L 169 .S3 P19 1918 Copy 1 STATISTICAL REPORT OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADVANCE PRINT FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION 1917-18 BOARD OF EDUCATION ST. LOUIS, MO. STATISTICAL REPORT OF THE ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS ADVANCE PRINT FROM THE ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION 1917-18 BOARD OF EDUCATION ST. LOUIS. MO. OCTOBER 1918. '0 ». of D. MAy 27 1919 STATISTICAL TABLES. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. J )i>l"initior. aiul explanation of tL-rnis 9 II. Tcacliers and Su])crvisors 10 Tal)le 1. Xunihor at close of year. Position, sex, color. Table 2. Changes in corps of appointed teachers. Table 'A. Substitutes. Table 4. Number of calls for substitutes. Table .">. Teachers ranks and salaries. III. Pui)ils 22 Tabic 1. School population. Table 2. Age and sex of all Pupils hjirolled at end of year. Tal)lc ',i. (jrade Distribution of Enrollment at be- ginning of four quarters. Classes of schools. Table 4. Comparative statement of Registration, I'.nrollment and Attendance. Table A. J^egistration, J'.nrollment, Attendance, Teachers. Individual schools, grades and kindergartens. Table B. Enrollment, .Attendance, Teachers, Grades. Table C. l-'nrollment. Attendance, Teachers. Kin- dergartens. Table D. Attendance by periods of days. Classes of schools. 'liable E. Birthplaces of pupils. Individual Sciiools. IV. Elementary Schools 40 Table 1. Beginners. 'J'able 2. Craduates by age. Table 3. Age-grade Distribution of hjirollment at end of Year. Table 4. .Age-grade Distribution of l-.nrollment at end of Year in Regular I'.lementary Schools for White Children. Table 5. Age-grade Distribution of Enrollment at end of Year in Regular Elementary Schools for Colored Children. Table fi. .Age-grade Distribution of Withdrawals. .All IClcmentary Schools. Table 7. Age-grade l')istril)ution of Withdrawals. Regular T".lementarv vSchools for White Children. Table 8. Age-grade Distribution of Withdrawals. Regular I'.leu.ientary Sdiools for Colored Children. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Special Elementary Schools. Gallandet School. Age-grade Distribution of Enrollment at end of Year. Koch Hospital School. Age-grade Dis- tribution of Enrollment at end of Year and of Withdrawals. Industrial School. Age-grade Distribu- tion of Enrollment at end of Year. Industrial School. Registration and At- tendance. Regular and Summer Term. Boys' Training Class. Enrollment at end of Year and Withdrawals by Ages. Special Schools for Individual Instruc- tion. Age and Sex of Enrollment at end of Year and of Withdrawals. Open Air Schools. Age-grade Distribu- tion of Enrollment at end of Year and of Withdrawals. Table 16. Open /\ir Schools. Registration and At- tendance. Regular and Summer Term. Comparative Table for all Special Schools. Manual Training and Domestic Science. Tabic 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. Table 17. Table 18. :iior H igh Table 1. Table 9 Table .3. Table 4. Table 5. Source of new pupils. Ages of new pupils. Graduates by age. Number completing ninth grade. Enrollment at end of year by age and class. Table fi. Withdrawals for the year by age and class. VI. High Schools 57 vSource of New Pupils. Ages of New Pupils. Graduates by years in vSchool. Graduates by Age. Graduates by Courses. Enrollment at end of Year by age and class. Withdrawals for th.e year by age and class. Comparative Table of Enrollment and Graduates. Sumner ttigh School Normal Class. YII. Harris Teachers College 64 Attendance and Registration. Preparation of Students. Comparative. Source of Students. Comparative. Extension Courses. Fall Term. Extension Courses. Fall Term. Enroll- ment by Individuals. Extension Courses. Spring Term. Extension Courses. Spring Term. En- rollment bv Individuals. Table 1. Table o Table •S. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table ccupation of Students. Table ?>. Birthplaces of Students. Table 4. .Ages of Students. Table ."). Subjects taught, Number of Classes and Number Enrolled. Table 6. Comparative statistics. IX. Summer Term 80 Table 1. Enrollment, .Attendance, Teachers. Table :.'. Persistence of attendance. Table '.'>. Schools from which attendance was drawn. Table 4. Age and urade distribution of Enroll- ment. Table .'>. High Schools. Success and failure of stu- dents. Table tl. drades. Success and failure of pupils. Table 7. Grade Manual Schools. Average daily number receiving instruction in specified subjects. X. Educational Museum 03 Table 1. Financial Report. Table 2. Order and Delivery Report. XI. .Attendance Department 07 Table 1. Classiticatipn of cases reported for inves- tigation. Table 2. Supplementary work in connection with above cases. Table 'A. Origin of all cases investigated. Table 4. Cases of truancy. Table .">. Conditions contributing to truancy. Table t>. Cases in Juvenile Court. Table 7. Children -receiving employment certifi- cates. Table 8. Reasons for quitting school. Table '.•. Birthplace of children receiving age cer- tificates. Table 10. Grades of children receiving employment certificates with reference to l)irthplaces. Table n. Sex and grade distribution of children en- tering various groups of occupations. Table \2. Initial wage distribution of children en- tering various groups of occupations. Tal)le i:?. Initial wage distributions relative to grades of children receiving empolyment certificates. Table 14. Industrial occupations entered by cliil- dren leaving school. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Table 15. Average height and weight of children between 14 and 16 years of age receiving- employment certificates during past six years. ]er of those absent on that day. It includes all pupils who have not se\"cred their connection with the schools b\' permanent "withdrawal" or by transfer to another public school. Temporary absence of any number of da_\s does not drop a pupil from the enrollment. Withdrawals. Pupils who withdraw permanentl\- from school are termed "withdrawals." This may mean pupils who move away from St. Louis, go to work, or \\ho for other reasons are compelled to leave school. Attendance per Teacher. Tn computing this figure the number of teachers vised is found as follows: Principals are not counted ; each regular room teacher is counted as one ; each director of an A..M. or P. M. kindergarten is counted as one and each paid assistant as one teacher: in the high schools and the Harris Teachers College all teachers giving but part time to regular instruction in those schools are counted as fractional teachers. Ages. The age of the pupil reported in the age-grade tables is the age on the last birthday before the close of schools in June. 10 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. II. TEACHERS AND SUPERVISORS. TABLE 1— NUMBER AT CLOSE OP YEAR 1917-1918— POSITION, SEX, COLOR. Total 1916-17 Total 1917-18 Men Women 1 2 3 4 5 Total Employed In Department of Instruc- tion ■ 2 621 2.'-.3S 2657 2554 341 298 2316 2256 OTotal for State Reports Administration : Total 14 1 4 9 L 16 1 4 11 10 ' 1 4 5 g Superintendent Assistant Superintendent.'^ Office Assistants i 6 Supervision: ('-) Total Drawing' Kindergartens Manual Trainin Music Penmanship Physical Training Primary Grades Schools for Individual Instruction School Gardens Bath Attendants 'This total for 1917-1918 does not include Office Assi.stants in Superintend- ent's Office, Attendance Department, Department of Hygiene, Educational Mu- seum, Teachers Library, Bath Attendants, Extra Sewing Teachers, Winter Term Extension Courses, Evening Schools or Summer Term, and 16 teachers who taught less than half time. ^This number does not include the Supervisor of Evening Schools, of Manual Training in the Evening Schools, and of the Summer Term — Grade Manual Schools, all of whom hold other regular positions in the schools. REPORT OF THE SUI'ERIXTEXDKXT. 11 TAULK 1— NUMBER AT CLOSE OF YEAR 1917-191 8— POSITION. SEX. COLOR. rt z£, ^2 Principals Assistants 'lJa.\- Scliools, reg-iilar term: Total •'Harris Teachers College 'Hish Sehools 'Junior High School ■■Eleinentary .Schools; Total •Jrades Kindergartens Manual Trainins". Giades "Domestic Science. Grades Gallaudet (For Deaf» Industrial (For Dependent and Delinciuent ) . Individual Instruction (For Backward) Open Air (For Tuberculous) Koch Hospital Hiiuse of Detention Boys' Class (For Truant) 'Average Number of Substitutes 2493 16 39.5 2082 1701 270 19 17 6 1.5 '>7 2524 17 365 51 2091 1713 261 18 16 6 13 25 9 1 2 3 2 4 34 214 2200 5 11 176 13 183 37 20 1969 1614 261 IS Winter Term Extension Courses. 39 38 20 lOvening- Schools: Total .Supervisors High Elementary Number not regulai- day teachers. Summer Term: Total Harris Teachers College High Schools Gi-ade Schools Grade Manual (Including Supervisoi) (jallaudet Industrial Open .Vir Koch Hospital House of Detention 376 2 239 135 63 344 2 243 99 54 536 35 47 357 70 2 16 9 548 28 45 375 74 2 12 9 1 2 Teachers in Colored Schools (Included Above) : Day Schools Day High School ])ay Elementary Schools Kindergartens Manual Training Teachers, Grades . l)omestic Science Teachers, Grades. Industrial School Schools for Individual Instruction . . House of Detention Average Xumber of Substitutes . . . . Evening- High School Evening Elementary Schools Summer Term High School Summer Term Grade School .Summei- Term Indu.^^trial School . . . . .Summer Term House of Detention . 190 36 123 23 2 1 3 2 214 37 136 24 2 1 3 2 1 8 12 23 10 21 3 1 173 164 73 9 80 31 ! 23 58 11 :?o 4 11 1 1 24 22 'The total number of day school teachers, regular term, represents the total number of individuals giving half or more of their time to teaching or the rlutiis of piincipals. Positions in the Evening and Summer Schools and the i:.\tension Courses of the Harris Teachers College are filled from the corps of regular day school teachers. -Includes two clerical assistants. 'Includes eleven clerical assistants. •Includes one clerical assistant. Includes one clerical assistant. '■Does not include two Extra Sewing Teachers who teach for less than half ■ Vverage number of substitutes, 24, obtained by dividing total days substi- jute seivice in temporary service by 196. the days taught during the year. 12 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 2— CHANGES IN CORPS OF APPOINTED TEACHERS. Chang-es o a. u a; "3 ^ fee ro SO W - 5 HH O , O 1-5 O A he So H c 5 tr c s III A W ."i 0) a =* 'A xn 1 j 3 1 3 1 4 5 C 7 8 9 Number in Active Service, June 191S. 2395 14 50 352 1592 .255 56 76 Increases during- year — Total 352 178 95 79 3 2 1 58 1 .'^7 52 35 11 fi 192 127 .19 7 5 21 13 Return from Leave of Absence.... Transfers from one class of serv- 59 6 19 4 4 ! - • 1 Decreases during year — Total 306 : 3 71 ; 1 7 1 1 8 . . .^ 7 80 153 32 18 37 6 1 4 1 6 1 '"3 2 21 8 Granted Leave of Absence Not Reappointed June 1917 Transfer from one class of .service 141 7 80 1 27 4 30 80 ' 25 1 .... 31 5 2 9 Suspensions Number in Active Service, June 1917 2349 14 ! 380 1553 268 55 79 Number on Leave of Absence, June 1918 93 1 1 i 1 0- i.x 1 r; 2 3 * ' * : Granted Leave during Year 141 1 1 27 80 ; 25 3 5 Decreases in Number on Leave dur- ing Year — Total 120 95 15 7 3 16 11 3 1 1 76 59 10 6 1 22 19 2 .... 2 2 4 Reassigned to Active Service 4 Deaths Dropped Number on Leave of Absence, June 1917 — Total 72 1 16 40 12 1 2 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 13 TABLE 3— SUBSTITUTES. 1 ■3 ■•-> o Grades Kindergartens White Colored White Colored ■u C o a 3 >. 5 Z E- Hi -M c c g D. If. c a £ CO 3 I" H 4J g 5 a S 4) Eh 4J 3 (V 1 2 3 4 5:6 7 i S 9 10 11 la ] 13 14 Number in Active Service, June 1918 191 105 41 19 18 .. ■ 4 . . ! a 1 Increase during year — Total... Assigned to Permanent Posi- 414 110 9S 99 1 11 IS 17 43 IS 91 87 134 '8.5 93 82 3 8 19 19 29 ii is 23 17 6 10 9 1 . . . . 1 "9 's 11 25 9 'i 3 3 1 'i 1 i 3 3 2 Graduates of Harris Teachers College and Sumner Normal (Colored) Action of Committee on In- 3 15 1 34 o Returned from Leave of Ab- Transferred from Grades.... Transferred from Kinder- Apprentice-Substitute.'^ Decrea.^e during- yeai- — Total... 42() 123 lis 12.3 124 lOS 115 ... 87 "3 "2 93 i 11 ... 1 8 93 . . 19 19 28 28 2 Assigned to Permanent Posl- 1 1 Deaths Granted Leave of Ab.'^ence. . . 15 10 5 1 9 1 . . . ... 10 1 2 11 IG Tiansferred from Grades.... Transferred from Kinder- gartens Number in Active Ser.vice, June 1917 203 19 138 15 1 13 1 ... 11 1 8 i •■ 5 5 16 1 1 1 2 1 Number on Leave of Absence, ■- — Number Granted Leave During in 5 9 . . . ! 1 ■ • Decrease in Number on Leave 22 is 2 4 i 17 1 3 1 15 1 1 ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ 1 Reassigned to Active Service Deaths 1 26 1 3 ! 21 ...... 1 Number on Leave of Absence, June 1917 14 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 4— NUMBER OF CALLS FOR SUBSTITUTES. Both Classes of Service Grades Kinder- gartens 2810 308 288 48 232 36 255 39 216 44 298 25 349 36 323 21 384 30 310 18 155 11 14 12 13 12 16 18 16 19 16 Number of calls in Year 3118 First School Month 336 Second School Month 268 Third School Month -'94 Fourth School Month 260 Fifth School Month 323 Sixth School Month 385 Seventh School Month 344 Eighth School Month 414 Ninth School Month 328 Tenth School Month 166 Average number of calls daily: , First School Month ' Second School Month Third School Month Fourth School Month Fifth School Month Sixth School Month Seventh School Montli Eighth School Month Ninth School Month Tenth School Month ^__ I Highest number of calls any one day. . . ; 63 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 15 TABLE 5— TEACHERS' RANKS AND SALARIES. Number at End of School Year. 1917-191S. School and Rank o 1100 1 1080 ' 800 ■720 1150 1140 i)00 780 1 Chief Clerk (12 ninntlis) Man 1020 'too 1 0(10 840 900 Men 000 2 :!50ft 720 780 840 l."i(MI 1 1 1000 iooo ItiOO 6 io56 ;i7.">o 1 1300 1 4000 1400 2 HYGIENE DEPARTMENT. 1200 1 Men 700 6 1 31.")0 700 800 15 1 "800 900 966 1 Women ... Nurses (Oi)en .\ir Schools) beyond 10 calendar nionth.s for calendar .year. PSYCHO-EDUCATIONAL CLINIC. Man 1 16 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLK 5 — TEACHERS' RANKS AND SALARIES— Continued. School and Rank C cS t-, a rt 73 Xi V biitH (2 u 2 1 2 4(>(l 975 1 1200 3 500 . ! ! ! 1300 4 5 6 7 8 9 ■ 10 SCHOOL BATHS. Atteiul:;i!ts (10 moiit/.s) coil 1 1 1400 1 600 2.550 25.50 2550 2550 2.550 22(111 .... .... Matron (Taussig Open Air Scliool) $75.0(1 per School Month plus pro rata additional beyond regular school year for six days per week for calendar year Woman TEACHERS LIBRARY. Librarian (10 months) Rank of Fourth Assistant, Harris Teachers College 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700 2850 2850 2850 2850 '^8.^0 Clerk (10 laontlisl 500 1 500 1 22.50 2250 '2250 2250 22.50 2000 550 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 2100 3 2100 iooo 13(10 1 1300 Supervision. SUPERVISORS. Drawing (In Charge) 3000 3000 3()00 3000 3000 3150 1 3150 1 3150 1 3150 1 MlnO Woman Man ^lusic Man i'ennianshi]) Man Man 2300 2400 .... 1 2500 2(i(IO 2500 2000 2000 9l0(i ■2200 2300 2400 1700 18(10 1H0(i ::ooo 1 1 500 1200 1 1200 AkSSISTAXT SirERVISORS. 11(10 15(1(1 3 l(j(l(l 120(1 4200 .... .... 1100 150(1 KidO Men 1 2 4 Woman Penmanship (H. A. Elementary Sdiool).. Women soil 1200 1200 !'(I0 12.5(1 isoo 1000 i30(l 140() 1200 4500 1 3800 1100 1 135(1 4 1500 4750 3950 2 115(1 i(300 3 5000 4100 3 .... IVien 1 960 1 4000 1080 4250 H \RR1S TE \CHERS COLliEGE IV] an 3500 3650 IVien JUNIOR HICiH SCHOOL 3500 1 IIEPORT OF THE S L TKUIXTENDENT. 17 TABLE 5— TEACHERS' RANKS AND SALARIES— Continued. School and Rank m >( Hi M Eighth Year Ninth Year 1 2 3 2400 1 4 2.5.-)0 1 2200 1700 1 1 1450 1 1850 1 1700 i-i5() 1 i:j50 2750 2200 5 2700 5 230(i 1800 1500 1800 isiio 2900 2300 1 1500 2 3 (id 2700 23()d 1 3 1900 id()() 1 1000 6 ■ 2850 4 24(1(1 1 190(1 1 1 1550 1900 issti 3050 2400 2 1550 1 2400 2850 24(10 1(150 ioso 7 3000 3 2500 2(')(')d i 1600 2000 1 1600 3200 Uioo 250(1 3000 8 3150 37 8 2600 1 5 2100 2 4 2100 3350 1 2(i6d 3150 3 1 9 I 10 Principals (Continued). ELKME.NTARY SCHOOI-S (Kegulai). 22."in Men Women B C'huss (H to 17 rooms) 1 1 l.JOd 21(0 KiOO Men Women C ("hi.ss (1(1 to l:! rooms) Men Women 1 i:i."i() 110(1 l::(i() II Chiss (G tci !i rooms) Man E Class (1 to 7< rooms) Man ACTI.\(; I'KIXCll'AES. C ('lass ITilKI 6 12.-)0 llidO iio(') i:!()o 2 2(iOO 2100 Woman 1) Class Women E Class .SlBSTITrTE I'HIXCIPALS. I) Class 1300 1 24.1(1 2011(1 WY.MAN (SCHOOL OF OBSERVATION)... Man SPECIAL SUBSTITUTE I'RIXCH'ALS (H. A. H. S.) Men ELE.ME.NTAKV SCHOOLS (Sl)C()0 1200 1(500 i:;o() 1000 700 1100 800 Clerk (2A Gr.) 1 ihririin (** V (ii* ) 700 soo 1 550 900 'coo 500 18 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 5— TEACHERS' RANKS AND SALARIES — Continued. School and Rank 5?3 5^ M S 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] 10 HKiH SCHOOLS. 22.50 2400 9R=;ii 2700 2850 2 1 2300 2400 33 .... 6 .... 2000 2100 12 22 11 16 1600 1700 12 i 39 20 21 1300 : 1400 .... 2 1 1 4 iioo iiso 2 9 3000 isoo 7 i2o6 7 ■.■.■.: isoo 1 i266 4 i266 iioo 669 i2o6 10 31S0 2 .... Men 2000 2100 4 2200 7 • 1 1900 9 5 1500 9 24 1200 1 2 Men Women 1700 1800 6 10 1400 2 8 1100 Men 1 1300 6 34 1000 Men i . • . .... Women Substitutos (Elfiueiitary School Assistants) 3 1300 800 2i 1350 .... Clerk 2A Elem. + $lon (for 12 months). 000 1000 1 22(10 .... ir.MOR HICH SCHOOL. 2000 2100 2300 2300 2666 1 1600 i 2 1300 1 1450 7 1300 IG 1100 ieoo 1 iioo 1350 58 1200 289 1000 84 1 1450 1366 4 1100 ' . . . . i266 2400 2400 2i66 iioo 5 1400 iiso iioo iiso i050 66 iiso Head Assistant (High Scliocl) 2000 2100 2200 1 1 Kirst Assistant (High School) Woman Second Assistant (High School) 1700 1300 1800 1400 1 1900 isoo .... 3 1000 > > 1100 1 1200 Third Assistant (High School) 1300 1350 1400 1 1250 1150 1200 800 900 iooii 2 1500 .... 13-;(ni 1 1 .-.0 IMKI 121:0 llllMI 125(1 1000 1250 1 . " 1 orrx .^'T' sciiofj;: Second Assitart Regilar Schedule plrs ;.)(>ii p cs add.lio' at pro r.ta b yord lOT lar scl d year for six day; 1 cr v.edc for cale.ta.- .\ c a V/omen SriJ l.\l. S< HOOI.S FOIt DEFECTIVES. i:;oii .... 25 KOCH IIO-HMTAI. Sec ind Assistant -f- $100 soo 1150 ....J !M»0 1200 1100 1 150 Woman HOUSE OF DETENTION Fi St Assistant -|- $100 1300 2 Woman ••■■| . 1 ... ?0 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 5— TEACHERS' RANKS AND SALARIES— Continued. School and Rank Second Year t4 ■rt a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Evening Schools. SLTPERVISIOX. Per night 10.00 ;::::h::;; .' Man 1 2.50 1 (5.(10 5 Sui)ervisor Manual Training; ; HIGH SCHOOLS. Men G.OO ' - 1 4.25 IGO 69 Men 2.75 4 2.75 4 3.50 4 4.00 3 5.00 3 2.75 9 80 5 II Per les'n hour 2.50 13 3 1.75 2 2 1.25 1 "l2 16 Men High School Clerks GRADE SCHOOLS. Principals, less than 5 rooms Men ; Men ; Men Men :.. . WI.NTEK TEKM EXTENSION COURSES HARRIS TEACHERS COLLEGE. lleni.bers of regular laeulty drawing no additional salary. Men Women Instructors, Single Lesson Hour Men Women Men Woman (Half Day Sessions.) HARRIS TEACHERS COLLEGE. (Term of 25 days) Individual Salaries -Assistants. . Men Women REPORT. OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 21 TABLE 5 — TEACHERS' RANKS AND SAI^ARIES— Continued. School and Rank First Year ■a ti 01 fa Fifth Year Sixth Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 HIGH SCHOOLS (7 Weeks, 6 days each) Per day 15.00 1 12.50 1 30 13 12.50 1 10.00 13 ■.■.■.■.: I'rhu'ipal Sumner High and (;rade Higii School Assistants— Td^f of daily sahuy with niininium of .f4.00. Men 1 Women GRADE SCHOOLS (7 weelss, 6 days each) rriiicii)als (less than 30 Assistants) Men 1 , 4 337 10.00 1 16 :;5.oo 1 ."•0.00 Teachers — 709f of daily salary with niiniimnn ot .tiiJ.tid. Men Women WV.MAX SCHOOL (7 weeks, (i days each). Teachers — lO'^i of daily salary including honus for otiscrvation work. Women , Kindergarten Assistant (per term of 25 days) Woman 1 15.00 1 6.00 2 1 1 (;RAI)E MAM'AL schools (C weeks. 5 days each). 1 Teachers — 70'/f of daily salary witli niininunn of 59 1 1.60 3 INI^USTKIAL SCHOOL (11 weeks, 5 days each). 10.00 1 10 1 1 2 Assistants— 70% of daily salary hased on all day salary of respective ranks in the regular term of the Industrial Scliool, with minimum of .$:;(. 00. C.ALLAUDET SCHOOL (7 weeks, 6 days each). Asfistants — 70% of daily salary with miniiiiuni of $3.00. KOCH HOSPITAL (11 weeks, 5 days each). Assistant- 707; "f daily salary witli niininunn of $3.00. HOUSE OF DETENTION (11 weeks, 5 days each). Assistants — 70% of daily salary with minimum of $3.00. ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. ITI. PUPILS. TABLE 1 — SCHOOL POPULATIOX, 1917-18. PERSONS 6-20 YEARS OF AGE. • The school census is taken every flVe years, and the enumeration of the last census taken is adopted by the Board for the intervening five years. The population of St. Louis in 1900 was 575,238 and for 1910. 687,029, accord- ing- to the U. S. Census. The estimated population for 1918 is 776,461.* School Census 1914 White Colored Total 1 O 3 4 Male 75,064 3,372 3,861 78,436 7fi 9SS 80,849 Total ... 152,052 7.233 159.285 *This figure is based upon the method used by the U. S. Census Bureau. eight-tenths of the inciease in the years IIKK) to 1910 being added to the popu- lation of liHd to make the estimated population for 191S. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 23 TABLE 2 — AGE AND SEX OP ALL PUPILS ENROLLED AT END OF YEAR. 8 years. . ;> years. . . 10 years.. 12 years.. 13 \ears. IT) \-cars. K, years.. IS years.. 19 years. '20 years. ( Boys ■j Girls L Total f Boys •j Girls [Total I Boys I Girls L Total f Boys \ Girls L Total ( Boys ] Girls (.Total f Boys ■j Girls [ Total ( Boys i Girls [ Total f Boys ■I Girls (, Total [ Boys ■! Girls [Total f Boys \ Girls [Total f Boys ■I Girls [Total f Boys •I Girls [Total f Boys Girls [Total f Boys Girls [Total f Boys ■] Girls [Total f Boys •1 Girls L Total f Boys upils 1st grade .*No. pupils Special Schools tNo. pupils Special Schools for Indi- vidual Instruction, Nos. 1-13 No. pupils Kindergarten Ungraded pupils in regular schools... Total lower grades 9683 9475 91-14 11 03(1 519 8296 652 9982 9513 9197 10320 620 293 9425 754 49060 50104 9959 9038 9098 11265 509 320 72JS 752 9705 9038 8639 9690 539 330 8205 825 48189 46971 Total enrollment grades. r2940 ■5740 73370 73361 Colored Elementally Schools. No. pupils 8th grade No. pupils 7th grade No. pupil.« 6th grade No. pupils 5th grade No. pupils 4th grade No. pupils 3rd grade No. pupils 2nd grade No. pupils 1st grade '. . • No. pupils Special School No. 1. . No. pupils Kindergarten Ungraded pupils 332 387 55 5 ■^«3 993 noi 1341 1559 12 837 35 4 75 477 722 1073 1027 1187 1711 32 812 62 296 364 455 468 568 499 622 635 1042 1061 1056 1033 1083 1083 1605 1491 3 5 31 656 732 135 135 Total i835 7953 7553 7532 Grand Total 89931 92749 91104 90727 ♦Includes Gallaudet School for the Deaf, Industrial for Dependent and De- linquent Open Air Schools for Tubercular and Boys' Class for Delinquent. ■^lOxcppt No. 6. Colored School and Nos. 10 and 11 discontinued. REPORT OF THE SUPRUIXTEN]\)RNT. TABLE 4— COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF REGISTRATION. AND ATTENDANCE. ENROLLMIONT 1870- 1871- L872- L873- L874- 1875- 1876- L877- 1878- L879- 1880- ISSl- 1882- 1883- 1884- 188.S- 1886- 1887- 1888- 1889- 1890- 1891- 1892- 1893- 1894- 1895- 1896- 1897- 1898-99 . . 1899-1900 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78t 79 80 . 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 •90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 o 0) J. cliool o tx 5 2 07 ii c ^5 O rj C C < Year ll s o - o eg 1^ "o I. "2 i:o U cV- y o S^- "u Mv u ■||:^ o -1'^ So 5 o a •= ■< a, y. ■5 27587 30294 33928 34273 35941 38390 42436 49578 48836 51241 51581 53050 54960 53127 53991 54453 55314 57074 57147 58316 693 435 169 839 428 529 923 922 244 263 1900-01 79274 1901-02 ' 80962 1902-03 82459 1903-04 84033 1904-05 84655 1905-06 I 87074 1906-07 ' S6450 1907-08 86877 1908-09 87170 1909-10 S7931 1910-11 ■ 88887 1911-12 88002 1912-13 89909 1913-14 97858 1914-15 99446 1915-16 ,100114 ,1916-17 I 103512 1917-lS I 105314 3240 2707 3634 345 1668 2449 4046 7142 *742 2405 340 1469 1910 *1833 864 462 861 1760 73 1169 1377 2742 2734 3670 1589 3101 1393 999 3 '^2 2019 1011 1688 1497 1574 622 2419 **624 427 2 93 761 956 *885 1907 7949 1858 t)6S 3498 2102 13. 9. 12, 10, 4, 6. 10. 16. *1. 4. 2.4 4.6 4.4 5:6 2.3 4.4 1.9 1.3 .4 2.6 2.8 *.7 .5 .3 .9 19844 22010 23002 24731 26183 I 27501 29774 : 35710 35860 I 37150 j 37887 38956 39469 39170 ' 40186 41826 i 41816 I 43001 44000 44983 45770 48143 49451 53618 55272 57462 59435 59718 5 99 62 61514 62797 65080 66117 67719 66993 70749 71450 72154 72452 72698 2174 I 2166 i 992 1729 ' 1452 1318 2273 5936 150 1290 737 1069 513 *299 1016 1640 •10 1185 999 983 787 2373 1308 4167 1654 2190 1973 283 244 1552 1283 2283 1037 1602 *726 3756 701 704 298 246 12.3 10.9 4.5 7.5 5.9 5. 8.3 19.9 .4 1 1 73477 779 1.1 1 73691 214 . ■'. ■> 1 74720 1029 1.4 R 81770 7050 S.fi 1 8 83980 2210 2.6 1 88631 4651 0.3 3 4 89944 1313 1.5 1 :i 91254 1310 , 1.4 IS 171 57 93 26 26 43 1S42S 43 20479 20 : 21113 35 23105 29 24438 26 254 26 46 275S1 119 33075 3 33087 26 34319 •> 1 15 2 . S 21 1 . :! 10 *.7 2.6 20 4. 33 " 2 ; 8 ' 24 2.7 20 2.2 20 l.S 16 5 . 2 47 2.7 26 8.5 83 3. 33 3.9 44 ; ! . 4 39 . 5 6 .4 5 ' 2 .6 31 2.1 26 3.5 46 1.6 21 2.4 32 *1. 5.3 1 -T 1 . 1 1 1. 14 3 4 893 35945 36075 36007 37033 38537 3S405 39597 40400 41159 41962 4 4 011 4 5150 49591 51014 53044 54861 55077 55006 57108 58128 60416 61112 62525 61985 65S22 66397 67037 67339 6709S 6^31 I 6S' 56 6962,S 76015 79435 79920 80901 SI 163 ♦Decrease. , . •, * • n „ i,io-u ♦♦Apparent decrease only. Previous to this year pupils entering the high schools from the district schools in January were counted as new pupils and were therefore counted twice. Beginning with 1906-07 they are counted as received bv transfer and are counted in the registration but once. tExtension of city limits through the adoption of a new charter. JBased on average school membership or "number belonging. 26 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE A— REGISTRATION, ENROLLMENT, ATTENDANCE, TEACHERS. INDIVIDUAL SCHOOLS, GRADES AND KINDERGARTENS. , o o ^^ •*^ •o 13 C o < |S3 .cj u a •a a '3 a E a 2 ^1 a c OJ c O QJ Ji,^ to ^u n^ f-i y-s SUrt ^1. o s tH ^ ■^ « u a « £ , S >> • > c > -is M ?-. W <; < •^ ■5 7(>:-! «().-, 18{IS' 9:) 3 lor.G 7. J 5 fi6.5 !)7(l .■,:i3 97.5 S87 ry.i-y S7S 701 11X4 7:-!9 (524 411 1406 302 9;)() 202 96 100 107 120 197 6.-, 103 121 l.-,4 SI 110 301 165 188 108 144 165 196 171 13 286 90 239 119 97 129 43 237 103 132 56 139 241 133 110 100 18 361 39 116 1024 1046 1020 781 969 1163 830 438 651 945 1032 805 806 1057 561 1005 1073 840 7.53 213 1180 1074 132 276 602 678 588 1022 903 847 636 568 841 490 1155 872 755 476 739 460 1001 629 524 393 1045 263 874 1044 1047 1038 804 1026 1214 842 476 637 989 1057 831 889 1093 578 1047 1103 895 814 207 1201 1160 121 290 602 670 615 1083 921 896 664 606 865 540 1174 891 792 515 794 534 1012 (i41 542 375 1174 269 905 910 965 963 739 958 1055 750 410 567 879 973 752 764 983 507 946 1008 791 712 187 1065 1072 106 252 544 598 562 988 8.53 560 809 499 1053 816 672 435 729 466 886 5S5 479 337 1032 237 809 23 20 36 33 ' 14 31 14 33 1 24 36 17 34 15 32 11 31 29 36 9 27 24 34 180 134 113 68 81 215 96 52 78 103 106 69 45 141 114 126 109 110 76 114 126 31 74 44 51 171 75 173 115 64 122 166 84 97 96 108 99 152 74 53 30 59 30 23 23 20 24 30 21 13 16 23 26 22 25 26 14 23 16 18 16 28 23 23 16 16 20 14 21 15 23 16 15 11 27 2S ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE A— REGISTRATION, ENROLLMENT. ATTENDANCE, TEACHERS INDIVIDUAL SCHOOLS, GRADES AND KINDERGARTENS — Continued. Schools e O o & 1^ o c m a c c ^ *-> C >. o Eh C >> "5 O =s a < . a bJD « s 53c > ci o 1 >^ ri < -3 t-i c >, I No. individual tchrs. at end of year incl. prin. and clerks 1 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sherman lOJO 1332 349 1107 1000 1430 379 1031 138 179 54 103 15G 291 46 147 942 1153 295 1004 844 1148 333 884 932 1184 308 1001 877 1206 342 923 859 1069 262 900 776 1071 303 828 9 21 i) 22 39 39 29 39 37 40 34 38 167 118 33 61 153 197 48 106 23 Sigel 25 Stix Walnut Park Washington 10 23 21 Webster 26 Woodward Wyman 9 23 Total White Grades 82.592 11849 70743 73160 65535 1829 3G 8943 6 67 8 56 16 115 16 13 19 25 21 12 8 10 12 17 6 1816 Special Schools : Gallaudet Industrial 66 598 41 49 19 189 30 47 41 57 54 51 42 25 37 50 23 9 360 19 19 9 28 6 5 8 14 11 6 8 3 7 12 5 57 238 22 30 10 161 24 42 33 43 43 45 34 22 30 38 18 57 281 23 22 12 154 24 37 28 38 40 41 33 21 26 34 17 51 271 22 17 11 134 22 35 23 33 36 35 30 17 23 29 15 6 12 1 i 6 1 3 2 3 3 3 2 '> 1 1 9 9 11 22 22 13 12 11 12 12 15 9 12 15 15 11 Koch Hospital 1 Boys' Class (Br.van Hill) Boys' Class (Victor Street)... Taussig Open Air School Open Air School (Old) i 1 6 Special School No. 1 Specia: School No. 2 Special School No. 3 Special School No. 4 Special School No. 5 Special School No. 7 Special School No. 8 Special School No. 9 Special School No. 12 Special School No. 13 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 Total Specials 1-13 427 79 348 315 276 23 12 143 23 Total all Specials 1419 529 ■890 888 804 52 16 427 52 Total White Elementary Schools. 84011 12378 71633 74048 66339 1881 35 9370 1868 Colored Schools : Banneker 11120 034 233 784 1295 V'.l 1023 1615 1732 4.55 44 456 130 26 193 374 39 225 251 394 44 9 1164 504 207 591 921 92 798 1364 1338 411 35 1381 520 20R 628 1005 111 769 1384 1363 403 31 1093 467 171 433 699 79 579 894 1121 319 21 26 14 1^ 19 4 15 25 28 9 2 42 33 29 31 20 39 36 ti 11 203 195 5 89 84 s 954 377 179 49. 10 27 15 7 14 18 Oarnett 4 16 25 29 Wlicatley Special School No. G 9 Total Colored Schools 9566 2141 7425 7801 5876 162 36 2153 166 Total all Elementary Schools 93577 14519 79058 81849 72215 2043 35 11523 2034 Grand Total, all Schools 105614 17162 88452 91254 81163 2413 34 14144 2467 The school at the House of Detention was opened March 6th, 1918. During tho fi)uith quarter the Average Daily Attendance for white pupils was 29, of colored pupils 14, a total for hoth of 43. REPORT OF THE SII'KKI XTIOXDKXT. TABLE B— ENROLLMENT. ATTENOAXrE. TEACHERS. GRADES. Sdionls Han-is Teachers Colleg-e. White High Schools: Centi-al Higrh School . . Cleveland High School McKinley Hig'h School. Soldan Hig-h School . . . Yeatnian Hig'h School.. l.iO 12 i:; Total Wh ite H gh Sch 30lS . . .. Sumner Hi gh School (Co I'd) Total all High Schools - H gh Sc White Grades: Adams Ames Arlington .... Ashland Baden Bates Benton Bircher Street Blair Blow Bryan Hill Canterbury . . . . , Carondelet Carr Carr Lane Charless Chouteau Clarence Ave. . Clark Clay Clifton Heights Clinton Columbia Cote Brillianto Crow Cupples Des Peres Devonshire Ave. Dewev Divoll Douglas Dozier Eliot . . . . Emerson Fanning Farragut Field ... 134U 13.J7 1278 1277 1278 1222 1467 1466 140G 17!H ISOl IfiitS 12.'il 125:5 1209 rS99 13.3 6 937 109 485 497 442 481 680 217 759 '988 419 731 601 1042 1055 783 53 i9Sl 1270 1230 1252 928 957 773 786 1037 1087 622 639 644 674 S77 S93 273 224 937 966 934 975 952 114 500 519 472 494 713 188 825 1021 420 1203 1112 855 722 1036 5 5 5 626 S25 193 873 1 899 883 I 104 453 493 407 473 644 173 744 915 390 1101 1140 877 864 889 893 616 680 331 311 277 282 211 202 :',si 364 793 802 416 426 517 542 766 634 1048 1 1073 842 314 44 20 IS 24 ir. 17 21 20 4 11 i:^. 11 11 17 5 IS 22 11 26 26 23 24 27 41 41 40 43 37 37 39 39 40 41 44 26 41 38 37 43 38 35 41 42 54 56 56 67 54 7129 7155 6813 2S2 24 287 770 826; 782 32 24 32 319 45 28 20 IS 24 15 17 21 6 20 4 11 13 11 11 17 5 IS 22 11 1029 24 43 24 799 •>•) 36 22 825 20 41 20 589 17 35 17 295 9 3:5 p 259 1 7 37 1 184' . 6 31 6 330 10 33 10 713 IS 40 IS 37:^. 11 34 11 487 14 35 14 706 17 42 17 588 16 37 16 985 , 23 43 23 992 i 24 41 23 748 19 39 19 30 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE B — ENROLLMENT, ATTENDANCE, TEACHERS. GRADES— Continued. Schools Franklin Fremont Froebel Gardenville . . . . Garfield Glasg-ow Grant Gratiot Hamilton Harney Heights Harrison Hempstead Henry Hodgen Howard Humboldt Irving- Jackson Jefferson King-shighway . Laclede Lafayette Lindenwood . . . . Long Longfellow .... Lowell Lyon . . Madison Mann Marquette Marshall Meramec Monroe Mount Pleasant Mullanphy Oak Hill O'Fallon Penrose Pestalozzi Pope Riddick Rock Spring . . . Roe Scruggs Shaw Shenandoah Ave. Shepard 903 S94 914 696 .S.")2 1047 7:10 ;^94 I 570 i .S44 I 927 j 727 6SS • 950 474 890 959 726 630 1N2 1039 944 i 115 I 207 544 555 491 924 S04 774 57S 529 751 424 1060 : 777 623 421 637 427 882 5 49 469 316 884 202 930 903 927 718 907 1097 745 405 524 889 947 747 750 982 491 923 992 776 675 179 1043 1008 103 212 544 561 512 986 827 818 602 557 771 477 1069 802 657 410 695 495 894 562 478 303 1021 206 800 823 837 871 671 857 967 672 358 479 806 879 688 656 903 440 85 4 920 699 590 163 957 932 93 191 504 513 480 898 775 723 533 519 727 447 964 747 577 356 649 438 797 526 429 280 919 186 721 21 18 20 17 20 26 17 10 13 20 21 18 21 22 11 19 23 18 22 5 23 22 3 13 14 12 25 18 19 13 13 18 12 21 19 14 10 17 13 20 13 12 24 5 20 40 47 44 39 42 37 39 36 37 40 42 38 31 41 40 45 40 33 27 33 41 43 31 38 39 37 40 36 44 38 41 40 40 ! 37 46 39 41 36 38 I 34 39 40 36 35 38 37 36 REPORT OF THK SITKRIXTEXDIOXT. 31 TAi:i,K B— EXROLL.MEXT. ATTEXJJAXCK. GRADES — Continued. TEACHERS. Sherman . . . . Sig-el Stix Walnut Park Washing-ton Webster . . . . S7S sfi4 1010 lO-lo 2-) 4 262 .s.5(; S71 7 .") 3 7!S3 1006 1 1066 \\'oodwaril "Wyman . . 258 794 Total White Giades 62390 Special Schools: Gallaudet Industrial Koch Hospital Boys' Class (Bryan Hill). Boys' Class (Victor St.).. Taussig- Open Air School. Open Air School (Old)... Special School No. 1.... Special School No. 2.... Special School No. 3.... Special School No. 4.... Special School No. 5.... Special School No. Special School No. Special School No. Special School No. Special School No. 269 S3 6 807 9.T.') 233 SOI 704 963 24.-) 765 19 19 64451 5S764 1489 9. IZ. 13. 238 99 30 10 161 2 4 4 2 33 43 43 45 34 22 :'.(• 3-^ IS 271 '■'3 22 12 154 24 28 38 40 41 33 21 26 n4 17 Total Specials 1-13 34S 315 51 262 22 17 11 134 2"' 35 23 33 36 35 30 17 23 29 15 276 Total all Specials 878 795 Total White Elem. Schools Coloied Schools' Banneker Cottage Ave Dolany Dostialines I >umas Garnett 1 incoln L'Ouverture Si'.ninons Wheatley Special School No. 6.... 23 154 1055 1249 1012 -131 4-14 401 ISO 1 ISO 15 4 5 51 1 .=^78 4 05 80" 8S7 635 75 92 70 709 682 522 1232 ' 1234 S38 12M ' 1274 1064 365 358 201 3" ' 31 21 42 43 33 I 44 41 I 44 I 41 40 39 12 16 39 44 36 31 34 40 23 40 38 42 42 11 Total, Colored Schools 66S3 : 7009 5413 139 39 Total all Elem. Schools .... 69972 1 72338 64972 1 1679 39 Grand Total, all Schools. 19 22 18 17 6 19 1490 1 6 10 2 i 1 6 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 23 50 1540 79366 81743 r3920 2049 36 23 11 11 16 3 13 22 25 7 2 13t 1678 2054 32 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC. SCHOOLS. TABLE C. ENROLLMENT, ATTENDANCE, TEACHERS. KINDERGARTENS. 1 Adams A. M. P. M.' Ames A. M. p! M. Arlington A. M. P. iM. Ashland A. M P.' m' Baden A. M P. M. Bates A. M P. M. Benton A. JM. P. M. P'irclier Street A. M. Blair A M. P. M. Blow A. M. P. M. Bryan Hill A. JNl P. M. Canterbury /.ve A. M Caiondelet A. M P. i\l. Carr A M. P. M Can- Lane A. M P. M Charless P. M Chouteau A. M P. U Clarence .Avenue A. iM. Clark A. xM P. .M Clay A. M. P. M. Clifton Height.s A.M. Clinton A. M. P. M. Columbia A. M. P. M. Cote Brilliante A. M P. M. Crow A. M Cupples A. M. P. M. Des Peres A. M. P. M. Devonshire Ave P. M. Dewey A. M. Divoll A. M P. M Douglas A. M. P. M Dozier A. M Eliot A. M P. M Emerson A. M P. M. Fanning- A. M. P M. 63 .59 72 (54 4-5 44 .')n 35 51 47 44 4.5 41 8 9 41 61 23 44 •>o 6 9 79 4 9 .51 50 50 5 4 57 52 55 45 51 47 44 50 26 41 24 3 4 47 4 3 42 43 46 46 51 4 2 44 63 49 80 56 65 54 68 60 48 43 47 49 43 52 50 47 73 21 4 5 78 41 27 48 47 GO 5M 38 65 4 9 51 47 5 6 4? 4 24 36 50 4" i, I 4 6 47 73 52 5 2 53 49 Number of indi- vidual teachers at end of year 47 31 64 40 53 40 53 50 37 30 3 8 25 41 36 34 45 40 55 17 42 64 18 32 19 72 58 39 36 39 47 38 42 42 39 42 34 29 48 33 39 35 44 31 52 32 28 36 17 30 37 3 5 29 32 29 57 48 45 44 38 63 41 1 1 2 1 1 i 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 o 1 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 33 TABLE C. ENROLLMENT. ATTENDANCE. TEA(MIERS. KINDERGARTENS. — Continued. ^ , , *; o s •a c Number of Indi- •a k. « h. vidual teachers o «j r3 ^ at end of year ♦* ;>> >> s Schools ^ CS '^ . 1 § •V •B s >> E. g. a| c ^ og 2| £c sg i^ gs S* g!5 ?3 ZS a < >«! • •< » < 1 2 Farragut A. M. 6.5 P. M. 57 Field AM. 66 Franklin A. M. ! 52 P. I. 69 Fremont A. M. 72 P. M. SO Froebel A. M 5:! P. M. .53 Sardenville A. M. 54 P. M. 31 Garfield A.M. 62 P. M. 55 Glasgow A. M. 59 P. M. 57 Grant A. M. 53 P. M. 47 Gratiot A. M. 44 P. M Hamilton : A. M. SI P. M Hainey Heights A. M. 52 P. M. 49 Harrison A. M. 04 P. M. 41 Hempstead A. M. i8 Henry A. M. 59 P. M. 5:) Hodgen A. M. (9 P M 5S Howard A M. 4 4 P. M 4 3 Humboldt A. M 57 P M 5S Industrial A. M. & P. M • . . • Irving A. M ''.3 ^ P. M. 51 Ja^'^^on ^: l\- U J«'ffe''so" p ^{; Vs Kingshighway ?• H H Laclede A- M. 6S Lafayette A- ^J- ?0 Lindenwood A. M. | ■ Lone- A. M. 4 5 ^""^ p. M 24 Longfellow ^11 '-t Lowell ■^. M. -^9 P. M. 6 4 r vo ■ A. M. 50 ^y°'' P. M. 47 Madison A ^| ]l Mann A. M. 48 M^"" P. .VI 51 65 60 66 52 62 61 5 49 37 (16 58 59 52 45 48 23 61 52 51 49 70 4 84 72 67 56 55 46 41 6 3 61 10 60 51 63 56 S2 89 6 3 IS 42 36 58 51 53 44 51 43 49 2 49 9 48 2 40 2 47 2 65 1 3 63 3 52 2 40 2 40 2 28 2 57 3 44 2 45 2 43 43 2 35 2 34 2 18 1 48 2 40 2 38 2 35 2 61 3 2 64 3 58 3 5 3 43 2 36 2 31 •> 50 9 42 2 9 1 48 2 40 2 49 2 43 50 2 24 1 3 51 3 S5 3 13 33 28 40 44 41 4:i 39 50 40 41 37 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i) ■^ 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 9 1 1 1 ' ' ' 2 ' ' 1 1 1 ...... i "2" 2 34 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLK C. ENROLLMENT, ATTENDANCE, TEACHERS. KINDERGARTENS. — Continued. Schools Number of Indi- vidual teachers at end of year Roclv Sprin; Roe Marquette A. Marshall A. Meramec \. Monioe A. P. Mt. Pleasant A, Mullanphy A, P, Oak Hill A, P, O'Fallon A. P. Penrose A. P. Pestalozzi ,' . A. P. Pope A. Rlddick A. P. P. A. P. ScruiiS'.s A, P. Shaw A. P, Shenandoah Ave A. P. Shepard A. Sherman A. Si°-el A. P. Stix A. Walnut Park A. P. Washington A. P. Webster A. P. Woodward A. P, Wyman A. P, M, 73 M, ! .tS M. ;!9 M. 4n M. 47 M. 66 M, 69 M. 26 M. .50 M. 4,-) M. 86 M. 46 M. 5.5 M. M. 5S M. 49 M. n:'. M. 61 M. .58 M. .52 M. 28 M. .5.5 M. M. 47 M. 30 M. 9S M. 6:! M. 41 M. 20 M, 55 M. 42 M. 64 M. 84 M. 59 M. 11 M. 91 M. 57 M. 47 M. 44 M, 83 M, 59 M. 47 M, 2S M. 3 5 M. 55 78 62 •4 9 52 4.' 63 62 43 46 4 3 SS 47 54 51 49 50 39 60 58 50 29 45 19 45 27 93 60 42 21 56 49 68 88 56 46 81 49 53 41 81 59 48 25 44 43 39 41 46 36 36 34 35 62 33 39 40 41 39 28 47 42 r7 22 3'> 15 36 21 73 40 35 16 50 38 52 70 44 29 64 35 41 31 63 45 38 20 33 30 Total I 8344 8719 6780 341 Colored KinUcrKartens. Banneker A. M, & P. M. Cottage Avenue A. M, & P. M. Delanv A. M. & P. M. Dessahnes A. M. & P. M. Dumas A. M. & P. M. Lincoln A. M. & P. M Garnett A. M. <& P. M. L'Ouverture A. M. & P. M. Simmons A. M. & P. M. Wheatley A. M. & P. M. Total Colored Kindergartens. Total all Kindergartens. 109 73 JO 115 17 8 9 13:; 9t 46 r42 9086 132 76 26 50 lis 19 87 150 89 45 81 66 17 28 64 9 57 56 57 28 792 463 9511 7243 23 364 159 164 19 97 Blow P. M, Kindergarten closed at end of third quarter. Gratiot P. M. Kindergarten closed at end of second quarter. ■ Hamilton P. M. Kindergarten closed at end of second quarter. 'Penrose P. M. Fvindersarten closed at end of second quarter. Roe P. M. Kindergarten closed at end of third quarter. Industrial A. M. & P. M. Kindergarten closed at end of third quarter. RKPOTtT OF Till': Sl-riOltlXTENDENT. 35 TABLE D— ATTENDANCE BY PERIODS OF DAYS. CLASSES OF SCHOOLS. Kiiiolhuent at end of yea ii-!i days . lil-l!) days 4(1-49 .50-. 5!) (id-lilt 70-7!» so-s;t !Mi-;»» 100- lOH 110-119 120-129 i:{0-139 ,140-149 l.")0-l.->9 lt)0-169 170-179 180-189 190-1H9 •JiKi day days . days . days . days . days . days . days . days . days days days days days days days days days days Witluirawals 0-9 days ... 10-19 days . i;o-29 davs . :i0-:{9 davs . 40-49 days riO-r.9 days . ';0-t)9 days . 70-79 days . 80-i;9 days . 90-99 day.s . 100-109 davs 110-119 days 120-129 days l:;0-l.S9 davs 140-149 days l.'J0-l.")9 days 1(50-109 days 170-179 days 180-189 days 190-199 days 2(10 days . . . Kegi.stration 0-9 davs ... 10-19 davs . 20-29 ::i0-:i9 40-49 r)0-.')9 t)0-69 70-79 80-89 90-99 100-109 110-119 120-129 1H0-1:'.9 140-149 ISO-l.-vO It)0-1G9 170-179 180-189 19(i-199 days days . , days . days . days . days . days . da ys . days days days da ys days da ys days days days da ys 200 days All Schools Regul.ir Elementary Schools Special Elementary Schools 884.52 US 419 (i70 98(! 1004 88.") 841 9(il 88(i 1292 IKiS 117.". 14S4 1929 2011 :1491 52S8 8820 1734.-, 32397 4787 17102 1859 1739 1433 1230 1123 989 840 859 730 1374 1147 700 (189 (;58 5:»1 175 33!» 225 124 31 105(114 1972 :;i5s -103 2011! 2127 1S74 KJSl 1820 17(i(; 26(i0 2315 1875 2173 25S7 3202 39(;(i 9045 174(i9 1342S 47i.-4 78133 108 390 G49 961 980 854 804 913 7(U UKJO 1045 1122 1435 1860 2.530 3376 5021 8340 158(59 2(5875 318(( 13981 1649 1495 1255 1059 974 S50 70(5 (505 .597 924 742 567 552 544 477 304 268 174 91 28 92114 1757 1SS5 lil04 U^20 1954 1701 1510 157S 1558 lll,'^4 17S7 10S9 1987 2404 3007 3740 5289 8514 15960 26903 3180 42 62 82 126 US 118 538 33 48 35 43 23 36 31 28 19 17 26 1463 38 74 51 64 98 48 47 55 44 53 132 150 123 Junior i Harris High High Ttachers School Schools College 160 2377 56 10 159 8 21 171 4 13 129 1 10 115 3 8 117 1 8 95 1 91 109 i ' 2 (J 354 344 .'i(i 109 105 83 94 1 88 7 88 3 39 1 1 1496 10276 265 10 159 8 23 172 4 16 130 14 12(r 13 122 12 9 106 98 14 129 ^ 14 139 29 483 123 10 <) 9 408 133 124 0.) 12 106 14 132 21 146 37 176 89 350 818 98 1147 4509 1387 36 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. uoijiuisiSaH CM CM .M 1-. :: ;s -J ^ - = o-l< I- a ::: !^^ 12 rH .-1 t-l IN .- 05 s 2 I- CO —1 31 CO C-D M CC ■S" OTIOCO 00 00 rH CO r-< r' ci -1 CO m .>»• C-. m m LO 3^ CO 31 rH — to to to in souiunoo jaqto ° :o...-..^ r. ; ^ . . CO CO . ■ -^ . • CO . c^l ■ C-l TT . .- • • -J5 ;::;'"': ■ • = ?-!■» • uapa.wg i 2 ! ! "^ ! '. ^ . ^ M puBiJaz^iMg 00 r^ .^ .0^ i< Tj< iH pUBIlODg 1^ MM • rM • 1.-5 in •-I . •■V vissna O ~ M >^ ::: C-l I- .MCOiH ..-1 . .rtrHM • -COt- . . . . -». Biuuiunoa lO M< M . • — 1 '" ^~ M . • . • rt .... iJlBU ■* • O . i-H rt . '"" ^~ e '. '.'^ '. '. '^ '"' puBi3ua 00 rr- !M ^ 31 Tt< CO CO CO CO in CO . M ■^ -COCO • • • y-l • .Tl<-H - VpVJlVQ i>i M • .MM 00 00 M M • -COmMMrHi-li-l . • .rH . ■ cujsnv 3505000 1- C0Oc0C:i-O 35 G:3SCOrHin;O00COClC5 C:rHLnm^l.n Schools 0) SjC o ..... ■."03 ; — ; ■.00 .0 — .fl £ — • ■ c u j: m 0!»33 .y— Sii - t|||l| 2 S 3 <5 X ;^ :2 .a ! C C S r C E- ! : : i "o '. '. . . M : : is : : si • :s ^ 5 < ■< < ; = J ■ ■ J' • : :^ : M S S S 5 a — 3 •_ i- « 5 5 2 1- REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 37 943 295 998 1278 527 1541 1125 1121 1015 437 384 271 498 963 631 688 929 775 1275 1319 -M -^ M ^ -.Z Oj ~ i.-. ^ i>i 00 ri 'a* -M 00 00 :c 3; ■'3' t— c:ri'-irHooor'5XiCfc- c- ^^ 1- I- .M 00 r: -H .» en ^ « = ri M 3-. 00 QC O r-l OS •-• ■>! -O —■ — S-. OC a; 240 1376 1245 145 ^ • ■ Ol i-i CO • • m • I— • e^ ■ IM i-l rt CO -^ I ^ . vs to • 5C IM >-<'3< • . • • — 1 :c n • -a^ « i.^^ : :'^"--^ :" ,_ rt . . . .«. 5^ . . «o •1— 00 • ^ .■i']^'^' . . -OA -fH ; 1 ! 1"^ ; i'^^ ! ■^ : : : : i'^ : ; : : '.^ '.'':'.'. '. :"^ : : t- .ia-« '^ -1 ■ '■' : ii?'" :"=^'-'" M Tf • • i-H --1 CO !0 • • Oj . . 00 - • • • • M • • eq « 00 . . .O . ■ "J* • • -.-1 • • • LO -^ • — . • ■ M . «J • -H Ot • . ^ ■ - • • M • • • • • • CO -^ : :^ : . . C^l T-l >.• ■ : :" :S :" : :" *'L' : : i''" :"' : •rp • .1- . . . . L-r :2 ::-'::: ■M :; ri • • • • ri • ■ 7-1 CO — ■^ C4 LO coco— IT1'OCOI:--*=0 uorrai-Tpe^oocoin Tj" lo 3: ^ T)" in 03 >:5 iM to »! t- -^ I- ; - M 1- 3". 1.-: CO 1- « ^ O l- .- — — r^ LO T)> 1.0 ^ c^ L- ;:';^ :;?! CO — :c r-i I- --1 ■M -a- nr M c-i :s roi-cooo5Si-o:oo--i ^(•.^••3'ioooS'ii-Tj'eo IN 10 I- 3: 50 »1 -H « CO ro ■^J -- --r tc -r CO -H »i CO L-: L-: rr I- :•; -m ?i fi ^ •3' 00 TT 4r oi -.i T rr. '-? s ^ III -- ^ r^ l^ 1- 1- -r 10 00 -H -j; 10 oo CO -* OC -- CO 1- 1- 1.0 CO I- CO 1.0 CO M -H .-< CO t£ (M oooi'Tj'Ssooco'Xr^ (Oi-^s*^'— '.-hcO'-h^i— ^ :02Ci-ro:oi*3;-^cr3c TT''<^t--cocoir:»:TQCi-< oct— irti-tcs ■rr« CO — I l— I— I T— I '^ O Cl :S Cl CO O CO LO L-^ I- r-l LO 1— ' '^ rt* Cl -TT OC l.t '— I OJ ^1 05- -^ CO oo '^ -^ ^1* Cl Cl 05 C; »-H OC cc o tOCltOOO'^OSOiwiLtCO COMTj'CO'^^t— CO>— '•— ' :0:0 — Ol-Ol05l-Tj — —^ g,»>jC— re's 38 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. , uonBJisisaa M CM -H =o CO ).'^ cc ;<: ^ L": lit = ;o c-i Lt t- rj oc -n rt" c; -t> — -.s m = => ri c: i- — :r: o w « CO o =: X L-r cc 1- :o sn l- oc ^? i- o ;o « ri — =: =: o: oo rc^ -a" c: c :c ;o ■.» 1- -.e ro c: = I- « e: i.-s ro c; oc is oc i- --i w ;o -r ^ :<: 3: = ^c M — . = -r UMOUSlUfl O CM • M . n QC ct ^ -^ • — < • . re :o • r- • -t- . • 1* ^ . -- -t' -to • • ! 1 S9U?unoo jaqio i uapdMg 1 2 t ........ .r. . .^ ..... . ::::::::::: i .... ^, ..... rH ....... • .......?!... i puBiJazjmg pUBUOPg BTSsna CO • . • • T': ■ ■M ro • • • -f • =1 p IS 5; 3: ;o . • ro ■ -1. — -i • 1- c: i- Biuuuinoa in £mi rh • .3< -H .t- . ,-• ^ • • -1- ■MM .^.-1 . LS -y -M ■ . puv\dii 05 CM : : : -.-^ i'''-^ : : :^' : : : : : :-' ::::::: :^ :: ! XJBSunH •-H — . — Ti L-. ri ^ ■ ^ -M • ^ -f T -H v: -1 . rt — • . • — .- x • i- ti -.; eoaajo _ 1 ituBuijao 1 1 eouHjj j o) 1 puuiSua 1 00 1 UpUUBO 1 2 18 1 39 1 40 43 22 i 24 105 108 10 55 ,78 1 4 105 230 1 5 28 '48 1 1 21 ' 19 32 24 3 .... 11 17 2 .... 116 1 170 1 1 38' 39 10 28 45 .... 1 21 2S .... 1 55 48 6 . . . . 96 112 67 !l!t 1 2 28 29 5 1 34 , 1:! 8 ' 10 26, 51 7 48 , 25 " ■ 8 .... 77 148 3 73 i 76 24 1 24 16 23 i 48 7 1 75 140 ,4 5 97 ' 100 , 2 viiisny CO lO _ uoiun eqj JO saiL'jg iiaqio STOUini sinoT •jg inoqjiM TjnossTK ^.-iiSLSoscDrcco?-)-^ cci-HTjHccci'TiLS^i-H IS — rtac-rDcrci-c^Tt ■w ' ^^ - '1 t 1 35 rH -o oc • • • • M in » CO O. li? ^. m DC CO • - 1 % i3 1 J t ; "^ ^ -I 35 OO O 35 l- S 35CC0"imOflrHl-.35-4w^ a> t-i « I- » 1- 1.0 --1 — -HOC o M o: »J m r-1 y; ^ CO M ^■: • • ri — -M — • 2 CO o I- •* uo «o •»)< c c ri oi • -M-^ c:co^^:o— =— • S Is :« to 35 0-1 CO CO S2 ■M 1- ^ • -M VI ^ CO •* o-l c o ;0 oc = c? — I- -. Tf m «^ ^t* m Lo -^ »o cc ^ m i: (M M — rj ■m :■: ri rr c^ i-: ri -ci •>! ^r -h ■M <= CO :o .* ^ oc ^ -< c in r: = 3-. 10 lo m cjc I- CO c; CO i- -.o z-. oi CO CO -- C-l CO Ol 10 - Ol ^ ■a ^ s o >. ! I ". 2^ ^ "o ; ! ; ; !!!'.;!! ■ ■ • S ^ -r "3 — *' ■ - "^ 1^ '- ^- ~ '=■' " • J j _ J X 5 " " i ^ ''■ : ^■.'S 3 -3 ■''•''• ^- ■''•'^'^'^ -'•"''" -^ 5 - -= f J J ^ i » X X XXX X X X :k M'H'CK^'-'U-C — — _ —_ — _._ — _ 1 !_ ;j £ '.i: i r E^ E7.7.7. 1 X X X O o X S 0) 2 Is X 1 r- X "c X "o '■ ^ '•'■■■ .^ ■■ ^ 40 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. IV. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. TABLE 1— BEGINNERS. Ag-e on last birthday before admission Number beginning in the Kindergarten First Grade Both 1 2 » 4 5 SI 79 1 ■■',■■'. i SS 19 108 772 661 :!07 130 60 5 5 1 4 S287 t) 2106 749 S 326 M 132 10 60 11 5 T> 5 13 14 1 4 15 Total 9622 2053 11675 Beginners. All children who beg-an their school life during- the current school year in either the kindergarten or first grade are covinted as "beginners." This includes both those withdrawing during the year and those remaining at the close. TABLE 2— GRADUATES BY AGE. Age in years on last birthdaj' before graduation January Class June Class Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1 2 3 4 5 c 7 8 9 10 10 11 4 51 246 404 280 69 14 4 62 339 513 307 75 13 3 1 s 113 585 917 587 144 27 i 6 69 267 415 212 61 5 ..... 89 372 532 315 63 12 1 1 ' "io 158 639 947 527 124 17 3 1 " lO 120 513 819 492 130 19 2 2 k 151 711 1045 622 138 25 4 2 18 12 271 13 1224 14 1864 15 1114 16 268 17 44 18 6 19 2 20 2 2 All ages 1070 1317 2387 1037 1389 2426 2107 2706 4813 Average age 14.10 14.03 14.06 13.93 13.95 13.94 14.02 j 13.98 14.00 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. .41 TABLE 3— AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR. ALL ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. "^ s o o » ® "0 •a .2 Sex and Age •a T3 ■ So 1^ S5 11 ^■S §« CO T40 Da c 5 M S M H Ph s, i» 01 » !=> H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 .8 9 10 II U B().V6 and Girls- Total 9081 5295 10727 119 *)678 S 10018 10658 8952 7435 5975 5067 1467 79058 ."> years 5422 yea rs :i54l 4375 378 2 is 8314 7 yea rs 226 4316 3462 4S2 ■■) ...... 14 8550 S years 19 1331 3544 3280 509 .. 11 1 64 8759 !i yea rs 354 1391 3496 2792 465 31 109 8638 10 years , 127 549 . 1636, 3611 2235 460 44 2 165 8829 11 years 30 198 666 2134 3000 2096 542 49 213 8928 12 years l!l 104 282 998 1860 2500 1641 533 245 8182 l.'l years ■ S 29 126' 451 1041 1637 2209 1584 347 -7432 14 years o . . 11 33 122 283 566 1119 1826 172 4135 15 yjars 10 27 43 121 337 834 76 1452 16 years 4 6 10 20 70 203 16 329 IT years 1 >> 4 2 10 29 17 65 18 years 1 3 4 11 •20 l!i years 2 9 :I0 years 1 1 Boys— Total 4532 5620 4813 5050 ' 5262 4447 3668 2788 2232 1030 39442 .) years 2596 47 6 2649 years 1819 2221 162 1 18 4221 7 years 109 2296 1647 213 9 4275 8 years 8 729 1771 1562 211 2 46 4329 !• years 217 748 1793 1317 210 16 67 4368 1ft years 1 1 291 872 1784 1046 196 24 2 114 4406 11 years 17 114 349 1081 1478 988 230 24 137 4418 12 years ........ 11 47 158 549 953 1270 730 225 166 4109 i:{ yeans 4 18 74 240 578 852 1071 697 247 3781 14 years 1 19 63 153 280 539 818 128 2006 ir. years 4 ~t 15 19 58 165 362 64 690 16 years 3 6 9 27 90 11 147 17 years 1 2 1 1 12 15 32 18 years 1 2 8 11 19 years 20 years Girls— Total 4549 5107 4865 4968 5396 4505 3767 3187 2835 437 39616 5 years 2699 72 2 2773 6 years 1722 2154 216 i 4093 7 years 117 2065 1815 269 4 5 4275 8 ye: rs 11 602 1773 1718 298 9 i 18 4430 n years 137 643 1703 1475 255 15 42 4270 10 years 50 258 764 1827 1189 264 20 51 4423 11 years 13 84 317 1053 1522 1108 312 25 76 4510 12 years . . . ; 8 57 124 449 907 1230 911 308 79 4073 i;i years 4 11 52 211 463 785 1138 887 100 3651 14 years 2 6 14 59 130 286 580 1008 44 2129 15 years 5 12 24 65 172 472 12 762 16 years 1 5 4 11 43 113 5 182 17 years 2 2 1 9 17 2 33 . 18 years 1 1 2 2 3 9 19 years 2 2 20 years ..... 1 1 42 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 4 — AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR IN REGULAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FOR WHITE CHILDREN. Sex and Age •CO a fJ hO ■o f;-s -^ •S c « ~ cS 2 p^ s!" ■ao 1 OS » P H Boys and Girls- Total 5 years 6 y^ars 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years —Total years , years years , years years . years , yea rs . years years , years years •. years years . years . years . years . Boys 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Girls— Total 5 years , 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years 8339 4967 3192 168 12 8561 : 8930 9544 4196 2449 1651 89 7 4030 3808 997 209 53 9 4 3 345 3283 3278 1160 341 105 38 4821 38 2050 2013 555 124 34 4 2 4143 4379 2518 50 1541 1980 79 1795 5 442 85 19 4255 3 150 1559 1638 641 179 62 19 4 2 459 3124 3217 1404 491 167 61 4 4 487 2658 3347 1869 783 317 68 10 1 8326 6947 4510 j 4760 1' 204 1487 1666 762 259 90 37 3 1 206 1262 1674 956 440 176 38 6 1 8 449 2155 2811 1713 930 225 27 .5 3 4163 2 203 1012 1383 884 525 132 17 4306 4420 4784 4163 195 1724 1640 519 162 43 19 2 2 1 255 1637 1551 642 232 77 24 1 3 281 1396 1673 913 343 141 30 4 6 246 1143 1428 829 405 93 10 2 1 30 443 2003 2357 1515 500 86 11 1 1 5508 10 16 192 941 1195 799 249 45 5 1 3504 41 507 1561 2070 1009 270 43 5 2619 2 44 514 1499 1711 761 158 19 22 216 706 1015 499 138 21 1 1 219 669 779 339 84 11 1 2889 2584 14 251 I 1062 1162 I 716 I 251 I 41 6i 1 19 291 8.55 1055 510 132 22 4 1 21 295 830 932 422 74 8 1 12 18 8 27 55 73 112 133 175 09 5 1 1 70743 5058 7587 7730 7933 7778 7859 7951 7270 6573 3590 1159 219 30 5 483 18 6 17 31 50 67 79 113 48 4 35327 2490 3870 3872 3912 3943 3927 3911 3634 3338 1749 549 114 16 2 244 35416. 2568 3717 3858 4021 383.5. 3932 4040 3636 3235 1841 610 10!> 11 REPORT OF THK S I'l 'JOUIXTKXDEXT. 43 TABLE 5— AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLLMENT AT END OF THE VEAR IN REGULAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FOR COLORED CHILDREN. c ■ ui ■a SL Sex and Age TJ -J-O a rt •a •Srt ■3 •o f 2 ■5'S rt c uO 2« ^« CO So "o ytj) c a a PEI m EH w £ m xn H p &< 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 1 8 9 10 II j 12 B(i.v.s and (iirls— ; Totiil I 742 1490 1082 i 1028 1060 585 474 456 344 129 7390 5 years :;2S 29 5 , 362 (5 years ;:49 337 33 719 7 years ."iS 545 177 21 1 3 805 8 years 7 322 256 145 22 2 1 8 763 9 years 141 225 2(i:i 131 16 1 11 794 10 years 72 iii.s 213 253 74 17 3 17 847 11 years •.:o S!l 167 24 S 171 92 35 5 22 849 12 years 15 64 110 203 138 142 79 19 22 792 V.i years s 23 61 12S 106 115 136 82 25 684 14 years 1 S 29 5(1 57 64 106 111 12 438 15 years 4 9 17 16 33 66 71 6 <>9') 1() years 4 5 4 9 27 44 2 95 17 vears 1 1 4 9 1 16 IS years 1 2 3 Ill years 1 1 •JO years Bovs— Total 336 775 532 502 472 262 220 163 104 64 3430 ■'• years 147 9 3 159 () years 168 167 12 347 7 years 20 277 87 8 392 S years 1 165 127 66 5 6 370 !• yea rs 91 101 122 52 7 6 379 10 years 41 105 98 104 30 9 11 395 11 years 12 49 85 119 85 47 14 i 9 421 V2 yoars 9 26 66 101 64 75 24 6 14 385 l:{ years 4 14 34 61 51 50 53 28 10 305 14 years 4 16 21 20 30 38 39 175 l.'i yea IS 4 4 !) 2 10 26 22 77 10 years 3 3 4 ■6 6 1 23 17 vears 1 1 IS years 1 1 19 years 20 years Girls— Total 40(; 715 550 526 588 323 254 293 240 65 3960 5 years 181 20 2 203 6 years 181 170 21 372 7 years 38 268 90 i3 i 3 413 S years 6 157 129 79 17 2 i 2 393 H years 5« 124 147 79 9 1 5 415 10 years 31 93 115 149 44 13 i 6 452 11 vears 8 40 82 129 86 45 21 4 13 428 12 years 6 38 44 102 74 67 55 13 8 407 IS years 4 9 27 67 55 65 83 54 15 379 14 vears 1 4 13 29 37 34 68 72 5 263 l.'i vears 5 8 14 23 40 49 6 145 1« years 1 5 1 5 21 38 1 72 1 7 vea rs 1 1 4 8 1 15 IS years 1 1 2 19 years 1 1 — : 1 20 years 1 ' 44 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 6- -AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF WITHDRAWALS. TARY SCHOOLS. ALL ELEMEN- •a Sex and Age is a) ■3 •3^ 5 "^' OJ ■a 1 a So S^ 20 o - •o •a-o £0 So '& 03 P4 «o s»0 02 Boys aiui t Totiil ,"> years years 7 years 8 years y years 1(1 years 11 y.ars i:i years n years 14 yea rs 15 years 16 years IV years 18 years 19 years 20 years Boys —Total 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years Girls —Total 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years 9 years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years IV years 18 years 19 years 20 years Girls- 1606 r76 6S3 139 813 383 348 78 4 793 393 335 61 3 '" i 18(11 427 755 388 117 52 11 10 3 3 903 22 219 374 180 69 25 5 4 2 2 1 898 11 208 381 208 48 27 33 218 430 341 17(i ( 5 29 10 1352 1 1096 1122 1067 675 23 103 220 187 91 37 9 5 628 "io 115 210 154 85 28 20 5 ' i 20 191 371 312 197 117 52 23 6 1 12 83 197 153 98 50 29 18 4 1 647 S 108 174 159 99 67 23 1 32 122 309 326 231 168 122 34 7 716 17 58 166 171 127 83 67 20 7 636 1 15 64 143 155 104 85 55 14 1 19 96 200 .253 218 238 66 15 192 223 462 122 28 1 66 1 541 213 56 570 )19 11 36 92 124 105 142 41 4 1 6 29 94 115 238 71 13 34 71 272 '99 33 1 S 60 lOS 1:9 113 96 1 9 n; 10! 2:;l .-.1 15 101 269 114 15 111 393 331 113 20 7 1 1 472 6 39 1S8 160 65 9 4 .... 520 205 171 48 11 3 1 3 8 8 9 9 31 3 2 809 1145 1136 1057 979 977 906 939 990 1871 786 213 2a 11 1 4 6007 40» 59 0. 570- 507 527 485 450 465 473 985 404 124 H 7 5842 404 555 .566 .-)50 452 19.'! 456 474 517 886 382 89 14 4 1 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 8 — AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF WITHDRAWALS. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS FOR COLORED CHILDREN. REGULAR 1 ■o Sex and Age ■§ a u (U m p 5313 II 4) 02 ■s bl o E-c 1 2 3 4 ! 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 Bo.vs and Girls — 1 Total 261 510 303 229 277 166 141 142 76 27 1 ?132 5 years 102 30 132 •) 19 4 3 1 154 10 years 43 44 44 26 10 5 2 174 11 years 22 39 29 43 26 7 4 2 172 12 years 18 31 36 49 24 18 9 2 187 18 years 11 20 28 40 20 16 19 4 6 164 14 years 4 19 24 56 28 33 3S 17 8 227 15 years 4 11 11 25 30 24 29 14 4 152 16 years 4 1 1 13 19 25 24 22 2 117 17 years 1 3 1 4 7 15 14 45 IS years 2 i 3 2 4 12 19 years 1 1 20 years Boys— Total 113 264 177 125 129 91 57 67 33 14 1070 ;) years 39 21 _ 60 (» years 62 48 i 111 7 years 11 70 19 i 101 8 years 54 38 15 1 1 1 110 9 years 1 39 21 11 6 3 1 *..... 1 83 10 years 15 27 21 13 4 1 2 S3 11 years 6 20 15 20 17 :; :[ 1 85 12 years 3 20 20 10 11 12 4 2 94 l:'. years .8 10 16 16 11 8 13 2 1 85 14 years 10 11 29 16 12 21 10. 5 117 15 years .■) 13 14 8 12 5 o 66 16 years 1 7 10 11 12 6 7 1 55 17 years 3 1 6 7 17 18 years i 2 3 19 years 20 years Girls— Total 148 246 126 104 14S 75 84 75 43 13 1062 5 years 63 9 72 6 years 68 39 i 108 7 years 10 O.) 12 3 80 8 years 7 43 24 7 3 1 85 9 years 25 19 11 13 1 2 71 10 years 28 17 23 13 6 4 91 11 years 16 19 14 23 9 4 i i 87 12 years 15 11 16 30 10 (■• .') 93 13 vears 3 10 12 24 9 S 6 I 9 5 79 14 years 4 9 10 27 12 21 17 7 3 110 15 years 4 4 6 12 16 16 U 9 2 86 16 years 4 3 8 13 18 15 1 62 17 years 1 4 7 9 7 >28 IS years 2 3 2 2 , 9 19 years 1 1 20 years REPORT OF THE SUI'ERINTENDENT. 47 Special Elementary Schools. TABLE 9 — GALLAUDET SCHOOL,. AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLL- MENT AT END OF THE YEAR. Sex and Age c v t •a c Ho Second Grade Third Grade •a CO 5 CO £■§ t»o •0 u u c D ■r 1 1 2 { 3 1 4 5 6 1 7 1 8 9 1 10 1 II 1 12 Boys and Girls — Total 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years !t years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years It; years 17 years 18 years lit years 20 years JJo.vs-^Total ». 5 years 6 years 7 years 8 years it years 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years It) years 17 years 18 years lit years 20 years <;irls-Tolal 5 years t) year., 7 years 8 years y years 10 years 11 years 12 years Vi years 14 years 15 years 18 years 17 years 18 years 19 years 20 years \ 14 2 4 2 5 . 9 '""2 2 4 . 5 2 2 ..... 14 3 2 ..... 10 5 2 2 ""i 4 ""'i ■> 1 13 "i 4 1 2 4 . 10 4 1 1 3 . 3 ' . . . ""i 1 8 2 2 1 2 6 2 1 1 2 2 i i 2 . ..... 1 I i 3 .. 1 ::::: i 2 ! . i 2 i i 1 1 ..... 1 1 . 1 ..... 57 2 4 2 6 1 13 6 6 5 3 4 1 2 1 1 3S ■■"2 2 4 "ii 5 4 4 3 3 19 i 2 2 1 1 2 1 I 2 ! 1 """i 1 — 2 — 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 ! 66 Transfers to other public schools. . | ' ! 1 1 Total entered dur- ing year 1 76 Graduates 1 i | 1 I 1 • ••• 1 48 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 10— KOCH HOSPITAL SCHOOL. AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF EN- ROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR AND OF "WITHDRAWALS. 5 yrs. 2 6 yrs. 7 yrs. 4 8 yrs. 5 9 yrs. 10 yrs. 11 yrs. 8 12 yrs. 9 13 yrs. 14 yrs II 15 yrs 12 16 yrs. 13 17 yrs. 14 Total ' 3 6 7 10 15 Enrollment at end of year; Boys: •2 1 •> 1 4 5 Third grade 1 1 1 i ■ '"'4 1 ... - - - . 1 . . . . ' ' 1 2 1 2 14 Girls : 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 i 1 1 1 "> 1 4 1 1 1 ■ 4 1 5 1 2 o - 2 2 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 ■8 22 ] 1 VJ 41 Total entered during year 41 .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 .... 1 - . - . TABLE 11 — INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR. 5 yrs. 2 6 yrs. 3 7 yrs. 4 8 yrs. 5 9 yrs. 6 10 yrs. 7 11 yrs. 8 12 yrs. 9 13 yrs. 10 14 yrs. II 15 yrs. 12 .... 16 yrs. 13 17 yrs. 14 18 yrs. 15 Total 1 16. Boys and Girls — Total 2 u 9 14 20 :il 35 45 46 ' 15 5 238 Bovs — Total - 8 8 14 17 31 35 45 46 7 15 5 233 Girls — Total 1 8 17 1 8 17 14 28 3 10 39 5 2 2 12 12 10 12 29 60 34 09 65 110 69 115 64 71 25 41. 1 Withdrawals 36(1 Registration .">:t.s Transfers to other 41 Total entered during 639 ._ ' REl'OUT OF THE .SUI'KiaXTENDEXT. •;49 T A ISLE 12- -INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. REGISTRATfOX AND ATTEND \XCE REGULAR AND SUMMER TERM. Siiimiier. Rcgi.stration Withdriiwals Enrolleci at end of term Average daily enroUiueiit Average daily attendance Number of tejicbers Hegiiiar and Summer Terra. Rcgi.stration Attendance by periods of davs 0-9 days 10-19 davs 20-29 days 30-o9 days 40-49 davs 50-59 days 60-69 days 70-79 days ■ 80-89 days 90-99 days 100-109 days 110-119 days 120-129 days i:;0-139 flays 140-149 days 150-159 days 1(;0-169 days 170-179 days ISO- 189 days 190-199 days 200-209 days 210-219 .lays 220-229 days 2:;o-2:J9 days 240-249 days 250-255 days City Maintenance Department Delinquent Department White Colored Bellefontaine Farms Delinquent Department Wiiite Colored 144 41 ion 105 103 4 10 24 16 15 10 15 18 24 14 12 15 19 11 (i 34 4 30 30 29 1 ■! ' I ••> , 9 :; 11 4 9 1 1 2 1 8 2 ! 1 ' 2 3 \ 5 4 3 K !!!!!! ! 3 3 i Total 325 113 236 234 228 11* The school at the House of Detention wa.s open foi- eleven weeks during- the siur. ni' r. The Average Daily Attendance for the white viupil-s \va.« 21 and for the colored pupils 10, a total for both of 31. TAULIO 13— BOYS' TRAINING C^L.VSSES. ENROLL.MENT AT END OK AND ^V1THI)UA^^'ALS DV AGES. YEAR Ages Knrollcd at end of year 1 \Vi;li(lrawals KeListiation 1 Transferred to other p u 1) I i c sclinols 16 23 rota I 40 28 68 34 Total entered during the year 102 50 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 14— SPECIAL SCHOOLS FOR INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION, AGE AND SEX OP ENROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR AND OF WITHDRAWALS. Enrolled at end | of year { I Withdrawals. Registration . . , Boys (iirls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 yrs yrs yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. yrs. Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 1 15 22 12 38 22 40 15 35 17 68 23 28 18 10 5 3 3 260 3 123 1 20 :h4 60 55 52 91 46 15 6 3 383 1 4 3 1 3 2 7 3 9 1 21 12 8 4 1 1 - 63 25 Ij 4 4 5 10 10 33 12 2 2 88 1 2n 26 41 43 42 i 1 49 18 3 1 2 323 fi 12 23 17 20 24 30 9 3 1 3 148 i 26 38 64 60 62 101 79 27 6 2 5 471 TABLE If)— OPEN AIR SCHOOLS. AGE GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF ENROLL- MENT AT END OF YEAR AND OF WITHDRAWALS. 5 yrs. 2. 'i 7 yi s. yrs. 3 4 8 yrs. 5 y 6 10 yrs. 7 11 yrs. 8 12 yrs 9 13. yrs. 10 14 yrc. II 15 yrs. 12 16 yrs. 13 17 yrs. Total 1 14 15 Enrollment at end of year : Boys: 4 4 4 9 2 5 5 3 1 '"s 5 3 11 1 1 4 3 10 11 1 1 6 5 28 2 2 1 1 2 2I» Fifth grade 21 4 4 1 1 .... .... 6 17 15 17 18 12 8 6 1 100 (iirls: 1 2 ^ 2 - Second grade 3 4 4 2 :! 11 8 1 2 4 1 1 19 2 3 4 19- 1 IS 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 Ungraded . . . . 1 4 1 10 24 2 26 6 21 13 30 4 23 41 9 10 22 7 12 20 4 6 12 8 20 1 2 1 1 1 1 85 185 1 34 1 10 21 34 50 29 24 ^ 1 219 Transfers to other public .schools 95 Total entered during year 314 2 3 2 1 1 9- HEPOKT OF THE SUl'KIllNTENDENT. 51 TABLK 10— OriOX AIR SCHOOLS. REGISTRATJON AND ATTENDANCE. REGULAR AND SUMMER TER^r. Slimmer Term. HeKuIar and Summer Toriii tout* d. Registration liOJS Days Attended. \\'itlidiavvals .jl JOiirolIed at end of term 1'>~ .\\erage ]:)aily Enrollment ItiT Average Daily Attendance loO Number of Teachers 7 Re;L;iilar and Sniiiiiier 'roriii. 1 1(1-119 (; 1i'0-12!) 10 Kill-] 39 7 140-149 Withdrawals 13 lOnrolled at end of term 22 i(i0-i09 A\eras;e Daily Enrollment 2:'. 110-119 Aveiage Daily Attendance 22 120-129 Number of Teachers 1 i:;(i-i39 3 140-1 49 e 1.'>(I-1.-|9 o 160-1 (19 2 Itefiistratiun •■■)2 170-179 o Reg;ular and Summer 'reriii. Days Attended. 0-19 3 1.S0-1S9 20-29 3 190-199 30-39 2 200-209 40-19 2 210-219 r,0-.'i9 •" 220-229 60-69 .' 230-239 70-79 4 240-249 80-89 2 2.'>0-2.')9 62 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 18 — COMPARATIVE TABLE OF ALL SPECIAL SCHOOLS. Gallaudet Industrial Boys' Special Schools Open Air School Sfliool Class for Individual Iiistiiiction Schools >, >, 4_ >-, Ye;i r o •a a 5 •3 ■a a o o o o ■3 - £ -^ ■J i^ C r = o ■— o r^' •-1 ^ o J3 s .c ^ « o c oj m . >> o o >> >. % o ,M M M M M n o V O) Centers D ^ ■" <6 CS cS «*i ® «• oj ci ^S ^^ O t> m ? o ^^ O Om .B n.^ s tec 23 5fo gw >H >< S< 5^ ■< < ^ z j Total Bovs 182 126 308 Girls: 11 3 16 55 64 49 16 4 1 2 12 35 42 21 4 5 1> 28 13 . . 90 n 106 15 70 16 20 17 4 18 1 Total Girls ! 208 116 324 Grand Total 390 242 632 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 55 TABI.E 3 — GRADUATES BY AGE. Ag^e on last birthday before giaduation Eighth Grade Ninth Grade Jan. June ■ Total Jan. June Total 1 2 3 4 5 « 7 1 1 i Boys ! " ( Girls 1 10 15 19 33 33 43 38 23 7 !» 1 26" ' 11 46 34 52 47 . 32 21 5 10 3 1 1 1 30 26 65 67 85 90 70 44 12 19 4 1 2 ,.> ) Boys 4 4 '-- / (iirls TO J Boys 4 '• 4 6 6 ^^ ( Girls 14 J ,^?ys 17 17 20 20 ^ ( Girls 15 i iioys 20 20 13 13 •^^ ( (iirls 16 i ^°y^ 20 3 6 3 20 3 ^ / Girls 17 . i Boys 6 3 ^' / (iill.s 10 J Boys i " ^^ ( (Jirls 91 j Boys '^^ ( Girls 1 1 1 Boys Total -1 Girls [ Both 109 124 233 159 124 283 268 248 516 49 68 117 49 68 117 TABLE 4— NUMBER COMPLETING NINTH GRADE. Courses January Class June Class Both Classes Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1 " S 4 5 U 7 8 U 10 Art ■ ■ "4' ' "38' ... ^. ' 65 ' ' i 03 ' 7 ■ ■ ■ y ' *3S' 7 ' '163" Commort-ial D ni. -V !■ t a n d ScieiK-i^ General Manual 'ri-aiiiiug . Total four - \ear Courses 49 68 117 49 68 117 Commercial Manual Training . . D m. ^\ I' t a n d Science Total two - year courses i Bookkeeping Stenography j Total one - year courses 1 All courses .... . . 49 68 117 49 j 68 117 56 ST. LOUIS ri'CLlC SCHOOLS. TABLE 5— ENROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR Li' AGE AND CLASS. Age on last birthday before end of year Grades Seventh Eighth Ninth Total 1 2 3 4 5 Boys: 10 11 38 91 54 34 7 1 50 "i 15 11 ] 1 46 12 156 i;; 83 3 4 101 . 61 50 26 5 14 2 8 1 171 14 199 15 83 Hi 20 17 10 IS 1 Total 236 299 162 697 Girls: 10 6 41 76 5M 17 S ■■■7 ' "2 50 13 S5 42 60 74 33 45 14 9 1 1 .... :::: ■■■{ 6 11 50 12 139 13 180 14 151 15 86 1(1 23 17 2 l:s 1 19 20 1 Total 201 251 187 639 Grand Total 437 550 349 1336 TABLE 6— WITHDRAWALS FOR THE YEAR BY AGE AND CLASS. Age on last birthday before end of yeai- 1 Boys: 11 12 1:; 14 15 IC. 17 IS Total Girls: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS Total Grand Total Grades Seventh 23 Eighth 2 3 5 14 11 3 38 Ninth 23 Total 12 27 24 6 1 84 1 6 8 11 4 1 1 32 30 15 18 21 10 2 2 55 68 37 160 REPORT OF THE SUPEKlN'TENDENT. 57 VI. HIGH S(^HO()()LS. TABLE 1— SOURCE OF NEW PUPILS. 1 Four Year 1 Courses Two Year Courses One Year Courses -Total 1st H. Y. 2nd H. Y. Total 1st ( 2nd H. y. 1 H. Y. Total 1st H. Y. 2nd H. Y. Total 1 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 H Public elementary schools. By recommenda- j Boys 373 . 709 982 688 1164 146 280 198 373 344 9 653 20 11 43 20 1446 63 1880 . .. j Boys 1 By examination. 1 Qi,.ig J Boys 43 By summer term , (jji-ig 44 1 Boys 417 Total ; Girls 1 52(1 [ Both 937 „. . . , , J Boys 19 Private schools. .. j (jjjTjg j^o r. 1 • , V- 1 ] Boys 11 Parochial schools, ^ fjiris 1 14 j Boys ': 109 Other sources..... ( ^;^J.y^ Igl 1 Boys 556 All sources ] Girls 727 t Both 1 1283 3 4 '.'.'.'.'. "43" 44 712 1129 HSS 1208 140(1 2337 19 2 14 1 12 2 16 29 138 34 215 742 1298 726 1453 1468 2751 14 21 160 301 461 3 14 11 165 32.8 493 "igs" 373 571 3 4 201 377 578 "14' 21 358 674 1032 2 .3 14 15 366 705 1071 1 1 10 21 31 ..... 10 24 34 . .... 43 54 "ii' 43 54 1 1 21 61 85 i' 2 21 67 88 4 58 66 1508 1946 3454 19 16 15 31 143 232 1685 2225 3910 TABLE 2 — AGES OF NEW PUPILS. Age on last birthday before admission Four Year Courses 1st I 2nd H. Y. H. Y. Total Two Year Courses One Year Courses Total 1st 2nd 1st H. Y. H. Y. Total H. Y. 2nd H. Y. Total Boys : 11 1 13 106 202 1.55 55 24 20 4 51 175 288 168 42 9 5 6 4 281 490 303 97 33 25 4 41 50 48 20 1- 1 59 SO 4 2 12 1 11 100 130 90 3 2 i .3 3 1 3 3 3 6 6 6 3 12 13 387 14 626 15 39a 16 132 17 35 18 26 Total boys .... 556 742 1298 165 201 366 10 11 21 16S5 Girls: 11 ' '"34 140> 250 165 74 40- 2 4 1 46 176 271 151 58 17 6 1 SO 316 521 316 132 57 30 1 12 11 62 115 109 27 4 10 102 14 9 87 24 4 1 21 164 264 196 51 8 1 5 5 9 4 j 8 ■ 10 21 4 "is 15 30 8 1 101 1.3 4 93 14 800 15 542 1« 191 17 65 IS 32 Total girls .... 727 726 1453 328 377 705 2 4 43 67 2225 H3rand Total . . . 1283 1468 2751 493 578 1071 34 54 88 ;;:iio 58 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 3— GRADUATES BY YEARS IN SCHOOL. Years in School January Class J une Class Both Classes Boys , Girls 1 Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 » Four Year Courses. 2 8 160 42 7 ■ "2' 1 12 224 48 15 8 1 1 3 20 384 90 22 8 3 1 2 12 312 74 18 4 3 1 1 14 390 97 33 10 3 31^ 4 1.52 32 11 4 1 1 2 166 49 18 2 1 6 318 81 29 6 2 1 26 4 702 41/2 . 171 5 51 oYz 14 6 5 C 1/2 1 2 Total 205 238 4 43 221 310 531 426 548 ' 974 Two Year Courses. 8 34 8 2 4 2 8 4 12 2 2 33 10 4 45 12 6 20 2 4 [ 67 '■' 87 :j 1-:, 18 i 20 6 10 '1 otal 10 44 5 4 16 47 63 26 91 117 One Year Courses. 1 2 14 12 16 12 1 1 10 7 10 9 2 i 24 19 26 114 21 •> 1 1 J 1 i. Total 3 26 29 2 17 19 5 43 48 All Courses 21s 308 526 239 374 613 457 682 1139 TABLE 4 — GRADUATES BY AGE. Age on last birthday before graduation 1 14 J Boy^ ^* ( Girls is: ( Boys ^'*" ( Girls 16 i Roys ^° ( Girls 17 j Boys ^^ ( '-H.. 1 8 ) Bo.vs ^* , .aiis 1 q j Boys '■^ ( Girls 00 i Boys ^" ( Girls I Bovs Total I Gills t Both Four Year Courses Jan. I June , Total 3 8 .'.4 17 19 14 9 26 31 40 40 6 4 71 96 135 173 7!) 65 116 137 195 20 27 205 221 1 426 23S 310 548 443 531 I 974 Two Year Courses One Year Courses Jan. June Toteil Jan. June Total 3 14 4 21 2 6 10 44 54 4 13 5 22 16 47 63 1 3 7 27 9 43 4 14 26 91 117 2 10 3 26 29 2 17 19 10 13 3 19 1 6 1 1 5 43 48 REPORT OF THK SUl'ElilNTKNDENT. 59 TABLE 5— GRADUATES BY COURSES. Courses Janu 1 7 9 4 3 35 ' 52 S7 76 134 134 307 1' 2 .") 317 542 51 118 lis 32 46 S 54 Total four-year courses 205 23S ; 443 221 310 Commercial Manual Training Dom. Art and Science tn Total two-year courses Bookkeeping- Stenography. 4 44 Total one-year courses . . . . 3 26 29 2 17 19 5 4 3 4.S .'Ml courses 218 308 526 i 239 374 613 4 57 6S2 1139 Central High School. Art Classical Commercial Dom. Art and Science General Manual Training . . . . Scientific 2." IS 43 12 . 12 3 . '■' 4S 33 81 12 9 18 16 16 4 9 99 17 15 Total four-year courses Commercial Manual Training Dom. Art and Science 90 12 18 Total two-year courses :; 6 9 6 12 IS ;t IS 1 ' ' 1 6 1 in . 1 ' "t 1 2 17 Total one-year courses All courses 49 101 51 27 17 19 65 i 116 103 114 217 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 5— GRADUATES BY COURSES. Courses January Class J Line Class Both Classes Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S U 10 Cleveland High School. Art 2 2 . . .^ 4 ' ie • 14 2 3 5 7 12 17 . ..^ 3 6 11 12 33 14 3 . . .^ 9 ' '27 24 3 5 5 12 23 28 ■ "2 5 Classical 6 Commercial 11 10 1 . 11 11 10 11 10 2 21 Dom. Art and Science General 23 55 ^Manual Training: 24 Scientific .' 5 Total four-year courses ■J 7 30 57 37 45 82 64 75 139 Commercial 15 15 1 3 2 13 16 2 3 28 31 Manual Training- Dom. Art and Science 1 Total two-yeai- courses ... . 1 15 16 ' 13 18 6 28 34 '^ookkeeping 1 1 ' "i 1 3 1 1 ' ' '2 1 Stenography 3 Total one-year courses 2 2 4 2 2 4 ;-!0 47 77 42 58 100 72 105 177 RIcKinley High School. Art 1 1 3 1 7 12 31 3 1 9 12 51 8 4 ' "3 ' '39 22 5 4 1 12 22 64 4 Classical 1 Commercial Dom. Art and Science 1 ■ 'io 14 1 .5« 10 ' 33 6 10 52 14 1 2 ' '26 8 4 15 22 103 Manual Training 22 Scientific • 5 Total four-year courses :!.-, 49 84 34 54 88 69 103 172 1 1 •'' 1 2 6 8 2 3 3 11 14 3 Total two-year courses ■2 5 7 4 6 10 6 11 17 Bookkeeping Stenography ' ' '8 ' " 's .'.'.■.■ 1 ""s ' ' 8 Total one-year courses 8 8|.... .... 8 8 All coui'ses :!7 62 99 38 60 98 75 j 122 197 Soldan High School. .\ rt 5 ■>, IS 46 ' " 1 5 1 18 7fi 12 11 ■ ■ '4 ' '46 7 6 3 ' ' 'e 14 59 " ' 'i 3 ' 'io 14 105 7| i " i 4 "76 19 16 " "s 32 105 2 8 1 Classical 1 12 32 181 19 Dom. Alt. and Science ' 'so 12 10 18 Total four-year courses 53 72 125 63 83 146 116 155 271 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 61 TABLE 5 — GRADUATES BY COURSES. January Class June Class Both Classes Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total 1 2 3 4 5 69 28 43 71 62 78 140 2 2 7 9 .... 4 4 1 2 3 11 13 3 Dom. Art. and Science Total two-year courses 4 7 11 1 4 5 5 11 16 1 ' "io 1 10 1 16 1 1) 6 16 Total one-year courses 6 6 1 10 11 1 16 17 38 48 1 2 4 IL' 86 30 57 87 68 105 173 Sumner High School. ^rt 1 ' ' 3 4 13 6 ' "i ■ "4 7 3 1 " i 14 22 ' "i 1 14 26 7 4- ' "i 13 3 2 '3 18 34 " "i 2 Cla.s.sical ' "i . . .^ 6 5 Dom. Art and Science 18 39 13 4 Total four-year courses s l!t 27 15 39 1 54 23 58 81 1 1 .... 1 1 Total two-year courses 1 1 1 1 1 All courses 23 59 o2 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 6— ENROLLMENT AT END OF YEAR BY AGE AND CLASS. Ago on last birthday before end of year Four Year Courses Two Year Courses One Year Courses 10 Special 11 Junior Second Third Senior 5 Total 6 Junior 7 Second Total 9 1 2 3 4 S 12 Boys: 11 2 38 177 451 339 169 37 13 3 5 ' 'ig 112 266 216 105 35 9 4 ' " ' 2 15 S9 181 140 71 23 4 . . .^ 8 67 151 118 40 14 2 38 198 579 702 633 433 237 75 27 7 46 99 84 35 9 1 . . .^ 2 15 33 18 10 6 85 ■ "s 48 114 117 53 19 7 366 ' 'is 116 262 289 120 46 6 2 854 1220 " "3 2 5 12 . ..^ 8 16 20 21 3 '"'i 70 82 . . .^ . . . ^ 2 .... .... " "2 4 2 1 9 11 2 12 46 13 249 14 695 1 .", 824 1 (i 689 17 452 IS ''45 19 75 20 ;-? Total 1234 766 525 399 2924 281 3304 Girls: 11 12 ■'38 216 454 407 179 77 21 5 5 " ' "2 26 132 335 263 117 38 11 2 24 122 232 230 82 2 5 4 ' 13 88 202 160 70 29 ' '46 244 610 877 762 626 301 111 40 ' "13 109 220 205 64 29 2 7 42 84 56 17 4 2 212 ' .54 13 14 368 S88 15 1186 16 903 17 677 IS 311 19 ]15 20 42 Total 1402 926 721 562 3611 642 4544 Grand Total... 2636 1692 1246 961 6535 923 297 7848 TABLE 7 — WITHDRAWALS FOR THE YEAR BY AGE AND CLASS. Age on last birthday before end of year Four Year Courses Two Year Courses One Tear Courses 10 Special Total Junior Second Third 4 Senior 5 Tolal 6 Junior Second 8 Total 1 12 IriO^ s: 11 12 ' " 'i 26 74 128 S9 44 29 6 7 404 70 100 96 59 2.3 7 ' ' '3 13 3 4 46 34 20 10 160 .... IS 44 51 45 16 11 4 190 20 2 5 25 15 2 ' ' '2 17 63 77 231 .... 29 S7 176 172 166 151 SI 31 " i 14 4 7 25 10 3 157 ' ' "i 21 63 79 41 10 4 ' ' '6 17 18 5 1 1 48 ' ' '9 24 29 17 2 i 82 130 . . . ^ 14 63 64 ' 4 3 15 4 1 205 . ..^ 21 72 103 70 27 6 1 301 506 ' ' '5 2 4 5 1 19 ■ "8 25 13 6 2 2 56 1 2 5' y 13 48 152 244 220 183 156 83 •31 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total 99 894 1119 Girls: 11 12 " i 7 24 31 22 11 5 .... 6 55 68 4 3 20 " ' '3 24 S9 152 177 190 129 72 31 867 ^ 1761 4 13 45 M 169 15 ■'80 1 (i ■'60 17 223 13') IS 19 20 36 Total 383 797 101 193 219 9 10 1233 Grand Total... 350 200 424 376 75 •2352 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 63 TAHLIO 8— CO.MPAP.ATIVE TABLE OF ENROLLMENT AND GRADUATES. c ^ •—1 G ^ VI Year 0 143 40 211 1914-15, 1st half 2nd half 77 54 49 70 45 49 32 44 203 217 158 168 1 154 157 257 40 217 1915-16, 1st half: Elementary . . Kindergarten. 2nd half: Elementary . . Kindergarten. 56 9 36 3 45 9 52 9 45 17 42 8 48 45 16 194 35 175 36 149 18 133 28 48 45 15 [.. 159 El. 231 Kg. 35 El. 26 Kg. 2 El. 201 Kg. 33 1916-17, 1st half: Elementary . . Kindergarten. 2nd half: Elementary . . Kindergarten. 58 57 36 55 51 8 32 38 8 51 8 183 16 195 8 132 8 163 8 38 8 49 8 > 150 152 El. 242 Kg. 16 El. 36 Kg. El. 222 Kg. 16 1917-18, 1st half 2nd half 62 1 59 57 1 61 51 50 34 52 206 220 155 170 33 32 1 150 154 265 47 218 •Prior to 1910 = 11 the entire second year was devoted to Apprenticing. tJanuary graduates from the high schools, on entering the college during the ensuing half-year, are considered as "Received by Transfer" at the college, and are not counted in the "Net Registration." tThis figure before 1910-11 excludcU apprentice.s who were not enrolled in the College proper during any part of the .\eai-. REPORT OF THK HUPKRINTi^:ndKNT. TABLE 2— PREPARATION OF STUDENTS— COMPARATIVE. Graduates of St. Louis High Schools by Courses m Hiilf Yi;.r to O ■^ o 3 ^ c. in College Classical College Scientiflc Scientiflc C3 C !3 '3 u e s < a c £ 3 a as 3 xn 0) V w u u S i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 1907-08— First half year Second half year... "59 "54 "is "is "xi .... "48 ' '• "'5 1908-09— First half year 91 54 66 52 22 17 21 23 23 12 51 48 26 43 15 4 25 Second half year. 2 1909-10 — First half year... 69 64 48 61 21 21 16 22 11 18 41 58 26 36 7 3 21 Second half year. . 3 1910-11— First half year... 85 51 70 46 19 12 41 16 ""9 10 9 52 41 46 44 18 5 15 Second half year. 5 1911-12— First half year... 97 56 79 52 11 17 29 8 13 9 10 16 7 1 9 1 18 Second half year. 4 1912-13 — First half year... 63 44 61 43 19 11 16 5 15 12 11 15 53 38 8 5 2 Second half year. . 1 1913-14 — First half year. . . 52 53 51 50 19 10 5 17 14 10 13 13 44 40 7 10 1 Second half year. 3 1914-15— First half year... 77 54 74 52 23 13 16 13 21 18 14 8 51 40 23 12 3 Second half year. 2 1915-16— First half year: Elementary 56 9 36 3 52 8 33 2 17 1 10 12 3 9 9 3 8 14 1 6 2 44 4 26 2 8 4 7 4 1 3 1 Second half year : 1916-17 First half year: 58 57 53 54 12 11 3 6 5 7 13 14 6 9 9 6 6 1 4 Kindergarten . . . Second half year : 3 Kindergarten . . . 1917-1918— First half year Second half year 61 59 58 55 6 7 6 6 13 12 14 10 7 6 5 7 3 4 ♦This is the per cent of girls of the High School graduating classes who enter the college immediately after graduation. tNo record kept of date of student's high school graduation prior to Septem- ber, 1908. REPOirr OF THK SUl'ICRINTENDENT. 67 TAULIO 4 — KXTIONSION ('OrUSRS— -FALL, TICRM. 191: u S >> St tis u ■3 ® oi a n a ^.5 >2 °« ©■o (U U a-o ^j bse M = a> a (y C3 « ^ '■J XI « s 3 ra S5^ 60 3>2 H < < 2: CL, ^ ■«3 z Anatomy in Keljition to Art. >Ij 1- GA .Sketiliint; troin Lite. M 1-16A Oi{;ani/ati 1 : 12 2 , 15 2 24 2 2&3 2 13 2 19 2 16 2 70 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLi: C— TGXTEN.^ION COURSES — SPRING TERM 1918 — Continued. Subject C3S it C N'ature Study in the Seventh Grade. 1M...*2G- 7 A Teaching GeoKiaph) in tlie Upper G:ade.s. Mj *2r- 4A General Science. M *rG- 8A Nature Study for tlie Fiftli (irades. M. . . 2C-10A Geography of the St. Louis Area. Mj. ... 2G-11A Chemi.stry of Foods. M 2G-li.A Teacliing of (Jeography in the Third and Fourth Grades. .Mj *26- 2A Totals. ^ a U S ■Oil .S . £ o O M o P5 ° C M'S o u CO ^tC O V 3 o 3!J a C e Ji U 0) * u 3 2 i6 ft^ o c 3 » < < y^ P4 _1_ < 2 I Keniiiiiiiies of Design. .M 1- 5A ricKiriiil CompositiDii. M 1- 7A ('(.loi- Theory. Mj 1- IC Voice Culture. .Mj 2 - -lA Chorus. .\lj 2-lOA I'riinary iind Inteniiecliiite Metliods. .Mj. . . 2~13A Elenieiit;iry DressiiiiikiiiK. Jl 3- 3B ^niliuery. .M :! 4B Peiiiiiansliii). .M li - IB Theory :iiul rriictice Teacliing in tlie I'liniary (;racles. Mj 7 lA Tlieorv and Practice Teaching in the Primary Crades. Mj 7- lA Tlieory and Practice Teadiing in the Primary (.'rades. .Mj 7- lA Psycliologv ( f tlie Elementary School Sub- jects. Mj 7- 2A Psychology anil I'edagogy of Arithmetic in the I'pper (;rades and .Junior High Sclu.ol. Mj 7- 'JA ManuMieiital and Industrial Work for tlie Backward and Keeble-Minded. M 7-lOA Basketry: Raffia, Indian, Reed and Willow. M 7-19A The Selection and Use of Materials in the Kducation of tlie Five-Year-Old Child. I't. I. .Mj 7 7B Folk and National Dances .Mj !t oA Plays and (James for Young Children. .Mj. . H- 7A Teaching Physical Education in the Inter- mediate and Ppper (irades. .Mj !• - IC English (Jrammar. Mj 1"- :iA Types of Literature. .Mj l(i-l lA Teaching Composition in tlie Intermediate and Ppper (Jrades. .Mj Ki lUA The Teacliing of Reading and Literature in the tirades. .Mj 1M-17A Problems of Teaching English in Ele- mentary Schools. Mj I'l 22A History of English Literature. lt){)ii to liHlO. Mi PI- 2B 2 3 12 10 11 10 6 a 17 15 21 13 15 11 9 21 19 2.5 2.5 30 29 35 34 17 17 lit 17 13 11 10 i) U 13 22 ■ 19 18 1 21 2(» 25 24 ' i;2 20 10 36 19 19 6 98 100 84 100 100 93 100 100 95 100 97 97 100 100 92 90 99 98 100 100 100 100 95 100 100 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 72 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 8 — EXTENSION COURSES, SU:MMER TERM, 1918 — Continued. Subjects a j5 «'2 at a c 5^ -5^ S g^ « ^ French. Mj 13- French Conversation. Mj 13- Frencii Literature from Montaigne to Mal- lierbe. Mj 13- lTniplne.v's Spaiiisli. Prose Composition. Mj.16- Spaiiisli Literature: Cervantes. Mj 16- Elementar.v Botany. JIj 23- Eilueational Psvciiolfgy. Pt. 1. Mj 24- Cliild Psycliology. Pt. I. Mj 24- Economics, Pt. I. Mj 25- Social and Industrial History ( f tlie United States. Pt. I. Mj 2.5- History of tlie United States: Civil War Period. Mj 2.'i- Historical Materials for Primary and Intermediate Grades. Mj 25- Educational Sociology. Pt. I. Mj 25- Teaching of History in the Grammar (Jrades and .lunior High School. Mj. ..25- Econ ii'ic Problems of th^ War and after the War. J! j 25- (■'ener:'l (Jcogrnphy. Mj 26- Teaching of Geography in the Third and F.irrth (Jrades Mj 26- Teaching of Geography in the Upper (irades and .lunior High School. Mj. ..26- Xatiu'e Study for the Primary Grades and Kindergarten. Mj 26- (Jeiieral Science. JIj 26- Naturc Study for the Fifth Grade. Mj. ..26- Food Conservation. Mj 26- Food Conservation, Laboratory Course. MJ..26- Stenography. M 27- Junior High School and Its Possibilities. (Lecture Course) Aims and Values in Education. (Ijecture Course ) lA 4B 2C 2B 2C lA lA 2B 2A 3A 8A 12A 15A 16A 21A lA 2A ■ 4A 5A - 8A lOA -12A - 7B • lA Totals 1128 1043 1061 1040 A ^ v^ 46 23 18 10 10 4 1 5 IS 15 22 19 30 27 31 38 27 13 40 38 25 14 6 16 9 27 46 46 38 46 bi ^ a T3 ® .^ O CM O o w •^ 'S o a< 5U G Ph < < 30 38 39 92 90 91 90 100 100 100 100 96 100 95 100 100 92 100 90 93 100 100 1'9 12 9 6 4 i 9 14 14 22 18 30 25 29 34 30 883 24 24 21 24 2t 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 ■;i 24 21 ;'4 24 24 24 10 HKI'OIiT OP" THK SUPERINTrONDENT. TABLE 9— EXTENSION COURSES— SUMjMER TERM. ENROLLMENT BY INDIVIDUALS. 1 'i'otal number of ditfertnt persons Men VV'onien Supervisors iUei7 \v'onien I'lincipals ivlen AV'omen Hish School Teachers Men Women Junior Hish School Teachers Men ■ Women Grade School Teachers Men Women Teachers or Students outside ol" the St. Louis Public Schools ]\len W'omen Harris Teachers College Faculty jMen Women Harris Teachers Colles<' Students Men Women Board of Education Employees (not in schools) Men Women Total nuinber enrolled Number who Number w liave taken liave not ta work befort this term wlio ken work before this tenu 138 llTi 1 ' i 5 1 4 6 3 3 8 2 (i 1^03 '203 179 It; 163 6 " " 'e 30 ''36 236 5 231 1 i 1 I 185 iss 202 17 185 18: is; 157 15 142 1 ' ' i 24 ' '24 74 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. VIII. EVP]NING SCHOOOI.S. TABLE 1— ATTENDANCE IN THE EVENING SCHOOLS, 1917-191S. The following' .schools were clo.sed on the date.s mentioned: Ashland School closed Januaiy Sth, 1918. Glasgow School closed March 21st. 1918. Lafayette School closed March 21st. 1918. Shaw School closed March 8th. 1918. Delany School closed Januaiy 25th. 1918. Oak Hill was opened but was closed at the end of the second week. 1 1 1 1 Nights Attended by Pupils S V « * « < s, < 12 t» S S ^ ! s S ij _1 1 , 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ^ 10 11 12 13 14 15 IS O'l'^alloii Polytec'anic Iiist.: 1437 1054 73 31 48 33 136 395 ' 281 270 4V3 576 904 838 3906 Cleveland High ■ 912 685 75 25 37 47 127 192 ■ 113 149 241 331 425 266 1891 1210 830 69 27 46 61 83 228 • 172 136 206 325 381 422 j 2014 1020 896 755 676 74 75 29 25 39 20 16 21 74 79 132 179 ■ 143 105 I.IB 104 199 166 314 351 422 414 517 ; 365 1973 Yeatman High 1784 Sumner High (Colored). 488 5963 312 4312 64 72 44 30 12 202 11 189 76 575 134 1260 56 870 39 854 42 1327 64 1961 63 2609 28 2436 513 12081 Elementary Schools: 94 279 47 64 182 32 68 66 68 L'4 25 24 5 12 2 .... 27 3 60 8 50 4 36 13 26 56 13 21 55 13 37 56 26 73 62 26 157 402 Central (Crade) 107 Cleveland (Crade Dpt.). 60 42 70 20 3 7 • 5 20 10 10 12 11 18 5 98 197 120 173 158 125 84 147 95 63 70 84 60 28 30 23 21 7 5 9 8 :::: 5 27 34 11 30 3 33 24 40 • 22 38 18 29 24 49 23 57 35 51 40 44, 51 ' 58 43 76 62 64 1 83 : 97 i 64 ' 332 242 400 Lafa.vcltc 261 McKinlcv (Crade Dept.) 82 55 67 18 3 2 6 IG 14 12 19 22 29 31 151 131 1341 92 918 70 68 23 25 6 To ~7s 3 185 ' 30 .227 17 197 42 332 29 337 43 448 36 511 200 Total Wliite Grades 2350 Colored Crades: 382 68 208 653 270 37 142 449 71 54 70 69 38 23 29 33 11 4 7 22 111 37 24 61 75 97 152 46 "'28 74 55 31 86 ' 51 11 21 83 57 19 18 94 111 30 13 154 92 43 11 146 524 103 223 Total Colored Crades 8^0 Total all Grade Schools.. 1994 7957 1367 5679 69 71 27 29 82 284 10 199 134 709 337 1597 301 1171 283 1137 ; 415 1742 431 2392 602 3211 687 3123 1 3200 Grand Total, all schools.. 15281 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 7& TABLE 2— OCCUPATIONS OF MALE STUDENTS. Accountant * Agents 2 Apprentices 260 Artists 16 Auditor 1 Bakers 25 Barbers 2 Bartenders 3 Bellboys 1 Blacksmiths 8 Bookbinders 37 Bookkeepers 109 Bootblacks 3 Bo.xmakers 8 Brewers 4 Bricklayers 9 Bundle wrappers 24 Butchers 21 Butlers 7 Buyers 1 Cabinet makers 27 Candy makers 8 Carpenters 49 Cashiers 20 Chauffeurs 58 Chefs 2 Chemists 54 Cigar makers 13 Clerks 2107 Collectors 24 Commercial artists 8 Conductors 4 Contractors 1 Cooks 16 Coppersmiths 2 Copyists 10 Cutters 35 Decorators 14 Designers 11 Draftsmen 105 Drivers 28 Druggists 14 . Electricians 177 Elevator boys 34 Engineers 33 Engravers 9 Errand boys 179 Factory hands 366 Firemen 17 Florists 2 Foremen 14 Foundrymen 5 Gardeners 11 Garnitnt workers 7 Glass workers 5 Grocers 11 Housemen 7 Hucksters 1 Inspectors 25 Iron workers 9 Janitors 32 Jewelers 19 Laborers 368 Lamplighters 2 Lawyers 5 Letter carriers 1 Librarians 3 Locksmiths 1 Machinists 494 Masons 3 Mechanics 164 Merchants 21 Messenger boys 76 .Vliners 2 Ministers 4 Moulders 15 Musicians 7 Newsboys 18 Opticians 3 Office boys 411 Packers 40 Painters 13 Paper carriers 6 Paperhangers 4 Patternmakers 54 Peddlers 11 Photographers 7 T^hysicians 6 Plasterers 2 Plumbers 29 Porters 71 Postal clerks 40 Pressfeeders 26 Printers 94 Reporters 7 Salesmen 202 Shoemakers 52 Shoeworkers 98 Steamfltters 1 Stenographers 155 Stockboys 58 .Surveyors 1 Students 55 Tailors 60 Teachers 14 Teamsters S4 Telegraph operators 10 Telephone operators 5 Timekeepers 11 Tinners 14 Trimmers 1 Typesetters 4 Upholsterers 3 Wagon boys SO Waiters 16 Woodworkers H No occupation 132 Unknown 143 Miscellaneous 849 Total 7600 76 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE -OCCUPATIONS OF FEMALE STUDENTS. Apprentices ' Artists 16 Barbers 2 Bookbinders 24 Bookkeepers 314 Bundle wrappers l" Candy makers -^ ■Cash girls 34 Cashiers • ■ ■ • 90 Chemists 4 •Clerks 980 Commercial Artists 3 Cooks 26 Copyists 53 Cutters 9 Domestics 102 Dressmakers 80 Factory girls 434 Garment workers 43 Hairdressers 45 Home work 377 House girls 142 Housekeepers 348 Housewives • 467 Janitress 7 Inspectors • • 33 Laundresses 179 Librarians "3 Maids 74 Manicures T 1 ;Messengei-s Milliners Music teachers Murses • ■ : Office girls Packers IMiotographers . Printers Reporters , Saleswomen ., Seamstresses . , Stenographers Stock girls ... . Shoeworker.s , Students Tailors Teachers Telegraph operators Telephone operators . Timekeepers Trimmers Typists Waitresses Wrappers TTnem ployed I'nknown . .Miscellaneous No Occupation •. 3 100 28 82 221 22 9 13 3 ,186 .;1«5 1078 ! 36 32 32 . 8 133 .65 143 10 7 ; 35 54 32 259 262 283 406 Total 7681 TABLE 3— BIRTHPLACES OF PUPILS. Nativity All nativities American born Foreign born St. Louis Missouri (without St. Louis). Illinois Other states of the Union.... Ireland Other parts of Great Britain Germfiny Austria Italy Roumania Greece Russia Other foreign countries Unknown Total Percent of Registration 100 00 86. OS 13.95 5«.8S 8.43 R.90 IS.SiS ^83 1.1 4 .83 .21 .36 4.9.'i 1.71 1.65 100.00 Registration 15,281 13.150 2,131 8,692 1,288 1.054 2.116 48 126 183 296 126 32 53 755 260 252 15,281 I REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 77 « r-* -r cc -^ cc ^ t- C^J t-OC -1 eq c r-l — ,. la 00 ■ uon^-nsi^ea .a H 05 00 O 05 t> UT « »* o o 05 ct ■'T o to ts m CM CO OIC CI 00 04 C'l 10 ^ • - OS cs 00 jaAO puB S.IBSA 0? OlOOSOtO t- 0»lH CiOOCM CO U3 M i-H -f M -l C] :- -g- CM Ct T-l i-ie^oi >o t- t- CM e Oil- n —IT 00 cq r-< .-^C? -H- OC T 71 TT C^lCKl 1— | CO 1-1 CM to t- OS J SJBa;< 8 6 i-( •M CO 1^ TttCOC^CO 00 • in «o — 1 T i> t- — CO CO 1 t- r^i-lin t- TT e-1 sjBaA iz 1H M 1" CO j SJ-B3X 9g 1-1 OS t~ 00 50 ?•: (M O C? « «C -»• r-. in o i-H o C7 CO — 1 CO c05C^Cv| Ico — OS SJB8i? {-g IM tc t- sjua.t ss :| S'Ssss M — ' ■ ?•: — o; m i-H in t- c t in ■. O to 05 C-t 00 rH o ce T t~ 00 saB3.? 9X CC CM cq T-t C^l cc cot- T-i Tj- eg m CO iH e^ CO CO »H CO lOMtD^US^ cc O'H . OS OJ OC i-H t- «o c > ,H CM 1 SJB3X St M r-H 1-H rH Oi ■^ O • 04 cq CO lO -TJ- — ( ..5 OS CO 1 ■^ -f 0-. 00 -M T M co"i ■inosmooostcc^ 1-1 -OS ^ SJB3X fl ^ c: t- • — cvi -jj- -M -7 C.] ^^ -c -^ o 0) ■^ ^ ■ ^ ^ o o .— 1 'T C ^ 0) ■s: 1 — Ooo o _> 0^ 1) 01 ^ 1 n 2.'^ Q 'C r/j 1 a: CO ox o o o r. — V c ■*" 0.' )lored Gi Banneke Delany Sumner •■• Fallon Central Clevela McKinl Soldan Veatm: Sumnei O r- 5 = ^si; V ^ 4^ c i;-60 777 84 861 536 460 $ 2,041.00 $3.80 18(;0-G1 5 17 1027 122 1149 618 556 89 36 2,621.00 4.24 1862-03 4 12 726 106 832 416 346 83 35 1,624.00 1 3.90 1863-0-1 5 18 869 152 1021 514 431 79 28 • 2,220.00 3.57 1864-60 6 23 1177 294 1471 781 683 86 34 ! 3.610.00 4.62 186.")-66 8 32 1372 300 1672 861 751 86 25 ; 5,450.00 6.56 1866-67 8 30 1364 189 1553 887 773 87 28 5.500.00 6.20 1867-68 12 43 1936 198 2134 1191 1075 90 28 7,621.00 6.40 1868-69 12 46 2324 204 2528 1402 1259 90 30 8.713.25 6.21 1860-70 ; . . 11 42 2253 211 2464 1247 1081 87 30 1 8,450.96 6.77 1870-71 16 63 2908 707 3615 2055 1773 86 33 11,696.95 5.69 1871-72 17 80 3425 712 4137 2290 1996 87 29 15.718.30 6.86 1872-73 17 81 3417 554 3971 2016 1711 85 25 14,413.90 7.15 1873-74 22 110 4867 710 5577 3126 2662 85 28 17,983.05 5.75 1874-75 21 115 4999 752 5751 3070 2644 86 27 19,841.07 6.46 1875-76 24 117 4623, 650 5273 2817 2368 84 24 19,189.48 6.81 1876-77 24 118 4525 715 5240 2844 2421 85 24 19,688.70 6.92 1S77-.8 34 140 5464 953 6417 3620 3095 85 26 24,337.64 6.72 1878-79 41 146 5378 908 6286 3509 2990 85 26 25.811.99 7.35 1879-80 29 91 4008 531 4539 2575 2128 83 31 17.985.53 6.98 18S0-81 11 40 2142 242 2384 1333 1049 79 33 7.763.27 5.82 1881-82 16 51 2975 325 3300 1981 1655 84 41 10,239.52 5.17 1882-83 22 70 3541 54 6 4087 2528 2060 81 38 13.590.75 5.45 1883-84 25 69 2907 332 3239 2058 1684 82 32 13,386.13 6.50 1884-85 28 76 3226 443 3669 2303 1908 83 30 14.620.50 6.35 1885-86 32 83 3308 416 3724 2410 1940 81 31 16.146.27 6.70 1886-87 8 40 1470 152 1622 1118 949 85 31 8.813.05 7.87 1887-88 8 41 1668 144 1812 1213 1042 86 33 8.021.60 6.61 1888-89 8 45 1952 234 2186 1402 1140 82 34 8,558.50 6.10 1889-90 12 55 2525 264 2789 1615 1271 79 32 11.621.08 7.20 1890-91 18 82 3501 418 3919 2385 1886 79 33 16,688.12 7.00 1891-92 18 86 3417 480 3897 2278 1797 79 29 17.927.79 7.87 1892-93 8 56 1760 250 2010 1326 1101 83 26 8.915.88 6.70 1893-94 8 55 1908 259 2167 1580 1320 84 32 9.186.82 5.81 1894-95 8 56 1902 318 2220 1450 1194 82 29 9.057.01 6.25 1895-96 8 56 1997 305 2302 1522 1218 80 30 9.172.52 6.03 1896-97 8 56 1804 336 2140 1494 1234 84 30 9.072.22 6.07 1897-98 8 56 1780 376 2156 1380 1109 80 28 8,881.92 6.43 1898-99 8 58 2083 357 2440 1586 1273 80 31 9.197.35 5.80 1899-1900 8 59 2007 403 2410 1565 1290 82 30 9,273.76 5.93 1900-01 11 75 2840 598 3438 2043 1650 80 31 12.048.99 5.89 1901-02 11 83 3042 770 3812 2296 1817 79 31 12,246.26 5.:! 3 1902-03 12 90 3100 925 4025 2464 1951 79 30 14.078.38 5.71 1903-04 13 97 3373 934 4307 2480 1952 78 29 15,989.37 6.45 1904-05 14 109 3714 1032 4746 2753 2178 79 28 18,150.07 6.59 1905-06 14 116 3688 1268 4956 2974 2401 81 27 18.736.39 6.30 1906-07 14 114 3630 1158 4788 2851 2312 81 27 22.845.13 8.01 1907-08 14 128 4363 1525 5888 3299 2627 80 28 26.760.85 8.11 1908-09 14 142 4976 1691 6667 3715 2974 80 28 31.765.96 8.55 1909-10 14 155 5808 1826 7634 4008 3121 78 26 35.094.48 8.76 1910-11 16 168 6802 2299 9101 4529 3475 77 29 50.290.81 11.10 1911-12 15 189 6476 2789 9259 4938 3790 77 27 49,072.87 9.88 1912-13 15 205 6432 3310 9742 4952 3924 79 26 54,482.13 10.99 1913-14 19 294 10805 7537 18342 7808 5919 76 28 100,093.46 12.82 1914-15 22 386 13277 9674 22951 10822 8295 77 30 140.704.92 13.00 1915-16 20 345 9310 7045 16355 9351 7088 76 27 101,228.39 14 25 1916-17 20 327 7978 6445 14423 8181 6021 74 26 120,938.55 20.08 1917-18 15 284 7600 7681 15281 7957 5679 71 29 120, 293. mi; 2 1 . 1 S 80 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. IX. SUMMER TERM SCHOOLS. For report of the summer sessions ol' the Harris Teachers College and of the Industrial School, see the respective sections for their regular sessions. TABLE 1 — ENROLLMENT, ATTENDANCE, TEACHERS. Schools Enrollment 1 Average Daily At- tendance Teachers Engaged in In- struction Pupils per Teacher Based on Average Daily At- tendance Number of Teachers Including I!0i3 Cula Tuliil and Office Assistants 1 2 3 i 4 5 6 7 8 7513 8818 16331 14266 470 30 497 High Schools: Central 44S 52 851 251 1299 303 1211 272 31 9 38 32 35 Sumner (Colored) . . *10 Total 500 1102 1602 1483 40 70 45 Grades: 297 241 215 406 717 2.30 3 08 381 370 342 219 396 412 414 308 254 368 203 187 458 717 270 314 427- 382 409 245 475 459 401 313 278 6 65 444 4 02 864 1434 520 622 808 7 52 751 464 871 871 815 621 532 597 418 627 789 1345 468 584 732 670 680 424 769 790 7-15 561 • 436 20 13 12 26 39 16 18 25 22 22 13 24 25 24 19 16 30 32 30 31 35 29 33 29 30 31 33 32 31 31 3 29 21 Blow 14 Clark 13 Clay 27 41 17 19 26 23 23 14 25 27 Mullanphv 25 "Webster 20 18 Total white grades.... 5530 5906 11436 10641 ] 334 32 353 Sumner (Colored) . . . 245 50 6 751 659 21 31 22 Total all grades 5775 6412 12187 11300 35 5 31 375 Grade Manual: 501 322 ; 397 542 383 374 1043 705 771 660 364 440 29 20 24 23 19 18 30 Henrv 20 25 Total Grade Manual... 1220 1299 2519 1464 73 20 75 Gallaudet (for deaf)... 1 ^ 18' 5 23 19 ! 2 10 2 *Priricipal counted with the grade department of Sumner High School REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 81 TABLE 2— PK rsistii:ncio Oi<' ATTi :.\1J.\NCE Schools Average Daily Attendance by Successive Weeks First Second Third Fourth 1 Fifih Si.Mh Seventh X 3 3 4 5 e 7 8 All Schools 12132 12926 12632 12495 12378 12107 12242 High Schools: 1261 279 1234 282 1210 275 1196 272 1191 268 1178 264 1191 Sumner (Colored) . . 262 Total 1540 1516 1485 1468 1459 1442 1453 Grades: 641 418 :3(;6 820 1379 489 599 781 711 707 441 821 860 758 590 480 619 424 370 811 1359 483 599 758 695 702 433 794 837 768 580 482 10714 599 416 360 793 1344 474 586 731 670 681 430 766 810 754 565 479 597 357 787 1336 468 585 726 658 673 421 764 786 750 560 475 583 416 375 774 1337 458 578 713 658 671 417 751 776 736 546 474 570 412 338 763 1320 451 567 701 641 660 412 733 i 761 1 717 j 541 433 572 426 Clark Clay 343 773 1335 455 573 711 1 656 1 665 : 416 752 742 735 , 545 428 ' , Total white grades.... 10861 10458 10359 10263 } 10020 ! 10127 Sumner (Colored) . . 7io 676 670 651 1 637 1 626 ] 644 Total all grades 11571 11390 11128 11010 10900 10646 , 10771 Gallaudet (for deaf).. 21 20 1 ^^ 17 i 19 1 19 1 1^ ST. LOUIS Pl'DLIC SCHOOLS. g = Cm u O *-■ o C.C — o — hrSo z £ K i p; 2sS ,'-■ X O"?* 5 I O 01 X .,' exic-/-" K -^ "t^ £t- H aj^ c o -w ,- .c ss* :^SK .= o . •r'-^iS t. .-c DIM ^ h «J.S c c S s s o IL'IOX PlllMf) en rt C5 1- :■: ex :■: I- -.s — . ?! -m -« ^ oc — '>»—. ^i ir ^ c cc -r i- ci , CC-M-^-*^ — t^-— C. -^ <:C o-^'J— .0--*CC^ CCOCC5C5IM C I'!}OX . « IM r-l • CO • • — 5= ■ . . rt CO . CO • • ire «C -H . I- rt . . • ,— .- - . -Or-l ... OC ■ -V CO tiosipnK s «S i-H • • • «0 O • . • -H GC • . • .tJuaH e .-oe^-.i-i Lrer-i....in ••.c-; U113(U1UJ[ 1 . . . ^H . ^^ . . * . . . . :o ic • c-i ■ . . . ,— ( . i^ 1-H _2 S iinoj. -H o L■^ !M 00 o ire -.r = -^ ci —■ -h i- i^ (N oc c-i ire oe -* ire ■* o i-i 00 10 M -a- •» — o M — oc Ti -^ o ■<><■>»> .-H o; -H oc « e-i o o-. ire os ninii.^AV r^ .... .laisqaAV ■ l-H cc ;o •* \"tldiii!]inn 1^ " «-.^. IOIm (M.. auanh.n;iv: ajja.fujiii -- -H M i-i in Tf rt (N 1 CO apapBT CM ua/ipoji = ;;::;:;;;: ; ; ; ; ;^' i M :- ; ; ; U()si.i.i«H e eo : ; ; : ! '^ ; 2 ■ ■ z! ^ ■ ^ •«)<• ••■i-Hin cc.-H'V ;;•_;;;;; ; ; : ; "» '^ '=o ■ ■ r-> CC » OC rH AV03SI!It) juoiua.T.^ inrfiM.Ti!^ pnuiaAaio in . ire • • 00 . -H • a . rt t^ S.\!\0 Mi«IO Moia tio^uaa M - Adams Ames ... Arlington Ashland Haden IJates Henton Hircher Street . . Hlair Hlow Hryaii Hill Canterbury .... Carondelet Carr Carr Lane Charless Chouteau t lar«nre Ave. . . . ( la rk Clay Clifton Heiiihts . Clinton Cohinihla Cote Brilliante . Crow REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. • - CO CO O l~ CO > - -.s i.o •» o "a" » in •«• CO CO -H -H CO » ^ ^ n i-r t- »^ CO C-J — C-l 00 I- O M « M ^ ^r oi CI f-i CO CO -»• *r 1- I-I'!I.) CM CO .^ ..... .^ .. . • to •••;;• ; ;;';:;;:;'. ■;;;;!;; vwia iiojiisa !::::::::„ ::::::::: : -.f : : : : : 1 :::::;:: [] :::::::■: ::<:;::::■ :::::::: ■£• ■:::■:: a : :;-.::;: iS • ■ ' '• S - ''-^ .s'- ' ' N • -'S • • • c ' „ • 'e^ - -1 Ills: =Sl|l --g^ ; 1 -lli ■ : = sNi^^gH l-Sill§l§ i§i|ll.^l I. ►:;■ J p: ?; ^.■;^.^.~,:^. ::= c c i. i, x a « cs , cc x m k y- y. ii ? i •T. REPOllT OF THl^: SUI'IOIUNTKNDENT. 85 rt ;3 _5 >. i — _s ' S '^ 5 i; ^ X ;S z — - - — "— 7- ^ - 1 ST. I.OUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. i »-< 'X' urs cc t^ T-H -r ITS >: t- (M 00 i.^ ■*»• .— ( o 2c If: ■M ut' cc cc 10 CO n '-ff ■^ I - a: ^ REI'OUT OF THK SUPIOUINTENDENT. 87 TAULE -HIGH SCHOOLS. SUCCESS AND FAILURE OF STUDENTS. — bi •D Number Pas.'sing ci2 C. c 02 c Kind and Ainoiinl oT .2 n » .2 (5 Work for Which Pupils L. o o o o t. Weie Reg-istered M 01 0/ «.* a; x!-:: ^■2 1 = Four Sub s c 1^ 1 - S 4 5 K 7 1 S Central. Advance Work: 21 fi 51S 5 1 177 139 1 242 160 79 147 :i4 6.') " 384 ! ' 28 1 9 28 43 1 o 1 , \ Review Worl<: i . 17 6 13 6 Two .subject.^ 93 ' iss' 1 Review and Advance Work. 9 10 Total 1299 4S5 635 6 1 1 72 100 Siiiiiner (Colored). Advance Work: 21 199 3 24 56 16 3. I 2 12 ' 136" 2 5 2' 3 3 23 Review Worlv: 1 16 3 Review and Advance \\ork . 35 6 Total 303 68 187 12 36 Itoth Central and Sumner. Advance Woik: One subject 237 717 5 1 ISO 163 1 298 176 114 1 1 9 :'.7 ' "ii' 520 ' 30 17 17 8 "i2' 31 66 1 193 1 Review Work: 14 9 lieview and Advance Work. 16 Total 1602 553 822 6 1 84 136 88 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 6 — GRADES. SUCCESS AND FAILURE OF PUPILS. Kind and Amount of Work for Wliicli Pupils Were Registered Number Passing Number Failing in all Subjects Regis- tration One Subject Two Subjects Three Subjects Four Subjects Number Dropped Out t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Benton Advance Work: Three subjects . . . Review Work: One subject Two subjects .... Tliree subjects .... 440 12 ,S2 131 5 11 3" 11 365 5 1 4 2 54 69 1 ' 163' ' 9 22 Total 665 19 81 468 12 85 Bloiv Advance Work : Three subjects .... Four subjects .... Review Work: One subject Two subjects Three subjects .... 200 26 16 176 26 ' ' i " 16 3 1 180 2 " 19" 2 1 11 2 165 23 2 6 1 Total 444 21 174 205 19 5 20 Clark Advance Work: Three subjects .... Review Work: 265 24 71 42 11 21 1 2 22 201 4 27 3 Two subjects Three subjects .... 58 5 " '/26" 2 1 10 8 Total 402 35 85 227 7 48 Advance Work : Three subjects .... Four subjects Review Worl< : One subj<^ct 514 100 12 1 162 76 5 2 11 3 14 3 158 8 ' "so" 4 33 7 1 Two subjects Three subjects . . . 134 12 .... . 1 1 24 12 Total 864 21 163 517 80 6 77 Clevelanil Advance Work: Three subjects .... Four subjects .... Review W^ork: One subject 820 137 31 284 162 9 2 31 28 3 46 8 721 13' "'95" 4 7 40 12 Two subjects 242 27 14 Three subjects .... 114 8 10 Total 1434 73 323 848 95 j 19 76 REPORT OP^ THE SL'I'EIilXTEXDEXT. 8!) TABLE « — CJRADES. SUCCESS AND FAILURE OF PUPILS— Continued. Number Passing Number Failing in all Subjects Work for Wliifh Pupils Were Registered Regis- tration One Subject Two Subjects Three Subjects Four Subjects Number Dropped Out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Farrajjiit .\rlvancf- Work: 9 34 6 2 1 6 IS 1 Thiee subjects . . . ■■289" ' 2 36 Review Work: One subject . . Two .subjects . Three subjects Total Frcni-.vit -Vdvance Worlc: Threp subjects Four subjects . Review Work: One subject . . Two subjects . Tliree subjects 11 44 110 10 8 4 28 10 :20 370 Total 622 32 134 365 36 15 40 Glasgow Advance Work: Three subjects .... Four subjects .... Review Work: One subject 560 33 IS i:^r, 6.5 .5 14 22 13 i 491 ' "28 ' 1 50 2 1 Two subjects Three subjects .... 93 ■ 4.5 2 2 IS 13 Total 808 41 111 539 .28 5 S4 Harrison Ad\ancp A\'ork : Tliree subjects .... Four subjects .... .537 3 139 64 4 28 457 s 3 45 1 Review Work: 2 2 1 Two subjects 111 26 Tliree subjects .... 42 2 16 Total 752 141 499 89 Hodden Advance W'ork: Two subjects . . . 1 539 ■ ! 47 ■>fi 100 38 1 12 24 5 1 i Three subjects . . . Four subjects . . . Review Work : One subject 25 2 447 1 ■ "39" ' 7 1 2 1 4S 5 1 Two subjects . . . Tliiee subjects . . . 85 6 ' ■'23"^ 4 Total 751 43 lis 471 39 14 66 .90 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 6 — GRADES. SUCCESS AND FAILURE OF PUPILS- —Continued. Number Passing Kind and Amount of Work for Which Public Were Kegi-stered Number Falling in all Subjects Regis- tration One Subject Two Three Subjects Subjects Four Subjects Number Dropped Out : -i :j 4 5 6 7 S liacledc Advance Work: Three .subject.s .... lieview Work: One .subject Two subjects Three subjects .... 272 34 87 71 4 26 5 6 2 73 8 231 ....... 5 5 2 6 26 1 7 6 Total 464 38 89 ' 279 i 18 40 Lafayette Advance Work: Tliree subjects .... Four subjects .... Review Work: One subject Two subjects Three subjects . . . 646 103 4 20 98 3 ! 585 1 8 8 1 60 14 1 17 3 82 1 15 Total 871 3 18 667 88 2 93 Marquette Advance Work: Two subjects Three subjects . . . Four subjects .... lieview Work: One subject Two subjects Three subjects . . . 2 707 20 10 100 32 "14" 1 9 9 2 9 47 2 54 9 3 " 'io" 9 1 1 88 4 57 . ..^^. . 27 10 Total 871 35 108 571 10 18 129 ]>Iiillan|tliy Advance Work: Three subjects . . . Four subjects .... Review Work: One subject 527 23 7 206 52 9 6 16 2 28 449 2 '"21" 5 36 1 Two subjects Three subjects . . . 160 1 2 ; 38 6 2) 10 Total 815 33 190 489 21 11 71 Webster Advance Work: Three subjects . . . Four subjects .... Review Work: - 456 1 57 82 3 1 2 1 ll' :197 1 '26' ' i 41 3 Two subjects .... Three subjects . . . 46 4 9 nf, 12 Total 621 7 62 • 463 20 1 68 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 91 TAJJLi: (l~(ii:ADES. SUCCESS AND FAILURE OF PUPILS— Continued. Kinil and Anuaml of Work for Which I'ublic Were Registered Number Passing Number Falling In all Subjects Regis- tration One Subject Two Three Subjects Subjects Four Subjects Number Dropped Out : 2 3 4 1 5 { 6 7 8 ^'yman Grades IV-VIII Advance Work: Three subjects . . . Review Work: Two subjects .... Three subjects . . . 244 1 23 214 9 21 1 16 3 4 Total 268 1 16 214 12 25 Wyiiian Grades I-IV Advance Work: Four subjects .... lie view \\'ork: Three subjects . . . 194 41 150 26 1 18 34 6 Total 235 34 . • 150 27 24 ■Wynian (Kindergarten) . . Aflvance Work: Four subject.s .... 29 27 2 Total 29 27 2 All White Grailo.s .\dvance \\'ork: One subject Two subject.s Three subjects . . . Four subjects .... Review Work: One subject Two subjects Three subjects . . . ' "io 3" 7515 96 783 6 209 ' 1N7 1794 1 lis 1125 26 6 315 17 1437 83 6176 33 ' 'kid" " '2i4' ' 621 6 7 9 3 9 33 647 71 11 200 164 Total 11436 436 1860 7028 835 1.S3 1094 Sumner (Colored) Advance Work: Two subjects .... Three subjects .... 5:^,8 47 ' "ii " 2 37 422 "26" " "is" 65 3 Review Work: One subject Two subjects Three subjects . . . :? S3 78 19 59 5 51 12 15 Total 751 ! 36 j 98 473 26 30 88 All Schools Advance ^Vork: Two subjects Tliree subjects . . . Four subjects .... lieview Work :• One subject Two subjects Three subjects . . . 12 3 S 1 ,S(i-:^ S30 212 1877 1203 11(1 6 190 137 26 3 52 17 2 1496 ■ 83 6598 33 ' '870' " 214 647 67 53 9 39 45 712 74 11 205 179 Total 12187 1 472 1958 1 7501 861 213 1182 ' 92 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 7 — GRADE iMANUAL SCHOOLS. AVERAGE DAILY NUMBER RECEIV- ING INSTRUCTION IN SPECIFIED SUBJECTS. Franklin Subjects Henry Number Number Number of of of Classes Pupils ; Classes Number of Pupils Biu.sh Work 1. Brush Work 2. Cooking Coping- Saw 1 . . Coping Saw 2 . . Coping Saw 3 . . Copper Crochet 1 Crochet 2 Electrical Con.st. . . Folk Dancing Games 1 Games 2 Hou.sekeeping Kindergarten Leatlier Manual Training 1. .Manual Training 2. XO 70 48 SO 50 70 40 GO 40 Millinery Nature Mechanical l)rawing. Needle Woik Pottery Prim. Const Prim. Const. 2 Prim. Const. 3 Printing Ral'fia 1 Raffia 2 Reed 1 Reed 2 Rhythmics Sewing 1 Sewing 2 Stencil Wireless Telegraphy 70 68 30 75 36 SO 40 40 SO so so 70 SO 36 60 48 40 Total 2 2 42 74 3 3 43 75 :::::::: ::;;;::: 44 44 2 5 116 129 44 96 163 46 112 150 114 66 Madison Number Number of of Classes Pupils 1436 64 58 40 54 59 96 37 140 3 32 3 3 40 56 58 4 54 3 6S 4 149 54 2 7 146 1306 The average size of classes pursuing a given subject may be found by divid- ing the "number of pupils" by "number of classes," viz., the average total num- ber of pupils at the Franklin instructed in Nature Study daily was 92; number of classes, 4; average size of classes coming under the instruction of the teacher in Nature Study, 23. The number of classes here refers to the number of different classes sent to a given teacher during the daily session. Four classes in any subject means that each of the four studied that subject one-fourth of the daily session, viz.. forty minutes; two classes means that each class remained at work at one subject for two periods, or eiglity minutes; in the case of three classes, the teacher gave one class eighty minutes and each of the others forty minutes. REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 93 X. EDUCATIONAL MUSEUM. TABLE 1 — FIXAXeiAL REPORT. Salaries, Curator and Assistants .$ Salaries, Packers 5.435.00 3.137.95 S.57:i.95 '^Collection .Material. Sui>|)lies. etc. I'ostage Towel service Catalogue , Furniture, book cases, etc Stationery Telephone Salary, janitor Operating' supplies-; Fuel, coal Hauling Ashes Gas and electric light Water license .Street sprinkling School gai dens Care of grounds Repairs: General Heating" supplies Electric supplies Painting Plumbing supplies Plumbers" services (Carpenters' services , Electricians' services Machinists' services Painters' services Tinners' services Portable furniture supplies l<"'i.\ed equipment, supplies . Window shades , Salary, truck driver Automobile truck accessories. cost of garage (truck A)... Automobile truck accessories. cost of garage **(truck E). etc. and proportionate etc. and proportionate 2,611.58 32.00 16.77 467.67 5.00 3.28 27.00 910.75 34.45 493.49 28.76 .76 65.03 27.49 ;7.75 !7.19 68.11 646.98 22.54 300.00 21.38 16.96 356.05 30.20 17.82 9.77 2.00 .09 .24 50.98 1. 080. 00 1,090.52 310.24 4.925.97 1,543.12 $ 15,042.04 2.480.76 17.522.80 *New equipment. $1,127.7 **Cost of Truck E $1,016. included. 94 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Table 2— ORDER AND DELIVERY REPORT. Number of Collections ordered by schools 74,374 Number of Collections deli\'ered to schools 50,025 Museum Collections Ordered and Library Books Delivered to Various Schools. Schools and Other Institutions Museum | Collections , Books Ordered i Delivered 1 Harris Teachers College White High Schools: Central High School Cleveland High School McKinley High School Soldan High School Yeatnian High School Total White High Schools . . Sunuier High School (Colored) .Junior High School Total all High Schools White Elementary Schools: Adams Ames Ailington Ashland Baden Bates Benton Bircher Street Blair Blow Bryan Hill Canterbury Cai'ondelet Carr Carr Lane Chailess Chouteau Clarence Ave Clark Clay Clifton Heights Clinton Columbia Cote Brilliante Crow _. Cupples Des Peres Devonshire Avenue Dewey DivoU Douglas Dozier 41 1 42 It; 15 99 1-1 161. 121 IS 506 164 524 1 62 1374 151 291 39 .333 59 334 97 631 54 699 16 100 96 783 99 1102 77 16.JS 26 182 94 452 94 529 149 318 139 304 5 2269 49 223 71 880 ' 6 643 1 352 125 1427 200 625 76 294 1 167 11 632 143 650 20 270 23 401 120 473 77 70 4 426 28 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTIONJJENT. 95 TABLE 2— ORDER AND DELIVERY REPORT, 1916-1917— Continued. Museum Collections Ordered and Library Books Delivered to Various Schools and Other Institutions. Schools and Other Institutions Museum Collections t Ordered B Del ooks ivered 1 2 3 Eliot - 1258 I 115 ! 1107 149 Emerson i:! Fanniner 10 Farragut Field Franklin Fremont Froebel Gallaudet Gardenville Garfield Glasgow Grant Gratiot Hamilton Harney Heights Harrison Hempstead Henry Hodgen Howard Humboldt Industrial Irving Jackson Jefferson Kingshighway .. Laclede Lafayette Lindenwood . . . . Long Longfellow Lowell Lyon Madison Mann Mai-quPtte Marshall Mei-amec Monroe Mount Pleasant Mullanphy Oak Hill O'Fallon Penrose Pestalozzi Pope Riddick S42 713 ll'l 476 1177 11 1363 812 1178 636 260 335 1832 1508 575 2459 330 616 835 409 1256 1341 1597 467 56 SO 397 457 SOS 127 988 1096 446 402 1843 289 1760 827 1031 303 413 716 4 97 246 NO 172 6 60 4 1S4 2 193 29 29 108 661 271 300 504 40 40 3 2 179 34 196 62 161 8 53 100 1S8 1 68 34 71 35 123 81 311 143 2S 57 80 18 13 51 96 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCkOOLS. TABLE 2— ORDER AND DELIVERY REPORT, 1916-1917— Continued. Museum Collections Ordered and Library Books Delivered to Various Schools and Other Institutions. Schools and Other Institutions Museum Collections Ordered Books Delivered Rock Spring Roe Scrug-gs Shaw Shenandoah Avenue Shepard Sherman Sigel Stix Walnut Park Washing'ton Webster Woodward Wyman Boys' Class, Bryan Hill . . Boys' Class (Victor St.).. Taussig Open Air School. Open Air School (Old) . . . Special School No. 1 .... Special School No. 2 . . . . Special School No. 3 Special School No. 4 , Special School No. 5 Special School No. 7 Special School No. 8 Special School No. 9 Special School No. 12 Gravois Ave. Man. Tr. Center 278 8 302 1 68 728 376 1369 558 663 30 1288 213 269 23 .526 1 244 297 ! 45 1246 221 2441 491 824 167 493 13 637 15 4 62 11 23 33 5 Total White Elementary Schools Colored Elementary Schools: Banneker Cottage Avenue Delany De.s.'-;aline.s Dumas Garnett Tiincoln L'Ouverture Simmons Wheatley Special School No. 6 Total Colored Elementary Schools. Total all Elementary Schools. 69004 523 330 527 189 271 428 699 186 530 690 67 4440 73444 9863 256 44 22 50 84 59 96 45 290 159 1105 10968 Miscellaneous Grand Total 222 74374 11138 74374=92967 in terms of previous catalogue, reports are based. on which all preceding annual REPORT OF THE SUPEIilXTEXDEXT, XL ATTENDANCE DEPARTMENT. TABLE 1— CLASSIFICATION OF CASES REPORTED FOR INVESTIGATION. A. Lawful Excuses: 1. Absences due to illness, quarantine, poverty, etc SSSfiT 2. Number of children receiving- employment certificates......!!. 74in 3. Cases of children of extra-legal age investigated 6421 4. Cases not found at address given (including removals from the city) 1370 Total 51068 B. Unlawful Excuses: 1. Cases of irregular attendance looked after by officers 23804 2. Cases of non-attendance investigated 2282 3. Disorderly juvenile offenders investigated 662 4. Cases of truancy investigated 2164 5. Cases found working in stores, factories, etc 195 Total 29107 Total Number of Cases reported for Investigation 80175 (The above figures include repeaters.) TABLE 2- -SUPPLEMENTARY WORK IN CONNECTION WITH THE ABOVE CASES. Warning Notices of proposed prosecutions served on parents 2351 Parents cited before Prosecuting Attorney 201 Persons piosecuted for violating school law 4 Persons ovei' 16 years prosecuted for other reasons 9 Children brought to .Juvenile Court 230 Number of childien taken to school 448 Number of children taken to House of Detention 33 Number of children taken to Hospital and Institutions 8 TABL1-: 3— ORIGIN OF ALL CASES INVESTIGATED. (By Quarters.) Cases referred by Public Schools Cases referred by Parochial Schools.... Cases referred by Police, Probation Officers, etc Cases found by Attendance Officers Cases from Mi.scellaneous Sources, includ- ing immigration, neighbors, relatives and anonymous reports Totals First Quarter 8.52 Second Quarter Third Quarter 15531 551 653 35 2885 2006 Fourth Quarter 294 23 3025 2450 Total 235(1 211 10362 18812 2110 98 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 4— CASES OF TRUANCY. Distribution by Age, Sex, Color, Grade and Retardation. Age Race Sex Grades 3 o m CI > Age- Grade Relation c o o m -d u s: u 3 O c > w ha c o - 3 r 5 s c c M S -3 Si ^ 1 2 3 4 1 1 6 2 1 15 4 13 2 5 1 17 1 5 1' 7 2 1 1 1 ... 5 2 2 1.5 1 4 24 1 9 1 45 2 7 38 4 8 1 5 • 1 4 2 1 1 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS ) Boys Seven White ( Girls E'eM White {Boys colored....} Boys ( Boys Nine White i Girls 1 Boys Colored ( Girls Ten White { ciHs Colored.... i Boys ( Girls i Boys Eleven White j Girls Colo'red.... I Boys ( Girls Twelve.... White |S r. , . i Boys Colored. . . ( Girls Thirteen... White | Girls Colored.... i Boys ( Girls Fourteen. . .White . (Girls Colored.... i Boys ( Girls Fifteen .... White | gms Colored....* Boys ( Girls i ' i 4 3 8 2 1 9 2 3 9 2 3 4 1 4 4 1 3 3 13 1 1 22 7 57 3 5 1 11 5 1 2 "i 1 "i 13 1 3 30 3 3 9 7 1 1 14 4 4 1 1 3 1 "i 13 3 1 18 2 7 1 40 2 11 55 4 20 4 101 4 28 1 154 10 25 2 37 2 21 1 10 4 1 '6 2 4 '9 14 22 32 io 9 9 8 i 8 5 4 6 3 1 1 2 1 1 "i "i 8 2 1 6 2- 1 15 1 4 13 1 1 13 1 3 14 4 4 1 4 10 2 3 24 7 41 3 19 88 3 25 1 133 10 21 2 33 1 21 1 10 4 1 *0 '6' 2 5 ii. io 28 9 "2. 7 6 3 2 9 3 5 6 Totals 12 62 87 1 178 130 74 31 13 i 587 100. 20 97 470 80. 1 REPORT OP THE SUPERINTENDENT. 99 TABLE 5— CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO TRUANCY. Foreign Born Environment Age and Riice 2 Q "2 •a Q ■2 ■0 i > 5 Boys Girls (2 n C v u Hi s IX, Good Fair Poor 1 1 2 3 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 ' 1 II 1 1 12 13 Seven. . . . j White. ■ ■ ■ ( Colored 1 2 4 1 Eight j White. ■ ■ ■ ( Colored 13 2 "' i "i ...! 4 3 8 1 13 4 Nine J White. ■ ■ ■ ( Colored 3 15 3 "'2 2 1 2 1 1 2 5 3 14 3 20 8 Ten j White. 1 1 20 6 2 1 7 4 2 8 2 1 19 8 21 2 42 ( Colored 11 Eleven. .. j White. ••• I Colored 5 42 3 4 8 3 3 3 3 10 4 33 10 16 10 59 24 Twelve. .. ) White. ■ ■ ( Colored 15 71 1(1 3 3 14 8 4 4 13 4 14 3 42 13 49 13 105 29 Thirteen. j White. I Colored 10 2 86 10 6 1 43 10 10 4 16 2 31 12 71 8 62 7 • 164 27 Fumteen. j White. ■ ■ ■ ( Colored 2 1 20 9 2 1 8 6 1 4 3 10 5 18 9 11 8 39 22 Fifteen... J WHiite. * ■ ■ ( Colored 8 .... 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 5 3 10 5 Total 33 33 5.6 1.2 327 278 49 28 16 12 4.9 123 83 40 20.9 43 59 7 102 74 28 17.3 250 194 56 42.7 235 587 ) White. ■ ( Colored 26 17 46 13 10.0 7 1.2 188 47 40.0 456 131 Per cent 1 7.3 100. 100 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 6— CASES IX JUVEXILE COURT. Agen I I»isposition 6 T 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 1 15 1 M 2 M 3 3 o P5 4 5 o 6 m 'ji >. c 9 O 33 10 n 1 1 o. S o a P3 s o 3 c W 3 o 5 1 1 7 8 12 1 1 1 4 2 13 1 14 15 2 1 1 1 3 16 1 2 3 17 2 1 3 18 1 19 1 2 1 •• 20 21 1 •• 22 Committed to Industrial School. Neglected... ' ^''^'te ) Colored. .. , ( White Delinquent.. ) Colored... Committed to Other Public Institution. family income." REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 103 TABLE 9— BIRTHPLACE OF CHILDREN RECEIVING AGE CERTIFICATES. School Term. 1917-191.S. Country Male 14 years United States. r Total . , I White . Colored Austria .... Bohemia .. . Canada .... Croatia .... Cuba Denmark . . England ... France .... Galicia .... Germany . . Greece .... Guatemala. . Holland Hungary . . Ireland .... Italy Mexico .... Poland .... Roumania . Russia .... Scotland .. . Servia Sicily Spain Switzerland Syria !51S !38 4 134 14 3 1 1 43 1 38 2 68 1 1 15 years 769 718 51 Female 14 years 15 years 20 2107 2079 28 29 9 10 2 8 1 1 43 9 4 48 1 12 1 443 437 6 6 11 6837 6618 219 73 17 1 1 1 25 1 3 27 6 1 2 95 2 76 3 15 6 174 2 1 23 8 5 2 70 35 35 1 7 2 54 1 1 10 3 Total Foreign 261 213 29 546 125 Grand Total 5779 812 2320 472 7383 195 104 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 10- -GRADES OF CHILDREN RECEIAHNO EMPLO\^MENT CERTIFICATES WITH REFERENCE TO BIRTHPLACES, 1917-1918. Birthplaces t. liouis w . . . . [issouri, outside St. Louis '..... evv England States astern States orth Central States... oTitliern States Bast of Mississippi River nitliern States West of Mississippi River .... •ther States and Ter- ritories .-. liirope (and other for- eign countries) ....;.. otal otal Boys (iirls Bo.vs Girls Boys (lirls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Both Boys Girls Grades aj o o ■a .c 5 A -a 53 cc g 2 u p o «M ■A c > he w E- -fe- £ in m W u 16 44 47 21 25 41 6 2 25 9 2 1 16 131 I 223 125 98 292 140 30 741 502 239 497 338 1333 788 545 730 387 91 128 9 10 520 320 59 1635 i 1114 1026 609 668 446 790 462 100 12 1637 994 643 12 -220 75 18 381 94 277 104 20 H 14 36 3223 1823 424 434 103 43 179 '53 183 94 105 39 287 .A61 7375 2592 2784 7.80 7.73 7.24 7.68 7.11 7.11 7.25 7.08 7.19 7.04 6.90 6.57 7.27 6.40 6.80 6.64 7.52 7.58 7.44 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. iod TVBLE 11— SEX AND GRADE DISTRIBUTION OF CHILDREN ENTERING VARIOUS GROUPS OF OCCUPATIONS. Grades and Sox I ^'-^ - IS «-"-• l?!in:; Third \ ]]'?y^ Koiiitii ; '^"V'* Fifth 1 J?!'-" ( (Jills Sixth > J*"-y« ( (.iris Seventh \ I^P>;'' I (; rb Eighth ! f^y^ ' / Girls 8th Grade Graduates * '^I'J's I (.iris First A'ear High School ! ^''-^s I Girls Second Year HikIi School > Boys ; Girls Third Year High School > ^"y^ I (;irls I Boys All Grades -I Girls [Both r Boys ■ Aver.Tge Grade •! Girls LBoth- 226 129 55 135 90 1146 611 1757 142 52 220 72 d.i( 129 153 54 208 66 1235 420 1655 98 45 227 154 58 286 125 175 60 31 ! 1 1110 ; 426 434 j 1544 426 57 153 52 106 258 263 . . . 355 46 1 706 46 : 1061 10 113 202 315 115 104 219 86 46 225 155 416 284 728 508 1111 699 575 319 752 50g 373 155 133 54 69 30 4505 2781 7286 7.19 7.44 8.44 7.17 7.44 8.47 7.18 17.44 8.45 7.28 7. '28 7.00 7.13 7.13 7.30 7.47 7.85 7.23 7.16 8.15 7.26 I 7.25 8.04 7.58 7.44 7.52 106 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 12— INITIAL WAGE DISTRIBUTION OF CHILDREN ENTERING VARIOUS GROUPS OF OCCUPATIONS. Wage I'd- Week n .M ^ o » bl ^ n >> u c W OJ o. S 01 1 O m Q. P. < $1.0(1 to $!..=;(( $i.ri(i to $:i.(iii $--'.(i(» to $2.5(1 $2..j(t to $H.(l(l $3.0(1 to ■ ,$:;.. "lO $;!..j0 to .$4.00. . . . $4.(10 to $4..'>0 $4..jO to $.">.()(• $5.00 to $5.50. . . . $5.50 to $6.00 $().(i(i to $(;.5o — $().5(t to $T.((0 $7.0(1 to $7.5(1 $7.50 to $.S.OO $S.OO to $S.50 $S.50 to $'.t.OO. .. $it.O(( to $0.50. . . $9.50 to $10.00. .. $10.0 I and over. .. . Total. Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boyc (Jirls Boys Girls Boys (Jirls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Total. Boys Girls .Both 116 247 184 41 250 125 103 39 1| 15 ; 28 4 170 14 105 6 4 1 966 730 1696 489 47 536 169 35 ' 25 1 116 21 30 8 36 495 105 600 100 32 100 32 10 10 10 61 17 23 IIEI'ORT OF THE SL'1'KIIIXTEXDENT. lo; TABLE 13 — INITIAL WAGE DISTRIBUTION RELATIVE TO GRADES OF CHILDREN RECEIVING EMPLOYMENT CERTIFICATES. [iiilial Wiige Sex Grades o o cs 5 « f,-r !«M ^ ^ :S TJ _ z - ~ t?.y §.§ u c .= s ga K H u f^ cc ?l.i:il til $1,511. . $l..'>ii t(. $:i..'il). . .$2.(111 to $2.50. . ?2..'((l tip $:!.()0. . $:',.iiii t(i $:;..">(i. , $:;..'>(i til $4.0(1. . $1 (Ml to $4.50. , .$4 511 to $5.00. , $5.0(1 to $5.50. , $5 511 to $t).00. $i;.(MI to $(i.5(l. ;:i;.5(l to $7.0(1. $7.0(1 to $7.50. $7.5(1 to $S.OO. $8,011 to $8.50. $8.50 to $9.0lt. $!).OII to $10.00. $111.(1(1 ;iiul over. ) Boys ( Girls ( Boys ( (;irls I Boys ( Girls \ Boys j (;ii-ls ( Bovs ( (Jirls I Boys ( Girls ) Boys ■ ( Girls S Boys ■ ( Girls \ Boys ■ \ (;irls i Boys ■ I <;irls \ Boys ■ I Girls \ Boys ■ / (;irls ( Boys ■ ( (Jirls ( Boys ■ ( Girls j Boys ( Girls j Boys / Girls J Boys ( Girls I Boys ■ ( Girls T..tiil. \ Boys ( Girls 1i Totul Both Both I 4 115 40 113 | 282 2 15 ! 113 45 13 10 146 131 38 10 128 66 26 12 315 177 523 256 492 I 779 266 120 386 383 196 579 181 46 234 54 33 ."5 51 30 .55 175 151 134 129 617 255 503 160 61 26 175 47 ■29 8 2075 977 108 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 14- -INDUSTRIAL OCCUPATIONS ENTERED BY CHILDREN LEAVING SCHOOL, 1917-1918. Industries Clothing, Suits, Hats, Caps, Cloaks, Overalls, etc Clothing, except as ab ne, including Ury lioods and Millinerj; Shoes and Leather Products Fur, Silk, Wool, Hair (io:)ds. Feath- ers, Artificial Flowers and Buttons Clay, Stone, (.'lass. Coal. Optical (JOods. Cement, tt<- : Cotton, ,Uile and Ri;bber .-. Food Products Iron, Steel. Machinery, Hardware, etc. Other Metals, etc. , Paper Prid.ets ,... Tobacco, Plants, Seeds, etc. \V>.od Products L". i . . ^ .'-. Chemicals, Drugs, Paints; Soaps, Tar. etc Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing, etc.. Railroad, Express and Transportation Telegraph, Telephone, Gas, Light an^ Power Printing, Stationery, Engraving, Pub- lishing, Stamps andi Seals Autos, Wagons, Vehicles and Im- plements Beverage, Wine, Liquor. , Mercantile, Brokerage, Department Store, etc. Domestic and Street 'l^rades. . .,, Totals ....,.,. Employment Ortificates Issued by Attendance Department Sex Fi- im Records of State Factory Inspector for Half Year pnding .lune I, 191K Children Found Employed, 1918 Industries Employing Children 1918 Boys IT'.t 280 45 lUt !!.'! 345 515 :!78 100 217 352 215 28 236 299 392 48 23 531 28 4646 Girls Total Boys 3 4 5 302 514 107 225 404 48 125 405 128 45 90 18 35 154 53 154 2.52 62 377 722 110 50 565 178 OS 446 186 142 248 48 90 307 79 G7 419 228 109 324 70 35 63 13 29 265 59 77 376 360 123 515 253 6 54 20 2 25 7 599 1130 226 88 116 6 . 2748 7394 2259 . Girls 287 92 63' 12 3 96 175 11 75 103 84 25 54 17 15 23 78 2 337 1552' 394 140 191 30 56 158 285 189 261 151 163 253 124 30 74 383 331 20 9 563 6 3811 50 36 22 23 16 57 52 48 23 18 44 23 17 16 7 106 19 4 20 663' REPOliT OF THE SUrElilXTENDENT. 109 TABLE 15— AVERAGE HEIGHTS AND WEIGHTS OF CHILDREN BETWEEN FOURTEEN AND SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE RECEIVING EMPLOY- MENT CERTIFICATES DURING PAST SEVEN YEARS, UHl-liUS. (Compared with Porter's and Boas' Norms.) Actual Average, 14.34 Years Ages — 14-15 Years Actual Average, 15.43 Years Ages— ir>-16 Years Sex Number of Cases Average ' Average Height Welglit Inches Pounds Number of Cases Average I Average Height Weight Inches Pounds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Semi-Decenn 1912-1916 ial Inc Loi , 1 Bu tin Average, ( Boys ( Girls 1 Boys \ Girls ( Boys \ Girls 12207 6588 61.0 61.5 96.3 99.3 3441 1850 61.6 61.9 101.4 105.0 is 594. real No. Academy Porter. St. 1858 2212 58.0 59.4 92.7 93.7 1016 1540 60.9 60.8 101.6 102.3 I Educa- 581 Boa.s' U. S. tion, Bulle 2518 2537 60.0 60.4 95.2 98.3 1481 1656 62.9 61.6 107.4 106.7 1911-1912 . . J Boys ( Girls ( Boys 1 Girls 1 Boys ) Girls ( Boys ; Girls \ Boys ] Girls 2snn 1671 6 1 . 6 61.5 95.9 99.7 462 302 61.1 62.0 101.9 105.1 1912-1913 .. 3214 1755 60.8 61.4 96.5 99.3 806 428 61.6 62.0 99.7 102.6 1913-1914 .. 2289 11!I8 60.8 61.4 95.6 98.2 595 342 61.8 62.3 103.1 103.9 1914-1915 . . 1976 893 1928 1071 61.4 61.0 96.1 98.8 610 336 61.4 61.4 98.8 102.1 1915-1916 .. 61.7 61.3 97.8 100.3 968 442 61.7 61.8 103.3 110.5 1916-1917 . . \ Boys j Girls 1 Boys 1 Girls 3484 1689 3904 2192 61.5 62.0 62.2 62.5 97.8 99.0 95.9 97.9 822 471 781 508 62.0 61.5 62.9 63.0 102.8 i;m:-i:)1s . . 102.3 103.1 102.3 110 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 16— SHOWING NUMBER OF PERSONS OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS BY AGES, TOGETHER WITH NUMBER OF NEGROES AND FOREIGN-BORN, (U. S. CENSUS, 1910) — MALES. Occupations (Incl. Laborers). Total Number 10 to 15 Incl. 16 to 20 Incl. Over 21 Negroes Foreigii- Born Building and Hand Trades Chemical and Allied Industries Clay, Glass and Stone Industries.... Clotliing (Suits, Coats, Overalls) . . . Clothing Ind. (except above) Food and Kindred Industries Iron and Steel Industries Leather Industries Liquor and Beverage Industries Lumber and Furniture Industries... ;\Ietal Industries (Except Iron and Steel) Paper and Pulp Industries Printing and Book Binding Industries Textile Industries -Miscellaneous Industries Transportation Trade Public Service Professional Service Domestic and Personal Service Laundries 2796249 95993 35Z721 273172 104467 370245 1406010 262626 85569 772273 244678 94826 278988 539628 1050305 3039764 3555474 509176 933165 1175993 72421 23547 1792 9251 3809 2457 5862 18352 7475 1239 20029 5206 1701 9501 34910 23372 22017 90695 749 4396 24002 1492 237665 12371 48577 30183 18439 45104 211444 43151 8878 110584 39238 14820 54044 95308 163395 299718 392927 22231 52112 104708 7807 2535039 81830 294893 239180 83571 319279 1176214 212000 75552 641660 160234 78305 215273 409410 863538 2718029 i 3071852 486096 876657 1047283 63126 242387 10823 28289 8594 1105 20636 41338 5609 2739 124562 2797 1345 3543 9109 75599 274565 124225 25838 39400 234063 3027 763712 32650 119600 207201 5479S 91015 584765 92474 41014 169709 99541 32907 43916 201421 371510 758357 736645 107973 138273 349976 12002 TABLE 17 — SHOWING NUMBER OF PERSONS OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE IN X'ARIOUS OCCUPATIONS BY AGES, TOGETHER WITH NUMBER OF NEGiiOES AND FUREIGN-BORN, ( U. S. CENSUS, 1910) — FEMALES. Occupations (Incl. Laborers). Total Number 10 to 15 Incl. 16 to 20 Incl. Over 21 Negroes Foreign- Born Building and Hand Trades Chemical and Allied Industries Clay, Glass and Stone Industries... Clothing (Suits, Coats, Overalls) . . . Clothing Industry (except above) Food and Kindred Industries 614570 26020 1 15872 110986 133901 62404 51966 77411 4174 25671 18091 37162 76676 410169 232244 159386 771727 779324 2463413 83306 9118 1427 1244 6125 4755 5255 2117 4533 203 1756 1917 3105 2523 45620 17450 2745 20711 42 2037 84987 3074 89013 11279 6497 38734 33811 25657 20047 27760 1712 9371 14639 16264 27998 153701 98480 60156 230966 2620 128362 445655 25871 517219 13314 8131 66107 95155 31492 29804 45118 2259 14544 1535 16811 46155 210848 116414 96485 520050 20915 648925 1869771 45361 45754 155 310 937 129 2662 285 236 43 1456 76 110 515 1234 12789 2090 8991 457 30071 840480 12332 87563 3546 1683 48017 16296 11413 8651 11797 Li(iu()r and Beverage Industries Lumber and Furniture Industries.... Jletal Industries (Except Iron and Steel) 526 2763 6512 6440 Printing and Book Binding Industries 5087 124059 56878 8195 Trade 93411 1272 60355 Domestic and Personal Service Laundries ; 546760 15722 REPORT OF THE SUI'EKIXTENDENT. Ill TABLE 18— SHOWING NUMBER OF PERSONS OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE IN UNCLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND LABORERS, WITH NUMBER OF NEGROES AND FOREIGN-BORN, (U. S. CENSUS, 1910)— MALES. Laborers and Unclassified Workers in Occupations Buitding and Hand Trades Chemical and Allied Industries Clay, Glass and Stone Industries.... Clotiiing (Suits, Coats, Overalls).... Clothing (except above) Food and Kindred Industries Iron and Steel Industries heather Industries Liquor and Beverage Industries Lumber and Furniture Industries . Metal Industries (Except Iron an.1 Steel) Paper and Pulp Industries Printing and Boolibinding Industries Textile Industries Miscellaneous Industries Transportation Trade Public Service Professional Service Laundries Total Number 851673 55465 167466 5685 13078 98654 518950 60154 21552 354357 68824 44481 8567 100126 327328 70H580 152898 65230 2159 9458 in to 15 Incl. 14972 879 5832 311 634 1856 7216 2529 585 14346 1740 753 514 7.533 9349 4618 4238 390 55 279 16 to 20 Incl. Over 21 101955 6356 30790 1180 2937 13871 71714 14339 2956 70194 10724 7665 1892 21122 55509 82917 20398 3736 376 1301 734746 42313 130843 4194 9407 82927 440020 43286 18011 269917 56360 36063 6161 71471 262470 619045 128262 61104 1728 Negroes 149650 9704 23006 712 443 7753 29462 2177 1501 102405 1178 933 1397 5828 42861 129643 24946 10487 333 752 Foreign- Born 252965 20943 69538 2602 7356 41185 279029 26839 10039 66611 40937 18968 164!i 43837 152114 114273 50728 24689 531 1382 TABLE 19— SHOWING NUMBER OF PERSONS OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE TN UNCLASSIFIED OCCUPATIONS AND LABORERS. WITH NUMBER OF NEGROIOS AND FOREIGN-BORN, (U. S. CENSUS, 1910) — FEMALES. Laborers and Unclassified Workers in Occupations Building and Hand Trades Chemical and Allied Industries Clay, Glass and Stone Industries.... Clothing (Suits, Coats, Overalls) Clothing (except above) Food and Kindred Industries Iron and Steel Industries Leather Industries Liciuor and Beverage Industries Lumber and Furniture Industries... Metal Industries (Except Iron and Steel) Paper and Pulp Industries Printing and Bookbinding Industries Textile Industries Miscellaneous Industries Transportation Trade Public Service Domestic and Personal Service Laundries Total 10 to 15 16 to 20 Over Foreign- Number Incl. Incl. 21 Negroes Born 17126 580 2549 14017 6302 2809 6809 547 3314 2948 138 691 4522 580 1962 1980 189 532 7497 584 2613 4300 722 3207 27849 1581 10846 15422 395 4830 14055 1592 6006 6457 1409 2842 10914 760 4505 5649 193 3216 13395 1544 5451 7400 56 1936 743 50 325 368 36 191 7269 750 3169 3350 1091 996 9648 682 4142 4324 28 1734 13710 1417 6411 5881 63 2546 3596 251 1500 1845 74 263 44151 7670 16211 20270 723 13165 56201 3033 24410 28758 4159 12621 3078 44 570 2464 845 816 1536 58 461 1017 37 353 889 6 113 770 252 17:i 163267 110 738 162417 674 844 10027 275 2443 7309 909 1033 112 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE L'O— SUM]\1ARY OF NUIMBKR OF PERSONS OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE EMPLOYED IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS FOR MISSOURI AND ST LOUIS- WITH NEGROES AND FOREIGN-BORN, (U. S. CENSUS, 1910 )— MALES. ' Occupations (Incl. La borers). Total Number 204331 83929 10 to 15 IncL 16 to 20 Incl. Over 21 Negroes Foreign- Born Mfg. and Mech. Industries ) Missouri ( St. Louis 3673 255 26458 9966 174200 73719 15346 4321 32242 25105 Traiisi)ortation J Missouri ( St. Louis 82122 21076 435 103 7103 1641 74584 19332 7101 2873 10995 5680 Trade ( Missouri I St. Louis 1848C6 43849 2168 842 74475 5017 108223 37990 3474 1713 15428 8750 j Missouri ■ I St. Louis 13018 51 ;6 21 5 421 53 12576 5128 399 180 2336 1520 Pr fessional Service J Missouri ( St. Louis 29531 6656 52 12 1520 296 27959 6328 1147 222 2829 996 ro^'t-^tic and Personal j Missouri 42831 591 3485 38755 12398 7578 Service I St. Louis J Missouri i St. Louis 18103 43560 100S2 Ul 2191 417 1160 8632 3535 16832 31937 6130 5124 453 38 5253 Clerical Occupations 2849 356 TABLE 21 — SUMMARY OF NUMBER OF PERSONS OVER 10 YEARS OF AGE, EMPLOYED IN VARIOUS OCCUPATIONS FOR MISSOURI AND ST. LOUIS, WITH NEGROES AND FOREIGN-BORN, (U. S. CENSUS, 1910) — FEMALES Occupations (Incl. Laborers). Total Number 10 to 15 Incl. 16 to 20 Incl. Over 21 Negroes Foreign- Born Mfp. and Mech. Industries, j Missouri ( St. Louis Transportation < Missouri .39111 196S9 4361 1101 15200 6310 341 23918 5154 80372 27775 42267 10022 2368 1177 130 35 439 230 90 13 2946 573 2198 357 10573 6506 2060 595 4280 1093 44 4812 513 1.5370 4595 6632 3535 26170 12006 2161 471 10481 3987 297 19016 4628 62056 22607 31237 6130 1033 469 2 100 43 2 685 227 12388 8867 453 38 3029 2306 64 ( St. Louis -Pi..ijjg j Missouri ( St. Louis Public Service ( Missouri 1 St. Louis Professional Service \ Missouri ( St. Louis Domestic and Personal J Missouri Service ( St. Louis Clerical Occupations [ Missouri ( St. Louis 24 1176 761 3 1138 471 12662 4633 2799 348 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 113 1 « 1 s o H O -»S<1 ^ o t- c 2 Tj< O lA cc :© ^ 5 5 rt rt Tf — M D CC 5 ec 1 H 5 I-. C-l CO I- ■«• C S —1 5 ^ c c^ ^ — C^l C; K CI -5 ' a 3 t' i-H ,-1 CO i^ ei ?• ^ 1 B 1 s * M as ,n Ph 5 NM N-«< r>< C > N ^ < Ui > in C5 -M coMcc > CO 1 c<5 in oc CO m If « N in I- o i= in in •» 1- !M c in 1 •<»• -H « M -- z, (^ 1 ^ O u > M t- M M CO »- '1 3 00 o I- CO CO ir ^ Ph S *^ •^ h. -r t- in «-> CO CO CT as ll X V3 rt rH C to Z 5 CS -I':-!'- Ol~ •-* y^ -^ Tf c-'i — w i »-. = ^ c a< u > o -^in cot-Cv i-H 1 u ir •>9 ° :4 " ■J« ^ » r. S o e m - " * .S c 2 ~ i Z ^ (S 1 C 3 O ^ 1 <; U > O . ^ . HO HZ §^ P3 00^ la o fH ^S« M ^ m • ' c -^ w m oinTi'NooeC'J'Osoo t^ CO in oc o t^ *^ I CO N CO CO ri i^ oc < ^H r-i C^ M ^ C'l M t-oint-ooOfHi-^os ccinococ^t^'^wt^ I « OC CO M CC w ^ 0-. '^ m c-1 C-. in m 05 « M c Ti< m -^ in CO 00 OS ^ N M t- w c^ o oc 00 in ^ »-4 00 ci o t~ o OS CO 05 GO O O CS O 00 CO CC ?1 CO ^ C-1 CC 00 N.-H-IOiH ^ o in N = = V C ■^y^'fe'S^ S - = ■S s o o < o c — = etna's =.5 SmZuPhMP 114 ST. L,OUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. XIL DEPARTMENT OF HYGIENE. TABLE 1— NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES FOUND. Diseases Found Found by Inspectors in Districts Under Daily Inspection Boys Girls Total Acne Abscess Adenitis Anaemia or Malnutrition Blepharitis Bronchitis Cliorea Conjunctivitis Coryza Dermatitis Eczema . . . Enuresis . . Epilepsy .. Epistaxis . Furuncles . Ganglion . Gastritis . . Goitre . . . . Herpes .. . . Hordeolum Hysteria Laryngitis . . . Malaria Migraine Miscellaneous Nevus .■ . . Otitis Media . Pharyngitis .. Pleurisy Psoriasis Rheumatism Rhinitis Rhus Toxicodendron . Skin (Miscellaneous) . Stomatitis Tonsillitis Torticollis (Acquired) Urticaria Total 31 83 237 45 283 22 275 792 244 94 74 13 15 134 49 15 21 113 17 3 34 2085 6 163 265 4 14 • 38 10 185 3 1278 9 13 6683 22 10 75 219 44 306 42 213 838 191 64 19 10 9 55 2 38 99 27 99 1 12 2 43 1891 6 79 545 1 4 13 35 3 135 5 885 2 13 6057 30 41 158 456 89 589 64 488 1630 435 158 93 23 24 189 2 87 114 48 212 1 29 5 77 3976 12 242 810 5 12 27 73 13 320 8 2163 11 26 12740 REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT. 115 TABLE 1— NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES FOUND— Continued. Diseases Found Found by Inspectors in Districts Under Daily Inspection Boys Girls Total 1 2 3 4 SURGICAL CONDITIONS. Burns 25 105 39 23 7 30 1482 461 17 101 20 11 7 25 945 233 42 206 59 34 14 55 2427 694 Ear obstruction Fractures Hernia Insect bites Sprain Surgical (Miscellaneous) . Wounds (Infected) Total 2172 1359 3531 TABLE 2— CASES OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASES FOUND. Found by Inspectors in Districts Under Daily Inspection Diseases Found Boys Girls Total Chicken Pox Conjunctivitis (Epidemic) Diptheria Impetigo Contagiosa (Contagious Sores) Measles IMumps Pediculosis (Vermin) Tinea Circinata (Ringworm) Scabies (Itch) Scarlet Fever Trachoma (Granular Eyelids) Tuberculosis (Pulmonary) Whooping Cough Miscellaneous Total Special Cases. Examinations for Psycho-Educational Clinic Absentees inspected 78 217 34 111 87 94 39 169 34 3 94 4 58 31 85 163 127 344 IS 52 63 174 77 164 97 191 211 250 :u 200 19 53 4 7 91 185 4 53 111 20 51 1053 896 1949 257 7517 126 7238 383 14755 116 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. TABLE 3— NURSES. VISITS AND EMERGENCY CASES. Average daily school enrollment Number of visits to homes Visits to hospitals and clinics by nurses.... Children placed in hos- pitals New cases taken to clinics, medical or surgical Operations seo^red through home visits.. Glasses secured from parents United Charities . . Other relief secured through home visits.. New cases taken to Dental clinic Emergency cases at- tended in school Contact ( Pupils ins'd inspection | Days ins'd.. Absentee inspections . . Cases referred to United Charities Psycho-Educational In- terviews in schools.. 8566 635 208 6 164 65 65 4 126 69 168 1588 3497 65 9023 342 114 1 39 4 200 286*; 2447 9307 271 93 5 65 1 28 51 364 3143 3637 9390 459 91 135 1180 2861 Districts 7306 454 95 1 54 28 34 66 9 226 1875 1738 7943 420 70 6 107 67 41 12 24 45 605 6941 2242 13 12 7812 463 121 2 90 57 46 3 25 40 107 988 2628 S384 264 110 1 97 47 52 7 HI 833 4398 4491 149 149 2 72 18 32 16 10 79 681 2534 7801 669 79 147 17 23 86 124 831 2228 Spec- ial 8135 140 179 3 88 15 10 1 7 5 39 23 232 489 Total 88158 4266 1307 27 1000 358 406 29 8 480 385 2142 21158 28699 36 156 TABLE 4— CHILDREN'S DENTAL CLINIC. Number Patients (new) 410 Patients (former) 4 Revisits 1723 Dismissals 410 Total Visits 2137 Prophy Odontalgia treatments.. Silicate fillings Amalgam filling's Cement fillings Gutta Percha fillings... Pulp canals filled Abscesses treated Extractions (temporary) Extractions (permanent) Anaestlietics (local) .... General Devitalized Character of Work 361 66 78 889 208 14 162 657 225 218 79 196 The clinic was opened at the Central High School on December 10th, 1917. REPORT OF THE SLTERINTE.VDENT. 117 TABLE 5— PHYSICA-L DEFECTS FOUND. Form of Defect Number Found Reference and Disposition of Cases •- o .EM 6 c S £ oj o a an le Errors of refraetion Oilier eye defects Refraction and enlarged tonsils Otlier eye defects and enlarged tonsils. . Refraction and dental caries Otiier eye defects and dental caries... Refraction, enlarged tonsils and dental caries Refraction, enlarged tonsils, dental caries and middle ear Refraction, middle enr and dental caries Refraction and middle car detects.... Refraction, adenoids and dental caries Refraction, adenoids and enlarged tonsils Refraction and adenoids Refraction and speech defects Refraction, speech and dental caries.. Refraction, adenoids, dental caries and enlarged tonsils Enlarged tonsils Enlarged tonsils and dental caries.... Enlarged tonsils and adenoids Enlarged tonsils, adenoids and dental ca ries Enlarged tonsils, ear, adenoids and dental caries Enlarged tonsils and middle ear defects Enlarged tonsils and speecli defects.... Enlarged tonsils, adenoids and middle ear Adenoids Adenoids and dental caries Adenoids and speech defects.... Middle ear defects Middle ear and dental caries.... Dental caries Speech defects Speech defects and dental caries. Nose and dental caries Nose Cleft palate Mciital defects Heart defects Refraction and heart defects Dental caries and heart defects.. Spinal deformities .Joint deformities (miscellaneous) . raralysis 1155 15U 128 14 610 03 49 16 24 18 74 92 70 15 30 S4 661 631 419 Total 508 39 188 103 9051 106 111 92 131 11 63 160 26 33 29 168 76 1577 153 133 I'l 693 44 13 27 32 72 95 65 19 22 98 553 1322 352 16938 53 324 196 24 466 69 9096 80 62 57 71 43 210 22 45 32 100 62 309 201 35 1303 107 122 29 51 50 146 187 135 34 182 1214 1953 771 6r-6 118 42 25 141 849 704 63 654 172 18747 246 173 149 202 18 106 370 48 78 61 268 138 33741 567 65 39 4 312 21 33 237 257 82 68 153 9 87 43 3628 8 29 24 31 7 8 99 11 31 14 38 61 424 65 40 4 248 13 23 6245 35 140 110 155 130 23 5 5 19 55 57 6 60 26 697 12 12 8 17 5 9 1 14 6 43 37 17 12 6 7 8 17 189 83 205 143 12 2 4 16 103 55 765 17 42 229 11 16 ' 1 1187 1565 162 170 26 657 14 35 29 94 116 88 21 34 1.527 496 388 70 33 15 170 17 12 1 86 1 16 60 663 63 442 52 46 2 496 11 98 5 13561 861 223 3 126 6 103 14 147 7 10 1 87 9 244 17 30 5 41 5 37 4 202 6 72 2 1671 Normal 38280 Grand Total 36484 35537 72021 t INDEX Advancement of pupils b,\' quarters 24 Agres — Average for eighth grade grad- uates 4 Enrolled pupils at end of year. 41-4?. Evening- schools 77 Industrial school 4S Pupils enrolled at close of year. 23-41 Withdrawals 44-46 Attendance — Average daily, by schools 2()-28 Character of, in each school. ... 26-28 Comparative statement by years 2^> Evening schools 74 Industrial school 28. 49 Kindergartens 32-34 ]Manual training and domestic science 35 Periods of days 35 Special schools 2S. 31 Summer term schools SO Attendance Department — Age certificates, age. number, sex. race 103 Employment certificates issued 101 Industrial occupations entered by children leaving school 108 Investigations, number and re- sults 97 Juvenile Court cases 100 Prosecutions in the courts 07 Reasons for quitting school.... 102 Truancy, number and kinds of cases 97, 98 Truancy, conditions contributing to 99 M^age distribution of children en- tering various groups of oc- cupations 108. 109 Beginners in kindergarten and first grade 40 Birthplace — By schools 36-39 Evening schools 74 Per cent American born 74 Per cent foreign born 74 Pupils receiving age certificates 103 Special schools 39 Bo.vs' Training Class — Enrollment by ages 49 Withdrawals by age 49 City population 22 Compulsory Education — see At- tendance Department — Definition of terms in St. Louis re- ports 9 Domestic Science and Manual Training — Attendance and enrollment 53 Educational Museum — Collections ordered 94 Deliver.v report 94 Financial report 93 Library book report 94 Enrollment — By schools 26 Age-grade distribution at end of year 41-43 Definition of 9 Evening Schools — Ages of pupils 77 Attendance 74 Birthplace 76 Comparative statistics for 79 Cost of, per pupil 79 Occupation of pupils 75, 76 Per cent American born 76 Per cent foreign born 76 Subjects taught 78 Teachers, number of 74 Gallaudet School — Age-grade distribution of enroll- ment 47 Grade distribution of enrollment at close of year 24 Grade manual schools 92 Graduates 40. 58-61 Harris Teachers College — Attendance and registration. .26. 64 Preparation of students 65 Source of students 66 Sjjring term extension courses. 69. 70 Summer term extension courses. 71-73 Fall term extension courses. . .67, 68 High Schools — Ages of new pupils 57 Attendance 26-28 Birthplace 36-39 Enrollment and graduates coin- parative 63 Enrollment at end of year by age and class 62 120 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Enrollment by quaiters 24 Graduates: By ag-e 58 By courses 59-61 By years in school 58 Percentage of boys and girls. . 03 Per cent of school enrollment in high schools 68 Per cent of school population... 63 Registration 26, 29 Source of new pupils 57 Hygiene, Department of — ■ Communicable diseases 115 Non-communicable diseases 114 Nurses, visits and emergency cases 116 Physical defects, character and disposition of 117 Surgical conditions found 115 Industrial School — Age grade distribution of enroll- ment 49 Attendance 28, 49 Attendance, character of 49 Enrolllnent 28 Per cent of day school member- ship 52 Registration 28 Withdrawals 48, 49 Kindergartens — Attendance 32, 34 Beginners 40 Enrollment 32-34 Registration 32-34 Teachers 32-34 Manual Training and Domestic Sci- ence — Attendance and enrollment 53 Museum — see Educational Museum — Open Air Schools — Age-grade distribution 51 Attendance 28, 31, 51 Withdrawals 51 Population — City and school 22 Principals — Number 15 Ranks and salaries 15 Pupils — see also Classes of Schools — Advancement of, by quarters.... 24 Age and sex of those enrolled at end of year 23 Attendance — see above. Average number to teacher, based on attendance 26-28 Beginners in Kindergarten and first grades 40 Classification by advancement in studies 2 4 Withdi'awals from all schools .. 26-29 Registration — All schools 26-28 Comparative statement 25 Day schools 26-28 Definition of 9 School Population 22 Special Schools — Ages of pupils. Industrial school 48 Attendance, Industrial School regular and summer term.... 49 Comparative table of enrollment 52 Per cent of day school member- ship 52 Registration, birthplaces 39 Summer Term Schools — Age and grade distribution of enrollment 86 Attendance 80 Grade manual schools 92 Persistence of attendance 81 Registration 80 Schools represented in enroll- ment 82-85 Success and failure of studtnts in liigh schools 87 Success and failure of students in grades 88 Teachers 80 Teachers — Appointments 13 Assistants by schools and sex... 10 Assistants by rank and salaiy.. 15 Changes in corps 12 Colored, number of 11 High schools 11 Number at close of year.... 13, 26-28 Number in each school 26-28 Ranks and salaries 15 Resignations 12 Special teachers 11 Substitutes 13 Supervisors 10 Withdrawals — Age-grade distribution 44-46 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 021 482 722