:. -^^o* : ^0^ .>^^^^ V ^ % -U^ cT **4Si&'. ^^ ^^■ ^-^^^ -^^^^ : iV«^ •° ** •%■ '-yi^'y.' J- -% ': if* b 4 O •? • >* ^0 ^^-n^. c>^' ANNUAL REPORTS OUST 13 1 ^KT EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE / \\ NlTlONiL LINCOLN MONCMENT ASSOCIATION REPORTS FOR NINE YEARS. FPtoivr isrs to isss, iiNrciL.xjsivE, CLOSING WtZn A DISSERTATION ON SUNDAY OPENINfl OF THE MONUMENT. Also, remarks on Sight-seeing in London; Sketches, Historical and Descriptive of the Methods of taking care of the Brock Monument at Queenston, Can- ada; the Washington Monument at Baltimore, Md.; Mount Vernon, on the Potomac, Virginia; Bunker Hill Monument, at Boston, Massachusetts; Mention of the Washington Monument, at the Capital of the Nation— now almost com- pleted; and of the proposed Garfield Monument at Cleveland, Ohio. By JOHN CAREOLL POWEB, CISTOPIAN OF THE NATIONAL LINCOLN MONKMKNT. SPUING PIELU, ILL.: ^Sl'Vf r u . cu' v^^ H. W. ROKKER, PRINTER AND BINDER. 1884. Entered aeeordiag to Act of Congress in the year 1884. by John Carroll Power, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Had the National Lincoln Monument Association held anniuJ meetings and published reports of their proceedings, as practiced by the Bunker Hill Monument Association, and the Mount Ver- non Ladies' Assosiation, there would not be any necessity for the publication of the reports of the Custodian in this form, be- cause they would have become a part of the transnctions of the Association. As the Association has never made any formal publication of its proceedings except in the History of the IMonu- uicnt by the Custodian, it would seem manifestly proper that these 're])orts should be published as an additional instalment of its history. Recogni/ing the fact that the 7jeople have a right to know how the funds collected at the Monument are used, the Custodian nas always been desirous of having his reports published annually. With the consent of the Executive Committee the report for 187") was published and paid for out of the collections at the Monu- ment, bufsince that time the necessity for using the income on the Monument and grounds has been so urgent that any further appropriation for publishing reports has been withheld ; therefore the Custodian publishes this little volume on his own account. The result is the same as though the Association issued the pub- lication, the facts are by this means accessible to the people. Annual Reports for. . . .■ 1875 " 1876 " 1877 " ..,1878 " 1879 " 1880 '' " " 1881 " 1882 " • 1883 EXPLANATORY REMARKS. The National Lincoln Monument was dedicated October loth, 1874, in presence of the Society of the Army of the Tennessee, and a concourse of citizens to the number of twenty-five thou- sand or more. At a meeting of the National Lincoln Monument Association, October 28, 1874, the present Custodian was placed temporarily in charge of the Monument, and it was formally opened on the twenty-ninth for the reception of visitors. At the same meeting a committee was appointed to determine the expediency of pro- viding for a permanent Custodian and to frame a set of rules and regulations by which he should be governed. At a meeting of the Association, November 9th, 1874, that com- mittee reported in favor of employing a Custodian, and recom- mended that Mr. J. C. Power be appointed to that office. The report was concurred in, and the following adopted as the RULES AND REGULATIONS : 1. The Custodian shall have personal care of the Monument, and employ one or more assistants, to be approved by the Execu- tive Committee. Said Custodian, or an assistant, shall be in attendence at the Monument during the usual business hours of each business day, except in stormy or inclement weather. '2. He shall keep the ^Monument in good order, the steps clean and clear of snow or other obstructions. He shall keep the walks to and around the Monument clean, well swept and free from all grass ; the carriage drives through the grounds in good order, free from weeds and grass, and the grass plats and lawns mown at proper times and free from weeds. 3. It shall be the duty of the Custodian to be courteous and polite to visitors, to give all proper information when requested, to keep a visitor's register, and to show all parts of the Monument except the catacomb,* to which no one shall be admitted without special permit from some member of the Association. 4. To provide for the compenj^ation of the Custodian, and ex- pense of the care of the Monument and grounds, the Custodian is authorized and directed to receive from all persons, except ♦Visitors are uow ivdmiUed to the Catacomb. 6 children under twelve years of age, for admittance to Memorial Hall and the Obelisk, or both, the sum of twenty-five cents. And he is further authorized to sell at the Monument any such books, phamphlets, pictures or other publications concerning Abraham Lincoln or the Monument, as may be approved of by the Executive Committee. 5. The Custodian shall, on or before the fifth day of each month, file with the Secretary of the Association a report in writ- ing of all receipts for admissions or for sales during the previous month, and make full payment of all moneys due the Association by virtue of his agreement. 6. The foregoing regulations shall be at all times subject to change, alteration or amendment, by the National Lincoln Monu- ment Association. The first two months were passed over without any regular account being kept. During that time it became apparent to the Custodian that neither himslf nor visitors could be comfortable without some provision for warming Memorial Hall. He called the attention of the Executive Committee to the subject, and after a thorough discussion of the same, the Committee ordered one of Ide's steam heating apparatus to be put in, which was accord- nigly done. To define more clearly the rights and duties of both parties, though to some extent a repetition, the following ARTICLE OF AGREEMENT Was entered into between J. C. Power of the first part, and the National Lincoln Monument Association of the second part, all of the city of Springfield, in the county of Sangamon, and the State of Illinois. The party of the first part hereby agrees to act as Custodian of the National Lincoln Monument, under direction of the National Lincoln Monument Association for one year, beginning January first, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-five. He is to have the supervision of the Monument, Grounds and Heating Apparatus, and see that all are kept in proper order. He is to keep a record for visitors, and give all necessary information to the same ; also to collect contributions in the manner prescribed by the Association, keep account of the receipts, and of dis- bursements for labor, and for any other necessary expenses that may be incurred ; make a montlily report of the same to the Executive Committee, and pay over to the Association, any and all moneys in excess of his salary and necessary expenses. The party of the second part hereby agrees to ])ay to the said party of the iirst part, for his services, the sum of fifty dollars per month, with the additional privilege of selling any publications or pictures concerning Abraham Lincoln and the ^lonument, that may be approved by the Executive Committe, and of appropriat- ing the proceeds of such sales to his own use. It is hereby mutually agreed, that if at any time it becomes necessary and expedient to employ one or more assistants, it shall be subject to future negotiations before any such assistants are employed. It is further agreed, that in no event shall the salary paid the Custodian exceed the net receipts. J. C. Power. Lincoln Monument Association, By John T. Stuart, ) t:, ,. T w.....,.„ r iixecntive John T. Stuart, ) -c ,. John Williams, i Executive Jacob I3unn. ( Committee. Springfield, III., December, 1874. FIRST ANNUAL REPORT or THE CUSTODIAN OF THE NATIONAL LINCOLN MONUMENT IFOE, THE "2"EJ^E, 1875. These Annual Eeports are composed of condensed statements of the twelve monthly reports for each year. Vouchers for nearly every item of expense accompanies eacli monthly report. J, C. PowEE, Custodian, in account ivith the Executive Commit- tee OF THE National Lincoln Monument Association. Items. Dk. Ck. Januabt— Receipts from visitors, for admittance at twenty-five cents eacii $72 40 Disbursements— For snow tools $105 coal 9 35 rf)und table 3 75 printing rules and regulations 4 50 salt to remove ice 40 hitching posts (iO making lires 7 50 salary of the Custodian 50 00 To balance . $77 15 4 75 1 Profits on sales of books, pictures, etc., $17.20.1 Febeuaey— By balance $77 15 $77 15 $41 C5 $4 75 Receipts from visitors Disbursements— For coal $5 50 making fires 7 50 moving snow 5 00 opening drains . 1 00 salary 50 00 To balance 09 00 32 10 [Profits on sales. $10.48.1 M .ECH— By balance $73 75 $73 75 $39 40 $32 10 Receipts from visitors ^ Disbursements— Forcoal $0 05 making fires 7 50 moving snow, and other labor 8 50 salary 50 00 72 05 To balance 61 75 $104 15 [Profits on sales, $11.58.1 Apbil— By balance ., $104 15 $07 20 GO 95 $64 75 Disbursements— For coal $2 50 labor on grounds 9 oo iron wrench 1 90 salary 50 00 Balance.... .... 63 40 $128 15 $128 15 Items. Dli. Ck. May- $103 40 38 19 $60 95 DisbursiMiKMits— For hiiuliei" 19 5:'. 9(11 repiiirs on heater — siiliiry 1 50 .'iO UO 80 64 $:i2.fl8.l 1 Profits on sales, June— $141 59 $141 59 $120 80 11 89 $38 19 Receipts from visitors .-- Disbursements— 30 00 frames and corrt labor on grounds 4 (H) 4 00 5 00 assistant three days, salary 7 50 50 00 100 50 $26.13.1 iProrttnon sales, July— By balance Receipts from visitors $138 69 $138 69 $02 25 $11 89 Disbursements— For coal four chairs $4 00 8 55 labor on grounds assistant, July 4th... salary 4 50 2 50 ..... .'iO 00 69 55 10 81 $21.30.1 iProflts on sales. $92 25 $92 25 August— To balance $l(j 81 87 25 Receipts from visitors -- Disbursements— For labor on grouncis $31 50 salary By balance .... 50 00 $81 5(» 16 56 $19.23.1 (Profits on sales September— To balance $98 06 $98 06 $16 56 82 75 Receipts from visitors Disbursements— For labor on grounds salary $10 Oil .->0 00 $60 00 39 31 $20.40.1 1 Profits on sales OCTOBEE— To balance $99 31 $99 31 $39 31 105 75 Receipts from visitors Disbursements— For galvanized iron chimney making fires, half month coal $3:i .w 3 75 3 'Xi salary .''ill nil $91 21 By balance 53 85 .$22.5