I ■k :i\ h^K ;.rn In v«k ?m. 3. W. €ri G III s H. (S. (3. e N s LI s H. Illustrated IIat/ilogue} OF , M ^ M ^\^^ c^^ S^)) /(f^ in B^»^ O «^ C>/JI\\\V5 9; ->— DEALERS IN — <- WROUGHT IROH PIPE, Plumbers' L-eacL, Copper and Earthenware Supplies, mm mm n ^^W^^ _^©OOLS BELTIHG, HOSE, PACKING, ETC, Hos. 1328-1330 WEST ELEYEHTH STREET, . t V.^'- COPYRIGHT. 1884, By ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY, MO. ^^ 9 -1? Jqi^JI Bl^IHUEI^S ^^S2^^^^^^&57 AND EWGI^AYEI^S. Intp^odugtion. We tar^e pleasure in presenting to our friends and tpe trade our new SllusTrated oatclopue and rnce-Qist. 9n issuina tl^is edition, every care pas been tal^en to make it tiporoualp and connplete in all its parts, and a standard reference bool^ for i\)e trade. 9f will be our constant aim to retain ttje confidence and patronaae of our customers, by supplyina ir/em witlp trje best of material at tpe lowest marr^et rates. Wur stock is very complete, and orders will be carefully and promptly filled. ©ince our last yj^eneral ootcloaue was issued, we \)ave larnely increased -our variety, and tpe present edition will be found to contain a very complete representation of tl^e leadina aoods in i\)e line of Copper, 5ron and Qartkenware, Water olosets, ^)raps, etc., etc. 9n i\)e lines we are now Ipandima, we l?ave increased our stock to cover tpe wants of our customers, as nearly as possible, our aim beinn to supply all demands m sport order. Discount streets will be issued with this oatalo^ue, and will be cpanaed as occasion renuires. (drratefully ack;nowledain9 past favors, and solicitma future patronage. we are l\espectfully yours, ENGLISH BROTHERS. INDEX. Page. Air Cocks 39 ' Pumps 67 " Valves 38 Alcove, Copper 144 Alexander Water Closets 122 Ale Lock Cocks 76 Alligator IMpe Wrench 163 Angle Valves, Iron 26 Brass 29 " " Extra Heavy, Jenkins' Disc .. . 82 Artesian Well Tube 3 Ashcrof t's Pop Safety Valves 47 Augers, Clay and Sand 278 Pipe 167 Automatic Needle Valve Oil Feeders 42 B Back Pressure Valves 27 Ball Cocks 75 '■ Compression 88 " Fuller 101 " Lever 118 Balls, Copper 143 " Rubber Valve 178 105 Barnes' Pipe Wrench , 165 Basins, Earthenware 145 " Enameled Iron 126 Basin Clamps 118 Chains 117 " Cocks Bracket 80 " " Compression 90-91 Double 92 " Fuller 101-104 " Self Closing Doherty 98 Prier 94 Zane 95-97 " Grates 114 " Plugs 114 " Wastes. Foley 115 " Waste Cocks 80 Bath Bibbs, Compression 84 " (!ocks. Combination 92 " Fuller 106-107 " Chains . ...117 " Plugs 115 " Tubs Copper 142 •' Inm 130 " " Royal Porcelain 148 " A\"aste Cocks. .. 80 Bells, Church and School 283 " Farm 283 " Gong 44 Belting, Cotton ; 175 Leather 174 Rubber.. 172-173 Belt Hooks 181 Belt Punches 181 Bemis & Call Pipe Wrenches 166 Bends, Lead 153 Bibbs, Compression 81-82 Bath 84 Wash Tray.. 83 Fuller 99-100 " Wash Tray 100-101 Plain and Hose 69 Self Closing, Doherty 98 Prier 93 Pagb. Bibbs, Self Closing, Zane 95 Steam 37 Bidet Pan 124 Boilers, Iron and Copper 140 Patent Seamless, Copper 141 Boiler Couplings Ill Ratcliets 166 " Stands 130 " Tubes 4 " Feed Pumps 251-254 Bowls, Closet 146 " Drip Tray 146 Brass Tubing 25 Butterfly Valves 30 c Cast Iron Soil Pipe 132 Fittings 133-138 Cesspools. Hydrant 128 with Bell Trap 129 Cesspool Plates 129 Chain 117 Chain Stays 116 Chain Pumps and Fixtures 184 Check Valves, Iron 27 Brass 29 " Crane's Extra Heavy 32 for Pumps 266-267 Cipher, Telegraph 5 Cistern Pumps .- . . 187 to 189 and 192 Clamps, Basin 118 " Hose 121 " Hydrant 114 Closets. Earth 124 " Water 122-124 Closet, Ball Lever 118 " Bowls 146 ' ' Cranks 118 " Pans 143 " Valves 115 Cocks, Air , ... 39 " Ale and Beer 76 " Ball 75,98 Basin 80 " Soap, Tray and Secret Waste. . .110 " Waste 80 " Bath 80 Bracket Basin 80 Combination Shower and Sprinkler. .109 " Compression Ball 88 Basin 90-91 " " Combination Bath 92 Double Basin 92 Hopper 87 Hydrant 88 Pantry 89 Shower Bath 86 Compression Sill 87 Urinal. 86 Cooler 77 " Corporation Stop 75 Cylinder 36-37 Fuller Ball 101 ■ •• Basin 101-104 " Bath 106-107 " Pantry 105 " Wash Tray 101 Gas Fixture 68 Gas and Water 68 VI ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Page. Cocks, Gauge 36-37 Globe 79 Hopper 115 Hj'drant 74 Irou 27 Kerosene 79 Lard Tank 31 Liquor 79 Plain Stop 73 Racking and Lock 78 Rain and Well Water 75 Self-Closing Doberty 98 " Friers 94 Zane 95-97 Shampooing 80 Shower Bath 73 Steam 30 Three Way Brass 31 " Iron 28 Ura 77 Coils 62-63 Copper Goods 142-144 Corporation Stops 75 Cotton Belting 175 " Hose .178 Couplings, Boiler Ill Hose 121 " Iron Pipe 12 Plain Brass Ill Rod 278 Rubber 154 Standard 12 Water Back 112 Cross Valves, Iron 26 Brass 29 Cutters, Stanwood Pipe 164 " Saunders " 164 Cylinders. Iron Pumps 260-264 Cylinder Plungers. Irou Pumps 265 D Die Plates and Dies 162 Discs, Jenkins' Extra 33 Drills. Ratchet 166 Drip Tray Bowl 146 Drive Well Points 275 Driving Caps 27H Duplex Injectors 49 Earthenware 145-148 Earth Closet 124 Elevator Buckets 182 Bolts 182 End Ferrule 112 Ends, Safe 4 Eureka Steam Heating Apparatus 58-60 Expanders Tube . . .107 Expansion Joints 31 F Pelthousen's Pipe Wrench 163 Fittings, Classification 7-11 ' • Brass 25 Cast and Malleable 15-24 Soil Pipe 133-138 Float Valves 268-277 Foot Tub, Copper 142 Foot Valves, with Strainer , 27 Fuller Work 99-110 Furnace, Plumbers ; . . . .158 c Gas Cocks 68 '• Cock Wrenches 31 " and Steam Fitters' Tools 161-1 69 " Plyers . '. 167 " Proving Pumps 67 Page. Gauge Cocks 36-37 " Glasses 35 Gauges, Combination 46 Steam 45 " Water 35 Globe Cocks .79 " Valves, Iron ... 26 Brass 29 " Extra Heavy, Jenkins' Disc. . . 32 Gong Bells 44 Goose Necks, Wrot 269, 277 Goshen Wood Pumps 183 Governors, Judson 53 Greenhouse Pump 258 H Ham Pump 257 Hand and House Force Pumps 220-236 " '' Power Piston Pumps 242 •Hancock Inspirators 48 Handle, Tee 33 Hooks, Belt 181 Hoppers, Earthenware 147 Iron 125 Hopper Cocks 115 " " Compression 87 '• Doherty 98 " Zane 97 Valve Closets 124 Hose, Cotton 178 ' ' Linen 178 " Rubber 176-177 " Bibb Ends 113 " Clamps 121 " Couplings 121 " Mender Ill " Fasteners.... 120 " Nipples 113 " Nozzles 119-120 " Pipes 119-120 " Reels 281 " Sprinklers 121 " Straps 120 " Valves, Brass 29 Hydrants, McNamara 279 Hydrant Clamps 114 ' ' Cesspool 128 Cocks 74 " " Compression 88 Handles 113 " Nozzles 113 Sockets 114 Hydraulic Ram 225-256 I Injector, Duplex 49 Inspirator, Hancock 48 J Jarecki Screw Plate • 161 Jet Pump , 51 Judson's Governor 52 Kerosene Cock Lard Tank Cocks 31 Lace Leather 181 Lager Beer Cocks 76 Lawn Sprinklers 282 Lead Pipe 159 Leather Belting 174 Lead Traps and Bends 152-153 Lightning Taps and Dies 163 Linen Hose 178 Little's Pipe Holder 278 Liquor Cocks 79 Lock •■ 78 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Vll Paoe. Long Screws 12 and 277 Lock Nut Nipples 12 " Threads 12 Lubricators 40-42-43 M Machines, Pipe Cutting 160 ' • Tapping 171 Marble Radiator Tops 151 '• Slabs 150-151 McNamara Hydrants 279 Street Washers 279 Meter Cocks 68 Moulds, Solder 129 Tack 118 Nipples 13 •• Hose 113 Radiator, Right and Left 30 Soldering 113 o Oil Cups 40-41 " Globes 40 " Pumps ..., 44 P Packing, Steam 179-180 Pantry Cocks, Compression 89 Doherty 98 Fulkr 105 Zane 96 Sinks, Copper 143 " " Earthenware 145 Peet Valves 34 Pipe, Cast Iron Soil 132 " Lead 159 " Sewer 139 " Cutter, Stanwood 164 Saunders' 164 " Cutting Machine 160 " Holder, Little's 278 " Tongs - 165 " "Wrenches • 163 " Wrought Iron 1-3 " Vises 168-1159 Plugs, Basin 114 " Rubber 154 •' Sink or Bath 115 " Soapstone Sink 114 " Wash Tray 115 Plumbers' Brass Goods 69-116 Furnace 158 " Tools 155-158 Plyers, Gas 16'^ Privy Sinks 131 Polar Dressing 1^3 Punch, Belt 181 Pumps, Air ■ • „67 Boiler Feed 251-254 " Cistern and Pitcher 187-193 Deep Well • 201-204 " Greenhouse 258 " Gas Proving 67 " Ham ': ....257 " Hydraulic Ram 2o6 Hand and House Force 220-236 " Hand and Power Piston 242 Jet 51 " Molasses, or Hot Liquid 191 Oil 44 " Pitcher 190 and 193 Rotary .' .' 245-250 " Steam — Rival 50 " '■ Dayton Cam and Smith- Vaille 53-57 Syphon 259 Page. Pumps, Triumph Force 287-241 Two Cylinder Force 243-244 Well 194-204 Wind Mill 205-219 Wood 183-184 Pump Air Chamber Cocks and Goose Necks 269 Pump Cylinders 260-264 Plungers 265 •' Check Valves 266-207 " Rod 278 " Repairs 270-274 Strainers 268 Racking Cocks 'o Radiators 61 Radiator Nipples 30 Tops, Marble 151 Valves 30 " •' Extra Heavy Jenkins Disc . . 38 Rain and Well Water Cocks 75 Rams, Hydraulic 256 Ratchet Drills 166 Reamers Pipe 162 Reels, Hose ' 281 Registers 64-66 Regulator Water Pressure -171 Rod, Pumps 278 " Couplings 278 " Stocks 163 Rotary Pumps 245-250 Rubber Belting 172-173 Couplings 154 " Hose 176-177 " Plug 154 " Tubing 178 " Valve Balls 178 s Safe Ends - 4 Safety Valves, Iron 27 " Brass 29 Ashcroft's Pop 47 Saunders' Pipe Cutter 164 Scotch Glass Tubes 35 Screws, Marble Slab 118 Screw Plate, Jarecki 1 61 Seat Tub, Copper 1-12 Self-Closing Work, Doherty 88 " Prier 93-94 " Zane 95-97 Service Boxes 280 Cocks, Brass. 68 Sewer Pipe and Fittings 189 Shampooing Cocks 80, 108 Sprinklers 121 Shower Bath Cocks 78 " • ' " Compression 86 Showers, Copper 144 Sill Cocks, Compression 87 Sinks, Earthenware, Pantry 1-15 " Copper, " 143 " Iron -.. 127-128 " Privy 131 " Soapstone 149 Sink Bolts, Couplings and Strainers 129 " Plugs .' - 115 Slabs, Marble - 150-151 " and Basins, Combined 147 Enameled Iron 126 Slop Hoppers 128 •• Sinks 128 " or Urinal Safes 125 Soap Cups 116 Soapstone Sinks 149 Wash Tray 149 J vm ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Page. Sockets, Hydrant 114 Soil Pipe, Cast Iron 133 Fittings 133-138 Solder 159 " Mould 129 " Pot 129 Soldering Nipples...- 11'.? " Unions 112 Sprinklers, Hose 121 " Shampooing 121 Lawn 282 Special Fittings 14 Steam Bibbs _ 37 " Cocks 30 " Cock Wrenches 31 " Fitters' Tools 161-169 " Gauges 45 " Gauge Cocks 37 " Heating Ajjparatus 58-60 " Packing 179-180 " Pumps, Rival 50 Patent Direct Acting 57 " " Dayton, Cam and Smith- Vaile 53-57 " Traps 62 " Whistles 35 " Whistle Valves 35 Standard Couplings 12 Stan wood Pipe Cutters 164 Stay Bolt Tubes, Wrought Iron 2 Stench Traps 129 Stillson Pipe Wrench 166 Strainers, Pump 268 Brass 115 Street Washers, McNamara 279 " Washer Box 129 " " Kev 114 " " Check 114 " " Screws 112 Stop Cock Box 129 Stiaight Wav Valves 28 Stocks and Dies 162-163 Stops, Compression 85 Corporation 75 Finished 73 R<)Ui;h, T and Lever Handle 70-73 Self Closmg, Doherty 98 Zane 95 Swing Joints 31 Syphon Pumps 259 ■ T Tack Moulds 118 Tanks 276 Tapping lyiachine, jSIueller's 171 Taps, Pipe 163 Telegraph Cipher *. 5 Three- Way Cocks, Brass 31 ' Iron. 28 Tin. Pig 159 Tongs, Pipe 165 Traps, Lead 152-153 Bowers' 154 Steam 62 Stench 129 Trap Screws 115 Triumph Force Pumps 237-241 Twn-Cvliiulcr Force Pumps 243-244 Tubing, Rul)ber 178 Tube Cleaners 170 " Expanders 167 Tubes, Boiler 4 u Union Meter Cocks 68 Unions, Soldering 112 Urn Cocks .^7^7 Urinals, Earthenware 146 Iron 125 Patent Folding 126 for Public Places 131 Urinal Cocks, Compression 86 " Doherty 98 Zane 97 V Valves, Air, Compression 38 " Davis 38 Ashcrott's Pop Safety 47 " Back Pressure 27 Butterfly 30 Check, Iron 27 Brass 29 " " Crane's Extra Heavy 32 for Pump 266-267 Cross, Iron 26 " " Brass 29 Closet 115 Float 268 and 277 " Foot, with Strainer 27 Gate, Peet 34 " Globe and Angle, Iron 26 Brass 29 " " " extra heavy, with Jenkins' Disc 33 Hose, Brass 29 Peet Gate 34 PopSafety 47 Radiator 30 " " extra heavy, Jenkins Di^c. 33 Safety, Iron 27 " " Brass 29 Straight Way 28 Tank, Brass 277 " Cast Iron 277 Tank Check 277 Vacuum 30 Whistle 35 Vises, Pipe 168-169 w Wash Basins 125-145 " Stands. Enameled Iron_ 126 " Tra}^ Bibbs, Compression 83 " Cocks, Fuller 100-101 " Plugs 115 " Trays, Ceramic 148 " •' Soapstone 149 Water Back Couplings 112 Columns ... ... 46 " Closets, Alexander 122 Jennings 123 Zane 123 Valve 123 Cistern. 123 Gauges 35 ■' Gauge Glasses 35 Watson's Pipe Lifting Jack 278 Well Pum]w 194-204 Wind Mill Pumps 205-219 Well Points, Drive 275 "Wheel Rosewood 33 Whistles, Steam 35 Whistle Valves 35 Wrenches, Pipe, Alligator 163 Barnes 1 65 " Bemis& Call 166 " " Felthousen 163 " Stillson ](i6 Steam and'Gas Cock 31 "Wrought Iron Pipe 1-3 Wood Pumps, Goshen 183 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 1 MANUFACTURERS' PRICE LIST. WROUGHT-IRON BUTT-WELDED STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. Adopted December 17, 1883. Inside Diametek. Price per Foot, Price per Foot, Weight pee Foot, Thickness, No. OF Threads Nominal. Plain. Galv.inized. Nominal, lbs. Inches. per in. of Screw. |in. $0 03 .24 .068 27 h " 03 SO 05 .42 .088 18 1 " 03f 051 .56 .091 18 1 " 04f 06 .84 .109 14 1 " 06 07^ 1.12 .113 14 1 " OS lOi 1.67 .134 11* n " 11 14 2.24 .140 Hi MANUFACTURERS' PRICE LIST. WROUGHT-IRON LAP-WELDED STE AM, GAS AND WATER PIPE. ' Adopted December 17, 1883. Inside Diameter, Price pee Foot. Pp.ice per Foot, Weight per Foot, Thickness, No. OF Threads Nominal. Plain. Galvanized. ' Nominal, lbs. Inches. PER in. of Screw. Hin. $0 21 $0 24 2.68 .145 11* 2 " 26 30 3.61 154 iH H " 38 47 5.74 .204 8 3 " 50 62 7.54 .217 8 3i " 67 83 9.00 .226 8 4 " 83 1 00 10.66 .237 8 4^ " 1 00 1 25 12.34 .246 8 5 " 1 10 1 50 14.50 .259 8 6 " 1 50 2 00 18.76 .280 8 7 " 2 00 23.27 .301 8 8 " 2 75 28.18 .322 8 9 " 3 70 33.70 .344 8 10 " 4 75 40.06 .366 8 11 " 5 75 45.02 .375 8 12 " 6 50 49.00 .375 8 13 " 7 75 54.00 .375 8 14 " 9 00 58.00 .375 8 15 " 10 00 .375 8 Taper of 1 "hreads, 1 to 32 on each side. Pipe cut tc specific lengths, to suit purchasers, at an extra charge. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. EXTRA AND DOUBLE EXTRA STRONG WROUGHT IRON WELDED PIPE Adopted December 17, 1883. Nominal Diameter, Inches. Price Per Foot. X Strong. Price Per Foot. XX Strong. Weight Per Foot. X Pounds. Strong. Weight Per Foot, XX Strong. Pounds. Actual Inside Diameter. S Strong. Inches. Actual Inside Diameter. XX Strong, Inches. i 10 06 . • . • .40 .... 0.20 .... 1 4 06 .... .56 .... 0.29 .... 3 07i .75 .... 0.42 .... i 09 1 $0 19 1.16 1.38 0.54 0.24 f 12 24 1.61 2.32 0.73 0.42 1 16 32 2.32 3.25 0.95 0.59 n 23 44 3.19 4.57 1.27 0.88 H 42 84 3.28 6.25 1.49 1.09 2 52 1 04 5.22 7.94 1.93 1.49 91 76 1 52 7.28 14.32 2.31 1.75 3 1 GO 2 00 9.44 18.38 2.S9 2.28 H 1 34 2 68 12.92 22.63 3.30 2.72 4 1 66 3 32 13.44 24.88 3.82 3.14 5 2 20 4 40 .... .... .... 6 3 00 6 00 The outside diameter of Extra and Double Extra Strong is always the same as ordinary pipe. WROUGHT IRON STAY-BOLT TUBES. Inside Diameter. Inches. Outside Diameter. Inches. Weight Per Foot. Pounds. Price Per Pound. Cents. I ISIDE Diameter. Inches. Outside Diameter. Inches. Weight Per Foot. Pounds. Price Per Foot. Pounds. 5 1 6 1 4 1.70 12 TS" ItV 3.10 12 5 1 5 16" 2.21 12 t\ lA 3.39 12 tV 1 2.40 12 1 1 (i ItV 3.99 12 t\ ItV 2.61 12 1 2 ItV 4.13 12 t\ h\ 3.00 12 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY, MANUFACTURERS' REVISED. PRICE LIST. LIGHT WROUGHT IRON ARTESIAN, SALT AND OIL WELL CASING. Fitted with Screw and Socket or Inserted Joint. to take the place of all previous lists. subject to change without notice. Adopted Decembek 17, 1883. Nominal Actual Nominal Nominal Actual Nominal Inside Outside Weight per Ft. Inside Outside Weight per Ft. Diameter. Diameter. Pounds. Diameter. Diameter. Pounds. 2 in. $0 25 21 in. 2.23 4f in. 10 72 5 in. 7.25 21 " 28 •>1 u 2.75 5 " 79 51 " 7.66 2^ " 31 .H u 3.00 5fV' 86 5J " 8.08 2i " 34 3 " 3.33 5f " 1 00 6 " 9.35 3 ' 38 31 " 3.95 61 " 1 30 6f " 10.06 oi " 41 3i " 4.27 6| " ] 45 7 " 12.45 3^ " 45 3| " 4.60 7| " 1 85 8 " 15.10 3f " 50 4 " ■ 5.33 81 " 2 10 8| " 16.15 4 " 56 4L u 5.50 8| " 2 25 9 " 17.25 41 " 60 n " 6.00 n " 2 75 10 " 19.00 4i" 66 ^ u 6.50 latermediate sizes of Casing uot on List, charged at price of next regular larger size. MANUFACTURERS' REVISED PRICE LIST. ( N E T T. ) HEAVY ARTESIAN WELL TUBE and DRIVE PIPE With Long- Socket or Flush Joint, finished smooth inside. to take the place of all previous lists. subject to change without notice. Adopted December 17, 1883. NCMINAL Inside Diameter. Price Piiu Foot. Weight per Foot. Nominal Inside Diameter. Price per Foot. Weight per Foot. 1 in. $0 08 1.67 4^ in. $0 60 12.49 2 " 10 2.25 5 " 66 14.56 12 2.69 6 " 90 18.77 15 3.66 7 " 1 20 23.41 2h " 22 5.77 8 " 1 65 28.35 3 " 30 7.54 9 " 2 20 34.01 3i " 40 9.05 10 " 3 00 40.64 4 " 50 10.72 12 " 4 50 54.65 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. MANUFACTURERS' PRICE LIST OF BOILER TUBES Adopted December 17, 1883. Outside Diameter, inclies 1 15 23 15 .23 IK 14 .23 1.25 m 2 2M 13 .25 2.24 2'A 12 .28 2.75 m 12 3 12 314 B'A 3M 4 10 .50 5 32 4: 'A 10 60 6.01 5 Tliickuess, Wire Gauge 13 22 1.66 13 .22 1.98 11 11 11 .45 9 Price per foot 31 .34 .38 .41 7^. Weight per foot, pounds 71 .90 3.04 3.33 3.96 4.27 4.59 7.23 Outside Diameter, inches 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Thickness Wire Gausie 8 8 8 1.85 7K 6K 5 i'A 4 ^Vz 5 Price per foot $1.00 1 45 2.25 2.75 3.25 3.. 55 4.20 4 75 5.75 Weight per foot, pounds 9.35 12.43 15.11 18 00 22.19 EXTRA WIRE GAUGES. For e.xtra Wire Gauge Boiler Tubes away from standard, not exceeding four wire gauges, add one and one-half cents for each incii in diameter to the list price per foot for each additional number. To calculate price take discounts from list prices of regular tubes and add net charge for extra Wire Gauge. For One Number. Fob Two Numbers. For Three Numbers. For Four Numbers. 2 inch, 2 cents. 2'X " 214 •• 2'A " 2'A '■ 2 inch, 4 cents. • 2^4 •• 4y^ '• 2A ■' 5 2 incli, 6 cents. 2'4 '• 41^ " 2^ •i% 4 4/2 5 6 Eacli End .13 .13 .16 .18 .20 .23 .25 27 .29 .32 .37 45 NET PRICES FOR SAFE ENDS PUT ON NEW BOILER TUBES. Size 1 IM m .20 2 .20 2^ .23 2% .23 2% .27 3 314 31^ 33^ 4 .44 4K .49 5 .56 6 Each End .20 .20 20 .31 .34 .38 .41 m NET PRICES FOR REPAIRING AND SAFE ENDING OLD BOILER TUBES. Size 1 1J4 1^ 60 IM 2 214 2^ 2% 3 3^ 3>^ 334 4 4K 5 6 Ea. Boiler Tube, bath ends .60 .60 .60 .60 .68 .80 94 1.00 1.17 1 40 1 61 1.78 2.08 2.70 3.12 No additional charge will be made for safe ends of extra wire gauge. All boiler tubes under 12 inche.'^ long to be called safe ends. The charges for extra gauges, safe ends, etc., are not subject to the current discount from price list of tubes, but are in all cases net. EXTRA LENGTHS OF BOILER TUBES. The rule governing prices of lengths of tubes over 18 foct was aboli-shed .July 15, and instead thereof, the following adopted: The list prices cover all tubes u]) to and including 8 inch diameter and 20 feet long. For over tliat length, an extra charge of ten per cent, will be made on net of invoices. The list prices of 9 inch and upwards are for anv length. ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. TELEGRAPH CIPHER FOR ORDERING. PIPE. Number of Feet. Size. Black. Galvanized. 100 Asia. U Allegheny. Baltimore. Camden. Detroit. Erie. Fairmount. Galena. Harrisburg. Ithaca. Jamestown. Kensington. Lancaster Macon. QuiNCY. Newark. Oneida. Paris. Reading. Salem. Troy. 200 Belgium. g . 300 Chili. i.... .... . Bay 400 Denmark. i{ . 500 Egypt. i D\NTrRF. 600 •• France. 1 ;...:..:. 700 Germany. lu 800 Holland. 900 Ireland. 1000 Japan. f :::.::: :;:.:::::■ 2H Ganges. Hudson. 1500 Jersey. 3 ....::.:.:..: ::: .TtTNT4TA 2000 Kentucky 314 2500 Kansas. 4 ' Lake 3000 Liberia. 3500 Lapland. *^ MLA.MI. Nile 4000 Maine. 6 Osage 4500 Mexico. 7 Po 5000 Nevada. 6000 Ohio 8 9 Rhine. Seine 7000 Peru 10 Tweed 8000 Russia. 9000 Spain. 10000 Texas. NUMBER OF BOILER TUBES REQUIRED. 1..MAB. 18.. Marsh. 35. .Mense. 52.. Mind. 69.. Mole. 86.. Mow. 250.. Nut. 2.. Mac 19.. Mart. 36..MENT. 53 . . Minor. 70 . . Monde. 8 7.. Much. 300.. Obey. 3.. Mad. 20.. Mask. 3 7.. Mere. 54. .Mint. 71. .Monk. 8 8.. Mud. 350.. Old. 4. .Mag. 21.. Mast. 38..MERL. 55.. Mire. 72 . . Mont. 89.. Muff. 400.. Pad. 5. .Mail. 22.. Mat. 39.. Mesh. 56. .Mirk. 73 .Mop. 90. .MUFTL 450 Pin. 6. .Maid. 23.. Match. 40. .Met. 57. .Mirth. 74. .Moral. 91 . . Mulct. 500.. Quad. 7. .Main. 24. .Math. 41. .Mew. 58. .Miss. 75. .More. 92.. Mull. 550 . . Quote. 8. .Make. 25. .Mate. 42. .Mice. 59.. Mite. 76 .Morn. 93.. Mump. 600.. Rapid. 9.. Man. 26.. Maul. 43.. Mid. 60.. Mix. 77.. Morris. 94.. Mural. 650.. Row. 10- .Manks. 2 7.. May. 44. .Midge. 61 . . Mizzen. 78. .Morse. 95 . . Muse. 700.. Sad. 11. .Manor. 28.. Maze. 45 . . Midst. 62.. Moat. 79. .Most. 96.. Mush. 750. .Scot. 12.. Many. 29.. Mead. 46. .Might. 63.. Mob. 80. Mot. 97.. Musk. 800.. Tap. 13.. Mar. 30.. Meal. 4 7.. Mild. 64.. Mock. 81.. Moth. 9 8.. Mute. 850 .Try. 14. .March. 31.. Mean. 48.. Mile. 65.. Mode. 82.. Mould. 99 . . Mystic. 900.. Ugly. 15. .Mars. 32.. Meat. 49.. Milk. 66.. Moil. 83.. Mount. 100- .Mytitle. 950.. Urn. 16- Marks. 33.. Melt. 50. .Mince. 67. .Moist. 84.. Mouth. 1.50. Nab. 1000.. Vast. 17.. Marl. 34. .Mend. 51. .Mingle. 68.. Mold. 85. .Move. 200.. Nice. DIAMETER OF BOILER TUBES REQUIRED. o.u. Inch. 1 . . Albatross. .Bittern. . Condor. . Duck. .Eagle. CD. Inch. 214. 3 31 ,-4 ■ • .Finch. .Goose. .Hawk. .Ibis. ..L\y. O.D. Inch. . 3>^. 3M- 4 5 . .Kite. .Lark. .Macaw. .Nightingale. . Owl. O.D. Inch. 6 Plover. 7. . . .Parrot. 8. . . .Quail. 9. . . .Robin. 10 Raven. O.D. Inch. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . Starling. .Teal. , Vulture. .Widgeon. .Wren. LENGTH IN FEET OF BOILER TUBES REQUIRED. Feet. 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. Ape. Badger. Cat. Dog. Elk. Feet. 6 .. ..Fox. 7. Goat. 8 Horse. 9 Ibex. 10 Jackall. Feet. 11 Kangaroo. 12 Lion. 13 Mule. 14 Nylgau. 15 Otter. Feet. 16 Panther. 17 Quagga. 18 R.A.M. 19... . Sheep. 20 Tiger. Feet. 21.. 22.. 23.. 24.. . Unicorn. .Vampire. .Wolf. .Zebra. ENGLISH, BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. LENGTH IN INCHES OF BOILER TUBES REQUIRED. Inch. 1 Ale WIFE. 2 Bass. 3 Cod. Inch. 4 Dolphin. 5 Eel. G Flounder. Inch. 7 Gr.\mpus. 8 Hake. 9 Lobster. Inch. 10 Mullet. 11 Nautilus. 12 . . .Oyster. LENGTH IN FRACTIONS OF AN INCH REQUIRED. 1^ Dew. }i Hail. % Ice. }4 Rain. % Snow. % Sleet. Ji Water. WIRE GAUGE. To be used only when the required thickness differs from standard. No. 1 Apollo. 2 Bacchus. 3 Cupid. 4 Diana. o Erebus. G Flora. 7 Graces. 8 Hebe. 9 Iris. 10 Jupiter. No. 11 Luna. 12 Mercury. 13. Neptune. 14 i — Orpheus. No. A Pan. V Saturn. % Uranus. QUERIES. Acorn At what price can you furnish ? Alloy. . . . At what price can you buy ? Branch . . At what price, and how soon can you furnish ? Coin Have vou in stock, and can you fur- nish ? Drill What is the lowest contract rate of freight you can obtain on ? Express. ..What is the freight per 100 lbs., by express, on ? Farm. . . .Have you shipped order Inst. ? Fist Have you shipped us any ? Gate When can you ship ? PHRASES, Above. . AcTrvE. , Adrift. . Afoot. . Agate. . Air. Aloft. . , Anvil. . , Apple . . Archer, Atlas. . . Bait Beach . . Bite . . . Boat. . . , Brig Cable. . Cement , Chain. . Coal Crown. Dark . . , Dextek Disk Drug . . . Ship immediately by express . Ship immediately by steamer . Ship immediately by rail .Suspend shipment of order of inst. .Send tracer immediately for shipment of .Your telegram came too late to stop sliipment .We have shipped per . We shipped your order on .We will ship you immediately order. . . . .We have suspended shipment of your order of .We will ship your order on .Please reply immediately by telegraph. . We otter you for reply by telegraph. .We offer j'ou for reply by mail. .Telegraph us best offer for . If price too high, make counter offer by telegraph. .Delivery in our city. .Deliver}' in New York. . Delivery at Tide-water. .Delivery in Philadelphia. .Free-onboard at works. .We can furnish 3'ou at . The lowest price we can offer .We can not accent your offer .We have enterecl your order for. ...... Ebony Particulars go by mail. Flax . . . .Will wait here for reply by mail. Gable.. . .We can not make Gem We will commence making Gilt Suspend work on order of .inst. until further instructions. . You can vary the length, but send not less than .You can vary the thickness, but not more than .We have suspended work on your order. .We can (or will) vary the lengths, and will send .We can (or will) vary the thickness, and will send .None of the goods 3'ou order are in stock. .We have in stock, and can furnish you at . We have none in stock, but will make and ship b.v .Freight by express per 100 lbs. is . Freight by rail in car loads per 100 lbs. is Ivy Freight by railin less than car loads is Prefer . . Give preference over all others to order Number Gold . . . Grain. . . Grape . . Guard. . Gulp . . . Harp . . . HfeMP... Horn . . . Idol. Iron. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. REVISED PRICE LIST AND CLASSIFICATION MALLEABLE IRON STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS, Adopted by Manufacturers, March 1 st, 1 883. Class A. Price Cents per Pound. Elbows i, I- X i, I X ^ Tees i, i x^, ^xi, |x^ Reducing Couplings i^-^, fx^ Couplings, R. H ^ Class B, Price Cents per Pound, Elbows and Tees ^ inch to ^ x | inclusive Street Elbows ^, f, and 1 Elbows, side outlets all sizes Crosses ^ to 1 inch inclusive Drop Ls and Drop Tees all sizes Caps, Plugs and Locknuts . . i to 1 inch inclusive Reducing Couplings |x^ to Ixf inclusive Extension Pieces R. and L, Couplings ' i to f inclusive R. H. Couplings 1 and | Return Bends | to f inch inclusive Chandelier Hooks Waste Nuts Class C. Price Cents per Pound. Elbows and Tees h h ^"<^ ^ Street Elbows li x 1, and larger Crosses IJ and larger Caps, Plugs and Locknuts 11 and larger Reducing Couplings H^h and larger R. and L. Couplings '. 1 and larger R. H. Couplings • h h and 1 Return Bends 1 inch and larger Straps (not galvanized) • all sizes Class D. Price Cents per Pound. 1^x1 and larger Elbows Tees l^x|xli and larger R. H. Couplings li and larger Galvanized Fittings and Straps. 5 Cents per Pound Extra. ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. REVISED LIST OF Malleable and Cast Iron Fittings FOR Gas, Steam and Water Pipe. Our new patterns for Cast Iron Fittings, for beauty, finish and strength, are un- equaled by any others in the market. In ordering, please state whether " Cast Iron " or " Malleable." Note. — All classes and sizes are made in Malleable, from ^ in. to 2 in, inclusive, also Ells, Tees, Crosses and Reducers, 24^ in. to 4 in. as numbered, viz.: 38, 42, 46, 50, 254, 255, 256, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 282,-295, 391, 394, 397, 494, 495,496,497, 539, 542, 543, 547, 548 and 550. All other sizes above 2 in. are made of Cast Iron only. Also such sizes as are indicated by the letter "C" are made of Cast Iron. We keep all sizes of "Gas or Plain Fittings" up to" 2 in. except those marked "*," which indicates "Beaded." We keep in stock "Malleable" Galvanized Fittings, such numbers as marked " G," also furnish to order Galvanized Cast Iron Fittings. FITTINGS MADE TO ORDER AT AN EXTRA CHARGE. ELBOWS. No. ] -•••• Vs^Vh 2 M^Vs 3 M^H 5 H^U C 6 Hx% 8 Mx% G C 9 MxJi * 11 M^H G C 12 %xU GC 13 %xM C * 16 1 x^ G C 17 1 x% No. G C 18 1 xl * 21 li^x ^ G C 22 l^^xl G C 23 lUx\}4 * 26 1^x1 G C 27 WixWi G C 28 1^x11^ G C 32 2 xli^ G C 33 2 x2 37 .....21^x2 G 38 23^x21^ No. 41 3 X 23^ G 42 8 X 3 G 46 3i^x 3K G 50 4 X 4 52 4i^x 4J^ 54 5 X 5 56 6 X 6 561^ 7x7 57 8 x 8 58 9 X 9 59 10 xlO STREET ELBOWS No. G 60 J^ X 1^ G 62 %x% G 64 1 x% No. G 65 1 xl G 67 li^xl G 68 IH^'^M No. G 71 ^HxlU G 72 lj^xl>^ G 75 2 x2 ELBOWS. WITH SIDE OUTLET. No. 77 %x%x>4 80 V2xHx% 83 %x5^x% No. 84 Mx M^H 85.... Mx MxM 87 1 xl xH No. 88 ...Ixlx K 89 Ixlx ^ 90 1x1x1 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. TEES. In describing Tees, tlie run is first named, tlien tlie outlet, thus : i Ixfxf J No. C* 190 lix f X * 191 lix 1 X * 193 lirX 1 X G C 193 lix 1 X G C 194 lix 1 X G C* 195 lix 1 X C* 196 lix 1 X * 197 lix lix C 198 lix lix G C 199 lix lix G C 300 lix lix G C 301 lix lix G C* 303 lix lix C* 305 Hx ix C* 306 Ux f X C* 307 l*x fx G * 310 lis 1 X G C* 211 Hx 1 X C* 313 l*x 1 X C 314 lix lix G C 315 lix lix G C 316 lix lix G C* 317 IJx lix * 319.. lix lix * 330 lix lix G C 331 lix lix G C 333 lix lix G C 333 lix Ux G C 324 lix Ux * 334i lix lix G C* 225 lix lix * 236 2 X ix C* 326i 2 x f X C* 227 3 X 1 X G * 327i 3 X lix C 238 2 X lix C* 230 3 X lix G C 331 2 X lix G C 232 2 X lix C* S33 2 x lix 334 2 X lix * 235 2 X 2 X C 336 2 X 3 X G C 337 2 X 2 X G C 238 2 X 2 X G C 239 3 X 3 X G C 240 2 X 2 X 249 2 X 2 X 351 2ix 2ix 252 3ix 2ix No. 100 ix ix 107 ix ix 108 ix ix 114 fx ix 115 fx ix 116 fx ix 120 fx fx C 121 fx fx C 122 fx fx 128 ■. ix ix 129 ix fx C 130 ix fx 131 ix fx 132 ix fx 134 ix ix C 135 ix ix G C 136 ix ix G C 137 ix ix 146 f X f x 147 fx fx * 149 fx ix 150 fx ix G C 151 fx ix G C 152 fx ix 0*153 fx ix 154 fx fx G 155 f X f X G 156 fx fx G C 157 fx fx G 158 fx fx 1 * 162 1 X f X * 163 1 X f X 1 * 166 1 X ix 167 1 X ix * 168 1 X ix * 170 1 x fx G C 171 1 X fx G 172 1 X fx f G 0* 173.: 1 x f X 1 0* 174 1 x f X li 175 1 X 1 X i 176 1 X 1 X f G 177 1 X. 1 X i G 178 1 X 1 X f G 179 1 X 1 X G 0* 180 1 X 1 X * 182 lix fx li * 184 lix ix 1 C* 185 lix ix li * 188 lix fx f 189 lix fx 1 i i i 1 f i 1 li li f 1 li u f i f 1 li H H li U 1 li li f 1 li H 1 li n 2 2 2 2 2 li n li 3 3i i f 1 li H 2 3i i 1 No. 353 2ix 2ix li G 254 2ix 2ix li G 255 2ix 2ix 2 G 256 Six 2ix 2i 257 2ix 2 X li 258 2ix lix 2 259 2ix 2 X 2 260 2ix 2 X 3 261 Six 2ix 3 262 3x2x2 263 3 X 2 X 2i 264 3x3x1. 265 3 X 3 X li 266 3 X 3 X li G 2.67 8x3x2 G 368 8 X 8 X 2i G 269 3x8x8 270 3 X 8 X 3i 271 3x3x4 273 8 X 2ix 2 373 3 X 2ix 3i 274 3ix 2ix 2i 275 3ix 3 X 2i 276 Six 2ix 8 279 3ix Six 2 280 3ix 3ix 2i 281 Six Six 3 283 3ix Six Si 285 4x3x3 287 4 X Six 8 289 4 X 8 X 3i 291 4x4x2 292 4 X 4 X 2i 293 4x4x3 394 4 X 4 x Si G 295 4x4x4 296 4ix 4ix 4i 296i 5x4x4 297 5x5x8 298 5x5x4 299 5x5x5 800 6x5x5 301 6x6x3 303 6x6x4 803 6x6x5 304 6x6x6 305 .7x7x7 308 8x8x8 809 9x9x9 310 10 xlO xlO 10 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. CROSSES. The outlets of a Cross are always tlie same size, and both de- noted by the last figure. No. 311. 312 313. 316. 317. 319. 320. 331. 330. 331. 334. 33.5. C 336. 346 347 350 351 352 353 *357 *358 ■ |x . |x . |x . +x . +x . +x . ix . |x . f x . f x - tx . f X . f X .1 X .1 X .1 X .1 X .1 X .1 X .lix .Ux Outlets. ix i fx i fx fx f X + x ix Ix ix ix f X f X f X f X fx 1 X 1 X X X X X i i i I i f i f i i t No. *360. *361. *362. *363. *364. *367. *368. *369. *370. *871. *373. *373. C*374 *376. *379. *380. *381. *383. C*383. C*384. 387. C^ C' C^ c- Outlets. • lixlix I ■ lixlix i • lixlix f lixlixl .lixlix li .Ux lixl .lixHxij .l*xlix f .lixlix 4 .lixlix I .Uxlixl .lixiixij .lix li X u 9 xlixli X i X f xl xli xlA x2 xl+ x3 .3 .2 2. .2 .3 x2 .2x2 .2^x2 x2 No. 388.. 389.. 390.. 391.. 393.. 393.. 394.. 394i. 395.. 396.. 397. . 398.. 399.. 399 J. 399i. 400.. 400*. 401.. 401i. 401f. . 2+x . 2ix . 24- X . 2ix . 3 X . 3 X . 3 X , 3J-X . 3ix . 3ix . 4 X . 4 X . 4 X . 4+x . 5 X . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 .10 Outlets. 2:tX li 2ix H 2ix 2 2ix 2i 3 x 3 X 3 X 3ix 2i six 3 3ix 3i 4 X 4 X 4 X 4ix 4i 5x5 X 2 2i 3 3 3i 4 X X X X X 10 X 10 6 7 8 9 DROP ELBOWS. No. Female. Drop. 402 i X i 403 f xi 404 fx| G 406 ix* G 407 fx| DROP ELBOWS. Male and Female. No. Drop. 413 ixf 414 f x| 415 ixf ■With Drop 2J inches long. 432 f x| 423 j-xl DROP ELBOWS. Flanges Right Side. No. Drop. 431 ix% 432 I X f DROP ELBOWS. Flanges Left Side. No. Drop. 436 ix| 437 fxf DROP TEES. Female. No. Drop. 449 |x f x 450 |x |x 453 ix |x 454 ix ix G 455 ix ix 458 fx i X 460 f X f X 468 1 X fx 466 1 xl X DROP TEES. Male and Female. No. Drop. 471 ix ix| 472 fx ixf 473 |x |x| 474 ix fxf 475 ix ixf 476 fx ixf 477 fx fxf 478 1 X fxf 479 1 xl xf With Drop 2} inches long, 480 fx f xf 481 ix f x| CAPS. -J G 486 1 G 487 f G 488 i G 489 i G 490 1 G 491 li G 493 H G 493 2 G 494 2i G 495 3 G 496 3i G 497 4 497* 4i 498 5 499 6 499* 7 500 8 500i 9 500i 10 PLUGS-Cast. 503 i 504 f G 505 i G 506 I G 507 1 G 508 H G 509 li G 510 2 G 511 2i G 513 3 G 513 3i G 514 4 G 515 4i G 516 5 G 517 6 518 7 519 8 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 11 REDUCERS. (Reducing Couplingrs.) 521 fx i 532 --.- ix i 523 .-- ix I 524 --- ix f G525 fx i 526 -- 1 X t 527 --- 1 X i G528 - 1 X f 529 Hx i 530 --- Hx f G531 lixl 531i lix * 532 Ux f G533 lix 1 G534 lixH 535 2 X f 536 2 xl G537.... 2 xli G538.--- 2 xli 539 2ixli 542 2ix2 543.. -. 3x2 547 3x2* 548 3+x3 550 4x3 551 4ix4 555 5x4 560 6x5 MALLEABLE IRON COUPLINGS. Right and Left. 571 i G572 f G573 * G5T4. f G575 1 G576 li 6577 li G578 2 WROUGHT IRON COUPLINGS. Right Hand. 587 - - i 588 i G589 f 590 -- * 591 f 592 1 593 li 594 li 595 2 596 2i 597 3 598 3* 599 4 - --- 4^- 5 ...6 r* * 8 9 --..10 WASTE NUTS. 626... LOCK NUTS. 601 - i 602 f 603...- i 604- f 605 1 606 ..-- H 607 li 608 -.- 2 609 2i 610 3 611 3i 012 4 612i-. 4i 613 ..-.5 613i . 6 WALL PLATES. 640 I STRAPS. Plain or Galvanized. 614 i 615..-- --- t 616-- - i 617 --- f 618 1 619---- .li 620 li 621. 2 CHANDELIER HOOKS. 637 CHANDELIER LOOPS. 636 EXTENSION PIECES. Male and Female. 561 |xf RETURN BENDS. Open Pattern. Malleable. No. Size. Dist . bet. Cen. 660 i li 661 f li G662 1 n 663 li 2i 664 li 2i 665 2 3 666 2i 4 RETURN BENDS. Close Pattern. Cast Iron. Ko. Size. Dist. bet. Cen. 667 f li 668 1 If 669 li 2i 670 li ai 671 2 3i 672 2i 3f 673 3 4i Also Cast Iron, Open Pattern. 667* f 11 668i 1 2i 674 4 11 BUSHINGS. *ix * * f X i tx i ix i ix # f X i f X t f X * 1 X * 1 X i 1 X » lix i lix i lix 1 lix f lix 1 Ux li 2 X f 2 X 1 2 X li 2 X li 2+x 1 2i x li 2ix li 2ix 2 ♦Brass. 3 xli 3 xli 3 x2 3 x2i 3i X li 3i x2 3+ x2i 3* x3 4 x2 4 x2i 4 x3 4 x3i M X 2i U x3 ^ x3i u x4 5 x3 5 x3i 5 x4 5 x4i 6 x3 6 x3i 6 x4 6 x4i 6 x5 7 x6 8 x7 12 ENGLISH BROTHEES, KANSAS CITY. STANDARD COUPLINGS. "Wrouglit Iron. Malleable Iron. Size ... - . .Inches Va M Vs H M 1 IM 1>^ 21 2 28 2K 3 Wrought Iron, plain, R. H.. - ..-.Each 06 06 07 09 14 12 14 17 25 25 43 70 Wroutfht Iron, nlain R. & L. Eiich 09 1] 18 21 32 42 86 58 1 40 vvrou^iu iiou, piaiu, rv a. i. Wrought Iron, galvanized, R. H ...Each 07 09 12 15 19 82 40 95 Wrought Iron, plain, R. H., faced for lock nut | joint 5 09 10 12 16 22 30 40 50 70 90 Malleable Iron, plain, R. & L ....Each 3 4 7 12 14 20 29 44 56 Malleable Iron, galvanized, R. & L.. ...Each 4 6 9 15 19 28 39 Size... Inches Each .....Each ^H 4 4H 5 6 7 8 9 Wrought Iron, plain, R. H 85 1 05 1 30 1 85 2 50 2 50 3 50 3 40 4 50 5 50 7 90 Wrought Iron, galvanized, R. H... I 10 1 45 1 80 LONG SCREWS. 'With Coupling and Look- Nut Faced. Size . Inches i 1 3 i f 1 li H 2 n 3 Standard length . Inches H 4 U 5 5i 6 7 8 Price, Standard length. . . Each 30 35 40 55 75 1 00 1 30 1 70 2 70 3 70 Long Screws, longer than Standard, made to order and charged as Cut Pipe. THREADS, COUPLINGS and LOCK-NUTS, EXTRA. liOCK-NIJT NIPPLES. Made to Order and Charged as Cut Pipe. Threads Extra. LOCK-NUT THREADS. Size Inches i 1 i 1 1 li H 2 2i 3 Price Each 10 10 10 10 12 14 10 20 30 40 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 13 NIPPLES. Table of Sizes and Lengths Kept in Stock. snoULDEli. LENGTH INCHES. 1 SIZE. PRICES 1 PRICE OF PIPE WITH TWO THREADS 1 Inches c Long Inch. Close or Short. fcX) c c 5 6 7 8 9 $ c 20 10 11 12 O $ c. 16 $ c. 17 $ c. 18 $ 0. 19 $ c. 21 f c. 22 $ c. 23 M IJ^ 2 2M 3 3M Vs 5 7 % IM 2 2M 3 3J^ H 5 7 16 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 1 IJ^ 2 2>^ 3 3>^ % 6 8 10 11 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 1% IK 2 2^ 3 3K % 7 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 27 m 2 2K 3 3^ 4 % 8 20 23 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 i>^ 2 2K 3 3J^ 4 1 9 13 18 23 24 27 2!) 31 33 36 40 m 3^ 3 3>^ 4 4 4J^ 4>^ IK 2 12 29 31 33 35 38 40 43 46 1^ 2^' 3 3^ 1.5 36 38 40 42 45 48 51 55 2 2>^ 8 33^ 4 43^ 4>i 6 4K 5 ii 6 6 en 20 30 70 80 44 49 75 54 59 64 69 74 79 ^Yi 3 3 3)^ 4 2K 58 83 91 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 30 2K 3^ 4 3 68 97 1 06 1 15 1 24 1 34 1 44 1 55 2M 4 4>^ 5 3K 1 00 1 25 1 38 1 50 1 62 1 74 1 86 2 00 3 4 4>^ 5 4 43^ 1 25 1 GO 1 75 1 92 2 10 2 30 2 50 2 70 S 4 4J^ 5 1 50 2 00 2 20 2 38 2 56 2 75 2 94 3 15 8U 4}^ 5 5^ 5 2 CO 2 60 2 70 2 95 3 20 3 90 5 10 3 45 3 80 4 20 3K 4M 5 5^ 6 6 2 75 3 60 3 30 3 60 4 20 5 50 4 50 4 80 4 5 — 7 4 00 3 90 4 30 4 70 5 90 6 30 4 5 8 5 75 4 95 5 40 5 85 6 30 6 75 7 20 7 65 9 ... 6 40 7 00 7 60 8 20 8 80 9 40 10 00 -- 10 7 90 8 65 9 40 10 20 11 00 11 80 13 60 NIPPLES, R. &L. Size Indies M H VzlU 1 1M|1K 2 2K 3 R. & L. Short.. k_._ 10 10 12 15 18 24 30 40 I 001 25 Size .. Inches "3r '%' K M 1 iM IK 2 2K 3 R. & L. Long... 12 14 16 20 24 85 46 60 1 30 1 60 CiosE Nipples will always be sent if not otherwise ordered. GALVANIZED. Size Inches Vs H % ^i M 1 n4 IK 2 2H 3 3K 4 43^ 1 90 5 3 40 6 Close or Sliort 07 08 09 11 13 17 23 32 65 75 I 00 1 40 3 50 Long 09 11 13 16 19 24 31 40 85 1 10 1 40 1 90 2 40 3 00 4 40 14 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ELBOW^S AND TEES. For Water Connections."CaBt Iron* Ko. 1. No. 2 • No. 3. Size Indies li H 2 n 3 3i 4 5 25 5 6 8 Price, each .... No 1 39 70 1 05 1 80 2 45 4 00 8 20 12 00 26 00 Price, each . Nos. 2 & 3 60 1 05 1 58 2 70 3 70 6 00 7 90 12 30 18 00 39 00 Steam Engineers have found that the Standard Fittings have been cut so short, that thej are utterly unsuitable for "Water fittings, and also for Steam, where the full pressure is required for Engine or Steam Pumps, &c. ^ The Radius (as vpill be seen) is very much increased over that of the ordinary fittings, thus reducing the friction to a minimum. For Hydraulic and Steam Connections are #^'* invaluable. Cast Iron. ^^mK^A Y Bead. Return Bend Back Outlet. Size .... Inches i 25 f 30 30 1 40 40 60 60 90 2 1 2i 3 3 25 H 4 6 00 5 6 7 17 00 8 Y Bend... Each 1 25 2 25 4 50 9 00 11 00 25 00 Return Bend Buck Outlet . 90 1 25 450 ELBOWS. Cast Iron. Size Inches f i 4 1 li H 2 H 3 H Pj'ice Each 10 10 15 20 26 35 50 1 30 1 60 1 90 Size Inches 4 2 5C 4i >3 50 5 4 5C 6 >5 50 7 9 OC 8 9 10 Price Each »12 00 22 00 Malleable Iron. Size . In's 2. 4 30 1 li Size . In's t i f 1 li Price.E'h 35 45 Price.E'li 8 9 14 24 32 Four 'Way Tee. Side Outlet £lbow. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 15 V c o P O CB (B CI- 83 cr o ■< a B p. 1-1 P o •-< en n P 1— 1 o c W O' C o_ p' (M O JO, < » n to o p < p a 5' CO & 'W 1 P, (T p d; cT •-J o a & c 2. p Cjq 1 p- EL cT p p; to' 1-1 o p r^ p p & t=i p o p" p d; 1— 1 ►-1 o p 1—1 p- o p CO • -3 OI o *o CO o OS CO CO CII CO Ol to OJ o to o o o to o OS C5 if^ o o CO Ol o I'O 00 o o o 1— * o lb to OI o to o o CO o o to ot o OI 1 1 o CO OI o o o o O 1 o -3 1 5 8 1 CO cc CO o o O 1 O 1 1 1 1 § §1 * o o o CO o o o to H t* U O CO CO O CO o o o :^ •-d IG ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. H H H o o Cf o o ■ Tl o o o o o T-t o o o o o> o o Ov( o o o o 00 la T-t o o lO »o t- o 1-1 o lO o !0 0* Iffl CO CO lO o lO c- xN o in o c- ^ eo CO © o o o © lO ■* n< o CJ o lO CO C3 CO CO ^ ■* lO CO o lO o o © © 00 N ^ o C^J © T-< C5 CQ 00 CO ^ »o 00 o o © LO CO CO o «o © CJ t- T— 4 —1 1—1 CQ « co ^ ^ o o lO 00 CO 05 * CO Tf lO c- "" ^ (— lO c- u^ c- 5D CI CO (N CO co ■* ^^ 35 ■* C5 ■* t- ■* "^ « Ci CQ © ;» »— 1 '■^ ^~~' tH ^ £- 00 © T-l © ^ C- c- o \C5 1 X] /3 ~; ^ ^ ^ X] o CJ t) o o C) C8 a e3 oj C3 ca a w w Ed w W W »-H HI a id ai w W P5 1 '^^ ^ 1 , bio be eS (■•5 ' _a o bb 1 s 3 , o 'O a 'C a — ; :3 o o 1—1 o d p a' c 3 a c 4) 3 a o CS eS HH ^H 0) ,

> CO ^ 00 © uo o (M O t- CQ 1— 1 T-* T— I CO ■>* © c« CO CQ CO 00 00 © ^ 00 © 04 IC Ttl CO la CO T— 1 :^ CO CD CD i-T CO •* CO ■* CO (M CD o th a CO _^ ^ ^ - O a o o 03 crt « a M W W W (—1 W w K W I bio a 'o s pi pd bj) c 'o D o rs a c V o c K 1— ( t—t a a V <0 R o .o -2 1— ( H- 1 03 0) c3 01 ■a ^ 4-9 Ts "c CD ii o s ^ m a OS CQ o o bO o 3 CQ d o o 3 bD .9 ^ 3 Price --- .Each 2 3 4 5 7 10 15 22 40 Countersunk Each 7 9 11 15 22 Tapped for Air Cock Each 12 15 20 Galvanized..- Each 4 4 5 7 8 ! 12 20 30 44 85 Size .. Inches 55 4 4Ji 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Price Each 75 1 00 1 30 1 75 3 25 5 00 6 00 7 00 10 00 Countersunk Each Tapped for Air Cock ...Each Each Galvanized. 1 15 1 50 2 00 3 00 4 00 CAPS. Size .- -. Inches H % Vz H 1 IK 1^ 2 2>^ 3 70 Wz 4 Malleable Iron Each 3 4 5 8 13 15 22 30 45 80 1 15 Malleable Iron, Galvanized. - Each 4 5 7 11 15 20 30 40 60 85 I 10 1 55 Size Inches iV2 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 1 Cast Iron - Each I 45 1 75 2 50 3 75 5 00 6 00 7 5o|ll 00 LOCKNUTS. Siye • Inches H % K H 1 ^H IM 2 ^H 3 Cast Iron.... - Each 30 50 Malleable Iron Each 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 18 Malleable Iron, Galvanized Each 3 4 5 7 9 11 15 25 Wrought Iron, Faced Plain. Each 8 9 10 12 15 20 25 30 35 45 Size Inches 3^ 4 4M 5 Cast Iron - - Each 60 80 1 00 1 20 2 CO 18 ENGLISH BROTHEKS, KANSAS CITY. STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE. REDUCERS. Size Inches M % y2 M 1 13€ 1^ 2 2M 3 3M 4 Cast Iron Each 70 1 00 1 50 1 50 1 75 Malleable Iron. ..Each 3 5 6 10 16 20 26 45 70 1 00 1 75 Malleable Iron, Galvanized.. Each 4 13 23 26 36 58 84 1 30 2 GO 2 30 Size Inches 4J^ 5 6 7 8 Cast Iron.. Each 3 25 3 00 4 25 8 00 10 00 BUSHINGS. Size. Inches H % Yz ?4 1 IM W2 2 2M 3 ^H 4 Cast Iron reducing more than 1 size.Each 5 6 7 9 12 18 28 40 55 75 Malleable Iron reducing 1 size only.Each 4 5 6 7 9 12 18 28 Malleable Iron, galvanized Each 5 6 9 12 17 25 35 45 Cast Iron, faced plain Each 11 13 16 19 26 Size Inches 43^ 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Cast Iron, reducing more than 1 size.Each 1 00 1 30 1 75 3 25 5 00 6 00 7 00 10 00 EXPANSTON PIPE HANGERS, OR RING HOOKS. Size Inches f 1 li H 2 2i 3 Price Each 22 25 30 38 44 55 65 CEILING PLATES For 'Wrought Iron Pipe. Size Inches f 1 li li 9, Price Each 16 18 20 25 -SO FLOOR PLATES. Size. Price . Each i f 1 1 6 8 10 15 18 23 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KAISrSAS CITY. 19 STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE RETURN BENDS. Cast Iron. Close Pattern. Size Inches f 1 li H 2 n 3 4 Close Pattern, dist. bet. Centres Inches H If 2i n 3i 3f H' 11 Close Pattern, R. H. Straight Each 16 18 32 50 75 1 60 2 70 6 00 Close Pattern, ~R. and L., Straight. . .Each 20 23 40 62 95 Close Pat. E. and L. '"'"^fl^lr^" Each 20 23 Open Pattern, dist. bet. Centres. . ..Inches If H 3 3^ H H 61 Open Pattern, R. H., Straight Each 20 26 44 64 1 00 1 75 2 50 Open Pattern, R. & L., Straight Each 25 32 55 80 1 25 In ordering Close Pattern Return Bends for Coils, always state the length of tubes to be used in the Coils, so that the spread of the tubes will be allowed for. One inch Return Bends, suitable for Coils from 3 to 8 feet long, and ^ inch Return Bends, suit- able for Coils from 3 to 43^ feet long, are kept in stock. RETURN BENDS. Malleable Iron. Open Pattern. Close Pattern. Size ... .Inches i f 1 li 2i 2 Open Pattern, distance between Centres Inches li H If 2i 3 Open Pattern, Right Hand, Straight Each 13 20 26 43 63 1 00 Open Pattern, Right and Left, Straight Each 16 25 33 54 80 1 25 Close Pattern, distance between Centres Inches 1 13 16 17 li H li 2tV n Close Pattern, Right Hand, Straight Each 20 25 25 26 43 63 1 00 Close Pattern, Right and Left, Straight Each 33 85 54 80 1 25 Return Bends, Galvanized Eacli 55 85 1 30 20 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE. IMPROVED FLANGE UNIONS. Cast lFon> Size Inches f 1 li H 2 2i 3 H 4 Diameter of Flange 3i H 4i 4f H 5| 61 H u Price Each 60 70 80 1 00 1 20 1 50 1 90 2 30 2 80 Size Inches H 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Diameter of Flange 8i 9i lOi 12 13 14 16 14 00 18 Price Each 3 50 5 00 6 50 8 00 10 00 12 00 20 00 This Union is made with one flange recessed to receive a Jenkins' Patent Gas- ket. This Gasket is held in place by a projection on the other flange, as shown in cut. This improvement in the construction makes the blowing out of the gasket absolutely impossible. UNIONS. Malleable Iron. Size Inches i 1 ^ 1 1 li H 2 2i 3 H 4 Price Each 15 20 18 19 23 28 38 48 74 1 50 2 50 3 25 4 50 5 60 Galvanized .... Each 24 28 35 42 55 70 1 12 2 10 3 40 8 25 Half inch and larger made with Lip Joint. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 21 BRANCH TEES. TTo. 1.— FOR BOX COILS. No. 2.— FOB CIRCCTIiATION. Large Pattern. Large Pattern. Steam Fitters Will find that No. X and 3 patterns are the most desirable to use, for the supply- end of a Circulation as well as Box Coils, in consequence of the feed coming in on the Bide, thus scattering the steam and forcing the air uniformly out, more so than can be done by using a Tee that is fed on the end. Number of STos. 1 and a. Larire Pattern. Por Box and Circulation Colls. For 3-4 Inch Pipe. 2 inches Centre to Centre. Kos. 1 and 3. Large Pattern. For Box and Circulation Coils. For I Inch Pipe. 2'/^ inches Centre to Centre. Nos. 3 and 4. Small Pattern. For Box & Circulation Coils. For 1 Inch Pipe. •2' J inches Centre to Centre. Inlets. Inlets. Inlets. 1 1 li 1 li H 2 1 li 2 65 90 1 05 90 1 15 1 30 1 55 85 1 10 3 75 1 00 1 15 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 65 95 1 20 4 95 1 20 1 35 1 20 1 45 1 60 1 85 1 00 1 25 6 1 15 1 40 1 55 1 40 1 65 1 80 2 05 1 10 1 35 6 1 35 1 60 1 75 1 70 1 95 2 10 2 35 1 30 1 55 7 1 55 1 ^ 1 95 2 15 2 40 2 55 2 80 1 55 1 SO 8 1 75 2 00 2 15 2 40 2 65 2,80 3 05 1 80 2 05 9 1 95 2 20 2 50 2 35 2 80 3 05 3 20 3 45 2 05 2 30 10 2 25 2 65 3 30 3 55 3 70 3 95 11 2 60 2 85 3 00 4 20 4 45 4 60 4 85 12 8 10 3 35 3 50 4' 75 5 00 5 15 -5 40 13 5 50 5 75 5 90 6 15 14 6 25 6 50 6 65 6 90 15 7 00 7 25 7 40 7 65 16 7 75 8 00 8 15 8 40 Branch Tees not specified above will be made to order at an advance of US per cent. Note. — Inlets nnd outlets same size as branches, unless specially ordered. Small Pattern for Circulation have inlet at one end and outlet on back. Large Pattern for Circulation have inlet at one end and outlet on back. Small Pattern for Box Coils are tnpped left hand and have a back outlet only. Large Pattern for Box Coils are tapped left hand and have a back outlet only. When Branch Tees are ordered left hand we take it for granted they are for Box Coils, and will so fill the order. If left hand are wanted for Circulation, the order must distinctly state that fact. In all cases please state for what purpose the Branch Tees are required, Box Coils or Circulation. 22 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. o-^^si* xxi.o:n- z"xrF'Fxii3'o-s. BRANCH TEES. No. 5.— FOH CIECULATION. Large Pattern. No. 7.— FOB CIECULATIO Large Pattern. No. 6.— FOR CIRCULATION. Large Pattern. Ramber of Branches. Ko. 5. Large Pattern. For Circulation Coils. For 1 1-4 Inch Pipe. 3 inches, Centre to Centre. 9fo. 6. Large Pattern. For Circulation Coils. For 1 1-2 Inch Pipe. SVi Inches, Centre to Centre. BTo. 7 Large Pattern. For Circulation Coils. For 2 Incti Pipe. 4V4 inches, Centre to Centre. Inlets. Inlets. Inlets. li H 2 n H 2 2i 3 2 2i 3 H 2 1 25 1 60 1 65 1 90 2 30 2 55 2 70 3 05 3 10 3 35 3 50 3 85 3 1 55 1 80 1 95 2 20 3 00 3 25 3 40 3 75 4 20 4 45 4 60 4 95 4 1 90 2 15 2 30 2 55 3 75 4 00 4 15 4 50 5 30 5 55 5 70 6 05 5 2 30 2 55 2 70 2 95 3 45 4 50 4 75 4 90 5 25 6 40 6 65 6 80 7 15 6 2 80 3 05 3 20 3 30 5 55 5 70 6 05 7 55 7 80 7 95 8 30 7 3 30 3 55 3 70 3 95 6 20 6 45 6 60 6 95 9 10 9 35 9 50 9 85 S 3 80 4 05 4 20 4 45 6 80 7 05 7 20 7 55 10 10 10 35 10 50 10 85 9 10 5 00 5 25 5 40 5 65 9 10 i 9 35 9 50 9 85 12 35 12 60 12 75 13 10 Brancli Tees not specified above fvill be made to order at an Advance of 35 per cent. Note — Inlets and outlets same size as branches, unless specially ordered. Small Pattern for Circulation have inlet at one ead and outlet on back. Large Pattern for Circulation have inlet at one end and outlet oa back. Small Pattern for Box Coils are tapped left hand, and have a back outlet only. Large Pattern for Box Coils are tapped left hand, and have a back outlet only. When Branch Tees are ordered left hand, we take it for granted they are for Box Coils^ and will so fill the order. If left hand are wanted for Circulation, the order must dis- tinctly state that fact. In all cases, please state for what purpose the Branch Tees are required, Box Coils or Circulation. ENGLISH BEOTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 23 G.A.iaT zxiosj- X*X1"rXX^Gi-S. HOOK PLATES. No. of Hooks 1 2 3 4 5 6 For f inch Pipe, 2 in. between Centres .... . . . Price 6 8 11 18 15 19 22 For 1 inch Pipe, 2^ in. between Centres . . . . . . Price /-r i 14 20 26 32' Foi IJ- inch Pipe, 3 in. between Centres . . . . . . Price 8 16 20 25 32 40 For 1|- inch Pipe, 3^ in. between Centres. . . . . Price 12 24 30 36 45 60 60 For 2 inch Pipe, 4^ in. between Centres. . . . . . Price 18 36 49 66 75 J J i A A HOOK PLAT£S.-Expansioii. No. of Hooks 1 2 3 4 5 20 6 For f inch Pipe, 2 in. between Centres Price 8 11 14 16 24 For 1 inch Pipe, 2^ in. between Centres Price 10 19 22 25 35 40 For 1^ inch Pipe, 3 in. between Centres Price 12 20 25 32 42 50 BEAM HOOKS.-Iiong Shank. Size i f 1 li n 2 2i 3 Price Each 11 12 16 18 20 28 56 75 LAUNDRY COIL STANDS. With Movable Hook Plates. Price each, for Four Pipes High $2 00 2 75 3 50 4 25 " « Six " " " « « Eight " " « « « Ten (( « 24 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ^^^^P' FLANGES. Size of Pipe. In.. % H M 1 IM IK 2 2H 3 3H 4 4M 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 Diameter 3 hches *16 16 " 3H " 19 32 25 *19 23 25 *20 — " 4 " 23 27 *24 28 *37 31 * 35 " 4>^ " " 5 " 28 31 34 28 31 81 35 34 40 37 43 40 " 5^ " 45 49 " 6 " 34 37 40 45 46 52 49 55 51 57 55 60 " 6M" 61 66 69 " 7 " 51 58 62 64 68 75 78 81 ■ 57 66 70 72 76 84 89 93 " 8 " 74 78 82 86 94 1 01 1 06 1 V^ " 8y2 •' 82 86 92 96 1 05 I 13 1 19 1 30 " 9 " 96 1 02 1 12 1 07 1 20 1 34 1 20 1 27 1 32 1 48 1 68 1 79 " 9}4 " 1 35 1 50 1 42 1 57 1 74 1 46 1 62 1 66 1 83 1 94 3 38 " 10 " — 1 84 2 03 3 14 3 58 " 101^ " I 49 I 67 1 80 2 04 2 23 3 34 2 78 " 11 " 1 65 I 85 t 95 2 17 2 01 2 24 2 45 3 54 2 98 " 13 " 2 05 2 24 3 44 3 67 3 74 3 18 3 30 2 40 3 48 2 64 3 89 3 94 3 38 4 06 4 33 " 13 " 2 65 2 74 3 88 3 13 3 19 3 63 4 41 4 83 " 14 " 3 13 3 38 3 49 3 93 4 81 5 33 5 93 6 50 " 15 " 4 43 5 31 5 93 6 68 7 10 " 16 " 5 81 6 58 7 18 7 75 9 87 10 63 " 17 " 6 41 7 23 7 93 8 50 " 18 " 11 63 13 87 " 19 " " 20 " 14 37 Those marked * are drilled for screw. Circle Flanges made to order at double above prices. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 25 BRASS TUBING. PLAIN BRASS TUBING (Light). Outside Diameter, iiiciies.... Price per jjoiind . . . 1 8 1 Ti t 4 3 1 1; 3 8 1 s 8 3 4 1 s 1 n 2 00 1 40 90 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 H 00 SEAMLESS DRAWN BRASS TUBING (Heavy). IRON PIPE SIZE. Size, inclies Outside Diameter, inches. Length, feet, about. Weight per foot, lbs., about. Price per pound. 1 8 1 4 ■i ■5 i 3 4 1 H I3- 2 ■-f 1 1 6 9 Tir 1 1 1 1; if lA 1t\ Hl h\ 213. 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 i 1 2 5 8 8 1 11 h\ 45 n H H 80 60 55 50 45 45 45 45 4.-. lo BRASS FITTINGS. IRON PIPE SIZE. Size, inches ± s I ■4 3 8 i- 3 4 1 H li- •> Elbows, each .14 .14 .22 .25 .50 .70 1 .00 1.50 2.20 Tees each .20 .20 .28 .35 .15 .32 .62 .80 1 .20 1.60 2 90 Crosses, each . .25 .10 .40 .20 .75 1.00 1 .50 2.00 2. 75 Plugs, each , .6 ..30 .40 .50 . 75 1.20 Caps, each .... .6 .10 .15 .'20 .30 .40 .50 .75 1.20 Lock-Nuts each .10 .12 .15 .20 .25 .35 .50 75 Reducers, each .25 . 30 .45 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 Bushings, to reduce one size, each .5 . t .10 .15 .20 25 .30 .55 .70 Bushings, to reduce two or more sizes, each, .10 .30 .37 .45 82 1.05 Couplings, each .20 .20 .25 .30 .45 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 Return Bends, each .50 .80 1.00 1 .50 2.25 3.1)0 Unions, each .35 .40 .50 .ro .90 1.35 1.35 1 80 2.25 3.40 1.25 3.75 Unions Ground Joints each .60 .75 1.05 2.00 2 .70 5.00 Nipples, four inches long and under, each. . .25 .30 ..35 .45 .60 .75 1 .00 1.50 Brass Fittings for liydraulic purposes made to order. 26 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Fig. SI. IRON GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES, Brass Mounted. Fig. 211/2. Size, incbes 3 2i 3 Price, Screw Ends, each 4.50 5.75 7.50 10 50 Price, Flange Ends, each 9.00 12.50 Diameter of FIan""e, inches C| Gi 8 Lenntli face to face of Flanaje, inches r>i H 7* ^j .J ' 1 . . . IRON GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. With Yoke. Fig. 22. Fig. 23. Size, inches 2 2i 3 3* 4 4i 5 6 7 8 10 12 Brass Stem Screwed. . 7.5U 10.00 14.75 16.00 20.00 26.00 82.00 44.00 59.00 75.00 Brass Stem Flanged. . 8.75 61 11.50 10.75 18.50 23.00 30.00 36.00 49.00 64.00 81.00 138.00 230.00 Diam. of Flange, inch. 7 8 9 10 n 11 12 14 14 16 20 Length face to face of Flanffe 6f Gi 8 9* m 121 111 18f 17 161 21 26 IRON CROSS VALVES. Fig. 24. Fig. 25. Si7p inolies 2 21 3 31 4 41 5 6 1 8 Price Screwed Ends each 6.00 10.00 14.00 Price, Flanged Ends, each 7.75 12.25 17.00 Pripp Sprpwpd T^nds T^okp parti 21.00 26.00 33.00 40.00 54.00 70.00 87.00 Pripp "Plnno-pfl T'lnd*? ^■''olvp pnpli 24.75 30.. 50 38.00 46.00 61.50 77.00 99.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 27 IRON CHECK VALVES. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Fig. 26. Size, inches 3 2i 3 3* 11.50 4 4^ 5 6 7 8 10 13 Price, Screwed 3.75 6.25 8.75 15.00 19.00 24.00 33.00 49.00 65.00 Price, Flanged .... 5.00 7.75 10 75 14.00 18.00 33.00 28 00 38.00 54.00 71.00 100.00190.00 IRON SAFETY VALVES. Fig. 27. Size, inclies 1 3.75 3.75 n 3 2i 3 Bi 4 4i 5 6 7 8 Price, Screwed 4.75 6.50 13.00 15.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 36.00 48.00 96.00 145.00 "Priop "Plnno'pd 8.35 14.35 18.00 28.75 29.50 35.50 43.00 55.00 104.00 154.00 BACK PRESSURE VALVES. Fig. 28. Size Inches. 2 34- 3 3i 4 5 6 8 Prioe Screwed Ends eacli 9.00 10.50 13.50 15.00 18.00 30.00 40.00 66.00 Price Flano'ed Ends eacli 15.50 17.50 31.00 34.00 44.00 73.00 FOOT VALVES, WITH STRAINER. Fig. 29. Size inclies 1 U H 3 2* 3 3* 4 H 5 6 7 8 Price each 1.30 1.75 '>, 50 S ''5 4.00 5.0olfi-.50 8 00 10.00 12.00 17.00l 23.00 30 00 ' ^ i'ii IRON COCKS, Fig. 30. Size inches 1 + * 1 .90 n H .2 2i 3 3^ 4 5 6 Price, Iron Plug, each 50 .60 .70 1.35 3.25 1.90 2.30 4.35 6.25 10.00 13.00 38.00 45.00 Price, Brass Plug, each .80 .90 1.15 1.40 3.00 4.50 8 00 13.00 20.00 25.00 28 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. IRON THREE WAY COCKS. Fig. 31. Size, inches 1 n 1-} 2 3i 3 3i 4 Price, iron Plug eacli .80 1.00 1.50 2.25 2.90 5.00 7.25 13.00 IG.OO Price Brass Plu"', eacli 1.3.5 1.50 3.40 3.35 5.10 8.75 13.00 22.00 og 00 Fig. 32. STRAIGHT WAY STOP VALVES. Steam Metal. Size, inches i f 1 li 1* 2 2* 3 Price, Screwed, each 1.75 3.25 2.75 4.25 5.75 8.50 15.00 21 00 Size inclies ... . 2 2* 3 3* 4 Price, Flanged, eacli 16.00 24.00 33.00 50.00 75.00 Fig. 33. STRAIGHT WAY STOP VALVES. Iron Body, Brass Mounted. Size, inches. Price, Screwed, each. Price, Flanged, each . . . . 2 2i 3 3i 4 5 6 8.00 12.00 16.00 30.00 22.00 32.00 38.00 9.35 13.50 18.00 22.50 25.00 36.00 43.00 52.00 60.00 Fig. 34. STRAIGHT WAY STOP VALVES, Iron Body, Brass Mounted, Hub Ends. Size, inches 2 3^ 3 3i 4 5 6 8 Price, each 9.25 13.50 18.00 22.50 25.00 36.00 43.00 (10.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 29 Fig. 4. GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES. Brass. Fig. 2. I ig. 3. Size, inches i i f i f 1 n H 2 Si 3 Price, each .60 .60 .75 .95 1.30 1.70 2.60 8.60 5.60 11.25 16. (lO Monogram, each .80 .80 .95 1.25 1.80 2.50 3.75 5.25 7.75 14.00 19.00 CROSS VALVES. Brass. Size, Inches 1 i 1 1 2.50 H H 2 2i 3 Price, each 1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 8.00 16.00 21:. 00 CHECK VALVES — Brass. Horizontal, Angle and Vertical. Fig. 5. Fi g. 6. Size, Indies i i 1 1 i 1 li H 2 2i 3' Price, each .50 .50 .55 .80 1.10 1.40 2.25 3.10 4.90 10.00 14.00 Monogram, eacli .65 .65 .70 1.00 1.50 1.85 3.25 4.50 6.50 12.50 17.00 SAFETY VALVES. Brass. Fig. 7. Size, inches i 1 i f 1 H U 2 Price, eacli 1.60 1.80 2.25 2.80 3.80 5.50 7.00 11.00 HOSE VALVES. Brass. Fig. 8. Size, inches H 1* 2 24- Price, each 3.50 4.50 6.50 9.00 30 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. BUTTERFLY VALVES. Brass and Iron. Fig. 9. Size, inches 1 n 1* 2 2^ b U 4 3.50 4.50 5.50 8.00 11.00 16.00 Price Iron 8.00 12.00 16.00 20.00 VACUUM VALVE. Steam Metal. Size. Eacli. 1.00 1.25 1 . 75 Fig. 10. RADIATOR VALVES. Patent Wood Handle. Size , Rough Bodj', Brass, each . . . Roiisrh Body, Plated, each 1.25 1.55 1.60 .95 3.00 2.40 n 3.25 3.70 l.V 4.50 5.00 6.50 '.25 Tapped Left Hand, Female End ; Right Hand, Male End. Tig. 11. Size 4- * 1 H H 2 Rou"li Bodv Brass, each 1.25 1.55 1.60 2.00 3.25 4.50 6 50 Rough Body, Plated, eacli 1.95 2.40 3.70 5.00 7.25 Fig. 12. Tapped both ends Right Hand. NIPPLE. With Right and Left Thread for Radiator Valves. Tig. 13. i f 1 H H 2 T*rirp t)oy doz 4.00 4.50 5.50 8.50 12.00 16.00 STEAM COCKS.-Brass. Flat or Square Heads. Fig. 14. 65 i 1 i f 1 H H 2 2i 3 .65 .75 1.05 1.45 2.00 3.20 4.40 6.50 7.25 13.75 20.00 75 .85 1.15 1.65 2.30 3.60 fV 00 15.25 22.00 T*rif»p Ti^ith Ohpplr and Wastf 1 15 1 . 60 2.20 2.30 3.45 4.70 6.90 14.25 20.75 1.65 75 .85 1.15 3.60 5.00 7 ''5 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 31 Fig. 15. THREE WAY COCKS. Brass. Size, inches i * 1 u- n 2 2i 3 Price eticli 1.80 2.50 3.40 4.70 (>.00 9.00 17.00 34.00 Fig. 16. STEAM COCK WRENCHES. Malleable Iron. Size inches ^ i 1 li H 2 2i 3 Number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Price, encli. net .04 .06 .08 .10 .13 .15 .35 .50 Fig. 17. GAS COCK WRENCHES. Cast Iron. Size, inches . . . Price, each, net i f 1 H H .03 .04 .05 .07 .09 .13 Fig. 19. BRASS LARD TANK COCKS. For Iron Pipe. Size of ODeninar inches U 3 Price,-for Iron Pipe, each 6.50 8.00 EXPANSION JOINTS. Brass and Iron. * f 1 H u 3 8.00 34- 3 3* 4 5 6 1 50 3.00 3.75 4.00 5.50 5.011 Ol Price, Iron Bod}'' with Brass Sleeve, each. 7.00 10.00 13.00 30.00 5 40.00 T'rjivpT^p inches . . 2 2 '^ "+ 2-1- 21 3 .") SWING JOl NTS For Steam Pipe. I Size, inches. ■^ Price, each. 1.25 * 1.75 3.50 4.00 U 5.00 li r.oo 12. OC Fig. 20. 32 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. EXTRA HEAVY GLOBE AND ANGLE VALVES-BRASS. With Jenkins' Patent Disc. The great annoyance caused by leaky Valves has, induced many inventors to experiment with many kinds of changeable and yielding composi- tions, vehich, when used in the form of a washer in connection with valve seats, would obviate this annoyance, but the only one that has met with success is the "Jenkins." Various forms of Valves using Jenkins' Patent Composition Disc have been in extensive use in the East fqr years, and give very good satisfaction. The patent consists of combining with the use of the above named composition a raised seat, A. The composition, C\ being confined within walls, D, and the raised seat fitting the same, we claim that the composition is thus protected from any crushing tendency, and will last much longer than any of the Valves of this class now before the public. Size, inches. . i_ 4 1 u H- 2 Pric(\ each ... . . 1.90 2.70 3.50 4.90 6.50 10.25 ROSEWOOD WHEEL. Size, inches 1. 4 1 U- H 2 Price, Nickel Plated 2.25 3.20 4.00 5.60 7.40 11.50 Price, not Plated 2.10 2.95 3.75 5.30 7.00 11.00 THE "CRANE" PATENT CHECK VALVE— BRASS. Horizontal. Extra Heavy. The " Crane " Patent Valve has a much larger seat, a larger area, and is so constructed that the back pressure comes on the top of Valve, thus preventing the side wear of the seat and insuring ]:>rompt closing; overcoming all the difficulties in the oi'dinarv Valve. Size, inches T 1 ^i H 2 Price, each 2.70 3.50 4.90 6.50 10.25 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 33 EXTRA HEAVY FULL OPENING RADIATOR VALVES. With Jenkins' Patent Disc. ROSEWOOD WHEEL. Size, inches i^ i 4 -^ 4 1 X 1 ^4 -^ -^4 n X IJ Nickel Plated, price ■Z.-lo 3.-^0 4 . DO 5 . 60 T.iO Not Plated, nrioe 2.10 2.95 3.75 5 . 30 7 00 Size, inches -Ixf 1x1 1 X li li X 14,- Nipkpl Plat,p(l nrice 2.45 3.40 4.30 6.00 Not Plated, price 2.30 3.15 4.05 5.70 TEE HAN DLE Size, inches i X 1 l-i 1 X 1 11 X IJ -^4 '^ ^4 Ih X H Nickel Plated, price. . 2.15 3.10 3.90 5.50 7.30 Not Plated, price .... 2.00 2.85 3 . 65 5 . 20 6.90 Size, inches.. ixj 4^-1 1 X li li X U Nickel Plated, price. . 2.30 3.30 4.20 5.90 Not Plated, price 2.15 3.05 3.95 5.60 XoTE — Valves with inlet and outlet same size will always be seat if not otherwise ordered. "Where the inlet and outlet differ. in size, the outlet is the larger. All Radiator Valves are tapped left hand in female end, which is the lower part of Valve. EXTRA JENKINS' DISCS. For Extra Heavy Globe, Angle and Radiator Valves. Size, inches i 3 4 1 H ij •) Price each, net 9 10 12 IS 25 36 34 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. FEET'S PATENT DOUBLE-DISC GATE VALVES. Srass. Size ...Inches H H Vz U 1 IM 1J4 2M 3 Price ■Rnrli 1 00 1 00 1 20 1 75 2 50 3 50 5 00 7 50 15 00 22 00 Price, Quick Openinn:, witli Lever... Each 4 00 5 00 7 00 10 00 19 00 25 00 QUICK OPENING FEET VALVES. Iron Body Brass Mounted— Flanged or Screived. With. Lever. Size Inches Price -.-Each 2K 16 00 20 00 ^H 23 00 4 . 25 GO 5 30 00 35 00 45 00 8 10 55 00 70 00 IRON BODY FEET VALVES. Brass Mounted -Best Steam Metal. Size -- Inches '^H 3 3K 4 5 G 7 8 10 12 Diameter of Flanges.. 7 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 16 18 Face to Face of Flan- ires -- -- m 8 8M 9K lOM 12 13 14 15 10 tjyo Flanged or Screwed, Price 12 00 15 00 18 00 20 00 25 00 30 00 43 00 53 00 69 00 94 00 JOTE. — When ordering Valves, be sure and state whether Flauged or Screwed. IRON BODY "WATER GATES. Brass Mounted. Size Inches 3 4 6 8 10 12 Price -- .Eacli 15 00 30 00 30 00 •JO 00 65 00 00 00 EXGLISH BROTHERS KANSAS CITY. 35 STEAM WHISTLES. Fig. 33. Size oi Pipe, inches 3 8 i 1 3 4 ■* 4 Diameter of Bell, inches 1 n H 2 24 '^^ Without Valve (Fig. 35), each. . . . ^i.ro 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 With Valve (Fig. 36), each !>;3.5n 3.75 4.00 4.25 5.50 t is. 36. Size of Pipe, inches " 1 1 n H 2 '4 3 3 Diameter of Bell, inches 3 H 4 5 6 8 . 10 12 Without Valve (Fig. 35), eacli 5.50 7.00 7.75 10.00 16.00 22.00 50.00 80.00 160.00 With Valve (Fig. 36), each. . . 9.50 12.00 19.00 25.00 65.00 125.00 250.00 WHISTLE VALVES. Size of Pipe, inches 1 •T 3 4 1 H H H 3 Rough, each -S2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.50 8.00 12.00 16.00 Finished, each §2.50 3.00 3.75 5.00 6.50 9.50 14.00 SO.OO WATER GAUGES. s each. 4.25 4.75 5.50 6.50 9.00 13.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 4i CODY'S PATENT Air-Tight Shaft and Engine Oilers. Shaft Oiler. Engine Oiler. ADVANTAGES OF USING CODY'S SHAFT OILERS. They are all made in a first-class manner, of tlie best materials, and ai e warranted in every respect. They are as reliable in winter as in summer. Being perfectly air-tight, the oil will never gum in them, and is always free from dust and grit. They will feed only when the machinery is in motion. In case of breakage, a glass can easily be replaced at a small cost. DIRECTIONS FOR USING CODY'S SHAFT OILERS. Fill the Oiler full of oil; screw on the socket air-tight, and then screw the stem tightly into the- oil-hole in bea.ring. When the cups need re-filling, unscrew the stem out of the hole; take the oiler apart, and proceed as before, See that the hole through stem is always clear of any obstruction before putting the oiler in its place. See that the Glass Globe is always tight in its socket. TO REGULATE SHAFT AND ENGINE OILERS. By turning the regulating screw a quarter-turn backward the supply of oil is entirely cut off. The perspective view shows the screw in the proper position to give a moderate feed. The feed on all Cody Oilers is regulated ready for use. PRICE OF SHAFT CUPS PRICE OF ENGINE CUPS, No. Capacity. Diameter. Height. Prick Per' Dozen. No. Capacity. Diameter. Height. Price Per Dozen. 1 2 3 1 OZ. If oz. 2|oz. If in. 2 in. 2\ in. 2| in. 3 in. 3i-in. $6 00 C 50 ? 00 7 8 9 f oz. 1| OZ. 2^oz. 1| in. 2 in. 2| in. 3 in. 3| in. 3f in. $ 8 40 10 50 12 60 Shanks are threaded |^ inch on point, IG threads to the inch. Shanks \ inch diameter threaded \ inch Pipe. Extra Glasses each ]0 cents net. 42 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. AUTOMATIC NEEDLE VALVE OIL FEEDERS. With Glass Gauge (Cross Top). PRICE LIST Diameter, inches H 3 ;^l 4 5 Capacity Ipt. 1 pt. H pt. Iqt. 2 qt. Price, each . ... ... 11.30 14.50 19.00 28.00 44.00 When ordering, mention size of Cylinder. A card with directions for using the Oil Feeder is attached to every Cup. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 43 IMPROVED CYLINDER LUBRICATOR. MANUFACTURED UNDER THE GATES, SEIBERT, AND GRAHAM PATENTS. With Glass Indicator and Sight Feed. Price, i Pint. Size, Half Pint, Pint, and Quart, in Plain Brass or Nickei-Plated. $29.00 I Price, Pint $36.00 | Price, Quart.. .$42.00 Directions for Connecting and Operating Lubricator. A— Sbut-off valve; B— Water valve; C— Regulating valve; D— Overflow valve; E— Filling plug ; F and G— Drain plugs; H— Union coupling. First.— Attach union coupling H to steam pipe between throttle and boiler if convenient. Second.— U not, then either on steam chest or pipe below throttle. 21iird.— Connect Lubricator to union. When so connected see that valves B and C are closed, then open valve A, when condensation will lake place and fill feed glass. _ Fourth— Remove m\ing plug E and fill reservoir wilh oil; replace filhng plug, seemg that drain plugs F and G are tight. ' .,,.,/-, j i ^ Fifth.— Then open water valve B, waiting five minutes, then open odregulatmg valve C and regulate the feed as may be required. . , , ■ Sixth.— It slow feed is required open valve D to allow surplus condensation to pass back mto steam Seventh —Caution must be used when Lubricator is connected on steam chest, or pipe below throttle, to close reirulating valve C before shutting steam ofE to prevent feed glass from becommg foul. Eighth.— To clean feed glass, close water valve B, open drain plug G, and blow steam du-ect through glass, Then close drain plug G and oil valve C, allowing condensation to take place as before. Ihen open water valve B. then oil valve C and regulate as before. Mnth.— The following is about the feed required for the size of engmes given: 10 to 40 Horse 'Power 1 to 6 drops per minute 50 " 80 100 " 1.50 175 " 250 6 •' .< ■ 8 " 12 .< .10 "15 44 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. OIL PUMPS. Fig. 69. No. 1. No. 2. Fiff 69 8.50 Fiff 70 10.00 12.00 Fig. 70. LEVER HANDLE OIL PUMPS. No. 1, each. Fig. 71. ,$14.00 I No. 2, each. .116.00 Fig. 72. GONG BELLS. Fig. 73. 4 5 C 7 8 10 13 15 l^\fr 72 Dricp eacli 1.50 3.50 3.00 4.25 5.25 9.00 18.50 25.00 Fig. 73, price each 3.50 5.00 6.50 10.50 20.00 27.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 45 CROSBY IMPROVED PRESSURE GAUGE. With Composition Case, O. G. Ring and Cock. No 0, 10 inch dial §40 00 " 1, 8^ " " ■ 30 00 " 2 6f " " 22 00 No. 3, 6 inch dial $19 00 " 4, 5|- " " 16 00 " 5, 4i " " 14 00 With Iron Case, Brass O. G. Ring and Cocl<. No. 14, S^ inch diaV S22 00 2h el 3i, 6 « " 18 00 " " 16 00 No. U, oh inch dial $14 00 oh H " 12 00 No Crosby Gauge less than 4^ in. dial. Gauo-es with Deep Composition Cases, or Octagon Faced Rings, extra. The Crosby Improved Gauge, at above prices, marked to any pressure not to exceed 500 pounds per square inch. The maximum pressure required should be stated in ordering above Gauges. BOURDON PRESSURE OR VACUUM GAUGE. Gauge Syphon. Each, 25c. We also carry a high pressure Bourdon Gauge, for a certain trade, as follows : No. 10, 5 inch dial. Iron Case and O. G. Spun Ring $6 00 Gauges with Deep Composition Cases, or Octagon Faced Rings, extra. In this Gauge the dial should be marked to nearly twice the pressure required to be carried, which should always be stated when ordering. Impoetaxt. — All Gauges for steam should be used in connection with a Syphon, and none are warranted without. All Gauges are graduated and tested by an open mercury column, and warranted correct. 46 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. GAUGE COMBINATIONS. A., One Water Gauge, No. ], rough body, with two guards; one Bourdon Steam Gauge, 51- inch dial, iron case; three Compression Gauge Cocks, -| inch wood handle; one Pet Cock and one Syphon, all fitted to a 14- inch iron column, com- plete. Price, contiplete $18.00 jB, One Water Gauge, No. 2, finished body, with two guards; one Crosby Im- proved Steam Gauge, Sc- inch dial, iron case; three Compression Gauge Cocks, -| inch wood handle; one Pet Cock and one Syphon, all fitted to 14 inch iron column, complete. Price, complete $25.00 C. One Water Gauge, No. 3, finished square body; one Bourdon Steam Gauge, 5^ inch dial, brass case; three Compression Gauge Cocks, ^ inch wood handle, with stuffing box; one Pet Cock and one Syphon, all fitted to a 16 inch iron column, complete. Price, complete $35.00 D. . One Water Gauge, No. 3, finished body, with four guards; one Crosby Im- proved Steam Gauge, 6 inch dial, brass case, plated rim; three Compression Gauge Cocks, ^ inch, with wood handle and stuffing box; one Pet Cock and one Syphon, all fitted to a 16 inch iron column, complete. Price, complete $42.00 WATER COLUMNS. 14 inches long, tapped for |- inch Cocks, price. 16 " " " (( 1 $3 00 G 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 47 ASHCROFT'S PATENT NICKEL SEATED "POP" SAFETY VALVES FOR STEAM BOILERS. Patented in the United States, Canadas and Europe No. 1. This cut shows Valve and Spring without Cover. No. 2. Base, Male or Female Made with Top or Side Outlet for Steam. This Safety Valve is Non Corrosive, Prompt and Efficient. For Stationary and Marine Boilers, approved by the United States Board of Super- vising Inspectors. The Nickel-Seated Safety Valve is perfectly automatic in its action, capable of dis- charging all the steam generated in a steam boiler, in excess of a given limit; and its bearing surfaces, which are made of solid nickel composition (not nickel plated), will not corrode, giving absolute immunity against explosion. Such a Valve will secure the boiler from injury and protect the lives of the people employed about it; and, if desired^ it may be locked up. In ordering, state size and kind of Boilers, and the highest working pressure carried. Also, whether you wish to attach Valves with Flange or Nipple. Special attention given to the construction of Valves where Instant relief from excessive pressure is required. PRICES NO. 1. Size, inches 1 n n 2 "4 3 4 5 6 Price, each 15.00 20.00 . 30.00 40.00 55.00 75.00 100.00 150.00 175.00 PRICES NO. 2. Without Locks. This is a special Valve for Portable and Farm Engines. Size, inches. Price, Each , 3 4 1 H ^ 8.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 Note. — In ordering, state pressure at which you wish to blow off. 48 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. THE HANCOCK INSPIRATOR. When ordering an Inspirator, please answer the following- Questions; 1. What is the horse-power of boiler or boilers; or what is the quantity of water requiied per hour ? 2. What is the range of steam pressure ? 3. What is the temperature of supply ? 4. What is the extreme lift or head, v'er- tically or horizontally, from sujDjoly to Inspirator ? 5. Is water used for other purposes than feeding boilers ? 6. What is the number of boilers ? 7. What type of boiler is used ? 8. What are the dimensions of boilers ? THE HANCOCK INSPIRATOR PRICE LIST. Size of Connections. Gallons pek Houe- Price. Suction and Feed. Steam. 60 Lbs. Pressure. No. 71 " 8| " 10 'S i 1 3 1 1 60 85 120 % IG 00 18 00 20 00 " 15 f i i i 220 300 25 00 30 00 " IH 1 I 400 40 00 " 20 1 1 540 45 00 " 25 H .1 900 60 00 " 30 H 1^ 1260 75 00 " 35 H H 1740 90 00 " 40 2 H 2230 110 00 ." 45 2 li 2820 125 00 « 50 n 2 3480 1,50 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KJlNSAS CITY. 49 THE DUPLEX INJECTOR. For Stationary, Marine and other Boilers. Unequaledfor Simplicity, and always Reliable. The best Boiler Feeder known; perfectly simple; always reliable; requires no adjustment; will take water under pressure; will lift water twenty-five feet; no over- flow; no waste of water; works well with high steam; works well with low steam; less liable to get out of order than a pump; will feed water through a heater; for economy no superior. In ordering the Duplex Injector, please state, JFirst. — The horse power of boiler or boilers, or give diameter and length of boiler or boilers and style, viz. : Tubular, Two Flue, Portable or Marine. Second. — Give the steam pressure carried. Third. — Whether water is taken under pressure or not. Fourth. — If water is to be lifted, give the lift or distance from Injector to water supply, both vertically and horizontally. PRICES OF DUPLEX INJECTORS FOR STATIONARY AND MARINE BOILERS. SIZE CONNECTIONS. Gallons PER Hour, 60 Lbs. Pressure Price. Number of Injector. SIZE CONNECTIONS. Gallons PER Hour, 60 Lbs. Pressure nusibbk of Injector. Water Suction and Supply to Boiler in inches. Steam in inches. Water Suction and Supply to Boiler iu inches. steam in inches Price 3 t f ti5 $20 00 15 1> li 1.280 $ 75 00 3i * f 90 21 00 17 H H 1,760 90 00 5 4- 130 25 00 19 2 H 2,260 110 00 i . . • . . f i 24(t 30 01) 21 2 li 2.860 125 00 9 f i 320 35 00 23 3+ 2 3,4S0 150 00 11 . .. 1 f 560 50 00 - 5 3 n 4 620 200 00 13 H 1 960 60 00 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. VERTICAL "RIVAL" STEAM PUMPS. FOR FEEDING BOILERS, FIRE PURPOSES, ETC. By th the Pump suction. e additi can be on of an used for The "Rival" is a complete Steam En- gine and Pump combined. It has a Slide Valve, operated by an eccentric on the Shaft, and also a Balance- Wheel to steady the mo- tion. The Pump is the simple plunger pat- tern, and packed in the usual manner at the top end. The Valves are of the heavy cup pattern, witiiout stems, giving a perfectly free opening, and not liable to be displaced by high speed. They are adapted to pump both hot and cold water. These pumps v?ill take veater from the Stillwell, Armstrong or other Heaters. The opening in the Heater should be as large as that in the Pump, and the Heater located above the Pump. To pipe these Pumps to operate to best advantage, the Inlet Pipe should be as short as possible and full size, particularly when hot water is to be pumped. If the Inlet Pipe is long, a Vacuum Chamber should be attached near the Pump, which can be made by attaching an upright pipe in a T) ^"^ closed at the top end. Air Chamber to the Force Pipe, made in the above manner, fire purposes. These Pumps are not intended to take water by ,»•«^lv=.^c.^-^5-S■"iiP • TABLE OF SIZES, CAPACITIES AND PRICES. <; a m r" i2« . K a < « . CO S < to H i? P C fi Pbice. n tl so o a 2^ g« ^i to « a < M CO O ts 50 H ifV 2 i i 3 4 110 1.05 8.4 $ 38 00 1 3 H 2i 1 i 1 100 1.89 15. 49 GO 2 H 2 n f 1 2' 1 100 3.39 27. 60 00 3 4 H 3 1 -J 3 H 90 5.72 45.9 71 00 4 H 3 3 1 ■J 3 4 H 85 7.72 62. 88 00 5 ■ ) 3^ 4 3 1 2 80 13.32 106.8 108 00 6 c, ■i 5 1 H n 75 20.48 163.5 160 00 For further information, send for descriptive circular. ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 51 STEAM JET PUMP. Which is Designed for Supplying Water Tanks at Mills or Factories. For Pumping Water or other Liquids, at Mines, Distilleries, Breweries, etc. , and to take the place of more Expensive Pumps whose Cojiplicated Parts render them the more Liable to BREAie4.&E. Please notice the following points of superiority over the ordinary Cold Water Pump, where, as in most locations, it is necessarj^ to raise water only SUCTIO^N to moderate heights or to till Tanks for the feeding of Boilers : Fig. 80. Drawing steam direct from the boiler; they may be operated regardless of all other machinery and can be placed in a cistern, well, or near anj^ water supply at any distance, either long or short from the boiler. The standard size will make 14 feet suction and" will raise water from 15 to 60 feet in height. The pressure of steam required is about one pound per square inch for each foot the water is to be raised. Our Pumps are made, in all their parts, of standard sizes and are uniform in their operation. As they have no moving parts they require no packing and can not get out of order. Directions for Purchasing and Putting up Steam Jet Pump. 1st. The size of the Pump is determined by the internal diameter of the Suction Pipe. 2nd. In no case should a smaller Pipe be used than indicated in the tal)le below, and where the Pump is placed a long distance from the Boiler, the Steam Pipe should be one or two sizes larger and should be protected by some kind of packing. 3rd. In ordering Pumps give distance of water from Tank; from the Boiler to where you desire to place the pump ; height to which water is to be raised and pressure of steam used. 4th. Place the Pump at a point as near the water as possible, and not over 14 feet perpendicularly from the water to be raised. Put a Stop Cock in the Steam Pipe at a convenient point for starting and stopping the Pump. 5th. Connect the Steam, Discharge and Suction Pipe, as shown in the above cut, and place the Discharge Pipe so that the water will all run out, when the steam is shut off. It will be necessary to fit a Strainer on the end of Suction Pipe, using care that the supply of water is not reduced too much thereby. DIRECTIONS FOR OPERATING. 1st. Turn on the Steam slowly until the Suction is formed, which will be indicated by a peculiar noise in the Pump; then turn on Steam enough to drive the water to point of discharge. 2nd. In case the Pump fails to start, one of the following three causes must be remedied : 1st. Leaks in the Suction Pipe. 2nd. Obstructions in the Suction Pipe or in the Pump. 3rd. Too high suction. Not over 25 lbs. of steam need be used to form the siiction, and higher steam must be carried according to the height of the discharge at about the rate of one pound per foot. PRICE LIST. Size of Pump. Suction Pipe. Discharge Pipe. steam Pipe. Capacity. Gallons per Minute. Price. Brass Jets. 1 2 % 1 2 % 1 % % Yz % % 8 to 10 12 to 15 15 to 20 25 to 30 30 to 40 8.00 10.00 12.00 15.00 18.00 Iron B. Mounted. These Pumps will operate with best results where there is a plentiful supply of water. It is some- times noticed that after running for a time they will suddenly "let go," and have to be .started again. This may be due to a scarcity of water, a leak in the Suction Pipe, which, becoming exposed by the lowering of the water, lets the air into the Pump, or a pebble in the pump; this last is often quite annoying, as for instance-, a pebble which is too large to pass through the water nozzle in the Pump, will act as a "bob," and will, bv advancing: and^recedina:, partially shut off th(? discharge and finally becoming fast, will stop the Pump'. When the steam is shut off, the water in the discharge pipe run- ning back, will dislodge the pebble and force it back into the Suction Pipe, where it will remain and cause the .same annoyance indefinitely, until it is removed or passes through. A strainer placed on Suction Pipe Avill obviate that difliculty and save much annoyance. These Pumps are not for feeding Boilers (which only can be done by a Force Pump ) They are made entirelv of Brass, which prevents them from rusting or corroding when other liqiuds than water are used. Every Pump is fully warranted. In case any iire imperfect we will bear all expense of express, in makino- the exchange foV another one. or will refund the money if preferred. 52 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. JUDSON PATENT IMPROVED GOVERNORS. '•'^it^! When Governors are ordered, be particular and Valve; and either Plain or Bright Finish, as you may r Motion or Sawyer's Lever. Exact speed of each Gover of Speeds in Price List. say. Governor with Stop Valve, or without Stop equire, and with or without Speed Changer, Stop nor is marked on the top head. See also column s 1 ■S £■« fee 05 « 2 A C m O O <4- O CO OJ o P PRICE OF J. & G. GOVEKNOKS ^- g £ S 5 « ^ 2 h ° a o s' m II 6 o b-c 1 a 5 .=3 t. ^ ti_, .— ^ E ^ ° 2r CD f- c; CO cj ~ a. iJ ex t- N W 00 C tfl O C8 s a E ■s B ca ^ S £ OS 52 S a; II as O 9 3 a) S P = S Is B - s £ ^1 C 3 5| r ^ oS . en v: o c (-■ £ 0.2 P o 5 'JO a a o c t. — o 1"- e.H- &0 "5 O it £ tn ■a a a c ■a Is. a o cc > o a? g c S . o (=-. ea KTi tn cc Q Q « H W o 2 24 330 330 160 O 81 8f 9f Q + $15 00 16 00 18 00 $17 00 18 OU 20 00 .$1 CO 1 70 1 80 2 to 3 2 to 3 4 to 5 Screwed 2 8 2^ 7 7 74 llA 12| 51 7f 3x1 f 3x1+ 34 X 1+ 1 li 20 00 23 00 1 90 |6 00 5 to 6 5 S: S 3 lOi 181 8f 34 140 12 4x1+ 1* 23 00 27 00 2 no $5 66 7 50 6 to 7 51 7\ p. m 111 304 10+ 3 135 12f 4 xH 2 27 00 31 00 2 20 6 OU 9 00 7 to 8 61 m m 4 124 23 12i- 3 135 134 44x1+ 2i 32 00 37 00 2 40 7 00 11 00 8 to 9 74 6 4J * 26J 14 43 110 17+ 5x2 n 36 00 41 00 2 60 7 00 12 00 9 to 10 n Screwed 4* 14+ 28 14+ 4 105 18 54x2 n 40 00 46 00 2 80 8 00 14 00 10 to 11 84 7 5* 14+ 28.* 15i 5« 105 18 6x2 3 45 00 52 00 3 00 8 00 17 00 11 to 12 9 8 5* 154 32f 174 6 98 191 7x2 B+ 54 00 62 00 3 25 9 00 21 00 13 to 14 10 9 6i 17 35A !9f 6J 98 3]f 8 x2 4 64 00 73 00 3 50 10 00 25 00 14 to 16 11 10 7^ 184 88 204 7 95 25+ 9x2+ 4i 74 00 84 00 3 75 11 00 31 00 16 to 18 lU 104 71 21 42 22| 7 92 28 10 x2+ 5 84 00 95 00 4 00 13 00 37 00 18 to 20 12 11 •:% 21 424 22f 7i 93 28 11 x 8 5i 97 00 109 00 4 25 14 (0 42 00 20 to 23 13 12 84 22 48 244 8 85 32 12 X 3 6 110 00 123 00 4 50 i5 00 .50 00 23 to 36 14 13 9i 23 50 26f 8+ 77 35 14 X 3+ 7 130 00 144 GO 5 00 17 00 60 00 26 to 28 1.54 144 94 23 51 27t 9 77 354 14 X 3+ 8 16) 00 175 00 6 00 19 (10 75 00 28 to 30 17 16 lOi 24 554 30 10 70 374 16 X 4 9 180 00 196 00 7 00 21 00 30 to 33 18 17 -HI 36 59 33f 11 70 40 18 x4i 10 200 00 218 00 8 00 23 00 38 to 37 20 19 13i 26 68 87 12f 70 40 18 X 4+ ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 53 THE SM ITH-VAI LE STEAM PUMPS Are Recommended to the Users of Steam Pumps as the Simplest and Most Durable of any in the Market, for the tollowing Reasons: First. — A plain Slide Valve. Second. — Simplest in construction. Third.- — Made of the best material. Fourth. — A positive connection from Piston Rod to main Valve. Fifth. — Gradual closino^ of. Steam Valve as it approaches the end of its stroke. Sixth. — Using no Springs, Tappets or revolving Valves in Steam Chest. Seventh. — An improved removable Water Cylinder. Eighth. — Adapted for either hot or cold water. Ninth. — No dead centers. Tenth. — Can be run at any speed. Eleventh. — Using the Improved Removable Water Cylinder. It is for the interest of the purchaser, when ordering a Pump, to state fully the condition under which they desire the Pump to work : First. — For what purpose is the Pump to be used ? Second. — What is the average steam pressure ? Third. — What is the liquid to be pumped, and is it hot or cold ? Fourth. — The height to be lifted by suction ? Fifth. — The height of discharge above the Pump ? Sixth. — The greatest and average amount of liquid per hour ? In all Pumps of 10-inch stroke we use only two sizes of Water Box, the smaller size taking from 4 to 6^ inch diameter removable Water Cylinder ; the larger size taking from 6 to 1\ inches diameter. These removable Cylinders are turned to gauge, so that they can oe removea for repair, when needed, and another inserted without disturbing the pipe con- nections, and of sufficient thickness to admit of re-boring when necessary. The Smith - Vailb Steam Pump is direct - acting, having a positive motion imparted to the main Slide Valve from a Cross -Head on the Piston Rod, through a Concave which is directly connected to the Slide Valve (as shown in cut). By the movement of the Cross - Head under the Concave, the main Valve is closed gradually, commencing at two -thirds stroke, thus preventing much of the concussion of a reverse stroke. Attached to the main Valve, and carried with it, is a supplemental Piston, which, on the arrival of the main Valve at the center, takes steam at one end and carries the main Valve to the end of its stroke, or opens the port for a reverse stroke of the Pump — this being the only duty of the supplemental Piston, as the closing of the port is done by the Cross -Head. THE DAYTON CAM PUMP Is especially adapted to boiler feeding at slow speed ; also, in returning the con- densed water of steam heating - coils direct to the boiler without the use of traps. This simple form of heating buildings does away with all complications, freezing of pipes, troublesome traps, etc., etc. We are prepared to show plans of how buildings with dry houses connected, using over one hundred thousand feet of heating pipes, have been heated for the past three years (without any traps), and the condensation returned to the boiler at a heat due to 100 pounds boiler pressure, working automatically, requiring no further care than oiling the Pump occasionally. 54 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. DAYTON CAM PUMP. FOR BOILER FEEDING AND PUMPING HOT WATER. "* < Ed E- . CO « . c^ Ed CO O Q H P2 rid < m O M 3 a g y. hi fife a o o • E- W H 3 i > ij o o K H CO § = § ? z a a J ■A o a s < to D n 4 10 .54 1 /^ 2i 2 $325 00 H 4 10 .54 li n H 2 350 00 H 5 10 85 11 "2" 3 21- 375 00 H 6 •10 1.22 li 2J. 3 H 375 00 11 H 14 2.01 H 21 4 3 400 00 13^ H 14 2.01 2 3 4 4 500 00 13^ H 14 2.68 2 3 5 4 550 00 16i n 14 2.68 ^ 4 5 4 600 00 16^ 9 18 4.95 '^ 4 6 6 16i 10 18 6.12 n 4 6 6 18 10 18 6 12 3 4 6 6 18 11 18 7.69 3 4 8 6 18 10 24 8.16 3 4 6 6 18 11 24 10.25 3 4 8 6 20 10 24 8.16 3 4 6 6 20 12 24 11.74 3 4 8 S 20 14 24 16.4 3 4 10 8 20 30 30 10.20 3 4 8 <; 20 12 30 14.06 3 4 8 8 20 14 30 20.15 3 4 10 8 Estimates for larger size or other combinations of Cylinders given on application. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 57 PATENT DIRECT ACTING STEAM PUMPS, WITH BOILER AND FIXTURES COMPLETE, ARRANGED ESPECIALLY FOR RAILWAY WATER STATIONS. These Pumps are fitted with PATENTED REMOVABLE WATER CYLINDER, which can be removed or changed without disturbing any pipe connections. a 1 DIAMETER OF STEAM CYLINDER. DIAMETER OF WATER CYLINDER. (4 < i < a o b ;=> O N 1 = a B N p O O u O J "a 2 " eg 15 16 17 18 19 Inches. H H 4 4 i /^ i 1 7 .25 .39 .72 .39 .72 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 H 3 2 2 2i $200 210 225 225 250 $475 500 525 525 550 20 21 23 25 2G n n 4 5 6 ly n 10 10 10 10 10 .54 .85 1.22 1.66 1.99 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 •4 3 4 4 4 2 3 3 2 4 325 350 365 375 375 600 625 650 675 700 27 29 31 32 H H 5 6 i •^ 1 4 10 10 10 - 10 .85 1.22 1.66 1.99 2i 3 4 4 4 o 3 4 4 375 400 415 425 700 740 780 800 33 34 35 37 38 39 40 11 n 11 13|- iH 13| 13^ 8 9 8 9 10 12 14 14 1\ 14 14 18 18 2.32 3.05 3.85 3.05 3.85 6.12 8.81 H H n 2 •> 2 2 f 3 3 3 5 G 6 6 6 8 8 5 6 6 6 7 8 510 535 550 625 650 • • • • * " Every Pump and Boiler thoroughly tested before leaving our Works. 58 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. Eureka Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus. Sectional View of Low Pkessuke Steam Geneeator, Front to Rear. EXPLANATION. (A) Fire-box. (B) Fire-grate; a sliake and dump grate, perfectly cleaned of waste quickly, without losing the fire. (C) Grate bar supporting tire grate. (D) Space between Are and ash grates. (E) Ash pit beneath ash grate. (F) Ash grate in two parts. (G) Steam dome connected to top of boiler proper, with three nipples k k, which extend to height of concave surface, holding water to that height, thus prevent- ing tlie possibility of superheating. By this arrangement water is carried much higher in the boiler proper than is practical with ordinary vertical boilers, and greater length of life is given it. (H) (H) (H) Steam feed pipes. (L) Cleaner box, through which tubes are cleaned with steam, and more quickly than most other boilers. (M) Feed mouth for fuel. (N) Smoke flue with direct and indirect connections. (O) Dam- per set in direct flue. (S) Diagram of open flange on outside, to which return drip pipes are connected. (T) Apex of an inverted V, closing at a point just below where the diameter of smoke flue M'ould come below bottom edge of dome. The extremes of the ^ extend down and around the sides of boiler, termi- nating just above the flanges S. The work entire is set on a cast iron base plate (seen at bottom). In setting the brick work a space three inches in the clear is left around the boiler proper and circular part of base, except the ^, which is made by ci'owding bricks in on end against the boiler. The tV constructed as described, in combination with damper O, when closed compels the products of combustion, when passed through the tubes, to turn over and down that part the shell in front of the jV, when, on reaching its extremes at S, they pass to the rear and out through the indirect base flue of smoke pipe N. This is the usual operation, and by it the fire surfaces are largely increased, and with the more thorough application of heat there is much less fuel required to make the same steam than with most boilers. The damper in direct flue may be opened for any needed convenience. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 59 EUREKA LOW PRESSURE STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. Fig. 82. Set in Bkick, with Trimmings akd Fixtuees Complete. EXPLANATION. At the top will be seen the main steam feed pipe with valve set to same; also safety valve. A con- nection for the steam cleaner with valve set at front edge, and, for convenient illustration, we have shown the hose and cleaner attachment complete. By this attachment to clean the boiler flues, the valve in feed pipe would be closed, steam run up to ten or twelve pounds, when, on opening the door above ornamenal front and inserting the cleaner, each tube may be blown clean of soot, also any recesses in or around the boiler. Hand holes, for cleaning out soot accumulations at base of boiler work ai'e shown on side and front. At the right upper corner is seen the Combination Bo.x with Trvcocks. Water Gauge and Steam Gauge attached. On the left hand upper corner is seen the Automatic Regulating Apparatus, with its attachments. The chain at right hand of bar connects to the draft door and the one on the opposite end to the door of the cold-air check draft. By increasing the weight seen on the left hand end of bar the fire and steam is increased, and by decreasins; the weight the intensitv of the fire and steam is reduced, and the weights may be so adjusted as to holdllie steam continuously at one's will. At front left hand corner of brick woi-k is seen the water connection with the valve shut olT. Also below the inlet to boiler, is .seen the waste or blow-off attachment, for cleaning the boiler of water or sediment, which waste should connect to sewer. ^ j ■ At the left hand lower center is seen the connection for return to boiler of waters ot condensation, with a check valve on the amile. The ornamental front shows the doors opening into fire pot, the draft door opening to between the 'fire and ash grates, and ash door opening to underneatli ash grate for the removal of ashes. That part of the lower center front containing the draft and ash doors is removable to admit of replacing the grates. 60 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Ot Oi Oi Ot Ot Oi CJi O' Oi GO a? CC or. CO 00 05 4^ 4- h- r— ' •<} -Q iO 6i 3 *^^|^— |^|.J||^.J|^|-1 11^.^1^1-1*^1— |^^l^|..ltx|-i *^.i*.|-.i^^|(lp ,(^1^1^ |(>^^|P^^,p.)>J.|^^(>.|^J|tl^,J|(>^ oooocna)ooooooooGoocoooooocoooGooooo^"j'-l^ ^^^s^^^^^^^-l^-'l-'l— 'i-'i— 'h- '1— ii— 'I— ' l4^i06i'h-OCOOO~CiCriO(rf^OJ*NSI— '05C>00— irf^>f^M^e4^rt-M-rf^OO^si-c;wo^4*i— 'Oo^*^^^OD(aI^:/oa^^-(Xl^ocvoo^^op Length of Shell. (01- M(— M|— Ml— Ml— M|— M|— Ml— M]- M|— Mi— <0i— Mj- Ml— Ml— Ml— <4i— M|— Mi— M|— M|— Ml— M|— Mi— » Diameter of Tubes. h-a2'yI^^ocloiO-^ooi0^n^^-'oooiO^-'Oo^^oo^(^cop Length of Tubes. OOOOOOOOOOOGOODOOOOODOOO>Oirf^><^WWl— 't-J ::? O O CO ^O ^O i^O O O Ol Or Oi Ot 0< Ol O Ci CI CO 00 to iC o o Number of Tubes. Gauge of Shell. a>iwQC>|wOC)|COQ0lM(»|CC00|&OCOJMO0|CC00|COXiCO30lwa(^WCo|cuOqCO00|WQ0{wO0]MQ0{MO0{CuCX^W00{M00|CO<»|wCX[O3 3 Gauge op Heads. OtOiCuCnOiOiOtCnCnOiOiCOrOtCJ'OiO' OTCnUtlf>-hf>-hf^Hf^5 Space bet. Boiler and Dome. Height of Dome. Diameter of Dome. GOCO0DCO.CO00Q0GOCO00000000GO0D0C-3-f^otsc50?> Height of Water Line'. I— il-'0000«5«500<£)COCOOOCO^--'^— '>— 't— 'I— '*-' « hjo^^otoii— 'co-^oia2?oocr>KiOT>(^6i»— 'Oooo^3 0ih^3 OCOOOOOOO M|-M|— Ml— Ml- to O' O" o» Oi Ol Oi d o» c Ml— M|— Mi— M^- Ml— Ml— «^— td— Mi— M|— Mi— » Feet of Heat Surface-- Size Steaji Feeit. Size Return Pipe'. ^s^s^s^^5*^a^s^^^^^i^s^ol— ih-ii— 1)— 'h- 'I — h-'i-'i— 'i-ii-j O~OC»'-3CiOTCn>f^0iOOCD00^3^'?Cr5OiOt*-00 1— '"o CO CO oi o O' o O' ot.o o c O' o oi cji oi o o oi o o C" o O' oi o oooooooooooooooooooooooo Number of Brick Requireo to Set. c;C5Cic:oociOC5ooc502c>ciOOitfiCno»tf>-rf^>f^4^: C/DC»:OO0aDOO0OO0CCi— 'h- 'h^HJ!.-!--!— '-J-^iOOOJCOCOrf^ht-; Size Square of Brick Work. OOCOCOCOCCCoaJCOOOO'O'OiOiCntnOiCOOieOti-OOOOCOg M^ Ml— Ml— Mi— Mi— M|— Ml— Ml— M|— Mj- M]- Ml— Mj- Mi— Ml— M|— MJ- Ml— DiAM. OF CiRC. Smoke Flue. 4- ii fO 1-1 I— I O CO CO CO --"i ^5 Ci Ci Ol Oi rf^ hf^ OO CO Oi to to ^ l-J O ^^ j^i» j^p'j"'*J^j'^J^j*^J>3jMj»j:/;j-"jjO)_GO_k;^^t-' jr: j:^ ojn o o o o o"o"o o"o o o o oo o o1d o c o o o oo oooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo oococooo ooocooooocooccoo tOtOl— 'I— '*— 'k-''— ^1— 1|— 'I— 'I— 'l-J >-'OC0^-SOO*-03t0>-''-'OCD00^C-. OlOlht^rf^OJCitOtO O O p'p'JXJJD jUi jyi j:jipi J3_p JD j3 O to Oi O Oi O C" o o> o ~o "o "o Id "o ~o "o "o "o "o "o "o "o ~o "o "c "o "O' ~o o 'o "o ~c "o oooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooo o ^ > K s M > o o > r « < *»i r •^ O M » s a CD cn o o O r+ P. O -h CO n' CO CO CD m c -s CD ?r CO rt- CD 9) X CD rt; 5' > •a •o -s p c CO ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Gl ONE INCH VERTICAL RADIATOR. Furnished with Iron or Marble Top. Painted and Ornamented in any Style desired. THREE TUBES WIDE • Number of Tu lies 13 18 24 30 36 Heiirht of Radiator inches 37 37 37 37 Length of Base, without valve 12 151^ 20 243/^^ 9 ■ 291,' Width of Base, inclies , . 9 9 9 FOUR TUBES WIDE. Number of Tubes 40 38 48 38 29>^ 12 56 64 73 38 80 38 «8 38 96 38 104 38 113 120 38 Height of Radiator, inclies 38 341^ 38 391^ 38 Len""th of Radiator without valve. inches 24M 13 13 48 12 531^ 12 58 13 621^ 12 67 12 79, Width of Base 13 12 12 No 1 ROUND RADIATOR. To place around Columns in Stores and Office Building's. No. 2 ROUND RADIATOR. For General Use. No. 1 — No. of Tubes, 140. No. 2 — No. ol Tubes, 34-60. PRICES ON APPLICATION. 62 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. IRON PIPE COILS. Ornamental Box Coil. For Sizes see Table, Page 63. Plain Box Coil. For Sizes see Table, Page 63. Fig. 88. Ornamental Bracket Coil. One and 1 wo Tubes Wide. Fig. 89. PATENT IMPROVED STEAM TRAPS. Fig. 90H. SIZE. Draining Capacity. Price, Each. No. 1 1,500 feet of 1-inch pipe, 4,000 " 10,000 " $25 00 35 00 " 2 •' 3 65 00 STEAM TRAPS. SIZE. Draining Capacity. Price, Each. 12-incli 15-incli 1,500 feet of l-inch pipe. 3,500 " 5,000 " $23 00 36 00 18-incli 54 00 Fig. 91. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 63 TABLE OF NUMBERS AND SIZES OF ONE-INCH BOX COILS. J OS n a a o 4 oi a g ij in ftl Q a J a Q a o y K ^ a o 'A ^ W o o !? ^ » o o ^ W 5 g a b S o ►J o o ■A M s CO CO s a s to a, £ £ CO J O ftl c o !0 ftl £ o Ph ft. o ft< o O ft. o dn ft. o ft. o ft. O ft. o Ph ft. o ft. o ft. o ft. o £ ft. o O ft. o o PJ ft< O s K ft] e: u ft. o a « u ft. « a s ^ O f o &. o a B B u n n a a » » ^ 55 a s S ^ ^ p3 H U H t> ftl t= B ia |i< >^ *A a a P^ 1^ ^ !2; y, fe J Jz; 'A "A fc, .^ "A "A 1 56 39 3 6 26 156 39 6 8 51 250 50 6 10 76 368 46 8 12 2 58 41 3 6 27 164 41 6 8 52 250 60 5 10 77 375 50 9 10 3 61 32 4 6 28 166 50 4 10 53 250 50 5 12 78 392 46 10 10 4 69 46 3 6 29 167 50 5 8 54 206 50 8 8 79 395 74 8 8 5 75 371 4 6 30 170 50 5 10 55 269 46 7 10 80 400 60 8 10 6 78 39 4 6 31 175 37* 7 8 56 273 41 8 10 81 400 88 7 8 7 82 41 4 6 32 182 39 7 8 57 276 46 6 12 82 400 50 8 12 8 92 46 4 6 33 184 46 6 8 58 280 60 7 8 83 414 46 9 12 9 94 37i 5 6 34 191 41 < 8 59 287 41 7 12 84 417 50 10 10 10 97 39 5 6 35 192 46 5 10 60 292 50 7 10 85 420 60 7 12 1] 100 50 4 6 36 200 37* 8 8 61 296 74 6 8 86 432 74 7 10 12 100 37* 4 8 37 200 60 5 8 62 300 60 6 10 87 440 88 6 10 13 102 41 5 6 38 200 60 4 10 63 300 60 5 12 88 444 74 6 12 14 104 39 4 8 39 200 50 6 8 64 306 46 8 10 89 450 60 9 10 15 109 41 4 8 40 205 41 6 10 65 308 74 5 10 90 450 50 9 12 16 115 46 5 6 41 209 50 5 10 66 320 GO 8 8 91 460 46 10 12 17 123 46 4 8 42 215 46 7 8 67 322 46 7 12 92 470 88 8 8 18 125 50 5 6 43 219 41 8 8 68 333 50 8 10 93 480 60 8 12 19 125 37* 5 8 44 230 46 6 10 69 345 74 7 8 94 493 74 8 10 20 130 39 5 8 45 230 46 5 12 70 345 46 9 10 95 500 60 10 10 21 134 50 4 8 46 233 50 7 8 71 350 60 7 10 96 500 50 10 12 22 137 41 5 8 47 239 41 7 10 72 350 50 7 12 97 513 88 7 10 23 150 37+ 6 8 48 240 60 6 8 73 352 88 8 98 518 74 7 12 24 153 46 4 10 49 245 46 8 8 74 360 74 6 10 99 540 60 9 12 25 153 46 5 8 50 246 41 6 12 75 360 60 6 12 100 555 74 9 10 NUMBER OF PIPES WIDE. Coils 3 pipes wide are 8 inches in width. ti ^ u !.(. u JQI a tt 1.1. 5 " tt u 23" u ct " 6 " " " \h\ " Coils 7 pipes wide are 18 inches in width. " 8 " " " 20^ " " u Q 1.1. i( 1.1. 213 " <' " 10 " " " 25* " " NUMBER OF PIPES HIGH. Coils 6 pipes high, 4 feet long or less, are 22 inches high. 14 !.<. (( C4 <.!. 27 " n " " " " 32 " (4 a (1 er doz 17.00 Price Nickel Plated Der doz 20 00 Price Silver Plated, per doz 26.00 £^ Fig. 209. Price, Finished, per doz . 34.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 3S.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 46.00 92 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY, COMPRESSION DOUBLE BASIN COCK, FOR BACK OF SLAB. -#4|#- Price, Finished, each . Price, Nickel Plated, each . Fig. 210. Price, Silver Plated, each. 5.00 5.50 6.50 . COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, WITH RING CUP. Price, Finished, each. Price, Nickel Plated, each. Price, Silver Plated, each. 7.50 .00 9.50 Fig. 211. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, WITH CHAIN STAY. Price, Finished, each. Price, Nickel Plated, each Price, Silver Plated, each. 7.00 7.50 9.00 Fig. 212. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK. Price, Finished, each , Price, Nickel Plated, each . Price, Silver Plated, each. 6.50 7.00 8.50 Fig. 213. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, HANDLES IN FRONT. Price, Finished, each. Price, Nickel Plated, each. Price, Silver Plated, each. 6.50 7.00 8.50 Fig. 214. COMPRESSION DOUBLE BATH COCK, HANDLES ON TOP. Price, Finished, each. Price, Nickel Plated, each. Price, Silver Plated, each . 6.50 7.00 8.50 Fig. 215. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 93 A. PRIER & CO.'S SELF-CLOSING BIBB. CLOSING WITH THE PRESSURE. FOR LEAD PIPE Size. Brass. Nickel Plated. Silver Plated. -1- inch. Der dozen $24 00 27 00 $39 00 42 00 $42 00 1- " " 51 00 FOR IRON PIPE. Size. IJhass. Nickel Plated. Silver Plated . 1- inch. Drice Der doz $2S 00 31 00 78 00 . $43 00 46 00 $46 00 3 (( « « 55 00 2 '< " t< 94 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. A. PRIER & CO.'S SELF-CLOSING BASIN COCK. CLOSING WITH THE PRESSURE. BASIN COCKS Price, finished, per dozen 145 00 Price, nickel plated, per dozen '. 48 00 Price, silver plated, " 60 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 95 ZANE'S OR BOSTON SELF-CLOSING WORK. PLAIN BIBB. Fig. 225. Size, inches f i f 1 Price, Finished, per doz 21.00 24.00 27.00 72.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 36.00 39.00 42.00 42.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 39.00 51.00 PLAIN BIBB FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 226. Size, inches. . ■ Price, Finished, per doz Price. Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz STOP COCK 25.00 40.00 43.00 28.00 31.00 43.00 46.00 46.00 55.00 1 78.00 Fig. 227. Size, inches + f Price, Lead Pipe, Finished, per doz 24.00 27.00 Price, Lead Pipe, Nickel Plated, per doz 39.00 42.00 Price, Lead Pipe, Silver Plated, per doz 42.00 51.00 Price, Iron Pipe, Finished, per doz 32.00 47.00 35.00 Price, Iron Pipe, Nickel Plated, per doz .511.00 Price, Iron Pipe, Silver Plated, per doz 50.00 59.00 96 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ZANE BASIN COCK. Price, Finished, per doz. . Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz 45.00 48.00 60.00 rig. 228. ZANE PANTRY COCK. Price, Finished, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Hose ends, extra . 54.00 72.00 64.00 4.00 Fig. 229. ENGLISH BROTHEES, KANSAS CITY. 97 ZANE URINAL COCK. Size, inches i Price, Finished, per doz 36.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 60.00 Fig. 230. Fig. 231. ZANE HOPPER COCK. With Plates and Handles. Size, inches. Price, per doz . f 60.00 ZANE HOPPER COCK. Size, inches. Price, per doz . 30.00 Fig. 232. 98 EJ^aLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. DOHERTY'S SELF-CLOSING WORK. rig. 233. BASIN COCKS. Price, Finished, per doz 42.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz - - 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . . 56.00 URINAL COCKS. Price Finished per doz 35 00 Price, Nickel Plated per doz 45.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 60.00 PANTRY COCKS, Price, Finished per doz : 60.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 69. Ou Price, Silver Plated, per doz 72.00 Hose Ends, extra 4.00 PLAIN BIBBS, FOR LEAD PIPE. Size inches i f Price, Finished, per doz 24.00 27. UO Price Nickel Plated nev doz 37.50 40 00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . . 40.00 48 00 PLAIN BIBBS, FOR IRON PIPE. Size, inches i f Price Finished ner doz 27.00 30.00 40.00 45.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 44.00 52.00 STOPS, FOR LEAD PIPE. Size, inches i f Price, Finished per doz 24.00 27.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 37.50 40.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 40.00 48.00 • STOPS, FOR IRON PIPE, i 1 Price, Finished, per doz 30.00 33.00 45.00 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 48.00 56.00 HOPPER COCKS, FINISHED FLANGE AND HANDLE. Lead $28.00 1 Iron... BALL COCKS.— Including Weighted Ball. , Lead, i inch $31 .00 | Iron, i inch .$30.0(? .$34.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 99 FULLER WORK. FULLER PLAIN BIBB. Fig. 234. Size, inches 3 i 5 3 4 1 14- 'T Price, Finished, per doz 16.00 18.00 20.00 26.00 36.00 56.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 20.00 22.00 24.00 32.00 46.00 70.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 28.00 34.00 40.00 50.00 64.00 85.00 FULLER HOSE BIBB. Fig. 235. ' Size, inches .' i 1 1 1 Price. Finished. Der doz 21.00 24.00 30.00 38.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 25.00 38.00 36.00 48.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 37.00 44.00 54.00 66.00 FULLER PLAIN BIBB FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 236. Size, inches ' 1 5 "8" 3. 4 1 Price, Finished, per doz 21.00 24.00 30.00 40.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 25.00 28.00 35.00 48.00 Price. Silver Plated, ner doz 31.00 36.00 44.00 64.00 100 ENGLISH BEOTHERS, KANSAS CITY. FULLER HOSE BIBB, FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 237. Size, inches i * 1 1 Price, Finished, per doz 24.00 27.00 32.00 42 00 Price, Nickel Plated, per dozen 28.00 31.00 37.00 50.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 34.00 39.00 46.00 66 00 FULLER PLAIN BIBB, FLANGE AND THIMBLE. Fig. 238. Size inches 1 i 1 f 1 Price. Finished, vtev doz 23.00 26.00 28-00 36.00 48.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 28.00 32.00 34.00 42.00 58.00 Price. Silver Plated. Der doz 36.00 42.00 46.00 56.00 75.00 FULLER WASH-TRAY COCK. Fig. 239. Size, inches. Price, Finished, per doz. 20.00 5 22.50 3 30.00 40.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 101 Fig. 240. FULLER WASH TRAY COCK. With Flange and Thinable. 1 ^ 5 "S" f 1 Prifip l^^inishfd ner doz. 26.00 28.00 36.00 50 00 IMPROVED BALL COCK. Size, inches * t . Price, with Ball, for Lead Pipe, per doz 27.00 .34.00 Price, with Ball, for Iron Pipe, per doz 32.00 38.00 Fig. 341. FULLER BASIN COCK. Price, Finished, per doz. Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. Price, Silver Plated, per doz. Price, extra for Ring Cup, per doz . 33.00 40.00 46.00 8.00 Fig. 242. 103 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. FULLER BASIN COCK. No. 2. Price, Brass, per doz 36,00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 44.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 50.00 Extra for Rino* Cnp, cer doz 8.00 Fig. 243. FULLER BASIN COCK No. 3. Price Rrass. Finished. Tier doz 46.00 Price Nickel Plated, ner doz 54.00 Price Silver Plated Der doz 60.00 W.Tctra for Pino" Oiin ner doz 8.00 Fig. 244. ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 103 FULLER BASIN COCKS. Fig. 245. Number 4. Price, Finislied, per doz 56.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 70 00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 64.00 Extra for Ring Cup, per doz 8.00 Fig. 246. With Low Down Outlet. Price, Finislied, per doz 54.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 60.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz •••••• ,.--■ 65.00 104 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. FULLER DOUBLE BASIN COCKS. Fig. 249. Number lO. Fig. 248. Number 9. Number .... 9 10 Price, Finished, each 16.00 24.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 18.00 28.00 Price, Silver Plated, each 20.00 33.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 105 Fig. 350. FULLER PANTRY COCK. (See Fig. 250.) Number 1 2 Price, Finished, per doz 36.00 42.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz.. . . 42.00 50.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. . . . 50.00 60.00 FULLER DOUBLE PANTRY COCK. (See Fig. 251.) Number 8 9 Price, Finished, each 12.00 16.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 13.00 18.00 Price, Silver Plated, each 15.00 20.00 FULLER WORK TRIMMINGS. Eccentric. 'Vt Fig. 252. Size, inches h^i 1 1 Price, per doz 3.00 4.00 6.00 Rubber Ball. Fig . 253. Size, inches.. i-^i f 1 H Price perdoz. .75 1.00 1.25 2.00 Ball Stenn, with Ball. F g. 254. Size, inches i&l 3. ■i 1 Price, per doz 3.00 4.00 6.00 106 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCKS. Complete, with Sprinklers and Tubes. Fig. 255. Number 1 , Price, Finished, each . 10.50 Price, Nickel Plated, each. Price, Silver Plated, extra heavy, each. 12.00 14.00 Fig. 256. Number 2. Price, Finished, each 13.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 14.00 Price, Silver Plated, extra heavy, each . 16.00 No. 2^, same style Handles in front, same prices. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 107 FULLER COMBINATION BATH COCKS. Fig. 257. Number 3. Price, Finished, each. 14.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each. 15.50 Price, Silver Plated, extra heavy, each. 17.00 Fig. 258. Number •4-. Price, Finished, each. 18.00 Price, Nickel Plated, each 21.00 Price, Silver Plated, each. 23.00 108 ENGLISH BKOTHERS, KANSAS CITY. INLAID FULLER WORK. Combination Supply for Hip Bath. Handles Mounted with Ivoky. Fig. 259. Secret Waste for Hip Bath. Handles Mounted with Ebony. Fig. 260. Price Plain Silver Plated enrh 20.00 Price, Plain Silver Plated, each 10.00 Price added for Engraving, each 6.00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handle 1.00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles 2.00 Added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx. 10.00 Added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Ony.x . . 20.00 ' COMBINATION BRACKET SHAMPOO COCK. Handles Mounted with Onyx. Fig. 261. Price, Plain Silver Plated each .... ... 40.00 Price added for Engraving each 8.00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles each 2.00 Price added for Stone Handles Jasner or Onvx each 20.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 109 COMBINATION SHOWER COCK AND SPRINKLER. Handles Mounted with Onyx. Fig. 262. Price, Plain Silver Plated, each. 20.00 Price added for Ene ravinsi-, each . 7.00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles, each 2.00 Price added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx, each . 20.00 Secret Supply for Plunge Bath. Handles Mounted with Ivoet. Combination Bath Cock. Handles Mounted with Jasper. Fig. 264. Fig. 263. "Pvirp Plain Silvpr Platpfl paoh . 12.00 1.00 Price, Plain Silver Plated, each 20 00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles. . . . Price added for Engraving, each 6.00 Added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx. . 10.00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles . . . 2.00 Added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx. . 20.00 Price added for Soap Tray, Plain, each 4.00 Price added for Soap Tray, Engraved, each 6.00 no ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. BASIN COCK, SOAP TRAY AND SECRET WASTE. Handles Mounted with Jasper. Fig. 265. Prifp Plain. Silver Plated. Der set 50 00 Prifift added for Enoravincr. ner set 10 00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles, per set 3.00 Price added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx, per set 30.00 Price, Basin Cock only, each. Price added for EngravinsTi each. 16.00 4.00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles, each. 1.00 Price added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx, each 10.00 Price, Secret Waste only, each . 15.00 Price added for Engraving, each. 3 00 Price added for Ivory or Ebony Handles, each. Price added for Stone Handles, Jasper or Onyx, each. 1.00 10.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Ill PLAIN COUPLING. mmm Fig. 27 Size inclies i f i % 1 1 li li Price Finished, per doz 2.25 2.50 3.50 4.5'J 5.50 8.00 11.00 18.00 Price, Finished, Ground Face, per doz 5.00 6.00 6.50 10.00 14.00 23 00 BOILER COUPLINGS, FOR COPPER BOILER. Straight. Bent. Fig. 278. Fig .279. Size inches i 1 Price, Plain, Fig. 278, per doz 7.50 8.00 11 00 Price, Ground, Fig. 278, per doz 8.00 8.50 11 50 Price, Plain, Fig. 279, per doz 8.50 9.00 11 50 Price, Ground, Fig. 279, per doz 9.00 9.50 13 00 Price of one Straight and three Bent, Plain Face, per set 3.25 Price of one Straight and three Bent, Ground Face, per set 3 50 BOILER COUPLINGS. FOR IRON BOILER. Straight. Bent. Fig. 2S0- Fig 2S1. Sizp inohfs . . , . ... .... J. 4 1 Price, Plain, Fio^. 280, per doz 8.50 9.50 13.00 Price (rroiind. Face Fi"* 280 ner doz . 9.00 10.00 12 50 Price, Plain Face, Fi"". 281, per doz 9.50 10.50 13.50 Price Ground Face Fig 281 per doz 10.00 ii.no l:'. 00 Price of one Straight and three Bent Plain Face, per set 3.50 Price of one Straight and three Bent Ground Face, per set 3.75 HOSE MENDER. Fig. 282. Size inches . f 1 Price per doz 1.00 1.25 112 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. Straight. WATER BACK COUPLINGS. Bent. gj^l^ Fig. 2S3. Fig. 284. Size inches i * 1 Price, Plain (Fig. 283), per doz G.50 7.50 11.00 Price, Ground Face (Fig. 283), per doz 7.00 8.00 12 00 Price Plain (Fi"- 284) per doz 7.50 8.50 12 00 Price, Ground Face (Fig. 284), pei • doz 8.00 9.00 13 00 SOLDERING NIPPLE. Fig. 285. Size, inches i 1 2.25 i f 1 7.50 10.00 2 2* 3 Price, per doz 1.75 2.50 3.00 5.00 14.00 20.00 28.00 SOLDERING- UNION. Fig. 286. Size, inches i 1 i 1 1 n Price, per doz 2.25 2.75 3.00 3.50 5.75 8.50 END FERRULE, FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 287. Size, inches. 2 2i 3 ■Si 4 Price, each .50 .60 .75 .90 1.00 STREET WASHER SCREWS. Iiiniiif?'''^''i Fig. 288. Size inches i f 1 Price per doz : 5.50 6.00 8 50 For Iron Pipe. Witli Flange, for Iron Pipe. FI, ;. 289. Fig. 290. Size, inches i J 1 Size, inches f Price, per doz 6.00 7.00 9.00 Price, per doz 12.00 ENGLISH BEOTHEKS, KANSAS CITY. 113 HOSE BIBB END. Fig. 291. Size, inches Price, per doz . 3.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 |IHM| HOSE NIPPLES. j Pl Fig. 292. Fig. 293. Size inches f 1 n H 3 2i Price, ner doz (Fie. 292) 3.50 5.00 7.00 10.00 14.00 28 00 Price, per doz. (Fig. 293) 3.50 5.00 7.00 10.00 14.00 28.00 HYDRANT NOZZLE. HYDRANT NOZZLE FOR IRON PIPE. Fig. 294. Fig. 295. 'Size, inches i f 1 Price, per doz. (Fig. 294) 4.00 5.00 6.50 Price, per doz. (Fig. 295) 5.00 6.00 7.50 HYDRANT HANDLE AND GUIDE. Fig. 296. Price, Straight, per doz . 6.00 HYDRANT HANDLES. Triangular Guide. For Compression Cocic. Fig. 298. Price, per doz. (Fig. 297). 7.00 Price, per doz. (Fig. 298). Price, Malleable Iron, per lb. 5.00 .15 114 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KA.NSAS CITY, STREET WASHER CHECK. ^^^ Fig. 299. STREET WASHER KEY. Fig. 300. Price, Brass, per doz. . 2.50 Price, Malleable Iron, per lb. .15 HYDRANT CLAMP. HYDRANT SOCKET. Fig 301. I Fig. 302. Price, for i and f in. Cocks, per doz 2.50 3 50 .15 Price, Bras.s, per doz 1.75 Price, for f and 1 in. Cocks, per doz Price, Malleable Iron, per lb .15 Price, Malleable Iron, per lb BASIN PLUG. Common Overflow. Fig. 303. BASIN PLUG. Patent Overflow. Fig. 304. Price, Finished, per doz 6.50 Price, Finished, per doz 7.50 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 7.00 8.00 Price Nickel Plated tigy doz 8.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 9 00 BASIN GRATE. SOAPSTONE OR WOOD SINK PLUG. Fig. 305. Fig. 306. Price Finished per doz 8.00 9.00 10.00 Size inches 1 13.00 H n Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Finished, per doz . . . . 15.00 19.00 Price Silver Plated per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. . Price, Silver Plated, per doz . . 14.00 16.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 23.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 115 SINK OR BATH PLUG. Fig. 3C 7. Size, inches 1 H H If 2 2i 21 3* 4 Price, Finished, per doz .... 2.50 3.50 4.50 6.00 8.00 11.00 15.00 18.00 30.00 WASH TRAY PLUG. Fig. 308. Size, inches 1 li li n 2 2i 2i 3i 4 Price, Finished, per doz 3.50 o.OO 6.50 7.50 !) 00 13.00 17.00 22.00 44.00 TRAP SCREW. Fig. 309. Size inches i 1 n H 2 2i 3 3i 4 Price, Finished, per doz. . . . 2.50 2.75 3.50 4.50 1 7.00 11.00 15.00 26.00 30.00 Round. STRAINERS. Fancy. Fig. 310. Fig. 311. Size inclies H H 2 2i 1.25 3 3* 4 5 3.00 5.00 fi Price, Finished, Round or Fancy, per doz .75 .85 1.00 1.50 z.2o 7.50 Foley's Waste Valve, Flange & Handle. Fig. 313. Runs when Sat Upon. Fig. 312. Price, Basin Waste, Silver Plated, each . 6.67 8.00 Price, per doz 22.00 Price, Bath Waste, Silver Plated, each . . CLOSET VALVES. Fig. 314. Fig. 315. New Pattern, with Air Tube. Price, per doz .^ | 12.00 Price, per doz | 24.00 116 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. CHAIN STAYS, Fig. 316. Fig. 317. Price Finished ner doz 2.25 2.75 3.25 Price Finished ner doz 3 25 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 4.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz 4.50 Fig. 318. Fig. 319. Fig. 320. Price, Finished, per doz 6.00 Price, Finished, per doz 4.50 5.50 6.50 Price, Finished, per doz 15.00 Price. Nickel Pl'd, per doz.. 7.00 8.00 Price, Nickel Pl'd, per doz.. Price, Silver Pl'd, per doz. . Price, Nickel Pl'd, per doz.. Price, Silver Pl'd, per doz. . 17.00 Price, Silver Pl'd, per doz . . 19.00 With Ring Cup. With Ring Cup. Fig. 321. Fig. 322 Price Finished ner doz 8.00 9.00 10.00 Price, Finished per doz 18.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 20.00 Price Silver Plated per doz Price, Silver Plated, per doz 22.00 Soap Cup. Soap Cup, Chain Stay, Ring Holder and Brush Racic, Combined. Fig. 323. Fig. 324. T*rirf* T^'ini^hpfl nor doz . 30.00 Price Finished each .... 7.00 Price, Nickel Plated, per doz 33.00 34.00 Price Nickel Plated each 8.50 Price, Sliver Plated, each Price, Silver Plated, per doz 10.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 117 CHAIN SAFETY. l i I'.aiini ; i=5:UP5 ^^SiSfe) :x. ~^nr u^ IF ""^ r^- tri i' — tTip ; .iiiir c ^ Fig. 325. PRICE PER PACKAGE. BRASS. $2 25 2 50 3 12 4 68 6 36 PLATED. S3 00 3 25 4 08 (0 00 ■\ViRE Gauge. No. 00. No. 0. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. DOUBLE. 1 50 1 95 2 55 3 00 5 25 2 50 2 90 3 75 4 50 7 25 No. 18. No. 17. No. 15. No. 14. No. 12. Fig. 327. 00 70 1 00 1 10 1 25 1 40 1 70 2 50 1 15 1 35 1 60 1 80 2 10 2 25 2 85 3 75 No. 22. No. 20. No. 18. No. 17. No. 16. No. 15. No. 14. No. 12. 118 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. BASIN CLAMPS. Fig. 328. Fig. 329 Fig. 330. Figures. Price per doz . 328 2.00 329 1.50 330 .75 PLATED SCREWS FOR SLABS. Fig. 331. Price, Silver Plated, per doz 1.25 Plain Pattern. TACK MOULDS. Star Pattern. Fig. 332. Fig. 333. Price, Single, each 2.50 3.50 Price, Single, each 3.50 Price, Double each Price Double each 4.50 Closet Crank— Upright. Fig. 334. Closet Crank— Horizontal. Fig.335. Price per doz . 3.00 Price per doz. 3.00 BALL LEVER, FOR CLOSET. Fig. 836. Price per doz. 6.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 119 FULLER HOSE PIPES, Cut showing Straight Stream. Cut showing Spray. Size 3. 4 1 Per dozen .... 18.00 30 . 00 MAGIC^ HOSE NOZZLES. Patented December 7, 1875, and October I O, 1879. |-inch Magic Hose Nozzle, long, with Screw Tip, per dozen $12 00 f-inch " " " short, no " " " » 10 00 1-inch " " " Screw Tip, per dozen 18 00 THE BOSS NOZZLE. Patented March, 1 878. Nickel Plated, per dozen, f -inch $15 00 " " " " 1 " 20 00 HOSE PIPES WITH COCK. Size '. . 3 4 3 4 1 1 li H Leno-th, inches.' 8 12 8 12 ].5 18 24 CD ' - . . - Per dozen 12.00 15.00 U.OO 18.00 34.00 72.00 13G.00 120 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PLAIN HOSE PIPES. HOSE PIPES, PLAIN. HOSE PIPES, SCREW TIP. Size % % 1 1 Size % % 1 1 IJ^ m 2 2i Length, inches 8 13 8 12 Length in. 8 12 8 12 15 18 21 34 Per doz.. ... 6.50 8.50 8.50 11.50 Per doz . . 7.00 9.00 9.00 12.00 31.00 38.00 60.00 115.00 HOSE NOZZLES, TO TIE ON. Size H % 1 1 1 Length, inclies 6 10 8 8 10 Per doz 3 50 5 00 4.50 5.00 6.00 THE CALDWELL PATENT HOSE STRAP. The Cheapest, Simplest and Best in use. PRICE LIST HOSE STRAPS AND FASTENERS. NUMBEK. 8. 0. 13. 14 16. 18 Width, Lkngth, Per Inch. Inch. Dozen. y^ 3% $0 40 % 3M 40 % ^M 60 % 4« 60 1 5 80 1 5% 80 1^ 6 1 00 U€ 6% 1 00 1'4 «3/C 1 30 NUMBEK. 30 32 24. 26. 38 30. 33, 34. 36 Width, I/ENGTII, Inch. Inch. 1^ "1% IK 7K 1^ 8 3 8>^ 3 9 m 9^ ^u 10 ^Vz 101^ 2^ 11 Feb Dozen. $1 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 00 00 Hose Strap Fasteners, ^ to 1 inch, inclusive, each. IX to3i " '• " . $0 50 75 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 121 HOSE SPRINKLERS. Fig. 272. Diameter, inches , n Price, per doz. for f and 1 inch Pipes 2.50 3.25 SHAMPOOING SPRINKLERS. Fig. 273. Price, Finished, per doz. Price, Nickel Plated, per doz. 8.00 10.00 Price, Silver Plated, per doz. 12.00 HOSE COUPLINGS. Fig. 274. Fig. 275. Size, inches i i 1 li H 2 2i 3 3i 4 Price, per doz 2.40 2.40 4.40 10.00 14.00 24.00 40.00 76.00 120.00 150.00 Price, for Iron Pipe, per doz 2.65 2.65 4.65 10.50 15.00 26.00 42.00 79.00 HOSE CLAMPS. Fig. 276. Size, inches 11 1 n u 2 2| 3 Price, per pair .28 .36 .48 .60 .72 .92 1.12 322 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. THE BEST IN THE WORLD Xhe Alexander ^anitary (Jloset. Fig. 337. A FEW FEATURES OF ITS EXCELLENCE. 1. In the Iron Body Closet, the porcelain bowl, being cemented in an iron casing, makes it secure from breakage, and no possibility of leakage. 2. There being a direct outlet from bowl, the contents will be discharged quicker, and the bowl left cleaner than in any other closet. 3. There is no possibility of float being fouled, the bottom of bowl and lower vahe being thoroughly washed each time by the flush from tank. 4. There being a flushing rim, the bowl will fill very quickly. 5. The water in the bowl only being used each time, prevents the noise heard through the house, as in other closets where their whole contents are discharged at once. 6. There is less waste of water with better effect than in any other closet. 7. The bottom valve is very simple and strongly constructed, and it may be easily rewashered by unscrewing porcelain washer. There is no disconnecting of closet. 8. Should the supply of water be shut off, the water in the tank, which rises to same height as in the bowl, would be sufficient to flush the closet several times. 9. The rock shaft has a stuffing nut to the trunk, preventing any escape of sewer gas. There is a flow of water that runs between the trunk and bowl on the rock shaft, prevent- ing any paper from lodging there. 10. The overflow is large and doubly trapped, with outlet for ventilation. 11. The water valve is strong, simple and hardly possible to get out of order, easily rewashed, having sufficient size of ball and leverage to shut ofi" at any pressure and without any noise. 12. By adjusting the ball, the height of water can be as desired. PRICE LIST. Iron Body $25 00 All Earthen , 45 00 With Plated Trimmings. EXGLISH BROTHERS. KAXSAS CITY. ZANE'S SANITARY WATER CLOSET. Price each $32 00 Extra for Enameled Reservoir 4 00 In ordering, please state if wanted Straight or with Offset. Fig. 33!).— Straight. JENNINGS' CLOSET. Price, all Earthenware, each $35 00 " Iron Trap, each 29 00 " with OflFset 25 00 " without Offset 24 00 " Galvanized, extra 1 00 Fig. 340 — Iron Body with Trap. VALVE CLOSET. Price, with Brass Cup and Pull, each $7 00 " with Plated Cup and Pull, each 7 50 CISTERN CLOSET. Complete with Cranks, Ball Lever and Valve. Price, with Brass Cup and Pull, each $7 00 " with Plated " " " .' 7 50 124 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Fig. 343. HOPPER VALVE CLOSET. With Self-Raising Round Seat. Price, Enameled, each ,$10.00 HOPPER VALVE CLOSET. With Trap. Price, Enameled, each .111.00 Fig. 344. BIDET PAN. Made up Complete for Hot and Cold Water. Price, each $48.00 EARTH CLOSET. Price, Black Walnut, each $40.00 Price, Chestnut, with Black Walnut Trimmings, each 35 . 00 Price; Pine Stained, each 30 . 00 Fig. 346. ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 125 SLOP OR URINAL SAFES. Enameled. Fig. 347. Fl,'. 348. Price, for Round French Bowl, each 2.50 Price, for Oval or Sanitary Bowl. 2.50 PHILADELPHIA HOPPER. Enameled. Fig. 349. Long Oval Flushing Rim Hopper^ Enameled. Fig. 350. Price, each. 2.00 Price, each. 5.50 HALF CIRCLE URINAL. Plain and Enameled. Fig. S.-Jl. CORNER URINAL. Plain and Enameled. Fig. 352. ?^i7P nir*hp^ 12 15 Size, inches 9 12 Prioe. Plain, each 1.00 1.30 Price, Plain, each • 1.15 1.30 Price, Enameled, each 2.50 3.00 Price, Enameled, each 2.25 3.00 12G ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. HALF CIRCLE AND CORNER WASH STANDS. On Standard, Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Coupling's. Fig. 3D3. Price, Enameled, each | 9.50 Price, Enameled, each. 9.50 HALF CIRCLE AND CORNER SLABS AND BOWLS. Patent Overflow, Nickel Plated Plug, Rubber Stopper and Brass Coupling. Fig. 355. Fig. 356. Price, Enameled, each | 7.50 Price, Enameled, each. 7.50 WASH BASINS. Common Overflow, Enameled Patent Overflow, Rubber Plug, Enameled. Fig. 357. Fig. 358. Price, 14 inch, each | 3.00 | Price, 14 inch, each | 3.50 PATENT FOLDING, LIPPED URINALS. With Self-Acting Faucet and Brass Couplings Complete; Enameled Inside, and Painted, Bronzed or Marbelized Outside. Fig. 359 Fig 3(i0, With Self-Acting Faucet and Coiiplingis, complete. With Self-Acting Faucet and Couplings, complete. Bronzed outside. With Self-Acting Faucet and Couplings, complete. Marhleized outside. 21.00 22.00 2,^.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY, 127 SQUARE SINK. SIZE. Fig. 361. 13x19, 14 X 20, 15x23, 15X25, 15x27. 16x24, 16x28, 16 X 30, 18x30, 18 X 32 18x36, 18x42 19x38, 20x30 20x36 20 X 40, 20 X 42, 22x42 24 X 48, 24x5' I Pp Pl Price, Price, Depth. Gal- Enam- ' vanized. eled. 5 in. $1 25 $2 60 4 75 6 " 1 50 3 20 6 00 6 " 1 70 3 40 6 25 6 " 1 75 3 60 6 50 6 " 2 00 4 25 7 25 6 " 1 80 4 00 6 50 6 " 2 10 4 50 7 50 6 " 2 25 4 75 7 75 6 " 2 50 5 10 8 50 6 " 3 00 6 25 9 50 6 " 3 00 6 50 9 50 6 " 4 00 8 75 11 75 6 " 3 80 8 00 11 00 6 " 3 00 6 25 9 00 6 " 70 7 75 10 50 6 " 4 00 8 50 11 50 6 " 4 25 9 00 12 00 6 " 4 25 9 00 12 00 6 " 5 75 12 25 15 00 6 " 7 50 16 00 18 00 HALF-CIRCLE SINK. Sis. 262. Number. Back. Width. Depth. Price, Plain. Price, Gal- vanized. Price, Exaji- eled. 1 24 in. 27 " 28 " 311" 14 in. 14 " 16 " 17 " 6 in. 6 " 6 " 6 " U 50 1 80 2 00 2 25 $3 25 3 90 4 50 4 75 $6 00 2 : 7 00 3 4 8 00 9 00 CORNER SINK. Number. Side. Front. Depth. Price, Plain. Price, Gal- vanized. Price, Enam- eled. 1 17 in. 20 " 22 " 25 in. 28 " 31 " 6 in. 6 " $1 25 1 75 2 10 12 75 3 50 4 20 $6 00 3 7 00 3 8 00 128 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Fig. 364. HARRIS SLOP SINK. With Bell Trap. Size, inches. Price each. 12x12 2.00 14x14 2.25 16x16 2.50 Fig. 3B5. Fig. 366. PIERCE SLOP HOPPER. Price each . 3 . 50 SQUARE SLOP SINK. Size, inches 16x16 20x14 24x20 Denth. inclies 10 12 12 Price, Plain, eacli 2.70 3.50 5.00 Price, Galvanized, each 5 . 25 6.50 9.50 Price, Enameled, each 7.50 8.50 11.50 Add, if with Patent Overflow, SI .00 each; if with Patent Overflow and Plug Strainer, add, for Plain, $1.20; Galvanized, $1.25; Enameled, $1.30, each. Fig- 367. SQUARE SLOP SINK. With Rounded Corners, and 4 in. Outlet in Center. Size, inches. Depth, inches. Price, Plain, each. Price, Galvanized, each. 10x22 12 5.00 10.00 HYDRANT CESSPOOL. ':> Size, inches 12x12 14x14 16x16 6 6 6 1.50 1.65 1.80 Fig. 368. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 129 CESSPOOL, WITH BELL TRAP. STENCH TRAP. Fig. 369. Price, 13x13 inches, each 3.50 Price, each.. Fig. 370. .10 CESSPOOL PLATES. Fig. 371. Fig. 37; Fig. 373. Fig. 874. Size, inches 6x8 Size, inches 6x6 Price, each .50 Price, each 30 Sink Bolts. Sink Strainer. Plug Sink Strainer. Sink Coupling. Fig. 375. Fig. 376. Fig. 377. Fig. 378. Price, per doz .... .40 Plaiu, pc'i- doz. . . . 1.50 3.60 Plain, per doz. . . . 3.25 5.00 6.00 Plain, per doz — 1.50 Galvanized, doz . . Galvanized, doz . . Galvanized, doz . . :.oo Enameled, doz . . . 3.00 Enameled, doz STREET WASHER BOX. Fig. 379. STOP COCK BOX. Fig. 379%. Price, each 1.35 Price, each. .75 Plumber's address cast on Covers to order. STRAP SOLDER MOULD. Half Round Bar. SOLDER POT. dSMidi Fig. 381. Fig. 3S0. Size, inches.. Price, each.. 3.00 Price, each. .50 65 1.30 12 3.00 130 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. BOILER STAND. SIZE. 18 U 16 18 20 22 24 12 inch Ring, for 18, 24 and 30 gallon Boilers 35 gallon Boilers 40 '^ " " 52 and 63 gallon Boilers 66 gallon Boilers 82 " " 100 and 120 gallon Boilers 120, 144, 168 and 192 gallon Boilers. Price. PlilCE. Plain . Galvanized. SI 25 $2 50 1 30 2 60 1 40 2 70 1 75 3 25 2 00 3 80 2 25 4 50 2 75 5 00 3 50 6 50 IRON BATH TUB, With Patent Overflow. Inlets for Supply tapped for Iron Pipe. Hospital Use. For Asylum and Fig. 383. No. 1, 5^ feet long, price, Painted, each. No. 2, 6 " " " " " . $21 50 23 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 131 PRIVY SINK, WITH PATENT OVERFLOW PLUG. Painted. Fig. 884. Price 6 feet 1 ong, 31 ir dies wide, 11 inches deep. Each $30 00 u 7 " 8 " 9 " 14 14 <4 44 14 14 44 44 14 11 38 00 u 42 00 u 46 00 (( 10 " I' 44 44 44 50 00 ii 11 " 12 " 13 » 14 44 41 44 44 14 44 44 " il 54 00 (( 58 00 u 1 two sections. . . 75 00 li 14 " (( <4 41 44 79 00 cc 15 " U 44 44 44 83 00 (( 16 '' (C • <( 44 4> 87 00 (( 17 " (( 44 44 44 91 00 (,i 17I-" (4 44 14 44 95 00 URINALS FOR PUBLIC PLACES. Plain, Painted, Galvanized and Enameled. Fig. 385. Number 1 2 Lenath, inches 42 48 Price, Plain, each. . . . 8.00 9.00 Price, Painted, each 9.00 10.00 Price, Galvanized, each 15.00 18.00 Price, Enameled, each 21.00 25.00 132 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. CAST IRON SOIL PIPE AND FITTINGS. SINGLE HUB PIPE. Fig. 386. Prir 3, 2 inch 3 " 4 " 5 " 6 " 7 " 8 " 10 " 12 " 2 " 3 " 4 « 5 « 6 " 7 « 8 " 10 " 12 " , 5 feet long, p (I (C (( 6 feet long, (C « Extra Heavy, (( (( <( u (( (( (( (C U (C « <( u « er foot $0 24 a li 30 u 36 'I 50 a C( 60 4' u 1 00 11 « 1 25 (( (( 2 00 (( li 3 00 <( 5 feet long, <( C( (C <( ner foot 35 (( (' 55 (( (( u ■ 75 ] 00 <( (( 1 20 i( (( 1 75 (C (( 2 25 a (( 3 00 (C c; 4 00 DOUBLE HUB PIPE. Fig. 387. Price, 2 inch, 5 feet lono". each $1 50 " 3 U (( 1 80 " 4 C( a 2 10 " 5 11 u 2 80 " 6 u u 3 30 Tarring Pipe, per length, 2-inch, 3c.; 3-inch, 4c.; 4-inch, 5c.; 5-inch, 6c.; 6-inch, "^c; 7-inch, 9c.; 8-inch, 12c.; 10-inch, 15c.; 12-inch, 20c. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 133 r Fig. 388. Fig. as9. Fig. 390. # Fig. 391. m iuE Fig. 393. PIPE F ITT I N GS. QUARTER BEND. Price, 2 inch, each $0 40 " 3 " " 55 " 4 " " 65 " 5 " " 1 00 " 6 " " 1 20 " 7 " " 2 25 " 8 " " 3 00 " 10 " " 4 00 QUARTER BEND. Double Hub. Price, 2 inch, each $0 70 3 " " 85 " 4 " « 95 " 5 " " 1 30 " 6 " " 1 50 QUARTER BEND. With Two-inch Outlet on Side. Price, 2 inch, each SO 70 " 3 " " 85 " 4 " '< 95 " 5 " " 1 30 " 6 " " 1 50 SIXTH BEND. Price, 2 inch, each $0 40 " 3 " " 55 " 4 " " 65 " 5 " " 1 00 " 6 " " 1 20 EIGHTH BEND. Price, 2 inch, each $0 35 " 3 " " 45 " 4 " " (iO " 5 " " 90 " 6 " " 1 05 « 7 " " .' 2 00 " 8 " " 2 75 " 10 " " 3 75 RETURN BEND. Price, 2 inch, each SO 65 " 3 " " 85 ' 4 " " 1 25 " 5 " " 2 00 " 6 " " 3 00 134 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Fig. 394. LONG BEND. Price, 4 inch, 18 inches long in the clear $1 50 " 5 " " " '■ 2 25 " 6 " " " " 2 50 T BRANCH Fig. 395 2X3 $0 40 3X3) .- 8x2f ^^ 4x4 4x3V 65 4x2^ 5X5] Kt\ '» 5X2J ?x?f • 140 6X4) 6X 3V $1 40 6x 2^ 7x 7 to y 2 75 7x 2) 8x 8) to y 3 25 8x 2) lOx 10 to > 6 50 10 X 2 CROSS HEAD BRANCH. Fig. 396. .$0 80 . 1 10 . 1 25 . 1 60 6X 6" 6x 5 6x 4 OX 3 6x 2 7x 7 to 7x 2 8x 8 to 8x 2- OX 10. .$2 50 . 4 00 . 5 00 . 8 00 HALF Y BRANCH. Fig. 397. 2X2 $0 60 3 X 3 I ^r. 4x4) 4x3[. 1 20 4x2^ 5X5^ ?x|V 160 5x2 6X61 6X5 6x4 } 6x3 6X2 8X8] 8X6 8X5 8x4 8x2J .$2 00 5 00 ENGLISH BROTHEES, KANSAS CITY, 135 DOUBLE HALF Y BRANCH. 2x2 $1 00 3X3) 3x2 p 4X4 4X31 1 4x2) 1 25 65 Fig. 398. 2 25 6X6"] 6x5 6x4]- 6x3 6X2 8x8l 8x6 8x5 ^ 8X4 8x2j .$3 00 6 00 Fig. 399. Y BRANCH. 2X2 $0 60 Ixl[ 80 4x4 4X3V 1 20 4X2) 5X5] 5 X 4 I . pn 5X31 1 60 5X2 6X6 6X5 6x4i- 6X3 6X2 7X7 to 7x2 8x8 to 8x2 $2 00 4 00 5 00 DOUBLE Y BRANCH. Fig. 400. 2X2... 3x3) 3x2r 4x4 4X3,^ ^1 00 1 25 1 65 3 25 3 00 6x 3 6x 2 7x 7 7x 4 8x 8 8x 6 8x 5 8x 4 8x 3 8x 2 10x10 to 10 x 2 .$3 00 . 5 50 . 6 00 . 9 00 OFFSET. 2 inch to offset 4 inch $0 50 2 " "6 " 60 2 " " 8 " 70 2 " " 12 " : 85 3 " " 4 " 75 3 " " 6 " 80 3 " " 8 '• 90 3 " " 12 " 100 4 " " 4 " 85 4 " " 6 " 100 4 " " 8 " 115 4 " " 10" 125 4 " " 12 " 140 4 " " 14 " 165 4 " " 16 " 180 4 " " 20 " 2 25 5 " "4 " 140 5 " " 6 " 160 5 " "8 " 180 5 " " 12 " 2 00 5 " " 16 " • 2 40 6 " " 4 " 2 00 6 " " 6 " 2 25 6 " " 8 " ..2 40 6 " " 12 " •. 2 75 Fig. 401. 136 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. OFFSET. With 2 inch Outlet. Price, 4 incli to offset 4 inch, eacli Fig. 402. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 " 12 " 14 " 16 " 20 " II 15 1 30 1 45 1 55 70 95 10 55 SINGLE HUB, Price, Fig. 403. 2 inch, each . 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 |0 25 35 40 GO 75 1 25 1 40 2 50 DOUBLE HUB. Fig 404. Price, 2 inch, each. 8 4 5 6 7 10 12 $0 30 45 65 75 80 1 40 1 50 2 50 5 00 REDUCER, Price, 4 inch to 2 inch, each Fig. 405 5 5 5 6 6 6 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 5 " 6 Fig. 406. TH I IVI BLE. To Connect Lead Pipe to Iron Soil Pipe. Price, 2 inch, each " 3 " " • 4 " " " 5 " " $0 15 25 30 35 45 STRAIGHT SLEEVE. Fig. 407. Price, 2 inch, each. " 3 " " 5 " « g « " 7 " " 8 " 30 45 65 75 SO 1 40 1 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 137 Fig. 408. Price, 2 inch, each " 3 " 4 " 5 « 6 " 7 " 8 " 10 « 12 PIPE PLUG. $0 15 25 30 : 35 50 90 1 30 2 00 . 3 00 Fig. 409. PIPE REST. Price, 2 inch, each . " 4 " 5 " 6 " 8, " 10 30 40 50 60 70 00 10 75 Fig. 410. Price 2 inch each. PIPE HOOK. 10 08 " 3 " " .. 10 " 4 " " .. 12 " 5 " ^' . 15 " 6 " " . 20 " 8 " " .. 40 S TRAP. Price, 2 inch, each $0 80 " 3 " " 1 25 » 4 " " 1 50 " 5 " " 3 00 " 6 " " 3 75 Fig. 4H. THREE-QUARTER S TRAP. Price, 2 inch, each $0 80 " 3 " " 1 25 " 4 " " 1 50 " 5 " " •• 3 00 " 6 " " 3 75 Fig. 412. 10 138 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Fig. 413. HALF S TRAP. Price, 2 inch, each |0 80 '^ 3 " " 1 25 " 4 " " 1 50 " 5 " " 3 00 « 6 « " 3 75 RUNNING TRAP. Price, 2 inch, each , . , |0 80 " 3 " " 1 25 " 4 " " 1 50 « 5 « " 3 00 »* 6 « « 3 75 Fig. 414. S TRAP. With Outlet in Heel. Price, 4 inch S, each ^2 00 « « Half S, each 2 00 «* « Three-quarter S, each 2 00 Fig. 415. S TRAP. With Outlet on Side. Price, 4 inch S, each $2 00 " " Half S, each 2 00 « ^* Three-quarter S, each 2 00 Fig. 416. ENGLISH BROTHEES, KANSAS CITY, 139 ILLUSTRATION OF FITTINGS. Straiglit Pipe. T Juuclion. T Junction. Curve. Elbow. Slant. Regulat'n Curve. P. Trap. Decreaser. Increaser. Double .Junction. Stench Trap. Breeches, PRICE LIST OF VITRIFIED, SALT GLAZED SOCKET SEWER PIPE Inside Diameter, Inches. Straight Pipe, per foot. Curves antl Elbows, each. Junctions, each. Traps, each. Double Junct'sand Breeches. Increasers. Decrease rs and Slants. Weight per foot, pounds. Number of feet to car-load. 3 4 $0 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 $0 50 60 75 1 00 1 50 1 75 2 10 2 75 8 75 4 75 6 75 8 00 SO 60 80 1 00 1 20 1 60 2 00 2 40 3 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 $1 70 2 10 2 50 2 90 4 00 5 00 6 00 8 50 $0 90 1 20 1 50 1 80 2 40 3 00 3 60 4 50 6 00 9 00 $0 45 60 75 90 1 20 1 50 1 80 2 25 3 00 4 50 7 9 12 15 25 30 35 45 65 100 125 180 3,500 2 700 5 2 000 6 1 600 8 .. 9 10 12 1,000 800 700 550 15 18 400 260 21 200 24 160 Sizes above 18 inches not governed by the usual discounts. PRICE LIST OF FIRE BRICK. No. 1 Square Pressed, per thousand $30 00 No. 1 Moulded, per thousand 28 00 No. 1 Pressed Arch, per thousand 30 00 No. 1 Pressed Key, per thousand 30 00 No. 1 Pressed Bullhead, per thousaud 30 00 No. 1 Circle, per thousand 30 00 No. 1 Soap, Split, Wedge, per thousand 30 00 Dry Milled Fire Clay, for :Mortar, per barrel 2 50 Dry Milled Fire Clay, per ton 4 00 Crude Fire Clay, per ton 2 00 140 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. RANGE BOILERS. GALVANIZED AND PLAIN. CAPACITY. Size. Price, Plain. Price, Galvanized. 18 gallons 21 " 24 " 8 f 3i ' 4 ' 4+ ' 5' • 5 ' 6 ' 3 • 34 ' 4 • U ' 5 ' 6 ' 4 ' ^ ' 5 ' 6 ' 4 ' 5 ' 6 ' 5 ' 6 ' 5 ' 6 ' 5 ' 6 ' 7 ' 8 ' t. X 12 iu. ' X 12 " ' X 12 " ' X 12 " ■ X 12 •' ' X 13 " ' X 12 •' ' X 14 '• ' X 14 " • X 14 " ' X 14 " ' X 14 " ' X 14 " ' X 16 " ' X 16 " ' X 16 " ' X 16 " ' X 18 " ' X 18 " ' X 18 " ' X 20 " ' X 20 " ' X 22 " ' X 22 " ' X 24 " ' X 24 " ' X 24 " ' X 24 " $10 75 11 55 12 50 13 25 14 05 15 75 19 00 14 05 14 85 15 75 16 50 18 25 24 00 , 19 00^ 21 75 23 25 29 00 25 00 28 00 88 00 34 00 42 00 42 00 49 00 47 50 54 00 65 00 75 00 $14 05 14 85 15 75 27 " 17 50 30 " 19 00 35 " 20 75 36 " 24 35 24 " 19 00 28 " 19 80 32 " 20 75 36 " 21 50 40 " 24 00 48 " 29 75 42 " 25 75 47 " 28 75 52 " 30 CO 68 " 38 00 53 " 31 50 66 " 36 00 79 " 44 00 82 " 45 50 98 " 54 00 100 " 54 00 120 " 63 00 120 " 61 50 144 " 70 00 168 " 84 00 192 " 95 00 Four Brass Couplings and Tube for each Boiler, when furnished, to above prices. .75 net in addition COPPER BOILERS. Heavy Pressure Rivet Head. CAPACITY. Price Each. 30 gallons $26 00 30 00 ■h5 " 40 " 34 00 45 " 39 Oi» 50 " 43 00 60 " ; 55 00 70 " 68 00 80 " 72 00 90 " 84 00 100 " 92 00 Fig. 418. ENGLISH BROTHEKS. KANSAS CITY. 141 PATENT SEAMLESS RANGE BOILERS. Copper and Brass. V Fig. 419. For many years efforts have been made to produce a reliable House Boiler, in which the danger of bursting or collapsing, and destruction by rust as in iron, could be overcome. We have succeeded in producing this desired article, and now offer with perfect confidence, our Patent Seamless Range Boilers. They are made from both Copper and Brass, and guaranteed to stand a nacuum, and are all tested at Two Hundred Pounds internal pressure to the square inch. The Boiler consists of two seamless shells, with rounded ends to insure greater strength, joined at the center by a long lap joint, which is covered with a wide seamless band. By cupping thes'e shells from the sheet, a uniform thickness, spring temper, and increased tensile strength are obtained. A seamless band is attached to the bottom of the Boiler, which adapts it to any stand in the market. They are coated with tin on the inside, are handsome, durable, and well finished in all respects, and especially designed for first-class residences. Price, 30 gallon, Copper or Brass, each „ $30.00 «' 35 " " " " 35.00 " 40 " " •' " 40.00 142 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. COPPER GOODS. COPPER BATH TUB. 5, S^ or 6 feet long. Fig. 421. Outside Width at Head and Foot 24 inches. | Outside Depth ' 19 inches. Extra Sizes, larger or smaller than above, cost according to Time and Stock. Weight of Copper, ounces 10 12 14 16 18 20 Price, each 13.75 15.75 17.75 19.75 21.75 23 75 Zinc Tubs, 5, 5i or 6 feet, price each. .$8.00. FRENCH BATH TUB. 4 feet 6 inches long. Fig. 422. Outside Width at Head and Foot. .26J inches. | Outside Depth.. . .22 inc hes. Weight of Copper, ounces 10 13 14 16 18 20 Price, each 15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00 23.00 25.00 SEAT TUB. Size, 24 X 22 inches. Fig. 423. Weight of Copper, ounces . . . . 1 10 12 14 16 Price, each 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 FOOT TUB. Size, 1 6 X 20 inches, lO inches deep. Fig. 424. Weisjlit of Copper ounces 10 12 14 16 Price, each 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 143 SQUARE COPPER PANTRY SINK. Fig. 425. Size inches 13x18 12 X 20 14x16 14x30 14x24 16x24 16x30 18 X 30 Price, each 4.50 5.00 4.50 6.00 7.00 8.00 10.00 11 00 OVAL COPPER PANTRY SINK. Fig. 426. Size inches . 13x18 12x20 14x16 14x20 14x34 16x24 16x30 18x30 Price each 5.00 5.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 COPPER BALL. W Fig. 427. Size inrtieR 5 6 7 8 10 12 Price, per doz 6.00 7.00 10.50 24.00 48.00 72.00 CLOSET PAN. Fig. 428. Weight, ounces, Copper. Price, per doz . 14 7.00 16 .00 18 9.00 144 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY, COPPER ALCOVE. Price, No. 1, each. " « 2, " . .112.00 . 9.50 TINNED COPPER SHOWERS. PLAIN SHOWER. °^ Fig. 430. Price per doz. .$12.00 FANCY TUBULAR SHOWER. With Flange and ThijIble. Fig. 431. Price per doz. ,$32.00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 145 PLUMBERS' EARTF -lENWARE. ed ware, which for variety of arket. 3. -OW. design We would call special attention to our decorat and artistic merit, has never been surpassed in this m WASH BASINJ COMMON OVERFl Fig. 432. Outside Diameter, inches 10 VI 13 14 15 IG Price, Marbled, each 1.20 1.45 1.55 1.70 2.40 3.00 PATENT OVERFLOW, FOR R /lETAL PLUG. Fig. 433. Outside Diameter inches VI 13 14 15 16 Price, Marbled, each ' 1.75 1.90 2.20 2.75 3.25 PATENT OVERFLOW, WITH R UBBER PLUG. Fig. 434. Outside Diameter inches 12 13 14 15 16 Price, Marbled, including Plug, each 1.90 2.10 2.30 3.00 3.50 PANTRY SINK, With. Patent Overflow. Fig. 435. Size inches 20x12 20x14 23x16 24x17 25x17 Price W^hite each 9.00 9.50 10.50 12.50 13.50 146 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. FRENCH CLOSET BOWL. Fig. 436. Price, White, each 2.20 DRIP TRAY BOWL. Eighteen Inches Square on Top. Fig. 437. Price, Marbled, each. 10.00 FLAT BEDFORD URINAL. Fig. 438. Large Small. Size inches loiXlSi 7.50 12iXlGi Price each 6.50 CORNER BEDFORD URINAL. Fig. 439. Large. Small. Size, inches mxiH 10x14 Price, eacli 7.50 6.50 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 147 PHILADELPHIA HOPPER. Earthen. Fig. 440. Price, each, White 2.50 FLUSHING RIM HOPPER, Earthen. Fig. 441, Price, each. White 9.00 SLAB AND BASIN COMBINED. SQUARE. Fig. 442. Size of Slab, inches 18x18 14x14 Inside Diameter of Basin inches *■ 11 11 Price, each 9.25 6 00 CORNER. Fig. 443. Size of Slab on side, inches. Inside Diameter of Basin, inches. 19 14 11 1 11 Price, each 9.25 6.00 148 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. ROYAL PORCELAIN BATH. Molded and Glazed in one piece.' Fig. 444. Outside Dimeis[sions. — Length, 5 feet 6 inches; width at head, 2 feet 8 inches; •width at foot, 2 feet; depth, 1 foot 11 inches; thickness, 2 inches. In a sanitary point of view, every thing favorable is to be said of these Baths. They are non-absorbent, clean, and will last a life-time. Those who can afford and are willing to pay for a first-class article, should call and examine them. A personal inspection will convince any one of their superiority. Price, each, complete with all Fittings $200.00. ALL EARTHEN WASH TRAY. Ceramic. Pig. 445. The only perfect article of its kind ever produced. It does not absorb dirty water. It is absolutely tight and perfectly free from smell. It does not wear out. Price, Single Tub, without Fixtures, each $20 00 " Galvanized Iron Stand, for set of 2 Tubs 11 00 " " " " « 3 " 15 50 " " "• " « 4 « 20 00 " Wood Top, for set of 2 Tubs 4 00 " " " " 3 « 5 50 " « « « 4- « 7 00 EXGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 149 SOAPSTONE WASH TRAY. Fig. 446 All measurements are outside. No. Parts 2 3 Length 4 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. Width 2 ft. 2 ft. Depth 16 in. 16 in. Price, each 30.00 41.00 SOAPSTONE SINK. Fig. 447. Lenffth 2 ft. 3 ft. 3 ft. 6 in. 4 ft. Width 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. 24 in. Depth 7 in. 7 in. 7 in. 13.00 7 in. Price each 10.00 12.00 16.00 Other sizes to order. 150 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PLUMBERS' SLABS. In Italian, American and otiner Marbles. All Slabs are made with 8 inch backs, unless otherwise ordered. In ordering, please state marble wanted ; whether countersunk or plain, or with one or two cock holes, or chain stay, and what size basin. Backs can be made of any height. In calculating measurements, add one mch for each finished edge. CORN ER SLAB. With Two Backs. Fig 448. Size of Slabs inches 18 19 20 21 22 24 Number of feet in Slab t ft. 10 m. 5i 5f 6i 6* n SQUARE SLAB. Single Back. 6^ Fig. 449. Size of Slab, inches 19x24 19x26 20x24 20x26 Number of feet in Slab 5i 51- 51 6 Size of Slab, inches ... 20x28 20x30 22x30 22x86 Number of feet m Slab 6i 6t 7 ft. 1 in. 8i SQUARE SLAB. With Back and Right Hand End. Fig. 450. Size of Slab, inches. Number of feet in Slab. 20x28 7i 20x30 7* 22x30 8 ft. 2 in. 22x36 9* ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 151 SQUARE SLAB.— With Back and Left Hand End. Fig. 451 Size, inches 20x28 20x30 32x30 22x36 No. of feet in Slab 74 n 8 ft. 2 in. 91 RECESS SLAB.— Back and Two Ends. Fig. 452. With nosing or end projections, to finish on the wall. When nosings are made, they are measured to extreme ends, and also one inch for the edge. The Slab can be made without the nosing. These Slabs vary so in size, that a table of measurements would be of no benefit. MARBLE RADIATOR TOPS. Italian or Coloked Marble. OBLONG. /^ ■ ^J. -- \ . ,/ v^ V- A-. Ax'TY'^- Fig. 453. Comers rounded to 24-inch radius (5-inch circle). In measuring, allow for 4, f oi f inch projection all around. ROUND. Tis. 454. In measuring, allow for 4) f or f inch projection all aroimd 152 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. LEAD TRAPS AND BENDS. Fig. 455. FULL S TRAP. Price, 4 inch, each, " 3 >( (( $1 90 1 70 F16. 456. THREE QUARTER S TRAP. Price, 4 inch, each $1 90 " 3 " " 1 70 " 2 " " 1 10 " IJ " " 80 " li " " 65 Fig. 457. HALF S TRAP. Price, 4 inch, each ..$1 55 " 3 " " o J 35 Fig. 458. RUNNING TRAP. Price, 4 inch, each $2 20 " 3 " " 1 70 " 2 " " 1 10 " 1^ " " ;.... 80 " 1^ " " 65 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 153 FULL S TRAP. Fig. 459. Price, 2 inch, each. " li '' " 10 80 65 HALF S TRAP. Price, 2 inch, each II 00 " li " " 70 '* li " " 55 Fig. 461. Fig. 462. LONG LEAD BEND. Price, 4 inch, each '. $1 35 " 3 " " 1 00 " 2 " " 55 " U " " 45 " li " " 40 Fig. 46S. SHORT LEAD BEND. Price, 4 inch, each $0 90 " 3 " " 75 « 2 " " 45 " li " " 40 " li " " 30 11 154 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. BOWER'S TRAPS. S Trap. Fig. 404. Half S Trap. SIZE. FULL S. HALF S. RUNNING. IKLET. Outlet. Lead & Glass, All Lead, Lead & Glass. All Lead, Lead i Glass, All Lead, Price each. Price each. Price each. Price each. Price each. Price each. 1 inch. li inch. $1 00 $1 20 $0 95 $1 15 li " li " 1 05 1 35 1 00 1 20 $1 10 $1 30 n " U " 1 10 1 30 1 05 1 25 . . • g H " U " 1 38 1 63 1 30 1 55 1 40 1 65 U " 2 " 1 50 1 75 1 40 1 65 .... EXTRAS. Price, Small Glasses, each ' ' Large " " " Small Balls, " " Large " " " Small Lead Cups, each " Large " " " $0 10 15 10 15 30 40 RUBBER COUPLING For Water Closet Bowls, Urinals, Hoppers, Wash Basins, etc. Fig. 466. Fig. 467. Sectional View. Price, per doz. 1.50 RUBBER PLUG. Fig. 468. Price, Rubber Plugs for Wash Bowls, per doz $2.50 Rubber Plug's for Wash Trays and Bath Tubs, sizp- inclies li 1* 2 Price witli Brass Tips and Rinijs, per doz 3.00 3.25 4.00 Price, with Plated Tips and Rings, per doz ... 3.50 3.75 4.50 EXGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. 155 PLUMBERS' TOOLS. RASP. Fig. 500. Size, inches 10 12 14 Price, each 40 .60 .80 FILE. Fig. 501. Size, inches 10 12 14 Price, half round, each ... .... .40 .60 .80 Price, flat, each 40 .60 .80 CHIPPING KNIFE. Fig. 502. Size, inches 4i 5 Price, each 40 .50 CHISEL. Fig. 506. Price, each , 50 GOUGE. Fig. 507. Price, each 50 COLD CHISEL. Fig. SOS. Price, each 35 SHAVE HOOK. CALKING CHISEL. Fig. 503. Price each 45 HATCHET COPPER BOLT. fellilillMlllll III III III II I li I 1 = FLOOR CHISEL. Fig. 504. Price, per pound . .40 Fig. 510. Price, eacli ... 2.50 POINTED COPPER BOLT. ROUND IRON. Fig. 505. Fig. 511. Price, per pound. .40 Xumber 1 Price, each 60 .75 .95 156 ENGLISH BROTHERS. KANSAS CITY. Plumbers' Tools.— Continued. BOXWOOD DRESSER. Fig. 512. Price, each 1 . 00 PLUMBER'S SAW. Fig. 513. Size, inclies 12 14 Price, Single Edge, eacli 90 1 .00 Price, Double Edge, each 1 . 50 COMPASS SAW. Fig. 514. Price, each. .60 CUTTING PLYERS. Fig. 515. Price, each 1.25 HAMMER. SIDE EDGE. Fig. 517 Price, each. .50 TURN PIN. Fig. 518. Number 12 3 Price, each 15 .25 .40 BENDING PIN. Fig. 519. Price, each 25 TAP BORER. Fig. 520. Price, each 45 BASIN WRENCH. Fig. 521. Price, each 1.25 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 157 Plumbers' Tools.— Continued. Price, each. 50 POT HOOK. ^ Fig. 528 Price, each 15 LADLE. SOIL CUP. Size, inches. Price, each. . Fig. 523 2i 3 3i 4 5 6 .30 .40 .45 .50 .65 .90 Fig 529 Price, each .40 BOXWOOD RULE. ■ t^ P=^ ^'^\ -■^ M^ e t 1^^^ L^l-^ gS^ Price. ea( Fig. 524. :h GREASE BOX. Fig. 530. .30 Price, each. 1.25 ANGULAR BORER. BLOW PIPE. Fig. 525. Price, each 1 .75 Fig. 531. Price, each , .75 PATENT RATCHET BRACE. TAPE MEASURE. Fig. 526. Price, each ' .' 2.25 Fig. 527. Price, Tin, each 1 .00 ' ' Brass, " 1 . 25 " Galloway Patent, each 1 .50 Fig. 533. Price, each. .45 158 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Plumbers' Tools.— Continued. PLUMBERS' FURNACE. Fig. 534. Price, each 7 . 50 Price, Blower extra 75 PLUMBERS' HOOKS. frrrr Fig. 535. Price, per lb 20 COPPER WIRE. Fig. 536. Price, per lb 50 WASHER CUTTER. Fig. 537. Price, eacli. . 1 .25 TOOL BAG. ^^^M' -"■ -^i% Fig. 538. . Price, each 4.50 Canvas, each 3.50 PLUMBERS' FORCE PUMP. New Pattern Steam Metal. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 159 BAR SOLDER. Fig. 542. Block Solder. Pig Tin. Fig. 543. Fig. 544. LIST OF SIZES AND WEIGHTS OF LEAD PIPE. CALIBER. i inch Tubing Fish Seine f incli Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong i inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong AA Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong. . f inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong. . f inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong. . Weight PER FOOT. Lbs. Oz. 6 15 8 9 13 10 12 4 12 12 4 12 CALIBER. i inch Aqueduct. ... Ex. Light Liglit 1 inch Aqueduct Ex. Light Light Medium ...... Strong Ex. Strong .> Ex. ex. Strong li inch Aqueduct Ex. Liglit Light Medium Sti-ong Ex. Strong — Ex. ex. Strong 1^ inch Aqueduct Ex. Liglit Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong. . . . Ex. ex. Strong If inch Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong... . Weight PER FOOT. Lbs. Oz 1 8 2 2 8 1 8 o 2 8 3 4 4 4 12 5 8 2 2 8 3 3 4 6 6 3 3 4 5 G 7 .8 9 3 13 4 8 5 8 6 8 12 13 12 8 CALIBER. 2 inch Waste Ex. Light Light Medium Strong Ex. Strong Ex. ex. Strong 2| inch Waste Light 3-16 thick i thick 5-16 thick I thick 3 inch Waste Light 316 thicic i thick 516 thick f thick 3i inch Waste i thick .... 5-16 thick 4 inch Waste i thick 5-16 thick I thick 4i inch Waste 5 inch Waste Weight Per FOOT. Lbs. Oz. 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 8 4 6 8 11 14 17 3 5 9 12 16 20 5 15 5 16 21 35 6 Sheet Lead of following weights, per square foot : 2^, 3, 3|-, 4, 4-|-, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10 lbs. and upward. Pure Block Tin Pipe of all the usual sizes and weights. 160 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PIPE CUTTING, THREADING AND BOLT MACHINE. PEERLESS NO. 8. This is a representation of our No. 8 machine. It is fitted with Expanding Dies from 2J to 8 in., inclusive, and is so arranged that the Dies may be changed without removing the Die Block. The machine can be changed almost instantly, to suit any size of pipe. The Expanding Dies are instantly thrown in or out of place by a lever, thus avoiding the necessity of backing off the thread. It is very compactly built and powerfully geared. Lard Oil only should be used in thread cutting. We have a No. 8 in constant use, and can cut and thread pipe to 8 inches inclusive. Orders for this class of work solicited. PRICE LI ST. No. 8 Machine complete 11,200 00 Dies, per set of 6 . , .' 25 00 We are prepared to furnish the Peerless Pipe machines, larger or smaller tiian above, at bottom prices. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 161 Gas and Steam Fitters' Tools. JARECKI'S PATENT SCREW PLATE AND PIPE CUTTER. EACH PLATE REQUIRES ONLY ONE SET OF DIES. The above represents the best tool in the market for threading and cutting off pipe. Its operation is very simple. The dies can be removed or replaced by giving the roxind thumb -screw a half turn to the left, which gives free movement to the Cam Plate and allows of its adjustment so as to bring the characters "O" in line. When so adjusted, the holes or openings in the top of the Cam Plate will be directly over the slots in the dies, and the operator will be enabled to see just how to arrange the dies so that the Cams will readily enter the slots. The dies and the pipe-cutting knife are easily removed and sharpened by grinding, and when worn out can be replaced at a small cost Another new and important feature in the Jarecki Plate is this : Suppose it is de- sired to thread a number of pieces of the same size of pipe. Ordinarily, every time a thread is cut the dies must be carefully reset — unless you turn back on the threads, as when using a solid die, which is a very tedious operation— but with the Jarecki Plate, first set the dies to the size of pipe to be threaded, then move the adjustable stud to the right as far as it will go and tighten the lower thumb-nut. This will throw the stud in such a position, as to limit the throw of the Cam Plate to the exact point required to bring the dies in position for cutting the thread. When the thread has been cut the Cam Plate can be moved in such a manner as to fi'ee the dies from the pipe. Then, to readjust the dies for further work, it is only necessary to move the Cam Plate as far as the stud will permit, and the tool is again ready for use. This simplicity of adjustment is a very important point of superiority in this plate. No. 1 -Threads and Cuts off i |, -|, f $14 00 ■ No. 2— " " " 1, I, 1, 11 16 00 No. 3— " " " 1, 11, 14r, 2 20 00 No. 4— " " " 2i, 3, 3i, 4 50 00 No. 5— " " " " 4i, 5, 6 75 00 The Nos. 1, 2, and 3 have Two Handles ; No. 4 has Four, Handles ; No. 5 has Five Handles. Larger Screw Plates and Pipe Cutters made to order. 163 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. SCREW PLATES WITH SOLID DIES. NO. 1 1-2. MALLEABLE STOCK. No. 1-|- Threads ^, |, ^, f, and 1 in. Pipe. Price, complete with 5 Dies and Guides $13 00 " Extra Dies, Right or Left, each 1 75 " " Guides, each 35 NO. 2. MALLEABLE STOCK. ^^ No. 2 Threads |, 1 and 1^ inch Pipe Size of Dies 3 inches square by f inch thick. " Price, complete with 3 Dies and Guides $11 00 " Extra Dies, Right or Left, each ..... 2 10 " " Guides, each ^ 35 Die for No. 2 Stock. NO. 3. MALLEABLE STOCK. WITH DRIVING SCREW. j^o_ 3 Threads 1, \\ and 1| inch Pipe. Size of Dies . ^ inches square b}'^ 1 inch tliick. Price, complete with 3 Dies and Guides $18 25 " Extra Dies, Right or Left, each 3 50 " " Guides, each 60 (Can furnish 2 in, Dies and Guides for above at same price.) PIPE TAPS AND REAMERS. -IZE. yi ^ % M « 1 IM 1!^ 2 VA 3 T;ips, each Reamers, " 1 25 i?l 25 1 25 $1 50 1 50 «1 87 1 87 S3 50 2 50 «3 12 3 12 *3 75 3 75 $4 62 4 62 46 25 6 25 810 50 10 50 $15 00 15 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 163 ROD- STOCK. FOR THREADING PUMP STOCK ROD. Three-eiajhths inch Die cuts fourceeii tiireads to the inch and y^ and ^ inch twelve threads Price, with |, -^j and |^ incli Dies net $4 00 " " I and yV i»ch Dies " 3 00 LIGHTNING TAPS AND DIES. Die, Tap and Holder Die only Tap only s 1 1! $3 00 $3 25 1 40 1 40 75 85 FELTHOUSEN'S PATENT PIPE TONGS AND WRENCHES. ^u 111 hftrs 1 2 3 Takes pipe from |- to -J inch. ^ to J inch. ^ to 1 inch. Prices . 90c. $\ 25 §1 50 ALLIGATOR WRENCHES. Nuini)ers 1 2 3 4 .") Holds pipe i to f in. f to 1 in. 4- to li in. 1:^ to 2 in. 2 to 3 in. Length — Inches 5f 10 lo 22 27 Prices.. 33c *1 00 s2 00 $3 00 $4 50 164 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PIPE CUTTERS STANWOOD'S PATENT PIPE CUTTER. Numbers 1 2 3 Cuts pipe from l' to f in. inclusive. 1 to 2 in. inclusive. 2 to 3 in. inclusive. Prices — Complete " Block and Wheel.. Cutter Wheel. $3 00 50 15 $4 50 76 20 $14 00 1 25 30 Numbers 1 2 3 Cuts nine from -g^ to 1 in. inclusive. 1 to 2 in. inclusive. 2 to 3 in. inclusive. Prices — Complete $3 00 1 25 24 24 U 50 1 75 32 32 $14 00 " Block and Wheel.. Cutter Wheels.... Rollers 3 25 60 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY, 165 PIPE TONGS. MADE EXTRA HEAVY AND STRONG. Size inches 1-8 H H 'A H 1 n H 2 ^ 3 3i 4 4i 5 7.00 8.00 6 Price 68 68 T2 1 00 1.10|l.30|l.50 1.60 2.00 3.50 4.20 5.006.00 10.00 BROWN'S ADJUSTABLE PIPE TONGS. Number 1 H 2 3 4 5 6 Takes Pipe from .... Hoi f to 1 MoU 1 to 2 1^ to 3 2^ to 4 3 to 6 Price ... 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.75 4.50 9 00 25.00 JARECKI'S ADJUSTABLE TONGS. Number 1 2 3 4 5 Takes Pipe from i to 1 iioH ito 2i f fo3i U 10 6 Price ...... 3.50 4.00 5.00 9.00 16.00 ROBINS' PATENT CHAIN TONGS. Number 2 3 4 5 6 Ijen2,"th of Lever ■ 2 ft. 3 ill. 3 feet. 4 feet. 5 feet. 6 feet. Takes l-'ipe from 1 to 2 in 5.50 li to 4 in. 2 to 6 in 2i to 8 in. 4 to 10 in. Price '. 6.25 9.011 12.50 16 00 BARNES' PATENT WRENCH Length open, in inclies 6 8 10 14 18 24 36 48 Takes from }4 in. wire to !4 in. pipe. H in- wire to M in. pipe. H in. wire to 1 in. pipe 8.55 M in. wire to IJ in. pipe. '4 in. wire to 2 in. pipe. 6.50 a in. wire to ii in. pipe. 'A in. pipe to 3J- in. pipe. I In. pipe to 5 In pipe. Price, each. . . 2 75 3.15 4.75 9.50 19.00 28.50 166 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. STILLSON'S PATENT WRENCH. IVIade of Black Diamond Cast Steel. Pipe is not Crushed by its use. Lenfftli open in inches () 8 10 14 IN i\ 1 3(i 48 Takes from !^ in. wire to V-i in. pipe % in. wire to ■H in. pipe. H in. wire to 1 in. pipe % in. wire to Hin. pipe. !4. in win to 2 in pipe. \i iu. wire to 2} in pipe. % in. pipe to 3i in. pipe. 1 in. pipe to 5 in. pipe. Price, each a. 75 3.15 3 55 4 75 6.50 y 50 19.00 28.50 The Six luch Wrench, with Screw Driver Attachment on end of handle, $3.90, Nickel Plated. BEMIS & CALL'S GAS PIPE WRENCHES. WITH LONG NUT. Bright 10 inch, adjustable to pipe from Y^ inch to 1 inch inclusive $2 25 " 13 " '■ " ' y, ■<■ U" ' 2 50 " 15 " " " " Vz "2 " " 3 50 PACKER'S PATENT RATCHET DRILLS. ( SLEEVE OR MONITOR PATTERN. ) Numbers 1 2 3 4 Length of Handle, inciics iO 12 16 18 Price 10.50 13 50 16.00 19 00 BOILER RATCHETS. No. 1, Length of Handle 10 inches, price. .> 2 " " 12 " " $9 00 JO 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 167 GAS PL Y E RS- H u be r's, Size, inches 5 6 i 8 Polished, Price, each 75 75 do 1 10 Size, inches 9 10 12 14 Polished, Price, eacli 1 30 1 60 2 10 2 50 BURNER PLYERS-Two Holes. Size, 7^ inches Price, each . GAS FITTERS' AUGERS. .$1 40 Size of Auger, in . . . t 3 i - U I5- H 2 n 3 Size of pipe, in 1 4 3 8 i ji 4 1 H n 2 H Price, each 1 45 1 80 2 00 2 85 3 45 4 00 4 50 5 80 7 20 111 ordering augers state pipe size. PROSSER'S SPRING TUBE EXPANDER. Size of tube, outside, in . . . 1 H 1-2- 1| 2 2i H 2| Price, each 11 00 11 00 12 50 15 50 16 75 18 00 21 00 25 00 Size of tube, outside, in ... . 3 H H 4 n 5 6 7 Price, eacli 31 00 36 00 42 00 46 00 52 00 58 00 83 00 104 00 DUDGEON'S PATENT ROLLER TUBE EXPANDER. Size of tube, outside, in . . . 1 li n If 2 01 -4 '-h H Price, each 36 00 36 00 36 00 45 00 54 00 63 00 76 00 87 00 Size of tube, outside, in ... . 3 H H 4 H 5 6 I Price each 90 00 108 00 1 20 00 153 00 180 00 216 00 234 00 324 00 168 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. MALLEABLE PIPE VISE. CAST ANGLE PLATE VISE. No. 1 holds pipe from ^ to 2 in., price . $ 8 00 No. 2 holds pipe from i to 3 in., " . 12 00 No. 1 holds pipe from ^ to 2 in., price. $12 00 No. 2 holds pipe from i to 3 in., " . 16 00 N-o. 3 holds pipe from ^ to 4 in., " . 28 00 MALLEABLE PIPE VISE, WITH HINGE. A Very Strong, Light and Cheap Vise. CLOSED. OPEN. No. 1 holds pipe from ^ to 2 in., price ■ SIO 00 No. 2 holds pipe from ^ to 3 in.. " 13 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 169 SMITH'S PATENT COMBINA- TION VISE. Numbers 1 3 Holds pipe from . . . -^ to 2 in. ^ to 3 in. Price nQ 00 120 00 STEPHEN'S PATENT PARALLEL VISE ROUGH AND SMOOTH ,IA"W". WIDTH OF JAW. Sprint 2 inch 2 " Sprino-. 2| " '., H H H H " Ext. Hand. K J - ^ VI ■ Q r fei S^2 K H ^ 22^ S p» ^ £ ^ f- o g ft. t. Inches. Lbs. $ 3 00 $ 3 75 M 2 3 75 4 50 ^ 2 5 50 6 50 3 12 6 00 7 00 3 12 9 00 10 50 5 35 12 50 14 50 6f 60 22 00 26 00 9 110 33 00 39 00 11 160 140 00 150 00 14 380 Lbs Vise with Swivel Bottom. IMPROVED PIPE FITTERS' VISE. The Box is made of malleable iron, the Screw of wrought iron, and the remainder of solid steel. The Gripping Jaws can be duplicated at any time when worn out. PRI CE. Vise complete, with Angle Plate, takes ^ to 3 inch Pipe S8 00 12 170 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. DOUBLE-HEADED, DOUBLE-ACTING AND ADJUSTABLE TUBE CLEANER. "THE ENGINEER'S FAVORITE." Patented January 29, 1878. Is strong and durable; has no wire or spiral springs to get out of order. Can be set up while in the tubes to fit tightly, or slackened down to override any uneven surface by turning the handle or rod to which the Cleaner is attached. Size .... .H li If 2 91 ^4 H n 3 Price $1 25 11 50 $1 75 $2 00 $2 25 $2 50 $2 75 13 00 Size H H- 4 4-1 5 H 6 $3 25 13 50 uoo 14 50 15 00 $5 50 $6 00 NATIONAL STEEL FLUE CLEANER. THE LATEST AND BEST. Made of Steel Springs, with an adjustable screw expander that will enable the oper- ator to expand or contract it at will. It can be passed entirely through the tube and withdrawn again without difficulty. Size H If 2 n ■^ H 3 H Price, each $2 00 12 00 $2 00 $2 25 $2 50 $2 i -3 00 $3 25 Size 3^ H 4 H 5 6 7 8 Price, each $3 50 13 75 $4 00 14 50 $5 00 $6 00 $7 00 $8 00 A. W. ABRAMS' PATENT EXPANSION STEEL WIRE TUBE AND FLUE CLEANER. THE ONLY RIGID EXPANSION BRUSH MADE, It can be used until the wire is worn out. By removing Nut, then removing Cone, take off the Brush, and by winding a piece of paper around Rod, tlien replacing them, it expands the disk so it will _ filHiH"' fit tlie tube right again without gettino- new Brushes. You can repeat this for ten or twelve times. Every Brush war- ranted. If not satisfactory, can be returned. Price, $1.00 per inch. All Brushes less than 2 inches, same as 2 inches. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 171 MUELLER'S Machine for Tapping Water and Gas Mains WHILE UNDER PRESSURE. Any main can be tapped while under pressure, without losing any water or gas, except what is contained in the cylinder of tlie machine, which will go out only when the tapping is done and machine taken oif the main. The machine, weighing only fifty pounds, can be easily transported, and one man of ordinary intelli- gence can tap a main in fifteen minutes. Its simplicity and prac- ticability recommend it at once to every one interested in gas or ■water works. Each machine is furnished with one of each, \^ \ and \ inch Drills, Taps and Plugs for Corporation Cocks, Chain and Wrench ; also four Gaskets, 4, 6, 10 and 12 inch, will be sent, unless other- wise ordered. In ordering Tapping Machine, please state diameter of pipes used in your city. Price, each $100.00 ii£. 543. MUELLER'S Improved Automatic Water Pressure Regulator. This Regulator can be set at any pressure desired in a building, and it will maintain the same, regardless of the highest pressure in the street main. We absolutely guarantee this Regulator to maintain a uniform pressure in buildings, regardless of the pressure in the mains, such as is produced where the Holly system, or heavy or unsteady pressure is had from Stand-pipe or Reservoir systems. Using the Regulator, we guarantee a steady and uniform pres- sure, without any jar to the jjipes or any noise usually called " Water Hammer." Any pressure may be secured that is desired, not exceeding the pressure in the mains, but may be of any less pressure. The Regulator is simple of construction, and not liable to get out of order, and by attaching it, lighter pipes may be used and more than the expense of the Regulator saved. No splashing of water from too -heavy a pressure ; no bursting of pipes or boilers, caused by excessive pressure or defective plumbing. A pressure of 20 to 30 pounds, as may be desired, can be maintained in any building, notwithstanding a fire pressure of 120 pounds or more on the mains. By using this Regulator, an effective pressure for fire purposes is obtained sooner, as the house supply pipes are not filled to a fire pressure. A Relief Valve is provided for expansion of hot water where a boiler is used, so that at no time there need be more than 20 to 30 pounds, or the amount of pressure desired in the house supph' pipes. Every Regulator warranted. Price, for f inch Pipe, eaoli $10.00 | Price, for 1 inch Pipe, each $13.00 172 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. BOSTON RUBBER BELTING. Manufactured by the Boston Belting Co., Boston, Mass. We have the exclusive ag ncy for this market of The Boston Belting Co.'s celebrated Rubber Maciiine Belting, patent stretched, with smooth Metallic Rubber Surface, manufactured under patents Nov. 32, 1859, and Aug. 5, 1873. Our Belting is made of heavy Cotton Duck, coated with the best of India 'Rwhhev, patent stretched, and finished with the Patent Smooth Surface; is unaffected by heat, cold or inoisture, and is preferred for Elevators, Gin-bands, Agricultural Machines, Flouring Mills, and for every other purpose for which Belting is used. Size. 1 inch. IM " - IM " • 2 " . TWO-PLY BELTING Size. Per Foot. . . . $0 07 09 11 15 Pek Foot. 21^ inch $0 18 3 " 22 31^ " 25 4 " 30 THREE-PLY BELTING. Size. Per Foot. ly^ iuch $0 15 2 3 3>^ 4 4>^ 5 6 7 8 17 22 26 30 34 39 43 48 52 60 70 Size. Per Foot. 9 inch $0 80 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 90 1 00 1 08 1 18 1 28 1 38 1 50 1 70 1 90 2 12 3 36 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 173 Sizes . 2 inch 2% 3 8'A 4 4K 5 5'A 6 7 9 Rubber Belting.— Continued. FOU R - PLY Per Foot. $0 21 26 31 37 43 47 52 57 62 73 84 95 BELTI NG. Sizes. Pek Foot. 10 inch .$1 07 .• 1 18 11 13 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 1 30 1 42 1 54 1 66 1 78 2 02 2 26 2 52 3 80 Intermediate widths, above 6 inches, made at proportionate prices. Heavy Five or Six-Ply Belts made to order at an advance of twenty-five and fifty per cent., respectively, on Four-Ply prices. ENDLESS BELTS. Made to order, for which three extra feet will be charged for the splices, and ten per cent, additional on the net price of the whole Belb. We have always in store a large stock of all widths of Tvvo-Ply Belting up to 4 inches; of Three-Ply up to 12 inche.-s; and of Four- Ply up to 18 inches, inclusive. Other wider sizes made to order at one week's notice. DIRECTIONS FOR LACING AND USING RUBBER BELTING. For narrow Belts, butt the two ends together, make two rows of holes in each end (thus obtaining double hold), and lace with lacing leather. For wide belts, in addition, put a thin piece of leather or rubber on the back, to strengthen the joint, equal in length to the width of the Belt, and sew or rivet it to the Belt. The seam of the Belt should always be on the inside. In putting on the Belting, it should be stretched as tightly as possible, and with wide belts this can be done best by the use of clam[)S secured firmly to each end of the Belt, and drawn together by bolts running parallel with and outside the edges of the Belt- There is no danger of breaking, as Belting six inches wide and three-ply thick will stand a direct strain of five thousand pounds, and other sizes in proportion. The Belts will be greatly improved, and their durability increased, by using POLAR DRESSING. The use of this Dressing upon Rubber Belts, applied in small quantities, will increase their driving capacity and prevent tlieni from slipping. Very often, castor oil, rosin or lagging wax is used for the purpose, in which case it will be noticed that the Belts become rough, and an accumulation of gum and rubber, which has been torn from the Belts, collect upon the pulleys, and in a siiort time the Belts become useless, and have to be replaced by new ones. In the Polar Dressing there is nothing used of a gummy or animal nature, and we guarantee it will not dissolve the rubber or leave any accumulation of gum upon the Belts. It produces a smooth, even surface, so when thej^ come in contact witii the pulleys they bind more closely, and enables them to transmit a greater amount of power. Price per lb., 50c. Packed in 5, 10, 25 and 50 lb. cans. 174 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PURE OAK TANNED LEATHER BELTING. We guarantee our Leather Belting to be made of puke oak leather, tanned expressly for the pur- pose and properly stretched; and we warrant the same to run truly on the pulley and to do good service. LEATHER BELTING. Size. 1 IM ^% ^% 2 2^ 2^ 3 3^ 4 5 ^Vz 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Patent Stretched, Oak Tanned, Cut from Selected Hides. Pee] inch. , inch. . inch. . inch . . inch. . inch . inch, inch., inch . . inch. , inch. , inch. , inch . inch. , inch , , inch. , inch. , inch. , inch. , inch. , inch. , F< )OT. Size. 09 13 inch 12 14 inch 15 15 inch 18 16 inch 21 17 inch 24 18 inch 27 19 mch 30 20 inch 33 21 inch 39 22 inch 45 23 inch 51 24 inch 57 26 inch 63 28 inch 69 30 inch ■A 32 inch 93 34 inch 1 05 36 inch 1 IT 40 inch 1 29 44 inch 1 41 48 inch Pek Foot. . . . $1 53 ... 1 65 ... 1 80 ... 1 94 ... 2 10 . . . 2 26 . . . 2 42 . . . 2 58 . . . 2 74 . . . 2 90 . . . 3 06 . . . 3 22 . . . 3 56 . . . 3 90 . . . 4 22 . . . 4 54 . . . 4 86 ... 5 18 . . . 5 82 . . . 6 46 ... 7 10 DOUBLE LEATHER BELTING. Double Belt. Double Price. ROUND LEATHER BELTING. Size. "% inch. 3-16 inch. '^ inch. 5-16 inch. % inch. Pek Poot. . . . $0 05 09 12 15 20 Size. J^ inch . ^ inch. inch. Pek Foot. . . . $0 25 30 38 45 53 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 175 HEAVY COTTON BELTING. In successful use. Strength equal to leather. Cost, one-third of leather. LI ST PRICE. TWO-PLY. Inch. Per Foot. 1^ $0 05 2 06 2} 07 3 08 Inch. Feb Foot. 3i $0 09 4 10 5 14 6 18 THREE-PLY. Inch. Pek Foot. IJ 10 07 2 09 2^ 11 3 13 3^ 15 4 ; 16 4^ 18 5 20 6 24 Inch. Peb Foot 7 10 28 8 , 32 9 36 10 40 12 50 14 62 16 75 18 86 20 96 FOUR-PLY. Inch. Pek Foot. 4 $0 21 4| 24 26 6 30 7 34 8 38 9 44 Inch. Pek Foot. 10 $0 50 12 60 14 75 16 90 18 1 00 20 1 15 22 1 35 176 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ENGINE, HYDRANT AND CONDUCTING HOSE. Manufactured by the Boston Belting Co., Boston, Mass. The Two-Plj Hose, or Conducting Hose, is not calculated to stand much pres- sure. The Three-Ply Hose (used for Hydi'ants, etc.) is made to stand a pressure of 100 lbs. to the square inch. The Four-Ply Hose (used for Locomotives and for leading Hose for Fire Engines, and other purposes) is made to stand a pressure of 250 lbs. to the square inch. Hose made especially to order for Steam Fire Engines and Steam Pumps, where unusual strength is required. CONDUCTING HOSE, TWO-PLY. INTEENAX DiAM. Vi inch, per foot $0 20 1 2 21^ 2J^ 20 9^ iNTERNi 23^ in 3 lL Diam. ch, per foot $0 92 99 33 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 .^2 4'^ ' " 1 65 f)0 ' " 1 98 5R 9 31 66 " 2 64 75 " ?( 97 83 3 33 HYDRANT HOSE, THREE-PLY. Internal Diam. Y2 inch, per foot % " 1 IM " I'A " m " 2 30 2'A 40 %% 50 8 60 3K 70 4 80 Internal Diam. 2% inch, per foot *. . $0 90 " ... 1 00 " 1 10 « ... , 1 20 « 1 40 " 1 60 ENGINE HOSE, FOUR-PLY. Internal Diam. K inch, per foot $0 30 1 15i Internal Diam. 30 2 inch. per foot $1 00 37 2H 2% 3 4 <( 1 12 50 '( 1 25 62 (( 1 37 75 n 1 50 87 « - 2 00 Five-Ply Hose made to order at an advance of 25 per cent, on prices of Four-Ply. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 177 RUBBER HOSE STEAM HOSE. THREE-PLY. Int. Diam. 3^ inch . . % " .. 1 " .. 1J€ " .. IM " •■ 2 " .. 2M " •■ 3 " .. Pee Foot. ... $0 43 51 67 85 . . . 1 02 ... 1 18 ... 1 34 ... 1 66 . . . 2 00 FOXJB-PLT. Int. Diam. Xi inch. , 1 2 3 Pek Foot. . . . $0 51 67 83 . . . 1 04 ... 1 25 . . . 1 45 . . . 1 66 . . . 2 08 . . . 2 80 For conducting steam we make a superior quality of Hose, and keep in stocli Four-Ply in sizes up to li inches, for 35 pounds of steam or less. Other sizes and plies made to order. Wound with Marlin at ten per cent, net of list price additional. BREWERS' FOUR-PLY HOSE Pek Foot. . . . $0 67 83 . . . 1 04 2 Pek Foot. .. $1 25 . . . 1 45 . . . 1 66 This hose is made expressly for Brewers' use ; having extra thickness, will not kink, and has great strength and firmness. SUCTION' HOSE, ON SPIRALLY WOUND GALVANIZED WIRE. Int. Diam. Pek Foot. % inch $0 70 1 " 90 1^ " 1 15 Int. Dia3i. 13^ inch. 1¥ '• . Pek Foot. . . . |1 50 . .. 1 90 . . . 2 30 LARGE SUCTION HOSE, ON G ALV AN IZE D I RON S P I f? A L WIRE. Int. Diam. Pee Foot. 2i^inch ^3 10 4 5 4 00 7 4 90 8 5 80 9 6 70 10 7 60 11 8 50 12 Int. Diam. Per Foot. 6 inch $ 9 50 ' J 12 00 ' : 15 00 ' 17 50 ' 20 00 ' 22 50 ' 35 00 "We keep .in stock up to 4 inches. HARD RUBBER SUCTION HOSE, WITHOUT SPIRAL OR BAND. WILL NOT COLLAPSE. 1 Pee Foot. . . . $0 63 75 93 ... 1 13 Pek Foot. 1^ inch $1 31 3 " 1 50 2}4 " 1 88 Small sizes kept on hand and cut in any length, as required. Larger sizes made to order with two weeks' notice. 178 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. BOSTON BELTING CO.'S FIRE HOSE. We are prepared to furnish the following grades of Fire Hose coupled with any of the standard couplings at factory prices. The " Excelsior " brand is unquestionably the best Fire Hose made, and is used by the Fire Departments in the leading cities through out the country: EXCELSIOR, CRESCENT, NIAGARA. 4-PIy, per foot $1 10 | 5-Ply, per foot $1 20 | 6-Ply, per foot $1 30 Net prices on application. SEAMLESS WOVEN COTTON HOSE-Rubber Lined. One-Ply, Warranted to Stand 300 Pounds Pressure. Size. Per Foot. i inch $0 16 i " 20 1 " 40 li " 46 Size. Feb Foot, 1* inch $0 52 2 " 60 2i " 75 UNLINED LINEN HOSE. Int. Diam. f incll. . 1 " .. n " •• li " .. 2 " .. 2i " .. 2i " .. 3 " .. Pek Foot. . . . $0 33 36 45 54 70 75 80 90 Int. Diam. Per Foot. 4 inch $1 12 1 35 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 60 2 00 2 40 2 80 3 20 Seamless woven, and consequently able to withstand immense pressure. This Hose is used in factories, mills, hotels, and steamboats all over the country. RUBBER TUBING-In Lengths o.f Twelve Feet. plain. Int. Diah. « Per Foot. % inch SiO 08 3-16 u 5-16 M M 12 16 18 20 25 30 35 45 CLOTH INSERTION. Int. Diam. Pf.r Foot. inch $0 10 Vs 3-16 5-16 M 14 18 20 23 28 33 38 50 RUBBER VALVE BALLS. Diam, Per Doz. m m 2 2M mch or less $1 00 1 40 1 90 2 50 4 00 4 75 5 50 6 50 8 00 Diam. Per Doz " 13 00 •' 15 50 " 19 50 " 23 50 '• 29 25 " 35 00 " 54 50 " 70 00 " 115 00 We manufacture, to order, "Valve Balls, harder or softer than the usual make, at special rates. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 179 RUBBER PACKING. STEAMPAGKING. CLOTH I NSE RTI O N — C LOT H ON ONE OR BOTH SIDES. There is one-ply of cloth to every 1-16 inch thickness. Each cloth, whether insertion or on outside, to count as one-plj'. Thickness. 1-64 inch 1-32 " . 1-16 " . 3-32 " . Va " ■ 3-16 " . Oke-Plt, Per Pouxd Two-Ply. Per Pound. $0 70 .... 65 .... 60 $0 63 55 58 55 Th REE-Ply, Per Pound. $0 66 61 58 55 Four-Ply, Per Pound. $0 61 58 55 Three cents per pound additional will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. All Cloth Insertion Packing is one yard wide, and any length desired. FIBROUS GASKETS OR RINGS. • Thickness, % inch or less, per pound $0 90 Thickness, 5-32 inch and upwards, per pound 80 CLOTH INSERTION GASKETS OR RINGS. Thickness, 1-16 inch or less, per pound $1 25 Thickness, 3-32 inch and upwards, per pound 1 00 In all sizes above 3-32 there is one-ply of cloth to every 1-16 inch thickness. Each cloth, whether in- sertion or on outside, to count as one-ply. Five cents per pound additional will be charged for each extra ply of cloth. ROUND PISTON PACKING. Made of Cotton Fabric and Rubber Core; from ^ of an inch to 13^ inches diameter, and in lengths of 12 feet, per pimnd $0 85 SQUARE PISTON PACKING. Made of Cotton Fabric; from }4 of an inch to m inches square, and in lengths of 12 feet, per pound $0 85 PURE SHEET RUBBER OR VALVE GUM. Of superior quality, and all thicknesses, per pound $1 40 PURE RUBBER VALVES, GASKETS, WASHERS, RINGS, ETC. Per pound $1 50 STEAM PACKING, ETC, Hemp Packmg, extra, per pound $0 20 Hemp Packing, No. 1, per pound 16 Hemp Packing, No. 2, per pound 13 Hemp Packing, Italian, per pound 30 Empire Packing, with Rubber Core, per pound 1 00 180 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. JENKINS' PACKING. IN SHEETS AND GASKETS, This Packing is Secured by Letters Patent, and All Infringers will be Prosecuted to the Full Extent of the Law. BEWARE OF IMITATORS AND INFRINGERS. BUY NONE BUT THE GENUINE. We Claim the Following Advantages Over All Others: st — It packs a joint better than any packing made. 2d — It will stand more heat and pressure, and by being careful in separating the joints, the packing may be used again. 3d — It readily accommodates itself to an imperfect surface. 4th — It does not rot after being in a joint, but forms what might be termed a metal of itself. 5th — In case you want to make the packing thicker and have only thin on hand, by putting two pieces together, placing them in the joint and following it up, they become solid. 6th — The scraps may be returned to us, and you will be allowed their value, less the price of re-rolling. WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. Gaskets for Man-Holes, Hand-Holes, Etc., Constantly on Hand. Directions for Using Jenkins' Patent Sheet Pactcing. Place tlie packing in position and screw the nuts up tight while cold. Let the steam on enough to warm the Packing, which softens it; then follow up the joint gradually until there is no escape of steam. In cutting bolt holes make them a trifle small. In packing a steam chest, cut the inside hole one-eighth large all around. When a joint is to be made that you wish to break without injuring the Packing, the application of Pulverized Soapstoue, Plumbago or Chalk will prevent sticking. After the Packing becomes set, it forms what might be called a metal of itself, and will last for years. Sheet Packing, 80c. per lb. Gaskets, $ 1 .OO per lb. Packings for Special Purposes at Short Notice. ASBESTOS PACK I.N G. Asbestos, by name, is now very generally known ia a superficial way, but few persons, compara- tively, have a knowledge of its many wonderful properties and its remarkable adaptability to uses in the arts and sciences. Asbestos is a mineral, and it belongs to the family of Hornblende, and its special properties may be traced to a peculiar and, as yet, unexplained process of decomposition. The t-Jreek appellation. Asbes- tos, is given to this mineral on account of its uninflammability. The value of asbestos for packing of various kinds is shown bj' the following qualities: 1. Its uninflammability even at the highest temperature (white heat). 2. Its quality as a non-conductor of heat. 3. Its self-lubricating qualities. 4. Its power of withstanding high pressure and the effect of various acids. ASBESTOS MILL BOARD. Pure Asbestos, of the finest quality and strongest fiber, for use in locomotive domes, steam-chest covers, man-holes, hand-holes, cylinder-heads and pipe-joints, flange-joints, acid-joints, etc. This board has been subjected to the severest tests, and has given entire satisfaction. It is furnished in sheets, 42x44 inches, from 1-32 to 3^4 iocli thick. Asbestos Steam Rope Packing, per pound $0 75 Wick " " " 100 Mill Board " " " 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 181 LACE LE AT HER. PAGE'S LACE LEATHER Per pound, by the dozea sides CUT LEATHER LACING. % inch, per 100 feet %\ 00 M " " " " 1 50 Yz " " " " ; 2 00 % inch, per 100 feet. 3/ << i< 11 >i $0 80 fl 75 3 75 RAW HIDE SIDE LACE LEATHER. Per square foot $0 30 RAW HIDE CUT LACING. ^ inch, per 100 feet $1 10 1 65 2 50 % inch, per 100 feet $3 00 3 50 (( U (( "We have always on hand a large stock of well-selected Lace Leather, made fiom best hides and carefully tanned. sides. In ordering Lace Leather in the side, state whether you want "Light," "Medium" or "Heavy" POINTED BELT HOOKS. REVISED PRICE LIST-Per 1 ,000. 3 irch $60 00 33^ inch 60 00 No. 1 30 00 No. 2 20 00 No. 3 16 00 No. 4 14 00 No 5 '. 1100 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No 11 No 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 8 50 6 00 5 00 4 00 3 50 3 00 2 80 2 60 2 46 2 00 BELT PUNCHES Numbers 5 6 7 8 9 10 Each SO 20 $0 25 SO 25 $0 30 $0 35 .$0 40 182 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ELEVATOR BUCKETS AND BOLTS. Common Sense and Chicago Buckets, for Mills, Elevators and Warehouses. PRICE LIST OF THE CHICAGO ELEVATOR BUCKET. Price, Cents. 6 7 9 Width ON Belt. 4 X X X Projec- tion. 3 . 3* . 4 . 4 . Price, Cents. 11 13 15 17 Bodies and ends exclusively of tin. PRICE LIST OF THE COMMON SENSE ELEVATOR BUCKET. TIN. "VTidth Pro- ON JEC- Belt. tion. Price, Cts. .. 6 .. 7 .. 8 . 9 Width Pro- ON JEC- Belt. tion. 4 X 4i X 5 X 8*. 4 . Price, Cts. .. 11 .. 18 . . 15 IRON. Width Pro- ON JEC- Belt. tion. 6x4. 7 X X X X X 8 9 10 11 5 . 5 . 5^ 6 . Price, Cts. .. 17 .. 21 .. 25 .. 27 .. 30 .. 33 Width Pro- ON JEC- BeLT. TION. 12 X 6 ., X X X X 14 16 18 20 6 . 6 . 6 . 6 . Prick, Cts. .. 36 .. 42 .. 50 ..>60 .. 65 PRICE List of buckets for ear corn. Width ON Belt, Projec- tion. Price, Cts. ,9 X 6 33 10 X 6J 36 11 X 7 42 13 X 7 48 13 X 7 52 Width ON Belt. 14 15 16 18 19 Projec- tion. Price, Cts. X 7 54 X 7 58 X 7 62 X 7 66 X 7 70 THE CORRUGATED BELT BOLT. This bolt has been before the public so long, and is so well and favorably known, that little description is necessarj'. It is made of the finest grade of Norway Wrought Iron, imported expressly for the purpose. The head is provided with a corrugation which serves to hold the belt while the nut is screwed on, and also enables the head to be drawn into the belt, so as to be flush with the surface when it comes in contact with the revolving pulley. The success of this bolt has been positive from the first moment of its introduction, and its sale is largely on the increase. PRICE LI ST. 1 xi inch, per 100 $1 25 ixi " ' 100 fxi " " 100 ixj " " 100 THE EXCELSIOR WROUGHT-IRON FLAT-HEAD ELEVATOR BOLT. In addition to I he Corrugated Bolt, we handle a forged wrought-iron Eleva- tor Bolt of the style indicated in this cut. This bolt is forged from the best qualitj' of Norway iron, and possesses iinusual strength. The head is flat and of large diameter, thus affording a great bearing surface on the belt and prevent- ing the bolt from slipping through under anj- circumstances. This description of bolt is much used in large mills and other establishments where bolts are subjected to extrnordinaiy strain. fxi inch, per 100. 1 xi '• PRICE LIST. $1 50 1 75 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 183 GENUINE GOSHEN WOOD PUMPS. Price List Adopted December " '882. Superseding all Previous Lists. ♦ NO. O STOCK PUMPS Are nvdde full seven inches square, 4 iacli bore, 10 inch stroke ; capa- city, 80 gallons per minute. Use "No. 0" Tubing, 4i inches square, 2 inch bore. (Can use "No ],"4 inch Tubing.) These Pumps are particularly adapted to the wants of Farmers and Stock Men using large quantities of water. Porcelain Lined, 6 ft long $7 20 7 " .... 7 70 8 " 8 20 " 10 " 9 50 " '• 12 " 10 80 M b:|i;i ! Ill|l|ni||ll E i^ia " 10 " Exten- sion Cylinder 8 40 Porcelain Lined. 12 ft. long.Ex- tension Cylinder $9 00 Without Lining. 6 ft. long 5 20 7 " 5 70 8 " 6 20 NO. 1 HOUSE PUMPS. THE " GEXEKAL FAVORITE." These Pumps are made full six inches square, 3J inch bore, 9 inch stroke ; capacity. 60 gallons per minute. Use " No 1," 4x4 Tubing, with If inch bore. This is a ''general purpose" Pump, is made in all lengths, and particularly suited for Extension Pumps, in which case we use 3 inch bore cj'linder, lessening the quantity of water thrown at each stroke, but rendering it easier to operate. Porcelain Lined, 6 ft long. " 10 " 8 " 12 " 9 Porcelain Lined, 10 ft, long, Ex- ten.sion Cylinder 7 Porcelain Lined, 12 feet long. Extension Cylinder 8 Porcelain Lined. 15 feet long. Extension Cylinder 9 Porcelain Lined, 20 feet long. Extension Cylinder 10 Porcelain Lined. 25 feet long. Extension C3'liDder 12 Porcelain Lined, 30 feet long. Extension Cylinder 13 Porcelain Lined, 35 feet long. Extension Cylinder 15 50 I 85 1 20 ! 30 '■■ 40 j 70 30 '20 70 20 70 20 Porcelain Lined, 40 feet long, Extension Cylinder $16 70 Porcelain Lined, 45 feet long. Extension Cylinder 18 20 Porcelain Lined, 50 feet long. Extension Cylinder 19 70 Porcelain Lined, 55 feet long. Extension Cylinder 21 20 Porcelain Lined, 60 feet long, Extension Cylinder 22 70 Without Lining, 6 feet long. . 4 " ' 7 " - .. 4 50 85 20 6 30 7 40 5 70 10 12 Without Lining. 10 feet long. Extension Cylinder .... Without Lining. 12 feet long. Extension Cylinder 6 30 NO. 2 CISTERN PUMPS Are made full fiw inches square, 3 inch bore, 8 inch stroke ; capacit}^ 40 gallons per minute. Use "No. 2" Tubing, 3^ inches square, li inch bore. Are specially adapted to ci-sterns or shallow wells, where moderate quantity of water is required. Work very easily. Without Lining, 6 ft. long $3 75 Porcelain Lined, 6 ft. long $5 75 7 " .... 6 00 4 00 DRIVE WELL PUMPS Are a specialty with us. We use the No. 1 House size of Pump, any length, fitted with the be.st turned Iron Cylinders, to fit any size pipe. They are rapidly supplanting the Iron Drive Well tops, being so much less liable to freeze, easier to operate and keep in repair. No. 1 House, 6 feet long. Iron Cylinder attached $6 75 " " '7 " " " " 7 10 " " 8 '" '• " " 7 45 TUBING AND No. Tube, Uxii, per foot (Stock Pump). . . .$0 15 "1 " 4.x4, " (House Pump) 12 " 2 " 3ix3i, " (Cistern Pump).... 10 Extension Tubing, 6x6,pr.ft.(DeepWell Pump) 30 EXTRAS COUPLINGS. Couplings for No. Tubing, with Bands $0 40 " " 1 " " '■ 40 " " 2 " " " 30 Extra Iron Spouts, Japanned each, $0 30 Wood Spouts " 15 " Braces for AVood Spouts " 15 Iron Brackets " 30 " Plungers, 4 inches " 75 3+ '• " 65 Extra Plungers, 3 inches " 55 Extra Plungers, Woods each, $0 25 " Leathers " 25 Handles " 30 Handle Links " 25 Bands ... " 10 Check Valves per doz. 1 50 184 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. RUBBER BUCKET CHAIN PUMPS. Box Curb. Column Curb. Cooper Rubber Bucket. Churchill's Patent Elastic Expansion Rubber Bucket. PRICE LIST. Column Curbs, with Patent Fixtures attached, per dozen $30 00 Box Curbs, per dozen *. 15 00 Fixtures. " . . , 7 00 Churchill's Rubber Buckets, per dozen 4 SO Cooper's " " " 3 00 Chain ( galvanized ) per pound 13 Chain Pump Tubing. Pine, per foot 06 Poplar, " 05 Clamps, per dozen 1 50 EXGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 185 GENERAL WESTERN AGENCY SILVER & DEMING M'F'G. GO.'S PUMPS AND HYDRAULIC MACHINERY TO THE TRADE. As the General Western Agents of the Silver & Deming M'f'g. Co. we shall at all times carry a complete line of their Pumps. The marked favor with which these goods have been received since we have represented them enable us to unhesitatingly pronounce them the most desirable line of Pumps known to the trade. ENGLISH BROTHERS. REMARKS. For the benefit of those not familiar with Pumps, we offer in this connection a few general remarks on the subject. The necessary parts of a Pump are the Cylinder, Plunger, Check - valve, and Suction or Connecting Pipe ; and in order that a Pump may do its work properly, all these parts should be in perfect order. The Cylinder should be bored true, and should be air-tight ; and the Plunger should fit it accurately ; so that it will make a vacuum as nearly perfect as possible. For cold water, the Bottom or Check-valve should be made of leather or rubber, or of a combination of these materials. The Suction Pipe is the pipe reaching from the Cylinder to the water, and to have the Pump .work properly, should be air-tight. The Suction Pipe should be about one-half the diameter of the Cylinder, and the Discharge Pipe may be smaller in a Single-Acting Pump, but in a Double-Acting Pump ought to be the same size. Water can not be raised successfully by suction more than 20 to 25 feet, although the theoretical distance is .33.94 feet. The Suction Pipe may extend horizontally almost any distance, if air-tight ; we recommend the use of a Check or Foot-valve, with a long vertical or horizontal Suction Pipe. Turns and Elbows are to be avoided in the Suction or Discharge Pipe, as they cause considerable friction, and add to the power required to operate the Pump. For pumping hot water or liquids, the Pump should be fitted with metal valves, and should be placed as near the supply as possible, in order to force it upward instead of raising it by suction. Hot water or liquids can not be raised any distance by suction, as the vapor or steam rises into the Pump, instead of the liquid. 13 186 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. To operate a Double-Acting Pump, twice the power is required that it takes to work a Single- Acting Pump, but double the amount of water will be discharged. We give the following rule for calculating the capacity of a piston pump : RULE. Multiply the area of the bore of the Cylinder by the length of the stroke, and the result by the number of strokes per minute, which gives the quantity of water in cubic inches. Divide the number of cubic inches by 231, the number of cubic inches in a gallon, and the result will be the capacity of the Pump per minute in gallons. Multiply this result by 2 for a Double-Acting Pump. To determine the power required, multiply the number of gallons per minute by 8.35, the weight of one gallon of water, and the result by the number of feet the water is raised, which will give the power in foot-pounds. Divide the number of foot-pounds by 33,000, which will give the " horse-power " required to do the work. This will give the theoretical power ; in practice, a discount should be made for friction and other causes. With the aid of the following Table, the capacity of a Pump and the power required to operate the same can be readily calculated. TABLE CONTAINING THE DIAMETERS AND AREAS OF CIRCLES FROM 2 TO 12 INCHES. Diameter. Akea. Diameter. Area. Diameter. Area. 2 inches. 3.1416 5| inches. 23.758 9 inches. 63.617 ai " 3.9760 5f " 25.967 H " 67.200 2i " 4.9087 6 " 28.274 9i « 70.882 31 " 5.9395 H " 30.679 9| " 74.662 3 7.0686 6i " 33.183 10 78.540 H " 8.2957 6f '• 35.784 lOi « 82.516 Si " ■ 9.6211 7 « 38.484 lOJ « 86.590 3f « 11.044 7i " 41.282 10| " 90.762 4 " 12.566 7i " 44.187 11 " 95.033 H " 14.186 7f " 47.173 nx " 99.402 H " 15.904 8 " 50.265 11^ " 103.869 4f « 17.720 8i « 53.456 iif " 108.434 5 19.635 8i " 56.745 12 113.976 5i " 21.647 8f « 60.132 131 » 117.859 A cubic foot . of water weighs 62|- pounds, and contains 7^ gallons. Doubling the diameter of a pipe increases its capacity four times. A steam boiler of any size requires one cubic foot of water per hour for each nominal horse- power. Power Pumps should be run so that the Piston travels about 100 feet per minute. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 187 REVOLVING -TOP CISTERN PUMP. With Bolted Base and Polished Cylinder. Fig. 118. Fig. 118 represents our Standard Cistern Pump. It is made with a broad low Base, with Coupling below, as shown in cut, and like all our Pumps of this class, is made with Sand Valve Seat. SIZES AND PRICES. No. Size Cylindek. Fitted fok lEON. Beass Cylindek. *All Brass. 2 inch. 1 inch pipe. $3 50 $ 5 50 $ 7 75 1 2i " 1 " 4 00 6 00 8 75 2 H " H " " 4 50 7 00 10 50 3 2f " r li " " 5 00 8 00 14 00 4 3 " li " " 5 50 10 00 17 00 5 3i « H " " 6 50 13 00 21 00 6 H " 1^ or 2 " 8 00 18 00 27 00 * All Brass, excepting Lever, Bearer and Base. Fitted with Brass Valve Seat. 188 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. REVOLVING-TOP CISTERN PUMP-Western Style. With Bolted Base, Bored and Polished Cylinder. Fig. 1 23. Fig. 123 represents another of our Cistern Pumps, same class as the one preceding, and differing only in height. Being considerably taller than other styles of Cistern Pumps, it meets with much favor, and is accepted by the trade generally as the /Standard Western Cistern Pump. SIZES AND PRICES No. Size Cylinder. Fitted fok IHON. Brass Cylindee. ♦All Brass. 2 inch. 1 inch pipe. $3 50 $5 50 $ 7 75 1 2i " 1 4 00 6 00 8 75 2 2i " \l " " 5 50 7 00 10 50 3 2f " H " " 5 00 . 8 00 14 00 4 3 « \\ " " 5 50 10 00 17 00 5 3i " H " " 6 50 13 00 21 00 6 3^ " \\ or 2 " 8 00 18 00 27 00 *A11 Brass, excepting Lever, Bearer and Base. Fitted with Brass Valve Seat. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 189 REVOLVING-TOP CISTERN PUMP-With Brackets. With Bored and Polished Cylinder. Fig-. 119. Fig. 119 exhibits our Revolving-Top Cistern Pump, with Brackets, which is essen- tially the same as the preceding Pump, differing only in style, which corresponds with Fig. 123. Fitted for either lead or iron Pipe or both, as ordered. SIZES AND PRICES. No. Size Cylindek. Fitted fob. Iron. Brass Cylinder. •Alt, Brass. 2 inch. 1 inch pipe. $ 3 50 $ 5 50 $ 7 75 1 2i " 1 " '^ 4 00 6 00 8 75 2 2i " li " " 4 50 7 00 10 50 3 2| " H " " 5 00 8 00 14 00 4 3 " li « " 5 50 10 00 17 00 5 3i " H " " 6 50 13 00 21 00 6 H " 1^ or 2 '• 8 00 18 00 27 00 *A11 Brass excepting Lever, Bearer and Base. Fitted with Brass Valve Seat. 190 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. NEW STYLE CLOSE-TOP PITCHER-SPOUT PUMP. With Adjustable Lever and Cut-off Base. Fig. 125 exhibits our Improved Close-Top, Pitcher-Spout Pump, a style favorably known everywhere. In its construction we have taken especial care that it should want nothing essential to an absolutely perfect Pump. It is arranged with a Revolving Top, located outside of the Water-way, which permits of the Lever being moved to any desired position. The Cylinders are bored perfectly true, and finely polished. The attachment for connecting the Suction Pipe is both simple and complete ; a substantial Iron Hub projects from the bottom of the Base, on which is screwed a Coupling Nut, threaded for gas pipe, through which a soldering tube is introduced, for connecting to lead pipe when desired. All parts are finished to exact gauges. Repairs will always fit. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 2^ inch Cylinder, fitted for 1 inch Pipe $4 25 2, 3 « 3, 3i " 4,4 « 5,4i " u 4 75 5 25 5 75 6 25 Fitted for either Iron or Lead Pipe, or both, as ordered. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 191 MOLASSES, OR HOT LIQUID PUMP. Metallic Fitted. Fig. 1 4-0. This cut shows our Molasses, or Hot Liquid Pump. It is adapted for pump- ing molasses, hot water, or any hot liquids or syrups. It has a revolving top, and the lever can thus be placed in any de- sired position. In the iron Pumps the valves, connecting-tube, piston and piston- rod are made of brass. The brass Pumps are made entirely of that metal, except the base, top and lever, so that no iron will come in contact with the liquid. When used for hot liquid, the Pump should be placed as near to it as possible, as the vapor arising tends to destroy the vacuum produced by the Pump. We make five sizes, fitted for lead or iron pipe connections. SIZES AND PRICES. IBON. No. 4, 2^ inch caliber, for 11 inch- Pipe $12 00 " 5, 3 " " " 1^ " " 15 00 " 6, 3^ " " " 1^ " " 17 00 " 7, 4 " " " 2 " " 21 00 " 8, 4J " " oi « " 25 00 Bbass. ^20 00 25 00 30 00 36 00 42 00 192 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. REVOLVING TOP CISTERN PUMP With Wrought Iron Set-Length. The Pump shown here is our Fig. 121, with Wrought Iron Set-Length, for out-door use in cisterns and shallow wells, where an ordinary Cistern Pump would be liable to be affected by frost. They are rendered anti - freezing by a small drip -hole in the pipe above the Cylinder. When so ordered, we fur- nish the Standard and Cylinder only, so that the Pump may be fitted by the purchaser for any depth well. These Pumps are fitted with either screwed or bolted cylinders, as ordered, at same list prices. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 2J inch bore, fitted for 1 inch Pipe $6 00 " 6 50 " ..... 7 00 " 7 50 « 8 00 " 9 00 We can furnish these Pumps fitted for any size pipe, American or foreign, as ordered. Standard and Cylinder, without Set-Length, 50 cents less list for each size. 3, 2i " " H " 3, 2| " " li " 4, 3 " " 11" 5, 3i « " H" 6, 3^ u « 2 " Fig. 1 1 7. ENGLISH BEOTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 193 REVOLVING-TOP P I TC H E R- S PO U T PUMP, With Wrought Iron Set-Length. Fig. 130 represents our Pitcher-Spout Pump with Wrought Iron Set-Length. They are adapt- ed to use in shallow wells and cisterns, and are rendered anti-freezing by a small drip hole in the pipe above the Cylinder. These Pumps are fitted with either Bolted or Screwed Cylinders at same list prices. The lower Valve-Seat is brass. Furnished for either lead or iron pipe, as ordered. When so ordered, we furnish the Standard and Cylinder, without Set-Length, so that the Pump may be fitted by the purchaser for any depth well. SIZES AND PRICES. No 1, 2|- inch bore, fitted for 1 inch Pipe. .$6 75 (( 2, 3 " " " " H " " . . 7 75 (( 3, 3^ " " " " 1^ " " . . 8 75 « 4, 4 " " " " li " " . .. 9 50 We can furnish these Pumps, fitted for any size Pipe, American or foreign, as ordered. Standard and Cylinder, without Set-Length, 50 cents less list for each size. 194 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. IMPROVED ANTI -FREEZING WELL PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set-Length. This cut represents our Fig. 200. It is adapted to shallow wells, cisterns, or driven wells, and by lowering the Cylinder to within say 20 feet of the water, will be found to work to good advantage in wells from 40 tp 50 feet deep. The l.ever is adjustable. The Standard and Base are securely connected with iron bolts. The Cylinder, as in all our Pumps, is bored perfectly true and highly polished, and connected to the Standard by three feet of wrought iron pipe, which is provided with a ve?it hole, located just above the Cylinder, permitting all the water above the freezing point to escape from the Pump. We make the lower Valve either of leather, or of leather faced with rubber, and with either Iro7i or Brass Valve Seat, but always of Iron, unless otherwise ordered. Our Valve Seats are all of an improved design, and can- not be clogged with sand. Length of stroke, six inches. All threads cut to exact gauges. Bepairs will always fit. SIZES AND PRICES; • No. 1, 2i inch Bore, for 1 inch Suction Pipe $7 00 " 2, 2^ " " " li " " " 7 50 " 3, 2| " " " li " " " 8 00 « 4, 3 " " " li " " " 8 50 " 5, 3i " " " li " " " 9 00 Fig. 200. We furnish the above with Bolted Cylinders at same price, when so ordered. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 195 IMPROVED ANTI- FREEZING WELL PUMP. With Cast Iron Set-Length. Il<0 Fig. 201 exhibits our Improved Anti-Freezing Well Pump with Cast Iron Set-Length. The Pipe, or set-length, connect- ing the Cylinder with the Pump Standard, is one-fourth inch larger inside diameter than the Cylinder, and is so arranged that the Plunger, when new packing is required, can be easily drawn up through the Set -length and Standard b*y simply loosening the set - screw in the top under the Lever. When not in use, the water in Standard and Connecting Pipe will escape through the vent shown in cut, immediately above the Cylinder, thereby making the Pump positively anti- freezing. It is made with Sand Valves, and is especially adapted to out-door cisterns, and open or driven wells not over thirty feet deep. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 2, 2|^.inch bore, for 1 inch suction pipe $7 00 « 3, 2i " " " li " " " 7 50 « 4^ 2| " " " 1^ " " " 8 00 « 5 3 " " " 1^ " " " 8 50 Fig. 201, Length of stroke, 6 inches. All threads cut to exact gauge. Repairs will always fit. 196 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. TIGHT-TOP ANTI-FREEZING WELL PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set-Length. Fig. 202 represents our Tight-Top Anti-Freezing Well Pump. It is similar to our Fig. 200, the diflferenoe consisting of a closed top (through which a polished Rod passes), and the necessary links connecting the Rod to the Handle, to prevent the rocking motion of the Rod as in Open-Top Pumps. Each size of this Pump is several inches taller than the correspond- ing size of the Open-Top. It is preferred for some locations, as no stones or dirt can be thrown into it, and the direct ver- tical motion of the Piston renders it less liable to require fre- quent repacking. It thus possesses many points of excel- lence, which, with its low price, make it a very popular Pump. We furnish it with Bolted Cylinder when so ordered, at same list price. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 2, 2^ in. bore for 1^ in. Suction Pipe $8 25 " 3, 2| " " " ]i " " " 8 75 ." 4, 3 '• " " 1^ " " " 9 25 " 5, 3J " " " 1^ " •' " 9 75 FIG. 203. Same Standard, with cast iron Connecting Pipe, Anti- Freezing. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 2, 2i in. for 1^ in. Suction Pipe $8 25 " 3, 2^ » " IJ " " " 8 75 " 4, 3| " " 1^ " " " . .■ 9 25 " 5, 3 " " li " " " 9 75 All our threads are cut to exact gauges, and repairs will always fit. Fig. 202. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 197 SPECIAL ANTI-FREEZING DRIVE-WELL PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set-Length Connected under Spout. Fig. 208 represents a Pump combining many advantages which commend it to the public generally, and especially to those interested in the Driven- Well business. It already occupies a position in the estimation of the trade second to no other Pump of like character. The Standard and Base are cast solid; and strength, com- pactness and symmetrical proportions combine in its mechan- ical design to make it perfect. The Set-Length Pipe, connecting the Standard with the Cylinder, is attached immediately under the Spout, so that but a very few strokes of the lever are required to deliver the water, and leaving an air space between Pipe and inside of Pump Standard, which in itself is an absolute protection against frost, while an additional protection is afforded by the vent hole in Pipe just above the Cylinder. It is made with Screwed or Bolted Cylinder, as ordered. It has a Sand Valve Seat. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 3, 3^ in. bore, for li in. Suction Pipe $8 25 " 3, 2f " " " li " " " 8 50 " 4, 3 " " " 1^ " " " 9 00 " 5, 31 " " " li " " " 9 50 " 6, 3^ " " " 1|- " " " 10 00 FIG. 209. Same Pump with Close Top, add 75 cents to above list for each size. Standard and Cylinder only, 50 cents less list. Duplicate parts of this Pump may always be obtained from us. 198 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. SPECIAL ANTI-FREEZING TUBE-WELL FORCE PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set-Length. Fig. 230 represents our Anti-Freezing Tube- Well Force Pump. We have taken more than ordinary pains in the con- struction of this Pump, and can confidently recommend it as a most excellent Force Pump both for open and driven wells. The Standard is the same for each size Cylinder. The Lever is long, heavy and perfectly balanced, and is adjustable to any point most convenient for use. The Piston-Rod is polished, and works through a brass Stuffing Box. The Cylinder is located three feet below f,he Base, and the Connecting Pipe is provided with the usual drip hole for allowing the water in the Standard and Pipe to escape in cold weather, thus ren- dering the Pump anti-freezing. This Pump is strongly made, is handsome in design, and is provided with a suitable Brace. A Spout Hose-Coupling accompanies each Pump, and when requested, we can furnish Rubber Hose in any quantity at manufacturers' prices. The Cylinder is accurately bored and very highly polished. The Valves are proof against sand, and the Valve-Seats are made of either Iron or Brass ; but always of Iron (which we consider preferable), unless otherwise ordered. These Pumps are cast from metal patterns, and all threads cut to exact gauges, which insure perfect duplicates, should repairs be- come necessary. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 3, 2f inch bore, for IJ inch Suction Pipe $13 00 " 4, 3 " " " 11 " " " 13 00 " 5, 3i " " " 1^ " " " 13 50 " 6, 3J « " " ij " " " 14 50 Fig. 220. Standard and Cylinder only, same list price. Three feet Hose and Discharge Pipe, $3.00 extra list. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 199 IMPROVED ANTI-FREEZING WELL FORCE PUMP. With Wrought Iron Set-Length. This illustration represents a Force Pump long and favorably known to the trade. It is largely used in yards, gardens, stables, etc., and makes a very efficient fire pro- tection, when located adjacent to private residences. On account of its strength, durability, efficiency and cheap- ness, it has long been a favorite Force Pump ; and with our superior manner of constructing it, we bespeak for it increased popularity. It is supplied with a suitable Brace, and a Spout-Coupling for attaching hose. By lowering the Cylinder to within about 15 or 20 feet of the water, it may be used in wells from 60 to 80 feet deep, although we would recommend the use of our Improved Deep Well Cylinders in connection with this Standard, for wells over 50 feet in depth. When used as an ordinary Lift-Pump, the Nut on top of the Air-Chamber should be loosened. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 3, 2f inch bore, for 1^ inch Pipe $15 00 " 4, 3 " " " 1^ " " 15 00 " 5, 3|- " " " H " " 15 50 " 6, 3^ " " " 1^ " " 16 00 Standard and Cylinder only, same list price. Fur- nished with Bolted Cylinder at same price. FIG. 222. Same Standard, with cast iron Connecting Pipe, anti- freezing. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 3, 2f inch bore, for li inch Pipe $15 00 " 4,' 3 " " " li " " 15 00 « 5, 3i " " " 11 " " 15 50 " 6, 3|- " " " 1|- " " 16 00 Three feet Hose and Discharge Pipe, $3.00 extra list. All threads cut to exact gauges. Repairs will always fit. Fig. 221, 200 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. SPECIAL WELL PUMP STANDARD. Screwed for Iron Pipe. Figf. 227. Fig. 237 shows our Special Well Pump Standard, which is handsome in design and substantially constructed, and when used with our Special Cylinders (Figs. 302 and 303), or with our Improved Deep Well Cylinders (Figs. 304 and 305), will give perfect satisfaction. This style of Pump has been known as a " shallow-well Pump," but it will be found equally suited to wells of more than ordinary depth. It is supported by a strong Brace, and has an extra long and heavy Lever. The Suction Pipe is screwed into the Standard just below the Spout, which makes the Pump less liable to be affected by frost. Fitted for either 1, 1^, 1^ or 2 inch wrought iron Pipe, but always for IJ inch Pipe, unless otherwise ordered. Price, Standard, complete, as shown in cut. Length of stroke, 8 inches. $6 00 ENGLISH BEOTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 201 CLOSE-TOP DEEP-WELL PUMP STANDARD. Fig. 230. This cut exhibits a style of Pump Standard which has been well and favorably- known by dealers for many years; and in deep -well localities it is considered the Standard Pump. Its beauty, compactness and general points of excellence will com- mend it to those desiring Pumps of this class. It can be used in wells 150 feet deep For open wells, it should be used with our Improved Deep -Well Cylinders (Fig. 304), and for drilled wells with our Improved Drilled -Well Cylinders (Fig. 305). Length of stroke, 7 inches. . SIZES AND PRICES. Standard, complete, fitted for 1^, 1|, 2 or 2^- inch Pipe, as ordered $10 00 Extra Flanges, " " 1^ inch Pipe, each 50 " 11, 2 or 2ig inch Pipe, each 60 All parts are interchangeable. Repairs will always fit. 14 202 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. DEEP- WELL FORCE PUMP STANDARD. Fig. 23 1. This Pump is constructed in the same manner as Fig. 230, with the addition of the Air Chamber and Stuffing - Box necessary to make it a Force Pump. It will be found efficient in any place where a Force Pump is required. It is a style so gen- erally and favorably known that we need only add that we guarantee it to be the most perfect Pump of its class manufactured. _ It is used in connection with our Improved Deep -Well Cylinders (Figs. 304 and 305). Length of stroke, 7 inches. SIZES AND PRICES. Standard, complete, fitted for IJ, 1|-, 2 or 2| inch Pipe, as ordered $13 00 Extra Flanges, " " !{ inch Pipe, each 50 " " " " 1^, 2 or 2^ inch Pipe, each 00 J ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 203 EXTRA HEAVY DEEP-WELL PUMP STANDARD. Fig. 232. This cut represents our most substantial Deep-Well Pump. It is essentially of the same class as Fig. 230; differing only in that it is made much heavier and stronger, and is arranged with a revolving Fulcrum, so that it can be used either Right or Left Handed. For use in public places, where constant use and rough handling need be expected, we especially recommend this Pump, with the positive assurance that it will give satisfaction. SIZES AND PRICES. Fig. 232, Standard complete $16 00 " 232, with 6 inch stroke. Wind- Mill Top extra list, 2 00 " 232, with 10 inch stroke, Wind-Mill Top " " 3 00 Length of stroke, 7 inches. For Cylinders used in connection with this Pump, see Figs. 804 and 305. EXTRA FLANGES. For IJinch Pipe each, $0 50 " \\, 2, or ^ inch Piije " 60 204 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. EXTRA HEAVY DEEP-WELL FORCE PUMP STANDARD. Fig. 233. Fig. 333 represents a Pump having all the commendable qualities of our Fig. 232; in addition to -^hich, it is a Force. Pump of especial merit, and will be found of great service iov fire protection^ in private or public gardens, about stables, or any character of buildings v^here a Force Pump can be utilized. A double lever can be applied to this Pump. (See Fig. 234.) SIZES AND PRICES. Fig. 233, Standard complete $30 00 " 233, with 6 inch stroke, Wind-Mill Top extra list, 2 00 " 233, with 10 inch stroke, Wind-Mill Top " " 3 00 " 233, arranged with Brake for wood Levers, (Fig. 234) " " 1 00 - Length of stroke, 7 inches. For Cylinders used in connection with this Pump, see Figs. 304 and 305. EXTRA FLANGES. For \\ inch Pipe each $0 50 " IJ, 2, or 2J inch Pipe " 60 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 205 WIND-MILL PUMP STANDARD With Brackets. Fig. 399. Fig. 399 represents a Wind-Mill Standard arranged with Brackets. This arrange- ment often fills a want that could not be covered by any other device. The top of the Standard is made in the same manner as those of our regular Wind-Mill Standards, as shown on several of the following pages. The bottom of the Standard is fitted with gas pipe thread, to which the Connecting Pipe between it and the Cylinder is easily attached. Fig. 399, complete, as shown in cut. . 6 inch stroke $5 50 We have now in course of construction, and will show in our next edition, a Wind-Mill Force Pump Standard., with Brackets, designated as Fig. 398. In general style it will correspond with our Fig. 404, shown on page 309, and will take its place where a Base Pump of that character will not suit the location. This Pump will be ready for the trade in a very short time. Fig. 398, complete $10 00 206 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. WIND -MILL LIFT PUMP STANDARD Fig. 4-00. This cut accurately illustrates our Fig. 400. Of this Standard we make two sizes, Nos. 4 and 5. The No. 5 is made with either 6 or 10 inch stroke, as ordered. The Connecting Pipe is attached just below the Spout, which greatly lessens the liability to injury from frost. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 4 Standard, complete with Brace 6 IN. Stroke. 10 in. Stroke. H (1 $7 00 00 $9 50 Fitted for 1, 1^, 1|- or 2 inch Pipe, but always for 1^ inch Pipe, unless other- wise ordered. ENGLISH BROTHEES, KANSAS CITY. 207 WIND-MILL LIFT PUMP STANDARD, For Tubular and Deep Wells. ''^ H n >( u 3, 3 u (( (( H a (1 li 4, H (( (> (1 H (( , (( (( 5, 4 (( (( '(( H or 2 '( Isotr. Brass Ctlindek. *Beass. ^ 8 50 114 00 $19 50 10 00 15 00 22 00 12 00 16 00 33 00 18 00 26 00 40 00 21 00 32 00 49 00 *A11 Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. The 2, 2J and 3 inch Pumps have 6 inch stroke ; the 3^ and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has Srass Valve Seat, and is fitted with Couplings below the Base for both lead and iron Pipe. All threads cut to exact gauges ; repairs will always fit. 224 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. HAND FORCE PUMP, ON BASE. With Adjustable Lever, Air Chamber, and Brass Piston Rod. DOUBLE DISCHARGE. Fig. 506. Ikon. No. 1, 2 inch caliber, for li inch Pipe $10 00 " 2, 2^ " « " li " " 11 00 " 3, 3 " " "1^ " " 13 00 " 4, 3^ " " " 11- " " 19 00 " 5, 4 " " " 1|- or 2 " 21 00 * All Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. Brass Ctlindbe. ♦Brass. $15 00 $20 50 16 00 22 50 18 00 33 50 27 00 41 00 33 00 50 00 The 2, 2| and 3 inch Pumps have 6 inch stroke ; the 3| and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has JBrass Valve Seat, and is fitted with Couplings below Base, for both lead and iron Pipe. All threads cut to exact gauges; repairs will always fit. To trip the Valve and prevent freezing, raise the Lever to its extreme height. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 225 HAND FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Adjustable Lever, Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. DOUBLE DISCHARGE. Fifir. 507. iKOir. C( 3, H ii u (( n (( it 3, 3 (( (( n n (( it i. H (( (( a n (( ii 5, 4 u (( (c H or 2 Bbass Cti,. *Bbass. SI 5 00 120 50 16 00 22 50 18 00 33 50 27 00 41 00 33 00 50 00 No. J, 2 inch caliber, for 1^ inch Pipe $10 00 « 11 00 " 13 00 ". 19 00 « 21 00 * All Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. The 2, 2^ and 3 inch Pumps have 6 inch stroke ; the 3|- and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has Brass Valve Seat, and is fitted with Couplings below Base for both iron and lead Pipe. Threads cut to exact gauges. To trip the Valve and prevent freezing, raise the Lever to its extreme height. 226 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. HAND FORCE PUMP, ON BASE. With Adjustable Lever, Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. WITH COCK ON SPOUT. Bkass Ctl. ♦Brass. $16 50 $22 00 18 00 23 50 19 50 35 00 29 50 43 50 35 50 , 52 50 Fig. 508. Ikon. No. 1, 2 inch caliber, for J^ inch Pipe $11 00 " 2,2^" " " 1|. " " 12 50 " 3,3 " « " ]|^ " " 14 50 " 4, 3^ " " "1^ " " 21 50 " 5, 4 " " " IJ or 2 " 22 50 * All Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. The 2, 2|- and 3 inch Pumps have 6 inch stroke ; the 3^ and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has JBrass Valve Seat, and is fitted with Couplings below Base for both lead and iron Pipe. All threads cut to exact gauges ; repairs will always fit. To trip the Valve and prevent freezing, raise the Lever to its extreme height. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 227 HAND FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Adjustable Lever, Air Chamber, and Brass Piston Rod. WITH COCK ON SPOUT. Fig. 509. Iron. Brass *Bbass. Ctlindee. No. 1, 2 inch caliber for 1^ inch Pipe $11 00 $16 50 $22 00 " 2, 2| " " " li " " 12 50 18 00 23 50 ■ " 3, 3 " " " IJ " " . 14 50 19 50 35 00 " 4, 3|- " " " li " "• 21 50 29 50 43 50 " 5, 4 " « " 1| or 2 " 22 50 35 50 52 50 *A11 Brass except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. The 2, 2|- and 3 inch Pumps have 6 inch stroke ; the 3-|- and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has JBrass Valve Seat, and is fitted with Couplings below Base for both lead and iron Pipe. All threads are cut to exact gauges. 228 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. HAND FORCE PUMP, ON BASE. With Adjustable Lever, Air Chamber and Piston Rod. WITH TIGHT CAP AND SPOUT. Fig. 5 10. Brass. Ieon. Cylindee. *Brass No. 1, 2 inch caliber for 1 J inch Pipe 19 50 $14 00 $21 GO " 2, 2^ " " " li " " 10 00 15 00 22 00 " 3, 3 ♦' " " li " " 12 00 16 00 33 00 « 4, 3i " " " li " '• 18 00 25 00 40 00 " 5, 4 " " " 1|- or 2 " 20 50 32 00 49 00 *A11 Brass except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. The 2, 2^ and 3 inch Pumps have 6 inch stroke ; the 3^ and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has JBrass Valve Seat, and is fitted with Couplings below Base, for both lead and iron Pipe. All threads cut to exact gauges ; repairs will always fit. To trip the Valve and prevent freezing, raise the Lever to its extreme height. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 239 HAND FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Adjustable Lever, Air CJiamber and Brass Piston Rod> WITH TIGHT CAP AND SPOUT. Fig. 511. lEON. No. 1, 2 inch caliber, for ii inch Pipe $ 9 50 " 10 00 " 12 00 " 18 00 20 50 " 2, 2i " " 3, 3 " " 4, 3^ " " 5, 4 " (( n u (( n ii (( H a " 1^ or 2 " ■ Bbass Cti,. 'Brass. $14 00 $21 00 15 00 22 00 16 00 33 00 25 00 40 00 32 00 49 00 * All Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. The 2, 2|- and 3 inch Pumps haye 6 inch stroke ; the 3| and 4 inch have 8 inch stroke. Each Pump has Brass Valve Seat, and is fitted veith Couplings below Base for both lead and iron Pipe. To trip the Valve and prevent freezing^, raise the Lever to its extreme height. 230 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. HAND FORCE PUMP, ON BASE, With Wrought Iron Set-Length. Fig. 512. The above Pump is similar to our Fig. 508. It has a Set-Length with the Cylinder tnree feet below the Base of the Puinp. It is rendered anti-freezing in the usual manner by dripping the water from the Connecting Pipe. We can furnish other sizes of the Pump when desired. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 2, 2^ inch caliber, 6 inch stroke, for 1;^ inch Pipe. H 3, 3 " " 6 Three feet Hose and Discharge Pipe, $3.00 extra list. $16 18 00 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 231 HOUSE FORCE P.UMP, ON PLANK. Without Air Chamber, Right or Left Handed. This illustration represents our House Force Pump, which we build of Iron^ Srass, and Iroit with Brass Cylinder. They are all made with Brass Piston Rod, and with Pitman and Guide, and mounted on a handsomely ornamented plank. They are all made with Coupling below Base, and are fitted for both lead and iron Pipe. These Pumps are specially adapted to house use, and will give satisfaction in any place where they can be located within 25 feet of the water. SIZES AND PRICES. Beass Ikon. Cylinder. Bbass. No. 1, 2 inch caliber for 1 or IJ inch Pipe $14 00 $18 00 $26 00 " 2, 2i incn caliber for li inch Pipe 15 00 20 00 30 00 " 4, 3 inch caliber for IJ inch Pipe . . 16 50 32 00 35 00 " 6, 3i inch caliber for li inch Pipe 22 00 32 00 47 00 Length of stroke, 7 inches. $1.00 less list when ordered without plank. Can furnish with Metallic Valves for pumping hot water when so ordered. Fig. 520. 232 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. HOUSE FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Air Chamber, Right or Left Handed. This cut represents the same Pump as Fig. 520, with the addition of an Air Chamber, which is of material advantage to the Pump, as it insures a steady and continuous stream of water, and relieves the Pipe from the strain of any sud- den concussion. The Air Chamber Flange Bolts are so located that the Air Chamber can make a quarter, half or three-quarter turn without extra fitting. SIZES AND PRICES. Bkass Iron. Ctlindeb. Brass. No. 1, 2 inch caliber for 1 or IJ inch Pipe $16 00 $31 00 $28 00 " 2, 2i inch cahber for IJ inch Pipe 17 00 23 00 32 00 " 4, S inch caliber for H inch Pipe 18 50 25 00 37 00 " 6, 3i inch caliber for 1^ inch Pipe " 25 00 35 00 50 00 For JBrass Air Chamber, we charge additional cost of material only. $1.00 less when ordered without Plank. With Double Discharge Air Chamber, Nos. 1 and 2, extra list $0 75 With Double Discharge Air Chamber, Nos. 4 and 6, extra list 1 00 Iron Cock with Brass Plug for any of above sizes, extra list 2 50 All Brass Cock for any of above sizes, extra list. . 5 00 Fig. 521. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 233 DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION AND FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Brass Piston Rod. Right or Left Handed. Fig. 541 represents our Double-Acting Suction and Force Pump, without Air Chamber. It is mounted on Plank, and can be used either right or left handed. This Pump being double-acting, will furnish double the quantity of water that would be supplied by a single-acting Pump of the same caliber, but requires an additional outlay of power. Where a steady and continuous stream of water is required, it will be found an excellent Pump. Where the distance the water has to be forced is very great, better results will be obtained by using this Pump with Air Chamber, as shown on following page. Length of stroke, 7 inches. SIZES AND PRICES, With Metallic VaL¥ES Iron Bbass. For Hot Water. No. 1, 2}^ inch caliber, for 1 or IJ^ inch Pipe.. $14 00 $24 00 $1 75 net, extra. No. 2, 2)^ inch caliber, for 1}^ inch Pipe 17 00 29 00 2 25 No. 3, 3 inch caliber, for 1}^ or IJ^ inch Pipe 2100 40 00 3 00 No. 4, 314 inch caliber, for 1^ or 2 inch Pipe 25 00 69 50 4 25 " No. 5, 4 inch caliber, for 2 inch Pipe. . . 37 00 94 00 6 00 " No. 6, A% inch caliber, for 2 or 2}^ inch Pipe '-.... 50 00 136 00 8 00 Deduct -: 1.00 from above prices, when ordered without Plank. 234 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION AND FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Air Chamber and Brass Piston Rod. Right or Left Handed. Fig. 543 shows the same Pump as described on the preceding page, with the addition of an Air Chamber, which renders it suitable for throwing water through hose, or forcing it a great distance beyond the Pump. The Brass Pumps are always furnished with Iron Air Chambers unless otherwise ordered. When Brass Air Chambers are ordered, we charge additional cost of material only. We furnish with single discharge Air Chamber when so ordered. Length of stroke, 7 inches. SIZES AND PRICES. With Metallic Valves Ikon. Brass. For Hot Water. No. 1, 2J- in. caliber, for 1 or IJ in. Pipe $16 00 $26 00 $1 75 net, extra. No. 2, 2i in. caliber, for IJ ia. Pipe 19 00 3100 2 25 No. 3, 3 in. caliber, for If or H in. Pipe 23 50 42 00 3 00 No. 4, 3i in. caliber, for U or 2 in. Pipe 28 50 73 00 4 25 No. 5, 4 in. caliber, for 2 in. Pipe 42 00 98 00 6 00 No. 6, 4^^ inch caliber, for 2 or 2i in. Pipe 55 00 14100 8 00 Deduct $1.00 from above prices, when ordered with- out Plank. For Iron Cock with Brass Plug, add $2.50 to above prices. For All Brass Cock, add $5.00 to above prices. i ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 235 HOUSE FORCE PUMP, WITH FLY WHEEL. Mounted on Plank, with Crank Shaft and two Handles. Fig. 526 represents our Improved lino-le Actinoc Suction and Force Pump lounted on Plank with Crank Shaft and wo Handles, which caii be operated by wo or four men as desired. It is a very onvenient Pump for raising large quanti- es of water into elevated tanks in dwell- igs, factories, tanneries, plantation build- igs, etc., or for extinguishing fires. Length of stroke, six inches. SIZES AND PRICES. Iron. Brass No. 1, 2 inch Caliber for 1 or IJ inch Pipe $36 00 $45 00 " 2, 2i inch Caliber for 1^ inch Pipe 38 00 48 00 " 4, 3 inch Caliber for IJ inch Pipe 40 00 56 00 " 5, 8J inch Caliber for H inch Pipe 42 00 70 00 " 6, 3i inch Caliber for U inch Pipe 45 00 85 00 Deduct $2.00 from above prices when ordered without Air Chamber. For Iron Cock with Brass Plug, add $2.50 to above prices. For all Brass Cock, add $5.00 to above prices. With two Pulleys instead of Balance Wheel, add $5.00. 236 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. DOUBLE-ACTING SUCTION AND FORCE PUMP, ON PLANK. With Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power. Fig. 543 represents our Double-Acting Suction and Force Pump, on Plank, with tight and loose Pulleys for Power. In ordering these Pumps state the quantity of ^^ water to be raised, size of Driving Pulley, and speed ^S of Main Shaft, and we will fit them with Pulleys of the proper size. The Brass Pumps are always furnished with Iron Air Chambers, unless otherwise ordered. When Brass Air Chambers are ordered we charge additional cost of material only. Length of stroke, seven inches. SIZES AND PRICES. 2 2 2 "2M li' Iron. Bkass. With Metali.tc Valvks FOR Hot Water. 139 00 $ 58 00 $1 75 net extra. 41 00 61 00 2 25 45 00 75 00 8 00 51 00 94 00 4 25 63 00 119 00 6 00 80 00 160 00 8 00 For Iron Cock with Brass Plug, add $2.50 to above prices. For all Brass Cock add $5.00 to above prices. These Pumps are furnished with tvro Handles and Fly Wheel (same as Fig. 526) instead of Pulleys, when so ordered, at above prices. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 237 "TRIUMPH" HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP. With Brass Lined Cylinder and Adjustable Lever. L 11 Fig. 600. Fig. 600 represents our "Triumph" Double- Acting Force Pump, on Iron Frame. The Cylinder is Brass lined, the Piston Rod, Valves and Valve Seats are Bronze, and all other wearing parts exposed to the action of tlie liquids are rendered non-corrosive. Brass Plugs are provided at each end of the Bed Piute for letting the water out of the Cylinder to prevent freezing, and a similar Plug may be withdrawn to prime the Pump when neces- sary. The upper Valves may be reached by unscrewing the Brass Nuts and lifting off the Air Chamber. The lower Valves may be reached by then lifting off the Body of the Pump. We fit these Pumps for both iron Pipe and Hose unless otherwise ordered, but furnish connections for either lead Pipe or Hose, when requested, without extra charge. All sizes have Metallic Valves. SIZES AND PRICES. lEON. BKASS. No. 1, 2^ in. Bore, 4|- in. Stroke, IJ in. Suction, 1 in. Discharge $27 00 $58 00 " 2, 3 ■ " 4-^ " li " 1 " ' ^'? 00 58 00 " 3, 4 « H "■ 1^ " li " 38 00 60 00 " 4, 5 " 5 " 2 " 1^ " 42 00 90 00 A Malleable Wrench, fitting all Nuts and Couplings, furnished with eacli Pump. 238 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. TRIUMPH" HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP. With Brass Lined Cylinder and Adjustable Lever. Fig. 601. The general description of Fig. 600 on the preceding page applies also to Fig. 601, shown above. It is mounted on Plank, for use on shipboard, wharves and around mills, warehouses, etc. It has lately been used quite extensively for testing boilers, and is a very efficient Pump for that purpose. We fit them always for both iron Pipe and Hose unless ordered specially for lead Pipe. SIZES AND PRICES. IBOir. BRASS. No. 3, 4 in. Bore, 4^ in. Stroke, 1| in. Suction, li in. Discharge $28 00 $60 00 " 4, 5 " 5 " 2 " li " 42 00 90 00 A Malleable Wrench, fitting all Nuts and Couplings, furnished with each Pump. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 239 TRIUMPH" HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP. With Brass Lined Cylinder and Two Levers. Fig. 602. This cut represents our " Triumph " Double- Acting Force Pump, with two Levers. This Pump will be found very useful in factories, warehouses, on vessels, and other places where large quantities of water are to be moved. The Cylinder is brass lined; the Valves Valve Seats, Piston Rod, and other parts coming in contact with the water, are made of bronze. The Levers can be disconnected, so that it can be worked by one lever when desired. We fit them always for iron Pipe and Hose, unless ordered specially for lead Pipe. SIZES AND PRICES. IKON. BRASS. No. 4, 5 in. Bore, 5 in. Stroke, 2 in. Suction, 1^ in. Discharge $45 00 $ 95 00 " 5, 6 " 5 " 2i " 2 " 50 00 125 00 240 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. "TRIUMPH" HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP. With Brass Lined Cylinder, Arranged for Power. Fig. 603. Fig. 603 represeu'ts our " Triumph " Double- Acting Force Pump, arranged for Power, mounted on Plank, with Pitman, Guide, and Guide Rod for attaching to Crank Pin or Face Plate. This Pump is made with Brass Lined Cylinder. The Valves, Valve Seats, Piston Rod and other parts coming in contact with the water are made of Bronze. This Pump will be found ^wonderfully efficient, and reliable where any Pump of like capacity can be used. For Rail Road Water Stations, about Breweries, Distilleries, etc., it is already much used and highly valued. Its ordinary speed should be about 50 strokes j^er minute, but can be increased to 80 if required. To compare capacity, refer to tables on page 186. SiZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 3|- inch Bore, 4^ inch Stroke, 1^ inch Suction, 1 inch Discharge. " 2, 3 " " 4^ " " 11 " " 1 " 3, 4 " " 4^ " " 4. 5 " "" 5 " "2 li " a -•■4 <( 11" iROJf. .$30 00 . 30 00. . 32 00 . 55 00 A Malleable Wrench, fitting all Nuts and Couplings, furnished with each Pump. Fitted for both iron Pipe and Hose unless otherwise ordered. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 241 "TRIUMPH" HORIZONTAL DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMP. On Frame for Power. Fig. 604. Fig. 604 represents our well-known " Triumph " Double-Acting Suction and Force Pump, arranged with tight and loose pulleys, 4 inches wide and 18 inches diameter. The Cylinder is lined with hard rolled brass, and the Valves, Valve-Seats and Rod are of bronze. The motion is transmitted by means of the well known and popular slotted Cross-Head, driven by a cast-steel crank pin, working in a bearing block of bronze or gun metal, the whole mechanism being securely bolted to a handsome and substantial bed plate, 25 by 32 inches. It is the most compact and useful Pump of its class, and we unhesitatingly recommend it as a complete and perfect Power Pump for water, oil, fermented or acetous liquors, for fire protection, or any other use where a steady, powerful and reliable stream is desired. This Pump may be run at from 75 to 90 revolutions per minute, when necessary, though 50 revolutions is about the right speed. We always fit this Pump for both iron Pipe and Hose, and can fit for lead Pipe when so ordered. We guarantee this Pump to work against a pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch. SIZES AND PRICES. Iron. No. 2, 3 in. Bore, 4|- in. Stroke, li in. Suction, 1 in. Discharge $70 00 "3,4" " 4| " " 1^" " li " " 7500 Extra for Crank to work by hand 2 00 242 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. IMPROVED HAND AND POWER PISTON PUMP. With Air Chamber, Cranl< Shaft, Pulley and Handle. Figr. 585. This Pump is suitable for raising water from shallow wells or cisterns, by hand or power, and forcing it to any point desired. It is most frequently used for filling boilers, tanks, etc. It has a steel Crank Shaft, and is made throughout of the best material and in the most workmanlike manner. We consider it the best Pump of the kind yet introduced. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 4, 3 inch Cylinder, for IJ inch Pipe $25 00 " 5, 3|- " " 1^ " " 32 00 Fitted to connect to our Deep Well Cylinders, Figs. 304 and 305, when used in wells over 20 feet deep. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 243 TWO CYLINDER FORCE PUMP. With Wood Levers. Fig. 615. The above cut represents our Two Cylinder Force Pump. This Pump has been long and favorably known as one of the most efficient Fire Pumps ever offered the public, and it will be found especially effective about factories, railroad stations or any place where fire protection is required. This Pump has always ranked above all others as a Deck Pump, on our lake and river vessels. SIZES AND PRICES. IRON. BRASS. No. 1, 2^ in. Bore, 6 in. Stroke, 2 in. Suction, li in. Discharge $35 00 $50 00 " 2, U " 6 " 2| ■ " 1|- " 45 00 65 00 "3,4 " 6 " 2J- ■' ]^ " 55 00 80 00 " 4, 44- " 6 " 3 " 2 " TO 00 95 00 " 5, 6 ■ " 8 " 4 " 3 " 100 00 155 00 The Suction is fitted for wrought iron Pipe, and the Discharge for Hose unless other- wise ordered. These Pumps are rendered non-freezing by raising the Levers to their maximum height and tripping the Valves. 244 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. TWO CYLINDER FORCE PUMP. With Folding Bral ^5^ -^4 " A 1 1 " 11 1 1 44 44 _ _ _ 36 50 67 00 "52" "2 " " 42 00 77 50 248 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ROTARY FORCE PUMP, ON FRAME, With Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power. r^/rai/so//./ti.A Fig-. 577. Fig. 577 represents a Power Rotary Pump, the internal construction of which is identical with our Fig. 575. It can be operated by hand, by attaching a handle to the end of the shaft. Balance wheels, with handles, furnished, when ordered, at additional cost named in list. This Pump is extensively used in distilleries, breweries, wine cellars, meat packing establishments, oil refineries, etc., and is especially efficient, as a fire pump, being capable of throwing water from 125 to 150 feet horizontally. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 1\ inch Suction, 1 inch Discharge $27 00 2, li 1 " 3, H li " 4, li ' li " 5, 2 3 " 6, 3 3^ " Iron. Bronze. 27 00 $49 00 32 00 56 00 38 00 63 00 48 00 78 00 54 00 90 00 65 00 110 00 Balance wheels, with handles, for above Pumps, from $1.00 to $3.00, according to size. The above Pumps, with a speed of one hundred revolutions per minute, will discharge as follows : No. 1, 13 gallons. " 2. 14 No. 3, 17 gallons " 4. 27 No. 5, 36 gallons. " 6, 55 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 249 POWER ROTARY FORCE PUMP, With Tight and Loose Pulleys. Fig. 580. Fig. 580 exhibits our justly celebrated Power Rotary Force Pump, on Frame, with tight and loose Pulleys. It is complete in all sizes, requiring no 3xtra couplings or bear- ings, and only requires to be securely bolted in position and attached to the driving power. It is exceedingly strong, durable and compact in construction, has cast steel Shaft, and bearings strong enough to resist any pressure, and is double-geared. A large Vacuum- Chamber is cast in the frame into which the Suction Pipe is screwed. These valuable im- provements render this Pump more easily placeiJ in position, smoother in operation, and durable and efficient than any Rotary Pump in the market. We make them of Bronze when so ordered. The bearings should be kept well oiled. After Hsing, turn the Cams backward two or three times to empty the pump of water, then pour in a little good oil and turn the Cams forward a few times, to prevent rusting while not in use. Any of our Power Rotary Pumps may be used for fire service. SIZES AND PRICES. Number. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Capacity per Rev olution. i gal. 6. If Revolutions per^ minute 200 175 150 125 100 100 90 Diameter of Sue tion and Disc' arse 2 H 3 4 5 7 10 inch. Size of Pulleys 14X4^ i<;x5|- 18x61 20 X 81- incl Iron. $100 00 115 00 160 00 240 00 300 00 525 00 650 00 Bronze. S160 00 180 00 260 00 Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are arranged to be driven by gearing. 17 250 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. POWER ROTARY FIRE PUMP, With Air Cliamber and Safety Valve. Fig. 582. The above Pump is arranored for one, two or three lines of Hose. We can supply all necessary apparatus to convey water to any required distance or height. We advise the use of g-earing instead of pulleys, wherever practicable. Prices include Safety Valve and outside shaft. SIZES AND PRICES. No. Capacity per Revolution. Revolutions per minute. Size of Pulleys. Diam. Suction Diam. Discli Pipe. Hose. Xo. of Streams. Price. 1 2 3 4 5 I Gal. If " 850 325 300 280 200 14 X H 16 X 5^ 15 X G?, 20 X 8.V 2 inch. ~i " 3 " 4 " 5 " l^ inch. 1|- or 2 2 inch. 2 or 24 2|- incli. 1 1 2 2 3 $110 00 125 00 175 00 255 00 315 00 No. 5 is always arranged to be driven by gearing. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 251 IMPROVED BOILER FEED PUMP, With Stub End for Power. '^■^■^Ci/.'^O V. ai aAA't^- Fig. 588. The above cut represents the ordinary style Stub End Boiler Feed Pump, with the improvement of attaching the Check Valves with Flanges and Bolts, instead of being cast to the body of the Pump, as is the case with most of the cheap and unserviceable Pumps made by other manufacturers. The Check Valves are provided with Coupling Nuts and Brass Tubes for connecting Pipes with Pump. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 2, li in. Piston, 6 in. Stroke, for | in. Pipe $10 00 • 16 00 15 00 18 00 22 00 27 00 22 00 30 00 40 00 3, H 6 4,li 3 5,2 3 6,2i 3 7,3 3 8,2 6 9,2i 6 10, 3 6 n H n n We can furnish Brass Check Valves at additional cost when so ordered. 252 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. STEAM BOILER FEED PUMP, FOR POWER, i i I This cut represents a Steam Boiler Feed Pump with Stub End for attaching power. The Valves and Seats are made of Bronze, and are so arranged that they can be easily removed when repairs are necessary. All corresponding parts of these Pumps are made exact duplicates, and repairs will always fit. The Pump has an Air Chamber over the Discharge Valve, which will be found a valuable improvement SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 1| inch Piston, 12 inch Stroke, for 1 inch Pipe. $35 00 " 2, 2 " " 12 " " " 11 " " 40 00 " 3, 2^ " " 12 " " " It " " 50 00 " 4, 3 " " 12 " " " li " " 60 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 253 STEAM BOILER FEED PUMP, ON BED PLATE. With Column and Two Pulleys. FOR HAND OR POWER. This cut shows our Steam Boiler Feed Pump on Bed Plate, with tight and loose pulleys and crank. This Pump is built in the most thorough and workmanlike manner, and all corresponding parts are made exact duplicates. It is provided with a handle, so tliafr-.it can be used to fill the boiler by hand before the steam is up. The pulleys are faced off and vary in diameter according to the size of the Pump. The Check Valves are bolted to the Pump, and may be re- moved and replaced when worn, or new ones supplied, thus making them preferable to Pumps of other manu- facturers, which— *cfi made with the Check Valve cast on. When so or- dered we furnisji tl^se Pumps with all Brass Cheek Valves at a small addi- tional cost. Eacli pulley is provided with a set screw for fastening it to the Crank Shaft. Fig. 591 SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 2 inch caliber, 3 inch Stroke, 1 inch Suction and Discharge, 16 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch face '. $34 00 No. 2, 2J inch caliber, 3 inch Stroke, 1 inch Suction and Discharge, 16 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch face . . . . : 40 00 No. 3, 3 inch caliber, 3 inch Stroke, l^- inch Suction and Discharge, 16 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch face 50 00 No. 4, 2 inch caliber, 6 inch Stroke, 1^ inch Suction and Discharge, 18 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch face 65 00 No. 5. %\ inch caliber, 6 inch Stroke, \\ inch Suction and Discharge, 18 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch face 75 00 No. 6, 3 inch caliber, 6 inch Stroke, \\ inch Suction and Discharge, 18 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch f;ice 85 00 254 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. STEAM BOILER FEED PUMP, ON BED PLATE. With Column and Two Pulleys, For Hand or Power. This cut represents an improved Boiler Feed Pump on Column, with tight and loose pulleys for power. There is a strong wrought iron handle on the end of the Crank Shaft opposite the Face Plate, so that the boiler can be filled by hand when necessary. The Crank Shaft has a bearing on each side of the pulleys. Instead of being cast on, the Check Valves are bolted to the Pump, and may be readily removed when they become worn. The Plungers and Valves are Brass, and the Valve Cases are Iron, but when so ordered we furnish these Pumps with all Brass Check Valves at a small additional cost. Each pulley is provided with a set screw for fastening it to the Crank Shaft. Fig. 592. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 2 inch caliber, 3 inch Stroke, 1 inch Suction and Discharge, 16 inch diam- eter Pulley, 4 inch face $34 00 " 2, 2|^ inch caliber, 3 inch Stroke, 1 inch Suction and Discharge, 16 inch di- ameter Pulley, 4 inch face .... 40 00 " 3, 3 inch caliber, 3 inch Stroke, 1^ inch Suction and Discharge, 16 inch di- ameter Pulley, 4 inch face 50 00 " 4, 2 inch caliber, 6 inch Stroke, 1^ inch Suction and Discharge, 18 inch di- ameter Pulley, 4 inch face 65 00 " 5, 2|- inch caliber, 6 inch Stroke, 1 J inch Suction and Discharge, 18 inch di- ameter Pulley, 4 inch face 75 00 " 6, 3 inch caliber, 6 inch Stroke, 1^ inch Suction and Discharge, 18 inch di- ameter Pulley, 4 inch face 85 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 255 DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVED HYDRAULIC RAM. On the following page will be fouml a cut of our Improved Hydraulic Ram. The simplicity and effective operation of this Machine, and its great durability, make it the most valuable and useful apparatus yet developed in the department of Hvdraulics for elevating water and conveying it to any point desired. The purposes for which this Machine can be used to advantage are many, viz : for supplying dwellings, stables, factories, railroad stations, stock yards, etc., with running- water, and for irrigating lands. When once set and in operation it requires no further attention, and will last for years without trouble or expense. The efficiency of the Ram, however, depends on the amount of fall to be obtained. It may be used when the spring or brook is only 18 inches higher than the Ram; yet as the height increases, tlie more powerfully the Ram operate's and its ability to force water to a greater elevation and distance is correspondingly increased. The relative height of the source of supply above the Ram, and the elevation to which it is required to raise the water, determine the relative proportion between the water raised and wasted ; the quan- tity raised varying according to the height it is conveyed, with a given fall as explained below. Rams are frequently successfully employed for driving water a distance of from 1500 to 3000 feet, and to a height of from 100 to 200 feet above the Ram; and they have even been known to perform still greater service. When the water has to be forced long distances, the conveying pipe should be somewhat larger than for short distances, to com- pensate for the friction and inertia of the water in the pipe. A fall of 10 feet from the Reservoir to the Ram is sufficient to raise water to any point less than 150 feet above the level of the machine. The same amount of fall would also raise water to a point much higher, though the amount of water supplied would be correspondingly diminished as the height and distance increase. For ordinary purposes it may be safely calculated that about one-seventh of the water can be raised and discharged at an elevation five times as high as the fall, or one-four- teenth part may be raised and discharged about ten times as high as the fall ; and so on in like proportion as the fall or height is increased or diminished. Turns or angles in either drive or discharge pipe, should be avoided if possible. When they become necessary in setting the Rtun, make the elbows as large as possible and substitute curves for angles wherever practicable. We make these Rams of Iron and Bronze. The Valve Stem and Case are always made of the latter material, which is more durable than any other metal. The Ram should be placed in a pit, and the Drive and Discharge Pipes should be run underground in order to protect them from injury by frost and other causes. Table of sizes, prices, capacity, etc., will be found on the following page. 256 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. IMPROVED HYDRAULIC RAM. "^ Fig. 690. SIZES AND PRICES. Size. Quantity of Water furnished by the fountain to which the Ram is adapted. Length of Drive Pipe. Caliber of Pipe. Price. Drive. Discliarge. No. 2 ^ to 2 gallons per minute. 25 to 50 feet. f inch. ^ inch. $ 9 00 " 3 IJ » 4 25 " 50 " 1 " h " 11 00 « 4 3 " 7 " " 25 " 50 " H " I " 14 00 " 5 6 " 14 " 25 " 50 " 2 " 1 " 22 00 " 6 12 " 25 " 25 " 50 " H " H " 40 00 " 7 20 " 60 " 25 « 50 " 4 " 2 " 75 00 " 8 20 " 125 " 25 " .50 ■' 6 " 2i" 125 00 To obtain the greatest force from the supply, the Drive Pipe should descend from the Fountain to the Ram on an angle of 45 degrees. When the Fountain is more than 13 feet above the Ram, and the Drive Pipe descends on an angle of more than 45 degrees, there should be one or more coils made in the Drive Pipe, in order to reduce the velocity of the water, and prevent injury to the Ram. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 257 IMPROVED HAM PUMP. Fig, 694. The above is a cut of our Improved Haui Pump, which will be found the most perfect Pump of the kind in the market. It is neat, compact, strong and powerful in operation. The working parts are made of Brass, and the Injecting Needle or point is nickel plated. With this Pump the pickle is forced into every part of the ham at once. Hams can be cured in this way in from three to four weeks, summer or winter. No butcher can afford to be without one of these Pumps, as they will save many times their cost during a season. PRICE. Ham Pump, complete $15 00 258 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY PORTABLE GREENHOUSE PUMP. Fig. 660. This cut represents a Portable Hand Force Pump, which is held in great favor and very generally used about the private residences, vearehouses and public buildings of this and almost every other country. It is especially adapted for use in greenhouses, about stables for washing carriages, and is of more than ordinary value in cases of incip- ient fires. It is light and easily handled, weighing only eiglit pounds, and the low price places it within the reach of all who may require such a pump. Fig. 660, with 2^ feet Suction and 3 feet Leading Hose, Brass Discharge Pipe and Sprinkler $9 00 Extra for Conical Tip to use in forcing out pipe 1 00 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 259 SYPHON" PUMP. Fig. 320. The above cut represents our Improved Syphon Pump, for use with Wind-Mills or other suitable power. The Suction Pipe enters the Outei- Cylinder several inches above the Lower Valve. By this means the Valves are always immersed, and the pump is always primed. It has JBrass Plunger, and the working Cylinder is either all Brass or £rass lined, as ordered. Length of stroke, 7 inches. In the past few years, this Pump has grown into constant favor on its merits, and we do not hesitate to recommend it for any place where it can be used, guaranteeing perfect satisfaction. The following prices are for JBrass lined Cylinders. SIZES AND PRICES. No. 1, 2^ inch Cylinder, 1\ inch Suction, 11 inch Discharge $25 00 " 2, 3 " " 1^ " " 1^ " " 25 25 " 3, 3| " " 2 " " 2 " " 27 25 " 4, 4 " 2 " " 2 " " 30 50 Add $3.00 extra to list for forked Rod to attach to Wind-Mill. Larger sizes made to order. All Srass Cylinders $3.00 extra list. 260 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PUMP CYLINDERS OR WORKING SECTIONS. GAS SET CYLINDERS. PLUNGER. Size. 2 xlO 2|xl0 2^x10 2fxl0 3 xlO 3^x10 3-^x10 3|xl0 4 xlO Fitted for* 1 inch Pipe 114' U ^ Ikon. *3 75 4 00 4 35 4 70 5 00 5 30 5 60 5 90 6 50 Bkass Body, Iron Plunger AND Caps. $ 7 25 7 50 8 00 8 75 9 50 10 50 11 50 13 00 14 00 Brass Body, Brass Plunger, Iron Caps. t 8 00 8 25 8 75 9 75 10 50 11 50 12 50 14 00 15 00 .\ll Brass. $ 8 75 9 00 9 50 10 50 11 50 12 50 14 50 15 50 17 00 *Fitted for other sizes of Pipe when so ordered. The Brass Body and all Brass Cylinders are made of Cast Brass. SHALLOW WELL CYLINDERS. PLUNGER. Fig. 302. Fig. 303. Size. 2 xl2 2^x12 2^x12 2fxl2 3 xl2 3^x12 3^x12 3|xl2 4 xl2 2 xl4 21x14 2|xl4 2fxl4 3 xl4 3^x14 3^x14 3|xl4 4 xl4 4^x14 5 xl4 Fitted for* 1 inch Pipe ^ 2 1 ij ^ 2 2 H u <( Iron. 1 5 50 5 75 6 00 6 50 7 00 7 50 8 00 8 50 9 25 6 00 6 25 6 50 7 00 7 50 8 00 8 50 9 00 10 00 12 50 14 25 Brass Body, Iron Plunger AND Caps. $10 00 10 50 11 50 11 75 12 75 14 00 15 50 18 00 21 50 10 25 11 25 11 75 12 50 13 50 15 00 16 50 20 25 23 75 26 00 29 00 Brass Bouy, Brass Plunger, Iron Caps m 00 11 50 12 50 13 25 14 25 15 00 17 50 20 50 24 00 11 50 12 50 13 00 14 00 15 00 16 75 19 00 22 7.^ 27 00 31 00 35 00 AxL Brass. •1512 50 13 00 14 00 15 00 16 25 17 50 20 00 •23 50 27 00 13 00 14 00 14 50 15 75 16 75 18 25 21 50 25 00 29 50 34 00 39 00 *Fitted for other sizes of Pipe when so ordered. The Brass Body and all Brass Cylinders are made of Cast Brass. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 261 DEEP WELL CYLINDERS. "C" PLUNGER. iiiiii/ -« B ■ Size. Fitted fob* Iron. Brass Body, Iron Plunger AND Caps. Brass Body, Brass Plunger, Iron Caps. All Brass. 1 ilili""swil Uxl6 lfxl6 I inch Pipe $ 6 00 6 00 $10 50 10 50 $12 00 12 00 $13 50 13 50 ■1,,:.,^ T ■' , 1 " Ill', 1 ' ' '°' III ,1 1 m 2 xl6 21x16 1 " li " ' 6 00 6 50 10 50 12 00 12 00 13 50 13 50 15 00 ii P' 1 \ ^1 II 2^x16 li" ' 7 00 12 50 14 00 15 00 i \ ^ 1 1 1 n 2|xl6 li " ' 7 50 13 00 14 50 16 25 i > 11 J J 3 xl6 31x16 li" ' li " ' 8 00 8 50 14 00 16 00 15 50 18 00 17 50 20 00 j: 'd 1' o I ^j III 3|xl6 n " ' 9 00 18 50 21 00 23 40 1"! 3fxl6 H" ' 9 50 22 50 25 00 27 50 PI, 1 ^' ^' II 4 xl6 2 " 10 50 26 00 29 00 32 50 1 ^ M ll 4U16 2 " 13 00 30 00 35 00 40 00 liba M ^ IWIII 5 xl6 2i" ' 15 50 35 00 41 00 48 00 Fig. 304. Fig. 305. 6 xl6 3 " 22 00 41 00 49 00 60 00 *Fitted for other sizes of Pipe when so ordered. The Brass Body and all Brass Cylinders in the above list are made of Cast JBrass. SEAMLESS BRASS TUBE CYLINDERS. "E" 1 PLUNGER. lilllM 3 xl2 i rich, fitted for 14- inch Piue $ 9 50 fl Hi 3ixl2 " "11 " 11 00 m 1 4 xl2 " « 11- or 2 " 12 00 1 1 ! : 1 1 5 xl4 " " 2^ " 20 50 1 1 6 xl4 " " 2^ or 3 " 24 00 1 ' T 1 f'' i Above Cylinders fitted with Inside Attachments at same list prices when • JIL ! ilil so ordered. Above Cylinders have Iron Plungers. S eIT Fig. 33. 262 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. SPECIAL SEAMLESS BRASS TUBE WIND-MILL CYLINDERS. Fig. 312.— lO in. or 1 OH in. long. "F" Plunger, Fig. 3 1 2. Size. 3 3 314 3^ inch Fitted for 1 IK iM IX IX 114 -i-'A 2 inch Pipe Iron Attachments. 7 7 50 75 8 00 8 50 9 00 9 75 10 50 11 75 14 00 * Fig, 312.— 12 in. long. Plunger. All Brass. $ 8 35 8 50 8 75 9 25 , 10 00 10 75 12 00 13 25 16 00 inch 2'A 3 314 4 Size. Fitted for 1 IK 0. inch Pipe Iron Attachments. 00 25 50 00 50 10 25 11 25 13 75 15 00 All Brass. S 9 00 9 35 9 50 10 00 11 00 11 75 13 50 15 75 1« 50 Fig, 312—14 in. long. "B" Plunger. 2 inch . 214 " ^K " • 2% " . 3 " . 314, •« . 3^ " . d% " . 4 " . iV2 " , 5 " . 6 " . Size. Fitted for Iron Attachments & Attachments ^ Follower, Brass ^^ Plunger Cage and Valve. 1 IX IX IM IK 2 2 3 inch Pipe $ 8 50 9 00 9 35 9 75 10 25 11 00 13 35 13 75 15 75 18 00 20 50 34 00 9 75 10 35 10 50 11 25 11 75 13 75 14 75 16 35 19 00 23 00 26 50 34 00 All Brass. $ 11 25 11 75 13 00 13 00 13 50 14 50 16 35 18 50 21 r)0 36 00 30 50 40 00 Fig, 3 1 2.— I 6 long. "C " Plunger. Size. 1^ inch 8 31^ " 3^ " 2M " 3 su " 31/2 " dU " 4 4K " 5 6 Fitted for. 1 1 3 3 3 incli Pipe Iron Attachments & Follower, Brass Cage and Valte. $ 9 00 9 00 9 75 10 35 10 75 11 35 13 00 13 50 15 00 17 55 31 00 34 00 30 00 Iron Attachments * ALL Brass Pll'ngek |10 50 10 50 11 11 35 75 13 25 13 75 14 00 16 00 17 50 20 50 26 50 31 00 43 00 All Brass. $12 00 12 00 13 75 13 35 13 75 14 75 16 00 18 50 20 00 34 00 30 50 36 00 49 00 * Fitted with Inside Attachments at same list prices when so ordered. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 263 BRASS LINED IRON CYLINDERS. GAS SET CYLINDERS. (Fig. 308.) "A" PLUNGER. Fi&. 308. Size. 1 Fitted fok Iron Pltjngeb. 1 BSASS PLrXGEE. 2 X 10 21 X 10 2^ X 10 1 inch Pipe. 11 " " li " " li « « 2 " " § 6 75 7 25 7 75 8 25 8 75 9 25 9 75 10 50 § 7 50 8 00 8 25 2f X 10 3 X 10 8 75 9 25 3ix 10 3^ X 10 4 X 10 10 00 10 75 12 00 SHALLOW WELL CYLINDERS. (Fig. 309 ) B" PLUNGER. Fig. 309. Size. 2 X 12. 2ixl2. 2^ X 12. 2f X 12. 3 X 12. .31 X 12. 3^ X 12. 4 X 12. 2 X 14. 21 X 14. 21 X 14. 2| X 14. 3 X 14. 31 X 14. 3i X 14. 4 X 14. Fitted for 1 inch Pipe. H H H 2 1 1} H H H (.1 II (( " " (( (( " " Ikon Follower. Bkass Cage axd Valve S 7 50 8 00 8 50 9 00 9 50 10 00 10 50 12 50 8 25 8 75 9 25 . 9 75 10 25 10 75 11 25 14 00 All Brass Plvxgeb. § 8 50 9 00 9 50 10 00 JO 50 11 25 12 00 15 00 9 25 9 75 10 50 11 00 11 50 12 50 13 25 17 00 DEEP WELL CYLINDERS. (Fig. 310.) PLUNGER. Fig, 3 10, Size. Fitted for Iron Follower. Brass Cage and Valve All Brass Pllkger. 2 X 16 2^ X 16 2^x 16 2| X 16 3 xl6 31 X 16 3^ X 16 4 X 16 1 inch Pipe. ■ 11 " " 11 " " 11 " " 11 cc .. 11 " " n " " 2 " " § 9 00 9 50 10 00 10 50 11 00 11 50 13 00 15 75 §10 00 10 75 11 50 13 00 12 75 13 75 14 50 19 00 264 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. Fig. 318. WOOD PUMP CYLINDER (Fig. 318.) "G" PLUNGER. Size. Fitted for Price. 3 X 12 inciies 1^ inch Pipe. li " liorH '• H or 2 " $3 00 3 25 3^ X 12 " 3^ X 12 " ' 4 00 4 X 12 " 4 .50 Add 50 cents to above list for Cylinders with Spring Valves. The above Cylinders are fitted with Iron or Brass Valve Seats, as ordered. Fig. 3 19. DOUBLE ACTING CYLINDER (Fig. 319.) Size. Fitted fob Price 24- inches IJ inch Pipe. \\ or 2 $10 00 3 " 12 00 4 " 14 00 DEEP WELL CYLINDERS, WITH AIR CHAMBER. (Fig. 316.) "C" PLUNGER. Fig, 3 1 6. Fig 31 7. Size. Fitted fob Price. 2x X 16 inches 1-^ inch Pipe. 1 1 '4 44 li " H " 1+ or 2 " $10 00 3 X 16 " 10 50 3J X 16 " 11 00 3^ X 16 " 11 50 3| X 16 " 12 00 4 X 16 " 13 00 (Fig. 317) "A" PLUNGER. Size Fitted for Price. 24^ X 10 inches ... li inch Pipe. li " li " li or li " \\ inch " Uor2 " $ 7 75 3 X 10 " 8 00 3i X 10 " 8 25 3| X 10 " 8 75 3f X 10 " 4 X 10 •' . 9 50 ]0 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 265 CYLINDER PLUNGERS. The above cuts show the Plungers we use in our various styles of Cylinders. " A " is all iron, with leather packing, and is used in Figs. 300 and 301. "B" has a brass Cage and Valve, is leather packed, in addition to an iron Follower 1^ inches long in 12 inch Cylinders, and 3 inches long in 14 inch Cylinders. This Plunger is used in Figs. 302, 303, and in the 14 inch, Fig. 312. "C" has a brass Cage and Valve, with an Iron Follower 5 inches long. The Fol- lower is cut with water grooves, and is turned to fit the Cylinder perfectly. It will work equally well with or without leather packing. Used in Figs. 304, 305 and 316. "E" is all iron; has a 2 inch Follower. The Valve plays loose on the Piston Rod, closing on a Spider Seat. This Plunger is leather packed, and is used in Fig. 313. "F" is all brass, with Stem Valve; the Follower is turned to fit the Cylinder per- fectly, and is packed with cupped leather packing. Used in Fig. 312. " G " is all iron, same as " A " Plunger, excepting that it has a Flat Rod for attaching to wood Piston Rod. It is used in Fig. 318. It is generally understood that the Cylinder of a Pump is the most important part of it; and that a perfect Cylinder is absolutely essential to a perfect Pump. In offering our extensive line of Cylinders to the trade, we take some little pleasure in stating that they are each and every one perfect in every respect, and made in the most scientific and workmanlike manner. Each Cylinder is accurately bored and highly polished. They are all cast from metal patterns, and all threads tool -cut to exact gauges, which insures to any who may want repairs, perfect duplicates. We can furnish any Cylinder with Brass Valve Seat when so ordered. 18 26i5 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. IMPROVED VERTICAL IRON CHECK AND FOOT VALVES. Fig. 331, Fig. 830. Fig. 333. Fig. 332. Fig- 335. Fig. 328. Fig. 329 For Description and Price List, see next page. ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 267 « . *n W3 rt- P aq' B- C6 OJ W C»J 03 Oi CO OO cj O CO CO CO cc M ^s i? CO _ a> Jf- yi J* 03 JS pO ^ o O 5' ± 1 S 1 ^ s 1 ^ 3 e-t- o irt- ? S- S^ 3 g -5 "■-!-! '^ i ■0 •2 o ►-^ p 5* ■^ P_ s c-t- CD a- and Check Va and Clieck Va airier, fitted for Strainer-, fitted ainer. fitted foi ■airier, fitted fo Strainer, fitted o w o S 30 o < m 3 o ? T Ive, fitte Ive, Flai Gas Pi for Gas r Gas Pi n Q < p ►1 3' Q p CO o a trt- 3 < Pip pe F Pip. Pip id foi ig-ed ne . . ■D H- CD CD CD — CD •~i ■D &. •^ F " 3 Q O •D p > ^^ g. a? t? r to' CD *5' * ■-I P CD re n 5' , DO a CO to p o 3 CO !? O o '-<" *" Z "^ o r O CD I—- t— ' — ^ k-i P c-^ CD Oi Crt *-lw I -^ O ct> CD m o -^ o o < D O 1 — < < CD C' o < O O ?s p "1- ■S& o «ns ^s tC ivi H- 1 > iO >« . to !SS *h z 01 CD !ai Or 'jx Oi o ^ D o »— • io a^ to iO o O k— i p ^ CJi CJf 1)1 Cn til- ■n '^ CD O O ( O O C/I c» 2 03 O rf^ 4^ OS CO :o Oi &. Kj O o o < o o fO V. o Ol O o o < z> o H •9& CD 5 o . CO CO Ot CJT W CO t«i- K < CD W o Ot o o o o > c^ Oi *- tf^ 4^ *- r < P o' ^ --> Oi ox > CJT co E- t?. — ' oi = • o o o o m iTd ^ 03 c ^ -;• -^ •<} ^^ 1^ CD CO ■ ■— io o o o K5|^ ? CD «i o o o •9& <-i CD cc GO OO 00 rt- -3 oi oi en l4^ Cf Oi o o o CD 268 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. STRAINER WITH POINT. Fig. 336. Plain. Galvanized. For 1 inch Pipe...- $0 70 75 90 1 15 1 25 $0 90 " li " " 1^ " " 2 " . 41 95 4( 1 05 44 1 40 " H " <4 1 60 In using Fig. 3B6, the point should be forced into the bottom of the well. GLOBE STRAINERS FOR SUCTION HOSE. Fig. 337. .. Plain. Galvanized. Bkass. For It- inch Suction Hose $ 50 65 1 00 1 50 $ 60 75 1 25 1 90 $2 25 " u " " " f 2 75 44 2 " ' '"'■ " 3 50 44 01 41 14 14 5 00 STRAINERS FOR WROUGHT IRON PIPE. 338, 339. 1 In. IMlN. IMIN. 2 In. 2!^ In. 3 In. F g. 338, Plain ' 338, Gauze covered. ' 339, Plain ' 339, Gauze covered. ' 340, Plain ' 340, Gauze covered . $0 40 70 50 80 50 80 10 50 80 60 90 60 90 70 90 $1 15 $1 40 These Strainers are ordinarily used with our Improved Brass Tube Cylinders, Fig. 312, and our Deep Well Cylinders, Figs. 304 and 305. FLOAT VALVES. ^.^ " I'lii ^Jt-Sgjjjsrr Fig. 351 Fig. 351. $0 80 Fig. 350 .Fitted for f or 1 inch Pipe, as ordered. Fig. 350. .$0 80 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 269 AI R CHAMBERS Fig. 370. Fig. 371. Fig. 372- The above cuts represent Air Chambers with different forms of discharge, which are used oil our various styles of Hand and House Force Pumps, shown on preceding pages. We send them with Flange holes ready drilled; they may be placed on any of the Pumps to which they are suited, without extra fitting. Always fitted with four holes in Flange, unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 370 $2 00 Fig. 371 $2 00 Fig. 372 $2 50 Fig. 360. This cut shows a Cock used in connection with several of our Hand Force, Well Force and Wind-Mill Force Pumps. It has iron Case and brass Plug, and is fitted with right and left hand Coupling Nut. No. 1, For Pumps with Cylinders 3^ inch or less in diameter, fitted for 1 inch Hose Coupling 13 00 No. 2, For Pumps having Cylinders larger than 3J inch, fitted for 1^ inch Hose Coupling. 2 50 GOOSE NECKS Fig. 361. Fig. 362. The above Goose-Necks are suited to any of our Hand and House Force Pumps, and are fitted for attaching hose, when desired. Fig. 3G1.' Fig. 362. No. 1 , For 1 inch Hose Coupling $0 40 $0 50 " 2, " 1^ " " " 50 65 " 3^ " It" " " 50 80 270 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. PRICE LIST OF REPAIRS. On this and the following pages will be found Price Lists of Parts or Repairs for all the leading Pumps manufactured for us. In offering these lists, we wish to impress very emphatically upon the minds of our patrons that all Repairs ordered of us will supply the places for which they are intended without extra fitting^ as our threads are cut to exact gauges, all holes drilled to perfect templets, and, when- ever possible, all castings made from metal patterns. PUMP REPAIRS. LEVERS OR HANDLES. Cistern Pumps, Figs. 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 and 124, Nos. 0, 1 and 2 \ No. 3 No. 4 No.5 No. 6 Pitcher Pumps. Figs. 125, 126, 129 and 130, Nos. 1 and 2 Nos. 3 and 4 No. 5 Well Pumps, Figs. 200, 225 and 201, Nos. 1,2 and 3 Nos. 4, and 6 Well Pumps, Figs. 204, 205 207 and 208. . . Special Well Pump Standard, Fig. 227 50 60 70 1 00 1 25 50 60 70 85 1 00 1 50 Tight Top Well Pumps. Figs. 202, 208, 206 and 209, Nos. 2 and 3 .' % Nos. 4, 5 and 6 Deep Well Pumps, Figs. 230 and 231 Deep Well Pumps, Fii^s. 232 and 233 Force Pumps. Figs 220, 221. 222 and 226 . . Hand Force Pumps Figs. 502 to 512, and 530 10 539, iuclusive, all sizes Wind Mill Pumps, Figs. 398, 399, 400, 401, 402,405, 406,404. 407, 408, 409 410,411, 412. 430 and 431, all sizes Iron and Brass House Force Pumps, Single or Double Acting Figs. 520, 521, 541 and o4-i Molasses Pump, Fig. 140 90 1 00 1 75 2 00 1 25 1 00 1 50 2 00 1 GO FULCRUMS OR BEARERS. Cistern Pumps, Figs. 117, 11«, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 and 124. Nos. 0, l and 2 $0 70 No. 3 No. 4 , 80 No. 5 1 00 1 10 40 50 60 75 80 90 75 No. 6 Pitcher Pumps Figs. 125, 126, 129 and 130, Nos. 1 and 2 Nos. 3 and 4 No. 5 Well Pumps, Figs. 200, 225 and 201, Nos 1 and 2 ■ N^ inch 4 inch Iron House Force Pumps, Figs. 500, 501 520, 521 and 526, 2 inch 2yi inch 2% inch 3 inch 8 J^ incli 3)^ inch 4 inch Iron Houise Foice Pumps, Double Acting Figs. 541, 543 and 548, 2'X inch 2^ inch 2% inch 3 inch 3'A inch. 4 inch. $6 00 6 50 3 50 4 00 4 25 4 50 5 CO 6 00 7 50 4 00 5 50 6 00 6 50 8 00 11 00 For price of Brass Cylinders, double above list. BASES Cistern Pumps. Figs. 117, 118, 119 120, 131 133. 133 and 134, Nos 0. 1 and 3 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 Pitcher Pumps, Figs. 135, 136, 129 and 130 No 1 $0 75 85 1 00 1 15 1 25 ' 1 Of) No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 10 25 50 1 75 AVell Pumps, Figs. 200, 201, 326, 202, 203, •206 and 335, Nos. 1 and 3 $0 No. 3 Nos. 4, 5 and 6 1 Well Pumps. Figs 205 and 207 1 Set Length Force Pumps, Figs. 220 and 221. Cistern and Well Force I'ump, Fig. 236 ... Hand Foi^ce Pump, Figs 503 to 513, 530 to 539, and Figs. 430 and 431, 2 and 2)4 inch 3 inch Syi and 4 inch 1 SHELL, OR BODY OF CYLINDER. Figs. 800 and 301, 3 and 2i^ inch 2 'A inch $1 .50 1 60 2^i inch 1 80 3 inch 2 00 31^ inch 2 25 3% inch '. . 2 50 334^ inch 2 80 4 inch 3 25 Pigs. 302 and 308, 214' inch 2 30 2^ inch 2 45 2?^ inch 2 55 3 inch 2 70 314 inch 3 00 81^ inch • 3 25 S% inch 3 55 4 inch 3 80 Fig.s. 304, 305, 316 and 817, 2)4 inch $3 2'A inch 8 23^ inch 3 3 inch 3 S]4 inch. 3 31^ inch 4 3^ inch 4 4 inch 4 Figs. 312 and 318, lOi inches long, 2^ inch. . 3 2'/i inch 4 234 inch 4 3 inch 4 12 inches long, 2J4 inch 4 2'A inch 4 2^ inch 4 3 inch 5 75 85 00 00 25 25 00 25 50 80 05 30 55 80 00 15 30 75 00 25 50 25 50 75 00 CYLINDER TOP ATTACHMENTS OR CAPS. Gas Set Cylinders, Figs. 800 and 801 |0 50 Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 312 and 318. . . 50 Shallow Well Cylinders, Figs. 303 and 803. $0 75 Deep Well Cylinders, Figs. "304 and 305. ... 75 272 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. CYLINDER BOTTOM ATTACHMENT OR CAPS. Gas Set Cjiinders, Figs. 300 and 301; Shallow Well Cylinders, Figs. 302 and 303; Deep Well Cylinders, Figs. 304 and 305 ; Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 313 and 313, •2}4, 2^, 2%, 3 and 31^ inch '. " $0 75 Same, 3^, 3f and 4 inch 90 STOCKS OR STANDARDS COMPLETE. Well Pumps, Figs. 200 and 201, Nos. and 3 '. $3 75 Nos. 3 and 4 4 -.^5 Nos and 6 4 75 Tight, Top Well Pumps, Figs 202 and 203, No. 2 4 50 Nos. 3 and 4. . . 5 00 Nos. 5 and -6 5 50 Well Pumps, Figs. 205 and 207 $4 50 Well Pump, Fig. 204 4 75 Well Pump, Fig. 208 6 Ol) Tight Top, Fig. 209 6 75 Tight Top AVdl Pump, Fig. 206 5 00 Set Length Force Pump, Fig. 220 10 00 Set Length Force Pump, Fig. 221 11 GO Wind Mill Pumps, Figs. 408, 409 and 410... 12 00 STOCKS OR STANDARDS ONLY. Well Pumps, Figs. 200, 201 and 203, Nos. 1 and 2 No 3 No. 4 Nos 5 and 6 Well Pumps, Fig. 207 Fig 205 Fi--. 204 Fig. 208 Set Length Force Pumps, Fig. 220 Fig. 221 Special Well Piimp standard, Fig. 227 Deep Well Pumps, Figs. 330 and 231, Top Section $3 00 3 40 3 3 2 2 60 75 35 50 3 00 50 00 00 00 3 00 Same, Bottom Section 4 00 Figs. 232 and 333, Top Section 4 00 Same, Bottom Section 6 50 Wind Mill Pumps, Fig. 400, No. 4 3 00 Fig 4U0, No. 5, and Fig. 403 5 50 Fig. 401, Top Section 3 40 Same, Bottom Section. ... 3 60 Figs. 405 and 407 6 00 Fig. 406 Top Seclion 3 40 Same, Bottom Section 3 60 Figs. 408, 409 and 410 8 00 Figs. 404 and 411, No. 4 6 50 Figs. 404 and 411, No. 5, and Fig. 412. .. . 7 50 LOWER VALVES. Cistern Pumps Pitcher Pumps Well Pumps Set Length Force Pumps. Hand Force Pumps 25 35 25 30 25 Railroad Pumps 35 Hand Boiler Pumps 2 00 ■ "" ~ " . 25 35 75 Iron and Brass House Force Pumps. Syphon Pumps Double Acting Cylinders and Pumps. BRASS VALVE SEATS. Cistern Pumps, Figs. 117, 118, 119, 120, 131, 123, 123 and 124, Nos. 0, 1. 2, 8 and 4 75 No. 5 100 No. 6 125 Pitcher Pumps, Figs 125, 126, 129 and 130. No. 1 75 No. 2 90 No 3 * 110 No. 4 120 No. 5 1 30 AVell and Well Force Pumps , 1 00 Hand and House Force Pumps, up to 2% inch 1 00 Same, over 2\i inch 1 25 BRASS SOLDERING TUBES. For 1 and 1 ^ inch Pipe 50 For 11^ inch Pipe ' 75 For 2 inch Pipe 1 00 BRACES. Set Length, Yard, Deep Well and Wind Mill Pumps 50 SPOUTS. Figs. 330, 337, 230, 404, 408 and 409. 50 EXGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 273 CAST IRON SET LENGTHS. Well Pumps, Figs. 201, 203 and 222 $1 50 IRON PIPE NUTS, for CISTERN and PITCHER PUMPS, SPOUT and AIR CHAMBER NUTS. For 1 and 1^^ ipch . For 11.2 incli For 2 inch and over. LEAD PIPE NUTS, for CISTERN and PITCHER PUMPS. For 1 and 1^ inch. . For 1 )j, inch For 2 inch and over. CROSS HEADS INCLUDING NUTS, SET SCREWS and LINKS. Hand Force Pumps from Fig. 503 to 512 inclusive, Figs. 203, 303, 206, 309, 220, 221 and 236 '. . CAPS and STUFFING BOXES. 35 45 60 25 30 50 Deep Well, Fig. 230 $0 50 Deep Well- Fig. 231 Set Length Force, Fig. 220 and 231 Hand Force, 2 inch ^Yz and 3 inch 3 Vz and 4 inch Hand Boiler Pumps PS. S. Box. 50 75 SO 50 50 75 50 75 50 1 00 65 1 00 50 1 00 Caps. Railroad Force Pumps $1 50 Iron House Force Pumps 65 Brass House Force Pumps 2 25 Wind :Mill Pump, Fius 404, 405, 406, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 430 and 43L Triumph Force Pump, Figs. 600, 601, 602, 603 and 604. . BRASS STUFFING BOX BOWLS. For House Force Pumps, Figs. 520, 521, 526, 541, 542 and 543 AIR CHAMBERS. Deep Well Force, Fig. 231 §3 00 Set Length Force, Fig. 221 2 50 Wind Mill Force Figs. 405, 406 and 407. . 2 50 For Hand Force and Single Acting House Force, see page 269. Sj-phon Pump, Fig. 320 Double Acting House Force. Nos. 0, 1. 2, 3 and 4 Xo. 5 Nos. 6 and 7 S. Box. 1 50 1 00 1 00 85 1 50 1 25 6 00 PISTON and CONNECTING RODS, Iron. For Well, Hand Force and Wind Mill Force Pumps $0 60 For House Force Pumps - 60 Flat Rods Fisis. 404, 405 406, 407 411, 412 60 Lous Flat Rods, FiiTS 399, 400 401. 402 75 Same for Figs. 408. "409 and 410 1 00 Syphon Pump, Fig. 320 1 75 RAM VALVES AND CASES. (Gun Metal.) 2 00 5 00 10 00 Brass. 1 00 1 50 No. 2 $3 00 No.3 5 00 No 4 6 00 No. 5 10 00 No. 6 No. 7 No 8 2 50 15 00 20 00 25 00 BRASS HOSE COUPLING TUBES FOR SPOUT OR SUCTION. For % and 1 inch $0 50 For li4 inch CO For 1^ inch. For 2 inch. . . 80 1 00 SPOUT NUTS (Iron) FOR HOSE COUPLING TUBES. For 1 and II4 inch $0 25 | For XVo, inch SO 35 | For 2 inch $0 50 Snouts of Figs. 409, 430, 431, and all House and Hou.se Force Pumps are fitted 1 inch. bpouts of Figs, 220, 221, 226. 405 and 406, are fitted V-,i inch. Spouts of Figs. 231. 233. 404, 410, 411. 412, also Air Chamlier and Funnel Nuts are fitted \Yz iuch. Air Chamber Nuts on Pumps with 2,% iticl> Cylinder and larger, are fitted 2 iuch. 374 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. TRIUMPH FORCE PUMPS. Figs. 600, 601, 602, 603 and 604. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Xo. 5. Cylinder, with Valve Seats aud Bushings . . . Basp with Valve Seats $11 00 3 00 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 90 50 25 50 1 25 75 1 50 25 90 75 25 15 30 50 50 1 25 25 $11 00 3 00 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 90 50 25 50 1 25 75 1 50 25 90 75 25 15 30 50 50 1 50 25 $11 00 3 00 2 50 1 50 2 00 1 00 90 50 25 50 "'75 1 50 25 1 10 90 25 15 40 50 50 1 50 25 $17 00 5 50 4 00 2 00 3 50 2 00 1 75 1 00 75 80 i"25 2 00 35 1 75 1 10 30 20 60 75 60 ""35 $18 00 6 00 Air Chamber T 5 00 Piston Rod 3 50 Piston with Lecitliers 4 00 Front Cylinder Head Bark Cylinder Head 2 00 1 75 Stuffino- Bo.x Can (Brass) 1 25 Stuffinn- Box Gland . 75 Valves (Brass) 1 00 Leather Valves, each Lever Socket Wrought Iron Lever and Wood Handle. . . . Link Suction Hose, Half Coupling 1 25 2 00 35 2 50 Discharge Hose. Half Coupling 1 75 Long Bolt for Link Lever Holts, each ... Crimped Leather Packings, each , Brass Bushings for Suction and Discharge. . Lead Pipe Elbows and Unions, each Brass Thumb Screws, each 40 20 70 1 00 75 "35 HAND ROTARY PUMPS. Figs. 574, 575, 576 and 578. No. 1. No 2. No. .3. No. 4. No. 5. Case. Cover and Stuffing Boxes Cams, each $8 00 3 50 3 Oi) 1 00 1 00 2 00 35 3 00 $9 00 4 00 3 00 1 00 1 (10 2 00 35 3 00 $10 00 4 50 3 50 1 50 1 00 2 00 85 3 50 $15 00 6 00 4 00 2 00 300 35 4 00 $17 00 6 50 Base and Leather Valve 5 50 Spout and Caji Balance Wheel (light) Balance Wheel (heavy) 2 50 3"66 Stuffin"" Boxes and Tight Caps 35 Base for Fiff. 578 5 50 HAND ROTARY PUMP, ON FRAME. Fig. 577. No. 1. No. 2. No. n. No. 4. Xo. 5. Case. Co\ er. Stuffing Boxes and Caps Cam with Sliort Shaft Cam with Long Shaft Small B;ise 18 00 3 50 5 00 1 50 4 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 $9 00 4 00 5 50 1 75 4 50 i'oo 2 50 1 25 $10 00 4 50 6 00 1 75 5 00 l'56 3 00 1 25 cl5 00 6 00 7 50 7 00 1 5(1 2 00 4 00 2 00 $17 00 6 50 8 00 Bed Plate 8 00 Valve Sent Spout and Cap . 1 50 2 50 Pulieys. each Outs de Benrinsr 4 00 2 50 MISCELLANEOUS PUMP REPAIRS. Couplings for connecting Flat and Round Rods Yoke and Link for Figs. 230 and 231 Valve Cases or Funnels for Hand Force Pumps, Figs. 502, 503, 530 and 531 Same, for House Force. Fig. 520, and Syphon Pump, Fig. 320 Gas Pipe Flanije, Fig. 320 Base, Fig. 3207 ' Inside Cylinder, Fig. 320 Outside Shell. Fig. 320 Lower Section, with Pipe Flange, Fig. 408 Lower Section, with Pipe Flange, Fig. 409 and 410 Platform Section Figs 408, 409 and 410 Goo.se Neck, for Figs. 408 and 409 Bearer Bolt and Brass Nut for Hctuse Force Pumps . . Connecting Slide for Wind Mill Attachment Turned Malleable Pins for Wind Mill Pumps . . ... Fulcrum Links $0 50 80 80 90 00 00 00 00 00 50 60 (0 50 15 50 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 275 BRASS JACKET DRIVE POINTS. Galvanized Pipe covered with Brass Gauze and Perforated Brass, suitable for fine sand stratas. PRICE LIST. Diameter. Length. Xo. op Holes 1^0. OF Holes No. OP Holes No. OP Holes No OF Holes AND Price. AND Price. AND Price. AND Pf.ICE. AND Price. IJi inch. 24 inch. 80 $4 50 100 *4 50 120 $5 00 ... S ... $ IM ' 30 " 80 5 00 100 5 50 120 fi 00 140 6 50 IM ' 36 '■ 100 6 00 120 6 50 140 7 00 160 7 50 IH I 42 " 120 7 00 140 7 50 160 8 00 180 8 50 IM * 48 " 120 7 50 140 8 00 160 8 50 180 9 00 200 9 50 IH ' 24 " 80 6 00 100 S 75 120 7 50 IH ' 30 " 80 7 50 100 8 2". 120 9 00 140 9 75 V/2 ' 36 " 100 8 00 120 i) 75 140 10 50 160 10 75 I'A ' 42 " 120 10 50 140 10 75 160 12 (10 180 12 75 I'A " 48 " 120 11 25 140 12 00 160 12 75 180 13 50 200 14 25 ^ Length No. OP Holes No. I/F tlOLES No. OF Holes ;g Length No. OF Holes No. OF Holes No. OF Holes C AND Price. ANT) !'P.ICE. AND Price. a AND Price. AND Price. AND Price. 2 30 Inch. 200 S12 00 250 $U 00 300 If 16 00 3 36 inch. 350 $25 00 400 $27 50 450 $30 00 2 36 " 250 15 00 300 17 00 350 19 00 3 48 '■ 400 30 00 450 32 50 500 35 00 2 48 " 300 20 00 850 22 00 400 24 00 3 60 " 450 35 00 500 37 50 600 42 00 2 '4 36 " .300 20 00 350 22 00 4(10 24 00 4 48 •' 500 40 00 600 45 00 W 48 " 350 24 00 400 26 00 450 28 00 4 60 '■ 500 45 00 600 50 00 700 55 00 VA 60 " 400 28 00 450 30 00 500 32 00 4 72 •• 600 50 00 700 55 00 800 CO 00 RADIAL CENTER BRASS JACKET DRIVE WELL POINTS. Fig. 1 . This cut shows the Malleable Radial Center. Fig. 2. This cut shows the Radial Center wound with heavy galvnnized wire, ready for putting on the Wire Gauze and Brass Jacket. A 3-foot Point of this kind will suppl)^ more water than any 3-foot Point mad(! of pipe. This cut shows the finished Point. IM INCH POI NTS, PRICE LIST Length. Size J.\ckei'. Per Doz. No. 60 AVire Gauze 20 inches. 20 " 2 feet. 2 " 2% " 2}2 " 14 inch. 14 " 18 " 18 " 24 '■ 24 " $30 00 34 00 " fiu *' . 36 Oil ■■ 80 " 40 00 *' 60 '' 45 00 '• 80 " ; 52 00 When it is necessarv to drive in very fine qiuckmnd we would recommend using the Radial Center Points, covered with either No. 90 or 100 Wire Gauze, which very seldom fails to keep out the finest sand. For price of No. 90 Gauze Points, add 10 per cent to price of No. 80 Points, and for No. 100 Gauze, add 20 per cent to price of No. 80. 276 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. ROUND AND SQUARE TANKS. PRICE LIST OF SQUARE TANKS. SIZE OF TAXK. CAPACITY. PUICE. LENGTH. BREADTU. DEPTH. GALLONS. BARRELS 12 feet 12 •' 12 " 3 feet 4 " U " 4 " 4 " ii " 5 " 6 •■ 20 incbes. 20 ■' 20 •' 20 " 20 " 20 " 2i» " 24 " 420 562 630 660 757 851 976 1,260 ■ 13 18 20 21 24 27 31 40 $20 00 23 25 25 50 14 " 16 " 26 50 31 00 16 " 33 00 16 " 35 50 16 " 44 00 Our Square Tanks are made of two-inch Plank, well bolted both ways, and painted. PRICE LIST OF ROUND TANKS. SIZE OF TANK. NCMBEK OF HOOPS. CAPACITY. LENGTH OF STAVE. • DIAMETER OF BOTTOM. GALLONS. BARBELS. PRICE. 2 feet 2 " 6 " 6 feet. 8 " 6 " 7 " 6 '• 8 " 6 " 8. " 9 '• 8 " 8 " 10 " 9 " 9 " 10 " 9 " 10 " 12 " 10 " 12 " 12 " 16 " 16 " 16 •• 18 " 16 "' 18 " 18 ■' 20 " 20 " 22 " 22 " 24 •' 24 " 30 " 30 " 2 2 5 4 7 5 8 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 8 9 9 8 10 9 10 8 9 10 9 n 10 11 10 11 12 14 12 14 14 15 378 693 1,071 1,197 1.480 1 890 1,890 2,268 3.339 3,370 4,126 4,126 4,284 5,229 5,292 6.174 6.457 7,623 7.623 9,292 11,026 13,545 16,542 19, 30 20,947 22,.'-j54 24,727 28.539 30,. 555 3.5.280 42.651 48.3.52 50,746 57 519 79,380 89.932 12 22 34 38 47 60 60 72 1(6 107 131 131 136 166 l(i8 196 205 242 2^2 295 350 430 525 620 665 716 785 900 97U 1,120 1,354 1..535 1,611 1,826 2,520 2.855 $15 00 20 00 28 50 5 " » 28 50 8 " 36 00 6 " 38 50 10 " 43 00 7 " 44 00 8 '■ 57 00 10 " 59 00 12 " 68 50 8 " 65 (10 10 " 67 50 12 " 10 " 77 00 76 00 14 ■' 85 50 12 " 86 50 10 " •. .. 93 00 14 " 98 00 12 " 150 00 14 " 165 00 10 " 202 00 12 •' 210 00 14 " 232 00 12 •' 237 00 16 " 260 00 14 " S70 00 16 " 298 00 14 " 325 00 16 " 358 00 16 " 420 00 18 " 470 00 16 " 485 00 18 " 530 00 16 " 705 00 18 " 753 00 The above prices Include nothins but the staves, bottom, dowel-pins and iron hoops, on board cars at Kansas City. All sizes up to and Including the 14x10 are made of 2-inch plank and have drive hoops. The 12x12 and larger ai'e made of .■J-inch, and the hoops arc provided with lugs and bolls for tightening. If drive hoops are preferred for tliese sizes, a discount of 5 per cent will be allowed. We set up every tank, and mark each piece and every hoop. All our tanks are built of soft pine, free from sap. shakes and unsound knots, and guaranteed not to leak if properly set up. We will quote prices on tanks made of clear pine when desired. 4 ENGLISH BROTHERS, KANSAS CITY. 277 BRASS TANK VALVES, WITH YOKE. Size, inches M 1 IM T^H 2 •2H Price, each S3 50 $3 50 $5 75 $8 00 S13 00 SI 7 00 CAST-IRON TANK VALVES WITH BRASS PLUG. Size, inches 3 21 3 4 Price, each $3 50 $4 50 $6 00 $9 00 TANK CHECK VALVES. For 3^andl inch Pipe $1 10 " IJ^ " " 1 'So " lj4 " " 150 "2 and3>^ " " 2 25 "3 " " 2 75 "3'' •»3lf^ s •^ m \ii^m-^