more persons to Represent them in a Great and General Court the Currant year, and the question being put it passed in the affirmative. Then a motion was made and the question put to see if the Town would choose more than one per- son to Represent them and it passed in the negative. 1 7 75 - J Revolutionary Period. 267 Then M r . David Bancroft was chosen to Represent said Town the Currant year in the General assembly Attest Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Then a motion was made and the question put to see if the Town would reconsider their vote for choosing but one person to Repre- sent them and the question being put it passed in the Negative. Then a motion was made and the question put to see if the Town would give instructions to their Representative and it passed in the affirmative. Upon a motion being made to choose a Committee to draw up proper instructions to be given to the Representative and make Report thereof to the Town Voted that Mess rs . Nathan Baldwin, John Nazro, Sam" Curtis, David Bigelow, and Asa Moore be a Committee for said purpose. Voted that this meeting be adjourned to fryday the 14"' day of July instant at six oC lock in the after noon to be held at this place. Attest Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting house in Worcester by adjournment from monday July the 10"' 1775 to fryday July 14 th 1775 at six oClock in the afternoon. A motion was made & seconded to see if the Town would Re- consider their vote for choosing but one Representative passed at the last meeting and it passed in the affirmative a motion was then made and seconded to see if the Town would adjourn the meeting to some future Day for the choice of some other person to Represent them in the Ceneral assembly and the question being put it passed in the Negative. Then M 1 '. Joshua Bigelow was chosen to Represent said Town in Colleague with m r . David Bancroft who was chosen at last meet- ing. Then Voted that the instructions for the Representative re- ported by the Commitee chosen at last meeting be accepted, upon condition that the precept be returned to the Select men, and m r . Joshua Bigelows name be incerted in the Return, and that the in- structions be Directed to mess r \ David Bancroft and Joshua Big- elow and then Voted that this meeting be Dissolved Attest Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk 268 Worcester Town Records. [i?75- At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 23 rd day of October A D 1775 after being legally warned to acl; on the artickles Contained in the warrant for said meeting. at said meeting M r . William Young was Chosen moderator Attest 'Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk On the second artickle Voted that the following sums of money be Granted (viz) To Mr. Joshua Bigelow for his attendance one the Congress at Concord & Cambridge Twenty two Days in the year 1774 £(> 10 o To mr David Bigelow for 37 feet of plank for mending Bridges o 2 8 On the third artickle voted that the inhabitants shall forthwith bring in an Invoice of their Pols and Ratable Estate to the assors. On the fourth artickle Voted that the money Granted in march & may last as also the money now Granted at this meeting be as- sessed in one tax, Except the ministers tax and the money Granted for sweeping the meeting House & Ringing the Bell. On the fifth artickle Voted that the money Granted as affore- said be one half of it paid into the Town Treasurer in the month of January next, and the other half in the month of march next insuing. Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 13 th Day of November next at one OClock in the afternoon to meet at this place att W" Young modera'" r Entered from the Origonal ^ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 13 th Day of November 1775 by adjournment from October y e 23 1775 On the second artickle in the Warrant, Voted to grant the fol- lowing sums of money (viz) I775-] Revolutionary Period. 269 Unto Mr. Timothy Bigelow Towards paving him fur his services in attending upon the Congress at Concord and at Cambridge £6 10 O To the Select men to Enable them to pay the Com- mittee for mounting the Cannon and provideing the necessary Utencils for the same 17 19 11 To Mr. Jonathan Rice Collector for the years 1772 & 1773 the following persons Rates he not being able to Collect them viz John Murray for his son Daniel John Smith Hatter for one pole Daniel Gleason Richard Kelley for his son James Mason ( Hiver Peirce Jonathan Bancroft Nathaniel Bancroft Edmond Nichols To Mr. Ehenezer Wiswall for mending the meeting House Windows o 1 S To Mr. Solomon Johnson Junr. for mending the wheel of the meeting House Bell o 18 o To the Town Treasurer to make up the Deficiency of Jonathan Rices Collections in the years 1772 & 1773 3 1 o' 10 8 10 8 10 6 4 *H 8 iK, 8 \% 2 9 2 9 2 9 Further Granted to Mr Jonathan Rice the following persons Rates (viz ) James Conway o 10 8 Michael Katen o 10 8 Jonathan Stone o 10 8 Ephraim Harrington o 3 Iljkj Peter Buck o 10 8 Samll McCraken for Paul Gates o 10 8 Entered from the Origon'al Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting Held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 13 th Day of November A I) 1 775 after legal warn- for the same. To act on the matters Contained in the Warrant, M r William Young was Chosen moderator Attest Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk 270 Worcester' Town Records. [ r 776. The second artickle 1 in the Warrant was Dismissed On the third artickle Voted that mess rs . Sam" rm'Craken, Joshua Whitney, & Ebenezer Lovel be a Committee to make inquiry what moneys belonging to the Town is in the hands of any and all the former Collectors & make Report thereof to the Town att the an- nual Town meeting in march next. Voted that all such Collect- ors' of Taxes as have any of the Towns money in their hands pay the same forthwith into the hands of M r Nathan Perry Town Treas- urer. Att W m Young moderator Entered from the Origonal ~$ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting Held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 22 nd Day of January A 1) 1 776 at two of the Clock in the afternoon, after legal warning for the same to act on the mat- ters Contained in the Warrant for said meeting. On the first artickle in the Warrant Chose M r . William Young moderator. On the second artickle Voted to make Choice of Two persons to serve as civil officers (viz as Justices of the peace) Then proceeded and by Vote made Choice of M r Samuel Curtis to serve in said office, and then by Vote made Choice of m r . William Young to serve in said office. Then Voted that this meeting be Dissolved Attest W" 1 Young moderator Entered from the Origonal "^ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on on monday the 22 nd Day of January at four of the Clock in the afternoon A 1) 1 776 after legal warning for the same to act on the matters Contained in the Warrant for said meeting. On the first artickle m r . William Young was Chosen moderator 1 "To See if the Town will Choose a Collector to Collect the Taxes the Currant Year: The Collector Chosen in march last lieinij absent." 1 776. ] Revolutionary Period. 271 On the second artickle Voted that the sum of Three pounds sixteen shilings cS: Eleven pence 5 8 ths be & hereby is Granted to m r Nathan Perry Town Treasurer, to make up the Deficiency of M r . Jonathan Rices Collections in the years A D 1772 & A I) 1773 Then Voted that this meeting be Dissolved att \V". Young moderator Entered from the origonal "^ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on mou lay the 26" 1 Day of February A 1) 1776 after legal warning for the same to act on the matters contained in the Warrant for said meeting. On the first artickle in said warrant mr William Young was cho- sen moderator attest Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk ( )n the second artickle M r . William Taylor was Chosen Collect- or of Taxes for the year 1775 m tne Room of m r . Jonas Hubbard who was chosen to said office in march last, But now being absent on the Publick Service. The above named William Taylor was sworn to the faithfull discharge of the office of Collector as the law Directs. And agreed to Collect the Taxes for the year 1775 for and in Consideration of the Towns paying him five pounds Twelve shilings att W" 1 Young moderator Kntered from the Origonal ^ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 4 th Day of march AD 1776 after legal Warning for the Choice of Town officers &c and to transact other matters agreeable to the several artickles Contained in the Warrant at said meeting m r . William Young was Chosen moderator att 8 . Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk 272 Worcester Town Records. [1776. Benjamin Flagg William Young Josiah Peirce Jonathan Stone Samuel Curtis Samuel miller David Bigelow Chosen Select men Over seers of the poore and assessors Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Nathan Perry Town Treasurer Samuel m c 'Craken Samuel Bridge Constables Noah Jones Daniel Boyden Wardens William Taylor Collector of Taxes Samuel m c Craken Sealer of tand & Curied leather Stephen Salisbury Ephraim Curtis Clerks of the market Jacob Hemingway Daniel Bigelow Ju r . Surveyors of bords shingles & hoops Nathan Perry Ebenezer Willington William Mahan Solomon Bixbe Sam 11 Curtis David Bigelow Sam" Miller William Young Jo- nas Nichols William Taylor Daniel Beard Benjamin Whitney James Barber Surveyers of highways & collectors of highway Taxes, they Each of them was Chosen the last year and by a Vote of the Town Continued surveyors of highways and Collectors of highway taxes the Currant year Daniel Johnson Joshua Whitney Fence Viewers Levi Houghton Samuel Whitney Thomas Drury Tithingmen Ebenezer Barber Joseph Barber Deer Reeves Benjamin Stoel James Moore Field Drivers Benjamin Whitney John Goodwin John Elder Joseph Sprague Jonathan Flagg Nathan Heard Thomas Rice Ju r . Samuel dates Hog Reeves On the Second artickle Voted that the Committees of Corres- pondence and Inspection heretofore Chosen for this Town be Dis- missed from their said offices Nathan Baldwin Nathan Perry Asa Moore Ezekiel How Levi Lincoln Chosen Committee of Correspondence Inspection & safety Voted for a Regester of Deeds & Conveyances of Lands and the votes were as follows viz 1776.] Revolutionary Period. 273 Nathan Baldwin had 77 votes Manassah Smith 14 Joseph Henshaw 3 Nathan Perry 1 William Young 1 Voted for a County Treasurer and the votes were as follows viz Steven Salisbury had 1 1 votes William Young 13 Do& r Elijah Dix 22 Nathan Baldwin 1 On the third artickle M r . William Taylor was Chosen Collector of Taxes the Currant year and agreed to do that service for six pounds, and to give bond with sureties for his faithfull performance of said service Voted that the sum of six pounds be and hereby is Granted to the said William Taylor to pay him for said service On the fourth artickle Voted that the sum of one Hundred pounds be & hereby is Granted for the support of the schools the Currant Year, which with the school Intrest money being five pounds be applied for the support of schools in the same way and manner as was voted the last year. Voted that the following persons be a Committee to provide school masters the Currant year (viz) Samuel Bridge for the Cram- mer School, Peter Johnson, James Barber, Daniel Harris, Francis Harrington, William mTarland, Deacon Samuel miller, Solomon Bixbe, Benjamin Stoel, Comfort Rice, Noah Jones, and David Chadwick, for English Schools. On the fifth artickle Voted that mess rs . Stephen Salisbury, Sam- uel Brown and Doc~t r Elijah Dix be a Committee to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer and Report to the Town On the sixth artickle Voted that no highway tax be granted the Currant year, but that the surveyors & Collectors of high Way Taxes Chosen the last year be Continued in their Respective of- fices, and cause all the arrears of the high way taxes to be worked out the Currant year in keeping the Publick and Town Roads in repair 35 274 Worcester Tozun Records. [ T 776. On the seventh artickle Voted that the swine may go at large they being Yoked & ringed according to law On the Eighth artickle the Select men Reported that the money arising by the sale of the ministerial Lands is in the hands of the following persons (viz) William Young & Robert Henry £ ll(i ° ° David Sanderson, John Stoel & Jonathan Marble John Child, Isaac Smith & Jonas Ward Palmer Goulding, John Boyden & Cornelius Stoel David Thomas and Joseph Wyley EbenezerWillington & Edward Knight John Boyden & James Nichols Phinehas Ward, Samuel Curtis & David Richardson David Bigelow & Jonas Ward £367 2 10 and that they have Received the whole of the intrest money arris- ing by the sale of said lands, and have paid the same to the Rev d , Thadeus mecarty and taken his Receipts for the same up to No- vember the i st 1775 Therefore Voted that the Select men be Discharged of said intrest Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 18 th Day of march Instant three OClock in the afternoon to meet at this place att £ W m . Young moderator Entered from the Origonal *$ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk all the affores d officers are duely sworn Except Noah Jones & Daniel Boyden Wardens. Tho s . Drury Tithingman Eben r Bar- ber Deer Reeve. James Moore field Driver. Nathan Heard hog- reeve. 5° 40 35 17 10 20 13 6 8 33 6 8 22 15 35 J 6 8 1776.] Revolutionary Pei'iod. *75 Att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester by adjournment from monday march y e 4 th to monday march y e 18 th 1776 m r . William Young being moderator Voted that the ninth artickle 1 be Dismissed On the Tenth artickle the Select men laid before the [meeting a] list of persons names liable by law, and which they Judged able and quallified to serve on Petit Jurors, out of which the Town se- lected one third part to serve as Jurors at the superior Court of Judicature Court of assize and Ceneral Gaol Delivery, Namely Ezekiel How Noah Jones Jonathan Stone David Bigelow Thomas Wheeler James ( Joodwin Samuel Woodbum Samuel Miller Silas Moore Stephen Salisbury Fbenezer Lovel Comfort Rice Josiah Peirce Peter Johnson William I )ana John Fisk Amos Wheeler Jonathan Phillips William dates Asa Moore William Young Timothy Bigelow Samuel Curtis Nathan Perry Nathaniel Moore Benjamin Flagg John Kelso David Bancroft Benjamin Stoel Daniel Bigelow Jur and the Remainder of list to serve as Jurors in the Inferior Court of Common pleas and Court of Ceneral sessions of the peace namely. Thomas Nickels Joseph Barber Samuel Brown Lemuel Rice Thomas Drury Jur Jonathan Fisk Khenezer Wiswall Solomon Bixbe Jabob I lolmes Jur v Robert < Iray Josiah Harrington fur John Barber Nathaniel Brooks Solomon Johnson fur 1 taniel Harris Thomas Eaton David Chadwick Samuel ( 'lark Joseph Hastings Levi Houghton John Nazro Peter Boyden David Thomas Joseph Sprague Jonathan Elagg Elisha Gurney James Barber William Johnson Ephraim Miller Robert Crawford Richard Pratt Ebenezer Willington Joshua Whitney Noah Harris Jonathan Lovel John Moore Robert Smith William Taylor Oliver Curtis James Trowbridge Simon ( rates Joseph Wyley 'To see if the town would pay for a road laid through the land of Francis Cutting. 276 Worcester Town Records. [1776. Benjamin Whitney Isaac Willard Jonathan Gleason Samuel mcCraken Jonas Nichols Cypron Stevens Reuben Gray Jonathan Stone Jur Joseph Miller William McFarland James Moore Asa Ward Moses Miller Thomas Beard Jur Samuel Bridge Daniel Beard Samll Goddard John Smith and Voted that their Names be put into sepperate Boxes according to Law. The foregoing Votes was passed at said meeting. And then voted that this meeting be Dissolved att'. W m . Young moderator Entered from the Origonal Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Att a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 18 th Day of march AD 1776 after legal warning for said meeting On the first artickle m r . William Young was Chosen moderator On the second artickle the Committee Chosen in march last to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer made the following Re- port which was accepted (viz) We the Subscribers being Chosen a Committee to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer and having Exammined his accounts find the same Right Cast and well Vouched (viz) that he hath Rec' 1 in £^7 T 2 9" 2 paid out 308 8 10-3 Ballance Due to the Town in the 9 3 10-3 Treasurers hand Sam" Brown Worcester march 18 th 1776 David Bancroft On the third artickle Voted that the Inhabitants of Tatnick quar- ter for schooling be allowed under the Direction of their school Committee man to lay out this present year in schooling the money that was Granted to said quarter in the year 1 774. 1776.] Revolutionary Period. -/ 1 On the fourth artickle voted that the Inhabitants of this Town shall give into the select men the .true number of persons belong- ing to Each of their families. The fifth artickle 1 was Refered to the adjournment of this meet- ing On the sixth artickle Cap'. James Goodwin & M r . Daniel Big- elow Ju r . was Chosen a Committee to Inspect the behavior of such persons as tarry in the meeting House on Sabbath Days between meetings and if they shall discover any misbehavior that they in- form lawful] authority of the same that offenders may be punnished Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the annual meeting in may next att'. \V" Young moderator Entered from the origona.1 ~p> Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on thursday the 23 d day of may A D 1776 after legal Warning for the same to act on the several artickles Contained in the Warrant at S' 1 meeting M r . William Young was Chosen moderator att' Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk at said meeting the following sums of money was Granted (viz) To the Revd. Mr. Mecarty for his support & Sallery the present year £90 To the select men to enable them to support the poore of this town the Currant year 20 To Mr. John Waters for taking (.'are of the meeting House the Currant year 3 To the select men to enable them to pay for Ringing the bell the Currant year 1 4 To Mr Francis Cutting to pay him for a Road laid through his land 6 1 3 4 On the fifth artickle voted that the inhabitants of this Town have liberty to set up horse stables upon the Common near the meeting House their Complying with the orders and Directions of Mess". Thomas Wheeler, Nathan Perry, and Robert Smith. ' Report of the committee to look alter outstanding monies. 278 Worcester Town Records. [ l 77^- at said meeting a motion was made & seconded to see if the Town would support Independence if it should be declared, the question was put and the Town Voted Unanimously that if the Continental Congress should declare the american Collonies inde- pendant of great Britain that they will support the measure with their lives and fortunes, and that the Town Clerk serve M r Joshua Bigelow Representative for this Town with a Coppy of said vote for his instruction at this time. The foregoing votes was passed at said meeting and then voted to Dissolve the meeting att' W m Young moderator Entered from the Origonal ^ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester July 8 th 1 776 after legal warning for the same to act on the artickles Contained in the Warrant for said meeting 1 at said meeting William [Young] Esq r was Chosen moder- ator att'. Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk 2 On the second artickle Voted that a sum of money be grant- ed sufficient to augment the Bounty of each soldier called for at this time from this Town nine pounds in addition to the Bounty granted by the General Court, and then Voted that the sum of four Hundred & Eighty six pounds be and hereby is Granted for said purpose, which sum is to be assessed upon the poles & Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town ^^486 o o Voted that Cap' Israel Jennison Cap' Ebenezer Lovel &: m r . Robert Smith be a Committee to hire the afforesaid sum of four Hundred & Eighty six pounds in behalf of the Town for the pur- pose afforesaid. 3 On the third artickle M r . Nathan Baldwin was Chosen to take Recognizances and acknowledgments for the payment of Debts of any sum not Exceeding twenty pounds. Then Voted that this meeting be Dissolved. The afforegoing votes was passed at said meeting att'. W". Young moderator 1776.] Revolutionary Period. 279 aug" 2S lh 1776 the above Named Nathan Baldwin was sworn to the faithful] Discharge of his S' 1 office as the law Directs see ( Certificate on file Entered from the origonal ~{- J Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 26 day of august A D 1 7 76 after legal Warning for the same to aft on the several artickles Contained in the Warrant. at said meeting William Young Esq 1 ", was Chosen moderator att Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk On the second artickle in the Warrant a motion was made & seconded to see if the Town was willing to have a hospital Erected in this Town for Carrying on Innoculation for the small pox, and the Question was put, and it passed in the negative. Then voted that this meeting be Dissolved. the afforegoing votes was passed at said meeting. att 1 Will'" Young moderator Entered from the Origonal *$ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting Held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 30 th day of September A I) 1776 after legal warning for the same to act on the several artickles Contained in the War- rant. at said meeting William Young Esq was Chosen moderator On the second artickle a Reigester of Deeds & conveyances of lands was voted for and the votes being sorted & Counted were as follows viz for Nathan Baldwin 49 for manasseh Smith 2 for Dan- iel Bigelow 1 for Joseph Henshaw 1 On the third artickle a County Treasurer was voted for and the votes being sorted and Counted were as follows (viz) for Nathan Perry 29 for Stephen Salisbury 6 for William Young 2 280 Worcester Toivn Records. [_ l 77&' On the fourth artickle Voted That Considering the importance of forming a new mode of goverment for this state agreeable to a resolve of the General assembly of the 1 7 of Sep r . Instant, and the propriety of all the freemen in the state having a fair oppertu- nity to give their voice in the matter, and the great number of the free men of this Town being absent for the Defence of this and the other american states this artickle be refered to the adjournment of this meeting. Then voted this meeting be adjourned to the third monday in December next to meet at this place at one OClock after noon att W m Young moderator Entered from the Origonal Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk [The Declaration of Independence is here recorded with the following order of the Council :] In Council, July 17 th 1776 Oj'dered, That the Declaration of Independence be print- ed ; and a coppy sent to the ministers of each Parish, of every Denomination, within this State; and that they severally be reqired to read the same to their Respective Congregations, as soon as divine service is ended, in the afternoon, on the first lords day after they shall have Received it : — And after such Publication thereof, to deliver the said Declaration to the Clerks of their sev- [er]al Towns, or Districts ; who are hereby Required to record the same in their respective Town or District Books, there to Remain as a Perpetual Memorial thereof. R Derby, Jun r . President In the Name and by Order of the Council, A true Coppy Attest John Avery Dep. Sec'y Entered from the origonal and examined 38 Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the publick meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 21 st day of October A D 1776 after legal 1776.] Revolutionary Period. 281 warning for the same to act on the Several artickles Contained in the Warrant 1 at said meeting William Young Esq' was Chosen moderator 2 On the second artickle the following sums of money was granted for the following purposes viz To Samll mcCraken for Removing Abraham Xiles ami his family from Worcester to Graftown £o 1 8 To Mr Joshua Bigelow for his attendance at the General Court 7 5 To (apt micafa Johnson for 550 feet of plank for bridges 2 4 To Capt Palmer Goulding for ringing the bell three years ending march 1776 3 16 To Mrs Abigail Fullerton for a Coffin for Benoni Grout o 8 To mr Thomas Drewry for pay for a road laid through his land 228 To the Select men for numbering the people (viz) To (olio Benja Flagg £0 6 Jona Stone 6 Josiah Peirce 6 Two days Coppying [ 8 Willm Young Esqr 6 Samll Curtis Esqr 6 David Bigelow 4 Deacon Samll miller 6 To Mr David Bancroft for his attendance at the Congress in the year 1775 6 o 3 The third artickle 1 not acted on 4 On the fourth artickle Voted that the money granted in march & may last and also the money granted at this meeting be assessed upon the poles and Estates of the inhabitants of this Town in one tax excepting the Rev d m r mecartys sallery and pay for taking Care of the meeting House. 1 For the inhabitants to bring in lists of polls and estates. 36 282 Worcester Toivn Records. [ 1 776. 5 On the fifth artickle voted that the whole of the money granted the currant year be paid into the Town Treasurer in the following manner (viz) the one half the first day of January next, and the other half the first of march next. [Sixth article: "For all persons who have any Demands on the Town to bring them in, in order for adjustment."] 7 & 8 The seventh 1 & eighth' 2 artickles refered to the adjourn- ment of this meeting. 9 On the ninth artickle Voted that the inhabitants belonging to the south Parrish 3 in Worcester be exempted from paying any tax for raising a sum of money for augmenting the soldiers bounty that are gone to New York, that was granted by this Town in July last. 10 On the tenth artickle Voted to pay m r . David Bancroft for his attendance at the Provincial Congress, and also Votted him the thanks of this Town for his Gift of one pound fifteen shilings of his wages. 1 1 On the Eleventh artickle M r . Nathan Baldwin informed the Town that he had been requested by his brethren of the Commit- tee of Correspondence &c of this Town to withdraw his motion for a Dismission from said office, and for that and some other reasons he withdrawed his motion. Therefore the town voted not to act. anything further on said artickle Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 28 th day of this Instant at two OClock after noon to meet at this House. att'. W" Young Moderator Entered from the Orieonal Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester by adjournment from monday the 21 st day of October A I) 1776 to mandav the 28 th Day of October Instant '"To see if the Town will grant a sum of money to pay the minute men for training relative to a former vote." 2 •'For the Town to bring in their votes fur a County Treasurer.*' s That part afterwards incorporated ;is the town of Ward, now Auburn. 1776.] Revolutionary Period. 283 William Young Esq r being moderator. Voted on the second artickle that M r . David Thomas Collector of taxes for the year 1774 be abated and discharged from the fol- lowing persons taxes (viz) Jonathan Bancroft £o 7 3 John Cummins 7 3 Edmund Nichols 7 3 David Richards 7 3 Francis Cutting I pole 7 3 Widdow mahan Do 7 3 Daniel Haven 7 3 Thomas Nichols 7 3 Jonathan Stone Jur. 1 8 Jonathan Bartlet 7 3 £3 5 2 3 Voted that three pounds five shilings and two pence three far- things be and hereby is Granted to M r . Nathan perry Town Treas- urer to make up the above deficiencys in m r . David Thomas 9 Col- lection of taxes. On the Eighth artickle a County treasurer was voted for, and the votes were for [the] following persons (viz) for M r . Nathan Perry 1 1 for Joseph Wheeler 9 for William Young 1 Att'. Will" 1 Young moderator Entered from the Origonal ~$ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk N B The above votes for a County treasurer was never returned to the Court of General Sessions, they being not legally Collected At a Town meeting held at the public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 28 day of October A D 1776 after legal Warning for the same to act on the artickles contained in the War- rant. at said meeting William Young Esq r . was Chosen moderator 284 Worcester Town Records. [ijj6. On the second artickle in the Warrant the question was put to see if the Town will sell the Cannon belonging to this Town, and it passed in the negative. and then voted that this meeting be Dissolved att'. W m . Young moderator Entered from the origonal ~$ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the meeting House in Worcester on Wednesday the 27 th day of November AD 1776 after legal warn- ing for the same to act on the several artickles contained in the warrant for said meeting. at said meeting William Young Esq r . was chosen moderator On the second artickle a County Treasurer was voted for and the votes were as follows (viz) For Nathan Perry 49 votes att' W m Young moderator Entered from the Origonal Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Regulating ac~t &c State of the Massachusetts Bay To the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester. In Obedience to an a6l of the Great and General Court of the state of the Massachusets Bay, intitelled an a6l to prevent monopoly & Oppression, by which the Select men and Committee of Correspondence &c of every Town in the said State are impowered and Directed to set & establish the prices of all such goods and articles in their respective Towns [as] are enumer- ated in said act in a certain proportion, Except as therein Except- ed and also of such as are not so enumerated according to the same proportion. The select men and Committee of the Town of Worcester have Considerered and do hereby resolve that the prices in the said Town for the labour or work of mechanics, tradesmen, the produce 1776.] Revolutionary Period. 285 of farms or wares and goods shall be the prices respectively herein affixed to the same and according to the proportion hereby estab- lished (viz) Farming labour in the Sumer Season and so in the usual pro- portion fixed by the afforesaid aft of Court at the highest price not to exceed 3/ "$? day Wheat good & merchandable not to exceed 6/8 \) bushel. Rye good &c not to exceed 4/6 <$ bushel. Indean Corn good &c not to exceed 3/ '$ bushel. Sheaps wool good &c not to exceed 2/ ^ pound. Fresh pork good &c not to exceed 4 d *$ pound Salt pork the best not to exceed 7 d ^ pound. Beef grass fed good not to exceed 3"^ pound. Best stall fed Ditto 4^ pound, beef of differ- ent quallities in proportion Hides raw 3 d , Calfskins raw 6 (l ~§> pound Salt good &c 13/ ^ bushel. Salt manufactured within this state 15/ 5jji) bushel. Cheese good american not to exceed 6 d ^ pound Butler the best not to exceed o d "$ pound. Peas of the best kind not to exceed 7/ ^ bushel, Beans good &c 6/ ^ bushel. Portatoes the best spannish not to exceed 1/2 "$ bushel in the fall nor 1/8 in the spring and other portatoes in proportion Stockins yarn of the best kind for men not to exceed 6p$ pair smaller ones and of an inferior qiiallity in proportion. Shoes neets leather for men of the best common sort not to exceed 7/6 ~$ pair and so in proportion for those of an inferior size & quallity. and also for boots in pro- portion. Pork salted by the barril containing 220 pounds 86/ ^ barril. Beef salted by the barril Containing 240 pounds 68/6 °$ bb 1 . Oats good S:c not to exceed 8/ ax good &c not to exceed to/ and other edge tools in proportion. Tanning ^ides not to exceed \ A )/< 2 f> pound and currying in proportion. Pails common with naild hoops not to exceed 1/4 ^ pail. Barrils good heart ones 3/4. Making a pair of Shoes for a man not to exceed 3/ The select men and Committee affore said from the great diffi- culty of obtaining that knowledge of the former prices of many articles services and things at the disposal & within the notice respectively of the various classes of labourers, mechanics and trades men which is necessary in order to fix the perticular prices for such articles services and things, have considered, and do here- by resolve in general that all labourers mechanics and trades men (viz) Tanners, Curriers. (Hovers, Saddlers, Chaise makers, Spinsters brush makers, Peruke makers. Clothiers fullers, Dyers, Hosiers, mantua makers. Milliners, buckle i!v button makers, Jewellers, Goldsmiths, Masons, Brick layers. Glaziers, Painters. Joiners, turn- ers, bed stead makers, Carpet weavers, Paper makers, Printers, Engravers, Stone Cutters, Wheel wrights, well stoners, Wall build- ers, Millers, Cyder makers &c &c &c shall not exceed for any article service or thing in their respective way imployment or occupation such prices for the said article service <\rc as are in a Just common and usual proportion to the prices afixed to articles herein enumerated according to antient usage and custom. 288 Worcester Town Records. [1777. And the select [men] and Committee do recommend it to the good people of this Town to use their utmost endeavors, by ex- ample precept and legal exertions to support the laws of their Country in General and do hereby call upon them in the name of the Goverment and people of the Massachusets Bay, in the name of the passing Soldier, in behalf of Widows & orphans as they re- gard the credit of their Currency, the establishing an army and the authority of Goverment which alone gives dignity to peace and Renders War succesfull, to prevent monopolies and oppression by vindicating the present act against the lawless foot which dares to trample Benj" Flagg ) W m Young Select men Josiah Peirce Jon" Stone of Sam" Curtis Sam" Miller Worcester David Bigelow J Nathan Baldwin -, Committee of Nathan Perry [ Corrispond- Asa Moore ( ence &c of Levi Lincoln Worcester Entered from the Origonal ^ Nathan Baldwin Town Cler At a Town meeting held at the public meeting House in Wor- cester on tuesday the 1 i th day of march AD 1777 after legal warn- ing for the choice of Town officers &c and to transact other buis- ness agreeable to the several articles contained in the warrant for said meeting. At said meeting William Young Esq r was chosen moderator . attest Nathan Baldwin Town Cler Benjamin Flagg William Young Esq r Nathan Perry Jonathan Stone David Bigelow Benjamin Stoel John Kelso Chosen Select men And Overseers of the poore Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Samuel Curtis Esq r Nathan Baldwin Samuel Brown Assessors 1 777- J Revolutionary Period. 289 Nathan Perry Town Treasurer Samuel Fullerton Nathaniel Heywood Constables William Taylor Collector of Taxes John Cunningham William Stearns Samuel Miller Samuel Brown Josiah Peirce Committee of Corrispondence Inspection and safety A Reigester of Deeds &c voted for and the votes stood as fol- lows for Nathan Baldwin 5 1 votes for Joseph. Henshaw 1 for Manaseh Smith 1 for William Young Esq r 1 A County Treasurer voted for and the votes was for Nathan Perry 60 Levi Lincoln 1 Samuel m e ( taken sealer of tand & curried leather Stephen Salisbury Ephraim Curtis Clerks of the market Jacob Hemingway Phinehas Ward Surveyors of bords shingles & hoops Samuel Clark Thomas Knight Samuel m c Craken Soloman Bixby Comfort rice Noah Harris' Robert Gray John Moore Abel Holbrook Absolom Rice Asa Ward Josep Barber Surveyors of high Ways and Collectors of high way taxes Levi Houghton Robert Smith Fence Viewers Nathaniel Brooks Thomas Drewry John Kelso Tithing men Benjamin Stoel William nV'Farland Deer Reeves James Moore Benjamin Stowel Field Drivers Daniel Harris Nathaniel Harrington John Elder Isaac Gleason Josiah Knight Joseph Ball John Barnerd Josiah Harrington Ju r Hogg Reeves Josiah Peirce C[r]and jury man all the affores* 1 officers whereof an oath is required are duly sworn except Stephen Salisbury & Eph"' Curtis Clerks of the mar- ket Tho" Knight Solomon bixby & Noah Harris Surveyors of high ways & Collectors of high way taxes. Tho" Drewry Tithing man 37 290 Worcester Town Records. [ l 777- James moore field Driver. Isaac Gleason Josiah Knight John Barnerd & Josiah Harrington Ju r . Hog Reeves On the third article voted that M r William Taylor Collector of Taxes the current year give bonds to the acceptance of the select men for his faithfull discharge of the Duties of said office, and voted that the sum of six pounds be and hereby is granted to him to pay him for said service On the fourth article voted that the sum of one Hundred pounds be and hereby is Granted for the Support of Schools the Currant year which with the School interest money being five pounds be appropriated for said purpose and then voted that Mess" Nathan Baldwin, William Young, Nathaniel Brooks, Levi Houghton, Ben- jamin Flagg, William m'Farland, Samuel Miller, Solomon Bixby, Benjamin Stoel, Samuel Curtis, Ebenezer Lovel and Ebenezer Willington be a Committee to prepare the draft of some equitable method for keeping the schools apportioning and laying out the money granted for schooling the Currant year, and report at the adjournment 'of this meeting, for the Town 6 acceptance if they shall think proper On the fifth article voted that Mess rs . Stephen Salisbury, Sam" Brown and Elijah Dix be a Committee to settle accounts with the Town Treasurer and report to the Town. On the sixth article voted that the sum of one Hundred and fifty pounds be & hereby is granted to be levied and assessed on the poles & estates in said Town the Currant year to be expended in building bridges & causey ways and repairing such as are decayed, and in puting & keeping the roads in good repair the Currant year and that the same wages be allowed labourers at the high ways as was the last year and that the same be worked out by or before the first day of October next & that the assessors squadron out to each surveyor the persons that shall work under them, so that each Surveyor have a tax in proportion to his labour, and that such of the inhabitants as worked out more than his or their tax the last year be allowed for the same out of the present years tax, he or they producing a proper certificate thereof, and those that have not worked out their former tax may have the liberty to work out the same provided they do it before the twenty fifth day of June next 1777*] Revolutionary Period. 291 on the seventh articl voted that liberty be granted for the swine to go at large they being yoked and ringed according to law The eighth article ! refered to the adjournment of this meeting On the ninth article voted that Mess rs . Levi Lincoln, Nathan Baldwin and Sam" Curtis be a Committee to draw up proper in- structions to be given to the Representative of this town and make report at the adjournment of this meeting Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to luesday the 18 th day of march instant at nine Oclock in the fore Noon to meet at this place. att' Will™ Young moderator Entered from the Origonal <$) Nathan Baldwin Town Cler At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester by adjournment from tuesday the 11 th day of march 1777 to tuesday the 18 th day of said march Will"' Young Esq r being moderator of said meeting At said meeting Nathan Baldwin was chosen to take Recog- nisances and acknowledgements for the payment of debts of any sum not exceeding Twenty pounds At said meeting Mess rH . Levi Lincoln Nathan Baldwin and Sam" Curtis reported the following as proper instructions to be given the Representative of this Town at this time (viz) Worcester inarch 11 1777 at a Town [meeting] legally warned a Committee was appointed to prepare instructions to the Repre- sentative for the Town of Worcester Respecting a late law made and passed in the General Court intitled an a <) 9 6 2 l 777-] Revolutionary Period. 293 Ebenr Willington Do 9 16 1 1 1 Deacon Miller Do 3912 Nathll Brooks Do 8251 Willm Young Esqr Do 85 15 Coll Benja Flagg Do 8 12 9 2 .£100 000 Voted that the afforegoing proportion be accepted and the monies Drawed accordingly -Then voted that the] Grammer School be first kept in the middle of the Town and that twenty pounds eleven shillings two pence two farthings of this years Grant and also the five pounds interest money, and all their money not expended be allowed to them for keeping the Grammer School, and when that money is expended that then the grammer school be removed to any other quarter that the select men shall order & determine to make up the year Voted that M'. Sam" Bridge be a Committee man to provide a grammer School master. And Mess". Solomon Bixby, Jonathan Phillips, William M'farland, Comfort Rice, Benj a Whitney Ju r ., Benj" Stowel, Kbenezer Willington, Deacon Sam" Miller, Nathan- iel brooks, William Young Ksq r . and Francis Harrington be a Committee to provide English School masters Worcester march 31 1777 we the subscribers being appointed a committee by the Town to Exammine and settle accompts with the Town Treasurer for the year 1776 have attended said buisness and find the same well vouched and right cast it appears that he has Rec d ^284 19 5J4 Has paid out 266 10 11^4. Remaining in his hands ^,01 8 8 6 Then voted that this meeting be adjourned to the Day of the anual Town meeting in may next at four of the Clock after noon to meet at this place att s Will"' Young moderator Kntered from the Oriijonal Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk 294 Worcester Town Records. Y l lll - At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on Tuesday the 1 8 th day of march AD 1777 after being legally warned to acl on the artickles contained in the Warrant for said meeting At said meeting William Young Esq 1 ' was Chosen moderator att' Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk The said meeting being Opened it [was] moved & seconded that this meeting be adjourned for one hour, and the question was put and it passed in the affirmative & accordingly was adjourned met agreeable to adjournment. And on the second article Voted that the following plan be adopted for the encouragement of this Towns quota of men inlisting into the Continental army (viz) That the Town Choose a Committee to enquire & determine how much the several inhabitants of this Town have contributed towards the support of the present war with Great Britain & to exammine &' determine how much those who are deficient Ought to Contribute to make them equal with those who have paid or Done their full proportion, & that the said Committee acquaint the said deficient persons how much they are in arrear and request that they pay the same into the hands of the said Committee to be appropriated together with the moneys already raised for the raising the men now to be raised for filling up the Batallions on the Continental F^stab- lishment And that the sum of Twenty pounds as an additional bounty to the Continental & state bounty be given to each soldier that shall inlist into the Continental army for one of the proportion to be raised in the Town of Worcester, and that the bounty so engaged be levied upon the poles and estates of the inhabitants of the said Town, if the monies already raised & the money to be raised (from the persons who are deficient,) by the Committee appointed for that purpose shall not be sufficient for the payment of said bounty — Voted that the bounty granted by this Town shall be paid to such as shall inlist into said service immediately upon their passing muster — Voted that the before mentioned Committee Consist of seven (viz) Cap' Eben r Lovel, Nathan Baldwin, Josiah Peirce, Ezekiel How, Will 111 Young Esq r Nathan Perry and Cap'. John Kelso — Voted that the sum of money belonging to this Town 1 777-] Revolutionary Period. 295 in a former Committee" hands to raise the soldiers bounty be paid into the hands of this Committee to enable them to pay the bounty to such soldiers as may inlist and that the said Committee pay the same, and account to the Town of their doings and that the Com- mittee make report to the Town at the adjournment of this meet- ing. Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the last mon- day of march instant at one OClock after noon to meet at this place att* Will"' Young moderator Entered from the Origonal Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting Held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester by adjournment from march 18 th 1777 to monday 31 day of said march William Young Esq r being moderator . The Committee that was chosen at a former meeting to Deter- mine how much the several inhabitants of this Town have Con- tributed towards the support of the present War with Great Britain &c &c. Informed the Town that they was not Ready to Report and prayed for liberty to report at the further adjournment of this meeting which Request was Granted And Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the seventh day of april next at one oclock after noon to meet at this place att 1 Will" 1 Young moderator Entered from the Origonal ^ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Wor[c]ester 5 th June 1777 Received of Cato Dawes forty six pounds Lawfull money in full for his time During Life Will" 1 Dawes Jur Nath" Baldwin Town Cler At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the seventh day of april A D 1777 after being Legally warned to a6t on the several artickles contained in the Warrant for said meeting. 296 Worcester Toivn Records. [ l 777- 1 At said meeting William Young Esq r was chosen moderator 2 The Second article in the warrant was passed over as the Town in a former meeting had acled on an artickle Simmelar and Granted sufficient encouragement to such as should Inlist into the Continental army &c 3 On the third artickle voted that the sum of sixteen hundred and fifty six pounds two shilings & three pence two farthings be and hereby is Granted and that the said Sum be assessed upon the poles and Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town in order to defray the Expence of the present war with Great Britain from the Com- mencement thereof to this time including the expence of hireing our present quota of men for filling up the Battallions of the Con- tinental army, and that each man or person be allowed for all such public service as he may have done in the said war since the Com- mencement thereof Voted that the afforesaid Granted sum be paid into the hands of M r . Nathan Perry Town Treasurer on or before the first Day of June next Voted that all those Inhabitants of Worcester belonging to the south Parrish in S d Town be & hereby are Exempted from paying any part of the afforesaid Granted sum Voted that the Committee Chosen at a former meeting (viz) Cap' Eben r . Lovel Nathan Baldwin Josiah Peirce Ezekiel How Will" 1 Young Esq r . Nathan Perry and John Kelso, be & hereby are impowered to Draw a sufficient sum of money out of the Towns money in the Hands of M r . Nathan Perry Town Treasurer, to pay the money they may have Borrowed or may have occasion to Bor- row for the affores d purpose and that they give orders to the Town Treasurer in favor of all such as have Done Service in the present war so that they may be allowed for the same 4 On the fourth artickle a motion was made & seconded to see if the Town would agre to have a Hospitall Erected in this Town & to carry on Innoculation in S' 1 Hospital for the small pox and the question was put and it passed in the Negative At said meeting the Committee Chosen in march Last to inquire how much monev there was in the Town Treasurers hands arrising 1 7 7 7 . ] Revolutionary Period. 297 by fines, &: in a former committees hands that they hired by order of the Town &c Reported that the sum in the S d Treasurer and Committees hands amounted to One hundred & thirty pounds Seven Shillings & eight pence two farthings The foregoing votes was passed at S d meeting att' W' n Young moderator Entered from the Origonal ~$ Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk Sutton april 23 1777 — We the subscribers being appointed to Perambulate the Line between Sutton & Worcester have attended S d Buisness at time & place Begining at the Northwest Corner of Sutton & southwest Corner of Worcester have Renewed the Known Bounds on S' 1 Line to the Corner at appletons Farm Daniel Greenwood Sam 1 Trask. We the subscribers pursuant to an appointment of the select men of Worcester to Preambulate the line betwixt Worcester and Leicester have attended said service & began at the Norwest Corner of Worcester at a heap of stones on the Corner of David Moores Land and Renewed the bounds betwixt said Towns to the southeast Corner of Leicester to a heap of stones in a swamp on the Root of a hemlock tree — Worcester april 23 1777 A sa a Mrrej ofWorcester William Greene \ Joseph Sergeant > of Leicester Nathan Sergeant ) Oxford april 23 1777 We the Subscribers select men of Oxford met at time & place appointed and Renewed the Bounds Begining at the southwest Corner of Worcester to the Northwest Corner of Oxford and also to the Northwest Corner of Sutton Ebenezer Learned ") Select men Ezra Bowman - of 38 Israel Phillips \ Oxford 298 Worcester Town Records. C J 777* We the subscribers pursuant to the trust Reposed in us & by the Desire of the Select men of Worcester have met at the Corner next to Leicester and have prambulated the line and Renewed the Bounds between Worcester & Holden to Shrewsbury line Holden april 23 1777 David Fisk ") Select, men Paul Raymond > of John Child Jun r ) Holden ' These Certify that we Subscribers on the Day of the Date here- of met & preambulated the line and Renewed the Bounds betwen the Town of Worcester & Shrewsbury whereunto we have Inter- changeably set our hands this 23 rd day of April 1777 Edw d Flint ") Comittee of I Benj a Flagg ( Comittee of Charles Bouk j Shrewsbury j Josiah Peirce \ Worcester At a Town meeting Held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on Monday the 19 th day of may A D 1777 after legal warn- ing for said meeting to act on the artickles Contained in the War- rant for said meeting — A majority of the Select men of said Town being present at said meeting 1 On the first artickle Cap 4 Ebenezer Lovel, M r David Bigelow DocV John Greene, & M r Ezekiel How, was Chosen to Represent S d Town in the General assembly the Currant Year 2 at said meeting Collo 1 Timothy Bigelow was Chosen mod- erator 3 on the third artickle voted that the following sums of money be and hereby are Granted for the purposes hereafter mentioned (viz) To the Select men to Enable them to support the poore the Currant year and that they account to the Town how the same is expended ^"20 4 To the Revd Thaddeus Mecarty for his present years Sallery 100 To DocTr John Green for medecine & attendance to the widow Sarah Eaton 213 4 1 777-] Revolutionary Period. 299 To the Select men to enable them to pay for Sweep- ing the meeting House and Ringing ye hell 3 To Colo Timo Bigelow for hi-, attendance on ye Congress in ye years 1774 & 1775 11 5 To Capt Palmer Goulding for kinging the Bell 1 4 5 On the fifth artickle the Question was put to see if the Town would vote that the South Parrish in said [town] should be set off as a Distinct Town and it passed in the negative 6 On the sixth artickle Voted that Cap'. Palmer Goulding Ring the Bell the Cur*, year & that M r . John Waters take Care of & Sweep the meeting House the Currant year Then a motion was made to see if the Town would Give In- structions to their Representatives & the Question was put & it passed in the affirmative and the following persons was Chosen as a Committee to Draw up Instructions accordingly (and bring in the same to the Town for their acceptance &c at the adjournment of this meeting) viz M r . Nathan Baldwin Col 1 Timothy Bigelow & Joshua Bigelow Esq. At said meeting The Select men made the following Report Respecting the moneys belonging to this Town ariseing by the sale of ministerial Lands viz that the following sums of said Prin- ciple is now in the hands of the persons hereafter mentioned Namely in the hands of David Sanderson ^50 o o David Thomas jQt,t, 6 8 Eben' Wellington 13 6 8 Jn° Taylor Palmer Goulding 35 17 10 W m Young &c 42 13 4 Sam" M c Craken 40 Peter Boyden 33 6 8 David Bigelow 3516 8 Ezekiel How 20 Phinehas Ward 2215 o Sam 1 Eaton 40 The School money remains in the hands of David Baldwin & others jQ&i, 6 S The S d Select men produced voucher that they had Rec d . & payd the interest of S d moneys to the Reverend M r Mecarty The Town voted the S d Select men be Discharged from S d Interist money See v e Rec' on file 300 Worcester Town Records. \_ l 777- Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 26 th day of this Instant at five OClock P M to meet at this place Timothy Bigelow moderator Entered from the originall "$ Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 26 th Day of may A D 1777 by adjournment from monday the 19" 1 day of may Instant M r . Nathan Baldwin & Coll 1 . Timothy Bigelow Brought in a Draft of Instructions to be Given to the Representatives of this Town, and after the Same being several times Read distinctly to the Town. The Question was put whether the same should be accepted and the Representatives served with a Coppy thereof, and it passed in the affirmative Nem con Tim° Bigelow moderator Entered from y e Original Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 16 th day of June AD 1777 after Legal warn- ing for the same to act on the several artickles Contain d in the Warrant for said meeting 1 at said meeting Col 1 . Timothy Bigelow was Chosen moder- ator 2 On the second artickle Voted that the sum of Twelve Hun- dred and forty seven pounds be and hereby is Granted to the Committee (chosen in march last) to be assessed upon the poles & Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town) to Enable them to pay the Bounty to such soldiers as have Misted and shall inlist into the Continental army for three years or During the War and also to pay all such as have done service in the army for this Town since the Commencement of the present war with Great Britain 3 On the Third artickle Voted that the Select men for the time being do Execute a good Deed to Colo 1 . Timothy Bigelow of a small Lot of Meadow land lying in Prospect meadow agreeable to 1 777.] Revolutionary Period. 301 his petition & Timothy Paine Esq's Request in Town meeting and that they Receive the money & Interest Due for the same and account to the Town therfor. Voted that the Town will Indemnify the Select men in giving a Deed as aforesaid [Third article : "For the Town to Impower some person or persons to Execute a deed to Timothy Paine Esqr (or to such other person as he may Direct) of a certain small Lot of meadow land formerly sold to sd Paine"] 4 On the fourth artickle The Select men presented a list of the names of a number of persons whom they Esteemed Enemies & Dangerous to this and the other United States of america and a number of others was nominated in said meeting and said nomi- nations seconded and by the votes of the Town their Names were aded to the list agreeable to a late act of the General assembly. The List of their Names is as Follows viz Nahum Willard, David Moore, Samuel Moore, Cornelius Stowell, Jacob Chamberlain, John Curtis, Gardner Chandler, Micah Johnson Joshua Johnson, William Curtis, Nathan Patch, Joseph Blair, John Barnerd, Palmer Coupling, Jacob Stevens, Joseph Clark oc James Hart Jun r . Then The Town made Choice of M r William Dawes to Collect the Evidence against the before Named persons agreeable to the act of the General assembly on which this artickle in the Warrant is Founded Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the Thirtieth day of June Instant at Three OClock after noon to meet at this place Tim° Bigelow Mode r Entered from the Original! "p 1 Nath" Baldwin T Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the thirtieth day of June A D 1777 by adjourn- ment from the 16 th day of June Instant Colo 1 Timothy Bigelow being moderator 5 On the fifth artickle in the Warrant for said meeting the question was put to see if the Town would Vote their Consent that the Inhabitants of the South parrish in Worcester should be setoff into a Distinct Town and it passed in the Negative 302 Worcester Town Records. Y l 777- 6 On the sixth artickle a motion was made & Seconded to see if the Town would Choose persons agreeable to a late act of the General Court to Carry the act against monopoly &c into Ex- ecution (and the Town being informed by one of their Repre- sentatives that the said act was suspended for the present) and the question was put & it passed in the Negative At said meeting two several motions was made and seconded that there be an adition made to the list of Enemical persons (voted at a former meeting) and the Town voted that the follow- ing persons Names be aded to said list (viz) Robert Crawford & Micah Johnson Jun r Then Voted that the Town Clerk be and hereby is Directed to Suspend making a Return of the Names of all those Enemical persons (untill he shall have the further Directions of the Town) Excepting Nahum Willard, David Moore, Samuel Moore, John Curtis, William Curtis, Micah Johnson Johnson Jun r & Robert Crawford The foregoing votes was passed at S d meeting Tim Bigelow moderator Entered from the Originall ^ Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting Legally warned & held at the meeting House in Worcester on monday the 21 st day of July 1777 at said meeting Colo 1 Timothy Bigelow was Chosen moderator 1 Voted that the Town provide One Hundred fire arms with Bayonets for the Use of the militia of said Town 2 Voted that a Committee Consisting of three persons be chose to procure said arms & Bayonets 3 Voted that Samuel Curtis Esq r M r . William Dawes &: m r . Wil- liam Johnson be the Committee 4 Voted that the afore said Committee be Directed to Petition the Hon ble the Councel of this State for the arms above said or apply to the Board of war 5 Voted that the Committee be Directed by the Town to bor- row moneys sufficient to procure said arms 1 777-] Revolutionary Period. 303 6 Voted that when the Committee have provided said arms they acquaint Colo' Flagg who is to Call upon the Captains of the militia of said Town to Call their Companies together at which time the aforesaid Committee are to Deliver the arms to such of said militia as are Destitute they paying therefor 7 Voted that the Select men be Directed to order the Cannon to be Returned that were Lent to the Town of Glocester Voted that the Committee Chose to procure arms be Directed to borrow money sufficient to provide half a pound of powder for Each one of the militia as ordered by the Great & General Court of this state and aply to the Sele6t men for an order for the same attest Timothy Bigelow moderator Entered from the originall att* Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 13 th day of October AD 1777 after Legal Warning for to act on the several artickls Contained in the Warrant for said meeting 1 at said meeting Sam' Curtis Esq r was Chosen moderator att s Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk 2 On the second artickle voted that the sum of fifteen pounds be & hereby is Granted to the Select men in adition to the Grant made in may last to Enable them to support the poor of this Town the Currant Year, they to be accountable to the Town for y e same £*S ° on the S d Second artickle the following sums was Granted for the following purposes viz To Mr. William Taylor for ye abatement of Thos Nichols Rates 9 6 To Capt Israel Jennison for arrears of Interest money 2 5 To Saml Curtis Esqr. for Interest money 3 7 To Solomon Bixby for 100 of plank for Kettle brook bridge o 5 To Nathan Perry & Benja Stowell for Repairing ye fence round y e Burying Yard 012 304 Worcester Town Records. [ l 777' 3 on the the Third artickle Voted that the money Granted at this & all former meetings of this Town the Currant Year (Except the money Granted to augment the Soldiers Bounty &c and the Rev d m r . Mecartys sallery & pay for Ringing the Bell) be assessed in one Tax 4 on the fourth artickle Voted that one half of the before Granted monies be paid into the Town Treasurer the first day of January next and the other half of said money be paid into the Town Treasurer on or before the first day of march next Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the tenth day of November next at one OClock P M to meet at this place The foregoing votes were passed at S d meeting Sam 1 Curtis moderator Entered from the Original attst Nath' 1 Baldwin Town Clerk At a public Town meeting held at the meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 10 th day of November AD 1777 by ad- journment from monday the 13 th day of October AD 1777 Sam 1 Curtis Esq r being Moderator at [said] meeting Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to monday the 1 7 day of November Instant at two OClock P M to meet at this place att' Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Public Town meeting held at the public meeting house in Worcester on monday the 13 th day of 06to r . A D 1777 and Con- tinued by several adjournments to monday the 1 7 th day of Nov r . 1777 the Town then met agreeable to adjournment and Voted that this meeting be further adjourned to monday the 24 th day of No- vember Instant at Twelve OClock at noon to meet at this place att' Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk At a Public Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Worcester on monday the 24 th day of November 1 777 by adjourn- ment from monday y e 1 7 th day of Nov r Instant 1 777-] Revolutionary Period. 305 Voted that the following Sums of money be & hereby are Grant- ed for the purposes hereafter mentioned viz additional Grant to the Revd mr. Mecartys Sallery for ye Curt. Year L^oo o To Oliver Curtis for Timber for a Bridge 258 On the Eighth artickle the Question was put whether the Town would make a further Grant to m r . Will 1 " Taylor for Collecting the Taxes the Currant Year and it passed in the Negative Then Voted that this meeting be Dissolved Sam 1 Curtis moderator Entered from the Original Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 10 th day of November A D 1777 after Legal Warning for the same, to act on the several artickles Contained in the Warrant for said meeting on the first artickle M r David Bigelow was Chosen moderator of S d meeting att' Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk On the second article Voted that the Town will Raise money for the remaining Eight men to make up this Towns Quota of men to serve in the Continental army voted that the sum of Twenty pounds be and hereby is Granted to Each of the S d Eight men On the third article 1 voted to Choose a Committee to Confer with the Town of Sutton (agreeable to their Request in a letter which see upon file in the Town papers) voted that the said Com- mittee Consist of three persons Namely Joshua Bigelow Esq r Cap' Edward Crafts & ("apt Joshua Whitney On the fourth artickle 2 Voted to Reconsider the vote of the Town 'Third article: "For the Town to take under their Consideration the Re- quest of the Town of Sutton as allso of the Petitioners Respecting a late act of the General Court of this State Respecting the tailing in the Bills of Credit of this state and to act thereon as they may think proper" -Fourth article: "For the Town to take under under their Consideration the Petition of |acob Hemingway and sixteen others setting forth their un- 306 Worcester Town Records. [ l 777- upon the Report of the Committee appointed by the Town to make an Estimate of the Expenses incured by the Present War and making an average of the same Voted to set aside the assess- ments of Taxes lately made including the average money aboves d Refered to Voted to Choose a Committee to inquire into the appropriation that has been made of the several monies that have at Divers times Come to the hands of the Select men & the several Committees of Correspondence &c of said Town by fines and other payments Voted that the S d Committee Consist of five persons (viz) Joshua Bigelow Esq r ., Cap' Eben r . Lovel, D06F John Greene Cap' Edw d Crafts and M r William Stearns. Voted that the said Committee be impowered to inquire for three years last past Voted that the said Committee be impowered to inquire of all persons that have paid, or that have Received any of the said monies Voted that the aforesaid Committee inquire of the Select men Relative to their Disposal of the salt allowed to this Town by the State & of the manner of their Distribution of said salt. Voted that the aforesaid Committee be impowered to inquire into the state of the powder and Dispose of the same On the fifth article Voted to Choose a Committee to Draw up an answer to the General Court Respecting the precinct lately Erected out of Worcester, Leicester, Oxford, and Sutton, being set off into a Distinct Town, and lay the same before the Town for acceptance or amendment at the adjournment of this meeting, and that the S d Committee Consist of three persons (viz) Mess" Nathan Baldwin, Nathan Perry & David Bigelow Then voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 1 7 th day of November instant at one OClock P M to meet at this place easiness with the Doings of the Town in several late meetings of said Town Relative to making an average of the Expense incured by the present war and to do and act on said Petition and the several artickles therein Contained as they shall think proper" This petition comprised the matters acled upon under the fourth article. 1777-1 Revolutionary Pej'iod. 307 At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 17 th day of Nov r . AD 1777 by adjournment from monday the io ,h day of Nov r . Instant. The Committee Chosen at the last meeting to draw up an an- swer to the General Court Respecting the precinct lately Erected out of Worcester, Leicester, &c &c Reported to the Town, an an- swer to the General Court which Report was accepted and is as follows (viz) David Bigelow moder r The Town of Worcester Having been served with a Coppy of the Petition of William Phips & Charles Richardson praying "the present members of the Precinct lately Erected out of Worcester, Leicester, Oxford, & Sutton may be incorporated into a Town, according to a plan Exhibited with said petition &c. and the Hon 1 '' 1 ' General assembly's Resolve Thereon, of the 24 th day of Oct r . last, Requireing the said Towns to shew Cause, if any they have, on the third Wednesday of the next Session of the S d Court why the prayer of S' 1 petition should not be Granted" The Town of Worcester, in answer to S d Petition and Order of Court, beg leave to say, that they have not been served with a plan of said Town Exhibited with said Petition to the Court, and there- fore are not in a Capacity to offer Reasons against, or to comply with it untill they know how far it Extends. Rut if the said plan Does not include any of those persons nor their Estates which be- long to the Town of Worcester, and which were Excepted from being set off to said precinct when it was first Erected. We have no objections to their being made a Distinct Town. But if said plann includes those persons and their Estates who were first Ex- empted from belonging to said precinct, and are still unwilling to be set off to said Town. We beg leave to say we think it would be Inconsistent to include a Number of persons & their Estates into the said New Town and still Continue them to belong to the Town of Worcester, and to include them in the plann aforesaid & set them off against their Consent & the Consent of this Town, is de- parting from the principles upon which the said precin6t was at first Erected, and will subject the said persons to an inconvenience that they had a right to Expect an Exemption from by the act of 308 Worcester Town Records. \_ l 777- the General assembly & as the said persons who were first Ex- empted from belonging to S d Precinct and who are still unwilling to be set off to S d new Town and their Estates all lay upon the side of S d new Town next to Worcester, this Town are humbly of Opinion that a line may be run between the Town of Worcester & the S d new Town Leaving the S d persons & their Estates to the Town of Worcester without any Inconveniency to Either of the said Towns, which if Complied with the Town of Worcester are Content Nath n Baldwin ) Nathan Perry >- Comittee David Bigelow ) Then the Town Voted that this meeting be Dissolved Entered from the Origonal ^ Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 24 th Day of November A D 1777 after Le- gal Warning for the same to act on the several articles Contained in the Warrant for S d meeting On the first article M r . David Bigelow was chosen moderator of S d meeting att 8 Nath n . Baldwin Town Clerk Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the first Day of Decem r next at one of the Clock afternoon to meet at this place At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Worces- ter on monday the first Day of Dec r AD 1777 by adjournment from monday the twenty fourth day of Novem r . last M r . David Bigelow being moderator at said meeting a motion was made & Seconded to see if the Town would take under their Consideration the Petition of Cap 1 . John Curtis & Others & act thereon and the question was put and it passed in the affirmative Then Voted to Receive Capt John Curtis, Nahum Willard, Da- vid Moore, Samuel Moore, and Micah Johnson Jun r . into the Towns favor and that further prosecution against them, as Enemies 1778.] Revolutionary Period. 309 to the United States of america shall sease, they paying the Costs that has arrisen already by means of their being prosecuted as Enemies to the United States, agreeable to their petition, (which see upon file with the Town papers) David Bigelow moderator Entered from the originall <$ Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 29 th day of December A D 1777 after Legal Warning for the same to ac~t on the several articles Contained in the Warrant for S d meeting at said meeting M r . David Bigelow was Chosen moderator on the second article voted to Choose a Committee of three persons to take Care of the families of such soldiers (belonging to this Town) as are in the Continental army, agreeable to a late Resolve of the General assembly of this State for that purpose. Voted that Mess". William Dawes, Samuel Brown, and Asa Ward be a Committee for that purpose. On the third article Voted that in Case no person appears to hire the money in the hands of the Select men, belonging to this Town, which arose by the sale of ministerial land, that they be Directed to put the same into the Treasuryof this State upon loan On the fourth artickle Voted that the select men be directed to imploy some person, to run into musket bullets a Quantity of lead belonging to y e Town Stock On the fifth article Voted that the meeting House hell be Rang at the usual times at the Sixpence of the Town David Bigelow moderator Entered from y e Original 'tf Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday y e 12 th day of Jan y A D 1778 after legal Warn- ing for the same to act on the several articles Contained in the Warrant. 310 Worcester Toivn Records. [ijyS. at said meeting M r . David Bigelovv was Chosen moderator On the Second article Voted Unanimously that the Confedera- tion agreed upon by the United States in General Congress as- sembled, is agreeable to the minds of the people of this Town On the third article Voted to Choose a Committee of three per- sons to take Care of the School lands belonging to this Town & Voted That M r . Thomas Wheeler, Joshua Bigelow Esq r . and M r . Jonathan Gates be a Committee for said purpose. Voted that the Rev d M r . Mecarty have Liberty 4o Cut & bring off from the said School land 15 loads of wood. The above Committee is directed to see that no strip or waste of Wood be made on S d lands nor any wood Cut thereon Except what is voted to M r . Mecarty. David Bigelovv moderator Entered from the Originall ^ Nath n Baldwin Town Clerk At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the second Day of February A D 1778 after legal Warning for the same to act on the Several articles in the Warrant for S d meeting at said meeting Benjamin Flagg Esq 1 ", was Chosen Moderator On the second article Voted to Choose two persons as agents for this Town to meet the Committee appointed by the General Court of this State to view the Parrish Lately Erected out of the Towns of Worcester Leicester Oxford and Sutton (and if they the said Committee shall Judge that S d Parrish ought to be Erected into a Town Then to fix the lines & Boundaries by which said Town shall be Incircled &c) to Confer with y e said Committee in behalf of the Town of Worcester Relative to the premises. Then Voted that M r . Nathan Perry and William Young Esq r be agents for said purpose Then the Meeting was Dissolved Benj a Flagg moderator Entered from the Original ^ Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk 1778.] Revolutionary Period. 311 At a Town meeting held at the Public meeting House in Wor- cester on monday the 23 rd day of February AD 1 778 after Legal Warning for the same to act on the articles Contained in the War- rant for S' 1 meeting at said meeting Colo 1 Benj" Flagg was Chosen Moderator On the Second artickle in the Warrant, at said meeting a motion was made & seconded to see if the Town will Petition & Remon- strate against the proceedings of S d Committee 3 (mentioned in the second article in the Warrant) Establishment of lines Round the Parrish Taken out of the Towns of Worcester Leicester Oxford & Sutton, and the Question was put & passed in the affirmative Then Voted to Choose a Committee of Three persons to Draw a Petition & Remonstrance and Bring in their Report at the ad- journment of this meeting Then the Town made Choice of the Honb ,e . Levi Lincoln Esqr William Young Esq r . and Capt Nathan Perry a Committee for S d purpose Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned for one quarter of an hour Then mett according [to] adjournment and the aforesaid Com- mittee made Report (which see on the file) and said report was accepted. Then Voted that the Honb :e Levi Lincoln attend the General [Court] & prefer the S (1 Petition & Remonstrance to S d Court. Then Voted that this meeting be Desolved The foregoing Votes was passed at S d meeting att' Benj" Flagg moderator Entered from the Origonal ~jp Nath" Baldwin Town Clerk At a public Town Meeting held at the Meeting House in Wor- cester on Monday the Second Day of March AD 1778, to act on the Several Articles in the Warrant At Said Meeting Samuel Curtis Esq r . was chosen Moderator Attest Nathan Baldwin Town Clerk Then voted that this Meeting be adjourned to monday the ninth Day of this Instant at nine OClock in the forenoon to meet at this place 312 Worcester Town Records. [1778. Monday March 9 th 1778 Met agreeable to adjournment and on the Second article in the Warrant made choice of Joshua Bigelow Esq r . Capt Ebenezer Lovel Robert Smith Wil- liam Stearns Nathaniel Brooks Selectmen & Overseers of the Poor swom William Stearns Town Clerk swom D r . John Green Town Treasurer ™ r oip7ie'e e { William Taylor Colleaor of Taxes and Granted 15 £ Grant j 1 5 pounds to pay him for said service Samuel Curtis Esq r Samuel Brown James Moore assessors declined Serving Daniel Bigelow Joseph Barber Nathaniel Heywood Committee of Correspondence sworn Joseph Ball j ConstabIes sworn William Johnson ) Samuel M c Craken Sealer of Leather Samuel Bridge Ephraim Curtis Clerks of the Market Samuel Fullerton David Bigelow Surveyors of Boards & Shingles Samuel Clark David Chadwick John Barnard Ezra Cary John Elder Josiah flagg Eph m Miller James Moore Thomas Wheeler Benj a Stowel Thomas Nichols Joseph Barber Surveyors of High- ways and Collectors of Highway Taxes Levi Houghton Joshua Whitney fence viewers Solomon Bixby Joseph Ball Jonathan Rice Tithingmen Francis Cutting Reuben Rice Deer Reeves Samuel Whitney Jonathan Osland Field Drivers Eben r Barber Charles Adams Eli Chapin Phinehas Gleason Jo- siah Flagg John Welsh W m Buxton William Quigley Ezra Jones John More Hog Reeves A County Treasurer voted for On the 5 th article voted that Samuel Curtis Esq r Sam 1 Bridge Leui' Josiah Peirce Committee to Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer On the fourth Article voted That those Quarters of the Town which have not Expended their Quota of moneys granted for 1 7 7 8 . j Revolutionary Period. 3 i 3 Schooling the Last year be allowed to Expend the Same the Cur- rent year Voted that the sum of Four hundred & fifty pounds be granted levied and assessed upon the poles and Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town to be appropriated to keep the public & Town Roads in Repair the Current year Voted, That the Inhabitants of this Town have the Liberty of Working out their Taxes aforesaid, at the price of twelve Shillings per Day for a man & in the like Proportion for Teams and Im- plements, Provided said Tax shall be worked out Before the Last Day of June next Voted, that the Swine may go at large the Current year, they being Lawfully yoked and ringed Voted that the Selectmen be discharged from any Demands for the Interest money ariseing by the Sale of the Ministerial Lands to November 1, 1777 On the Report of the Committee 1 mentioned in the Last article in the warrant Voted that the first paragraph of said Report be ac- cepted Then a motion was made & Seconded to see if the Town would accept of the whole of said Report and the Question was put Then voted that the Last vote be reconsidered & that the said Report be left in the hands of the Town Clerk to be further acled upon at the adjournment of this meeting Then voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the Last monday of this Instant at One of the Clock in the afternoon to meet at this Place, and said meeting is accordingly adjourned At a Town Meeting held at the Public Meeting House in Wor- cester By adjournment from monday March 9 th 1778, to the last monday of said March, Samuel Curtis Esq r being Moderator 'Appointed to inquire into the appropriation of monies, &c. See page 306. 40 314 Worcester Town Records. Y l ll^- On the 4 th article respecting the School in Said Town Voted that the School be kept in the Same manner as in the Last year Voted that the Sum of two hundred pounds be granted raised and assessed for the Support of the Grammar School the Current year Voted that M r . Samuel Bridge be a Committee to provide a Grammar School Master in the Middle of the Town Voted that Solomon Bixby Jonathan Phillips William M c farland Josiah Harrington Jun r Capt Joshua Whitney Thomas Knight Deacon Sam 1 Miller Samuel Curtis Esq r L' Josiah Peirce John Moore & Thaddeus Bigelow be a Committee to Provide English School masters in the Several Quarters of the Town On the Eleventh article i in Said Warrant Voted not to accept the Report in Said Article Refered to Then Voted that this Meeting be further adjourned to Monday the 13 th of April next at One O'Clock in the after noon then to Meet at this Place At a public Town Meeting Held at the Meeting house in Wor- cester by adjournment from the last monday in March A. D 1778 to Monday the 13 th . of April then next All the first assessors chosen the first Day of this Meeting Re- fusing to Serve in their office, Voted to Choose others in their Room Then Chose John Cunningham Edward Craft James More as- sessors for the Current year Two of them declined Serving Upon Motion to take up & ac~t further on the Second article in the Warrant Voted to add two to the Number of the Committee of Correspondence Then Chose Jonathan Rice Capt William Dana To be with others at this meeting before chosen a Committee of Correspond- ence for the Current year 'See note, page 313. 1778-] Revolutionary Period. 315 On Motion Voted to reconsider the vote for not accepting the Report in the Eleventh Article in the Warrant Voted that Said Report be considered Paragraph by Paragraph Voted to accept the first Paragraph in Said Report and the Second Voted to accept the third Parapraph — Which said paragraphs are in the words following Viz : Worcester March 7 th 1778 We the Subscribers appointed in November last a Committee to enquire into the appropriation that has been made of the Several Monies that have at diverse times Come to the hands of the Se- lect men, & Several Committees &c for three years Last past, & to enquire of all persons that have paid or Received any of Said Monies — to Enquire of the Select men Relative to their Disposal of the Salt allowed to this Town by the State and to enquire into the State of the towns powder and dispose of the same Have at- tended that Service & beg leave to Report as follows, namely That your Committee after Diligent Enquiry find that since the Beginning of November Anno Domini 1776 the Sum of ^605 - 4 has Come to the hands of M r . Nathan perry One of the Select men and Town Treasurer, & to the Hands of the Committee of Corres- pondence as appears to us by Receipts & other Sufficient vouchers -That the money which Came to the Hands of the Committee of Correspondence <\x has been paid to the Town Treasurer What other Sums of Public money have within the limits of the time for our Enquiry been paid To the Select men & Town Treas- urer is to your Committee unknown as we have had no information in this Respect, though we have often Requested it, and whereas your Committee have often Desired the Select men & town treas- urer to give them an explicit account in what manner said moneys have been appropriated, in order that they (your Committee) might be enabled to give Satisfactory information to the Town in this be- half, yet such account has always been Refused, So that your Com- mittee apprehend that the Selectmen & Town Treasurer deem them selves not accountable to your committee or to the Town ; 316 Worcester Toivn Records. \\']']%. and that there is a considerable Quantity of money Raised by fines and otherwise, still in the, hands of the Town Treasurer & Select- men, as by the Best Intelligence that can be obtained, Sixteen Soldiers, or more in the Continental Service for this Town, have not as yet Received any of the Towns money, exclusive of those eight men last raised by a Draft for that purpose The Question being put whether the Town accept of the next paragraph in the Report & in passed in the negative The Question being put whether the Town will accept of the Paragraph in the Report Relating to the Salt, & voted to accept it which is as follows viz : With Respect to the Salt allowed to this Town by the State your Committee Beg leave to exhibit the following account. That the Selectmen Engrossed to them selves the Business of Transporting Said Salt from Boston & have Charged Such Sums Per Bush as must amount to nearly 130 Dollars above the original Cost of Said Salt — That so far as your Committee can discover said salt was distributed to a part of the Inhabitants of the Town in very unequal and undue Proportions, That numbers of People living without the limits of the Town received large Portions & that numbers of the Inhabitants equally or more in need of Salt, & equally entitled to a Share, have Received none — The Select men having never given any Sufficient public notice of their having procured Said Salt — That two of those who undertook to distribute Said Salt have never Rendered any account of their Doings to your Committee & that the Distribution made by those who have Rendered an account is Contrary to the meaning & Spirit of the Resolve. & to the concur- rent Practice of all the Towns whose distributions of Public Salt have come to the knowledge of your Committee upon Diligent Enquiry, And your Committee hereupon Submit it to the Considera- tion of the Town, whether they will pass an Order that some method Shall be pursued to enable those who have been deprived of their Share of Said Salt, to recover their Just Proportion agree- able to the Intention of the General Court in allowing the Same Voted not to accept the last Paragraph in Said Report 1778-] Revolutionary Period. 3 1 7 The whole Report Signed by Joshua Bigelow Ebenezer Lovel Edward Crafts & William Stearns, Committee Then voted to Dissolve this Meeting which was accordingly Dissolved Entered from the Original minutes ~$ r \V m Stearns Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Male Inhabitants of the town of Worcester above the age of twenty one years & free, at the public Meeting House in said Town being duly warn'd & there held on the 13 th Day of April A. D. 1778 At Ten o'Clock in the forenoon, to aft on the Articles Contained in the warrant On the first article Chose Doctor John Greene Moderator Attest William Stearns Town Clerk Voted to adjourn Said Meeting till 4 o'clock in the afternoon of the same Day —Then met according to adjournment Then voted to adjourn this Meeting to the Second monday of May next at one o'Clock in the afternoon to meet at this Place «\: said Meet- ing is accordingly adjourned Monday May ii ,h 1778. Met according to adjournment. Then voted that there be a further adjournment of this Meeting to Tuesday the 19" Da)- of this Instant May at one O'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place Tuesday May 19 th . 1778. Met according to adjournment The Town Proceeded to act on the Second article in the War- rant — and there being 58 voters present of the said Inhabitants, The Question was put whether they approve of the said Constitu- tion 1 or form of Government ; and nine voters voted in the affirm- ative to accept the same — And forty nine of said Inhabitants Present voted not to accept of the Said Constitution or form of Government Then voted to dissolve the meeting The foregoing votes were passed in said Meeting Attest William Stearns Town Clerk 'Of Massachusetts. 3 1 8 Worcester Town Records. V l 11^' At a public Town Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester duly warned and assembled, and qualified to vote for a Representative and in Town affairs, held at the Meeting House in Said Town on the nineteenth Day of May AD. 1778 at nine o'Clock in the forenoon as by Warrant Directed All the Selectmen being Present, Voted, to adjourn the said Meeting to One O'Clock in the Afternoon of the same Day to meet at the same Place Tuesday May 19 th 1778, Met according to the Above adjourn- ment The Town Proceeded to act on the first article in the War- rant—And the Question being put "whether the Town will Elect and depute one or More Representatives, and it passed in the affirmative The Question being put "How many Representatives the Town will depute — and voted to Choose one Representative only Then the Town made Choice of Samuel Curtis Esq r a Representative for this Town the Current year On the 2 nd Article, Chose Samuel Curtis Esq r Moderator On the 3 d Article, Voted that the sum of Three Hundred Pounds be, & hereby is granted to the Rev d M r . Maccarty for his Salary for the Present Year On the 4 th Article Voted not to Sell the Land 1 in Said Article referred to On the 5 th Article voted that M r . Nathan Baldwin, M r . David Bigelow, & M r Nathan Perry be a Committee to Receive and Examine the accounts of Such articles of Cloathing as have been Procured agreeable to said Recommendation, & lay the same before the Town properly adjusted at their next meeting, and that the further Consideration of this Article be adjourned to the first monday in June Next at one o'Clock afternoon On the 6 th Article' 2 voted upon the Representation made by M r David Thomas, that he be allowed the Sum of five Pounds in that Behalf '"The School Lot lying on & near Wigwam Mill." 2 Sixth article : "To See if the Town will make any allowance to Mr David Thomas for his Extraordinary Expenses in transporting and conveying Cloath- ing to the Continental Army in the Winter Past." 1778-] Revolutionary Period. 3 1 9 On the 7 th Article voted that the Select men be impowered to hire & pay a Proper Person to take care of the Meeting House & Ring the Bell for the Present year Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to the first monday in June next at one o'Clock in the afternoon to Meet at this Place And it is accordingly adjourned Monday June i st . 1778. Met according to the above adjourn- ment Then the Committee Chosen under the fifth article in the warrant Brought in their Report — Then voted to postpone the Con- sideration of the Report of the aforesaid Committee to the next Town meeting and that an article be inserted for this Purpose in the warrant for Calling Such Meeting Then voted that this Meeting be dissolved, and it is dissolved accordingly The foregoing votes were Passed at Said Meeting Attest William Stearns Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester qualified to vote in Town affairs duly warned, ds: assembled at the public meeting House in Said Town on Tues- day the nineteenth Day of May 1778 at three O'Clock in the after noon, to act on the Several articles contained in the warrant for said Meeting At Said Meeting Samuel Curtis Esqr was Chosen Moderator Attest William Stearns Town Cler On the Second article Voted That Doctor John Green have the Liberty to procure a Pest House for the taking in those who have the Small Pox in the natural way, and for Inoculation, for the space of one year to be under the Direction of the Selectmen Doctor Green then Moved that he might inoculate for the Small pox in his own house? — But after the Motion was Seconded with- drew it The Question being moved & put whether the Town would make 320 Worcester Town Records. [1778. any addition to m r Crosby's wages, and it passed in the Negative 1 On the fourth article Voted that the Steel in said Article Re- ferred to, be sold, & that the Selectmen Sell the Same, & account to the Town at their next meeting On the fifth Article voted to accept the account of the Com- mittee' 2 in Said article Referred to, & that they be allowed the Sum of Thirty Eight pounds fifteen Shillings & Seven pence, it being the Ballance due to said Committee as by ace', filed and allowed by the Town will appear Ballance due to William Dawes ^10 10 5 To Samuel Browne 18 05 5 To Asa Ward 919 9 Then voted to adjourn this meeting to the first monday of June next at 2 o'Clock in the afternoon to meet at this Place, and it is accordingly adjourned Entered from the Original Minutes ^ r W m Stearns Town Clerk At a Town Meeting held at the Meeting House in Worcester on Monday the first Day of June A. D. 1778, by adjournment from Tuesday the nineteenth Day of May 1778 The Town Took into further Consideration the Second article in the Warrant, and Voted that D r . John Green have liberty to use D r . Will" 1 Walkers house as a pest House, to take those who have the Small pox in the Natural Way and for Inoculation for twelve months, to be un- der the Direction of the Selectmen Provided the Town be thereby Subjected to no Charge, Provided also that Dr Green obtain the Licence of the next Court of General Sessions of the Peace to be holden in this County 1 Article third : "To See if the Town will make any addition to the Wages of Mr Samuel Crosby for his Past Services, in Consideration of the dispro- portion there is between his pay granted by the Town & the Prices of the Necessaries of Life." 2 "Chosen to take care of the poor Women in this Town whose husbands are in the Public Service." 1778-] Revolutionary Period. 321 Voted, That it is the sense of this Town that D r Green be di- rected to call in all his Patients, that are under Inoculation, if any such there are, into the Said Pest House, And it is expected by the Town that Dr Green Strictly Complies with the vote of the Town as this Day amended, respecting the Same, under the Pen- alties of the Law in such Case Made and Provided — And that the Selectmen Serve D r . Green with a Copy of the above votes Then voted to Dissolve the Meeting which was dissolved ac- cordingly The foregoing votes were passed at this Meeting Attest William Stearns Town Clerk At a Town Meeting held at the public Meeting house in Wor- cester, after legal Warning had for that purpose, on noonday the first Day of June Anno Domini 1778 at three o'Clock in the after- noon 1 At said meeting M r . David Bigelow was chosen Moderator 2 On the Second article in the Warrant the town Brought in their votes for a County Treasurer 3 On the Third article, the Town took into Consideration the petition of Sam' Clark, Noah Jones & others, and the Question being put whether the Town would order the Expense of Raising men for the public Service as Set forth & Requested in Said Peti- tion, to be defreyed by a Tax, It passed in the Negative Then voted that this Meeting be adjourned to monday the fif- teenth Day of June 1778 at one o'Clock in the afternoon to Meet at this Place, and it was adjourned accordingly Monday June 15"' 1778 Met according to the above adjourn- ment, and without acting anything further on the articles Con- tained in the Warrant voted to Dissolve this meeting, & it was dis- solved accordingly David Bigelow Moderator Entered from the Original Minutes Attest William Stearns Town Cler 4i 322 Worcester Town Records. [ 1 778. At a Town Meeting legally Warned and held at the public Meet- ing House in Worcester on Monday the twenty Sixth Day of Oct- ober A. D. 1778 by the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Said Town Qualified to vote in Town affairs to act on the articles con- tained in the Warrant for said Meeting On the first article Chose M r William Stearns Moderator On the 2 nd article 1 voted to postpone the Consideration of said article till the other articles are acted upon On the 3 d . article voted that all the Money in Said article Re- ferred to Except the Ministers Salary be levied and assessed in one Tax On the 4 th article voted that the powder house be sold Voted that the Selectmen Be a Committee to Make Sale of the Powder house for the Most the same Will fetch On the 5" 1 article voted to receive & examine the accounts of any of the Inhabitants of the Town Voted that the accounts Exhibited be Read On motion Voted that Said accounts be committed to a Committee for Examination Voted that the Committee Consist of three persons Voted that Timothy Paine Esq r . M r . David Bigelow & M r Jon- athan Rice be a Committee to examine the accounts now Exhib- ited & Read, with the vouchers, & Report at the adjournment of this Meeting Voted that this meeting be adjourn'd to monday the ninth Day of November next at one o'Clock in the afternoon to meet at this Place and it is accordingly adjourned Attest William Stearns Town Cler Monday November 9" 1 1778 Met according to the above ad- journment On the Sixth Article voted to appoint a Committee to adjust the Amount of the value of the Shirts Stockings Shoes & other Cloathing 'To grant money for common charges. 1 7 7 8 . J Revolutionary Period. 323 & money given as in the article Referred to, and that the Com- mittee make Report at the adjournment of this Meeting Voted that Said Committee Consist of three Persons Voted that M r . John Cunningham, M r John Nazro, & Deacon Miller be a Committee for the aforesaid purpose On the 7 th Article, 1 voted that M r John Nazro, M r Nathan Perry & Capt Israel Jennison be a Committee to Collect & receive sub- scriptions for the Rev d M r Maccarty On the 8 th article voted to pay M r . Knight Six Shillings p r . week from the 7" 1 of April 1777 to the 7 th of April 1778, for boarding the Widow Sarah Eaton — Voted to pay M r Knight twenty pounds for twenty -weeks Board of the Widow Eaton from & after the Said Seventh of April 1778 On the 9" 1 Article voted that Joshua Bigelow Esqr, Samuel Curtis Esq r & William Stearns be a Committee to make the further Enquiry in the article referred to, and to Enquire of all persons who have any of the Towns money in their hands, &. to make Report to the Town On the 10 th Art' 6 voted that Joshua Bigelow Esq r Timothy Paine Esqr & William Young Esqr be a Committee to Renew the Bounds of the lands'- in said article referred to On the 1 2 th article voted that Capt William Dana be a Com- mittee to Repair the fences Round the Burying ground, & to pro- cure a new Gate Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Wednesday the Eighteenth Day of this Instant November at one o'Clock in the after noon to meet at this place, And it is accordingly adjourned Attest William Stearns Town Cler '"Art. 7th For the Town to take into their Consideration the great ad- vance of the prices of the articles of Common Consumption Since last Spring and make further Provision for the Support & Subsistence of the Revd Mr. Maccarty the Rest of the Current year, agreeable to his Request & to act thereon as the Town shall think proper." 2 School and ministerial lands. 324 Worcester Town Records. [1778. Wednesday November 18 th Met according to the aforesaid Adjournment The Committee appointed on the fifth article in the Warrant to examine the accounts Exhibited & Read to the Town made Re- port in favor of allowance of the following Sums to the following Persons, & accordingly voted & granted each of the Sums follow- ing to the Persons whose Names are prefixed to them Viz : — To William Young Esqr Josiah Peirce, Nathan £ Perry & John Kelso for money borrowed by them to pay Soldiers enlisted for the Town, in the Con- tinental Army 660 12 10 To Mr. Asa Ward for Supplying Mrs Knower with Provisions 31 10 2)4 To Mr William Dawes for Supplying Mrs Dunkam with Provns 43 1 1 9 To Doclr William Walker for Medicine & attendee on Margaret Miles 1 1 4 7 To Same for Physick & visits to Mr Pages son when Sick of the Small pox 10 15 3^ To Levi Lincoln Esqr for his Services Last march at Boston 10 12 6 To Mr Nathan Perry for his Services in attending the Courts Comtee & at Boston last February, & for Boarding Tamison Kimbolton & Money paid Scipio for Ringing the Bell To Josiah Knight for Wood To Eleanor Walker for Nursing Mary Hamilton To Mr. David Chaddick for Wood Carried to the Widow Oaks To Capt Micah Johnson for 375 feet of Plank To Nathl Heywood for mending the Bell Tongue & Meeting house Door 1 10 o To lonathan Rice for Taking Care of Temison Kimbolton 3 Weeks 7 10 o Then the Town voted to allow the following Sums & Made the following Grants to the Persons hereafter named, on their accounts bro't into the Meeting Viz : To Doctr Bussel of Leicester for Medicines & Care of Mrs Hamilton & her Daughter Mary when sick of the Small Pox 16 5 o To William Johnson for Conveying Tamison Kimbolton & her Child to Marlboro. 630 5 '9 6 14 5 02 3 1 2 1 1 00 1778-] Revolutionary Period. 325 To William Mohan for Carrying Mrs Hamilton & her Daughter to Leicester & bringing them home again I o o To Martha Wiley for Board & Nursing Margaret Miles 52 Weeks 36 8 o To Mr Nathan Perry, an allowance for a Counterfeit Bill 280 To Leiut Josiah Pence for a Counterfeit Bill 280 To Mr William Johnson for Sundrys for the Meeting House 1 I o To Leiut Benjamin Stowel for Boarding Tamison Kim- bolton & her Child & Making 166 lb of Musquet Balls for the Town 14 54 To Mr Jabob Hemenway for assisting in the Removal of Mary Hamilton & her mother to Leicester & Bring- ing them Home again 1 00 o To Mr William Elder for Boarding Tamison Kimbolton & Child 10 weeks & 3 Days 6 06 o To Ezra Jones for a Horse & Chaise to Leicester 013 6 To Capt David Henshaw for taking Care of Mrs Ham- bletun & her Daughter 1340 To Saml Fullerton for Removing pages son sick of the small pox o 10 o Then the Committee appointed under the Sixth article in the Warrant for adjusting the value of the Cloathing money &c there mentioned reported that the amount of all that had Come to their knowledge is 321,, 14,, o, as by the Report on file may more fully appear £3 21 14 o Voted to accept the Report of the Said Committee Voted that the assessors have liberty to add to 4 4° To Hubert Smith the above Sum all Such Donations as shall before for two shirt8 making the Taxes, be made to appear by proper To Mr John Fisk vouchers Voted that the above sum &: the other Sums Refer'd to next above be levied & assessed upon the poles & Estates of the Inhab- itants of this Town Then the Town Resumed the Consideration of the Seventh ar- ticle & voted the additional Sum of three hundred pounds to the Rev d M r . Maccarty for the Currant year Then the Town took into Consideration the second article in the Warrant, & voted the Sum of one hundred Pounds to defrey the Common and ordinary Charges of this Town the Current year Then voted to dissolve this Meeting & it was Dissolved accord- ingly The foregoing votes were passed at this Meeting Attest William Stearns Moderator & Town Clerk 326 Worcester Tozvn Records. [i779* At a Town Meeting Legally warned & held at the public Meet- ing house in Worcester on monday the first Day of February A. D. 1779 by the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of said Town qual- ified to vote in Town affairs, to act on the articles contained in the Warrant for Said Meeting On the first article chose Mr William Stearns Moderator of said Meeting On the Second article, 1 voted not to acl thereon but to Dismiss the Same On the third article, voted that the additional Sum of three Pounds be granted to Capt David Henshaw for his Charges in Entertaining Mary Hamilton &c & boarding Nurses &:c Then voted to Dissolve this Meeting, & it was Dissolved ac- cordingly The foregoing votes were passed at Said Meeting Attest Will™ Stearns Moderator & Town Cler At a Town meeting Legally Warned according to the within Warrant held on the eighth Day of March, A. D. 1779 at ten o'Clock in the forenoon at the public meeting House in Said Town of Worcester to act on the Several articles contained in Said War- rant On the first article, Chose M r David Bigelow Moderator of S d . Meeting Attest William Stearns Town Cler 2 nd Ar l William Stearns M r David Bigelow Capt Eben r Lovel M r Robert Smith M r Nath 1 Brooks Selectmen & overseers of the Poor William Stearns Town Clerk D r . John Green Town Treasurer Deacon Jacob Chamberlain & L'. Nathan Perry Wardens 1 "To know the minds of the Town, whether they will grant any sum of Money for the Relief of those persons who are in the Continental army &c." 1 7 7 9 . ] Revolutionary Period. 327 Messrs Joseph Barber Nath 1 Heywood Jonathan Rice William Dana Jonathan Phillips Committee of Correspondence Inspection &c Nathan Heard, Sealer of leather Sam' Bridge Ephraim Curtis Clerks of the Market Samuel Fullerton David Bigelow Surveyors of Boards & Shingles William Dana David Chaddick William Mahan John Elder Jon- athan Lovel James MT'arland Lemuel Rice Jacob Holmes Nath 1 Moore John Chamberlain Jonathan Cleason Surveyors of High- ways & Collectors of Highway Taxes Levi Houghton Cap' Joshua Whitney Fence viewers Solomon Bixbee Benjamin Stowel James Barber Tythingmen Samuel Clark Samuel Goddard Deer Reeves Samuel Whitney Samuel Bridge Field Drivers Ebenezer Barber Edward Knight John Elder Jonathan Osland William Trowbridge Solomon Smith Ellis. G. Blake Sam 1 Hem- menway Solomon Willard John Goddwin Hog Reaves Voted to pass over the 3 d article 1 for the Present On the 4"' article, voted That the Schooling & Schools in the Town be kept in the Same Manner as in the Last year Voted and Granted the Sum of Six Hundred pounds for the Support of Schools in the Town, the Current year Then chose M r . John Nazro a Committee to procure a Gram- mar School Master for the Center District Then Chose M r John Barnard John Chamberlain Samuel Whit- ney Jonathan Rice Eben' Willingtorf Robert Gray William Dana Jonathan Lovel Asa Moore William Gates a Committee to procure & Support Schooling in the Several Districts in the Town On the 5 th Art. Voted, & Chose Mess™ Jonathan Rice Samuel Brown James Moore a Committee to Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer On the Sixth article Voted, that the Sum of Nine hundred pounds 'To choose a collector of taxes. 328 Worcester Town Records. L I 779- be granted, Raised Levied and assessed on the Polls & Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town, for amending & keeping in Repair the highways Causeyways, & Bridges in S d Town for the Current year — & that twenty four shillings be given pr Man for a Days work in a Mending S d ways &c, & for Teams Carts, & Plows, employed in Said Business, in the usual proportion, provided the work shall be faithfully done voted those who have not paid their highway Taxes for the last year, nor worked 'them out, have Liberty to work to their amount, at any time before the first Day of June Next Voted that the List of Highway Taxes for the Last year, directed & Intended for M r Ephraim Miller the Last year but not delivered to him be directed & delivered to the Surveyor Chosen in his Room for the Ensuing year, & that Said Surveyor Collect & im- prove the money in Said Miller's list agreeable to the Directions he shall Receive from the Selectmen for the Ensuing year On the Seventh art. voted that the Swine go at Large the year ensuing provided they be yoked & ringed according to Law On the 9 th Art. Voted that M r Solomon Bixbee & others in this petition mentioned, be annexed to Capt Eben r Lovels district of Schooling agreeable to their Request On the Tenth art. voted not to grant the prayer of the petition x of M r John Fisk & others as set forth in said article — and that Said article be dismissed On the Eleventh art.' 2 Voted to choose a Committee to make Enquiry Relative to the Canon in Said Article Mentioned Then voted that M r Jonathan Rice Capt Eben 1 " Lovel & Capt Whitney [be a committee] to make the Enquiry above said Then voted that the Consideration of the Several articles in the Warrant not acted on be put over to the Time of the Town Meet- ing on the Adjournment hereof '"Requesting that the Town would make an Estimate of the Expense this Tow n has been at in Supporting the War, & to make an average of the Same &c." 2 "To Enquire how the Canon the Town were furnished with have been disposed of &c." 1 7 7 9 • ] Revolutionary Period. 329 Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to monday the fifteenth Day of March Instant at 2 O'clock in the afternoon then to Meet at this place And adjourned accordingly Attest William Stearns Town Glerk Monday March 15" 1 1779 At a Town Meeting duly vvarn'd And met according to the above adjournment, the Town proceeded to act on the Remaining articles in the Warrant M r David Bigelow being Moderator On the third article in the Warrant M r William Taylor was chosen Collector of Taxes for the year 1779, & that he give Bonds for the faithfull Performance of his Duty — Voted that Sixty pounds be paid Said Taylor as a Reward for his Services At the adjournment of this Meeting M r William Taylor M r W" Johnson & M r Joseph Miller were Chosen Constables for 1779 On the Eighth art. Voted to allow M r William Taylor the Ad- ditional Sum of forty five pounds as a Reward for his Services as Collector for the year 1778 On the article Respecting the Canon at Glocester, Voted that Samuel Curtis Esq r be a Committee to apply to the General Court for payment for the Same & that he be directed to make such ap- plication as soon as May be Voted to adjourn this Meeting to thursday the 14 th Day of May next at three o'Clock in the afternoon to Meet at this Place And adjourn'd accordingly Attest William Stearns Town Clerk At a Town Meeting Held by adjournment at the public meeting house in Worcester on thursday the fourteenth day of May .A. D. 1779 M r David Bigelow being Moderator Voted to adjourn this Meeting further to Thursday the twentieth Instant at 3 o'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place & Adjourned accordingly Attest William Stearns Town Cler 42 330 Worcester Toivn Records. [ ! 779- At a Town Meeting held at the Meeting House in Worcester on the 20 th Instant according to the above adjournment to act on the Remaining articles in the Warrant for the Annual March Meeting of Said Town M r David Bigelow being Moderator The Town voted to Resume the Consideration of the Second article in the Warrant, & Then Chose Leiut Thomas Wheeler a Selectman & assessor in the Room of Capt Eben r Lovel who De- clined Serving On the 12 th & last Article in the Warrant "For the Town if they think Proper to accept a Two-Rod Road Laid out by the Select men &c Voted to accept the following Report of the Selectmen Viz . "Worcester March i st 1779 "In Compliance with the Request of Messeiurs James Barber, Joseph Barber & others for a Road from M r Rufus Flaggs throw M r Heaths Land to the Road leading by M r Samuel Moores, we have attended the Service & laid out a Road from a Stake and a Large Stone or Rock about 8 Rods South of M r Rufus Flaggs House or Shop — Thence Running North a direct Line to a Wal- nut tree with two Chops or Marks on the West Side - From thence North, a little Westerly to a Small White oak tree or Plant marked with two Chops, Standing in the Stone wall dividing M r Heaths Plow land from his pasturing — From thence in a Right line 20 Rods to a Chesnut Tree Mark'd with two Chops — Thence North- erly as the Path is now trod to M r Heath's Barn — from thence as the Road or path is trod throw the Lane that M 1 ' Heath purchased of M 1 ' Samuel Hunt The Said Road to be two Rods wide on the West side of the Said Mark'd trees & Barn — All which is Humbly Submitted to the Consideration of the Town by Eben r Lovel ~\ Selectmen A true Copy of the original William Stearns > of Nath 1 Brooks ) Worcester Voted that in Consideration of M r Heath's giving the Land for the Road throw his farm, this Town will pay the Cost of Building the Fence on that Part Voted that this Meeting be dissolved — And it is dissolved ac- cordingly The foregoing votes were passed at this Meeting Attest William Stearns Town Cler 1 779.] Revolutionary Period. 331 At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to vote in Town affairs duly Warned, as- sembled & Met at the Public Meeting House in Said Town on Monday the fifteenth Day of March A. 1). 1779 at three o'Clock in the afternoon to act on the articles Contained in the Warrant On the first article ("hose M r David Bigelow Moderator of Said Meeting Attest William Stearns Town Cler On the 2 m1 Article The Committee 1 not Ready to Report & prayed for further Time, which was granted On the 3 d Article voted that the Sum of Seven pounds Shillings be allowed to M r Samuel Bridge for so much by him ex- pended in paying a grammar School master over & above the Center Squadrons Proportion of School money, & that Said Sum be deducted from the Said Squadron's next years proportion of School money On the 4 Ih Article, 2 voted that the Care of Said Mulatto Child be Left discretionary with the Selectmen On Consideration, the Sixth Article 3 passed in the affirmative Voted & granted the Sum of two thousand pounds for the pur- poses in Said Article Expressed & Set forth Voted that the Militia officers in said Town be a Committee to procure men for the public Service — & to Draw the money above granted & be accountable to the Town for the Expenditure On the Eighth article The Question being put whether the Town will Choose Inspectors &c & it passed in the Negative Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the fourteenth Day of May next, at three o'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place and accordingly adjourned Attest William Stearns Town Cler 1 Appointed to settle accounts with the town treasurer. 2 "_Uhlv To See if the Town will make any Provision for the Support of a poor Mulatto child the Daughter of Joseph Brooks's wife likely to become a Town Charge" 3 "6thly for the Town, if they think proper, to agree & order that the Support of the war as it Respects the Town. Shall in future be by a Tax Levied & assessed on the polls & Estates of the Inhabitants thereof" 332 Worcester Town Records. [ I 779- The Town Met according to the above adjournment, M r David Bigelow being Moderator May 14 th A. D. 1779 Voted to adjourn this Meeting to the twentyeth Day of May Instant at 4 o'Clock in the afternoon to Meet at this Place & ad- journed accordingly Attest W m Stearns Town Cler Thursday May 20 th 1779 The Town Met according to the above adjournment M r David Bigelow being Moderator On the Second art. in the Warrant the Committee appointed to Settle accounts with the Town Treasurer Bro't in a Report of their Settlement with Dr John Green Town Treasurer of Worcester in 1778 — in Form following Viz Worcester May 14 th 1779 We the Subscribers being Committee appointed by the Town [of] Worcester at their annual Meeting in March A. D. 1778 to Settle with the Town Treasurer have attend- ed Said Service and Beg leave to Report that the within account ("whh See on file") appears to be Just & true ' Worcester Town Records. [ T 779- At a meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester qualified to vote in Town affairs on monday the 2 nd . of august A. D. 1779 2 o'Clock P. M. at the Public meet- ing house in Said Town M r David Bigelow was Chosen moderator On the 2 nd Art. 1 in the (above) Warrant The Town took into their Consideration the Doings & Resolves of the Convention lately held at Concord and On motion voted that this town do accept & highly approve of the doings & Resolves of the Convention held at Concord on the fourteenth of July Last On motion Resolved that a Committee be Chosen to Join with the Committee of Correspondence &c of this Town in Carrying the Spirit & Intent of the Proceedings and Resolutions of Said Convention into Execution here. Voted that this Committee consist of Ten Persons — And accord- ingly Major William Dawes, Capt Israel Jennison, Joseph alien Esq M r Samuel Bridge, Leiut Josiah Peirce, Capt Joshua Whitney, Leiut Samuel Brown, M r Nathan Baldwin & M r James Moore and Leiut Phineas Jones are appointed a Committee for the aforesaid Purpose Voted that Mess" William Stearns Nathan Baldwin & Joseph alien be a Committee to Consider & Report Such Resolves as they Shall think proper to be Passed & Entered into by this Town Relative to the appreciation of our Currency, & Lay the Same be- fore the Town at the adjournment of this meeting On the third art. Voted & Chose M r David Bigelow & M r Jo- seph Barber Delegates to attend a County Convention to be held in this Town on the 3 d of august Currant to take into Considera- tion & to act on the Proceedings of the Convention at Concord l "2ndly For the Town to take into their Consideration the Report & Re- solves of the Late Convention of Committees held at Concord on the 14th Instant" &c. 1 779-] Revolutionary Period. 339 On the 4 th . Art. Voted that the Singers set in the front Seats in the Front Gallery, and those Gentlemen who have heretofore Set in the front seat in said Gallery have a right to set in the front body Seat & Second Seat below & that Said Singers have said Seats in the front Gallery appropriated to their own use. Voted. That Said Singers be requested to take Said Seats & Carry on Singing in public worship. Voted, That the mode of Singing in the congregation here, be without reading the Psalm Line by Line to be Sung. Voted That the town Clerk Serve the Singers with a Copy of the foregoing votes on this article as soon as may be. Voted to adjourn this Meeting to Thursday the 5"' instant at 6 o'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place Attest William Stearns Town Clerk Thursday August 5"' 1779 Met according to the above ad- journment At a meeting of as well the Freemen Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester above the age of twenty one years, as of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of Said down qualified to vote in Town affairs at the Public meeting Mouse in Said down on Monday the 16 th Day of august A. D. 1779 — To act on the articles Contained in the .Warrant 1 On the first article The Town Chose M' David Bigelow moderator 2 On the Second art. 1 Voted to pass over the Said Art' 1 ' for the Present 3 On the 3' 1 art' 1 '. Voted to send one Delegate to Concord to meet in Convention on the first Wednesday of October next Voted & Chose M r David Bigelow a Delegate to attend Said Convention 'To ele<5l delegates to a convention to be held in Cambridge on Sept. i tn frame a new Constitution fur the State. 34-0 Worcester Tozu?t Records. [ J 779- 4 On the 4 th art. voted that the Select men deposit the Town Stock of ammunition in the most Safe Place as they Shall think Proper at the Risk of the Town 5"' On the fifth art le . Voted & granted the Sum of Eight hundred & ninety two pounds Sixteen Shillings to pay for the Shirts Stock- ings & Shoes to be Procured for the Soldiery &c. to be levied & assessed on the Polls & Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town &c Voted that this meeting be adjourned to Wednesday the 18 th Instant at four o'Clock in the afternoon to meet at this Place and adjourned accordingly The foregoing votes were Passed at this meeting Attest William Stearns Town Cler Wednesday August 18 th . A. D. 1779 The Town met according to the above adjournment M r David Bigelow being moderator and on the Second art le in the Warrant Voted to elecl & Depute three Delegates to meet at Cambridge in a State Convention &c for the Sole Purpose of forming a New Constitution &c Voted & Chose Levi Lincoln Esqr ) Delegates for Joseph alien Esqr [- and M r David Bigelow ) Said Purpose The[n] Voted that this meeting be dissolved & it is dissolved accordingly The foregoing votes were Passed at this meeting Attest William Stearns Town Cler At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester qualified to vote in Town affairs duly Warn'd & held at the Public meeting House in Said Town on monday the 30 th Day of august Anno Domini 1779 — To a6l on the articles Con- tained in the Warrant 1 Chose m r David Bigelow moderator of said meeting 1 7 7 9 • ] Revolutionary Period. 3 4 1 2 n<1 On the Second article in the Warrant, The doings of the County Convention & their Resolutions being distinctly read the Town unanimously accepted and approved of the Same 3 d Voted that [a] Committee of five be Chosen to Regulate the Prices of the More minute articles of Labour &c & other articles not Regulated by the late County Convention & that they make Report of their Doings at the adjournment of this meeting Voted & Chose D r John Green, M r asa moore, M r Samuel Salis- bury MThomas Wheeler, & M r Daniel Bigelow for Said Committee Voted to adjourn this meeting [to] Monday next 3 o'Clock P. M. (September 6 th ) then to meet at this Place & it is adjourned accordingly Attest William Stearns Town Clerk Monday September Sixth, Anno Domini 1779 The Town Met according to the above adjournment & M r Da- vid Bigelow moderator of this meeting being absent, The Town Proceeded to Choose M r Joseph alien Moderator The aforesaid Committee bro't in a Report of Prices of Labour, Produce &c & articles in the List Enumerated — and on Motion Voted that an addition of three Persons Should be made to Said Committee b r 25 th 1779 Met according to the above adjournment Voted to adjourn this meeting to Novem 1 ". i st 4 o'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this place &: adjourned accordingly attest Will'" Stearns Town Clerk Monday Nov r i st 1779 Met according to the above adjournment. When the Com- mittee above chosen to procure men &c brought in the following report, viz. 1 "2nd To adopt the most proper measures for procuring & raising the towns proportion of Soldiers of the two thousand men to be raised in this State, to march to Claverick on Hudson's river for the assistance of General Washington as soon as may be, agreeable to the requisition of the General Court." 1 779.] Revolutionary Period. 345 Worcester Nov 1 " i st 1779 The Committee appointed by the town to procure & pay thir- teen men being their proportion of a reinforcement for General Washington's army agreeable to a resolve of the General Court & vote of the town on Monday the 20 th day of Oct r last, beg leave to report as follows, viz. That they have procured & partly paid, & engaged in behalf of the town to C'ompleat their payments with Interest on the notes given till paid, to 13 men as the towns hire at ,£150 pr. Man ^195° That they have in the same Method paid said 13 Men their States bounty ^30 each 390 That they have in the same method paid said 1 3 men their Mileage from hence to Clavernick the place of destination 135 Miles at 2/ pr mile 175 10 Total, Hire, Bounty & Mileage ;£ 2 5'5 10 Their said Committee have the proper Vouchers for the above proceedings that 12 of the 13 Men marched this day, one having permission from Col 1 Denny to march some future day John Cunningham p r . order N. B. The whole sum is to be understood to be upon Interest, as what was paid was hired on those terms Voted that the foregoing report be accepted & allowed — Voted that the sum of two thousand five hundred & fifteen pounds ten shillings be & is hereby granted to said Committee to repay them what they have advanced for the Hire, bounties cc Mileage of the soldiers in said report mentioned & that the same be assessed by a tax &c — Voted that the said sum be assessed with the County tax. Voted that Said Committee receive Interest for said sum till paid — & that such Interest be paid out of the money to be lodged in the town treasury by Sam' Curtis Esq when he shall receive the same from the Treasurer & Receiver General of this State. Voted that this Meeting be dissolved & it is dissolved accord- ingly The foregoing votes were passed at this Meeting Attest William Stearns Mod r & Town Clerk 44 346 Worcester Town Records. [1779. At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the town of Worcester qualified to vote in town affairs duly warned & held at the public meeting house in Worcester Odtober 20 th 1779 to act on the articles contained in the Warrant On the first article chose M r Allen Moderator The second article ' was postponed On the 3 d article viz For the town to vote & agree that all the public moneys granted by this town the currant year at & after the last annual March Meeting to this time & that shall be granted this meeting be levied & assessed in one tax, except what respects the support of the war & what is already assessed. It passed in the affirmative On the fourth article Voted & granted the sum of twelve hun- dred Pounds to the Rev M r Maccarty for his Salary for the year 1779. The 5 th article 1 was dismissed Voted to adjourn this meeting to monday the 25 th Instant at one o'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this place & it was adjourned accordingly Attest Will'" Stearns Town Clerk Monday Oaob r 25 th A. D. 1779 Met according to adjournment & on the 6 th article in the war- rant Voted to allow the following accompts to the following persons Viz: To Thomas Wheeler for taking care of a Sick Negro man & burying him when dead .£24 2 To William Trowbridge for one hundred & ninety feet of 3 Inch plank 1 1 10 To William Young Esq for one hundred Foot of white oak 3 Inch plank 6 o To Joseph Barber for his Expences at the County Convention 6 o 'To grant money for common charges. 2 "To hear & Consider of the petitions of Mr Joseph Ball& Mr Daniel Baird Relative to the Raising of Soldiers for the nine months Continental Service" 6 4 6 o 5 o '7 8 i i o 1779.] Revolutionary Period. 347 To John Elder for one hundred cV live feet of } Inch plank To John Welsh for Dodtring [?] & attendance on the fore mentioned Negro 5 days To Mr William Taylor for the abatement of part of the Rates of Mr James Hart To Same for Mr Isaac Moores Rates abated for Joel Smiths Rates abated for the abatement of Isaac Moores Rates for 1770 1 14 o ■ — — for 1777 211 2 for the Abatement of Xathl Maecartys Rates for 17 78 892 for the Abatement of Joseph Morses Rales I o 3 Voted that a Committee be chosen to examine the accounts of Cap" Joshua Whitney & others now lying on the Table & that such Committee make report at the adjournment of this meeting Voted that Col 1 Benjamin Flagg Cap" Israel Jennison & M r Nath 1 Brooks be a Committee for the aforesaid purpose Then the Moderator presented & read a Letter from the Rev d M r Maccarty requesting that the town would make good to him eighty pounds according to the current price of articles before the war. Then on a motion made & seconded the Question was put whether the town will now resume the consideration of the article in the \V r arrant relative to M r . Maccarty's Salary & proceed at this time to make any further grant It pass'd in the Negative Then Voted that the further consideration of this Letter be pos- poned to the adjournment of this meeting, (S: that the Town Clerk put up a notification thereof & of the cime this meeting is adjourn- ed to that there may be a general attendance Voted that this meeting be adjourned [to] Monday the i st day of jMov r . next at one o'Clock in the afternoon then to meet at this place & adjourned accordingly attest Will"' Stearns Town Clerk Monday Nov 1 i st 1 7 79 Met according to theforegoing adjournment from the 25 th day of Octob'' last to this time. The Town then resumed the consideration 348 Worcester Tozvn Records. [ l 779- of the article relative to Rev d M r . Maccartys Sallary & of his letter of the 25 th Ult. & on Motion made & seconded the Question was put, whether the town would make any further grant to' M r . Maccarty at this time & it passed in the Negative. The Committee chosen under the 6 th article report that the Se- lectmen have advanced money in favour of the town the Interest of which is fifteen pounds Sixteen Shillings, which Interest only is due to them. Voted that the sum of fifteen pounds sixteen shillings be allowed the Selectmen for said Interest. As to the accompt of Cap" Joshua Whitney & M r Jon a Rice Under the 8 th article 1 the committee submitted it to the town to allow" or disallow the same as they shall think proper. Voted that the sum of twenty four pounds ten shillings be grant- ed to said Whitney & Rice in full for their expences in going after said Gleason & Crosby. Then the town Voted to take up the matter of the 2 d article in the warrant viz. To grant such sums of Money as should be tho't necessary to defray the Charges of the Town the Currant year & Voted That whereas there is the sum of three hundred & ninety pounds in the hands of the Treasurer & Receiver General of this State belonging to the Town of Worcester that said sum be appro- priated to the purpose in said article mentioned Voted that the Selectmen give an order to Sam 1 Curtis Esq to receive the said sum of three hundred & ninety pounds of the State Treasurer & that the Said Sam 1 shall lodge said Money in the hands of the town treasurer to be drawn out as the town shall direct. Voted that the Selectmen now have liberty to draw out now one hundred pounds for defraying town charges, they to be account- able unto the town for the Expenditure '"To Grant a proper Reward to Capt Joshua Whitney and Mr Jonathan Rice for Endeavors to take & Recover Thomas Gleason & Elisha Crosby Deserters from the army." 1 779-] Revolutionary Period. 349 On the ninth article Voted that Cap" Sam 1 Brooks M r Robert Smith & M r Noah Harris be a Committee for directing & making the wall 1 mentioned in said article. Then Voted that this meeting be dissolved, & it was dissolved accordingly The foregoing Votes were passed at this Meeting attest William Stearns Town Cler Entered from & Compared with the original minutes W"' Stearns Town Cler At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester qualified to vote in town affairs duly warned & held at the public meeting house in said town Nov 1 ". 15 th 1779 to act on the articles contained in the Warrant On the first article chose M r . Will"' Stearns Moderator On the 2 d article, The proceedings of the Convention 2 therein mentioned read & the consideration thereof posponed. On the article in the Warrant viz To See if the Town will send a memorial to general Court to obtain a more equal Taxation of the town of Worcester than was levied on said town by the last tax bill & do thereon what may be tho't most proper. Voted & resolved that the Selectmen be impowered & they are hereby impowered & directed to present a memorial & remonstrance in the name & be- half of this town to the general assembly of this State in their present session to obtain relief from the excess of the last tax & a more equal taxation for the town of Worcester in future Voted to adjourn this meeting to Monday the 29 th Instant & adjourned accordingly attest Will"' Stearns Town Clerk Entered from & compared with the original minutes W" Stearns Town Cler N. B. Nothing more was ever done at this meeting W" Stearns T. C. 'On the road through Mr. Heath's land. ■ I leld at Concord for the purpose of regulating prices. 350 Worcester Town Records. [1780. At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the town of Worcester qualified to vote in town affairs duly warned & held at the public meeting house in S d Town on the 31 st day of Jan y 1 780 to a6l on the several articles contained in the warrant for said Meeting On the first article chose M r . William Stearns Moderator of S d meeting Then Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 14 th day of February next then to meet at this place & adjourned ac- cordingly attest Will" 1 Stearns Town Clerk Monday Feb- V 14 th 1780 Met according to the above adjournment. When the town vo- ted under the 2 d article of the Warrant, that the sum of thirteen hundred & sixty pounds should be granted to the Rev d M r Mac- carty in addition to the twelve hundred pounds granted him at a town meeting held in this place on the twentieth day of October last, for his Salary for one year from the twenty first of June last, making in the whole twenty five hundred & Sixty pounds Voted not to acl on the 3 d1 & 4 th2 articles in the Warrant & that the same be dismissed Then voted that this meeting be dissolved & it was dissolved accordingly The foregoing votes were passed at this Meeting attest William Stearns Mod r & Town Cler Enter'd from the Original & Compared therewith p r William Stearns Town Cler At a Publick Town meeting held at the meeting House in Wor- cester, on monday ye Sixth day of march A. D 1780 to act on the several articles Contained in the foregoing Warrant 'To assess a continental tax. "To make provision for soldiers' families. 1780.] Revolutionary Period. 351 at Said meeting Sam p| Curtis Esq 1 " Chosen moderator David Bigelovv I) 1 ' John Green Jonathan Rice Joseph Barber Edward Crafts Select Men and overseers of the poor Nath' Heywood Town Cler (apt W" Gates Town Treasurer James Moore Nath 1 Heywood Eph'" Miller assessors Nathan Perry Dea Jacob Chamberlain Wardens M r James MTarland Collector which Service he Engages to do for the Sum of two Hundred and Forty Five pound Reward Eph'" Mower Daniel Goulding Constables Joseph Allen Daniel Harris David Chadwick Tho' Knight Will" 1 Trowbridge Committee of Correspondence Nathan Heard Sealer of Leather Sam'' 1 Bridge Eph'" Curtis Clerks of the market Solomon Bixbee Sam' Fullerton Surveyors of Bords and Shingles Sam' Clark Joseph Ball John Barnard John Glezen Josiah Knight James M c Farland John Moore Nathan Patch Benj a Stowell Tho s Nicols James Barber Daniel Harris Surveyors of high ways and Collectors of high way Taxes Daniel Johnson Sam el Mower Jun r Fence Viewers Josiah Harrington Joseph Ball Tithing men Sam"' 1 Bridge D r Benj" Green Dear Reaves Eli Chapin Joshua Whitney Field drivers Sam el Whitney Levi Flagg Thaddeus Chapin John Welsh John Hamilton Sam' 1 Warden Elijah Haws William Buckston Richard Pratt William Taylor Thaddeus moore Hog Reaves Voted to Choose a Committee to Examine the Several Squad- rons of Schooling in this Town, and to Regulate the Squadrons and apportion the money that shall be Granted to Support Schools in S' 1 Town and make Report at the adjournment of this meeting Timothy Paine Esq r Benj a Stowell Col Benj a Flagg Cap' Eb- enez r Lovel Cap' John Curtis Asa moore John Chamberlain James MTarland Sam el Curtis ICsi j r Levi Houghton Lieu' Josiah Pierce Chosen for the Said Committee 352 Worcester Town Records. [1780. The Sum of two thousand pounds Granted for the Support of Schools the Currant year Voted to Choose a Committee to Consist of three to settle ac- compts with the Town Treasurer, accordingly the following Gent™ were Chosen Col° Benj a Flagg William Stearns Joseph Allen Committee to Settle ace 4 with y e Town Treasurer Voted to Discharge the Committee of Last year's and this Com- mittee Settle all ace', with D r John Green the Late Town Treas- urer and make Report at the annual may meeting Voted that Ninety pounds be Granted to the Select-men for the year 1779 out of the Sum in Said article mentioned to repay them so much by them advanced in behalf of the Town, to pay soldiery their bounty who were sent to Rhode Island in June Last and that the Remainder of the Sum in Said article mentioned lye in the Town Treasuer till the further order of the Town Voted the Swine may go at Large in this Town the Current year they being properly Yoaked and Ringed the 5 th1 9 th2 & 10 th3 articles not passed upon and Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the 20 th . Inst at one O'Clock in the afternoon — adjourned accordingly The foregoing Votes were passed at this meeting Attest W m Stearns Town Cler a true Coppy from ye minutes Attest Nath 1 Heywood Town Cler monday 20 th march 1 780 At a Town meeting duly Warned and met according to the above adjournment the Town proceded to act on the Remaining articles in the Warrant m r . Sam el Curtis being absent the Town proceeded and C[h]ose mr. Wm Stearns moderator 'To grant a highway tax. 2 To allow accounts against the town. 3 To provide for soldiers' families. 1 780.] Revolutionary Period. OJJ the Committee appointed to apportion the School money in this Town brough[t] in the following Report agreeable to their order which Report was accepted by the vote of the Town to the middle of the Town ^5 2 3 '5 4 Cap'. Smiths District 116 16 9 Lieu'. Benj" Stowells Do. 199 1 7 Col° Flagg 1 74 1 8 9 Sam el Curtis Esq r . 100 1 2 Lieu' Pierces 165 4 7 Cap' Lovels 'S3 6 3 Cap' Curtis s 205 2 5 Tatnick 165 16 7 m' Asa moore 165 16 7 ^2000 Voted to Settle where the Grammar School Shall be kept Voted to begin at the highest Squadron, and precede to the lowest, each Squadron to have the Said School, in proportion to their School money Voted to Raise one thousand pounds in addition to what is al- ready Granted for the Supporting of Schools, to be divided in the Same proportion the other School money is Divided Voted to Choose [a] Committee to provide School masters to Consist of Ten accordingly the Town made Choise of the following Gen" for the S' 1 Committee \V" Stearns Josiah Peine ) asa Ward Ezra Cara Benj a Stowell D r John Green [School Com' ee Thomas Wheeler W" Young Lsq r John Elder James m c Farland I Voted to Set the price of Labour at the Highway Voted that Nine pounds be the price of one days Labour at the highways pr man oxen, Carts and plows in the usual proportion Voted that the Sum of Ten Thousand pounds be granted to be 45 354 Worcester Town Records. [1780. levied and assessed upon die polls and Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town : for the purpose of Repairing of highways Voted that those persons who have not worked out their last years highway Rates, have Liberty to work them out provided they work them out before the first day of June next ; those persons that have Credit in the last years highway Tax to be allowed equal to what is allowed the Current year Voted that the Select-men be Directed to give Seperate orders to the Committee appointed to Hire Soldiers for the Claverick Expedition Granted to D r W m Walker for Doclering Tamerson Kimbolton .£5° ° Do Do Margaret Miles 97 o ;£i47 Voted that the above sums be levied and Assessed upon the polls and Estates of the Inhabitants of this town Voted to m r John moore for a pair Stockings ^4 o Voted to Choose a Committee to Consist of three to provide for Soldiers Families Capt Joshua Whitney } Com ,ee to provide for the James Barber [- families of non Com officers John Glezen ) and Soldiers the Sum of two Hundred pound Granted for the use of the said Committee which money is ahead [y] assessed Voted to adjourn this meeting for one half hour at the Expira- tion of which the town Reasumed the business of the meeting Voted to Choose two assessors in addition to the other three already Chosen accordingly mess rs Nath" Harrington & Thomas Wheeler were Chosen by a majority of Votes Voted that this meeting be Dissolved and this meeting is Dis- solved accordingly Attest Nath" Hey wood Town Cler at a Publick Town meeting held at ye meeting House in Wor- cester on the 20 th day of march A D 1780 to act on the Several articles Contained in Foregoing Warrant 1780.] Revolutionary Period. 355 m r . William Stearns Chosen moderator Voted that the assessors go upon the Business of taking a Valua- tion Imedeatly and Send to the General Court ; agreeable to the act of the General Court in 1778 Voted that Cap'. Goulden and others have Liberty to Build a School House upon the Common a leatle West of the Pound Voted that this meeting be Dissolved and this meeting is ac- cordingly Dissolved the Foregoing Votes were passed at this meeting Attess Nath" Heywood Town Clerk At a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, qual- ified to act on the foregoing articles respectively, legally warned & assembled at the publick Meeting house in said Town, on Monday the first day of May in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & eighty. M r . David Bigelow was chosen Moderator. 2 d . Article 1 was adjourned to the last monday of the present month Voted that Mess rs . Jonathan Rice, Sam 1 Jennison & Richard Pratt be a Committee to hire money in order to procure Soldiers for the Guards at Rutland, & that the further Consideration of this article be postponed to the last monday of the present month. This Meeting was then adjourned to that time At? Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, qual- ified to vote in Town Affairs and for the choice of Representatives respectively, legally warned & assembled at the publick Meeting house in said Town, on Monday the twenty second day of May, in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & eighty 'To see if the inhabitants approve of the new state constitution. 356 Worcester Town Records. [1780. Samuel Curtis Esq r . was chosen to represent the Town, agree- able to the first article in the Warrant. M r . David Bigelow was chosen Moderator. Joseph Allen was chosen Town Clerk, & sworn in the Meeting Voted that the consideration of the third article 1 be referred to the adjournment Voted that the consideration of the article relative to the Salary of the Rev d . M r . Maccarty, be referred to the first Monday of Sep- tember next at 3 o'Clock P. M. Upon a motion made by James MTarland that he might with- draw his request as inserted in the Warrant (being article 7 th ) 2 the same was dismissed Voted that the 8 th . Article be postponed to the Adjournment, & that the Selecl. men, in the mean time, enquire upon what terms any suitable person will ring the bell Voted that M 1 '. Duncan take care of the burying Ground & toll the bell at funerals Voted to allow William Taylor fifty dollars, he having received in behalf of the Town, a bill of that Denomination which is Coun- terfeit. Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to Monday next, being the 29 th day of the Month, at one o'Clock P. M. & it was adjourn- ed accordingly At a Meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, qual- ified to vote in Town Affairs, held at the publick Meeting house in Worcester, on Monday the twenty ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & eighty, by adjournment from the twenty second day of the same Month '"To choose other delegates instead of the present Members to meet in Convention on the first Wednesday of June next if they see fit." '-"7th To see if the Town will excuse Mr. James McFarland from being Collector of taxes the current year, by reason of his indisposition of health. & proceed to the choice of one in his room." 1780.] Revolutionary Period. 357 Voted not to send any new members to the Convention for framing a new Constitution or form of Government. Voted to allow Reuben Eaton's accot. for keeping the Widow Sarah Eaton, amounting to 72 S 6 also the accot. of Scip. Chandler for ringing the meeting house bell 31 4 Voted to allow Joseph Torrev in full discharge of his accot. 100 Voted that the Select men procure & agree with some person to ring the bell. Voted to abate the Poll-tax of the Son of Paul Kingston in M r . \V". Taylors list being ^15 o o Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in Sep r . next at 3 o'Clock P. M. & adjourned accordingly a true Entry att. Jos. Allen Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester qualified to vote in Town Affairs, legally warn- ed and assembled, at the publick Meeting house in said Town, on Monday the twenty ninth day of May, in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & eighty. M r . David Bigelow was chosen Moderator. Voted that the Sum of ^£1360. granted to the Rev d M r . Maccarty in February last, be assessed upon the polls & estates in this Town, 6c that the same be collected Voted that the sum of Two hundred & ninety pounds, part of the sum paid into the hands of the Treasurer by Samuel Curtis Esq r . be paid to the Committee chosen to procure men to do duty at Rutland by an order of the Select Men to said Committee, which Committee is to be accountable for the expenditure of the same The Committee chosen in March last, to reckon with the late Town Treasurer, made report of their doings in the words follow- ing, viz 358 Worcester Town Records. [1780. ••Worcester, May 22^. 1 780. We the Subscribers, a Committee "appointed by the Town of Worcester, to settle with the late Town "Treasurer (Dr. John Green) have attended said service, c three months, having made report the Town took into Consideration that part thereof which relates to the officer being considered as one of the Men in respect to the pay by the Town, & it passed in the negative The Meeting was then adjourned to Monday the twenty third dav of October instant, at one o'Clock P. M. At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, begun & 47 3jo Worcester Town Records. [1780. held at the Meeting house in said Town, on Monday the ninth day of October in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & eighty, & continued by adjournment from time to the 23 d . day of the same October & then the following votes were passed viz. Voted, that the report of the Committee appointed to consider what sum may be necessary for the Town to grant the Rev' 1 . M r . Maccarty as a Salary for the present year, be not accepted, vid. file. Voted that the Sum of Eighty Pounds in bills of Credit of the last emission, or other money equivalent thereto, be granted to the Rev d . M r . Maccarty as his Salary for the present year. Voted that the further Sum of forty pounds like money be grant- ed to the said M r . Maccarty in addition to the former sum of Eighty pounds for the present year — & that said sums be assessed Voted that the Sum of Six hundred & twenty four pounds seven shillings & six pence in bills of Credit of the last emission or other money equivalent thereto be granted, raised & assessed for the purpose of discharging the Contracts made with those persons who engaged to serve as Soldiers for 6 months & 3 months respective- ly in behalf of this Town. The meeting was then dissolved A true entry, attest. Jos. Allen, Town Clerk We the Subscribers, pursuant to an appointment of the Select Men of Worcester, to perambulate the line between Worcester & Sutton, have attended said service, & begun at Black-Stone River, within the bounds of Jonas Woodward's land, at a heap of Stones, & running North Easterly & renewed the bounds between said Towns to the corner of Appleton's land Jonathan Rice Daniel Greenwood April the 27 th 1780 Samuel Goddard Jonathan Holman Josiah Goddard Entered from the Original ^ r Jos. Allen, Town Clerk 1780.] Revolutionary Period. 371 We the Subscribers, pursuant to an appointment of the Select Men of Worcester, to perambulate the lines betwixt Worcester & Leicester, have attended said service & began at the north west corner of Worcester, at a heap of Stones on the corner of David Moore's Land, of Pork Delivered to Mr. Elisha Dunham Z259 7 o To Benja. Flagg Jur. for 1 Bushel of Rye eld the Comitte for hireing the Six months Men £, 21 \o o old money ^,281 17 o Voted that the Select men (live M r . Benjamine Flagg Ju r . an order on the Town Treasurer Voted to allow Mr. James Tracy for Kinging the Meeting house Hell From march 1760 to march 178 1 ^90 o o Voted to accept the Report of the Select men Respecting the money arising From the Sale of Ministerial & School Lands Voted to Reconsider the Vote passed Respecting the Select, mens Report of the money arising From the Sale of Ministerial and School Lands Voted that M r . James Mclarland be added to the Committe For making the depreciation to those that heretofore Lent money to the Town in the Room of M r . Stearns Voted that Cap'. Ebenezar Lovell M r . Nathan Patch & M r . Na- thaniel Brooks be a Comittee to see what Terms Colo Henshaw will Settle upon ec make Report to the Town It was then Voted that this Meeting be dissolved & it was there upon dissolved accordingly A True Entry att s Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, begun & held at the publick meeting house in said Town on monday the Ninth day of April, A. I). 1781 & Continued by adjournment to monday the Sixteenth day of the Same April at half after Four OClock P. M. & Then Met A motion was made & Seconded that the minds of the Town be Taken in Regard of M r . Thomas Richardsons being Considered 5° 394 Worcester Toivn Records. [^Si. as a Neglecting Individual & the question being put thereon it passed in the Negative Voted that Samuel Plum Aaron Smith Abraham Gale & Anthony Williams be Neglecting Individuals & that the assessors Immedi- ately assess them the Sums they were Sever [a] ly assessed in the Clases which they Belong to with an addition of half Said Sum Voted that Ritchard Harris be dismised From the Class he Be- longs to Free From Cost It was Then Voted that this meeting be dissolved & it was there- upon Dissolved accordingly A true Entry Att" Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of The Freeholders & others Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester qualified as the Constitution Directs in the Choice of Representatives legally warned & assembled at the pub- lick meeting house in Said Town, on Tuesday the Fifteenth day of may in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & Eighty one Samuel Curtis Esq r . was Chosen to Represent this Town at the ensueing General Court attest Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs legally warn- ed & assembled at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on Tuesday the Fifteenth day of may in the year of our Lord Seven- teen hundred & Eighty one Samuel Curtis Esq r . was Chosen Moderator Voted to Choose a Committee to Examine the accounts that Shall be Brought in against the Town at this Meeting likewise the Request of M r . James Quigly in Regard to a Child of M rs Brooks and make Report to the Town then Chose the three following- Gentlemen for Said purpose M r . Nathan Perry Timothy Paine Esq r . & Cap 1 . John Curtis 1 78 1.] Revolutionary Period. .395 Voted that the Sum of one hundred pounds Lawfull Money be granted to the Rev' 1 . M r . Maccarty for his Salery the current year to be paid in Solid Money or other money Equivalent Voted that the .Select men provide Some person to Ring the Bell the Current year Voted that the Select men procure Some person to take Care of the Burrying Ground the Current year Voted to accept of the List For Jurymen that the Select men have accibited to the Town and also the list of the Forth part to Serve for Jurys at the Superior Court See File Voted that the Present Select men be a Committee to Settle with the old Select men with regard to past Deliciences in regard to the Moneys Arising From the Sale of Ministerial & School Lands & make Report to the Town Voted to Choose a Committee to Consist of Five to See what Terms they Can Settle with those who have lent money to the Town then Chose the Following persons Cap'. Joshua Whitney M r . Asa Moore M r . Benjamine Stowell Cap'. Samuel Mower & M r . Nathan Baldwin Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to monday the Twenty Eighth Day of this Instant may at one of the Clock in the after noon then to meet at this Place, & the meeting was accordingly adjourned A True Entry attest Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester quallified to Vote in Town affairs begun & held at the publick Meeting house in said Town, on tuesday the fifteenth day of may A, I), 1781 and Continued by adjournment to monday the Twenty Eighth day of the Same may at one of the Clock in the afternoon & Then Met the Following Votes were passed Viz Voted to allow the following accounts & that they be allowed in Sollid Money & paid in Sollid money or other money Equivalent ,96 Worcester Town Records. fi 78 t To Othaniel Taylor for keeping Ruben Hoit his wife & Child six weeks at 12/ pr week 312 o To Lydia Taylor for boarding Ruben Hoit his wife & Child 20 weeks & one day & Nurs 2 weeks 1209 To David Bigelow for boarding Rubin Hoit his wife & Child 2 weeks 140 To Ritchard Prat for boarding & Nursing Ruben Hoit his wife & Child & for Sundrys & Trouble 4 15 1 To Jedediah Healey for a Coffin for Ruben Hoit 090 To Doclx. John Green for journeys to Ruben Hoit and medicen 6 S I To Thomas Wheler for making Rates & Finding paper & money Expended 120 To James Moore Nathaniel Brooks & Ephraim Miller for making Rates Settleing a Valuation & paper 615 o To James Quigley for the maintainence of a Child of Agness Brookes 40 weeks at 3/ pr. week Ending 1781 28th of may 600 To William Johnson for Sundrys he Relinquishing all former Grants 217 ^44 7 6 Voted that the account of David Bigelow Joshua Whitney & Jo- siah Peirce lye for the present Voted to allow Leu 1 . Josiah Pierce the money that he Lent to the Town Eaquail to what it was when Lent with interest till paid Voted to allow Leu 4 Nathan Perry the money that he Lent to the Town Equail to what it was when lent with interest till paid & that the Town Receives the money he owes to the Town at the Same Rate Voted to Choose a Committee to Consist of Five to Licquedate the accounts & Demands that lye against the Town & See what they are in Sollid Money & make Report to the Town then Chose the following Persons M rss Joseph Allen James Moore Isaiah Thomas Timothy Paine Esq 1 ". & Cap 1 . John Curtis Voted that this meeting be dissolved & it was dissolved accord- ingly A True Entry attst Daniel Goulding Town Clerk i/8 1.] Revolutionary Period. 397 Worcester April 16"' 1781 Sir, We have this day licensed M r . Sam 1 . Bridge as an Auction- eer in this Town for the Term of one year & have taken Sufficient bonds of Said Bridge for the faithfull discharge of his trust in Said Capacity & Direct you to record this in the Town Book To M r . Daniel Goulding Sam 1 . Miller Town Clerk Nathan Perry ~) Select men W" MTarland - of Sam 1 Brown ) Worcester John Gleason A True Entry from the original att 8 . Daniel Goulding T Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & Others Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs legally warn- ed & assembled at the publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the Ninth day of July in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & Eighty one the Following Votes were passed Viz Joseph Allen Esq 1 ". Chose Moderator Voted to Choose a Committee to Consist of three to Draw a peticion to Send to the General Court in regard of the Towns be- ing over Taxed & Lay it before the Town at the adjournment of this meeting then Chose M™ Joseph Allen David Bigelow & Na- than Perry for said purpose Voted that the Militia Officers be a Committee to procure Sol- diers for the Service at Rode Island in the Best way & manner they Can Voted that this meeting be adjourned to thursday next at Four oClock, P, M, & it was adjourned accordingly a True entry att 8 . Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs begun & held at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on monday the Ninth day of July, A, D, 1781 & Continued by adjournment to Thursday the Twelfth day of the Same July at Four OClock, P. M. and. then Met then the Following Votes were passed, Viz 398 Worcester Town Records. f 1 78 1. Voted on the 2 d . Article to Raise the Towns Quota of Beef ac- cording to the Requisition of the General Court June the 2 2 d . 1 781 Voted to pay for the Beef that Shall be Raised in hard money Voted that the Sum of Four hundred pounds in Gold or Silver be granted Raised assessed on the Polls & Estates in this Town and paid in by the first day of January Next For the purpose of Raising this Towns Quota of Beef Voted that Colo Ebenezar Lovell & Cap'. Joshua Whitney be a Committee to procure the Beef mentioned in the warrant and that the Town will indemnify them Voted that the Committee deliver the first requisition of Beef on the 19 th of this Instant July at Swans Tavern in Leicester in the morning - to Colo Jacob Davis Voted that the Committee be directted to procure & Deliver the former deficiences of beef to Said Davis at the Time & place above mentioned Voted that the Committee aforesaid procure & Deliver the Other monthly requisitions of Beef when called for Voted that a Committee be Chosen to know on what terms Sol- diers will engage, whether they will take produce, what Sum of money will be necessary to be paid down & whether they can hire a Sum in hard money for that purpose Voted that the Militia officers be a Committee to Raise the men for head Quarters Voted that this Meeting be Further adjourned to monday the 16 th of July Instant at 2 OClock, P, M, then to meet at this Place & it was accordingly adjourned A True Entry att s Daniel (Moulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs begun & held at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on monday the Ninth day of July, A, D, 1781 & Continued by adjournment From time 1 781.] Revolutionary Period. 399 to time to monday the Sixteenth of the Same July at two OClock P, M, & then Met the Following Votes were passed Viz. Voted that the Melitia Officers be a Committee to raise the men on the Best terms they can and hire money for to pay Said men upon the Town Security & be paid by the Town for their Trouble Voted to Reconsider So mutch of the last Vote as Relates to the Melitia Officers hireing money to raise the men Voted to Choose a Committee to hire money to pay the men and that the Committee Consist of three Voted that the Town Treasurer be impowered to Receive the money that Shall be Subscribed for hireing the men & give Secu- rity's in behalf of the Town with intrest Voted that this Meeting be Further adjourned to monday the 23 d of this Instant July at Four OClock, P, M, then to meet at this Place & it was accordingly adjourned a True Entry art 8 Daniel Colliding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, qualified to Vote in Town affairs, begun & held at the publick meeting house in said Town on monday the Ninth day of July A, D, 1781 & Continued by adjournment From time to time to monday the 23"' of the Same July at Four OClock P. M. & Then Met the Following Votes were passed, Viz Voted that the Militia officers be impowered to Receive of M r . James Macfarland part of the hard money Tax for the Purpose of hireing Soldiers Eaquil to twenty Dollars p r . man & that the Town indemnify Said Macfarland Voted that the Town Treasurer he Directed to give Securitys to the men that Shall be hired for the Remaining part they do not Receive in behalf of the Town Voted that the Sum of Four hundred & Fourteen Pounds in Silver or gold be granted for the purpose of Raising Soldiers & that Said Sum be imediately levied and assessed upon the Polls & Es- tates in this Town & one third part of Said Tax imeaditly CollecT:- 400 Worcester Town Records. [ 1 781. ed & the Remainder as Soon as posable & So mutch of the First part paid to M r . James Macfarland as he Shall have payed to the Committee for the purpose of hireing Men Voted that this Meeting be Further adjourned to monday the Sixth day of august Next at Four OClock, P. M. then to meet at this place & the Meeting was accordingly adjourned A True Entry att s Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs begun and held at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on Monday the Ninth day of July A. D. 1781 & Continued by adjournment From time to Time to monday the Sixth day of august A. D. 1781 at Four OClock P, M, and then Met the Following Votes were passed, Viz Voted that the Sum of one hundred & Ninety Seven pounds ten Shillings in Silver or gold be granted Raised & assessed upon the Polls & Estates in this Town & Collected before the First day of January Next For the purpose of paying for the Horses that the Select men procured the last year according to a Resolve of the General Court. Voted that This Meeting be Further adjourned to monday the thirteenth day of this Instant august at Four OClock, P. M. then to meet at this place & the Meeting was accordingly adjourned A True Entry att 9 . Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & others Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Quallified to vote in Town affairs begun & held at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on monday the ninth day of July 1781 and continued by adjournment from time to time to monday the thirteenth day of august, A. D. 1781 at Four OClock P. M. cS: then Met then the Following Votes were passed Viz 1 781.] Revolutionary Period. 401 Voted that the Sum of one hundred & Sixteen pounds Five Shillings c\: Four pence in Gold or Silver be granted for the pur- pose of purchasing this town Quota of Cloathing & that Said Sum be levied and assessed upon the Polls & Estates in this Town Voted that the Select men Deliver the Collector a Scadule of the persons that they purchase Cloathing of & the Sum that they agree to give them for Said Cloathing & the Collector allow the persons mentioned in Said Scadule the Sum Set against their Name towards their Taxes Voted that this Meeting be Further adjourned to thursday the thirtyeth day of this Instant august at two OClock P. M. then to meet at this Place & the Meeting was accordingly adjourned A True Entry att 8 Daniel Goulding Town Clerk At a Meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs begun & held at the publick Meeting house in Said Town on monday the Ninth day of July, A, D, 1781 & Continued by adjournment From time to time to thursday the thirtyeth day of august A D. 1781 at two OClock P. M. & then Met The Following Votes were passed Viz Voted to accept of the petition that the Committee have drawed up & that the Said petition be Recorded in the Town Book The Petition is as Follows Commonwealth j of Massachusetts j To .the Honorable the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth afores d . in General Court assembled The Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Hum- bly Shews That for Several years last past your petitioners have been called upon by Government for larger Sums of money & greater numbers of Soldiers than their Just proportion which they can make evi- dently to appear if your Honors would indulge them with an op- portunity therefor your petitioners have heretofore applied to your Honors for relief but are informed that their omission in not re- turning a valuation in the year 1778 bars them from a possibility 5 1 402 Worcester Tozvn Records. [ I 78i. of redress a curcumstance so unfortunate to your petitioners as impels them as well to vindicate themselves from any supposed contumacy towards Government as to open a way to their relief, to State that matter in its Just light. The Town knew nothing of of the omission of the assessors with respect to the valuation be- fore mentioned until a disproportionate assessment led them to enquire into the cause of your petitioners afterwards called upon the assessors whose duty it was to have returned the valuation to declare their motives for the Supposed neglect, & were by them informed that the orders for taking a new valuation did not reach them in season your petitioners would beg leave to observe that admitting that the assessors were culpable, as it was without the consent or even Knowledge of the Town yet in their apprehension they have a full claim to be considered & relieved in the premises, your petitioners therefore again most earnestly pray your Honors to take their case into your wise consideration & as they wish not to elude the burthen of the day, that a full enquiry may be made as to the Justice of their complaint & that they may experience that equity which they apprehend their case intitles them to both with respect to future taxes & those that have been made since the last general valuation & as in duty bound your petitioners Shall ever pray At a Meeting of The Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester legally assembled on Thursday the thirtieeth day of august A. D. 1781 Voted that the foregoing petition be presented to Sam 1 . Curtis Esq r . who is requested to lay the Same before the General Court at the next Session Attest Daniel Goulding Town Clerk Voted to accept the Report of the Committee Chose to hire the Five & three months men See File, & that Said Committee be dis- charged the Sums they have Received from M r . Macfarland for Said purpose Voted to allow the following accounts Viz to John Gleason for hireing men & Expences £$ 3 o to Joshua Whitney for hireing men & Expences 600 ^9 3° 178 1.] Revolutionary Period. 403 it was then Voted that this meeting be dissolved v- ernment Directs in the Choice of a Governor &c Legally warned & assembled at the publick meeting house in Said Town on mon- day the First Day of April in the Year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & Eighty two The Following Persons were Voted for as Governor of this Com- monwealth & had the Number of Votes Expressed against their respective Names Hon 1 '. John Hancock 29 Hon Thomas Gushing 5 Flon James Bodwain 14 Sam 1 . Bridge 1 The Following Persons were Voted for as Lieutenant Governor of this Commonwealth & had the Number of Votes Expressed against their respective Names Viz Hon Thomas dishing 39 Sam 1 . Curtis Es.q r . 1 Hon Artimas Ward 1 Sam'. Bridge 1 The Following Persons were Voted for as Senators & Councel- lors & had the Number of Votes Expressed against their respective Names Viz Israel Nichols Esq r . 4 Hon Joseph Dorr Esq r 29 Sam 1 . Curtis Esq r . 7 Hon Artimas Ward Esq 1 " 23 Joseph Allen Esq\ 5 Jonathan Warner Esq r . 17 M r . John Sprague 5 Seth Washburn Esq'. 2 Hon Moses Gill Esq 1 '. 23 Eben r . Crafts Esq r . 1 Hon Sam 1 . Baker Esq r . 29 Ephraime Doolittle Esq 1 ". 1 Thomas Leget Esq r . 1 Jacob Davis Esq 1 ". 1 Jonathan Grout Esq r . 1 It was then Voted that this meeting be dissolved & it was Dissolved accordingly A True Entry attest Daniel Goulding Town Clerk at a meeting of the Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qual- ified to Vote in Town affairs & for the Choice of Representatives 53 41 8 Worcester Town Records. [ x 782. Respectively legally warned & assembled at the Publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the thirteenth Day of may in the year of our Lord Seventeen hundred & Eighty two The Question being Put to know the minds of the Town whether they would send a Representative or Representatives or Not and it passed in the Negative Voted that the meeting For Choosing a Representative or Rep- ' resentatives be adjourned to Next Satterday at two OClock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place & it was accordingly Chose M r . David Bigelow Moderator for to Transact the other Business Voted that the Sum of one hundred Pounds be Granted Raised and assesed on the Poll & Estates in this Town For the Rev" d . M r . Maccartys Salery the Current year Voted that the Committee Chose to Preambelate the School Land be Desired to proced & make Report at the adjournment of this meeting Voted not to pay the Delegates that this Town Chooses to meet in Convention according to the Sixth article in the Warrant for this meeting Voted to Choose three Delegates to meet in Convention accord- ing the Sixth article in the Warrant For this meeting then Chose M r . David Bigelow Lieu'. Josiah Pierce & Cap'. Joshua Whitney For Said purpose Voted not to a<5t on the Seventh article a in the Warrant for this meeting Voted this meeting be adjourned to monday the Twenty Seventh Day of this Instant may at three OClock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place & the meeting was accordingly adjourned A True Entry attest Daniel Goulding Town Clerk To the Select men of the Town of Worcester Gentlemen We the Subscribers Inhabitants of Said Town Request you to insert an 'To choose a committee to settle the line between Worcester and Holden. 1782.] Revolutionary Period. 4 1 9 article in your next Warrant for calling a Town meeting to See if the Town will Chuse one or more Persons to Joine in a County Convention to be held at Worcester on' the Second Tuesday of may Instant to Take under Consideration Sum matters of grevance that we think we Labour under your Compliance with the above request will oblidge your Humble Servents Joel How Joshua Bigelow Worcester may 2d. 1782 John Curtis [srail Jenison [Jur. Robert Crawford Ebenezar Willington John Fisk David Bigelow David Chadick Thomas Knight foshua Whitney At a Publick meeting of the Freeholders & Others Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Duly warned and assembled and Qual- ified to Vote for a Representative & to Vote in Town affairs held at the publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the Thir- teenth Day of may A, 1), 17S2 and Continued by adjournment to Saterday the Eighteenth Day of the Same may at two OClock in the afternoon & then met a motion was made and Seconded to See if the Town would re- consider the Vote Passed the Thirteenth of this Instant may in Regard of Sending a Representative & it passed in the affirmative Voted to Choose one Representative For the ensueing year Then Chose Samuel Curtis Esq''. To represent the Town agreeable to the article in the Warrant For this meeting The Votes for Representative were For Samuel Curtis Esq r . 53 For Levi Lincoln 13 For M 1 '. David Bigelow 20 For William Young Esq'. 4 Voted that this meeting be dissolved & it was accordingly dissolved a True Entry attest Daniel Colliding T Clerk To M r . Daniel Colliding Town Clerk of Worcester I hereby certify that James Moore Came before me and was Sworn to the Faithfull discharge of the office of Tything man in the Town of Worcester For the year Curant att W" 1 Young Jus'. Peice a True Entry Daniel Goulding T C 42 o Worcester Town Records. [1782. To the Select men of the Town of Worcester Gen*. men we the Subscribers the Inhabitants of S d . Town Request you to call a Town meeting as Soon as may be to See if the Town will Instruct their Representative to use his influence in the General Court to obtain a Redress of Greavances which we think we Labour under Your Compliance with the above Request will oblige your Humble Servents Eben Lovell, David Moore, asa Moore, Robert Smith, Toseph Barber, Nath 1 . Harrington, Nath 1 . Brooks, Ephr m . Miller, Moses Miller, John Mower, Worcester may 18 th . 1782 To the Gentlemen Select men of Worcester We your petitioners request that you would insert an article in your next warrant for a Town meeting that will take up and Derect us in the Next Town meeting relative to our being Cited to Court the Second Tuesday of June Next by the Hon 1 . Judge Lincoln for over Taxing him in the Last years Taxes your Hum' 1 '. Ser 4 . Eben r . Lovell \ assessors Worcester May 18 th . 1782 Ephraim Miller V of John Chamberlin j Worcester At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, Qualified to Vote in Town affairs Legally warned and assembled at the publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the Twenty Seventh Day of may A, D, 1782 The Following Votes were Passed Viz. First Chose Lieu 1 . Nathan Perry Moderator Voted to give instructions to their Representative & to Choose a Committee of three Persons For Said Purpose then Chose Wil- liam Young Esq r ., M r . David Bigelow, & Leu f . Josiah Pierce For Said Committee Voted that the assessors Defend their Cause in Regard of their being Cited to appear at Court for over Taxing the Hon 1 . Judge Lincoln in the last years Taxes, and that they Defend the Same at Cost of the Town 1782.] Revolutionary Period. 421 Voted that the Select men be Disired to Procure Some Person or Persons to take Care of the meeting house & Ring the Bell Voted that this meeting be adjourned to monday the third I )ay of June Next at Four OClock in the afternoon then to meet at this Place & the meeting was accordingly adjourned A true Entrv attest Daniel (Moulding Town Clerk at a meeting of the Freeholders & Others Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs legally warned & assembled at the publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the Thirteenth day of may A, 1), 1782 and Continued by adjournment to this Twenty Seventh Day of the Same may & then met then the Following Votes were Passed Viz Voted that the Committee Chose to Pramble the School Land be Desired to Proced and ascertain the Bounds & Number of acers and make a Formal Report to the Town Voted that if the Intrest money arrising From the Sale of the ministerial & School Lands is not paid up that the Select men Sue for Principle & Intrest Voted that the Select men examine into M r . Will" 1 . Dawes ac- counts f the instructions." 424 Worcester Town Records. [ J 78 2 - Towns in this Commonwealth annually giving a Just account of the State of the Treasury would greatly Eas the minds of many of your Constituants -twy \i\/ e think it a great greevance that there has not been a general Settlement with the Treasurer of this Commonwealth and with all Others who have been intrusted with the expenditure of publick monies and have not accounted for the Same 6 thly We think it a grievance that the State of the Treasury is not known to the inhabitants of this Commonwealth and would have you use your influence that in future the General Court trans- mit to every Town annually an account of the expenditure of all publick moneys 7 th,y as the Siting of the General Court in the Town of Boston is attended with many inconveniances we think Said Courts Siting in Said Town a Grievance gtMy that the Sitting of the Court of Common pleas and General Sesions of the Peice at the Same time much interfear with each Other by which means the County is put to the coast of paying many Justices many Days when much less Time would answer the purpose as well gthiy j t j ias Dee n Represented that there has been large Grants of land made to alexander Shepherd and Others laying in the old Province of main [that] there has not been a more Strict inquiry made whether their Claims does not far exceed their origional grants is Complained of These Sir are our Sentiments as maters of Grievance which we instruct you to use your utmost exersions to Guard against and obtain Redress as becomes an Indevedual member of the General assembly Voted that this meeting be dissolved & it was accordingly Dissolved a True Entry attest Daniel Goulding Town Clerk at a Town meeting held at the Publick meeting house in Wor- cester on monday the Thirteenth Day of may. A. D. and Contin- 1782.] Revolutionary Period. 425 ued by adjournment From Time to Time to this Eighth Day of June following & Then met Voted that this meeting he Dissolved & it was accordingly dis- solved a True Entry attest Daniel Colliding Town Clerk At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester, Qualified to Vote in Town affairs legally warned and assembled at the publick meeting house in Said Town on monday the Nineteenth Day of august, A, D, 1782 The Fol- lowing Votes were Passed Viz. Lieu'. Nathan Perry Chosen Moderator The Question being put to know the minds of the Town wheth- er they would Comply with a Late Requisition From the General Court Respecting the Collecting the Late Continental Tax & it passed in the Negative Voted that this Town will exert themselves & pay their Late Continental Tax to their Collector as Soon as posable Voted that this meeting be Dissolved c\: it was accordingly Dissolved a True Entry attest Daniel Colliding Town Clerk At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester Qualified to Vote in Town affairs legally warned & assembled at the publick meeting house in said Town on monday the 18" 1 Day of November A, D, 17S2 Joseph Allen Esq r . was Chosen Moderator Voted to Choose a Committee to Consist of two Persons to as- sist the Committee Chose to Settle with the Town Treasurer then Chose Timothy Paine & Samuel Curtis Esq rs . for Said purpose Voted that the third article in the Warrant be posponed till march meeting Voted that the plan of Wigwam hill that the Committee have drawed be Recorded in the Town Book [see next pace for plan.] 54 H_98 3 Cm / o/ o\ Co o £3 o /avid Bigelow M r . Solomon Bigsby Surveyors of Boards & Shingles M r . William Johnson 2 (1 MA Jonathan Nash M r . Moses Perry M r . Nathaniel Flagg M r . David Willington M r . Joseph Hastings M r . John Elder M r . Stephen Dexter M 1 . Samuel Mahan M'. John Knower Hogg Reeves Voted that this Meeting be adjourned for half an hour Then to meet at this place 430 Worcester Town Records. [1783- Met according to Adjournment Voted that ^100 be granted levied & Assessed for Supplying the Schools for the current year Voted That each School Division, receive of the monies granted for Supporting the Schools, according to the proportions they paid of the last years Tax Voted That the Persons that Shall hereafter be chosen to pro- vide Schooling, be a Committee to proportion the monies agree- able to the last Resolve The Committee then chosen were — Tim- othy Paine Esq r M r . Jesse Taff M r Dan 1 Beard Col 1 Benj" Flagg M r John Gleason M r Phineas Jones Capt. Sam 1 . Brooks John Moore i st William M c Farland Capt. Nath 1 . Brooks Voted that a Committee of three be chosen to settle any diffi- cultys that may arise in any of the School Divisions — and to report at the next town meeting Voted & chose L' Phinehas Jones Capt Nathl Brooks M r Nathan Perry Committee chosen for Said purpose Voted to choose a Committee of three to Settle with the Town Treasurer — Then chose, Timothy Paine Esq r . Joseph Allen Esq r . & Col 1 Ebenezer Lovell Voted That M r . Samuel Whitney be excused from Serving as Collector of Taxes for the current year Voted that M r . Daniel Gould ing be Collector of Taxes for the current year, he giving Sufficient Security for the faithfull perform- ance of his trust, and that he be allow'd two pence half penny ( .' pound for Collecting M r . Abel Haywood M r . John Nazro Constables Voted That the Swine, being Yoked & Ringed go at large Voted, That the Selectmens Report relative to the monies aris- ing from the Sale of the Ministerial & School Lands be accepted The Report is as follows We the Subscribers Selectmen of Worcester for the year 1782 beg leave to Report respecting the money arising from the Sale of ministerial and School Lands is as follows viz — Palmer Goulding £& '34 Stephen Dexter 33 68 John Taylor 42 34 Ezekiel How 20 Phinehas Ward 22 150 Sam! McCrakin So Nehemiah Hinds i\:c 50 1783.] Revolutionary Period. 431 In the hands of Intert paid to Nov. i. 1782 lnii paid to Novr. 1. 17S2 Intr. due Novr. 1. 17S2 £3 7 7 I . J four years Intr. due Nov. 1 1782 Intr paid to Novr. 1. 1782 three years due Novr. 1 1782 three years due July. 17. 1782 School Money in the hands of David Baldwin ,£83 6 8 two years due March 29. 1782 David Higelow .£35 16 8 In the hands of the Town 35 17 10 five years Intt. due and likewise £8 4 4 in the hands of the Selectmen for the year 1780 not accounted for The Interest Rec d is paid to the Rev' 1 . M r . Maccarty Sam 1 . Miller Worcester March Nathan Perry ~) Selectmen 3. 1783 Sam 1 . Brooks > Sam 1 . Brown ) of Worcester John Gleason Voted for a County Treasurer Voted to accept of the Road as laid out by the Selectmen agree- able to the 10 th Article, provided that no cost arise to the Town — The Report of the Selectmen is as follows — Worcester February 15 th . 1783 — At the Request of Mess 1 " 8 , asa Ward & Simon Gates that we would lay a road to accomodate them, we have laid a Road two rods wide beginning at the Coun- try Road leading from Worcester to Leicester, at a Stakes & Stones, thence to a white Oak Tree Mark'd, thence to another small white Oak Tree, thence to a large white Oak Tree, thence to a large Chesnut Tree thence to the Fence near the Dwelling house of the heirs of the late Simon Gates Deceas'd The above Road to be on the Easterly Side of Said marks — The above Road goes thro' the Land of Said Ward & Gates respectively Nathan Perry Sam 1 . Miller Sam 1 Brooks Selectmen of Worcester 432 Worcester Town Records. V 1 !^' Voted to accept of a Road laid out by the Selectmen lying Easterly of John Stearns's Land, mentioned in the 10 th Article, provided that no Expence accrue to the Town Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to One OClock P. m. on the first Monday in April next, then to meet at this place It was Accordingly Adjourned — A true Entry • Attest. William. G h . Maccarty Town Clerk At a legal town meeting Continued by adjournment from March the Third to April 7 th & then met Voted to accept the Report of [the] Committee appointed to divide the School Money, which Report is as follows — The Committee appointed by the Town of Worcester at the annual meeting in march 1783, to provide Schooling for the en- sueing year, and to appropriate the Sum of One hundred Pounds then granted for that purpose, to be expended in the Several School Divisions in Said Town, Report that they have attended that Ser- vice, and apportioned Sum according to the Vote of the Town as follows, viz 1 To Timothy Paine Esqr 32 1 2 Capt Saml. Brooks 10 5 Mr John Moore 6 16 6\i Capt. Nathl Brooks 7 2 3U Lt. Phinehas Jones 9 13 3 Mr. Daniel Baird 8 14 1 Col. Benjamin Flagg 7 H 3 Lt. Willm McFarland 7 8 3 Mr. Jesse Taft 6 3 4 Lt. lohn Gleason 4 6 5 t 2 ;£lOO o o All which is humbly Submitted To The Town Timothy Paine ^ order Voted to allow the following accompts viz £o >7 O '3 '3 o '3 4 2 IO 5 4 18 3 o •5 12 o •5 1 1 3 14 12 o 1783.] Revolutionary Period. 43 1 To Capt. Micah Johnson Mr fames Quigly Mr William Dawes Messrs. Eben. Lovell. Ephraim Miller and John Chamberlain Assessors To Do on another accompt Mr Samuel Eaton Capt Samuel Brooks Dn Samuel Miller Mr Jedediah Healy Voted That the accompt of Jonathan Park against William Tracy & exhibited to the town of Worcester for payment be dismissed Voted that the Selectmen be derected to converse with William Tracy upon the subject of Sundry acc ts from DocV Rand &C which are exhibited to the town of Worcester for payment Voted to accept the Report of the Committee upon an accompt of Doctor John Campbell, for attending John Wait late of this Town Deceas' 1 — The Report is as follows The Committee to Examine this accompt report, that in their opinion it would be expedient for the Selectmen to represent the affair of charge to the Selectmen of Framingham, Said Town being chargeable with the Support of the Said John Wait & his Wife J Allen "§ order Voted That a Sum of Money be assessed upon the Poles and Estates of the Inhabitants of this Town, equal to the accompts now allowed or that have heretofore been allowed, Committee Nath 1 Brooks ) The Committee appointed to examine the Town Treasurers ac- counts beg leave to report to the Town, that they have proceeded so far as to settle the account of the Treasurer with m r . William Taylor a former Collector, & find that there is due from S d Taylor to the Town the Sum of Eighty two Pounds Thirteen Shillings & four pence lawful Silver money for which Sum the Said Taylor has given his Note of hand to m r . Nathan Perry the Town Treasurer or his Successors in Said office payable on demand with Interest till paid — all which is Submitted Tim Paine ^ Worcester Febr y . 3. 1783 Joseph Allen [-Committee Nath 1 . Brooks) The account of Nathan Perry Town Treasurer with the Town of Worcester The Said accountant Chargeth himself with what he received of James McFarland a former Colleclor upon the last settlement with him the sum of ^22 9 2 also with what he Reed, of William Taylor a former Collector upon Settlement 82 13 4 also a tax of ^1664 10 3 new Emission equal to the sum of 8S7 14 10 Silver money committed to Nathan Patch in Febry 1781 to Collect 887 14 IO also with a Tax committed to Sd Patch to Collect: 19 Sept 17S1 amounting to the Sum of 1 140 7 4 also with a Tax committed to Sd Patch to Collect Jany 21 1782 amounting to the Sum of 1 1 14 12 2 also with a Tax committed to said Patch to Collect Jany 24 1783 amounting to the Sum of 210 14 IO Reed of Justice Ward a fine 5 4 Reed of Justice Child a fine 4 ° £3459 1 o 438 Worcester Town Records. C 1 ?^. and dischargeth himself by payment of the following sums p d by order from the Selectmen Pd Cyrus French 10 I 8 pd John Drury 1293 £23 7 3 Pd Philip Donihue 12 4 8 Sam. Eaton Jr 12 6 o 2410 8 Pd John Curtis 796 pd David Gleason 15 17 9 23 7 3 Pd Saml Brooks 31 pd Robert Smith 33 17 II 64 17 11 Pd Nathl Brooks 345 pd Saml moore &c 615/ 9 19 5 Pd Elisha Foster 12 7 n pd Gardner Chandler & Scipio 20 4/ 32 1 1 1 1 Pd Oth Taylor 72/ pd Jos Wheelock 123/ 15 15 o Pd Timo Paine 1 7 2/8 pd John Gleason 63/ 20 5 8 Pd Bela Noyes 12 2/4 pd Wm Buxton 12 1/4 24 3 8 Pd Thos. Wheeler 22/ pd James Quigley 6 720 Pd Jno. Green 6 8/1 pd Do 4 6/8 8 14 y Pd Nat. Brooks 23/5 pd Wm Johnson 41/7 3 5° Pd Jacob Chamberlain 7 ^/^ pd Do 4 4/ 1 1 7 3 Pd Nat. Moore 7 6 5% pd Jab. Bigelow 10 1 1 9 17 18 2% Pd Saml. Brooks 11 pd Revd mr. Maccarty 69 16 6 80 16 6 Pd Sam Brown 43 15 7 pd James Mcfarland 42 10/ 1 86 5 8 Pd Jos. Allen 5264 pd Jacob Nash 1 1 1 8 63 8 o Pd Richard Pratt 4 15 1 pd Do 4 9 10 9 4" rd Jona. Gleason 33 13 2 pd James Mcfarland 826 Pd Saml Brooks 29 1/5 pd Do 18 6 2)4 Pd Saml Warren 12 18 5 pd James Ballard 8 2/ Pd John Fisk 10/ 8 pd Elijah Dix 32 5/ 7 Pd Martha Wiley 25 5/ pd Benja Flagg 9/ Pd David Thomas 25/ pd John Kelso 226 4/ 3 Pd John Mahan 128/4 pd Jams Fisk 56/ Pd David Chaddick 12/ 9% pd Eben Lovell 61/7 Pd Phinehas Jones 1234 pd Jedediah Healy 41/ 5 Carried over & [ Pd asa Dutton 12 13 1 pd James Mcfarland 60/ Pd Jonathan Rice 46/ S}4 pd Do 18 17/ Pd David Bigelow 11 18 II pd Timo Paine 4 4/ Pd David Moore 1 1 4 8 pd Jos. Barber 29/ 2 Pd Eb Lovell 20 13 o}. 2 pd Elias Stowell 18 Pd William Young Ballance Due to the Town Errors Excepted ^ Nathan Perry Treasurer ^.527 1 0>4 41 15 8 47 7 7'A 21 5 32 16 3 35 H 227 9 3 l S 4 4 3 14 4',> H 4 9 956 7 Si., l 5 13 1 21 3 m 16 2 1 1 12 13 10 38 13 0% 62 14 8 £"23 ^2335 8 1 2 oh ^3459 1 o ! 783'] Revolutionary Period. 439 Worcester may 12. 1783 The Committee appointed by the Town to Settle acc ,s . with the Town Treasurer report that they have attended Said Service, and present the above account, which we find right cast, & well vouched, by which it appears, there is a Ballance due to the Town of ^2335 I2 ° 2 A which the said Treas- urer is further to account for all which is humbly Submitted Timothy Paine Joseph Allen Voted to allow the following accompts — viz Saml Millers aedt. £2 16 10 William Stearns Esqr for paying Scipio Chandler 220 To Do Do for his Services in the Court of General Sessions of the Peace in the case of Worcester vs Shrewsbury Relative to Reuben Hoit & others (poor) 2 14 o To Do for paying Nathl I.angdon for boarding the School master Mr Clark 4 15 o Voted that the next apportionment of the Towns School money the Sum of £4, 15, o be deducted from the Center Divisions pro- portion, and be put to the credit of the other Divisions, in equal proportion to what they pay Voted That M r . William Taylor's list of Taxes, presented to the Town for abatement also, his request for an allowance for Coun- terfeit Paper money received by him for taxes, as Collector for the Town of Worcester, be referred to a Committee of five — viz. Tim" Paine Esq 1 ". Dr Elijah Dix. Col 1 Tim° Bigelow, Sam 1 Brown & Jon- athan Rice Upon a motion made & Seconded, to see if the Town will take into consideration a Letter from the Committee of Correspondence &c of the Town of Boston, & the question being put it passed in the affirmative Voted that a Committee of Seven be appointed to prepare an answer to the Letter Rec' 1 from the Committee of Correspondence of the Town of Boston & to prepare instructions for the Repre- sentative for this Town, & that they make report at the adjourn- ment of this Meeting 44-0 Worcester Town Records. \M^>Z- Then chose Hon 1 Levi Lincoln Esq. William Stearns Esq r . Jos. Allen Esq r ., M r . David Bigelow M r Isaiah Thomas, Joseph Wheel- er Esq r . & M r . Jon a . Rice Committee Voted that this Meeting be adjourned to monday next 3 o,Clock P m. It was accordingly adjourned A true Entry Attest William. G. Maccarty Town Cler At a meeting of the Freeholders & other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester at the publick meeting house in S d Town, on monday the 12 th . Day of may a. D. 1783. and cont. by adjourn- ment to monday the 19 th of the same may & then met Upon a motion made & Seconded, & the question put Voted that the Report of the Committee, appointed at the opening of this meeting to prepare an answer to a Letter from the Committee of Correspondence &c of the Town of Boston, & to prepare In- structions for the Representative for this Town, be now read — Voted, that the S d . Report be read & acted on paragraph by paragraph The Report being read & passed upon, agreeable to the last Resolve, & each & every paragraph being approv'd — It was moved & seconded to see if The Town approve & accept of the Report of their Committee, at large — it passed in the affirmative — The Report is as follows — That this Town, with an equal & sacred regard to treaties of peace, and of alliance; to the Resolves of Congress, and the sol- emn acts of this Commonwealth, passed from time to time, for its preservation, safety & defence ; & especially, to those great & im- portant principles of liberty and a free Government, for which they have been Struggling at the resque of their lives, will continue with spirit & firmness, their most vigorous efforts, to render glorious, & Secure from danger, interruption, or diminution, the ends of their past exertions, — Peace, Liberty, and Happiness 2 ,lly . That this Town consider every Country, in times of inva- sion, as having equally a right, to the assistance, the personal ser- vices, & the property of all its subjects, in opposing the assailants- 1783.] Revolutionary Period. 441 That this Country more than eight years since, was invaded, & has been scourged by a War, which for the purpose of reducing it to the servile subjection of foreign domination, has been, by sea & by land, wasting, & by every species of barbarity, distressing its inno- cent Inhabitants. — a war that has desolated & burned whole towns, & render'd wretched, & turned out thousands of virtuous americans, destitute, despoiled, & unprovided for by the treaty of Peace, which leaves them dependant on the graitude & generosity of their Coun- try — a war promoted, encouraged, & invited by those, who the moment the bloody banners were displayed, abandoned their na- tive land, turned parricides & conspired to involve their country in ruin, tumult, iS: in blood. 3' llv That such traitorous conduct, upon every principle of policy c\: Justice, in all ages, & in all countries, would in the opinion of this town, operate a forfeiture of the Conspirator's civil & political relation to their injured & betray'd Country ; cut them off, forever from a standing therein, render them Enemies & aliens, and Jus- tify those necessary laws, and that general voice of the people, by which they have been thus declared. 4 lhly That considering, while the sword was slumbering in its Scabbard, when this country was in the hour of quiet, & at peace with the world, only pleading and petitioning for its rights, for a free Government ; the sentiments of the absentees, their principles, their language, & their feelings were fixedly opposed to those rights, and to that freedom, — They then prefering, & to evince the sin- cerity of that preference, engaged to resque their all, for its possi- ble attainment,— a Government totally inconsistant with the prin- ciples of the one we have established, and for the destruction of which they have been waging a cruel war; That therefore this town cannot conceive of it to be their duty, or their Interest, ever to provide for the return of such Ingrates, to naturalize them, or admit them to the priviledges & immunities of citizens. gthiy That, whereas the said absentees & conspirators, have, at all times, uniformly by their representations, addresses, and avowed principles, considered the subjects of these states, of our great & illustrious ally, and the treaty of alliance, amity & commerce, as 56 442 Worcester Tozvti Records. C 1 ?^. the proper subjects of abuse, calumny, & reproach — The former as the deluded tools of a party, spurred on to treason & Rebellion ; The second as the cowardly machines of a Monarch, perfidiously plotting the ruin of the former ; and the latter as originating from the worst of motives, delusive, treacherous, artful, insincere, & not to be adhered to, and have even attempted to seduce the Subjects of these States to violate their faith, & those sacred treaties : — That therefore, in the opinion of this town, to admit persons of such principles, & such practices, to incorporate with and reside among us, would betray the want of a due regard to a generous friend, who has been fighting & bleeding by our side, endanger the treaty, and injure our national characters. 6 thly . That whereas persons of the above description have been of the opinion, which they have been assiduous to propagate, that, these States could find happiness, or protection, no where but in a re- union with the Kingdom of Great Britain ; — That left to them- selves, they would become the sport of each other — break to pieces & crumble into ruin ; — That no calamity was more to be depre- cated, /#/- our own sakes, than Independance established, and no blessing more earnestly to be sought for than Independance de- stroyed ; — and whereas, when by a change of British Councels, & British measures, there was a prospect of peace, they reprobated that change, & solicited, for the purpose above, the continued ut- most exertions of British power, and British resources, and even after the commencement of the pacific treaty, with malicious in- tentions, equally hostile to both Countries, dared to represent america, as but the proper subject of an easy conquest : — that therefore, in the opinion of this town, our Independance must ever be in danger of annoyance from such persons, who can never have our confidence, friendship or society. 7 th,v That the plea, for the return of the absentees, of their be- coming good subjects, encreasing our numbers, & our strength, is in the opinion of this Town, groundless 6° fallacious ; as it is im- probable that persons who have thus acted, that are thus princi- pled, and thus scituated, would, without any new reason, light or argument, alter their conduct, and at once reject the principles 1783-] Revolutionary Period. 443 they have embraced, & embrace those they have rejected, en- deavor to support that Government they have been struggling to destroy, cultivate that harmony they have been industrious to pre- vent-prevent that discord they have been assiduous to create-^//e// those riots 6° unlawful assembly* which but of late were the foun- dation of their darling hope — and endeavour to strengthen that friendship and alliance, which they have labour'd to weaken, & lied to asperse, and by a conduct the reverse of their past, become useful & good gtwy Y| iat a g r eeable to the treaty of peace, this town wishes for no recollection of past disputes with Great Britain, no repetition of past injuries ; but the seeds of discord being excluded, that such a beneficial & satisfactory intercourse may be established between the two Countries, as to promise & secure to both perpetual peace & harmony — which would be extremely difficult, were those per- sons to reside among us, whom this country consider as the occa- sion of interrupting that intercourse formerly, & the cause of all their sufferings ; especially as these wretched beings, have already began a quarrel with that peace, & those who made it, which ter- minates a long, bloody & unnatural war. o thl - v That therefore in the opinion of this town, it would be ex- tremely dangerous to the peace, the happiness, the liberties, the interest, and safety of these states, to suffer persons of the above description to become the subjects of, & to reside in this Govern- ment ; — That it would be not only dangerous, but inconsistant with Justice, policy, our past laws, the publick faith, & the principles of a free & independant State, to admit them ourselves, or to have them forced upon us without our consent. io thlv That in the opinion of this Town, this Commonwealth ought with the utmost caution, to naturalize^ or in any other way admit as subjects, a common Enemy, a sett of people, who have been by the united voice of this Continent, declared outlaws, exiles, aliens, and Enemies, dangerous to political being & happiness. 1 i ,hly That while there are Thousands, of the innocent, peaceable & defenceless Inhabitants of these states, whose property has been de- stroyed, & taken from them in the course of the war, for whom no 444 Worcester Tozvn Records. \_ l l^' provision is made, to whom there is no restitution of estates, no compensation for losses — That it would be unreasonable, cruel & unjust, to suffer those, who were the wicked occasion of those losses, to obtain a restitution of the Estates they refused to protect, and which they have abandoned, & forfeited to the Justice of their Country I2 thi y That whereas persons of the above description, have al- ready made various attempts to introduce themselves into this Government, and thereby to establish principles & precedents by which others might be admitted, & restored to their forfeited Es- tates ; That this town will adopt every reasonable, and consistent measure to prevent so great an evil ; and that it is their expecta- tion and earnest desire of Samuel Curtis, Esq r ., whom they have chosen to represent them at this critical period, that he will with firmness 6° Steadiness, continue his patriotic exertions for the above purpose, That he will use his influence, to have those good & wholesome laws, touching the matter, duly executed, and such others enacted, as events and circumstances from time to time may render necessary ; That he will receive a copy of the above votes — to the principles of which — The principles of a Sovereign & Independant Government — the principles of our free Constitu- tion—and those great principles which has carried us triumphantly thro' a severe & bloody conflict — to those principles, he will in- variably adhere, and make them the governing rule of his conduct — as that alone under heaven, has given energy to war, and will give dignity to peace, and make life happy. i3 thly That it is the expectation of this town, & their earnest request of their Committee of Correspondence, Inspection & Safe- ty, that they will with care & vigilance observe the movements, & watch the conduct of our only remaining Enemies, — That untill further order of Government, they will with decision, spirit & firm- ness, endeavour to enforce, & carry into execution, the several laws of this Commonwealth respecting those Enemies to our rights, & the rights of mankind ■ Give information should they know of any obtruding themselves into any part of this State, suffer none to remain in this town, but cause to be confin'd immediately, for 1783-] Revolutionary Period. 445 the purpose of transportation, according to law any that may pre- sume to enter. Voted to allow Samuel Whitneys accompt, being £\ 4 o Voted to choose a Committee to inquire of the Exc r . or admin- istrator to the Estate of M r . James MTarland late of this town de- ceased, respecting monies he received of Government for the sup- port of non commissioned Officers & Soldiers familys — Then chose M r David Bigelow & M r Nathan Perry a Committee for said pur- pose Voted that the several Grants made at this meeting be assessed upon the Poles & Estates of the Inhabitants of this town Voted That this Meeting be dissolved & it was accordingly dissolved A true Entry Attest William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk Worcester April 28 th . 1783 We the Subscribers appointed by the Towns of Worcester and Shrewsbury to, perambulate & renew the Bounds between said Towns have attended that service, beginning at a black Oak Tree near the head of the long Pond, so called, & renewed the bounds northerly between the aforesaid Towns, to a white Oak Tree at the northeasterly corner of Worcester David Rigelow Josiah Peirce \ Committees Jonathan Lovell > for John Rice ) Said Towns Jotham How Entered from the original f> William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk According to the appointment of the Selectmen of Leicester, we have met with Sam 1 Brown & Phinehas Jones of Worcester, & have perambulated the Line between Worcester & Leicester, and re- newed the bounds according to the Requisition mentioned Joseph Sargeant Leicester 28 th April 1783 William Earl Entered from the Original $ William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk 446 Worcester Town Records. [^^S- Worcester April 28 th . 1783 We the Subscribers, according to appointment have met the Committee of Ward, & Perambulated the Line & renewed the Bounds between Worcester & Ward Nathan Perry Josiah Perry Jonathan Phillips j Committee Joseph Clark j for Ward Entered from the Original !§ William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester legally warned & assembled at the Meeting house in Said Town on Monday the 7 th July 1 783 Jos. Allen Esq r . chosen Moderator Voted. That The Committee heretofore appointed to See the Pews built, be also a Committee to make sale of the same agree- able to a former vote of The Town, & to execute Sufficient Deeds in law to the purchasers thereof Voted that there be a Committee chosen to confer with a Com- mittee that is or may be chosen by the Town of Holden to adjust matters respecting the boundary lines between this Town & that of Holden — provided nevertheless that their doings be of no effect unless ratified by the Town Then chose Timothy Paine Esq r . William Young Esq 1 ". Col. Eb- enezer Lovell M r David Bigelow & Joseph Wheeler Esq 1 ", a Com- mittee for said purpose Voted that as the lands in this town are already taken up & di- vided That the Selectmen be a Committee to request Joshua Big- elow Esq r . pror s . Clerk, that he would deliver them the proprietors books of record, & when received by them that they be put into the Custody of the Clerk of this Town Voted that there be a Committee appointed to procure some person o^ persons to preach in this town upon probation with a view of settleing such person or persons if he should be agreeable 1783.] Revolutionary Period. 447 to the Town as a Colleague with the Rev' 1 . M r Maccarty — Then voted That Jos. Allen, Jos. Wheeler Esq rs & Timothy Paine Esq'. be a Committee for said purpose Voted that the Select-men be a Committee to provide a new cover for the Cushion in the pulpit Voted That the sum of Thirty Pounds be granted & assessed upon the Poles & Estates in this Town towards supplying the pul- pit Voted that there be a weekly subscription of money for supply- ing the pulpit, & that any person who shall put his name to the money he contributes shall have credit therefor, to be deducted out of their tax. The Pews were sold in presence of the Town — The one adjoin- ing The broad Isle on the womens side to D r Dix for ,£43 — The one adjoining The broad Isle on the other side to M r Dan 1 Waldo for ^43 — The one adjoining the first described pew to Nathan Patch for ^37 — The one adjoining the second described pew To M r . Thomas for ^46 - 10/ — The Meeting was then desolved Attest. J. Allen, Moderator A true Entry from the Minutes Attest. William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester legally assembled at the public Meeting [house] in Said Town August 25. A D. 1783 On the first article voted M r . Nathan Perry Moderator On the Second Article, Voted M r . Nathan Patch a Committee to defend two suits brought against the Town, one in favour of M r . Josiah Peirce, — The other in favour of M r . John Peirce 3 d . Article — Voted, to choose a Committee to consist of three, in order to compleat the Fence Thro' the Farm called Heaths Farm Then chose Capt. Sam 1 . Brooks M r . Robert Smith & M r . Joseph Barber a Committee for said purpose 448 Worcester Town Records. [^^S- Then Voted to desolve the Meeting — & it was accordingly dis- solved Nathan Perry Moderator A true Entry from the Minutes Attest. William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk Worcester September 19 th . 1783 — Then personally appeared Dan 1 . Goulding and made solemn oath to the faithful discharge of the Office of Collector within & for the Town of Worcester agree- able to his appointment Coram Jos. Wheeler J pacis A true Entry Attest William. G. Maccarty Town Clerk At a meeting of the Freeholders and Other Inhabitants of the Town of Worcester legally warned and assembled at the Public Meeting house in Said Town on monday November 3 d . A, I), 1783 Jos. Allen Esq r . chosen Moderator Daniel Goulding chosen Town Clerk ' Voted to accept the Report of a Committee Chose to examine the accounts of William Taylor late Collector of the Rates of Sun- dry Persons in the Lists amitted to him to Collect The Report is as follows Viz The Committee appointed to examine into accounts of William Taylor late Collector of the Rates of Sundry Persons in the Lists amitted to him to Collect report their opinion that the Rates of the Following Persons be abated to him viz Benjr. Bennet For the year 1775 £0 9 6 Ephraim Curtis 1 1 6 x Joseph Cunningham 1 776 1 1 o x Joseph Bates 1777 1 4 & x Willm Curtis 2 10 1 1 Vernum Cleason a minor 1 4 ^> John Waterman Prisoner of War 1 4 S x Isaac Mulleean 1 5 6 x Sam!. Ritchardson 1 4 S 1 "• — in the room of Mr. William. G. Maccarty said to be removed out of this Town." • 7 o 3 7 i 2 4 i 5 '5 o o 7 I 2 7 I 2 >3 19 O 19 44o. 445- 446. Jacob, 438. Joshua, 9, 10, 33. 42, 46, 48, 53, 54. 67-69, 71, 82, 83, 88. 92, 94,96-98, 100, 105, 116, 118. 125, 127. 130, 131, 135, 136, 143, 146-148. 150, 152, 155- 157, 159, 162. 168, 170, 172, .176. 180, 185. 186, 188, 194- 196, 199. 202, 208. 223, 227, 233. 235. 239. 240. 249. 251, 253, 256, 257. 267, 268. 278, 281, 291, 292. 305, 306. 310, 312. 317, 323. 376. 414. 419. 446. Thaddeus. 160. 193, 314, 336. Timothy. 87, 131. 160. 162. 180, 187, 193, 202. 206, 213, 216, 217. 224, 227, 240, 242. 246, 249. 251. 254. 255, 257. 269, 275. 298-302. 439. Bills of Credit. 305. of other governments. II, Bird, (or Berd) John and Thomas. 118. Bixby, Solomon, 254, 255, 257, 272, 273. 275. 289, 290. 293, 303, General Index. 455 312. 314, 327, 328. 336, 371. 384. 429. Blacksmith's shop. 61. Blackstone River. 370. Blair, Joseph. 55, 59, 65, 68, 72-74, 87. 91. 95. i°o» 106, 109, 144. 160, 161. 185. 193. 208, 217, 232, 3" 1 - 3 S 7- Blake. Ellis C... 327. Bogachoage. 61. 70. Bolton. 375. Boston, relief of, 234, 235. Newspapers, 230. Pamphlet. 201. 204. Bouk, Charles. 298. Bounds perambulated, 122-124, 183. 184, 221. 222, 297, 298, 370, 371, 445. 446. 450. Bounty to the soldiers. 278. 294, 300, 3°5- 337- 345- 36o, 363- 364. 37°- 399- Bowman. Ezra, 297. Bowdoin, James, 364. 389. 417. 434. Boyd, Andrew, 97, 99. 116. 187. David. 147. James, 10, 82. Boyden. Daniel. 33, 34. 44. 49, 52. 53. 56, 58, 60-62. 64. 68, 71, 75, 80, 81. 83. 88. 95, 106, 109, 11S. 122-124. !3°> J44> 147, 160, 163. 1 So- 1 82. 190, 193, 201, 217, 21S, 232, 260, 272. 274. Darius, 1 31. 217. John, 9. 10, 19, 23, 29. 33, 34, 63, 68, 71. 80. 94. 106, 109, 115. 122-124. 127. 130. 134- 136. 143. 145. 160. 163. 168. Joseph. 41. Peter, 212. 275. 299. Bradish. Ebenezer, 194. 220, 223. 246. Bradshaw. Cotton, 148. Brazier. Samuel. 429. Breeches, price of, 286. Brewer. John, 162. Josiah, 23, 29. 35, 42, 45, 64, 68, 71. 72. 77, 79-83, 87-89, 95, 96. 99, 105, 106. 109, 120, 129. 132, 150. 158. Samuel. 80. William, 103. Briant, James, 28. Bribery, prevention of. 139. Bridge. Samuel. 44, 53, 68. 71, 80, 143. 160, 180, 192. 193. 212. 217. 230. 233. 272. 273, 276, 293. 312, 314. 327, 331, 332, 338, 35 1 . 362. 373. 380, 384. 397, 412, 413, 417, 429. Bromfield, Henry, 365, 389. 434. Brook, Mr. 166. Brooks, Agnes, 394, 396. John, 25, 26. Joseph. 331 Nathaniel, 162. 193, 275, 289, 290. 293. 312. 326. 330. m. 335- 337- 347. 368, 376, 384. 386, 393i 396, 4'2. 420. 430, 432. 437. 43*$. Samuel, 68. 81. 96, 99, 130, 152, 160, 172, 173. 180, 184. 193, 199. 200. 232, 325. Brothers. Brigantine, 213. Brown. Elijah, 175. James, 11, 33-53-68, 71.94. 106, 109, 193. Luke, 10, 61, 68. So. 87, 90. 95. 96. 106. 109. 115, 127, 152. 157, 169, 180. 1S9, 193. Robert, 169. Samuel, 160. 18S. 193. 196. 255, 2 73- 275. 2SS-290. 309, 312, 320, 327. 336. 338. 342. 384. 397. 412. 42S, 431. 438, 439. 445- 456 General Index. Thomas. 97. William, 153, 155, 164, 165, 154, 2 57> 259- Buck, Peter, 208, 269. 412, 413. Bullard. Nathaniel, 20. Bullets to be cast, 309. Burial place, 90. 303. 323. 335, 556. 395- Burncoat Plain, 13. Burnet, Widow, 154. Burying cloth to be purchased. 32. Buxton, William, 312, 351, 438. Campbell, John, 433. William, 193, 217, 232, 245. 246. Canada, agents to treat with, 243. Cannon, belonging to the town, 240, 247-250, 269, 284. Lent to Gloucester, 303, 328, 329- Taken from Boston. 247, 24S. Cape Breton, 205. Carlyle, James, 68. 72. Carriages taxed, 404. Carter, Benjamin, 371. Cary, Ezra, 312, 336, 353. Chadwick, (orChaddick) David, 160, 170, 193, 217. 225. 254. 273, 275- 324, 327» 336- 35 l > 412, 413. 419. 438. John, 9, 19, 23, 33, 34, 44. 49. 52, 62, 63, 68. 94, 106, 109. 164. Jonathan. 164/166. Widow, 166. Chamberlin, Jacob, 23, 33, 34, 45. 47, 55, 58, 65. 68, 71, 72, 74, 100-102. 106, 109. 115, 116. 128, 129, 144, 157. 160, 162. 170, 174-193. 194, 196, 199. 200. 212. 219. 233, 255. 30I, 326. 351. 367, 403, 406. 415. 438. John, 193, 233. 246, 327, 336, 35 ^ 36o, 384, 386, 412, 420, 433- Thaddeus, 233, 255, 384. 413, 429. Chandler, Charles, 429. Clark, Town Clerk 1768- 1775, 152, 161, 172, 177, 180, 188, 197, 199, 206, 210, 212, 230, 233, 238, 245. Gardner, 9, 22, 23, 47. 94. 101. 106, 109. 119. 128. 232. 301. 428. John, (senior) 9. 14, 19, 20, 39, 40, 42, 43. 56, 70, 84, 10 1. 104, 106. John, (the refugee) Town Clerk 1764- /76S and moderator of many town meetings, 19, 24, 29, 41, 45. 46, 52, 65. 69, 71, 84, 92, 94, 106. 109, 125. 210, 211. 217, 219, 220, 223. 232. Rufus, 199. 217. 233. Scipio, see Scipio. Theophilus, 60, 64. William, 233. Chapin, Benjamin. 9, 33, 53.68. 193, 260, 336. Eli. 312, 351.412. Thaddeus, 351. Chase, Caleb, 185, 222. Chelsea, 129. Child, David, 163, 182, 184. John, 184, 190, 201, 218. 221. 260. 274, 298. Clap, Daniel, 365. 435. Clark. . 99. 439. Alexander. 14. Joseph. 18. 33, 34, 44. 62, 67. 94. 106. 109. 160, 162, 172. General Index. 457 176. 177, 181. 1S8. 193. 232. 301. 371.446. Samuel. 255, 275. 289, 312. 321, 327- 336. 35 1« 434- Thomas. 52. Classes, town divided into, 373. Clothing for soldiers, 318, 322, 325, 340, 401. Coffee, chocolate, &c, 216. Collins. Lydia. 449. Colonies, union of. 226. Committee of Correspondence. In- spection and Safety, 205, 206. 226, 240, 249, 272, 282. 288, 312. 314, 327, 351, 3S4. 413. 428. Authority to be examined, 229. Not to be dismissed. 231. Thanked. 239. I >ismissed, 272. Confederation, approval of. 310. Congress, a general, recommended, 226. Provincial. 240, 249. Delegates to, 242. Constitution. State. 339, 340. 355. 357. Vote against, 317. Conventions, County. 338, 341. 418, 419. State, 337-341- Conway. James. 269. Cook. Enoch. 175. Robert, 81, 97. 99, 172, 254. 257. Councillors, Mandamus, to be im- peached as traitors, 243. Counterfeit bills, allowance for, 325. 368, 439, 449- County, division of, 105. Officers voted for, 180, 189, 199, 254. 272. 279. 283. 289. 312. 321. 384,412. Covenant, or non-consumption agree- ment. 234, 235. Committee to 53 prevent violation of, 24S. Cowdin, Samuel, 117. 177. Thomas, 19, 28. ^^, 68. 71. 87, 89, 94, 106, 109. William, 54, 62. Crafts, Ebenezer. 365, 389, 417, 435. Edward. 224, 227, 240, 305, 306, 3H> 3'7- 33 6 - 344. 35 1 - 3<>2. 37 6 - Crawford, Hugh. 163, 174. John. 48. Robert, 89, 126, 193, 275, 302, 419. William. 72, 75. 147. Crosby, Benjamin. 9, 11, 12, 23, 27, 34. 38, 44. 53, 147. 195, 197. 210. 283. Elisha. 348. Joseph, 116, 144. Samuel, 320. Cunningham, David, 71. 73. John, 289, 314, 323, 335. 344, 345, 360. 366. 380. Joseph. 448. Currency, appreciation of the, 338. Curtain for the pulpit. 186. Curtis. Ephraim. 199. 254. 258. 272, 289. 312. 327, 351.448. John. 9. 10, 23. 44-46. 49. 54- 63-65. 68. 71, 72, 78, 80. 81, 83-85, 87, 88, 90, 91, 94, 98, 101, 106. 109, 117, 118. 122. 130, 131. 142-144. '5 2 - 155- 168, 170. 174, 180, 181, 188, 189, 192, 199, 200, 217, 232, 233. 235- 236, 301-303- 3°S- 35' • 367. 37 6 - 394- 396, 4«2, 415. 419. 438. Katharine. 415. 427, 449. Oliver. 177. 179. 193, 275, 305. Polly. 415. Samuel. 9. 23, 68. 81, 95, 106. 123, 130. 160, 173. 193, 202. 458 General Index. 206, 218, 224, 227, 235, 239, 241, 249, 250, 253, 254, 257. 258, 260, 263, 267, 270, 272, 274, 275, 281, 288, 290-292, 302-305, 312, 314, 317, 319, 323, 324, 333, 335, 345, 348, 35'-353- 35 6 - 357- 361. 365* 366, 372. 376. 389, 391. 394. 402, 406, 411, 417, 419, 422, 425, 427. 434, 435, 436. 444. William. 301, 302, 448. dishing. Thomas. 364, 389, 417, 434. Cushion for the pulpit, 186, 447. Cutting, Francis, 87, 97, 218, 219. 260, 275. 277, 283, 312. Jonas, 254. 257. 259. Lydia, 155. D Dana, William. 212. 248, 254. 255, 257. 275, 3H, 323< 327. 335- Davenport, Charles. 34, 77. Thomas, 47. Davis, Elisha, 124. Jacob, 398. 417. Davison, John, 47. Dawes, Cato, (a slave) 295. William, 295, 301, 302, 309, 320, 324, 338, 362, 367, 421, 433. Denny, Samuel, 371. • Thomas, 184, 221, 345. Derby, R.. 280. Deserters, 348. Dexter, Stephen, 386, 429, 431. Dinners, price of, 286. Ditty, Margaret, 29, 31, 40, 47. Dix, Elijah, 273, 290, 336. 374, 438. 439- 447- Donihue, Philip, 438. Dooland, Philip, 187. Doolittle, Ephraim, 33, 68, 71, 79. 87. 96. 101, 105. 115, 116, 118. 120, 121, 123, 125, 129- 131. 138, 147, 148. 150. 417. Moses, 29. Dorr. Joseph. 365, 389, 417. Draft for soldiers, 305, 342, 360, 362. Drury, John, 438. Thomas. 193. 260, 272. 274, 281, 289. Duncan, Andrew, 193, 212, 217, 233. Simeon, 58, 68. 94, 189. 413. , 356. Dunham, Elisha, 368, 386, 393. Dunkam. Mrs., 324. Dutton. Asa, 438. Dyar, Joseph, 72, 78, 84. Earl. David. 23, 33, 68. William, 1 18, 121, 133, 154. 157, 232. 233. 235, 236, 325. 347. East India Company, 213, 214, 225. Eaton, Reuben. 357. Samuel. 10, 12. 20, 22. 33, 40, 47. 60, 62, 64, 66, 69, 76, 77, 80, 84. 87. 95, 98, 99, 103, 115. 116. 120, 128, 131. 147, 152, 158, 163, 182, 254, 257, 299, 368, 433. 438. Sarah. 210, 298, 323. 357, 368. Thomas. 190, 193. 201. 275. Economy to be promoted, 156. Elder, James, 172, 180. John, 87, 177. 199, 272, 289, 312, 327, 353, 385,429. William, 1 18. 1 21, 133, 154. 157, 232, 233, 235. 236, 325, 347. Excise on spirits, 18, 409. Act. 139. Protest against, 408- 411. Expense of the war, 296. Extortion condemned, 216. General Index. 459 Fairbanks Ephraim, 365. Farmer. William. 20. 43, 58. Fee table to lie reduced, 149. Filmore, Mr.. 392. Firearms to be procured. 302. Fisk. Benjamin. 33. 63, 68, 117. David, 95. 100. 106. 109. 298. James. 412, 438. John. 33, 68. 84, 160. 170. 193, 212. 275. 325, 328, 368,412.419.438. Jonathan, 95. 100, 106. 109, 172, 193. 275, 336. Flagg. Asa. 87, 95, 106, 109. 120. 184, 175- 336. 119, Benjamin. 33. 44. 68, 95, 106, 109. 127. 130, 136, 138, 143- 152. 155, 159, 160, 168, 172, 180. 188. 192-194. 199. 212. 219-221, 235, 239, 253. 257. 261, 272, 275, 281. 288, 290, 293. 298. 303. 310, 311, 335^ 341. 344, 347. 35 I "353- 358, 373- 391-393. 4°6, 43°. 432. 438. Ebenezer. 25, 33, 4°' 68 94- 100, 141, 160. 163, 173. 82. Elijah, 385. 412. Isaac, 385. Jonathan, 272, 275, 336, 4 2. Josiah, 13, 21, 33, 68, 117. 122, 131, 143, 160, 162. 172. 173. 180, 191. 193, 200, 312. 336. 376. 385. 412. Levi. 351. Nathaniel. 429. Richard, 371. Rufus. 330. 336. 366. Silas. 177. Flagg's Quarter, 10, 21. Fleming, Patrick. 197. Flint, Edward, 184, 222. 298. Flip, price of, 286. Flood, Noah. 67. Forbush, James. 44, 76, 1 18. 121. Foster, Elisha, 438. Framingham, 433. French, Cyrus, 438. Fullerton, Abigail. 281. Samuel, 289, 312, 325, 327, 351, 3*5- G Gale, Abraham. 394. dales, Jonathan. 412. Gardner, Henry. 31. 251. ( iates, James, 449. John, 9. 23. 28, 29. 33. 34, 44, 46, 52, 54, 64, 67, 68, 71. 72, 77. 84, 87, 95. 97, 116. 131. 136, 143, 157. 161. 162, 172, 193. 199. Jonathan. 9, n. 12, 27, 68, 1 17, 122, 189, 193. 310, 336. 344, 384. 385- Josiah. 77. Paul. 223. 269. Samuel. 372, 412, 413. Simon, 9, 33, 6 8, 89, 95. 128. 132. 141. 162. 169, 177. 188, 193, 197. 2IO, 256. Solomon. 68. William, 63, 1 16, 160, 180, 193, 199. 212. 217, 254, 255. 257. 275- 327- 335- 34i. 35 1 - 37 6 - 39»- (■ill. Moses. 365. 389,417- 434- ( '.lasco. Simon, 449. 450. Glassford, James, 14. Widow, 99. Gleason. Bezaleel, 87. 1 )avid, 269. 438. Isaac. 33. 68. 95, 106, 109. 1 16, 131. 160. 170, 193. 212. 289., 290. 412. 460 General Index. John, 336, 351. 354. 374, 384, 397,402,412,415. 427, 430- 432, 434, 438. Jonathan, 276, 327. 336. 344. 412, 438. Joseph, 77. Phinehas, 53. 63, 312, 412. Thomas. 348. Vernum, 448. Widow, 154. Gloucester, cannon lent to, 303, 328, 329- Goddard, Elisha, 123. John. 3^. 68. Josiah, 370. Samuel. 76. 87, 89. 219. 220. 276. 327. 334- 336. 337, 37°- 376, 384, 404. Godwin, John, 327. Goodale, Ezekiel, 129. Goodspeed, Daniel, 49. Goodwin. James, 23. 33-35, 44, 45. 52, 61, 64, 68. 72. 77, S3, 92, 94, 97, 98, 100, 102, 106. 109, 115, 126, 160, 162. 172. 173. 180, 181. 192, 193, 217, 233. 272. 275, 277. John, 413. 415. Gore. the. 380. 408. Goulding. Daniel, Tenon Clerk ijSi, 1783, 233-35 1 - 355- 384, 4>2. 43o, 435- 448- Palmer. 18, 20, 21, 33, 64. 70-72, 80. 82, 84, 88, 90-92, 96, 101. 103, 115, 120, 121, 123, '128, 130. 134-136- '43> IS 2 - 157- 159-161, 168, 179, 180, 182, 184. 185, 190, 193-195- r 97> 201. 202, 217. 218, 233. 260, 274, 281, 299, 301. 332, 431. Goulding's Quarter, 37, 38, 145. Governor. &c, votes for, 364, 389, 4I7- 434- Gray, Matthew. 33, 52, 62, 68. 81, 87, 95, 106, 109, 128, 145. Reuben, 276, 327, 336. 344, 412, 438. Robert, 20. 50, 95, 106, 109, 160, 170, 193, 263, 275, 289, 327. 336. 362.412,449- Green, Benjamin, 351, 360. John. 68. 72, 75, 89, 90, 154. 155- *57> !7Q- 171. 173, 235. 249, 250. 255, 298, 306, 312, 317. 3I9-32I, 326. 332. 34i. 35 ! -353- 358. 37 1 - 374- 375, 391. 396.438- Nathaniel. 10. Samuel, 221, 371. Thomas, 147. William, 297. Greenwood. Daniel. 14, 49, 297, 370. Grievances, enumeration of. 205, 213. 264, 423, 424. Grout, Benoni. 202, 247, 281. Jonathan, 210, 247, 389, 392. 417. Lieutenant, 362, 376. Thomas, 193. Gurney. Elisha. 256, 275. 336. 374, 37 6 - H Hair, Edward, 20. Hamilton, James, 34. 53. John, 351. Mrs. and Mary, 324-326. Hancock. John, 364, 389, 417. 434. Thomas, 1 17. Widow. 184. Hapgood, Joab. 222. Hardcastle, Samuel, 449. Harrington. Elijah, 152, 160, 162, 189, I99« 344- 412. Ephraim. 208, 269. General Index. 461 Francis. 10, 23. 31, ^ 34- 44- 45, 68, 87, 94, 99, 106, 109. L33< L35> "36, 145. 146, 152. 155. 162. 175. 179. 188. 273. 293, 429. Joshua, 412. Josiah, ^^, 48, 68. 77. 80. 94. 106, 109, 160, 191, 193. 275, 289. 290. 314, 336, 351. 376. 412. 413. 429. Nathaniel, 289. 336, 354, 386, 420. Silas, 412. Harris. Daniel, 116, 162, 193, 199, 273. 275, 289. 336, 351. 384, 412. 450. David. 172. Noah. 20, 152. 172, 180. 193. 275- 289. 33 6 < 349- Richard. 394. Samuel, 124. Valentine, 187. William, 95. Hart. James, 37. 39, 51. 54, 71, 84. 154. 212. 232. 301. 347. John. 14. Harvey. Francis, 20. Hastings. Joseph, 160, 193, 254. 257, 259. 275. 336,412.429. Hatch. Colonel. 10. 13. 54. Nathaniel, 62. Haven. Daniel. 283. 11 awes, Elijah, 351. Healy, Jedediah, 396. 433, 438. Heard, Edmund, 172, 187. 193, 232. Nathan, 272. 274. 327. 351. 384, 412. 413, 429. Richard. 14. Heath. Joseph, 10, 13. 25. 28. • 33°- 349- Heath's Farm. 447, 450. Ilemenway, Daniel, 129. Jacob, 14. 20, 33. 34. 64. 68. 69. 77. 83, 86, 89, 92, 94, 96. 103, 106. 109. 120, !2i. 132, 158, 160. 164, 170, 177, 179, 185. *93, 195. '98. 210. 240. 263, 272, 289. 305, 325. 368, 387. Samuel. 327. Henry. Robert. 182, 190, 201, 218. 360. 274. Henshaw. David, 325, 326. Joseph, 273. 279, 289, 365, 389. William, 184. Hey wood. Abel. 94, 106, 109, 163. 182, 187. 190. 201. 430. Daniel, 9. 13. 16. 19. 23. 33-35, 44- 45- 52, 54- 62, 71. 80, 87, 106. 109. 126, 336, 384. Hannah. 187. Nathaniel, 289. 312, 324, 327. 335^ 35 1 - 352, 354, 355- Phinehas. 49, 184. 414. 429, 449. Highway Tax, 10, 24. 35. 45, 53. 63. 72, 81. 88, 97, 116, 131, 144, 153. 163. 174, 1S2. 189. 200. 217, 255, 290, 313. 328. 353. 354. 384. 413. 429. Hinds. Nehemiah. 431. ; Holbrook, Abel, 289. Eleazer, 136. 160. 193. Holden, 123. 184.221,298,371.418, 446, 450. Holman, Jonathan. 370. Holmes. Jacob, 33, 87. 89, 94, 106, 109, 189. 193. 275, 327, 336, 385- John. 170. . 14- Holton. Levi, 412. 414. Hooker. , 449. Horses for the army, 363. 400. Hospital for innoculation. 218, 279, 296. Houghton. Levi, 200. 272. 275, 289. 462 General Index. 290. 292. 312, 327, 336, 351. 37 6 - Houses for warming on Sundays, 119. Howe, Ezekiel, 10. 13, 33, 44. 68, 94, 106, 109, 134, 160, 190, 193. 201, 212, 255, 272, 275, 294, 296, 298, 299, 332, 335. 43 1 - James, 10, 21. Joel, 366, 376, 386,412, 419. Jotham, 445. Hoyt, Reuben, 365, 396, 416, 449. Hubbard, Daniel, 9, 20, 28, 29, 33, 39, 44, 46, 58, 68, 130, 143, 144. 157, 158. Jonas. 52. 116. 119, 143. 152. 15S, 160. 172, 180, 183, 18.7, 193, 194. 197-199, 201, 202, 208. 210, 220, 221, 223. 235, 239, 254, 257, 271. Hunt, C, 449. James, 143. Samuel, 106, 109, 140, 143, 150, 33°- Independence, vote to support, 278. Declaration of, 280. Industry to be promoted, 156. Ingersol. David, 1 18. Inoculation, hospital for, 218. 279, 296, 3 l 9- 3 2 °- Instructions to representatives, see Rep re sen fa live . Intermission on Lord's day, 186, 209. Misconduct in the meeting house during. 277. Jenison, Israel, 10. 23, 34, 44. 46, 48, 50, 64. 68. 70, 71, 80, 94, 106, 109, 130. 143. 145, 152. 157, 160, 162, 170. 172. 175. 176, 193, 233, 278, 303, 323, 337« 338, 347« 360, 367. 412. 415, 419. Judge, 15. 16. 88, 111. Samuel, 336. 355. 412, 413. Johnson. Benjamin, 103. Daniel, 67, 254, 257. 272, 336, 351- John, 24. Joshua, 131, 232, 238, 301. Micah, 36, 68, 89, 157, 160. 192, 193, 197, 198, 200, 210, 232, 256, 281, 301, 302. 308. 324, 368, 414, 433, 449. Peter, 53. 67, 68, 80, 147. 193, 273. 275, 336. Solomon. ^, 36, 68. 89, 129, 193, 254. 257, 269, 275, 336, 412. William, 14, 29, 131, 202, 275, 302. 312. 324. 325. 329, 336, 396. 412, 429.438. Zeb., 184. Jones, Ezra. 312. 325. Noah. 10. 23^ 40. 52, 57. 60. 64, 67, 71, 76, 115, 117, 120, 122, 163, 172, 179, 182, 183. 187, I90, I93, 20I. 2l8, 221, 255, 26o. 272-275, 321, 335, 413. Phineas, 336. 338.412.428-430, 432, 438, 445. Sarah, 449. Jordan, William. 99. Jury Lists, 33, 68, 160, 193, 275, 335, 336. 395- Justices of the Peace chosen, 270. K Katon, Michael, 208. 269. Kelley Richard, 269. Kelso, John, 80, 117. 118, 120, 160, 170. 193. 224, 227, 248, 275, General Index. 46. 288, 294. 296. 324. 438. Kettle Brook, 158. Kimbolton, Tamison, 324. 325, 354. King, Henry, 123. Kingston. Paul. 255. 357. Knight, Asael, 140, 210. Daniel. 13, 147, 218. Edward, 10, 95, 147, 152. 163, 182, 190, 201. 218, 248, 260, 274< 327> 336- Isaac, 384. 385. 413. John. 10, 13. Jonathan. 131. 144. 160, 193. Josiah. 255, 289, 290. 324. 336, 351. 412. Thomas. 172, 249, 250. 289, 314, 336- 35L 362. 376. 412, 413. 419. Timothy, 9, 10. 13. William, 223, 429. . 323- Knower, John, 429. Mrs.. 324. Knowlton, Ezekiel. 122. Labor, price of, 353. 384. Lancaster, petition to remove courts to. 157. Langdon. Nathaniel, 439. Latin Grammar Schools, 139. 149. 162, 166, 173, 181, 191. Laurence. Abel, 105. Learned, Ebenezer, 222, 297. 365, 389- Jeremiah. 124. Leases of public land. 16. 17. 25.26, 29, 30. 35- 6 7- Lebear, James. 147. Lee, Thomas, 76, 90. Legate. Thomas, 365, 389. 417. Leicester, 48, 49. 51, 184. 221, 297. 37L445- Lincoln. John. 97, 132. Levi. 272. 2S8. 2S9. 291, 292, 311. 324, 340. 342, 365, 368, 369. 389, 406. 419, 420. 434, 440. Long (or Quinsigamond) Pond, 49. 122. 183, 222. Lovell, Ebenezer. 25, t>3^ 36, 38, 39, 106, 109, 160. 193, 248, 270, 275, 278, 290, 294. 296, 298. 306. 312. 317, 326, 328, 330, 335- 35 •' 366, 367. 372, 378, 384. 386, 389. 393. 398. 403. 404. 412, 420, 427. 428. 430, 433- 434- 438. 446. Jonathan, 184, 193, 255, 275, 327. 336, 445- Lyon, John, 371. Lynds, Jonathan. 9, 55. M Maccarty, Nathaniel. 347. Rev. Thaddeus, II, 14-17. 19. 28, 29, 35, 37, 40. 4I , 45, 48, 57, 59. 60, 64, 67, 77, 79. 85, 88,90,97, 100-102, III, 116. 124. 127. 130. 135. 137, 143, 146-148. 151. 153, 157. 158, 161. 169. 171, 174. 176. 182, 183, 186, 188, 190, 195, 198, 201, 202. 207, 209, 210, 218. 223. 224, 263, 274, 277, 281. 29S, 299. 305. 310. 317, 323, 325- 333< 334. 346-348, 35°- 35 6 > 357- 367. 369. 370. 381. 395. 403. 4«>6, 4'6, 4'8, 427. 431,436.438. Colleague to be settled, 446. William G., Town Clerk /?Sj. 428, 448. Mahan. (or Mchan) John. 36, 38, 68, 95. 106, 109. 43S. Samuel. 429. 464 General Index. Widow, 283. William, 11, 15, 25, 28. 35. 39, 52. 54. 68. 79. 96, 117. 122, 180, 193, 212. 246. 254, 272, 3 2 5- 327. 384- 385- 412. Manufactures to be encouraged, 156. Marble, Jonathan, 163, 182. 190. 201, 218, 260. 274. Mason. James, 269. Massachusetts Gazette, 230, 233, 236, 239- Massachusetts Spy, 239. McBright, John, 223. McClellan, William. 9. McCrahon, David, 48. McCraken, Joseph. 117, 122. Samuel. 152, 160, 162, 164. 168, 172, 180, 188. 193, 199, 212. 223. 249. 250, 254. 257, 258, 269. 270. 272, 276. 281, 289, 299> 3t2. 332, 45 !• McFadden, Widow, 368. McFarland, Daniel, 23-25, 68, 82, 95, 106, 109, 115. James. 9, 68, 87, 95, 106, 109, 143, 152, 160, 173, 263,-327, 35'. 353. 35 6 , 359, 362, 381, 384. 386, 392. 393. 399. 407. 412, 413. 416. 429, 436-438, 445- William. 14. 33. 34, 52, 67, 68, 77- 95- Io6 > io 9. 130, '43- 157. 163. 174, 193, 255, 273, 276, 289, 290. 292V 314, 336, 342, 376. 384. 397. 412, 415, 430, 432- Mcquire, John. 14. 197. McWhaten. John, 28. Mead, Benjamin. 184. Meeting House, old. 58, 86. Effects to be sold. 92. Result of sale 141. New, 64, 66. 73, 75. 82, 83-86. 90. 93, 169. 187, 202, 414. Expense of building, 104, 118. Further allowance asked for by the builder, 129. Settle- ment with building committee 141. Stone steps for. 160. 170. Pews. 92-95, 98. 100, 101, 166, 117. 118. 122, 334. 443, 446. 447- Mellen. Rev. Mr., 403. Miles. Margaret, 157, 324. 335. 354, 368, 376. Militia neglected. 149. Miller, David, 67. Ephraim, 193, 246, 263, 275. 312 323. 328. 336. 351, 368. 390, 396. 412, 420, 428, 433. Isaac. 49, 99. Joseph. 254. 257. 259, 276, 329. Moses, 172, 199, 263, 276. 336, 412, 414, 420. Samuel. 33, 55, 65, 68. 77, 87. 95. 106. 109, 115, 120, 121, 123. 134-13". 141, '5°, l6 o, 179, 193. 212. 235. 239. 249, 250. 253, 254. 256, 257, 263, 272, 273. 275, 281, 288-290, 314, 335, 360, 361, 367. 381, 384. 386. 397. 412, 415, 431, 433, 439, 45°- Millstone Hill, 125-127, 133, 164, 174. Plan of town's land. 126. Vote not to sell, 164. Title to, 376. 381, 382. Ministerial land. 15, 16. 24. 30, 35, 37- 45, 54- 79, 88, 97. in. 116, 132, 146. 182, 274. 309. 313, 323, 427- Minot, James, 51. Minute Men, 249, 261, 282. Misbehavior in the meeting house, 277. Moore, Asa, 23, 27, 33-35, 40, 41, General Index, 465 45-49. 52, 54, 58. 61, 62, 65, 68, 71, 74. 76, 78.80.88, 106, 109, 125, 130, 131, 137, 160, 177, 193, 208, 267. 272, 275, 288, 297, 327. 335, 341. 351. 353- 37'. 374. 395. 420. Cornet, 361. 386. David. 134, 143, 152, 169, 187, 217, 232. 297. 301, 302, 308, 371. 374. 412, 413. 420. 438, 450. Eliphalet, 83. Ephraim, 336. Isaac, 28. 33, 42, 44, 68, 95. 96, 106. 109, 131, 232. 238. 347, 369- James, 28. 31, 40. 193. 212. 272, 274, 276. 289. 290, 312. 314, 327- 335- 338, 35 l - 3°S- 39°. 396. 413. 419. John, 81, 160, 180. 193, 208. 212, 263. 275. 289. 312. 314, 336, 35 •' 354, 376. 430, 432. Jonathan, 82, 136. Nathaniel. 9, 29. ^3- 44- 53- 6 3> 68, 71, 80, 94, 106, 109, 130, 160. 162. 193, 199, 217, 275. 327> 335- 337- 3^9. 412, 429. 438. Samuel. 62, 68. 77, 81, S7. 96. 147. 158, 168. 188, 189. 191. 193, 199. 217. 232. 301, 302. 308. 438. Silas. 60. 64, 160. 190. 193. 217, 249. 250, 275. Money. Public, instructions concern- ing. 249. 251. Committee to investigate dispos- al of. 315. Monopoly, act to prevent. 284. 302. Morse. Jane. 156, 170. 195. Joseph. 347. Kesiah. ?I. Thaddeus. 351. 449. Mower, Ephraim. 44, 57, 351, 390, 412.413.428,435. John, 54. 68. 106. 109. 160, 172, 193. 217. 420. Joseph, 136. Samuel. 10. 23. 33-35, 44, 52. 58. 68, 71, 78, 80, 83, 87, 96, 106. 109. 115, 130, 134-136. 143, 152. 162. 184, 208, 217. 232, 233. 255. 351. 384. 386, 395- 434- Mulatto child, a poor, 331. 335. Mullean. Isaac. 448. Murray, Daniel and John. 269. Mutilations of the Record, 40, 42, 76, 89- '85. 335- N Nash, Jacob. 438, 449. Jonathan, 429. Xazro. John. 267. 275, 323, 327. 336, 337. 375- 430. Neglecting Individuals, 394. Newhall, Jonathan, 49. 221. Newsletter. Huston. 230. Newton. Jonas. 57. 70. 131. 133. Nichols, Edmund, 269, 283. Israel. 389. 417. 434. James, ^, 34. 68, 95. 106. 109, 160, 163. 182. 193, 201, 218. 261, 274. Jonas. 217, 254. 257. 272, 276. Thomas. 193, 255. 275. 283. 303 312. 336, 351. 412. Niles. Abraham, 281. Non-consumption agreement, 235. Nova Scotia. 205. Noyes. Hela, 438. John. 336. Oaks, Simon, 127, 157. 59 466 General Index. Widow, 324. O'Brien, Dennis, 28. Oliver, Andrew, 52. Peter, to be impeached, 226. Orne, Azor, 389. Osland. Jonathan, 312, 327. Oxford, 123. 222, 297. Page, Mr., 324, 325. Paine, Timothy, Town Clerk 1754- *7b4, 45- 5 6 > 6o > 7 8 ^ 8 7- 92, 94, 101, 103, 106, 109, 117, 120, 130, 142-144, 152, 154, 155, 162, 168, 172-174, 178, 180, 181, 188, 189. 192, 194- 196, 199, 200, 202, 206, 210- 212, 217. 219-221. 223, 224 229, 230, 246, 258, 259, 261 301. 322, 323, 351, 376, 389 39 1 - 392. 394> 396- 403.408 414, 415, 430, 432, 433, 435 437-439- 446, 447- 449- William, 218, 232, 238. Palmer, Eliakem, 55. Park, Jonathan, 433. Papists in high places. 204. Parker, John, 21. Thomas. 20, 95, 106, 109. William. 1 17. 120. Parker's Row. 82. 255. Parsonage. 42, 48. 69, 72, 77, 82. 84, 88, 98, Oiven to Mr. Maccarty, 102. Patch, Nathan. 232. 301, 351, 372, 376, 384, 392, 393. 413. 437, 447. 449. Peibles, John, 21. Peirce. Ebenezer, 123. John, 212, 447. Josiah, 10, 12, 22. 33, 34. 53. 60 63. 68. 71, 80. 87, 96-98, 106. 109, 115, 123, 130, 134-136, 143. 152, 160-162, 178. 180, 184, 187, I93. 206, 212. 213, 2l6, 221, 224, 227, 229, 235, 239, 24O, 245-249, 253, 257, 26l. 263. 272, 275, 28l, 288, 289, 294, 296, 298, 312. 314, 324. 325-332, 338- 35 !. 353- 367, 369. 372- 373- 3$3< 396, 411,412, 418, 420, 429, 445, 447- Oliver, 269. Perambulation of bounds, see Bounds Perry, Joseph, 67, 81, 97, 119, 120, 129, 137. 157. 158, 162. Josiah. 385, 446. Moses, 429. Nathan. 33, 62, 71, 77. 82. S7. 95. 96. 106. 109, 144, 153, 160. 162. 178, 181, 189, 193, 195, 207, 209, 212, 217, 235, 239, 245, 249, 250, 254, 256, 257, 270, 272. 273, 275, 277, 279, 283, 284, 288, 289, 294, 296, 3°3- 3°6. 308, 310, 311, 315, 318, 323-326, 334, 335- 342. 351, 359- 360, 366, 367, 373- 3&>, 384. 389, 391, 392, 394. 397. 405, 408. 412, 415, 420, 425, 428, 430. 431, 437- 439- 445-447- 449- Pest House, 198, 319-321. Phillips, Israel. 297. Jonathan, 232, 275, 393. 314, 327, 335- 446. ' Plum. Samuel, 394. Pollard, , 98, 99. Poor, tax for support of. 86, 169. 186 197, 246. 263. 277, 298, 303. Porch to the meeting house, 95. Pound, 46, 70. 406. Powder, damaged, to be sold, 185. Powder house to be sold. 322. Pownal, Thomas. 52. General Index 467 Pratt. Richard, 131. 160, 188. 193. 2 75- r£, 351. 355. 396. 414, 43S. Presentments of the town, 207. 208, 246. Press, liberty of the, 149. Prices established, 284-288, 341. 349. 353- Proprietors' Books, 446. Protests of the tories, 216. 217, 227- 2 33- 2 35- Obliterated, 238. Pulpit to be supplied, 386, 303. Putnam, Edward, 185. 222. James, 29. 30. 35, 37, 39. 60, 62 65. 81-83, 88, 89. 92, 95. 97. 106. 109. 129, 144. 153. 154. 217, 232. 238. Tarrant, 71. 160. 197. Uuigley. James. 157. 189. 394. 396. 433' 438- William, 312, 385. Quinsigamond Pond, see Long Pond. Rand. Dr.. 433. Randal, Samuel, 449. Rattlesnakes, reward for killing, 10. 24. Raymond. Paul, 221. 298. Recantation of the tories. 245, 246. Receiver General, 251. Redman. Moses. 1 iS. Reed. Seth, 365. 434. Refugees, protest against return of, 440. Register of Deeds voted for, 1S0, 277, 279, 2S9, 3S4. Representatives, to General Court. 47. 56. 138. 145. 147. 157. 168. 176. 185. 195. 202. 223. 240. 267. 298. 318, 333. 356, 366. 394, 419, 436. In- structions to, I2y. 138, 14S. 224-227, 241-245. 251-253. 264.291.300.423.424. Com- mittees to draw instructions, 148. 224, 241. 267, 291. To Provincial Congress. 250, 262. Resolutions. Revolutionary. 213-216. Rhode Island, soldiers to serve in, 342. 343, 352. 397. Rice, Absalom. ^^. 52. 62. 68. 87. 1 iS. 152, 289. Adonijah, 9, 1 1. Comfort. 34, 94. 106. 109. 125, 131. 160, 172, 180, 193. 199, 2 54. 255, 257, 273. 275. 289. 293- ( lershom, ^ 63. 68. 94. 106, 109, 118. 121. 122, 102, 177. 196. 217. James, 202. Jezeniah, 77. John. 445. Jonathan. 152. 160, 180. 1 88, 189. 193, 199. 208. 2IO-2I2. 221, 223, 235, 247. 249-25I, 269. 312, 314. 322. 324. 327. 328. 348. 351. 355, 3O8, 370, 37 '• 376. 43> s - 439- Joshua, 16. Lemuel, 132, 134, 180. 193, 20S, 275- 327- s3 ( >> 4'2. l.ydia. 159. Phinehas, 168. Reuben. 158. 312. Samuel. 127. 136, 147. 162. Thomas. 34. 94. 119, 272, 413. Tyrus, 11. 14, 20, 23. 28. 33.47, 58. 69. 82. 84. 88. 95. 96, 99. 106, 109. i 15. 158, 101. 172. 180. 198. 233. Zebediah. 25, 00. 82, 88, 95, 1 1 1. 468 General Index. Richards, David. 283. Richardson, Charles, 49. David. 71, 160. 193. 212. 218, 260. 274. Ebenezer. 163. 182. Samuel, 44S. Thomas, 14, y. 34, 45, 47. 48, 393- Rickey, Jane, 90. John, 20. Rights, Bill of, objections to, 359. Declaration of, 202-206, 215. Roads, discontinued, 175, 176. Laid out. 10. 12, 13, 24, 25. 36. 38, 39- 54, 55, "7. " 8 - I2 °- 121, I32-I36. I54, 155. 164, l66, I75, 176, 219. 220. 260, 431- Robbins. Nathaniel, 360, 372. 376, 412-414. 428. Robert, Philip, 168, 176. Robinson, Oliver, 333. Ross, John, 90. Ruggles, Timothy, 156. Rum furnished by the town, 179. Russell, Dr., 324. Rutland, guards for British prisoners at. 355- 357- Salisbury, Samuel, 177, 336, 341. Stephen. 177, 193, 199, 202. 206 212, 217, 224, 227. 240, 241, 272, 273. 275, 279. 289. 290, 336. Salt allowed the town. 306. Investigation concerning, 316. Sanders. Jacob. 116. Sanderson, Amos, 84. David, 163, 182. 190. 201. 218. 260. 274, 299. Jacob, 81. Sanger, Sol.. 91. Sargent. Jabez, 14. 20, 29, 40, 47, 57. 68, 69, 77, 84, 91. Joseph. 297, 445. Nathan, 184. 297. Sawin, Stephen, y, 55, 62, 65, 66, 69. 74. Schools and schooling. 10, 14, 20, 25. 34, 42. 45, 53, 57. 60. 63, 67, 70. 71, 74, 87, 88, 97. 119, 124. 131, 144, 153, 162, 166-168, 173, 181, 189, 191, 200, 217, 254, 263, 273. 290, 292, 293, 314, 327, 331, 35J-353- 376. 385, 386, 414- 430, 432, 439- School houses, 42. 43, 355. School land. 15, 35, 164. 310, 318, 323. 415, 417, 421. Scipio. (a slave) 324, 357, 438, 439. Segar. Catharine, 335. Shade trees protected. 73, 435. Shepherd, Alexander. 424. Shrewsbury, 49, 122, 183, 184, 221, 298, 416, 445. Stone steps for meeting house, 174. Simon, (a slave) 436. Singing, persons to lead in. 169, 173, 178, 187, 206. 339. Slaves, instructions to representative concerning, 149. Small pox. inoculation for, 218, 279. 296, 3 J 9. 320. 324. 325. Smith. Aaron. 394. Abraham, 172. 188, 199. Absolom, 144. Daniel, 222. Elisha, 14. 20, 21, 23, 25, 33, 34, 44, 53, 62, 68, 71, 75, 80. 82, 83. 87, 94, 96. 106, 109, 115, 143, 152, 160, 162, 172, 180, 189, 192, 193. 195. 210, 233. 412. Ephraim, 189, 199. Francis, 14, 20. General Index. 469 Isaac, 190, 201. 218. 260, 274. Jacob, 48, 61, 63, 71. John, 160, 172, 193. 202, 206, 2 3S- 2 54- 257. 269, 276. Joel, 347. Joshua, 41. Jotham, 372. Manasseh, 273, 279, 289. Robert, 20. 52, 87, 94, 162, 164, 165, 193, 249, 250, 255, 275, 277, 278, 2S9, 312, 325, 326, 333- 335. 349, 368. 376. 412, 413, 415, 420,438.447. Solomon. 327, 385. Smith's Quarter. 10. 190. Soldiers' families to be provided for, 309, 35°- 35 2 - 354- 445- Southgate, Elizabeth. 175. South Parish, (since Ward) 282, 296, 299, 301. Spence, John, 158. Sprague, John, 365. 389, 417, 435- Joseph, 255, 272, 275. Spring. Henry, 150. Stables on the Common, 277. Stafford Springs mentioned, 140. Stamp Act. instructions to represent- ative, 129. Stamps for leather, 79. Stanton. John, 385. 403, 435. State Officers elected, 364. Stearns. Charles. 376. 412. 413. Deliverance, 156. 383. John. 14, 42, 61. 385, 432. Thomas, u, 29. 31. 33. 41. 94. 106. 109, 119, 125. 137, 145. 155- William. 289, 306. 312. 317. 323. 326, 330. s:,3, 338, 352, 353, 558, 360, 365, 368. 374, 376. 377. 416. 439, 440. William Jenison, 156. 263, 414. Steel to be sold, 320. Stevens, Cyprian. 189. 276. Israel, 232. Jacob, 188. 193, 217. 232, 301. Roger, 20. . 191. Stockings, price of. 354. Stone. Jonathan, ^, 37, 39, 45. 4 S, 51. 53, 54.62,63,65.68,77.78, 87. 94, 101, 106, 109, 115. 116, 128, 130, 138, 143, 148, 152. 155. 158-160, 162. 168, 172, 173. 177, 180, 184. 186-189, 192-194. 197, 200. 20S, 2IO, 217, 221. 235. 239- 241, 247. 249, 25O. 253, 257. 258, 263. 269. 272. 275, 276, 28l, 283, 288. 297. Stowell, Abel, 233. Benjamin. 96, 143, 152. 162, 168, 180, 185, 188, 189, 192, l 93> x 99« 200, 210. 254, 257, 272. 273, 275, 288, 290, 292, 303. 312, 327. 335, 342. 351. 353- 374- 376, 384, 395-412. Cornelius, 33, 44, 68. Si, 115, 130. 147, 152, 160, 162, 163, 182, 190, 192. 193, 201, 217, 218, 232, 260, 274, 301. 408. I "lias. 438. John. 33. 44. 46, 163. 182, 190, 201, 218, 260, 273. Stowers, Richard. 61. 1 19, 125, 129. '45- '55- Strangers, penalty for receiving, 118. Sturtevant. Samuel. 412. Sutton, 49, 122. 185. 222, 297, 305, 37°- Swan. William. 173, 188, 196. 199. Swan's Tavern, 398. Swine, votes concerning. 24, 46, 54, 64. 72. 132. 145. 153. 164, 174, 183, 190, 201. 218. 256, 274, 29 1 . 3'3- 328, 352. 386. 4'4. 43°- 47° General Index. Taft, Jesse, 429, 430, 432. Tainter. Benjamin, 193. Tatman. (or Totman) Daniel, 162, 187. Jabez. 115, 199, 336. John, 219, 220, 336, 413, 434. Nathaniel, 9, 97. Tatnuck. 70, 73, 276, 353. Taylor, Abraham, 81, 97, 99. John, 299, 333, 431. Lydia, 396. Othniel, 68, 76, 95. 164. 201, 396,415,438. William, 71, 77, 84, 87, 144, 152, 172, 180, 199, 212. 254, 257, 271-273, 275, 289, 290, 303, 305, 312, 329, 336, 347, 351. 35 6 > 357. 36S, 369- 374, 39*i 392, 412. 429, 437, 439. 448. 449- Tax, Continental, 425. Taxation, unjust, 397, 401. Petition for' relief from, 377. Tea, revenue to be raised on, 213, 214. Resolve not to use, 214. Destruction of, 228. Not to be paid for, 225. Teague. John, 77. Temple, Isaac, 122. Joseph, 33,44, 63, 95, 175. . 75- Thomas, David, 68, 117, 122, 134, 160. 193, 199, 212, 251. 255, 274. 275. 283, 299, 318, 333, 3& 43^- Isaiah, 384. 396. 408. 411. 413. 422. 428, 440, 447. Thompson, Samuel, 371. Toddy, price of, 286, 410. Tories, names of, 217, 232, 233, 238, 301, 302. Slanders of, refuted. 236, 237. Protests of, 216, 227- 233. Protest rejected, 228. 230; entered in town book, 230; pub- lished in Boston papers, 230. To make satisfaction for offences 238. Censured, 236-239, 301. Recantation of, 245, 246. Re- stored to favor, 308. Protest against return of, 440-444. Torrey, Joseph, 357. Town's land, 15, 125, 133, 164. See Millstone Hill. Tracy, George, 128. James, 393. William, 433. Trask, Samuel, 49. 185, 222, 297. Treasurer, County, voted for, 180, 189. 199, 254, 273, 279, 283, 284, 289, 312, 321. 384, 412. Trespassers to be prosecuted, 118. Trowbridge, James, 20, 68, 99, 137, 147, 160, 168, 198. 275, 336. William. 327. 336, 346, 351. Tufts, John. 77. Turner, John. 57. U Union of the Colonies enjoined. 226. Upham, Ebenezer, 49. Valuation to be taken, 355. Varney, Mr.. 118. Verry. Francis. 67. W Waite, John, 223, 433. Waldo, Brigadier, 75. Cornelius, 16, 117, 121, 166. Daniel, 447. Walker. Adam. 61, 169, 233. Capt.. 213. General Index. 47' Daniel. 48. Eleanor, 324. John, 232, 238. Rosanah, 449. William, 320, 324. 336. 354. Wallis, James, 37, 51. Ward, Artemas. 222. 364. 365, 417, 435- 437- Asa, 193. 276, 289. 309, 320. 324, 33^ 36o. 374. 43 >• Daniel, 13. 33, 34. 43- 5 8 , 82, 87, 94. 96, 106, 109. 115, 164, 172, 186, 217, 232. Henry, 68, 86, 99. 129, 144, 152. 160. 162. Jonas, 28. 16*3, 182, 184. 190, 201. 218. 260, 261, 274. Ohediah, 34. 37. 39. 41. 60. Phinehas, 44. 53. 60. 63, 64. 68. 71, 76, 96, 117, 121. 163. 182. 190, 199. 201. 212. 218, 254. 257. 260. 274. 289. 299, 332. 33°. 378.431- Ward, (town of) 307. 320, 311. 371, 446. Warden, Samuel. 351. Warner, Jonathan, 417. 435. Warren, Azael, 99. James. 364, 434. John, 413. Samuel. 91, 438. War tax. 296, 306, 321, 328. 331. Washburn, Seth, 365, 389, 417. Washington, Gen., soldiers for relief of. 344. Waterman. John. 448. Waters. John, 72. 169, 179, 185, 202 208. 223. 277. 299. Watson, William. 222. Weights and measures, 119. 132. 197 210. Welsh, John, 312, 347. 351. Wesson, Joel. 177. Wheel Carriages taxed, 409-41 1. Wheeler. Amos. 95. 115, 119, 120. 132, 134, 147. 14S. 160, 193, 2 55« 275, 336. Daniel, 23. Joseph, 365, 416, 428, 433, 440, 446-448, 450. Nathan, 283. Thomas. 9, ^> 42, 53- 63. 64. 68. 71, 76, 80. 95, 106, 109, 130, 134, 143, 160, 172, 176, 192. 193, 199, 200, 210. 212. 219-221, 229, 275, 277, 310. 3«2. 33o. 335- 34i. 347- 348, 353, 354- 374- 381. 385- 396. 403, 414. 415,438. Wheelock, Dorcas, 137. Jonathan, 36. 46, 64. Joseph, 438. White. Ebenezer, 160. 193. 218. 219 223. Whitney. Uenjamin. 68. 80, 103, 152 164. 165. 172. 254. 257, 272. 27 6 - 336, 385- 429- James. 147. 157. Joshua, 71. 91, 94. 96. 106, 109, 116. 131, 141. 144, 152, 160, 162. 172, 173. 177. 179-181, 188, 192, 193, 199. 202, 212. 224, 227, 254. 257. 270, 272. 275- 305. 3«2. 3'4- 327. 335. 338. 347- 35 «> 354- 369. 373. 383. 384. 386, 395-397. 402. 405, 413. 418. 419. 427. 429. 437- Samuel, 97. 143, 152. 165. 180, 189, 199, 212, 248, 249, 272, 312, 327. 334, 336, 351. 412. 413. 428. 430. 445. 449. Wigwam Hill, 125, 127. 197. 318. Plan of 426. Wildcats, bounty for. 46, 54, 142, 147. 168. 185. 472 General Index. Wiley, Joseph, 19, 33, 55, 96, 117, I22 , IS3» J 54. 160, 193, 212, 255, 274, 275. Martha, 325, 335, 368, 376. 438. Willard, Dr., 48, 147. Isaac, 23, 36, 44, 96, 160, 162, 172, 193, 232. 276, 334, 336. James. 212. John, 158. Nahum, 88, 97, 130, 210. 217, 21 7i 2 33< 3°i, 3° 2 . 308. Solomon. 327. Williams, Anthony, 394. Willington, Daniel, 412, 429. Ebenezer, 10, ^^' °°- 64, 68, 71, 87, 119, 120, 131, 163, 182, 190, 193, 201, 218. 254, 257, 260, 272, 274, 275, 290, 293, 2 99, 3 2 7- 336, 342, 412. 419. Wiswell, Ebenezer, 28, 2^, 47, 68, 84, 95, 150, 160, 164, 168, 170, 176, 193, 202. 269, 275. Samuel, 175, 336, 412. Witherhee, Silas, 122. W'olves, bounty for, 10, 24, 46, 54. Women's Gallery in the meeting house, 201. Woodburn, Samuel, 193, 275, 335. Woodbury, Nathan, 147. Woodward, Jonas. 9, 36, 41, 370. Work house, 156. 183. 192, 196. Young, John, 37. William, 33-36, 44, 46, 48, 53, 63, 68. 89, 117, 122, 123. 125, 127, 132, 160, 162, 163, 168, 173, 174, 181, 182, 188, 189, 190, 201, 202, 206, 212, 213, 216-218, 221, 224, 229, 246, 249, 251, 253, 254, 256. 257. 260, 261, 263. 266, 268-275, 279, 281, 283, 288, 290, 293, 294, 296, 299, 310, 311, 323. 324, 346, 353, 361, 380, 415, 419, 420, 429, 438, 446.