\i:# /iT) Hental Hhotographs A L B U M CONFESSIONS Tastes, MabttSt anxT. SaniTictiuBg EDITED ..-B Y Robert Sax r o n N E \V Y O R K L E Y P O L 1) T & HOLT , 8 6 9 A^ jT^J^T Whal epoch ivould you choose to have lived in? Where ivould you like to live What is your favorite amusement ? What is your favorite '^' occupation ? What trait of character do -^' you most admire in man ?_ r What trait of character do you -most admire in ivoman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yovirself, who woidd you rather he ? _ What is your idea of ^ * happiness ? _ _ What is your idea of misery ? 57, What is your bete noire ?... 3^' dream ? 55. What do you most dread ? What do you believe to be your ^'^' distinguishing characteristics ? If married, what do you believe to ^j. be the distinguishing character= istics of your better =half ? ^. What is the sublimest passion of ivhich -'^ ■ human nature is cahahle ? human nature is capable : What are the sweetest words in the world P ^8. What are the saddest words P _ ^g. What is your aim in life P 40. What is your motto P _ ©#.... ^y6\ Tour Favorite ^- Color? 2. Flower ? ___ 5. Tree?___ Object in ''' J^ature ? Hour in ''- the (bay ?.__.. . Season of the Year? 7. (Perftinie ? 8. Gem ? Style of ^' beauty ? J7^]^7 2'our Favor tie Color ? 11. (Painters? _ 2. Flower? 5. Tree? Object in ^' jNature ? . Hour in ^' the Cbay ? ^ Season of the Year ? _ 7. (perfume? 8. Gem ?_ Style of Mames, Male and Female ? 12. Musicians ?_ 2 J. (Piece of Sculpture ? _ 14. (Poets ? „ _ _._.. 1 5. (Poetesses ? 16. (Prose Authors ?_ ij. Character in Romance ? ...m History / 18. _...... (Book to take up ^^' for an hour ? What (^ook {not religious) " ' ivould you part with last ? What epoch would you choose to have lived in? Where ivould you like to live What is your favorite amusement ? What is your favorite occupation ? What trait of character do you most admire in man ? What trait of character do you most admire in woman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yourself , ivho iwidd you rather he ? What is your idea of happiness ? What is your idea of ^misery ? What is your bete noire ?_ dream P What do you most dread ?_ What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ? If m^arried, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character^ istics of your better =half ? What is the sublimest passion of zvhich human nature is capable ? What are the siveetest ivords in the zvorld ? PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary earte de vimte, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, wilt peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners and one or two spots on the side. L,et the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The litilu pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent parpmg. is method is preferable to the use of the entire de viKile, aa a book suitable for holding the f cards without warping, would be very f/X^jTj Whai epoch zvould you choose to have lived in? Where ivould you like to live ?___ What is your favorite amusement ? What is your favorite occupation P What trait of character do you most admire in man ?__ What trait of character do yoii most admire in woman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yourself, who ivoidd you rather be ? ^ What is your idea of happiness ? What is your idea of inisery ? _ What is yovir bete noire ?__ " " dream ? What do you most dread ?__ What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ? If m,arried, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character^ istics of your better=half ? What is the sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? What are the s-weetest words in the ivorld P ^8. What are the saddest ivords P _ jg. What is your avm in life P 40. What is your motto P _ Q/L.. .../d'. Tour Favorite ^- Color ?__ 2. Flower? 7. Tree? Object in ''' fJakire ? ^ Hour ill -■' ■ the (bay ?__ . Seasoii of ''• the Year?_^^ 7. (Perfur.'ie ? 8. Gem? Style of ^' beauty ? J\^ antes, Male and Female? 12. ''Painters? 12. Musicians? ij]. Piece of Sculpture : 14. Poets? 7-7. Poetesses? 16. Prose Authors ? ly. Character in Pomance ? iS. in History ? _ ^ook to take tip for an hour ? _ What (Book {not religious) ivould you part with last ? _ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary axiU de visile, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograpli is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por-' trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, nnd paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The ■bi/lit pasting and i)ressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire catte de ciMte, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very APPLICATIO.N f/J^JMJ U places for photographs. What epoch would yon choose to have lived in? Where would you like to live i What is your favorite amusement? What is your favorite occ^itiation ? What trait of character do you most admire in man P_ What trait of character do you inost admire in ivomanP What trait of character do you fi-iost detest in each ? If not yourself J who would you rather be ? _ What is your idea of happiness ? What is your idea of misery P ___ What is your bete noire ?_.. '''' '''' dream,? What do you most dread ? What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ?_ If married, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character^ i sties of your better =half ? 36. What is the sublimest passion of which human nature is ca'bable ? What are the sweetest words in the world ? ^8. What are the saddest words ?__ ^g. What is your aim in life ? 40. What is your motto ? __ ©#_ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de vieite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the comers and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The ligJit pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de vveite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE FOR A For an ALBUM combining places for descriptioi of character with places for photographs. Tour Farorite ^' Color? 2. Flower ? ___ Tree? Object in J^atvire ? Hour in the (hay ? Season of the Year ? 7. (Perfume ? 8. Gem ? Style .of (Beauty ? __ J7?J^T n ALBUM combining places for dcscriptioi iracter with places for photographs. Musicians ? 24. (Piece of Sculpture ? _ (Poets ? 2 -). ''Poetesses : 26. (Prose Authors ? _ Character in (Poi^ance ? _ _ in History ? _ (Book to take up for an hour ? What (Book [not religious) would you part with last ? _ Whal epoch would you choose to have lived in? Where zvould you like to live ? _ What is your favorite amusement ? What is your favorite occupation P _ What trait of character do -^' you most admire in m.an ?_ r What trait of character do you 7nost admire in woman ? What trait of character do you m,ost detest in each ? If not yoiirself, who zvould you rather be ? What is your idea of happiness ? What is your idea of misery ? ^1. What is your bete noire ?_ ^2. " " dream? 55. What do you most dread ?___ What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ? If married, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character= istics of your better =half ? What is the sublimest passion of which' human nature is capable ? What are the sweetest words in the ivorld ? jS. What are the saddest -words ? ^g. What is your aim in life ? 40. What is your motto-? ©//... „/*.. Tour Favorite Color? 2. Flower ? -,. Tree? Object in '■' Mature ? ____ Hour in -'■ the (bay ? __ - Season of ''• the Year?,__ 7_ (Per. 'erfume ? 6'. Gem? Style of ^- (Beauty? Mames, Male and Female? _ II. Painters? 12. Musicians ? _ i^\ (Tiece of Sculpture ? _ 14. (Poets ? PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de vitite, and soak it in cold water for about three liours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. 'I'he Ui/lit pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carle tie visile, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very cumbrous. AITLICATIOX HAS BEEN MADE FOK A f/T^fJ 26. (Prose Juthors ? 27. Character in (Romance ?,__ iS. ..in History : (Book to take up for an hour ? _ What (Book (not religious) would you part zvith last ? _^ Whal epoch would you choose tn haiiP. lii)pA in ? Where would you like to Ik What is your favorite amusemefit ?. What is your favorite occupation P What trait of character do yovi most admire in man ? What trait of character do you most admire in woman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yourself J who would you rather be ? __ What is your idea of piness ? What is your idea of misery P What is your bete noire ?_ dream P 55. What do you most dread P__ What do you believe to be your ^^' distinguishing characteristics P . If married^ ivhat do you believe to be the distinguishing character = istics of your better =half P _ What is the sublimest passion of ivhich human nature is capable P_ What are the sweetest word:, in the world P j3. What are the saddest words r _ ^g. What is your aim in life P 40. What is your m-otto P __ Q^L^ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary earie dt visite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph Is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the comers and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The ligJU pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire mrte de visite, as a book suitable for holding the lieavy cards without warping, would be very APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE FOR A For an ALBUM combining places for descripti of character with places for photographs. 21. (Painters P 3ur Favorite Color ? 2. Flower ? __, 5, Tree? Object in ^' J^ attire ? Hour in ■ ^' the (bay? ^ Season of the Year ? 7. (Perfume? __ 8. Geri'i ? Style of (Beauty ? JNames, Male and Female ? 12. Musicians? 15. ^iece of Sculpture ? _ 14. (Poets ? _..._ ij. (Poetesses ? 16. (Prose J.tithors ? ij. Character in (Pomance ? _ 18. _Jn History ? (Book to take up '^^' for an hour ? What (Book [not religious) zwuld you part with last ? What epoch would you choose to have lived in? Where would you like to live ?_ What is your favorite amusement ? What is your favorite occupation? What trait of character do you most admire in man ? What trait of character do you most admire in ivoman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yourself, who ivotild you rather be ? _ What is your idea of happiness ? What is your idea of misery ? What is your bete noire ? ^' " dream, ? What do you most dread ?_ What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ?_ If Tfnarried, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character = i sties of your better =}talf ? What is the sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ?_ What are the sweetest words in the world ? ^3. What are the saddest words .' ^g. What is your aim in life ? 40. What is your mx)tto ? Q//l.^ .../6' ... I'our Farorile ^' Color? PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary airte de. rixite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The liffJU pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent This method is preferable to the use of the entire mrte lie rudte, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very s b?;en m.^uk fok a 2. Floiver P _^^ 5. Tree? Object in '^' J^ahire ? Hour in ^- the (bay ? ^ Season of the Year? 7. (Perfume? 8. Gem ? Style of ^' beauty ? Mantes^ Male and Female? 11. (Painters ? __ 12. Musicians ?_ 75. ^iece of Sculpture ? _. 14. (Poets ? ij. (Poetesses ? 16. ^rose Atithors ?_ ly. Character in Romance ? __in History / 18. _._.. O^ook to take up '^^' for an hour ? What (Book [not religious) would you part with last ? _ 21. What epoch would yon choose to liave lived in? Where ivoidd you like to live : What is your favorite amusement ? What is your 'favorite occupation ? What trait of character do you most admire in m,an r r What trait of character do you most admire in woman ? What trait of character do ^ ' you -inosi detest in each ? r. If not yovirselfj who ivoidd vnu rather he ? you rather I What is your idea of What is your idea of misery ? What is your bete noire ? '''' '■'' dream ? What do you nwst dread P What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ? If married, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character^ istics of your better=half ? What is the sublimest passion of which human nature is ca'bable ? What are the sweetest words in the world ? ^8. What are the saddest words ? ' ^g. What is your aim in life ? __ ■ 40. What is your motto ? e/L.. Vd\.. Tour Favorite Color? 2. Flower? Tree? Object in Jjature ? Hour in the (Day ? Season of the Year? dPerfume ? Gem ? Style of (Beauty ? J^ameS; Male and Female ? PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de visiie, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the corners and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The Ufflil pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire catte lie livj'/c, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very APPLICATION- HAS BEEN JIADE FOK A r^T^j^j For an ALBUM combining places for descriptio of character with places for photographs. (Painters ? Musicians ? (Piece of Sculpture ? ^oets ? ^. (Poetesses ? (Prose Authors ? ^7- 18. 10. Character in (Romance ? _ _ in History ? (Book to take up for an hour ? What (Book [not religious) would you part ivith last ? _ What epoch would you choose to have lived in? Where would you like to live ?_ What is your favorite amusement P What is your favorite occupation ? ' What trait of character do you most admire in man ?_ What trait of character do you 'tnost admire in woman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yourself, who zvould you rather be ? What is your idea of happiness ? What is your idea of misery ? ^1. What is your bete noire ?_ ^2. " " dream? _ 55. What do you most dread ? __ What do you believe to be your distinguishing characteristics ? If married, ivhat do you believe to be the distinguishing character= istics of your better =half ? What is the sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? What are the sweetest ivords in the zvorld ? jS. What are the saddest words ? _ jg. What is your aim in life ? 40. What is your motto ? __ q/L^. 2'our Fay or He Color? 2. Flower? ,, -?. Tree? Object in Joman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yovirself, who woidd you rather he ? What is your idea of happiness ? _ What is your idea of 57. What is your b§te noire ?_. Q2. '' " dream? 55. What do you most dread ? What do you believe to be your ^^' distinguishing characteristics ? If married, what do you believe to jj. be the distinguishing character^ i sties of your better =half ? _ ► r What is the sublimest passion of zvhich : -^ ■ human nature is capable ?__ What are the sweetest words '^' in the world ? jS. What are the saddest words ?___ jg. What is your aim in life ? 40. What is your motto ? (3^__ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de tisite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, very lightly, by the comers and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The lig?U pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire carte de vixite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very APPLICATION HAS I i MADE FOR A f>7^J^T For an ALBUM combining places for descriptio) of character with places for photogr.iphs. 12. (Painters ? __ Tour Farorile Color ? 4- 2. Flower ? __, 5. Tree? Object in J^ature ? Hour in the (bay ? Season of the Year ? 7. (Perfufii^er Style of beauty ? JNames, Male and Female ? 22. Musicians? _ ij. ^iece of Sculpture ? __. j^. (poets ? _ J '7. Poetesses ? 16. Prose Authors ? ly. Character in Pomance ? „in History j 28. _„ (Book to take up ^^' for an hour ? What (Book {not religious) ivould you part with last ? What epoch would y on choose to have lived in ? Where would you like to live ?_ What is your favorite amusement ? What is your favorite occupation? What trait of character do you most adm,ire in man ? ^ ■ What trait of character do you inost admire in ivoman ? What trait of character do "'' you fi'iost detest in each? ^n If not yourself , who would vnu rather be ? you rather be ? What is your idea cf happiness ? What is your idea of _<;i. What is your bete noire ?_.. ^^ " dream? 55. What do you most dread ? What do you believe to be your -^^' distinguishing characteristics ? If married, what do you believe to 55, be the distinguishing character^ i sties of your better ^lialf ? _ r What is the sublimest passion of which ^ ' human nature is capable ? human nature is capable : What are the sweetest words in the world ? ^8. What are the saddest words ? ___ ^g. What is your aim in life ? 40. What is your m^tto ? __ s//^ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte de Mxite, and soak it in cold water for about three hours. The thin paper on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to the necessary size, and paste it in this place, Tery lightly, by the comers and one or two spots on the side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The liffJil piisting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire raile lie viiiite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very AITLICATION HAS BEEN MADE FOR A an ALBU.M combining phices for descriplicu laracter with places lor photogr.iphs. 2'our Farorite ^- Color? 2. Flower ? _ 5. Tree ? Object in ^' Mature ? Hour in > the (Day? ^ Season of the Year? 7. (Perfume ? _ 8. . Gen-i ? Style of ^' (l^pn.iA.f.v ? JJames, Male and Female ? (Painters ? 12. Musicians ? 1^. (Piece of Sculpture ? _ 14. (Poets ? _ : ij). (Poetesses ? 16. (Prose Authors ? _ ly. Character in (Pomance } ,Jn History ? 18. _ (Book to take up ^^' for an hour ? What (Book (not religious) ivould you part with last ? __ What epoch would you choose to have lived in P 22. Where would you like to live . What is your favorite "^' amusement ? What is your favoriie ^' occupation ? What trait of character do -^' you most admire in m^an ? What trait of character do you 'inost ad'mire in ivoman ? What trait of character do you most detest in each ? If not yourself J who ivould you rather be ? What is your idea of ^' happiness ? What IS your idea or -^ misery r ^2. What is your bete noire ?.... ^2. " " dream,? 55. What do you 'inost dread ? _ What do you believe to be your -^'^' distinguishing characteristics P_ If married^ ivhat do you believe to jj. be the distinguisJiing character^ istics of your better =half ? What is the sublimest passion of ivhich human nature is capable ? _ What are the sweetest words in the ivorld ? ^38. What are the saddest ivords ? ^g. What is your aim in life ? _ _ 40. What is your motto ? £//:.... Tour Favorite Color ? 2. Flower? _ ;. Tree? Object in ''' J^ature ? Hour in ■'' the ''bay ? - Season 0/ the Year '. 7. 'Perfume? S. Gem ? Style of -' beauty? Jyames, Jvld?' and Fenidle . ^Painters . jvliisician: ' (Piece of Sculpture? Poets ? Poetesses ? Prose Auth.ors ? Character in Ploniance ? in History .^ ^ook to take up for an hour ? What (Book (not religious) would you part with last P PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH and one or two sll..t^ i.u the AiW. Let the buok be under pressure till the pnste dries. The liuht pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warpinj;:. This method is preferable to the use of the entire i-aite dt ruite. as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very rM¥-J^T What epoch i>i'ould you choose to have Jived in? J J. Where wozdd you like to live ? What is your favorite amusement? What is your jdvovi.e ""'■ occupation ? . What trait of charade. ... -^' you most admire in man ? . What trait of character do you most admire in ivoman ? What trait of character do '' you most detest in each P Q If not yourself ^ who would ■ you rather be ? What is your idea of ^' happiness ? What is your idea of 30. . ^ . ■^ misery f 5i. What is your bete noire ? ^2. " " dream? -]j. What do you most dread ? _ What do you believe to be your '-^^' distinguishing characteristics ? '.^' married, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character^ istics of your better =half ? ^ What is the sublimest passion of whi. ^ ■ ■ human nature is capable ? What are the sweetest words ^^' in the world ? ^8. What are the saddest zvords .^ ^g. What is your aim in life? '40. IV hat is your motto ? q/L... .../ 6' ........ Tour jParorite Color? 2. Flower ? ___ -7. Tree? Object in Jjature ?__ Hour in the (bay ? Season of tlie Year ? (perfwme ? Gem ? Style of beauty ? _ JNanies, Male and Female? _ ^Painters ? Musicians ? (Piece of Sculpture ? _.. Poets ? ■ Poetesses ? Prose Authors ? Character in Pomance ? ,Jn History (Book to take tip for an hour ? What (Book {not religious) wonld you part zvith last ?_ PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary carte tie i cold water for about three bou on which the photograph is printed, will peel off from the card without being injured. Let the por- trait paper dry, trim it to tlie necessary size, luid paste it in this place, very lii;luly, by the corners and one or two spots on the -side. Let the book be under pressure till the paste dries. The Ui/lit pasting and pressure are necessary to prevent warping. This method is preferable to the use of the entire caile de vvtite, as a book suitable for holding the heavy cards without warping, would be very APrLICATION 1 f^Jfl^J. What epoch would you choose to have lived in? Where woidd yoii like to live ?_ What is your favorite a'^nusement ? What is your favorite occupation ? ^ What trait of character do "-^" you most admire in man? ^r What trait of character do you most admire in woman ? What trait of character do "' ' you most detest in each ? ^o If iiot yourself, who would you rather be ? _ What is your idea ( happiness ? What is your idea of misery ? 5i. What is your b§te noire ?_. <^2. " " dream ? _ What do you i^nost dread ? What do you believe to he your distinguishing characteristics ? If married, what do you believe to be the distinguishing character = istics of your better =half ? __ What is the sublimest passion of which human nature is capable ? _ What are the sweetest zvordj in the world ? jlS. What are the saddest words ? __ ^g. What is yotir aim in life ? 40. What is your '>notto ? _ y/L... ../& . PLACE FOR PHOTOGRAPH. Take an ordinary rartoh viiit€, and soak it in cold water for atiout three hours. Tlie thin paper on whicli the rplioto