DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Partial U»t of Successful and Popular Plays» Large Catalogue Free. DRAMAS, COMEDIES, ENTERTAINMENTS, Etc. M. F. -\aron Boggs, Freshman, 3 acts, 2H hrs (35c) 8 8 Abbu San of Old Japan, 2 arts. 2 hrs (35c) 15 After the Game, 2 acts, 1% hrs (25c) 1 9 All a Mistake, 3 acts, 2 hrs- (35c) 4 4 All on Account tJf Polly, 3 acts, 2J4 hrs (35c) 6 10 And Home Came Ted, 3 acts, 214 hrs ....(50c) 6 6 Arizona Cowboy, 4 acts, 2% hrs (35c) 7 5 Assisted by Sadie, 4 acts, 2^S hrs (50c) 6 6 As a Woman Thinketh, 3 acts, 2'/l hrs (35c) 9 7 At the End of the Rainbow, 3 acts, 2'A hrs (35c) 6 14 Black Heifer, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) . 9 3 Boy Scout Hero, 2 acts, 1^ hrs. (25c) 17 Boy Scouts' Good Turn, 3 acts, 1^ hrs (25c) 16 2 Brookdale Farm, 4 acts, 214 hrs (25c) 7 3 Brother Josiah, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (25c) 7 4 Busy Liar, 3 acts, 2% h. (25c) 7 4 Call of the Colors, 2 acts, 1^ hrs (25c) 4 10 Call of Wohelo, 3 acts, 1^ hrs , (25c) 10 Camouflage of Shirley, 3 acts, 2ji hrs (35c) 8 10 Civil Service, 3 acts, 2\i hrs. (35c) 6 5 College Town, 3 acts, 2% hrs (35c) 9 8 Deacon Dubbs, 3 acts, 2^ hrs. (35c) 5 5 Deacon Entangled, 3 acts, 2 hrs. (35c) 6 4 Down in Dixie, 4 acts, 2^ hrs (25c) 8 4 Dream That Came True, 3 acts. 214 hrs (35c) 6 13, 1 hr (25c) 10 Enchanted Wood, IH h (35c).Optnl. Everyyouth, 3 acts, 1J4 h. (25c) 7 6 Face at the Window, 3 acts, 2 hrs (25c) 4 4 For the Love of Johnny, 3 acts, 254 hrs (50c) 6 3 Fun on the Podunk Limited, 1% hrs , if you're f-f-f-flat broke. Steve. Stung ! Elmer. N-n-n-next time you f-f-f-fish for suckers, don't p-p-p-pick a country boy. Steve. How long have you been on the force, stranger? Elmer. N-n-n-not long. Just since I g-g-g-got out of the s-s-s- (zvhistles) school of detectin' ! Quick Curtain. (Or may introduce comic song, ^'Oshkosh, B'Gosh!'' to close the act.) New Blackface Series For Minstrels and Vaudeville Price, 25 Cents Each, Postpaid THE AFRICAN GOLF CLUB.— Blackface farce, by Jeff Branen; 10 males, 1 female. Time, 25 minutes. The rattle of the cubes, the burning- of a neighboring chicken coop and the tragic loss of the contraband "likker" combine to shatter the nerves of the dom- ino gallopers. But they do gallant rescue work. An ideal afterpiece. ALMOST AN ACTOR. — Coontown crossfire, by Wade Stratton; 2 males. Time, 20 minutes. A seedy manager tries to initiate a station porter into the thespian art, but they find there is little inspiration when hunger gnaws. This skit crackles with fresh gags and comedv business. Both parts are rich. THE BATTLE OF ROARING-BULL.— A black and copper-colored massacre, by Jeff Branen; 11 or more males. Time, 30 minutes. Two wandering darkies fall into the clutches of a terrible red- skin tribe, with hair-raising results. Can be effectively elaborated with war-dance, etc., introducing entire minstrel troupe as an afterpiece. THE BLACK VAMP.— By Arthur Leroy Kaser; 2 males, 2 fe- males. Time, 15 minutes. Sam thought his wife didn't appreciate him, so he got liis good friend Phil to impersonate a dusky vam- pire, to liven things up. He livened things up, all right. Chance for song and dance specialties. The female parts can be "doubled." CASH MONEY. — A minstrel spree for three, by Wade Stratton; 3 males. Time, 20 minutes. Two travelers are forced to share a room in a fust-class cullud boa'din' house, with almost fatal re- sults. The handsome waiter is a factor in the mixup. Fine chance for comedian who plays banjo, ukulele or guitar. THE COON AT THE DOOR.— A black-and-white skit, bv Jeff Branen; 3 males. Time, 20 minutes. The doctor's office boy fears the man at the door is his hated rival, and his efforts to evade a meeting are side-splitting. The white doctor blackens up and doubles as the mysterious coon. Specialties are to be introduced. A DARK SECRET. — Colored farce of mystery, by Jeff Branen; 4 males, 1 female. Time, 30 minutes. This screaming story of the adventure of a negro detective and his dusky assistant has made thousands roar when presented on the professional stage, and is now available in print for the first time. FU'ST AID TO CUPID.— Minstrel absurdity, by Wade Stratton; 3 males, 2 females. Time, 20 minutes. Willie, a wandering waga- bond without wim, wigor, witality or wittles, who poses as a "mis- ery specialist" to aid tlie course' of true love, will bring down tlie house. A welcome modern adaptation of the sham doctor theme. HITTING THE AFRICAN HARP.— Blackface skit for a banjo duo, by Wade Stratton; 2 males Time. 15 minutes, or according to specialties. Written as a veliicle for a lianjo playing team to introduce specialties, and rich in comedy lines and business. Very popular witli college banjo clubs, etc., as a novelty stunt. KISS ME, CAM ILLE!— Blackface novelty, by Wade Stratton; 2 males, 1 female. Time, 20 minutes. Horatio, the dramatic teacher, finds Lucinda a promising pupil, and they rehearse love scenes with enthusiasm. But Luke McFluke. his other pupil, doesn't take kindly to the course of training, and the instructor is sadly out of luck. The blackface travesty on "Camille" is a scream. THE MYSTERIOUS SUITCASE.— By Arthur Leroy Kaser; 2 males. Time, 15 minutes. Sam has to carry Harry's grip, and both negroes have a laughable time trying to keep the mystery from leaking out. The fact that they stop to rest near a cemetery also gives Sam cause for serious thinking. T. S. DENISON & COMPANY, 623 S.Wabash Ave.. Chicago Denison's Vaudeville Monologues Price, 25 Cents Each, Postpaid HEY, RUBE! — Monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Reuben Spinach, from Yapton, visits Chicago for the first time. The way he tells of the sights and what befell him would make a sphinx laugh. KILLARNEY BLARN EY.— Irish monologue, by Harry K New- ton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Barney McGooggen's stories of himself and his friend Casey reach the apex of Irish wit. MARRIAGE AND AFTER.— Monologue, by Harry L. Newton and A. S. Hoffman; 1 male. Time,- about 10 minutes. A laugh every two seconds on a subject which appeals to all. Full of local hits. ME AND MY DOWN TRODDEN SEX.— Old maid monologue, by Harry L. Newton and A. S. Hoffman; 1 female. Time, 5 min- utes. Polly has lived long enough to gather a few facts about men which are told in the most laughable manner imaginable. MRS. CLANCY'S CONFESSION.— Monologue, by Harry L. New- ton; 1 female. Time, 10 minutes. Mrs. Clancy says: "Marriage is a great institution — for the blind, as it opens the eyes quicker than anything else in the world." MY FRIEND FRITZ.— Dutch monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Hans Snitzer, a German but not from Milwaukee, has some funny experiences. His Turkish bath story will thaw out anv audience. PETE YANSEN'S GURL'S M ODER.— Swede monologue, by Char- ley Varley; 1 male. Time, 10 minutes. Yansen is "yust" from "Min-ap-lis" where they make good Swede "yokes." SI AND I. — Country girl monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 female. Time, 15 minutes. Samantha Simpkins of Squashville and her beau. Si, visit Chicago. SILLY SAMMY'S SECRETS.— Country kid monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time. 10 minutes. A merry message of mirth sent direct from "down on the farm." A SUNNY SON OF ITALY.— Italian monologue by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Dis-a country no much -a good for Italian mans. German mans he make -a all de beer; Jew mans he make-a all de money; Irish mans he made-a all de politicians and hold-a all de soft-a snap jobs. What-a you know about dat, eh? A SWIFT PROPOSITION.— Monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. There are various kinds of vehicles, but "A Swift Proposition" is one which will transport any audience into a realm of mirth. A TRAMP WITH A TRAMP.— Tramp monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Nifty Nick, a gentleman of leisure, who tramps along a highway of mirth, where each "hand • out" is a bunch of laughs. THE TROUBLES OF ROZINSKI. — Jew monologue, by Harry L. Newton and A. S. Hoffman; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Rozinski, a buttonhole maker, is forced to join the union and go on a "strike." He has troubles every minute that will tickle the ribs of both Labor and Capital. UNCLE BILL AT THE VAUDEVILLE.— Rube monologue, by Harry L. Newton; 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. Uncle Bill Bilkins, a wise old Rube, attends the continuous vaudeville and sees the "hull dui^n show." WOMEN'S WAYS.— Monologue, by Harry L. Newton: 1 male. Time, 15 minutes. There are two kinds of women of which men should beware, the married and the unmarried. Both have curi- ous wavs, which are told in a most humorous manner. WORDS TO THE WISE.— Monologue, by Harry Newton; 1 male. Time, about 15 minutes. A typical vaudeville act, which is fat With funny lines and rich, rare hits. T. S. DENISON & COMPANY, 623 S. Wabash Ave.. Chicago Son^ Numbers for Your Show Make a program of live wire hits. Prices below as indicated, postpaid. Complying- with a demand for a series of musical numbers which are well adapted for interpolation in musical comedies, revues and minstrel shows, the publishers are bringing out the following care- fully selected songs, ideally suited to this purpose, for which they were especially written. Each number is in regular sheet music form, for piano and voice, with beautiful title page in colors. CARMEN, SHE WAS ABSOLUTELY CHARMIN'.— A novelty fomic number with very raggy treatment of characteristic Spanish music. Splendid for ensemble as well as for solo. Price, 30 Cents. CROONIN' NEATH THE COTTON-PICKIN' MOON.— A beau- tiful southern serenade, rich in mellow chords and close harmony; excellent feature for any musical comedy or minstrel show, espe- cially for male quartet; includes quartet arrangement. Price, 30 Cents. HINDU MAN. — A cleverly worded and gorgeously harmonized oriental number that carries the weird spell of mystic India in both Ivric and melody. An unrivalled production number, and will fit any program. Price, 30 Cents. GOOD NIGHT, DEAR NIGHT.— An out-of-the-ordinary ballad, characterized as a semi-classic, with piano accompaniment of un- usual beauty. Worthy of feature position on any musical program. A splendid concert number. Price, 30 Cents. I AIN'T GOT ENOUGH TO PASS AROUND.— An irresistibly funny coon song, with a blue-j^ accompaniment. Every bit as good as "Constantly" and "Somebody Lied," by the same writer. Every burnt cork comedian needs it. Price, 30 Cents. OSHKOSH, B'GOSH!— A "hey rube" novelty number that is crowded with wit and unexpected twists in the lyric. Charac- teristic josli music that takes you right l^ack to the farm, by heck! A great number for a character comedian. Price, 30 Cents. SOON I'LL BE THE CZAR OF ZANZI BAR.— Dan McGrover was a rover in his motor car. The letter that he wrote to McClusky from far off Zanzibar intimated that he was sitting on the world. A speedy number that will ring the bell for a laughing hit. Price, 30 Cents. THE SUNBEAM AND THE MOONBEAM.— A charming ballad with a novel idea charmingly expressed, and a melody with a haunting quality, combine to make this song appreciated by any audience. Includes arrangements for male and mixed quartets. Price, 30 Cents. WONDERFUL.— A whimsical love song that will fit into any mu- sical show, and is easily adapted as a double number for male and female. Equally good for male or female solo. Price, 30 Cents. YOUR LITTLE GIRL.— An appealing ballad, harmonized in catchy syncopated tempo. Excellent solo number, especiallv for mixed or female minstrels. Includes special chorus arranirements for male and mixed quartets. Price, 30 Cents. THE BRIDE AND THE GROOM.— This sure-fire comedv mono- logue, with musical accompaniment, has been used by America's foremost professional entertainers, but was never placed on general sale, and is now available to amateurs for the first time. Eleven pages, complete with descriptive music, 50c T.S. DENISON & COMPANY, 623 S.Wabash Ave.. Chicago DENISON'S ACTING PLAYS Partial List of Successful and Popular Plays. Larere Catalogue Free FARCES, COMEDIETAS, Etc. Price 25 Cents Each M. F. All on a Summer's Day, 40 min. 4 6 Aunt Harriet's Night Out, 35 min 1 2 Aunt Matilda's Birthday Party, 35 min 11 Billy's Chorus Girl, 30 min... 2 3 I'onowed Luncheon, 20 min.. 5 llorrowing Trouble, 20 min.... 3 5 Case Against Casey, 40 min... 23 Class Ship, 35 min 3 8 Divided Attentions, 35 min. ..14 I"un in Photo Gallery, 30 min.. 6 10 Getting Rid of Father, 20 min. 3 1 Goose Creek Line, 1 hr 3 10 Great Pumpkin Case, 35 min.. 12 Hans Von Smash, 30 min.... 4 Honest Peggy, 25 min........ Irish Linen Peddler, 40 min... 3 Just Like a Woman, 35 min... 3 Last Rehearsal, 25 min 2 Men Not Wanted, 30 min.... Mother Goose's Goslings, 30 m. 7 Mrs. Jenkins' Brilliant Idea, 35m. Mrs. Stubbins' Book Agent, 30 m. 3 Not a Man in the House, 40 m. Paper Wedding, 30 min 1 Pat's Matrimonial ■■ enture, 25 min 1 Pfitsv O' Wang, 35 min 4 Rimmage Sale, 50 min 4 10 Sewing for the Heathen, 40 min 9 Sliadows, 35 min 3 4 ? ■ :j a Song of Seniors, 30 min. 7 Taking Father's Place, 30 min. 5 3 Teacher Kin I Go Home, 35 min 7 3 Too Much of a Good Thing, 45 min 3 Two Ghosts in White, 20 min.. Two of a Kind, 40 min 2 l^nrle Dick's Mistake. 20 min.. 3 Wanted: a Correspondent, 45 m. 4 Watch, a Wallet, and a Jack of Spades. 40 min 3 Whole Truth. 40 min 5 Who's the Boss? 30 min 3 WiMp I' for Two, 45 min. 5 Wrong Baby, 25 min FARCES. COMEDIETAS, Etc Price 15 Cents Each April Fools, .^0 min 3 Assessor, The, 15 min 3 2 Bahy Show at Pineville. 20 min. 19 Before the Play Begins, 15 min 2 Billv'? Mishaps, 20 min 2 C .iniii-i- liv^tire.- 1 ^ "'--i 8 Cow that Kicked Chicago, 25 m. 3 Familv .Strike. 20 min 3 First-Class Hotel. '0 min.... 4 For Love and Honor, 20 min,. 2 F'ulore nnd n Burelar. 1 '^ min.. M. F. Great Medical Dispensary, 30 m. 6 Initiating a Granger, 25 min.. 8 Kansas Immigrants, 20 min... 5 1 Lottie Sees It Through, 35 min. 3 4 Pair of Lunatics, 20 min 1 1 Pat, the Apothecary, 35 min.. 6 2 Please Pass the (ream, 20 min. 1 1 Second Childhood, 15 min.... 2 2 Smith's Unlucky Day, 20 min.. 1 1 That Rascal Pat, 30 min 3 2 Two Aunts and a Photo, 20 m. '4 Two Gentlemen in a Fix. IS m. 2 Wanted: A Hero, 20 min 1 1 VAUDEVILLE SKETCHES Price 25 Cents Each Amateur, 15 min 1 1 At Harmony Junction, 20 min. 4 Breakfist Food for Two, 20 m. 1 1 Cold Finish, 15 min 2 1 Coming Champion, 20 min.... 2 Fresh Timothy Hay, 20 min.. 2 1 Her Hero, 20 min 1 1 Hey, Rube! 15 min.... 1 It Might Happen, 20 min 1 1 Little Miss Enemy, 15 min.... 1 1 Little Red School House, 20 m. 4 Marriage and After, 10 min.. 1 One Sweetheart for Two, 20 m. 2 Oyster Stew, 10 min 2 Pete Yansen's Curl's Mnder, 10m. 1 Quick Lunch Cabaret, 20 min.. 4 Si and I, 15 min 1 Special Sale, 1 5 min 2 Street Faker, 15 min 3 Such Ignorance, 15 min....... 2 Sunny Son of Italy, 15 min.. 1 Time Table, 20 min 1 1 Tramp and the Actress, 20 min. 1 1 Troubles of Rozinski, 15 min.. 1 Two Jay Detectives, 15 min.. 3 ' Umbrella Mender. 15 min 2 Vait a Minute 2 BLACK-FACE PLAYS Price its Cen^s Each Axin' Her Father, 25 min 2 3 Booster Club of Blackville, 25 min .10 Colored Honeymoon, 25 min... 2 2 Coon Creek Courtship, 15 m... 1 1 Coontown Thirteen Club, 25 m. 14 Darktown Fire Brigade, 25m.. 10 Good Mornin' Judp'e, 35 min.. 9 2 Hungry, 15 min 2 Love and Lather, 35 min 3 2 Memphis Mose. 25 min 5 1 Oh, Doctor! 30 min 6 2 Troubled by Ghosts, 10 min... 4 What Happened to Hannah, 15 min 1 1 a- A great number of Standard and Amateur Plays not found here are listed In Denison's Catalogue T. S. DENISON & COMPANY, Publishers, 623 S.Wabash Ave., Chicago 1-1021 POPULAR ENTERTAINI 1P«riic«. Illustrated Paper fcovers IN this Series are found books touching every feature in the enter- tainment field. Finely made, good paper, clear print and each book has an attractive individual cov- er design. A Partial List DIALOGUES All Sorts of Dialogues. Selected, fine for older pupils. Catchy Comic Dialogues. Very clever; for young people. Children's Comic Dialogues. From six to eleven years of age. Country School Dialogues. brand new, original. Dialogues for District Schools. For country schools. Dialogues from Dic.ens. Thirteen selections. Friday Afternoon Dialogues. Over 60,(100 copies sold. From Tots to Teens. Dialogues and recitations. Humorous Homespun Dialogues. For older ones. Little People's Plays. From 7 to 13 years of age. Lively Dialogues. For all age^: mostly humorous. Merry Little Dialogues. Thirty-eight original selections. When the Lessons are Over. Dialogues, drills, plays. Wide Awake Dialogues. Oiiginal successful. SPEAKERS, MONOLOGUES Choice Pieces for Little People. A child's speaker. The Comic Entertainer. Recitations, monologues, dialogues. Dialect Readings. Irish. Dutch. Negro, Scotch, etc. The Favorite Speaker. Choice prose and |)ootry. The Friday Afte-ncon Speaker. For pn|iils of all ages. Humorous Monologues. Particularly for ladies. Monologues for Young Folks. Clever, humorous, original. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS !l!!!!JII!l!l!!!J!i!!!!!!llil!ll!!!l!!li!!!!!i!!ll!!!llJll^ 015 938 677 6 Monologues Grave and Gay. Dramatic and humorous. Scrap. Book Recitations. Choice collections, pathetic, hu- morous, descriptive, prose, poetry. 15 j\os., per No. 36c DmLLS The Best Drill Book. Very popular drills and marches. The Favorite Book of Drills. ; Drills that sparkle with originality Little Plays With Drills. For children from 6 to 11 years. The Surprise Drill Book. Fresh, novel, drills and marches. SPECIALTIES The^ Boys' Entertainier. Monologues, dialogues, drills. Children's Party Book. Invitations, decorations^ games. The Christmas Entertainer. ^Novel and diversified. The Days We Celebrate. Entertainments for all the holidays. Good Things for Christmas. Recitations, dialogues, drills Good .Things for Sunday Schools. Dialogues, exercises, recitations. Good Thmgs for Thanksgiving. A gem of a book. Good Things for Washington . ...f"! Lincoln Birthdays. Little Folks' Budget. Easy pieces to speak, songs. 0"e-,Hundred Entertainments. JNew parlor diversions, socials. Patriotic Celebrations. Great /varietv of material Pictured Readings and Tableaux. Enljrely original features. Pranks and Pastimes. , Parlor games for children. Shadow Pictures, Pantomimes, Charades, and how to pre])are Tableaux and Scenic Readings. New and novel; for all ages. Twinkling Fingers and Sway- Ing Figures. For little tots. Yuletide Entertainments. .A choice Christmas collection. MINSTRELS, JOKES The Black-Face Joker. Minstrels' and end men's gags A Bundle of Burnt Cork Comedy. Monologues, stump speeches, etc. Laughland,vla the Ha-Ha Route. A merry trip for fun tourists. Negro Minstrels. All about the business. The New Jolly Jester. Fu n ny^^ories^ jokes, gags, etc. Large IlluatratedCataiogue Frea T.S.DENISON&COMPANY,Publlshers,623S.Wabash Ave., Chicago