F 1 .N631 Copy 1 ■^ BY-LAWS UJb IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. (As Adopted May 6th, 1881.) Officers, Directors, Standing Committees AND Council of the Society. ^ — : . ^ BY-LAWS — OF — rHE NEW ::':-la::: society 4 IN THE CITY OF BROOKLYN. (As Adopted May 6th, 1981.) Officers. Directors, Standing Committees AND Council of the Society. 2 CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION. State of New York, \ County of Kings, ^ss.: City of Brooklyn, ) We, the undersigned citizens of the United States and citizens of the State of New York, to wit : Benjamin D. Silliman, Calvin E. Pratt, Ripley Ropes, Charles Storrs, Hiram W. Hunt, William B. Kendall, and John Winslow, do hereby certify, that we desire to form a Society pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An Act for the Incorporation of Societies or Clubs for certain lawful purposes," passed May 12, 1875. and of the act extending and amending said act. That the corporate name of said Society is to be The New England Society in the City of Brooklyn, and the objects for which such Society is formed are to encourage the study of New England History, and for such purpose to establish a Library, and also for social purposes, and to promote charity and good fellowship among its members. That the term of existence of the said Society is to be fifty years. That the number of Directors who shall manage the concerns of said Society shall be twelve, and