LB 2?oz Kit REGULATIONS FOR THE SUPERINTENDENCE, GOVERNMENT AND INSTRUCTION \\ s^ . ^LS £OUQ,0^ CITY OF SALEM. Z^-iM^^ ^i-i^My £^'7 ADOPTED 1842. SALEM. PRINTED AT THE REGISTER PRBSS, 1842. By Transter ^ g(Siii®®nd iS;ii©igiLi^^E®sr©» CHAPTER I. Organization of the Board. Section I. The Board being constituted under the provisions of the City Charter of so many members as the City Council shall see lit annually to elect, in- addition to the Mayor and President of the Common Council, who are ew officio members, it is deemed necessary, for the organization of the Board in conformity to the Regulations hereby established, that the number of members to be elected by the City Council shall be twenty-three, so that the Board,- when full, shall con- sist of twenty-five members. A copy of the Regulations, with a special reference to this article, shall be furnished by the Clerk to the Mayor at the commencement of the municipal year, in order that the same may be communicated to both Boards of the City Council, before they shall proceed to an election. Sec. 2. The Mayor shall be Chairman, the President of the Common Council shall i)e Vice Chairman, the City Clerk shall be Clerk, and the City Blessenger ehall be Messenger of the Board. Sec. 3. In the absence of both the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Board shall elect a Chairman pro tempore. Sec. 4. In addition to the above-named officers, there shall be a Standing Committee and eight District Committees.- CHAPTER II. Duties of Officers.- Sec. 1. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Board, shall re- ceive all communications, and shall sign all documents in their behalf. He shall be authorized to call special meetings of the Board, and shall be required to do so Hpon the request of any three members. Pie shall always call a special meeting as soon as may be after the election of the members, for the purpose of organiza- tion. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to bring before the Board, from time to time, whatever business may require their attention, as arising under these regu- lations or otherwise. In the absence of the Chairman, his powers and duties shall devolve upon tha Vice-Chairman; and in the absence of both, upon the Chairman pro tempore to bo elected by the Board. The general powers and duties of the Chairman shall be the same as those of the President of the Common Council, as defined by the rules of that Board. Sec. 2. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall attend the semi-annual ex- aminations of the Latin Grammar and English High Schools, and in connectiont with the member of the Standino- Committee assigned to the First Division, they / shall superintend and direct the annual distribution of the Choate Prizes, in conformity to the directions of the donor, or to such rules of proceeding as, with his concurrence, they may adopt. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall also attend one at least of the semi- annual examinations of the other Schools, and shall make occasional visitations of the same, to the end that as the representatives of the two Boards of the City Council, they may be well informed of the condition of all the Schools. Sec. 3, It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep a faithful record of all the votes and doings of the Board and of the Standing Committee; to preserve file3 of all communications addressed to the Board, and of all Reports of Committees; to copy into the Record all such documents as the Board may direct; to notify all meetings by causing a printed notification to be left by the Messenger at the place of residence of each member; to keep a separate record of all accounts passed by the Board; and generally to perform the services appropriate to his office, so far as the same shall be required by the Board, or the Standing Committee. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Messenger to take charge of the room as- signed to the Board in the City Hall, to cause the same to be always in readiness, and to be suitably lighted and heated for the meetings of the Board and of the Standing Committee ; to deliver all notifications, documents and messages; to collect the Quarterly Returns of the Teachers, and the Quarterly Reports of the District Committees ; and generally to perform all services appropriate to his of fiee, accordingly as he may be directed by the Chairpian, Clerk, or any member of the Standing Committee. CHAPTER III. Standing Committee. Sec. 1. The Standing Committee shall consist of five members, who shall be elected by ballot at the first meeting of the Board. Every vacancy which may occur in the Standing Committee shall he filled by ballot. Sec, 2. The duties of the Standing Committee shall be as follows, viz: 1. To take the exclusive care and oversight of the Latin Grammar and English High Schools, in conformity to the regulations; and, with the concurrence of the donor, to superintend and direct the annual distribution of prize-money. 2. To attend semi-annual examinations and visitations of all the Schools, and to prepare semi-annual reports in the manner herein after specified. 3. To prepare blank forms for the Quarterly Returns of the Teachers, and the Quarterly Reports of the District Committees ; to revise said Returns and Re-- ports, and to cause an abstract thereof to be prepared by the Clerk under their direction, 4. To prepare the Annual Report, and also the Annual Return required by law to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Commonwealth. 5. To consider and report upon the expediency of building new school-houses, and of altering or repairing those already built, and also to superintend the erec- tion of school-houses, and all alterations and repairs in all cases beyond the con- trol of the District Committees. 6. To approve all accounts for expenditures incurred under their direction. 7. To consider and report upon any proposed change in the organization of classes, the mode of discipline, the course of studies, and the use of text-books. 8. To inquire into and report upon the qualifications of candidates for appoint- ment as Teachers. 9. To consider and report upon any proposition for a change in the Regulations which may have been previously submitted at a meeting of the Board. 10. To provide for the supply and distribution of fuel, and to procure all such books as it becomes necessary to furnish at the expense of the city. 11. To investigate, whenever presented by a District Committee, the complaints of parents, masters or guardians, against teachers, for undue severity or neglect in the treatment of scholars, and in all .such cases, if, upon investigation and a hearing of both parties, the complaint should prove to be well founded, and the complainant desires further action, to report thereon to the Board. 12. To decide upon the application of teachers and scholars to be relieved from the enforcement of the Regulations, in extraordinai-y cases, in which the applica- tion is accompanied by the recommendation of a District Committee. 13. To devise and recommend, in their semi-annual or special reports, all such measures as they shall deem adapted to promote the economy, efficiency, and ad- vancement of the system of public instruction. Sec. 3. The Standing Committee shall appoint a Chairman, who shall preside at all their meetings, and shall sign all Reports and other documents in their be- half. The members of the Standing Committee shall be severally required to attend semi-annual examinations and visitations of the several schools, in the months of February and August, and to prepare semi-annual reports thereon. For the con- venient performance of this duty, the schools shall be arranged into five Divisions, and one member shall be assigned to each Division. The Divisions shall be as fol- lows, viz: — 1st Division — Latin Grammar and English High Schools. 2d Division — East and West Schools for Boys, and South, North, and Ncrth- West Schools, so far as relates to the male scholars belonging to the three last mentioned. 3d Division — East and West Schools for Girls, and South, North, and North- West Schools, so far as relates to the female scholars belonging to the three last mentioned. 4th Division — Primary Schools situated east of Washington street. 5th Division — Primary Schools situated west of Washington street. Sec. 6. The member assigned to the First Division, shall in the montlis a- foresaid make a full and thorough examination of each class in the two schools in- cluded therein, the results of which shall be stated in his semi-annual reports. — As far as may be, he shall take particular note of the merits of each scholar, with a view to the distribution of the Choate Prizes, in the manner directed in the sec- ond section of the second chapter. This member shall also, in relation to these schools, possess and perform the powers and duties of a District Committee. Sec. 7. The member assigned to the Second Division, shall cause the teach- ers of the several schools included therein, to bring together in the months afore- said, on such days and at such place as he may appoint, all the male scholars be- longing to the first class in each school; and under his direction the teachers shall proceed to make a thorough examination of their respective scholars in all the studies of the preceding half-year. He shall also, in like manner, cause the teach- ers to bring together all the male scholars belonging to the second class in each school, for the purpose of a similar examination, which shall be held on days as nearly succeeding as may be convenient, the days appointed for the examination of scholars of the first class. As soon as may be convenient after each examina- tion of the scholars in the two higher classe.s, this member shall successively vi'sit each school in the Division for the purpose of examining the other classes, and of making such personal inspection and inquiry in all respects, as will enable hiiu fajlbfuilv to prepare his semi-aimnal reports. He shall notify tlie District Co0i=- mittees, who isare the oversig'jt of the several schools, of the time appointed for ths TisitatioDS, aad so far as he mav have the opporttraitv, shall confer witli them, and seek their co-operation in the performaacs of his duties. At the close of the semi-annual esamiaation in February, he shal), in connection with one member of the District Committee and the Principal or Principals of thn school, furnish certificates to as inar.y of the scholars belonging to t!ie first class in each schooi, as thev shall in concurrence adjudge have sustained a good moral character, and to have completed in a satisfactory manner all the studies required in the school ; and such certificates shall also express the relative rank in respect a'.jke to conduct and scholarship, as adjudged by them in concurrence, of the sev- crsl scholars I)eionging to the first class. The certificates thus furnished shall be in the form annexed, (marked A.) .Sec. 8. The meinber assigaeil to the Third Division, shali direct similar ex- aminations, r.nd make similar visitations in respect to the female scholars belong- ia^ to the several schools included therein; and, in connection with one member cf the District Committee and Principal, shall furnish certificates to as many of the scholar.? l)elongiag to the ilrst class in each school, as they shall in concur- rence adjudge to have sastained a good moral character, and to have completed in a satisfactory manner all the studies required ia the school ; which certificates thaJl also express the relative raiik, as adjadged by them in concorrence. of the several scholars belonging to the same class. The certificates shall be in the form prescribed for the schools in the second division. Sec. 9. The members assigned to the Fourth and Fifth Divisions, shall direct similar examinations, and make similar visitations in respect to the Primary Schools included in tlieir respective divisions, and each of these members, in con- nection in every case with one member of the District Committee and the Teach- er, siiall at the close cf the semi-anaaal examination in Februarj,-, famish a gener- al certificate to as many scholars i>eloDgi:ig to the first class ia each school, as they f=hail in concurrence adjudge to be qualified for admission into the higher schools. The certificate shall be ia the form annexed, (marked E.) Ssc. 10. The Clerk, under the direction cf the respective members of the Stand- ix^Z Committee, shall send a printed notice of the day and place appointed for each of the semi-aanaal examinations, in the several Divisions, to the teachers of the schools, and to all the memijers of the School Committee, who, so far as mav be convenient, shall be expected to be present, and shall funlier cause a copy of the notice to be published in the newspapers- for the information of parents of schol- ars, and citizens generally, who shall always be considered as invited to attend. Sec. 11. The school at Tapley Brook, which, on account of its location, is not included in either Division, shall be visited and examined in Febmarv. bv the ineaiber assigned to the Second Division, and in August by tlje member assigned to the Fifth Division; and the condition of the school shall be fullv stated in the semi-annual reports, prepax-ed by these members respectively. Sec. 12. The School for Colored Children, which on account cf its peculiar and separate organization, is not included in either Division, shall be visited and examined in February ky the memijer assigned to the Second Division, ;ind in Au- g:!st by the memljer assigned to the Third Division; and the condition of the School shall be fully f tated in the seuii-annual Reports prepared bv these mem^ bers respectively. Sec. 13. The seroi-annnal Reports, required to ije prepared bv the respective laeabsrs of tiie .Standing Committee, shall be laid before the Standing Com' tnittee, at Its first regular meeting after the exam i nations and visitations in the several Divisions have been completed. Each report shall embrace in a succinct form all the information which may have been collected, and all suggestions which are deemed important in relation to each School, mider the following heads, viz: 1. Number of scholars — increase or diminution since the preceding report — with a statement of the ascertained or supposed causes of such increase or dimi- nution. 2. Number of absences during the half year, as obtained from the Quarterly Returns — with the results of a careful inquiry into the causes of such absences, and the practicability of diminishing the same by a change in the Regulations, if it shall appear that the existing regulations have been properly enforced, but have failed to produce the intended effect. Under this head the views of the District Committees, so far as they may have been ascertained from their Quarterly Re- ports, or from personal communication, as well also as the explanations aad sug- gestions of Teachers, shall always be presented. 3. Whole niunber of tardinesses during the last half year, as obtained from the Quarterly Returns — witli the results of an inquii-y similar to that prescribed in regard to absences. 4. Whole number of dases submitted by the Teachers for the decision of Dis- trict Committees, with a reference to all particulars in such cases which mav be deemed of special interest. 5. State of discipline — particularly referring to tiie extent to which corporal punishment is still inflicted, with a statement of the results in cases in which it has been wholly or for the most part discontinued — specifying also such other modes of pi-nishment as appear deserving of commendation or censure. Under this head may be further included a comparative statement of the good order, quiet and decorum of manners in the several Schools — showing how far whisper- ing, studying aloud, bad attitudes or bad habits of any kind are still prevalent, or have been evidently restrained by the vigilance, good judgment and enero-y of Teachers. There may be appended a comparative statement of the avera<7e num- ber of merits obtained respectively ia the corresponding classes in the several Schools. % 6. State of morals — showing how many, if any, scholars have been detected in stealing, lying, using profane or obscene language, committing disturbances or causing injury to property in school or in the streets, or in any way furnishint' cause of special complaint to the teachers or to citizens. 7. Course of studies — showing in detail the particular proficiency of the several classes, with a reference, to striking proofs of thoroughness or neglect in teachino-, and the need, if such should appear, of particular suggestions to any of the teach- ers in regard to the manner of discharging this part of their duty. Under this head should also be included a full statement of any supposed defects in the ar- rangement of exercises, and of any alleged inconvenience or disadvantage in the use of text-books, as prescribed by the regulations. 8. School Registers and Class Books — showing whether the same have been uniformly kept in the form prescribed by the Standing Committee. 9. Number and condition of books furnished at the expense of the city — statino- the amount expended in the several schools — showing how^ far in the case of those whose parents, masters or guardians are unable to pay for the same, tlie books thus furnished are retained in the hands of teachers for the use of other scholars — and in what respects, and by what means, a greater economy in this expenditure fliay be eiFected. 8 10. Library and Apparatus — showing the number of books and the descriptioit of articles furnished by the city, and also what has been effected for either object by voluntary contribution — describing the manner in which the library is used, its existing deficiencies, and suggesting such expedients as, upon careful examina- tion, and after conferring with the teachers, are deemed important and practicable, with a view to an extension of the benefits derived from these sources. 11. Prize money — furnishing a statement of prizes awarded, in the Latin Gram- mar and English High Schools, and a statement of facts which illustrate either the benefit or disadvantage of conferring such rewards. 12. Condition of school-houses, out-houses, and fences, with a suggestion of whatever is necessary to cause the same to be put and kept at all times in good condition, including under this head the results of inquiries in respect to the mode of heating the school-room, the consumption of fuel, and the arrangement for vent- ilation. 13. Relation of Principal and Assistant — expressing an opinion how far the sys^ tern in operation provides for a suitable distribution of duties, and in what respects it is important that it should be modified. 14. Vaccination — shewing whether, and to what extent, there is reason to sup- pose that the regulation requiring every scholar to have been vaccinated, has not been complied with. 15. A statement of all cases in which the Standing Committee have granted a special exemption from the enforcement of the regulations, in favor of teachers or scholars. The semi-annual Reports, thus prepared by the respective members, shall, as Boon as they are presented, be read and carefully considered by the Standing Committee. All such portions as they may deem it important to communicate to the teachers generally, shall be communicated at a joint meeting of the Standing Committee and teachers called for the purpose ; and in relation to such portions of the Reports, the teachers shall be invited to make such oral or written suggestions as thev may deem expedient, and all such suggestions shall afterwards be specially considered by the Standing Committee. All such portions of the Reports as may be deemed to require special action in regard to individual teachers, shall be commu- nicated in written copies to the individuals concerned, and the action of the Stand- ing Committee shall be suspended until such teachers shall have the opportunity of preparing written replies, which replies shall be filed with the Reports, and shall be duly considered whenever the subject is acted upon, alike in the first instance by the Standing Committee, and finally by the Board. After the semi-^-annual Reports have been thus considered and referred to the teachers generally or individually, an abstract thereof shall be prepared by the Clerk, under the direction of the Standin