^^ 'V, :% t V • • • e ' °' h^ 'xT -0 -> --^^^J^J^. -f ' ..• =^o ^^ ° s5-' ^<^' r -• 6^ « 4 "» # V> ' • o . '1- >^^. <" J vV "-^-o^ ,0^ c • • • ♦ >. O /I '*o V S^' c- ''^ ?.. *••' ,-^' ' .^"^ 9' "^^ .^ I • • • I -^ • X 9 , V .V * -^rP,'n'' °o .sN> "♦bv^ ^oV ■^ » » • ,0 ^i^ rt^ • • • , V » ' • »^ c^ C" •'^'sf^^^Vyl'. "O ^J"*- ,C:»^. ^'t v0*3 " . ^^ 0^" '^mi^^^\ ^-tu r^ : 'oK v-o' .' ^h ^•io,^ • o /^.'^:^-\ /.i ') I DEACON SAMUEL HAINES Of Westbury, Wiltshire, England, and HIS DESCENDANTS IN AMERICA 163B-1901 ERRATA. age 107. Under family 7^3 the nmnher (28) should be (27). 188. The family number ?20S should be opposite 2. 190. Under family ItSS, 2, in second line, also fourth line, read was for is. 231. Under family S231, 1 (2), for Alice Marine read Alice Marion. 255. Under family tJOSb the number (147) should read (157). 354. Under Seventh Generation, 76, 3, for David J. read Daniel J. 360. Under Eighth Generation, spell Leonora for Lenora. 386. Spell Cakes for Oaks. *'2lv»t numerantur avovum 1902 NORTH HAMPTON, N. H. Stanbopc press p. II. OILS «> N C O M p A N V lUlS TO N, II. s. A. '4 ,.0 *?/- TO MR. JOHN CUMMINGS HAYNES, OF BOSTON, MASS., WHOSE ENCOURAGING WORDS AND FINANCIAL, AID HAVE BEEN AN INSPIRATION, THIS VOLUME IS CHEERFULLY DcDicateD. *' For we are the same as our fathers have hee^i ; We see the same sights our fathers have seen; We drink the same stream, ice vieiv the same sun, And run the same course our fatliers hare run.'^ WILLIAM KKOX. ooo COAT OF ARMS. Shropshire Family of J ^"'"f/j PREFACE. Some one has said that man is a quotation from all his ancestors. Our inherited characteristics are the background of ourselves, and happy the man where it glows with the light of purity and honesty. The knowledge of a noble ancestry awakens a feeling of emulation in us ; and we thus put into life a diviner purpose, and make a hap- pier impression upon the world around us. It is wise to keep in mind the best qualities which our fathers possessed ; for by such we shall be inspired to become stronger and better than they were, because with the advantages of our day we act unworthily unless we rise to a higher degree of life than was possible for them. In these pages it will be discovered that we have but little to be ashamed of, and much for gratitude, in the lives of those of our family who planned and toiled during the early history of this country. Few of their deeds have been put upon marble slabs or granite columns, but here may be found some things which they did, and when and where they lived ; and with these few facts our imagination can fill out the picture of their lives, so that we may think their thoughts, witness their deeds, and dwell in their world of action. Whatever may be our attainments, we owe much to our inher- itance. With a different ancestry our lives would run in a different groove. Had they been more noble we should stand a better chance for attaining greater heights in the world ; had they been less noble we might have occupied a lower plane in life. It makes a differ- ence whether we have iron or water in the blood ; and the iron or water in the blood in some degree determines the social position we occupy. Now, it is an encouragement that we can trace the iron in the lives of our fathers. One of the marked characteristics of the earlier families was their size, varying all the way from six and eight to seventeen children. It is also noticeable that the present average number in 5 6 PREFACE. \ tlie family is not more than half what it formerly , ^^^^ ^hat some families have become extinct. Our early ancesboi , all fanners to some extent, and the farm afforded room for many children. In the '< halcyon days of eld" he was honored who had many "olive-plants around his table." There was ample room without touching elbows; the question for a livelihood was not so serious, and competition was scarcely known. In tracing down the generations, it becomes apparent that more and more left the farm and entered the professions, or engaged in manufacture and trade, so that at the present time we have many merchants, lawyers, physicians, and teachers, with a spicing of clergymen. There have been many military men in our great family. We furnished some for the French and Indian wars ; dur- ing the Revolutionary AVar we were well represented; some of our fathers engaged in the War of 1812; a few of onr brothers were in the Mexican War; and a large number volunteered for the de- fen.se of our liberties during the great Rebellion ; while we had brave men who held honorable positions in the war with Spain. To the third generation the descendants of Deacon Samuel Haines made their home in Greenland. The oldest great-grandson, whose name was Samuel, was the first to go into the wilderness. Soon after 1730 he bought five hundred and ninety-two acres of land in A'ork ("ouuty, and removed to what is now Scarboro, Me. Soon after other families took up wild land in Exeter, Epsom, Deerfield, Wolfboro, and Rumney, N.H., as well as in different places in Maine and Vermont. Following generations scattered more widely, until at jircsent we have representatives in almost every State in the Union, as well as in the newly acquired island territories. It gives me great pleasure to speak of the work which the late lamented .Vndrew Mack Haines of Galena, 111., has done for our branch of the Haines (Haynes) family. In 1848, when quite a young man, he commenced looking up the record of our ancestors, and continued his research until a few years before his death, caus- ing records and documents, not only in this country but also in England, to be searched with the view of tracing back the line as far as possible. He gave imicli time and expended thousands of dollars in that effort, being painstaking and conscientious. As he was stric'ken with blindness he could not complete the work, which, 1 :iuse of having some leisure days, 1 have been able to do ; not, PREFACE. T perhaps, with that nicety which it ought to receive, but with some degree of satisfaction. I wish to gratefully acknowledge the cour- tesy of those who have aided me by extended research. Especially am I under obligation to Mr. John C. Haynes of Boston, Mass., Mr. Ashley D. Haynes of Deerfield, N.H., INIr. John Haines of Waltham, Mass., Mr. Augustine E. Ayers of Bqscawen, N.H., Mrs. Winifred S. Murphy of Boston, Mass., and JNIiss Harriot P. Haines of Farmington, N.H., together with others without whose aid it would have been impossible to approach the present com- pleteness of this work. But even after the most diligent inquiry there are omissions, noticeable to no one more distinctly than to the compiler. The biographical sketches form a unique portion of the work, which will be read with interest. They would have been ex- tended if more data along that line had been sent in. Four thousand two hundred and forty-three names have been indexed, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-four of which are Haines or Haynes. As far as the record reveals, up to the sixth generation, with one exception, all the members of our family wrote the name Haines. Since then a considerable number of families, and indi- vidual members of other families, have written it Haynes. The Christian names have been spelled as they have been sent in to me, unless there was an obvious error; and some of the early names as I suppose they were spelled by those who bore them. The oldest member by the name of Haines recorded in this book is Mehitable, daughter of Joshua Haines. She was born in Green- land, 1755, and died in Wolfboro, N.H., at the age of ninety -five yearsj seven months, and eighteen days. The oldest male member is Thomas Jefferson Haines, my father, who was born 1804, in Loudon, N.H., and died in New Market, Sept. 17, 1896, at the age of ninety -two years, four months, and three days. If this work affords pleasure and profit to the living, it is my desire that it be handed down to the coming generations, and that they will pass it on to those who may follow, so that the character and life of Deacon Samuel Haines shall be potent for good to all the unborn members of the family. Thomas VanBuren Hatnes. North Hampton, N.H., Oct 1, 1901. CONTENTS. PAGE Origin of the Family Name 13 The Haixes Arms 17 First and Second Generations 19 Third Generation 24 Fourth Generation 27 Fifth Generation 34 Sixth Generation 47 Seventh Generation 89 Eighth Generation 163 Ninth Generation 243 Tenth Generation 270 Biographical Sketches. Andrew Mack Haines 277 John Cummings Ilaynes 282 James Gilson Haynes 286 Martin Alonzo Haynes 288 Joseph L. Haines 290 William T. Haines 292 Ashley D. Haynes 294 Matthias Haines 296 Abram B. Haines 297 Matthias L. Haines 299 Thomas J. Haines 301 Daniel P. Haj-nes 303 Henry Harrison Haynes 305 Josiah Manchester Haynes 306 Nathaniel Haynes 310 Henry AVilliamson Haynes 312 William H. Haines 318 Samuel Collins Beane 320 Daniel P. Cilley 321 Signatures of Deacon Samuel Haines and his Two Sons . . . 323 9 10 CONTENTS. Al'J'KNDIX. PAGE The Ihiines Hil)lc 327 The Cireyhuuml 329 The Ship -tViigel Gabriel 331 Deed Giveu to Samuel Haines in lOoU, and Grants of Land, 333 Deed of One Half Saw Mill Given to Samuel Haines . . . 336 A^^recMK-nt Between Deaeons Haines and Hall 338 The Will-Deed of Dcaeon Samuel Haines of Portsmouth, N.H. 339 l)epositions of John Smith and Elias Philbrick 341 Will of l»r;i(oii Miitthias Haines of Greenland 343 Will of AVilliain Haines of fJreenland 346 Will of Matthias Haines of Greenland 349 Index to the Christian Names of the Haines (Haynes) Family, 351 Index of Names other than Haines (Haynes) Connected with Uiis Family 369 Names of jiersons who have subscribed for ' ' Deacon Samuel Haines and his Desceudimts " 397 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Coat of Arms Frontispiece The Spring Facing page o ' DiLTON Church " " 19 '^ Map OF Dover Point ** " 24 1^ Map of Greenland «' " 25'^ Grace May Sanborn " " 116 Ashley D. Haynes " " 117 Alanson C. Haines " " 174 Andrew Mack Haines '• " 181 » Abram Brower Haines " " 187^ John Sherburne Haines *♦ " 189' John Nowell Haines «« " 190 John Haines " ♦' 204 Elbridge Gerry Haynes " «' 227 ■ John C. Haynes " " 231 James G. Haynes ♦' «' 232 William P. Haines " " 235 Thomas Van Buken Haines " " 247 Martin A. Haynes " '* 265 Josiah Manchester Haynes *' «' 273 ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE MARKS. abt. — about. b. — born. bapt. — baptized. d. — died. dau. — daughter. m. — married. .S-. y>. — (sine prole) without issue. uum. — unmarried. * - ^ etc. — denote the number of the generation, counting Deacon Samuel Haines as the first. 1. S. :i. t'tc. — in the center of the page denote the num- ber of the family. (1) (2) (3) etc. — at the left of the name of the head of the family, refer back to father's family. 12 3 etc. — at the left of the children's name, point forward to their families. 1. 2. 3. etc. — at left of children's names, indicate order of birth. (1) (2) (3) etc. — denote grandchildren, (a) (b) (c) etc. — denote great-grandchildren, (a) (b) (c) etc. — denote great-great-grandchildren. o 'S 5 a. s a ^ IH O O ca s CJ S Js o V = -■ p s > ^ o c J ;3 0) .a o o a ^'Sf cc 6 o ^ o a. p O 'S O 3 X a. a. ^ i; o s o S •-5 K _-3 r , " tj " 2i c4 a. 5i a IH a. sS 'J a«'x a. o a, a. KB O ■3 ?, A ~~ S, nas line rch ttoi s » .5^^ a pa S_^3 £ 1 H=^3^ Will Bow of C( Salo ce -Is •^ ^ f a. X -3 £ D a) 5l^ 7. >:y. = >-.~ ^t: s£ =K 1. - " - =""0-2 3 2 g •/! OJ^ o tij- »H :e "tH -h ^ "3 c ^ o rt -^ O J -1 CI * "S i-i J III 5 III ^1^2 ' •J.« .I' •^ © * ^ 5 ,^ H •-cM X — 53 ® oo O ■■~^ — Sh^ r. -< r-H -) w s CM « o •- rj =-> (u o 5 3 _ .i *^ p ' — w — a. ^ K •^ S!»

"'— 1^ >- - >- ^ ■J ^ c c; -t; •;: i> '^ 5 = t!5 '7^ Z' «■ -^ T" f ■" ^ "^ X C cS o a (^ .a a oj h B ^'3 t» - 3 ^.:Si^- C S Edmui Hayne fourth was Tr of Yor ■4^ -^ £ 5=-- fA . -^ ; ■3 o X 3 O s — -£* -'KO w CO || — II ll -3 ■M 1 1 G ^* ct_i iw4 ^ ''■ J3 o 3 = - s ~X3 =s O te eI s Willian Haynes tliirtl so Beddes Wilts, 2 £ s if 11 c Ph c o O a ci ■•a 3 a- - — — _ -iw x O ->4 t"— C "^ ^ 0) «M ■^S 2;i •s >- O 1 Haynes, was heir of Tlioinas in tate in the in uhStretton, w ■^ •M S ^ c; 1 CM 2 s M o bi^'^B g s' Ih |> ■a pG -r. -4- 2 s p^ 2 s 2 —' © . ::_2 tp^ O - *i a; — ^ .^"^ 3 » a; ^ -n ^ _"^ « 3 M 3 « " t- 3 St! --iS-* 3 S O bj3 ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY NAME. By reference to the foregoing record, copied from the " Stemmata Botevilliana," it appears that we are fortunate in being able to point to the fountain head of the genealogical stream which our family constitutes, and which during the past eight hundred years has spread out over the English-speaking world. Whether we have the root meaning of the name or not, we surely have the source of its formation. The pedigree of the family connected with the armorial ensigns runs back in Montgomerj-shire through Einion to Gwyn, Lord of Guilsfield, son of Griffith, son of Beli, descendant from Brockwel Yschithrog, who reigned over Powysland (Wales), a.d. 607. Einion, Prince of Powys, was distinguished in the wars against Henry I. of England, a.d. 1100-1135. He had a son whom he named after himself, but by distinction, and according to the Welsh custom of the times, he was familiarly called Einws, which was pronounced Eins. Now this son of Einion had a son John who was called John Einws — afterwards written John Eines of Baus- ley, in the parish of Alderbury, which parish was both in Shrop- shire and Montgomeryshire. Shrewsbury Avas the market town for this Alderbury parish. Among the ancient records of that town the name frequently occurs, and in the fifteenth and early part of the sixteenth centuries it was variously written as Eines, Eynes, Heynes, Heanes, Haines, Haynes. The pronunciation probably was the same. While but few people were able to write their name in those days, and as names appealed more to the ear than to the eye, it was very easy to give the aspirate '• H," so that when writ- ten it would be Heins or Heines ; and as the vowel sounds were not as sharply distinguished in those times as at present, it was easy to write the " a " in place of the " e," and the " y " in place of the "i." Thus we have the same name written by different branches of the family as Heanes, Heynes, Haynes, and Haines. It is evi- 13 U ['^}^[y/^^\GENEALOGY. dent that Haiues is more in accord with the original name, but the difference is quite immaterial, fur in all cases it is pronounced the same. Very likely, as is claimed by some English genealogists, the name for other Haines (Haynes) families may have started from one or t\V(j different sources ; but the Sliropshire family, to which we undoubtedly belong, starts with the Prince of Powys (Wales). 'i'his family has become numerous in England, a considerable number of them having occupied, or are now occupying, important positions in church and state. They have been men of character, and have taken part in the great events of the times in which they lived. Some of them were sturdy Puritans, while others were loyal to the established church. Some of them were Quakers who suf- fered for their religious belief. Some believed in the divine right of kings, and others sighed for greater freedom than the land offered. Quite early in the great movement westward across the water, were individual members of different branches of the Haines (Haynes) family. John Haynes of Copford Hall, Colchester, came over in 1633. He was chosen governor of the Massachusetts Colony in 1635, but removed to Hartford in 1637, joining the colony which went with Rev. Thomas Hooker to that place. He became the first governor of Connecticut, and was a man of wealth, of generous spirit, and wide influence.- His descendants have been a power for good in the country. Walter Haynes of Sutton, Mandeville, Wiltshire, a linen-weaver, at the age of fifty -five came to this country in 1638 with family and servants, in the ship Confidence, and in the following year settled in Sudbury, Mass. Jonathan Haynes came over in 1632, and settled in Newbury, Mass., but in 1686 removed with his family to Haver- hill, where he was killed by the Indians, Feb. 22, 1698. Benjamin Haines came from England, and was settled at Southampton, L.I., in 1639. Then Richard Haines of Aynhoe, Nortlianiptonshire, England, is at the head of another large and influential family, which settled at Evesham, Burlington County, N.J., in 1682. And •IdIiii llayne, dropping the terminal letter on coming to this coun- try, from near Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, settled in St. P>artholomew Parish, Collerton County, S.C, in 1700, and became tlie ancestor of men of note. There were others from across the sea who made their home in the New World, perhaps of a later ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY NAME. 15 period, whose descendants are liot to be despised. These were good and true men whose lives added wealth and wisdom to the land. But not the least of the patriarchs who struck out boldly for free- dom and success in the wilds of America was our ancestor, Samuel Haines, who, drenched by the mighty sea which wrecked the vessel on which he came, set foot on this shore Aug. 15, 1635, and to whom and his descendants this work is primarily devoted. THE HAINES ARMS. Heraldry probably dates from the use of armor which covered the person of knights in battle, and rendered necessary some sign by which the person might be known. Armorial bearings were used in the time of Henry I., and were common during the Cru- sades. It appears that about the year 1300 coats-of-arms were well systematized, and were in common use. Some time in the twelfth century they were made hereditary, and were highly valued, as no person in England below the dignity of a Knight of the Bath had a right to them, except by special royal grant. The most ancient coat-of-arms borne by our family was conferred upon Sir Eynns, who was among the knights of Shropshire in the reign of King Edward I., a.d. 1272-1307. It consisted of "a silver shield with fesse gules with three roundles." Afterwards the family added the greyhound, and changed the color of the field and the roundles from silver to gold. In the Heralds' College in London, where the record of the arms legally borne was made, we learn that on the first visitation of the king-at-arms to Shropshire, a.d. 1569, the Haines blazonry is de- scribed as " Or. on a fesse gules three bezants ; and in chief a grey- hound courant sable collared of the second " (a golden shield with a horizontal red band across the middle, on which are three gold coins, and in the upper part a black greyhound running, who wears a red collar). Now it is probable that Sir Eynns took part in the wars of the Crusades in which Edward engaged before he became king, as the three bezants had taken the place of the three roundles. A shield with bezants signified that the bearer was a Crusader. Bezants were old Byzantium coin of gold. In the second visitation of the king's officer to examine the arms in Shropshire, a.d. 1584, a crest appears of an eagle displayed azure, sprinkled with silver stars. Such had been quite recently added, and was truly expressive. 17 Hut in the visitation which was made iu 1GG3 there appeared the double crest ; that is, not only the eagle displayed azure, sprinkled with silver stars, but an additional eagle displayed or. (gold), stand- ing on a tortoise argent (silver). This did not appear in the records until Sept. 4, 1G07, when it was granted or confirmed to Thomas Hayne of Dorsetshire by AVilliam Segar, garter-king-at-arms. The crest was worn upon the helmet anciently, and sometimes when appearing on the arms the helmet itself was represented. Where the helmet is wanting, it is always understood that the crest is based upon a wreath. In our coat-of-arms when there was but a single crest, it probably was over the center of the shield ; but when the second was added the first was made the sinister crest, and the second became the dexter crest, thus giving the blazon of the Shroj^- shire family of Haineses. In a blank space on a leaf of the Bible * brought over to this country by Samuel Haines, our ancestor, in 1635, is a well-drawn greyhound courant and collared, which doubtless is an index to the arms which his family had borne. The greyhound f is an emblem of loyalty, and from what we know of our ancestor it was very fitting that he should have selected that charge from the Haines escutcheon as an illustration of his character. The College of Arms in London contains some thirty different styles of heraldic ensigns borne by different members of the Haines (Haynes) family. Only four or five, however, are of ancient origin. The others are modifications which appeared later. In the early days no motto was written on the arms, but in more modern times ditt'erent members of the various branches of our family have used what was regarded as singularly significant for them. Mr. A. M. Haines, by whose toil and patience this work has been made possible, and who some years ago published some of the facts above stated, chose a most appropriate motto — " There is no difficulty to liiiu that wills." * See Appendix, No. 1. t See Appendix, No. 2. o ■5 = § s S "a O) i " .-r- o 5" si -" ~ -o s s 5 ^5 & i^ 13 a> c S M- 3 I^ Q» ?i 't ■^ i^ -. -s: ■2 < •^ u ■3 ^ • ■s; C o f CO a. c tn '^ 4) ■s "" 5 T * ■0 5 ~- (J .^ c nr -C s C 3 0- Ci. I a ■R 3 3 ■0 -c 3 2 -z. . 1 ^ V c 9) .■5 CO 3 ■40 — 3 •<-> ^ IS £J Ih 3 t^ < u ?^ ■■- -c ■c n ^ a. ■S ri ». ^ 3 ■^ CJ. 3 s C ^ SO CO 3l P p 05 c u » 31 -0 ■3 Q 3 "53 S to ■**( 5S i C ■^ CO V i 1 C fa C 2 ERRATA AND ADDENDA. P. 67 — family 37, 3, (2), at left for 100a, read 190a. ]'. 70 — family 40, 1, for '^ Scarboro," read "Buxton." F. 77 — family 48, G, add, " He has passed away." P. 80 - family 50, 5, (2), (c), for all after " d " substitute, " in Prairie du Sac, Wis. " ; also, under " (c) " add, •' (d) Isabella, b. in Colebrook, and d. IVIay 30, 181)2, at Tiltou, N. H." Same family, 5, (3), last line, for " and " read " He." Add, " She d. Jan. 26, 1896." Same family, 5, (3), (c), 2d line, for "Seaver" spell "Leaver." Same family (p. 81), 5, (4), (e), (a), for " Geneora " spell <' Genevra." P. 105 — family 69, 4, (6), for "1898," read "1893." p. 120 — family 85, 1, add, " She d. in 1861." P. 168 — family 133, 1, last line, for " Davis," spell " Davies." P. 172 — family 138, 1, add, "She d. Jan. 31, 1902." P. 178 — family 144, last line, for " eighty-nine," read " seventy- nine." P. 189 — family 158, second line, for " Soraersworth," read " Greenland " ; in tenth line, for " superintendent," read " agent," and for "' Bartlett Mills," read " James Steam Mill " ; in eleventh line, for " director," read "' trustee " ; and after " Somersworth," insert "' Savings." P. 190 — family 158, 5, add, "Children": John Sherburne, b. Jan. 23, 1889 ; Samuel Faitute, b. Nov. 30, 1892 ; Fred Sumner, b. Aug. 4, 1898 ; Woodruff Nowell, b. Feb. 2, 1900." P. 223 — family 217, second line, for ".Mt. Vernon" read " Hebron." P. 223 — family 217, 1, for all included between the words, "After graduation," in the third line, and the words, " He was chosen," in the eighth line, substitute, " he taught in a Private Latin School, then made several trips to Europe, while in the meantime he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in Boston, where he practiced for a few years. Having concluded to devote himself to teaching the ancient languages, he was elected professor in the University of Vermont." P. 234 — family 236, add, "He was Justice of the Peace, En- sign, and Captain of a military company." P. 244 — family 253, iu hfth and sixth lines, for "Davis," read "Davies"; iu seventh line, for " Atlanta," read "Atlantic"; also add, " He was Chief Engineer and General Manager of the Sav., EHIIATA AM) ADDKXDA. Fl;i. v.^' W. Ry. Co. ; was Vire-president of the Southern Railways, kiKjwii as the I'hiiit System; and was for many years J'lesident of the Ameriean Railway Association; also, he is Vice-president of the American Society of < "ivil Engineers." r. 1J44 — family 253. 1, add, " lie was General ^Manager of the Atlantic and Danville R.K. of Virginia, until it was leased to tlie Soutliern Railway Co." P. 244 — family 253, 2, add, <• Tie is an official in the passenger department of the Illinois Central R.R. Company." 1'. 24r> — family 254, in the sixth line, for the words, *•' a book- keeper," read, " a Master Mechanic of the North-Eastern R.R. of South r'arolina." v. 2 K; — family 257, for '-Haynes" spell "Haines." J'. 2(J8 — - family 295a, fourth line, for " San Francisco," read, ^' lierkley " ; also, add to the number of children, " They lost two daughters in infancy"; same family, 1, add, "They have three sons and three daughters." 1'. 'M5, fifteenth line, for " Chiasi," spell " Chiusi " ; and twenty- fourth line, for " Salzkammerut," spell " Salzkammergut." It is a matter of great interest to know that Mrs. Edwin Stone, of Biddeford, Me. (see family 238, 7), has the desk which was used by ])eacon Samuel Haines, also his dining-table. They are of English majile. The desk is three feet long, and three feet, four inches high. It has four large drawers, with the original brass liandles, and a lid which turns down for writing. Inside there are eight pigeon-holes, with drawers beneath. And dividing these is a c()m])artmeiit with a door, which when opened, and a drawer within removed, dis(doses a spring. On pressing this spring the whole compartment comes out, and just back of this are two secret drawers. The table is about four feet long, and has two folding leaves, which when opened extend five feet. It is very dark in color, and has wooden claw feet. There is also a chair in the possession of Mrs. "William S. Whit- ney, of Lawrence, ]\Iass., which our first ancestor brought to this country. It has a straight back, and until recently had the original leather cover, studded with brass nails. If any person has other relics aside from the Bible and cane, it would be pleasing to have a description given. omint IG.IS. William lluckctts ami .Jane Pierce were marrycd the ttrst day of April. Samuel Haines and Elleuor Neate were marryed the same day. Parish Register of Dilton, hamlet of Westbury Co., Wilts. t See Appendix, No. 4. FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS. 21 ridge of land which now commands a pleasing view of the sur- rounding oountiy. There could have been but a small hamlet where he settled ; for there were at that time but fifty or sixty fam- ilies in what now constitutes New Castle, Portsmouth, Greenland, and Newington. The larger part of the country around was as yet unsubdued by ax or plow, so the comforts and privileges were com- paratively few. Travel to the more thickly settled part of the town was by water, or by a circuitous and rough path through the forest. The Indians were a menace, and wild animals were in the w^oods. Foreign supplies must have been costly and few, and the support of a family was the price of unceasing toil, while edu- cational and religious privileges were obtained only by great effort. Our ancestor seems to have been sturdy and strong, for he was able to more than hold his own. In addition to the large tract of land which he had secured, he bought a part of the saw-mill * which w\T,s located near his home, paying for it one hundred and ten pounds. He was a highly respected citizen, and occupied important positions of trust. But there were adversaries to contend with as well as a rigorous climate and hard soil. In 1683, after he had made his land pleas- ant with the labor of thirty years, Eobert Mason, Esq., laid claim to it, together Avith that of others, and tried to eject him, but with- out success. In the following year he made a second effort, put- ting the land-holders under bond to appear in court at New Castle, but his plans did not succeed. The titles were good. The four towns within the limits of New Hampshire, having put themselves under the protection of the Colony of jMassachusetts, in 1653, Samuel Haines w^as one of the signers, petitioning the Gen- eral Court at Boston to change the name of the town from Straw- berry Bank to Portsmouth, which was done. The same year he was chosen one of the selectmen of Portsmouth, to which office he was elected for ten successive years. In 1666 he was employed to assist in running the town line between Portsmouth and Hamp- ton. In 1678 the town intrusted to him the keeping of an orphan child for a period of fifteen years for a stipulated sum of money. Aside from his business sagacity he was a religious man,t being one of the number who organized the North Church in Portsmouth ; and as soon as Kev. Joshua Moodey was settled as their pastor, he * See Appendix, No. 5. t See Appendix, No. 6. 22 nA//E% \ GENEALOGY. was ordained Deacon of the church by the " imposition of hands and prayer." This was in 1(571, although religious services had been held in town for the greater part of the time since 1638. In 1675 the town granted " Deacon Haines " the privilege of hitching his horse in " the pound " on Sundays for shelter and protection. It was a long distance for him to travel to church, and that act indicates that he made the journey sometimes in rough weather. When by the weight of years his infirmities increased, he deemed it wise to deed his homestead to his eldest son, Samuel,* reserving a sufficient life support for himself and wife. The exact date of his death is not on record ; but it must have occurred about 1686, at the age of about seventy-five years. His wife was living at the time he made his will in 1682, but the exact date of her death is not determined. They were buried on a bold promontory jutting a little into the Winnicut, thirty or forty feet above the river, — a beautiful, quiet spot, now covered with a wooded growth, at the foot of which the tide has ebbed and flowed by their graves for almost two and a quarter centuries. At this place it is said that more than one hun- dred of the first settlers of the town of Greenland have been laid away. This " God's acre " is but a short distance from the old Haines homestead. CuiLDKliN : 1. Mary, b. in Dover; m., in 1667, Leonard Weeks, who was b. at Moreton, England, in 1639. He was in this country in 165;"), and received a grant of land from the town of Portsmouth the next year. In 1660 he received another grant of forty-four acres. In 1661 he was chosen one of the selectmen of Portsmouth. He was afterwards con- stable, and for several years was sheriff. He d. before March, 1708, leaving a second wife, Elizabeth, who had no children. Children : (1) John, b. June 14, 1668 : d. prior to 1711. (2) Samuel, b. Dec. 14, 1670; m. Aug. 23, 1695, Eleanor Haines, dau. of Samuel and Mary (Fifleld) Haines. He was a man of much importance both in the church and town. It is said that about 1710 he built the brick house which is still standing. He d. March 26, 174(). She d. Nov. 19, 1736. 'They had seven cliildren. • See Appendix, No. 7. I FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS. 23~ (3) Joseph, b. May 11, 1672. He was a cordwainer in Greenland. He m. and had several children. ' He d. Nov. 27, 1735. (4) Joshua, b. June 30, 1674 ; m. in Boston, Nov. 1699, Comfort Hubbard. Her brother was a merchant in Boston, and treasurer of Harvard College. They resided at Bay Side, Greenland, and had ten chil- dren. He d. June 13, 1758. She d. March 20, 1756. (5) Mary, b. July 19, 1676 ; m. Lieut. Joshua Brackett. They had a large family. (6) Jonathan, b. ; ni. Elizabeth Gate; d. June 27, 1748, s.p. (7) Margaret, b. June 4, 1679. (8) Sarah, b. — 2. Samuel, b. in Dover, 1646 ; m. Mary Fifield, probably dau. of Giles and Mary (Perkins) Fifield of Hampton, Jan. 9,, 1673. He d. in the winter of 1688-9. 3. Matthias, b. in Portsmouth, 1650 ; m. Dec. 28, 1671, Jane Brackett, dau. of Anthony Brackett of Portsmouth. She was a sister to Anthony and Thomas Brackett of Fal- mouth, Me., who were killed by the Indians — Thomas,. Aug. 11, 1676 ; Anthony, Sept. 21, 1689. He d. in the winter of 1688-9 within a short time of his brother's death. THIRD GENERATION. (1) Samuel- Haines (SamueP) was born in Dover, and at the age of four years went with his father to what is now Greenhand. At the age of twenty -seven he married Mary Filield of Hampton, with whom he lived about sixteen years, when he died at the early age of forty -three. He came into possession of his father's homestead by will-deed, dated Dec. 28, 1682. It appears that he spent his life upon the farm. He was a member of the North Church in Portsmouth. In 1683 he signed a petition setting forth grievances growing out of the Mason Patent. He did considerable business at the saw-mill, as well as on the farm. On the 19th of January, 1749, Elias Philbrick of Greenland, in a deposition before Justices of the Peace, said* "that the deponent remembers the said Samuel Haines built a Garrison where he lived, and Remembers the names and Color of the Oxen (belonging to said Samuel) which were employed in haling the timber for that Purpose ; that the said Samuel was the Elder of the two Brothers, and Died first, tho. they died within a week of one another, and according to this deponent's Remembrance it is about fifty-nine years ago, Init how much more he is not certain and cannot Say ; and he well Remembers that it was a thing much observed as a Remarkable Providence and that it was in the winter time." He built the garrison at the breaking out of King William's war in 1G89. His wife, Mary, was living April 27, 1723. She died within two years of that time. CmiLDREN : 1. Sarah, b. Oct. 6, 1673; m. prior to March 29, 1725, Nathaniel Huggins of Greenland. She sold her right in the old lioniestead to her tliree brothers in 1725. She joined the Congregational church in Greenland in 1729. No record of her death has been found. 2. Eleanor, b. Aug. 23, 1675; m. abt. 17(»0 Capt. Samuel Weeks, her cousin, who Avas b. Dec. 14, 1670. He sold * See Appendix, No. 8. 24 J 8V CRy^i^T T« 1. Meeting-House, 2, Nathaniel Nutte 3, Samuel Haines. 4. William Fiirber. DOVER POINT. Anciently called Northam, where Deacon Samuel Haines liued from 1640 to 1650. 7. Capt. Francis Chantpernown's place, which Deacon Samuel Haines leased and occupied for two years from Nou. 18, 1650. 2. Where Deacon Samuel Haines afterwards lived and died, and which was held in the name for more than one hundred years. 3. Burial place of Deacon Samuel Haines and his sons, — a bluff about thirty feet high, at the base of which flows the Winnicut River. 4. Landing. 5. Old Weeks house, built probably in 1710-12 by a son of Leonard Weeks, and grandson of Deacon Samuel Haines 6. Old parsonage. THIRD GENERATION. 25 her interest in her father's estate to her brothers in 1725. She was not living when he made his will, Sept. 15, 1745. Probably she died Nov. 19, 1736. He died March 26, 1746. Children : (1) Samuel, bapt. 1712 ; was a tanner ; m. Mehitable Pickering abt. 1725 ; both joined the church in 1728. They had seven children. (2) John, bapt. 1712; was a cordwainer in Greenland; was twice married; had eight children by his first wife. (3) Walter, bapt, 1712 ; was a farmer on the homestead, residing in the, brick house ; married his cousin, Comfort Weeks. They had nine children. He d. in 1774. (4) Matthias, b. 1708 ; m. abt. 1735 Sarah Ford, dau. of John Sanborn of North Hampton. He removed from Greenland to Gilmanton in 1773. They had nine children. He d. before October, 1777. (5) Mary, bapt. 1712; m. abt. 1744 Paul Chapman of Greenland. She d. in 1762, leaving two sons. (6) Eleanor, bapt. 1714 ; d. unm. (7) William, bapt. 1717 ; probably d. young. 3. Matthias, b. March 7, 1676; m. prior to 1715 Mehitable, dau. of Francis Jenness of Rye. She was b. in 1683, and d. in 1768. He d. April 9, 1745. 4. William, b. Jan. 7, 1679 ; m. Jan. 4, 1705, Mary Lewis of Casco Bay, a niece of Philip Lewis of Greenland. 6. Mary, b. Jan 27, 1686 ; m. Michael Hicks of Greenland. She sold her interest in her father's estate to her brothers. He owned the covenant and was bapt. at Greenland in 1721, at which time he and his wife joined the Congrega- tional church there. He d. Oct. 3, 1735. We have no record of her death. Children : (1) Michael, bapt. 1721. (2) Samuel, bapt. 1721. (3) Sarah, bapt. 1721. (4) John, bapt. 1723. 6. Samuel, b. July 5, 1687 ; m. Mehitable Crosby, who. d. May, 1768. He d. Sept. 7, 1750. 26 '^^^f^^^^GENEALOGY. 3. (1 ) Matthias - Haines (Samuel ') was born at Strawberry Bank, afterwards rortsmouth, now Greenland, and after marrying Jane Urackett he settled near the old homestead. He, with Leonard Weeks, was appointed in his father's will to see that his brother executed all the provisions of the will. On June 28, 1671, he made testimony to the usual privilege of drawing logs across land from the river to the saw-mill. He was juryman in 1683. On Jan. 18, 1747, John Smith of North Hampton testified* that "Matthias Haines lived near where Daniel Lunt then lived, that he and his brother Samuel died in the winter time within a few days of one another, and that the event was very much taken notice of, and considered as a Eemarkable Providence, for they were Noted Men and carried on their work and business together in Partnership." There is a tradition in the family, that when he was going from his home to the house of George AVeeks he dropped dead in the road. We have no record of his wife's death. CniLDRKN : 7 1. Samuel, b. in Greenland, Dec. 25, 1674. He died before July 1, 1729. 8 2. Joshua, b. in Greenland, April 5, 1678 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth Hall of Greenland. He d. Jan. 10, 17;;7. 9 3. Matthias, b. in Greenland abt. 1680 ; m. prior to May 26, 1726, Hannah, dau. of John and Hannah (Lewis) Johnson, a millet of Greenland. She d. May 4, 1755. He d. in 1771. 4. Jane, b. in Greenland. She joined the Congregational church there in 1724. * See Appeudix. No. 8. FOURTH GENERATION. 4. (2) Matthias ^ Haines (Saniuel,^ Samuel ^) was about twelve years old when his father died, and was heir to the old homestead, accord- ing to the will-deed of his grandfather. He was called Lieut. Haines ; was one of the selectmen of Greenland for several years, and was a member of the " General Assembly," Aug. 29, 1732, which body at that time was composed of noted men. In 1715 he and his wife joined the Congregational church in Greenland, of which he afterwards was chosen deacon, and was generally known as "Deacon Haines." It appears that he was a prosperous man, as he not only secured an increase of land in Greenland, but came into possession of a large tract in the town of Epsom, IST.H.* His wife conveyed land to her son-in-law, Joshua Haines, in 1758. There is a tradition in the family that he was killed by a barn door falling on him when he was sixty-nine years of age. She survived her husband twenty -three years, dying at the age of eighty-iive. Children : 10 1. Samuel, b. in Greenland, April 20, 1716 ; m. Sarah Whidden, Aug. 12, 1744. She was b. Feb. 22, 1720, and was living Feb. 19, 1766. He d. 1786. 11 2. Joseph, b. in 1721 ; m. Mary Berry, sister of Capt. Thomas Berry of Greenland. He d. abt. 1760. 3. Eleanor, bapt. 1715 ; m. a Mr. French ; joined the Congre- gational church in Greenland, May 11, 1735. 4. Hannah, bapt. 1715 ; admitted to the church in Greenland, May 11, 1735. 5. Lydia, bapt. 1715. 6. Mehitable, bapt. 1715 ; joined the church in Greenland, May 11, 1735. 7. Mary, b. in 1724 ; m. Joshua Haines, son of Joshua and Sarah (Hall) Haines of Greenland. * See Appendix, No. 9. 27 28 ]]^\?^^^\genealogt. (2) William' Haines (Samuel,'^ Samuel^) was a native of Green- land, where he spent his days. When twenty-six years of age he married :Mary Lewis of Casco Bay. He was a farmer and surveyor, and possessed an " interest " in the undivided lands in the town of Kpsom," also an " interest in the Stream and Saw Mill at Green- land." In his will* he said, "I give and bequeath to jNIary, my beloved wife, the use and improvement of the Koom in my Dwelling house where we usually sit, and the Chamber over it, the Bed Eoom we lodge in, the Dairy Eoom and the Porch leading to the Well, during her life. I also give to her own Disposal all my household Goods or Movables within Doors, meaning my Furniture and Utensils of house keeping. I also give her my weaving Loom with all the Geer and Tackle thereto belonging. I also give her two Milch Cows and the keeping of the same Summer and Winter, and the calves till they shall be three months old, yearly, during her life. I also give her Eight Cords of good Merchantable Cord Wood to be haled to her door yearly during her life, and Cut ht for her fire, and Eight Bushels of Corn, a Bushel of good Wheat, two Bushels of Malt, three Barrels of Cyder, one hundred pounds weight of good pork, and the same quantity of Beef, five pounds of Sheep's wool, and three pounds of Cotton wool, all and every of said particulars to be provided and delivered to her yearly at her house aforesaid. I also give her my Saddle horse which I usually Ride, and my part of the Horse Chair and Tackling which I have with my son William." He d. abt. 1761. His wife w^as living April 1, 1760. No record of her death appears. Children : 1. Sarah, b. Oct. 18, 1705; m. March 2, 1727, Jonathan Lock of Rye. She joined the Congregational church at Green- land in 1742, and d. between 1753 and 1756. Cnii-DUEX : (1) Patience. (2) Jonathan. (3) Abigail. (4) Margaret. (5) Abner. (6) Sarah. (7) Hannah. (8) John. • See Appendix, No. 10. FOURTH GENERATION. 29 (9) Mary. (10) David. (11) William. 2. Mary, b. Feb. 28, 1707, bapt. 1712; m. James Johnson. They had one daughter, Marabee, who married Benjamin Norton ; and their son, Thomas, b. Feb. 17, 1769, told Andrew Mack Haines in 1850 that Matthias Haines told him that Deacon Samuel Haines was of Welsh extraction. 3. Margaret, b. Jan. 15, 1710, bapt. 1712 ; m. John Johnson. She joined the Congregational church, Greenland, in 1728 ; d. prior to March 29, 1753. Childrex : (1) John. (2) Margaret. 12 4. Matthias, b. in Greenland, March 17, 1713; m. Abigail Sherburne ; d. March 28, 1795. 13 5. William, b. in Greenland, Jan. 25, 1715 ; m. March 7, 1744, Elizabeth Barker of Stratham, who was b. Kov. 15, 1724. He d. June 25, 1799. 14 6. David, b. in Greenland, Jan. 27, 1717 ; m. Lydia Gate ; d. in Epping, 1780. 7. Eleanor, b. June 27, 1719 ; m. Timothy Jones ; joined the Congregational church in Greenland in 1730. 15 8. John, b. in Greenland, May 2, 1723 ; m. Nancy Norton, dau. of William Norton of Greenland, and half-sister of Benja- min Norton, the father of Thomas and Simeon. She was b. in 1726, and d. Sept. 21, 1813. He d. Jan. 11, 1809. 9. George Lewis, b. Dec. 27, 1724 ; bapt. 1725 at Greenland. He was a soldier in the expedition to Louisburg, and never returned. Louisburg was first attacked May 11, 1745, and taken June 28. He d. between March 9, 1753, and March 17, 1756. O. (2) SamueP Haines (Samuel,- SamueP) was a farmer in Greenland. When forty -eight years of age, he and his wife joined the Congre- gational church in that town, Aug. 3, 1735. Soon after his death she deeded land to her daughter-in-law, Anne (Jennings) Haines, In this deed she reserved one-third of the dwelling-house and of the barn, the homestead of her late husband, and a right to the " spring," also to the " mill." She further reserved the orchard GENEALOGY. on If A INKS I ^^ II A YNES S containing ninety rods, and a piece of land containing sixteen acres, adjoining Matthias Haines's house on the County road; also a road one rod in width to the " spring." Chilpukn : 1. Abigail, b. in Greenland, 1721 ; m. Thomas Weeks. On April 2\), 1751. she deeded her interest in her father's es- tate to her brother Samuel ; in that deed slie is termed " weaver." Before her death she became blind. They re- moved from Greenland to Epping abt. 1760. Children : (1) Thomas. (2) Molly, (o) Joseph. 2. Sarah, b. 1724 ; m. April 29, 1751, Nathaniel Huggins, who was a " Carpenter." On May 4, 1761, he received deed of land from the widow Anne Haines. On April 29, 1751, she deeded her interest in her father's estate to her brother Samuel. They had one son Samuel, and perhaps more children. 3. Deborah, bapt. in 1727 in Greenland; m. Jonathan Weeks (publication of marriage at Greenland, June 4, 1775). She deeded her interest in her father's estate to her brother Samuel, April ^9, 1751, in which deed she is spoken of as "weaver." She joined the Congregational church in Greenland in 1756. 16 4. Samuel, b. in Greenland in 1730 ; m. Anne Jennings of Rye, who was b. in 1733, and d. of snuill-pox, jNIay 6, 1778. He d. in 1760. 5. Matthias, bapt. in 1735. Probably he died young. 6. Mehitable, bapt. in 1735. She is mentioned in her mother's deed to a daughter-in-law. Widow Anne Haines, March 27, 1761. 7. Thomas, bapt, 1738. Nothing more is known of him. (3) Samuel ' Haines (Matthias,- Samuel ^) was a native of Green- land, and became a farmer. He married, but the name of his wife has not been found. He died before he was fifty -live years of age. Ciiii.iiuicx : 17 1. Samuel, b. in Greenland, abt. 17eane, by 1st wife, and one son, Arthur Bond, by 2d wife. (c) Samuel Collins, b. Dec. 19, 1835 ; m. 1st, Caro- line B. Turner of Stow, Mass., May 22, 1862. She d. Jan. 25, 1867; m. 2d, Harriet Cook Gray of Salem, Mass., Jan. 7, 1869. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children by 1.st Wife : (a) AVilliam Hilliard, b. ]\Iay 26, 1883 ; d. in infancy. By 2d Wife : (b) Prentiss Collins, b. Nov. 26, 1869; d. March 7, 1873. (c) Samuel Collins, b. Dec. 9, 1872. (d) Caroline Turner, b. Dec. 9, 1872 ; d. Sept. 12, 1873. (e) Elizabeth Silsbee, b. Nov. 27, 1875; grad. Smith College (A.B.), 1899. (d) Mary Parthenia, b. INIarch 17, 1843, unm. (2) Miriam French, b. March 16, 1802; m. Stephen Brown, M.D. They had one dau., Sarah Collins, b. July 17, 1848 ; d. April 4, 1874. (3) Sarah, b. Jan. 3, 1806 ; d. in 1828, unm. (4) Samuel, b. IVIarch 16, 1808 ; d. in 1826, unm. (5) David Haines, b. Nov. 9, 1811 ; d. June 24, 1834, unm. He was a lawyer in Haverhill, N.H. (6) Kebecca Marcy,b. Feb. 28, 1814; m. Edward S. Pres- cott, who was b. April 14, 1812. She d. April 17, 1889. Children : (a) Sarah Rebecca Collins, b. July 1, 1837 ; m. Nov. 26, 1857, IMoses B. Smith. She d. April 4, 1871. They had one dau., Clara 0., b. Aug. 16, 1865; m. Oct. 18, 1892, George N. Richardson. They have one dau., Re- becca Ann, b. Sept. 18, 1894. (b) Susan Adelaide, b. March 26, 1842; m. Jidy 25, 1864, Rev. Ethnan W. Porter, who d. Jan. 24, 1899. SIXTH GENERATION. 59 Children : (a) Edith Eebecca, b. Aug. 23, 1865. (b) Stella May, b. Dec. 13, 1868; d. Sept. 9, 1870. (c) Sarah Prescott, b. March 26, 1872. (d) Ethna Adelaide, b. June 17, 1874. (c) Clara Orissa, b. May 14, 1848 ; d. July 20, 1848. (d) Clara Orissa, b, Aug. 2, 1850; d. July 7, 1860. 3. Lydia, b. Jan. 25, 1780 ; m. Sept. 11, 1797, Joseph Perkins of Deerfield. They had one son, David. They lived in Weldon, Vt. She d. June, 1800. 81 4. David, b. Aug. 15, 1782 ; m. April 4, 1810, Mehitable Hilton, who was b. Aug. 16, 1790. He d. Oct. 4, 1854. 5. Mercy, b. Sept. 21, 1784; m. 1st, April 23, 1804, Abner Purington of Epping. He d. at Stickney, N.Y. She m., 2d, Eusebius Stickney. She d. in 1867. By 2d wife : 82 6. Samuel, b. Feb. 20, 1789 ; m. April 6, 1819, Mary Philbrick, dan. of Jonathan Philbrick of Deerfield. She was b. April 30, 1799, and d. July 26, 1863. He d. April 19, 1860. 7. Hannah, b. Nov. 15, 1790 ; m. March 7, 1833, Lieut. John Sanborn, who was a farmer in Deerfield. She d. Oct. 25, 1863. They had no children. 83 8. Daniel, b. Aug. 6, 1792 ; m. Dec. 11, 1822, Sophronia Dear- born of Deerfield. She was b. May 6, 1802. He d. at Jamesville, Wis., Dec. 30, 1870. 9. Anna, b. Oct. 19, 1794; d. Dec. 28, 1828. 84 10. Noah, b. Nov. 11, 1796 ; m. March 22, 1822, Dolly Smith, dan. of Oliver Smith of Candia. She was b. Jan. 24, 1798, and d. Jan. 1, 1872. He d. Dec. 14, 1863. (14) Simeon ^ Haines (David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel *) was born in Epping, and married Eunice Oilman, when he made his home in Deerfield, from which town he removed to Sanbornton, where he settled as a farmer, becoming the first resident owner of Lot 77, Div. 2. He served in the Continental army in 1st Co., Ried's Reg., from Nov. 15, 1776, to Nov. 17, 1779. He was at Fort Washington, May 26, 1777, when he was one of the signers to a petition to the House of Representatives, then sitting at Exeter, for increase of wages. He also enlisted July 22, 1780, and <50 ZayI^S \ GENEALOGY. received pay for traveling three hundred and twelve miles from West Point, having been sent for the defense of that place. He lived last with his son Simeon in Haverhill, X.H., where he died at the age of seventy-six years. Childkkn : 85 1. Dudley, b. inDeerfield, December, 1778; m. Elizabeth Carr. He d. Dec. 18, 1849. 2. Kebecca, m. Sept. 5, 1799, Samuel Rogers of Northfield, N.H. 3. Polly, m. Gilman Dudley of Gilmanton. She died in Alton, N.H. 4. Stephen, b. in Sanbornton abt. 1790 ; m., 1st, Betsey Gilman. Their children were : (1) Emily. (2) Jane, (o) Eebecca. He m., 2d, Maria Haines, dau. of Timothy and Sally (Folsom) Haines, Nov. 3, 1844. She was b. Dec. 2, 1800. He d. in Sheffield, Yt., in 1852. 5. Lydia, b. in Sanbornton. She d. in Franklin, unm. 6. Simeon, b. in 1789, and d. June 13, 1791. 86 7. Simeon, b. July 17, 1791 ; m., 1st, Sally Flanders of Wilmot, N.H. She d. May 19, 1833, aged thirty-six years; m., 2d, Mrs. Mary (Mason) Parsons of New Hampton. She d. Feb. 13, 1843, aged forty years ; m., 3d, Sally J. Clark of Sanbornton. She d. March 25, 1845, aged thirty-eight years ; m., 4th, Elizabeth Clark, sister of Sally. She d. July 2, 1850, aged forty-nine years ; m., 5th, Mrs. Phebe A. Merrill. She d. Feb. 3, 1861, aged fifty-live years. He d. Oct. 7, 1879. 87 8. Tristum Coffin, b. June 17, 1794; m. Dec. 5, 1819, Salome Avery of I'lainfield, N.H. She was b. July 21, 1802. He d. Sept. 18, 1844. 9. Moses G. He was a sailor for four years, and cast away on the Hawaiian Islands. Afterwards he w^as a hack- driver in Boston, Mass., and subsequentlv went to Chicago, 111. 10. Priscilla, b. probably in Sanbornton; ni. Stephen Dudley of Alton, in which town she died. 11. Lucy, b. probably in Sanbornton; m. Jouatlian Gilman of Gilmanton. In 1870 they resided in jNIaine. 88 12. David, b. probably in Sanbornton. He became a farmer in Franklin. SIXTH GENERATION. 61 33. (14) George Lewis '" Haines (David,* William/ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born iu Eppiiig, and at the age of forty he married Mary Moul- ton of Kensington. Seven years later he removed with his family from Epping to Canterbury, where he remained five years, and in 1809 removed from there to Northfield, N.H., where he died at the age of ninety-one years. He was appointed guardian of his brother James, Aug. 28, 1783. He lived with his wife fifty-one years. Children : 1. Euhannah, b. Jan. 23, 1799, in Epping ; d. March 19, 1817, unm. 89 2. Benjamin, b. Nov. 8, 1800, in Epping; m. March 31, 1842, Martha Kenison, who was b. Oct. 22, 1820, and d. July 18, 1896. He d. June 29, 1878. 3. Betsy, b. ISTov. 22, 1802. She spent her days in Epping, dying April 10, 1840, unm. 90 4. David, b. Sept. 12, 1805, in Canterbury ; m. at Watertown, Mass., May 27, 1838, Hannah Goodwin of Hollis, Me. She was b. Aug. 6, 1812, and d. July 9, 1852. He d. March 30, 1893. 5. Mary, b. June 17, 1809, in Canterbury; m. March 5, 1832, Dr. John Keyser of Shaftsbury, Vt. He was b. in June, 1791. She d. March 24, 1866, s.p. 3^. (14) Gideon '" Haines (David,* William,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Epping, and settled in Deerfield in 1774. His wife, De- borah Allen, was the granddaughter of Eev. William Allen, who was the first minister in Greenland. He was married probably after the Revolutionary War. He was in the Continental army, and after his discharge settled in Wolcott, Yt., where he died at the age of fifty-four years. His wife survived him twenty -three years, dying at the age of sixty-eight, at Newmarket, N.H. Children : 1. Betsy, b. Jan. 22, 1785 ; m. John Williams, who was b. May 16, 1787, and d. July 21, 1867. She d. June 27, 1871. At one time they lived at Adams' Center, Jeffer- son Co. N.Y. Children : (1) Dexter. 62 gllS } OENEALOGY. (2) Lavina. (3) Eli. (4) Caroline, who married Philip Van Winkle. He d. December, 1801. (5) Timothy, who had two children — Elida, b. in 1851, and d. in ISGo, and Emma, b. in 1857, and d, 1865 of diphtheria. 91 2. Josiah Allen, b. at Epping, Dec. 15, 1790 ; m. in 1816, Mary Foye of Barrington. 8he was b. Jan. 5, 1797, and d. May 6, 1876. He d. Sept. 24, 1853. 3. Lydia, b. in 1792; m. Thomas Davis. She d. at Mirabile, Mo., April 4, 1866. Children : (1) Deane, who m. Olive IMatilda Haines. They had four children. (2) Roxanna. (3) Elizabeth, wno m. Sydney Sherwood. They had four children. (4) Thomas. (5) James, who married and lived in Vermont. (6) Calvin, m. Betsy Clark, who d. in 1870. They had live children. 4. Polly, b. in 1794, and d. in 1813. 5. James, b. in 1796, and d. in 1813. The same funeral ser- mon was preached for these two children and their father. They probably died about the same time. 6. Stephen, b. in 1798, and d. young. 92 7. Ransom Smith, b. Oct. 16, 1800; m , 1st, Mary Chesley of Barrington. She d. in 1829 ; m., 2d, in 1832, Jane Butler of Ipswich, Mass. He d. at Columbia City, Oregon, in 1880. 8. Percenia, b. Aug. 31, 1803 ; d. in Newmarket, Jan. 16, 1837. 9. Deborah, b. May 12, 1809 ; m. Oct. 2, 1848, Daniel Rhodes, of Maciuoketa, Iowa. He was b. Jan. 8, 1795, and d. Feb. 20, 1861. She died in 1875. (14) James •' Haines (David,^ William,* Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Epjung, and brought up as a farmer. At twenty-two years of age he married Mary Clark, with whom he lived sixty-three years, when he died at the age of eighty-five. His wife survived him SIXTH GENERATION. 63 two years, dying at the age of eighty-five. He was an honest, up- right, hard-working man, higlily respected wherever known. Children' : 93 1. David, b. in Sanbornton, June 30, 1787 ; m. Eebecca Bailey of Alexandria. Slie was b. in Salisbur}-, N.H., Aug. 8, 1787, and d. July 20, 1872. He d. Oct. 7, 1868. 2. Clark, b. in Sanbornton, April 26, 1789; d. April 25, 1810, uum. 94 3. James P., b. Sept. 1, 1791 ; m. Jan. 6, 1818, Sarah Barnard of Alexandria. He d. at Bristol, Sept. 10, 1857. 95 4. Jacob Clark, b. at Sanbornton, April 24, 1799 ; m. Dec. 29, 1825, JNIary jSIoore. She was b. at Canterburv, Oct. 25, 1800, and d. Sept. 22, 1865. He d. Dec. 11, 1870. 5. John C, b. Aug. 6, 1805, in Alexandria ; m. Lucy Andrews of Boston, jMass. He was a manufacturer of printer's ink. They lived in South Boston, Mass., Springfield, 111., and Worcester, Mass. She d. at Westboro, Mass., Aug. 18, 1859. He d. in the same town, April 7, 1893, aged nearly eighty-eight years. Children : (1) Mary Abbie, b. in Boston, July 20, 1832, and d. in Westboro, Jan. 21, 1857, from a carriage accident, unm. (2) Lydia A., b. in Boston, Aug. 25, 1833 ; m. Alfred Thomas of Westboro, Mass. He d. July 25, 1880. Children: (a) Josephine A., b. May 1, 1853; m. Nov. 19, 1870, William Wheelock of Worcester, Mass. (b) Abbie L., b. Aug. 16, 1856; m. Frank Doone, Dec. 9, 1875. (c) Estella V., b. April 8, 1860 ; m. Aug. 21, 1879, Frank W. Buxton. 6. Mary, b. Jan. 26, 1795 ; m. John Eeed of Orange, N.H. He was b. Sept. 13, 1787. They resided in Hebron, where she d. in 1828. Children : (1) Eachel, b. Sept. 26, 1811. (2) John Ct., b. June 29. 1813. (3) Lucy F., b. Sept. 2G, 1815 ; d. Jan. 9, 1864. (4) Mary, b. May 1, 1818. (5) Clark Haines, b. April 5, 1820. (6) George Lewis, b. Feb. 2, 1822 ; m., 1st, in 1845, Susan /.I HAINES \ ^, "'* UA YNES \ ^ GENEALOGY. Rand, who d. April 30, 1851 ; m., 2d, Emily P. Phelps, Sept. 23, 1851. She d. Nov. 27, 1894. By first wife he had one dau., Josephine, b. Aug. 28, 1847. By second wife he had one dau., Clara Jane, b, Oct. 10, 1853. 7. Rachel, b. April 5, 170G ; m. Sept. 10, 1818, John Bailey, who was b. JNIay 2G, 1705, and d. Nov. 8, 1857, She d. March 6, 1844. CuiLDniox : (1) James H., born May 30, 1819; m. Sept. 20, 1842, Susan J. Clark. He d. Jan. 22, 1872. ClIILDKEN : (a) John C, b. June 2, 1843. (b) Ella J., b. May 11, 1845. (c) Isadore L., b. April 3, 1847 ; m. Feb. 23, 1867, Horace T. Durgin. (d) James E., b. Dec. 23, 1848 ; m. Lucy Rollins of Billerica. (e) George B., b. Aug. 7, 1851 ; m. April 16, 1874, j\[ary H. Simmons. (f) Harriet A., b. June 24, 1853 ; d. Jan. 5, 1854. (g) Rhoda G., b. Jan. 12, 1855. (h) Sarah M., b. Sept. 5, 1857 ; d. Jan. 16, 1860. (i) Alfred, b. Aug. 7, 1860. (2) Lydia H., b. May 14, 1821 ; d. Oct. 14, 1844. (3) Rufus, b. Oct. 19, 1822 ; m. April 23, 1848, Ann Davis. Children : (a) John, b. Feb. 7, 1849 ; d. May 17, 1855. (b) Mary Ella, b. Jan. 19, 1857 ; d. Sept. 10, 1873. (4) Rebecca, b. April 18, 1824 ; d. May 16, 1834. (5) Eben T., b. March 28, 1827 ; m. Dec. 25, 1849, Louisa Akerman. He d. April 29, 1897. Children : (a) Frank E., b. Aug. 28, 1850 ; m. Oct. 12, 1882, Mary A. Darling. (b) Emma R., b. Sept. 21, 1852; m. March 19, 1872, Orriu S. Gale. 8. Lydia, b. April 30, 1801 ; ni. James Dickey of Wilmot, N.H. She d. in 1840, from injuries received by the overturning of a stage-coach. They had one child. 9. Eliza, b. April 30, 1807; m. Peter Stevens of Grafton, N.H. He was b. May 25, 1805, and d. June, 1875. She d. in Grafton, July 24, 1874. SIXTH GENERATION. 65 Children : (1) Sarah J. H., b. in Grafton, Nov. 5, 1830 ; m. Isaac N. Hobart, who d. October, 1889. She d. July 12, 1891. (2) Mary C, b. Aug. 3, 1837 ; m., 1st, ^Martin L. Dinsmore, who d. April 15, 1866; m., 2d, Joseph H. Patten. (3) Andrew J., b. Jan. 26, 1845 ; d. Dec. 26, 1849. 10. Susanna, b. Jan. 15, 1809 ; m. John Keyes of Dunbarton. She d. in 1882. Children : (1) Sarah, b. May 6, 1835; m. William C. Gould of Dunbarton. Children : (a) Sarah M., b. June 8, 1852 ; m., 1st, William Til- ton of Hopkinton ; m., 2d, George Merriman of Bow. (b) John W., b. Oct. 18, 1854 ; m. Xettie Wheeler. (c) Susan A., b. Jan. 25, 1856 ; m. Eugene Whipple of Dunbarton. (d) Lewis, b. Feb. 17, 1859; m. Josie Whipple of Dunbarton. (e) Cynthia, b. Dec. 3, 1862 ; m. Frank Brown of Chester. (f) Adelbert B., b. Aug. 10,1865; d. October, 1865. (g) Charles A., b. March 16, 1870; m. Ella Colby of Dunbarton. (2) Luther, b. in Dunbarton, Oct. 6, 1841 ; d. in 1858. (3) Susan E., b. April 2, 1843 ; m. A. J. Chamberlain of Dunbarton. (4) Cynthia G., b. Sept. 22, 1847 ; ni. James Hunter of Londonderry. (5) Elizabeth A., b. Jan. 17, 1853; m. Charles Parker of Marlboro, Mass. 11. Sarah, b. Jan. 30, 1810 ; m. Eeuben Wells of Hill, N.H. She d. in Haverhill, Mass., in 1877. 30. (15) Cotton ^ Haines (John,^ William,^ Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Greenland, where he made his home for about fifteen years after marrying Martha Nudd. In March, 1779, they removed with their father to Rumney, N.H., and made that town their permanent home. A Baptist church was organized there in about a year after he became a resident of the place, and he was invited to become 66 nAyN% \ genealogy. the pastor. The following year he was ordained, and was highly successful in the pastoral office until 1799, when Rev. Ezra Wil- maith succeeded him. lie died in Dorchester, N.H., at the age of seventy-six. His wife died two days following, at the age of seventy-four, and they were buried in the same grave in Rumney. Children : 1. Annie, b. in Greenland, April 2, 17G6; m. Nov. 29, 1780, Moses Smart, who was b. January, 1756, and d. Aug. 18, 1849. She d. March 29, 1843. 2. Benjamin, b. in Greenland, Jan. 27, 1768 ; m. Aug. 30, 1787, Sarah Hall. He d. June 9, 1788. They had one dau., Sarah, wlio became a school-teacher in Charlestown, Mass. 96 3. Cotton, b. in Greenland, Sept. 16, 1796; m. Mary Hall. 97 4. James, b. Sept. 3, 1771, in Greenland ; m. Betsy Willoughby, who was b. April 29, 1772. 5. IMary, b. July 19, 1773 ; m. Benjamin Hall. 98 6. John, b. at Greenland, March 31, 1775; m. Hannah Brainard. He d. March 15, 1815. 7. Martha, b. in Greenland, Dec. 2, 1777 ; m. her cousin, Matthias Haines, son of John and Mary Haines. 99 8. Thomas, b. in Greenland, Feb. 14, 1779 ; m., 1st, Sally Ful- ler, who d. May, 1813; m. 2d, Mrs. Sally Whicher. 100 9. Noah, b. in Rumney, July 29, 1781 ; m. Betsy Nudd. 10. Elizabeth, b. in Rumney, Feb. 5, 1784 ; d. Aug. 26, 1801. 11. Sarah, b. in Rumney. June 4, 1787; m. Capt. Benjamin Merrill, who was b. Oct. 9, 1784, and d. in 1835. Children : (1) Abel K. (2) Hannah. (3) Sarah. (4) Charlotte. (5) Louisa. (6) Eleanor. (7) Henry. (8) Arthur. (9) ^Yllliam. 12. Eleanor, h. in Rumney, April 29,1790; m. Rev. Joseph Merrill of Dracut, Mass. They had one dau., Eleanor, who m. Isaac Sillsbee of Boston. 13. Charlotte, b. in Rumney, July 14, 1804. SIXTH GENERATION. 67 37^. (15) John^ Haines (John,* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was ■born in Greenland ; and when about twenty -two years of age he married his cousin, Mary Haines, daughter of Matthias and Abigail (Sherburne) Haines. Six years after he removed with his father and brother to Rumney, where he lived with his wife forty-five years, when she died at the age of seventy-nine. He survived her thirteen years, dying at the age of ninety -two. He was select- man of Rumney at one time. Children : 1. John, b. in Greenland, Feb. 10, 1774 ; ni., in 1794, Eliza- beth jMarston, dau. of Thomas Marston of Greenland. She was b. in 1777, and d. Aug. 9, 1848. He d. in July, 1845. They lived in Kenduskeag, ^Nle., and had one dau., Elizabeth White, who was b. June 6, 1800, and m. Walter Weeks, son of Walter and Sarah Weeks of Greenland. They had one son and two daughters. 2. Matthias, b. Feb. 10, 1774 ; m. June 15, 1794, his cousin, Martha Haines, dau. of Cotton and Martha (Nudd) Haines. He died Oct. 19, 1856. They had but one child, Charlotte, b. in 1804 ; m. W. D. McQuesten. She d. Oct. 17, 1849. 3. William, b. July 18, 1775 ; m. Jan. 19, 1797, Sally Lang, who was b. Feb. 5, 1775, and d. Dec. 20, 1838. He d. Dec. 22, 1865, at the age of ninety years. They lived in Went- worth, N.H. Children : (1) William, b. Feb. 10, 1806 ; d. Aug. 24, 1866, unm. 100a (2) Alanson, b. June 21, 1812 ; m. May 25, 1837, Hannah Davis, who was b. Nov. 28, 1819. (3) Nancy, b. March 15, 1810; d. Dec. 12, 1836, unm. 4. Benjamin, b. April 16, 1778; m. N, Hutchins. He d. Jan. 7, 1818, s.ji. 101 5. Daniel, b. Dec. 14, 1779; m. Sarah Smart, who was b. March 7, 1783, and d. July 16, 1822. He d. Dec. 18, 1818. 6. Mary, b. Dec. 25, 1782 ; m. Henry Saunders, who was b, Feb. 18, 1784, and d. Sept. 5, 1859. She d. Nov. 12, 1821. Children: (1) Abigail, b. Aug. 8, 1808. (2) Ruhanna, b. Dec. 7, 1809. (3) Eliza, b. Oct. 10, 1812. 68 2fyS } GENEALOGY. (4) Benjamin II., b. Aug. 9, 1814. (5) Oliver, b. March 29, 1810. (6) Daniel H., b. Dec. 22, 1819. 7. David, b. March 29, 1785. He lived in Wentworth, and d. Oct. 20, 1828, imm. 8. Nancy, b. Jan. 8, 1787 ; m. Jan. 12, 1813, Winthrop Gove, who was b. Jan. 8, 1783, and d. March 22, 1861. She d. Aug. 13, 183G. ClIILDKEN: (1) John, b. Aug. 14, 1814 ; d. Jan. 13, 1854, unm. (2) Charles, b. Nov. 19, 1815; d. July 19, 1823.' (3) Mary, b. Sept. 25, 1817 ; d. Dec. 30, 1868. (4) Dolly A., b. Sept. 20, 1819 ; m. May, 1847, H. B. Marden. (5) David, b. Sept. 28, 1821 ; m, Jan. 25, 1845, Mira Clif- ford, who was b. in 1818. (6) Daniel, b. Jan. 25, 1824 ; d. May 12, 1825. (7)- Sabrina, b. Aug. 8, 1826 ; d. Jan. 2, 1829. (8) Ebenezer, b. Feb. 15, 1830 ; d. May 28, 1900, unm. • 9. Cotton, b. July 19, 1788 ; d. June 14, 1830, unm. 10. A daughter, b. Feb. 26, 1790 ; d. April 23, 1790. 11. Paith, b. May 18, 1791 ; d. July 29, 1791. 12. Elizabeth, b. June 18, 1794 ; d. March 29, 1854, unm. 13. Abigail, b. Aug. 21, 1796 ; d. Aug. 11, 1801. (16) Nathan ^ Haines (Samuel,* Samuel,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Greenland, and when about two years old his father died, but his mother provided a home for him and his sister by marrying Samuel Norton of Greenland ; yet before he was twenty years old she died ; and on July 30, 1778, he chose Joshua Johnson to be his guardian. He was a patriot, and early took up arms for his coun- try. His name is on the list of Capt. Thomas Berry's Co., which was on Pierce's Island Nov. 3, 1775. He enlisted Jime 9, 1777, in Capt. Joseph Parsons's Co. and went to Rhode Island, but was discharged Jan. 8, 1778, having served five months and twenty- nine days. There is a tradition in the family that he went to Canada. When twenty-two years of age he married Hannah Johnson ; and four years later, in 1784, they settled in Chester, but removed from there in March, 1787, to Cornish, N.H., remaining in SIXTH GENERATION. 69 that town nineteen years, when, March 8, 1806, they removed to Eoxbury, Vt., where he died at the age of seventy-eight. She sur- vived him fifteen years, dying at the age of eighty-six. Children : 1. Anna, b. in Greenland, IMay 18, 1781 ; m. Jan. 18, 1813, John Gover, who d. January, 1814. Slie d. March 4, 1837. 2. Daniel, b. May 22, 1784. He d. unm. 3. Abraham Johnson, b. in Cornish, Aug. 21, 1787 ; d. Jan. 11, 1864, unm. 4. Sally, b. in Cornish, June 6, 1791 ; m. December, 1816, Benjamin Robinson. She d. March 8, 1868. 5. Comfort, b. in Cornish, Nov. 12, 1794 ; d. Nov. 7, 1856, unm. 6. John, b. in Cornish, April 26, 1797 ; d. Aug. 8, 1799. 7. Joshua, b. Aug. 9, 1799 ; d. August, 1803. 8. Harvey, b. March 12, 1802 ; d. August, 1803. 9. Nathan, b. March 25, 1804 ; d. July 3, 1863, unm. 10. Mary Johnson, b. in Eoxbury, Vt., Oct. 29, 1809 ; m., in 1869, Winslow Richardson of West Randolph, Vt. 30. (17) Samuel ^ Haines (Samuel,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Scarboro, Me., being the first of the descendants of Deacon Samuel Haines to be born out of the town of Greenland. When twenty-seven years of age, with his brother Thomas, he served in Capt, Jonathan Bean's Co., raised at Saco for the reduction of Canada, serving from Nov. 5, 1758, to Oct. 27, 1759. They were with Wolf at the taking of Quebec, Sept. 13, 1759. If at that period he was loyal to George the Third, he was no less a patriot in the days of the Revolution, for he served his country through the war. One of his enlistments is " from Cumberland Co., for the term of nine months from the time of his arrival at Fishkill, N.Y. — age forty -two years, stature five feet five inches ; complexion, light; residence, Scarboro — belonging to Capt. Andrews' Co., Col. Fogg's Regt." He married Hannah Seavey of Scarboro, and she kept the hearth-fire burning while he was in the army. Children : 102. 1. Samuel, b. at Scarboro, March 4, 1769 ; m. April 19, 1792, Lydia McKenney of Scarboro. He d. in Saco in 1837. ^^ ni'mS \ GENEALOGY. 2. Ebeuezer, who married and lived at Leeds, and died there by sunstroke, leaving one dau., Polly, who died unm. . about 1870. 3. Anne, who niarried Obadiah Tibbetts. 4. Thomas, who lived in Leeds, dying without issue. 5. Ruth, who married Joseph Gould. 6. Polly, who married Sullivan Lothrop. They lived in St. Albans, Me., and had four sons and four daughters. 103. 7. Reuben S., b. March 15, 1782 ; m. 1st January, 1802, Jane Penley. She d. Sept. 18, 1838, at Mackinaw, 111. ; m. 2d, Rosanna Miller, May, 1840. He d. July 16, 1841, at Bangor, Me. 40. (17) Timothy'' Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Scarboro, but settled in the " gore " in Buxton, near the line of Gorham, Me., where he died. On April 14, 1740, he received a deed for one hundred acres of land in Scarboro from J. Hardison, Portsmouth, N.H. He enlisted April 6, 1759, in C. E. Scillen's Co., Samuel Waldo's Reg., raised by Massachusetts for the reduc- tion of Canada. Children : 104. 1. John, b. in Scarboro ; m. Jerusha Sallas. They lived on the old homestead, or near there. 2. Hannah, who married Samuel Tibbetts. They lived in the "gore." 3. Mary, who married Major Warren. They also lived in the " gore." 41. (18) John •'"' Haines (John,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel *) Avas born in Exeter, and received a deed of land from his father in 1760. He removed to Gilmanton about 1773. He was one of the signers of tlie "Test Act" at Gilmanton, Aug. 28, 1776. He afterwards re- moved to Hallowell, Maine, where he died at the age of seventy -two. His farm included the famous granite quarry long known as " Haines ledge," and afterwards owned by Gov. Bodwell. His wife died in that town at the age of seventy-seven. SIXTH GENERATION. 71 Children : 105 1. Dudley, b. Sept. 18, 1763 ; m. Oct. 18, 1789, Alice Ford, who was b. Sept. 1, 1768. He d. June, 1844. 106 2. Peter, b. April, 1766 ; m. Hannah Fuller, who was b. June, 1773, and d. Sept. 10, 1840. He d. Nov. 15, 1843. 3. Mary, b. Jan. 8, 1768 ; m. Thomas ]S"orris, of Hallowell. She was sixteen years old when her father removed from Gilmanton to Hallowell. They had one son, Shephard Haines, who became a merchant in Boston. 4. Betsy, b. in 1769 ; m. Thomas C. Norris. They had one son, who was an architect in New York city. 5. Johanna, b. probably in Hallowell ; m. Daniel Evans. They had one son, George, who became an eminent lawyer, and was U.S. Senator from Maine. He was pronounced by Daniel Webster to be the ablest lawj^er in New England. "His voice was the finest, and his elocution admirable, and as a gladiatorial debater he was scarcely overmatched. When excited he spoke in short, pregnant sentences, pil- ing up accusation and epithets with overwhelming force." 6. John, b. probably in Hallowell. He married his wife in Nantucket. He was a marine in the war of 1812. They had one son, Albert, b. in 1809. They also had one daughter, 107 7. Jonathan, b. in 1782 ; m. Sarah Sawyer, dau. of Dr. William Sawyer of Hallowell. She was b. in 1787, and d. in 1824. He d. May 3, 1829. 8. Sally, b. no doubt in Hallowell, and d. vmm. 108 9. Daniel, b. Nov. 6, 1779 ; m., Oct. 10, 1804, Betsy W^ingate of Hallowell. She was b. September, 1784. He d. July 2, 1838. She d. Feb. 21, 1826. (18) Nathaniel^ Haines (John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,'^ Samuel^) was born in Exeter, and at the age of twenty he married Sarah Garland, with whom he lived sixty-nine years, when she died. He survived her but a few months, dying at the age of ninety. They lived in Readfield, in Waldoboro, and Livermore, Me. Children : 109 1. John, b. Feb. 17, 1776; m. Oct. 30, 1797, Lydia Coffin of Alfred, Me. 2. Simeon G., who married and lived in Parsonsfield, Me. He had one son, Nathaniel, who lived in Yarmouth, Me. 72 If ^^is\ GENEALOGY. 3. Sarah, m. Dominicus Ricker. 4. Betsy, in. John Hood. They had six children. 5. Deborah, m. Bailey Hathaway of Livermore. They had seven children. 6. Lydia, m. Archibald Smith. They had two children. 7. Nancy, m. Hebron Norton. They had two children. (18) Simeon^ Haines (John, ^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel i) was born iu Exeter, and was an ardent patriot. He was in the war of the llevolution four and one-half years, being in the campaign which captured Burgoyne, and in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. He was with Benedict Arnold at Stony Point, and at Monmouth ; also with Gen. Sullivan in that sad destruction of Indian fields and homes in the beautiful valley of Genesee. After returning from the war he married Wealthy Spencer, with whom he lived sixty -five years in the towns of Dover, Durham, Waldoboro, Alfred, and Swanville, Me. He died at the age of eighty-eight. His wife sur- vived him nearly two years, dying at the age of eighty-four. Children : 1. Hannah, b. Feb. 5,1782; d. Aug. 20, 1782. 2. Abigail, b. in 1784. 3. Mary, b. Oct. 25, 1785. 4. Margaret, b. July 13, 1788 ; m. Sept. 29, 1812, Peter Cochran. She d. Feb. 24, 1828. Children : (1) Sarah Ann, b. Sept. 15, 1813 ; m. James P. Whitmore of Ellsworth, Me. She d. March 23, 1852. They had five children. (2) Mary Jane, b. Aug. 28, 1815; m. William Larrabee of Searsport, Me. (3) Martha Steel, b. March 1, 1817. (4) George, b. Aug. 30, 1820. He early left home, and enlisted in the service of the U.S. (5) Franklin, b. Sept. G, 1822; m. Sept. 9, 1851, Eliza Ann Tripp, who was b. April 27, 1832. He became captain of a vessel whieli was employed in foreign trade. (6) Wealthy Haines, b. March 28, 1825 ; m. William M. Williams, who was a sailmaker in Searsport, Me. SIXTH GENERATION. 73 110 5, Simeon, born at Searsport, Nov. 30, 1791 ; m. Dec. 4, 1817, Jane Cockins, in Washington Co., Fa. She was b. in Ireland, July 15, 1798, and d. in New Concord, Musking- ham Co., Ohio, Dec. 19, 1873. He d. near Bridgeville, Ohio, Sept. 16, 1854. 6. Wealthy, b. June 18, 1795 ; d. Oct. 4, 1851. 7. Nathaniel, b. May 5, 1797. He was in the war of 1812, and fought in the battle of Lake Champlain. 8. Spencer, b. April 11, 1799. He lived in Corinth, Me. 9. Hannah, b. Aug. 5, 1801. HI 10. Hiram, b. Sept. 23, 1803 ; m. Nov. 6, 1834, Eliza Harvey, who was b. March 27, 1814. He d. at Key West, Florida, in 1862. 11. John, b. Dec. 26, 1806. He settled in the eastern part of Maine. 44. (19) Jacob 5 Haines (Joshua,* Joshua,^ Matthias,^ SamueF) was born and spent his early life in Greenland. He was patriotic and vigorous in "the days that tried men's souls." Soon after he passed his eighteenth birthday he enlisted in Capt. Henry Elkins's Co., Nov. 17, 1775, " for the defense of the Fascataqua Harbor." He enlisted the second time in Capt. John Folsom's Co., Col. Moses Kelley's Reg., Aug. 5, 1778, and joined the Continental army in Rhode Island, but served only twenty -six days. After the war, at the age of twenty-seven, he married his fourth cousin, Ruth Haines, daughter of Matthias and Abigail Haines, and the same year re- moved with his father to Wolfboro, where he engaged in farming and blacksmithing, having learned that trade of his father. He was a large, strong man, and highly respected, being justice of the peace and holding various town offices. His father's farm was divided between him and his brother Joseph. He chose the part near Diamonds Corner, now owned and occupied by Mrs. B. W. Tibbetts, his great-granddaughter. He died at the age of ninety- one, his wife having passed away about one year previous, at the age of eighty-six years. Children : 1. Abigail Sherburne, b. Oct. 6, 1785 ; d. in 1812, unm. 113 2. James, b. July 10, 1788 ; m. Oct. 11, 1809, Hannah Lord, 74 ^l^'^'^^^^\ GENEALOGY. who was b. Jan. 8, 1787, and d. Oct. 29, 1866. He died Oct. 12, 1854. 3. Kuth, b. Nov. 7, 1790; m. Richard Bickford of Wolfboro, March 20, 1818. Slie d. May 2, 1842. They had one daughter, Sarah F. 4. Mary, b. Jan. 13, 1794 ; in., in 1813, Joseph Xey of Ossipee. She d. May, 1874. They had thirteen children. 114 5. Matthias, b. Sept. 15, 1796; m.. 1st, Eliza Wiggin of North Wolfboro, N.H., April 24, 1823. She was b. Nov. 1, 1800, and d. Sept. 2, 1837; m., 2d, Hannah Blanchard, June 21, 1838. She was b. April, 29, 1800, and d. May 10, 1873. He d. Aug. 17, 1881. 6. Jacob, b. April 25, 1799 ; d. Aug. 29, 1846, unm. 7. Joshua, b. June 12, 1801. 8. John, b. June 12, 1801 ; d. in infancy. 9. Mehitable, b. March 3, 1805 ; d. in 1816. (19) Joseph-' Haines (Joshua,* Joshua,^ Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Greenland, where he lived until he was twenty-five years of age, when he married Polly Lucy of that town, then removed to Wolfboro in company with the rest of his father's family. His farm was adjoining that of his brother Jacob, being his portion of his father's homestead. He died at the age of eighty-seven years, his wife having passed away four years before at the age of eighty- three. They lived together fifty -nine years. ClIILPREN : 1. Polly, b. Aug. 31, 1785; m. Phineas Johnson, who d. Jan. 2, 1811. She d. Nov. 17, 1851. Children : (1) Joseph, J., who m. Larana Whitton. They had four children — Phineas, Joseph, Caroline, Susan. (2) Eleanor, 1). 1808; m. James Bickford, who was b. Aug. 26, 1802, and d. May 7, 1883. She d. March 30, 1897. They had two children — Mary and Joseph H. (3) Mary, who m. Benjamin Phillirick. They had four childi'en — Charles P., Joseph, George T., and Franklin. (4) Hannah, who d. Aug. 16, 1891, unm. SIXTH GENERATION. 75 2. Eleanor, b. Sept. 1, 1788 ; m. Oct. 22, 1810, Richard Nudd. He d. June 6, 1857. She d. May 20, 1822. They had live children — Thomas L., Richard P., Mary, Eleanor, and Charles H. 3. Sally, b. Sept. 2, 1790; m. Joshua Goldsmith. She d. Oct. 25, 1877, s.jj. 4. Hannah, b. April 15, 1794 ; m. Elijah Hersey. They d. s.p. 115 5. Joseph, b. Feb. 21, 1798; m. Betsy Lucy, who was b. in 1797, and d. April 13, 1843. He d. April 14, 1833. (21) Elisha-^ Haynes (John," Matthias,^' Matthias,^ Samuel i) was born in Greenland, and at the age of thirteen years removed with his father to Epsom, where he spent the greater part of his life. When nineteen he became a private in Capt. Joseph Parsons's Co., raised from the First Reg. Militia, by order of Committee of Safety, Sept. 11, 1781; enlisted Oct. 1, 1781; thirty -two men marched to Charlestown, Mass., Oct. 1, 1781 (Noah Haines was lieut.). He was one of the thirty-two men belonging to Capt. Sims's Co., comprising a portion of one hundred and eighty-four men detached by Col. Wentworth for the defense of Portsmouth. They served two months, being discharged Sept. 27, 1779. He belonged to Capt. Henry Butler's Co., Col. Thomas Bartlett's Reg., raised by New Hampshire for the defense of West Point, N.Y. — enlisted July 4, 1780, discharged Oct. 26, 1780 ; served three months and twenty-four days — three hundred miles travel home. He was twice married, 1st, to Betsy Bartlett of Pembroke, and 2d, to Mary Johnson. He died in Concord at the age of seventy-two years. Children by 1st wife : 116 1. Caleb B., b. May 29, 1785; m. 1st, January, 1807, Sally Haines of Chichester, dau. of Malachi Haines, descendant of Robert Haines, who lived in Falmouth, Me., 1680. She was b. June 3, 1782, and d. March 5, 1822 ; m., 2d, Hannah Sanborn, Oct. 23, 1822. She was born Nov. 26, 1800, and d. June 18, 1878. He d. April 8, 1867. 117 2. James, b. May 5, 1788 ; m. April, 1814, Sally Clark, dau. of the Congregational minister at Allenstown. She was b. May 26, 1792, and d. Oct. 4, 1867. He d. Aug. 26, 1851. 3. Betsy, b. May 26, 1792; d. June, 1825, unmar. 76 ?^{^Y4 I GENEALOGY. HAYNES 4. Lydia, b. March 3, 1794 ; m. Aug. ,3, 1815, John Kennison of Stamstead, Canada. He was b. March 3, 1793. They had one son, Albert. 118 5. Jonathan R, b. Dec. 2, 1796 ; m. Oct. 16, 1819, Catherine Smith of New Hampton. She was b. Dec. 2, 1796, and d. Aug. 25, 1872. He d. July 2, 1886. 6. Mehitable, b. Jan. 22, 1800 ; m. Daniel Johnson. She d. Aug. 31, 1859. 119 7. John Dearborn, b. Nov. 5, 1802; m., 1st, Eliza Walker Stevens, April 17, 1826. She was b. Jan. 7, 1804, and d. Dec. 22, 1832 ; m., 2d, Mary Leavitt, April 4, 1833. She was b. May 20, 1815, and d. March 13, 1863. He d. Sept. 12, 1850. 8. Sally, b. Aug. 7, 1808 ; m. Dudley Thyng. (21) John '" Haines ( John,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Epsom, and when about twenty-two years of age he married his cousin, Betsy Merrill of Stratham, and about three years after he removed to Norridgewock, Me., where he spent the rest of his life, dying at the age of seventy-nine. His wife died nine years previous, at the age of seventy-five. They lived together fifty-three years. Children : 1. James M., b. Dec. 21, 1798; m., Feb. 24, 1829, Sarah Jewett, who was b. Dec. 18, 1800. They had one son, James Jewett, b. Aug. 6, 1846 ; m. June 24, 1871, Ella M. Hanson, who was b. April 18, 1852. 2. Sarah F., b. Oct. 10, 1801; m. March 4, 1831, Herman Gage, who was b. June 1, 1796, and d. Dec. 11, 1870. She d. June 3, 1867. 3. Juliana, b. April 9, 1804; d. unm. 4. Serena, b. Jan. 30, 1800; m. Feb. 19, 1828, Calvin Laugh- ton, who was b. March 17, 1798. They resided in St. Albans, Me. 5. Clarissa, b. Oct. 21, 1808 ; m. Nov. 28, 1845, Calvin Met- calf, who was b. April 1, 1802. They resided in North Anson, INIe. 6. Olive W., 1). Sept. 15, 1811; m. Feb. 25, 1836, Ebenezer Merrill, who was b. July 13, 1807. They resided in St. Albans, Me. SIXTH GENERATION. 77 7. John C, b. July 14, 1818; m. Nov. 16, 1843, Harriet Maxine, who was b. June 14, 1818. He d. Aug. 16, 1869. They had one child, Emma E., who was b. November, 1847, and d. Oct. 25, 1865. They resided in Madison, Me. 120 8. William T., b. July 20, 1821; m. Dec. 3, 1844, Lavina Wasson, who was b. July 11, 1820. (21) Levi ^ Haines (John,'' jVratthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel i) was born in Epsom, and married Polly Dolbeer when he was twenty- four years old, and lived with her in his native town for fifty-three years, when he died at the age of seventy-seven. His faithful wife survived him nine years, dying at the age of seventy-nine. Children : 1. Jane D., b. April 23, 1805 ; m. Oct. 31, 1833, Albert Johnson, who was b. Sept. 2, 1809. They had no chil- dren. 2. Stephen D., b. Nov. 1, 1808 ; d. sqy. 3. John J., b. May 1, 1814; m. Oct. 16, 1845, Laura J. Mitchell, who was b. in 1821, in Lyme, N.H. 4. Lavina W., b. Oct. 24, 1817 ; m. January, 1844, Levi Andrews, who was b. in Greenland, October, 1821. She d. Nov. 21, 1869. 5. William P., b. April 20, 1820. He left home in 1851, and was accidentally shot at Tulare, Cal., in 1868. Died s.jj. 6. Kidder B., b. April 13, 1823 ; m. April 30, 1857, Mary W. Eastman, who was b. Sept. 8, 1810, in Deerfield. No chil- dren. 7. Mary Ann, b. July 8, 1829 ; d. Jan. 10, 1830. (21) Matthias^ Haines (John,^ Matthias,' Matthias,^ Samuel i) was born in Epsom. When twenty-six years of age he married Sarah R. Smith, and established his home in his native town on the eighty acres of land received from his father, but he after- wards removed from there to Glover, Vt., where he died at about the age of seventy-five years. His wife survived him six years, dying at the age of seventy-three. 78 2i™S } GENEALOGY. Children : 1. Eliza G., b. June 8, 1808 ; m. Jan. 20. 1842, Elisha Brown, of Cambridge, JNlass. He was b. Jan. 24, 1808. They had two daughters, who d. in infancy. 2. Sarah S., b. Dec. 19, 1819 ; m. Feb. 24, 1852, Lorenzo D. Graves, who was b. April, 1819, in Deerfield, Mass. No children. 3. John Jason, b. Aug. 31, 1822; m. Feb. 24, 1852, Eliza June Sanborn, of Craftsbury, Vt. Children : (1) Julia Eliza, b. Aug. 24, 1853. (2) Charles Elmer, b. Aug. 26, 1857. 4. Mary Ann, b. June 3, 1825; d. Aug. 31, 1827. SO. (22; Samuel-' Haines (Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,- Samuel ^ ) was born in Greenland, in the " old brick house " then occupied by his grandfather, Walter Weeks. When about twenty-five years of age he married Hannah Johnson, of Rowley, jVIass., and three years later enlisted in the Continental army, and belonged to Capt Jeremiah Clough's Company, Col. Poor's Eegiment. He was cor- poral, and received four pounds for " Military Coat," promised by the Colony of N. H. He served two months and ten days, and re- ceived pay for travelling eighty miles. He was obliged to sign the pay-roll with an " X," having lost his thumb. He afterwards enlisted in the Northern Army, in Continental service, being mustered in July 2, 1776, and belonged to Capt. James Shepherd's Company. He at one time was lieutenant. Previous to being a soldier he moved from Greenland to Canterbury, in Av^hich town he spent his life after returning from the war. He was a blacksmith, and when in the army was detailed to take charge of the shoeing of horses. He outlived all his brothers and his own sons, dying at the age of ninety-one. His wife passed away twenty-five years before him. run.DRKN : 1. Mary, b. July 14, 1773 ; m. 1st, 1792, Levi Brackett. Children : (1) Samuel Haines, b. in 1794 ; d. in 1867 (2) Jeremiah Clough, b. in 1796; d. Aug. 22, 1849. SIXTH GENERATION. 79 (3) Hilton, b. Jan. 8, 1798. (4) Haines, b. in 1800 ; d. in 1805. (5) Anson G., who became a physician, residing in Haver- hill, but d. in Alabama. (6) Ira, b. June 20, 1804. She m., 2d, Joel Fletcher of Lyndon, Vt., April, 1817. He Avas b. Nov. 26, 1703. They had one son, Joel, who was b. March 3, 1818. He became an extensive pro- duce merchant in St. Johnsbury, Vt. She d. Jan. 14, 1853. 121 2. Abner and Jonathan, twins, b. Dec. 25, 1775. Jonathan d. in infancy. Abner m. Eliza Pepperell Ayers, who was b. May 2, 1782, and d. March 21, 1850. He d. Oct. 26, 1833. 122 3. Josiah, b. April 7, 1778 ; m., 1st, Hannah Clough in 1806. She was b. June 29, 1788, and d. April 26, 1828. He m. 2d, Feb. 8, 1835, Polly Ames, who was b. Jan. 14, 1783, and d. Sept. 7, 1872. He d. May 29, 1838. 123 4. Samuel, b. May 30, 1780 ; m. May 22, 1809, Eliza Gookin, dau. of Nathaniel Gookin of Portsmouth. She was b. Sept. 5, 1788, and d. June 2, 1878. He d. Aug. 13, 1825. 5. Hannah, b. May 30, 1780 (twin with Samuel) ; m. Jonathan Ayers of Canterburv, who was b. Sept. 14, 1771, in Ports- mouth, and d. in 1849. She d. Dec. 17, 1823. When he went from Portsmoiith to Canterbury he took with him three slaves, — one woman, Deborah, and two boys. Prince and Caesar. They were buried in the family lot in Canterbury. He was a large land-owner and farmer, cultivating hundreds of acres, and owning nearly two thousand. As his children married, he gave each son $2000 in real estate, stocks, and money, and each daughter $1500 in money ; and he always had money to loan to his neighbors. Children : (1) Mary Jane, b. May 4, 1807 ; m. Feb. 21, 1830, John B. Chase. Children : (a) Eliza, who died before she was twentj^ years old. (b) Mary, who m. Rev. Charles Smith. He was a Christian Baptist minister, at one time settled in Portsmouth. They had two sons and one daughter. (c) Charles H., b. in 1837 ; married and died, leaving one son. (2) Alice Sherburne, b. Dec. 12,1808; m. Nathaniel Kenison. OA HAINES I °" HAYNESi GENEALOGY. Children : (a) Lucian, b. in Colebrook, N.H., and d. on ship off Rio Janeiro of yellow fever. (b) Ellen Anabelle, who d. in Prairie du Lac, Wis. (c) Jerome, b. in Colebrook, and d. May 30, 1872, at Tilton, N.H. (3) Jonathan, b. Feb. 18, 1811 ; m. March 22, 1838, Mary llogers of Northfield, X.H. She w^as b. June 20, 1811, and d. in Concord, June 1, 1871. ClIILlJliEN : (a) Augustine Eogers, b. in Gilmanton, Sept. 28, 1831); m. June 4, 1873, Clara Maria Kimball, ' who was b. March 20, 1848. Children : (a) Ruth Ames, b. March 11, 1875. (b) John Kimball, b. July 9, 187G. (c) Helen McGregor, b. Oct. 26, 1878. (d) Joseph Sherburne, b. Jan. 17, 1880. (e) Josiah Phillips, b. Nov. 15, 1881. (/) Augustine Haines, b. March 1, 1883. (f/) Benjamin Kimball, b. March 28, 1888. (b) Helen McGregor, b. in Loudon, Dec. 26, 1843. (c) Mary Adelaide, b. in Canterbur}', June 27, 1850 ; m. William Seaver, son of Rev. Thomas Seaver of St Paul's Episcopal church, Concord, N.H. Children : (a) Thomas McGregor, b. Oct. 3, 1875. (b) Mary Llewellyn, b. Oct. 3, 1879. (c) Henry Ayers, b. Aug. 23, 1885. (d) Samuel Haines, b. in Canterbury, Oct. 15, 1853; m. Oct. 10, 1877, Amanda Ellen Rideuour of Toledo, 0. He d. Dec. 2, 1890. Children : (a) Augustine Ridenour, b. Oct. 26, 1878. (b) Helen Beach, b. Jan. 11, 1880. (c) William Tarlton, b. July 28, 1881. (d) Oliver Garrison, b. July 5, 1883. (4) Joseph Sherburne, b. Jan. 14, 1813 ; m. 1st, Dec. 17, 1835, Lucy Caroline Emerv, who was b. Sept. 10, 1818, and d. April 15, 1858; m. 2d, June 5, 1861, Martha Badger Lvford, who was b. Nov. 16, 1830, and d. April 13, 1870. He d. May 26, 1887. SIXTH GENERATION. 81 Children by 1st wife : (a) Jeremiah Emeiy, b. Feb. 2, 1838 ; m. July 6, 1898, Anna Rea, who was b. Oct. 19, 1841. Children : (a) Joseph Henry, b. Nov. 29, 1870 ; m. Sept. 25, 1895, Ruth Maria Yallette. They have two children — Agnes Miriam, b. June 11, 1898, and Adelaide Elizabeth, b. Oct. 25, 1900. (h) Elsie Carlton, b. Feb. 10, 1876. (c) Lucy Emery, b. Jan. 14, 1882. (b) Henry Clinton, b. Jan. 6, 1840; m. Dec. 28, 1871, Mary Lamphier Rea, who was b. Dec. 19, 1849. He died Sept. 24, 1899. Children : (a) Elizabeth Rea, b. Feb. 17, 1874 ; m. May 19, 1898, Graham Chapin Wells. They have one son, Clinton Ayers, b. Sept. 4, 1900. (h) Elenor Sherburne, b. Aug. 29, 1885. (c) Hannah Jane, b. Feb. 21, 1842 ; m. May 8, 1869, John Preston Carr, who was b. May 1, 1845, and d. July 15, 1874. She d Nov. 29, 1896. Children : (a) Geneora Eliza, b. March 23, 1870 ; d. March, 1878. Q)) Preston Howard, b. July 11, 1871. (d) Walter Howard, b. April 26, 1845. (e) Martha Elizabeth, b. May 29, 1848 ; m. May 29, 1873, Joseph Gerrish Clough, who was b. May 18, 1835, and d. July 7, 1900. Children : {a) Alice Ayers, b. June 28, 1874 ; d. July 23, 1875. {h) Henry Gerrish, b. Oct. 2, 1876. By 2d wife . (f) Lucy Caroline, b. Oct. 5, 1865. (5) Charles Haines, b. June 10, 1815 ; m. 1st, Oct. 4, 1838, Almira Samantha Gerrish, who was b. March 13, 1815, and d. Feb. 23, 1854 ; m. 2d, Oct. 15, 1854, Ellen Maria Gerrish, who was b. Oct. 19, 1833, and d. Feb. 1, 1899. He d. May 10, 1900. Q9 HAINES I ^^ HAYNJlS\ GENEALOGY. Children by 1st Wife : (a) Joseph Gerrish, b. Nov. 3, 1839 ; m. July 11, 1884, Olinda Ann Austin, who was b. Nov. 9, 18G1. He was a surgeon in U.S. navy. He is now Medical Director, U.S. Navy, and Superin- tendent of U.S. Naval Hospital, Chelsea, Mass. Children : (a) Joseph Gerrish, b. July 11, 1887. (b) Charles Haines, b. April 24, 1889. (b) Susan Gerrish, b. Dec. 29, 1841; m. April 28, 1865, James Riley Young, who was b. Jan. 31, 1828, and d. Feb. 21, 1884. Children : (a) James E,., d. in infancy. (b) Susan A., d. in infancy. (c) Emilie Ayers, b. Oct. 29, 1866 ; m. Feb. 19, 1895, Robert Lincoln 0' Brian, who was b. Sept. 14, 1865. They have one daughter, IVIiriam, b. July 22, 1898. (d) Ellen Louisa, b. April 10, 1871 ; m. June 3, 1897, Lucian Scott Ash, who was b. Sept. 21, 1870. They had one son, Roland Sherburne, b. Jan. 18, 1900, and d. Jan. 21, 1900. (e) Charles A., b. April 27, 1874. (c) Charles Henry, b. May 3, 1843 ; m. May 30, 1876, Martha Jane Day, who was b. Aug. 15, 1846. Children : (a) Charles Haines, b. Aug. 8, 1878 ; d. April 5, 1882. (b) Henry Day, b. July 14, 1882. (d) Ellen Maria, b.'Sept. 4, 1846 ; m. June 16, 1870, Charles Edward Cummings, who was b. Feb. 28, 1847, and d. Sept. 9, 1897. Children : (a) Susan Ellen, b. Jan. 7, 1873 ; m. April 29, 1896, Joseph Calien Carson of Canton, Mo, He was b. Sept. 28, 1871. (b) Karl Greenleaf, b. Nov. 29, 1877. (e) Albert Edward, b. INLarch 15, 1880. (e) Jonathan, b. Dec. 17, 1850 ; m. Mary Frances Delaney, who was b. April, 1855, and d. June 2, 1882. ^He d. April 2, 1882. ■\ SIXTH GENERATION. 83 Children : {a) Susan Tiklen Veronica, b. Oct. 25, 1876. (h) Mary Frances Leontine, b. Jan. 15, 1878. (f) Benjamin Franklin, b. Jan. 5, 1854; m. Dec. 3, 1885, Ella Pamelia Roberts, who was b. June 4, 1867. They have one son, Herman Eugene, b. Jan. 14, 1890. By 2d wife : (g) Alniira Josephine, b. Aug. 2, 1855 ; m. Oct. 29, 1878, William Young Sargent, who was b. April 19, 1851. They had one daughter, Myra Ayers, b. Oct. 12, 1888; d. young. (6) Augustine Haines, b. May 23, 1819 ; d. April 7, 1845. (7) Eliza Haines, b. June 25, 1821 ; d. June 3, 1885. (8) Henry Sherburne, b. April 13, 1823 ; d. Aug. 26, 1844. 6. Jane, b. Nov. 25, 1782 ; d. Sept. 19, 1867. It is written of her that " she was faithful in all the relations of life, and true to her convictions of duty. Abiding in the doctrine of Christ, praying in the Holy Ghost, keeping in the love of God, she for seventy years and everywhere earnestly contended for the faith once delivered to the saints, and died in the sweet hope of the gospel." 7. Stephen, b. Aug. 24, 1785 ; m., at North Hampton, Mary Pickering of Greenland, Jan. 31, 1810. She was b. July 4, 1788, and d. at Loudon, April 9, 1876. He d. at Clai- borne, Ala. 8. Charles Glidden, b. Jan. 24, 1792, in Canterbury. He graduated from Middlebury College in 1817, and settled in New York City in 1818. He studied law and became famous ; was Attorney-General of the State of New York, and author of several publications. He d. at Blooming- dale, N.Y. July 3, 1825, aged thirty -three years. The following is a published notice of him: "Charles Glidden Haines, lawyer and publicist, studied law in New York, and edited the first law-journal published in this country. Secretary Board of Canal Commissioners, author of many treatises upon legal and political sub- jects — 'notably ''A Complete System of Republican Gov- ernment," drawn up for the republics of South America by the request of their representatives, and at the instance of Mr. Webster.' Practiced in the United States Supreme Court, contending successfully for the free navigation of the Hudson River, and was engaged in other causes involv- ing the most important constitutional questions. Ap- 84 UAYNE6 \ Gl^^EALOGY. pointed Adjutant-General of the State of New York by Governor Clinton in 1825. Died, 1825, at the age of thirty-three. Declared by Mr. AVebster to be the most brilliant man in the country." i SI. (22; Richard '■ Haines (Abuer/ JMatthias/ Matthias," Samuel i) was born in Greenland, and became a cooper by trade. He reared a family of eight children, and died at the age of fifty years. His widow married Col. Josiah Sanborn, of Sanbornton, N.H., and died at the age of ninety years. Children : 1. Thomas, b. Sept. 7, 1783 ; went West, and d. young. 2. Hannah, b. Jan. 30, 1780; m. Dea. Jeremiah Hall of North- field, Sept. 15, 1801. He was a deacon of the Congrega- tional church there. She was his second wife. They had children. She d. Oct. 14, 1820. 3. Sarah, b. April 21, 1782 ; m. James Smith of Sanbornton. 4. Polly, b. Nov. 2, 1784. 5. INlartha, b. Sept. 16, 1786; m. Mr. Sanborn, of Sanbornton. 6. David, b. Aug. 29, 1789 ; went West. 7. Charlotte, b. Feb. 21, 1791. 8. Comfort, b. Sept. 29, 1796. (22) Matthias'' Haines (Abner,^ Matthias,' JNIatthias,- SamueP) was born in Greenland. About the time he married Molly Cammet, he removed from there to Portland, Me., probably the place of her nativity. He resided in Portland when it was burned by the Brit- ish, October, 1775. It is said that he made wrought-iron balls for " our cannon." He died at the age of forty-six years. His wife survived him forty-five years, dying at the age of ninety. CniLDREX : 1. Abner, b. in 1776 ; d. at the age of fifteen years. 125 2. William, b. 1777 ; m. in 1802 Ann Cammet, of Portland, Uq. She was b. Aug. 2, 1785, and d. May, 1828. He d. June, 1845. 3. Polly, h. December, 1780; m., 1st, Joseph Bartlett; m., 2d, Artimas Prentice. She d. November, 1854. sij:th generation. 85 4. Paul, who d. in infancy. 5. Sally, b. in 1783 ; m. Samuel Chase of Portland, Me. She d. 1806. 6. Thankful, b. March, 1784; m. Thomas Hammond of Port- land. She d. June 25, 1866. 7. Betsy, b. iMay, 1787 ; m. M. S. Fader of Portland. She d. April 21, 1855. 8. Hannah, b. December, 1788. She lived to be over eighty- one years of age, and d. unm. 9. Jane, b. December, 1792 ; m. Rufus Beals. 10. Nancy, b. November, 1794 ; m. Joseph Berry. She d. August, 1854. • S3. (22) Walter Weeks ^ Haines (Abner," IVIatthias,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel ^) was born in Greenland, and removed with his parents from there to Canterbury when about eighteen years of age. In 1777 he enlisted in the army for three years, or during the war, and was allowed fifteen shillings for travel to Charlestown, Mass. He be- longed to Capt. Thomas Frye's Co., Col. Joseph Cilley's Reg. After he married Rachel Knowles, of Chester, they settled in Fremont, where he died at the age of fifty-four years. Children : 1. Sally, b. in 1777 ; m. Oliver Marsh. They removed to Danville, Vt., where she died at the age of thirty-four. They had seven children. 126 2. John, b. Aug. 24, 1780; m. IMarch 18, 1802, Susannah Parker of Portsmouth. She was b. Sept. 11, 1781, and d. Aug. 11, 1828. He d. June 24, 1817. 127 3. Walter, b. Feb. 1, 1782 ; m., 1st, Eleanor Craig, by whom he had one son, Walter; m., 2d, Betsy Folsom, of Deer Isle, Me., February, 1805. She was b. May 26, 1784, and d. in 1834. They had nine children ; m., 3d, Mrs. Sophia Pat- ten, Nov. 5, 1835. She was b. in Green, Me., Nov. 21, 1802. They had two children. He d. May 4, 1847. 4. Rachel, b. May 19, 1783 ; m. John Hill of Loudon. 5. Hannah, b. June 28, 1786 ; m. Joseph Knowles, her cousin. They resided in Illinois, and had six children. 6. Abigail, b. July, 1788 ; d. July, 1789. 86 uimS \ GENEALOGY. 7. Polly, b. Jan. 15, 1792 ; in. Jan. 27, 1840, Rev. John Marsh, who was b. June 21, 1792. He was a Free Baptist clergy- man. They lived in Fremont, N-H., in 1874, at which time they had read the Bible through in course twenty-six and one-half times ! ! No children. 8. Stephen, b. June 29, 1795 ; m. Hannah Knowles, his cousin. They lived in Fremont. Children : (1) Sarah, who married E. T. Philbrick of Exeter, a blacksmith. (2) Caroline, who m. Samuel Colcord of Exeter. 0. Joseph, b. June 30, 1798 ; d. July 30, 1798. (22) Stephen •- Haines ( Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,- SamueP) was born in Greenland, and when about twenty years of age he married Hannah Carter. They lived in Canterbury and Northfield. He was a true patriot, and enlisted at Boscawen, N.H., July 5, 1777, in the Northern Continental army, and served in Capt. James Shep- herd's Co., in Lieut. -Col. Gerrish's Reg. They marched for the relief of the garrison of Ticonderoga, but after having advanced seventy miles they received news that the fort had been evacuated, when they returned. He died in the vigor of manhood, at the age of forty-eight years, in Northfield. Children : 1. Walter Weeks, b. Jan. 25, 1781 ; d. Oct. 30, 1781. 2. Sally W., b. Feb. 3, 1790 ; m. Nov. 17, 1809, William Cur- vue of Enfield, KH. She d. April 1 1, 185(). 128 3. Stephen, b. Aug. 14, 1793 ; m. Pollv Foss, who was b. Jan. 15, 1792. He d. Sept. 13, 1828, having been killed by the kick of a horse. 4. Hannah, b. Oct. 14, 1795 ; m. April 28, 1815, Charles Noyes, of Boscawen, N.H. She d. July 10, 1865. Children : (1) Hannah Clough, b. Jan. 19, 1830; m. July 4, 1850, Nathaniel Thurston. She d. Feb. 29, 1892. Children : (a) Floriette Haines Frizyelle. (b) Addie iMay Waltz. (c) Harriet JSIaria Booth. SIXTH GENERATION. 87 (2) Wealthy Ann, b. Oct. 20, 1834; m. July 17, 1856, William Wells Follausby. Children: (a) Morgie Ann, m. Edwin G. Eastman, Attorney- General of New Hampshire. They have two children — Ella Follansby and Edwin Winter. (b) Joey ]\lorse. (C) William Wells. 6. Thomas Clough, b. June 19, 1798; m. Eeb. 17, 1820, Deborah Drew Rogers, dan. of Samuel Rogers of North- field. She was b. May i:5, 1800, and d. June 29, 1868. She was the ninth generation from John Rogers the martyr. On Aug. 12, 1846, Thomas Clough Haines went under his mill to take a bath early one morning, and the miller, ignorant of his situation, opened the gate and he was drowned. He is said to have been very fond of horses. He was a man of great energy and excellency of character. Children : (1) Alice Allen, b. March 28, 1822; m. Jan. 1, 1847, Cutting Follansby of Sanbornton Bridge. He d. Sept. 14, 1875. Children : (a) Charles Haines, b. Oct. 12, 1847 ; m., 1st, Mary Meservey. They had one dan., Alice Cutting, b. Sept. 3, 1873 ; m. Arthur Sawyer, and they have one son, Charles, b. March 10, 1899. He m., 2d, Minnie Kendrick. (2) Hannah, b. May 20, 1824; m. 1st, Sept. 28, 1843, Darius WinsloAv. They had one dau., Ella Laville, b. June 1, 1846 ; m. W. H. C. Follansby, Treas. of Rockingham Co., N.H. She m. 2d, Dec. 30, 1850, John S. Dearborn, b. Sept. 8, 1824, and d. Dec. 2, 1896. Children by 2d marriage : (a) Mark Woodbury, b. Jan. 19, 1851; m. Elva Manson. (a) Ethel, b. April 15, 1878. (h) Henry, b. June 16, 1881. (b) Thomas Haines, b. Aug. 21, 1860; m. Sept. 3, 1884, Mary French, who was b. Nov. 23, 1858. Children : (a) John S., b. Jan. 13, 1887 ; d. June 5, 1896. (b) Ruth F., b. Aug. 28, 1889. 88 21yS I GENEALOGY. (c) Thomas A., b. April 13, 1897. (d) Eleauor, b. May, 1899. (3) Sarah .Morrill, b. .March 4, 1827; m. Oct. 10, 1858, Josiah Dearborn. They have one son, Ned, who m. Josie Hill ; and they have one son, Clinton. (4) Infant son, b. Dec. 27, 1829 ; d. Jan. 12, 1830. (5) Kebecca Rogers, b. Feb. 12, 1833 ; d. July 27, 1834. (6) Charles, b. Sept. 12, 1836 ; d. June 25, 1838. (7) Rebecca Rogers, b. Dec. 11, 1838 ; m. Aug. 6, 1859, Peabody 0. Blake of New Hampton, N.H. She d. Jan. 3, 1893. They had one dau., JNIamie, b. Nov. 28, 1861; m. Manly Burpee of New Hampton. They have one son, Leroy, b. April 13, 1882. (8) Eldora Leonora, b. May 31, 1843 ; m. 1st, June 25, 1866, John A. Colby of East Corinth, Vt. ; m. 2d, Oct. 21, 1868, Noah S. Walker of Elizabeth, Pa. (^HILI)REN : (a) Noah Haines, b. July 23, 1870 ; d. Feb. 28, 1895. (b) Dora Haines, b. May 27, 1874. (c) Nannie Alice Haines, b. March 9, 1877; m. June 20, 1900, John Dixon O'Neil of Elizabeth, Pa. (d) Carl Springer Haines, b. Oct. 8, 1880. SEVENTH GENERATION. 2 (23) Joseph*^ Haines (Joseph,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,' Samuel ^) was born in AVakefield, where he spent his boyhood. As his father was a carpenter, and owned mills in that part of the town which is now called Union Village, he learned the carpenter's trade. After he married Temperance Hoitt, he removed to North Parsonslield, Maine, and became an efficient citizen in that then sparsely settled town, but died when about forty years of age. His wife survived him nearly seventeen years, dying at the age of fifty- eight. Children. 129 1. Joseph, b. June 16, 1794 ; m. June 3, 1821, Dorcas Penni- man, who was b. at Randolph, Mass., Sept. 29, 1800, and d. at Lexington, Mass., April 17, 1875. He d. Sept. 30, 1840. 2. Benjamin, b. Aug. 24, 1795 ; d. in Boston, Mass., in 1826, unm. 130 3. Ira, b. Aug. 8, 1796 ; m. Jan. 15, 1826, Mary Emery, who was b. Jan. 11, 1795, and d. Nov. 4, 1857. He d. Dec. 8, 1857. 4. John, b. Aug. 4, 1803 ; m. in Ware, in 1825, Delphia Ferrish. He d. in New Bedford, Mass., about 1837, s.p. 5. Sally, b. Aug. 16, 1806 ; m. March 31, 1828, Silas Dyer of Randolph, Mass. She d. May 6, 1828. 6. Caroline, b. Jan. 12, 1813 ; m. March 31, 1829, Silas Dyer. He was the husband of her sister Sally. She d. Nov. 25, 1841. SO. (23) Daniel*^ Haines (Joseph,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Wakefield, where he made his home for thirty- five years. At the age of twenty he married Mary Hoitt, cousin of his brother Joseph's wife. In 1809 he removed with his family from Wakefield to Nobleboro, Me., where he spent in toil the latter 89 90 ni^S \ GENEALOGY. half of his life, dying at the age of seventy. His wife was two years older, but survived him by about four years, passing away at seventy-six. Children : 1. Nathaniel, b. May 19, 1795 ; d. July 22, 1825, unin. 2. Betsy, b. Sept. 16, 1797 ; d. May 16, 1868, unm. 3. Sally, b. Dec. 21, 1799 ; m., in 1825, Rowland T. Russell of Nobleboro. She d. Feb. 28, 1880. They had one son and two daughters. 4. Harriet, b. Nov. 7, 1801 ; m. March 20, 1823, Luther Ham- mond, who was b. in Xobleboro, April 15, 1799, and d. Jan. 31, 1836. She d. April 30, 1868. They had one son and two daughters. 131 5. Lewis, b. Dec. 18, 1803 ; m. July 18, 1824, Julia Briant of Nobleboro. She was b. Oct. 24, 1798, and d. Feb. 28, 1873. He d. .March 9, 1840. 6. Apphia C, b. Dec. 18, 1803 ; m. June, 1823, Samuel Rollins of Canaan, Me. He was b. March 22, 1801, and d. Oct. 9, 1872. She d. Nov. 18, 1852. They had children. 132 7. Joseph, b. Jan. 20, 1806 ; m. Sept. 17, 1832, Abby C. Goodenow of Newcastle, Me. She was b. Feb. 3, 1811, and d. Dec. 1, 1888. He d. June 6, 1884. 8. Maria, b. May 15, 1809 ; m. November, 1834, Benjamin Harriman of Waldoboro, Me. He was a shipbuilder. She d. Dec. 24, 1870. Children : (1) Amanda M., b. in 1836. I^ives in South Framing- ham, Mass. (2) Harriet M., b. in 1837 ; m., in 1863, Oilman Fuller. They had one son, George, who was b. in 1864, and d. in 1892. (3) Eunice A., b. in 1839 ; m., in 1862, Willard E. Clark. Children : (a) Eugene A., b. in 1863. (b) A. Josephine, b. in 1866. (4) Mary Ann, b. in 1842 ; m. 1st, in 1875. A. Jerome Lewis, by whom she had one dau., Ida J., b. in 1880 ; m. 2d, in 1886, Charles P. Knowlton. (5) Caroline A., b. in 1846; m., in 1872, Edward J. Pres- cott. They have one dau.. Lillian E., b. in 1876. (6) l^ron, b. in 1848 ; d. in 1849. (7) Fannie K, b. in 1854 ; d. in 1879. SEVENTH GENERATION. 91 (23) John^ Haines (Joseph,^ Samuel/ Matthias,^ Samue^ Samuel ^^ was born in Wakeiield during the Kevolutionary war, probably when his father was in the army ; and when twenty -nine years old, he married Martha Stevens, with whom he lived over fifteen years, when he died at the age of forty -five. The " old Haines Bible " passed into his hands, and after his death was cared for by his widow, who gave it to A. JVI. Haines, in 1851. In her last years she lived with her daughter Fanny. Children : 1. Enoch, b. ^Slarch 25, 1807 ; d. Aug. 28, 1810. 2. Fanny, b. Oct. 8, 1808 ; m. Jan. 5, 1833, Nathaniel Downs of Eaton, N.H. Both have passed away. Children : (1) Sophia. (2) John Bradley. 3. John Dearborn, b. March 16, 1820. He early went from home, and was never heard from. S8. (23) Israel^ Haines (Joseph,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Wakefield, and learned the trade of a carpen- ter, and became a surveyor in his native town. "When about twenty- six years of age he married Mehitable Stevens, sister to his brother John's wife, with whom he lived thirty-six years, when he died at the age of sixty-two. She survived him thirty-six. years, dying at the age of ninety-one. He was a man of strong mind, and highly respected. Children : 1. Clementine S., b. Sept. 25, 1809 ; m. Sept. 9, 1832, John Ferguson, who was b. Aug. 28, 1806, and d. June 29, 1879. He was a machinist, living in South Berwick and Lewiston, Me., and Dover, N.H. Children : (1) Clementine, b. March 28, 1833 ; d. June 13, 1834. (2) John Henry, b. Dec. 9, 1834. He lives in Lynn, Mass. (3) Albert, b. Oct. 16, 1836 ; d. Oct. 6, 1891. (4) Caroline, b. March 14, 1841 ; d. Sept. 23, 1841. (5) George W., b. in 1842 ; m. Sarah H. Smith of Port- land, Me. He d. Sept. 16, 1884. 92 ui\''/Is \ GENEALOGY. (6) Frank, b. Aug. 12, 1851 ; d. April 4, 1883. 133 2. Henry Stevens, b. ^ov. 3, 1811 ; ni., in 1833, Eliza Bunker Wood of Nantucket, Mass. She was b. Jan. 10, 1810, and d. at Sumter, S.C., Oct. 12, 18G5. He d. in San- Francisco, Cal., June 11, 1853. 3. Eleanor Eliza, b. Nov. 14, 1813 ; d. Nov. 15, 1827. 4. Israel Hoyt, b. Feb. 25, 18 10. He became a carpenter, and went south, and d. at Wilmington, 'N.C., Oct. 21, 1836, and was buried in the Episcopal cemetery there. 134 5. George W., b. Sept. 4, 1818; m., Oct. 14, 1859, Susan A. Nichols of Ossipee, N.H. She was b. in 1825. He d. Nov. 2, 1891. She d. May, 1897. 6. Caroline S., b. Jan. 19, 1821; m. Nov. 4, 1847, Moses Farnham of Dover, N.H. He was b. Sept. 30, 1824. She d. Dec. 28, 1884. Children : (1) Henry C, who lives in Somersworth. (2) Charles, who lives in Oakland, Cal. (3) Israel, who lives in Spencer, Mass. (4) Martha M., who lives in Dover. 7. Almira M., b. Dec. 8, 1824; living in Wakefield (unm.), vigorous, and deeply interested in her ancestry. She has expended considerable money in marking and adorn- ing the buiying ground of her ancestors, who made their home in Wakefield. SO. (24) John" Haines (Matthias,'^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) removed from Greenland, his native town, to Loudon about two years after his marriage to Lydia Jewell, daughter of Capt. Daniel Jewell of Stratham, settling not far from Shaker Village in Canterbury. There he owned mills on a small stream about two miles from the center of the town. He was a carpenter by trade, and a hard-working man of great integrity of character. He was employed by the State in- building a fence on the top of the prison wall in Concord ; and there he took a severe cold, which developed a fever from which he died in a fe^v days after return- ing home, at the age of forty -four years. This was twenty-two years prior to the death of his father. His wife, who died in 1840, survived him twenty-four years. SEVENTH GENERATION. 93 Children : 1. Eleanor, b. iu Greenland, June 18, 1795 ; m. 1st, March 6, . 1839, JoseDh Batchelder, who was b. Oct. 15, 1775, and d. Sept. 28, i841. They lived at Northwood, N.H. ; m. 2d, March 17, 1845, Josiah Folsom of New Market. He was b. Nov. 9, 1777, and d. June 29, 1860. She d. at New Market, Nov. 18, 1881, s.jj. 135 2. John, b. in Loudon, N.H., March 19, 1797 ; m., 1st, Hannah Parker of Canterbury, March 13, 1823. She was b. Oct. 8, 1802, and d. Jan. 30, 1844 ; m. 2d, April 17, 1844, Mary Neal, who was b. Oct. 8, 1822, and d. Oct. 4, 1901. He d. Oct. 5, 1868. 136 3. Frederick, b. Jan. 25, 1799 ; m. Sept. 7, 1824, Olive Merrill, who was b. Jan. 23, 1803, and d. May 22, 1867. He d. Nov. 14, 1870. 137 4. Daniel Jewell, b. Nov. 26, 1801 ; m. Jan. 17, 1836, Mary Batchelder, who was b. July 3, 1815. He d. Feb. 12, 1852. 138 5. Thomas Jefferson, b. May 14, 1804 ; m. i\Iay 2, 1828, Mary Eollins, dau. of Nicholas and Ann (Fifield) Rollins of Stratham. She was b. Nov. 1, 1805, and d. Oct. 27, 1875. He d. Sept. 17, 1896. 139 6. Washington', b. April 14, 1806 ; m. 1st, March 19, 1832, Eunice Conant, who was b. Jan. 27, 1807, and d. Jan. 29, 1837 ; m. 2d, March 8, 1840, Abigail Folsom, dau. of Josiah Folsom of New Market. She was b. Sept. 11, 1811, and is still living in comfort and strength. He d. Dec. 22, 1886, at New Market. 7. Lydia Jewell, b. Dec. 28, 1807 ; m. July 2, 1834, Ebenezer Knowlton of Northwood. He was b. Sept. 17, 1796, and d. March 22, 1888. She d. from the effect of a severe burn inexplicably received. They lived together fifty- three years, the greater part of the time in Manchester, N.H., moving there when it was a small village, and wit- nessing its growth to a large city. They were estimable people, prudent and genial. He was a skillful musician of considerable note. She died at the age of eighty-six, and he at the age of ninety -two, s.p. 140 8. James Madison, b. Feb. 26, 1810 ; m. 1st, Dec. 2, 1834, Lydia S. Tuttle, who was b. Nov. 11, 1813, and d. Nov. 22, 1870 ; m. 2d, Jan. 27, 1874, Mrs. Mary F. Moses, who d. Oct. 27, 1895. He d. Aug. 29, 1882. 94 Ifr^ES \ OENEALOGY. oo. (24) Samuel'' Haines (Matthias,^ Samuel/ Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Greenland, and at the age of twenty-six married Hannah Stevens of Stratham, when he removed with his bride to Loudon, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying at the age of eighty-seven years. His wife passed away fourteen years previous, and after they had lived together forty-seven years. He was buried at Loudon Center Cemetery. Children : 1. Betsy, b. Aug. 21, 1801 ; m. April 18, 1824, Smith Fogg of Loudon. He was b. April 19, 1799. 141 2. Taylor, b. Feb. 15, 1804 ; ni. 1st, in 1844, IMehitable Sargent. She d. June 6, 1845 ; m. 2d, July, 1848, Nancy Willey. She d. Jan. 19, 18G1 ; m. 8d, Sept. 19, 1861, Nancy Flanders. He d. Oct. 20, 1888. 3. Hannah, b. Dec. 30, 180G; m. July 8, 1838, Samuel Dodge of iSTewburyport, JNIass. He was b. March 28, 1800, and became a tinsmith. ClIILDKKN : (1) Lvdia Wood, b. Dec. 4, 1838. (2) Edward Davis, b. Aug. 28, 1840; d. Dec. 11, 1863, at Camp Nelson, Ky. (3) Samuel Taylor, b. Sept. 6, 1842. (4) Nancy Tuell, b. Nov. 18, 1844. 142 4. Samuel, b. April 17, 1808 ; m., in 1829, Almira Brimbleton, who was 1). in 1807. 5. Irene C, b. June 29, 1817 ; m., in 1837, Jacob True of Salisbury, Mass. He was b. in 1818, and became a car- penter. She d. at Loudon, Dec. 21, 1868. 6. Sally, b. June 4, 1820 ; m. Ebenezer Wiggin of Merrimac, Mass. She d. April 16, 1861. Ol. (24) Matthias '■ Haines (Matthias,"^ Samuel,* Matthias,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Greenland, and when nineteen years of age he went with his father to Loudon, and seven years later married pretty Polly Fernald, who was twenty-two years of age, daughter of Dimon Fernald of Loudon. They established their home there, and lived together forty-two years, when she died at the age of sixty-four. He survived her eleven years, dying at the age of seventy-nine. SEVENTH GENERATION. 95 Children: 1. Calvin, b. Dec. 29, 1801 ; m. April 27, 1837, Mary Haines, dau. of Samuel and Hannah Haines of Loudon. She was b. May 11, 1809, and d. Dec. 31, 1890. He d. Feb. 23, 1839, s.p. 2. Luther, b. Sept. 2, 1803; m. 1st, Feb. 14, 1830, Olive Fletcher, who was b. Aug. 18, 180(5, and d. Dec. 18, 1833 ; m. 2d, Feb. 2, 1835, Sophia Rand, who d. April 16, 1853 ; m. 3d, Aug. 4, 1854, Ruhannah D. Dyer, who was b. May 18, 1818. He had one dau., Olive Z., by 3d wife, who was b. Oct. 24, 1855. He d. Sept. 7, 1870. 3. Belinda, b. .Alay 25, 1806 ; m. Xov. 28, 1827, Joshua Sar- gent of Sanbornton. He Avas b. Dec. 28, 1803, and d. March 23, 1888, of apoplexy, after several years of feeble health. In his younger years he was a farmer, after- wards residing for a few 3-ears in Lowell, j\Eass., then removing to North Chelmsford, where he spent the re- mainder of his days. She d. Aug. 31, 1879. ChILDRKN : (1) Harriet M., b. Jan. 24, 1828 ; m. Feb. 7, 1849, Noah L. Wiggin of Dracut, Mass. He was b. I)ec. 10, 1833. She cL July 14, 1885, after a long sickness, the last two months of which she was unconscious for the most of the time. She was very highly respected, and left two sons and a daughter, resi- dents of Lowell. (2) Mary C, b. Dec. 9, 1830 ; m. Oct. 11, 1853, Asa JNL Sevain, who was b. March 8, 1830. They had five children. (3) Elbridge G., b. Nov. 15, 1832 ; d. March 4, 1858. (4) Emily Ann, b. Aug. 6, 1836 ; m. Oct. 21, 1854, E. A. Clement, who was b. April 23, 1829. (5) Joshua Hoytt, b. Dec. 16, 1837; m. July 18, 1857, Nancy L. Blood, who was b. March 11, 1839, and d. ]\rarch 8, 1867. (6) William C, b. March 31, 1840; m. Nov. 26, 1861, Sarah E. Boswell, who was b. June 11, 1842. (7) Luther Haines, b. April 14, 1842 ; m. June 1, 1865, Nellie H. Richardson, who was b. :\rarch 20, 1844. They have one dan., Nellie L., b. March 8, 1868 ; m, June 1, 1889, C. F. Butterfield of Tyngsboro, Mass. (8) Martha Ann, b. :\rarch 11. 1849 ; d. Nov. 10, 1851. 4. Joseph, b. Sept. 15, 1809 ; d. Sept. 27, 1836, unm. Qo HAINES I ^" UAYNES] GENEALOGY. 143 5. Matthias, b. July 18, 1811 ; m. ^ov. 20, 1837, Chloe Harri- man, who was b. Sept. 11, 1811, and (1. Feb. 1, 1870. He (1. May, 1870. 6. Margaret, b. JMay 5, 1814; m. Feb. 14, 1839, Dearborn French of Alton, N.H. He was b. Oct. 27, 1808, and d. Jan. 12, 1870. They had eight children. 7. Polly, b. Oct. 13, 1816 ; m. Sept. 9, 1832, Samuel Sargent of Loudon. He was b. May 11, 1810. Childken : (1) Joseph S., b. Dec. 19, 1833. (2) Calvin H., b. June 11, 1836; d. Sept. 16, 1869. (3) Julia A., b. March 29, 1838 ; d. July 15, 1862. (4) Jeremiah F., b. Dec. 28, 1841. (5) Lucy Jane, b. Dec. 16, 1844; d. March 29, 1867. (6) Sherburne, b. March 16, 1847 ; d. Sept. 4, 1865. (7) Ida Ann, b. June 10, 1850. (8) Eunice C, b. Feb. 11, 1853. (9) Fred S., b. April 13, 1856. 8. Julia Ann, b. July 30, 1819 ; m. July 13, 1843, Josiah P. Vickery of Lowell, Mass. He was b. Feb. 11, 1822, and d. Nov. 7, 1867. She d. April 20, 1860. Children : (1) Leroy P., b. April 9, 1844 ; drowned June 18, 1851. (2) Ida A., b. June 19, 1851. (3) Hattie J., b. Aug. 20, 1853 ; d. Feb. 13, 1854. (4) Hattie Eva, b. Oct. 5, 1855 ; d. Feb. 3, 1857. (5) Effie E., b. Aug. 28, 1858 ; d. April 19, 1868. 9. Rhuhema, b. Aug. 22, 1822 ; d. April, 1824. (24) Joseph" Haines (Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,* Samuel,^ SamueP) was twelve years old when his father removed from Greenland to Loudon, on Feb. 27, 1796. Nine years after he went from Loudon to Salem, Mass., where he found his wife, Martha Dwinell, daiighter of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Kittredge) Dwinell, and granddaughter of Dr. John Kittredge of North Andover, Mass. In 1813 he returned to TiOudon with his family, having then three children. He remained there until his death, with the exception of a few years' residence in Canterbury, an adjoining town. He was taken away in the midst of his manly efforts for the support of his family at the age of forty-four years. SEVENTH GENERATION. 97 After her husband's decease Mrs. Haines removed to Gilmanton Corner, evidently for the educational advantages offered to her family ; but in the summer of 1832 she returned to Salem, and two years later she removed to Lynn, which continued to be her home for twent^^-nine years, and where she died at the age of seventy-eight. Childrex : 144. 1. Joseph, b. July 1, 1807 ; m. Oct. 24, 1838, Mary Neal, dau. of Samuel and Hannah ISTeal of Lynn, She was b. June 28, 1808, and d. Jan. 28, 1862, at Lynn. He d. there March 5, 1887. 2. Martha vVnn, b. Sept. 11, 1808, in Danvers, ]\Iass., and d. in Loudon, jSTov. 10, 1822. She was buried in the " Weeks Cemetery," Gilmanton. 3. Mary Jane, b. in Londonderry, Oct. 25, 1810, and d. at Galena, 111., Jan. 7, 1873. She was buried by the side of her mother in the " Haines lot," Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn. It is written of her : " The deceased was a sister of Mr. A. M. Haines, whose house had been her home for some years. She was a lady of education and culture, and had taught school for several years in the New England States. She had been in her usual health until one week previous to her death, and at no time during that period was her illness regarded as dangerous till she breathed her last. Her death was very sudden and unexpected. She was a consistent and devoted member of the Episcopal church." 145. 4. John Kittredge, b. April 29, 1813 ; m. 1st, Nov. 12, 1837, Mrs. Martha Haines (Dwinell) Smith, widow of Amos T. Smith, and dau. of John T and Deborah (Plummer) Dwi- nell of Salem, Mass. She was b. Oct. 9, 1807, and d. April 5, 1849 ; m. 2d, Feb. 3, 1850, Cordelia H. Vivuan of Vassalboro, Me. She was b. Sept. 28, 1827. He d. March 5, 1890. 5. Fanny Smith, b. April 16, 1815 ; d. Aug. 8, 1815. B.uried in " Weeks Cemetery " in Gilmanton. 146. 6. Sylvester Henry, b. June 29, 1816 ; m. April 5, 1838, Elcy Tucker Kourse of Lvnn. She was b. March 1, 1814, and d. at Caledonia, N.D., Nov. 15, 1890. He d. Sept. 23, 1892. 147. 7. Andrew Mack, b. Jan. 1, 1820 ; m. Aug. 17, 1842, Angeline Elizabeth Woodbury, dau. of John and Sarah (Allen) Woodbury of Lynn. She was b. at Ludlow, Vt., May 15, 1822. He d. at Galena, 111., Nov. 10, 1898. no HAINES ) ^° UAYNES] GENEALOGY. 8. William Elbridge, b. at Loudon, IMay 26, 1825 ; d. Sept. 16, 1S27, and was buried in the cemetery at Gilmanton. (25) Samuel'' Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,* :Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was a native of Loudon, where he made a home when at the age of twenty -seven he married Hannah Batchelder. They had an interesting family, and lived together fifty-five years, when he died at the age of eighty-two. His wife survived him about two years, passing away at the age of eighty. Ciiii.DUEN : 148 1. True, b. Dec. 27, 180.3; m. March 14, 1832, his cousin, Isabella Batchelder, dau. of Abram Batchelder of Gardiner, Me. She was b. Oct. 31, 1809, and d, Jan. 28, 1883. He d. Sept. 11, 1855. 2. Franklin G., b. Sept. 11, 1805 ; d. Oct. 14, 1825. 3. Mary, b. May 11, 1809; m. 1st, April 27, 1837, Calvin Haines, son of Matthias and Poily (Fernald) Haines. He was b. Dec. 29, 1801, and d. Feb. 22, 1839 ; m. 2d, July 19, 1840, Daniel S. French of Loudon, who was b. Dec. 28, 1811, and d. Aug. 3, 1842. She d. Dec. 31, 1890, . after forty-eight years of widowhood, and was the last surviving charter member of the Free Baptist church in Loudon, having been eminently pious and deeply inter- ested in Christian work. In her age and infirmity she was well cared for by her only child, Ann Augusta French, who was b. May 2, 1841. 4. Susan, b. Jan. 9, 1811 ; m. Dec. 4, 1832, William Sanborn of Loudon. He was b. Oct. 5, 1810, and d. Sept. 17, 1870. She d. Oct. 20, 1887. She was gifted in song, and like her sister, was an active Christian, being a member of the Free Baptist church in Loudon for fifty -seven years. Children ; (1) Richard P., b. Nov. 9, 1833 ; m. July 3, 1863, Emily M. Parsons (2) Charles F., b. May 31, 1836; d. .AFarch 23, 1838. (3) Charles F., b. June 12, 1838 ; d. April 25, 1845. (4) William H., b. Nov. 8, 1842. (5) Edmund W., b. Sept. 13, 1848 ; d. Jan. 15, 1869. (25) Joseph" Haines (Samuel,"^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samue^ Samuel^) was a native of Loudon, where he made his only home, SEVENTH GENERATION. 9ft and where, like his older brother, he was obliged to cut out his; own life path, being helped by his faithful Avife, Mary Durgin,. whom he married when young. He lived to the rounded age of eighty years. Children : 1. jNIary, b. July 6, 1807 ; m., 1st, Asa Currier ; m., 2d, William F. Chase of Boscaweu, IST.H. 2. Alfred, b. March 18, 1809 ; m., 1st, Harriet Chase ; m., 2d, Alexena P. Snipe. They lived in Boston, Mass. Children : (1) Harriet Abby. (2) Mary Augusta. (3) Albert G. C. (4) Harriet C. 3. Jeannette, b. March 6, 1811 ; m. David Stevens of Wayne, Me. 4. Henry Harrison, b. in 1813. He went to New Orleans, La. 5. Charles W., b. in 1815; m. Sarah Williams. They lived in Georgia. (25) Nathaniel Goss '^ Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^ ) was born in Loudon, and became an enter- prising citizen, battling manfully for a livelihood with the diffi- culties of that period. When twenty -eight years of age he married Hannah Pillsburj', with whom he lived for thirty -three years, when he died at the age of sixty -one. He w?.s a " clothier " and a genial man. They lived in Andover and Danbury, N.H. She married for her second husband Amos Taylor, Esq., and passed away in her ninety-first year. Children : 1. Mary Ann, b. Oct. 20, 1812; m. April 5, 1836, William D. Crockett of Danbur3^ He was b. Peb. 13, 1806, and d. April 8, 1885. She d. July 6, 1897. 2. Henry Harrison, b. Jan. 10, 1814 ; d. Oct. 9, 1814. 3. Laurinda, b. in Salisbury, N.H., June 16, 1815 ; m. Feb. 20, 1840. Andrew J. Crockett of Bristol, N.H. He was b. May 29, 1811 ; d. Sept. 3, 1885. She is living in Bristol. 149 4. Harrison Pillsbury, b. March 4, 1819, in Andover, KH. ; m. Jan. 28, 1845, Elizabeth 0. Johnson, who was b. April 26, 1823. He d. at Tilton, Jan. 3, 1883. 10<^ Ha/nES } GENEALOGY. 5. Charles Glidden, b. Sept. 15, 1824 ; d. in Boston, Mass., Jan. 11, 1852. 6, Martha Weeks, b. Sept. 7, 1826, in Daubury ; m. Jan. 5, 1851, Horace L. Sleeper of Boston. He was b. April 7, 1820. She d. in Wincliester, Mass., June 7, 1855. They had one dau., Laurinda. ee. (25j John Sanborn ''■ Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,' Samuel,'' SamueP) at the age of twenty -three married Mary H. I'hilbrick of Concord, K.H., and removed from Loudon, his native town, to Woodstock, Vt., where he made his permanent home, living with his wife fifty-five years, when she died at the age of seventy- nine. He survived her ten years, passing away at the age of eighty-seven. Children : 1. Sarah Philbrick, b. in Loudon, Jan. 19, 1821; m. April 12, 1842, B. F. Mack of Woodstock, Vt. He was b. Oct. 28, 1816, and d. March 2, 1875. She d. May 6, 1892. 2. Mary E., b. in Lancaster, Aug. 17, 1823. 151 3. John Edward, b. at Lancaster, Nov. 11, 1825 ; m. May 30, 1849, Ann S. Eaymond of Bridgewater, Vt. She was b. May 30, 1828. or. (26) Moses KS' Haines (Matthias,^ Matthias," William," Samuel,^ Samuel ^ ) removed from Moultonboro, where his father had early settled, to Greensboro, Vt., having, at the age of twenty-three, married Abigail Nay. He bought two hundred acres of land, cleared it, and from it made a good farm on which he lived to reach the age of eighty -two years. He was an enterprising citizen, thrice married, and kind hearted. All the children loved him in his old age. Children i?y Ist wife : 1. Polly, b. Dec. 24, 1798; d. Feb. 12, 1813. 152 2. Samuel, b. Jan. 30, 1801; m. April 2. 1826, Eoxanna Pat- terson, who was b. April 11, 1800, and d. May 6, 1862. He d. April 4, 1863. 3. Matthias, b. Jan. 13, 1812; d. Feb. 7, 1812. SEVENTH GENERATION. 101 By 2d wife : 4. Sarah, b. IMarch 30, 1815; m. Eev. Samuel G. Scott of Greensboro, Vt. She d. in Iowa in 1891. 153 5. Moses, b. Dec. 29, 1818; m. 1st, March 8, 1842, Deborah W. Clark, who was b. May 30, 1815, and d. March 13, 1882 ; m. 2d, March 15, 1883, Margaret Calderwood of Greens- boro, Vt. He d. June 17, 1895. (26) Josiali« Haines (iNratthias,^ Matthias,"* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was a native of Kaymond, N.H., but removed to Moulton- boro when the country was a wilderness. He found his first wife in the adjoining town of Sandwich. His second wife was Sally Stur- tivant of Center Harbor. He died in the town of his adoption at the age of seventy -seven, having been a useful and respected citizen. Children by ist wife : 1. David, b. Nov. 29, 1802, in Moultonboro ; m. Lydia Sprague of Stoneham, Mass. She d. at Merrimack, Wis., Dec. 25, 1880. He d. at the same place, Oct. 13, 1891. They had one son. Child : 268a William W., b. in Moultonbpro, Oct. 20, 1827; ni., 1st, Sarah E. Cotton of Sandwich, Aug. 18, 1858. She was b. Dec. 19, 1838, and d. Jan. 21, 1878; m., 2d, Francis C. Halbman in 1878. 2. Orin P., b. Aug. 2, 1806 ; when a 3'oung man he went West, and the time and place of his death are unknown. By 2d wife : , 3. Rebecca, b. March 4, 1812; m. Nov. 26, 1829, Asa H, True of Moultonboro. She d. at Baraboo, Wis., Jan. 23, 1885. He d. at the same place, Nov. 30, 1891. Children : (1) Orin Haines, b. May 30, 1812; m. Aug. 27, 1860, Sarah L. Beane of Candia, N.H. She d. Sept. 13, 1874. He became a clergyman. Children : (a) Edgar C, b. July 12, 1863 ; m. Maggie Owen of Portage, Wis. (b) Lucy Rebecca, b. Dec. 15, 1866 ; m. Bert Bryan of Evansville, Wis. (c) Fred Beane, b. April 20, 1868. He was drowned at Lawrence, Mass, 102 HAYN^ES \ GENEALOGY. (2) Ancil Norman, b. Sept. 27, 1835 , m. June 28, 1858, Lydia M. Chadwick of Falmouth, Mass. She d. iMarch 20, 1869. He d. at Hillsboro, Wis., Oct. 11, 1873. CniLDKEN : (a) Willis Xorman, b. April 3, 1859 ; m. in Baraboo, Wis., where he now lives. (b) Katie .May, b. Feb. 26, 1865 ; d. March 27, 1865. (c) Marston Chadwick, b. March 20, 1869 ; d. May 2, 1869. (3) John Matthias, b. Oct. 9, 1838 ; m. iVIary Annie Beede of iMoultonboro, N.H., April 20, 1864. They live in Baraboo, Wis. Children : (a) Rodney Howard, b. Oct. 14, 1866 ; m. July 1, 1896, Katharine McAssey. They live in Washington, D.C. (b) Gordon Haines, b. Dec. 14, 1868. (c) Ernest Beede, b. July 21, 1872. (d) Eunice IVIiriam, b. June 24, 1882. (e) Katharine, b. Dec. 10, 1887. 154 4. John C, b. Sept. 23, 1814 ; m. Jan. 2, 1848, Judith Moulton of Moultonboro, N.H. She died at Baraboo, AVis., JMarch 14, 1883. He d. at North Freedom, Wis., Dec. 8, 1894. 5. Sarah S., b. in Moultonboro, N.H., July 25, 1818 ; m. John M. Quimby of Sandwich, N.H. 201 6. Josiah M., b. Feb. 16, 1824, in Moultonboro; m., in 1856, Almira Weldon. 60. j (26) Joshua'' Haines (Matthias,'^ IMatthias,* William,' Samuel,'' Samuel ^) when a young man left the paternal home in Raymond and went to the then far West, and established himself as a mer chant at Rising Sun, Ind., where he married Louisa Smith, and soon took possession of a house in which he continued to reside^ until his death at the age of seventy-eight years. His wife sur vived him thirteen years, dying at the age of about seventy-nine. ClIILDUKN : 1. Eliza Mary, b. Oct. 1, 1822, at Rising Sun ; m. June 1, 1846, John W. Spencer, who was b. Feb. 24, 1823, at Columbus, Chenango Co., N.Y., and d. Marcli 15, 1859. He was the first mayor of the city of Rising Sun, Ind. ; was twice a SEVENTH GENERATIOX. 103 member of the Indiana Legislature, and was judge of the first Judicial Court, Ind., 1848. She became a school- teacher after the death of her husband. Then she was postmaster of Rising Sun for twelve years. Children : (1) Joshua Matthias, b. July 2, 1847. He became operator in U.S. Military Corps in the War of the Rebellion. Afterwards he was attorney-at-law, and mayor of Rising Sun in 1900 ; unm. (2) Harriet Louisa, b. June 22, 1849 ; m. Jan. 11, 1872, James IST. Perkins, who was b. March 17, 1849, in Burlington, Ky. He is cashier of a national bank at Rising Sun. She d. Dec. 13, 1897. Children : (a) Alice Spencer, b. Jan. 12, 1873 ; m. June 5, 1900, Frederick A. Caldwell, who was b. June 16, 1875, at Rushville, Ind., where they reside. (b) Hugh Espey, b. Dec. 12, 1874. He is a student at Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Ind. (c) Joshua Spencer, b. Sept. 5, 1876; d. Feb. 13, 1888. (d) Harold Calvert, b. July 9, 1878. He is a book- keeper at Rising Sun. (e) James G., b. May 5, 1881. (f ) John Wesley, b. Nov. 17, 1886. (3) Elizabeth Haven, b. July 30, 1851 ; m. Aug. 11, 1880, Jones J. Seward,- M.D. He was b. April 25, 1856, and d. Oct. 22, 1899, at Erie, Penn. He was an eminent physician and surgeon. (4) Emma Espey, b. Oct. 13, 1856 ; m. Feb. 9, 1875, Benjamin S. Calvert, who was b. Jan. 31, 1854. He is chief clerk, division headquarters, Cin., IST. ()., and Texas Pacific R.R., living at Somerset, Ky. They have one dau., Elizabeth Spencer, b. Nov. 13, 1876, at Rising Sun; m. Nov. 28, 1899, Leroy Ogden of Port Jefferson, Ohio. He is a merchant in Somer- set, Ky. (5) John W., b. Jan. 1, 1858 ; d. Sept. 5, 1858. 2. Sarah Maria, b. May 2, 1824, at Rising Sun ; m. 1st, March 17, 1860, Louis W. Hover of Rising Sun ; m. 2d, Aug. 21, 1870, William T. Pepper of the same city. He was lieut.-col. 4th Ind. Cavalry in the War of the Rebellion. They live in San Buena Ventura, Cal. 104 ul^YNES \ GENEALOGY. 3. Matthias Kellam, b. Jan. o, 1827 ; m. Dec. G, 1805, Pru- dence A. Wilber, who was b. April 28, 1837, in Madison, Ind. He was master of flat-boats, carrying produce to New Orleans, before the Civil War. Then he was 1st •Lieut. 2d Indiana Battery. Afterwards he was Ensign in U.S. Navy in the Mississippi Squadron, for ihree years was commander of gunboat Jvdit/i ; then he was on the Naval dispatch boat Volunteer. He was honor- ably discharged by the Secretary of the Navy. After the war he became a merchant and manufacturer at Rising Sun. Children : (1) Frank E., b. Jan. 3, 1867, at Rising Sun ; m. Nov. 11, 1891, Lulu B. Blessing, who was b. Aug. 8, 1875, in Macon Co., j\Io. They have one son, Clinton, b. Aug. 19, 1895. (2) Richard W., b. June 12, 1869 ; d. June 14, 1886. 4. Abigail Louisa, b. March 3, 1832, at Rising Sun ; m. June 22, 1853, Hugli S. Espey, who was b. July 9, 1822, in Ohio Co., Ind., and d. March 1, 1895. He was a mer- chant, a master of flat-boats carrying produce to the lower Mississippi River, and he was twice County Treasurer of Ohio Co., Ind., also he was an elder in the Presbyterian church. Chilpren: (1) Frank F., b. April 12, 1854 ; m. Oct. 18, 1877, Chanty Cunningham, who was b. Oct. 4, 1857, in Switzer- land Co., Ind. He is a merchant at Rising Sun, and an elder in the Presbyterian church there. Children : (a) Paul Denton, b. May 16, 1880. He is now a teacher at Rising Sun. (b) Hugh Stewart, b.^Sept. 22, 1882, in Switzerland Co., Ind. (c) Plielte, b. Mav31. 1884. (d) Abby, b. Aug. 9, 1886; d. Jan. 25, 1887. (2) Louisa Haines, b. April 14, 1856; m. Aug. 31, 1887, Claytes JNIcHenry Marble, who was b. Feb. 22, 1857, in Ohio Co., Ind. He is now Principal of the High School, Jeifersonville, Ind. Chii-dren : (a) Hugh McHenry, b. Julv 11, 1888. (b) Abby May, b. Dec. 28, i889. SEVENTH GENERATION. 105 (3) Hugh Stewart, b. May 11, 1858 ; m. Jan. 23, 1884, Mary H. Humphrey, who was b. Jan. 2, 1863, at Patriot, Ind. He is a merchant and postmaster at Rising Sun. Children : (a) Robert Harris, b. March 1, 1888, at Rising Sun. (b) Mary Louise, b. May 16, 1892, in Trinidad, Col. (4) Joslaua Haines, b. Jan. 8, 1861, at Rising Sun. He is now a merchant in that place. (5) Rosie, b. March 28, 186.3 ; d. April 23, 1863. (6) John Robert, b. May 5, 1864 ; m. Oct. 12, 1898, Ger- trude Harris, who was b. Feb. 10, 1869, at Patriot, Ind. He is a physician and surgeon at Trinidad, Col. Children : (a) Harris, b. Sept. 22, 1897 ; d. Oct. 5, 1897. (b) Gertrude, b. Dec. 15, 1899, in Trinidad. (7) Abby May, b. June 15, 1869, at Rising Sun; m. Feb. 13, 1896, Mays M. Warren of Centerville, Tenn. He is U. S. P. 0. Inspector, residing at Meridian, Miss. They have one son, Arthur, b. Dec. 4, 1896, in Mont- gomery, Ala. (8) Eugene Spenser, b. Jan. 7, 1872, at Rising Sun. He is a dentist and county superintendent of schools. (9) James Gill, b. Jan. 13, 1874, at Rising Sun. He is a physician and surgeon at Trinidad, Col. 5. Emily Caroline, b. March 14, 1835, at Rising Sun; m. Nov. 22, 1870, David S. Walker, who was b. Nov. 24, 1836, near Hartford, Ind., and now resides in Madison, Ind. She d. Nov. 19. 1871, a few days less than one year from her wedding. She was active in religious work and beloved by all who knew her. 'TO. (26) Matthias « Haines (Matthias,^ Matthias,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Raymond, where he spent his boyhood. He studied medicine and became a skillful physician. Before the days of railroads, he made .the long journey on horseback to Rising Sun, Ind, where he established his permanent home. When about thirty- seven years of age he married Elizabeth Brower of the place of his adoption, with whom he lived forty -one years, when he died at the age of seventy-seven. She survived him eleven years, dying at the age of seventy-three. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children -. 155 1. Abram Thrower, b. Nov. 29, 1823, at Eising Sun ; m. Oct. 21, 1847, Julia 1'. Loriug, who was b. Nov. 25, 1824. He d. July 20, 1887. 2. John Sherburne, b. Nov. 26, 1825. At the age of twenty- three he went to California, where he resided at, or near, Stockton until his death, which occurred about 1880. 3. Isaac S., b. March 24, 1832 ; m. Oct. 15, 1802, Margaret Smith, who was b. March 31, 1831. He has been Treas- urer of Stockton, Cal., for several terms, and is held in high esteem. 155a 4. William Wirt, b. May 9, 1837 ; m. Oct. 14, 1866, Jennie Frank, who was b. June 9. 1844. He was capt. of a com- pany during the War of the Rebellion, and is now a farmer in Olney, Lincoln Co., Mo. 5. Elizabeth Sarah, b. Feb. 2, 1829 ; d. Aug. 29, 1831. 6. Deborah E., b. Aug. 13, 1830 ; m. June 8, 1852, Rev. James E. Vance of Bowling Green, Ohio. He was b. Dec. 23, 1820. They resided in Fayette Co., Ohio, and Bingham ton. Dak. 7. Neal Arnotte, b. Dec. 23, 1833; d. ^Slay 18, 1834. 8. Joana Hone, b. March 26, 1835 ; m. Nov. 18, 1858, Lorin E. Stone of Bellpore, Ohio. He was b. Aug. 22, 1835. She d. April 18, 1866. 9. Ann Abbott, b. July 19, 1839 ; d. Dec. 10, 1839. 10. Matilda C, b. Feb. 6, 1842. She resides at Lucca, Barnes Co., N.D. 11. Cassius Clay, b. Nov. 5, 1843 ; d. March 2, 1845. (27) Samuel''' Haines (Nathaniel,'^ Matthias,^ William,' Samuel,- Samuel ^) was a Greenland boy, and twice married. He was a farmer in his native town, being of a strong constitution, diligent in business, and respected. He passed away at the age of eighty- one years. His home was in the south-western part of the town. Children by 1st wife : 1. Moses, who died leaving no descendants. 2. Sarah Ann, who married Thomas Emerson of Manchester. ^ SEVENTH GENERATION. 107 By 2d wife : 3. James Munroej b. in 1820 ; m., 1st, Eliza D. Shaw, who was b. May 29, 1826, and d. December, 1848 ; m., 2d, Margaret A. Gardner, who was b. Jidy 16, 1844, and d. Aug. 2, 1869. He d. May 4, 1875. They resided at Arlington and at Danvers, Mass. Children by 1st wife : (1) Infant, b. May, 1845 ; d. May, 1845. (2) Hettie M., b. June 30, 1846. By 2d wife : (3) Minnie L., b. Jan. 6, 1861. 156 4. Samuel P., b. July 6, 1821 ; m. Mary Jane Whiting, who was b. Oct. 8, 1829. 157 5. William M., b. Jan. 26, 1824; m. June 29, 1851, Mary Jane Hoyt, who was b. in 1835. He d. Jan. 9, 1893. (27) Nathaniel" Haines (Nathaniel,^ Matthias,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was probably born in Greenland. He became a mariner in the early days of the last century, sailing from Portsmouth, and leaving to his wife, who was Martha Simpson, the care of the family. Children 1. Martha, who was mentally deficient. 2. Adeline. 3. Mary. 4. Ann. 5. Nathaniel, who was a mariner and unmarried. 6. Elmira. 7. Sarah Elizabeth. (28) John Sherburne'^ Haines (Nathaniel,^ Matthias,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Greenland, and when about twenty- eight years of age he married Betsy Randlett of Epping, with whom he lived forty -five years, when she died at the age of seventy- three. He survived her three and one-half years, dying at the age of seventy-six. They established their home in Somersworth, N.H., 108 Ha7IeS \ GENEALOGY. where they reared an interesting family. He was a farmer, and highly respected. ♦ Children : 1. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1816 ; m. June 5, 1845, Ebenezer Kenniston, who was b. April 12, 1813. She d. in Somers- worth, Feb. 18, 1888. Children : (1) George W., b. Oct. 6, 1848. He is m. and lives in Portland, Me., and is an engineer in the employ of the B. & M. R.R. (2) Abbie E., b. Oct. 14, 1850 ; d. June 1, 1852. (3) Alberta M., b. Oct. 14, 1854 ; m. Joseph Blaisdell of Somersworth. They have one son, Harry, with whom his mother lives. 158 2. John Sherburne, b. Oct. 10, 1818 ; m. July 22, 1847, Theo- date Nowell, who was b. ]\Iarch 22, 1822, in Sanford, Me. He d. April 7, 1885. 3. Daniel R., b. JVIarch 3, 1821 ; m. March 7, 1849, Abigail R. Richardson of Leominster, Mass., dau. of Dr. Sewell and Abigail (Kendall) Richardson. They established their home in that place, and he engaged in the manufacture of pianos. He d. Aug. 1, 1865. ClilLDKKN" : (1) Willie Sewell Richardson, b. ]\Iarch 3, 1851 ; d. April 14, 1854. (2) Sewell Richardson, b. June 22, 1855 ; d. Jan. 12, 1862. 158a 4. Charles A., b. Oct. 22, 1823 ; m. 1st, Dec. 24, 1844, Martha J. Weymanthe of Somersworth, N.H. She was b. July 20, 1823, and d. May, 1882; m. 2d, Dec. 5, 1882, Annah H. Home. He d. Jan. 15, 1901. (28) Thomas'' Haines (Abner,=^ William," William,'' Samuel,^ Sam- uel^) was born in North Hampton, and after he married Sally Whid- den, he settled in Portsmouth, which became the native town of all his children. At the age of forty-six he removed with his family to Corinth, Me., and afterwards bought a farm in Levant, where he settled, and lived to the age of sixty-eight. He was a pious man, highly respected ; was deacon of the church in that place, and first selectman of the town for several years. His wife survived him over seven years, passing away at the age of seventy-eight. SEVENTH GENERATION. 109 Childrek : 1. Charlotte, b. March 24, 1806 ; m. Oct. 13, 1832, Pickering P. Parsons of Bangor. He was b. Aug. 5, 1807. 8he d. Jan. 7, 1897. They lived in Corinth and Bangor, Me. 2. Sarah Ann, b. Dec. 30, 1808; m. Dec. 23, 1837, Nathan Hersey of Bangor. He was b. Nov. 28, 1807, and d. Nov. 3, 1880. She d. in Atchison, Ivan., Jan. 18, 1892. Children : (1) C. N. Hersey, who is an attorney-at-law in Bangor. (2) James Thomas Hersey, who lives in Atchison, Kan. 159 3. Gideon, b. Nov. 27, 1809; m. April 17, 1838, Eliza W. Bean, who was b. Feb. 2, 1811. 4. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 22, 1811; m. April 2, 1830, Reuben Clark of Corinth, Me. He was b. Dec. 2, 1802, and d. Feb. 10, 1867. She d. Jan. 23, 1865. 5. Levina A., b. May 6, 1814; m. April 16, 1840, Charles Waugh of Levant. He was b. Aug. 8, 1815. She d. Oct. 14, 1858. They had one child. 160 6. Thomas Jefferson, b. Nov. 25, 1816; m. May 22, 1858, Maria L. Eddy, who was b. July 27, 1818, and d. Jan. 29, 1883. She was a direct descendant of Col. Eddy, a Revo- lutionary officer, for whom the town of Eddington, on the Penobscot River, was named. He d. May 10, 1897. (28) Matthias « Haines (Abner,^ William,'' William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in North Hampton, N.H., but after he married Eunice Lunt he made his home adjoining his father's farm just over the town line in Greenland. He was an industrious farmer ; but when nearly fifty years of age he was afflicted with paralysis, from which he never recovered. He lived to be about seventy-five. His wife survived him over seven years, dying at the age of seventy-nine. Children : 1. Elizabeth Ellen, b. Dec. 25, 1829 ; m. May 18, 1858, Lysan- der Ordway of Greenland. They lived in Bethel, Me. She d. March 22, 1893. Children : (1) Frank Haines, b. Jan. 8, 1859. (2) Celia Ann, b. Feb. 3, 1861. 110 ]\^\t]^^^\ GENEALOGY. (3) Fred Lincoln, b. Feb. 1, 18C.3 ; m. Feb. 6, 1895, Alice Grover Errol. They had two children — Infant, b. Jan. 14, 1896, died young ; and Elsie, b. Kov. 15, 1897. (4) Ida May, who d. young. 2. Priscilla, b. Sept. 13, 1833; m., 1st, Charles A\'. Patch of Portsmouth. lie was b. in 1830 : w^as in the "War of the Rebellion, and was killed in 1863. They had one dau., Ida .7., 1). in 1856; d. in 1858. She m., 2d, Albert Aker- inan. They live in California, and have two children — William H. and Sarah. 3. Sarah Abbie, b. Feb. 25, 1835 ; m Jan. 6, 1869, Joseph W. Haines of Greenland. He was b. Jan. 6, 1828. 4. Ann Mary, b. Feb. 25, 1835 ; m. Joseph Perry of Ports- mouth. 5. Maria Whidden, b. July 2, 1839 ; m. April 2, 1885, Ruel G. Shapleigh of llye. 6. Eunice, b. July 31, 1841 ; m. Frank Akerman. She d. Oct. 30, 1865. They had one dau., Nellie, w^ho m. Harry Kent of Portsmouth. She is now dead. 'TO. (29) William « Haines (William,^ William,'' AVilliam,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Greenland, and became a prosperous farmer, living on the place where his father lived and died. At the age of thirty-seven he married Lucinda Simpson, with whom he lived more than thirty-nine years, when she died at the age of sixty- three. He survived her about four months, dying at the age of about seventy-seven. Children : 161 1. Joseph William, b. Aug. 8, 1828; m. Jan. 6. 1869, Sarah Abbie Haines, dau. of Matthias and Eunice (Lunt) Haines, She was b. Feb. 25, 1835. 2. Mary Ellen, b. Oct. 14, 1829; d. Sept. 3, 1830. 162 3. Daniel Johnson, b. Oct. 18, 1831 ; m. May 12, 1859, Mary A. Marston of Greenland. 4, Annie Susan, b. Dec, 19, 1833; m. July 9, 1861, James Critcherson of Greenland. CniLDRKN : (1) William P., b. June 15, 1862 ; m. Hannah Howe. (2) Edith S., b. May 26, 1867. SEVENTH GENERATION. Ill 5. John Franklin, b. April 25, 1837 ; m. 1st, January, 1870, Josephine Carlton ; m. 2d, Nov. 19, 1900, Carrie Campbell. 6. Sarah Abbie, b. June 14, 1840 ; m. Dec. 27, 1870, Thomas H. Brown. Children : (1) Lewis Edward, b. March 12, 1873 ; m. Aug. 20, 1896, Annie L. Reidenbach. They have one son, Edward Wilber, b. July 22, 1899. (2) Henry Walter, b. Jan. 25, 1875. 7. Mary Ellen, b. Jan. 22, 1843. Lives in Brooklyn, N.Y. (29) Ebenezer« Haines (William,Myilliam,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Greenland; and when twenty-three years of age he married Rosamond Johnson, dau. of William and Mary P, Johnson. They established their home in Portsmouth, where for many years he was widely known and highly respected. He served as assessor, and for nine years was a most acceptable, popular, and efficient street commissioner, at lirst appointed by the Democratic administration, but continued in office by Republican city govern- ments. He was a man of high character and excellent judgment. In later years he suffered with an affliction of the eyes, for which he underwent a critical, but successful operation, partially regain- ing his sight. The last twelve years of his life he spent with his son in Roxbury, Mass., where he died at the age of eighty-three years. His wife died twelve years previous at the age of seventy years. Children : 163 1. Thomas Jefferson, b. Oct. 24, 1827 ; m. Oct. 20, 1857, Anne H. Cargill. He d. Aug. 14, 1883. 164 2. John Hatch, b. IVIay 6, 1830 ; m. Oct. 28, 1857, Jane McCleary. He d. in Providence, R.I., Sept. 2, 1889. 3. Annie Mary, b. April 26, 1832. She now lives in Boston, Mass. 4. Alonzo, b. March 30, 1834 ; d. Aug. 20, 1853. 5. Sarah Ellen, b. April 23, 1836 ; m. May 11, 1856, Samuel Gray of Portsmouth. 112 ^^^^'^^^^\ GENEALOGY. ClIlLDUKN : ' (1) Annie Kosamond, b. jSIarch 18, 1859. She lives in Boston. (2) Emily Haines, 1). :\Iay 2G, 1862; d. Sept. 25, 1862. 6. Ebenezer, b. -May 9, 1845 ; d. Oct. 15, 185U. (30) David" Haines (William,^ David,^ William,^ Samuel,- SamueP) was born just before the opening of the Revolutionary war, when the country was in great political ferment. He married Anna Osgood when he was about twenty -five years of age ; and they estab- lished their home in Cabot, Vt., where he became a highly respected citizen, being a man of strong constitution and sterling worth. He entered the town in 17i)7 with two pairs of trousers and two shirts. He sold one pair of trousers and one shirt for an axe and a hoe, and began work on the land from which he carved out a good farm, on which he spent the rest of his life. He was chosen deacon of the Free Baptist church in that place ; was selectman of the town, and was a member of the Legislature for three years. He died at the age of seventy-six. His wife survived him nearly ten years. Children : 164a 1. Horace, b. March 5, 1803 ; m. June 15, 1826, Lucinda Stone, who was b. Aug. 6, 1805, and d. in 1877. He d. Oct. 9. 1871. 2. William, b. Dec. 26, 1807; m. 1st, June 21, 1829, Mary Hill, who was b. Oct. 5, 1802, and d. Dec. 12, 1835 ; m. 2d, Sept. 19, 1836, Caroline H. Eaton, who was b. Nov. 14, 1816. He d. March 15, 1885. She still lives in Cabot. ClULUKEN : (1) Mary C, b. Dec. 2, 1839; m. May 31, 1861, Almon Jackson, who was b. Sept. 28, 1828. Children : (a) William H., b. June 13, 1862; m. March, 1900, Maria Buckman. (b) Lina C, b. Sept. 28, 1864; m. Oct. 14, 1886, Martin I. AVheeler. (c) Frank H., b. December, 1866. (d) Anna L., b. August, 1870 ; m., in 1892, Ervin Sulham. SEVENTH GENERATION. 113 Children : (a) Earl, b. in 1894. (J>) Jessie, b. in 1897. (e) Lee E., b. March, 1873. (f) Gertrude M., b. February, 1881. (2) Ezra W., b. Jan. 9, 1843 ; m. July 8, 1870, Etta M. Gile, who was b. March 28, 1849. Children : (a) Maon Ezra, b. Oct. 31, 1876. (b) Mabel Etta, b. Oct. 31, 1876. -TO. (30) William « Haines (William,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Deerfield while his father was fighting for national independence. He married Elizabeth Merrill, when he was about twenty-eight years old, and settled upon a farm in his native town ; and being a man of strength and ability, he won his way in the world, and died at the ripe age of eighty-seven years. He lived with his first wife thirty -four years, and at the age of seventy he married the second time Betsy L. Philbrick. Children by 1st wife : 1. William, b. Aug. 3, 1806 ; m. July 14, 18.38, in Haverhill, Mass., Caroline Wasson, who was b. at Chester, Dec. 6, 1816, and d. at Thurman, Wis., Jan. 9, 1894. He was a farmer, settling in that place when a young man. He d. Jan. 21, 1891. Children : (1) Ellen, b. at Troy, Wis., Sept. 4, 1840 ; m. Dec. 25, 1865, Harrison Cass. They had one daughter, who lives in Iowa. (2) May Elizabeth, b. at Troy, Sept. 4, 1848 ; m. Dec. 29, 1869, M. W. Prescott of Thurman, Wis. 2. Mahala, b. Aug. 31, 1810; m. Aug. 9, 1839, Dudley Ladd of Deerfield. He was b. Eeb. 11,1806. They had no children. 3. John 0., b. June 4, 1813; m. January, 1841, Hannah M. Eaton of Dover, IST.H. He was educated at Pembroke and New Hampton Academies, and studied medicine in Lowell, Mass. He practiced as a physician for forty years, prin- cipally in Eockingham and Hillsborough Cos., KH. Eleven years of that period he was in Manchester. When 114 UAYNES \ GENEALOGY. a young man preparing for his life work, he tanght school, thus working his way to usefulness and honor. Dr. .John <). Haynes (he spelled the name Haynes) was social, and tender-hearted, and popular as a man and a j)hysician, having great courage and marked skill, being widely known and appreciated. He died in Manchester, April ?>, 1881, in his sixty-eighth year. His wife is still living. ClIILDHEN : (1) Delphina E., b. June 4, 1843. Having prepared her- self for an instructor of youth, she has taught school for the past thirty years, having successfully main- tained herself for the last eighteen years in the same school in Manchester. (2) Flora L., b. Nov. 7, 1851 ; m., in 1880, Charles T. Brown, a lawyer in Chicago. She exliibited much ability in teaching school before her marriage, and afterwards engaging in her husl)and's work with signal success. She d. Jan. 26, 1900. 165 4. llobert M., b. Aug. 14, 1810, at Deertield ; m., in 1845, Abigail S. Jilaisdell, who was b. Sept. 8, 1825, at Deer- field. 5. Judith Jane, b. Dec. 27, 1818, in Deerfield; m., in 1845, Samuel G. Haines, son of Samuel and Mary (Philbrick) Haines of Deertield. He was b. Nov. 24, 1819, and d. Oct. 19, 1884. She d. June, 1888. SO. (31) Timothy '■■ Haynes (David,'^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Deerfield ; and when twenty -one years of age, he went to Walden, Vt., and bought one hundred and six acres of land, — three acres " felled and burnt," but not cleared, — on which he built a house, and about two years after married Sally Folsom of New Durham, N.H., with whom he lived fifty-six years, when he died at the age of about eighty. He was well educated for the times ; taught school for a considerable period ; was one of the selectmen of the town ; was postmaster and justice of the peace. He was a very strong man, of very positive opinion, and great determination, while he was decidedly religious, belonging to the INIethodist church in that place. His wife survived him five years, dying at the age of eighty. SEVEN in GENERATION. 115 Children : 1. Maria, b. Dec. 2, 1800 ; in. Nov. 3, 1844, Stephen Haines of Sheffield, Vt. 2. Sally, b. April 22, 1802 ; m. December, 1822, Capt. John Gould of Walden. He was b. in 1802. She d. March 22, 1875. Children : (1) Abner, who became a gifted young man, and rose to considerable distinction in the State of Iowa, and was a candidate for Congress, but his health failed him, and he died at about thirty years of age. (2) Achsah, who married Walter Davis of Danville, Yt. They had one son, Walter, who was a civil engineer, and who at one time held an important office under the government of the Argentine Republic, S.A. (3) Fannie, who m. Frank Haverland of Danville, Vt. She had a dan,, who lives in Danville, and a son, Charles, who is in business in Boston. 3. Achsah, b. March 5, 1804; m. Feb. 18, 1834, Nathaniel Batchelder of Goshen Gore, Vt. 4. Isaac, b. Feb. 7, 1806; d. May 25, 1819. 166 5. Jonathan, b. Feb. 17, 1808 ; m. March 6, 1834, Anna C. Haverland, who was b. March 19, 1812, and d. Nov. 12, 1868. He d. Sept. 1, 1862. 6. Polly Y., b. June 21, 1814 ; d. April 18, 1840. 7. Daniel, b. Oct. 28, 1817 ; d. Nov. 1, 1820. 8. David J., b. Jan. 7, 1822; m. July 30, 1850, Anna Brown, of Monmouth, Me., who was b. Sept. 27, 1822. He was a commercial traveler, and a manufacturer of several patented articles, and was quite successful in business. He d. June 23, 1854. They had one son, James, who was b. Aug. 7, 1851, and d. Aug. 30, 1851. 9. Hannah F., b. May 30, 1825 ; d. Jan. 6, 1859, unm. SI. (31) David« Haines (David,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Deerfield, and lived upon his farm there. When about twenty-eight years of age he married Mehitable Hilton. He was captain of an artillery company in the war of 1812, and was justice of peace in Deerfield for twenty years ; later in life he moved to Manchester, and became a prosperous builder. He died at the age i of seventy -two years. Childkex : 1. Elvira, b. Feb. 13, 1811 ; m., 1st, John Moore. They had • one dau., Susan, who d. at the age of twenty years, in Manchester. She m., 2d, Joseph Cate, in Manchester. 2. Olive, b. Aug. 17, 1812 ; ni. Rev. John L. Sinclair, of Bidde- ford, Me. He was a Free Baptist clergyman, but d. soon after entering the ministry. 3. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 10, 1814. 4. Joseph Hilton, b. Oct. 26, 1816 ; m. Mary J. Sanborn, who was b. November, 1817, and d. May 18, 1898. He d. in Manchester, June 20, 1890. They had one son, Joseph W., b. July 4, 1849 ; d. ])ec. 5, 1858. 5. Frederick T.,b. Aug. 18, 1824. 6. David F., b. Dec. 1, 1828. He was twice married. 7. Mehitable, b. Dec. 1, 1828. (31) SamueP Haines (David,^ David*, Winiam,^ Samuel,- Samuel^) was born in Deerfield, and carefully trained by godly parents. ^ He bought a farm the year he was married, on which he passed the remainder of his life. He was frank, honest, and manly in his relations with the world, exhibiting a singularly pure life. He was cheerful in temperament, optimistic in his views, and prayerful in| spirit, being a member of the Free Baptist church of the town while he was conscientious in the fulfillment of all his duties. H died at the age of seventy -four years. His wife was indeed helpmeet, gifted in song and active in works of charity, and was a: esteemed neighbor and beloved friend. She died three weeks afte her husband, at the age of sixty-four years. ClIILDHEN : 167 1. Samuel G., b. Nov. 24, 1819; m. Feb. 21, 1846, Judith Jj Haines, dau. of William and Elizabeth (iSIerrill) HainesJ She was b. Dec. 27, 1818, and d. June, 1888. He d. OctJ 19, 1884. 168 2. David V., b. March 8, 1822; m. 1st, March 25, 1857, Marj J. Silver, who was b. Oct. 31, 1822, and d. July 18, 1857 m. 2d, July 13, 18(17, Susan H. Ladd, who was b. Aug. 9;| 1842, and d. Jan. 13, 1871. He d. April 2, 1898. GRACE MAY SANBORN. Born, Nov. 12, 1864; died, Dec. 16, 1888. (See No. 82, (i (3).) v >^^^ ^^^^5^B 1' % ^ ^ W^ **Ni»^ J ASHLEY D. HAYNES. Leauitt's Hill, Deer field, N. H. (Sec X<>. 82. !».) SEVENTH GENERATION. 117 3. Jonathan P., b. Sept. 22, 1824 ; d. Jan. 7, 1826. I 4. Jonathan P., b. Dec. 5, 1826 ; m. June 14, 1855, Abbie M. JNIaloon, who was b. March 25, 1827. 5. Mary Ann, b. Dec. 22, 1828 ; d. Dec. 3, 1829. 6. Mary Ann, b. March 1, 1830 ; m. May 14, 1857, at ]\Ian- chester, Joseph S. Sanborn, who was b. March 17, 1834. He was a machinist, living at jNIanchester until 1867, when they removed to North Andover, Mass., where they now reside. Children : (1) Joseph H., b. March 4, 1861 ;• d. April 19, 1861. (2) J. Walton, b. Nov. 17, 1862; d. Nov. 4, 1863. (3) Grace ^Nlay, b. Nov. 12. 1864 ; d. Dec. 16, 1888. She possessed a sweet spirit and was devoutly religious. (4) Annie Estella, b. Dec. 23, 1867. She resides with her parents in North Andover, being helpful in all good work. 7. Hannah, b. April 4, 1832 ; d. April 2, 1834. 8. Hannah, b. June 13, 1836 ; d. Nov. 1, 1849. She was a bright, active girl, and a sweet singer for her age. 9. Ashley Daniel, b. Aug. 11, 1838. He had a godly paren- tage, and was brought up on a farm, where he developed into a man of strong character and sterling worth. He is commanding in person, and possesses good business ability. He was employed for many years as general insurance agent, and traveled over a large part of the country, appointing subordinates. He is a man of con- siderable musical talent, which he often uses for the benefit of the home church in Deerfield. He is an en- thusiastic Knights Templar, and Avas a delegate to the Convention which met in San Francisco, Cal., in 1883, while he is a marked figure in some of the annual gather- ings in New Hampshire. He is unmarried, and differs from the rest of his father's family in spelling his name Haj-nes. (See Biographical Sketches.) 10. Roxanna E., b. Feb. 16, 1841, in Deerfield. She cared for her father and mother in their age and decline, after which she lived in Manchester, Lawrence, and North Andover, all of the time being interested in objects of benevolence, and helpful in Christian worship. 11. Martha J., b. Sept. 12, 1843; d. Oct. 16. 1860. She was a modest and amiable young lady, exhibiting a beautiful Christian character. 118 SlrS } «»-«^J^o«- S3. (31) Daniel '■ Haines (David,^ David,'' William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel i) was a highly respected citizen in Deerfield, his native town. At the age of thirty he married Sophronia Dearborn of that town, and at the age of forty -one he was ordained deacon of the Free Baptist church of that place. Five years later he removed to Manchester, where he made friends, and secured the esteem of his fellow-citizens. He was soon chosen deacon of the Free Baptist church of that city. In earlier life he was captain of an Infantry Co., 18th Reg. He also represented the town of Deerfield in the State Legislature. In 1849 he went to California, and afterwards settled in Minnesota, and finally removed to Janesville, Wis., where he died at the age of seventy-eight years. He was a man of sound judgment, strict honesty, and deep religious convictions. Children : 170 1. Joseph W., b. Dec. 10, 1825 ; m. Nov. 5, 1853, Phebe A. Eowell of Pittsburg. She was b. Sept. 18, 1833. 2. Mary Dearborn, b. Nov. 26, 1827; m. September, 1846, Beniah M. James. Children : (1) Willis A., b. in 1847 ; m. Emma Harvey. They have one child, Ursila, b. in 1882. (2) Edward N., b. in 1850 ; m., 1st, Mary Sawyer. They had one dau., Mary, b. in 1877. He m., 2d, Lucy Hutchinson. They have two children, Warren, b. in 1890, and Ralph, b. in 1892. (3) Alice M., b. in 1854. (4) George, b. in 1856 ; d. in 1858. (5) Grace, b. in 1867. 3. Martha Ann, b. in 1829 ; m. Oct. 2, 1864, Rev. Jasper N. Ball, who was b. in Hebron, N.H. He was educated in Thet- ford Academy, Vt., Troy Polytechnical School, Troy, N.Y., Dartmouth College, and Union Theological Seminary, New York. He was missionary of the A.B.C.F. ^lissions for seventeen years in Turkey, in which service he died. She lives at Grand Rapids, Mich. Children : (1) William H., b. in 1865 ; dead. (2) Carrie Josephine, b. in 1866 ; m. William F. Edwards. They have one child, Lorna Louise. SEVENTH GENERATION. 119 (3) William Dearborn, b. in 1867 ; m. Alice M. Edwards. They have one child, Josephine. 4. Sarah Collins, b. in 1831 ; m. March 16, 1856, Thomas Ste- venson of Minneapolis, Minn. Children : (1) Arthur T., b. in 1857 ; m. Mrs. Williamet. They have one child, Margaret Pearl. (2) Florence M., b. in 1859 ; m. Lewis Parker. Children : (a) Alice, b. in 1879. (b) Claude, b. in 1884. (C) Carl, b. in 1886. (d) Florence, b. in 1892. 5. Susan Augusta, b. in 1833; m. Nov. 27, 1855, George F. Cross. She d. iu 1885. Children : (1) Carrie E., b. in 1856 ; d. in 1858. (2) Mabel, b. m 1861 ; m. Walter E. Dyer in 1880. She d. in 1881. 6. Nathaniel Dearborn, b. in 1836 ; d. at Bay City in 1892. 7. David Edwin, b. in 1838 ; m. Cynthia Perley. He is a prosperous farmer. They had one son, Fred, b. in 1878 ; d. in 1896. 8. Henry Alden, b. in 1840 ; d. Oct 2, 1861, unm. 9. David, b. in 1822 ; d. in 1825. (31) Noah« Haines (David,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel i) was born in Deerfield, and when twenty-six years of age he married Dolly Smith of Candia, and became a resident of that town, where he spent the rest of his days, living with his wife forty-one years, dying at the age of sixty-seven. His wife survived him about eight years, when she passed away at the age of seventy-four. He was a farmer, living in the north part of the town. Children : 1. Miriam J., b. Dec. 3, 1822; d. July 20, 1838, unm. 2. David W., b. in Candia, July 1, 1824 ; m. July 30, 1846, Lois Powell of Allenstown. She was b. July 30, 1826. He d. Feb. 2, 1893. 120 ^f/^i^\GENEALOGY. Childrev : (1) Freeman W., b. March 3, 1847, in Allenstown; m. Oct. 10, 18G7, Mary Mulgrew of "Woonsoeket, E.I. ClIILUKEN : (a) Louise E., b. in Lawrence, ]\Iass., Jan. 3, 1809 ; m. in Haverhill, June 29, 1899, Percival A. Evans, son of Brice S. Evans. He was b. in Boston, June 28, 18(38. (b) Mary A., b. in Lawrence, April 19, 1870 ; m. Truinan Whitton. (2) Sherburne L., b. Oct. 29, 1852 ; d. ]March 23, 1872. (3) Ella L., b. in Allenstown, April 4, ISHS; ni. ]\Larch 13, 1878, Charles \V. Goward of Candia. 3. Noah Smith, b. Nov. 26, 1825 ; d. Jan. 9, 182G. 4. Oliver Smith, b. June 8, 1827; m. Miss Lang of Candia. He d. at Chester, March, 1870. 5. Oilman, b. March 18, 1829 ; d. March 21, 1830. 6. Freeman, b. Oct. 18, 1830, in Allenstown ; d. July 9, 1833. 7. Nancy J., b. Feb. 19, 1834 ; m. Warren Foss. 8. Dolly, b. April 23, 1835 ; d. May 25, 1835. 9. Joseph W., b. Nov. 29, 1837. 10. John A., b. Aug. 8, 1840. He enlisted Sept. 9, 1862, in Co. I, 11th N.H. Keg. He was severely wounded in the battle of Jackson, Miss., July 12, 1863. (32) Dudley « Haines (Simeon,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Deertield. He became a sailor, but made his home in Walden, Vt., after he married Elizabeth Carr. He was noted for his ready wit and cunning, but there was lack of moral principle. He died at the age of seventy-one at the sanitarium established by his brother in Hardwick, Vt. Children : 1. Louisa, who had four husbands. 2. Samuel, who lost his hearing. He was a shoemaker in Concord. 3. Priscilla, who married about 1850. 4. Mary Ann. 5. David. SEVENTH GENERATION. 121 SO. (32) Simeon*' Haines (Siineon,^ David,* William,^ SamueV Samuel^) was born in Sanbornton, and became a tanner and cur- rier, and later in life he was a farmer in Haverhill, N.H., where he lived forty years. He was a much married man, having the con- nubial knot tied at iive different periods. During the last years of his life he resided with his son Charles in Northfield, where he died at the age of seventy-eight. Children by 1st wife : 1. Gleason Timothy, b. Aug. 2, 1815, in Plainfield, N.H. He was a farmer in Warren, 111. 2. Betsy, b. June 19, 1817; m. David Merrill of Haverhill, N.H., in which place she d. 3. Simeon, b. July 16, 1824. At one time he resided in California. 4. Moses, b. Kov. 4, 1827. He was lost on one of the western lakes at the age of twenty-one. 5. Mary Ann, b. July 29, 1829; m. Feb. 19, 1859, Marcellus Morse of Haverhill. By 3d avife : 6. Charles Clark, b. March 25, 1845 ; m. Oct. 25, 1871, Fannie Maria Stevens of Bangor, Me. She was b. May 29, 1852. He was a farmer and milk-dealer in Northfield. They had one son, Alvin Stevens, b. July 21, 1872. (32) Tristan Coffin « Haines (Simeon,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Sanbornton, where he spent his early boyhood. He was in the army in the war of 1812 ; in the hospitals at the age of eighteen; afterwards he studied medicine, and became a physician in East Hardwick, Vt., where he purchased a mineral spring and established a sanitarium. He was a noted physician in that region, being a man of genius and high character. At the age of twenty-five he married Salome Avery, and died at the age of fifty years. Children: 171 1. George Avery, b. in Plainfield, N.H., Aug. 2, 1826; m. Jan. 18, 1859, Augusta S. Joslyn, who was b. May 2, 1834, in Warren, N.H. 122 SlrS \ GENEALOGY. 2. Lewis, b. July 27, 1829. He was agent for Fairbanks scales for twenty-seven years. Being in Atlanta, Ga.,wlien Gen. Hood took the city in the War of the Kebellion, he was pressed into city service. He d. July 6, 1890. 3. Tristan, 1). Jan. 12, IS.'Jo ; m. Lusena B. Bacon of Wards- boro, Vt., in 1864. She was b. Jan. 6, 1834. He was a photographer at St. Johnsbiiry for thirty years, a man of excellent ability and high character. Pie d. Oct. 6, 1889. , They had one son, George C, b. Nov. 18, 1873, and d. Oct. 7, 1874. (32) David" Haines (Simeon,^ David,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) removed from Sanbornton, his native town, to Franklin, N.H., where he became a farmer. He also was a proprietor of a woolen mill in Cabot, Vt. Children : 1. William. 2. Mary. SO. (33) Benjamin" Haines (George Lewis,^ David,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Epping, but early went from there with his father to Canterbury, where he lived five years, when the family removed to Northfield, at which place he made his home on the farm which his father had purchased on the '' Shaker Road," one-half mile south of the bridge. At the age of forty-one he mar- ried Martha Kenison, with whom he lived thirty-six years, when he died in his seventy-eighth year. He was well disposed and re- spected. His wife survived him eighteen years, dying at the age of nearly ninety-one. CniLDUEN : 1. George Benjamin, b. IVlay 31, 1843 ; m. September, 1876, Dora Babbitt of Valley Falls, R.I. He graduated from the Medical Department, Dartmouth College, in 1870, and afterwards secured an appointment on a receiving-ship in Portsmouth, where he remained for seven years, after which he practiced his profession in Valley Falls. His wife d. Dec. 9, 1877, leaving one dau., Martha Dora, who was b. Nov. 5, 1877, and d. Dec. 29, 1884. SEVENTH GENERATION. 123 2. Lewis David, b. Feb. 7, 1845, unm. 3. Ida Martha, b. Nov. 3, 1848, unm. oo. (33) David "^ Haines (George Lewis,^ David,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was b. in Canterbury, and married when he was nearly thirty-three, in Watertown, Mass., to Hannah Goodwin of Hollis, Me. He made his home in Watertown, and was engaged in the ice business. He reached the round number of eighty-eight years, but he was a widower forty-one years. Children : 1. Ruhanna G., b. July 31, 1839; d. Nov. 7, 1871. 2. Mary E., b. May 11, 1845 ; d. Feb. 12, 1869, in Framing- ham, Mass. 3. Hannah Francis, b. May 3, 1847 ; d. Feb. 11, 1874. 4. S. Lysle, b. Sept. 9, 1849 ; d. Sept. 6, 1889. 5. Harriet Gertrude, b. May 5, 1851 ; d. Sept. 5, 1874. Ol. (34) Josiah AUen •' Haines (Gideon,^ David,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Eppiug, and married Mary Foye, when twenty-six years of age, with whom he lived thirty-seven years, when he died at the age of sixty-three. She survived him twenty- three years, passing away at the age of seventy -nine. They lived in Strafford, New Market, and Stratham, and permanently settled in Exeter in 1845, where he purchased a farm on the Hampton Road, and displayed his industry and skill as a farmer in a hopeful and cheerful manner, being highly respected and trusted as a citizen. His wife was a helpful companion, but suffered during the last live years of her life in being totally blind. Children : 1. Eunice Carr, b. in Strafford, March 27, 1818; d. in Exeter, Dec. 13, 1898. 2. Isaiah Foy, b. in Strafford, Nov. 27, 1820; d. in Exeter, Sept. 17, 1879. He enlisted in Co. E, 2d N.H. Reg., in 1861, and served through the war, being promoted to corporal. 1-^ i/:liSh^^^^^^«^^'- 172 3. Jolm Winkley, b. in Strafford, March 17. 1823; m. Sarah Jane Furington of Epping, in 1848. He d. at Exeter, May Ki, 1873. 4. Sarah Jane, b. in Sti'afford, April 22, 1825; m. March 26, 1851, Aaron Smith of Eairton, N. J. He was b. June 12, 1820. She d. at Eairtou, Sept. 29, 1858. Childuen : (1) Mary Jane, b. in Fairton, June 22, 1852 ; d. Jan. 22, 1853. (2) Esther Jane, b. Dec. 19, 1853. Now living with her father in Fairton. (3) Jolm Haines, b. Sejit. 12, 1855; m. Nov. 12, 1881, Sarah L. Willis, who was b. Oct. 13, 18G1. Children : (a) John Nelson, b. Dec. 14, 1882 ; d. April 24, 1890. (b) Jessie Willis, b. June 28, 1892. (c) Sarah Yelma, b. June 28, 1894, at Holly Beach, N.J. 173 5. Joseph Gilman, b. in Strafford, March 22, 1827 ; m. No- vember, 1853, Mary Abbie Falmer of Milton, N.H. She d. in Exeter, Aug. 15, 1895. He d. Nov. 12, 1898. 6. Stephen Gideon, b. at New IMarket, INIarch 2, 1829 ; m. 1st, February, 1873, Mrs. Settle, who d. November, 1873; m. 2d, in 1892, Mrs. INIary Braim. He went to California in 1849, and afterwards settled in Scappoose, Oregon. 174 7. Andrew Jackson, b. in New Market, Feb. 28, 1832; m., in 18(;0, Lucinda Durgin. He d. May 17, 1868. 8. Deborah Foye, b. in New Market, April 23, 1834; d. in Exeter, Jan. 22, 1853. 9. Euth Foye, b. in Stratham, Aug. 12, 1836; m. January, 1856, John J. D. Barker, who was b. in Exeter, January, 1835. He served in the War of the l\el)ellion, in the 11th N.H. Reg., and d. at Milldale, Miss., August, 1863. 10. Daniel Dearborn, b. in Stratham, April 11, 1839; d. in Exeter, Jnn. 9, 1865. He served through the AYar of the Rebellion in the 8th N.H. Regiment. 11. Mary Hannah, b. in Stratham, Oct. 24, 1841 ; m. in Exeter, Jan. 4, 1862, George Garter, who was b. ]\[ay 20, 1823, in Dundrenden, Scotland. He came to Exeter in April, 1863, and was a merchant tailor there. He d. March 18, 1893. . SEVENTH GENERATION. 125 Children : (1) Ada Ora, b. Oct. 9, 1862 ; m. Jan. 30, 1899, Charles Elliott. (2) May Lizzie, b. March 9, 1866. (3) Anna Belle, b. Aug. 29, 1867. (4) Abbie Jessie, b. July 29, 1872 ; d. May 4, 1879. (5) Georgie, b. Jan. 26, 1877; m. Nov. 15, 1898, John E. Chase, who was b. in Stratham, Jan. 26, 1877. He is a milk-dealer, in Exeter. (6) Jane Allen, b. Nov. 2, 1879. OS. (34) Ransom Smith « Haines (Gideon,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP), at the age of twenty-six, married Mary J. Chesley of Barrington, N.H., who died three years after. His second wife was Jane Butler of Ipswich, Mass. He made his home in Spring- field, Iowa, but removed from there to Mirabile, Mo., May, 1867. Afterwards he settled in Columbia City, Oregon, where he died at the age of eighty years. Children : By 1st wife : 1. Mary Jane, b. in 1828 ; m. John Thomas. By 2d avife : 2. Alonzo B., b. March 18, 1833 ; d. June 4, 1837. 3. Deborah Ann, b. March 9, 1836 ; d. Nov. 24, 1850. 4. Olive M., b. April 2, 1838 ; m. Deane Davis. They had four children. 5. Ransom J., b. Dec. 10, 1841 ; d. Oct. 29, 1845. 6. Alonzo A., b. June 13, 1842 ; d. Nov. 13, 1864. 7. William A., b. Jan. 9, 1845; d. Oct. 29, 1845. 8. Abigail M., b. May 31, 1847; m February, 1866, Freeman Brown. They moved to Oregon in 1872. They had one dan., Frances Jane, b. February, 1867. 9. Sarah A., b. Jan. 14, 1851 ; d. Sept. 8, 1865. 03. (35) David ^ Haines (James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was a native of Sanbornton ; but when a young man he went to Alexandria, where he married Rebecca Bailey, and settled as a farmer. He was a man of respectability and great worth. He 126 li[^^%\ GENEALOGY. was chosen deacon of the Baptist church in the town of his adop- tion, and was influential for good. He died at the age of eighty- one years, and his wife at the age of eighty -live. Children : 175 ]. Timothy, b. Sept. 5, 1808; m. Laura Brackett, dau. of William Brackett, Esq., ol Littleton, N.H. She was b. in 1820 ; d. in 1887. He d. June 28, 1883. 176 2. Clark, b. July 25, 1810 ; m. Mary A. Clark of Sanbornton, March 11, 1844. He d. .Ian. 1/1895. 3. Kebecca B., b. Feb. 27, 1813 ; m. Leonard Chenev of Bristol N.H. She d. April 1, 1892. He d. July 7, 1877. Children : (1) Christina M., b. in Alexandria; m. Aug. 28, 1862, William P. Seavev, who was b. Sept. 19, 1839. She d. May 2, 1880, in Dover, N.H. (2) Augustus F., b. Aug. 11, 1850 ; m. Laura Young, who was b. June 25, 1851. 177 4. David, b. Feb. 10, 1817 ; m., 1st, Sarah Gale of Bristol ; m., 2d, Jane M. Stanley of Topsham, Yt. He d. July 19, 1890. (35) James P." Haines (James,'^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) quite early in life went with his parents from Sanbornton, his native town, to that part of Alexandria which is now the town of Hill, when the settlers were comparatively few, and much of the country was a wilderness. There he found his wife, Sarah Barnard, and there they made their home, and spent their remaining days. He died at the age of sixty-eight years. Children : 178 1. Charles Barnard, b. Dec. 7, 1818; m. 1st, Nov. 26, 1840, Lucy Clements of Nashua, who d. November, 1844; m. 2d, Dec. 7, 1845, Ann J. Clements, sister of his first wife. She d. Sept. 22, 1860; m. 3d, May 28, 1861, :\largaret S. McCausland, who was b. Nov. 5, 1829, in Webster, Mass., and d. in Worcester, Jan. 27, 1897. He d. in AVorcester, July 5, 1894. 2. Mehitable, b. May 20, 1820 ; d. Jan. 1, 1835. 3. Kosanna ^Morrill, b. July 16, 1821 ; m. June 30, 1847, John W. Sargent of Hill. SEVENTH GENERATION. 127 Children: (1) Ella, b. May 18, 1848; m. Aug. 24, 1865, Clarence Potter, in North Adams, Mass. (2) Alice A., b. Nov. 27, 1850 ; m. April 6, 1869, AVilliam H. Fosmore, in North Adams. (3) Addie J., b. Dec. 30, 1854 ; m. Nov. 19, 1872, John E. Drew, in North Adams. 4. Isaac, b. in 1823 ; d. Aug. 17, 1825. 179 5. James W., b. Aug. 12, 1826, in Hill ; m., 1st, Mary J. Fogg ; m., 2d, Mary Ann Heath, who was b. July 13, 1833, and d, July 30, 1884. He d. April 30, 1892. 6. Taylor Clark, b. Oct. 20, 1830, in Hill ; m. Nettie Bean of Haverhill, Mass. He d. abt. 1875. (35) Jacob Clark 6 Haines (James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was a native of Sanbornton, but when a lad went with his father to Alexandria, and in due time married Mary Moore of Canterbury, and settled in New Chester — now the town of Hill — on Lot No. 36, Div. 3d. He owned a part of Lots 87 and 88, Div. 1st, and Lot 65, 4th Div. He was chosen deacon of the Baptist church in that town. He removed to Sanbornton in 1838, and after two years to Waltham, Mass., where he became a farmer. He was an upright and religious man, highly respected as a citizen, and trusted by all. He lived with his wife nearly forty years, when she died at the age of about sixty-five. He died five years later, at the age of seventy-one. ChILIjREX : 1. Caroline, b. at Hill, Aug. 12, 1826 ; m. Oct. 7, 1851, Rich- ard P. Carsley of Waltham. She died Jan. 17, 1887. Childrkn : (1) John E., b. in Waltham, Jan. 30, 1854 ; d. at Newton, Mass., Nov. 4, 1874. (2) Harriet P., b. in Newton, Sept. 15, 1861. She resides there. 2. Susan, b. at Hill, Sept. 23, 1828 ; m. April 16, 1848, Alonzo Booth of Waltham. She d. in Howard City, Mich., Jan. 3, 1895. He d. at the same place, Aug. 2, 1896. Children : (1) George A., b. Aug. 5, 1850, at Waltham ; m. Nov. 28, 1869, Ellen Hadley of Burlington, Vt. 128 uims]''^''^^^^''^'- (2) Frank E., b. July 15, 1856, at Ogdensburg, N.Y. ; m. xMarch 11, 1880, Ellen Leach of Detroit, iMicli. (3) Charles T., b. Sept. 24, 1859, at Ogdensburg ; m. July 4, 1885, Lilly Low of Fishville, Mich. (4) William H., b. IJec. 5, 1862, at Ogdensburg ; m. Littu Sage of lonid, Mich., Dec. 23, 1885. (5) Nellie M., b. Sept. 19, 1868, at Ogdensburg ; m. Wil- liam H. James of Grand Rapids, JMich. She d. Oct. 21, 1898. 180 3. John, b. at Hill, May 10, 1829 ; m. Sept. 3, 1857, Mary E. lloyt, dau. of Jesse Hoyt of Weare, X.H. She was b. March 14, 1834. 4. Mary E., b. at Hill, July 8, 1831 ; m. June 9, 1853, George W. Daniels of Waltham. He was b. Dec. 22, 1830, and d. May 9, 1886. She resides in Natick, Mass. ClIILDKlCN : (1) George F., b. at AValtham, June 21, 1858 ; d. in Boston, May 11, 1897, unm. (2) Nellie L., b. at Waltham, Sept. 15, 1861. She resides in Natick. 5. Elizabeth J., b. at Hill, Jan. 23, 1833 ; m. Nov. 30, 1851, Francis K. Davis of Waltham. He was b. Januar}^, 1827 ; d. Jan. 7, 1857. She d. March 24, 1854. They had one son, Frank, who was b, in 1854, and d. m 1856. 6. Rebecca, b. at Hill, Oct. 17, 1835 ; m. Nov. 25, 1858, Elias A. Galloupe of Charlestown, Mass. He was b. July 30, 1830. Children : (1) Carrie A., b. at Waltham, Sept. 28, 1859. She resides there. (2) Frederick W., b. at Waltham, April 3, 1863; m. Margaret McMaster of Newcastle, N.B., July 9, 1885. She was b. Oct. 20, 1861. He d. in Waltham, Feb. 14, 1890. (3) Hattie T., b. at Waltham, Aug. 13, 1864; d. Sept. 23, 1864. (4) Herbert C, b. at Chicopee, IVIass., Oct. 28, 1870 ; d. Aug. 7, 1871. (5) Harold E., b. at Chicopee, Nov. 23, 1878 ; d. Aug. 13, 1879. 7. Julia A., b. at Hill, Nov. 5, 1837 ; m. March 3, 1858, Charles j J. Olney of Ogdensburg, N.Y. He was b. at Evans Mills, : N.Y., April 16, 18;53. SEVENTH GENERATION. 129 Children : (1) Mary A., b. at Ogdensburg, Feb. 7, 1859 ; m. June 18, 1879, Joseph Bond of Waltham. Children : (a) Elflida E., b. April 20, 1880. (b) Louisa P., b. Oct. 21, 1894. (2) George L., b. at Weston, Mass., Nov. 1, 1860; m. Sept. 22, 1892, Vena Clark. Children : (a) Katharine, b. May 14, 1894. (b) Helen, b. Nov. 6, 1896. (3) Julia E., b. at Waltham, Sept. 25,1862 ; m. Kev. Amory W. Hunt, Aug. 25, 1892. They have one dau., Harriet, b. July 7, 1893. (4) Charles J., b. at Waltham, March 3, 1869 ; m. Oct. 17, 1894, Minerva Richardson of the same town. 8. Eben K., b. at Sanborntou, Aug. 30, 1839 ; d. at Waltham, June 14, 1841. 9. Harriet E., b. at Waltham, March 22, 1842 ; m. Nov. 1, 1864, Horace P. Clark of Boston. He was b. May 5, 1839. Children : (1) James R., b. in Boston, Sept. 23, 1865 ; m. Oct. 2Q, 1892, Ida Sophronia Murphy of Brooklyn, N.Y. They had one dau., Edith P., b. March 3, 1896 ; and d. July 3, 1898. (2) Edith Kinsman, b. in Boston, Feb. 14, 1868 ; m. Jan. 8, 1890, Alfred Cotton Bedford of Brooklyn, N.Y. Children : (a) Alfred C, b. Jan. 1, 1891. (b) Deane, b. May 3, 1898. (36) Cotton" Haines (Cotton,5 John,MVilliam,3 Samue^ Samuel i) was born in Greenland, and went from there to Rumney with his father and grandfather in 1797. As his father was the first pastor of the Baptist church in that town, he enjoyed some early advan- tages in society. He married Mary Hall, sister of his brother Benjamin's wife, and was licensed to keep public tavern Dec. 23, 1798. Children : 181 1. Benjamin, b. in Rumney, April 29, 1791 ; m. Rachel Nudd. 2. Desire, b. Oct. 11, 1793 ; m. Benjamin Nudd. 130 'l/^^i^] GENEALOGY. ^. Susan, b. May 27, 1795 ; m. Robert Morse. 182 4. Ezra, m. Miss Chamberlain. 5. Polly, b. April 29, 1801. G. Parmelia, b. Sept. 20, 1804 ; m. Timothy Morse. r (36) James '^ Haines (Cotton,^ John,^ William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Greenland, and when seven years of age he went with his father and the rest of the family to Rumney, where probably he married Betsy Willoughby and made his permanent home. They toiled diligently in the support of their large family. ClIII.DREN : 183 1. Matthias, b. Aug. 17, 1792 ; m. Feb. 11, 1811, Sarah Smart, who was b. Jan. 16, 1794, and d. Dec. 1, 1846. He d. Nov. 15, 1825. 2. Betsy, b. March 30, 1794 ; m. February, 1811, Paul Chase of Manchester. Children : (1) Joseph C, b. Oct. 7, 1811 ; m. Louisa Dimick. ' (2) Rhoda, b. May 27, 1814 ; m. A. Carlton. (3) Louisa, b. March 4, 1816. (4) Betsy, b. Oct. 1, 1818 ; m. L. B. Dimick. (5) Amanda, b. Sept. 13, 1820 ; m. Samuel Jones. (6) George, b. Nov. 16, 1822. (7) James Haines, b. Sept. 15, 1824. (8) Harvey, b. July 8, 1827 ; m. Betsy A. Hall. (9) Hamet, b. Jan. 14, 1832. (10) Lyman, b. Sept. 20, 1834. (11) Paul, b. Nov. 6, 1836. 3. Relief, b. July 1, 1795 ; m. Jeremiah Smart, brother of Matthias's wife. Their children were(l) James, (2) Betsy, (3) Elisha, (4) Eunice, (5) Samuel, (6) Lucetta. 4. Charlotte, who died at the age of five years. 5. James W., who died at the age of two years. 6. Amanda, m. Peter Dearborn of Springfield, Mass. ; d. March, 1829. Their children were (1) Esther Ann, (2) Julia, b. in 1827, (3) Amanda, (4) Lyman. 7. Sarah W., m. John Fisk of Woodstock, Vt. Their children were (1) Elbridge, (2) Benjamin, (3) Jefferson. SEVENTH GENERATION. 131 8. Caroline, m. Welcome Garvin of Lowell, Mass. Their chil- dreu were (1) Clariucla Jane, (2) James Lewis. 184 9. Lyman, m. Sarah James. They lived in Maine. OS. (36) John*^ Haines (Cotton,'^ John,^ William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Greenland, and went with the rest of the family when quite a lad to Rumney. He married Hannah Brainard, and died at the age of forty years. He kept public house, and was select- man of the town. Children ; 1. Jonathan Sherburne, b. in Rumney ; m. Lavina Hall. 185 2. John Russell, m. Margaret G. Smart. 186 3. Daniel Brainard, b. in Rumney, Sept. 3, 1801 ; m. Sept. 4, 1822, Elcy Jane Lucas, dau. of Benjamin Lucas of Rum- ney. She was b. Dec. 6, 1802. 4. Henry Hall, b. in Rumney ; m. Xancy Clifford. She was sister of U. S. Attorney-General. They had one son, Charles. 5. Spencer B., b. in Rumney. He married ; and died in 1834. oo. (36) Thomas" Haines (Cotton,^ John," William,^ Samuel,^ Sam- uel^) was a very young child when his parents removed from Green- land to Rumney, where his boyhood was passed. He married Sally Fuller, who died in May, 1813. Afterwards he married Mrs. Sally Whicher. He was licensed to keep public tavern, Dec. 23, 1798. He died at the age of fifty-seven years. Children by 2d wife : 1. Thomas Jefferson, who d. young. 2. Miranda. 187 3. Isaac Newton, b. July 20, 1808 ; m. Lydia M. Sayward of Xewburyport, Mass. She was b. Aug. 3, 1809. 4. Joseph Alby, d. young. 5. Finette. lOO. (36) Noah« Haines (Cotton,^ John," William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Rumney about two years after his parents settled in 132 uayIes]^^^^^^^^^'- that town. He married Betsy Kudd, and probably settled in his native place. Doubtless they were nice people, but we have not found much of their record. ClIILDKKN : 1. Jolm Langdon, m. Joan Kelley. ClIII.DREX : (1) Elmira J., b. in 1834. (2) Sarah A., b. July, 1836. 2. Gilbert, m. Lydia Churchill. Children : (1) Elizabeth Ann, b. Oct. 5, 1832. (2) Gilbert, b. Jan. 1, 1835. 3. Thomas Jefferson, d. unm. 188 4. Noah Marden, b. Feb. 10, 1809; m. Elizabeth Keniston. He d. Aug. 15, 1848. 5. Oliver Perry, m. Elizabeth Martin.- He was a painter in Boston and died s.jy. 189 C. Sylvester, m. Marian Goodwin. He d. in 1850. 7. Betsy, m. Mr. Billings of Manchester. 8. Mary Ann, lived in Lowell, Mass. lOl. (37) DanieP Haines (John,^ John,^ "William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Kumney, from which place he removed, after his mar- riage to Sarah Smart, to Orford, N.H., where he died at the age of thirty -nine years. His wife followed him in about four years, at the age of thirty-nine. Children : 1. Martha Smart, b. June 11, 1814 ; d. in infancy. 190 2. David, b. in Orford, Aug. 12, 1815; m. 1st, Xov. 4, 1846, Mary Blake, who was b. Feb. 8, 1825 ; d. at AValden, N.Y., July 14, 1852; m. 2d, March 6, 1856, Julia Isabel Blake of Jamesport, N.Y. She was b. Jan. 18, 1830, and d. July 4, 1859 ; m. 3d, July 7, 1859, Mary Elizabeth Adams of Harri.sburg, Fenn. She d. Jan. 15, 1862; m. 4th, Aug. 5, 1863, Mary Althea Heaton of Washington, D.C. She was b. in South l>end, Ind., March 15, 1835. 3. Sarah Smart, b. at Orford, Nov. 18, 1818; m. Nov. 3, 1846, at Kumney, Josiah \V. Haskell of Harvard, Mass. He SEVENTH GENERATION. 133 was b. in 1820, and d. in Brooklyn, KY., Nov. 2, 1857, by drowning, together with three of his sons, in Peconic Bay, L.I., on the shore of which they resided. He had been an officer in the Ocean Steamship Co., Savannah, Ga. She d. at Tacoma Park, D.C., June 27, 1888. Children : (1) George, b. in 1848 ; d. Nov. 2, 1857. (2) Frank, b. in 1851 ; d. Nov. 2, 1877. (3) Charles, b. in 1853 ; d. Nov. 2, 1857. (4) Josiah D., b. at Jamesport, L.I., Sept. 9, 1857 ; m., 1st, Josephine Lnnt, who was b. Oct. 10, 1862, and d. in New York, Jan. 10, 1889, having been the mother of six children — Josiah, Eugene, Alfred, Alexander, Annie Louisa, and Frank, who d. at the age of three years. He m., 2d, Ida B. Stewart, by whom he had two children. lOS. (39) Samuel" Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ SamueP) was born in Scarboro, Me., to which town his grandfather removed from Greenland forty years before. Wlien twenty-three years of age he married Lydia McKenney of the same town ; but they established their home in Saco, where he died at the age of sixty -eight. Children : 191 1. Asa, b. Oct. 12, 1792 ; m. December, 1817, Hannah Milli- ken, who was b. Feb. 25, 1798, and d. September, 1887. He d. July 10, 1857. 2. Betsy, b. in 1794 ; m. Mr. Foss. They had eight children — Asa, Willard, Olive, Alvin, Ezekiel, Achsah J., Eliza Ann, and Freedom. 3. Euth, b. in 1794; m. Mr. McKenney. They had seven children — Sylvia, Lewis, Betsy, Daniel, Noah, Sarah, Ruth. 192 4. Samuel, b. in 1800. 5. Mary, b. in 1803 ; m. Mr. Libby. The}^ had ten children — James C, Henry B. C, Marianna, Philemon, Maria, Samuel, Elizabeth, Daniel, Frank, and Ellen. 6. Sally, b. in 1805. She m. and had one dau., Sally. 7. Ezekiel, b. in 1807. He d. unm. 18^ HA%% I OENEALOGY. 8. Hannah, b. in 1809; m. ^Ir. JMilliken, a brother of Hannah Milliken, whom Asa married. They had six children — Anna, Joseph O., Lydia, Marcia, William D., Addie. 193 9. Philemon, b. in 1813 ; m. May 10, 1840, Jane Pascher. 194 10. Stephen A., b. in 1816 ; m. Ann Berry. 11. lleuben, b. in 1820. He d. young. io:i. (39) Reuben S/' Haines (Samuel,'* Samuel,* Samuel,^ INratthias,^ Samuel ') was born in Searboro, Me. ; but after his marriage to Jane Penley, he settled in Leeds, from which place he removed to Liver- more, and from there to Topsham, and afterwards to Orono, Me., and probably to Mackinaw, 111., as his wife died there, after they had lived together thirty-six years. He afterwards married Kosanna Miller, and died the following year in Bangor, Me., in his sixtieth year. Children : 195 1. Penley, b. July 23, 1804 ; m. at Peoria, 111., Jan. 3, 1837, Elizabeth Oakley, who was b. at Catskill, N.Y., April 15, 1817. He d. September, 1878. 196 2. Allen, b. July 27, 180G ; m. Oct. 26, 1836, Jane Purinton, who was b. at Portland, Me., Jan. 24, 1813. He d. at Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 15, 1878. 3. Ann, b. at Leeds, July 23, 1808 ; m. Aug. 29, 1837, Col. George W. Cummings of Cape Elizabeth, Me. She d. at Bangor, Aug. 8, 1881. 4. Eebecca J., b. in Livermore, Dec. 25, 1810 ; d. Dec. 22, 1831. 5. Svdlivan L., b. at Topsham, May 18, 1813. He was twice m. and d. May 30, 1848, sqy. 6. Laura, b. at Topsham, Feb. 6, 1817 ; m. Sept. 27, 1841, AVilliam B. Harlow, who was b. at Castine, March 22, 1811, and d. at Bangor, Jan. 23, 1851. 197 7. John P., b. at Topsham, A])ril 20, 3820; m. Nov. 25, 1844, Mary Averill, who was b. Nov. 21, 1818, at Searsmont, Me. He d. at Santa Barbara, Cal., in 1895. 8. Francis, b. at Orono, March 11, 1832 ; d. at Bangor, Aug. 9, 1836. SEVENTH GENERATION. 135 (40) John^ Haines (Timothy ,5 Samuel,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^ ) was boru in Buxtou, Me., in the " gore," near the line of Gorham, where he spent the greater part of his life. He enlisted July 1, 1775, for the " eight months' service " in John Rice's Com- pany, Edward Phinney's Regiment. He married Jerusha Sallas, and lived on a farm with or near his father. Children : 198 1. Benjamin, b. in Buxton; m. Lydia McDaniel of Saco, where he d. 199 2. Samuel, b. at Buxton, in 1772 ; m. 1st, in 1796, Mary Har- mon of Scarboro, dau. of Major Harmon. She d. in 1804; m., 2d, Bhoda Libbey of the same town. She d. in 1807 ; m., 3d, Mary Atkinson. He d. in 1856. 3. John, b. in Buxton. 4. Timothy, b. in Buxton ; m. Susan Boothly of Windham, Me. 5. Hannah, b. in Buxton ; m. John Stewart of Scarboro. They had four children — (1) Christiana, (2) Joseph, (3) - John, (4) Elizabeth Ann. 6. Elizabeth, b. in Buxton ; m. Jacob Maxwell of Windham, Me. They had two children. Samuel^ Haines ((?^), Samuel,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel') was born in Scarboro, Me., where he probably spent his boyhood. He married 1st, Feb. 12, 1792, Martha llice, with whom he lived ten years, when she died, July 18, 1802. He married, as his second wife, Elizabeth Norris, May 6, 1804. Children by 1st wife : 1. Sarah, b. Nov. 24, 1798. 2. Mary Rice, b. Oct. 10, 1799. By 2d wife : 3. Elizabeth Korris, b. Sept. 11, 1807. 4. William Lawrence, b. Jan. 21, 1810. 5. Edward, b. July 9, 1812. 136 nl^Nis \ GENEALOGY. (41) Dudley •"■ Haines (John,^ John/ Samuel/ jMatthias,^ SamueP) was born in Exeter, N.H. ; and when ten years of age he went with his father to Gilmanton, where they resided thirteen years, then re- moved to Hallo well, Me. At the age of twenty -six lie married Alice Ford, and three years after established his home in Read- field. He died at the age of eighty-four years. Childkkn : 202 1. John, b. Jan. 6, 1791; m. Sept. 12, 1813, Nancy McLanch. 2. Peleg, b. Oct. 24, 1792 ; m. Hannah Jennings. He d. in 1870. 3. Dudley, b. Sept. 25, 1797 ; m. Miss Huntoon. Tliey liad two children, Dudley and Polly. 4. Lewis, b. July 11, 1798 ; d. in 1835, nnm. 203 5. Walter, b. Jan. 22, 1803 ; m., in 1829, Content W. Danforth, who was b. June 6, 1811. She d. in Rockland, Me., July 28, 1856. He d. in Winthrop, Me., May 15, 1840. 6. Nancy, b. April 3, 1795 ; m., 1st, John Titcomb of Farm- ington, ]\Ie. ; m., 2d, William Cotheren of the same place. She d. in 1843. 7. Eliza, b. July 17, 1800 ; m. Col. Lewis Huntoon of East Livermore, Me. 8. Polly, b. Jan. 13, 1802 ; m. Isaac Bowles of Winthrop, Me. 9. Sophronia, b. Sept. 9, 1806 ; m., 1st, Francis J. Bowles; m., 2d, John Morrill of Winthrop. lOO. (41) Peter " Haines (John,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ SamueP) was born in Exeter, N.H. He was but seven j^ears old when his father removed from that place to Gilnianton, and but twenty when they removed to Livermore, Me., where he married Hannah Fuller, and made liis permanent home. He was a farmer, and bought one square mile of land on the Androscoggin River, which is now one of the best farms in the State. He gave land for a cemetery, for a schoolhouse, and for a meoting-house. He was captain of a mili- tary company, and a man of great energy and even poise. He died at the age of seventy-seven years, and his wife at the age of sixty- seven. SEVENTH GENERATION. 137 Children : 204 1. Francis F., b. Feb. 1, 1793; m. March 21, 1816, Linda Bates, who was b. June 2, 1796, and d. at East Livermore, Sept. 20, 1861. 205 2. Peter, b. June 22, 1795 ; m. Oct. 2, 1817, Lydia Hall, who was b. Aug. 3, 1800, in Pembroke, X.H., and d. March, 1875. He d. March 20, 1873. 206 3. Henry, b. June 23, 1797; m. Oct. 13, 1820, Anna Schofield, who was b. May 24, 1799, and d. June 27, 1882. He d. in 1862. 207 4. James Harvey, b. in 1804 ; m. Nancy Williams, who d. in 1854. He d. the same year. 5. Sullivan, b. in 1809 ; ni. Phebe Chase. They had no children. 208 6. Columbus, b. March 10, 1809; m. Anna Townsend, Nov. 25, 1847. He d. March 8, 1880, in West Farmington, Me. She d. in East Livermore, Me., Nov. 17, 1894. 209 7. Joseph B., b. March 21, 1813 ; m. Sept. 5, 1839, Susan Haines, dau. of Daniel Haines of Hallowell. He d. April 13, 1901, at East Livermore, Me. She d. July 20, 1900. 8. Jerusha, b. March 1, 1794 ; m. Job Haskell. She d. May 6, 1888. Children : (1) Mary Haines, b. July 13, 1824 ; m. Joseph F. Eussell. Children : (a) Alice Marilla, b. Oct. 29, 1851; d. April 29, 1857. (b) Arthur Joseph, b. March 14, 1861; m. Kate Baldwin. (c) Emma Mary, b. July 18, 1863. (2) Dudley Haines, b. Dec. 17, 1825; m. Eachael H. Mitchell. Children : (a) Eugenia, b. December, 1855 ; d. in infancy. (b) Dudley Haines, b. May, 1859; m. Nellie Montpellier. Children : (a) Alberta, b. January, 1894. (b) Dudley Haines, b. March, 1897; d. May, 1898. 1^8 UAYNES \ GENEALOGY. (c) Harry Hepburn, b. Jan. 14, 1860 ; m. Lottie Talmadge. He d. July 16, 1898. C'llII.DRfiN : (a) Ernestine, b. December, 1890. {h) Stacey, b. November, 1892. (d) Jolin Mitchell, b. June 17, 1864 ; d. in 1872. (e) Raymoude, b. Dec. '6, 1866 ; m. Franklin B. Poor. Children : (a) Dudley F., b. Oct. 3, 1887. {b) I'atricia, b. Feb. 18, 1898. (f) Ernestine S., b. Aug. 20, 1870; m. John C. Adams. CniLiJUEx : (a) De Vere, b. Sept. 18, 1899. {h) Edsonita, b. Feb. 24, 1900. (3) Caldwell, b. Sept. 18, 1827 ; d. Oct. 18, 1832. (4) Violet, b. May 16, 1829; d. Oct. 22, 1832. (5) Jessie Haines, b. Nov. 3, 1832. (6) Julia Eliza, b. Dec. 2, 1834; m., 1st, J. 0. Keyes; m,, 2d, Lewis Gardner. 9. Hannah, m. Rev. George Bates of Turner, Me. 10. Arabelle, m. Dr. Stanley. 11. Levina, ni. Charles Church. 12. Rosella, b. Sept. 4, 1803; m. Moses Greenleaf Haskell, who was b. Feb. 28, 1799, and d. Dec. 20, 1884. She d. Jan. 25, 1892. Childkkn : (1) Hester A. R., b. Feb. 10, 1822; m. John G. Francis. She d. Nov. 4, 1900. (2) Moses Greenleaf, b. Oct. 8, 1823; d. April 15, 1848. (3) Miranda Jane, b. March 29. 1825; d. April 27, 1842. (4) Levina Haines, b. Nov. 10, 1827; d. July 27, 1829. (5) Levina Haines, b. Feb. 8, 1830; d. June"^7, 1853. (6) William Augustus, b. March 18, 1832; d. June 25, (7) Peter Haines, b. Nov. 9, 1833; d. May 23, 1873. (8) Edwin Bradbury, I). Aug. 24, 1837, in East Livermore, Me. He was educated in the public schools of that place and at Kent's Hill Academy. At the age of seventeen he entered the office of the Portland Advertiser to learn the printer's trade, where he remained one year, when he went to New Orleans. La., where printers got greater prices, remaining there SEVENTH GENERATION. 139 from November to the following June. In August, 1856, he secured a situation as compositor on the Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston. In the follow- ing jNIarch he was employed by the Boston Journal as compositor and reporter, which position he held for three years, when he accepted the situation as financial and law reporter on the Boston Herald. The following year he became editorial writer on the Herald. In October, I860, he was one of four to purchase one-third of the Herald, when he became editor in chief. In 1869 the same parties bought the remaining two-thirds of the paper, and it was continued under the same editorial chief until 1887, when he resigned, but retains his interest in the enterprise. He also owns controlling interest in the Minneapolis Journal, and the St. Joseph, Mo., Gazette- Herald, morning paper, and the St. Joseph Hews, evening paper. For many years he has been Presi- dent of the Newton (Mass.) Free Library. Also President of the Newton Cemetery Corporation, and for six years a member of the ^[etropolitan Park Commission of INIassachusetts. He married Celia Hill of Fayette, IVIe., Aug. 29, 1861. Their home is in Auburn dale, Mass. Children : (a) William Edwin, b. June 18, 1862; graduated from Harvard University, 1884 ; m. Annie E. Mason, in 1884 ; moved to Minneapolis same year, and became proprietor and publisher of the Minne- apolis Times. His wife d. in February', 1886, leaving one dau., Martha Grav. He m. in March, 1887, Olga von AVedelstaedt. They have four children — Celia Elizabeth, William von Wedelstaedt, George Childs, and Edwin Dudley. (b) Henry Hill, b. Jan. 6, 1869, graduated from Harvard College in 1890, and from Harvard Medical School in 1893 ; m. March, 1896, Marian L. Munger of Portland, Me. He is an oculist in Boston. (c) Margaret, b. Sept. 18, 1875. (d) Clarence Greenleaf, b. Nov. 30, 1879 ; graduated from Harvard in 1901. (9) Eleanor Pvosella, b. Aug. 4, 1839 ; m., 1886, her cousin C. W. Haskell. (10) Arabella Stanley, b. Dec. 9, 1841. ^-^'^ f lis i ^^^^^^««^- (11) Clarence Glyndon, b. Aug. 2, 1843; d. March 30, 1805. (12) Clement Caldwell, b. April 16, 1847; d. Eeb. 17, 1900. 13 Violette, who m. George Whitney. lOT . (41) Jonathan" Haines (John,'^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel ^) was born in Gilmanton, N.H., but when he was two years of age his father removed to Hallowell, Me. There he married Sarah Sawyer, daughter of Dr. William Sawyer of that town. The fine house which he built is still standing. He died at the age of forty- seven years. His wife died the same year, aged forty-two. Children : 1. Harriet, b. in 1809. She lived in Hallowell, unm. 210 2. William S., b. in 1811, in Hallowell. 3. Caroline, b. in 1812 ; d. April 27, 1832. 4. John A., b. in 1815 ; d. Oct. 29, 1840, s.p. 5. Sarah A., b. in 1817; d. April 25, 1874, unm. G. Sophia E., b. in 1819; d. Dec. 31, 1840. 211 7. George ^Y., b. in 1820 ; d. May 7, 1875. 212 8. Rufus E., b. in 1824; m. Elvira Viola Kirk. 9. Greenleaf N., b. in 1826 ; d. in 1844. lOS. (41) Daniel" Haines (John,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias," SamueP) was born in Gilmanton, N.H., but spent the greater part of his life in Maine. At the age of twenty-five he married Betsy Wingate of Hallowell, with whom he lived thirty-four years, when he died at the age of fifty-nine. Children : 213 1. Joseph Wingate, b. July 21, 1805 ; m. March, 1828, Mary B. Briggs of Winthrop, Me. She was b. June, 1805, and d. May, 1874. He d. Jan. 30, 1876. 2. Mary, b. April 16, 1807; m. January, 1829, Jolm Hawks. 3. Sarah, b. Sept. 19, 1808; m.,iii 1867, Dwight Miner. 4. Betsy, b. May 28, 1811 ; m., in 1834, John Hewett. 5. Abigail, b. Sept. 13, 1812; m. June 26, 1834, Samuel Dunn of Mt. Vernon, Me. She d. July 30, 1870. SEVENTH GENERATION. 141 Children : (1) Malvina Susan, b. Aug. 9, 1837 ; m. 1st, November, 1865, Jabez Currier, who d. March 19, 1867 ; m. 2d, April 7, 1870, "William C. Eecord of AVinnemucca, Nev. They have one son, Charles Dunn, b. in Eed- wood City, Cal., March 17, 1873 ; and m. Oct. 7, 1899, Ruby Weston. (2) Charles, b. April 9, 1810 ; d. Jime 7, 1862. 214 6. Charles, b. June 11, 1814; m. March, 1839, Rhoda B. Morgan. 7. Susan, b. Jan. 21, 1816 ; m. Sept. 5, 1839, Joseph B. Haines of Livermore, Me. 215 8. William Abbott, b. Aug. 19, 1817 ; m., in 1837, Mary J. Morgan. 9. Nancy, b. March 16, 1819 ; m. Jan. 1, 1850, Asa S. Town- send of Maple Grove, Me. He was b. April 15, 1815. She d. Dec. 5, 1872. Children : (1) Henry Clay, b. June 29, 1852. (2) Julia Anne, b. Oct. 30, 1853. 216 10. Daniel, b. Jan. 27, 1821 ; m., in 1848, Nancy Elliott. lOO. (42) John'' Haines (Nathaniel,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel^) was born in Livermore, Me., where he spent his boyhood, and became a pious young man. When seventeen years of age he was settled as pastor over the Baptist church, Mt. Vernon, INIe. Four years later he married Lydia Coffin of Alfred. Children : 217 1. Nathaniel, b. March 11, 1799 ; m. Aug. 28, 1828, Caroline J. Williamson, dau. of William D. Williamson, who was the first Governor of IMaine. and author of " History of Maine." 2. Achsah S., b. Dec. 20, 1800 ; m. March 23, 1823, R. J. Nor- ton of Anson, Me. 3. Phebe C, b. March 28, 1804; m. May, 1829, Nathaniel Hopkins, a merchant in Foxcroft, Me. 200 4. John, b. Nov. 27, 1806; m. April 17, 1831, Sabrina Smith, dau. of Dr. Charles Smith. She d. in 1882. He d. in 1884. 5. Lydia L., b. Nov. 8, 1808; m. September, 1826, Rev. G. Batchelder. She d. Jan. 2. 1832. 1^^ HAl^^l^^^-^^^^^^^^'- G. Isaac C, b. Jan. 15, 1810 ; m. Susan I'almer, who soon after d., leaving one daughter. At one time he was editor of the " Bangor Democrat." Afterwards he Avas editor of a paper in Portland, Me. 7. Ann Eliza, b. Jan. 10, 1812; m. :\Iay 30, 1832, Rev. Zabdiel Bradford of Providence, Iv.l. Jle was pastor of Pine-street Ba})tist church there. 8. Cordelia, b. March 23, 1815 ; unm. 9. Sarah S., b. Feb. 4, 1817; m. Sept. 2, 1841, C. Hopkins. 10. Caroline E., b. April 2, 1819; m. August, 1843, George Woods, principal of the Academy at North Yarmouth, ^Me. no. (43) Simeon'^ Haines (Simeon,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel ^) was a native of Searsport, IVle. When a young man he went to Washington Co., Pa., where he met Jane Cockins, whom he married when he was twenty-six years old. At the age of forty he removed with his family to Muskingum Co., Ohio, locating near Bridgeville, where he died at the age of sixty-two years. She died nineteen years after at New Concord, Ohio, at the age of eighty-four. Children : 1. Vincent, b. Dec. 25, 1818. He m., and d. at Cambridge, Ohio, Nov. 20, 1846, leaving three daughters. 2. Wealthy, b. July 22, 1821 ; d. Nov. 11, 1824. 3. Margaret, b. Oct. 10, 1823; m. Feb. 17, 1848, Robert Buchanan. 4. Mary A., b. Jan. 11, 1826 ; m. Oct. 26, 1848, Robert Careins. They had one son, Charles S., who was b. near Duncan Falls, Ohio, July 4, 1856. He m. Oct. 30, 1884, Frances V. Shellabarger, at Decatur, 111. He afterwards practiced law at Minneapolis, Minn. 6. Simeon, b. March 8, 1828. He d. at Cambridge, Ohio, July 17, 1882, leaving four sons, three of Avhom resided at Minneapolis, IVIinn. 6. John, b. Oct. 9, 1830. He m. and resided at one time at Los Angeles. Cal. He had one son, Willis P., who lived in Tucson, Arizona. SEVENTH GENERATION. 143 111. (44) Hiram '^ Haines (Simeon,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel ^) was born in Swanville, Me., where he spent his boyhood. At one time he was captain of a Cavalry Co., but resigned and volun- teered in the " Aroostook expedition." At the age of thirty-one he married Eliza Harvey. He died at Key West, Fla., aged fifty-nine years. Children : 1. Francis H., b. June 2, 1836 ; d. July 25, 1837. 2. Thomas Benton, b. July 24, 1838. 3. Benjamin Tripp, b. May 7, 1840. 4. Eliza Matilda, b. Aug. 20, 1845. 5. Greenleaf Harvey, b. July 19, 1848. 6. Wealthy, b. Nov. 15, 1851. lis. John'' Haines ((?^) Joshua,* Joshua,^ Matthias,^ Samuel i) was born June 17, 1782, in Wolfboro, where he spent his boyhood. At the age of twenty-four he married Martha Nudd, with whom he lived for nearly thirty-seven years. He was a man of considerable influence in the community, and was captain of a military company. He passed away in the midst of his usefulness, Aug. 19, 1849, aged sixty-seven years. His wife was born June 1, 1786, and died April 6, 1843. Children : 1. Lucy March, b. Oct. 4, 1806 ; m. Samuel Stickney. She d. May 6, 1871. Children : (1) Lucy Ann, b. in 1836 ; m. Michael Heaney in 1852. She d. in Manchester, N.H., April 27, 1900, leaving four children — Louie, Nellie, William, Joseph. (2) Abbie, married Mr. McManus. They have two chil- dren — Mary and Walter. (3) Helen, married Orrin Fellows. They have two chil- dren — Charles and Nellie. 2. William, b. Sept. 25, 1808 ; d. Oct. 28, 1834. 3. Joshua, b. Aug. 24, 1810 ; d. December, 1838, unm. 4. John, b. Aug. 19, 1812 ; d. January, 1847, unm. 144 21™'L } GENEALOGY. 5. Mary Bean, b. Juue 1, 1815 ; m. Jan. 1, 1846, Loanind Hardy, who was b. Aug. 4, 18U5, and d. Nov. 21, 1873 ; she d. Dec. 27, 188.'3. He was Registrar of Deeds for Carroll Co., N.H., from 1842 to the time of his death. CHILDHKX : (1) Charles C, b. Jan. 14, 1847 ; d. Aug. 28, 1863. (2) John D., b. Nov. 8, 1849 ; m. and lives in Boston. (3) Mary Ella, b. Oct. 28, 1851 ; d. April 13, 1853. (4) Arvilla, b. ]\Iarch 7, 1854 ; m., 1st, Angerine Pitman, son of Judge C. W. M. Pitman of Bartlett, N.H., April 21, 1878. He was b. Jan., 1844, and d. Sept. 22, 1880. They had one dau., ]\Iary Enimaline, who was b. in Boston, Jan. 28, ]879; m., 2d, Pev. Albert H. Thompson of Wakefield, N.H., Jan. 13, 1885. He was b. Jan. 27, 1849, in Chelsea, Mass., graduated from Amherst College in 1872, and from Yale Divinity School, 1875. He was ordained Peb. 26, 1879, and after a successful pastorate over the Con- gregational church at Wakefield for several years, he was called to the Congregational church in Ray- mond, where he has been an efficient worker for the past thirteen years, respected as a citizen, and loved as a pastor. For eleven years past, he has held the office of secretary and treasurer of the Pockingham Conference of Congregational and Presbyterian churches. They have three ~ children — Elizabeth Hardv, b. Oct. 4, 1885; Pose Standish, b. Dec. 30, 1886; d. May 22, 1887 ; and Arvilla Haynes, b. Feb. 8, 1888. (5) Frank L., b. March 3, 1855 ; d. July 24, 1855. (6) George L., b. Dec. 9, 1856. He lived in Texas. 6. Matthias Madison, b. May 23, 1817; ni.. 1st, Hannah L. Haines,dau. of James and Hannah (Lord) Haines, June 10, 1847. She was b. Feb. 9, 1816, and d. November, 1848 ; m. 2d, Sept. 13, 1852, Vianna Home. He was at one time town clerk, and lived at North Wolfboro, but removed from there to Tuftonboro Corner, where he died Dec. 10, 1869. She died April 23, 1895. Thev had one son, John M., b. April 30, 1854 ; m. Nov. 27, 1878, Elvira Hilliard. Their children are (a) Erwin W., b. Nov. 7, 1880. (b) Charles L., b. April 30, 1884. 7. Hannah, b. May 21, 1819; m. Aug. 22, 1858, Augustus Brown ; he d. in 1860. She d. Nov. 1, 1892, at Raymond, and was buried by the side of her husband at Water Village. SEVENTH GENERATION. 145 8. Charles Freeman, b. Oct. 2, 1821 ; m., 1st, Mary E. Chad- bourne ot Sanford, Me. ; m., 2d, Mrs. Annie H. Meade in 1886. They lived at Blue Earth, Minn., where he d. Dec. 28, 1802, s.jj. 9. Martha Jane, b. Oct. 5, 1823 ; m. Sept. 29, 1847, Havilah D Canney of Tuftonboro. He was b. March 20, 1821. She d. April 22, 1888. Children: (1) Oscar Sumner, b. Sept. 18, 1849 ; m. Dec. 30, 1863. (2) Frank Carroll, b. March 29, 1852. (3) Almon, b. Sept. 14, 1858 ; d. Dec. 29, 1858. (4) Charles Augustus, b. Sept. 8, 1863 ; m. Laura Gooch. Children : (a) Arthur D., b. Jan. 23, 1886. (b) Minnie E., b. April 12, 1887. (c) Charles C, b. Oct. 9, 1888. (d) Oscar J., b. Aug. 3, 1891 ; d. Feb. 6, 1892. (e) Frank M., b. Jan. 24, 1892 ; d. Feb. 7, 1892. (f ) Eva M., b. July 10, 1893. (g) Chester J., b. Feb. 22, 1895. (h) Addie E., b. Feb. 21, 1897. (i) Emma G., b. Aug. 23, 1899. (5) George Carlton, b. Feb. 12, 1865 ; married, and has one son, Ralph, b. July 2, 1888. (6) Grace Emma, b. Aug. 1, 1869; m. at Raymond, June 27, 1892, Fred L. Harris. They have one dau., Martha Haines, b. October, 1893. 10. Sarah Ann, b. Aug. 18, 1825; m. Sept. 19, 1849, David W. Hill. He d. abt. 1881. She d. April 3, 1899, s.j). 11. Arvilla Briton, b. Aug. 8, 1827. She graduated from the New England Medical College, and became a homoeopathic physician, and practiced in Boston for seventeen years. She became identified with nearly all the great move- ments tending towards the better education of women. She was President of the Ladies' Physiological Institute, Vice-President of the Woman's Moral Educational Society, Boston Homoeopathic Medical Society, and in- terested in many other organizations in an official waj^ It is said of her, " There was something very beautiful in all her associations with the poor." She d. at Ossipee, Jan. 3, 1884, unm. 12. Daniel Jackson, b. June, 1829 ; m. Martha Johnson. He was a member of the 22d Reg., Mass. Vols. He d. Sept. 22, 1863. They had one child, who died in infancy. 14« IaA% \ OEJ^EALOGY. (44) James *■' Haines (Jacob,^ Joshua,* Joshua,^ Matthias,'^ Samuel') was a native of Wolfboro, and married, at the age of twenty-one, Hannah Lord, and settled on a farm in his native town with his father, which farm is now owned by his niece, Mrs. Betsy W. Tibbetts, being a part of the three hundred acres which his grandfather purchased, about the time he removed from Green- land. AVhen he was past middle life he left the farm and removed to Dover, where he died at the age of sixty-six years. He had lived with his wife forty -five years ; and she survived him twelve years, dying at the age of seventy-nine. Children : 1. Sally Lord, b. May 31, 1810 ; d. Sept. 15, 1829. 2. Abigail Sherburne, b. Aug. 29, 1811 ; d. July 12, 1876, unm. 3. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 2, 1813 ; d. Oct. 4, 1816. 4. Hannah L., b. Feb. 9, 1810 ; m. jNIatthias M. Haines, son of John and Martha (Nudd) Haines. She d. November, 1848. 5. John, b. March 29, 1818 5 d. Dec. 2, 1818. 218 6. James Monroe, b. Sept. 18, 1819 ; m. Nov. 29, 1849, Nancy M. Matthews, who was b. April 5, 1818. She d. in 1900. 7. Caroline, b. March 2, 1823 ; d. March 10, 1823. 219 8. Joshua Brackett, b. Oct. 29, 1824 ; m. ]\Iay 1, 1848, ]Martha Jane Roberts. She was b. March 20, 1832, and d. Feb. 21, 1896. 9. Sarah Jane, b. Nov. 1, 1829 ; m. May 25, 1852, William B. Foss, who was b. Aug. 2, 1818. They lived in Dover. She d. Feb. 7, 1890. ClIILDUEN : (1) Ellen G., b. April 29, 1853. (2) Idella Lord, b. April 9, 1856; m. May 1, 1888, George F. McFarland, who was b. July 19, 1857. (3) Aletta Jane, b. Jan. 10, 1864. 114. (44) Matthias" Haines (Jacob,^ Joshua^ Joshua,^ Matthias,'* Samuel ^) was born at North Wolf boro, where he became a farmer, and at the age of twenty-seven married Eliza Wiggin, with whom he lived fourteen years, when she died. The following year he J SEVENTH GENERATION. 147 married ^Nlrs. Hannah Blancliard, and lived with her about thirty- three years, when she died at the age of nearly seventy-five. He was a good man, and highly respected by his townsmen. For a number of years he was selectman, and he represented the town in the State Legislature one year. CHILlfREN BY IST AVIFE : 1. Betsv Wiggiu, b. Nov 6, 1823 ; m. July 24, 1848, Alonzo Tibbetts of Wolfboro. He was b. May 26, 1823, and d. April 7, 1889. He purchased the '' old Haines home- stead " eight years previous to his death. They had one son, Hermon A., b. May 7, 1857 ; m. June 10, 1882, Etta C. Abbott, who was b. July 3, 18G0. He d. of consump- tion, May 1, 1890. He was a man of noble spirit, and helpful in the world. 2. Kuth Ann, b. Nov. 4, 1825 ; m. Nov. 19, 1845, Nicholas B. Abbott of Tuftonboro. He d. April 27, 1895. She d. Jan. 5, 1881. Childrex : (1) Eliza Annah, b. Jan. 9, 1852; m. James Clark (de- ceased). (2) Edgar Grafton, b. April 17, 1854 ; m. Mary L. Sefton of Derry. She d. Jan. 9, 1895. Children : (a) Florence Eva, b. Sept. 13, 1874. (b) Frank James, b. May 14, 1878. (c) Kuth Emily, b. Dec. 4, 1879. 220 3. Matthias, b. March 26, 1828; m. in Boston, Mass., Sept. 2, 1856, Mary Whitman, who d. Jan. 15, 1899. 4. Mary Jane, b. Nov. 15, 1832 ; m. Oct. 4, 1854, Francis W. Knight of Milford, N.H. He was b. April 27, 1828, and d. Aug. 8, 1888. She d. July, 1899. They had one dau.. Bertha Addie, b. July 12, 1857 ; m. Frederick A. Tuttle of Lowell, Mass. 5. Lydia Abigail Judith, b. July 21, 1835 ; m. Dec. 24, 1861, Johnson Boothby of Waterville, Me. He was b. March 23, 1825, and d. June 5, 1888. Children : (1) Wallace Johnson, b. Aug. 30, 1863 ; m. June 1, 1891, Carrie Althea JSIcNelly. Children : (a) Donald Haines, b. Nov. 29, 1892. 1^8 Ifrlis \ GENEALOGY. (b) Wallace Johnson, b. Dec. 1, 1894. (c) Ada, b. July 23, 1896. (2) Harriet xM., b. Oct. 27, 1867 ; d. April 9, 1891 (3) Grace Hume, b. Dec. 22, 1870. Eesides in Everett, Mass. Bv 2i) win; : 6. Joseph Adna, b. Feb. 17, 1840 ; m. Nov 24, 1870, Fannie Elizabeth Tophaui of Bradford, England. Children : (1) Emma Frances, b. Sept. 5, 1871 ; m. April 16, 1894, Adin W. Taft of Pascoag, R.l. CinLin{?:N : (a) Earl Haines, b. March 2, 1895. (b) Dorothy Haines, b. Nov. 15, 1897 (2) Sadie Louise, b. May 13, 1876 ; m. May 15, 1898, Louis Schonhardt. (3) Alice Ptuth, b. Oct. 31, 1882. 7. Jacob Albert, b. Oct. 12, 1845; m. May 23, 1883, Mary J. Oilman of Madison, N H. 11^. (45) Joseph" Haines (Joseph,^ Joshua,'* Joshua,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born near the close of the eighteenth century in Wolf- boro, N.H., where he spent the greater part of his life. He married Betsy Lucy, but died when a young man of thirty-five years, leav- ing the care of his family with his wife. Whether because of burden-bearing, or not, she died eleven years after, at the age of forty-six. Children : 221 1. George, b. Jan. 15, 1821 ; m. Dec. 29, 1843, Margaret Lord, who was b. Feb. 6, 1821. He d. May 4, 1859. 2. John L., b. May 4, 1824 ; m. Jan. 23, 1853, Patience A. Lord of Ossipee, N.H. She was sister of ^Margaret, the wife of his brother George. He was a carpenter, and a skillful workman. He d. April 6, 1880. She d. April 30, 187(), s.p. 222 3. Joshua Ji., b. Feb. Fernald. She d. }b. 8, 1827 ; m. IVIarch, 1852, Hannah i July 22, 1890. He d. June 27, 1894. !' 4. Joseph Rodney, b. May 1, 1830; m. Jan. 16, 1867, ]\[argaret (Lord) Haines, widow of his brother George. He was an extensive farmer in North Wolfboro, being i SEVENTH GENERATION. 149 honored by his fellow citizens in representing the town in the State Legislature for four years. He d. Nov. 29^ 1898, s.jK no. (46) Caleb Bartlett" Haynes (Elisha,^ John," Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was a native of Epsom, where he spent the greater part of his life. He became a shoemaker, which trade in those days in- cluded the work of taking the green hide and converting it into boots and shoes. When about twenty-two years of age he married Sally Haines, dau. of Malachi Haines of Chichester, IST.H. He lived with her fifteen years, when she died at the age of about forty. He married again about seven months later Hannah San- born, with whom he lived more than forty-four years, when he died at the age of eighty -two, having been the father of sixteen children. She survived him eleven years. Children by 1st wife : 1. William, b. Dec. 24, 1808; m. July 4, 1837, Maria Perley of Haverhill. She was b. Oct. 14, 1809, and d. June 18, 1887. He d. April 15, 1854. Children : (1) Harry, b. in 1849. He became a photographer. (2) Mary Jane, who is now dead. 2. Elisha, b. April 2, 1811. He was lost at sea, Jan. 30, 1828. 3. Pearson G., b. Nov. 14, 1812 ; d. May 3, 1832. 4. Samuel, b. Oct. 1, 1814 ; m. 1st, July 8, 1841, Mary S. Wheelock of Milford, Mass. She was b. July 10, 1814, and d. Feb. 8, 1868 ; m. 2d, July 17, 1871, Louisa Hicks of Franklin, Mass., v/ho was b. July 17, 1831. He died, S.J}. 5. John L., b. July 25, 1817 ; d. Oct. 27, 1856. He was a shoemaker, and lived in Epsom, Concord, and Milford, also in Boston, Mass. Physically he was a very strong man, and a great wrestler. He was severely injured by a premature explosion while loading a cannon. 6. Newell H., b. March 30, 1819 ; m. Nov. 29, 1849, Mary J. Merrill of Deerfield. She was b. Sept. 2, 1818, and d. March 8, 1869. He d. March 22, 1895, s.p. 7. Ambrose H., b. March 4, 1822 ; d. April 8, 1825. 150 HAYNES \ GENEALOGY. By 2d wife : 8. Abram S., b. June 29, 1824 ; m. May 12, 1847, Elizabeth B. Haines of New London, N.H. She was b. March 21, 1825. He d. Aug. 8, 1849. They had one son, Hiram H. 223 9. Ambrose D., b. Oct. 18, 1825; m. 1st, July 1, 1847, Eliza T. Goss of Epsom. She was b. June 6, 1823, and d. July 1, 1850; m. 2d, March 16, 1851, Elizabeth O. Brown of Epsom. She was b. July 18, 1822, and d. in 1899. He d. Jan. 21, 1862. 10. Caleb B., b. March 4, 1827 ; d. May 26, 1828. 22411. Hiram B., b. June 13, 1828; m. Nov. 4,1851, Abbie S. Cotton of Greenfield. She was b. March 12, 1823, and d. in 1898. He d. Dec. 12, 1862. 12. Mary E., b. Jan. 16, 1830 ; m. March 22, 1848, John H. Fife of Chester. He was b. Nov. 21, 1824, and enlisted in Co. E, 11th N.H. Vols., for the War of the Rebellion, serving three years, a part of the time being cook for the officers. He d. in Epsom, February, 1901. Children : (1) Adora A., b. Feb. 8, 1849; d. Aug. 17, 1849. (2) Mary Abbie, b. Dec. 18, 1850 ; m. Dec. 13, 1876, Frank E. Randall of Pittsfield. They have two children — (a) Bertha M., b. Aug. 6, 1877, (b) Helen D., b. June 28, 1883. (3) James B., b. Dec. 25, 1852 ; m. June 9, 1879, M. Lizzie Daily of Boston. He d. Nov. 13, 1892. Children : (a) Effie May, b. Jan. 17, 1880. (b) Arthnr H., b. June 9, 1882. (c) N. Louise, b. Nov. 10, 188.3. (d) Leon Stanlev, b. June 21, 1886 ; d. Sept. 25, 1886. (4) Dora A., b. Nov. 26, 1854; m. Feb. 12, 1876, William B. Evans of Pittsfield. They have one sou, Ralph, b. Oct. 6, 1877. (5) Jennette N., b. April 1, 1858 ; d. March 26, 1862. (6) Nettie J., b. June 16, 1866; m. Nov. 24, 1887, George Dowst of Allenstown. Children ; (a) Everett F., b. Sept. 2, 1888. (b) Ernest G., b. April 9, 1890. (7) Fred C, b. Feb 17, 1870; m. June 1, 1893, Alice M. Wells of Epsom. (8) Alice F., b. March 26, 1872; d. May 7, 1885. SEVENTH GENERATION. 151 13. Ann M. W., b. Aug. 15, 1833 ; d. March 28, 1835. 14. Frances M. P., b. Aug. 14, 1838 ; m. Jan. 1, 1850, Charles Quimby of Bow. He was b. April 4, 1829. He became a member of Co. E, 11th Reg. KH. Vols. She d. ]\ray 27, 1873. Their children were Charles L., Edward, Olive Ann, Ellsworth, Elmer, Lue M. Geneva. Only two living. 15. Olive A., b. Nov. 12, 1840 ; d. Feb. 12, 1862. 16. Hannah J., b. Feb. 8, 1843 ; m. June 29, 1862, Josiah R. Batchelder of Deertield. He was b. May 13, 1841. He became a member of Co. C, 1st Eeg. Cavalry, N.H. Vols. ; he d. Aug. 2, 1864, in Andersonville Prison, S.C. She d. Oct. 2, 1866. The}' had one son, Elmer L., who is dead. 117^. (46) James « Haynes (Elisha,^ John,^ Matthias,-'' IMatthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Epsom ; and when about twenty -six years of age, he married Sally Clark of Allenstown, where he made his home for a while. When he was thirty -nine years of age he re- moved to jSTew London, ]*s.H., and two years later settled in New- bury. He was a skillful musician, and in the war of 1812 he was drummer in one of the companies called out to garrison the de- fenses of Portsmouth. At home he was a farmer, and supported his family by daily toil. He died at the age of sixty-three. His wife, who shared the burdens of life with him, attained to the age of seventy-five years. Childrex : 225 1. Elbridge Gerry, b. in Allenstown, Jan. 29, 1815 ; m. Nov. 2, 1840, Caroline Pv. Knowlton, who was b. Dec. 9, 1821. He d. at Manchester, Nov. 3, 1881. 2. Adeline F., b. Nov. 9, 1816 ; d. in Newbury, Nov. 24, 1837, unm. 3. Harriet W., b. June 24, 1819 ; m. March 24, 1837, James M. Bean, who was b. Aug. 20, 1816, and d. Jan. 20, 1861. She d. June 28, 1848. 226 4. Joshua C, b. Oct. 8, 1820 ; m. Oct. 1, 1844, Polly Emery, who was b. Jan. 10, 1827. 5. Benjamin C, b. July 24, 1826 ; m. Nov. 15, 1851, Margaret W. Hastings. He was a prominent lawyer in Manches- ter, and at one time was city marshal. He d. July 4, 1865, s.p. -i;:o MAIN EH ) -^'^■^ HAYNES j GENEALOGY. 6. John C, b. Dec, 9, 1830; m., 1st, Mary Moses, wlio d, August, 1809; m. 2d, July 1, 1872, Almiia Anderson. He was a physician in Londonderry, N.H. In the War of the Rebellion he served for a while in Hospital Corps of the 2d N.H. Reg. ; and he was assistant surgeon of the 10th ^.H. Reg. He took great interest in the educational affairs of the town in which he lived. He d. May 4, 1874, s.ji. 227 7. William C, b. in Newbury, N.H., July 27, 1833; m. March 7, 1855, Olive P. Bailey, who was b. Jan. 31, 1834. He resides in Chicago, 111. lis. (46) Jonathan B." Haynes (Elisha,^ John,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,- Samuel^) was born in Epsom; and Avhen about twenty-tl^ree years of age he married Catherine Smith of New Hampton, N.H., whose birth is exactly the same date with that of her husband. They made their permanent home in New London, and lived together nearly fifty-three years. She died at Mt. Sterling, Wis., at the age of about seventy-six. He died at the same place aged nearly ninety. Children : 1. Isabella S., b. Sept. 0, 1820; m. Aaron Guilford. Shed, in Manchester, Oct. 8, 1850, They had one son, Frank. 228 2. Jonathan Smith, b. Feb. 6, 1824 ; m. Nov. 15, 1849, Louisa Hall, who was b. Sept. 18, 1829. 3. Elizabeth B., b. March 21, 1825 ; m. May 12, 1847, Abram S. Haines, who was b. June 29. 1824, and d. Aug. 8, 1849. 4. Kinsman C, b. Aug. 11, 1827; m. March 20, 1856, Sarah Slater, who was b. Dec. 25, 1839. No children. 229 5. William H., b. Feb. 9, 1829; m. 1st, Ang. 2, 1854, Sarah E. .Johnson, who was b. Nov. 15, 1827. and d. March 6, 1876; ni. 2d, Nov. 29, 187(5, Mary A. Smith. 230 G. George W., b. Dec. 4, 1830; m. Mabel Story. He d. at Columbus, Wis., Dec. 3, 1862. 7. Andrew .1., b. June 15, 1832; m. Josephine W^hittier. He is not living. 8. Charlotte, b. April 26, 1834 ; d. in 1891, num. 9. James M., b. April 17, 1837 ; m. Feb. 27, 1863, Ann Eliza Brown, who was b. Oct. 4, 1839. He is dead. They re- SEVENTH GENERATION. 153 sided at Mt. Sterling, Wis. ; had one son, Ernest M., b. April 5, 1866. 230a 10. Freeman, b. Dec. 19, 1840; m. Oct. 31, 1868, Abby J. Hayden. Tliey made their home at Mt. Sterling, Wis. no. (46) John Dearborn" Haynes (Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Epsom, and spent his early boyhood on the farm. When about twenty-six years of age he married Eliza Walker Stevens, with whom he lived over four years, when she died. The year following he married Mary Leavitt, with whom he lived seventeen years, when he died at nearly forty-eight years of age. They lived first in Brighton, then in Boston. He was a strong man, industrious and trustworthy, successful in his business, and true in his friendships. He was an enthusiastic sportsman, and would improve every offered occasion for hunting. About two years before his death, while in good health, he came home from his daily occupation after dark as usual. His residence at that time was on Harmony Court, leading from Canal Street, across the way from the canal which ran from the harbor to Hay- market Square. This canal was infested with what is known as wharf -rats, immense fellows and somewhat dangerous. On the evening referred to, Mr. Haynes took a lamp and went to the cup- board for food, and as he opened the door a large rat leaped from one of the shelves, and fastened its teeth in one of his hands be- tween two fingers. He could not shake him off, but had to kill the rodent, and then with difficulty unlock its teeth. Very soon his arm became swollen, and a painful and dangerous illness came on which confined him to his home for many weeks, and from which he never fully recovered, but had periods of nausea and vomiting, while he gradually lost his strength, developing consumption, which terminated in death. It was considered a notable case, and was widely published in the medical journals of the country. His wife survived him more than twelve years, dying at the age of about forty-eight. Children by 1st wife : 231 1. John Cummings, b. Sept. 9, 1829 ; m. May 1, 1855, Fanny Seabury Spear, who was b. Oct. 12, 1836. 154 niVNis I GENEALOGY. 232 2. James Gilson, b. Dec. 7, 1830 ; m. Feb. 13, 1859, Charlotte A. Folger, who was b. March 28, 1833, and d. Aug. 11, 1894. lie d. in Aiken, 8.C., Dec. 29, 1894. 3. Eliza Ann, b. April 27, 1832 ; d. June 25, 1845. By 2d wife : 4. Almira Jane, b. Jan. 6, 1834 ; m. April 14, 1858, Charles H. Sinison, who was b. Dec. 30, 1830. Children : (1) Charles Edward, b. Oct. 2, 1858 ; m. Feb. 16, 1882, Katherine Josephine Hogan. He d. Nov. 19, 1887, leaving one son, Charles Edward, b. July 13, 1884. (2) Mary Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1800 ; d. September, 1864. (3) Florence Haynes, b. Dec. 29, 1800 ; d. July 30, 1875. 5. William C, b. Nov. 25, 1835 ; m. May 19, 1859, Ellen H. McKowu, who was b. Dec. 31, 1838. He d. Sept. 18, 1860. She d. Jan. 8, 1893, s.p. 6. George Wilder, b. Jan. 8, 1839 ; d. March 5, 1841. 7. George Washington, b. Aug. 5, 1841 ; d. April 19, 1843. 8. Calvin S., b. Nov. 26, 1844. He entered U. S. service as a soldier in Co. C, 42d Reg. Mass. Vols., July 1, 1864 ; d. at Alexandria, Va., Oct. 26, 1864, of typhoid fever. 9. Mary Eliza, b. Jan. 28, 1846 ; d. Feb. 9, 1846. 10. Mary Louisa Brackett, b. Nov. 25, 1847 ; m. Aug. 31, 1865, William H. Ford, who was b. Aug. 17, 1843. She d. April 30, 1900. They had one dau., Melvina Louisa, b. Jan. 10, 1866. 11. Clara D., b. Sept. 8, 1850; m. June 11. 1883, Francjois B. de Blois of Boston. He was b. Feb. 10, 1837. They have no children. ISO. (47) William T." Haines (John,^ John,* Matthias,^ Matthias," Samuel ') was born in Norridgewock, Me., to which town his father removed from Epsom when he was a young man. At the age of twenty-four he married Lavina W^asson, who shared his joys and labors in caring for the family. Children : 1. George AV., b. Aug. 10, 1846. 2. Helen M., b. July 8, 1849 : m. Nov. 3, 1869, R. N. Wood. SEVENTH GENERATION. 155 3. Harland P., b. June 25, 1852. 4. Clara A., b. Aug. 24, 1856. 5. Charles G., b. Jan. 14, 1858. (50) Abner ^ Haines (Samuel,^ Abner,* Matthias/ Matthias,^ Sam- uel ^) was born in Canterbury, where he made a home for himself after marrying Eliza Pepperell Ayers, and where he lived to be fifty-eight years of age. He was a blacksmith by trade, and a man of moral worth. His wife survived him nearly seventeen years, dying at the age of about sixty-eight. Children : 233 1. Albert Gallatin, b. Aug. 18, 1804; m. 1st., Sept. 6, 1832, Rhoda Bean, who was b. Oct. 30, 1814, and d. Feb. 10, 1844; m., 2d, Jane Sumner. He d. Oct. 31, 1867. 2. Maria S., b. Oct. 24, 1807; m. Charles Webster of Boston. He was b. Oct. 31, 1805, and d. June 10, 1851. She d. Sept. 24, 1857. They had one dau., Hattie, b. May 27, 1850. 3. Adelaide Ayers, b. Jan. 13, 1813 ; m. Jan. 13, 1836, Rev. Daniel Plummer Cilley, who was b. at Epsom, N.H., May 31, 1806, and d. at Farmington, Nov. 14, 1888. She d. in 1896. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : (1) Charles Clinton, b. at New Market, Feb. 16, 1837 ; m. at Patterson, N.C, Sept. 9, 1868, Anna S. Harper, who was b. Dec. 21, 1844. They have four sons and one daughter. He graduated from the Boston Latin School, and from Harvard University. He studied law in Manchester, N.H., with Daniel Clark, and afterwards was teacher in Greek and Latin in a college in Minnesota. He entered the Union army at the beginning of the War of the Rebellion, being commissioned as a lieutenant, and rose to be colonel. At the close of the war he made his home in North Carolina, where he was highly honored, being ac- counted as the finest scholar in the state. He d. May 9, 1900. (2) Adelaide Haines, b. at Manchester, Feb. 23, 1843 ; m., 1st, Dr. R. C. Parker, May 1, 1862. He d. Dec. 31, 1866 ; m., 2d, John Waldron of Farmington, N.H., Aug. 15, 1871. They have two daughters. 156 gliS ! OENEALOGY. (3) Emma Stark, b. Sept. 21, 18r,l ; d. Sept. 19, 1852. (4) Daniel \\, h. March 27, 1854, at Boston; m, ]May 19, 1875, Velma A. \\'aldrou. He is a physician in Westboro, Mass. They liave one dau. (6) Joseph liradbury, b. April 25, 1850 ; d. Jan. 13, 1886. He was Capt. of Co. F, 2d Reg. N.H.IST.G., being a man of great force of character, generous, and highly re- spected by all. 4. Harriot Parker, b. Jan. 13, 1817. She lives in Farmington, and is a lady of energy and talent. 234 5. Charles Glidden, b. June 26, 1821 ; m. Xov. 23, 1848, Har- riet B. Andrews, who was b. at Warner, Sept. 2, 1822. 235 6. Joseph Ayers, b. Aug. 23, 1824 ; m. Oct. 19, 1845, Marie Antoinette Jones of Alton. She was b. Feb. 9, 1823. (50) Josiah " Haines (Samuel,*^ Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel ^) was a native of Canterbury, and when twenty-eight years of age he married Hannah Clough, with whom he lived twenty -two years, when she died. Seven years later he married Polly Ames, with whom he lived three years, when he died at the age of sixty. She belonged to the sect in Canterbury called Osgoodites, and lived to be nearly eighty-seven years of age. ClIlLDUEN : 1. Hannah C, b. Sept. 25, 1807 ; m. Dec. 7, 1828, Peter Smart of Canterbury, who was b. Sept. 16, 1793. They lived at Tilton, N.H.' 2. Josiah, b. in 1809; d. in 1814. 236 3. Hannibal, b. Jan. 29, 1813; m. March 15, 1836, Harriet Lyford of Canterbury, who was b. May 3, 1813. (50) Samuel''' Haines (Samuel,^ Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,^ SamueP) was twin with Hannah, born in 1780. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1803. At the age of twenty-nine he married Eliza Gookin, daughter of Nathaniel Gookin of Portsmouth. Soon after he was at Fort Constitution, Portsmouth. Then he served on the privateer "Fox," Capt. Handy, in the war of 1812. Leaving that service he settled in Alabama, September, 1812, in SEVENTH GENEHATIOX. 157 the town of Blakeley. After thirteen years he purposed to visit his friends in Canterbury, but was taken sick on the way, and died at Providence, R.I., at the age of forty-five. His wife lived to be nearly ninety. Child : 237 1. Augustine, b. March 17, 1810; m. Jan. 14, 1839, Frances Patten of Portland, Me. She was b. April 21, 1816. He d. July 27, 1873. (50) Stephen « Haines (Samuel,^ Abner,* IMatthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Canterbury, and at the age of twenty-live he married Mary Pickering, daughter of William and Abigail (Fabyan) Pickering of Greenland They were married at North Hampton by Eev. Jonathan French, pastor of the Congregational church in that place. At first they made their home in Canterbury, but afterwards removed to Claiborne, Ala., where he died at the age of thirty-four years. She died in Loudon at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Weeks, at the age of eighty-eight years. Childrex : 238 1. William Pickering, b. Feb. 22, 1811, at Canterbury; m. Aug. 16, 1836, Harriet Ferguson, dau. of Timothy and Eliza (Goodwin) Ferguson of South Berwick, Me. She was b. Nov. 4, 1814, and d. June 1, 1896. He d. at Biddeford, Me., July 2, 1879. 2. Mary Ann, b. Jan. 22, 1813 ; m. July 16, 1834, Dr. Jere- miah H. Lyford, who was b. Oct. 19, 1808. He grad- uated from Dartmouth College in 1833, and settled as a physician at Port Byron, 111., where he performed a noble work. Children: (1) William Haines, b. Sept. 18, 1836. He graduated from Rush Med. Col. in 1859, and is a practicing physician in Port Byron. On April 25, 1861, he married Jane Holmes, who was b. April 25, 1842 Children : (a) George Abbott, b Sept. 29, 1863 ; d. Aug. 8, 1864. (b) Grace Rosetta, b. Aug. 4, 1865 ; m. Sept. 3, 1883, Frank B. Skelton, who was b. July 24, 1859. Childkkx : (a) Darrah May, b. Oct. 12, 1884. (b) Perry Holmes, b. July 21, 1886. (c) James Lee, b. l*'eb. 24, 1888. (d) IWvon Neal, b. Aug. 12, 1889. (e) Glenn Edward, b. Aug. 22, 1891. (/) K. Eloise, b. March 21, 1894. (rj) Clara, b. Jan. 21, 1897. (A) Ralph Fisher, b. Feb. 4, 1899. (C) Charlotte Ellen, b Dec. 10, 1866 (B. A., X. W. U., 1889j; m. Sept. 16, 1891. , lames Halliday, who was b. April 29, 1858. 'i hey have one dau., Alice Rebecca, b. April 4. 1895. (d) Edward Hall, b. Jan. 12, 1869. (e) Mary Annette, b. Sept. 25, 1870; m. Julv 27, 1894, Charles W. Hunter of Phillips. I\[e.' He was b. Oct. 29, 1869 (M.D., Rush Med. Col., 1894). (f ) Clarence Holmes, b Oct. 24, 1872. (g) Florence Cynthia, b. April 7, 1874. (h) Francis Erving, b. Aug. 20, 1875. (i) Burton, b. May 18, 1877. (j) Lucy, b. April 11, 1878. (k) Bessie, b. Aug. 3, 1879. (1) Sarah, b. March 19, 1881. (m) Ernest Jeremiah, b. Oct. 16. 1882. (n) Edna Clarissa, b. Jan. 13, 1886. (2) Eugene Abbott, b. 1841. He was killed in the battle - at Murfreesboro, Dec. 21, 1862. (3) Mary Pickering, b. Jan. 11, 1843; m. September, 1871, George Smith. They live in Los Angeles, Cal. (4) Albert E., b. Feb. 16, 1847 ; m. Clara Berg. Children : (a) Annie, b. October, 1875. (b) Carrie, b. October, 1877. (c) Genevieve, b. December, 1879. (d) Harry Berg, b. July, 1899. (5) Frederick Bartlett, b. July 12, 1850 ; d. Aug. 31, 1899. 3. Martha, b. Feb. 16, 1815 ; m. July 2, 1839, Levi Bartlett of Bristol, who was b. Jan. 8, 1807. 4. Elizabeth, b. April 27, 1817; m. May 24, 1844, Stephen Weeks, who was b. Jan. ITk 1811, and d. Jan. 29, 1885. They lived in (Jilmanton and Loudon. 5. Abigail P., b. Jan. 6, 1819; m. Aug. 24, 1843, Josiah Minot, Esq., who was b. Sept. 17, 1818, and d. Dec. 14, SEVENTH GENERATION. 159 1891. They lived in Concord, N.H. He was Judge of Probate, and was appointed by President Pierce, Com- missioner of Pensions. He was an able lawyer, and a trusted friend. (52) William '' Haines (Matthias,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Portland, Me., about the time his father was making wrought iron cannon balls for the defense of our liberties. At the age of twenty-five he married Ann Cammett of Portland, with whom he lived twenty-six years, when she died, at the age of forty-three. He survived her seventeen years, passing away at the age of sixty-eight. ClIILIJRKN : 1. Elizabeth P., b. May 21, 1803. She lived in Portland, and d. unm. 2. Margaret, b. March 9, 1805; m. October, 1828, William Becket. She d. Sept. 11, 1868. 3. Mary C, b. May 13, 1807. She was a school-teacher, living in Portland, Me. 239 4. Dudley C, b. Sept. 5, 1809 ; m. July 9, 1833, Lydia Cum- ston, who was b. Jan. 27, 1811, and d. at Binghamton, KY., Nov. 4, 1882. 5. Jane, b. Dec. 19, 1811. She also was a school-teacher. 6. Sarah Ann, b. Oct. 31, 1814. She lived at Harrison, Me. 240 7. William, b. May 28, 1819; m., in 1840, Sarah Withington, who was b. May 1, 1819, and d. June 25, 1866. He d. April 16, 1858. 8. John Holmes, b. April 2, 1821. He lived in Boston, and by trade was a tailor, doing business on Court Street. 241 9. Henry H., b. Peb. 5, 1826 ; m. May 22, 1849, Margaret B. Norton. 10. Rachel, b. May 9, 1828 ; m. Dec. 10, 1854, Jabez Budden, who was b. in 1832. She d. April 10, 1856. ISO. (53) John « Haines (Walter Weeks,^ Abner," Matthias,'' Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Premont, and at the age of twenty -one mar- ried Susannah Parker of Portsmouth, when they made their home in his native town, lie was a carpenter by trade, and died very suddenly of lieart disease at tlie age of tliirty-seven years. His wife survived him about eleven years, dying at the age of forty- seven. Children : 1. Direxia P., b. June 8, 1802 ; m. Nov. 20, 1822, George S. Colby, who was b. June 14, 1797, and d. July 20, 1846. She d. Sept. 26, 1851. ClIILIHtEN : (1) Amos W., b. Dec. 24, 1823; m. Jan. 10, 1844. (2) Daniel S., b. Feb. 21, 1825; m. Oct. 18, 1846. (3) John H., b. May 30, 1828; m. March 11, 1858. 2. Sarah W.. 1). June 24, 1804 ; m., in 1823, Thomas Webber, who was b. Nov. 20, 1800, and d. May 1, 1878. She d. Nov. 20, 1850. Children : (1) Susan v., h. Oct. 1, 1826. (2) John H., b. May 3, 1832; d. March 7, 1856. 3. Susan, b. Aug. 23, 1806 ; d. Jan. 22, 1807. 242 4. John, b. Fel). 11, 1808; m. Dec. 10, 1832, Abigail W. Knowlcs, who was b. June 14, 1807. He d. at Detroit, Mich., March 30, 1880. 5. Adaline, b. April 6, 1810; d. April 24, 1842. 6. William, b. Sept. 18, 1812; d. Nov. 27, 1814. 7. Kachael, b. Jan. 7, 1817 ; d. Nov. 5, 1819. (53) Walter" Haines (Walter Weeks,^ Abner,'' Matthias,^ Mat- thias,- Samuel ^) was a native of Fremont, from which place he removed to Readfield, Me., at the age of twenty-one years, and later from there to Mt. Vernon, Me. He was married three times, and died in Dexter, Me., at the age of sixty-five. Children bv 1st wife : 243 1. Walter, b. March 14, 1804, at Keadfield; m. March 4, 1826, Lydia A. Oarlton, who was b. at Canaan, March 7, 1812. He d. in Chester, Me., June 10, 1893. Hy 2i) wife : 2. Sophia J., b. March 18, 1806, in ]Mt. Vernon ; m. Sept. 4, 1828, John Coan, who was b. in Castine, Me., Aug. 7, 1797. SEVENTH GENERATION. 161 3. Julia Ann, b. Js^ov. G, 1808, in Mt. Vernon; m. William Eaton. They resided at Dexter, Me. 244 4. Stephen P., b. Oct. 11, 1810 ; m. July 4, 1835, in Lincoln, Me., Rhoda Wheeler. They made their home in Dexter. 5. Amanda S., b. Feb. 12, 1813 ; d. Aug. 24, 1834. 245 6. John F., b. March 27, 1816, in Bangor; m. Oct. 18, 1841, Parmela P. Additon. They resided in Dexter. 7. Eachel S., b. in Bangor, June 1, 1818. 246 8. AValter Augustus, b. April 23, 1823, in Dexter ; m. Oct. 14, 1850, at Leeds, Adeline Foster, who was b. August, 1827. 247 9. George A., b. June 8, 1825, in Dexter ; m. Nov. 14, 1849, Martha A. Severance. He was a dentist in Dexter. 10. Adaline E., b. June 6, 1830. By 3i) wife : 11. Albert A., b. in Dexter, April 28, 1837 ; m. July 1, 1868, Arvilla S. Burdick, who was b. in Dexter, Nov. 25, 1846. They have one dau., E. Addie, b. in Harmony, Me., June 30, 1871. 12. Francis, b. in Dexter, April 24, 1839 ; d. June 8, 1841. (54) Stephen" Haines (Stepheu,^ Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,- SamueP) was born in Northfield, and married Polly Foss when about twenty-one years of age, with whom he lived sixteen years. He was killed by the kick of a horse when in his thirty-seventh year. Children : 248 1. John, b. October, 1813, at Northfield ; m. Maria Tewksbury. 249 2. Hazen, b. Feb. 9, 1815, at Northfield ; m. November, 1839, Lucinda Squires, who was b. Oct. 22, 1815. 3. Nathaniel F., b. March 9, 1817 ; m. Jane Merrill. They lived in Bristol, N.H. 4. Jeremiah A., b. May 2, 1819 ; m. 1st, Feb. 21, 1834, S. C. Lang, who was b. Oct. 12, 1818, and d. April 10, 1867 ; m. 2d, April 14, 1868, Hattie A. Weaver, who was b. April 9, 1827. He had one dau. by his 1st wife, Emma F., b. March 21, 1848. 162 Ha\^NES \ GENEALOGY. 5. Mary, b. Aug. 28, 1821 ; m., in 1842, Daniel Flanders, who was b. in 1818. CHILUKEX : (1) Peabody, b. Sept. 2, 1842. (2) Mary, b. June 6, 1846. (3) Frank, b. Nov. 27, 1848. (4) Willie, b. May 17, 1851. (5) Emma, b. July 4, 1854. EIGHTH GENERATION. ISO. (55) Joseph" Haines (Joseph/ Joseph,^ Samuel/ Matthias/ Samuel," Samuel ^) was born in Wakefield, and enlisted as a soldier in the war of 1812, then was stationed at Portsmouth and Rye Beach, but did not smell the smoke of battle. At the age of twenty- seven he married Dorcas Penniman of Randolph, Mass. He settled in East Stoughton, Mass., where he died at the age of forty-six years. He was buried in Randolph. His wife survived him thirty- five years, dying at Lexington, Mass., at the age of seventy -four. Children : 250 1. Joseph P., b. June 12, 1822; m. May 22, 1843, Lucy T. Thayer, who was b. in Randolph, April 6, 1823, and d. Nov. 20, 1866. 2. Eliza Ann, b. March 30, 1824 ; m., in 1844, John Drew of East Stoughton, who was b. at Canton, Mass., in 1828, and d. Jan. 1, 1888. She d. October, 1888. Children : (1) Eugene, b. March 6, 1845. He lives in Avon, Mass. (2) Walter H., b. April 9, 1854 ; d. in 1860. 3. Sally Delphia, b. Sept. 18, 1826 ; m., in 1842, Alexander Jernegan of Newport, R.I. He was in the Confederate service in the War of the Rebellion, and never heard from. She d. Nov. 23, 1853. Children : (1) Thomas A., b. July 8, 1843. He enlisted in the English army, in the 4th King's own Reg, in India service. (2) Everett A., b. July 16, 1845. He enlisted in Co. E, 35th Reg. Mass. Vols., and d. July 13, 1863. (3) Alice A., b. March 29, 1848; m. March 11, 1866, Maschil Hunt. Children : (a) Thomas Everett, b. Aug. 23, 1869 ; m. Jan. 1, 1888, Eliza Edwards of Stoughton, Mass. 163 164 HAYNES \ GENEALOGY. Children : (a) P>eati'ioe Edna. (fj) Aune ^lildred. (b) Cora Edna, b. May 31, 1870 ; dead. (c) Alice M., b. Sept. 6, 1872 ; m. Fred P. Bodwell of Randolph. They have one son, Frank Clyde. 4. Louisa Jane, b. Oct. 7, 1880 ; m. Aug. 4, 1855, John A. Fletcher of Lunenburg, Vt. He was b. March 19, 1830. She d. April 27, 1865. Children : (1) Fred Lincoln, b. Jan. 8, 18G0 ; d. in 1879. (2) Charles, d. in 1890. (3) Jennie Mabel. 130. (55) Ira" Haynes (Joseph," Joseph,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in North Parsonsfield, Me., where he spent his boyhood. At the age of twenty -nine he married Mary M. Emery, and made his home in South Parsonsfield. He was a carpenter, having learned his trade from his father. He proved to be a help- ful man in the community, and died in the strength of years, being sixty-one. His wife preceded him by one month and four days, at the age of sixty-two. Children : 251 1. John M., b. Sept. 9, 1828 ; m., 1st, Abby Symms, who d. June 4, 1891 ; m. 2d, Sept. 8, 1895, Mrs. Angle R. Gee. 2. Mary J., b. Sept. 22, 1830 ; m. Thomas P. West of Boston ; d. Sept. 19, 1861. 3. Caroline B., b. April 20, 1832 ; d. Feb. 3, 1848. 4. Harriet P., b. Aug. 19, 1833 ; m. Roscoe G. Smith. She d. July 3, 1858. 5. Rhoda L., b. Oct. 20, 1836 ; d. June 6, 1859. 6. Joseph E., b. April 10, 1838; m. Ada Caldwell He d. Feb. 27, 1891, leaving two children — Guy C. and Phillip. (56) Lewis " Haines (Daniel,*' Joseph,^ Samuel,* Matthias," | Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Wakefield, but when he was young j his father moved liis family to Nobleboro, Me. At the age of EIGHTH GENERATION. 165 twenty-one he married Julia Briant of that town, and lived with her fifteen years, when he died at the early age of thirty-six. His wife survived him about thirty-three years, passing away at the age of seventy-four. He was a merchant, having a store at Dama- riscotta Mills, Me. Children : 1. Parmelia Briant, b. in Kobleboro, March 13, 1827 ; m. May 13, 1846, E.ev. Benjamin B. Byrne, who was b. Dec. 11, 1814. He is a lineal descendant of Governor Bradford of Plymouth Colony, and a Methodist clergyman, graduating from the Seminary at the age of twenty-four, and two years later uniting with the ]\Iaine Methodist Conference, in which connection he was a successful pastor for forty - five years. She was no small factor in her husband's success, as by her tact and discretion she won the favor of the people of his charge. She d. March 8, 1888. Children : (1) Parmelia Bradford, b. in Cherryfield, Me., Aug. 18, 1847 ; m. Edward W. Livingston of Xew York, May, 1875. She d. Aug. 29, ^1896, in Newark, N.J. They had one dau., Julia Bradford, b. March 29, 1877, in Cambridge, Mass. ; m. May 30, 1893, William David Lambert of New York. Children: (a) William David, b. Aug. 16, 1894. (b) William Bradford, b. Nov. 16, 1895. (2) Julia Haines, b. Jan. 12, 1849. (3) Mary Eliza, b. in Dresden, Me., Oct. 24, 1856; m. Nov. 23, 1887, George W. Stewart of Newport, Me. (4) Joseph Marten, b. Jan. 15, 1858 ; d. June 9, 1887. 2. Clara C, b. Jan. 20, 1828, in Nobleboro; m. Sept. 27, 1860, Thomas J. York. He was b. May 31, 1829. He became a prominent citizen of Nobleboro, holding various town offices, and was a member of the Maine Legislature in 1878 and 1897. Children : (1) Addis W., b. June 26, 1862 ; d. Sept. 19, 1862. (2) Austin W., b. June 26, 1862 ; m. August, 1888, Dora B. Howard of Waldoboro, Me. He graduated from Lincoln Academy, and from Eastman's Business Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. At the age of twenty-four he was a member of the Maine Legislature. He d. Aug. 28, 1892. They had one dau., Grace Austin, b. Sept. 23, 1889. 3. Julia Briant, b. in Nobleboro, March 17, 18.30; in. Sept. 7, 1854, Josiah Caldwell Boss of Richmond, Me. He d. at Chester, Penn., Feb. 24, 1897. Children- : (1) Lewis Haines, b. Sept. 3, 1 855, at Damariscotta ; m. Sept. 18, 1877, Carrie A. Styles, at Brooklyn, N.Y. He is a lumber merchant in Freeport, L.I. Children : (a) Ida Adella, b. July 7, 1878, in New York, gradu- ated from the Grammar and High schools, Brooklyn, and from Cornell L'niversity, Ithaca, KY., in 1900. (b) Julia Caroline, b. Dee. 29, 1879. She graduated from the Grammar and High schools, Brooklyn, (c) C. Elliot Tell, b. ]\Iarch 1, 1889. (2) Charles Everett, b. at Greenport, IST-Y., Jan. 17, 1867. He graduated from the University of Penn. (B.S.) in 1888, and (M.E.) in 1889. He is a mechanical engineer in New York City. 4. Adeline S., b. May 5, 1832, at Nobleboro ; m. 1st, May 5, 1854, Austin L. Wardwell of North Penobscott, ^le. They had one son, Austin E., b. at North Penobscott ; m. Oct. 12, 1882, Sophrona Mulligan of Brantford, Ontario, Canada. She m., 2d, Columbus C. Bacon, Avho was b. May 20, 1828, at St. Stephen, N.B., and d. at Branchville, Md., Nov. 2, 1895. Children : (1) Harry A., b. May 29, 1865, at Nobleboro; m. Dec. 23, 1897, Blanch A. Naheheld of Washington, D.C. They have one son, Carl, b. March 14, 1899, at Branchville, Md. (2) Ada Mabel, b. Oct 21, 1868, at Caledonia, Canada; m. Jan. 16, 1894, Alexander H. Howie of Brantford, Canada. Children : (a) Gordon, b. at Detroit," Mich., Sept. 19, 1895. (b) Keath, b. May 14, 1897. (3) Angie M., b. July 23, 1870, in Caledonia, Canada; m. Dec. 29, 1891, Eobert Gilson of Brantford, Canada. Children : (a) Josephine B., b. Nov. 22, 1892, at Ayr, Canada. (b) Angie, b. Sept. 26, 1896, at Readsville, Canada. (4) Josephine C, b. Aug. 19, 1873, at Caledonia, Canada, and d. Sept. 18, 1890, at Brantford, Canada. EIGHTH GENERATION. 167 6. Joseph Lewis, b. Oct. 24, 1835, at Damariscotta Mills, Me. ; m. April 23, 1859, Clara Smithwicls. He d. Oct. 18, 1867. (See Biographical Sketches.) Childre.v : (1) Frank Smithwicls, b. Jan. 13, 1863. He was edu- cated at Lincoln Academy, Me., and the College at ' Ottawa, after which he became a merchant at Damariscotta. From there he went to Boston and engaged in business with his brother-in-law. But having a strong desire to become a physician, after a few years he gave up his business and entered the Medical Department of Harvard College, and afterwards graduated from Bellevue College, K.Y. After his graduation he went to Alaska, where he is now practicing his profession. (2) Winifred Sophia, b. March 25, 1867. She was edu- cated at Lincoln Academy, and St. Joseph's Academy, Deering, Me. ; m. Oct. 5, 1886, Frank S. Murphy of Boston. Children : (a) Howard Haines, b. Aug. 30, 1887. (b) Marvin, b. Dec. 28, 1888, in Boston. (56) Joseph ' Haines (Daniel,*' Joseph,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Sam- uel,^ Samuel ^ ) was born in Wakefield, but brought up in Noble- boro, Me., to which place his father removed when he was quite young. At the age of twenty-six he married Addie C. Goodenow of Newcastle, Me. He died at the age of seventy-eight years, and his wife four years after, aged seventy-seven. He was a man of great worth, high honor and strict integrity, maintaining a name in every sense above reproach. He was president of the Newcastle National Bank from its organization to his death. And to-day he is remembered with kindly feelings by all who knew him. Children : 252 1. Josiah Myrick, b. June 27, 1838 ; m. Dec. 22, 1868, Mary Chapman, dau. of D. W^. Chapman, Esq. She was b. Jan, 19, 1849. 2. Sarah Goodenow, b. April 9, 1841 ; m. Oct. 20, 1869, Bradford Alden White of Newcastle, Me. He was b. Feb. 3, 1844. He is a lumber dealer, and treasurer of the 168 HA^YNES \ GENEALOGY. town of Nobleboro. They have one dau., Ethel Haines, b. at Damariscotta Mills, Kov. 2, 1872; m. Sept. 6, 1899, Edgar Myrick ISimpson of Bangor, Me. (58) Henry Stevens ' Haines (Israel,^ Joseph,^ Samuel/ Matthias,^ Samuel,^ SamueP)was bora in Wakefield, where he learned the carpenter's trade. At the age of twenty-two he married Eliza B. Wood of Nantucket, Mass., in which place he made his home for a while, then removed to Wilmington, N.C. Afterwards he went to San Erancisco, Cal., where he died at the age of about forty -two years. His wife survived him twelve years, dying at the age of fifty- five, at Sumter, S.C. Children : 253 1. Henry S., b. Nov. 21, 1836 ; m. 1st, Jan. 13, 1857, Eliza- beth J. Owens of Charleston, S.C. He m., 2d, Anna H. Davis. 254 2. Daniel Wood, b. April 26, 1839 ; m. May 14, 1863, Frances Stewart at Fayetteville, N.C. She was b. Feb. 3, 1834, at Adams Creek, Craven Co., N.C, and d. at Florence, S.C, Oct. 6, 1898. He d. at same place, June 19, 1891. 3, Fanning W., b. Aug. 31, 1841. When twenty-four years of age he went to sea, and is now unknown. 4. George W., b. Sept. 20, 1847. He lives in Waycross, Ga., and has been agent of Macon & Brunswick K.R. 134. (58) George W.' Haines (Israel,^ Joseph,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,* Samuel,^ Samuel^) was a native of Wakefield, where he spent his boyhood ; then learned the trade of a carpenter. When forty -one years old he married Susan A. Nichols of Ossipee, with whom he lived thirty -two years, when he died at the age of seventy -three. His wife survived him about five years, dying in May, 1897. Childrkn : 1. Calvin S., b. July 13, 1860. 2. Grace C, b. July 14, 1865. 3. George H., b. July 9, 1867. 4. Abbie M., b. Aug. 2, 1870. EIGHTH GENERATION. 169 13^ (59) Jolin' Haines (John,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,* Sam- uel,- SamueP) was born in Loudon, but left home at the age of nineteen, on the death of his father, to care for himself. At the age of twenty-six he married Hannah Parker of Canterbury, with whom he lived twenty-one years, when she died at the age of forty- one. He afterwards married Mary Neal, with whom he lived twenty-four years, when he died at the age of seventy-one. He was a carpenter and millwright, and for many years had charge of the wood-work of the New Market Manufacturing Company. Later in life he spent a few years in California, after which he retired to his farm in New Market, where he died after serious suffering for a long time from rheumatism. He was highly re- spected by his fellow-citizens, being honest, industrious, and kind. Chili>ren by 1st avife : 1. Caroline C, b. Nov. 14, 1824; m. April 29, 1849, Joseph H. Whitaker of Atkinson, N.H. He was b. April 8, 1824, and learned the trade of a shoemaker ; also taught school during the winter months. He spent the greater part of his life in his native town, dying at the age of fifty-two. His wife survived him seventeen years, passing away at the age of nearly seventy. Children : (1) John H., b. April 4, 1850, in Atkinson ; m. Mary J. Flanders, who d. February, 1900. He d. Nov. 5, 1874. They had one dau., Alice S. W., b. May, 1872; m. Forest Davis of Plaistow, N.H. They also had one child. (2) Orlaton Leroy, b. April 7, 1854 ; m. Flora A. Merrick. Children : (a) Elsie C, b. Jan. 12, 1875. (b) Ada L., b. Sept. 10, 1876. (c) Caroline J., b. Sept. 2, 1879. (d) Flora J., b. Oct. 7, 1883. (e) Howard L., b. May 13, 1893. (f) Alvin M., b. May 13, 1896. (3) Eleanor Amanda, b. May 29, 1855 ; m. Charles A. Hoyt. They have one dau., Laortie A., b. Dec. 12, 1881. 255 2. Albert Franklin, b. July 6, 1826 ; m. Jan. 22, 1851, Ann Neal, who was b. Nov. 14, 1825, and d. Jan. 7, 1879. 3. Alvira, b. March 4, 1828; d. ]\ray 31, 1840. 256 4. John Woodbury, b. Nov. 13, 1829; m. Jan. 10, 18o5, Octa- via E. Stevens of Kingston, X.H. She was b. Dec. 4, 1834. He d. April 29, 1878. 5. Loriuda A., b. July 2, 1831 ; d. in 1847. 6. Andrew J., b. Oct. 1, 1832; d. May 15, 1838. 257 7. Henry George, b. Jan. 4, 1834 ; m. Dec. 26, 1877, Mrs. Alice Hobnan of Maysville, Ky., then at Van Buren, Ark. She was b. March 3, 1856. 8. George Henry, b. Jan. 4, 1834 ; d. Feb. 4, 1834. By 2d wifk : 9. Mary Aurelia, b. Oct. 2, 1845 ; d. June 13, 1873, unm. 10. Angie L., b. Aug. 10, 1847 ; m. Oct. 25, 1868, Edwin Wig- gin of New Market. He was b. March 25, 1840. Children : (1) George A., b. June 16, 1869 ; m. July 3, 1884, Gertie N. Johnson. (2) Charles L., b. March 4, 1871 ; ni. Cora Smith. (3) Frank J., b. Jan. 15, 1875; m. Sept. 6. 1896, Ethel V. Paul. (4) Fred W., b. May 12, 1884. 11. Jennie E,. b. March 10, 1850 ; d. Nov. 10, 1871, unm. 12. Edwin B., b. May 17, 1853 ; m. Oct. 17, 1874, Ida jVI. Kol- lins, who was b. May 12, 1855. 13. Etta C, b. June 2, 1855 ; m. at New Market, June 2, 1879, La Forest C. Clark. 130. (59) Frederick^ Haines (John," Matthias,'^ Samuel,* INIatthias,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Loudon, where his father had set- tled about three years before. He learned the shoemaker's trade of that period, and when twenty-five years of age he married Olive Merrill, and settled in Rowley, Mass., where, after a useful life, he died at the age of seventy-one from chronic rheumatism. He was a diligent man, of kindly disposition, pious, and greatly respected. His wife passed away three years earlier, at the age of sixty -four. They had one son, Samuel M., born July 8, 1832 ; married Dec. 25, 1868, Anna M Longfellow, who was born Sept. 5, 1841. He was EIGHTH GENERATION. 171 educated at Dummer Academy, and followed the occupation of a farmer, being a quiet and useful citizen, and dying at the age of forty-seven years. They had one son, Frederick, born Dec. 5, 1871, now living with his mother in Amesbury, Mass. (59) Daniel Jewell " Haines ( John,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel," Samuel ^) was a native of Loudon, where he spent his earl}- boyhood. Possessing the faculty of a trader, when quite young he purchased a team and traveled through the country selling goods. Afterwards he opened a store in !N"ottingham, IST.H. At the age of thirty -four he married Mary Batchelder, with whom he lived for sixteen years. He afterwards made his home in Law- rence, and became a prosperous merchant there. He was a clear- headed, far-sighted man, of strict integrity and genial nature. He died when in the height of temporal prosperity, at the age of fifty years. Seven years after his widow married Edward Paige of the same city. She now resides in Lynn, Mass. Children : 1. jNIary Josephine, b. in Nottingham, Sept. 29, 1841. She became a lovely Christian lady, and d. Oct. 1, 1884, unm. 2. Almira B., b. in Nottingham, X.H., July 27, 1844; d. Nov. 19, 1855. 3. William L., b. in Nottingham, March 22, 1846 ; m. Dec. 16, 1869, Mary Louisa Merrill, who was b. Sept. 13, 1850. He was educated in the public schools in Lawrence, Mass., and then was engaged in the mill supply business for sev- eral years, and afterwards became a member of the firm of Edward Paige & Co. Then he was in business in Providence, R.I., as treasurer of a corporation. At the present time he is treasurer of the American Eubber Tire Co., Boston. Children : (1) Marion, b. March 24, 1880. (2) Louisa Merrill, b. March 8, 1882 ; d. Jan. 4, 1892. 13S. (59) Thomas Jefferson" Haines (John,^ INIatthias,^ Samuel, Mat- thias,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was a native of Loudon, where his father had early settled. As a boy, when not in school, he was learning in the mills which his father owned. Because of the earlv death ^^2 l^J/J^i,\ GENEALOGY. of liis father, he went to live with his uncle, Asa Jewell, in Stratham, at the age of twelve years. He received his higher edu- cation at Hampton Academy, a noted literary institution at that time. Afterwards he learned the mason's trade in iStratham. Then he went to New York, where he constructed several large buildings in the vicinity of Broadway and Canal Street, which was then a pop- ular dwelling district. At the age of about twenty-four he married JVIary Rollins of Stratham, with whom he lived forty-seven years, when she died at the age of seventy. They lived in New Market, Northwood, and Concord, N.H., where he worked at his trade, and for several winters taught school. He afterwards became a farmer in New Market, where he died at the age of ninety-two years and four months. He was a progressive man of high aims, decided in his views, strong in his affections, persevering in his purposes, sound in judgment, charitable in opinion, and a learner in piety. He was deacon of the Free Baptist church in Northwood, and for many years he held the same office in the Free Baptist church in New Market. He was selectman of the town of Durham, in which town he lived for a few years, until a portion of that town was annexed to New Market. He was for many years a member of the Rising Star Lodge of F.&A.M., and for sixty-nine years he be- longed to the Washington Chapter, No. 3, Royal Arch INIasons, in Portsmouth. Being of strong constitution, he experienced but few days of sickness during his long life, and so was enabled to accom- plish a great amount of work in making the world better. Children : 1. Fidelia Augusta, b. Oct. 6, 1828 ; m. Oct. 6, 1852, Napoleon B. Treadwell of New Market. He was b. Jan. 9, 1824, and d. March 15, 1891. He was son of Capt. Charles Tread- well, who made many foreign voyages. Having learned both the blacksmith and machinist trade, he became a skillful mechanic, and was employed for many years in Cuba on a sugar estate. Afterwards he became an ex- tensive hardware dealer in New Market. He possessed a choice spirit, liigh aims, and unswerving integrity. While he refused political offices, he consented to be president of the New Market Savings Bank, also to be director of the New Market National Bank. He was a member of Rising Star Lodge of F.»Jv:A.M., and a member of the Free Bap- tist church in the town of his adoption. He was a Chris- tian in deeds as well as profession. EIGHTH GENERATION. 173 Children : (1) George Haines, b. in Boston, Mass., June 4, 1857 ; m. June 15, 1887, Ida May Stratton of Brooklyn, N.Y. She was b. June 18, 1859. He was educated at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., at Harvard College, and at the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, New York City, graduating there in 1885, since which time he has practiced as a physician in Brooklyn, N.Y. He is vice-president of Kings Co. Medical Association, N.Y. (2) Plora Gertrude, b. June 24, 1865, in New Market. She graduated from the New JNIarket High School, and from Emerson College, Boston, Mass., and taught elocution for several years, being now a permanent teacher in the High School in Brooklyn, N.Y. 2. Mary Ann, b. March 20, 1830 ; d. May 8, 1830. 259 3. Thomas Van Buren, b. Dec. 26, 1833 ; m. July 27, 1858, Mary Frances French, dau. of Reuben and Sarah (Badger) French of New Market. She was b. July 7, 1836. 130. (59) Washington ^ Haines ( John,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Loudon, but when quite young struck out for himself in the world. He inherited a love for machinery, and became a mechanic, working in different places until he was able to purchase a mill for himself. At the age of about twenty-six he married Eunice Conant, with whom he lived nearly five years, when she died. Three years later he married Abigail Folsom, daughter of Josiah Folsom of New Market, with whom he lived forty-six years, when he died at the age of eighty years and eight months. After purchasing his mill in New Market he became a manufacturer of cotton batting, in which business he continued until he retired from business. He was known in the commercial world as strictly honest and perfectly reliable. Being social in his habits, choice in his tastes, and decided in his views, he made friends and held them. He was sound in judg- ment, charitable in spirit, and brave in misfortune. For several years previous to his death he suffered from rheumatism, some- times severely, becoming at last totally blind. His widow remains bright and active in her ninety-first year. 17* Hfylis \ OENEALOGY. Children by 1st wife : 260 1. Charles Parkman, b. in Cabbotville, Mass., March 7, 1834 ; m. March 15, 18G0, Cornelia E. Eastman of Townsend, Mass. She was b. Oct. 7, 1839, and d. Jan. G, 1899. 2. Eliza Jane, b. Oct. 6, 1836; d. June 23, 1853. She was a great suiferer, being helpless for years, but was patient and uncomplaining, manifesting in a marked manner the spirit of Christ. By 2d wife : 3. Alanson C, b. June 12, 1843; m. 1st, March 4, 1868, Olivia Haley, dau. of John P. Haley of Lee. She d. Aug. 6, 1885 ; m. 2d, Nov. 21, 1886, Clara A. AViswall, dau. of Dea. Thomas H. Wiswall of Durham. They have one dau., Hannah AViswall, b. Aug. 12, 1889. On Aug. 30, 1862, he enlisted in Co. D, 15th N.H. Keg. Vols., and was in the siege of Port Hudson from May 23 to July 8, 1863. As his term of service expired August, 1863, he re-enlisted, July 14, 1864, in Co. K, 6th Reg. Mass. Infan- try, for three months. Afterwards he served as Lieutenant and Captain in the N.H. National Guards for several years. He worked at the cooper's trade for a consider- able period ; then he started up the cotton batting cards for the New Market ]\Ianufacturing Co. In 1870 he was appointed Assistant Assessor of Internal Revenue, con- tinuing until that office was aV)olished in 1873. Then he became bookkeeper for T. H. Wiswall & Co., manu- facturers of paper-hanging. He was Census Enumerator in 1880; served as selectman in New JNIarket for five years, and was chairman of the board for three years, and at present represents the town in the State Legislature. He entered the New Market National Bank as clerk, June 12, 1882, and has held the position of cashier of the bank for the last eight years. He is a member of Rising Star Lodge No. 47, F. & A. M., and of the St. Paul Commandery ; is a member of Pioneer Lodge, No. 1, K. of P. ; a member of George A. Gay Post, No. 18, G.A.R., and Department Commander, Department of N.H., G.A.R. ; also he is interested in various projects which pertain to the welfare of the community in which he lives. 140. (59) James Madison" Haines (John," Matthias,^ Samuel,* Mat- thias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel i) was born in Loudon, being the youngest of his father's family, and but six years old when his father died. ALANSON C. HAINES. New Market. N. H. (See No. 139, 3.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 175 Early in life he commenced to care for himself, going to Notting- ham and engaging in the milling business. At the age of twenty- four he married Lydia Tuttle, with whom he lived thirty-six years, when she died at the age of fifty-seven. Four years later he married Mrs. Mary F. Moses, with whom he lived eight years. In 1864 he removed from Nottingham to Auburn, where he resided for six years, after which he made his home in Manchester, where he died of a painful illness at the age of seventy-two. He was a diligent, discreet, trustworthy man, having the respect of his fellows, and for three years represented the town of Nottingham in the Legislature. Children by 1st avife : 261 1. George Knowlton, b. at Nottingham, May 31, 1835 ; m., 1st, Anna S. Randlett, July 12, 1864. She was b. Oct. 3, 1844, and d. April 10, 1871 ; m., 2d, Victoria E. Vaughn of Portsmouth, May 1, 1872. 2. Lydia Jane, b. Aug 10, 1838 ; m. 1st, July 1, 1857, Warren Mills of Topsham, Vt. He was b. April 10, 1831, and d. July 30, 1862 ; m. 2d, April 28, 1866, James K. Good- win, who was b. Nov. 11, 1844. They live in Manchester. Children by 1st husband : (1) Ida J., b. Feb. 10, 1860 ; d. Aug. 5. 1862. (2) Minnie E., b. July 30, 1861 ; m. June 7, 1882, George E. Prime. They had one dau., Alice E., b. Dec. 31, 1885 ; d. March'14, 1886. By 2d husband : (3) Alfred J., b. April 16, 1867 ; m. Sept. 21, 1887, Matilda Henidge. Children : (a) Alice M., b. Aug. 20, 1888. (b) George A., b. April 2, 1890. (4) Frank E., b. Sept. 24, 1869; m. May 30, 1891, Celina Bilodeau. * 3. John Edwin, b. Dec. 25, 1840 ; m. 1st, July 2, 1866, Myra J. Goodwin, who was b. July 9, 1847, and d. Feb. 19, 1888 ; m., 2d, Mary E. Bardwell. Children by 1st wife : (1) Mabel L., b. April, 1871 ; d. Aug. 24, 1872. (2) Carl L., b. Oct. 16, 1877 ; m. July, 1898, Bessie Newhall. 4. Charles Eugene, b. June 28, 1846. He was in the shoe business in Manchester, but now resides in Northwood, unin. 5. Emma A., b. Nov. 29, 1851 ; m. Dec. 25, 1873, Marvin Proctor of Manchester. They reside in Auburn, N.H. Children : (1) George H., b. Sept. 23, 1877 ; d. March 22, 1886, by the falling of a tree upon him. (2) Effie, b. Dec. 19, 1879. (3) Percy, b. Nov. 9, 1882. (4) Charles H., b. June 11, 1886. 141. (60) Taylor" Haines (Samuel,'' Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^ ) was born in Loudon, where he spent his long life. At the age of forty he married Mehitable Sargent, with whom he lived about one year, when she died. Three years after he mar- ried Nancy Willey, with whom he lived twelve years, when she died. Just eight months after he married Nancy Flanders of Gil- manton. He was a wheelwright by trade, and was never farther away from home than Concord, nine miles distant, with one excep- tion, when he drove with his team to Newburyport to visit his sister. He died, Oct. 20, 1888, at the age of eighty-four. It is said that he never rode in a railroad car. Children by 3d wife : 1. Levi Elanders, b. Oct. 14, 1862. 2. Mary Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1865; m., in 1882, Willard Ordway of Loudon. She was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of her stepson, who was twelve years of age. This occurred Feb. 12, 1883. 3. Martha Ann, b. May 20, 1868. 14S. (60) Samuel" Haines (Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,' Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Loudon, where he spent his boy- hood, and where he made his permanent home after marrying Almira Brimblefcon at the age of twenty-one, although it appears that he lived for a short time in Stratham. He was a farmer, honorable and upright in his dealings, and highly respected. y EIGHTH GENERATION. 177 Children : 262 1. William B., b. at Stratham, March 15, 1829 ; m. Dec. 14, 1852, Mary Ellen Deunisoii of Kockport, Mass. She was b. Oct. 16, 1831. He d. April 12, 1891. 2. Samuel T., b. April, 1830; d. Aug. 24, 1838. 3. Martha Ann, b. Oct. 30, 1834 ; m., in 1860, Thomas Haskell, who was b. in 1813. 263 4. Samuel T., b. May 19, 1840 ; m., in 1863, Mary E. Doe, who was b. in 1839. 143. (61) Matthias '' Haines (Matthias,*' Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,'^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was a native of Loudon, and when twenty-six years of age he married Chloe Harriman, after which they made their home in Stewartstown, N.H. They lived together thirty-two years. They were born the same year and died the same year at the age of fifty-nine. Children : 263a 1. John H., b. July 2, 1845 ; m. Jan. 25, 1866, Eliza Jane Aldrich, who was b. March 22, 1846. 2. Abbie H., b. Feb. 15, 1847 ; d. March 13, 1864. 144. (62) Joseph ' Haines (Joseph,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel," Samuel ^) was born in Salem, Mass., and when he was three years old his parents removed to Londonderry, N.H., and three years later they settled in Loudon, where they spent the rest of their days. He was educated at Gilmanton Academy. At the age of twenty-four he returned to his native town, where he remained two years, when he located in Lynn. Five years later he married Mary Neal of that place, and made his permanent home there, being a dealer in hardAvare. Temporarily he went to Galena, 111., where he was associated with his youngest brother in mercantile business, and at that time was quite intimate with Gen. Grant, whom he met almost daily on the way to his home. During President Pierce's administration he was an officer in the Boston Custom House. Afterwards he represented Lynn in the State Legislature. He took great interest in the cause of education, and was for many years a member of the School Board of that city, and for a long time he 178 nims \ genealogy. was assistant assessor iu liis owu ward. He was a worthy member of the Society of Friends, being a thoroughly good man, of strict integrity, unassuming, yet always lirm for the right, and winning and holding the respect of his fellows. He died at the age of eighty-nine years. His wife had preceded him twenty-five years. Children : 1. Martha Ann, b. Jan. 8, 1841. She is a graduate of the Lynn High School. 2. Joseph Warren, b. Sept. 26, 1844. He was educated in the Lynn High School, and is now a bookkeeper. 3. Edwin Neal, b. June 13, 1849 ; m. April 24, 1882, Marie Ruth of Lynn. She was b. April 24, 1856. He graduated from the Lynn High School, and is a merchant in the same city. Children : (1) Bertha Maria, b. Oct. 22, 1882. Now (1901) in Rad- cliffe College. (2) Mary Neal, b. March 19, 1893. (62) John Kittredge ' Haines (Joseph,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Mat- thias,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Loudon, where he spent his early boyhood. At the age of fifteen he was apprenticed as a cabinet-maker to a Mr. Durgin of Sanbornton Bridge, where he remained till 1831, when he removed to Salem, Mass., where he finished his trade. His health becoming impaired, he made a voyage to China and the Philippine Islands in the capacity of ship carpenter, in 1833-4. One year later he made a second voyage to Canton and Manila, going by the way of Cape Good Hope. On his return at the age of twenty-four he married his cousin, Mrs. Martha Haines (Dwinell) Smith, with whom he lived more than eleven years, when she died. In 1840-1 he made a third sea voy- age, circumnavigating the globe, and on his return established his home in Salem. During the year following the death of his wife he married Cordelia H. Vivuan of Vassalboro, Me. Five years afterwards he removed from Salem to Lansing, Iowa, where he spent the remainder of his days as a highly respected citizen, dying at the age of about seventy-seven years. EIGHTH GENELIATION. 1T9 Children by 1st avife : 1. John Kittredge, b. in Salem, Sept. A, 1838. He enlisted in the Union army, and was in the battle at Nashville, Tenn., Oct o, 1864, and assisted in driving Gen. Hood's army across the Tennessee River. Afterwards he was with his regiment in North Carolina. He was discharged July 20, 1865. In 1890 he was Deputy County Clerk at Waukon, la. 264 2. William Plummer, b. June 12, 1840, at Salem ; m. 1st, Jan. 19, 1865, Mary A. Barrows of Galena, 111. She was b. Jan. 16, 1845, and d. in Chicago, July 20, 1893. He m. 2d, Sept. 5, 1899, Anna Schenkel. 3. Deborah Ellen, b. Sept. 21, 1843, at Salem ; m. Feb. 27, 1873, Perley Putnam of Salem. They have one son. 4. Martha Eldora, b. Oct. 4, 1845 ; d. Oct. 5, 1846. 5. Stephen Elbridge, b. Jan. 11, 1848; m. April 21, 1869, Eliza Adeline Rittenhouse, who was b. June 10, 1850, and d. Feb. 1, 1875, leaving one dau., Eva, b. JVIarch 13, 1870. By 2d wife ; 6. Infant daughter, b. Feb. 7, 1852 ; d. Feb. 10, 1852. 7. Mary V., b. Feb. 18, 1853 ; m. March 30, 1875, John Kasel of Lansing, la. He was b. Feb. 8, 1847, at Hachy, Province Luxemburg, Belgium, and came to this country in 1857. 265 8. James Henry, b. Oct. 17, 1855, in Lansing, la.; m. June 30, 1880, Alice M. Foster, who was b. July 13, 1856. 9. Walter E., b. May 13, 1859; m. 1st, March 1, 1882, Amanda J. Casol of Lansing. She was b. March 23, 1860, and d. March 17, 1884; m. 2d, Nov. 21, 1886, Virginia L. Dunbar of Caledonia, Minn. She was b. Sept. 14, 1867. He had one son by 1st wife, Leroy Walter, b. May 10, 1883. 140. (62) Sylvester Henry'' Haines (Joseph,*' Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was born in Loudon; and at the age of sixteen he went to Salem, where he learned the carpenter's trade, after which he removed to Galena, 111., Avhere he was engaged as master builder in the erection of the first building in that city. Subsequently he engaged in the lumber business, holding the office 180 HAYNES \ GENEALOGY. of city "wharf and lumber master. At the age of twenty-two he married Elcy Tucker Nourse of Lynn, Mass., with whom he lived fifty-two years, when she died at the age of seventj^-six. In 1851 he removed with his family to Lansing, Iowa, where he operated a water saw-mill. Five years later he removed to Waterloo Creek, where he had purchased a tract of land on which he erected a flour-mill and other buildings, and named the village Dorchester. He remained there twenty-three years, when he removed to Mason- ville, and residied upon a farm which he had purchased. Six years later he removed to Caledonia, N.D., where he died at the age of seventy-six, having survived his wife by almost two 3-ears. He was a good man, and an influential member of the communities in which he lived, being highly respected by his neighbors. He was a member of the Presbyterian church, Galena, 111. Children : 1. Cecilia Frances, b. Feb. 11, 1839 ; m. Feb. 11, 1863, Homer E. Harrington of Dorchester, la. He was b. July 8, 1840, and d. i\Iay 23, 1866. They had one son, Wallace. 2. William Elbridge, b. Aug. 2, 1841 ; d. Sept. 8, 1842. 3. Georgiana Alberta, b. June 1, 1845; m. Oct. 19, 1867, Jolin T. Ivobinson of Lansing, la. Children : (1) Frank Henry, b. June 25, 1870. (2) Daisy May, b. Mav 6, 1875. (3) Maud Alberta, b. Feb. 23, 1877. (4) Hope Elcy, b. May 6, 1879. 4. Elbridge Sylvester, b. Nov. 3, 1846 ; d. Dec. 4, 1869. 5. Harriet Augusta, b. April 26, 1849; m. Jan. 23, 1877, Charles H. Layman at Washington, Fa. They settled in Caledonia, N.D. 6. Ella Letitia, b. June 23, 1851 ; m. May 14, 1874, AVilliam W. Ward of Cumings, N.D. 7. Charles Nourse, b. Sept. 2, 1853 ; m. Feb. 8, 1881, Sylvia Jane Alcock, who was b. Oct. 29, 1861, in Masonville, la. They settled in Caledonia, N.D. 8. Frank Lindsey, b. Aug. 7, 1857 ; m. June 18, 1887, Amy M. Seelye at Minneapolis, Minn. They settled at Villard, Minn. ANDREW MACK HAINES. Born, Jan. 1, 1820; died. Nov. 10. 1898. (See No. 147.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 181 (62) Andrew Mack^ Haines (Joseph,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Mat- thias,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was born in Canterbury the first day of the year 1820. When he was tAvo years of age his parents re- moved to Loudon, where they had formerly lived. Seven years later, after the death of his father, the family removed to Gilman- ton, remaining there three years, when they went to Salem, Mass. Two years later they removed to Lynn. At the age of nineteen he went to Galena, 111., arriving there Aug. 13, 1839. After ten years' residence in that place, he returned to Lynn, but three years later went to Galena, where he spent the greater part of the re- mainder of his life. He was educated at Gilmanton Academy, a notable institution of that day. At the age of twenty-two he mar- ried Angeline Elizabeth Woodbury, dau. of John and Sarah (Allen) Woodbury of Lynn, and a descendant of John Woodbury, who came from Somersetshire, England, to Cape Ann in 1824, and! settled in Salem, Mass., 1826. Two years after his marriage he and wife united with the First Presbyterian Church in Galena of which he afterwards became one of the deacons. He was for naany years a prosperous merchant ; also he became a noted genealogist, having a wide correspondence thi'oughout this country and in England, and for more than forty-five years collected facts relating to the descendants of Deacon Samuel Haines, which collection con- stitutes the greater part of this book. He held various offices in the city of his adoption, and was by all regarded as a man of great integrity of character, of admirable self-poise, markedly generous spirit, and kindly feelings. He was an intimate friend of President Grant, with whom he sat at the table at the great reception which the city gave the President. He lived with his wife fifty-six years, dying Nov. 10, 1898, in his seventy-eighth year. He was seriously afflicted with disease of the eyes, and during the last years of his life was totally blind. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 1. Andrew Woodbury, b. Oct. 14, 1847, at Galena; bapt. in 1848; d. at Lynn, Mass., Dec. 29, 1849. 2. Angelina Flora, b. in Lynn, Aug. 18, 1852 ; bapt. at Galena, May 1, 1853 ; m. Nov. 4, 1874, her cousin, George E. Woodbury of Boston, Mass. ; d. at Winsor Hotel, Oakland, -iQO HAINES I •^°^ HAYNESS GENEALOGY Cal., Jan. 25, 1889. She was a lady of varied aceomplish- meuts, and greatly beloved by her acqnaintances. He is a noted inventor in San Francisco, Cal. They had one son, George Haines, b. at San Francisco, July 2, 1879 ; educated in the public schools of San Francisco and at the Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass., and d. at Sydney, KS.W., Australia. 266 3. Samuel Andrew, b. at Galena, Jan. 16, 1854 ; bapt. Jan. 7, 1855 ; graduated from High School, Galena, in 1872 ; m. Aug. 5, 1880, Carrie Eva Lombard, dan. of Nathan C. and Lucy S. Lombard of Cambridge, Mass. She was b. May 7, 1857. 4. Elizabeth Woodbury, b. at Galena, March 9, 1857 ; d. ]\Iarch 13, 1857. 5. John Woodbury, b. Feb. 1, 1860 ; d. Feb. 6, 1860. 6. Andrew Matthias, b. March 9, 1861 ; bapt. Sept. 8, 1867 ; m. Oct. 14, 1893, Marcie May Hancock, dau. of Sampson Hancock of Waterloo, Cal. He was educated in the pub- lic schools of Galena, and is salesman in San Francisco, Cal. They have one dau., Lucile J\Lartha, b. Sept. 28, 1894. 7. Morna Dwinell, b. July 26, 1864 ; bapt. Sept. 8, 1867 ; m. Sept. 16, 1884, Leo Titus LeBron, who was b. at Galena Nov. 1, 1858. He is a merchant jeweler in that city. Children : (1) Leo Titus, b. Sept. 17, 1886, at Galena. (2) Marion Elizabeth, b. March 5, 1899, at Galena. (63) True B.^ Haines (Samuel," Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,* Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in LoxkIou, and there spent his boy- hood. He seems to have had a love for the sea, and so became a sailor, and in time was promoted to captain of the ship Niagara of New York. When in his twenty-ninth year he married his cousin, Isabella Bachelder, dau. of Abram Bachelder of Gardner, Me. She was his faithful wife for twenty-three years, when he died at the age of about fifty-two. She survived him more than twenty-seven years, dying at the age of seventy-three. Ciiii.nuEN : 1. Franklin G., b. March 23, 1833. He became a sailor, and was probably lost at sea, or died on board of ship, as he was never heard from. EIGHTH GENERATION. 183 2. Oscar Y., b. Aug. 9, 1837 ; m. at Brooklyn, N.Y., March 13, 1860, Mary J. Kittredge of Keadfield, Me. She was b. Oct. 12, 1838, and d. Feb. 9, 1885. (65) Harrison Pillsbury^ Haynes (Nathaniel G.,^ Samuel,^ Sam- uel,^ ^latthias,^ Samuel,- Samuel \) was born in Andover, N.H., but resided in Danbury, Alexandria, and Tilton ; also m Quechee, Vt., and for a time in Boston, IMass. He was a farmer and carpenter, being a skillful workman. He was industrious, honorable, and devout, being for many years an official member of the Methodist Episcopal church in Tilton. When about twenty-six years of age he married Elizabeth Olive Johnson, dau. of Jeremiah Johnson of Bridgewater, IST.H., with whom he happily lived nearly thirty -eight years, when he died at the age of sixty-four. Having met the responsibilities of life bravely, he cheerfully went higher. She is still living. Children : 1. Albert Converse, b. in Danbury, IST.H., Sept. 5, 1847. He became a promising young man, and studied at the Metho- dist Seminary at Newbury, Vt., but died of scarlet fever Dec. 22, 1863. 2. Henry Harrison, b. in Alexandria, Aug. 23, 1849 ; m. 1st, July 25, 1877, Nancy Ella Moulton, dau. of Oilman Moul- ton of Sandwich, N.H. She was b. Aug. 5, 1850, and d. at Tilton, July 23, 1883 ; m. 2d, July 2, 1889, Mary Fran- ces Gushing, dau. of Eev. Christopher Cushing, D.D.. of Cambridge, Mass. She was b. Nov. 2, 1851. (See Bio- graphical Sketches.) 3. Mary Elizabeth, b. in Quechee, Yt., June 3, 1858 ; d. at Tilton, N.H., June 23, 1877. She attended school at the Tilton Seminary, and at the Abbott Academy, Andover, Mass. She had a marked talent for music, and possessed a very sweet spirit. 4. Charles Johnson, b. April 28, 1860 ; d. Dec. 29, 1863. ISO. Hiram G.'^ Haines ((?®), Samuel,^ Samuel,'* Matthias,^ Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Canterbury, March 6, 1812, where he was carefull}- brought up. At the age of twenty-three he married Caroline M. Shattuck of Hollis. They lived in Nashua, and from 18^ 211-S } «^^^^^««^- there removed to Lowell, Mass., but afterwards returned to his native town. Ciiili>i;i;n : 1. Hannah C, b. at Nashua, N.JI., June 18, 1836; m. May 9, 1859, Thomas Dmsmore of Londonderry. He d. of fever at Morris Island, S.C, Aug. 11, 1863. She d. Jan. 7, 1864, in Canterbury. 2. Maria C, b. in Nashua, June 13, 1836; d. May 2, 1839, of dropsy. 3. George W., b. at Lowell, Mass., March 26, 1839 ; m. Sept. o, 1867, Martha 1). IJandall of Canterbury. They had one dau., Sarah L., b. in 1873, d. the same year. 4. Sarah A. M., b. at Canterbury, May 1, 1841 ; d. Oct. 9, 1864. 5. Lyman H., b. at Canterbury, March 29, 1843 ; m. Feb. 3, 1867, Susan A. Smith of Canterbury. Childken: (1) Louisa, who is not living. (2) Lillian, who is not living. (3) Moses E. (4) Addis M. 6. Moses E., b. March 4, 1846; m. July 24, 1868, Susan A. Flanders of Fisherville, N.H. He became a painter by occupation. 7. Charles P., b. March 24, 1848 ; m. July 10, 1868, Thirza A. Chase of Henniker, N.H. They had one dau.. Myrtle, b. in 1872. 8. Lizzie F., b. at Canterbury, Dec. 22, 1851 ; m. April 19, 1873, Francis A. Fullerton of Raymond, N.H. They made their home in Fisherville. 9. William S., b. Nov. 10, 1854 ; d. Oct. 16, 1863. (66) John Edward' Haines (John S.," Samuel,^ Samuel,* Mat- thias,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Lancaster, and at the age of twenty-three years he married Ann S. Raymond of Bridgewater, Vt. They lived in Boston, Mass., Chicago, 111., New York City, New Brighton, Staten Island, and Brooklyn, N.Y. ClULDKEN : 1. Nellie Frances, b. June 7, 1850 ; m. Dec. 14, 1878, Horace C. Lockwood of Woodstock, Vt. He was b. Jan. 12, 1839. They have one dau., Josephine A., b. Oct. 20, 1885. EIGHTH GENERATION. 185 2. Daniel Webster, b. Aug. 2, 1852 ; d. Aug. 5, 1852. 3. Mary Ann, b. April 22, 1857 ; m. Nov. 16, 1881, Robert Weishaupt of New Brighton, N.Y. He was b. May 7, 1854. They made their home in Brooklyn, N.Y. Children : (1) Letta Annette, b. April 18, 1883. (2) Nellie Haynes, b. Nov. 20, 1884. (3) Marianna May, b. Oct. 21, 1886. 4. Hattie Raymond, b. Nov. 6, 1859; d. March 24, 1862. 5. George Lyman, b. Sept. 3, 1863 ; m. June 7, 1893, Lauretta Carshens, who was b. March 23, 1871. 6. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3, 1865 ; d. June 28, 1865. 7. John Raymond, b. Nov. 20, 1871 ; d. Aug. 20, 1872. (67) Samuel " Haines (Moses K.,« Matthias,^ Matthias,* William,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was born in Greensboro, Vt., from which town He went to Burritt, 111. When twenty-five years of age he married Roxanna Patterson, with whom he lived thirty-six years, when she died at the age of sixty-two. He survived her about one year, and died at Rockford, 111., aged sixty -two years. Children : 1. Samuel Chancy, b. April 10, 1827; m. Sept. 11, 1851, Augusta M. Foster, who was b. Sept. 11, 1834, and d. Nov. 8, 1900. He d. Nov. 20, 1872. 2. Moses Matthias, b. Dec. 14, 1828 ; m. June 10, 1860, Sarah J. Felts, who was b. Feb. 12, 1840. They had one dau., Elsie Florence, b. Aug. 10, 1862. He d. May 8, 1894. 3. Joshua, b. Oct. 6, 1830 ; d. Oct. 29, 1830. 4. Sarah Abigail, b. Dec. 20, 1831 ; m. Dec. 5, 1856, William Dyson of Rockford, 111. He was b. Feb. 18, 1829. They have one dau. 5. George M., b. April 11, 1834 ; d. Feb. 9, 1846. 6. Mary L., b. Oct. 6, 1836 ; d. Feb. 12, 1839, 7. Roxanna E., b. Oct. 13, 1838 ; m. Nov. 7, 1864, George W. Darrington of Rockford, 111. She d., leaving two sons and one dau. 8. Harriet M., b. Aug. 9, 1842 ; m. Aug. 9, 1861, Henry R. Howe of Rockford. He was b. Aug. 29, 1838. She d., leaving one son, Harry. ^^^ fli/fES \ GENEALOGY 9. IMaiy ^L, b. Dec. 18, 1848; m. May 6, 1866, Charles Sicldens. She d. March 13, 1868. They had one dau., Sarah L., b. Feb. 11, 1867. (67) Moses ' Haines (Moses K.,« Matthias,^ Matthias,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Greensboro, Vt. ; and at the age of twenty-three he married Deborah W. Clark of Westmorland, with whom he lived forty years, when she died at the age of nearly sixty- seven. About one year after he married Margaret Calderwood of Greensboro. He lived with her twelve years, when he died at the age of seventy-six. He was a Christian man, of great energy and strength of character, and a successful farmer, being fortunate in his marriage relations. Children by 1st wife : 1. Abigail Deborah, b. at Greensboro, March 22, 1843 ; m. Feb. 25, 1868, John D. S. Olmstead of Lyndon, 111. He was b. in Greensboro, Jan. 21, 1844. Children : (1) Harry Elbert, b. Aug. 13, 1871 ; m. March 1, 1897, Josephine Goss of Waterford, Vt. He is a farmer. (2) Charles Herman, b. April 25, 1874 ; m. Nov. 14, 1900, Laura May Swett of East Hardwick, Vt. He is a farmer. (3) Erwin Haines, b. Aug. 23, 1879. He is a pharmacist. 267 2. George Marvin, b. Sept. 9, 1846 ; m. Sept. 28, 1870, Octavia Louisa Goodrich, dau. of Joseph A. Goodrich of Greens- boro. She was b. Oct. 21, 1844. 3. Cephas Clark, b. Oct. 3, 1849 ; m. Dec. 25, 1873, Clara E. Calderwood, dau. of David Calderwood of Greensboro. She was b. Sept. 5, 1851. He is a farmer and mechanic, living in Lakeport, N.H. Children : (1) Mabel Edna, b. March 10, 1877. (2) Jennie Eliza, b. Sept. 24, 1882. 4. Sumner Caleb, b. Jan. 23, 1852 ; d. at Hooksett, KH., Nov. 19, 1886, unm. He was a harnessmaker. 5. Alma Jemima, b. Feb. 8, 1854 ; m. Austin B. Rich, March 4, 1885. He is a farmer in Glover, Vt. i ABRAM BROWER HAINES. Born Nov. 29, 1824; died, July 20. 1887. (See No. 155.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 187 Children (1) Helen Mary, b. Dec. 8, 1885. (2) Alvah Haines, b. Jan. 28, 1890. (3) Sumner Austin, b. Aug. 22, 1894. By 2d wife : 6. Ervin Alexander, b. at Greensboro, May 10, 1888. (68) John^ C. Haines (Josiah,« Matthias,^ Matthias,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Moultonboro, N.H., where he spent his boyhood, with the privileges of the country town of those days. He married Judith Moulton of the same place. They removed to Baraboo, Wis., where they made their permanent home, and where she died, they having lived together thirty -five years. He died at North Freedom, Wis., at the age of eighty years. Children : 1. Mary Frances, b. in Moultonboro, Oct. 11, 1848 ; m. Jan. 1, 1870, J. M. Blachly of Baraboo, Wis. They live in North Freedom, Wis. Children : (1) Maude Alma, b. Sept. 29, 1870, in Baraboo. (2) Ada Estelle, b. Jan. 11, 1875, in North Freedom; m. Aug. 30, 1896, W. M. Langdon of Baraboo; d. May 4, 1899, leaving one dau., Josephine Leone, who was b. Sept. 7, 1898. (3) Doris May, b. June 30, 1891. 267a 2. James Quimby, b. Jan. 19, 1851, in Moultonboro; m. Jan. 23, 1872, Martha E. Baldwin of Baraboo, Wis. He d. in S. Dakota, March 14, 1892. 267b 3. John Wilbur, b. Aug. 15, 1855, in Moultonboro; m. Jan. 15, 1884, Anna Greene of Champaign, 111. (70) Abram Brower ^ Haines (Matthias,® Matthias,^ Matthias,* Wil- liam,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born at Rising Sun, Ind. ; educated at Rising Sun Academy, and at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio ; read medicine with his father ; attended lectures for one year at Cin- cinnati, and graduated from the Medical Department of Western Reserve College, and entered upon his profession at Aurora, Ind. At the age of twenty-four he married Julia P. Loring of Rising Sun, with whom he lived nearly forty years, when he passed away after a life of great usefulness and honor, strict integrity with pro- found religious convictions, at the age of over sixty-three years. He was one of the evenly-balanced men of the world. (See Bio- graphical Sketches.) r'lIILDUEN : Lizzie L., b. Nov. 24, 1848 ; m. Nov. 28, 1871, James W. McjNlunn. She d. at Pomeroy, Ohio, Sept. 15, 1873. Matthias Loring, b. May 4, 1850 ; m. May 7, 1885, Sarah L. Kouwenhoven of Astoria, N.Y. She was b. Feb. 12, 1861. 3. Abram B., b. May 3, 1852; d. Jan 30, 1855. 4. Harriet Deane, b. July 4, 1854 ; d. Oct. 7, 1859. 5. John Sherburne, b. May 2, 1859 ; d. Dec. 1, 1859. G. Thomas Hunt, b. Sept. 28, 1860. 7. Mary, b. June 4, 1862; m. April, 1888, Holman Yail, Lieut.-Commander in the U. S. Navy. Children : (1) Margaret, b. in 1889. (2) Julia H., b. in 1892. 1*5 «>a. (70) William Wirt" Haines (Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,-* William,'^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born at Rising Sun, Ind., where he was carefully trained in his boyhood. At the age of twenty-nine he married Jennie Frank. He was Captain of a company during the War of the Rebellion, and is now a farmer in Olney, Lincoln Co., Mo. OlIILDHKN : 1. Matthias, b. Aug. 27, 1867, 2. John Loring, b. Aug. 11, 1869. 1 r> o . (71) Samuel P.' Haines (Samuel,'' Nathaniel,'^ Matthias,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) Avas born in Greenland, in the north part of the town, and after marrying Mary Jane Whiting, he made his home in Abington, Mass., and afterwards removed to Plymouth, Mass., and became the proprietor of the Old Colony House in that jjlace. JOHN SHERBURNE HAINES. Born, Oct. 10, 1818; died. April 7, 1885. (See No. 158.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 189 Children : 1. Frank T., b. Oct. 8, 1851. 2. Charles M., b. Nov. 8, 1857. (71) William Mansfield ' Haynes (Samuel,^ Nathaniel,^ Matthias,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was a native of Greenland, where he spent his boyhood, and after marrying Mary Jane Hoyt he left his native town and made his home in South Waterford, Me. He was a shoemaker and farmer, and died at the age of sixty-eight years. Childukn : 268b 1. William Hoyt, b. Feb. 11, 1852 ; m. Oct. 28, 1875, Jennie A. Marr of Waterford, Me. ■ 2. Henry Sawin, b. June 27, 1861 ; m. January, 1889, Addie B. Wager, Hornellsville, N.Y. 3. Jennie Louise, b. Feb. 23, 1863 ; m. Jan. 1, 1883, Frank S. Hammond of Boston, Mass. Children : (1) Mary Louise, b. Oct. 9, 1883. (2) Willie Francis, b. Aug. 12, 1887 ; d. March 25, 1889. (3) Paul Haynes, b. June 18, 1890. 4. Fred Bailey, b. May 22, 1871. (73) John Sherburne" Haines (John S.,*' Nathaniel,^ Matthias,* William,^ Samuel," Samuel ^) was a native of Somersworth, to which place his father early emigrated from Greenland. At the age of twenty-eight years he married Theodate Nowell, dau. of Col. Eben- ezer Nowell of Sanford, Me., and established his home in his native place. He became closely identified with the general interests of the community, gaining the confidence and respect of his fellow- citizens. He was postmaster for twelve years ; was a member of the N. H. Legislature for two years, and held various town offices. For several years he was superintendent of the Bartlett Mills at Newbury port, Mass. He was a director in Somersworth Bank, and widely known as a dealer in cotton supplies. He was a strong temperance man, and ready to assist in whatever pertained to the public weal. He died at the age of sixty-six years. 19» HAy/is \ <>BNEALOGY. ('llII.DKEX : 1. John Nowell, b. June 15, 1848 ; m. Jan. 15, 1880, Matilda Page. Their home is in Somersworth, and they have one dau., Pauline. He is a large dealer in cotton waste, also is a farmer. He served two terms as County Com- missioner, being highly respected and fully trusted by his fellow-citizens. 2. Leonora, b. Dec. 3, 1851 ; m. Nov. 10, 1874, John AVesley Bates of Somerswoi'th. He is a merchant, doing a large retail business in company with his son Frank by his first wife. He d. May 23, 1901. He is a man of many virtues and fixed principles. Children : (1) Leonora, b. April 4, 1884. (2) Theodate, b. April 4, 1884. They are members of the Somersworth High School. 3. Theodate, b. Sept. 3, 1853 ; m. Jan. 15, 1880, Charles Har- rison Gridley of Elmira, N.Y. She was a student in Elmira College. He is a merchant in that city, having the confidence of his fellows. Children : (1) Haines, b. Dec. 3, 1881 ; a student in Cornell University. (2) Mary, b. March, 1883 ; d. in 1890. (3) Frederic Barker, b. Feb. 20, 1889. (4) Gladys, b. May 24, 1891. 4. Charles Fred, b. May 28, 1856 ; d. Nov. 6, 1867. 5. Fred Sumner, b. Sept. 23, 1860 ; m. Feb. 14, 1887, Carrie Faitute. They live in Rochester, Minn. 6. Mary Caroline, b. Nov. 24, 1863; m. Dec. 6, 1893, Rev. Sherrod Soule of Naugatuck, Conn. He is the efficient and beloved pastor of the Congregational church in that place. Children : (1) Sherrod, b. Jan. 8, 1895 ; d. Aug. 10, 1896. (2) Theodate Haines, b. May 4, 1896. (3) George, b. Aug. 21, 1897. (73) Charles A." Haines (John S.," Nathaniel,^ Matthias,* William,' Samuel,- Samuel ') was born in Somersworth, N.H., where he spent his boyhood. At the age of twenty-one he married Martha J. Wey- JOHN NOWELL HAINES. Somersuiorth, N. H. (See No. 158, 1.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 191 manthe of that town, with whom he lived more than thirty-seven years, when she died at the age of fifty -eiglit. His second wife was Aunah H. Home, with whom he lived eighteen years, when he died at the age of seventy-seven. He was superintendent of the Saco Water Power Machine shops for many years, and had the confidence and esteem of his fellow-citizens, being a man of large caliber and forceful nature. Children : 1. Martha E., b. Aug. 6, 1846 ; d. Nov. 27, 1898. 2. Charles W., b. May 26, 1851 ; d. Oct. 14, 1861. 3. Irma G., b. Feb. 28, 1853 ; d. Feb. 28, 1863, 4. Clifton W., b. May 19, 1856 ; d. Nov. 30, 1863. 5. Lillian E., b. July 11, 1866 ; d. Sept. 1, 1866. ISO. (74) Gideon^ Haines (Thomas,*' Abner,^ William,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Portsmouth, where he spent his early boyhood. At the age of twenty -eight he married Eliza W. Bean. Previous to that, having made his home in Levant, Me., he was chosen first selectman of the town at the age of twenty-two. He was a farmer, school-teacher, trader, and a stonemason. After his marriage he lived in Corinth and Bangor, JVIe., and then removed to Grinnell, la., where he engaged in the milling business, from which he retired fifteen years ago, and has now (1901) reached the venerable age of ninety-one years. Children : 1. Abby, b. March 10, 1839; d. same day. 2. Annie M., b. May 15, 1842, unm. 3. Elizabeth J., b. Dec. 21, 1843; m. Jan, 1, 1863, George Crosby of Bucksport, Me. Their home is in Grinnell, la. 4. Josephine, b. May 14, 1845 ; d. Dec. 8, 1847. 5. Ella, b. June 21, 1848; d. July 19, 1848. 6. Eugenie, b. Aug. 10, 1852; d. Aug. ^0, 1854. 160. (74) Thomas Jefferson" Haines (Thomas,*' Abner,^ William,'^ Wil- liam,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was a native of Portsmouth, but at the age of fourteen he went with his father to Corinth, ISIe., and from there to Levant, where he became a farmer, highly respected and trusted, being chosen as the first selectman of the town. At the age of thirty-six he married Maria L. Eddy, with whom he lived over twenty-nine years, when she died at the age of sixty-four. He died fourteen years later, at the age of eighty years, having served his generation faithfully. ClIII.DRKN : 269 1. William Thomas, b. Aug. 7, 1854; m. Jan. 1. 1883, Edith S. Hemmenway of Kockland, Me. They live in Water- ville, Me. 2. Fred Albert, b. Sept. 12, 1858; d. Dec. 6, 1862. 270 3. Frank E., b. Sept. 2, 1861 ; m. April 13, 1891, Harriet S. Bates of AVaterville. They live in Portland. (76) Joseph William" Haines (William,^ William,^ William,'' William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Greenland, and continues to live on the farm which has been in the family name for many generations, being about one mile from the place where Deacon Samuel Haines built his house, and a place beautiful for situation. At the age of forty-one he married his second cousin, Sarah Abby Haines, dan. of Matthias Haines of Greenland. He is a respected and successful farmer, and until the marriage of his son his was the only family by the name of Haines in the town Avhere once the Haineses constituted a large per cent of the inhabitants. Childuex : 1. Ella E., b. June 13, 1870; m. Feb. 14, 1894, Elmer E. Drake of North Hampton. He d. Jan. 2, 1895. They had one dau., Mildred S., b. Jan. 12, 1896. 2. William M., b. March 18, 1872; m. June 1, 1898. Jennie R. Lamprey, dau. of Edwin M. Lamprey of North Hampton. He is an enterprising farmer, living near the old home- stead. They have one son, Norman W., b. July 11, 1899. (76) Daniel Johnson" Haines (William,® William,^ William,* William,'' Samuel,^ SamueP) was a native of Greenland, where he spent liis l)oyhood, and obtained the rudiments of his education. EIGHTH GENERATION. 193 When twenty-seven years old lie married Mary A. Marston of the same town. Afterwards they made their home in East Boston, and removed from that place to Dorchester, Mass., where they now reside. Children : 1. Edward William, b. in East Boston, Oct. 19, 1861. He is '* steam-fitter " in Portland, Me. 2. Charles Wilber, b. Feb. 4, 1864, in Greenland; m. April, 1895, Gertrude Wilson of Chicago, III. 3. Emma Gertrude, b. Nov. 19, 1866 ; m. Arthur C. Downs. 4. Mabel A., b. Oct. 23, 1873 ; m. Philip H. Huston. 5. Annie M., b. Jan. 7, 1877 ; m. John H. Rogers. 103. (77) Thomas Jefferson^ Haines (Ebenezer," William,^ William,* William,^ Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Portsmouth, where he attended the public schools. At the age of eighteen he entered the Military Academy at West Point, from which he graduated in 1849, standing fourth in a class of forty-three members. He after- wards served in various camps and garrisons, and was at one time assistant professor in mathematics at the Military Academy. Afterwards he was in Florida; then he was Adjutant of the Artillery school at Fort Monroe. He held various positions during the War of the Eebellion, and was brevetted Brigadier-general. He was very popular, and a man of strict integrity and strong convictions. At the age of thirty he married Annie Hayes Cargill, with whom he lived twenty-six years, when he died, leaving a worthy record. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 271 1. Henry Cargill, b. Nov. 21, 1859 ; m. March 22, 1888, Emma Berger, who d. Nov. 21, 1894; m. 2d, March, 1898, Helen Rockwell. 2. Nettie Richmond, b. Aug. 15, 1861 ; m., in 1890, Henry Clay Hodges, son of Col. H. C, Hodges, now retired. He is Capt. of 22d Infantry, now in the Philippines. Children : (1) Evelyn, b. June, 1893. (2) Louise, b. July, 1896. 272 3. John Taylor, b. March 8, 1864; m. June 22, 1889, Annie ^^ Almy. IQJ. HAINES I -^^■* HAYNEtii GENEALOGY. 104. (77) John Hatch ^ Haines (Ebenezer,« William,^ William,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was a native of Portsmouth, where he commenced his education, and graduated from the High School, after which he studied law ; but not finding it very congenial, he entered the employment of an iron company in Pennsylvania, where in time he rose from being a clerk to Superintendent, continuing in that capacity until he left the company. Afterwards he engaged in the petroleum business. In his later years he made his resi- dence in P.oston. His energetic and generous nature made him a favorite among his acquaintances. When twenty-seven years of age he married Jane McClary, with whom he lived nearly thirty- two years, when he died at the age of fifty -nine. Children : 273 1. Charles Siders, b. Aug. 21, 1859; m. May 21, 1890, Eleanor Neyman of Butler, Penn. 2. Francis March, b. March 25, 1861. He was educated in Boston, and received the gold medal of the Chauncy Hall Association, Feb. 6, 1880. He afterwards entered the Institute of Technology, from which he graduated in 1883. He became a civil and electric engineer, and is now at Fort Worth, Texas. 3. Alonzo Johnson, b. July 22, 1865 ; m. June 28, 1898, Belle Bronson of Elyra, Ohio. They now Uve in Sydney, C.B. 164a. (78) Horace^ Haines (David,^ William,^ David,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Cabot, Vt., on the farm which his father had cleared in the wilderness. His early life was unevent- ful, except that the toil on the farm tended to make him strong in body and mind. At the age of twenty-three he married Lucinda Stone, with whom he lived more than forty-five years, when he died at the age of sixty-eight. His wife survived him six years, dying at the age of seventy-two. Children; 1. Judith Ann, b. May 1, 1827 ; m. Sept. 1, 1858, Charles A. Bellows, who was b. May IS, 1825, and d. Oct. 18, 1892. They had one dan., Fanny P., b. August, 1865 ; d. Dec. 10, 1882. EIGHTH GENERATION. 195 2. Edward G., b. March 2, 1829 ; m. February, 1854, Emily G. Damon, who was b. in Cabot, Vt., March 11, 1832. He d. Jan. 28, 1867. Children : (1) Alice L., b. Sept. 1, 1857 ; d. August, 1875. (2) Minnie, b. June 12, 1864 ; d. March, 1884. (3) Mattie, b. June 12, 1864 ; d. April, 1889. 3. Ira F., b. Dec. 25, 1830 ; m. April 3, 1861, Emily A. Hoit, who was b. April 27, 1836. Children : (1) Julia M., b. Jan. 24, 1862 ; d. Aug. 4, 1891. (2) Charles Horace, b. Aug. 27, 1864; m. Oct. 4, 1893, Minnie Arms. Children : (a) Everett, b. Aug. 21, 1894. (b) Curtis Arms, b. Feb. 21, 1898. (3) Mary, b. March 23, 1870 ; d. April 10, 1897. 4. Leander Horace, b. Nov. 13, 1833 ; m. October, 1861, Mary S. Stimson. Children: (1) Florence, b. April 3, 1864 ; m. July, 1889, Charles F- Davis. Children : (a) Herman H., b. October, 1892. (b) Harold F., b. March, 1894. (2) Abbie L., b. July 1, 1861. (3) Bessie L., b. Oct. 31, 1871 ; m. October, 1893, John Zabriskie. (4) Carrie E., b. Aug. 28, 1873. (5) Mary Lelia, b. July 2, 1878. 5. Fanny P., b. March 23, 1836 ; d. Nov. 2, 1848. 6. William J., b. April 12, 1838; m. March 11, 1867, Mrs. Emily Cummings, b. Oct. 19, 1834. He d. Jan. 25, 1875. They had one dau., Gertrude, b. Jan. 3, 1873 ; m. March, 1893, J. W. Mears. Children: (a) Carol, b. Feb. 6, 1894. (b) Harry, b. July 22, 1896. (c) Ralph, b. Oct. 15, 1898. (d) Earl H. M., b. Nov. 12, 1900. 196 HA^yHs 1 GENEALOGY. 7. Louisa M., b. March 28, 1840 ; d. March 13, 1854. 8. :\Ioses Stone, b. Nov. 27, 1842 ; in. April 1, 1873, Delia A. Hoyt. Childken : (1) Ilarland H., b. April 10. 1879. (2) Leander U., b. ]\lay 15, 1883. (3) Kaymond E., b. .May 15, 1883. (4) Judith K, b. March 11, 1890. 9. Lelia L., b. Nov. 3, 1844; m. October, 1891, Stephen B. Blodgett. (79) Robert M." Haines (William," AVilliam,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Deerfield, and grew in strength and ambition on the farm. At the age of twenty-nine he married Abbie Blaisdell, with whom he still lives at Pardeeville, "Wis., having reached the age of eighty-four years, and his wife that of seventy- five — a venerable couple ripening for immortal youth. ClIILDItKN : 1. William I'erry, b. May 19, 1850; m. April 24, 1879, Maria Diddack. They have one dau., Vinnie Ethel, b. Sept. 7, 1891. 2. J. Burritt, b. July 10, 1852 ; m. Victory Smoke. 3. Abbie Brown, b. August, 1857 ; m., in 1886, Arthur Chap- man. Ciiii-dken: (1) Lin, b. in 1887. (2) Grace, b. in 1888. (3) Gordon, b. in 1892. (4) Evelyn, b. in 1894. 4. Ruth Rosie, b. June, 1861 ; m., in 1892, William Smith. Childken : (1) Clinton, b. in 1893. (2) Ralph, b. in 18')6. 5. Grace, b. November, 1864; m., in 1898, Charles Spicer. (80) Jonathan' Haynes (Timothy," David,^ David," William," Samuel,^ Samuel ') was born in Walden, Vt., where he made his permanent home, and became a man of influence and ranked well EIGHT n GENERATION. 197 among the toilers of those days. He cultivated the farm which his father had cleared from the primeval forest, and made it one of the best farms in all that region. He was educated in the common schools ; and he made a very successful teacher, and taught for eleven winters various district schools. He was not ambitious for public office, although he was prominent in church affairs, being steward and class-leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church, to which his father had belonged. Everybody acknowledged his sin- cerity and goodness of heart. At the age of twenty-six he married Anna C. Haviland, with whom he lived twenty-eight years, when he died at the age of fifty-four. Six years later his wife died, at the age of fifty-six. Children : 1. Daniel, b. June 2, 1835 ; d. Nov. 16, 1836. 2. Betsy, b. Aug. 7, 1836 ; d. May 5, 1843. 274 3. Daniel Putnam, b. Aug 29, 1841 ; m. at Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 21, 1872, Martha Lydia Butler of Auburn, Me. She was b. Aug. 26, 1844, and d. March 28, 1897. 4. Lydia A. M., b. Aug. 27, 1844; m. Jan. 14, 1868, Erdix T. Howard of Hardwick, Vt. He was b. Aug. 27, 1841. (82) Samuel G.' Haines (Samuel,« David,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Deerfield, and became a farmer, also a carpenter. At the age of about twenty-eight years he married his second cousin, Judith J. Haines, with whom he lived thirty-six years, when he died at the age of nearly sixty-five. His wife sur- vived him more than three years, dying at the age of sixty-nine. He was Captain of a company of Artillery in the 18th Reg. N.H. Militia. Also he was Justice of the Peace for thirty years. He was a Freemason and Odd Fellow for many years. He was kind- hearted and generous, faithful in his religious duties, and manly in his attitude towards his fellows. His wife was his worthy helpmeet until his death. Children : 1. Frank G., b. Jan. 21, 1853; m., in 1885, Kate Talor. He was a machinst, also a farmer, and d. Jan. 7, 1898, s.p. 198 BAYNES \ GENEALOGY. 2. Ella v., b. Feb. 15, 1855 ; m. Feb. 15, 1874, Henry A. Rol- lins, who was b. Jan. 4, 1851. Tbey live on the old homestead in Deerheld. Children : (1) Elmer H., b. March 22, 1875. He has been a school- teacher, and a member of the School Board of the town. (2) Samuel G., b. April 6, 1886 ; d. Nov. 24, 188G (3) Minnie E., b. Sept. 29, 1891. (82) David P." Haines (Samuel," David,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Deerfield, and remained on the old home- stead during his life, caring for his parents in their old age. He was thirty-five years old when he married Jane Silver, who died within four months of the wedding. About ten years after he mar- ried Susan H. Ladd, with whom he lived about four years, when she died. He survived her twenty-seven years, passing away at the age of seventy-six. He was honest and trustworthy in every par- ticular ; was a composer and teacher of music ; a'leader of the band, and chorister of the church choir. Children ry 2d wife : , 1. David Herbert, b. Jan. 5, 1868. Lives in Deerfield, unm. 1 2. Henry Philbrick, b. March 30, 1869, unm. IGO. (82) Jonathan P." Haynes (Samuel," David,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,'^ SamueP) was a native of Deerfield, and remained under the kindly influence of his father's house until he was eighteen, when he went to Manchester and learned the machinist's trade. After that he worked in Lowell, Mass. Then he was employed in help- ing set up the machinery in the Pacific Mill at Lawrence. At the age of twenty-eight he married Abbie ]M. Maloon. During the War of the Keliellion he removed to Springfield, JNL'iss., where he super- . intended the cartridge manufactory. His health failing, he bought a farm in Bedford, to which he removed, but afterwards returned to liis native town, where he died at the age of seventy years. He was greatly respected, and served the town in various important offices. 1 EIGHTH GENERATION. 199 Children : 1. Willis P., b. Dec. 27, 1856. He lives in Chicago, 111., unm. 2. Henrietta S., b. June 20, 1860 ; d. Feb. 26, 1861. 3. Emma Mary, b. Sept. 6, 1863 ; d. April 4, 1865. 4. Samuel J., b. Sept. 11, 1865 ; m. Lillian C. Cram of Boston. They live on the old home farm in Deerlield. They have one dau., Bernice Laura, b. June 10, 1901. 5. Laura A., b. Nov. 7, 1867 ; m. Aug. 18, 1895, Alonzo Bach- elder of Epsom. (83) Joseph Warren ' Haynes (Daniel," David,^ David," William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Deerfield, where he lived for thir- teen years, when his father removed to Manchester. At the age of twenty-eight he married Phebe Ann Eowell of Pittsburg, IST.H. He resided at Janesville, Wis., where he was an active business man. At present their home is in Sedalia, Mo. Children : 1. Emma Eliza, b. Nov. 1, 1854 ; m. July, 1875, T. A. Pitt. 274a2. Fvalph Warren, b. March 31, 1857; m. Sept. 23, 1886, Helen Saunders. He is an attorney-at-law in Washing- ton, D.C. 3. Nellie Jane, b. July 1, 1861. 4. Harriet Ellen, b. July 10, 1864. 5. Josephine Dearborn, b. May 17, 1871. I'M. (87) George Avery " Haynes (Tristum C.,« Simeon,^ David," Wil- liam,^ Samuel,- Samuel^) was born in Plainfield, N.H., and went with his father to East Hardwick, Vt., where he now owns a large tract of land containing the mineral springs near which his father established a sanitarium. He was captain of a military company. At the age of about thirty -three years he married Augusta S. Joslyn, with whom he still lives. He is a man of ambition and good report, being interested in what pertains to the welfare of the world. Children : 1. Beatrice S., b. Dec. 22, 1863 ; d. Oct. 10, 1874. 200 IaYNES I GENEALOGY. 2. Lewis A., b. Dec. 4, 186G ; m. 1st, March 7, 1888, ]\rinetta Kobinsou, who d. Xov. 18, 1889: m. 2d, Oct. 10, 1894, Maude E. Cass. They have one dau., Louetta Augusta, b. June 2, 1898. 3. Susie A., b. Dec. 28, 1873 ; d. Jan. 6, 1874. IT'S. (91) John Winkley ' Haines (Josiah A.,^ Gideon,^ David,"* Wil- liam,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Strafford, N.H. At the age of twenty-five he married Sarah J. Purington of Epping, with whom he lived twenty-five years, dying at the age of fifty. They lived in Lowell, Mass., then in Brentwood, and last in Exeter, N.H. Children : 1. Amasa Tucker, b. in Lowell, April 2, 1850 ; m., in Center- ville, Mass., Jan. 26, 1873, Sarah Webster Sweetser of Falmouth, Me. They now live in Haverhill, Mass. Children : (1) Albert Sweetser, b. in Exeter, March 29, 1875. (2) An infant, b. July, 1878; d. Oct. 3, 1878. (3) Arthur Garfield, b. in Exeter, Dec. 8, 1879 ; d. Aug. 15, 1880. 2. Luella Jane, b. in Brentwood, April 27, 1856 ; m. in Epping, February, 1875, George L. "Wentworth of Ossipee, who d. February, 1889. She d. in Boston, Feb. 26, 1877. They had one son, Llewellyn Haines, Avho was b. in Boston, Feb. 18, 1877. He is an engineer in the U.S. Navy, hav- ing served through the Spanish war. IT'S. (91) Joseph Gilman" Haines (Josiah A.,^ Gideon,^ David,^ Wil- liam,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Strafford, N.H., and at the age of twenty-six he married Mary Abbie Palmer of Milton, with whom he lived forty-two years, when she died. He survived her about three years, dying at the age of seventy-one. He was a blacksmith by trade, and made Exeter his only home. Children : 1. Frank Howard, b. in Exeter, June 11, 1885. He is a farmer. 2. Fred, b. in Exeter, July 18, 1860 ; d. Aug. 8, 1860. EIGHTH GENERATION. 201 (91) Andrew Jackson '^ Haynes ( Josiah A.,^ Gideon,^ David/ Wil- liam,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in New Market, but spent the most of liis boyhood in Exeter, where he attended the public school. When twenty -eight years of age he married Lucinda Durgin, and in the following year enlisted as a soldier in a Mass. Reg., serving dur- ing the War of the Rebellion. He died at the age of thirty -six. Children : 1. Warren, b. April, 1861 ; d. July 2, 1861. 2. Mary E., b. July, 1862 ; d. Feb. 25, 1863. IT'S. (93) Timothy' Haynes (David,*' James,^ David,* William,' Samuel," Samuel^) was born and brought up in Alexandria. Pos- sessing an active mind he studied medicine, and became a noted physician, having settled in Concord. He married Laura Brackett of Littleton, N.H., with whom he lived to the close of his life at the age of seventy-four years. She survived him about four years, dying at the age of sixty-seven. He had a deep interest in the public weal, and was much respected. Being of a generous nature, he founded a public library in his native town by the gift of one thousand dollars. He also gave one thousand dollars for the N. H. Cenntenial Home for the Aged in Concord. Children : 1. Alice Rebecca, b. Jan. 25, 1844, at Concord ; m. William H. Stephens of Winsor, Vt. Children : (1) Bessie Eaton. (2) Timothy Haynes. 2. William Brackett, b. in Concord ; d. in California, unm. 3. Nellie Simmons, b. in Concord. 4. Elizabeth Brown, b. in Concord. 5. Charles Glidden, b. in Concord ; d. in infancy. (93) Clark' Haynes (David,^ James,^ David," William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Alexandria, and brought up on the farm to 2^2 ni^IA \ GENEALOGY. know the meaning of work. When thirty-three j-ears of age he married Mary A. Clark of Sanborntou, ]S'.H., and settled in his native town as a farmer. He acquired a competence, and in his last years resided with his daughter in Franklin, where he died at the age of eighty-four. Several years before he died he gave one thousand dollars to the public library of his native town. Children : 275 1. Ervin Wayland, b. in Alexandria, Jan. 4, 1845 ; m. Mary E. Dolloff, Sept. 16, 1865. 2. Laura Ann, b. Dec. 22, 1849 ; m. Charles A. Williams of Oregon City, Or. They have one son, William Ashael, b. in Brandon, Vt., June 6, 1877. 3. Clara Jane, b. March 14, 1851. (93) David ' Haynes (David,^ James,^ David,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Alexandria, and like his brothers was made familiar with the work of the farm, so that he became quite a noted farmer and stock-raiser. He was twice married, and was a quiet, home-loving man, singularly free from all evil intentions, and was prized most by those who knew him best. Children : 276 1. Arthur David, b. May 6, 1888; m. Sept. 25, 1867, Amelia F. C. Hoad of Lecompton, Kansas. 2. Albyn L., b. July 25, 1845. In 1861 he enlisted in the 12th N. H. Infantry, and d. in camp on the Potomac, in January, 1862. IT'S. (94) Charles Barnard'' Haynes (James P.", James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,- Samuel^) was born at Bristol, N.H., and became a house-painter by trade, afterwards carrying on that business in different places. He was thrice married, and made his home in Acton, in Westboro, and in Worcester, Mass., dying in the last- mentioned place at the age of seventy-five years. He was an honest, upright, and religious man. Children, liv 1st wip^e : 1. Amanda L., b. in Lowell ; d. at the age of nine months. EIGHTU GENEBATION. 203 Bv 2l) \VIFE 277 2. Leverett Charles, b. in Acton, Sept. 21, 1846 ; m. Jan. 21, 1872, Emma M. Pond of Holliston, Mass. He d. at Allston, Mass., Oct. 25, 1900. 3. Luther Francis, b. at Westboro, Mass., Nov. 11, 1850 ; m. 1st, Nov. 28, 1877, Edith J. Curtis of Worcester ; m. 2d, Dec. 5, 1889, Emma Frances Matthews of Ashbury, Mass. They reside in Fitchburg, Mass. He had one dau. by 1st wife, Effie Belle, b. at Worcester, July 15, 1880 ; m. April 20, 1898, Charles B. Tucker. They have one son, Kenneth Raymond, b. at West Brookfield, Mass., March 8, 1889. By 3d wife : 278 4. Herbert W., b. in Worcester, Jan. 6, 1863; m. Dec. 11, 1888, Addie L. Hill of Worcester. 279 5. Frederick L., b. April 19, 1865 ; m. May 16, 1887, Edith E. Hamilton. 6. Florence Evelyn, b. Dec. 4, 1868, at Worcester ; m. Sept. 7, 1897, Charles Morton Moffat. They reside in Worcester. (94) James W.^ Haynes (James P.,« James,^ David,^ William,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Bristol, N.H., where he made his permanent home. He was twice married, 1st to Mary J. Fogg, and 2d to Mary Ann Heath. He died in his native town at the age of sixty-five. He appears to have been an estimable citizen. Children by 1st wife : 1. Ida T., b. Oct. 8, 1854 ; m. June 13, 1872, Hosea B. Quint. They reside in Concord, N.H. Children : (1) Edgar M., b. May 7, 1873 ; m. Blanche Ring of Concord. (2) Erdine M., b. Aug. 3, 1874 ; m. Oct. 15, 1894, Earl W. Toof. (3) Ida Vivian, b. Sept. 16, 1876 ; d. Oct. 1, 1881. 2. Orville L., b. Feb. 12, 1860; d. November, 1880. 3. Arietta M., b. May 2, 1862 ; d. June 2, 1888. 280 4. George W., b. Feb. 28, 1864 ; m. Feb. 7, 1884, Alice S. Tilton. She d. July 25, 1898. 20^ HAYlis \ GENEALOGY. ISO. (95) John' Haines (Jacob C.,« James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,'' SamueP) was born in Hill, N.H., and when eleven years of age re- moved from there to Waltham, Mass., with his father. He received his education in the public schools of that town, and was carefully- trained at home. At the age of twenty-eight he married j\Iary Eliz- abeth Hoyt, and established his home in the town of his adoption. He is a man of broad mind and large heart, having a fine business capacity and a deep religious nature. He has been superintendent for the Boston Manufacturing Company for forty -eight years ; was a member of the Board of Engineers of the Waltham Fire Depart- ment for eleven years, nine of which he was assistant and secre- tary, and for two years he was chief of the Department. He is a member of the National Association of Fire Engineers, and a mem- ber of the Corporation of the Waltham Hospital, being a trustee and one of the Executive Committee. He also is a member of the Massachusetts and the National Societies of the Sons of the Ameri- can Eevolution, and a member of Lodge No. 373 of Knights of Honor. He belongs to Christ Church, Waltham, having for twelve years been a vestryman. Chii-dren : 1. John F., b. in Waltham, Aug. 10, 1858 ; d. Nov. 15, 1868. 2. Julia E., b. Jan. 10, 18G0 ; m. Nov. 25, 1886, Herbert J. Newton of Framingham, Mass. He was b. July 7, 1865, and is a member of the firm of Newton & Daniels, No. 56 Summer Street, Boston. They have one dau., Hazel H., b. in Waltham. 3. William M., b. Jan. 25, 1867 ; m. Dec. 22, 1888, Annie L. Peck of Wolfville, N.S. She was b. July 13, 1867. They made their home in Waltham, where he has been employed for the last seventeen years as master workman in one of the departments of the Waltham Watch Co., being a man of skill and of noble character. They have one son, John W., b. Feb. 10, 1890. 4. Francis A., b. Oct. 7, 1868; m. Dec. 24, 1889, Jessie J. Boyce of Watertown, N.Y. She was b. Feb. 7, 1871. For fifteen years he was in the employ of the American Wal- tham Watch Co. ; but when the proclamation of war was made against Spain, he enlisted in the 6th Mass. Regt., Co. I, of Concord. From camp they were ordered to JOHN HAINES. Walthani. Mass. (See No. 180.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 205 Charleston, S.C., and from there to Santiago de Cuba. At that place he was promoted from orderly to corporal. After doing duty at several strategic points, they sailed for Forto Rico, where they proved their efficiency with others through struggle and hardship in taking possession ot the island. After returning home and recovering from the effects of the campaign, he accepted a situation in the manufacture of watch supplies in Aurora, 111., and about one year later he entered the employ of the Elgin Watch Co. at Elgin, 111., where he now resides. (96) Benjamin ^ Haines (Cotton,^ Cotton,^ John,* William,^ Sam- uel,^ Samuel^) was born in Rumney, where he established his home after marrying Rachel Nudd, and where he reared an interesting family, whose record we wish was less obscure. Children : 1. James Madison, b. in Rumney ; d. young. 2. Horace, who m. Mary Sawyer. 3. Sophronia, who m. a Mr. Drake. 4. Sherburne. 5. Melvina, who m. Charles Dearborn, who at one time kept the Winthrop House, Boston. 6. Louisa, who lived in Boston, unm. 7. Caroline, who lived at the Winthrop House, Boston. (96) Ezra'' Haines (Cotton,^ Cotton,^ John,* William,^ Samuel,* SamueP) was born in Rumney, where he spent his early life, if not all his years. He married a Miss Chamberlin, but their record is quite meager. Children : 1. George W., who m. Mary A. Howe. They lived in Dorches- ter, N.H., and Lowell, Mass. 2. Martha, who m. Greenough Smart. 1S3. (97) Matthias ^ Haines (James,® Cotton,^ John,* William,'' Sam- uel,^ Samuel^) was probably born in Rumney, and was the oldest of a family of nine children. When a little less than nineteen 206 UA^N^S \ GENEALOGY. years of age he married Sarah Smart, with whom lie lived fourteen] years, when he died at the age of thirty-three. She survived him] twenty-one years, dying at the age of hfty-two. Children : 281 1. Mahuron, b. July 19, 1811 ; m. Nov. 30, 1834, Lucy Clifl ford. 2. Miles Elbridge, b. Feb. 6, 1813 ; m. Nov. 27, 1834, Parna Currier. They resided in Wentworth, N.H., having no children. 282 3. James Milton, b. May 7, 1816; m. Nov. 5, 1839, Mary Smith. They lived in New Hampton, N.H. (97) Lyman' Haines (James,^ Cotton,^ John,* "William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was a native of Rumney, and married Sarah James, who lived near Androscoggin Lake, Me. Children : 1. Matthias. 2. Betsy. 3. Nancy. 4. James Wheeler. 5. Clarinda Jane. (98) John Russell' Haines (John,« Cotton,^ John," William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Rumney, and probably brought up on the farm. He married Margaret G. Smart of Lowell, Mass. At one time they lived in Jersey City, N.J. Children : 1. Dorcas Ann, who m. C. Banney. 2. J. Miller. 3. Mary Jane. 4. Alvin Ford, b. Sept. 8, 1827 ; m. Abbie C. Ransom of Dover, N.H. They lived in Lowell, ]\Iass. ISO. (98; Daniel Brainard '' Haines (John,^ Cotton,'^ John," William,^ Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Rumney, where he received his early education. At the age of twenty-one he married Elcy Jane Lucas of that town. They afterwards lived in Boston. EIGHTH GENERATION. 207 Children : 1. Louisa Jane, b. Dec. 5, 1823. 2. Edward Webber, b. March 2, 1827 ; m. Mary Paine of Bos- ton. He went to California, and d. in 1851. They had one son, Charles, b. February, 1850. 3. Caroline Xewman Yiles, b. March 30, 1829; m. William Fairchild of Brooklyn, N.Y. They had one dau., Carrie N., b. Sept. 17, 1850. 4. Frances Helen, b. Feb. 25, 1833. 5. Daniel Brainard, b. March 2(), 1837. 6. Henry Hall, b. Oct. 15, 1838. 7. Albert Thomas, b. Feb. 6, 1841. (99) Isaac Newton' Haines (Thomas,® Cotton,^ John,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Rumney, but went to Manchester, N.H. He married Lydia M. Sayward of Newburyport, Mass. Children : 1. Charles M., b. March 26, 1831. 2. Eugene, b. Jan. 24, 1833 ; d. June, 1836. 3. Henry T., b. Sept. 13, 1840. 4. George, b. Sept. 20, 1845 ; d. November, 1845. (100) Noah Marden" Haines (Noah,® Cotton,'' John,* William,' Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Rumney in the early part of the nineteenth century. He married Elizabeth Kenniston, Children : 1. Rufus Alonzo, b. April 22, 1835. 2. Adelaide M., b. Oct. 10, 1836. 3. John Milton, b. Kov. 1, 1839 ; d. Sept. 2, 1871, at Lowell. ISO. (100) Sylvester' Haines (Noah,® Cotton,^ John," William,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was a native of Rumney, where he became familiar with toil. He married Marian Goodwin, and died in 1850, Children : 1. Sylvester W., b. April 12, 1849. 2. William Augustus, who at one time lived in Tilton. 208 H^YNis \ GENEALOGY. 15>0. (101) David ^ Haines (Daniel,^ John,^ John,< William,' Samuel,' SamueP) was boru in Urford, N.H., and at the age of thirty -one he married Mary Blake of Walden, N.Y., with whom he lived six years, when she died. Nearly four years later he married Julia Isabel Blake of Jonesport, jST.Y., with whom he lived more than three years, when she died. He then married Mary Elizabeth Adams of Harrisburg, Penn., with whom he lived about two and one-half years, when she died. About one year and a half later he married Mary Althea Heaton. For seventeen years he was chief clerk in the money-order office, Post Office Department, AVashing- ton, D.C. Children by Lst wife : 1. George Chalmers, b. Sept. 7, 1847 ; d. Sept. 24, 1854. 2. Sarah Blake, b. in New York City, Sept. 28, 1849. 3. .Mary Isabel, b. in New York City, Feb. 6, 1852; m. Feb. 6, 1871, Charles 0. Perry of Perryville, Ind. By 3i) wife : 4. David Adams, b. in Harrisburg, Penn., June 25, 1860. He was a lawyer, dying at New York City, Dec. 8, 1890. By 4th wife : 5. Grace Heaton, b. in Washington, D.C, Jan. 20, 1867; d. Oct. 28, 1876. lOOfv. (37) Alanson^ Haines (William,*' John,^ John,MVilliam,' Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Wentworth, N.H., where he spent his boy- hood. When about twenty-live years of age he married Hannah Davis. He belongs to a family of great longevity. His father \ lived to be ninety, his grandfather was ninety-two when he died, and his great-grandfather was eighty-six, and he was eighty-nine in June, 1001. His home is in Laramie, Wyo. Ciin.i)i!i:\ : 1. Alanson S., b. in Wentworth, Nov. 10, 1839. | 2. Daniel L., b. March 17, 1843 ; d. Jan. 13, 1858. EIGHTH GENERATION. 209 lOl. (102) Asa" Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Mat- thias/ Samuel ^) was born in Saco, Me., where he spent his active life. At the age of twenty-five he married Hannah Milliken, with whom he lived nearly forty years, when he died at the age of about sixty-five. She survived him thirty-one years, dying at the age of nearly eighty-nine. He was a man of great integrity of character, and a Christian gentleman. Children- : 1. Betsy F., b. Dec. 29, 1818 ; m. Amos Libby of Saco, who d. March 1, 1874. She d. March, 1875. They had one dau., Emily. 2. Lydia, b. Oct. 29, 1820 ; m. Loren S. Milliken of Buxton, Me. 3. Edward M., b. Nov. 22, 1822 ; m., 1st, Lucy Bunker, who d. November, 1863 ; m., 2d, Eliza Jose. He had one dau. by 1st wife, Lydia Ella, who m. Charles Pillsbury of Scar- boro. Me. 4. Samuel, b. Dec. 25, 1824 ; m. Minerva McFadden. He be- came agent of the Columbian Manufacturing Company, in Greenville, N.H. They had one son and one dau. 283 5. Moses J., b. March 3, 1827 ; m. Hannah G. Clark. 6. Hannah, b. Feb. 23, 1829 ; m. Andrew W. Hewes of Saco. They had three sons and two dans. 7. Walter F., b. July 6, 1831 ; m., 1st, Amanda Small, who d. November. 1864; m., 2d, Mrs. Martha Taylor, who d. March, 1875 ; m. 3d, 1881, Narcissa Berry. He lived in Saco. 8. Albion R. P., b. May 6, 1834 ; m. Sarah E. Milliken. 9. William Oliver, b. Oct. 30, 1836 ; m. Melissa Milliken. 10. John F., b. Feb. 28, 1840 ; m. Susan Norcross. 11. Reuben, b. Oct. 2, 1843; m. Eliza A. Carson. He d. in Detroit, Mich., June, 1879, s.p. (102) Samuel " Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Mat- thias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Saco, Me., in the first year of the nine- teenth century. 210 rrA^J'L GENEALOGY. HAINES UAYNES Children : 1. Abner W. 2. Kuth. 3. George. 4. Asa. 5. Abbie. 6. Sylvia. 103. (102) Philemon M.' Haines (Samuel,® Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Matthias,- Samuel ^) was born in Saco, Me. At the age of twenty- seven he married Jane Pascher, They lived in Biddeford, Me. Children : 1. Mehitable A. 2. Mary Jane. 3. Abbie. 4. Kuth M. 104. (102; Stephen A.' Haines (Samuel,® Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,* Mattliias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Saco, Me., and married Ann Berry. ClIILDUEN : 1. Harris B. 2. Stephen. 3. Lydia Ann. (103) Penley^ Haines (Keuben S.,® Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Leeds, Me. ; but the family soon removed to Topsham, and afterwards to Bangor, where he received his early education. At the age of eighteen he commenced business by opening a store in that place, and afterwards embarked in the lumber trade, in which he was very successful. For many 3-ears he was Indian agent over the Penobscot tribe, and through his aid and influence they were raised to a degree of civilization, and became Protestant Christians. He was a man of royal spirit and tender feelings, and of wide influence in the community. At the EIGHTH GENERATION. 211 age of thirty-two he married Elizabeth Oakley, with whom he lived forty-one years, when he died at the age of seveuty-four. Children : 1. Laura Jaue, b. March 18, 1838, at Mackinaw, 111. She was educated in Bangor, where she graduated from the high school at the age of fifteen. She possesses a literary talent, and has written many essays and short sketches for publication. She was a pioneer as a woman real-estate broker in New York City, and very successful, now caring for her widowed mother in that city. 2. Annie Sarah, b. at Owlshead, Me., July 23, 1841. After her graduation she engaged in literary work, and became a regular contributor to several magazines. She had just completed a volume for publication, when she died of con- sumption in Philadelphia, Pa., May 19, 1864. 3. Louisa E., b. May 17, 1845 ; d. June 12, 1851. 4. Ada Penley, b. Sept. 1, 1854, at Bangor ; m. Sept. 28, 1872, John A. Owens of Philadelphia, Pa. She is an authoress of reputation, having published two volumes of fiction, « Earl of Ferncliff " and " Geoffrey's Secret." She is now a widow, but has one son, Archie Rupert, b. Oct. 16, 1878. He is a gifted young man with a bright future. lOO. (103) AUen " Haines (Reuben S.," Samuel,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Topsham, Me., where he com- menced his education. He graduated from Bowdoin College in 1829. Seven years later he married Jane Purinton of Portland. He practiced law for several years in Bangor, and afterwards set- tled in Portland, where he became prominent in local and State aft'airs. At different times he held the position of railroad commis- sioner ; was judge of probate ; was president of the Mechanics Bank ; was treasurer of the Portland & Rutland Railroad Com- pany ; and was trustee of St. Stephen's Church. He was a man of excellent judgment and financial sagacity ; also was large-hearted, and generous in deeds of charity. Children : 1. Charles Rackliff, b. in Bangor, July 23, 1839. 2. Ella, b. Sept. 3, 1842 ; m. Dec. 20, 1864, John T. Denniston of Pittsburg, Pa. He was b. March 18, 1843. 212 ?AW.Ki \ GENEALOGY. Children : (1) Allen Haines, b. Jan. 5, 1867. (2) William T., b. May 2, 1873. (103) John P." Haines (Reuben S./ Samuel/ Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born at Topsham, Me., and when twenty- four years of age he married Mary Averill at Searsmont, Me. They lived at Lincoln, 111., at Denver, Col., at San Francisco, and Santa Barbara, Cal., where he died at the age of seventy-five. ClULDRKN : 1. Katie, b. Oct. 7, 1845 ; m. Nov. 6, 1865, George W. Easterly of Stillwater, Wis. 2. May, b. Dec. 14, 1848 ; m. Sept. 15, 1873, B. W. James of Warsaw, Wis. 3. Flora, b. July 12, 1855 ; m. John Longhead. They lived at Niles, at Santa Barbara, and at Oakland, Cal. She is a literary lady quite widely known. 4. Allen, b. March 12, 1858. He practiced law at Minne- apolis, Minn. lOS. (104) Benjamin' Haines (John,^ Timothy,'^ Samuel,^ Samuel,' Matthias," Samuel ^) was born in Buxton, Me., near to Gorham. He married Lydia McDaniel of Saco, JNIe., where they made their home. ClIILDKEN : 284 1. Bufus, m. Eliza McCullock of Saco. She was b. in 1802. 2. John, d. young. 3. Timothy, m. IVIrs. Mills of Saco, Me. 4. Benjamin, m. Mrs. Betsy Libbey. 5. Lavinia, m. Benjamin Haines of Windham, Me. 6. Polly, d. young. 7. ]>etsy, m. Samuel Mills of Boston, Mass. ; 8. Patty. 9. Hannah, m. Cyrus Libbey of Scarboro, Me. 10. I'enelope, d. young. i EIGHTH GENERATION. 213 lOO. (104) Samuel " Haines (John,*' Timothy ,5 Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Mat- thias,- Samuel ^) was born at Buxton, Me. At the age of twenty -iour he married Mary Harmon of Scarboro. She was the daughter of Major Harmon of the Continental army. He lived with her eight years, when she died. His second wife was Ehoda Libbey of Scar- boro, who lived but a few years after they were married. He mar- ried Mrs. Atkinson for his third wife. He died in the town of his nativity at the age of eighty-four years. Children by 1st wife : 285 1. Josiah M., b. in Buxton, June 17, 1797 ; m. Se^^t. 29, 1822, Bathsheba F. Waugli of Norridgewock. She was b. Dec. 6, 1799. He d. in New York City, Nov. 1, 1870. 286 2. Nathaniel, b. July 22, 1799 ; m., 1st, Jane Harmon of Saco, who was b. Aug. 13, 1804, and d. June 26, 1840 ; m. 2d, Aug. 8, 1843, Olive Harmon of Buxton, who was b. March 22, 1823. 3. Alexander, b. prior to 1803. He went from home about 1834. The following year he was in South Carolina, and laid his plans to go to South America, since which nothing has been heard from him. 4. Mary, b. in 1803 ; m. Miami Carter of Freeport, Me. They resided in Westbrook, Me. By 2d wife : 5. Eliza, b. abt. 1805 ; d. young. 6. Martha, b. abt. 1807 ; m. Enos Carter of Freeport, j\Ie. He was brother of Miami Carter, who m. Mary Haines. (109) John' Haynes(John,^ Nathaniel,^ John,^ Samuel,^ ^Matthias,^ Samuel ^) inherited many desirable qualities of mind and heart, and received wise parental training. At the age of twenty-four he mar- ried Sabrina Smith, dau. of Charles Smith of Fayette, Me., a well- known physician of those days. He was engaged in business in New York City, where they made their home for a while, but after- wards returned to Maine. He was for many years one of the trustees of the Maine Wesleyan Seminary and Female College at Kent's Hill, Me. He was a man of wide reading and good judg- 21^ HAYNis \ OENEALOGY. ment, honorable in his dealing, and of a lovable disposition. He lived with his wife about fifty-one years, when she died. He sur- vived her about two years, dying at the age of seventy-eight. Children : 1. Charles S., b. April, 18^3; ni., 1st, Frances Wing; m., 2d, Emma Tuttle. 2. Mary F., b. March 17, 1841. She is a literary lady, having written much for papers and magazines. She now resides in Boston. SOI. (68) Josiah M.' Haines (Josiah,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,* William,' Samuel,'^ Samuel ^) was born in Moultonboro, and lived on his father's farm until he was twenty years of age. He was educated at Whitestown, N.Y., and at New Hampton, N.H. When about thirty-two years of age he married Almira Weldon. In 1850 he made his home in Merrimack, Wis., going from there to Baraboo, and then to North Freedom, same state, where he was engaged in trade. In 1886 he was in Dakota, and two years later he made his home in Seattle, Wash. Children : 1. Eva S., b. Sept. 22, 18.58 ; m. Sept. 24, 1878, George K. Bell, who d. July 13, 1889. Children : (1) Reba, b. Nov. 2, 1882. (2) Haines, b. Dec. 17, 1884 ; d. March 16, 1889. 2. Jessie M., b. April 21, 1861 ; m., in 1879, W. I. Elliott. She is an artist of considerable note in Seattle. SO?2. (105) John" Haines (Dudley,'^ John,'^ John,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Readficld, Me., where he early learned to bear some of the responsibilities of life. At the age of twenty-two he married Nancy McLanch, and they made their home in the place of his nativity. Children : 1. Dudley, b. May 8, 1816. 2. Alice, b. Aug. 20, 1818. 3. John S., b. June 12, 1822. 4. Nancy, b. Dec. 18, 1827. EIGHTH GENERATION. 215 S03. (105) Walter " Haines (Dudley," John/ John,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Eeadlield, but lived in Winthrop, Me. At the age of twenty-six he married Content W. Danforth of Xorton, Mass., with whom he lived eleven years, when he died at the age of thirty-seven. She survived him sixteen years, dying in Rockland, Me., at the age of forty-five. Children : 1. Mary Jane, b. April 22, 1831. 2. Angeline E., b. April 18, 1833; m. William G. Sargent, Feb. 21, 1853. She d. May 4, 1857. 3. Ellen Content, b. June 6, 1835; m. Dec. 17, 1854, E. R. Spear. She d. March, 1863. 4. Augusta L., b. May 19, 1839 ; d. May, 1842. (106) Francis F.' Haines (Peter,*' John,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in East Livermoi-e, Me., where he received his early training, and made his permanent home after marrying Linda Bates when he was twenty-three years of age. He lived with her forty -five years, when she died at the age of sixty- five. He was a farmer, a Justice of the Peace, and one of the leading men of the town, having represented the town in the Legis- lature of the State. Children : 1. Emeline, b. May 1, 1817; m. Dec. 1, 1853, Earl S. Good- rich of St. Paul, Minn. She d. in Washington, D.C., in 1894. 2. Linda Ann, b. Nov. 2, 1818; m. Dec. 21, 1844, Hon. Timothy 0. Howe of Green Bay, Wis. He was b. at Livermore, Feb. 7, 1816, and d. at his nephew's, James B, Howe, Kenosha, Wis., March 25, 1883. He was U.S. Senator from Wisconsin from March 4, 1861, to March 4. 1879. He was Postmaster-General at the time of his death, having been appointed by President Arthur. The 21<^ hI^Ne's \ GENEALOGY. following tribute was sent to both houses of the Wisconsin Legislature by the Governor : "ExEcr-TivK Department, Madison, Wis., March 2G. To the Honorable Legislature : It is my duty to inform you of the deatli of Timothy 0. Howe. He expired on Sunday afternoon, March 25, 1883, at Kenosha, and is lamented by the State and nation. His long career of faithful and distinguished public usefulness, and his upright and just charac- ter, made him universally known and beloved throughout the State, and gave him a high position in the Councils of the nation. Such honors as the Legislature has heretofore conferred upon him, and every mark of respect that may be bestowed, have been merited by his life of noble, loyal devotion to duty and his sense of right. The funeral will take place at Keno.sha, Wednesday, March 28, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and thereafter the remains will be taken to their last resting-place at Green Bay on the evening train. J. M. RrsK. Governor."' His wife died at "Washington, D.C., Aug. 1, 1881. at the residence of their son-in-law, Col. Enoch Totten, aged sixty-three years. 3. Mary Macomber, b. Jan. 2, 1821 ; ni. Jan. 10, 1840, Ezekiel P. Eastman, M.D., who was b. May, 1819. She d. June 26, 1867. They resided in Lynn, Mass. Children : (1) Charles, who became Paymaster in the U.S. Navy, and d. 1880. (2) Frank W., who was Attorney-General of Montana. 4. Francis Greenleaf, b. July 29, 1823 ; d. Oct. 6, 1858. 5. Silas Bates Augustus, b. Sept. 30, 1825. He became a lawyer and practiced in Green Bay, Wis. ; m. June 13, 1851, at Lynn, Mass., Harriet C. Xeal of Skowhegan, Me. They lived in Greeley, Col. 6. Marshall Franklin, b. Dec. 7, 1827 ; d. Xov. 14, 1849. 7. Harriet Bates, b. July 30, 1831 ; d. Dec. 14, 1832. 8. Ellen Sophia, b. March 16, 1837 ; d. Sept. 2, 1837. 9. Charles Frederick, b. June 1, 1839; m. Nov. 9, 1870, Henrietta Loidsa Woodman, who was b. Aug. 1, 1850, at Farmington, Me. He became a physician, and practiced in Skowhegan, Me., and afterwards in Boston, ]\lass. 10. Sophia Clark, b. June 27, 1841 ; m. Dec. 11, 1871, Joseph Lee of St. Paul, Minn. I EIGHTH GENERATION. 217 SO^ (106) Peter ^ Haines (Peter,*' John/ John," Samuel,' Matthias," Samuel ^) was born in Livermore, Me., where he received his early education. At the age of twenty-two he married Lydia Hall of Pembroke, with whom he lived fifty-tive years, when he died at the age of nearly seventy-eight. His wife survived him two years, dying at the age of seventy-four. He was a highly respected farmer, of kindly feelings, and honest to the corfe, being blessed with philosophical insight. In religious belief he was a Univer- salist, being one of the pioneers of that denomination in the State of Maine, and contributing generously for the furtherance of those principles. He was much beloved by those who knew him. Children : 1, Peter, b. Oct. 28, 1818. He was insane from boyhood, and d. March, 1900. 287 2. Sumner Stetson, b. April 3, 1820; m. Nov. 27, 1845, Cecilia K. Straker. He d. in 1872. 3. Mary Church, b. March 7, 1824, in Phillips, Me. ; m., in 1844, Ezra Kempton of Mooselamagantic Lake, Me. He d. in 1874. Children : (1) Herbert S., who is connected with the Boston Herald. (2) LaVern Matfield. (3) Grace De Wolfe. 4. Zenas Thompson, b. Oct. 20, 1830. He was a corporal in Co. D, 44th Mass. Reg., in the War of the Rebellion. For many years he was regular correspondent, and wrote frequently for the press to the time of his death. Being a cripple for nineteen years, he moved about in a wheeled chair. He d. Sept. 29," 1900, unm. 5. Jessie Haines, b. Oct. 18, 1836 ; m. Oct. 7, 1855, Andrew J. Dodge. Children : (1) Eva M. (2) Emma H. (3) Genevieve. (4) Zenas H., b. in 1871 ; d. Jan. 19, 1890. 9-18 HAINES \ -"^^ HAYNES] GENEALOGY. (106) Henry' Haines (Peter,* John,^ John,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,=^ Samuel^) was a native of Livermore, Me., where he was brought up. When he was twenty -three years old he married Anna Schofield; and they made their liome in Hallowell, and lived together forty-two years, when he died at the age of sixty-five. She lived twenty years more, and died at the age of eighty-three. Children : 1. Julia A., b. Sept. 29, 1821 ; d. Oct. 24, 1834. 288 2. James Henry, b. IMarc-h 15, 182.3 ; m. March 8, 1846, Pa- tience M. Williams of Augusta, Me. They lived in Eock- ville, Mass. 3. Sarah J., b. Oct. 3, 1825; m. Aug. 2(S, 1848, Benjamin P. Pease of JNIonmouth, Me. They have one son, Charles E., b. in 1850. 4. George P>., b. Oct. 12, 1828 ; d. Aug. 6, 1831. 5. George B., b. June 3, 1833; m. March 1, 1858, Henrietta Ferguson of New York City. They had one son, Edwin H., b. October, 1859 ; m. July, 1885, Martha Kettrick of New York. 6. Hannah P., b. Nov. 12, 1834; m. Jan. 1, 1853, Charles A. Totten of Taunton, Mass. Children : (1) Arthur B., b. Oct. 4, 1853 ; m. Jan. 1, 1880, Annie F. Smith of Taunton. (2) Lillian B., b. July 9, 1859; m. July 3, 1882, Henry M. Pvider of Waftham. (3) Emma J., b. Jan. 3, 1869. 7. Lauristan Perry, b. Aug. 12, 1836i 8. Annette, b. July 6, 1842; d. July 27, 1842. 9. Emma Margaret, b. Jan. 26, 1845 ; d. July 3, 1867. (106) James Harvey" Haines (Peter,'' John,^ John,* Samuel,^ Mat- thias,- SiuuueP) was born in Livermore, Me. He married Mary Williams. At one time he was State Senator in the Maine Legisla- ture. He died in Illinois in 1854. I EIGHTH GENERATION. 219 Children : 1. Andrew Jackson. 2. Benjamin William, 3. Jessie. SOS. (106) Columbus" Haines (Peter,^ John,^ John/ Samuel,' Mat- thias,- Samuel^) was born in East Livermore, Me., where he spent his boyhood. At the age of thirty-eight he married Anna P. Town- send of Sidney, Me., with whom he lived more than thirty -two years, when he died at the age of about seventy-one. She survived him fourteen years. Children : 1. Horace G., b. in East Livermore, Nov. 11, 1849; d. in in- fancy. 2. Caroline P., b. June 3, 1851 ; m. Dec. 25, 1879, Frank E. Laughton. Children : (1) Agnes E., b. Jan. 21, 1881. (2) Inez E., b. Jan. 21, 1881. (3) Eichard H., b. Dec. 1, 1882. (4) Donald D., b. Jan. 8, 1884. 3. Juliette C, b. Nov. 25, 1852 ; m. Oct. 9, 1878, Charles H. Oakes, who graduated from the Boston University School of Medicine, and for eight years practiced in Worcester and Bristol Counties, Mass., and for the last eight years in Maine. They reside at Livermore Falls, Me. 4. Columbus, b. August, 1854 ; d. in infancy 5. Anna, b. August, 1854 ; d. in infancy. soo. (106) Joseph B.^ Haines (Peter,« John,^ John,* Samuel,^ Mat- thias,^ SamueP) was born in Livermore, Me., where he enjoyed the advantages of the country boy of his day. He married his cousiu, Susan Haines, daughter of Daniel Haines of Hallowell, when he was twenty-six years of age. He lived to be eighty-eight. She ■was eighty when she died. Children : 1. Susan Elizabeth, b. Nov. 28, 1840. 2. N. Amelia, b. Jan. 23, 1842. 220 lims \ GENEALOGY. 3. Abbie F., b. Dec. 30, 1843. 4. Emma Jane, b. Aug. 9, 184G; d. Aug. 15, 1849. 6. Matilda Williams, b. Nov. 20, 1848 ; d. September, 1899. 6. Joseph E., b. March 25, 1853 ; d. Sept. 10, 1858. 7. Fred Herbert, b. July 29, 1855 ; d. Nov. 10, 1858. 8. Lillie, b. Oct. 19, 185G ; m. Dec. 16, 1881, John Roberts. They live in San Francisco, Cal. (107) William Sawyer^ Haines (Jonathan,^ John,^ John,^ Sam- uel,^ Matthias," Samuel^) was born in Hallowell, Me. Children : 1. Emma C, b. March 6, 1841. 2. Martha A., b. Dec. 18, 1842. 3. Belle C, b. April 28, 1846. 4. John K., b. May 11, 1849. 5. Eugene W., b. Oct. 3, 1852. Sll. (107) George W." Haines (Jonathan,^ John,^ John,* Samuel,' Mat- thias,^ SamueP) was born in Hallowell, Me. Children : 1. George W. 2. John Henry. 3. Edward Everett. 4. Arthur P.. 5. Emma May. (107) Rufus Rowe' Haines (Jonathan,® John,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Hallowell, Me. He married Elvira Viola Kirk, dau. of Joseph Kirk of Virginia. At one time i they lived at Los Angeles, Cal. CllILDRKN : 1. Sarah E., b. in 1866. 2. Estella L., b. in 1868. '. 3. Rufus Alfred, b. in 1874; d. the same year. EIGHTH GENERATION. 221 Sirs. (108) Joseph Wingate'^ Haines (Daniel,® John,^ John,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Hallowell, Me. \Yhen twenty- three years old he married Mary B. Briggs of Winthrop, Me., with whom he lived forty-four years, when she died. Children : 1. Lydia, b. April, 1829 ; m. Caleb Ellis of Michigan. 2. Abigail, b. May, 1830. 3. Henry, b. June, 1831 ; d. September, 1831. 288a 4. Henry A., b. September, 1832 ; m. June 7, 1855, Mary Frances Knight of Presque Isle, Me. She was b. Jan. 17, 1836. He d. March 7, 1889. 5. George W., b. November, 1833 ; m. Lizzie Wharff, who d. in 1864. He was once Postmaster at Maple Grove, Me. 6. Joseph W., b. November, 1834 ; d. June, 1835. 7. Mary, b. January, 1836 ; m. Augustus Kackliff. She d. in 1863. 8. John W., b. August, 1837 ; m. 1st, in 1861, Lizzie Davis ; m. 2d, in 1868, Maggie Fandland. He lived at Fort Fair- field, Me. 9. Daniel, b. July 21, 1838. He served in the 1st Missouri Cavalry during the War of the Rebellion; m., in 1870, Flora Hinckley of Bangor, Me. He d. September, 1870. 10. Lucia B., b. October, 1841; d. November, 1841. 11. Albert L., b. Dec. 10, 1842; m. Mary Currier of Fort Fairfield. 12. Nancy C, b. May, 1843 ; m. Warren Plummer of Titude, Penn. 13. Fred, b. October, 1844, at Fort Fairfield. 14. Frank, b. October, 1844. 15. Marcella, b. September, 1846 ; d. in 1855. 16. Theodore, b. ; d. in Pennsylvania in 1871. 17. Isadore, twin with Theodore. 222 HAYNES \ GENEALOGY. (108) Charles ' Haines (Daniel,*^ John,^ John,^ Samuel,^ jMattliias,^ SamueP) was born in llallowell, Me. At the age of twenty -five he married Rhoda B. Morgan. Children : 1. Emeline. 2. Thomas. 3. Walter. 4. 5. Manly A Eugene. 6. Fannie. SIS, (108) William Abbott ' Haines (Daniel,^ John,^ John/ Samuel,' Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Hallowell, Me. At the age of twenty years he married Mary Jane Morgan. Children : 1. William Abbott. 2. George. 3. Etta. 4. Clara. 5. Emma. 6. Eugene. 7. Eannie. 8. Ered Herbert. SIO. (108) Daniel^ Haines (Daniel,"' John,^ John,* Samuel,' Matthias,* Samuel^) was born in Hallowell, Me., and married Mary Elliott when twenty-seven years of age. They lived in Augusta, ]\Ie. Chilkren : 1. Sanford W., b. August, 1849. 2. Asa T., b. March, 1852. He received a compound fracture of the ankle, Dec. 2, 1873, which necessitated the amputa- tion of the leg, in 1875. 3. Fred, b. February, 1854. EIGHTH GENERATION. 223 (109) Nathaniel^ Haynes (John/ Nathaniel,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias," Samuel ^) was born in Mt. Yernon, ]\Ie., during the last year of the eighteenth century. ^Yhen twenty-nine years of age he married Caroline J. Williamson. He graduated from Bowdoin College, then studied law with George Evans, Esq. He lived in Bangor, Me. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 1. Henry Williamson, b. Sept. 20, 1831. He graduated from the Boston Latin School, and from Harvard College in 1851. After graduation he spent several years in a Ger- man university, and on his return to this country was appointed professor of modern languages in the University of Vermont. Subsequently he studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in Boston, where he opened an office and practiced for two years. He was chosen a member of the School Committee of Boston, and was elected a member of the Common Council; also was one of the Board of Trustees of the Boston Public Library. He spent nearly six years in Europe in studying prehistoric records, gaining a vast amount of information which he has used for the good of the world. On Aug. 1, 1867, he married in Paris, France, Helen W. Blanchard, dau. of John A. Blanchard of Boston. (See Biographical Sketches.) 2. William D., b. in 1836 ; d. in 1837. SIS. (113) James Monroe " Haynes ( James,^ Jacob,^ Joshua,* Joshua,' Matthias," Samuel^) was born at North Wolfboro, and brought up on the farm. At the age of thirty he married Nancy M. Mathews, and made his home in Dover, N.H., where he was a merchant for many years. He was a man of strong physique, genial nature, strict integrity, broad-minded, and highly respected by all his associates. Children : 1. John Monroe, b. Oct. 18, 1850. He became a civil engineer, and made his home in Rush City, Minn., where he d., Aug. 27, 1878, at the age of about twenty-eight ^-ears. : 2. Charlotte Page, b. Jan. 1, 1858 ; m. Sept. 1, 1885, Edwin J. Haines. She d. Oct. 6, 1889. f 3. Annie Holman, b. Oct. 31, 1855 ; d. Sept. 1, 1857. 4. Louise Holman, b. Dec. 8, 1859. She is principal of the Holman school for girls, 2204 Walnut St., Philadelphia Pa. 224 '^i'.P^i,] GENEALOGY. (113) Joshua Brackett • Haines (James," Jacob/ Joshua,* Joshua,* Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in North Wolfboro, where he spent his boyhood. After he left home he became a machinist, and worked at that trade. At the age of twenty-three he married ^Martha J. Rob- erts. They lived in Portland, Me., and in different places in the West. Children : 1. Martha Retena, b. Feb. 24, 1849 ; m. Oct. 4, 1863, Charles Jenks. She d. Oct. 14, 1887. Children : (1) May M., b. March 5, 180(3 ; d. Dec. 9, 1875. (2) John P., b. Nov. 16, 1868 ; d. Nov. 20, 1875. (3) Hattie J., b. May 10, 1871 ; d. Nov. 18, 1875. (4) M. Eugenia, b. Oct. 9, 1875. 2. Edwin James, b. July 10, 1851 ; m. 1st, Sept. 1, 1885, his cousin, Charlotte P. Haynes, who was b. Jan. 1, 1853, and d. Oct. 6, 1889 ; m. 2d, June 9, 1892, Carrie T. Pike, who was b. May 7, 1863 ; d. April 24, 1895. They had one dau., Charlotte Pike, b. April 29, 1893. 3. John Frank, b. April 13, 1854 ; m. April, 1878, Amanda LaChapelle. They have one son, John William, b. Jan. 5, 1879. 4. Hattie Jane, b. Nov. 14, 1859 ; m. 1st, Aug. 8, 1876, Peter Punk ; m. 2d, Jan. 22, 1882, George M. Pierce ; m., 3d, George Frank. 5. Charles Joshua, b. Dec. 4, 1861 ; m. February, 1885, Mabel G. Briant, who was b. in 1867. Children : (1) Martha, b. April 19, 1887 ; d. April 21, 1887. (2) Florence, who lived but a few months. 6. George AVilliam, b. Aug. 28, 1864; m. Nov. 29, 1885, Lena C. Halm, who was b. May 3, 1869. Children : (1) Hattie M., b. Sept. 9, 1886. (2) Bessie, b. May 6, 1888. EIGHTH GENERATION. 225 sso. (114) Matthias'' Haines (Matthias,^ Jacob,^ Joshua,* Joshua,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Wolfboro, and spent his early life on the farm with his father. At the age of twenty -two he married Mary M. Whitman. They first made their home in Boston, after- wards removing to Weston, Vt., where he still resides. He lived with his wife forty-two years, when she died. Child : 1, Frank D., b. in Boston, Nov. 15, 1858 ; m. in Weston, Vt., July 24, 1880, Stella G. Stubbs. They have one son, Hugh W., b. Sept. 11, 1881, at Weston. SSI. (115) George '^ Haines (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joshua,* Joshua,' Mat- thias," Samuel ^) was born in Wolfboro, and was but twelve years old when his father died. At the age of twenty-two he married Margaret Lord, with whom he lived fifteen years, when he died at the age of about thirty-eight. She then bravely cared for her fam- ily, having been a typical farmer's wife of those days, and accounted as a good manager. Children : 1. Susan M., b. Oct. 27, 1845 ; m. Jan. 6, 1876, William M. Whitton, who was b. Sept. 6, 1845. He is a farmer in Wolfboro, and a trader in cattle. 297a2. George A., b. April 20, 1858; m. 1st, Nov. 3, 1884, Addie F. Nute, who was b. April 2, 1865, and d. Jan. 15, 1888; m. 2d, Nov. 16, 1890, Alice M. Perry of Somer- ville, Mass. She was b. June 27, 1873. (115) Joshua Barker ^ Haines (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joshua,* Joshua,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Wolfboro six years before his father died. When twenty-five years of age he married Hannah Fernald, with whom he lived forty-eight years, when she died. He survived her nearly four years, dying at the age of seventy-seven. He was a merchant in Wolfboro. 226 h1¥'nTs \ GENEALOGY. Children : 1. Herbert Edwin, b. Aug. 17, 1856 ; m. Jan. 19, 1882, Stella King of Newton, Mass. She was b. Aug. 26, 1856. 2. Maggie, b. August, 1858 ; d. Oct. 9, 1869. (116) Ambrose D." Haynes (Caleb B.,^ Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,* Matthias,'^ Samuel ^) was born in Epsom, where he was educated and made his home. At the age of twenty-one he married Eliza T. Goss, with whom he lived three years, when she died. The year following he married Elizabeth 0. Brown of that town. He served in the War of the Rebellion, being a member of Co. I, 6th Reg. N.H. Vols., and died in the service, Jan. 21, 1862, at the age of thirty-six. She survived him thirty-seven years, dying at the age of seventy-seven. Children by 1st wife : 1. Sarah E., b. April 25, 1848 ; m. May 13, 1871. Abner C. Akeley of Belmont, N.H. He was b. Feb. 20, 1850. They reside in Atkinson, N.H. Children : (1) Helen 0., b. Aug. 20, 1873 ; d. Sept. 22, 1873. (2) Alice M., b. Oct. 8, 1874 ; m. Dec. 31, 1898, William H. Alby. (3) Herman R, b. Dec. 31, 1876 ; d. June 8, 1878. 2. Oscar B., b. June 15, 1850 ; d. Jan. 9, 1855. By 2d wife : 3. Charles A., b. Oct. 9, 1855; d. Feb. 24, 1856. 4. Merva A., b. Feb. 25, 1857 ; d. May 9, 1864. (116) Hiram B." Haynes (Caleb B.,« Elisha,^ John," lAIatthias," Matthias,- Samuel ^) was born in Epsom, where he made a home for himself when at the age of twenty -three he married Abbie J. Cotton of Greenfield. He enlisted in the War of the Rebellion, and was a member of Co. I, 6th Reg. K. H. Vols., with his brother Ambrose. He died in camp at Washington, D.C., Dec. 12, 1862, at the age of thirty -four. ELBRIDGE GERRY HAYNES. Born, Jan. 29, 1815: died. Nov. 3, 1881. (See X(i. 225.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 227 Children : 1. Clara C, b. March 8, 1853; m. May 20, 1874, Jolin V. Woodman, who d. Nov. 31, 1881 ; m. 2d, Nov. 21, 1893, Fred A. Page. Children : (1) Grace L., b. March 4, 1875. (2) Harry E., b. March 26, 1877 ; d. Nov. 8, 1879. 2. Frank B., b. Nov. 23, 1854; m. July 9, 1885, Jessie E. Driggs. They have one dau., Alice, b. May 20, 1886. 3. Charles F., b. March 30, 1857 ; m. Oct. 18, 1883, Ida A. Wells. 4 Sam B., b. June 30, 1859 ; m. Nov. 25, 1891, Georgie A. Phillips. (117) Elbridge Gerry " Haynes (James,*' Elisha,^ John,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,- Samuel^) was born in AUenstown, where he spent his boyhood. His early educational advantages were such as were offered the common country boy at the district school. He was ambitious, and determined to make much of himself in the world. So when he was nineteen years of age he bought his time of his father, paying one hundred and fifty dollars for the same. Then with but two dollars in his pocket he started for Boston, and in due time appeared in Haymarket Square with his trunk on his shoulder, and only a few cents of change remaining. He found work, and prospered for six years, when he returned to New Hamp- shire, and at the age of twenty-five married Caroline R. Knowlton, and made his home on a farm in Springfield which he had bought. But he could not limit his lifework to the farm. So he removed to Manchester, then a rapidly growing town, learned the mason's trade, and became a builder. He prospered and spent the remainder of his life there. He was honest, frank, and even-tempered, and took an active part in what he believed would promote the interests of the city. He was respected and honored, being for many years connected with the city government, and elected a State Senator. He died at the age of sixty-six years, having made the world better by living in it. His widow is still living in Manchester. Children : 289 1. Martin Alonzo, b. July 30, 1842 ; m. March 9, 1863, Corne- lia T. Lane. 228 Ua\^NES \ GENEALOGY. 2. Abbie M., b. April 29, 184G; m. July 13, 1871, Chauncy M. Clement, who is a dentist in Manchester. 3. Charles Francis, b. Nov. 20, 1851 ; d. at Manchester, Dec. 30, 1877, unin. 4. Cora May, b. Dec. 1, 18G2 ; m. October, 1886, Herman Tielscher. She d. in Manchester, April 3, 1887, s.p. (117) Joshua C." Haynes (James,'' Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,' INIat- thias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Allenstown, N.H., but spent the greater part of his boyhood in Newbury, N.H., to which place his parents removed. He was brought up on the farm, and educated in the district school. At the age of about twenty-four he married Polly Emery, who aided and encouraged him in the care of his family. Children : 1. Adeline, b. July 12, 1845 ; d. June 12, 1865. 2. Philip H., b. Feb. 19, 1850 ; d. Feb. 2, 1865. 3. Clarissa, b. May 12, 1852 ; d. March 9, 1865. 4. Sarah, b. May 3, 1854 ; d. Aug. 25, 1854. 5. Sarah, b. Sept. 24, 1855. 6. Alice, b. Jan. 7, 1862. 7. Harvey, b. January, 1870. (117) "William C.^ Haynes (James,^ Elisha,'^ John,* Matthias,' Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Newbury, N.H., and brought up on the farm, receiving the educational opportunities which the town offered. At the age of twenty-one he married Olive P. Bailey. They reside in Chicago. He is a private watchman for a company there. Children : 1. Ida M., b. May 10, 1856. 2. Mattie P., b. May 15, 1861. 3. Benjamin H., b. May 20, 1868. EIGHTH GENERATION. 229 (118) Jonathan Smith ^ Haynes (Jonathan B.,« Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,'^ Matthias,- Samuel i) was born in New London, N.H., and when twenty-five years of age he married Louisa Hall. They lived in Columbus, Wis., but removed from there to Mt. Sterling of the same State. Children : 1. Flora I., b. Feb. 5, 1854, at New London ; m. June, 1873, James L. Bliss of Mt. Sterling. She d. at Janesville, Wis., May 23, 1901. Children : (1) Myrtle, b. May 9, 1874 ; m., in 1894, William Whitney of Janesville. They have one dau., Cady L., b. May, 1897. (2) Cady L., b. Nov. 23, 1879, at Mt. Sterling. 2. Willis H., b. Feb. 27, 1861, at Columbus, Wis. ; m. Dec. 25, 1890, Pearl Janson. They have one son, Lee Willis, b. Sept. 19, 1897. 3. Hattie L., b. Aug. 19, 1863, at Columbus ; m. Jan. 25, 1897, Frank P. Churchill of Mt. Sterling. (118) William HJ Haines (Jonathan B.,« Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in New London, N.H. At the age of eighteen, during the Mexican War, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy for three years. He was on the ship Jainestown when it ran aground, and was towed into the harbor at Norfolk, Va., in a help- less condition. He was sick there in the hospital for a short time, and then sailed on the Cumberland for Vera Cruz., Mexico, in which port he remained until the war was over, when he returned to Norfolk and was discharged. During the War of the Kebellion he enlisted in the 36th Reg., Wisconsin Vols., and served as 1st Sergeant. He passed through the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, and Gettysburg without very serious injury, and at the close of the war was honorably discharged. He afterwards became station agent for the B. & M. P. P. at East Saugus, IVfass. He lives in Everett, Mass. He married his cousin, Sarah E. Johnson, 230 ui^YNES \ GENEALOGY. who died at Lancaster, Wis., March 6, 1876. Afterwards he mar- ried Mary A. Smith of New Hampton, N.H. (See Biographical ^sketches.) CniLDKKX : 1. Walter M., b. April 28, 1858; m. June 4, 1878, at Platteville, Wis., Elsie A. Cleveland of Findlay, Ohio. He was en- gaged in a successful business with his father at Delavan, Wis. He had a genial disposition, and possessing a lite- rary talent, he became quite a writer. He was a consistent Christian, made many friends, and held them. He died Nov. 26, 1881, at the age of twenty -three years. Children : (1) Willie R., b. Feb. 17, 1879, in Lancaster, Wis. (2) George W., b. March 2, 1880. S30. (118) George W.' Haynes (Jonathan B.,« Elisha,'^ John,* Matthias,^ Matthias," Samuel ^) was a native of New London, N.H., and prob- ably spent his boyhood there. He married Mabel Story, and lived in Columbus, Wis., where he died at the age of thirty-two years. She lives at Chicopee Falls, Mass. Children : 1. Emma Estella, b. Sept. 3, 1855 ; m. June 11, 1873, Ira S. Sowles. Children : (1) Mabel Harriet, b. July 6, 1881. (2) Harvey Robert, b. Oct. 1, 1890. 2. Irving Merrill, b. May 6, 1862 ; d. Feb. 27, 1875. S30a. (118) Freeman ' Ha3mes (Jonathan B.,^ Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,* Matthias,- Samuel^) was born in New London, N.H., and had the opportunities of that period. He married Abby J. Hayden, and they made their home at Mt. Sterling, Wis. He kindly ministered to his parents in their age and decline. Children : 1. George F., b. March 23, 1870; d. Feb. 5, 1882. 2. Jennie L., b. July 10, 1872. I JOHN C. HAYNES. Boston, Mass. (See No. 231.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 231 3. Alberta M., b. July 31, 1875 ; m. Jan. 26, 1896, James G. Gilligan. 4. Charles, b. March 3, 1877 ; d. Feb. 18, 1882. 5. Vivian L., b. Oct. 8, 1880. 6. Louis, b. Oct. 17, 1883. (119) John Cummings^ Haynes (John D.,^ Elisha,^ John,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,'- Samuel ^) was born in Brighton, now a part of Boston, Mass., and received his early education in the public schools, ending with the English High School. At the age of fifteen he entered the employ of the late Oliver Ditson, where by his affability, faithfulness, and force of character he rose step by step as the business of the house increased, until he is now the president of the large firm, which stands the first in its line in the country. After he had been in business ten years, at the age of twenty-five, he married Fanny Seabury Spear, dau. of the Rev. Charles and Frances Spear. Rev. Theodore Parker performed the marriage ceremony. They made their home in Boston, where they have lived together more than forty -five years. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 1. Alice Fanny, b. April 10, 1856 ; m. March 6, 1879, Marcus Morton Holmes of Boston. He was b. Oct. 26, 1845. Children : (1) John Haynes, b. Nov. 29, 1879. (2) Alice Marine, b. June 8, 1882. (3) Hector Mcintosh, b. Feb. 23, 1885. 2. Theodore Parker, b. July 14, 1858 ; d. June 17, 1860. 3. Lizzie Gray, b. Nov. 28, 1860 ; m. Feb. 17, 1886, Oscar Gordon Rankine of Boston. He was b. May 27, 1854. They have one dau., Adah Gordon, b. March 9, 1887. 4. Jennie Eliza, b. Nov. 28, 1863 ; m. Oct. 12, 1882, Fred 0. Hurd of Boston. He was b. June 16, 1856. She d. June 10, 1897. 5. Cora Marie, b. June 29, 1866; m.. 1st, Elizur Harte Day of Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 26, 1888 ; m. 2d, June 1, 1897, Isaac W. Crosby, who was b. May 20, 1863. 232 HAYN^ES \ GENEALOGY. Children : (1) Marie Frances, b. Oct. 23, 1888. (2) Kirkland llarte, b. Oct. 12, 1890. (3) Margaret Haynes, b. Feb. 28, 1894. 6. Mabel Stevens, b. April 10, 1874. 7. Edith Margaret, b. Nov. 21, 1876 ; m. June 6, 1900, Fred- erick II. I'ratt, who was b. April 19, 1808. (119) James Gilson • Haynes (John D.,® Elisha,^ John,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born on Milk Street, Boston, Mass., and attended the public schools until he was thirteen years of age, when he went to learn the trade of tinsmith with Nathaniel Water- man, the largest dealer in kitchen furniture in the city. In the meantime he attended one of the evening schools of the city. After finishing his trade, he went into business for himself, which con- stantly grew until it became one of the first of the kind in the city. His keen intellect, progressive ideas, boundless courage, accompa- nied with moderation and kindness of heart, won for him the respect and confidence of his fellows, and gave him high rank among the business men of tlie country. At the age of twenty- eight he married Charlotte A. Folger, daughter of one of the famous sea-captains of Nantucket. He lived with her thirty-five years, when he died at the age of sixty -four. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 1. Charlotte Viola, b. Jan. 5, 18G0. 2. Mary Rule, b. February, 1861 ; d. Nov. 3, 1863. 3. Olive Eliza, b. Sept. 2, 1864 ; d. Jan. 9, 1897. 4. James Henry, b. Dec. 1, 1865 ; d. Oct. 4, 1866. 5. Flora Folger, b. July 9, 1869 ; m. June 21, 1900, Frederick W. Howe, who was b. Sept. 3, 1872. 6. Charles Edward, b. Dec. 30, 1870. S533. (121) Albert Gallatin" Haines (Abner," Samuel,^ Abner,* Mat- thias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel') was born in Canterbury, where he re- ceived his early education. At the age of twenty-eight he married Rhoda Beane, with whom he lived more than eleven years, whenj JAMES G. HAYNES. Born, Dec. 7. 1830: died, Dec. 29, 1894. (See No. 232.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 233 she died. He afterward married Jane Sumner. They lived in Lebanon, N.H., and Dubuque, Iowa. He died at the age of sixty- three years. Children by 1st wife : 1. Charles Abbott, b. Dec. 22, 1833 ; d. Aug. 13, 1834. 2. Adelaide Ayers, b. Oct. 13, 1835 ; m. Sept. 17, 1857, James E,. Kendrick, who became General Manager of the Old Colony E.R. She d. May 11, 1893. He d. Dec. 11, 1890, s.p. 290 3. Charles Abbott, b. Aug. 11, 1837 ; m. June 22, 1867, Bessie P. Horton. He d. March 22, 1882. 4. Clarena Edwin, b. April 6, 1839 ; d. Aug. 26, 1839. 5. Helen Frances, b. Oct. 14, 1840 ; d. June 11, 1842. 6. Harriet Eliza, b. Eeb. 8, 1842 ; d. March 6, 1842. 291 7. Francis Edwin, b. Dec. 17, 1843 ; m, Kate Reed, who was b. Dec. 29, 1852. (121) Charles Glidden^ Haines (Abner,^ Samuel,^ Abner,^ Matthias,'' Matthias,^ Samuel ^ ) was born in Canterbury, where he went to the district school. He afterwards learned the printer's trade in Concord. At the age of twenty-seven he married Harriet B. An- drews of Warner, N.H., and made his home in Manchester, where he was a dry goods merchant. In 1856 he removed to Dubuque, Iowa, where he became a farmer, and from there to Storm Lake of the same State. Then he removed to Dead wood, S.D. He is now living in Los Angeles, Cal. Children : 292 1. Fred Abner, b. April 22, 1853; m. 1st, Oct. 19, 1880, An- toinette Haines, his cousin, who was b. Feb. 24, 1853, and d. March 10, 1889 ; m., 2d, Jennie Sullivan of Cincinnati, 0., Dec. 18, 1892. She was b. Aug. 10, 1870. They live in Deadwood, S.D. 293 2. William Pickering, b. Dec. 24, 1855 ; m. Dec. 24, 1885, Mrs. Addie Irene Lockie, who was b. at Cold Spring, Wis., April 4, 1862. 294 3. Arthur T., b. Nov. 17, 1858 ; m. March 11, 1891, at Dubuque, Iowa, Sarah Wilde, who was b May 12, 1864. Their home is in Kingfisher, Ok. T. 23^ nliSl^^^^^^^^^' 4. Albert G., b. May 24, 1862; m. Oct. 16, 1889, IMinta A. Jones of Storm Lake, Iowa. He is a civil engineer, living at Fort Dodge, Iowa. They had one son, Frederick A., b. Aug. 3, 1892 ; d. Jan. 18, 1900. 5. Emma Frances, b. at Dubuque, Iowa, June 16, 1864; m. Feb. 2a, 1897, Walter S. JIussell, who was b. Oct. 27, 1863. He is a civil engineer, living at Los Angeles, Cal. They have one dau., Harriet Elizabeth, b. at San Diego, Cal., March 5, 1898. (121) Joseph Ayers " Haines (Abner,"^ Samuel,^ Abner,* Matthias,* Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Canterbury, where he spent his boyhood. At the age of twenty-one he married Maria Antoinette Jones of Alton, IST.H. They lived in Boston, Mass., in San Fran- cisco, Cal., in Manchester, N.H., and in Storm Lake, la. Children : 1. Josephine Maria, b. Jan. 17, 1847 ; m. Oct. 19, 1871, George E. Rust of Wolfboro, N.H. ; he was b. in 1836. They made their home in Manchester. She d. Nov. 11, 1878, in Dubuque, la., when journeying from her home to visit her father at Storm Lake. 2. Joseph Starr, b. Feb. 3, 1852. He graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1874, delivering the valedictory. He afterwards studied law, and resides at Storm Lake, la. 3. Antoinette, b. Feb. 24, 1853 ; m. Oct. 19, 1881, her cousin, Fred Abner Haines of Storm Lake, where they made their home. She d. March 9, 1889, having been a sufferer for ten years. She possessed a sweet disposition, and was greatly beloved by those who knew her. 295 4. Samuel R., b. Nov. 9, 1858 ; m. Aug. 10, 1878, Helen M. Hall, who was b. July 12, 1859, at Manchester, N.H. S30. (122) Hannibal ^ Haines (Josiah,^ Samuel,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ Mat- thias," Samuel^) was born in Canterbury, where he received his early instruction. At the age of twenty-three he married Harriet Lyford of the same town. He was for several years in the Insane Asylum at Concord, N.H., where he died. WILLIAM P. HAINES. Born, Feb. 22, 1811; died, July 2, 1879. (See No. 238.) EIGHTH GENERATION. 235 Children : 1. Josiah Clough, b. Dec. 25, 1836 ; in. Nov. 6, 1861, Maria F. Trowbridge of Racine, Wis. Children : (1) Harriet Lane, b. May 29, 1863. (2) Grace Miles, b. Sept. 7, 1864. (3) Marcia Ann, b. Dec. 22, 1867. 295a 2. Joseph Dearborn, b. Feb. 9, 1840 ; m. Feb. 8, 1866, ]\I arietta Ham. 3. Henry Franklin, b. Aug. 14, 1843 ; d. Dec. 14, 1857. (122) Augustine^ Haines (Samuel,*' Samuel,^ Abner,^ Matthias,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born m Portsmouth, where he attended the public schools. When he was about fourteen years of age his father died ; and soon after he entered the Saco Academy, where he remained until he commenced the study of law with Governor Fair- field at Saco, Me. He was admitted to the bar two months before he completed his twenty-first year. He practiced his profession in Saco and Portland, Me. He held the office of County Attorney for several years. Afterwards he was appointed by President Polk U.S. District Attorney, which office he resigned in 1845. He then took the agency of the Laconia Mills at Biddeford, Me., which posi- tion he retained until his health began to fail. He died about one year later, at the age of sixty -three. When about twenty-nine years old he married Frances Patten of Portland, Me. Children : 1. Charles G., b. Jan. 10, 1840. Not living. 2. George A., b. Aug. 10, 1843 ; m. in 1895, in Italy, Mrs. Jose- phine (Law) May, dan. of George Law of New York, by whom he has inherited an immense fortune. He has a villa on Lake Como, Italy, where he makes his home. She d. in 1899. 3. Eliza Frances, b. April 16, 1847 ; d. July 11, 1865. S3S. (124) William Pickering^ Haines (Stephen,^ Samuel,^ Abner,* Matthias.^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was a native of Canterbury, where he spent his boyhood. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 236 ^IrS I GENEALOGY. 1831. Then he studied law, and was in practice with Governor J^'airheld for twelve years. He was State Senator for Maine in 1847, and was chairman of the legislative committee to receive President Polk on his visit to Maine. He was agent of the Saco Water Power Company for three years. Then was agent of the Pepperell Company for seventeen years. He was twice the Demo- cratic candidate for U.S. Senator; was a trustee of Bowdoin Col- lege, and at one time a trustee of Dartmouth College ; and he was president of the Biddeford National Bank. He was a member of the Congregational church, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. At the age of twenty-five he married Harriet Ferguson of South Berwick, Me. He died at the age of sixty-eight. She sur- vived him nearly seventeen years, dying at the age of eighty-two. Children ; 1. Charlotte Stark, b. May 15, 1883 ; m. Sept. 15, 1864, Am- brose Eastman of Saco, Me. He was b. at Korth Yar- mouth, Me., April 18, 1834, and graduated from Bowdoin College in 1854. They reside in Boston. 2. Ferguson, b. March 2, 1840, in Biddeford. He fitted for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass. ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1860 ; then was a merchant in Portland for five years, after which he was agent for the Pepperell ^ranufacturing Company for six years, and was Mayor of Biddeford for two years. He is a man of honor and of enterprise, being held in high esteem by his asso- ciates. June 1, 1865, he married Hattie Hill of Biddeford. 3. Eliza G., b. Jan. 21, 1842, at Saco ; d. Oct. 7, 1842. 4. William, b. Nov. 21, 1844 ; d. March 9, 1845. 5. Mary, b. March 13, 1847 ; d. May 7, 1847. 6. Harriet Ferguson, b. July 29, 1850 ; d. Sept. 9, 1850. 7. Nellie H., b. in Biddeford, March 17. 1852 ; m. Edwin Stone of Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 1, 1883. - Children : (1) William Haines, b. in Minneapolis, Jan. 21, 1885. (2) Charlotte Stark, b. in Biddeford, Me., June 5, 1888. 8. Elizabeth Goodwin, b. at Biddeford, April 25, 1854; m. June 28. 1883, William Scott Whitney of Fall River, Mass. He was b. at Beverly, Mass., March 4, 1854. They live in Lawrence, Mass. EIGHTH GENERATION. 237 Children : (1) Lawrence Haines, b. June 11, 1884, at Fall River. He graduated from Phillips Academy, Audover, in 1901. (2) Mary Goodwin, b. at Fall River, Feb. 3 8, 1889; d. at Biddeford, July 28, 1890. 9. Jennie Lee, b. at Biddeford, July 13, 1856 ; d. Sept. 8, 1856. S30. (125) Dudley C.^ Haines (William," Matthias,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Portland, Me., where he com- menced his education. At the age of twenty -four he married Lydia Cumston of Portland. He became a clergyman, and was settled in Philadelphia, Pa. His death occurred at Bingham ton, N.Y., when he was seventy-one years of age. Children : 1. Lucius M., b. in Marblehead, Mass., Feb. 8, 1838 ; m. Feb. 6, 1861, Mary Elizabeth Creighton, who was b. March 19, 1839. He became a clergyman, and was in Watertown, N.Y., in 1869. 2. Henry Cumston, b. Oct. 25, 1842, in Utica, N.Y. He was Lieutenant in the army during the War of the Rebellion, and d. from sickness which he had contracted while a soldier, Jan. 14, 1865. 3. Lydia, b. Oct. 6, 1844, at Brunswick, Me. S40. (125) William ' Haines (William," Matthias,^ Abner,"* Matthias,' Matthias," Samuel ^) was born in Portland, where he spent his boy- hood. At the age of about twenty he married Sarah Withington, with whom he lived eighteen years, when he died at the age of thirty -eight. She survived him eight years, dying at the age of forty- seven. They lived in Fulton, N.Y. Children : 1. Elizabeth, b. in 1841 ; m. Mr. Ellis of Fulton. 2. William, b. in Boston, Mass., January, 1843; m. Lottie Tilly. 3. Harriet, b. in Portland, Me., September, 1844; m. A. W. Stoneburg. 4. Jennie, b. March, 1856. 238 Ifil^^l. [ GENEALOGY. (125) Henry HJ Haines (William,^ Matthias,^ Abner,'' :Mattliias,» Matthias,''' Samuel^) was born and brought up in Portland, Me., where he made a home of his own after marrying ^largaret 11 Xor- ton, at the age of twenty-three years. They lived in Fulton, X.Y., and afterwards in Pliiladelphia, I'a. Childukn : 1. Henry Norton, b. July 28, 1850, at Portland, Me. 2. Julian C, b. Oct. 3, 1851, at Fulton, N.Y. 3. Virginia M., b. Oct. 19, 1854, at Fulton. 4. Margaret B., b. Oct. 31, 1861, at Fulton. 5. Lelia Euth, b. July 21, 1866, at Philadelphia, Pa. 6. John Paul, b. Dec. 31, 1868, at Philadelphia. (126) John ' Haines (John,'' Walter \Y.,5 Abner,'' IVratthias,^ Mat- thias,- Samuel ^) was born in Fremont, N.H., and had the advantage of the district schools. When in his twenty-fifth year he married Abigail W. Knowles ; and they made their home in Meredith, N.H., where he was Justice of the Peace for several years. He also rep- resented the town in the State Legislature in 1849. They after- wards removed to Detroit, Mich. ClllLDRKN : 1. Adeline L., b. April 27, 1835; m. Jan. 17, 1856, Samuel Abbott Plunimer, who was b. May 30, 1831. They lived in Detroit. Children : (1) John Haines, b. June 25, 1860. (2) David Elmer, b. :March 7, 1862 ; d. Aug. 2, 1863. (3) Leonette Taylor, b. Dec. 27, 1864. 2. Emeline, b. Nov. 13, 1837; m. Feb. 18, 1868, Alvah E. Leavitt, who was b. May 21, 1827. They lived in Detroit. Children : (1) Alvah H., b. Sept. 16. 1870. (2) Louie, b. March 13, 1873. (3) Mattie, b. Aug. 7, 1874 ; d. April 27, 1875. I EIGHTH GENERATION. 239 (127) Walter ' Haines (Walter/ Walter W.,^ Abner," Matthias," Matthias," Samuel^) was born in Readfield, Me. When about twenty -two years of age he married Lydia A. Carlton ; and for a short time they made their home in Vienna, afterwards in Foxcroft, and later in Chester, Me., where in 1838 he bought a tract of wild land from which he made a good farm, now owned by his youngest son. He was a house carpenter by trade. For a period he was Postmaster in Chester. He died at the age of ninety years. Children : 296 1. Charles E., b. in Foxcroft, June 14, 1828 ; m. Oct. 9, 1851, Elizabeth Perkins, who was b. in Enfield, Me., April 21, 1831. 2. Walter, b. in Chester, May 30, 1830 ; m. Augusta Wyman, and settled in Alexandria, Minn. 297 3. Daniel C, b. in Chester, Nov. 9, 1831 ; m. May 6, 1852, Sarah E. Bunker, who was b. in Chester, Oct. 18, 1836. 4. Lydia B., b. in Chester, July 18, 1833 ; m. George Keese. They made their home in Chester. 5. Langdon, b. in Chester, June 10, 1835. He lived in Vir- ginia City, Mont., for many years. 6. Hiram, b. in Bangor, Nov. 4, 1836 ; d. at St. Anthony, Minn., Dec. 7, 1857. 7. Levina E., b. at Chester, Sept. 5, 1838 ; d. about 1861. 8. George Henry, b. at Chester, June 2, 1842 ; m. Addie Hale. They made their home in Chester. 9. Elvira, b. in Chester, Aug. 2, 1844 ; m. Mr. Smith. 10. Cynthia G., b. in Chester, Dec. 13, 1848. 11. Converse G., b. in Chester, Jan. 1, 1851. He resides in Chester. 12. Martin H., b. in Chester, Sept. 6, 1854 ; m. Oct. 16, 1877, Ida M. Hall. He owns the farm which his father bought as wild land, and cleared. He is engaged in handling baled hay for the Boston market. In 1899 he removed from Chester to Houlton, Me., for the educational advan- tages which his children could have. CniLnuEV : (1) Jennie B., b. Aug. 23, 1880. (2) Percy H., b. May 27, 1883. (3) Morris, b. July 4, 1885. 2^^ HAYNis \ GENEALOGY. (127) Stephen P." Haines (Walter,« Walter W.,^ Abner," Matthias,'' Matthias,'- .Samuel') was born in Farmington, Me.; and at about the age of twenty-five he married Khoda Wheeler, when they made their home in Dexter, jNle. Children : 1. Maria, b. May 30, 1836. 2. Caroline, b. Nov. 12, 1838. 3. Nelson, b. Jan. 28, 1840. 4. Roscoe, b. Feb. 12, 1842. 5. Abbie, b. June 6, 1844. G. John, b. Sept. 20, 1846. 7. Luther, b. Aug. 10, 1848. 8. Kosetta, b. June 6, 1850. 9. Joseph, b. June 5, 1852. (127) John F.' Haines (Walter,^ Walter W.,^ Abner,'' Matthias,' Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Bangor ; and at the age of twenty- five he married Parmelia P. Addition, after which they made their home in Dexter, Me. Children : 1. Belle M., b. March 30, 1846 ; m. Levi Brigham. She d. Feb. 24, 1871. 2. Addie M., b. May 1. 1848 ; m. Albert Durgin. 3. J. Willis, b. April 7, 1856. (127) Walter Augustus' Haines (Walter,*' Walter W.,^ Abner,* Matthias,'' Matthias,- Samuel ') was born in Dexter, Me., and at the age of twenty -seven married Adeline Foster at Leeds. They made, their home in 15angor, Me., and in Medford and Chelsea, Mass. Children : 1. Carrie, b. June 7, 1851. 2. Walter A., b. in Bangor, Me., March, 1854. 3. William L., b. in Medford, Mass., in 1865. EIGHTH GENERATION. 241 (127) George A." Haines (Walter,^ Walter W.,^ Abner,* Matthias,* Matthias,- Samuel^) was b. in Dexter, Me., and became a dentist, and practiced in his native town. At the age of twenty-four he married Martha A. Severance, who cheered his home as his family increased. Children : 1. Martha Layette, b. May 10, 1851 ; d. March 21, 1853. 2. George Edward, b. July 24, 1853. 3. Walter Mansfield, b. Aug. 5, 1855. 4. Charles Hayward, b. Nov. 20, 1858. 5. Ralph Winfield, b. Jan. 8, 1861 ; d. Sept. 26, 1861. 6. Wilson Avery, b. Aug. 20, 1866. 7. Mary Howard, b. June 15, 1869. h\ .— 9.r^ (128) John'^ Haines (Stephen,® Stephen,^ Abner,* Matthias,* Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Northfield, N.H., where he spent his boyhood, having the advantages of the district schools. After he married Maria Tukesbury they made their home in Fisherville, KH. Children : 1. Martha, b. Nov. 16, 1846. 2. Frank, b. June 8, 1855. 3. Mary, b. Feb. 6, 1858. Q40. (128) Hazen^ Haines (Stephen,'' Stephen,^ Abner,^ Matthias,* Matthias,^ Samuel^) was born in Northfield, N.H., and as his father was killed when he was but a lad, he early learned the hardships of life. At the age of twenty-four he married Lucinda Squiers. They lived in Grafton, N.H. Children : 1. Julia Ann, b. June 30, 1840 ; m. Alanson Bartlett. 242 ?lyS \ GENEALOGY. 2. Jeremiah, b. Jan. 14, 1842, at Grafton ; m. Sept. 8, 1861, Mary O. Stackwell, who was b. Aug. 20, 1839. He d. July 1, 1871. They had one dau., Stella, b. Feb. 7, 1864. 3. Henry, b. Jan. 13, 1844; m. .March, 1868, Harriet Carr, who was b. May, 1839. They lived in Claremont, N.H., and had one son, Berton E. 4. Georgiana, b. May 11, 1847 ; m. Eugene Leet. NINTH GENERATION. (129) Joseph P.^ Haines (Joseph,^ Joseph,® Joseph,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ .Samuel,- Samuel^) was a native of East Stoughton, Mass. He enlisted m the army at Quincy, Mass., July 27, 18G2, in Co. D, 39th Reg. Mass. Infantry, Colonel Davis. He was in the battles of the AVilderness, and some time after was taken prisoner and con- fined in Libby Prison for ten months, where his sufferings were appalling. He was liberated on parole of honor until exchanged, and was honorably discharged, May 22, 1865. Twenty-one years before he became a soldier he was married to Lucy T, Thayer, who died the year after his return from the war, at the age of forty- three years. In about eighteen months from that time he married Margaret F. Hagerty of Boston, Mass. Children by 1st wife : 1. Ira Francis. 2. Charles Newcomb. 3. Joseph. 4. Sarah A. (130) John M.» Haynes (Ira,^ Joseph,® Joseph,^ Samuel,* Mat- thias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in South Parsonsfield, Me., where he had the advantages of the common lad. He learned the carpenter's trade of his father, and afterwards that of stair-build- ing, at which trade he worked in Boston for many years. After retiring from that business, he went back to the old homestead, where he now finds enjoyment in the work of the farm. He has been twice married, and is an honest, wide-awake, useful citizen, ripening with the passing years. Children by Ist wife : 1. Albert E., b. Jan. 27, 1861. He lives at home, unm. 243 2^^ 21yS}^^^^^^^^'^- 2. Thomas W., b. April 5, 18G2. He is m., living in Somer- ville, ^lass., and doing business in Boston. He lias one sou. 3. Jennie W., b. April 5, 1862 ; d. May 28, 1899. (132) Josiah Myrick ' Haines (Joseph,'' Daniel,® Joseph,^ Samuel,* Matthias/ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was fortunate in his parentage, and well trained in youth. At the age of thirty he married ]\Iary Cliapman, daughter of D. W. Chapman, Esq. They made their home in Portland, Me., for a while, but afterwards removed to Brooklyn, N.Y., where he is engaged in manufacturing, being a man of tact and energy. ClIlLDUEN : 1. Helen, b. March 9, 1871, at Damariscotta JNIills, Me. ; m. June 26, 1898, Arthur Leslie Coburn of Weston, Mass. They reside at Kendall Green, Mass. 2. Lawrence C, b. May 1, 1874, at Wiscasset, Me. 3. Joseph ISIvrick, 1). Sept. 20, 1879, at Wiscasset; d. in Port- land, July 9, 1888. 4. Mary Gwendoline, b. June 24, 1885, at Portland. (133) Henry S.** Haines (Henry S.,'' Israel,® Joseph,^ Samuel,* Matthias,' Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Nantucket, Mass., but lived at Savannah, Ga., where his mother died. At the age of twenty-one years he married Elizabeth J. Owens of Charleston, S.C. After her death he married Anna H. Davis, daughter of Et. Rev. Thomas P. Davis, Bishop of Michigan. He became Superintendent ^ of the Atlanta & Gulf R.R., and was a man of strong character and wide influence. Ciin.DnKN i!v 1st wife : 1. Charles Owens, b. Feb. 10, 1862 ; m. at Betlilehem, Pa., Jan. ! 8, 1890, Helen Stewart Colby, dau. of John I. Colby, M.D., of New York City. 2. Arthur S., b. April 10, 1865; m. Jane L. Cunningham of Savannah, Ga. 3. Henry S., b. Feb. 23, 1867 ; d. Aug. 22, 1887. 4. Miriam, b. June 24, 1878. NINTH GENERATION 245 (133) Daniel Wood" Haines (Henry S./ Israel,^ Joseph/ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,- Samuel^) was born at iSTantucket, Mass., and when a young man went to North Carolina. At the age of twenty- four he married Frances Stewart of Adams Creek, N.C. They made their home in Sumter, S.C., but removed from there to Florence, in the same State. He was a bookkeeper, and died at the age of fifty- two years. She survived him seven years, dying at the age of sixty- six. Children : 297b 1. Edward Stewart, b. July 3, 1865, at Sumter, S.C. ; m. Nov. 20, 1889, Addie McLeod, who was b. Jan. 18, 1870. 2. Henry Colville, b. April 6, 1867, at Florence, S.C. ; d. Nov. 18, 1879. 297c 3. Kendall Stewart, b. Sept. 7, 1868, at Florence ; m. 1st, Jan. 1, 1890, Annie Evelyn Godbold. She Avas b. May 1, 1868, at Mars Bluff, S.C, and d. April 29, 1896, at Bradentown, Fla. ; m. 2d, at Jacksonville, Fla., April 19, 1898, Harriet Myra Shepherd. (135) Albert Franklin* Haines (John,^ John,« Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) in his boyhood lived on his father's farm in New Market. At the age of twenty-six he married Ann Neal, with whom he lived nearly twenty-eight years, when she died at the age of fifty-four. For a short time they established their home in Lowell, Mass., but removed from there to New Market, where he purchased a farm, on which he continues to reside, being higlily respected for his honesty, faithfulness, and kindly spirit. He is a man of sound judgment and warm sympathies. Children : 298 1. Albert Joseph, b. Nov. 25, 1851 ; m., 1st, Mary Abbie Wat- sou, July 12, 1874. She was b. Nov. 15, 1854, and d. May 8, 1882 ; m., 2d, Nellie Pendergast, May 19, 1883. She was b. Feb. 24, 1863. 299 2. Frank Pierce, b. July 25, 1855 ; m. Oct. 29, 1881, Nellie J. Perkins, who was b. Sept. 9, 1860. 3. Cora Ann, b. Nov. 2, 1865 ; m. Dec. 24, 1889, Orin A. Lang- ley, who was b. Nov. 29, 1860. They reside in New Mar- ket, and have one dau., Marion Frances, b. April 23, 1896. 9 i« HAINES I "'"*" UA YNES \ GENEALOGY. ;o. (135) John Woodbury^ Haines (John,'' John,'' Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,'^ ISamueP) was brought up on the farm with the privileges of the district school. He learned the trade of a carpen- ter in New Market. When twenty-six years old he married Octa- via E. Stevens of Kingston, N.H., after which he made his home in Haverhill, Mass., where he became a respected citizen and won suc- cess in business, but died at the age of forty-nine years. Children : 1. Clara Celistia, b. Aug. 18, 1856; d. Sept. 3, 1874. 2. Flora Severance', b. Dec. 1, 1858; m. Sept. 20, 1892, Seth Ellis Ripley of Liverniore Falls, Me. They reside in Watertown, Mass. Children : (1) Clara Louise, b. at Watertown, July 27, 1893 ; d. Oct. 1, 1894. (2) Margaret Esther, b. at Watertown, Dec. 12, 1895. 3. Alice Elizabeth, b. April 4, 1862 ; d. Oct. 4, 1864. 4. Lizzie Melinda, b. Dec. 26, 1867. 5. Lula Octavia, b. May 29, 1876. (135) Henry George^ Haynes (John,'' John,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel;- Samuel ^) was born in New Market, and edu- cated in the public schools and at Atkinson Academy. He after- wards learned the trade of a carpenter, which business he followed for thirty years after emigrating to Virginia in 1857. Being in that State in 1861, he enlisted at the beginning of the War of the Rebellion in the 18th Reg. Virginia Infantry, and remained in the army four years, being in the first battle at Bull Run under General Beauregard, and in all the principal battles under General Lee — forty-one in all. He was slightly wounded by a musket- ball at Fair Oaks, and at Gaines Mills he had three balls pierce his clothes. His regiment went into service Avith one thousand men, but after the battle of Gettysburg they numbered but twenty- one men. Then it was recruited to eight hundred, but at the final surrender they numbered only twenty men. After the war he went THOMAS VAN BUREN HAINES. North Hditiptoii, N. H. (See No. 259.) NINTH GENERATION. 247 to the Indian Territory, then for a time he was in Texas, but finally settled in Arkansas, where he married Mrs. Alice Holman of Van Buren, Crawford Co., Ark. Near that town he owns a very productive farm from which he sends fruits to the northern markets. He was Master of Alma Lodge, No. 22, of F. and A.M. for three years, and High Priest of Van Buren Chapter No. 3 for two years. He still remains a well preserved man. Children : 1. Mary Caroline, b. at Van Buren, Oct. 29, 1878. 2. Annie Laura, b. Jan. 15, 1880. 3. Nora Maria, b. Oct. 19, 1882 ; m. Nov. 30, 1899, A. J. Carter of Bloomington, Ind. 4. Michael Henry, b. Dec. 18, 1884. 5. John AVoodbury, b. Jan. 28, 1887. 6. Teresa Blanche, b. Jan. 22, 1889. 7. Homer Joseph, b. Feb. 28, 1892. 8. Sidney William, b. Feb. 7, 1894. (135) Edwin B.« Haines (John,' John," Matthias,^ Samuel," Mat- thias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in New Market, and brought up on the farm, having the advantages of the public school. When twenty-two years of age he married Ida M. Rollins, and made his home in his native town. For several years he was employed by the New Market Manufacturing Company, after which he purchased the farm on which he continues to reside. He is of cheerful temperament and an earnest toiler. Childkex : 1. Lillia May, b. May 22, 1875; d. Oct. 15, 1877. 2. Alice May, b. July 21, 1881. 3. Flora, b. March 13, 1891. (138) Thomas Van Buren "^ Haines (Thomas J.,^ John,^ Matthias,^ Samuel," Matthias,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was born in Concord, N.H., biit spent his early boyhood on his father's farm in New Market. He was educated in the public schools, at Hampton Academy, and 9,o UAINES ) "'^^ HAYNES] GENEALOGY. at New England Normal Institute, Lancaster, Mass. At the age of twenty-lour years he married Mary Frances French, daughter of lleuben and Sarah (Badger) French of New Market. He taught common schools in Exeter, Stratham, and Durham, N.H., and at Lancaster, Mass. ; grammar schools at Warwick, K.L, and at Dover, N.H. ; and liigh schools at Wellsville, Ohio, and New Market, N.H. He studied privately for the ministry, and was ordained over the Free Baptist churcli, xVmesbury, Mass., Feb. 1, 1861 ; was called to the Congregational church, Ossipee, N.H., December, 18G3, and resigned to accept a call from the Congrega- tional church. North Hampton, N.H., in 18(57, remaining in that pastorate for thirty years, then being made pastor emeritus, and is spending his declining years among the people Avhom he long served. Children : 300 1. Edward Willett, b. at New Market, Jan. 6, 1860 ; m. Dec. 10, 1884, Gertrude Annie Norton, dau. of Joslma J. and Phebe A. (Perkins) Norton of North Hampton. 2. Ella May, b. May 30, 1861, at Salisbury, Mass. She was educated privately, and at the Putnam and High school, Newbuvyport, Mass., from which she graduated in 1879. She studied at the Boston Conservatory of Music, and at the Petersilea Academy, Boston. She is a music teacher, and was organist for sixteen years at the Congrega- tional churcli, North Hampton. 3. Lillian French, b. May 8, 1875, at North Hampton. She attended the town schools, and graduated from the l*utnam and High school, Newburyport, Mass., in 1892 ; also from Wellesley College in 1897 (A.B.) and from the New Hampshire State Normal School in 1900. She taught in the Delaware Literary Institute, Franklin, N.Y., 1898, in the McGaw Normal Institute, Reed's Ferry, N.H., and then was teacher of languages in the High school, Little- ton, N.H. (139) Charles Parkman^ Haines (Washington," John,° INIatthias,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,'' Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Cabotville, Mass., but spent the greater part of his early life in New Market, receiving the rudiments of his education in the common schools of that town; afterwards he became a student at the Putnam Free NINTH GENE RATI ON. 249 School, Newburyport, Mass., and later of the Smithville Seminary, R.I., after which he taught schools in New Hampshire and •in Rhode Island. At the age of twenty-one he entered the employ of A. M. Haines of Galena, 111., and the following year he commenced trade for himself. After three and one-half years, he took charge of a branch store for A. M. Haines, at Prairie du Chien, Wis. ; then he returned to Galena, where he remained till 1859, when he re- turned to New Market, and took his father's business as a manu- facturer of cotton-batting. At the age of twenty-six he married Cornelia E. Eastman, with whom he lived about thirty-nine years, when she d. at the age of fifty-nine. For several years he has been a grain merchant in the town of his adoption. He is a man of high honor and many virtues, and commands the respect of all. His wife was a lady of tact and talent. Children : 1. Charles Conant, b. April 15, 1861 ; m. Jan. 30, 1886, Abbie Ransom of Durham, iST.H. He was privately fitted for the New Market High School, from which he graduated in 1879, at the head of his class. He taught in Durham and New Market, then studied at Bridgewater Normal School, Mass., after which he was employed as a teacher in Spencer, Mass., and later in the Sawyer Grammar School, Dover, N.H., from which place he was called to the Adams School, Quincy, Mass., and from there to be Sub-Master of the Sfcoughton School, Boston, Mass., from which he was transferred to the Henry L. Pierce School, where he held the position of Sub-Master for eleven years. Then he became Master of the Lewis Grammar School, April, 1901. He also is a teacher in the Evening High School, Roxbury, Mass. He is a man of high aim and noble character. Thev have one dau., Marion, b. at Quincy, Mass., Oct. 15, 'l887. 2. Herbert Robinson, b. July 26, 1866, in New Market; m. 1st, Dec. 31, 1890, Teresa E. Ingraham. She d. April 16, 1898 ; m. 2d, Sept. 23, 1900, CeHa Buckley of Haverhill, Mass. She was b. March 23, 1865. He is in company with his father in the grain business in New Market. (140) George Knowlton^ Haines (James M.^ John," Matthias,'^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Nottingham, N.H., where he attended school in his younger years. Afterwards 250 ^'^\''J^i^\GENEALOGY. he availed himself of the advantages offered by the schools in Manchester. Then he learned the machinist's trade, and became an expert in the manufacture of steam tire-engines. At the age of twenty-nine he married Anna B. Eandlet, with whom he lived about seven years, when she died. The year following he married Victoria E. Vaughn of Portsmouth. By will he became heir to the property of his uncle, Ebenezer Knowlton. He has many warm friends, and commands the respect of all who know him. Children by 1st wife : 1. Clarence G., b. Feb. 17, 18G7 ; d. June 6, 1869. 2. Etta, b. April 23, 1868 ; d. May 27, 1868. SOS. (142) William B.^ Haines (Samuel,'' Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Stratham, and at the age of twenty-three he married Mary Ellen Denison of Rockport, Mass. He was an engineer in Cuba for twelve years, and died on a sugar plantation near Cardenas, Cuba, April 21, 1891. Children : 1. Nellie Louisa, b. Sept. 21, 1853 ; m. George K. White. Children : (1) Mabel Louise, b. Feb. 7, 1877; m., 1898, Adrien Howard Boole. (2) Ethel Maude, b. April 2, 1880. 2. Charles Albert, b. April 21, 1855; m., 1st, Addie L. Tenney, June 16, 1877. She d. Feb. 22, 1878 ; m., 2d, Nancy P. Morrison of Boston, Sept. 15, 1881. They live in Melrose, Mass. He is a commercial traveler for an iron firm in Boston, and a Director of the Electric Car Manu- facturing Company, Newburyport, Mass. Children : (1) Alice F., b. Aug. 22, 1882; d. Sept. 16, 1891. (2) Eobert M., b. April 29, 1884. (142) Samuel T.'' Haines (Samuel,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel," Samuel ^) was born in Loudon, where he spent NINTH GENERATION. 251 his boyhood, and received the rudiments of his education. At the age of twenty-three he married Mary E. Doe. Children : 1. Charles E., b. Jan. 20, 1864. 2. , b. July 20, 1869. (143) John H.« Haines (Matthias,'' Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was born in Stewartstown, IST.H., and when about twenty-one years of age he married Eliza J. Aldrich. Children : 1. Edwin Arthur, b. April 30, 1867. 2. Elmer Everett, b. Sept. 4, 1868 ; d. March 26, 1869. (145) WiUiam Plummer^ Haines (John K.,^ Joseph,® Matthias,^ Samuel,'* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born at Salem, Mass.; and at the age of fifteen he removed with his father to Lansing, la., and ten years after he married Mary A. Barrows of Galena, 111., with whom he lived twenty-eight years, when she died. Six years after he married Anna Schenkel. He served through the War of the Rebellion, being Lieut, of his Co. in the 3d Mo. Cavalry. Children : 1. Blanche. 2. Maud. 3. William P. SOS. (145) James Henry ^ Haines (John K.,^ Joseph,® Matthias,^ Sam- uel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Lansing, la., where he was brought up with the privileges of the public schools. At the age of twenty-five he married Alice M. Foster, daughter of John W. Foster of Lansing, and made his home in his native place upon a farm which he owns, while he gives special attention to the raising of poultry. He is a worthy citizen and valued friend. Children : 1. Ellsworth Henry, b. Sept. 19, 1881. 2. Herbert Homer, b. May 19, 1883. 3. Eugene Farnsworth, b. March 8, 1885. 252 HAYNES \ GENEALOGY. SiOO. (147) Samuel Andrew" Haines (Andrew M./ Joseph,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,'* iMatthias/ Saiiiuel,- SaiiiueP) was born in Galena, 111., and educated in the public schools, graduating from the high school of that city. At the age of twenty -four he married Carrie Eva Lom- bard, daughter of Nathan C. Lombard, of Cambridge, Mass. He is an accountant, and resides in San Francisco, Cal. He is the present owner of the "old Haines Bible," which he inherited from his father. Children : 1. Morna Pearl, b. at Cambridge, Mass., Aug. 14, 1885. 2. Chester Andrew, b. at Cambridge, Aug. 22, 1887. 3. Jessamine Lombard, b. at Cambridge, jSTov. 17, 1891. 4. Harold Vivian, b. at Cambridge, Nov. 19, 1896. (152) Samuel Chauncy** Haynes (Samuel,' Moses K.,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,'* \\■illiam,•^Samuel,- Samuel^) was born in Greensboro, Yt., but early in life went with his father to Burritt, 111. He became a physician and surgeon, and served three years in the War of the Kebellion as Assistant Surgeon of the 6th Iowa Cavalry. At the age of twenty-four he married Augusta M. Foster of IVIaine, with whom he lived twenty-one years, when he died at the age of forty- five. She survived him about twenty-eight years, dying at the age of nearly sixty-six. CniLDREX : 1. AVarren, b. April 15, 1853 ; d. in infancy. 2. Walter, b. April 15, 1853 ; d. in infancy. 3. Calista L., b. May 29, 1854 ; m. Feb. 22, 1873, Theodore C. Tinklepaugh. CniLDUEx : (1) William R., d. young. (2) Alton D., b. March 8, 1881. 4. Estella, b. March 10, 1856 ; d. in infancy. 5. Reuben Chauncy, b. March 29, 1857. Now resides in Minne- apolis, Minn. 7. Grace May, b. April 1, 1867. NINTH GENERATION. 253 SO' (153) George M.« Haines (Moses,^ Moses K.,« Matthias,^ Matthias,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born iu Greensboro, Vt., where he spent his early boyhood, with the advantages of the public schools, after which he entered the Orleans Academic Institute, Glover, Vt. He spent one year in the medical department of the University of Vermont, but graduated from the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, IST.Y., in 1870. He practiced in Greensboro and Orford until 1877, when he removed to Durand, 111., where he is now engaged in his profession. At the age of twenty-four he married Octavia Louisa Goodrich of Greensboro. He is a man of sterling worth, and highly respected, not only as a skillful physician, but as a citizen, and has been honored by the town of his adoption with the office of mayor. Children : 1. Mary Ella, b. at Orford, Sept. 4, 1873 ; d. Sept. 15, 1875. 2. Emma Louise, b. at Orford, July 21, 1876 ; d. at Durand, 111., Dec. 6, 1897. 3. Fred Goodrich, b. at Durand, June 4, 1880 ; d. March 25, 1881. 4. George Clark, b. at Durand, Aug. 30, 1884. 5. Helen Wright, b. at Durand, Aug. 15, 1885. (154) James Q,uimby ^ Haines (John C.,'' Josiah,^ Matthias,^ Mat- thias,^ William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Moultonboro, N.H. At the age of twenty-one he married Martha E. Baldwin, and they made their home in North Freedom, Wis. They lived together twenty years, when he died at the age of forty -one. Children : 1. Howard Wilbur, b. Oct. 3, 1873, in North Freedom. 2. Edith Nellie, b. July 27, 1876 ; m. Nov. 24, 1897, Charles Hengstter. Children : (1) Genevieve Sarah, b. Sept. 7, 1898. (2) Bernice Jeanette, b. Dec. 28, 1899. 3. Edwin Claude, b. Dec. 9, 1881, at North Freedom. 2^^ HAyNEs\^''^^^^OGY. (154) Jolm Wilbur" Haines (John C./ Josiah," ^Nlatthias,*^ jMat- thias/ William/'' Samuel,'- .SamueP) was born in Moultonboro, X.H., but followed the course of empire west ; and at the age of about twenty -nine years he married Anna Greene of Champaign, 111., where they established their home. CllILUKEN : 1. Arthur Carlton, b. Nov. 25, 1884. 2. Earl Moulton, b. March 23, 1886. 3. Bessie Judith, b. July 5, 1890, in Gibson, 111. (155) Matthias Loring ** Haines (Abram B.,'' INIatthias,^ ^Fatthias,^ Matthias,^ William,* Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born in Aurora, Ind., and commenced his education in the public schools. He graduated from Wabash College in 1871, and from Union Theological Semi- nary, New York City, in 1874. He was at once called to the pulpit of the Dutch Reformed Church, Astoria, N.Y., and remained there eleven years, when he was called to the pastorate of the First Pres- byterian Church, Indianapolis, Ind., where he still oflficiates. At the age of thirty-five he married Sarah L. Kouwenhoven of Astoria, N. Y. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 1. Lydia R., b. Sept 9, 1886. 2. Julia L., b. Jan. 24, 1889. (68), 1 WiUiam W.' Haines (David,^ Josiah,® ]\Iatthias,^ Mat- thias,* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Moultonboro, N.H.; and when about thirty-one years of age he married Sarah E. Cotton, with whom he lived nearly twenty years, when she died at the age of about forty. He afterwards married Frances C. Halbnian. Ciiii.i>UKN in 1st wiie : 1. A. Orin David, b. April 12, 1861 ; d. in South Dakota, Jan. 16, 1887. NINTH GENERATION. 255 2. Arthur Grant, b. ^Slarch 20, 1809 ; m., in 1899, Flora Mil- lard. They have one dau., Mildred Lizzie, b. Jan. 10, 1900. 3. IMattie May, b. July 16, 1872. By 2d wife : 4. Clara Lydia, b. Feb. 20, 1882. 5. Phebe Ada, b. March 21, 1886. 6. Roy Lester, b. June 26, 1892. (147) WilHam Hoyt^ Haynes (William M.,'' Samuel,« Nathaniel,^ Matthias,'* William,^ Samuel," Samuel ^) was born in South Water- ford, Me., where he made a home for himself, when at the age of twenty-three he married Jennie A. Marr of the same place, and where he still resides as a highly respected citizen. Children : 1. Edna May, b. Jan. 28, 1882. 2. Harry Kelson, b. Aug. 12, 1886. (160) William Thomas » Haines (Thomas J.,^ Thomas,^ Abner,^ William,* William,* Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born at Levant, Me., where he had the discipline of a farmer's son. Having a thirst for knowledge, he availed himself of the best offered opportunities, and graduated from Maine State College in 1876, and from the Albany Law School, N.Y., in 1878. He commenced the practice of his pro- fession in Oakland, Me., but afterwards removed to Waterville, where he still resides. He is noted for his integrity and ability* and because of his manj^ virtues he has been repeatedly and highly honored by his fellows. At the age of twenty-nine he married Edith S. Hemenway of Rockland, Me., with whom he has lived seventeen years. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children : 1. Ethel Avis, b. Aug. 18, 1884. 2. William, b. Oct. 2, 1886. 3. Gertrude Woodcock, b. March 2, 1889. 256 gliS } GENEALOGY. (160) Frank E.« Haines (Thomas J./ Thomas,^ Abner,^ William," William,^ Samuel/ SamueP) spent his boyhood iu Levant, Me., his native town, commencing his education in the public schools there, and continuing it in the Coburn Classical Institute, Waterville, Me., in which place he afterwards became a merchant when about twenty years of age. Fi-om there he went to Michigan, where he engaged in the lumber business, but returned to Maine, and is now a manufacturer in Portland. At the age of about thirty he married Harriet S. Bates of Waterville. CiiiLUUEiV : 1. Helen M., b. Aug. 15, 1892. 2. Frank E., b. May 20, 1894. 3. Frederick B., b. June 27, 1896. 4. Elizabeth Marie, b. Dec. 23, 1897. 5. Margaret, b. Aug. 4, 1899. (163) Henry Cargill » Haines (Thomas J.,^ Ebenezer," William,^ William," William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was the son of a military officer, and possessed something of the spirit of his father, only he preferred the sea to the laud. He graduated at the U.S. Naval Academy in June, 1881 ; then he was at sea on the U.S.S. Essex from October, 1881, to March, 1883 ; then was transferred as 2d Lieutenant to U.S. Marine Corps, July 1, 1883 : stationed head- quarters U.S. Marine Corps, October, 1883, to June, 1884 ; and was at different stations from June, 1884, to October, 1887 ; was at the Navy Yard, Charlestown, for three years ; on LT.S.S. Essex the three following years ; was at Naval Station, Port Royal, S.C., for « thi-ee years ; served during the Spanish war. He was promoted 1st Lieutenant, July, 1890 ; promoted captain, August, 1898 ; pro- ] moted major, August, 1900. He was married, 1st, when at the Navy Yard at Boston, and, 2d, when at Port Royal, S.C. Childkkn by 1st wifk : 1. Thomas Burger, b. February, 1889. 2. John Meade, b. Nov. 5, 1894. By 2d wife : 3. Henry Rockwell, b. December, 1898. NINTH GENERATION. 257 (163) John Taylor » Haines (Thomas J./ Ebenezer,« William,^ William,^ William,'^ Samuel," Samuel ^) inherited a passion for military life, and was educated for the same, graduating from the Military Academy, West Point, jST.Y., in 1884 He was commis- sioned 2d Lieutenant, 5th Cavalry, July 1, 1886, and stationed in Kansas and the Indian Territory. He became assistant instructor in Engineering at Fort Leavenworth ; was ordered to the Bureau of Information, War Department ; then in charge of the Depart- ment Commissary, Washington, D.C. ; then to duty at Springfield Armory ; then was appointed to various positions until the Spanish war. Afterwards he was in command of Port Cagey, Porto Rico, then collector of customs at Arroyo, and disbursing officer District of Guayama, also called to other duties. He was then stationed at Fort Myer, Va., in command of Troop L, 5th Cavalry, from which he was detached, and attached to the 11th Cavalry, having been promoted Captain, Feb. 1, 1901. When at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, he was married to Annie Almy. Children : , 1. Alida Almy, b. April 23, 1890. 2. Nettie Richmond, b. June 27, 1892. 3. Mildred Sellers, b. Nov. 12. 1896. (164) Charles Siders» Haines (John H.,^ Ebenezer,« William,^ ; William,* William,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^) was born at Brady's Bend, Pa. At the age of thirty -one he married Eleanor Neyman of Butler, Pa. I Children : 1. Helen McClary, b. July 1, 1892. 2. Robert Neyman, b. July 20, 1894. I (166) Daniel Putnam* Haynes (Jonathan,'' Timothy,^ David,^ David,'* William,^ Samuel," Samuel ^) was born in Walden, Vt. He" '(Vorked on the farm until he was twenty-seven years of age, with ihe exception of one year in the army during the War of the 258 21S1 } GENEALOGY. Rebelliou. At the age of thirty -one he married, in Lawrence, Mass., Martha L. Butler of Auburn, Me. They made their home In Lawrence for a few years, but removed from there to Hanover, N.H. Afterwards they lived in Oakland, Cal., from which place they removed to Portland, Or. He lived with his wife twenty-five years, when she died. (See Biographical Sketches.) Childkkn : 1. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 24, 1874, in Lawrence, jSIass. ; m. Sept. 1, 1895, Miner H. Cilley of Oakland, Cal. 2. AVillis Custer, b. in Lawrence, Aug. 3, 1876. He is now studying vocal music in Florence, Italy, developing a rare talent as a tenor singer. 3. Herbert Dartmouth, b. June 16, 1878, at Hanover, N.H. ; d. Sept. 9, 1878. (170) Ralph Warren 8 Haynes (Joseph W.,'' Daniel,^ David,* David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was blessed with good parent- age and early educational advantages. He studied law, and is in the practice of his profession in Washington, D.C. At the age of twenty-eight he married Helen Saunders, and has been blessed in his home life. Children : 1. Asbury Saunders, b. Oct. 9, 1888. 2. Ralph Warren, b. July 20, 1891. 3. Helen Marcia, b. Nov. 10, 1895. f^^^, (176) Erwin Wayland* Haynes (Clark,^ David,« James,* David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^ ) was born in Alexandria, N.H., where ii he spent his early boyhood. At the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, and at the age of sixteen, he enlisted in the 1st N.H. i Reg. for three months, and was mustered out Aug. 8, 1861. Ini the following year he enlisted in Co. K, Berdan's Reg. Sharp-: shooters, and served until the end of the war. At the close of the war, and at the age of twenty, he married Mary E. Dolloff, and set- ., tied in Eranklin Falls, N.H., as a machinist. ClIII.DKEN : 1. Joseph Erwin, b. Aug. 6, 1871. 2. Almira D., b. Jan. 11, 1877. NINTH GENERATION. 259 (177) Arthur David ^ Haynes (David/ David,® James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel," Samuel^) was born in Alexandria, and spent his early boyhood on the farm. He Avas educated at New Hampton, N.H., and at Dartmouth College, and graduated from the Law Depart- ment, Michigan University, in 1862. He read law in the office of Hon. Austin F. Pike at Franklin, N.H., and was admitted to the bar at Plymouth, N.H., in jNIay, 1863. At the age of twenty -nine he married Amelia P, C. Hoad of Lecompton, Kan., in which State he has practiced law, and is now living in the town of Perry, Kan. Children : 1. Marcus, b. Dec. 12, 1869. 2. Hugh, b. March 23, 1872 ; m. Dec. 21, 1896, Kathleen Flagg, who was b. July 14, 1878. Children : (1) Ruth, b. Feb. 8, 1898. (2) John Clark, b. Nov. 12, 1899. 3. Sarah G., b. July 1, 1874. 4. Arthur, b. May 29, 1881. 5. Susan, b. Jan. 4, 1884. 6. Elaine, b. Sept. 16, 1887. (178) Leverett C.« Haynes (Charles B.,'' James F.,® James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel ^) was born in Acton, Mass., where he spent his boyhood, enjoying the advantages of the schools. At the age of twenty-five he married Emma M. Pond of Holliston, Mass., in which town they made their home. Children : 1. Ada Emma, b. May 24, 1873 ; m. Oct. 4, 1893, George T. Clark. Children : (1) Annie Louise, b. Aug. 9, 1894, at Allston, Mass. (2) Marian Jeannette, b. Sept. 2, 1895, at Allston. 2. George Leverett, b. May 7, 1881 ; d. April 24, 1883. 3. Charles Barnard, b. June 13, 1884. 260 ^liS ! OBNEALOOY. (178) Herbert "Webster '^ Haynes (Charles B./ James P.,« James,^ David,^ William/ Samuel/ Samuel^) was born in Worcester, Mass., where he had the advantages of the city schools. When about twenty-five years of age he married Abbie L. Hill of that city, and there they established their home. Childrkn : 1. Leon Herbert, b. Nov. 29, 1889. 2. Milton Joseph, b. March 9, 1891. 3. Velma Addie, b. Jan. 16, 1893. 4. Charles Edward, b. Sept. 7, 1894. 5. Margaret Eliza, b. Feb. 27, 1898. 6. Everett Harold, b. May 6, 1900. (178) Frederick Lincoln" Haynes (Charles B.,'' James P.,^ James,^ David,* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in Worcester, where he spent his boyhood. When he was about twenty-seven years of age he married Edith Elizabeth Hamilton. They made their resi- dence in Pawtucket, R.I. Chii.dukn : 1. Ethel Maud, b. March 5, 1889, at Pawtucket. 2. Paul Hamilton, b. Jan. 31, 1891, at Fitchburg, Mass. 3. Frederick Lincoln, b. Dec. 29, 1893, at Auburn, Mass. 4. Marion Ruth, b. July 25, 1896, at West Medway, Mass. (179) George W.^ Haynes (James W.,^ James P.,' James,^ David,* William,'' Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Bristol, N.H., where he attended the public schools. When about twenty years of age he married Alice S. Tilton, and made his home in his native town. He lived with her fourteen years, when she died. Children : 1. Roy C, b. Oct. 28, 1884. 2. Mildred C, b. Oct. 5, 1890. 3. Edgar M., b. Aug. 3, 1892. 4. Clifton H., b. Aug. 9, 1895. n NINTH GENERATION. 261 SSI. (183) Marhuron^ Haines (Matthias/ James,* Cotton,^ John,* William,^ Samuel,^ Samuel^) was born in Rumney, N.H. He mar- ried Lucy Clifford, and they lived at one time in Wentworth, N.H. Children : 1. Van Ness, b. Nov. 5, 1836. 2. Levina B., b. July 24, 1838. 3. James, b. May 3, 1840. 4. Samuel, b. Sept. 19, 1841. 5. Alby, b. Feb. 27, 1845. 6. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Aug. 4, 1847. 7. Emily Delia, b. Jan. 10, 1850. (183) James Milton^ Haines (Matthias,'' James,* Cotton,^ John,* William,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was a native of Rumney, and after he married Mary Smith they lived in New Hampton. There must have been some eccentricity either with him or his wife, for the names which he gave to his five children, commenced with the letter " N." Childken : 1. Nestor, b. Oct. 9, 1840. For twenty years he worked for the Underbill Edged Tool Works at Nashua, N.H., and for the last ten years of that time, he was the efficient Superintendent. From October, 1861, to January, 1863, he was in the Union Army, being 2d Lieut. Co. A, 8th Reg. N. H. Vols. He bore a brave part in the battles about New Orleans, and in the siege of Port Hudson. At one time he was alderman of the city of Nashua. He was a great worker, an honest man, and a highly respected citizen. 2. Nilus, b. Feb. 5, 1842. 3. Ninus, b. Feb. 5, 1842. 4. Nero, b. Feb. 11, 1847. 5. Nain, b. April 21. 1850. oco HAINES I ^^'^ BAY NESS GENEALOGY. (191) Moses J.* Haines (Asa/ Samuel,® Samuel,^ Samuel,* Sam- uel,^ Matthias,- Samuel'; was born in Saco, Me., where he spent his boyhood and had the advantages of the public schools. He mar- ried Hannah G. Clark. He afterwards became a teacher in Port- land, Me. Children : 1. Hattie G., b. Sept. 4, 1857 ; m. June, 1886, Percy H. Hol- man of Biddeford. 2. John Locke, b. May 16, 1866, at Biddeford, Me. (198) Rufus^ Haines (Benjamin,^ John,*' Timothy ,5 Samuel,* Sam- uel,^ JNIatthias,^ SamueP) was born in Saco, Me., his mother's native place. He married Eliza McCulloch of that city, where they made their home. Children : 1. Theodore, M., who m. Almira Foss. 2. Rufus, who d. young. 3. Lydia Olive, who m. James Clough of Biddeford. ;S^. (199) Josiah M.* Haynes (Samuel,' John,® Timothy,^ Samuel,* Samuel,' Matthias,^ SamueP) was born in Buxton, Me., where he became a farmer. When quite young he went to Kennebec Co., and learned the trade of a blacksmith. At the age of twenty-five he married Bathsheba F. Waugh, daughter of Colonel James Waugh of Norridgewock, Me. They made their home in Bingham, but removed from there to Waterville, where he spent the greater part of his life. He was a very bright, genial man, and a great lover of books. He was stricken with paralysis, and died at the age of seventy-three in New York City. Children : 301 1. Samuel, b. in Bingham, Me., Sept. 27, 1823; m., in 1852, Abby Lewis of Sydney, Me. ; d. in Wiscasset, Me., INIay 6, 1892. She is still living. NINTH GENERATION. 26 o 2. George, b. in Bingham, Nov. 4, 1825. 3. Sarah E., b. in Waterville, Me., Feb. 17, 1828 ; d. Feb. 15, 1867, unm. 4. Mary L., b. Jan. 28, 1833 ; m. January, 1853, Joseph Allen Ball, who d. in 1884, s.p. She is living in New York City. 302 5. Josiah Manchester, b. in Waterville, Me., May 12, 1839 ; m. May 7, 1867, Elizabeth S. Sturgis. They live in Augusta, Me. 6. Annie G., b. Nov. 14, 1844 ; m. Nov. 30, 1865, George L. Grout of Worcester, Mass., where they now reside. Children : (1) Saidee, b. July 21, 1867. (2) Edith, b. Dec. 10, 1875. (3) Ruth. b. Nov. 12, 1877. (4) Everette, b. Sept. 20, 1887. (199) Nathaniel^ Haynes (Samuel,^ John,® Timothy,^ Samuel,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was a native of Buxton, Me., where he spent his boyhood, but after he married Jane Harmon he removed to Saco. She died at about the age of thirty-six, and three years later he married Olive Harmon of Buxton. Children by 1st wife : 1. Charles, b. Dee. 8, 1826 ; m. Frances Hayes of Freeport, Me. She was b. April 25, 1834. They lived in Bidde- ford, and had one child, Willietta, b. Jan. 6, 1852 ; d. Jan. 21, 1854. 2. Sarah, b. Dec. 8, 1826 ; m. George Howard of Saco. They lived in Boston, Mass. 3. George, b. July 18, 1832 ; d. Oct. 26, 1832. 4. Josiah, b. Feb. 14, 1835 ; d. Dec. 5, 1857, unm. 5. Samuel, b. June 8, 1837 ; m. Maria Goodwin of Lyman, Me. They had one child, Mary. 6. Julia Ann, b. Dec. 5, 1839 ; m. Charles Bryant of Saco. She d. Sept. 27, 1872. By 2d wife : 303 7. Jackson, b. Aug. 17, 1847 ; m. Jan. 14, 1867, Sarah Ann Ross of Portland. 2G4 h'aYNES \ Gl^^'EALOGY. 8. Mary Ann, b. April 23, 1852 ; d. Sept. 4, 1852. 9. Martha, b. April 23, 1852; d. Sept. 14, 1852. 10. Annie Jane, b. Oct. 15, 1858. (205) Sumner Stetson" Haines (Peter,' Peter,« Jolin,^ John,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ') was born in Livermore, Me., where he had the advantages of the public schools. At the age of twenty-five he married Cecilia K. Straker. He died at the age of fifty-two years. Children : 1. Charles Erwin, b. Oct. 29, 1846. 2. Emma Josephine, b. Dec. 20, 1848. 3. Kate Ella, b. Sept. 20, 1852. 4. Jessie Lydia, b. Aug. 25, 1856. (206) James Henry ^ Haines (Henry,' Peter,^ John,^ John,* Sam- uel,' Matthias,- Samuel ^) was born in Hallowell, Me., where he spent his boyhood. At the age of about twenty-three years he married Patience M. Williams of Augusta, Me. They made their home in Rockville, Mass. ClIILDKEN : 1. Henry, b. March 28, 1847. 2. William, b. Oct. 14, 1848; d. in 1851. 3. William, b. Feb. 24, 1855. (213) Henry A.^ Haines (Joseph W.," Daniel,^ John,^ John,* Sam- uel,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Hallowell, Me., where he spent his boyhood. At the age of twenty-two he married IVIary Frances Knight of Presque Isle, with whom he lived thirty-four years, when he died at the age of about fifty-six. Children : 1. Addie May, b. March 11, 1856 ; m. June 2, 1877, Lafayette Marquis Richardson of l^radford, Penn. MARTIN A. HAYNES. Lakeport, N. H. (See No. 289.) NINTH GENERATION. 265 Children : (1) Harriet Beulah, b. Jan. 29, 1878 ; m. Sept. 7, 1898, George Kupert Ervin. (2) Clyde, b. Jan. 27, 1879 ; d. Dec. 8, 1881. (3) Lilly Dawn, b. Feb. 4, 1881. (4) Haines, b. Sept. 8, 1883 : d. April 27, 1885. (5) Addie May, b. Nov. 25, 1885. (6) Ida Evangeline, b. Dec. 13, 1887. 2. William Afton, b. July 8, 1861 ; m. March 29, 1893, Laura M. Hoyt. They have one dau., Thelma Hoyt, b. April 29, 1897. 3. Ida Beulah, b. Feb. 9, 1866 ; m. Feb. 4, 1897, Frederick Grant Field, They have one child, Haines, b. Feb. 20, 1898. (225) Martin Alonzo^ Haynes (Elbridge G.,^ James,« Elisha,^ John,* Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Springfield, N.H., but was educated in the public schools in Manchester. At the age of nineteen, at the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, he enlisted in the army, and served from April 22, 1861, to June 21, 1864. He had previously learned the printer's trade, and on his return from the war was employed for a while on the editorial staff of the Manchester Daily Union, and afterwards he published the Lake Village Times. He was on the Governor's Staff, and was Clerk of the Courts of Belknap Co. for seven years. Then he represented his district in the Forty-eighth and Forty-ninth Congresses, after which he was appointed Internal Revenue Agent, and is now in the Philippine Islands, establishing the Internal Revenue system there. At the age of twenty-one he married Cornelia T. Lane. (See Biographical Sketches.) Children 1. Ruth Ida, b. Nov. 27, 1871 ; d. Dec. 8, 1873. 2. Mary Addie, b. March 26, 1875 ; m. June 19, 1899, Eugene • S. Daniell. They live in Greenland on the farm first owned by Capt. Francis Champernown, where Dea. Samuel Haines lived for two years, before establishing a perma- nent home for himself on adjoining land. oaa HAINES I -"" HAYNES\ GENEALOGY (233) Charles Abbott « Haines (Albert G.,'' Abner,« Samuel,^ Abner/ Matthias,^ Matthias,- Samuel^) became an engineer, and lived in Dubuque, Ta. When about thirty years of age he mar- ried Bessie P. Horton, with whom he lived nearly fifteen years, when he died q,t the age of forty-four. CniLDRKN : 1. Mary C, b. May 11, 1870 ; m. June 27, 1899, J. J. Jones. 2. Albert G., b. July 31, 1877. SOI. (233) Francis Edwin ^ Haines (Albert G.,^ Abner,*' Samuel,^ Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias," Samuel^) was eighteen years of age when the War of the Rebellion broke out ; and he enlisted Sept. 22, 1862, at Concord, in the 11th N.H. Vols. He afterwards married Kate Reed. Children : 1. Gertrude W., b. Aug. 25, 1878. 2. Fred Reed, b. Sept. 6, 1882. (234) Fred Abner « Haines (Charles G.,^ Abner,^ Samuel,^ Abner,^ Matthias,^ Matthias,^ SamueP) was brought up on the farm at Dubuque, la., then educated as civil engineer, and when twenty- eight years of age he married his cousin Antoinette Haines, after which they made their home at Storm Lake, la., where she died seven years later at the age of thirty-six. His second wife was Jennie Sullivan of Cincinnati, Ohio. For the past twenty-four years he has been employed by the C. &. N.W. R.R. He surveyed, and had the charge of building, three hundred miles of that road. He is now resident engineer in charge of six hundred miles of the F. E. & M. V. R.R., having surveyed and superintended the building of one thousand miles of it. They live in Deadwood, S.D. Children by 1st wife : 1. Nina Josephine, b. Dec. 2, 1885. 2. Karl Leslie, b. March 2, 1889. NINTH GENERATION. 267 (234) William Pickering « Haines (Charles G.,'' Abner,^ Samuel,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ Matthias," tSanuiel^) was brought up on the farm at Dubuque, la. When he was thirty years of age he married Mrs. Addie Irene (Kidd) Lockie of Cold Springs, Wis. Their home is on a large cattle ranch at Dunning, Neb. Children : 1. Charles Lockie, b. July 28, 1892. 2. Irene Antoinette, b. April, 1895. 3. Helen Margaret, b. Oct. 5, 1896. 4. Frances Lee, b. Aug. 15, 1898. (234) Arthur T.« Haines (Charles G.,^ Abner,^ Samuel,^ Abner," Matthias,' Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born at Dubuque, la., where he spent his boyhood, and when thirty-two years of age he married Sarah Wilde of the same place. He is now a merchant in King- fisher, Ok. T., doing an extensive business. Children : 1. George Wilde, b. Sept. 5, 1892. 2. Charles Albert, b. May 12, 1896. 3. Harold Post, b. May 16, 1898. SOS. (235) Samuel R.^ Haines (Joseph H.,^ Abner,® Samuel,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ ^latthias," Samuel ^) was brought up in Manchester, where he graduated from the high school. When about twenty years of age he married Helen M. Hall, daughter of Augustus F. Hall of Manchester, N.H. They made their home in Storm Lake, la. Children : 1. Ruth McG., b. Nov. 11, 1878. 2. Florence, b. Oct. 11, 1880. 3. Ralph Holland, b. Aug. 6, 1882. 2t58 '^^\?^^A GENEALOGY. (236) Joseph Dearborn^ Haines (Hannibal,^ Josiah,^ Samuel,* Abner,'* Matthias,^ Matthias,- Samuel ^) was born in Canterbury, N.H., and at the age of twenty-six married Marietta Ham. They now live in San Francisco, Cal. Chiluren : 1. Charles D., b. May 13, 1868; m. May 13, 1888, Minnie R. Davis. 2. Mabel, b. March 29, 1873 ; d. July 29, 1899. 3. Josephine, b. March 20, 1876. 4. Clarence, b. Dec. 4, 1879. 6. lone, b. Sept. 9, 1883. (242) Charles E.^ Haines (Walter,^ Walter,^ Walter W.,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Foxcroft, Me. At the age of twenty -three he married Elizabeth Perkins of Enfield, Me. They were married in Chester, where they first made their home, from which place they removed to Rockford, Minn.' but now their home is in Aitkin, that State. Children : 304 1. Charles W., b. in Chester, Me., Jan. 11, 1855; m. Clara Guptil. 2. Wesley, b. in Rockford, Minn., July 16, 1859; d. Aug. 15, 1864. 3, Frances, b. in Rockford, Minn., July 13, 1868. (242) Daniel C.^ Haines (Walter,'' Walter,^ Walter W.,^ Abner,* Matthias,^ Matthias,- Sam\iel^) was born in Chester, Me., where he was brought up. When about twenty-one years of age he married Sarah E. Bunker of the same town, where they made their home for several years, from which place they removed to Winn, Me., where they now reside. Children : 1. Laura E., b. in Chester, Me., June 23, 1854; m. June 10, 1872, Joseph Tlarmon. ki NINTH GENERATION. 269 2. David L., b. June 23, 1854; m. March 29, 1879, Mamie Delate. 3. Delia E., b. June 18, 1856 ; m, March 9, 1874, J. H. Harmon. 4. Walter E., b. July 29, 1859; m. Sept. 26, 1888, Ulala Hagerman. 5. Carrie V., b. in Winn, Oct. 30, 1863 ; m. Oct. 26, 1885, Frederick Davis. 6. Phebe B., b. May 2, 1866; m. Sept. 20, 1898, Henry McDaniels. 7. Henry R., b. Feb. 13, 1871. 8. Herbert D., b. July 25, 1873; m. Sept. 20, 1900, Mattie Ireland. 9. Sadie May, b. May 6, 1878 ; m. May 6, 1900, George Griffin. (221) George Albert^ Haines (George,^ Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Joshua,* Joshua,^ Matthias,^ Samuel ^) was born in Wolf boro, and brought up on the farm with the educational privileges which the town afforded. At the age of twenty-six he married Addie F. Nute, with whom he lived more than three years, when she died at the age of about twenty-three. Two years later he married Alice May Perry of Somerville, Mass. He is the fifth generation living on the old farm at North Wolfboro, that being a part of the three hundred acres of uncultivated land which his great-great-grandfather purchased and moved upon from Greenland in 1784. Children: Bt 1st wife : 1. Louise Margaret, b. March 8, 1886. By 2d wife : 2. Mary Alice, b. April 13, 1891. 3. Edith Gertrude, b. Feb. 28, 1898. 4. Rodney Monroe, b. Aug. 8, 1900. I TENTH GENERATION. (254) Edward Stewart'' Haines (Dauiel W.,* Henry S.,^ Israel,^ Joseph,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel/ SamueP) was born at Sum- ter, S.C. ; but soon after his parents removed to Florence, where he spent his boyhood and commenced his education. At the age of twenty-four he nuirried Addie McLeod. They have made their home in Jacksonville, Fla., where he is a sterling business man, being a manufacturer of machinery in company with his brother. Chii.dkex : 1. Ada Frances, b. Aug. 24, 1890. 2. Irma Velnette, b. Aug. 17, 1896. (254) Kendall Stewart'-* Haines (Daniel W.,^ Henry S.,^ Israel," Joseph,"^ Samuel,^ Matthias,' Samuel,- SamueP) was born in Flor- ence, S.C, where he was brought up. At the age of twenty-one he married Annie Evelyn Godbold, with whom he lived more than six years, when she died at the age of twenty-eight. Three years later he married Harriet Myra Shepard of Jacksonville, Fla. Childrkn : 1. Kendall Stewart, b. Oct. 18, 1891. 2. Evelyn Francis, b. June 13, 1893, in Titusville, Fla.; d. May 21, 1894. SOS. (255) Albert Joseph " Haines (Albert F.,^ John,'' John," Matthias,* Samuel,^ Matthias,^ SamueV SamueP) was born in New INIarket, where he had the advantages of the public schools. When nearly twenty -three years of age he married INIary A. Watson, with whom he lived nearly eight years, when she died. The following year he married Nellie Pendergast. He possesses integrity of character, and has won the respect of his fellows. 270 4 TENTH GENERATION. 271 Children by 1st wife : 1. Harry \Yatson, b. May 11, 1877 ; m. June 15, 1898, Edith Palmer, who was b. Feb. 14, 1878. He is an extensive farmer in New ]\[arket, having inherited a large property by his uncle, Benjamin A\'atson of Xew York City. 2. Wilber Frank, b. May 1, 1882 ; d. May 9, 1884. By 2d wife : 3. Eoland Albert, b. Jan. 3, 1893. (255) Frank Pierce ^ Haines (Albert F.,^ John,'' John,« Matthias,^ Samuel,^ Matthias,^ Samuel,- Samuel ^ ) is a native of New Market, and was educated in the public schools of that town. At the age of twenty-six he married Nellie J. Perkins. By dint of toil he has gained a good reputation, and made for himself an extensive business as a merchant in his native town. His sterling qualities have secured him high esteem. Children : 1. Bernard John, b. Aug. 2, 1882. 2. Lena Gertrude, b. April 4, 1886. 300. (259) Edward Willett » Haines (Thomas V.,^ Thomas J.,^ John,« Matthias,^ Samuel,* Matthias,^ Samuel,^ SamueP) was born in New Market, although the greater part of his life has been spent else- where, principally in North Hampton. He was educated privately, then in the public schools, at Hampton Academy, and at the Insti- tute of Technology, Boston, Mass. He learned the wheelwriglit's trade, but found employment in the car-shops at Allston, ]\Iass., and at Concord, N.H. At the age of twenty -four he married Ger- trude Annie Norton, after which he erected a steam mill and wood- working shop in North Hampton, in which he continues to carry on his business in an honest and faithful manner, and has won the respect of his fellows. Children : 1. Mabel Gertrude, b. Oct. 9, 1885. 2. Guy Norton, b. March 25, 1887. 3. Kay Edward, b. April 11, 1891. (285) Samuel" Haines (Josiah M.,« Samuel/ John,« Timothy,^ Samuel/ tSamuel/ Matthias,^ SaniueP) was born in Bingham, Me., but educated in the public schools in "Waterville. Wiien he was sixteen years old he shipped for a whaling voyage with his uncle, ('apt. Rifliard Luce of Martha's Vineyard. He continued in that business for many years, and obtained the rank of captain. On the decline of the whaling business, he entered the merchant service, and made long voyages on the Pacific, visiting remote parts of th(3 world then but little known. He was wrecked, and barely saved his life, in the great gale which swept the harbor of San Francisco in the early history of California. One time he was in collision with a British ship in the China Sea, when his vessel went down in about three hours. The crew were in a boat for several days with- out food, and picked up by a passing vessel. On the breaking out of the War of the Rebellion, he was appointed sailing-master of the gunboat Ottawa. He was at the battle of Hilton Head, and at the taking of Port Royal, S.C. ; also at the taking of Fort Clinch and the works around Fernandina, Fla. His vessel was the flag- ship in the expedition to Jacksonville and the opening of the St. John's River. He was in the siege of Charleston, S.C, and there experienced a sunstroke. After the close of the war he was given command of the Beacon and the Badcjer, and stationed on the North Atlantic. His last voyage was to the coast of Africa in govern- ment service. With health impaired through war service, he re- tired from the navy. He was a brave and faithful officer, and received the esteem of his superiors and subordinates. At the age of twenty-nine he married Abby Lewis of Sydney, Me. He died at the age of sixty-nine, having been a man of strong character and great fortitude. Children : i. Frank Homer, b. Sept. 30, 1853. 2. Eva Charlotte, b. Jan. 24, 1855. 3. Albert, b. in 1858. 4. Minnie, b. Jan. 22, ISOO ; m. Rev. J. M. Wyman, who was for eleven years pastor of the Baptist church in Augusta, Me., from which place he was called to Marlboro, Mass., JOSIAH MANCHESTER HAYNES. Augusta, Me. ritish JMuseum and other institutions, visiting several prehistoric sites. On Jan. 30, 1874, he started for Home, where he remained until April 30, studying in the museums and galleries. He then traveled through the various Italian cities, and in Switzerland, w^here he studied the collections of Lake- Dwellers' relics. From there he journeyed to Stockholm, Sweden, to attend the Congres International d' Anthropologic et d'Archeologie Prehistoriques, where he made the acquaintance of the leading students in those sciences in Europe. On his way back he visited a coast station of the Stone Age, in southern Sweden, and the famous "kitchen-midden" of INIeilgaard, in Denmark, with other sites of early man's habitation. Eeturning to Paris he studied in the collections of that city, and at the Museum of St. Germain-en- Laye, and visited his friend Professor Desor, at ISTeucliatel, in Switzerland, whom he had known in Cambridge, Mass. Through hini he was enabled to make explorations in a lake-dwelling on the Lake of P)ienne, which had just been exposed to view through the drainage operations intended to control the malarial conditions of that region. After that he visited the celebrated station of Acheul, near Amiens, and personally obtained paleolithic implements from the gravel beds there. From Nov. 6 to May 7 he worked in Eome, Naples, and Pompeii. Eeturning to Florence he remained until July 9, wlien he left for Aix-les-Bains, where he dredged for imple- ments of the Prcnze Age in Lake Bourget, and visited the Pass of the IVIt. du Chat by which Hannibal crossed the Alps. On July 19 he left for Nancy, France, to attend a session of the Congres Inter- national des Americanistes, where, as the representative of the United States, he was called to the chair on the third day of the session. He then traveled from Aug. 3 to Oct. 11 through Brittany and Normandy, visiting Carnac and numerous other sites famous for dolmens and menhirs, and also the Vitrified Camp of Peran, BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 315 near St. Brieuc, and a vast prehistoric earthwork near Dieppe. Keturning to Paris he spent much time in searching for fossil bones and flint implements which accompanied them, in gravel pits on the banks of the Seine. The winter of 1876 was spent in the cities of Germany, study- ing in the various museums. He then returned to Italy, and visited the celebrated Red Rock caves near JNIentone, where he procured numerous relics from the debris. On March 14, 1876, he reached Rome, where he remained until June 4, spending much time in searching for fossil bones and flints in the gravel pits of the Tiber. Many visits were paid to Etruscan sites ; and in company with Hon. George P. Marsh, United States Minister to Italy, he made a car- riage tour through the old towns of the Alban Hills, and another to some of the ancient cities in the Apennines. He then left for Perugia, visiting on the way the old Etruscan Clusium (now chiasi). A fort- night was spent in Perugia studying the collections there, and in excursions in the vicinity with Professor Bellucci, hunting for flint implements. The time from July 4 to Sept. 2 was passed in Florence, Venice, and in a carriage trip through the Dolomite coun- try. He then started for Buda-Pesth, to attend again an Interna- tional Prehistoric Congress, on which occasion excursions were made down the Danube to several ancient sites, and excavations were conducted in some cemeteries of the Early Iron Age. After a visit to the Salzkammerut, he returned to Florence, stopping at Vienna, jNIunich, and cities of Korth Italy, and remained there till Jan. 31, 1877, when he left for Rome. On April 9 he started for Athens by the way of Naples, Brindisi, and Corfu, and remained in Athens until May 18, studying carefully the antiquities of that city, and finding obsidian relics on the slopes of the Acropolis and on the mound at ]\Iarathon. By way of Corfu he returned to Italy, and visited the Eastern cities, among them the little repub- lic of San Marino. After spending several weeks at Florence and Sienna, he trav- eled by way of Turin to Aosta. There he remained till Aug. 6, and made an excursion to the Hospice of the Great St. Bernard and the Pass of the Little St. Bernard. He then spent a week in Courmayeur, and from there he went to Switzerland, where he remained till Sept. 1. He then left for IMacon, to visit the cele- brated prehistoric site of Solutre in its vicinity, which has given 316 u17neS \ GENEALOGY. the name to a type of flint implements ; and on Sept. 10 he reached. Paris, where he remained until Nov. 9. During this time he made a visit to the noted prehistoric station of Pressigny- le-Grand, not far from Tours, and to the chateau of the Baron de Baye, near Epernay, Champagne, to study the remarkable neolithic collections made by him in that neighborhood. From Paris he traveled to Marseilles, stopping by the way in the cities of Pro- vence, and studying the existing Roman remains there. From Marseilles he sailed, Nov. 22, for Alexandria, reaching Cairo Dec. 3. On Jan. 22, 1878, he left in a steamer for a voy- age up the Nile, and remained in Luxor from Feb. 6 to ]\Iarch 20. There he was fortunate enough to make valuable discov- eries of paleolithic implements. These were subsequently placed on exhibition by him at the French Exposition of 1878, where they were discussed at a meeting of the Societe d'Anthropologie de Paris, of which he was elected a foreign associate member, and was awarded a medal and diploma. Many of these objects are at present on exhibition in the National Museum at Washington, D.C. ; and an account of them has been published, illustrated by excellent prints, in the tenth volume of the "Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences." From Egypt he sailed for Malta, and then for Sicily, where he remained till May 17, visiting the principal cities of that island. He returned to Florence by Naples and Rome, and remained till July 11, when he started for Macugnaga, stopping by the way to visit the remarkable pre-Etruscan site of ]\larzabotto, near Bologna. After a month spent in IMacugnaga, he returned to Pans, where he remained from Sept. 10 to Nov. 2 ; and during that time his Egyptian objects were on exhibition at the Expo- sition, He then returned to London, and sailed from Liverpool, arriving in New York Nov. 19, 1878, just five years and eight months from the day he left home. Since his return Mr. Haynes,has lived in Boston, devoting his time to literary and antiquarian pursuits. In 1879 he was again elected to the School Committee, to fill an unexpired term, and re- elected in 1880 for three years, but resigned in the same year, upon being appointed a Trustee of the Boston Public Library. That office he continued to hold by successive reappointments until 1895, which period included the construction of the present Library building. In June, 1879, he was elected a member of the Massa- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 317 chusetts Historical Society, and was made Corresponding Secretary in April, 1896. This office he still holds. In February and March, 1880, he delivered a course of lectures before the Lowell Institute on " The Prehistoric Archaeology of Europe." In October of the same year he was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and in March, 1886, was chosen Librarian, and re-elected each year until May, 1899, when he declined to serve longer. When the Archaeological Institute of America was founded, in 1879, he was made a member of the Executive Committee, and annually re-elected, having had the main charge of editing the vol- imies of the American series of its publications. jNIr. Haynes has lectured upon Archaeological topics in New York, Brooklyn, and Concord, IST.H., and has read numerous papers before different societies of which he is a member, — the American Antiquarian Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Boston Society of Natural History, the American Geographical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has also contributed a variety of reviews and other articles to the New York Nation, the American Journal of Archaeology, the American Anthroj)ologist, the American Antiquarian, and other journals. To the first volume of Winsor's '' Narrative and Critical History of America," he furnished a chapter upon The Prehistoric Archae- ology of America ; and to the second, another upon Early Explora- tions in New Mexico. Further record may be found under number 217 of this book. ai« HA^YNES \ GENEALOGY. WILLIAM H. HAINES. William H. Haines, the son of Jonathan B. and Catherine (Smith) Haines, was born in New Hampton, X.H., and removed to the town of New London when he was a mere boy, and remained there until 1861, when he went West and engaged in the boot aud shoe business with his son, in which he was highly successful. He had all the qualities for police work, and accepted the office of City Marshal at Lancaster, Wis., and afterwards at St. Joe, INIich. It was his intention to go to Chicago and enter the police force there, but his wife dissuaded him. When he left St. Joe he was pre- sented with a handsome gold police badge as a token of regard by the citizens. He had seen some pretty hard experiences in that place. One Sunday night in 1870, while he was ]Marshal, he was standing on a high bluif which overlooked a portion of the city, when he heard the cry of " Murder " coming from one of the saloons. The embankment on which he stood was about forty feet above the street, and almost perpendicular ; but he did not hesitate to run down the steep incline and search out the trouble. As he entered the door of a low building he found a fight in progress between two sailors crazy with liquor. As one of the parties held in his hand a sheath-knife with a sharp blade about six inches long, he saw at a glance that it was a desperate battle ; and before he could decide on the best way to get his man, the fellow discov- ered him and made a rush for him, waving the sharp bladed weapon before hiiu with mTirder in his eye. He backed away from the mad man until his feet touched the wall, when he knew that he must act (juickly. With a well-directed blow from his left arm he struck the sailor under the eye and felled him to the floor, and had him by the throat a prisoner. He afterwards discovered that the point of the knife had just caught the skin on the back of his hand, and made a wound about two inches long, but not deep. He regarded that as the tightest place he was ever in, and an experi- ence which he would not care to repeat. But Mr. Haines has a war record of which any man might well BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 319 feel proud. In the year 1846 he enlisted in Boston in the U. S. Navy, and was assigned to the sloop-of-war Jamestown, from which he was transferred to the frigate Cumbedain/. That vessel was engaged in blockading the harbor of Vera Cruz, as we were at war with Mexico. They had some sharp engagements as they ran up the river, and dislodged belligerents and captured their flags. He was at Vera Cruz when the treaty with the United States was announced, and was on the dock at the time when Santa Anna went aboard ship to leave the city. During the War of the Rebellion he served in the 36th Wiscon- sin Regiment, which was in Hancock's Corps, and saw hard fight- ing in the Wilderness, Spottsylvania Court House, Cold Harbor, and during the siege of Petersburg. He was wounded twice, once in the hip during the Weldon raid, and again at Ray's Farm, where he received a scalp wound. He is a member of the G. A. R., having been a charter member of Post 6 of Delavan, Wis. For more than forty years he has been a member of the Odd Fellows. He is a man of genial spirit, great courage, strict integrity, and native tact. The record of his family may be found under number 229 of this book. 320 ^11:^ } GENEALOGY. SAMUEL COLLINS BEANE. Samuel Collins Beane was a native of Candia, N.H., where he spent his boyhood and attended the public schools, in which he gave evidence of a desire for knowledge, which led to the purpose to obtain a liberal education. Under this inspiration he prepared for college at Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and at " The Gymnasium," Pembroke, N.H. From there he entered Dartmouth College, and graduated (A.B.) in I808. The gospel ministry lay before him as a field best suited to his tastes and abilities. So he entered Harvard Divinity School, and graduated in 1861. He at once was called by the First Unitarian Church in Chicopee, Mass., over which he was ordained and installed Jan. 15, 1862. His ability and success attracted the attention of the churches ; and after a pastorate of about three years he was called by the Second Church in Salem, where he was installed Jan. 1, 1865, and maintained a successful ministry for twelve years. Nine days after closing his labors in Salem he was installed over the Second Congregational Church in Concord, N.H., where he won the hearts of his own people and the respect and esteem of the citizens during his seven years' pastorate. About that time the American Unitarian Association for Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont were looking for a man of energy and tact for Superintendent, and persuaded him to leave his people to take up that work. After three years of service in that wide field he resigned, and accepted a call from the First Religious Society in Newburyport, Mass., over which he was installed May 15, 1888, where he remains as their efRcient and beloved pastor. In 1894 the honorary degree of Doctor of Divin- ity was conferred on him by Dartmouth ('ollege. He is an able preacher, tactful pastor, sympathizing friend, clear thinker, an active citizen, and a manly man. The record of his family may be found under number 31 of this book. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 321 DANIEL P. CILLEY. Daniel Plummer Cilley, son of Col. Daniel and Hannah (Plummer) Cilley, was born in Epsom, N.H., May 31, 1806. He was the grandson of Gen. Joseph Cilley of Revolutionary fame, and his mother was sister of Governor Plummer of Epping. He was educated at Loudon High School and Pembroke Academy, and was about to commence the study of medicine, when, becoming a Chris- tian, he felt that he ought to preach the gospel of Christ. Accord- ingly, he was ordained, in 1833, as a Free Baptist minister, and preached with great success in several New Hampshire towns, the first of which was Newmarket, where he organized a Free Baptist church which has been an agent of great good in that place. He also preached at Northwood and at Somersworth, and then held an important pastorate in Manchester, from which he was called to Boston, Mass., where he remained for eight years, afterwards re- turning to New Hampshire and settling at Farmington in 1858. At the breaking out of the Wav of the Rebellion he was granted leave of absence from his church that he might serve as chaplain of the 8th N. H. Reg. Vols. He was very faithful to his commis- sion ; and when the regiment was mustered out, he was commis- sioned chaplain of the 2d N. Y. Vet. Cavalry, sei'ving till the close of the war, and was in every battle in which his regiment was en- gaged. After the war he was appointed missionary by the Ameri- can Missionary Association, under whose support he went to North Carolina with his family, and labored there from 1868 to 1873, when, because of feeble liealth, resulting from his army life, he returned to live among his friends in Farmington, N.H., where he continued to make his home to the time of his death. He was, very successful in the ministry, having received into the church during his life more than one thousand persons, and having given a noble uplift to many thousands. As army chaplain he was faithful to duty, and constant in meeting the wants and expectations of his comrades. He was fearless, yet sympathetic and kind, and a preacher of marked power in his denomination. He was command- 322 f llS } GENEALOGY. ing in his personal appearance, and was a Christian gentleman of the old school in every sense of the word. In 1836 Mr. Cilley was married to Adelaide Ayers Haines of Canterbury, N.H., a lady of superior mental endowment, who in the many years of their wedded life proved a true and faithful wife, a worthy helpmeet indeed, sustaining him in his days of active service, and tenderly caring for him in his feebleness. They lived together more than fifty -two years, when he passed away at the age of eighty-two. His wife survived him about eight years. The memory of both is fragrant in the wide circle of those who knew them. The record of their family will be found under number 121 of this book. SIGNATURES OF DEACON SAMUEL HAINES AND HIS TWO SONS. NORTHAM (DOVER), 1640. SELECTMAN OF PORTSMOUTH, 1663. SECOND SON OF DEACON SAMUEL FIRST SON OF DEACON SAMUEL, 1683. 323 APPENDIX. 326 APPENDIX. No. 1. THE HAINES BIBLE. When our ancestor came to this country he brought his Bible with him, and saved it from the wreck which he experienced at Pemaquid, Me., Aug. 15, 1635. Tradition has it that at the time of the wreck it was sewed up in a feather bed, and thus saved from destruction. It does not show the marks of having been thoroughly wet. It is a copy of the Genevan version printed in London, Eng- land, by the deputies of Christopher Barker in 1599, and is called the " Breeches Bible," because of the rendering of Gen. iii. 7 : " Then the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and they sewed figge-tree leaves together, and made themselves breeches." This edition was highly esteemed by our Puritan ancestors because of marginal notes. This copy was kept by the different generations who lived on the old homestead at Greenland ; and when the place was sold by Samuel Haines of the fourth generation he took it with him to Wakefield, where he set- tled, and it was in possession of his descendants until it passed into the hands of Andrew Mack Haines of Galena, 111., and is now the property of his son, Samuel Andrew Haines of San Francisco, Cal. It bears the marks of much usage. Nearly twenty-nine chapters of Genesis have been lost, also more than six chapters of Mat- thew, and all beyond the First Epistle to the Corinthians. It evidently has been studied with great care, as there have been penned many marginal notes, some of which are in Latin ; and a great number of the deeply expressive texts have been carefully underscored with purple ink. This pre-eminently is the case in the Gospel according to St. John. And a great many of the capital letters, with the indices to the margin, have been illuminated with 327 328 uiyNES } GENEALOGY. red ink. Many of the Psalms are marked with the word " morn- ing," and others with the word " evening," probably with the view to morning and evening reading. Some of the choice texts are written with pen on the margin, probably with the view of making them more impressive. On a blank space at the beginning of the Prophecy of Isaiah appears a well-drawn greyhound collared, while underneath is written the word " Filemon." Some one of the early generations had an artistic taste, for there are half a dozen por- traits indicative of genius on marginal leaves in the Book of Eze- kiel. Two or three of them may have been intended to outline the features of members of the family. The others were a creation of the imagination. While this Bible has passed its tri-centennial, its chief value consists in the fact that our first ancestor to this country read it and prayed over it, and that it thus must have been one important agent in making him the true and noble, intelligent, and large-hearted man that he was. The loss of the first pages of both the Old and New Testaments is to be regretted, as very likely they contained records which would be of great value to us. The King James version of the Bible was published the year Deacon Samuel Haines was born, but the Genevan version was so highly appreciated by the English people that its publication was con- tinued until 1641. But as this book was published in 1599, it might have been owned by Deacon Samuel's father, who gave it to him. This opinion Mr. A. M. Haines expressed in a letter to me several years before he died. APPENDIX. 329 No. 2. THE GREYHOUND. And as it was inforned me Kynge Richarde had a greyhounde called Mathe who allways wayted upon the Kynge, and would know no man else. For whensoever the Kynge did ryde, he that kepte the greyhounde dyd lette hym lose, and he would streyght runne to the Kynge and fowne upon hym, and leape with his fore fete upon the Kynges shoulders. And as the Kynge and the erle of Derby talked together in the courte, the greyhounde who was wont to leape upon the Kynge, left the Kynge and came to the erle of Derby, duke of Lancaster, and made to hym the same friendly countenance and chere, as he was wont to do to the Kynge. The duke who knewe not the greyhounde, demanded of the Kynge what the greyhounde would do. Cosyn, quod the Kynge, it is a great good token to you, and an evyle sygne to me. Sir how know that quod the duke ? I know it well, quod the Kynge. The greyhounde maketh you chere this day as Kynge of England, so you shall be, and I shall be deposed ; the greyhounde hath the knowledge naturellye : therefore take hym to you ; he will folow you and forsake me. The duke understood well these wordes, and cherished the greyhounde who would never after follow the Kynge Richarde II, but followed the duke of Lancaster. Froissart B. E. & W. vol. xvii. p. 656. Near the conflux of the Colwyn and the Glasllyn stands the small village of Beddgelert. Here was once a priory dedicated to St. Mary, for monks of the Augustine order, the foundation of which Tanner ascribes to the last Llewelyn, and except Bardsey, this was probably the most ancient monastic institution in North Wales. For it appears from grants of lands, made by divers bene- factors, that it subsisted long prior to that period ; and Rymer recites in his Foedera a charter in which certain lands were 330 ^-^ y^^^ } GENE A LOGY. bestowed on it by Llewelyn in the year 1194. A traditionary account recorded by the bards states that he was the founder, and that on a most extraordinary occasion. — The prince had a hunting seat at this place, and during the absence of the family a wolf entered the house, and Llewelyn returning first, was met at the door by his favorite greyhound, Gelert, who was a present to him from his father-in-law, King John. His mouth was covered with blood. The prince alarmed at the circumstance, hastened to the nursery wliere he found the cradle overturned, and the ground wet with gore. On his momentary alarm for the fate of his infant son, supposing it had been killed by the dog, he drew his sword and stabbed the animal while he was caressing his master. But what was the consternation of the latter, when on turning up the cradle, he found his son alive and sleeping by the side of the wolf, which had been slain by the faithful and vigilant Gelert. The circum- stance appears to have had such an effect on the prince's mind, that he erected a tomb over, the dog's grave on the spot wliere subsequently the before mentioned church was built, which was from this incident denominated Bedd Gelert, or the grave of Gelert ; then he also founded a monastery for the good of his soul, and as a grateful offering to divine Providence for the preserva- tion of his child. — Beauties of England and Wales, vol. xxii. pp. 404-5. APPENDIX. 331 No. 3. THE SHIP ANGEL GABRIEL. The ship Angel Gabriel was built by Sir Charles Snell of Kingston, St. Michaels, North Wilts, England, for Sir Walter Ealeigh. Sir Charles in his youth was intimate with Sir Walter ; but he became very dissipated, and the ship cost him a large amount of real estate, which upon Sir Walter's attainder was for- feited. She was built for the expedition against Guiana, and must have been finished prior to 1617, for in that year he made his second and last voyage there. She was granted Letters of Marque by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, during the year 1630, the date of the commission being Oct. 16, 1630. She be- longed in Bristol, and at that time was commanded by Michael Hunt, who was part owner. Rev. Richard Mather says, " The Angel Gabriel is a strong ship, and well furnished with fourteen or sixteen pieces of ordnance, and therefore our seamen rather desired her company ; but she is slow in sailing." On June 4, 1635, a fleet of five vessels left Bristol, England, three of them bound for Newfoundland, viz., the Diligence, a ship of 150 tons ; the Mary, a small ship of 80 tons ; and the Bess ; and two were bound for New England, viz., the Angel Gabriel, of 240 tons, and the James, of 220 tons. The Angel Gabriel, being a slow-sailing ves- sel, fell behind, though not so much but that she was able to anchor in the outer harbor at Pemaquid at the time the James anchored at the Isles of Shoals. This was on Friday, Aug. 14, and being moonlight, the first part of the night was passed quietly ; but before morning a north-east wind came up, and " blew with such violence with abundance of rain, that it blew down many hundreds of trees, overthrew some houses, drave ships from their anchor etc." The storm ravaged the whole coast from Nova Scotia to Manhattan, continuing with great fury for five or six hours. The tide rose in some places more than twenty feet '' right up and down." It is said that the tide not only rose to a remarkable 332 Ha//eS I GENEALOGY. height at about the proper time, but was followed by only a partial ebb, and then was immediately succeeded by another tidal wave which rose higher than the first. During the storm the wind changed from north-east to north-west. The Arif/el Gabriel, prob- ably now feeling the full force of the wind, was torn from her anchorage, and dashed in pieces upon the shore. One seaman and three or four passengers were lost, while two others had died on the voyage. All the rest got safely on land. Among the pas- sengers were John Bailey and his son John, wlio afterwards settled in Newbury, Mass., John Cogswell and his family, who settled in Ipswich, Samuel Haines, William Furber, and John Tuttle, who first made their homes in what is now Dover. During this gale the James was torn from her anchorage at the Shoals, and although in great peril, escaped destruction. Rev. Increase Mather states that " the Atir/el Gabriel was the first vessel which miscarried with passengers from Old England to New, so signally did the Lord in his providence watch over the plantation of New England." That storm has gone into history as the " Great Hurricane." APPENDIX, 333 No. 4. DEED GIVEN TO SAMUEL HAINES IN 1650. This deed made the 18th day of Nov. 1650 witnesseth, know yee therefore that I Thomas Withers, Attorney for Capt. Francis Champernoon and other power derived from him, have sold unto Samuell Haines, one ffarme allways known by the name of Capt. Champernoon's ffarme lying on the South east side of the Great baye, for and in consideration of the sum of Ninetie pounds Sterling, hath paid unto the said Thomas Withers or his assignees in manner and form following, which is to say thirtie pounds the 18th of November which shall be in the year of our Lord 1651, and thirtie pounds the 18th day of May and thirtie pounds the 18th day of November which shall be in the year of our Lord 1652, for the satisfying of a certain debte ; and furthermore I the said Thomas Withers doe ratifie and confirm unto the said Samuell Haines his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns for ever, the said farme above mentioned with all the appurtances, privileges, annuities, houses, fields, woodes, upland and marsh, with all the usufruct whatsoever belonging thereunto, to the only use and be- hoof of the said Samuell Haines his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns for ever : In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Thomas Withers SEAL Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Basil Pakkeb Edwarde Colcord. 33^ ^ilS } OENEALOGY. GRANTS OF LAND TO SAMUEL HAINES. [From Portsmouth Town Records. ] At a public meeting held the 12th of Sept. 1G53, granted unto Samuel Haines ten ackers of land at the bottom of the great Bay, over against Capt. Champernoons — so that it be not upon the Captains land. Taken out of the " ould book " (vol. i. f. 12). 5th July, 1660. 600 acres of land were divided among those who were inhabitants of Portsmouth and in free communion in the year 1657. To Samuel Haines was granted 101 acres, possessed 10 already, and 91 added to make up full proportion. At a meeting of the Selectmen of Portsmouth, 15 Feby. 1664. Layd out to Samuel Haines of his divident land 86 acres, begin- ning at a hemlock tree between said Haines and Francis Drakes, near Capt. Champernoons creeke, and from thence 72 rods west to the cart way at the fence between Goodman Haines and Walter Neal, and thence 192 rods due South to a pine, and from thence 72 rods to a pitch pine tree east, and thence to the hemlock first named. Phillip Lewis, John Sherburne, Walter Abbott, W. (Vol. i. 849.) 1st Oct. 1667. Layed out to P. Lewis 40 acres of land being bounded between the two freshets wh Gather between two bridges as said highway leadeth from Greenland to bloody Point adjoining to a tract of land of 50 acres formaly layed out, which Samuel Haines bought of Capt. Rich : Waldren. APPENDIX. 335 Layed out to Samuel Haines a small tract of land taking its beginning at a great pyne marked nearest S which is the head bounds of his 86 acres and so to meet with P. Lewis and Nathaniel Drake's headlines, and from that pyne nearest to the east to meet with the said Lewis or Drakes land wh lyeth as a try angle, and is in full of all lands wh the said Samuel Haines can demand of the town, either by divident or other town grants to this present date, allowing convenient highways through the same. Dec. 20, 1667 by me Hen : Sherburne. O'ol. i. f. 65.) At a General Town meeting held in Portsmouth 12 May 1669. Whereas there is a tract of land in the township of Portsmouth adjoining to the Gt Bay on the west side of Winnecut river it is given and granted unto Mr John Cutt, Mr Nathaniel Ffryer, Capt. James Pendleton, Mr. Elias Stileman, Mr Richard Martyn, P. Lewis, Samuel Haines, Leo : Weeks and John Sherburne, two thirds of all the said tract of land, excepting 250 acres thereof to be layed out unto Mr Moody for his satisfaction for former areages for the inhabitants subscription, provided the parties above said maintain and defend the same in the towns behalf at their the above said parties own proper cost and charge against any and all that shall opose. (Vol. i. 69.) 5 Feby 1679. Ordered to Lay out land for Deacon Haines and Leonard Weeks. Dec. 18 — 90 acres laid out for Deacon Haines on N.W. side of Hampton highway to a little brook, and Leo Weeks laud on north side of it. OQ« HAINES [ ^^^ HAY NESS GENEALOGY. No. 5. DEED OF ONE HALF SAW MILL GIVEN TO SAMUEL HAINES. This indenture made ye nintli of Jaiinary in ye year one thousand six hundred and Seventy between Samuel Haines Senr. of Greenland in Portsmouth in Piscataqua, on the one part, and Phillip Lewis of the same Place and Isaac Cole of Hampton on the other Party, Witnesseth ye sd Cole and Lewis in Consideration of One Hundred and ten Pounds payable by ye sd Haines unto ye said Cole (for which a Bill is given of ye Date of ye Present) Have jointly and severally given, granted and sold and set Over, and do by these Presents, give, grant, sell, and set Over unto ye said Haines, his Heirs Executors, Administrators and Assigns for ever, all their and each of their Interests in and Eight to one half of a Saw Mill now in Partnership between the said Lewis and Cole situate and being in Greenland aforesaid with all and Singular the Priviledges and Appurtances thereunto belonging, said Doggs, Iron Crows, Sledges or what other Instruments of a like nature belong- ing to the Mill, as also free Liberty of Access to and Egress from ye sd Mill, with ye use of so much land about it, as may be con- venient and suitable for the laying of Loggs Timber, or Boards on for ye Mills Concerns ; as also to fetch Earth and Stones, or what else may be convenient and suitable for the present or future Kepairing and building of the Mill from Time to Time on either Side of the Stream where the Mill now stands, near about ye sd ]\Iill. Provided, always that after four years be expired which term begins with the first of April next, One eight Part of the said Mill shall return to ye Phillip Lewis as his proper Estate any thing in the Premises to ye Contrary notwithstanding. The other three eighths to remain to the said Haines, as aforesaid. Further- more the said Lewis and Cole do engage to ye sd Haines that they are before selling hereof ye sole Owners and true Proprietors of all the bargined Premises and also do bind themselve Heirs, Executors, APPENDIX. 337 Administrators and Assigns to warrant and defend the sale hereof against any Person whatsoever, from, by and under them Laying Claim thereunto Legally especially from all former Gifts, Sales, Mortgages Joyntures, Wills of Dowry or Intanglements by virtue of any Copartnership or anything of the like nature, made or done by them or either of them which might be any Impediment to ye sd Haines, his Heirs or assigns from their quiet and free possess- ing of ye same forever. In witness to all and Singular the Premises, the said Lewis and Cole have sett to their Hands and Seals this 9th of Jany 1670. Philip Lewis Isaac Cole Signed, sealed and delivered this 11th of Jan. 1670 before us, Joshua Moody John Sherburne, Senr. Philip Lewis and Isaac Cole came both together before me acknowledged this Instrument to be their Act and Deed this 11th Jany 1670. Before me Richard Cutt. 338 ^1™S [ OENEALOOr. No. 6. AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEACONS HAINES AND HALL. Whereas there have been some uncomfortable differences lately between two loving friends, namely John Hall and Samuel Haines both of Greenland, about certain Meadowes lying at Greenland about wh there was an action commenced by John Hall agst. ye sd Samuell. Now know all men by these presents that we the sd parties taking notice of the uncomfortable consequences thereof and the great trouble yt was like to arise in ye prosecution tliereof (though lawful) yet out of the desire of the obtaining of that peace and love that formally we did enjoy each wh the other, have voluntaringly and mutually agreed the sd differences, in which agreement wee have engaged ourselves as ffolloweth, viz. that ye sd John Hall shall have three acres of that marsh wch is called Samuel Haines and Samuell Haines shall have three acres of ye marsh in controversy called John Hall's the sd marsh to be indif- ferently layd out by or two Loving friends ]\Ir. Peter Coffin of Cocheco, and John Rodman of Hampton wch sd marsh wee allow each other by way of mutual Exchanges, moreover the sd parties doe utterly conclude all differences of any sort or kind wt soever that have arrisen between us, from ye beginning of ye world unto this day and Lamenting it do utterly acquit each other of the same, for the true well and serious performance of all wh soever we doe solemnly obligate or selves each to other by the mutual subscribing or hands this 28 of June 1661. Samuell, Haines. Jno Hall. In the presence of our loxnng friends RoHT. Pike Peter Coffin Andrew Grele Jno Rodman APPENDIX. 339^ No. 7. THE WILL-DEED OF DEACON SAMUEL HAINES OF POPvTSMOUTH, N.H. To all cristan people to whom this present writing shall Com know yea that I Samuell Haines Senor of Greenland in ye town of Portsmouth, In y'= Prouince of New Hampshire, haue Giuen, Granted, Barganed and Sold and doe by these Presents giue grant, allinate, fifew and Confirm vnto my well Bloued Son Samuell Haines, all my Houses, orchads, and Lands according and vpon y^ Condision as shall be heareafter Expresed in this writing y' Is to say my dwelling Hous and Barnes and orchads and all my Land within fence, and all my Medowland, Both Salt marsh and fresh w* all my Land without y" fence That Blonges to y" farm which I Now Line in y^ above Said Land is Ninety and one Acres. Accord- ings as it was Layd out to me and persesed by me, all Citiate and Being In Greenland in y*" Town and Prouince a fore Named, and In Case any of y'' Sd Land Should be taken a way, then It shall be meade vp w* my Devident Land to y*" full quantity as is a boue Expressed, and Allso I do Giue to my Sun Samuell Haines one Eight p^ of y" Sawmill In Greenland, and Allso I give to my S"* Sun Samuell, fower oxen and fine Steeres and Eight Cowes and all my part of y"^ Sheep and Eighteen Swine, Greate and Small, and all y'^ mouables in Said hous, Except what is Excepted, that is to Say, I doe Resarue to my Self and my wife During our Naturall Lines, the Roome y' I Now Line In with all y^ moveables thare in with free Agrace and free agrace Both wayes In to y*" said Rome and all so part of y'= Siller for I and My wife If we have Occa- tion for It and all y'^ aboue Said particulars I doe By thease pres- ents Give vnto my Sun Samuell Haines his haieres Executores Administratores and Asseignes for Euer, y' Is to say Aftr my Sun Samuell Haines his Deseace then my Gran Sune Matthias Haines, Juner, shall Injoy y" houses and Land above Expressed and after my Gran suns deceace w^out Ishew, then It shall fall to my Gran q < A HAINES \ ^■*" HAYNESS GENEALOGY. suu William Haines, and If my Gran sun William Haines should die without Ishew, then It shall fall to y^ sistares Equily to be deuied be twene them that is to say, my sun Sam' his Children that he hath by his wife Mary and all the Housses and Landes and Cattel and all thing and things Aboue Expressed To haue and to hold and peacibly to Injoy To y" aboue saide Samuell Haines, Jun* his haieres Exsecktores Administratars or Assignes for Euer to his and thair own propar vse and Behoue for Euer and to them and thaier haieres and Assignes thare of and thare wath to vse and dis- pose at his or thair will and pleaser as his and thaires own proper Estate. Nou know yea that y" true Intent and meaning of y" a boue S^ prommises Is that my sun Sam' Haines shall well and Trewly maiuetaine me and my wife with ith Good meate and drink and Clothen. Both Linin and woolin, washing and Lodinng and any thing els that Is Need full and Conueniant for our Comfortable Liueliuhood and in Case I or my wife should want any of y^ boue s'' particula"" then I y^ boue s"^ Sam' Haines Sen' shall and doe Resarue the full power to Reaenter vpon all or any p' of y^ boue said estate for our Conueniant Liuelyhood and maintainance. And further I doe vppoynt My Beloued Sun jNIatthias Haines and My Suninlaw Lenard Weekes, To be ouer seeres to all y^ a fore s^ promises and to see y' I and my wife doe want Nothing Dureing our Naturall Life and what we stand in need of shall be out of y* Estate a boue saide. In wittenness to y'^ truth of all y" promises a boue said I doe heer vnto set my hand and seale This (28"') Twenty eight day of Desember. In y*" yeare of our Lord, one thousand six hundred and Eighty two. C^CtM.iA.iJ^ f^CU^-C^i^ Signed sealed and deliuered In the presents of vs John Rodman JoTHAM Lewis. WAX SEAL APPENDIX. 341 No. 8. The Deposition of John Smith of North Hampton in the Province of New-Hampshire, Gent, Aged near Eighty Years who Testify's and Says, That he well knew Samuel Haines formaly of Portsmouth in said Province, who Lived in that part of said Town now called Greenland at the Place where his Son Deacon Matthias Haines Late of Greenland Deceased Lived. That the said Samuel Haines had a Brother whose Name was Matthias who Lived near where Daniel Lunt now Lives, That the said Samuel Died above Sixty Years ago as the Deponent well Eem embers it being before the Revolution by King William's coming to the Crown of England, and was not Long after the Death of the Deponents Grandfather which will be Sixty-four Years ago the Sixth day of March next, and in the same Year the Revd Seaborn Cotton formaly the Minister of Hampton died. That the said Samuel and his Brother Matthias Haines died within a few days of one another (but the Deponent is not Certain which Died first) and well Remembers that it was in the Winter time and was very much taken Notice of and considered as a Remark- able Providence, for they were Noted Men and carried on their Work and Business together in Partnership. That the Deponent was well acquainted with the family of the said Samuel Haines and Remembers the Names of his Sons, the said Matthias Deceased, who was Lately called Deacon Haines, and William and Samuel now living, and three Daughters, one married Nathaniel Huggins, another Samuel Weeks and the other with one Hicks — and That to the best of this Deponent's Remembrance the said Samuel Haines Deceased was older than his Brother Matthias, and further the Deponent Says not. John Smith. January 18th 1748-9. The Deposition of Elias Philbrick of Greenland in the Province of New-Hampshire Yeoman aged about Sixty Eight Years who Tes- tifies and Says that he well knew the said Samuel Haines first above named in the Deposition of the above named John Smith k 342 21iS } GENEALOGY. and also his brother Matthias above mentioned, and Remembers where they Lived as above declared, that they carried on their work in Partnership. That the Deponent Eemenibers the Said Sam- uel llaines built a Garrison where he Lived and Kemembers the Names and Colour of the Oxen (belonging to the said Samuel) which were Employed in haling the Timber for that Purpose. That the said Samuel was the Elder of the two Brothers and Died first tho' they Died within a Week of one another, and according to this Deponents Remembrance it was above fifty nine years ago but how much more he is uncertain and cannot Say, and he well Remem- bers it was a thing much observed as a Remarkable Providence and that it was in the Winter time. The Deponent adds he knew the family of the said Samuel Haines and that the account thereof above Given by the above named Smith is right and further Says not. HIS EiiiAs X Philbrick. MARK Province of New-Hampshire : Portsmouth January 19th 1748-9, Then the above named John Smith and Elias Philbrick Personally appeared and Severally made Solemn Oath to the truth of their Respective Depositions foregoing, and subscribed their names to the same. Taken To Lay in perpetnnm Bei memoriam, Before Us D. Warner | Justices of the Peace Jno Knight J Quorum unus. APPENDIX. 343 No. 9. WILL OF DEACON MATTHIAS HAINES OF GREENLAND, SON OF SAMUEL AND MARY (FIFIELD) HAINES, AND GRANDSON OF DEACON SAMUEL HAINES. In the name of God Amen. This 19th day of June 1741, I Matthias Haines of the Parish of Greenland in the Town of Ports- mouth in the Province of New Hampshire in New England, being now of a disposing mind and of a sound perfect memory praise be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on Earth and being desirous to settle things in order do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, first and principally I commend my soul to Almighty God, my Creator Believing that I shall receive full pardon and free Re- mission of all my sins and be saved by the precious death and merits of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Christ Jesus and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken, to be buried in such Decent and Christian manner as my Executor hereafter named shall be thot meet and Convenient and as touching such worldly Estate as the Lord in mercy hath lent me, my will and meaning is that the same shall be Imployed and bestowed as hereafter this my will is Expressed and first I do Revoke Renounce and make void all will by me formerly made and Declared and appoint this my last will and Testament. Imprimus. I Give unto my beloved wife Mehitable Haines two thirds of all my movables in my house to Dispose of them as she pleases ; I also give unto my said Wife Liberty to Improve the West End of my Dwelling house so long as she shall live, or \mtil she shall see cause to marry. I also give to my said Wife one hun- dred Weight of Good Pork, and one hundred weight of good beef, and ten bushels of Indian Corn, and one bushel of Wheat and two bushels of Malt and two barrels of Cyder and Eight Cords of fire- wood at the Door of her house, and five pounds of Cotton wool and 344 nims \ genealogy. five pounds of Sheeps wool, and tweuty shillings in money for to buy her small things, all the particular things above mentioned I order my said Wife to have a year, and Every year so long as she shall see cause to live a widow, and I order my son Samuel Haines to deliver to his said Mother two thirds of what I have here given to her yearly, and Every year so long as she lives a Widow, and I order him to find her with two Good Cows, winter and summer so long as she lives a widow, and I order my son Joseph Haines to find his mother with one third part of Every Particular above men- tioned, yearly, and Every year so long as she lives a widow. Except the two Cows. Item. I give unto my son Joseph Haines part of my Land on the Westwardly side of the Country Road, he is to begin at Tufton Philbricks shop, and run Westwardly across my piece of land to the place where there was formaly a pair of bars that leads into Mr. Samuel "Weeks land he is to have all my piece of Land South- wardly of said line to Mr. Samuel Chapmans Land ; I also give unto my said son about twelve acres of Land more or less, as it lies on the North side of the County Road Beginning at a White Oak tree which is the bound tree between Thomas Marstons land and my land and then running towards the Meeting-house to a pair of bars, that leads into the little pasture and then Running Northward as the fence stands half the length of the said fence and from thence Eastwardly to a bridge that leads into the Swamp and from said bridge Eastwardly to Daniel Hunts Watering place that runs into my Swamp. I also give to my said son half my whole Right in Epsom and half my right m the Saw mill and one half of my husbandry Tools and one Cow and two Steers three year old, and one third part of my Sheep. Item. I give unto my son Samuel Haines all my Real Estate that I have not already disposed of Particularly my Dwelling house Except the privilege his mother has in it, I give to him my barn and orchard and all my upland meadow Ground, Woodland and Salt Marsh and pasture Land, he is to have that I have not Given away — And half a whole Right in the Town of Epsom and one half of my Right in the Saw Mill and one half of my husbandry tools and all of my Stock of Cattle, horses, sheep and swine, Except one Cow and two steers three years old, and one third part of my Sheep. APPENDIX. 3 -15 Item. I Give unto my Daughter Eleanor French twenty pounds in passable bills of Credit and I order my Son Samuel Haines to pay it to her within four years after my Decease. Ite7)i. I Give unto my Daughter Hannah Haines one* third part of all my movables in my house and forty pounds in Goods at money price and I order my Son Samuel Haines to pay it to her within four years after my Decease. Item. I Give unto my Daughter Mehitable Haines forty pounds in Goods at money price and I order my Son Samuel Haines to pay it to her within four years after my Decease. Item. I Give unto my Daughter Mary Haines forty pounds in Goods at money price and I order my Son Joseph Haines to pay it to her within four years after my Decease. Lastly my will and meaning is that what Debts or dues are owing from me I order my Son Samuel Haines to pay them and what Debts are due to me I order my Son to receive them for him- self. — And I do appoint my above named Son Samuel Haines and my Son Joseph Haines to be Exec'rs to this my last will and Tes- tament. And in Confirmation hereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and year above mentioned In the fifteenth year of King George the Second his Reign over Great Britain. Matthias Haines. WAX SEAL Signed Sealed and Declared by Matthias Haines to be his last will and Testament. In presence of us Witnesses. Samuel Weeks Jacob Moulton Jabez Smith 346 1^{¥^^^\genealogy. \ No. 10. WILL OF WILLIAM HAINES OF GREENLAND, N.H., SECOND SON OF SAMUEL AND MARY (FIFlELDj HAINES, AND GRANDSON OF DEACON SAMUEL HAINES. In the name of God Amen. I William Haines of Greenland in the Province of New Hampshire Gent, being in health and of a Sound disposing Mind and Memory, but advanced in Years Do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament and in the first place I humbly give and devote my soul to God the Father of Spirits hoping to find acceptance with Him through the merits of Jesus Christ my body I recommend to a Decent Burial according to the Discretion of my Executor herein afternamed believing and hoping in the Kesurrection to Eternal Life and as to my Worldly Estate I give and devise the same in the following manner and form. Tmprimvs — my Will is that all my Debts and Funeral Charges be justly paid by my Executor as soon as Conveniently may be after my Decease out of my personal Estate. Item,, I give and bequeath to Mary my beloved Wife the use and Improvement of the Room in my Dwelling House where we usually Sit, the Chamber over it, the Bed Room we lodge in, the Dairy Room and the Porch leading to the Well, during her Life I also give her to her own Disposal all my household Goods or INIovables within Doors meaning my furniture and Utensils of housekeeping, I also give her my weaving Loom, with all the Geer and Tackle thereto belonging. I also give her two Milch Cows and the keeping of the same Winter and STimmer and the Calves till they shall be three months old, yearly, during her Life, I also give her Eight Cords of Good merchble Coi-d Wood to be hald to her Door yearly during her Life and Cut fitt for her fire, and Eight Bushels of Corn, a Bushel of good Wheat, two Bushels of INIalt, three Barrels of Cyder, one hundred pounds weight of good pork, and the same quantity of Beef, five pounds of Sheeps wool, and three pounds of Cotton V APPENDIX. 347 wool, all and every of said particulars to be provided and delivered to her yearly at her house aforesaid, I also give her my Saddle horse which I usually Ride, and my part of the Horse Chair, and Tack- ling, which I have with my son William. Item. — I give to my Son Matthias twenty acres of Land more or less where he now lives, bounded South Easterly by the Road leading to Hampton on the South West by the Way leading from said Road to John Langs, on the North West by Land of said Lang and on the North East by a Eence running up to the said County Road, I also give him all my Share and Interest in the undivided Lands in the Town of Epsom in said Province, and one half part of my Right title and Interest in the Stream and Saw Mill at Greenland aforesaid, on the Road leading to Stratham at. the place called the great Bridge, all which premises I devise to him my said Son his Heirs and assigns forever. Iton — I give and devise to Son William his heirs and assigns all my Salt marsh and Tjiatch Grounds in Greenland aforesaid, and all my other Lands and Buildings and all Real Estate in Greenland with the Reversion and Remainder of the Buildings aforesaid devised and given to the use of my Wife besides what I have given to his Brother Matthias as aforesaid, I also give my Son William all the Residue and Remainder of my personal Estate which is not disposed of in this my last Will and I order him to provide for his Mother all the particulars herein before given to her as aforesaid, and in Default of his doing so then she shall hereby have full power and authority to enter upon and take the profits of any part of my Real Estate herein given to the said William to the full Value of what he shall fail of providing and delivering to her Yearly as aforesaid. Item — I give and devise to my Son David the Bed and Beding which he has of mine in his possession as also the Chains, Sled and other Utensils which he already has in his hands and for some time has had and I also Confirm to him his Heirs and assigns all that Land which I have given him by deed already Executed all which I intend to be his full part and all that he shall have of my Estate. Item — I give and devise to my Son John that five hundred pounds which I let him have to pay for the Land he purchased of Dudley Ladd and Nathaniel Ladd and the Smiths anvil and other I \ I 343 HAINES f IrS } GENEALOGY. Tools which I let him have with the Shop which I built him, all which he has already in his Hands and possession. Jtem — I give to Patience Lock and Jonathan Lock the Children of my Daughter Sarah Locke the late wile of Jonathan Locke besides what I have already given her in her life time the Sum of fifteen pounds, Viz. to each Seven pounds, ten shillings of the old Tenor or other Bills of Credit or ]\[oney equal to so much Old Tenor as it now passes, to be paid within two Years after my Decease to be paid by my Son William. Item — I give and bequeath my Grand Children John and Margaret Johnson the Children of my Daughter Margaret deceased the Sum of fifteen pounds Old Tenor as aforesaid that is Seven pounds ten Shillings each, to be paid by my Son William within four years after my Decease. Item — I give and bequeath to my Daughters Mary Johnson and Eleanor Jones each fifteen pounds Old Tenor as aforesaid besides what they have already had to be paid by my Son William within four years after my Decease. Lastly I Constitute and appoint my Son W^illiam to be Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and order him to pay all my Debts and Legacies aforesaid out of what I have given to him Exempting the personal Estate I have given to his mother fi-om paying any part thereof. And I do hereby Revoke all other Wills and Testaments by me in any manner heretofore made. In witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal the 29th Day of October Anno Domini 1756, and in the Thirtieth Year of His Majesty s Reign. William Haines Signed, Sealed, and Declared by the said William Haines to he his last Will and Testament in Presence of ns Enoch Clark, Enoch Clark, Juner, Ebenezer Clark. SEAL APPENDIX. 349 No. 11. WILL OF MATTHIAS HAINES OF GREENLAND. N. H., SON OF MATTHIAS AND JANE (BRACKET) HAINES AND GRANDSON OF DEACON SAMUEL HAINES. In the name of God Amen I Matthias Haines of Greenland in the Province of New Hampshire Housewright, being Aged and Infirm and knowing it is appointed for all men Once to Die and that I know not how Soon it may be my turn and being through the Goodness of God of Sound disposing mind and Memory do make this my last Will and Testament and after Devoting my Soul to God the Father of Spirits hoping for pardon and acceptance with him thro, the merits and Mediation of Jesus Christ our Lord and Eecommending my body to a Decent burial believing and hoping in the resurrection to Eternal Life, my Wordly Estate I give and Devise in the following manner that is in the first place, I order all my Just Debts and funeral Charges to be paid as Soon as may be conveniently done after my Decease by the Executor of this my Last Will and Testament. Item. I give and Devise to Lewis Haines my Eldest Son, all that twenty acres of Land where his house stands and there abouts which Land is to be Limited by the following Bounds Beginning at a large rock laying partly in John Johnson's jVlarsh thence running on a straight Line to the North corner of his House, thence as the fence goes to the New Pasture bars and Seven rods farther beyond said bars, thence on a Straight line to the stepping stones and to an hemlock stump and so by John Johnson's Marsh and the river, also five Acres of Salt Marsh called broad Marsh, also one half my right in the Saw Mill and Stream in said Greenland to hold the said Premises to him his Heirs and assigns. Ite77i. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Hannah Marston the sum of thirty pounds old Tenor, to be paid within one year after my Decease. 350 gliS^ \ GENEALOGY. Item. I give to my daughter Jane Johnson the like sum of thirty pounds old Tenor to be paid as aforesaid. Item. I give to my Daughter ^lartha Weeks tlie like sum old Tenor to be so paid, all said Legacies to be paid by my Son Abner Haines. Item. I give to my Son John Haines five pounds old Tenor to buy him a pair of Gloves, having already given him by Deeds his portion of my Estate. Item. I give and Devise to my son Abner Haines all the rest Residue and Remainder of my Estate, real and personal wherever the same is and shall be found to hold to him his Heirs and Assigns and I make him sole Executor of this my Last Will hereby revok- ing all other wills by me heretofore made. In witness whereof T have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the 11th Day of August, 1763. Matthias Haines Siffned, Sealed and Declared by the said Matthias Haines to he his last Will and Testame7it in presence of us who siffned in h is presence, Thomas Johnson. Nathan Johnson. James Johnson. seal INDEX TO THE CHRISTIAN NAMES OF THE HAINES (HAYNES) FAMILY. (See Reference Marks, page 12. Names having a star (*) precede them have biographical sketch ; see Contents, page 9.) 4th Generation. Abigail, 6, 1. Abigail, 7, 4. Abner, 9, 8. 5th Generation. Abigail, 12, 2. Abigail, 18, 6. Abigail, 17, 5. Abuer, 13, 2. Alice, 17, 3. Anna, 10, 3. Anna, 13, 7. Anna, 18, 8. Anne, 17, 6. 6th Generation. Abigail, 26. 9. Abigail, 27, 2. Abigail, 28, 8. Abigail, 37, 13. Abigail, 43, 2. Abigail, 53, 6. Abigail S., 44, 1. Abner, 28, 1. Abner, 50, 2. Al^ner, 52, 1. Abraham J., 38, 3. Albert, 41, 6. Ainia, 27, 4. Anna, 31, 9. Anna, 38, 1. Anne, 39, 3. Annie, 36, 1. 7th Generation. Abigail, 69, 4. Abigail, 108, 5. Abigail M., 92, 8. Abigail P., 124, 5. Abigail S., 113, 2. Abram B., 70, 1. Abram S., 116, 3. Achsali, 80, 3. Achsah, 109, 2. Adeline, 72, 2. Adeline, 126. 5. Adeline A., 121, 3. Adeline E., 127, 10. Adeline R, 117, 2. Alanson, 37, 3, (2). Albert, 41, 5. Albert A., 127, 11. Albert G., 121, 1. Alfred, 64, 2. Allen, 103, 2. Almira J., 119, 4. Almira M., 58, 7. Alonzo, 77, 4. Alonzo A., 92, 6. Alonzo B., 92, 2. Amaoda, 97, 6. Amanda S., 127. 5. Ambrose D., 116, 9. Ambrose H., 116, 7. 351 Andrew J., 118, 7. Andrew J., 91, 7. Andrew M., 62, 7. Ann, 72, 4. Ann, 103, 3. Ann A., 70, 9. Ann E., 109, 7. Ann M., 75, 4. Ann M. W. C, 116, 13. Annie M., 77, 3. Annie S., 76, 4. Apphia C., 56, 6. Arabelle, 106, 10. Arvilla B., 112, 11. Asa, 102, 1. *Ashley D., 82, 9. Augustine, 123, 1. 8th Generation. Abbie, 192, 5. Abbie, 193, 3. Abbie, 244, 5. Abbie B., 165, 3. Abbie F., 209, 3. Abbie H., 143. 2. Abbie M., 134, 4. Abbie M.. 225, 2. Abbie M.. 134, 4. Abigail. 213. L'. Abigail 1)., 153. 1. Abner W., 192, 1. *Abram B., 155, 2. Abby, 159. 1. Ada P., 195, 4. 352 HAINES HAYNES GENEALOGY Adelaide A., 233, 2. Adelaide :\I., 188, 2. Adeline, 226, 1. Adeline L., 242, 1. Adeline S., 131, 4. Addie M., 245, 2. Alanson S., 190a, 1. Alanson C, 130, 3. Albert C, 149, 1. Albert F., 135, 2. Albert G., 234, 4. AlbertG. C.,64, 2,(3). Albert L., 213, 12. Albert ]\L, 230a, 3. Albert T., 186, 7. Albion, R. 1\, 191, 8. Albyn L., 177, 2. Alexander, 199, 3. Alice, 224, 2. Alice, 202, 2. Alice, 226, 6. Alice A., 54, 5, (1). Alice F., 231, 1. Alice R., 114, 6, ('3). Alice E., 175, 1. " Allen, 197, 4. Alma J., 153, 5. Almira B., 137, 2. Alonzo J., 164, 3. Alvin F., 185, 4. Alvin S., 86, G. Alvira, 135, 3. Amanda L., 178, 1. Amasa T., 172, 1. Andrew J., 135, 6. Andrew J., 207, 1. *Andrew M., 147, 6. Andrew W., 147, 1. Angeline E., 203, 2. Angeline F., 147, 2. Angle L., 135, 10. Ann C, 208, 2. Anna, 108, 5. Anna S., 195, 2. Annette, 206, 8. Annie H., 218, 3. Annie M., 159, 2. Annie M., 162, 5. Antoinette, 235, 3. Arietta :\I., 179, 3. Arthur J',., 211, 4. Arthur D., 177, 1. Arthur T.,-234, 3. Asa, 192, 4. Asa T., 216, 2. Augusta L., 203, 4. Augustus F.,93, 3, (2). 9th Generation. Abbie L., 164a, 4, (2). Ada E., 277, 1. Addie ]M.,288a, 1. Ai 0. D., 268a, 1. Albert E., 251, 1. Albert G., 290, 2. Albert J., 255, 1. Albert S., 172, 1, (1). Alby, 281, 5. Alice E., 256, 3. Alice L., 164a, 2, (1). Alice M., 258, 2. Alida A., 272, 1. Almira D., 275, 2. Annie G., 285, (3. Annie J., 286, 10. Annie L., 257, 2. Arthur, 276, 4. Arthur C, 267b, 1. Arthur G., 172, 1, (3). Arthur G.. 268a, 2. Arthur S., 253, 2. Asbury S., 274a, 1. 10th Generation. Ada F., 297b, (1). Albert, 301, 3. Alice F., 262, 2, (1). 5th Generation. Benjamin, 17, 9. Betsy, 10, 6. 6th Generation. Benjamin, 33, 2. Benjamin, 36, 2." Benjamin, 37, 4. Betsy, 33, 3. Betsy, 34, 1. Betsy, 41, 4. Betsy, 42, 4. Betsy, 46, 3, Betsy, 52, 7. 7th Generation. Belinda, 61, 3. Benjamin, 55, 2. Benjamin, 104, 1. Benjamin, 96, 1. Benjamin C, 117, 5. Benjamin T., Ill, 3. Betsy, 56, 2. Betsv, 60, J. Betsy, 86. 2. Betsy, 97, 2. Betsy, 100, 7. Betsy, 102, 2. Betsy, 108, 4. Betsy AV., 114, 1. 8th Generation. Beatrice 8., 171, 1. Belle C, 210. 3. Belle M., 245, 1. Benjamin, 198, 4. Benjamin H., 227, 3. Benjamin W., 207, 2. Betsy, 166, 2. Betsy, 184, 2. Betsy, 198, 7. Betsy F., 191, 1. 9th Generation. Bernice L., 169, 5. Bertha M., 144, 3, (1). Berton E., 249, 3. Bessie, 219. 6. (2). Bessie J., 267b, 3. Bessie L., 164a, 4, (3). Blanche, 264, 1. I INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF \^^[^/^l^^ FAMILY. 353 10th Generation. Bernard J., 299, 1. C. 5th Generation. Comfort, 60, 1. Cotton, 15, 1. 6th Generation. Ccaleb B., 46, 1. Charles G., 50, 8. Charlotte, 51, 7. Charlotte, 36, 13. Clarissa, 47, 5. Clark, 35, 2. Comfort, 38, 5. Comfort, 27, 6. Comfort, 51, 8. Cotton, 36, 3. Cotton, 37, 9. 7th Generation. Caleb B., 116, 10. Calvin, 61, 1. Calvin 8., 119, 8. Caroline, 53, 8, (2). Caroline, 55, 6. Caroline, 95, 1. Caroline, 107, 4. Caroline, 113, 7. Caroline, 97, 8. Caroline E., 109, 10. Caroline S., 58, (3. Cassius C, 70, 11. Charles, 108, 6. Charles A., 73, 4. Charles B., 94. 1. Charles C, 86, 0. Charles E., 49, 3, (2). Charles F., 112, 8. Charles G., 65, 5. Charles G., 120, 5. Charles G., 121, 5. Charles W., 64, 5. Charlotte, 37, 2. Charlotte, 74, 1. Charlotte, 97, 4. Charlotte, 118, 8. Clara A., 120, 4. Clara G., 119. 10. Clark, 93, 2. Clementine, 58, 1. Columbus, 106,' 6. Cordelia, 109, 8. 8th Generation. Calvin S., 134, 1. Caroline, 244, 2. Caroline, 181, 7. Caroline B., 130, 3. Caroline C. 135, 1. Caroline N. v.. 186, 3. Caroline P., 208, 2. Carrie, 246, 1. Cecilia F., 146, 1. Cephas G, 153, 3. Charles, 98. 4. Charles, 230a. 4. Charles A., 223, 8. Charles A., 233, 1. Charles A., 233, 3. Charles E.. 140, 4. Charles E., 243. 1. Charles E., 232, G. Charles F., 158, 4. Charles F., 204, 9. Charles F., 224, 3. Charles F., 225, 3. Charles G., 175, 5. Charles G., 237, 1. Charles H., 247, 4. Charles J., 149, 4. Charles J., 219, 5. Charles M., 156, 2. Charles M., 187, 1. Charles N., 146, 7. Charles P., 139, 1. Charles P., 150, 7. Charles R., 54. 5, (6). Charles R., 196, 1. Charles S., 164, 1. Charles S., 200, 1. Charles W., 162, 2. Charles W., 158a. 4. Charlotte J'., 218, 2. Charlotte S., 238. 1. Charlotte V., 232, 1. Christiana jNL, 93, 3, Clara, 215, 4. Clara C, 224. 1. Clara C, 131. 2. Clara J., 176. 3. Clarena E.. 233, 4. Clarenda ,1., 184, 5. Clarissa, 226. 3. Clifton W., 158a, 3. (blumbus, 108, 4. Converse. 243, 11. Cora M., 225, 4. Cora M., 231, 5. Cynthia G., 243, 10. 9th Generation. Calista, 266a, 3. Carl L., 140, 3, (2). Carrie E., 164a, 4, (4). Carrie V.. 297, o. Charles, 286, 1. Charles, 186. 2. Charles A., 262, 2. Charles A., 294, 2. Charles B., 277, 3. Charles C, 260, 1. Charles D., 236, 2. Charles E., 263, 1. Charles E., 278, 4. Charles E., 287, 1. Charles E., 278, 4. Charles H., 164a, 3, (2). Charles L., 293, 1. Charles L., 112, (J, (1), (b). Charles N., 250. 2. Charles ()., 253, 1. Charles W., 296, 1. Charlotte P.. 219, 2. Chester A.. 266, 2. Clara C, 256, 1. 354 Clara L., 268a, 4. Clarence Ci., 261, 1. Clifton II.. 280, 4. Clinton, 69. o. (1). Cora A., 255, 3. 10th Gexeration. Charles, 304, 6. Curtis A., 164a, 3, (2), 4th Generation. David, 5, 6. Deborah, 6, 3. 5th Generation. Daniel. 17, 11. David, 14, 3. Deliverance, 17, 8. 6th Generation. Daniel, 23, 2. Daniel, 31, 8. Daniel, 37, 5. Daniel, 38, 2. Daniel, 41, 9. David, 20, 1, (1). David. 30, 2. David, 31, 4. David, 32, 12. David. 33, 4. David, 35, 1. David, 37, 7. David, 51, 6. Deborah, 26, 8. Deborah, 34, 9. Deborah, 42, 5. Dudley, 32, 1. Dudley, 41, 1. j;^ss}<^^^^^"«^- Daniel B., 98, 3. J)aniel D., 91, 10. Daniel J., 59, 4. Daniel J., 112, 12. Daniel li., 73, 3. David, 83, 9. David, 68, 1. David, 80, 8. David, 85, 5. David, 93. 4. David, 101, 2. David E., 83, 7. David F., 81, 6. David J., 76. 3. David P., 82, 2. David W., 84. 2. Deborah A., 92, 3. Deborah E., 70, 6. Deborah F., 91, 8. Delphina. 79, 3, (1). Desire, 96, 2. Direxia P., 126, 1. Dolly, 84, 8. Dudley, 105, 3. Dudley C, 125, 4. 8th Generation. Daniel, 166, 1. Daniel, 213, 11. Daniel B., 186, 5. Daniel C, 243, 3. Daniel L., 198. 2. *Daniel P., 166. 3. Daniel W., 133, 2. Daniel AV., 151, 2. David A., 190, 4. David H., 168, 1. Deborah E., 145, 3. Dorcas A., 185, 1. Dudley, 105. 3. Dudley, 202, 1. E. 7th Generation. 9th Generation. Daniel, 80, 7. Daniel, 108, 10. David L., 297, 2. Delia E., 297, 3. 3d Generation. Eleanor, 2, 2. 4th Generation. Eleanor, 4, 3. Eleanor, 5, 7. Eleanor, 9, 4. Elizabeth, 8, 1. 5th Generation. Eleanor, 10, 7. Eleanor, 21, 1. Elisha, 21. 4. Elizabeth. 13, 6. Elizabeth. 14, 1. Esther, 20, 3. 6th Generation. Ebenezer, 29, 4. Ebenezer, 39, 2. Eleanor, 29, 2. Eleanor, 36, 12. Eleanor, 45, 2. Eliza, 35, 9. Eliza G.. 49, 1. Elizabeth. 28, 5. Elizabeth, 36. 10. Elizabeth, 37, 12. 7th Generation. Eben K., 95, 8. Ebenezer. 77, 6. Edward, 104a. 5. Elbridt,^e G., 117, 1. Eleanor, 59. 1. Eleanor, E, 58, 3. Eliza, 105. 7. Eliza A., 119, 3. Eliza M., 69, 1. Eliza M., Ill, 4. Elizabeth, 104, 6. Elizabeth, 124, 4. Elizabeth, 73, 1. INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF \ ^.-^{tif".?^, I FAMILY. 355 ( UAl JS ES ) Elizabeth, 74, 4. Elizabeth B., 116, 9. Elizabeth B., 118, 3. Elizabeth E., 75, 1. Elizabeth J., 95, 5. Elizabeth N., 104a, 3. Elizabeth R., 125, 1. Elizabeth S., 70, 5. Elizabeth W., 37, 1. Elisha, 116, 2. Elmira, 72, 6. Elvira, 81, 1. Emma E., 47, 7. Emily, 32, 4, (1). Emily C, 69, 5. Enoch, 57, 1. Eunice, 75, 6. Eunice C, 91, 1. Ezekiel, 102, 7. "Ezra, 96, 4. 8th Gexekation. E. Addie, 127, 11. Edith M., 231, 7. Edward E., 211, 3. Edward G., 164a, 2. Edward M., 191, 3. Edward W., 162, 1. Edward W., 186, 2. Edwin B., 135, 12. Edwin J., 219, 2. Edwin N., 144, 3. Ella, 196, 2. Ella, 159, 5. Ella E., 161, 1. Ella L., 84, 2, (3). Ella L., 146, 6. Ella v., 167, 2. Eldora L., 54, 5, (8). Elbridge S., 146, 4. Ellen, 79, 1, (1). Ellen C, 203, 3. Ellen S., 204, 8. Eliza, 199. 5. Eliza A., 129, 2. ;i Eliza E., 237, 3. Eliza G., 238, 3. Eliza J., 139, 2. Elizabeth, 240, 1. Elizabeth A., 100, 2, Elizabeth B., 175, 4. Elizabeth G., 238, 8. Elizabeth J., 159, 3. Elizabeth W., 147, 4. Elmira J., 100, 1, (1). Elvira, 243, 9. Emma, 215, 5. Emma A., 140, 5. Emma C, 210, 1. Emma E., 170, 1. Emma E., 230. 1. Emma F., 114, 6, (1). Emma F., 234, o. Emma F., 128, 4. Emma G., 162, 3 Emma J., 209, 4, Emma M., 169, 3. Emma M., 206, 9. Emma M., 211, 5. Emeliue, 204, 1. Emeline, 242, 2. Emeline, 214. 1. Ernest M., 118, 9. Ervin A., 153, 6. Ervin W., 176, 1. Estella L., 212, 2. Etta, 215, 3. Etta C, 135, 13. Eugene, 187, 2. Eugene, 214, 5. Eugene, 215, 6. Eugene W., 210, 5. Eugenie, 159, 6. Eva S., 201, 1. Ezra, 78, 2, (2). 9th Generation. Earl M., 267b, 2. Edgar :\r., 280, 3. Edith G., 297a, 3. Edith N., 267a, 2. Edna M., 268b. 1. Edward 8., 254. 1. Edward W'.. 259, 1. Edwin A., 263a, 1. Edwin C, 267a, 3. Edwin H., 206, o. Edwin W., 112, G, (1), (a). Effie B., 178, 3. Elaine, 276, (I. Elizabeth 31., 270, 4. Ella M., 259, 2. Ellsworth H.,265, 1. Elmer E., 263a, 2. Elsie F., 152. 2. Emily 1)., 281, 7. Emma J., 287, 2. Emma L., 267, 2. Estella, 266a. 4. Ethel A., 269, 1. Ethel i\r., 279, 1. Etta, 261, 2. Eugene F., 265, 3. Eva, 145, 5. Everett H.. 278, G. Evelyn F., 297b, 2. 10th Generation. Edwin, 304, 4. Effie B., 178, 3, (1). Elizabeth, 304, 5. Eva C, 301, 2. Everett, 164a, 3, (2), (a). 7th Generation. Fanny, 57, 2. Fanny S., 62, 5. Finette, 99, 5. Flora L., 79, 3. (2). Frances .M. P., 116, 14. Francis, 103, 8. Francis, 127, 12. Francis F., 106, 1. 356 HAINES II A YNES GENEALOGY. Franeis H., HI, 1 . Franklin G., 63, 2. Frederick, 59, 3. Frederick T., 81, 5. Freenuin, 84, (>. Freeman, 118, 10. 8th Generation. Fannie, 214, 6. Fannie, 215, 7. Fanning W., 133, 3. Fanny P., 164a, 5. Ferguson, 238, 2. Fidelia A.. 138, 1. Flora, 197. .".. Flora F.. 232, 5. Floral., 228, 1. Florence E.. 178, 6. Frances H.. 186, 4. Frances J., 92, 8. Francis A.. 180, 4. Francis E., 233, 7. Francis G., 204, 4. Francis M., 164, 2. Frank, 213, 14. Fraidc, 248. 2. Frank li., 224, 2. Frank D., 220, 1. Frank D., 114, 3. Frank E., 160, 3. Frank E., 69, 3, (1). Frank G., 167, 1. Frank H., 173, 1. Frank L., 146, 8. Frank T., 156, 1. Franklin G., 148, 1. Fred, 173, 2. Fred, 213, 13. Fred, 216, 3. Fred A., 160, 2. Fred A., 234, 1. Fred ?>., 157, 4. Fred C, 83. 7. Fred H., 209, 7. Fred H., 215, 8. Fred S., 158, 5. Frederick L., 178, 5. Freeman W., 84, 2, 9th Generation. Flora, 258, 3. Flora S., 256, 2. Florence, 164a, 4, (1). Florence, 219, 5, (2). Florence, 295, 2. Frances, 296, .">. Frances L., 293,. 4. Frank E., 270, 2. Frank P., 255, 2. Frank S., 131, 5, (1). Fred G., 267, 3. Fred R., 291, 2. Frederick, 136. Frederick A., 234, 4. Frederick B., 270, 3. Frederick L., 279, 3. 10th Generation, Frank H., 301, 1. 4th Generation. George L., 5, 9. 5th Generation. George L., 14, 7. Gideon, 14, 8. 7th Generation. George, 115, 1. George A., 87, 1. George A., 127, 9. R, 89, 1. W., 58, 5. W., 107, 7. W., 118, 6. George W., 119, (5. George W., 119, 7. George George George George George W., 120, 1. Gideon, 74, 3. Gilbert, 100, 2. Gilman, 84, ;">. Gleason T., 86, 1. Greenleaf H., Ill, 5. Greenleaf N., 107, 9. 8th Generation. George, 187, 4. George, 192, 3. George, 215, 2. George A., 221, 2. George A.. 237, 2. George P.. 206, 4. George P., 206, 5. George C, 87, 3. George C, 190, 1. George E.. 247, 2. George F., 230a, 1. George H., 134, 3. George H.. 135, 8. George H., 243, 8. George K., 140, 1. George L., 151, 5. George M., 152, 5. George M., 153, 2. George W., 133, 4. George W., 150, 3. George W., 179, 4. George W., 182, 1. George W., 211, 1. George W., 213, 5. George W., 219, 6. Georgiana, 249, 4. Georgiana A., 146, 3. Gilbert, 100, 2, (2). Grace, 165, i>. Grace C, 134, 2. Grace H., 190, 5. 9th Generation. George, 286, 3. George C, 267, 4. George L., 277, 2. George W., 229, 1, (2). INDEX TO CnRISTlAN NAMES Of\^^'^^^j^'^ A FAMILY. 357 George W., 285, 2. George W., 294, 1. Gertrude, 164a, G. Gertrude W., 269, 3. Gertrude W., 291, 1 Grace INI., 266a, 6. Grace M., 236, 1, (2). 10th Generation. Gertie, 304, 3. Guy N., 300, 2. 4th Generation. Hannah, 4, 4. Hannah, 7, 3. Hannah, 9, 2. 5th Generation. Hannah, 18, 5. Hannah, 19, 3. Hannah, 22, 7. 6th Generation. Hannah, 31, 7. Hannah, 40, 2. Hannah, 43, 1. Hannah, 43, 9. Hannah, 45, 4. Hannah, 50, 5. Hannah, 51, 2. Hannah, 52, 8. Hannah, 53, 5. Hannah, 54, 4. Harvey, 38, 8. Hiram', 43, 10. Hiram C, 25, 7. 7th Generation. Hannah, 60, 3. Hannah, 80, 9. Hannah, 82, 8. Hannah, 102, 8. Hannah, 104, 5. Hannah, 106, 9. Hannah, 112, 7. Hannah 0., 122, 1. Hannah F., 90, ;i Hannah J., 116, 16. Hannah L., 113, 4. Hannibal, 123. 3. Harhind P., 120, 3. Harriet, 56, 4. Harriet, 107, 1. Harriet E., 95, 9. Harriet G., 90, 5. Harriet W., 117, 3. Harriot P., 121, 4. Harrison P., 65, 4. Hazen, 128, 2. Helen ]\I., 120, 2. Henry, 58, 2. Henry, 106, 3. Henr^ A., 83, 8. Henry H., 64, 4. Henry H., 65, 2. Henry H., 98, 4. Henry H., 125, 9. Hiram B., 116, 11. Hiram G., 65, 7. Horace, 78, 1. 8th Generation. Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Hannah Harriet, Harriet, Harriet Harriet Harriet Harriet Harriet Harriet Harriet, Harriet, Harriet, , 191, 6. , 198, 9. , 54, 5, (2). C, 150, 1. R, 206, 6. 238, 6. 240, 3. A., 64, 2, (1). A., 146, 5. B., 204, 7. C, 64, 2, (4). D., 155, 3. E., 170, 4. E., 233, 6. M., 152, 8. P., 130, 4. Harris B., 194, 1. Harry, 116, 1, (1). Harvey, 226, 7. Hattie J., 219, 4. Hattie L., 228, 3. Hattie, ]\I., 71, 3, (2). Hattie K., 151, 4. Helen P., 233, ;". Henrietta S., 169, 2. Henry, 213, 2. Henry, 249, 3. Henry A., 213, 4. Henry C, 163, 1. Henry C, 239, 2. Henrv P., 236, 3. Henry G., 135, 7. *Henry H., 149, 2. Henry H., 186, 0. Henry N., 241, 1. Henry P., 168, 2. Henry S.. 133, 1. Henry S., 157, 2. Henry T., 187, 3. *Henry W., 217, 1. Herbert E., 222, 1. Herbert W., 178, 4. Hiram, 243, 6. Hiram H., 116, 8. Horace, 181, 2. Horace G., 208, 1. Hugh, 220, 2. 9th Generation. Hannah W., 139, 3. Harriet L., 236, 1, (1). Harry N., 268b, 2. Harland H., 164a, 8, Harold P., 294, 3. Harold V., 266, 4. Harvey R.. 230, 1, (2). Hattie E., 287, 3. Hattie G., 283. 1. Hattie M., 219, G, (1). Hattie ]\r.. 268a, 3. Helen, 252, 1. 358 2^1S,i«^™^««^- Helen M., 270, 1. Helen M., 274a, 3. Helen M., 293, 3. Helen McC, 273, 1. Helen AV.. 267, 5. Henry, 288, 1. Henry C, 254, 2. Henry R., 271. 3. Henry R., 297, 7. Henry S., 253, 3. Herbert D., 274, 3. Herbert D., 297, 8. Herbert H., 265, 2. Herbert R., 260, 2. Homer J., 257, 7. Howard W., 267a, 1. Hugh, 276, 2. Hugh W., 114, 3. Hugh W., 220, 1. 10th Genekation. Harry W., 298, 1. Hope U., 302. 3. 6th Generation. Israel, 23, 5. 7th Generation. Ida M., 89, 3. Isaac, 80, 4. Isaac, 94, 4. Isaac C, 109, 6. Isaac N., 99, 3. Isaac S., 70, 3. Isabella S., 118, 1. Isaiah F., 91, 2. Israel H., 58, 4. Ira, 55, 3. Irene C, 60, 5. 8th Generation. Ida M., 227, 1. Ida T., 179, 1. Ira R, 164a, 3. Irma G., 158a, 2. Irving, .M., 230, 2. Isadore, 213, 17. 9th Generation. Ida B., 288a, 3. Ira F., 250, 1. Irene A., 293, 3. 10th Generation. Irene, 304, 1. Irma V., 297b, (2). 3d Generation. Jane, 3, 4. Joshua, 3, 2. 4th Generation. James, 8, 7. Jane, 7, 5. Jane, 8, 4. Jane, 9, 5. John, 7, 2. John, 9. 7. John, 5. 8. Joseph, 4, 2, Joshua, 4, 7. Joshua, 8, 3. Joshua, 8, 5. 5th Generation. Jacob, 19, 5. James, 14, 10. James, 19, 1. Jenny, 21, 6. Jeremiah. 21, 2. John, 15, 2. John, 21, 8. John, 18, 1. John 8., 12, 1. Joseph, 10, 1. Joseph, 11, 2. Joseph, 19, 6. Joshua, 19, 2. Josiah, 12, 3. Josiah, 18, 9. Josiah, 22, 6. 6th Generation. Jacob, 44, 6. Jacob C 35, 4. James. 34, 5. James, 36, 4. James, 44, 2. James, 46, 2 James ]M., 47, 1. James P., 35, 3. Jane, 50. 6. Jane, 52. 9. Jane I)., 48, 1. Jeremiah, 30, 1. John. 26. 2. John, 24. I. John, 23, 4. John, 36, 6. John, 37, 1. John, 38. C). John, 40, 1. John, 41, 6. John, 42, 1. John, 43, 11. John, 44, 8. John, 53, 2. John, 112. John C, 35, 5. John C., 47, 7. John D., 46, 7. John J., 48, 3. John J., 49, 3. John S., 20, 1, (2). John S., 25, 6. John S., 26, 5. John S., 27, 5. Johanna, 41, 5. Jonathan, 41, 7. Jonathan, 46, 5. Jonathan, 50, 2. INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF ^^^^[^J^^^l^ FAMILY. 359 Joseph, 23, 1. Joseph, 24, 6. Joseph, 25, 4. Joseph, 29, 5. Joseph, 45, 5. Joseph C, 53, 9. Joshua, 26, 6. Joshua, 38, 7. Joshua, 44, 7. Josiah. 26, 3. Josiah, 50, 3. Josiah A., 34, 2. Juliana, 47, 3. 7th Generation. Jacob A., 114, 7. * James G., 119, 2. James H., 106, 4. James J., 47, 1. James M., 59, 8. James ^I., 71, 3. James 31., 113, 6. James M., 118, 9. James W., 94, 5. James W., 97, 5. Jane, 32. 4, (2). Jane. 125, 5. Jeannette, 64. 3. Jeremiah A., 128, 4. Jerusha, 106, 8. Joanna H., 70, 8. John, 55, 4. John, 59, 2. John, 95. 3. John, 104, 3. John. 105. 1. John, 109. 4. John, 110, 6. John, 112, 4. John, 113, 5. John, 126, 4. John, 128. 1. John A., 84. 10. John A., 107, 3. John C, 117, 6. *John C, 119, 1. John C, 68, 5. John D., 57, 3. John E., 66, 3. John F., 76, 5. John F., 127, 6. John H., 77, 2. John H., 125, 8. John K., 62, 4. John L , 115, 2. John L., 116, 5. John L., 100, 1. John 0., 79, 3. John P., 103. 7. John R., 98, 2. John S., 70, 2. John S., 73. 2. John W., 91, 3. Jonathan, 80, 5. Jonathan F., 82, 4. Jonathan S., 98, 1. Jonathan S., 118, 2. Joseph, 55, 1. Joseph, 56, 7. Joseph, 61, 4. Joseph, 62, 1. Joseph A., 114, 6. Joseph A., 99, 4. Joseph A., 121. 6. Joseph B., 106, 7. Joseph G., 91, 5. Joseph H., 81, 4. Joseph R., 115, 4. Joseph W., 76. 1. Joseph W., 83, 1. Joseph W., 84, 9. Joseph W.. 108, 1. Joshua, 112, 3. Joshua B., 113, 8. Joshua B., 115, 3. Joshua C, 117, 4. Josiah, 122, 2. Josiah M., 68, 7. Judith J., 79, 5. Julia A., 61, 8. Julia A., 95, 7. Julia A., 127, 3. Julia E., 49, 3, (1). 8th Generation. James, 80. 8. James H., 145, 7. James H., 206, 2. James H., 232, 4. James M., 183, 3. James M., 181, 1. James Q., 154, 2. James W., 184, 4. J. Burritt, 165, 2. J. Miller. 185, 2. Jennie, 135, 11. Jennie, 240. 4. Jennie E., 231, 4. Jennie L, 157, 3. Jennie L., 230a, 2. Jennie L., 238, 9. Jeremiah, 249, 2. Jerusha, 205, 4. Jessie, 207. 3. Jessie H., 205. 5. Jessie M, 201, 2. John, 198, 2. John, 244. 6. John E., 140, 3. John F., 163, 3. John F., 180, 1. John F., 191, 10. John F., 219, 3. John H., 143. 1. John H., 211, 2. John K., 145. 1. John K.. 210, 4. John L., 155a. 2. John M., 130. 1. John jM., 188. :!. John M., 218, 1. John M., 112, (), (1). John K. 158. 1. John P., 241, (). John li., 151, 7. John S., 155, 4. John S., 202, 'A. John W., 154, 3. John W., 147, T). John W., 213, 7. 360 Joseph, 244, 9. Joseph D., 236, 2. Joseph E., 130, 6. Joseph E., 209, 6. *Joseph L., 131, 5. Joseph P., 129, 1. Joseph S., 235, 2. Joseph W., 144, 2. Joseph W., 213, 8. Joseph W., 81, 4. Josephine, 159, 4. Josephine D., 175, 5. Josephine j\I., 235, 1. Joshua, 152, 3. Josiah C, 236, 1. Josiah M., 132, 1. Josiah M., 199, 1. Judith A., 164a, 1. Julia A., 206, 1. Julia A., 249, 1. Julia B., 131, 3. Julia E., 180, 2. Julian C, 241, 2. Juliette C, 208, 3. J. Willis, 245, 3. 9th Generation. Jackson, 286, 7. James, 281, .'!. Jennie B., 243, 12, (1) Jennie E., 153, 3, (2). Jennie W., 251, 3. Jessamine L., 266, 3. Jessie L., 287, 4. John L.. 283, 2. John M., 271, 2. John W., 180, 3. John W., 257, 5. John W., 219, 3. Joseph, 250, 3. Joseph E., 275, 1. Joseph M., 252, 3. Josiah, 286, 4. * Josiah M., 285, 5. Judith R.. 164a, 8, (4). Julia A., 286, G. HAINES \ UAYNES ] GENEALOGY. Julia L., 268. 2, Julia M., 164a, 3, (1). IOtii Generation. John, 304, 2. John C, 276, 2, (2). Josiah, 303, 2. 6th Generation. Kidder B., 48, G. 7th Generation. Kinsman C., 118, 4. 8th Generation. Katie, 197, 1. 9th Generation. Karl, 235, 3, (2). Karl L., 292, 2. Kate E., 287, 3. Kendall S., 254, 3. 10th Generation. Kendall S., 297b, 1. L. 4th Generation. Lewis, 9, 1. Lydia, 4, o. 5th Generation. Levi, 21, 9. Lewis, 20, 1. Lydia, 14, G. Lydia, 21, 3. 6th Generation. Levina W., 48, 4. Lucy, 30, 4. Lucy, 32, 11. Lydia, 31, 3. Lydia, 32, 5. Lydia, 34. 3. Lydia, 35, 8. Lydia, 42, G. Lydia, 46, 4. 7th Generation. Laura, 103, G. Laurenda, 65, 3. Levina. 106, 11. Levina A., 74, 5. Lewis, 56, 5. Lewis, 87, 2. Lewis, 105. 4. Lewis D., 89, 2. Louisa, 85, 1. Lucy M., 112, 1. Luther, 61, 2. Lydia, 35, 5, (2). Lydia J., 59, 7. Lvdia A. J.. 114, 5. Lydia L., 109, 5. Lyman, 97, 9. Lysle, 90, 4. 8th Generation. Langdon, 243, 5. Laura A., 169, 5. Laura A., 176, 2. Laura J., 195, 1. Lauristan B.. 206, 7. Lavinia, 198, o. Leander H., 164a, 4. Lelia, 164a, 9. Lelia K., 241, 5. Lenora, 158, 2. Leverett C, 178, 2. Levi F., 141, 1. Levina E., 243, 7. Lewis A., 171, 2. Lillie, 209, 8. Lillian E., 158a, 5. Linda A., 204, 2. Lizzie L., 155, G. INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF \ ¥A{^^J^l FAMILY. 361 UAYNES \ Lizzie F., 150, 8. Lizzie G., 231, 3. Lorinda A., 135, 5. Louis, 230a, 6. Louisa, 181, 6. Louisa E., 195, 3. Louisa H., 218, 4. Louisa J., 129, 4. Louisa J., 186, 1. Louisa M., 164a, 7. Lucia B., -213, 9. Lucius M., 239, 1. Luella J., 172, 2. Luther, 244, T. Luther F., 178, 3. Lydia, 191, 2. Lydia, 213, 1. Lvdia, 239, 3. Lydia, 243, 4. Lydia A., 194, 3. Lydia A. M., 166, 4. Lydia J., 140, 2. Lyman H., 150, 5. 9th GE>rERATION'. Laura E., 297, 1. Lawrence C, 252, 2. LeanderM., 164a, 8,(2) Lee W., 228. 2. Leon H., 278, 1. Leroy W., 145, 8. Levina B., 281, 2. Lillia M., 258, 1. Lillian F., 259, 3. Lillian, 150, 5, (2). Lizzie M.. 256, 4. Louisa, 137, 3, (2). Louisa, 150, 5, (1). Louisa E., 84, 2,(1), (a) Louisa M., 297a, 1. Louetta A., 171, 2. Lucile M., 147, 6. Lula 0., 256, 5. Lydia E., 191, 3. Lydia O., 284, 3. Lydia R., 268, 1. 10th Generation. Lena G., 299, 2. M. 2d Generation. Mary, 1, 1. Matthias, 1, 3. Sd Generation. Mary, 2, 5. Matthias, 2, 3. Matthias, 3, 3. 4th Generation. Mary, 4, 7. Mary, 5, 2. Mary, 8, 2. Margaret, 5, 3. Martha, 9, 6. Matthias, 5, 4. JNIatthias, 6, 5. IVEatthias, 9, 3. Mehitable, 4, 6. Mehitable, 6, 6. 5th Generation. Mary, 12, 7. Mary, 13, 1. ]\Iary, 14, 9. Margaret, 12, 5. ]\Iargaret, 17, 4. Matthias, 10, 4. Matthias, 12, 4. Matthias, 19, 8. Matthias, 21, 10. Matthias, 22, 3. ■ Mehitable, 19, 4. jMehitable, 22, 9. Mercy, 11, 1. 6th Generation. Mary, 33, 5. Mary, 35, 6. ]V[ary, 36, o. Mary, 37, 6. Mary, 40, 3. Mary, 41, 3. Mary, 43, 3. Mary, 44, 4. Mary, 50. 1. Mary A., 48, 7. Mary A., 49, 4. Mary J., 38, 10. Margaret, 43, 4. Martha, 36, 7. Martha, 51, o. Matthias, 24, 3. *Matthias, 26, 7. Matthias, 27, 9. Matthias, 28, 7. Matthias, 37, 2. Matthias, 44, 5. Mehitable, 27, 7. Mehitable, 46, 6. Mehitable, 44, 9. Mercy, 31, 5. Moses G., 32, 9. Moses K., 26, 1. 7th Generation. Mary, 63, 3. Mary, 64, 1. Mary, 72, 3. Mary, 102. 5. Mary, 108. 2. Mary, 128. 5. Mary, 88, 2. Mary A., 82, 6. Mary A., 85, 4. Mary A., 86, 5. Mary A., 110. 4. Mary A., 124, 2. Mary A., 35, 5, (1). Mary A., 100, 8. Mary A., 65. 1. Marv B., 112, 5. Mary C, 125. 3. Mary D.. 83, 2. Mary E., 66, 2. 362 Mary E., 76, 2. Mary E., 76, 7. Mary E., 90, 2. Mary E., 95, 4. Mary E., 116, 12. Mary E., 119, 9. Mary H., 91, 11. Mary J., 62, .'5. IVIary J., 92, 1. Mary J., 113, 3. Mary J., 114, 4. Mary L., 119, 10. Mary E., 104a, 2. Mahala, 79, 2. Margaret, 61, 6. Margaret, 110, 3. Margaret, 125, 2. Maria, 56, 8. Maria, 80, 1. Maria S., 121, 2. Maria W., 75, 5. Martha, 124, 3. Martha, 72, 1. Martha A., 62, 2. Martha A., 83, 3. Martha J., 82, 11. Martha J., 112, 9. Martha S., 101, 1. Martha W., 65, 6. Matilda C, 70, 10. Matthias, 61, 5. Matthias, 67, 3. Matthias, 97, 1. Matthias, 114, ?k Matthias K., 69, 3. IVIatthias M., 112, 6. Mehitable, 81, 7. Mehitable, 94, 2. Miranda, 99. 2. Miriam J., 84, 1. Moses, 67, 5. Moses, 71, 1. Moses, 86, 4. 8th Genkratton. Mabel A., 162, 4. Mabel S., 231, 6. HAINES I HA YNES i GENEALOGY. Maggie, 222, 2. Mahuron, 183, 1. Margaret !>., 241, 4. Marcella, 213, 15. Marshal F., 204, 6. Martha, 182, 2. Martha, 199, 6. Martha, 248, 1. Martha, 142, 3. Martha A., 141, 3. Martha A., 144, 1. Martha A., 210, 2. Martha D., 89, 1. Martha E., 145, 4. Martha E., 158a. 1. Martha L., 247, 1. Martha R., 219, 1. Maria, 244, 1. Maria C, 150, 2. *Martin A.. 225, 1. Martin H., 243, 12. Mary, 155, 7. Mary, 199, 4. Mary, 213, 6. Mary, 238, 5. Mary, 248. 3. Mary A., 64, 2, (2). Mary A., 135, 9. Mary A., 138, 2. Mary A., 151, 3. Mary C, 158, 6. Mary C, 205, 3. Mary C, 78,2, (1). Mary E., 141, 2. Mary E., 174. 2. Mary E., 79. 1, (2). Mary E., 149, 3. Mary F., 154, 1. Mary F., 200. 2. Mary H.. 247, 7. Mary I., 190, 3. Mary J., 137, 1. Mary J., 185, 3. Mary J., 193, 2. Mary J., 203, 1. Mary J., 116, 1, (2). Mary J., 130, 2. Mary L., 152, 7. Mary M., 152, 9. Mary M., 204, 3. Mary R., 232, 2. Mary V., 145, 6. Manly A., 214, 4. Matilda, A\'., 209, 5. Matthias, 184. 1. Matthias, 155a, 1. *Matthias L., 155, 2. Mattie P., 227, 2. May, 197, 2. Mehitable A., 193, 1. jMelvina, 181, 5. Merva A., 223, 4. Miles E., 183. 2. Minnie L., 71, 3, (3). Morna D., 147, 7. Moses E., 150, 6. Moses J., 191. 5. Moses M.. 152. 2. Moses S., 164a, 8. 9th Gej^eration. Mabel E., 78. 2, (2), Mabel E., 153. 3, (1). Mabel H., 230, 1, (1). Mabel L., 140, 3, (1). Maon, 78,2, (2), (a). MarciaA.,236,1, (3). Marcus, 276, 1. Margaret, 270, 5. Margaret E., 278, 5. Marian, 137, 3, (1). Marion E.. 279, 4. Mary, 164a. 3, (3). Mary A., 297a, 2. Mary A., 286, S. Mary A., 289, 2. Marv A., 84, 2, (1), (t>)- Mary C, 257, 1. Mary C, 290, 1. Mary E., 267, 1. Mary E., 274, 1. INDEX TO CUIUS Mary G., 252, 4. Mary L., 285, 4. Mary L., 164a, 4, (5). Mary N., 144, 3, (2). Martlia, 219. 5, (1). Martha, 286, 9. Mattie, 164a, 2, (3). Mattie :\I.. 268a, 3. Maud, 264, 2. Michael H., 257, 4. Mildred C, 280, 2. Mildred L., 268a, 2. Mildred S.. 272, 3. Milton J.. 278, 2. Minnie, 164a, 2, (2). Miriam, 253. 4. JNIorna P.. 266, 1. Morris, 243, 12, (3). 10th Generation. Mabel G.. 300, 1. Marion, 260. 1. Marion D., 302, 1. Mary, 286, 5. Minnie, 301, 4. Muriel S., 302, 4. N. 5th Generation. Nathan, 16, 2. Nathaniel, 12, 6. Nathaniel, 18, 3. Noah, 13, 3. 6th Generation. Nancy, 36. 7. Nancy, 37, 8. Nancy, 42. 7. Nancy, 52. 10. Nathan, 38. 9. Nathaniel, 43, 7. Nathaniel, 27. 3. Nathaniel G., 25, 5. Noah, 31, 10. Noah, 36, 9. TIAN NAMES OF j f^^^^^^, } FAMILY. 368 7th Generation. O. Nancy, 37. 3, (3). Nancy, 105, 6. Nancy, 108, 9. Nancy J., 84, 7. Nathaniel, 42, 2. Nathaniel, 56, 1. Nathaniel, 72, 5. *Nathaniel, 109, 1. Nathaniel D., 83. 6. Natlianiel F., 128, 3. Neal A., 70, 7. Newell H., 116, 6. Noah :\r., 100, 4. Noah S., 84, 3. 5th Generation. Olive, 21, 5. 6th Generation. Olive W., 47, 6. 7th Generation. Olive, 81, 2. Olive A., 116, lo. Olive ]\[., 92, 4. Olive S., 84, 4. Oliver P., 100, 5. Orin P., 68, 3. 8th Generation. Sth Generation. N. Amelia. 209, 2. Nancy, 202, 4. Nancy, 184. 3. Nancy C, 213, 10. Nathaniel, 199. 2. Nellie F., 151, 1. Nellie H., 238. 7. Nellie J.. 170, 3. Nellie S., 175, 3. Nelson, 244, 3. Nettie R., 163, 2. 9th Generation. Nain, 282. 5. Nellie L.. 262. 1. Nestor, 282, 1. Nettie E., 272, 2. Nero, 282, 4. Nilus. 282, 2. Nina, 235, 3, (1). Nina J., 292. 1. Ninus, 282. 3. Nora lAI., 257, 3. Norman W., 161, 2. 10th Generation. Nathaniel, 303, I. Olive, 61, 2. Olive E., 232, 3. Orville L. 179, 2. Oscar B., 223, 2. Oscar F., 148, 2. P. 5th Generation. Patience. 17, 2. Phebe, 20, 4, Priscilla, 12. 8. Prudence, 20, 2. 6th Generation. Paul, 52. 4. Percenia. 34, 8. Peter, 41, 2. Pollv, 24. 4. Pollv. 25, 2. Polly, 32, 3. Polly, 34, 4. Pollv, 39. 2. PollV, 39, 6. Pollv. 45, 1. PollV. 51. 4. Polh", 52, 3. 364 Polly, 53, 7. Priseilla, 28, 4. Priscilla, 32, 10. 7th Generation. Parmelia, 96, 6. Pearson G., 116, 3. Peleg, 105. 2. Penley, 103. 1. Peter, 106, li. Phehe C, 109, 3. Phileiiion, 102, 9. Polly, 61, 7. Polly, 67. 1. Polly, 96, 5. Polly, 105, 8. Polly Y., 80, 6. Priscilla, 75, 2. Priscilla, 85, 3. IayIeS \ GENEALOGY. 8th Generation. Parmelia B., 131, 1. Patty, 198, 8. Peuelo])e, 198, 10. Peter, 205. 1. Philip H., 226, 2. Polly, 105, 3. Polly, 198, C. 9th Generation. Paul H., 279, 2. Pauline, 158. 1. Percy H., 243, 12, (2) Phebe A., 268a, 5. Phebe B., 297, 6. 5th Generation. Uichard, 22, 2. Euth, 12, 10. 6th Generation. Rachel, 35, 7. Rachel, 53, 4. Ransom S., 34, 7. Rebecca, 32. 2. Reuben kS., 39, 7. Robert, 25, 3. Ruhannah, 33, 1. Ruth, 37, 11. Ruth, 39, 5. Ruth, 44, 3. 7th Generation. Rachel, 125, 10. Rachel, 126, 7. Rachel S., 127, 7. Ransom J., 92, 5. Rebecca, 68, 4. Rebecca, 95, 6. Rebecca, 32, 4, (3). Rebecca B., 93, 3. Rebecca J., 103, 4. Relief, 97, 3. Reuben, 102, 11. Rhuhema, 61, 9. Robert M., 79. 4. Rosanna M., 94, 3. Rosella, 106. 12. Roxanna E.. 82, 10. Rufus E., 107, 8. Ruhannah G., 90, 1. Ruth, 102, 1. Ruth A., 114, 2. Ruth P., 91, 9. 8th Generation. Ruth, 192. 2. Ruth M., 193, 4. Ruth R., 165, 4. 9th Generation. Ralph H., 295, 3. Ralph W., 274a, 2. Raymond E., 164a, 8, (3). Reuben C, 266a, 5. Robert N., 273, 2. Rodney M., 297a, 4. Roy C, 280, 1. Roy L., 268a, G. Rufus, 284. 2. Ruth I., 289, 1. Ruth McG., 295, 1. 10th Generation. Ray E., 300, 3. Robert M., 262, 2, (2). Roland A., 298, 3. Russell, 304, 7. Ruth, 276, 2, (1). s. 1st Generation. Samuel, 1. 2d Generation. Samuel, 1, 2. Ralph W., 170, 2. Ralph W., 247, 5. Rebecca R., 54, 5, (5). 3d Generation Rebecca R., 54, 5, (7). gamuel, 2, 6. Reuben, 191, 11. Samuel, 3, 1. Rhoda L., 130, 5. Richard W., 69. o Roscoe, 244, 4. Rosetta, 244. 8. Roxanna E., 152, 6. Rufus, 198, 1. Rufus A., 188, 1. Rufus A., 212, 3. > (2). Sarah, 2, 1. 4th Generation. Samuel, 4, 1. Samuel, 6, 4. Samuel, 7, 1. Samuel, 8, 6. ^.NDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF ^^^^//^^^ FAMILY. 365 Sarah, 5, 1. Sarah, 6, 2. Sarah, 8, 8. 5th Generation. Sally, 22, 8. Samuel, 10, 5. Samuel, 17, 7. Samuel, 22, 1. Sarah, 10, 2. Sarah, 12, 9. Sarah, 18, 7. Sarah, 19, 7. Sarah, 21, 7. Simeon, 14, 5. Simeon, 18. 4. Stephen, 22, 5. Susanna, 13, 4. 6th Generation. Sally, 23, 3. Sally, 24, 5. Sally, 26, 4. Sally, 28, 2. Sally, 41, 8. Sally, 38, 4. Sally, 45, 3. Sally, 46, 8. Sally, 52, 5. Sally, 53, 1. Sally, 54, 2. Samuel, 24, 2. Samuel, 25, 1. Samuel, 27, 1. * Samuel, 31, 6. • Samuel, 39, 1. Samuel, 50, 4. Samuel, 104a, 2. Sarah, 27, 8. Sarah, 31, 2. Sarah, 35, 11. Sarah, 36, 11. Sarah, 42, 3. Sarah, 51, 3. Sarah F., 47, 2. Sarah S., 49, 2. Serena, 47, 4. Simeon, 32, 7. Simeon, 43, 5. Simeon G., 42, 2. Spencer, 43, 8. Stephen, 34, 6. Stephen, 32, 4. Stephen, 50, 7. Stephen, 53, 8. Stephen, 54. 3. Stephen D., 48, 2. Susanna, 35, 10. 7th Generation. Sally, 55, 5. Sally, 56, 3. Sally, 60, 6. Sally, 80. 2. Sally, 102, 6. Sally L., 113, 1. Samuel, 60, 4. Samuel, 67, 2. Samuel, 85, 2. Samuel, 102, 4. Samuel, 104, 2. Samuel, 116. 4. Samuel G., 82, 1. Samuel P., 71, 4. Sarah, 36. 2. Sarah, 53, 8, (1). Sarah, 67, 4. Sarah, 68. 6. Sarah, 104a. 1. Sarah, 108. 3. Sarah A., 71, 2. Sarah A., 74, 2. Sarah A.. 75. 3.. Sarah A., 76, 6. Sarah A., 81, 3. Sarah A., 92, 9. Sarah A.. 107, 5. Sarah A., 112, 10. Sarah A., 125. 6. Sarah C., 83, 4. Sarah E., 72, 7. Sarah E., 77, 5. Sarah J, 91, 4. Sarah J., 113, 9. Sarah M., 69, 2. Sarah P., 66, 1. Sarah S., 101, 3. Sarah S., 109, 9. Sarah \V.. 97. 7. Sarah W.. 126, 2. SimeonJ 86, 3. Simeon, 110, 5. Sophia E., 107, 6. Sophia J., 127, 2. Sophronia, 105, 9. Spencer B.. 98, 5. Stephen, 102, 10. Stephen, 80, 1. Stephen G., 91, 6. Stephen P., 127, 4. Sullivan, 106, ;">. Sullivan L., 103, 5. Susan, 63, 4. Susan, 95, 2. Susan, 96, 3. Susan, 108, 7. Susan, 126, 3. Susan A., 83, 5. Sylvester, 100, 6. Sylvester H., 62, 6. 8th Generation. Sadie L., 114, G, (2). Sally D., 128, 3. Sam B., 224, 4. Samuel, 191. 4. Samuel A., 147, 3. Samul C, 152. 1. Samuel J., 169, 4. Samuel M., 136. Samuel R., 235, 4. Samuel T., 142, 2. Samuel T., 142, 4. Sanford W., 216, 1. Sarah, 226, 4. Sarah, 226. 5. Sarah A., 152, 4. Sarah A., 100, 1, (2). 366 Sarah A. M., 150, 4. Sarah B., 190, L>. Sarah E., 151, (>. Sarah E., 212, 1. Sarah E., 223, 1. Sarah G., 132, IJ. Sarah J., 206, 3. Sarah M., 54. 5, (3). Sevvell K., 73. 3, (2). Sherburne, 181, 4. Sherburne L., 84, 2, Silas B. A., 204, 5. Sophia C, 204, 10. Sophronia, 181, 3. Stephen, 194. 2. Stephen E., 145, 5. Sumner C, 153, 4. Sumner S.. 205, 2. Susan E., 209. 1. Susan M., 221. 1. Susie A., 171, 3. Sylvester W., 189, 1. Sylvia, 192, G. 9th Generation. Sadie M.. 297, 9. Samuel, 281, 4. Samuel. 285, 1. Samuel. 286. 5. ■ Sarah. 286. 2. Sarah A.. 250. 4. Sarah E.. 281, 6. Sarah E., 285, 3. Sarah G.. 276, 3. Sarah L., 150. 3. Sidney W., 257, 8. Stelln, 249. 2. Susan, 276, 5. 10th Generation. Sturgis, 302, 2. 4th Generation. Thomas, 6, 7. 5th Generation. rr Thomas, 17, 10. Timothy, 14, 4. Timothy, 17, 1. 10th Generation. Thelma H., 288a, 2. 6th Generation. 7th Generation. Thankful. 52, 6. Thomas, 28, 6. Thomas, 36, 8. Thomas, 39, 4. Thomas, 51, 1. Thomas, 54, .5. Thomas J., 29, 3. Timothy, 31. 1. Tristum C, 32, 8. 7th Generation. Taylor, 60, 2. Taylor C, 94, 6. Thomas B., Ill, 2. Thomas J., 59, 5. Thomas J., 74, 6. *Thomas J., 77, 1. Thomas J., 99, 1. Thomas J., 100, 3. Timothy, 93, 1. Timothy, 104, 4. Tristani. 87, 3. True B., 63, 1. 8th Generation. Theodate, 158. 3. Theodore, 213. 16. Theodore P., 231, 2. Thomas, 214. 2. Thomas H., 155, 5. Thomas V.. 138, 3. Timothy, 198, 3. 9th Generation. Teresa B., 257. 6. Theodore M., 284, 1. Thomas ?.., 271, 1. Thomas W., 251, 2. Violette, 106. 13. Vincent, 110, 1. 8th Generation. Virginia M., 241, 3. .Vivian L., 230a, 5. 9th Generation. VanNess, 281, 1. Velma A., 278, 3. Vinnie E., 165, 1. "W. 3d Generation. William, 2, 4. 4th Generation. William, 5, 5. 5th Generation. Walter W., 22, 4. William, 13, 8. William, 14, 2. AVilliam, 13, 5. 6th Generation. Walter, 53, 3. Walter, 54, 1. Wealthy, 43, 6. William, 28, 3. William. 29. 1. William. 30, 3. William, 37, 3. William, 52. 2. William r.. 48. 5. William T., 47, 8. INDEX TO CHRISTIAN NAMES OF HAINES j II AI] \ HA y NES i FAMILY. 367 7th Generation. Walter, 105, 5. Walter, 127, 1. Walter A., 127, 8. Washington. 59, 6. Wealthy, 110, 2. Wealthy, HI, 6. William, 37, 3, (1). William, 78, 2. William, 79, 1. William, 112, 2. William, 125, 7. William, 126. 6. William, 88, 1. William A., 108. 8. William A., 92. 7. William R, 116. 1. William C, 117, 7. William C, 119, 5. William E., 62, 8. * William H.. 118, 5. William L., 104a, 4. William M., 71, 5. William P., 124, 1. William S., 107, 2. William W., 68, 2. William W., 70, 4. 8th Generation. Walter, 214, 3. Walter, 243, 2. Walter A., 245, 2. Walter A., 246, 2. Walter E., 145, 8. Walter F., 191, 7. Walter M., 229, 1. AValter M., 247, 3. Warren, 174, 1. William, 238, 4. William, 240, 2. William A., 189, 2. William A., 215, 1. William B., 142, 1. William R, 175, 2. William D., 217, 1. William E., 146, 2. William H., 157, 1. William J., 164a, G. William L., 137, 3. AVilliam L., 245, 3. W^illiam L., 246, 3. William M., 161, 2. William M., 180, 3. William 0., 191, 9. William P., 145, 2. William P., 165, 1. William P., 234, 2. William S. li., 73, 3, William S., 150, 9. *William T., 160, 1. William W., 68, 2. Willis H., 228, 2. Willis l'.,110. 6. Willis]'., 169, 1. Wilson A., 247, G. 9th Generation. Wallace, 146, 1. Walter. 266a, 2. Walter E., 297, 4. Warren, 266a, 1. Wesley, 296, 2. William, 269, 2. William, 288, 2. William, 288, 3. AVilliam A., 288a, 2. William P., 264, 3. Willis, 228, 2. Willis C, 274, 2. 10th Generation. Wilber F., 298, 2. Willie R., 229, 1, (1). Willietta, 286. 1. Winifreds., 131, 5, (2). 8th Generation. Zenas T., 205, 4. SUPPLEMENTARY. 9th Generation. Charles D., 295a, 1. lone. 295a, 5. Clarence, 295a, 4. Josephine, 295a, 3. Mabel, 295a, 2. INDEX OF NAMES OTHER THAN HAINES CONNECTED WITH THIS FAMILY. (See Reference Marks, page 12.) A. Andrews, Lucy, 35, 5. Arms, Minnie, 164a, ,3, (2). Abbott, Edgar G., 114, 2, (2). Ash, Lucius S., 50, 5, (5), (b), (b). Abbott, Eliza A., 114, 2, (1). Ash, RoLand S., 50, 5, (5), (b), (/>). Abbott, Etta C, 114, 1. Atkinson, Mary, 104. 2. Abbott, Florence E.. 114, 2, (2), Austin, Olinda A., 50, 5, (5), (a). (a). Averill, Marv, 103, 7. Abbott, Frank J.. 114, 2, (2), (b). Avery, Salome, 32, S. Abbott, Nicholas 11, 114, (2). Ayers, Adelaide E., 50, 5, (4), (a), Abbott, Euth E., 114, 2. (2), (c). (a). Additon, Parmelia P., 127, 6. Ayers, Agnes M., 50, 5, (4), (a), Adams, DeA'ere, 106, S, (2), (f), (a). (a). Adams, Edsonita, 106, 8, (2), (f), Ayers, Alice S., 50, .5, (2). (b). Ayers, Almira J., 50, 5, (5), (g). Adams, John C, 106, 8, (2), (f). Ayers, Augustine H., 50, 5, (6). Adams, Mary E.. 101, 2. Ayers, Augustine H., 50, 5, (3), Akerman, Albert, 75. 2. (a), (/). Akerman, Frank, 75, 6. Ayers, Augustine E., 50,5, (3), (a). Akerman, Louise. 35, 7, (5). Ayers, Augustine R., 50, 5, (3), Akerman, Nellie. 75, 6. Akerman, Sarah, 75, 2. Akerman, William H., 75, 2. Akeley, Abner G., 223, 1. Akeley, Alice M., 223, 1, (2). Akeley, Helen 0., 223, 1, (1). (d), (a). Ayers, Benjamin F., 50, 5, (5), (f). Ayers, Benjamin K., 50, 5, (3), (a), (ff). Ayers, Charles H., 50, 5, (5). Ayers, Charles H.,50.r),(5),(c),(r/). Akeley, Herman F., 223, 1, (3). Ayers, Charles H., 50, 5, (5), (a). Alby, William H., 223, 1, (2). Alcock, Sylvia J.. 146, 7. Aldrich, Eliza J., 143, 1. Allen, Deborah, 14, 8. Almy, Annie, 163, 3. Ames, Polly, 50, 3. Anderson, Almira, 117, 6. Andrews, Harriet B., 121, 5. Andrews, Levi, 48, 4. (b). Ayers, Charles H., 50, 5, (5), (c). Ayers, Eleanor S., 50, 5, (4), (b), (b). Ayers, Ellen M., 50, 5, (5), (d). Ayers, Eliza H., 50, 5, (7). Ayers, Eliza P., 50, 2. Ayers, Elizabeth R., 50, 5, (4), (b), (a). Ayers, Elsie C, 50, 5, (4), (a), (b). 369 370 ^1/^ ^YNES I ^^^^^ LOGY. Ayers, Hannah .1., 50, 5, (4), (c). Bacon, Columbus, 131, 4. Ayers, Helen !>., 50, r>, (3), (d), (^). Bacon, Harry A., 131. 4, (1). Ayers, Helen jNLcG., 50,5, (3), (a), Bacon, Josepliine C, 131, 4, (4). (c). Bacon, Luseua B.. 87, o. Ayers, Helen McG., 50, 5, (3), (b). Bailey, Alfred, 35. 7, (1), (i). Ayers, Henry C, 50, 5, (4), (b). Bailey, Eben T., 35, 7, (5). Ayers, Henry D., 50, 5, (5), (c), (/.). Bailey, Ella J.. 35. 7, (1). (b). Ayers, Henry S., 50, o, (8). Bailey, Emma K., 35, 7, (5), (b). Ayers, Herman E., 50, 5, (5). (f). Bailey, Frank L., 35, 7, (5), (a). Ayers, Jeremiah E., 50, o, (4), (a). Bailey, George B., 35, 7, (1), (e). Ayers, John K., 50. o, (3), (a), (b). Bailey, Harriet A.. 35. 7, (1). (f). Ayers, Jonathan, 50, 5. Bailey, Jsadore L., 35, 7, (1;, (C). Ayers, Jonathan, 50, 5, (3). Bailey, James E., 35, 7, (1), (d). Ayers, Jonathan, 50, 5, (5), (e). Bailey, James H., 35, 7, (1). Ayers, Joseph G., 50, 5, (5), (a). Bailey, John, 35, 7. Ayers, JosephG., 50, 5, (5),(a), (o). Bailey, John. 35. 7, (,'5), (a). Ayers, JosephH.,50,5,(4).(a),((/). Bailey, John C, 35, 7, (1), (a). Ayers, Joseph S., 50, 5, (4). Bailev, Lvdia H., 35, 7, (2). Ayers, Joseph S.,50, 5, (3), (a), (r/). Bailey, iMary E., 35, 7, (3), (b). Ayers, Josiah P., 50, 5, (3), (a), (e). Bailey, Olive P., 117, 7. Ayers, Lucy C, 50, 5, (4), (f). Bailey, Eebecca, 35. 1. Ayers, Lucy E., 50, 5, (4), (a), (c). Bailey, Eebecca. 35, 7, (4). Ayers, iMartha E.. 50, 5, (4),'(e). Bailey, Ehoda G., 35, 7, (1), (g). Ayers, :Mary A., 50, 5, (3), (c). Bailey, Eufus, 35. 7, (3). Ayers, Mary E. L.. 50, 5,(5), (e),(/^). Bailey, Sarah M., 35, 7, (1), (h). Ayers, Mary J., 50, 5, (1). Baldwin, Kate, 106, 8, (1), (b). Aj^ers, Oliver G., 50, 5, (3), (d),(r7). Baldwin, Martha E., 154, 2. Ayers, Euth A., 50. 5, (3), (a),(r/). Ball, Carrie J., 83. 3, (2). Ayers, Samuel H., 50, 5, (3), (d). Ball, Jasper N., 83, 3. Ayers, Susan G., 50, 5, (5), (b). Ball, Joseph A., 285, 4. Ayers, Susan T. V., 50, 5,(5), (e), Ball, Josephine, 83. 3, (3). (a). Ball, William, D., 83, 3, (3). Ayers, Walter H., 50, 5, (4), (d). Ball, William H., 83, 3, (1). Ayers, William T., 50, 5, (3), (d),(e). Bannev, C., 185, 1. Bardwell, Mary E., 140, 3. Barker, Elizabeth, 5, 5. ^- Barker, John D., 91, 9. Babbitt, Ansel C. 26, 4, (2). Barnard, Sarah, 35. 3. I'.abbitt, Dora, 89, 1. Bartlett, Alanson, 249, 1. Babbitt, Elisha, 26. 4. Bartlett, Betsey, 21, 4. ]^>abbitt, Elnathan G., 26, 4, (3). Bartlett, Joseph, 52, 3. Babl)itt, John H., 26, 4, (1). Bartlett, Levi, 124. 3. BabVntt, Eachael, 26, 1. Barrows, Mary A.. 145. 2. Bachelder, Alonzo, 169, 5. Batchelder, Elmer L., 116, 16. Bacon, Ada M., 131. 4, (2). Batchelder, G., 109, 5. Bacon, An^ne M., 131, 4, (3). Batchelder, Hannah, 25, 1. Bacon, Carl, 131, 4, (1). Batchelder, Isabella, 63, 1. INDEX OF NAMES OTHER THAN \ {['^A^J','^ ■ oil I HA YNEa Batchelder, Joseph, 59, 1. Batchelder, Josiali R., 116, 16. Batchelder, Mary, 59, 4. IJatchelder, Nathaniel, 80, 3. Bates, George, 106, 9. Bates, Harriet S., 160, 3. Bates, John W., 158, 2. Bates, Leonora, 158, 2, (1). Bates, Linda, 106, 1. Bates, Theodate, 158, 2, (2). Beals, Rufus, 52, 9. Bean, Eliza, 74, 3. Bean, James M., 117, 3. Bean, Nettie, 94, (3. Bean, Rhoda, 121, 1. Beane, Caroline T., 31, 2, (1), (c), Beane, Elizabeth G., 31, 2, (1), (b). Beane, Elizabeth 8., 31, 2, (1), (c;. {e). Beane, Joseph, 31, 2, (1). Beane, Mary P., 31, 2, (1), (d). Beane, Prentice C, 31, 2, (l),(c),(/>). Beane, Sarah C, 31, 2, (1), (a).' Beane, Sarah L., 68, 4, (1). Beane, Samuel C, 31, 2, (1), (c). Beane, Samuel C..31,2, (l),(c), (c). Beane, William H., 31, 2, (1), (c), {a). Becket, William, 125, 2. Bedford, Alfred C, 95, 9, (2). Bedford, Alfred C., 95, 9, (2), (a). Bedford, Dean, 95, 9, (2), (b). Beede, Mary A., 68, 4, (3). Bellows, Charles A., 164a, 1. Bellows, Fannie P., 164a, 1. Bell, George K., 201, 1. Bell, Haines, 201, 1, (2). Bell, Reba, 201, 1, (1). Bennet, Hannah, 17, 1. Bergg, Annie, 124, 2, (4), (a). Bergg, Carrie, 124, 2, (4), (b). Bergg, Clara, 124, 2, (4). Bergg, Genevieve, 124, 2, (4), (c). Bergg, Harrv, 124, 2, (4), (dj. ' Berry, Ann, 102. 10. Berry, Joseph, 52, 10. Berry, Joseph H., 27, G, (6). lierry, ALary, 4, 2. Berry, Narcissa, 191. 7. Bickford, James, 45, 1, (2). Bickford, Joseph H., 45, 1, (2). Bickford, IVIary, 45, 1, (2). Bickford, Richard, 44, 3. Bickford, Sarah F., 44. 3. Bickford, Thomas, 21, 5. Bilodeau, Celiua, 140, 2, (4). Blachly, Ada E., 154, 1, (2). Blachly, Doris :\1., 154. 1, (3). Blachly, Maude A., 154, 1, (1). Blachly, J. i\I., 154, 1. Blaisdell, Abigail S., 79, 4. Blai«dell, Harry, 73, 1, (3). Blaisdell, Joseph, 73, 1, (3). Blake, Julia I., 101, 2. Blake, Mamie, 54. o, (7). Blake, Mary, 101, 2. Blake, Peabody O., 54, 5, (7). Blanchard, Hannah, 44, 5. Blanchard, Helen ^\'., 217, 1. Blessing, Lulu B., 69, 3, (1). Bliss, Cady. 228, L (2). Bliss, James L.. 228, 1. Bliss, Myrtie, 228, 1, (1). Blodgett, Stephen B., 164a, 9. Blood, Nancy, 61, 3, (a). Bodwell. Frank C. 129, 3, (3), (c). Bod well, Fred P., 129, 3, (3), (c). Bond, Elflida E., 95, 7, (1), (a). Bond, Joseph, 95, 7, (1). Bond, Louisa 1'., 95, 7, (1), (b). Booth, Alonzo, 95, 2. Booth, Charles F., 95, 2, (3). Booth, Frank E., 95. 2, (2). Booth, George A., 95, 2, (1). Booth, Nellie INI., 95, 2, (5). Booth, William H.. 95. 2. (4). Boothby, Ada, 114, ~). (1), (O. Boothbv, Donald H.,114. 5, (l).(a). Boothl)y, Grace H.. 114, T). (3). Boothby, Hariiet .M.. 114, T), (2\ Boothby, Jolinsoii, 114. ."». Boothby, AVallace J., 114, a, (1). Boothby,Wallace J.,114, 5, ( 1), (ja). 372 JIAINES HA YNES GENEALOGY Boole, Adrian II.. 262. 1, (1). Boswell, Sarah E., 61, 3, (6). Bowles, Francis J., 105, 9. Bowles, Isaac, 105, S. Boyce, Jessie J.. 180, 4. Brackett, Anson G., 50, 1, (5). Brackett, Haines, 50, 1, (4). Brackett, Hilton, 50, 1, (3). Brackett, Ira, 50, 1, (G). Brackett, Jane, 1, 3. Brackett, Jeremiah C, 50, 1, (2). Brackett, Joshua, 1, 1, (5). Brackett, Laura. 93, 1. Brackett, Levi, 50, 1 . Brackett, 8aninel II.. 50, 1, (1). Brad ford, Zabdiel, 109, 7. Braim, Mary, 91, G. Brainard, Hannah. 36, 6. Briant, Jnlia, 56. 5. Briant, Mabel G., 219, 5. Briggs, Mary B.. 108, 1. Brighani, Levi, 245, 1. Brimbleton, Alniira. 60, 4. Bronson, Belle, 164,3. Brower, Elizabeth, 26, 5. Brown, Anna, 80. 8. Brown, Ann E., 118, 9. Brown, Augustus, 112, 7. Brown, Charles T., 79, 3, (2). Brown, Data, P., 28, 2, (G). Brown, Edward. W\, 76, G, (1). Brown, Elisha, 49, 1. Brown, Elizabeth 0., 116, 9. Brown, Francis, 92, 8. Brown, Frank, 35, 10, (1), (e). Brown, Freeman, 92, 8. Brown, Henry W., 76, G, (2). Brown, Lewis E., 76, G, (1). Brown, Sarah ('., 31, 2, (2). r>rown, Ste])lien, 31, 2, (2). Brown, Thomas II., 76, 6. Brvant, Charles. 286, G. Ih-yan, Bert, 68, 4. (1), (b). Buchanan. lioV)ert, 110, 3. Bucklev, Celia, 260. 2. Buckman, ^laria. 78, 2, (1), (a). Budden, Jabez, 125, 10. Bunker, Lucy, 191, 3. Bunker, Sarah E., 243. 3. Burdick, Arvilla S., 127, 11. Burgei-, Emma. 163, 1. Burpee, Leroy, 54, 5, (7). Burpee, ]\Ianly, 54, o, (7). Butler, Jane. 34. 7. Butler, John, 27. G (f^). Butler, Martha E.. 166, 3. Butterfield, C. F., 61. 3, (7). P>uxton, Frank A\'., 35. ."). ^2), (c). Byrne, I»enjaniin B., 131, 1. Byrne, Joseph M.. 131, 1, (4). Byrne, Julia IL, 131. 1, (2). Bryne, i\Iary E., 131. 1. (3). Byrne, Parmelia B., 131, 1, (1). Calderwood, Clara E., 153, 3. Calderwood, Margaret, 67, 5. Caldwell, Ada. 130. G. Caldwell, Frederick A., 69, 1, (2), (a). Caldwell, Guy C, 130, G. Caldwell, Phillip. 130. G. Calvert, Benjamin S., 69. 1, (4). Calvert, Elizabeth S.. 69, 1, (4). Cammet, Molly, 22, 3. Cammett, Ann. 52. 2. Campbell, Carrie, 76, 5. Canney, Addie E.. 112, 9, (4), (h). Canney, Almon. 112. 9, (3). Canney, Arthur 1).. 112. 9. (4). (a). Canney, Charles A., 112, 9, (4;. Canney, Charles C. 112. 9, (4), (c). Canney. Chester J. 112. 9. (4). (g). Canney, Emma G.. 112, 9, (4), (i). Canney. Eva M., 112. 9. (4), (f). Canney, Frank C, 112, 9, (2). CanneV, Frank M., 112, 9, (4). (e). Canney, George C, 112, 9, (o). Canney, Grace E., 112. 9, (G). Canney, Havilah I).. 112, 9. Canney, ^Minnie E.. 112, 9, (4\ (b). Canney, Oscar J., 112, 9 (4), (d). Canney, Oscar S., 112, 9, (1). INDLW TO NA2IES OTHER iii^.\ i HAINES 373 Cargile, Anne H., 77, 1. Careins, Charles S.. 110, 4. Careins, Kobert. 110, 4. Carlton, A., 97. 2, (2). Carlton, Josephine. 76, 5. Carlton, Lydia, 127, 1. CaiT, Elizabeth, 32, 1. Carr, Genora E., 50, 5, (4), (c), (a). CaiT, Harriet, 249, 3. Carr, John P., 50, 5, (4), (c). Carr, Preston H., 50, 5, (4), (c), {b). Carshens, Lauretta, 151, 5. Carsley, Harriet P., 95, 1, (2). Carsley, John E., 95, 1, (1). Carsley, Richard P., 95, 1. Carson, A. Eliza, 191, 11. Carson, Joseph C, 50, 5, (5), (d), Carter, Abbie J., 91, 11, (4). Carter, Ada 0., 91, 11, (1). Carter, A. J., 257, 3. Carter, Anna B., 91, 11, (3). Carter, Enos, 199, 6. Carter, George, 91, 11. Carter, Georgia. 91, 11, (5). Carter, Hannah, 22, 5. Carter, Jane A., 91, 11, (6). Carter, May L., 91. 11, (2). Carter, Miami, 199, 4. Casol, Amanda J., 145, 8. Cass, Harrison, 79. 1, (1). Cass, Maude E., 171, (2). Cate, Elizabeth, 1, 1, (6). Cate, Joseph, 81, 1. Cate, Lydia, 5, 6. Chadbourne, Mary E.. 112, 8. Chad wick, Lydia M., 68, 4, (2). Chandler, Joseph, 18. 7. Chamberlm, A, J., 35, 10, (3). Cliaj)man, Arthur, 165. 3. Chapman, Evelyn, 165, 3, (4). Chapman, Gordon, 165. 3, (3). Chapman, Grace, 165, 3, (2). Chapman, Lin, 165, 3, (1). Chapman, Mary, 132, 1. Chapman, Paul, 2, 2, (5). Chase, Amanda, 97, 2, (5). Chase, Betsy, 97, 2, (3). Chase, Charles H.. 50, 5, (1), (c). Chase, Eliza, 50. T). (Ij, (a). Chase, George, 97, 2, (4). Chase, Hamet, 97, 2, (9). Chase, Harriet, 64, 2. Chase, Harvev, 97, 2, (7). Chase, James^H.. 97, 2, (6). Chase, John B., 50, 5, (1). Chase, John E.. 91, 11. (5). Chase, Joseph (J., 97,2, (1). Chase, Louisa, 97, 2, (8). Chase, Lyman. 97, 2, (10). Chase, Marv. 50, 5, (1), (b). Chase, Paul, 97, 2. Chase, Paul. 97, 2, (11). Chase, Phebe, 106, 5. Chase, Rlioda, 97. 2, (2). Chase, Samuel, 52, 5. Chase, Thirza A., 150, 7 Chase, William P., 64, 1. Cheney, Augustus ¥., 93, 3, (2). Cheney, Christina M., 93, 3, (1). Cheneys, Leonard, 93, 3. Chesley, Mary, 34, 7. Church, Charles, 106, 11. Churchill, Frank P., 228, 3. Churchill, Lydia, 100, 2. Cilley, Adelaide H., 121, 3, (2). Cilley, Charles G, 121, 3, (1). Cilley, Daniel P., 121, 3. Cilley, Daniel P., 121, 3, (4). Cilley, Emma S., 121, 3, (3). Cilley, Joseph B., 121, 3, (5). Cilley, Miner H.. 274, 1. Clark, Annie L., 277, 1. (1). Clark, A. Josephine, 56, 8, (3), (b). Clark, Betsy, 34, 3, (6). Clark, David, 14, 9, (2). Clark, Deborah W., 67, 5. Clark, Edith, 95. 9, (1). Clark, Edith K., 95, 9, (2). Clark, Elizabeth, 14, 9, (5). (nark, Elizabeth, 32, 7. Clark, Eugene A.. 56, 8, (3), (a). Clark, George T., 277. 1. Clark, Hannah G., 191, 5. 374 HAINES I HAYNES \ GENEALOGY. Clark, Horace P., 95, 9. Clark, Jacob, 14, 9, (7). Clark, James, 114, 2, (1). Clark, James K.. 95. 9, (1). Clark, LeForest C, 135, 13. Clark, Marion J., 277, 1, (2). Clark, Mary, 14, 10. Clark, Mary A., 92, 2. Clark, Mayhew, 14, 9, (3). Clark, Polly, 14, 9. (1). Clark, Reuben, 74, 4. Clark, Sally, 46, 2. Clark, Sally, 14, 9, (6). Clark, Sally J., 32, 7. Clark, Susan J., 35, 1, (1). Clark, Taylor, 14, 9. Clark, Taylor, 14, 9, (4). Clark, Vena, 95, 7, (2). Clark, Willard E., 56, 8, (3). Clement, Chancy jVL, 225, 2. Clement, E. A., 61, 3, (4). Clements, Ann J., 94, 1. Clements, Lucy, 94. 1. Cleveland, Elsie A.. 229, 1. Clifford, Lucy, 183. 1 . Clifford, Nancy, 98. 4. Clifford, Solomon :M., 24, 4, (5). Clough, Alice A., 50, 5, (4), (e),(a). Clough, Hannah, 50, 3. Clough, Henry G. , 50, 5, (4), (e), {b). Clough, James, 284, 3. Clough, Joseph G., 50, 5, (4), (e). Clough, Thomas, 22, 7. Coan, John, 127, 2. Coburn, Arthur L., 252, 1. Cochran, Franklin, 43, 4, (5). Cochran, George, 43, 4, (4). Cochran, Martha S., 43, 4, (3). Cochran, Mary J., 43, 4, (2). Cochran, Peter, 43, 4. Cochran, Sarah A., 43, 4. (1). Cochran, Wealthy 11., 43, 4, (G). Cockins, Jane, 43, (5.) Coffin, Lydia, 42, 1. Colby, Amos W., 126. 1, (1) Colby, Daniel S., 126, 1, (2). Colby, Ella, 35,10, (l),(g). Colby, George S., 126, 1. Colby, Helen S.. 253. 1. Colby, John A., 54. T., (8). Colby, John H., 126, 1, (3). Colby, Moses, 23, 3. Colcord, Samuel. 53, 8, (2). Collins, David H., 31. 2, (5). Collins, Lydia H., 31, 2, (1). Collins, Miriam F., 31, 2, (2). Collins, Pvebecca M., 31, 2, (6). Collins, Samuel, 31, 2. Collins, Samuel. 31, 2, (4). Collins, Sarah, 31, 2, (3). Conant, Eunice, 59. (>. Cotheren, William, 105, 6. Cotton, Abbie S., 116, 11. Cotton, Fred. 28. 2, ((I), (e). Cotton, Sarah E., 68, 2. Craig, Eleanor, 53. 3. Cram, Lillian C, 169, 4. Creighton, Mary E., 239, 1. Critcherson, Edith S.. 76. 4, (2). Critcherson, James, 76, 4. Critcherson, William Pt., 76, 4, (1). Crocket, Andrew J., 65, .'!. Crocket, William P., 65, 1. Crosby, Isaac C, 231, o. Crosby, Mehitable, 2, 6. Cross, Carrie E.. 83. ;""), (1). Cross, George F., 83. 5. Cross, Mabel, 83, o, (2). Cummings, Albert E., 50, 5, (5), Cummings, Charles E., 50, 5, (5), (d). _ Cummings, Emily, 164a, (>. Cummings, George \\ ., 103, 3. Cummings, Karl G., 50, 5, (5), (d), {b). Cummings, Susan E., 50, 5, (5), (d), (n). Cumston, Lydia, 125, 4. Cunningham, Charity, 69. 4, (1). Cunningham, Jane L., 253, 2. Currier, Asa, 64, 1. Currier, Jabez, 108, 5, (1). Currier, Mary, 213, 12. INDEX TO NAMES OTHER TZ/^iV H^^ (:^'f£, • 375 UA 1 NES Currier, Parna, 183. 2. Curtis, Edith J., 178, 3. Curvue, William, 54, 2. Cushing, Mary F., 149, 2. Daily, M. Lizzie, 116. 12, (3). Damon, Emily C, 164a, 2. Danforth, Content A^'.. 105, 5. Daniell, Eugene S.. 289. 2. Daniels, George F., 95 A, (1). Daniels, George AV.. 95. 4. Daniels, Nellie L.. 95, 4. (2). Darling, Mary A., 35, 7, (5), (a). Darrington, George W., 152, 6. Davis, Ann, 35, 7, ('3). Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis (a). Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Davis Anna H., 133, 1. Calvin, 34. 3, (6). Charles F., 164a, 4, (1). Deane, 34, 3, (1). Deane, 92, 4. Elizabeth, 34, 3, (3). Forest, 135, 1. (1). Francis K., 95, 5. Frank, 95. ;">. Frederick, 297, 5. Harold F., 164a. 4, (1), (b). Herman H., 164a, 4, (1), James, 34, 3, (5). Lizzie, 213, 7. Moses, 24, 4, (4). Eoxanna. 34, 3, (2). Thomas. 34, 3, (4). Thomas, 34, 3. Walter, 80, 2, (2). Dav, Elizur H., 231. 5. Day, Kirkland H., 231, 5, (2). Day, Margaret H., 231, 5, (3). Day, Marie F., 231, o, (1). Day, Martha J., 50. 5, (5), (c). Dearborn, Amanda. 97, 6, (3). Dearborn, Charles, 181, 5. Dearborn, Clinton, 54, 5, (3). Dearborn, Eleanor, 54, 5, (2), (b), (cl). Dearborn, Esther A., 97, G, (1). Dearborn, Ethel, 54, 5, (2), (a). Dearborn, Henry. 54, 5, (2), (a). Dearborn, John, 21, (I. Dearborn, Jolm S., 54, a, (2). Dearborn, John S., 54, o, (2), (b), (a). Dearborn, Josiali. 54, 5, (3). Dearborn, Julia, 97. 0, (2). Dearborn, Lyman, 97, 6, (4). Dearborn, Margaret, 21, 2. Dearborn, Mark AV., 54, 5,(2), (a). Dearborn, Xed, 54, T), (3). Dearborn, Peter, 97. 0. Dearborn, Ruth F., 54, 5, (2), (b), {b). Dearborn, Sophronia, 31, 8. Dearborn, Thomas A., 54, 5, (2), (», (0- Dearborn, Thomas H., 54, 5, (2), De Blois, FrauQois P., 119, 11. Delaney, Mary F.. 50, 5, (5) (e). Delate, Mamie, 297, 2. Dennison, Mary E., 142, 1. Denniston, Allen H., 196, 2, (1). Denniston, John T., 196, 2. Denniston, William T., 196. 2, (2). Dickey, James. 35, 8. Diddack, jNlaria. 165, 1. Dimick, L. 15.. 97. 2. (3). Dimick, Louisa, 97, 2, (1). Dinsmore, Martin L.. 35, 9, (2). Dinsmore, Thomas, 150. 1. Dodge, Andrew J.. 205. o. Dodge, Edward D.. 60. 3, (2). Dodge, Emma II.. 205. T), (2). Dodge, Eva M.. 205. T). (1). Dodge, Genevieve. 205. o, (3). Dodge, Lvdia \\'., 60, 3, (1). Dodge, Nancy T., 60, 3, (4). Dodge, Samuel. 60, 3. Dodge, Samuel T., 60, 3, (3). Dodge, Zenas H., 205, 5, (4). Doe, Mary E., 142, 4. Dolbee, Daniel, 12. 5. Dolbey, Eichard, 8, 2. 376 HAINES JIA YNES GENEALOGY. r>oll)oer, Polly. 21, 9. Dolloff, .Alary E., 176, 1. Dooiie, Frank, 35, 5, (2), (b). Downs, Arthur C, 162, (3). Downs, John 1'.., 57, 2, (2). Downs, Nathaniel, 57, 2. Downs, Sophia, 57, 2, (1). Dowst, George, 116. 12, (6). Dowst, Ernest (i., 116, 12, (6), (b). Dowst, Everett F., 116, 12, (G), (a). Drake, Elmer E., 161, 1. Drake, Mildred S., 161, 1. Drew, Eugene, 129, 2, (1). Drew, John, 129, 2. Drew, John E., 94, 3, (3). Drew, Walter H., 129, 2, (2). Driggs, Jessie A., 224, 2. Dudley, Oilman. 32, 3. Dudley, Mary, 18, 1. Dudley, Stephen. 32, 10. Dunn, Charles, 108, 5, (2). Dunn, Malvina S., 108, 5, (1). Dunn, Samuel, 108, 5. Dunbar, Virginia L., 145, 8. Durgin, Albert, 245, 2. Durgin, Daniel H., 26, 9, (2). Durgin, Horaee T., 35, 7, (1), (c). Durgin, Lueinda, 91, 7. Durgin, ]Marv, 25. 4. Durgin, Oni'n, 26. ••>, (1). Durgin, Sarali, 26, 9, (4). Durgin, Tiniothv, 26, 9. Durgin, AVillian'i ]>., 26, 9, (3). Dwinell, Martha G., 24, 6. Dyei-, Elbridge, 61, 3, (3). Dyer, Emilv, 61, 3. (A). Dyer, Jlarr'iet M. 11., 61, 3, (1). Dyer, Joshua H., 61, 3, (5). Dyer, Joshua S., 61. 3. Dyer, Luther P,., 61, li, (7). Dyer, IMartha A., 61, 3, (9). Dyer, Mary C, 61, 3, (2). Dyer, Kuliannah D., 61, 2. Dyer, Silas, 55, 5. Dyer, Walter II.. 83, 5, (2). Dyer, William S., 61, 3, (6). Dyson, AN'illiam, 152, 4. Eastman, Ambrose, 238. 1. Eastman, Charles, 204, .">. (1). Eastman, Cornelia E., 139, 1. Eastman, Edwin G., 54, 4, (2), (a). Eastman, Edwin W., 54, 4, (2), (a). Eastman, Ella F., 54. 4, (2), (a). Eastman, Ezekiel P., 204, 3. Eastman, Frank W., 204, 3, (2). Eastman, Kitty, 25, 7. Eastman, Mary W., 48, 6. Easterly, George W., 197, 1. Eaton, Caroline H., 78, 2. Eaton, Hannah M., 79, 3. Eaton, William, 127, 3. Edgerly, Mary, 10, 4. Eddy, Maria L., 74. 6. Edwards, Alice M., 83, 3, (3). Edwards, Eliza. 129, .S, (3), (a). Edwards, William F., 83, 3, (2). Elden, John, 17, 2. Elliott, Charles. 91, 11, (1). Elliott, Nancv. 108. 10. Elliott, W. I.', 201, 2. Ellis, Caleb, 213, 1. Emery, Lucy C, 50, 5, (4). Emery, ISIary ^L. 55, 3. Emery, Polly, 117, 4. Emerson, Thomas, 71, 2. Errol, Alice G., 75, 1, (3). Espev, Abbv, 69. 1. (1), (d). Espey, Abby .M., 69, 4, (7). Espey, Eugene S.. 69, 4, (8). Espey, Frank F., 69, 4, (1). Espey, Gertrude. 69. 4. ((>), (b). Espey, Harris. 69. 4, (0), (a.). Espey, Hugh S., 69, 4. ' Espey, Hugh S., 69. 4, (3). Espey, Hugh S., 69. 4, (1), (b). Espey, James (J., 69, 4, (9). Espey, John R., 69. 4, (6). Espey, Joshua H.. 69, 4, (4). Espey, Louisa H., 69, 4, (2). Espey, Eosie, 69, 4, (5). Espey, Paul D.. 69, 4, (1), (a). Espey, Phebe, 69, 4, (1), (c). INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN \ {\^\{^\¥^,^- 377 HA 1 A Eo Evans, Abigail, 30, 1. Evaus, Brice S., 84, 2, (1), (a). Evans, Daniel, 41, 5. Evans, George, 41, 5. Evans, Percival A., 84, 2, (1), (a). Evans, Ralph, 116, 12, (4). Evans, William B., 116, 12, (4). Fader, U. S., 52, 7. Fairchild, Carrie ]^., 186, 3. Fairchild, William, 186, 3. Faitute, Carrie, 158, 5. Fandland, Maggie, 213, 7. Farnham, Charles, 58, 6, (2). Farnham, Henry C, 58, 6, (1). Farnham, Israel, 58, 6, (3). Farnliam, Martha M., 58, 6, (4). Farnham, IMoses, 58, 6. Fellows, Orrin, 112, 1, (3). Felts, Sarah J., 152, 2. Ferguson, Albert, 58, 1, (3). Ferguson, Caroline, 58, 1, (4). Ferguson, Clementine, 58, 1, (1). Ferguson, Frank, 58, 1, (6). Ferguson, George W., 58, 1, (5). Ferguson, Harriet, 124, 1. Ferguson, Henrietta, 206, 5. Ferguson, John, 58, 1. Ferguson, John H., 58, 1, (2). Ferrish, Delphia, 55, 4. Fernald, Hannah, 115, 3. Fernald, Polly, 24, 3. Field, Frederick G., 288a, 3. Field, Haines, 288a. 3. Fife, Adora A.. 116. 12, (1). Fife, Alice F., 116, 12, (8). Fife, Arthur H., 116. 12, (3), (b). Fife, Dora A., 116, 12, (4). Fife, Effie M., 116, 12, (3), (a). Fife, Fred C. 116, 12, (7). Fife, James B., 116, 12, (3). Fife, Jeannette K., 116, 12, (5). Fife, John H., 116. 12. Fife, Leon S., 116, 12, (3), (d). Fife, Mary A., 116, 12, (2). Fife, :N^ettie J., 116, 12, (6). Fife, N. Louise, 116, 12, (3), (c). Fifield, George B., 27, G, (2). Filield, Mary, 1, 2. Fiiield, Sarah, 27, 6, (2). Fisk, Benjamin, 97, 7, (2). Fisk, Elbridge, 97, 7, (1). Fisk, Jefferson, 97, 7, (3). Fisk, John, 97, 7. Flagg, Kathleen, 276, 2. Flanders, Daniel, 128, 5. Flanders, Emma, 128, o, (5). Flanders, Frank, 128, o, (3). Flanders, Mary, 128, 5, (2). Flanders, Mary J.. 135, 1, (1). Flanders, ]S"aney, 60, 2. Flanders, Peabody, 128, 5, (1). Flanders, Sally, 32, 7. Flanders, Susan A., 150. G. Flanders, Willie, 128. 5, (4). Fletcher, Charles, 129, 4, (2). Fletcher, Fred L., 129. 4, (1). Fletcher, Jennie M., 129, 4, (3). Fletcher, Joel, 50, 1. Fletcher, John A., 129, 4. Fletcher, Olive, 61, 2. Fogg, Mary J.. 94, 5. Fogg, Smith, 60, 1. Folger, Charlotte A., 119, 2. Follansby, Alice C'., 54, o, (1), (a). Follansby, Charles H., 54, 5, (1), (a). Follansby, Cutting, 54, 5, (1). Follansby, Joey I\I., 54, 4, (2), (h). Follansby, Morgie A., 54, 4, (2), (a). Follansby, W. H. C. 54. H, (2). Follansby, William W'., 54, 4, (2). Follansby, AVilliam W., 54, 4, (2), (c). Ford, Alice, 41, 1. Ford, Melvina L., 119, 10. Ford, AVilliam H., 119, 10. Folsom, Abigail, 59, 6. Folsom, Betsy, 53. 3. Folsom, Josiah, 59. 1. Folsom, Sally, 31, 1. 378 Ia'yIeS I GENEALOGY Foss, Aletta J., 113, 9, (3). Foss, Almira, 284, 1. Foss, Ellen G., 113, 9, (1). Foss, Idella L.. 113, 9, (2). Foss, Polly, 54, 2. Foss, Warren, 84, 7. Foss, William B., 113, 9. Fossmore, William H., 94, 3, (2). Foster, Adeline, 127, 8. Foster, Alice M., 145, 7. Foster, Augusta M., 152, 1. Foy, Mary, 34, 2. Francis, John G., 106, 12, (1). Fiauk, George, 219, 4. Frank, Jennie, 70, 4. French, Ann A.. 63, 3. French, Daniel S., 63, 3. French, Dearborn, 61, 6. French, Mary, 54, 5, (2), (b). French, Mary F., 138, 3. French, Reuben T. AV.. 24, 4, (7). Frink, Sarah 0., 27, 6, (10). Fuller, George, 56, 8, (2). Fuller, Gilman, 56, 8, (2). Fuller, Hannah. 41, 2. Fuller, Sally, 36, 8. Fullerton, Francis A., 150, 8. Funk, Peter, 219, 4. Gage, Herman, 47, 2. Gale, Orrin S., 35, 7, (5), (jo). Gale, Sarah, 93, 4. Garland, Edna C, 28, 2, ((>), (b), (c). Garland, Florence W., 28, 2, (6), Garland, Hiram. 28. 2, (fi), (b). Garland, Irving. 28. 2, (0), (e). Garland, Sarah, 18, 3. Garland, Theodata A ., 28. 2, (6), (e). Garland, Willie D., 28, 2, (6), (b), (a). Gardner, Lewis, 106, 8, (G). Gardner, Margaret A., 71, 3. Garvin, Clarinda J., 97, 8, (1). Garvin, James L., 97, 8, (2). Garvin, Welcome, 97, (8). Galloupe, Carrie A., 95, G, (1). Galloupe, Elias A., 95, 6. Galloupe, Frederick W.. 95, G, (2). Galloupe, Harold E., 95, G, (5). Galloupe, Hattie T., 95, G, (3). Galloupe, Herbert C, 95, G, (4). Gee, Angle E., 130, 1. Gerrish, Almira S., 50, 5, (5). Gerrish, Ellen INI., 50, 5, (5). Gile, Etta M., 78, 2, (2). Gilman, Betsv, 32. 4. Gilman, David, 14, 1, (2). Gilman, Edward. 14. 1. Gilman, Edward, 14, 1, (3). Gilman, Eunice. 14, 5. Gilman, John, 10, G. Gilman, Jonathan, 32, 11. Gilman, Joseph, 14, 1, (1). Gilman, jMary J.. 114, 7. Gilman, Xoah, 14, 1, (4). Gilman, Samuel, 14. 1, (6). Gilman, Timothy, 14. 1, (5). Gilson, Angle, 131, 4, (3), (b). Gilson, Josephine B., 131, 4, (3), (a). Gilson, Eobert, 131, 4, (3). Glines, Phinette, 26. 7, (3). Godbold, Annie E., 254. 3. Goldsmith, Joshua, 45, 3. Gooch, Laura, 106. 8, (G). Goodrich, Earl S., 204, 1. Goodrich, Octavia L., 153, 2. Goodwin, Alfred J., 140. 2, (3). Goodwin, Frank E., 140, 2, (4). Goodwin, Hannah, 33, 4. Goodwin, James K., 140, 2. Goodwin, JNFaria, 286, 5. Goodwin, INIarian. 100, 6. Goodwin, Myra J., 140, 3. Goodenow, Abby C, 56, 7. Gookin, Eliza, 50, 4. Goss, Eliza T., 116, 9. Goss, Josephine, 153, 1, (1). Goss, Susanna, 10, 5. Gould, Abner, 80, 2, (1). Gould, Achsah, 80, 2, (2). INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN \ ^^"^{^^f^^^- 379 I HA 1 NES Gould, Adelbert B., 35, 10, (1), Gould, Charles A., 35, 10, (1), is)- Gould, Cyuthia, 35, 10, (1), (e> Gould, Fannie, 80, 2, (3). Gould, John, 80. 2. Gould, John W.. 35, 10, (1), (b). Gould, Joseph, 39, o. Gould, Lewis, 35, 10, (1), (d). Gould, Sarah M., 35, 10, (1), (a). Gould, Susan A., 35. 10, (1), (c). Gould, William C, 35, 10, (1). Gove, Charles, 37, 8, (2). Gove. Daniel, 37, 8, (6). Gove, David. 37, 8, (o). Gove, Dolly, 37. 8, (1). Gove, Ebenezer, 37, 8, (8). Gove, John, 37. 8, (1). Gove, Maiy, 37, 8, (3). Gove, Sabrina, 37, 8, (7). Gove, Winthrop, 37, 8. Gover, John, 38, 1. Goward, Charles W., 84, 2, (3). Gray, Annie E., 77, 5, (1). Gray, Emily H., 77, 5, (2). Gray, Harriet C, 31, 2, (1), (c). Gray, Samuel, 77, 5. Graves, Lorenzo D., 49, 2. Green, Anna, 154, 3. Greenleaf, Luther L., 26, 9, (2). Gridley, Charles H., 158, 3. Gridley, Frederick B., 158, 3, (3). Gridley, Gladys, 158. 3, (4). Gridley, Haines. 158. 3, (1). Gridley, Mary, 158, 3, (2). Griffin, George, 297, 9. Griffin, ]\Iartha. 24, 6. Grout, Edith. 285. 6, (2). Grout, Everette. 285. 6, (4). Grout, George L.. 285, 6. Grout, Ruth, 285. (3, (3). Grout, Sadie, 285, 6, (1). Grover, Alice, 75, 1, (3). Guilford, Aaron, 118, 1. Guilford, Frank, 118, 1. Guptil, Clara, 296, 1. Hadley, Ellen, 95. 2, (1). Hagerman, Ulala, 297. 4. Halbman, Frances C, 68, 2. Hale, Addie, 243. 8. Haley, Olivia, 139. 3. Hall, Benjamin. 36. ."). Hall, Betsey A.. 97. 2, (7). Hall, Helen M.. 235, 4. Hall, Ida ]\I., 242. 12. Hall, Jeremiah. 51, 2. Hall, Lavina, 98, 1. Hall, Louisa, 118, 2. Hall, Lvdia. 106. 2. Hall, Mary, 36. 3. - Hall, Sarah, 12, 4. Hall, Sarah, 36, 2. Hall, Sarah. 3. 2. Halliday, Alice Pv.. 124, 2,(l),(c). Halliday, James. 124, 2, (1), (c). Halm, Lena C, 219, 6. Hammond, Frank S., 157, 3. Hammond, Luther, 56, 4. Hammond, JVIary L., 157, 3, (1). Hammond, Paul H., 157, 3, (3). Hammond, Thomas, 52, 6. Hammond, Willie F., 157, 3, (2). Hanson, Ella M., 47, 1. Hancock, ISlarcie ]\r., 147, 6. Hardy, Loammi. 112. 5. Hare, Marv A., 28, 2. (0), (d). Harlow, William B., 103, 6. Harmon, Jane. 199, 2. Harmon, J. H.. 297, 3. Harmon, Joseph, 297, 1. Harmon, IMary. 104. 2. Harmon, Olive. 199, 2. Harriman, Amanda M., 56, 8, (1). Harriman, Benjamin L., 56, 8. Harriman, Byron, 56, 8, (6). Harriman, Caroline A., 56, 8, (5). Harriman, Chloe, 61, 5. Harriman, Eunice A. C, 56, 8, (3). Harriman, Fannie E.. 56. 8, (7). Harriman, Harriet j\L, 56, 8, (2). Harriman, ]\rary A., 56, 8, (4). 380 HAINES HA YNES GENEALOGY. Ham, ^I arietta, 236, -. JIainiltuii, Edith K., 178. .".. Harrington, Homer E.. 146, 1. Harrington, Wallace, 146, 1. Harris, Fred L., 112. <), (O). Harris, Gertrude, 69, 4, (6). Harper, Anna S., 121, 3, (1). Hartford, Erastus G., 27, G, (11). Harvey, Eliza, 43, 10. Harvey, Emma, 83, 2, (1). Haskell, Alberta, 106, 8, (2), (b), (a). Haskell, Arabella S., 106, 12, (10). Haskell, Caldwell, 106, 8, (o). Haskell, Celia E., 106, 12, (8), (a), (b). Haskell, Charles, 101, 8, (3). Haskell, Clarence G., 106, 12,(11). Haskell, Clarence G., 106, 12, (8), (d). Haskell, Clement C., 106, 12, (12). Haskell, C. W., 106, 12. (9). Haskell, Dudley H., 106, 8, (2). Haskell, Dudley H., 106, 8, (2), (b). Haskell, Dudley H., 106, 8, (2), Haskell, Edwin P.., 106, 12, (8). Haskell, Edwin D., 106, 12, (8), (a), (e). Haskell, Eleanor E., 106, 12, (9). Haskell, Ernestine, 106, 8, (2), (C), (a). Haskell, Ernestine S., 106, 8, (2), Haskell, Eugenia, 106, 8, (2), (a). Haskell, Frank, 101, 3, (2). Haskell, George, 101, 3, (1). Haskell, George C, 106, 12, (8), (a\ (d). Haskell, Harry H.. 106. 8, (2). (c). Haskell, Henry H., 106, 12, (8), (b). Haskell, Hester A. K..106, 12, (1). Haskell, Jessie H., 106, 8, (5). Haskell, Jol), 106, 8. Haskell, John I\I., 106, 8, (2), (d). Haskell, Josiah D., 101, 3, (4). Haskell, Josiah W., 101, 3. Haskell, Julia E., 106, 8, (6). Haskell, Levina H., 106, 12, (4). Haskell, Levina H.. 106, 12 (5). Haskell, ^Margaret, 106. 12, (8), (c). Haskell, Martha G., 106. 12, (8), (a), (a). Haskell, Mary H., 106, (8\ (1). Haskell, Miranda J., 106, 12, (3). Haskell, Moses G., 106, 12. Haskell, iMoses G., 106, 12, (2). Haskell, Peter H., 106. 12. (7). Haskell, Paymonde, 106, 8, (2), (e). Haskell, Stacy, 106, 8. (2), (c), (b). Haskell, Thomas. 142, 3. Haskell, A'iolet, 106, 8, (4). Haskell, William A., 106. 12, (6). Haskell, William E.. 106, 12, (8), (a). Haskell, William V. W., 106, 12, (8), (a), (c). Hathaway, Bailey, 42, 5. Hastings, JMargaret W., 117, 5. Haverland, Anna C, 80. 5. Haverland, Charles, 80, 2, (3). Haverland, Frank. 80, 2, (3). Hawks, John, 108. 2. Hay den, Abby J., 118, 10. Hayes, Frane"es, 280. 1. Heaney, Michael. 112, 1, (1). Heath, Mary A., 94, o. Heaton, Mary A., 101. 2. Hemmenway, Edith 8., 160, 1. Hengstter, Bernice (\. 267a, 2, (2). Hengstter, Charles, 267a, 2. Hengstter, Genevieve S., 267a, 2, Henidge, Alice U., 140, 2. (3), (a). Henidge, George A., 140, 2, (3), (b). Henidge, IMatilda, 140, 2, (3). /Hersey, C. X., 74, 2, (1). Hersey, Elijah, 45, 4. Hersey, Jai^es T., 74, 2, (2). Hersev, XatliMii. 74. 2. INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN \ ii'li^Jit- 381 II A \ NES Hewes, Andrew "\V.. 191, 8. Hewett, John, 108, 4. Hicks, Louisa, 116, 4. Hicks, Michael, 2, 5. Hicks, Michael, 2, 5, (1). Hicks, John, 2, 5, (4). Hicks, Samuel, 2, 5, (2). Hicks, Sarah, 2. 5, (3). Hill, Addie L , 178, 4. Hill, Celia, 106. 12, (8). Hill, David W., 112, 10. Hill, Hattie, 238, 2. Hill, John, 53, 4. Hill, Josie, 54, o, (3). Hill, Mary, 78, 2. Hill, Rebecca, 26, 3. Hilliard, Elvira, 112, 6, (1). Hilton, Mehitable, 31, 4. Hinkley, Flora, 213, 11. Hoad, Amelia F. C, 177, 1. Hodge, M. G., 26. 8, (o). Hodges, Evelyn, 163, 2, (1). Hodges, Henry C, 163, 2. Hodges, Louisa, 163, 2, (2). Ho hart, Isaac X., 35, 9, (1). Hogan, Katherine J., 119, 4, (1). Hoit, Emily A., 164a, 3. Hoitt, BetsV, 10, 1. Hoitt, Mary, 23, 2. Hoitt, Mary E., 95, 3. Hoitt, Temperance, 23, 1. Holman, Alice, 135. 7. Holman, Percy H., 283, 1. Holmes, Alice M., 231, 1, (2). Holmes, Hector McL, 231, 1, (3). Holmes, John, 17, 6. Holmes, John H., 231, 1, (1). Holmes, Marcus M., 231, 1. Hood, John, 42. 4. Hopkins, C, 109, 9. Hopkins, Nathaniel, 109, 3. Home, Annah, 73, 4. Home, Yianna, 112. (!. Horton, Bessie V., 233, 3. Hover, L. W., 69, 2. Hovey, Horace M., 26. 8, (1). Howe, Frederick W., 232, 5. Howe, Hannah, 76. 4, (1). Howe, Harry, 152. S. Howe, Henry i;., 152, 8. Howe, Mary A., 182. 1. Howe, Timothy 0., 204, 2. Howie, Alexander H., 131, 4, (2). Howie, (rordon, 131, 4, 2, (a). Howie, Keath, 131, 4, (2), (b). Howard, Dora B., 131, 2, (2). Howard, Erdix T., 166, 4. Howard, George. 286, 2. Howard, Grace A., 131, 2, (2). Hoyt, Charles A., 135, 1, (3). Hoyt, Delia A., 164a. 8. Hoyt, Laortie A.. 135. 1, (3). Hoyt, Laura M.. 288a, 2. Hoyt, jNIary J., 71, ij. Hubbard, Comfort, 1, 1, (4). Huggins, Xathaniel. 2. 1. Huggins, Nathaniel, 6, 2. Humphrey, Mary H., 69, 4, (3). Hunter, James, 35, 10, (4). Huntoon, Lewis, 105, 7. Hunt, Alice M., 129, 3, (3), (c). Hunt, Amory AY., 95, 7, (3). Hunt, Anne '^M., 129, ."i, (3), (a), (h). Hunt, Beatrice E., 129, 3, (3), (a), (a). Hunt, Cora E., 129, 3, (3), (b). Hunt, Harriet, 95, 7, (3). Hunt, John, 24, 4, (G). Hunt, Maschil, 129. 3, (3). Hunt, Thomas E., 129, 3, (3), (a). Hunter, Charles W., 124, 2, (1), (e)- Hunter, James, 35, 10, (4). Hurd, Fred 0., 231, 4. Huston, Phillip W., 162, 4. Hutchins, N., 37, 4. Hutchinson, Lucy, 83, 2, (2). Ingalls, Almeda C, 24, 4, (9). Ingalls, Arianna, 24, 4, (8), (a). Ingalls, Calvin, 24, 4, (1). Ingalls, Daniel M., 24, 4, (10). 382 HAINES I HAYMESi GENEALOGY. Ingalls, Deborali. 24, 4, (6). IngalLs, Frank B., 24, 4, (8), (c). Ingalls, .Helen C, 24, 4, (8), (d). Ingalls, John, 24, 4, (^). Ingalls, John E., 24, 4, (8), (e). Ingalls, Julia, 24. 4, (7). Ingalls, Matilda. 24, 4. (5). Ingalls, Xathaniel P., 24, 4. Ingalls, Kathaniel P., 24, 4, (3). Inialls, Orilla, 24, 4, (8), (b). Ingalls, Polly, 24, 4, (2). Ingalls, Polly, 24, 4, (4). Ingvaliam, Teresa E., 260, 2. Ireland, Mattie, 297, 8. Jackson, Almon, 78, 2, (1). Jackson, Anna L., 78, 2,(l),(d). Jackson, Frank H., 78, 2, (1), (c). Jackson, Gertrude M., 78, 2, (1), (f)- Jackson, Lee E., 78. 2, (1), (e). Jackson, Lina C, 78, 2, (1), (b). Jackson, William H., 78, 2, (1), (a). James, Alice "SI., 83. 2, (3). James, Beniali ^I., 83, 2. James, B. W., 197, 2. James, Edward N.. 83, 2, (2). James, George, 83, 2, (4). James, Grace, 83, 2, (5). James, Mary, 83, 2, (2). James, Nancy, 14, 3. James, Eali)li, 83, 2, (2). James, Sai'ali, 97. 9. James, Warren, 83, 2, (2). James, William H., 95, 2, (5). James, Willis A., 83. 2, (1). Jameson, Martha, 26, 8, (3). Janson, Pearl, 228, 2. Jenks, Charles, 219. 1. Jenks, Hattie -)., 219, 1, (3). Jenks, Mary M., 219. 1, (1). Jenks, M. Eugeniii, 219, 1, (4). Jenks, John P., 219, 1, (2). Jenness, Alice J., 28, 2, (G), (c). Jenness, Francis, 11, 1, (2). Jenness, Isaac, 11, 1. Jenness, Joseph, 11, 1, (1). Jenness, Mehitalilo, 2, 3. Jennings, Aunt', 6, 4. Jennings, Hannah, 105, 2. Jernigan, Alexander. 129. 3. Jernigan, Alice A., 129 .'!, (3). Jernigan, Everett A., 129. 3, (2). Jernigan, Thomas A., 129, 3, (1). Jewell, Lydia. 24, 1. Jewett, Sarah, 47. 1. Johnson, Albert, 48, 1. Johnson, Caroline. 45. 1, (1). Johnson, Daniel, 46. <>. Johnson, Eleanor, 13. . LaChapelle, Amanda, 219, 3. Ladd, Dudley, 14. G. Ladd, Dudley, 79, 2. Ladd, Susan H., 82, 2. Lamprey. Jenny R., 161, 2. Lambe rt, William B., 131, ],(l),(b). Lambert, William I).. 131, 1, (1). Lambert, WilliamD.. 131. 1, (1), (a). Lane, Cornelia T., 225, 1. Lang, Sally, 37. 3. Lang, S. C, 128, 4. Langdon, Josephine L., 154. 1, (2). Langdon, W. i\r., 154, 1, (2). Langley, Marian F.. 255, 3. Langley, Orrin A., 255, 3. Larrabee, William, 43, 4, (2). Laughton, Agnes E., 208, 2, (1). Laughton, Calvin, 47, 4. Laughton, Donald D.. 208, 2, (4). Laughton, Frank E.. 208, 2. Laughton, Inez E., 208. 2. ('2). Laughton, Richard H., 208, 2, (3). Layman, Charles H., 146, 5. Leach, Ellen, 95. 2. (2). Leach, Jemima, 26, 1. Leavitt, Alvah E., 242. 2. Leavitt, Alvah H.. 242. 2, (1). Leavitt, Louie, 242, 2, (2). Leavitt, ]\larv, 46. 7. Leavitt, Mattie. 242, 2, (3). LeBron, Leo T.. 147. 7. LeBron, Leo T., 147, 7. (1). LeBron, ^Marion E., 147, 7, (2). Lee, Joseph, 204, 10. 384 HAINES HAYNES GENEALOGY. Leet, Eugene, 249. 4. Lewis, Abby, 285, 1. Lewis, A. .jeronic. 56, 8, (4). Lewis, Ida J., 56, 8, (4). Lewis, Mary, 2, 4. Libbey, Abvaliam, 12, 2. Libbey, Amos, 191, 1. Libbey, l^eiinet, 21, 1. Libbey, Betsy, 198, 4. Libbe}^, Cyrus, 198, 9. Libbey, Rhoda. 104, 2. Little, Koah, 28, 4. Livingston, Edward W., 131, 1,(1). Livingston, Julia B., 131, 1, (1). Lock, Abigail, 5, 1, (3). Lock, Abner, 5, 1, (5). Lock, David, 5, 1, (10). Lock, Edward, 18, 6. Lock, Francis, 21, 5. Lock, Hannah, 5, 1, (7). Lock, John, 5, 1, (8). Lock, Jonathan, 5, 1. Lock, Jonathan, 5, 1, (2). Lock, Margaret, 5, 1, (4). Lock, Mary, 5, 1, (9). Lock, Patience, 5, 1, (1). Lock, tSarah, 5, 1, (G). Lock, William, 5, 1, (11). Lockie, Abbie I., 234, 2. Lock wood, Horace C, 151, 1. Lockwood, Josephine A., 151, 1. Lombard, Carrie E., 147, 3. Longfellow, Annie E., 136. Longhead, John, 197, 3. Loring, Julia P., 70, 1. Lord, Hannah, 44, 2. Lord, Margaret, 115, 1. Lord, Patience A., 115, 2. Lothrop, Sidlivan, 39, 6, Lovering, Abbie, 27, (>, (6). Lovering, Augustus, 27, (>, (6). Lovering, Georgiana, 27, G, (G). Lovering, Lizzie, 27, G, (G). Low, Lilly, 95, 2, (.'J). Lucas, Elcy J., 98, 3. Lucy, Betsy, 45, ;">. Lucy, Martha, 20, 3 , (1). Lucy, Polly, 19, G. Lunt, Eunice, 28, 7. Lunt, Josephine. 101. 3, (4). Lyford, ]^essie, 124, 2, (] ), (k). Lyford, Burton, 124, 2, (1), (i). Lyford, Charlotte E., 124. 2, (1), (c) Lyford, Clarence H..124, 2,(]),(f) Lyford, Edna C, 124, 2, (1). (n). Lyford, Edward H., 124, 2,(1), (d) Lyford, Ernest J., 124, 2, (1), (m) Lyford, Florence C., 124. 2,n\(g) Lyford, Francis E., 124, 2. (Ij, (h) Lyford, George A.. 124, 2, (1), (a) Lyford, Grace Pv., 124, 2, (1), (b) Lyford, Harriet, 122, 3. Lyford, Jeremiah H., 124, 2. Lyford, Lucy, 124, 2, (1), (j). Lyford, Martha B., 50, 5, (4). Lyford, Mary A., 124, 2, (1), (e). Lyford, Sarah, 124, 2, (1), (1). Lyford, William H., 124, 2, (1). M. Mack, B. F., 66, 1. Manson, Elva, 54, 5, (2), (a). Mansfield, Eliza, 27, 1. Maloon, Abbie M., 82, 4. Marden, ]\Larietta, 27, G, (1). Marble, Abby M., 69. 4, (2), (b). Marble, Claytes McH., 69, 4, (2). Marble, Hugh McH., 69, 4, (2), (a). Marr, Jennie A., 157, 1. Marsh, John, 53. 7. Marsh, Oliver, 53, 1. Marston, Elizabeth, 37, 1. Marston, iVIary A., 76, 3. Marston, Nathaniel, 9, 2. Marston, Nathaniel, 13, 6. Mason, Annie E., 106, 12, (8), (a). Martin, Elizabeth. 100. 5. Matthews, Emma F., 178, 3. Matthews, Nancy jVL, 113, 6. Maxine, Harriet, 47, 7. Maxwell, Jacob, 104. C). May, Josephine L., 237, 2. McAssey, Katherin(\ 68. •'),(.'>), (a). INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN \ ^^f^^^^^^- 385 McCausland, Margaret S., 94, 1. McCleary, Jane, 77, 2. McCullock, Eliza, 198, 1. McDauiel, Lydia, 17, 9. McDaniel, Lydia, 104, 1. McDaiiiels, Henry, 297, (3. McFadden, Minerva, 191, 4. McFarland, George F., 113, 9, (2). McKenney, Lydia, 29, 1. McKown, Ellen H., 119, 5. McLanch, Nancy, 105, 1. McLeod, Addie, 254, 1. McMaster, Margaret, 95, 6, (2). McMunn, James W., 155, 6. McNelly, Carrie A., 114, 5, (1). McQuesten, W. D., 37, 2. Meade, Annie H., 112, 8. Mears, Carrol, 164a, 6, (a). Mears, Earl H. :M., 164a, G, (d). Mears, Harry, 164a, (3, (b). Mears, J. W., 164a, 6. Mears, Ralph, 164a, 6, (c). Merrill, Abel K., 36, 11, (1). Merrill, Arthur, 36. 11, 8. Merrill, Benjamin, 36, 11. Merrill, Betsy, 21. 8. Merrill, Charlotte, 36, 11, (4). Merrill, David, 86, 2. Merrill, Ebenezer, 47, (3. Merrill, Eleanor, 36, 11, (6). Merrill, Eleanor, 36, 12. Merrill, Elizabeth. 30, 3. Merrill, Hannah, 36, 11, (2). Merrill, Henry, 36, 11, (7). Merrill, Jane, 128, 3. Merrill, Joseph, 36, 12. Merrill, Louisa, 36, 11, (5). Merrill, Mary J., 116, 6. Merrill, Mary L., 137, 3. Merrill, Olive, 59, 3. Merrill, Phebe A., 32, 7. Merrill, Sarah, 36, 11, (3). Merrill, William, 36, 11, (9). Merrick, Flora A., 135. 1, (2). Meservey, Arthur B., 31, 2, (1), (b). Meservey, Atwood B., 31, 2, (1), Meservey, Elizabeth (1., 31, 2, (1), Meservey, Mary, 54, o, (1), (a). Metcalf, Calvin, 47, 5. Merriman, (ieorge. 35, 10, (1), (a). Miller, B,osan;ia, 39. 7. Milliken, Hannah. 102, 1. Milliken, Loren J., 191, 2. Milliken, IMelissa. 191, 9. Milliken, Sarah E., 191, 8. Mills, Ida, 140, 2. (1). Mills, iNlinnie E.. 140. 2, (2). Mills, Samuel, 198, 7. Mills, Warren, 140. 2. Millard, Flora. 268a, 2. Miner, D wight, 108, 3. Minot, Josiah, 124, 5. Mitchell, Betsy, 10, 3, (4). Mitchell, Caleb, 10, 3. Mitchell, Caleb, 10, 3, (3). Mitchell, Dorcas, 10, 3, (7). Mitchell, John, 10, 3, (2). Mitchell, Laura J., 48, 3. Mitchell, Nancy, 10. 3, (5). Mitchell, Rachel H., 106, 8, (2). Mitchell, Sally, 10, 3, (G). Mitchell, Samuel, 10, 3. (1). Moffit, Charles M., 178, 6. Mousey, Benjamin, 24, 5. Mousey, Mary, 24, 5, (2). Mousey, jMelutable, 24, o, (3). Mousey, Sally, 24, ;">, (1). Montpelier, Nellie, 106, 8, (2), (b). Moore, John. 81, 1. Moore, Mary. 35. 4. Moore, Susan, 81, 1. Morgan, Mahala, 26, 7, (1). Morgan, Mary J., 108. 8. Morgan, Rhoda, 1?.. 108, G. Morrell, John, 105. 9. Morrell, Theodate, 73, 2. Morrison, Nancy B.. 262, 2. Morse, George. 86, 5. Morse, Marcellus, 86, 5. Morse, Robert, 96. 3. Morse, Timothy, 96, 6. Moses, Mary F., 59, 8. 380 HAINES HA YNES -■} GENEALOGY. Moses, Mary, 117. ('>. Moulton, Judith, 68, 5. Muultou, Mary, 14. 7. .Muulton, Naury K, 149, 2. Mulgrew, JNIary, 84, L'. (1). jMulligan, Sophronia, 131, 4. Munger, Marian L., 106, 12, (8), Murphy, Edith P., 95, 9, (1). Murphy, Frank S., 131, o, (2). Murphy, Howard H., 131, 5, (2), (a). Murphy, Ida S., 95, 9, (1). Murphy, Marvin, 131, 5, (2), (b). N. Nahefield, Blanrhe A., 131, 4, (1). Nay, Abigail, 26, 1. Neal, Ann, 135, 2. Neal, Harriet C, 204, 5. Neal, Joshua, 7, 4. Neal, Mary, 59, 2. Neal, Mary, 62, 1. Neate, Ellenor, 1. Newhall, Bessie, 140, 3. Newton, Hazel H., 180, 2. Newton, Herbert J., 180, 2. Ney, Joseph, 44, 4. Neyman, Eleanor, 164. 1. Nichols, Susan A., 58, 5. Nolte, Clifford S., 27, 6, (7), (b). Nolte, Frederick W., 27. (J, (7), Nolte, Herman A., 27, (\, (7), (b). Nolte, Phillip P., 27, 6, (7), (b). Norton, Benjamin, 5, 2. Norton, Benjamin, 12, 9. (o). Norton, Gertrude A.. 259, 1. Norton, Hebron. 42, 7. Norton, Helen, 42, 7. Norton, Jackson, 27, (i, (0). Norton, ]\Iargaret K, 125, 9. Norton, Nancy, 5, 8. Norton, Polly, 12, 9, (2). Norton, R. J., 109. 2. Norton, Simeon, 12, 9. Norton, William, 12, 9, (1). Norcross, Susan, 191, 10. Norris, Elizabeth. 104a. Norris, Thomas, 41. o. Norris, Thomas C. 41, 4. Norris, Shepard H.. 41, 3, Nourse, Elcy T., 62. (;. Nowell, Theodatp, 73, 2. Noyes, Charles, 54, 4. Noyes, Hannah C., 54. 4, (1). Noyes, Wealthy A., 54, 4, (2). Nudd, Benjamin, 96, 2. Nudd, Betsy, 36, 9. Nudd, Charles H.. 45, 2. Nudd, Eleanor, 45, 2. Nudd, Mary, 45, 2. Nudd, Martha, 15, 1. Nudd, Martha, 112. Nudd, Rachel, 96, 1. Nudd, Richard, 45, 2. Nudd, Richard P., 45, 2. Nudd, Thomas L., 45, 2. Nute, Addie F., 221, 2. O. Oakley, Elizabeth, 103, 1. Oaks, Charles H., 208, 3. O'Brian, Miriam, 50, T), (5), (b),(a). O'Brian, Robert L..'50, 5, (5), (b), Ogden, Leroy, 69, 1, (4). Olney, Charles J., 95. 7. Olney, Charles J., 95, 7, (4). Olney, George B.. 95, 7, (2). Olney, Helen, 95, 7, (2), (b). Olney, Julia E., 95. 7, (3). Olney, Katharine, 95, 7, (2), (a). Olney, IMary A.. 95, 7, (1). Olmstead, Charles H., 153, 1, (2). Olmstead, Erwin TI.. 153. 1, (3). Olmstead, Harrv E.. 153. 1, (1). Olmstead, Johm D. S., 153, 1. O'Niel, John 1)., 54. 5, (8), (e). Ordwav. Colia A.. 75, 1, (2). Ordway, Elsie, 75, 1, (3). Ordway, Frank H., 75, 1, (1). INDEX TO NAMES OTHER TIlAX\'//'\[^,!^:t- 387 ( 11 ^1 1 -V £. o Ordway, Fred L., 75, 1, (3). Ordway, Ida .M., 75, 1, (4). Ordway, Lvsandev, 75. 1. Ordway, Willard, 141, 2. Osgood, Anna, 30, 2. Owen, Maggie, 68, 4, (1), (a). Owens, Archie li., 195, 4. Owens, Elizabeth J., 133, 1. Owens, John A., 195, 4. Packer, James P., 29, 2. Page, Fred A., 224, 1. Page, Matilda, 158, 1. Paine, Mary, 186, 2. Palmer, Edith, 298, 1. Palmer, Mary A., 91, 5. Palmer, Susan, 109, 6. Parker, Alice, 83, 4, (1), (a). Parker, Carl, 83, 4, (1), (c). Parker, Charles, 35, 10, (o). Parker, Claude, 83, 4, (1), (b). Parker, Florence, 83, 4, (1), (d). Parker, Hannah. 59, 2. Parker, Lewis, 83, 4, (2). Parker, R. C, 121, 3, (2). Parker, Susannah, 53. 2. Parsons, Emily M., 63, 4, (1). Parsons, Mary, 32, 7. Parsons, Pickering P., 74, 1. Pascher, Jane, 102, 9. Patch, Charles W., 75, 2. Patch, Ida J., 75, 2. Patten, Frances, 123, 1. Patten, Joseph H., 35, 9, (2). Patten, Sophia, 53, 3. Paul, Ethel V., 135, 10, (3). Pease, Benjamin F., 206, 3. Pease, Charles E., 206, 3. Peck, Annie L., 180, 3. Pendergast, jSTellie, 255, 1. Penley, Jane, 39, 7. Penniman, Dorcas, 55, 1. Pepper, William T., 69, 2. Perkins, Alice S., 69. 1, (2), (a). Perkins, Elizabeth, 243, 1. Perkins, Harold ('., 69, 1, (2), (d). Perkins, Hugh K., 69. 1,(2), (b). Perkins. James . Perkins, Joshua S., 69, 1, (^2), (C). Perkins, Xellie J., 255, 2. ' Perley, Cynthia, 83, 7. Perlev, Mai-ia, 116. 1 . Perry, Alice M., 221, 2. Perry, Charles 0., 190, 3. Perry, Joseph, 75, 4. Phelps, Emily P., 35, G, (6). Philbrick, Benjamin. 45, 1, (3). Philbrick, Betsy L., 30, 2, Philbrick, Charles P.. 45. 1, (3). Philbrick, E. T., 53. S, ^1). Philbrick, Franklin, 45, 1 (3). Philbrick, George T.. 45, 1, (3). Philbrick, Joseph. 45, 1, (3). Philbrick, IVIary, 31, 6. Philbrick, Mary H.. 25, G. Philbrook, Daniel, 27, <3, (4). Phillips, Georgie A., 224, 4. Pickering, Anne R.. 27, 0, (7). Pickering, Mary, 50, 7. Pickering, Mehitable, 2, 2, (1). Pierce, George M.. 219, 4. Pike, Carrie T., 219, 3. Pilsbury, Charles, 191, 3 Pilsbury, Hannah, 25, 5 Finer, Patience, 7, 1. Piper, John, 7, 5. Pitman, Angerine, 112, 5, (4). Pitman, Marv E., 112, 5, (4). Pitt, T, A., 170, 1. Poor, Dudley F., 106. 8, (2), (e), (a). Poor, Franklin B.. 106, 8, (2), (e). Poor, Patricia, 106, S. (2), (e;, (/>). Pond, Emma M., 178, 2. Porter, Edith R., 31, 2,(6), (b),(a). Porter, Ethna A.. 31. 2. ( G). (b), (, (5), (g), Sargent, Nellie L., 61, 3, (7). 890 . HAYNis \ OENEALOGY. Sargent, Samuel, 61, 7. Sefton, Mary L., 114, 2, (2). Sargent, Sarah, 27, 1. Sevain, Asa ^1., 61, 3, (2). Sargent, Sherburne, 61, 7, (6). Severance, Martha ().. 127, 9. Sargent, William C'., 61. .'!. (G). Sewall, Abigail. 17. 9. Sargent, ^\■illiam G., 203, 2. Seward, J. J., 69, 1. (3). Sargent, William T., 50, 5, (5), Shapley, Euel G., 75, 5. (ff). Shattuck, Caroline M., 150. Saunders, Abigail, 37, 6, (1). Shaw, Eliza B., 71, 3. Saunders, Benjamin H., 37, 6,(4). Shellabarger, Francis ^'.. 110, 4. Saunders, Daniel H., 37, G, (6). Shepherd, Harriet ]M.. 254, 3. Saunders, Eliza, 37, G, (3). Sherburne, Abigail, 5, 4. Saunders, Helen, 170, 2. Sherwood, Sydney. 34, (3), 3. Saunders, Henry, 37, 6. Siddens, Charles. 152. D. Saunders, Oliver, 37, G, (5). Siddens, Sarah L., 152. '.). Saunders. Ruhanna. 37, 6, (2). Silsbee, Isaac, 36. 12. Savage, Benjamin, 19, 7. Silver, ]\Iary J., 82, 2. Sawyer, Arthur, 54. 5, (1), (a). Simmons, Mary H., 35. 7. (1), (e). Sawyer, Charles, 54, (o), (1), (a). Simpson, Augustus A\..27, 6, (5). Sawyer, Ezra A. J., 31. 2, (1), (a). Simpson, Catherine, 27, G, (2). Sawyer. Frederick B., 31, 2, (1), Simpson, Charles, 27. G. (1). (a), {a). Simpson, Charles E., 27, ('>, (1). Sawyer, H. Russell, 28,2, (6), (c), Simpson, Charles E., 119. 4. (1). (a). Simpson, (diaries H.. ]J9. 4. Sawyer, John F., 31, 2, (1), (a), Simpson, 4:dgar :\1.. 1S2. 2. (h). Simpson, Elizabeth E.. 27. G, (9). Sawyer, Mabel J., 31, 2, (1), (a), Simpson, Florence H., 119. 4, (3). {<•). Simpson, James C.. 27. G, (7), (a). Sawyer, Mary, 83, 2, (2). Simpson, John. 27. G. Sawyer, Mary, 181. 2. Simpson, John A.. 27, G. (3). Sawyer, Mary L., 31, 2, (1), (a), Simpson, John S.. 27. G. (10), (b). (d). Simpson, Joseph G., 27, G, (10), Sawyer, Sarah, 41, 7. (c). Sayward, Lydia IVl., 99, 3. Simpson, Joseph P.. 27, G, (10). Schenkel, Anna, 145, 2. Simpson, Lucinda, 29, 1. Schofield, Anna, 106, 3. Simpson, Martha, 27. 3. Schonhardt, Lewis, 114, 6, (2). Simpson, JMary E., 119. 4, (2). Scott, Samuel G., 67, 4. Simpson, Mary F., 27, ('>. (10). (a). Seaver, Henry A., 50, 5, (3), (c), Simpson, Mary J. M.. 27. (i, (G). (c). Simpson, jSTathaniel H., 27, 6,(7). Seaver, Mary L., 50, 5, (3), (c), Simpson, Phila M., 27. G, (8). (A). Simpson, Ruth, 27. C). (7), (b). Seaver, Thomas McG., 50, 5, (3), Simpson, Sarah A.. 27. G, (4). (C), (a). Simpson, Susan 1^., 27. G, (11). Seaver, William, 50, 5, (3), (c). Simpson, William, 27, 2. Seavev, Hannah, 17. 7. Sinclair, .lohn L.. 81. 2. Seavev, William V.. 93, 3, (1). Skelton, Byron N., 124, 2, (1), (b), Seelye, Amy M., 146, 8. {d). INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN \\l^Y^.^^^- 391 HAYNES Skelton, Clara, 124, 2, (\\ (b), Qj). Skelton, Darrah .AL, 124. 2, (i), (b), (a). Skelton, Frank B., 124, 2, (1), (b). Skelton, Glenn E., 124, 2, (1), (b), Skelton, James L., 124, 2, (1), (b), Skelton, Perry H., 124, 2, (1), (b), (b). Skelton, Ealph F., 124, 2, (1), (b), (70. Skelton, R. Eloise. 124, 2, (1), (b), if)- Slater, Sarah, 118, 4. Sleeper, Horace L.. 65, 6. Sleeper, Lorinda. 65. 0. Small, Amanda, 191, 7. Smart, Betsy, 97. 3, (2). Smart, Elisha, 97. 3, (3). Smart, Ennice, 97. 3, (4). Smart, Greenoush. 182, 2. Smart, James. 97. 3, (1). Smart, Jeremiah, 97, 3. Smart, Lueetta, 97, 3, (6). Smart, Margaret. 98, 2. Smart, Moses, 36. 1. Smart, Peter, 122, 1. Smart, Samuel, 97, 3, (5). Smart, Sarah, 20, 1. Smart, Sarah, 37, 5. Smart, Sarah, 97, 1. Smith, Aaron, 91, 4. Smith, Annie P., 206, 6, (1). Smith, Archibald, 42, 6. Smith, Catharine. 46, o. Smith, Charles, 50, 5, (1), (b). Smith, Clara 0., 31. 2, (6), (a). Smith, Clinton. 165. 4, (1). Smith, Cora. 135. 10. (2). Smith, Dolly. 31. 10. Smith, Esther J.. 91, 4, (2). Smith, Georo-e, 124, 2, (3). Smith, James, 51. 3. Smith, Jessie W.. 91. 4, 63), (b). Smith, John IT., 91. 4, (3). ' Smith, John N., 91, 4, (3), (a). Smith, Louisa, 26. 4. Smith, 3Iargaiet. 70. 3. Smitli, .Martha H.. 62, 4. Smith, Mary, 183, 3. Smith, Mary A., 118, 5. Smith, :\Iary ,^.\ 91, 4, (1). Smith, Moses B.. 31, 2, (G), (a). Smith, Ralph, 165, 4, (2). Smith, Roscoe (J.. 130. 4. Smith, Sabrina, 109. 4. Smith, Sarah H., 58, 1, (5). Smith, Sarah R., 21, 10. Smith, Sarah \., 91, 4, (3), (c). Smith, Susan A., 150, 5. Smith, AVilliam, 165, 4. Smithwicls, Clara. 131, 5. Smoke, Victory. 165. 2. Snipe, Alexena 1'.. 64, 2. Soule, George. 158, 6, (3). Soule, Sherrod. 158. 6. Soule, Sherrod. 158. G. (1). Soule, Theodate H., 158. 6, (2). Sowles, Harvey R., 230, 1, (2). Sowles, Ira S.," 230, 1. Sowles, Mabel II.. 230, 1, (1). Sprague, Lydia, 68. 1. Spear, Annie S.. 119. 1. Spear, E. R., 203, 3. Spencer, Elizabeth H., 69, 1, (3). Spencer, Emma E., 69. 1, (4). Spencer, Harriet L., 69, I, (2). Spencer, John W., 69, 1. Spencer, John W., 69, 1, {J)). Spencer, Joshua M., 69, 1, (1). Spencer, Wealthy. 18, 4. Spicer, Charles, 165, o. Squires, Lucinda, 128, 2. Stackwell, Mary O., 249, 2. Stackwell, Stella, 249, 2. Stanley, Jane ^I., 93. 4. Stevens, Andrew d.. 35. 9. (3). Stevens, Bessie I'l. 175, 1, (1). Stevens, David. 64. 3. Stevens, Eliza A\'.. 46. 7. Stevens, Fannie ]\r.. 86. 6. Stevens, Hannah, 24, 2. Stevens, Martha, 23, 4, 392 HAINES \ UAYNES \ GENEALOGY Stevens, Mary C, 35, 9, (2), Stevens, Mehitable. 23. ;">. Stevens, Octavia E.. 135, 4. Stevens, Peter, 35, 1>. Stevens, Sarah H., 35, 9, (1). Stevens, Timothy H., 175, 1, (2). Stevens, William H., 175, 1. Stevenson, Arthur T.. 83, 4, (1). Stevenson, Florence M., 83, 4, Stevenson, Thomas, 83, 4. Steward, John, 17, 8. Stewart, Frances, 133, 2. Stewart, George W., 131, 1, (3). Stewart, Ida B., 101, 4. Stewart, John, 104, 5. Stewart, Mary E., 131, 1, (3). Stickney, Abby, 112, 1,(2). Stickney, Eusebiiis. 31, 5. Stickney, Helen, 112, 1, (3). Stickney, Lucy A., 112, 1, (1). Stickney, Samuel, 112, 1. Stiles, Carrie A., 131, 3, (1), Stimson, Mary S., 164a, 4. Stone, Charlotte S.. 238, 7, (2). Stone, Edwin, 238, 7. Stone, Loring E., 70, 8. Stone, Lucinda, 78, 1. Stone, William, 238, 7, (1). Stoneburgh, A. \\ ., 240, 3. Story, Mabel, 118. 6. Stover, Lena A., 27, 6. (7), (a). Straker, Cecelia K., 205, 2. Stratton, Ida M., 138, 1, (1). Stnbbs, Stella G., 220. 1 . Sturgis, Elizabeth S.. 285, 5. Sturtivant, Sallv, 26, 3. Sulham, Earl, 78, 2, (1), (d), (a). Sulham, Ervin, 78. 2, (1), (d). Sulham, Jessie, 78, 2, (2), (d), Sullivan, Jennie. 234. 1. Sumner, Jane, 121. 1. Swcetscr. Sarali W.. 172. 1. Swett, Laura IM.. 153. 1, (2). Symms, Abby, 130, 1. Taft, Adin W., 114. f,. H). Taft, Dorothy 11., 114, G, (1), (b). Taft, Earl H., 114, 6, (1), (a).' Talmage, Lottie. 106. 8, (2), (c). Talor, Kate, 167. 1 . Taylor, Martlia. 191, 7. 4^aylor, Nancy, 24, 4, (1). Tenney, Addie L., 262, 2. Tewksbury, Maria, 128, 1. Thayer, Lucy T., 129, 1. Thing, Anna, 7, 2. Thomas, Al^bie L.. 35, 5, (2), (b). Thomas, Alfred. 35, 5, (2). Thomas, Estella V., 35, 5, (2), (c). Thomas, John, 92. 1. Thomas, Josephine A., 35, 5, (2), (a). Thompson, Albert H., 112, 5, (4). Thompson, Ar villa H., 112. T). (4). Thompson, Elizabeth H., 112, 5, (4). Thompson, Kose S., 112, 5, (A). Thurston, Addie II. AV., 54, 4, Thurston, Floriette H. F., 54. 4, (1), (a). Thurston, Harriet M. B., 54, 4, (1), (c). Thurston, Nathaniel, 54, 4, (1). Thyng, Dudley, 46, 8. Tibbetts, Aloiizo, 114. 1. Tibbetts, Herman A., 114, 1. Tibbetts, Obadiah, 39, 3. Tibbetts, Samuel, 40. 2. Tielscher, Herman. 225, 4. Tilly, Lottie, 240. 2. Tilton, Alice S., 179. 4. Tiltou, William, 35, 10. (1). (a). Tinklepauoh,AltoiiD..266a.3,(2). Tiukk^paui^li, Tlir(Hl()ri'C..266a. 3. Tinklopau-^h, William B.. 266a, 3,(1). Titcomb, John. 105. 6. Totnuui, Lydia, 68, 2. Topham, Fannie E., 114, 6. INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN \ '/,■\[1^[f^'^^,^ ^IA 1 NES 393 Totten, Arthur B., 206. G, (1). Totteu, Charles A., 206, 6. Totteu, Emma J., 206, G, (3). Totten, Lillian, 206, G, (2). Townsend, Anna, 106 1. Townsend, Asa S., 108. 9. Townsend, Henry C, 108, 9, (1). Townsend, Julia A., 108, 9, (2). Tread well, Flora G., 138, 1, (2.) Treadwell, George H., 138, 1, (1). Treadwell, Napoleon B., 138, 1. Ti-ipp, Eliza A., 43, 4, (5). Trowbridge, Maria ¥., 236, 1. True, Ancil N., 68, 4, (2). True, Asa H., 68, 4. True, Edgar C, 68, 3, (1), (a). True, Ernest B., 68. 3, (3), (c). True, Eunice M., 68, 3, (3) (d). True, Fred B., 68. 3, (1), (c). True, Gordon H., 68, 3, (3), (b). True, Jacob, 60. r>. True, John M., 68, 3, (3). True, Katie M., 68. 3, (2), (b). True, Katharine, 68, 3, (3), (e). True, Lucy E., 68. .'-!. (1). (b). True, Marston C., 68, 3, (2j, (c). True, Orin H., 68, 3, (1). True, Kodney H., 68, 3, (3), (a). True, Willis N., 68, 3, (2), (a). Tucker, Charles B., 178, 3. Tucker, Kenneth E., 178, 3. Turner, Caroline B., 31, 2, (1), (c). Tattle, Emma. 200, 1. Tattle, Frederick A., 114, 4. Tattle, Lydia S., 59, 8. Vail, Holman, 155, 7. Vail, Julia H., 155, 7, (2). Vail, Margaret, 155, 7, (1). Vallette, Euth M., 50, 5, (4), (a), Vance, James E., 70, 6. Vaughn, Victoria E., 140, 1. Vickery, Effie E., 61, 8, (5). Vickery, Hattie E., 61, 8, (4). Vickery, Hattie J., 61, 8, (3). Vickery, Ida A., 61, S, (2). Vickery, Josiali \\, 61, 8. Vickery, Leroy P., 61, 8, (1). Vivuan, Cordelia H., 62, 4. "W. Ward well, Austin L., 131, 4. Wager, Addie B., 157, 2. Waldron, John, 121, 3, (2). Waldron, Velma A., 121, 3, (4). Walker, Carl S. H.. 54, 5, (8), (d). Walker, David S., 69, 5. Walker, Dora H., 54, 5, (8), (b). Walker,Nannie A.H., 54, 5, (8), (c). Walker, Noah H., 54, 5, (8), (a). Walker, Noah S , 54. 5, (8). Wasson, Caroline, 79, 1. Wasson, Lavinia, 47, 8. Watson, Mary A., 255, 1. Warren, Arthur, 69. 4. (7). Warren, Mays M.. 69, 4, (7). Ward, William W., 146, G. Waugh, Bathsheba F., 199, 1. Waugh, Charles, 74, 5. Webber, John H., 126, 2, (2). Webber, Susan P.. 126, 2, (1). Webber, Thomas, 126, 2. Webster, Charles, 121, 2. Webster, Hattie, 121, 2. Weaver, Hattie A., 128, 4. Wedelstaedt, Olga von, 106, 12, (8), (a). Wedgwood, Harriet A., 26, 6, (1). Weeks, Comfort, 2, 2, (3). Weeks, Eleanor, 2, 2, (G). Weeks, John, 1. 1, (1). Weeks, John, 2, 2, (2). Weeks, Jonathan, 1, 1, (G). Weeks, Jonathan, 6, 3. Weeks, Josejjh, 1, 1, (3). Weeks, Josepli, 6. 1, (3). Weeks, -roshua. 1. 1, (4). Weeks, Leonard, 1, i. Weeks, Malinda H., 24, 4, (8). Weeks, Margaret, 1, 1, (7). 394 HAINES \ HAYNES \ GENEALOGY Weeks, Mary, 1, 1, (5). Weeks, Mary, 2, 2, (5). Weeks, Matthias, 2, 2, (4). Weeks, Molly. 6, 1, (2). Weeks, Olive, 9, 7. Weeks, Samuel, 1, 1, (2). Weeks, Samuel, 2, 2. Weeks, Samuel, 2, 2, (1). Weeks, Sarah, 1, 1, (8). Weeks, Sarah, 9, 8. Weeks, Stephen, 124, 4. Weeks, Thomas, 6, 1. Weeks, Thomas, 6, 1, (1). Weeks, Walter, 2, 2, (3). Weeks, Walter, 37, 1. Weeks, William, 2, 2, (7). Weeks, William, 13, 4. Weishaupt, Letta A., 151, 3, (1). Weishaupt, Marianna JM., 151, 3, (3). Weishaupt, Nellie H., 151, 3, (2). Weishaupt, Robert. 151, 3. Wells. Alice M., 116, 12, (7). Wells, Clinton A., 50, 5, (4), (b), {a). Wells, Graham C, 50, 5, (4), (b). Wells, Ida A., 224, 3. _Wells, Reuben, 35. 11. Weldon, Almira, 68, 7. Wentworth, George L., 172, 2. Wentworth, Llewellyn H., 172, 2. West, Thomas 1\, 130, 2. Weston, Ruby, 108, 5, (1). Weymanthe, Martha J., 73, 4. Wharff, Lizzie, 213, 5. Wheeler, Martin J., 78, 2, (1), (b). Wheeler, Nettie, 35, 10, (1), (b). Wheeler, Rhoda, 127, 4. Wheelock, Mary S., 116, 4. Wheelock, AViliiam, 35, 5, (2), (a). Whicher, Sally, 36, 8. Whidden, Abbie A., 28, 2, (G), (b). Whidden, Anna A., 28, 2, (6), (e). Whidden, Charles II., 28, 2, (6), (d), (h). Whidden, Charles S.,28,2,(6), (c). Whidden, Comfort, 28, 2, (3). Whidden, Edith E., 28, 2, (6), (c), Whidden, Hannah, 13, 1, (2;. Whidden, Horace D.,28.2, {^),{d). Whidden, James W.. 28, 2, (7). Whidden, :\Iaria. 28. 2, (5). Whidden, iMarv, 13, 1, (1). Whidden, Mary ^N ., 28, 2, (6), (c), Whidden, Oliver, 28, 2, (1). Whidden, Sally, 28, (3. Whidden, Sarah 4, 1. Whidden, Sarah, 28, 2, (4). Whidden, Sarah .AL, 28, 2, (6), (a). Whidden, Samuel, 13, 1. Whidden, Samuel, 28, 2. Whidden, Samuel H., 28, 2, (6). Whidden, Samuel S., 28,2,(6),(d), {a.) Whidden, Stacy, 28, 2, (2). Whidden, William, 13, 1, (2). Whipple, Eugene. 35, 10, (1), (c). Whipple, Josie, 35, 10, (1), (d). Whitaker, Ada L., 135, 1. (2), (b). Whitaker, Alice S. W.. 135. 1, (1). Whitaker, Alvin M., 135, 1, (2), Whitaker, Caroline J., 135, 1, (2), (c). Whitaker, Eleanor A., 135, 1, (3). Whitaker, Elsie C, 135, 1, (2), (a). Whitaker, Flora J.. 135. 1. (2), (d). Whitaker, Howard L.. 135, 1, (2), (e). Whitaker, John E., 135, 1, (1). Whitaker, Joseph, 135. 1. Whitaker, Orlaton L., 135, 1, (2). White, Bradford A., 132, 2. White, Ethel H., 132, 2. White, Ethel M., 262. 1, (2). White, George R.. 262, 1. White, Mabel L.. 262. 1, (1). Whiting, Mary J., 71, 4. Whitman, Mary, 114, 3. Whitmore, James R., 43, 4, (1). Whitney, George, 106, 13. INDEX TO NAMES OTHER THAN HAINES HAYNES 395 Wiggin. Wiggin Wiggin, Wiggin, Wiggin Wiggin Wiggin Wiggin Wiggin Wiggin Wiggin Whitney, Lawrence H.,238, 8, (1). Whitney, Mary G., 238. 8, (2). Whitney, William S., 238, 8. Whittier, Josephine, 118, 7. Whitton, Larana 45, 1, (1). Whitton, Trnman, 84, 2, (1), (b). Whitton, William M., 221, 1. Wiggin, Asa, 27, 8. Charles L., 135, 10, (2). George A., 135. 10, (1). Ebenezer, 60. O. Edwin, 135, 10. Eliza, 44. 5. Frank J., 135, 10, (3). Fred W., 135, 10, (4). Hannah, 7, 2. Mahala, 27, 6, (3). Nathaniel, 21, 7. Noah L., 61, 3, (1). Wilber, Prudence A., 69, 3. Wilde, Sarah, 234, 3. Willey, Nancy, 60, 2. Williams, Caroline, 34, 1, (4). Williams, Charles A., 176, 2. Williams, Dexter, 34, 1, (1). Williams, Eli, 34, 1, (3). Williams, John, 34, 1. Williams, Lavinia, 34, 1, (2). Williams, Nancy, 106, 4. Williams, Patience M., 206, 2. Williams, Sarah, 64, 5. Williams, Timothy, 34, 1, (5). Williams, William A., 176, 2. Williams, William M., 43, 4, (6). Williamson, Caroline J., 109, 1. AVillis, Sarah S., 91, 4, (3). Willoughbv, Betsy, 36, 4. Wilson^ Gertrude, 162, 2. Wing, Frances, 200, 1. Wmgate, Betsy, 41, 0. Winslow, Darius, 54, 5, (2). Winslow, Ella L., 54, o, (2). Wiswall, Clara A., 139, 3. Withington, Sarah, 125, 7. Wood, Eliza B., 58, 2. Wood, E. N.. 120, 2. Woodbury, Angeline E.. 62, 7. Woodbury, George E., 147, 2. Woodbury, George H., 147, 2. Woodman, Harry E., 224, 1, (2). Woodman, Henrietta L., 204, 9. Woodman, Grace L.. 224. 1, (1). Woodman, John P.. 224, 1. Woods, George, 109. 10. Wyman, Augusta, 243, 2. Wyman, J. M., 301, 4. York, Addie W., 131, 2, (1). York, Austin W., 131, 2, (2). York, Thomas J., 131, 2. Young, Charles A., 50, 5, (5), (b), Young, Ellen L., 50, 5, (5), (b), (d). Young, Emilie A., 50, 5, (5), (b), (c). Young, James E.., 50, 5, (5), (b). Young, James B., 50, 5, (5), (b), Young, Laura, 93, 3, (2). Young, Susan A., 50, 5, (5) (b), Zabriskie, John, 164a, 4, (3). NAMES OF PERSONS WHO HAVE SUBSCRIBED FOR "DEACON SAMUEL HAINES AND HIS DESCENDANTS." Edwin B. Haskell, Auburndale, Mass 2 copies. Henry G. Haines, Van Buren, Ark 1 copy. Mrs. Frank S. Murphy, Boston, Mass 1 " Alanson C. Haines, New Market, N.H 1 " Jolm M. Haynes, Delphi, Ind 1 " Miss Nellie L, Daniels, Natick, Mass 1 " Matthias L. Haines, Indianapolis, Ind 1 " Joseph W. Haines, Greenland, N.H 1 " Charles P. Haines, New Market, N.H 1 " James H. Haines, Lansing, Iowa 1 " Mrs. Walter S. Russell, Spokane, Wash 1 " F. Pierce Haines, New Market, N.H. 2 copies. Arthur D. Haynes, Perry, Kan 1 copy. William L. Haines, Boston, Mass. . 1 " Lewis D. Haines, Tilton, N.H 1 " Miss Harriot P. Haines, Farmington, N.H 1 " Augustine R. Ayers, North Boscawen, N.H 1 " Miss Amanda M. Harriman, South Framingham, Mass. . 1 " Mrs. Abigail R. Phillips, Boulder, Col 1 " John P. Haines, New York City, N.Y 1 " Charles C. Haines, Dorchester, Mass 1 " D. F. Haynes, Baltimore, Md 1 " Henry H. Haynes, Cambridge, Mass 1 " Charles A. Haines, Melrose, Mass 1 " Mrs. Charlotte S. Eastman, Boston, Mass 1 " Joshua M. Spencer, Rising Sun, Ind 1 " Mrs. Eldora H. Walker, Exeter, N.H 1 « Matthias K. Haines, Rising Sun, Ind 1 " J. G. Ayers, New Rochelle, N.Y 1 " D. C. Haines, Winn., Me 1 " 397 =^98 Ua/nB% \ OMNEALOGY. Johu Haines, Waltham, Mass 1 copy. Charles E. Haines, Aitkin, Mon 1 " J. Manchester Haynes, Augusta, Me 5 copies. Joshua W. Haines, Suelling, Merced. Co., Cal 1 copy. Orlaton L. Whitaker, Atkinson Depot, N.H 1 " Henry ^V. Haynes, Boston, ]\Iass 1 " Edwin J. Haines, Sandusky, Ohio 1 " Nathaniel Simpson, Greenland, N.H 2 copies. George A. Haines, Wolfboro, N.H 2 " Mrs. Malvina S. Record, Readfield, Me 1 copy. Mrs. Mary F. Blachly, North Freedom, Wis 1 " William T. Haines, Waterville, Me 1 " Horace E. Haynes, Bedford, England 1 " Miss Ann M. Haines, Boston, Mass 1 '< William P. Haines, Pardeeville, Wis 1 " Arthur T. Haines, Kingfisher, Ok. T 1 « H. S. Haines, Norwich, Conn 1 " Daniel P. Haynes, Portland, Or 1 " Walter B. Haines, New Swindon, Wiltshire, England . 1 " William P. Haines, West Duluth, Minn 1 " Mrs. Mary H. Carter, Exeter, N.H 1 " Mrs. Mary C. H. Soule, Naugatuck, Conn 1 " Ashley D. Haynes, Deerfield, N.H 2 copies. Matthias Haines, Weston, Vt 1 copy. George M. Haines, Durand, 111 2 copies. Mrs. B. A. White, Damariscotta Mills, Me 1 copy. George A. Haynes, East Hardwick, Vt 1 •< Miss Grace H. Boothby, Everett, Mass 1 " Martin A. Haynes, Lakeport, N.H 3 copies. Miss Martha A. Haines, Lynn, Mass 1 copy. Charles E. Ross, New York City, N.Y 1 " Mrs. Sarah E. Akeley, Westville, N.H 1 " F. A. Haines, Deadwood, S. D 1 " Laura J. Haines, New York City, N.Y 1 " Ralph W. Haynes, Washington, D.C 2 copies. J. AVilber Haines, Gibson City, 111 1 copy. Edward E. Ayer, Chicago, 111 2 copies. Kendall S. Haines, Jacksonville, Fla 1 copy. Louise H. Haynes, Philadelphia, Penn 1 " NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. 399 Mrs. Leonora H. Bates, Somersworth, N. H 1 copy. Thomas H. Dearborn, Dover, N.H 1 William H. Lyford, Port Byron, 111 1 A. Haines, San Diego, Cal 1 J. D. Haines, San Francisco, Cal 1 Mrs. Abbie P. Minot, Concord, N.H 1 E. J. Haines, San Francisco, Cal 1 ADDENDA. Tne following record was not received in season to be inserted in the proper place. Hannah, the dau. of Peter Haines (See 106, 9), was b. in East Livermore, Me., in 1801 ; m. Rev. George Bates of that place, where they made their permanent home. She d. in 1832. He d. January, 1876. Children : 1. Laverna, b. in 1822 ; d. in 1855 in Georgia. 2. Salina M., b. in 1824 ; m. Joel W. Hoyt. He d. in 1855 She d. March 15, 1901. Children : (1) George Bates, b. in 1850. He married, and had one son, Harry Blancliard, b. in 1873 ; d. in 1875. (2) Ann Elizabeth, b. in 1851; m. Edwin ^Y. Baxter. They live in Quincy, Mass. Children : (a) Clara Leavitt, b. in 1878. (b) Helen Hoyt, b. in 1883. (c) Frank Sanmel, b. in 1886. (3) Frank Summers, b. in 1854 ; d. in 1857. 3. Clara, b. in 1826 ; m. James M. Leavitt. They made their home in Brooklyn, N.Y. 4. Harriet, b. in 1828 ; m. Joseph Summers. They made their home in Montrose, Ga. Children : (1) Clara, b. in 1855; m. AVilliani Harvard. They have six children. (2) Laverna, b. in 1858 ; m. Quinn Harvard. She d. in 1889. Children : (a) Quinn. (b) Eugene. (c) Summers Floyd, (d) George Bates Floyd. Of the Peter Haines above referred to and his wife Hannah, it is said that one had black eyes and the other had blue ; and of their thirteen children, six had black eyes, and six had blue, and one, Sullivan, had one black and one blue eye. 400 ft ry 11. 1 - -v, • • o - ^P^ •»* ::> .^^ o •» - • . '-Jr. ■J . j5:>?A\^« rr ( o • » :, "-.. .^-^ .•.^^,<. \ ^o V^ " V, ■o- ^.^ " 0" > -\,' .n "*. • -3 o ^^ •>^, o- *> ^< -^ .<^^ : \ **^ ^ . « • * ^ M n ^^A _ .* ..'^■" A,* _ a 9 - ); i> . • • • . , V' ♦•••' A^ -N .-«- ,*10^ . 4 o • ♦ Ay r^ • v ^i:^'* «\ rs^ . • • C" ♦ 1 > • • • *^ q,. '•'.To' aO- \^^ ,c»r"./<^^ (p^y\;^.'% ^^' ^"•n^. •o '^^ <♦ ♦% iV^ . • • , q*. ".v ' 0-' <> *'7vr» ,c >• .^^^-- -.^^.^ ^'-^K V r^»* 4^ ^^ -.^ V 'if' %^ ^ .•^^ ,Ho^ ., »^* AT '^ • 1 * •* ^ *' i -A r?'i iy' V. . o*. *•. v*^ ** .• DOBBS BROS. LIIKARV BINDINa f -^ c"^ .-^ ^/^'i VV ST. AUGUSTINE / WAR 81 .V.., % <^ •'Tr.*\.o^ fe:^^ 32084 > ^*^°^ ^^-n*..