% \4v? — THE CHARTER, CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ck ck ^sonafioif of % Mwt$\x COLUMBIA COLLEGE, TO WHICH IS APPENDED A LIST OF MEMBERS. OCTOBER, 1875. C. A. KITTLE, STATIONER AND FRUITER, No. 7G5 SIXTH AVENUE. 1 8 7 S . THE CHARTER CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS d %%mtixt!\\ 4 % J^mim COLUMBIA COLLEGE, TO WHICH IS APPENDED A LIST OF MEMBERS OCTOBER, 1875. Keto Fojrfc : C. A. KITTLE, STATIONER AND PRINTER, No. 765 SIXTH AVENUE. 1 87S. THE CHARTER CHAPTER 520. An Act to incorporate " The Association of the Alumni op Columbia College." Passed May 21st, 1874. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem- bly, do enact as follows : Sec. 1. — Henry Drisler, Frederic De Peyster, J. Howard Van Amringe, Charles R. Swords, Henry James Anderson, William Mitchell, George P. Quackenbos, Charles A. Silliman, William H. Butterworth, Joseph B. Law- rence, Henry R. Beekman, William Bayard Cutting, James McNamee, James M. Brady, Seth Low, and Stuyvesant Fish, at present forming the officers and standing committee of " The Association of the Alumni of Columbia Col- lege," together with such other persons as appear to be members of that asso- ciation on the books of the Treasurer of the same, and not to be in arrear more than two years for dues, and also with such other persons as shall here- after become members of the corporation hereby created in such manner and upon such terms as shall be prescribed in the constitution or by-laws of such corporation, are hereby constituted and created a body corporate and politic in iact and in name by the name of " The Association of the Alumni of Co- lumbia College 1 , " for the purposes mentioned in this act ; and by that name they, and their successors and associates, shall have perpetual succession, and shall be capable inlaw of suing and being sued, and of receiving, purchasing, holding, conveying, leasing, mortgaging, or otherwise disposing of any real and personal estate for the use and benefit of said corporation, which estate shall not exceed the net annual income of twenty thousand dollars. Sec.2. — The object of this corporation shall be to perpetuate the friend- ships and relations arising during the course of* study in Columbia College, to promote the true interests, influence and efficiency of Columbia College as an institution of sound learning and practical education, and with these objects to establish lectureships, to have meetings of the members of said corporation for social and literary purposes and for the management of its business, to appoint from time to time (if the trustees of Columbia College shall consent thereto, and with such restrictions, if any, as said trustees shall prescribe) such number of trustees of said college as said college may, by general rules, or from time to time, authorize said corporation hereby constituted to appoint. Sec. 3.— The said corporation, at one or more specinl meetings to be called by its standing committee for that purpose, shall have power to frame its con- stitution and by-laios, with provisions therein for subsequent amendments of the same, provided the said constitution, by-laws and amendments be not in- consistent with the laws or constitution of the United States or of this State, and that there be present at such special meeting at least thirty members. Sec. 4. —The officers of said corporation shall be, until otherwise pre- scribed by their constitution, a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, who, with twelve other members to be elected at a general or spe- cial meeting shall be the standing committee of said corporation. Sec. 5. — Such standing committee shall have such powers as shall be lawfully conferred on them by the constitution and by-laws of the corporation, and they aud the said officers shall hold their offices for such time and in such manner as such constitution and by-laws shall prescribe. Sec. 6. — Such constitution and by-laws may declare what number of members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the standing committee, and provide for the manner of admitting and suspending and removing members and officers of the corporation. Sec. 7. — The said corporation shall be subject to and have the rights con- ferred by the general provisions contained in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes, except that no member of said corporation shall be liable for any debts or liabilities of the same unless on an agreement in writing to be subscribed by such member and expressly binding him. Sec 8. — The said corporation, hereby constituted, may take real and per- sonal estate by will, but subject to the general provisions of the act relating to wills, passed April thirteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty, chapter three hun- dred and sixty. Sec. 9. — The several officers of said association existing at the time of the passage of this act, shall hold their respective offices as officers of this corpo- ration with the powers and duties prescribed by the constitution and by-laws of said association until their successors shall be elected or appointed. Fur- ther, all property, rights aud interests of said association shall by virtue of this act vest iu and become the property of this corporation. Sec. 10 — All interest of any member of said corporation in its property shall terminate and vest in the corporation upon his ceasing to be a member thereof by death, resignation, expulsion or otherwise. Sec 11. — The Legislature may at any time alter, amend, or repeal this act. Sec 12. — This act shall take effect immediately. State op New York ) Office ok the Secretary of State ) 8S ' I have compared the preceding with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original law ; Given under my hand and seal of office, of the Secretary of State, at the city of Albany, this 10th day of June, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy four. Diedrich Willers, Jr., Secretary of State. ,:.i EXG' CONSTITUTION. Ylfe S^odiktion of the Sltm\r|i of doltunbik College, Entertaining a grateful sense of obligation to their Alma Mater for the intel- lectual and moral training received within her walls, and desirous of perpetuating the friendships established during their course in college, and of promoting the true interests, influence and efficiency of Columbia College as an institution of sound learning and practical education, the better to secure these ends do hereby accept the act of incorporation granted to them by an act of tne Legislature of the State of New York, passed May 21st, 1874, entitled "an act to incorporate the Association of the Alumni of Columbia College." The Association thus incorporated adopts the following as the Constitu- tion of said corporation. Article I. Sec. 1. — The present members of this corporation, are, Henry Drisler, Frederic De Peyster, J. Howard Van Amringe, Seth Low, Henry James An- derson, William Mitchell, Charles R- Swords, George P. Quackenbos, Charles A. Silliman, Edward Mitchell, William H. Butterworth, Joseph Bayley Lawrence, Henry R Beekman, William Bayard Cutting, James McNamee and John M. Nash, forming the present Officers and Standing Committee of the Association, together with such other persons as appear to be members of the late Association on the books of the Treasurer of the same, and not to be in arrear more than two years for dues. A list of such members is hereto annexed, and is hereby adopted and accepted as correct. Sec. 2. — This corporation will hereafter consist of the same persons, to- gether with such other persons as shall hereafter become members of the same, in such manner and upon such terms as shall from time to time be prescribed in the constitution or by-laws of this corporation. Article II. Sec. 1.— The members of this corporation shall be classed as regular, asso- ciate, and honorary members, respectively. Sec. 2. — Any graduate from the Academic Department of Columbia Col- lege may become a regular member of this corporation by signing the roll of the members to be kept by the Treasurer, and paying the dues for one year or for life. Sec 3.— Any person who shall not have graduated from the College, but who shall have been a member of a class in the Academic Department, which shall have graduated, and any graduate from the other Departments, may be elected, by the Standing Committee or this Association, an associate member, and become such member on signing such roll, and making such payment as mentioned in the preceding section. 6 CONSTITUTION. Sec. 4. — The President of the College, or any Ex President, any member or cx-member of the Board of Trustees, or of the Faculty, or any one who shall have received an honorary degree from the College, may be elected, by the Standing Committee or this Association, an honorary member of this corpor- ation. Sec. 5. —Associate members and honorary members shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular members, except those of voting and holding office. Article III. Sec. 1, — Every regular and associate member shall hereafter pay to the Treasurer the sum of two dollars annually, or in lieu thereof, a life-member- ship fee of thirty dollars as a commutation for annual dues. All moneys paid as commutation fees, shall be funded under the direction of the Standing Committee and shall be deemed a permanent fund, and the interest only shall be appropriated to the current expenses of this Association. Those who have heretofore paid the life-membership fee, are not required to make future pay- ments, unless the constitution shall be amended in that respect. The amount, of the annual dues and of the commutation fees, shall be subject to future alterations. Sec 2 — Should any regular or associate member, other than a life member, neglect to pay the said annual dues, and allow the same to become more than one year in arrear, he shall have no vote upon any subject before this Associa- tion until he shall have paid the dues in arrear, and the Standing Committee or this Association shall have power to erase his name from the roll of mem- bers, and he shall thereupon cease to be a member of this Association until restored by a vote of the Standing Committee or of this Association. The books of the Treasurer shall be the regular evidence of the state of the account of any member on the question of his right to vote, but any error in the same may be subsequently corrected by the Standing Committee or this Association. Article IV. Sec 1.-— The officers of this corporation shall be a President, Vice-Presi- dent, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected from the regular members, and with twelve other regular members shall constitute the Standing Committee of this Association. Sec 2. —The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall hold their offices respectively for one year from the first Monday in October, and until their successors shall be duly chosen. The twelve other regular members chosen at the annual election in Octo- ber, 1874, as members of the Standing Committer shall divide themselves by lot into three classes of equal numbers each. The first class shall hold office for three years ; the second class, two years ; and the third class, one year ; and thereafter each annual election shall be for four members of the Standing Committee to hold office three years, and for such additional number, if any, as may be necessary to fill vacancies, to hold office during the remainder of the terms of the members whose places they rill. None of the said twelve regular members shall be re-elected until at least one year after their term shall have expired, unless by a vote of two-thirds of those voting at the meeting for such election. CONSTITUTION. 7 Article V. Sec. 1. — The President, or in his absence the Vice President, and in their absence a President pro tempore, to be appointed by the meeting, shall preside at the meetings of this Association. Sec. 2. — The President shall have power to call extra meetings of this Association at his discretion. It shall be his duty to call a meeting thereof, whenever five regular members shall request him in writing to do so. Sec. 3. — During the absence, illness, or other inability of the President to perform any of his duties, the Vice-President shall act as, and shall have all the powers of, the President. In case of the absence, iUness or other inability both of the President and Vice-President, the Standing Committee shall ap- point a regular member of the Association as temporary President, who shall act as, and have all the powers of, the President, except at meetings of the Association. Article VI. Sec 1.— The Secretary of this Association shall also be Secretary of the Standing Committee : He shall have the custody of the Act of Incorporation, and of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Records of the late Association, and of this Corporation, and of the Standing Committee ; he shall give due notice of all the meetings of this Association by public advertisement, and of such Committee, by writing ; he shall keep accurate minutes of their proceedings and shall notify officers and committees of their appointment, and of all reso- lutions or orders appertaining to their respective duties. He shall also have the custody and charge of the seal of the Corporation and affix it when re- quired by proper authority so to do. He shall also prepare a Necrology of the Association for each year, and present it to the Association at its annual meeting. Notice by the Secretary to the Chairman of any sub-committee shall be sufficient, and thereupon such Chairman shall notify the other members of his committee. Article VII. The Treasurer shall collect and take charge of the funds of the late Asso- ciation and of this Corporation, and shall make such investments and ordinary disbursements as the Standing Committee shall direct. He shall keep a written account of his receipts and payments, and at each annual meeting shall report the same in writing to this Association, when a committee of three regular members shall be appointed to audit his accounts ; which committee shall re- port to this Association or to the Standing Committee, within one year from the date of their appointment, or sooner if required ; he shall also report to the Standing Committee the condition of the Treasury whenever required by said Committee so to do. Article VIII. Sec 1. — The Standing Committee shall hold its first meeting within one month after the election of officers in each year, at such time and place as shall be designated by the Secretary of this Association or by such Committee, or in case no such designation shafl be made by the Committee or Secretary within three weeks, then by any three members of the Standing Committee. 8 CONSTITUTION. Sec 2. — Until a different organization of the Standing Committee in each year, the Vice-President of this Association shall act as its chairman, and it shall be governed by the by-laws of the Standing Committee of the previous year until other by-laws shall be adopted. Sec. 3. — It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee to attend the ex- amination of the students of Columbia College, and to make all proper ar- rangements for the annual or more frequent meetings of this Association ; and for these, as well as for other purposes, they shall have power to appoint such sub-committees out of their own number, or from other regular or associate members of this Association, or from both, as they may deem expedient. Sec 4. — Sub committees shall be deemed to be continued until discharged by the Standing Committee or this Association, although the term of office of. the Standing Committee which appointed them may have expired, in which case they shall report to the successors in office of such Standing Committee or to this Association. Sec 5. — The Standing Committee shall have power to accept resignations of officers of this Association, and resignations of their own members, and also to remove from office any one of its members, other than the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, in the manner provided in the by- laws; and to fill the vacancies caused by such resignations and removals respectively — or which may exist from any other cause from time to time (the appointees in such cases to hold office until the next annual meeting of this Association, and until their successors shall have been duly chosen ) ; also to call meetings of this Association ; to disburse the funds of this Association to an amount not exceeding in any one year the interest on hand of the perma- nent fund and the net amount on hand of the annual dues of the members of this Association, after deducting therefrom such expenses of the Secretary and Treasurer as may have been sanctioned by the Standing Committee or the As- sociation ; and, in general, to do such things as may be expedient for the promotion of the objects of this Association, subject to such restrictions and limitations as are contained in the Act of Incorporation, or in the Constitution of this Association, or as shall be imposed by this Association ; and so that they shall not thereb}" - dispose of any money or property of this Association except as hereinbefore allowed. Sec 0. — The Standing Committee may elect its own chairman and vice- chairman, and shall every year through its chairman or vice-chairman present to the annual meeting of this Association a full report of all its proceedings, and also of such other matters, in the form of recommendations or otherwise, as the committee may deem proper. Article IX. An annual meeting of this Corporation shall be held on the first Monday of October in each year, for the purposes of business, and literary and social entertainment, under the directiou of the Standing Committee, or as soon thereafter as practicable, if the same be not then held. Article X. The presence of fifteen regular members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum of this Association to do business, except where in the Charter a larger" number is required; but a smaller number may adjourn from time to time. CONSTITUTION. 9 Article XI. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed at the annual meeting of this Association, or at a special meeting regularly called, and shall lie over for decision to the next annual or special meeting of this Association. The consent of two-thirds of the regular members present shall be neces- sary to their adoption. No proposed amendment shall be acted on by this Association, unless by unanimous consent, if more than two years shall have elapsed since the meeting at which such amendment was proposed. The term " this Association," as used in this constitution, is to be deemed equivalent to " this Corporation." BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDEK,. I. — On the appearance of a quorum, the President, or, in his absence, the Vice-President, or, in their absence, a Chairman to be appointed pro tempore, shall call the Association to order. The presence of fifteen members shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. If a quorum shall not appear within thirty minutes after the appointed time of meeting, the members present shall adjourn ; causing a minute to be made of such adjournment and its cause. They may adjourn to a stated time, of which notice shall be given as of a stated meeting. II. — The order of business shall be as follows : 1. — Reading of the minutes of the last meeting, and action thereupon. 2. — Appointment of tellers to supervise the election of Officers and Standing Committee. 3. — Report of the Standing Committee and action thereupon. 4. — Report of the Treasurer. Appointment of a Committee of three to audit the same. 5. — Report of the Auditing Committee on Treasurer's last Annual Report, and action thereupon. 6. — Reports of Special Committees, and action thereupon. 7. — Necrology of the year read by the Secretary. 8. — Miscellaneous business. III. — The rules to be observed in the election of Officers and Standing Committee are as follows : . 1. — The Chairman of the meeting shall appoint two tellers, who shall pre- side over the polls, and, at the close" of the same, count and report the votes cast for each officer, and for each member of the Standing Committee. 2. — The polls shall be opened immediately after the appointment of the tellers, and shall remain open for one hour and no longer. 10 BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER. 3. — No member in arrears to the Association for dues for more than one year, shall be allowed to vote'. 4. — The Treasurer shall provide the tellers with a list of life members, and of annual members not in arrears to the Association for more than one year. ,j. — Each member in voting shall hand to the tellers two ballots, on one of which shall be inscribed the names of persons, whom he desires to be elected as President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and on the other, the names of those he desires to be elected as the members of the Standing Committee, whose places are to be fdled. 6. — A majority of all the votes duly cast for such office shall be necessary to the election of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. 7. — The persons receiving the largest number of votes as members ' of the Standing Committee shall be declared duly elected members of such Committi!'. 8. — Votes cast for persons not regular members of the Association, or for members in arrears to the Association for dues for more than one year shall not be counted. 9. — The Tellers shall report under miscellaneous business. 10. — If it shall appear from the report of the Tellers that any one or more of the offices has not been duly filled, or that the full list of the members of the Standing Committee has not been duly elected, the polls shall immediately after such report be re-opened for the purpose of completing the election. In the supplementary ballot (should one be necessary) the votes for the office of President, Vice-President, Secretary, or Treasurer, shall be confined to the two candidates for such office who received the highest number of votes for the office in the first ballot. The polls shall not be open longer than twenty minutes. IV.— Any member wishing to submit a motion, or to make any remarks, shall rise and address the Chair. If more than one claims the floor, the Chair- man shall award it to the one who in his opinion rose first. V. — Any motion shall, if required, be reduced to writing, before being received ; and no motion shall be considered until it be seconded. It shall not be necessary to enter upon the minutes that it was seconded : the record of its having been put shall be evidence of such seconding. Motions, how- ever, to lay on the table, to postpone either indefinitely or to a day certain, to commit, or to adjourn, need not be in writing. VI. — When a question is before the Association, no motion shall be re- ceived except a motion to adjourn for a recess, to lay on the table, to postpone indefinitely, to postpone to a certain time, to commit or to amend ; which motions shall have precedence in the order named. VII. — All amendments shall be considered in the order in which they are received. When a proposed amendment is under consideration, a motion to amend the same may be made, and the latter shall be passed upon before the former : no further amendment to such second amendment shall be in order. But when an amendment to an amendment is under consideration, a sub- stitute for the original motion and said amendment may be received. No proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be received under color of a substitute. BY-LAWS AND RULES OF ORDER. 11 VIII. — A motion to adjourn for a recess, to lay on the table, or for indefinite postponement shall be decided -without debate. IX. — A motion to adjourn shall always be in order when no member is speaking, and shall be decided without debate. X. — The mover may withdraw a motion or resolution at any time before a vote shall have been taken upon it, or before any amendment to it has been adopted ; in such case it shall not be entered upon the minutes. XI. — If a question under debate contains several distinct propositions, the same shall be divided at the request of any member, and a vote taken separ- ately. XII. — No member may speak more than twice on the same question with- out leave of the Association, nor more than once until every member wishing to speak shall have had opportunity of so doing. XIII. — Every member present shall vote whenever a question is put, unless excused by the Association. XIV. — A question being decided shall not be reconsidered, unless the mo- tion to reconsider be made at or before the stated meeting next after such decision; nor unless the motion for that purpose be made by one of the ma- jority on the first decision. No question shall be re-considered more than once. XV. — All Special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman of the meeting unless otherwise ordered. XVI. — The reports of all Committees shall be in writing and shall be re- ceived of course, without motion for acceptance. They need not be entered upon the minutes unless so ordered. If recommending or requiring any ac- tion or expression of opinion by the Association, they shall be accompanied by a resolution or resolutions. XVII. — When a member is called to order by the Chairman, or by another member, he shall immediately sit down, unless permitted by the Chairman to explain. All questions of order shall be determined by the Chairman of the meeting, but any member may appeal from the decision of the Chair ; and on such appeal, no member shall speak more than once, without leave of the As- sociation. XVIII. — The prescribed order of business shall not be departed from, ex- cept by a vote of two-thirds of those present in favor of it, nor shall any rule of order be suspended except by like consent; nor shall any rule be changed or rescinded unless notice of a motion to that effect be given at a previous meeting, which notice shall be entered upon the minutes. XIX.— Absence from two consecutive meetings of the Standing Commit- tee on the part of any member thereof regularly notified to attend the same shall, when brought to the notice of the Committee, be considered as a resig- nation on the part of such member from the Committee, unless the Committee shall excuse such absence ; and the Committee shall proceed to fill his place. XX.— The By-laws of this Association shall be the By-laws of the Stand- ing Committee so far as applicable. XXI. — No money or property of this Association shall be in any way disposed of by the Standing Committee without the sanction of at least seven members of the committee. Five members of said Committee when convened on notice to all, shall be sufficient to constitute a quorum of that Committee for all other purposes. For 1875-6. Pfe^ident. Henry Drisler, Glass of 1839. Vide-Pi'e^ideiit. Frederic De Peyster, Class of 1816. pedf etkfy. Julien T. Davies, Class of 1866. Yfea^tu'ei*. Seth Low, Class of 1870. 0tki)clii)g doinnrittee. William Mitchell, Class of 1820. William L. Boyd, Class of 1832. James W. Beekman, Class of 1831. George P. Quackenbos, Class of 1843. Charles A. Silliman, Class of 1850. J. Howard Van Amringe, Class of 1S60. Edward Mitchell, Class of 1S61. William H. Butterworth, Class of 1864. Joseph Bayley Lawrence, Class of 1864. Henry R. Beekman, Class of 1865. James McNamee, Class of 1867. John M. Nash, Class of 1868. L/IS^ Off JVls}MS$