Qass. Book BAlJt_ .7 ■Of SPEECH MR. BENTON, OF MISSOURI, EXPUNGING RESOLUTION. ^Delivered in the Senate, January 12, 1837. The special order of the day beinj? called, the Secrelary read tlie following preamble and reso- tion: licsohitlon to expunge from the. Journal the Resolution of the .Senate .! aiul thut, nnt only upon the [)rin- ciples of representative GovL-rnment, which re- (juires obedience to the known will of the people, but also in conformity to the principles upon which tiie pioccetlinij against President ,Iack>ion uas conducted when the sentence against him was adopted. Then every thinp;' was done with especial reference to the will of the people! Their impiilsion was assumed to be tlie sole motive to action, and to them the ult'mate vei'dict was ex- pressly referred. The whole machinery of alarin and presKUie — every engine of political and mo- neyed power — was put in motion, and worked f)r nuny months, to excite the people ac^ainst the President, and to s-tir up meetings, memorials, pe- titions, travelling committees, and distress deputa- tions against him; and each symptom of popular discontent w:n guaranties, and which the example of France and Holland shows to be so easily at- tainable, and of such incalculable value to indus- try, morals, economy and solid wealth. T\\e suc- cess of these efforts is styled in the best London papers, not Tiierely a reformation, btit a revolution in the currency ! a revolution hv which our Ame- rica is now regaining from Europe the gold and sil- ve which she has been sending to tiiem ibrthuiy years past. Domestic industry is not pralyzed, confidence is not destroyed, factories are not slopped, work- men are not mendicants for bread and employment, credit is net extinguished, prices have not sunk, glass is not growing in the s reets of popul,(jie iiave tsken it up, and rolled it forward, and I am no i iii^er any thing but a unit in the vast mass which I v propels it. In the name of tl at raa^s I ..eak. I demand t^.e execution of the Edict of I iiiK People: I demand the expurgation of that sentence which the voice of a few Senators, and I the power of their confederate, the Bank of the (United States, has caused to be placed on the. journal of the Senate, and which the voice of n I- lions of freemen has ordered to be expunged from it. ink .:: D 10 ft LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 896 351 9