Its'/ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 708 955 5 -* HoUinger pH8.5 Mill Run F3-1955 / BATTLE OF NASHVILLE, TENN. ORGANIZATION OF UNITED STATES FORCES (Commanded by Major-General George H. Thomas) DECEMBER 15-16, 1864. -, '' I ,V..< ^>Tr(L-.r^ - '^jC'-.^J-^'^ x.^ y:-\i glSOA JX J Organizatian of the United States Forces, Commanded by Major-Genera/ George H. Thomas, at the Batte of Nashvile, Tenn., Dec. 15-16, 1864. FOURTH ARMY CORPS. Brigadier-Gexeral Thomas J. Wood. FIRST DIVISION. Brigadier-General Nathan Kimball. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Isaac M. Kirby. Brigadier-General Walter C. Whitaker. 21st Illinois, Capt. William H. Jamison. 96th Illinois, Major George Hicks, 38th Illinois, Capt. Andrew M. Pollard. 115th Illinois, Colonel Jesse H. Moore. 31st Indiana, Colonel John T. Smith. 35th Ind., Lt. Col. Angustus G. Tassin. 81st Indiana, Major Edward G. Mathey. "ilst Kentucky, Col. James C. Evans. 90th Ohio, Lt. Col. Samuel N. Yeoman. 23d Ky., Lt. Col. George W. Northup. 101st Ohio, Lt. Col. BedanB. McDanald. 45th Ohio, Lt. Col. John H. Humphrey. 51st Ohio, Lt. Col. Charles H. Wood. V L iT^ird Brigade. Brigadier-General William Grose. 75th Illinois, Colo;iel John E. Bennett. 80th Illinois, Captaih James Cunningham. 84th Illinois, Lieut. -Col.^ Charles H. Morton. 9th Indiana, Colonel Isaac C. B. Suman. 30th Indiana, Captain Henry W. Lawton. 36th Indiana, (1 company,) Lieut. John P. Swisher. 84th Indiana, Major John C. Taylor. 77th Pennsylvania, Lieut.-Col. Thomas E. Rose. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier-General Washington L. Elliott. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Emerson Opdycke. Colonel John Q. Lane. 86th Illinois, Major Levi P. Holden. 100th 111.. Lt. Col. ChanI^sM. Hammond. 44th Illinois, Captain Alonzo W. Clark. 40th Indiana, Lt. Col. Henry Lea;jiing. 73d 'Illinois, Capt. Wilson Burroughs. 57th Indiana, Lt. Qol. Willis Blanch. 74th Illinois, \ T . p, p^„ w «rr.wi, 28th Ky., Lt. Col. J. Rowan Boone. 88th Illinois. / ^*- ^^^' ^^^- ^^- ^"'*^- 26th Ohio, Capt. William Clatlj. 125th Ohio, Major Joseph BrufF. 97th Ohio, Lt. Col. Milton Barnes. 24th Wisconsin, Capt. William Kennedy. Third Brigade. Colonel Joseph Conrad. 42d Illinois, Lieut.-Col. Edgar D. Swain. 51st Illinois, Captain Albert M. Tilton. » 79th Illinois, Colonel Allen Buckner. 15th Missouri, Captain George Ernst. 64th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. Robert C. Brown. 65th Ohio, Major Orlow Smith. . DETACHMENT ARMY OF THE TENNESSEE. Majou-Gexeral Andrew J. Smith. FIRST DIVISION. Brigadier-General John McArthur. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel William L. McMilleu. Colonel Lucius F, Hiibbard. 114th Illinois, Captain John M. Johnson. 5th Minn., Lt. Col. William B. Gere. 93d Indiana, Col. DeWitt C. Thomas,* 9th Minn., Colonel Josiah F. Marsh. Captain Charles A. Hubbard. 11th Mo., Lieut. -Col. Eli Bowyer,* Major 10th Minn., Lt. Col. Sam'l P. Jennison, Modesta J. Green. Captain Edwin C. Sanders. 8th Wis., Lt. Col. William B. Britton. 72d Ohio, Lt. Col. Charles G. Eaton. 2d Iowa Battery, Capt. Joseph R. Reed. 95th Ohio, Lt. Col. Jefferson Brumback. Cogswell's Illinois Battery, Lieut. S. Ham- ilton McClaury. Third Brigade. Colonel Sylvester G.Hill.t Colonel William R. Marshall, 12th Iowa, Lieut. -Col. John H. Stibbs. 35th Iowa, Major Wm. Dill, Capt. Abraham N. Snyder. 7th Minn., Col. Wm. R. Marshall, Lt. Col. George Bradley. 33d Missouri, Lieut.-Col. William H. Heath. 2d Missouri Light Artillery, Battery I, Captain Stephen H. Julian. SECOND DIVISION. Brigadier-General Kenner Garrard. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel David Moore. Colonel James I. Gilbert. 119th Illinois, Colonel Thomas J. Kinney. 58th Illinois, Major Robert W. Healy. 122d lUinois, Lt. Col. James F. Drish. 27th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Jed Lake. • 89th Indiana, Lt. Col. Hervey Craven. 32d Iowa, Lt. Col. GustavusA. Eberhart. 21st Missouri, t Lt. Col. Edwin Moore. 10th Kansas, (4 companies,) Captain 9th Indiana Battery, Lieutenant Samuel William C. Jones. G. Calfee. 3d Ind. Battery, Lieut. Thomas J. Ginn. Third Brigade. Colonel Edward H. Wolfe. 49th Illinois, Colonel Phiueas Pease. 117th Illinois, Lieut.-Col. Jonathan Merriam. 52d Indiana, Lieut.-Col. Zalmon S. Main. 178th New York, Captain John B. Gandolfo. 2d 111. Light Art., Battery G, Capt. John W. Lowell.? THIRD DIVISION. Colonel Jonathan B. Moore. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Lyman M. Ward. Colonel Leander Blauden. 72d Illinois, Captain James A. Sexton. 8ist Illinois, Lt. Col. Andrew W.Rogers. 40th Mo., Colonel Samuel A. Holmes. 95th Illinois, Lieut.-Col. William Avery. 14th Wis., Major Eddy F. Ferris. 44th Mo., Lieut.-Col. Andrew J. Barr. 33d Wis., Lt. Col. Frederick S. Lovell. Artillery. Indiana Light, 14th Battery, Captain Francis W. Morse. 2d Missouri Light, Battery A, Lieutenant Jolm Zepp. * Wounded. t Killed. X Detachment 24th Missouri attached. I Chief of division artillery. J PROVISIONAL DETACHMENT, (DISTRICT OF THE ETOWAH.) Major-General James B. Steedman. provisioxal division.* Brigadier- General Charles Cruft. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Benjamin Harrison. Colonel John G. Mitchell. • Third Brigade. Miscellaneous. Lieuteuant-Colonel Charles H. Grosveuor. 6Sth Ind.,t Lieut. -Col. Harvey J. Espy. 18th Ohio,t Capt. Ebenezer Grosvenor,^ Captain John M. Benedict, § Lieu- tenant Charles Grant. Second Brigade, {^Army Tenn.) Artillery. Colonel Adam G. Malloy. Indiana Light, 20th Battery, Captain Milton A. Osborne. Ohio Light, 18th Battery, Captain Charles C. Aleshire. First Colored Brigade. Second Colored Brigade. Colonel Thomas J- Morgan. Colonel Charles R. Thompson. 14th U. S. C. T., Lieut.-Col. Henry C. 12th U. S. C. T., Lt. Col. Wm. R. Sellon. Corbin. Captain Henry Hegner. 16th U. S. C. T., Col. AVm. B. Gaw. 13th U. S. C.T., Col.Jno.A. Hottenstein. 17th U. S. C. T., Col. Wm. R. Shafter. 100th U. S. C. T., Major Collin Ford. 18th U. S. C. T., (battalion,) Major Lewis 1st Kansas Battery^Cajitain Marcus D, D. Joy. Tenney. 44th U. S. C. T., Col. Lewis Johnson. POST OF NASHVILLE. Brigadier-Gexeral Johx F. Miller. Second Brigade, Fourth Division, Twentieth Army Corps. Colonel Edwin C. Mason. 142d Indiana, Colonel John M. Comparet. 45th New York. Colonel Adolphus Dobke. 176th Ohio, Lieut.-Col. William B. Nesbitt. 179th Ohio, Colonel Harley H. Sage. 182d Ohio, Colonel Lewis Butler. Unattached. 3d Kentucky. 28th Michigan. Colonel William W. Wheeler. 173d Ohio, Colonel John R. Hurd. 78th Pennsylvania, (detachment.) Lt. Col. Henry W. Torbett. Veteran Reserve Corps, Colonel Frank P. Cahill. 44th Wisconsin, (battalion,) Lieut.-Col. Oliver C. Bissell. 45th Wisconsin, (battalion.) * Composed mainly nf detachments belonging to the 14th, 15th, 17th, and 20th Army Corps, which had been unable to rejoin their proper commands serving with General Sherman's army on the march through Georgia. t Attached to Third Brigade. I Killed. I Wounded. GARRISON ARTILLERY. Major John J. Ely. Indiana Light, 2d Battery, Captain James S. Whicher. Indiana Light, 4th Battery, Captain Benjamin F. Johnson. Indiana Light, 12th Battery, Captain James E. White. Indiana Light, 21st Battery, Captain Abram P. Andrew, Indiana Light, 22d Battery, Captain Edward W. Nicholson. Indiana Light, 24th Battery, Lieutenant Hiram Allen. • 1st Michigan Light, Battery F, Captain Byrcn D. Paddock, 1st Ohio Light, Battery E, Lieutenant Frank B. Reckard. Ohio Light, 2Uth Battery, Captain William Backus. 1st Tennessee Light, Battery C, Lieutenant Joseph Grigsby. 1st Tennessee Light, Battery D, Captain Samuel D. Leinart. 2d United States Colored Light, Battery A, Captain Josiah V. Meigs. QUARTERMASTER'S DIVISION.* Colonel James L, Donaldson, * Composed of quartermaster's employees. CAVALRY CORPS. Brigadier-General James H. Wilson. ESCORT. 4th United States, Lieutenant Joseph Hedges. FIRST DIVISION.* First Brigade. , Brigadier-General Jotin T. Croxton. 8th Iowa, Colonel Joseph B. Dorr, 4th Kentucky, (mounted infantry,) Colonel Robert M. Kelly. 2d Michigan, Lieut. -Col. Benjamin Smith. 1st Tennessee, Lieut. -Col. Calvin M. Dyer. Illinois Light Artillery, Board of Trade Battery, Captain George I. Robinson. FIFTH DIVISION. Brigadier-General Edward Hatch. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Robert E. Stewart. Colonel Datus E. Coon. 3d 111., Lt. Col. Robert H. Carnahan. 6th Illinois, Lieut.-Col. John Lynch. J 11th Indiana, Lieut.-Col. Abram Sharra. 7th Illinois, Major John M. Graham. 12th Missouri, Colonel Oliver Wells. 9th Illinois, Captain Joseph W. Harper. 10th Tennessee, Major William P. Story, t 2d Iowa, Major Charles C. Horton. Major James T. Abernathy. 12th Tenn., Colonel George Spalding. | 1st Illinois Light Artillery, Battery I Lieutenant Joseph A. McCartney. SIXTH DIVISION. Brigadier-General Richard W. Johnson. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Colonel Thomas J . Harrison. Colonel James Biddle- ■ 16th Illinois, Major Charles H. Beeres. 14th Illinois, Major Haviland Tompkins. 5th Iowa, Lieut.-Col. Harlon Baird. 6th Indiana, Major Jacob S. Stephens. 7th Ohio, Colonel Israel Garrard. 8th Michigan, Colonel Elisha Mix. 3d Tenn., Major Benjamin Cunningham. Artillery. 4th United States, Battery I, Lieutenant Frank G. Smith. SEVENTH DIVISION. Brigadier-General .Joseph F. Knipe. First Brigade. Second Brigade. Lieutenant-Colonel John H. Hammond. Colonel Gilbert M. L. Johnson. 9th Indiana, Col. George W. Jackson. 12th Indiana, Colonel Edward Anderson. 10th Ind., Lt. Col. Benj. Q. A. Gresham. 13th Indiana, Lt. Col. Wm. T. Pepper. 19th Pa., Lieut.-Col. Joseph C. Hess. 6th Tennessee, Colonel Fielding Hurst. 2d Tenn., Lieut.-Col. Wm. R. Cook. 4th Tenn., Lt.Col. Jacob M. Thornburgh. Artillery. Ohio Light, 14th Battery, Captain William C. Myers. *The Second and Third Brigades of this division, under the division commander, Brigadier-General E. M. McCook, were absent on an expedition into Western Ken.ucky. t Mortally wounded. X Disabled, i Wounded. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 708 955 5