PS 635 Z3D8837 Copyright N? COEKRIGHIT DEPOSIT. Price] No. 109. [15 Cents. DB "WITT'S ETHIOPIAN AND COMIO DRAMA. »■ "MAKING A HIT." AN ETHIOPIAN FARCE, IN TWO SCENES By FRANK DUMONT, Author of " Marked for Life," « Held at Bay," " Wide iw^" " The Polar Bear," •' The Painter's Apprentice," « My TTi/e's Viai&n? « TAe JVo&fe Satrap," " ^n -Am/m* P&rf " " I%e ilfecfeca* Student," "Gambrinus," etc., etc. AS FIRST PERFORMED BY DUPREZ & BENEDICT'S MINSTRELS, AT THE MOBILE, ALA., THEATRE, SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 1875. TO WHICH ARE ADDED, A Description of the Costumes -Cast of the Characters-Entrances and Exits-Relative Positions of the Performers on the Stage and the whole of the Stage Business. New York, ROBERT M. DE WITT, PUBLISHER No. S3 Rose Street. Monograph DE WITT'S ETHIOPIA & COMIC DRAMAS, Xothing so thorough and complete in the way of Ethiopian and Comic Dramas has ever been printed as those that appear in the following list. Xot only ewe the plots excellent, the characters droll, the incidents funny, the language humorous, but all the situations, by-play, positions, pantomimic business, scenery and tricks are so plainly set down, and clearly ex- plained, that (he merest novice could put any of them on the stage. Included in this catalogue are all the most laughable and effective pieces of their class ever -produced. *#* In ordering, please copy the figures at the commencement of each play , which indicate the number of the piece in " De "Witt's Ethiopian and Comic Drama." Any of the following Plays sent, postage free, on receipt of price— 15 Cents Each. Address, ROBERT M. DE WITT, JVo. S3 Hose Street. New York. fcW The figure following the name of the Play denotes the number of Scenes, figures in the columns indicate the number of characters. — M. male ; F. female. *** Female characters are generally assumed by males in these plays. The Xo. 73. 6. 10. 11. 24. 40. 42. 43. 78. M. African T?ox, burlesque, 2 scenes. . . 5 Black Chap from Whitechapel, 1 s. 4 Black Chemist, sketch, 1 scene 3 Black Ey'd William, 2 scenes 4 Bruised and Cured, sketch, 1 scene. 2 Big Mistake, sketch, 1 scene 4 Bad "Whiskey, sketch, 1 scene 2 Baby Elephant, sketch, 2 scenes.. . 7 Bogus Indian, sketch. 4 scenes 5 Barney's Courtship, Irish, 1 scene. 1 Bogus Talking Machine, Dutch 4 Coal [leavers 1 Revenge, 1 scene.. 6 Cremation, sketch, 2 scenes 8 Daguerreotypes, sketch, 1 scene 3 Draft (The), sketch. 1 act, 2 scenes. 6 Damon and Pythias. 2 scenes 5 Darkey's Stratagem, sketch, 1 act. . 3 Dutchman's Ghost, sketch, 1 scene. 4 Dutch Justice, sketch. 1 scene 11 Eh ? What is it ? sketch, 1 scene. . . 4 Excise Trials, sketch, 1 scene 10 Editor's Troubles, farce, in 1 scene. . 6 Elopement (The), farce, 2 scenes. . . 4 Fellow That Looks Like Me, Is.... 2 Fisherman" s Luck, sketch, 1 scene. 2 First Night, Dutch sketch, 4 scenes 4 Ghost (The), sketch, 1 scene 2 Glycerine Oil, sketch. 2 scenes 3 Coins for the Cup, interlude, 1 scene 4 Ghost in a Pawnshop, 1 scene 4 Guide to the Stage, sketch. 1 scene. 3 Getting Square on Call Boy, 1 scene 3 Good Night's Rest, sketch, 1 scene 3 German Emigrant, sketch, 1 scene. 3 Gripsack, sketch. 1 scene 3 Hemmed In, sketch, 1 scene 3 Hard Times, extravaganza, 1 scene. 5 High Jack, the Heeler, 1 scene.. 6 Happy Couple, sketch, 1 scene 2 Hippotheatron, sketch. 1 scene 9 In and Out, sketch, 1 scene 2 Jealous Husband, sketch, 1 scene Julius the Snoozer, 3 scenes 7 Last of the Mohicms, 1 scene 3 Live Injun, sketch, 4 scenss 4 Laughing Gas, sketch, 1 scene 6 Lucky Job, farce. 2 scenes 3 Lost Will, sketch, 1 scene 4 Lunatic i ["he), skotch, 1 scene 3 Mutton Trial, sketch, 2 scenes 4 Malicious Trespass, sketch, 1 scene. 3 2 1 No. M. F. 44. Musical Servant, sketch, 1 scene... 3 96. Midnight Intruder (The), 1 scene. . 6 l 101. Molly Moriarty, Irish, 1 scene 1 1 49. Night in a Strange Hotel, 1 scene. ... 2 22. Obeying Orders, sketch, 1 scene... 2 t 27. 100th Night of Hamlet, 1 scene 7 1 30. One Night in a Bar Room, 1 scene 7 76. One, Two, Three, sketch, 1 scene.. 7 9. Policy Players, sketch, 1 scene 7 57. Pompey'e Patients, 2 scenes 6 65.'s Troubles, sketch, 1 scene.. 6 1 66. Port Wine vs. Jealousy, 1 *cet:e.. 2 1 87. Pete the Peddlar, sketch, 1 scene.. 2 1 91. Painter's Apprentice (The), 1 scene 5 92. Polar Bear (The.) farce, 1 scene 5 14. Recruiting Office, sketch, 2 scenes. 5 26. Rival Tenants, sketch, 1 scene 4 45. Remittance from Home, 1 scene... 6 55. Rigging a Purchase, 1 scene 2 81. Rival Artists, sketch, 1 scene 3 7. Stupid Servant, sketch, 1 scene.... 2 13. Streets of New York, sketch, 1 scene 6 15. Sam's Courtship, farce, 1 scene 2 1 80. Sceneson the Mississippi, 2 scenes. 6 M. Serenade (The), sketch, 2 scenes.. . 7 21. Scampini, pantomime, 2 scenes 6 3 16. Storming the Fort, sketch, 1 scene. 5 38. Siamese Twins, sketch, 2 scenes. . . 5 46. Slippery Day, sketch. 1 scene 6 1 56. Stage Struck Couple (The). 1 scene. 2 1 59. Sausage Makers (The), sketch. 2 s. . 5 1 69. Squire for a Day. sketch. 1 scene. . . 5 1 72. Stranger (The), sketch, 1 scene 1 1 74. SleepWalker (The), sketch, 2 scenes 3 100. Three Chiefs (The), sketch, 2 scenes 6 102. Three, A. M.. sketch, 1 scene 3 1 5. Two Black Roses (The), sketch. ... 4 1 2. Tricks, sketch. 2 scenes 5 2 34. Three Strings to One Bow, 1 scene. 4 t 47. Take It. Don't Take It. sketch, 1 s. 2 54. Them Papers, sketch, 1 scene 3 28. Uncle Eph's Dream, sketch, 2 8 ... 3 1 62. Vinegar Bitters, sketch, one scene. 6 1 29. "Who Died First, sketch. 1 scene. . . 3 1 32. "Wake up, "William Henry, 1 scene.. 3 39. Wanted, a Nurse, sketch. 1 scene.. 5 75. Weston the Walkist, Dutch 1 scene 7 1 93. What shall I Take ? sketch, 2 scenes 8 1 97. Who's the Actor'? farce, 1 scene... 4 99. Wrong Woman in the Right Place 3 1 85. Young Scamp (The), sketch, 1 scene 3 MAKING A HIT. §M* ©ttopiaw Java in Stow £tm$. By FRANK D U M O N T , AUTHOR OP "My Wife's Visitors," "The Midnight Intruder,'''' " The Noble Savage," "The Lunatic," "Absent Mindea\" " The Clairvoyant,'''' " The Polar Bear,'''' etc ORIGINALLY PRODUCED BY DUPREZ & BENEDICT^ MINSTRELS AT THE MOBILE (ALA.) THEATRE— MATINEE— OCT. 30TH, 1875. TO WHICH ARE ADDED A DESCRIPTION OF THE COSTUMES — CAST OP THE CHARACTERS — ENTRANCES AND EXITS — RELATIVE POSITIONS OP THE PERFORMERS ON THE STAGE, AND THE WHOLE OP THE STAGE BUSINESS. ROBERT M. DE WITT, PUBLISHER, No. 33 Rose Street. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by Robert M. De Witt, in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. 2 MAKING A HIT. V * V CAST OF CHAR A CTERS. As originally performed at the Mobile {Ala.) Theatre, Oct. 30th, 1875. Manager Gnatbrain Mr. J. T. Gulick Pilgrim Budger Mr. Sam Price Zeb Doolittle Mr. Geo. H. Edwards 41 The Star " Mr Frank Dumont TIME OF REPRESENTATION-TWENTY MINUTES. e — SCENERY. Scene I. — A Street in 1st Grooves: door in Flat. Scene II. — Interior of Theatre; Wings and Flats in confusion about stage, supposed to be behind the curtain or in entrances ; a Table C, with Bread, Property Onions, Bottle, Paper with White Sand: various proper- ties scattered about; a Sword; Gun; Billiard Cue near Table; a Barrel with head and bottom knocked out, and Brown Paper pasted over one end ; Tub on r. h. ; a Trap at back, covered with Brown Paper. R. 4 E. Wings, Flats, etc. L- 4 E. E.3E. Properties. L . 3 E. S£ + * o opidarity by their droll situations excellent pilots, great humor and brilliant dialogues, no less than by the fact that they are the most perfect in every respect of any edition of plays ever published either in the United States or Europe, whether as regards purity of the text, accuracy and fulness of stage directions and scenery, or elegance of typography and clearness of printing. *** In ordering please copy the figures at the commencement of each piece, which indicate the number of the piece in " De Witt's List of Acting Plats." l^ Any of the following Plays sent, postage free, on receipt of price 15 cents each. Address, ROBERT M. DE WITT, JVo. 33 nose Street, JVew Tor A:. &g~ The figure following the name of the Play denotes the number of Acts. The figures in the columns indicate the number of characters — M. male • F. female. No. M. 75. Adrienne, drama, 3 acts 7 114. Anything for a Change, comedy, 1 3 167. Apple Blossoms, comedy, 3 acts. ... 7 93. Area Belle (The), farce, 1 act 3 40. Atchi, comedietta, 1 act 3 89. Aunt Charlotte's Maid, farce. 1 act.. 3 192. Game of Cards (A), comedietta, 1 3 166. Bardell vs. Pickwick, sketch, 1 act. 6 41. Beautiful Forever, farce, 1 act 2 141. Bells (The), drama, 3 acts 9 67. Birthplace of Podgers, farce, 1 act.. 7 36. Black Sheep, drama, 3 acts 7 160. Blow for Blow, drama, 4 acts 11 70. Bonnie Fish Wife, farce, 1 act 3 179. Breach of Promise,, drama, 2 acts.. 5 25. Broken-Hearted Club, comedietta, 1 4 24. Cabman, No. 93, farce, 1 act 2 1. Caste, comedy, 3 acts 5 69. Caught by the Cuff, farce, 1 act 4 175. Cast" upon the World, drama, 5 acts. 10 55. Catharine Howard, historical play, 3 acts 12 80. Charming pair, farce, 1 act 4 65. Checkmate, corned}', 2 acts 6 68. Chevalier de St. George, drama, ; 76. Chops of the Channel, farce, 1 act 149. Clouds, comedy, 4 acts 8 121. Comical Countess, farce, 1 act 3 107. Cupboard Love, farce, 1 act 2 152. Cupid's Eye-Glass, comedy, 1 act... 1 52. Cup of Tea, comedietta, 1 act 3 148. Cut off with a Shilling, comedietta, 1 act 2 1 113. Cyrill's Success, comedy, 5 acts 10 4 199. Captain of the Watch (The), come- dietta, 1 act 4 2 20. Daddy Gray, drama, 3 acts 8 4 4. Dandelion's Dodges, farce, 1 act 4 2 22. David Garrick, comedy, 3 acts 8 3 96. Dearest Mamma, comedietta, 1 act, 4 3 16. Dearer than Life, drama, 3 acts 6 5 58. Deborah (Leah) drama, 3 acts 7 6 125. Deerfoot, farce. 1 act 5 1 71. Doing for the Best, drama, 2 acts.. 5 3 142. Dollars and Cents, comedy, 3 acts.. 9 4 3 2 8 7 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 131 28 151 S, INK. 10. 60. 187. 174. 64. 190. 191. 197. 18. 116. 129. 159. 122. 177. 100. 139. 17. 86. 72. . Dreams, drama, 5 acts 6 . Duchess de la Valliere, play, 5 acts! .' 6 , Easy Shaving, farce, 1 act 5 Everybody's Friend, comedy, 3 acts. 6 Estranged, an operetta, 1 act 2 Faust and Marguerite, drama, 3 acts, 9 Fearful Tragedy in the Seven Dials, interlude, 1 act 4 Female Detective, drama, *3 act's'.'.! .' 11 Fernaude, drama, 3 acts . . . 11 Fifth Wheel, comedy, 3 acts 10 First Love, comedy, 1 act 4 Foiled, drama. 4 acts 9 Founded on Facts, farce, 1 act . . '. 4 Garrick Fever, farce, 1 act 7 Gertrude's Money Box, farce, 1 act. 4 Golden Fetter (Fettered), drama, 3 11 Goose with the Golden Eggs, farce, 1 act 5 Go to Putney, farce, 1 act 4 Happy Pair, comedietta, 1 act 1 Hard Case (A), farce, 1 act 2 Henry Dunbar, drama, 4 acts 10 Henry the Fifth, historical play, 5 38 He's a Lunatic, farce, 1 act 3 Hidden Hand, drama, 4 acts 5 His Own Enemy, farce, 1 act 4 Home, comedy, 3 acts 4 Household Fairy, sketch, 1 act 1 Hunting the Slipper, farce, 1 act. . . . 4 High C, comedietta, 1 act 4 Hunchback (The), play, 5 acts 14 If I Had a Thousand a Year, farce, 1 act 4 I'm Not Mesilf at All, original Irish stew, 1 act 3 In for a Holiday, farce, 1 act 9 In the Wrong House, farce, 1 act. . . 4 Isabella Orsini, drama, 4 acts 11 I Shall Invite the Major, comedy, 1 4 Jack Long, drama, 2 acts 9 Joy is Dangerous, comedy, 2 acts. . . 3 Kind to a Fault, comedy, 2 acts 6 Lady of Lyons, play, 5 acts 12 Lame Excuse, farce, 1 act 4 DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS (Continued). No. 144. 34. 137. 111. 119. 165. 48. 32. 164. 109. 85. 87. 143. 189. 163. 154. 63. 49. 15. 46. 51. 184. 108. 188. 169. 130. 92. 140. 115. 2. 57. 104. 112. 185. 84. 117. 171. 14. 173. 176. 90. 170. 97. 66. 172. 94. 45. 155. ITS. 147. 150. 8-2. 127. Lancashire Lass, melodrama, 5 acts.12 Larkins' Love Letters, farce, 1 act . . 3 L' Article 47, drama, 3 acts 11 Liar (The), comedy, 2 acts 7 Life Chase, drama, 5 acts 14 Living Statue (The), farce, 1 act 3 Little Annie's Birthday, farce, 1 act. 2 Little Rebel, farce, 1 act 4 Little Ruby, drama, 3 acts 6 Locked In, comedietta, 1 act 2 Locked In with a Lady, sketch, 1 act. 1 Locked Out, comic scene 1 Lodgers and Dodgers, farce, 1 act.. 4 Leap Year, musical duality, 1 act. . . 1 Marcoretti, drama, 3 acts 10 Maria and Magdalena, play, 4 acts . 8 Marriage at Any Price, farce, 1 act. 5 Master Jones' Birthday, farce, 1 act. 4 Maud's Peril, drama, 4 acts 5 Midnight Watch, drama, 1 act 8 Milky White, drama, 2 acts 4 Miriam's Crime, drama, 3 acts 5 Model of a Wife, farce, 1 act 3 Money, comedy, 5 acts 17 Mr. Scroggins, farce, 1 act 3 Mr. X., farce, 1 act 3 My Uncle's Suit, farce, 1 act 4 My Wife's Diary, farce, 1 act 3 My Wife's Out, farce, 1 act 2 My Walking Photograph, musical 1 1 duality, 1 act Never Reckon Your Chickens, etc., farce, 1 act 3 New Men and Old Acres, comedy, 3 8 Nobody's Child, drama, 3 acts 8 Noemie, drama, 2 acts 4 No Name, drama, 5 acts 7 Not a Bit Jealous, farce, 1 act 3 Not So Bad as We Seem, play, 5 acts. 14 Not Guilty, drama, 4 acts 10 Not Such a Fool as He Looks, drama, 3 acts 5 4 Nothing Like Paste, farce, 1 act 3 1 No Thoroughfare, drama, 5 acts and prologue 13 6 Off the Stage, comedietta, 1 act 3 3 On Bread and Water, farce, 1 act. . . 1 2 Only a Halfpenny, farce, 1 act 2 2 Only Somebody, farce, 1 act 4 2 One too Many for Him, farce, 1 act. 2 3 £100,000, comedy, 3 acts 8 4 Orange Blossoms, comedietta, 1 act. 3 3 Orange Girl, drama, in prologue and 3 acts 18 4 Ours, comedy, 3 acts 6 3 Our Clerks, farce, 1 act 7 5 Our Domestics, comedy farce, 2 acts 6 6 Our Heroes, military play. 5 acts. . .24 5 Out at Sea, drama in prologue and 4 acts 16 5 Overland Route, comedy. 3 acts 11 5 Peace at Any Price, farce, 1 act. ... 1 1 Peep o' Day, drama, 4 acts 12 4 Peggy Green, farce, 1 act 3 10 Petticoat Parliament, extravaganza, in one act 15 24 Photographic Fix, farce, 1 act 3 2 A COMPLETE No. 61. 138. 110. Plot and Passion, drama, 3 acts Poll and Partner Joe, burlesque, 1 act 10 Poppleton's Predicaments, farce, 1 3 M. F. 7 2 50. Porter's Knot, drama, 2 acts 8 2 59. Post Boy, drama, 2 acts 5 3 95. Pretty Horse-Breaker, farce, lact.. 3 10 181 and 182. Queen Mary, drama, 4 acts. 38 8 157. Quite at Home, comedietta, 1 act. . . 5 2 196. Queerest Courtship (The), comic op eretta, 1 act 1 1 132. Race for a Dinner, farce, 1 act 10 183. Richelieu, play, 5 acts 16 2 38. Rightful Heir, drama, 5 acts 10 2 77. Roll of the Drum, drama, 3 acts 8 4 13. Ruy Bias, drama, 4 acts 12 4 194. Rum, drama, 3 acts 7 4 195. Rosemi Shell, travesty, 1 act, 4 scenes 6 3 158. School, comedy, 4 acts 6 6 79. Sheep in Wolf's Clothing, drama, 17 5 37. Silent Protector, farce, 1 act 3 2 35. Silent Woman, farce, 1 act 2 1 43. Sisterly Service, comedietta, 1 act.. 7 2 6. Six Months Ago, comedietta, 1 act. 2 1 10. Snapping Turtles, duologue, 1 act. . 1 1 26. Society, comedy, 3 acts 16 5 78. Special Performances, farce, 1 act. . 7 3 31. Taming a Tiger, farce, 1 act 3 150. Tell-Tale Heart, comedietta, 1 act.. 1 2 120. Tempest in a Teapot, comedy, 1 act. 2 1 146. There's no Smoke Without Fire, comedietta, 1 act 1 2 83. Thrice Married, personation piece, lact 6 1 42. Time and the Hour, drama, 3 acts. . 7 3 27. Time and Tide, drama, 3 acts and prologue 7 5 133. Timothy to the Rescue, farce, 1 act. 4 2 153. 'Tis Better to Live than to Die, farce, 1 act 2 1 134. Tompkins the Troubadour, farce, 13 2 29. Turning the Tables, farce, 1 act 5 3 168. Tweedie's Rights, comedy, 2 acts.. 4 2 126. Twice Killed, farce, 1 act 6 3 56. Two Gay Deceivers, farce, 1 act 3 123. Two Polts, farce, 1 act 4 4 198. Twin Sisters (The), comic operetta, lact 3 1 162. Uncle's Will, comedietta, 1 act 2 1 106. Up for the Cattle Show, farce, 1 act. 6 2 81. Vandyke Brown, farce, 1 act 3 3 124. Volunteer Review, farce, 1 act 6 6 91. Walpole, comedy, 3 acts 7 2 118. Wanted, a Young Lady, farce, 1 act. 3 44. War to the Knife, comedy, 3 acts. ..54 105. Which ofthe Two? comedietta, lact 2 10 98. Who is Who? farce, 1 act 3 12. Widow Hunt, comedy, 3 acts 4 William Tell with a Vengeance, burlesque Woman in Red, drama, 3 acts and prologue 6 Woman's Vows and Mason's Oaths, 4 acts 10 Woodcock's Little Game, farce, 2 4 Young Collegian (Cantab.), farce, 1 3 8 2 DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE 5 of DE WITT'S ACTING PLAYS AND DE WITT'S PIAN AND COMIC DRAMAS, containing Plot, Costume, Scenery, Address, Time o Time of Representation and every other information, mailed free and post paid. ROBERT M. DE WITT, 33 Rose Street, New York.