99 V 2 /- Illustrated Guide To Washington Including Street Map of City Compliments of Woodward & Lothrop Tenth, Eleventh, F & G Streets WASHINGTON, D. C. :-_:.:, v: iinrrt nun DIPLOMATIC LIST Whenever You Are In Washington A visit to Woodward & Lothrop will be found both md advantag- There you will find on six spacious, well-lighted floors, great < Men's and Women's Apparel and Accessories, Infants and Chil drens Outfittings, Dress Goods Laces, Trimmings and Notions \ Floor-coverings, Orien- tal and Chinese Rugs, Upholst ies, Draperies, Homefurnishings, Glass and China, Jewelry, Silver- Linens, Stationery Woodward & Lothrop 10th, 11th, F and G Streets WASHINGTON, D. C. tea ^Da-gas MOT 11 : h 2"S S? P >jf !| DDI7Z)LJ fb§M fiDPSaaDDa\l dQDDDDDD! oc QDOfflQC :€ aDD_DDDDaDCIj DDOt^ :1000a rt: □tniSlnoti^n'fif^a cd 3d?9 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ■III 014 365 870 3 •