PS 3129 ■ W465 G6 Copy 1 FEENCH'S NO. 65> ££ A GOOD FELLOW;" PETITE COMEDY IN ONE ACT, BY CHARLES M. WALCOT, COMMEDIAN. With Cast of Characters, Stage Business, Costumes, Relative Positions, etc. etc. AS PERFORMED AT THE AMERICAN THEATRES. NEW-YORK : SAMUEL FRENCH, 121 NASSAU-STREET. PRICE, 12* CENTS. FRENCH'S AMEEICAN DRA.M.A. Sije &cttnfl Htiftfon. No. LXXIV. >« # »< 66 A GOOD FELLOW;" PETITE COMEDY, IN ONE ACT. CHARLES M.^WALCOT, f^J COMEDIAN. TO WHICH ARE ADDED A description of the Costume— Cast of the Characters— Entrances and Exits- Relative Positions of the Performers on the Stage, and the whole of the Stage Business. AS PERFORMED AT THE AMERICAN THEATRES. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the Year One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six, by Charles M. Walcot, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. NEW YORK: SAMUEL FRENCH, 121 Nassau Street. ^ X?