.Asi \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS # ' II 1 :l'i|IIIIJII:llllllillllll mill, .l.nll V 020 953 346 7 1 HoUinger Corp. pH8.5 i\ \l>r 6. CV^.y^A, MESSAGE OF TUAJ^SMITTAL To the Senate: I have the honor to transmit to the Senate herewith, accompanied hy a letter from the Secretary of State, a brief protocol to the Ti-eaty of Peace with Germany. The certified copy which I transmit has just been received by tKe Department of State, and I am transmitting it without delay. The protocol originated in a written interchange of views between the representatives of the Allied and Associated Powers and the representatives of Germany, as a result of which the representatives of Germany recjuested that certain explanations of methods and facilities which it was proposed should be accorded the German Government in the execution of the Treaty should be reduced to writing and signed by the powers signatory to the treaty, so as to form a definite and binding memorandum. WooDROw Wilson. The White House, 31 July, 191.9. 3 LETTER OF SUBMITTAL. Department of State, WasMngfon, July 31, 1919. The President: I have the honoi- to deliver to you a certified copy of the protocol, executed at Veisailles on the 2Sth