GV 721 .G44 Copy 1 'V^^-^^M^^^^^^^^^'^^^'^^'^ *^>s^^ i^^M^^M^^M^ ^ We are just beginning to be able to meet the demand for these superb bicycles. Now is your chance. Pope Manufacturing Co. T "My dear sir, you do not know what a bicycle is unless you have ridden a | Model 4o Columbia!" \ SPH/lGaE-PR/ITT i^UCTIPBE SHE/IVE THE MODERN STJINDJIRD. SUPERIOR TO THE HYDRAULIC, AND THE PIONEER AND ONLY ELECTRIC ELEVATOR MEETING ALL THE DEMANDS OF FIRST-CLASS PASSENGER ELEVATOR SERVICE. AMONG THE BUILDINGS EQUIPPED OR RECENTLY CONTRACTED FOR ARE Postal 'I'elegraph Building Parrott Building. Merchants National Bank Guaranty Building, Ahrens Building, Board of Trade, Globe Building, Union Trust Building, Academy of Music, . City Hail and Court House, Edison Electric Illuminating Co. Astor Residences, Custom House. Johns Hopkins University, Gerkcn Buildmg, Hotel Walton, . Safe Deposit Building, Syndicate Building, . Y. M.C. A. Building. Canada Life Insurance Buildingi I. F. Williams' New Buildings, 707 and 709 Broadway, and Comer Broome and Broadway, . New York ;St New York San Krancisco Baltimore Buffalo . New York Chicago Boston Detroit San Francisco Minneapolis 1, New York New York . New York Baltimore New York Philadelphia San Francisco . New York . New York Montreal IT DUPLICATES HYDRAULIC SERVICE WITH LESS THAN HALF THE WATER EVAPORATION AND COAL EXPENDITURE. IT IS ABSOLUTELY SAFE. IT HAS ANY REQUIRED SPEED AND CAPACITY. IT HAS A SUPERIOR DOWN-START. IT OCCUPIES LESS SPACE. EACH MACHINE IS AN INDEPENDENT UNIT. LIKE PARTS ARE INTERCHANGEABLE. IN EVERY DECISION HADE THE CONTEST HAS BEEN BETWEEN THIS ELECTRIC AND THE HYDRAULIC AS TYPICAL STANDARDS. SpragUe Electric Elevator Qo. POSTAL TELEGRAPH BUILDING * * * NEW YORK GITY. GV 721 .G44 Copy 1 INTERNATIONAL GAMES * LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB i/s. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB 1 MANHATTAN FIELD SEPTEMBER 2\, 189^ Press op Jenkins & McCowan, so Grueuwlcli Ave., N. T. '^4' LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. Victor Athletic Goods Are the best on the market. We carry a full line of the best football goods. The Victor Intercollegiate Football Is more durable and of finer construction than any other. We also carry an extensive line of football clothing' and complete outtlts for football teams. The Victor Athletic Goods Are of the same high standard as Victor Bicycles OVERMAN WHEEL COMPANY, Makers of Victor Bicycles. BOSTON. NEW YORK. DETROIT. DENVER. PACIFIC COAST: San Francisco. Los Angeles. Portland. Pnsident James Whitciy of the New York Athletic Club. AS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. ^3 We lia^-e catered to the public for 32 years. Novw^ vv^e have otar own establishment. The firm is Lewis B. Brown and Geo. N.Janes. BROWN & JANES, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, WINES. d^rs^o?&^^ng. Visiting and Reception Cards. Wedding .Invuat.ons, etc., ex- ecuted t the" most^approve^d style. Imported novelties m Dinner Cards, Menus, Calendars etc. Diaries and Note Books in endless variety. _ j,yr,,.,„, sXr/o,- our nnu sample book of Jin,' stationery, containing 55 different papers, -■'V;'^'-^'^-"^'^-^^'r^;'t'po«-a full line of current French ^^Lifef^tur? b^Mff^c^f^v^n^^^iications of^French books that our reputation as "He'Xu^rtes for French Books '-has chiefly been earned. These are largely m edU^.ns^suitab e for school purposes, and are now in general use throughout the cour;. We mail our complete new catalogue of French books on application. Nru) York Athletic CM> House. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 17 STEPHEN G. GONDII, MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE .... Clear Havana Cigars. ALBA KLORA. ELr TESTIQO, and KLOR DE CUBANA. FACTORY AND OFFICE: 445 and 447 East Tenth Street, NEW YORK. J. FRANCIS BOORAEM, Secretary and Tl'easurer. 58 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK. WORKS: South River, N.J. TL Xlll o^ver to tlie- DUR^lWo THE O^A^iVrES, Eighth Avenue Elevated R. R. Last Station. Where the Finest Liquors and Cigars are kept. . . . 155TH STREET AND EIGHTH AVENUE. Restaarapt Qpci} Y)ay aqd ]^hl\\t. Engagements for Bails, Parties, Weddings, Clubs, etc., etc. EIGHT NEW BOWLING ALLEYS. Committees will please apply at the Office in Casino, or at No. i Chambers Street. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. alleys penetrating into other portions of the building. The floors overhead and the partitions around the alleys are to be thoroughly deafened. There are raised seats at the end of the alleys for spectators and room for chairs in the centre between the alleys. Wash basins, dressing-rooms, and ball lockers are provided ; toilet room separate. The barber shop is also in the basement, near the Turkish bath, but entirely separate. There is room for six chairs, two bootblacks, etc. The Fifty-eighth Street L is for the storage of bicy- cles. The room is 22 feet high, with two galleries, and will accommodate about 600 wheels. There is a runaway from Fifty-eighth Street and direct access to baths and service and athletes' elevator to locker floor. Rooms for cleaning and repairing are provided. All supplies are taken into the building from Sixth Avenue on cars that run on incline and track to the elevator and dumb waiters. First Floor. — The whole of the Sixth Avenue side is taken up with the galleries over the swimming tank, with direct entrance from the main hall on occasion of races or water polo games. This tank room is 31^ feet high from basement to second floor and will be perfectly lighted and ventilated. The main entrance hall is in centre of building on the Fifth-ninth Street side and is 38 feet wide. This will be finished in mar- ble, with marble mosaic tile floor. The entrance is from an open loggia 10 x 36 feet. There are two 8-foot doors, one for entrance and one for exit on crowded occasions. The whole front of this entrance hall will be glass, to insure perfect lighting, the main stairway and elevators are directly in rear of this entrance hall. The library opens from this hall, and is separated from all other parts of the house to avoid any noise or other annoyance and to insure perfect quiet for reading and writing. This room will have bookcases and trimmings of hard wood, with wood ceiling and wainscoting and parquet floor. The reception room also opens from the main entrance hall. The offices are behind the re- ception room, and the coat room is opposite, across the side hall. There are telephone rooms and a serv- ing room, and dumb-waiters opening on this and all other floors. The Fifty-eighth Street L has wash and toilet rooms and two committee or chess rooms. There is an entrance on Fifty-eighth Street connect- ing through the hallway with main building. c OSMOPOLITAN RANGE con PAN Y, Manufacturers OF FrencH Ranges aoil GookiDg Utensils. A complete line of Kitchen Supplies for Hotels, Restaurants, Institutions and Private Families. THE ONLY FRENCH RANGE CONTAINING OUR PATENTED HORIZONTAL SHAKING GRATE. ADRIAN TENU, President. 243 to 249 Centre Street, New York. ITelepliorie X494. Spring. ADOLPH GEERING. Sec'y and Manager. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 19 JKR.T. SMITH, 16 EAST 23D STREET, MAD,SON SQUARE. SOUTH. NEW YORK. Refers to the following buildings of his construction : National Park Bank, Broadway, nerr Fulton Street, N. Y. City. Drexel Building, Wall and Broad Streets, N. Y. City. Kurket and Fulton National Bank, Fulton and Go d Sts.,N.Y. Cty. Equitabre Life Insurance Company, Original Buildings, Broadway netropoma^^^e'.nsurSnc'e Company, 23d Street and Madison MENLO PARK CERAMIC WORKS «) jEr*. T. S^VIITH, Prop. Tiles, MANUFACTURER OF Hand=Painted Under Glaze, Faience and Terra Cotta for Interiors. This work unexcelled for the SANITARY and ARTISTIC treatment of Vestibules Halls, Dining, Bath and Billiard Rooms, and Kitchens. WORK FROn ARCHITECTS' DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. OFFICE AND SHOWROOMS: 16 East 23d Street, Madison Square. South, New York City. Works: MENLO PARK, N.J, 20 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. J' yf'- ^ -^^ .iiiii ■ *'; till !!:'4iif f -'f ' ... .. ,. W A-ew York Athletic Cluh Horn:, Travers Island. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. Second Floor. — The Sixth Avenue side is entirely taken up by the billiard and pool rooms. There is one private billiard and one pool room, thirteen tables in all. There is a wash room and toilet in billiard room. The centre portion ofthis floor is the main lounging and smoking-room. This large cafe can be also the trophy-room of the club. It is 38 feet wide by 50 feet long, and extends directly through the building from front to rear. The stairway and elevator open directly into this room through arches. On the easterly side is the parlor. It can be used as an exhibition room on occasions. In the rear is the bar, with separate space for waiters and with special bartenders for them. A large store room and ice-box is provided for the bar, and the dumb-waiter and serving rooms on every floor make the bar service perfect throughout the house. There is a toilet and wash room also on this floor. The Fifty-eighth Street L has small cafes and the board room. Third and Fourth Floors. — These floors are given up to bedrooms. There are four large suites with par- lor, bedroom, closets, and bath. The rest of the rooms are mostly in suites — one or two alcove bedrooms and good-sized parlors. All have closets and wash basins. On each floor is a linen room, housemaid sinks, and a large storage room for trunks. There will be toilet rooms on each floor and bath rooms with tubs, and a large shower room in addition. These bedrooms, par- lors, bath, and toilet rooms will be thoroughly venti- lated and heated. There will be abundance of light and air, and every convenience will be provided for the members. The service elevators will permit the pas- sage of members from the bedrooms to both exercise room above and to the Turkish baths and bicycle rooms below. There is room for sixty beds on these two floors. Fifth Floor. — This is the exercise floor. The large gymnasium is free from posts except at one end, and there is to be placed the permanent exhibition plat- form. This can be converted into a stage readily by curtains. Adjoining rooms can be used for waiting and dressing rooms. Toilet apparatus is provided for August 12, 1895. In ail forms of muscular strain, in bruises, jams, or discoloration from blows — the Electropoise will act magically if immediately used, to reduce the swelling ease the pain, take out the heat, and remove the discoloration, if any. In one case of severe strain and pain at the inner angle of the elbow, due to base ball pitching of the twist ball, and which had lasted some weeks, so that to act as pitcher induced great agony, a two hours' treatment by the Electropoise enabled the arm to be violently used without pain. In another patient suffering from a very painful sprain of the ankle, the use of the Electropoise restored the foot to almost nor- mal strength in one night. No local heat, pain and swelling can remain when the Electropoise is used, because the force entering the body when it is used causes a general and free distribution of the blood to all pans of the person under treatment, so that any local congestion is necessarily dispersed, and the heat, pain and swelling disappear. Electrolibration Company, 1122 Broadway, New York. BEVERLEY O. KINNEAR, M. D. London Office, 407 Oxford St. W. Cable " Poise." LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 23 Co Di0itor0 to tbc athletic ^Tournament at fIDanbattan JficI^. The Metropolitan Street Railway Company Begs to inform Visitors to the Athletic Tournanient that by using their numerous surface lines in connection with their Transfer System they can reach their destination from most any point in the city FOR ONE SINGLE FARE OF 5 CENTS THEY HAVE THE CHOICE OF THE Ninth Avenue Line, m Broadway Cable Line, STARTING AT FULTON ST. AND BROADWAY ALONG THE WEST SIDE UP THE BOULEVARD AND MANHATTAN AVE. WHICH STARTS AT SOUTH FERRY AND TRANSFERS PAS- SENGERS FROM CROSS-TOWN LINES CONNECTING WITH Sixth Ave. and Manhattan Ave. Line, all ferries and r. r. depots, and connects also ) (WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARSi WITH THE Columbus Avenue Cable Line, PASSING THE DOOR OF THE N. Y. A. CLUB HOUSE AT 55th STREET, AND TRANSFERRING PASSENGERS FROM 34th STREET CROSS-TOWN CARS WHICH CONNECT WITH 34th STREET FERRY (L. I. R. R.) AND 42d STREET FERRY (WEST SHORE R. R.). ' WHICH AGAIN TRANSFERS ITS PASSENGERS (ALWAYS FOR I THE SAME SINGLE FARE OF 5 CENTS) TO THE Seventh Avenue Line, RUNNING THROUGH THE DRY GOODS DISTRICT UP Lenox Avenue ElectrJc Line, SEVENTH AVENUE TO 50th STREET, WHERE PASSENGERS ARE TRANSFERRED TO THE GOING UP TO THE HARLEM RIVER. These Lines reach Central Park, Morningside and Riverside Parks, the Shopping District and Places of Amusement. Copyriebt, 1S94, by Harper & lirolhe Oxfora I'nhwrsity Boat House. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 25 THE McCONIHE & HUBBELL MFG. CO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BILLIARD ^SUPPLIES MANUFACTURERS OF Hvor^ anb Composition BiUiavb anb pool Balls, FACTORY : Office, Salesroom and Repair Shops: 116 EAST 14th STREET, NEW YORK. RED BANK, N. J. 26 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. artists. The track is 7 feet wide and on a level with mezzanine floor. Two stairways lead from the gym- nasium floor to the gallery. The stairways and eleva- tor open directly on this gallery also, a great conven- ience when the building is crowded. The position of these exercise floors — half way between the social and dining room floors — will materially help the emptying of the gymnasium, as the crowd can be sent by rapid elevators and wide staircases in both directions. Open- ing from the gymnasium floor is the office of the ath- letic director, the handball court, and boxing rooms. In the Fifty-eighth Street L is the fencing room and lounge with toilets, etc. From the gallery on the mezzanine floor, opens the measuring room and wrest- ling rooms. The Fifty-eighth Street L contains the room for the rowing machines and a living room for the athletic director. Sixth Floor.— This is the locker floor. There will be provision made for 1,500 lockers or more in main building, and in the Fifty-eighth L will be a room for small box lockers as well as a lot of dressing rooms. There will be rooms for attendants, office, drying room for clothes, toilet, massage, and shower rooms also. The Sixth Avenue side will have fifteen bedrooms for transient visitors, with toilet, linen, and trunk rooms. A lounging room is provided on this floor where mem- bers can smoke and have a drink after their exercise and bath. Seventh Floor.— In the front, facing the Park, is the main dining room. That with color, carving, and drapery can be made equal to any club dining room. The breakfast and supper room adjoin. There is a very large serving room, also lavatory, delivery room, wine room, etc. The Fifty-eighth Street L is devoted to servants' rooms and toilet and store rooms. Eighth Floor. — The Fifty-ninth Street front is taken up by the roof garden. This can be enclosed in Win- ter and turned into a track and exercise room for wheelmen. This will be the Summer dining room also. On the Sixth Avenue side will be placed six private dining rooms with serving rooms, etc. A toilet room is also conveniently placed here. There will be the greatest convenience in service. A buffet bar room is provided for waiters. The kitchen, receiving, service, and distributing rooms and bakery are on this floor. The Fifty-eighth Street L is taken up with scullery, store rooms, and steward's room. All the cold stor- age rooms, butcher shop, vegetable room, and canned goods and grocery room are placed here also. The arrangements contemplate the most careful supervision of this whole department by Stewart, chef, and manager. Ninth Floor (the roof). — Here are the servants' rooms, etc. A large dining room is provided for heads of departments, and another for men and women ser- vants, with dumb-waiters and serving room from kit- chen. There is also a dressing room for servants and waiters, with wash room, bath room, and toilet arrange- ments. There is a place provided for the tailor shop and linen room and china closets. The tanks and store rooms take up the rest of the vacant space. As the plans develop, many other features may be added to assure the most complete, comfortable, and handsome athletic club that can be built. W. A. Cable, Architect. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB ?'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 27 ilasontlamltiT ORGANS Have been supplied to Her Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, H. I. M. the Empress FREDERICK, H. I. M. the Empress EUGENIE, H. R. H. the Duchess of YORK, WESrniNSTER ABBEY, METROPOLITAN OPERA CO., SEIDL'S ORCHESTRA, And to artists and amateurs throughout the world. PIANOS Have been supplied to NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB, MANHATT/\N ATHLETIC CLUB, THE LOTUS CLUB, New York, THE HARVARD CLUB, New York, SS. "ST. LOUIS" and "ST. PAUL," SS. "NEW YORK" and "PARIS," And to artists and amateurs throughout the world. The riason & Hamlin Pianos contain the patented Screw =Strii]ger, pronounced by experts "The greatest improvement in Pianos in half a century." . . . . PIANOS AND ORGANS FOR RENT OR SALE ON EASY TERMS. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES AND FULL PARTICULARS AS TO TERHS SENT ON APPLICATION. i!las0nllamlm€0. I3C> r^ifth .A.ve., IVe^v ^V^orlc. Ya/e European Team, rSg^. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NKW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 29 IN January we said we should build bicycles. In July we were still at it. In December we shall not have tilled all orders. A mutual misfortune. The result of putting on the market an honestly built wheel with thor- oughly practical features, using nothing but the best of material and living up to our guarantee. j-jAVE YOU SEEN THEfl^ ^^ The Racer, Special Light Roadster, Full Roadster, Tandem, and Duplex. Do you want an agency for next year ? We have be- gun business for I896 A. D. Will send catalogue if you care for one. R. H. WOLFF CO., Ltd., Foot of East 118th St., N. Y. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 31 Fred'k W. Meeker. James W. Carter. Paul E. O'Brien. MEEKER & CARTER, 14 EAST 23D Street, New York. goie Agents^ ihe Staten Island Terra Cotta Lumber Co. OF WOODBRIDGE, N. J. Manufacturers of Ornamental Front Bricks, Terra Cotta, Fire-Prooting" Materials, Fire Brick, etc. S".'^/^^7oV%i,e Farnley English Glazed Bricks, IMPORTED IN ALL COLORS. ESTIMATES GIVEN OF FIRE-PROOF WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. TELEFHOlsrE C^A-XiXi, 751 ISTH. CHAS. JACQUIN, 454 AND 456 SI:KTH AVE., NEW YORK. afe ai)d f^estaUrar^t. Ta/i/,- cV lldte from J2 to 2:jo and 5:30 to q P. Af. A la Carte from 7 A. M. to 12 P. M. KNICKERBOCKER COTTAGE. E. D. TlIORNBllRCIl & CO., B^nker^ ^ Broker^, 41 BROADWAY, N. Y. ^Deposits IReceire^ Subject to Cbecl?. Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Cotton, Coffee and Invest- ment Securities Bought and Sold for Cash or Carried on Favorable Margins. connissioN, i=i6 per cent. Connected by private wires to the New York Con. Stock Exchange, Cotton Exchange, and Chicago Board of Trade. Daily Market Letter full of valuable Wall Street information mailed free on appbcation. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. GENERAL ATHLETICS, -:^m^ lOO-YARD RUN. C. A. Bradley, London A. C. and Huddersfield Cricket and Athletic Club, has a record of 9 4-5S., and has been credited with los. a dozen times, and won the English amateur championship in 1892, 1893, 1894 and 1895. A. R. Downer, London A. C, and .Scottish Pelicans, has a record of 9 4-5S., and has been credited with lOs. in several races. He won the Scottish amateur cham- pionship at 100 yards, 220 yards, and 440 yards in 1893, 1894, and 1895, was second for the English amateur championship this year, finishing a yard and a half be- hind Bradley, and ran two dead heats with Bradley for the level 100 yards at Stoke-on-Trent on August 6. T. I. Lee, N. Y. A. C, has a record of los., won the American and Canadian 100 and 220 yards amateur championships in 1894, and the 100 and 220 yards Met- ropolitan championships in 1893, 1894 and 1895. John Van Crum, N. Y. A. C, and Chicago A. C, has a record of 9 4-5S., won the 100 and 220 yards intercol- legiate championships in 1895, and the 100 and 220 yards Central Association championships in 1894. C. W. Stage, N. Y. A. C, and Cleveland A. C, has a record of 9 4-5S., won the 100 and 230 yards A. A. U., Canadian and Central Association championships in 1883. B. J. VVefers, N. Y. A. C, and Lowell Cricket and A. A., has a record of los., and won the New England Association 100 and 220 yards championships in 1894. With such a grand lot of sprinters to select from, it Mr. E. Kumke, of 134 West Twenty-third Street, has made a decided hit in his original styles of Fur Capes and Jackets, made from all the leading pelts, such as Russian Sable, Mink, Seal, Alaska Sable, Persian Lamb, etc. Ill Fur Neck Wear you will find a number of novelties of exclusive designs. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB rs. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 33 $75.00 k iC'L ¥\\seriic\ais Our lO-lb. Scorcl-ier is a daisv, wnnnFRFllI \ ^^® ^^^ "° Comnriissiori. and is getting in its fine worlc on J^C. ^,Z,nTr ] "^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^''• eveo^ racing field. ' TO RELATE. ( We sell onr WHEELS. I^hg: PIKROIC T«ir>€:i«S AMIS tiiicl »we£li^ 1>V tllO F»IICI- O >• o 36 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. is indeed difficult to pick the winner, but we do not think that the best of the American four will be equal to the task of defcatin^^ such a consistent runner as Bradley. 220-VARD RUN. A. R. Downer, L. A. C, and Oxford, has won the Scottish amateur championship for three consecutive years, and holds the Scottish amateur record. He is also a joint holder with E. H. Felling of the world's best 220 yard record, and is credited with the British record at 300 yards. He is generally admitted to be the fastest amateur in England from 150 yards to 300 yards. G. Jordan, L. A. C. and Oxford University, is the interuniversity champion at lOO yards, and is no doubt in the first rank at 220 yards, but we can find no record of his having competed at that distance. T. I. Lee, N. Y. A. C, is the joint holder of the world's best record at 220 yards of 21 4-5S. J. V. Crum, N. Y. A. C. and C. A. A., has a record of 22s., being the slowest time of two watches, the other registering 21 3-5S. B. J. Wefers, N. Y. A. C. and L. C. and A. A., has a record of 22 4-5S., and has recently defeated Lee at this distance. C. W. Stage is credited with 21 3-55. for 220 yards. If Lee was in as good form as last year, we should look no further for the winner, but this is doubtful, and the issue at present seems to be between Crum and Downer, with the chances slightly in favor of the latter. QUARTER-MILE RUN. W. Fitzherbert, L. A. C. and Trinity Hall, Cam- He piulual Life Ipiaqce Go. OK NEW YORK. RICHARD A. McCURDY, PUES'T. HEAD OFFICE: NASSAU, CEDAR p.^^ LIBERTY STREETS. JANUARY I, 1895. Assets, .... Surplus, Insurance and Annuities in force. $204,638,783.96 22,529,327.82 855,207,778.42 Paid to Policy-holders since Organization : $388,440,897.34 Saml'EL D. Habco(.k CiEORGE S. COE Richard A. McCurdv Jajies C. Holdrn Hermann C. Von Post I.EWis May Oliver Harriman Henry VV. Smith Robert Olyphant George F. Baker UuDLEV Olcott BOARD OF TRUSTEES ; Fredfric Cromwell JULIEN r. DaVIES K'OBERT bEWELL S. Van RENbSELAi-R Cri ger Charles R. Henderson George Bliss RuFUS W. Peckham J. HoBART HERnClC \Vm. p. Dixon Robert A. Grannis Henry H. Rogers Jno. W. Auchincloss. Thfodore Morki rd William Babcock Stuyvesant Fish Augustus D. Juilli/'Ru t.HARLEs K. Miller Walter R. Gillette H. Walter Webb George G. Haven Adrian Iselin, Jr. George S. Bowcoin Theo. a. Havfmeyer William C. Whitney LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 37 Qver 100,0 00 Horse= Power —OF — laDGOGt £ Wilcox Boilers ARE IN USE IN NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. Of which 20,000 Horse=Power arc used in Office Buildings Hotels, Clubs, Schools, Churches, City Buildings, etc'., where lives are at stake. THEY ARE SAFE. The Babcock & Wilcox Company, Send for Book on Steam. 29 Cortlandt St., New York. or e: o e: TT LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 39 ^^x-e 3^oxx ix ^^aolxti^iixaix '? I>o >"Oxx need &. I3oilox^"? WE MAKE THE BEST. ABSOLUTE SAFETY-joo POUNDS STEAM. SMALL, LIGHT, EASILY OPERATED. LONG LIVED. LOW PRICED. ALL SMALLER SIZES IN STOCK READY FOR DELIVERY. • • 800 50LD. 15 YEARS IN USE. HANDSOnE ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR FREE. The Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co., 39 AND 41 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK CITY. I>...ji Ilarpn', \V,-rlily. Jit Oxford- Looking Doum the his from Folly Bridge-College Barges o,r Left— To-o-patlil Right— Bont House in Distance. "Tliere arc otliers," but like "DeleiKlcr; leads lliciii all. CnrVRIGHTED 95,_BY C. F. ECLLES. B KLVN ON BOARD ■■ DEFENDER. ' Erie Basin Dry Dock, Brooklyn, New York, August 16, 189=?. Chicago Varnish Co. GenUemeu : Yes— we are using " Navalite " on the " Defender." Bought it from Ferguson, of New Rochelle. We had to have a Varnish that would stand ail weather and hold its gloss; that is why I use yours. Very truly, (Signed) H. C. HAFF. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB I'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. bridge University, has a record 0(49 3-5S. He won the quarter mile at the London A. C. -Cambridge Univer- sity sports this year, beating E. C. Bredin; won again at the Oxford-Cambridge sports, and once more at the amateur championship meeting, where he again beat Bredin. G. Jordan, L. A. C. and Oxfoid University, has run 4 yards behind 50s. He won the quarter mile at the Oxford-Cambridge and Oxford-Yal<; sports in 1894, and was beaten 4 yards by Fitzherbert in the Oxford- Cambridge spDrts this year. T. K. Burke, N. Y. A. C. and Boston A. A., has a record of 49 I -5s., and won the New England quarter- mile championship in 1894. G. M. Sands, X. Y. A. C, has a record of 59 4-5S., and won the quarter-mile Metropolitan championship in 1893, 1894 and 1895. I. I. Brokaw, N. Y. A. C, has run in 48 4- 5s. from. 15 yards. G. F. Sanford, X. Y. A. C, has finished 4 feet be- hind 50s. Burke should win this event, as his record made at the spring games of the New York Athletic Club does not express his real ability. HALF-MILE RUN. F. S. Horan, L. A. C. and Trinity Hall, Cambridge University, has finished 4 yards behind im. 56s., and again, 4 yards behind im. 55 4-53. At this year's Eng- lish amateur championship meeting he was second to E. C. Bredin. E. J. Wilkins, L. A. C, receives a liberal handicap SLOANE & MOLLER, C^rpenter5 c\nJ Builder5-- U9-u> East 64th Street, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE 258— 79TH STREET. B. S. & CO. LONDON ATHLHTIC CLUB 7'S. NKW YORK ATIILKTIC CH'U. 43 THOMAS A. WILMURTS SONS, MAKERS OF FIXE GOLD PICTURE FRAMES ^4 EAST THIRTEENTH STREET, Third Door West of Broadway. NEW YORK. ^giiK-;-:-:-:-:-::::-::-;:::-.-:-;s- REPAIRING AND REGILDING DONE IN THE NEATEST MANNER. Exterior of Oxford College. LONDON Aim IC (I-UIi 7'S. Ni:\V YORK AlIll.KTU' C'l.l'H. 45 ASSIDY & SON MFC, CO, MANUFACTURERS OF (ji^as, l^lcctrie ai^d ^orpbii^atiori pxthi es 133 AND 13,^ West 23d Street, ~: AND 124, 126 AND 128 West 24th St., NEW YORK. Q^ OME of the most conservative and successful financial ^■^S institutions in tlu- world are in the City of New York. ' "^'i-. ^ The investment for many years of tlie enormous amounts held in trust for their clientele or policy-holders, meas- ured either from the standpoint of safety or earning capacity, illustrates how safe and productive of income their method is. The fa\'oritc investment of tliese great institutions, as is well known, is in Improved Real Estate. The Cass Realty Corporation (incorporated under the laws of the State of New York) invests its capital in prodiicth'e Real Estate in Neiv Yor/c City. The returns of such investments are satisfactory. Its common stock pays six per cent, a year, and its preferred stock five per cent. Dividends are paid quarterly. Shares are one luiiidred flollars each. A surplus is also being accumulated. The desirableness of such investment of money is patent to every individual, but the individual cannot make it in his own person. He lives too remote from the city, or the amount he has to invest is too small. Neither has he the knowledge and experience needed for wise decision. Hence the Corporation meets a demand and makes good a lack. It represents the ad- vantages of combination and local experience in management. 'I'he man of small holdings and whose residence is remote from the city can, through its agency, reap the benefit of sharing in the safest and best investments known to the country. He who owns a single share in this Corporation owns an interest in a property that the largest and wisest capitalists of the country eagerly seek after. For full particulars apply to CHARLES W. CASS, President, No. 503 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N. Y. 46 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB vs. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUl from Bredin. We cannot find his exact record, but it is little, if any, better than 2m. C. H. Kilpatrick, N. Y. A. C, has a record of im. 55 2-5S., won the A. A. U. half-mile championship in 1894, and the Metropolitan Association half-mile cham- pionship in 1894 and 1895. A. M. Remington, N. Y. A. C. and Suffolk A.C., has a record of im. 58 4-5S. Kilpatrick appears to be the pick of the contestants, and we look to him to win. ONE-MILE RUN. W. E. Lutycns, L. A. C. and Sidney College, Cam- bridge University, has a record of 4m. 19 4-5S. He won the mile run at the London A. C. -Cambridge Univer- sity sports this year; also won at the Oxford-Cam- bridge sports, and was second to Bacon at the amateur championship meeting. T. P. Conneff, N. Y. A. C, holds the world's record of4m.i5 3-5S. He won the English amateur cham- pionship in 1888, the American one-mile championship in 1891, and the one-mile Metropolitan championships in 1893 and 1894. G. W. Orton, N. Y. A. C, has a record of 4m 21 4-55. Ae won the American and Canadian one-mile cham- pionships in 1892, 1893 and 1894, and the intercolleg- iate championship in 1895. Conneff is running so well that there is little doubt of the result. He should win easily, and it is a pity that Bacon did not come to meet, probably, the only man in the world that can carry him along faster than he cares to go. THE LARGEST HOUSE IN AMERICA CHARLES DALY GUNS. MARLIN REPEATING RIFLES. STERLING & GALES CYCLES. Foot Ball, Athletic ad Hunting OUTFITTERS. SHOVERLING, DALY k GILES, 302 Broadway and 84 Duane Street, NEW YORK. LONDONJaTHLETIC club 7'S. new YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 47 PERRYS NUMBER PATTERN *" . PATENT HARDENED |^_ PEN STEEL B U S H E S. N9II. PERRY & C9 LIMITED, BIRMINGHAM TiiiTs HE STANDARD OF CHAINS THE WORLD OVER. K inun STRETCH xinun WEAR. Used by all Professional and Amateur Racing Men. HUfiLO-flmEIIIGHN CYCLE FITTIUCS CO., SOLE U. S. AGENTS, 105 and 107 Chambers Street, New York. -°".^\^^ ^^- .<^' .^^^• (^'^ Fr..m Il:,rp,.r's WoM C-u\rv^[,l. )-'J4, la ll.'Mper .t Brnlli. i^iiLiii's Cliih JJl'Usc — J\iU'i]iut ami Tcidih Coui-li LONDON ATIILF.TIC CLUB VS. NF.W YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 49 ^^ ^^ Manufacturing -^J^^ "ESTABLISHED OVCR A IJUAKTEr; Or" A Cli.^tP./. I^XTl^l^TlI^T^ Between Bio:u1\v:iy and Sixth Avenue. 38 West 28tli Streil SEAL GARMENTS a specialty. NOVELTIES IN FUR CAPES, GENTS' OVERCOATS, NECK SCARFS, GLOVES AND CAPS. THE WINDSOR HOTEL, rStrCNV ^OKK. WE T{EMODEl AhID MAKE OVER FUR GARMENTS. ^Occupyingan Hntire Block on Fifth Avenue, bet. 46lh and 47tH Streets.) HAWK & WETHERBEE, Proprietors. The .a.MeRicAN: and tCixtoi-i-iAisf 1»i.a>:s. Rooms with Board : « Tiie Cuisine and Service Unsur- )5;4.00 and upward per Day. :* passea. Rooms without Board : ^^ The LiUest and Most^ Approved $1.50 and upward per Day. f Sanitary PhuiilMng. Newly Decoratcil and RefurnLshed. Five Hinutes' Wallt from (jrand Central Station. so LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB X'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. THREE-MILE RUN. F. S. Horan, L. A. C. and Trinity Hall, Cambridge University, has a record of 14m. 4434s. He won the Oxford-Cambridge three-mile run in 1893, 1894 and 1895, and was second in the London A. C. -Cambridge University sports this year, finishing behind H. A. Munro. S. Thomas, L. A. C, holds the world's record of r4m. 24s. for three miles. T. P. Conneff, N. Y. A. C, has a record of 14m. 56s. He won the five-mile championship of America in 1888, 1889, 1890 and 1891. E. C. Carter, N. Y. A. C, has a record of 14m. 50 2-5S. He won the five-mile championship of America in 1886 and 1887, and the ten-mile championship in 1886, 1891, 1893 and 1894. As both Conneff and Horan will have competed ear- lier in the day, the result will depend on the severity of those races; but Conneff, in his present form, should repeat well enough to win. 120-YARD HURDLE RACE. G. B. Shaw, L. A. C, holds the English amateur re- cord, 15 4-5S., and has been credited with the former British record, i6s., several times. He is a veteran athlete, having won the French championship and run second for the English championship in 1886. He then moved to New Zealand, and won many races there. Returning to England, he was beaten for the cham- pionship in 1890, 1 89 1 and 1892, but won in 1893, 1894 and 1895. 518 to 632 W. 33rd ST. and 531 W. 32nd ST., NEW YORK. Brooklyn Depot, 109 Third Street. HOWARD & CHILDS' Celebrated Canada Halt Ales and Lager Beer brewed from Pure Canada Malt and Hops of tlie finest selected quality, as a trial will prove. THE MONTE CRISTO BOTTLING CO., 543-545 Tenth Avenue.and also jOS-jtO West 42d Street, are Bottlers of our specially brewed Pure Canada Malt La.i;er Beer for families and hotels, also for export. N.B. — A trial order is respectfully solicited, which will be convincing as to superior quality. The Monte Cristo Bottling Co. are also extensive Importers and Dealers in Wines and Liquors of all kinds. Sole proprietors of the famous Monte Cristo Whiskies. Agents for the Eagle Bottling Works, Glen- brook, Conn., manufacturers of Pure Ginger Ale, Si )da Water, Cider, etc. P. S. — Orders by mail prijmptly tilled. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NKW YORK ATIII.iniC CLUB. 51 Thomas a. Darragh. Thomas H. Whitely. James D. Johnston. Robert L. Barra^ii's Son k Co., l3 l^ItOA.OXVA.Y NEW YORK. ->^ ESTABLISHED IS25 C. J. GIBSON'S 25 EAST FORTY-SECOND STREET, Directly Opposite Grand Cei.lral Mepot. A large assortment of Imported Imitations and Comicalities always on hand. Seventh Regiment Band, 1H. (3. S. 1H. iL). ^[ilitary ar|d Sti'iri^- W. B. ROGERS, Leader. OFFICE: 2C, UNION SQUARE, POND'S MUSIC STORE. New York. AVs,W^allpapers, AND LEADED GLASS. (Turtains, S)rapcric6 an^ lllpbolcitcr^. OFFICE AND SHOWROOMS: 71 East ?9th Strhet, West of Park Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. LONDON All ILK TIC CLUl! rs. NKW \()RK All II.KIIC CLUB. 55 BETTEH THAI IIFDIITBI) Drink H'v. Zeltncr's Old^ Fashioned Lagfer Beer. I70th St. and Third Ave., N. Y. (5sT.\TtLi«Tie:ij i860 .... ^KANK BIRD, ICstlblishcd ■)n Si.vtli Ave, tS;q. lOSLI'll FRANK BIRD. FRANK BIRD (Si SON, I'aiiilcrs, Piipcr-llaii.ii'crs ami llccoraiors Siflii ipaintino aiiD ©ilDiim on eiat?^. 209 COLT I M BUS AVENUE, Between 6'Jtli ;uid 7<)tli Streets. NEW YORK. TlIM CO .iwb»a Rubber W, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. IN 1694 TWICE AS MANY PRIZES WERE WON ON ' AS ON ALL OTHER ' ^ MAKES COMBINED ' SELLING A0ENT5. 66 and 68 Reade Street, New York. A.MKU'ICAN lAFESTKY AND PECt RATIVE CO. 286 FIFTH AVE., N. Y. TAPEbTKY rAlNTIi'G— SLUifECT, " 1 HE DITTN' L\ I'EKAllSbluN 01 J. I. Dul'JHIT'. I.()\M-o\ Aim 1 IK Cl.un vs. NEW YORK ATHLETIC Cl.UB. 57 I'apestry l^aintinji^s 2,(XX) tapestry paintings tn ilmose from. 38 artists einployed, incliidini; unki medalisls uf the Paris Salon. Send for Circulur. Decorations Write tor eiilor svhenu's, desij,nis, estimates. Artists sent to all parts ot the wurld tn do every snrt of decoraliiii; and |\iintini.;. We are ediicatinii tlie country in color harnmny. Relief, wall paper, stained .ulass, carpets, furniture, window- shades, draperies, etc. I'upils lau^jht decoration. Send for Circular. Wall= Papers Aiiiumn styles, choice colors, original designs, from Kjc. up. Send for Circular. Art School Six )-hour tapestry paintinj; lessons, in studio. )?5.(X). Com- plete printed instruction by niail, if 1.00. Tapestry paintinijs rented: full-size drawings, paints, lirushes, etc., supplied. No- \v!iere, Paris not excepted, are such advantages offered pupils. 5end for Circular. lapestry Materials We manufacture tapestry materials. Superior to foreign goods, and half the price. Book of 35 samples, loc. Send for Circular. Manual of Art Decoration riie art liook ot the century. 200 royal quarto pages. SO superb full-page illustrations of modern home interiors and tapestry studies. Price, |.2.tX). J. F. DOUTHITT. American Tapestry and Decorative Co. 286 Fifth Avenue, New York. AFTER THE BATTLE OF AQOA SKXTIA tapestry' PALMING BY J. F. DOUTHITT. LONDON ATHLETIC CL'.JB 7/^. NEW YORK A riIl,i:'llC CLUB. 59 DITMANS' SEA SALT Is the Natural Salt of Pure 5ea Water.^,^^ Tni''. beginninf^ of cool Autumn weather drives people home from the sea beach and surf, and baths in the l)rcakers begin to be unseasonable. Formerly this made a grievous shortcoming in the comfort of invalids and others who derive so much benefit from the medical effect of splashing in salt water. A weak attempt at a salt bath at home was made b)' dissolving rock salt in the bathing water, but it was oidy an imperfect ai)pria"JVff^VIV, Chemist, 2 Barclay Street, New York. 6o LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. RUNNING BROAD JUMP. W. J. Oakley, L. A. C. and Christ Church College, Oxford University, has been credited with 22 ft. 11 in. He was third in theOxford-Cambridge sports this year, beaten by both Mendelson and Fry, but won the ama- teur championsliip from a poor field, beating Mendel- son, who is an uncertain performer. W. Mendelson, L. A. C. and Cambridge University, has a record of 22 ft. $14 in. He won the broad jump at the Oxford-Cambridge sport, defeating C. B. Fry, the joint holder of the world's record. L. P. Sheldon, N. Y. A. C, has a record of 22 ft. II in. He won the broad jump at the intercollegiate meeting this year, and was also victorious at the Yale- Harvard meets in 1894 and 1895, 'I'ld the Yale-Oxford meet last year. E. B. Bloss, N Y. A. C, has a record of 22 ft. 113^ in. He won the intercollegiate and the New England Association broad-jump championships in 1892 and 1893. Sheldon has been unable to train properly, owing to an injured foot, and Bloss, who is doing good work, should win. PUTTING 16-LB. SHOT. A. J. Watson, L. A. C. and Cambridge University, won the shot at Oxford and Cambridge sports this year with 37 ft. G. R. Gray, N. Y. A. C, holds the world's record of 47 feet. He has been American champion since 1887, and has not been defeated since 1885. He won the English championship in 1888. Gray will win with ease. Chas. G. Steinheimer. C. W. Fisher. STElNHBIMnRS FISIIEK, DISTRlBUriNQ AGENTS LA REPUBLICA CIGARS, IRcw ll)orl? aiiJ) IRevv Eualau&. Boston Office : 5 BROAD STREET. New York Office: AVE. A AND 71ST ST. "■ SOLB IN BofTuesONkY^ 43V }>)!.l NtW yOHr BHANCn 0j2*6J4 V» 34tkSt I.ON'DON AllILirilC CLUB 7^-. NKW VORK ATHlJirU Cl.lM!. 6i G. E.WALTER, Vhj^) AND MANUFACTURliR OF Plaster, Papier Mache and Composition Decorations. Models made for BrcMize, Wood, Brass, Stone, etc., in an artistic manner. 157 EAST -i-iTM STREET, Telephone 4r>()—.5Sth Street. NEW YORK. m STOVES FORJEm HP COOKING. C. F. HETZEL, Jr., 242 Sixth Avenue. WM. M. CRANE & CO., 838 Broadway. BLOOMINGDALE BROS., Third Ave., 59th and 60th Sts. HENRY McSHANE MFG. CO., 625 Sixth Avenue. W. D. GRANT, 206 West 42d Street. W. H. JACKSON & CO., 29 East 17th Street. H. C. F. KOCH & CO., 132 West 125th Street. BACHUS PORTABLE STEAM HEATING CO., 136 West 34th Street. JOHN W. DUNN, 25 East 14th Street. nu4u »*4ai»n*Mi)T '■Moki wrwAfivrACTUiitPi^Ans roe all pe/A/r/M -Mnmmss/mitiKPOsis. /ii^]i0i ORK Nos. 6-40 A.ND 642 First Avenue, Plumbers' Marble Work a Specialty. NEW YORK ^^P^^'^^*W*#^|fc*SIWBf ^ 1 i 1 i« , >lt '4, i,i II ,.|.,i .V Ci. Loiido)! Rowing Club Boat IJoiisc at Putney. LOXDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATlILl'TrC CLUB. 63 , H. JANTZEN, MANUFACTURER OF I'lNE FOOTWEAR, 284 Sixlli Ave, Nor rSth :m , NEW YORK. All Kinds of Winter Russet Oil Grain Walking Boots for Country and Shooting. Riding Boots and Sporting Shoes a Specialty. PERPENTE & CLARKE, Shirtiiiakers sii Haberda,shers 26'^ EAST 420 STREET. Branch: 132 Park Avenue. Boyefs Patent SiiGlionai Water Tone Boilers ©cut's Gloves auD }E. «X M. Collars an& Cuffs. The owner of the Steam Yacht "Rex" writes: " M;iny a time 1 have seen her make 20 miles an hour, for one or two hours, witii the boiler door wide open." This boiler is 4 feet wide, 6 feet long-, 5 1-16 feet liigii, andj weighs, with water, 4,250 pounds. Address : L. BOYER'S SONS, 90 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY. yHESE rapid Steaming Boilers require less room, occupy less space in width, height and length; weigh less than any otlier. Have short, perfect circulation, no dead ends, no joints in the lire, and any engineer can get at all parts of it. 64 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. THROWINC; 16-LB. HAMMER. G. S. Robertson, L. A. C. and Oxford, has a record of 116 ft. 7 in. He won at the Oxford-Cambridge sports in 1893, 1894 and 1895. J. S. Mitchell, N. Y. A. C, holds the world's record of 145 ft. 3^ in. He won the American championship every year from 1889 to 1894, the Metropolitan cham- pionship for the past four years, and the Canadian championship in 1890, 1892 and 1894. W. O. Ilickok, N. Y. A. C, has a record of 135 ft. 7Vj in. He won the hammer-throwing at the Oxford- Yale contest, and at the intercollegiate and Yale-Har- vard sports in 1893 and 1894. H. B. Cross, N. Y. A. C, has a record of 135 ft. Mitchell should win this event with ease. It will be seen from the foregoing that the New York- Athletic Club team is expected to win nine of the eleven events on the programme; but in the quarter-mile, half-mile, and three-mile runs, and the broad jump, the English representatives will make a good fight, and have an excellent chance of scoring. Even should they capture two of these doubtful events, the New York A. C. would be victorious by seven to four, and we calculate that the score will be, if anything, more in the Americans' favor. S. C. WILLIAMS. S. K. GORHAM. S. C WILLIAMS & GORHAM, /IRcmhcvB ^Iollscl^^atc^ lEicbaiuic, BANKERS AND BROKERS, 72 BROADWAY, N. Y. R. A. BRITTON, Manager. Branch Oftice: Standard Theatre Building, 1 287 Broadway. Telephone 76 — jSth Street. SAI^Jj: UIJVD, ->^- SAP^IS l^IIVD. JAMES C. HOLDE.V, President. JOHN A. FONDA, Vice-President. J. LYNCH PENDEKGAST, Sec'y and Manager. National Safe Deposit Co. THE NEW MUTUAL LIFE BUILDING, 32 Liberty St. '"''''■ sZX ';:?'■' m' '"' ''■ NEW YORK. INSPECTION INVITED. SUITES, iSS TO 58230 feJFt YtC.XI*. Sturaije Department for the storing of Trunks, Silverware, Jewelry, etc., at reasonable rates. The latest and most improved burglar-proof vaults n t he city. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 65 Telephone No. 1568— 38th Street, CONDUIT WIRING COMPANY, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS^ lyigliting ■^^^^^^m^^^m^ No. 12 West Twenty=ninth Street, New York. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORIC AITILETIC CLUB. 67 JOHN E. IIIROPF & SONS, BUILDERS OF Simple, Compoundand Triple Expansion Engines, FOR STEAM YACHTS, TUGS, ETC. Speed Yaehts a Specialty. Send for Descriptive Pamphlet and Photographs. ^ TRENTON, ^ NEW JERSEY, , U.S.A. Lalliaiii, Alexander i Cu., w 16 and 18 Wall Street, New York. "LUCANIA." IVestward — ^ days, 7 hours, 2} minutes. Eastward — ^ days, 8 hours, 38 minutes. "CAMPANIA." IVestward— S days, 9 hours, 29 minutes Eastward — 5 days, 9 hours, 6 minutes. 68 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. CLUB COMPETITIONS. The races arranged by the Athletic Committee to serve as trials for the international team, have proved a decided success. The original idea, to have the races confined to club members, was abandoned after the first meeting, when the world's record made was inval- idated, as the time was not made in an open race. Those who were present on August 2i will not soon forget the wonderful running of T. P. Conneff in the three-quarter mile run. It was well known that Con- neff was in better condition than ever before, but, as all his races had been won on tracks that were not in first-class shape, his most ardent admirers had no idea of his real speed when extended on a good track. Kil- patrick had beaten Conneff in a race at the same dis- tance a few weeks before this contest, and was expected either to win or finish a close second, but Orton was not looked upon as dangerous, as he was palpably short of work. When one lap had been covered, Con- neff went by Orton, who had cut out the pace for the scratch men, and, traveling at a terrific gait, caught g^TORAGE BATTERI ES" Stored Electric Power Supplied for all Purposes. The "Multum in Parvo" Electric Yacht Lamp, Portable Batteries, Hand Search Lights, Electric Yacht Lighting of Every Description. THE STORAGE BATTERY SUPPLY CO., 239 East 27th Street, New York. TELEPHONE CALL, 809— 38th. Thomas Conville Brewing ("iiipaiiy (Canada Malt Lager Beer, Ales and Porter. 328 TO 338 EAST -46TH STREET, NEW YORK CITY. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 69 M. Lewinson, C. E. telephone CONNECTION. Geo. A. Just, C. E. LEWINSON & JUST, Consulting Engineers and Contractors, 128 West 42d Street, N. Y. PURE MILK FOR THE BABIES. Bjpert lEjaminations an^ IRcports. Iron Work for Buildings, Foundations. Structural Iron and Steel, Roofs and Bridges. J\^, C^ H h^I^LBORG, 3d Ave., New York. New England and Greani Bread a Specialty. Pure Gluten Bread. Superior Bread, Rolls and Pastry delivered to Families, Restaurants, and histtitttious All orders by mail receive prompt and personal attention. Quick delivery. THE 'IROQUOIS.--..- ^-J-«-- Drake & M;cGrane, Or^^n^e County Milk Jl55oci?ilion, Manufacturers. Wlinlesalc .uul Rcl.iil DcalL-rsin EVAPORATED AND CONDENSED HILK. ALSO STRICTLY PURE BOTTLED MILK. 146 and 148 West 2sth Street, New York. Okuanized 1842. Telephone Call, 365 — i8th St. Incokpokated. John T. Whitehead, T^lectPiciai] 1024 SIXTH AVENUE, Between 57th and 5Sth Sts. NEW YORK. LATE FOREiHAN OF OF THE Metropolitan Club, 5tli Ave. and 60tli St., and John Jacob Astor's Residence. 70 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. Bonbons, 1/ Chocolates. Purity of Material, and Deliciousness of Flavor. UNEXCELLED I ZTovelties in Taney Baskets & Bonbonnierea SUITABIiB FOB FBESBNTS. 863 Broadwa.y. bet. 17th & iSth Sts. ) ,, 150 Broa.dwa.y, corner Liberty St. } NftW YflPK 21 West 4 2d Street, near 5th Ave. ) "^'" ^"^'^• (""ANDIES carefully packed and shipped to all parts ^^ of the cou ntry, by mail or e .xpress. OUR COCOA AND CHOCOLATES FOR EATING AND DRINKING FOR SALB Br GROCERS EVERYWHERE. Telephone Call, 1209 R. WM. H. HOYT& Co., 5 Vanderbilt Ave., Opposite Grand Central Depot, N. Y. City. 23d and 24th Ward, Westchester Co., and Surburban Property our Specialty. HENRY QREUTER, No. 72 West 38th Street, Near Sixth Avenue. NEW'^ YORK. R UPTURE Relieved M Cured. We can refer you to thousands of cured patients. No operation. No detention from business. For Circulars and Exaiiii/iatioii, FREE, Address JhE O. E. MiLLER CoMPANY, 126 East 23d Street, N. Y. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 71 B. BEINECKE. JOS. HESDORFER. BEINBCKE & CO., Dealers in Poultry and Game. Hotels, Restaurants and Steamers Supplied. 196 and 198 FULTON ST., NEW YORK. Packers of Mess Beef and Curers of Hams, Tongues and Bacon. G. A. BELLOTTE, Ifper^cl^ « ai^d * ^n^epicar^ TjQakery, 267 WEST 19TH STREET, NEW YORK. TELEPHONE CALL, 1256— i8th STREET. CarUlSchultzs Carbonic. Solters^'Vichy A' ' LL IVATERS are guaranteed to be made of pure distilled water wbicb has passed twice tbrougb tbe boiling point before final distillation, and to agree in composition witb tbe analysis print- ed on tbe labels. 430=440 FIRST AVE., NEW YORK CITY. GEO. FOX. BENJ. FOX. M. FOX LAW. GEO. FOX'S SONS, F.STAIU.ISHKD BV GEO. lOX, 1856. Steam Boiler Maimers, NOS. 509, 511, 521, 523 AND 525 W. 34TH ST., Near Tenth Avenue. NEW YORK. Patentees and Manufacturers of Improved Water-Arch Plates for Steam Boilers. STEAM BOILERS, STEAM FITTINGS, BOILER CASTINGS, TANKS, STACKS, ETC. Personal Attention to all Work. Telephone 38—232. 72 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. Carter, who had started from the 80 yards mark at half a mile. Kilpatrick was then about five yards behind. From this point Conneff drew away rapidly, his beau- tiful machine-like action carrying him along without apparent effort. He eventually won by about twenty yards, the time, 3m. 2 4-5S., being 4 1-53. faster than the best previous world professional and amateur re- cords, the latter being held by himself. In the 120-yards handicap, G. F. Sanford, the old Yale atelete, surprised the scratchmen by finishing a comfortable winner from the 4-yards mark. The time of the first heat, il 4-5S., shows that Lee would have had a good chance for victory if running in his last year's form; as it was, Wefers, his companion on the scratch line, was a foot in front of him at the hundred yards. Wefers increased this to a yard at the finish, he being a like distance behind the winner. The offi- cials were, J. H. Booth, J. W. Carter, and J. S. Mitch- ell, judges; Bartow S. Weeks, A. Schroeder and R. T. Lyons, timers; E. J. Giannini, starter. The following are the summaries: 120-yard handicap, first heat — H. S. Lyons, 43^ yards, and T. L Lee, dead heat, in 12 1-5 seconds. Second heat — George F. Sandford, 4 yards, first; B. J. Wefers, scratch, second. Time 12 seconds. Final heat — Sandford, first; Wefers, second. Time, 114-5 seconds. 440 yards, scratch — T. E. Burke, first; George Sands, second; A. J. Townsend, third. Time, 50 1-5 seconds. Three-quarter-mile run, handicap — T. P. Conneff, scratch, first; C. H. Kilpatrick, scratch, second; George W. Orton, scratch, third. Time, 3m. 2 4-55. — N. V. AtJiletic Club JoiirJial. ^ILLIAM G. IHRIG, established 1863 p ruits and Vegetables at Wholesale. HOT HOUSE PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY. FULTON MARKET, NEW YORK. ANDRKW BROSE- ■ ^ 1 M^ADisoN Avenue, N. Y. Metropolitan Life Insurance Building. 7tli Floor. JAMES JVICLEAN, M ANUFACTURER OF IQE^ HOXJ^E:^ For Butchers, Hotels, Saloons, Florists, Private Families, etc. 561 to 571 West 34th Street, N. Y. Corner Eleventh Avenue. Butchers' Fixtures of Every Description. JOHN DARRAQH, "^ (Of the Late Firm of K. L. Darragh & Co.) 1533 Broadway, Cor. 45th St., H. J. heath, Superintendent. NEW YORK. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATIILLTIC CLUB. 73 y\NDREW GALBRAITH^— -- Carpenter anu builder 1559 BROADWAY. Offices ctitd Stores I^itted. up. Dumb VST alters IVXaUe aiitl K.epaired. SIMON OREEN, (^)piKiii^ci^tal « ]plasterer, 1758 BROADWAY, Between 56th and S7th Streets. jm evV YORK. "pLEMING," '- BiciKle Supplies." Men's Furnisher and Outfitter, Hotel Empire, 75 Columbus Ave., Corner 63d Street. NEW YORK. EDWARD B. CONWAY, 72 Carmine Street, New York. Pet Animals, Birds, Deer Heads, etc., Preserved and Mounted to Order. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AT 55 CARMINE ST. ROBERT CHRISTIE, rarpenter and Builder, 122 WEST 29TH STREET, Teleplione No. 1909 B, 3-Stli St. NEW YORK. JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Clear Complexions, Youthful Faces, Free from wrinkles, frccUic^, blackheads, liver spots, arc only obtained by the use of the Nc Plus Ultra Face Heautificr and Flesh Food. It is neither troublesome nor expensive, and is harmless to an infant's skin, because it is prepared in different strengths for different ages, and is, therefore, successful in every case. L.idies will be entirely convinced if they call at my parlors and examine my own youthful face in my 58th year, looking only 35. Free sealed circulars sent on application. Also of my relia- ble check, neck and bust developer. MMK. CARULINK. Face Specialist and Sole Agent for the Royal Windsor French Hair Restorer, not a dye, but restores every natural color. Removed to 219-221 Sixth Avenue (first floor), New York. 21 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. (ESTADI.ISHED 1861.) Silverware and Jewelry Engraving', Monogframs, Crests, etc. Wedding; and Visiting Cards, Connnittee Rosettes and Ribbon Badges, Gold Stamped Ribbons for Yacht Clubs, Railroad Co.'s,etc.,etc. Maker of the New York Athletic Club Officer of the Oay Badges. 74 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB Z'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. N. Y. A. C. 55TH GAMES, The presence of the international teams will make the fifty-fifth games of the New York A. C, at Trav- ers Island, on September 28, more than usually inter- esting. The programme contains more handicap events than usual, most of them being at odd distances. It is, therefore, quite likely that more than one winner in the international meeting will suffer defeat in the club games. Only two of the events are scratch — the run- ning hop, step and jump, in which E. B. Bloss may es- tablish a world's record, and the fifty-yards run, which should prove exciting, and an excellent test of fast starting. The judges will have hard work to pick the winner with so many fast sprinters competing. The medals are handsomer than usual, and consist, as usual, of gold to first, silver to second, and bronze to third. The entries close on September 18, with Secretary John C. Gulick. Entrance fee, $1.00 for each event. There will be no postponement. The follow- ing is a full list of the events: 120-yard run, 3C)0-yard run, 600-yard run, 1,000-yard run, I i<2-mile run, 120- yard hurdle race, 220-yard hurdle race, running broad jump, I mile walk, throwing i6-lb. hammer, pole vault, 2-mile bicycle race, Class A; putting i6-lb. shot, run- ning high jump, all handicaps; 50-yards run, running hop, step and jump, scratch. — N. Y. AtJilctic Club Joju-Jial. RAHTJEN'S Aiiiericai] Composition Co. Manufacturers of the highest grade of anti-fouling and anti- corrosive paint for application to the bottoms of steel and iron vessels. HARTMANN'S, IIAHTJEN'S COMPOSITIONS are used almost exclusively by the British Admiralty, and have been adopted by the United States Government for its fast cruisers, torpedo boats, etc. All the trans- Atlantic record breakers are coated with these compositions, and among the boats of the New York yacht tleet that have also been coated by Rahtjen's American Composition Co. may be mentioned the " Sultana," " Nour- mahal," " White Ladye," " Hermione," " Oneida," " Marietta," " Judge," " Dungeness," " Sea Fox," " Ariel," " Sapphire," " hitrepid," and " Almy." it is the ONLY fast, durable and safe coating for the bot- toms of iron and steel vessels. DIRECTORS : Fred. W. Lincoln, Jr. Pr.\nk H. Pi.att. Vernon C. Brown. Wuliam Hartman.n. John E. Berwind. Watkins Frank Hurndall. OTTO L. PETERSEN, President, 36 IBeaver Street. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLfB. 75 S. BERGMANN, President. F. A. La ROCHE. Vice-Pres. and Gen. .Mgr. P. H. KLKIN, Scc'y and Tre.is. EVERYTHING REQUIRED for ELECTRIC LIGHT, HEAT and POWER FURNISHED COMPLETE IN ONE CONTRACT. New York Electric Eqiiiiiiiieiit Company WIRING, CONSTRUCTION, ETC. MOTORS, DYNAMOS, ARC LAMPS, INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND APPLIANCES. General Offices: 572-578 First Avenue, Cor. 330 St. Branch and Storeroom : 59 Duane St. Telephone, 129-38111 St. IT^tCVST Y0I«K:' Dusurpassed Facilities. THE C. HJaOWH CO. (Incorporated 1891.) CHAS. H. BROWN, I>ie-'t. , Steam Carpet Cleansing and Renovating Works, 22 and 524 West 22d St. We respectfully call your attention ) our superior method of cleansing, aving the latest and most scientific machinery in existence. We are en- abled to handle fine rugs and costly pile carpets with the greatest care, and by our improved system ot venti- latmg they arc returned bright and fresh. Carpets taken up, cleaned and relaid. Send for memorandum book containing prices and full information. ESTABLISHED 1S52. incorporated 18S8 The C. Graliaiii &- Sons Company, Estimates furnished for the Erection of all kinds of Buildings. 305, 307 AND 309 EAST Forty-third Street, NEW YORK. Hubert W. Martin, ^Jailor and Importer- 159 West Twenty-third Street, NEW YORK. 'musutttiumntmtmmi ^ ■ -X w...--,.i;X ..-.■ ?v ■ r N LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 77 THE MONETARY TRUST, THE MONETARY TRUST does not attempt to read superficial market fluctuations nor to rely upon them. It does undertake to get quick recogni- tion of the workings of natural forces in a given direction; to note radical market changes before they culminate, and to place its clients in a posi- tion to get the advantage of their uprising. It does undertake to rest its purchases on natural conditions and to make its movements at a time when market forces seem in a position to work in harmony with intrinsic merits. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO MAKE MONEY IN WALL ST. The Monetary Trust will endeavor to place its clients in a position to realize from the present era of general improvement. This country is about to make a vast stride in rapid growth. It will endeavor to place its clients in a position to receive a relative proportion of the wealth thereby developed. THKRE IS NO OTHER WAY TO FOUND OR LMPROVE A FORTUNE, You may save something from wages and salaries, but if you ever en- joy a fortune it will have been created by the tendency of the times and the growth of the country. The Monetary Trust places each client, however Umited his funds, in a relative position as promising as that of the largest capitalist. The time has come for The Monetary Trust to ask the confidence of the cautious investors. During every financial cycle there is a period when a man should buy securities with caution, and another period when he should not own securities at all. The time is now here when sound securities should be bought with courage. The ambition of the officers of The Monetary Trust is to make it a great money-making institution, under the policy of slow, cau- tious, steady improvement of each account, but whenever combinations of natural conditions and market forces seem to work in a given direction, and to promise large results, The Monetary Trust will endeavor to realize therefrom fur its clients. :p^i«^^s.ivcms r>. IPresideiil . 78 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. ATHLETICS IN JULY. THE wretched weather which prevailed on the Fourth of July was responsible for many disap- pointments. A number of athletic contests were postponed, while those decided were more or less affected. The most important victory credited to the New York A. C. was the relay race at the People's sports at Philadelphia, won by H. S. Lyons, H. Chubb, G. M. Sands, and C. Kilpatrick. In addition to the prizes won by the individual runners, the club trophies have been increased by a valuable silver cup, held by the winning club each year. The New Jersey A. C. pluckily went through with its programme in spite of the rain. The all-around championship was won by J. Cosgrove, of Albany. L. P. Sheldon, New York A. C, who had been doing excellent work in practice, did not arrive on the grounds in time to compete, and thus threw away whatever chance he possessed of gaining the title. J. B. Warner & Co., Bankers and Brokers, Postal Telegraph Building, 253 Broadway, Southern Investments, Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages. New York. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 79 THE BEST AUiD THE {MOST USED. NEW JERSEY EXTRA BRIGHT SPECIAL RED YPGHT GOPPEH POIjlT. Ttie Largest manufacturer of mariiie Paiut Specialties ii) ttie World. Our success in producing- a very bright and smooth YACHT COP- PER PAINT has given us a very large trade in this specialty. Our large sales of this Paint demonstrates the fact that it is the most used, and is the best coating for a yacht's bottom yet introduced. For finest quality and brightest appearance "IT LEADS THEM ALL," so our testimonials say. Try it once and you will use it again. Ne^v Jersey "STaclit White, IVe-w Jersey Yacht Black, ]>f e^v Jersey Ship and Declt IPaint, .MANUFACTURED BY Ready Mixed for Use. NEW JERSEY PAINT WORKS, H.\RRY LOUDERBOUGH, Prop. Cor. Wayne and Fremont Sts., JERSEY CITY, N. J., U. S. A. TELEPHONE CALL No. i66. The American Institute, of New York, has awarded us the Highest Attainable Medal for our !XIarine Specialties. Otir* I_vir»e of -e-v TaUNDRY « MACHINERY- Has all the latest improve= ./ ments, and is tlie best for laundering all kinds of goods. TROY LAUNDRY MACHINERY CO., LiniiUd NEW YORK, TROY, CHICAGO, SAN FRANCISCO. Factories: i 15 Warren Street, New York. 648, 650 Fulton St. Salesrooms:- 395 to 401 Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111. Troy, N. Y. ( 581 Mission Street, San Francisco. BELL BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN OF ALL DIMENSIONS. Girders, Beams, Joists, Scaffold Plank, Sleepers, Etc. ELEVENTH AVE. AND TWENTY=FIRST ST., Telephone No. 121 — i8th St. ]VEJA2V YOR-IC. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 8l NEW YORK Guaranty and Indemnity Co., 6$ CEDAR STREET, MUTUAL Life Building. NE^Ai^ YORK. Capital, :* $2,000,000. Surplus, ^ $1,500,000. IS A TRUST COMPANY UNDER THE BANKING ACT AND TRANSACTS ALL TRUST COMPANY BUSINESS. Is a legal Depository of Trust Funds. Acts as Trustee, Transfer Agent, or Registrar for Corporations. Acts as Executor, Administrator"^ Guardian, or Trustee of Estates. ALLOWS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS Subject to Check. Walter G. Oakman, President. Adrian Iselin, Jr., Vice-President. George R. Turnbull, 2d Vice-President. Henry A. Murray, Treas. and Sec'y. J. Nelson Borland, Ass't Treas. and Sec'y. Samuel D. Babcock George F. Baker George S. Bowdoin Frederic Cromwell Walter R. Gillette Robert Goelet 0. G. Haven DIRECTORS : Oliver Harrinian R. Somers Hayes Charles R. Henderson Adrian Iselin, Jr. Augustus D. Juilliard James N. Jarvie Richard A. McCurdy Walter G. Oakman Alexander E. Orr Henry H. Rogers Henry W. Smith H. McK. Twombly Frederick W. Vanderbilt William C. Whitney ZIMDARS & HUNT, EkcIric^I ^nlr^clor^ ->^COMPLETE ELEGTRie PLANTS INSTALLED-^- - in — OFFICE BUILDINGS, HOTELS, RESIDENCES, YACHTS, CLUB HOUSES, ETC. WIRING RESIDENCES COMPLETE FOR CONNECTING TO STREET CURRENT. ELECTRIC LIGHTING FINISHED RESIDENCES A SPECIALTY. DECORATIVE LIGHTINS AT SHORT NOTICE. ELECTRIC MOTORS. ELECTRIC PUMPS. ELECTRIC GAS LIGHTING. ELECTRIC BELLS AND TELEPHONES. 127 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N.Y. LONDON: 327 GRAYS INN ROAD. 82 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. The two-mile race between T. P. Conneff and G. W. Orton was one of the prhicipal attractions of the Wor- cester and Suffolk A. C. joint meeting at Worcester, Conneff winning in 9 minutes, 36 seconds. The New York A. C. team did good work at the games of the Printers' A. A., on July 13th. H. H. Baxter won the pole vault handicap from scratch with 10 feet 5^ inches. C. Kilpatrick took the half- mile from scratch, and T. P. Conneff romped away from a lot of long-distance men in the two-mile handi- cap. M. P. Halpin took second place in the 100 yards, and G. M. Sands was second in the 220 yards. At Albany on July i8th, Kilpatrick and Conneff still further distinguished themselves, the former winning the quarter, half-mile, and mile local race, and Conneff the one-mile handicap in the good time of 4 minutes, 23 seconds on a poor track. M. P. Halpin won the scratch lOO yards at the present meeting. Notwithstanding heavy handicaps, Conneff and Kil- patrick were again victorious on July 20th, at Lion Park, Conneff capturing the mile handicap in the fast time of 4 minutes, 25 2-5 seconds, considering the con- dition of the track, and Kilpatrick winning the half- mile handicap. — N. Y. Athletic Club Journal. BIKE WOtTH SEE THATTAG- ? "DON'T SWIPE IT, CHIMMY! IT'S PROTECTED BY THE WHEELMEN'S PROTECTIVE CO., AND YOU'LL GET TREE YEARS!" If your wheel is not protected, register it at once. $2.00 first year; $1.00 per year thereafter. THE WHEELMEN'S PROTECTIVE CO. HAVEMEYER BUILDING, Cortlandt and Church Streets, N, Y. City. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 83 APPRAISERS OF LAND AND BUILDINGS. MANAGERS OF ESTATES. * Ja.mes L. Libby, Member Real Estate Exchange. H M. Libby. James L Libhy & Son, REAL ESTATE. No. 69 Libert>^ Street, (Between Broadway and Nassau St.) NEW YORK. MONEY LOANED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. CITY REAL ESTATE BOUGHT, SOLD AND EXCHANGED. THE ONLY PORTABLE ELECTRIC PROPELLER FOR USE ON ANY ROW BOAT. ., Can be transferred iYt>m <->ne boat to another in live minutes. Being the only Portable Propeller using 11' > lire, gas or naphtha, it is alisolutely safe. No special boat needed. Any one can manage it. Attachable to any 10 to iS-foot boat, and is un- equalled for Yacht tenders, fishing or pleasure. Send f(ir illustrated circu- lar to " Only Portable Electric Propeller Co.," 136 Liberty St., Room 429, N. Y. Can be seen in use in N. Y. City. JULIUS C. HARTMANN, *%• estau.ra.nt and Cafe, No. 1 BROADWAY, (WASHINGTON BUILDING.) No. 15 BROAD STREET, (MILLS BUILDING.) ^ NEW YORK. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 85 Centennial Split Second. Centennial Timer. Centennial Chronographi. oveh iisojo IN USE. mi wfleeiiNTED. Anchor Movement, Minute Register, St.->rt, Stop, Fly-Back operating from stem. In Nickel, Open Face. Stem Wind Cases, - - $20.00 In Silver, " " .• <. _ , 25.00 Nickel Open Face, Stem Wind Minute Register, Start, Stop, Fly-Back operating from stem. Price. S6.00. WATCHES AEE ONE-THIBD LAEOEE THAN OUTS. CROSS & BEGUELIN, 17 Haiden Lane, New York. In Silver, Open Face, Stem Wind Cases, - - $25.00 In Gold Filled (20-year) Cases, - _ - 40.00 In Solid Gold Cases, from - - . 950.00 to 75.00 ALSO SPLIT SFXONDS In Silver Open Face Cases, . - - . . S50.00 In Gold Filled (20-year) Cases, - . . 65.00 In Solid Gold Cases, ...... 125.00 KEPPICH & GROSS, 73 and j<, West Houston Street. In^porters ai^cfjQottlers :: :: opi* TH€B :: :: "IB EST J^^reigiTBeers : Wurzkrger, Munich and Dreher. I Grand Union Hotel, f Opp. Grand Central Station, J Park Ave. & 42D St., New- York. | "The leading Hotel of Moderate Cost in the City." Send Postal for Guide to New-York with Map. Rooms $1 a day up. LONDON ATHLETIC (1,1115 7'^. NEW VOKK ATHLETIC CLUI!. 87 Leading aniResponsiliie West Side Drugoisls THE elegantly located Drug Store at the corner of 86th Street and Columbus Avenue, recently purchased by lirni F. O. Lindsey & Co., is now in the hands of competent people, viz.: F. O. Lindsley & Co. It has been thoroughly overhauled and almost reconstructed, and now has become a neat and well appointed Pharmacy, stocked with lirst-class Drugs, Medicines and kindred preparations. Physicians' prescriptions and family recipes are here compounded in the most careful manner, in every instance, from pure and fresh ingre- dients. A complete stock and a line assortment of Toilet Articles, Per- fumeries, Soaps, etc., while an elegant Soda Fountain is one of the features of this tine establishment. E.xperienced assistants are in attendance, while the proprietors, Messrs. Lindsley & Co., exercising personal super- vision over the prescription department and, altogether, the proprietors are men of experience. It is the aim of the company to make this the leading Drug Store of the West Side by careful attention to business and by conducting the establishment in a strictly tirst-class manner, as only men of experience and capital can do. ""^Il^TLAnP^NFrxEWj-^^C" - Dr^3VW<^rk '-Tjlirvp STUN WHITE & SPATE, MANUFACTURERS OF Carpets and Rugs. By buying direct from tlie Manufac- turers you save two profits, which you would pay other retailers. Try and see. 31-33 WEST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, NEW YORK. Telephone 518— 18th Street. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. YACHTING DEPARTMENT OF THE N, Y. ATHLETIC CLUB. STEAMERS. Daphne B. B. McGregor Maspeth Christian M. Meyer Whisper E.N. Dickerson STEAM AND NAPHTHA LAUNCHES. Baltimore Christian Ax Bio-enuf Wm. F. Pendleton and C. C. Macey Elsie A. H. Finke Hermit Willis J. Morse Marguerite R- F. Downing Nimble J- E. Roosevelt jsjij-e Henri I. Chatam Olcra • Alfred Rauchfuss S^So\y.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.''.'. F.W.Flint Sixth Avenue, Streets. S. K. McGUIRE, Builder, 151 West Twenty-eighth Street. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 89 A.G-ei«T, ARLANDO MARINE, 156 FIFTH AVENUE, Soutb Dover flDarblc Co. Buff Indiana Lime Stone. Dark Blue Indiana Lime Stone. Buff and Blue Ohio Sand Stone. Lake Superior Red Stone. Buff Indiana Stone ORRINGTDN Ll'NT LIBRARY, N. \V. UNIVERSITY, EVANSTON, ILL, TILE FURNISHED BY Manufacturer of Ttie Geladoii Tena-Gotta Company, Ltd. ALFRED, N. Y. CHARLES T. HARRIS, IRoofina ZWzQ (Babcock Patents). SUPPLIED FOR Nkw CoNsiAiii.K Urii.DiNi;, New York. Blue Indiana Stone SUPPLIED FOR Public Lihrary, . . - - Chicago Catholic Cathf.dral, St. Louis GuGGF.NHElMFR BiMLDlNf;, Broadway, New York Lake Superior Stone FURNISHED FOR Shoe AND Leathkr Bank, Broadway, New York Manhattan Savings Bank, Broadway, New York Buff Ohio Stone FURNISHED FOR Nkw AnDiTiox Rooskvf.i.t Hosi'ITai., New York SOnE BUILDINGS COVERED WITH OUR TILE : The new residence of Anson Phelphs Stokes, Lenox, Mass. Henry L. Wardwell, - Richfield Springs, N. Y. G. A. Gardner, N. T. Amhrose, Litj/grow Lihrary, Monument Beach, Mass. East Orange, N. J. Augusta, Me. OUR SHAPES . . . Conosera (6 sizes) Open Shingle, Shingle, Combinations. OUR SHADES . . . Red, Brown, Chocolates, Buff, Grey, and flottled. CHICAQO : NEW YORK : Suite 1001 M.irquette Bldg., Suite 1121 Presbyterian Bldg., 204 Dearborn St. 156 Fifth Avenue. WILL R. CLARKE, Secretary. ARLANDO MARINE, Representative. >"r _, „,-! ^-^ LONDON' ATHLKTIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 91 JOHNSON'S EXTRACT OF KOLAFRA ^ .ATHLETES' SUSTAINING FOOD AND STIMULANT. It increases muscular power enormousl}-, or, rather, preserves it over long- periods of exertion. It stimulates activity and facili- tates respiration, it prevents palpitation and loss of breath following rapid action, thus largely taking- the place of training, in long runs it's an indispensable boon. GIVES STAYING POWER. PREVENTS FATIGUE. ALLAYS HUNGER AND THIRST. Besides increasins; muscular power, the Extract of Kolafra prevents the feeling of fatigue due to exertion. Also greatly allays hunger and tiiirst. NO REACTION. NO AFTER EFFECTS. NO HABIT. It is a peculiarity of Kolafra that, unlike other tonics and stimulants, it gives no unpleasant reaction and pro- duces no habit. Its use may be continued as long as desired and discontinued at any time. The Extract of Kolafra for athletes is put up in handy pocket tlasks, price 25 cents each. Sold everywhere by Druggists. EXTRACT OF KOLAFRA HAS BEEN THOROUGHLY TESTED. The sustaining power of Kolafra has been proven by the tests of army boards, noted wheelmen, athletic trainers, physicians and others, whose reports have been published largely in medical journals and secular newspapers. From M. C. MURPHY, trainer of Yale College and the N. Y. Athletic Club. " I used Kolafra Extract myself extensively before giving to my men, and found that it is all that is claimed for it. It braces the muscles and moreover keeps them btaced. I find by its use that I cannot tram a man tired. Kolafra Extract kills fatigue, gives staying power, and its effect is enduring. I know of no other stimulant that a trainer can conscientiously give his men." — M. C. Murphy in N. Y. Tribune. EXTRACT OF KOLAFRA COUNTERACTS THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL, AND HAS BEEN PRONOUNCED A SPECIFIC FOR INEBRIETY. li:oi^.A.pr^l«^j^ CooKiTrAii^!^ ^Tii^ixjr^ATrE:, but r>o ivot Iivtoxicate:. CLUBS AND PRINCIPLE BARS SERVE THEM. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, 92 William Street, N. Y. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 93 DwiGHT School (Academic Department of New York Preparatory School.) Graduates have been admitted with hi^J} credit to ^ale, '^'arvard, flrinceton, (oolumbia, Sheffield ^cieqtific ^chool, ^chool of Twines, and other leading col- leges and scientific schools. Laboratories. Gyn^i^asiiin^. For catalogue, address Principal Arthur Williams (Yale), 1479-1485 Broadway. JVXtE> YOU IIOJVIIi^I-.Y •? II voiir features are perfect, but your COMI'LKXION disfie- i.rcdby I'KKlKl.KS, Pimples, BLACKHEADS, Moth, TAN, KczL-ma, SAI.I.OWNKSS, etc., then you are HOMELY. Hear in mind that thousands whose features are NOT perfect but who have a lovely skin and complexion are considered or why allow unsit;htly blemishes, such as mentioned above, to mar ■^' your beauty when nriE. A. RuppERT'S Face Bleach will remove them, surely, quickly and painlessly, without the If/ '^ ^ , y slightest harm to the skin. FACE BLEACH, which .s no exper- <7(^»<^;_^_je^^^^^ i^,j.,,j 1^ ^ol^ly the invention of Mme. A. Ruppert, and is the only preparation for beautifying the complexion which has with- stood the test of time. Call at Mme. Rupperfs Parlors 6 Kast J4th ^'f,^.- ^- ^"y',?"<* see a lady with ONE side of her face cleared from FRECKLES, by !> ACE BLEACH, the other side showing the freckles as they originally were, WIT liOUl treatment by Face Blea Athletic C each. To every one mentioning the London Athletic Club z,^. New York TC Club Programme who purchases a 42 bottle of tacc Bleach Mme. R"PP=" will present FREE a bar of her exquisite Almond Oil Soap. A samp.e b .tt e of b ACE BLEACH can be obtained either by mail or in person, for 25 cents. Send or call lor book HOW TO BE BKAUllKUL-FREE. Mme. A. RUPPERT, 6 East 14th St., New York City. QENTLEMEN'S SUITS, Litlies' Cloth Dresses, Cloaks and Habits CLEANED AND PRESSED. Ladies' Dress 'Skirts Sponged Pressed, ^ and Binding renewed with S. M.& H. Bias • Velvet Binding, for 75c., $I.oo, $1.25, ac- cnrdini; to width of binding. Orders by mail or telephone will receive prompt attention. Work called for and returned to any part of New York. \57 vIeST 26 ^1^ STREET, Telephone, 263 — 38th Street. 94 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK 'ATHLETIC CLUB. I SLOOPS, CUTTERS, YAWLS. Argo O. F. Wood Annie Emerson A. Rhodes and J. C. Cochburn Badger Louis Boury Britannia F. K. Hunter Clara John Howard Adams Chase Clayton Piatt Gaviota Daniel Lord, Jr. Julie R. F. Downing Kaiser VVilhelm Wm. H. Field Katrine J. Howard Clapp Mistral Charles T. Wills Majel S. G. Hartshorne Majotta Horatio R. Harper Phantom Murray S. Brown Roamer Stephen D. McElroy Vorant , George G. Tyson Vivieu E. J. Greacen Water Witch J. E. Roosevelt Water Lily Fred. Roosevelt Athlete H. Mason Raborg JIBS AND MAINSAILS. Mignon E. N. Dickerson Florence R. J. Eggleston Nahli Washington E. Connor Orienta George L Seney Triton W. Wood Torpedo Louis Bouri Chin-Chin C. R. Hewett Brunahilda Chas. T. Wills nORE THAN TWELVE DOLLiJeS |l IfllNUTE on the average is being paid to the policy-holders every minute of every hour of every day of every week, the year through, by the METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COnPANY OF NEW YORK. T/iis is one of the oldest Life IiisKrance Companies in the United States. It has been doing business for more than a quarter of a century. It has over Three Mitlion Policies in force on its books. bo, ooo families will receive the proceeds of its policies this year. More than 10,000 persons are acti'iely in the service of this Company in the United States. It is the ?i:ost progressive Life Insurance Company in America to-day. FEATURE IS ITS INDUS I RIAL PLAN INSURANCE. 5 Cents per week and upward will secure a Policy. All nges from 2 to 70 taken. All policies in immediate benefit. Claims paid imme- diately at death. Mo initiation fee charged. Males and females insured at same cost. Premiums collected by the Company weekly at the homes of policy-holders. Only healthy lives are eligible. No uncertain " assessments." No increase of dues. THINK OF IT! The daily saving of FIVE CENTS will carry policies on the lives of every member of a family ot seven persons. ORDINARY DEPARTMENT. The Company in this Department issues all the approved forms of Policies and some novel forms ot Policies for $i,ooo and upward, premiums payable yearly, half yearly and quarterly. The policies are Uberal in their provisions, contain no restrictions as to travel and residence, provide for immediate payment of claims upon receipt of satisfactory proofs of deaths, and the premium rates are extremely low. We invite comparison of rates with other companies. SPECIAL NOTICE. AGENTS WANTED — Agents are wanted by this Company in all the principal cities. Splendid opportunities are offered to active, energetic men. Those out of work, or those who are in situations with little or no chance of promotion, should give the busi- ness a trial, 'lo the right kind of men it offers steady, permanent and paying positions, with opportunity for merited advancement. If this notice is not applicable to the reader, and he has a friend whom he thinks it might interest, will he be kind enough to bring the subject to that friend's attention ? For further particulars apply at any Branch Office, or to the Home Office, i Madison Avenue, New York. OFFICERS. JOHN R. HEGEMAN. President. J. J. THOMPSON, Cashier and Ass't Sec'y. HALEY FISK. Vice-President. JAMES M. CRAIG, Actuary. GEORGE H. GASTON, 2d Vice-Pres. THOS. H. WILLIARD, M.D., Med. Ex. GEO. B. WOODWARD, Secretary. STEWART L. WOODFORD, Counsel. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUU. 95 T^ STANDARD NATIONAL BANK <>1^" THE OI'l^Y Ol^^ rSTISVV YOKli. CAPITAL, $200,000 ©fficcre : Marvelle W. Cooper, President. W. R. Brown, Vice-President. Floyd S. Patterson, Cashier. 1 1 ft f 11 -■:;; METROPOLITAN LIFE BUILDING, Twenty-third Street and Madison Avenue % a iijL i (1 II ^ I, 1"H M .0f SURPLUS, $25,000 ■f^^l-ilfe^> ID ©irectors : I I! r .1 Ml IIEINKY P. DOREMLiS, Cashier Chatham Nat. Bank Henry C. Valentine, Pres. of Valentine & Co. l^iCHAPD W. Clay, \ ^1"- ^"''"tors' Loan and ' } Trust Co., Philadelphia. William T. Wardwell, Treas. Standard Oil Co. David B. Sickels, Vice-Pres. American Surety Co. Andrew McLean & Co., Man- facturers of Cotton Goods Marvelle W. Cooper, President James L. Hutchinson, Capitalist Courtland E. Hastings, Carter, Sloane & Co. Warner Miller, Pres. Hericimer Paper Co. W. R. Brown, Vice-President Andrew McLean j Anc ' I ufai Madison Avenue and Twenty-third Street. YOUR ACCOUNT IS RESPECTKULLY SOLICITED. "NORWOOD." Speed, JO. J Mi/es per Hour. I.ONI)(^N ArilMVnC Cl.l'li vs. NKW VORK a llll.F.lIC CLUB. 97 Telephone, 1231— i8th Street. CHARLES SCUNKIDER. Jk., Pres. aiul Scc'y. JOHN \V. iUUKKNSTOtK. 'I'reas. and (ion. Manager. Schncidei'-Birkenstock Marble Co. IMPORTERS AND WORKERS OF ^larblc, ()i^yx a^d Xlosaic, Office: 522 West 2oth Street, Steam Mills and Works: 518-526 West 20th Street, NEW YORK. SLAWSON BROS., DEALERS IN Dairy Products. MAIN OFFICE : 222-226 East 46th Street. BRANCHES : 1001 Sixth Avenue. 373 Amsterdam Avenue. 267 Columbus Avenue. 105-107 West 127th Street. Most Reliable Firm in New York. Closest Attention to Family Trade. BROOKLYN lvrAlVTJI^AOTXJI*EI«.S OF- HIGH GRADE FIRE BRIGK. S8 VAN DYKE STREET, BROOKLYN, N. Y. The Start. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NKW YORK AlULKTIC CLUIJ. 99 -SIliYERSMITHS- 37 UNION SQUARE. 13 MAIDEN LANE. 2)c6igns auC> Estimates iiivcn tor . . . In Solid Silver, with Enameled Yacht Club Flags and Athletic Club Emblems. l£namclcC> ^ Mercury-Foot Match Boxes. Flasks, Cigar and Cigarette Boxes. * * * Wc Manufacture Silver-Flated Ware of Superior (Juality for Hotel, Club or llouie Use. * * * LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. lOI I02 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'^. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. CATBOATS. Caper J- C. Howard Carrie • C.H.Oliver Elsket John E. Stearns, Jr. Elaine C. W. Morgan Frank J- J- Finley Next B. B. McGregor Nettie Fred. A. Potts Punch A. L. Clarke Roi Chester W. Chapin Sparks Fred. G. Bourne Vite Geo. I. Seney Weetmore M. C. D. Borden Zetes B. Lambert Sackett There'se H. J. La Marche STEAM YACHTS. Namouna James Gordon Bennett Atalanta ,.. George J. Gould Reverie Frederick G. Bourne Nooya E.N. Dickerson, Jr. Vedette M. C. D. Borden Emeline Stephen W. Roach Sereda James Gordon Bennett Marion James J. Fay Jessie Charles Murray Forget-Me-Not George P. and W. H. Butler Linta W. Luttgen Evelyn J- R- Hegeman, Jr. Thrya C. Barnum Seeley Nomad Adrian Iselin, Jr. Essence of Rhine Violets (Name Registered.) THE QUEEN OF PERFUMES. Wonderfully true to nature and more lasting than any other scent of its name. A specialty par excelL-ncc. All the rage in Europe at the present time. Be sure that you get the " No. 4711 Rhine Violets." MULHENS & KROPFF, New York, Chas. p. Rogers. Geo. H. Burt. VVm. O. Rogers, Jr. r'HAS. p. ROGERS & CO., ^^ ESTABLISHED 1855. 264 and 266 Sixth Ave., Cor. 17th St., N. Y. Factory, i6i and 163 West i8th St., New York. MANLTACTIRERS OF FINE BEDDING, SPRING BEDS, BRASS AND IRON BED- STEADS, DOWN QUILTS, CUSHIONS, ETC. Branch, 346 and 348 Warren Street, Syracuse, N. Y. EST.\BLISHED IN 1837. J. WALL & SON, SIXTH A\ JErVUE, Comer of 21st ^]Vd[^^r«^Bi:^E: * xjo^^s.10^ And Venetian Enamels for Walls, Ceilings, Mantels, Hearths, Decorations, Etc. No. 31 CLINTON PLACE, NEW YORK. Ftoim N. Y. Hernial. Cniin's Attitude at Start. From N. Y. Herald. George Orion LONDON ATIILKTIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 107 B. AIvTMAN & CO., 18th Strekt, 19th Street and Sixth Avenue, New York. OK Ladies' Costumes, Cloaks, Wraps, House Robes, Lingerie, Trimmed Hats and Bonnets, Silks, Wool and Cotton Dress Fabrics, Laces, Trimmings, Lace Curtains, Upholstery Fabrics, Portieres, Rugs, Linens, Men's Furnishings, Gloves, Umbrellas, etc. HJS.^^E> p^o^^^ or»€)iv NEW AND EXCLUSIVE DESIGNS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AND DIRECT PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THEIR UPHOlxSTERY DEPARTMENT (THIRD KLOOR) Where they are showing a very complete line of Lace and Silk Curtains, Plushes, Velours, Brocatelles, Silks, Cretonnes and other decorative fabrics. And are prepared to submit estimates and carefully executed designs for furnishing Private Residences, Hotels, Clubs, Steamships and Yachts with Hangings, Draperies, Portieres, etc. Also Window Shades, Slip Covers, Rugs. GOODS DELIVERED IN THE ORANGES AND SUBURBS FREE OF CHARGE. io8 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB ■iJS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. Repose B. B. McGregor Lucille George W. Vanderbilt Charlotte Wm. J. Riker Minstrel New York A. C. Stral Trainor L. Parke Shenecossett George H. Watson Ituna August Belmont Spindrift E. H. Harriman Aztec Daniel A. Loring Camilla M. C. D. Borden Lotos Frederick Roosevelt Sultana Trainor L. Park Scionda Theo. M. Leonard Sappho J. Hy. Alexandre Stella ■. TTenry R. Wolcott STEAM LAUNCHES. Marjorie Frederick G. Bourne Lotos Frederick Roosevelt Iroquois J J. O'Donoghue Amelia Victoria Walter Luttgen Bantam W. D. Ellis Tycoon Rich. H. Eggleston NAPHTHA LAUNCHES. Fearless C. W. Brokavv Kraken H. A. Van Liew Surprise F. B. Williams Midge H. H. Baxter Trochilus M. W. Bronson Aurclia Frank C. Roe Sinbad : . . Howell Osborn Boston Office, 21 Pearl St. New York Office, 61 Beekman St. Factories and Laboratory, Saugus, Mass. The GrosYenor & Rictols Co., MANUFACTURING CHEHISTS. ^^ri' li iUfuiwiTrT^riiilMi BE i Pml! iiii!iiiiii!M.ir^n^.!^P'i»H. Antiseptic Surgical Dressings, Absorbent and Medicated Cottons. Proprietors and Sole Manufacturers of tiie Celebrated AMERICAN SURGEONS' ADHESIVE PEASTER. MACK'S KIDNEY PLASTER. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 109 I'lock, Stciiibach & Murray, ^1(C}11TE[1TUI(AL /iAl^BLE W0I(1^EI(^, Mosaic, Flimr-Tiliiii;', Wainscoatinl,^ Columns, Staircases, Counters, etc. Ecclesiastical Work a Specialty. /iftoiunnental anC Sculptor "WHorft in /llbarblc an^ 0ianitc. 541 AND 543 West 22d Street, Teierlione 597— iSth St. NEW YORK. p. F. STEFFEN & SON, BUILDERS OF BOWLING ^ ALLKYS, M.XNUi'ACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN BOWLING BULS AND PINS. BOWLING ALLEY SUPPLIES. New No. 534 West Broadway, Between Bleecker and jd Streets. NEW YORK. R If you really want to enjoy your Holiday, take the ed Cross Line Steamers For HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, and ST. JOHNS and PILl.EY'S ISLAND, Newfoundland. Charming Davlight Sail throut;h L( )NG ISLAND. VINEYARD and NAN- TUCKET SOUNDS. Fine View of Picturesque NOVA SCOTIA and of the bold, rugged NEWFOUNDLAND COAST. Abundance of FISHING and SHOOTING in season. The only country in the civilized world that can boast of herds of 250 CARIBOU DEER. An Ocean Voyage at one-quarter the cost of going to Europe, and a greater change of air and scene. Fare:— FIRST CABIN, including Meals and Stateroom Berth, HALIFAX. $16.00; ST. JOHNS, $34.00; PILLEY'S ISLAND, $40.00. RETURN TICKETS AT REDUCED RATES. BOWRING & HRGHIBRLD, D Floor, Produce Exctiange Hnnex Buiidiog. Fiom N. Yt Herald* Tointny Conneff, Kiuni X. Y. Heralil. M. F. Sneencv. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUU. I I I JOHN MOLLENHAUER, PRESIDENT. J. ADOLPH MOLLENHAUER, VICE-PHES. AM) <,EN. MANAGER. FRED. D. MOLLENHAUER, SEC'Y AND TREAS. iVUUi Block Hounded by East l(i\cr, So. Eleventh St., Division and Kent Aves., ©nl\i tbc Ibiobest Srabes of Sugars IDiseb in ouv fIDanufacture. OUR STANDARD BRANDS ARE Powdered. Cubes. Excelsior A. Uiamond Extra C. Standard Fine Granulated Aurora Extra C. Lenox Extra C. Admiral A. Bedford Extra A. Oriental Yellow Extra C 'Berkshire A. Standard Granulated. Simrise Yellow C. Cascade Jl. 'brilliant Confectioners zA. Neptune Yellow C. TDartmoutb c/1. Calumet Extra C. Confectioners zA. NEW YORK OFFICE, 109 WALL STREET, NEW YORK CITY. 112 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. SCHOONERS. Sachem F. G. Adams and J. G. Moore Halcyon D. S. Hammond Crusader S. L. Husted, Jr. Atlantic Wilson Marshall Comet W. H. Langley Cavalier Jefferson Hogan Viator W. G. Brokaw Whim B. B. McGregor Lotus Daniel Appleton Christina George B. Mullen Hildegarde George J. Gould SLOOPS. Vigilant George J. and Howard^Gould Mineola August Belmont Nautilus W. H. Dickey Nirvana John Mohler Awa . . A. DeWitt Cochrane Trochilus . . , M. W. Bronson Bonnie Kate C. Knoblauch Harriet E.J. Greacen Polly C. P. Noyse Portia H. R. Hopper Nadja S. G. Hartshorne Nomad H. R. Hayden Marjorie C. K. and W. H. Bourne UNION DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Broadway, md St. and Sixth Ave., GREELEY SQUARE. NEW YORK. Open Mondays, lo to j ; Satiirdnys, lo to 12; Otiur Days, 10 to j. Interest from the first of each quarter on sums from $5 to $3,000. Courteous attention to Depositors. Special facilities for Ladies. The principal Modern Languages spoken. Business may be done by mail. Send for Remittance Circular. Society Accounts Received. CHARLES E. SPRAGUE, President. Channing M. Bkitton, 1 ... p^ ■ j.„,^ Geor.:e _V. Bikesall, Treasurer. James S. Herrman. ) " "-<:-i^'^»i"<:iu!.. Krancis M. Leake, becretary. JOHN McGRATH, <4-I orscsboeiitci Establisbment. Horses sent for and returned with care. Also Shoeing for Durland's Riding Academy. 230 West 57th Street, and Durland's Annex, 62 and 64 West 62d Street, 423 Western Boulevard, NEW YORK. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB rs. NEW YORK A'lTlLElTC CLUL. 113 *-,;^:^ THE IIITIOSAL. Combines [extreme simplicity of the mechanism with absolute safety. The percussion is direct. The cocking is done by pushing forward a lever placed on the outside of the left-hand lock plate. This device is so simple and works so easily that after a little practice the gun can be cocked from the shoulder. Price, $40.00 and upward. The Best Billiard and Pool Tables in the World are Hanufactured by TH E BRUNSWICK=BALKE=COLLEiNDER CO. Billiard Cloth, Balls, Cues and Billiard Materials of every description, of our own manufacture and importation. The " MONARCH" quick cushions, furnished on all of our tables, are unequalled for speed, accuracy and durability. Bar and Saloon Fixtures, Counters, Back Bars, Mirror Frames, Beer Coolers, etc., in stock and to order. Refrigerators and Refrigerating Rooms made underthe celebrated WICKES PATENTS. BOWLING ALLEYS, either with finest wooden beds or our PATENT STEEL PLATE beds; Bowling Balls. Pins and all Bowling Goods. 860 Broadway, Cor. 17th Street (Union Square), New York. I>E>X«^X3V X>E:^I^ CO. MAMTACTURERS OF Bai^k, Office ar^d I^ibrary Fi^ii'iUtUrc, 114 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. 93 CAUSEWAY STREET, BOSTON. 114 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. I Napoleon Napoliello, FINE TAILORING No. 43 CORTLANDT STREET, Between Church and Greenwicli Streets. NEW YORK. -*^ i^^^^^^ffi?'©- SFGJCIi^JUX Y ; Bicycle ar^d Yacl^t S^its. pRANK L. FISHER & CO., ^•=T.^:p^^^k„.m. REAL ESTATE, 446 COLUMBUS AVENUE, Near 8ist Street. , Telephone, 109 Columbus, NEW YORK, lientiiig, Oollecting, I_,oaiis. Gymnasium and ^ Bowling Alleys Now open, r^ates!* I^ediioecl. For circular, address, W. R. Savage, Sec. 308 and 3 10 West 59th St. CHILD BEAUTY ! ROCKWOOD'S photographs_->- of Children BEAT THE WORLD! Gallery and Offices on the Ground Floor. OABINeT POR-TR^AIXS, ^6,00 F&R^ DOZ. 1440 BROADWAY (40TH ST.), N. Y. LONDON ATHLIiTIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 115 D. CALABRKSE, (LATE; W^TH BRYANT & ONDRAK;) 535 FIFTH AVENUE, Between 44th and 4^th Streets. .«- ^ NEW VORPC. ^3&j<>c>:SK<->>:-;-'-:-:-:-:->;-i-:-!H^^^^^^^^- 6olf atib Bicycle Suits a Specialty, l'i,.ii, LI ir|.,-i'., W,;\i\ LONDON ATHLETIC CL';B 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 117 hnpetiai NATURE'S DISINFECTANT. DEODORIZER. ANTISEPTIC. GERMICIDE. The greatest disinfectant on the market. Athletes should use Hyijenic]ue, the best lotion obtainable, and its use in the Bath is premier, hiviuorating-, Powerful, Economical and Non- Poisonous. SllKI'KIKI.D SCIENTIHC SCMOOI. | OK Vai.e University. \ New Haven, Conn, April II, 1895. I\U'i-.ui.\i. HviiKNigi'E Fi.iiiD Co. GLiiUeiiu)! :—\ have examined the formula of Imperial Hyijei)ique Fluid, and have also analyzL'd a sample of the Huid. It is entirely free from all poii onous mineral .salts, and is a poiihrful antiscplu awl gt'riiiicide, well adapt- ed to accomplish what is claimed for it. Respectfully yours, R. 11. Chittenden, Professor of Physiological Chemistry. Trade llir'ill«gi:terei Of all Druggists, or send for sample and circular to THE IMPERIAL HYGENIQUE P^LUID CO., 61 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. I HAD MY SUIT MADE BY THE FAMOUS . . . gTRUQNELL, CYCLISTS' OUTFITTER For Ladies and Gentlemen. Send Stamp for Catalogue. IVetir Dimiie St. (Uijst iiirs.) C. E. Ensign. E. H. ANt)REWS. Homer F. Andrews. KIRTLAND, ANDREWS & CO. 46 AND 48 UNION SQUARE, N. Y. Fourth Avenue and 17th Street. m^ooX^ flDantcli? (5ratc5, Hrcbitcctural % ®P<^" ^ii'c ipiaces, Estimates Ftirnished on Desi8:ns of Architects for all Interior Woodwork. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 119 462 Columbus Avenue, near 82d St. "'^^SPSpir Dealers in HIQIi=CLASS flARKETINQ Astor Market: 598 Park Avenue, cor. 64th Street. Astor Market: 222 West 125th Street. Aster Market: 437 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. SPECIAL RATES TO CLUBS AND HOTELS. . . . TELEPHONE, 61 COLUMBUS. DUNK'S FURNITURE CO., Cor. Broa^^vav an& 42J> St., IRcw ll?orF?. (jrapd pall pxl^ibitior^ of the world's production of the Furniture and Upholstery Arts. Full assortment of Brass and Iron Bed- steads. Prices are the very lowest at which equal goods can be sold. (Special Attention (jiven to the Furnishing of Private Houses.) The Multum in Parvo Electric Yacht Lamp. The Ideal Hethod of Lighting Yachts. ^^ riultum in Parvo" Yacht Lamp. The greatest amount of light with the least expenditure of energy. The most compact arrangement of lamp and fittings. No Projecting Bulb and Bracket. No Glass Shade. Storage Hattcry Work of Every Description. Hand Search Lights. Carriage Lighting. ■^ THE STOHBGE BATTERY SOPPLY CO., 239 East 27th St., New York. I20 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. Modesta H. E. Smith Venture H. Griswold Ariel J. H. Hegeman, Jr. Gem ■ W.S.Scott. lo R. W. Rathbone Rrenda F. M. Scott Doris E. B. Brush Alpha C. C. Turner Mospa. .J. W. Harrison Rajah W. C. Hubbard Rose Marie W. B. Dinsmore, Jr. YAWLS. Jane S Dr. Frank Valk Louise W. H. Browning CATBOATS. Great R. E. VVisner and G. C. Lockwood Jintzy . . . F. Oakes Sadie . H. G. O. Dunham Enigma F. Oakes Seagull M. P. Slade Blonde August P. Montant Nymph F. W. Flint JIB-MAINSAILS. Flirt :!.. W. G. Brokaw Trochilus W. M. Bronson Water-Wag Geo. W. Scott Nadjy August P. Montant NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. h rQersoq Scliool, ^ ^ b 2.5 West 42d Street, 1 S a private school for boys between the ages of six and fourteen years. Thorough and superior instruction for a limited number lu/fy, with afternoon outings and athletics under the supervision of a tutor. Gymnasium privileges. Uerms, $100 to $150. W. EMLERSON DURFEY, IVI. E. D. LLSOPPS Ales and Stout. BREWED AT BURTON-ON-TRENT, ENGLAND. ARTHUR T. SHAND, Sole Agent. 45 BROAD STREET, N. Y. LONDON AlllI.Kl'U; CLUB 7'S. NKW YORK A 1 U LimC CLUB. 121 NEW YORK vs. LONDON. CONTAINS INDIVIDUAL PORTRAITS OF THE CONTESTANTS in the New York Athletic Club vs. London Athletic Club Games, with estimates of the relative strength of the opposing teams, etc. NEXT WEEK'S NUMBER ^^ will contain critical comments on the games and their results. AMATEUR SPORT is a department in HARPER'S WEEKLY in which valuable and impartial comments are published on all kinds of amateur sport, including rowing, golf, tennis, baseball, football, polo, lacrosse, etc. INTER=SCHOLASTIC SPORT is fast creating as widespread an interest in its own particular field as inter-collegiate sport, and the department recently opened in By "The Graduate," is the only reliable exponent of this subject. PUBLISHED BY HARPER & BROTHERS, NEW YORK. ?l 0f'i LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 123 BAIITON & (ilIESTII':il, HElJiliCK & aiMPANY, BORDEAUX. REIMS. ESTABLISHED 1725. "Wliooliiioii, JVttoiitioiiI CTolliif^ioiis IPre von loci. STANDARD Foot-B[aKB, CoaslBFS anfl lamp MUi ALL THREE IN ONE PIECE. Adjustable to the crown of any wheel without removing a single nut or bolt. Weighs only II ounces. Highly nick- eled. price, $1.75. Ask your dealer for it. If he does not keep it, send us price by mail. RICHARDS MANUFACTURING CO., 220 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Clardls and WHite Wines. Vin Brut, 1889-84. Extra Dry, 1889 J. II. CUTTER OLD RESERVE WHISKEY. "Will. Williaiiis & Sons" Li(|iieur Scotcli Wliiskey, LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 125 Telephone 21 jS Curthndt. Orders executed <>n N. V. Stock Ex. m CHARLES R. SICKELS, i l^anker and Brolver IFiivcstmcnt Securities. 6O BROAOVVAV, NEW YORK. Dealer in Bank, Surety and Trust Companies' Stocks. J. Kempf, President. I'. M. CiLLlNV, Vice-Pres. P. A. Maiionv, Treas. J. H. Sa\ Acii, Sec'y BARNSTON TEA CO., Limited. IMPORTERS TEAS, COFFEES, WINES. 6 Bnrolay Street. IVejAV ^ITORIC:. Special Attention to Club Orders. THE "PERFECTION" OF Irish and Scotch)iWhiskies ^ Sir John Power & Son's, Dublin, "Threb Swallow Irish/' AND Greenlees Brothers', Argyleshire, " LORNE HlOHLANO SCOTCH." W. A. ROSS & BROTHER, II South William St. NEW YORK. SCPARATE ROOMS. $2ooTO $ 20 °o pe:b/v\o;vth snawmoD e u nvD3N0Hd3i3i 126 LONDOiNT ATHLETIC CLUB 7'^. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. HoUenbeck Hamtnerless Qun. Haenel Repeating Rifle MANNLICHER SYSTEM. No. l.^Ritle, finest matted lib, - MO.OO No. 2.— Rifle, Octagon barrel, - - 30.00 No. 3.— Carbine, - - - 20.00 Cartridges in clips of 5 each, per liundred, $5.00. Range 4,500 yards; penetration, 50 inches of pine. Muzzle velocity, 2,(XJ0 feet per second. No. 1. — Fine twist barrels, engraved No. 0. — Fine twist barrels, plain. Spencer Repeating Shot Qun. Grade C. — Fine Damascus barrels. Grade D. — Fine Twist barrels, $35.00 25.00 SOT^Ii^ Henixetiixi looker &: Oo..^ Send tor Catalogue. lOI DUAlNe: SXKEET, IVGJAV ^^ORK. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 127 ^OSMIC * I^oDS, ^ I(E(;iNA, ALL OF EXTRA FINE QUALITY. Deels, Write for Catalogue to the w SILK Oniied Slates net aim Twine Co. L'^es. 310 Broad\Vay, ]Vc\V York. N. B. KERSHOW, *«2)*^T*T»l arriage * M^^^^^^i^tarer, 29 AND 31 LAXA^TON STREKX, NEW ROCHKLLE, NEW YORK. THE QUEEN OF Music Boxes. PLAYING THOUSANDS OF TUNES and rendering sweet and silvery music, far superior to the finest Swiss music box made. all of Sousa's .Marches, the latest Popular Songs, Operatic Pieces, Waltzes, etc., can be had tor these boxes at the jirice of a piece of sheet music. The tune discs are metal and indestructible. The movement massive with nothing about it to get out of order, being safe from injury in the hands of a child. The cases are handsome, being made in all styles of wood and handsomely polished. tor the entertainment of friends, for the nursery, for dancing, these boxes are unequalled. They run from ten to twenty five minutes with one winding, which is done noiselessly. Boxes from $7.00 to $100.00. SKND FOK HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED CATA l.OCt'E. ^^. WTOI^prpr, Greiiei-al JVj>,ent, LINCOLN BUILDING, Cor. 14th St. and Union Square, W., New York. v^opyright, 1S90, by The Cen i ury Co Bt!S.' Kiiniiir Keeping on (0 'J'hirJ. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 129 EVERYBODY KNOWS . . . HAPPY . . . FIRST YEAR IN BUSINESS. Georoe Glvnn, The Ciij-ar I>lerchaiit, ^:^^^^r^''r':: oRriiT's gre.it rest.\ir.4nt, Managed by the affable WILL H. HFARN. Call at 200 Broadway. New Roclielle Coal and tumkr Company, Echo Bay Dock, New Rochelle, N. Y. Coal, Lumber, and Mason Materials. Wood Working in all its Branches. BUANCH OFFICES: Miller & Lamden, No. 259 Main St. Jas. L. Waterbukv, R. R. Depot. TELEPHONE 505. JOHN McNULTY, DEALER IN ^li^vr 003,1 308 STANTON STREET, Between Lewis and Goerck Sts. N EW YORK:. Hotels, Restaurants, Plumbers and Roofers Supplied at the Shortest Notice. De liaiicey Private Scliool for Girls, 75 West 85th Street, New York, JS situated witiiin iialf a biocl< of Central Parle, and conveniently near to 1 elevated and surface cars. The building is perfectly ventilated and well lijchted. and great care has been given tn tiie plumbing. The principal will be at the school ow and after September 15th to receive all applica- tions for admission. The scho(]| aims to give lliorough and well directed instruction to girls, and as broad an education as is possible. None but able and e.xperienced teachers will be assigned to the various departments. It admits girls of all ages, but especially desires pupils at an early age, as much time is wasted whenever a child's early education is neglected or misdirected. Pupils will be received into any of the classes for which they are found to be qualified, and may be fitted for any ceillege or university to which girls are admitted. Special students will be admitted upon special terms to any of the regular classes of the school. Afternoon classes will be formed for ladies who desire to pursue the study of Modern Language or Literature. Certificates of Graduation are awarded to pupils who have completed the full course. Terms, )l$2oo to ^250 per Term. REFERENCES: Rev. Dr. John Hall, D. D., Rev. Ed. Reed, D. D., and One Hundred others. physical Culture a Special ^feature. Q-EORGE Ferguson, Grenei-al JVIeroliaiiclise.^..- Inchiding all Staple and Eancy Groceries, Flour, Feed. Hay and Straw, liuilders' and Agricultural Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc., etc. FiTimxTunis sTortACrE. Also an Annex of a New Store and New Goods embracing a large .Assortment of HOUSE H*URI>j:iSH13*0 OOODS. BABER & FERGUSON, Proprietors. Main St., New Rochelle, N. Y. i..#SJ AVif }'('/"/■ Atlildic Club l)itirnatioiial Tcaiii, LONDON ATHLliTlC CLUB VS. NEW YORK A'rHI.Kl'IC CLUB. 131 A high-grade Hunting Repeating Rifle built to use full charges of smokeless rifle powder. 6 M. M. Calibers, .236 U. 5. Navy, Huzzle Velocity, 2,500 ft. iVz " " .30 " Army " " 2,000 ft. Reduced charges or black powder may be used. Also full mantle, half mantle with soft lead points, or all lead bullets. The only repeating sporting rifle that will shoot above stand- ard cartridges. Send for free catalogue. JOHN HENRY BLAKE, 136 Liberty Street. NEW YORK. MORGAN BROS. JUiri^isI^ii^g * ][^riMlertakers AND LIVERYMEN, 24 PJ® 26 IvAWTON STREET, Telephone Call, No. 572. NEW ROCHELLE, N. Y. NEW YORK OFFICE : 27 Great Jones Street. Furniture Moved to City or Country. Heavy Trucking of all Kinds. Camp Chairs for Rent. Boarding of Horses a Specialty. Cbina lpacfte& for Sbipment. I. TRAINFR lACK WHITE. 2. CAPT. SHAW. 3. JORDAN. 4. DOWNER. 5. OAKLEY. 6, BRADLEY. 7. WILLIAMS,, LONDON ATHLETIC CLUK VS. NEW YORK ATIILETIC CLUB. 133 LOCOMOTIVE REFLECTOR ^m^s^^^Q^ foR.DASH Board Light It G\N Be PL'AcedOnG^rriage & BuGoy At A^y Angle With J The 5pecialv\ttachmeht By Detaching BICYCLE a CARRIAGE ^^Z^ SPRING You Have T H^^^ ALUMINUM JLANTERN. $6.00 tFYOUR DEALER WILL NOT SUPPLY YOU. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO DO SO WILL SEND C.O.D. SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION. BETTS PAT. HEAD LIGHT CO. K^r^^^o^Iv y\ltWYORK. The " Linla:' Owned by Mr. IVallhfr Liittgcii, of the N. Y. Athletic Club. LONDON ATHLKTIC CLL'H 7'S. NEW YORK MIILETIC CLUH. 135 jFor artistic l^RINTING of overs IDcscviption. Oo to . . . THE WHEET. PRESS, 210 ffulton Street, Hew IJorF?. THOMAS P. SHERIDAN, Mine, XiQuor anb Xacjcr Beer Saloon, 994 SIXTH AVENUE, N. E. Cor. 56th St. NEW YORK. CANARY & LEDERER'S CASINO. '-^ST SlX NiGHTS ! Last performance Saturday evening. Theatre thereafter closes for reconstruction. Reopens November 4th with Frank Daniels' Company in new comic opera, " Wizard of Nile." 24th Street, U O YT '<^ THPATRF Evening 8:30 Near B' way. llwll O inCAlfXC. Mat. Sat. 2:1 5 LAST WEEK. ROBERT HILLIARD In Lost— 24 Hours, and The Littlest Girl. Monday, September 23d— The Gay Parisians. (ESTABLISHED TEN YEARS.) D. E."DuGIr()S, 1430 Broadway, Near Fortieth Street, N. Y. GLOVES, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, BATH ROBES, ETC. Shirts to rieasure our Specialty. JAS. L REYNOLDS COMPANY'S ^T. VERNON, NE14/ XOCHELLE, Jlnd WHITE TLAINS. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 137 JAEGER The Standard Underwear of the World. At Greatly Reduced Prices; In Xew-York City at our own stores only : 176 Fifth Av., beiow 23cl St., (MAIN RETAIL.) nron^Via ■ S I i8q Broadway, near 28th Street ; orancnes . -j ,53 Broadway, below Cortlandt St. Descriptive Catc.'oguc Free by Mail. EDWARD E. POOR, rresident. STUYVESANT FISH, Vice-President. JOSEPH T. MOORE, Vice-President. GEORGE S. HICKOK, Cashier. EDW. J. BALDWIN, Ass't Cashier. THE National Park Bank OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. SURPLUS, - #3,000,000. Extensive Safety Vaults for the convenience of Depositors and Investors. Entrance only through the Bank. . . Birectore Joseph T. Moore Edward C. Hoyt Francis R. Appleton .Stuyvesant Fish Edward E. Poor John Jacob Astor George .S. Hart W. Rockhill Potts George S. Hickok Charles -Sternbach August Belmont Geo. Fred'k Victor Charles Scribner Richard Delafield 138 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. ATHLETIC COMMITTEE, NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB, 1895- B. C. WILLIAMS, Chairman. H. H. BAXTER, JOHN C. GULICK, B. F. O'CONNOR, R. DUDLEY WINTHROP, JAMES WHITELY, WALTER S. BALDWIN. ORGANIZED Seftemher 8, 1S6S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB, 55th street, cor. Sixth Avenue. OFFICERS. INCORPORATED April 4, 1S70. SECRETARY. JOHN C. GULICK. A. T. DociiARTY, James A. Lynch, B. C. Williams, Daniel D. Youmans, James Wills, James H. Haslin, PRESIDENT. JAMES WHITELY. VICE-PRESIDENT. JOHN R. VAN WORMER. TREASURER. CHARLES E. GOODHUE. CAPTAIN. H. H. BAXTER. GOVERNORS One Year. C. L. Burniiam, W. D. Searls, B. F. O'Connor, R. D. Winthrop, W. S. Baldwin. Two Years. E. G. Lemon, Thomas F. Murtha, Albert E. Colfax, Dr. T. Hamilton Burch, Orrin M. Beach, Jr. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUH 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 139 ^A LL oi^ i i:Le if 3^0 u wisli to decorate your rooms with . . Beautiful picturci?, paintc^ 'JIapcetrics, Etc., Etc. HANDSOME AND ARTISTIC FRAMING. Over 1,000 Samples to select from. . . . IMPORTER AND DEALER IN . . . ARTIST MATERIALS, FRENCH AND GERMAN WHITE CHINA, FOR DECORATING. CHOiee: goods at i^o-vsreisT FRiees. S. GOLDBERG, Opposite Stern Bms. 37 West 23d Street, N. Y. ESTABLISHED 1836 WALTER T. BELL, STOVES, RANGES AND FURNACES, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. ELECTRIC and aU Kinds of BeU Work. 201 AND 203 IVTain Street, NEW ROCHELLE, Telephone Call, 547 B. NEW YORK. M. O'BRIEN & SON, Fruits and Vegetables. 140 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. RECEPTION COMMITTEE FOR INTERNATIONAL GAMES, Hon. Mayor Strong, Dr. Ramon Guiteras, W. H. Harrison, A. H. Wheeler, Frederic Winthrop, Robt. M. Thompson, H. C. Duval, Douglas Henry, C. J. Kintner, M. W. Bronson, George J. Gould, Walter Stanton, A. V. De Goicouria, Walter G. Schuyler, Frederick Sturgis, Dr. Chas. L. Dana, Hon. Thedoore Myers, George B. Hulme, Col. Geo. Moore Smith, William A. Cable, August Belmont, W. Hildreth Field, W. G. Demarest, J. D. Foot, Gen T. L. Watson, C. E. Knoblauch, John J. McCook, C. Oliver Iselin, F. S. Flower, F. G. Landon, Thos. Reed, Jr., Charles Coster, Hon. Hugh J. Grant, H. G. Meeker, Dr. G. M. Hammond, Jennings S. Cox, Robt. D. Farlee, W. G. Bates, Wallace F. Peck, Col. Chas. F. Homer, F. T. Adams, E. B. Talcott, R. H. Halsted. W. B. Curtis, M. Shearman, Bartow S. Weeks. Wendell Baker, Charles Herbert, OFFICIALS FOR INTERNATIONAL GAMES. REFEREE. JUDGES. MEASURERS OF JUMPS. George Goldie, W. H. Rogers, E. J. Keane, John C. Gulick, SCORER. MEASURERS OF WEIGHTS. H. E. BUERMEYER, F. L. Lambrecht, R. L. Coursen, - B. F. O'Connor, L. M. Lawson, Jr., D. C. Brown, MARSHALS. N. Y. A. C. London A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. London A. C. Princeton Col. A. C. S. N. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. - Scottish A. A. A. A. A. Jordan, Robert Stoll, - Mortimer Bishop, J. H. Abeel, Jr., E. J. Wendell, B. C. Williams, STARTER. TIMERS. ASSISTANT TIMER. CLERK OF THE COURSE. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. ASSISTANT CLERKS OF THE COURSE. John Dixon. - Robt. C. Fisher, J. H. Booth, - McC. Van Ingen, C. J. Kintner, C. H. Mapes. \. Bell Brennan, 1 2th INSPECTORS. ANNOUNCER. Regt. A. A. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. Yale A. A. N. Y. A. C. N. Y. A. C. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 141 Outfitters faSTAN^DARDj BOWLljNQ^LLEYSl! Hcirrd^dnsctt JM^chine (o. GYMNASIUM n . 1 P I OUTFITTERS. rrovidence,i\.l. ^end for rpt^logue. OF THE Leading Athletic Clubs. LONDON AGENT: GEO. SPENCER, 52 Goswell Road, London, Eng. c atalogues .... ON APPLICATION. 142 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'^. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. PROGRATVliVIK London Athletic Club— COLORS, Green and Gold. New York Athletic Club— COLORS, Scarlet and White. Note. — Two men only from each club will compete in the several events. EVENT No. I. 880- YARD RUN. English record, im. 54 2-55., F. J. K. Cross, New College, Oxford University, 1888. American record, im. 54 i-2s., W. C. Dohm, New York A. C, 189L ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. 13 Frederick S. Horan, 15 William E. Lutyens, 17 E. J. Wilkins, 19 Horace J. Davenport, 2L Charles H. Lewin. New York Athletic Club. 10 Charles J. Kilpatrick, 12 Henry S. Lyons, 14 Alfred L. Remington. Starters, London Athletic Club. . Starters, New York Athletic Club. Won by No Athletic Club. Time. Second No Athletic Club. EVENT No. 2. 100-YARD RUN. English record, los., A. Wharton, Darlington Col- lege, 1886; C. A. Bradley, Huddersfield Cricket and Athletic Club, 1893; A. R. Downer, Scottish Pelicans, 1895. American record, 9 4-5S., J. Owens, Jr., Detroit A. C, 1890. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. I Charles Alfred Bradley, 2 Bernard J. Wefers, 3 Alfred R. Downer, 4 John V. Crum, 5 Gilbert Jordan, 6 Thomas I. Lee. 7 Eustace H. Wilding, 9 H. G. Steavenson. (No Starters, London Athletic Club. . . < No No. Starters, New York Athletic Club.' Won by No . Second No.. ,No.... . .Athletic Club. Time. ..Athletic Club. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7.'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. H3 RICHMOND STRAICllTCFT No. 1 * CIGARETTES -^- 'Z® IGARETTE Smokers — who are willing to pay a little more than the price charged for the ordinary trade Cigarettes will lind THIS BRAND superior to all others. TIJB I(icIimoqd ^tiiaight-Cut flo. 1 Cigar^ettB^ :RE made from the brightest, most delicately flavored ' and highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the Old and Original Brand of Straight=Cut Cigarettes, and was hrought out by us in the year 1875. Beware of Imitations, and observe that the tinn name as beluw is on every package. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., ALLEN & QINTER, successor, RICHMOND, VA. MANUFACTURER. Also Manufacturer of VIRGINIA BRIGHTS CIGARETTES. Yale Mixture ;^ Smoking Tobacco The Finest Leaf * Tobacco grown is used 'in Yale, making it the most ^ sumptuous and seductive Pipe Tobacco that can be found in any part of the"World:' -^ "We could not ^'^ improve the quality if paid double the price" A 2oz.Trial Package Post Paid for2505- M;J'.lii?^tl;^'l>M BALTIMORE MD. 144 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. 3. RUNNING HIGH JUMP. English record, 6ft. 3 1-4 in., W. Byrd Page, M. A.C., 1887. American record, 6 ft. 5 1-8 in., M. F. Sweeney, X. A. A., 1895. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 31 Reginald Williams, 28 Michael F. Sweeney, 33 Alan Brooke Johnston. 30 S. A. Warner Baltazzi. (No London Athletic Club -n (No (No New York Athletic Club \ (No Won by No Athletic Club. Height Second No Athletic Club. B. A. & G. N. WILLIAMS, Jr., OFFICE AND WORKS: Corner Avenue A and Sixty-eighth Street, NEW YORK CITY. ALL KINDS OF FREESTONE AND MARBLE. THE SEVENTH REGIMENT, N. G. S. N.Y. USES IT. USE IT ON YOUR BICYCLE, GUN, YACHT, ETC. \§cnd IS** for SamtDle BofMe LOiMUON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YOKK AlTlUyjlC CLUB. 145 BEST WISHES KROIVl Berkeley oval. JOHN S. WHITE. HERMANN SUESENS, IMPORTER OF AND DEALER IN Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc, >»^i5irviviA.Ter> PAi^r^oi*"?- No. ()9i Sixtli Avi'iuio, Comer 56th Street. NEW YORK. THE ^riii^del S^ll^^>^>l n^ a^ ¥^ 71 meet OOtb Street. A school tor ^irls. Boys are received in the Primary and Intermediate grades. Eighth year begins September JO, I895, and closes June 1, I896. A limited number of resident pupils can be accommodated. MRS. EDW. H. WEED, MISS M. A. WEED, t Principals F. A. DONELSON, 1283 BROADWAY, BelWfen jsd ard jjd Slreels. Ice Creams and Water Ices. 146 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. 4. MILE RUN. English record, 4m. 173., F. E. Bacon, Ash ton and Reading Harriers, 1895. American record, 4m. 15 3-5S., T. P. Conneff, New York A. C, 1S95. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 15 William E. Luytens, 16 Thomas P, Conneff, 13 Frederick S. Horan, 18 George W. Orton. 19 Horace J. Davenport, 23 Godfrey Shaw, 21 Charles H. Lewin. (No Starters, London Athletic Club. . . -; (No (No Starters, New York Athletic Club.-' (No Won by No Athletic Club. Time Second No Athletic Club. EVENT No. 5. PUTTING 16-LB. SHOT. English record, 43 ft. 1-2 in., D. McKinnon, L. S. F. B.^C. 1885. American record, 47 ft., George R. Gray, N. Y. A. C, 1893. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 39 Edward John Watson, 50 George R. Gray, 42 W. OrviUe Hickok, 38 James S. Mitchell. (No London Athletic Club - (No (No New York Athletic Club - (No Won by No Athletic Club. Distance Second No Athletic Club. LONDON ATIILKTIC CLUB VS. NKVV YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. I47 ^^^^JJ^^^ BEESTON NOTTS, . . . ENGLAND ^ PARIS FRANCE WOLVERHAMPTON, . . " m MOSCOW, RUSSIA COVENTRY " ? LISBON PORTUGAL WESTBORO' , MASS., UNITED STATES ^- HUMBER QUALITY MEANS SPEED. '/?rrA. V.'^/ SHORELAND, ..... 463 and one-half miles in 24 hours HLIRET, . . . . . 515 " " " 24 " REVIERE, - - - - - 523 " two-third " 24 " C. M. MURPHY, Competition World's Record, - - One mile, 2.01 4-5 More World's Records are held by * H[IMBEI( BICy(^IlE5 * than by all other makes together. 26 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN CYCLE BUILDING . . NOT CHEAP.^^ ^ Has made Humbers the World's Standard. .-^ but qood. HUMBER & COMPANY, AMERICA, Ltd.. NO. 318 BROADWAY, N. V. 148 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'S. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. 6. 220-YARD RUN. English record, 21 4-5S., C. G. Wood, Blackheath Harriers, 1887. American record, 21 4-5S., L. H. Gary, Princeton College, 1891 ; T. I. Lee, N. Y. A. G., 1894; J. V. Grum, Ghicago (111.) A. A., 1895. ENTRIES. London Athletic Glub. New York Athletic Gkib. 1 1 William Fitzherbert, 2 Bernard J. Wefers, 5 Gilbert Jordan, 4 John V. Grum, 3 Alfred R. Downer, 8 Gharles W. Stage. 9 H. G. Steavenson. (No Starters, London Athletic Glub . . . -! (No Starters, New York Athletic Glub No. ]no.... Won by No Athletic Glub. Time. Second No Athletic Glub. E. MaiiiifactiiiTr and Importer of . . . Fine FUR5 134 West 23(1 St., West of Sixth Avenue, NEW yi)Rl(. LONDON Al'Hl.KlIC CLUH VS. NEW VORIv Al'lILKTIC CLUli. pOMMERY' "49 i6 and Champagne Nature (Vin Brut). "The Champagne favored by | ROYALTY in ENGLAND. " MAIL and EXPRESS, N. Y. j "SELECTED for the Banquet \ in Bordeaux given to the | PRESIDENT of the FRENCH \ REPUBLIC." I N. Y. TRIBUNE. [ "SELECTED for the Banquet in Hamburg given to the GERMAN EMPEROR and the GERMAN PRINCES." N. Y. TIMES. ISO LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. 7. 120-YARD HURDLE. (10 flights, 3 ft. 6 in hiijh.) English record, 15 4-5S,, Godfrey Shaw, London A. C, 1895. American record, 15 3-5S., S. Chase, N. Y. A. C, 1894 ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 23 Godfrey Shaw, 22 Stephen Chase, 25 William John Oakley, 24 Ernest H. Cady, 27 Lionel E. Pilkington, 26 George B. Hatch. 29 Walter M. Fletcher, 31 Reginald Williams. jNo.. Starters, London Athletic Club . . - (No (No Starters, New York Athletic Club. -| (No Won by No Athletic Club. Time Second No Athletic Club. Portable Hot Air Furnaces. "VULCAN" Sectional Hot Water Heaters. The most modern and only perfect system of Heatini; fiir Residences, Churches, Schools, Public Halls and larjre Stores. This Furnace Uses GAS ONLY. This Heater Uses UAS ONLY. n^^rn»^ jVO Dust, dirt, ashes, bad f>dors, smoke, furnace man, ash man or repair man. Pure, fresh air; perfectly heated; absolute ci >ntrol ; freedom from conflag'ration. Send for Illustrated Pamplilet. FOR HOT WATER HEATING. Vulcan Qas Heating Co., 19 west 42A St., New York. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. '5' John Arthur's Four-inHand First l^rize Winners, Hadison Square, '94. JOHN ARTHUR, Canadian Sale Stable. rOACIl, SADDl.li IKiRSHS AM) IIIXTHIiS. 140 West 55th St., New York. 'I L-lcphonc Call No. _'2i — 8. I'aiKuliaii Horses a Specialty. \latcliril llii;h .VctiiigCobs and l-inir-in-IIaiii| Olin J. Stephens, Successor to James Stephens & Son, Coal and Wood. Every modern appliance used for screening, loading, unloading and delivering coal. 138th Street, Mott Haven Canal. Main St., West Farms. Bedford Park, N. Y, TRUSTEES IN THE UNITED SI ATES : Gen. LOUIS FITZGERALD. Hon. ASHBEL GREEN. Hon. CHAUNCEY M. DEPEW . Assets in United States, Net Surplus, . . . . $2,238,092.60 621,645.88 WILLIAM BELL and WILLIAM WOOD, Joint M.-inagers. WM. M. BALLARD, Branch Sec'y. 21 NASSAU STREET (Equitable Building), NEW YORK. 15- LON'DON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. 8. THROWING 16-LB. HAMMER. (From 7-ft. circle without follow.) English record, 137 ft. 7 1-2 in , W. J. M. Barry, 1895. American record, 145 ft. 3-4 in., J. S. Mitchell, N. Y. A. C, 1892. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 37 George S. Robertson, 38 James S. Mitchell, 33 Alan Brooke Johnston. 40 Harry P. Cross, 42 W. Orville Hickok. jNo London Athletic Club -. (No (No New York Athletic Club - (No Won by No Athletic Club. Distance Second No Athletic Club. "■fRlAM SUPEB^'f Ctias. Worth Lffofd & Son, Makers of Exclusive Designs FOR SALE BY The Leading Furnishers throughout the United States. FINISH & ABSOLUTE DURABILITY ->WARE-ROOMS<:- STECK-HALL II E.I4'ST.N.Y> LON'DON A I HI, i: TIC CLUB ^'S. NEW YORK AlllLEric: ClAM!. i^^^j^^^ 154 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'^. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. 9. 440- YARDS RUN. Eiii^lisli record, 48 i-2s., H. C. L Tindall, Cambridge University, 1889. American record, around a pith, 48 3-4S., L E. My- ers, Manliattan A. C, i88l ENTRIES. Eondon Athletic C'lub. New York Athletic Club. I I W. Eitzherbert, 44 Thomas J. Burke, 5 Gilbert Jordan, 46 George M. Sands, 3 A. R. Downer, 48 Irving Brokaw. 21 C. H. Lew in. No. Starters, London Athletic Club. ' )no.. Starters, New York Athletic Club. - j No. No, Won by No. Second No. . Athletic Club. Tiine. .Athletic Club. IMPROVED SCALES. NEW STYLES. 65,000 MADE AND IN USE. PIANOS EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, FREE. SMERSO]^ PIAltfO CO., BOSTON. CHICAGO. NEW YORK. No. 92 Fifth Avenue, New York. AGENCIES THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES, MEXICO, SOUTH AMERICA AND CANADA. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. 155 T ^. T Denver, Col., July 27, O. E. Boles, a pure amateur, who has trained but two v^ weeks this season, rode an exhibition mile on a Waverley road wheel in the phenomenal time of 1.57 4-=; on a Vlap track, beating all Colorado records and establishing- a new mark for the Class B and professional record-breakers to try for. While record-breakers in the past have been equipped with trainers, trained pace- makers and special made machines, the fact this mile was done on a regular stock road Waverley by a man who never had a trainer in his life is significant A^» ^vell ^^ tlie :Best of till Hig^li Oi-^idoK. When you buy, get your money's worth by buying a Waverley. More of them sold in the past three years than any other make of high grade bicycle in the world. Price $85.00. Catalogue free by mail. INDIANA BICITLE COMPANY Indianapolis, Ind., U. S. A. New York Stores : Broadway, corner 30th Street. •^f 1 1 East 59th Street, and 67 Cortlandt Street. Riding School, Lenox Lyceum, Madison Ave., cor. 59th St. 156 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. lo. RUNNING BROAD JUMP. English record, 23 ft. 6 1-2 in., C. B. Fry, VVadham College, Oxford University, 1893. American record, 23 ft. 6 1-2 in., C. S. Reber, Pas- time A. C, of St. Louis, 1891. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 25 William John Oakley, 32 Ehvood B. Bloss, 35 Wallingford Mendelson,34 Lewis P. Sheldon, 31 Reginald Williams. 36 Robert T. Lyons. London Athletic Club. (No I No I No ]no Won by No Athletic Club. Distance Second No Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club For the Winter go to Bermuda 48 Hours by Elegant Steamers Weekly. For Winter Tours go to the West Indies. 30 Days Trip. Fifteen Days in the Tropics. $5 a Day for Transportation, Meals and Stateroom. For Illustrated Pamphlet apply to QUEBEC S. S. CO., 39 Broadway, N. Y., Or THOS. COOK & SON, 261 Broadway, N. Y. LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NHW YORK ATHLKTIC CLUB. '57 protect Your Bicycle-^ Against THE:I^T iiiid BrtEiAICAOlii ill tlie NATIONAL BICYCLE PROTECTIVE CO., 163 West 23d Street, New York. CAl'ITAIv. $ioo, <><><>. The Leading and Most Reliable Company in the United States. References Furnished if Desired. $ 2.00 . per year . against Theft $4 5 Q ... per year . . ^-^ . against Breakage I ^^ f\n P^"" y^^'^ against both *K ^ • ^ ^ Theft and Brealcae-e. Theft and Brealcage. If your wheel is stolen, we agree to recover it, and failing to do so within 30 days, furnish you with another wheel olf the same make, style and quality as the one stolen. We have repair shops in all the principal cities of the United States, where all bicycles protected by us will be re- paired free of charge. Send Postal for Prospectus and Application. If yoiiv features are perfect, but your COM I'l.h XION clisfit;- nredby KKECKl.KS. Pimples, BLALKfi i:.\l)S, Moth, TAN, Kcz.nia, SAI.I.UWNF.SS, etc., then you are HuMELV. Bc.ir 111 mind th.it thousands whose features arc NOT porlect but who Iiave a lovely skin and complexion are considcreti wliy allow tiiisi;^luly biemishe>, such as incntKuicd above, to mar your beauty when ririE. A. RuppERT's Face Bleach will remove them, surely, quickly and painlessly, without the slightest harm to the skin. FACE BLE.ACH, which is no cxpcr* iment, is solely the invention of Mme. A. Ruppcrt, and is the only preparation for beautifying the complexion which has with- Call at Mme. Ruppert's Parlor>. 6 East :4lh h't . N. V. City, and see a lady with ONE side of her face cleared from ['"RKCKLES, by FACE BLEACH, the other side showing the freckles as they originally were, WITHOUT treatment by Face Bleach. 'I o every one mentioning the London Athi ktic Cliu -'j-. New York Athletic Club Programme who purchases a S-^ bottle of Face Bleach, Mme. Ruppcrt will present FREE a bar of her exquisite Almond Oil Soap. A samp'e bittle of F'ACF; BLEACH can be obtained either by mail or in person, for 25 cents. Send or call for book HOW TO BE BEAULIF UL^FKFE. Mme. A. RUPPERT, 6 East 14th St., New York City. Stood the test of time. PPPirris&Go., Ltd. c LONDOH, EKGUND. ork Tipped igarettes ^^ Maiuilacuired from the Best Turkish Tobacco. iCK.MHYHR&CO.MPAXY, AGENTS. 26 Beaver St., New York. 158 LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB VS. NEW YORK ATHLETIC CLUB. EVENT No. II. THREE-MILE RUN. English record, 14m. 24s., S. Thomas, Ranelagh Har- riers, 1893. American record, 14m. 39s., W. D. Day, N. J. Ath- letic Club, 1890. ENTRIES. London Athletic Club. New York Athletic Club. 13 Erederick S. Horan, 16 Thomas P. Conneff, 15 William E. Lutyens, 18 George W. Orton, 17 E. J. Wilkins, 10 Charles J. Kilpatrick, 19 Horace J. Davenport. 20 E. Colt Carter. I No Starters, London Athletic Club. . . -< (No (No Starters, New York Athletic Club, -^ (No Won by No Athletic Club. Time Second No Athletic Club. WILLIAM W. HART & CO., 5 wssT Ttiiiti) ST. # EXPERT TPXIDEilSTS # ^i"' ^"Rk. ANIMALS, BIRDS AND FISH MOUNTED. artistic; AND LIFE-LIKE. GUARANTEED MOTH-PROOF. LONDON AllILKriC CLUB 7'S. NKW YOKI<: ATHLETIC CLUB. '59 DR. BRUSH'S KUMYSS. T/ie Only Reliable Aj'ticle of its Kind m the IVorld. Laboratories and Farms: Uiew York Office: 2074 ^€:^"€:iva^Ji ^vv^e:. i6o LONDON ATHLETIC CLUB 7'^. NEW YORK ATIiLETIC CLUB. CHAS. L. SEABURY & CO. HIGH SPEED YACHTS A SPECIALTY. Designers and Builders of . . Steam Yachts and Launches ALSO SAILING YACHTS. Sole Maiuihicturers i)f " Seabury's " Patent Safety Water Tube Boilers of " latest desisn." Builders ( if Simple, Compound and Triple Expansion Marine Eni;ines. Storage, Repairing and Overhauling of Vessels and Machinery in all its branches, at reasonable rates. Main Office, Works and Yards : Foot of Main St., Nyack'On-Hudson, N. Y. New York Office: Exchange Court Building, 52 Broadway. Local and Long Distance Telephone in Both Offices. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. This Curious Drawing from an ancient inta.iJlio (many times enlaro^ed), M'ves a faithful picture of •f the kind of timekeeper that adorned the walls of the Circus Haximus, where the great races were heki in tlie days of the fust Caesars. It represents two Cupids, back to back, supportini^ in their uplifted hands a vase with contracted mouth, whence issues a stream of water, the emptying of the vase indicating a certain time. ::::::::::: CLEPSYDRA OF THE CIRCUS MAXIMUS. You may not be familiar with our line of Watches, over SEND FOR CATALOGUES. 800 siyies THE "ELFIN." The ilaintiest littk' wntch in the woiiJ THE " RUGBY." Made purposely for boys : just right in every way. THE " TUXEDO." Convenient in size: very thin movement. The Waterbury Watch Co., WATERBURY, CONN. THE "ELFIN." GOLD. PRICE, $12.00. Surely Time Hakes Great Changes. THE "RUGBY." SILVER. PRICE, $6.00. THE "TUXEDO GOLD. PRICE, $14 00. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS liiiiiiiiiiiiiiliililliiliillllllllhlil 029 726 838 7 1^