O > . 4 O 9. <~^ y * ,rt /^ A. ^°-^. *^. ,0^ .0 _ » "^^ ^'- '^'^'^O^ 'Is^^- 4 o ^ V ^ ' * "' cv v/^*: ^""t. . '^^■ ^\' v--^ So .^^ .0 ^ • "^MM^^ ' 4 O 'f'jv a"' *'.^ i^oot'e^ ■&. •% V SOME DESCENDANTS OF JOHN MOORK OF SUDBURY, MASS. BY ETHEL STANWOOD BOLTON. > » » 3 1 '. ,'n », i BOSTON: PRESS OF DAVID CLAPP & SON. 1904. \ f-^1^ •^?M* Reprinted from New-England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vols. 57 and 58. \A: SOME DESCENDANTS OF JOHN MOORE OF SUDBURY, MASS. Manx Moores from England, Scotland and Ireland came to New Eng- land, and among the earlier of these settlers was John Moore of Sudbury, the father of numerous descendants. These have settled, as a rule, in middle and western Massachusetts, though two branches have left the State, one to go to Maine and one to Connecticut. The name was spelled in various ways by various members : Moore, Moor, More and Moors, never Mooar, but for the sake of uniformity the spelling Moore will be retained throughout this article. 1. JoHN^ Moore bought a house and land of Edmimd Rice in 1642, in that part of Sudbury which afterwards became Wayland. He took the oath of fidelity on July 9, 1645. He married, in Sud- bury, Elizabeth, daughter of Philemon Whale, who outlived him. On August 25, 1668, he made his will, in which he refers to his " age." He died Jan. 6, 1673-4, and his will was probated April 7, 1674 (Middlesex Go. Probate, 10921). He mentions his sons John, of Lancaster, William, Jacob, Joseph, to whom he leaves his house, and Benjamin; also his daughters Elizabeth, wife of Henry Rice, Mary, wife of Daniel Stone, and Lydia, wife of James Cutler. His Vt^idow Elizabeth was named as Executrix. The inventory of his estate showed a valuation of £804 : 7 : 0. She died Dec. 14, 1690. Children : 2. 1. JOUN.2 ii. Wii-LiAM. In 1664 he bought laud in Sudbury of Thomas Bccsbocch of Marsbfield (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 3, p. 87), and in 1679 he sold forty-eight acres in four pieces to his brother Benjamin (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vcl. 10, p. 92). He d. Mar. 25, 16SS. - - lii. Maky, m. (1) Sept. 8, 1661, Rich.ard Ward, who was drowned March 31, 1666; in. (2) Dea. Daniel Sto.ie. iv. Lydia, b. June 24, 1643; m. (1) May 3, 1664, Samuel Wright, who d. Aus;. 21, the same year; m. (2) June 15, 1665, James Cutler. 3. v. 4 Jacob, b. Apr. 28, 1645. 4. vi. Joseph, b. Oct. 21, 1647. 6. vii. Benjamin, b. perhaps Dec. 13, 1648. »^ viii. E1.IZABETH, b. Jan. 10, 1649. 2. John' Moore (John^) was bom before his parents settled in Sudbury. On the " 11'" first mo 1653 " he became a proprietor of Lancaster, but the next year ha returned to Sudbury, and married first, Nov. 16, 1654, Anne, daughter of John and Sarah Smith of that town. She died at child-birth, in Lancaster, on Mar. 10, 1670-1; and he married second, Judith . John Bioore was a prominent and wealthy man, v?ho held various town offices, and in 1689 was repre- sentative from Lancaster to the General Court. In 1700 he deeded his land, with t!ie exception of his house, to his adopted son, Benja- /i I mill Bellows, in return for support of himself and his wife Judith for the remainder of their lives. He died before 1702, for in that year the inventory of his estate was taken, though his nuncupative will was not proved until Nov. 26, 1703. Children : i. Marie, 3 b. Dec. 4, 1655, in Lancaster; d. Sept. 26, 1705. ii. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1657. iii. Lydia, b. Apr. 6, 1660. 6. iv. John, b. Apr. 7, 1662. v. Joseph, b. Oct. 20, 1664. vi. Anne, b. July 17, 1666. 7. vii. Jonathan, b. May 16, 1669. viii. Maria, b. Mar. 10. 1670-1. Jacob^ Moore (Jokn^) was born in Sudbuiy, Apr. 28, 1645. He married, May 29, 1667, Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Looker, or Loker, of Sudbury. In 1678, Henry Looker deeded his whole estate, " for love," to his son and daughter Jacob and Elizabeth Moore (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 10, p. 93); and Jacob, in 1697, deeded the same, which consisted of one hundred and thirty acres, to his eldest son Jacob, for a like consideration (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 37, p. 517). A few months later, he also gave Jacob one half of his homestead farm (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 37, p. 521). In 17 16, .Jacob disposed of the rest of his property, dividing it between his other sons, Samuel, Daniel, Jonathan, James, Richard and Nathaniel (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 18, pp. 137, 138, 139, 206, 237). He died Mar. 23, 1716. Children : Jacob, 3 b. in 1668 (?) in Sudbury; living in 1697. Richard, b. Sept. 12, 1670. John, b. Dec. 13, 1673. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1675. Nathaniel, b. June 21, 1678. Hannah, b. July 18, 1680. Sarah, b. Jan. 28, 1681-2; d. Feb. 9, 1682. Sarah, b. Mar. 3, 1684. Daniel, b. Apr. 13, 1686 or 7. V Samuel, b. July 15, 1689. James. ' Jonathan. . Joseph" Moore {John^) was born in Sudbury, Oct. 21, 1647. He married first, Lydia Hayward, who died Nov. 23, 1717 ; and mar- ried second, some time after he made his will in 1718-9, Ruth . He died Jan. 2, 1725-6, and his will was proved the same year, though there was no provision in it for his widow, Ruth. She finally consented to the will, because her sons Benjamin and John had promised to make satisfactory provision for her maintenance. The will mentions his sons Benoney, Joseph, Thomas, Benjamin, John and Obediah, and his daughters Hannah Gleason, Elizabeth Rice, Mary and Lydia. Children : 14. i. Benoni,3 b. Apr. 14, 1669. 15. ii. Joseph, b. Aug. 1, 1670, in Sudbury. iii. Hannah, b. Jan. 2, 1673; m. Feb. 17, 1705, Joseph Gleason. iv. Thomas, b. Dec. 9, 1676; d. Jan. 13, 1727-8. His estate was settled in 1727-8, and his brothers and sisters, Benjamin, John, Mary, Lydia, Elizabeth and Hannah, inherited. His brother Joseph ad- ministered (Middlesex Co. Probate, lOr 6). 1, 8. ii. iii. iv. 9. V. vi. vii. viii, 10. ix. 11. X. ' 12. xi. 13. xii. V. Benjashn, b. May 5, 1679. vi. Mary, b. May 7, 1681. (See Mary, dau. of Joseph 15.) 16. vii. John, b. May 8, 1683. viii. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 20, 1685; m. Dec. 27, 1716, Henry Rice, is. Lydia, b. Jau. 5, 1687. X. Obediah, d. Jan. 15, 1721-2. His estate was settled in 1726, Ms brother Thomas administering (Middlesex Co. Probate, 109-15). 5. Benjamin^ Mooke (Jo/in^) was born in Sudbury, perhaps on Dec. 13, 1648. He married, Nov. 11, 1686, Dorothy Wright, who died Oct. 20, 1717. In 1726, Benjamin Moore, Senior, divided his land between his sons William, Edward, Hezekiah, Uriah and Peter (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 27, p. 224; Vol. 28, pp. 420, 423 ; Vol. 29, p. 107 ; and Vol. 45, p. 415). Children : i. Dorothy,^ b. Sept. 18, 1687. ii. Abigail, b. Dec. 2, 1688. iii. Prudence, b. July 1-1, 1690; d. young. 17. iv. William. 18. v. Peter. 19. vi. Edward. 20. vii. Hezekiah, b. Sept. 13, 1696. 21. viii. Uriah. ix. Comfort, b. Feb, 8, 1703. In 1730, William, Edward, Hezekiah and Uriah sell laud to Caleb Johnson, of Fraiuiugham, for him to use for the support of their sister Comfort during her life, and for her decent burial, since she is unable to care for herself (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 42, p. 702). x_. Prudence, b. July 22, 1704; m. Dec. 18, 1732, Mark Vose. xi. Benjajiin. Perhaps a son, who m. in 1728, Zerviah Moore. 6. JoHN^ Moore (John," John^) was born in Lancaster, Apr. 7, 1662. He married first, Aug. 23, 1683, Mary, daughter of Job and Mary Whitcomb of Lancaster; and married second, in Concord, Jan. 1, 1697-8, Hasadiali, daughter of Jonas and Lydia Fairbank of Lan- caster. He was a large land owner in Lancaster, but during the later years of his life he deeded this land to his sons, and moved to Bolton, where he died in 1740. In 1732, he deeded fifty acres of the south part of his farm to his eldest son John, in " Consideration of ¥/hat Labour he hath Done on a piece of Land which I have Given to my Son .Joshua Moor." This labor was building a house and barn. He also gave him eighty acres at Wadaquadock Hill (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 8, p. 143). The same year, he deeded land to his " Second son ffairbank Moor " (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 7, p. 366). His estate was administered by John Moor, Jr., and was valued at £624 : 6 : 6. This was divided l-etween the widow Hasa- diah, and the two daughters Hasadiah, wife of Andrew Mcllwain, and Lydia, wife of Samuel Gibbs (Worcester Co. Probate, 41411). Children, perhaps all by second wife : John.* Fairbank. Joshua. Hasadiah, m. Andrew Mcllwain. Lydia, m. Apr. 6, 1732, Samuel Gibbs. Martha, who is given as a daughter of John Moore on the author- ity of Mansfield's History of "the Kathan Family; m. Capt. John Kathan of Dumiuerston, Vt., about 1727; d. iu Dummcrston, Sept. 22, 1766, aged about 62 years. 22. J, 23. ii» 24. iii iv. V. vi. I Jonathan^ Moore {John,^ John}) was bom in Lancaster, MaylW^, 1669. He lived in Bolton, though the baptisms of several of his children were recorded in Lancaster. His wife's name was Han- nal)4. In 1732-3, Jonathan deeded land to his son Oliver, which lad come to him from his father John (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 4, p. 31); In 1740 he deeded to his son Abraham, "who lives with me," land and his new house and barn (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 14, p. 468). On Dec. 1, 1741, he made his will ; and on Feb. 6, following, he died in Bolton. His will mentions all his chihben, and his brother John (Worcester Co. Probate, 41427). His wife Hannah died in Bolton, May 1, 1765, leaving a will in which she mentions all her children except Isaac, who had died (Worcester Co. Probate, 41377). Children : i. Zerviah* or Sophia, b. in 1700; m. July 28, 1720, Benjamin Hough- ton. 25. ii. Joseph, bapt. in 1708, in Lancaster. iii. Jonathan, bapt. in 1708, in Lancaster; m. Apr. 19, 1727, Mary Wheeler; d. Dec. 10, 1795, in Bolton, aged about 92. Will in Worcester Co. Probate, 41431. 26. iv. Oliver, bapt. in 1708, in Lancaster. V. Maria, bapt. in 1708, in Lancaster; m. Dec. 2, 1725, in Harvard, Thomas Houghton cf Lancaster. vi. Hannah, bapt. May 21, 1710; m. Dec. 17, 1730, Jonathan Powers, vii. Amos, bapt. Aug. 17, 1712; d. before 1740. viii. Dinah, bapt. Feb. 28, 1713-4; ni. Oct. 4, 1732, Jabez Beaman. 27. ix. Abraham, bapt. Mar. 31, 1716-7. "'• xi. ?ACOB, }^^^"«' ^^P*- Sept. 6, 1719. 8. Richard^ Moore (Jacoh,^ Jolm^) was born in Sudbury, Sept. 12, 1670. He married Mary, daughter of Samuel and Mary Collins of Middletown, Conn. He lived for a time in Needham, but on June 6, 1714, he sold his farm of two hundred and sixty acres in the south part of the town, and in August bought a house and land in Oxford, of Samuel Hagburn (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. L, pp. 33, 35). He afterward bought much land in Oxford (Worces- ter Co. Deeds, Vol. I, pp. 30, 31, 33), and finally became the largest landowner in the southern part of that town. He was the second licensed inn-holder, the first Justice of the Peace, and also the first Representative. He was also Town Clerk, Selectman and Treas- urer. His wife died July 12, 1760; and he died November 19, 1767, aged 96. Children : i, Sybilla,* b. Sept. 2, 1694, in Sudbury; m. Ebenezer Chamberlain '^ of Oxford. There is an interesting letter in the History of Ox- ford from Sybilla Chamberlain. ii. Abigail, b. July 23, 1690. 29. iii. Collins, b. Oct. 17, 1698. 30. iv. Isaac, b. June 11, 1700. 31. V. Elijah, b. Mar. 14, 1701-2. vi. Susanna, b. Dec. 26, 1708. 32. vii. Abuah, b. Dec. 22, 1705. 33. viii. Richard, b. Jan. 10, 1708. ix. Mary, b. May 15, 1710. 9. Nathaniel^ Moore {Jacob,'^ Jolm^) was born in Sudbury, June 21, 167 V. Hannah, r"^"'"' ''• ^^P'"- ^' ^^^'^• vi. Eunice, b. July 14, 1719; m. Underwood. vii. Isaac, b. Sept. 18, 1724. 35. viii. Israel, b. Sept. 18, 1724. ix. Elizabeth, b. July 24, 1728. 11. Samuel* Moore {Jacoh"" John^) was born in Sudbury, about 1689. He married, Dec. 8, 1714, Sarah Haynes. He moved to Framing- ham, and the facts of his life may be found in Barry's history of that town. Children : i. Dorothy,* b. Sept. 6, 1715. , ii. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 24, 1717. Perhaps the Elizabeth Moor, single woman, of Framingham, whose nuncupative will, leaving her property to her son Daniel Taylor of Roxbury, Avas proved in 1795 (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10906). Inventory ^30 : 18 : 8. iii. Hannah, b. May 31, 1719. iv. Susanna, b. May 13, 1721, in Framingham. v. Mary, b. May 14, 1722-3; m. Jan, 15, 1746, Samuel Clark of Shcr- buru. vi. Thankful, b. Feb. 10, 1724-5; m. Nov. 1, 1749, Robert Home. vii. Samuel, b. Mar. 30, 1727; d. youug. viii. Josiah, b. Apr. 10, 1729. ix. Martha, b. Mar. 17, 1730-1. X. Sakah, b. Apr. 12, 1732. 36. xi. Peter, b. June C, 1734. -' xii. Samuel, b. May 11, 1740. 8 12. James^ Moore {Jacoh,^ John^). His birth is not recorded in Sud- bury. He married, Mar. 4, 1718-9, Comfort Rice of Worcester, and settled in South Sudbury, where his first chikl was born. In 1725 he was living in Worcester, following his trade of blacksmith. His land in Worcester was in part bought from his brother Nathaniel. In 1756, his son Asa administered his estate (Worcester Co. Pro- bate, 41401); and the widow's estate was administered in 1765 (Worcester Co. Probate, 41320). Children : 37. i. Asa,* b. Oct. 23, 1719, in Sudbury. ii. KuBEN, b. Nov. 8, 1721, iu Worcester; m. Abigail , and had issue. Iu 1757 his estate was administered, insolvent (Worcester Co. Probate, 41561). iii. Increase, b. Feb. 24, 1723. In 1750 he received twenty acres of his father's farm (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 30, p. 346). He m. Lydia , but died without issue. His brothers and sisters were his heirs (Worcester Co. Probate, 41387). iv. AzuBAH, b. Mar. 22, 1726; m. Jolm Fislv. V. Silas, b. Mar. 22, 1727-8; d. June 1, 1729. vi. Paul, b. Nov. 22, 1729-30. vii. Silas, b. Jan. 24, 1731-2; d. of small pox, June 10, 1777. viii. Elizabeth, b. May 17, 1734. is. Sarah, b. about 1736; d. June 3, 1765. X. James, b. Jime 20, 1741. xi. Daniel, mentioned in the administration of the estate of his father. 13. Jonathan' Moore {Jacoh,^ Johii^) married Mary . His es- tate, valued at £1780: 09: 06, was administered in 1732 by his widow Mary (Worcester Co. Probate, 41426; guardianship of the children, Worcester Co. Probate, 41450). Children : i. Eliphalet,* b. about 1722. ii. Asael, b. about 1723. iii. Jonathan. iv. Mary, b. about 1728. V. JuDAH, b. about 1730. 14. Benoni^ Moore (Joseph,'^ John^). His birth is in Middlesex County records, and he is mentioned in his father's will. He married, Dec. 13, 1698, Mehitable, daughter of Samuel Allis of Hatfield. He was at that time of Deerfield, but about 1703 he moved to Hatfield, and afterwards, having been granted a tract of land in Northfield, he moved there in 1715. He died Nov. 18, 1753. Children : i. Elizabeth,* b. Apr. 29, 1700. ii. Mehitable, b. Jan. 2, 1701-2. iii. Samuel, b. Jan. 2, 1703-4; d. June 17, 1704. iv. Hezekiah, b. Jan. 18, 1704-5; d. Feb. 6, 1705. V. Hannah, b. Dec. 25, 1706; d. Sept. 12, 1708. vi. Hannah, b. Sept. 22, 1708. vii. Samuel, b. May 15, 1712. viii. Mercy, b. Sept. 12, 1713. ix. Lediah, b. Feb. 28, 1715-6. X. Ruth, b. Jan. 29, 1717-8. 15. Joseph^ Moore {Joseph,'^ John^) was born in Sudbury, Aug. 1, 1670. He married Elizabeth , who died Mar. 11, 1748-9. Children : i. Sapphira,* b. Aug. 4, 1701, in Sudbury; m. Aug. 1, 1721, .John Woodv/ard. 40. 1. ii. 41. iii. 42. iv. 43. V. vi. vii. ii. Zerviah or ZiBiAH, b. May 8, 1704; ra. June 4, 1728, Beujamin Moore. 38. iii. Eliab. 39. iv. Elias, perhaps a son of Joseph. V. Mary, perhaps a dau. of Joseph. In 1757, a IMarj' Moore, spinster, of Sudbury, left a will (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10941) in whieh she gives property to her "cousins", Beulah, Kife of Thomas Allen, Jr., Mary, wife of David Stone, and Lydia, wife of Edward Shearman, Jr. (See children of John, 16.) 16. John" Moore (Joseph,^ John-) was born in Sudbury, May 8, ]683. He married first, Abigail ; and married second, m Weston, Dec. 24, 1714, Deborah Allen, who died Dec. 6, 1744. Children by first wife : Jacob,* b. July 1, 1703. Azubah, b. Dec. 14, 1704. She became the second wife of Capt. John Hubbard of Rutland. Ephkaim, b. Nov. 13, 1706. Silas, b. Sept. 22, 1708. Paul, b. Mar. 30, 1711. Children by second wife : 44. viii. Bezaleel, b. Feb. 21, 1716. ix. Beulah, b. Nov. 13, 1718; m. Thomas Allen, ,Tr. s. Mary, b. Oct. 20, 1721; m. May 24, 1743, David Stone. xi. Lydia, b. Mar. 15, 1724; m. Oct. 14, 1756, Edward Shearman, Jr. 17. William^ Moore {Benjamin,^ John^) married, Jan. 21, 1716, Tamar Rice of Sudbury. Pie removed to Rutland. Children : i. Dorothy,* b. Feb. 22, 1718; m. Oct. 13, 1736, Peter Goodenow of Marlborough (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 38, p. 223). ii. DiXAH, b. Nov. 1, 1719; m. July 13, 1738, Benjamin Estabrook; d. Oct. 7, 1740. 45. iii. Augustus, b. Jan. G, 1723. 46. iv. Abijah, b. Aug. 31, 1724. V. Abel, b. Nov. 18, 1729. William, his father, administered his es- tate, but being feeble he requested that Abijah Moore be appointed in his stead, in 1754 (Worcester Co. Probate, 41251). vi. Tajiar, b. Oct. 18, 1731 ; unmarried in 1755 ; m. int. pub. in Shrews- bury, Jan. 6, 1764, to Nathaniel Davenport, Jr. vii. WiLLiAJi, b. Apr. 2, 1733. 18. Peter^ Moore (Benjamin,^ Johti^) married June 10, 1719, Mary Goodnow, and had at least two children born in Sudbury, before he moved to Rutland. He settled in what was afterwards Paxton, on part of the Province Farm, which was granted to John Burrell of Lynn. Two hundred and fifty acres, or one half the farm, was bought by Ephraim Moore, Peter Moore, and Nathan Goodnow. The division of this land can be found in Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 21, p. 163. Peter Moore's will was proved in 1770, and in it he mentions his son Phiuehas, and daughters Lucy and Rebekah (Worcester Co. Probate, 41533). Children : i. MiCAH,* b. Nov., 1723, in Sudbury, ii. Abigail, b. June, 1726. 47. iii. PiiiNEHAS, b. Mar., 1729, in Rutland, iv. Rebecca, m. William Martin. V. Lucy, m. Bent. 10 19. Edward^ Moore {Benjamin,^ John^) married, Feb. 19, 1722-3, Keziah Goodnow. Their children were born in Sudbury. Children : 48. i. Nathan,* b. May 25, 1725. ii. Sarah, b. June i2, 1728; d. May 28, 1733. iji. Peksis, b. Sept. 25, 1732; m. Nov. IS, 1752, her cousin Ashbell Moore (51). 49. iv. Elijah, b. Aug. 6, 1735. 50. V. John, b. Juue 1, 1738. vi. Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1741. vii. Dorothy, b. June 17, 1743; m. Sept. 16, 1762, Ebenezer Woodis. 20. Hezekiah^ Moore {Benjamin;^ JoJm^) was born in Sudbury, Sept. 13, 1696. Pie married, Jmie 27, 1728, Mary Haynes. Ilis will, made in 1775, was probated in 1794. In it he mentions all his children except Benjamin (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10912). Children : 51. i. Ashbell,* b. Oct. C, 1729. ii. LucRETiA, h. Feb. 17, 1732 ; m. Henry Smith. iii. Tabatha, b. Feb. 10, 1734; m. Nov. 6, 1752, Moses Maynard of Ilutlaud. iv. Benjamin, b. Mar. 22, 1736. 52. V. Luke, b. IS, 1738. vi. Mary, b. Oct. 2G, 1740 ; d. younff. vii. Abigail, b. Jan. 8, 1743; m. Dec. 9, 17G2, Jonathan Stearns of Rutland, viii. Ruth, b. June 9, 1745; m. Jeduthun Moor of Rutland. ix. Mary, b. Feb. 26, 1748 ; m. Sept. 1, 17G8, Moses Baxter of Princeton. 53. X. Uriah, b. Jau. 6, 1751-2. 21. Uriah^ Moore {Benjamin,'^ John^) married first, in Sudbury, Oct. 5, 1721, Abigail Haynes, who died Oct. 16, 1729 ; and married second, Jan. 2, 1742. Parnel Parker, who in 1746 administered his estate (Middlesex Co^ Probate, 10960). Uriah Moore was a physician. His second wife, Parnel Parker, may have been a widow, and the daughter of Thomas Brintnall, for iii 1764, Ephraim Moore and Dorothy (Brintnall) Moore his wife, Parnel Moore of Sudbury, widow, and Susanna Thacher of Rutland, widow, quit-claimed to Phinehas Brintnall their right in land in Rutland, formerly belong- ing to Thomas and Hannah Brintnall (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 51, p. 499). Cbild : 54. i. David,* b. Jan. 21, 1722. 22. JoiiN^ Moore {John,^ John,- Johtj}) married in Lunenburg, Mar. 19, 1723-4, Susanna, daughter of Henry and Dorcas Willard. He was baptized and.owned the covenant in Lancaster, July 2, 1732. In 1751 he is called of Bolton (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 31, pp. 38, 39). Children : i. Samuel,* b. Mar. 29, 1726, in Lancaster; m. Auj?. 19, 1747, in Bol- ton, Zeresh Houghton, and had issue. ii. Abigail, b. Aug. 12, 1728; m. Apr. 26, 1750, Rufus Houe-hton of Lancaster. iii. John, b. Jan. 3, 1730-1 ; m. Aug. 30, 1757, Unity Willard of Lunen- burg, and had issue. He lived in Bolton. iv. Susanna, b. May 28, 1733; in. Nov. 24, 1759, Jonathan Houghton. V. Abner, b. Sept. 28, 1736; in. Nov. 16, 1769, Elizabeth Hastings, in Bolton. 11 23. Fairbank* Moore (John,^ John,^ John^) was born in Lancaster. He married, Apr. 30, 1723, Judith, daughter of Benjamin and Dorcas Bellows, This is the same Benjamin Bellows whom Fairbank Moore's grandfather, John Moore, adopted. In 1736 he bought land near " Wadchesett Hill " of Jonathan Gates. This was one of the grants to Narragausett soldiers (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 7, p. 425), and he thus became the first actual settler of Narragansett No. 2, now Westminster. He was killed by the Indians at Brat- tleboro', Vt., Mar. 6, 1758. Children : i. John,* b. Nov. 28, 1723, in Bolton. In 1745 he Went to Bolton, Conn., in King George's war, where he d. in 1746, leaving Ms property to his brothers and sisters. ii. Jonas, b. Oct. 6, 1724; m. Nov. 24, 1747, in Bolton, Dinah Whit- comb, and had issue. In 1762 he was of Leominster; and after- wards went to Putney, Vt. (See Mansfield's Hist, of the Kathan Family, p. 132.) iii. Fairbank, b. July 25, 1728 ; m. Esther, dau. of Capt. John Kathan, and had issue. He resided in Walpole, N. H. iv. William, b. Jan. 17, 1730-1. v. Benjamin, b. July 30, 1733 ; m. May 11, 1755, Margaret, dau. of Capt. John Kathan, and had three children. He was a soldier at Fort Dummer (now Brattleboro', Vt.), where was b. his eldest child. He was killed at Brattleboi'o', by the Indians, on the same day as his father, and his wife and children were captured. They were ransomed in 1762. vi. Paul, b. Nov. 4, 1736, in Lancaster. vii. Abner, b. 1738 or '9, in Westminster; d. in 1742. viii. Ephraim, b. in 1744. In 1761 he was sent back to Lancaster to be under the guardianship of Levi Willard (Worcester Co. Probate, 41345). He was at Halifax, from Lancaster. 24. Joshua^ Moore (John,^ John,' Johi^) married July 4, 1737, Eliza- beth Sawyer of Harvard. Children : i. Lois,* bapt. July 19, 1738, in Lancaster; m. Sept. 11, 1766, John Kathan. ii. JosiAH (?), m. May 10, 1759, Abigail Richardson, in Bolton, and had : Elizabeth,^ Abigail, Josiah and Caleb. iii. John (?). iv. Abel (?), m. Jan. 11, 1764, Betty Whitcomb, in Bolton, and had: Abel,^ Eunice and Stephen. V. Phinehas, b. Feb. 6, 1748-9, in Bolton; m. Nov. 27, 1770, Sarah Nurse, and had issue, vi. CAL-\aN, b. Mar. 1, 1752. vii. Gardner, b. Apr. 20, 1757 ; m. July 23, 1778, Abigail Whitcomb. 25. Joseph'* Moore {Jonathan,^ Jolin^ Johii^) was born in Lancaster, about 1702, and was baptized in 1708. He married, Nov. 17, 1726, Rebecca Houghton of Lancaster. He owned land in Lancaster, and also throughout the western portion of the State. His will was made in 1776, and probated July 8, 1777. His wife and son Cal- vin were named as executors (Worcester Co. Probate, 41439). Children : i. Lucy,* b. Mar. 26, 1727; d. Aug. 22, 1740. ii. Jacob, b. Dec. 28, 1728 ; d. June 18, 1740. iii. TiLLEY, b. Nov. 29, 1730 ; m. int. pub. May 15, 1762, to Zilpah Whit- ney, and had issue. He was ensign of the 2d Company of Lan- caster. 12 iv. Ephraim, b. Dec. 24, 1732 ; d. June 15, 1740. V. Rebecca, b. Feb. 16, 1734-5 ; d. June 26, 1740. vi. Hannah, b. May 10, 1737; d. June 7, 1740. vii. Catharine, b. June 4, 1739; d. June 23, 1740. viii. Lucy, b. Mar. 23, 1740-1 ; d. Oct. 7, 1744. ix. Joseph, b. Mar. 28, 1743; d. Oct. 25, 1746. X. Rebecca, b. Feb. 12, 1744-5; d. Sept. 22, 1746. xi. Relief, b. Aug. 3, 1747; m. June 29, 1769, Ebenezer Brooks of Lancaster. xii. Joseph, b. June 6, 1749 ; m. Oct. 26, 1769, Hepzibeth Bush of Shrews- bury. In 1780 he deserted to the British, and his estate was settled for his wife and children (Worcester Co. Probate, 41440). xiii. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 15, 1753; m. Apr. 10, 1769, Solomon Stewart, and had issue. xiv. Calvin, b. in 1755; m. Apr. 21, 1778, Susanna Cummings of Woburn. 26. Oliver^ Moore {Jonathan^ John^ Johyi^) was bom in Lancaster, \ about 1706. He married, Dec. 18, 1729, in Lunenburg, Abigail Houghton. They were both admitted to full communion Jan. 14, 1732-3, and about ten years later were dismissed to the church in the west precinct of Lancaster. He died Dec. 23, 1774, aged 67. Children : i. Abijah,* b. Sept. 4, 1730; d. July 28, 1740. ii. Levi, b. May 23, 1732; m. Mar. 7, 1754, Rebecca Sawyer, and had issue. iii. Israel, b. Apr. 12, 1734; m. (1) Abigail How of Lancaster, in 1755; m. (2) Oct. 9, 1760, Catherine Sawyer, and moved to Sterling. He d. in West Boylston, Nov. 17, 1807. They had issue. iv. Uriah, b. Jan. 9, 1735; d. Sept. 17, 1736. V. Abigail, b. Jan. 27, 1737-8. vi. Prudence, b. Aug. 25, 1740. vii. Jonathan, b. July 26, 1742; m. July 8, 1772, Elizabeth Richardson of Lancaster, and had issue. viii, Hannah, b. Apr. 6, 1746; d. Sept. 1, 1749. ix. Thankful, b. July 15, 1750; m. July 4, 1771, Ethan Kendall. 27. Abraham* Moore [Joyiathan,^ Jolin^ Johi^), was baptized in Lan- i caster. Mar. 31, 1716-7. His wife was Silence He was a blacksmith by trade, and lived, as nearly all the Moores of Bol- ton did, near Wadaquadock Hill and Brook. His will was proved Nov. 23, 1773 (Worcester Co. Probate, 41236), and his son Jona- than was named executor. Children : i. David,* m. Aug. 11, 1763, Betty Whitcomb of Lancaster, and had issue. ii. JONADAB, b. July 12, 1741 ; d. May 2, 1760. iii. Jonathan, m. in Bolton, July 28, 1768, Desire Bailey. They had fif- teen children. His estate was administered in 1793 (Worcester Co. Probate, 41259 and 41290). iv. Abraham, b. Mar. 6, 1747-8; m. (1) Dec. 7, 1769, Sarah Johnson ; m. (2) Jan. 24, 1803, Elizabeth Wales of Boston; d. Mar. 7, 1803. He was a physician. His will provided for the education of his son Abraham " now at Harvard." V. Sarah, b. Jan. 20, 1749-50; d. June 21, 1768. vi. Rebecca, b. Sept. 3, 1751. vii. Hannah, b. Jan. 1, 1754. viii. William, b. Dec. 5, 1755 ; m. Anna , and had issue. i ix. Silence, b. June 19, 1758. \ X. Aaron, b. Nov. 7, 1761; m. Jan. 1, 1784, Salome Goss, in Bolton. One child, Gratia^. xi. Thomas. In 1773 he was of Pownalborough. 13 28. Isaac* Moore (Jonathan,^ John^ Joh'n}) was baptized in Lancaster, Sept. 6, 1719. He married Mary .. He died Jan. 19, 1759, and his widow administered his estate ("Worcester Co. Probate, 41388). Cliildren : i. Isaac,* d. Feb. 19, 1740. ii. Mary, d. Mar. 9, 1740. iii. Jacob, d. Aug. 11, 1742. iv. Abigail, b. in 1740. V. Jacob, b. in 1746 ; m. Nov. 30, 1769, Elizabeth Bailey, and had issue. vi. Isaac, b. Sept. 8, 1748, iu Bolton; m. June 24, 1768, Mary Bigelow of Shrewsbury, and had issue; d. Jan. 5, 1825, in Berlin. vii. Mary, b. July 14, 1752. viii. Uriah, b. July 14, 1752; m. Dec. 13, 1781, Abigail Merriam ; d. May 25, 1820, iu Princeton. Abigail administered his estate (Worces- ter Co. Probate, 41606J. ix. Oliver, b. Nov. 3, 1755 ; d. Nov. 8, 1755. X. Olive, b. May 18, 1757; m. Robert Hunter. 29. CoLLixs* Moore {Richard,^ Jacob,^ John"^) was born in Oxford, Oct. 17, 1698. He married, May 2, 1722, Bathsheba, daughter of Na- thaniel Woods of Groton. He carried on his trade as a weaver both in Worcester and Oxford. The history of tlie latter town contains an account of his life. He died Feb. 22, 1743, and his widow Bath- sheba administered the estate. She afterwards married second, Samuel Town of Oxford ; and married third, Samuel Phillii^s. Children : 1. Abigail,* b. Feb. 17, 1723, in "Worcester; m. Abial Lamb. ii. Levi, b. Dec. 17, 1723; d. Aug. 2, 1745. He left a will, bequeathing two-thirds of his estate to his brother Nathan, and the remainder to his brother Richard (Worcester Co. Probate, 41459). iii. Nathan, b. Apr. 15, 1726; m. Feb. 18, 1747, Sarah Town. In 17G4 he moved to Vassalboro', Maine, iv. Elijah, b. Aug. 10, 1727. V. SusANXA, b. Jan. 25, 1729 ; m. Silas Robinson of Dudley, vi. Mary, b. Sept. 25, 1730; m. Daniel Fairfield, vii. Bathsheba, b. Feb. 10, 1732, in Oxford; m. Benjamin Wilson, and lived in Townsend. viii. Alice, b. Dec. 26, 1733; m. Jonathan Ballard. ix. Jerusha, b. Apr. 5, 1735; m. John Nichols. X. Richard, b. Oct. 14, 1736; m. Aug. 19, 1761, Mary Eddy, and had issue ; resided in Erving's Grant. xi. Phebe, b. Sept. 3, 1738 ; m. Ebenezer Lock. 30. Isaac* Moore {Richard,^ Jacob^ John^) was born Jime 11, 1700, in Oxford. He married, in 1723, Hannah Newhall, and settled in Worcester, at Tacnic Hill (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 4, p. 283). For a more detailed account of his descendants, see Register, antBy Vol. 52, page 72, Children : i. Hanxah,* b. Mar. 31, 1725 ; m. Lieut. John Mower. ii. Thomas, b. May 1, 1727; m. Apr. 24, 1747, Ruth Nichols, and had issue. He lived iu Brookfleld. The list of his children is given iu the article quoted above, with the exception of Nathan,^ b. Sept., 1759. iii. David, b. Oct. 21, 1729; m. Oct. 15, 1755, Eleuor Rice. iv. Jonathan:, b. Jan. 10, 1732. vl. I^X'}*^^'^^'''-^^^^'^^''- / 14 vii. John, m. Elizabeth Bigelow of Worcester, j j ^^ ^ 5 ^ gg^ viii. Phebe, J ' •' ' ix. Isaac, b. Mar. 11, 1741; m. Apr. 21, 1768, Elizabeth Bryant, and had issue. X. Mary, b. May 9, 1743. xi. Sarah, b. Nov. 9, 1745. xii. Susanna, b. Mar. 22, 1749. 31. Elijah^ Moore (Eichard,^ Jacoh,'^ John}) was born in Oxford, Mar. 14, 1701-2, and married, July 19, 1733, Dorothy Learned. He was an inn-keeper in Oxford, and a Captain of militia. An account of his life may be found in the History of Oxford. He died Nov. 17, 1781, and his widow Dorothy administered his estate (Worcester Co. Probate, 41335). The estate of the widow Dorothy, then of Oxford, was settled by her son Elijah, in 1789 (Worcester Co. Pro- bate, 41332). Children : 1. Martha,* b. Feb. 9, 1735 ; m. Ephraim Ballard. ii. Lucy, b. July 25, 1737. iii. Jonathan, b. July 7, 1789; m. (1) Oct. 13, 1768, Susanna Parkman ; m. (2) Anna Hammoud of Newport, R. I. He graduated at Har- vard in 1761, and in 1767-8 was librarian of the College Library and teacher of Greek and Hebrew. For a full account of his life, see No. 52 of the Biographical Contributions, edited by Justin Winsor. iv. Abigail, b. May 7, 1741 ; m. Jeremiah Shumway. V. Collins, b. Apr. 17, 1743; m. (1) Mar. 26, 1770, Hannah Town ; m. (2) July 1, 1787, Elizabeth Chamberlain of Dudley, aud had issue ; d. Nov. 24, 1825. vi. Elijah, b. May 5, 1745. vii. Dorothy, b. Apr. 12, 1747 ; m. Dr. Stephen Barton. viii. Sarah, b. Apr. 26, 1749; m. Reuben Davis of Charlton. ix. Ebenezer, b. Sept. 7, 1751 ; m. Sarah,® daughter of Nathan,* and granddaughter of Collins Moore(29) ; settled, in 1774, at Bx'own's Corner, Vassalboro', Maine, where he became bailiff and steward of Governor Bowdoin; d. Apr. 10, 1817, leaving issue. X. Deborah, b. July 27, 1753 ; m. Levi Davis, her cousin, a brother of Reuben Davis, her sister's husband. 32. Abijah^ Moore (JRichard,^ Jaeob^ Johi^) was born in Oxford, Dec. 22, 1705. He graduated at Yale in 1726, and became a physician. He settled in Middletown, Conn., and there married first, Anna Ward, his cousin. After 1755, he married second, Mrs. Abigail Goodwin. He died of small pox, in Middletown, Dec. 18, 1759. Children : i. MARCY,*b. Mar. 29, 1731, in Middletown. ii. Reynold MAR\aN, b. July 7, 1732. iii. William, b. Dec. 10, 1733. iv. Abijah, b. Mar. 11, 1735. V. Abigail, b. Aug. 5, 1736. vi. Martha, b. July 18, 1738 : d. in 1740. vm.MlnT;,.,}'-'-. I'- Apr. 27,1740. ix. Ruth, b. Jan. 1, 1742. X. Samuel, b. Sept. 2, 1743. xi. Sibyl, b. Sept. 5, 1747. xii. Sar.\h, b. Sept. 9, 1749. 33. Richard^ Moore {Richard,^ Jacob^" John}) was born in Oxford, Jan. 10, 1708. He married, June 18, 1741, Mary Learned, and lived in Oxford, where he was a Deputy Sheriff in 1753. He owner' ^^^ / / / 15 Haghurn estate in Oxford, with his brother Elijah, until 1750, when he sold his interest to him. Richard then moved his family into his fathers's house, and took care of his parents. His will was made in 1779, and probated in 1783 (Worcester Co. Probate, 41552). Children : i. Samuel C.,* b. and d. in 1742. „ ■ , ^ a ii. Samuel, b. May 18, 1744; m. Dec. 16, 1762, Zerviah Leavens, and had two sons. iii. Marvin, b. Apr. 12, 1746. .,^.1,1 iv. EUTH, b. Mar. 12, 1750 ; m. Apr. 11, 1774, Samuel Towne of Charl- ton, later (1788) of " Salem Town." V. "William, b. June 16, 1752. vi. Nehemiah, b. Mar. 30, 1754. vii. Mary, b. Feb. 17, 1756. viii. John, b. June 28, 1758. ix. Edward, b. May 18, 1760. X. Eichard, b. June 29, 1762. xi. EuFUS, b. May 30, 1764. xii. Ebenezer, b. Mar. 25, 1767. 34 Daniel^ Moore (Daniel,^ Jacob,'' John}) was born in Sudbury, Apr. 2, 1716. He married, June, 1743, in Acton, Elizabeth White. Cliildren : i. Jonathan,* b. Sept. 18, 1747. ii. Daniel, b. Aug. 30, 1751. iii. John, b. Apr. 6, 1754. iv. Elizabeth, ta. July 30, 1756. V. S.VMUEL, b. Oct. 21, 1761. 35. Israel* Moore (Daniel,'' Jacob,'' Jo/in^) was born in Sudbury, Sept. 18 1724. He married, Apr. 16, 1747. in Sudbury, Susanna Wood- ward, who died Dec. 13, 1820. He died Aug. 12, 1799, and his estate was administered (IMiddlesex Co. Probate, 10916). Children : i, Daniel Woodward,* b. Jan. 19, 1747-8; m. Jan. 4, 1782. Aznbal^ Knio-ht. In 1796, Azubali was appointed admmistratnx ot His cs- tate^r Middlesex Co. Probate, 10899) . He left four sons. ii. Israel, b. Nov. 8, 1749 ; m. Feb. 10, 1774, Mary de Jersey, iii. Ephraim, b. Nov. 27, 1751 ; d. June 12, 1835. iv. Susanna, b. Apr. 11, 1754. V. Isaac, b. Mar. 23, 1756; d. before 1799. . ^ . ,, ,^, , . vi. Asa, b. July 30, 1758; m. Nov. 8, 1784, PersisKmght; settled in Leverett. vii. James, b. May 7, 1760; d. before 1799. viii. Josiah, b. Dec. 14, 1762; d. before 1'99- ix JoNvs b. July 5, 1765; m. Juae 15, 1736. Alice Wheelock. X Eunice, b Apr. 10, 1768; m. May 20, 1787, John Brigham of Eat- land. 36. Peter* Moore (Samuel,' Jacob,' John') was bom in Framingham June 6 1734. He married Hannah , and hved on the old Littlefield place. Hannah died about 1794, and Peter about 1816. Children : Eebecca,* bapt. Jan. 5, 1762 ; m. Benjamin Collins of Southborough. Sally, bapt. Mar. 13, 1765 ; d. unmarried, in Philipston, 1.1 1837. slMUEL.bapt. Apr. 14, 1765; m. Oct. 6, 1795, Auua Underwood ; d. iu Phillipston, iu 1841. _ . iv. Luther, bapt. Aug. 24. 1766. He was twice married. V. Fanny, bapt. July 31, 1768 ; m. (1) Joseph Augier; m. (2) m 1791, Ephraim Hagar ; d. in 1842. 1. ii. iii. 16 vi. Martha, bapt. Nov. 8, 1770; m. Charles Stockwell of Leverett. vii. Molly, bapt. Nov. 8, 1772; m. Josiah Stockwell; d. in Phillipstou. viii. Gkace, bapt. Juue 2, 1776 ; m. William Howe of Piiillipston. 37. Asa* Moore {James,^ Jacoh,'^ John}) was born Oct. 2.3, 1719, in Sud- bury. He went with his father to Worcester, and there married first, Sarah Heyward. Sarah died Dec. 13, 1760 ; and he married second, Mary Cook. He left a widow Lucy, so that he must have married a third time. In 1774 he was appointed guardian for liis two minor cliildren, Betty, then aged seventeen, and Daniel, aged fifteen. They had inherited money from their grandfather, Daniel Heyward. On July 20, 1798, he made a will, naming his son Wil- liam as executor, and mentioning his wife Lucy, his sons John and Thaddeus, who had died leaving issue, and his daughters Sarah, Han- nah, and Betsy, The will was proved in 1800 (Worcester Co. Pro- bate, 41280). Children by first wife : i. Asa,* b. Mar. 10, 1744. ^.... ^,iS:Ai;t>.i','it PsRs'hs (S^■vg5. ii. John, b. May 3, 1746 ; perhaps m. Jan. 26, 1775, Mary Bruce, ill. Sarah, b. Aua;. 28, 1748; m. Daniel Gates. iv. Haxnah, b. June 28, 1750; m. John Shephard Gates. V. Martha, b. July 14, 1752. vi. Thaddeus, b. Sept. 15, 1754; m. Jane , and had issue (see Worcester Co. Probate, 41280). vii. Betty, b. Feb. 18, 1757; m. Capt. James McFarlaud. viii. Daniel, b. about 1759. Child by second wife : ix. WiLLLiM, b. Feb. 19, 1765; d. June 5, 1833. 38. Eliab^ Moore (Joseph,^ Joseph,^ Johi^) married in Sudbury, Mar. 5, 1728, Kezia Stone. In 1748, Josei^h^ deeded land in Sudbury to his son Eliab (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 48, p. 331). In 1756, Kezia, the widow, was appointed administratrix of his estate (Mid- dlesex Co. Probate, 10901). Kezia died in 1759, and Elijah Bent administered her estate (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10936). Children : i. Elias.* ii. ZiBiAH, m. Benjamin Stow. iii. Susanna, m. Josiah Woodward. 39. Elias* Moore (? Joseph,^ Joseph,'^ Johri^) was perhaps a son of Joseph Moore. Eliab* named a son Elias, and probability points to this as his ancestry, though no proof has been found. He married in Sud- bury, July 9, 1724, Susanna Tomson. In 1740 he bought two pieces of land in Sudbury (Middlesex Co. Deeds, Vol. 41, p. 374, 375), He died Oct. 21, 1770, and in his will, which was probated that year, he speaks of himself as " being week and decaying in body." The will mentions his wife Susanna, who is executrix, and his son Obediah (Middlesex Co, Probate, 10902). Children : i. Obediah,* b. Sept. 20, 1726, in Sudbury; m. May 22, 1744, Eunice, Haydeu ; d. before 1763, leaving Sarah,^ Isaac, Eliab, Lucy, Uriah, who possibly m, Lydia Witt, Susanna, and Catherine. ii, Isaac, b. Aug. 4, 1730; d. Apr, 19, 1733. 17 iii. Jeduthun, b. June 1, 1741 ; ra. Ruth, dau. of Hezekiah Moore (19). In 1767, Jeduthun, his wife Ruth, and child Silas, from Sudbury, were warned from Rutland. He was a shoemaker, and lived oa Pound Hill. He d. about 1816, leaving- wife Ruth, and children, Buth,^ Jesse and Cummin (Middlesex Co. Probate, 101)18). 40. Jacob* Moore {John,^ Joseph,'^ John^) was born in Sudbury, July 1, 1703. He married, Nov. 4, 1729, Rebecca Robbius. Children : i. Abigail,* b. Dec. 5, 1730; d. young. ii. Hannah, b. Mar. 30, 1733. iii. Jesse, b. June 4, 1735. iv. Abigail, b. Nov. 25, 1737. V. Rebekah, b. Aug. 20, 1743. vi. Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1747. vii. Reuben. 41. Ephraim* Moore [John,^ Joseph,"^ John}) was born Nov. 13, 1706, in Sudbury. He married, May 11, 1736, Dorothy Brintnal. He lived in Rutland, on the road to Paxton, and was a prominent citizen. In 1765 he deeded land to his two children, Dorothy and Willard, for their support (Worcester Co. Deeds, Vol. 51, pp. 503, 509). His will was probated in 1773, and he is there called of Paxton (Worcester Co. Probate, 41346). Children : i. Dorothy,* b. Sept., 1741 ; m. before 1773, Loring Lincoln. ii. "Willard, b. Apr., 1743; m. Mar. 18, 1762, Elizabeth Hubbard. He was a major of minute men, and was killed at Bunker Hill. He lived in Paxtou. In 1775 he made a will leaving land in Oakham, Rutland, and Holden, and a "negro-man Jack." He had two sons. 42. Silas* Moore (John,^ Joseph,"^ Johii^) was born in Sudbury, Sept. 22, 1708. He married Anna , who died Nov. 14, 1753. Children : 1. Jeduthun*, b. June 1, 1741, ii. Dinah, b. Feb. 8, 1743-4. iii. Catherine, b. Mar. [1], 1746; m. Sept. 12, 1765, David Goodnow, Jr. iv. Jesse, b. July 31, 1748 ; m. Nov. 11, 1773, Mrs. Lucy Eaton, and had oue child. In 1777 his estate was administered by his father (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10919). Some years later, Jesse's sister Lucy, and her husband Daniel Loring, were accused of embezzling £25 worth of his furniture. v. Azubah, b. Mar. 30, 1751; d. Jan. 24, 1754. vi. Lucy, m. Daniel Loring. 43. Paul* Moore {John^ Joseph^ JohnS) was born in Sudbury, Mar. 80, 1711. He married. May 3, 1733, Hannah, daughter of Captain John Hubbard of Rutland, who was not quite sixteen at the time. Paul Moore was a carpenter by trade. He was a major of minute men, and was killed at Bunker Hill. A fuller account of hun can be found in the History of Rutland. Children (not in order of birth) : i. Love,* m. David Rice of Rutland. ii. BoAZ, b. in 1735 ; d. in Princeton, Oct. 9, 1802 ; m. Hannah Atherton. He apparently had no children, since his widow and brothers and sisters inherited his property (Worcester Co. Probate, 4129G). iii. Mary, m. • Moore. iv. Mercy, d. Sept. 6, 1756, aged 17 y. 10 m. 3 d. 18 V. Pkrsis, m. Elislia Mirick. vi. John Hubbaud, ra. iut. pub. to Mary Miles, but he d. before Ms marriage, of a fever-sore, at Tewksbary. vii. Humphrey, of Priucetou; m. Mary Sweetser of Paxton, int. pub. Oct. 19, 1771, aacl had issue. He d. at Priucetou, Dec. 19, 1790, aged 49. viii. Esther, m. Benson. ix. TiLLE, d. Sept. 11, 1756, aged 8 m. 4 d. 44. Bezaleel* Moore {John^ Joseph? John^) was born in Sudbury, February 21, 1716. He married in Sudbury, Mar. 19, 1755, Mrs. Ruth Esty. Children : i. Sibyl,* b. Dec, 25, 1755. ii. Phinehas, b. Jan. 5, 1760. 45. Augustus^ Moore ( William,^ Benjamin,'^ John^) was born in Sud- bury, Jan. 6, 1723. He married, Feb. 13, 1745-6, Elizabeth Haynes, who died Dec. 14, 1764. Children : i. Augustus,* b. Mar. 3, 1746, iu Sudbury; m. Nov. 16, 1769, Ruth Plympton, and had five children b. iu Sudbury, ii. JosiAH, b. Sept. 25, 1747. iii. Dinah, b. Jan. 16, 1749. iv. Benjamin, b. Dec. 5, 1750; d. Feb. 10, 1752. v. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 29, 1753. vi. Abi^l, b. Apr. 30, 1765. vii. Arteaias, or Artenatus, b. May 15, 1757. viii. Persis, b. Aug. 16, 1758. ix. Rachel, b. Jan. 20, 1760; d, Dec. 21, 1763. X. Ethan, b. Apr. 28, 1762. 46. Abijah* Moore ( William,^ Benjamin,'^ John^) was born in Sudbury, Aug. 31, 1724. He married Oct. 28, 1747, Eunice Gibbs. He was a captain in the Revolution, from Princeton ; but he died in Boyles- ton, in 1796. Children : i. William,* b. Dec. 18, 1748, in Sudbury; m. Oct. 12, 1769, Abigail Wheeler, and had issue. ii. RiTFUs, m. Apr. 2, 1797. Betsey Moore. iii. Barsheba, bapt. May 13, 1753, in Lancaster. iv. Tamar, bapt. June 22, 1755, iu Lancaster; m. Elisha Hubbard. V. Abijah, b. Oct. 1, 1757, in Princeton; bapt. in Lancaster, the fol- lowing year; m. Sept. 7, 1786, in Putney, Rebecca McWaiu. vi. Gideon, b. Oct. 20, 1759 ; m. Aug. 19, 1782, Arvilla Hubbard, and had issue. vii. Eunice, b. Nov. 14, 1761 ; d. July 19, 1768. viii. Jeptha, b. Feb. 18, 1764; m. Mar. 23, 1793, in Putney, Zilphah Jewett. ix. Lois, b. Mar. 12 1761, in Bolton; m. Jan. 19, 1789, in Putney, Wil- liam Poole. X. Lenstanday, b. May 8, 1768, in Bolton. 47. Phinehas* Moore {Peter, ^ Benjamin,^ John^) was born Mar., 1729, in Rutland. He married Anna Rice, and died Dec. 15, 1807. Children : 1. Beulah,* b. May 17, 1755, in Paxton ; d. Sept. 17, 1755. ii. Relief, b. Mar. 20, 1757; d. May 12, 1830. Hi. Beulah, b. July 29, 1761 ; d. June 14, 1781. iv. Adonijah, b. Oct. 13, 1763 ; d. July 27, 1815. 19 V. Persis, b. Ana;. 29, 1766 ; d. Sept. 4, 1827. vi. Hannah, b. Aug. 6, 1768 ; d. Apr. 4, 1810. vii. Peter, b. June 15, 1770; d. Aug. 6, 1773. viii. LuciNDA, b. Julj^ 12, 1772. ix. Peter, twin, b. May, 3, 1775; d. June 6, 1775. X. Phineiias, twin, b. May 3, 1775 ; d. June 17, 1775. 48. Nathan* Moore {Edward,^ Benjamin,'^ Johi^) was born in Sudbury, May 25, 1725. He married first, July 23, 1744, Agnis Bolton. His second wife was Abigail Parmenter ; and he had a third wife, Sarah . Nathan's estate was administered in 1776, and the heirs were : John, Joseph, Abigail, Jonathan, an^l Thomas (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10944). Children by first wife : i. John,* b. June 6, 1745. ii. Joseph, b. Aug. 1, 1747; m. Jan. 22, 1767, Martha Grout, and had children born in Sudbury. Children by second wife : iii. Sarah, b. Sept. 2, 1750; d. before 1776 iv. Luther, b. June, 1753; d. before 1776. Children by third wife : V. Nathan, b. Mar. 16, 1762; d. before 1776. vi. Jonathan, b. Apr. 14, 1764 ; d. Sept. 19, 1841. vii. Sarah, b. Sept. 10, 1766; d. before 1776. viii. Abigail, b. July 9, 1768. ix. Aaron, b. Apr." 1, 1770; d. before 1776. X. Thomas. 49. Elijah* Moore {Edward,^ Benjamin,^ John^) was born in Sudbury, Aug. 6, 1735. His wife's name was vSarah. His estate was admin- istered in 1792 by Joseph Gooduow ; the widow and Elijah, the son, were the heirs (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10903). Children : i. Ruth,* b. Apr. 8, 1760, in Sudbury, ii. Elijah, b. July 1, 1762. iii. Edward, b. Oct. 26, 1764. 50. John* Moore {Edward,^ Benjamin,'^ Johi^) was born in Sudbury, June 1, 1738. His wife was Anna . (Middlesex Co. Pro- bate, 10925.) Children : i. Reuben,* b. June 20, 1771 ; m. Mar. 24, 1800, Eunice Tufts ; d. Dec. 29, 1848. ii. Joel, b. July 18, 1773; m. May 25, 1802, Anna Haynes; d. Jan. 2, 1844. iii. Betsey, b. Feb. 25, 1775. iv. Abel, b. Apr. 6, 1777; m. Aug. 23, 1801, Ruth Goodnow. V. Rebecca, b. Apr. 28, 1780. vi. Lewis, b. May 4, 1783. vii. Martin, b. Aug. 4, 1786. viii. Esther, b. Apr. 28, 1788; m. Jan. 27, 1808, William Walkup. 51. Ashbell* Moore {Hezehiah,^ Benjamin,'^ John}) was born Oct. 6, 1729, in Sudbury. He married, Nov. 16, 1752, Persis Moore. Ashbell Moore was drowned in the Sudbury River, Apr. 11, 1765, and his brother-in-law Elijah Moore administered the estate (Middle- sex Co. Probate, 10895). 20 Children : i. Hezeioah,* b. July 18, 175'6. ii. Keziah, b. Feb. 13, 1755. iii. Saeah, b. Apr. 21, 1758. iv. Gideon, b. Apr. 4, 1760. V. William, b.Nov. 10, 1762. vi. AsHBELL, b. Apr. 11, 1765. 52. LuKE^ Moore (ffezekiah,^ Benjamin,^ John}) was born in Sudbury, in 1738. He lived in the " East wing" of Rutland. He married, in Holden, Oct. 27, 1760, Lucy Estabrook. Children : i. Tabatha,* b. June, 1761, in Sudbury; m. May 15, 1783, John Briant of Kutland. ii. Flagg, m. Oct. 20, 1789, Lucy Davis ; moved to New Hampshire. 53. Uriah* Moore (Hezeh'ah,^ Benjamin,"^ Johri^) was born in Sudbury, Jan. 6, 1751-2. It is possible that he married, Feb. 18, 1776, Olive How. Uriah,^ son of Obediah,^ son of Elias (39), was born Mar. 4, 1750; and Uriah,^ son of David (54), was born Sept., 1751. It is hardly possible to distinguish between the three Uriahs, so near the same age ; but it seems probable that Uriah,® son of Obediah,^ was he who married, Apr. 11, 1776, Lydia Witt, and that he named his eldest child Eunice for his mother. The estate of the Uriah who married Olive was administered in 1799 (Middlesex Co. Probate, 10961), but gives no clue. Child : i. Curtis, b. Feb. 6, 1778 ; m. Feb. 6, 1805, Polly Nixon. 54. David* Moore (Uriah,^ Benjamin, "^^John^) was born in Sudbury, Jan. 21, 1722. He married, Dec. 22, 1743, Hannah Parker. His will was probated in 1808, and named his eldest son William as ex- ecutor ( Middlesex Co. Probate, 10911). Children : i. Uriah,* b. July 3, 1744; d. Apr. 27, 1746. ii. Abigail, b. Oct. 25, 1745 ; d. Mar. 27, 1751. iii. William, b. Oct. 12, 1747. iv. Susanna, b. Dec, 1749. V. Uriah, b. Sept., 1751 (see 53). — vi. David, b. Mar. 2, 1754. vii. Thaddeus, b.Nov. 9, 1758. viii. Timothy, b. Jan. 9, 1761; m. Apr. 2, 1780, Hepzibah Nixon, ix. Reuben, b. Nov. 21, 1762. X. Abigail, b. Nov. 12, 1764 ; m. Apr. 8, 1784, Joshua Bacon of Lin- coln, mentioned in her father's will. 21 Addenda. 1. JoHN^ Moore (see page 3). His wife Elizabeth, the daughter of Philemon Whale, may have beeu a second wife, since the will of Philemon, made in 1675, mentions the "four sonnes of my loving daughter Elizabeth Moore, viz* William, Jacob, Joseph and 6enjamin." (Middle- /7 ( sex Co. Probate, 17259.) It may be that Elizabeth and John were chil- dren of a former wife. Philemon Whale was probably the son of Phile- mon Whale " of Chickney, co. Essex, clerk," * and appeared in Sudbury at about the same time as John Moore, that is, about 1 643. There was also a John Moore of Cambridge who owned land there as late as 1642, and there has been an effort, thus far fruitless, to prove that they were identical, but it seems doubtful, since the land owned by John Moore of Cambridge has been traced to his descendants. It was finally sold, about the time of the Revolution, by a Cambridge man, who happened at the time to be living in Sudbury, but who was not a descendant of John Moore of Sudbury.f It is not certain where the marriage of John Moore and Elizabeth Whale took place, but it seems probable that it was not in Sudbury. John Moore's will calls John'- the " eldest son," and (viii.) Elizabeth^ his " eldest daughter," consequently she should appear first in the list, as she married eleven years before her brother John.'^ There is doubt as to whether the year date of her birth was intended to be 1649 ; more probably that is the date, long after her birth, when it was returned to the County Court. She was married in 1643, and John Moore distinctly calls Lydia "his youngest daughter." 2. Jonx^ Moore (see page 3). In 1660, Oct. 31, John Smith, the father of Ann, deeded to his son-in-law John- Moore twenty acres of land in Lancaster, as a marriage portion for his daughter. (IMiddlesex Co. Deeds, vol. 3, p. 378.) Five years later, Apr. 12, 1665, he made a deed of gift of all his lands in Lancaster to his said son-in-law, in return for the care and kindness of John and Ann Moore. (IMiddlesex Co. Deeds, vol. 3, p. 379.) On the same day, he made his will, leaving his son John his " blak cow," his daughter Ann Moore the " red cow," and his two other children, Richard and Ales, two shillings each. (Middlesex Co. Probate, 14766.) The wife of John Smith was Alice, and not Sarah, as was stated, John^ Moore was probably not one of the proprietors of Lancaster, for it seems more likely that it was John^ Moore who was the proprietor, and that he gave the Lancaster lands to his son John^ as his portion of the estate. The elder John's will gives to the younger John five shillings, since he had " given Mm his portion formerly." i. Marie,^ the eldest daughter of John,^ married Matthew Gibbs of Framingham. She died Sept. 26, 1705 ; and her sister (ii.) Elizabeth' be- came his second wife ; (iii.) Lydia' married Winch ; and (vi.) Anne^ married Hildreth. iii. John' Moore (Jacob,^ 3) (see page 4) married Abigail Wright, and removed to Rutland. xi. James' Moore {Jacoh,^ 3) (see page 4) was born in 1693. * See abstract of his will in " Abstracts of Wills in the Prerogative Court of Canter- bury at Somerset House, London, England. Register Soame, 1620," page 208, to be issued by this Society, and now in press. t Authority of Kev. Anson Titus. 22 5. Benjamin^ Moore (see page 5) died Oct. 29, 1729. ^i**' i. Sibylla'* Moore {Richard,^ 8) (see page 6) married first, ^Ephraim Eoper, and second, Ebenezer Chamberlain — according to Mr. Frank Famsworth Starr. 9. Nathaniel^ Moore (see page 6) probably settled in "Worcester as early as 1719. His daughter (v.) Grace married Richard Flagg ; and son (viii.) Nathaniel married, July 31, 1740, Mehitable Goddard of Sutton. 11. Samuel^ Moore (see page 7) was born July 15, 1689. 12. James^ Moore (see page 8) was born in Sudbury, in 1693. 13. Jonathan^ Moore (see page 8) married, May 30, 1721, Mary, daughter of Chief Justice Francis Fulham of Weston. She married sec- ond, Joseph Dana of Pomfret, Conn. Children : i. Eliphalet,* b. Mar. 31, 1722, in Weston ; m. Nov. 27, 1745, Mary Silvester of Leicester; lived in Pomfret, Conn. ii. AsAHEL, b. Oct. 3, 1723; m. in Southborough, Mass., July 28, 1746, Abigail Johnson, and had ten children, born in Southborough. iii. Francis (not Jonathan), b. July 25, 1726; m. in Southborough, Oct. 24, 1748, Hannah Fay. He had one daughter, Hannah,'' b. in 1754, in South- borough; lived in Mansfield, Conn. iv. Mary, b. Aug. 13, 1728. V. JuDAH, b. May 24, 1730; m. May 24, 1750, Mary Swift of Lebanon, Conn. Their child, Zephaniah Sioift,^ b. in Palmer, Mass., Nov. 20, 1770, was a Professor of Dartmouth College, President of Williams College, and first President of Amherst College. (Communicated by Mr. Axfeed L. Holman of Cliicago.) i. Reuben^ Moore {John,'^ 50) (see page 19) married (1) Eunice Tafts, not Tufts, who died Apr. 29, 1817; and married (2), Dec. 23, 1821, Lucinda Brigham, who died Apr. 16, 1800. 53. Uriah* Moore (see page 20) is the Uriah Moore who married Olive How, and had a chUd Curtis^. His gravestone at Sudbury reads : "In Memory of | Lieut. Uriah Moore | Who died | June 25, 1799 | ^t 47 yrs & 5 mo," which is the age of Uriah (53). His wife's stone reads : "Mrs. Olive | widow of | Lieut. Uriah Moore, | died Feb 27, 1850 | ^t92." The graves of the children of Curtis Moore are beside the grave of Uriah. (Communicated by Mi's. Lucy Hall Greenlaw.) Register Reprints, Series A, No. 2. • 1. « 1 I i r-- J R D - 1.1- •^0 * ^o"^' ^^, "^mw* ^^ -^^ 0^ r"" -^^^ V 5^ #■ * :'^^' ♦1 C) 1 > x» «• V^ ^ ^ * * -^■-0^ c^ c A^^ Q-^ .f ^^-;^ ^ ^ J9r ^C^' ^,0«. 0^ -' ;•- %v^^ .4^v- %o^' .-•> o o A -^^ v^- .0- . .^^ ^°-^^. >^> "> ■ ^^ ^^ 4 9^ o A' \ -mm' ^^ ?•• ^^^-^ ^ o , » .^^ >. o "^^ .s"^ ^^o. u^^ "^^ o ' DOBBSBROS. , O O » * * "^ *> LIBRARV BINDING ^^ . v<> -\. •. <7 ^ • ST. AUGUSTINE Ay* x^ -$'. . ^ii^ .. ST. AUGUSTINE AP * a^ -^^ /^^Sm FLA. * A, ^ %,.* -f^-^ \/ :^^^-\ ^> 0*0