Dkacon WiNiiiRDi' Smiih Mkskkvk HISTORY of the TOWN OF DURHAM NEW IIAMrsiIlUE (Oyster River Plantation) WITH GENEALOGICAL NOTES By EVERETT S. STACKPOLE and WIN rilROP S. MESERVE IN TWO VOLUMES Volume Two GENEALOGICAL PUBLISHKD BY VUTK OF THI. TOWN GENEALOCilCAL ADAMS Charles Adams, b(jrii about 1623, bought land at Oyster River of John Ault, 10 April 1645. He was taxed in 1648. and took the oath of fidelit\' 21 June 1669. Constable in 1662. He and four- teen others of his household were slain in the massacre of 1694, and his house was burned. The mound of earth niarkinj^ their graves is ver>- near the Mathes burial place, at Durham Point. Deliverance, named in Court record, 1679. Charles b. 1668; m. Temperance Benmore. Mary m. William Tasker. Sarah m. Henry Nock, 10 Jan. 1691/2, (2) EJeazer VVyer. Samuel, slain with wife and children in 1694. Mercy, or Ursula, b. 13 March 1674; captured 1694; bapt. in Canada 6 April 1697, when she was recorded as dau. of Charles and Rebecca (Smith) Adams of Oyster River. She m. Charles Brisebois and d. before 1732, leaving at least two children. Charles Adams (Charles), born 1668, administered his father's estate i April 1695, and the inventory of his own estate was rendered 9 Nov. of the same year. He married Temperance, daughter of Philip Benmore, who married, 28 Sept. 1669, Rebecca, widow of Thomas Nock, whose maiden name was Tibbetts. He left two daughters. Rebecc.\ m. Joseph Duda, or Durrell. Esther m. Thomas Bickford. ADAMS On the 20th day of November, 1684, Timothy Prout, Edward Willey and Edward Willis became surety to the town of Boston for Richard Wilkins, William Stewarte, John Adams, John Lang- don, Samuel Gray, John Simons, Thomas Atkinson, and Archi- bald Eraskin [Erskine] and their families. [See report of the Record Commissioners of Boston, Vol. X, p. 75.] It is known that Stewarte and Erskine were Scotchmen, and it is probable that all of this company were from Scotland. They had recently arrived and somebody had to be surety for them, lest they might come upon the town for support. The above John Adams had wife. Avis, and the next event I 2 HISTORY OF DURHAM recorded concerning his family is the birth of their daughter, Jane, in 1686. He bought a house of Nathaniel Williams, 20 Dec. 1688, and is called "cordwainer" in the deed. He sold "tenement and shop" to Abraham Blish, 19 Jan. 1690. The deed is witnessed by Peter Barber. June 20, 1693, Mary, widow of Henry Phillips, sold to John Adams, S^, of Boston, cordwainer, a house occupied by Samuel Gray, doubtless the same person as the one named among those who arrived with John Adams in 1684. It was on the highway leading to Roxbury, bounded east by Bishop's Lane, which is now Hawley Street. William Gibbons was one of the witnesses. June 21, 1693, John Adams, S'., cord- wainer, and Avis, his wife, mortgaged to John Richards the house last mentioned, "tenement occupied by Samuel Gray." The mortgage was discharged 23 Feb. 1693/4. The marriage bond of Peter Barbour, tailor and Sarah Willey, spinster, of Boston, was signed by John Adams, shoemaker, of Boston, 16 Nov. 1687. [See Court Files, Boston.] Peter Barbour was another Scotchman. On 10 Feb. 1693, John Adams, S^, cordwainer, and wife, Avis, deeded to Mathew Gary a tenement late in the possession of Mary Phillips and now in the tenure of John Adams. The deed was subscribed 9 March 1693/4. This same house was sold by Mathew Gary to Samuel Lynde, 15 Dec. 1694, "occupied by John Adams, S^," and 5 Jan. 1696/7 Mathew Gar>- sold to An- drew Belcher the same house, "now or late in the tenure & occu- pancy of John Adams, cordwainer." The Superior Gourt of Judicature, Nov. 1699, had a case of Edward Gouge, plaintiff, and Anthony Gheckley, defendant, "Whereas Edward Gouge recovered a judgment against John Adams of Boston, cordwainer, for £12 and costs of suit, and execution was returned to court with non est Inventus,'" etc. Anthony Gheckley was surety for John Adams and pleaded that he never set hand to the bond, but the verdict was against Gheckley and he paid the bill, which was receipted 20 Sept. 1704. It must have been John Adams, S^, of whom it was said in 1699, non est Inventus, for John Adams junior was in Boston, 1699- 1705- John Adams, S''., had died. Rev. Hugh Adams writes that in 1701 "four of my young brethren and sisters were orphans left to my brotherly care," and "my own godly mother the widow Avis Adams died" in 1699 as the result of a pestilential disease HISTORY OF DURHAM < 3 contracted in iiursinj^' (lie Rev. John Cotton at Charleston, S. C. John and A\is Adams had (.hildren as follows: 2. John ni. Hannah Checkley, 19 Oct. 1693. 3. Hlgh b. 7 Ma\' 1676; m. Susanna Winborn. 4. Matthkw m. (i) Katherine Bri^don, (2) Mcriel Cotton. Jane b. 21 Feb. 1686; ni. 20 July 1713, Joseph Harding, at Chatham, Mass. Ann b. 20 Feb. 1688; m. (1) 13 Feb. 1706, \Vm. Flay, (2) 23 Sept. 1 7 14, William Ings of Boston. William bapt. 8 March 1690; d. young. William bapt. 12 P'eb. 1692. FnKNLZLR bapt. 2T) Dec. 1694. 2. John Adams (John) married, 19 Oct. 1693, Hannah, daughter of Anthon>- and Hannah (Wheelwright) Checkley. Her father was attorney' general. John Adams, J^, was cordwainer, shopkeeper, captain and lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia. Jan. 8, 1700, the heirs of Henry Stevens convey to John Adams of Boston, shopkeeper, a house at the south end on highway leading to Ro.\bur\ , bounded east by Bishop's Lane, the same house that his father had once bought, lived in and sold. The ne.xt year John Adams sold this house and moved into a brick house adjourning, where he was a tenant of John Wainwright. Oct. 4, 1 712, Thomas Newton wrote a letter to Capt. John Adams of Annapolis Ro\al sa>ing that "Mr. Wainwright is now sueing out his mortgage of the house your aunt and I live in and the house >our family li\es in, and creditors have a deed of the Over- plus thereof when that and your mortgage are satisfied, and I am desired b>- the creditors to know what is due to you or yours, which I desire you will let me know by the next conveniency." [See Suffolk Court Files.] John Adams was still at Annapolis Royal in 1718. In 17.11 he was in Boston and was blind. He then sold to John Gibbons, at the end of a law suit, the brick house above mentioned, for £500. The deed is witnessed b\- his brother, Matthew Adams, and by Hannah Newton, who was daughter of this John Adams* and had married Hibbert, son of Thomas Newton above mentioned. • Several persons named John Adams have been confused by some genealogists. John, son of Alexander Adams, seems to have died before 1684. See Suffolk Deeds, XIII, 322. John Adams. maUter, son of Joseph Adams, malstcr, married Hannah Webb and died 2 Nov. 1703. His widow married 12 Dec. 1705. Samuel Winkley, and tlicd in 1707. This John .Adams had children, (i) Samuel born 6 May 1689, who married 21 April 1713, Mary Fificld, and had son. Samuel .Adams, the patriot, born 16 Sept. lyaa; (a) Hannah who married 22 Sept. 17 10. Samuel 4 HISTORY OF DURHAM By a further study of the records it appears that Ann, wife of WiUiam Gibbons was aunt of Capt. John Adams of Annapolis Royal, son of John and Avis Adams, She was, therefore, sister to John Adams, S^, or to his wife, Avis, or possibly William Gibbons was brother to Avis Adams. Capt. John Adams had children : Avis. Hannah m. Hibbert Newton. Anne. Rev. John bapt. 26 March 1704 5: d. Jan. 1740, aged 36. [See N. E. Reg. Vol. XXXIII, p. 132.] 3. Rev. Hugh Adams (John), born 7 May 1676, graduated at Harvard in 1697. The next year he went to South Carolina, w^here he was pastor of several churches, and remained there till 1706. In a letter he states that '"our precious godl}- mother Avis Adams departed this life October 6th last" (1699). This was at Charleston. [See Mass. Hist. Coll. Vol. \T., 5th series, p. 12.] He married, 1701, as he himself writes, Susanna Winborn, undoubtedly daughter of the Rev. John and Elizabeth (Hart) Winborn, and granddaughter of William Winborn. f Holbrook of Weymouth; (3) Abigail born 6 Oct. 1691, died 4 July 1712; (4) John born 4 Nov. 1693, bound out in 1707- He chose uncle Peter Adams for guardian; (5) Joseph born 20 Dec. 1695, bound out; (6) Mary born 20 Dec. 1695; (7) Bethiah bom 20 Aug. 1697, died 8 Dec. 1703; (8) Thomas born 2 March 1700; (9) Abijah born 11 May 1702, who married 1725, Deborah Cutler, and later had second and third wife. He died 9 Feb. 1768, aged 66. I am indebted to Miss \'irginia Hall, genealogist, of Boston, for much information about these often confused persons, named John Adams, of Boston. t William Winborn signed the Exeter Combination of 1639 and was Clerk of the Writs in E.xeter in 1643. He and wife, Elizabeth, lived in Boston, 1644-62. He was chosen town clerk of Manchester, Mass., in 1686, where his son, John, was preaching. William Winborn of Mai- den, Mass., and his son, John, with wife, Elizabeth, sold land in Maiden in 1687. [See Middle- sex Deeds, VHI, 219.] John, his son, was bom in Boston 21 of 7th month, 1638, and married, 11 Sept. 1667, in Mai- den, Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Hart of Watertown, Lynn and Reading. She was born 11 Dec. 165 1. Her father's will names daughter, Elizabeth Wenborne. Rev. John Winborn was minister of the church at Manchester, Mass., 1667-86. The town records show that he left Manchester between 1690 and 1693. He is said to have died in 1707. [See History of Essex County, II, 1283.] No record of his family has been found. He may have gone to South Carolina, and in that state only the name Winborn is found in the census of 1790. Susanna Winborn had a brother, Ebenezer, of Boston, who married, 11 May 1706, Lydia Prince, bora 1685, daughter of Joseph Prince of Hull, Mass., who married, 7 Dec. 1670, Joanna, daughter of Secretary Nathaniel Morton of Plymouth. Mass. Ebenezer Winborn was a watch- man in the south end of Boston from 1723 till 175S. He may have married (2) Elizabeth Gwinn, 24 Oct. 1744. He had children, Prince, who married 30 Nov. 1743 Mary Rogers and probably (2), 17 June 1765, Esther Johnson in Middletown, Conn.; Elizabeth who married 29 Oct. 1739. Bozoun .-^dlen; Susanna who married 12 July 1734. Andrew Coffin; Joanna who married 29 Dec. 1736. Nicholas Foster, and Lydia born 13 Feb. 1706 7. who was living in 1739- This last is the maiden baptized in Durham by the Rev. Hugh Adams. HISTORY OF DURHAM 5 Under date of i Ma\* 1726, he records the admission to church of "Lydia W'inborn, the maiden daughter of my wife's brother." April 6, 1718, he records the admission to church of "Susanna Adams, nn wife. She was a member of the church in Carolina." The Rev. Hugh Adams died in Oct. 1748. aged 72, [See chap- ter on History of the Church in Durham.] His widow, Susanna, was living in 1766. Son, b. and d. at Ashley River. S. C. in 1702. 5. S.VMUKL I). June 1705; m. (i) Phebe Chesley, (2) Rebecca Hall. Eliz.abeth 1). 5 May 17 13. in Chatham, Mass.; m. Joseph Drew. WiNUOKN b. 19 April 1715 in Boston; schoolmaster in Dur- ham; "deceased in otifice," 1736. J John b. 13 Jan. 171S in O. R.; m. in Boston 23 Dec. 1741. Anna Parker. Avis b. II April 1723; m. William Odiorne. Joseph b. 22 April 1725; prob. d. young. 4. Matthew Adams (John) was a merchant in Boston, "an ingenious and amiable man, who had a prett>" collection of books" and loaned the same to Benjamin Franklin, as the latter writes. He died in March 1747 8. He married (i) Katharine Brigdon, 17 Nov. 1715, and (2) Meriel Cotton, 10 June 1734. M.vtthew. ivvtherine. 6. John b. 19 June 1725; m. Sarah Wheeler, (2) Hannah Chcslc\ . Nathaniel b. 1726; d. 1766; m. (i) 1752, Deborah, dau. of Capt. John Knight. (2) 1755, Elizabeth Parker, dau. of Hon. William Parker of Portsmouth. She d. Now 1814, aged 80. He had son Xathauiel h. 1756, who wrote the Annals of Portsmouth and m. (i) Eunice Woodman and had 3 ch., (2) Martha Church and had 5 ch.; ^fary b. 1758; Deborahh. 1759; John b. 1761; Amieb. 1763; and William b. 1765. Elizabeth b. 1732; m. 17 April 1749, Dea. Jeremiah Burn- ham; d. 2 June 1753. Child by second marriage. Meriel m. (i) Winthrop Burnham, (2) Dea. Nathaniel Norton. ♦ There is in the library of the M.iss. Historical Society a manuscript letter of Rev. Hugh Adams dated 22 April 1736. to Mr. Nathan Prince. Fellow of Harvard CollcRe in Cambridge, requesting the speedy return of his son, Winborn .Adams, who had been sick. He says that in the space of seven months eighty-six person had died in Durham by a "pestilential fever and Quincey." HISTORY OF DURHAM Third Generation 5. Dr. Samuel Adams (Hugh-, John^) born June 1705 at South Edisto River, S. C, spent his life as a physician in Durham. His father records, under date of ii March 1721/2, "Then was received my son, Samuel Adams, to own his baptismal covenant and to be under the discipline of our church after his standing propounded 3 Sabbaths." There were admitted to the church in Durham, 7 April 1728, "Samuel Adams, my son, and Phebe Adams his wife." Circumstantial evidences are convincing that she was daughter of Lieut. Philip and Hannah (Sawyer) Chesley. The tombstone of "Phebe Adams the wife of Docf Samuel Adams" may be seen on the hilltop back of the house in which she lived, in the Sullivan burial ground, showing simply that she died in 1743. Doubtless Dr. Samuel Adams and his father and mother were buried here, though no tombstones mark their graves. Samuel Adams m. (2) before 1747, Rebecca, daughter of Joseph Hall, Jr., and Mary his wife, of Exeter. His will, 22 June-28 July 1762, names wife, Rebecca, and children, Winborn, Phebe Drew, Sarah Swett, Mary Adams, and Josiah Adams. The inventory of his estate shows £5861-11-6. Samuel b. 19 Aug. 1728; d. 26 Aug. 1728. Phebe bapt. 31 Aug. 1728; m. Francis Drew. 7. Winborn b. ; m. Sarah Bartlett, Sarah m. 8 Aug. 1756, Dr. Stephen Swett; d. 3 May 1808, in Otisfield, Me. Children by second marriage; Mary m. 1769, Dr. John Marsters of Exeter. He m. (2) Elizabeth Shute. 8, Josiah b. 10 July 1748; m. Nancy Hill, John bapt. 24 Oct. 1749; d. young. Rebecca bapt. 26 Sept. 1756; d. young. 6. Rev. John Adams (Matthew-, John^) was born in Boston, 19 June 1725. He graduated at Harvard in 1745 and settled as minister at Durham in 1748. He married (i) 13 Oct. 1752, Sarah Wheeler, doubtless daughter of Dea. Joseph and Mary (Drew) Wheeler, who died 17 April 1753, (2) 19 Sept. 1754, Hannah Chesley, daughter of Thomas and Deborah, who died 26 March 18 14. He removed to Newfield, Me., and died there 4 June 1792. [See Biographical Sketch.] HISTORY OF DURHAM 7 Sarah b. 14 Jiil\ 1756; d. 7 (Jet. 1757. CATniiklNK b. 2b Oct. 175H; m. John Morrill, or Merrill, and 1. in Parsonsfield, Mi-. Dkhokam b. 2() July 17'>-?: ni. Jcrcniiah Alkn i»f Lina-rick, Me.; d. Sept. 1846. - John b. 30 April 1765; ni. Betsey Gilpatrick; d. 27 Feb. 1851; 1. in Shirley, Mass. Dr. Nathaniel b. 27 Aug. 1767; d. Sept. iH.v). Thomas b. 11 Sept. 1769; m. March 1803, Sall\ Wilson; d. 21 IVb. 1856, in Newfield, Me. Hannah b. i Feb. 1771. Wht.Iam I). 22 Feb. 1772; Harxard, I7' of Ki)i)niji. Albi:kt Howard b. i« Aiip;. 1865; m. 15 Dec. 1887, Maud Agnes, dau. of John L. Trefethen of Xewington. Mary Kstiikr b. 28 March 1870; m. i Jan. 1892, Charles Samuel L;uiRle\' of Durham. ASH Thomas Ash witnessed a deed in Boston 2 (12) 1652. Thomas Ash, perhaps the same, signed a petition from Dover, N. H., in 1689. He Hved near the head of Johnson's Creek. He married (i) Hannah Chcsle>-, daughter of Philip and Elizabeth, (2) Widow Mary Rollins, or Rawlins. His will, 17 18, names wife, Mar>-, son, Thomas, daughter, Hannah Pierce, to w^hom he gave five shillings, and "other daughters." Hannah married Benjamin Pierce* 30 May 17 14. Thomas Ash, Jr., had wife Eleanor. She and children, Mar>', Thomas, Judith and Benjamin were baptized in Dover 26 March 1736. In 1743 Thomas Ash and "EUinor," his w'ife, sold to John Gage 25 acres with house, orchard, etc., on road from Dover to Cochecho Point. Judith Ash married John Ellis, 20 Dec. 1752. Eleanor Ash married in Somersworth, about 1763, William Whitehouse, Jr. Benjamin Ash signed a petition from Lebanon, Me., in 1757. W'idow Mar\' Ash aiui Judiili, lier daughter, were baptized 28 Sept. 1 7 18. AMBLER John Ambler bought, in 1703. the place that once was owned by John Hill, at Oyster River Point, on the shore of Little Bay. Aug. 7, 1 71 7, he bought of Edward and Sarah Wakeham six acres formerly in the possession of Nicholas Done (Dunn), which W'ake- ham bought of Widow Elizabeth Done. Other lands he bought of Joseph Kent and of Samuel Edgcrly. ♦ Benjamin Pierce (Joseph', .•Vnihony', John') was born in Watertown, Mass., 25 March 1677. He removed to Dover and there married (i) 7 Sept. 170S, Elizabeth Hall, (2) 30 May 1714, Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Hannah (Chesley) Ash. Tate's Journal says that Han- nah Pierce died 16 Sept. 1777. Children were Benjamin born 11 Dec. 1706, schoolmaster In Somersworth in 1736; Joseph born 22 Oct. 1709; John born 19 May 1715; Elizabeth born 17 May 17 1 7. who married James Stackpole, great-grandfather of the present writer; Ebcnczer bom 2 Feb. 1720/31; Israel bom 16 Feb. 1723/4. who married 7 Jan. 1748 Elizabeth Curtis of York; Martha bom 18 Oct. 1725, who prob. married 14 Sept. 1747 Daniel Goodwin; and Thomas born 11; May 1727. who married Hannah, daughter of James Heard. lO HISTORY OF DURHAM John Ambler married (i) Hannah, widow of Robert Watson. Dr. Quint said she was daughter of Thomas Beard, but Hannah is not mentioned in Beard's will, and in the inventory of Robert Watson's estate she alludes to "brother Kent." She was prob- ably daughter of Oliver Kent. Robert Watson, born 1641, was slain in the massacre of 1694, and his wife and son, Joseph, were carried to Canada. Mrs. Hannah (Watson) Ambler died 8 April 1706, as Pike's Journal says. John Ambler, married (2) 6 Nov. 1706, Elizabeth Trickey of Newington. He married (3) 20 July 1725, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel Edgerly and daughter of Capt. John Tuttle. John Amb- ler lived on a point of land near Ambler's Islands, on the present farm of Hon. Jeremiah Langley. He was constable in 1708, selectman in 17 16, deacon in 17 18, and elder in 1721. He was living in Durham 10 June 1739, and is mentioned as deceased 20 Dec. 1748. The following children appear on the Dover records: Mary b. i Feb. 1709/10; m. 21 Nov. 1728, Ephraim Libby of Kittery. John b. ii Feb. 1711/12; prob. d. young. Joseph b. 9 Aug. 1714. Abraham b. 2 Sept. 1716. Hannah b. 24 Jan. 17 18/9; m. John Edgerly, 1737. Joshua bapt. 17 Sept. 1721; birth not recorded. Elizabeth b. 14 June; bapt. 21 June 1724. BALLARD Joshua, son of Timothy and Sarah (Abbot) Ballard of Andover, Mass., was born 10 Aug. 1760. He came to Durham when a boy and learned the hatter's trade of Thomas Pinkham, who married his sister, Sarah. He married Mrs. Lydia (Burnham) Emerson, widow of Moses Emerson. He built the house at the corner of the Madbury Road and the Mast Road, in Durham village. Lydia Ballard died 18 April 1826, aged 75. Joshua Ballard died 27 April 1844. Betsey b. 7 June 1786; m. 16 Sept. 1819, Hon. Valentine Smith. Sally b. 3 Feb. 1788; d. 23 Nov. 1825. Abigail b. 25 Aug. 1790; m. Cyrus Goss of Dover; d. 23 March 1824. Lydia b. 3 Jan. 1793; m. 28 June 1820, James Bartlett, Esq., of Durham. Mary b. 16 July 1795; d. 6 Sept. 1800. HISTORY OF DURHAM I I BASKokD, hAMIoKI) riu History of Hampton sa>s that Jacob and Elizabeth Bas- ford had fue children. This faniiK- appears in Durham as Baf- ford and Bumford. The fainil\- H\c'd in the \icinit\' of Cheslcy's mill. The following is all that tin- records of Hampton and nurham give us. James bapt. in Ham|)ion 9 Ma\ 1797. He had wife, Mary, son, James, bapt. by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 29 Nov. 1721 ; rem. to Chester. Mary b. 28 Aug. 1697; m. Jeremiah Fulsom. ELiZAiJiiTM b. 7 May 1692; m- John Davis. Marc.arht b. 20 June 1696; m. 7 Dec. 1718, William Willey. Hi:riizii{i:TH bapt. 28 June 1699; m. Richard ClifTord. RouiiKT prob. He had ch. bapt. at O. R., Anne bapt. 30 July 1723, and John bapt. 8 Feb. 1727/8. Among the grantees of Holderness, 1761, were Robert and Charles Bam ford. m. 28 Sept. 1749, William Williams and Jane Bamford. m. 13 Sept. 1752. Joseph Hill and Mary Bamford, both of Barrington. m. II June 1753, Daniel E\ans and I£leanor Bamford, both of Barrington. Aug. 13, 1736. William McDaniel of Durham deeded to his daughter, Eleanor Bamford, land in Barrington. John Bamford, Jr., was drowned in 1726. BEARD William Beard was at Oyster River in 1O40. His garrison stood east of Beard's Creek. His wife, Elizabeth, survived him. He gave land to James Huckins, 19 April 1675. He \vas killed by Indians, about the first of November, 1675. His property was divided between his wife and Edward Leathers. Thomas Beard, born 1608, had a grant of land at Sandy Point, on Dover Neck, in 1642, and, with Valentine Hill, a grant of Oyster River Falls in 1649. He was in Barbadoes in 1668 and then gave to his wife, Elizabeth, a power of attorney. He left widow, Mary, who married William Williams. His will, 16 Dec. 1678, names wife, Mary, and children: Joseph m. Esther dau. of James Fhilbrick of Hampton, b. I March 1657. Est. adm. 1703. Widow m. Sylvanus Nock, 12 Nov. 1705. 12 HISTORY OF DURHAM Thomas, under 21 in 1678, was in Barbadoes in 1691. Martha m. Brimhor.* Elizabeth, second wife of Jonathan Watson. Mary m. John Hudson, 25 July 1689, probably his second wife. Hannah b. 24 Oct. 1666; not named in will, 1678. Children of Joseph and Esther (Philbrick) Beard: Ensign Joseph m. 24 March 1 700/1, Elizabeth Waldron. Est. adm. in 1723 by widow and son-in-law, Richard Plummer. Had ch., Sarah and Bridget, bapt. 31 May 1719. A dau. Elizabeth m. Richard Plummer. Had also son, Samuel, and dau. Esther, who m. Dolloff. Samuel, mentioned in 1717. He was of Scarborough, Me., in 1738. Esther m. Joseph Hall, 3 Nov. 1707. BENNETT This surname is often written Bennick. Arthur Bennett, born about 1640, as depositions show, married before 1665 Mary, daughter of John and Welthen Goddard. He was taxed at Oys- ter River, 1666-67. He mortgaged, 13 June 1679, to Nicholas Harrison of Fox Point land and part of saw-mill at Piscassick, "which formerly belonged to our Honred father John Goddard." He died 20 Jan. 1682/3. His wife died before April 1717. 2. John. 3. Abraham b. abt. 1672; m. Sarah Chesley. Ruth probably; m. 23 Feb. 1691/2, Francis Matthews. 2. John Bennet (Arthur) is named in the will of John God- dard, Jr., 1672. He is called, 21 April 1696, "son and onely son and heir of Arthur Bennick deceased." He signed a petition in 1694. He is supposed to have married and to have had the following children : 4. Arthur m. Dorcas Rawlins. 5. Benjamin m. Penelope Cook. 3. Abraham Bennett (Arthur), born about 1672, died after 3 Jan. 1753/4. He married Sarah, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Thomas) Chesley. The Rev. Hugh Adams records, "Bapt. 17 Feb. 1716/7, Abraham Bennick, Sarah his wife, Sarah ♦ I think this was George Biimhall, or Bramhall, who was of Dover in 1670, of Casco, Me., in 1678, where he was killed by Indians in 1689. His widow, Martha, removed to Hinghani Mass., and married (2) 19 Dec. 1698, Gershom Hall of Chatham, Mass., an unordained preacher. [History of Hingham, Vol. II. p. 90, and Smith's History of Chatham.] HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 3 and Ruth their adult daus., Abraham, Benjamin and Eleazar their sons in nonage." He had a grant of land 19 March 1693/4. He was Lieutenant in command of volunteers at Oyster River in 1724, selectman in 171 7. Wife was living in 1722. Sarah, admitted to church 25 May 1718; m. prob. 30 Dec. 1725, James Marston. Ruth bapt. 17 Feb. 1716/ 7. 6. Abraham b. 14 Feb. 1703/4; m. Abigail Wedgu'ood. 7. Benjamin m. Mary Gilman. Eleazar. Martha, spinster in 1740. Third Generation 4. Arthur Bennett (John^ Arthur^) married, about 1715, Dorcas Rawlins of Stratham. According to tradition he was killed in his field by Indians in 1722. Administration of his estate was granted to his father-in-law, Thomas Rawlins, 6 June 1722. He was a cordw^ainer. He bought land in Exeter, now Newmarket, west side of Piscassic River, 2 March 17 15. His widow, Dorcas, married Joseph Glidden after 1742 and before 1753. She was daughter of Thomas and Phebe (Lawrence) Rawlins. 8. John b. 1716; m. Lydia Durgin. 9. Caleb b. 1718; m. 1746, Abigail Lovering. Arthur b. 1723; m. Ann dau. of Samuel Pease. A dau. Martha m. 2 June 1777, William Stevens, and another dau. Phebe m. John Barter, 23 Feb. 1778. Thomas b. 1720; m. Catherine Lawrence; d. s. p. 1784. Jeremiah (?) b. 1722; m. 1738, Rachel, dau. of Abner Sanborn of Hampton. 5. Benjamin Bennett (John-, Arthur'), born 1687, married* 16 Dec. 1 7 14, Penelope Cook of Gloucester, Mass. He lived in Gloucester as a fisherman. He was drowned 18 July 1723, aged 36. Penelope, his widow, was of Durham 1748-51. Children born at Gloucester. Mary b. i Aug. 1715; d. 9 March 1725. Benjamin b. 27 March 1718; d. abt. 1748. Mariner of Gloucester. Ch. bapt. at Durham, 5 July 1753, Dorcas and Moses. TO. John b. 9 May 1721; m. Abigail abt. 1748. William b. 3 May 1723. 6. Lieut. Abraham Bennett (Abraham^, Arthur'), born 14 Feb. 14 HISTORY OF DURHAM 1703/4, married, 11 April 1728, Abigail, dau. of John Wedgewood of Exeter, born 22 March 1701. He died 15 Dec. 1792. She died 23 March 1788. Mary bapt. 5 Feb. 1728/9; m. Benjamin Bickford, 19 Nov. 1750- Martha b. 1730; m. Andrew Burleigh; d. 18 March 1800, aged 70. 11. John b. 11 Nov. 1740 m. Mary Bennett; d. 27 Feb. 1824. Perhaps others. 7. Benjamin Bennett (Abraham-, Arthur^, born between 1703 and 1 711, married Mary Gilman, as a deed shows. He signed a petition for a bridge in 1760. Mary bapt. 3 Sept. 1749; m. Daniel Croxford; d. 21 June 1820, aged 72. 12. Capt. Eleazer bapt. 2 Dec. 1752; m. Anna Clough. Elizabeth b. 1745; m. George Dame; d. 25 July 1842, aged 97- Ruth m. Aaron Chesley, 29 Nov. 1781. Sarah m. Joseph Tuttle. Susanna d. 29 May 1834, aged 92. Fourth Generation 8. Dea. John Bennett (Arthur^ John-, Arthur^, born 1716, married Lydia, daughter of Francis and Sarah (Marston) Durgin of Durham and lived in Newmarket. He died in 1789. Children all born in Newmarket: John b. abt. 1746; m. 5 May 1773 Deborah Burley, dau. of John and Sarah (Hall). She was b. i April 1748 and d. 19 Sept. 1825. He d. 17 June 1819. Cotton b. abt. 1748; m. Mary Newton of Greenland; d. 1795. She d. June 1831. Sarah b. 25 April 1750; m. 14 May 1767, Benning, son of Capt. John and Elizabeth (Pickering) Brackett of Green- land, who was b. 31 March 1745 and d. 21 Jan. 1815. She d. 9 June 1823. Lived in Newmarket. 16 ch. JosiAH b. 4 Aug. 1753; m. 13 June 1776, Catherine Goodwin, dau. of James and Mehitabel (Lawrence), b. 1759, d. i Feb. 1815. He d. 20 May 1832. 9. Caleb Bennett (Arthur^, John-, Arthur^), born 17 18, mar- ried, 1746, Abigail Lovering and lived in Northwood. Arthur b. 1747; m. Molly Mason of Newmarket. Nancy b. 1749; m. John Mason. Lucy b. 1751 ; m. Thomas Haines. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 5 Olive b. 1753; m. Joseph Gannon of Gilmanton. Lydia b. 1755; m. Wm. Stockman, 28 Oct. 1778, or John Stockman (?). Mary b. 1757; m. Thomas RoIHns of Newmarket. Dolly b. 1759; m. Ehphalet Durrell of Lee. Thomas b. 14 Jan. 1761 ; m, Sarah Davis of Lee. See History of North wood. Deborah b. 1763. Eben b. 1765; m. Sally Priest of Nottingham. Esther b. 1767; m. Benjamin Johnson. ID. John Bennett (Benjamin^, John-, Arthur^, born in Glou- cester, Mass., 9 May 1721, married Abigail (Roberts?). He lived a while in Durham and removed to New Durham after 1762, where he was selectman in 1779. Benjamin b. abt. 1745; m. (i) Elizabeth March, (2) Widow Elizabeth (Gage) Bell, 18 Nov. 1782; d. in Alton, 6 ch. Mary b. 26 June 1746; m. 5 Feb. 1767, John Bennett. John bapt. 14 June 1753; m. 24 March 1783, Lydia Gage. William bapt. i May 1757. Sarah bapt. i July 1762; m. John Jackson (?). Abigail (?) bapt. at Rochester, 3 July 1782, "Daughter to John Bennett of New Durham, ofifered to baptism by her grandparents, Roberts." Thomas (?). 11. John Bennett (Abraham^, Abraham^, Arthur^, born ii Nov. 1740, married Mary Bennett, it is said, 5 Feb. 1767. He died 2'] Feb. 1824, aged 83. Mary, his wife, died 14 March 1824, aged 78. She was born 26 June 1746. Abraham b. 25 June 1768; m. Betsey Savage; d. 10 Jan. 1859 in Dover. She was b. 18 Feb. 1772 and d. 19 Jan. 1833. Ch., John, Mary, Job Bryant, Sarah, Eliza, Thomas and James. Isaac b. 14 Jan. 1771; d. 15 Dec. 1823, Unm. Abigail b. 19 June 1773; m. 4 Nov. 1792 John Smith; d. II July 1864. Jacob b. 23 Dec. 1775; d. 22 May 1856. Unm. Sarah b. 23 Aug. 1779; m. 13 Feb. 1803, Henry Young; d. 21 Apr. 1853. He was b. 23 July 1773 and d. 24 Aug. 1810. Martha b. 4 Feb. 1783; m. William Young, 19 Feb. 1809; d. 7 March 1862. 12. Capt. Eleazer Bennett (Benjamin^, Abraham^, Arthur^, born 22 June 1750, as town records say, while family records say 16 or 17 June; died 25 Dec. 1851, aged loi years 6 months 1 6 HISTORY OF DURHAM 8 days. He was one of those who captured the powder at Fort WilHam and Mary in 1774. He married, 6 April 1783, Anna Clough, who died 15 Aug. 1839, aged 83 years, 8 months. She was daughter of Ephraim Clough who died i April 1812, aged 82, and Hannah his wife, who died i Oct. 1824, aged 67. Sarah b. 11 Nov. 1795; m. George Dame, 9 Nov. 1817. Martha m. Capt. Edward Griffiths 3 Dec. 1813. Nancy d. 6 July 1837. Unm. Mary d. 5 March 1849, aged 64. Unm. Eleazer d. 17 May 1854, aged 55. John d. 25 March 1863, aged 70-0-14. BICKFORD George Bickford and William Bickford were inhabitants east of the Kennebec River in 1664. Andrew Bickford, Lawrence Bickford and William Bickford and others had a grant of the lower end of Arrowsic Island, near the mouth of the Kennebec, in 1679. John Bickford was of the Isles of Shoals in 1642, and his estate was administered by Philip Tucker in 1662. Edward Bickford was of Portsmouth, 1660-86, and had wife and children. He was a carpenter and lived on Sagamore Creek and was licensed innkeeper, 8 Oct. 1686. Mary Bickford and her son, Nicholas, are named in records of Court at Portsmouth in 1676. Elizabeth Bickford was a witness in 1669 and 1679. Samuel Bickford, born 1642, was of Salisbury, Mass., in 1667. He mar- ried Mary, daughter of Edward Cottle, and removed to Nan- tucket. He had daughter Mary born in Amesbury, Mass., 8 June 1668. John Bickford, grandson of Richard Cator, died about 1690, leaving widow, Jane, who married John Dockum, and daughters, Agnes and Mary. Agnes married Samuel Lary of Exeter. Mary was a cripple and died, unmarried, before 1709. All these are mentioned in order that they may not be confused with the families here traced. John Bickford of Oyster River Point, according to two deposi- tions made in 1669, was then sixty years of age. There are depositions of a John Bickford which make him to have been born in 1609, 161 2, and 161 5. There may have been several John Bickfords, and perhaps John, or the clerk, did not know just how old John was. Old depositions show that many persons varied in age from time to time. John Bickford bought of Darby HISTORY OF DURHAM 17 Field, 1 6 July 1645, house and lot between Little Bay and Oyster River (except the breadth of a lot in the possession of Thomas Willey) and a piece of marsh at Long Point in the Great Bay, containing seven or eight acres, with a point of land adjoining. The first lot was already in the occupation of John Bickford. The second lot was at Fox Point, in what is now Newington. Thirty acres more were granted to John Bickford senior at Fox Point in 1653, showing that there was another John Bickford in Dover at that time, perhaps the Bickford who married a daughter of Richard Cator of Bloody Point. John Bickford of Oyster River was freed from training in 1671 by reason of age. Accord- ing to the first deposition he would then be 62 years old. He had wife, Temperance, and I think she was daughter of the Rev. Joseph Hull, born 1626. [See Hull family.] John Bickford's will, dated 12 Feb. 1685, names only wife. Temperance, and daughter, Joanna. His wife. Temperance, died before 7 Oct. 1697. In the settlement of Temperance Bickford's affairs al- lusion is made by Thomas Bickford to "brother Smith," to *' brother Burnham" and to "brother Bickford." His family, then, according to reliable evidences consisted of the following persons: Elizabeth m. Joseph Smith, abt. 1668. Lydia m. Francis Drew, abt. 1673. Mary m. Nicholas Harrison, bef. 13 May 1677. 2. Thomas b. 1660; m. Bridget Furber. 3. John m. Susanna Furber abt. 1684. Hannah b. 5 Nov. 1665. Joanna b. 1669; m. John Redman of Hampton, (2) Samuel Healey. Temperance m. Jeremiah Burnham abt. 1689. 4. Benjamin b. 20 Oct. 1672; m. Sarah Bassum. 2. Thomas Bickford (John) was born in 1660, according to a deposition. He married Bridget, daughter of William Furber of Newington. He lived on the homestead at Durham Point, where he successfully defended his garrison house from the attack of Indians in 1694. His will, 31 Oct. 1705-4 March 1706/7, names wife Bridget and four children: Joanna. 5. John b. 1690; m. Deborah . 6. Eleazar m. Sarah Johnson. 7. Joseph b. 1696; m. Alice Edgerly. 8. Thomas m. Bethiah (Edgerly ?). 1 8 HISTORY OF DURHAM 3. John Bickford (John) married Susanna, daughter of Wil- liam Furber of Newington. His estate at Long Point was settled in 1715. His wife, born 5 May 1664, made her will 8 Nov. 1731 which was approved 13 Nov. 1732. Children recorded in Dover: Bridget b. 30 July 1685; m. Roger Couch of Kittery, (2) Roger Mitchell of Kittery, 17 Aug. 1720. 9. Jethro b. 15 Nov. 1689; m. Hannah Downing. John b. 16 March 1691/2; d. s. p. before his father. Mary b. 13 Aug. 1693; m. John Walker of Kittery, 24 Oct. 1717. Joseph b. 13 July 1695; mariner, of Bristol, Eng., m 1740. Anna b. 18 Sept. 1698; m. Samuel Walker, 4 Oct. 1724. Pierce or Percey b. 9 March 1701/2; m. Hannah Miller, 23 Feb. 1725. He d. bef. 25 Sept. 1745. leaving widow, Martha, who was probably dau. of Richard Chick of Kittery. Lemuel b. 6 March 1703/4; m. Temperance, dau. of John Downing, shipwright and mariner. L. on the homestead at Fox Point, which he sold in 1751 to Thomas Pickering. He was a grantee of Barnstead. Had son, John, and prob- ably dau. Susanna, who m. Robert Mason, 13 May 1753. Eliakim twin to Lemuel; m. Mary ; d. in Kenne- bunkport. Me., 22 March 1748. DoDAVAH b. 20 Aug. 1709; m. Winnefred, dau. of Richard Chick, Pub. 13 Oct. 1730. Had a son, Percey, bapt. in Newington 11 Jan. 1732. 4. Benjamin Bickford (John), born 20 Oct. 1672, had wife, Sarah, said to have been Sarah Bassum. Was she not Sarah Barsham, dau. of John and Mehitabel, born 167-? She married (2) about 1700 Jotham Odiorne. Benjamin Bickford had a daughter Temperance who, 18 April 1718, was wife of John Underwood. (His estate adminstered in 1727 and in 1743-62 she was Temperance Walton.) The Underwood children in 1743 were John, Benjamin and Mary, all of Portsmouth. Mary was Mary Hardison in 1747. Third Generation 5. John Bickford (Thomas^ John^ was born in 1690, as a deposition shows. He was of Durham, 2 Sept. 1768, aged 78. He had wife Deborah who was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams 18 Oct. 1724. John deeded the homestead at Durham Point to son, Winthrop, 8 June 1771. HISTORY OF DURHAM 19 John bapt. i8 Oct. 1724; 111. Joanna Stevenson, i Jan. 1754. She was a widow 3 July 1757, when her son, John, was bapt. Temperance bapt. 18 Oct. 1724; m. Jonathan Hanson. Joanna bapt. 18 Sept. 1724. Deborah bapt. 18 Sept. 1724; m. 27 Nov. 1742, John Little- field of Wells (?). Eliakim b. 1730; d. 20 Feb. 181 1 in Durham. 10. WiNTHROP b. 1 731; m. Love Cromwell, 30 Nov. 1756. 6. Eleazar Bickford (Thomas', John') married, 28 Dec. 1721, Sarah, daughter of Ebenezer Johnson of Greenland, N. H. He was baptized 30 Dec. 1722 at Oyster River and both were ad- mitted to church, 4 Aug. 1728. Sarah was his widow 2 July 1751- Bridget bapt. at Greenland 1723. Ebenezer bapt. 30 May 1725 at O. R.; m. Elizabeth Crit- chet, 6 Dec. 1750. Ch. bapt. in Durham, Sarah 23 July 1753, Eleazar, 25 July 1755, and Mary 11 June 1758. Eleazar bapt. 10 March 1727/8 at O. R. Sarah bapt. 29 March 1729/30 at O. R.; m. Abner Bickford at Newington, 3 Nov. 1754 CO- Margaret bapt. 1740 at Greenland; m. 17 April 1755, Ben- jamin Davis of Greenland (?). 7. Joseph Bickford (Thomas-, John'), born 1696, married Alice, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Rawlins) Edgerly. He was baptized at Oyster River 19 Aug. 1722, and was living in Durham in 1767. Joseph bapt. 26 May 1723 ; m. Phebe, dau. of Joseph Varney. His will, 1806-10, names wife Phebe, sons John, Henry, Moses and Joel and daus. Lydia Varney and Betsey Bickford. Benjamin bapt. 29 Sept. 1725; m. 15 Nov. 1750, Mary Bennett. Had sons, Moses and Abraham, bapt. 5 Nov. 1758 and Hannah bapt. 19 Nov. 1752. The will of Moses Bickford of New Durham, 1780, names brothers Abraham of New Durham and Andrew. Reuben bapt. 7 July 1728; m. Elizabeth Kent 29 Nov. 1753. He d. before 1777. Had sons, Joseph and Ben- jamin, bapt. 5 Nov. 1758. Daughter m. Shepherd. 8. Thomas Bickford (Thomas-, John') is not named in the will of his father. Perhaps he was born after the will was made. Sept. I, 1733, John Bickford of Durham sold to his brother, Thomas Bickford, shipwright, ten acres near Colley's Marsh, 20 HISTORY OF DURHAM granted to his honored father, Thomas Bickford, in 1654. This creates difficulty, and the record is probably erroneous. There is no record of any grant to Thomas Bickford in 1654. The Dover records have the following, "Whereas it doth appear y* Thomas Bickford had by ye Committee chosen for granting lands given & granted unto \« s*^ Thomas Bickford forty acres of land at y® west end of Long Marsh, . . . and a grant of forty acres near his whome Lott in y« Plum Swamp," and a grant of ten acres of land "granted y^ loth of y^ 2d mo 54 to Jn° Bickford," etc. Here it appears that the grant in 1654 was to John Bickford and afterward was owned by Thomas Bickford his son. Thomas Bickford's will, 8 April 1786-22 Aug. 1787, gives property to wife, Bethiah, and after her death to kinsman, John Footman, Jr., son of Francis, deceased. John Footman married Olive Bickford, 26 June 1750. 9, Jethro Bickford (John-, John';, born in Newington 15 Nov. 1689, married Hannah, daughter of John Downing, and lived on a part of the homestead at Long Point. He was a grantee of Barnstead. The following children were baptized at Newington: John 4 Dec. 1715. Susanna 28 April 171 7. Bridget 24 May 17 19. Richard 28 Feb. 1721 : m. Sarah . Was of Rochester in 1761. Dependence 14 April 1723; m. Olive . Elizabeth 23 May 1728; m. Samuel Ham 11 April 1755 (?). Lemuel 12 March 1727; m. Miriam , perhaps (2) 2"] Dec. 1786, Susanna Coffin, in Rochester. She had widow's dower set off 12 July 1794. Div. of Est. of Lem- uel Bickford of Rochester, 23 April 1800, among Depend- ence Bickford, Molh" Bickford, Samuel Ham and wife, Betty, in her right, Widow Temperance Plumer, Joseph Plumer and wife, Hannah. Jethro 22 Sept. 1728. Alice 10 March 17^4: m. Stephen Jones Thomas 3 July 1782 (?). Hannah (?) m. Nicholas Pickering 7 March 1758 (?). Fourth Generation 10. Winthrop Bickford (John^, Thomas-, John^), born 1731, married, 30 Nov. 1756, Love Cromwell, perhaps daughter of Samuel and Betty (Pinkham) Cromwell. He married (2), 16 HISTORY OF DURHAM 21 May 1780, Esther Langley. widow of Thomas Langley. He lived at Durham Point and died i March 181 1, aged 80. The following were his children, all except Winthrop, Jr., named in his will, 6 Nov. 1810: Samuel who d. 28 May 181 1. James, son of Samuel Bick- ford was b. in Durham 22 Oct. 1786. A James Bickford d. in Durham, 19 July 1808. Winthrop, Jr. taxed 1786; m. Lettice Durgin, 1805 (?) m. Bethiah Rogers, 27 Jan. 1791 (?). II, Robert b. 21 Oct. 1780; m. Hannah M. Dame. John m. a niece of Stephen White of Salem and 1. at Pascataqua Bridge. He was a ship-master. Had dau. Mary who m. Knapp of Salem, Mass., and (2) a lawyer of Boston. Capt. John Bickford d. in S. America but was buried near Pascataqua Bridge. He had sons, John and Joseph, both of whom followed the sea, and daus., Mary and Elizabeth. Thomas, also a ship-master in the employ of Stephen White. Hannah m. Richard Dame, 2 Dec. 1798. Olive, unm. in 1810. Esther b. 17 May 1766; m. Andrew Drew, his second wife; d. 12 Feb. 1844. Fifth Generation II. Robert Bickford (Winthrop^, John^ Thomas-, John^, born 21 Oct. 1780, married, 21 April 1799, Hannah M. Dame. She was born 12 April 1781 and died 19 Oct. 1863. He died 24 Sept. 1837. Lived at Durham Point. LovEY b. 13 Feb. 1800; m. 1822, Richard Kent, his second wife. William b. 19 May 1803; d. 13 Nov. 1846. Lizzie b. 1803; d. 1807. Robert b. 3 March 1805; m. 15 Dec. 1831, Elizabeth ; d. II April 1876. Jacob b. 24 July 1807; d. 19 April 1864. James b. 9 March 1810; m. 25 Oct. 1830 — — —\ 1. in Quincy, Mass. Lucia b. 14 Sept. 1812; m. 11 Feb. 1841, Asa Dame. Katie b. 3 Aug. 1815; m. July 1842, James Short; d. 11 Jan. 1857. Dudley Prescott m. Elizabeth Page of Quincy, Mass.; ch., Dudley Page, Edward S., and Jerusha, who m. George Langley. 22 HISTORY OF DURHAM BICKFORD Thomas Bickford, born 1640, deposed in 1676, aged 36. He married Joanna, daughter of John Libby of Scarborough, Me., where Thomas Bickford had a grant of land before 1681 and signed a petition in 1680. The Indian wars probably drove his family to Dover, and this suggests a relationship between him and John Bickford of Oyster River Point, and the names of their children strengthen the suggestion. Jan. 12, 1727, John Bick- ford of Dover and wife, Elizabeth, sold to Zebulon Trickey, Samuel Small, Jr., and Moses Hanscom "all that my six acres of land situate in the Township of Scarborough in the county of York which was the ancient possession of my father Thomas Bickford late of Scarborough afores^ deceased.' The same deed names also grandfather, John Libby, and mother, Joanna Libby. [See York Deeds, XH, 166.] It is certain, then, that Thomas Bickford had son, John, of Dover, and similarity of family names suggests that he may also ha\'e had a son, Benjamin. Some have supposed that John Bickford of Oyster River, Thomas Bickford of Scarborough, and an unknown Bickford who married a daughter of Richard Cator of Bloody Point, Newington, were brothers. I am obliged to leave this undecided. Thomas had at least a son : 2. John m. Elizabeth Tibbetts, i Dec. 1692. 2, John Bickford (Thomas) married, i Dec. 1692, Elizabeth daughter of Jeremy Tibbetts of Dover, and lived at Dover Neck. The following children are recorded in Dover and also named in his will, 25 May 1744-27 April 1757. The will names a wife, Martha, who may have been the daughter of Charles Allen of Greenland, who names a daughter, Martha Bickford, in his will. Martha b. 23 July 1692 [1693?]; m. Hanson. 3. Thomas b. 18 May 1694; "i- Esther Adams. 4. John b. 10 March 1698; m. Judith Tibbetts. Henry b. i Jan. 1702/3; m. Elizabeth . Both bapt. at Dover, 4 Apr. 1740. Cordwainer. Had deed of 20 acres from his father in 1738. A Henry Bickford m. Abigail Tibbetts of Towaw, 9 Jan. 1756. A Henry Bick- ford signed a petition from Lebanon, Me., in 1757. 5. Joseph b. 8 March 1705/6; m. Elizabeth . history of durham 23 Third Generation 3. Thomas Bickford (John-, Thomas'), born 18 May 1694, married, lo March 1717, Esther, daughter of Charles and Tem- perance (Benmore) Adams. He was baptized at Oyster River, II Feb. 1721/2, and Esther was baptized 7 June 1719. He lived near Moharimet's hill in Madbury. His wife united with the church in Dover, 20 June 1742. His will, 26 Jan. 1765-27 Feb. 1765, names wife, Joanna, and the following children, here named in order of the will: Thomas of Epsom, with wife Mary, 1754-66, and of Pitts- field, 1790. Charles. He and wife, Elizabeth, sold home in Madbury, 5 June 1766. John. He deeded farm in Epsom to son, John, in 1801. (?) The will of John Bickford of Barnstead, 11 March-io June 1807, names wife, Lydia, sons, John and Charles, grandson, Daniel, son of John, daughters, Dorcas Huck- ins, Lydia Hawkins, Esther Durgin, Temperance Clarke, and Abigail Hodgdon. 6. Samuel m. Mercy . Temperance m. Young. She was bapt. at O. R. 7 June 1719. Elizabeth m. 21 April 1749, Ebenezer Young in Newington. Rebecca bapt. 20 Sept. 1739; m. Cook. Sarah b. 12 Feb. 1736; m. abt. 1760, Samuel Blake of Ep- som; d. 27 June 1804. 10 ch. Joseph bapt. 30 Dec. 1741 ; executor, had the homestead in Madbury. He m. Mary, dau. of Thomas and Joanna (Pinkham) Snell of North Lee. 4. John Bickford (John-, Thomas^, born 10 March 1698, married, about 17 19, Judith Tibbetts, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth, born 3 Sept. 1702. She and probably son John were baptized at Oyster River 3 July 1720. The mother of Jonathan Bickford died in March 1782. The will of John Bickford, 10 Oct. 1757-29 Sept. 1762, names him then as of Dover with wife, Judith, and the following children: 7. Jonathan bapt. in Dover 12 Jan. 1752; m. Sarah Wilmot. Martha m. Tibbetts. Elizabeth bapt. 12 Jan, 1752. Abigail bapt. 12 Jan. 1752. 5. Joseph Bickford (John^ Thomas^, born 8 March 1705/6, had wife, Elizabeth, who joined the church in Dover, 6 Aug. 24 ' HISTORY OF DURHAM 1738. He had wife, Deborah, who joined the same church, 29 March 1743. He united with the church, 22 April 1753. A Joseph Bickford died of apoplexy in Dover, 11 Feb. 1776. His will, 2 Aug. 1762-13 March 1776, names sons, Joseph and Ephraim, and daughter, Sarah. Children baptized in Dover were: Sarah bapt. 24 June 1731. Mary bapt. 12 Sept. 1736. Sarah bapt. 7 May 1738. Joseph bapt. 22 May 1743. 8. Ephraim bapt. 13 May 1744; m. Sarah Bickford. Fourth Generation 6. Samuel Bickford (Thomas^, John-, Thomas'), in 1765^ lived at Epsom Center, on the west corner of the New Orchard road, where he died in April or May 1773, leaving wife, Mercy, and at least seven children. Mercy died in 1824. Benjamin m. 13 Jan. 1779, Hannah Locke, dau. of Francis of Rye. He d. bef. Aug. 1790. Wife d. after 1803. Ch.: Samuel b. 13 May 1779, d. 8 May 1863, Benjamin b. 30 Nov. 1781, and Thomas b. 26 Feb. 1785, d. 9 Sept. 1865. Samuel m. Abigail ; 1. in Epsom. Ch.: Rebecca b. 29 Dec. 1789, m. John Yea ton, Mehitable b. 13 Aug. 1783, Abigail b. 14 Aug. 1787, Joseph b. 4 Jan. 1793, Margaret b. 11 Nov. 1785, Benjamin b. 11 Sept. 1789, Samuel b. 25 Oct. 1795, and Mercy b. 7 March 1798. Mehitable (?) m. 11 Nov. 1779 Simeon Page at Deerfield. She d. 17 March 1846, aged 87. Thomas bapt. 15 April 1764; m. 23 Nov. 1786, Olive, dau. of John Haines; d. 1819. She d. 8 Oct. 1848, aged 83. Ch.: John b. Oct. 1790 m. Eliza Lane and d. 18 Jan. 1858, Samuel W. b. 1795 m. Lucy C. Learned and d. 29 Feb. 1858, Nathan b. 2 Dec. 1797 m. Elizabeth W. Dickey and d. 17 Jan. 1879, Daniel, Dearborn, Mehitable and Olive. Mary bapt. 11 Aug. 1765; m. 3 April 1798 Jonathan Elkins, later of Gilmanton (?). John bapt. 29 May 1768. Joseph bapt. 14 July 1771. 7. Jonathan Bickford (John^, John^, Thomas^), baptized in Dover 12 Jan. 1752, married, 26 May 1757, Sarah Wilmot of Somersworth. He is said to have been born 2 Jan. 1730 and to have died ii May 1818. She was born 20 April 1739 and died 19 March 1823. He died in Wolfeboro. HISTORY OF DURHAM 25 Rebecca b. 12 March 1758; m. 6 June 1802, Benjamin Young of Tuftonborough. John b. 12 May 1759; d. 27 July 1762. James b. March 1761; d. 5 Sept. 1762. Abigail b. 27 Feb. 1763; d. Oct. 1777. Elizabeth b. 20 June 1765; m. 18 March 1783, Nathaniel Hayes. Jonathan b. 18 June 1767; m. 19 Feb. 1799, Abigail, dau. of Aaron and Sarah (Tibbetts) Roberts. Thomas b. 23 Oct. 1769; d. Oct. 1777. WiLMOT b. 24 Aug. 1771 ; m. 15 July 1798, Dorothy Willand of Dover. He lived in Wolfeboro. Nathaniel b. 8 Dec. 1773; m. 19 Feb. 1801, Mary Bean; d. in Tuftonborough i Dec. 1854. Sarah b. 8 May 1776; d. Oct. 1777. Judith b. 6 June 1779; m. 11 Aug. 1823, Thomas B. Wiggin of Wolfeboro. Gershom b. 29 Jan. 1781; m. (i) 7 April 1808, Elizabeth Bean, (2) 2 May 1853, Mary Jackson. Richard b. 24 Jan. 1784; m. (i) 10 March 1817, Ruth, dau. of Jacob and Ruth Haines, (2) 4 April 1848, Mrs. Polly E. Oilman of Tamworth. 8. Ephraim Bickford (Joseph^ John-, Thomas^) married, 22 March 1772, Sarah Bickford and died in Dover 31 May 1823, aged 80. Children recorded in Dover: Aaron b. 29 June 1773. Deborah b. 9 Dec. 1774. Joseph b. 14 Sept. 1776. Mary b. 11 March 1779. Hannah b. 14 Feb. 1781. Sarah b. 14 July 1783. Ephraim b. 8 Nov. 1785. Susanna b. 8 Sept. 1788. Thomas b. 8 Aug. 1791; m. 1816, Olive Ann Estes. BICKFORD Benjamin Bickford, in 1694, had a grant of thirty acres next to his house on the highway leading from Bloody Point to Green- land, over against John Hudson's house. He was constable about this time. Dec. 7, 1702, he and wife Sarah, deeded to John Knight sixteen acres now in his actual possession, formerly the land of the said Benjamin Bickford's father, lying betwixt Pine Point and Bloody Point, bounded by the river on the east, by road on the west, on the north by land of Henry Langstaff 26 HISTORY OF DURHAM and on the south by land of said Knight, formerly of Richard Cator, with one fourth of a sawmill between Knight's and the land now sold. This looks as though Benjamin Bickford might have been son of the — Bickford who married a daughter of Richard Cator. The will of Benjamin Bickford of Newing- ton, 4 April 1724-2 June 1725, is signed by the same mark as the above deed, a well drawn capital B. The will mentions "wife" and the following children: Mary m. Joshua Crockett, 8 Dec. 1707. 2. Benjamin, prob. of age in 1711; m. Deborah Baur (?). 3. Thomas m. Sarah Simeson, 26 July 1711. Abigail m. Zebulon Dam, 16 Aug. 1716. Elizabeth m. John Dam, 20 Feb. 1718. Deborah m. Joshua Babb, 12 Dec. 1720. 4. John m. Sarah Hodgdon, 23 Feb. 1725. 5. Joseph m. Margery . Was there also Hannah, who m. John Carter, 2-] July 1721 and d. bef. her father's will was made? 2. Benjamin Bickford (Benjamin) married, 23 Oct. 1718, Deborah Baur, as some have read the original record. Others say Deborah Bickford, or Bean or Babb. He was of Durham i^ 1733- He was a grantee of Barnstead and of Nottingham. The will of Benjamin Bickford of Durham, 22 June 1766-30 Sept. 1767, together with baptisms in Newington, indicates the following children : Samuel bapt. 16 June 1721. Sarah bapt. 12 May 1722; m. Clark. Abigail bapt. 10 Dec. 1722. Not named in will. Benjamin bapt. 17 Oct. 1726; m. 26 Dec. 1751, Sarah Pit- man (?). Not named in will. Andrew bapt. 10 Aug. 1727. Solomon b. abt. 1734; m. 23 Nov. 1758, Susan Fox; d. in Northwood, 3 Feb. 1830. She d. 25 Oct. 181 7, aged 91. [See History of Northwood, pp. 641-5.] John m. 4 April 1751, Mary, widow of Thomas Trickey, of Newington. He s. in Northwood, near to his brother, Solomon. Had second wife, Elizabeth, in 1801, when they sold homestead in Northwood and rem. elsewhere. Deborah. Hannah. 3. Thomas Bickford (Benjamin) married in Greenland, 26 July 1711, Sarah "Simeson" (Simpson?). He was baptized and admitted to church at Newington 12 Dec. 1736. His will, 3 HISTORY OF DURHAM 2J Jan. 1770-22 Feb. 1775, and the baptisms at Newington indi- cate the following children: John bapt. and owned the covenant at Newington 10 Sept. 1753, and children of John and Mary bapt. same day viz., Sarah, James and Margaret. Ebenezer bapt. 18 Oct. 1741 and owned the covenant; m. I Feb. 1741, Ann Quint. He was of Durham 22 March 1763, when he had a deed from his father of land in Barnstead. Ch. bapt. in Newington, George* 21 March 1741/2, Anna 30 Sept. 1744, Eleanor 9 Feb. 1745/6, and Samuel 14 Sept. 1747. Jonathan bapt. and owned covenant 18 Oct. 1741; m. 8 Nov. 1743, Lydia Brown. Had dau., Sarah, bapt. 29 April 1745. He is not named in his father's will. Joshua bapt. and owned covenant 18 Oct. 1741 ; m. 30 March 1742, Mary dau. of John and Elizabeth (Lang) West- combe, granddaughter of John and Grace (Brookin) Lang of Portsmouth. He removed to Durham Falls, and his widow m. (2) 21 May 1758, Paul Willey. Thomas, Benjamin, Joseph and Samuel all bapt. 12 Dec. 1736. IcHABOD bapt. 12 Dec, 1736; m. 18 July 1762, Rebecca Bickford. He had the homestead in Newington. His will, 23 Sept.-I5 Oct. 1800, names wife Elizabeth and ch., Nathan, Thomas, John, Joseph, Ichabod, Sarah and Eleanor. Sarah bapt. 12 Dec. 1736; m. 28 Nov. 1749, Joseph Pearl of Rochester. Eleanor bapt. 12 Dec. 1736; m. 4 June 1752, Gideon Walker. 4. John Bickford (Benjamin) married, 23 Feb. 1725, Sarah Hodgdon. He and wife and daughter, Sarah, of Newington were baptized at Oyster River, 24 Dec. 1727. He removed to Rochester, where he was one of the selectmen twelve years. Sarah bapt. at O. R. 24 Dec. 1727. Alexander bapt. at O. R. 31 March 1727/8. Abigail bapt. at Newington 3 Aug. 1729; m. 23 June 1748, Abraham Pearl of Rochester (?). Ann bapt. at Rochester 27 June 1731. Probably others. * George Bickford was an official in Durham in 1765 and signed a petition there in 1768. He is said to have removed to New Durham and there to have married Annie Granville and to have had children, Judith who married William Leavitt, Rhoda, George, Stephen, Thomas, James, Ichabod and Ebenezer. He removed thence to Parsonsfield, Me., in 1777 and there married (2) Sally Oilman of Gilmanton. N. H., and had one child, Gideon. [See History of Parsons- field.] The Rev. Warren F. Bickford of Muskegee, Okla. (Bowdoin, '72), published in the Lewislon Journal, Maine, about 191 1, an extended genealogical account of the descendants of George Bickford. 28 HISTORY OF DURHAM 5. Joseph Bickford (Benjamin) married Margery . She was admitted to church at Newington, 26 March 1742. He died before 15 Nov. 1754. Children baptized in Newington: Lydia bapt. 9 May 1742. Daniel bapt. 23 May 1742; m. Elizabeth Hodgdon, 7 Aug. 1766 (?). They were then both of Portsmouth. Dennis bapt. 23 May 1742. He was over 14 but not of age, 15 Nov. 1754. BICKFORD Henry Bickford of Portsmouth, perhaps son of Thomas of Scarborough, where Henry had a grant of land in 1720, bought a house lot in Portsmouth in 1704. He is called weaver and mar- iner. He had wife, Sarah, probably the one admitted to the North Church, 9 Aug. 1708. He deeded to Titus Salter, mariner, 12 April 1760, "all my dwelling house, with all the land belong- ing." It may here be said that Nathan Bickford had land at Blue Point, Scarborough, about 1680. Nothing more is known of him, Henry Bickford had children: 2. Thomas bapt. 26 Sept. 1708; m. Elizabeth Furber. Sarah bapt. 26 Sept. 1708. Rachel bapt. 16 Aug. 171 1. Hannah bapt. i Nov. 1713; m. Arthur Waterhouse, 15 Jan. 1737/8 (?). Aaron bapt. 26 Oct. 1718; Mary, wife of Aaron Bickford, d. 3 Oct. 1752, in her 26th \ear, as says an inscription at Portsmouth. Aaron was in military service, 14 July 1748. Abigail bapt. 2 Oct. 1720. Eliza bapt. 6 May 1722; m. William Hopkins, 24 Oct. 1755 (?)• 2. Thomas Bickford (Henry) married, 4 Oct. 1727, Elizabeth, daughter of Jethro Furber, granddaughter of William Furber of Newington. He is called schoolmaster. The inscription on his tombstone says that he died in Portsmouth, 18 Dec. 1772, aged 68. Children baptized at the North Church. William bapt. 17 Oct. 1731; not named in his father's will. Thomas bapt. 3 March 1733/4; d- young. Elizabeth bapt. 7 March 1735/6; m. Benjamin Mackay. Hannah bapt. 18 Feb. 1738/9; m. Samuel Waterhouse, 16 Oct. 1760. Thomas bapt. 29 July 1739; schoolmaster in 1798. Leah bapt. 6 Feb. 1742/3; m. Joseph Moulton. HISTORY OF DURHAM 29 Henry, named in his father's will, 9 Sept. 1768; m. Eliza- beth Gerrish, 30 April 1774; d. in Portsmouth, 6 Jan. 1798, aged 47. Dorothy, named in will; m. John Salter. There was a John Bickford of Portsmouth, who married Eliza- beth Britten, 15 Sept. 1718. She renewed her baptismal cove- nant, 22 July 1722, and they had children baptized at the South Church. John bapt. 23 Sept. 1722. Mary bapt. 31 March 1733/4 Sarah bapt. 31 March 1733/4; twin to Mary; m. Francis Peters, 4 Aug. 1765. Ann bapt. 25 July 1736. Hannah bapt. 3 Oct. 1742. Unclassified Moses Bickford born 16 June 1780. m. Sally Ellison, of Barrington, 1802. m. 7 Oct. 1792, Benjamin Bickford and Peggy Mitchell, m. 19 Aug. 1804, Samuel Follet of Lee and Mrs. Peggy Bickford. m. 16 March 1794, John Bickford and Sally Bracey. m. 10 May 1795, Sally Bickford and Benjamin French Brown, m. 21 April 1799, Reuben Bickford and Deborah Durgin. He d. 12 Oct. 1838, aged 78. m. 17 Nov. 1803, Andrew Bickford and Susannah Follett. She d. 13 Apr. 1836. m. 28 Nov. 1782, Abraham Bickford and Elizabeth Langley. m. I May 1803, Josiah Bickford and Polly Crommett. m. 15 Dec. 1805, Joseph Arlin and Miss Abigail Bickford. m. 1807, Abraham Mathes and Love Bickf6rd. m. 20 Aug. 1820, David Bickford and Elizabeth Jenness. m. 20 Aug. 1820, Ephraim L. Bickford and Sally Davis, m. II May 1823, James Bickford and Ann Arlin. m. Nov. 1825, John S. Whitehouse and Abigail Bickford. m. II Feb. 1841, Asa Dame and Lucia Bickford. James Bickford d. 19 July 1808. Thomas Bickford d. 4 Oct. 18 18. Bickford, pauper, d. 15 Dec. 1842, aged 73. John Bickford d. 15 Aug. 1845, aged 33. Widow Deborah Bickford d. in Durham, 15 Nov. 1855, aged 80. 30 HISTORY OF DURHAM BODGE Henry Bodge and wife, Elizabeth, were living in Kittery, near the head of Spruce Creek, as early as 1669. He died in 1696, leaving wife, Rebecca. He had six children, of whom Henry went to Charlestown, Mass. Benjamin Bodge, another son, settled at Oyster River about 1714. He and wife, Sarah, and their children were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams. He was living in Lee in 1781, when he made his will, from which and the baptisms we learn of the fol- lowing children. He bequeaths land in Lee and Madbury. John bapt. 27 Oct. 1723; went to Falmouth, Me., and thence to Windham, Me., in 1743, where he reared a family. Elizabeth bapt. 27 Oct. 1723; m. Randall. Mary bapt. 27 Oct. 1723; unm. in 1781. ICHABOD bapt. 9 Sept. 1724; m. Mary Swaine. Benjamin bapt. 26 Sept. 1725, "about 12 years old." Sarah m. Rawlins. Hannah m. Mark Meader. Samuel. Josiah. Children of Ichabod and Mary (Swaine) Bodge: John b. abt. 1754; m. 20 Dec. 1785, Abigail Neal of New- castle. He served in the Revolution and was a prisoner in the "Old Mill Prison." He had ch., John who m. Miss Somerby and 1. in Portsmouth, William who m. (i) Elizabeth Wentworth, (2) Phebe Sherburne, and Mary who m. Robert Neal. Benjamin b. 11 Oct. 1755; m. 17 Oct. 1780, Meribah Hall of Gilmanton, and had family there. He served in the Revolution. Richard b. April 1757; m. 1802 Bridget Daniels, (2) 1805 Lydia Daniels. He had a family in Barrington. MiCAjAH m. Abigail Bunker of Lee and had ch. b. in Bar- rington, viz., James Bunker b. 1781, who m. Anne Cald- well and s. in Marblehead, Mass., Joseph b. 1799, who m. (i) Charlotte Verrill, 20 Jan. 1822, (2) Sarah T. Burley and 1. in Portsmouth, and Isaac who m. Hannah Pearl of Rochester, N. H. Daniel m. 22 Oct. 1789, Mary Cram of Newmarket and 1. in Barnstead. Ichabod died in infancy. Ichabod m. Avis Odiorne of Madbury and had five ch. James m. Mary Foss, 1801, and 1. in Barrington. Rem. bef. the Civil War to Pawnee, III. HISTORY OF DURHAM 3I BOODY Tradition says that Zechariah Boody came over in a French ship and deserted it in Boston. He had wife, Elizabeth, who was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 31 March 1716/7. He died about 1755. [Cf. Boody Genealogy.] Elizabeth bapt. 31 March 17 16/7; m. Ebenezer Pitman; widow in 1758. Charity bapt. 31 March 1716/7; m. Abednego Leathers. Mary bapt. 31 March 1716/7. Sarah bapt. 7 Sept. 1718; m. Benjamin Jenkins. Azariah, alias Hezekiah bapt. 10 Sept. 1721; m. Bridget Bushbie. Hannah m. Robert Huckins. Abigail in. David Drew. Kezia unm. 13 Nov. 1758. Betsey (?) m. James Rowe (?). Azariah Boodey, born 15 Aug. 1720, lived in Madbury. He married Bridget Bushbie and died, 26 Feb. 1803. She died in Barrington 30 July 1785, aged 70. Rev. Robert b. 3 April 1743; m. Margery Hill b. 23 Apr. 1744; he d. 21 April 1814, Limington, Me. Zechariah b. 12 Aug. 1745; m. Mary Demeritt, b. 28 Nov, 1743. He s. in New Durham and d. 14 June 182 1. Wife d. 3 Oct. 1835. John b. 23 June 1749; m. Susanna Langley, b. 6 March abt. 1750. He d. in Barrington, 23 April 1815. Molly twin to John; m. Peter Hodgdon. Rev. Joseph b. 16 May 1752; m. Olive Drew, b. 3 June 1742. Sarah b. 8 March 1755; m. Isaac Waldron. Hannah b. 29 March 1758; m. Aaron Waldron. Azariah b. 29 Nov. 1761. Betsey b. 2 Nov. 1763; m. John Caverly. BUNKER James Bunker, born about 1628 according to a deposition, is incidentally mentioned in the court records of York County in 1648. In 1652 he bought land below Johnson's Creek, on the north side of Oyster River. His will, 14 Oct. 1697-24 June 1698, names wife, Sarah, and three sons. 2. James m. prob. (i) Anne Thomas, (2) Martha Downes. 3. Joseph m. 32 HISTORY OF DURHAM 4. John m. Dorcas Field. Mary m. Thomas Drew. Sarah who signed a deed in 1718. Unm. 2. James Bunker (James) seems to have married (i) Anne, daughter of James and Martha (Goddard) Thomas. [See Huck- kins.] He married (2) Martha, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Lord) Downes, who was born in 1691. By the second marriage there was one child. James Bunker had the homestead, and his 236 acres were divided, 15 May 1759, p^nong seven surviving children. His estate was administered, in 1724, by his sons, James and Joseph. Before 8 Dec. 1725 the widow had married John Mackelroy. She married (3) after 1750 Philip Stackpole. James Downes, in his will, 1755, gave ten acres to his "sister, Martha Stackpole, wife of Philip Stackpole." She died at Dover, 24 Sept. 1792, aged loi years. Mary prob. ; m. 1705, Richard Denbow. 5. James m. Sarah Giles. Clement m. Rebecca Drew, 24 March 1738/9. L. in Dur- ham, 1765. Love m. Thomas Millett; d. 3 Nov. 1763. Patience m. John Drew, Jr. Hannah. 6. Joseph m. Ann Giles, (2) Elizabeth . 7. Elijah m. Judith . Benjamin m. Abigail . Both were of Brunswick, Me. , 26 Nov. 1740, when they sold to James Bunker of Durham right in estate of James Bunker. > 3. Joseph Bunker (James) married . He died before 4 March 1719/20, when his son-in-law, Joshua Davis, was appointed administrator of his estate. He left homestead of thirty acres. He was of the Society of Friends. A deed, dated 13 Nov. 1748, shows the following family: Esther b. April 1693; m. Joshua Davis, (2) Dam. Mary b. June 1697; m. Clement Drew, 20 May 1718. Lydia b. Oct. 1699; unm. in 1748. Sarah b. Dec. 1702; m. Clements. Relief m. James Burnham, 6 July 1725. 4. John Bunker (James) married Dorcas, daughter of Zech- ariah Field. He was killed by Indians, 8 July 1707. Estate administered by son Zechariah, 1737. 8. John b. 16 July 1696; m. Hannah Drew. Sarah b. 20 Oct. 1699. HISTORY OF DURHAM 33 Daniel b. 22 Oct. 1702; m. Elizabeth . L. in Dover, 1752. 9. Zechariah b. 25 Feb. 1707; m. Deborah Varney. Elizabeth twin to Zechariah. Dodavah b. about 1708; 1. in Barnstead. Had sons, Daniel and Dodavah. 5. James Bunker (James-, James^) married Sarah, daughter of Mark Giles, born 9 April 1711. She is named in his will, 14 May 1759. Children were: , Thomas taxed in 1760. 10. Ephraim b. 1730; m. Sobriety Drew. Enoch m. Dolly . He was living in 1802. He had son, William R. of Epping, and daughters, Sally who m. Gotham, and Esther who m. David Tuttle of Back River, Dover. Bridget m. Thomas Sparling. Abigail unm. Benjamin m. Phebe Fernald of Lee. Dodavah b. 3 Nov. 1754; m. Martha Smith and 1. in Pitts- field; d. 12 Dec. 1828. 6. Joseph Bunker (James^, James^) married Ann, daughter of Mark Giles, born i Oct. 1702. His will, 9 Sept. 1778-Aug. 1784, names wife, Elizabeth, and the following children. He was buried 18 July 1784. 11. Benjamin m. Betty Barnes of Portsmouth. • James m. Polly Batchelder of Deerfield, 13 Oct. 1785 (?). 12. Jonathan b. 1729; m. Sarah Runnels. ■ Anna m. (i) Lemuel Drew, (2) Joseph Stevenson. Patience m. Job Clements. She was a widow in 1766. ■ — ■ daughter m. JohnT wombly. His father-in-law adm. his est. 1764. 8. John Bunker (John^, James^ born 16 July 1696, married, 5 Feb. 1720/21, Hannah, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Bun- ker) Drew, born 2 mo. 1699. Is this the John Bunker who lived in Barnstead to age of 80? His widow lived to age of 95. Two children are recorded in Dover: Silas b. 5 June 1723; accidentally shot and killed, 4 July 1746. Elizabeth b. 28 April 1726. 7. Elijah Bunker (James^, James^ married Judith , who joined the church in Dover, 25 July 1756 and was dismissed to Sanford, Me., 9 Oct. 1791. The following children were bap- tized in Dover: 3 34 HISTORY OF DURHAM Martha bapt. 17 Oct. 1756, Betty bapt. 17 Oct. 1756. Esther bapt. 17 Oct. 1756; m. 13 Jan. 1777, Joseph Ricker of Somersworth. Abigail bapt. 17 Oct. 1756; m. 9 Oct. 1775, Gideon Walker of Berwick, Me. Judith bapt. 17 Oct. 1756; m. 2 Dec. 1776, Simeon Brock of Berwick. Hannah bapt. 23 Oct. 1757; d. young. Susanna bapt. 5 Oct. 1760; prob. d. young. SusEY bapt. 16 May 1762; m. 6 March 1784, Mark Ricker of Cogshall, Me. Hannah bapt. 27 Sept. 1767. Mary bapt. 21 Sept. 1767. James bapt. 5 Jan. 1769; m. Ehzabeth Libby, 1798. 9. Zechariah Bunker (John^, James^), born 25 Feb. 1707, married Deborah Varney. Both were baptized in Dover 24 Jan. 1742. His estate was administered by his brother Doda- vah, in 1757. John bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. Dorcas bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. Stephen bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. Philip bapt. 13 Nov. 1744. 13. Zechariah bapt. 13 Nov. 1744; m. 15 Jan. 1770, Mary Bean, both of Madbury. Elizabeth, named in adm. of est. Fourth Generation 10. Ephraim Bunker (James, ^ James", James^), born 1730, married Sobriety, daughter of Lemuel and Anna (Bunker) Drew, who was born 15 May 1752, and died 3 Dec. 1833. 14. Samuel b. Nov. 1774; m. Polly Garland. 15. John b. 1777; m. Polly Babb. Ann d. 29 March 1866, aged 87. Unm. Mary, d. unm. Abigail, m. at Farmington. 16. James b. i Nov. 1789; m. Lois Foye. Andrew m. Polly Bickford of Lee, Dec. 18 14. 17. Sarah b. 2 March 1799; m. William Bunker, her cousin, son of Valentine Bunker of Kittery; d. 9 Sept. 1889. He was b. 22 Dec. 1798 and d. 15 Nov. 1845. 11. Benjamin Bunker (Joseph^, James^ James^ married Betty Barnes of Portsmouth. He died 2 Oct. 1827, aged 87. She died 21 Jan. 1833, aged 94. HISTORY OF DURHAM 35 i8. Aaron m. 1805, Sally F. F'ernald. He d. 10 Jan. 1838 aged 56. She died 7 Oct. 1861. Valentine m. 30 Sept. 1794, Hannah Phillips of Kittery. Catherine m. 30 Jan. 1792, Capt. Edmund Grover of Portsmouth. Eliza or Elizabeth m. Wni. Campbell, 7 Nov. 1793. Polly, unm. Joseph pub. 21 Jan. 1807, to Betsey Hawkins of Barring- ton (?). 12. Jonathan Bunker (Joseph^, James^, James^) married, Dec. 1749, Sarah Runnels of Lee, daughter of John and Hannah (Clark) Runnels, born 4 Aug. 1731. He died Sept. 1796, aged 67. She died 26 Jan. 1826. He was a tanner. Removed to Barnstead in 1770. Isaiah b. Oct. 1750; m. Judith Smith; rem. to Maine. Bradbury b. 1752; m. Sarah Tibbetts; d. in the Revolu- tionary Army. Sobriety b. 1755; m. 7 April 1777, Samuel Williams of Barnstead. Sarah b. 7 Jan. 1756; m. 26 June 1777, Bradbury Sinclair, (2) 15 Dec. 1778, Henry Tibbetts of Northfield. She d. 22 Dec. 1834. Joseph b. 1757; d. 1776 in the Revolutionary Army. Eli b. 22 April 1760; m. 30 Jan. 1783, Anna Gordon of New Hampton. He d. 3 Aug. 1842. Settled in Barnstead. Ch., Abraham, Joseph, Elisha G., Gordon, Timothy, and Anna G. Some have changed surname to Banchor. Jonathan b. 1768; m. 29 March 1787 Betsey Rand. Went to Canada. Hannah b. 1767; d. 1780. Obadiah b. 1770; m. Judith Collins in Berwick, Me. He s. in Starksboro, Vt. She was b. 14 June 1774 and d. 11 Sept. 1851. Elijah b. 23 June 1772; m. Betsey Smith; d. 5 Jan. 1850. Rem. to Anson, Me. Ch., Reuben, Elijah, Daniel, Ich- abod, Moses, Betsey, Mary, Deborah D., Nancy, Sylvia, Hannah. u^^^o h-u^c^x^ ii^.^.^.-.^'^j ] 13. Zechariah Bunker (Zechariah^, John^, James^) married, 15 Jan. 1775, Mary Bean of Madbury. He was a Revolutionary soldier from Wolfeboro. Died 11 Oct. 1816 (?). She died 11 Dec. 1 82 1, aged 71. Deborah m. Eli Demeritt, Jr., 19 June 1800. 19. Zechariah b. 15 Oct. 1790; m. Mercy Varney. 20. Remembrance m. Rachel Pendergast, 1807. y 36 history of durham Fifth Generation 14. Samuel Bunker (Ephraim\ James^ James-, James^, born Nov. 1774, married, 4 Sept. 1800, Polly daughter of Jacob Garland of Madbury. He died 6 Sept. 1856, aged 81. She died 8 Nov. 1866, aged 85 years 2 months 24 days. He passed his last days with his son, Jacob, in Barrington, but died in Durham. Martha b. i Nov. 1801; m. 4 Dec. 1834, Samuel Stevens, his second wife. She d. in 1883. Love b. 1804; m. Jan. 1826, Levi Cram: d. 2 Sept. 1875. Ch., Sylvester, Mary, Samuel, Rufus. 21. Ephraim b. 21 Jan. 1806; m. Dolly Merrill; d. 8 Feb. 1867. Mary b. 8 March 1808; m. 30 Sept. 1832, Calvin Pickering, who d. 24 Oct. 1856, aged 47-10-8, leaving son, John Wil- liam Pickering, who d. 3 Dec. 1861, aged 26-9-20, a sol- dier in the Union Army. She m. (2) Henry Johnson, (3) Stephen Kendall and d. 23 Oct. 1890. Jacob b. 23 May 1812; m. 31 March 1836 Hannah Carlisle of York, Me.; d. s. p. Samuel b. 1810; d. 11 Nov. 1874, aged 64. LiLLAS b. 6 Apr. 1816; m. 16 March 1847, Andrew D. James; d. 20 Apr. 1901. Ch., Mary, Martha J., Ivory. Susan b. June 1818; m. 4 Nov. 1862 George Mathes; d. 25 March 1900. John b. 4 March 1821; m. Malinda, dau. of George and Betsey (Garland) Smith. Had dau., Addie. 22. Joseph b. 1822; m. Hannah Smart. (2) Almena S. Went- worth. 15. John Bunker (Ephraim^, James\ James^, James^, born 1777, married Polly Babb. He died 5 Dec. 1842, aged 65 years 4 months. Sophia m. 16 Nov. 1834, George W. B. Ransom. Richard m. 2 Feb. 1844, Judith Berry. Ch., Daniel, Everett, Andrew, Sarah E. Hannah m. 23 Nov. 1831, Stephen F. Berry. Ephraim m. Oct. 1837, Olive Berry. Ch., Melvina m. 17 Sept. 1853 Joseph Hodgdon, Mary Melissa m. John P. Emerson. Mary Ann m. 20 April 1843, Leonard B. Foss. Love m. 25 June 1848, Joshua Berry. Eliza m. Darius Berry. 16. James Bunker (Ephraim*, James"', James-, James^), born I Nov. 1789, married, 1809, Lois Foye. He died 17 June 1851. -j(> 1^. -L.\ .■^^xo-ff-- ■■ I ^ fij=^^- ^ HISTORY OF DURHAM 37 Tobias m. (i) Sally Buzzcll, who d. i6 May 1854, aged 41, (2) Rebecca Foye. Son, Frank J. m. Fanny Hill of S. Berwick, Me. Darius d. young. Ann m. Allard Edgerly of New Durham. Mary Jane m. 8 Dec. 1847, Samuel W. Farnham. Hannah m. (i) George Heath of Dover, (2) Abra Dow of W. Newbury, Mass. Rebecca K. m. 13 April 1849, Jacob Libby of Dover. Went to Minn. 17. Sarah Bunker (Ephraim*, James^ James^, James^, born 2 March 1799, married William, son of Valentine and Hannah (Phillips) Bunker. She died 9 Sept. 1889. He was born 22 Dec. 1798 and died 15 Nov. 1845. William Henry b. 21 Dec. 1824; m. Abby J. Thompson; d. 12 Oct. 1876. Valentine b. i July 1827; m. 17 Jan. 1850, Lavinia Freeman of Barrington. He d. 18 Oct. 1852. She d. 11 Jan. 1854, aged 23. Martha A. b. 3 May 1828; m. 29 Nov. 1849, Enoch Morrill of Salisbury; d. 24 March 1895. James M. b. 18 Aug. 1830; m. 10 Aug. 1855, Eliza Jane Clark; d. 9 Feb. 1905. State Senator, 1891-92. Hannah J. b. 12 July 1834; m. John Foss; d. 9 Feb. 1854. Mary J. b. 7 July 1838; d. i May 1853. George F. b. 29 Jan. 1841 ; m. 12 Feb. 1866, Nancy (Thomp- son) Wiggin; d. 14 Oct. 1873. Charles A. b. 15 Sept. 1843; m. Linnie Twilight; d. 30 Jan. 1888. 18. Children of Aaron (Benjamin^, Joseph^ James-, James^) and Sally P. (Fernald) Bunker: Catherine m. 16 Nov. 1825, Rufus Wilkinson. Eliza Ann m. 23 Oct. 1825, James Chapman of Newmarket. Mary Jane m. Ebenezer Keene of New Bedford, Mass. Benjamin F. m. 2 Nov. 1834, Abigail F. Chesley. Had son, Aaron. Went to Effingham. Huldah m. Isaac Thomas of Newmarket. - '.'Sally m. Morse Tuttle of Newmarket. Mehitable m. 14 Nov. 1838, Joseph Jenkins. Charles m. i Jan. 1846, Rebecca Elkins of Newmarket. Mary m. 14 Oct. 1827, John Hayes. 19. Zechariah Bunker (Zechariah*, Zechariah^, John-, James^, born 15 Oct. 1790, married Mercy Varney. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. [See chapter on Military History.] He died i Aug. 1840. 38 HISTORY OF DURHAM Mehitable b. 12 Feb. 1812; m. 9 Oct. 1839, John Glidden, b. I Nov. 1817 in Alton. Sally Varney m. William Batchelder. Timothy m. 3 Sept. 1842, Augusta dau. of Levi and Abigail (Wiggin-Stokes) Tuttle. Ch., Lewis F., Eugene M., Fanny M., Frank M., Etta A. William H. b. 18 June 1821; killed accidentally 29 Oct. 1837- Frank, drowned in a brook, s _ Elizabeth Ann m. Thomas Olds. Caroline A. d. 15 Feb. 1890, aged 61-10-15. ^ A.-z.i- (Lemuel', Phiiip\ Philip", Philip^ mar- ried, 29 March 1769. Hannah Randall, daughter of Simon and Sarah. The}- were Quakers. He died 20 No^•. 1789. Lived in Lee. 38. Lemuel m. 9 Oct. 1793. Lovcy Hull. 39. John m. 2t, Feb. 1797, Elizabeth Blake. William unm. Joseph m. 4 June 1798, Sally Hall; 1. in Barnstead. Sarah m. George Bunker, or Dec. 11 1793, David Bunker of Lee. Keziah d. >oimg. Hannah m. 1805, Robert Parker. HISTORY OF DURHAM 65 Betsey b. abt. 1781; m. James Moses, (2) Jere Prescott. Polly b. abt. 1783; m. Samuel Cass. Lieut. Simon 21 Oct. 17S8; m. Olive Elkins, 29 April 1807. He d. 3 July 185 1. She d. i Oct. 1822. He was Lieut. in War of 18 12. Had a family in Rye, N. H. 29. Samuel Chesley (Lemuel, Philip\ Philip^ Philip') mar- ried and lived in Barnstead. He is said to have had the following children: 40. Moses b. 25 April 1775; m. Mary F"olsom, 17 Nov. 1796. 10 ch. 41. Lemuel b. 1773; m. Mary Merrill; 1. in Barrington. Mary m. Morgan of Meredith. Abigail m. Stephen Merrill of Pittsfield. Betsey m. Shepard. Sally m. Shepard, his second wife. 30. Philip Chesley (SamueH, Philip^ Philip-, Phili[)'), born about 1754, died 26 Aug. 1825, aged 71. He married, 15 Jan. 1778, Abigail Hayes of Madbury, who died 24 Feb. 18 17, aged 55. His will, 1825, shows the following children: 42. Samuel b. i March 1779; m. 2 March 1797, Nancy Perkins. Daniel m. 23 May 1804, Hannah Demeritt, who d. 13 March 1821, aged 38, (2) Rosamond Knight, who d. 9 Sept. 1864, aged 78. He d. 21 Nov. 1844, aged 63. A dau. Betsey d. 16 May 1822, aged 17 yrs. 8 mos. She m. Lafayette Chesley. 43. Paul m. 17 July 1802, Sarah Hooper. 44. Joseph b. 1785; m. i Sept. 1803, Betsey Ham, (2) 1807, Eliza Young. 31. Capt. Jonathan Chesley (Jonathan'', Jonathan', Philip^, Philip'), born about 1748, married Elizabeth, daughter of Tim- othy and Mary (Smith) Emerson. He died in Barnstead, in 1826, aged 73. Nancy b. abt. 1768; m. John Place; d. 1871, aged 102. Jonathan m. 181 5 Sally F"rost of Lee. Went West. 5 ch. Polly m. 3 Nov. 1792, Isaac Pinkham; 1. in Boothbay, Me. Abigail m. — Hayes of Barnstead. Sophia b. 6 Nov. 1781; m. Rev. Enos George, 10 July 1804; d. 13 Feb. 1858, at Barnstead. Betsey b. 10 July 1784; m. Thomas Jones of Durham; d. 28 Oct. 1874. Franklin killed in the War of 1812. Lydia m. Hitchcock, Boston. 66 HISTORY OF DURHAM Lafayette b. 1792 m. (i) 28 Jan. 1822, Betsey, dau. of Daniel and Hannah (Demeritt) Chesley, who d. 16 July 1822, aged 17 yrs. 8 mos; (2) 1826, Caroline Mar- sailles of New York. A son, Lafayette, b. 1827, d. 1898, m. Hannah D. Jones and was a physician in Exeter. Lafayette Chesley, Sr., m. (3) Knickerbocker of New York. Ch. of Lafayette, Jr., were Alice M., physi- cian, b. 1861; Starr King b. 1865, d. 1907. and Grace L., b. 1870. Miss Alice M. Chesley, M D. Alice M. Chesley, M.D., was born in Nottingham, 14 Oct., 1861, daughter of Dr. Lafayette and Hannah D. (Jones) Chesley. She studied at Chester Academy and Charlestown High School and graduated at Gorham Normal School, Gorham, Me. She studied medicine at the University of Michigan and graduated HISTORY OF DURHAM • 67 from Tufts Medical College, after which she had hospital work in Detroit, New York and Boston. She taught school seven years and was employed by Rockingham County several years to revise and index the county records. She has practised medicine twelve years in Exeter and is a member of the Amer- ican Medical Association and of the State and County Medical Societies, being treasurer of the latter. She belongs also to the Daughters of the American Revolution. She is descended through her mother from the Stephen Jones who settled at Oyster River about 1664, and she owns the farm first cultivated by him. Sixth Generation 32. Thomas Chesley (Joseph^, Thomas^ Joseph^, Thomas^, Philip^) married, ii Jan. 1794, his cousin, Susanna, daughter of Lieut. Benjamin and Deborah (Randall) Chesley. She mar- ried (2) David Sawyer of Deerfield. Joseph Randall b. i8 Dec. 1797; m. Charlotte Shaw, d. s. p. Benjamin b. 4 Oct. 1799; d. 8 Nov. 1817. Clarissa b. 22 Nov. 1801; m. 19 April 1826, John Sawyer of Lee. Jeremiah b. 30 Dec. 1803; m. 13 Feb. 1834, Deborah, dau. of David Wiggin. He lived in Palmira, Me. Ch., John, Susanna and Mary. Ezra b. 14 Feb. 1806; d. 14 Jan. 1818. 45. Alfred b. 28 July 1809; m. 3 July 1832, Octavia Shaw, (2) Julia Wormwood. A dau. Priscilla m. (i) Minot Langmaid, (2) Stephen Paul, (3) Joel Cook. Sophia b. i Aug. 1812; m. Samuel White of Deerfield, (2) John Osgood. 33. Joseph Chesley (Joseph*, Thomas^ Joseph\ Thomas^, Philip^) married, 8 Jan. 1801, Polly, daughter of John and Deborah (Durrell) Pendergast. She married (2) Capt. Ford of Nottingham. Children born in Durham: Deborah b. 6 Dec. 1806; m. 24 May 1849, Abraham Thomp- son; d. 6 Feb. 1872, in Nottingham. John Mollis b. 29 Dec. 1807; m. (i) Lois Hanson, 13 Oct. 1839, who was b. 25 Aug. 181 1 and d. 2-] Dec. 1841. He m. (2) 22 Dec. 1842, Elizabeth Moody Watson, who was b. 27 Sept. 1811 and d. 25 Jan. 1868. He m. (3) 4 Dec. 1868, Louise Bartlett, and (4) 3 July 1870, Mary Jane Chesley, dau. of Philip and Mary (Meserve) Chesley. 68 HISTORY OF DURHAM Joseph H. b. 14 Dec. 1811; m. Emmeline E. Eastman; d. 25 July 1 861 in Nottingham. Charles G. b. 14 April 1810; m. R. Sylvia Bartlett; d. 31 Jan. 1890. She was b. in Nottingham 19 Oct. 1823 and d. 10 March 1892. 34. Miles Chesle>' (Benjamin^, Thomas^, Joseph'\ Thomas*, PhilipO, born 24 Jan. 1770, married, 28 May 1801, Mary Furber. He died 15 April 1861. She was born in Farmington, 15 Jul}' 1780, and died Aug. i860. They lived in New Durham. Benjamin b. 27 July 1802; m. i May 1828, Sally McDuffee. Alvah b. 2 July 1804; m. Mrs. Giles. Deborah b. 8 July 1806; d. 1821. Eliza b. 13 Jan. 1809; m. 7 June 1835, Jonathan Hill. Jonathan Furber b. 30 May 1811; m. 30 May 1842, Abigail Stevens. James b. 15 June 1813; m. 5 Feb. 1837, Eliza F. Chapman. 7 ch. Miles b. 4 Feb. 1816; m. 23 June 1847, Maria Hurd. Moses b. 6 Dec. 1817; m. Abigail Berry. 35. Lieut. James Chesley (Benjamin^, Thomas^ Joseph^, Thomas^, Philip^, born 12 Aug. 1778, married, 27 Feb. 1803, Sally, daughter of Job Reynolds of Lee. He lived on the home- stead at Durham and died 18 Aug. 1825. His wife died 19 April 1838, born 13 April 1779. William J. b. 7 Jan. 1804; m. 14 Aug. 1825, Abigail Flan- ders, who was b. 6 Nov. 1803 and d. 10 March 1842. He m. (2) 2 Aug. 1843, Hannah Jenkins. Ch., Mary E., b. 21 Dec. 1826, m. Joseph White; James b. 4 Nov. 1829, m. 26 Nov. 1 85 1 Mary E. Gruard; Charles Albert b. 9 Nov. 1844; Sarah J. b. 13 Jan. 1847, m. 27 Nov. 1862, Timothy Hussey of Dover. Valentine b. 27 April 1807; d. 30 Dec. 1832. Louisa J. b. 31 Aug. 1809; m. 11 Nov. 1827, William, son of Paul Chesley, (2) Thompson Jackson. She d. 2"] June 1889. Benjamin b. 18 May and d. 20 Oct. 18 19. Sally b. 15 Jan. 1821 ; m. John Frost, (2) Nathaniel Emerson. 36. Rev. Israel Chesley (Benjamin^ Thomas^ Joseph^, Thomas^ Philip'), born 24 Nov. 1788, married, 25 Oct. 18 12, Betsey, daughter of Col. John Folsom. She was born 10 Sept. 1790, and died 23 May 1866. He died in Lee 29 Sept. 1866. See page 215 of Vol. L HISTORY OF DURHAM 69 Joseph Smith b. 22 April 18 14; d. 25 June 1826. Israel R. b. 6 Sept. 1815; m. (i) 7 Oct. 1847, Elizabeth Glass of Nottingham, (2) Ruth A. Boardman. Had son, Irving G., who m. Nellie Wiggin. Elizabeth Ann b. 25 April 1817; m. (i) Luther Merrill, (2) Rev. Daniel Pike. Mary Neal b. 4 Dec. 1818; m. James M. Berry. John I. b. 25 June 1820; m. Abbie S. George. 6 ch., J. Edward, Monroe Berry, Israel, Mary Elizabeth, Hannah and Ora G. Deborah G. b. 31 Oct. 1822. Hannah S. b. 16 Sept. 1824. 37. Thomas Chesley (Benjamin\ Thomas^, Joseph', Thomas', Philip'), born 13 March 1792, married, ii Feb. 1816, Joanna Folsom, cousin to his brother Israel's wife. She was born 29 Sept. 1790 and died 7 Aug. 1879. He was a farmer in Lee. He died 27 June 1870. Levi F. b. i March 1818; d. 1882. Unm. Martha Ann b. 7 Feb. 1820. Unm. Eliza A. b. 2 April 1822; m. 22 March 1859, Enoch G. Wright, who d. 3 Aug. 1869. She d. 15 March 1909. Benjamin b. 9 March 1825; d. 9 Aug. 1827. James Ezra b. 13 March 1827; m. 19 May 1864, Fanny A. Tasker; d. at Hutchinson, Minn., 4 June 1881. 3 ch. Thomas Benjamin b. 7 Oct. 1829. Unm. George Edward b. 19 April 1833; m. at Kingston, 18 Sept. 1877, Abbie E. Pettingill, dau. of Isaac of Haverhill, Mass. Ch. Nellie Joanna b. 4 March 1883. and Mary Abby b. 24 June 1886, N. H. College, 1908. 38. Lemuel Chesley (Lemuel^, Lemuel^, Philips, Philip', Philip'), born about 1764, married, 9 Oct. 1793, Lovey Hull of Northwood. He was aged 86 in 1850 and her age was then 80. She died in Northwood at age of 102 or 104. Josiah and Lemuel d. young. John m. Mercy, dau. of Richard Hoyt; d. i March 1882 at Tuftonboro. Richard m. Sarah Davis. Res., Pittsfield. Caroline Matilda b. 15 Dec. 1803; m. 10 Sept. 1823, Jeremiah Batchelder of New Hampton. She d. 15 Dec. 1881. Sarah twin to Caroline; d. young. Sally b. 20 June 1810; m. Jeremiah Brown of New Hampton. Hannah twin to Sally. Mary m. 7 Dec. 1839, at Lee, Benjamin Brown of New Hampton. Olive m. Thomas Jefferson Cheswell. 70 HISTORY OF DURHAM 39. John Chesley (Lemuel\ Lemuel, Philip^ Philip-, PhiHp'), born about 1775, married, 2t, Feb. 1797, Ehzabeth, daughter of Samuel and Sarah (Bickford) Blake, who was born in Epsom, 25 May 1777. He died in Epsom 14 April 1841, aged 66. His wife died 21 Oct. 1830, aged 53. His second wife, Charlotte, died 28 Dec. 1868, aged 83-4-25. Jonathan d. 6 April 1879, aged 62 yrs. 6 mos. He m. Abigail, dau. of Nathan Hoyt of Northwood. She d. 16 Aug. 1892, aged 71. John d. 6 Aug. 1888, aged 83 yrs. 6 mos. He m. Joanna, dau. of Israel Tibbetts of Madbury. She d. 8 June 1906, aged 89-7-26. The above dates are from tombstones in Epsom, N. H. 40. Moses Chesley (Samuel', Lemuel', Philip\ Philip^ Philip'), born 25 April 1775, married 17 Nov. 1796, Mary Nelson, who was born 28 Dec. 1778 and died 3 April 1865. He died 2 Sept. 1 861. Children were: Abigail b. 14 May 1797; m. David Goodwin; d. 12 April 1829. He was born 10 April 1794 and d. 6 May 1885. Henry b. 9 May 1799; m. Mary Goodwin. John b. 31 Aug. 1801; d. 7 Nov. 1802. Esther b. 3 May 1804; m. Gilman Goodwin; d. Feb. 1872. Jefferson b. 29 May 1806; m. Irene Hussey; d. 16 Apr. 1883. She was b. 18 July 1814 and d. 12 Dec. 1884. Ch., Orrin F. b. 23 Feb. 1835, m. Lydia Locke, and d. 1907, having two ch., Herbert L. b. 10 July 1853, m. (i) Ida Pickering of Barnstead, and had dau. Lillian, who m. George Fifield, (2) Annie Ayers and had son, Grover C, and Mary A. b. 7 Nov. 1854 who m. Frank Seward 18 March 1872; Charles Lewis b. 28 Oct. 1838, m. Martha Bodge, and d. 24 June 1907, ha\ing ch.. Dr. Verner Chesley, Dartmouth, who m. Gertie Kenney; Electa A. b. 10 Aug. 1844, m. Jethro N. Locke; Sophronia b. 5 April 1847, m. Jarius Osgood; and Ida C. b. 27 Jan. 1858, m. J. Henry Varney. Samuel b. 27 Oct. 1808; m. Rebecca Dore; d. 15 Oct. 1847. Mary Jane b. 12 March 181 1; m. Thomas H. Proctor; d. 24 Jan. 1892. Betsey b. 16 March 1814; m. Asa Garland; d. 22 Oct. 1895. He was b. 15 July 1813, and d. 13 May 1882. Cyrus b. 29 Mav 181 7; m. Maria A. dau. of John and Abigail (Hall) Hanson, 26 Dec. 1843. He d. in 1873. Joseph b. 27 Aug. 1823; d. 11 Sept. 1823. 41. Lemuel Chesley (Samuel", Lemuel, Philip^ PhilipS HISTORY OF DURHAM 71 Phililj'), burn 1773, married Mar>- Merrill and lixed in I^arring- ton. Twel\e children. Sarah b. 4 Feb. 1802; m. 31 Jan. 1836, John Lane of Lee, John M. b. 21 Oct. 1803; m. 20 Oct. 1833, Sarah Jenkins of Barnstead. Samuel b. 19 Marcli 1805; ni. Maria Caxerh-; d. 10 March 1879. William b. 8 April 1807; m. Susan . L. in Quincy, Mass. Moses b. 11 March 1809; d. young. LuciNDA b. 17' Dec. 1810; m. Thomas Daring. David and Andrew b. 6 Dec. 1814; d. young. Elizabeth b. 15 July 1816; m. William Ricker. Rev. Plummer b. 10 Sept. 1818; m. Abbie Roberts. Curtis B. b. 8 Nov. 1820; m. Martha Clough. George H. b. 15 Dec. 1822; m. 1845, Irene F. Hanson, (2) Elizabeth J. Snell. He d. 2-] March 1909. Ch., Eventia b. 13 May 1849, Leroy H. b. 9 Feb. 1855, and Isabelle Blackburn b. 10 March 1877. 42. Samuel Chesley (Philip', SamueP, Philip\ Philips Philip'), born I March 1772, married, 2 March 1797, Nancy Perkins, a cousin. She was born 26 April 1775, and died 17 Nov. 1856. He died 10 Feb. 1863, in Madbury. Abigail b. 21 Aug. 1799; m. Nathan Woodman. AsENATH b. 5 May 1801; m. Moses D. Perkins, Pittsfield. 46. Stephen P. b. 12 March 1804'; m. Hannah C. Pendexter, (2) Elizabeth Woodman. Comfort b. 8 Oct. 1806; m. i Juh- 1827, Samuel D. Hayes of Madbury. Nancy b. 31 Oct. 1810; m. 11 May 1840, Hon. Stephen DeMeritt. 43. Paul Chesley (Philip^ SamueH, Philip\ Philip-, Philip^) married (i) 17 July 1802, Sarah, daughter of the Rev. William Hooper, (2) 3 April 1816, Polly, daughter of Andrew E. and Mary (Emerson) Demeritt. William P. m. 11 Nov. 1827, Louisa J., dau. of James and Sarah (Reynolds) Chesley and had one dau. Divorced. She m. (2) Thompson Jackson, 29 Aug. 1842. Samuel m. 25 Nov. 1825, Mehitable, dau. of Joseph and Rebecca (March) Demeritt. Ch., Samuel, Henry, John, William P., and Ellen Augusta. 47. Philip m. 9 March 1836, Mary Jane Meserve. Sally m. Capt. Lunt. 72 HISTORY OF DURHAM Plummer m. 9 Oct. 1834, Elmira, dau. of John and Ann (Chesley) Hart. Eliza m. 31 Jan. 1828, James Wedgewood. 48. Daniel b. 15 Aug. 1811; m. Margery Steele Woodman. Children by second marriage: Paul d. in California. Climena m. 6 March 1840, George Meserve, (2) 30 Sept. 1852, Wm. C. Young. Placentia, Finette, Hannah, Van Buren, and Benton^ who d. young. 44. Capt. Joseph Chesley (Philip\ Samuel\ Philip^ Philip^^ Philip'), born 1785, married, i Sept. 1803 Betsey Ham, who died 5 April 1807, aged 22. He married (2) 1807, Eliza Young. He died 17 May 1841, aged 56. Widow married, 20 June 1844,. Stephen Perkins of Chichester and died 28 Aug. 1854, aged 65. Abigail m. 2 No\'. 1834, Benjamin F. Bunker; d. 23 Jan. 1879. Mehitable m. 24 June 1822, Samuel Furber of Boston p d. 19 Dec. 1826, aged 21-11-17. Children by second marriage: Elizabeth b. 12 April 1809; m. 23 June 1827, Alexander H. Stickney of Great Falls. She d. 28 June 1886. Samuel P. b. 1815; m. 20 Feb. 1835, Eliza, dau. of Robert and Elizabeth (Gale) Burleigh, who was b. 19 June 1806, and d. 8 Jan. 1857. He d. in Great Falls, 16 Jan. 1858. Ch., Joseph Plummer b. 8 May 1836, m. Sarah Whitehouse, and Daniel b. 14 March 1845, m. Annie Hamilton and d. s. p. Sylvester m. Dec. 21, 1842 Maria Roberts; d. 16 Jan. 1847. • Matilda d. 8 May 18 12, aged 13 mos. Seventh Generation 45. Rev. Alfred Chesley (Thomas^ Joseph^ Thomas^ Joseph*^ Thomas-, Philip^, born 28 July 1809, married, 3 July 1832, Octavia Adams Shaw, who was born 22 May 1808, and died 28 April 1859. He married (2) Julia Wormwood and died 25 April 1885. Children by first marriage: Laura Jane b. June 1834; d. 10 April 1897. Loretta Sullivan b. 9 April 1836; m. 7 March 1855, George Kittredge Bennett, who was b. 28 May 1828 and d. 26 May i876(?). Alfred Joseph Bennett was b. 5 July 1857 and d. 8 Dec. 1877. John Wentworth Ben- nett was b. 5 July 1857 and d. 7 Sept. 1877. n HISTORY OF DURHAM 73. Prisctlla Adams b. 30 June 1837; d. 12 Aug. 19 10; m, Minot Wesley Langmaid, who was b. 30 Sept. 181 1 and d. 18 Sept. 1884. Ch., Frank Wesley b. 6 Jan. i866^ d. 16 March 1868, Jennie Susan b. 11 March 1873, Edson Ezra b. 11 Oct. 1878, George Albert b. 20 Oct. 1881. Annette Elizabeth b. 13 April 1839; m. Clifford. Alfred Ezra b. 28 March 1842; d. 11 Feb. 1878, in U. S. Army. Charlotte Susan b. 18 Sept. 1843; d. 16 Oct. 1843. Susan Josephine b. 16 Oct. 1844; m. Charles A. Langmaid. Ervin Emery (?) b. i March 1856. 46. Stephen P. Chesley (Samuel^ Philip\ SamueH, Philip^ Philip-, Philip'), born 12 March 1804, married (i) Hannah C. Pen- dexter, (2) Elizabeth Woodman of Newington, (3) '-. Marcta m. Oliver Waldron, Barnstead. Hannah m. Moses G. Woodman. Ann Mary m. Prof. John S. Woodman. Children by second marriage: Ellen b. 2 Aug. 1842; m. 24 July 1S52, Charles Henderson, (2) Horatio Hunt. John Samuel m. Nancy Adaline Sanborn of Loudon. Ch., Stephen P. b. 26 July 1862, James S, b. 21 March 1864, w^ho m. Nettie Isabelle (Wentworth) Swasey, and had children, Marion Alice, Doris Elizabeth, and Norman Newman Wentworth. Wilbert S. b. 26 Dec. 1866, Gadriella A. b. 29 June 1869, Edgar D. b. 26 July 1871, m. Jennie Langmaid, Elizabeth W. b. 17 June 1873, and Ivy May b. 31 Aug. 1875, who m. 18 June 1902, Frank Swain of Loudon. • 47. Philip Chesley (Paul«, Philip', SamueH, Philip\ Philip^, Philip'), born 28 June 1813, married, 9 March 1836, Mary Jane Meserve, born 13 Aug. 1818. He died 18 June 1887. She died 6 Aug. 1887. 49. George S. b. 21 July 1837; m. Sarah F. Palmer. Mary J. b. 11 July 1839; m. John Hollis Chesley. Sarah M. b. 18 Dec. 1840; m. George Colburn at Waltham, Mass.; d. 1 1 May 1892. Harriet A. b. 3 Oct. 1842; m. 24 Jan. 1864, William Ches- ley at Exeter; d. 18 April 1866. Charles H. b. 13 Jan. 1846; d. 26 Nov. 1847. Arianna b. I July 1848; d. 20 July 1874. Elizabeth A. b. 24 May 1851; m. 2 Sept. 1873, Frank Stuart of Lee; d. 6 June 1881. Theresa R. b. 26 March 1853. HISTORY OF DURHAM 75 Ellen F. b. i March 1855; ni. 28 Now 1872, Jeremiah Caverno at Strafford. Lavinl\ M. b. 8 March 1857; m. 25 Oct. 1887, Charles B. (iriffin at (^hicago, III. Arthur P. b. 28 Sept. 1859; m. Annistacia Long, at New- market. Ada Parker b. i March 1861; m. Frank Stuart at Dor- chester, Mass., (2) 23 jinie 1900, Henry Victor Crocker, at Dorchester. 48. Daniel Chesley (Paul''. Philip\ Samuel', Philip'', Philips Philip'), born 15 Aug. 181 1, married, 3 Jan. 1844, Margery Steele Woodman, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth (Snell) Woodman. Their children were: RosETTA Marl\ b. 12 Dec. 1845; m. 5 Dec. 1865, William Estes Roberts of Do\er, Willl\m Knight b. 10 Sept. 1847; d. 1891. Sarah Elizabeth b. 8 Oct. 1849; d. 15 Oct. 1910; m. 8 Dec. 1868, Charles Henry Nute of Dover. Ch., Charles Augustus b. 14 Aug. 1874; and Clarence Woodman b. 12 Oct. 1878. Annie Maroery b. 18 Sept. 1851; m. 10 June 1885, David H. Gage of Dover, who d. 16 July 1900. She m. (2) II July 1906, Andrew J. Kimball. Laura Abbie b. 21 Aug. 1853; m. 27 Sept. 1877, Frank Demeritt Randall of Lee. One son, John Leslie Randall, b. 8 June 1883, N. H. College 1905, M. S. 1906. He m. 26 June 1906, Bernice Lang of Lee and has one son, John Leslie Randall, Jr., b. 2 Aug. 1910. Frank Albert b. 29 Nov. 1855; m. May 1884, Eliza F. Berry. He d. 2 Feb. 1893. Carrie Olivia b. 18 April 1857; m. 7 Aug. 1895, Stephen H. Davis of Newmarket. Hon. Daniel b. 11 Oct. 1859. [See biographical sketch, portrait and residence.] AL\ry Addie b. 26 Aug. 1861; m. i Jan. 1883, David Wil- liam Manock of Dover. 3 ch., Charles Wilber b. 8 Dec. 1883, Frank Delmore b. 20 March 1886, and Helen Margery b. 18 Dec. 1888. Charles Paul b. 24 Sept. 1863; m. 5 June 1895, Susan Alice Home of Do\er. One son, George Home Chesley, b. 3 Aug. 1896. Eighth Generation 49. George S. Chesley (Ph^lip^ Paul^ Philip-', SamueH, Philip-', Philip-, Philip'), born 21 July 1837, married, 4 Jan. 1864, Sarah F. Palmer who was born 28 Dec. 1843. He was killed by lightning, 12 June 1878. Children were: 76 HISTORY f)F DURHAM Hattik a. 1). 28 Aug. i«66; 111. ( George P. James, who was b. 24 M^iy 1863. Ch., lulna May b. 8 Nov. 1888, Forrest (^liesley b. 11 July 1890, Hazel iM-ances b. 24 July 1893, (ieorge Homer b. 12 July 1895, Velma Oertrudc b. 25 Sej)!. 1898, Doris Augusta b. 19 Oct. 1902, Ruby Anna I). 21 Nov. 1904, (lladys Pearl b. 24 Sept. 1906, and Harbara I'^lizabeth b. 14 Jan. 1912. John p. b. 19 March 1869; m. Addie M. Davis, who was b. 7 Sej)!. 1771. Ch., Marion L. b. 26 June 1891, d. 22 Aug. 1891, (ieorge Da\ is b. 13 June 1892, d. 9 Sef)!. 1892. Raymond Palmer b. 19 June 1893, Charles Nor- wo(kI, b. I July 1895, Addie Rhoda b. 5 Jan. 1897, Crace Klodie b. 18 Sept. 1898, h'red Parker b. 15 May 1900, Perlrand Davis b. 22 Nov. 1901, John Kt-muMh b. 6 l'"eb. i<)03, d. 5 Aug. 1903, Lawrence Rolslon b. 11 Dec. 1904, (I. 9 Jul\ 1905, Russell Eldwin b. 10 Oct. 1906, Blanche K\elyn b. 18 Jan. 1909, and Warren Oliver b. 29 Jan. I()I3. Anna H. b. 3 Dec. 1871; d. 14 Jan. 1912. CnARi.i<;s S. b. 8 Sept. 1873; d. 14 Oct. i()o8. M.\Hi;iii ]. b. 26 Oct. 1875. C.i<;()R(.ii.: L. b. 2j Oct. 1877; d. 14 Aug. 1880. CLARK Abraham Clark's lar.d is mentioned in 1680. He lived near the northern boundary of Oyster River Parish. He may have been the Clark ol unknown name who was killed in the massacre of 1694. Deliverance Clark, who married Nathaniel Lamos before 1700, was doubtless his daughter, and so, |)rol)al)ly, was Mary Clark, who married Pail holomew Stevenson, 10 Oct. 1680. Clark's Plains are on the line of l)o\ er and Madburv southeast of Pudding hill. Abiaham Clark, aged ^i) when he made a deposition in 1738^ must have been son of the first Abraham. He was surveyor of highways in 1 7 14. He had a wife Aima. They sold land to Remembrance Clark in 1761. /Xbraliam Clark's estate was ad- ministered by widow, Anna, who was appointed administratrix 30 June 1762. He was said to l)e of Harrington at the time of his dec-ease. Three c-hildren are recorded, \iz., Lo\e b. 30 May 1721, Annah b. 2 July 1723, and Mary b. i Dec. 1725. Abraham Clark of the next generation, and r^lizabeth (iooch were i)ublishecl al Wells, Me., 7 May 1757. He was taxed in Madbury in 1758. HISTORY OF DURHAM 77 James Clark hou.nlit land near to Al)raliani Clark in 1717. He married Sarah Leighlon, 16 Jan. 1717-8. He died in 1767 and his wife died in 1770. They were of the Society of Friends. Chil(h'en recorded : Jonathan disowned 21 Ai)ril i7' or Hart farm. He died here 16 Oct. 1865, aged 67. He was a tanner by trade. Children were: Louise Victoria b. 17 Oct. 1838 in Shipton, Canada; m. 17 June i860, John J. Bunker; d. 31 Oct. 1899, aged 61. Susan Almira b. 7 March 1840, in Shipton; m. 14 Dec. 1865, John Winslow Emerson Thompson at Exeter. She d. 22 Nov. 1875. COE Rev. Curtis Coe (Dea. Joseph\ Capt. Joseph', Capt. John', Robert-, Robert') was bcjrn in Middleton, now Middlefield, Conn., 21 July 1750. He is said to have serxed as chaplain in the Revolutionary Army. He married, 22 Feb. 1781, Anne, daughter of Judge Ebenezer and Mar>' (Torr) Thompson, who was born 10 Jan. 1761, and died at South Newmarket 10 Oct. 1829. He died at the same place 7 June 1829. [See page 20Q- 204 of Vol. I and also History of Newfields, N. H.] Births of children as recorded in Durham: HISTORY OF DURHAM 79. 2. Joseph h. i June 1782; m. Temperance Pickering. Abigail b. 29 Feb. 1784; m. Daniel Mathes. Ebenezer b. 6 Dec. 1785; d. at Bangor, Me., 26 Oct. 1862; m. (i) Mehitable Smith of Durham, who was b. 20 June 1794 and d. 18 May 1833, (2) Mrs. Mary Upham Barker, who was 1). in Rochester 16 Sept. 1802 and d. in Bangor, Me., 4 Dec. 1843. For some years he was a selectman and representative of Northwood. Curtis b. 16 Sept. 1787; d. unm. 3 Sept. 1817 at Charleston, S. C. Polly b. 22 Nov. 1789; d. 23 Nov. 1836. Unm. Anne b. 28 June 1792; d. i April 1864; m. 20 May 1830, Dea. Edward Berrv b. 16 Julv 1787, and settled in Pitts- field. John b. 13 Feb. 1797; d. at Center Harbor, 2 Dec. 1861; m. 28 Sept. 1823, Lavinia Towle Senter, b. at Meredith 7 Nov. 1800 and d. 12 Oct. 1883. He was a ship-builder in Durham and postmaster at Center Harbor. Benjamin b. 20 July 1801; d. 8 Apr. 1873; m. at Lynn, Mass , 5 May 1842, Louisa Frances Meade, who was b. at Northwood, 3 June 1806 and d. at South Newmarket, 24 Feb. 1868. He was deacon in the church and active in town afifairs in South Newmarket. 2. Joseph Coe, son of Rev. Curtis Coe, born i June 1782, died 22 April 1852. He married Temperance, daughter of Richard and Mary (Thompson) Pickering, who was born 22 Aug. 1788 and died 29 Jan. 1864. He was a merchant and ship-builder in Durham and compiled and published a volume entitled "The True American." Temperance Ann b. 2 July 1813; d. in Durham 11 Jan. 1885. Unm. Ebenezer P. b. 31 March 1816; d. 17 June 1838. Unm. Richard C. b. 23 Sept. 1818; d. in N. Y. i March 1884. Unm. John E. b. 9 June 1822; d. at Cambridge, Mass., 23 Nov. 1879. Educated at Phillips Academy, merchant in Phila- delphia, later in advertising business in New York and Boston. He m. at Methuen, Mass., 27 July 1857, Mar- garet Janet Churchill, b. in Clements, Nova Scotia, 8' April 1833, d. 4 March 1859. 3. Joseph William b. i Feb. 1825; m. Harriet S. Churchill. Federal Burt b. i Apr. 1828; d. 11 Feb. 1850. Unm. 3. Joseph William Coe, named above, was born in Durham,. I Feb. 1825 and died 12 Aug. 1907. He married at Lawrence, Mass., 2 Dec. 1861, Harriet Sophia Churchill, who was born in 80 HISTORY OF DURHAM Lubec, Me., daughter of Samuel and Eliza (VVillett) Churchill of Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, later of Salem, Mass. She still resides on the Coe homestead in Durham. He was a merchant and postmaster at Durham for many years. He was a member and liberal supporter of the Congregational Church. His resi- dence, built by Judge Steele, is one of the best in town. [See page 333 of Vol. I.] Mary E. b. 9 July 1864; d. 2"] July 191 1; m. 27 Feb. 1899, Daniel B. Ninde, b. at Fort Wayne, Ind., a graduate of U. S. Naval Academy and of the University- of Michigan. He is an attorney-at-law at Fort Wayne. Richard b. 17 July 1866; m. 31 March 1907, Mrs. Sarah Crapo (Tappan) Carter, b. in Boston 27 June 1873. He is a mining engineer at Ramsey, Nev. Ch., Richard Pickering, b. and d. at Hyde Park, Mass., 21 June 1909, and Serena Tappan b. at Hyde Park, 9 Jan. 191 1. Janet Lawrence b. 7 June 1868; m. 8 Oct. 1896, Edward Burnham Stearns, b. 14 June 1869. He is a manager for the American Bridge Co. Res., Montclair, N. J. 4 ch. b. at Brookline, Mass., Lawrence b. 22 April 1899, Richard Pickering b. 12 Oct. 1901, d. same day, Margaret b. 8 Feb. 1903, Janet Burnham b. 18 April 1906. Gertrude Alice b. 17 Aug. 1870; d. 8 Oct. 1871. Margaret Alice b. 13 April 1872; graduated at Smith College in 1896; m. 18 Jan. 1913, Daniel B. Ninde, above named. Anne Harriet b. 4 June 1879; graduated at Smith Col- lege in 1902; m. 5 Sept. 1910 Burton Edward Curry b. in Bloomington, Ind., 24 Aug. 1879. He graduated at In- diana Unix'ersity in 1904 and took post-graduate studies at Cornell University. He is chemist of N. H. College Experiment Station. Ch., Burton Edwin,. Jr., b. 7 Jan. 1912, and twins, Curtis Coe and Harriet Anne, b. 3 June, 1913- Helen Edith b. 24 July 1881; d. 9 March 1885. CRITCHET Elias Critchet deposed, 1671, concerning the laying out of a -boundary in 1667. He was rated in Portsmouth in 1680. He signed a petition in 1695. He married (2) widow of James Thomas and daughter of John Goddard. [See Thomas.] She was admitted to church 7 Dec. 1 718 as aged wife of Elias Critchet, Sr., whom she had married after 1715. She was a widow again HISTORY OF DURHAM 8 1 in 1729. Elias Critchet of "Quamscook" bouglit land of Andrew Wiggin, 22 April 1674. Elias Critchet, Jr., married, 12 Oct. 1714, Elizabeth Lane of Hampton, daughter of William and Sarah (Wel)ster) Lane, born 12 Juh' 1691. Both were living in 1731. Children: Thomas bapt. 3 Nov. 1717; m. in Kingston, 9 May 1739, Mary dau. of John Roberts of Brentwood and had ch., among them being an Elias. He appears later to have had a second wife, Anna. John bapt. 7 Sept. 1718. Had ch., Sarah bapt. 14 Apr. 1750/1, and James bapt. 19 Nov. 1749. James bapt. 17 June 1723. Elizabeth bapt. 5 May 1728; m. Ebenezer Bickford, 6 Dec. 1750. CROMMETT Philip Crommett (called also Cromet, Crummett, Cromele, Cromel, Cromwell, etc.) was taxed in company with Davey Daniel, 1662-67. He bought land of Hugh Dunn, at Sandy Bank, above Hook Island Falls, in Lee. He was licensed to keep a ferry at Lampril River in 1671. In 1673 he had a grant of six acres adjoining his land at Lampril River. Philip Crommet and wife, Margaret, deeded to son, John, 7 June 1710, one half of his farm on the north side of Lampril River, which formerly belonged to Hugh Dunn, and the other half he deeded to Cornelius Drisco, 12 March 1714/5. John and Mary Cromett ■deeded their half to Cornelius Drisco. John and Sarah Footman conveyed to John Crommett, i April 1721, land "granted to our brother Jeremiah Cromett" in Dover. It thus appears that Philip and Margaret Crommett had the following children. This family is entirely distinct from that of Philip Cromwell •of Dover Neck, though the surname Cromwell is sometimes incorrectly given to this Philip. At the same time there was another Philip Cromwell at Marblehead, Mass. 2. John m. (i) Elizabeth Thomas, (2) Mary . Jeremiah killed and scalped by Indians, 1712. Sarah m. Thomas Footman, 18 Dec. 1691. Mary prob. who m. Cornelius Drisco. 2. John Crommett (Philip) married (i) 13 Jan. 1691/2, Elizabeth, daughter of James and Martha (Goddard) Thomas, (2) Mary . He signed a petition with his brother, Jere- 6 82 HISTORY OF DURHAM miah, in 1694. His will, 22 May 1724-1 Sept. 1724, names wife, Mary, who was living in 1730, and the following children: 3. Joshua m. Elizabeth Keniston. 4. John m. Sobriety Thomas. Mary bapt. 19 Sept. 1719, "a maiden." Children by second marriage: Philip b. 1716, bapt. 6 March 17 19. Soldier in 1758, aged 42. Taxes abated 1782. Pauper, 1787. He m. Abigail Crommett. Elizabeth bapt. 6 March 17 19, twin to Philip; m. John Durgin, 6 March 1728/9. Marc.aret b. 6 April 1715; bapt. 6 March 1719; m. William Durgin. Martha. Sarah. Third Generation 3. Joshua Crommett (John-, Philip^) married, 19 Sept. 1728, Elizabeth Kenniston. He was selectman in Durham, 1765-72. His will, 9 Feb. 1777. names the following children. June 9, 1777, Elizabeth, widow of Joshua Crommett, was allowed as dower a room in the north part of the house where Durgin lived, called the Duda farm. The witnesses were Joseph Durgin, Zebulon Durgin and John Adams. Betsey Crommett died 9 July 1796. Elizabeth bapt. 1 Jan. 1729/30; m. David Davis. John, "oldest son." He was of Boothbay, Me., in 1777. 5. Jacob b. 1739; m. Abigail Dam. Martha m. Thomas Tash. 6. Thomas m. Mary Chesle>'. 4. John Crommett (John-, Philip') married Sobriety, daugh- ter of James and Mar>' (Smith) Thomas. He "died by the act of God," as a coroner's jury said, 24 Jan. 1758, that is, he was struck by lightning. The will of Sobriety, relict of John Crom- mett, 1779, names only "dutiful daughter Abigail, wife of Philip Crummit of Durham." Sobriety died in 1780. 7. Ebenezer m. Elizabeth Davis. James, soldier in 1758, aged 18; bapt. 13 June 1728 (?). Abigail m. Philip Crommett. Fourth Generation 5. Jacob Crommett (Joshua^ John'-, Philip'), born about 1739, married, in Newington, 16 Dec. 1762, Abigail Dam. He HISTORY OF DURHAM 83 was constable in 1767. He died in June 1800. She died 1 1 Nov. 1814. His will, dated 18 April 1797, names wife, Abigail, and the following children : 8. JoHX, who received the homestead, "received from honored father, Joshua Crommet." He m. Eunice Meserve. Betsey m. Samuel Edgerly, Jr., 20 Dec. 1795. Mary m. Valentine Mathes of Lee, 21 Aug. 1788. Abigail b. 12 June 1775; m. Jethro Edgerly, 3 July 1797; d. 16 Dec. 1845. Sarah b. 21 March 1781; m. Valentine Mathes, Jr. Hannah m. Vincent Meserve, 20 Oct. 1797. 6. Thomas Crommett (Joshua\ John-, Philip'), called "youngest son" of Joshua, was executor of his father's will and recei\ed "all home estate and farm." This was on the north side of Crommett's Creek. He married Mary, daughter of Capt. Thomas and Mary (Hill) Chesley. He left at least two daughters. He was an ensign in the Revolution. Molly m. Joseph Bickford, i May 1803 (?). Abigail d. 17 March 1823, aged 45 (?). 7. Ebenezer Crommett (John^, John-, Philip') married 24 Jan. 1758, Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Davis. She married (2) 1769, Joseph Drew. Ebenezer had at least two sons. James soldier in 1777, aged 19. He was of Durham in 1783. Ebenezer soldier in 1777, aged 17; m. 6 Oct. 1783, Hannah Hearn. She was dau. of Joseph Smith and m. (i) Jose, (2) Morris Hearn. Ebenezer Crommett is called "Adjutant." He died 15 April 1818. His wife died 4 Jan. 1841, aged 85, having been a Re\olutionary pen- sioner, s. p. Fifth Generation 8. John Crommett (Jacob"*, Joshua"\ John-, Philip') married, 20 April 1795, Eunice, daughter of Col. Ebenezer and Eunice (Torr) Meserve. He was drowned at Portsmouth, 12 April 1808. His widow married Nathaniel Edgerly, 26 May 1822. Martha m. Eben Kent, 6 March 1817. Polly m. Richard Kent, 9 June 1814. Eliza m. Jacob Johnson, 24 March 1820. A Widow Crummet died 29 Dec. 1819, aged 97. CROMWELL Philip Cromwell, born 1612, aged 74 in 1686 as per deposition, was taxed at Cochecho 1657-58. He was juryman in 1662, select- 84 HISTORY OF DURHAM man in 1670. He owned land on Dover Neck that formerly belonged to William Storer, where he was living in 1674 when he was complained of for taking in the highway and trespassing the common. He bought land at Sandy Point, in Great Bay, of Richard Waldron, 26 Nov. 1660. He married (i) Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. John Tuttle, (2) Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Leighton before 1671. Philip Cromwell and Elizabeth "my present wife," 6 Oct. 1699, sold land to Richard Pinkham. • He was commissioned captain in 1683. June 23, 1714, Samuel Cromwell, and Rachel his wife, sold to Thomas Kenne>' land on Dover Neck, onK- reserving "three rods square for a burying place at ye place where m\' father was buried." [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XVI. 556.] His will, dated 19 May 1708, names wife Elizabeth and the following children. He died 26 May 1708. 2. Joshua m. Lydia . 3. Samuel m. Rachel . Joanna m. Morris Hobbs about 1698. Alice. Elizabeth. Sarah m. Timothy Wentworth before 1698. Mercy m. Hatc\ii Hall, 14 March 1706/7. Ann born 19 Aug. 1674. 2. Joshua Cromwell (Philip) had a grant of land in 1693. His wife, Lydia, is named in deeds from 1709 to 1743. He lived on Dover Neck and died before 1752. Deeds in that \ear show the following children : Joshua. He was of Falmouth, Me., in 1752. He signed a petition from Kennebunk in 1760. He m. (i) in Falmouth, Elizabeth, dau. of Benjamin and Deborah (Ingersoll) Larrabee, who d. 13 April 1725, leaving dau., Elizabeth, b. 13 April 1725. He m. (2) Grace and had dau. Lydia, b. in Falmouth 19 May 1728. John m. 25 Dec. 1720, Mary Ridley (?). Joseph m. Abigail . Samuel prob. m. Betty Pinkham, 4 Dec. 1727. L. in 1752. Caleb of Falmouth in 1752, where he had a child bapt. 1740. Elizabeth m. Thomas Waitt of Dover. Lydia m. Noah Cross of Dover. 3. Samuel Cromwell (Philip) married Rachel . They and the following children were baptized by Rev. Hugh Adams, 31 July 1726. He died between 1735 and I743- Dorothy b. 13 May 1713; m. Samuel Pray of Berwick. 4. Eliphalet b. 12 Nov. 1716; m. Esther Nock. history of durham 85 Third Generation 4. Eliphalet Cromwell (SamueP, Philip') married Esther, daughter of Sylvanus Nock. He is called "son and heir to Samuel Cromwell," in 1743. He married (2) , (3) 4 Feb. 1760, Keziah Watson, His will, dated 22 Oct. 1793, was probated 6 Jan. 1794. Lucy m. Daniel Ricker, about 1762. Dorothy m. Samuel Henderson, 22 Nov. 1769. Sylvanus soldier of the Revolution, not named in will. Esther not named in will. Eliphalet b. 12 July 1752, not named in will. Revolu- tionary soldier. Rachel m. Phineas Ricker, Jr., 27 Feb. 1777. Children by third marriage. Hannah b. 19 Nov. 1760; m. Watson. Samuel b. 6 Aug. 1761, named in will. Elizabeth b. 19 Dec. 1762; m. Josiah Paul. Samuel Cromwell, called often Crommett or Crumet, and Samuel Cromwell, Jr., were taxed in the Point district, Durham, in 1801. Samuel, Jr., was hog-reeve in 1773, and his taxes were released in 1783. Samuel Crummett died i Sept. 1826, aged 84. Joanna, his wife, died 14 April 1821, aged 80. A Samuel Cromet of Durham m. Nov. 1779, Rebecca Merry of Madbury. Samuel Cromwell, Jr., of Durham was defendant in court in a suit for debt brought by John Newmarch, in 1762. He sued Thomas Scriggins for payment for a wig in 1760. Oliver Cromwell bought of Thomas Pierce and Hannah, his wife, 2 Oct. 1 75 1, four acres on said Pierce's farm in Somersworth, wherever said Oliver might choose. In 1 761 Oliver Cromwell and family were ordered out of Portsmouth. He is called a mari- ner of Portsmouth, in 1762, and was of Somersworth in 1763. This may be the same Oliver Cromwell, of Durham, the admin- istration of whose estate was granted to Philip Cromwell, 21 Feb. 1793. Oliver Cromwell, born in 1782, was taxed in the Point district in 1806, said to have been born in Brentwood. He married (i) Eleanor Holmes of Portsmouth. Published in Durham 17 May 1806. She died in 182 1. He married (2) 17 March 1822 Mary Cram in Raymond. He was hog-reeve in Durham in 1808. After living in several places he returned to Durham 86 HISTORY OF DURHAM and died there 6 Feb. 1853, aged 71. Mary "Crummett," probably his wife, died in Durham 29 May 1855, aged 70. The children of Oliver Cromwell were Thomas JefTerson, born 15 March 1816; Ellen who married Loring Foster; Eliza who married Benjamin Snow; Eben, Oliver, Caroline, Frances born 1826, in Brentwood; Mar>- who married 9 March 1833 Caleb Preble, and Robert born in Dedham, Mass. m. 2"] April 1736, Mercy Cromwell and Thomas Main. m. 2"] April 1756, Love Cromwell and Winthrop Bickford. m. 27 April 1757, Mercy Cromwell of Dover and Samuel Laury of Newcastle. m. 14 May 1778, Sarah Cromwell of Dover and Jacob Chadwick of Somersworth. John Cromwell died ii May 1776. His wife, Lydia, died 13 May 1776, and both were buried in one grave, in Dover. CROXFORD Daniel Croxford was in the employ of Gen. John Sullivan in the fulling mill at Sullivan's Falls. He was born Aug. 1752 and died 5 March 1837. He married, (i) Mary, daughter of Benja- min and Mary (Gilman) Bennett, who died 21 June 1820, aged 72. He married (2) 23 Dec. 1821, Mrs. Peggy Stockbridge of Barring- ton. Sally b. 20 Feb. 1780; m. 7 Feb. 1802. Dea. Benjamin Dame; d. 26 Sept. 1864. Mary m. John Little of Lee, 4 July 1802. Nancy. Susan m. Thomas Chesley, 3d, 26 March 18 15. Hannah m. Paul Little of Lee, 22 June 1800. DAM OR DAME Dea. John Dam, born in England, 1610, came to Dover Neck in 1633. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Pomfret, and died between 1687 and 1693. Serg. John ^ Dam, his son, born 8 Jan. 1636/7, married (i) Sarah, daughter of Serg. John Hall, and died 3 Jan. 1706. He lived at Bloody Point, Newington. John^ Dam, born 23 Feb. 1667/8, married Jane, daughter of Richard Rowe of Dover. He was deacon in the church at Newington and died in 1730. John'* Dam, born 1695. married, 29 Feb. 1718, Elizabeth, HISTORY OF DURHAM 87 daughter of Benjamin Bickford of Newington and had among others a son, Joseph ^ Dam, born 16 May 1719, who married Mehitable Hall of Dover in 1739. He died in April 1807. George^ Dame, son of the last, was born 26 June, 1748 and died 6 March 1823. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Benja- min and Mary (Gilman) Bennett. She died 25 July 1842, aged 97. Children were. Capt. George b. 24 Aug. 1791; m. 9 Nov. 1817, Sarah Bennett. Dea. Benjamin b. 25 Sept. 1779; m. Sally Croxford, 1802. Mehitable m. (i) John Ela, (2) Isaac Brown. Betsey m. David Wiggin, 17 Nov. 1796. Nancy m. John Tuttle. Pub. 12 Nov. 1803. Susan m. Andrew Wiggin, 1807. Mary b. 1777; d. 4 Nov. 1847, aged 70. Sally m. Walter Wiggin. Pub. 22 Feb. 1806. Dea. Benjamin Dame, born 25 Sept. 1779, married, 7 Feb. 1802, Sally, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Bennett) Croxford, who was born 20 Feb. 1780 and died 26 Sept. 1864. He died 17 Nov. 1847. Daniel b. 9 Dec. 1804; d. 28 Jan. 1822. Sophronia b. 19 April 1806; m. 26 May 1842, Isaac B. Brown; d. 5 June 1843. Mary b. 13 Oct. 1808; d. 28 March 1870. Unm. Joseph b. 17 Oct. 1812; d. 2 Feb. 1822. John O. b. 19 April 1815; m. 30 Nov. 1843, Harriet R. Maddox of Waterborough, Me. [See below.] Benjamin b. i Oct. 1817; d. 18 Feb. 1822. Children of John O. and Harriet (Maddox) Dame: Benjamin F. b. 22 Sept. 1846; m. 24 Nov. 1868, Abbie Hasleton Pinder. 4 ch., Edith Maud b. 14 Dec. 1869, m. James B. Ewart and had son, Raymond, b. 12 July 1895; Clinton b. 6 Sept. 1871 and d. i May 1872; Georgia May b. 2"] July 1874, m. Ernest Worth; Arthur Carroll b. 26 Aug. 1876, m. Nov. 1900, Edith A. Diamond and had dau., Priscilla, b. 17 Nov. 1901. Georgianna b. 27 Jan. 1851; d. 11 March 1872. Capt. George Dame, born 24 Aug. 1791, married, 14 Nov. 1816, Sarah, daughter of Capt. Eleazer and Anna (Clough) Bennett, who was born ii Nov. 1795, and died 29 May 1891. He died 24 June 1838. 88 HISTORY OF DURHAM Almira b. lo Sept. 1817; d. 5 Oct. 1833. Sarah Ann b. 8 Aug. 1819; d. 4 Oct. 1854. Martha E. b. 7 May 1822; m. 2 June 1850, James B. Blanchard; d. 13 March 1899. 3 daus. George W. b. 29 Sept. 1824; d. 22 Jan. 1827. Mary Helen b. 25 May 1827; m. 23 April 1862, James Munroe; d. 4 Dec. 1868. He d. 25 Jan. 1886. Two daus. d. unm. Caroline b. 19 Oct. 1829; d. 22 Dec. 1885. Unm. Susan b. 25 Nov. 1831 ; d. 17 Dec. 1905. Unm. George E. b. 11 Nov. 1835. Unm. DAME Joseph Dame (Moses^ John*, John\ John", John\) was born in Nottingham 14 Sept. 1747. His father, Moses Dame, was born 2 May 1721 in Newington and married, 1743, Anne, daughter of Capt. Mark Hunking of Portsmouth. Joseph Dame married^ 30 March 1783, Abigail Leathers and lived in Durham. He was a sergeant in the Revolution. He died 15 March 1842. His wife died 15 Oct. 1840, having been born 2^ Oct. 1760. A town record says she died 11 Oct. 1839, aged 78. Timothy b. 16 Aug. 1784; drowned 1812. 2. Asa b. '9 Feb. 1789; m. Lucia G. Bickford. 3. Jason b. 9 March 1793; m. Mary Sias, 15 Dec. 1816, b. in Epping, 8 Apr. 1794. Moses m. and 1. in Epping. Sarah d. unm. 28 Aug. 1870 (?). Ann m. 6 March 1817, Eliot G. Burnham. Abigail b. 22 Feb. 1796; m. 15 Feb. 18 17, John Fowler. Susan b. 24 April 1801; m. Rufus Willey. William b. 19 May 1803; d. 17 Nov. 1846. Unm. Samuel twin to William; m. Olive Tuttle of Nottingham. Theophilus. 2. Asa Dame (Joseph) married, 11 Feb. 1841, Lucia G.^ daughter of Robert and Hannah (Dame) Bickford, who was born 14 Sept. 1812 and d. 7 June 1902. He was a soldier in the War of 1812, captured and confined in Dartmoor prison. He died 25 Nov. 1861. Two children : Asa G. b. 14 March 1844. John B. G. b. 21 May 1848; m. 4 Dec. 1884, Clara E., dau. of Eben Kent, b. 17 Aug. 1867. Their dau.. Bertha A., b. 21 Aug. 1885, m. 22 Aug. 1906, Harry E. Rand. 3. Children of Jason and Mary (Sias) Dame, the first born HISTORY OF DURHAM 89' in Lee, the next six in Portsmouth, and the last two in Durham^ all recorded in Durham: Jeremiah b. i8 Feb. 1818. Jason b. 15 Sept. 1819. Mary A. b. 18 June 1822. Jane b. 2 Dec. 1824. George W. b. 2"] Nov. 1826. Francis A. b. 6 Dec. 1828. William b. 21 April 1831. HuNKiNG H. b. 26 Nov. 1835. Sylvester b. 6 July 1838. DAME John Dame, son of Richard ^ and Elizabeth (Leighton) Dame of Newington (John^, John-, John^, born 1738, married 10 Nov. 1767, Elizabeth Furber and lived in Durham, having the fol- lowing children. A John Dame died in Durham 13 May 1814. Betsey b. 17 Feb. 1770; m. 13 April 1797, Jonathan Wood- man. Richard b. 21 Sept. 1772; m. 2 Dec. 1798, Hannah Bick- ford. Moses b. 7 March 1775; m. Fidelia Furber. Hannah b. 12 April 1776; m. 10 Nov. 1799, Robert Bickford. Timothy b. 7 June 1778. Anna b. 15 May 1783. John b. 25 Aug. 1785. Catherine b. 18 Nov. 1790; m. George Johnson, 21 April 1816. Sally twin to Catherine; m. 181 1 Lycurgus Eastman who was drowned in 1812 (?). DANIEL The surname has been written Daniels by some descendants.. Davey Daniel was taxed in 1661 and from 1662 to 1667 he and Philip Crommett were rated together. He is mentioned in 1663 in the settlement of a Scotchman's estate and was fined for quarreling in 1664. He signed the petition of 1668 and was rated at Oyster River in 1675. Widow Naomi Daniel is mentioned repeatedly in 1685. There was no other than Davey whose widow she could have been. In 1685 she was accused of using abusive language about William Durgin, John Binder and Ben- jamin Matthews. [See Coll. of N. H. Hist. Society, VIII, 245.] The following is of interest as bearing upon the witchcraft 90 HISTORY OF DURHAM craze of that time, which Httle affected the people of New Hamp- shire: "To the constable at Oyster Ri\er. In his Maj**^ Name you are required to apprehend the bodie of Naomi Daniel of Oyster River and to bring her before y" Counsel now sitting in Ports- mouth to answer for her reproachful & slanderous speeches against Benjamin Mathews & others. Hereof fail not and make yo"" return. Dated July 4th 1682. By order R. Chamberlain. " July 5, 1682. "The Deposition of Joseph Grafton aged 18 (28) years of age testifieth & saith that he being at the house of Naomi Daniel 29 of May 1682 or there abouts I to her did say that I heard that she had lost a cow. Yea, shee said, the Wishes and Divells have bewished my cow into the myer twice. I asked her hoe (who) the s'^ wishes were & divels. My sister Matt — And my brother beniamin Mathes Is as bad. i asked her w^hy shee spake Soe against her sister & brother. Hang them wishes & wizards Let them Bring me out If they Dare & further saith not. " July 5, 1682. "The deposition of Remembrance Rand aged 32 years or there about Testifieth and saith that sum time in May last 1682 I being in company w^ith naomy Daniell heard her say that hir sister Mathews was a wizard that hir husband was noe better and further saith that the said naomy said that they towld you that it was I did bewich your child, but it was they that did bewich your child, but they did hit to hid their own Rogry and further saith not." [N. H. Prov. Court Files, VI, 481.] Thus it appears that Naomi Daniel was sister to the wife of Benjamin Mathes, whose name was Dorothy. They were ■daughters, probably, of the Rev. Joseph Hull. [See Hull.] The circumstantial evidence is convincing that Davey Daniel left at least two sons: 2. Joseph m. (i ) Widow Ann Chesley, (2) Jane — ■ . 3. John m. Sarah . Samuel (?) mentioned in 1697. 2. Joseph Daniel (David) had a grant of land in 1701. He married Ann, widow of Thomas Chesley, as probate records show, (2) Jane , who was baptized with two children ii Aug. 1717. His will, II Dec. 1737-30 Oct. 1745, names wife, Jane, and the following children: HISTORY OF DURHAM 9 1 John b. 25 May 1709; m. Hannah — -. L. in Barrington. Anne bapt. 11 Aug. 171 7, then 12 years old; m. Samuel Chesley. Jonathan bapt. 11 Aug. 1717; m. Elizabeth . Of Barrington, 1757. Will, 14 July 1779-9 Jan. 1780, names wife and ch., Ephraim, Dodavah, Jonathan, Isaac, Elijah, Ann, Elizabeth. 4. Joseph bapt. 28 March 1725; m. Mehitable . David bapt. 3 Oct. 1725, then 12 years old; m. Abigail Burnham. Ch. bapt. in Dover, John 22 May 1746, Solomon 16 Feb. 1744, Joanna 20 Sept. 1739. Abigail bapt. 3 Oct. 1725, then 3 years old; unm. in 1737. Jacob, bapt. 27 July 1718; m. Charity Drew. Lived in Barrington. Ch. Clement m. Esther Danilson and had ten children; Jacob m. Tibbetts; Sarah m. 2 May 1764, Isaac Canney; Abigail m. Ephraim Foss; and Lydia m Buzzell. Mary bapt. 5 April 1724, "a maiden," m. Fowler. 3. John Daniel (David) had a grant of land in 1694. Forty acres were granted to him, 23 June 1701, between land of Thomas Morris and land of John Bickford, and were laid out to him 1713. Sarah, his wife, was baptized 2 June 1723. The following chil- dren are known : Joseph bapt. 7 March 1724/5, "son of John. He was going out to war before the next Sabbath. " 5. Eliphalet bapt. 7 June 1724, "young son of Sarah." Reuben bapt. 2 July 1727. He was a trained soldier in 1740. Samuel bapt. 2 Julv 1727; m. 30 Dec. 1756, Elizabeth Noble (?). Sarah bapt. 6 Aug. 1717. Third Generation 4. Joseph Daniel (Joseph-, David^ had wife, Mehitable, who was baptized with five children, 31 March 1742. His will, 8 April 1773-March 1780. Samuel not named in will. Joseph m. Elizabeth, dau. of Ralph and Elizabeth (Willey) Hall, and had Joseph and other children. 6. Pelatiah b. 23 May 1734; d. 1818. L. in Barrington. 8 ch. Abigail m. Pitman. Obadiah who d. bef. 1773, leaving sons, Reuben and Obadiah. David bapt. 29 Jan. 1750. Solomon bapt. 29 Jan. 1750. Not named in will. 92 HISTORY OF DURHAM 5. Capt. Eliphalet Daniel (John-, David^ was born 13, Sept. 1713. He married, (i) Abigail , (2) i July 1773, in Hawke, now Danville, N. H., Mrs. Sarah (Gerrish) Drew, widow of Dennis Drew, who was born 16 June 1737 and died 20 Nov. 1814. He died, as a family Bible has it, 29 July 1799. A record in Durham says, 23 July. He was lieutenant in the Canada expedition of 1746, when he was wounded and captured. He is called Captain in 1769 and in \-arious tax-lists. In 1775-76 he was captain of matrosses or artillerymen at Fort Sullivan, New Castle. He lived in Durham and Portsmouth. Eliphalet b. 6 March 1737; d. 7 Aug. 1738. Nathaniel b. 27 Dec. 1739; d. in Revolutionarv Army, 8 March 1778. Elizabeth b. 30 March 1742; m. 30 June 1763, Aaron Moses. Abigail b. 16 June 1743; m. Beck. Reuben b. 9 Aug. 1745; m. June 1789, Martha Pinkham of Dover. John b. 5 April 1748. Sarah b. 11 Sept. 1750; d. 2 May 1815. Mary b. 18 May 1752; d. 1799. Susanna b. 7 Nov. 1754; m. Stephen Parker and rem. to Machias, Me. 7. Joseph b. 2 Dec. 1774: m. twice. George b. 30 Oct. 1776; m. 23 Feb. 1805, Elizabeth Hill. Went to New York state. Fourth Generation 6. Pelatiah Daniel (Joseph\ Joseph^ David^, born 2t, May 1734, died 5 March 18 18, having lived in Barrington. He married Abigail Williams, who was born 16 Dec. 1738 and died 10 Nov. 1801. Their children were: Ruth b. 23 Aug. 1765; m. Langley. Bridget b. 18 July 1767; m. 1802, Richard Bodge. Pelatiah b. 12 Nov. 1769. Sarah twin to Pelatiah. Mehitable b. 21 Feb. 1774. Lydia b. II April 1777; m. Huckins. Andrew b. 31 Jan. 1780; m. 20 Nov. 1803, Susannah Demeritt; d. 3 July 1863. She was b. 3 May 1787 and d. 26 Sept. 1864. Ch., Eliza D. b. 15 June 1804, Sally P. b. 5 Dec. 1806, Harry P. b. 23 Feb. 1809, who m. 27 May 1832, Mehitable F. Demeritt and d. 16 Feb. 1899. She was b. 18 March 1810 and d. i Dec. 1892, having children, Nathan E., b. 6 Sept. 1833, John C. b. 17 April 1836, son b. 14 Jan. 1838, and Maria S. b. 2 June 1842, who m. 16 HISTORY OF DURHAM 93 Sept. 1865, William Holmes. Andrew Daniels had also Nathan b. 17 June 18 12, Joseph D.h. 16 July 18 16, Ira T. 1). 18 March 1820, and Mary S. b. 8 Oct. 1830. Isaac b. 9 May 1782; m. 1808, Rebecca Chapman, who was b. 18 Oct. 1784 and d. 17 Oct. 1830. He d. 26 May 1851. 7. Joseph Daniel (Eliphalet^ John-, David'), born 2 Dec. 1774, married (i) 10 Jan. 1800, Sally Ramsdell, daughter of William and Sarah of Eastport, Me., who died 10 May 1803, (2) 25 Aug. 1805, at Kingston, Margaret Bazin, daughter of John and Dorothy of Portsmouth. The family Bible has the date of marriage 27 Sept. 1805. She was born 30 May 1787 and died 7 Jan. 1875. He died 3 Dec. 1850. The Bazin family ■came from the Isle of Jersey. Eliza b. 3 Aug. 1800; m. 25 Feb. 1824, Moses Hodgdon; d. I Oct. 1868. Eliphalet b. 2 May 1802 ; d. 16 June 1803. Children by second marriage: Sarah b. 26 July 1806; m. 7 Aug. 1838, Leonard Wiggin of Lee; d. 28 March 1888. Margaret Ann b. 22 May 1808; d. 27 Feb. 1874. Unm. Dorothy Bazin b. 30 June 1810; m. (i) 26 May 1836, Abra- ham Channel of Durham, (2) 13 Feb. 1863, Clark Stearns of Warwick, Mass. She d. 13 Dec. 1880. Tryphena b. 7 May 1812; d. 27 Feb. 1816. Almira b. 26 April 1814; m. 11 Oct. 1848, Rev. Edward Rollins; d. Sept. 1883. Martha Ann b. 30 June 1816; d. i Jan. 1843. Unm. Irene Kimball b. 17 July 1819; m. 7 May 1853, George W. Burnham; d. 5 Apr. 1901. Joshua Wentworth b. 13 Dec. 1821; m. 19 May 1850, Rozilla Williams of Groton, Mass. He d. 27 April 1909. Mary Emily b. 3 May 1828; m. 10 May 1848, George H. Churchill of Lawrence, Mass. She d. 12 July 1888. Children of Isaac and Rebecca (Chapman) Daniels: Enoch b. 27 April 1809; m. 1837, Sally Welch of Notting- ham; d. 10 May 1868. She was b. 5 Dec. 1806 and d. I Feb. 1887. Ch., Cynthia A. b. Oct. 1839, d. 5 April 1851; Susan Augusta b. 19 Feb. 1841, d. 6 Sept. 1843; Rebecca Adelaide, twin to Susan, m. Daniel Chadbourne of Somersworth and d. 16 Oct. 1912; Sarah Ellen b. 22 April 1843, d. II July 1879; and Mary Emma b. 13 March 1845. Sarah Ellen m. A. Scott Waldron of Farmington. Mary Emma m. Eldorus Bertram White of Somersworth. 94 HISTORY OF DURHAM Albert Hendrick b. 9 Feb. 1816; m. 16 Feb. 1842, Eliza- beth T. Sherman of Smithfield, R. I. He d. 5 May 1882. She was b. 2 March 1822 and d. 15 Nov. 1904. Ch,, Eloda b. 9 June 1848, d. 2 Apr. 1849; Isaac b. 7 Apr. 1849 d. 18 June 1866; John Sherman b. 12 Oct. 1851, d. 6 March 1896; Rebecca b. 11 Oct. 1853, m. 26 Feb. 1873, Horace F. Caverno of Lee; EHzabeth b. 31 July 1855^ m. 6 Feb. 1879, Charles F. Berry of Rochester. Rebecca m. True McDaniels. DAVIS (Compiled mainly b>" X. W. Davis, Winchester, Mass.) The Davis family of Marlborough, Wiltshire, Eng., came originally from Wales and derive their name from David, the patron saint of Wales. Robert Davy is found in Wiltshire as early as 1276 in the Inquisitiones post mortem. Hugh Davyse was living in Marlborough in 1524, as shown by court records, also John Da\}se in 1532, and the name became wide-spread in Wiltshire about that time. The Davises of Marlborough appear to have borne arms as follows, "Gules, a stag trippant or," that is, a golden stag on a red shield, as shown by the will of Joane (Hayles) Davis, widow of Robert of Marlborough, son of Paul, born about 1560, which appears upon its seal. This was the coat of arms of an ancient Welsh tribe. The same coat of arms was used by William Davis of Boston, born about 161 5, without doubt son of Anthony and Elizabeth (Henley) Davis of Brinkworth, near Marlborough. James Davis, the emigrant, was born, according to old Bible records, in Marlborough, Eng., about the \-ear 1584. He was- made freeman at Newbury, Mass., 4 March 1634/5. In 1640 he with eleven others cleared the forest at the Indian village of Pentucket and founded the present city of Haverhill, Mass. He lived at the easterly end of the town, near Rocks Bridge. He was a prominent man, serving as selectman and representa- tive to the General Court. He was a Puritan and once accused John Godfrey of witchcraft. His wife. Cicely, was born in Marl- borough, Eng., and died in Haverhill, Mass., 28 May 1673. He died 29 Jan. 1679. He left six children, with only one of whom we are concerned in the history of Oyster River Plantation. Ensign John Da\is (James) was born about 1623 in Marl- HISTORY OV DURHAM 95 borough. He married, lo Dee. 1646, J^irie, daughler of the Rev. Joseph and Mary (Johnson) Peasley of Haxerhill, where he owned land in 1642. In 1650 he was on a committee to lay out a boundary between Haverhill and Salisbury. About 1653 he removed to Oyster River, where he built his garrison house, near Davis Creek, on the north side of the ri\'er and near its mouth, on land bought of V^alentine Hill, 14 Aug. 1654. He had numerous and large grants of land, was selectman seven times^ constable, surveyor of lands, and held other offices. He is called ensign as early as 1662. He died between i April 1685 and 25 May 1686, the dates on which his will was made and approved. Children were as follows: Mary b. 6 Nov. 1647; m. 19 July 1671, Josiah Heath gf Haverhill. Sarah b. 7 March 1649; m. bcf. 1672 James Smith: killed by Indians, 1694. JoHX b. 22 Aug. 1651; m. (I) abt. 1672, Mary , who d. 12 Jan. 1684, (2) ElizatDeth, dau. of Robert Burnham. Called also ensign. He and wife and several ch. were killed in the massacre of 1694, and two daus. were carried as captives to Canada, where Mary Ann remained and became a sister of Saint Benedict of the Ursuline Con\ent, Quebec, and d. 2 March 1749. The other, Sarah, re- turned and m. Peter Mason. Hannah b. 24 Dec. 1653; m. at Haverhill, 28 Sept. 1677, John Kezar, who was killed by Indians, with his son,. George, 15 March 1697. Jane b. 29 Dec. 1655; d. 23 Sept. 1656. 3. Moses b. 30 Dec. 1657; m. at Haverhill, 16 Jan. 1681, Reuhamah Dow. 4. Joseph b. 26 Jan. 1660; m. bef. 1693, Mary Stevens. 5. James b. 23 May 1662, m. i Oct. 1688, Elizabeth Chesley. v Jane b. 15 May 1664. "' ^/J -*.\a^U\ -" . r^^ V'.^. '^-<^ Jemima b. about 1666. Judith b. about 1668; m. 14 Dec. 1686, Capt. Samuel Emerson. 3. Moses Da\is (John-, James'), born 30 Dec. 1657, married in Haverhill, Mass., 16 Jan. 1681, Reuhamah. daughter of Stephen Dow of Haverhill. He settled at Oyster River as earh' as 1693, and lived on the Mill Road, west of the present railroad. He was a private, under his brother, then Capt. James Davis, in a scout against the Indians in 1 712. He and son, Moses, were slain by Indians near the Mast Road, 10 June 1724. The Rev. Hugh Adams says "Two more men of our Parish were killed by 96 HISTORY OF DURHAM Indians, namely Moses Davis, Sr., one of the most wise and godly of the Brethren in our church and his son, Moses Davis, Jr., being a married man and father of several children." [Ms. in Mass. Hist. Society's Library.] 6. John b. in Haverhill 4 Jan. 1682; m. Abigail Meader. 6 a. Moses b. in Haverhill 2 Nov. 1686. 7. James b. abt. 1687; m. Mary Stevenson, (2) Elizabeth Dunn. 8. Solomon b. abt. 1695; m. Elizabeth Davis. Jabez b. abt. 1701 ; m. Abigail Willey, 27 Sept. 1750 (?). 9. Ebenezer b. 10 June 1702; m. Susanna . Abigail bapt. with Ebenezer 26 Nov. 1727. Love d. 29 Jan. 1805, aged 82. Unm. Aaron d. unm. bef. 15 Aug. 1772. 4. Joseph Davis (John-, James'), born 26 Jan. 1660, married before 1693 Mary Stevens. He was a sergeant before 1694, when he assisted his brother, James, in the defence of his house; is called lieutenant in 17 12 and was constable in 1714. He died prior to 1748. Joseph Davis, Sr., and wife, Mary, were admitted to church 28 Sept. 1718. She was baptized 10 Feb. 1716/7. He was living in 1733 and then had a share in the division of common lands. May 18, 1760, Joseph and Jemima Small deeded to Jeremiah Burnham "our right in the. estate of our father Joseph Davis." Other deeds determine the first four of the following as children. He lived on the road to Newmarket, near Denbow's Brook. Jane bapt. 10 Aug. 1718; m. John Barber, 19 Jan. 1726/7. Jemima m. Joseph Small, 27 Nov. 1718. Judith m. John Tasker, 3 Apr. 1718. Mary b. Joseph Basford of Chester, N. H. Benjamin m. Miriam Roberts, 5 Jan. 1726/7. 5. Col. James Davis (John-, James'), born 23 May 1662, married, i Oct. 1688, Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Thomas and Elizabeth (Thomas) Chesley. He died at the garrison where he was born, 8 Sept. 1749. [See page 292 of Vol. L] His wife was born in 1669 and died before 1748. Both were members of the church at Oyster River, from which they withdrew in 1723, to join the church in Dover. 10. James b. 10 July 1689; m. Ruth Ayer, (2) Elizabeth Payne. Thomas b. 20 Oct. 1690; d. 1778. 11. Samuel b. 26 Sept. 1692, m. Martha Chesley. 12. Daniel b. 29 Jan. 1695; m. Elizabeth . Sarah b. 3 March 1697; m. Capt. Joseph Hicks; d. 1788. HISTORY OF DURHAM 97 Hannah b. 28 March 1699; m. 23 March 1726/7, Clement Deering; d. 1775. Elizabeth b. 13 July 1701; ni. John Hicks; d. 1780. 13. Ephraim b. 30 April 1704; m. Ruth . Phebe b. 19 April 1706; m. 1725, Abraham Matthews. Eleazer b. 5 Oct. 1709; d. bef. 1748. Fourth Generation 6. John Davis (Moses^, John-^, James^, born in Ha\erhill, Mass., 4 Jan. 1682, married Abigail, daughter of John and Sarah (Follett) Meader. He died before 1749. She was baptized by Rev. Hugh Adams 15 Nov. 1719, and the following children were all baptized 28 Jan. 1720 i : John m. Judith ; d. in Lee about 1797 (?). 14. Nathaniel b. 15 Jan. 1716; m. Hannah Davis. Joseph aged 56, by deposition made 3 Feb. 1753. Hannah. Elizabe:th m. prob. Solomon Davis. Abigail. Judith. 6 a. Moses Da\'is (Moses^, John-', James\) was born in Haver- hill, Mass., 2 Nov. 16S6 and was killed by Indians 10 June 1724. The Rev. Hugh Adams writes that he was married and left several children. Deliverance Davis was baptized 21 May 1721. Immediately following this record, and on the same day, is re- corded the baptism of George and Elizabeth Chesley and Sarah, Rebecca and Moses Davis. It is highly probable that Deliver- ance, widow^ of George Chesley, who was killed by Indians in 1 7 10, married (2) Moses Davis, and so her children by both mar- riages w^ere baptized with her the same day. The estate of Deliverance Davis of Durham was administered by Moses Davis in 1765. Sarah m. Paul Chesley. Rebecca. Moses m. Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Martha (Chesley) Davis, b. 1728. He 1. in Lee, and his widow m. Major John Demeritt. The children of Moses Davis w^ere Aaron, who m. 7 Nov. 1776, Susanna Otis; Elisha who settled in New Durham; Elizabeth who m. Paul Demeritt; Lois; and Martha who m. Jonathan Woodman. 7. James Davis (Moses*, John^, James*), born about 1687, married, (i) 19 May 1719, Mary, daughter of Bartholomew and Mary (Clark) Stevenson, who was born 21 Sept. 1681. James 98 HISTORY OF DURHAM Davis, widower, was baptized 2"] Jan. 1722/3. James Davis, widower, aged 41, married, 4 Oct. 1728, Elizabeth Dunn, maiden, aged 39, as the Rev. Hugh Adams records. [See Dunn.] Twa children recorded, one by each marriage: Mary bapt. 12 June 1726. Samuel bapt. 29 June 1729. 8. Solomon Davis (Moses^ John^, James^, born about 1695, was baptized 26 April 1722, then aged 26. He made a deposition. 23 Jan. 1759, aged about 59. He married, 4 Feb. 1724/5, Eliza- beth Davis, probably daughter of John and Abigail (Meader) Davis. Solomon Davis of Lee and wife, Hannah, in 1766, sold to son, Robert Davis, land in Nottingham. One son baptized in Durham. 15. Jonathan bapt. i May 1726; m. Joanna Wormwood, (2) Hannah Stevenson. Robert m. Alice Wormwood, 15 Jan. 1756. 9. Ebenezer Davis (Moses^, John'-, James'), born 10 June 1702, gave deed to Jeremiah Davis of Portsmouth in 1732. Susanna Davis was appointed administratrix of the estate of Ebenezer Davis of Durham, 7 May 1755. Solomon bapt. 10 Aug. 1755; m. Temperance Colbath, 20 March 1786 (?). Timothy bapt. 10 Aug. 1755. 10. James Davis (James^, John-, James'), born 10 July 1689, married (i) 5 Nov. 1728, Ruth, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Johnson) Ayer of Hampton, who was born 21 March 1699 and died 28 April 1730. He married (2) 14 April 1743, Elizabeth Payne of York, Me. He lived in Madbury on land granted to his grandfather, John Davis. Children all baptized by the Rev. Jonathan Gushing in Dover. He died in his 93d year. Ruth b. 5 Nov. 1729. James b. 14 Feb. 1744. Mary b. 28 March 1746. Daniel b. 7 June 1748 ;d. 27 May 1749. Thomas b. 7 Sept. 1750 ; m. Joanna Keating ; s. in Farmington. John b. 6 July 1754. 11. Samuel Davis (James^ John-, James'), born 26 Sept. 1692, married, before 1719, Martha, daughter of Thomas and Ann Chesley. He lived in Madbury on land inherited from his father and died there in 1789. His wife died in 1791. His will, 26 July 1774-27 March 1789. HISTORY OF DURHAM 99 16. Samuel b. 1720; m. Abigail . Eleazer b. 1722; est. adm. by Samuel Davis in 1745. James b. 1724; d. in 1752. Unm. Hannah b. 1726; m. Nathaniel Davis, son of John. Elizabeth b. 1728; m. (i) Moses Davis, (2) Major John Demeritt. She d. 23 Oct. 1827. 17. Thomas b. 10 June 1732; m. (i) Elizabeth Roberts, (2) Abi- gail Jones. 12. Daniel Davis (James', John-, James^), born 29 Jan. 1695, married Elizabeth . He lived near the first meeting house, on south side of Oyster River. He died in Jan, 1759. His estate was divided 25 Sept. 1764 among Widow Elizabeth and the following children ; Obadiah oldest son in 1764; m. Deborah Lord. Ch., Frank, Sarah and Obadiah who m. Sarah Neal. This family 1. in Lee. 18. Thomas b. 1748; m. 15 July 1776, Sally, dau. of Joseph Drew. Rem. to Newfield, Me. Francis bapt. 14 Sept. 1752. He was a blacksmith; of North Yarmouth, Me., in 1777. Elizabeth oldest dau. in 1764; m. (i) 24 Jan. 1758, Eben- ezer Crommett, (2) 1768, Joseph Drew of Durham. Sarah, Phebe, and Zerviah. The last bapt. 14 Sept. 1752, and m. Starbird Turner, who was of North Yar- mouth in 1777. 13. Ephraim Davis (James^ John-, James^, born 30 April 1704, married, 7 Dec. 1731, Ruth . He received the homestead from his father. Was selectman in Durham, 1743, and died in April 1791. James b. 27 March 1734; m. i Feb. 1753, Elizabeth Durgin (?). Ruth b. 5 March 1737. Ephraim b. 2 Aug. 1739: m. 1764 Lois, dau. of Francis and Sarah (Hicks) Drew, who d. in Madbury 29 Jan. 1833. Had dau. Elizabeth, who m. 5 June 1800, Francis Wentworth. Had prob. other ch. " Josiah" b. 7 March 1743. Hannah b. 18 July 1745; m. Andrew Drew. Fifth Generation 14. Nathaniel Davis (John^ Moses^ John^, James^), born 15 Jan. 1 716, was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams 28 Jan. 1 72 1. He married Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Martha (Chesley) Davis and lived in Madbury. Both owned the cove- nant at Dover 30 Dec. 1741. 100 HISTORY OF DURHAM Anna b. 12 Oct., bapt. 30 Dec. 1741; m. Moses, son of Jeremiah Davis. John bapt. 22 May 1746. 19. Eleazer b. 23 Jan. 1742; bapt. 22 May 1746. Elijah bapt. 29 Jan. 1750. Solomon. George. Lemuel. 15. Jonathan Davis (Solomon*, Moses^, John-, James^, born in 1726, married, (i) 19 July 1753, Joanna Wormwood, (2) 14 April 1757, Hannah, daughter of Joseph Stevenson of Durham. Children all born in Durham: Abner b. 4 Feb. 1754; m. Esther Young; s. in Nottingham, where he d. .25 Dec. 1841. Jonathan bapt. 3 Sept. 1758; m. 7 Dec. 1779, Sarah Brown and 1. in Nottingham. Jacob bapt. 3 Sept. 1758; m. Deborah Tuttle, and 1. in Nottingham. Had son, Nathan, who s. at Center Harbor. Perhaps others. 16. Samuel Davis (Samucl\ James-, John", James'), born 1720 in Madbury, lived on the homestead and died there 13 Feb. 1 77 1. His wife, Abigail, was born in 1722 and died 24 Oct. 1794. His will, II Jan. 1771, names wife, Abigail, brother-in- law, Nathaniel Davis, and father, Samuel. MosES m. Elizabeth ; d. abt. 1769. Ch. Martha bapt. 21 Dec. 1754; Winthrop bapt. 23 Dec. 1754, who m. Nov. 1785 Sarah Evans of Madbury; George perhaps. Eleazer bapt. in Dover 25 Aug. 1743; 1. 1771; m- Keziah Langley, 1778 (?). Elizabeth b. 2 March 1753; m. 28 April 1772, Elihu Hayes, b. in Barrington 29 Aug. 1 75 1 . Perhaps others. 17. Thomas Davis (SamueH, James^ John^, James^, born 10 June 1732, married (i) about 1760, Elizabeth Roberts of New Durham, (2) before 1793 Abigail, widow of Benjamin Jones of Barrington. He removed from Madbury to Barrington before 1790, where he died in 1803. He took part in the battle of Bunker Hill. Estate divided 19 Nov. 1805. Children by first marriage : Jonathan b. 1761 ; m. Hannah Gerrish; s. in Canterbury'. Stephen b. 14 Feb. 1762; m. Mary Boynton; s. in Canter- bury. HISTORY OF DURHAM lOI 20. Samuel b. 2 May 1763 ; m. Judith Tuttle. Anne b. Oct. 1765; d. 21 April 1852. Mary b. 1767; m. i Oct. 1789, Wm. Nute. Ruth b. 1769; m. James Hutchins of Wakefield. Miles b. 1771 ; 1. in Wakefield. 21. Moses b. 10 Oct. 1773; m. Nancy Allen. Betty b. 1775; m. Peverly of Loudon. Susannah b. 1777; m. Paul Gate. Rem. to Me. Martha b. 1779; d. 7 July 1849. Unm. One child by second marriage: Sarah b. 19 April 1793; m. John Caverno of StrafTord, who was b. 9 Feb. 1791 and d. 6 April 1866. She d. 6 April 1890. 18. Thomas Davis (Daniel^ James'*, John-, James^, born in 1748, married, 15 July 1776, Sally, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Adams) Drew, who was born in Durham 23 Nov. 1757. He served eight months in the Revolutionary Army, About 1780 he removed to Washington Plantation, now New- field, Me., where he died 3 Feb. 1832. His wife died 13 Oct. 1851. Children born in Newfield: John Marsters b. 1784; d. 16 Oct. 1868. Susan b. April 1785; m. 13 Sept. 1813, John Mitchell of Kennebunkport, Me.; d. 4 Aug. 1869. Bradstreet b. 10 Jan. 1786; d. 6 June 1853. Sally b. abt. 1788; m. Samuel Hale of Shapleigh, Me. Samuel b. abt. 1790. Sixth Generation 19. Eleazer Davis (NatiianieP, John^, Moses'\ John-, James^), born in Madbury 23 Jan. 1742, married, 11 April 1771, Sarah, daughter of Hezekiah Gook, and lived in Madbury and Alton. Lived on Governor's Island, in Lake Winnipesaukee. Mercy m. Ephraim Ghamberlain. Hannah m. Joseph Ghamberlain. Hezekiah m. Nutter. 2 1 a. Nathaniel b. 22 Sept. 1777; m. (i) Mary Stevens, 16 Dec. 1800, (2) Glarissa Gordon of Meredith. He d. in Gilford 18 April 1857. 12 ch. Sarah m. John Barker. Eleazer m. Polly Sanborn. Had son, Eleazer, who m. 12 April 1846, Ann P. Waldron of Dover. Benaiah m. Gilman. John m. Mercy McDufTee. Charlotte b. 21 Dec. 1790; m. 4 Jan. 1810, Johft Drew of Alton, b. 27 April 1786. 102 HISTORY OF DURHAM 20. Samuel Davis (Thomas^ SamuelS James\ John-, James^, born in Madbury 2 May 1763, married about 1790 Judith, daughter of James and Mary (Allen) Tuttle of Dover, who was born 24 Feb. 1768 and died 4 Feb. 1832. Children born in Mad- bury: 22. James b. 24 Feb. 1793; m. Lydia Palmer. Leavitt b. 1795; d. 1 82 1. Stephen b. 29 Dec. 1796; m. 21 March 1824. Nancy H., dau. of Samuel and Priscilla (Hodgdon) Watson, who was b. I Feb. 1804 and d. 24 Jan. 1842. He d. 11 Jan. 1827. SiMOX b. 1798; m. Elizabeth, widow of Meijor Dame of Newington. 23. Samuel b. 11 Aug. 1799; m. Mary Twombly. Thomas b. 1802; d. 1824. Mary b. 1807 ; d. 1828. 21. Moses Davis (Thomas^, Samuel^, James^, John-, James^, born in Madbury 10 Oct. 1773, removed with his father to Bar- rington, where he resided the greater part of his life. He married, in 1793, Nancy Allen, who was born in Greenland in 1773. She died in Barrington 10 July 1854, after which he made his home with his daughter, Martha, at Lawrence, Mass., where he died 16 Jan. i860. Children all born in Barrington, except the oldest. 24. Calvix b. in Canterbury 26 Oct. 1794; m. Sarah Lucy. Asa b. 19 Oct. 1796; m. Mercy Cate and rem. to Skowhe- gan, Me.;d. 1886. Martha b. 9 April 1799; m. 2^ Sept. 1822 Jonathan Wood- man of Lee and rem. to Lawrence, Mass., where she d. 14 July 1890. Charles Augustus b. 1804; went to sea in 1827 and was never heard from. Lucy Axx b. 9 Feb. 1809; m. 29 Oct. 1833, James, son of James and Sarah (Bennett) Burleigh of Newmarket, where she d. 16 March 1899. Her son, Elbridge Tyler Burleigh, was a prominent lawyer of Lawrence, Mass. Joel Haley b. 12 Oct. 1812; m. 14 Nov. 1839. Lydia (Jones) Huntington. He was a member of the Friends Society at Amesbury, Mass., where he d. 4 Feb. 1899. SusAX b. 1800; m. Calvin Newcomb. Sevexth Gexeratiox 21. a. Nathaniel Da\is (Eleazer^, NathanieP, John'*, Moses', John^, James') was born in Madbury 22 Sept. 1777. He removed with his father to Lake Winnipesaukee, where he lived on Davis' HISTORY OF DURHAM I03 Island, which since 18 12 has been a part of the town of Gilford. Here he died 18 April 1857. He represented Gilford in the legis- lature in 1830. He married (i) 16 Dec. 1800, Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Sarah (Fogg) Stevens of Deerfield, who was born 27 Oct. 1782 and died 5 June 1815, (2) Clarissa Gordon of Meredith, who was born 26 July 1788 and died 16 Oct. 1868. Children, all born on Da\is' Island, were, by first marriage : Stevens b. 21 Sept. 1801; m. 23 Aug. 1827, Statira Crowell, b. at Palermo, Me., 7 March 1809. Rem. from Maine to Fort Atkinson, Wis., where he d. 22 Oct. 1869.. His wife d. 24 April 1866. Ch., Bolivar B. b. at Bangor, Me., 24 Oct. 1829, m. 6 Sept. 1850, Eloisa Finch, who was b. 18 Sept. 1824 and d. at Fort Atkinson, Wis., 13 Sept. 1856; George S. b. 11 March 1832, m. (i) 18 Dec. 1857, Teresa Nash of Fort Atkinson, Wis., who was b. i Oct. 1840 and d. 15 Sept. 1858, (2) 18 Sept. 1862, at Gold Hill, Nevada, Elvira Evelin Proctor, who was b. 13 March 1844, and he d. 13 Jan. 1891, having had fiv^e ch.; John Henry b. at Dexter, Me., 4 Dec. 1834, m. (i) 7 Nov. i860, Marietta Rankin of Fort Atkinson, Wis., who d. 20 Nov. 1865, (2) 10 Sept. 1867, at Oshkosh, Wis., Esther Hop- kins, five ch.; Laura Stevens b. 20 April 1838, m. 5 Dec. 1858, Thomas T. Proctor of Windham; Frank K. b. i May 1840, d. 31 Oct. 1846; Abigail Frances b. 22 Sept. 1842, m. 4 Dec. 1862, John Adams, son of John and Anna (Brown) Head, who was b. at Hooksett, N. H. 9 July 1830 and d. 2 March 1909; Charles Nathaniel b. 15 March 1845, m. 24 Feb. 1867, Margaret M. Lee of Broadhead, Wis., who d. in 1909, and he d. 12 Jan. 1897 at Cripple Creek, Wis.; James Franklin b. at Bangor, Me., 9 Feb. 1848, d. 28 March 1850; William Pitt b. at Fort Atkinson, Wis., 9 March 1851, m. 22 Sept. 1861, at Paulina, Iowa, Frances C, dau. of Levi J. and Charlotte (Royes) Smith, who was b. 23 Aug. 1862, six ch. Sarah F. b. 3 March 1803; m. 15 June 1825, George McDuffee. d. 5 July 1870. Franklin b. 7 Dec. 1804; m. 18 April 1827, Emily, dau. of Jeremiah and Caroline Gilmore; d. 8 April 1868. Seth F. b. 27 Aug. 1806; m. Charlotte Heal of Orono, Me., d. 9 March 1865. Ch. James H., b. 23 Aug. 1843, d. Feb. 1865; Anna F. b. 16 Jan. 1846, m. White; Charlotte M. b. 15 Jan. 1849, d. 8 March 1849; Frank N. b. 28 June 1852, d. Sept. 1877; Charlotte C. b. 23 Jan. 1856, m. George H. Woodbury. John b. 10 Nov. 1808; m. (i) 12 Nov. 1835, Rhoda Morrill, who was b. 29 Jan. 1810 and d. 11 April 1843, (2) 5 Dec. 104 HISTORY OF DURHAM 1843, Rhocla F. Maxfield, who was b. 23 May 1820 and d. 9. Jan. 1901. He d. 10 Sept. 1876. Ch., Sarah M. b. 21 Nov. 1836; Rhoda M. b. 7 April 1843, d. 29 May 1859; Nathaniel B. b. 20 July 1845, d. 6 April 1846; Nathaniel F. b. II June 1847, m. 23 Dec. 1878, Lydia M. Bellows, who was b. 18 May 1849 and had ch., Harvey M. and Grace L.; Janey b. 19 April 1854, d. 13 Sept. 1854; Olin Sylvester b. 19 July 1862, m. (i) 2 July 1890, Ada C. Rogers, who was b. 15 April 1871 and d. 13 Oct. 1890, (2) 19 July 1905, Bessie Blanche, clau. of Rev. John W. and Mary Scribner of Hartwell, Ind.; Adelia Abigail b. 10 March 1865, d. 28 Nov. 1865. Eleazer b. 5 Oct. 1810; d. 12 April 1886. George b. 19 July 1812; d. 6 March 1813. Children by second marriage, Mary Stevens b. 29 Oct. 1816; d. 6 April 1S43. George b. 15 Aug. 1817; d. 4 Sept. 1817. Hannah L. b. 24 Nov. 1818; m. Jan. 1839, Jeremiah B. Thing of Gilford; d. 5 Sept. 1858. Rhoda Osgood b. 27 April 1820; d. Aug. 1822. Rhoda Osgood b. 26 March 1823; m. 21 Sept. 1842, William B. Weeks; d. 22 Dec. 1908. Charles G. b. 8 Jan. 1825; m. Esther Sargent of Bristol; d. 8 Jan. 1890. 22. James Davis (SamueF, Thomas^ Samuel^, James'\ John^, James^), born in Madbury 24 Feb. 1793, died on the old Davis- homestead in that town 25 Aug. 1850. He was called captain- He married, 23 July 1822, Lydia Palmer, who was born 21 Feb. 1799 and died 18 Oct. 1897. Children born in Madbury: Mary b. 3 April 1824; d. 24 April 1824. Caroline b. 8 Aug. 1825; d. 17 June 1884. Unm. James H. b. 25 Jan. 1828; m. 16 May 1850, Margaret Bick- ford; d. 17 Nov. 1899. Frank b. Dec. 1830; m. (i) Mary Frances, dau. of Samuel and Alice (Hart) Tuttle of Dover, (2) Henrietta White of Sandwich; d. 28 July 1864. Ellen b. 9 Feb. 1832; m. Adolphus Jenkins of Portland, Ore. Louisa b. 21 July 1834; m. Charles A. C. Thompson of Durham; d. 31 May 1901. Nathaniel H. b. 18 Jan. 1837; d. 20 Jan. 1838. John W. b. Oct. 1838; d. Dec. 1838. William b. 13 April 1840; d. 13 Dec. 1862. 23. Samuel Davis (SamueF, Thomas^, SamueH, James^, John'^, James^), born in Madbury 11 Aug. 1799, died ii Jan. 1853. He married, i Jan. 1837, Mary Caverno, daughter of HISTORY OF DURHAM IO5 Hurd and Sarali (Caverno) Twombly who was born in Madbury 9 Feb. 1815. Children born in Madbury: Mary E. b. i April 1838; d. 16 June 1842. Samuel Caverno b. 15 March 1842; m. 30 Sept. 1868, Frances, dau. of Thomas and Hope (Twombly) Tuttle, who d. at Chelsea, Mass., 20 Nov. 1887. Ch., the first two b. in Madbury, the third in Chelsea; (icrtrude M. b. 20 May 1871, m. 29 June 1898, Frank S. Crandon of Chelsea; Edith L. b. 23 May 1878. d. 9 Jan. 1888; Samuel F. b. 6 July 188 1, m. 14 Aug. 1906, Lucie Jackson Childs. Judith b. 15 March 1842; m. 16 June 1862, Charles D. Bick- ford; d. 18 Nov. 1906. Marianna b. 28 April 1847; m. 16 Sept. 1864, Charles R. Cocking, who d. in Madbury 11 March 1902. James J. b. 4 Jan. 1851 ; d. 20 March 1851. William Leavitt b. 24 Sept. 1852; m. 25 Dec. 1878, Alice H., dau. of John H. and Hannah Wilkinson of Chelsea, Mass., where he became very successful in real estate business. Ch., b. in Chelsea, Marian L. b. 6 Dec. 1879; William R. b. 22 Dec. 1881, m. 6 Sept. 1905, Ethel F. Binney; Nathalie b. 2 Nov. 1883, m. 7 March 1910, Dr. Edgar Fremont Haines, of the United States Army in the Philip- pine service. 24. Calvin Davis (Moses*^, Thomas'*, Samuel', James'', John^,. James^), born in Canterbury, 26 Oct. 1794, married, 4 July 1827, Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Lydia (Tuttle) Lucy of Nottingham, where she was born 5 Sept. 1794. She was a granddaughter of Col. Alexander Lucy, who was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary War. Calvin Davis was for many years- engaged in the transportation of supplies between the Pascataqua Bridge at Durham and points inland as far north as Concord. He made his home in Barrington, where he died, 16 June 1846. His wife died at the home of her son, William Henry Davis, at Newmarket, 2 Sept. 1874. Children born in Barrington: 25. William Henry b. 23 April 1828; d. 1 1 Aug. 1910. 26. Charles Franklin b. 21 Dec. 1831. Calvin Newcomb b. 6 May 1838; d. 11 Oct. 1859 at New- market. Unm. Eighth Generation 25. William Henry Davis (Calvin^, Moses^ Thomas^ Samuel, James^ John', James^, born in Barrington 23 April 1828, lived in Newmarket and was distributing agent of stoves and tinware. I06 HISTORY OF DURHAM He married (i) 17 Oct. 1853, Lavinia, daughter of Smith and Deborah (Meserve) Chapman, who was born 31 Jan. 1835 and died 26 Oct. 1869, (2) 19 Oct. 1870, Susan Richardson, who was born in Sackville, N. B., 7 Aug. 1842 and died 16 April 1885. He died at Newmarket 11 Aug. 1910. Children by first mar- riage, all born in Newmarket: James William Gilmore b. 14 July 1854; m. 14 April 1877, Minerva Ann (Stackpole) Abbott, dau. of Ichabod and Maria (Jenks) Stackpole. She was b. 26 April 1851 in Kcnnebunk, Me. He was accidentally killed in New- market II Oct. 1892. Two ch., Harry A. b. 9 Dec. 1879, m. 14 June 1905, Lillian Harding; and Charles J. b. 7 July 1882. Albert Henry b. 21 Feb. 1856; d. 13 March 1856. Edward Calvin b. 9 July 1858; m. 3 Nov. 1883, Catherine Cloak of Cape Breton, N. S. He d. at Newmarket 5 March 1902. Henry Newcomb b. 11 Feb. 1862; d. 15 Dec. 1882. Joanna Augusta b. 29 June 1869; d. 9 Sept. 1870. 26, Charles Franklin Davis (Calvin^, Moses^ Thomas\ Sam- uel^, James'^ John^, James'), born in Barrington 21 Dec. 1831, went to Newmarket in 1849 and engaged in the tin and hard- ware business; was later of the firm of Treadwell and Davis. In 1878 he removed to North Epping, where he died 24 July 1878. He was a member of the school board in Newmarket and rep- resented that town in the legislature two terms. He was a member of the Masonic order, of the Odd Fellows and of the Knights of Pythias. He was also a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He married, at Newmarket, 22 Jan. 1854, Sarah Abigail, daughter of Lemuel and Lydia Hayes (Twombly) Drew, who was born in Durham 4 Dec. 1834. After his decease his family removed to Dover, where his widow married, 28 Feb. 1891, Joseph Woodbury Cate, who died at Dover, 19 Dec. 1905. Children all born in Newmarket : Isabel b. 5 Oct. 1854; d. 10 March 1857. Charles Franklin b. 3 May 1857: m. at North Epping, 7 Sept. 1878, Jennie D., dau. of Samuel Furber of New- market. She was b. 22 Feb. 1859 and d. at Lynn, Mass., 18 March 1900. Herbert Gardiner b. 18 May 1859; m. at Dover, 24 March 1894, Harriet Estelle, dau. of Joseph Woodbury and Harriet (Kimball) Cate. Son b. Sept. i860; d. 4 Nov. i860. This son, unnamed, was brother of Isabel, Charles F. and Herbert G. HISTORY OF DURHAM I07 Nestor Wilhur b. 15 Feb. 1869; went to Boston in 1890, where he became private and corporation secretary. He m. at Hyde Park, Mass., 12 Feb. 1903, Alice Louise, dau. of Thomas and Helen (Hovey) Chamberlain of Hyde Park. Res. Winchester, Mass. DAVIS David Davis was apprenticed to John Lang of Portsmouth by an order of court in 1678, and by Lang was assigned to Stephen Jones of Oyster River for instruction in the trade of cooper. He made a deposition 6 Aug. 1685, aged then about 26 years. He was taxed in 1681 and 1683. He built the garrison house at Lubberland, in 1695, afterward known as the Smith garrison. Two soldiers were stationed at "David Davis's Garrison," 6 Jan. 1696. He was killed in this vicinity by Indians, 27 Aug. 1696. His widow, Susanna, married James Durgin. The following children are known: 2. David b, abt. 1690; m Elizabeth Thomas. Abigail mentioned in will of Thomas Morris. Elizabeth bapt. 20 Dec. 1719, "sister of David." 2. David Davis (David), born about 1690, married 28 June 1717, Elizabeth, daughter of James and Mary (Smith) Thomas, "sitting sick on her bed," as the Rev. Hugh Adams records. He settled at Packer's Falls and built the garrison which has since borne his name, and in which five generations of the name David Davis have lived. His wife was baptized 5 May 17 19. Hannah bapt. 5 May 1719. Lydia bapt. 6 Aug. 1721. Elizabeth bapt. 17 March 1720; m. (i) Ebenezer Crommett, (2) Joseph Drew. James bapt. 5 Feb. 1729. He was of Lee in 1770; m. Eliza- beth Durgin, i Feb. 1753 (?). 3. David bapt. 5 Feb. 1729; m. Elizabeth Crommett. 3. David Davis (David"^, David^ was born about 1725. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua and Elizabeth (Ken- niston) Crommett, who was baptized i Jan. 1730. He probably died 7 May 1799. Children born in the garrison: Mary b. 19 Feb. 1750; m. 13 Sept. 1767, Wentworth Ches- well of Newmarket. Martha m. Jonathan Stevens, Jr. of Lee. 4. David b. 25 Aug. 1760; m. Hannah Gerrish. I08 HISTORY OF DURHAM 4. David Davis (David^, David'*, David^, born 25 Aug. 1760, married, 4 Jan. 1792, Hannah Gerrish, who was born ii Aug. 1770. Revolutionary soldier. [See page 150 of Vol. I.] He died 19 Nov. 1835. She died in 1866. • Joseph b. 9 April 1793. Timothy Gerrish b. 5 June 1795; d. 18 April 1825. 5. David b. 11 Feb. 1799; m. Mrs. Eunice (Meserve) Denieritt. Charles C. b. 29 June 1804. Alonzo T. b. 10 May 1807. Jeremiah Smith b. 3 May 18 10. George Osborne b. 27 April 1814; m. Gerrish. 5. David Davis (David\ David\ David', David^, born 11 Feb. 1799, married 8 Feb. 1826, Eunice, widow of Isaac Demeritt and daughter of Col. Vincent and Hannah (Crommett) Meserve, who was born 12 Aug. 1805 and died 16 July 1880. He died 25 April 1882. In the war of 1812 he served in Capt. William Wiggin's Company, twent>'-fifth Regiment of New Hampshire Militia, stationed at Portsmouth. Timothy Gerrish b. 3 Dec. 1827; m. Mary Bartlett; d. 6 May 1893. 6. Eben Meserve b. 2 Dec. 1831; m. Martha Bryant. 7. George Washington b. 29 June 1833; m. Hannah Harvey. Emeline Frances b. 21 March 1841; m. Jacob Langmaid; d. 22 April 1879. 6. Eben Meserve Davis (DaYid', David\ David, '^ David-, DavidO, born 2 Dec. 1831, married (i) Martha Bryant of Lowell, Mass., who was born in 1832 and died 10 Ma}' 1854, (2) Frances Ann Gove of East Boston, who was born in Camden, Me., 7 March 1837 and died 17 May 1901. Children born in Durham: Edward Everett b. 16 April 1S54; m. 1873, Sarah Frances, dau. of Charles De Courcey and Mary Jane (Moulton) Marston of Newmarket. Martha Frances b. 25 Aug. 1857; m. John Fremont, son of Timothy and Abigail (Otis) Davis of Lee. David Eben b. 12 March 1859; m. 1880, Odella P., dau. of William and Frances (Emerson) Jones. Justina May b. 19 May 1862; m. 5 Nov. 1882, Abbott Lawrence of Epsom. Charles Lincoln b. 22 Aug. 1864; d. 15 Jan. 1885. 7. George Washington Davis (David\ David*, David^, David'-, David^, born 29 June 1833, married Hannah, daughter of Nathan and Eunice (Meser\-e) Harvey of Newmarket, who HISTORY OF DURHAM IO9 was born 7 Nov. 1841. He was overseer of mills in several cities of New England. He died 15 March 1901. Wilfred E. b. 29 March 1861 ; d. 28 Oct. 1875. Allie B. b. 6 April 1863. Lewis E. b. 22 May 1865. Guy E. b. 15 Aug. 1867. Arthur L. b. i July 1870. Bertha G. b. 4 Oct. 1872. DAVIS Lieut. David Davis, born about 1730 and called in deeds "David Davis third," was probably grandson of the first David Davis, who may have had an unrecorded son. He purchased the farm at Lee Hook, now known as the "Pine Row," where he settled as early as 1750. He was a lieutenant in the Revolu- tionary War. He married Anna Stevens said to have been born in Durham about 1730, baptized 13 Oct. 1754. They had chil- dren born in Lee: Molly bapt. 13 Oct. 1754; m. Hill. Jeremiah bapt. 23 July 1758.- „ John, m. Betsey Marsh of Greenland and rem. to Middleton. Ann m. Frost. Sarah b. 3 Sept. 1763; m. Thomas Bennett. Comfort b. 20 Feb. 1767; m. Joseph Durrell. Hannah b. 1770; m. John Chapman. David b. 16 Abril 1772; m. Rhoda Chapman. David Davis (David) married Rhoda, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Barber) Chapman of Newmarket, who was born 30 Oct. 1770. Children were: David m. Mary, dau. of Thomas York of Lee; d. about 1889. Ch., Wesley E. of Topsfield, Mass., and Frank, who d. at Topsfield, aged about 25, unm. Nathaniel Goodrich m. 10 June 1836, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas and Betsey (Chesley) Jones, who was b. 20 Feb. 1812. L. in Lee. Children of Nathaniel G. and Elizabeth (Jones) Davis: Mary Ann d. unm. in Lee. Rhoda J. b. 1841; 1. in Lee. Susan E. b. 1844; m. 1876, Josiah D. Thompson of Exeter. Thomas Jones b. 22 Oct. 1849; m. (i) July 1879, Juliet, adopted dau. of Edwin and Abbie (Littlefield) Bennett of Newmarket, (2) Jan. 1889, Heittie, dau. of Rev. C. B. Mills of Maysville, Mich. He is in the practice of law at Duluth, Minn. no HISTORY OF DURHAM Thomas Jones Davis has presented to New Hampshire College a tract of eight acres in Lee and Durham, called Davis Park, which he planted to sweet chestnut trees. The park is to be further beautified by the college, with the hope that the students of the same and the pupils in the two nearest public schools may annually have an October outing party in the park, "to the end that out of the day-dreams of these youths and children perhaps once in a generation one shall materialize in the form of a bigger, better, more lasting and far-reaching effort to increase the sum of the world's happiness." The park is a memorial of his parents. DAVIS John Davis, born, probably in Durham, lo June 1768, married, 15 June 1788, Hannah Hall, who was born i April 1765. L. in Nottingham. Their children were: 2. Jacob b. 12 May 1792; d. 10 Jan. 1839; m. 7 March 1816, Anna Davis, who was b. 18 Oct. 1796 and d. 28 Sept. 1854. 3. Solomon Hall b. 20 April 1794; m. Hannah (?) Hall. Moses b. Sept. 1806; m. Nancy Tuttle. 2. Children of Jacob and Anna (Da\'is) Davis: John b. 4 Dec. 1817; d. 27 Jan. 1818. Sarah Ann b. 2"] Jan. 1819; d. i May 1880. Unm. Hannah b. 2 March 1821; d. 9 Aug. 1822. Abigail Jane b. 15 March 1823; m. George P. Dearborn. No ch. Mary Elizabeth b. 4 March 1825: m. her cousin, George W. Davis. 4. Levi b. 2 Jan. 1827; d. 26 April 1893; "^- (O Henrietta Lucy of Nottingham, (2) 7 I3ec. 1865, Lucy A. Bassett, b. 19 Dec. 1837. Harriet b. 30 Oct. 1828; m. Charles Batchelder. 9 ch. Rev. Jacob Burnham b. 6 Oct. 1830; m. and had 2 ch. David Franklin b. 25 Nov. 1832; Darmouth graduate; d. in Texas. 4 ch. Olive Dearborn b. 29 May 1835; m. William Henry Davis, her cousin. Laurenda p. b. 3 Dec. 1837 ; d. 19 April 1869; m. Rufus Law- rence. 2 ch. 3. Children of Solomon Hall and Hannah (Hall) Davis: Hannah m. Col. Joseph Bachclder. 3 ch. Caroline m. (i) Samuel Leighton, (2) Josiah Garland. 5. George W. b, 2 March 1822; d. 14 Feb. 1910; m. Mary E. Davis. HISTORY OF DURHAM III Mary Ann m. (i) Leighton, (2) Gerrish, (3) Davis. Abigail m. as second wife, Col. Joseph Bachelder. William m. (i) Sarah Bachelder, (2) Addie Dearborn, (3) OHve Davis. 4 ch. by first marriage and 4 by second. 4. Children of Levi and Henrietta (Lucy) Davis: Frank J. and Annie L. b. i Jan. 1855. Anson B. b. i Jan. 1857; d. 2-] July 1888. Children by second marriage: David W. b. 4 July 1867; m. Bertha Gilchrist. Albert H. b. 5 April 1871; m. Addie Jones. Laura N. b. 11 Nov. 1873; d. at age of 2 yrs. 8 mos. 5. Children of George W. and Mary E. (Davis) Davis: Etta Belle b. 1858, d. at age of 2 yrs. 6 mos. Fred E. b. 17 July i860; m. 10 June i'886, Fannie C. Lucy, dau. of Robert W. and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lucy, who was b. 28 March 1858. Ch., Wesley Elton b. 10 Aug. 1888, graduated at N. H. College, and Wendall Perlton b. 7 March 1890. Elsie M. b. 6 March 1862; m. Cheirles H. Hall. No ch. Rev. Abbott P. b. 30 June 1864; graduated at Bates College and Cobb Divinity School; m. Julia Steele. 3 ch. George S. b. 1867; m. Lena Crowninshield. 3 ch. DAVIS Jeremiah Davis had a share in the division of common lands, 1734- Jeremiah Davis of Portsmouth bought land in Durham of Benjamin and Miriam Davis, 2"] Aug. 1735, and more land of James Davis 24 Jan. 1737. He married Sarah, daughter of Joseph Jenkins, as shown in the division of Jenkins' estate in 1734. Jan. 21 1744, Jeremiah Davis and wife, Bridget of Durham, deeded land to Ebenezer Davis. He may have been son of Moses or of Joseph. The first book of town records has the births of two children: Jonathan b. 25 Aug. 1736. Moses b. 20 Dec. 1737; m. Anna Davis. Moses Davis married Anna, dau. of Nathaniel and Hannah (Davis) Davis, who was born in Madbury, 12 Oct. 1741. They had the following children, according to an old private record: 112 HISTORY OF DURHAM John b. in Lee 15 Jan. 1761. Sarah b. in Nottingham 15 Jan. 1766. Lois b. 20 Oct. 1768. Elisha b. 3 Feb. 1770. Hannah b. 5 Feb. 1772; m. Robert Oram Randall; d. 6 Jan. 1826. Deborah b. 28 June 1774; m. John Gray, 25 Dec. 1794. Isaiah b. 5 Feb. 1779. Martha b. 28 July 1781. John Davis of Lee married, 22 Jan. 1799, Polly Knight of Nottingham and had the following children born in Durham: Stephen b. 24 Oct. 1800; m. 14 Aug. 1821, Clarissa Trickey. Daniel b. 16 Nov. 1802; m. 30 March 1826, Caroline Teague. She m. (2) Stephen Starbird. Henry b. 21 June 1805. Went to East Canada. Mary H. m. 29 April 1830, Benjamin M. Willey. Children of Daniel and Caroline (Teague) Davis: Eliphalet m. Silver of Haverhill, Mass. Ellen Mary m. 2'] Sept. 1849, John M. Smart. Henry m. his cousin, Sarah Willey; d. April 1862. Ch., Charles H., Martha who m. (i) Fred Day, (2) H. Towle. The widow of Henry Davis m. (2) John Drew, (3) Daniel B. Foss. Alfred m. Esther, dau. of Alfred and Harriet (Burnham) Pinkham. Ch., Elmer S., Charlotte who m. Sumner Scott of Glover, Vt., and Gertrude L who m. George D. Stevens. Alvan who was drowned when young. James b. 20 Jan. 1845; went west and m. 29 Dec. 1869, Martha A. Jones who was b. 19 Feb. 1846. Ch., Alvin Edward b. at Beaver Dam, Wis., 26 April 1871, who m. 6. Sept. 1889, Daisy A. Bondurant at Marinette, Wis. He is a judge there and has two ch., James Bondurant b. 5 Sept. 1900, and Marion Ella b. 27 Dec. 1904; other ch. of James Davis were Ella Clare b. 13 April 1874 ^^d Earl Bryant b. 26 July 1889, who d. 7 Nov. 1892. Children of Henry and Sarah (Willey) Davis: Charles Albert b. 8 Jan. 1858; m. i Jan. 1883, Abbie L. Hurd of Berwick, Me. Ch., Elmer Ellsworth b. 20 Feb. 1885, Albert Joel b. 28 May 1889, Sarah Edna b. 15 Oct. 1891. Martha Ann m. (i) 1874, Fred A. Day. They had dau. Ella E. b. 10 May 1878, who m. 10 Aug. 1899, Sidney E. Taylor and has son, Millard B. Taylor b. 17 Oct. 1900. She m. (2) March 1881, Hiram G. Towle and had ch., Sarah HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 13 Alice b. 29 Oct. 1882; Charles Henry b. 8 Nov. 1883; Raymond Dudley b. 3 Dec. 1885, who m. 6 May 1905, Retta A. Brown and has Caleb Langdon Towle b. 6 Feb. 1907, Martha Alfretta Towle b. 17 Oct. 1908 and Vivian Charlotte Towle b. i Feb. 1913; Irving William b. 13 Nov. 1887, who m. 28 Sept. 1900, Maud E. Otis; Amy Alberta b. 12 June 1892 and d. 9 April 1910; Everett Louis b. 6 April 1894; Madeline Martha b. 5 June 1898; George Gordon b. 26 June 1902; and Grant Winfield b. 30 June 1910. The will of John Davis of Lee, 10 March 1788-20 Nov. 1797, names wife, Judith, and children, Moses (who m. 12 Dec. 1784, Margaret Bligh), Clement, Sarah Kenniston, Abigail Hall, Tam- son Stevens and Keziah Furber. This John Davis may have been son of John^ Moses^ John'-, James^ The records of Durham give the family of Clement M. Davis, born in Portsmouth, i Sept. 1795. He married, 12 July 1817, Sarah Davis of Lee, who was born 5 March 1798. Ten children were born in Durham: George b. 3 Oct. 1818. Enoch S. b. 16 Nov. 1820; m. 20 Oct. 1839, Pauline Staples of Portsmouth. John M« b. 27 Jan. 1823; m. (i) Miranda Philips, (2) Susan Vannard. Sabrina Jane b. 8 March 1825; m. x^lbert Merrill. Martha Ann b. 9 Aug. 1827; d. 31 May 1831. Henry B. b. 23 June 1829; m. in Australia. Eleanor R. K. b. 23 Dec. 1831; m. Daniel C. Stilson. Clement b. 19 April 1834; went to Cal. Sarah b. 5 April 1837; m. Nat D. Tobey. Charles W. b. 5 March 1842; d. at Key West. David O. Davis of Alton, son of Andrew and Sally (Cate), grandson of Winthrop and Sally (Evans), of page 100, married, I March 1853, Martha Abigail, daughter of Ebenezer and Sally (Stokes) Demeritt, who was born 14 Jan. 1836. He enlisted twice in the Civil War and lost an arm. [See chapter on Military History.] The family now lives in Newmarket. Children were: Ada Augusta b. 16 Feb. 1855; d. i May 1858. Clarence Fremont b. 21 Nov. 1856; d. 10 March 1857. Augusta Ada b. 25 March 1858; m. 24 March 1878, Frank A. Sylvester of Durham, son of Dr. William Sylvester. Ch., Adrian P. Sylvester b. i March 1879, Ethel May 114 HISTORY OF DURHAM Sylvester b. 2 May 1883, d. 17 Nov. 1884, Marion Merritt Sylvester b. 18 Dec. 1885. Melvin b. 24 Feb. i860; m. 18 Sept. 1882, Cora E. Emerson of Dexter, Me. Annabelle b. 22 June 1863; m. 29 Nov. 1884, Henry E. Hudson of Newmarket. LuETTE b. 14 Nov. 1866. Gertrude May b. 27 Oct. 1868. Herbert Frank b. 24 Aug. 1874; m- -\ June 1900, Sadie E. Kent. Everett Garfield b. 23 Nov. 1877. Charles S. Davis, brother to David O., married Sarah A. Butler who was born 4 July 1831. He, too, was a soldier in the Civil War. He had a son, Walter C. Davis, who married Marcia E. Paul, q.v. They sustained the sad loss of four children from diphtheria. Inez May b. 9 May 1880; d. 3 Nov. 1889. Walter S. b. 23 June 1881; d. 11 Nov. 1889. Sarah Elizabeth b. 20 Nov. 1882; d. 11 Nov. 1889. George Butler b. 23 April 1886, d. 10 Nov. 1889. Joshua Davis was living near the Falls in 17 19 and had a share in the division of land in 1733/4. He married Esther, daughter of Joseph Bunker. She was born in April, 1693. He bought of Joseph Smith land west of Turtle pond and, 25 April 1735, he conveyed the same to Solomon Sias. One of the bounds was "the fence betwixt my brother Samuel Davis and me." His widow married Dam. Is this Joshua an unrecorded son of Col. James Davis, whose son, Samuel, was the only person of that name at that time, in Durham? No children of Joshua Davis are recorded, yet it is probable that there were such. Unclassified Marriages March 31, 1709/20, Zechariah Small and Jane Davis. July 20, 1749, Joseph Pinder and Hepsibeth Davis. Aug. 4, 1754, Benjamin Davis and Abigail Harris. April 17, 1755, Benjamin Davis of Greenland and Margaret Bickford of Durham. Benjamin, son of Widow Margaret Davis bapt. Oct. 29, 1768. June 9, 1760, Joseph Doe and Margaret Davis. April 7, 1757, Joseph Davis and Clark, both of Dur- ham. July 14, 1756, William Horn and Jane Davis, at Dover. April II, 1 77 1, Eleazer Davis of Madbury and Sarah Cook. March 6, 1785, Levi Davis and Olive Noble. ■Z^i HISTORY OF DURHAM II5 May II, 1786, Daniel Davis and Elizabeth Chesley. Dec. 25, 1796, Reuben Davis of Nottingham and Anne Wormwood of D. July 28, 1805, James Willey, Jr., and Miss Hannah Davis. July 4, 1 82 1, Miles Davis and Betsey Randall. Aug. 20, 1820, Ephraim L. Bickford and Sally Davis. March 1825, Jonathan Davis and Elizabeth Emerson. April 18, 1830, Miles Tuttle and Lucinda H. Davis. DEMERITT, DeMERITT The Harleian Manuscripts contain the Visitation of Devon- shire, dated 1564, and under the name Knolles of Little Hempston declare that Richard Knolles married Maude, daughter of Bald- win Demeritt, lord of Meryett, and give ten generations of their descendants. Ten generations prior to 1564 take us back to shortly after the Norman conquest of England. The place where some Norman settled, here called Meryett, is now known as Merriott, a parish in the hundred of Crewkerne, western di\asion of Somersetshire, two miles from Crewkerne. It is called repeatedly Meriet in the Domesday Book of William the Con- queror. Nicholas de Meriet and wife, Elizabeth, in 1207, Simon de Meriet and wife, Lucia, in 1262, and Walter de Meriet, in 1256, are named in the State Papers of England. In 1333 another Walter de Meriet was chancellor of the church at St. Peter, Exeter. These names indicate the Norman origin of the family. There can be no doubt that the surname Demeritt is a place name, the first syllable being the French preposition de, which was dropped by some branches of the ancient family, and the surname Marriott, Marret, Meriot, Merritt, etc., was very common in southern England and in New England in the seventeenth century. Capt. Nicholas Merritt was of Salem, Mass., in 1648, called also Nicholas Meriot. Charles Demerit's tax was abated in Boston in 1700, and he is called also Demeret, Demerre and Demerry. John Demeritt, aged 25, gave testimony in Middlesex court in 1657. He came from Barbadoes. Thomas Demeritt of Salem, Mass., master of a ketch, made a deposition, August 1700. It is beyond reasonable doubt that Meriet, or Marriott, in Somersetshire, first gave birth to the De Meritts. Search for a place name in France and the Channel Islands, from which this surname might be derived, has been fruitless. The tradition that Eli Demeritt came from the Isle of Jersey may have some Il6 HISTORY OF DURHAM foundation in fact, since then as now people passed easily to and fro between southern England and the Channel Islands. The ways in which Eli Demeritt's name was phonetically spelled in old deeds would suggest that he and others knew the French, or Norman, origin of the surname.* The Meryet, Maryet, Meritt, Mariott, Marriot, Marriott families of England all have the same coat of arms, "Barry of six, or and sa," that is, a shield crossed horizontally by six alternate bars of gold and black. This shows a common origin of the families, and the simplicity of the armorial device is the proof of its antiquity.! "Eli Demrey" had a grant of fort>- acres in Dover, ii April 1694, on the northwest side of James Derry's land. It was laid out the same year to "Eli Demeret." October 11, 1704, Francis Pitman sold to "Elie Marrett" of Dover forty acres "on the north- west side of Logg hill, on the northwest side of the path going to Mad berries." [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XII, 115.] Dec. 14, 1725, Eli Demiret and wife, Hope, and William Worm- wood, all of Dover, sold to Stephen Harding "right to estate of our uncle, John Reynolds, deceased, in Arundel." [See York Deeds, XI, 248.] This shows that he married Hope, or Hopestill, Reynolds, called also Runnels, probably daughter of Job Rey- nolds of Cape Porpoise, Me., and granddaughter of William Reynolds. [See Runnels family.] The name is sometimes written De Merit in old records. Eli Demeritt died about 1747. The fact that he was married about 1695, before the Reynolds family were driven by the Indians from Maine to New Hampshire, may indicate that Eli Demeritt lived for a while in Arundel before settling in Dover. There is no evidence, as some ha\'e supposed. that he belonged to a company of Huguenot refugees. 2. Eli b. i March 1696; m. Tabitha Pitman. 3. John b. 19 June 1698; m. Margaret Buzzell. 4. Job b. 29 March 1705; m. Mary Buzzell. Benjamin b. 29 Nov. 1708; sold right in common land, 1736. Unm. William m. 13 March 1730, Abigail Pitman. Had dau. Annie bapt. in Dover, 31 March 1742, who m. her cousin, Solomon Demeritt. Annie d. unm. ♦Visitation of Devonshire, by Lieut. -Col. J. L, \'ivian, p. 519. Cf. Topographical Dictionary of England by Samuel Lewis, London, 1S43. A thorough search of the English State Papers would, doubtless, reveal much more about this famih-. fBurke's General Armory. HISTORY OF DURHAM II7 2. Eli Denieritt (Eli), born i March 1696, married Tabitha, daugiiter of Nathaniel and Deliverance Pitman. He was select- man of Dover, 1 736-1 753, and of IVIadbury, 1755-58. Owned a mill on the Bellamy River. He died 5 May 1774. His will is dated lo Jan. 1758. 5. Samuel b. 8 May 1723; m. Elizabeth Randall. 6. Ebenezer b. 20 Apr. 1726; m. Hannah Thompson. Sarah b. 3 April 1736; m. 5 May 1764, Daniel Meserve. 3. John Denieritt (Eli), born 19 June 1698, married, i Jan. 1724/5, Margaret Buzzell, daughter of John and Sarah. She was born 5 July 1698 and died in 1777. His will, 15 Feb. 1773- 13 Oct. 1773, names wife, Margaret, and children: Elizabeth bapt. 16 April 1727; m. Benjamin Drew, prob. Deborah bapt. 28 July 1734; m. William Drew, Jr., prob. Paul bapt. 15 May 1737. Not named in will. 7. Joseph bapt. 17 June 1741; m. Susan Runnels. 8. John b. 29 Dec. 1728; m. Elizabeth Gate. Mary m. Ebenezer Tasker. Sarah m. Solomon Emerson. 4. Job Demeritt (Eli), born 29 March 1705, married Mary Buzzell, daughter of John and Sarah, March 1734. He died 7 Aug. 1772, leaving wife, Mary, and the following children: Job bapt. 13 July 1735; m. Sarah Buzzell, 2 Nov. 1758. 4 ch., Robert m. 26 Oct. 1786, Deborah Twombly and had ch; James m.. Betsey Demeritt; Sophia m. 16 Nov. 1828 Nathan Brown; Betsey, unm. Eli bapt. 2 July 1738; m. Marshall of Dover. Ch., Andrew, Thomas, Moses, John, Daniel, Eli, Margaret and Betsey. Abigail bapt. 9 Aug. 1741 ; d. unm. Mary born 28 Nov. 1743; m. Zechariah Boodey. 9. Solomon m. Annie, dau. of William Demeritt. James m. Betsey Demeritt; d.s.p. 1814. Third Generation 5. Gapt. Samuel Demeritt (Eli-, Eli^), born 8 May 1723, married (i) Elizabeth, daughter of Gapt. Nathaniel and Mary (Hodgdon) Randall, who was born 9 Oct. 1727 and died 20 June 1767. He married (2) 2 June 1768, Bridget Williams, perhaps daughter of Ensign John and Bridget (Tibbetts) Williams. He died 22 Oct. 1770, and his widow married Kelsey. He was commissioned quartermaster, 29 Sept. 1755, and was efficient Il8 HISTORY OF DURHAM in raising and equiping men for the Seven Years' War; commis- sioned captain of Seventh Troop of Horse, 5 April 1765, and raised a company of gentleman troopers in Durham and vicinity Samuel b. 22 July 1747; d. 5 Feb. 1749. Betsey b. 17 July 1749; m. James Demeritt; d.s.p. 10. Nathaniel b. 26 Oct. 1751; m. Mary McCrillis. 11. Israel b. 6 March 1754; m. Lois Demeritt. 12. Samuel b. 17 June 1756; m. Sally Tibbetts. Deborah b. 26 Nov. 1758; m. Jonathan Demeritt. Lois b. 26 Jan. 1761; d. Oct. 1783. Anna b. 16 July 1763; d. 24 July 1763. Stephen b. 16 July 1764; d. in Madbury. Unm. 13. Andrew b. 24 May 1767; m. Mary Emerson. Children by second marriage: Jonathan b. 3 Sept. 1769; m. Aug. 1791, Sally Leathers. L. in Maine. Elizabeth b. May 1771; m. Oct. 1789, Thomas Glass of Nottingham. 6. Ebenezer Demeritt (Eli^ Eli^), born 20 April 1726, married, 25 May 1749, Hannah, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Burnham) Thompson, who was born i Nov. 1728 and died 10 May 1806. He died 21 April 1776. Children baptized in Dover. Will, 7 Aug. 1773-12 June 1776. Lydia bapt. 7 Nov. 1750; m. 11 No\-. 1773, Timothy Young. Susanna bapt. 26 June 1752; m. i April 1779, Ezra Young. 14. Jonathan b. 20 Aug. 1753; m. Deborah Demeritt. 15. Ebenezer b. 15 Feb. 1759; m. Elizabeth Young. Daniel bapt. 12 Oct. 1760; m. Dec. 1780, Sarah Hayes. Hannah bapt. 21 Nov. 1762; m. Nov. 1784, Samuel Hayes. Sarah bapt. 12 July 1767; m. 8 Sept. 1787, Ezra Clark. Jeremy bapt. 18 June 1769. Elizabeth bapt. 26 Sept. 1773; m. 8 March 1814, Solomon Dinsmore. 7. Joseph Demeritt (John^ Eli^), born 17 June 1741, married, about 1764, Sarah Runnels, daughter of Job and Sarah. He died Sept. 1822, aged 82. She died 20 Jan. 1807, aged 61. 16. Moses b. abt. 1765; m. Lydia Odell, 24 May 1789. Sally b. 1767; m. Simeon Johnson of Northfield. Betsey b. 31 May 1768; m. (i) Joseph Priest, (2) Clark of Barnstead. She d. 1858. 17. Joseph b. abt. 1771; m. Rebecca March; d. at Greenland, from wounds received in War of 1812. Paul b. abt. 1774.; m. Martha Woodman. Ch., Eunice b. 23 March 1799, ni. (i) George Seward of Strafford, (2) HISTORY OF DURHAM II9 Gilman Johnson; Samuel b. 1801 ; Betsey b. 1804, d. 1817; Susan b. 22 Dec. 1806, m. Gen. Alfred Hoitt, 26 Oct. 1827; Calvin, Edward, George, Betsey Jane and Rhoda who m. Beales. 18. John b. 30 Jan. 1777; m. Abigail Hill. Lois b. 1783; m. Jacob Welch; s. in Lyndon, Vt. Susan b. 4 Oct. 1789; m. 5 March 1808, Samuel Bennett of Northwood; d. 23 Sept. 1858. He was b. 13 Feb. 1787 and d. 25 April 1852. Hannah b. 23 Aug. 1793; m. 15 April 1816, William Batch- elder of Nottingham. She d, 14 May 1837. He was b. 27 April 1788 and m. (2) Mrs. Mary Randall. 8. Major John Demeritt (John-, Eli^), born 29 Dec. 1728, married, 5 May 1756, Elizabeth Gate of Barrington, who was born 4 April 1725 and died 17 March 1762, (2) Widow Elizabeth (Davis) Davis, widow of Moses Davis of Lee. She was born 1728 and died 29 Oct. 1827. He died 7 Jan. 1826. The old farm is one of the most attractive in Madbury. The spot is pointed out where the gunpowder was stored under the barn, whence a train of powder connected with the cellar of the house, so that it could be readily fired if the British came in force to capture it. Here it remained from December till June and then was carried by ox-team to Bunker Hill. Paul m. 20 Dec. 1779, Betsey, dau. of Moses and Elizabeth (Davis) Davis, and rem. to Farmington. Ch., Hannah m. Daniel Chesley, Susan m. Benj. Libbey, Lois m. Joseph Ha>«s, Mark m. Abigail Leigh ton. Lois b. 16 Aug. 1758; m. Israel Demeritt. 19. John b. 9 March 1762; m. Elizabeth Davis. 9. Solomon Demeritt (Job', Eli^) married Annie, only daughter of William and Abigail (Pitman) Demeritt, and had children as follows: Solomon m. Kezia Hall, 24 May 1801; dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth (Willey) Hall. Ch., Mary, who m. Burnham of Madbury, William who m. Hill, and John who d. unm. in the Givil War. Samuel m. Hannah Hall. No ch. William unm. 20. Eli m. Deborah Bunker, 19 Jan. 1800. Anne, Dolly and Molly, all unm. Betsey m. (i) Hardy, (2) Wigglesworth. 120 history of durham Fourth Generation 10. Lieut. Nathaniel Demeritt (Samuel^, Eli^, Eli^, born 26 Oct. 1751, married, 19 June 1783, Mary McCrillis of Notting- ham, daughter of William and Jean (Kelsey). She was born 9 April 1756 and died 3 Sept. 1847. He died 18 Jan. 1827. Betsey b. 12 Apr. 1784; m. Andrew Emerson. 21. William b. 15 Sept. 1786; m. Mary Chapman. Mary b. i March 1789; d. 19 July 1870. Unm. Avis b. 15 Jan. 1792; d. 22 Oct. 1800. Jane b. 12 Nov. 1794; m. Ebenezer Thompson. Susan b. 21 Dec. 1798; m. 22 Feb. 1827, James Philbrick of Andover, N. H.; d. 10 Jan. 1873. He was b. 10 June 1792 and d. 15 May 1870. 11. Israel Demeritt (SamueF, Eli', Eli^), born 6 March 1754, married Lois, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Gate) Demeritt, who was born 16 Aug. 1758 and died 9 Oct. 1838. He died 7 Nov. 1827. Betty b. 30 Dec. 1776; d. 29 Aug. 1778. Elizabeth b. 14 Oct. 1778; m. 8 April 1804, Moses Hale of Rochester; d. 26 May 1852. Granville Jones ; m. Ruth Furber; had sons, Israel and Granville. Abigail b. ; m. 6 May 1819, John Glass of Nottingham. Lois b. 22 Feb. 1784; m. 18 Feb. 1802, Jeremiah Emerson. Sarah b. 30 Aug. 1787; m. 4 April 1839, Robert M. Read;. d. 15 Aug. 1854. 22. Stephen b. 10 Dec. 1806; m. Nancy P. Chesley. 23. Gen. Samuel m. Sarah Torr. 12. Samuel Demeritt (Samuel'\ Eli-, Eli'), born 17 June 1756, married (i) Sally Tibbetts and lived in New Durham, (2) Annie, daughter of Samuel Kelly, born in Dover, 5 Dec. 1770. He settled on a farm at Wednesday hill, in Lee, where he died I Nov. 1 80 1. His widow married Joseph Clark of Holderness and had nine children, dying at the age of 90. Samuel Demeritt was a Revolutionary soldier. He was buried in the William Kelly lot. Pine Hill cemetery, Do\er. Edmund m. 1809, Lois, dau. of Andrew Demeritt; 1. in Woodstock and Tuftonboro. Had sons, William and Samuel E., who 1. in Lee, and dau. Sarah, Elizabeth, Elvira, and Louisa. Sally b. i April 1790; m. Jan. 1808, Eli Demeritt. HISTORY OF DURHAM 121 Children by second marriage: John d. young. Pamelia m. William Kelly; d. 14 Nov. 1877, aged 81 — 2 — 10 Clarissa m. Merrill of Holderness. 13. Andrew Demerit! (SamueF, Eli^, Eli^), born 24 May 1767, married, 20 Aug. 1789, Mary, daughter of Smith and Han- nah (Thompson) Emerson. She died 11 May 1837, aged 69. He died 16 Jan. 1830. Lois b. 13 Dec. 1790; m. Edmund Demeritt; d. 23 Jan. 1867. Susan b. 24 Sept. 1792; m. 1810, Thomas Hoitt; d. 16 Oct. 1834. He rem. from Wolfeboro to the West. Hannah b. 5 Oct. 1894; m. 7 Sept. 1815, Andrew McDaniel of Barrington, who rem. to Durham. He was b. 10 Nov^ 1876 and d. 29 Oct. 1862. Ch., Andrew Demeritt McDaniel b. 11 Oct. 1816, representative to the legis- lature, and Maria McDaniel who was b. 11 Dec. 1818 and d. 3 July 1845. Mary b. 12 Aug. 1896; m. Paul Chesley; d. 4 Feb. 1843. Capt. Andrew Emerson b. 31 Aug. 1804; m. Hannah Cart- land of Lee; d. 15 Jan. 1862. Samuel b. 14 June 1807; d. 25 Aug. 1862; m. 3 April 1816, Olive H. Pierce. 3 ch. Elizabeth, twin to Samuel; m. 13 June 1832, Warren P. Sherburne. 14. Jonathan Demeritt (Ebenezer\ Eli-, Eli^, born 30 Aug. 1753, married Deborah, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Randall) Demeritt, who was born 26 Nov. 1758 and died 28 April 1846. He died in Madbury 31 Aug. 1833. Jonathan b. 15 June 1776; m. Sarah Gerrish; d. 29 Dec. 1859. A dau., Eliza m.: 28 June 1829, William P. Drew of Dover. Elizabeth b. 21 Oct. 1779. Hannah b. i Sept. 1781. Lois b. 10 April 1784. Eli b. 21 Jan. 1787; m. Jan. 1808, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Demeritt. Ch., Charles, Nancy who m. Aaron Kenney, Sarah Ann who m. Charles Tibbetts, Lavina, Betsey, Edmund, Woodbury (the last three d. young) and Frank, who 1. in Madbury. Samuel b. 30 Sept. 1789; m. Alice Locke. Ch., Elizabeth who m. Sherman, Maria who m. Wilson, Mary Jane who m. 17 April 1841, Oliver Burleigh, Emeline who d. young, Deborah who m. William H. Felker and 122 HISTORY OF DURHAM had a son, who became Gov. Samuel DeMeritt Felker LL.D., and 1. in Rochester, AHce who m. Charles Bickford, and Samuel who d. young. 24. Ebenezer Thompson b. 7 April 1792- m Hannah Thomp- son. Deborah b. 5 March 1795. Susanna b. 27 March 1799. Mary Ann b. 26 March 1802. 15. Ebenezer Demeritt (Ebenezer\ Eli'-, Eli'), born 15 Feb. 1759, married, 25 May 1780, Elizabeth Young, (NathanieF, Jonathan^, Thomas') who was born 22 Oct. 1760 and died in 1822. He died in 1808. Children were: James Young m. Matilda Roe. Ch., James Young, Jr., who m. Martha Ward of Dover and had son, Fred; and Laura unm. Clarissa m. Jonathan Young of Littleworth. Mary d. unm. Hannah Thompson b. 5 Feb. 1787; m. Ebenezer Thompson Demeritt. Henry m. Mary (Davidson) Hovey. Ch., Elizabeth who m. Nichols of Nashua, and Sarah P., who m. Henry Holt of Nashua. Jacob m. Martha Barron of North Woodstock. Ch., James Alaric, who m. Hannah Hayes of Durham and had daughter, Hannah, who m. Lester Gage; Hiram unm.; Elizabeth who m. Jonathan Thompson Young of Little- worth ; Oliver Cromwell, who m. Sarah Ann Hayes of Mad- bury and has daughter, Ellen Elizabeth, besides Elvira who d. unm. 16. Children of Moses and Lydia (Odell) Demeritt: Betsey m. Thomas Furber, (2) Samuel Bean of Deerlield. Moses Odell b. 8 Nov. 1793; m. Sarah Ann Meserve of Newfield, 10 April 1820, b. 30 May 1802, He died 28 Feb. 1856. Had son. Bracket Johnson, b. 12 Nov. 1821, who m. 12 April 1843, Finett Welch. Sally m. Jarvis Knowlton, (2) Benjamin Hoyt. Gordon m. Lavina Sanborn. Ch., Addison, Alma, Hayden. Thomas m. Mary Clark of Barnstead. Ch., Clark, Jane, Maria. Nancy m. Miles Knowlton. Nathaniel m. and rem. to Philadelphia. Dorcas m. John Batchelder, of Sanbornton. 17. Children of Joseph and Rebecca (March) Demeritt: Polly m. Ebenezer Chase, Jr., of Sanbornton. Mehitable m. 25 Sept. 1825, Samuel Chesley. • HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 23 Eleanor m. 17 April 1825, George Kimball of Dover. Harry drowned at Dover. John 1. at Dover, Philadelphia, and Manchester. Susan m. 20 March 1836, Andrew Tuttle of Dover. 18. John Demeritt (Joseph^, John^, Eli^, born 29 Jan. 1777, married, 29 Aug. 1799, Abigail, daughter of Robert Hill, and lived in Nottingham. They died within ten days of each other. She was born 13 May 1778 and died 27 July 1847. [See records of Nottingham.] Jacob b. 8 July 1800. Joseph b. ii Nov. 1802; m. 17 Oct. 1825, Sally, dau. of Benjamin Colcord. Ch., Benjamin Willard b. 5 April 1827, m. Eleanor Mills; Joseph Edward b. 9 May 1836, m. Nancy B. Tuttle; John Leonard b. 10 Oct. 1840, d. 14 Jan. 1873; Eliza Ann b. 16 Aug. 1832, m. Byron D. Hoyt; Sarah Ann b. 11 Apr. 1838, d. 28 May 1868. - Sophia b. 8 Jan. 1804; m. 4 Jan. 1823, Pelatiah Jones of Lee. John b. 20 April 1806; went to Gilead, Mich. Timothy b. 23 May 1808; m. 20 Aug. 1830, Deborah Emer- son, (2) Hannah (Clay), widow of Richard Pinkham; 1. in Nottingham; 12 ch. by first marriage, 4 by second. Six sons were in the Civil War. Mehitable b. 18 March 1810; m. 27 May 1832, Henry P. Daniels. Daniel b. 2 July 1812; m. 3 July 1842, Lorinda P. Batch- elder. 5 ch. Samuel D. b. 29 May 1814; d. in Mexican War. Sally J. b. 24 Dec. 1815; m. 4 July 1842, Levi White at Maiden, Mass. Mary Ann b. 18 March 181 8; m. John W. Joy of Manches- ter; d. Aug. 1857. Andrew Jackson b. 7 Sept. 1821; d. Aug. 1852. Abigail F. b. 12 Jan. 1825. 19. Major John Demeritt (Major John', John^, Eli^), born 9 March 1762, married 5 June 1785, Elizabeth Davis, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth (Davis) Davis, who was born in 1766 and died 20 Oct. 1786. He married (2) 7 May 1789, Deborah, daugh- ter of Col. Ebenezerand Eunice (Torr) Meserve, who was born i March 1772 and died 29 Nov. 1844. He died 19 March 1846. Davis b. 20 Oct. 1786; m. 23 June 1805, Abigail, dau. of Solomon and Elizabeth (Smith) Emerson and rem. to Montpelier, Vt.; d. i860. John d. 14 Dec. 1806, aged 17 yrs. 124 HISTORY OF DURHAM • Capt. Hopley b. 9 Nov. 1792, m. 22 Nov. 1820. Abigail, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Caldwell) Snell of Lee, who was b. 22 Nov. 1794 and d. 3 Aug. 1885. He d. 24 Dec. 1834. He was commissioned captain 22 April 1824. Ch., Elizabeth Ann b. 20 Jan. 1824, who m. 5 Feb. 1862 John C. Hanson of Dover and d. 27 Oct. 191 1 ; Louisa Maria b. 16 Jan. 1826, who m. 30 Ma\- 1855 Ezra Edric. son of Ebenezer Thompson Demeritt, and d. 17 April 1910; John Washington b. 25 Dec. 1827, d. 12 March 1830; and Abbie Jane b. 15 Aug. 1831, d. i Oct. 1904, unm. Isaac b. 1799: d. 18 July i^^i^; m. 7 June 1821, Eunice Meser\-e of Durham. Ch., John Francis, and Oliver. The latter d. Jul\- 1863 Inning dau. Olivia P. Widow Eunice Demeritt m. 8 Feb. 1826 Da\id Da\is. John Francis m. Miles and had John, Charles, Clarabel, Etta, Martha, Josephine and Ella. Curtis C. b. 14 Feb. 1807; d. 15 July 1833; m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Snell of Lee, about 1823. Ch.. Love b. Feb. 1824, m. Lewis McDuffee of Rochester and d. April 1905, lea\ing children, Lewis, Sarah and Abbie; Sophia b. 26 Oct. 1826, who m. Charles Lane of Lee and d. 18 April 1880, having children, Martha Lane b. 16 Oct. 1856, m. William Caldwell of Lee, Lydia Lane b. 18 June 1858, Charles F. Lane b. 17 June i860, Ambrose Lane b. 19 Dec. 1862, and Amanda Lane b. 18 Aug. 1870; Sarah b. 17 April 1832, who m. (i) Andrew Pierce of Barrington, and (2) Daniel Emerson of Madbury and d.s.}). 21 Jan. 1903; Mary E. b. 1831 and d. 3 April 1842. Elizabeth m. 12 Feb. 1815, Solomon Emerson of Madbury. 20. Eli Demeritt (Solomon"', Job'-, Eli\) married, 19 Jan. 1800, Deborah, daughter of Zechariah and Mary (Bean) Bunker and lived in Durham. Clara m. Stephen Da\-is and 1. in Worcester, Mass. Ann b. 23 May 1803; m. 28 June 1831, Valentine Willev and 1. in NewmaVket. She d.'2 May 1885. Timothy b. 7 May 1805; m. (i) 22 Aug. 1830, Deborah Emer- son, (2) 24 July 1836, Clarissa Lee, who was b. 2 July 1802. Ch., Ann b. 21 Aug. 1838, m. Samuel Smith and had daus. Mary and Cora; the latter m. Clarence I. Smart; Laeti- tia Amanda b. 11 June 1843, m. Charles Place and had dau., Rosa A. Place, who m. George E. Fielding (?); Mel- vina Ellen b. 5 Jan. 1845, m. Moses Langley and d. in Haverhill, Mass., 1887, leaving dau., Georgie M. Langley. Ebenezer b. 9 May 1808; m. 5 Sept. 1828, Sally Stokes, who was b. 12 April 1808. He d. 7 Sept. 1838. Shed. 9 April 1879. Ch., Sarah Adeline b. 5 Sept. 1829, m. James H. Peaslee and d. 15 Oct. 1885, having son. Charles Peaslee, b. HISTORY OF DURHAM • 125 24 July i860, who m. Emma Sutcliffe of Lawrence, Mass.; Martha Rosina b. 30 Aug. 1830, d. Sept. 1831; Deborah Abigail b. 20 Feb. 1832, d. 7 Sept. 1834; Ebenezer Franklin b. 22 Jan. 1834, ""!• Lottie A. Flood, 5 July 1869. He served in the Civil War and lost a leg; had ch., Alice May, b. 6 March 1870 and Abbie L. b. 28 Feb. 1873; Martha Abigail b. 14 Jan. 1836, m. David O. Davis of Alton, i March 1853; Augusta Evelyn b. 20 Aug. 1838, m. Balch of Manchester and had ch., Walter A. Balch, b. 21 Jan. 1861, d. 5 March 1880, Fannie Augusta Balch b. 19 May 1867, and Alice E. Balch b. 14 Meiy 1876. Richard b. lo April 1811 ; m. 18 June 1833, Deborah Follet, who was b. 4 July 181 1 and d. in 1884. Ch., Richard Henry b. and d. 1835; Louisa Jane b. 30 May 1837, m. 1861 Joseph Card in Florence, Italy, and 1. in Lynn, Mass.; Mariana Frances b. 1840, d. 1841; Josephine b. and d. 1845; Mary Abby b. 3 June 1842, m. James Ashton and d.s.p. in 1879; Charles Albert b. 24 Feb. 1847, unm. soldier in the Civil War. Lois unm. Fifth Generation 21. Rev. William Demeritt (Nathaniel, Samuel\ Eli^, Eli^, born 10 Sept. 1786, married, 25 Oct. 1812, Mary dau. of Dea. Paul and Nancy (Smart) Chapman of Newmarket. He was a minister of the Christian denomination, one of the principal founders of Durham Academy and the Christian church in Dur- ham, both of which have ceased to be. He was selectman in 1833-34. He died 29 Dec. 1841. His wife was born 2 April 1791 and died 10 April 1819. He married (2) 25 Oct. 1825, Frances Wilson, daughter of the Rev. Nathaniel Wilson of Barn- stead. She was born 31 May 1803 and died 3 May 1888. Nathaniel b. 17 March 1814; d. unm. Mary Ann b. 23 (3ct. 1815; m. 7 Jan. 1846, Daniel F. Sawyer of Salisbury. She d. 10 Nov. 1863. John Chapman b. 29 March 1818; d. 14 March 1896. Unm. Children by second marriage: William Wilson b. 9 March 1827; m. 26 May 1857, Mary Elizabeth Barnes of Waverly, N. Y., b. Nov. 1838. He d. 5 June 1877. She d. 25 Aug. 1871. Daughter, Fanny Elizabeth b. 2 Dec. 1862, m. 18 Nov. 1901, Charles Francis Chaffee of Waverly, N. Y. 25. David Albert, 13 July 1829; m. Diantha Eliza Burnett. Francis Laetitia b. 8 May 1837; m. 20 Oct. 1864, John Winslow Allard; d. 31 Dec. 1886. He d. 3 Jan. 1905. 126 • HISTORY OF DURHAM Dau. Elizabeth Laetitia Allard, b. 26 Oct. 1871, teacher in Orange, N. J. 26. George P. b. 15 Sept. 1841; m. Augusta A. Hersey, (2) Frances E. Jasper. 22. Hon. Stephen DeMeritt (Israel*, SamueF, Eli'^ Eli^), born 19 Dec. 1806, married, 11 May 1840, Nancy P., daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Perkins) Chesley, who was born 31 Oct. 1810 and died 23 Aug. 1894. He died 27 Jan. 1867. [See biographical sketch and portrait.] Martha J. b. 31 Oct. 1841; m. Edwin Gage of Bradford, Mass. Charles b. 5 April 1844; m. Mary L. Gooch of Exeter; d. 23 Aug. 1881 at Kansas City, Mo. Ch., Minnie b. 9 April 1868, Frank b. 6 Sept. 1876, William Arthur b. 4 April 1878, d. 4 July 1878, Albert Lawrence b. 2 May 1879. Edwin b. 3 March 1846; Dartmouth, '69. Has a private school in Boston. M. Frances A. Norton of Portsmouth. Ch., Florence, George E. and Mabel. Frank P. b. 5 Nov. 1847; d. 3 Nov. 1874 at French Guiana. Unm. Dartmouth, '70. 27. Albert b. 26 Aug. 1851; m. Elizabeth P. Thompson. Grace A. b. 27 Aug. 1855; m. John M. Dunlea. Ch., Nancy and Dorothea. 23. Gen. Samuel Demeritt (Israel*, SamueF, Eli-, Eli'), married Sarah, daughter of Lieut. Andrew and Mary (Jones) Torr, and lived just over the line, in Lee. He was appointed major general in the militia 25 June 1833. Thomas Jefferson m. Avis Buzzell and rem. to Maine. James Madison m. twice. Sarah m. Hiram Plumer. Emeline m. Job Thompson. Mary m. John Randall. Clara m. Samuel Dow. Jane m.- Frank Hutchinson. Fanny m. Israel Demeritt. Joseph, Andrew and Caroline. 24. Ebenezer Thompson Demeritt (Jonathan*, Ebenezer^, Eli-, Eli'), born 7 April 1792, married (i) 28 Oct. 1821, Hannah Thompson Demeritt, who was born 5 Feb. 1787 and died 14 March 1830. He married (2) 26 Dec. 1831 Sophia Young of Madbury, who was born 4 Feb. 1794 and died 8 Jan. 1870. He died 24 Sept. 1863. Lived in Madbury. Alexander b. 23 Oct. 1829; d. 28 Jan. 1830. HISTORY OF DURHAM 127 Ezra Edric b. 29 Aug. 1824; m. 30 May 1855, Louisa M. Demeritt, dau. of Capt. Hopley and Abigail (Snell) Demeritt. who was b. 16 Jan. 1826 and d. 17 April 1910. He d. 26 June 1890. L. near the site of the old Tasker garrison in Madbury. Ch., Major John DeMeritt b. 8 Aug. 1856 and Jennie Mabelle DeMeritt b. 2 June 1863. Major John DeMeritt, who is doubly descended from the emigrant, Eli Demeritt, as one may see in lines of ancestry above given, lives in Madbury on a farm, part of which has been ances- tral for six generations. He was educated at Coe's Academy^ Major John DeMerritt Northwood, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., and New London Literary and Scientific Institution. Beginning as station agent at Madbury he was soon advanced in the service of the Boston & Maine Railroad to city passenger and ticket agent at Boston, Mass. He resigned in 1896 after eighteen years of continuous service with this company. In 1887 he represented Madbury in the legislature, serving on the committee of finance. In 1897 and 1901 he was sergeant-at- arms of the State senate. He has been justice of the peace since 1887 and postmaster at Madbury, 1883-87 and 1890-98. 128 HISTORY OF DURHAM At the outbreak of the Spanish-American War he was appointed major and paymaster of volunteers in United States Army, being the third person of his name who has held the officeof major, as shown in notes above and in the chapter on Military History. He was on duty in Washington, San Francisco, and from August 1898 to February 1899 in Manila, Philippine Islands. Fever obliged him to return to the states and he was mustered out, with other officers, in May 1899, since which time he has made his home on the ancestral estate in Madbury. He has an interest- ing and extensive collection of military weapons, gathered as souvenirs. Sixth Generation 25. David Albert Demeritt (Rev. William^, Nathaniel*, SamueF, Eli-, Eli'), born 13 July 1829, lived in Sacramento, Cal., and was captain of a company of Massachusetts Cavalry raised in that city, during the Civil War. He married 12 Sept. 1861, Diantha Eliza Burnett, who was born Oct. 1840 and died 8 Oct. 1904. He died 23 Sept. 1894. Emma Frances b. 25 Sept. 1865. Harriet Laetitia b. 18 March 1867. Charles Glasgow b. 9 May 1869. Jennie Sophia b. 23 May 1872. Watson Burnett b. 13 Dec. 1874. 26. George Page Demeritt (Rev. William^ Nathaniel*, SamueF, Eli-, Eli'), born 15 Sept. 1841, was lieutenant in the eleventh Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, during the Civil War. He has been county commissioner, tax collector in Dover seven years, overseer of the poor three years, and member of the city government two years. He married (i) Augusta A. Hersey, who died in 1872, (2) 31 Dec. 1872, Frances E. Jasper, born 25 April 1850. See portrait, page 161 of Vol. I. Eugene Ayer b. 9 April 1875; m. 15 Oct. 1906, Mabel Legg of Dover, and res. in Cambridge, Mass. Edith Augusta b. 9 Jan. 1878; m. 6 Aug. 1903, Albert Frederic Conradi of New Bremen, Ohio. Ch., Karl Page b. 14 Feb. 1907, Ralph Demeritt b. 2 March 1909, d. 10 Aug. 1909, Ruth C. b. 19 March 191 1. Mr. Conradi is professor of entomology and zoologv in Clemson College, S. C. 27. Albert DeMeritt (Stephen^ Israel^ SamueF, Eli-, Eli'), born 26 Aug. 1851, married Elizabeth Pickering Thompson, HISTORY OF DURHAM I29 daughter of Dea. John E. and Mary J. (Pickering) Thompson, and Hved on the paternal homestead. He died 22 Aug. 1913. [See biographical sketch and portrait, pages 324-5 of Vol. I.] Katharine b. 21 March 1887. Graduate of N. H. College. Now head of the French department in Chicago Latin School. Studied French one year in Paris. Margaret b. 18 Feb. 1889. Graduate of N. H. College. B.S. 191 1, M.S. 1912. Now studying for her Ph.D. in Washington University, Mo. Stephen b. 29 Sept. 1891. Graduate of the electrical engineering department of N. H. College. DENBOW, DENMORE, DINSMORE Salathiel Denbow, according to a deposition made in 1680, was born in 1642. He was rated at Oyster River in 1666 and 1675. He signed the petition of 1669. He owned land on the road from the Falls to Newmarket, near the Long Marsh. The name is written sometimes Denbow or Denbo, and sometimes Denmor, Denmore and Denmoor. The surname Denbow was not rare in southern England at that time. Some of his descend- ants write the name Dinsmore, or Dinsmoor. He married a daughter of William Roberts and died before 17 May 17 14. Children, so far as known, were: 2. Salathiel m. Graves, (2) Rachel Peavey. 3. Richard m. 1705, Mary Bunker. 4. Peter. 2. Salathiel Denmore, son of Salathiel Denmore deceased, sold, 17 May 1714, to his loving brother, Richard Denmoor, all right to "place which was my fathers, whereon my father-in-law William Graves did also live." [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XXVU, 543.] He served as a soldier in the French and Indian War and had his skull fractured. [See page 108 of Vol. L] He married (i) a daughter of William Graves, (2) 19 Dec. 1720, Rachel Peavey, of Newington. The town records say that Salathiel Denbo was "let out" to Samuel Wille, in 1751, for £74. It was, perhaps, his son, Salathiel Denbow, who with Mary Sawyer, alias Denbo, his wife, sold to Ebenezer Smith, 21 July 1 741, one fifth part of lands in Newmarket and Durham that belonged to "our father, Cornelius Drisco, late of Newmarket, deceased," and the same Salathiel Denbow, or Denmore, may 130 HISTORY OF DURHAM have married (2) in Newington, 10 Sept. 1740, Mary Hill, both of Durham. 3. Richard Denbow (Salathiel) married, 1705, Mary Bunker. Both were living in 1754. He had a grant of land, near his father's place in 1713. He sold land to son, Ichabod, in 1757 and to son, Clement, in 1754. Family, partly by conjecture. A note in the Quaker records says that Richard Denbow "appears to have come into membership at his marriage. None of their children were considered as members. He was supported by Friends." "Relief Bunker, dau. of Mary Denmore, Quaker," bapt. II. April 1725 by the Rev. Hugh Adams. Nathaniel (?) pub. to Mary Smith in York, 22 Nov. 1729. He was then of Durham and afterward 1. in Durham. Clement had wife, Margaret, in 1764. Ichabod 1. in Lee with wife, Mary, in 1768. He d. in Dur- ham 20 July 1806, aged 86 yrs. ii mos. Ch., Ichabod, Jr., and Mary who m. Robert VVilley. Ichabod Denbo, Jr., d. 6 Feb. 1824, aged 69. Sarah Denbo d. 22 May 1818, aged 70. Abigail (?) m. John Willey, 3d, 27 Feb. 1728/9. Cornelius (?) 1. in Lee, 1760. 4. Peter Denbow (Salathiel) was a captive among the Indians, 17 Jan. 1698/9. He sold land to his brother, Richard Denmor, in 1715, and more land to Moses Edgerly in 1737. He was "let out" to James Drisco, in 175 1, for £27 for one year. No hints of any family. He was baptized 2"] Oct. 1723. Capt. Elijah Denmore of Lee is mentioned in 1765 and 1775. Elijah Dinsmoor was a Revolutionary pensioner in Conway in 1840 aged 77. Daniel T. Sargent and Deborah Denbo were published in Durham 15 Oct. 1803. DERRY John Derry signed a petition in 1689. He had a grant of thirty acres in 1693, joining to his own land, in what is now Madbury. In 1694 there were granted to John Derry and Wil- liam Tasker twenty acres of marsh cleared by them, joining to Bellemies Bank River. In the massacre of 1694 most of his children were killed; his house was burned, and he and wife and son, Joseph, were carried into captivity by the Indians, HISTORY OF DURHAM I3I where he and son, Joseph, died. His widow, Deliverance, married Nathaniel Pitman. James Derry was rated in 1681. He had a grant, 19 March 1793/4, of 'ill his improved land on the west side of Beech Hill, between Oyster River and Newtown. Perhaps he and wife also perished in the massacre of 1694. April 19, 1722, William Pitman and Joanna his wife sold to John Munsey all right in the estate of James Derry. July 12, 1735, John Pinder and Elizabeth, his \\i(e, sold to John Jenkins, Jr., all right in the estate of James Derry. In 1719 Samuel Perkins and John Munsey are called survivors and owners of land granted to James Derry. DOE Nicholas Doe witnessed the will of Thomas Walford of Ports- mouth, 15 Nov. 1666. He was received as an inhabitant of Dover, 21 July 1668. He owned land on Goddard's Creek. He made a deposition, 7 June 1682, aged about 50 years. He bought land and house of Thomas Mounsell, 14 Feb. 1667-8. He was grand juryman in 1679, constable in 1682. Administration on his estate was granted to John Doe, 6 June 1691. His wife's name was Martha. 2. John b. 25 Aug. 1669; m. Elizabeth 3. Sampson b. i April 1670; m. (i) Temperance , (2) Mrs. Mary Ayers. Elizabeth b. 7 Feb. 1673. Mary named in settlement of estate, 1706. Nicholas d. s. p. 1706. 2. John Doe (Nicholas), born 25 Aug. 1669, lived near the Moat in Durham. He was baptized 15 Nov. 17 19 and admitted to church 21 Jan. 1721/2. His wife, Elizabeth, was admitted to church 11 Feb. 172 1/2. He had a grant of forty acres, 11 April 1694, between Goddard's fence and John Crommett's. His estate was divided 24 April 1742. The following children were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 29 Nov. 17 19: Daniel m. 27 Aug. 1724, Margaret Dockum in Greenland, who was bapt. 30 Oct. 1726 and had three ch. bapt. by Rev. Hugh Adams, Josiah bapt. 15 July 1725, who m. Hannah Willey (Dec. 14, 1753, Josiah Doe of Durham and wife, Hannah, sold all right in estate of Samuel 132 HISTORY OF DURHAM WiUey, Jr.), James bapt. 5 Feb. 1728, and John bapt. 8 June 1729. John m. Susan Wormwood. Ch., David bapt. 2 Sept. 1750, Jonathan bapt. 19 Feb. 1756, and John born. 13 Aug. 1764; perhaps others. David and Jonathan were Revolutionary soldiers from New Durham. Joseph m. (i) Martha Wormwood, perhaps (2) Margaret Davis, 9 June 1760. He built a garrison house in Lee, near Union meeting house, on land he bought of John Bickford 23 June 1737. Ch., Elizabeth who m. Elijah Fox, and prob. others, among whom may have been Joseph, who had wife, Ruth, and lived near Rockingham Junction. He d. 7 Nov. 181 1, aged 80. His wife, Ruth, d. 29 Oct. 1812, aged 68. 4. Benjamin m. Hannah Follett. Mary m. John Mason. Elizabeth m. Joshua Woodman. Martha b. 13 June 1716; m. 18 Dec. 1740, Edward Wood- man; d. 7 Dec. 1761. 3. Sampson Doe (Nicholas), born i April 1670, married (i) Temperance , (2) 4 Oct. 1716, Mary, widow of William Ayers of Portsmouth and daughter of Robert Hopley. He was baptized 21 March 1717/8, and wife, Mary, 19 March 1717/8. She married after his decease Stevens of Portsmouth. The will of Sampson Doe, 4 April 1748-29 May 1751, and her will, 1765, indicate the following children: Temperance bapt. 8 Dec. 1718. then 9 yrs. old. Not named in will. 5. Nicholas bapt. 7 June 1719; m. Elizabeth -. Martha bapt. 21 Nov. 17 19; m. Frost. Nathaniel bapt. 19 March 1717 8; m. abt. 1750, Sarah, dau. of David Watson. 6. Samuel bapt. 21 March 1717/8; m. Abigail, dau. of Andrew and Abigail (Follett) Wiggin. John bapt. 15 Nov. 1719. Not named in will. Elizabeth bapt. 22 Jan. 1722/3; m. James Stoodley. Zebulon bapt. 15 July 1725; m. Deborah Wiggin, perhaps (2) Rebecca . He had son, Zebulon, to whom he deeded land in 1770, and perhaps sons, Wiggin Doe who m. 4 March 1782 Mary Churchill, and Capt. Andrew Doe who m. 15 Jan. 1786 Polly Follett, (2) Mary Ann Tuttle and d. 13 Oct. 1857. Sarah bapt. 6 Dec. 1727; m. Samuel Frost after 1748. Widow in 1765. Mary m. (i) Wiggin, (2) Jonathan Smart. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 33 4. Benjamin Doe (John-, Nicholas ^) married Hannah Follett, daughter of Benjamin and Deborah. They had children: Benjamin bapt. 9 Sept. 1750. His will, 1798, gave to brother, Ebenezer, and sister, Hannah, wife of Parson Whidden. 7. Ebenezer b. 14 Dec. 1758; m. (i) Hannah Chesley, (2) Susanna Joy. Hannah b. 14 April 1761; m. 2 Nov. 1780, Parson Whidden of Lee. Rem. to Canterbury. Joshua d. at age of 24, in service on ship Paul Jones. Deborah d. at age of 24. 5. Children of Nicholas and Elizabeth Doe: Nathaniel m. in Maiden, Mass., 27 Sept. 1757, Mary Wright. L. in Newfield, Me. Ch., Simeon b. in Maiden 31 Aug. 1758, who m. in Rochester, 23 March 1786, Mary Weymouth and s. in Fairfield, Me. ; Nathaniel who m. in Rochester, 23 March 1786, Sarah Weymouth and s. in Waterville, Me.; Henry who s. in Augusta, Me.; John W., who s. in Tamworth and had seven sons, among whom was Dearborn Doe of Parsonsfield, Me. Joseph m. Martha, dau. of Walter Weeks; d. 1817. L. near Rockingham Junction. Ch., Walter who d. in Albany, N. Y.; Joseph b. 15 Nov. 1776, who m. Mary, dau. of Ebenezer Ricker, and s. in Rollinsford, being father of Judge Charles Doe, LL.D.; and Bartlett, who lived in Saratoga, N. Y. Gideon b. 1740; m. 1765, Elizabeth Conner, (2) 1798, Eunice Hill, (3) Sarah Oilman. He d. 8 April 1820. II ch. [Hist, of Parsonsfield, Me.] John b. 9 Sept. 1749; m. 27 Dec. 1773, Elizabeth Ames; d. 2 Feb. 1819. 8 ch. [See Hist, of Parsonsfield, Me.] 6. Samuel Doe (Sampson-, Nicholas^) married Abigail, daughter of Andrew and Abigail (Follett) Wiggin. She is men- tioned in the division of her father's estate in 1757. He lived on the "Neck Farm," .on Great Bay, in what is now Newmarket, which he sold in 1754 to Stephen Boardman. He was at the siege of Louisburg. His will, 6 Jan. 1767-6 Feb. 1767, names wife, Abigail, and children as follows: Bradstreet executor, soldier at Crown Point in 1758. Samuel m. 25 April 1763, Elizabeth Pickering, dau. of Joshua of Portsmouth. Jonathan. He d. 30 Jan. 1814, aged 74. [See Hist, of Sanbornton, N. H.] Zebulon, Lemuel, John, and Abigail. 134 HISTORY OF DURHAM 7. Ebenezer Doe (Benjamin^, John-, Nicholas^), born 14 Dec. 1758, died in Durham 23 Oct. 1839. He married (i) 27 April 1788, Hannah, daughter of Major Joseph and Susan (Hodgdon) Chesley, born 28 Dec. 1766. She died 20 Dec. 1808. He married (2) 18 Jan. 1810, Susanna, daughter of Dea. Samuel and Hannah (Meader) Joy. He lived at the Moat farm. Chil- dren recorded in Durham: Joshua b. 4 Feb. 1789; m. 27 May 1819, Nancy Torr; d. 18 March 1850. She d. 19 Sept. 1880. Ch., Ebenezer F,, who m. Lucy Folsom and had ch., Frank E., Anna, Mary F. and Edward, Charles, Horace, and Louise Allen. Ebenezer b. 28 April 1790; d. 28 May 1790. Benjamin b. 18 June 1791; m. Nancy M. Moore; d. 15 Nov. 1884. She was b. 1802 and d. 2 Aug. 1887. Ch., Philena and Olinthus N., both of whom d. s. p. Joseph b. 5 Jan. 1796; d. s. p. Hannah b. 3 April 1803; d. 2 Sept. 1803. Hannah b. 14 Nov. 1810; m. Issachar Wiggin, (2) Moses Wiggin. Francis Doe was of another branch of the Doe family. He married, (i) 24 Dec. 1796, Deborah Smith, (2) Molly Ellison. By first marriage there was one son, Alfred, who m. Martha Ellison and had children, Mary Francis, who m. (i) David Marston, (2) James Stevens, Abbie Jane who m. (i) John Tufts, (2) Melvin Philbrick, Caroline E., who m. (i) Roscoe Smith, (2) Samuel W. Durgin, sons, John, George W., and Charles A., all of Haverhill, Mass., and /. Frank of Manchester, N. H. By second marriage Francis Doe had Deborah who m. Benjamin Gear, Sally G. who m. 7 Nov. 1838, John Williams of Barrington, Nancy, Samuel who m. 21 March 1822, Nancy Ellison, and Elizabeth who m. 21 Oct. 1817, Joseph Ellison of Barrington. DREW (Compiled mainly by N. W. Davis, Winchester, Mass.) The Drews of England, Eng., claim descent from Drogo, son of Malger le Pons, who was uncle of William the Conqueror. Their coat of arms is thus described, "Ermine, a lion passant gules," and is one of the most ancient. William Drew, born without doubt in De\onshire, 1627, was rated at Oyster River in 1648. He lived on the south side of the river, at Drew's Point, where on a hilltop may be seen the cellar of the garrison house HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 35 built by him or by his son, Francis. On the lo Aug. 1653, there were granted to WilHam Drew sixty acres of upland, on the north side of Bransons Creek, joining to his marsh. This was laid out to his son, Francis, in 1669. The birth dates of William Drew, of his wife, Elizabeth, and of his brother, Thomas, are learned from depositions. William Drew died in April 1669. His widow Elizabeth, born 1628, daughter of Francis and Thomasine (Channon) Matthews married, 20 July 1671, William Follett. The inventory of Drew's estate shows a house, one cannon, two fishing boats and fishing tackle. His brother, Thomas Drew, born 1632, received the farm at Drew's Point in 1680 from William Follett and wife, Elizabeth, and he was killed by Indians, 18 July 1694. His widow, Mary, who married Richard Elliot of Portsmouth, quitclaimed the estate in favor of John, son of William Drew, who conveyed it to Stephen Jenkins in 1712, and he deeded it to James Langley in 1714. James Drew married Mary, daughter of John Jones of Ports- mouth, and died intestate in 1674. He left children, of whom were James and Nathaniel, who sold land in 1690. Another son was perhaps John Drew, carpenter, of Portsmouth, who about 1720 had worked for the Rev. Hugh Adams and brought suit against him for payment of a debt of £12, the price of work done by said John Drew and his son, John. [See Court Files at Con- cord.] The estate of Samuel Drew of Portsmouth was administered in 1669. Another Samuel Drew was surety for Elizabeth, widow of William Follett, in 1690. Thomas Footman died in 1667. His wife was Catherine Matthews. He desired "my brother Bengemin Mathews and William ffollett to assist my wife." She married (2) as second wife, William Durgin. William Durgin (William^) in a deposition made 22 Feb. 1734/5, aged about 63, says that 44 or 45 years ago he lived with "his Uncle William follitt" and raked hay on a certain marsh. [Court Files, No. 23424.] William Follett married Elizabeth, widow of William Drew. In 1682 he petitioned the Council in behalf of his daughter-in- law (step-daughter), Hannah, widow of Godfrey Brooking. She must have been daughter of Elizabeth Drew, since William 136 HISTORY OF DURHAM Follett had no children. [N. H. Probate Records, as published, Vol. I, p. 258.] Oct. 16, 1684, Thomasine Mathews, widow of Francis, out of love and affection to Will Brooking, ye son of Godfrie Brook- ing, deceased, her w^ell beloved grandchild, conveyed to him marshland on Johnson's Creek. [Landmarks in Ancient Dover. P-3I-] It follows that Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Thomasine (Channon) Matthews, married (i) William Drew, (2) William Follett. By first marriage she had a daughter, Hannah, who married Godfrey Brooking. [See Follett.] Thus William Follett was uncle by marriage to William Durgin, son of William. William Drew's children were: 2. Francis b. 1648; m. Lydia Bickford. 3. John b. 1651; m. Sarah Field, (2) Rebecca Cook. 4. Thomas m. Mary Bunker. Elizabeth m. Thomas Phillips* of Ipswich. Hannah m. (i) Godfrey Brooking, (2) Nicholas Follett, (3) Abraham Heseltine. 2. Francis Drew (William), born 1648, married, about 1672, Lydia Bickford, as a court record states. She was, doubtless, daughter of John and Temperance. At the massacre of 1694 Francis Drew was slain and his wife was captured and, on ac- count of feebleness, was left to die in the woods. His brother, John, was appointed administrator of Francis' estate, 16 Nov. 1694. The probate records declare that "whereas Thomas Drew, surviving son and eldest unto the aforesaid Francis deceased, is now returned out of the hands of the Indian enemy and claims administration upon his father's estate," his claim was granted, 16 Nov. 1696. Francis Drew's children were : 5. Thomas b. abt. 1672; m. Tamsen . 6. John m. . Benjamin b. 1685; captured and killed by Indians, 1694. Mary shown in adm. papers; m. Samuel Green of Stratham. Elizabeth m. Thomas Footman. 3. Sergt. John Drew (William^), born 165 1, settled, about 1675, on the west side of Dover Neck, where he engaged in the trade of Cooper. June 25, 1680, he purchased of William Follett, * May 22, 1734, Thomas Phillips of Ipswich, Mass., and Elizabeth, daughter of William Drew, late of Dover, sold to Meshech Drew all right in estate of our parent William Drew. [N. II. Prov. Deeds, XXI, 400.] HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 3/ his mother's second husband, lot No. 15 of the Back River grants, which was originally granted in 1642 to Samuel Haynes. Here he erected a dwelling. May 11, 1696, he bought of William Brackstone lot 14, of which Edward Starbuck was the original grantee, and 16 Aug. 1697, he acquired a further lot of twenty acres at the "Dead Pines," which he purchased of Zacharia'h Pitman. May 6, 1698, he bought of Thomas Austin twenty acres adjoining to the rear of lot 14, and on 6 June of the same year secured the Robert Huckins lot. No. 16. The William Pom- fret lot. No. 17, was purchased by him, 5 Feb. 1702, and on 5 June 1705 he bought of Richard and Sarah Paine of Boston lot No. 18, which was originally granted to Thomas Layton. Dec. 6, 1700, he purchased of Joshua Wingate twenty acres, bought twenty acres of Israel Hodgdon, 16 June 1702, and secured three quarters of an acre more of Hodgdon, adjoining lot 18, on i March 1706, which together with the Austin lot at the rear of No. 14 and one half an acre of salt marsh purchased of William Brookins, one half of a twenty acre lot purchased of John Derry, the twenty acre lot at the "Dead Pines," one half of his commonage in the Dry Pines and one half of a twenty acre lot at Moharimet's hill in Madbury he deeded to his then only son, Francis Drew, April 9, 1712, the first four lots lying on the south side of the way which led from his house to the Queen's Road. It has been thought by man}^ that John Drew was the builder of the old garrison now standing in Spruce Lane, which is commonly known as the Drew garrison, but original deeds which have recently come to light, as well as the deed above cited, show that his house stood considerably north of the garrison, and in fact not far from his own family burial ground, which can still be seen. The garrison took its present name from Joseph Drew, the great grandson of John, and came into his possession through the inheritance of his wife. It was apparently owned by William Dam and de- scended through the latter 's daughter, Leah, wife of Samuel Hayes, to Leah Nute, granddaughter of Leah Hayes, who married Joseph Drew. A careful perusal of a surveyor's plan will show that the garrison stands at the rear of lot 13, which was owned by William Dam, and in fact the Dam burial ground is on this lot between the garrison and the river, whereas the Drew burial ground is considerably farther north, where the inscription on Sergt. John Drew's headstone may be read even now. 138 HISTORY OF DURHAM James Tuttle quitclaimed his interest in this garrison to Joseph Drew in 1786. James Tuttle had no Drew ancestry. His wife was daughter of Jacob and Martha (Dam) Allen. Jacob and Martha Allen lived in one end of William Dam's garrison in 1701. • Samuel Hayes owned and lived in the garrison before Joseph Drew. Samuel Hayes married Leah, daughter of William Dam. Joseph Drew married Leah Nute, granddaughter of Samuel Hayes. The Drew Garrison (so called) at Back River Built by William Dam before 1695. The only garrison house remaining in Dover, N. H. The garrison, then, was originally owned by William Dam, and Provincial Papers say that soliders were stationed here from 7 Jan. 1695 to 7 Jan. 1696. Sept. I, 1 718. "Deposition of Sarah Drew, about seventy years of eage testifieth that I the deponent being a neare nabour to Marthew Giele and well know the s*^ Gile to fence porsess and improve all the salt mash liing between the Land comonly caled Joseph Fields and nicolus folets. upwards of fifty years ago and that i Lived with my brother Joseph Field about that time and heard him the s'^ giles aske field Leave to set a fence upon the HISTORY OF DURHAM I39 upland on fields side to fence in s*^ mash that is now in controverse betwen Thomas Footman and John Davis and i never new my brother feald or any other person Laying claim to s*^ mash before now the s*^ John Davis. " [Court Files, No. 17353.] John Drew was a selectman of Dover in 1701 and was a sergeant in the militia. He married (i) about 1675 Sarah, daughter of Darby Field. He married (2) 31 March 1720, Rebecca Cook, although they had children before that date and there was trouble in court about it. He died at Back River, Dover, 23 Oct. 1723, aged 73. His widow, Rebecca, married, 1724, Samuel Starbird of Dover, by whom she had Elizabeth born 4 July 1725, and Samuel born May 1727. John Drew's will is dated 31 Jan. 1721 and was probated 4 Dec. 1723. Children by first wife: Sarah m. John Field, 16 Jan. 1707. Elizabeth m. Love Roberts of Dover. 7. John m. Elizabeth Hopley, 24 May 1705. 8. Francis b. abt. 1682; m. Ann Wingate, 3 June 1713. Children by second wife : Hannah b. 26 Feb. 1709; m. Henry Hill. John b. 18 Oct. 1712; m. Patience Bunker and settled in Middleton, later returning to Dover. They were bapt. in Dover 2"] Dec. 1741. Abigail b. 21 June 1714; m. James Bibber of Harpswell, Me.;d. 1783. Rebecca b. 24 April 17 16; m. Clement Bunker, 2^^arch 1738/9- ^ Francis b. 9 Aug. 1720; d. 16 Feb. 1726. *Zebulon b. 9 Nov. 1 721; m. Sarah . 9. Lemuel b. 26 May 1723; m. Anna Bunker. 4. Thomas Drew (William), w'as aged 69, Feb. 22, 1734, when he made a deposition, in which he says that fifty years before "I lived with my father Follet." Family w^as recorded among the Society of Friends. A daughter of Thomas Drew, "aged near * Lieut. Zebulon Drew served in Capt. Winborn Adams' company in the Revolution. Black- smith. Had wife Sarah. Removed to Little Falls, Hoflis. Me., about 1776. The town is now Dayton. Said to have died about 1800 and to have had thirteen children, all of whom lived to advanced age. Among them were the following: Heztkiah born about 1760, who married 1780 Esther Ross of W'ells, Me., and had Lydia. Hezekiah, Joseph, Aaron, Jonathan and John; Mary, who married Nathaniel Buzzell of Durham; Comfort, who married Noah Smith, (2) Clark Drew, (3) William Ripley; Deborah, who married Daniel Smith; Jonathan born 1770 who married Sally Dow and removed from Dayton, Me., to Tuftonborough, N. H., where he was a blacksmith. He died in Moultonborough 6 Feb. 1866, having children, Hezekiah, Mary, Chandler, Daniel, John and Lydia. It may be that Levi and Moses Drew of Holderness were of the family of Zebulon Drew. Levi was born in 1743 and married Mary Baker, of Greenland, 10 Feb. 1771. 140 HISTORY OF DURHAM thirteen," was captured by Indians, 22 May 1707, and carried to Canada where she was baptized as Marie Anne, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Bunker) Drew, said to have been born in the spring of 1690. There was a Lydia Drew mentioned in Canada in 1710, still a captive. Thomas Drew, then, married Mary Bunker, doubtless daughter of James. He lived at Back River, Dover, and had a house on the "Plains" recently built in 1688. James b. 7 mo. 1683. 10. Thomas b. April 1689; m. Tamsen Ham. 11. William b. 9 mo. 1&Q2; m. Mary Huckins. 12. Clement b. i mo. 1^9 m. Mary Bunker, 20 May 1718. Lydia b. 10 mo. 1697; m. Francis Mathews, 28 Nov. 1720. Hannah b. 2 mo. 1699; m. John Bunker, 5 Feb. 1 720/1. 13. Meshech b. II mo. 1702; m. Abigail . Tamsen b. 5 mo. 1704. Patience b. 11 mo. 1707; m. William Hill, 21 Aug. 1729. Marie Anne b. in the spring of 1690, bapt. in Canada 2a Sept. 1709; naturalized there 25 June 1713. Third Generation 5. Thomas Drew (Francis-, William^), born about 1672, married Tamsen . He and wife were captured by Indians 1694. He was taken to Canada and his wife to Norridgewock, Me. Both returned before 1698. They lived on the shore of Little Bay, north of Branson's Creek, where they are said to have had fourteen children. They were admitted to church 3 March 1727. [See her deposition concerning her captivity.] She died at the age of 89. He died shortly after, at the age of 90. The place where they lived is now known as the Richard Kent place, and the old burial ground may be seen, with a few fallen headstones. The following children are known : Infant, killed by Indians while his mother was in captivity. 14. Joseph b. 1704; m. Elizabeth Adams. 15. Francis bapt. 5 April 1727; m. Phebe Adams. 16. Thomas bapt. 5 April 1727; m. Judith (?). 17. Elijah bapt. 5 April 1727. Tamsen bapt. 5 April 1727; m. (i) Joseph Drew, (2) Paul Hayes. Martha bapt. 5 April 1727; had land in Rochester, 1744. Abigail bapt. 5 April 1727; had land in Rochester, 1744. Mary bapt. 5 April 1727; had land in Rochester, 1744. John bapt. 6 Aug. 1727; had deed from his father in 1744. Ruth bapt. 6 Aug. 1727. HISTORY OF DURHAM I4I 6. John Drew (Francis^, William^ escaped through a window at the time of the massacre, 1694, and probably was killed by Indians, 27 April 1706, as says Pike's Journal. Dec. 29, 1727, Joseph Wheeler and Mary, his wife, Zachariah Edgerly and Joanna, his wife, deeded to Francis Mathes thirty acres, "granted to our father John Drew of Oyster River deceased, which grant was granted to him the 23 of June 1701." [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XXIV, 452.] Notice that this John Drew was of Oyster River, and John Drew, Sr., never lived at Oyster River. Again, 13 July 1747 John Drew, Joseph Drew, Joseph Wheeler and wife, Mary, Zachariah Edgerly and wife, Joanna, divide land in Durham which Thomas Drew, son of Francis, purchased of Margaret Squire in 1701. [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XXXIII, 395.] It is probable that John Drew married and that his wife was slain at the same time he was, and that they had two daughters: Mary m. Joseph Wheeler, 11 Feb. 1724/5. Joanna m. Zachariah Edgerly, 11 May 1727. 7. John Drew (John^, WilliamOr born about 1680 married, 24 May 1705, Elizabeth, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Tucker) Hopley of Portsmouth. He died at Back River, Dover, in 171 1. His widow married before 1734 ■ — Pinkham. 18. John b. 17 Oct. 1707; m. Abigail Wingate. Elizabeth b. 2 Oct. 1709; m. • Yeaton, father of Hopley Yeaton (?). 19. Francis b. 24 Jan. 1712; m. Mary Hicks. 8. Francis Drew (John-, William^, born about 1682, married, 3 June 1713, Ann Wingate, daughter of Capt. John and Ann, born in Dover 2 Feb. 1694. He lived near the old garrison at Back River, where he died 10 May 171 7. His widow married, I Jan. 1719, Daniel Titcomb of Dover, by whom she had Ann, Enoch, John, Abigail, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Sarah and Mary Titcomb. She died in 1787. Her will, 1766, may be seen in Strafford County Probate Records, Vol. II, p. 317. JFrancis Drew had only one child, 20. Joseph b. 8 April 171 7; m. Tamsen Drew. 9. Lemuel Drew (John^, William^, born 26 May 1723, married, about 1745, Anna Bunker, daughter of Joseph and Ann (Giles) Bunker. He died on his farm at Back River, 25 Sept. 1759. His widow married Joseph Stevenson of Dover, by whom 142 HISTORY OF DURHAM she had children, Abigail who m. Gillette, Lemuel who m. Tibbetts, Margaret who m. Benjamin Wiggin, and Thomas who m. Sarah Johnson. Lemuel Drew was a soldier in King George's War and served as pilot to the volunteers under Capt. Ichabod Tibbetts, entering service 31 March 1744. It is stoutly claimed by descendants of Levi Drew of Holderness that Lemuel Drew had son, Levi, born 1743, who married Mary Baker, and another son, Moses of Holderness. If this be true, Lemuel Drew probably had a first wife, whose name has not been learned. I have found no documentary proof of this. Lemuel's family as here given is found in an old family Bible. 21. Jedidiah b. 4 Nov. 1748; m. Abigail . Jonathan b. 20 March 1750; m. Olive, dau. of Samuel and Olive (Kingman) Winkley; 1. in Barrington. Sobriety b. 15 May 1752; m. Ephraim Bunker. Temperance b. 15 March 1755; m. Jacob Thomas. 22. Andrew b. 25 March 1758; m. Joanna Hodgdon. 10. Thomas Drew (Thomas-, William^, born April 1689, married Tamsen, daughter of Joseph and Tamsen (Meserve) Ham who was born 19 July 1698. He received the homestead from his father in 1744. She was a widow in 1758 and married (2) Thomas Spinney of Kittery. Her death was published in a Portsmouth paper, 21 May 1799, "aged 90." When she was a girl, she was held captive several years by the Indians. The following were probably children of Thomas Drew: Thomas, Jr. m. Sarah, a granddaughter of Joseph and Tamsen (Meserve) Ham, as a deed shows. The will of Thomas Drew of Madbury was probated in 1783, naming wife Sarah, son William, daughter Betty, wife of Richard Hussey, and daughters, Patience and Hannah. David, who had a deed from Thomas Drew, Jr., in 1738. He m. (i) Abigail Boody and had daughter, Molly, who m. 21 Feb. 1774, David Swain. David Drew m. (2) 24 April 1755, Widow Mary Evans of Durham and had chil- dren, James, Clement, Joseph, David, Molly, who m. 1784, Moses Fobs, Nabby who m. Samuel Garland, and Comfort who m. Saunders. The above David Drew, son of David and Mary (Evans), was born in Durham 2 July 1758 and removed to Barrington and thence to Barnstead, where he died 14 Jan. 1842. He married, 21 Dec. 1780, Martha, daughter of Richard and Mary (Clark) Waldron, born 28 Oct. 1759. She died 29 May 1855. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 43 Joseph b. ii Aug. 1781; d. 8 March 1857; m. Abigail Foss. ' Ch., Anson, Martha, Polly. David b. 6 Nov. 1783; d. 24 March 1814. Jonathan b. 28 July 1786; d. 28 Sept. 1865; m. Mary Hall. In 1837 he went to Richmond, Ohio, and thence to New- ton, Iowa. Ch., David, Alvin, Obed, Aaron, Joseph, Jonathan H., Dolly E., Elizabeth C, and Mary Emily. Martha b. 19 Nov. 1788; d. 11 Sept. 1877; m. 11 Jan. 1816 Mark S. Blunt. Dolly b. 2 March 1791 ; d. 18 Feb. 1843, Aaron b. 12 Aug. 1793; d. 24 Oct. 1869; m. Elizabeth Gil- man. Ch., Orrin G., David, Elizabethand Aaron, whom. Mary Blunt. Orrin G. Drew m. Mary Emily, dau. of Jonathan Drew, who was b. 26 Sept. 1830. Lived in Richmond, Ohio, and Newton, Iowa, and had children, Edwin C, d. at age of 18, Eliza E., who m. George G. Gwearingen of Madison Lake, Minn., William L., who is professor of law in Cornell University, and Gilman A., who is professor of biology at the University of Maine and instructor in the Maine Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass. Abraham b. 12 March 1796; d. 2 Aug. 1822; m. Norris and had Waldron, Margaret and Martha. LovEY b. 24 Nov. 1801; d. 10 Aug. 1875; m- Humphrey Edgecomb. 11. William Drew (Thomas', William^ married Mary, daughter of Robert and Welthen (Thomas) Huckins. William Drew and wife Deborah sold land to Solomon Davis in 1765. William Drew was selectman in Durham in 1744 and 1754 and was living in 1772, In 1755 he deeded land to William Drew, Jr., and in 1764 he deeded his homestead to Benjamin Drew. He had a daughter. Love Drew, who married Elijah Tibbetts, 23 Dec. 1738. Benjamin Drew of Durham and wife, Elizabeth, sold land to Moses Davis in 1765. Widow Elizabeth Drew was taxed in Durham in 1783 and 1786. [Seepage 117.] March 29, 1750 William Drew of Durham and wife Mary sold to Joseph Smith right, etc., to 100 acres formerly granted to "our great grandfather Robert Burnham. " [Deed at Exeter.] 12. Clement Drew (Thomas^, William^) married, 20 May 1718, Mary, daughter of Joseph Bunker and lived in Madbury. Clement Drew, Jr., w^as taxed in Madbury in 1765. Clement Drew sold nineteen acres in Madbury to Joseph Drew in 1771. 13. Meshech Drew (Thomas-, William^), had wife, Abigail, who with daughter. Patience, was baptized in Dover, 25 April 144 HISTORY OF DURHAM 1742. He and wife sold land to Joseph Drew of Madbury in 1765. Meshech Drew's estate was administered in 1786. Fourth Generation 14. Joseph Drew (Thomas^ Francis^ William^, born 1704, married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. Hugh and Susanna (Winborn) Adams, who was born in Chatham, Mass., 5 May 1 7 13. He and wife, Elizabeth, witnessed a deed of the Rev, Hugh Adams to his son, Samuel, 2 June 1743, and purchased of John Adams, son of Hugh, 3 Oct. 1754, land near the Durham meeting house. Both were living in Durham, 24 Dec. 1790, when they made depositions, showing that he was born in 1704 and she in 1713. 23. Joseph b. 26 Oct. 1738; d. in Durham 18 March 1776; m. Elizabeth, widow of Ebenezer Crommett and dau. of Daniel and Elizabeth ( ) Davis. 24. John b. Aug. 1740; d. 25 Jan. 1825; m. Jane Scruton, who was b. 18 Nov. 1747 and d. 23 July 1812. He 1. in Alton, Barnstead and Loudon. 25. Elijah b. 13 July 1747; d. in Newficld, Me., 18 Nov. 1841 ; m. (i) Lucy Chesley, (2) Abigail Clarage of Kittery, Me. Sally b. 22> Nov. 1757; d. at Newfield, Me., 13 Oct. 1851; m. 15 July 1776, Thomas, son of Daniel and Elizabeth ( ) Davis, who was b. in 1748 and d. at Newfield, Me., 3 Feb. 1832. Samuel d. in Durham March 1800. His will names mother, Elizabeth, then 1. and ch. of brother, John, and sister, Sally. 15. Francis Drew (Thomas^, Francis^, William^ married Phebe, daughter of Dr. Samuel and Phebe (Chesley) Adams. Dr. Samuel Adams in his will, 1762, names daughter, Phebe Drew. Jan. 17, 1754, Samuel and Rebecca Adams deed land in Nottingham to son-in-law, Francis Drew. [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XLIV, 490.] 16. Thomas Drew (Thomas^, Francis-, William^) is supposed to be the one of Madbury who had wife, Judith {}), in 1762, when they sold land to Vincent Torr. Thomas Drew had land of his father, in Rochester, in 1741. He was admitted to Church in Rochester 6 Dec. 1741 and had the following children baptized. Thomas Drew died in Rochester in 1806, aged 95. Mary Nov. 1735. Samuel 8 Aug. 1742. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 45 Hannah 19 Dec. 1750. Benjamin 19 Dec. 1750. Martha 14 Aug. 1751. Sarah 15 Aug. 1755. 17. Elijah Drew (Thomas^, Francis-, William'), received from his father in 1738 all right in estate of his (Thomas') father, Francis Drew, and of his grandfather, William Drew. He is mentioned in town records in 1749. 18. John Drew (John^ John^, William'), born 17 Oct. 1707, married prior to 1737 Abigail Wingate, daughter of John and Ann, and settled near the middle mill, on the west side of Salmon Falls River, in Somersw^orth. He was killed by lightning at Daniel Pitman's on a Sunday, May 1745. Widow Abigail was living in Somersworth in 1748. Children: John of Somersworth. Probably others. 19. Francis Drew (John\ John-, William'), born 24 Jan. 1712, married before 1737 Mary, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Davis) Hicks of Madbury, born Jan. 1725. He died in Madbury Feb. 1 79 1. His will is dated i Jan. and was probated 9 March of that year. He may have had a second wife, Sarah. Elizabeth bapt. 31 July 1740; m. Benjamin Wentworth. Lois bapt. 31 July 1740; m. Capt. Ephraim Davis of Mad- bury. Benaiah bapt. 25 Aug. 1743; not named in his father's will. 25a. Francis bapt. 22 May 1746; m. Lydia Furber. 26. John born April 1747; m. Tamsen Drew, (2) Lois Tasker, (3) Dorothy Jackson. 26a. Andrew b. 12 March 1750, m. Hannah Davis. ' Sarah m. Joseph Smith. 20. Joseph Drew (Francis^ John^, William'), born 8 April 171 7, married Tamsen, daughter of Thomas and Tamsen Drew, who w^as born about 17 18. He died in 1757, and his widow married Paul Hayes, Sr., of Barrington, where she w^as living in 1789. Children of Joseph Drew, all born at Back Ri\-er: 27. Francis b. 1738; m. Elizabeth Watson, (2) Widow Eunice Evans. 28. Elijah b. 1740; m. Abigail Thomas. 29. Joseph b. 11 Oct. 1747; m. Leah Nute, (2) Elizabeth Libby. Tamsen b. 1750; m. Capt. John Drew, son of Francis, of Barrington. Abigail m. Paul Hayes, Jr., of Barrington. 146 HISTORY OF DURHAM 21. Jedidiah Drew (LemueP, John^, William^) was born at Back River, Dover, 4 Nov. 1748. He married Abigail and removed to Wolfeboro, where he died in Jan. 1817. Thomas Stevenson of Wolfeboro was appointed executor of his will, and widow, Abigail, waived provisions which he had made for her, 8 June 1817. His land adjoined that of his nephew, John Drew, son of Andrew, who was then deceased. His children were Jedidiah, George, Lemuel, Andrew, Daniel and Enoch. 22. Andrew Drew (LemueF, John', William^ was born at Back River, Dover, 25 March 1758. He married, 18 Sept. 1785, Joanna, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Jones) Hodgdon (Shad- rach^, IsraeF, IsraeP, Nicholas^), who was born in Nottingham, 25 Aug. 1 76 1. In 1788 he removed to Brookfield and thence to Durham Point in 181 7, where he bought a farm not far from the site of the first Drew garrison. He died in Durham 19 Dec. 1854. His wife died 31 July 1852. See chapter on Military History. 30. John b. 25 March 1786; m. Nancy A. Wiggin; d. 1816 in Wolfeboro. Israel b. 16 Nov. 1788; m. 14 Dec. 1813, Esther Dearborn. 5 ch., one of whom was Col. Jeremiah D. Drew b. in Brookfield 29 July 182 1, d. in Lawrence, Mass., 2 May 1905, who served as captain, major and lieutenant- colonel in the Civil War. Francis b. i April 1791; m. Olive Dearborn. Ch., Caroline A. b. 7 March 1818, who m. Henry Lang, Lydia A. b. 28 Aug. 1820, Mary E. b. 30 Oct. 1822, and Susan A. b. 19 Oct. 1827. 31. Joseph b. 23 Oct. 1793; m. Bithiah Johnson. Lydia b. 13 Oct. 1796; m. Oliver Wiggin. Ch., George A. b. 20 Feb. 1838, and John F. b. 13 Dec. 1840. 32. Nicholas b. 7 April 1799; d. in Durham 9 Sept. 1895. 33. Lemuel b. 16 Feb. 1803; m. Lydia Hayes Twombly. Fifth Generation 23. Joseph Drew (Joseph'*, Thomas^ Francis-, William^, born at Little Bay in Durham 26 Oct. 1738, died in Durham 18 March 1776. He married, in 1769, Elizabeth, widow of Ebenezer Crommett and daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth ( — ) Davis. She was appointed administratrix of his estate 12 March 1777, Children born in Durham: 34. Andrew b. 4 June 1770; m. Hannah Weeks. Obadiah b. 15 April 1772; d. 28 Oct. 1826. Benaiah b. in 1774; d. April 1824. HISTORY OF DURHAM I47 24. John Drew (Joseph'*, Thomas^, Francis^, William^), born at Little Bay in Durham Aug. 1740, died 25 Jan. 1825. He re- sided in Alton, Barnstead and Loudon. He purchased 1,900 acres in Alton and Barnstead and gave a farm to each of his children. He married, 12 Feb. 1773, Jane Scruton, who was born 18 Nov. 1747 and died 23 July 1812. Twelve children: Lydia b. 12 Dec. 1773; m. 16 July 1797, George Durgin of Loudon. Ch., Charles, Louisa, Sophronia, Julia, Jane, Evelina and Maria, all b. in Loudon. Ebenezer b. 12 Aug. 1775; d. 1810. 35. Joseph b. 2 Nov. 1776, at Alton; m. Leah Jones. Betsey b. 12 July 1778 at Loudon; m. Lemuel Hill and rem. to Starksboro, Vt. She d. 10 Nov. 1857. Ch., Jane, Sally, Henry, Hiram, John and a twin brother. Anna m. Joseph Edgerly. Thomas b. 2 June 1781 ; m. Sophronia Wood. Martha b. 25 July 1784; m. 1807, Thomas Proctor of Barnstead, who was b. 12 June 1783 and d. 25 June i856._ She d. 15 Oct. 1825. Ch., John D., Thomas K., Fannie W., Joseph L., Jane D., Mary, Samuel B., William. 36. John b. 27 April 1786; 1. in Alton. Elijah b. 12 Feb. 1788; d. 9 Nov. 1826. Samuel b. 13 March 1790; d. 2 Oct. 1800. Susan b. 13 April 1792; m. James Langley. 37. James b. 18 June 1795; d. 29 June 1874. 25. Elijah Drew (Joseph^, Thomas^ Francis^, William^, born at Little Bay in Durham 14 July 1747, died at Newfield, Me. 18 Nov. 1841. He married (i) Lucy, dau. of Col. Samuel and Sarah (Hicks) Chesley, who died Sept. 1786, (2) 10 June 1787, Abigail Clarage of Kittery, Me., who was born 20 Sept. 1753 and died at Dover, 20 Oct. 1843. He removed to Newfield, Me., in 1789, or Washington Plantation, as it was then called. Here he lived at what has since been known as Drew's Corner. He was moderator of the first town meeting in W'ashington, 1791. Children by first wife, all born in Durham: Samuel Chesley b. 26 Nov. 1774; m. Lucy Pease. Betsey Adams b. 20 April 1776; m. William Gordon. Joseph b. 9 Dec. 1777; m. Eliza Shaw; d. in Limerick, Me., 26 Dec. 1853. He was deacon in the church at New- field, Me. Chesley b. 11 June 1780; m. 20 Sept. 1804, Sally Ayer. He was a physician in W'est Newfield, Me. Winborn Adams b. 9 April 1782; m. 8 June 1806, Jane 148 HISTORY OF DURHAM (Ayer) Lord, (2) Martha C. Ayer, sister of first wife. He d. 16 Oct. 1859. 9ch. Lucy Chesley b. 13 Sept. 1786; m. 5 July 1801, Davidson Webster. Children by second marriage: Lois Clarage b. 25 Feb. 1788; m. John Hobbs, (2) Benjamin Gordon. Stephen b. 7 April 1791; m. 26 Oct. 1817 Harriet Watson; d. 25 Feb. 1872. He was for 55 vears a physician at Milton, N. H. John A. b. 31 May 1793; m. Mary Hersom and rem. from Newfield to Boston. 10 ch. 25a. Francis Drew (Francis^, John^, John-, William^), bap- tized 22 May 1746, married Lydia Furber and lived in Mad- bury, where the following children are recorded without telling who their parents were: Benaiah b. 10 April 1770; m. 12 Nov. 1795, Sarah, dau. of Joseph and Lydia (Brewster) Hicks and I. on the Hicks farm, where he was buried. His wife d. i April 1805, aged 24. He d. 5 Feb. 1826, aged 55. One dau. Lydia H. b. 3 Dec. 1796, who m. 15 March 1818, John, son of John and Dolla (Waterhouse) Kingman of Bar- rington, and d. 23 Nov. 1828, leaving 4 ch., Sarah Ajtne b. 15 Nov. 1818, d. 15 June 1841, m. 3 Sept. 1840 David Burbank and had son, John; John William b. i Jan. 1821, d. 1903, m. Mary Christy and had 5 ch.; Lydia Celia b. 23 Aug. 1824, d. unm. 28 Oct. 1848; Charles Henry, b. 29 Jan. 1827, d. 10 Nov. 1868, m. Mary E. Hanson and had 4 ch. Timothy b. 8 Feb. 1772. He signed a deed in 1795. Ezra b. 24 March 1774; m. Ann Pickering. [See Hist, of Hampton.] Robert b. 26 March 1776. Sarah b. 29 March 1784. 26. Capt. John Drew (Francis^ John'\ John-, William^), born in Madbury, April 1747, was a captain in the Revolution. He took part in the expedition to Crown Point and in the battle of Saratoga, besides earlier service. He lived for a while in Bar- rington and removed to Barnstead before 1782. He married (i) before 1772 Tamsen, daughter of Joseph and Tamsen (Drew) Drew, who was born in 1750, (2) Lois Tasker of Madbury, from whom he separated in 1781, (3) Dorothy Jackson, who was born in 1 761. Children by first marriage, all born in Barrington: HISTORY OF DURHAM I49 John went to Quebec and was impressed on board a British man-of-war, and was never heard from. Joseph m. Polly Eaton and rem. to Canada. Ch., John of Danville, Vt., Elisha who d. in Ohio, Samuel of Barton, Vt., and Joseph of Rochester, N. Y. Sally m. Francis Winkley of Barrington. Children by third marriage, born at Barnstead; Samuel Chesley b. 1783; m. Judith Ann Edgerly. Polly b. 1789; m. John Drake of Moira, N. Y. Tamsen b. 1793; m. Abraham Atwater of Chateaugay, N. Y. Betsey b. Oct. 1795; m. John P. Hill of Barnstead, a soldier of the War of 1812; rem. to Moira, N. Y. 26a. Andrew Drew (Francis^, John^, John^, William^), born 12 March 1750, married (i) Hannah, daughter of Ephraim and Ruth ( ) Davis, (2) Esther daughter of Winthrop and Love (Cromwell) Bickford, who was born 17 May 1766 and died 12 Feb. 1844. He was constable in 1781 and was living at the region known as Pascataqua Bridge in 1793. He removed to Holderness, now Ashland, about 1808 and died there 2 Feb. 1 84 1. Children by first marriage were: Ruth b. i June 1773. Ephraim b. 21 Oct. 1775; 1. in Boston. Sarah b. 4 Jan. 1778; m. 4 June 1807, Robert Butler. Hannah b. 15 March 1783. Francis b. 12 May 1785; d. 28 Jan. 1788. Children by second marriage : Avis b. 15 Aug. 1801; m. Samuel S. Baker of Holderness; d. 2-j May 1875. Andrew b. 12 Nov. 1803; d. 28 Dec. 1850. Emily W. b. 2 Feb. 1808; d. Nov. 1892. Sophronia b. 25 Nov. 1809; d. 5 Feb. 1880. 27. Francis Drew (Joseph^, Francis^, John^, William^), born 1738, bapt. in Dover 24 May 1741, died at Back River, Dover, 6 Jan. 1824. He married (i) 1761, Elizabeth Watson, dau. of Isaac and Elizabeth, born about 1742, (2) 9 Oct. 1818, Eunice, widow of Miles Evans, who was born in 1742 and died 21 Feb. 1823. April 2, 1762, he conveyed to his brother, Elijah, all right, etc., in the estate of his father, Joseph Drew. Francis b. 1762; d. 1845; m. 10 June 1795, Mary, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Pinkham) Jones of Madbury. Enoch b. 1766; d. 11 Dec. 1862; m. before 1795, Elizabeth, dau. of William Hanson, who was b. 1773 and d. 14 Oct. 1863. 150 HISTORY OF DURHAM 38. Caleb b. 1771 ; m. Lydia Evans. 39. Daniel b. 1778; m. Anne Nute. William b. 1781; d. 6 Dec. 1863; m. 23 Sept. 1802, Mary T. Nute, dau. of Lieut. Samuel and Sarah (Welch) Nute, who was b. 23 June 1779 and d. 31 Dec. 1826. Lydia m. Wallingford. 28. Elijah Drew (Joseph^, Francis'', John^, William^), born 1740, married before 29 Nov. 1762 Abigail, dau. of John and Abigail (Hodgdon) Thomas. Her mother was Abigail Hodgdon, who m. (i) 7 Jan. 1724/5, Samuel Gear, (2) 24 Dec. 1733 John Thomas, (3) 31 Aug. 1769 Samuel Hayes. Elijah Drew died at Dover 10 March 1811. He lived on his father's estate at Back River, purchasing the interests of all the other heirs at the latter's decease. 40. William b. 15 Dec. 1764; m. Martha Pickering. Joseph. John rem. to Skowhegan, Me. Sarah m. 31 May 1781, Moses Emerson. Mary m. Jonathan Twombly. Deborah m. Ephraim Twombly. 29. Joseph Drew (Joseph*, Francis^, John^, William^, born II Oct. 1747, died 9 Feb. 1824. He lived in the old garrison house at Back River. Dover, which was afterward known as Drew's garrison, and where all his children were born. This garrison was originally built by William Dam. Joseph Drew married (i) 1771, Leah Nute, who was born 4 July 1752 and died 3 Aug. 1815, (2) 1819, Elizabeth Libby, who died 6 Nov. 1824. The following children were by first marriage: Joseph b. 16 Nov. 1771 ; d. 8 May 1849. 41. Shadrach b. 7 Dec. 1773; m. Martha Winkley. Jeremy b. 17 Jan. 1776; d. 14 March 1798. Nicholas b. 16 May 1778; d. 16 May 1800. Samuel b. 26 April 1780; d. 15 Jan. 1814. Had ch., Sarah, Lucy and Emeline. Jonathan b. 26 July 1 782 ; d. 3 Feb. 1833. Valentine b. 28 Dec. 1784; d. 20 March 1837. Jacob b. 19 Jan. 1787; d. June 1861. Ezra b. 16 July 1789; rem. to Brunswick, Me., where he d. 27 March 1868, Ch., Henry and Edwin of San Francisco, Charles of Lowell, Mass., and Lydia A. of Brunswick. Abigail b. 21 Jan. 1792; d. 18 March 1838; m. F. Hayes of Barrington and Alton. HISTORY OF DURHAM I5I 42. William Plaisted b. 20 June 1794; d. 25 Oct. 1868. Jeremy b. 25 Aug. 1798; d. 15 April 1864 at Otsego, Mich. 30. John Drew (Andrew*, LemueF, John^. WilHam'), born in Dover, 25 March 1786, died in Wolfeboro in 18 16 . He married Nancy A. Wiggin. Children: Andrew J. b. 25 March 1812; m. Lydia Veasey and had John F. b. 5 Oct. 1836, Lydia A. b. 5 July 1838, Charles W. b. 10 March 1840, Henry b. 21 Feb. 1844, George b. II July 1852, and Burleigh b. 7 Dec. 1854. Betsey A. b. 17 Feb. 1814; m. Hollis Young. Ch., Thomas F. b. 3 March 1836, John A. b. 26 May 1839, and Alban J. b. 13 Oct. 1841. 31. Joseph Drew (Andrew*, LemueF, John^, William^, born in Brookfield 22, Oct. 1793, married, Nov. 1817, Bithiah Johnson, who was born 7 June 1796 and died 14 Feb. 1880. He died 23 Sept. 1870. George H. b. 4 April 1819, d. 14 April 1832. Joanna b. 23 Dec. 1820; m. 16 March 1841, John W. Lang of Wakefield and 1. in Brookfield. She d. 29 May 1903. John b. 30 Dec. 1823; m. 22 March 1848, Martha A. Mathes; d. 10 April 1886. He 1. in Durham. Wife was b. 28 June 1826 and d. 12 Jan. 1907. Ch., Lovey Ann b. 22 Dec. 1853, who m. 12 April 1877, Alvin Jackson of Durham and d. 22 Nov. 1904; Mary B. b. 31 Dec. 1862, who m. 6 April 1887, Edward A. Marston and had children. Bertha Drew Marston b. 14 Oct. 1889, Charles Edward Marston b. 29 May 1891, James Abial Marston b. 2 May 1896, Rushton David Marston b. 29 June 1901, and Mary Alice Marston b. 3 Oct. 1903; Rev. William James b. 13 Oct. 1868, who graduated at Berea College in 1891 and at Xenia Seminary in 1894. He has had pastorates at Elmira, 111., Dwight, 111., and is now pastor of the Congre- gational church at Marshall, 111. He m. (i) 24 Dec. 1892, Cassandra Plummer, who d. 7 Nov. 1893, (2) 9 July 1895, Sara E. Dillencourt of Xenia, Ohio. They have one child, Helen, b. at Elmira, 21 Dec. 1897. Henry Augustus b. 19 Dec. 1825; m. 2 Feb. 1853, Sarah Tuttle, (2) Abigail Shaw and 1. in Durham and Strafford. Ch., Mary Caroline b. 3 Oct. 1855, Sarah Margaret b. 29 Jan. 1857, and, by second marriage, Nellie S. b. 26 Nov. 1867. 32. Nicholas Drew (Andrew^ LemueF, John^, William^), born in Brookfield, 7 April 1799, married (i) Mary Ann, dau. of Moses and Lovey (Thompson) Edgerly, who was born 17 Oct. 152 HISTORY OF DURHAM 1808 and died 8 Oct. 1845, (2) Hannah Jenkins of Madbury, who d. 14 Feb. 1 88 1. He resided in Durham, on the north shore of Great Bay, from 1837 till his death, 9 Sept. 1895. He was a member of the Durham Artillery Company when it received General Lafayette on his last tour through the States. Children all born in Durham: Ellen K. b. 20 Sept. 1833; m. Oliver Knowlton of New- market. Ch., Charles F. b. 28 June 1856, Herbert H. b. 20 Aug. i860, Jennie M. b. 12 Aug. 1862, m. Charles H. Wiggin. John Francis b. 4 Sept. 1835; m. Ann E. Nute of Durham. Ch., b. in Durham, Charles F. b. 3 Dec. i860, Nellie M. b. 14 Oct. 1867. Elizabeth b. 22 June 1839; m. E. A. Young of New- market. Ch., Elmer J. b. 5 Feb. 1867, Josephine M. b. 24 Nov. 1876. Mary Ann b. 28 Dec. 1843; m. W. J. Channell of Durham. Ch., Martha C. b. 15 April 1862, John F. b. 3 Oct. 1863, Elizabeth J. b. 7 May 1865, Horace b. 27 Oct. 1868, Alice J. b. 3 April 1870, and Ellen G. b. 5 May 1873. 33. Lemuel Drew (Andrew^ LemueF, John-, William^), born in Brookfield 16 Feb. 1803, married, 1824, Lydia Hayes, dau. of Ezekiel and Abigail (Nute) Twombly of Durham. (Isaac^ William^ John^, RalphO, who was born in 1806, granddaughter of Lieut. James Nute of the Revolutionary Army. He lived in Brookfield, Durham and, after 1842, Newmarket. Engaged in the packet service between Portsmouth and river towns. He died at the home of his son, Charles A. Drew, in Dover 27 July 1879- 43. William Henry b. 22 Nov. 1825; m. Dolly M., dau. of John French of Newmarket. Aaron b. 14 Jan. 1827. 44. George Kittredge b. 11 March 1828; m. Lucy L. French. Charles E. b. Sept. 1832; d. 1842. Sarah Abigail b. 4 Dec. 1834; m. 22 Jan. 1854, Charles Franklin, son of Calvin and Sarah (Lucy) Davis, b. in Barrington 21 Dec. 1831, (2) 28 Feb. 1891, Joseph W. Gate of Dover. John Wingate b. 19 Jan. 1838; d. 13 May 1901 in Dover; m. (i) Sarah B. Willey, (2) Ann (Nute) Drew, widow of his cousin, John Francis Drew, son of Nicholas. Eliza A. b. Nov. 1841 ; d. 1842. 45. Charles Albert b. 2 Feb. 1844; m. Mary Elizabeth Foss. history of durham i53 Sixth Generation 34. Capt. Andrew Drew (Joseph^, Joseph'', Thomas', Francis^ WilHam'), born in Durham 4 June 1770, married, 13 Sept. 1792, Hannah, dau. of Nicholas and Rhoda (Hutchins) Weeks, who was born in Kittery 13 July 1773 and died at Newfield, Me., 3 May 1855. He died at Newfield 24 Jan. 1847. Children born at Newfield: Samuel Weeks b. 19 June 1793; d. 13 Jan. 1804. Rhoda b. 13 June 1795; d. 10 Sept. 1798. Andrew b. 25 April 1797; m. 2 Feb. 1823, Margery Pep- perrell Wentworth; d. 15 Oct. 1859; 7 ch. Rhoda b. 16 March 1799; d. 19 Jan. 1804. Joseph b. 29 June 1801 ; d. 15 Jan. 1804. Nicholas b. i May 1803; d. 10 Dec. 1825. 35. Joseph Drew (John'', Joseph*, Thomas^, Francis^, William^) , born at Alton 2 Nov. 1776, married, 24 Jan. 1805, Leah Jones and had children: Elizabeth b. 12 Dec. 1805; m. 16 June 1834, Joseph Hall. Selina b. 12 Nov. 1807. Lydia b. 14 March 1810. Mary Jane b. 13 Dec. 1816. Martha Ann b. 19 June 18 19; m. Hazen Pickering of Barnstead. Susan Jones b. 5 Sept. 1822; m. John L. Kelley. Lavinia E. b. II Nov. 1827; m. Ira L. Berry. 36. John Drew (John^ Joseph'*, Thomas^ Francis^ W'illiam^, born in Alton 2"] April 1786, died in Alton in 1867. He married, 4 Jan, 1810, Charlotte, dau. of Eleazerand Sarah (Cook) Davis of Madbury and Alton, who was born in Alton, 21 Dec. 1790 and died in 1870. Children all born in Alton : Eleazer b. in 1810. Sally b. in 1812; m. 1842, George Hall. Jane b. in 1814; m. 1835, Winborn Drew. Sophronia b. in 1816; m. 1837, Joseph Nutter. Charlotte b. in 1818; m. 1842, John Tw^ombly. John b. in 1821; m. 1843, Sarah Hobbs. Joseph b. in 1824; m. 1847, Mary Bodge. George Francis b. 6 Aug. 1827; m. 1852, Amelia Dickens of Americus, Ga. He d. in Jacksonville, Fla., 25 Sept. 1900. He was governor of Florida in 1876, a business man of large influence. Helen b. 1831 ; d. 1881. 37. James Drew (John^, Joseph'', Thomas', Francis^, William'), 154 HISTORY OF DURHAM born in Loudon i8 June 1795, died 29 June 1874. He married (i) 22 Dec. 1817, Hannah Clark, born 29 March 1799, died 12 Oct. 1842, He married (2) 17 Aug. 1845, Lucy Clark who was born 23 July 1792 and died 28 Feb, 1859, (3) 8 May i860, Sarah B. Plummer, who was born 10 Dec. 1803 and died 4 Feb. 1880. Ebenezer C. b. 8 Feb. 1819; d. 30 July 1864. John G. b. 17 Nov. 1820. Jane E. b. 6 Jan. 1823. Charles b. 20 June 1825. James Horace b. 26 Aug. 1835. 38. Caleb Drew (Francis^ Joseph^, Francls\ John^, Wil- liamO, born in Dover in 1771, died at Back River, 16 April 1830. He married Lydia, dau. of Col. Stephen Evans. She was born in 1776 and died 10 Dec. 1843. Jacob d. unm. Samuel. Evans d. unm. Alphonso m. — • Critchett. Ch., Martha Abigail b. 18 Feb. 1824, m. Nathaniel Twombly, and Eliza who m. Samuel Kimball. Francis. Lydia m. Samuel Jewett. Clara m. Pendexter. 39. Daniel Drew (Francis*, Joseph^, Francis^, John^, Wil- liam^), born at Back River, Dover, in 1778, died 22 Aug. 1840. He married 21 June 1798, Anne, dau. of Lieut. Paul and He.pzibah (Canney) Nute of Dover, who was born in 1773 and died 7 Dec. 1858: Mary m. Elkinah Barrows, 5 Feb. 1829. Abigail m. David Barrows. Sophia b. 8 Feb. 1800; m. 25 Dec. 1822 Daniel Pinkham; d. 23 Aug. 1878. He was son of Benjamin and Mary (Davis) Pinkham, b. 30 May 1797, d. 6 March 1885. Thomas b. 1812; d. 30 July 1854. Ephraim killed in the Mexican War. Paul m. Clarinda, dau. of Wm. Drew. Joseph m. 1832, Adeline Spurling. Nathaniel m. 1833. Sabrina, sister of above Adeline Spurl- ing. Jeremiah m. Sept. 1820, Elizabeth Drew, dau. of SamueF of Madbury (Francis^ Francis\ Joseph^ Francis^ John^, William^). Ch., Alfred Palmer, who m. Ellen F., dau. of Robert Pitman, Caroline who m. Charles Odiorne, Mary, Daniel and Charles. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 55 40. William Drew (Elijall^ Joseph*, Francis^ John^, William^ , born at Back River, Dover, 15 Dec. 1764, died 15 May 1851. He married (i) 6 Dec. 1795, Martha Pickering, who died 31 Dec. 1826, (2) in 1831 Mary (Torr) Wingate, daughter of Andrew Torr, who was born 15 Sept. 1783 and died 8 April 1834. William Pickering b. 13 Nov. 1796; d. 29 June 1848; m. (i) 28 March 1824, Lois G. Meserve, who was b. in 1800 and d. 31 Dec. 1826, (2) 28 June 1829, Eliza Demeritt, who was b. 1806 and d. 7 Aug. 1876. Ch., Gerrish, Thomas, Lois, Harrison and Sarah. Maria b. 2 Jan. 1798; m. William Plaisted Drew; d. 12 Sept. 1867. Abigail m. 3 Feb. 1833, Elijah Jenkins of New Durham; d. 28 Jan. 1859. Elsie m. March 1833, Joseph Rounds, (2) Joseph Peasley. David L. b. 28 April 1808; d. 28 March 1889; m. (i) 23 March 1842, Andretta, dau. of Ephraim Roberts, who d. in 1843, (2) May 1846 Sarah E. McDuffee. Had a son, Charles. 41. Shadrach Drew (Joseph^ Joseph'*, Francis^ John^, William^) was born in the old garrison at Back River, 7 Dec. 1773 and died 30 Aug. i860. He married, Jan. 1803, Martha, daughter of Francis Winkley of Barrington, who was born 16 May 1771 and died 18 June 1859. He resided in Durham, where all his children were born : Nicholas b. 2 Jan. 1804; d. 20 May i860; m. Eliza Chesley of Durham. Jeremiah b. 8 Nov. 1805; d. 18 April 1866; m. 6 April, 1 83 1, Clarissa, dau. of Meserve and Elizabeth (Ames) Nute (Paul\ James*, James^, James^, James*), who was b. 15 July 1801 and d. 24 May 1875. Shadrach b. 2-] Oct. 1807; d. at Exeter 21 Sept. 1897; m. Sarah Batchelder of Hampton. Ch., Sarah Ann m. Wm. F. Rundlett, Lydia Batchelder, who d. unm. and Lucinda H. d. unm. Martha, twin to Shadrach; d. 21 March 1810. Lucinda b. 7 June 1810; m. George Hurd of Lowell, Mass.; d. 4 June 1888. Mary b. 17 Nov. 1812; d. 17 Dec. 1831. Unm. Sarah Abigail b. 14 March i8i5;d. 31 Dec. 1831. Unm. 42. William Plaisted Drew (Joseph^ Joseph*, Francis^, John^, William^ was born in the garrison house at Back River 20 June 1794 and died 25 Oct. 1868. He married, 13 March 1822, 156 HISTORY OF DURHAM Maria, daughter of William and Martha (Pickering) Drew, who was born 2 Jan. 1798 and died 12 Sept. 1867. Joseph William b. 8 May 1825; d. at Washington, D. C, 25 April 1883. Edwin Pickering b. 29 Feb. 182S; d. 6 Nov. 1892; m. 7 Jan. 1858, Alice Sarah (Goddard) Crosby, born 12 Nov. 1833. Ch., Ivy Maria b. 4 Dec. 1869 and William Jeremiah b. 19 March 1871. 43. William Henry Drew (Lemuel", Andrew^, LemueF, John^, William') was born in Brookfield 22 Nov. 1825 and married, in 1846, Dolly M., daughter of John and Nancy (Simpson) French of Newmarket, born 28 Sept. 1826. He res. in New- market, Durham and Dover, later rem. to Portland, Me., and thence to Boston, Mass. Charles William b. 20 Sept. 1846; m. Susannah Ayers and 1. in Dover, where he had one child, Gertrude C. b. II June 1882. John Gilbert b. in Durham 4 Jan. 184S; m. Clara L. Lord and 1. in Farmington. One ch.. Sadie M. b. 6 Feb. 1875. Frank Elmer b. at Newmarket 9 Aug. 1849; m. Elizabeth and rem. to Florida; one ch., Dolly. Annie S. b. at Newmarket 26 Sept. 1851 ; m. James Colony of Newmarket. Elmer F. b. 22 Nov. 1854; d. 22 Sept. 1855., Ella F. b. at Dover 6 Sept. 1859. 44. George Kittredge Drew (Lemuel', Andrew \ LemueF, John^ William'), born in Newmarket 11 March 1828, married, in 1851, Lucy L., daughter of John and Nancy (Simpson) French of Newmarket, born 3 Aug. 1830. With his brother, William, he owned and operated packets between Portsmouth and the Pascataqua River towns and li\ed in Newmarket and Dover. Samuel Twombly b. 3 Sept. 1852; m. 1874, in Bradford, Mass., Emma C. Fairbanks. Ch., Lena Stanton b. at Manchester 4 Aug. 1874, Frederick Eastman b. at Man- chester 13 Oct. 1877, Samuel T. b. in Manchester 10 Nov. 1878, Herbert Flint b. in Manchester 13 March 1880, Emma Lucy b. at Chelsea Mass. 16 April 1882. His first wife d. 1883 and he m. (2) at Rutland, Vt., 18 Dec. 1886, Mary E. Dur'rick of Castleton, Vt., who d. at Ports- mouth, N. H., in 1898. Lydia Ann b. at Dover 30 Dec. 1854; "i- 16 July 1879, Hon. James Robert Jackson, born at Barnet, Vt., 5 Oct. 1838. He was clerk of the House of Representatives in HISTORY OF DURHAM 157 1 87 1, secretary of the Constitutional Convention of i: ,. and U. S. consul at Sherbrookc, Canada, 1894-97. Mrs. Jackson has been an able lecturer on leading questions of the day, before social clubs, etc. Ch., all born at Littleton, except Robert, are, Robert b. at Dover 21 May 1880, Andrew b. 8 Jan. 1882, Harry Bingham b. 11 Aug. 1883, William Mitchell b. 31 May 1886, Elizabeth b. 27 Sept. 1888, Katherine Florence b. 25 June 1891, and Rachel Pierce b. 22 Nov. 1893. George Elmer b. at Newmarket 11 Nov. 1856; m. at Peabody, Mass., 5 Oct. 1882, Eliza D. Towne of Dover. Engaged in the shoe business. Ch., b. at WoUaston, Mass., Bessie May b. 7 Aug. 1883, George Kittredge b. 27 May 1886, Nathan Clark b. 20 July 1889. Elizabeth Frances b. at Dover 11 Sept. 1862, m. at Little- ton 25 July 1 891 Gen. William Parkinson Buckley, b. 22 Feb. 1865, a prominent lawyer, judge advocate general on Gov. Jordan's staff. He d. at Lancaster 10 Jan. 1906. Ch., Clyde Drew b. i June 1892, Alice b. 16 Aug. 1894 and d. 10 Dec. 1910. 45. Capt. Charles Albert Drew (Lemuel, Andrew^ Lemuel'* John^, William^ was born in Newmarket 2 Feb. 1844. He resided in Durham and Dover, where he died 13 June 1908, having been captain and part owner of several large steam tow- boats on the Pascataqua. He married in 1863 Elizabeth E. Foss, who died in Dover in 1897. Annie E. b. in Durham 18 Sept. 1864; m. William Foss of Dover; 1. in Portland, Me. Charles E. b. at Durham 27 March 1866; m. Grace, dau. of Thomas Drew of Dover. Martha Ellen b. at Dover 2 March 1868; m. Charles Hall of Dover; d. 21 March 1901. Harry A. b. at Dover 21 Aug. 1873; d. in infancy. Carrie Ada b. at Dover 6 Sept. 1878; m. Charles King of Dover. DUNN Hugh Dunn had a grant before 1663 and had built a house near Lamprey River. Soon after he sold out and removed to Piscataway, N. J., with a small colony from the Pascataqua that settled there. [For descendants see N. H. Gen. Record, Vol. L pp. 145-150.] Nicholas Dunn was taxed at Oyster River in 1682. He prob- ably married Elizabeth, daughter of William Roberts. He was 158 HISTORY OF DURHAM a tailor by trade. He died before 18 Oct. 1699, when his widow, EHzabeth, conveyed to Edward Wakeham land bought of Francis Pitman. [See Roberts.] They had a son, Nicholas, and prob- ably daughter, Elizabeth, who, as a maiden, aged 39, became the second wife of James Davis, aged 41, Oct. 4, 1728, as the Rev. Hugh Adams records. Nicholas Dunn (Nicholas) married Deborah Grindall, or Grindle, in Boston, 6 June 1710 and had children recorded there Later he lived in Kittery, Me. Deborah Dunn, doubtless his wife, was admitted to church at Oyster River by letter from the pastor of the New North Church in Boston, 10 Jan. 1719/20. It is extremely probable that this family removed to Falmouth, now Portland, Me., and that the Dunn families of Portland, Poland, and Waterville, Me., are descended from Nicholas Dunn of Oyster River. Children, so far as known, were: Anna b. in Boston 26 Dec. 1713; m. March 1732, John Deering of Kittery, (2) Dea. James Milk of Portland, Me. Samuel b. 24 Nov. 1 715 in Boston. Deborah b. 13 Oct. 1716 in Boston. Dorcas b. i Nov. 171 7 in Boston. JosiAH bapt. at Oyster River 3 Jan. 1719/20. The last named, Josiah, I think to be the one who married Deborah Skillings of Portland, Me., who was born about 1715. A Josiah Dunn also married in Portland Sarah Randall. Pub. 3 Jan. 1758. Samuel Dunn was pub. to Sarah Skillings 19 July 1757, and Nathaniel Dunn was pub. to Mary Dyer 7 July 1759, in Portland. DURGIN William Durgin, born in 1648, as a deposition shows, was at Oyster River as early as 1661 and was taxed there in 1664. He lived on the north shore of Great Bay, next west of Crommett's Creek, The name of his first wife is not known. He married (2) 25 June 1672, Katherine, widow of Thomas Footman and daughter of Francis Matthews. April 25, 1703, William Durgin was cited to court to deliver to his mother-in-law (step-mother) Katherine, certain property now in his hands belonging to his late father. The same day James Durgin was required to give to Thomas Footman certain articles that belonged to his father. June 25, 1675, William Durgin, having married the relict of Thomas Footman, petitioned court to divide the property of HISTORY OF DURHAM 159 said relict, so that he be paid for the support of her children under age, which was done. His widow, Katherine, was appointed administratrix on his estate, 30 Nov. 1703. Two sons by first marriage and one by second are known : 2. William b. abt. 1670; m. Elizabeth Pinder. 3. James m. 1697, Widow Susanna Davis. 4. Francis m. (i) Sarah Marston, (2) Widow Elinor Satchel. 2. William Durgin (William) married Elizabeth, daughter of John Pinder. She died in childbirth, 24 Oct. 1721. He is said to have had nine children. Nathan and Silas are here given on the authority of Mrs. Zebulon Durgin of Durham, in a state- ment made over sixty years ago. March 14, 1742/3, John Durgin, Joseph Durgin, Benjamin Durgin, Joshua Durgin and Elizabeth Durgin, spinster, of Durham, sold to Josiah Durgin all their right in the homestead of their father, William Durgin, of Durham. [N. H. Prov. Deeds, XXXIV, 319.] William Durgin, aged about 63, deposed, 22 Feb. 1734, that about 45 years ago he "lived with his Uncle William Follett" and worked in his employ. [Court Files, 23424.] 5. John m. Elizabeth Crommett. Joseph m. Abigail , who d. 17 Sept. 1743, aged 30. Benjamin m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Edgerly; d. 7 March 1778 in the Revolutionary Army. L. in Lee. 6. Joshua m. Hannah Perkins. 7. Josiah m. Lydia Cofiftn. Elizabeth bapt. 6 Dec. 1727; m. John Leonard, 15 Dec. 1756. William b. 24 Oct. 1721 ; prob. d. young. Mary, 1. in 1762. Nathan. 8. Silas m. Anna W^alker. 3. James Durgin (William) married, 1697, Susanna, widow of David Davis. Perhaps this was a second marriage. He died between 1761 and 1764. Francis m. Susannah Durrell. Ch., Winthrop, who m, Jackson and had son, Jackson Durgin, Susanna b. 3 June 1745, m. Jude Bean [See Hist, of Gilmanton, p. 258], Elijah who m. Jennie Davis and 1. in Hopkinton, and Bennmg. 9. William b. 1705; m. Margaret Crommett. 10. Jonathan b. 29 Sept. 1709; m. Judith Edgerly. 11. James m. Dorothy Edgerly. 12. Trueworthy b. abt. 1717; m. Mary Durrell. l6o HISTORY OF DURHAM Abigail (?) m. James Goodwin ;d. 26 Nov. 1718. Susannah "maiden daughter of James Durgin," bapt. 30 Jan. 1722/3; perhaps was second wife of James Goodwin. 4. Francis Durgin (William) married (i) in Hampton, 24 Jan. 1703, Sarah Marston, born 6 Nov. 1680, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Brown) Marston, (2) Elinor, widow of John Satchel of Stratham and sister of Richard Place of Newington. He was born about 1678, as a deposition says, and died 9 June 1735. aged 60, as family records say. He lived and died in New- market. June 17, 1766, Francis Durgin and William Durgin confirm to John Turner the sale of 32 acres in Epping, part of the estate of their father, Francis Durgin, of Newmarket, de- ceased. He had a grant of 20 acres in Exeter in 1700. His widow, Elinor, died in Stratham, 23 Dec. 1748. Benjamin b. abt. 1704; d. bef. 1756, prob. s. p. Francis m. bef. 1734 Elizabeth, clau. of John Perkins. Had son, Benjamin. Sarah m. Israel Folsom of Newmarket, 2 July 1734. William b. 1717; m. Hannah Eliot. 13 ch. [Hist, of San- bornton.] Susannah m. John Kenniston of Newmarket. Elizabeth m. James Kenniston of Greenland, 7 No\'. 1723. Mary m. John Bracey of York, Me., 13 Feb. 1728/9. 10 ch. Lydia m. l3ef. 1739, John Bennett of Newmarket. Richard bapt. 6 Dec. 1727. Anne bapt. 11 April 1728. Third Generation 5. John Durgin (William-, William') was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams 28 July 1728, called "adult son of William Durgin." He married, 6 March 1728/9, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Thomas) Crommett, who was born in 1 7 16. Children, so far as known, w^ere: 13. John b. April 1729; m. Susanna Pitman. Richard bapt. 4 Aug. 1751. Revolutionary pensioner in New Hampton in 1840, aged 89. Eliphalet bapt. 30 May 1753. Revolutionary soldier, 2 June 1775, aged 22. Levi bapt. 30 May 1753, twin to Eliphalet; d. 13 Sept. 1825, aged 73. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Perhaps others. 6. Joshua Durgin (William*, William') married Hannah, HISTORY OF DURHAM l6l daughter of John and Elizabeth (RawHns) Perkins, and lived in Durham. Children so far as known: David bapt. 20 Aug. 1749. John bapt. 20 Aug. 1749. Abraham bapt. 6 Sept. 1752. Ephraim bapt. 6 Sept. 1752. Revolutionary soldier. 7. Josiah Durgin (William^, William') married Lydia Coffin, 21 June 1749. He was living in Lee in 1769. Widow Lydia Durgin was buried 6 Sept. 1783. Two children were baptized in Durham. There may have been more in Lee. 14. Josiah bapt. 2 June 1751 ; m. Hannah Stevens. Elizabeth bapt. 10 May 1752. 8. Silas Durgin (William-, William') lived and was buried at Upper Bartlett. His grave is marked with a rough stone with the inscription, "S. D." He was a Revolutionary soldier. He married, 15 June 1780, at Conway, Anna Walker, born 7 Sept. 1755 at Billerica, Mass. She married (2) before 1791 James Bassett of Lower Bartlett and died about 18 17. Carlos, 1. at Chelmsford, Mass., 1849-52. Silas. Is this the one who was b. in Cornish, Me., 8 March 1788 and settled in Parsonsfield, Me.? He m. Dorcas Holmes and had 12 ch. Eliza m. 13 July 1802, at Lancaster, Joel Page, son of David, Jr., and Rachel (Page) Page, b. 14 March 1772. He d. 15 Sept. 1829, and she m. (2) 27 Sept. 1832 Dr. Eliphalet Lyman of Lancaster. She d. in Victor, N. Y., where she went in i860 to live with a daughter. Daughter m. William White and 1. at Indian Stream and Bartlett. 9. William Durgin (James^, William') born 1705, married Margaret, daughter of John and Mary Crommett, born 6 April 1715. He was buried 18 April 1781. Dorothy b. 31 Oct. 1736; m. 2 Nov. 1758, Joseph Willey. Rem. to New Durham. Mary b. 10 May 1738; m. 10 May 1759, Benjamin Willey. Rem. to New Durham. Sarah b. 24 June 1742; m. John Footman. William b. 22 Sept. 1747; m. Sarah Footman; d. June 1804. Had son, Enoch, 1. at Beech Hill, New Durham, in 1854, who m. 9 May 1798 Mary Chase of Durham. Trueworthy Davis b. 1754; d. 11 June 1812. Unm. Revolutionary soldier. 1 62 HISTORY OF DURHAM 10. Jonathan Durgin (James^ William^), born 29 Sept. 1709, married Judith, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Tuttle) Edgerly, born 1709. His estate was administered by widow, Judith, in 1768. Elizabeth b. 9 Nov. 1732; m. i Feb. 1753, James Davis of Lee. Judith b. 23 Feb. 1735; d. 3 Feb. 1737. Judith b. 28 Oct. 1737; m, 18 Jan. 1759, Jeremiah Taylor of New Durham. Jonathan b. 30 March 1740; d. 20 Aug. 1757- David b. 10 Jan. 1743. The will of David Durgin of Middle- ton, 1791-92, names wife, Eunice, and ch., John, David, and Molly. TOHN b. II July 1745. Eleanor b. 13 Jan. 1748; m. abt. 1769, John York of Middle- ton; d. 20 Oct. 1836. Samuel b. 18 Jan. 1751 ; had a large family in Northfield (?). Nathaniel b. 19 Oct. 1753; m. Betsey Hartford of Dover, d. Dec. 1812; 1. in Lee, Middleton, New Durham and Eaton. 11. James Durgin (James^, William^ married, 6 Jan. 1725, Dorothy, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Tuttle) Edgerly, born 1697. A James Durgin married Hannah Kent, 11 Dec. 1753, perhaps a second marriage. Children were. Susanna bapt. 16 May 1727. Samuel bapt. 30 Nov. 1729 ;m. Mary Mow, 31 Dec. 1758 (?). James m. Margaret Smith. Henry m. Ann Tibbetts. Thomas bapt. 6 Sept. 1750. Dorothy bapt. 26 May 1754. Perhaps others. 12. Trueworthy Durgin (James^, William^, born about 1717, married Mary, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca (Adams) Durrell. He died 16 Dec. 1787, aged 73, as family record says. His wife died 12 March 1800. Children recorded in Durham; 15 . Trueworthy b. i Dec. 1741 ; m. Elizabeth Drew. Joseph b. 21 Oct. 1743; m. Patience Durrell, (2) i March 1792, Betsey Edgerly. He d. in Durham, 14 Feb. 1823. Ebenezer b. 7 Nov. 1745; m. Lydia Drew, sister to Eliza- beth; d. s. p. 2 July 1797. Samuel b. 13 Nov. i747;d. 13 Feb. 1749. Daniel b. 26 Jan. 1749; d. 26 Jan. 1824; m. 10 Dec. 1775, Anna Smart of Durham, who was b. 30 Sept. 1752 and d. 22 Dec. 1837. He was a carpenter. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 63 16. James b. 23 Feb. 1751; m. Mary Drew. 17. ZeBULON b. 19 July 1754; m. Lettice Stillson. Fourth Generation 13. John Durgin (John^ William^ William^, born April 1729, married, 7 Nov. 1751, Susanna Pitman of Durham, born 7 May 1734. He removed to Northwood and had the following children. [Cf. Hist, of Northwood.] Joseph b. 1753; m. Sally Huckins. L. in Lee. He d. 1834. Lydia b. 1755; m. Samuel Woodman. Deborah m. Joseph Shaw of Northwood. Ebenezer b. 3 July 1761 ; m. Sarah Knowlton. Samuel b. in Durham ; m. Miss Brown. L. in Vt. John b. 16 Aug. 1771 ; m. Sally Taylor, 15 Feb. 1795. Drusilla b. 17 March 1774; m. 8 Sept. 1791, David Knowl- ton of Northwood. She d. 28 Jan. 1862. 14. Josiah Durgin (Josiah^ William^, William^), born abt. 1751, married, 3 Dec. 1781, Hannah Stevens and lived in Lee, on or near Lee Hill. 18. Benjamin b. 19 July 1787 ; m. Comfort Carswell. Stevens m. (i) 27 Aug. 1824, Sally, dau. of Eliphalet York of Lee Hook, (2) 24 Nov. 1831, Hannah Kenniston. His will, 5 June-2 Sept. 1851, names wife, Hannah, and ch., Joseph Stevens, John Osborne, Gilman, Sarah Ann, Hannah Frances, Elizabeth Jane, Nancy Cheswell, and Mary Frost. Rebecca m. 7 May 1803, John York, son of Eliphalet. Lydia b. 6 May 1790; m. 1810, Hunking Dame, d. 6 March 1847. Hannah b. 3 May 1794; m. Israel Dame. Clarissa m. (i) 11 Feb. 1817, George Gile, (2) Parks. Mary m. Eliphalet York. 15. Trueworthy Durgin (Trueworthy^ James^, William^), born I Dec. 1741, married Elizabeth Drew. He died in 1776 while serving as selectman of Durham. Widow Elizabeth Durgin died 21 March 1826, aged 80. The will of his brother, Ebenezer, 1796, mentions the following children of Trueworthy: Stephen m. . Had son, Ebenezer, who m. 24 Jan. 181 1, Sally Cilley of Epping. George, Patty m. 6 Sept. 1792, Abner Nutter. Alpheus. Deborah m. 21 April 1795, Reuben Bickford. 164 HISTORY OF DURHAM 16. Lieut. James Durgin (Trueworthy'', James^, William^), born 23 Feb. 1751, married Mary Drew. He died 21 Nov. 18 14. She died 2'] Feb. 1810, aged 65. Mary m. 23 June 1793, Joseph Wormwood. 19. Nicholas b. 1776; m. 11 No\% 1803 in Newbury, Mass. Mary Foster ;d. at W. Newbury, Mass., 24 Feb. 1849, aged 73- Elizabeth m. 26 July 1804, Eben Edgerly. James m. 6 Dec. 1807, Betsey Yeaton. She d. 2 July 1808. Samuel d. 28 July 1809. Unm. Rebecca b. 13 Jan. 1789; m. Enos Bartlett of West New- bury, Mass., 16 Feb. 1815. Sarah m. Thomas Tewksbury of West Newbury, Mass., 10 Oct. 1814. 17. Zebulon Durgin (Trueworthy*, James^, William^), born 19 July 1754, married, 7 Oct. 1779, Lettice Stillson, born 25 March 1762. He died 12 Oct. 1812. She died in Sandwich, 8 March 1846. Mary b. 22 Nov. 1781; d. Oct. 1784. Susanna b. 23 April 1783; m. William Cogan, 13 Oct. 1810. He was b. 15 Dec. 1773. son of Stephen Cogan, and had ch., Mary Hannah b. 12 Jan. 1812, and Susan b. 3 April 1817. Lettice b. 26 Aug. 1786; m. 1806, Winthrop Bickford. Joseph b. 3 Sept. 1789; m. 19 Sept. 1813, Martha M. Porter. Martha b. 2 Feb. 1792. Pub. to James Porter of Conway, 22 Dec. 1816. Elizabeth b. 7 Dec. 1793; m. Samuel Neal of Durham (?). Ezra b. 9 Aug. 1796; m. 13 March 1816, Temperance Nutter of Rochester. Ebenezer b. 15 Sept. 1799. Charles b. 28 May 1801. Fifth Generation 18. Benjamin Durgin (Josiah^ Josiah^ William-, William'), born in Lee 19 July 1787, married Comfort Carswell, who was born 13 July 1795. He died 28 June 1854. Adeline b. 3 Sept. 1815. Unm. Hannah b. 22 Dec. 1816; d. 16 July 1820. t 20. Benjamin b. 20 Sept. 1818; m. 25 Feb. 1844, Hannah Robin- I son b. 5 Nov. 1 82 1. Clarissa C. b. 29 March 1820, m. March 1845, Nathan T. Batchelder. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 65 Charlotte b. 19 Nov. 1821; m. 5 Feb. 1850, Frank L. Runnels. Nancy b. 22 July 1823; m. 23 March 1844, Lyman Lougee b. 16 July 1818. Hannah S. b. 28 March 1825. Greenlief D. b. 3 Jan. 1827. Mary A. b. 13 Aug. 1828; m. 15 March 1850, Wm. O. Tredick. Alfred b. 3 April 1830; d. 28 July 1830. JosiAH b. 20 May 1831. Lydia b. 24 March 1833; m. 23 July 1854, Geo. Richardson b. 12 May 1835. Sarah J. b. 10 Nov. 1835; m. Andrew J. Rice. Emily M. b. 14 May 1838; m. Charles E. Call. Harriet M. b. ii Dec. 1841. 19. Children of Nicholas and Mary (Foster) Durgin of West Newbury, Mass. Isaac F. b. June 1804; m. Harriet Morrell, d. 7 March 1890. Lois b. abt. 1807; m. Walter R. Noyes; d. 28 March 1862, aged 55. James b. 4 Nov. 1808; m. 20 Jan. 1831, Martha Heath of Hampstead, N. H. Samuel b. Jan. 181 1 ; m. i May 1834, Lydia Ann Emery. Dolly b. 22 Feb. 1813; m. 28 Nov. 1833, Thomas J. Chap- man ;d. 31 Dec. 1864. Mary b. 1816; m. Richard Sawyer. Slxth Gene r.\t ion 20. Children of Benjamin and Hannah (Robinson) Durgin of Lee. Charlotte T. b. 28 Feb. 1845. Mary E. b. 28 Nov. 1846. Benjamin F. b. 17 March 1848. Belinda b. ii May 1850. George b. 28 April 1852. DULEY Philip Duley appears as a seaman in the service of Capt. John Cutts of Portsmouth, in 1679. He signed a petition in 1689. He had a grant of twenty acres in Dover, 19 March 1693/4. It adjoined to land he had improved, on the west side of the brook that goeth to Johnson's Creek. He married, about 1682, Grace Roberts, daughter of William and Ann, and after his decease she married Timothy Moses. Feb. 14, 1721/2, 1 66 HISTORY OF DURHAM Timothy Moses of Dover and wife, Grace, sold to Samuel Merrey of Oyster River land "formerly fenced and improved by Philip Duley late deceased of said Dover." Feb. i8, 1726/7, Timothy Moses and wife, Grace, sold to Joseph Jenkins land in Dover granted to "our father William Roberts." Aug. 15, 1728, Hannah Duley sold to Timothy Moses right in estate of Philip Duley, father of said Hannah, who about this time built for herself a house in Portsmouth. Oct. 8, 1729/30, William Duley of Dover sold to Timothy Moses right in estate of Philip Duley, father of said William. This William Duley was a soldier in Col. Thomas Westbrook's force in 1722, and in 1724/5, notwithstanding he had been or- dered to be publicly whipped with fifteen stripes "well laid on his naked back, " for desertion, 9 Oct. 1718. He was one of those who organized the first church in Scarborough, Me., in 1728, where he had a grant of land in 172 1. He died in Durham about 1748. It was, doubtless, Philip Duley, son of Philip, that was admitted to the church at Oyster River, 3 Feb. 1723. Thomas Harris of Dover sold to Philip Duley of the same town, 28 Sept. 17 19, one hundred acres at Black Point, Scarborough. [See York Deeds, X, 63.] Philip Duley was proprietors' clerk in Scarbor- ough in 1720. Henry Libby, aged 78, deposed, 12 Aug. 1726, that Joseph Whineck was killed and his daughter with him by the Indians and was buried on his own land, where Philip Duly and Thomas Hares (Harris') wife were buried. [See York Deeds, XII, Part I, p. 61.] This Thomas Harris had married at Oyster River, 25 July 171 7, Sarah Dudley, as the record reads, which is perhaps a clerical error for Duley, since no such person appears in the Dudley Genealogy. Elijah Duley was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 10 Feb. 1 7 16/7. Mary Duley, daughter of Philip, was baptized 28 July 1717. Samuel Duley of Newmarket married Susanna, daughter of John and Rebecca Perkins, before 1745. DURRELL Tradition says that Philip Durrell came from the Island of Guernsey. He had a grant of fifty acres in Exeter, 21 Feb. 1697/8, which he conveyed to his son, Joseph, 20 Dec. 1738, HISTORY OF DURHAM I67 and Joseph sold it to Thomas Young, 24 Jan. 1 740/1. In this deed he is called Philip Duda of Arundel. The grant was "near Piscassic at Lamperel River." Nov. i, 1700, Philip Deudy of Exeter, planter, for ten pounds, sold to William Ardell a "cer- tain tract of land lying and being in Exeter" on the south side of the mast way, near Mr. Ardell's saw mill, "near the house that was formerly Teague Daniells." At this time he removed to Arundel, now Kennebunkport, Me. Aug 13, 1703 his family were carried off by Indians and he went back to Exeter. His wife and his infant son were allowed to come back from Pi- quawket (Fryeburg, Me.) to Saco fort, an Indian carrying the infant. Philip Durrell, or Duda, was a soldier in a garrison at Exeter, 26 Oct. 1696. He was one of a scouting party for two days under Capt. Nicholas Oilman of Exeter, July 5, 17 10. He returned to Kennebunkport in 1714 and in 1723 had the same lot laid out to him that he was in possession of when his family were carried into captivity by the Indians. His family were again captured in 1726, and his wife was killed. He bought 100 acres in Arundel in 1727 and sold the same to his son, Benjamin, in 1732. He is called in old records Duda, Dudey, Doody, Deudy and Durrell. The last seems to have been the original surname, to which his descendants in Maine adhered, and to which the descendants of his son, Joseph, in Durham and vicinity have returned. Children were as follows: 2. Joseph m. Rebecca Adams. Philip m. Keziah Wakefield, 2"] June 1724. Benjamin m. Judith Perkins. John m. Widow Lydia Jellison. Rachel captured and married in Canada. Susan captured and married in Canada. Elizabeth m. John Wakefield, 27 May 1724. Mary m. James Wakefield, 18 Dec. 1719. Lydia m. Stephen Larrabee, 18 April 1728. Sarah m. John Baxter. Daughter m. Joshua Purington. 2. Joseph Durrell, often called Duda, was the only son who settled in Durham. He witnessed a deed in 1706. He married Rebecca, daughter of Charles and Temperance (Benmore) Adams, before 4 March 1711/12, Both were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 10 Nov. 171 7. He was a blacksmith. His second wife was Hannah . He and several generations of 1 68 HISTORY OF DURHAM descendants lived at what is now known as Lee Hook, where he died before 25 Dec. 1751. 3. Benmore bapt. 10 Nov. 1717; m. Elizabeth . Susanna bapt. 10 Nov. 1717; m. Francis Durgin. 4. Joseph bapt. 10 April 1718; m. Hannah . Mary m. Trueworthy Durgin. 5. Nicholas b. abt 1730; m. (i) Rachel Wakefield, (2) Abigail Meserve. 6. ZeBULON I. in Newmarket. Ebenezer "Dudley alias Durrell" bapt. 5 Feb. 1728/9; m. Temperance bapt. 18 Sept. 1726. Third Generation 3. Benmore Durrell (Joseph-, Philip^ had wife Elizabeth He seems to have been living in Durham in 1749 and he was taxed there from 1783 till 1791, after which his name disappears from the tax lists. The following were probably his children : Obadiah bapt. i March 1749/50. Betsey m. Samuel Savage, 14 March 1793. Eben m. Betsey Edgerly, 4 March 1795. John m. Rachel Emery and s. in Skowhegan, Me. William m. Olive Eastman and s. in Tamworth. Lemuel taxed in Durham, 1786-87. 4. Joseph Durrell (Joseph-, Philip') married (i) Hannah and died before 1751. She married (2) 9 Feb. 1758, Nathan Keniston of Durham. Nicholas Durrell was appointed guardian of Eliphalet, David and William in 1764. Elizabeth m. Nathan Keniston, Jr. Rebecca m. Nathaniel Stevens. Eliphalet b. 1748; m. Dolly Bennett, (2) 20 Nov. 1801 at Pittsfield Hannah (Batchelder) Tilton. He d. 12 Nov. 1805 at Northwood. Widow d. 29 Nov. 1842, aged 78. 10 ch. by first wife, 3 by second wife. David. 5. Nicholas Durrell (Joseph-, Philip'), born about 1730, married (i) 3 Nov. 1752, his cousin, Rachel, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Durrell) Wakefield, of Wells, Me., born 24 June 1733. He married (2) Abigail Meserve, daughter of Daniel and Abigail of Madbury, born 2"] Aug. 1745. He lived near New- market and died before 1776. His widow married, (2) Anthony Pickering of Newmarket. (3) Benjamin Cerrish. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 69 Nicholas b. abt. 1753; m. (i) 22 July 1778, Judith Keniston, (2) Widow Moore. L. in Nottingham, N. H., and Embden, Me. Ch., Joseph of Solon, Me., Rachel who m. Stephen Merrill, Daniel who went to Los Angeles, Cal. Deborah bapt. 10 Jan. 1754; m. John Pendergast. Children by second marriage: 7. Joseph b. 15 Aug. 1767; m. Comfort Davis. Rachel Wakefield b. 1766; m. James Pickering of New- market, son of Anthony Pickering, by his first wife; d. 9 Dec. 1842. 8. Daniel b. 20 July 1769; m. Elizabeth Wentworth. Abigail b. 24 July 1770; m. 20 Dec. 1787, Levi Langley. John Samuel b. 17 Dec. 1774; m. (i) Elizabeth Hayes^ who wasb. 12 Jan. 1775, (2) 1805, Abra, widow of William Moulton and dau. of Col. John and Elizabeth (Walling- ford) Wentworth, who d. 27 July 1846. He May 1845. 6. Zebulon Durrell (Joseph^, Philip^ lived in Newmarket and had the following children: Zebulon m. 23 Aug. 1796, Mary Oilman, dau. of Zebulon and Elizabeth. He d. 27 Dec. 1837, aged 72. She d. 7 Feb. 1855, aged 79. Joseph b. 1766; m. 18 March 1792, Nancy Stevens, who was b. 1769 and d. 24 Oct. 1852. He d. 6 Feb. 1826. Ch., Edward, who d. young, Betsey b. 1792 and d. unm. 1817, Mary S. b. 7 Nov. 1797 and d. unm. 6 Dec. 1863, and Newman b. 1795, m. 17 Sept. 1821, Sally N. Osborne of Lee, who was b. 1801 and d. 1887. He d. 1854. Ch. of Newman were John, William, Frank, Rebecca, James McDaniel, Charles, Wilbur, Woodbridge W., Eliza and Albert. Abigail b. 1764; d. 28 Jan. 1824. Unm. Betsey m. Benning Smart, 16 Feb. 1786. Temperance m. John Edgerly, 6 Sept. 1787; d. i May 18 19, aged 59. Susan m. 19 Nov. 1794, John Thurston of Parsonsfield, Me, Debor-\h (?) b. 1775; m. 18 March 1796, Antipas Oilman. Fourth Oeneration 7. Joseph Durrell (Nicholas\ Joseph^ Philip'), born 15 Aug. 1767, married i Jan. 1789, Comfort, daughter of David and Ann (Stevens) Davis, and died 25 April 1845. She was born 20 Feb. 1767 and died 13 Dec. 1861. Sophia b. 19 Nov. 1790; m. 1808, Nathaniel Stevens. 170 HISTORY OF DURHAM Deborah b. 15 April 1792; m. 3 Jan. 1813, Andrew Glidden Smith of Newmarket. She d. 27 April 1847. Caroline 'b. 2 Sept. 1794; m. 6 Nov. 1820, Samuel Mathes of Lee. Nicholas N. b. 15 March 1796; m, 5 Oct. 1818, Mercy True. 7 ch. David Stevens b. 7 Jan. 1798; d. 30 Dec. 1865. Hannah b. 7 Nov. 1800; m. David York; d. i Aug. 1886. Thomas b. 15 Oct. 1802; d. 25 Oct. 1802. John S. b. 30 Oct. 1803; d. 30 Oct. 1827. Unm. Joseph b. 16 Nov. 1805; d. 14 June 1845. Unm. Abra b. 16 Nov. 1805; d. 19 Jan. 1822. Daniel b. 22 April 1808; d. 17 Sept. 1887. Dr. George O. J. b. 18 Jan. 1810; m. and had son, Judge George Durrell of Kentucky, b. 18 Oct. 1852. He d. 15 May 1855. 8. Judge Daniel Meserve Durrell (Nicholas^, Joseph^, Philip^ born 20 July 1769; married, i June 1800, Elizabeth, daughter of Hon. John Wentworth. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1794 and read law with Henry Mellen of Dover, paying $40 for the privilege. He died 29 April 1841. Mary Jane b. 24 Feb. 1801; d. 23 Dec. 1863. Sarah Adeline b. 19 April 1802, m. James D. Green; d. 25 June 1866. Elizabeth Salter b. 25 Oct. 1803, d. 25 Aug. 1885. Nicholas St. John b. 7 Sept. 1805, d. 9 June 1826 at West Point. Charles James Fox b. 28 April 1807; d. 9 July 1883. Margaret Ann b. 14 July 1810; d. 9 July 1883. Edwin Henry b. 14 July 1810: m. Mary Seitz Gebhard; d. 29 March 1887. He was a judge in Louisiana after the Civil War. George Clinton b. 7 Nov. 1815, killed by Indians in Texas, July 1838. EDGERLY Thomas Edgerly was received as inhabitant at Oyster River 19 Jan. 1665. He took the oath of fidelity 21 June 1669 and was made freeman 15 May 1672, He was justice of the peace in 1674. His garrison house was burned in the Indian raid of 1694. At this time he was taken prisoner but soon escaped. He deeded all his remaining land to his son, Joseph, in 17 15. He married, 28 Sept. 1665, Rebecca, widow of Henry Hallowell and daughter HISTORY OF DURHAM I7I of John and Remembrance Ault. She made a deposition 30 Jan. 1711/12, aged 71. 2. Thomas b. 1666; m. Jane Whedon, or Whidden. 3. Samuel b. 1668; m. EHzabeth Tuttle. 4. John b. 1670; m. EHzabeth RawHngs. Zachariah b. 1673; killed by Indians, 1694. Rebecca b. 1675; m. Aaron Hutcote, 2:6:1718/9. 5. Joseph b. 1677; m. Mary Greene. 2. Thomas Edgerly (Thomas), born 1666; married, 3 Dec. 1691, Jane Whedon. He moved to Exeter in 1700 and died in 1719. John b. 1693; killed by Indians, 1694. Abigail b. 1695; m. John Huckins. '^'' Mary b. 1697; m. Thomas Kelly of Brentwood. Samuel b. 1700; m. and 1. in Brentwood. Joseph b. 1702; m. (i) Sarah Rawhngs, (2) Widow Sanborn (3) Judith Currier. He 1. in Stratham. Hannah (?) m. 28 Jan. 1724/5, James Urin, at Greenland. 3. Samuel Edgerly (Thomas), born 1668, married, 1695' Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. John Tuttle of Dover Neck. He died at Oyster River in 1724. She married (2), 20 July 1725, Dea. John Ambler. Dorothy b. 1697; m. 1:6:1726/7, James Durgin. 6. John b. 1700; m. Elizabeth Wakeham. James b. 1704; m. 1730, Eleanor Sawyer, (2) Rachel Stan- wood; d. s. p. in Gloucester, Mass. Judith b. 1709; m. Jonathan Durgin. Samuel b. 1713; d. 1733. 7. Moses b. 1716; m. Mary Kent. Susanna bapt. with Samuel and Moses, 2 April 171 7. 4. John Edgerly (Thomas), born 1670, married, 1700, Eliza- beth Rawlings. Died at Oyster River in 1750. Elizabeth b. 1701; m. Benjamin Durgin. John b. 1703; m. 1737, Hannah Ambler; d. 1797. Had son Joshua, who m. Mary Weeks and dau., Deborah, bapt. 28 July 1728. 8. Zachariah b. 1705; m. (i) Joanna Drew, (2) Susan Taylor. Joseph b. 1706; m. Hannah Lear. Alice b. 1708; m. Joseph Bickford. Hannah b. 1710; m. James Langley, 31 Aug. 1727. Bethiah bapt. 16 Nov. 171 8. 5. Joseph Edgerly (Thomas) born 1677, married, 17 12, Mary Green. He died in Durham, 1752. 173 HISTORY OF DURHAM Benjamin bapt. 9 June 1717. Frances b. 1717; m. Joseph Wheeler. Joanna bapt. 16 Nov. 1718. Mary bapt. 16 Nov. 1718. Third (h;neration 6. John Edgcrly (Sanuiel-, Thomas^), born 1 700, married, 11 Jan. 1725/6, EHzabeth, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Meadcr) Wakehani. He died in Durham, 11 April 1784. She died i Aug. 1774. Abigah. b. 19 Juh 1732; d. unm. 9. Samuel b. 13 April 1735; m. Olive Dame. 10. James b. 13 April 1737; m. Jennie Phillips. 11. Jonathan b. 11 April 1739; m. Sarah Doe. Judith b. 26 June 1741; m. Thomas (leorge of Lee. 12. Caleb b. 29 Dec. 1743; m. Abia Cilley. 13. THO^L^s b. 6 Jan. 1745; m. Agnes Phillips. Elizabeth b. 18 Dec. 1747; m. Joseph Durgin. 7. Moses Edgerly (Samuel-, Thomas^), born 1716, married Mary, daughter of John and Mary (Wakeham) Kent. He was at the siege of Louisburg in 1745. He died in Durham in 1785. 14. Moses b. 1737; m. (1) Polly Thompson, (2) Elizabeth Wedg- wood . Ebenezer I). 1742; m. Tamson Smith. James b. 1744; d. young. Dorothy bapt. 17 Nov. 1754. 8. Zachariah Edgerly (John-, Thomas'), born 1705, married (i) II May 1727. Joanna, daughter of John Drew, (2) 1759, Susan Ta>l()r. He died in 1780. Ruth b. 1728; m. James Brown. Olive b. 1732; m. Moses Copp. John b. 1735; m. Sarah Chesley; d. abt. 1796. l^ANH^L 1). 1737: m. Hannah Wheeler. Children l)y second marriage: Jonathan b. 1760; rem. to Canada. Susannah b. 1763; m. Nov. 1790, Josiah Burleigh of New- market. Samu1':l b. 3 June 1765; m. L>-dia S.. dau. of Samuel Johnson of Northwood, b. 2 Aug. 1767. F'OURTH (jENERATION 9. Samuel Edgerh' (John'\ Samuel-, Thomas'), born 13 April 1735, married. 12 Jul\- 1759, Olive, daughter of John and Eliza- beth (Bickford) Dame of Newinglon. HISTORY gF I>URHAM I73 James b. 13 Dec. 1764; m. 20 April 1788, Temperance, dau. of George Knight, who was b. 3 Oct. 1768 and d. at Mid- dlesex, Vt., 18 Dec. 1 85 1. Samuel b. ; m. 20 Dec. 1795, Betsey Crommett. Jetiiro b. 28 Feb. 1770; m. 3 July 1797, Abigail Crommett. John b. ; m. 5 Sept. 1787, Temperance Durrell. Shed. I May 1819, aged 59. He d. 2 June 1830 (?). George b. 30 Nov. 1773; m. 5 July 1798, Abigail C., dau. of Capt. Joseph and Temperance (Drew) Thomas, b. 4 July 1779. Jonathan b. 19 Sept. 1777; m. 25 heb. 1808, Sarah White- house. Sally m. 28 Feb. 1790, Wm. Eastman of Tamworth. Betsey m. 4 March 1795; Ebenezer Durrell. Alice m. Low of Thornton. Anna or Nancy, m. James Carter of Tamworth, 8 Jan. 1797. Olve m. 1808, Caleb Wakeham of Milton. Stephen d. young. ID. James Edgerly (John^, SamueF, Thomas'), born 13 April 1736, married (i) i July 1761, Jane, daughter of Andrew and Miriam (Mitchell) Phillips of Kittery, Me. She was born 8 Oct. 1737 and died in 1772. He married (2) 4 May 1773, Widow Rachel (Carlisle) Kent. He served three years in the Revolu- tionary War. Removed to Milton, Brookfield and Wolfeboro, where he died in 1815. His widow died in 1819. Tamson b. I March 1765; m. John Doe of Alton. DEBORiVH b. 7 Nov. 1766; m. 19 Nov. 1787, Benj. Richardson of Gilmanton. AfiNES b. 3 Sept. 1768; m. Josiah Robinson, 26 June 1791. Judith b. 6 Feb. 1770; m. Joseph P\>rrin of Alton. Elijah b. 4 Jan. 1772; d. in infancy. Jane b>28 Oct. 1775; m. James Cotton of Wolfeboro. Daniel b. 16 July 1777; m. 1803, Abigail Deland; 1. in Wolfeboro. II. Jonathan Edgerly (John\ Samuel-, Thomas^), born 11 April 1739, married Sarah Doe. He died in 1784, as his inventory indicates, leaving children, Samuel, Mehitable and Sarah, minors. 15. Samuel b. 4 June 1762; m. Betsey Tate. Hannah m. 21 Dec. 1794, Samuel Joy. Mehitable and Martha. Lydia b. 15 July 1772; m. 1812, Robert Jones; d. s. p. 16 Dec. 1866. He d. 29 July 1835, aged 70. Sarah m. Levi Hussey; d. 19 May 1851, aged 54. He d. 13 March 1872, aged 75. Betsey m. 5 Jan. 1785, Robert Jones, his first wife. 174 HISTORY OF DURHAM 12. Caleb Edgerly (John^ Samuel-, Thomas^), born 29 Dec. 1743, married, 1764, Abbia Cilley of Salisbury and lived in New Durham and Alton, where he died 14 Oct. 1825. His widow died in 1826. John b. 15 Sept. 1766; m. (i) Alice Alard, who d. 2 Nov. 1812, (2) Nute. Benjamin b. 14 May 1769; m. Mary Sanborn. Daniel b. 11 Sept. 1771; d. young. Elizabeth b. 15 Aug. 1773; m. 25 Oct. 1798, Ebenezer WiUey. Jeremiah b. 13 May 1776; m. 23 April 1801, Betsey Leigh- ton. Mercy b. 11 Jan. 1782; m. (i) Dr. John Gilbert, (2) Joseph Fcrrin of Alton. 13. Thomas Edgerly (John\ SamueF, Thomas^), born 6 Jan. 1745, married, 1767, Agnes Phillips, sister of the wife of his brother, James, born i Dec. 1743. He lived in Durham, New Durham, Alton, and Farmington and died in 1815. JosiAH b. 12 July 1679; m. 21 July 1793, Mary Tash. Andrew b. 13 March 1772; m. April 1794, Elizabeth Tash. Rem. to Exeter, Me. Thomas b. 4 Dec. 1773; m. Hannah Libbey. Betsey b. 5 Aug. 1775; m. 30 Nov. 1797, Samuel Mitchell. Eunice b. 19 May 1777; m. 26 Dec. 1799, Andrew Tobey of Kittery, Me. Susan b. 22 Feb. 1780; d. unm. Sarah b. 3 Oct. 1782; m. David Richards of Middleton. John b. 8 June 1784; m. Nancy, dau. of David Watson. William B. b. 12 Oct. 1787; m. 22 July 1810, Anna, dau. of Jonathan Chase of Stratham. 14. Moses Edgerly (Moses^, Samuel -, Thomas^), born 1737, married (i) 1763, Polly Thompson, (2) 1775, Widow Elizabeth Wedgwood. He lived in Newmarket and is said to have died in 1799, but a Moses Edgerly died in Durham 28 June 1828, aged 88, and his wife died 2 Feb. 1827. Moses b. 1764; m. Love Thompson; d. Nov. 1849. Wife d. 26 Aug. 1844. Ebenezer b. 1765; m. 26 July 1804, Betsey Durgin; d. 16 Jan. 1838, aged 63(?). Nathaniel b. 1767; said to have d. young, but Nathaniel Edgerly was pub. to Widow Eunice Crommett i April 1809, and they were m. 26 May 1822. Joseph b. 1767; m. 5 Feb. 1794, Sarah W. Colbath. Dorothy b. 1771; m. Richard Kent of Durham. HISTORY OF DURHAM 175 Polly b. 1773; m. 13 Aug. 1795, Samuel Drew. Ann Elizabeth b. 1776; m. 28 Jan. 1804, Bradbury Jewell, of Sandwich . 15. Samuel Edgerly (Jonathan^ John\ SamueF, Thomas^, born 4 June 1762, married Betsey, daughter of Capt. John Tate of Portsmouth, born 25 Aug. 1759. They were married 18 May 1785. He died 4 June 1831. She died 4 Sept. 1848. Both were buried in Durham. Children recorded in Durham: Robert Tate b. 10 April 1786. Jonathan b. 17 Jan. 1789. William b. 24 June 1791. Larkin Tate b. 21 Aug. 1793. Sally b. 20 May 1796. Betsey Tate b. 13 Jan. 1799. Edgerly Notes Married 26 Dec. 1833, Daniel Edgerly and Mary Kent. He lived on the old Durgin place and was buried there. He died 19 Aug. 1886, aged 76 years, 9 months, 17 days. Mary, his wife, died 12 Oct. 1883, aged 70 years, 7 months, 19 days. They had children, George E. who died 16 May 1873, aged 36, Eliza Ann, who died 5 Sept. 1849, aged 14, Andrew H. who died 6 Sept. 1849, aged 13 months, Richard K., who is living in Durham, unm., and Eli', born 16 Sept. 1839, who married 24 Nov. 1867 Emily Long, born 6 Feb. 1844, daughter of Henry and Caroline A. (Drew) Long and still lives on the place. This Daniel Edgerly was the son of Nathaniel Edgerly who married Widow Eunice Crom- mett, as I was told by Eli Edgerly. m. 5 Jan. 1794, Samuel Seaward of Portsmouth and Mary Edgerly of Durham. m. 2 Nov. 1794, Rufus Wiggin and Sally Edgerly. m. 1809, Jonathan Edgerly and Rhuhama Thomas, m. 3 Jan. 1808, Robert Presson and Rebecca Edgerly. m. 15 Aug. 1813, John Meader and Betsey Edgerly. m. 13 Nov. 181 7, Wear Colcord and Betsey Edgerly. m. 9 Nov. 1826, Nathaniel Edgerly and Hannah Tuttle. m. 19 March 1833, Nicholas Drew and Mary Ann Edgerly. m. 6 April 1837, David Rand, Jr., and Nancy Edgerly. m. 5 April 1840, Ebenezer C. Garland and Maria Edgerly, both of Somersworth. m. 2 July 1843, William Reynolds and Margaret Edgerly. m. 30 Dec. 1849, James B. Edgerly and Sophronia Durgin, both of Durham, 176 HISTORY OF DURHAM pub. 27 Aug. 1837, Matthew Eclgerly of Durham and Sarah Clark of Lee. m. 2 March, 1828, Jacob Edgerly and Susanna Chapman, m. i May 1824, John Edgerly of Durham and Mrs. Joannah Fox of Lee. Tamson Edgerly d. 4 May 1825, aged 73. John Edgerly d. in Durham 3 July 1854, aged 69. Lois Edgerly d. 9 Aug. 1854, aged 38. m. in Newmarket, 14 March 1847, Samuel Edgerly of Dur- ham and Abigail J. Pinkham of Newmarket. ELLISON This family came into Durham from Barrington about a century ago. John Ellison, born in Barrington 3 Aug. 1806, married, 19 Nov. 1829, Martha Stevens, born 16 April 1807, who died 3 April 1844, aged 36. He married again 2 June 1845, Sally Chick, who was born 22 Sept. 1822. Children recorded in Durham: John E. b. in Dover 11 Sept. 1831, shot by accident. Charles H. b. in Dover 6 May 1833. Went to sea. Caroline b. in Durham 29 July 1835; m. (i) John Fuller, (2) Jeremiah Bennett. Harriet b. in Durham 3 June 1839; m- (0 George R. Davis of Newmarket, (2) Samuel Furber. Horace b. in Durham 26 July 1841 ; m. Bellow. Franklin b. in Durham 6 April 1843, m. twice. Thomas Ellison d. in Durham 6 July 1810. m. 1802, Moses Bickford and Sally Ellerson of Barrington. m. 21 Oct. 1817, Joseph Ellison of Barrington and Elizabeth Doe. m. 21 March 1822, Samuel Doe and Nancy Ellerson. m. July 1825, John Ellerson and Abigail Manson. m. May 1826, William Ellison and Eunice Lucey. m. 16 Sept. 1827, James Dow and Mehitable Ellerson. m. 29 Nov. 1804, Levi Thompson of Durham and Comfort Ellison of Barrington. EMERSON Michael Emerson, the emigrant, was baptized in 1627, son of Thomas and Margaret (Frol) Emerson of Howsham, in the parish of Cadney, Lincolnshire, Eng., and grandson of Alexander Emerson of Sereby. He settled in Haverhill, Mass., in 1656 and there married, i April 1657, Hannah, daughter of John and Mary (Satchwell) Webster, who had fifteen children, among whom was Hannah, who married Thomas Dustin and is known in history HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 77 as the one who killed the Indians that captured her and returned to her home with twelve scalps besides her own. Her monument stands in the central square af Haverhill, Mass. Capt. Samuel, son of Michael Emerson, born 2 Feb. 1663, married, 14 Dec. 1687, Judith, daughter of Ensign John and Jane (Peasley) Davis, born about 1687. He bought land on Back River, Dover, as early as 1700 and was a selectman in 1705. About 1 71 7 he moved into Oyster River parish, on the farm where Capt. Samuel Chesley had lived, and helped to organize the church in 1 7 18. He was chosen deacon 3 April 171 8 and elder 16 Nov. 1721. He was commissioned captain of a foot company on the north side of the river, 12 May 1718. His wife was taken by the Indians in 1694 and held several years in captivity. His will dated 13 March 1739 was proved 31 Aug. 1743. Children were: Samuel b. 21 Aug. 1688; d. at sea, according to tradition. Hannah b. 22 Dec. 1691. Hannah b. 6 Jan. 1699; m. Job Clements. 2. Micah b. 4 Jan. 1701; m. Sarah Huckins. Abigail b. 21 Sept. 1704; m. Robert Thompson. 3. Timothy b. abt. 1706; m. Mary Smith. 4. Solomon b. 1709; m. Elizabeth Smith. 2. Micah Emerson (SamueP, Michael), born 4 Jan. 1701, married, 5 Feb. 1725, Sarah, daughter of Robert and Welthen (Thomas) Huckins. He died about 1734 and his widow married Joseph Tibbetts. She was born 5 Feb. 1707 and died 13 Feb. 1777- 5. Samuel b. i Sept. 1726; m. Dorothy Chamberlain. Hannah b. 24 May 1729; m. William Allen of Rochester. Abigail b. 26 Feb. 1731; m. John Thompson, 3 Oct. 1750. 3. Timothy Emerson (Samuel^, Michael) married, about 1732, Mary, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Burnham) Smith, born Aug. 1714. He is called a tanner. His widow married Dr. Joseph Atkinson. Timothy Emerson died before 5 May 1754. Hannah bapt. 29 July 1733. Samuel bapt. 28 July 1734. Abigail bapt. 21 March 1736; m. Dea. Jeremiah Burnham, 14 March 1756. Sarah bapt. 18 March 1739. 6. Timothy born 29 May 1743; m. Abigail Thompson. 7. Smith born 26 Dec. 1745; m. Hannah Thompson. Elizabeth m. Capt. Jonathan Chesley. 4. Solomon Emerson (SamueP, MichaeP), born 1709, married (i) Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Hannah (Burnham) 12 178 HISTORY OF DURHAM Smith, born 29 April 1712. He was selectman of Dover, 1753-54, and first moderator of Madbury in 1755. He died Oct. 1800, aged 91. His will, 4 Jan. 1796-6 Nov. 1800, names wife, Mary. He probably married (2) Mary, widow of Samuel Meader. All the children were by first marriage: 8. MiCAH bapt. 21 March 1736/7; m. (i) Sally Gerrish, (2) Ruth . 9. Joseph bapt. 18 March 1739; m. Temperance Dame. 10. Solomon bapt. 20 Sept. 1739; m. Sarah Demeritt. 11. Samuel bapt. 10 Sept. 1741; m. (i) Ann Dow, (2) Lois McCoy. John bapt. 25 Aug. 1743; m. Molly . Blacksmith. L. at Wolfeboro in 1796. 12. Jonathan bapt. 7 Nov. 1750; m, Sarah Rollins. Benjamin bapt. 7 Nov. 1750; m. Nancy Dame; d. 4 March 1822, in Barnstead, aged 77. Ch., Eliphalet D., Timothy, Moses, Joseph, Solomon and Elijah. Moses m. 31 May 1781, Sarah, dau. of Elijah Drew of Dover. L. in Madbury and Gilmanton. Ch., Elijah b. 27 Feb. 1783, m. Nabby Jones; Solomon m. 12 Feb. 1815, Elizabeth Demeritt; Moses m. Eliza Pike of Boston; Mary m. Paul Montgomery and 1. in Strafford; Abigail, unm.; and Timothy b. 13 March 1791, who m. 9 Jan. 1823, Sarah Horner of Boston and d. in Dover 13 March 1858. Hannah m. 23 Sept. 1773, Ephraim Kimball of Dover. Fourth Generation 5. Samuel Emerson (Micah^, Samuel-, Michael), born i Sept. 1726, married 14 Nov. 1748, Dorothy, daughter of William Cham- berlain, born 7 March 1731. He died 7 Oct. 1785. She died 18 Feb. 1825 at Rochester, N. H. She married (2) 20 Sept. i8oir Jeremiah Berry of Rye. Children recorded in Dover: Sarah b. 25 Aug. 1749; d. 10 Feb. 1753. Hannah b. 28 June 1753; m. 4 Dec. 1777 John Walker of Rochester; d. 9 Sept. 1852. Mary b. 14 Jan. 1756; m. 12 Sept. 1776, Samuel Furber of Rochester; d. 27 May 1847. 13. MiCAH b. I May 1758; m. Elizabeth Meserve. Abigail b. 3 Oct. 1760; m. 24 June 1784, Edmund Thomp- son; d. 8 Feb. 1798. Deborah b. 18 Nov. 1762; m. 29 June 1783, Richard Canney ; d. 20 May 1791. Samuel b. 17 Dec. 1765; d. 7 Oct. 1785. William b. 13 Sept. 1768; d. 6 Nov. 1840 in Denmark, Me. 14. Joseph b. 4 Oct. 1772; m. Abigail Varney. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 79 6. Col. Timothy Emerson (Timothy^, SamueP, Michael) i born 29 May 1743, married (i) 18 July 1762, Abigail, daughter of Robert and Abigail (Emerson) Thompson. She was born 23 June 1747 and died 15 April 1816. He married (2) Mrs. Mary (Jewett-Smith) Woodman, who was born 15 Dec. 1759 and died 17 Dec. 1838. He died 30 Jan. 1827. He was captain, 1777-88, and is called colonel in the town records, 1789. 15. Joseph b. 12 Feb. 1763; m. Mercy Hayes. Sarah b. 24 Nov. 1766; m. Nov. 1785, Stephen M. Jones. 16. Andrew b. 10 Feb. 1771; m. Betsey Demeritt. Mary b. ii Jan. 1777; m. i Sept. 1797, Benjamin Hodgdon; d. 15 July 1858. He was b. 28 June 1768 and d. 6 June 1848. L. in Barnstead. Abigail b. 10 April 1789; m. 10 Sept. 1812, Samuel Rollins of Barnstead; d. 3 June 1886, or 1836. 7. Capt. Smith Emerson (Timothy^, SamueF, MichaeP), born 26 Dec. 1745, married Hannah, daughter of Samuel and Susanna (Reynolds) Thompson, born 29 July 1749. In the Revolution he served as captain of infantry, taking part in the battles of Trenton and Princeton, and remaining six weeks over time for which he enlisted. Mary b. i April 1768; m. 19 Aug. 1789, Andrew Demeritt. 17. Samuel T. b. 12 Jan. 1770; m. Sally Fields. Jonathan b. i March 1772; m. 5 Nov. 1797, Nancy Davis; s. in Litchfield, Me. Timothy b. 27 March 1774; d. young. Smith b. 12 May 1776; m. Bridget Buzzell; 1. in Barrington. Ch., George W. and Susanna. Avis b. 27 May 1778; m. Lemuel Buzzell. Susannah b. 21 Dec. 1781 ; m. 19 June 1800, Israel Tibbetts. Elizabeth b. 2 Feb. 1783; m. 14 Feb. 1802, Joshua Fields, Jr. Timothy b. 14 Nov. 1788; d. young. Hannah b. 25 June 1790; m. 1808, James Pendergast; d. 7 Aug. 1826. 8. Micah Emerson (Solomon^, Samuel-, MichaeP) married (l) Sally, dau. of Paul Gerrish, (2) Ruth and 1. in Lee. His will, 7 July 1808-4 March 181 1, names wife, Ruth, and the following children : Nathaniel m. Emma Chapman. 17 Nov. 1803. Benjamin. Polly m. York. 18. Joseph b. 4 Oct. 1772; m. Elsie Dame. l80 HISTORY OF DURHAM Stephen m. Eunice Watson, 17 Nov. 1791; s. in Livermore, Me. 9. Joseph Emerson (Solomon^ Samuel-, MichaeP) married Temperance Dame and lived in Northwood. Children, so far as known, were: Lieut. Levi b. 24 Sept. 1776; m. (i) 181 7, Mrs. Hannah (Huckins) Fox, widow of Benjamin, (2) 24 March 1825, Mrs. Hannah (Fox) Garland, widow of Dr. Otis Garland of Somersworth ; d. 18 July 1859. Elizabeth m. 6 Nov. 1820, George Gerrish of Nottingham. Lois m. 8 July 18 14, Nicholas Pendergast. Stoten m. Snow. L. in Jackson, Me. John m. French of Epping. Daniel m. Susan C. Dow. Abigail d. young. 10. Solomon Emerson (Solomon^, Samuel-, MichaeP) married Sarah, daughter of John and Margaret (Buzzell) Demeritt. His will, 7 June 1813-21 May 1814, names wife, Sarah, and the following children: 19. Moses b. Dec. 1781; m. 17 Nov. 1803, Rosamond Nutter. 20. Samuel m. Sally Morrill. Elizabeth m. Oct. 1789, Paul Edgerly of Madbury. Hannah b. 1766; m. 30 Nov. 1786, Lieut. Stephen Otis of Harrington. LovEY m. Hayes. Sarah, d. unm. about 1862. Polly b. 1774; m. 1794, Stephen Leighton of Strafford. Deborah b. 29 June 1785; m. 21 Feb. 1803, Moses Davis, d. 5 Jan. 1872 in Dover. Lois, unm. in 1813, m. 22 Oct. 1816, Thomas Langley of Nottingham (?). 11. Samuel Emerson (Solomon^ Samuel,^ Michael^ married (i) Ann Dow, (2) Lois McCoy. Children, not named in order of birth : Joseph. Catherine. Abigail m. 23 June 1805, Davis Demeritt. Anna m. 1809, Robert Hill of Lee. Children by second marriage: John, 1. in Boston. Moses 1. in Newmarket. Benjamin. Greeley, or Greenleaf, 1. in Epping. HISTORY OF DURHAM l8l Charles 1. in Boston. Jedidiah. Daughter m. Mr. Harvey of Nottingham. David. 12. Capt. Jonathan Emerson (Solomon^ SamueP, MichaeP) born 1749, married, about 1778, Sarah dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Sanborn) RolHns, who was born, 1742, and died 29 June 1810. Lived in Barnstead. Served as a soldier in the Revolution. Selectman in 1779, 1780, 1784. He died 26 Jan. 1825, aged 76. The will of his son Thomas, 181 1, names brothers Solomon and Jonathan and sisters, Nancy and Sarah, under 18. 21. Solomon b. 1779; m. Deborah Young. Jonathan m. Sarah Young. Nancy, Elizabeth, Paul, d. unm. Sarah m. Chandler Peavey of Barnstead. Deborah m. John Willey and rem. to Vermont. 22. Moses Prentice b. 15 March, 1793; m. Sally Caswell. Thomas, b. 1774, d. 19 March 181 1. Unm. Ann m. McNeil. Fifth Generation 13. Micah Emerson (Samuel\ Micah^, SamueF, MichaeP) born I May 1758, married, 10 June 1784, Elizabeth Meserve who was born 25 Jan. 1764 and died 25 Oct. 1843. He died 6 July 1 82 1 in Conway. Samuel b. 13 Sept. 1786; m. 7 June 1812, Hannah Home of Farmington. He d. 27 May 1854. She was b. 7 March 1796. Ch., Charles Wesley b. 11 May 1822, m. (i) Sarah Ann Davis, (2) Susan Abigail Littlefield and d. 29 March 1890; Susan b. 22 Dec. 1814, d. June 1815; Sarah Davis b. 16 March 1818; Elizabeth Meserve b. 25 June 1820, m. 30 March 1840 John Skinner and d. 13 March 1854; Joanna Brewster b. 16 May 1826, d. 7 July 1848; Jacob Chamberlain b. 26 April 1828, d. 18 Dec. 1846. John b. 19 March 1788; d. in infancy. Jacob b. 8 July 1791; m. 13 Feb. 1821, Nancy Davis; d. 21 May 1864 in Conway. Sally b. 14 July 1797; m. Ephraim Davis; d. 10 Sept. 1843. Betsey Meserve b. 25 Sept. 1800; m. Trueworthy Palmer; d. 10 Nov. 1843 in Conway. 14. Joseph Emerson (SamueH, Micah^ SamueP, MichaeP), born 4 Oct. 1772, married Abigail, daughter of Robert and Mary (Gage) Varney, who was born i Aug. 1785 and died 15 July 1868. He died 7 July i860. 1 82 HISTORY OF DURHAM Deborah b. 4 Nov. 1804; m. Isaac Benn. Samuel b. 1807; d. 7 June 1877. Unm. Elizabeth b. 18 14; m. David Foye. 15. Joseph Emerson (Timothy^ Timothy^ SamueP, Michael^), born 12 Feb. 1763, married, 25 Nov. 1791, Mercy Hayes, who was born 20 Dec. 1770 and died 16 April 1847. He died 8 March 1841. Lived in Farmington. He married (i) Martha Tash and they separated. Timothy b. 30 Aug. 1792; d. 30 May 1818. Wentworth b. 2 Dec. 1794; d. 4 Feb. 1852. Unm. Abigail b. 2 May 1797; m. 2"] Sept. 1819, John Stevens. Joseph b. 17 Feb. 1808; m. 14 March 1836, JuHa A. George of Barnstead. Ch., Frank George b. 14 May 1837, m. 18 Sept. 1873, Clara A. Hayes; and Charles Smith b. 25 Feb. 1 841, who m. Frances Y. Dolby and had ch., Ralph George b. 25 Dec. 1866, m. 24 June 1893, at Farmington Falls, Mc., Phebe Quint, and Lois Julia, who m. 2 Aug. 1903, John C. Thompson and had son, Elmer Thompson, b. 29 Nov. 1904. Margaret b. 11 June 1812; m. 13 May 1832, Evans Hayes of Strafford; d. 9 Oct. 1854. 16. Andrew Emerson (Timoth\-\ Timothy^SamueF, MichaeP), born 10 Feb. 1771. married, 2 Jan. 1805, Betsey, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (McCrillis) Demeritt, who was born 12 April 1784 and died 6 Oct. 1849. He died i Aug. 1835. 53. Timothy b. 23 July 1805; m. Sophia Place. Andrew b. 23 Oct. 1810; d. 13 Jan. 1833. Unm. Abigail b. 27 April 1813; m. 9 April 1837, Daniel Smith Meserve. Nathaniel b.26 Sept. 1815; m. Mrs. Sarah (Chesley) Frost; d. 22 Sept. 1865. Mary b. 10 Dec. 1816; d. 24 Oct. 1828. Elizabeth b. 17 March 1825; m. James P. Ham; d. 20 Nov. 1872. Ebenezer Thompson b. 11 Dec. 1828; d. 9 March 1906. L^nm. 17. Samuel T. Emerson (Smithy Timothy^ SamueP, Michael^), born 12 Jan. 1770, married, 16 Aug. 1798, Sally Fields, who was born in Merrimac 24 Nov. 1778. He died in the War of 18 12 at Sackett's Harbor. 24. Joshua F. b. 28 July 1799; m. Sally Durgin. Polly b. 11 Jan. 1801; m, Catherin of New Boston. Samuel T. b. 10 June 1802; m. in Bangor, Me. Went to Wisconsin. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 83 Timothy b. 23 Dec. 1806; m. Mary Hodge of Bangor, Me. James b. 21 Nov. 1809. Harriet b. 16 May 1812; m. in Boston. 18. Joseph Emerson (Micah^ Solomon^ Samuel^, MichaeP), born 4 Oct. 1772, married Elsie Dame of Barnstead. They removed from Barnstead to Northwood about 1802, when he received a deed of fifty acres from his father. He died about 1843- 25. Charles b. in Barnstead 18 Sept. 1795; m. (i) EUza Bunker of Barnstead b. 23 Oct. 1797 and d. 27 June 1857; he m. (2) Mrs. Mary Parsons, dau. of Benjamin and Betsey (Tuttle) Lamprey, who was b. 4 Dec. 1804 and d. 25 Dec. 1888. He 1. in Northwood, near Epsom Hne; d. 28 July 1877. II ch. Eplihalet m. (i) Mrs. Sally (Dow) Trickey, widow of Joseph Trickey of Northwood and mother of Joseph S. Trickey of Northwood. 2 ch. by first marriiige, Susan who m. David T. Bartlett of Northwood, and Bela. Nathaniel, 1. in Dover and had sons. 19. Moses Emerson (Solomon^, Solomon^ SamueF, MichaeP), born Dec. 1781, married, 17 Oct. 1803, Rosamond Nutter and lived in Lee Benjamin m. Sarah Vincent. Ch., Albert, unm; George m. Sarah Simpson of Lee; Abby, unm.; Elizabeth m. Mr. Jordan; Hannah m. Mr. Brown; Jane, unm. James m. Elizabeth Drew. Ch., Ann Elizabeth m. 14 Nov. 1866 John Henry Buzzell of Barrington; Georgianna m. Frank Ellison of Barrington. True W. m. Mary Ann Clay. Elizabeth m. March 1825, Jonathan Davis. Deborah m. 22 Aug. 1830, Timothy Demeritt of Notting- ham, 12 ch. Solomon D. b. 8 July 1813, m. 7 Dec. 1837, Elizabeth Pinkham. Daniel b. 15 March 1822; m. Sarah A. (Demeritt) Pierce; d. 23 Dec. 1902. 20. Samuel Emerson (Solomon \ Solomon\ SamueF, Michael^) married (i) 30 April 1789, Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel Morrill of Northwood, (2) her sister, Mary Morrill. He lived in Northwood and later in Pittsfield, near Jenness Pond. Richard Fitts b. 15 Sept. 1789; m. 22 June 1823, Delia H. Goss; d. 12 Nov. i860. Daniel b. Dec. 1792; m. 1819 Kezia Elkins; 1. in Dover; d. 1869. She was b. in Nottingham 24 Feb. 1799, dau. of 184 HISTORY OF DURHAM Joseph and Lydia (Davis) Elkins. Ch., Mary Ann b. 9 July 1821, m. Newell C. Davis of Dover and d. 14 Dec. 1881; Lydia Jane b. May 1824, m. Henry Lewis and d. 25 Jan. 191 1 ; Daniel Emery b. 7 May 1826, m. Elizabeth Roberts and d. 11 May 1893; Joseph S. d. unm. about 1897; John A. b. 12 Sept. 1832, m. Hannah Day of North- wood and d. 27 Jan. 1881. Abigail m. (i) James Jones, (2) John Judkins, (3) Wiggin Jacobs. Samuel m. Nancy Young; d. Oct. 1858 in Pittsfield. Polly m, Aaron Snell; d. 1827. Morrill b. 11 April 1802; m. Betsev Keniston; d. 11 Aug. 1834- Ira b. 19 Oct. 1806; m. Hannah Gray; d. 19 July 1890 in Pittsfield. Moses D. b. 6 Jan. 1808; m. Mary Ann Bean; d. 25 March 1901 in Deerfield. 21. Solomon Emerson (Jonathan'*, Solomon^ Samuel", MichaeP), born about 1779, married Deborah Young, who was born in 1785 and died 19 June 1843. He lived in Barnstead and died 15 Dec. 1868, aged 89. She was daughter of David and Abigail Young. Abigail Y. b. 22 March 1812; d. 22 Aug. 1827. Thomas b. 1815; d. 13 May 1855. Solomon Y. b. 31 Sept. 1817; d. 31 Jan. 1841. Deborah Y. b. 4 Sept. 1818; m. Joel Clark; d. 4 Aug. 1841. Paul b. 1821; d. 4 March 1842. Dr. George W. b. 25 Oct. 1822; d. 26 Feb. 1902. L^nm. Jefferson b. 25 Oct. 1822; m. Vienna Cilley;d. 27 Aug. 1898. Nancy J. b. 1826; m. Henry Ward; d. 20 May 1865. Dr. James Madison b. 30 June 1827; m. Laura Dennett; d. 21 Jan. 1890 in Gardner, Mass. Andrew Jackson b. 24 July 1830; m. Laura M. Hoyt; d. 10 April 1896. Sarah (?) m. (Jeremiah?) Elkins. 22. Moses Prentice Emerson (Jonathan'*, Solomon^, Samuel^, Michael*), born 15 March 1793, married Sally, daughter of Sam- uel Caswell of Barnstead, where he lived and had the following children. He died 15 Aug. 1875. His wife was born 14 Oct. 1799 and died 26 Feb. 1876. Simeon b. 16 Oct. 1820; m. Mahala J. Adams; d. Nov. 1910. 4 ch. Samuel Harrison b. 17 Sept. 1823; m. 01i\e W. Keniston; d. 26 March 1893. M. Jane b. 6 May 1826; m. Ichabod Philpot. Six Generations 1 86 HISTORY OF DURHAM Sylvania b. ; m. Richard Philpot; 1. in Dover. Mary b. 6 Sept. 1830; m. (i) John Goodale, (2) Joseph H. Ross. Charles F. b. 24 July 1833; m. Emily J. Hall; d. 9 March 1899. 4 ch. John O. b. 9 Nov. 1835; m. (i) Sarah Langley, (2) Clara Wentworth. Jeremiah E. b. 4 Aug. 1838; m. Electa Hill; d. 3 March 1912. George H. b. 12 Jan. 1841; m. Mary E. Emerson. He and brother, Jeremiah, served in the 15th N. H. Vols, in the Civil War. Alfranzo a. b. 21 Feb. 1844; m. (i) Jacob Wentworth, (2) Horace Lord, (3) William A. Adsit. Sixth Generation 23. Timothy Emerson (Andrew^, Timothy"*, Timothy', Sam- ueF, Michael'), born 23 July 1805, married, 23 Sept. 1823, Sophia Place, born 24 Sept. 1803, daughter of John and Nancy (Chesley) Place. He died 15 Dec. 1877. She died 26 Feb. 1871. The accompanying family group shows six generations, i, Nancy (Chesley) Place; 2, Mrs. Sophia (Place) Emerson; 3, John Place Emerson; 4, Mrs. Lovey (Emerson) Jones; 5, Charles Jones at the right lower corner; 6, Harold and Sarah Jones; with their grandmother in the center of the group. Elizabeth Ann b. 6 July 1829; m. 23 Sept. 1853, Henry A. Edgecomb of Biddeford, Me. She d. 6 May 1903. One dau. Carrie, who d. unm. Mary Jane b. 10 Nov. 1830; m. 15 May 1862, John McCrillis of Nottingham and had a son, John. John Place b. 28 July 1832; m. 26 Aug. i860, Mary M. Bunker. A dau. Lovey, b. 29 June 1862, m. 20 March 1880, Samuel Jones and has son, Charles Jones, and grand- children, Harold and Sarah Jones. They live in the garrison house built by Capt. Jonathan Chesley in 1716. George P. b. ; m. Angie O'Hara and had son, John Andrew. Ellen Sophia b. 8 Feb. 1836; m. 26 Nov. 1862, Samuel G. Hanson. Catherine Amanda b. 2 Jan. 1838; m. 5 Oct. 1859, John F. Trickey; d. 10 Aug. 1862. William H. B. b. 4 April 1841; d. 28 Dec. 1841. Charles Wesley b. 5 April 1843; m. (i) 27 May 1865, Mary Ann Runlett, b. 15 May 1843, (2) 23 Jan. 1873, Mrs. Elizabeth Z. Chandler of Chelsea, Mass. Ch. by second marriage, Timothy b. 22 Dec. 1873, d. 27 July 1874, and Marion L. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 8/ 24. Joshua F. Emerson (Samuel T.^, Smith*, Timothy^, SamueF, Michael'), born 29 July 1799, married Sally Durgin, born 12 Dec. 1801. Smith b. 16 Nov. 1820; m. 31 May 1852, Mary Abbie Snell b. 2 Aug. 1828. He was a soldier in the Civil War. Ch., Mary Abbie b. 25 July 1853; Edwin Smith b. 10 Nov. 1855; Martha Anna b. 25 June 1858; Flora Belle b. 14 March 1863. Hannah b. 20 Aug. 1823; m. (i) 7 Nov. 1844, John Giles, (2) Mr. Judkins; d. 1868. Mary b, i Oct. 1826; d. 29 Jan. 1835. George b. 2-] July 1829; d. 15 Dec. 1856. Unm. John R. b. i Jan. 1833; m. 25 June 1868, Abbie A. Brewster of Barrington who was b. 4 July 1832 and d. 6 Aug. 1882; he d. 4 Dec. 1897. Ch., George Herbert b. 29 Sept. 1869, who m. 13 Feb. 1895, Ella E. Hall; and John Wilbur b. 28 Sept. 1875, who m. 22 Feb. 1905, Reta Towle Wiggin, b. 20 May 1874, and they have a dau., Mildred Helen, b. 19 Nov. 1905. Samuel b. 20 July 1837; m. Clara Drew. Ch., Martha and Edwin. Sarah A. b. 6 Dec. 1840; m. 6 July 1863, Stephen Rand, q. v. Emily F. b. 30 Sept. 1842; m. Jeremiah Langley, q. v. 25. Family of Charles and Eliza (Bunker) Emerson of North- wood: Joseph Dame b. 28 June 1816; m. Mary G. Langley of Pitts- field, who was b. 31 March 1820 and d. March 1907; 1. at Manchester. Ch., Flora B., Charles P., and Irving B. Rev. Charles Smith b. 14 Oct. 1817; m. (i) Lydia Bean, (2) Harriet Newell of Barnstead; 1. at Pittsfield; d. 26 April 1880. Ch., Edwin C, and Eugene W. George Bunker b. 14 Feb. 1819; m. Hannah Cilley; 1. at Manchester; d. 30 Sept. 1883. Ch., Charles, Frank and Emily A. Sally B. b. i Sept. 1820; m. Henry Colley; 1. in Manchester; d. s. p. 5 March 1845. Eliza Jane b. 25 Feb. 1822; m. Joseph G. Hill of Northwood; d. 22 Oct. 1874. Dudley Bicicford b. 17 Dec. 1823; m. Emily Jane Young of Framingham, Mass.; 1. in Manchester; d. 18 April 1884 Ch., Josephine A., Ella R., Walter D., Fred H., William P., and Melissa E. Emily Ann b. i Nov. 1825; d. 25 Oct. 1841. Francena M. b. 22 May 1827; m. David M. Griffin of Epsom; d. 19 Sept. 1900. I88 HISTORY OF DURHAM Susan Maria b. 9 Feb. 1830; m. Wm. A. Caswell of North- wood; d. II April 1910. Henry Samuel b. 13 Dec. 1833; m. Maria E. Carter, dau. of Oliver and Sarah (Goodhue) of Amherst; 1. in Northwood; d. 14 Sept. 1896. Ch., Eugene P., Lizetta E., Clara L., and Frank H. Julia Ann b. July 1835; m. George A. Spoft'ord of Andover, Mass. EMERSON Moses Emerson, son of Jonathan and Hannah (Day) Emerson, grandson of Michael and Hannah (Webster) Emerson of Haver- hill, Mass., born about 1718, bought of Hubbard Stevens, 23 May 1 75 1, one quarter of an acre on the corner of the Mast Road and the Madbury Road and moved to Durham about that time. He studied at Harvard College and taught at Milton, Mass. He was commissary in the Revolutionary Army. He is said to have married (i) Rebecca(?) Taylor, a great-granddaughter of Gov. Ed- ward Winslow of Massachusetts. He married (2) Abigail Burnham, daughter of James and Hannah of Ipswich; published in Ipswich in Nov. 1761. He married (3) Lydia, daughter of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Adams) Burnham of Durham. He died in Philadel- phia in 1778, and his widow married Joshua Ballard. By first marriage there were children: Anne bapt. at Haverhill 14 May 1749; prob. d. young. Moses bapt at Milton, Mass., 10 July 1746; d. at Haverhill, Mass., 16 May 1748, in his second year. 2. Edward Winslow b. 25 Aug. 1755; m. Mary Willey. Children by third marriage: 3. Jeremiah b. 5 March 1772; m. Louisa Demeritt. Samuel d. young John d. in Bangor, Me., 4 Oct. 1822. LTnm. William d. in Bangor, i March i860. Unm. 2. Edward Winslow Emerson (Moses) married, 1785, Mary Willey, who was born in Durham 26 Oct. 1758 and died 22 Feb. 1838. He died 10 Nov. 1805. Both were buried in the Thompson cemetery, with a son Timothy. 4. John Taylor b. 17 Dec. 1788; m. Mary Hanson. Timothy d. young. Olive m. John Starbird, 23 Dec. 1836. Had son, James Starbird, who m. Angeline . He d. a soldier in the Union Army, and she m. (2) Warren F. Lovejoy. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 89 3. Jeremiah PZmerson (Moses), born 5 March 1772, married, 18 Feb. 1802, Louisa, daughter of Israel and Lois (Demeritt) Demeritt, who was born 22 Feb. 1784 and died 20 Nov. 1863. He died 19 Dec. 1851. Moses b. 30 June 1802. Mary b. 23 April 1804. William b. 12 Dec. 1805; d. young. Albert b. 29 June 1810. Louisa b. 17 Oct. 181 1. Lydia b. 21 April 1813. John b. 12 April 181 5; deaf and dumb. Charles b. 6 Jan. 1817. Sarah b. 8 May 1818. Susan b. 26 Jan. 1820. Caroline b. 20 May 1823; m. and 1. in Bangor, Me. George b. 23 Jan. 1826. Went to California. Theodore b. Oct. d. i Dec. 1830. 4. John Taylor Emerson (Edward W., Moses), born 17 Dec. 1788, married, 26 Oct. 1815, Mary Hanson, who was born 17 Aug. 1795 and died 2y July i860. He was a tailor and farmer in Durham. Mary Frances b. 23 July 1816; m. 16 April 1839, Daniel Fox Thompson of Lee. Eliza Hanson b. 6 Feb. 1819; m. Nathaniel Hayes of Rochester. Had son, Arthur, who was in the custom house at Boston. John Winslow b. 20 May 1826; d. unm. He was a lawyer in Boston. ELLIOT There were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 21 Dec. 1722, Mary, wife of Francis Elliot, and John and Francis, infant sons of Francis Elliot. Anne Eliot, daughter of William and Anne, was baptized 2 March 1 720/1. Sarah Eliot, wife of Robert, was baptized 19 July 1729. Francis Eliot held some small town office in 1748. This may have been Francis, Jr. John Elliot, doubtless son of Francis, was tythingman in 1758, surveyor of highways in 1764, and lot-layer in 1765. He married Ruth, daughter of Jacob and Mercy (Clough) Flanders of South Hampton, and moved to Boscawen about 1765. Children were John, Nicholas, Robert, Rhoda, Olive, and Joanna. 190 HISTORY OF DURHAM FIELD Darby, son of John Field, was born in Boston, England about 1610, according to the Field Genealogy. He came to Boston, Mass., about 1636. He was of Pascataqua in April 1638 and signed the Exeter Combination in 1639. His land at Oyster River Point is mentioned in 1640. He was licensed to sell w^ine in 1644. He sold his dwelling house and land to John Bickford in 1645. Ambrose Gibbons was appointed to administer his estate, i Oct. 1651, and Strawberry Bank was required to contribute toward the expenses of the " imprisonment of Darbey Field & keepinge him who was distracts of his wits." He was- the first to ascend Mount Washington. The following depositions throw some light on his family. June 28, 1669, Joseph Smith, aged 28, "saith that being at William Pitmans house about the latter end of this last spring Goodman Williams came in & Inquired of the s"^ Pitman & his wife what reports those were they had Raysed of him concerning his children, unto whom the s^ Pitman Replyed that hee had heard of none & so also said his wife; then presently the s"^ goodman Williams called in his daughter-in-law (step-daughter) Sara & told that both the s'^ Pitman and his wife did deny that they ever heard any such reports as she had informed her father & mother." The same day Sara fifield, aged about 18, deposed "that Goody Pitman told her that her father-in-law (step-father) had reported at Goodman Godders (Goddard's house & at William Follets house that his wifes children would undoe him & bring him to beggary." [N. H. Court Files.] It appears that William Williams had married the widow of Darby Field, whose name was Agnes, as a deed shows. 2. Zacharias b. 1648; m. Sarah Roberts. Sarah aged 18 in 1669; m. John Drew. Elizabeth m. Stephen Jones, 28 Jan. 1663. Mary b. abt. 1631, m. Capt. John Woodman, 15 July 1656. Joseph.* He bought land of William Williams in 1674. Es- tate administered by his brother Zacharias, in 1690. No trace of wife or children. 2. Zacharias Field (Darby), born 1648, married as early as ♦March 2, 1722, Joseph Field and Hannah his wife, forn erly Hannah Thon:as, and Peter Grant and Mary, his wife, formerly Mary Thomas, children of William Tiionias who married Mary, daughter of John Barrett of Cape Porpoise, relinquish administration of Barrett's es- tate to Thomas Perkins. [Records at Alfred, Me ] This Joseph Field was a mariner of New Castle. HISTORY OF DURHAM I9I 1677, Sarah, daughter of John and Abigail (Nutter) Roberts. He was selectman in 1695. 3. Zachariah b. 30 June 1686, m. Hannah Evans. Daniel b. 9 Aug. 1690; m. Sarah — bef. 1734. Was of Biddeford in 1756. Abigail m. Daniel Jacob, 24 Oct. 1697. 4. John m. Sarah Drew, 16 Jan. 1706/7. Mary m. Solomon Pinkham, 13 Dec. 1706. Dorcas m. John Bunker. Stephen m. Mary King, 10 June 171 7. In 172 1 sixty acres were laid out to Stephen ffield which were granted to his father Zachariah Field in 1693/4. [Dover Town Records. Cf. Old Kittery and Her Families, p. 401.] 3. Zachariah Field (Zacharias^, Darby^) was ensign in 1711. He married, 12 Jan. 1709. Hannah, daughter of Robert and Ann (Thompson-Hodgdon) Evans, born 21 June 1690. She married (2) in Newington, 16 May 17 16, Richard Hussey. She died in Lebanon, Me., 31 Jan. 1773. Lieut. Zachariah Field left two sons: Daniel b. 17 Feb. 1709/10; m. Sarah Haynes. L. in Scar- boro, Saco, and Buxton, Me. 6 ch. ZACHARL\Hb. 9 Aug. I7i2;m. Mary Wilson of Falmouth, Me., 9 M^rch 1738. He d. in 1803 in Falmouth, Me. 10 ch. 4. John Field (Zacharias^, DarbyO married, 16 Jan. 1706/7, Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah Drew. He died intestate about 1763. Various deeds show the following children: Abigail m. Ebenezer Jones. Elizabeth m. Samuel Jones. Dau. Ann. m. Joseph Stevens of Durham. Mary, unm. in 1763. John d. 25 Feb. 1773, according to Tate's Journal. Sarah m. John Giles. FARNHAM John Farnham, born 5 Oct. 1792, married (i) 10 July 1814, Susan Giles, born in Lee 12 July 1798. She died 28 Jan. 1817 and he married (2), 25 Sept. 1817, Eliza Hilton, born in Lee 10 June 1798. Children recorded in Durham: Susan G. b. 8 June 1818. John H. b. 21 Jan. 1820. Abigail D. b. 3 Dec. 1821. Eliza Ann b. 5 Oct. 1823. Delia Frances b. 9 Sept. 1825. Andrew Jackson b. 10 Jan. 1828. 192 HISTORY OF DURHAM FOGG Hilliard F. Fogg, son of Hilliard and Sarah (Wallace) Fogg of Northwood, was born 24 Aug. 1836. He married, i Jan. 1861, Ann M. Bennett, born 13 April 1836, daughter of David and Sarah (Collins) Bennett of Northwood. Their children are as follows. Elmer W. b. 4 Jan. 1862. Unm. Alice F. b. 5 March 1864; m. Samuel H. Bartlett and 1. in Walpole, Mass. Ch., Florence L., who m. Albeit D. Cutler, Maud H., Frank H., and Harold F., who d. young. David H. b. 26 Feb. 1866, m. 21 Nov. 1892, Artha M. Sherburne, b. 6 Jan. 1870, dau. of Isaac G. Sherburne of Lee, who m. Hannah, R., dau. of Joseph Woodman. Their ch., are Sherburne H. b. 20 Dec. 1893, Anna R. b. 4 Feb. 1896, Leander H. b. 4 Feb. 1898, Leola M. b. 4 May 1900, Elmer Kenneth b. 3 Aug. 1903, infant b. 10 June and d. 29 July 1904, Lloyd W. b. 16 July 1905. Clyde B. b. 26 Dec. 1907, and Emily b. 19 March 1910. Sadie B. b. 4 March 1872; m. Lewis H. Ellison. Ch., Eleanor B. b. 29 May 1906, and Pauline E. b. 27 July 1911. FOLLETT John Follett signed the Dover Combination of 1640 and nothing more is known of him. William Follett was rated in 1649. He married, 12 July 1672, Elizabeth, widow of William Drew. He was a prominent man in town affairs and had several grants of land. Capt. Nicholas Follett was deputy from Oyster River to the convention of 1689. He was rated in 1675. He left widow, Abigail, who married Richard Nason of Kittery. June 29, 1706, this Abigail Nason, aged about 80, deposed that Nicholas Follett, tailor, of Portsmouth, was eldest son of Nicholas Follett ■of Portsmouth, mariner, who was second cousin to William Follett of Oyster River and nearest heir. Capt. Nicholas Follett lived between Stevenson's Creek and Stoney Brook. He left ■children : Sarah m. John Meader. She deposed, 29 June 1706, aged 52. 2. Nicholas m. (i) , (2) Widow Hannah Brook- ing. HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 93 2. Nicholas Follett (Nicholas) lived at Oyster River and in Portsmouth. He was a mariner. The name of his first wife is not known. He married (2) Hannah, widow of Godfrey Brook- ing, and daughter of William and Elizabeth (Matthews) Drew. His will, dated 29 April 1700, names wife, Hannah, and children Philip, Caleb and "others" who were under age. Hannah and son, Nicholas, were appointed administrators of his estate in 1700, and in 1705 Abraham Haseltine and wife, Hannah, and Nicholas Follett were made administrators. It appears that widow, Hannah, had married Abraham Heseltine. Children ■of Nicholas Follett were: Abigail m. 2 Sept. 1697, Andrew Wiggin of Stratham. 3. Nicholas b. 5 Nov. 1677; m. 12 Sept. 1700, Mary Hull. 4. Benjamin m. Deborah Lyford. 5. IcHABOD (?) m. (i) Temperance Binder, (2) Prudence Wakeham. Philip. Caleb. Third Generation 3. Nicholas Follett (Nicholas^, Nicholas'), born 5 Nov. 1677, married, 12 Sept. 1700, Mary Hull, daughter of Dodavah and Mary (Seward) Hull of Portsmouth. He died 29 Aug. 1722. He is mentioned, 26 May 171 1, as "heir of all estate of William Follet of Oyster River." In a deed, 1710, he mentions his cousin John Follet of Barbadoes. Two children are recorded, and both died in infancy. 4. Benjamin Follett (Nicholas^, Nicholas') was a minor, 2 Oct. 1705, when he had his brother, Nicholas, appointed his guardian. He was then eight years old. He married, before 1722, Deborah, daughter of Francis Lyford of Exeter, who in his will, 1723, names daughter, Deborah Follett. Benjamin Follett lived in Stratham. His estate was administered by widow, Deborah, of Stratham, 28 Sept. 1746. He had also estate in Newmarket. June 29, 1752, Nicholas Follett of Newbury, Mass., Benjamin Doe of Durham and wife, Hannah, formerly Hannah Follett, gave to Francis Follett of Newmarket power of attorney to recover estate that did belong to Nicholas Follett, late of Portsmouth. A brother, Caleb Follett, minor, is men- tioned in the instrument. Children, then, of Benjamin Follett were : 13 194 HISTORY OF DURHAM Nicholas b. 15 Aug. 1724; of Newbury, Mass., in 1752. Hannah m. Benjamin Doe of Durham. Francis m. Elizabeth, dau. of Giles Burley of Newmarket. Both were 1. in 1759. Caleb, minor in 1752. 5. Ichabod Follett (probably Nicholas-, Nicholas^ bought land of Joseph Meader, 25 Dec. 1719, "between land granted to Henry Marsh & the bridge on the freshet of Oyster River," thirty acres, bounded by the Mast Road and the river. He married (i) Temperance Pinder, daughter of John and Sarah, (2) Prudence, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Meader) Wakeham, His will, II Aug.-25 Oct. 1752, names wife, Prudence, son, John, daughters, Deborah Follett and Abigail, wife of William Jackson, grandsons, John Follett and Ebenezer Jackson. His first wife. Temperance Follett, was baptized with daughter, Abigail, 16 July 1721. John m. Jane ; 1. in Lee in 1767. Had son, John, who m. 6 Oct. 1757, Mary Arland (Allen?) in Durham. Had also son, Joseph, to whom he deeded land in Lee, with buildings, in 1767. Joseph m. Mary Huckins. John and Joseph Follett were living in Lee in 1776. Deborah bapt. 8 Jan. 1742; m. Robert Leathers, 29 Feb. 1756. Abigail m. \\ illiam Jackson of Durham. John Follet born in Nottingham 9 Feb. 1778, married Deborah Davis, born 27 Dec. 1780. Nine children are recorded in Durham: Caroline b. 28 Dec. 1806; m. 1836, James Marden. Joseph b. 16 Feb. 1808. Deborah b. 4 July 1811 ; m. Richard S. Demeritt. John b. ii July 1813. Richard b. 6 May 1815; m. Martha Hoitt of Barrington. Ch., John who m. Mary Quinlon, and 1. in Durliam, Annie who m. James Burke, and Ella who m. Eben Spinney of Kittery, Me. Charles b. 6 April 1818; d. 16 Jan. 1831. James b. 16 Nov. 1820; m. 15 March 1846, Sally Giles of Barrington. Ch., Charles, Frank and Augusta. ABKiAiL b. 28 March 1822. Sarah Ann b. 28 Sept. 1824. Unclassified Marriages MAy 23, 1 718, Joseph Oilman and Elizabeth Follet in Greenland. HISTORY OF DURHAM I95 Jan. 16, 17S6, Andrew Doe and Polly Follet in Newmarket. May 10, 1739, Joseph Rawlins, Jr., and Susanna FoIIet, Susanna Follet owned the covenant in Newington, 19 Nov. 1732, and had her son, Thomas, baptized. Feb. 3, 1793, Benjamin Follet of Nottingham and Lydia Langley. Sept. 13, 1801, Jonathan Leighton and Lois Follett. Aug. 19, 1804, Samuel Follet of Lee and Peggy Bickford of Durham. Nov. 15, 1804, Chase Prescott and Deborah Follett of Epp- ing. Dec. 15, 1796, Henry Stockbridge and Lydia Follett in Newmarket. FOOTMAN Henry Simpson of York conveyed to George Puttington, 15 April 1640, land "formerly granted by the said Symson unto Thomas ffooteman." [See York Deeds, HI, 85.] Thomas Footman of York, 29 May 1645, gave bond for the payment of £ 16 to John Hurd, tailor, of Boston, and had ac- counts with the same in 1648. [See Aspinwall's Notarial Re- cord.] Thomas Footman was rated at Oyster River in 1649. An island containing one acre in the mouth of Great Bay was granted to him, 10 Aug. 1653. He had a messuage or tenement on the northwest side of Little Bay, which he sold to Rice Howell in 1654. He lived on the north shore of Great Bay, next west of William Durgin. He married Catherine, daughter of Francis Mathews, and she married (2) 25 June 1672 William Durgin. Footman's will, 14 Aug. 1667-30 Jan. 1668, names wife, Cattren, daughter, Abigail, "other children," and "my brother Ben- jamin Mathews and William ffoUett to assist my wife." He died in Jan. 1668. 2. John m. Sarah Crommett, i8 Dec. 1691. 3. Thomas b. 1663; m. Elizabeth Drew. Abk;ail m. (i) Benjamin York, (2) McKengs. Widow, of Exeter, 1727. 2. John Footman (Thomas) married (i) 18 Dec. 1691, Sarah Crommett, daughter of Philip, (2) Margaret . Feb. 24, 1725 6, John Footman and Margaret sold to his daughter, Margaret Stevenson, land that was granted to his father, Thomas Footman, in 1656. April 19, 1756, Joseph Footman, son of 196 HISTORY OF DURHAM John Footman, deceased, intestate, and one of the heirs of "my brother John Footman deceased intestate, sold land to Thomas Stevenson, son of my sister Margaret Stevenson." John Foot- man is mentioned as deceased in 1733. Margaret m. Joseph Stevenson, 26 Sept. 17 17. Elenor bapt. 31 Dec. 1727, "maiden daughter of John Footman"; m. ■ — McCalvey. John named as deceased in 1756. Joseph 1. in 1756. 3. Thomas Footman (Thomas) married Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Drew, as a deed shows. He is said to have died 30 Oct. 1752. He was grievously wounded in the fight with the Indians in 1690. [See his petition.] Francis bapt. 15 Nov. 1719; m. Olive Bickford, 26 June 1750. His will, 1756, names only sons, Thomas and John, of whom John Sullivan was guardian. His estate was divided in 1774. Thomas bapt. 15 Nov. 1719. Elizabeth bapt. 15 Nov. 1719; m. John Phillips. Thomas Footman (Francis^, Thomas^, Thomas^) was born 28 Sept. 1751. He married, 14 Aug. 1779, Susanna Gage, who was born 30 Oct. 1759 and died 3 Nov. 1797. He died 30 Aug. 1804. [Dates according to Dr. Ham's records.] These seem to have been the parents of Francis Footman born 15 Feb. 1780, who married about 1801 Hannah Varney daughter of Aaron, and died 17 April 1806. His wife died 22 Jan. 1874, aged 93- Thomas and Susanna (Gage) Footman were also probably parents of Jonathan Gage Footman, born 29 Dec. 1782, who married, 9 July 1805 in Rochester, Sarah Hodgdon, daughter of Caleb, and died at sea. John Footman, parentage unknown, died in Durham i Dec. 1823, aged 85. He married Sarah Durgin, born 24 June 1742. They had sons, Trueworthy born i Sept. 1776, who died 10 Sept. 1853, and William born 29 Feb. 1784, who was drowned 9 Aug. 1854. Her brother, William Durgin, married Sarah Footman. Thomas Footman died in Durham 30 Nov. 1822, aged 78. His wife, name not given, died 4 Jan. 1813, aged 70. Sarah Footman died 30 Nov. 1806, aged about 95. June 6, 1765, Miles Randall of Durham sold to Deliverance Footman land in Nottingham. The same day Deliverance HISTORY OF DURHAM 1 97 Footman of Lee sold to her grandson, Jacob Welch of Newmarket, the same land. Published 7 April 1804, Francis Footman and Martha Leathers. FROST FFROST Hon. George Frost, son of Hon. John and Mary (Pepperrell) Frost (Major Charles^, Nicholas^) was born at New Castle, 29 April 1720. In early life he entered the counting house of his uncle, Sir William Pepperrell and followed the sea for about twenty years. He married (i) Widow Richards of London. He lived on his farm at Rye, N. H., from 1760 to 1770, and then, having married in 1764 Mrs. Margaret Smith, widow of Dea. Ebenezer Smith, and daughter of Major Weeks of Greenland, he removed to the Smith garrison house, near the shore of the Great Bay, at Lubberland, where he died 21 June 1796. See page 294 of Vol. L 2. George b. 3 Dec. 1765; m. Margaret Burleigh. Mary twin to George; m. 27 Nov. 1791, Jeremy Mead, Esq., who d. Aug. 1839, aged 84. He represented Newmarket several years. Had one dau., Sarah, who m. Hon. Wm. Plumer of Epping, United States senator and Governor of New Hampshire. Martha Wentworth m. 12 May 1796, Henry Mellen, lawyer and poet, b. in Sterling, Mass., graduate of Har- vard in 1784. He practised law at Dover, where he d. 31 July 1809, aged 51. Shed. 11 Jan. 1835, aged 67. John m. 30 Oct. 1826, Dorothy Salter and rem. to Ports- mouth after being a merchant in Durham many years. He was colonel of the twenty-fifth regiment of militia. He d. 7 Feb. 1847, aged 71. 2. George Ffrost (George,^ John,^ Charles^, Nicholas^), born 3 Dec. 1765, married, 30 April 1797, Margaret, daughter of James and Mehitable (Sheafe) Burleigh of Newmarket, who was born 27 Sept. 1770, and died 20 March 1846. He was mer- chant, farmer, magistrate and representative of Durham in 1807. He died 10 April 1841. Mehitable Sheafe b. 20 Aug. 1799, d. 27 March 1879; m. John Prentiss Mellen, 29 April 1823. George b. 24 Feb. 1801; d. March 1879. Unm. 3. W^M. Pepperrell b. 26 Dec. 1802; m. Mary N. Smith. Elizabeth b. 17 May 1805; m. William Rollins. ^ i_ c rt •2 bx> V 7:z a > CTJ -^ O g -o _3 c c^ HISTORY OF DURHAM 199 3. William Pepperrell Ffrost (George^ George\ John^ Charles-, Nicholas'), born 26 Dec. 1802, married, 18 Sept. 1842, Mary N. (Horle) Smith. He died 20 May 1893. Samuel Sheafe b. 5 June 1843; d. next day. George Seward m. 6 Dec' 1870, Martha Hale Low. Ch., Mary Pepperrell, Margaret Hamilton, Sarah Low, and Elizabeth Rollins. Margaret Burleigh. Mary Woodbury d. 22 Sept. 1848. Anna Pepperrell d. 23 Nov. 1909. WiLLL\M Edward d. 7 March 1867. Mary Pepperrell Ffrost, daughter of George Seward Ffrost, married, 10 June 1897, James Cowan Sawyer and has children, George Ffrost b. 25 June 1902, and Charles Henry b. 20 Oct. 1906. FOWLER John Fowler married, 15 Feb. 1817, Abigail, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Leathers) Dame, who was born in Durham, 22 Feb. 1796. Mary b. 22 Sept. 1817; d. 25 Dec. 1868. Joseph twin to Mary; d. 1881. Unm. Jereml\h b. 5 Sept. 1822; m. Lucy Brown; d. 24 Jan. 1889. Ch., Edith E. b. 5 Oct. 1850; m. 17 Sept. 1874, Fred R. Gibbs; Frank A. b. 23 Nov. 1851; m. 28 March 1871, Mary B. Reed, d. 9 Oct. 1888, leaving two ch., Frank C, b. 31 July 1872, who m. (i) 5 Sept. 1897, Etta J. Hayden, who d. 16 March 1905 (2) 11 Dec. 1907, Bertha P. Smith. Frank C. had one ch. by first m., Frank Edwin b. 17 Aug. 1898, d. 20 Aug. 1899. The other ch. of Frank A. Fowler was Mary Lizzie, who was b. 20 June 1875 and m. 12 Nov. 1910, Isaiah A. Whorf. Clarissa b. 5 Oct. 1826; m. Roswell Severance; d. March 1906. John b. 20 April 1829; m. Mary Parker; d. 7 March 1897. George b. 30 Dec. 1832; d. Aug. 1912; m. 1869. Anna Jane Mordock b. 7 Jan. 1832, dau. of Robert and Hannah Soden (Richardson) Mordock. She d. May 1909 at Hampton, Va. 2 ch., Clarence b. at Cambridge, Mass., 17 April 1870, and Harrison b. at Durham 5 June 1875, who m. 1903, Elizabeth, dau. of William F. and Laura (Chase) Jones, and had son, Harrison, Jr., b. 2 Feb. 1904. 200 HISTORY OF DURHAM FURNESS AND GLEASON Patrick Furness was taxed in Durham from 1783 onward and his death is recorded 9 Nov. 1814. He is supposed to be the father of Robert, who married, 14 April 18 14, Mary French of Durham, and of Edward, who married, 27 May 1816, Char- lotte Dutch of Newmarket, born 25 July 1794. He died 5 Jan. 1822, and his widow married John Gleason, who was born 3 April 1806 and died 28 March 1838. The children of Edward Furness were: William P. b. 24 May 1817; m. 27 Nov. 1845, Abbie C. Choate of Haverhill, Mass., and had dau., Anna, b. 21 April 1847. Edward b. 16 Sept. 1819; m. Hannah Lucinda Stevens. Charlotte b. 7 Sept. 1821. Unm. Children of John Gleason were: John b. 24 Dec. 1830; d. 11 Nov. 1903. L. in Manchester^ N. H. Mary Ann b. 10 Nov. 1832; m. Dea. Albert Young. Frances Jane b. 14 Dec. 1834; m. Morrill. Albert L. b. 16 Feb. 1836; m. Lizzie Chapman of New- market. Robert Furness died 20 Sept. 1841. A son died 5 March 1823, aged 3 months. Margaret Furness, probably a daughter,. died 13 July 1831, aged 7 years. GARLAND Gideon Garland, soldier of the Revolution, married Mary Ayers, daughter of Perkins Ayers of Portsmouth, who was born 12 Aug. 1754 and died in Durham 29 April 1851. # John b. 15 July 1781 ; m. 28 July 1804, Comfort Durgin. James b. 21 Aug. 1782; m. 1805, Polly Mills. Hannah b. 13 April 1784; m. Nathan Wiggin. Betsey b. 13 April 1784; m. 1806, Samuel Ferrin. Samuel b. 27 Nov. 1792; m. Clara Edgerly. Polly b. 7 May 1795; m. 2"] Feb. 1812, James Langley. Nathaniel b. May 1805; m. 4 May 1828, Harriet Picker- ing; d. 19 Dec. 1893. HISTORY OF DURHAM 201 GILES Matthew Giles was one of the earliest settlers at Oyster River. "Giles old field" is repeatedly mentioned in deeds. It lay be- tween two creeks, where later Edward Wakeham lived, and was the farm next above that of Francis Matthews, on the south side of the river. In 1648 Matthew Giles paid the largest tax in the plantation. He also owned land on Smuttynose Island, which he sold 27 June 1659. John Redman, Sr., of Hampton, and Richard Knight of Boston, weaver, conveyed, 30 Oct. 1668, to Peter Lewis house, stage, and appurtenances on Smuttynose Island, formerly owned by Matthew Giles of Oyster River. [See York Deeds, Vol. II.] The court ordered, 2:8:1644, that Elizabeth Giles, wife of Matthew, should be whipped or redeemed with a fine of twenty shillings for "revyling words" against some of the members of the church. June 30, 1657, she was presented at court for calling John Alt, constable, "Constable Rogie" and was admon- ished, paying fees of two shillings, sixpence. Matthew Giles died 21 Jan. 1666/7. Matthew Williams administered his estate and, after debts were paid, the remainder was equally divided between Matthew Williams and Richard Knight. Perhaps they had married daughters of Giles. Matthew Giles signed a petition from the Isles of Shoals in 1653, that the isles be made a township. He and John Bick- ford and W^illiam Drew and, doubtless, many others at Oyster River were principally engaged in fishing. At that time all the streams above Portsmouth were well stocked with salmon and stur- geon. No connection has been discovered between this family and that of Mark Giles of Dover proper. GODDARD John Goddard, born about 1608, as a deposition shows, was one of Capt. John Mason's colonists, who came over in the Pied Co2v, arriving at Newichawannock, or South Berwick, Me., 13 July 1634, where he aided in erecting a saw-mill and grist- mill. Sept. 21, 1647, he bought of Joseph Miller* land and build- ings in Dover, on Goddard's Creek, near the shore of Great Bay. Dea. W. S. Meserve and I visited the spot in April, 1913 * He removed to Cambridge, Mass. He is called also Joseph Millard and was probably one of the ancestors of President Millard Fillmore. 202 HISTORY OF DURHAM and it seems plain that Goddard's house must have stood about where a summer cottage does now on a httle hill, at the extreme point of land, on the south side of the creek. The landing must have been near by, to which a road was laid out in early times. [See chapter on Roads.] His house was a garrison. Goddard's Neck of land is mentioned in 1657, in laying out the boundaries of Dover and Exeter. John Goddard was constable for Dover in 1655. He was made freeman of Do^'er in 1653. He owned a share in Piscassic falls with timber accommodations, which he sold in 1 659. He died 12 Nov. 1666. The verdict of the coroner's jury concern- ing the "untimely death of John Goddard" was put on file, 25 June 1667. His widow, Welthea, or Welthen, born about 1621, married (2) John Symonds. She was living, non compos mentis, in 1705. John Goddard was a carpenter by trade. He was once fined for being absent from meeting four days and "twice at the Quakers," the fine being forty shillings. We are led to think that courts were almost as anxious then as they are now to collect fines and fees. Fancy John Goddard rowing at low tide the whole length of Great Bay and Little Bay and up Oyster River half way to the Falls to get to meeting. The division of his estate in 1670 shows the following children, and since the male lines of descent speedily ceased, the Goddards of Maine who claim descent from him will have to look to Massa- chusetts for their ancestor. John d. unm. abt. 1678. Benjamin 1. in 1672. d. s. p. Daughter m. John Gilman bef. 10 May 1670. Mary m. Arthur Bennett bef. 10 May 1670. Martha m. (i) James Thomas, (2) Elias Critchet. GRIFFITHS Capt. Edward Griffiths was born in London, England, 10 Aug. 1 78 1. He was a noted sea captain. He married (i) 22 Nov. 1804, Judith P. Taylor, in Newburyport, Mass., who died in Dover, N. H., 6 Dec. 1812. He married (2) Martha C., daughter of Capt. Eleazer and Anna (Clough) Bennett, who died 14 Nov. 1875. Capt. Griffiths died 31 May 1858. He was enrolled in the War of 1812. About 1820 he settled in Dur- ham about three miles from the falls and the same distance 204 HISTORY OF DURHAM from Newmarket. His farm of 200 acres was originally a part of Moharimet's Marsh, named for an Indian sagamore of that region. The farm is now in the possession of his grandsons. Capt. Edward had the following children by his first marriage: Elizabeth W. b. 4 June 1806; m. 28 July 1833, Eliphalet Watson. Edward A. b. 31 Jan. 1808; m. 15 Nov. 1834, Martha A. Holmes of Greenland. Susannah M. b. 26 March 18 12; m. 9 March 1839, Arioch Wentworth of Boston; d. 23 Nov. 1872. Children by second marriage: 2. John B. b. 12 June 1814; m. Ruth Wentworth. David F. b. 24 Nov. 181 8; m. i Feb. 1846, Sarah E. Joy; d. 5 March 1855. She d. 30 Sept. 1887. Ch., Martha Frances d. 9 Sept. 1849, aged 2 yrs., and Martha Ann d. 15 May 1853, aged 2 yrs. 9 mos. Martha Ann b. 19 Feb. 1827; m. 23 Jan. 1849, William H. Wentworth; d. 8 April 1849. Frances May b. 30 July 1828; m. 19 Dec. 1850, Horatio G. Connor of Manchester. She d. 22 Jan. 1884. He d. II Nov. 1881. Ch., Martha Ann b. 29 Sept. 1851; m. George Gage and d. 12 July 1896, and Mary Frances b. 7 Feb. 1854. 2. John B. Griffiths (Edward), born 12 June 1814, married, 6 Dec. 1838, Ruth Wentworth. She was daughter of Bartholo- mew and Nancy (Hall) Wentworth, granddaughter of Bartholo- mew and Ruth (Hall) Wentworth, great-granddaughter of Sergt. John and Sarah (Stackpole) Hall. Sarah Stackpole was daughter of Philip and Mercy (Thompson) Stackpole, grand- daughter of James and Margaret (Warren) Stackpole. Ruth W^entworth was born 26 April 1818 and died 6 May 1900. John b. Griffiths died 8 June 1896. He spent his life as an enterprising and successful farmer on the farm which he purchased in 1855 at Packer's Falls. He dealt largely in neat cattle. He was a director of Newmarket National Bank for thirty years. Chil- dren were: 3. Edward Bartholomew b. 13 Jan. 1842; m. Clara Chap- man. 4. William Hall b. 15 May 1843; m. Amy J. Robinson. Annie Martha b. 21 Nov. 1844; m. Chase G. Watson, 18 Nov. 1868. Ch., Blanche b. 2 July 1870, and John H. b. June 1873, who m. July 1904, Mary Lowrie, who d. 14 May 1907, leaving two children. 206 HISTORY OF DURHAM Arioch Wentworth b. 31 Aug. 1851; m. 14. June 1876, Sadie B., dau. of Franklin and Hannah (Andrews) Mc- Daniel. One ch., John Harold b. 20 Sept. 1877. who m. 16 Aug. 1905, Edith May, dau. of James and Evelyn (Gage) Bean of Lee. They have one child, Ruth b. 18 June 1909. John Harold Griffiths is employed as bookkeeper by the American Woolen Co., and resides in North Andover, Mass. See page 323 of Vol. I. 3. Edward B. Griffiths (John- B.'\ Capt. Edward^), born 13 Jan. 1842, was educated in the common school, Durham. Academy and Newmarket High School. He has spent his life on the farm, except three \ears in Boston in the foreign and domestic fruit trade. He married, 24 May 1876, Clara B. Chapman of New- market, who died 4 April 1881. He married (2), 2 July 1884, M. Effie Furber of Greenland. One child by each marriage: David F. b. 27 March 1881. Graduated at the Bliss Busi- ness College of Dover and is now superintendent of the Derry Electric Co. of Derry, N. H. Sadie Marion b. 6 April 1901. 4. William Hall Griffiths (John B.^ Capt. Edward^ born 15 May 1843, married (i) 15 May 1873, Amy Jane, daughter of William M. and Mary Eliza (Stackpole) Robinson, who was born in Newmarket 18 Sept. 1854 and died 25 Aug. 1886. He married (2) 21 May 1892, Mrs. Ella (Pettigrew) Gray. Two children b>' first marriage: Edna M. b. 8 Nov. 1874; m. 2 May 1895, Clarence Lawrence, who d. 8 Dec. 1912. Willis Wentworth b. 23 Sept. 1877. Graduated at Tufts College. M. i Jan. 1904, Viola Sabin, and has 2 ch. G ROVER George Grover married i March 1803, Salh' E\ans, perhaps (2) Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Stacy of Eaton, and died in Durham 11 April 1849, aged 92. His wife died 24 May 1866, aged 99-1 i-io. The>- had children, Henry W. B., George W., Mary, Dorcas, Jane and Sarah. Henry W. B. Gro\er was born 28 Dec. 1805. He married, 28 Sept. 1828, Rebecca Linscot, who was born 7 Sept. 1805 in Eaton. He was a painter by trade. He died 22 June 1882. His wife died 10 Feb. i860. Their children were: HISTORY OF DURHAM 20/ y Martha Murray b. 29 May 1829; m. 8 May 1857, Thomas Gaskill of Newburyport, Mass. She d. 17 Dec. 1872 in Portsmouth. Mahala Jane b. 20 Oct. 1832; m. 5 June 1852, Joseph W. Cooper of Newburyport. Sarah Elizabeth b. 9 Nov. 1834; n^- i^ May 1861, Henry Grover of Milbury, Mass. Rebecca b. 13 May 1837; m. 20 Dec. 1861, Elbridge Prior of Portsmouth ;d. 26 July 1884. Henrietta b. i Jan. 1840; m. 22 June i860, Moses Jack- man of East SaUsbury, Mass. John L. b. 14 May 1844; d. 12 Feb. 1863. Mary Stacy b. 5 May 1847; m. 26 Aug. 1867, Thomas Prior of Portsmouth. Capt. Edmund Grover of Portsmouth married, 30 Jan. 1792, Catherine, daughter of Benjamin and Betty (Barnes) Bunker, and had children born in Durham : Mary b. 25 Aug. 1792; m. 4 May 1818, John W. Shute of Newmarket. Catherine or Patience b. 29 June 1794; m. 26 April 1818, Andrew B. Shute of Newmarket. HANSON Ephraim Hanson, born in Dover 16 Sept. 1780, son of John Burnham and Elizabeth (Rogers) Hanson, married, 1808, Abi- gail, daughter of James and Sarah (Thompson) Leighton, who was born 10 Feb. 1787. He died 20 Sept. 1823. Sarah b. 20 July, 1809; m. 1840, Jonathan T. Dodge of Rochester; d. i Nov. 1889. Her oldest child, Sophia, m. Col. Daniel Hall of Dover, in 1877. John L. b. 5 Sept. 181 i;m. 1834, Eliza Wiggin of Wake- field; d. 1866. Susannah b. 8 Sept. 1813; d. in infancy. Joseph G. b. 20 Sept. 1814 at Alton; m. 1835, Rosetta Cornwall of New York. James L. b. 29 Dec. 1816 at Alton; m. (i) 1842 Ann Maria Merriam of Concord, Mass. (2) Amanda Pratt of Somers- worth. He d. at Great Falls, in 1867. Martha E. b. in Durham 8 Jan. 1819; d. unm. 23 Jan. 1912. LydiaA. b. in Durham 23 April, i82i;m. i866,SilasA.Quincy of Boston; d. 1873. Charles Henry b. in Durham 23 Oct. 1823; <^1- '" California- :208 HISTORY OF DURHAM HAYES Chauncey E. Hayes, born in Strafford, Vt., 23 July 1847, married, 3 Sept. 1873, Addie M. Luce, who was born in Randolph, Vt., 2 Feb. 1847. He moved to Durham in 1885 and has the following children, all of whom have graduated at New Hamp- shire College. Mr. Hayes has been postmaster, collector and treasurer. Mabel L. b. 20 Dec. 1874. Teacher at Hanover, N. H. Leslie D. b. 27 March 1876; m. 15 June 1907, Emily Roths- child. He is associate professor in Cornell University. Ch., Elizabeth b. 3 July 191 1. Warren C. b. 2 April 1884. L. in Denver, Col. Bernice M. b. 4 Oct. 1890. Teacher at Hillsborough, N. H. HICKS Dennis Hicks of Kittery Point had wife, Sarah, who was probably daughter of Roger Deering. Two of their sons, John and Joseph, married daughters of Col. James Davis of Oyster River. John Hicks and Elizabeth Davis were published 13 Nov. 1723. He was living near Braveboat Harbor, York, Me., in 1739. His widow was of Durham in 1754 and died at the age of 79. They had at least two children, Sarah who married Paul Pinkham, and Joseph who had wife, Elizabeth, before 1760. Capt. Joseph Hicks (Dennis) married Sarah, daughter of Col. James Davis. He bought of Thomas Davis, 1723, fifteen acres near Moharimet's hill, in Madbury. He died in 1770, as his will shows. She died at the age of 91 and Andrew Drew was appointed to administer her estate 14 Jan. 1794. He had a garrison on the east side of the above named hill, called also Hicks' hill, and their graves are pointed out near by. He "lived where the old cellar is on the top of Hicks' hill. " Sarah b. 22 May 1721; m. Samuel Chesley. John b. 20 Oct. 1723. Not named in will, 1770. Mary b. i Jan. 1725; m. Francis Drew. Hbpzibah bapt. 6 April 1729. Not named iin will. Elizabeth bapt. 31 July 1740; m. Samuel Dam. 2. Joseph bapt. 22 May 1746; m. (i) Lydia Brewster. 2. Joseph Hicks (Joseph^, Dennis'^) married (i) as descend- ants say Lydia Brewster of Portsmouth, who died 15 May 1804. He married (2) Deborah, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Ham) HISTORY OF DURHAM 209 Ham, born 1754. He died 20 June 1807. His estate was divided, 29 April 181 7, among widow, Deborah, daughter, EHzabeth Joy, and Lydia Drew. Tombstone inscriptions and family records show the following descendants. His widow, Deborah, married Andrew Torr, 20 Dec. 1809. Elizabeth m. 15 Oct. 1803, Jacob Joy, Jr. She d. 28 May 1872, aged 90-4-17. Sarah m. 12 Nov. 1795, Benaiah Drew. She d. i April 1805, aged 24, leaving a daughter, Lydia H. b. 3 Dec. 1796. [See Drew.] HILL Valentine Hill came to Oyster River in 1649. He was living in Boston in 1636 and was deacon in the church there. He married (i) Frances Freestone, daughter of Richard Freestone of Alfred, Lincolnshire, Eng. She was baptized at Horncastle, CO. Lincoln, 13 Oct. 1610. Richard Freestone married his cousin, Margery Freestone. He was son of George Freestone, who married Mary, daughter of John Hutchinson. Mary was first cousin to William Hutchinson of Boston, who married the cele- brated Anne Marbury. The will of Robert Turner of Boston, 14 Aug. 165 1, bequeaths property to "Hannah Hill, daughter of my wifes sister." Valentine Hill was one of the overseers of the will. [See article in the Essex Institute Hist. Coll., Vol. 48, pp. 236- 275, by G. Andrews Moriarty, A. M. Cf. Lechford's Note Book, p. 357, and Lincolnshire Pedigrees, p. 375.] Valentine Hill's first wife died in Boston in 1644 and he married (2), before 1647, Mary, daughter of Gov\ Theophilus Eaton of Connnecticut. He died in 1661, leaving his property in a con- fused state, which commissioners had failed to fully settle after half a century and more. His widow married Ezekiel Knight of Wells, Me. She died 24 April 1708. Besides several children who died in infancy Valentine Hill had children as follows: Hannah b. 17 of ist mo. 1638; m. 24 Jan. 1659, Antipas Boyce. Children by second marriage : Samuel b. 9 of loth mo. 1648; 1. in 1661. Mary b. 29 loth mo. 1649; m. Rev. John Buss. 2. Nathaniel b. March 1659; m. Sarah Nutter. 2. Capt. Nathaniel Hill (Valentine), born the first of March 14 2IO HISTORY OF DURHAM 1659, married Sarah, daughter of Anthony and Sarah (Langstaff) Nutter, granddaughter of Elder Hatevil Nutter of Dover Neck. He inherited his father's farm of 500 acres at the Falls. Sept. 13, 1697, Nathaniel Hill, only son and heir of Valentine Hill, re- nounced in open town meeting all right to Oyster River Falls, granted to his father. He was chosen deacon 3 April 1718. Will, 6 Jan. 1741-28 April 1742. He was prominent as an official in the church and town. He gradually lost his reason in his old age and spent the last six months of his life at the residence of his son-in-law, Capt. Benjamin Mathes. Valentine m. a granddaughter of Edward Hall of New- fields. Was it Mary Francis? He was of Nottingham in 1765. He gave deed of 150 acres, 3 Aug. 1744, to Nathaniel Hill and Valentine Hill, Jr. The land adjoined the mill and included both sides of Mast Road up to the present town hall and Mill Road. 3. Samuel m. Sarah Thompson. Sarah b. 18 July 1698 in Newington; m. 15 Dec. 1720, Daniel Warner of Portsmouth. Abigail m. 17 Dec. 17 16, Benjamin Mathes. Mary m. James Burnham. Third Generation 3. Samuel Hill (Nathaniel-', Valentine^ married, 12 June 1 718, Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Woodman) Thompson and had the following children. He died before 2 April 1767, when witnesses testified in court that for twelve or fourteen years last part he appeared to be "benumbed in his senses and not capable of acting Rationable upon any business." Mary bapt. 15 Feb. 17 18/9; m. Thomas Chesley. Abigail bapt. 10 April 1720. 4. Samuel b. 6 Oct. Bapt. 13 Oct. 1721; m. Abigail Huckins. 5. Nathaniel bapt. 15 Dec. 1723; m. Mary , (2) Rebecca . Jonathan bapt. 28 Aug. 1726; m. 24 March 1757, Mary Knight in Newington. Sarah bapt. 7 Sept. 1727; m. 12 Dec. 1751, Samuel Clark of Wells, Me. 6. Benjamin bapt. 7 Sept. 1727; m. Betty Dudley. 7. Robert m. Abigail Hodgdon. 8. Valentine b. abt. 1730; m. Sarah Burley. Joseph (?);m. in Durham Mary Bamford, 13 Sept. 1753, both of Barrington. 9. John m. Kenniston. history of durham 211 Fourth Generation 4. Samuel Hill (SamueF, Nathaniel^, Valentine^, born 6 Oct. 1 72 1, married, 17 Feb. 1754, Abigail, daughter of Capt. John and Abigail. (Edgerly) Huckins, who was born 20 Feb. 1733 and died 30 Dec. 1829, in Ogden, N. Y. He was living in Lee in 1783, but removed to Danville, Vt., and died there. James of Ogden, N. Y. John b. in Durham Oct. 1772; m. 4 Feb. 1796, Polly, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Stevens) Thompson, b. 6 Feb. 1772. They had dau., Polly Hill, b. in Danville Vt., or Ogden, N. Y., in 1805, who m. J. T. Willard. These were the parents of Frances E. Willard, first presi- dent of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and famous lecturer. Probably others. 5. Nathaniel Hill (SamueF, Nathanier\ Valentine^) married (i) Mary ■ — and removed to Barrington. His will, 18 Dec. 1804-8 Jan. 1805, names wife, Rebecca, and the following children except the first: Abigail bapt. in Durham 9 April 1763. Stephen, Joseph, Hannah and Betty. 6. Benjamin Hill (SamueF, Nathaniel-, Valentine^ married Betty, daughter of Nicholas Dudley, and lived successively in Durham, Epping, Deerfield, Brentwood and Northwood, where he settled in 177 1. He was a leading townsman till the Revolution, when he went into the army and died at Ticonderoga in 1777, leaving ten children. [See History of Northwood.] S.4LLY said to have m. Samuel Smith. She m. 20 Nov. 1775. Samuel Sherborne and d. in 1785. 5 ch. Nicholas Dudley b. i March 1759; m. 12 Nov. 1782, Mary Crockett; d. 19 Dec. 1838. 9 ch. He was a soldier in the Revolution. Elizabeth m. Nathaniel Dearborn and 1. in Vershire, Vt. Jonathan b. 27 May 1763; m. Abigail Tilton; d. 8 May 1854. 10 ch. Benjamin m. Lydia Bunker of Barnstead. 3 ch. Samuel bapt. 25 Oct. 1767; m. 27 May 1792, Judith Carr of Epping. 12 ch. Trueworthy m.XO 12 Nov. 1792, Hannah Drew, (2) 1808, Ruth Mathes, (3) perhaps Miss Chapman. He d. at Epping, 22 Aug. 1856, aged 86. Abk;ail m. 13 Feb. 1831, Benjamin Rowe of Allenstown. Deborah b. 1773; m. 15 July 1792, John Prescott of Epsom. Noah b. 9 Feb. 1775; m. 27 April 1797, Anna Parker. 9 ch. 212 HISTORY OF DURHAM 7. Robert Hill (Samuel\ Nathaniel, Valentine^) married Abigail, daughter of Shadrach Hodgdon of Dover. He lived in Northwood and Nottingham. Samuel b. 25 May 1769. Robert b. i Dec. 1772. Shadrach b. 18 June 1775. Daniel b. 9 Jan. 1777. Abigail b. 13 May 1781. 8. Lieut. Valentine Hill (Samuel\ NathanieF, Valentine^), born about 1730, lived in Nottingham till about 1780, when he removed to Coxhall, now Lyman, Me. His commission as lieutenant, given in 1765 and signed by Gov. Benning Went- worth, is in the possession of a descendant. He died 18 Feb. 1825. His wife was Sally Burley, who was born about 1743 and died 4 Aug. 1833. . . John Burley b. 3 May 1762; m. Sally Sawyer; d. 25 March 1825. ' Sally m. John Raymond; d. 27 June 1837. Valentine m. Olive Wadlin; d. 6 June 1852. Enoch m. Molly Wadlin. Hannah m. Phineas Hooper; d. i April 1852, aged 80. Nathaniel b. 15 March 1776; m. Margaret Townsend; d. 15 Nov. 1857. Abigail b. 1779; m. Jonathan Taylor; d. 17 May 1838. Molly m. Abram Burnham. Josl\h d. when a >'oung man. Solomon m. Sarah Lord; d. i Sept. 1857. aged 74. Deborah m. Richard Thompson. Sophia b. 27 June 1787; m. (i) Thomas Jellerson, (2) Noah Hill; d. 23 Oct. 1857. Benjamin d. in childhood. 9. John Hill (SamueF, Nathaniel, Valentine^ married — Kenniston of Portsmouth and settled in Dayton, Me. Their children were: John m. Betsey Hamilton; pub. 15 Nov. 1806. Noah b. 27 Aug. 1787; m. Sophia (Hill) Jellerson, dau. of Lieut. Valentine Hill. He d. 10 Feb. i860. Lewis who went to St. Louis, supposed to have been killed by Indians. Sally m. Edward Rumery. Susanna m. James Hamilton, 25 Dec. 1806. Samuel m. Lord. HISTORY OF DURHAM 213 HILL John Hill of Oyster River made a deposiiion in 1659, aged 35 years. He was first taxed in 1649. In my Old Kittery and Her Families it is said that he was taxed in 1639, a typographical error, copied from Memoranda of Ancient Dover. This later date does not support the theory that he was son of John Hill of Plymouth and Boston, who died in 1647. It is thought that John Hill of O^'ster River married in Boston, 15 Jan. 1656, Elizabeth Strong. It is certain that he had wife, Elizabeth. He was not brother to Valentine Hill, as some have supposed, since the latter had a brother, John, in London. Since John Hill was li\ing at Oyster River eight years before his marriage to Elizabeth Strong, it is supposable that she may have been his second wife, and that he may have been father of the William Hill, who was born in 1646, but there is no proof of this made known. John Hill's son, Joseph, bought his father's farm at the Point in 1685 and sold it to John Smart, from whom it passed to John Ambler. He was grand juryman in 1668 and 1671 and is mentioned as roughly treating the Quakeress disturbers of public worship in 1661. [For many descendants see Old Kittery and Her Families, pp. 514-527.] Joseph b. 1657; m. (i) Catherine Knight, (2) Susanna Beedle. Samuel b. prob. 1659; m. 28 Oct. 1680, Elizabeth Williams. John b. 1661; m. Sarah Brackett of Portsmouth. Benjamin b. 8 April 1665; prob. d. young. Hannah m. William Frye of Kittery, now Eliot, Me. Elizabeth m. John Avery of Stratham, as a deed shows. HILL William Hill, born 1646, was taxed at Oyster River in 1675 and 1682. Zachariah Pitman, in 1696, testified that he had had some corn of "poor William Hill. " He married Hannah, daughter of William and Ann Roberts, and his widow married (2) 22 May 1694, John Cox. [See Roberts.] 2. William Hill, son of the above, born 1669, had wife Judith, who was admitted to church at Oyster River, 7 April 1723, having been baptized 27 July 1718. He was baptized as William Hill, Sr., 8 Nov. 1722. He was surveyor in 1718 and assisted in the survey of a road to Lake Winnipiseogee in 1722. He sold 214 HISTORY OF DURHAM one third of his farm to Henr>' Hill, ii Nov. 1734. Two sons are known. 3. Henry m. Hannah Drew. 4. William m. Patience Drew. Mary (?) m. 10 Sept. 1740, Salathiel Denbo. 3. Henry Hill (William-^, William') was an apprentice of John Knight in 1694. He married Hannah, daughter of John and Rebecca (Cook) Drew. She was born 26 Feb. 1709. He and wife, Hannah, conveyed land in Durham to Eliphalet Hill, 2 March 1738 9. Henry Hill was of Harrington in 1760. The following were probably his children: 5. Eliphalet m. Jerusha . Patience bapt. 29 Dec. 1720. Abigail bapt. 29 Dec. 1720. 4. William Hill (William'\ William^ married, 21 Aug. 1729, Patience, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Bunker) Drew, born Nov. 1709. He died in Durham about 1760. She died 7 July 1805, aged 98. His will, 20 June 1760-24 June 1761, names wife, Patience, and children, Robert, Abigail Jackson, Sobriety, and "daughters," perhaps also Benjamin. Abigail bapt. 29 Sept. 1739; m. 16 June 1755, James Jackson. 6. Benjamin bapt. 20 Sept. 1739; m. Betty Horney. Lydia bapt. 20 Sept. 1739. Not named in will. Robert bapt. 10 Aug. 1740; m. Susanna, dau. of Thomas Ellison of Madbury. Sobriety b. 20 Jan. 1743, bapt. 8 May 1743; m. 22 Dec. 1767, Samuel Shepard; d. 12 June 1840. Ch., Samuel b. 3 Feb. 1769, William b. 17 March 1770, Molly b. 24 April 1772, who m. Joshua Smythe of Holderness 17 March 1774. Lydia b. 22 July 1777, d. 10 May 1771, Betsey b. 13 Nov. 1785, d. 24 May 1888, aged 103. 5. Eliphalet Hill (Henry^, William^, William') married Jerusha . He seems to have removed to Rochester* He and Abigail Hill owned the covenant in Dover, i Jan. 1742, and Lucretia, daughter of Abigail Hill was baptized same day. Elizabeth and Hannah bapt. in Dover i Jan. 1742, Jonathan of Rochester in 1790 with wife, Hannah. Samuel of Rochester in 1774. Ruth (?) m. Samuel Meader. Eliphalet, Jr., of Rochester, 1777. 6. Benjamin Hill (William^, William^, William'), baptized 20 Sept. 1739, married 20 Sept. 1764, Betty, daughter of David HISTORY OF DURHAM , 215 and Elizabeth (Broughton) Horney of Portsmouth. David Horney of Galway, Ireland, and Elizabeth Broughton were married Nov. 1720. She was daughter of John and Prudence Broughton. David Horney married (2) Hannah, daughter of Joseph Buss. According to Madbury records Benjamin Hill died I Dec. 1805. Another record says he died i Sept. 1804, aged 71. His wife died 12 Dec. 1840. Children were: Betsey, Hannah, John, Daniel of whom nothing more has been learned. 7. David b. 2 June 1768; m. Mary Hooper. 7. David Hill (Benjamin\ William^ William^ William^), born 2 June 1768, married, 9 Nov. 1800, Mary, daughter of the Rev. William and Mary (Lord) Hooper of Madbury, who was born 27 March 1771. He had from his father a deed of the homestead in 1793. He died 10 June 1853. Children recorded in Madbury: William b. 29 Nov. 1801. Betsey Horney b. 2 Jan. 1804; m. William Martin of Sandwich in 1827; d. March 1862. Ch., Charles Augustus, Olive Harrison, and Mary Elizabeth. Mary Underwood b. 28 Oct. 1805; m. Michael Fellows, 12 March 1837; d. 25 May 1893. 8. Socrates b. 22 July 1807; m. Sarah Payne. Samuel Lord b. 5 May 18 10. Hannah Shepherd b. 21 Sept. i8i2;d. 13 Feb. 1814. 8. Socrates Hill (David^ BenjaminS William,^ William^ William^), born in Madbury 22 July 1807, married in 1833 Sarah Payne of Calais, Me., who was born 25 June 18 14 and died 29 Jan. 1855, daughter of Thomas and Abigail (Brown) Payne. Thomas Payne was born in Gorham, Me., and married (i) Lydia Blake. He died in Calais 21 Dec. 1869, aged 75 years 7 months. Abigail Brown was a native of Dufferin, New Bruns- wick. The children of Socrates Hill, who died 20 Tune 1862 at Manitowoc, Wis., were as follows: Daniel Lewis b. 25 May 1834; d. 30 July 1865. Mary Elizabeth b. 20 Jan. 1836; d. 17 June 1836. Charles Preston b. 18 Dec. 1837; d. May 1839. Henry Harrison b. 13 Feb. 1840; d. 26 July 1840. Charles Socrates b. 14 Jan. 1842; d. 12 Oct. 1844. Edward b. 12 March 1846; d. 17 Jan. 1863. He enlisted in the Civil War in Co. D. Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Infantry. 2l6 HISTORY OF DURHAM Ezra b. 20 June 1848; d. 21 Aug. 1848. Emily Colby b. 6 April 1852; m. Dr. John Frederick Prit- chard. Res., Manitowoc, Wis. Ch., Harry Hill b. 8 June 1875, d. 8 April 1880; Mabel Emily b. 30 April 1877, m. Rev. D. C. Jones, Lacrosse, Wis.; Mary Fellows b. 18 Sept. 1881, m. Archie T. Nash, lawyer of Manitowoc, Wis.; Grace L. b. 14 March 1883, m. Reed H. Hubbell, engineer, North Tonawanada, N. Y.; John Franklin b. 6 Jan. 1891, graduated at Cornell University, 1913, m. Lucile Martin. Edward Hill, parentage unknown, was a trooper in 1757, corporal in 1765, sergeant in 1775, taxed in Durham in 1760, and lived in Lee after its separation. A Portsmouth paper published that he died suddenly in Lee, July 1800, aged 56, an error probably for 76. He married a daughter of Thomas Willey of Lee, probably the Mary named in Edward's will. [See some account of his descendants in N. H. Gen. Record, V. 99— 102.] His children were: WiLLE, or WiLLEY b. 1759; m. Miriam Lamos of Lee. Hannah m. Jonathan Young of Barrington. Elizabeth m. Nicholas Roberts of Strafford. Judith m. Moses Lamos of Lee; d. i860. George, Joseph, Mary and Hannah. Unclassified In 1764 Jonathan Hill of Durham sold to Ebenezer Hill of Durham all his lands and property in Durham. Ebenezer Hill had wife, Susanna, and lived many years in Madbury, between 1766 and 1792. There was an Isaac Hill of Dover, b. 1759, who removed to New York state and there married Julian Reeder. His line of ancestry was probably Isaac^ of Kittery, now Eliot, Me., SamueF, Joseph"'^, John^ of Oyster River. HODGDON Joseph H. Hodgdon, born 28 March 1827, married, 17 Sept. 1853, Melvina Bunker, who was born 24 March 1838. George O. b. 28 Dec. 1854; "i- (i) 12 April 1876, Anna Black- burn, (2) Florence M. Ford. Ch., Harry b. Oct. 1877,^ who married and has ch., Lester b. i Oct. 1908, and Wilber F. b. 5 Oct. 1910; Nellie b. Sept. 1879. Ch., by second marriage, Raymond b. 9 May 1908, Mildred b. 8 Nov. 1911. HISTORY OF DURHAM 21/ Mary O. b. 14 Aug. 1856; m. i April 1876, Thomas Black- burn. Ch., Frank E. b. 20 Oct. 1876, m. Bridget Sullivan; and Ella A. b. 14 Jan. 1889, m. Herbert Stacy. Frank E. and Bridget (Sullivan) Blackburn have ch., Julia C. b. 21 March 1900, Francis M. b. 30 May 1910. Herbert and Ella A. (Blackburn) Stacy have ch., Leroy B. b. 30 March 1899, Frank A. b. 8 Nov. 1901, Gertrude and Eve- lyn H., twins, b. 21 July 1907. Sarah M. b. 19 Dec. 1859; m. 23 July 1892, Charles Edwin Smart. A son, Elmer B. Smart, was b. 21 Feb. 1896. Joseph A. b. 19 Sept. 1863; m. 28 Nov. 1888, Emma Wood. No ch. Henry E. b. 16 Dec. 1867; d. 13 April 1868. Effie F. b. 15 April 1873; m. 27 Dec. 1900, Alfred G. Clark. LiLLA A. \j. 9 Aug. 1874; m. 16 Jan. 1893, Herbert G. Blais- dell. Ch., Florence M. b. 21 July 1894, Marion H. b. 6 Oct. 1898, and George H. b. 12 Feb. 1901. HOITT Gen. Alfred Hoitt (Samuel^, Stephen^, Daniel^, Benjamin^, Thomas-, John^ of Salisbury, Mass.) was born ii Jan. 1806 and died in Dover 9 Nov. 1883. He kept a hotel in Lee fourteen years. [See biographical sketch and portrait.] He married (i) 26 Oct. 1827, Susan, daughter of Paul and Martha (Woodman) Demeritt, who was born 22 Dec. 1806 and died 24 April 1877, (2) 6 June 1879. Mrs. Mary A. (Walker) Smart, widow of Dea. James Monroe Smart. She was born 13 April 1834 and died 28 Oct. 1901. Franklin Woodbury b. 5 April 1829; d. 1876. Unm. Alfred Demeritt b. 14 Oct. 1830; d. 8 June 1909. [See chapter on Postmasters.] He m. Mary Elizabeth Saw- yer of Dover, who d. at Arlington, Mass., 9 May 1880. 4 ch., Alice E. who was drowned in Spy Pond, 24 May 1875, Gertrude Sawyer who m. 30 Oct. 1889, Thomas Ralph Parris of Arlington, Mass., Fannie Elwood who m. 17 June 1901, Walter Francis Hooker of Worcester, Mass., and Alfred Woodman, who m. 20 Nov. 1907, Ellen Grace Hall of Dover. Alvina Amanda b. 8 Feb. 1832; m. Daniel C. M. Pierce of Dover, who d. 30 April 1899. She d. 22 April 1889. Ch., Ida May, who m. 18 Dec. 1890, James L. McKone, Frank D., and Ned H., who m. Amy Bryant of Dover. Samuel Piper b. 26 March 1833; m. 28 Jan. 1855, Mary Elizabeth Doe of Newmarket, who was b. 5 Aug. 1829 and d. 15 Dec. 1901. [See below.] He d. 20 April 1902. 2l8 HISTORY OF DURHAM Elizabeth Susan b. i March 1835; m. Samuel Chesley Hayes, who was b. in Madbury 18 Feb. 1834 and d. in Boston 20 June 1904. She d. 11 Jan. 1906. Ch., Harry Edgar who m. 16 Oct. 1901. Emma Susan Tilton of Exe- ter, Alfred Samuel who m. 8 June 1899, Sara May Bart- lett of Brockton, Mass., and d. 8 Nov. 1912, at Hopkinton, Mass. Lydia Olive b. 30 Oct. 1836; m. Rufus W. Willey, q. v.; d. 10 Oct. 1909. Henrietta b. 28 Feb. 1838; m. Alden P. Sherburne of Con- cord, N. H. Mary Frances b. 22 July 1839; m. (i) Charles Bean, (2) Franklin Young. Martha Ann b. 20 April 1841; m. Marcellus Perkins of York, Me. George Irving b. 2 Feb. 1843; m. twice. Soldier in the Civil War. Washington b. 25 Dec. 1844. L. in Somerville, Mass. Unm. Sylvia Victorla. b. 12 Jan. 1847; m. Laban Mark True Hill of Barrington and I. in Dorchester, Mass.; killed in an auto accident near Saco, Me., 22 June 1912. Charles Edward b. 8 March 1849; m. 2 May 1881, Martha J. Langley. [See biographical sketch and portrait.] Children of Samuel Piper and Mary E. (Doe) Hoitt: Carrie E. b. 18 March 1859; d. 2 Dec. 1874. Annie Isabel b. 3 Oct. i860; m. 15 Nov. 1882, Henry G. Hayes of Madbury. Ch., Isabel Chadwick b. 28 Jan. 1884, Ralph Hoitt b. 20 Aug. 1885, Helen Louise b. 31 Oct. 1891. Freddie T. b. 24 June 1866; d. 9 Sept. 1874. George Gaines b. 12 Sept. 1867; m. i June 1893, Lura Mabelle Sleeper of Alexandria, N. H., b. in Bristol, 3 June 1864. Ch., Carrie Elizabeth b. 17 March, 1894, Alice Joanna b. 28 April 1895, Martha Luena b. 2 Sept. 1896, Ellen Crawford b. i Sept. 1898, Mary Georgene b. 19 Nov. 1903, and Samuel Waldo b. 23 Jul}- 1905. HOLT Enoch Holt married Lovey Langley and had the following chil- dren recorded: Daniel b. 21 June 18 12. Elizabeth b. 3 Feb. 1814. Elmira b. 27 May 1815. Henry b. 7 July 1818. Stephen b. 6 April 1820. George W. T. b. 4 and d. 11 Sept. 1823. HISTORY OF DURHAM 2ig HUCKINS* Robert Huckins, born about 1620, signed the Dover Combina- tion of 1640. He had a grant of twenty acres, lot 16, Back River, Dover, in 1642. William Beard gave him a tract of his own land in 1675, next to land of John Woodman. He was killed by Indians 24 July 1694. The name of his wife is not known. He had a son, James. James Huckins was born about 1644. He married Sarah, daughter of Robert and Frances Burnham. He was a lieutenant, constable in 1676, selectman in 1687. Taxed in 1664. His wife made a deposition, 31 Dec. 1673, "about 19 years of age." He was slain by Indians Aug. 1689. His widow was rescued by Major Church after a year's captivity among the Androscoggin Indians. She married (2) Capt. John Woodman, 17 Oct. 1700. She is not named in Woodman's will, 20 Dec. 1705. The Huck- ins garrison house stood a few rods easterly of the old house still standing, where Dr. Joseph Atkinson lived, on the north side of the old road to Madbury. Children recorded in Dover: 3. Robert b. prob. 12 Dec. 1672; m. Welthen Thomas. Sarah b. 12 Dec. 1674; n^- James Chesley. J.AMES b. 15 July 1675; d. s. p^ 3. Robert Huckins (James-, James^) born 12 Dec. 1672, mar- ried, about 1692, Welthen, daughter of James and Martha (God- dard) Thomas. She married (2) John Gray before i April 1727 and is called "deceased" in her mother's division of estate, 4 Aug. 1729. Robert Huckins was baptized in his last sickness. 17 Jan. 1719/20. His will, 9 Jan. 1719-2 March 1719, names wife, Welthen, the following children, and brother-in-law, James j Bunker. He was selectman, assessor and constable. Had a i^*^ mill on Huckins brook, that empties into the head of Beard's Creek. He probably rebuilt the garrison house near the site of the former one. He administered his grandfather's estate in 1705- Mary m. bef. 9 Jan. 1718/20, William Drew. Hannah m. (i) John Chesley, (2) Job Runnels. Elizabeth m. Clark. 4. James b. abt. 1701; m. Hannah Williams. * Henry Winthrop Harden, Esq., of New York is preparing a genealogy of tlie Huckins family and lias published some part of it in the N. E. Hist-Gen. Register. He has kindly assisted in the sketch of this and other Durham families. 220 HISTORY OF DURHAM 5. John b. abt. 1704; m. Abigail Edgerly. Sarah bapt. 31 Dec. 1721; m. (i) Micah Emerson, (2) Joseph Tibbetts. Rachel bapt. 19 June 1726; m. 14 Dec. 1727, Robert Jordan of Kittery. 6. Robert b. 14 Oct. 1708; m. Meribah Jackson. 7. Thomas b. abt. 1710; m. Mary French. 8. Joseph b. abt. 1714; m. Mary Fernald. Fourth Generation 4. James Huckins (Robert^, James-, Robert^) born about 1 701, married (i) Hannah, daughter of Dea. John and Ruth Williams. He probably married (2) 6 May 1756 Abigail Spencer of Durham. He was killed in the French and Indian War, 1755-63. In 1756 he was in Capt. Tasker's company for the Crown Point expedition. By his father's will he had thirty acres on the south side of the highway to Dover. Ruth bapt. 22 March 1723 4; m. abt. 1745, John Foye of Madbury and Barrington. Hannah bapt. i May 1726. Elizabeth bapt. 21 April 1728. Sarah b. 6 May 1733; m. 1756, Benjamin Hall of Bar- rington. James b. 14 Oct. 1748; s. in New Hampton. 5. Capt. John Huckins (Robert^ James^, Robert^), born about 1704, married Abigail, daughter of Thomas and Jane (Whidden) Edgerly. He lived in Madbury and Barrington. He and wife, Abigail, were admitted to the church at Oyster River 5 Sept. 1725. His farm in Barrington overlooked Bow Lake. He was captain of scouts in 1745, selectman of Madbury in 1758. He died 30 July 1789, aged 85, as his tombstone says. His first three children were born at Oyster River, the rest probably in Dover. Robert bapt. 29 Aug. 1725; m. Hannah Boody. Abigail bapt. 2 July 1727; d. in infancy. Sarah bapt. 26 Oct. 1729. Welthen bapt. 31 Oct. 1731; m. Abednego Spencer, 14 Oct. 1752. Abigail b. 20 Feb. 1733, bapt. 22 June 1735; m. 17 Jan, 1754, Samuel Hill; d. 30 Dec. 1829 in Ogden, N. Y. John bapt. 25 Sept. 1737; m. Mary ; d. at Barring- ton 20 Dec. 1794. She d. 20 April 1820, aged 90. Rebecca bapt. 17 June 1741. HISTORY OF DURHAM 221 6. Robert Huckins (Robert\ James-, Robert'), born 14 Oct. 1708, married (i) 8 Aug. 1728, Meribah Jackson, daughter of William and Mary. He was constable at Durham in 1740, living in Nottingham in 1765. Sold his house and land in Dur- ham to Dr. Joseph Atkinson in 1757. He married (2) Sarah, daughter of Samuel Snell of Harrington. Mary bapt. 14 Dec. 1729; m. 24 Nov. 1754, Samuel Stiles of Durham. Rachel b. 15 March 1732; m. 11 Jan. 1753. Abijah Pink- ham; d. 10 Nov. 1818. Abigail prob.; m. 16 Jan. 1755, John Randall of Durham. Hannah bapt. i Jan. 1742. Isaac b. 22 Feb. 1747; m. Lydia Clay; d. in Pittsfield. 7. Thomas Huckins (Robert^ James^, Robert^, born about 1710, married in Greenland, 25 Dec. 1733, Mary French and lived in Lee. He was a soldier in King George's War and prob- ably also in the Revolution. He died between 1799 and 1803- Wife died in 1803. Children, so far as known: Thomas b. 28 March 1736; m. Sarah . Hannah m. 23 July 1789, Jonathan Clark of Landafif. Jonathan perhaps, of Nottingham and Topsham, \'t. Samuel perhaps, of Nottingham and Harrington. 8. Joseph Huckins (Robert^, James-, Robert^, born about 1714, lived in Durham. Lee and Gilmanton. He married (i) I735> Mar>', daughter of Thomas and Mar>- (Thompson) Fernald, born in Kittery, Me., 22 April 1708. She died in March 1788. He married (2) 25 July 1788, at Northwood, Susanna, widow of Thomas Piper, Jr., of Stratham. He died 28 June 1801. In Gilmanton he li\ed near the Huckins brook and near the site later occupied by Gilmanton Academy. He was in Capt. Her- cules Mooney's company in the Crown Point expedition of 1757. Was constable in Durham in 1 761. Joseph b. 30 June 1736; m. (i) Mary Kelly. (2) Sarah Glines. Benjamin I. at Gilmanton. No record of any family. Mary m. Joseph FoUett of Lee. Lydl\ b. 1760; m. 24 March 1788, Silas Buzzell of Gilmanton. Hannah bapt. 20 Aug. 1749; m. 29 Nov. 1781, William Plais- ted of Meredith. HULL Thomas Hull married Joanna Peson, 11 Jan. 1572. at Crew- kerne, Somersetshire, England. Their son. Rev. Joseph Hull, was born in 1594 and graduated at Saint Mar\- Hall, Oxford, in 222 HISTORY OF DURHAM 1614. He was teacher, curate and minister at Colyton, Devon- shire, rector at Northleigh, diocese of Exeter, 1621-22, also of Crewkerne. He sailed from Weymouth, England, 25 March 1635, with a company of one hundred and six persons. He was then forty years old and had wife, Agnes, aged 25, evidently his second wife, and children, Joane aged 15, Joseph aged 13, Tristram aged ii, Temperance aged 9, Elizabeth aged 7, Grissell aged 5, and Dorothy aged 3. He lived successively in Wey- mouth, Hingham, Barnstable, and Yarmouth, Mass., and in York, Me. He was commissioner and deput\' for Hingham in 1638. He was at York, 1642-45. Other children were born after his coming to New England. He returned to England in 1645 and for a time was rector at St. Buryan, Cornwall. He was serving as minister at Oyster River in 1662, as shown incidentally in a history of the Friends, some of whom troubled him. He went to the Isles of Shoals and died there 18 Nov. 1665. His widow, Agnes, administered his estate. Her account says that "the Isle owed him for his ministry £20." The total value of his estate was £62-5-5, of which £10 were for books. The following deposition sheds some light on the movements of the family. Dec. 28, 1669, John Bickford, aged about 60, and John Simmins (Symonds) aged about 52, deposed that "about four and twenty years agoe or there about naomy hulls father and mother they went for England: and left theyer Chil- dren to the wid wilderness: and Left them very young and wear not tutred (tutored) as they ought to have been." [N. H. Court Files, Vol. I, p. 325.] Rev. Joseph Hull's daughter, Naomi, witnessed a deed 17 April 1661. She was then a servant in the family of Samuel Symonds of Ipswich, Mass., and 15 June 1661, she made a depo- sition. She was then aged twenty years and upward. [Ipswich Court Files, Vol. II.] Naomi Hull was before court for misdemeanor in 1667, called then by clerical error Amy Hull. She was sheltered in the time of her sore distress by William Williams, who was next neighbor to Rev. Joseph Hull, when he was minister at Oyster River a few years before. On the 17th of 7th month 1668 it was ordered in Dover town meeting that the "Constable take of William Williams sinyer by way of distress the som of nineteen shillings for a fine for a breach of a Town order for entertaining Naomie Hull." John HISTORY OF DURHAM 223 Church of Dover was granted sixty acres on condition that he take "Neamys child" and keep her till she be twenty years old, and Peter Coffin had another grant "in consideration of what charge I have been out unto John Church concerning the child of Naomi Hull, as by the record bearing date y^ fifth of March in y*= year 1667." [Dover Town Records.] John Church was captured by Indians in the Dover massacre of 1689, and he was killed and scalped, 7 May 1696, at Cochecho. Among the pupils registered at Quebec was Nimbe II, whom Miss Mary P. Thompson thought to be Naomi Hill. Is it not more probable that this was Naomi Hull, the "Neamys child," brought up in the family of John Church, named for her mother, and captured with him in 1689 ? The records make no further mention of Naomi Hull. Some years later the following order was given: "To the Constable at Oyster River. In his Maj*^ Name you are required to appre- hend the body of Naomi Daniel of Oyster River and to bring her before y"^ Counsel now sitting in Portsmouth to answer for her reporachful & slanderous speeches against Benjamin Ma- thews & others. Hereof fail not and make yo"" Return. Dated July 4th 1682. By order, R. Chamberlain." The nature of the charge against Naomi Daniel is shown by the following depositions that appear as evidence in the case: July 5, 1682. "the Deposition of Joseph Grafton, aged 18 (or 28) years of age testifieth & saith that he being at the house of Naomi Daniel 29 of May 1682 or there abouts I to her did say that I heard that she had lost a cow. Yea, shee said, the Wishes and Divells have bewished my cow into the myer twice. I asked her hoe [who] the s*^ wishes were & divels. My sister Math — and my brother beniamin Mathes is as bad. i asked her why shee spake Soe against her sister & brother. Hang them wishes & wizards Let them Bring me out If they Dare & further saith Not." July 5, 1682. "The deposition of Remembrance Rand aged 32 years or there about Testifieth and saith that sum time in May last 1682 I being in company with naomy Daniell heard her say that hir sister Mathews was a wizard that hir husband was noe better and further saith that the said naomy said that they towld you that it was I did bewich your child, but it was they that did bewich \'our child, but they did hit to hid their 224 HISTORY OF DURHAM own Rogry and further saith not." [N. H. Court Files, VI, 481.] It thus appears that Naomi Daniel was sister to the wife of Benjamin Mathews, whose name w^as Dorothy, as is shown by other evidence. Naomi is an unusual name, not found among all the early residents of Dover, save in the names Naomi HuU and Naomi Daniel. Are they not the same person? There is reason to think that Benjamin Matthews married Dorothy, widow of Oliver Kent. How did John Bickford know so much about the Hull family in 1645? and why -was he called upon to state extenuating circumstances in favor of Naomi Hull? The name of John Bickford's wife was Temperance. Now the Rev. Joseph Hull had daughters, Temperance, Dorothy and Naomi, who, heretofore, have never been accounted for. It is believed that they married three men at Oyster River, where their father once preached and where their brothers, Hopewell and Benjamin, married. The Old Norlhivest Genealogical Magazine for 19 10 has a long account of the Hull family, but it does not tell what became of these three sisters, nor does it mention Dodavah Hull of York. The family, then, of Rev. Joseph Hull was probabl>" as follows: JoANE b. 1620; m. (i) 28 Nov. 1639 John Bursley, (2) Dolor Davis; d. after 1683. Joseph b. 1622; 1. in 1635. Tristram b. 1624; m. Blanche ; d. 22 Feb. 1666. 6 ch. She m. (2) William Hedge of Yarmouth, Mass., Temperance b. 1626; m. John Bickford of O. R. Elizabeth b. 1628; m. Capt. John Heard of Cochecho. 15 ch. Grissell b. 1630. The Hull Genealogy says that she m. James Warren of the Parish of Unity, now South Ber- wick, Me., but the wife of Warren was Margaret and they had a daughter, Grissell. Dorothy b. 1632; m. (i) Oli\'er Kent, (2) Benjamin Mat- thews. Hopewell b. abt. 1636; m. Mary, dau. of John Martin of O. R. and rem. to New Jersey. John Martin m. Esther, dau. of Thomas Roberts of Dover Neck. Benjamin b. in Hingham, Mass., 24 March 1638 9; m. 1668, Rachel, dau. of Richard York and rem. to N. J. Naomi b. and bapt. 23 March 1640; m. Davie Daniel. She was a widow in 1685. Ruth b. and bapt. 9 May 1642. HISTORY OF DURHAM 225 Capt. Reuben b. abt. 1644 in York; m. 1672, Hannah Farniside; d. 3 Dec. 1689. She was dau. of John Alcock of York, Me., and m. (3) George Snell of Portsmouth. Reuben Hull had 6 ch. born in Portsmouth, Elizabeth, Joseph, Dodavah, Reuben, Sarah, and Mary. Samuel m. 1677, Mary Manning. Dodavah m. Mary Seward of Portsmouth. Sarah d. in 1647. Benjamin Hull (Re\'. Joseph) was rated at Oyster River in 1659 and 1661. He had a grant of 100 acres, 5th of 8th month, 1659, "adjacent to the bounds of Puskesecke Mill on the south west sid of Lamperell River fall," laid out 12:11:1660, "begin- ning at a marked tree in the town bounds by the Indian graves that are thear," 120 rods on Lambril River, "to the town bounds next Exeter side near the graves again," Dec. 12, 1678, he con- veyed to John Rand 120 acres in Dover, bounded northeast by "Lambrieel River" and southwest by the Dover line. Rand* conveyed this to Robert Wadleigh, 26 Aug. 1679, "commonly called by ye name of Benjamin Hulls meadow." Later it was owned by John Frost, and later still by Thomas Tash. "Dodiver Hull" had a grant of fifteen acres in York, 12 Sept. 1667, "on y^ new mill creek." Oct. 25, 1713, Widow Mary Blagdon, Hannah Blagdon, Nicholas Follet and Mary, his wife, all of Portsmouth, conveyed to Lewis Bane of York fifteen acres in York, "lying in y*^ new mill creek that Henry Sayward's mill stood on." [See York Deeds, VHI, 15.] This is the above grant to Dodavah Hull and shows that the grantors were his heirs. June 5, 1682, administration on the estate of Dodavah Hull was granted to his widow, Mary Hull. Dodavah Hull married Mary Seward of Portsmouth, daughter of Richard Seward and granddaughter of Richard Seward. She married (2) Dr. Samuel Blagdon before 1688. Her tombstone in the Point of Graves cemetery, Portsmouth, says, "Here Lyes the body of Mrs. Mary Blagdon, wife of Doc'' Samuel Blagdon, aged 75 years. Died Dec. ye nth 1735.". She had by Dodavah Hull a daughter, Mary, who married, 12 Sept. 1700, Nicholas Follett. By second husband she had a daughter, Hannah, born 1688, unmarried in 1737. [N. H. Prov. Deeds, IV, 28a, and N. H. Probate Records, XV, 469.] 15 226 HISTORY OF DURHAM JACKSON Walter Jackson was one of those Scots captured at the battle of Worcester, 1651, and sent to Boston in the ship John and Sara. He probably worked in Valentine Hill's saw mill at the Falls. He was accepted as an inhabitant of the town, loth of nth month, 1658. He had wife, Jane, in 1663 and wife, Ann, in 1667. He had a grant of twenty acres "at the head of his one lot betwext the Cow[Cochecho?] path and the swamp," in 1666. The inventory of his estate is dated 18 March 1697/8, and in the settlement the following children are named. His homestead was on the north side of Oyster River, between the lots of Wil- liam Beard and Philip Chesley. 2. William b. abt. 1670; m. Mary . Elizabeth m. Henry Marsh. Mary m. Timothy Moses. Jane prob. unm. 3. James m. Sarah Rice. 2. Wiliam Jackson (Walter) who was aged 65, when he made a deposition, 22 Feb. 1734, had wife, Mary, who was baptized 7 Sept. 1718. His will, 8 Feb. 1757-30 Jan. 1760, names wife^ Mary, and three children: Meribah bapt. 23 Aug. 1724; m. 8 Aug. 1728, Robert Huck- ins. Benjamin bapt. 23 Aug. 1724; m. Olive . He was taxed in Durham in 1760 and was of Barrington in 1768. 4. WiLLL4M bapt. 24 Dec. 1727; m. Abigail Follett. 3. James Jackson (Walter) married Sarah, daughter of Henry Rice. He died 3 March 171 7/8. His wife, Sarah, and five chil- dren were baptized 21 Sept. 1718. Samuel m. Patience Tuttle. His estate was administered by widow. Patience, in 1754. She was taxed in 1760. Daughters bapt. in Dover, Judith bapt. 20 Sept. 1739, and Patience bapt. 22 May 1746. 5. Joseph m. Abigail Laskey. Sarah. , Abigail m. 31 Oct. 1751. Nathan Foss of Barrington. Kezl\il 6. James m. . Solomon bapt. 23 June 1728. 4. William Jackson (William-, Walter^) was born in 1715, according to a deposition. He married (i) Abigail, daughter of HISTORY OF DURHAM 227 Ichabod FoUett. Inventory of his estate filed 6 May 1797. He left widow, Olive (Allen?), and sons, Ebenezer, Lemuel and and Enoch. Olive Jackson died i Feb. 1813, aged 88. Ebenezer bapt. 5 Oct. 1741; m. 19 Aug. 1773, Dorothy Leighton, both of Harrington. Enoch bapt. 2 July 1749; m. 3 Jan. 1774, Eunice Tuttle; d. 12 March 1807. Temperance bapt. 21 Oct. 1752. Benjamin bapt. 29 Oct. 1759. Lemuel taxed in Durham 1777-91; d. 10 Aug. 1819, aged 75- 5. Joseph Jackson (James^ Walter^ was taxed in Durham, 1760-88. He married Abigail, daughter of John Laskey. His will, 1788-17 Feb. 1790, names the following children: Laskey m. Elizabeth dau. of Nathaniel Jones, and had sons, Joseph and Laskey. Mehitable m. Rowe. Benjamin m. . Ch., Aaron, Benjamin and Abigail. 6. James Jackson (James^, Walter') had a lot laid out to him in 1732, which was granted to his father, James Jackson, in 1693, thirty acres. Three children were baptized in Dover, viz., James and Robert 21 March 1736, and Mary 22 May 1746. The name of his wife is unknown. His son, James, married, probably, 16 June 1755, Abigail, daughter of William Hill. A James Jackson died in 1800 and seems to have been buried at the expense of the town. Josiah Jackson was the last one of this family that lived on the Jackson homestead in Durham, born 3 March 1767. He married Abbie Thompson who was born 12 April 1777, and died in April 1853. He died 9 Nov. 1833. Hannah b. 17 June 1798; m. Noah Langley, 7 Dec. 181 7. Abbie b. 11 April 1800; d. 14 x'\ug. 1802. John b. 2 March 1802; d. 31 Oct. 1831. Eben T. b. 21 March 1805; d. 6 July 1876. Benjamin T. b. 21 March 1805; m. Betsey Abbott; d. 29 April 1842. Mary b. 8 May 1808; pub. 19 Aug. 1827, to Benjamin Lang- ley of Deerfield. Thompson b. 5 Oct. 1810; m. (i) 3 June 1833, Mary Ann Page. He m. (2) 29 Aug. 1842, Mrs. Louisa J. (Chesley) Chesley; d. 6 April 1871. 228 HISTORY OF DURHAM Eliza b. 14 Dec. 1811; m. 29 Nov. 1838, William Taylor of Northwood; d. 16 June 1876. Drusilla b. 5 Oct. 1813; d. 31 Oct. 1828. Ivory b. 5 Oct. 1815; d. 17 April 1866. Went to Maine. Benjamin T. Jackson (Josiah), born 21 March 1805, married Betsey Abbott, who was born 24 Dec. 1809 and died 15 Jan. 1873. He died i May 1842. Abby T. b. 2T) March 1828; m. Ephraim Jenkins, 23 Nov. 1854; d. 20 Jan. 1899. Ann M. b. 17 Jan. 1830; m. John E. Holston, b. 5 June 1822; d. May 1907. John b. 26 March 1832; d. 4 April 1894. Ivory B. b. 16 Jan. 1834; d. 20 Aug. 1853. Elizabeth B. b. 16 Jan. 1839; d. 16 May 1841. Benjamin F. b. 23 Sept. 1842; d. Aug. 1862. Was in U. S, Navy in the Civil War. Robert Jackson married Lydia Jackson, June 1780, both of Madbury. The wife of Robert Jackson died 27 Aug. 1821, aged 56 years. m. Oct. 1789, Timothy Langley and Abigail Jackson of Barrington. m. 30 July 1752, John Meader and Eleanor Jackson, m. 7 July 1828, Benjamin Prescott and Elizabeth Jackson, pub. 8 April 1827. Walter Butler and Charlotte Jackson, pub. 24 Nov. 1833, Richard B. Jackson and Sarah Ricker, Poland, Me. pub. 7 May 1808, John Twombly of Boothbay, Me., and Eunice Jackson, m. 1 8 10, Ebenezer Jackson of Madbury and Mary Doe. JENKINS Reynolds Jenkins, born in 1608, was in the service of John Winter at Richmond's Island, 1634-39. He was living with wife, Ann, in what is now Eliot, Me., 1647-83. Among other children he had a son, Stephen Jenkins, born 1653, who married (i) Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ann (Roberts) Pitman. A coroner's jury decided, in 1687, that "she wilfully destroyed herself by casting herself into the water." He married (2) Anne . He was killed by Indians, with one of his children, 18 July 1694, and his wife was carried into captivity with three children. Azariah Jenkins was a captive in Canada in 17 10. She returned and married (2) David Kin- HISTORY OF DURHAM 229 caid, (3) Thomas Potts. [See Vol. I. p. 91.] Stephen Jenkins lived on the south side of Oyster River, next west of the parson- age lot. He had at least the following children: 2. Stephen m. Elizabeth Dean. William who bought land of his brother, Stephen, 16 Dec. 1709. A William Jenkins m. in Greenland, 25 Nov. 1714, Ealse Hains. Hannah, wife of William Jenkins, is named in the will of John Whidden, 1767. 3. Joseph prob. who signed petition of 1695 as an inhabitant of O. R. 2. Stephen Jenkins (Stephen-, Reynold^ married Elizabeth daughter of the John Dean who was killed by Indians in 1694. He calls her "my present wife" in a deed dated 16 Dec. 1709. She was baptized with five children by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 29 March 1719. Elizabeth bapt. 29 March 17 19. John bapt. 29 March 1719; m. Rebecca, dau. of John Per- kins; 1. in 1768. Ch., Nathaniel and John, bapt. 3 Sept. 1749. A Nathaniel Jenkins d. in Durham, 12 Nov. 1813. Stephen 1. in Durham in 1740; d. bef. 1750. Benjamin m. Sarah Boody. Rem. to Pembroke after 1762 and thence to Exeter. Ch., Sarah bapt. 12 May 1751, Benjamin bapt. 20 May 1753, Betty bapt. 28 Sept. 1755, Stephen Dean bapt. 14 July 1759. Mary unknown. Thomas bapt. 21 May 1721 ; 1. in Durham in 1744. Ruth bapt. 13 July 1729 (?). 3. Joseph Jenkins, who may have been son of the first Ste- phen Jenkins of Oyster River, had a grant of land in Dover in 1694. Sept. 20, 1732, William, John, Sarah, Jemima and Keziah Jenkins, children of Joseph, all of Durham, sold land in Rochester to John Downing of Newington. He had wife, Hannah, who by deposition was aged 36 in 1704. He married (2) 27 April 1743, Tabitha Way mouth. This family belonged to the Society of Friends. His will, 20 Aug. 1754-12 Nov. 1755, names wife, Tabitha, and children. Joseph Jr. d. 26 Dec. 1730. Unm. William m. Phebe Hoag of Hampton. John m. Hannah . She was a widow in 1754 and had dau., Sarah, who m. Simon Randall, 2 Nov. 1749. Sarah m. Jeremiah Davis. Jemima m. 23 Dec. 1736, Joseph Hoag. Keziah m. ii Dec. 1734, David Hoag. 230 HISTORY OF DURHAM William Jenkins, son of Joseph, married Phebe Hoag of Hamp- ton. The following children are found in the Quaker records of Do\er. He died 10, 12 mo. 1786. His wife died 29, 3 mo. 1764. Hannah b. 3, 6 mo. 1743; m. Samuel Hanson, i Oct. 1759. Elizabeth b. 24 9 mo. 1744; m. Benjamin Evans, i June 1763. Phebe b. 9, 5 mo. 1746; m. Jacob Hanson, 2 April 1777. William b. 10, 8 mo. 1747; m. Ruth Fry, 8 April 1772. [See Old Kittery, p. 554.] Joseph b. 5, 2 mo. 1750; m. Catherine Austin, 30 July 1777. John b. 30, 9 mo. 1752; disowned 20, 9 mo. 1788; restored. Jonathan b. 29, 6 mo. 1754; m. Mercy Varney, 2 Dec. 1778. James b. 30, 9 mo. 1756; disowned i, 9 mo. 1779. Jonathan Jenkins (William, Joseph) married Mercy, daughter of Stephen and Deliverance (Lamos) Varney. He died Dec. 1830. She died 4 Aug. 1845. Their children were: Ephraim b. 20 Jan. 1780; m. Mary Varney. Jonathan b. 24 July 1782; m. Patience Hodgdon, 29 May 1822; d. s. p. 1830. Willl\m b. 20 x'\ug. 1785; d. 6 June 1872. Mercy b. 11 Nov. 1789; d. 27 April 1853. Hannah b. April 1797, m. 11 Feb. 1849, Nicholas Drew; d. 2 Feb. 1881. Stephen b. 4 Dec. 1803; m. Mary Hill (?). Ephraim Jenkins (Jonathan, William, Joseph), born 20 Jan. 1780, married, 3 Nov. 1814, Mary, daughter of Shubael and Sarah (Cloutman) Varney, who was born 28, 8 mo. 1786 and died 5 June 1859. He died 2^^ April 1857. Caroline b. 11 Aug. 1815; d. 12 March 1883. Mary A. b. 8 Aug. 1817; d. 6 Jan. 1897. Hannah b. 16 June 1819; m. Wm. J. Chesley; d. 7 July 1893. Sarah b. 23 Nov. 1820; m. James Paul, 1849; d. 28 Dec. 1888. Elizabeth b. 24 Nov. 1822; d. 19 Dec. 1823. Jonathan b. 10 Oct. 1824; m. Martha Emer\-; d. 19 March 1900, s. p. Ephraim b. 26 Sept. 1826; m. Abbie T. Jackson; d. 28 July 1892. Ephraim Jenkins (Ephraim, Jonathan, William, Joseph), born 26 Sept. 1826, married, 23 Nov. 1854, Abby T. Jackson, daughter of Benjamin and Betsey (Abbott) Jackson, who was born 23 March 1828 and died 20 Jan. 1899. He died 28 July 1892. Children were as follows: HISTORY OF DURHAM 23 1 Frank M. b. ii Dec. 1855; m. 24 Nov. 1886, lona Vibbett. who d. 20 June 1910; he m. (2) 8 April 1912, Margaret C. Larcombe. Charles S. b. 8 Jan. 1858; d. 25 Dec. 1863. Fred E. b. 20 Nov. 1862; m. 21 Nov. 1894. LiUian Mont- gomery, who was b. 23 Jan. 1874. Ch., Ethel M. b. 18 July 1895, Mildred E. b. 21 July 1897, Helen F. b. 15 Aug. 1900, Raymond M. b. 8 Aug. 1902, Alberta b. 14 Nov. 1903, Ruth E. b. 8 May 1906. and Fred H. b. 3 May 1909. Silas Jenkins, son of Thomas and Nancy (Smith) Jenkins, was born in Chatham, 31 March 1840. He married, 10 April 1865, Anna M. Watson, who was born in Tamworth, 2 Sept. 1842. He was a soldier in the Civil War and removed from Greenland to Durham in 1871. Children: Willi ARD M. b. 2 Nov. 1867; m. (i) Lina Young, (2) 12 April 1910, Eva Belle Day. No ch. Etta F. b. 2 Nov. 1870; m. Thomas Warren Schoonmaker, who was born 19 Aug. 1864 in Liberty, N. Y. Ch., Charles Jenkins Schoonmaker b. 14 Nov. 1897. Anna B. b. 22 June 1873; m. Wilfred E. Nason and 1. in Exeter. Ch., Marguerite G. Nason b. 23 Nov. 1894 and d. 2 Aug. 1905. JONES Stephen Jones, "Culler of Pipestaves," married, 29 Jan. 1663, Elizabeth, daughter of Darby Field. He was received as an inhabitant of Oyster River 19:1:1665/6 and took the freeman's oath 15 May 1672. He received land at Johnson's Creek re- granted from the estate of Thomas Johnson in 1672 and was living in 1680. Widow Jones was taxed in 1682, and Pike's Journal says that she died 10 March 1705 6. Two sons are known : 2. Stephen m. Abigail Nutter. 3. Joseph b. 1674; m. Ann (Roberts?). William (?) m. Mary Chesley bef. 1721. Seems to have 1. in Portsmouth. 2. Stephen Jones (Stephen) is called ensign in 1691, and later he is called captain. He was a prominent man in the history of Durham. It was he who successfully defended his garrison and gave refuge to many in the massacre of 1694. His wife, Abigail, was admitted to church 29 June 17 19. She was 232 HISTORY OF HISTORY probably daughter of Hatevil Nutter of Newington.* She was taxed in 1760. His will, 6 Aug. 1743-29 Sept. 1756, names the following children: 4. Stephen b. 3 March 1706; m. (i) Sarah Dame, (2) Susannah Millett. Ebenezer m. (i) Joanna, dau. of John Ham who d. 4 May 1745, aged 31; (2) I Jan. 1761, Abigail, widow of his cousin, John Jones. Ch., Abigail who d. 25 Aug. 1780, aged 18 yrs, and Ebenezer. The latter m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Randall. She m. (2) Samuel Beck and d. 15 Dec. 181 1, aged 69. Ebenezer Jones Jr., son by first marriage, d. 2^, Aug. 1783 in Lee aged 48. Mary m. John Smith, Jr., i June 1727. Abigail m. Joseph Thomas. 3. Joseph Jones (Stephen) who deposed 22 Feb. 1734, aged 60, perhaps married (i) 7 Feb. 1706/7, Mary Spencer, and (2) Ann (Roberts?). He and seven children were baptized 13 May 1722, by the Rev. Hugh Adams. Oct. 22, 1744, his widow, Ann, renounced administration of his estate in favor of his oldest son, Joseph. The estate of widow, Ann Jones, was administered in 1762. The division of Joseph Jones' estate shows the following children: Joseph m. Mary , d. abt. 1755; had one ch., Mary Jones who m. Lieut. Andrew Torr. His widow m. Her- cules Mooney. Benjamin m. . His estate was di\'ided in 1794 among widow, sons, Matthias, Joseph deceased, George, John, Benjamin, Anthony, and daughters, Eliz- abeth, deceased wife of John Snell, Hannah, and Rebecca. John m. Abigail Ham. She m. {2) Ebenezer Jones, i Jan. 1761. Anthony. Will, 4 April 1781. Then of Madbury. Elizabeth. Not named in division of estate; m. Jonathan Merrow of Somersworth and d. bef. 1760. Samuel m. Elizabeth Field. Had dau., Ann, who m. Joseph Ste\'ens. Richard, taxed in 1760. Estate divided in 1790, then of Madbury. Had sons, Samuel and Richard. The latter, of Nottingham, had ch., John, Samuel and Jane who m. Jonathan Huckins. *Nov. s, 1745, Stephen Jones, Jr., and wife, Sarah, Ebenezer Jones, John and Mary Smith, Joseph and .•\bigail Thomas, sold to Samuel Nutter of Newington, Jr., son of Hatevil Nutter, their right in the homestead in Newington, now in the possession of Samuel Nutter. history of durham 233 Third Generation 4. Major Stephen Jones (Stephen^, Stephen^, born 3 March 1706, probably married (i) Sarah Dame daughter of William of Madbury born 26 Aug. 17 14, and (2) Susannah daughter of Thomas and Love (Bunker) Millett, who was born 22 March 1740 and died 23 July 1829, aged 90. He died 8 June 1797, aged 91. Children by first marriage were: Sarah bapt. 4 May 1740; d. young. Martha bapt. 4 Aug. 1754; m. Nathaniel Meserve, 29 June 1769. Children by second marriage: Stephen Millett b. 10 Sept. 1763; m. 23 Nov. 1785, Sally, dau. of Col. Timothy Emerson. He d. at Woodstock, 23 Dec. 1847, aged 84 yrs. 3 mos. 5. William b. 23 May 1766; m. Love Smith. Susanna b. 3 Mav 1769; m. Edmund Thompson; d. 24 Feb. 1845. Abigail b. 5 Jan. 1772; d. 15 Nov. 1850. 6. Thomas b. 4 Oct. 1775; m. Betsey Chesley. Fourth Generation 5. William Jones (Stephen^, Stephen-, Stephen^), born 23 May 1766, married, Love, daughter of Capt. John and Lydia (Millett) Smith, born 11 Oct. 1768. He died in Strafford,. 21 Jan. 1845. She died 5 Nov. 1865. Children recorded in Durham: John S. b. 8 April 1793; m. Abigail Drew, 24 Feb. 1819; d. s. p. Sally D. b. 8 Jan. 1795, m. May 1819, Timothy, son of Lemuel Perkins of Strafford; d. 20 March 1866. 9 ch. Susannah b. 25 Dec. 1797, m. Aaron Foye. 7. Stephen b. 31 July 1799; m. Leonis, or Lois Foye. 8. Ebenezer b. 21 June 1802; m. Hannah Foss and 1. in Barn- stead. Lydla. S. b. II Oct. 1804; m. Paul Winkley.. Sophia G. m. Benjamin F. Foss, 12 July 1826. Eliza W. m. Robert W. Foss, 6 Jan. 1829. 6. Thomas Jones (Stephen^, Stephen-, Stephen^), born 4 Oct. 1775, married Betsey, daughter of Capt. Jonathan and Elizabeth (Emerson) Chesley, who was born 10 July 1784 and died 28 Oct- 1874. He died 26 March 1849. HISTORY OF DURHAM 235 Mary S. b. i6 May 1805; pub. lo Samuel Bunker 27 Nov. 1834. Had dau., Hannah, who m. Dr. Lafayette Chesley. Comfort C. b. 18 Feb. 1807; d. 6 Sept. 1894. Elizabeth E. b. 20 Pel). 1812; ni. 10 June 1836. Nathaniel G. Davis; d. Jan. 1869. Susan M. b. 9 Oct. 1814; m. 23 Jan. 1839, Andrew G. Peters; d. 30 April 1906. He was b. in Bradford, Vt., 14 March 1812 and d. 8 March 1857. William F. b. 3 June 1818; m. 8 Jan. 1862, Laura, dau. of Thomas and Mary B. (Brown) Chase. He was repre- sentative in 1862 and 1864, 1. in 1886. Ch., Mary C. who m. Dana B. Cutler, and Elizabeth, a teacher, wMio m. Harrison Fowler. Alice Ann b. 19 June 1820. m. (i) i June 1853, Samuel Smart of Newmarket, who d. 15 May 1865, (2) George J. Wiggin of Durham, who d. 2 Sept. 1891. Lydia Smith b. 23 Nov. 1822; d. 18 June 1889. Fifth Generation 7. Stephen Jones (William\ Stephen\ Stephen-, Stephen^), born 31 July 1799, married Leonis Foye and had three children. A Stephen Jones married, 1 1 Dec. 1832, Mary Hall of Newmarket. Perhaps this was a second marriage. Stephen Smith m. Harriet Holmes and had ch., Lydia J. and Abbie. LovEY m. Simon Gray. 3 ch. Eliza m. John Pickering. 8. Ebenezer Jones (William\ Stephen^ Stephen^, Stephen^, born 21 June 1802; married (i) 26 Nov. 1830, Sarah Ann Kenni- son, who was born Sept. 1810 and died at Dover, 16 June 183-. He married (2) 27 April 1836, Hannah H. Foss, who was born 15 June 181 1. Children were: Clarissa A. b. 2 Feb. 1833; d. 12 Nov. 1835. George H. b. 15 May 1837; m. 13 May 1867, Augusta F. Straw. Sarah A. b. 4 July 1840; m. i May 1859, John F. Holmes. Ebenezer Franklin b. 5 Aug. 1843. Jennie L. b. 21 June 1848. Abbie H. twin to Jennie L. Robert M. b. 8 April 1852. Son, twin to Robert M., d. same day as born. John P. Jones, born 9 May 1772, married Nancy Chesley, born 13 Aug. 1769. They had son. Samuel, born 2;:, Aug. 1805, who m. Garland and died Nov. 1847. 236 HISTORY OF DURHAM Robert Jones of Newmarket married, 5 June, 1795, Elizabeth Edgerly. He was published to Lydia Edgerly i Nov. 1812. He died in Durham 29 July 1835, aged 70. A son, Jonathan, died 8 June 1833. A Jonathan Jones married, 13 Feb. 1812, Lydia M. Smith. m. 8 Nov. 1835, Charles M. Smith and Betsey Jones. JOY Samuel Joy (SamueF, SamueF, Thomas'), born in Salisbury, Mass.. 30 March 1706, was drowned at a ferry over Exeter River about 1752. He was a shipcalker and farmer. He married, about 1730, in Newmarket, Mary, daughter of Capt. John and Mary (Eastman) Burley, born in Ipswich, Mass., 19 Oct. 1715- She married (2) John Munroe and had children. He also was drowned near the spot where her hrst husband lost his life. Samuel Jt)y lived at Packer's Falls and had children as follows: 2. Dea. Samuel b. 4 Nov. 1738; m. Hannah Meader. Haxxah m. John Meader of Wolfeboro. Sarah m. Archelaus Woodman bef. 20 Dec. 1762. Susanna doubtless b. 16 Nov. 1750; m. Ebenezer Meader, 26 Dec. 1773. 3. Jacob b. 17 Feb. 1749; m. three times. 2. Dea. Samuel Joy (Samuel\ SamueF, Samuel-, Thomas^), married Hannah, daughter of Samuel Meader, in 1767. He died 31 Oct. 1824, aged 86. She was born 22 June 1746 and died 12 Aug. 1822. He served long as deacon in the church at Durham. Samuel b. 18 Feb. 1769; m. 1794, Hannah Edgerly; d. in New Durham 15 Dec. 1849. Sally b. 10 Nov. 1771; m. 18 Jan. 1798, Ebenezer Parsons; d. 7 July 1850. Susanna b. 5 Sept. 1774; m. 18 Jan. 1810, Ebenezer Doe; d. 26 Jan. 1845. Elizabeth b. 3 July 1777; d. 10 Nov. 1779. Mary b. 8 Oct. 1780; m. 4 Jan. 1804, Valentine Smith; d. 10 Oct. 1810. Jacob b. 13 Sept. 1783; d. 27 Nov. 1783. 4. Ebenezer b. 30 May 1785; m. 1815, Nancy Watson; d. 8 Aug. 1827. "5. Timothy b. 16 July 17S0; m. 1807. Mary French; d. 18 Dec. 1 813. HISTORY OF DURHAM 237 3. Jacob Joy (Samuel*, SamueF, Samuel'-, Thomas^), born 17 Feb. 1749, married (i) 2 July 1775, Hannah, daughter of James and Mary (P'olsom) Cram, who was born 10 Nov. 1755 and died 4 May 1792, (2) 8 Nov. 1792, Love, daughter of Serg. John and Abigail (Emerson) Thompson, who died 14 Oct. 1798, (3) 16 Dec. 1802, Alice Horn. He was a blacksmith and farmer, moved to Madbury in 1790 and died 12 March 1805. His widow married, i May 1809, Benjamin Page of Rochester. 6. James b. 4 March 1778 in Durham; m. Sarah Pickering. Polly m. 3 May 1803, James Pendexter. She d. 30 Dec. 1 87 1, aged 87 yrs. 11 mos. 7. Jacob m. 15 Dec. 1803, Elizabeth Hicks. Children by second marriage : Hannah b. ii April 1794; d. 19 March 1834. Unm. Abigail b. 29 March 1796; m. William Woodman. 4. Ebenezer Joy (Samuel\ SamueH, SamueF, Samuel-, Thomas^), born 30 May 1785, married, 16 Jan. 18 15, Nancy, daughter of Henry Watson. He died 8 Aug. 1827, and she died I Oct. 1827. Children recorded in Durham: John b. 30 April 1817. Nancy b. 30 May 1819; m. Frank Fesler; d. 17 Nov. 1894 in Lowell, Mass. Sally b. 23 July 1821; m. David F. Griffiths. Samuel b. 30 April 1824; m. 1857, Susan D. Davis of Lee. Henry M. b. 21 April 1826; m. 1851, Elizabeth Moore of Bedford. He d. at Manchester in 1868. 6. James Joy (Jacob^, Samuel^, Samuel■^ SamueP, Thomas^) ^ born 4 March 1778, married, 18 Dec. 1802, Sarah Pickering who was born in Newington 15 Dec. 1781 and died in Groton, Mass. 14 Dec. 1858. He removed to Pittsfield, Mass., in 1820, and thence went to Michigan. He died at Groton, Mass., 14 Juh' 1857. He was a shipbuilder and manufacturer of scythes in Durham. Marla. b. 25 April 1804; m. 28 Nov. 1824, John L. Thorn- dike. John P. b. 17 May 1806; m. (i) Judith P. Batchelder. (2) Susan E. Parsons of Durham, (3) Jane Biggar of Beards- town, 111. CAROLINE b. 17 May 1806; d. in infancy. Charles b. 15 Sept. 1808; m. Georgianna Bachelder; d. in Morgan Co.. 111. 238 HISTORY OF DURHAM James F. b. 2 Dec. 1810; m (1) Martha A. Read of Yar- mouth. Mass., 12) Mary Bourne of Hartford, Conn. [See biographical sketch.] Richard P. b. 28 March 1812; m. Mary M. Hartwell, Groton. Mass. Henry B-. b. 1814; d. 1827. Calvin b. 23 May 1816; d. 25 Dec. 1839. Sarah Ann b. 1820; m. 1854, Samuel Long, M. D. Sylvester b. 5 Sept. 1822; m. 1846, Charlotte Pratt, Mor- gan Co., 111. Mary b. 21 Oct. 1823; m. John Pearce of Bridgewater, Me. Hannah b. 1826; d. 1875. Unm. 7. Jacob Joy (Jacob^ Samuel\ SamueF, SamueP, Thomas^), married Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Brewster) Hicks. She died 28 May 1872, aged 90-4-17. Eliza H. b. 28 March 1804; m. 3 Oct. 1824, Abraham Miles- Lydia B. b. 15 March 1807; d. 31 July 1826. LInm. Mary Ann b. 14 May 1808; m. 23 Sept. 1826, Thaxter Russell. She d. 11 Nov. 1835. Her son, George William Russell, b. 22 Feb. 1835, was killed in the Civil War. Emeline L. b. 22 Oct. 1812; m. Curtis Tasker. Joseph Hicks b. 9 Aug. 1814; m. Lydia Jane Straw. He d. 6 Aug. 1850. Hife wife d. 3 Dec. 1844, aged 32. 5. Children of Timothy and Mar\- (French) Joy, recorded in Durham: Alfred b. 5 Sept. 1808. Mary Smith b. 22 Jan. 181 1 ; m. 15 Jan. 1827, Wm. Badger of Newmarket. Ebenezer b. 30 Nov. 1812; m. 28 Feb. 1833, Mehitable M. Doe. She d. 11 March 1906, aged 92-5-26. Ch., Wil- liam, a soldier in the Civil War, Timothy M., who m. Nellie dau. of Thomas Wiggin, George E., who m. Abbie Gilman, Charles F., and Sarah (?), who m. Charles A. Dearborn. Perhaps others. KEILLE or KELLEY James Kcille. tailor, came to Dover about 1730 and married Deborah, daughter of William and Deborah Styles. She was born 10 March 1706 and died 20 Nov. 1788. He was born 15 April 1708 and died 20 May 1790. Their children were: 2. John b. 23 April 1731; m. Al>igail Leighton. Benjamin b. 23 April 1731. James b. i Dec. 1733. WiLLL^M b. 23 April 1736. HISTORY OF DURHAM 239 Samuel b. 8 Nov. 1738; m. Olive or Mary Leigh ton. Moses b. 13 March 1741. Aaron b. 11 Oct. 1743. Ebenezer b. 14 March 1746; m. 26 April 1781, Mary Hall; 1. in Strafford. 2. John Kelley (James), born 23 April 1731, married (i) 9 Dec. 1761, Abigail, daughter of John and Abigail (Ham) Leigh- ton, who was born 2 May 1740 and died 31 Dec. 1797. He mar- ried (2) Mrs. Phebe Trcfethen, who died 8 April 1821, aged 84. He died 18 Dec. 181Q. Children were: 3. Benjamin b. 23 Aug. 1763; m. Sarah Flagg. Hannah b. 22 March 1765; m. Ephraim Ham, 24 March 1785; d. 4 June 1849. 3. Lieut. Benjamin Kelly (John-, James') married (1) in Rochester, 18 Feb. 1789, Sarah, daughter of Capt. John and Sarah (Odiorne) Flagg, who was born i Nov. 1772 and died 21 Sept. 1797. He married (2) 30 April 1800, Kezia Sawyer, who was born 12 Jan. 1762. He died 5 May 1837, having lived near the Barbadoes Spring in Madbury. Children by first marriage: Abigail b. 13 Nov. 1790; m. 20 Dec. 1812, Israel Estes; d. 18 Jan. 1813. John b. 16 July 1792; d. 17 Dec. 1794. William b. 25 May 1794; m. 29 Jan. 1822 Pamelia Demeritt; d. 4 March 1870. She d. 14 Nov. 1877, aged 81-2-10. Ch., Abigail^ Julia A. who m. George W. Page, John W., George W., and Ivory H. John F. b. 10 Dec. 1796; m. Lydia Ham; d. 27 Oct. 1869. She was dau. of Ephraim and Hannah (Kelley) Ham, b. 29 Feb. 1792 and d. 26 April 1876. Ch., John H. b. 26 Jan. 1828, m. 21 Nov. 1861 Emily B. Leavitt, who was b. 3 Aug. 1842. They have ch., Gertrude L. b. 15 May 1863, James E. b. 17 July 1865, John F. b. 26 Oct. 1870, and Harry T. b. 3 April 1873. Children by second marriage: James b. 11 Sept. 1801; d. 24 Nov. 1814. Ivory b. i May 1804; d. Dec. 1833. Lost at sea. Sarah b. 15 Sept. 1805; d. 21 Feb. 181 1. Benjamin Kelley (Samuel', James') was born in Madbury 18 Feb. 1787. He married Anne,daughter of James and Sarah (Thompson) Leighton. She was born 6 July 1792 and died 6 May 1867. Ben- jamin Kelley was selectman in Madbury in 1816. He removed to Durham, where he was moderator, town clerk, selectman and representative. 540 HISTORY OF DURHAM Sarah Ann b. 21 Dec. 1809; m. John O. Odell;d. 14 May 1855. John L. b. 23 Oct. 181 1; m. 3 Sept. 1838, Mary E. Hurd; d. in Manchester i May 1887. Lieutenant colonel and quartermaster in the Civil War. Mayor of Manchester in 1877. See page 152 of Vol. I. Lydia b. 31 Jan. 1814; m. 23 Sept. 1840, Capt. Andrew L. Simpson; d. 31 May 1895. She left about $18,000 to the « Congregational Church and Durham Library Association. See page 215 of Vol. L Samuel b. 22 April 1816; m. and d. in Washington, D. C, leaving ch. Olive b. 15 April 1818; d. 11 Sept. 1819. Olive b. 19 Nov. 1820; m. George Ross of Boston; d. 3 Sept. 1891. 2 ch. Benjamin b. 22 Jan. 1823; d. 5 Sept. 1842. Unm. Mary Elizabeth b. 11 March 1825. Moses Noble b. 19 April 1828; m. Bean: d. in Durham. James L. b. 14 Jan. 1830; d. 12 March 1833. Charles Tibbetts b. 30 April 1832. KENISTON Nathan Keniston. born 9 Jan. 1781, married 20 Sept. 1809, Lydia Willey, who was born 28 Feb. 1781. He died Nov. 1822. Children recorded in Durham: Mary b. 2 May 1810. Lucy Ann b. 6 Dec. 1812. Nathan b. i Apriri8i4; m. 3 Dec. 1843 at Great Falls, Lucinda Ham, b. 24 Jan. 1816. He d. about 1891. Had son, John H., b. 29 April 1852, who m. Ida M. Colomy, b. 6 May 1862, dau. of Jacob and Tamsen J. (CaA'erly) Colomy. Lydia S.'b. 28 Oct. 1821. KENT Oliver Kent was taxed at Oyster River in 1648 and bought the estate of George Webb in 1651. He had a grant in 1656. There were laid out to him, 3:2:1658, seventy acres, which have ever since remained in the possession of the Kent family. He died intestate and his widow, Dorothy, was appointed to ad- minister his estate, together with John Bickford, 28 June 1670. The reason of his appointment may be that he was her brother-in- law. [See Hull family.] Joseph Kent, born 1660, deposed in HISTORY OF DURHAM 24 1 1705 that he did H\e with Benjamin Mathes thirty-five years past, that is, when he was ten years old. This was probably because Widow Dorothy Kent had become Dorothy Mathes, wife of Benjamin. She was probably daughter of the Rev. Joseph Hull. 2. Joseph b. 1660; m. Jane . Jacob administrator of Robert Watson's estate, 1703. Hannah m. (i) Robert Watson, (2) John Ambler. Richard prob. killed by Indians, 21 Oct. 1705. 2. Joseph Kent (Oliver) was aged 45, when he made a depo- sition, 6 Nov. 1705. He was admitted to church, 18 Oct. 17 19, and died June 1727. His wife, Jane, was admitted to church, 14 Sept. 1718. Joseph, Dorothy, Sarah and Elizabeth Kent sold, I April 1743, to brother, Samuel Kent, all right in the estate of their father, Joseph Kent of Durham, bordering on land of Stephen Willey and of John Ambler. The will of Robert Kent of Durham, 25 July 1748-27 April 1759, names brother. Joseph, sisters, Dorothy, Sarah, Elizabeth, cousin, Jonathan Langley, sister's children, Thomas and Hannah Langley, sons of late brother John, viz., John, Benjamin and Joseph Kent. 3. John m. Mary Wakeham. Joseph 1. in 1748. Robert d. unm. [See above will.] Hannah m. Thomas Langley. Dorothy, Sarah, and Elizabeth. Third Generation 3. John Kent (Joseph-*, Oliver') married Mary, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Meader) Wakeham. She was admitted to church 5 April 1724. He died before 1748. Li\'ed on the Kent homestead. Abigail bapt. 27 Sept. 1719; prob. d. bef. 1748. Ebenezer bapt. 27 Sept. 1719; prob. d. bef. 1748. Mary bapt. 27 Sept. 17 19; m. Moses Edgerly. 4. John bapt. 30 Oct. 1726; m. Lydia . Jemima bapt. 30 Oct. 1726; prob. d. bef. 1748. Benjamin bapt. 30 Oct. 1726. He sold to brother, John, I753> right in estate of father, John, and grandfather, Joseph. Hannah bapt. 5 April 1728; m. James Durgin. Martha bapt. 5 April 1729. 242 HISTORY OF DURHAM Elizabeth bapt. i8 April 1729; m. Reuben Bickford. Joseph named in Probate records, 1748. Fourth Generation 4. John Kent (John^, Joseph^, Oliver^) married Lydia — He was buried in June 1781, as a church record says. The administration of his estate was granted, to his widow, Lydia Kent, 17 April 1782. The division of his estate, in 1787, was among widow, Lydia, and sons Robert, "double share," John, Richard and Ebenezer. The last was then deceased. Births recorded in Durham: Robert b. 4 Jan. 1756; 1. in 1787. 5. Richard b. 19 April 1764; m. Dorothy Edgerly. Ebenezer buried 24 Feb. 1783. John m. Temperance Lapish, 21 May 1791. Fifth Generation 5. Richard Kent (John*, John^, Joseph^, Oliver^), born 19 April 1764, married, 11 Sept. 1785, Dorothy Edgerly. He died 8 June 1842, aged 77, as his tombstone says. She died 10 Sept- 1849, aged 83. 6. Ebenezer m. (i) Polly Shepherd, (2) Martha Crommett. 7. Richard m. (i) Polly Crommett, (2) Love Bickford. John m. 24 April 1808, Susanna Leavitt, Wolfeboro. Mary m. 18 13, David Rand of Barnstead and Durham. Sixth Generation 6. Ebenezer Kent (Richard^, John^ John^, Joseph^, Oliver^) married (i) 181 1, Polly Shepherd and had daughter, Polly, (2) 6 March 1817, Martha, daughter of John and Eunice (Meserve) Crommett. He died 21 Feb. 1874, aged 87 years, 10 months. His first wife died 28 Feb. 1813, aged 22 years. Polly m. 26 Dec. 1833, Daniel Edgerly. She d. 12 Oct. 1883, aged 70-7-19- John m. 2 July 1837, Elizabeth Mathes; d. 17 April 1843, aged 26. Had one son, Eben, b. 23 Sept. 1840, who m. Anna Maria Nute and 1. on the old Kent farm. Has son, John Elmer, who m. (i) Lizzie Simpson, (2) Martha Sanborn, and had ch., Ralph, George W., Blanche, and Marion; daughter Clara E. b. 17 Aug. 1867, who m. John B. G. Dame; and daughter Susan who m. Lewis Walker. She died and he m. (2) Marion Kent, niece of his first wife. Eliza m. (i) John Mooney Mathes, (2) John Quimby. HISTORY OF DURHAM 243 7. Richard Kent (Richard^, John'', John^, Joseph^. Oliver^) married. 9 June 18 14, Polly, daughter of John and Eunice (Me- serve) Crommett, (2) 1821, Love Bickford, daughter of Robert and Hannah (Dame). His will, 21 Nov. 1860-2 May 1865, names wife, Love and two children: Mary m. John Doe of Newmarket. James m. Trickey of Dover. KINCAID David Kincaid, Scotchman, came to Boston from Cambridge, 29 Dec. 1684; entertained by Widow Neale, to draw beer. [See report of Record Commissioners of Boston, Vol. X, p. 60.] On 2 Jan. 1684, Thomas Dewer (Scotchman) became surety to the town of Boston for David Kinked and his family. [Id., p. 76.] David Kincaid was a member of the Scotch Charitable Society in Boston, in 1684. David Kincaid settled at Oyster River. He was four months in military service in 1696. He married (2) Anne, widow of Stephen Jenkins, who was baptized 10 Feb. 1722/3 as widow of David Kincaid, deceased the foregoing week. She married (3) Thomas Potts. The place where Kincaid lived, near the Wood- man Garrison, is still known as "Kinket's field." The Kincaid homestead now has upon it two college dormitories, one store, six or seven residences, a water supply system and a new street. It is crossed by the Boston and Maine Railroad. Kincaid's brook flows from the college reservoir to tide water. In the deed of forty acres, given by his widow, Ann. to Robert Thompson, in 1723, a place in Lee is called "Camsoe," doubtless a corrup- tion of the word Campsie, the name of a parish in the county of Stirling, Scotland, containing a village called Kincaidfield. It is not far from Glasgow. The place in Lee was named for the place well known and loved in Scotland. The will of David Kin- caid, 2T, June 1719-6 March 1722/3, names wife, Anne, son, Naphtali, and daughters, Hannah Hay and Sarah Kincaid. , Hannah Hay was admitted to church, i Sept. 1723, and had children, Samuel and Hannah Hay, baptized the same day. Naphtali. son of David Kincaid, married Christian Rand, 7 Dec. 1 71 7. He was baptized 31 Nov. 1 716/7 and she 7 Nov. 1725. He was of Sheepscot, Me., 20 Nov. 1740, when he sold 244 HISTORY OF DURHAM to Samuel Lovcll land in Sheepscot which he bought in 1735, as is recorded in York Deeds. Widow Christian Kincaid of Sheep- scot, 15 Sept. 1749, sold to John Woodman her right of dower in land in Durham. David Kincaid, who served in the Louisburg expedition, was doubtless son of Naphtali Kincaid. There was a Samuel Kincaid in Jefferson, Lincoln County, Me., in the year 1800. KIDDER Samuel Kidder, born 4 June 1852, married, 9 May 1876, Lucia Almira Soule, daughter of John P. and Harriet (Campbell) Soule, born at Georgetown, Me., 3 April 1855. They have lived in Durham about fifteen years. "Little Sam" b. 15 June 1877 in Maiden, Mass., d. in infancy. Samuel Thompson b. in Maiden 23 Dec. 1878. Richard Arnold b. in Melrose 17 Jan. 1882. Harold Soule b. in Melrose 5 April 1893. KNIGHT John Che\'alier is said to have been a Huguenot refugee and to have changed his French surname to its equivalent. Knight. He was on the Portsmouth rate list for 1681. He married, 29 March 1684, Bridget, daughter of Richard Sloper, who married Mary, daughter of Henr>- and Rebecca (Gibbons) Sherburne. He bought various pieces of land at Newington, 1702-07, of Ben- jamin Bickford, John Downing and Zachariah Trickey, thus getting ownership of the ferry to Hilton's Point and to Kittery- He was buried at Pine Point, overlooking the Pascataqua, and his tombstone declares that he was born 30 Aug. 1659 and died II May 1 72 1. His will. 29 Nov. 1720, names wife, Bridget, sons, John, Temple, and William, who married, 29 Nov. 1722, Deborah Penhallow; daughter, Elizabeth, who married (i) 12 Sept. 1706, John Janvrin of the Island of Jersey and, (2) 10 Oct. 1720, the Rev. Joseph Adams of Newington, daughter Mary Knight. Bridget Knight's estate was administered by her son, Capt. John Knight, in 1740. Capt. John Knight, son of the above, married Elizabeth . He is called captain in 1723 and served as moderator and select- man several times and representative. His will, 8 Nov. 1765-29 HISTORY OF DURHAM 245 Jan. 1766, names wife, Elizabeth, and most of the following children : John appears to have d. s. p. 23 Feb. 1770. Had wife, Temperance. Ensign John Knight m. 17 April 1743, Patience Smith of Durham. Nicholas m. 28 Nov. 1744, Sarah Thompson. Ch., William bapt. 18 May 1746, Charles bapt. 18 Dec. 1748, Susanna bapt. 14 April 1751, and Nicholas bapt. 29 June 1755. Mary bapt. 5 May 17 17; d. young. Daniel bapt. 24 June 1720. Bridget bapt. i Oct. 1721; m. 6 July 1740, James Chad- bourne, (2) Allen. Alice bapt. 30 May 1723; m. Thomas Hatch. Susannah bapt. 18 Feb. 1727-8. Mary bapt. 3 Aug. 1728-9; m. 24 March 1757, Jonathan Hill of Durham (?). George bapt. 16 July 1732. [See below.] Deborah bapt. 16 March 1735; m.^ Nathaniel Adams, 1752. Elizabeth m. Salter. Sar.\h m. Brewster. George Knight (John^ John^) had (i) wife, Mary, who was niece of Mary Gambling and granddaughter of Samuel Penhallow who married Mary Cutt, i July 1687. He married (2) Susannah, daughter of George and Sarah (Sampson) Chesley and lived near the end of Pascataqua bridge. Here he bought land and build- ings of Samuel Meader, 21 Aug. 1771. He had previously lived in Portsmouth. His will, 25 June 1785, names wife, Susannah, and the following children, except William. Children by first marriage: Mary Gambling bapt. 17 Dec. 1758. Mary bapt. 20 April 1760. Susannah bapt. 9 Aug. 1761. John bapt. 20 Feb. 1763 ;m. 16 Feb. 1790, Deborah McCutch- ins. WiLLL\M bapt 17 March 1765. Deborah bapt. 14 Dec. 1766; m. 20 Nov. 1787, Paul Meader. Temperance b. 3 Oct. bapt. 16 Oct. 1768; m. 20 April 1788, James Edgerly. Samuel bapt. 18 Nov. 1770; m. 30 Oct. 1809, Elizabeth McCutchins. She d. 22 Nov. 1849, aged 79. Had son, George, who d. 7 Feb. 1837, aged 27. Patience. Perhaps by second marriage. 246 HISTORY OF DURHAM LAMOS Nathaniel Lamos, son of Edward Lamos of Ipswich, Mass., who came in the ship Susan and Ellen in 1635, aged then 24, was taxed in Dover as early as 1672 and also in 1688. He is called Lommox, Lamox, Lamos, etc. "Old widow Looms" died 2 July 1706, according to Pike's Journal. He married Deliverance Clark, as is shown by the baptism of their daughter in Canada, who was captured by Indians near Bunker's garrison, in 1707, and baptized as Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel and Deliver- ance (Clark) Lomax. Nathaniel Lamos, son of the above, married Abigail, daughter of Mark Giles of Dover. They sold land to Philip Chesley in 1 72 1. The following children are named in his will, i Aug. 1767-31 Aug. 1768, when he was of Madbur}-. [See also the Friends' records.] Samuel b. 6 July 1721; m. 13 Nov. 1744 Esther dau. of Joseph Hoagof Stratham. L. in Lee. His will, 23 April 1782, names wife, Esther, and ch., Sarah Meader, Abigail Lammos, Esther Chesley, James Lammos, Miriam Hill and Moses Lammos. Elizabeth b. 28 March 1723; m. William Caldwell. James b. 10 Sept. 1725; m. 27 10 mo. 1763, Sarah Austin. Sarah m. Ebenezer Drew, 14 April 1751. Deliverance m. Stephen Varney, 10 5mo. 1751; (2) Joseph Meader of Lee, 24 Aug. 1791. Abigail m. Seth Jacobs, 31 8mo. 1763. Nathaniel b. 17 5mo. 1741; m. Abigail Roberts, i 5mo, 1766. A dau., Hannah, m. Thomas Roberts, 26 Nov. 1788, and a son, Jonathan, m. 23 Nov. 1795, Susan Han- son, dau. of Stephen and Mary. LANGLEY James Langle}- bought of Stephen Jenkins, 5 Nov. 17 14. the old Drew farm, on the south side of Oyster River. He was chosen deacon in the church 17 June 1724. He married Mar>', daughter of Job Runnels. Estate administered 4 April 1732. James, Jr., m. 31 Aug. 1727, Hannah, dau. of John Edgerly. Had the homestead in 1732. 2. Thomas m. (i) Sarah Trickey, (2) Hannah Kent, (3) Esther Ross. Elizabeth bapt. 20 April 1718; m. Joseph Smith, 29 Feb. 1756. (?) She is not named in her mother's will, 1736. Mary bapt. 1722; had Dea. Joseph Wheeler for guardian in 1732. HISTORY OF DURHAM 247 John minor o\er 14; had Capt. Fr. Mathes for guardian in 1732. Job, minor o\er 14; had Capt. Fr. Mathes for guardian in 1732. Executor named in his mother's will, 1736. 3. Samuel b. 5 Jan. 1724; m. Hannah Runnels. Eldad bapt. 12 May 1728; m. 28 Feb. 1750/1, Sarah Drew of Dover. [Sec Hist, of Nottingham for his family.] 2. Thomas Langley (James) married (i) 7 Sept. 1743, Sarah Trickey, of Newington, (2) Hannah Kent, daughter of Joseph and Jane, (3) 9 July 1773, Esther Ross, in Portsmouth. His will, 9 Jan. 1778-22 April 1778. Widow Esther Langley married 17 May 1780, Winthrop Bickford. The first three children were born before 1748, probably by first marriage: 4. Jonathan m. Keziah Langley, 24 July 1758. Thomas m. 29 Jan. 1759, Eleanor, dau. of Ephraim Libbey, Perhaps he had a second wife, Keziah. He had ch., Hannah and Mary, bapt. 19 July 1761. Hannah m. 27 Sept. 1 78 1, Benjamin Bickford of New Durham. Hannah m. Edmund Pendergast. Sarah bapt. 29 Oct. 1749. Not named in will. Else bapt. 29 Oct. 1749. Not named in will. Ephraim bapt. 11 Sept. 1752. Not named in will. David bapt. ii Sept. 1752. Received 40 acres in Rochester. He was a Revolutionary soldier in 1776, aged 24. James bapt. 9 June 1754. Not named in will. Phebe bapt. 19 Oct. 1760; m. John Burnham. Elizabeth bapt. 19 Oct. 1760, m. Abraham Bickford, 28 Nov. 1782. Joseph named in will; m. Molly ; d. in Durham 22 June 1826, aged 68. He had son, Thomas, b. in Durham 3 Dec. 1785. Samuel m. Hannah Tuttle. His father's will gave him land in New Durham. 3. Samuel Langley (James) married Hannah Runnels ■daughter of Job, born 5 June 1728. His will, dated 13 March 1777, was proved in May 1800. He was a farmer in Lee. 5. Jonathan b. 28 Nov. 1754; m. Abigail Leathers. Hannah m. Samuel Scales. 6. Levi b. 4 Oct. 1762; m. Abigail Durrell. Susannah b. 22 May 1766; m. Woodman. Job named in will. Third Generation 4. Jonathan Langley (Thomas^, James^) married, 24 July 1756, Keziah Langley. He was buried, i Feb. 1782, according 248 HISTORY OF DURHAM to the church records of Durham, and his estate was divided the same year. His widow married Eleazer Davis, Jan. 1781. Hannah m. John Shepherd. Abigail had heirs in 1782. Jonathan d. after his father, leaving heirs. Robert. Valentine m. 30 May 1793, Rebecca Trickey of Rochester. 7. John. The church records say that the wife of John Langley was buried 6 May 1783. He m. 16 Oct. 1783, Mrs. Sarah Dearborn. 8. Obedl\h b. 1773; m. EHzabeth Boody. Rhoda. 5. Jonathan Langley (SamueP, James^), born 28 Nov. 1754, married in Nottingham, 30 Dec. 1773, Abigail Leathers, who was born in Nottingham 7 Sept. 1755. He had the following children in Nottingham: Samuel b. 27 Aug. 1775; m. March 1799, Comfort Chesley. Vowel (?) b. 5 Sept. 1777. Jonathan b. 15 Sept. 1779. Miriam b. 19 Sept. 1781, m. 18 April 1802, John Pierson. Lydl\ b. 6 June 1784; m. 3 Feb. 1803, Benjamin Follett. Hannah b. 3 Sept. 1785; m. 1808, Joseph Stevens of Lee. Titus b. 4 Nov. 1788. Joseph b. 29 Jan. 1792. Mark b. 10 Feb. 1793. 6. Levi Langley (SamueF, James^), born 4 Oct. 1762, married, 20 Dec. 1787, Abigail, daughter of Nicholas and Abigail (Meserve) Durrell, born 24 July 1770. He lived in Lee. Estate was administered by Samuel Langley in 18 16. Hannah b. 25 March 1788; m. 1805, Daniel Smart. Nicholas D. b. 20 Feb. 1790. Samuel b. i May 1792; m. 1812, Sally Hilton of Lee. David b. 7 Oct. 1794; m. 10 April 1815, Ann Hilton of Lee. Orlando b. 19 Jan. 1797; m. 16 Jan. 1823, Harriet Walker of Durham; 1. at Lubberland. He d. at Epping 5 Oct. 1855. She was dau. of Seth Walker of Newington. A son, David Durrell Langley, b. in Durham ii Jan. 1831, m. (i) Temperance Winslow of Dexter, Me., (2) widow Rose Kempton of Newport, Vt. 7. About John Langley there is some uncertainty. A John Langley died in Durham, 27 April 1825, aged 53, hardly old enough to have been son of Jonathan above, perhaps son of John and grandson of Jonathan. A John Langley married, in New- HISTORY OF DURHAM 249 market, 13 March 1792, Polly Stillson, born 11 Oct. 1773, daughter of WiUiam and Sarah (Roberts) Stillson of Somersworth. They lived in Durham village and in Strafiford and had children: Henry b. in Durham 21 Jan. 1793; d. 11 Aug. 1872 in New- market. [See below.] Clarissa b. 28 Aug. 1797; m. (i) — Rollins, (2) 5 March 1824, Benjamin Cofhn; d. 11 Aug. 1872 in Concord. Nancy b. in Strafford in 1800; m. Nathan Proctor and 1. in Charlestown, Mass., and Alfred, Me.; d. 24 June 1878 in Alton. 8 ch. Fourth Generation. 8. Obediah Langley (Jonathan^, Thomas^, James^), born 1773, married Elizabeth, daughter of John and Susannah (Lang- ley) Boody. He died in Durham 18 April 1825, aged 52. Chil- dren were as follows: Nancy d. 5 Oct. 1809, aged 10 yrs. 7 mos. 9. Jedidiah J. b. 23 Nov. 1803; m. Hannah Clay. Jonathan settled in Groveland, Mass. John twin to Jonathan; d. young. Robert prob. d. at sea. Obediah prob. d. at sea. 10. John b. 15 Nov. 1812; m. Mary Willey. 11. Alfred b. 18 Jan. 1814; m. Hannah Burnham. Susan m. Gardner Currier, and rem. to Iowa. Elizabeth m. Josiah S. Howe of Lowell, Mass. Eunice m. Ira Hardy of Groveland, Mass. Mary and Moses d. young. Fifth Generation 9. Jedidiah Langley (Obediah*, Jonathan^, Thomas^, James^), born 28 Nov. 1803, married Hannah daughter of Daniel Clay, of Lee. who was born born 14 July 1802 and died 19 March 1884. He died 6 May 1871. John b. 9 Jan. 1823; d. young. Smith b. 28 Nov. 1824; d. at sea. Brackett F. b. 26 Aug. 1827; m. and d. at Lawrence, Mass. Moses b. 18 Dec. 1829; d. in California. Sarah Elizabeth b. 9 July 1832; m. Hollis Dow. Caroline C. b. 2 Aug. 1835; m. Robert Champlain of Boston. Martha Jane b. i Jan. 1838; m. Theophilus Johnson; d. 1894 at Ludlow, Vt. 12. Jeremiah b. 25 March 1841; m. Emily Frances Emerson. John F. b. 22 Aug. 1843; d. at Hatteras Inlet, during the Civil War, 8 March 1862. HISTORY OF DURHAM 25 1 Martin Van Buren b. 12 Aug. 1846; m. (i) Ella M. Fisher, who was b. 2 Sept. 1848 and d. 2t, Dec. 1871, (2) Cordelia Goodwin, who was b. 1846 and d. 14 March 1892, (3) 30 March 1895, Martha E. (Whitney) Small, widow of Charles H. Small, b. in Boston 13 July 1851. He d. 21 Dec. 1906 and was buried at Medfield, Mass. 10. John Langley (ObadiahS Jonathan\ Thomas^, James'), born 15 Nov. 1812, married, 21 Oct. 1831, Mary, daughter of Robert and Mary (Dinsmore) Willey, who was born 2 May 1808. Children recorded in Durham: Dolly b. 12 Nov. 1832; m. Samuel Cram; d. 10 Nov. 1854. Mary E. b. 8 Jan. 1834; m. Lawrence. John b. 25 Feb. 1837; m. at Great Falls. Sarah F. b. 6 Oct. 1839; m. Willard Tufts. Susan b. 11 June 1842; m. 18 March 1857, John O. Lucy. Martha J. b. 15 Sept. 1844; m. Charles E. Hoitt. JosEPHLNE b. 8 Dec. 1846; m. Lucy. George Obedl\h b. 20 May 1848; m. 24 Nov. 1867. Jerusha Bickford. Emma Augusta b. 6 July 1851; d. 7 April 1870. Unm. 11. Alfred Langley (Obediah*, Jonathan^, Thomas-, James^, born 18 Jan. 1814, (record says 1813, but this is impossible, if his brother, John, was born 15 Nov. 1812), married Hannah, daugh- ter of Joseph P. and Esther (Varney) Burnham, who was born 17 Nov. 1815 and died 20 Sept. 1878. 13. George E. b. 12 Oct. 1838; m. Lydia M. Palmer. Albert b. 5 June 1840; d. 15 June 1840. Moses B. b. 4 March 1842; m. twice. Soldier of Civil War. Sixth Generation 12. Hon. Jeremiah Langley (Jedidiah'', Obediah\ Jonathan\ Thomas^, James'), born 25 March 1841, married Emily Frances, daughter of Joshua and Sarah (Durgin) Emerson, born 30 Sept. 1842. He lives at Durham Point. [See biographical sketch.] Edward L b. 3 Sept. 1864; m. Edith A. Jordan of Haverhill, b. 26 Aug. 1870; and 1. on the old Bickford farm, at the Point. Ch., Mary A. b. 30 Nov. 1894. Harold E. b. 8 Jan. 1896, Marland G. b. 18 May 1897, Sidney J. b. i Aug. 1899. Charles S. b. ii Oct. 1867; m. i Jan. 1892, Mary E. dau. of Joseph M. R. and Olive Esther (Libby) Adams, Ch., Lester Libby b. 9 May 1893, Ada Carolyn b. 11 May 1898, Delia Frances b. 16 Oct. 1900. See page 328 \'ol. L 252 HISTORY OF DURHAM Carrie A. b. ; m. Andrew J. Langley, son of Samuel. Ch., Wayne Leland b. i June 1894, Margaret Louise b. 25 Jan. 1896, Mildred May b. 28 Feb. 1898, and Stanley Fields b. 21 Sept. 1908, 13. George E. Langley (Alfred^ Obediah^ Jonathan^ Thomas^ James^), born 12 Oct. 1838. married 17 Oct. 1861, Lydia M. Palmer, daughter of Ezekiel and Sally (Butler) Leathers, who changed his surname to Palmer. George E. Langley served four years in the LTnion Army, during the Civil War. Addie a. b. II Nov. 1864; d. 18 June 1873. Hannah E. b. 13 Jan. 1867. George A. b. 9 July 1869. Charles B. b. 26 Oct. 1871. Harmon M. b. 22 Sept. 1874. Ernest C. b. 3 Jan. 1876. Wilfred b. 21 Feb. 1878. James Langley, born at Barrington 13 June 1790, married, 27 Feb. 1812, Mary Garland, born 7 May 1796, both of Durham at time of marriage. Children: Abigail b. in New Durham 22 Sept. 1814. Mary Ann b. in New Durham i March 181 7; m. Joseph S. Burnham. James b. in Durham 29 April 1820. John O. b. 15 Dec. 1824. W^iLLiAM D. b. 10 Nov. 1826. Olive Jane b. 9 Aug. 1829. Calista C. b. I Sept. 1833; d. unm. Charles F. b. 21 March 1840. Henry Langley, son of John, No. 7, born in Durham 21 Jan. 1793. died in Newmarket, 11 Aug. 1872. He married (i) Widow Abigail (Tasker) Nelson of Barnstead. She was born 18 Nov. 1787 and died 13 Oct. 1852. She was daughter of Joseph Tasker (son of John) and widow of Samuel Nelson, Jr., of Barnstead. She had two children by first marriage, Sally Nelson who m. John Tilton, and Abigail Nelson who m. Robey Towle. Henry Langley married (2) his cousin, W^idow Elizabeth (Stillson) Shaw of Durham, born 2 Feb. 1810. She died 4 Nov. 1891. She was widow of John Weare Shaw and daughter of William, Jr., and Nancy (Chapman) Stillson. He lived in Durham after his second marriage, which was 10 Feb. 1855. He was deacon in the Free Baptist Church of Newmarket. Children by first marriage: HISTORY OF DURHAM 253 Samuel Nelson b. 9 Nov. 1816; m. Abigail Hatch b. in Gilmanton; d. 8 Jan. 1889. John Henry b. abt. 1825; m. Mary Proctor, d. in Alton 21 Dec. 1875 s. p. Joseph T. b. Aug. 1831; m. Rebecca Nutter, b. 27 March 1834; d. 28 Feb. 1907; s. p.; he d. in Pittsfield 6 March 1907. Unclassified marrl\ges Warren Langley and Mary Pierce, 29 Nov. 1821. Benjamin Langley and Mary Jackson, 21 Nov. 1827. David Langley and Polly Welch, 3 Aug. 1834. Daniel Churchill of Newmarket and Eleanor Langley, 29 April 1834. Daniel York and Betsey Langley, both of Lee, ii Feb. 1817. LAPISH Robert Lapish died 5 Feb. 1815, aged 77. His wife. Temper- ance (Underwood?), died 30 May 1823, aged 77. She was admitted to the church in Durham, 4 June 1795. He is called joiner, trader, and gentleman. Benjamin U. d. 12 Jan. 181 1, aged 29. Polly d. 12 March 1833. Bray d. 6 Feb. 1806, aged 20. Hardison b. 21 July 1788. Sarah m. Andrew Simpson, 29 June 1800; d. 16 Feb. 1854, aged 73. Robert Jr.(?) named in the census of 1790. Temperance (?) m. John Kent, 21 May 1791. Abigail (?) m. Ephraim Blaisdel of Rochester, 14 April 1793. Mehitable (?) m. 24 March 1810, Benjamin Carter of Dover, Lucy Ann b. in Durham 11 July 1808. LASKEY John Laskey of Kittery married, 31 Dec. 1817, Abigail, daughter of Edward and Sarah (Meader) Wakeham. He bought a farm near Wednesday brook, in Lee, 15 May 1722, and here the Laskey family lived for a long time. His will, 1764-65, names wife, Abigail, and children as follows: Abigail bapt. 12 March 1721/2; m. Joseph Jackson. Joseph bapt. 30 Aug. 1724. Not named in will. Sarah m. 20 Sept. 1756, Quick Priest. Anna bapt. 28 Oct. 1742; unm. in 1764. 2. WiLLL\M b. 28 Oct. 1745; m. Mary Randall. Joanna m. Tibbetts. 254 HISTORY OF DURHAM 2. William Laskey (John) married, 17 Oct. 1769, Mary, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Runnels) Randall, born i^ Aug. 1753 in Lee. He inherited the homestead. The house stood near the mouth of Wednesday brook, on the Mast road, not far from Durham line. Here he died 9 May 1807. His widow m. (2) 181 1, Alexander Lucy of Nottingham and died 3 Oct. 1828. Children recorded in Lee: 3. Jonathan b. 25 March 1771; m. Comfort Jones. John b. 4 March 1772. Sarah b. 8 March 1774; m. Abraham Mathes of Lee. Abigail b. 16 June 1776; m. Samuel Burley of Lee. Joseph b. 12 Jan. 1778; d. bef. 25 April 1815. Mary b. 24 April 1780. Susannah b. 22 Oct. 1782; d. unm. bef. 30 July 1804. William b. 22 April 1785; d. i Nov. 1786. Lois b. 12 Aug. 1787; m. 1806, Thomas Lucy. Love b. 12 Dec. 1789; m. 2 Feb. 1809, Jonathan Bartlett of Nottingham; d. 7 Aug. 1884. He d. 25 Oct. 1852, aged 72. Anna b. 14 Jan. 1792; d. unm. abt. 1813. Joanna b. 7 June 1795. 3. Jonathan Laskey (William^, John'), born 25 March 1771, married, 21 July 1796, Comfort Jones. He died about 181 1. Mary b. 21 June 1797; m. 28 March 1816, John Fields; d. 24 July 1872. Ch., Maria b. 15 March 1817, m. 21 Apr. 1842 Obed Sanders, Mary Jane b. 17 Oct. 18 19, m. 15 Jan. 1840 Joseph Francis Glidden and d. 30 Jan. 1876, Sarah Ann b. 6 July 1825, d. 20 Sept. 1828, John L. b. 18 Sept. 1828, m. Mary D. Jones. John b. 28 Aug. 1798; d. 21 May 1804. 4. William b. 20 Jan. 1801; m. Ruth Jones. 5. PELATLA.H JONES b. 4 July 1803; m. Judith A. Miller. 4. William Laskey (Jonathan^, William^, John'), born 20 Jan. 1797, married 17 Feb. 1822, his cousin, Ruth Jones. He died 22 Nov. 1878. John Leavitt b. 12 Nov. 1823; m. (i) 15 Nov. 1845, MeHssa Burleigh, who was b. 13 June 1824, (2) 28 Feb. 1857, Mary Jane Rogers; d. 30 April 1873. Ch., Lewis Burleigh b. 24 Aug. 1846, who m. (1)17 Aug. 1866 Lydia Tuttle, and (2) — Rogers; Lydia Esther b. 15 April 1847, who d. unm. 10 Jan. 1866; Georgiana b. 15 Sept. 1848, who d. April 1849; William b. 28 May 1852. Ch. by second marriage, Mary Elvah b. 16 Dec. 1857, who m. i Jan. 1879, Charles N. Kelley; John Rogers b. i860, d. 1863; Leavitt b. and d. 1870. HISTORY OF DURHAM 255 5. Peliiiiah Jones Laskey (Jonathan\ WilHam^ Johni), born 4 July 1803, married, 17 Jan. 1823, Judith Abbie Miller. He lived in Milton and died 26 Dec. 1856. Jonathan b. i8 Jan. 1824; m. i April 1848, Maria Lucinda Buzzell. He was a stonecutter in Newmarket. Had son, Jonathan P. William b. 31 May 1825; m. 4 July 1848, Caroline Goodwin; d. I Sept. 1866. 3 ch., Mary Anne b. 4 May 1849, who m. 12 May 1867, Thomas B. (joodwin and (2) 8 Jan. 1876, Jason C. Tyler; Judith Ella b. 19 Jan. 1851, who m. 16 Oct. 1864. Lewis Keene; and Caroline b. 4 Dec. 1853, d. 16 Aug. 1864. 6. Henry b. 18 June 1828; m. 4 July 1850, Harriet Cutter Converse. Jonas b. 28 Dec. 1832, m. 21 March 1857, Sarah Abby Vinal. Pelatlah Warren b. 8 Dec. 1834; m. 4 Sept. 1857, Rocna Chick Mask. He was killed at Port Hudson 2 June 1863. Ch., Augusta C. b. 2 July 1858, who m. 22 June 1878 John Wentworth, and George Henry b. 3 July 1859. Joseph b. 8 May 1836; d. unm. 21 April i860. Sarah Ann b. 3 Feb. 1838. Mary Jane b. 18 Feb. 1842; m. 28 Nov. 1857, Joseph W'illey. 6. Henry Laskey (Pelatiah J.^ Jonathan\ William^ John^, born 18 June 1828, married, 4 July 1850, Harriet Cutter Converse, and died 20 Now 1880. Joseph b. 24 April 1851; d. 9 Nov. 1856. Charles Henry b. 11 Dec. 1852; m. 14 Dec. 1875, Mary J. Libbey. Sarah Frances b. 17 March 1855; d. Nov. 1856. Amanda Josephine b. 5 March 1857; m. 4 Sept. 1875,. Nivin C. Burkett. George Edward b. 25 March 1S59. Mary Ellen b. 30 April 1861. Frank b. and d. Dec. 1863. Nettie b. and d. 1864. Hattie May b. 6 May 1871; d. 1872. LEATHERS and PALMER Edward Leathers, or Letheres, aged 70 in 1709, owned land next to Henry Brown, in 1667. He signed a petition in 1669. Was constable and tax collector in 1681. William Pitman, in his will, 1682, appointed Edward Leathers overseer of his wife and children. He signed a petition in 1695 and was living as Edward Lethers, Sr., in 1716. He was heir of William Beard. 2$6 HISTORY OF DURHAM In the massacre of 1694 his wife and some children were killed by Indians, when William Leathers escaped by running to a garrison. There was a Benjamin Leathers of North Yarmouth, Me., who married Deborah Ingersoll, i Dec. 1686. William, son of Edward Leathers, was born about 1675, being aged 78 in 1753. He married, before 24 July 1701, Abigail Willey, when they gave receipt to Margaret Squire of all dues from the beginning of the world. John Willey gave a similar receipt. Their mother, Margaret, widow of Thomas Willey, had probably married Bernard Squire. William Willey and wife, Abigail, were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams 10 Dec. 1727, and he joined the church as William Willey, Sr., 4 Feb. 1728. He had a large family. 2. Edward bapt. as adult 3 Dec. 1721 ; m. Sarah — . Thomas bapt. 3 Dec. 1721; m. Sarah Marsh, (2) 19 Nov. 1724/5, Elizabeth Marsh. William bapt. as bachelor 15 Sept. 1723; m. Susanna . Was a cordwainer of Charleston, in 1742. Robert made a deposition, i Aug. 1766, aged 75. EzEKlEL bapt. 28 March 1725; m. Abigail, widow of James Nock. He d. in Durham in 1801, aged 100. She d. 4 Oct. 1807. Abednego bapt. 28 March 1725. He made a deposition 14 Jan. 1 791, aged 85. He m. (i) Charity Boody. (2) Hannah . He d. in Durham 3 June 1802. Han- nah d. 8 July 1800, aged 71. A dau., Mary. m. Capt. George Hull 16 June 1805. Abel bapt. 26 June 1726; was of Nottingham in 1753. Ch., Stephen, Benjamin and Jonathan. (?) Abigail bapt. 26 June 1725; m. Ebenezer Spencer. 20 Nov. 1729. Ebenezer m. (i) Ann and had son, Ebenezer bapt. 3 Sept. 1749, m. (2) Martha Brown, 3 April 1754. Stephen m. Margaret — — — . L. in Lee. Benjamin m. Margery dau. of John McCoy of Barrington in 1789. Jonathan m. in Newington, 25 Dec. 1746, Keturah, dau. of Thomas Trickey. Had at least a son, Thomas. " Mary m. Robert Willey, son of Thomas, and 1. to age of 102. 2. Edward Leathers (William', Edward^) had wife. Sarah. He deeded land to son Edward in 1753 and gave a lease for life of land in Durham to son, Robert, in 1759. He is men- tioned as deceased in 1773. He, with brother, Jonathan, had the homestead. HISTORY OF DURHAM 257 Olive bapt. 23 June 1723. Sarah bapt. 27 March 1726. Edward m. Elizabeth , who was ba[)t. 13 Aug. 1749. 3. Robert m. Deborah Follett, 29 Feb. 1756; d. 13 April 1814. She d. 6 March 1820. Vowel. L. in Nottingham, where he was selectman and captain. Children of Robert and Deborah (Follett) Leathers: Temperance bapt. 19 Oct. 1760; m. Thomas Pendexter. Sarah bapt. 19 Oct. 1760; m.. 7 June 1781, John Libby. Deborah m. May 1790, William Spinney. Abigail m. Aug. 1791, John Demeritt. Mehitable m. 1785, John Willey and rem. to North wood. Richard m. Susan Wigglesworth. He d. i July 1853, aged 63(?). She d. in 1850, aged 60. Ch., Jane d. unm. , Susan m. 13 Oct. 1846, Enoch J. Coffin; Sally d. unm.: Deborah m. John Evans; Richard prob. d. at sea; Martha m. Charles Reynolds; Alexander; Abby d. unm.; and Louisa m. Eben Flood or Floyd. Robert m. 11 Aug. 181 1, Hannah Treadwell Thompson, He d. 6 Jan. i827(?). She d. 23 June i8t,2(?). Joseph, m. Collins of Barnstead. Ch., George, Joseph, who m. Rebecca Leighton, perhaps two daughters, and Ezekiel. Ezekiel Leathers (Joseph^, Robert^ Edward', William^, Edward^, born 13 Dec. 1805, married Sally Butler, who was born 30 Oct. 1804. A family Bible gives the following children: Mehitable J. b. 30 Jan. 1828; m. Alphonso Pinkham. James B. b. 12 May 1830; m. Sarah Pinkham. Joseph b. 27 May 1833; d. in Civil War. George b. 9 July 1836; d. in Civil War, in the Navy. Ezekiel F. b. 16 Oct. 1842; d. in Civil W^ar, in regular army. Lydia M. b. 13 April 1844; m. George E. Langley. James B. Leathers, son of Ezekiel Leathers named abo\e, born 12 May 1830, changed his surname to Palmer. He married Sarah Pinkham, who was born 9 May 1847 and died 6 Dec. 191 1. Frank E. b. 8 Dec. 1861; d. Jan. 1875. James A. b. 16 Oct. 1863; m. 1887, Fanny Silloway. Bertha Grace b. 28 April 1867; d. 31 Dec. 1870. . Roscoe b. 15 April 1869; m. Lillian Arsenault. Carrie B. b. 20 Mav 1871; m. William E. Colomv, 3 Aug. 1888. Ch., Cecil C. b. 6 Oct. 1889, Gladys b' 10 Jan. 1894. Elbridge Hamilton b. i Jan. 1874; ^^- Lizzie -. 17 258 HISTORY OF DURHAM Herbert F. b. 20 Feb. 1876; d. 29 Sept. 1904. Flossie B. b. 20 Oct. 1879; m. 6 Sept. 1911, Fred W. Vetter- line. Winnie M. b. 6 Feb. 1880; m. Albert Caverno of Lee. James A. Palmer, named above, born 16 Aug. 1863, married, 1887, Fanny Silloway, who was born 18 Aug. 1866. They live in Durham and have the following children: Fredericks, b. 23 Feb. 1890, m. 18 April 1911, in Haverhilb Mass., by Rev. Everett S. Stackpole, Marion Esther Wal- lace, dau. of Augustus H. and Blanche (Bearce) Wallace, b. 1893, at Auburn, Me. Francis F. b.- 10 June 1892. Charles H. b. 5 Aug. 1893. Sarah B. b. i Feb. 1895. Elmore b. 13 Oct. 1897. Delmore, twin to Elmore. Edith A. C. O. b. 6 Nov. 1910. Roscoe Palmer, named on page 257, born 20 May 1871, married Lillian Arsenault. They have the following children: George E. b. 10 Sept. 1897. Bertha L. B. 14 Aug. 1901. Marshall A. b. 12 Oct. 1902. Addie M. b. 6 Jan. 1904. Herbert F. b. 26 May 1905. Theodore R. b. 19 Sept. 1906. Monroe F. b. 30 March 1909. Oscar J. b. 13 Sept. 1910. Hilton b. 15 March 191 3. LTnclassified m. 29 Nov. 1778, Thomas Leathers, Jr., and Elizabeth Meader. m. 17 Sept. 1752, Simeon Cole and Martha Leathers, m. 8 Nov. 1780, at Epping, Joseph Leathers and Sarah Bartlett. m. Dec. 1782, Benjamin Leathers and Hannah Tuttle. m. 30 March 1783, Joseph Dam and Elizabeth Leathers, m. 9 April 1796, Elijah Willey and Charity Leathers, m. 8 Oct. 1801, John Snell and Lydia Leathers of Lee. m. 26 March 1 761, Aaron Huntscom and Hannah Leathers, m. 1825, Le\i Leathers and S — Green, m. 13 Jan. 1820, John Leathers and Nancy Morse, m. 13 Jan. 1828, Daniel S. Leathers and Alvira Willey. m. 22 Oct. 1835, Stephen Leathers and Olive Patrick, m. 31 July 1836, William Willey and Eliza Leathers. HISTORY OF DURHAM 259 pub. 7 April 1804, Francis Footman and Martha Leathers, pub. Jan. 181 1, Robert Leathers and Sarah Ham. Jonathan Leathers d. ii Feb. 1823, aged 65. His widow d. 13 Aug. 1830. \\'idow Hannah Leathers d. i April 1842, aged 84. LEIGHTON Thomas Leighton, born about 1604 as a deposition shows, died 22 Jan. 1 67 1/2. He was among the first settlers at Dover Neck and signed the Dover Combination of 1640. Was one of the selectmen in 1647, 1648, and 1657. His will, 20 Sept. 1671, names present wife, Joanna (who married, 16 July 1673, Job Clements) and the following children. Joanna died 15 Jan. 1703/^4- 2. Thomas m. Elizabeth Nutter. Mary m. Thomas Roberts, Jr. Elizabeth m. Philip Cromwell, Jr. Sarah, unm. in 1671. 2. Thomas Leighton (Thomas) inherited the homestead bordering on Royall's Cove and Back River. He married Eliz- abeth, daughter of Hatevil Nutter, of Dover Neck. He seems to have died before 1677, leaving children: 3. Thomas m. Susanna Chesley. 4. John m. Sarah . Elizabeth m. Richard Pinkham bef. 1699. 3. Thomas Leighton (Thomas^ Thomas^ married Susanna, daughter of Thomas Chesley. Thomas Leighton and wife, Susanna, sold, 9 Sept. 1737, right in the estate of Thomas Chesley late of Dover, father of said Susanna. He was brought up by Lieut. Anthony Nutter. In 1699 he names in a deed to Richard Pinkham, his grandfather, Thomas Leighton and his only sister, Elizabeth, wife of Richard Pinkham. Children recorded in Dover : John b. 27 June 1718; m. Martha Allen, was of Barrington in 1749. Sarah b. 10 Aug. 1721. Dorothy b. 18 Oct. 1723. Thomas b. 13 Nov. 1725. George b. 18 Nov. 1727; m. 20 Jan. 1753, Dorothy Hall, dau. of Hatevil and Sarah (Furbish), b. 23 Aug. 1733, and s. in Falmouth, now Portland, Me. Samuel b. 20 Dec. 1729. 26o HISTORY OF DURHAM Gideon b. 14 Feb. 1731; d. 1776. L. in Strafford. He was in the French and Indian War, 1759, and in the Revolution. Joseph b. 23 April 1733; m. 6 Oct. 1757, Mercy Hall, dau. of Hatevil, b. 6 Oct. 1738, and s. in Falmouth, Me. Elizabeth b. ii March 1737. Theodore b. 22 March 1739. Susanna b. 6 Dec. 1742. 4. John Leighton (Thomas-, Thomas^) married (i) Sarah -, (2) Elinor, perhaps widow of Nathaniel Meader, whom he names in his will, 24 Sept. 1712-1818, as mother-in-law (step- mother) to son, Thomas, and the following children: 5. Thomas m. Deborah . 6. John m. Abigail Ham. James m. Hannah, dau. of John Buzzell. Ch. bapt. in Dover, Isaac, 18 March 1739, who m. Ann, dau. of Robert Evans and was of Barrington in 1766, James 18 March 1739, and Aaron 9 Aug. 1741. Lydia b. 19 Feb. 1703; m. Isaac Meachum. She was a widow in Salem, Mass., in 1738. Sarah m. 16 Jan. 1717/8, James Clark; d. 1770. Fourth Generation 5. Thomas Leighton (John^ Thomas", Thomas^ had wife, Deborah, and lived in Newington. Thomas Leighton of New- ington, 17 July 1735, sold land in Dover to his son, Hatevil Leighton of Dover. Thomas Leighton, Sr., of Newington, 22 June 1739, sold land in Barnstead to William Leighton, son of John, who was eldest son of said Thomas. Thomas Leighton of Newington sold to Thomas Leighton, Jr., land and buildings and a pew in the meeting house of Newington. Thomas, Jr., gave bond to support Thomas, Sr., and Deborah, during their lives. His estate was settled in 1744. Deborah surviving him. The following were probably their children: John m. and had at least son, William. Elizabeth m. 24 Jan. 1724, Richard Dam. Hatevil m. 7 Dec. 1732, Sarah Trickey. Deborah m. 9 Oct. 1736 Capt. Wm. Collins. Abigail m. 5 Dec. 1732, Nehemiah Furber. Keziah m. 20 Sept. 1739, Eleazer Coleman. Thomas m. 28 Oct. 1742, Mary Smithson. 6. John Leighton (John^ Thomas^ Thomas^), born 1706, married, 7 Nov. 1728, Abigail, daughter of Samuel Ham. He died in 1756. She was born 15 March 17 10 and died before 30 HISTORY OF DURHAM 26l Nov. 1768. The tollowing children are recorded in Dover, and six or more of them were baptized in Newington: William b. 20 Aug. 1729. Hatevil b. 13 May 1731. 7. ToBL\s b. 9 May 1736; m. Ann Tuttle. Paul b. 3 April 1739. Abigail b. 2 May 1740; m. 9 Dec. 1761, John Kelley. Jonathan b. 20 Jan. 1742; m. 3 Dec. 1777, Mary Bampton. Olive b. 29 Oct. 1743. Mary b. 19 Feb. 1746. She or Olive m. Samuel Kelley. Deborah b. 23 Oct. 1747; m. 30 Nov. 1768, Ebenezer Tuttle. 8. James b. 12 Oct. 1749; m. Sarah Thompson. Fifth Generation 7. Tobias Leighton (John^ John^ Thomas^, Thomas^, born 9 May 1736, married Ann Tuttle and lived in Madbury. He was a sergeant in the Revolution. Tobias Leighton, joiner, of Mad- bury, made his will 27 April 1812, probated i Aug. of the same year, in which he names children, William, Elizabeth Gowdy, Dorothy Spencer, Olive Bachelder, Ann Thompson, Sarah Leighton, Abigail Odiorne (she m. Benjamin Odiorne, 2 June 1782). Deborah Langley, and Hannah Nickerson. 8. James Leighton (John^, John^ Thomas^, Thomas^), born 12 Oct. 1749, married Sarah, daughter of Hon. Ebenezer and Mary (Torr) Thompson, born 16 Feb. 1759. He married (2) Jan. 1810, Mrs. Abigail (Mathes) Mooney, widow of Jeremiah. He died 22 Feb. 1824, aged 75. His first wife died 17 Jan. 1807, aged 48. For his record in the Revolution see page 147 of Vol. L Elizabeth b. 19 April 1778; m. 6 Aug. 1797, Daniel Rey- nolds; d. 12 Sept. 1851. Mary b. i Oct. 1780; m. 15 May 1803, Edward S. Moulton of Rochester. Sarah b. i Dec. 1782; m. 8 Oct. 1801, James Woods. Abigail b. 10 Feb. 1787; m. 1808, Ephraim Hanson. John b. 16 Oct. 1789, d. in Russia. Unm. Anne b. 6 July 1792; m. Benjamin Kelley; d. 6 May 1862. Martha b. 2 Oct. 1793; m. 9 March 1820, Dr. Josiah Lan- caster; d. 12 June 1879. Their son, Edward M. Lan- caster, b. in Hill, N. H.. 29 March 1832, m. 28 July 1864, Anna Winslow Stackpole and was for many years master of the Gilbert Stuart School, Roxbury, Mass. Ebenezer b. i Jan. 1797; d. unm. Susanna b. 23 Nov. 18 10; m. Charles L. Mathes, 10 Nov. 1836. She d. at San Diego, Cal. 262 HISTORY OF DURHAM MARSH Henry Marsh, aged 44 according to a deposition made in 1704, married Elizabeth, daughter of Walter Jackson. He had a grant of land in 1694 and signed a petition in 1695. He died about 1715. Elizabeth Marsh was admitted to Church 28 July 1723. Children were: John who had wife, Elizabeth, bef. 1715, when he was of Exeter. Hezekiah m. 12 May 1729, Abigail, dau. of Benjamin York. Dinah unm. in 1737. Sarah m. Thomas Leathers. Elizabeth m. Thomas Leathers, 19 Nov. 1724/5. Henry Marsh had a grant of forty acres, 23 March 1 701/2, "above Coffin's mill, over against Moses Davis his land." This grant was on the north side of Oyster River, and remains of a dam are traceable here, on the farm owned by Frank Bunker a few years ago. Henry Marsh seems to have lived in 1704 at Lubber- land, and whether he ever lived on this grant "above Coffin's mill," is uncertain. MASON Peter Mason had a grant of land next to Abraham Clark, in 1694. He and wife, Mary, sold land to John Gerrish, 19 Dec. 1692. Widow Mary Mason was admitted to the church at Oyster River 7 July 1728. Deeds show that they had a son, Benjamin, who had wife, Elizabeth, and the following children recorded in Dover, viz., Elizabeth b. 15 May 1716, Benjamin b. 27 March 1718, and Peter b. 22 Sept. 1725. Peter Mason, probably son of Peter, aged 15 on 14 Oct. 1702, married Sarah, daughter of Ensign John and Elizabeth (Burn- ham) Davis. He and wife, Sarah, i July 1728, sold to Joseph Smith land granted to Robert Burnum, "our grandfather." March 5, 1 720/1 Peter Mason and daughters, Hannah, Sarah, and Mary, were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, together with Isaac Mason, called little brother of Peter. Sarah Mason was a widow 6 April 1747. She conveyed land to her daughter, Mary Drisco, 5 Feb. 1771. The daughter, Hannah, married William Randall 2 Feb. 1724/5. Isaac Mason had wife, Elizabeth, who was admitted to church HISTORY OF DURHAM 263 in Dover 8 Oct. 1769. and a son, Benjamin, was baptized in Dover 15 Oct. 1769. Joseph Mason had the following children baptized at Oyster River : John bapt. 28 March 1725; m. Mary, dau. of John Doe. She was a widow in 1746, David and Jonathan, twin sons of John Mason, were bapt. 30 July 1749 and John, another son, was bapt. i Feb. 1761. Robert bapt. 24 April 1726; m. in Newington, 13 May 1753, Susanna Bickford. He d. in 1760. His will, 1760, names wife, Susanna, and ch., Mary, Temperance, Lem- uel. [See page 149 of Vol. I.] His widow m. John Chapman. The dau., Mary, was bapt. 19 Feb. 1756 and the dau.. Temperance, was bapt. 8 May 1752. MATHEWS, MATHES Francis Mathews married, 22 Nov. 1622, Thomasine Channon, at Ottery St. Mary, Devonshire, birthplace of the poet Coleridge, and had children baptized there, Elizabeth 2"] Dec. 1623 and Frances 20 Feb. 1625. This is, doubtless, the Francis Mathews who came over with Capt. John Mason's colony in 1634 and helped to build the mills, at Great Works, now South Berwick, Me. He had a lease, i Oct, 1637, of 100 acres for a thousand years, "on the northwest side of the great island, commonly called Muskito Hall." This was at Newcastle, N. H. He signed the Exeter Combination in 1639, though doubtless living then near the mouth of Oyster River, where he bought land of William Beard, next to Darby Field, the same year. This land has remained ever since in the family of Mathes, as the surname is now written by many of his descendants. The location is one of the best and most attractive in Durham, commanding a wide view of the river, bay and sur- rounding lands. The rich soil accounts, to a large degree, for the prominence of the family. Francis Mathews died in 1648. His wife, Thomasine, died in 1690. His estate was settled finally by his son, Benjamin, in 1704. Samuel 1. at the Isles of Shoals in 17 15. His will was exe- cuted by his son, Samuel, in Feb. 1728 '9. Walter m. Mary . Lived on Smuttynose Island. Died in 1678. Ch., Samuel, Susanna b. 1652, who m. Rowland Young. Jr., of York, and Mary Senter. 264 HISTORY OF DURHAM 2. Benjamin m. Dorothy, widow of Oliver Kent. Martha m. Snell, (2) Browne. Catherine m. Thomas Footman, (2) Wilham Durgin. Elizabeth m. (i) William Drew, (2) William FoUett. 2. Capt. Benjamin Mathews (Francis) was made freeman 21 Jime 1669. He had wife, Dorothy, in 1683, who was probably widow of Oliver Kent and daughter of the Rev. Joseph Hull. [See Hull and Kent.] Francis Mathews was on a coroner's jury in 1657 and his estate was administered in 1 7 10 by his only son. 3. Francis m. Ruth Bennett. 3. Oapt. Francis Mathes (Benjamin^, Francis') married, 23 Feb. 1691/2, Ruth Bennett, probably daughter of Arthur and Mary (Goddard) Bennett. He was captain in the militia, select- man twenty years, representative to the General Court, assessor and town clerk at various times. He had large grants of land in Rochester and in Canterbury, being one of the leaders in the settlement of those towns. He died about 1755. •: 4. Francis m. Lydia Drew. 5. Benjamin m. Abigail Hill. 6. Abraham m. Phebe Davis. Fourth Generation 4. Francis Mathes (Francis^, Benjamin-, Francis') married in Newington, 28 Nov. 1720, Lydia, daughter of Thomas and Mary (Bunker) Drew of Do\er, who was born loth month, 1697. Their children were: Ruth b. 12 Oct. 1721; m. Joseph Sias of Lee. Gershom m. 22 June 1757, Elizabeth W^iiston; s. in Loudon. Benjamin b. abt. 1724; m. in Newington, 20 June 1745, Anne Coleman, dau. of Ebenezer and Anna, b. 29 May 1726. [See History of Canterbury, N. H.] 7. Gideon b. 8 Nov. 1728; m. Anna Randall. 5. Benjamin Mathes (Francis'\ Benjamin^, Francis') married, 17 Dec. 1716, Abigail, daughter of Capt. Nathaniel and Sarah (Nutter) Hill. He was baptized 12 Dec. 1724 and died the same day, aged 31. His father F^rancis conveyed, 20 Dec. 1748, home- stead to grandchildren, Valentine and Abraham. Benjamin bapt. 20 Oct. 1717. 8. Samuel bapt. 27 Jan. 1722/3; m. Ruth Lord. 9. Valentine b. 1720; m. Hannah Burnham. Abraham (?) 1. in 1748. HISTORY OF DURHAM 265 6. Abraham Mathcs (Francis^, Benjamin-, Francis') married, 1725, Phebe, daughter of Col. James and Elizabeth (Chesley) Davis, born 19 April 1706. His estate was administered in 1762. Elizabeth bapt. 5 April 1728; m. John Wedgwood of Newmarket. Jonathan bapt. 5 April 1728. Francis had wife, Elizabeth, in 1769. Fifth Generation 7. Gideon Mathes (Frances^, Francis^, Benjamin^, Francis^, born 8 Nov! 1728, married (i) 23 Jan. 1755, Anna, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (Hodgdon) Randall of Lee, (2) Anna, daughter of Benjamin and Abigail (Stevens) Whitcher of Notting- ham. He died 3 Jan. 1815. His second wife was born 10 May 1748 and died ii Nov. 1822. His first wife died 16 May 1763^ aged 28 years 6 months. Children by first marriage: Tamson m. Isaac Meader. Abigail m. Ichabod Whidden of Canterbury. Francis m. Lydia , and s. in Porter, Me. Children by second marriage: John m. Tuttle. Sally m. Fox of Parsonfields. Me. Anna m. 7 Jan. 1789, Ebenezer Scales; 1. in Milton. Lydl\ b. II Dec. 1779; m. Thomas Randall. 10. Gideon b. 10 Aug. 1768; m. Lois Scales. 8. Samuel Mathes (Benjamin \ Francis\ Benjamin^, Francis*) married Ruth Lord, as tradition says, and lived in Lee. His will, 25 May 1785-19 Dec. 1802, names wife, Ruth, and the following children : Benjamin m. 1806, Comfort Smart. Col. Valentine m. 21 Aug. 1788, Polly Crommett, dau. of Jacob and Abigail (Dam). L. in Northwood. In the Yeaton graveyard, at Epsom, are the inscriptions. Col. Valentine Mathes d. July 23, 1 838, aged 69. Mary, his wife, d. March 27, 1840, aged 73. Their dau. Mary m. Levi T. Yeaton and they are buried here. She d. 24 Aug. 1844, aged 40. Levi T. Yeaton d. 30 Oct. 1846, aged 42. Val- entine Mathes son of Col. Valentine, m. in Northwood, 14 Feb. 1814, Sally Bartlett, and Sally Mathes m. 24 Dec. 1826, James Smith of Saco. Other ch. may have been Jacob, Samuel and John all of Northwood. Robert m. (i) Sally Meserve, (2) Sally Jones; 1. in Milton. Abigail, d. unm. 566 HISTORY OF DURHAM Ruth m. 1808, Trueworthy Hill of Lee. Hannah. Samuel m. (i) Elizabeth Davis (?), (2) March 1815, Love Randall. Ch. by second marriage, Martha who m. John Burley and Hannah who m. Charles Norton. Abraham (?) m. Sally Laskey. Ch., Samuel J. b. 14 Sept. 1793, m. 6 Nov. 1820 Caroline Durrell and d. 22 Feb. 1837. He had dan., Elizabeth, who m. Israel Bartlett, and other ch. Abraham had also son, Joseph, and daus., Sally, who m. Nathaniel Bennett, Polly who m. Jacob Wiggin, Ruth who m. Joseph Stokes of Durham, and Ann. 9. Valentine Mathes (Benjamin'*, Francis^ Benjamin^, Fran- cis^), born 1720, married Hannah, daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (Smith) Burnham. He died 2 Feb. 1814 in Durham. His wife died 5 Sept. 18 12. II. Valentine bapt. 1746, m. Dolly Rogers. Abigail bapt. 20 May 1750. Robert bapt. 22 June 1755. Hannah bapt. 7 July 1759. Sixth Generation 10. Gideon Mathes (Gideon^, Francis^, Francis,'^ Benjamin^, Francis^), born in Lee 10 Aug. 1766, married, i April 1789, Lois, daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Thompson) Scales, who was born 29 Dec. 1769 and died 2 March 1849. He died 6 Nov. 1839. David b. 28 June 1790; m. 28 July 1823, Betsey Reynolds; d. 27 April 1827. She. d. in 1889. 3 ch., Elizabeth b. 4 Oct. 1824, m. Josiah Webber, Judith b. 21 Nov. 1828, ■ m. Solomon Pendergast, L>'dia Ann b. 19 No\'. 1830, m. George Edward Durgin. Jesse b. ; m. 9 Oct. 1828, AdeHne E. Osborne. Job R. b. 12 Dec. 1893; m. Harriet Norris. Lois b. 26 July 1798; m. abt. 1821, Jacob Burlev; d. 21 April 1848. Judith b. 27 March 1803; m. Osborne. Reuben b. 22 Sept. 1809; m. (i) 11 Dec. 1831, Lydia Ann Stevens, dau. of Joseph and Catherine (Gile), (2) Sally, dau. of Joseph Bartlett of Nottingham. John b. 20 Feb. 1810; m. abt. 1832, Emily Jane Cartland, b. 1813 at Bangor, Me. He d. at Lee, 8 June 1882. 11. Valentine Mathes (Valentine^ Benjamin^ Francis', Benjamin^, Francis^) married Dolly, daughter of Capt., Daniel Rogers of Durham. He died 4 April 1801, aged 55. She died 30 Sept. 1789. HISTORY OF DURHAM 267 Abigail b. 1772; m. 12 Jan. 1792, Capt. Jeremiah B. Mooney. Capt. Robert b. 25 Jan. 1775; m. 30 Sept. 1802, Susanna Pinkham, d. 9 Jan. 1848, 12. Daniel b. 27 Nov. 1777; m. Abigail Coe. 13. Valentine b. 20 Dec. 1779; m. Sarah Crommett. 14. Benjamin b. 2 March 1782; m. (i) Martha Lane, (2) Anna Lane. 15. Abraham b. 27 Nov. 1785; m. Lovey Bickford. John b. 26 Sept. 1789; m. Sally, dau. of Abraham and Abi- gail (Buzzell) Batcheldcr, who was b. 16 June 1792. He was drowned in Oyster River 17 July 1816. His widow m. 21 Oct. 1826, James Smith. Ch., Hannah, Abigail, and Fanny who m. 30 June 1833, Valentine Mathes, Jr. Seventh Generation 12. Dea. Daniel Mathes (Valentine^, Valentine^, Benjamin^ Francis^, Benjamin^, Francis^), born 27 Nov. 1777, married (i) 26 Jan. 1806, Abigail, daughter of Rev. Curtis and Anne (Thomp- son) Coe, who was born 29 Feb. 1784 and died ii Jan. 1807; (2) 1808, Elizabeth, daughter of Capt. Asa and Sally (Boardman) Folsom of Lee, born 17 June 1782. He died 26 June 1856. His widow died 11 Aug. 1870. One child by first marriage: Abigail b. 27 Nov. 1806. Children by second marriage: 16. Jeremiah Mooney b. 5 June 1809; m. Ann E. Folsom. Sally Folsom b. 7 July 181 1; d. young. Mary Ann b. 5 Feb. 1814; m. 24 Jan. 1836, John M. Hardy of Portsmouth. Thomas Boardman b. 23 June 1816; m. 15 Jan. 1843, Rachel Thurlow of Portland, Me. He d. in Westboro, Mass., 26 July 1896. Ch., Asa, Nelson, Sarah, Dora, Albert, Mary Ellen, and Boardman. The last two d. young. Susan E. b. 31 May 1818; m. 23 May 1848, James A. Picker- ing of Newmarket. Sarah Folsom b. 7 July 1819; m. Thomas Kennard of South Newmarket; d. 19 Dec. 1838. Nathan F. b. 15 Aug. 1821; m. 15 July 1845, Mary Frances, dau. of Nathaniel Folsom. 13. Valentine Mathes (Valentine^ VaIentine^ Benjamin*, Francis^, Benjamin^, Francis^, born 20 Dec. 1779, married, 27 June 1804, Sarah, daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Dam) Crom- mett, who was born 21 March 1781 and died 5 May 1859. He d. I July 1850. Children born in Durham: 268 HISTORY OF DURHAM Dorothy b. 14 Jan. 1806; m. 29 Jan. 1837, Nathaniel Cole- man of Newington. Valentine b. 23 March 1807; m. 30 June 1833, Frances, dau. of John and Sally (Batchelder) Mathes, who d. 5, Aug. 1854, (2) II May 1867 Emeline S. Chesley. He d. I Aug. 1883. 8 ch. 17. John b. 4 Nov. 1808; m. Pamelia Mathes. Alfred b. 16 June i8i2;m. 16 April 1837, Sarah Woodman; d. 16 March 1866. 18. Jacob b. 18 Jan. 1815; m. Mehitable Willey. Charles Henry b. 4 Feb. 1817, m. (i) Abigail Cheswell (2) Mary Elizabeth Chesley of Barrington. He d. 9 March 1886. Clarke b. 14 Jan. 1819; m. 22 Nov. 1840, Susan D. Drew. Sally b. i March 1824; d. 28 Sept. 1825. 14. Benjamin Mathes (Valentine^, Valentine^, Benjamin'', Francis^ Benjamin-, Francis^), born 2 March 1782, married (i) Martha Lane, who was born in Stratham, 28 Jan. 1787 and died 25 June 1 8 14. He married (2) her sister, Anna Lane who was born 27 Dec. 1784 and died 16 Dec. 1869. He died 9 July 1858 and was buried in the old Mathes cemetery at Durham Point. Charles Lane b. 30 April 1809; m. 10 Nov. 1836, Susan M. Leighton; d. 7 April 1866. L. at one time in Bradley, Me. George Pickering b. 8 March 181 1; graduated at Dart- mouth in 1834; d. unm. 29 Feb. 1836. Albert Rogers b. 6 March 1813; m. 23 May 1837; d. s. p. 6; Nov. 1890. Children by second marriage: William James b. 4 May 1816; m. 2 Feb. 1843; d. s. p. 27 March 1875. John Mooney b. 24 Sept. 1818; d. 17 May 1821. Joseph Warren b. 18 Nov. 1822; m. 14 Dec. 1845; 1. in Chicago. Had a son, George Pickering Mathes, of Milwaukee, Wis. 15. Abraham Mathes (ValentineS Valentine^ Benjamin^ Francis^ Benjamin^ Francis^), born 27 Nov. 1785, married Love Bickford, who was born 6 Feb. 1785 and died 16 Feb. 1872. He died 7 Jan. 1852. Mary W. b. 13 Feb. 1807; m. George P. Ednev; d. 14 March 1883. Robert b. 12 Feb. 1809; m. Mehitable Garland; d. m Minn. 5 March 1882. i ch. Washington G. b. 18 Dec. 1810; m. (i) Lizzie Poore of Lawrence, Mass., (2) Helen Ricker of Weymouth, Mass. He d. in Minneapolis 11 Jan. 1884. 3 ch. HISTORY OF DURHAM 269 Daniel b. 24 Feb. 1813; m. Abigail Strout; d. i Aug. 1887. Widow 1. in Chelsea, Mass. i ch. Andrew b. 17 May 1815; d. 11 Jan. 1822. Elizabeth b. 20 May 1817; m. 2 July 1838, John C. Kent, (2) I Jan. 1845, Thomas C. Clark. She d. 17 Dec. 1902. John M. b. 30 Aug. 1821; m. Eliza Kent; d. 9 Aug. 1868. Brackett F. b. 5 Jan. 1824, d. 3 May 1831. Martha Ann b. 28 Jan. 1826; m. John Drew; d. 12 Jan. 1904. Eighth Generation 16. Jeremiah Mooney Mathes (DanieF, Valentine^, Valen- tine^, Benjamin^, Francis^, Benjamin-, Francis^), born 5 June 1809, married Ann Elizabeth Folsom, daughter of Nathaniel. Edwin Nathaniel b. in Portsmouth 4 Sept. 1834. Dart- mouth, 1854. Died insane at Concord, 23 Sept. 1863. Capt. George b. 5 Nov. 1831; d. 5 June 1868. Henry b. 4 Sept. 1839, Mary Elizabeth b. i June 1842; d. 10 Sept. 1849. Jeremiah b. 16 Nov. 1846; d. 28 Aug. 1849. Annie Folsom b. i Dec. 1850. Frank Walter b. 18 March 1853; d. 30 March 1880. Susan Ellen b. 10 Jan. 1855; teacher of drawing in Boston. 17. John Mathes (Valentine'', Valentine^, Valentine^, Ben- jamin^, Francis^ Benjamin^, Francis^), born 4 No\'. 1808, married 24 Nov. 1832, Pamelia, daughter of Benjamin and Comfort (Smart) Mathes. The town records date the marriage 4 Dec. 1834. He died 3 Dec. 1888, having lived on the old Bickford farm at Durham Point, where he erected the brick house. His wife was born 18 July 1814 and died 7 April 1883. Burnham b. 20 Aug. 1836; m. 26 April 1862, Elizabeth A. Stevens; d, in Haverhill. Mass., 4 Feb. 1895. Ch., Carrie Chase of Plaistow, Georgie, a bookkeeper in Boston, Burnham who is a shoemaker in Lynn, Mass. Sarah Ann b. 23 April 1838; m. Jonathan G. Carr of New London. 5 ch., George Albert deceased, Edwin M. of Dover, Mary E. and Rose B. who live in Boston, and Alva L., who is a machinist at Newport, R. L John Harrison b. 5 March 1840; m. (i) Elizabeth N. Young of Dover, (2) Widow Clark of Portsmouth. By first marriage there were three daughters, Cora and Minnie who d. 3'Oung, and Nellie who in. 1891, William H. Home and has a son, Reginald Edison Home, a student in Harvard. Mrs. Home has an artist's studio in Wash- ington, D. C. 19. Hamilton Augustus b. 16 July 1842; m. Belle S. Hoitt. HISTORY or DURHAM 27I Benjamin Fr.vnklin b. 9 April 1844; ni. Josephine M. Hodgdon of Newmarket. Four sons, Walter, who is superintendent of the Neptune Meter Company, Long Island, N. Y., Harry and George in California, and Benjamin, who is a traveling salesman and lives in North Carolina. 20. Valentine b. 13 Feb. 1846; m. Mary E. Pendexter. George Kittredge b. 25 Sept. 1848; d. unm. at Groesbeck,. Texas, 7 March 1898. Dorothy Coleman b. 14 March 1852; 1. in Dover. Charles Alvin b. 8 Nov. 1854. The group of portraits here shown has in the upper part, at the left, John' Mathes and his wife Pamelia, parents of Valentine Mathes. At the right are James Monroe Pendexter and his wife, who was Mary Ann Meserve, parents of Mrs. Valentine Mathes. In the lower part, at the left, is Mrs. Sally (Crommett) Mathes, grandmother of Valentine Mathes. Next is Mrs. Mary (Joy) Pendexter, grandmother of Mrs. Valentine Mathes. Next is Paul' Meserve, father of Mary Ann Meserve, and his wife, who was Nancy Terr, comes last. The reader is referred to the genealogical notes under these surnames. 18. Jacob Mathes (Valentine", Valentine^ * VaIentine^ Ben- jamin^ Francis^, Benjamin^, Francis^), born 18 Jan. 1815, married Mehitable, daughter of Mark and Dorothy (Cilley) Willey of Durham, who was born 12 Feb. 1817 and died ii May 1884. He died 8 Aug. 1872. He served the town as collector, selectman and representative. By vote of the town he was employed to quarry and cut a stone marked "Durham, N. H., 1850," to be used in the building of the Washington monument, at Washing- ton, D. C. The stone was quarried from the farm that has been, in the possession of the Mathes family since 1640. Sarah Elizabeth b. in Quincy, Mass., 1838; m. William R. Coffin and 1. in Lynn, Mass. Mark Henry b. 2 Oct. 1840; d. 8 June 191 1. [See page 312 of Vol. L] He m. (i) Emma F. Clark, dau. of George P. and Mary W. (Mathes) Edney, adopted by her aunt Mrs. Elizabeth Mathes Clark. She d. 8 Feb. 1877, aged 22. He m. (2) 28 Aug. 1878, Zilla A. Stevens. One son by first marriage, Jacob b. 27 June 1876, who was drowned 21 July 1890. Two sons by second marriage, Charles Eliot Paige b. 2 Sept. 1879, who graduated at New Hampshire College in 1900, and Albert Henry b. 2 March 1886, who graduated from Dover High School in 1904 and m. 3 Aug. 1912, Etta M. Ross in Schenectady, N. Y. 2^2 HISTORY OF DURHAM Caroline Augusta b. in Durham 25 Aug. 1850; m. 23 Nov. 1870, Ambrose G. Hill and 1. in Lynn. Mass. They have a son and a daughter. Hannah Abbie b. 28 Aug. 1852; m. George Shrives; 1. in Lynn. 3 dau. Mary Emma Etta b. 13 May 1855; d. unm. 3 Oct. 1893. Ninth Generation 19. Hamilton Augustus Mathes (John^, \'alentine', \'alentine* A'^alentine^, Benjamin\ Francis^, Benjamin-, Francis^), born 16 Residence of Mrs. Zilla A. Mathes, Durham Point July 1842, married, 5 Dec. 1867, Belle S., daughter of Gorham W. and Abby P. (Locke) Hoitt of Lee. He died 2 Dec. 1891. [See biographical sketch.] Hamilton b. 10 Jan. 1872; d. 9 Oct. 1873. Mary Abby m. 2 Oct. 1901, Fred W. Smith of Franklin. Res., Philadelphia. 3 ch., William Leroy. Belle Hoitt and Dorothy Mathes. Stanley Locke, traveling salesman. Roy Wentworth. He graduated at Dartmouth Medical School and is a member of the American Medical Associa- tion and district physician for the eastern section of Lynn. Mass. Birthplace of X'alentine Mathes. Durham Point ;^i ±t. DovLR Re>U)i.xle l)i Xalkxtixe Mathe; HISTORY OF DURHAM 275 20. Valentine Mathes (John^ Valentinc^ Valentine^, Valen- tine^, Benjamin^, Francis^, Benjamin^, Francis^), born 13 Feb. 1846, married, i8 Jan. 1872, Mary Ellen, daughter of James M. and Mary Ann (Meserve) Pendexter of Durham, who was born 14 Sept. 1 85 1. [See biographical sketch.] Fannie Pendexter b. 13 Aug. 1874. Teacher in New York City. John Ralph b. 13 Sept. 1877; Dartmouth, 1900; m. 5 Oct. 1904, at Susquehanna, Pa., Leona DeWitt. Ch., Valen- tine DeWitt b. 7 May 1906 and Thomas DeWitt b. 20 June 1908. Maurice Everett b. i Nov. 1881. Real estate and lumber merchant, Boston, Mass. James Monroe b. 23 Dec. 1888. Dartmouth, 1911. Advertiser, Chicago. Margaret Joy b. 2^ Nov. 1890. Student in College. MEADER John Meader, born 1630, married Abigail Tuttle before 1660. He with William Sheffield had a grant of one hundred acres in 1656. He bought land of Valentine Hill in 1660, near the mouth of Oyster River, on the north side. His garrison was abandoned and burned in 1694, but another seems to have been built at once. He was taxed in 1657. He was living in 1715. 2. John m. Sarah Follett, (2) Agnes Clark. Joseph b. 1664; m. abt. 1690 Elizabeth , who was admitted to church 30 June 1723. He d. s. p. intestate abt. 1739. Gave his farm to nephew, Daniel Meader, in 1730. Elizabeth b. 28 March 1665; aged 38 in 1704. Unm. Sarah b. ii Jan. 1668; m. 16 March 1691/2, Edward Wake- ham. 3. Nathaniel b. 14 June 1671; m. Elinor Hall. 2. John Meader (John), weaver, married as early as 1680, Sarah Follett, daughter of Nicholas and Abigail, born 1654. She died between 17 14 and 1727. He is said to have had a second wife, Elizabeth , born 1667, and to have married Agnes, widow of Samuel Clark of Portsmouth, 5 April 1735. He died in 1738. Her estate was administered in 1745. 4. Joseph b. 10 April 1681; m. Charity Nason. 5. Nicholas m. (i) Lydia . (2) Sarah — . 276 HISTORY OF DURHAM Elizabeth m. 23 Jul\' 1703, John Hanson; captured by Indians, with four children, and taken to Canada, in 1724. Abigail b. 1681; m. John Davis, 1700. Sarah m. John Tibbetts, 29.8 mo 1685. 3. Nathaniel Meader (John), born 14 June 167 1, married Elinor Hall, as Dr. Ham says, about 1695. He was killed by Indians, 25 April 1704, "not far from the place where Nicholas Follett formerly lived." Did his widow marry John Leighton.-' Lydla. b. 25 Aug. 1696; m. 22 Dec. 1717, Elbert Elborton, at Portsmouth. 6. Daniel b. 3 No\'. 1698; m. 23:6:1727, Elizabeth Allen. Nathaniel b. 8 March 1700; m. 17 Dec. 1724; Rachel Sias and 1. in Lee. His dau., Lo\'e, m. Zaccheus Clough. Elizabeth b. ^ April 1702; m. 23 Jan. 1728 9, Henry Tibbetts. Elinor b. 3 June 1704; m. 13 Jan. 1724, Daniel Libby. Third Generation 4. Joseph Meader (John-, John^), born 10 April 1681, married, 29th of I2th month, 1703, Charity Nason, daughter of Joseph and Mary of Nantucket. She was born 17 Sept. 1682. He lived on Nantucket most of his life, but some of his famih- returned to Durham and vicinit\-. Children were: Patience b. 8:30:1705, m. John Chadwick. Mary b. 1:16:1708; m. Elnathan Rowley. Hannah b. 2:18:1710; m. Daniel Chadwick. John b. i i : 18: 1713; m. 10:30: 1736, Hannah, dau. of Charles Stewart, d. 4:5:1797. She d. 10:22:1798. Nicholas b. 3:8:1716; m. Ruth Wyse; lost at sea, 1755. Moses Wyse b. 6:26:1717; m. Martha, dau. of Thomas and Rose (Pinkham) Canney, b. 6:17:1718. 7. Joseph b. 10:24: 1719; m. Martha Appleby; d. 1796. Sarah b. 10:24:1719; m. Chapman Swain. Elizabeth Wyse b. 6:10:1724. 5. Nicholas Meader (John-, Jolyi') married (i) Lydia . (2) Sarah Hoag probably. The will of Sarah Hoag, 1763, names daughter, Sarah Meader. Nicholas Meader lived on Dover Neck. His will, 9 June 1759-22 July 1767. Children by first marriage recorded in Do\"er: Keziah b. 23 June 1709. Not named in will. 8. Samuel b. 15 Jan. 1711; m. Elizabeth . Nicholas b. 9 Oct. 1712; m. 22 Feb. 1749, Sarah Worth. A son, David, b. 1751, m. 25 F'eb. 1771 Sarah Bean of HISTORY OF DURHAM - 277 Brentwood and rem. to Vermont. Nicholas had also daughter, Sarah. 9. John b. 8 Oct. 1715; m. a Widow Morse. 10. Daniel b. 6 Nov. 1718; m. Mary Meserve. David named in will; m. Sarah . 6. Daniel Meader (NathanieP, John^, born 3 Nov. 1698, married perhaps (i) Elizabeth (Kirke) Libby, widow of Daniel, (2) 23:6:1727, Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Hannah (Jenkins) Allen of Kittery, Me., born 8 Feb. 1708/9. His will, 3 Aug.-25 Sept. 1751, names wife, Elizabeth, and children as follows: 11. Joseph m. three times. 12. Lemuel m. Sarah Worth of Nantucket. 13. Benjamin b. 23:4:1736; m. Patience Hanson. 14. N.A.TH.'VNiEL b. 23:2:1741; m. Mary Hanson. Abigail m. Timothy Peaslee. 15. Elijah b. 14:6:1744; m. Elizabeth Hoag. 16. Jonathan b. 5:9:1747; m. Lydia Allen. Jedidiah, d. young. Fourth Generation 7. Joseph Meader (Joseph^, John-, John^), born 10:24: 1719 on Nantucket, was a farmer and carpenter in Durham. He married widow Martha Appleby and had the following children: George b. 26 Sept. 1746; m. Peggy . Ruth b. 24 Nov. 1748; m. 21 March 1776, Humphrev Downs; 1. in Alfred, Me. Elizabeth b. 12 Oct. 1750; m. William Robinson; 1. in Burton, Me. 17. Joseph b. 14 Nov. 1753; m. Abigail Field. Patience according to tradition. 8. Samuel Meader (Nicholas^ John'-, John^), born 15 Jan. 171 1, married (i) Elizabeth , (2) Mary . He was born, lived and died in Durham. His will, 18 May 1773-11 May 1774, names the following children: Timothy b. 12 May 1741; m. 17 Oct. 1773, Joanna Springer; d. I Jan. 1819. Elizabeth b. 4 March 1744; m. (i) Benjamin Woodman, (2) Samuel Morrison, (3) 1791, Josiah Emery. She d. 21 March 1817. Hannah b. 22 June 1746; m. Samuel Joy. Ebenezer b. 22 Oct. 1748; m. (i) 26 Dec. 1773. Susanna Joy, who was b. 16 Nov. 1750 and d. 5 Feb 1803, (2) 20 278 HISTORY OF DURHAM Jan. 1806, Sarah Young, who was b. March 1769 and d. 25 April 1855. He d. 28 July 1826. He lived in Wolfe- boro and had a large family. From one of his descend- ants, J. T. Meader, merchant, of Boston, I have had much assistance in the preparation of this account of the Meader family. Isaac b. 18 May 1750; m. Tamson Mathes; d. 21 June 1837. 12 ch. 9. John Meader (Nicholas^ John-, John^), born 8 Oct. 1715, married Widow Morse (?). He lived in Durham and New Dur- ham. Two sons are known. A John Meader married Elinor Jackson in Durham 30 July 1752. Thomas who d. in 1778. 18. Stephen b. 1758; m. Rose Quimby. 10. Daniel Meader (Nicholas^ John^, John^, born 6 Nov. 1718, married Mary, daughter of Daniel Meserve, 22 Feb. 1743. Children were: Nicholas m. Sarah Lamos. Samuel m. Ruth Hill. Deborah m. Nathaniel Brock. Betsey m. 29 Jan. 1778, Thomas Leathers, Jr. Mary m. William Bly, Fayette, Me. Martha twin to Mary; m. — • Follett. Daniel b. 10 May 1749; d. 17 Oct. 1819; m. i Oct 1772, Jeru- sha Wormwood, who was b. 9 Dec. 1751, dau. of Benjamin and Adah (Nason) of Kennebunk, Me. She d. 21 May 1843. 19. Mark m. Hannah Bodge. John m. Mehitable Ewers. Keziah. 11. Joseph Meader (DanieF, Nathaniel,^ John^) married (i) 8 Dec. 1756, Abigail Varney, daughter of Joseph and Abigail, (2) 24 June 1767, Abigail, daughter of William and Abigail (Varney) Frye of Kittery, who was born 26 March 1741 and died 15 Dec. 1784, (3) 24 Aug. 1 791, Deliverance, daughter of Nathan- iel Lamos. He lived in Lee, where he was a selectman. His will 4 Oct. 1799-13 Jan. 1800, names wife, Deliverance, and the following children: Paul b. 1765; m. Deborah, dau. of George Knight and rem. to Warren; d. 1842. 9 ch. Lydia d. at age of 18 yrs. Joseph m. Leighton and 1. at Alton, N. H., and Bangor, Me. HISTORY OF DURHAM 279 John Frye m. (i) Abigail Hanson (?), (2) i Nov. 1804, Deliverance, dau. of Stephen Varney and Deliverance (Lamos). [For family see N. H. Gen. Record, VI, 22.] Abkjah. m. Jonathan Spalding. Eunice m. Benjamin Cilley. 12. Lemuel Meader (Daniel\ Nathaniel,- John^) married, about 1756, Sarah Worth of Nantucket, who died i Oct. 1823. He was a soldier in the French and Indian War and removed to Rochester. Children born in Durham: Francis b. 14:1:1757; m. 22 Jan. 1795, Elizabeth White- house; d. April 1825. Anne b. 9:7:1759; m. i Feb. 1780, Thomas Dame of Dur- ham probably. Some say she m. William Ham. Miriam b. 8:3:1762; m. Enos Hoag, (2) Peter Morrill Hoag. Abigail b. 22:1:1764; m. Eaton, (2) Timothy Robinson. Judith b. 13: 12: 1765. Lois b. 21: 7: 1768; m. William Trickey. Lemuel b. 12:5: 1771; m. Polly, dau. of Ephraim Kimball, 22 May 1798; d. 19 May 1839. She was b. 17 Sept. 1779 and d. 24 July 1845. Elvira twin to Lemuel. James d. 12:5:1771, about one year old. 13. Benjamin Meader (DanieF, Nathaniel^, John^), born 23 April 1736, married, 23 June 1762, Patience, daughter of Tobias and Judith (Varney) Hanson. He lived in Rochester and died 6 April 1827. She was born 12 April 1743 and died 19 March 1825. Hannah b. 27:4:1763; m. 27 Oct. 1796, David Roberts. Mary b. 2:1: 1765; m. 23 Feb. 1804, Paul Bunker. Tobias b. 1:5:1767; m. Mary Field and rem. to Falmouth, Me. MiCAjAH b. 24:8:1769; m. Sarah Robinson and rem. to Maine. Hanson b. 26: 9: 1772; d. 16: 12: 1794. Judith b. 12:8:1776; m. 30 Aug. 1804, David Green; d. 30 March 1855. Stephen b. 19:12:1782; m. 30 Aug. 1804, Sarah White- house, dau. of Jonathan and Methitable; d. 20 Feb. 1856. Ephraim b. 11:12:1785; m. Sarah Scribner, (2) Hannah Cook; d. 26 April 1871. He 1. in Sandwich. 14. Nathaniel Meader (DanieF, Nathaniel-, John^), born 23: 2: 1741, married, 6 Nov. 1771, Mary Hanson, dau. of Solomon 280 HISTORY OF DURHAM and Ann. He died ii May 1821. She died 5 Jan. 1822. Chil- dren born in Rochester: Anne b. 15:3:1772, m. 4:10:1798 John Canney, Jr.; d. 12: 12: 1852. Jedidiah b. 26:12:1775; m. Hannah Estes. Elizabeth b. 6: 7: 1781; m. Edward Locke. Otis b. 21: 4: 1794; m. Lydia Varney; d. 25:7:1833 in Vermont. 15. EHjah Meader (DanieF, Nathaniel-, John'), born 14:6: 1744, married, 31 Jan. 1770, Elizabeth Hoagand lived in Rochester. He died 12:7: 1825. She died 30: 6: 181 1. Nathan b. 18:2: 1771; m. Sarah Varne>- of Berwick, rem. to Lincoln, Vt. Levi b. 29: 11: 1772; m. Eunice, dau. of Davis and Sarah Meader of Starksboro, Vt. Asa b. 1:1: 1775; m. Mary Chace; rem. to Lincoln, Vt. Nathaniel b. 23:4: 1790; m. Peace Morrill; rem. to Water- ville. Me. Elijah m. Hannah Dame, (2) Abigail, widow of Moses Cate of Wolfeboro. 16. Jonathan Meader (DanieF, Nathaniel'-, John'), born 5:9:1747, married Lydia, daughter of Jedidiah and Sarah (Peasley) Allen of Kittery, Me., born 15 Sept. 1757. He died 5: 10: 1825. She died 15: i: 1839. Children born in Roch- ester: James b. 30: 11: 1777; m. Content Winslow; rem. to Vassal- boro, Me. Timothy b. 25: 7: 1780; d. young. Daniel b. 9: 5: 1781 ; d. 23: 9: 1823. Ruth b. 31:1: 1785; d. 12:7: 1815. • Lydia b. 19: 3: 1800; m. Olney Thompson. Jr., of Pittsfield; d. 16 March 1826. Fifth Generation 17. Joseph Meader (Joseph^ Joseph\ John'-, John'), born 14 Nov. 1753, married (i) in Newington, 8 Aug. 1773, Abigail Field, daughter of John and Mary, who was born 19 Jan. 1756 and died 15 Dec. 1784, (2) 18 March 1786, Elizabeth Gould, daughter of Samuel and Mary of Berwick, Me., who was born 15 Sept. 1756. He died in 1820. He seems to be the Joseph Meader of Roches- ter, who was accepted as a Quaker. All rem. to Sandwich in 1807. Children by first marriage. HISTORY OF DURHAM 28l Mary b. 19:4: 1775; m. James Varney. Valentine b. 6:8: 1777; m. Joanna , rem. to Ferris- burg, Vt. Hannah b. 18:3: 1760; m. Tobias Hanson, 2 May 1799. Joshua b. 2:8: 1782; m. Phebe Rogers; d. 27:6: 1847. Children by second marriage: Ezra b. i Feb. 1787. Joseph b. 22 Sept. 1788. Enos b. 3 April 1790. Abigail b. 17 Feb. 1792. Lydla. b. 28 Dec. 1793. HiTTY b. 14 Feb. 1796. John b. 3 Nov. 1797. Elizabeth b. 3 Nov. 1797. EzEKiEL b. 15 March 1800; d. 1822. 18. Stephen Meader (John^ Nicholas^ John^, John^), born 1758, married Rose Quimby of Newington. He was blind several years. Was accidentally killed, 14 May 1819, by an ox team passing over him. Lived in Durham. James d. young. Aaron m. i July 1830, Sarah Berry of Salem; d. 1842. 20. John m. Betsey Edgerly. W1LLLA.M d. young. Jonathan m. Mary Foss; 1. in Newmarket. Rebecca m. French; 1. in New Durham. A-Iary m. Jacob Dam; 1. in Cambridgeport, Mass. Betsey and Deborah who both d. young. 19. Mark Meader (DanieH, Nicholas^ John^, John^) married Hannah, daughter of Benjamin Bodge of Lee. He was taxed in Durham from 1783 on. Children, so far as known, were: Edward Sargent b. 7 May 1791; m. 12 July 1812, Clarissa F. Morse; d. 24 Dec. 1866. Aaron twin to Edward. Killed in War of 1812. Hannah and three others. Sixth Gener.\tion 20. John Meader (Stephen^, John^, Nicholas\ John-, John^), born 1792, married, 15 Aug. 1813, Elizabeth Edgerly of Durham, who was born in 1790 and died in 1854. He died 16 May 1833. James b. 1814; d. 1868, m. Mary Todd of Rowley, Mass.; 1. in Newburyport. 3 ch. William b. 1815; m. Hannah E. Leighton of Strafford. He was a farmer in Newmarket, i ch. 282 HISTORY OF DURHAM 21. Stephen b. i Jan. 1820; m. Mary J. Pinkham. John D. b. abt. 1822; m. Comfort Hill, i ch. Dudley Prescott b. 1824; m. Julia E. Hill. Seventh Generation 21. Stephen Meader (John^, Stephen^, John*, Nicholas*, John-, John^), born i Jan. 1820, married Mary J. Pinkham of Newmarket, who was born 31 Dec. 1823 and died 2 March 1907. He built the present house on the farm where his father and grandfather had lived and where his son, James D. Meader, now lives. The farm includes a part of the old Edgerly estate. He died 29 Oct. 1890. Mary Augusta b. 25 March 1845; m. Cyrus Rand of New- market. Jacob G. b. 1847; d. 1869. Unm. 22. James D. b. 31 Dec. 1851; m. Emma A. Perkins. Ida J. b. 25 Dec. 1856; m. J. William Martin of Newmarket. Eighth Generation 22. James D. Meader (Stephen,'' John^, Stephen,^ John'', Nicholas^ John-, John^), born 31 Dec. 1851, married, 7 Sept. 1869, Emma A, daughter of Daniel D. and Julia E. H. (Corson) Perkins of Newmarket. Children are as follows: Fred P. b. 25 Sept. 1872; m. 1893, Emma Reynolds. Alice M. b. 7 June 1876; m. 15 June 1895, Bela Kingman. Blanche E. b. 27 Nov. 1878; m. 3 July 1902, Ernest R. Foss. JuLL\ E. b. 9 Dec. 1883. Unclassified m. 4 June 1755, Samuel Roberts and Lydia Meader. m. 2 July 1767, John Williams and Sarah Meader, both of Durham. m. 2 July 1767, Daniel Randall and Charity Meader, both of Durham. m. 9 July 1777, Moses Meader, Jr., of Durham and Jane Otis of Harrington, m. I Aug. 1798, Nicholas Meader and Susanna York, m. 8 Dec. 1803, Thomas Willey of Madbury and Mary Meader. HISTORY OF DURHAM 283 MELLEN John Mellen, born 14 March 1722, married, 30 Nov. 1749, Rebecca Prentiss, who was born 22 Sept. 1727 and died 10 Jan. 1802. He died 4 July 1807. Pamela b. 5 Sept. 1750; d. 7 Aug. 1823; m. (i) i Jan. 1771, Caleb Prentiss, who was b. 14 Nov. 1746 and d. 7 Jan. 1803, (2) 14 Sept. 1809, Col. John Waldron. Rev. John b. 27 June 1752; m. 27 May 1784, Martha Fitch Wendall; d. Sept. 1828. Rebecca b. 16 April 1754; m. 25 May 1775 Peter Green, who w^as b. 25 Aug. 1747 and d. 27 March 1797; she d. 6 May 1800. Sophia b. 22 Jan. 1756; d. 17 Dec. 1778. Unm. 2. Henry b. 24 Oct. 1757; m. (i) 18 Dec. 1791, Elizabeth Hovey, w^ho w^as b. 14 Sept. 1772 and d. i Aug. 1793, (2) Martha Wentworth Frost, who was b. 8 Nov. 1769 and d. II Jan. 1835. Mary b. 18 Oct. 1760; m. 10 March 1787, Nathaniel Parker, who was b. 17 Sept. 1756 and d. 8 Nov. 1792, (2) 24 Jan. 1797, Abraham Duncan, who was b. 17 March 1764 and d. 6 Oct. 1807. She d. i March 1837. Thomas b. 16 Sept. 1762; d. 11 Aug. 1766. Hon. Prentiss b. 11 Oct. 1764. Harvard, 1784; LL.D. by Bowdoin and Harvard, 1820; lawyer, Biddeford and Portland, Me.; United States Senator, chief justice of the Supreme Court of Maine; overseer and trustee of Bowdoin College. He m. 5 May 1785, Sarah Hudson; d. 31 Dec. 1840. Charlotte b. 23 Feb. 1768, d. May 1826; m. 3 May 1792, William Austin Kent, who was b. 27 April 1765 and d. April 1840. 2. Children of Henry and Martha W. (Frost) Mellen: Henry Orlando b. 22 June 1797; m. Nov. 1819, Ann Smith Parker, who was b. April 18 19. 3. John Prentiss b. 21 Nov. 1799; m. 29 April 1823, Mehitable Sheafe Frost, w'ho was b. 20 Aug. 1799; d. 16 March 1872. He was a merchant in Durham, Saco, Dover and Durham again. Martha Wentworth b. 9 Dec. 1800; m. 22 Oct. 1822, Richard Tibbetts, who was b. 25 April 1780 and d. 19 July 1838; she d. 8 March 1838. Both were buried in Durham. Eliza Hovey b. 17 June 1802; m. 8 Oct. 1835, Adolphus Eugene Watson; d. 17 April 1843. George Washington b. 28 April 1804; d. 2 June 1875, Unm. 284 HISTORY OF DURHAM William Pepperrell b. 18 July 1806; m. 16 June 1831, Sarah Carpenter Lewis, who was b. 26 Nov. 1812 and d. 22 Feb. 1870. 3. Children of John Prentiss and Mehitable Sheafe (Frost) Mellen: Margaret Ann b. 2 April 1824; d. 20 July 1825. George F. b. 28 Feb. i826;m. 6 April 1852, Caroline Matilda Lamb, who d. Oct. 1853. He d. 23 Feb. 1877. Henry B. b. 2 March 1828 in Durham; m. 5 June 1879, Mrs. Rebecca Calvert (King) Mellen. Major in United States Armv; d. 20 June 1906 in Durham. See page 276 of Vol. L 4. JOHN b. 29 Sept. 1829; m. 13 June 1855, Rebecca Calvert King, who was b. 11 Dec. 1834, dau. of Col. Newton Calvert King of Norfolk, Va. W1LLLA.M b. 5 Aug. 1831 ; m. 23 Feb. 1868, Jane Sheldon, who d. 31 March 1876. He d. 18 March 1880. 5. Charles b. 16 April 1833; m. 5 Sept. i860, Harriet Ann Fisk, who d. 25 July 1870, (2) Mary Wells; d. 19 Oct. 1905. Elizabeth Rollins b. 4 April 1835; d. 11 Oct. 1847. Frank Plumer b. 15 Dec. 1837; d. 13 Oct. 1853. Caroline Margaret b. 23 Aug. 1842; d. 15 Oct. 1859. 4. Children of John and Rebecca Calvert (King) Mellen: Lucy King b. 23 March 1857; d. 8 May 1913; m. i Sept. 1892, as his second wife, Henry Caple of Oakfield, N. Y., who was b. 16 Feb. 1841 and d. 8 Sept. 1912. He m. (i) 3 Sept. i860, Sarah Warren, who d. 21 June 1891. Frank b. 29 June 1859; d. 29 July 1859. Caroline Devereux b. 12 Feb. 1861; m. in Durham, 20 June 1895, Samuel H. Craig. No. ch. John Prentiss b. 14 Feb. 1863; d. 26 Nov. 1864. Calvert King b. 8 Aug. 1864; Norwich University, 1884; m- 7 July 1892, Constance Thorne Jones of Oakfield, N. Y. He is principal of High School in Buffalo, N. Y, I ch. Henry b. 9 May 1866; m. Nellie F. Rafferty of Portsmouth; d. 16 Sept. 1901. No ch. 5. Children of Charles and Harriet Ann (Fisk) Mellen: Charles Pepperrell b. 20 Aug. 1862; m. 13 Oct. 1886, Caro Sarah Cornaford, Orwell, Vt. Ch., Christine Fisk. Elizabeth Rollins b. 9 Feb. 1864. Herbert F. b. 8 Dec. 1866; d. Sept. 1906. Susan Nichols b. 16 June 1868; m. 25 Oct. 1893, David Houston of Denver, Col. HISTORY OF DURHAM 285 William Fisk b. lo July 1870; m. 27 March 1894, Alice louise F'erguson. MESSERVEV, MESERYE The faniih- of Messervey flourished in the Island of Jersey, especially in the parish of St. Martin, as early as the beginning of the fourteenth century. An ancient coat of arms is, "Or 3 cherries gu. stalked, vert, Crest ; — A cherry tree proper." Motto : "Au valereux coeur rien impossible." Clement Messervey, thought to have been son of Jean and Marie (Machon) Messervey of the Isle of Jersey,' born 1655, was a taxpayer in Portsmouth, N. H., in 1673. He conve\ed his homestead in Newington to his son, Clement, 6 Aug. 17 10. He and wife, Elizabeth, died before 1720. Children were: Aaron m. Susanna ; 1. in Salem, Mass. Widow m. John Batten. Sons by first marriage were William and Aaron. 2. Daniel m. Deborah . John mentioned 1705; prob. d. young. ELrzABETH m. Michael Whidden; 6 Jan. 1694. Tamsen m. Joseph Ham, 1704. Clement m. Elizabeth Jones, 24 Sept. 1702. Rem. to Scarboro, Me. 2. Daniel Meserve (Clement) married Deborah and settled at Oyster River. Both were admitted to church 29 Jan. 1720/1. His will, I May 1747-30 June 1758, names wife. Deb- orah, and the following children: 3. Daniel bapt. 8 Jan. 1720 i; m. Abigail Ham. Elizabeth bapt. 8 Jan. 1720 i; m. 29 Oct. 1720. Joseph Libby. Mary bapt. 8 Jan. 1720 i; m. Daniel Meader. 4. John bapt. 8 Jan. 1720/1; m. Sarah Clark. 5. Clement bapt. 9 Feb. 1720/1; m. . Anne bapt. 9 Feb. 1720/1; m. James Nute. Tamsen bapt. 9 Feb. 1720/1; m. Stephen Pinkham. Third Generation 3. Daniel Meserve (DanieP, Clemen t\) married Abigail 1 daughter of Joseph and Tamsen (Meserve) Ham of Dover, born 15 March 1710, Children recorded in Dover: 6. Joseph b. 4 Oct. 1729; m. Ruth . Deborah b. 14 May 1732; m. Maj. Joseph Smith, (2) Capt. 286 HISTORY OF DURHAM James Gilmore. She d. i8 May 1790. 7. Daniel b. 18 March 1734; m. Sarah Demeritt. 8. Jonathan b. 4 March 1738; m. Mary Davis. 9. Clement b. 23 Jan. 1741; m. Lois Torr. Abigail b. 27 Aug. 1745; m. Nicholas Durrell, (2) Anthony Pickering. 4. John Meserve (Daniel, ^ Clement') married, 22 June 1740, Sarah, daughter of Samuel Clark of Portsmouth. They sold to Clement Meserve, in 1758, land on Back River and also land in Madbur\-. Two children are known: Deborah b. 1742; m. 14 April 1762, Alpheus Chesley. 10. John b. 1744; m. Sally Chesley. 5. Lieut. Clement Meserve (Daniel-, Clement'), born 1716' married Ham. He died 8 July 1800, aged 84. He was an officer in the Louisburg expedition. His will, 9 March 1793, names the following children: 11. Col. Ebenezer b. 1746; m. Eunice Torr. 12. Clement b. 1748; m. Lydia Tuttle. 13. Stephen b. 1750; m. Abigail Yeaton. Paul m. Sarah Pinkham. Had son Paul, b. 1781, who m. 25 Dec. 1808 Nancy Torr, and their daughter, Mary Ann, b. 10 April 1825, m. James M. Pendexter. Israel m. Sarah, dau. of Benjamin and Abigail (Chesley) Gerrish. Had a dau., Lois G. who m. William P. Drew 28 March 1824. Widow of Israel m. Jonathan Demeritt and had dau., Elizabeth, who m. William P. Drew, 28 June 1829. Abigail m. James Pinkham, 13 July 1778. Betty b. 25 Jan. 1764; m. Micah Emerson, 10 June 1784. Fourth Generation 6. Joseph Meserve (DanieF, Daniel,- Clement'), born 4 Oct. 1729. married Ruth . His will, proved 20 June 1787, names children, Joseph, James, Timothy, who m. Martha Wood- man, Ruth who m. Sept. 1781, Andrew Nute, Deborah, Abigail, and Sarah. 7. Daniel Meserve (DanieF, DanieP, Clement^, born 18 March 1734, married 5 May 1764, Sarah, daughter of Eli and Tabitha (Pitman) Demeritt, who was born 3 April 1736. Lydia b. 1767; d. s. p. Thomas b. 1769; d. s. p. Betty b. 1771; d. 1857. Unm. HISTORY OF DURHAM 287 Daniel b. 1773; m. ■ — . Mary b. 1775; m. (i) John Ham, (2) Paul Gerrish. 14. Samuel b. 1777; m. 1804, Sarah Pendergast. 8. Capt. Jonathan Meserve (DanieP, Daniel-, Clement')^ born 4 March 1738, married Mary Davis and had children as follows: John m. Dorcas Hardy. Col. Jonathan b. 1772; m. 1797, Alice Pendexter. Daniel m. Betsey Pendexter. Nathaniel m. Sally Trickey. Betsey m. Hon. Silas Meserve. Mary m. H. Harriman, (2) E. Seavey. Joanna m. Joseph Pitman. 9. Clement Meserve (DanieF, Daniel-, Clement^), born 23 Jan. 1 741, married Lois, daughter of Vincent and Lois (Pinkham) Torr, who was born after 1750. Their children were: Simon b. 1773; m. 1798, Abigail Snell. She d. Dec. 1861. Hannah b. 5 April 1775; m. Thomas Sndl;d. 24 April 1854. He was born 19 Oct. 1776 and d. 6 Sept. 1856. Clement b. 1777; d. s. p. Drowned 27 Aug. i8oi(?). George b. 1780; m. Jennie Swain. 2 sons and a dau. Andrew b. 1782; d. in infancy. Betsey b. 1784; m. Jacob Hall. Andrew b. 1786; m. 1806, Patience Hall. Vincent b. 1788. John b. 1792; m. 1831, Ellinor Pennell, (2) Huse. Curtis b. 1794; m. 1817, Olive Lunt, (2) Lydia Stone. Oliver b. 1799; m. 1835, Emily Berry. 10. John Meserve (John\ DanieF, Clement^), born 1744, married Sally, daughter of Lemuel and Sarah (Smith) Chesley* Samuel m. Hall; 1. in Canada. Ch., Amos, Ezra, and others. Lemuel. Nathaniel b. 1780; m. 1804, Lovey Elliot. Alpheus. Joseph b. 1796; m. Polly Twombly, (2) Elizabeth Bell, (3) Gerrish. Lottie m. John Green. Daughter m. Clough. Daughter m. John Peavey. 11. Col. Ebenezer Meserve (Clement^ Daniel-, Clement^, born 1746, married Eunice, daughter of Vincent, and Lois (Pink- ham) Torr. He died 20 Sept. 1822, aged 76. She died 17 Feb. 1826, aged 74. 288 HISTORY OF DURHAM Col. Vincent m. 20 Oct. 1796, Hannah Crommett. A daii. Eunice m. (i) Isaac Demeritt, (2) David Davis. 15. Ebenezer b. 1769; m. 1797, Joanna Smith. Deborah m. 7 May 1789, John Demeritt. Susan m. 22 Jan. 1799, John Hooper. Eunice m. 20 April 1795, John Crommett, (2) 26 May 1822, Nathaniel Edgcrly. 12. Clement Meser\e (Clement\ Daniel-, Clement'), born 1748, married L},dia Tuttle. Hon. Silas b. 1770; m. Betsey Meserve. Ephraim b. 1773; m. Sarah Gray. Isaac m. Betsey Pinkham. Ch., Warren and Sally. The latter m. Daniel Elkins. Susanna b. 1772, d. s. p. 13. Stephen Meserve (Clemenf\ Daniel-, Clement'), born 1750, married Abigail Yeaton. The will of his mother, Abigail Meserve, 26 Oct. -6 Nov. 1801, names the following children of Stephen Meserve, viz., John, Stephen, Hopley, Comfort, Abigail and Betty. Samuel Plumer was appointed guardian of Betsy, Stephen, John, Hopley, Samuel, minors, 13 May 1795, and of Polly and Abigail, minors, upward of 14 years of age, 14 Nov. 1795, children of Stephen Meserve late^of Rochester. Hopley Meserve, son of Stephen, was born in 1789 and married Joanna Twombly. Ch., Stephen b. 181 1, m. Mary J. Stackpole, Hopley b. 1813, m. Almira Lydston, Charles b. 1815, m. Betsey M. Roberts, Henry H. m. Mary J. , John S. m. (i) Ruth M. Bucks, (2) Pamelia T. Boynton, Louisa F. m. (i) David M. Hayes, (2) Stephen M. Mathes. Fifth Generation 14. Samuel Meserve (Daniel*, DanieF, DanieP, Clemq^it'), born 1777, married 30 Dec. 1804, Sarah, daughter of John and Deborah (Durrell) Pendergast. Samuel b. 1805; m. (i) Abigail Hill and had 2 ch., who d. young, (2) Lavinia O. Osgood. An adopted dau., m. Hon. Warren Brown of Hampton Falls. Harry b. 1806; d. young. Daniel b. 1808; m. Marcia Hanson, s. p. John P. b. 1810, m. Rebecca Eaton. Ch., John P. and Sarah who m. M. Gear. HISTORY OF DURHAM 289 Ebenezer D. b. 1812, m. Lucretia Rogers. Ch., Eben b. 1833 who m. Martha J. Shepherd and had son George Albert; Lucretia M. b. 1849, who m. WilHam Dixon, several who d. young. Nicholas D. b. 1814; m. Eliza Pendergast, s; p. George W. b. 1816; m. 6 March 1840, Clymena, dau. of Paul and Polly (Demeritt) Chesley. Ch., Plycentia who m. Moses Chadbourne, and F'inetta who m. Wm. Brown. James D. b. 1820; m. Caroline Miles. Charles R. m. 8 Jan. 1846, Sophronia Tucker, (2) Amy E. Brown. Ch., George, Caroline who m. Richard H. Tuttle, Judith who m. 28 March 1875, David B. Hayes. Mary Jane b. 1818; m. Philip Chesley. Sarah Ann d. young. 15. Ebenezer Meserve (Col. Ebenezer^, Clement^, DanieP, Clement^, born 1769, married, 24 Sept. 1797, Joanna, daughter of Major Daniel and Mary (Gilmore) Smith, (2) Mary (Clark) Hooper. He died in 1843. Daniel d. young, Deborah b. 1800; m. Smith Chapman of Newmarket. Eunice b. 1802; d. unm. 16. Daniel Smith b. 1805; m. Abigail Emerson. John S. b. 1807; m. 22 Sept. 1831, Ann Hill, (2) Mehitable (Torr) Forbes, (3) Mary Jane Anthoine. Dau. by last marriage, Elizabeth, m. Wilber Porter. Eliza b. 1808; d. young. Alfred b. 1812; d. young. Col. Henry m. Elizabeth Abbie Tuttle; 1. in Dover. Ch., Alfred H. b. 1856, d. young; Joanna M. b. 1848, d. abt. i860; Augusta H. b. 1850, d. 1868. Polly m. James Colman. Ch., Polly G., m. 30 Sept. 1840, Wm. H. Robinson of Exeter and had 4 ch. Lavinia b. 1810; d. young. Caroline d. 9 Dec. 1836, aged 17. Sixth Generation 16. Daniel Smith Meserve (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer*, Clement^, DanieP, Clement'), born 1805, married, 9 April 1837, Abigail, daughter of Andrew and Betsey (Demeritt) Emerson, who was born 27 April 1813. He died 23 Aug. 1841, aged 36. Had one son: 17. Winthrop Smith b. 7 Feb. 1838, m. Eliza Ann Tuttle. Seventh Generation 17. Dea. Winthrop Smith Meserve [See page 316 of Vol. I. and frontispiece of this volume.] born 7 Feb. 1838, married, 30 19 HISTORY OF DURHAM 29 1 Nov. 1861, Eliza Ann Tuttle, daughter of Thomas and Hope (Twombly) Tuttle, who was born 21 Oct. 1839 and died 18 July 1 87 1. Two ch: Caroline Eliza b. 31 Ma}^ 1863; d. 27 Oct. 1863. Andrew Emerson b. 9 Nov. 1864; m. 12 Dec. 1894, Nettie Gertrude Foye, who was born 11 Aug. 1869 and died 26 March 1912. He died in Durham 16 Nov. 191 1, highly esteemed among his townsmen. Ch., Winthrop Emerson b. 23 May 1896, Anna Howard b. 21 July 1898, Howard Haley b. 15 March 1900, Abigail b. 21 April 1901, Eliza- beth b. 30 Nov. 1902, and daughter b. 4 June 1905, who d. 19 Aug. 1905. MONROE Peter Mundro, as the name sometimes occurs, was living at Oyster River in 1714 and then bought land of Moses Davis, on the south side of the river. This was on the Mill Road. His will, 18 May 1738-31 May 1747, names wife, Mary, and children, John, Mary, Hannah, Elizabeth and Abigail. John was probably the Monroe who married the widow' of Samuel Joy and had children. [See Joy.] Elizabeth Munroe married James Young in Rochester 27 Aug. 1747. Hannah Munroe, perhaps daughter of John, died in Durham, 8 Feb. 1851, aged 89-8-2. She was born 6 May 1761. Mary Monroe was born 4 Jan. 1759 and died, 4 Aug. 1812, unmarried. John Monroe was taxed in 1783-97. MOONEY Col. Hercules Mooney came from Ireland in 1733. [See biographical sketch.] He married (i) Ehzabeth, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Field) Evans of Dover, (2) Mary, widow of Lieut. Joseph Jones of Durham. Children were: 2. Lieut. Benjamin b. 6 Jan. 1740; m. Hannah Burnham. Jonathan b. 1744; m. 5 Aug. 1770, Patience Gould; d. in Eaton. Obadiah m. Joanna Moore. Rem. to Canterbury. Elizabeth bapt. 5 Feb. 1750 in Dover. Hannah b. 4 Feb. 1752; m. 15 June 1769 Ezekiel Hayes. John b. abt. 1754; 1. in Meredith; d. 8 Oct. 1826. Was Judge of Probate for Strafford County, 1805-24. Solomon (?) enlisted in 1759. Susanna (?) m. James Smith. 292 HISTORY OF DURHAM 2. Lieut. Benjamin Mooney (Hercules), born 6 Jan. 1740, married Hannah, daughter of Jeremiah Burnham, born 28 Jan. 1745. He died in 1798, in Gilford. She died after 1807. He was a lieutenant in the Revolutionary army. Joseph b. 18 Dec. 1764; m. 15 Jan. 1789, Betsey Hayes; d. 25 Jan. 1836 in Alton. Capt. Jeremiah Burnham b. 23 April 1767; m. 12 Jan. 1792, Abigail Mathes; d. 17 March 1807. Selectman of Durham in 1801. His wife d. ii May 1827, aged 56. Ch., John, Dorothy, who d. 3 July 1855, aged 62, and Hannah who m. David L. Dearborn of Amesbury, Mass. Molly b. 6 April 1770; d. 21 April 1779. Stephen b. 5 Feb. 1773; m. Lydia Home; 1. in Canada. John b. 3 June 1778, m. Catherine Roberts of Gilford; d. in Gilford 12 Nov. 1863. She was b. 20 March 1782 and d. II April 1854. John Mooney, only son of Capt. Jeremiah Mooney, was born in Durham 18 Sept. 1797. He died, unmarried, 25 July 1872. He was twice selectman of Durham and three times he represented the town in the legislature. The four acres of land that he owned in Durham village now belong to the College. His house stood about where now is the residence of the President of the College. His mother married (2) James Leighton. MOORE John Moore, born 9 April 1696, was son of Samuel and Mary Moore of Portsmouth. His mother married (2) 1716, Richard Eliot, Esq., of Portsmouth, perhaps his third wife, since he married Mary, widow of Thomas Drew after 1694. John Moor was received into the church in Portsmouth, 19 April 1717. He married, 15 March 1719/20, Hannah, daughter of John and Ann (Pitman) Sias. He bought of William Pitman and wife, Joanna, land near Wednesday brook. His house was on the east side of the Wednesday brook road, about four rods south of where the brook crosses the road, and about on the dividing line between Lee and Durham. John Moor was a trained soldier in Durham in 1732 and recei\'ed six and a quarter acres in the division of common land, in 1733. In 1733 he sold to Samuel Smith his homestead, adjoining to land of John Laskey, and bought land in Canterbury. He was a shipwright as well as farmer. He HISTORY OF DURHAM 293 died lo April 1786, and his wife died two months earlier. [See History of Canterbury.] William b. 19 May 1720; m. Margaret Forrest. Col. Archilaus b. 6 April 1722; m. Hannah Elkins. Elizabeth b. ii June 1724. Samuel b. 13 Sept. 1726; m. Joanna '- — , (2) Widow Susanna Webster. Sarah b. i June 1729. Nathaniel b. 16 May 1733; m. Eliza Merrill. Hannah b. 6 May 1737; m. Capt. Henry Elkins of Hampton. MORRISON Abraham Morrison married Naomi Cilley, daughter of Sewall Cilley, and lived in Madbury. His children were Lucinda, Jennie, Joseph, Ellen M., Fannie, Charles, who died young, Emma, Ida, and Frank P. Frank P. Morrison was born 14 June 1863 and married, 24 Dec. 1885, Laura E. Lang, born 11 Feb. 1864, daughter of Benjamin F. Lang of Lee, who married Hannah E. Harvey of Nottingham. Mr. Morrison has lived in Durham about twenty- five years in livery business and general trucking. He has been mail carrier and road agent. Has one son, Charles E., born in Madbury 10 Oct. 1887. MOSES Timothy Moses was of Dover in 1700, with wife, Mary, who was daughter of Walter Jackson. He married (2) Grace, daugh- ter of William Roberts and widow of Philip Duley. He died between 1731 and 1739. Children by first marriage were: Martha b. 5 May 1700; m. Richard Grover. Timothy b. 2 Sept. 1707. Timothy Moses (Timothy) was living in Madbury in 1777. He is called yeoman in a deed, 15 Dec. 1766, when he conveyed to Timothy Moses, Jr., of Madbury, cordwainer, a two-acre lot, which Timothy Moses of Lee, sadler, deeded, 11 July 1789. Timothy, Jr., had children baptized at Dover: Timothy 4 June 1743. Mary 22 May 1746. Keziah 22 Nov. 1748. Mary 20 March 1754. 294 HISTORY OF DURHAM Timothy Moses (Timothy-', Timothy i) Uved in Lee, just east of the bridge at Wadleigh's Falls. He died 15 Jan. 1826. He married Mary, daughter of Wilham and Ehzabeth (Chesley) Glidden, who died i July 1821. He married (2) 11 Oct. 1824 Betsey Moses of Durham, who survived him and married (2) I Jan. 1827, Nathaniel Norton of Newmarket. Timothy Moses died 15 Jan., 1826. His monument, set many years after his death, says he was born 1747, in Connecticut. Betsey d. 29 Sept. 1844. Unm. Jonathan m. 24 Oct. 181 1, Harriet Greenleaf of Epping. He took the surname Moseley. He d. 23 July 1823, aged 40. His wife d. 28 Jan. 1854, -^ged 68. A daughter, Ann Morton Mosele\-, married Mr. Towle, lawyer, of Portsmouth. Aaron Moses and Elizabeth Daniels, both of Durham, were married by the Rev. John Adams, 30 Jan. 1763. He was prob- ably of the Moses family of Portsmouth. His name is not found in tax lists of Durham. MUNSEY (Contributed largely b\- Mr. William L. Palmer of Cambridge, Mass.) William Munsey was living in Kittery, Me., in 1686. He was a cooper by trade. Some have supposed him to be the same as the William Munsey of Brookhaven, Long Island, 1678, and brother of Francis Munsey of Ipswich and Brookhaven, who married Hannah Adams in Ipswich, 6 Dec. 1659. William Mun- sey married Margaret, thought to have been daughter of Job Clement (Robert^, John^) and Margaret Dummer (Thomas^* though this is not proved. He removed to Dover and was drowned in the Pascataqua River, 10 June 1698. He was pre- sented at court in York County, about 1692, for not going to meeting, and he had a grant of land in Dover, 29 July 1695. The following must have been his children, though there is no documentary evidence: William b. 1676; m. 10 Jan. 1708 9, Rosamond Jacklin, Margaret b. abt. 1680; d. 29 Jan. 1698/9. 2. John b. 1685; m. Margaret Derry. 2. John Munsey (William) was enrolled as a soldier in the Indian War under Col. Hilton, 3 July 1710. He signed a petition, HISTORY OF UUkllA-M 295 with his mark, in Oyster River in 1716 iind receixed sixteen and two thirds acres in the division of common lands in 1733/ 4, part of which he conveyed to Solomon Emerson of Dover, 25 April 1757- He married Margaret, probably daughter of James Derr>-. She was baptized 26 No\'. 1727. Did he marry (2) Ann Perkins, i Sept. 1749? He lived near the border line of Durham and Lee, and the bridge near his place across Oyster River is still known as Munsey's Bridge. Three children were baptized l)\- the Rev. Hugh Adams, 7 Jan. 1727/8: JoxATHAX, constable in 1745, landowner in Lee in 1752, had wife, Elizabeth, in 1761. 3. David m. Abigail Pitman. Rachel. 3. David AIunse\' (John-, William^) was fence viewer in Durham in 1749. field driver in 1 761 and hog-reeve and field driver in 1762. He lixed in Lee after the separation of that town and refused to sign the Association Test in 1776, although his son, Timothy, signed it. He li\ed at "Newtown Plains" on the right hand side of the road leading from the Turnpike to Barrington Oak, on land now owned by heirs of Hosea B. Snell. He married Abigail, daughter of Zachariah and Mercy (Conner) Pitman, as shown in the will of his father-in-law\ He died apparently between 1803 and 1807. Children were: David 1. in Lee; d. abt. 1840. Had son Eben, who was a soldier in the Civil War. 4. Solomon rem. to Barnstead. 5. Timothy m. Mary Pitman. Henry rem. to Barnstead; m. Simpson. Had son, Henry, who m. Olive Davis and had ch., Randall, who m. Elizabeth Spokesfield, David who m. Olive French, Alfred who m. Maria , Henry Jackson who m. Ann Young, Abigail who m. William Dow, and Levi. Abigail. 4. Solomon Muiisey (David^, John-, William^) removed to Barnstead. His taxes were remitted in Durham in 1783. He is said to have had thirteen children, of whom the following are known : Sally m. Israel Drew. Solomon b. 1778; m. Olive Beck; d. 1850. Robert b. 1799: m. Abigail Edmunds; d. 1888. Ed\vard. 296 HISTORY OF DURHAM Nathaniel m. Polly (Edmunds) Moore, sister of Abigail. Mehetable m. Jacob West. Ellie m. Joseph Jenness. Eunice, Nathan drowned, Irene. 5. Timothy Munsey (David^, John-, Wilham^) was born in 1749 and died in 1832. He married in 1772, Mary, daughter of Derry and Dorothy (Jackson) Pitman, born in Madbury 22 March 1749. She died in 1830. He removed to Barnstead after 1786. He was enrolled, Sept. 1777, in Capt. George Tuttle's Company, Col. Stephen Evans' Regiment of Revolutionary soldiers. Children were as follows: Ebenezer b. 24 June 1773; m. 19 Dec. 1802, Mary Vinal, who wasb.inWiscasset, Me., 17 March 1784; d. 1853. She d. in 1853. Ch., Caroline b. in Bath, Me., 21 April 1804, Margaret b. in Bath 8 Nov. 1806, Curtis Coe b. in Barn- stead 26 Nov. 1807, Mahala b. 21 Jan. 1814, Ann J. b. 21 July 1816, and Timothy b. 16 Jan. 1824. Sarah b. 1780 ; m. Henry Nutter of Barnstead. Jane d. 1857. Unm. Andrew b. 1785; m. (i) Mary Bartlett of Montville, Me., (2) Betsey, dau. of George Sawyer of Stark, Me. A grandson is Frank A. Munsey, the publisher, of New York. Polly m. Jedediah Hall of Sandwich. Catherine m. John Beck of Sandwich. NORTON Dea. Nathaniel Norton had wife, Lydia, and probably came from Ipswich, Mass. He came from South Berwick, Me., to Durham. Jan. 2, 1760, Samuel and Rebecca Adams conveyed to Nathaniel Norton, tailor, of Berwick, 44 acres on the road leading from Long Marsh to Wille's. He taught school in Dur- ham in 1766 and 1767. He was clerk pro tern, of the proprietors' meeting, 24 July 1772. He assisted in the capture of military stores at Fort William and Mary, Dec. 1774. He was chosen deacon and selectman in 1777. He was granted dismission from the church, 25 Sept. 1780. He married (2) Meriel (Adams) Burnham, widow of Winthrop Burnham. and half sister of the Rev. John Adams. By first marriage he had children, Nathaniel baptized 1759 in Berwick. George baptized 9 Aug. 1761 in Durham, John baptized i Aug. 1760, Sarah Elizabeth, Mercy Russ, Thomas HISTORY OV DURHAM 297 born 17 Feb. 1769 [See records of Newmarket], Lydia born 19 July 1766, who married Abraham Perkins and died 25 Jan. 181 1. By second marriage Dea. Norton had children, Winthrop^ Burnham and Mary. He died at South Berwick, Me., in 1820. ODELL Jacob Odell, born 15 April 1777, son of Thomas of Nottingham, grandson of Thomas of Stratham, married Sarah Davis of Lee and died in Durham, 18 May 1838. His widow died 23 Aug. 1852, aged 71. Capt. Jacob m. 22 Sept. 1824, Hannah, dau. of John and Phebe (Hoag) Jenkins of Lee. Sarah d. 4 Feb. 1890, aged 85, unm. She was a teacher. John O. b. 1807; m. 1827, Sarah Ann Kelley, who was b. 21 Dec. 1809 and d. 14 May 1855. Hed. 29 Aug. 1853, aged 46, in New Jerse>". Children of Capt. Jacob and Hannah (Jenkins) Odell: Sarah Ann. John O., killed by accidental discharge of a gun, 8 Aug. 1849, aged 17. Caroline E. b. 1830, m. i May 1850, George T. Peckham of Newmarket, who was b. in Walpole, Mass., in 1826. James K., a soldier in the Civil War. L. in Boston. William Albert Odell, born 11 Nov. 1840, died in Dover 18 Dec. 1869. He was a lawyer. ODIORNE William Odiorne, son of Jotham, was born in 1710 and died in 1798. He was a shipbuilder and lived in Portsmouth, Durham, Epsom and Newmarket. He died in Nottingham at the house of his daughter. Avis Bodge, aged 88. He married (i) Sarah, daughter of Samuel Hatch, and had five sons; (2) Avis, daughter of Rev. Hugh and Susanna (Winborn) Adams. Children by second marriage were: Sarah m. Flagg. Abigail b. 1746; d. Feb. 1827. Unm. Mehitable b. 26 June 1748; m. 22 Feb. 1768, Hon. James Sullivan, LL.D., later Governor of Massachusetts. John b. in Durham 1750; m. Sarah Clough ; d. 1776. One child, that d. in infancy. 298 HISTORY OF DURHAM Avis m. Dec. 1788, Ichabod Bodge; d. in Durham 21 Sept. 1826, aged 60. A son took the name, Jotham Odiorne, and m. his cousin, Mary Odiorne, dau. of Joseph. He d. 29 Aug. 1826, aged 33, and was interred in the Sullivan burial ground. His wife d. 14 June 1847, aged 47. Mary m. Amos Green of Groton. JoTHAN m. in the West Indies. Thomas was a physician at Augusta, Me. He d. 1833, aged 75. Joseph b. in Durham 26 June 1770; d. 27 July 1839. Had wife Lydia and 1. in Pittsfield. Susan b. 1772; d. March 1847. Interred in the Sullivan burial ground. Samuel Odiorne m. 17 May 1801, Olive Thomas, both of ^ Durham. '" ' PALMER. See LEATHERS PAUL Stephen Paul, born i Nov. 1777, married, 2 Oct. 1800, Tem- perance Ellison, who was born 23 Dec. 1789. Children recorded in Durham: Ellison b. 15 April 1802; m. 11 July 1830, Clarissa Gleason b. 26 April 1801. Ch., Julia Ann b. 22 May 1831, m. George Richardson; Charles Henry b. 14 May 1833, m. Libby in Lawrence, Mass.; Alfred Fifield b. 4 June 1835, who d. unm.; Susan Jane b. i Sept. 1838; and Emeline Elizabeth b. 25 Marcii 1844, ^^'ho m. Marcus M. Esterbrooks. Harriet b. 19 Dec. 1803; d. unm. James b. 3 April 1805; m. 4 Nov. 1840, Sarah Jenkins. He d. at Portsmouth and was buried in Durham, 11 Dec. 1848. Ch., William; Caroline who m. Charles Runlett, James who m. Fanny Emery. Howard b. 26 Jan. 1808 ; m. 19 Dec. 1830, Dorothy Garland. Mary Jane b. 25 March 1812; m. in Peterborough. Caroline b. 20 Feb. 1815; m. 26 March 1834, Albert L. Fifield. A daughter, Susan, m. David L. Bartlett and I. in Amesbury, Mass. Temperance Ann b. 16 Dec. 1816. Susan b. 19 May 1819; m. in Wells, Me. Stephen b. 17 March 1821; m. 8 Oct. 1843, Mary E.,dau. of Rufus and Susan (Dame) Willey, b. 17 Feb. 1825, d. 5 Jan. 1882, (2) Priscilla (Chesley) Langmaid. He d. 15 Oct. 1888 and his widow m. 30 April 1890 Joel E. Cook and d. 12 Aug. 1910. HISTORY OF DURHAM 299 Alfred killed in taking down the staging of the stone house, near the Sulli\'an monument. Annie m. — ■ Winkley. A dau. Bessie m. Joseph R. Burnham. Children of Stephen and Mary E. (Willey) Paul: Susan E. b. 23 Sept. 1844; d. 14 Aug. 1852. Mary Jane b. 14 Aug. 1846; d. 29 July 1852. George Albert b. 5 Sept. 1848; d. 27 July 1868. RuFUS W. b. 23 Sept. 1850; d. 17 April 1872; m. Ida Had- dock. One ch., George W. Mary S, b. 14 July 1852, d. 19 July 1856. Annie E. b. 3 Oct. 1855; m. i July 188 1, Frank Symes. Ch. Roland, Merton, Doris and Joseph. Marcl\ E. b. 21 April 1858; m. 27 Sept., 1879, Walter S. Davis. Frank S. b. 27 July 1863; m. Mary E. Berry. No ch. Charles L. b. 28 June 1867 ; m. 6 April 1893 Edith C. Stiles. One child, Charles L. b. 12 April 1894. SusiE B. b. 27 June 1871 ; m. 24 Nov., 1895, Charles S. Otis. One child, Roger, b. 16 July 1908. PRENDERGAST, PENDERGAST Prendergast is the name of a parish in Pembrokeshire, in the southern part of Wales, and dates back to the time of the Danish invasion, about 900 A. D. It is now called Prendregast and is a few miles from Haverfordwest. Maurice de Prendergast was one of the seventy knights who with their archers w^ent with the Earl of Strigule, called Strongbow, to the conquest of Ireland, landing at Wexford in the year 1169. Among his descendants may be named Sir Thomas Prendergast, born 1600, and John P. Prendergast, the historian, author of the Cromwellian Settle- ment of Ireland. Stephen Pendergast, born 1693, came from County Wexford, Ireland, between 1715 and 1720. He married, at Greenland, N. H., 5 March 1727/8, Jane, daughter of Solomon Cotton. He was constable in Durham in 1738 and died 10 Sept. I753- His widow died 12 Jan. 1754, aged 52, as her gravestone says, though some say she was born in 1694. He may have had a brother, Dennis Pendergast, who lived in Durham and in his will, 1789, names son, Michael, as his only heir, who married, 31 Oct. 1790, Deborah Woodlock. The children of Stephen Pendergast were: 300 HISTORY OF DURHAM Margaret b. in Kittery 22 May 1729. 2. Stephen b. in Stratham 29 March 1731 ; m. Betty Rivers. Edmund b. at "Lamper River" 22 Feb. 1733; m. Hannah Langley. L. at Packer's Falls. Ch., Edmund b. 1760, who m. (i) Olive , (2) Lydia Murray; Thomas b, 1762, d. 20 Mav 1 78 1, and perhaps James, who d. 30 March 1785- Ann b. 13 June 1735; d. 18 April 1758. Unm. Solomon b. 19 June 1737; d. 16 April 1758. Sarah b. 13 Aug. 1739; d. 2 Nov. 1743. Mary b. at Durham 13 Oct. 1741 ; d. 8 Nov. 1743. Bridget b. 24 Feb. 1745. 3. John b. 18 April 1748; m. Deborah Durrell. 2. Stephen Pendergast (Stephen) married, 1760, Betty Rivers, who was born 23 April 1737 and died 16 Sept. 1836. He died 27 Feb. 1797. Both died in Barnstead, though he lived in Durham, probably at the Pendergast garrison house, till about 1784, when he moved to Barnstead and cleared a farm there. Children all born in Durham: Jane b. i March 1762; d. 30 March 1785. Thomas b. 16 Aug. 1764; d. 19 March 1840. Anna b. 2 March 1767; d. 10 Nov. 1851. Sarah b. 2 June 1768; d. 19 Nov. 1858. Stephen b. 6 Aug. 1770; d. 13 Sept. 1827. Unm. Joseph b. 13 July 1773; d. 10 x'\pril i860. Solomon b. 26 Feb. 1776; m. 31 Dec. 1801, Rebecca Sher- burne of Barrington, who d. 5 Feb. 1865; he d. 3 Dec. i860 in Barnstead. 6 ch. Betty C. b. 16 March 1778; m. Drew; d. 24 April 1871. John b. 26 Oct. 1780; d. 22 June 1796. Thomas b. 21 Aug. 1783; d. 4 May 1862. James (?) b. 1784; m. Mary , who was b. 1783 and d. 23 March 1863. He d. 7 Sept. 1850. 3. John Pendergast (Stephen), born 18 April 1748, married Deborah, daughter of Nicholas and Rachel (Wakefield) Durrell. Stephen (?) d. 17 Jan. 1816. Nicholas m. (i) 8 July 1814, Lois Emerson, (2) Hannah' Emerson. Ch., Love who m. Ann Jenkins, Jane who m. Allen Plummer, Elizabeth who m. Nicholas Meserve, and Daniel who d. young. John m. 13 Aug. 1819, Mary Williams of Lee; d. 1850. James m. 1808, Hannah Emerson. She d. 7 Aug. 1826, aged 36. Dau. Charlotte m. William Tuttle. Jane m. 1814, Samuel Prescott. HISTORY OF DURHAM 3OI Ann m. 6 March 1814, Capt. Robert Parker, (2) Langmaid. , . Rachel m. 1807, Remembrance Bunker. ^ Polly m. 8 Jan. 1801, Joseph Chesley, (2) Capt. Ford. Sarah m. 30 Dec. 1804, Samuel Meserve of Madbury. Deborah m. 24 May 1818, Ebenezer C. Smith. Daughter m. — Stockbridge and 1. in Cornish, Me. Third Generation Edmund Pendergast (Edmund", Stephen^), born 1760, married (i) Olive , who was born 1761, (2) 6 Jan. 1791, Lydia, daughter of Dea. Timothy Murray of Newmarket. He died 5 Nov. 1846., She died 18 Nov. 1838. Children all born in the garrison house: Thomas b. 1788; m. 6 April 181 7, Charlotte, dau. of Robert and Mehitable (Folsom) Smart, and 1. on the farm of his father-in-law, at Ash Swamp, Newmarket. He d. 16 April 1865. She was b. 1799 and d. 1879. Ch., Mehitable b. 1819, who m. (i) ^ Nelson, (2) her cousin, Nathan- iel Pendergast ; Edmund who m. Pickering and had ch., George, Edmund and Angie. Sophia b. 23 Sept. 1790; m. Dea. William Wiggin, (2) 22 Feb. 1840, David Murray. She d. 30 March 1849. Timothy b. 5 May 1794; m. Nancy ; d. 10 March 1872. She was b. 1792 and d. i Feb. 1874. Edmund m. 22 Oct. 1821, Elizabeth Churchill, dau. of Thomas and Alice. Ch., Roswell who went to Minnesota, and Nathaniel who m. Mehitable (Pendergast) Nelson. Hannah m. 1808, Bradstreet Doe. Mary m. Moore. Nathaniel b. 1804; d. 25 Sept. 181 8. Solomon b. 7 April 1808; m. 26 April 1832, Lydia Wiggin, (2) May 1850, Judith Mathes of Lee. He d. at Hutchin- son, Minn., 9 July 1882. Ch., William, Martha, Ellen, Timothy and Lloyd. Unclassified m. 17 Nov. 1803, Samuel French and Polly Pendergast. m. 29 July 1838, Alfred Pendergast and Susan Day. PENDEXTER Thomas Pendexter married Temperance, daughter of Robert and Deborah (Follett) Leathers, who was baptized 19 Oct. 1760. He died in 1827, aged 74. 302 HISTORY OF DURHAM 2. Edward b. 22 Aug. 1778; m. 3 April 1803, Polly, dau. of Jacob and Hannah (Cram) Joy. She d. 30 Dec. 1871, aged 87 yrs. 11 mos. Joseph m. (i) 181 1, Drusilla Burleigh of Newmarket, who was b. 3 April 1785 and d. 12 Feb. 1814, (2) Kelly, (3) Bodge. 3 sons went to Conway. Dau., Lydia, m. Simon Locke of Epsom. Alfred m. Phebe Pickering of Newington. He d. 12 Dec. 1850, aged 46. Thomas m. Abra Meserve, 27 Dec. 1808. He was drowned. Henry who went to Baltimore, Md. A dau. m. Pitman and went to Newbury port, Mass. John m. 13 Aug. 1841, Hannah T. Piper and went to Rochester. Temperance m. John Davis (?) of Boston. Charles m. 8 Feb. 1840, Helen Davis. L. in Massachusetts. George m. Abigail Titcomb 11 Jan. 1808 (?). Francis Boardman d. Dec. 1858, aged 64 yrs. 6 mos. Unm. Ann (?) m. Perkins of Alton. Cyrus m. 25 Nov. 1841, Almira S. Parsons. Children of Edward and Polly (Joy) Pendexter: Hannah C. b. 28 Oct. 1803; m. 1826, Stephen P. Chesley. Jacob J. twin to Hannah; m. 4 May 1831, Mary F. Fernald. Edward b. 19 Sept. 1805; m. 1840, Martha C. Stickney of Concord. George W. b. 10 Dec. 1807; m. 1836, Ruth C. Hawkes, (2) Mrs. Mary A. Folsom. Martha b. 14 Dec. 1809; d. 15 April 1835. James Munroe b. 2 Sept. 1815; m. 1850, Mary, dau. of Paul and Nancy (Torr) Meserve. Ch., Mary Ellen b. 14 Sept. 1 851, m. Valentine Mathes, Frances E. b. i Aug. 1853, m. 6 Sept. 1876 Thomas E. Gushing, and James Edward b. 1856. A dau. of Thomas E. and Frances E. Gushing is Caroline Estes Gushing b. 27 Nov. 1877, who m. 21 Nov. 1906 James Dunnington of Manchester and has son, Thomas Gushing Dunnington, b. 21 Oct. 1907. PERKINS William Perkins, taxed at Oyster River 1662-75, is said to have been born in Cornwall, Eng., in 1616 and to have died in Newmarket in 1732, aged 116. [N. E. Register.] But William Perkins deposed, 2 March 1677/8, aged about 39, concerning a meadow owned by John Smart, on the southwest side of Goddard's Greek. He was born, therefore, about 1638, perhaps son of the above W^illiam Perkins. HISTORY OF DURHAM 303 William Perkins and John Perkins took the oath of fidelity at a training, 21 June 1669. William bought land of Thomas Willey, 4 Aug. 1666. He and wife, Elizabeth, 28 Jan. 1669, con- veyed to Thomas Edgerly twenty acres on the southwest side of Long Creek. His daughter, Elizabeth, married John Wheeler. Thomas Perkins had a grant of three acres and a half on Dover Neck for a house lot in 1669. Samuel Perkins married Mary Tasker. They and the follow- ing children were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams; births recorded in Dover: Hannah born 9 Dec. 1703, Frances born 11 Feb. 1705, Joseph born 25 Aug. 1714, Abigail born 30 April 1717, Samuel born 13 Feb. 1723, and Mary baptized 30 June 1723, twelve years old. In 1 7 19 Samuel Perkins and John Munsey are called survivors and owners of land granted to James Derry. Joseph Perkins, wife, Eleanor, and son, Timothy, were baptized 5 May 1728. A daughter, Abigail, was baptized 22 Jan. 1728/9. Joseph, Paul and Elizabeth,childrenof widow Eleanor Perkins, were baptized at the house of William Buzzell, in Durham, 2 Jan. 1742. Abraham Perkins lived near Durham Falls and died before 8 Oct. 1770. His son, Abraham, w^as born 20 Jan. 1771 and married, 14 Jan. 1798, Lydia, daughter of Dea. Nathaniel Norton. Abraham Perkins and Abigail Boardman were pub- lished in Durham, 20 Feb. 18 14. She was of Newburyport. Perhaps this indicates a second marriage. His children by first marriage were Abraham born 8 Jan. 1799, who married, 1830, Mary Ann, daughter of Rev. Josiah Prentice of Northwood; Lydia born 27 Sept. 1800, and Charles born 11 July 1802. The children of Abraham and Mary Ann (Prentice) Perkins were Mary Ann Boardman born 24 March 1832, Charles Rich- mond born 23 June 1834, deceased, Charles Boardman born 5 July 1836, Elizabeth Beathe born 4 July 1839, deceased, and Henry Edwards born 12 May 1843. PETTEE Charles Holmes Pettee [See page 274 of Vol. i], son of Horace and Elizabeth Fairbanks (Wilson) Pettee, was born in Manches- ter 2 Feb. 1853. He married, 24 July 1877, Luella Elizabeth Swett, born at Canaan, N. H., 25 June 1854, daughter of Frank- lin and Sarah Elizabeth (Piper) Swett. Children are: 304 HISTORY OF DURHAM Alvena b. at Hanover 14 Feb. 1881; graduated at New Hampshire College, 1900, m. 27 Dec. 1905, Edward Emil Nelson. Ch., William Pettee Nelson b. 3 Oct. 1906, and Elizabeth Luella Nelson b. 29 Jan. 1909. Horace James b. at Hanover 6 March 1883; graduated at New Hampshire College, 1905; m. 9 Sept. 1909, Anna Holmes Pettee. Their son, James Charles, was b. 2 Nov. 1910. Sarah Elizabeth b. at Hanover 14 Jan. 1886. Graduated at New Hampshire College, 1908. Charles Swett b. at Durham 3 May 1895. PINDER John Pinder, aged 26 when he gave testimony 15 Oct. 1675, bought land of John York at Lubberland 16 May 1681, adjoining to land of Thomas Morris. In 1701 he had a grant of ten acres next to his own land. Thomas Morris, in his will, 1701, gave fifteen shillings to Elizabeth Pinder and an iron "cittle to Sarah Pinder Sener." In 1704 he had wife, Sarah, who was sister to Deborah Meserve and was called "cousin" by Bridget Bickford. His will, dated 12 Jan. 1724, names wife, Elizabeth, who was living in 1742. 2. Benjamin b. abt. 1688; m. Martha . Elizabeth m. William Durgin. Temperance m. Ichabod Follett. Sarah m. Benjamin York. Abigail named in 1704 and 1724, then unm. 2. Benjamin Pinder (John) was aged 15 or 16 when he gave testimony in 1704. He had wife, Martha, in 1736. He sold land to son, Joseph, in 1754. The following children were baptized by Rev. Hugh Adams 5 Oct. 1729, except John, who is named in his grandfather's will. John named in 1724. Had wife, Elizabeth, and they sold, 16 July 1735, right in estate of James Derry. He was of Newmarket, 5 May 1755, when he sold land in Durham to Walter Bryant, naming in the deed honored father, Ben- jamin, and grandfather, John Pinder. Sarah, Benjamin, Abigail. Elizabeth m. Joshua Trickey 28 Sept. 1749. Joseph m. Hepzibeth Davis, 20 July 1749. Both were 1. 2 Feb. 1763, when they and Benjamin Pinder, either father or brother, sold to Dependence Bickford of Newing- ton, thirty acres at Clift Cove, on Great Bay, with build- ings. HISTORY OF DURHAM 3O5 ("hildren of Joseph Pinder baptized by Rev. John Adams of .Durham: Jeremiah bapt. 4 Aug. 1751. Had wife, Hannah, who was b. 18 Dec. 1 75 1 and d. 25 Sept. 1840. He d. in 18 16, aged 66. They had dau., Comfort, b. 21 Dec. 1772, who m. 18 Dec. 1803, John Runnels and d. 11 Oct. 1849. Thomas bapt. 23 Dec. 1755; m. 4 Jan. 1779 in Newington, EHzabeth Leigh ton, and had two sons bapt. there 5 Aug. 1 78 1, viz., James Bickford and Joseph Leigh ton. The latter prob. m. 21 June 1802, Mary Doe. Thomas also had son, Benjamin, who m. 24 Nov. 1791, Susanna Per- kins, both of Newmarket. Benjamin d. 19 Nov. 1814 and his wife d. in Newfields 11 Feb. 1816, leaving ch., Joseph and William. x'\bigail bapt. 23 Dec. 1755. John Pinder, born in Durham, married Martha Edgerly and had son, Alfred, born in Durham ii July 1814, who married Susan, daughter of Hilton and Hannah (Witham) Day of Wake- field. He died in Northwood 26 Dec. 1892. His wife died 19 Aug. 1899, aged 82-4-13. Ch., John, James, Alfred, Walter, Hannah who m. Joseph Roderick and a daughter who m. William Reynolds. PINKHAM Abijah Pinkham, born 9 Feb. 1734, lived on the eastern part of the farm now owned by Clarence L Smart. The cellar of his house is easily found, not far from the road from the Falls to the Point, and the burial place, overgrown with bushes, is a few rods north of where the barn stood. Here he and his wife are buried. He married, 11 Jan. 1753, Rachel, daughter of Robert and Meribah (Jackson) Huckins, who was born 15 March 1732 and died 10 Nov. 1818. He died 3 March 1779. His will, dated 16 Feb. 1779, names wife, Rachel, and the following children: 2. Thomas b. 8 June 1755; m. Sarah Ballard. Samuel. 3. Abijah b. 22 July 1763; m. Sarah Spencer. Paul. Sarah m. 13 June 1777, Robert Williams, in Barrington. Abigail under 18. Anne under 18; m. John Jenkins, 15 Feb. 1798 (?). 2. Thomas Pinkham (Abijah) married Sarah, daughter of Timothy Ballard. She was born 3 Oct. 1757 and died 16 March 20 306 HISTORY OF DURHAM 1814. He died 26 May 181 1. He removed to Woodstock. Children recorded in Durham: Ballard b. 24 Oct. 1774; m. 15 Aug. 1802, Mary Foisom, (2) Joanna Burnham. He d. 27 March 1854. Second wife d. 27 March 1854, aged 74. Sarah b. 13 March 1778; d. 15 May .1847. Thomas b. 29 Juiv 1780; m. 16 Aug. 1804, Peggv Vincent; d. 7 May 1851." Susanna b. 14 Feb. 1782; m. 30 Sept. 1802, Lieut. Robert Mathes; d. 6 Feb. 1859. Mary b.12 Oct. 1784; d. 14 Oct. 178.^. Mary b. 28 April 1787: m. 13 Aug. 1813, Benjamin Foisom of Walpole. SoPHL\ b. 20 Feb. 1790; m. 18 Dec. 1806, Elisha Locke. Timothy b. 20 Feb. 1792; m. 2}, Aug. 1812, SalK Garland; drowned 2 Oct. 1850. Pamell\ b. 16 Feb. 1795; d. 25 Dec. 1798. 3. Abijah Pinkham (Abijah), born 22 ]\\\\ 1763, married, II Dec. 1783. Sarah Spencer and died 8 July 18 15. She was born 23 Oct. 1763 and died 16 March 1814. Children recorded in Durham : Elizabeth b. 7 July 1784; m. 13 X(n-. 1800, Ebcnezer Cornell. Sally b. 8 July 1789; m. 28 Nov. 1805, Jonathan Fifield. Augustus H. b. 25 March 1791. John S. b. 25 Dec. 1793; d. 11 Oct. 1819. Margery b. 19 April 1796; m. 24 Oct. 1822, Re\'. Washing- ton Russell. Abigail b. 13 July 1799; m. 27 April 1820, Joseph Russell of Woodstock; d. i Feb. 1890. Pamelia b. 6 Sept. 1805; m. 20 May 1833, Peter Russell of Woodstock; d. 20 July 1877. PLXKHAM Alfred Pinkham, son of Daniel and Sally {Da\is), grandson of Daniel, was born 27 May 18 10. He had l)rothers, William, Joseph, Charles, Hicks, Salmon and Stephen, and sisters, Fanny and Nanc\'. He married, 1831, Harriet Burnham of Newmarket, who died 14 Jan. 1885. Frances J. b. 27 Sept. 1833; m. 2 July 1853, Jonas Willey. Stephen b. 23 April 1835; d. 13 Feb. 1861. Alfred b. 14 Aug. 1836; d. 23 Aug. 1842. b. 7 Oct. 1838; m. Mehitable Jane Palmer; d. 28 Aug. 1863 in Ignited States Volunteer service. HISTORY OF DURHAM 307 Axx Augusta b. iq Aup;. 1S40; m. Luke Vibbert; d. 18 Nov. 1866. Harriet b. 10 Aug. 1842; m. Pulsifer. Joshua b. 12 March 1844; soldier in the Civil War. Sarah b. 7 May 1846; m. James B. Pahner. RoscOE b. 14 April 1848. Esther M. b. 3 July 1850; m. (i) Alfred Da\is, (2) Samuel Teri. Friend b. 19 March 1852; d. 27 Aug. 1855. Lycurgus b. 26 July 1854; d. 22 Aug. 1855 Friend b. m. and 1. in Durham. PITMAN William Pitman, called blacksmith, was born about 1632, as shown by a deposition. He married (i) in Boston. 29th of 9th month 1653, Barbara Evans. He was living, 12 May 1657, on a portion of William Roberts' land and next to Robert Burnham's land, although he did not take a deed of said land till 1664. The inference is that he had married (2) Ann, daughter of William Roberts. She is repeatedly mentioned between 1661 and 1682, as wife of William Pitman. He w^as rated at Oyster River, 1657- 77. His will shows that he died in 1682, leaving the heirs named below. He gave three shillings apiece to the following, Ezekiel Pitman, Ann Pitman, Zachariah Pitman, Hannah Pitman, and Judith Pitman. Mary b. 15 Now 1657; m. 16 April 1674, Stephen Otis. She was carried captive to Canada and there bapt. 8 Dec. 1693, as dau. of W'illiam and Barbara Pitman. 2. Ezekiel b. 1658; m. Elizabeth . 3 4 5 6 John b. 1663; executor of father's will. Francis b. 1662; m. Widow Elizabeth Tibbetts. Nathaniel m. Widow Deliverance Derry. Joseph b. 1669; m. Elizabeth . Elizabeth m. Stephen Jenkins. Abigail m. Stephen Willey bef. 1676. Sarah m. Jeremiah Drisco. Ann b. 1672; m. 1698, John Sias. Zacharl\s, Hannah. Judith m. 8 Jan. 1715 John Ham(?). 2. Ezekiel Pitman (William), born 1658, as per deposition, made another deposition, 24 Sept. 1677. saying that "about two years since he heard teak (Teague) Riall say that if he did not marrv he would gi\e his land & All that he hath to William Dur- 308 HISTORY OF DURHAM gin." [Court Files, No. 23738.] Teague Royall was one of the early settlers at Oyster River, 1657. He removed to E.xeter and died there, unmarried. Ezekiel Pitman had a grant of thirty acres, which was laid out to his son, William, in 1713. He had wife, Elizabeth, called widow in 1701. Children probably were as follows: EzEKiEL m. 23 Ma>' 1717, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Shack- ford, in Portsmouth. He is called son of Ezekiel in a deed. Ezekiel Pitman, Jr., m. in Portsmouth, 13 July 1740, Elizabeth Peverly. 7. William m. Joanna, perhaps dau. of James Derry. 3. John Pitman (William) had for guardians Edward Leathers and Ezekiel Pitman until 1684, when he became of age and was made executor of his father's wnW. He is mentioned as owning land in 1722. Nothing further is known. 4. Francis Pitman (William) who deposed 22 Feb. 1734, aged 72, married Elizabeth, widow of Nathaniel Tibbetts. She was baptized at Oyster River 21 July 1717. He bought of Nathaniel Meader, 7 April 1701, forty acres on the west side of Beech hill, which had been sold to Meader by Widow Elizabeth Pitman. Sarah m. William Buzzell, 28 Nov. 1728. 5. Nathaniel Pitman (William) married Deli\erance, widow of John Derry, about 1697. He had a grant of thirty acres in Madbury, 23 June 1701. Children, so far as known, were: Abigail bapt. 5 April 1723; m. 13 March 1730, W'illiam Demeritt. Tabitha m. Eli Demeritt, brother of William. Derry bapt. 24 May 1724; m. Dorothy Jackson, dau. of Dr. George and Joanna (Pepperrell) Jackson, b. 21 Nov. 1717. Ch.. Andrew Pepperrell and Mary, twins, b. 22 March 1749. Mary m. Timothy Munse}'. 6. Joseph Pitman (William), born 1669, made a deposition, 4 Dec. 1699, aged 30. He was killed by Indians, "not far from Oyster River meeting house," 19 Aug. 1704. A deed in 1722 shows the following children, who sold to John Allen right in land belonging to their father, Joseph Pitman, twenty acres, northeast of Johnson's Creek, next to John Pitman's land. This had been granted to Joseph Pitman, 19 March 1693/4. 8. John m. Elizabeth bef. 1722. Both sign a deed in 1744, he alone in 1752. 9. Zecharl\h m. Mercy Conner, 13 Dec. 1723. HISTORY OF DURHAM 3O9 Nehemiah. He was of Scarboro, Me., in 1728. He had wife and child in Durham in 1751 and petitioned court for help. Sarah ni. Zcchariah Nock. Sarah Pitman was bapt. at Oyster River 7 May 1727. Mary m. William Downs, 3 May 1721. Anne unm. in 1722; m. perhaps Abraham Mimmey of Somersworth. Third Generation 7. William Pitman (EzekicI', William') petitioned, 7 Jan. 1706, to have Jeremy Burnham appointed his guardian. He and wife, Joanna, signed a deed 14 March 1717/8. They sold to John Munscy, 19 April 1722, their right in the estate of James Derry deceased. Abigail bapt. 6 March 1719/20. Dorcas bapt. 6 March 1719/20. William bapt. 6 March 1719/20. EzEKiEL bapt. 22 July 1722. Stephen bapt. 18 June 1727. 8. John Pitman (Joseph^ WilHam') had wife, Elizabeth . He is supposed to have lived in Lee and to have had, perhaps, the following children: John b. 7 May 1732; m. Susannah . He d. in Barn- stead 28 Feb. 1834. His wife d. 6 March 1835, aged 95. Had prob. sons, John and Josiah. Susanna b. 7 May 1734; m. 6 Nov. 1751, John Durgin. Samuel b. 1736; m. Sarah, dau. of Edward Small. He d. in Barnstead in 1825, aged 89. She also d. in 1825, aged 89. His will, 1815, names wife, Sarah, and ch., Sarah Swain, Elizabeth Winkley, Polly Perkins, Harriet Peavey, Abigail Montgomery, Susanna Young, and sons, Samuel and Ebenezer. Mary m. John Brown, 12 April 1750. Ebenezer (?) m. Elizabeth, dau. of Azariah Boody. She w^as a widow in 1758. 9. Zechariah Pitman, (Joseph-, William') married, 13 Dec. 1723, Mercy, daughter of Timothy Conner. His will, 3 June 1783-Feb 1785, names son, Conner Pitman, daughter, Mercy Pitman, daughter, Abigail, wife of David Muncey, and daughter, Sarah, wife of Benjamin Bickford. He lived in Madbury. Conner m. Abigail Daniel, dau. of Jonathan (?). His will, dated 2 May 1794, names wife, Abigail, son Ebenezer who d. 1797, dau., Sarah, wife of John Callomy, daus., Abigail, Deborah, Mary and Eunice, and son, Joseph. 310 HIZTORY OF DURHAM Mercy, d. unm. Her will, 4 May 1792, names sister. Widow Sarah Bickford, Eleanor, wife of John Pearl, and Molly, wife of Joseph Pitman. Abigail m. David Munsey. Sarah m. Benjamin Bickford, 26 Dec. 1751. RAND Francis Rand, born 1616, came with Capt. John Mason's colony about 1633. He was killed by Indians, 29 Sept. 1691. His wife, Christian, was also killed by Indians. His son, John, married Remembrance, daughter of John Ault, and lived at Oyster River Point. Probably both were slain by Indians, in the massacre of 1694. Feb. 18, 1697/8, John Rand and wife, Elizabeth, sold to John Edgerly a piece of land called "y** meadow ground." John Rand of Oyster River had estate administered by wife, Elizabeth. She was appointed administratrix i Aug. 1698. John Rand, minor, probably son of the last mentioned, chose Francis Matthews for guardian. He married, 17 Dec. 17 18, Joanna, daughter of Thomas Willey. This John Rand probably had a sister. Christian Rand, who married, 6 Dec. 1717, Naphtali Kincaid. John Rand of Oyster River sold to Francis Matthews, 17 Nov. 1718, thirty acres called "Rands Plantation." He was living in Durham in 1737 with wife, Joanna. April 18, 1718, Hannah and Francis Rand, Nathaniel Rand and wife, Elizabeth, of Newington sold to Job Reynolds of Oyster River land at Oyster River, which John Ault gave to his son-in- law, John Rand, and wife. Remembrance. John Rand signed a petition in 1729, probably living near the border of Madbury. Hannah, daughter of John and Mary Rand, was baptized 6 Aug. 1749. David Rand was a Revolutionary soldier from Dur- ham, aged 28, in 1775. John Rand was a soldier from Durham about the same time. David Rand of Barnstead, as the record reads, married Polly Kent in 1813. Tradition says he was from Newbury, Mass., but he is believed to have descended from the above named Rands. His wife was daughter of Richard and Dorothy (Ed- gerly) Kent. He died 3 May 1845, aged 52. His wife died 9 Nov. 1837, aged 42. Children: HISTORY OF DURHAM 311 David m. 6 April 1837, Nancy, dau. of John Edgerly. Nancy (?) d. 2 Feb. 1836, aged 20. Richard K. d. 16 May 1842, aged 20. Clarissa b. 21 Aug. 1819; m. 12 Aug. 1841, William Bunker, (2) 14 March 1852, Stephen Hardy. Ch., by second marriage, Mary A. b. 2 March 1856, m. 30 Jan. 1890 Charles W. Hardy; Jennie S. b. 15 Oct. 1859, m. 22 Dec. 1888, Orin T. Rideout and had ch., Newton L. Rideout b. 5 Oct. 1889, Donald E. Rideout b. 19 Oct. 1891, and Frank T. Rideout b. 3 Aug. 1899. Children of David and Nancy (Edgerly) Rand : Stephen m. 6 July 1863, Sarah A., dau. of Joshua F. and Sally (Durgin) Emerson. Ch., Elmer L. b. 13 Sept. 1867, Anna M. b. 2 Sept. 1864, m. 2 Sept. 1898, George E. Cook, and Harry E. b. 25 Aug. 1878, who m. 22 Aug. 1906, Bertha Dame. Susan b. 1843; m. Joseph Edgerh-, d; 1911. Helen. Frank, unm. Amanda b. 7 Nov. 1850; m. 5 July 1872, James Munroe Bassett. Ch. Fred Danforth b. 24 June 1873, m. 30 Dec. 1893, Annie Collins, Alice Maria b. 16 Nov. 1874, iri- 24 Nov. 1897, John True Davis and had ch.. Merle Evelyn Da\is b. 16 Jan. 1900, Philip Bassett Davis b. 21 May 1907, and Raymond Caldwell Davis b. 18 Oct. 1908; Harry b. 5 Sept. 1876; Mary Helen b. 2 March 1879, m. 26 May 1898, Walter Thompson; Charles Dexter b. 19 Aug. 1882, m. 14 Nov. 1912, Marion Dunton. James B. b. 25 Oct. 1856; m. 30 Oct. 1883, Laura Wiggin of Dover. Ch., Clarence WilHam b. 27 Aug. 1884, d. 16 May 1891; Flora Belle b. 14 Nov. 1885, d. 9 April 1900; Fred Woodbury b. 15 July 1890, d. 26 Ma\- 1891. Unclassified m. 16 March 18 12, Stephen N. Rand and Lydia Leathers, pub. 21 March 1818, Nicholas Colbath and Keziah Rand, pub. 29 March 1829, William Rand and Mary Davis. RANDALL (Compiled with assistance of Franc'is D. Randall, Maiden, Mass.) Richard Randall first appears in Portsmouth in July 1757. It is not known whom he married. A son, Richard, is recorded in old Saco, Me., born March 1659. Richard and Elizabeth Ran- dall had children, Elizabeth, Judith and Ann, born in Boston between 1669 and 1673. 312 HISTORY OF DURHAM Richard Randall, born in Saco in 1659, is thought to ha^"e been the one who married (i) Elizabeth, daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (Smith) Tozier of old Kittery, now South Berwick, Me. She died 16 April 1704, and he married (2) 10 April 1705, Widow Elizabeth Blanchant. He lived in Berwick, Me. The statement made in Old Kittery and Her Eamilies, that Elizabeth Tozier married (i) Blanchant, is erroneous. Richard b. abt. 1693; m. 10 July 1715, Sarah Gore, (2) 18 Dec. 1718, Leah Stone. 3. Nathaniel b. abt. 1695; m. Mar\- Hodgdon. Samuel b. abt. 1700; m. 20 Nov. 1720, Elizabeth Macfceld, (2) 23 May 1723, Hannah Williams. 4. W^iLLL\M b. abt. 1702; m. Hannah Mason. John b. abt. 1698; m. 22 Jane 1720, Mary Chick. Third Generation ■3. Nathaniel Randall (Richard-, Richard^, born about 1695, married, about 1720, Mary, daughter of Israel and Ann (Wingate) Hodgdon. He and wife and two sons were baptized at Oyster Ri\'er, ii Aug. 1723. He settled in what is now Lee and died there March 1748/9, aged 54. His wife died 3 Jan. 1775, aged 75. Their gra^■estones are near the Durham and Lee boundary line. 5. Miles b. abt. 1721; m. Abigail Runnels. 6. Nathaniel b. 5 March 1723; m. Mary Runnels. 7. Simon b. 9 May 1725; m. Sarah Jenkins. Elizabeth b. 19 Oct. 1727; m. Capt. Samuel Demeritt. Jonathan bapt. 25 Oct. 1730; m. Keziah Carter, 24 Aug. 1757- Anna m. Gideon Mathes. 23 Jan. 1755. Mary b. abt. 1742; m. Samuel Beck, (2) Capt. Ebenezer Jones of Portsmouth. She d. 13 April 181 1, aged 69. 4. William Randall (Richard-, Richard'), born about 1702, married, 2 Feb. 1724/5, Hannah, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Davis) Mason. She was admitted to church 7 July 1728, and he was baptized 24 Dec. 1721. Peter Mason, 29 April 1736, sold to son-in-law, William Randall, and to his wife, Hannah, and to their son, William Randall, Jr., and if said William Randall, Jr., should die, to Mason Randall, land in Durham on the south side of Turtle Pond. [See N. H. Prov. Deeds, 92, p. 15.] Sarah bapt. 5 Sept. 1725. William named in 1736. HISTORY OF DURHAM 313 Masox 111. Liic\' . Had deed of land from William and Hannah Randall in 1773. Revolutionary soldier from Nottingham. Rem. to Newbury, Vt. John b. 9 March 1730; m. 16 Jan. 1755, Abigail Huckins, dau. of Robert. Rem. to Springfield, Vt. and thence to Spencer Hollow. He lived to be over 100 years old. Had a son James born in Durham abt. 1756. Samuel, settled perhaps in Groton, Vt. Fourth Generation 5. Miles Randall (Nathaniel, Richard^, Richard^) born about 1 72 1, married Abigail, daughter of Job and Hannah (Huckins) Runnels. She died about 1784, aged 67. He lived in the garri- son house in Lee and died in 1791. His will names wife, Deborah, Children, besides Elizabeth, Miles, and Susanna, who all died young, were: Abigail m. Joseph Thompson, 17 Nov. 1763.- Deborah b. 24 Aug. 1747; m. Benjamin Chesley. Israel b. April 1751 ; m. Sarah Chesley; d. 22 March 1829 in North Danville, Vt., where he lived. 9 ch. Anna b. abt. 1753; m. Robert Morrison; d. ii Nov. 1823 in North wood. Louisa b. abt. 1756; m. Simon Huckins of Lee; d. in Free- dom. Susanna bapt. in Durham 18 July 1757. Thomas b. 1758; m. 1777, Mary dau. of Lieut. Thomas Huckins of Lee; went to Canada. Had a son, Thomas, b. 18 June 1778, for whom see History of Parsonfield, Me., p. 399. Had also 8 other ch. 8. Job b. 7 June 1761; m. Sarah Langley. 6. Nathaniel Randall (NathanieF, Richard^, Richard^), born 5 March 1723, married Mary Runnels, sister to his brother's wife, and lived in Lee. He died about 18 14. She died at age of 90. He was a soldier in the French and Indian War and also in the Revolution. Signed the Association Test. Hezekiah b. 28 March 1745; m. 10 April 1768, Elizabeth Chesley; s. in Conway. Moses b. 20 June 1747; m. (i) Agnes Forest, (2) Mrs. Lydia Ames; 1. in Sanborton and North Conway, where he d. April 1809. Revolutionary soldier. A son, William, m. Betsey Lovejoy, Dec. 1800. Daniel b. abt. 1750; m. Betsey (Forest), widow of Joseph Ellison; 1. in Canterbury. Mary b. 19 Aug. 1753; m. 17 Oct. 1769, Wm. Laskey. Jonathan b. 1755; m. French, 1. in Piermont. 314 HISTORY OF DURHAM -^ Gideon b. 1758; m. Mary Thompson; 1. in Nottingham and North Conway. Nathaniel bapt. 6 Feb. 1749/50; prob. d. young. 7. Simon Randall (NathanieP, Richard-, Richard^, born 1725, married, 2 Nov. 1749, Sarah Jenkins, born about 1731, daughter of John and Hannah. He died in Lee, 23 April 1790 aged 65. She died 25 May 1813, aged 82. Ten children, most of whom died young: 9. Simon b. abt. 1756; m. Lydia Caldwell. 10. Joseph b. abt. 1760; m. Anna Langley, (2) Lydia Avery. Deborah b. 9 Aug. 1765, m. June 1790, Thomas Langley; d. 14 Aug. 1806. Ch., Nancy, Betsey, John, Mary, Job Randall and Jonathan. Fifth Generation 8. Job Randall (Miles^ Nathaniel\ Richard'-, Richard'), born 7 June 1761, married, 19 Dec. 1783, Sarah Langley, who was born I April 1761, (2) 17 Sept. 1824, Mary Langley (?). Abigail b. 10 Dec. 1786; m. 1806, Henry Stilson. Sarah b. 3 Aug. 1789; m. 12 April 1813, Paul Giles. Miles b. 18 Jan. 1791; m. 14 July 1814, Abigail Jenkins; s. in New Durham. Hannah b. 29 June 1794; m. 6 March 1814, James S. Hill of Newmarket. Job b. 7 July 1798; d. young. Thomas b. 14 Aug. 1800; d. young. Elizabeth b. 6 Aug. 1803; m. Jonathan Thompson. John b. 19 April 1806; m. 11 Feb. 1830, Hannah Langley. Ch., Abbie, Jeremiah O., and James Frank. Mary b. i Dec. 1808. 9. Simon Randall (Simon^ NathanieF, Richard-, Richard'), born about 1756, married, June 1789, Lydia Caldwell, born probably in Nottingham in 1754. She died 15 or 27 May 1850, aged 96 years, 6 months; was the daughter of William and Eliza- beth (Lamos) Caldwell. He died 2 Sept. 1833, aged 77. Child- dren born in Lee: Paul b. 19 Oct. 1790; m. Elizabeth Hayes, b. in Madbury 19 Sept. 1794. He 1. in Lee, and Hampton. Ch., Nathan- iel, Lydia M., Mary A., and Elizabeth. Mary b. 28 April 1793; m. 18 16, John Morrison of Alton; d. 10 March 1879. John b. 18 March 1796; m. Mary J. Demeritt. Ch., Fran- ces L., Israel A., Mary E., Martha A., Frank D., Amanda L., and Herbert C. HISTORY OF DURHAM 315 Israel b. 1801; d. 2 June 1877 in N. Y. city. Known as Dr. Randolph. 10. Joseph Randall (Simon^ NathanieF, Richard-, Richard^, born about 1760, married (i) 21 June 1785, Anna Langley, (2) 4 Aug. 1 80 1, Lydia Avery. He died about 1830. Children born in Lee: James b. 31 Aug. 1787; 1. at Center Harbor. John b. abt. 1789; 1. at Berlin, N. H., and Montpelier, Vt. Lois b. abt. 1792; m. Rev. John T, Hill. Keziah b. 29 March 1795; m. Benjamin Jackson in Starks- boro, Vt. Bradbury C. b. 30 April 1796; 1. in Taunton, Mass. Joseph b. i July 1800; I. in Starksboro, Vt. Thomas b. 7 Feb. 1807; 1. in several to\vns in New Hamp- shire. Simon d. in infancy. REYNOLDS or RUNNELS William Reynolds was of Plymouth, Mass., as early as 1634. He received land in Duxbury, 6 Feb. 1637. He married, 3 Aug. 1638, Alice Kitson. He removed, about 1640, to Cape Por- poise, in what is now Kennebunk, Me. He took oath of alle- giance to the government of Maine, 5 July 1653. Kept a ferry at Kennebunk. He with wife, Alice, deeded land to son, John, 12 April 1675, conditioned on care for life. He seems to have had a brother, John Reynolds, at the Isles of Shoals. William Reynolds, Jr., is mentioned in the Court Records of York County in 1672, also John Reynolds. His family seems to have consisted of John, born 1651, who perhaps married Sarah Crawford and d. s. p. in Portsmouth before 1722, leaving 400 acres on the northwest side of Kennebec River and other property in Kennebunk, that was divided among heirs; Samuel, unknown; Job; William; Jane, who married Thomas W'ormwood of Wells; and Hope, who married, 23 Oct. 1664, Thomas Sanders, in Saco, Me. [Cf. Pope's Pioneers of Maine and N. H.] The above Job, son of William Reynolds, is little known. He seems to have lived at Falmouth, Me., for a time. His family were evidently driven out of Maine by Indians. June 21, 1718, Job Renalds, John Renalds, James Langley and wife, Mary, all of Dover, sold to Thomas Perkins of Portsmouth, 3l6 HISTORY OF DURHAM all their right, etc., in 200 acres in Arundel, the old name of Kennebunk. [York Deeds, X. 130.] July 15, 1720, Samuel Renolds of Bradford, Mass., sold to Thomas Perkins, formerly of Greenland now of Cape Porpoise, all right, etc., in 200 acres at Cape Porpoise, which formerly belonged to my honored grandfather, William Renalds, of Cape Porpoise. [York Deeds, X., 130.] July 30 1720, John Renolds of Oyster River sold to Stephen Harding right to land which was my fathers and grandfathers in Gape Porpoise. [York Deeds, X, 57.] July II, 1722, John Buss and Alice, his wife, Richard Blanchard and Sarah, his wife, all of Dover, sold to Stephen Harding of Arundel, alias Cape Porpoise, one sixth part of land formerly belonging to uncle, John Runalds, deceased. [York Deeds, XI, May 17, 1 72 1, John Rennels of Oyster River sold to Thomas Perkins all right to 200 acres formerly belonging to uncle, John Reynolds. In this deed he names his grandfather, William Reynolds, and his father. Job Reynolds, deceased. [York Deeds, XIV, 168.] Job Reynolds signed a petition from Falmouth before 1700. From the above citations and other sources he seems to have had the following children: Samuel of Bradford, b. abt. 1674; m. Abigail Middleton. John of Oyster River; m. 23 Dec. 17 18, Hannah Clark. Job of Oyster Ri\er; m. Hannah (Huckins) Chesle\-. Alice m. John Buss, Jr. Mary m. James Langle>-. Sarah m. Head, (2) 3 Sept. 1718, Richard Blanchard. [See History of Canterbur>-.] Martha m. William Wormwood. Hope, or Hopestill, m. Eli Demeritt. John Runnels (Job-, William') who deposed 22 Feb. 1734, aged 58, married, —, Hannah Clark. He was bap- tized 8 Jan. 1720/1 and 28 Sept. 1721 was baptized ''John Rennolds the little child of John Rennolds, his wife a Quakeress not consenting." He lived in the south part of what is now Lee and died in 1756. John bapt. 28 Sept. 1721; 1. in Barrington; twice married; d. s. p. Abraham b. — ; m. 1744, Hannah Smith. Rem. to New Durham. HISTORY OF DURHAM 317 William m. Lydia . Blacksmith in Lee. Died about 1773- Elizabeth m. Solomon Snell of Barrington. Joseph b. lo June 1727; m. Lydia ; d. in Dover, 1765. Sarah b. 4 Aug. 1731; m. Jonathan Bunker, Dec. 1749. Hannah m. Thomas Willey. Four other children supposed to have d. young. Job Runnels (Job-, William^) bought of Joseph Davis, 13 Nov. 1713, sixty iicres on the west side of Wednesday brook, in what is now Lee. He was then "of Dover." He married Hannah, ■daughter of James and Sarah (Burnham) Huckins, and widow of John Chcsley. She was admitted to church 5 May 1723. She conveyed to Joseph Smith, 3 Feb. 1748/9, her right in the estate of her grandfather, Robert Burnham. Job Runnels bought thirty acres of Naphtali Kincaid, 22 May 1719. He conveyed his homestead of 100 acres to his son. Job, 2 Dec. 1758. He was born about 1685 and died before i May 1763. He was baptized with Abigail, his infant child, 8 April 1722. Abigail bapt. 8 April 1722; m. Miles Randall of Lee. Mary b. 15 May 1724; m. Nathaniel Randall. Job bapt. 16 April 1727; m. Sarah Ellison. Hannah b. 4 June 1728; m. Samuel Langley. Samuel b. abt. 1730; m. ; (2) Love Tibbetts. Captain in the Revolution. Jonathan m. 24 Aug. 1757, Keziah Carter. Susan m. (i) 21 June 1749, Samuel Thompson, (2) 24 Dec. 1755* Jonathan Thompson. Enoch m. Frances , d. in Canada. Daniel Reynolds (DanieF, Stephen'*, Samuel'' of Bradford, Job-, William^) was born in Londonderry 7 Oct. 1771. His father was a colonel in the Revolutionary army and first repre- sentati\e to the General Court of New Hampshire from Lon- donderry. Daniel was a teacher in Dover and Durham and afterward deputy sheriff and crier of the court at Dover. He died at Alton Ba3^ 24 Oct. 1809. He married Elizabeth, daughter of James and Sarah (Thompson) Leighton, who was born 19 April 1778 and died 12 Sept. 1851. Hannah b. 9 Dec. 1797; m. 17 Feb. 181 7, Daniel Nason. Daniel b. 9 July 1799; m. 24 Nov. 1824, Sarah Watson. Mary b. 1801; d. 1802. Ebenezer Thompson b. May 1803; m. 5 March 1824, Abigail Wyatt. Stephen b. i Jan. 1805; m. i Sept. 1831, Sally Garland. 31 8 HISTORY OF DURHAM Addison h. 15 Jan. 1808: m. 13 Jan. 1833, Elizabeth W. Rogers. Eliza b. 2^ juK 1809; m. 15 Aug. 1828, Rew Con\'erse L. McCurdy.' Stephen Reynolds (Daniel^ Daniel\ Sle|)hen', SamueP, Job-. William^), born in Durham, I Jan. 1805, married, 8 Sept. 1831, Sarah, tlaughter of James and Polly (Mills) Garland, who was born in Durham 24 Nov. 1809 and died 17 March 1 880. He died July 1882. haxing been shoemaker, farmer and station agent of the B. cS: M. R. R. at Madbury. His children are recorded in Durham: Mary Elizabp:th b. 22 Juh- 1832; m. 2S Dec. 1858, Levi L. Elder of West Falmouth, Me. Lydia Margaret b. 29 Dec. 1833; m. 27 March 1853, John M. Davis; d. 29 Dec. 1868. Stephen Henry b. 17 March 1835; m. 8 Sept. 1866, Lucy Adams of Brookline, Mass. Sergeant in Civil War, wounded. Served in manv battles. L. at Hyde Park, Mass. James Addlson b. 7 Nov. 1836; m. 16 March 1864, Miriam Hanson of Madbur\-. Shoemaker in Charleston and Dover. Hannah Jane b. 9 Aug. 1838; m. 29 Oct. 1864, Hiram S. Wentworth, (2) Everett Hall. Charles Willl\m b. 9 May 1840; m. 20 Dec. 1866, Eliza- beth Smallidge. L. in Detroit, Mich. L'nion soldier and prisoner at Andersonville. Sarah Mitchell b. 12 Dec. 1841. Unm. Jo.SEPHiNE Marla b. 12 July 1843; m. 1868, Joseph French Berry, John Tilton b. 3 Aug. 1845. Farmer in Madbur> . George Albert b. 19 Sept. 1847; m. Aug. 1881, Fanny Harrington. Bernice Ann b. 17 June 1849 in Dover; d. unm. ROBERTS William Roberts was fined for mending the stocks 5:5: 1643. Perhaps he did a poor job. Jan. 12. 1645, Darby Field conveyed to William Roberts land at Oyster River, which "was in the use of Thomas Roberts," between lands of Matthew Giles and Thomas Stevenson. This shows that he was related to Thomas Roberts of Do^•er Neck, perhaps a son, not named in will of Thomas Roberts. On the 6th of 8th month 1650 he and others were fined for going to the ordinary in the time of meeting, on the HISTORY OF DURHAM 3I9 25th of Ma>- last. In 1664 he deeded his farm to WilHam Pitman and his oldest son, Ezekiel Pitman. It may be that his daughter, Ann, had marriefl William Pitman. William Roberts and Ann Roberts, evidently his wife, gave testimony in 1673. He was killed by Indians in 1676. Dec. 10, 1720, Hannah Cocks, daughter of William Roberts deceased, and William Hill, grandson to the same W'illiam Rob- erts, sold to Salathiel Denmore (Denbow) all right to lOO acres granted to William Roberts, near Wheelwright's Pond. April 7, 1727, Timothy Moses and Grace, his wife, sold to Thomas Harris of Dover land which "fell to s<^ Grace Moses being daughter to y'' s'' William Roberts and coheir to y® s"^ land." June 4, 1720, Richard Denbo sold to Salathiel Denbo one share in 200 acres on the north side of Wheelwright's Pond, called Roberts Neck, which formerly belonged to William Roberts. The same day Salathiel Denbo bought two shares of the same property from John Sias and wife, Ann. June 30, 1737/8. Salathiel Denmore sold to Francis Mathes all right to two grants made "to my grandfather William Roberts," near Wheelwright's Pond. Jan. 2, 1727, John and Sarah Harmon of Scarborough, Me., sold to Thomas Harris of Dover their right in the estate of William Roberts, father of said Sarah Harmon. Feb. 15, 1726/7, Nicholas Dunn of Kittery, Me., and wife, Deborah, conveyed to Joseph Jenkins of Dover one fifth part of 100 acres granted to William Roberts, deceased, adjacent to Wheelwright's Pond. The children of William Roberts, then, were as follows: Ann perhaps; m. William Pitman. Hannah m. (i) William Hill, (2) 22 May 1694, John Cox. Grace b. 1662; m. abt. 1682, Philip Duley, (2) Timothy Moses. Daughter m. Salathiel Denbow, or Denmore. Sarah m. John Harmon of Scarborough, Me. Elizabeth prob.; m. Nicholas Dunn. William "a simple youth," mentioned in 1669. ROGERS Robert Rogers with wife, Susanna, was in Newbury, Mass., as early as 1651. His son, John, born 13 March 1654, married Dinah Chiske of Ipswich. Their son, Robert, born 20 Feb. 320- HISTORY OF DURHAM 1682, went to Rowley and married, Dorothy daughter of Richard and Hannah (Cheney) Smith. He died 18 April 1723. His wife died 17 Aug. 1718. They had a son, Daniel, baptized 22 Jan. 1709, who was doubtless the Daniel Rogers, blacksmith, that lived in Durham and bought land of Peter Mason in 1735- He married, about 1737, Sarah (Mason?). He became captain in the militia and one of the selectmen. The Rev. Curtis Coe records his burial 17 Dec. 1785. John Davis bapt. at Dover 6 Aug. 1738; prob. went to Cabot, Vt. Daniel bapt. in Durham 16 July 1749; m. 25 March 1773, Elizabeth Hawkins of Dover and s. in Rochester. Elizabeth bapt. in Durham 16 July 1749; born 20 May 1744; m. 20 Sept. 1764, John Burnham Hanson. Dolly bapt. 23 April 1754; m. Valentine Mathes. Robert bapt. 11 Aug. 1754; m. (i) 7 Aug. 1774, Rose, dau. of Isaac Hanson of Dover, (2) 25 Aug. 1776, Sarah Evans of Dover, (3) Mary , who d. 1824, aged 75. He d. in 1820, aged 73. He had a son, Hanson Rogers, b. 4 March 1776, who s. in Cabot, Vt. Another child was buried in Durham 30 April 1782. Samuel (?) d. in Durham 17 Feb. 1784. His wife d. Oct. 1782. A dau., Elizabeth, was bapt. 3 March 1754 in Durham. RUNLETT John Runlett, who died in Conway 6 June 1846, aged 86, married Christiana, daughter of Charles Fox. She was born in Fox's garrison house in Lee. She died in 1830. These families were affiliated with the Society of Friends. John Runlett had children, Charles, L>'dia, Eliza, Elijah, Mary, John and George. Charles Runlett (John) was born in Lee 8 Jan. 1792. He mar- ried, 1813, Abigail, daughter of Hunking and Hannah (Huckins) Dame. She was born 7 April 1791 and died 20 July 1859. He died in Lee 9 Feb. 1861. They had children, Susan, who married Henry Willey; Charles, who married Luc>' Reynolds, and Samuel Runlett, born 11 April 1814, who married, 23 Oct. 1843, Sarah Ann French, who was born i June 18 19 and died 29 June 1884. He was a millman in Durham. He served twelve years as town clerk. Children were: Charles W. b. 19 Dec. 1844; m. i Jan. 1870, Caroline D. Paul; d. in Dover 3 Jan. 1884. Samuel b. 5 Oct. 1850; m. 26 Nov. 1871, Ellen M. Morrison. HISTORY OF DURHAM 321 ^ Dr'evf'^''""'^ ^' '"^ ^^^'- '^^'^'' "'• ^7 ^^^- '^^^' Jo'^" S. Children of Samuel and Ellen M. (Morrison) Runlett: Mattie M. b. 7 April 1873; d. voung. tf^^'/^Vn ^7 Oct 1878; m. 5 Aug. 1908, Elizabeth Wheeler of Brooklyn N. Y. He graduated at New Hamp- shire College. Ch., Harold M. b. 25 [une 191. ^ cXge '^ ^""' ''''■ Graduated at New Hampshire Sar,4h N b. 8 Oct. 1890; m. 28 June 1911, Clyde H. Swan h in Winchester N. H., 22 Aug. 1888. He is a graduate of New Hampshire College and is teaching in the hLh School of Amesbury, Mass. ^ T«fn^Q^T^t'n^°'" ^" ^'' ^^ ^'^^'""^^ ^^°7, married, 27 Sept. 1840, Sarah Willey, who was born in Durham 13 Nov. 1809. Ihey had a daughter, Mary Ann, born 15 May 1843. SAWYER William Sawyer is thought to have come from Lincolnshire, Eng. He was in Salem, Mass., in 1640. Four years later he ^^as m Newbury, Mass. Wife's name was Ruth. He died in children " '" '^^'""^ '' "°'^ ^^""'^ Newbury, Mass. Twelve T. m'"'V^T"^L^^'''^'' '''^' ^°'" ^^ ^«^'- ^646. He married, 13 March 1671, Mary, daughter of John Emery of Newbury and died II Feb. 1718. Eight children. Capt Josiah^ Sawyer was born in Newbury 20 Jan. 1681 and married, 22 Jan. 1708, Tirza, daughter of Thomas Bartlett of Newbury. He died 4 April 1756. Josiah^ Sawyer was born in Newbury, Mass., 12 April 1709 and married about 1735, Mary, daughter of John Ordway of New- bury. In 1746 he bought a farm in South Hampton, N H and removed hither. He died 10 June 1792 ' " Dea. Moses^ Sawyer was born at South Hampton 2 Aug 17.0 He married 16 Jan. 1775, Ann Fitz and removed to Salisbury,' N. H., where he M-as on the list of training soldiers, 27 May 1776 Hedied29 April 1821. ^^ Isaac Fitz« Sawyer was born in South Hampton 9 March 1778. He married Rebecca, daughter of Capt. David Pettingill, lo died 9 March 1834. He died i Feb. 1846. Nine children Isaac Newton^ Sawyer was born in Salisbury 5 April 1811. 322 HISTORY OF DURHAM He married, 22 Jan. 1834, Abigail Chellis of Plainfield, who d. s. p. 15 April i860. He married (2) i Jan. 1861, Jane L. Hoitt, daughter of Gorham W. Hoitt of Lee. He was a practical farmer, dealing largely in Merino sheep. He died Nov. 1894, aged 83. Two children. Gorham Hoitt'' Sawyer was born in Salisbury 15 June 1866. He graduated from Phillips Academy, Exeter, in 1886, taught one winter, spent a year in California and located at Durham in 1889, He conducted a wholesale and retail meat and provision business, from the year 1893. He has been tax collector several years and served on the library committee and the committee for remodeling the village school house. He married, 20 Feb. 1891, Alice M. Little, born 4 June 1866, daughter of Dea. Thomas D. Little of Salisbury, being of the eighth generation from George Little of London, who came to Newbury, Mass., in 1640. Chil- dren born in Durham: Lester Little b. 16 Aug. 1893. Charles Gorham b. 20 Oct. 1895. Warren Dearborn b. 14 Jan. 1897, John Thomas b. 22 Aug. 1900. Eugene Hoitt b. 24 June 1904. Lena Alice b. i Dec. 1905; d. 4 April 1906. SCOTT Clarence W. Scott, professor of history and political economy in New Hampshire College for over thirty years, is a graduate of Dartmouth College. He was admitted to the Vermont bar but did not practice law. He was born in Plymouth, Vt., 20 Aug. 1849. His father, Charles Augustus Scott, was born in Cavendish, Vt., 8 Jan. 1819 and married in 1844 Betsey Watkins, who was born in Reading, Vt., 24 Aug. 1826. Prof. Scott married, 30 April 1888, Harriet Maria Field, born in Montpelier, Vt., 15 Oct. 1855, daughter of Cornelius A. Field, who was born in Berlin, Vt., 4 Feb. 1825 and married, 20 Jan. 1853, Marcia Dewey, born in Berlin, Vt., 12 March 1828. New Hampshire College conferred the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon Prof. Scott in 1913. Children: Charles Field b. 22 Jan. 1891. New Hampshire College, 1913- Susan Helen b. 30 July 1895. Alice Hovev b. 12 Aug. 1899. HISTORY OF DLKHA.M SHEPHERD 323 Samuel Shepherd was admitted to church, 3 July 1726, with Widow Anne Shepherd, his mother. He married, 23 March 1726/7, Margaret Creichton antl had children baptized, viz., Samuel 24 Dec. 1727, who married 21 Oct. 1761, Elizabeth Hill [See page 287 of Vol. I.] and Mary baptized 13 April 1729. John Shepherd had children baptized, Mary 25 June 1726 and Susanna 6 Jan. 1728/9. He lived near Shepherd's bridge, on the road to Newmarket and may have been father or grandfather of Deborah Shepherd who married Joseph Hearne, 16 Nov. 1796, and of Polly Shepherd who married Ebenezer Kent in 181 1. John Shepherd removed to Holderness and was captain of a company of Rogers's Rangers in 1757. In 1792 Reuben Bickford was released from the demands of the town for £15, if he would take care of his sister Shepherd and three children for three years. William Shepherd was baptized 21 April 1728. He lived in Durham, 1726-47, on ten acres next to Joseph Bickford, on the east side of the Newmarket road. It is probable that the above Samuel, John and William were brothers. William Shepherd had one third of a share in the division of common lands in 1734. Rebecca Shepherd married Joseph Hanson, 28 Nov. 1727. SIAS Some think this family is of Huguenot origin and that the name may have been Seyes. John Cyas was of Wells, Me., in 1698 and then married Ann Pitman. [See York Deeds, Vol. V.] She was doubtless daughter of William Pitman of Oyster River, whither John Sias removed immediately after his marriage. In 1701 he had a grant of twenty acres, "adjoining his house." He had a share in the division of common lands in 1733, as also did John, Jr., Samuel, Solomon and Clement Sias. His home- stead was sold by his son, Joseph, to Samuel Demeritt, 18 Sept. 1756. His wife was baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 7 June 1724. She made a deposition 22 Feb. 1734, aged about 62, that forty-five years ago she lived with William Follett and raked hay on his marsh near Johnson's Oeek four or five seasons. [Court Files, 23424.] Hannah b. 21 Aug. 1700; m. 15 March 1719/20, John More of Portsmouth; d. 11 Feb. 1786 in Canterbury. 324 HISTORY OF DURHAM Rachel m. Nathaniel Meader, 17 Dec. 1724/5. Judith bapt. 7 June 1724; m. 3 Dec. 1724, Hercules Hunking of Portsmouth. 2. John m. Hannah Sampson of Wells. 3. Samuel m. Phebe . Solomon bapt. 25 July 1725; m. Hannah . L. in Lee in 1765. Clement 1. in Canterbury- in 1737. 4. Joseph m. Ruth Mathes. 2. John Sias, Jr., was baptized 8 Oct. 1721 and admitted to church 2 Feb. 1723. He married, 16 July 1728, Hannah Samp- son of Wells, Me. She was born in 1710 and died in Danville, Vt., Feb. 1794. He removed to Canterbury. Abigail bapt. 26 Oct. 1729. Benjamin 1. in Canterbury, N. H., and Danville, Vt. 5. Nathaniel m. Abigail . Charles 1. in Canterbury. Had son, Samuel, who m. Chamberlain. 3. Samuel Sias (John) was of Lee in 1765. His will, 5 Sept. 1774-8 Feb. 1775, names wife, Phebe, and the following children: Anne m. Leathers. Abigail m. Watson. Comfort m. Valentine Kenniston of Northwood. Elizabeth. Tamesin bapt. 3 Sept. 1749; m. Jeremiah Ladd. Daughter prob. who m. Hill and had son, John Hill, named as grandson in Samuel Sias' will. John m. perhaps Widow Lydia McCrillis, whose first hus- band, William McCrillis, was mortally wounded at Bunker Hill. John Sias of Lee enlisted in 1775, aged 21. It was perhaps his son, Solomon, who was impressed in the British Navy and got his freedom by the W^ar of 1812. 4. Capt. Joseph Sias (John) was a prominent man in Durham, often serving as moderator and selectman. He bought land of John Sias, Jr., in 1731. He is called Joseph Sias, Esq., in 1793 and was then of Lee. He married Ruth, daughter of Francis and Lydia (Drew) Mathes. He is called lieutenant and captain in the town records. He is named as grantee in more than fifty deeds. He signed the petition for the incorporation of Lee and was representative from that town, 1776-77. He deeded land, 29 Nov. 1783, to daughter Lois, wife of William French. He was delegate to Congresses at Exeter before the Revolution and HISTORY OF DURHAM 325 Special Justice of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. His wife died lo Feb. 1801, aged 79-3-18. Children known were: Lois m. William French. Lydia b. 4 vSept. 1745; m. 7 Feb. 1765, David Lawrence of Epping. Third Generation 5. Nathaniel Sias (John-, John^) had wife, Abigail, and lived in Lee. Little has been learned of him, except that he had a son, Maj. Nathaniel Sias, born in Lee 10 Sept. 1770. He married (i) 28 Feb. 1793, Rebecca, daughter of Richard Risley of East Hartford, Conn., who died at Danville, Vt., 20 March 1800. He married (2) 25 Aug. 1800, Nancy, daughter of Winthrop Smith, who died 10 Sept. 1 859, aged 90 years. He removed from Danville, Vt., to Newmarket, N. H., and died 27 Feb. 1837, aged 66-5-17. Children by first marriage were: Welthen Demming b. 8 Jan. 1794; m. 25 March 1818, Phineas Willey; d. 17 May 1830. Nancy Smith b. 22 Jan. 1798; d. 3 Jan. 1818. Unm. Children by second marriage: Mary Wilson b. 18 July 1801 ; m. Howe. Had son, Nathaniel Sias Howe, b. in Newmarket 28 March 1828. Abigail Sherburne b. 9 Feb. 1805. Amelia b. 22 April 1807. Susanna Chesley b. 29 Jan. 1810. Rebecca Risley b. i April 1812; d. 3 Oct. 1826. Unclassified m. 17 April 1759, Thomas Noble and Mary Sias. Samuel Sias, Jr., soldier in 1748, aged 21. Samuel Sias, Revolutionary soldier, of Nottingham, in 1775, aged 30. SIMPSON Andrew Simpson, born in Nottingham, died i July 1835, aged 66. He married 29 June 1800, Sarah, daughter of Robert Lapish of Durham, who died 16 Feb. 1854, aged 73. He lived near the Durham end of Pascataqua Bridge and in Durham village, in the house that is now the parsonage. He had a son, Capt. Andrew Lapish Simpson, born 2 Oct. 1800, who married, 23 Sept. 1840, Lydia Kelly, who was born in Madbury, 29 Jan. 1814 and died 31 May 1895, daughter of Benjamin and Nancy (Leighton) Kelly. [See page 215 of Vol. L] Andrew and Sarah (Lapish) Simpson had also children, Caro- line b. April 1802 and James b. April 1804. 326 HISTORY OF DURHAM SMALL Edward Small, son of Francis Small the emigrant, born about 1 65 1, married Mary, daughter of Capt. John and Mary (Field) Woodman. He is said to have been in Jones' garrison during the Indian raid of 1694. There were granted to Edward Small, 19 March 1693/4, "forty acres of land joining to his plantation above the head of Oyster River, with the privilege on both sides of said river for erecting and setting up a mill." He removed to Chat- ham, Mass., then called Monomoit, and died there the last day of April 1702. He was a carpenter and had charge of the building of the church at Monomoit. [See letter of Capt. John Woodman in chapter on Military History.] His widow returned to Oyster River and, 10 June 1707, Jonathan Woodman and wife, Elizabeth, "for y^ natural love and affection which I have & bear to my sister Mary Small," conveyed to her twenty acres on the south side of Oyster River betwixt the mill pond and the river. Just here an old cellar is easily found. Mary Small had a grant of twenty acres, 24 Oct. 1721, for doctoring one Archibel Smith, who had a very bad wound in his knee. This land she conveyed with the buildings thereon, in 1742, to her two grandsons, Edward and Joseph Small of Durham. Children were: Edward m. 3 April 1704, Sarah Nickerson and 1. in Chatham» Mass. Elizabeth m. i Sept. 1704, Caleb Lumbert of Monomoit. Jonathan m. 30 July 17 13, Damaris Winslow and 1. in Har- wich, Mass. 2. Joseph m. 27 Nov. 1718, Jemima Davis and 1. at O. R. Zachariah b. 1698; m. 3 March 1720, Jane Davis, (2) Hannah, widow of Ebenezer Paine of Eastham, and 1. in Harwich, Mass. Benjamin m. 29 June 1726, Patience Baker and 1. in Harwich, Mass. Alice. 2. The following children of Joseph and Jemima (Davis) Small were baptized by the Re\". Hugh Adams: 3. Edward bapt. 17 Sept. 1721; est. adm. 1770; m. i Aug. 1749, Hannah Hall. Joseph bapt. with his mother 6 Aug. 1721; had wife, Joanna, in 1770. Elizabeth bapt. 19 Ma\' 1723. HISTORY OF DURHAM 327 Other children were: 4. Benjamin m. 14 Dec. 1752, Elizabeth Seiunderson of Dur- ham. He was a Revolutionary soldier, aged 50, Jan. 10, 1778. He d. 25 Oct. 1806, aged 77. Isaac m. 9 June 1760, Hannah Carter of Durham. Was a soldier, aged 28, in 1758. Prob. rem. to Canterbury. 3. Children of Edward Small (Joseph^ Edward^ Francis^), whose estate was administered by Samuel Pitman in 1770. He had probably a first wife before his marriage to Hannah Hall, since a daughter, Sarah, was baptized earlier than the date of the marriage. Sarah bapt. 16 July 1749; m. Samuel Pitman of Durham. She d. in 1825, aged 89. Elizabeth bapt. 30 Sept. 1750. Hannah bapt. 7 June 1752. Mary m. 27 Nov. 1780, John Welch of Barnstead. 4. Children of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Saunderson) Small: Elizabeth baptized 14 Oct. 1763; Elizabeth, again, baptized 19 Oct. 1755; Jemima baptized 8 May 1757, who died in Durham 12 Jan. 1852, aged 95, unmarried, and Sarah baptized 8 April 1759- The Durham records have also a James Small, born 25 Feb. 1765, who married Love Bunker, born 13 Dec. 1776, and had children, John born 2 Nov. 1795, Nathaniel born 4 Aug. 1797, Betty Canbe born 10 Oct. 1799, and George Smith born 4 Dec. 1801. SMART John Smart came with wife and two sons from Norfolk county, Eng., to Hingham, Mass., in June 1635. The next year he removed to Exeter, now Newmarket. His son, Robert, died about 1703, leaving a son, Robert. From these are descended, doubtless, all the Smarts of Durham. Enoch Smart, born 29 March 1792, married. 8 Sept. 1822, Hannah Glover, who was born 15 Nov. 1803. He died 4 Sept. 1841. Children recorded in Durham: Fanny b. 16 June 1823; m. Andrew D. Moring, of Durham. John M. b. 8 Sept. 1824; m. 27 Sept. 1849, Ellen M. Davis. Ch., George, Carrie m. Frank L. Stevens, John H. m. Grace Bertha Ransom, Amos, Edwin m. Sarah Hodgdon, Hannah m. John N. Young, and Nellie. 328 HISTORY OF DURHAM Sally b. 3 April 1826; m. — — — Currier, (2) Gove of Kingston. Henrietta b. 13 April 1828; m. Richard Berry. Ch,, John W., Frank, Charles A. Amos b. 19 Feb. 1830; m. Elizabeth Gage. Mary Ann b. 28 May 1833; m. Daniel Lee, (2) Chase York. Susan b. 7 May 1836; m. Daniel York. Children of John H. Smart, who married, 17 July 1894, Grace Bertha Ransom, sister to George W. Ransom: Everett E. b. 4 May 1896. IsABELL E. b. 26 April 1897. Forrest H. b. 15 May 1899. John b. 10 Jan. 1906. James Smart, born 12 Sept. 1796, married, 16 Oct. 18 19, Louisa Glover. She was born 27 April 1795 and died 19 Oct. 1875. He died 24 Sept. 1863. He was a soldier in the War of 1812. Hannah b. 2 Nov. 1823; m. 19 Nov. 1848, Joseph Bunker. Sarah A. b. 2 Dec. 1826; m. 13 April 1856, Richard Went- worth. James Monroe b. 27 Nov. 1829; m. Mary A. Walker. Charles H. b. 4 Jan. 1833; m. Maria N. Morrill, 15 June 1856. Mary J. b. 14 x^pril 1836; d. unm. Dea. James Monroe Smart married, 3 June 1856, Mary A. Walker of Boston, Mass. She was born 13 i\pril 1834. He was deacon in the church, captain in the militia, selectman and repre- sentative, farmer and stone contractor. He died 18 March 1875, and his widow married, 6 Jan. 1879, Gen. Alfred Hoitt. She died 28 Oct. 1901. Children: Clarence L b. 16 April 1858; m. i Dec. 1878, Cora A. Smith, b. 16 Dec. i860. One son, James Guy Smart, b. 21 June 1884, who m. 28 Nov. 1907, Vella Smith of Newmarket, b. II March 1885. He was selectman in 191 1 and 1913. A son, Earl Wyman Smart, was b. 21 Sept. 1908 and d. 14 June 1909. James F. b. 27 June i860; m. Nellie Vittum. Charles A. b. 24 Feb. 1865; m. 24 April 1893, Mary E. Young, b. 4 Aug. 1869. He has been selectman and representative, trustee of the public library and master of Scammell Grange. One son, Albert Monroe Smart, b. 5 Dec. 1907. HISTORY OF DURHAM 329 SMYTH George Smyth is first mentioned 20 March 1641, when he and John Dam were appraisers of John Phillips' estate. He was appointed Court Recorder in 1646. On the 22d day of 2d month 1648, it was ordered that "Mr. George Smith, William Pomfret, and John Hall, being chosen, shall have full power & authority to put an end to all Controversies that shall at any time arise, for the space of one whole year." The commissioners chosen for the same year were Mr. Wiggin, Mr. Smith and Mr. Gibbons. He was assistant at Court, i. e., associate judge, 1649-52, and witness at various times from 1643 to 1652. As agent of John Ugrove, 18 Dec. 1650, he sold to Dennis Downing house and land in Kittery. He was rated at 32 pounds, 8 shillings, in 1648 and at 30 pounds in 1649, with a line drawn across the figures, as though erased, he having nothing to be taxed for. Only two inhabitants of Dover, fishermen, had a lower rate than George Smyth. On the 21st of 3d month, 1652, he took the deposition of James Wall. He administered the estate of George Webb in 165 1 . The last act recorded of him was 27 : 7 : 1653, when he took the depositions of several men of Exeter and signed his name George Smythe.* There is no deed with his name as grantee, nor as grantor. There is no hint that he had any grant from the town. He prob- ably lived at Dover Neck and may have had a house lot there of three or four acres, as all the first settlers had. There is no probate record concerning him. He disappears in 1653. The statement made in Historical Memoranda of Ancient Dover that his widow married (i) Munday and (2) Nason of Kittery seems to rest on no foundation. It is certain that no Nason of Kittery so married. The Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire says that George Smith deposed, 18:8: 1652, that he had made use of lands about Lampril River, bought of the Indians, and refers to Mass. Ar- chives, 112-44. This is an error. John Ault and Richard York made deposition coram George Smyth about such lands. The following citations afford a little light. Oct. i, 1645^ "George Smyth for his adventure of 25 1. is granted 200 acres of land w'' they shall require it, so that it lie neith'' w*''in y® limits ♦See Records and Files of Quar. Court of Essex County, Mass., \'o!. I, p. 298. 330 HISTORY OF DURHAM of any towne, nor w'^ it may hind'' y" planting of anoth'' towne, hereafter to be granted, w'^'' is agreable to other grants formerly made upon like grounds." * "In answ"" to the petition of George Smith the Court, having perused the original assignment of John Smith unto y^ petitioner & rec'd information from some of the Court of the petitioners right & of a probability that some lands were granted the peti- tioner for y® same some years since, the records whereof can not now be found, judge meet to grant y*" petitioner two hundred acres of land in lieu of the twenty-five pounds adventure disbursed by y* s^ John Smith in y^ yeare 1628, to be laid out in some free place by Mr. Gettings & Mr. Metcalf of Ipswich, who are ap- pointed to see the same done accordingly," etc.f Two hundred acres were laid out to George Smith upon Asi- both River, 7 May 1662, and again, nth of 3d month 1672, two hundred acres were laid out to George Smith, on the "north side of Merrimacke River, about three or four miles beyond the river, on the way as ye go to Jeremiah Hills & on the west side of Bever Brook, at the head of the long pond. "J There was a George Smith, son of Thomas, who died in Ips- wich in 1 66 1 and another George Smith who died in Ipswich 15 Dec. 1674. His will mentions wife, unnamed, and children, Thomas, Samuel, Sarah, Newman, Rebecca, Elizabeth, and Joanna. Was the George Smyth of Dover the same person as the George Smith of Ipswich? How was either related to the John Smith who "adventured" £25 in 1628? SMITH Not a shred of evidence has been found that George Smyth was the father of James Smith and Joseph Smith of Oyster River, nor that the two last were related at all. "James Smith for con- tempt in open Court for keeping on his hatt notwithstanding he was admonished »& bidden take it off is sentenced to be set by the heeles one hower." This is found in Court Records, II, 75b and is dated 30 June 1663. It is the earliest mention of James Smith and shows his independent spirit and that he was probably a * See Records of Mass. Bay Col., Vol. II, p. 139. t Ditto, Vol. IV., Part II, p. 14. This is dated 22 May 1661. t Ditto Vol. IV, Part II, p 524 HISTORY OF DURHAM 331 Quaker. The next record of him strengthens such a conclusion. "James Smith for not coming to meeting for severall months, Court finds 14 days & one day confest to have been at a Quaker meeting, sentenced to pay 55 a day for not coming to meeting is 2,p 105 & lod for going to y'^ Quaker meeting & fees." This was I July 1663. [Court Records, II, 77b.] He took the oath of fidelity, 29 June 1669. The same year he bought land of Henry Brown and of Teague Royall, on the south side of Oyster River and above the Falls, near what is now called Broth Hill. He was licensed to keep a public house, 9 Oct. 1686. He married Sarah, daughter of Ensign John and Jane (Peasley) Davis, named as Sarah Smith in her father's will. He died of a surfeit produced by running to assist Capt. Floyd in a battle with the Indians at Wheelwright's Pond, 6 July 1690. His widow and two sons were killed by Indians 18 July 1694. He was a tailor by trade. 2. John m. Elizabeth Buss. James and Samuel killed by Indians, 1694. Mary m. 17 Feb. 1715/6, Thomas Freeman of Cape Cod, his second wife. He d. 9 Feb. 1716 7, and she m. (2) abt. 17 17, Hezekiah Doane. [See Freeman and Doane Genealogies.] Sarah m. Joshua Harding. He was of Provincetown, Mass., in 1729. May 27, 1729, Hezekiah Doane and wife Mary of Province- town, Mass., sold to John Smith of Dover right in the estate of James and Sarah Smith of Dover, father and mother of said Mary Doane. The same day Joshua and Sarah Harding of Eastham, Mass., quitclaimed to John Smith right in the estate of Sarah's honored father and mother, James and Sarah Smith of Dover. [Deeds at Concord, N. H.] 2. John Smith (James) married Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. John Buss. He is said to have died in 1722, in the 41st year of his age. His wife lived to old age. May 14, 1740, James Smith, Joseph Smith, Mary Smith and Hannah Smith, single women, spinsters, Jonathan Woodman and Elizabeth, his wife, sold to Charles Facey of Portsmouth and Hannah, his wife, all right to three fourths of an acre of land at Oyster River Falls, with dwelling thereon, beginning at a rock by the grist mill and on road from the Falls to Lampril River, which did belong to John Smith, innholder, late husband of said Hannah Facey and brother 332 HISTORY OF DURHAM of the above named. Elizabeth Smith, the mother, also signed the deed, as well as Mary, wife of James, and Alice, wife of Joseph. Hannah Facey sold this land to Derry Pitman, he to Thomas Wallingford, and he to Winborn Adams. John m. Hannah and d. April 1739. She m. (2) Charles Facey. 3. James m. 13 Jan. 1737, Mary Trickey, (2) Elizabeth . Joseph m. 31 Oct. 1734, Alice Trickey of Newington, (2) 29 Feb. 1756 Elizabeth Langley (?). Elizabeth, "eldest daughter," bapt. 23 June 1723; m. Jona- than Woodman. Hannah b. 30 June 17 18; m. 1744, Abraham Runnels. Mary unm. in 1740. 3. James Smith (John-, James^) married Mar>- Trickey of Newington, 13 Jan. 1737. He had wife, Elizabeth, 19 Oct. 1756, when they gave all their property to sons, James, Joseph and Ephraim, minors, on condition of support for life. In 1768 Joseph and Ephraim deeded land in Rochester to James Smith, Jr. By first marriage there was also a son, John. 4. John Smith (James^ John^, James^) was born 24 Dec. 1737. He is called Master John Smith, having been a school- master many years. He was town clerk, selectman and repre- sentative a long time. He married (i) 18 Oct. 1762, Deborah, daughter of Thomas Chesley, (2) 1766, Sarah, daughter of the Rev. William Parsons, of South Hampton. She administered his estate in 1791. He died 24 May of that year. She died 27 April 1838, aged 94 years 19 days. Children by first marriage: James m. 5 Dec. 1784, Eleanor Waldron, and 1. in Dover. Thomas, burned to death when young. Children by second marriage: Deborah b. 27 Aug. 1767; d. 15 Aug. 1798. Unm. William P. b. 21 July 1769; d. at Havana, Aug. 1812. Unm. Sarah b. 19 May 1780; m. 22 Nov. 1810, Seth S. Walker, b. at Dover 17 May 1780. They lived on the Smith homestead. She d. 23 Feb. 1843. Ch., Mark William Walker b. 12 Jan. 1815, d. 16 Feb. 1838, and CaroHne Walker b. 9 Dec. 1817, d. 6 July 1834. HISTORY OF DURHAM 333 SMITH Joseph Smith,* born 1640, witnessed a deed 9: 12: 1657. He bought of Matthew WiUiams, 14 Sept. 1660, forty acres on the north side of Oyster River, not far from its mouth. The same year he had a grant of "a small piece of wast land on the north side of Oyster River for a house lott," between the lot of Mat- thew Williams and that of William Williams, Jr. He had a grant of ten acres adjoining his house lot on the northwest, 19 March 1693/4, and sixty acres on the north side of Lamprey River the same year. He had a garrison house and died therein 15 Dec. 1727. He married Elizabeth Bickford, daughter of John and Temperance. She died 25 May 1727. In his will he gave £12 for repairing the Friends' meeting house at Dover, which suggests that he was a Quaker, and the suspicion is confirmed by the language of the following paper, found among the Probate Records, VI, 58: "Mary Tasket Dr. to Joseph Smith 1697 total 2-4-9. "Friend henry knock i understand thou art conserned in the estate of y" deceased taskets estate, i desire thou would take care to pay y'= Above mentioned some to me or to Samuel Daniels his reseit for it shall be a discharg this is y'^ request "Joseph Smith" Joseph Smith was juryman in 1669, constable in 1670, select- man in 1699, and is called "Judge of Probate" in 1708. Children named in his will: 2. John b. 9 Jan. 1669; m. Susanna Chesley. Mary b. 1670; m. James Thomas, (2) 8 March 1726, Samuel Page of Hampton. Elizabeth b. 1672; m. Capt. Samuel Chesley, (2) Amos Pinkham. 3. Samuel b. 16 June 1687; m. Hannah Burnham. Joseph, Jr. had grant of forty acres in 1694; d. prob. bef. his father. 2. Capt. John Smith (Joseph), born 9 Jan. 1669, married, 17 June 1694, Susanna, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Thomas) Chesley. He died 14 May 1744. She died 24 March 1746, aged 68. He w^as a large landowner on the north shore of * Notice that Joseph Smith witnessed a deed when he was sixteen or seventeen years of age and that he married Elizabeth Bickford, wliose father was next neighbor to Charles Adams, and that the latter married Rebecca Smith. See Adams. Did not Joseph Smith come over with Cliarles Adams as a relative of his wife? 334 HISTORY OF DURHAM Great Bay. He served as selectman and captain of a military company. Children were: John b. i8 May 1695; m. i June 1727, Mary Jones; d. 17 Dec. 1747. Elizabeth b. i Aug. 1697; m. 14 May 1714, Robert Burnham. 4. Joseph b. 7 Sept. 1701; m. 20 Nov. 1729, Sarah Glidden. Hannah b. 30 Sept. 1703; m. 24 Nov. 1726, Tristram Coffin; d. 1761. 5. Samuel b. 6 Feb. 1706; m. 17 Jan. 1733, Margaret Lindall. 6. Benjamin b. 22 March 1709; m. Jemima Hall. 7. Ebenezer b. 6 June 1712; m. Margaret Weeks. WiNTHROP b. 30 May 1714; d. 1728. 3. Col. Samuel Smith (Joseph), born 16 June 1686, married, 10 Feb. 1709/10, Hannah, daughter of Jeremiah and Temperance (Bickford) Burnham, who was born 13 May 1690 and died 14 July 1750. He died 2 May 1760, having served as selectman, representative and councilor. His will, 16 May 1755-28 May 1760, names the following children, except the last four: Samuel b. 22 March 171 1; d. 3 Feb. 1741/2. Elizabeth b. 29 April 1712; m. Solomon Emerson. Mary b. Aug. 17 14; m. Timothy Emerson, (2) Dr. Jos. Atkinson. Hannah b. i June 17 16; m. Richard Waldron. Temperance b. 16 Sept. 1718; m, Joseph Varney. Sarah b. 7 Oct. 1720; m. Lemuel Chesley. Patience b. 6 April 1722; m. 14 April 1743, John Knight, (2) Jacob Tash. 8. Joseph b. 12 March 1724/5; m. Deborah Meserve. Benjamin b. 24 April 1726. Jeremla-H b. II Feb. 1727/8. John b. 19 Aug. 1729. Robert b. 10 April 1732. Third Generation 4. Col. Joseph Smith (John^, Joseph^), born 7 Sept. 1701, married, 20 Nov. 1729, Sarah, daughter of Andrew Glidden. He was a mill-owner in Newmarket and a large owner of real estate. He lived on the spot where the Roman Catholic church now stands in Newmarket and was buried on the site of the present railroad station. He died 29 March 1781. His wife was born 11 Sept. 1712 and died 26 Nov. 1785. John Glidden b. 29 March 1731 ; d. 29 April 1731. 9. WiNTHROP b. 5 May 1732; m. Mary Moody. HISTORY OK DURHAM 335 Hannah b. 29 June 1734; m. 29 May 1754, Col. Israel Gil- man. Son b. and d. 14 March 1737. Sarah b. 26 March 1738; m. 8 Sept. 1762, Winthrop Hilton, who d. 13 Jan. 1775, (2) 21 July 1778, Col. David Gilman. Lydia b. 29 Sept. 1741; d. 2 Aug. 1743. Susanna b. 18 July 1744; m. 24 Nov. 1762, Ichabod Hilton; d. 9 Oct. 1794. He was b. 24 June 1740 and d. 25 March 1822. Andrew b. 26 March 1747; d. 11 July 1760. Elizabeth b. 29 Aug. 1750; m. 13 Dec. 1767, Col. John Folsom; d. 25 Dec. 1828. Mary b. 6 April 1755; m. Capt. Hubertus Neal; d. 11 July 1815. Joseph b. 11 Nov. 1757; m. Abigail Clark; d. 2'] Dec. 1831. She d. 4 Oct. 1819. Ch., Andrew Glidden b. 24 Feb. 1785, (9a. See page 334) and Sarah b. 11 March 1788, who m. I June 1817 Asa Durgin and d. 15 Feb. 1826. 5. Samuel Smith (John^, Joseph^) born 6 Feb. 1706, married, 17 Jan. 1733, Margaret Lindall and had the following children: Sarah b. 19 Aug. 1735; d. 13 Dec. 1736. John b. 8 Oct. 1737; m. Hannah Rogers; d. 27 Oct. 1806. Susanna b. 30 Dec. 1739; m. John Shepard of Nottingham. Margaret b. 10 Jan. 1742; d. i June 1752. 6. Capt. Benjamin Smith (John^, Joseph^, born 22 March 1709, married Jemima, daughter of Dea. Edward Hall of New- market. He lived at Lubberland. He was selectman and on the Committee of Safety in his 70th year. He married (2) Anna Veazie of Stratham, (3) Sarah Clark of Stratham. He died 13 Oct. 1791. Edward b. ; m. 28 Dec. 1768, Mary, dau. of Walter and Elizabeth (Folsom) Bryant; d. 3 June 1818. She d. 23 Jan. 1810. Ch., James and Walter. 10. John b. 20 Sept. 1732; m. Lydia Millett. Mary b. ■; m. 17 Oct. 1751, Mark Jewell. By second marriage : Samuel b. 7 March 1761; m. 9 Jan. 1783, Abigail Burleigh; d. Sept. 1843 at Ossipee. By third marriage: Benjamin b. 2 May 1769; m. Nancy, dau. of John Smith. She d. 6 Jan. 1850, aged 79. He d. 4 Nov. 1826. Ch., Hannah, who m. John Mogridge of Portsmouth, 7 Nov. 1 8 19, and a daughter who m. Nicholas Pickering. 336 HISTORY OF DURHAM 7. Dea. Ebenezer Smith (John-, Joseph^), born 6 June 1712, married Margaret, daughter of Maj. Joshua Weeks of Greenland, and lived at the garrison house at Lubberland. He died 25 June 1764, and his widow married, 1764, Hon. George Frost of New- Castle. She was born 16 April 1729 and died 25 Feb. 1816. Susanna b. 27 Jan. 1748; d. 7 Aug. 1752. ■ John b. 11 Nov. 1750; m. Mary Jewett; d. 9 May 1783. She d. at age of 79. Ch., George b. 29 Dec. 1781, who d. unm. 10 Oct. 1819; sea captain. Joshua b. 21 March 1752; d. 17 Nov. 1756. Comfort b. 3 Mar 1755; m. 25 April 1771. Joseph Chesley; d. II May 1785. 11. Ebenezer b. 13 March 1758; m. Mehitable Sheafe. Margaret b. 13 Dec. 1761; m. 18 Nov. 1781, Rev. John Blydenburgh, who was b. 18 Jan. 1748 and m. (i) Hannah Moody, 3 March 1779. She was b. 30 April 1759 and d. 19 FeJj. 1780. Ch., Polly b. 14 March 1784, who m. 23 Feb. 1804, Stephen Boardman; Peggy b. 21 March 1788, d. unm.; Clarissa b. 17 June 1793, who m. Capt. Alfred Smith; John b. 22 Sept. 1795, d. 15 Oct. 1796; and John b. 8 Aug. 1797, d. 29 Sept. 1798. 8. Maj. Joseph Smith (SamueF, Joseph^) born 12 March 1724/5, married Deborah, daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Ham) Meserve, who was born 14 May 1732. He died 16 July 1765, and his widow married Capt. James Gilmore. Major Smith was town clerk and selectman many years. She died 18 May 1790. Samuel b. 1752; m. 10 Dec. 1770, Deborah Randall of Mad- bury. He was a Revolutionary soldier from Madbury in 1775. aged 23. Joseph b. 1754. In same company with Samuel, aged 21. Hannah b. 1756; m. (i) Jose, (2) 12 July 1777, Morris Hearn, (3) 6 Oct. 1783, Ebenezer Crommett; d. s. p. 4 Jan. 1841. 12. Daniel b. 5 Oct. 1760; m. Mary Gilmore. Elizabeth m. (i) 3 April 1766, Capt. James Dyer of Ports- mouth, (2) 8 April 1778, James Bishop. Fourth Generation 9. Winthrop Smith (Joseph^ John^, Joseph^, born 5 May 1732, married, 9 Nov. 1756, Mary, daughter of the Rev. John and Ann (Hall) Moody, who was born 4 March 1731 and died 13 Feb. 1815. He died 11 June 181 1. HISTORY OF DURHAM 337 I2a. John Moody b. 28 Jan. 1758; m. 19 Jan. 1780, Sarah, dau. of (len. James Hill of Ncwfields. He d. 24 June 1815. Eliphalet b. 8 Dec. 1759; m. 13 Oct. 1782, Ann dau. of Walter Bryant, b. 25 Aug. 1763. He d. 31 July 1836, having been an overseer of Bowdoin College. Had son, Bryant, b. 11 Jan. 1784, d. 27 March 1790. Andrew b. 24 Nov. 1761 ; m. and s. near Waterford, Pa. Ezra b. 2 Nov. 1763; m. 17 June 1794, Marcia, dau. of John and Mehitable (Sheafe) Burley, and 1. at Bethel, Me. Joseph Hall b. 16 Jan. 1766; m. 17 Oct. 1790, Betsey dau. of Gen. James Hill, who was b. 22 Feb. 1772, and d. 3 Sept. 1865. He d. 7 Jan. 1846. Nancy b. 20 Oct. 1769; m. Maj. Nathaniel Sias; d. 10 Sept. 1859- Mary b. 29 Oct. 1774; d. 7 Jan. 1840. Unm. 10. Capt. John Smith (Benjamin^, John^, Joseph^), born 20 Sept. 1732, married, 3 April 1758, Lydia, daughter of Hon. Thomas and Love (Bunker) Millett, who was born 4 June 1735, and died 4 March 1821. He died 24 Oct. 18 19, having lived on the old homestead at Lubberland. 13. Benjamin b. 15 April 1759; m. Elizabeth Dudley. 14. Thomas Millett b. 27 Sept. 1760; m. Sarah Richards. Elizabeth b. 28 March 1762; m. 7 Oct. 1781, Lot Wedg- wood. Jemima b. 13 April 1764. 15. John b. 14 May 1766; m. Abigail Bennett. Love b. 11 Oct. 1768; m. 8 Nov. 1792, Wm. Jones. Lydia b. 26 Aug. 1771; m. 21 Feb. 1793, Reuben Webster; d. 23 April 1864. He was b. in Tamworth 4 March 1769, and d. 17 July 1851. 16. Valentine b. 26 May 1774; m. Mary Joy. 17. Ebenezer b. 2 Sept. 1777; m. Sally Smith. 11. Hon. Ebenezer Smith (Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph^), born 13 March 1758, married, 5 May 1785, Mehitable Sheafe of Ports- mouth, born 12 April 1760. He died 24 Sept. 1831. He was lawyer, representative and councilor. His wife died 4 Sept. 1843- Jacob Sheafe b. 28 April 1786. Lawyer at Gorham, Me. He m. Mary Lewis. 2 ch. 18. Ebenezer b. 22 Oct. 1787; m. Hannah Richardson. Rev. Henry b. 2 June 1789; d. 19 July 1828, while pastor of a church at Camden, N. Y. He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1810. He m. Hannah Huntington. Capt. Alfred b. ii Feb. 1791; m. Clarissa Blydenburgh, 25 May 1823. 22 338 HISTORY OF DURHAM Margaret b. 12 Oct. 1792; d. 3 April 1796. Mehitable b. 20 June 1794; m. Ebenezer Coe of North- wood, 3 Nov. 1813. Charles b. 19 Nov. 1795; s. in Gilmanton; m. Annie Smith. Addison b. 21 June 1798; d. 31 Aug. 1800. Emily b. 13 Aug. 1799; d. 2 Sept. 1800. Charlotte b. 3 Oct. 1801 ; d. 16 May 1803. Mary W. b. 10 May 1807; m. 19 March 1833, Rev. John K. Young of Gilford. 12. Maj. Daniel Smith (Joseph^, SamueF, Joseph^), born 5 Oct. 1760, married (i) 7 Dec. 1780, Mary, daughter of Capt. James Gilmore. She was born 26 Aug. 1755, and died 28 Oct. 1819. He married (2) 3 July 1820, Mrs. Mary Locke of Epsom, who died 13 Feb. 1831, aged 71. He died 8 March 1836. Joanna m. 24 Sept. 1797, Ebenezer Meserve. 19. WiNTHROP b. 13 Jan. 1789; m. Eleanor Locke. Fifth Generation 13. Benjamin Smith (John^, Benjamin', John^, Joseph^), born 15 April 1759, married, 11 Dec. 1781, Mrs. Elizabeth (Wedgwood) Dudley, daughter of John Wedgwood of Newmarket. She was born 16 Oct. 1763 and died 20 Sept. 1841. He died 3 Dec. 1837 at Glenburn, Me. Polly Bartlett b. 2 March 1783; m. 28 April 1803, Nathan- iel Perkins of New Durham, (2) A. H. Jackson. James G. b. 5 Jan. 1785; d. 181 1. Unm. Betsey b. 9 Jan. 1789; m. 24 Aug. 1809, John Thomas. Lydia M. b. 17 April 1791 ; m. 13 Feb. 18 12, Jonathan Jones. Sally b. 27 July 1793; m. 4 Nov. 1810, Bradbury J. Thomas. Millet Jefferson b. 26 Oct. 1799; m. Mehitable Baker. William J. b. 2 April 1803; m. Anna Ferrin, (2) Mary Jordan. Jesse W. b. 10 Oct. 1805; m. Lydia M. Smith, his cousin. 14. Thomas Millett Smith (John^, Benjamin', John^, Joseph^, born 27 Sept. 1760, married, 28 April 1782, Sarah Richards. He died 10 April 1847 at Newfield, Me. She died Feb. 1849. Daniel St. John b. 19 March 1783; d. 10 April 1847. Jemima b. 9 Oct. 1785; d. 20 Nov. 1841, at Newfield. Thomas M. b. 29 Jan. 1787; m. Mary, dau. of John Smith. 15. John Smith (John*, Benjamin', John^, Joseph^, born 14 May 1766, married, 4 Nov. 1792, Abigail, daughter of John and Mary (Bennett) Bennett, born 19 June 1773. He lived at Lub- berland and died 4 Nov. 1833. She died 11 July 1864. HISTORY OF DURHAM 339 ^M^^fi^-iJ^f^^u'^^^'" "'• ' ^^^- ^^2^' Thomas Smith of Newfield, Me., her cousin. John b 21 Aug 1795; m. 22 March 1819, Nancy Johnson; a. 19 June 1861. ' Valentine b. 22 June 1800; m. Rosa Moore; d. 4 April 1885. Matilda b. 30 Oct. 1802; d. 23 June 1892. Unm. William Ballard Smith Stephen b. 4 July 1805; d. 18 Jan. 1893 (?). Unm ZT ^M J""^^«°7; m. 7 Nov. 1841 Sarah Ann Doe. and 1. in Newmarket. He d. in 1886 Warren b. 12 March 1815; m. Mary Jane, dau. of Joshua and Nancy (Tuttle) Drew. He d. 12 M^y 1899 She d 19 April 1899, aged 76 years, 20 days. 16. Judge Valentine Smith (John^ Benjamin^, John^ Joseph^). born 26 May 1774, married (i) 4 Jan. 1804, Mary, daughter of 340 HISTORY OF DURHAM Dea. Samuel and Hannah (Meader) Joy, who died lO Oct. i8io, (2) 16 Sept. 1819, Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua and Lydia (Burnham-Emerson) Ballard. He died 2 March 1869. [See page 296 of Vol. I.] 20. Hamilton b. 19 Sept. 1804; m. Martha Hall. Ebenezer b. 28 Oct. 1806; d. 16 Dec. 1806. Thomas M. b. 2 June 1810; m. Frances D. Kent. Res., Washington, D. C. Children by second marriage: William Ballard b. 31 Jan. 1821 ;m. 26 June 1866, Mary C, dau. of Curtis Gilbert of Terre Haute, Ind. He graduated at Dartmouth in 1840. Lawyer, representative and speaker of the House, Ind. He was circuit judge and past grand master of Odd Fellows. He collected materials for the Genealogical Record of the Smiths of Oyster River. He died 4 Oct. 1866. Hon. Joshua B. b. 28 July 1823; m. 15 May 1881 Ella P. Thompson. She d. 15 June 1882. Ch., Ella Thompson, b. 15 June 1882, d. 23 Oct. 1882. [See page 315 of Vol. I.] • Mary E. b. 7 March 1825. Unm. John E. b. 7 March 1827; d. 4 June 1874. Lydl\ b. 15 Dec. 1828; d. 20 March 1833. 17. Ebenezer Smith (John^ Benjamin^, John^ Joseph^), born 2 Sept. 1777, married, 27 Jan. 1802, Sally, daughter of John M. and Sarah (Hill) Smith, who was born 16 June 1780 and died 9 Jan. 1845. He died 14 March 1861 at Sandwich. Louisa b. 28 Aug. 1803; m. Zeblin Bowley of Exeter. Mary G. b. 29 June 1806; m. John H. Williams, (2) Benjamin Cummings of Moultonboro. Lydia M. b. 10 Oct. 1809. Charles M.b. 11 Feb. 1812; m. Betsey Jones; 1. in Sandwich. 18. Ebenezer Smith (EbenezerS Ebenezer^, John^, Joseph^), born 22 Oct. 1787, married, 12 Oct. 1814, Hannah, daughter of Capt. Joseph Richardson, born in Durham, 28 Aug. 1789. Chil- dren recorded in Durham: James Sheafe b. 13 Feb. 1816; m. (i) Eunice Dodge, (2) Louisa Terry. Susan Richardson b. 3 Nov. 181 7; m. Geo. W. Wilson. Henry Burt b. 15 Aug. 1820; m. Mary Ann Coburn, Joseph Edwin b. 14 Jan. 1823; m. Mary Dunster. Almira b. 23 July 1825; m. Theodore S. Jennings. Louise Sheafe b. 2 May 1828. Sarah b. 16 Dec. 1830; m. John S. Hanson. 19. Maj. Winthrop Smith (Daniel*, Joseph^, Samuel, Joseph*), born 13 Jan. 1789, married, 11 June 1820, Eleanor Locke of Ep- HISTORY OF DL RHAM 341 som, who was born 17 Oct. 1788 and died 14 Feb. 1866. He died 28 Aug. 1844. Mary Joanna b. 26 March 1821; m. 29 May 1839, Dr. Alphonso Bickford. Major Daniel b. 27 Jan. 1823; m. 30 Nov. 1843, Martha A. Page. 5 ch., Martha, Ellen, Winthrop, Mary and Isa- bel!. [See chapter on Military History.] Joseph Smith Joseph b. 17 April 1826; m. 25 Dec. 1850, Mary E. Nute, dau. of Greenleaf and Susan Ayers (Brock) Nute, b. 1831. He d. 25 Nov. 1871. He inherited the paternal estate and was a successful farmer and a man of sterling integrity. He died in middle life and his family are the best measure of his worth. [See accompanying portrait and also pic- ture of residence in first volume.] Ch., Ida Hortense b. 18 July 1852, d. 18 Oct. 1853; yl^a Belle b. 31 March 1855. 342 HISTORY OF DURHAM m. 15 April 1886, David Foss, M. D., who was b. 30 Aug. 1837 and d. 2 Dec. 191 1. They res. in Newburyport, Mass.; Forrest Starr b. 30 June 1857, m. i Sept. 1887, Sarah Adla Thompson b. 20 Nov. i860 [See page 319 of Vol. I.]; Winifred b. i June 1861, m. 12 Oct. 1886, Freder- ick W. Emery of Somersworth ; they reside in Dorchester, Mass.; ch., Forrest Rushton Emery b. 24 Sept. 1887, d. 27 Feb. 1890; Marlon Smith Emery b. 24 Nov. 1891; Forrest Smith Emery b. 2. June 1894. Hamilton Smith Son of Judge Valentine Smith 20. Hamilton Smith (Judge Valentine^ John^ Benjamin', John^ Joseph^, born 19 Sept. 1804, died 7 Feb. 1875. He grad- uated at Dartmouth in 1829, married (i) Martha, daughter of William Hall of Bellows Falls, Vt., and lived in Louisville, Ky., HISTORY OF DURHAM 343 and Cannelton, Ind., in the practice of law. He married (2) Louise, daughter of Dr. Christopher Rudd of Kentucky, She died in Durham 22 Jan. 1899. Children by first marriage were: Martha b. 23 June 1836; m. Alfred Hennen of New Orleans. 10 ch. Hamilton b. 5 July 1840; d. 4 Julv 1900. [See page 309 of Vol. I.] EusTACK Ballard Smith Children by second marriage: Huntington b. 15 March 1847; m. 15 Nov. 1871, Laura J. Griswold of Terre Haute, Ind. Ch., William Dickinson Griswold b. 18 June 1873. B. A. Yale, 1896, LL.B. Wash- ington University, St. Louis, 1898. Enlisted in the Span- ish-American War. Lawyer. Lives at Castleton, Vt. Hamilton Benedict b. 6 Aug. 1875; Ralph Lancaster b. 13 April 1880; Huntington b. 3 July 1885. 344 HISTORY OF DURHAM Eustace Ballard b. 20 Sept. 1849; m. June 1890, Catherine Butterfield of New York; d. 31 July 1900 at Washington, D. C. One ch., Dorothea Ballard b. Jan 1893. He 1. in boyhood in Durham and graduated at Dartmouth in 1870. He became a very distinguished journalist, as managing editor of the Coiirier-Jour?ial of Louisville, Ky., on the editorial staff of the New York Sun, editor-in- chief of the Neiv York World, etc. In 1893 he resigned his position on the Nezv York World to become its London cor- respondent, where he remained till his last illness. He was highly esteemed both for his literary and editorial abilities and for sympathetic endeavors to help the unfortunate and oppressed. Palmer b. 14 Sept. 1851 ; d. in the West Indies. Mary Belknap b. 17 Feb. 1859; m. (i) Henry Janin, (2) George H. Mendell of San Francisco. Res., Durham. Ch. by first marriage, Henry, Louise b. 29' Aug. 1893, Henry Covington. Christopher Rudd b. 9 June 1863; d. unm. 9a. Andrew Glidden Smith (Joseph^ Joseph^ John-, Joseph^), born 23 Feb. 1785, married, 3 Jan. 1813, Deborah daughter of Joseph and Comfort (Davis) Durrell of Lee. He died 28 Sept. 1834. She was born 15 April 1792 and died 27 April 1847. He was a farmer and inn-keeper in Durham, selectman and repre- sentative. Andrew Jackson b. 23 Feb. 1815; d. 15 Dec. 1839. Henry Harrison b. 9 June 1817; d. 16 Sept. 1889. Joseph Warren Page b. 15 Aug. 1820; d. 3 May 1869. . Cyrus Goss b. 9 Nov. 1822; d. 11 July 1876. George Lafayette b. 27 Jan. 1825; d. 11 Feb. 1879. Abigail Clark b. 18 June 1828; d. 3 March 1880. John Durrell b. 24 Feb. 1830; d. 17 Feb. 1901. Mary Moody b. 8 Dec. 1831; m. Levi Dame; d. May, 191 1. 12a. John Moody Smith (Winthrop^ Joseph^ John^ Joseph^, born 28 Jan. 1758, married, 19 Jan. 1780, Sarah, daughter of Gen. James Hill. He died 24 June 1815. Sally b. 16 June 1781; m. 27 Jan. 1802, Capt. Ebenezer, son of Lieut. John Smith. She d. 9 Jan. 1845. Polly b. 16 June 1781; m. Capt. Warren Gilman. Moody b. 22 July 1783; m. (i) 11 April 1816, Charlotte Durgin, who d. 11 July 1817, (2) 16 Dec. 1818, Sally Perkins, dau. of Joseph Hall Smith, who was b. 19 July 1795 and d. 25 Aug. 1888. He d. 20 Oct. 1819. Nancy b. 25 June 1785; m. Daniel Chapman, b. 1783, d. 15 April 1815. HISTORY OF DURHAM 345 Lydia unm. Betsey b. 22 May 1790; m. (i) Joseph, son of Capt. Andrew and Mary (Follet) Doe, (2) John Pinkham. Warren b. 3 April 1791 ; m. 21 July 1816, Susannah, dau. of David Chapman; d. 3 Nov. 1846. Ch., Albert G. b. 18 Oct. 1843, d. 8 March 1844 and Warren A. b. 7 Aug. 1846, who m. 24 March 1879, Bertha B. Willey and lives on the old Smith homestead at Lubberland. Ezra b. 16 April 1793; m. 1820, Betsey Davis; d. 20 Oct. 1825. She m. (2) James Vinal. She was b. 30 Aug. 1798 and d. 22 Nov. 1857. SNELL Thomas Snell of Durham was, doubtless, son of Samuel and Mary Snell of Portsmouth, where a large Snell family, including Thomas, were baptized, 29 Jan. 1723/4. He first lived in Bar- rington, but bought land in Durham, now Lee, 27 June 1737, of Amos and Elizabeth Pinkham, whose daughter, Joanna, he had married. Widow Joanna was made administratrix of his estate, 26 Sept. 1750. Later she married Richard Pinkham. Thomas Snell probably had a brother, Samuel Snell, who lived in Durham a short time before 1742. The children of Thomas Snell were Samuel, Thomas (who m. Abigail Frost and signed the Associa- tion Test in Barnstead), John (see below), Mary who married Joseph, son of Thomas and Esther Bickford, Lillias who married Samuel Clark, and Abigail who died unmarried before 24 Aug. 1761. John Snell (Thomas) had the homestead in Lee. He married (i) Young, (2) Elizabeth Jones, (3) 30 Jan. 1782, Eliza- beth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Caldwell of Lee. Chil- dren by first marriage were: Temperance m. James Hutchings of Wakefield. Anna m. Samuel Thompson and went to Machias, Me. Children by second marriage: John b. abt. 1774; m. (i) Davis, (2) 18 Oct. 1801, Lydia Leathers, (3) 23 Aug. 1803, Katharine Kehoe (?). LiLLiAS m. Paul Giles. Children by third marriage: 3. William m. Mehitable Batchelder. Deliverance m. 181 1, Miles Buzzell. Elizabeth m. 13 Oct. 1817, Moses Woodman of Durham. 346 HISTORY OF DURHAM Nathaniel m. 6 Feb. 1832, Avis Williams; d. at Lee 16 Aug. 1863. She d. 26 Feb. 1862. 4. Paul m. Lydia Tibbetts; d. in Lee, 1876. Abigail b. 22 Nov. 1794; m. Hopley Demeritt. Thomas b. after 1800; m. Mary Hussey. 3. William Snell (John^, Thomas^, Samuel^ married, 20 Nov. 1818, Mehitable daughter of Abraham and Abigail (Buzzell) Batchelder, born 13 Nov. 1788 in Lee. She died in Lee in 1877. He died in 1863. Susan m. Matthew Hodgdon. Abraham m. 26 July 1831, Olive Gear. Ch., Mary, Charles, Albert, Frank. William settled in Massachusetts. Alfred m. Emily Page. Ch., Rose, Daniel, Jay, Fred, Fannie, Viola. Abigail m. Smith Emerson. Nathaniel (?). 4. Children of Paul and Lydia (Tibbetts) Snell: Nehemiah C. m. Martha Hanson; d. at Lee 17 May 1893. Ch., Louis H., Carrie E., and Grace D. The first, Louis H., was b. 25 Sept. 1859 and m. 29 April 1891, Elizabeth L Sherburne. Ch., Norman L and Nehemiah R. HosEA m. Lydia Dame. Ch., Ella A., Edna B., and Eliz- abeth E. G. Lizzie m. George Chesley. Addie in. Emery Brightman. Albert M. (?) b. abt. 1836; 1. in Lee. SPENCER Ebenezer Spencer married Abigail Leathers, 20 Nov. 1729. Both were then of Durham. They may have been the parents of the follov/ing: Abednego m. 14 Oct. 1752, Welthen Huckins. Had son, Robert, bapt. 27 Jan. 1754. Abigail m. 6 May 1756, James Huckins. Judith m. 27 Nov. 1760, Thomas Whitehorn. Eben m. 10 Sept. 1761, Mary Robertson. Later Marriages 15 July 1781, Simeon Haines and Welthen Spencer. II Dec. 1783, Abijah Pinkham and Sarah Spencer. 26 Nov. 1788, Levi Spencer and Molly Johnson. Abednego, John, Levi, and Moses Spencer were taxed in Dur- ham, as late as 1791 or later. HISTORY OF DURHAM 347 STEELE Jonathan Steele, born at Peterborough 5 Sept. 1760, married, 23 Jan. 1788, Lydia, daughter of Gen. John SulHvan, who was born 17 Mirch 1763 and died 9 April 1842. He was Judge of the Supreme (!ourt of New Hampshire. He died 3 Sept. 1824. [See page 280 of Vol. I.] Margf.ry Sullivan b. 5 Aug. 1789; d. 15 Jan. 1807. Janet b. 14 June 1791 ; d. 1869. Unm. Lydia b. 3 Sept. 1794; d. 30 June 179-. Dr. Richard b. 6 Jan. 1797; m. (i) Harriet King Pierce, (2) Mary Amanda Smith. He married a third and a fourth time. He died in Dover 13 June 1869. See page 288 of Vol. L John b. 9 April 1799; d. 8 Sept. 1800. Margaret b. 29 Dec. 1801; d. 4 March 1803. Caroline b. i Sept. 1804; d. 9 April 1806. Jonathan b. 25 June 1808; d. 28 Aug. 1819. SULLIVAN John Sullivan, born in Limerick, Ireland, 17 June 1690, came to York, Me., in 1723, and settled at Berwick, Me., as a farmer and schoolmaster. He married, about 1735, Margery Browne, born in Cork, Ireland, in 17 14. He died 20 June 1795 and she died in 1801. Both are interred in the Sullivan burial ground, Durham. Benjamin b. abt. 1736; lost at sea. Daniel b. abt. 1738; s. in Sullivan, Me. 2. John b. in Berwick 17 Feb. 1740; m. Lydia Worcester. James b. 1744; m. Mehitable Odiorne, (2) Martha Langdon; d. 10 Dec. 1808. He became governor of Massachusetts. Mary b. 1752; m. 4 May 1768, Theophilus Hardy and l. near Gen. Sullivan. She d. at Strafford in 1827. Dau., Margery, m. Edward Wells. Ebenezer b. 1753; d. at Charleston, S. C, in 1790. He was a captain in the Revolutionary army and lawyer at Berwick. Married Abigail Cotton of Portsmouth. Had a son, John, who studied law with his uncle, John Sullivan, having been adopted by him. He m. 1803, Mary Yeaton of Durham and had 5 ch. 2. Gen. John Sullivan married Lydia, daughter of John and Lydia (Remick) Worcester, who was born 14 Oct. 1738 and died 22 March 1820. He died 23 Jan. 1795. [Seepage 135 of Vol. i.] 348 HISTORY OF DURHAM Margery b. 2 Feb. 1761 ; d. 10 Feb. 1764. Lydia b. 17 March 1763; m. Jan. 1788, Jonathan Steele. John b. 29 Oct. 1767; d. 1819, at Baton Rouge, La. James b. i Sept. 1769; d. July 1796 at Georgetown, S. C. Unm. George b. 29 Aug. 1771 ; m. (i) Clarissa Benson, (2) Philippa Call, 14 Jan. 1838. [See page 281 of Vol. I.] Margery b. 1775; d. 1777. STEVENS Sergt. John Stevens, born about 161 1, had wife Katherine and lived in Salisbury, Mass. He died Feb. 1688 9. Had a son, Lieut. John Stevens, born 1639, who m. 17 Feb. 1669/70, Joanna Thorne. He died 26 Nov. 1690, leaving a son, John Stevens, born 1670, who m. Dorothy, daughter of Richard and Martha (Allen) Hubbard, born 19 April 1673. He died 5 July 1716, leaving a son, Hubbard Stevens, born 20 Oct. 1698. This is, doubtless, the Dea. Hubbard Stevens of Oyster River, who married Mary, daughter of John and Sarah (Woodman) Thompson before 24 May 1724, on which day she was baptized as Mary Stevens. He had a brother, Moses Stevens, born in Salisbury, Mass., 17 Aug. 1708, who married Hannah Thompson, sister of his brother's wife, and 1. in Dover. The will of Dea. Hubbard Stevens, 12 July 1770-11 April 1771, shows the following family: Joseph bapt. 23 July 1727; executor; m. Ann, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Field) Jones. Dau., Betty, bapt. 4 Feb. 1760. Joseph "Stephens" was buried i April 1783. Hubbard bapt. 22 May 1726; m. 15 Feb. 1753, Deborah Pickering. Ch., Joanna and Hubbard, bapt. 8 May 1760. Moses d. bef. 1770, leaving dau., Hannah. Elizabeth m. Nathaniel Thompson. The will names also granddau., Abigail Clough. Lydia Stevens bapt. 27 July 1760, after owning the covenant. The tax lists of 1783 contain the names of Joseph Stevens, Esq., Jonathan Stevens, Benjamin Stevens and Benjamin Stevens, Jr. Moses Stevens was taxed in 1787-8, and John Stevens in 1 790-1. STEVENS Jonathan Stevens, Jr., was born in Lee in 1773 and died in Dur- ham 12 April 1854. He married, 15 Feb. 1798, Patty Davis. Patty, HISTORY OF DURHAM 349 or Martha, Stevens, died 9 May 1853, aged 77, and she was probably daughter of David and EHzabeth (Crommett) Davis. 2. Parker b. i6 June 1799; "^- Mary D. Willey. 3. Samuel m. Sophia Gleason, (2) Martha Bunker. Deborah m. Benjamin Bailey. Mary m. Albert Libby, (2) Benjamin Bailey. Martha b. 16 April 1807; m. 19 Nov. 1829, John Ellison. Caroline d. March 1835. Federal Burt m. 30 Sept. 1843, Mary A. Willey. 4. David b. 16 Jan. 1826; m. Hannah Lee. Betty, Drusilla, and Jonathan, who m. in New York. 2. Parker Stevens, born 16 June 1799, married, 1820, Mary D. Willey, who was born 6 March 1799. Children recorded in Durham: WiLLL^M J. b. 9 June 1821 ; m. 8 Dec. 1838, Mary J. S. Smith, who d. 24 July 1 85 1, aged 30, dau. of Rev. Daniel Smith. Caroline b. 9 Feb. 1823; m. — Gooch of Andover, Mass. Mary Ann b. 4 April 1824; m. 19 Oct. 1843, Ira Willey. Hannah L. b. i Jan. 1826; m. Edward Furness. Parker b. 14 Dec. 1827. Sarah b. 24 April 1830; m. Charles Foster of Wells, Me. Samuel W. b. 21 May 1832; m. Harriet Collins of Kingston. Martha J. b. 23 April 1834; m. George Trickey of Lawrence, Mass. Harriet Frances b. 4 Jan. 1836; m. Gilman Brier. Res., Fall River, Mass. 3. Samuel Stevens married (i) 24 Aug. 1823, Sophia Gleason of Barrington, who died 30 Nov. 1831, aged 33, (2) 4 Dec. 1834, Martha Bunker, who was born Nov. 1801 and died 7 Sept. 1883, aged 81-7-10. He died 28 Dec. 1853, aged 53. John d. young. Nathaniel m. Charlotte Thissell; d. s. \). 15 July 1869, aged 45. Darius m. Harriet Amanda Mathes. Ch., Fannie and Darius, who both d. young, Susie who m. John Hodgdon of Madbury, Nettie, Flora, Lewis A., Clark D., Edith and Albert. James m. (i) Sophia Cloutman; divorced; noch. He m. (2) Mrs. Martha F. (Doe) Marston. Ch., Nettie b. 15 Aug. 1873, m. 27 Feb. 1899, Cecil C. Shaw of Rochester; Martha. John m. Annie Jordan. Res., Boston, Mass. Son, Edward, m. Catherine Dyer. Children by second marriage: Samuel d. i Feb. 1866, aged 30-3-21. Accidentally killed on railroad. 350 HISTORY OF DURHAM Mary m. Benjamin F. Clark and had dau., Emma A., (2) Dr. Reuben M. Gray. l_ Martha A. 4. David Stevens, born 16 Jan. 1826, married, 8 July 1845, Hannah Lee, who was born 22 April 1828. Children recorded in Durham: John William b. i Feb. 1847; m. Hattie F. dau. of James Willey, who was b. in 1856 and d. 9 Feb. 1904. Ch., Bertha M. b. ii July 1874, d. 1881; David A., b. 1876; Hannah F. b. 1880, m. Albert Stevens; d. 16 Nov. 1901, leaving ch., Wilfred E., b. 12 Oct. 1901; Ethel O., b. 14 Jan. 1883, m. 21 Oct 1899, William Burrows; Irving C, b. 20 March 1889; Harry E., b. 6 Jan. 1887, d. 6 Feb. 1887; John E. b. 14 July 1890; Lester G., b. 22 March 1894; Sarah V. b. 6 Sept. 1901. Franklin Augustus b. 7 Dec. 1848; d. 28 Dec. 1899. Unm. Charles Edward b. 24 July 1852; m. Jennie Hayes. Georgie Anna b. 27 Aug. 1855; m. (i) Joseph Morrison, (2) George Merrill. David Albert b. 27 March 1858; d. 9 Dec. 1862. George Douglas b. 16 Nov. i860; m. Gertrude Davis, 2 ch. See page 335 of Vol. L James Madison b. 27 Aug. 1863; m. 3 July 1888, Elizabeth Tatner of Dover. Ch., Carl H. b. 29 Aug. 1890, and Helen b. 10 Sept. 1891. Clarence Edgar b. 21 Feb. 1866; m. 15 May 1895, Helen Gallant, who was b. 20 Jan. 1874 in Prince Edward Island. Ch., Mary Elsie b. 28 May 1896, Barnard James b. 5 March 1898, Janet Louise b. 17 Nov. 1901, Agnes Gallant b. 21 Dec. 1903, Anna Elizabeth b. 19 May 1906, Samuel b. 28 June, 1910, and Clarence Edgar b. 23 June 1912. Clara Etta twin, b. 21 Feb. 1866. DaviD Albert b. 19 Dec. 1869; d. 17 Nov. 1874. Unclassified. m, II Nov. 1787, Amos Heard of Ipswich, Mass., and Mary Stevens, m. 7 March 1781, Jonathan Clough of Loudon and Hannah Stevens. m. 1810, Joseph Stevens of Lee and Catherine Giles, d. 4 Oct. 1826, Betsey Stevens, aged 61. STEVENSON This surname is written also Stephenson and Stimpson in old records. Thomas Stevenson was rated at Oyster River in 1648 and had a grant of three acres at Oyster Point in 1649. He died 7 Dec. 1663 and his wife, Margaret, died 26 Nov. 1663. The HISTORY OF DURHAM 35 1 court ordered in 1667 "that his son Joseph Stevenson should allow to three daughters of s'* Thomas Stevenson six pounds apiece and to the s'^ Josephs two Brothers six pounds apiece, w^ two Brothers Portion the court allows unto s^ Joseph for bring- ing them up, the said Joseph to enjoy all the rest of the estate to himself, he allowing William Follett six pounds for his disburse- ments for Physick for Josephs sister Chapman." [Court Records and Files, Vol. XII, 57.] Thomas Stevenson owned land on the south side of Oyster River as early as 5 July 1643. Mary b. 1651; m. Enoch Hutchins of Kittery, 5 April 1667. Joseph executor, prob. slain in 1694. Thomas b. 1654; prob. slain in 1694. Margaret m. William Williams. Daughter m. Chapman. 2. Bartholomew m. Mary Clark. I»» 2. Bartholomew Stevenson (Thomas) married, 10 Oct. 1680, Mary Clark. Mary Stevenson, an aged widow, was admitted to church 5 April 1724. His will, dated 22 April 1718, was probated 4 June 1 7 18. The following children are recorded in Dover: Mary b. 21 Sept. 1681; m. James Davis, 19 May 1719. Bartholomew b. 30 June 1683; m. Elizabeth, dau. of George Ricker b. 8 Aug. 1690. He was killed 30 June 1709. Had a dau. who later was Deborah Wentworth. His widow m. Joseph Abbott. 3. Joseph b. 13 Sept. 1686; m. Margaret Footman. Elizabeth b. 8 Dec. 1688; m. Samuel Williams. 4. Thomas b. 28 Dec. 1691 ; m. Sarah . Sarah b. 21 May 1695; m. Samuel Willey. Abraham b. 8 Nov. 1700; m. Mary . He deposed 2 Sept. 1768, aged 68. Daus. Mary, bapt. 5 April 1724, and Joanna, bapt. 8 June 1729. Deborah b. 11 April 1709; d. 8 May 1709. 3. Joseph Stevenson (Bartholomew^, Thomas^ married, 26 Sept. 1717, Margaret, daughter of John Footman. He was baptized 10 May 1719, and she was baptized 20 March 1719/20. A tombstone says that he died at the age of 80 years. Deborah bapt. 14 June 1719. 5. Joseph bapt. 20 March 1719/20; m. Ann Buzzell. Margaret bapt. 19 Nov. 1721. John bapt. 26 May 1723; m. Mary, dau. of Nathaniel Garland. He d. soon after 1760 and she appears to have m. Johnson. Hannah bapt. 29 Aug. 1725; m. Jonathan Davis, 14 April 1757- 352 HISTORY OF DURHAM Thomas bapt. 2 Oct. 1726. Ch., recorded in Durham, John b. 29 May 1765, and James b. 28 Aug. 1766. Bartholomew bapt. 21 April 1729. 4. Thomas Stevenson (Bartholomew', Thomas^), born 28 Dec. 1691, lived in the vicinity of Packer's Falls. His will, 1753-5, names wife, Sarah, brothers, Joseph and Abraham, sister, Sarah, wife of Samuel Willey, John, son of brother, Joseph, chil- dren of late sister, Elizabeth Williams, Deborah Wentworth, daughter of late brother, Bartholomew. On his old farm are found some tombstones with inscriptions as follows, indicating that some disease, like "Throat distemper" swept his family away within one month. That lonely graveyard is a pathetic narrative. Mary b. 7 Oct. 1716; d. 28 Sept. 1735. E. S. b. 10 Feb. 1721; d. 3 Nov. 1735. S. S. b. 1724; d. 5. Oct. 1735. T. S. b. 1733; d. II Oct. 1735. 5. Joseph Stevenson (Joseph^, Bartholomew-, Thomas') mar- ried (i) 17 Jan. 1753, Ann Buzzell, (2), Anna, widow of Lemuel Drew and daughter of Joseph and Ann (Giles) Bunker. Children by first marriage: IsET bapt. 22 Oct. 1758. Bartholomew bapt. 22 Oct. 1758. Joseph bapt. 22 Oct. 1758. Philip bapt. 19 Oct. 1760. Children by second marriage: Abigail m. Gillette. Lemuel m. Tibbetts. Margaret m. Benjamin Wiggin. Thomas m. Sarah Johnson. Richard, son of Bartholomew Stevenson, b. Dec. 1805. Bartholomew Stevenson, d. 5 Jan. 1822, aged 52. Hannah Stevenson d. 18 April 1811. John Stevenson d. March 1808. John Stevenson d. 9 July 1847. Joseph Stevenson d. 16 April 1849, aged about 30. Abigail Stimson d. 12 April 1848. STILSON William Stilson, captain in the Revolutionary War, married, 1770, Sarah Roberts of Somersworth. They had daughter, Molly, born 11 Oct. 1773, who married John Langley. HISTORY OF DURHAM 353 William Stilson, Jr., born 23 June 1780, married, 1805, Nancy, daughter of David and Abigail (Clark) Chapman of Newmarket, who was born i Jan. 1785 and died 5 Feb. 1854. He died 25 March 1842. His house was the last one on the Durham side of the Lamprey River. He was one of a troop of twenty-four men on horseback, who went out to welcome LaFayette to Dur- ham village. His daughter, Elizabeth, attended the reception and shook hands with LaFayette's son. Children were: Sally b. 22 Sept. 1806; m. (i) 9 Nov. 1825, Robert Goodwin, (2), as his second wife, John Weare Shaw; d. 7 Feb. 1843. Elizabeth b. 2 Feb. 1810; m. 15 May 1845, as his third wife, John Weare Shaw, who d. 18 April 1852. She m. (2) 10 Feb. 1855, as his second wife, her cousin, Henry Langley, from Barnstead. Had a dau., Ednah Shaw, who m. Sullivan C. Kimball. She d. 4 Nov. 1891. William b. 22 Feb. 1812; d. 25 Dec. 1831. Lettice b. 31 March 1814; d. 21 Sept. 1835. James b. 9 Dec. 1815; d. 21 Sept. 1835. Ann b. 16 July 1819; d. 23 Aug. 1877. Susan b. 14 May 1821; m. 18 May 1845, John Page, Jr., of Kensington; d. 5 May 1898. Ednah b. 18 June 1822; m. W. P. Swain of Northwood; d. 28 Feb. 1897. John b. i June 1825; d. 9 Feb. 1848. George b. 14 June 1827; d. 18 Nov. 1849. Daniel b. 25 March 1830; m. Eleanor R., dau. of Clement Davis of Durham; d. 20 Aug. 1899. TASKER William Tasker made a deposition, 7 June 1696, aged about 40. He was rated in Dover in 1675. He signed the petition to have Oyster River made a township in 1695, He lived at the foot of Moharimet's hill, within the present bounds of Madbury on the farm now owned by Maj. John DeMeritt. He married Mary, daughter of the first Charles Adams, who gave to her this land in Madbury, which he had as a grant from Dover. Widow Mary Tasker's estate was administered by Henry Nock, appointed 2 Feb. 1699/1700, "who married with Sarah Adams sister to Mary Tasker." The following curious paper appears among probate records : "To Sertifie Avoir Ressev de M' henery Not trante chelein pour le Tretememt de M^« Talquet fait a pisquatoq le 16 Octbre 1700," which may be translated thus, "To certify to having received 23 354 HISTORY OF DURHAM of Mr. Henry Nock thirty shillings for the treatment of Miss Tasker. Done at Pascataqua the i6th of October 1700." Signed Leblanc. In old records the name is often written Tascet and Tasket. William Tasker died about 1697 and his wife in 1699. Samuel slain by Indians at O. R. i June 1704. Mary m. Samuel Perkins, between 1700 and 1704. 2. John m. Judith Davis, 3 April 1718. 2. Capt. John Tasker (William) served in the Crown Point expedition. His will, 12 June 1755-25 Nov. 1761, names wife, Judith, sons, Ebenezer, John and William, daughters, Elizabeth Davis, and Rebecca Tasker, Rebecca, widow of late son, John, and grandchildren, Samuel, Betty and Mary, who were children of John and Rebecca Tasker, all baptized 6 May 1753. His widow, Judith, was living in 1772. She was daughter of Joseph and Mary (Stevens) Davis. 3. William b. 18 May bapt. 6 Aug. 1721; m. Elizabeth Elizabeth bapt. 6 Aug. 1721; d. young. Elizabeth bapt. in Dover 21 March 1736; m. Davis. Samuel bapt. 21 March 1736; m. Rebecca Perkins. Ch.^ Samuel, Betty and Mary. 4. John b. abt. 1718; bapt. 21 March 1736; m. Mary Young. 5. Ebenezer bapt. 21 March 1736; m. Mary Demeritt. Rebecca bapt. 21 March 1736; m. Samuel Huggins of Cornish. Third Generation 3. William Tasker (John^, William^, born 18 May 1721, mar- ried Elizabeth , who was born 19 April 1729. He lived in Northwood. Family as given in an old Bible: Abigail b. 27 Oct. 1750; d. 13 Oct. 1823. 6. Samuel b. 26 April 1752; m. Sarah Tuttle. William b. 14 Nov. 1753; d. 11 Sept. 1828. Daniel b. 14 Aug. 1755. James b. 6 Feb. 1757; d. 2 Feb. 1837. Hannah b. 22 July 1758; d. 15 Aug. 1812. Elizabeth b. 19 March 1760; d. 14 March 1824. John b. 9 March 1762. Louis b. 24 Sept. 1764. Rebecca b. 29 May 1766. Andrew b. 29 May 1768. Israel b. 10 Dec. 1769. Miles b. 19 Oct. 1771 ; d. II Jan. 1823. HISTORY OF DURHAM 355 4. John Tasker (John'^ William^) was a blacksmith. He was the first settler of Barnstead. Died between 1797 and 1800. He married Mary Young, probably daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (Hanscom), born 30 Dec. 1725. She died 29 April 1806. He was justice of the peace and thrice selectman. He surveyed the first road through Barnstead. Abigail bapt. 20 Sept. 1754; m. 13 Jan. 1777, Samuel Nel- son, (2) 1802, Samuel Bragg, who d. Feb. 18 13. She d. abt. 1830 in Wheelock, Vt. Ch., by first marriage, Jon- athan, who was a Free Baptist minister at Wheelock, Vt.; Mary, who m. Moses Chesley of Barnstead ; Abigail who m. Reuben Willard and rem. to Boston, Vt.; Samuel who m. Abigail, dau. of Joseph Tasker; Richard of Salem, Mass., who d. bef. 1832; John of Barnstead who m. Olive Kaime and d. bef. 1826. Joseph b. 24 Nov. 1755; m. Sarah Pickering, who was b. 24 Oct. 1755 and d. in 1834. He d. 5 July 1833. He was a soldier of the Revolution. Ch., Polly, Betsey, Lois, William, Abigail, John, Joseph, Mehitable, Paul, and Ira. Mary b. 1759; m. 19 Dec. 1778, Benjamin Nutter of New- ington, d. 1830. Nathaniel b. 8 Sept. 1763; m. 16 Feb. 1797, Sally or Polly Hill, who d. 15 April 1837, aged 56-5-16. He 1. in Barn- stead, and d. 22 March 1817. Ch., Mary, Lois, Gilbert, Nathaniel, Seth, Paul and Vinnia. Lois m. 1776, John Drew, (2) 28 July 1791, Jonathan McDuf- fee of Alton. 5. Ebenezer Tasker (John-, William^), born 1729, died 6 Nov. 1795, aged 66. He married about 1751, Mary, daughter of John and Margaret (Buzzell) Demeritt. He lived on the Tasker homestead at Madbury. Jonathan b. 1752; d. abt. 1805; m. Comfort Seavey; d. in Bartlett. 7. Ebenezer b. ; m. Elizabeth Chesley; d. 16 March i8i Fourth Generation 6. Samuel Tasker (William^ John^, William'), born 26 April 1752, married, 8 Feb. 1779, Sarah Tuttle, born 15 April 1754, daughter of James Tuttle of Back River, Do\'er. He lived in Strafford and died 19 Sept. 181 1. She died 15 April 18 19. He was a surgeon in the Revolutionary army. Two children: 8. William b. 11 Aug. 1781; m. Lydia Batchelder. Sally b. 16 June 1783; m. 5 April 1798, Elijah Tuttle; d. 3 Feb. 1819. 356 HISTORY OF DURHAM 7. Ebenezer Tasker (Ebenezer^, John-, William^) married Elizabeth Chesley. He lived on the homestead in Madbury and died 16 March 1817. Mary D. b. 10 March 1807; m. 3 June 1847, Eli Brewster of Dover; d. 22 Sept. 1867. Thomas U. b. 7 Feb. 181 1 ; m. 3 Jan. 1840, Comfort Bickford; d. 4 Dec. 1886. Sarah b. 8 Feb. 1813; m. Chas. Hayes of Alton; d. 5 Sept. 1878. Curtis b. 6 June 1815. Went to California in 1849 and never heard from. Henry b. 6 June 1816; m. 10 June 1847, Elizabeth M. Clarke; d. 7 Jan. 1899. Fifth Generation 8. William Tasker (Samuel*, William^, John-, William^ born II Aug. 1781, married Lydia Batchelder, who was born 20 June 1786 and died 8 Feb. 1863. He died 14 June 1848. David B. b. 5 May 1809; d. 4 Sept. 184- Samuel b. 5 Dec. 181 1; d. 30 Jan. 1836. Paul b. 22 Oct. 1812; d. 12 Oct. 1887. George b. 27 Aug. 1814; d. 11 April 1823. 9. Jeremiah b. 15 June 1816; m. Lucy B. Chesley; d. 16 Nov. 1890. Nancy b. 18 April 1818; d. 22 May 1891. William Oren b. 13 Feb. 1820; d. 4 Feb. 1835. Mary Jane b. 4 Feb. 1822. Charles b. 23 Nov. 1823; d. 13 Sept. 1898. George W. b. 31 Aug. 1825. Lydia Ann b. 31 April 1827; d. 30 Aug. 1887. Louisa b. 21 June 1831. Sixth Generation 9. Jeremiah Tasker (William^ Samuel*, William^, John^, William^, born 15 June 1816, married Lucy B., daughter of John and Betsey (Batchelder) Chesley of Northwood, born 27 March 1816. He died 16 Nov. 1890. Sarah b. 8 May 1837; d. 8 Nov. 1841. William Oren b. 18 March 1843; m. 30 June 1873, Augusta H. Edgerly of Northwood and 1. in Haverhill, Mass. Lucy Jane b. 20 April 1850; m. George H. Hanscom. HISTORY OF DURHAM 357 THOMAS James Thomas signed the petition of 1669. He and Samuel York bought of Indians land in Topsham, Me., 2 July 1670. ISee York Deeds, X, 82.] He married Martha, daughter of John Goddard. He was living in 1715, and his widow married (2), before 7 Dec. 1718, Elias Critchet and was living in 1730. She divided her estate by deed, 4 Aug. 1729, giving property to children of daughters, Welthen Huckins alias Gray deceased, Elizabeth Crommett, Anne Bunker, Mary Rawlins and Abigail Nock alias Leathers, to Grandson Joseph Thomas, and to his sisters, Patience Tash, Sobriety Cromwell, Elizabeth Davis, and Mary Perkins. 2. James named in will of John Goddard; m. Mary Smith. Elizabeth m. John Crommett, 13 Jan. 1691/2. Abigail m. James Nock about 1700. Ch., Elizabeth, Pa- tience, Mary, Sobriety and Abigail, all bapt. 20 Oct. 1717. Widow Abigail m. (2) Wm. Leathers. Welthen m. Robert Huckins about 1692, (2) John Grey of Oyster River. Anne m. James Bunker. Benjamin b. 1677; m. 12 Sept. 1700 Mary Leavitt. [See History of Hampton.] Mary m. John Rollins in Newbury, Mass., 9 Oct. 1702. 2. James Thomas (James) married Mary, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Bickford) Smith. She was a widow in 1718 and married, 8 March 1725/6, Samuel Page of Hampton. 3. Joseph bapt. 5 March 1718/9; m. Abigail Jones. Elizabeth m. David Davis, 28 June 171 7. Sobriety m. John Crommett. Patience bapt. 5 March 1718/9; m. Jacob Tash, 21 June 1727. Mary m. Samuel Perkins. She was wife of Samuel Veasey in 1763. Abigail bapt. 16 June 1719; m. Ebenezer Spencer, 20 Nov. 1729. 3. Capt. Joseph Thomas (James^, James^ was a captive in Canada in 17 10. He married Abigail, daughter of Ensign Ste- phen and Abigail (Nutter) Jones. He was ten times selectman, between 1736 and 1764, and died about the year 1795. James (?) m. Abigail Chesley. Soldier in 1775, aged 34. His wife was buried 20 April 1784. 4. Capt. Joseph m. Temperance Drew. 358 HISTORY OF DURHAM Betty Jones bapt. 13 Aug. 1749. Stephen Jones bapt. 11 Sept. 1752. Soldier in 1775, aged 24. L. in Newington; m. Alice Bickford, 3 July 1782. John bapt. 19 Oct. 1760. 4. Capt. Joseph Thomas, Jr., was taxed from 1786 onward. He died 8 May 1825, aged 83. He was selectman several times; married Temperance Drew, having the following children: Abigail b. 4 July 1779; m. 5 July 1798, George Edgerly. Betty b. 18 Nov. 1781; m. 10 Nov. 1799, Thomas Thomp- son, Jr. Olive twin to Betty; m. 17 May 1801, Samuel Odiorne. John m. 24 Aug. 1809, Betsey Smith. Bradbury m. 4 Nov. 18 10, Sally Smith. Rhuhama m. 1809, Jonathan Edgerly. LovEY pub. to Bennett West of Portsmouth, i Dec. 1810. Joseph Jr. (?) m. 1807, Elsie Thompson. m. 26 Jan. 1800, James Fogg and Elizabeth Thomas. m. 1809, Levi Tuttle and Sally Thomas of Lee. pub. 22 Aug. 1827, John March of Newburyport and Abigail Thomas. Lieut. Joseph Thomas had wife, Ann, and daughter, Judith. He was killed at the battle of Bemis Heights, 18 Sept. 1777. Widow Ann was allowed one-half his pay, 16 March 1781. THOMPSON Some have tried to connect the Thompson family of Durham with David Thompson, who was living at Odiorne's Point, in what is now Rye, as early as 1623. He had his fish-weir at Thompson's Point, just below the mouth of Cochecho River- He married, at Plymouth, England, 13 July 1613, Amias Cole. He removed to Thompson's Island in Boston harbor, and after his death his widow married Samuel Maverick. John Thomp- son, son of David, was said to be "of London" in 1650, when he mortgaged his island above named, yet some think he set- tled in Weymouth, Mass., whence he removed to Mendon, Mass., and died there between 1684 and 1686. There is no evidence that the Thompsons of New Hampshire and Maine are descended from him. William Thompson had a grant of land in Dover in 1656, the same year that a dozen Scotchmen who had worked in the saw mills of Kittery had their grants. His descendants are called HISTORY OF DURHAM 359 Scotchmen in the History of Kennebunkport. The tradition that he was a Scotchman is found in both the Maine and the New Hampshire branches of the Thompson family. The indications are that he was one of those prisoners taken by OUver Cromwell at the battle of Dunbar and sent to Boston. [See the chapter on Exiles from Scotland.] The grant of fifty acres made to William Thompson in 1656 lay "beyond Cochecho log swamp," and it was conveyed by John Thompson of Dover, 8 Nov. 1715, to John Tuttle. In the conveyance it is declared to be land "granted to my father William Thompson by the town of Dover." This fixes the relationship of the first John Thompson of Oyster River. There is no evidence that William Thompson ever lived on this grant. In the same year, 15 Oct. 1656, a grant made to John W^hite by the town of Kittery, Maine, in 1651, was assigned to William Thompson. This land was a little below Sturgeon Creek in what is now Eliot, Me, It is probable that he had married a daughter of John White, and it may be easily conjectured that he had previously worked in the saw mill at Sturgeon Creek. All the towns were then trying to draw settlers by grants of land. In 1659 William Thompson was presented at York Court "for rebellion against his father and mother-in-law " and gave bond for good behavior. He died in 1676. In the settlement of his estate, 1677, the court record of York county says, "There is fifty acres of Land in Dover Townshipe about Chutchechah w'=^ hee gave to his two sonns that live at Doer, vidgt. William Tomson and Robert Tomson & John White. The children left are John Tomson the elldest 18 years ould not placed out, William Tomson Living with Richard Otis, appren- tice, 16 years old, James Tomson a lame boy 11 years not placed out, Robert Tomson 13 years ould living with Toby Hanson apprentice, Allexander Tomson 6 years ould, not disposed of, Judeth Tomson 2 years ould not disposed of." This is an exact copy. The Maine Recorder has a typographical error, changing 18 to 15 for the age of John. The other members of this family are sufficiently traced in Old Kittery and Her Families, pp. 767-770, and in Sinnett's Our Thompson Family. W^e are now concerned only with the oldest, who settled at Oyster River. John Thompson married, between 1678 and 1680, Sarah, 360 HISTORY OF DURHAM daughter of Capt. John and Mary (Field) Woodman. He gave a bond, in 1684, for the proper administration of his father's estate and to provide for "James his lame impotent brother." James proved to be abundantly able as a tailor to take care of himself and to raise a large family, having many prominent de- scendants in Maine. March 30, 1708, John Thompson and James Thompson, "sons of William Tomson late of Kittery," conveyed the homestead at "Cold Harbor," in what is now Eliot, Me., to Francis Allen. The deed was witnessed by Jon- athan Woodman, Robert Huckins, and David Kincaid. John Thompson's will, dated 12 April 1733, was probated 24 July 1734. Wife Sarah survived him. Children were: 2. John m. Mary Davis. 3. Jonathan m. Sarah Burnham. 4. Robert m. Abigail Emerson. Sarah m. Samuel Hill, 12 June 1718. Hannah m. Moses Stevens of Somersworth. Elizabeth m. Eleazer Clark of Wells, Me., 6 July 1727. Mary m. Hubbard Stevens. 2. John Thompson (John^, William^), born 1687, as a deposi- tion shows, married Mary , who was admitted to church at Oyster River, 25 Sept. 1718, by letter of dismission from Dover, then the wife of John Thompson, Jr. He was baptized 5 July 1724 and was living 3 Feb. 1753. Children baptized at Oyster River: 5. James bapt. 21 March 1717/8; m. Mary Clark. Robert bapt. 21 March 1717/8, farmer in Durham in 1742. No record of marriage, death, or family. Patience bapt. 24 May 17 19. Nothing more known. Benjamin a tanner; rem. to Pembroke after 1757. Seth in the Crown Point Expedition, 1761, 1. in Durham in 1757. 6. Nathaniel bapt. 29 May 1726; m. Elizabeth Stevens. Ebenezer bapt. 17 Nov. 1728; 1. in Durham in 1757. Sarah b. 5 Jan. 1724; bapt. 8 March 1724; m. 8 July 1747, Abraham Scales, who was b. in Portsmouth, i Sept. 1718, son of Matthew and Mary (Curtis) Scales, who were born in Rowley, Mass. 3. Capt. Jonathan Thompson (John^, William^), born 1693, as per deposition, married, 23 Jan. 1717/8, Sarah, daughter of Jeremiah and Temperance (Bickford) Burnham. Both were admitted to church 4 Feb. 1728. He was on the muster roll of Capt. James Davis in 1712. Selectman in Dover 1728-9, and HISTORY OF DURHAM 36 1 in Durham, 1733-5, 1738-41. and 1746, representative eight years, deacon in the church at Oyster River. Called lieutenant and captain. His will, 10 Sept. 1756-23 Feb. 1757, names wife, Sarah, and the following children: 7. John b. Sept. 1721 ; m. Abigail Emerson. Elizabeth bapt. 6 May 1725; m. Jonathan Clough of Salis- bury, Mass. Sarah bapt. 11 June 1727. Hannah b. 1729; m. Ebenezer Demeritt. Susanna b. 17 April 1731 ; m. Robert Thompson. 8. Joseph bapt. 11 March 1739; m. Abigail Randall. Abigail bapt. 11 March 1739; m. Solomon Burnham, (2) Moses Dame of Nottingham. 9. Jonathan b. 1718 ; m. Susanna Thompson, widow of Samuel. 4. Robert Thompson (John-, William^) married Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Judith (Davis) Emerson, who was born 27 Sept. 1704, and died in 1757. He dropped dead near the present residence of Lucien Thompson, in 1752. Samuel bapt. 22 March 1723/4; m. Susanna Reynolds. Had one child, Hannah, b. 29 July 1749, who m. her cousin. Smith Emerson, and d. 25 Dec. 1841. Widow Susanna m. Jonathan Thompson. ID. Robert b. 8 July 1726; m. Susanna Thompson, his cousin. Benjamin b. 1731 ; d. 17 Jan. 1736/7. II. Ebenezer b. 5 March 1737; m. Mary Torr. Abigail b. 23 June 1747; m. Timothy Emerson. Fourth Generation 5. James Thompson (John', John^, William^) was a mariner and captain of the sloop Nancy. His intentions of marriage with Mary Clark of Wells, Me., were published there 21 July 1739, and they were married 14 Sept. 1739. His estate was adminis- tered by his widow, Mary, in 1762. Little is known of his two sons : James bapt. 2 July 1749; m. 27 Sept. 1772, Alice Watson. Served 3 years in the Revolutionary army. Samuel bapt. 17 Aug. 1755. Was in Capt. Winborn Adams' Co. in 1775 and served in the army till 1780. 6. Nathaniel Thompson (John', Johns William^) is called "ensign." He was a surveyor in 1768 and was of Durham in 1770. He had land in Pembroke but settled in New Holderness, where he was a selectman in 1773. He married Elizabeth, daughter 362 HISTORY OF DURHAM of Dea. Hubbard and Mary (Thomson) Stevens. He was killed at Durham while assisting in launching a ship. He was ancestor of Frances E. Willard and of Maj. A. B. Thompson, secretary of State of New Hampshire many years and officer in the Civil War. Dolly b. 20 Oct. 1761. John b. 15 March 1763. Nathaniel b. 21 April 1765; m. 11 April 1786, Olive Dow of Gilmanton. Elizabeth b. 17 Aug. 1767. James b. 27 Aug. 1769. Polly b. 6 Feb. 1772; m. 4 Feb. 1796, John Hill. Jane b. 9 May 1774. Ebenezer b. 15 July 1776. Rev. Samuel b. 28 Feb. 1779; d. 12 Aug. 1853. [See N. H. Native Ministry, p. 363.] Hubbard b. 1783. 7. Sergt. John Thompson (Jonathan^ John-, William^, born Sept. 1 72 1, married, Oct. 1750, Abigail, daughter of Micah and Sarah (Huckins) Emerson, who died 11 Nov. 1822, aged 90. He died 3 Dec. 1794. He lived on the Mast Road and is men- tioned repeatedly as commanding a scouting party. Samuel killed when small by cart running over him. 12. Edmund b. 25 May 1759; m. Abigail Emerson. 13. John b. 29 March 1762; m. Sarah Runnels. Hannah b. 26 Oct. 1765; m. 2 Dec. 1802, Capt. Daniel Taylor; d. at Vassalboro, Me. Love b. 26 May 1767; m. 8 Nov. 1792, Jacob Joy. 8. Joseph Thompson (Jonathan^, John^, William^, born 29 Nov. 1738, married, 19 Nov. 1763, Abigail, daughter of Miles and Abigail (Runnels) Randall, who was born 27 May 1740 and died 20 Dec. 1770, (2) 12 Nov. 1772, Hannah, daughter of George and Sarah (Sampson) Chesley, who was born 12 May 1742 and died 15 Aug. 1830. He removed to Conway, N. H., in 1774 and died there 6 Feb. 1805. Children by first marriage were: Joseph b. i Jan. 1765; d. 18 Feb. 1818. Miles b. 28 Oct. 1766; d. 12 March 1769. Isaac b. 18 Oct. 1768; d. 27 Jan. 1818. Abigail b. 9 June 1770; d. 15 Aug. 1813. Children by second marriage: John b. 23 Jan. 1774; d. 8 Aug. 1844. Hannah b. 13 Nov. 1776; m. Hall. HISTORY OF DURHAM 363 Jonathan b. 26 June 1779; m. Polly Willey, 20 Jan. 1806; d. 26 March 1856. Jeremiah b. 10 Sept. 1780; m. 8 Oct. 1812, Polly Chesley in Barnstead, (2) Widow Harriman; d. 4 June 1869. Sarah b. 25 April 1785; m. Daniel Cheney; 1. in Lunenburg, Vt. Ebenezer b. I Oct. 1787; d. i Aug. 1830. Unm. 9. Ensign Jonathan Thompson (Jonathan', John', William^), born 1718, married, 24 Dec. 1755, Susanna, widow of Samuel Thompson and daughter of Job Runnels. He lived in Lee. His will, 14 Nov. 1791-15 March 1792, names wife, Susanna, and children as follows and declares him about 73 years of age. Mary d. 1832, aged over 70; blind many years. 14. Samuel b. abt. 1756; m. Love Hill. Jonathan b. abt. 1760; m. 15 Nov. 1789, Jane Kelsey in Nottingham. Ch., James, Susan, Noah, Hugh, and Mary. Sarah b. abt. 1763; m. John McCrillis of Nottingham. Susanna b. 1765; m. Daniel Fox of Acton, Me. Elizabeth b. abt. 1767; m. Pelatiah Thompson. 15. Job b. 2 Sept. 1772; m. Abigail Burnham. 10. Robert Thompson (Robert^, John^, William^), born 8 July 1726, married Susanna, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Burnham) Thompson, who was born 17 April 1731 and died 23 Oct. 1822. He died 12 June 1805. Lived in Lee, where he was chairman of the board of selectmen in 1766. Benjamin b. 18 June 1753; d. 27 July 1760. Mary b. 24 Oct. 1754; d. 3 Sept. 1786. Elizabeth b. 2 July 1756; d. 9 July 1760. 16. Jonathan b. 23 Jan. 1758; m. Abigail Runnels. Robert b. 27 June 1760; d. 27 Aug. 1786. Susanna b. 4 Aug. 1762; d. 28 Aug. 1786. 17. Pelatiah b. 15 July 1765; m. Elizabeth Thompson. Abigail b. 16 April 1768; d. 25 Aug. 1786. Deborah b. 8 Nov. 1769; m. John Watson of Lee. Isaac b. 15 Nov. 1771. Samuel b. 15 April 1774. Sarah b. 25 April 1776; d. 26 Aug. 1786. Hannah b. 22 Feb. 1779; m. 28 Dec. 1805, Edmund Ryan; d. 23 June 1849, He d. April 1834. 11. Hon. Ebenezer Thompson (Robert^ John^ William^), born 5 March 1737, married, 22 May 1758, Mary, daughter of Vincent and Lois (Pinkham) Torr. She was born i Sept. 1740 and died 14 Nov. 1807. He died 14 Aug. 1802. [See page 295 of Vol. LI 364 HISTORY OF DURHAM Sarah b. 16 Feb. 1759; m. James Leighton; d. 16 Jan. 1807. Anne b. 30 Jan. 1761; m. 22 Feb. 1781, Rev. Curtis Coe; d. II Oct. 1829. 18. Ebenezer b. 12 July 1762; m. Martha Burleigh, (2) Mary Weeks, (3) Elizabeth Hale. 19. Benjamin b. 31 March 1765; m. Mary Pickering. Mary b. ii April 1767; m. 7 Nov. 1787, Richard Pickering of Newington; d. 10 Oct. 1837. Fifth Generation 12. Edmund Thompson (John'*, Jonathan^, John^, William^), born 25 May 1759, married, 24 June 1784, Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Dorothy (Chamberlain) Emerson, who was born 3 Oct. 1760 and died 8 Feb. 1798. He married (2) 24 April 1800, Susanna, daughter of Maj. Stephen and Susanna (Millett) Jones, who was born 3 May 1769 and died 24 Feb. 1845. These dates were taken from tombstones in the old cemetery in Lee. He died 24 Nov. 1836. He was a carpenter and contractor. Samuel b. 29 June 1785; d. 2 Sept. 1787. 20. John b. 19 Jan. 1788; m. Sarah Woodman. Nancy b. 3 April 1790; m. Charles Yeaton, q. v. James b. 30 Jan. 1793; m. 25 April 1822, Nancy C. Paul, b. 13 Oct. 1798. He was a farmer in Newington. Ch., Jane Anna b. 9 May 1824, m. James Russell Ambrose 16 March 1843; James Henry b. 11 April 1826, m. i Sept. 1862 Susan Jane Clapham; and Sarah Elizabeth, living, unm., in 1885. Nicholas b. 11 May 1795; d. 22 Oct. 1822. Unm. Moses b. 31 Jan. 1798; m. 16 Jan. 1823, Drusilla Ewer; d. s. p. 24 Sept. 1869. She was b. 2 Dec. 1803 and d. 3 June 1881. Children by second marriage: Abigail b. 12 Dec. 1800; m. George J. Wiggin, q. v. Stephen Jones b. 6 March 1803; m. 22 Feb. 1830, Nancy Grififiin, dau. of John, granddau. of Capt. John of Durham. He d. 9 June 1851. She d. 18 July 1840, aged 32 yrs. 5 mos. Ch., John Edmund, who d. in the Civil War; Charles who 1. in New Jersey; Stephen Millett,* who m. * The late Stephen Millett Thompson persistently claimed descent from David Thompson, first settler in New Hampshire, in spite of all evidences to the contrary. Among the proofs he offered was a desl:, said to have been made by John Thompson, son of David, which was pre- sented to the Essex Institute with accompanying photographs and explanations. I went to Salem, Mass., to see it. It has no marks of antiquity. It is of white maple, such as were com- mon one hundred and fifty years ago. Under one of the small drawers were written these words and dates "1658. Jno. Thompson, Ipswich" and "A. D. 1658, 4th 15th.," which was inter- preted to mean the date when the desk was made by John, son of David Thompson, who never HISTORY OF DURHAM 365 Julia F. White and 1. in Providence, R. I. ; Nancy S., who m. George Bunker; and Abby Jane, who m. William Henry Bunker. Edmund E. b. 9 Feb. 1805; d. 6 Sept. 1845. Unm. Thomas Millett b. 12 April 1807; d. 27 April 1886. Unm. Selectman and representative of Lee. Charles E. b. 23 Feb. 1809; m. 12 Dec. 1841, Sarah A. Cater of Barrington; d. 3 Oct. 1878. She w^as b. 15 April 1819 and d. 12 Jan. 1892. Ch., Edmund E., who d. 18 April 1862, aged 13-4-26, and Susan Jane, who was b. 9 March 1844 and m. Isaac Watson of Dover. William F. b. 23 Feb. 1809; m. 3 June 1838 Hannah J. Griffin of Barnstead; d. 7 Oct. 1884. She w^as b. 7 March 1816 and d. 26 Jan. 1899. Had two daus., Nancy J., who d. 6 Sept. 1874, aged 34 yrs. 9 mos., and Mary Ellen, who was b. 16 April 1847, and m. Walter Thurston, his second wife. 13. John Thompson (John\ Jonathan^, John^, William^), born 29 March 1762, married, 17 Feb. 1789, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Keziah (Carter) Runnels of Lee and removed to Conway, where he died 10 Aug. 1798. She was born 3 Aug. 1762 and died 20 Sept. 1824. Betsey b. 17 June 1790; d. 3 Oct. 1812. Samuel b. i Sept. 1792; m. Betsey Osgood of Conway; d. 20 Sept. 1829. Ch., Charles Osgood, Samuel and John. The last m. Ann Thomas and d. in Conway, Dec. 1870. John b. ii June 1795; d. 11 May 1814. Kezl\h b. 5 Dec. 1796; d. 16 Nov. 1834. Jonathan Reynolds b. 21 Jan. 1799; Dartmouth, 1827; physician at Comvay. He m. (i) 21 Jan. 1836, Abigail Eastman, who d. 3 Oct. 1846, (2) 13 Sept. 1849 Mary Russell Hill. He d. 12 Dec. 1869. He dropped the surname Thompson and was known as Dr. Jonathan Reynolds. 6 ch. lived in Ipswich, Mass. Now, John Thompson, son of William, was, as we have seen, past i8 years of age soon after his father died in 1676. He was born, therefore, in 1658, and that date on the bottom of the desk drawer may be the precise date of his birth, 15th of 4th month, 1658. It is known that Alexander Thompson, one of the Scots taken at the battle of Worcester and sent to Boston in the John and Sara, settled in Ipswich, being the servant of Mr. Starkweather. The similarity of names in the families of Alexander Thompson of Ipswich and William Thomp- son of Kittery suggest strongly a relationship. Some tradition concerning this may have led to the writing of the record in the desk many years later by an unknown hand. It is conceiv- able that William Thompson of Kittery went to Ipswich, Mass., to see his brother or near rela- tive, Alexander Thompson, and so his first son, John Thompson, may have been born there. The branch of the Thompson family at Conway has a compass and sun dial, "said by tradi- tion" to have been the property of David Thompson. Tradition often errs, as in the case of the "three brothers." That compass and sun dial may be safely classed with the enormous quantity of chairs and tables, "brought over in the Mayflower." 366 HISTORY OF DURHAM 14. Samuel Thompson (Jonathan^ Jonathan^, John^, Wil- liam^), born about 1756, married, i Jan. 1790. Love, daughter of Reuben Hill of Lee Hook. Samuel m. Fox; s. in Acton, Me. 3 ch. 21. Jonathan b. 4 July 1800; m. Elizabeth Randall. Abigail m. Daniel Goodwin, Acton, Me. Lois m. Capt. Stephen Twombly of Dover. Love m. Thomas Langley (?), Acton, Me. Eliza m. Daniel Goodwin, second wife. Reuben m. and d. in New York. 15. Job Thompson (Jonathan^ Jonathan^ John'-, William^, born 2 Sept. 1772, married, 13 May 1799, Abigail, daughter of Joseph Burnham, who was born 15 Jan. 1774 and died 21 Oct. 1859. He lived in Lee and died 26 May 1826. Susan b. 20 June 1800; m. 10 Sept. 1825, James Buzzell. Joseph Burnham b. i Aug. 1802; d. 8 Sept. 1803. Elizabeth b. 10 Sept. 1804; d. 24 Sept. 1807. Mary b. 4 July 1806; m. 8 April 1832, John H. Marston; d. 8 June 1845. Ch., Daniel and Elbridge G. Marston. Job b. 2 May 1808; m. (i) 22 May 1845, Adeline Griffin of Durham, b. 8 Dec. 1804, who d. 25 Feb. 1853, (2) 13 Dec. 1856, Emma Demeritt of Lee, dau. of Gen. Samuel and Sarah (Torr) Demeritt. Job Thompson d. 26 April 1891. Had a son, George Joseph, who m. Elizabeth Knight and had one dau. John b. 19 June 1810; m. 12 June 1853, Lydia Waterhouse of Barrington, b. 2 May 1823. Ch., John Haven b. 15 Sept. 1857, d. 6 Dec. 1880, unm., and Amanda Flora, b. 15 Feb. 1859, who m. B. Frank Davis. Parthenla. b. 19 Oct. 1812; m. Gordon Bean of Candia. Samuel b. 30 March 1815; m. 7 July 1844, Lydia M. Cilley of Nottingham. Ch., Anna L., Victoria, Le Roy, Louisa, Mary, Jay, Fremont, Elmer, Elsworth. Edith. 22. Daniel Fox b. 19 March 1817; m. Mary F. Emerson. 16. Jonathan Thompson (Robert^ Robert^ John^ William^, born 23 Jan. 1758, married, 1779, Abigail, daughter of Jonathan and Keziah (Carter) Runnels, who was born in 1760 and died in 1802. He died 9 Dec. 1803. He lived on land now owned by Leonard B. Bunker, opposite the place of Jeremiah Wiggin. Benjamin b. 1780; d. 1816. Unm. 23. Levi b. 2 Dec. 1781; m. Comfort Ellison. Polly b. 1785; m. 18 Dec. 1806, William Speed of Dover. Had dau., Abigail, who m. Charles Young. Abigail b. 1787; d. 25 May 1808 in Lee. HISTORY OF DURHAM 367 Robert b. 22 April 1790; m. 9 Nov. 18 10, Susanna French in Lee. He served in the War of 1812. Rem. to N. Sears- mont, Me., and d. 9 Aug. i860. His wife was b. 16 April 1790 and d. 27 Aug. 1871. 8 ch. Jonathan b. 12 March 1792; m. 6 March 181 7, Ehzabeth Savage of Newmarket. Susannah b. 4 July 1794; m. Pelatiah Thompson. Keziah b. 5 May 1798; m. Robert Thompson of Lee; d. 19 May 1 87 1. Asa b. 1801; d. 1804. 17. Pelatiah Thompson (Robert"', Robert^, John^, William^), born in Lee 15 July 1765, married Elizabeth, daughter of Jona- than and Susannah (Thompson) Thompson. He died 8 Nov. 1843. She died 11 Feb. 1803, aged 36. Lived in Lee. 24. Pelatiah b. i Nov. 1795; m. Susannah Thompson. Robert b. 22 March 1798; m. Keziah Thompson, sister to his brother's wife. 7 ch., Benjamin, Jonathan Burnham, Caroline, Nelson, Almon, Hill, Jane. 18. Lieut. Col. Ebenezer Thompson (Ebenezer^, Robert^, John'-, William^), born 12 July 1762, married (i) i Jan. 1786, Martha Burleigh of Newmarket, who was born 29 Aug. 1769 and died II April 1796, (2) 4 May 1797, Mary, daughter of William and Eleanor (March) Weeks of Greenland, who was born 8 March 1770 and died 15 Nov. 1813. He married (3) Elizabeth Hale. He died 4 Feb. 1828. Moderator, 1799, 1800; represen- tative 1798, 1799. Children by first marriage: John B. b. 21 Nov. 1786; d. 7 Oct. 1810. Unm. Anne Hilton b. 19 Sept. 1789; d. 1812. Unm. Polly b. 24 Feb. 1792; m. Hon. Wm. Claggett; d. 28 March 1865. Martha b. 12 Dec. 1795; d. 8 May 1806. Children by second marriage: 25. Ebenezer b. 5 Feb. 1798; m. Ann Mary Thompson. Martha Weeks b. 25 Nov. 1799; m. Sept. 1827, Benjamin Odiorne; d. i Feb. 1855. He was b. 16 Jan. 1801; d. 29 Aug. 1872. 26. Jacob Weeks b. 2 Jan. 1802; m. Artimisia Rindge. 27. Benjamin b. 31 March 1804; m. Lucinda J. Drew. Rev. George Weeks b. 29 March 1807; m. 18 April 1833, Mary, dau. of Dea. John Wingate of Stratham, b. 2 Nov. 1810. Hannah Eleanor Weeks b. 29 March 1807; m- 13 Aug. 1827, Dr. Josiah Bartlett of Stratham, who was b. 3 May 1803 and d. 13 May 1853. 368 HISTORY OF DURHAM 19. Benjamin Thompson (Ebenezer*, Robert^ John^, Wil- liam^, born 31 March 1765, married, 11 May 1794, Mary Pick- ering of Newington, daughter of John Gee Pickering. She was born 15 June 1774 and died i Oct. 1849. Benjamin Thompson was justice of the peace and clerk of the Court of Common Pleas in Strafford County for twenty years. He lived in Durham village and died 21 Jan. 1838. Ebenezer b. 22 Nov. 1795; d. 12 Oct. 1796. 28. Ebenezer b. 25 July 1797; m. Jane Demeritt. John b. 5 Feb. 1799; d. 24 Aug. 1800. John b. 2 Dec. 1801; d. 22 Jan. 1854. Harvard 1822. Unm. Lawyer at Center Harbor, N. H. Benjamin b. 22 April 1806; d. unm. [See page 298 of Vol. I.] Ann Mary b. 8 Aug. 1809; m. Ebenezer Thompson. Sixth Generation 20. Dea. John Thompson (Edmund^ John^ Jonathan', John^, William^) born 19 Jan. 1788, married, 22 Dec. 18 14, Sarah daughter of Lemuel and Betsey (Patrick) Woodman, who was born 15 Sept. 1789 and died 17 May 1879. He died 15 April 1875. Lived on the south branch of the Mill Road and was a very prosperous farmer and deacon in the church at Durham. See page 303 of Vol. I. 29. John E. b. 25 Sept. 1815; m. Mary J. Pickering. Abigail Joy b. 15 Dec. 1816. Unm. Elizabeth Susan b. 14 Aug. 1819; m. Rev. Preston Pond, (2) Rev. Leonard Z. Ferris. Samuel Woodman b. 13 Oct. 1822; d. 2 Dec. 1892. Unrn. Charles James b. 9 July 1827; m. 27 Oct. 1852, Fidelia Clafflin; d. 5 Feb. 1882. She was b. 31 Jan. 1829 and d. 9 Jan. 1882. They lived in New York but both d. in Durham. Ch., Ida Frances b. 28 Feb. 1854 and John Clafflin b. 7 Aug. 1862. 21. Jonathan Thompson (SamueP, Jonathan^, Jonathan', John^ William^, born 4 July 1800, married, 16 Jan. 1822, Eliz- abeth, daughter of Dea. Job and Sarah (Langley) Randall, born 6 Aug. 1803. 30. Samuel b. 17 April 1823; m. Rhoda Davis. Stephen b. 20 Sept. 1833; m. Jan. 1859, Sarah (Gray) Lamos, widow of Moses Lamos. Ch., Frank Leslie b. March i860; Freddie b. 1862, d. 1864; Ella b. 1864; Minnie Florence b. Dec. 1865. HISTORY OF DURHAM 369 Elizabeth b. 13 Oct. 1843; m. 25 Doc. 1870, True Wright Emerson of Barrington, b. 18 April 1846, a soldier in the Civil War. 22. Daniel Fox Thompson (Job'', Jonathan^ Jonathan^, John^, William^, born 19 March 1817, married, 16 April 1839, Mary Frances, daughter of John T. and Mary (Hanson) Emerson, born 28 July 1816. He died at Braintrce, Vt., 7 Dec. 1852. 31. John W. E. b. 16 April 1840; m. Susan A. Clough. Ellen Augusta b. 17 Sept. 1841 ; m. — Brown. Rem, toVt. Daniel Gordon b. 24 Jan. 1843; m. 12 Jan. 1868, Mary E. Gardner. Jeanette a. b. 21 Jan. 1845; m. 26 Aug. 1867, Frederick M. Knight. Caroline Elizabeth b. 16 May 1847; m. Rev. Clarence Pike. George Edwin b. 31 July 1851 ; d. 4 Jan. 1852. 23. Levi Thompson (Jonathan^ Robert\ Robert'\ John'', William^), born 2 Dec. 1781, married, 29 Nov. 1804, Comfort Ellison, who died 7 Aug. 1871, aged 84 years 9 months. He died 4 June 1871. John, William, and Joseph d. unm. Abraham b. 24 Dec. 1813; m. 24 May 1840, Deborah Chesley of Nottingham. Levi m. Climena B. Runlett; d. in Epping i Oct. 1888, aged 72. Robert m. Betsey Blake, (2) Sarah Runlett; 1. in Epping. Ch., Mary, Sarah and Alvin. Jonathan m. Mary A. Doe; I. in 1873 in Nottingham. 7 ch, Charles E. m. Clara Reynolds. Abigail m. Robert Thompson. Mary Jane m. Seward. Keziah m. Harvey. Elizabeth m. Robert Lucy. Sylvester who was wounded in the Union Army, 24. Pelatiah Thompson (Pelatiah^ Robert^, Robert^ John^, William^, born i Nov, 1795, married, i Nov, 1816, Susanna, daughter of Jonathan and Abigail (Runnels) Thompson, who was born 4 July 1794. He died 10 April 1853. Joseph b, ii May 1818; d. in Lee 14 Jan, 1852. Elizabeth b, 13 Feb. 1820; d. 21 April 1853. Jonathan b. 27 Aug, 1822; m. 24 June 1852, Lucy Moore of Andover, Mass., b, 27 April 1828, Ch., Lizzie Lucy b. 4 Aug. 1853; Edwin Jonathan b. 3 Sept. 1863; Abby 24 370 HISTORY OF DURHAM Susan b. 25 May 1864, d. 22 July 1867; William b. 21 Sept. 1866; Irving Augustus b. 20 Jan. 1869; Ida Belle b. 16 Aug. 1870; and Arthur J. Pelatiah b. 5 Nov. 1824. Insane for many years. Susannah F. b. 17 July 1826; m. Matthew J. Harvey of Epping, I June 1856. Ch., Ann Elizabeth b. 14 Aug. 1857; James Buchanan b. 3 Dec. 1858; Joseph Thompson b. II March 1861 ; Martha Fannie b. 26 Oct. 1863; Nathan- iel D. b. 8 Aug. 1865; John Milton b. 28 Sept. 1869, and Matthew b. 24 March 1870. Abigail E. b. 20 Dec. 1827; m. Oct. 1856, George L. Decker of Sanford, Me. Rem. to Grenada, Kansas. Ch., Lizzie Pierson b. 12 Nov. 1857; Dana b. 23 Jan. 1859; Mara b. 23 Jan. 1861, and Susanna b. 29 Julv 1863, d. 27 March 1864. 25. Capt. Ebenezer Thompson (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer'', Robert', John^, William'), born 5 Feb. 1798, married Ann Mary, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Pickering) Thompson, 15 Dec. 183 1. She was born 8 Aug. 1809 and died 27 Jan. 1853. He was master of a merchant vessel many years. He bought and lived in the Sullivan house and died there at midnight, Jan. 26-7, 1853. His wife died one hour after. He was representative 1845 and 1846. Children all born in the Sullivan house: 32. Charles A. C. b. 20 July 1835; m. Louisa J. Davis. 33. William Hale b. 9 May 1838; m. Medora Gale. Benjamin b. 7 June 1840; d. 27 July 1845. 26. Jacob Weeks Thompson (Ebenezer^, Ebenezer^, Robert', John^, William'), born 2 Jan. 1802, married, 3 Nov. 1829, Artimisia Rindge of Portsmouth, born 13 July 1801. She died 31 July 1866. He died in Portsmouth, where he had resided, 7 July 1864. He was master of a merchant vessel a long time. Annie Weeks b. i March 1832; m. Dr. Frank Fuller of New York City, 14 Dec. 1870. Jacob Hale b. 9 April 1837; Bowdoin, i860; one of the editors of the New York Times. Mary Elizabeth b. 26 Dec. 1838; m. 7 Feb. 1861, Capt. George B. Wendell of Portsmouth, who was b. 31 Jan. 1831 and d. at Quincy, Mass., 25 Sept. 1881. 6 ch. Isaac Rindge b. 23 March 1842; resided in Quincy, Mass. 27. Benjamin Thompson (Ebenezer^ Ebenezer^ Robert', John^ William'), born 31 March 1804, married, 23 Dec. 1833, Lucinda J. Drew of Barrington, who was born 29 Nov. 1812 and d. 22 Feb. 1862. He died in Barrington 23 April 1875. HISTORY OF DURHAM 371 George Weeks b. 31 March 1837; soldier in the Civil War, mortally wounded in battle; d. 28 July 1863 at Morris Island, S. C. JosiAH Bartlett b. 8 Nov. 1839; m. 6 Aug. 1873, Ida F. Fuller; d. s. p. in Madison, Dak., 16 March 1882. Served in the navy, under Farragut. Jonathan Drew b. 27 Nov. 1841; soldier in the Civil War; d. at the hospital, Washington, D. C, 30 Nov. 1862. Mary Elizabeth b. 6 Sept. 1843; m. 22 Jan. 1873, Albion B. Nichols of Searsport, Me. Res., Hamlet, 111. Annie Weeks b. 7 Sept. 1847; m. 8 Dec. 1868, William P. Ray. Res., Faneuil, Mass. Martha Aurelia b. 16 Nov. 1854; m. 13 June 1877, Jacob S. Nichols, brother of Albion P. Res., Marseilles, 111. 28. Ebenezer Thompson (Benjamin^, Ebenezer*, Robert^, John^ William^), born 25 July 1797, married, 16 Aug. 1820, Jane, daughter of Nathaniel and Mary (McCrillis) Demeritt, who was born 12 Nov. 1794 and died 26 May 1869. He was justice of the peace and chairman of the board of selectman four years. He died at the Thompson homestead 22 April 1826, aged 28. 34. Ebenezer b. 15 Aug. 1821 ; m. Nancy G. Carr. William b. 27 Oct. 1823; m. i Jan. 1845, Mary Jane Chap- man of Newmarket, who was b. 24 Oct. 1824 and d. 20 May 1852. He d. s. p. 7 May 1859. Mary Pickering b. 19 Nov. 1825. [See page 301 of Vol. I.] Seventh Generation 29. Dea. John Emerson Thompson (John^, Edmund\ John^i Jonathan^, John'^, William^, born 25 Sept. 1815, married, 15 Nov. 1848, Mary J., daughter of Joseph and Mary (Lyford) Pick- ering, who was born 10 Aug. 1825. He died 20 Jan. 1892. He was deacon in the church at Durham. [See page 303-4 of Vol. I.] Mary Lyford b. 6 Sept. 1849; teacher; prominent in Y. W. C. A. in Boston. Charlotte Ann b. 15 March 1851; assistant librarian of the College and Town Library, Durham. Charles Hamilton b. 25 Feb. 1857; d. 12 Oct. 1863. Sarah Adla b. 20 Nov. i860; m. i Jan. 1887, Forrest S. Smith. Elizabeth Pickering b. i Oct. 1864; m. Albert DeMeritt. 30. Samuel Thompson (Jonathan^, SamucF, Jonathan*, Jonathan^ John^, William^) born 17 April 1823, married, 1850, Rhoda Davis. 372 HISTORY OF DURHAM Eliza Jane m. John Giles, (2) Moses Langley ; d. 13 April 1900. Rhoda Ella b. 22 Dec. 1851; m. 9 March 1872, Charles H. Prescott; d. Oct. 1888. BuRTROUS ni. Mary J. Jenkins. Rem. from Lee to Mountain Home, Idaho. Ida m. Frank E. Giles. Hiram b. 1858; d. 1864. Ernest Walter m. Mary Willey. Lizzie Etta m. Walter Young. Willie. ANNALuLAb. Jan.1870; m. LinvilleF. Langmaid;d. Oct. 1888. 31. John Winslow Emerson Thompson (Daniel Fox'', Job*, Jonathan\ Jonathan^ John^ William^), born 16 April 1840, mar- ried (i) 14 Dec. 1865, Susan Almira, daughter of Benjamin and Eliza (Magoon) Clough, (2) 2 Dec. 1885, Estella M. George. He was one of the prime movers in establishing the Durham Public Library; was representative in 1880. He died 17 Sept. 1889. Frederick Winslow b. 16 May 1867; d. 30 Aug. 1867. Carrie George b. 25 Nov. 1868; d. 21 June 1900. Alice Gertrude b. 29 Sept. 1870; d. 25 Nov. 1867. Arthur Gordon b. 9 Oct. 1872. Children by second marriage : Hetta F. b. 9 June 1888. Olive A. b. 26 Dec. 1889. 32. Charles Augustus Coffin Thompson (EbenezerS Ebene- zer^, Ebenezer\ Robert^, John^ William'), born 20 July 1835, married, 25 Dec. 1855, Louisa J. Davis, born 21 July 1834. He died in Durham 4 Dec. 1868. She died 31 May 1900. George Ebenezer b. 15 Dec. 1859; graduate of Dartmouth, and of Harvard Medical, a physician in Boston; m. 12 Sept. 1887 Dora F. Atwood, b. 2 Sept. 1858. He d. 11 April 1908. Ch., Charles Frances b. 2 April 1889 and Margery Thompson b. 18 Nov. 1891. Ada Mary b. 11 Nov. 1862; Wellesley College, 1886; m. 17 July 1900, Francesco Baldasseroni, now of Rome, Italy. Helen Frances b. 21 Sept. 1867; m. 27 Oct. 1897, Col. Walter W. Scott of Dover, b. 26 Aug. 1867. Ch., Harold Thompson Scott b. 27 Jan. 1907. 33. William Hale Thompson (Ebenezer^ Ebenezer% Ebene- zerS Robert\ John^ William'), born 9 May 1838, married, 26 Jan. 1864, Medora, daughter of Stephen F. and Medora A. (Smith) Gale of Chicago, born 16 March 1843. He was paymaster in the navy during the Civil War and was colonel in the National Guards of Illinois. Member of the Illinois legislature. HISTORY OF I)^•RHA^[ 373 Helen Gale b. in Portsmouth 12 Jan. 1866. William Hale b. in Boston, Mass., 14 May 1867. Gale b. in Chicago, 111., 12 Jan. 1871. Percival b. in Chicago 26 Sept. 1876. 34. Ebenezer Thompson (Ebenezer'', Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, Robert^, John^, William') born 15 Aug. 1821, married, 26 Sept. 1843, Nancy G. Carr of New London, N. H. Lived on the Thompson homestead in Durham, where all his children were born. He died 15 May 1869. His wife was daughter of Capt. Samuel and Nancy (Greeley) Carr, of Scotch-Irish descent. She died in Denver, Col., 27 May 1911. [See pages 310-11 of Vol. I.] Clarence Greeley b. 13 April 1845; d. 30 Aug. 1877 in Manchester. Arthur b. 20 Sept. 1846; d. 10 Nov. 1846. Ella Pickering b. 11 Dec. 1847; m. 15 May 1881, Hon. Joshua B. Smith of Durham. She d. 15 June 1882. She was educated as an artist and produced some paintings and bas-reliefs of great merit. Francis b. 23 Feb. 1849; d. 16 Sept. 1849. Annie Louise b. 8 June 1857; m. 31 March 1891, Frederick F. Hall, b. in Manchester 11 Aug. 1856. He d. in Denver, Col., 13 June 1901. Ch., Wilfred McGregor Hall b. iri Denver, 12 June 1894, and Kathryn Thompson Hall b. in Denver 31 Dec. 1896. 35. LuciEN b. 3 June 1859; m. Mary Lizzie Gage. Eighth Generation 35. Hon. Lucien Thompson (Ebenezer^ Ebenezer^ Benjamin^, Ebenezer^, Robert^ John^ William^), born 3 June 1859, married, 6 April 1887, Mary Lizzie, daughter of Henry A. and Lizzie E. (Newell) Gage of Manchester, who was born at Manchester 15 Jan. 1865. [See pages 319-20 and frontispiece of Vol. I.] Chil- dren all born on the old homestead in Durham: Robert Gage b. 17 Sept. 1888. Ruth Elizabeth b. 16 March 1891. Denver University, 1912. Now studying for degree of doctor of library science at New York Library Science School, Albanv. N. Y. Helen PiCKERiN(i b. 13 Jan. 1896. Louise May b. i Nov. 1898. 374 HISTORY OF DURHAM TORR "Benedictus Torr Late of old England and Leah Knight of doner widow were Joyned to geather in marriage by John Wood- man Esq'' Justis of Peace the 17 day of July An:dom 1704." So the record reads. She was widow of John Knight, who settled in Dover, on the road to Oyster River, earlier than 1689, when his garrison house was burned by Indians. A few years later it was rebuilt by Mr. Torr, and the place has been in the possession of the Torr family ever since. The lumber of the old garrison, that stood over 125 years, forms a part of houses now standing near its site. Benedictus Torr had no children and sent for his kinsman, Vincent Torr, to come over and inherit his property. He is called "cousin," which at that time usually meant nephew. Vincent Torr was of the parish of Black Otton, Devonshire, and emigrated at the age of eighteen, about the year 1726. Both names appear on a petition in 1732. Vincent Torr married, about 1739, Lois Pinkham (James^, John^, Richard^, born 2 March 172 1/2. He died in Feb. 1774. She was living in 1768. Mary b. i Sept. 1740; bapt. 7 June 1741 ; m. Judge Ebenezer Thompson. Benedictus bapt. 5 Sept. 1742; not named in father's will, 1768. 2. Andrew bapt. 25 Nov. 1744; m. Mary Jones. Eunice bapt. 3 May 1747; m. Ebenezer Meserve. 3. Simon b. 5 Nov. 1749; m. Sarah Ham. Lois b. after 1750; m. Clement Meserve. 4. Vincent b. 1758; m. Mehitable Morse. 2. Lieut. Andrew Torr (Vincent) married Mary, daughter of Joseph Jones of Lee. He was selectman of Dover sixteen years, representative in 1789 and 1795, twice moderator, and justice of the peace. He died 8 March 1817. His wife died 10 Sept. 1808. He married (2) 20 Dec. 1809, Deborah, widow of Joseph Hicks. 5. Joseph Jones b. 1773; m. Lois Hill. Vincent b. 1777; m. his cousin, Sarah Torr; d. 3 Sept. 1815. Ch., Andrew d. 6 Sept. 1826, aged 18 yrs., and Mary who m. Alonzo Roberts. Sarah m. 1807, Gen. Samuel Demeritt. Abigail b. 20 Dec. 1779; m. 19 Jan. 1797, Philemon Chandler of Dover. [See Wentworth Genealogy, H, 469.] Mary m. (i) 15 Sept. 1803, John Wingate, (2) William Drew. Nancy m. Paul Meserve. Andrew b. 1782; d. 15 Aug. 1794. 6. Benjamin b. 1787; m. Sarah Torr. HISTORY OF DURHAM 375 3. Simon Torr (Vincent), born 5 Nov. 1749, married, 6 Nov. 1776, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and EHzabeth (Ham) Ham, and settled in Rochester. He was a sergeant major in the Revo- lution, four times selectman of Rochester, and one of the wealthiest farmers in that town. He once made a visit to his relatives in England and is said to have been then impressed into the British navy. He died 14 March 1821. His wife was born i May 1757 and died 6 June 1833. Betsey b. 9 April 1777; m. (i) 12 Feb. 1795, John Roberts, (2) George Brewster; d. 14 May 1841. Mary b. 31 Oct. 1778; m. 18 Dec. 1801, John Downs; d. 8 Nov. 1869. Abigail b. 12 July 1781 ; m. 13 Nov. 1802, John McDuffee; d. 13 May 1869. Sarah b. 14 Dec. 1784; m. (i) 16 Dec. 1804, Vincent Torr, (2) Benjamin Torr; d. 23 July 1873. John b. 5 Oct. 1787; m. Phebe Wentworth ; d. 13 Jan. 1863. Simon b. 5 Oct. 1789; m. 22 May 1821, Betsey F. Davis, dau. of Thomas, b. 11 Sept. 1794, d. 6 Nov. 1854. He d. 17 Feb. 1858. Jonathan H. b. 27 June 1793; m. 7 May 1820, Sarah McDuf- fee; d. 24 Jan. 1 88 1. 4. Vincent Torr (Vincent), born 1758, married, 30 March 1783, Mehitable daughter of the Rev. John Morse of Berwick, Me. He was a Revolutionary soldier. Tailor by trade. Lived in Port Tobacco, Maryland, and Newmarket, N. H. He died II May 1829. His wife died 9 Feb. 1821. John Morse b. 25 Sept. 1783; d. 4 Sept. 1806. Sarah b. 17 March 1785; m. 29 Nov. 1804, Ebenezer Doe of Newmarket; d. 26 Jan. 1846. Lois b. 13 Sept. 1786; d. 13 Oct. 1795. Susanna b. 29 Feb. 1788; m. , late in life and 1. in northern New Hampshire. Vincent b. 19 March 1790; m. (i) 3 May 1825, Susan, dau. of Isaac Spinney of Durham, (2) Anne Robinson; d. 2 Feb. 1864. Ch., Mattie and Vincent. Res., Bradford, Mass. Sophia b. 6 Oct. 1791; m. John Putney of Lowell, Mass; d. 8 Dec. 1866. Ch., Sophia m. Dr. Thomas of Cincin- nati, Mary m. Dr. Thomas, and Margaret, who m. Edward Hartshorn of Lowell, Mass. Mehitable b. 25 Nov. 1793; m. Aug. 1822, William L. Forbes, who d. at sea i Aug. 1824, leaving one dau., Nancy L. Forbes, who m. Rev. John L. Asby and hadch., George 376 HISTORY OF DURHAM Carleton Asby, b. 13 Jan. 1843, d. 20 July 1863, Mary Hannah Asby b. 21 June 1847, m. Mr. Burgess of Washing- ton, D. C, and Wilhehnina Asby who m. Charles H. Bur- gess of Washington, D. C. Widow Mehitable (Torr) Forbes m. (2) John S. Meserve; d. 9 Dec. 1866. Charlotte b. 3 Dec. 1795; m. Amos Chamberlain, of Leb- anon, Me.; d. 7 March 1873. Nancy b. 25 Jan. 1798; m. 27 May 1819, Joshua Doe; d. 19 Sept. 1880. George Jerry b. 12 Dec. 1799; m. (i) Nancy Whittemore of Somersworth. Ch., George Edward, George William, Julia Morse, who m. Harrison Williams of Haverhill, Mass., and Delia Bucklin who m. Oscar N. Kyle of Lowell, Mass. He m. (2) Anna Young of Wakefield. Ch., Georgia Ham who m. W. H. Bent of Lowell, Mass., and Eugene H., of Lowell. Eliza b. 30 Jan. 1801; m. Henry Allen, (2) Rev. Byron Morse of Haverhill, Mass., (3) Mr. Merrill; d. 10 Feb. 1881. 5. Joseph Jones Torr (Andrew-, Vincent^, born 1773, married, 30 April 1795, Lois, daughter of Capt. Reuben and Abigail (Piper) Hill of Lee. She was born 29 Aug. 1778 and died 7 March 1816. He died in June 1819. Lived in Dover. Polly b. 12 Jan. 1796; d. 22 Sept. 1800. Andrew b. 20 July 1798; m. 22 June 1826, Clarissa, dau. of Dea. Durrell and Anne (Hill) Stevens of New Durham; d. 5 May 1885. Lived in Peabody, Mass. 7 ch. Reuben Hill b. 2 April 1800; d. by accident 15 Jan. 1866. LInm. Joseph b. 24 June 1802; m. Mrs. Sally Brimblecourt, 28 Oct. 1828, and 1. in Salem, Mass. One son, who d. 1840. Mary b. 28 Feb. 1804; m. Sept. 1842, Asa Brown of Danvers, Mass.; d. s. p. 6 Nov. 1899. John b. 8 April 1808; m. 10 Feb. 1834, Elizabeth White Benjamin; d. 2 March 1901. L. in Peabody, Mass. One dau., Mary Elizabeth, b. 18 Dec. 1845, m. 25 Nov. 1876, William Trask of Peabody. Nancy b. 15 Oct. 1809; m. Nov. 1846, Almon B. Allard, and 1. in Salem, Mass.; d. 28 March i860. George Washington b. i March 1816; d. s. p. May 1901. 6. Benjamin Torr (Andrew', Vincent'), born 1787, died 19 April 1852. He married Sarah Torr, widow of his brother, Vin- cent, and daughter of Simon and Sarah (Ham) To'rr. Lived on the homestead in Dover and built the present set of farm buildings on the east side of the road. HISTORY OF DURHAM 377 John d. i6 Sept. 1853. Harriet A. m. 11 Dec. 1826, Edwin J. Whitehouse. Caroline m. (i) Hon. John H. Nealley of Dover, (2) Ezekiel Hurd of Dover. Simon Jones b. 182 1; m. 21 Dec. 1845, Mary Jane French, who d. 10 Jan. 1885; d. 2 July 1899. Sarah A. m. 7 Sept. 1836, Wm. F. Estes of Dover. TWOMBLY James Twombly, born in Madbury 15 May 1800, married at Saco, Me., 28 Aug. 1827, Sarah R. Hart, who was born in Durham, 16 June 1810. Children recorded in Durham: John R. b. in Saco 5 Feb. 1828. Ann b. in Saco 7 Feb. 1830. Mary E. b. in Durham 5 June 1836. Sarah F. b. in Durham 13 May 1838. Irene G. b. in Durham 20 May 1843. Alexander H. Twombly, son of Ralph and Ann, was born in Durham and died in Boston in 1870, aged 65-8-7. Ann Twombly, born in Durham 19 May 181 1, married James Baxter of Quincy, Mass. WAKEHAM Thomas Wakeham subscribed for the maintenance of the minister at Portsmouth in 1671. Edward Wakeham aged 43 on the 7th of 7th month, 1703, married Sarah, daughter of John and Abigail (Tuttle) Meader. He bought, 2 May 1695, "Giles old field," on the south side of Oyster River. Weaver by trade. He and wife w^ere admitted to church 18 Oct. 1719. Abigail bapt. 14 Dec. 1718; m. John Laskey. Sarah bapt. 14 Dec. 1718; m. John Buss, Jr. Elizabeth bapt. 11 Oct. 1719; m. John Edgerly. Mehitable bapt. 21 May 1721. Caleb bapt. 21 May 1721 ; m. Mary . Prudence m. Ichabod Foliett. Mary m. John Kent. Caleb Wakeham sold the homestead of thirty-two acres to Samuel Smith, 8 July 1757. According to Tate's Journal he perished in a storm, 20 Oct. 1770. He had son, Ebenezer, bap- tized 12 Oct. 1753, and probably son, Caleb, who married at Rochester, 16 Oct. 1777, Sarah Clements. 378 HISTORY OF DURHAM WATSON David Wilder Watson, son of David Watson, who married Elizabeth Ann Odiorne, daughter of Theophilus and Sarah (Gor- don) Odiorne, came into possession of the Odiorne farm at Pas- cataqua Bridge. He married, 7 July 1879, Hattie Soule, born 27 Jan. 1857 in Boston. She was daughter of John P. and Harriet (Campbell) Soule. She died in Durham 31 Oct. 191 1. She richly deserves the title of "A Great Mother." She was the leader of her class in one of the Boston High Schools and worked untiringly to send five of her children through New Hampshire College. Notwithstanding the many cares and labors that belong to the life of a busy farmer's wife she found time to be one of the foremost in the activities of church and society. She served at different times as church chorister, member of the school board, chorister, lecturer and master of Scammell Grange, lecturer of Eastern New Hampshire Grange, superintendent of the Sunday School, head of the Ladies' Missionary Society, president of the Woman's Club, chairman of many committees, etc. At the same time she gave her children the best of training in the home, Sunday School, church and college. It is not per- fectly easy to take a large family of children regularly several miles to churcii, but it can be happily done, as the writer hereof remembers. Too many farmers and their wives are now getting too indolent and unappreciative of the benefits of going to church regularly, and so Sunday is turned into a holiday or work-day. Honor to the noble women of the past, whose example should be imitated. Ethel Campbell b. 10 April 1880 at Maiden, Mass.; m. 4 Dec. 1901, Arthur W. Simpson. David Albert b. 10 Aug. 1881 at Maiden, Mass.; m. 14 Nov. 1906, Clara May Mitchell, who d. 5 March 181 1. Ch., Alice Louise b. 21 July 1907, and George Wilder b. 17 June 1909. Gertrude Elizabeth b. 20 April 1883 in Durham. LucLV Soule b. 26 Dec. 1884; m. 20 Sept. 191 1, Dean Fred Smalley. Leon Payson b. 29 Nov. 1886; m. 30 April 19 10, Flora May Austin. Myles Standish b. 27 Dec. 1888. Earle Elwin b. 24 June 1891. Philip Wilder b. 13 May 1894. HISTORY OF DURHAM 379 WELLS Children of Edward and Margery (Hardy) Wells, born in Durham. [See pages 282 and 331 of Vol. L]: Susan b. 4 Oct. 1798; d. 28 Feb. 1877 at Maiden, Mass. Buried in Durham. Charles b. 18 Dec. 1799; m. Mary Wiggin and 1. in New- York; d. 24 April 1847. Samuel b. 15 Aug. 1801; d. 15 July 1868. Was Governor of Maine. He m. May 1826, Louisa Ann, dau. of Moses Appleton of Waterville, Me. John Sullivan b. 18 Oct. 1803; m. 1832, Rebecca E. Bel- lows; d. I Aug. i860. He was United States senator from New Hampshire. See page 282 of Vol. L Clarissa Sullivan b. 29 Aug. 1805 ; d. 28 Oct. 1826. Buried in Durham. Margery Steele b. ; m. Anderson. Joseph Bartlett b. 27 April 1810; d. 26 Dec. 1855, unm. State attorney and Lieutenant Governor of Illinois. Frederick Burt b. i Sept. 1816; d. 27 Aug. 1877, unm. United States consul at Bermuda. WHEELER John Wheeler, son of William and Hannah (Buss) Wheeler, born in Concord, Mass., 10 May 1668, married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Elizabeth Perkins. [See page 41 of Vol. L] John Wheeler and wife were killed by Indians, at Little Bay, 27 April 1706, according to Pike's Journal. William Wheeler, "uncle," of Concord, Mass., in 171 1, was made guardian of Richard, William and Joseph Wheeler of Oyster River. Richard and William went to Concord, Mass. Joseph Wheeler (John) was a tailor and farmer. He mar- ried II Feb. 1724/5, Mary, daughter of John Drew. He was admitted to church at Oyster River, 19 Aug. 1722 and was chosen deacon therein. His wife was admitted 7 July 1728. He lived on the homestead near Little Bay. His estate was administered in 1769. He married (2) Frances Edgerly. Elizabeth bapt. i May 1726. Abigail m. William Buss. 3. Benjamin m. Elizabeth Burnham. Hannah m. before 1765 Daniel Edgerly. Sarah m. 13 Oct. 1752, Rev. John Adams. 3. Benjamin Wheeler (Joseph^, John^ married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Burnham, 23 April 1760. In a deed he is 380 HISTORY OF DURHAM called "deacon." He lived in 1753 in the vicinity of the Pound, between roads leading to the Point and to Newmarket. Oct. 30, 1765. Benjamin and Elizabeth Wheeler of Gardner's Town, Lincoln County, Mass. (now Gardiner, Me.), Daniel Edgerly and Hannah, his wife, of Madbury and Abigail Wheeler, spinster, of Durham, sold to Daniel Warner all right to one half of a cer- tain farm, twenty acres, on Little Bay, "between the land of John Edgerly and that of Joseph and John Drew." Benjamin Wheeler afterward removed to Hampden, Me., the first settler of that town, and was drowned before 5 July 1784, when his widow, Elizabeth, was made administratrix. Her son, Daniel, was appointed administrator of her estate 20 July 181 1. Sarah b. 30 Jan. 1761; m. bapt. 15 Feb. 1761 in Durham; Gen. John Crosby. Benjamin b. i Jan. 1763; bapt. 9 Jan. 1763 in Durham; m. Joanna (Edgerly ? ). Polly b. 1768; m. Amos Hardy. Robert Burnham b. in Hampden 8 March 1770; m. Rebecca Sears. Daniel m. 1801, Fannie Haskins. John b. 6 March 1778; m. 1800 Welthea Ann Gorton. Joseph m. Margaret . Rem. to Ohio. Perhaps Willl\m and George. WIGGIN Capt. William Wiggin married, 5 Feb. 1801, Lydia, daughter of Capt. Joseph and Polly (Pendergast) Chesley, who died 9 July 1820, aged 34. He married (2) 25 Dec. 1823, Sophia Pender- gast. He died 16 Jan. 1831, aged 55. He was a deacon in the church in Durham. His widow married, 22 Feb. 1840, David Murray at Newmarket. William d. 14 June 1820, aged 11. IssACHAR b. 1809; m. 19 Dec. 1828, Hannah, dau. of Ebene- zer Doe, and had one son, William. Moses H. m. 16 June 1846, Mrs. Hannah (Doe) Wiggin, widow of his brother, and had son, Charles. Lydia b. 6 Nov. 181 1 ; m. 26 April 1832, Solomon Pendergast. Mary P. b. i June 1819. Cutler Wiggin, brother of Capt. William, married, 17 Jan. 1802, Susanna Chesley, daughter of Capt. Joseph. She died childless. He married (2) 10 Dec. 1804, Hannah Smith of Lee. Their children were Issachar, Susan, Sally who m. Boody HISTOKV OI' DURHANr 38I of Strafford, Eliza who was published to Samuel Davis of Water- boro, Me., 2 Aug. 1829, Jerr>- who m. SalK' Nealey, and Hannah S. who died 15 Jan. 1857, aged 40 years 2 months. Lieut. David Wiggin, Jr., married (i) 17 Nov. 1796, Eliza- beth, daughter of George Dame. She died 13 Aug. 1804, aged 30 years, 2 months. He married (2) 1805, Olive Wiggin, (3) 25 Dec. 1 815, Drusilla Young of Newmarket, aunt of the wife of his son, Thomas. He died 8 Nov. 1866, aged 95 years, 8 months. Children were: George J. b. 14 Oct. 1801; m. (i) 17 April 1827, Abigail Thompson, who was b. 12 Dec. 1800 and d. 2 Feb. 1872, (2) Mrs. Alice (Jones) Smart. Children by first marriage were George T. b. 9 April 1835, and Nancy S. b. 7 July 1840. Deborah m. 13 Feb. 1834, Jeremiah Chesley. Thomas B. m. 18 Feb. 1829, Mary Young. Frances m. 19 March 1835, Nathan Durgin of Newmarket. Children by third marriage: Mary and Olive, who both d. unm. James Wiggin, born 22 Aug. 1784, married either Mehitable Langley or Hannah Davis, and had the following children recorded in Durham: James L. b. 29 June 1807. L"iT)iA b. 16 Jan. 1811; m. Robert B. Stacy; pub. 4 Nov. 1827. William b. 11 March 1813. George b. 25 March 1815. John M. b. 21 Sept. 1817. Charles H. b. 3 June 1820. Woodbury b. 7 Jan. 1823. Mary B. b. 27 Oct. 1827. Wiggin Marriages in Durham May 5, 1782, John Wiggin of Epping and Elizabeth Durgin. Nov. 2, 1794, Rufus Wiggin of Stratham and Sally Edgerly. 1804, Andrew Wiggin of Newmarket and Phebe Durgin. 1807, Andrew Wiggin of Stratham and Susanna Dame. 1808, Walter Gate and Polly \Mggin. Nov. 24, 181 7, Henry Y. Wiggin and Mary Ham. Nov. 16, 1 83 1, James S. Wiggin and Abigail B. Wilson. Dec. II, 1836, Oliver L. Wiggin and Sophia J. Drew. 382 HISTORY OF DURHAM Feb. 28, 1822, George Libbey and Abigail N. Wiggin. Feb. 6, 1849, Moses V. Beede of Lowell and Mary D. Wiggin.. Nov. 12, 1797, Asa Stokes of Nottingham and Miss Abigail Wiggin. She m. (2) Levi Tuttle and died 19 Oct. 1854, aged 73. Publishments June 8, 1805, James Wiggin, Jr., and Hannah Davis. Feb. 21, 1807, James Wiggin and Mehitable Langley. Sept. 17, 1808, Joseph Warren Wiggin and Anne Davis of Barnstead. Sept. 20, 1816, Israel Wiggin and Nancy Langley. WILLEY Thomas Willey was in possession of "a breadth of land," received probably from Darby Field, at Oyster River Point, in 1645. He married Margaret, widow of Stephen Crawford, who had land at Oyster River, and left a daughter, Sarah, who was Sarah Runnels of Portsmouth in 1692, when she sold to her brother, John Willie, all right to land at Oyster River owned by her father. Crawford is sometimes written Graffit. Sept. 3, 1680, Thomas Willey, aged 63, and Margaret Willey, his wife, aged 65, deposed that they had lived in Oyster River forty years or thereabouts. Widow Margaret and son, John, were appointed administrators of Thomas Willey's estate, 7 Sept. 1 68 1. She afterward married Barnard Squier. Samuel d. intestate in 1679. 2. WiLLL\M m. Rebecca Nock. 3. Stephen b. 1649; m. Abigail Pitman. 4. John b. 1659; m. Dorcas . Abigail m. 1701, William Leathers; d. at age of 102. 2. William Willey (Thomas) in 1666 was a servant of Thomas King of Exeter, who willed him land. He married Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Nock. He administered the estate of Rebecca Benmore in 1680, who was Rebecca Tibbetts and had married (i) Thomas Nock and (2) Philip Benmore, dying 30 March 1680. William Willey's estate was administered by his son, Samuel Willey, who, i Aug. 1706, sold to John Hanson land which was part of 100 acres granted to Thomas Nock, grand- father of said Samuel. Widow Rebecca Willey married (2) Samuel Tibbetts. William Willey lived on Dover Neck. 5. Samuel m. Mary Canney, (2) Elizabeth Randall. William (?) d. 15 Oct. 1706, aged 22. HISTORY OF DURHAM 383 3. Stephen Willey (Thomas) lived on the homestead at Oyster River Point. He was born in 1649, as a deposition shows, and married before 1671 Abigail, daughter of William Pitman. Court proceedings indicate that he was insanely jealous of his wife. Being about to go to sea in 1696 he made a deed of gift, equivalent to a will, giving the farm at the Point to his son, Thomas, and naming also daughter, Abigail. This deed was recorded 27 Jan. 1700. It is probable that Stephen was then deceased. 6. Thomas b. 1671; m. Frances . Abigail. Maria Madelaine bapt. at Montreal as dau. of Stephen and Gabrielle [Abigail] (Pieman) Willis [Willey], aged 16. She entered religious service in Canada. Abigail, Eliza- beth, and Judy Willey were captured by Indians in 1694 and carried to Canada. Abigail may have been the one named in deed above mentioned, and Judy or Elizabeth may have been baptized as Maria Madelaine. 4. John Willey (Thomas), born 1659, as per deposition, married Alice Dorcas , who was admitted to church, 6 March 1719/20. Feb. 10, 1717, John and Alice Willey and John Willey, Jr., sold land to Francis Mathews. In 1717 John W'illey, Sr., and wife, Alice, sold to son, Samuel, land southeast of the Long Marsh. In 1735 John Wille, Sr., and "Els Darkes Wille his wife" sold land to Timothy Emerson. The same year John Wille, Sr., sold to son, W^illiam, land granted in 1733. Dorcas, wife of John Willey, was baptized i April 171 7. In 17 18 John and Samuel Willey quitclaimed all right to their father's estate^ Children, so far as known, were as follow,s: 7. John m. Christian . 8. Samuel b. 1693; m. Sarah Stevenson. 9. William m. Margaret Basford. 10. Stephen bapt. 7 April 1717, aged 12; m. Lucy Allen. Third Generation 5. Samuel Willey (William-, Thomas') married (i) 3 June 1702, Mary Canney, who died 2 June 1703, (2) 19 Feb. 1704/5, Elizabeth Randall. Samuel Willey and Elizabeth, his wife, ciuit- claimed to Joseph Canny all right in estate of John Canny of Dover Neck, 27 Oct. 1715, "being a legacy." His will, 21 Dec. 1753-30 Jan. 1754, names son, Samuel, daughter, Mary, and granddaughter, Elizabeth, who was daughter of Samuel. 384 HISTORY OF DURHAM 11. Samuel b. 25 Feb 1702/3; m. Elizabeth — . Mary b. 6 Sept. 1721; m. Benjamin Heard (?). 6. Thomas Willey (Stephen^ Thomas') had wife, Frances, in 1702, when they sold to John Wille of Dover ten acres granted to "my deceased grandfather Thomas Wille," in 1654, "Ij'ing by Charles Adams lott." He made a deposition, i May 1738, aged 67. He was a weaver by trade. He and wife were baptized by the Rev. Hugh Adams, 25 March 1721. Joanna m. John Rand, 17 Dec. 1718. Benjamin m. Anna . Both 1. in 1766, at Barrington. 12. EzEKiEL b. 1724; m. Mary . 13. Stephen bapt. 25 March 1721; m. Hannah . 14. Thomas bapt. 25 March 1721; m. Hannah Runnels. 15. Robert m. Mary Leathers. 7. John Willey (John-, Thomas') had wife named Christian. Both were admitted to church at Oyster River 5 April 1724. He was baptized 6 April 1718 and she 19 Feb. 1720/21. John Wille and wife, "Caterine," in 1746 conveyed to Theodore Wille land near Horn's woods in Durham. John bapt. 6 April 1718; m. prob. Abigail Denmore, or Denbo, 27 Feb. 1728/9. Theodore bapt. 13 Aug. 1721; m. bef. 1741, Keziah, dau. of Cornelius Drisco, perhaps (2) Molly Scriggins of Kittery, now Eliot, Me. 16. Thomas bapt. 13 Aug. 1721; m. Elizabeth (?). Christian bapt. 13 Aug. 1721 ; m. William Watson, i March 1757- Joanna bapt. 13 Aug. 1721. Samuel *'3rd" bapt. i March 1723/4; m. Hannah, dau. of Joseph Low, 29 June 1753. Walter bapt. 26 June 1726. Paul bapt. 3 March 1727/8; m. Mary Bickford, 21 May 1758, widow of Joshua Bickford, q. v. L. near north end of the bridge at Durham village. They were prob. parents of J.ahn Willey, who m. Mehitable Leathers, and of Mary Willey, b. 26 Oct. 1758, who m. Edward Winslow Emerson. John and Mehitable Willey had sons, John who m. Betsey Shaw of Frankfort, Me., and William Ballard, who m. Mahala Dearborn of Ossipee, N. H. 8. Samuel Willey (John-, Thomas') married Sarah, daughter of Bartholomew and Mary (Clark) Stevenson. Both were baptized 6 March 1719/20. She married (2) Roberts (?). Con- veyance of property in 1753 shows family. He was 1. in 1748 HISTORY OF DURHAM 385 and deceased bef. 1754. He made a deposition, 23 Jan. 1753, aged 60, 17. Samuel Jr. bapt. 6 March 1719/20; m. 16 March 1749, Sarah Glazier (?). Sarah bapt. 6 March 1719/20; d. young. Mary bapt. 28 Sept. 1721; m. 22 Jan. 1756, Samuel Lang- maid (?). Sarah bapt. 29 Aug. 1725; m. William Smart. Hannah bapt. 28 July 1728; m. Josiah Doe, 14 Dec. 1753. Joseph deeds land with brother, Samuel, in 1756; 1. in 1772; m. Dorothy . 9. William Willey (John^ Thomas^ married, 7 Dec. 1718, Margaret, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Basford of Hampton, born 20 June 1695. He was baptized 6 March 1719/20 and both were admitted to church 4 Feb. 1728/9. He is mentioned as a shipwright in 1739, working on a schooner being built at Oyster River by Daniel Warner. Did he marry (2) i Jan. 1761, W'idow Bethiah Buss? John bapt. 10 April 1720; m. Susanna, dau. of Samuel Chesley (?). Elizabeth bapt. i Oct. 1722. Margaret bapt, 4 Oct. 1724. Dorcas bapt. 23 March 1728/9. 10. Stephen Willey (John^ Thomas^, born 1705, married, 12 Dec. 1728, Lucy Allen. He bought land of his father, John Willey, in 1736. James Allen bapt. 22 Jan. 1729/30. Lucy bapt. 5 Oct. 1729. 11. Samuel Willey (SamueF, William^ Thomas^), born 25 Feb. 1702/3, had wife Elizabeth, who was baptized in Dover 8 Aug. 1736. He was baptized in Dover 9 May 1725. They had children : Elizabeth bapt. 25 July 1736. Willl\m bapt. 25 July 1736; m. Elizabeth Whitehouse. Ch., John, William, Josiah, Nathaniel, and Stephen. [Tate's Journal.] Mary bapt. 8 Aug. 1736. 12. Ezekiel Willey (Thomas^, Stephen^, Thomas^, born 1724, was a soldier in 1758, aged 34, and in the company of Capt. Winborn Adams in 1775, aged 51. Carpenter by trade. He married Mary . He was of Barrington in 1750-62. 25 386 HISTORY OF DURHAM Mary bapt. in Dover 3 Oct. 1752. Isaiah bapt. in Dover 3 Oct. 1752. 13. Stephen Willey (Thomas^, Stephen^, Thomas') was of Dover in 1743, when he had wife, Hannah, and the following children were baptized in Dover: Mary bapt. 10 Oct. 1741. ♦ Frances bapt. 10 Oct. 1741. Hannah bapt. 10 Oct. 1741. Elizabeth bapt. 25 Aug. 1743. Stephen, Jr., received "homestead at Bickford's Ferry" from Stephen, senior, 23 Aug. 1764. 14. Thomas Willey (Thomas^ Stephen^, Thomas^ married Hannah, daughter of John and Hannah (Clark) Runnels, and had children. His will, 1778, names wife, Hannah, dau., Abigail Glover, and "Willie Hill, son of Edward Hill all my homestead land." Abigail bapt. i March 1729/30; m. — Glover. Hannah named in will of John Runnels, 1756. Elizabeth named in will of John Runnels. Mary m. Edward Hill. 15. Robert Willey (Thomas\ Stephen^, Thomas^ married, as early as 1730, Mary, daughter of William and Abigail (Willey) Leathers. Child baptized in Dover, by Rev. J. Gushing. Robert died before 13 Feb. 1770. His wife lived to age of 102. Anna bapt. 30 Dec. 1741. Thomas m. Patience . Of Madbury in 1770. Abigail b. 27 March 1731, m. Brown. L. to age of I 02-4- I 9. Bridget m. Woodman. 16. Thomas Willey (perhaps John'', John^, Thomas') and Elizabeth, his wife, sold land to Stephen Cogan, 19 Sept. 1785. In the deed he is called "clockmaker." He had a son, Robert Willey, who was a soldier in Capt. Winborn Adams' company, in 1775, aged 22. Robert married 23 Feb. 1786, Molly, daughter of Ichabod Denbow, or Dinsmore. He died 21 June 1818, aged 58. She died 21 May 1843, aged 77. They had the following children : Mark b. 10 April 1791 ; m. Dorothy Cilley. He was a car- penter. He d. in Durham, 1878. She d. in 1875. RuFUS b. 16 July 1794; m. 28 Nov. 1821, Susan, dau. of Joseph Dame, who was b. 24 April 1801 and d. 23 Sept. HISTORY OF DURHAM 387 1870. He d. 27 Jan. 1884. He was a blacksmith and soldier in the War of 1812. 2 ch., Mary Elizabeth b. 17 Feb. 1825, who m. 8 Oct. 1843, Stephen Paul and d. 5 Jan. 1882, and Rufus, Jr., b. 21 Nov. 1828, who m. Lydia, dau. of Gen. Alfred Hoitt. Jacob b. 30 July 1804; m. 18 June 1833, Eliza Moore, who was b. 12 Nov. 1814. 5 ch., Adelaide b. 10 Dec. 1835, Albert b. 29 May 1838, Eliza b. 6 Dec. 1841, Jacob Orlando b. I Nov. 1843, and Lydia Ann b. 18 Feb. 1846. Charles D., a tailor, m. (i) Durgin of New Durham, (2) Jane, widow of James Ellis. Betsey m. Hugh Cox. Mary b. 2 May 1808; m. John Langley. Sarah b. 12 Nov. 1809; m. 27 Sept. 1840, John Runlett. Robert m. 6 Nov. 1820, Hannah Appleby; d. 20 July 1834. Children of Mark and Dorothy (Cilley) Willey: Henry b. 20 Dec. 1812; m. 26 Feb. 1836, Susan F. Runlett, who was b. in Lee, 3 March 1816 and d. 30 Oct. 1864 in Durham. He m. (2) 23 Jan. 1866, Abby R. Emerson, who was b. 17 Nov. 1832 in Deerfield, N. H. He d. 22 Jan. 1892. Mehitable b. 12 Feb. 1817; m. Jacob Mathes. Ira m. 19 Oct. 1843, Mary Ann Stevens. Harriet m. Cyrus G. Hull. No ch. Mary Ann m. Federal B. Stevens. 6 ch. Children of Henry and Susan F. (Runlett) Willey: Charles Henry b. 23 Aug. 1837; d. 1890, in Haverhill, Mass. Mark E. b. 16 Sept. 1838; cl. 1868 in Durham. Child of Henry and Abby R. (Emerson) Willey: Mark E. b. 20 Oct. 1871 ; m. 16 Sept. 1900, Annie M. Arnold in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, who was b. there 16 July 1876. Ch., Marion L. b. 12 Sept. 1901, Abby L. b. 21 Jan. 1903, Henry A. b. ii Aug. 1904, and Andrew E. b. ID March 1907. 17. Samuel Willey (SamueF, John^, Thomas^) is thought to have been the one who married Sarah Glazier, 16 March 1749; and these are supposed to have been the parents of Samuel, born 31 Jan. 1753, who married, 23 Oct. 1782, Elizabeth Glazier, who was born I Jan. 1761 and died 7 April 1844. He removed to Conway and died there 14 June 1844. Children were: Polly b. 24 July 1784; m. Jan. 1806, Jonathan Thompson; d. 18 June 1865. James b. 23 Feb. 1786; m. 21 Dec. 1809, Honor Hart; d. 19 Oct. 1838. 388 HISTORY OF DURHAM Samuel b. 31 March 1788; m. 17 Sept. 181 2, Polly Lovejoy, who was b. April 1791. This family perished in the moun- tain slide of 1826. Betsey b. 21 Sept. 1790; m. 29 Dec. 1814, Jacob Bray; d. 7 or 9 Dec. 1831. Hannah b. 4 June 1795; m. 25 Dec. 1823, John Barnes. Benjamin G. b. 11 Feb. 1796; m. 3 June 1825, Rachel Mitchell. Stephen b. 15 Oct. 1798; m. i Jan. 1826, Tabitha Lewis. Sarah b. 19 Feb. 1801; d. 19 Nov. 1822. Benjamin M. Willey, son of Zebulon, married 29 April 1830 Mary H. Davis, and had children, Hannah, who married Eli Varney; Jonas M., who married Frances J., daughter of Alfred and Harriet (Burnham) Pinkham and had children, Charles A. born 19 May 1854, who married Mary A. Jones, Stephen L. born 10 Dec. 1856, Harriet F. born 7 Feb. 1858, who married John Stevens, Mary J. born 11 Oct. i860, and James M. born 19 Oct. 1862. Other children of Benjamin Willey were Laura and Elizabeth, who both died young; Julia, who married Edwin Banks of Rockland, Me., who died at sea, after which she returned to Durham and married (2) Marshall B. Foss, and had children, Fred and Mary; Ida, who married William Roberts. Charles A. and Mary A. (Jones) Willey, above named, had children, Frank E., who married, in Lowell, Mass., Ella Tompson of Prince Edward Island; Sarah A., who married Albert Littlehale of Paris, Me.; Bessie E., who married John C. Lyons; Eliza F., and Charles S. William Willey, born 29 Oct. 181 1, died 7 Dec. 1846. He married, 3 July 1836, Eliza Leathers, who was born 25 June 1821. They had children, John Curtis b. i April 1837, Charles William b. 22 Aug. 1839, Henry Edward b. 27 Oct. 1841, James Warren b. 23 Dec. 1843, and Olive Jane b. 2 March 1847. Unclassified m. abt. 1730, Benjamin Hall and Frances Willey of Lee. m. abt. 1732, Ralph Hall and Elizabeth Willey of Lee. m. 27 Sept. 1750, Jabez Davis and Abigail Willey. m. 26 July 1750, Edward Scales and Susanna Willey. m. 22 Jan. 1756, Samuel Langmaid and Mary Willey. m. 23 Feb. 1757, Abraham Knight and Hannah Willey. m. 3 Jan. 1759, John Scrigens and Keziah Willey. m. 17 July 1755, at Newington, John Willey of Durham and Mrs. Sarah Fox of Newmarket. HISTORY OF DURHAM 389 m. 26 Feb. 1777, in Rochester, James Wille and Keziah Leighton, both of Durham, m. 18 Sept. 1785, Jeremiah Willey, Jr., and Sally Johnson, m. 18 Dec. 1785, Robert Drew and Margaret Willey. m. 31 Dec. 1789, Valentine Willey a;id Hannah Hearne. m. 24 Nov. 1 79 1, Samuel Willey and Jennie Follet. m. 4 Oct. 1792, Benjamin Willey, Jr., and Nabby Brock, m. 18 Jan. 1792, Nicholas Robinson of Epping and Mary Willey. m. 9 April 1796, Elijah Willey and Charity Leathers, m. 1801, Zebulon Willey and Molly Willey. m. 1809, Stephen Willey and Comfort McCoy, m. 1809, Nathan Kenniston of Stratham and Lydia Willey. m. 25 April 1825, Moses Willey and Lydia Arnold, m. 25 Jan. 1828, Samuel Willey, Jr., and Susanna B. Lowe, m. 13 Jan. 1828, Daniel G. Leathers and Alvira Willey. m. 7 Dec. 1820, Parker Stevens and Mary Willey. m. Dec. 1 78 1, in Madbury, Robert Willey and Patience Thompson. Publishments 12 Dec. 1807, William Vincent and Lucretia Willey. I April 1807, Joseph Lougee and Nancy Willey. 6 April 181 1, James Huntress and Sally Willey. 24 July 1808, Jacob H. Watson and Deborah Willey. 26 July 1806, Zebulon York and Betsey Willey. 27 Aug. 1803, Thomas Willey and Mary Meader. 3 Aug. 1 81 7, Daniel Willey and Jane Leathers. 21 May 1836, Laommi Tuttle of Lee and Susan Willey. WILLL^MS A William Williams married, in Taunton, Eng., 27 Aug. 1615, Thamzyn Hill, and a man of the same name married at the same place, 4 Feb. 1628, Agnes Newton. This may be the William Williams who came with Thomas Wiggin to Dover Neck in 1633. He married, second or third, the widow of Darby Field, and her name seems to have been Agnes, for William Williams and wife, Agnes, signed a deed 18 June 1674. [See notes under Field and also page 53 of Vol. L] He married again, for, 23 March 1686, William Williams and wife, Mary, and Samuel Hill and wife, Elizabeth, sold to Stephen Jenkins of Kittery land "on which the aforesaid W^illiams now liveth, containing fforty acres as it is bounded between the Lands called Roberts his Land on the North west side and the High way or the Ministers Lot on the South east, and butting upon Oyster River." Mary Williams, "for- 390 HISTORY OF DURHAM merly widow of Thomas Beard," is named in the settlement of Joseph Beard's estate, 28 Feb. 1703/4. "Old sister Williams deceased after much illness and craziness for the space of three years together," 13 June 1703, as says Pike's Journal. Children of William Williams, so far as learned, were as follows: Matthew taxed 1657-68. In 1668 the estate of Matthew Giles was equally divided between Matthew Williams and Richard Knight. Elizabeth, widow of Matthew Williams, late of Newcastle, was 1. in 1722. 2. William m. Margaret Stevenson. Mary a witness in court in 1665. Elizabeth a witness in court in 1665. 2. William Williams (William) had a grant of land, 10:8: 1653, twenty acres on the north side of Oyster River, beginning at the mouth of a creek below Oyster Point. He married Mar- garet, daughter of Thomas Stevenson. He was constable in 1664. Administration of his estate was granted to Henry Tib- betts, in 1721. Did he marry (2) 22 March 1719/20, Hannah Heard ?. WiLLL\M b. 22 Dec. 1662; prob. d. s. p. before 1707. 3. John b. 30 March 1664; m. Ruth . Elizabeth b. 25 Oct. 1665; m. John Hill, 28 Oct. 1680'. Thomas d. s. p. [See N. H. Prov. Deeds, IX, 723 and XXI, 22,] 4. Samuel m. Elizabeth Stevenson. 3. John Williams (William-, William^) married Ruth . He was a deacon in the church at Oyster River. His will, 3 May 1735-27 March 1745, names wife, Ruth, daughter, Hannah, wife of James Huckins, granddaughter, Elizabeth Badger, and son» John. He had a grant, 19 March 1693/4, of sixty acres near Wednesday Swamp. Hannah bapt. 7 June 1719; m. James Huckins. Elizabeth bapt. 7 June 1719; m. Badger. Dau., Elizabeth, prob. m. William Brown 5. John bapt. 7 June 1719; m. Bridget Tibbetts, 7 Feb. 1727/8. 4. Samuel Williams (William-, William^ married Elizabeth, daughter of Bartholomew and Mary (Clark) Stevenson. He was baptized 6 Nov. 1722 and she, 12 Jan. 1726. He owned land in Lee in 1758. Mary named in the will of Bartholomew Stevenson, 1718. Sarah bapt. 6 March 1719/20. Lydl\ bapt. I Dec. 1723. HISTORY OF DURHAM 391 Abigail bapt. i6 May 1725. Joseph bapt. 4 June 1726. Est. adm. by Samuel Williams, 1764. Samuel bapt. 4 June 1726; m. Anne . /^William bapt. 4 June 1726; m. (i) 28 Sept. 1749, Jane Bamford, (2) 15 Aug. 1754, Catherine Caverno, (3) Eliza- beth Hill. Rem. to Canterbury. Ch., Sarah, Catherine, John and William. Thomas bapt. 11 Dec. 1726. His will, 1750, names mother and brother, Joseph. Hepzibah bapt. 20 April 1729; m. Jonathan Swain, 29 Nov. 1750. 5. Ensign John Williams (John^ William^, William^) married, 7 Feb. 1727/8, Bridget Tibbetts. Rev. Hugh Adams records, 31 March 1727/8, the baptism of "Bridget Williams the new wife of John Williams Jun""." She was daughter of Nathaniel Tibbetts. Her dower was set off in July 1774, and mention is made of a son, John, in Lee. John b. 1747; m. Sarah Meader, 2 July 1767. Robert (?) b. 1749; m. 13 June 1777, in Barrington, Sarah, dau. of x^bijah Pinkham; rem. to Enfield and d. there 14 June 1823, aged 74. A dau., Mary, is named in the will of Abijah Pinkham. Bridget (?) m. Capt. Samuel Demeritt. John Williams (John^ John^ William-, William^), born 1747, married, in Portsmouth, 2 July 1767, Sarah Meader, both of Durham. The following children sold to David Libby, 4 Jan. 1799, the old Williams farm, occupied by their grandfather, John Williams. John Williams of Lee was a Revolutionary soldier, 2 June 1775, aged 28. John of Lee; m. Jan. 1793, Sally Edgerly of Barrington. Ruth m. 21 July 1803, Moses Bamford of Barrington. Hannah of Alton. William of New Durham. Tamsex of New Durham; m. 16 Nov. 1800, Elisha Perkins of Wells, Me. Sarah of New Durham. Olive of New Durham; m. Joseph French. Samuel Williams of Barnstead married 7 April 1777, Sobriety, daughter of Jonathan and Sarah (Runnels) Bunker, who was born in 1755. He was a soldier of the Revolution. Baptized by Rev. Hugh Adams, 24 Nov. 1728, Elizabeth Wil- 392 HISTORY OF DURHAM liams, infant of Joseph, Jr. I mistrust that this should read John instead of Joseph. The above named Robert Williams, who married Sarah Pink- ham, may have been son of Samuel and Anne. Baptized by Rev. Hugh Adams, 21 Aug. 1727, Elizabeth Wil- liams. Sarah Williams, daughter of John Buzzell, was baptized 15 April 1722. She married (i) Williams, (2) Roberts. Was she wife of Joseph, Jr.? WOODMAN Edward Woodman, baptized in Corsham, Wiltshire, Eng., 27 Dec. 1606, son of Edward and Olive (Mallott) Woodman, came over in the ship James, embarking 6 April and arriving 3 June 1635. He settled in Newbury, Mass., and was one of the promi- nent men in the history of that town, representing it several times in the General Court. His wife's name was Joanna. Capt. John Woodman, son of the above named Edward Wood- man, born 1630, married, 15 July 1656, Mary, daughter of Darby Field of Oyster River Point. We may assume that he had been living at Oyster River before that date. He had a grant of land soon after, which is recorded in Dover Town Book as follows, "Given & granted by y® Selectmen & with y^ approbation of y® maj'' part of y*^ inhabitants of Oyster River as appears under the selectmens hands y« 30th 7th mo (60 unto John Woodman his heirs & assigns Twenty Acres of Land att y'^ west side of W™ Beards Creek & on y® north side of Stoney brook the brook being y® first bounds unto y'^ afores^ Creek & on y^ west side of Mr Hills Line runs ninety five rod to a marked tree by y® high way & from y* corner to a marked tree by a gutter & from thence bounded unto y® afores'^ head excepting a Lott of marsh & his Lott was laid out & bounded by Ensign John Davis & Rob* Burnum y" 7th 9th (72." He here built his garrison on an elevated spot with command- ing view, where it could be easily defended. The unsuccessful attack of 1694 was the proof of his wisdom. His first wife died 6 July 1698 and he married (2) 17 Oct. 1700, Widow Sarah (Burnham) Huckins. He died 17 Sept. 1706. [See page 291 of Vol. L] HISTORY OF DURHAM 393 John d. lo June 1705, as Pike's Journal says. Mary m. Edward Small. Sarah m. John Thompson.. 2. Jonathan m. Elizabeth Downing. 2. Lieut. Jonathan Woodman married Elizabeth, daughter of Joshua and Patience (Hatch) Downing of Kittery, about 1698, who died 17 April 1729, "wanting 5 days of three score years old." He died in 1750, aged 85. He was selectman in 1705. Mary b. i Sept. 1699; d. 15 July 1777. Unm. 3. John b. 6 March 1701; m. 11 Sept. 1732, Mary Fabyan. 4. Jonathan b. 23 April 1702; m. Elizabeth Smith. 5. Joshua b. 25 Oct. 1703; m. Elizabeth Doe. 6. Edward b. 22 May 1705; m. Martha Doe. Downing b. 5 Dec. 1706; m. 2 Oct. 1736, Elizabeth Hill. [See Old Kittery and Her Families, p. 805.] Archelaus b. 22 June 1708; d. 20 Sept. 1786. Unm. Alice b. 12 Feb. 1710; not named in will, 1749. Fourth Generation 3. John Woodman (Jonathan^, John^, Edward '^), born 6 March 1701, lived in the garrison. He married, ii Sept. 1732, Mary Fabyan of Newington. He was repeatedly moderator and selectman, called also lot-layer and surveyor of timber. In a deed he is called trader. He died 15 July 1777. His will, 14 Aug. 1775, names the following children: Mary b. 14 Feb. 1734; m. John Coleman; d. 9 Sept. 1819. Ch., Woodman and Alice. 7. Jonathan b. 5 Jan. 1743; m. Martha Davis. Elizabeth b. 30 Jan. 1745; m. Abednego Leathers, Jr.; d. II Nov. 1809. 4. Jonathan Woodman (Jonathan^, John^, Edward^, born 23 April 1702, married Elizabeth, "oldest daughter" of John and Elizabeth (Buss) Smith. He died 28 March 1776. His will, 8 March 1776, names children: 8. Jonathan m. Patience Chesley. Benjamin m. Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Meader; d. 1782. L. in Canterbury. Hannah d. 27 March 1822, aged 70. Unm. 5. Joshua Woodman (Jonathan^ John-, EdwardO, born 25 Oct. 1703, married (i) Elizabeth Doe, daughter of John and Elizabeth, (2) Rachel . His will, 29 March 1770-11 Nov. 1778, names wife, Rachel, and the following children: 394 HISTORY OF DURHAM 9. Joshua b. ii June 1736; m. Louis Woodman. 10. Archelaus b. 18 Aug. 1737 (?); m. before 1762, Sarah, dau. of Samuel Joy. He is called lieutenant and in 1786 captain. Elizabeth m. Burleigh; d. bef. 29 March 1770. Ch., Mary, Susanna, and Hannah. 6. Edward Woodman (Jonathan^, John-, Edward^), born 22 May 1705, married (i) 18 Dec. 1740, Martha Doe, daughter of John and Elizabeth, who was born 13 June 17 16 and died 7 Dec. 1767, (2) Mrs. Mary (Titcomb) Tibbetts (?). Lived in Lee. His will, 10 May 1776-12 June 1776, names wife, Mary, and children as follows: John b. 18 Sept. 1742; 1. in Rochester in 1776. Edward b. 3 May 1746; m. Mary ; d. in Lee. 11. Samuel b. 19 Sept. 1749; m. Lydia Durgin. Elizabeth b. 18 Nov. 1753. David b. 3 Sept. 1757. Ebenezer b. 29 March 1760, Fifth Generation 7. Capt. Jonathan Woodman (John^, Jonathan^, John", Edward^, born 5 Jan. 1743, married, 5 Jan. 1765, Martha, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth (Davis) Davis. She was baptized by the Rev. John Adams 21 Dec. 1754 and died 28 Dec. 1784. He married (2) 31 Dec. 1786, Mrs. Mary (Jewett) Smith, who died 17 Dec. 1838, aged 79. He inherited the homestead in Durham by his father's will, reserving a burial ground on the northwest side of "Wolfe pit hill so called," where the Woodman monument may be seen. He died 31 Aug. 181 1. Children by first marriage w^ere: Mary b. 25 Sept. 1768; m. 25 Oct. 1789, Andrew Woodman; d. 20 July 1847. Martha b. 12 Feb. 1773; m. 12 March 1789, Timothy Meserve. ♦ Jonathan b. 21 July 1774; m. 19 March 1797, Elizabeth Pickering. Only one ch. is known, Nicholas, who became insane. Joshua Fabyan b. 2 Aug. 1775; d. at sea 5 Oct. 1801. Lois b. 15 Jan. 1783; m. 4 Feb. 1801, Isaac Ladd of Gilman- ton. Alice buried 11 July 1784. Children by second marriage : John Smith b. 14 Oct. 1787; d. 8 Feb. 181 1 at Demerara, W. L HISTORY OF DURHAM 395 12. Nathan b. 9 Dec. 1789; m. Abigail H. Chesley. Moses b. 12 March 1792; d. at sea 21 Aug. 181 1. 13. William b. 10 July 1794; m. Abigail Joy. 8. Jonathan Woodman (Jonathan^ Jonathan^ John^, EdwardO married Patience, daughter of Lemuel and Patience (Smith) Chesley. He died 15 April 1799. She died 17 May 181 1. 14. Lemuel b. 1760; m. Betsey Patrick. Alice d. unm. at age of 93. Sally m. 10 March 1790, Jonathan Crockett. Isaac b. 13 Aug. 1770; m. 1798, Mary Locke of Barrington, He d. at Woodstock 27 Oct. 1832. She was b. 2 Aug. 1773 and d. 19 Aug. i860. Archelaus b. 9 Dec. 1771, or 1784; d. at Woodstock 13 Dec. 1861, aged 77. Betsey m. Jan. 1792, Ezekiel Hayes. 15. Moses b. 1779; m. Elizabeth Snell. 16. Joseph b. 1785; m. Sally Williams. 9. Joshua Woodman (Joshua^, Jonathan■^ John^, Edward^, born II June 1736, married Lois Woodman, who was born in Maine 22 Jan. 1736. He lived in Lee, where all his children were born. Removed to Meredith and thence to Sanbornton. He served in the Revolutionary Army. Died 13 Aug. 1827. [See History of Sanbornton, H, 860.] Elizabeth b. 26 Aug. 1756; m. Thomas Crosby ;d. 16 June 1852 at Gilford. Mary b. i Sept. 1758; m. Phineas Sanborn; d. 20 Dec. 1834. Andrew b. 29 March 1760; m. 25 Oct. 1789, Mary Wood- man; d. 8 Sept. 1849. Elsie b. 19 April 1762 ; m. Benjamin Smith ; 1. at Belmont, Me. Joshua b. 8 March 1764. Deborah b. 13 Feb. 1767; m. Stephen Mead of Meredith; d. 4 Nov. 1846. John b. i Feb. 1769; m. 2 May 1797, Sarah Calef ; d. 30 Oct. 1865. Ezra b. 8 April 1771; m. 9 March 1803, Betsey Doloff of Belfast, Me. He d. 17 Oct. 1846 at Belmont, Me. Asa b. 16 July 1773; d. i May 1781. Lois b. 13 Sept. 1775; m. i Jan. 1800, William Sanborn, Jr.; d. 31 Oct. 1825. Stephen b. 8 May 1778; d. 8 Dec. 1780. 10. Archelaus Woodman (Joshua^, Jonathan^, John^, Ed- ward^), born probably 18 Aug. 1737, married before 1762 Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Burley) Joy. He is called repeatedly lieutenant and in 1786 captain. Perhaps he married 39<^ HISTORY OF DURHAM (2), after the Revolutionary War, Sarah Downer at Northwood. Children, so far as has been learned, were: Jacob b. 27 July 1766; m. 6 Aug. 1789, Mary Chesley. Moses b. 1769; moved with family to Minnesota bef. 1820. Elijah b. 11 May 1771; m. (i) Deborah Sawyer, (2) Cath- erine Clifton, (3) Mary Roach, (4) widow of Dr. J. Chorn. L. at Carroltoji, 111. Three daughters. 11. Samuel Woodman (Edward^ Jonathan^ John^, Edward^), born 19 Sept. 1749, married, 11 Dec. 1774, Lydia, daughter of John and Susanna (Pitman) Durgin, born 1755. He died 13 Aug. 1819. Children born in Lee: Martha b. 17 Oct. 1775. Susanna b. 15 April 1777; d. 19 Nov. 1780. Samuel b. 14 May 1779; m. 1803, Anna Kenniston. Edward b. 10 Dec. 1781 ; m. 21 May 1806, Sarah Bartlett. Susanna b. 8 Jan. 1784. Lydia b. 2 Jan. 1787. Mehitable b. 8 Jan. 1790. Sarah b. 10 Jan. 1792. Lewis b. 24 April 1794; d. young. Lewis b. 11 Oct. 1796. Sixth Generation 12. Nathan Woodman (Jonathan^, John^, Jonathan^, John^, EdwardO, born 9 Dec. 1789, inherited the old Woodman home, stead and added thereto, becoming one of the wealthiest men of Durham. He bequeathed $1,000 to the Congregational Church in Durham. He married Abigail, daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Perkins) Chesley, who was born 21 Aug. 1799 and died 6 Jan. 1864. He died 2 March 1869. Prof. John Smith Woodman b. 6 Sept. 1819; m. Ann Mary, dau. of Stephen P. and Martha (Pendexter) Chesley, who d. at age of 51. [See Page 298 of Vol. L] Charles F. b. 10 July 1827; m. i Jan. 1850, Sarah Ann Perkins, dau. of Moses D. and Asenath (Chesley) Perkins. Selectman and town treasurer. Killed accidentally in a mill, 6 March 1861. Widow rem. to Medford, Mass. Ch., John Frederick d. 7 Jan. 1861, aged 22 mos. 12 days, and Mary Abbie b. 14 Sept. i860, who m. 14 Jan. 1884 Albert F. Knapp b. in Norwich, Vt., i June 1856. They had son, Harold Rudolph Knapp, b. 29 June 1892. 13. William Woodman (Jonathan^, John^, Jonathan^, John", EdwardO, born 10 July 1794, married, 28 June 1821, Abigail, HISTORY OF DURHAM 397 daughter of Jacob and Love (Thompson) Joy, who was born in 1796 and died i8 April 1831, (2) Eliza Butler, (3) Betsey Remick. George Smith b. 14 Oct. 1822; m. 14 Jan. 1847, Marcia Chase. L: in Dover. Ch., Abbie Joy, William Chase and Jennie. William b(^n in Madbury; m. 1842, Abigail Buz- zell;d. 28 April 1880 in Durham. Ch.: John W. b. 9 May 1843; Daniel T. b. 21 Jan. 1845, m. (i) March 1882 Cynthia Tasker of Northwood and had son, William E. who m. Alice Haines and has 6 ch. ; (Daniel T. m. (2) Aug 1883, Mrs. Sarah J. Colcord and 1. at Packer's Falls) Maria b. , m. Wm. Smith, d. iiDec. 1877; Esther m John Durgin ; Willie B. and Walter, the last b. 22 July 1854. 14. Lemuel Woodman (Jonathan^, Jonathan"*, Jonathan^, John^, EdwardO, born 1760, married, 5 June 1787, Betsey Patrick. He died 24 June 1843, aged 83. Sarah b. 15 Sept. 1789; m. Dea. John Thompson. Charlotte twin to Sarah; d. Feb. 1873, aged 83. Nancy d. 20 July 1872, aged 82 yrs. 2 mos. Samuel m. Lydia Rollins. L. in Dover. Ch., Charles d. 27 Sept. 1872, unm.; James Rollins d. Oct. 1871, unm.; Theodore W. and Lizzie C. 15. Moses Woodman (Jonathan\ Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^, Edward^, born 1779, married Elizabeth Snell, 13 Oct. 1817, daughter of John Snell of Lee. He died 14 Feb. 1852, aged 73. She died 21 March 1838. Susan d. 28 Oct. 1826, aged 6 mos. Margery Steele m. 3 Jan. 1844, Daniel Chesley, Moses Oilman b. 3 Nov. 1830; m. Hannah, dau. of Stephen P. and Hannah (Pendexter) Chesley, who d. 2 May 1894, aged 62-10-25. Had dau., Anna M., b. 12 June 1859, who m. 20 April 1890 Edward T. Reynolds of Shawmut, Me. Emily m. Nov. 185 1 James Butler. Jacob 1. in Cambridge. 16. Joseph Woodman (Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^ Edward^), born 1785, married, 22 Nov. 1810, Sally, daughter of John Williams of Lee, and lived in Barrington, where he died 3 June 1856, aged 71. She died 18 Dec. 1874, aged 81. Children all born in Barrington, "on the Turnpike Road": 17. Seth W. b. 23 July 1813; m. i Jan. 1843, Louisa M. Gear b. 31 July 1820. He d. 14 April 1880. She d. 17 Nov. 1882. Sarah b. 24 Nov. 1814; m. Alfred Mathes of Durham. 398 HISTORY OF DUHHAM True William b. 25 July 1817; m. Harriet Thompson of Somersworth; d. 18 Oct. 1880. She d. 17 Nov. 1882. Joseph C. b. 27 Feb. 1819; m. Sarah A. Demeritt; d. s. p. 22 Sept. 1869 in Somersworth. James M. b. 9 Nov. 1821; m. Maria Brewster of Somers- worth, where he lived. He d. in Chicago 28 Aug. 1868. 2 ch. in Chicago. John E. b. 10 Nov. 1823 ; d. 9 June 1881 in Chicago, 4 or 5 ch. Elizabeth A. b. 7 July 1827; d. at age of 14 yrs. 6 mos. Charles L. b. 7 July 1829; m. Lizzie Givins. No ch. Hannah R. b. 11 Aug. 1831; m. Charles G. Sherburne of Barrington. Benjamin F. b. 19 Dec. 1834; 1. in Chicago. Dexter E. b. 6 April 1838; 1. in Chicago. No ch. 17. Children of Seth W. and Louisa M. (Gear) Woodman: George A. b. 13 April 1845; m. 29 May 1873, Sarah Gould of Amesbury, Mass., where he res. Ch., Fred, Frank and Charles. Leander E. b. 14 Dec. 1846; d. 15 April 1870. Unm. Otis E. b. 14 May 1848; 1. in Barrington. Unm. Elizabeth A. b. 3 Feb. 1851; m. Alphonso Jones. 3 ch. Leroy W. b. 15 Aug. 1853; m. i Jan. 1887, Hattie Batchel- der; 1. in Northwood. Has daughter, Lenna. Charles A. b. 25 Aug. 1864; 1. in Lee. Unm. WORMWOOD William Wormwood was in Kittery, Me., as early as 1640. He and wife were ordered by the court to be removed from the Isles of Shoals, in 1647. He took oath of allegiance, 22 March 1681; was living in York in 1683, where he was constable in 1685. He died in 1690. Had wife, Catherine. He had a son, Jacob, who died before 1713, as the History of Kennebunkport says. Jacob may have married Alice Small. [See Small Gen- ealogy.] William Wormwood had also daughter, Margaret, who married Simon Bussy in 1658, as court record of York County, Me., says. On the 17th of Sept. 1667, a jury reported on the "untimely death of Simon Buzie of Oyster River." Another son of William Wormwood was probably Thomas Wormwood, who married Jane, daughter of William and Alice (Kitson) Reynolds of Cape Porpoise, and lived in Kittery and Kennebunkport, Me. Another daughter was Martha, who married, about 1705, Abra- ham Bowden of York, Me. William Wormwood of Oyster River, perhaps son of Jacob HISTORY OF DURHAM 399 above named, in a deed dated 1725 conveys right to inheritance of uncle, John Reynolds, of Cape Porpoise. He and wife Mar- tha (Runnels?) were baptized at Oyster River, 29 Oct. 1721. He lived on the Back Road, where now lives John B. G. Dame. His estate was administered by his son, Joseph, in 1743. Jacob bapt. 13 Aug. 1721; d. bef. 1737. 2. Joseph bapt. 3 July 1726; m. Deliverance Pomrey. Susanna bapt. 24 July 1726; m. John Doe. Martha bapt. 5 April 1727/8; m. Joseph Doe. William bapt. 5 April 1727/8; m. Susanna Deering (?). Abigail bapt. 5 April 1727/8. Mary bapt. 5 April 1727/8; m. 15 March 1752, Benjamin York, both of Newmarket. Joanna (?) m. Jonathan Davis, 19 July 1752. Alice (?) m. Robert Davis, 15 Jan. 1756. 2. Joseph Wormwood (William) married, 12 Sept. 1728, Deliverance Pomrey. He was a soldier in 1758, aged 50. A Joseph Wormwood died 15 Nov. 1807. Perhaps another Joseph Wormwood had the following children. Hannah b. 8 June 1763. Valentine b. i Oct. 1765; m. 29 Nov. 1794, Polly Drew of Wolfeboro. Joseph b. 8 Jan. 1768; m. 23 Jan. 1793, Polly, dau. of Lieut. James Durgin, who d. i April 1805, aged 30, (2) 1807, Elizabeth, widow of John Burnham, Jr. He d. 23 July 1849. She d. in Durham 29 March 1852, aged 80 or 82. Ch., Joseph, Susanna who m. Wadleigh, Hannah who m. George Ham of Portsmouth, Mary who m. Oliver Ham, Samuel, and Anna who d. 8 March 1839, aged 34. Anne b. 18 May 1770; m. 25 Dec. 1796, Reuben Davis of Nottingham. YEATON Samuel Yeaton, cooper, was a soldier in Winborn Adams' company in 1775, and continued in the service in 1776. He was a pensioner in his old age. He died 13 Sept. 1820, aged 73. He married Margaret Snow, who died 21 Feb. 1833, aged 85. The will of his son, Samuel, 27 March 1819-15 July 1819, names Father, Samuel Yeaton, and mother, Margaret, sister, Sally Sea- ward, brother, John Yeaton, brother, Joseph Yeaton, children of brother, John, namely Elizabeth, Lydia, and Margaret Ann, children of deceased sister, Mary, wife of Capt. John Sullivan, namely, Elizabeth, Mary, Almira, Sarah and James Sullivan. The will of John Yeaton of Durham, 10 Feb. 1839-20 May 1836, 400 HISTORY OF DURHAM names wife, Betsey, eldest daughter, Elizabeth, children, Ann Mary and John Albert. Children of Samuel Yeaton were: Mary b. 1779; m. 1803, Capt. John Sullivan. 5 ch. Samuel, Jr., d. 9 June 1819, aged 36. Unm. John b. June 1788; m. Lydia French, (2) Betsey French. Joseph d. 3 Oct. 1819, aged 38. No ch. Sally m. 17 Nov. 1791, Abraham Seaward of Portsmouth. Children of John Yeaton, who m. (i) 181 1, Lydia French, (2) 2 June 1832, Betsey, or Elizabeth, French of Durham. His first wife died 2 Oct. 1831, aged 40. Elizabeth b. 30 Aug. 1812; d. 15 Dec. 1841. Teacher. Lydia A. m. 5 April 1838, William H. Barnes of Boston. Their son. Rev. William Sullivan Barnes, 1. in Montreal and his son was or is a professor in McGill University. . William d. 20 Sept. 1841, aged 22. Margaret Ann d. 16 May 1822, aged 5 years. Charles Yeaton of Portsmouth was born 6 Sept. 1793 and died 20 June 1848. He married 16 July 1822, Nancy Thompson, daughter of Edmund and Abigail (Emerson) Thompson, who was born 3 April 1790 and died of smallpox 3 April 1836. He was a seaman and farmer. Robert b. 1823; d. 1826. Charles Edmund Thompson b. 1824; m. Wiggin (?) of Greenland and had 3 ch. Mary Ann b. 1827; m. 22 Sept. 1846, James Covil Ewer of Concord; d. 1853. Ch., Nathaniel b. 1850, d. 28 May 1877; Mary Abby b. 12 April 1854, d. 18 July 1883. Both were adopted by their great aunt, Mrs. Moses Thompson of Durham. Samuel Chesley b. 1831. Abbie Susan b. 7 July 1834; d. 22 March 1854. YORK Richard York deposed in 1652 that he was in Dover in 1635. He had a house lot on Dover Neck in 1642. He was taxed in 1648 and 1672. He had a grant of lOO acres in 1656, next to John Martin's and joining to Lamprey River. This he willed to his son, Benjamin, 23 April 1672. The inventory of his estate was returned 27 March 1674. His widow, Elizabeth, married William Graves, who was living in Exeter in 1701. Nicholas Doe, aged about 50, deposed, 7 June 1782, that "sixteen years since I was desired by Elizabeth alias Graves for to divide a par- HISTORY OF DURHAM 4OI cell of Planting ground which was left by her husband Richard York to her son John York & her selfe into thirds, which land I with Benjamin Mathews did divide." [N. H. Prov. Deeds, VI, 167. See also Maine Gen. Recorder, III, 17-25.] John m. Ruth, dau. of William Graves. Rem. to N. Yar- mouth, Me., in 1676. Killed by Indians at the fall of Fort Casco, 17 May 1690. Ch., Richard and John prob. killed at same time as their father, Ruth m. Henry Haskell of Gloucester, Mass., and Joseph, who m. 10 Jan. 1700, Abigail Robinson and had seven children at Gloucester. Samuel b. 1645; m. Hannah . L. in Topsham, Cape Porpoise and Falmouth, Me. Driven by the Indians to Gloucester, Mass., where he d. 17 March 1717 8. His wife d. 28 Nov. 1724. 10 ch. Elizabeth m. 23 Sept. 1668, Philip Cartey of Exeter. Rachel m. Benjamin, son of the Rev. Joseph Hull. 2. Benjamin m. Abigail Footman. Grace m. 31 May 1675, John Gilman of Exeter. 2. Benjamin York (Richard), born in 1654, married in 1676 Abigail, dau. of John and Catherine (Mathews) Footman. She married (2) McKengs, after 17 15, and was again a widow, in Exeter, in 1727. Benjamin York had a bequest in the will of Thomas Morris, in 1701. Richard 1. in Exeter; m. prob. Susanna, dau. of James Good- win, who in his will, 1756, names grandson, John York (who m. Ruth ), and granddau., Susanna York. Est. adm. by son, John, in 1766. John m. Phaltiel, dau. of Ephraim and Phaltiel (Hall) Folsom of Exeter. Both were admitted to church at Oyster River, 13 Dec. 1719, and had ch. bapt., Mar>- 10 March 1716/7, Anne 12 Oct. 1718, and John 15 April 1722. Elizabeth bapt. 5 March 1726/7, "maiden"; m. Job Jud- kins of Exeter. Rachel m. William Jones of Amesbur\-. Benjamin m. Sarah Pinder. Abigail prob.; m. 12 May 1729, Hezekiah Marsh. Eliphalet York (prob. Thomas^, John\ Benjamin^, Richard^ lived at Lee Hook. He was born in 1753 and married Elizabeth Tuttle, born 1760. Children w^ere: John m. 7 May 1803, Rebecca Durgin. 3. Thomas m. (i) 181 1, Mary Chapman of Newmarket, who d. 19 June 1815, (2) II Feb. 1817, Mrs. Deborah (Elkins) Hanscom of Pittsfield. w^ho d. 21 Jul>' 1827, (3) Harriet Bartlett of Brentwood, who d. 17 Dec. 1840. He d. 11 Nov. 1857. 402 HISTORY OF DURHAM Elijah m. 1813, Comfort Chapman of Lee. Daniel m. 1817, Betsey Langley of Lee. Eliphalet m. 7 Feb. 1820, Mary Frost Durgin of Lee. David m. Hannah Durrell. Betsey m. Nathaniel Sides of Portsmouth. Sarah m. 2"] Aug. 1824, Stevens Durgin of Lee. 3. Children of Thomas by first marriage: Angeline d. 3 June 1830. Unm. Elbridge G. m. Mrs. Mary (Currier) York. He d. 22 Feb. 1869. Children by second marriage: Mary m. David E. Davis of Lee. She d. 21 March 1890. DoRiNDA Marl\ d. 18 Sept. 1849. Unm. Roxanxa B. m. John W. Durgin. She d. 2 Nov. 1859. 4. John B. b. i May 1826; m. 24 Nov. 1850, Lydia S. Keniston, who was b. 28 Oct. 1821, dau. of Nathan Keniston, who was b. 9 Jan. 1781 and m. 20 Jan. 1810 L\dia Willey b. 28 Feb. 1781, d. Aug. 1872. John B. York is living, blind. Children by third marriage: William B. m. Mary Currier of Vermont. He d. 19 Sept. 1862. Julia A. m. William H. Miller. She d. 18 Dec. 1867. Harriet D. m. Henry Fuller. She d. 5 June 1865. 4. Children of John B. and Lydia S. (Keniston) York: Joseph E. b. 26 May 1852; m. 20 Jan. 1873, Mary Isabella Shepard b. 29 April 1856, dau. of Jacob Shepard who m. Hannah, dau. of Frank and Hannah (Chesley) Butler. Ch., Fred /^. b. 31 March 1874, who m. Ola Armstrong of Nashua and has ch., Bernice b. 28 Nov. 1893, and Norman b. Oct. 1909-; Weston G.W. b. 15 Feb. 1880, d. 1881; Stella M. b. 23 March 1884, who m. Ernest Pound of Dover and has son, John Weston Pound, b. 26 March 1903. LoRiNDA M. b. 14 Sept. 1853; m. Nathaniel W. Swett of Haverhill, Mass., who d. s. p. 28 April 1907. Mary A. b. 7 Aug. 1856; d. 10 April 1857. Lyman G. b. 24 April 1858; m. (i) Edna Pillsbury and had ch., Edwin, (2) 25 Oct. 1899, Bertha A. Miller of Newton, Mass. Children of Benjamin York, Jr.. recorded in Newmarket, David b. 5 Dec. 1752, and Mary b. 10 June 1759. Thomas York of Newmarket, prob. son of John and Phaltiel, bought of John Gilman, in 1740, land in Durham. He had a son, Robert, who sold to his father, Thomas York, i Sept. 1762, land at the Hook, in Lee. HISTORY OF DURHAM 4O3 Administration of the estate of Benjamin York of Durham was granted to Thomas York, 3 Jan. 1760, who gave bonds. Josiah York is named in the settlement. Widow of Benjamin, unnamed, survived him. Richard York of Epping in 1748 had sons, John and Richard. Perhaps this is the same as the Richard of Exeter. In 1 761 Benjamin and Mary York of Newmarket sold land to John Chapman. Thomas York and Robert York signed petition in Lee in 1765 and both signed the Association Test of Lee in 1776. Samuel York was a Revolutionary soldier from Durham. m. II Oct. 1657, James Brading and Hannah York, in Newbury, Mass. m. 27 Dec. Nathan Keniston and Sarah York, both of Exeter, m. in Kingston, 7 Nov. 1748, John York and Sarah Foulsham. pub. 2 April 1738, Nathan Burbank of Contoocook and Sarah York of Exeter. i INDEX OF PLACES Acton, Me., 363. 366. Alexandria, 60, 218. Allenstown, 211. Alton, loi, 113. 125. 144. 147. 150, 153. 173 278. 314. 317, 3SS. Americus, Ga., 153. Amesbuo'. Mass., 40, 102, 292, 298, 320, 401. Andersonville Prison, 318. Andover, Mass., 127, 188, 349, 369. Annapolis Royal, N. S., 4, 58. Anson, Me., 35- Arlington, Mass., 217. Arrowsic, Me., 16. Arundel, Me., 116, 167. 298. Auburn, Me., 258. Augusta, Me., 133- 298. Bangor, Me., 79. 103, 182, 183, 189. Barbadoes, us, n. 12. Barnet, Vt., 156. Barnstable, Mass. 222. Barnstead, 18, 26, a. 35. 61, 64, 65, 71, 73, 122, 125, 142, 144, 146, 148, 149, 152, 179, 181, 182-4, 233, 295, 296, 300, 309. 310, 327. 353. 355, 363, 382. Barrington, 1 1, 29, 30, 31. 35-7. 44. 50. Sr. 60, 71, 76, 86, 91, 92, 100, 102, 105, 119, 121, 124, 134, 142. 145. 148. 152. 176. 179. 183, 187 213. 216, 226, 256, 282, 300, 316, 349. 366, 369. 370, 384, 391, 395. 397, 398. Bartlett, 161. Bath, Me., 296. Baton Rouge, La., 348. Beaver Dam, Wis., 112. Bedford, 237. Bellows Falls, Vt., 342. Belmont, Me., 395- Bemis Heights, 7. 358. Bermuda, 378. Berwick, Me., 34. 35. 280, 296, 311, 347, 375. Biddeford, Me., 186, 190, 283. Black Otton, Eng., 374- Bloody Point, 12, 22, 25, 86. Boothbay, Me., 228, 65. 82. Boscawen, 189. Boston, Mass., 1-6, 31. 6s. 72, 80, 107, 115, 126, 131. 158, 178. 186, 189, 190, 213, 240, 243. 277. 307.311.328, 349,378,400. Bradford, Mass., 126, 317. Bradford, \'t., 235. Bradley, Me., 268. Braintree, \'t., 369. Brentwood, 61, 81, 85-6, 171, 211, 401. Bridgewater, Me., 238. Bristol, 104, Bristol, Eng., 18. Broadhead, Wis., 103. Brookfield, 146, IS1-2, 173- Brooklyn, N. Y, 284. Brunswick, Me., 32, 150. Buffalo, N. Y., 284. Cabot, Vt., 320. Calais, Me., 215. Cambridge, Mass., 39, 128, 199, 243. Cambridgeport, Mass., 281. Camden, Me., 108. Canaan, 303. Canada, 10, 35, 78, 92, 95, 112, 140, i49,'iS7. 167. 172, 228, 246, 287, 292, 307.:3I3. 317. 357. 383. Candia, 366. Canterbury, 100, 133, 265, 291, 3i3. 323. 324. 327. 391. Cape Porpoise, 26, 48, 116, 397, 190, 315. 316. Castleton, Vt., 342. Center Harbor, 79. 100, 31 5. Charleston, 318. Charleston, S. C, 3. 4. 6, 79- Charlestown, Mass., 249. Chateaugay, N. Y., 149. Chatham, 231. Chatham, Mass., 12, 144, 326. Chelmsford, Mass., 161. Chelsea, Mass., 105, 186. Chester, 39, 66. Chicago, III., 75. 373. 398. Chichester, 72. Colleges and Universities: Bates, III. Berea, 151. Bowdoin, 27, 283, 337, 370. Clemson, S. C. 129. Cornell, 208, 216. Dartmouth, 46, no, 126, 170, 268, 269. 272 275. 322, 340, 341, 344. 372.365. Denver, 373. Harvard, 5, 6. Indiana, 80. New Hampshire, 39, 129, 32J, 322. Norwich, 285. Oxford, 222. Smith, 80. Tufts, 206. University of Maine, 143. University of Michigan, 67. 80. Washington University, 129. Concord, 47, 115, 218, 249, 269, 400. 4"5 4o6 INDEX OF PLACES Concord, Mass., 47, 207, 379. Contoocook, 403. Conway, 164, 181, 302, 313. 320, 362, 365, 387. Cornish, 354. Cornish, Me., 161, 301. Cornwall, Eng., 302. Cornwallis, N. S., 80. Cork, Ire., 347- Corsham, Eng., 392. Crewkerne, Eng., iiS. 221. Danville, Vt., 149, 211, 313, 324, 325- Dartmoor Prison, 88. Davis' Island, 102, 103. Dayton, Me., 139. 212. Dedham, Mass., 85. Deerfield, 24, 33. 6?, 103. 122. Denmark, Me., 178. Denver, Col., 284, 373 Derry, 206. Detroit, Mich., 318. Dexter, Me., 103, 248. Dorchester, Mass., 75, 218. Dover, 9, 12, 15. 18. 22-s, 32-4, 37, 45, SO, 60, 75, 77, 86, 87, 91. 96, 104, 106, 115, 117, 121, 123-4, 128, 131. 141. 152, 156, 162, 165, 178, 183, 216, 217, 235. 243, 260, 263, 285, 293, 294, 329. 330, 351. 366, 370, 376, 384. 386, 397, 402. Dover Localities: Back River, 33. i37. 140. 141. US. 149. I50, IS4-5. 177. 219, 259. Bellamy River, 117. Clark's Plains, 76. Cochecho, 47. 223. Cochecho Log Swamp, 359. Cochecho Point, 9. Dead Pines, 137. Dover Neck, 11, 22, 51. 81, 84, 86, 171, 210, 224, 2S9, 276, 303, 318, 329, 383, 400. Dry Pines, 137. Hilton's Point, 244. Pine Hill Cemetery, 120. Pudding Hill, 76. Royall's Cove, 259. Spruce Lane, 137- Duluth, Minn., 109- Durham Localities: Adams Point, 8. Ambler's Islands, 10. Back Road, 399- Beard's Creek, 11. Beech Hill, 51. 59. 61, 131. Bickford's Ferry, 386. Branson's Creek, 135, 140. Broth Hill, 331- Camsoe, 243. Chesley's Islands, 54- Chesley's Mill, 53. Clift Cove, 304. Durham Localities: Coffin's Mill, 262. Colley's Marsh, 19. Crommett's Creek, 83, 139. Davis' Creek, 95. Davis Park, no. Denbow's Brook, 96. Drew's Point, 134. Durham Falls, 27, 40, 210, 303. Durham Point, 17, 18, 21, 83. 268, 269. Goddard's Creek, 201, 302. Goddard's Neck, 202. Great Bay, 8, 17, 54. 84, 158, 200. Horn's Woods, 384. Indian Graves, 51, 58. Johnson's Creek, 31, 52, 136, 165, 231, 308. 323. Kinket's Field, 243. Little Bay, 9. I7. 379- Logg Hill, 116. Long Creek, 303. Long Marsh, 20, 129, 296. Lubberland, 52. 54. 248, 262, 304, 335-6. Madbury Road, 10. Mast Path or Road, 10, 49. 56, 62, 210, 362. Mathes Neck, 8. Mill Road, 95. 210, 291. 368. Moat, 131. 134- Moharimet's Marsh, 204. Munsey's Bridge, 295. Oyster Point, 350. Oyster River Point, 9. 16, 40. 310, 382, 392. Packer's Falls, 107. 204, 236, 300, 352, 397- Pascataqua Bridge, 21, 103, I49. 325. Plum Swamp, 20. Shepherd's Bridge, 323- Stevenson's Creek, 192. Stoney Brook, 192, 392. Duxbury, Mass., 3iS- Eastham, Mass., 326, 33i- Eastport, Me., 93- Eaton, 206. Eliot, Me., 213, 216, 359- Elmira, N. Y., 151. Embden, Me., 169. Epping, 33, 88, 106, 163. 180. 193. 211, 325. 370, 389. Epsom, 23, 24, 70, 183, 187, 211, 302. 338. Exeter, 4, 6-8, 13. 14. 16, 66, 73. "8, 109. 126, 166, 171, 193. 218, 289. 307, 327. 340, 382, 400, 401, 403. E.xeter, Me., 174. Fairfield, Me., 133- Fall River, Mass., 340- Falmouth, Me., 30, 84, igi, 250, 260, 279. 316, 401- Farmington, 34. 43. 60, 68, 93. ii9, 156, 181, 182. INDEX OF PLACES 407 Florence, Italy, 125. Fort Atkinson, Mich., 103. Fort Sullivan, 92. Fort Wayne, Ind., 80. Fort William and Mary, 13, 61, 296. Fox Point, 12, 17, 18, 41. Framingham, Mass., 187. Francestown, 38. Frankfort, Me., 384. Freedom, 313. FryeburK, Me., 167. Gardiner, Me., 380. Georgetown, Me., 244. Georgetown, S. C. , 348. Gilead, Mich., 123. Gilford, loi, 103, 292, 338. Gilmanton, is, 24, 27, 30, 139, I73, 221, 233, 362, 394. Gloucester, Mass., 13, 171, 401. Gorham, Me., 66, 215. Greenland, 14, 19, 22, 25, 56, 109, 118, 131, 139, 160, 171, 197. 204, 229, 267, 299, 316, 336. Grenada, Kan., 370. Groton, Mass., 93, 237. Groveland, Mass., 249. Hamlet, 111., 370. Hampden, Me., 380. Hampton, 11, 13, 17, 42, 81, 98, 229, 230, 288, 293, 314. 357, 385. Hanover, 208. Harpswell, Me., 139. Hartford, Conn., 238. Hartwell, Ind., 104. Harwick, Mass., 326. Haverhill, Mass., 39, 94. 95, 112, 134, 176, 177, 188, 200, 251, 258, 356. 376, 387, 402. Hillsborough, 208. Hingham, Mass., 12, 327. Holderness, 11, 120, 121, 139, 141, 213, 323. Hollis, Me., 139. Hooksett, 103. Hopkinton, 159. Hopkinton, Mass., 218. Howsham, Eng., 176. Hull. Mass., 4. Hutchinson, Minn., 69, 301. Hyde Park, Mass., 80, 107, 318. Indian Stream, 161. Ipswich, Mass., 40, 136, 222, 236, 246, 319, 329, 350. Island of Guernsey, 166. Isle of Jersey. 93, 113. 244, 283, 364. Isles of Shoals, 16, 201, 315. Jackson, 60. Jackson, Me., 180. Kansas City, Mo., 126. Kennebunk, Me., 278, 315. Kennebunkport, Me., 278, 315. Kingston, 69, 77, 8r, 349. Kittery, Me., 7, 18, 30, 34. 33, 40, 141. I44. 147, 153. 158, 173. 174. 192, 208, 213. 216, 220, 221, 244, 277, 278, 280, 294, 311, 319, 329. 351, 358, 359. 360, 389, 398. Lancaster, 16 1. Lawrence, Mass., 79, 93, 102, 125, 146, 249, 298, 349. Lebanon, Me., 9, 22. Lee, 15, 30, 34. 41. 47. 51. 59. 60, 64, 65, 67, 08, 73, 75. 77. 81, 93. 97-9. 107, 108, 109, 113. 121, 123, 124, 126, 130, 162 163, 168, 172, 176, 179, 180, 189, 191, 216, 217, 248, 253. 264, 265, 267, 272, 278, 281, 293, 294. 297. 300, 313. 314. 317. 324, 344. 345. 346, 363. 365. 366, 374. 376, 380, 394. 396, 401, 402, 403. Lee Hook, 58. Limerick, Me., 7, 147. Lincoln, Vt., 280. Littleworth, 122. Livermore, Me., 180. Londonderry, 7, 3i7- London, Eng., 77. 213. 244, 358. Los Angeles, Cal., 169. Loudon, loi, 146, 154, 264. Louisburg, 50, 55, 133, 172, 244, 286. Louisville, Ky., 342, 244. Lowell, Mass.. 150, 155. 249, 376, 388. Lower Bartlett, 161. Lunenburg, Vt., 363. Lyman, Me., 212. Lyndon, Vt., 119. Lynn, Mass., 125, 269, 271, 272. Machias, Me., 345- Madbury, 23. 30. 31. 34. 36, 60, 71, 78, 98, 100-2, 104-5, III, 117, 119. 121, 124, 126-7, 142-3. 145. 148, 149. 252-4. 168. 180, 208, 214, 218, 233, 239, 260, 282, 293, 296, 301, 308, 309. 310, 314. 318, 325. 336. 349. 353, 356. Maiden, Mass., 4, 123, 133, 311, 378, 379- Manchester, 123, 125, 134, 156, 187, 200. 237, 240, 302, 303, 373- I Manchester, Mass., 4. / Manila, Philippine Islands, 128. / Manitowoc, Wis., 215-6. / Marblehead, Mass., 30. Marinette, Wis., 112. Marlborough. Eng.. 94. Marshall. 111.. 151. Maysville, Mich., 109. Medfield, Mass.. 251. 306. Meredith. 79. loi. 103, 221, 291, 395. 4o8 INDEX OF PLACES Merrimac, 182. Meryett. Eng., 115. Methuen, Mass., 79. Middlesex, Vt., 173. Middleton, 64, 109, 139, 162, 174. Middleton, Conn., 4, 78. Milbury, Mass., 207. Milton. 148, 173, 26s. Milton, Mass., 188. Milwaukee, Wis., 268. Minneapolis, Minn., 268. Moira, N. Y., 149. Monomoit, Mass., 326. Montclair, N. J., 80. Montpelier, Vt., 123, 31s, 322. Montreal, Can., 400. Moultonborough, 139, 340. Mountain House, Idaho, 372. Nantucket, Mass., i6, 277. Nashua, 122, 402. New Bedford, Mass., 37. New Boston, 182. New Bremen, 9, 128. Newbury, Mass., 7, 94, 164, 310, 319, 321, 322, 392, 403. Newburyport, Mass., 7, 202, 207, 302, 303, 358. Newbury, Vt., 313. New Castle, 30, 50, 190, 197, 263, 336, 390. New Durham, 15, 19, 27, 31, 44, 68, 120, 155, 161, 174. 277, 281, 316, 376, 387. Newfield, Me., 6. 7. 99, loi, 133. 144, 147, 153, 338, 339. Newfields, 78, 30s. 337- New Hampton, 35, 69, 160, 220. Newington, 8, 9, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 41. 44, 45. 73. 82, 86-9, 93. 102. 129, 172, 191, 229, 232, 244, 260, 263, 264, 281. 304, 30s. 332. 364. 368, 393. New London, 127, 269. Newmarket, 7. 8, 14, 15, 30, 37. 38, 45, 75. 78, 102, 105-9. 113, 124. 125. 129, 133, 153. 156, 160. 166, 169, 172, 174, 176, 180, 193, 217, 23s, 238, 243, 252, 255, 267, 281, 282, 289, 294. 30T, 302, 304-6, 314, 325, 328, 334. 338, 339. 353. 367. 375. 380, 381, 388, 399. 401, 403. New Orleans, La., 342. Newport, R. I., 269. Newton, Mass., 402. Newton, Iowa, 143. Norfolk, Va., 284. Norridgewock, Me., 140. Northfield, 35. 118, 162. Northwood, 13, 26, 51, 60, 69. 70, 79, 119, 119, 163, 168. 173. 180, 183-4, 187, 192, 228, 228. 257. 2f>5, 303. 324. 338, 354. 356, 396, 397. North Yarmouth, Mc. 99, 256. 401. Norwich, Eng., 40. Norwich, Vt., 396. Nottingham, 7. 15. 26, 43, 56, 58-9. 66-9, 88, 98, 100, 105, 112, 115. 118, 119, 120, 123, 144, 180, 181, 186, 183, 221, 232, 248, 256, 265, 266, 293, 297, 314, 325, 335, 361, 363. 369. 382. Oakfield, N. Y., 284. Orange, N. J., 126. Orono, Me., 103. Orwell, Vt., 284. Oshkosh, Wis., 103. Ossipee, 284. Otisfield, Me., 6. Otsego, Mich., 150. Ottery St. Mary, Eng., 263. Palermo, Me., 103. Palmira, Me., 67. Parsonsfield, Me., 7, 22, 133, 161, 169, 265, 313- Peabody, Mass., 376. . Pemaquid, Me., 4. Pembroke, 229, 360, 361. Peterborough, 298, 347. Philadelphia, Pa., 122, 188. Piermont, 313. Piscassick, 12, 13, 167, 202. Piscataway, N. J., 157. Pittsfield, 23, 69. 71, 79. 187. 221, 2S0, 401. Plattsburg, N. Y., 38. Plymouth, Eng., 358. Plymouth, Mass., 4. 315. Plymouth, Vt., 322. Plainfield, 322. Porter, Me., 265. Portland, Me., 156, 158, 267. 283. Portland, Ore., 104. Port Royal, N. S., 54- Portsmouth, 5. 8, 16, 18, 27-30, 3i. 34. 48, 50, 53, 80, 83, 85, 88, 89, 93. 98, 107. 108, III, 113. 131-3. 135. 141. 156, 165. I7S. 192-3. 213. 215, 223, 225, 244, 267, 275. 284-5, 292, 294. 308, 311-2, 315. 324. 331. 335-6, 345. 347. 358. 360, 370, 377. 399, 400, 402. Quincy, Mass., 21, 71, 370, 377. Randolph, Vt., 208. Raymond, 85. Richmond, O., 143. Rochester, 15, 20, 27. 39. 56, 64, 79. 94. 120, 124, 140, 144, 149, 164. 177. 178, 189, 196. 207. 214, 237, 247. 279, 280, 302, 320, 349, 375. 377. Rockingham. Jc. 132. Rockland. Me., 388. Rollinsford. 133. INDEX OF PLACES 409 Rome, Italy, 372. Rowley, Mass., 281, 360. Roxbury, Mass.. 261. Rye, 24, 65, 197. 260, 288, 358. Sackville, N. B., 106. Saco, Me., 218, 26s, 311, 315. Sacramento, Cal., 129. Salem, 281. Salem, Mass., 21, 78, 80, 115, 260, 285, 321, 3SS. 364. 376. Salisbury, 37. 125, 174, 321-2. Salisbury, Mass., 16, 47, 77. 95. 217. 348, 361. Sanbornton, 122, 395. San Diego, Cal., 261. Sandwich, 104, 164, I7S. 215, 279, 280, 340. Sanford, Me., 33. San Francisco, Cal., 128, 150, 344. Scarborough, Me., 12, 22, 28, 166, 285, 309, 319. Schenectady, N. Y., 271. Searsmont, Me., 397. Searsport, Me., 370. Shapleigh, Me., lOi. Shawmut, Me., 397. Skowhegan, Me., ro2, 168. Smuttynose Island, 201, 263. Somersworth, 9, 24, 34, 43, 85-6, 93, 14s, 180, 207. 249, 309, 341. 352, 360, 397. Somerville, Mass., 218. South Berwick. Me., 37, 201, 224, 263, 296-7. South Hampton, 321, 332, Starksboro, Vt., 147. 315. St. Buryan, Eng., 222. Strafford, 49, 75, loi, 118, 151, 178, 180, 216, 233. 259, 281, 355. Stratham. 13, 136, 160, 171, 174, 193, 268, 335. 367, 381. Strawberry Bank, 190. Tamworth, 25, 168. 173, 231, 337. Taunton, Eng., 389. Taunton, Mass., 315. Terre Haute, Ind., 340. Topsham, Me., 357. Tuftonborough, 25, 120, 139. Turtle Pond, Lee, 113. Upper Bartlett, 161. Vassalboro, Me., 280, 362. Vershire, Vt., 43, 211. Wakefield, loi, 207, 305. Walpole, 306. Walpole, Mass., 297. Waltham, Mass.. 73. Warren, 278. Warwick, Mass., 93. Washington, D. C, 128, 156, 240. 269, 271, 340, 344. 371. 376. Wat^cborough, Me., 87, 381. Waterford, Me.. 8. Watertown, Mass., 9, 77- Waterville, Me., 133. 158. 280. Waverley, N. Y., 125. Wednesday Hill, Lee., 120. Wells. Me., 47, s6, 76, I39. 168, 209, 323. 324^ 360, 361. Westboro, Mass., 267. West Falmouth, Me., 318. West Newbury, Mass., 37. 38, 164, 165, 321. West Point, N. Y., 170. Wexford, Ire., 299. Weymouth, Mass., 4, 268, 358. Wheelock, Vt., 355. Wheelwright's Pond, Lee, 3i9, 330. Winchester, Mass., 107. Windham, Me., 55- Wolfeboro, 24, 25. 35. 121. 146, 150, 151. i73. 236, 242, 278, 280. WoUaston, Mass., 157. Woodstock, 120, 121, 233, 206, 395. Worcester, Eng., 226. Worcester, Mass., 124, 217. Xenia, O., 151. Yarmouth, Mass., 222, 224, 238. York. Me., 9, 38, 98, 160, 208. 218, 224, 225, 263. 347. INDEX OF NAMES The index of names in both vohimes of this history has been prepared with great care by Col. Lucien Thompson. The reader will notice that names are spelled in several ways by different authorities. Sally, Salley and Sarah are all indexed as Sarah. Sometimes the proper middle name or initial is given and some- times it is not, owing to different sources of information. Wives are indexed under maiden names and names of their husbands, thus making the index very complete. Many first names as well as surnames are spelled in more than one way, and effort has been made to print the spelling adopted by each individual, since everybody has a right to spell his own name as he pleases. Of course some inaccuracies will readily be pardoned, without charging all mistakes to the printer. To get every name and date correct in a work like this is something that never has been done. Abbott, Betsey, 227, 22S, 230. Adams, Jane, 2, 3. Elizabeth, 351. Jeremiah, P., 8. Joseph, 351. John, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. 44. 61, 82, 144 Minerva A., 106. 294, 296, 305, 379. 394- Sarah, 10. Joseph, 3, 4, 5, 8, 244. Adams, Abigail, 4, 7- Joseph M. R., 8, 251. Abijah, 4. Josiah, 6, 7. Albert H., 9. Katherine, 3, 5. Alexander, 3. Lucy, 318. Amos C, 7. Mahala J., 184. Ann, 3, 4, 5. Martha, 5. Anna M., 8. Martha F., 9. Avis, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 297. Mary, l. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 353- Bethiah, 4. Mary E., 9, 251. Betsey, 7. Marj' N., 7. Catherine, 7. Mary S.. 8. Catherine P., 8. Matthew, 3, 4, 43. Charles, i, 23, 167, 333. 353. 384- Maud A., 9- Deborah, 4, s, 7, 245. Mercy, i. Deliverance, i. Meriel, 3. S. 42. 43. 296. Ebenezer, 3, 7. Nancy, 6, 7. Edward H., 9. Nathaniel, 5. 7. 245. Eliza, 7. 8. Nathaniel S., 8. Elizabeth, s, 7, 8, 42, 44, loi, 140, 144, 188. Olive E., 8, 231. 244. Peter, 4. Esther, i, 22, 23. Phebe, s, 6, 56. 140, 144. Eunice, s. Rebecca, i, 5, 6, 144, 162, 167, 296, 3ii- Hannah, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 61, 294. Samuel, i, 3. 5, 6, 7. 8, 56, 144. . 296. Hugh, 2, 3, 4, 5, II, 12, 18, 30, 31. 41 . 48, Samuel W., S.- 52, 56, 58, 84, 95. 97, 98, 99. 107. 130, Sarah, I, 3, 6, 7, 8, 353. 370- 131. 135. 144. 158, 166, 167, 189, 229, Sophia, 8. 232, 256, 262, 29s, 297, 303, 304. 323, Susanna, 3, 4, 3, 144, 207. 326, 384, 391, 392. Temperance, i, 23, 167. 410 INDEX OF NAMES 411 Adams, Thomas, 4, 7. Ursula, I. William, 3, s, 7. William P., 8. Winborn, 5, 6, 7. I39. 332, 333, 385, 386, 399- Adsit, Alfranzo A., 186. William A., 186. Alard, Alice, 174. Alcock, Hannah, 225. John, 225. Allard, Alice, 174. Almon B., 376. Elizabeth L., 126. Francis L., 125. John W., 125. Nancy, 376. Allen, , 245. Bozoun, 4. Bridget, 243. Charles, 22. Deborah, 7. Eliza, 376. Elizabeth, 4, 276, 277. Francis, 277, 360. Hannah, 177, 277. Henr>', 376. Jacob, 138. Jedidiah, 280. Jeremiah, 7. John, 40, 308. Lucy, 383. 385. Lydia, 277, 280. Martha, 22, 138, 259, 348. Mary, 40, 102, 194. Nancy, loi, 102. Oliver, 277. Sarah, 280. William, 177. Ambler, Abraham, 10. Elizabeth, 10, 171. Hannah, 10, 171, 241. John, 9, 10, 171, 213, 241. Joseph, 10. Joghua, 10. Mary, 10. Ambrose, James R., 364. Jane A., 364. Ames, Elizabeth, 133, 133. Lydia, 313- Anderson, , 379. Margery S., 379. Andrews, Hannah, 206. Mary, 40. Anthoine, Mary J., 289. Appleby, Hannah, 387. Martha, 276, 277. Appleton, Louisa A., 379. Moses, 370. Ardell, William, 167. Arland, Mary, 194. Arlin, Abigail, 29. Ann, 29. Joseph, 29. Armstrong, Ola, 402. Arnold, Annie M., 387. Lydia, 389- Arsenault, Lillian, 237, 258. Asby, George C, 373. 376. John L., 373. Mary A., 376. Nancy L., 373. Wilhelmina, 376. Ash, Benjamin, 9. Eleanor, 9. Hannah, 9, 52. Judith, 9. Mary, 9. Thomas, 9, 52. Ashton, James, 123. Mary A., 123. Atkinson, Joseph, 177, 219, 221, 334. Mary, 177, 334. Thomas, i. Atwater, Abraham, 149. Atvvood, Dora F., 372. John, 60. Sarah, 60. Ault, John, I, 171, 201, 310, 329. Remembrance, 171, 310. Austin, Catherine, 230. Flora M., 378. Sarah, 246. Thomas, 137. Aver>', Elizabeth, 213. John, 213. Lydia, 314. 3iS. Ayers, Anne, 70. Jane, 148. Martha C, 148. Mary, 98, 131, 200. Perkins, 200. Ruth, 96, 98. Samuel, 98. Sarah, 147. Susannah, 156. Babb, Deborah, 26. Joshua, 26. Polly, 34. 36. Badger, , 390. Elizabeth, 390. Mary S., 238. William, 238. Bailey, Benjamin, 349. Deborah, 349. Mary, 349- Baker, Avis, 149. Marj-, 139, 142. Mehitable, 338. 412 INDEX OF NAMES Baker, Otis, 60. Patience, 326. Samuel S., 149. Tamsen, 60. Balch, , 125. ■^ Alice E., 125. Augusta E., 125. Fannie A., 125. Walter A., 125. Baldasseroni, Ada M., 372. Francesco, 372. Ballard, Abigail, 10. Betsey, 10. Elizabeth, 340. Joshua, 10, 44, 188, 340. Lydia, 10, 44, 188, 340. Mary, 10. Sarah, 10, 305. Timothy, 10, 305. Bamford, or Basford. . S3. Anne, 11. Charles, n. Eleanor, 11. Elizabeth, 11, 385. Hephzibeth, 11. Jacob, II, 38s. James, 11. Jane, 11, 391. John, II. Joseph, 96. Margaret, 11, 383, 385. Mary, 11, 96, 210. Moses, 391. Robert, 11. Ruth, 391. Banipton, Mary, 261. Banchor (See Bunker). Bane, Lewis, 225. Banks, Edward, 388. Julia, 388. Barber, Jane, 96. John, 96. Mar\-, 109. Mary V., 79. Peter, 2. Barbour. Peter, 2. Barker. John, loi. Sarah, loi. Barnes, Betty, 33, 34, 207. Hannah, 388. John, 388. Lydia A., 400. Mary E., 125. William H., 400. William S., 400. Barrett, John. 190. Mary. 190. Barron. Martha. 122. Barrows. Abigail, 154. Banows. David. 154. Elkinah. 154. Mary. 154. Barsham, John, i8. Mehitable, 18. Sarah, 18. Barter, John, 13. Phebe, 13. Bartlett, Alice P., 192. David L., 298. David T., 183. Elizabeth, 266. Enos, 164. Florence L., 192. Frances, 40. Frank H., 192. Hannah E. W., 367. Harold F., 192. Harriet, 401. Israel, 7, 266. James, 10. John, 40. Jonathan, 254. Joseph, 266. Josiah, 367. Louise, 67. Love, 7, 254. Lydia, 10. Mary, 59, 108, 296. Maud H., 192. Rebecca, 164. Samuel H., 192. Sara M., 218. Sarah, 6, 7, 258, 265. 266, 399- Sylvia, 68. Susan, 183, 298. Thomas, 321. Tirza, 321. Bassett, Alice M., 311. Amanda, 311. Anna, 161. Annie, 311. Charles D., 311. Fred D., 311. Harry, 311. James, 161. James M., 311. Lucy A., no. Marion, 311. Mar>' H., 311. Bassum, Sarah, 17, 18. Batchelder, or Bachelder. Abigail, in, 267, 346. Abraham, 267, 346. Betsey, 59. 3.s6. Caroline M., 69. Charles, no. Clarissa C, 164. Dorcas, 122. Drusilla, 302. INDEX OF NAMP:S 413 Batchelder, or Bachelder. Georgianna, 237. Hannah, no, 119, 168. Hattie, 398. Jeremiah, 169. John, 122. Joseph, no, in. Judith, 237. Lorinda P., 123. Lydia, 355, 356. Mary, 119. Mehitable, 34s, 346. Nathan T , 164. Ohve, 261. Polly, i3. Sarah, 38, in, 155, 267, 268. William, 38, 119. Batten, John, 285. Susanna, 285. Baur. Deborah, 25, 26. Baxter, Ann, 376. James, 376- John, 167. Sarah, 167. Bazin, Dorothy, 93. John. Qi. Margaret, 93. Beadle. Susanna, 213. Beales, , 119. Rhoda, 119. Bean, , 240. Betsey, 122. Charles, 118. Deborah, 26. Edith M., 206. Elizabeth, 25. Evelyn, 206. Gordon, 366. James, 206. Jude, 159- Lydia, 187. Mary, 25, 34, 35, 124. Mary A., 184. Mary F., 218. Parthenia, 366. Samuel, 122. Sarah, 276. Susanna, 159. Bearce, Blanche, 258. Beard, Bridget, 12. Elizabeth, n, 12. Esther, n, 12. Hannah, 12. Joseph, n, 12, 390. Martha, 12. Mary, 11. 12, 389, 390. Samuel, 12. Sarah, 12. Thomas, n, 12, 390. William, 11, 219, 226, 255, 263. Beck, 92. Abigail, 92. Catherine, 296. John, 296. Mary, 232, 312. Olive, 29s. Samuel, 232, 312. Beede, Mary D., 382. Moses v., 382. Belcher, Andrew, 2. Bell, Benjamin, 50. Elizabeth, is, so, 285. Bellows, , 176. Lydia M., 104. Rebecca E., 379. Benjamin, Elizabeth W., 376. Benmore, Philip, i, 382. Rebecca, i, 167, 382. Temperance, i, 23. Benn, Deborah, 182. Isaac, 182. Bennett, Abigail, 13, 14, is, 109. 337. 338. Abraham, 12, 13, is, 52. Alfred J., 72. Ann, 13, 14, 87. Ann M., 192. Anna, 16, 202. Arthur, 12, 13, 14, 202, 264. Benjamin. 12, 13, 14, 15, 86. 87. Betsey. 15. Caleb. 13. 14. Catherine. 13. 14. Cotton. 14. David. 192. Deborah, 14, 15. Dolly, IS. 168. Dorcas. 12. 13. Eben. 15. Edwin, 109. Eleazer, 13, 14, is, 16, 87, 202. Eliza, 15. Elizabeth. 14. is, 87. Esther, iS- George K., 72. Isaac, 15. Jacob, 15. James, 15. Jeremiah, 13, 176. Job B., 15. John, 12, 13, 14, 13, 16, 160, 338. John W., 72. Joseph, 83. Josiah, 14. Juliet, 109. Love. 86. Loretta S.. 72. Lucy. 14. Lydia, 13, 14, is. 160. Martha. 13. 14. 15. 16. Martha C. 202. 414 INDEX OF NAMES Bennett, Mary, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 83, 86, 87, 200, 264, 338. Moses, 13. Nancy, 14, 16. Nathaniel, 266. Olive, 15. Penelope, 12, 13. Phebe, 13- Rachel, i3- Ruth. 12, 13, 14, 62, 264. Samuel. 119. Sarah. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 52, 87, 102, 109. 192. 206. Susan, 119. Susanna, 14. Thomas, 13, is, I09- William, 13, 15. Benson, Clarissa, 348. Berry, Abigail, 68. Annie, 79. Charles, 94. Charles A., 328. Darius, 36. Dorothy, 178. Edward. 79. Eliza, 36. Eliza P., 75. . ' ■ Elizabeth, 94. Emily, 281. Frank, 328. Hannah, 36. Henrietta, 328. Ira L., 153- James M., 169. Jeremiah, 178. John W., 328. Joseph F., 318. Josephine M., 318. Joshua, 36. J (• Judith, 38. : . i' Lavinia E., 153. Love, 36. Mary E., 299. Mary N., 69. Olive, 36. Richard, 328. Sarah, 281. Stephen F., 36. Bibber, Abigail, 139. James, 139. Bickford, , 386. Aaron, 25, 28. Abigail, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29. Abner, 19. Abraham, 19, 29, 247. Agnes, 16. Alexander ,..2 7. Alice, 17, 19. 20, 121, 171, 358. Alphonso, 341. Andrew, 16, 19, 26, 29. Bickford, Ann, 27, 29. Anna, 18, 27. Annie, 27. Benjamin, 14, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 87, 244, 247, 309, 310. Bethiah, 17, 20, 21. Betsey, 19. Bridget, 17, 18, 19, 20, 304. Charles, 23, 121. Charles D., 105. Comfort, 3s6. Daniel, 23, 24, 28. David, 29. Dearborn, 24. Deborah, 17, 18, 19, 24, 23, 26, 29, i63,_ Dennis, 28. Dependence, 20, 304. Dodavah, 18. Dorcas, 23. Dorothy, 25, 29. Dudley P., 21. Ebenezer, 19, 27, 81. Edward, 16, 21. Eleanor, 27. Eleazar, 17, 19. Eliakim, 18, 19. Eliza, 24, 28. Elizabeth, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, _ 26, 27, 2S, 29, 81, 86, 172, 242, 247, 333, 357. Ephraim, 24. 25, 29. Esther, 21, 22, 23, 14Q, 247, 345. Jacob, 21. James, 21, 25, 27, 29. Jane, 16. Jerusha, 21, 251. Jethro, 18, 20. Joanna, 17, 19, 22, 23. Joel, 19. John, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 40, 91, 132, 136, 190, 201, 222, 224, 243, 333. Jonathan, 23, 24, 25, 27. Joseph, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 171, 323, 345. Joshua, 27, 384. Josiah, 29. Judith, 22, 23, 25, 27, 105. Katie, 21. Lawrence, 16. Leah, 28. Lemuel, 18, 20. Lettice, 21, 164. Lizzie, 21. Love, 19, 20, 21, 29, 149, 242, 243, 267, 268. Lucia, 21, 29. Lucy, 24. Lucy B., 87. Lydia, 17, 19. 23, 27, 28, 136. Margaret, 19, 24, 27, 104, 114. INDEX OF NAMES 415 Bickford, Margery, 26, 28. Martha, 18, 22, 23. Mary, 14, i^, 17, 18, 19. 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 41. 345, 384. Mary J., 341- Mehitable, 24. Mercy, 23, 24. Miriam, 20. Molly, 20. Moses, 19, 29, 176. Nathan. 24, 27, 28. J^athanicl, 25. Nicholas, 16. Olive, 20, 21, 24, 25, 196. Peggy, 29, 195. Percey, 18. Phebe, 19. Pierce, 18. Polly, 25, 29, 34. Rachel. 28. Rebecca, 23, 24, 25, 27. Reuben, 19. 29, 163, 242. 323. Rhoda. 27. Richard, 20, 25. Robert, 21, 88, 89. Ruth, 25. Samuel, 16, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27. - Sarah, 17. 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 70, IIS. 309. 310. Stephen, 27. Solomon, 26. Susan, 26. Susanna, 17, 18, 20, 25, 29, 263. Temperance, 17, 18, 19, 23, 40, 136, 224, 333, 334. 360. Thomas, i, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34s. Warren F., 27. William, 16, 21, 28. Wilmot, 25. Winnefred, 18. Winthrop, 18, 19, 20, 21, Bigger, Jane, 237. Binney, Ethel F., 103. Bishop, Elizabeth, 336. James, 336. Blackburn, Anna, 216. Bridget, 217. Ella A., 217. Francis M., 217. Frank E., 217. Julia C, 217. Mary O.. 217. Thomas, 217. Blagdon, Hannah, 225. Maj-y, 225. Samuel, 225. Blaisdell, Abigail, 253. Ephraim, 253. Florence M., 217. 149, 164, 247. Blaisdell, George H., 217. Herbert G., 217. Lilla, 217. Marion II., 217. Blake, Betsey, 369. Elizabeth, 64, 70. Lydia, 215. Samuel, 23, 70. Sarah, 23, 70. Blanchant, Elizabeth, 312. Blanchard, James B., 88. Martha E., 88. Richard, 316. Sarah, 316. Bligh, Margaret, 113. Blish, Abraham, 2. Blunt, Mark S., 143. Martha, 143. Mary, 143. Bly, Meiry, 278. William, 278. Blydenburgh, Clarissa, 336, 337. Hannah, 336. John, 336. Margaret, 336. Peggy, 336. Polly, 336. Stephen B., 336. Boardman, Abigail, 303. Ruth A., 69. Sarah, 267. Stephen, 133. Bodge, Abigail, 30. Anne, 30. Avis, 30, 297, 298. Benjamin, 30, 281. Bridget, 30, 92. Charlotte, 30. Daniel, 30. Elizabeth, 30. Hannah, 30, 278, 281. Henry, 30. Hezekiah, 30. Ichabod, 30, 298. Isaac, 30. James, 30. James B., 30. John, 30. Joseph, 30. Josiah, 30. Jotham, 298. Lydia, 30. Mary, 30, I53- Meribah. 30. Phebe, 30. Rebecca, 30. Richard, 30. Samuel, 30. Sarah, 30. Sarah T., 30. 4i6 INDEX OF NAMES Bodge, William, 30. Bondurant, Daisy A., 112. Boody, , 380. Abigail, 31. 142. Azariah, 31, 309. Betsey, 31. Bridget, 31- Charity. 31, 256. Elizabeth, 31, 248, 249, 309. Hannah, 31, 220. John, 31, 249. Joseph, 31. Kezia, 31. Margaret, 31. Martha, 70. Mary, 31, 117. Molly, 31. Olive, 31. Richard, 92. Robert, 31. Sarah, 31, 229, 380. Susanna, 31, 249. Zechariah, 31, II7- Bourne, Mary A., 238. Boutwell, Harriet, 46. Bowden, Abraham, 398. Martha, 398. Bowley, Zeblin, 340. Boyce, Antipas, 209. Hannah, 209. Boynton, Mary, 100. Pamelia T., 288. Bracey, John, 160. Marj', 160. Sarah, 29. Brackett, Benning, 14. Elizabeth, 14. John, 14. Sarah, 14, 213. Blackstone, William, 137- Bradbury, Elizabeth, 47. Thomas, 47. Brading, Hannah, 403. James. 403. Bradford. Dorcas, 50. Isett, so. Bragg, Abigail, 355- Samuel, 355- Bray, Betsey, 388. Jacob, 388. Brewster, , 245. Abbie A., 187. Betsey, 375- EH, 356. Elizabeth. 64. George, 375- Lydia, 148, 208, 238. Maria, 398. Mary D., 356. Sarah, 245. Bridges. Sarah. 77. Brier. Oilman. 349. Harriet F.. 349. , Brigdon. Katherine, 3, 5. Brightman., Addie, 346. Emery, 346. Brimblecourt, Sarah. 376. Brimhall, George, 12. Martha, 12. Brimhor. , 12. Martha, 12. Brisbois, Charles, i. Mercy, i. Britton, Elizabeth, 29. Brock. Deborah. 278. Judith, 34. Nabby, 389- Nathaniel, 278. , Simeon, 34. Susan A.. 341. Brooking. Godfrey. 135. 136. 193. Grace. 27. Hannah, 135, 136, 192, I93- William, 135, 136. Broughton, Elizabeth, 215. John, 21S. Prudence, 213. Brown or Browne. , 50, 183. 264, 369. 386. Abigail, 215, 386. Amy E., 289. Anna, 103. Asa, 376. Benjamin, 69. Benjamin P., 29. Elizabeth, 160, 390. Ellen A.. 369. Finette, 289. Hannah, 183. Henry, 255, 331. Isaac, 87. Isaac B., 87. James, 172. Jeremiah, 69. John, 309- Lucy, 199. Lydia, 27. Margery, 347. Martha, 256. 264. Mary, 23s, 309. 376. Mehitable, 87. Molly, 43. 69. Nathan, 117. Rhetta,ii3. Ruth, 172. Sarah, 29, 69, 100. Sophia, 117. Sophronia, 87. Warren, 288. William. 289, 390. IXDKX OF XANfKS Bryant. Amy, 217. Ann, 337. Elizabeth, 335. Martha, 108. Mary, 335. Walter, 304, 335, ^i^^-, Buckley, Alice, 157. Clyde D., 157.' Elizabeth K., 157. William P., 157. Bucks, Ruth M., 288. Bunker, Aaron. 35, 37. Abbie J.. 37, 365. Abigail. 30, 32. xi. 34, 72. Abigail F., 37. Abraham. 35. Addie, 36. Albert H.. 38. Albert L.. 39. Alfred, 38. Alice J.. 39. Almena S., 36, 39. Andrew. 34. 36. Ann. 141. 352. Anna. 139, 141. 35, Anna G.. 35. Anne. 31. 32, si. 34, 35. 37 38. 357 Annie R.. 38, 39. Augusta, 38. Augustus S.. 38. Avis E.. 39. Barron. 38. Beatrice P.. 39. Belle IL. 38. Benjamin. 32, 33, 34, ,07. Benjamin B.. 38. Benjamin F., 37, 72. Betsey, 35. Betty. 33, 34, 207. Bradbury, 35. Bridget. 33. Caroline A.. 38. Carrie E., 39. Catherine, 35, 37, 207. Charles, 37. 38. Charles A., 37. Charles H., 38, 39. Clarissa. 311. Clement. 32. 139. Daniel. 33. 35, 36, 64. Darius. 37. Deborah. 3s. 34. 35. 119, 124. Deborith D., 35. Dione. 38. Dodavah, 33, 34. Dolly, 33, 36, 38. Dorcas, 32, 34, 191. Edmund V., 38 Eli. 35. Elijah. 32, 33. 35. 27 417 Bunker, Elisha G., 35. Eliza. 3S. 36, 38, 183, 187. Eliza A., 37. Eliza J., 37. Elizabeth, 32. 33. 34. 35, 38. Elizabeth A., 38. Enoch, 33. Ephraim, 35, 34. 30, 3^, ,4_, Esther, 3-'. 34. 35, 114. Etta A.. 38. Etta B.. 39. Eugene M.. 38. Eva E.. 39. Everett. 36. Fanny, 37. * Fanny M.. 38. Florence. 38. Florence B.. 39. Frank. 38, 262. Frank J., 37, 56. Frank M., 38. Fred. 38. Fred E.. 39. George. 38, 64, 365. George E., 39. George F., 37. 39. George I.. 39. George W.. 38, 39. Gertrude. 39. Gladys. 39. Gordon. 35. Grace. 39. Hannah. 52. ^i :; 1 ->- ,a ., 235, 328 '• '"■ '^- ■'" • ''• '^''- Hannah J.. 37. Harriet D., 38. Helen. 38. Herbert G.. 39. Huldah. 37. ' Ichabod, 35. Ingalls, 38. Isaiah. 35. Jacob, 36. James, 31, 32. 33. 34. 36, 140, 219, 357 James M.. 37, 198. ■*^'- John, 32, 33. 34. ,36, 140, 191. John J., 38, 39, 78. Jonathan, 33.35. 317. 391 Joseph, 32, 3,5, ,J5. 36, 39. 4-M 14, 141, 142. 328, 352. Josephine M.. 38. Judith. 32. 33.34. 35. 36. Julia. 38. Kenneth J.. 39. Lavinia. 37. Leonard B.-. 39, 366. Lewis F., 38. Lewis L. H.. 39. Lewis P.. 39. Lillas, 36. 4i8 INDEX OF NAMES Bunker, Linnie, 37. Lois, 34. 36. Louise E., 38, 39- Louise v., 38, 39. 78. Love, i2, 36, 233, 327. 337. Lydia, 32. 211. Mabel E., 39. Malinda, 36. Margaret, 39. Marjorie, 38. Marston, 38. Martlia, 31. 32. 33, 34. 36, 37. 349- Mary, i2, 34, 35, 36, 37, X24, I2(j, 130, 136, 139. 143, 2^14. 264, 279. Mary A., 36. Mary L, 39- Mary J., 37- Mary M., 36, 186. ^ Mary S., 235. May, 39- Mehitable, 37. 38. Melvina, 36, 216. Mercy, 35, 37- Moses, 35. Nancy, 35, 37. Nancy F., 365. Nathaniel, 38. Nathaniel P., 38. Nellie M., 38. Obadiah, 35. Olive, 36. i Patience, 32, 33, i39. Paul, 279. Phebe, a. Philip. 34. Polly, a, 34. 35. 36. Rachel, 35. 38, 301. Rebecca, 32, 37, 139. Rebecca K., 37. Relief, 32. 41. 42, 130. Remembrance, 35, 38, 301. Reuben, 35. Richard, 36. Samuel, 34. 36, 235. Sarah, 31, 32, 33. 34^35, 37. 38. 64, 317, 360, 391- Sarah E., 36. Sarah F., 35. Sarah J., 38. Sarah P., 37. Sarah V., 38. Silas, 33- Sobriety. 33. 34. 35, 142. 391. Sophia, 36. Stephen, 34. 38. Susan, 34, 36. Susan L., 38. Susanna, 34. Sylvia, 35. Thomas, 33. Bunker, Timothy, 35, 38. Tobias, 37. Valentine, 34. 35. 37. William, 34. 37. 3ii. William H.. 37. 38, 365. William R., 33. Zechariah, 32, 33. 34, 35, 37, 38, 124. Burbank, David, 148. John, 148. Nathan, 403. Sarah, 403. Sarah A., 148. Burgess, Charles H., 376. Wilhelmina, 370. Burke, Annie, 194. James, IQ4. Burkett, Amanda J., 255. Niven C, 255. Burleigh or Burley. . 394- Abigail. 254. 335. Andrew, 14. Deborah, 14. « Elbridge T., 114. Eliza, 72. Elizabeth, 72, 194, 394. Giles, 194. Hannah, 394. Jacob, 266. James, 102, 197. John. 14, 236, 266. 337. Josiah. 172. Lois, 266. Lucy A., 102. Marcia 337. Margaret, 197. Martha, 14, 266, 364, 367. Mary, 236, 394. 395. Mary J.. 121. Mehitable. 197. 337. Melissa, 254. Oliver, 121. Robert, 72. Samuel, 254. Sarah. 14. 102. 210. 212. Sarah T., 30. Susanna, 394. Burnett, Diantha E., 125, 12S. Burnham, , 119. Abigail, 32, 43, 44. 45, 9i, i77. 188, 361, 363, 366. Abram, 212. Amos, 43. • ' Ann, 41, 88. Anna. 43, 46. Anne. 42. Augusta. 42. Bessie, 46, 299. Betsey, 43- Caroline, 46. INDEX OF XAMKS 419 Burnham, Charles L., 45. Daniel, 44. Dudley, 43- Ebenezer, 42. 44. Edmund, 47. Eliot G., 46. Eliza, 44, 46. Elizabeth, 5, 40, 41, 42, 43. 44, 45. 47. 51, S8, 95. 188, 262, 266, 334. 379. 399- Emma L., 45. Enoch, 43. Esther, 251. Esther Y., 46. Frances, 40, 4O, 219. George, 43- George W., 45, 93. Hannah, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 60. 177. 188, 249, 251, 264, 266, 291, 292, ^M, 334. Harriet, 46, 112, 306, 388. Irene K., 93. Jacob, 43. James, 32, 40, 41, 42, 43, 46, 188, 210. James W., 46, 51. Jeremiah, 5, 17, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51, 96, 177, 178, 292, 309. 334, 360. Joanna, 42, 44, 45, 306. John, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 5 1 , 52, 247, 399- John K., 46. John L., 45. Joseph, 42,43, 44. 45. 46. 47. 366. Joseph P., 46, 251. Joseph R., 46, 299. Joseph S., 43, 46, 252. Joshua, 41. Judith, 43. Lavina, 45. Lois, 43. Louise G., 45- Lycurgus, 46. Lydia, 10, 41, 44, 45, 46, 51, 52, 188, 340. Mary, 40, 41, 43, 44, 119. 210. Mary A., 45, 46. Mary J., 46. Mary L., 46. Mehitable, 41, 43. Meriel, S, 42, 43, 296. Molly, 212. Moses. 43, 46. Myra, 46. Nancy, 43. Nathaniel, 41, 43. Olive, 43, 46. Paul, 43. Phebe, 44, 43, 247. Pike, 47. Polly, 43, 44- Relief, 32, 41. 42- Robert, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 95. I43, 219, 262, 266, 307, 317, 334. 379. 392. Robert C, 46. Burnham, Richard, 46. Samuel, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46. Sarah, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 118, 219. 317, 360, 392. Silas, 43- Solomon, 43, 361. Susanna, 42. 43, 44. 43. Temperance, 17, 40, 41, 43, 334, 360. Thomas, 44. Tryphena B., 43. Winthrop, 5, 42, 45, 296. Burrows, Ethel O., 350. William, 350. Bursley, Joane, 224. John, 224. Burt, Georgia H., 376. W. H., 376. Bushbie, Bridget, 31. Busher, Tryphena, 43. Buss, Abigail, 48, 379. Alice, 48, 316. Ann, 47. Bethiah, 48, 385. Elizabeth, 47, 48, 33i. 393- Hannah, 48, 52, 33, 215, 379- John, 47, 48, 49. 33. 209, 316, 331, 377. Joseph, 47, 48, 213. Lydia, 48. Mary, 47, 48, 33, 209. Samuel, 48. Sarah, 48, 377. Stephen, 48. William, 47, 48, 379. Bussy or Buzie. Margaret, 398. Simon, 398. Butler, Benjamin, 49. Charles E., 49. Charlotte, 228. Christina. 49. Edgar, 49. Eliza, 397. Emily, 49, 397- Francis, 49, 62. Frank, 49, 402. George W., 49. Hannah, 49, 62, 402. James, 49, 397. Mary J., 49. Robert, 149. Sarah, 149, 252, 257. Sarah A., 49, 114. Walter, 228. Butterfield, Catherine, 344. Buzzell, ', 91. Abigail, 49, SO, 267, 345, 397. Abraham, 50. Ann, 50, 331, 352. Ann E., 183. Avis, 51, 126, 179. 420 INDEX OF NAMES Buzzell, Benjamin, 50. Betsey, Si- Bridget, 179- Carrie E., 51. Deliverance, 345- Dorcas, 49. Ebenezer, 50. Elizabeth. 43, 50, 5i- Esther, 46, 51. Hannah, 50, 260. Henry, 49- Ichabod. 50. Isaac, 5"- Isett. 5"- Jacob, 50. James, 4Q, 366. Jane, 49. John, 49. 50, 117, i6o, 393. John B., 51- John E.. 46. 51. John H., 183. Joseph. 50. Judith. 40. Lenmel. 51. i79- Lydia. 40. 50. 31. 9i, 221. Margaret, 49, so, iiO, 117, iSn Maria L., 2S5- Martha, so. Mary, 44. 49, SO, 116, 117. I39. Miles. 345. Nane\'. Si- Nathaniel, 49, 130. Paul. 49' Phebe. 50. Rachel. 49. 50. Samuel, 50. si- Sarah, 37. 49. 50. 117- 3o8, 39J. Silas, SO, 221. Solomon, 43. 44- 50, Si- Tabitha. 50- Thomas, 40. W' 49. SO. .i'lA, 308. Caldwell. Annie, 30. Elizabeth. 124. 246, 314. 345- Lydia, 314- Martha, 124. WiUiam, 124, 246. 314- 345- Calef, Betsey. 43- Sarah, 39s. Call, Charles E., lOs. Emily M., 165. Philippa, 348- Callomy, John, 309- Sarah, 309- Campbell, Eliza, 3S- Harriet, 244, 378- William, 35- Cannt-y, .\nn, 280. Canney, Deborah, 178. Hepzibah, iS4- Isaac, 91. John, 280, 383. Joseph, 383. Martha, 276. Mary, 382, 383. Mary J.. 46. Richard. 178. Rose, 276. Sarah, 91. Thomas, 276. Caple, Henry, 284. Lucy K., 284. Sarah, 284. Card, Joseph, 125. Louisa J., I2S. Carlisle. Hannah, 36. Rachel. i73- Carr, Alva A., 269. Edwin M., 269. George A., 269. Jonathan G., 269. Judith. 211. Mary E.. 209. Nanc\-, 373- Nancy G.. 371, 373- Samuel. 373. Sarah A.. 269. Carswell, Comfort, 163, 164. Carter or ("artor. Anna. 173- Hannali. 26. 327. James. 173, 2S3- John. 2(>. Keziali. 312. 317, 365, 366. Mary E., 188. Mehitable, 253. Nancy, i73- Sarah, 188. Sarah C., 80. Cartey. Elizabeth, 401. Philip, 401. Cartland. Emily J., 266. Hannah. 121. Gary, Matthew, 2. Cass, Polly, bS- Samuel, 6s- Caswell. Samuel, 184. Sarah. 181, 184, Susan M., 188. William A., 188. Cate, Abigail, 280. Caroline. 46. Elizabetli. 117. ii9. 12 Eva B., 39. Harriet, 106. Harriet E.. 106. INUHX OF NAMES 421 Cate, John, 46. Joseph W., 106, 152. Lizzie A., 39. Mary A., 152. Mercy, 102. Moses, 280. Paul, loi. Polly, 381. Sarah H., 106. Susanna, loi. Walter. 381. William, 39. Cater, Sarah, 365. Catherin, , 182. Cator, Richard, 16, 17, 22, 26. Caverly, Betsey, 31. John, 31. Maria, 71. Tamsen J., 240. Caverno, Albert, 258. Catherine, 391. Ellen F.. 75- Horace, 94. Jeremiah, 75. John, loi. Rebecca, 94. Sarah, loi, 105. Winnie M., 258. Chadbourne, Bridget, 245. Daniel, 93. James, 245. Moses, 289. Plycentia, 289. Chad wick, Daniel, 276. Hannah, 276. Jacob, 86. John, 276. Patience, 276. Sarah. 86. Chaffee, Charles F., 125. Fannie E., 125. Chamberlain or Chamberlin. , 253, 324- Alice L., 107. Amos, 376. ('harlotte, 376. Dorothy, 177, 178, 364. Ephraim, loi. Hannah, lOi. Helen, 107. Joseph, loi. Mercy, loi. R.. 90. Thomas, 107. William, 178. Champlain, Caroline C, 249. Robert, 249. Chandler, Abigail, 374. Eliza Z., 186. Philemon, 374. Channell. .Mnahain. 93. Alice J.. 152. Dorothy B., 93. Elizabeth J., 152. Ellen G., 152. Horace, 152. John F., 152. Martha C, 152. William J., 152. Channon, Thomasine, 135, 136, 263. Chapman, , 351. Clara, 204. Clara B., 206. Comfort, 402. Daniel, 344. David, 345. Deborah, 106, 289. Dolly, 16s. Eliza A., 37, 68. Emma, 179. Hannah, 109. James, 37. John, 109, 263, 403. Lavinia, 109. Lizzie. 200. Mary, 109, 120, 125, 401. Mary J., 371. Miss, 211. Nancy, 125, 252, 344. Paul, 125. Rebecca, 93. Rhoda, 109. Samuel, 109. Smith, 106, 289. Susanna, 176, 263, 345. Thomas J., 165. Chase, Anna, 174. Ebenezer, 122. Jonathan, 174. Joseph, 54. Laura, 199, 235. Marcia, 397. Margaret, 54. Mary, 161, 280. Mar>' B.. 235. Polly, 122. Thomas. 235. Checkley. Anthony, 2, 3. Chellis, Abigail, 322. Cheney, Daniel, 363. Hannah, 320. Sarah. 363. Chesley, Aaron, 14, 62. Abbie, 64, 71. Abbie E., 69. Abbie S.. 69. Abigail, 55, 59, 61, 62, 65. 68, 70, 71. 72, 286, 357, 396. Abigail F., 37. Abigail H., 395. 422 INDEX OF NAMES Chesley, Ada P., 75. Addie M., 75. Addie R., 76. Alfred, 67, 72. Alfred E., 73. Alice M., 66. Alpheus, 61. 286. Alvah, 68. Andrew, 60, 71. Ann, 52, 53. 55. 59. 72. 90. 91. 98. Ann M., 73. Annette E.. 73. Annie. 70, 72. Annie B., 76. Annie M., 75, 396. Annistacia. 75. Arianna, 73. Arthur P.. 75- Asenath, 71, 396. Benjamin, 49, 54. 55. 56, 59. 60, 62, 63. 64.67.68, 69.313- Benton, 72. Bertrand D., 76. Betsey, 59, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70, 72, 109. 233, 356. Blanche E., 76. Caroline, 66. Caroline M., 69. Carrie O., 75. Charles A., 68. Charles G., 68. Charles H., 73. Charles L., 70. Charles N., 76. Charles P., 75. Charles S., 76. Charlotte, 67, 70. Charlotte S., 73. Clarissa, 67. Climena, 72, 289. Comfort, 54, 58, 61, 71, 248, 336. Curtis B., 71. Cyrus, 70. Daniel, 56, 65, 66, 72, 74, 75, irg, 397. David, 71. Deborah, 6, 56, 59, 61, 62, 64, 67, 68. 286, 313, 332, 369, 381- Deborah G., 69. Deliverance, 52, 53, 97. Doris E., 73. Ebenezer, 52, 58, 60, 6i. Edgar D.. 73. Eleanor, 55. Electa A., 70. Eliza, 65, 68, 72, 155. Eliza A., 69, 73. Eliza F., 68, 75. Elizabeth, 9. 12,- 51. 52, 53. 54. 56, 59. 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69, 70, 71. 72. 73. 95. 96, 97, 115, 177, 233, 265, 294, 313. 333, 355. 3S6. Chesley, Elizabeth A., 69. Elizabeth J., 71. Elizabeth \V., 73. Ellen, 73. Ellen A.. 71. Ellen P.. 75. Elmira. 72. Emeline S.. 268. Emmeline E., 68. Erwin E., 73. Esther. 52, 60, 70, 246. Eventia, 71. Ezra, 67. Fannie A., 69. Finettte. 72. Frank A.. 75. Franklin, 65. Fred B.. 76. Gadrilla A., 73. George. 52. 53. 58, 59, 62. 97. 245. 346. 362. George D., 76. George E., 69. George H., 71, 75. George S., 73. 75- Georgie L., 76. Gertie, 70. Grace E., 76. Grace L., 66. Grover C, 70. Hannah, 5, 6, 9. 48. 49. 52, 53. 55. 56, 58. 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69, 72, 73, 119. 133. 134. 219. 230, 235, 316, 317. 397. 402. Hannah C, 71, 73, 302. Hannah D.. 65. Hannah S.. 69. Harriet A., 73. Hattie A., 76. Henry, 70, 71. Herbert L., 70. Hester. 57. Ichabod, 52, 56. Ida. 70. Ida C, 70. Isabelle B.. 71. Irene, 70. Irene F.. 71. Irving G., 69. Isaac, 60, 64. Israel. 64. 68, 69. Israel R.. 69. Ivy M.. 73. Jacob, 64. James, 52. 53. 54. 55. 58, 59. 60. 64, 68, 71 James E., 69. James S., 73. Jefferson, 70. Jemima. 62. Jennie S., 73. Jeremiah, 67, 381. Joanna, 51, 64, 69, 70. M INDEX OF NAMES 423 Chcsley, John. 53, 54, 58, 60, 64. 67, 69. 70. 71. 219. 317, 356. John E., 69. John H.. 67, 73. John I., 69. John K., 76. John M., 71. John P., 75. John S., 73- Jonathan, 52. 56, S7. 58, 59. 61, 65, 70. 177. 186, 233. Jonathan F.. 68. Joseph. 48. 52. 53. 54. 55, 59. 60, 62. 64. 65. 67. 70, 72. 134. 301. 336. 380. Joseph H.. 68. Joseph P.. 72. Joseph R.. 67. Joseph S.. 69. Joshua. 56. 60. Josiah, 69. Julia, 67. 72. Keziah, 55, 64. Lafayette, 65, 66. 235. Laura A., 75. Laura J.. 72. Lavinia M., 75. Lawrence R.. 76. Lemuel, 56, 60, 64, 65, 69. 70, 287, 334, 395. Leroy H., 71. Levi F., 69. Lillian. 70. Lizzie. 340. Lois. 67. Loretta S.. 72. Louisa J., 68, 71. 227. Louise. 67. Love. 64. 69. Lucinda. 71- Lucy, 61, 144, 147. Lucy B., 356. Lydia, 41, 42, 52, 55, 56, 60, 61, 62, 65. 70, 380. Mabeth I.. 76. Marcia. 73- Margaret. S4. S5- Margery S.. 72, 75. 397- Maria. 68, 71, 72. Maria A., 70. Marion, 73, 76. Martha, 53. 59. 70, 71. 96, 97. 98, 99. 396. Martha A., 69- Mar>', 51, 52, 54, s6, 57, 59. 60, 61, 62, 64. 65. 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 83, 121, 210, 231, 355. 396. Mary A., 69, 70, 75. Mary E., 68, 69, 268. Mary J., 65, 70, 71. 73. 289. Mary N., 69. Matilda, 72. Mehitable, 55, 60, 71, 72, 122. Chesley, Mercy, 69. Miles. 64. 68. Monroe B.. 69. Moses. 65. 68, 70. 7i. 355- Nabby. 64. Nancy. 64, 65, 71, 126, 186. 235, 396. Nancy A.. 73. Nancy P., 120, i 26. Nathaniel. 59. 60. Nellie, 09. Nellie L, 73- Nellie J.. 69. Norman N. \V.. 73. Octavia. 67. 72. Olive, 65. 69. Ora G.. 69. Orrin F., 70. Otis. 60. Patience. 60. 393. 395. Paul. 56, 61, 65, 68, 71. 72. 97. 121. 289. Phebe. 5. 6. 56, 60, 144. Philip, 6, 9. 42. 51, 52. 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 65. 67, 71. 73. 226. 246. 289. Place ntia, 72. Plummer, 71, 72. Polly, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 71. 289, 301, 363. 380. Priscilla A.. 67, 73, 298. R. Sylvia, 68. Rachel, 56. Raymond P., 76. Rebecca, 70. Reuben, 55. Richard, 58, 6r, 69. Richard F., 64. Rosamond, 65. Rosetta M., 75- Russell E., 76. Ruth, 14, 62. Ruth A., 69. Samuel. 52, 53. 54. 55. 56. 58. 50. 60. 61, 65, 70. 71, 91, 122, 126, 147, 177, 208, 333. 385. 396. Samuel P., 72. Sarah. 12. 42. 52, 53. 54. 55, 56, S8, 59, 60, 6t. 62. 64. 65. 68. 69. 71, 72. 97. 147. 172, 182, 208, 245, 289, 313, 334, 362. Sarah E., 75. Sarah F.. 75- Sarah J.. 68. Sarah M., 73. Sawyer. 61). Shadrach. 62. Simon, 65. Sophia, 65. 67. Sophronia. 70. Starr K.. 66. Stephen P.. 71. 73. 302, 396, 397. Susan. 59. 60, 62. 71, 86, 134. Susan A.. 75. 424 INDEX OF NAMES Chesley, Susan J., 73. Susanna, 42. 52. 53, 54, 59, 62, 64, 67. 243, 259, M3, 380, 385. Sylvester. 72. Tamson, 52, 55, 60. Temperance, 52, 56. Thankful. 5g. R.. 73. Thomas, 0, 12, 51, 52, 53. 54. 59. C)i. -. 78. John, 77. Jonathan. 350, 361. Louise L., 78. Louise v., 38, 39. Love, 77, 276. Lucinda, 78. Martha. 71, 77- Mercy, 77. 189- Nathaniel. 77- Rebecca. 77. Sarah, 78, 297. Susan A., 78, 369, 372, Susanna, 77, 78. William, 77. 78. Zaccheus. 77, 276. Cloutman, Sarah, 230. Sophia, 349. Cockings, Charles R., 105. Marianna, 105. Coe, Abigail, 79. 267. Anne, 78, 79, 267, 364. Anne H., 80. Benjamin, 79- Curtis, 78, 79, 267, 320, 364. Ebenezer, 79, 338. Ebenezer P., 79. Federal B., 79. Gertrude A., 80. Harriet S., 79. Helen E., 80 Janet L., 80. Coe, John, 79. John E.. 79. Joseph. 79. Joseph W., 79. Lavinia T., 79. Louisa F., 79. Margaret A., 80. Margaret J., 79. Marj' E., 80. Mary U., 79- Mehitable. 79, 338. Polly, 79. Richard. 80. Richard C, 79- Richard P., 80. Safah, 80. Serena T., 80. Temperance, 79. Coffin, Andrew, 4. Benjamin, 249. Clarissa, 249. Enoch J., 257. Hannah, 334. Lydia, 159, 161. Peter, 223. Sarah E., 271. Susan, 257. Susanna, 4, 20. Tristram, 334. William R., 271. Cogan, Mary H., 164. Stephen. 164, 386. Susan, 164. Susanna, 164. William 164. Colbath, Keziah, 311. Mehitable, 41, 43. Nicholas, 311. Sarah W., 174- Temperance, 98. Colburn, George, 73- Mary, A., 340, Colcord, Benjamin, 123. Betsey, i75- Sarah, 123. Sarah J.. 397. Weare, i75- Cole, Amias, 358. Martha, 258. Simeon. 258. Coleman, Alice. 393- Anna. 264. Anne, 264. Dorothy, 268. Eleazer, 260. Ephraim, 8. James, 289. John. 393 . Keziah, 260. Mary, 393- 426 INDEX OF NAMES Coleman, Nathaniel, 268. Polly, 289. Polly G., 289. Sarah. 8. Woodman, 393. Colley, Henry, 187. Sarah, B., 187. Collins, , 257. Annie, 311. Deborah, 260. Harriet, 349. Judith, 35- Sarah, 192. William, 260. Colomy, Carrie B., 257. Cecil C, 257. Ida M., 240. Jacob, 240. Tamsen J., 240. William E.. 257- Colony, Annie S., 156. James, 156. Connelly, Margaret, 39. Conner, Mercy, 295, 308, 309- Timothy, 309. Connor, Elizabeth, 133. Frances M., 204. Horatio G., 204. Martha A., 204. Mary F., 204. Conradi. Albert P., 128. Edith A., 128. Karl P., 128. Ralph D., 128. Ruth C, 128. Converse, Harriet C, 255. Cook, , 23. Anna M., 311. George E., 311. Hannah, 279. Hezekiah, loi. Joel E., 67, 298. Penelope, 12, 13. Priscilla A., 67, 298, Rebecca, 23, 136, 139, 214. Sarah, loi, 114, 153. Cooper, Joseph W., 207. Mahala J., 207. Copps, Moses, 172. Oliver, 172. Cornaford, Caro S., 284. Cornell, Ebenezer, 306. Elizabeth, 306. Cornwall, Rosetta, 207. Corson, Julia E. H., 282. Cottle, Edward, 16. Mary, 16. Meriel, 3. 5. Cotton, James, 173. Jane, 173, 299. Cotton, John, 3. Meriel, 45. Solomon, 299. Couch, Bridget, 18. Roger, 18. Cox, Betsey, 387. Hannah, 213, 319. Hugh, 387. John, 213, 319- Craig, Caroline, D., 284. Samuel H., 284. Cram, David, 77. Dolly, 251. Hannah, 237, 302. James, 237. Levi, 36. Love, 36. Mary, 30, 36, 85, 237. Rufus, 36. Samuel, 236, 251. Susanna, 77. Sylvester, 36. Crandon, Frank S., 105. Gertrude M., 105. Crawford, Margaret, 382. Sarah, 315. Stephen, 382. Creichton, Margaret, 323- Critchet, , IS4- Anna, 81. Elias, 80, 81, 202, 357. Elizabeth, 19, 81. James, 81. John, 81. Martha, 202, 357. Mary, 81. Sarah, 8r. Thomas, 81. Crocker, Ada P., 75. Henry V., 75. Crockett, Jonathan, 395. Joshua, 26. Mary, 26. 21 1. Sarah, 395. Crommett, Abigail 82, 83, 173, 265, 267. Betsej-, 82, 83, 173. Ebenezer, 82, 83, 97, 107, 144, 146, 336. Eliza, 83. Elizabeth, 81, 82, 83, 99, 107, 144, 146, 159, 160, 349, 357. Eunice, 83, i74. I75. 242, 243, 288. Hannah, 83, 108, 288, 336. Jacob, 82, 26s, 267. James, 82, 83. Jeremiah, 81, 82. John, 81, 82, 83, 131, 160, 161, 242, 243, 288,357. Joshua, 82, 83, 107. Margaret, 81, 82. Martha, 82, 83, i59, 242. INDEX OF NAMES 427 Croniniett, Mary, 59, 81, 82, 8j, i6i. Molly, 83. Philip, 81, 82, 89, 195. Polly, 29, 83, 242, 243, 26.,. Sarah, 81, 82, 83, 193, 267, 271. Sobriety, 82, 357. Thomas, 59, 82, 83. Cromwell. Abigail, 84. Alice. 84. Ann, 84. Betty, 20, 84. Caleb, 84. Caroline, 86. Dorothy, 84, 85. Eben, 86. Eleanor, 85. Eliphalet, 84, 85. Eliza, 86. Elizabeth, 84, 85, 259. Ellen, 86. Esther, 84, 85. Frances, 86. Grace, 84. Hannah, 85. Joanna, 84, 85. John. 84, 86. Joseph, 84. Joshua, 84. Keziah, 85. Love. 19, 20, 86, 149. Lucy. 85. Lydia, 84, 86. Mary. 84, 85, 86. Mercy, 84, 86. Oliver, 85, 86, 359. Philip, 83, 84, 95, 259. Rachel, 84, 85. Rebecca, 85. Robert, 86. Samuel, 20, 84, 85. Sarah, 84, 86. Sylvanus, 85. Thomas J., 86. Crosby, Alice S., 156. Elizabeth, 395. Jonathan, 41. John, 380. Sarah, 380. Thomas, 395. Cross, Lydia, 84. Noah, 84. Crowell, Statira, 103, Crowninshield, Lena, iii. Croxford, Daniel, 14, 86, 87. Hannah, 86. Mary, 14, 86, 87. Nancy, 86. Peggy, 86. Sarah, 86, 87. Susan, 86. Curnmings, Benjamin, 340. Currier, , 328. Gardner, 249. Judith, 171. Mary, 402. Sarah, 328. Susan, 249. Curry, Anne H., 80. Burton E., 80. Curtis C, 80. Harriet A., 80. Curtis, Elizabeth, 9. Mary, 36a. Cushing, Caroline E., 302 Frances E., 302. Jonathan, 98, 386. Thomas E., 302. Cutler, Abijah, 4. Albert D., 192. Dana B., 235. Deborah, 4. Florence L., 192. Mary C, 235. Cutts, John, S3, 165. Mary, 245. Sarah, 52, 53. Cyas, John, 323. Dame or Dam. . 32, 114. Abbie, 87. Abigail, 26, 82, Almira, 88. Ann, 88. Anna, 46. 89. Anne, 88, 279. Arthur C, 87. Asa, 21, 29, 88. Asa G., 88. Benjamin, 86, 87. Benjamin P., 87. Bertha A., 88, 311. Betsey, 87, 89. Caroline, 88. Catherine. 89. Clara E., 88, 242. Clinton, 87. Daniel, 87. Edith A., 87. Edith M., 87. Elizabeth, 14, 26, 86, 87, 89, 10 258, 260, 381. Elsie, 179, 183. Esther, 32, 114. Fidelia, 89. Francis A., 89. George, 14, 16, 87, 88, 329, 381. George M., 87. George W., 88, 89. Georgianna, 87. 199, 265, 267, 320. 361. 428 INDEX OF NAMES Dame or Dam. Hannah. 88. 89, i6j, 243, 280, 320. Hannah M. 21. Harriet R.. 87. Hunking H., 89. 163, 320. Jacob. 281. Jane. 86. 8q. Jason, 88, 89. Jeremiah, 89. John. 26, 86, 89, 172. John B. G.. 88. 242, 399. John O.. 87. Joseph. 87. 88. 258. 386. Leah, 137. 138. Levi. 344- Lucia. 21. 29. Lucia G.. 88. Lydia. 163. 34ft. Major. 102. Martha, 138. Martha E., 88. Mary, 87, 88, 281. Mary A., 89. Mary H., 88. Mary M., 344. Mehitable, 87. Moses, 88, 89. 361. Nancy, 87, 178. Olive, 88, 172, Priscilla. 87. Richard, 21, 89. 260. Samuel. 88. 208. Sarah. 16. 86. 87. 88. 89, 232, 233. Sarah A., 88. Sophronia, 87. Susan, 87. 88, 298, 386. Susanna, 381. Sylvester, 89. Temperance. 178, 180. Theophilus, 88. Thomas, 279. Timothy. 88. 89. VVilliam 88, 89, 137, 138, 150, 233. Zebulon. 26. Daniel or Daniels. ■ .345. Abigail, 42, 91, 92, 309. Albert H., 94- Almira, 93. Andrew, 92, 93. Ann, 53. .19. 90, 9i- Anne, 91. Bridget. 30. 92. Charit\-. 91. Clement, 91. Cynthia A., 93. Davey, 89, 90. _ David, 42, 81, 89, 90, 91, 224. Dodavah, 91. Doroth^•, 93. Daniel or Daniels. Elijah, 91. Eliphalet, 91, 92, 93, 294. Eliza, 93- Eliza D., 92. Elizabeth, 91, 92, 94. Eloda, 94. Enoch, 93. Ephraim, 91. George, 92. Hannah, 91. Harry P., 92, Henry P., 123. Ira T.. 93. Irene K., 93. Isaac, 91, 93. 94. Jacob, 91. Jane. 90. Joanna. 91. Jonathan, 91, 309. John, 90. 91, 92. . John C, 92, John S., 94. Joseph. S3. 59. 90, 91, 92. 93- Joseph D., 93. Joshua \V.. 93. Lydia. 42, 91, 92. Margaret, 93. Maria S., 92. Martha, 92. Martha A., 93. Mary. 91, 92. Mary E., 93. Mary S., 93, Mehitable, 91, 92, 123. Mehitable P., 92. Naomi, 89, 90, 223, 224. Nathan. 93. Nathan E., 92. Nathaniel. 92. Obadiah, 91. Pelatiah, 91, 92. Rebecca, 93, 94. Rebecca A., 93. Reuben, 91 , 92. Rozilla, 93. Ruth. 92. Samuel. 90, 91. 33i- Sarah. 90, 91, 92. 93. Sarah E.. 93. Sarah P.. 92. 93. Solomon. 91. Susan A.. 93. Susanna, 92. Teague. 167. Tryphena. 93- Danielson, Esther, 91, Daring, Lucinda, 71. Thomas, 71, Davidson, Mary, 122. INDEX OF NAMES 429 Davis, III, II-', 114, 354. Aaron, 96, 97. Abbie L., 112. Abbott P., III. Abigail, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 107, 108, iii, 114. 276, 388. Abigail F., 103. Abigail H., 113. Abigail J., no. Abner, 100. Ada A., 113. Ada C, 104. Addie, in. Addie M., 76. Adelia A., 104. A.lbert H., 106, in. Albert J., 112. Alfred, 112, 307. Alice, 98, 399. Alice H., 105. Alice M., 311. AUie B., 109. Alonzo T., 108. Alvan, 112. Alvin E., 112. Amanda F., 366. Ann, 109, 169. Ann P., loi. Anna, 100, 109, no, in. Anna F., 103. Annabelle, 114. Anne, loi, 115, 382, 399. Annie L., in. Anson B.. in. Anthony, 94. Arthur L., 109- Asa, 102. B. Frank, 366. Benjamin. 19. 96, loi, in, 114. Bertha, in. Bertha G., 109. Bessie B., 104. Betsey. 109. 115. 119, 123. 345. 375- Betty, 10 1. Bolivar, 103. Bradstreet, loi. Bridget, in. Calvin, 102. 105, 152. Calvin N., 105. Caroline, 104, no, 112. Carrie O., 75- Catherine, 106. Charles A., 102, 112. Charles C, 108. Charles F., 105, 106, 152. Charles G., 104. Charles H., 112. Charles J., 106. Charles L., 108. Charles N., 103. ^ Davis, Charles S., 49, 114. Charles \V.. 113. Charlotte, loi. 103, 112, 153. Charlotte C, 103. Charlotte M., 103. Cicely, 94- Clara, 124. Clarence F., 113. Clarissa, loi, 103, 112. Clement, 113. Clement M., 1 13. Comfort, 109, 169, 344. Cora E., 114. Daisy A., 112. Daniel, 59,83,96,98,99, 112, 115, 144, 146. David, 82, 107, 108, 109, 124, 159, 288, 349, 357- David E., 108. David F., no. David O., 113, 114, 125. David W., n t. Deborah. 99, 100, 112, 180, 194. Deliverance, 53, 97. Dolor. 224. Earl B., 112. Eben S., 108. Ebenezer, 96, 98, in. Edith L., 105. Edward C, 106. Edward E., 108. Eleanor R. K.. 1 13. Eleazer, 97, 99, lOo, 10 1, 104, 114, 153, 248. Eliza, 381. Elizabeth, n, 40, 52, 59, 82, 83, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 107, 109. 115. 119, 123, 144, 146, 158, 162, 183, 208, 265, 266, 267, 349. 354. 357. 394- Elizabeth E., 235. Elijah. 100. Eliphalet, 112. Elisha, 97. 112. Ella C. 112. Ellen, 104. Ellen M., 112, 237. Elmer E., 112. Elmer S., 1 12. Eloisa, 103. Elsie M., n t. Elvira E., 103. Emeline F.. 108. Emily. 103, 113. Enoch S.. 113. Ephraim. 97. 99, 145. 149. 181. Esther, 32, 100, 103, 104. 112, 114. Esther M., 307. Ethel F., 105. Etta B., in. Eunice, 108, 124, 288. Everett G., 114. Fannie C, 1 1 1. 430 INDEX OF NAMES Davis, Frances, 105. Frances A., 108. Frances C, loj. Francis. 99. Frank, 99, 104, 109. Frank J., iii. Frank K., 103. Frank N., 103. Franklin, 103. Fred E., in. George. 100. 104, 1 13. George B., 114. George O., 108. George R., 176- George S., 103, in. George W., 108, no. in. Gertrude I., 112, 350. Gertrude M., 105. 114. Grace L., 104. Guy E., 109. Hannali, 95, 97, 9&. 99. 100, loi, 107, 108, 109, no, in, 112, IIS, 145. 149, 351, 381, 382. Hannah L., 104. Harriet, no, 176- Harriet E., 106. Harry A., 106. Harvey M., 104. Hattie, 109. Helen, 302. Henrietta, 104, no, in. Henry, 112. Henry B., 1 13. Henry W., 106. Hepzibeth, 114, 304. Herbert F.. 1 14. Herbert G., 106. Hezekiah, loi. Hugh, 94. Inez M., 1 14. Isabel, 106. Isaiah, 1 12. Jabez, 96. 388. Jacob, 100, no. Jacob B., no. James, 52, 94, 95. 96, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104, 107, in, 112, 114, 158, 162, 208, 262, 351, 360. James B., 112. James F., 103. James H., 103, 104. James J., 105. James W. G., 106. Jane, 95. 96, 104, 114, 177, 326, 331- Jemima, 95, 96, 326. Jennie, 159. Jennie D., 106. Jeremiah, 98, 100, 109, in, 229. Jeremiah S., 108. Joane, 224. Davis, Joanna, 94, 98, 100, 399. Joanna A., 106. Joel H., 102. John, II, 40, 94, 95, 96. 97, 98, 99, 100, loi, 103, 109, no, 112, 113, 139, 177, 262, 276, 302, 331, 392. John P., 108. John H., 103. John M., loi, 113. John N., 318. John T., 311. John \V., 104. Jonathan, 98, 100, in, 115, 183, 351, 399, Joseph, 95, 96, 97, 108, in, 114,317,354. Joshua, 32, 1 14. Josiah, 99. Judith, 95, 96, 97, loi, 102, 105, 113. 354. 361. Julia, in. Juliet, 100. Justin M., 108. Keziah, 100, 247. Keziah F., 113. Laura N., i n. Laura S., 103. Laurenda P., no. Lavinia, 106. Leavitt, 102. Lena, in. ^ Lemuel, 100. Levi, no, in, 1 14. Lewis E., 109. Lillian, 106. Lois, 97, 99, 1 12, 145. Louisa J., 104, 370, 372. Louise A., 107. Love, 96. Lucie J., 105. Lucinda H., 115. Lucy A., 102, no. Luette, 114. Lydia, 48, 102, 104, 107, 184. Lydia M., 104, 318. Marcia E., 49, 114, 299. Margaret, 19, 104, 113, 114. Margaret M., 103. Marian L., 105. Marianna, 105, 113. Marietta. 103. Marion E., 112. Martha, 53, 96, 97, 98, 99, lOO, loi, 102, 107, 108, 112, 349, 393, 394. Martha A., 112, 113, 125. Martha F.. 108. Mary, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, lOi, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 154, 286, 287, 311, 351, 354. 360, 402. Mary A., 95, 109, in, 113, 184. Mary E., 105, no, in. Marj' F., 104. INDEX OF NAMES 431 Davis, Mary H., 112, 388. Mary S., 104. Melvin, 114. Mercy, loi, 102. Merle E., 311. Miles, loi, lis. Minerva A., 106. Miriam, 96, iii. Molly, 109. Moses, S3, 61, 95. 96, 97, 99, 100, loi. 102, no. III, 113, iig, 123, 143, 180, 262, 291, 394- N. VV., 94. 134- Nancy, loi, 102, no, 179, 181. Nancy H., 102. Nathalie, 105. • Nathan, 100. Nathaniel, 97, 99, 100, loi, 102, rii. Nathaniel B., 104. Nathaniel F., 104. Nathaniel G., 109, 235. Nathaniel H., 104. Nestor W., 107. Newell C 184. Obadiah. 99. Odella P., 108. Olin S,. 104. Olive, III, 114, 2gs. Olive D., no. Patty, 348, 349. Paul. 94. Pauline, 113. Phebe. 97. 99, 264, 265. Philip B., 311. Polly. loi ,112. Raymond C 311. Rebecca, 97. Reuben, 115, 399. Reuhamah, 95. Rhoda, 103, 109, 368. 371. Rhoda F., 104. Rhoda J., 109. Rhoda M., 104. Rhoda O., 104. Robert, 94, 98, 399. Ruth, 96, 97, 98, 99, loi, 149. Sabrina, 113. Samuel, 53, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, loi, 102. 104, 114, 381. Samuel C, 105. Samuel F., 105. Sarah, 15, 29, 56, 61, 69, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, loi, 102, los, 109, III, 112, 113, 114, IIS. 144. 14s. 152, 153. 181, 208. 229, 262 297, 306, 312, 331. Sarah A., 49, 106, no, 114, 181. Sarah E., 112, 114. Sarah F., 103, 108. Sarah K., 113. Sarah M., 104. Davis, Seth F., 103. Simon, 102. Solomon, 96, 97, 98, 100, 143. Solomon H., no. Statira, 103. Stephen, 100, 102, 112. Stephen II., 75. Stevens, 103. Susan, loi, 102, 106. Susan D., 237. Susan E., 109. Susanna, 96, 97, 98. loi, 106, 159. Tamson S. , 113. Temperance, 98, 302. Teresa, 103. Thomas, 96, 98, 99, 100, loi, 102. 144, 208 375- Thomas J., 109, no. Timothy, 48, 98.108. Timothy G., 108. Walter C, 49, 114. Walter S., 114, 299. Wendall P., in. Wesley E., 109. in. Wilfred E., 109. William 94, 104, in. William H., 105, no. William L., 105. William P., 103. William R., 105. Winthrop, 100. Zerviah, 99. Day, Ella E., 112. Eva B., 231. Fred A., 112 Hannah, 184, 188, 305. Hilton, 305. Martha A., 112. Susan, 301, 305. Dean, Elizabeth, 229. .John, 229. Dearborn, Abigail J., no. Addie, in. Charles A., 238. David L., 292. Elizabeth, 211. Esther, 146. George P., no. Hannah, 292. Mahala, 384. Nathaniel, 211. Olive, 146. Sarah. 238, 248. Decker, Abigail E., 370. Dana, 370. George L., 370. Lizzie P., 370. Mara, 370. Susanna, 370. Deering, Clement, 97. 432 INDEX OF NAMES Deering, Hannah, 97. Roger, 208. Sarah, 208. Susanna, 399. Deland, Abigail, 173. Demeritt or De Meritt. Abbie J., 124. Abbie L., 125. Abigail, 116, 117, iig, 120, 123. 124, 127, 180, 257, 308, 346. Abigail F., 123. Addison, 122. Albert, 126, 128, 37i- Albert L., 126. Alexander, 126. Alice, 121, 122. Alice M., 125. Alma, 122. Andrew, 117, iiS, 120, 121, 126. 179. Andrew E.. 71, 121. Andrew J., 123. Ann, 124. Anna, 118. Anne, 119. Annie, 116, 117, 119, 120. Augusta A., 126, 128. Augusta E., 125. Avis, 120, 126. Baldwin, 115. Benjamin, 116. Benjamin W'., 123. Betsey, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 179, 182, 289. Betsey J.. 119. Betty, 120. Bracket J.. 122. Bridget, 117, 391. Calvin, 1 19. Caroline, 126. Charles, 115. 121, 124, 126. Charles A., 125. Charles G., 128. Clara, 124, 126. Clarabel. 124. Clarissa, 120, 122, 124. Clark, 122. Curtis C, 124. Daniel, 117,1 iS, 123. David A., 125, 128. Davis, 123, I So. Deborah, 35, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 183, 194, 28S. Deborah A., 125. Diantha E.. 125, 128. Dolly, 119. Dorcas, 122. Ebenezer, 113, 117, 118, 122. 124, 361. Ebenezer F., 124. Ebenezer T., 122, 124, 126. Edith A., 128. Demeritt or De Meritt. Edmund, 120, 121. Edward, 119. Edwin, 126. Eleanor, 123. Eli, 35. 115. 116, 117, 119. 120, 121, 124, 127. 2S6, 308, 316. Eliza, 121, 155. Eliza A.. 123. Elizabeth, 97, 99, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 178, 286, 312. Elizabeth A., 124. Elizabetli P., 126, 128, 371. Ella, 124. Ellen E., 122. Elvira, 120, 122. Emeline, 121, 126. * Emma, 366. Emma F., 128. Etta, 124. Eugene .\., 128. Eunice, 108, 118, 124, 288. Ezra E., 124, 127. Fannie E., 125. Fanny, 120. Finett, 122. Florence, 126. Frances, 125. Frances A., 126. Frances E., 12O, 128. Frances L., 125. Frank, 121, 126. Frank P., 126. Fred, 122. George, 119. George E.. 126. George P., 126. 128. Gordon, 122. Grace A., 126. Granville, 120. Granville J., 120. Hannah. 65, 66, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 123. 361. Hannah T., 122, 126. Harriet L., 128. Harry, 123. Hayden, 122. Henry, 122. Hiram. 122. Hope. 1 16, 316. Hopestill, 1 16, 316. Hopley. 124, 127, 346. Isaac, 108, 124, 288. Israel, 118, 119, 120, 126, 189. Jacob. 122, 123. James. 117, i iS. James A., 122. James M., 126. James V., 122. Jane, 120, 122, 126, 368, 371. INDEX OF NAMES 433 Demeritt or De Meritt. Jennie M., 127. Jennie S., 128. Jeremy, 118. Job, 50, 116, 117. John, 50, 97, 98, 115, ii6, 117, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 127. 180, 257. -288, 353, 355. John C, 125. John F., 124. John L., 123. John W., 124. Jonathan, 118, 121, 286. Joseph, 71, 117, 118, 122, 123, 126. Joseph E., 123. Josephine, 124, 125. Katharine, 129. Kezia, 119. Laetitia A., 124. Laura, 122. Lavina, 121, 122. Lois, 118, 119, -120, 121, 125, 189. Loisa, 188. Lorenda P., 123. Lottie A., 125. Louisa, 120, 189. Louisa J., 125. Louisa M., 124, 127. Love, 124. Lucia, 115. Lydia, 118, 122. Mabel, 126, 128. Margaret, so, 116, 117, 129, r8o, 355. Maria, 121, 122. Marianna F., 125. Mark, 119. Martha, 118, 122, 124, 217. Martha A., 113. 125. Martha J., 126. Martha R., 125. Marj', 50, 71, n6, 117, n8, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 179, 182, 354, 355, 371. Mary A., 122, 123, 125. Mar>' E., 124, 125. Mary J., 121, 314. Mary L., 126. Matilda, 122. Maude, 115. Mehitable, 71, 92, 122, 123. Melvina E., 124. Minnie, 126. Molly, 119. Moses, 117, 118, 122. Moses O., 122. Nancy, 71, 121, 122. Nancy B., 123. Nancy P., 120, 126. Nathaniel, 118, 120, 122, 125, 182, 371. Nicholas, 115. Olive, 120. Oliver, 124. 28 Demeritt or De Meritt. Oliver C. 122. Olivia P., 124. Pamelia, 120. 239. Paul, 97, 117. 118, 119. 217. Polly, 71, 122, 289. Rebecca, 71, 118, 122. Rhoda, 119. Richard, 125. Richard H., 125. Richard S., 194. Robert, 117. Ruth, 120. Samuel 117. 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 312, 323, 366. 374, 391. Samuel D., 123. Samuel E.. 120. Sarah, 113. 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126. 178, 180, 286, 366. 374. Sarah A., 121, 122, 123, 124, 183, 398. Sarah J., 123. Sarah P., 122. Simon, 115. Solomon, 116, 117, 119. Sophia, 117, 123, 124, 126. Stephen, 71, 118, 120, 126, 129. Susan, 117, 119, 120. 121. 123. Susanna. 92, 118, 122. Tabitha, 116. 117, 286, 308. Thomas, 115, 117, 122 Thomas J., 126. Timothy, 123, 124, 183. Walter, 115. Watson B., 128. William, 116, 117, 119, 120, 125, 308. William A., 126. William W., 125. Woodbury, 121. Denbow, Denmore or Dinsmore. Abigail, 130. 384. Clement. 130. Cornelius, 130. Deborah, 130. Deliverance, 307, 308. Elijah. 130. Elizabeth, 118. Ichabod, 130. Joanna. 308. Margaret, 130. Mary, 32, 129, 130, 214, 251. Molly, 386. Nathaniel, 130. Peter, 129, 130. Rachel, 129. Relief B., 130. Richard, 32, 129, 130, 319. Sarah, 130. Salathiel, 129, 214, 319. Solomon, 118. Dennett, Laura, 184. 434 INDEX OF NAMES Derry, Deliverance, 131. James, 131, 295. 303. 304. 3o8, 309. John, 130, 137, 308. Joseph, 130, 131. Margaret, 294, 295. Dewer, Thomas, 243. ' Dewey, Marcia, 322. De Witt, Leona, 275. Diamond, Edith A., 87. John, 40. Mary, 40. Dickens, Amelia, 153. Dickey, Elizabeth W., 24. Dillencourt, Sara E., 151. DLxon, Lucretia M., 289. William. 289. Doane, Hezekiah, 331. Mary, 331. Dockum, Jane, 16. John, 16. Mary, 131. Dodge, Eunice, 340. Jonathan F., 207. Sarah, 207. Sophia, 207. Doe, Abbie J., i34- Abigail, 132, I33- Alfred, 134. Andrew, 132, 195. 345- Anna, 134. Bartlett, 133- Benjamin, 132, 133. I34. i93. I94- Betsey, 345- Bradstreet, 133. 3or. Caroline E., 134. Charles, 133. I34- Charles A., 134. Daniel, 131. David, 132. Dearborn, 133. Deborah, 132, 133. I34- Ebenezer, 62, 133, i34. 236, 275, 380. Edward, 1 34. Elizabeth, 131. 132. i33. I34. 1/6, 393. 394- Eunice, I33- Francis, 134. Frank E., 134. George W., 134. Gideon. 133. Hannah, 62, 131, 132, 133, I34. I93. I94. 301, 380, 385- Henry, 133. Horace, 134. J. Frank, 134. James, 132. John, 131. 132, 133. 134. 173, 243. 263. 393. 394. 399- John W., 133- Jonathan, 132, 133. Joseph, 114, 132, 133. 134. 345, 399. Doe, Joshua, 133, 134, 376. Josiah. 131. 385. Lemuel. 133. Louise A., 134. Lucy, 134- Margaret, 114. Martha, 131, 132, 133. I34- Mary, 131, 132, 133, 228. 243. 263. 30S, 345- Mary A., 132. Mary E., 217, 218. Mary F., 134. 349- Mehitable M., 238. Molly, 134. Nancy, 45, 134. 176, 376. Nancy M., 134. Nathaniel, 132, 133. Nicholas, 131, 132, 133, 400. Olinthus, N., 134. Philena, 134. Polly, 132, 19s. Rebecca, 132. Reuben, 45. Ruth, 132. Sampson, 54, 131, 132. Samuel, 132, 133, 134, 176. Sarah, 132, 133, 172, 173, 375- Sarah A., 339. Sarah G., 134. Simeon, 133. - Susan, 133. Susanna, 133. I34. 236, 399- Tamson, 173. Temperance, 54, 131, 132. Walter, 133. Wiggin, 132. Zebulon, 132, 133. Dolby, Frances Y., 182. Dolloff, — , 12. Betsey, 395- Esther, 12. Dore, Rebecca, 70. Dow, Abigail, 295. Abra, 37. Ann, 178, 180. Clara, 126. Hannah, 37. Hollis, 249. James, 176. Mehitable, 176. Olive, 362. Reuhaniah, 95. Samuel, 126. Sarah, 139, 183. Sarah E., 249. Stephen, 95. Susan, C, 180. William, 295. Downer, Sarah, 396. Downs or Downes. David E , 402. INDEX OF NAMES 435 Downs or Downes. Elizabeth, 60. Humphrey, 277. Jaraes, 32. John, 375- Maztha, 31, 32. Mary, ^2, 309, 375. Ruth. 277. Thomas, 32. WilHam, 309. Downing, Dennis, 329. Elizabeth, 59, 60, 393. Hannah, 18, 20. John, 18, 20, 41, 229, 244. Joshua, 393- Patience, 393. Temperance i 18. Drake, John, 149. Polly, 149. Drew, , 117, 300. Aaron, 139, 143, 152. Abigail, 31, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147. ISO, 151. 154. 155. 233- Abraham, 143. Adeline, 154. Alfred P., 154. .^ice S., 156. Alphonso, 154. Alvin, 143. Amelia, 153. Andretta, 155. Andrew, 21, 99, 142, 145, 146, 149, 153, 20S. Andrew J., 151. Ann, 139, 141, 148, 152. Ann E., 151. Ann M., 321. Anna, 33, 34, 139, 141, 147, 352. Anne, 150, 154. Annie E., 157. Annie S., 156. Anson, 143. Avis, 149. Benaiah, 145, 209. Benjamin, 136, 143, 145. Bessie, 157. Betsey, 142, 147, 149. Betsey A., 147, 151. Betty C, 300. Bithiah, 146, 148, 151. Burleigh, 151. Caleb, 150, 154. Caroline, 154. Caroline A., 146, 175. Carrie, A., 157. Cassandra, 151. Chandler, 139. Charity, 91. Charles, 150, 154, 155. Charles A., 152, 157. Charles E., 152, 157. Drew, Charles F., 152. Charles W., 151, 156. Charlotte, loi, 153. Chesley, 147. Clara, 154, 187. Clara L., 156. Clarinda, 154. Clarissa, 155. Clark, 139. Clement, 32, 140, 142, 143. Comfort, 139, 142. Daniel, 139, 146, 150, 154. David, 31, 142, 143. David L., 155. Deborah, 117, 139, 143, 150. Dennis, 92. Dolly, 143. Dolly E., 143. Dolly M., 152, 156. Dorothy, 145, 148. Ebenezer, 147, 246. Ebenezer, C, 154. Edwin, 150. Edwin C, 143. Edwin P., 156. Eleazer, 153. Elijah, 61, 140, 144, 14s. 147, 149, 150, 178. Elisha, 149. Eliza, 121, 147, 154, 155. Eliza A., 152. Eliza D., 157. Eliza E., 143. Elizabeth, 5, 83, 99. lor, 112, 117, 135, 136, 139. 140, 141. 143, 144. 145, 146, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 156, 162, 192, 193, 195, 196, 264, 286. Elizabeth C, 143. Elizabeth E., 157. Elizabeth F., 157. Ella F., 156. EUen F., 154. Ellen K., 152. Elmer F., 156. Elsie, 155. Emetine, 150. Emily, 149. Emma C, 156. Emma L., 156. Enoch, 146. Ephraim, 149, 154. Esther, 21, 139, 146, 149. Eunice, 145, 149. Evans, 154. Ezra, 148, 150. Francis, 6; 17, 99, 135, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141. 144. 145. 146, 148, 149, 154. 196, 208. Frank E., 156. Frederick E., 156. George, 146, 151. George E., 157. 436 INDEX OF NAMES Drew, George F., 153. George H., 151. George K., 152, 156, 157. Gerrisli, 155. Gertrude C. 156. Gilman A., 143. Grace. 157- Hannah, 33, 99, 13s, 136, I39. 140. 142. i45. 146, 149, 152, 153. 154. 193, 211, 214, 230. Harriet, 148. Harrison, 155. Harry. 157. Helen, 151. i33- Henry. 150, 151. Henry A., 151. Herbert F.. 156. Hezelciali. I39- Israel. 146. 295- Ivy M., 156. Jacob, 150, 154- James, 135. 140. I47. i53- James H.. 154- Jane, 144. 147. i53- ' Jane E., 154- Jedediali, 142. 156. Jeremiah, 154. IS5- Jeremiah D.. 146. Jeremy. 150, isi- Joanna. 141. 142, 146, 151. 172, i73- John, 32. loi, 112. 135. 136, 137, 139. 140. 141, 144. 145. 146. 147, 148. 149. ISO, 151. 153. 172. 190, 214, 269, 355. 379. 380. John A., 148. John F., 151, 152. John G.. 154. r.s6. John S., 321. John W., 152. Jonathan, 139. 142. i43. 150. Jonathan H., 143. Joseph, 5. 83, 99. loi, 107, 137. 138, 139. 140. 141, 142, 143. 144. 145. 146, I47i 148, 149, 150, 151. 153, 154. 380. Joseph W., 156. Joshua. 339- Judith, 140. 144. Judith A., 149. Lavinia, E.. 153- Leah, 137, 138, i45. I47. i50, 153. Lemuel, 33. 34. lo^. i39. 141. 142, 146. 152, 352. Lena S., 156. Levi. 139. 142. Lois, 99. 145. 148. 155. 335- Lois C, 148. Lois G., ISS. 286. Love, 77. 143- Love A., isi- Lucinda, 15S. 367. 370. Lucinda H., 155- Lucy, 61 144. 147. 150, 154- Drew, Lucy C, 148. Lucy L., 152, 156. Lydia, 17, 136, 139, 140, 145, 146, 147. 148, 150, 151. 152, 153. 154. 162, 264, 324- Lydia A., 146. 150, 151. 156. Lydia B.. 155. Lydia H., 106. 148, 209. Margaret, 143, 389. Margaret P., iS3- Maria, 155. 156- Marie A., 140. Martha, 140, 142, 143, 145, 147, 150. 155, 156. Martha A., 151, IS3. I54. 2^9- Martha C, 148. Martlia E., 157. Mary, 6. 32, 33. 135, 136, 139. 140, 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 148. 149. ISO, 153. 154. I5S. 163, 164. 208, 214, 219, 264, 292, 374, 379. Mary A., 151. 152. I7S- Mary B., 151. Mary C, 151. Mary E., 143. 146. 152, 156. Mary J., 153, 339. Meshech, 136, 140, 143. 144. Molly, 142. Moses. 139. 142. Nabby, 142. Nancy, 339- Nancy A.. 146, 151. Nathan G., 157. Nathaniel. 135. i54- Nellie M., 152. Nellie S., 151. Nicholas, 146, 150, 151, 152. I53. I55. 175. 230. Obadiah, 146. Obed. 143. Olive, 31. 142, 146. Orrin G.. 143- Patience. 32. I39. 140. 142. I43. 214. Paul, 154. Phebe, 6. 140, 144. Polly, 143. 149. 175. 399- Rebecca. 32. 136. i39. 214- Rhoda, 153- Robert, 148, 389. Ruth, 140, 149 Sabrina, i54- Sadie M., 156. Samuel, 13S. I44. I47. I49. 150. I54. 175- Samuel C, 147. i49. Samuel T., 156. Samuel \V., 153. Sara E., 151. Sarah, 55, 92, 99. lOi. 112. 136, 138, I39. 142, 144. 145. 147. 148. 149, 150. 151. 153. 155. 178. 190. 191. 209, 246. 247. 295. Sarah A., 106. 145. 152, i55- INDEX OF NAMES 437 Drew, Sarah B., 152, 154. Sarah E., 155. Sarah M., 151. Selina, IS3- Shadrach, 155. Sobriety, 33. 34. 142. Sophia, 154. Sophia J.. 381. Sophronia, 147, 149. 153- Stephen, 148. Susan. 147- Susan A., 146. Susan D., 268. Susan J.. 153. Susannah, 156. Tamsen, 136, 140, 141, 142, 145, 148. 149. Temperance, 142, 173, 357, 358. Thomas, 32, 33, 135, 136, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 145. 147. 154. I5S, IS7. 214, 264, 292. Timothy, 148. Valentine, 150. Waldron, 143. William, 121, 134, 135, 136, 138, 140, 142, 143. 145, 150, 154. J55. 156. 191, 192, 201, 219, 264, 374- William H., 152, 156. William J., 151, 156. William L., 143. William P., 151, 155, 286. Winborn, 153. Winborn A., 147. Zebulon, 139. Drisco, Cornelius, 81, 129, 384. James, 130. Jeremiah, 307. Keziah. 384. Mary, 81. Sarah. 307. Duda or Dudey (see Durrell). Dudley, Betty, 210, 211. Ebenezer, 168. Elizabeth. 337. 338. Mary. 8. Nicholas, 211. Sarah, 166. Thomas, 8. Duley, Elijah, 166. Grace, 165, 293, 319- Hannah, 166. John, 319. Mary, 166. Philip. 165. 166. 293. Samuel, 166. Sarah, 166. Susanna, 166. William. 166. Dnmmer. Margaret, 294. Thomas. 294. Duncan. Abraham, 283. Mar>', 283. Dunlea. Dorothy, 126. Grace A., 126. John M., 126. Nancy, 126. Dunn, Anna, 158. Deborah, 158, 319. Dorcas, 158. Elizabeth, 9, 95. 08, 158, 319. Hugh, 81, IS7, 158. Josiah, 158. Mary, 158. Nathaniel, 158. Nicholas, 9, 157, 158. 319. Samuel. 158. Sarah. 158. DunniuRton. Caroline. 302. James, 302. Thomas C, 302. Dunster. Mary, 340. Dunton, Marion, 311. Durgin. , 387. Abigail, 139, 160, 335- Abraham, 161. Adeline. 164. Alfred. 165. Alpheus, 163. Ann. 162. Anna. 159. lOi, 162. Anne. 160. Asa. 335. Belinda, 163. Benjamin. 159. 160. 163. 164, 165, 171. Benjamin F., 165. Benning, 159. Betsey. 162. 164. 174- Carlos, 161. Caroline E.. 134. Catherine, 13s, 195, 264. Charles, 147, 264. Charlotte, 165, 344. Charlotte T., 165. Clarissa. 163. Clarissa C 164. Comfort, 163, 164, 200. Daniel, 162. David. 161. 162. Deborah, 29, 163. Dolly, 165. Dorcas, 161. Dorothy. 159. 161, 162, 171. Drusilla. 163. Ebenezer, 162, 163, 164. Eleanor, 159, 160, 162. Elijah, 159. Eliphalet, 160. Eliza, 161. Elizabeth, 82, 99, 107, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 172, 304, 381. Elizabeth J., 163. Emily M., 165. 438 INDEX OF NAMES Durgin, Enoch, i6i. Ephraim, i6i. Esther, 23, 397. Eunice, 162. Evehna, 147. Ezra. 164. Frances, 381. Francis, 14, 159, 160, 168. George, 147, 163, 165. George E., 266. Gilman, 163. Greenlief D., 165. Hannah, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164. 165, 241. Hannah F., 163. Hannah S., 165. Harriet, 165. Harriet M., 165. Henry, 162. Isaac F., 165. Jackson, 159. James, 107, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163. 164, 165, 171, 241, 399. Jane, 147. Jennie, 159. John, 82, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 309. 396, 397- John O., 163. John W., 402. Jonathan, 159, 162, 171. Joseph. 82, 159, 162, 163, 164, 172. Joseph S., 163. Joshua, 159, 160. Josiah, IS9, 161, 163, 165. Judith. 139, 162, 171. Juha, 147. Katherine, 158, 159. Lettice, 21, 163, 164. Levi, 160. Lois, 165. Louisa, 147. Lydia, 13, 14, 147. 159, 160, i6i, 162, 163, 165. 394. 396. Lydia A., 165, 266. Margaret, 82. 159, 161, 162. Maria, 147. Martha, 164, 165. Martha M., 164. Mary, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165. Mary A., 165. Marj- E., 165. Mary F., 163, 402. MoUy, 162. * Nancy, 165. Nancy C, 163. Nathan, 159, 381. Nathaniel, 162, Nicholas, 164, 165. Patience, 162. Phebe, 381. Durgin, Polly, 163. 399. Rebecca, 163, 164, 401. Richard, 160. Roxanna B., 402. Samuel, 162, 163, 164, 165. Samuel \V., 134. Sarah. 14, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164. 182, 1S7, 196, 251, 311,402. Sarah A., 163. Sarah J., 165. Silas. 159, 161. Sophronia, 147, 175. Stephen. 163. Stevens. 163. 402. Susanna. 107, 159, 160, 162, 163. 164, 168, 309, 396. Temperance, 164. Thomas, 162. Trueworthy, 159, 162, 163, 168. Trueworthy D., 161. William, 82, 89, 135, 136, 158, 159. i6o, 161, 195, 196, 264, 304. 307- Winthrop, 159. Zebulon, 82, 159, 163, 164. Durrell, Duda or Dudey. Abigail, 168. 169, 247. 24X. 286. Abra. 169. 170. Albert. 169. Benjamin, 167. Benmore, 16S. Betsey, 168, 169. Caroline, 170, 2&0. Charles, 169. Charles J. F., 170. Comfort, 109, 169, 344. Daniel. 169. 170. Daniel M., 170. David. 168. David S., 170. Deborah, 67, i6q, 170. 288. joo, 344. Dolly. 15, 168. Ebenezer, 168, 173. Edward. 169. Edwin H.. 170. Eliphalet, 15, 168. Eliza. 169. Elizabeth. 167. 168. 169. 170. Elizabeth S., 170. Frank, 169. George. 170. George C, 170. George O., 170. Hannah, 3, 167, 168, 170, 402. James M., 169. John, 167, 168, 169. John S.. 169, 170. Joseph, I. 109, 162, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170. Judith, 167, 169. Keziah, 167. Lemuel. 168. INDEX OF NAMES 439 Durrell, Duda or Dudey. Lydia, 167. Margaret A., 170. Mary, 159, 162, 167, 168, i6g. Mar\- J., 170. Mary S., 169, 170. Mercy, 170. Nancy, 169. Newman, 169. Nicholas, 168, 169, 248, 286, 300. Nicholas N., 170. Nicholas S., 170. Obadiah, 168. Olive, 168. Patience, 162. Philip, 166, 167. Rachel, 167, 168, 169, 300. Rebecca, i, 162, 167, 168, 169. Sarah, 167, 173. Sarah A., 170. Sarah H., 169. Sophia, 169. Susan, 167, 169. Susannah, 159, 168. Temperance, 168, 169, 173. Thomas, 170. Wilber, 169. William, 168, 169. Woodbridge, W., 169. Zebulon, 168, 169. Durriclv, Man,- E., 156. Dustin, Hannah, 176. Thomas, 176. Dutch, Charlotte, 200. Dyer, Catherine, 349. Elizabeth, 336. James, 336. Eastman, Abigail, 365. Emmeline E., 68. Lycurgus, 89. Mary, 236. Olive, 168. Sarah, 89, 173. William, 173. Eaton, -, 279. Abigail, 279. Julia, 38. Marjorie, 38. Mary, 209. Polly, 149. Rebecca, 288. Theophilus, 209. Edgecomb, Carrie, 186. Eliza, 186. Henr>' A.. 186. Humphrey, 143. Love, 143. Edgerly, Abbia, 172, 174. Abigail, 83, 17I1 172. 173. 211, 220, 358 Edgerly, Abigail C, 173. Abigail J., 176. Agnes, 172, 173, 174. Alice, 17, 19, 171, 173, 174. Allard, 37. Andrew, 174. Andrew H., 17s. Ann, 37. Ann E., 175. Anna, 147. 173. i74- Augusta H., 356. Benjamin, 172. Bethiah, 17, 171. Betsey, 83, 162, 168, 173, 174, 175, 281. Betsey T., 175. Caleb, 174. Clara, 200. Daniel, 172, 173. I74. i75. 242, 379, 380. Deborah, 171, 173. Dorothy, 159, 162. 171, 172, 174, 242, 310. Ebenezer, 164, 172, 174. Eleanor, 17 1. Eli, 175. Elijah, 173. Eliza A., 175. Elizabeth, 10, 19, 48, 159, 162, 164, 171, 172, 174, 180, 236, 281, 377. Emily, 175. Eunice, 83, 174, 175, 287. Frances, 172, 379. George, 173, 358. George E., 175. Hannah, 10, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 236, 246. 379. 380. Jacob, 176. James. 171, 172, 173, 174, 24s. James B., 175. Jane, 171, 173, 220. Jennie, 172. Jeremiah, 174. Jethro, 83, 173 Joanna, 141, 171, 172, 176, 380. John, 10, 19. 48, 56, 159. 169. 171. 172, 173. 174. 176. 246, 310, 311, 377, 380. Jonathan, 172, 173, 175. 358. Joseph, 147, 170, 171, 174, 311. Joshua, 171. Josiah, 174. Judith, 159, 162, 171, 172, 173. Judith A., 149. Larkin T., 175. Lois, 176. Love, 151, 174. Lydia, 173. 236. Lydia S., 172. Margaret, 175. Maria, 175. Martha, 173, 305. Mary, 171, 172, 174, i75. 241. Mary A., 151, 175. 440 INDEX OF NAMES Edgerly, Matthew. 176. Mehitable, 173. Mercy, 174. Moses, 130, 151, 171, 172, 174, 241. Nancy, 173, I74. I75. 3ii- Nathaniel. 83, 174, 175, 287. OHve, 172, 173. Paul, 180. Polly, 172, 174, 175, 242. Rachel, 171, 173. Rebecca, 170, 171, 175. Rhuhama. 175, 358. Richard K.. 175. Robert T., 175. Ruth, 172. Samuel, 9, 10, 83, 162, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176. Sarah, 58, 171, 172, 173, 174. 175, 176, 381, 391. Sarah W., 174. Sophronia, 175. Stephen, 173. Susan, 171, 172, 174, 311. Susanna, 171, 172, 176. Tainson, 172, 173, 176. Temperance, 169, 173, 245. Thomas, 170, 171, 172, 174, 220, 303. William, 175. William B., 174. Zachariah, 141, 171, 172. Edmunds, Abigail, 295. Polly, 296. Edney, Emma P., 271. George P., 268, 271. Polly, 296. Ela, John, 87. Mehitable, 87. Elborton, Elbert, 276. Lydia, 276. Elder, Levi L., 318. Mary E.. 318. Elkins, Daniel, 28K. Deborah, 401. Hannah, 293. Henry,- 293. Jeremiah, 184. Jonathan, 24. Joseph, 184. Keziah, 183. Mary, 24. Olive, 65. Rebecca, 37. Sarah, 184, 288, Elliot, Anne 189. Francis, 189. Hannah, 160. Joanna, 189. John, 189. Love, 287. Mary, 135, 189, 292. Elliot, Nicholas, 189. Olive, 1 89. Rhoda, 189. Richard, 135, 292. Robert, 189. Ruth, 189. Sarah, 189. William, 189. Ellis, John, 9. Ellison, Abigail, 176. Betsey, 313. Caroline, 176. Charles H., 176. Comfort, 176, 366, 369. Eleanor B., 192. Elizabeth, 134, 176. Eunice, 176. Frank, 183. Franklin, 176. Georgianna, 183. Harriet, 176. Horace, 176. John, 176, 349. John E., 176. Joseph, 134, 176, 313. Lewis H., 192. Martha, 134, 176, 349. Mehitable, 176. Molly, 134. Nancy, 134, 176. Pauline E., 192. Sadie B., 192. Sarah, 29, 78, 176, 317. Susanna, 214. Temperance, 298. Thomas, 176, 214. William, 176. Emerson, Abbie A., 187. Abbie R., 387. Abby, 183. Abigail, 42, 44. 123, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, i88, 237, 289, 346, 360, 361, 362, 364, 400. Abigail Y., 184. Albert, 183, 189. Alexander, 176. Alfranzo A., 186. Andrew, 120, 179, 182, 289. Andrew J., 184. Angle, 186. Ann, 178, 180, 181. Ann E,, 183. Anna, 180. Anne, 188. Avis, 51, 179. Bela, 183. Benjamin, 178, 179, 180, 183. Betsey, 120, 179, 182, 289. Betsey M., 181, 184. Betty, 286. INDEX OF NAMES 441 Emerson, Bridget, 179. Caroline, 189. Catherine, 180. Catherine A., 186. Charles, 181, 183. 187, 189. Charles K., 186. ^ Charles P., 187. Charles S., 182. 187. Charles W., 181, 186. Clara, 186, 187. Clara A., 182. Clara L., 188. Cora E., 114. Daniel, 124, 180, 183. Daniel E., 184. David, 181. Deborah, 123, 124, 178, iSo, 181, 182, 183, 184. Deborah V., 184. Delia H., 183. Dorothy, 177, 178, 364. Dudley B,, 187. Ebenezer T., 182. Edward VV., 188, 374. Edwin, 187. Edwin C, 187. Edwin S., 186. Electa, 186. Elijah, 178. Eliphalet, 183. Eliphalet D., 178. Eliza. 178, 183, 187. Eliza H., 189. Eliza J., 187. Elizabeth, 61. 65, 115, 123, 124, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 233, 334, 369. Elizabeth A., 186. Elizabeth M., 181. Elizabeth Z., 186. Ella E., 187. Ellen S., 186. Elsie, 179, 183. Emily A., 187. Emily F., 187, 249, 251. Emily J., 186, 187. Emma, 179. Eugene P., 188. Eugene W., 187. Eunice, 180. Flora B., 186, 187. Francena M., 187. Frances, 108. Frances Y., 182. Frank, 187. Frank G., 182. Frank H., 188. Fred H., 187. George, 183, 187, 189. George B., 187. George H., 186, 187. Emerson, George P., i86. George \V., 179, 184. Georgianna, 1S3. Greeley, 180. Greenleaf, i8o. Hannah, 121, 176. 178, 179, 180, i8i, 183,. 184, 187, 188, 300, 361. Harriet, 187. Henry S., 188. Ira, 184. Irving B., 187. Jacob, 18 1. Jacob C 181. James, 183. James M., 184. Jane, 183. Jedidiah, r8i. Jefferson, 184. Jeremiah, 120, 188, 189. Jeremiah E., 186. Joanna B., 181. Jonathan, 178, 179, 181, 188. John, 178, 180, 181, 188, 189. John A., 184, 186. John O., 186. John P., 36. 186. John R., 187. John S., 181. John T., i88, 189, 369. John W., 187, 189. Joseph, 178, 179, 180, 181, 1S2, 183. Joseph D., 187. Joseph S., 184. Josephine A., 187. Joshua, 251. Joshua F., 182, 187, 311. Judith, 95, 177, 361. Julia A., 182, 188. Keziah, 183. Laura, 184. Laura M., 184. Lizetta E., 188. Lois, 178, 180, 300. Lois J., 182. Louisa, 188, 189. Love, 180. Lovey, 186. Lydia, 187, i88, 189, 340. Lydia J., 184. M. Jane, 184. Mahala J., 184. Margaret, 176, 177, 182. Maria E., 188. Marion L., 186. Martha, 182, 187. Mary, 44, 65, 71, xi8, 121, 177, 178, 179^ 182, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 334. 369, 384. Mary A., 183, 184, 186, 187. Mary E., 186. Mary F., 189, 366, 369. 442 INDEX OF NAMES Emerson, Mary G., 187. Mar>- J.. 186. Mary M., 186. Melissa E., 187. Mercy, 179, 182. Micah, 177, 178, 179, 181, 220, 286, 362. Michael, 176, 188. Mildred H., 187. Molly, 178. Morrill, 184. Moses, 10, 44, 150, 178, iSo, 183, 1S8, 189. Moses D., 184. Moses P., 181, 184. Nabby, 178. Nancy, 178, 179, 181, 184. Nancy J., 184. Nathaniel, 68, 179. 182, 183. Olive, 188. Olive \V., 184. Paul, 181. 184. Phebe, 182. Polly, 179. 180, 182, 184. Ralph G„ 182. Rebecca, 188. Reta T., 187. Richard F., 183. Rosamond, 180, 183. Ruth, 178, 179. Samuel, 95, 177, 178, 180, 181, 182, 183. 184, 187, 188, 361, 364. Samuel II., 184. Samuel T., 179, 182. Sarah, 68, 117, 124, 150, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 220, 233. 251, 311, 362. Sarah A., 181, 183, 187, 311. Sarah B., 187. Sarah D., 181. Simeon, 184. Smith, 121, 177, 179, 187, 346, 361. Solomon, 117, 123, 124, 177, 178, 180, 181, 184, 29s, 334. Solomon D., 183. Solomon Y.. 184. Sophia, 182, 186. Stephen, 180. Stoughton, or Stoten, 180. Susan, 181, 183, 189. Susan A., 181. Susan C, 180. Susan M., 188. Susanna, 179. Sylvania, 186. Temperance, 178, 180. Theodore, 189. Thomas, 176, 181, 184. Timothy, 44, 65, 177, 178, 179. 182, 183, 186, 188, 233. 334. 361, 383- True W., 183, 369. Vienna, 184. Emerson, Walter D., 187. Wentworth, 182. William, 178, 188, 189. Wilham, H. B., 186. William P., 187. Emery, Elizabeth, 277. Forrest R., 342. Forrest S. , 342. Fred W., 342. John, 321, Josiah, 277. Lydia A., 165. Marlon S., 342. Martha, 230. Mary, 321. Rachel, 168. Winifred, 342. Erskine. Archabald, i. Estabrook, Emeline E., 29S. Marcus, M., 298. Estes, Abigail, 239. Hannah, 280. Israel, 239. Olive A., 25. Sarah A., 377. William F., 377- Ewart, Edith, 87. Janu-s B., 87. Raymond, 87. Ewer or Ewers. Drusilla, 364. James C, 400. Mary A., 400. Mehitable, 278. Nathaniel, 400. Evans, Abigail, 50. Ann, 191, 260. Barbara, 307. Benjamin, 230, 291. Daniel, 11. Deborah, 257. Eleanor, 11. Elizabeth, 230. 291, Eunice, 145, 149. Hannah, 50, 191. John, 50, 257. Lydia. 50, 51, 56, 150, 154- Mary, 142, 291. Miles, 149. Phebe, 50. Robert, 50, 191, 260. Sarah, 50, 100, 206, 320. Stephen, 50, 154, 296. Thomas, so. Fabyan, 393. Facey, Charles, 331, 332. Hannah, 331. 332. Fairbanks, Eunice C, 156. Famham, Abigail, D., 191. INDEX OF NAMES 443 Farnliaiii,],Andre\v J., 191. Delia F., 191. Eliza, 191. Eliza A., 191. John, 191. John H., 191. Josephine M., 38. Mary J., 37. Monroe, 38. Samuel, 37. Susan, igi. Susan G., 191. Farniside, Hannah, 225. Famum, Emily, 113. Felker, Deborah, 121. Samuel D., 122. William, 121. Fellows, Mar\' V., 215. Michael, 215. Feniald, Benjamin, 33. Man.-, 221. Mar>' F., 302. Phebe, 33- Sarah P., 35. Sarah P., 37. Ferrin, Anna, 338. Betsey, 200. • Joseph, 173, 174. Judith, 173. Mercy, 174. Samuel, 200. Ferris, Elizabeth S., 368. Leonard Z., 368. Fesler, Frank, 237. Nancy, 237. Field. Abigail, 191, 277, 280. Agnes, 190. 389. Cornelius A., 322. Daniel, 191. Darby, 17, I39, 190, 231, 263, 318, 382, 389, 392. Dorcas, 32, 34, 191. Elizabeth, 179, 190, 191, 232, 348. Hannah, 190, 191. Harriet M., 322. John, 31, 139, 190, 191, 254, 280. John L., 254. Joseph, 138, 190. Joshua, 179. Marcia, 322. Maria, 234. Mary, 190, 191, 254, 279, 280. 291, 326, 360, 392. Mary D., 234. Mary J., 254. Sarah, 136, 138, 139. 179, 180, 190, 191. Sarah A., 254. Stephen, 191. Zachariah, 32, 191. -Zacharias, 190. Fielding, George E., 124. Rosa A., 124. Fifield, Albert L.. 298. Caroline, 298. George, 70. Jonathan, 306. LiUian, 70. Mary, 3. Sarah, 306. Susan, 298. Finch, Eloisa, 103. Fisher, Ella M., 251. Fisk, Harriet A., 284. Fitz, Ann, 321. Flagg, , 297. John, 239. Sarah, 239, 297. Flanders, Abigail, 68. Jacob, 189. Mercy, 189. Ruth, 189. Flay, Ann, 3. William, 3. Flood, Eben. 257. Loisa, 257. Lottie A., 125. Floyd, Captain, 331. Eben, 357- Louisa, 257. Fogg. Alice F., 192. Ann M., 192. Anna R., 192. Artha M., 192. Betty, 78. Clyde B., 192. David H., 192. Elizabeth, 358. Elmer K., 192. Elmer W., 192. Emily, 192. Hilliard F., 192. James. 338. John. 78. Leander H., 192. Leola M., 192. Lloyd W., 192. Sadie B., 192. Sarah, 103, 192. Sherburne H., 192. FoUett, , 278. Abigail, 132, 133. 192, I93. I94. -'26, Annie, 194. Augusta, 194. Benjamin, 133, 193, 195. 248. Caleb, 193. 194- Caroline, 194. Charles, 194. Deborah, 125, 133, 193. I94. I95. -'57 Elizabeth, 133, 136, 192, 194. 264. Ella, 194. 444 IXDEX OF NAMES Follett, Francis, 193, 194. Frank, 194, Hannah, 132, 136, 138, 192, 193, 194. Ichabod, 193, 194, 227, 304, 377. James, 194. Jane, 194. Jennie, 389. John, 192, 193, 194. Joseph, 194, 221. Lois, 195. Lydia, 195, 248. Martha, 194, 278. Mary, 193, 194. 221, 225. 345. Nicholas, 136. 138, 192, 193, 194, 223, 275, 276. Pegg>-, 29, 195- Philip, 193. Polly, 132, 195. ^ Prudence, 193. 194, 377. Richard, 194. Samuel, 29, 195, Sarah, 97, 19^, 194. ^75- Sarah A., 194. Susannah, 29, 195. Temperance, 193, 194, 304. Thomas. 195. William, 135, 136, 139. i59. i90, 192, 193. 195, 264, 323. 351. Folsom, Ann E., 267, 269. Asa, 267. Benjamin, 306. Betty, 64, 68. Elizabeth, 267, 335. Ephraim, 401. Israel, 160. Jeremiah, 11. Joanna, 64, 68. John, 68, 335. Mar>', II, 6s, 237, 306. Mar>^ A., 302. Man.- F.. 267. Mehitable, 301. Nancy, 7. Nathaniel, 61, 267, 269. Phaltiel, 401. Sarah, lOo, 267, 403. Thomas, 7. Footman, Abigail, 195, 401. Catherine, 135, 158, 195, 264, 401. Deliverance, 196, 197. Eleanor, 196. Elizabeth. 136, 195, 196. Francis, 20, 196, 197, 259. Hannah, 196. John, 20. 81, 161, 19s, 196, 351, 401. Jonathan G., 196. Joseph, 195, 196. Margaret, 195, 196, 351. Martha, 197, 259. Olive, 20, iy6. Footman, Sarah. 81, 161, 193, 196. .Susanna, 196. Thomas, 81, 13s, 136, 139, 158, 159, 196, 264. Trueworthy, 196. William, 196. Forbes, Mehitable, 289, 375, 376. Nancy L., 373. William L.. 375. Ford, Captain, 67, 301. Florence M., 216. Polly, 67, 301. Forrest. Agnes, 313. Betsey. 313. Margaret, 293. Foss, Abigail, 91, 143, 226. Ada B., 341, 342. Annie E., 157. Benjamin F., 233. Blanche E., 282. Daniel B., 112. David, 342. Eliza W., 233. Elizabeth E.. 157. Ephraim. 91. Ernest R.. 282. Fred. 388. Hannah. 233. Hannah H., 235. Hannah J., 37. John, 37. . Julia, 388. Leonard B., 36. Marshal! B,, 3S8. Marj', 281, 388. Molly, 142. Moses, 142. Nathan, 226. Robert W., 233. Sarah. 112. Sophia G., 233. William, 157. Foster, Charles, 349. Ellen, 86. Joanna, 4. Loren. 86. Louise, E., 38. 39. Mary, 164, 165. Nicholas, 4. Sarah, 349. Fowler, , 91. Abigail, 88, 199. Anna J., 199. Bertha P., 199. Clarence, 198, 199- Clarissa, 199. Edith E.. 199. Elizabeth, 199, 235. Etta J., 199- Frank A., 199. INDEX OF NAMES 445 Fowler, Frank C, 199. Frank E., 199. George, 199. Harrison, 199, 235. Jeremiah, 199. John, 88, 199. Joseph, 199. Lucy, 199. Mary, 88, 199. Mary B., 199. Mary L., 199. Fox, ■ — , 26s, 366. Charles, 320. Christiana, 320. Daniel, 363. Elijah, 132. Elizabeth, 132. Hannah, 180. Joanna, 176. Mary E., 152. Rebecca, 37. Sarah, 388. Susan, 26. Susanna, 363. Foye, Aaron, 233. David, 182. Elizabeth, 182. John, 52, 220. Leonis, 233, 235. Lois. 34. 36, 233. Mary, 52. Nettie G., 291. Ruth, 220. Susanna. 233. Francis, Martha. 9. Franklin, Benjamin, 5. Freeman, Lavinia, 37. Mary, 331- Thomas, 331. Freestone, Frances, 209. George, 209. Margery, 209. Mary, 209. Richard, 209. French, , 180, 281, 313. Betsey, 400. Dolly M., 152, 156. Elizabeth, 400. John, 152, 156. Joseph, 391. Lois, 324, 325- Lucy L., 152, 156. Lydia, 400. Mary, 200, 219, 221, 236, 238. Mary J., 377. Nancy, 156. Olive, 295, 391. Polly, 301. Rebecca, 281. Samuel, 301 French, Sarah A., 320. Susanna, 367. William. 324, 325. Frol, Margaret, 176. Frost or Ffrost. , 109, 132. Abigail, 345- Ann, 109. Anna P., 199. Dorothy, 197. Elizabeth, 197. Elizabeth R., 198. George, 197. 336. George S., 199. John, 68, 197, 225. Margaret, I97, 336. Margaret B., 199. Margaret H., 199. Martha. 132. Martha H., 199. Martha W., 197. 283. Mary, 197. Mary N.. 197. 190. Mary P.. 199- Mary W.. 199. Mehitable S., 197. 283. 284. Samuel, 132. Samuel S., 199. Sarah, 65, 68, 132, 182. Sarah L.. 199. William E,, 199. William P., 197, 199. Fry or Frye. Abigail, 278. Hannah, 213. Ruth, 230. William, 213. 278. Fuller, Annie W., 370. Caroline, 176. Frank. 370. Harriet D., 402. Henry. 402. Ida F., 370. John, 176. Furber, Abigail, 260. Betsey, 122. Bridget. 17. Elizabeth, 28, 59, 64, 89. Fidelia. 89. Harriet. 176. Jennie D., 106. Jethro, 28. Keziah. 113. Lydia, 14s, 148. M. Effie, 206. Mary, 68. 178. Mehitable, 72. Nehemiah, 260. Polly. 64. Ruih. 120 446 INDEX OF NAMES French, Samuel, io6. Susanna. 17. iS. Thomas, 122. William ly. iS, 2$. Furbish. Sarah, 25S. Furguson, Alice L., 285. Furness, Abbie C, 200. Anna, 200. Charlotte. 200. Edward. 200, 349. Hannali L.. 200. 349. Margaret, 200. Mary, 200. Patrick, 200. Robert, 200. William P., 200. Gage, Annie M.. 75. David H., 75. Edwin. 126. Elizabeth, 15, 12S. Evelyn, 206. George, 204. Hannah, 122. Henry A., 373. John, 9. Lester, 122. Lizzie E., 373. Lydia, 15. Martha A., 204. Martha J., 126. Mary L., 373. Rebecca. 42. Susanna. 196. Gale, Elizabeth, 72. Medora, 370, 372. Medora A., 372. Stephen F., 372. Gallant, Helen, 350. Gardner, Marj- E., 369. Garland, , 235. Asa, 70. Betsey, 36, 70, 200. Caroline, no. Clara, 200. Comfort, 200. Dorothy, 198. Ebenezer C, 175. Gideon, 200. Hannah, iSo, 200. Harriet, 200. Jacob, 36. James, 200, 318. John, 200. Joshua, no. Maria, 175. Mar>\ 46, 200, 252, 351. Mehitable, 26S. Xabby, 142. Nathaniel, 200, 351. Garland, Otis, 180. Polly, 34, 36, 200, 31S. Samuel, 142, 200. Sarah, 62, 306, 317, 318. Garmon, Joseph, 15. Olive, 15. Gaskill, Martha >L, 207. Thomas, 207. Gear, Abigail, 150. Benjamin, 134. Deborah, 134. Louisa M., 397, 398. M., 28S. Olive, 346. Samuel, 150. Sarah, 288. Gebhard, jMarj- S., 170. George, Abbie S., 69. Enos, 65. Estella ^L, 372. Judith, 172. Julia, 182. Sophia, 65. Thomas, 172. Gerrish, , 108, in, 2S7. Abigail, 61, 168, 286. Benjamin, 61, i68, 286. Elizabeth, 29, 180. George, 180. Hannah, 64, lOO, 107, 108. John, 262. Marj-, 287. Mar>- A., in. Paul. 62, 179, 2S7. Ruth, 62. Sarah, 02, 121, 178, 179, 286. Gerr\-, Sarah, 38. Gettings, , 330. Gibbons. Ambrose. 40, 190, 329. Ann, 4. John, 3. Rebecca, 244. William, 2, 4. Gibbs, Edith E., 199. Fred R., 199. Gilbert, Curtis, 340. John, 174. Mary C, 340. Mercy, 174. Gilchrist, Bertha, in. Giles, , 68. Abigail, 246. Ann, 32, 33, 141. 352. Catherine, 266, 350. Clarissa, 163. Eliza J., 372. Elizabeth, 201. Frank E., 372. George, 163. Hannah, 187. INDEX OF NAMES 447 Giles, Ida, 372. John, 187. 191. 372. Lillias, 345. Mark, 33, 201. Mary. 246. Matthew, 138, 201, 318, 377, 390. Olive, 46. Paul, 314, 345. Sarah, 32, 191, 194, 314. Susan, 191. Gillette, -, 142, 352. Abigail, 142, 352. Gilnian, , lor. Abbie, 238. Antipas, 169. David, 333. Deborah, 169. EHizabeth, 143, 169, 194. Grace, 401. Hannah, 335. Israel, 335- John, 202, 401, 402. Joseph, 194. Marj', 13, 14, 86, 87, 169. Nicholas, 167. PoUy, 344- Polly E.. 25. Sarah, 27, i33> 335- Warren, 344. Zebulon, 169. Gilmore, Caroline, 103. Deborah, 285, 286, 336. Emily, 103. James, 286, 336, 338. Jeremiah, 103. Mary, 289, 336, 338. Gilpatrick, Betsey, 7. Givens, Lizzie, 398. Glass, Abigail, 120. Elizabeth, 118. John, 120. Thomas, 118. Glazier, Elizabeth, 387. Sarah, 383, 387. Gleason, Albert L., 200. Charlotte, 200. Clarissa, 298. Frances J., 200. John, 200. Lizzie, 200. Mary A., 200. Sophia, 349. Glidden, Andrew, 334. Elizabeth, 294. Joseph F., 254- Mary, 294. Mar>' J., 254. Sarah, 334. William, 394. Glines, Ssirah, 221. Gloveo Abigail, 386. Hannah, 327, 386. Louisa, 328. Goddard, Alice S., 136. Benjamin, 202. John, 12, 80, 131, 201, 202, 337 Martha, 32, 81, 202, 219, 337. Mar>', 12, 202, 264. William, 12, 202. Godfrey, John, 94. Gooch, Caroline, 349. Elizabeth, 76. Mary L., 126. Goodale, John, 186. Mary, 186. Goodhue, Sarah, 188. Goodwin, Abigail, 70, 160, 366. Caroline, 233. Catherine, 14, Cordelia, 231. Daniel, 9, 366. David, 70. Eliza, 366. Gilman, 70. James H., 14, 160, 401. Martha, 9. Mary, 39, 70. Mary A., 233. Mehitable, 14. Susanna, 160, 401. Thomas B., 253. Gordon, Anna, 35. Benjamin, 148. Betsey A., 147. Clarissa, loi, 103. Lois C, 148. Sarah, 378. William, 147. Gore, Sarah, 312. Gorton, Welthea A., 380. Goss, Abigail, 10. Cyrus, 10. Delia H., 183. Gotham, , 33. Sarah, 33. Gouge, Exiward, 2. Gould, Elizabeth, 280. Mary, 280. Patience, 291. Samuel, 280. Sarah, 398. Gove, Frances A., 108. Sarah, 328. Gowdy, Elizabeth, 261. Graff am, Abigail, 55. Graffit, , 382. Grafton, Joseph, 90, 223. Grant, Mar>-, 190. Peter, 190. Granville, Annie, 27. 448 INDEX OF NAMES Graves, 120. Elizabeth, 400. Ruth. 401. William, 129, 400, 401. Gray or Grey. Deborah, 112. Ella, 206. Hannah, 184. John, 112, 219, 357. Love, 235. Mary, 350. Reuben M., 350. Samuel, i, 2. .Sarah. 288, 368. Simon, 235. Susanna, 59, 77. VVelthen, 219, 357. Greeley, Nancy. 373. Green or Greene. Amos, 298. David. 279. James D.. 170. John. 287. Judith, 279. Lottie, 287. Mary, 136. 171, 298. Peter, 283. Rebecca, 283. S., 258. Samuel, 136. Sarah A., 170. Greenleaf, Harriet, 294. Grey, see Gray. Griffin, Adeline. 366. Charles B., 75. David M., 187. Francena M., 187. Hannah, 64. Hannah J., 365. John. 64, 364. Lavina M.. 75. Nancy. 64. 364. Griffiths. Amy J.. 204. 206, Annie M., 204. Arioch VV.. 205, 206. Clara. 204. Clara B.. 206. David F.. 204. 205, 206, 23; Edith M.. 206. Edna M.. 206. Edward. 16. 202, 204. 205. Edward A., 204. Edward B.. 204, 205, 206. Elizabeth \V.. 204. Ella. 206. Frances M., 204. John B., 204. 205. John H.. 205, 206. Judith P.. 202. M- Effie, 206. Griffiths. Martha, 16. Martha A., 204. Martha C. 202. Martha F.. 204. Ruth. 204. 206. Sadie B., 206. Sadie M., 206. Sarah. 237. Sarah E.. 204. Susannah M., 204. Viola. 206. William H.. 204, 205, 206. Willis W., 205. 206. Grinnell. Deborah, 158. Griswold, Laura J., 343. Grover, Catherine. 35, 207. Dorcas. 206. Edmund. 35. 207. George. 206. George W.. 206. Henrietta. 207. Henr>', 207. Henry W. B. . 206. Jane, 206. John L., 207. Mahala J., 207. Martha. 293. Martha M.. 207. Mary. 206. 207. Mary S.. 207. Patience, 207. Rebecca. 206. 207. Richard. 293. Sarah, 206. Sarah E.. 207. Gruard. Mary E., 68. Gwearingen. Elizabeth E,, 143. George C, 143. Gwinn. Elizabeth, 4. Haddock. Ida. 299. Haines. Alice. 397. Edgar F.. 105. Elsie, 22g. Jacob, 25. John, 24. Lucy. 14. Olive, 24. Ruth. 25. Simeon. 346. Thomas. 14. Welthen. 346. Hale, Elizabeth. 120. 364. 367, Moses, 120. Samuel, loi. Sarah, loi. Hall, , 287, 362. Abigail, 70, 1 13. Ann, 346. Annie L., 373. INDEX OF NAMES 449 Hall, Avery, 60. Benjamin, 220, 388. Betsey, 287. Charles, 157. Charles H., iii. Daniel, 207. Dorothy, 259. Edward, 210, 335. Elinor, 287. Elizabeth, 9, 91, 119, 153, 388. Ellen G., 220. Elsie M., III. Emily J., 186. Esther, 12, 52. fitta E., 187. Everett, 318. Frank, 388. Frederick F., 373. George, 153. Gershom, 12. Hannah, no, 119, 326, 327, 362. Hannah J., 318. Hatevil, 84, 255, 260. Isaac, 119. Jacob, 287. Jedediah, 296. Jemima, 334. 333- John, 52, 86, 204, 329. Joseph, 6, 12, 153. Kathryn T., 373- Keziah, 119. Love, 7. Martha, 12, 340, 342. Martha E., 157. Mary, 6, 52, 60, 143, 233, 239. Mar>' F., 210. Mehitable, 87. Mercy, 84, 260. Meribah, 30. Myra, 46. Nancy, 210. Patience, 287. Phaltiel, 401. Polly, 296. Ralph, 52, 91, 388. Rebecca, 5, 6. Ruth, 204. Sarah, 14, 64, 86, 153, 204, 220, 259. Sophia, 207. Virginia, 4. Wilfred M., 373. William, 342. Hallowell, Henrj', 170. Rebecca, 170. Ham, , 286. Abigail, 233, 239, 260, 285, 336. Anne, 279. Betty, 20, 6s, 72. Deborah, 208. Elizabeth, 20, 182, 375. 29 Ham, Ephraim, 239. George, 399- Hannah, 239, 399. James, P., 182. Jemima, 62. Joanna, 232. John, 232, 287, 307. John R., 196, 276. Jonathan, 375. Joseph, 142, 208, 285. Judith, 307. Lucinda, 240. Lydia, 239. Mary, 208, 287, 391, 399. Oliver, 399. Samuel, 20, 260. Sarah, 142, 259, 374, 375. Tamsen, 140, 142, 285. William 279. Hamilton, Annie, 72. Betsey, 212. James, 212. Susanna, 212. Hanscom or Hanscomb. Abigail, 355. Deborah, 401. George H., 356. Lucy J., 356. Moses, 22. Hanson, , 22. Abigail, 70, 207, 261, 278. Amanda, 207. Ann, 280. Ann M., 207. Charles H., 207. Eliza, 207. Elizabeth, 149, 207, 276, 320. Elizabeth A , 124. Ellen S., 186. Ephraim, 207, 261. Hannah, 230, 281. Irene E., 71. Isaac, 320. Jacob, 230. James L., 207. John, 70, 276, 382. John B., 42, 207, 320. John C, 124. John L., 207. John S., 340. Jonathan, 19. Joseph, 42, 323. Joseph G., 207. Judith, 279. Keziah, 55. Lois, 67. Lydia A., 207. Marcia, 288. Maria, 70. Martha, 22, 346. 450 INDEX OF NAMES Hanson, Martha E., 207. Mary, 188, 189, 277, 279, 369. Mary E., 148. Miriam, 318. Patience, 277, 279. Phebe, 230. Rebecca, 323. Rose, 320. Rosetta, 207. Samuel, 230. Samuel G., 186. Sarah, 207, 340. Solomon, 279. Susan, 246. Susanna, 42, 207. Temperance, 19. Timothy, 55. Tobias, 279, 281. Toby, 359. William, 149. Harding, Jane, 3. Joseph, 3. Joshua, 331. Lillian, 106. Sarah, 331. Stephen, 116, 316. Hardison, Mary, 18. Hardon, Henry W., 219. Hardy, , 119. Amos, 380. Betsey, 119. Charles W., 311. Clarissa, 311. Dorcas, 287. Eunice, 249. Ira, 249. Jennie S., 311. John M., 267. Margery, 347, 379- Mary A., 267, 31 1, 347- Polly, 380. Stephen, 311. Theophilus, 347. Harmon, John, 319. Sarah, 319. Harper, Grace, 39. Harriman, H., 287. Mary, 287. Mrs., 363. Harrington, Fanny, 318. Harris, Abigail, 114. Thomas, i66, 319. Harrison, Mary, 17, 41. Nicholas, 12, 17, 41. Temperance, 40, 41. Hart, Alice, 104. Ann, 72. Elizabeth, 4. Honor, 387. Isaac, 4. Hart, John, 64, 72. Nancy, 64. Sarah A., 377. Hartford. Betsey, 162. Hartshorn, Edward, 375. Margaret, 375. Hartwell, Mary M., 238. Harvey, -, 187, 369. Ann E., 370. Eunice, 108. Hannah, 108. Hannah E., 293. James B., 370. John M., 370. Joseph T., 370. Keziah, 369. Martha F., 9, 370. Matthew, 370. Matthew J., 9, 370. Nathan, 108. Nathaniel D., 370. Susannah F., 370. Haseltine, Abraham, 193. Hannah, 193. Haskill, Henry, 401. Ruth, 401. Haskins, Fannie, 380. Hatch, Abigail, 253. Alice, 24s. Patience, 393. Samuel, 297. Sarah, 297. Thomas, 245. Hawkes, Ruth C, 302. Hawkins, Betsey, 35. Elizabeth, 320. Lydia, 23. Hay, Hannah, 243. Samuel, 243. Hayden, Etta J., 199. Hayes, , 6s, 180. Abigail, 61, 65. 145. iSO. Addie M., 208. Alfred S., 218. Annie I., 218. Arthur, 189. Bemice M., 208. Betsey, 292, 395. Charles, 356. Chauncey E., 208. Clara A., 182. Comfort, 71. Daniel, 64. David B., 288. David M., 288. Elihu, 100. Eliza H., 189. Elizabeth, 25, 100, 169, 208, 314. Elizabeth S., 218. Emily, 208. INDEX OF NAMES 451 Hayes, Emma S., 218. Evans, 182. Ezekiel, 291. 395- F., ISO. Hannah, 118, 122, 291. Harry E., 218. Helen L., 218. Henry G., 218. Isabel C, 218. Jennie, 350. John, 37, 55- Joseph, 119. Judith, 288. Leah, 137, 138. Leslie D., 208. Lois, 119. Louisa F., 288. Mabel L., 208. Margaret, 182. Mary, 37. Mercy, 179, 182. Nabby, 64. Nathaniel, 25, 189. Paul, 140, 145. Peter, 56. Ralph H., 218. Samuel, 118, 137, 138, 150. Samuel C, 218. Samuel D., 71. Sara M., 218. Sarah, 118, 356. Sarah A., 122. Tamsen, 55, 140, 14s. Warren C, 208. Hayles, Joane, 94. Haynes, Hannah, 191. Samuel, 137. Head, , 316. Abigail F., 103. Anna, 103. John, 103. John A., 103. Sarah, 316. Heal, Charlotte, 103. Healey, Joanna, 17. Samuel. 17. Heard, Amos, 350. Benjamin, 384. Elizabeth, 224. Hannah, 9, 390. James, 9. John, 224. Mary, 350, 384. Heam or Heame. Deborah, 323. Hannah, 83. 336, 389. Joseph, 323. Morris, 83. 336. Heath, George, 37. Hannah, 37. Heath, Joshua, 95. Martha, 165. Mary, 95- Hedge, Blanche, 224. William, 224. Henderson, Charles, 73. Dorothy, 85. Ellen, 73- Samuel, 85. Hennen, Alfred, 343. Martha, 343. Hentley, Elizabeth, 94. Hersey, Augusta A., 126, 128. Hersom, Mary, 148. Heseltine, Abraham, 136. Hannah, 136. Hicks, Benjamin, 43. David, 43, 97. Deborah, 208, 209, 374. Dennis, 208. Elizabeth, 43, 97, 208, 209, 237, 238. Hepzibah, 208. John, 43, 97, 208. Jonathan, 43. Joseph, 61, 96, 145, 148, 208, 238, 374. Lydia, 148, 208, 238. Mary, 141, 14s, 208. Samuel, 56, 61. Sarah, 96, 99, 145, 147, 148, 208, 209. Hill, , 62, 119, 210, 324, 392. Abigail, 62, 119, 123, 210, 211, 212, 214, 220, 227, 264, 288, 376. ' Ambrose G., 272. Ann, 289. Anna, 180, 2ii. Anne, 376. Benjamin, 7, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215. Betsey, 147, 149, 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 337. Betsey H., 215. Caroline A., 272. Catherine, 213. Charles P., 215. Charles S., 215. Comfort, 282. Daniel, 212, 215. Daniel L., 215. David, 215. Deborah, 211, 212. Ebenezer, 216. Edward, 215, 216, 386. Electa, 186. Eliphalet, 214. Eliza, 68. Eliza J., 187. Elizabeth, 60, 92, 211, 213, 214, 216, 323, 389. 390, 391, 393- Emily C, 216. Enoch, 212. Eunice, 133. 452 INDEX OF NAMES Hill, Ezra, 216. Fanny S., 37- Frances, 209. George, 216. Hannah, 47, 139, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 314. 319- Hannah S., 215. Henry, 139, 147, 214, 215. Hiram, 147. Isaac, 216. James, 211, 337, 344. James S,, 314. Jane, 147. Jerusha, 214. John, 147, 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 324, 362. 390. Jolm B., 212. Jolin P., 149. John T., 315. Jonathan, 68, 210, 211, 214, 216, 245. Joseph, II, 210, 2X1, 213, 216. Joseph B., 187. Josiah, 212. Judith, 211, 213, 216. Julia E., 282. Julian, 216. Laban M. T., 218. Lemuel, 147. Lewis, 212. Lois, 315, 376. Love, 3(>i. 366. Lucretia, 214. Lydia, 211, 214. Margaret, 212. Margery, 31. Mary, 7, n, 4°, 41. 47, S3, 83. 130, 209, 210, 211, 214, 215, 216, 230, 245, 386, Mar>- E., 215. Mar>' F., 210. Mary R., 365. Mar>- U., 215. Miriam, 216, 246. Molly, 212. Nancy, 6. 7. Naomi, 223. Nathaniel, 41, 47, 209, 210, 211, 212, 264. Nicholas D., 211. Noah, 211, 212. Olive, 212. Patience, 140, 214. Polly, 211, 3SS. 362. Rebecca, 210, 211. Reuben, 366, 376. Robert, 123, 180, 210, 212, 214. Ruth, 211, 214, 266, 278. Samuel, 47, 59, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 220,360. 389. Samuel L., 215. Sarah, 41, 59, 147. 209. 210, 211, 212, 213, 215, 264. 337. 340, 344. 355. 360. Hill, Shadrach, 212. Sobriety, 214. Socrates, 215. Solomon, 212. Sophia, 212. Stephen, 211. Susanna, 212, 213, 214, 216. Sylvia V., 218. Thamzyn, 389. True worthy, 211, 266. Valentine, 11, 40, 47, 48, 54, 95, 209, 210, 212, 213, 226. Willey, 216, 386. William, 140, 213, 214, 215, 227, 319. Willie, 216, 386. Hills, Jeremiah, 330. Hiltfcn, Ann, 248. Eliza, 191. Ichabod, 335. Sarah, 248, 335. Susan L., 38. ' Susanna, 335. Winthrop, 335. Hitchcock, , 65. Lydia, 65. Hoag, David, 229. Elizabeth, 277, 280. Enos, 279. Esther, 246. Jemima, 229. Joseph, 229. Keziah, 229. Miriam, 279. Peter M., 279. Phebe, 229, 230, 297. Sarah, 276. Hobbs, Joanna, 85. John, 148. Lois C, 148. Morris, 85. Sarah, 153. Hodgdon, Abigail, 23, 150, 210, 212. Ann, 91, 312. Anna, 216. Beniamin, 179. Caleb, 196. Effie F., 217. Eliza, 93. Elizabeth, 28. Emma, 216. Florence M., 216. George O., 216. Harry, 216. Henry E., 217. Israel, 137, 312. Joanna, 142, 146. John, 349. Joseph, 36, 146. Joseph A., 217. Joseph H., 216. INDEX OF NAMES 453 Hodgdon, Josephine M., 271. Lester, 216. Lilla A., 217. Lydia, 45, 146. Mary, 117, 179, 265, 312. Mary O., 219. Matthew, 346. Melvina, 36, 216. Mildred, 216. Molly, 31. Moses, 93. Nellie, 216. Patience, 230. Peter, 31. 45- Priscilla, 102. Raymond, 216. Sarah, 26, 27, 196, 327. Sarah M., 217. Shadrach, 212. Susan, 59, 62, 134, 346, 349- Wilber F., 216. Hodge, Mar>-, 183. Hoitt or Hoyt. Abbie P., 272. Abigail, 70. Alfred, 119, 217, 328, 387. Alfred D., 217. Alfred W., 217. Alice E., 217. Alice J., 218. Alvina A., 217. Annie I., 218. Carrie E., 218. Charles E., 218, 251. Daniel, 59. Elizabeth S., 218. Ellen C, 218. Ellen G., 217. Fannie E., 217. Franklin W., 217. Freddie T., 218. George G., 218. George I., 218. Gertrude S., 217. Gorham W., 272, 322. Henrietta, 218. Jane L., 322. Judith, 43. Laura M., 184. Lura M., 218. Lydia O., 218, 387. Martha, 194. Martha A., 218. Martha J., 218, 251. Martha L., 218. Mary, 59- Mary A., 217, 328. Mary E., 217, 218. Mary F., 218. Mary G., 218. Mercy, 69. Hoitt or lloyt. Nathan, 70. Richard, 43, 69. Samuel P., 217, 218. Samuel W., 218. Susan, 119, 121, 217. Sylvia v., 218. Thankful, S9. Thomas, i2i. Washington, 218. Holbrook, Hannah, 3. Samuel, 3- Holmes, Dorcas, 161. Eleanor, 85. Harriet, 235. John F.. 23s. Martha A., 204. Myra, 92. Sarah A., 235. William, 92, Holston, Anna M., 228. John E., 228. Holt, Daniel, 218. Elizabeth, 218. Elmira, 218. Enoch, 218. George W. T., 218. Henry, 122, 218. Lovey, 218. Sarah P., 122. Stephen, 218. Hooker, Fannie E., 217. Walter F., 217. Hooper, Hannah, 212. John, 288. Mary, 215, 289. Phineas, 212. Sarah, 6s, 71. Susan, 288. William 71, 215. Hopkins, Eliza, 28. Esther, 303. William, 28. Hopley, Elizabeth, 139, 141. Mar>', 132. Robert, 132, 141. Horle, Mary N., 199. Horn or Home. Alice, 237. Hannah, 181. James, 64. Jane, 114. Judith, 49. Lydia, 55, 60, 292. Mary, 64. Nellie, 269. Reginald E., 269. Susan A., 75. William, 114. William H., 269. Horner, Sarah, 178. 454 INDEX OF NAMES Horney, Betsey, 214, David, 214, 215. Elizabeth, 215. Hannah, 48, 215. Houston, David, 284. Susan N., 284. Hovey, Elizabeth, 283. Helen, 107. Mary, 122. Howe, , 325. Elizabeth, 249. Josiah S., 249. Mary W., 325. Nathaniel S., 325. Howell's, Rice, 195. Hoyt, (see Hoitt). Benjamin, 122. Byron D., 123. Eliza A., 123. Sarah, 122. Hubbard, Colonel, 7. Dorothy, 348. Love, 7. Martha, 348. Richard, 348. • Hubbell, Grace L., 216. Reed H., 216. Huckins, , 92. Abigail, 171, 210, 211. 220, 221. 313, 346. Benjamin, 221. Dorcas, 23. Elizabeth, 219, 220. Hannah, 31, 53, 58, 180, 219, 220, 221, 313. 316, 317. 320, 390. Isaac, 221. James. 11, 40, 58, loi, 219, 220, 317, 346, 390. Jane, 232. John, 171, 211, 220. Jonathan, 221, 232. Joseph, 220, 221. Louisa, 313. Lydia, 92, 221. Mary, 140, 143, 194, 219, 220, 221, 313. Meribah, 220, 221, 226, 305. Rachel, 220, 221, 305. Rebecca, 220. Robert, 31, 137, 143, 177, 219, 220, 221, 226,305,313,360. Ruth, loi, 220. Samuel, 221. Sarah, 40, 55, 163, I7". 219, 220, 221, 317, 362, 390. Simon, 313. Susanna, 221. Thomas, 220, 221, 313. Welthen, 58, 143, i77. 219, 220, 346. Hudson, Annabelle, 114. Henry E., 114. John, 12, 25. Hudson, Mary, 12. Sarah, 283. Huggins, Rebecca, 354. Samuel, 354- Hull, Agnes, 222. Benjamin, 224, 225, 401. Blanche, 224. Dodavah, 193, 224, 225. Dorothy, 90, 222, 224, 241, 264. Elizabeth, 222, 224, 225. George, 256. Grissell, 222, 224. Hannah, 225. Hopewell, 224. Joane, 222, 224. Joanna, 221. Joseph, 17, 90, 221, 222, 224, 225, 241, 264, 401. Love, 64. 69. Mary, 193. 224, 225, 256. Naomi, 90, 222, 223, 224. Rachel, 224, 401. Reuben, 225. Ruth, 224. Samuel, 225. Sarah, 225. Temperance, 217. Thomas, 221. Tristram, 222, 224. Hunking, Anne, 88. Judith, 324. Hercules, 324. Mark, 88. Hunt, Ellen, 73. Horatio, 73. Huntington, Hannah, 337. Lydia, 102. Huntress, James, 389. Sarah. 389. Huntscom, Aaron, 258. Hannah, 258. Hurd. Abbie L., 112. Caroline, 377. Ezekiel, 377. George, iS5- John, 195. Lucinda, 155. Maria, 167. Mary E., 240. Huse, , 2S7. Hussey, Betty, 142. Hannah, 191. Irene, 70. Levi, 173. Mary, 346. Richard, 142, 191. Sarah, 173. Sarah J., 68. Timothy, 68. Hutchins, Enoch, 351. INDEX OF NAMES 455 I Hutchins, James, 345. Mary, 351. Rhoda, 153. Robert, 35?- Temperance, 345- Welthen, 357. Hutchinson, Anna, 209. Frank, 126. Jane, 126. John, 209. Mary, 209. William, 209. Hutcote, Aaron, 171. Rebecca, 171. Ingersoll, Deborah, 84, 256. Ings, Ann, 3. William, 3. Jacklin, Rosamond, 294. Jackman, Henrietta, 207. Moses, 207. Jackson, — — ■ — •, 159. A. H.,338. Aaron, 227. Abbie, 227. Abbie T., 228, 230. Abigail, 196, 214, 226, 227, 228, 253. Alvin, 151. Andrew, 157. Ann, 226. Ann M., 228. Benjamin, 226, 227, 230, 315. Benjamin F., 228. Benjamin T., 227, 228. Betsey, 227, 228, 230. Charlotte, 228. Dorothy, 145, 148, 227, 298, 308. Drusilla, 228. Eben T., 227. Ebenezer, 194, 227, 228. Eleanor, 228, 278. Eliza, 228. Elizabeth, 157, 226, 227, 228, 262. Elizabeth B., 228. Enoch, 227. Eunice, 227, 228. George, 308. Hannah, 227. Harry B., 157. Ivory, 228. Ivory B., 228. James, 33, 214, 226, 227. James L., 156. Jane, 226. Joanna, 308. John, 15, 227, 228. Joseph, 226, 227. Josiah, 227, 253. Judith, 226. Jackson, Katherine T., 157. Keziah, 226, 31s. Laskey, 227. Lemuel, 227. Louisa J., 68, 71, 227. Lovey A., 156. Lydia, 228. Lydia A., 156. Mary, 25, 221, 226, 227, 228, 253, 293. Mary A., 227. Mehitable, 227. Meribah, 220, 221, 226, 305. Olive, 226, 227. Patience, 226. Polly B.. 338. Rachel P., 157. Richard B., 228. Robert, 157, 227, 228. Samuel, 226. Sarah, 15, 226, 228. Solomon, 226. Temperance, 227. Thompson, 68, 71, 227. Walter, 226, 262, 293. William, 194, 221, 226. William M., 157. Jacobs, Abigail, 191, 246. Daniel, 191. Seth, 246. William, 184. James, Andrew D., 36. Barbara E., 76. Doris A., 76. Edna M., 76. Forrest C, 76. George H., 76. George P., 76. Gladys P., 76. Hattie A., 76. Hazel, 76. Ivory, 36. Lillas, 36. Martha J., 36. Mary, 36. Ruby A., 76. Velmer G., 76. Janin, Henry, 344. Henry C, 344- Louise, 344. Mary B., 344. Janvrin, Elizabeth, 244. John, 244. Jasper, Frances E., 126, 128. Jellison or Jellerson. Lydia, 167. Sophia, 212. Thomas, 212. Jenkins, Abbie T., 228, 230. Abigail, ISS. 314- Adolphus, 104. 456 INDEX OF NAMES Jenkins, Alberta, 231. Ann, 228, 300. Anna B., 231. Anna M., 231. Anne, 228, 243, 305. Azariah, 228. Benjamin, 31, 229. Betty, 229. Caroline, 230. Catherine, 230. Charles S., 231. Ealse, 229. Elijah, 155. Elizabeth, 228, 229, 230, 307. Ellen, 104. Ephraim, 228, 230. Ethel M., 231. Etta P., 231. , Eva B., 231. Frank M., 231. Fred E., 231. Fred H., 231. Hannah, 68, 152, 229, 230, 277, 297, 314. Helen F., 231. lona, 231. Jacob, 83. James, 230. ^ Jemima, 229. John, 131, 229, 230, 297. 305, 314. Jonathan, 230. Joseph, 37, III, 166, 229, 230, 319. Keziah, 229. Lillian, 231. Lina, 231. Margaret C, 231. Martha, 230. Mary, 229. Mary A., 230. Mary J., 372. Mehitable, 37. Mercy, 230. Mildred E., 231. Nancy, 231. Nathaniel, 229. Patience, 230. Phebe, 229, 230, 297. ' Raymond M., 231. Rebecca, 229. Reynolds, 228. Ruth, 229, 230. Ruth E., 231. Sarah, 31, 71, iii, 229, 230, 298, 312, 314. Silas, 231. Stephen, 135. 228, 229, 230, 243, 246, 307. 389. Stephen D., 229. Tabitha, 229. Thomas, 229, 231. William, 229, 230. VVillard M., 231. Jenks, Maria. 106. Jenness, Elizabeth, 29. Ellie, 296. Joseph, 296. Jennings, Almira, 340. Theodore S., 340. Jewell, Anne E., 175. Bradbury, 175. Mark, 335. Mary, 335, 336. Jewett, Lydia, 154. Marj-, 179, 394- Samuel, 154. Johnson, , 351. Benjamin, 15. Bithiah, 146, 151. Catherine, 89. Ebenezer. 19. Eliza, 83. Esther, 4, 15. Eunice, 118. George, 89. Gilman, 119. Henry, 36. Lydia S., 172. Martha J., 249. Mary, 36, 95, 98, 351. Molly, 346. Nancy, 339. Samuel, 172. Sarah, 17, 19, 118, 142, 352, 389'. Simeon, 118. Theophilus, 249. Thomas, 231. Jones, Abbie, 235. Abbie H., 235. Abigail, 99. 100, 184, 191, 231, 232, 233, 357- Addie, lii. Alice A., 23s, 398. Alphonso, 398. Ann, 191, 231, 232, 348. Anthony, 232. Augusta F., 235. Benjamin, 100, 232. Betsey, 65. 109, i73. 233. 236, 340. Charles, 186. Clarissa, 235. Comfort, 254. Comfort C, 23s. Constance T., 284. D. C, 2i6. Ebenezer, 232, 233, 235, 312. Ebenezer F., 235. Eliza, 235. Eliza W., 233. Elizabeth, 109, 149, 191, 199, 227, 231, 232^ 235. 236, 28s. 34s, 348. Elizabeth E., 235. Frances, 108. INDEX OF NAMES 457 Jones, George, 232. George H., 235. Hannah, 232, 233. Hannah D., 66. Hannah H., 235. Harold, 186. Harriet, 235. James, 184. Jane, 232. Jennie L., 235. Joanna, 232. John, 60, I3S. 232. John P., 235- John S., 233- Jonathan, 236, 238. Joseph, 53, 231. 232, 291, 374. Laura, 199, 235. Leah, 147, iS3- Leonis, 233, 235. Lois, 233- Love, 233, 337. Lovey, 186, 235. Lydia, 102, 146, 173, 236. Lydia J., 235. ^ Lydia M., 236, 338. Lydia S., 233, 235. Mabel, 216. Martha, 233. Martha A., 112, 388. Mar>-, 52, 126, 135. 149. 231. 232, 235, 291, 312, 334. 374. Mary C, 235. Marj' D., 254. Mary S., 235. Matthias, 232. Mehitable, 43. Nabby, 178. Nancy, 231. Nathaniel, 227. Odella P., 108. Pelatiah, 123. Polly, 60. Rachel, 401. Rebecca, 232. Richard, 232. Robert, 173, 236. Robert M., 235. Ruth, 254. Samuel, 58, 149, 186, 191, 232, 235, 348. Sarah, 179, 232, 233, 265. Sarah A., 235. Sarah D., 233. Sophia, 123. Sophia G., 233. Stephen, 67, 107, 231, 232, 233, 235, 357, 364- Stephen M., 186, 233. Stephen S., 235. Susan M., 235. Susanna, 232, 233, 364. Jones, Thomas, 65, 109, 233. William, 52, 108, 231, 233, 337, 401. William F., 199, 235. Jordan, , 183. Annie, 349. Edith A., 251. Elizabeth, 183. Mary, 338. Rachel, 220. Robert, 220. Jose, , 83, 336. Hannah, 38, 336. Joy, Abbie, 238. Abigail, 237, 395. 396. Alfred, 238. Alice, 237- Calvin, 238. Caroline, 237. Charles, 237. Charles F., 238. Charlotte, 238. Ebenezer, 236, 237, 238. Eliza H., 238. Elizabeth, 209, 236, 237, 238. Emeline L., 238. George E., 238. Georgianna, 237. Hannah, 134, 173, 236, 237, 238, 277, 302, 340. Henry B., 238. Henry M., 237. Jacob, 209, 236, 237, 238, 302, 362, 397- James, 237. James F., 238. Jane B., 237. John, 237. John P., 237- John W., 123. Joseph H., 238. Judith P., 237. Love, 237, 362, 397. Lydia B., 238. Lydia J., 238. Maria, 237. Martha A., 238. Mary, 236, 238, 271, 339, 395- Mary A., 123, 238. Mary M., 238. Mary S., 238. Mehitable M., 238. Nancy, 236, 237. Nellie, 238. Polly, 237. 302, 337. Richard P., 238. Samuel, 134, 173, 236, 237. 277, 291, 340,. 394. 395- Sarah, 236, 237, 238, 394. 395- Sarah A., 238. Sarah E., 209. Susan D., 237. 458 INDEX OF NAMES Joy, Susan E., 237. Susanna, 133, 134, 236, 277. Sylvester, 238. Timothy, 236, 238. Timothy M., 238. William, 238. Judliins, , 187. Abigail, 184. * Elizabeth, 401. Hannah, 187. Job, 401 John, 184. Kaime, Oliver, 355. Keating, Joanna, 98. Keene, Ebenezer, 37. Judith E., 255. Lewis, 255. Mary J., 37. Kehoe, Katharine, 345. Kelly, Kelley, Keille. , 302. Aaron, 239. Abigail, 238, 239, 261. Anne, 261. Annie, 120. Benjamin, 238, 239, 240, 261, 325. Charles N., 254. Charles T., 240. Deborah, 238. Ebenezer, 239. Emily R., 239. George W., 239. Gertrude L., 239. Hannah, 239. Harry T., 239. Ivory, 239. Ivory H., 239. James, 238, 239. James E., 239. James L., 240. John, 238, 239, 261. John F., 239. John H., 239. John L., 153, 240. John W., 239. Julia A., 239. Keziah, 239. Lydia, 239, 240, 335. Mar>% 171, 221, 239, 261. Mar>' E., 240, 254. Moses, 239. Moses N., 240. Nancy, 239, 325- Olive, 239, 240, 261. Pamelia, 121, 239. Phebe, 239. Samuel, 120, 239, 240, 261. Sarah, 239. Sarah A., 240, 297. Kelly, Susan J., 153. Thomas, 171. William, 121, 238, 239. Kempton, Rose, 24S. Kendall, Mary, 36. Stephen, 36. Keniston or Kenniston. , 210, 212. Anna, 396. Betsey, 184. Comfort, 324. Elizabeth, 82, 107, 160, 168. Hannah, 163, 168. Ida M., 240. James, 160. John, 160. John H., 240. Judith, 169. Lucinda, 240. Lucy A., 240. Lydia, 240, 389, 402. Lydia .S., 240, 402. Mary, 240. Nathan, 168, 240, 389, 402, 403. Olive W., 184. Sarah, 113, 403. Sarah A., 235. Susanna, 160. Valentine, 324. Kennard, Sarah F., 267, Thomas, 267. Kenney, Aaron, 121. Gertie, 70. Nancy, 121. Thomas, 84. Kent, Abigail, 241. Anna M., 242. Benjamin, 241. Blanche, 242. Charlotte, 283. Clara E., 88, 242. Dorothy, 174, 224, 240, 241, 242, 264, 310. Eben, 83, 88, 242. Ebenezer, 241, 242, 323. Eliza, 242, 269. Elizabeth, 19, 241, 242, 269. Frances D., 340. George W., 242. Hannali, 10, 162, 241, 246, 247. Jacob, 241. Jane, 241, 247. Jemima, 241. John, 48, 172, 241, 242, 253, 269, 377. John E., 242. Joseph, 9, 241, 242, 247. Lizzie, 242. Love, 21, 242. Marion, 242. Martha, 83, 241, 242. Mar\-, 48, 171, 172, 17s, 241, 242, 377. INDEX OF NAMES 459 Kent, Oliver, lo, 224, 240, 264. Polly, 83, 242, 310, 323. Rachel, 173. Ralph, 242. Richard, 21, 83, 140, 174, 241, 242, 310. Robert, 241, 242. Samuel, 241, 242. Sarah, 241. Susan, 242. Temperance, 242, 253. William A., 283. Keown, Frances, 46. Robert, 46. Kesley, , 117. Bridget, 117. Jane, 363. Jean, 120. Kezar, George, 95. Hannah, 95. John, 95. Kidder, Harold S., 244. "Little Sam.", 244. Lucia A., 244. Richard A., 244. Samuel, 244. Samuel T., 244. Kimball, Andrew J., 75. Annie M., 75. Eleanor, 123. Eliza, 154. Ephraim, 178, 279. George, 123. Hannah, 178. Harriet, 106. John, 61. Lydia, 61. Polly, 279. Samuel, 154. Kincaid, Anne, 243. Azariah, 228. Christian, 243, 244, 310. David, 47, 228, 243, 244, 360. Hannah, 243. Napthali, 243-, 244, 310, 317. Samuel, 244. Sarah, 243. King, Carrie A., 157. Charles, 157. Mary, 191. Newton C, 284. Rebecca C, 284. Kingman, Alice M., 282. Bela, 282. Charles H., 148. Dolla, 148. John, 148. John W., 148. Lydia, 148. Lydia C, 148. -Mary, 148. Kingman, Mary E., 14! Olive, 148. Sarah A., 148. Kirke, Elizabeth, 377. Thomas, 382. Kitson, Alice, 315, 398. Knapp, , 21. Albert P., 396. Harold R., 396. Mary, 21. Mary A., 396. Knickerbocker, , 66. Knight, Abraham, 388. Alice, 245. Bridget, 244, 245. Catherine, 213. Charles, 24s. Daniel, 245. Deborah, 5, 244, 245, 278. Elizabeth, 244, 245, 366. Ezekiel, 209. Frederick M., 369. George, 62, 173, 245, 278. Hannah, 388. Jeanette A., 369. John, s. 25, 26, 49, 214, 244, 245, 334, 374. Leah, 374. Mary, 209, 210, 244, 245. Mary G., 245. Nicholas, 245. Patience, 245, 334. Polly, 112. Richard, 201, 390. Rosamond, 65. Samuel, 245. Sarah, 245. Susanna, 62, 245. Temperance, 173, 245. Temple, 244. William, 245. Knolles, Maud, 115. Richard, 115. Knowlton, Charles F., 152. David, 163. Drusilla, 163. Ellen K., 152. Herbert H., 152. Jarvis, 122. Jennie M., 152. Miles, 122. Nancy, 122. Olive, 152. Sarah, 122, 163. Kyle, Delia B., 376. Oscar N., 376. Ladd, Isaac, 394- Jeremiah, 324. Lois, 394- Tamsin, 324. 46o INDEX OF NAMES Lamb, Caroline M., 284. Lamos, Abigail, 246. Deliverance, 230, 246, 278, 279. Edward, 246. Elizabeth, 246, 314. Esther, 246. Hannah, 246. James, 246. Jonathan, 246. Judith, 216. Miriam, 216, 246. Moses, 216, 246, 368. Nathaniel, 76, 246, 278. Samuel, 246. Sarah, 246. 278, 368. Susan, 246. Lamprey, Benjamin, 183. Betsey, 183. Mary, 183. Lancaster, Anna W., 261. Edward M., 261. Josiah, 261. Martha, 261. Lane, Amanda, 124. Ambrose, 124. Anna, 267, 268. Charles, 124. Charles F., 124. Eliza, 24. Elizabeth, 81. John, 71. Lydia, 124 Martha, 124, 267, 268. Sarah, 71, 81. Sophia, 124. William, 81. Lang, Benjamin F., 293. Bernice, 75. Caroline, 146. Elizabeth, 27. Grace, 27. Hannah E., 293. Henry, 146. Joanna, 151. John, 27, 107. John W., 151. Laura E., 293. Langdon, John, i. Martha, 347. Langley, — , 92. Abigail, 169, 228, 247, 248, 252, 253. Ada C, 251. Addie A., 252. Albert, 251. Alfred 46, 249. 2Si. Andrew J. 252. Ann, 248. Anna, 314. 315- Benjamin, 227, 253. Betsey, 253, 314, 402. Langley, Brackett F., 249. Calista C, 252. Caroline C, 249. Carrie A., 252. Charles B., 252. Charles F., 252 Charles S., 9, 251. Clarissa, 249. Comfort, 248. Cordelia, 251. David, 247, 248, 253. David D., 248. Deborah, 261, 314. Delia F., 251. Dolly, 251. Edith A., 251. Edward L, 251. Eldad, 247. Eleanor, 247, 253. Eliza J., 372. Elizabeth, 29, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 332.- Ella M., 251. Else, 247. Emily F., 1S7, 249, 251. Emma A , 251. Ephraim, 247. Ernest C, 252. Esther, 21, 246, 247. Eunice, 249. George, 21. George A., 252. George E., 251, 252, 257. George M., 124. George O., 251. Hannah, 46, 171, 227, 241, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 300, 314, 317. Hannah E., 252. Harmon M., 252. Harold E,, 251. Harriet, 248. Henry, 249, 252. James, 46, 135, 147, 171, 200, 246, 247, 252, 315. 316. Jedidiah, 249. Jeremiah, 10, 187, 249, 250, 251. Jerusha, 21, 251. Job, 247. Job, R. 314. John, 247, 248, 249, 251, 314, 352, 387. John F., 249. John H., 253. John O., 252. Jonathan, 241, 247, 248, 249, 314. Joseph, 247, 248. Joseph T., 253. Josephine, 251. Keziah, 100, 247. Lester L., 251. Levi, 169, 247, 248. Lois, 180. INDEX OF NAMES 461 ILangley, Love, 218, 366. Lydia, 195, 248. Lydia M., 251, 252, 257. Margaret L., 252. Mark, 248. Marland G., 251. Martha E., 251. Martha J., 218, 249, 251. Martin V. B., 251. Mary, 46, 227, 246, 247, 249, 251, 252, 253, 314. 315, 316, 387. Mary A., 45, 46, 251, 252. Mary E., 9, 251. Mary G., 187. Melvina E., 124. Mehitable, 381, 382. Mildred M., 252. Miriam, 248. Molly, 247, 352. Moses, 124, 249, 372. Moses B., 251. Nancy, 249, 314, 382. Nicholas D., 248. Noah, 227. Obediah, 248, 249, Olive J., 252. Orlando, 248. Phebe, 44, 45. 247. Polly, 200, 249, 253. Rebecca, 248, 253. Rhoda, 248. Robert, 248, 249. Rose, 248. Ruth, 92. Samuel, 247, 248, 252. Samuel N., 253. Sarah, 186, 246, 247, 248, 313, 314, 368. Sarah E., 249. Sarah F., 251. Sidney J., 251. Smith, 249. Stanley F., 252. Susan, 147, 249, 251. Susanna, 31, 247, 249. Temperance, 248 Thomas, 21, 45, 180, 241, 246,247,314,366. Timothy, 228. Titus, 248. Valentine, 248. Vowel, 248. Warren, 253. Wayne L., 252. Wilfred, 252. William D., 252. langmaid, , 301. Ann, 301. Charles A., 73. Edson E., 73. Emeline P., 108. Frank W., 73. Langmaid, George A., 73. Jacob, io8. Jennie S., 73. Linville F., 372. Mary, 38s. 388. Minot W., 67, 73. Priscilla, 7, 73, 298. Samuel, 385, 388. Susan J., 73. Langstaff, Henr>', 25. Sarah, 210. Lapish, Abigail, 253. Benjamin U., 253. Bray, 253. Harrison, 253. Lucy, 253. Mehitable, 253. Polly. 253. Robert, 253, 333- Sarah, 253, 335. Temperance, 242, 253. Larcombe, Margaret C, 231. Larkham, Thomas, 51. Larrabee, Benjamin, 84. Deborah, 84. Elizabeth, 84. Lydia, 167. Stephen, 167. Lary, Agnes, 16. Samuel, 16. Laskey, Abigail, 48, 226. 227, 253. 254, 277. Amanda J., 255. Anna, 253, 254. Augusta C, 255. Caroline, 255. Charles H., 255. Comfort, 254. Frank, 255. George E., 255. George H., 255. ' Georgianna, 254. Harriet C, 255. Hattie M., 255. Henry, 255. Joanna, 253, 254. John, 48, 227, 253, 254. 202. 377- John L., 254. John R., 254. Jonas, 255. Jonathan, 254, 255. Jonathan P., 255. Joseph, 253. 254. 255- Judith A., 254. 255- Judith E., 254. Lewis B., 254. Lois, 254. Love, 254. Lydia, 254. Lydia E., 254. Maria L., 255. 462 INDEX OF NAMES Laskey, Mary, 253, 254, 313. Mary A.. 255. Mary E., 254, 255. Mary J., 254, 255. Melissa, 254. Nettie, 255. Pelatiali J., 254. 255- Pelatiah W., 255. Rocna C, 255. Rutli, 254. Sarah, 253, 254, 266. Sarah A., 255. Sarah F., 255. Susanna, 254. William, 253, 254, 255, 313. Lauri', Mercy, 86. Samuel, 86. Lawrence, 251. Abbott, 108. Anna L., 372. Catherine, 13. Clarence, 206. David, 325. Edna M., 206. Justina M., 108. Laurenda P., no. Lydia, 325. Mary E., 251. Mehitable, 14. Phebe, 13. Rufus, 10. Lear, Hannah, 171. Learned, Lucy C, 24. Leathers, , 298, 324. Abby, 257. Abednego, 31. 256, 393. Abel, 256. Abigail, 88, 199, 247, 248, 256. 257, 346, 357. 382, 386. Alexander, 257. Alvira, 258, 389. Ann, 256. Anne, 324. Benjamin, 256, 258. Betsey, 278. Charity, 31. 256, 258, 389- Daniel G., 389. Daniel S., 258. Deborah, 194, 2s6, 257, 301. Ebenezer, 256. Edward, 11, 255. 256, 257, 308. Eliza, 258, 388. Elizabeth, 256, 257, 258, 262, 393. Ezekiel, 252, 256, 257. George, 257. Hannah, 256, 258, 259. Hannah T., 257 James B., 257. Jane, 257, 389, John, 258. Leathers, Jonathan, 256, 259. Joseph, 257, 258. Keturah, 256. Levi, 258. Louisa, 257. Lydia, 258, 311, 345. Margaret, 256. Margery, 256. Martha, 197, 256, 257, 258, 259. Mary, 256, 384, 386. Mehitable, 257, 384. Mehitable J., 257. Nancy, 258. Olive, 257, 258. Rebecca, 257. Richard, 257. Robert. 199, 256. 257, 259, 301. S., 258. Sarah, 118, 252, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262.. Sarah B., 258. Stephen, 256, 258. Susan, 257. Susanna, 256. Temperance, 257, 301. Thomas, 256, 258, 262, 278. Vowel, 257. William, 256, 357, 382, 386. Leavitt, Emily B., 239. Judith, 27. Mary, 357. Susanna, 242. William, 27. Lee, Clarissa, 124. Daniel, 328. Hannah, 349, 350. Margaret M., in. Mary A.. 328. Legg, Mabel, 128. Leighton, Laighton or Layton. , III, 278. Aaron, 260. Abigail, 207, 238, 239, 260, 261. Ann, 260, 261. Anne, 261. Betsey, 174. Caroline, no. Deborah, 260, 261. Dorothy, 227, 259, 260, 261. Ebenezer, 261. Elinor, 260, 276. Elizabeth, 84. 89, 259, 260, 261, 305, 317. George, 259. Gideon, 260. Hannah, 50, 260, 261. Hannah E., 281. Hatevil, 260, 261. Isaac, 260. James, 50, 207, 239, 260, 261, 292, 317, 364. Joanna, 259. John, 239, 259, 260, 261, 276. INDEX OF NAMES 463 Leighton, Laighton or Layton. Jonathan, 195, 261. Joseph, 260. Keziah, 260, 389. Lois, 195. Lydia, 260. Martha, 259, 261. Mar>', 239, 259, 260, 261. Mary A., iii. Mercy, 260. Nancy, 239, 325. Olive, 239, 261. Paul, 261. Polly, 180. Rebecca, 257. Samuel, no, 259. Sarah, 77, 207, 239, 259, 260, 261, 317, 364. Stephen, 180. Susan M., 268. Susanna, 58, 259, 260, 261 Theodore, 260. Thomas, 51, 53, 84, 137. 259, 260. Tobias, 261. William, 260, 261. Leonard, Elizabeth, 159. John, 159- Lewis, Henry, 184. Lydia J., 184. Mar>-, 337. Peter, 201. Samuel, 116. Sarah C, 284. Tabitha, 388. Libby or Lib bey. , 298. Abigail N., 382. Albert, 349. Benjamin, 119. Daniel, 276, 277. David, 391. Eleanor, 247, 276. Elizabeth, 34, 145, 150, 277, 285. Ephraim, 10, 247. George, 382. Hannah, 174. Henry, 166. Jacob, 37. Joanna, 22. John, 22, 257. Joseph, 285. Mary, 10, 349. Mary J., 255. Olive E., 8, 2SI. Rebecca K., 37. Sarah, 257. Susan, 119. Lindall, Margaret, 334, 335- Linscott, Rebecca, 206. Litchfield, Susan A., 181. Little, Alice M., 322. Little, George, 322. Hannah, 86. John, 86. Mary, 86. Paul, 86. Thomas D., 322. Littlefield, Abbie, 109. Deborah, 19. John. 19. Sarah, 56. Littlehale, Albert, 388. Sarah A., 388. Lock or Locke. Abbie P., 272. Alice, 121. Edward, 280 Eleanor, 338, 340. Electa A., 70. Elisha, 306. Elizabeth, 280. Francis, 24. Hannah, 24. Jethro A., 70. Lydia, 70., 302 Marj-, 338, 395- Simon, 302. Sophia, 306. Long, Annistacia, 75. Caroline A., 175. Emily, 175. Henry, 175. Samuel, 236. Sarah A., 238. Lord, , 212. Alfranzo A., 186. Clara L., 156. Deborah, 99. Horace, 186. Jane, 148. Mary, 31, 204. Ruth, 264, 265. Sarah, 212. Lougee, Joseph, 389. Lyman, 165. « Nancy, 165, 389. Lovejoy, Betsey, 313. Olive, 188. Polly, 388. Warren P., 188 Lovell, Samuel, 244. Lovering, Abigail, 13, 14. Low, , 173. Alice, 173. Hannah, 384. Joseph, 384. Martha H., 199. Lowe, Susanna B., 389. Lowrie, Mary, 204. Luce, Addie M., 208. 464 INDEX OF NAMES Lucy or Lucey. , 251. Alexander, 105, 254. Benjamin, 105. Elizabeth, iii, 369. Eunice, 176. Fannie C iii. Henrietta, no, in. John O., 251. Josephine, 251. Lois, 254. Lydia, 105. Maiy, 254. Robert W., in, 369. Sarah, 102, 105, 152. Susan, 251. Thomas, 254. Lumbert, Caleb, 326. Elizabeth, 326. Lunt, Captain, 71. Olive, 287. Sarah, 71. Lydson, Almira, 288. Lyford, Deborah, 193. Francis, 193. Mary, 371. Lyman, Eliphalet, 161. Eliza, 161. Lyons, Bessie E., 388. John C, 388. Macfeeld, Elizabeth, 312. Mackay, Benjamin, 28. Elizabeth, 28. Mackelroy, John, 32. Martha, 32. Maddox, Harriet R., 87. Magoon, Eliza A., 78, 372 Ephraim, 78. Fanny, 78. Main, Mercy, 86. Thomas, 86. Mallott, Olive, 392. Manning, Mary, 225. Manock, Charles W., 75. David W., 75. Frank D., 75. Helen M., 75. Mary A., 75. Manson, Abigail, 176. Marbury, Anna, 209. March, Abigail, 358. Eleanor, 367. Elizabeth, 15. John, 358. Rebecca, 71, 118, 122. Marden, Caroline, 194. James, 194. Marr, Rachel, 56. Surplus, 56. ■ Marseilles, Caroline, 66. Marsh, Abigail, 262, 401. Betsey, 109. Dinah. 262. Elizabeth, 226, 256, 262. Henry, 194, 226, 262. Hezekiah, 262, 401. John, 262. Sarah, 256, 262. Marshall, , 117. Marsters, Elizabeth, 6. John, 6. Mary, 6. Marston, Bertha D., 151. Charles D., 108. Charles E., 151. Daniel, 366. David, 134. Edward A., 151. Elbridge G., 366. Elizabeth, 160. Isaac, 160. James, 13. James A., 151. John H.. 366. Martha F., 349. Mary, 366. Mary A., 151. Mary B., 151. Marj' F., 134. Mary J., 108. Rushton D., 151. Sarah, 13, 14, 159, 160. Sarah F., 108. Martin, Betsey H., 215. Charles A., 215. Esther, 224. Ida J., 282. J. William, 282. John, 224, 400. Lucile, 216. Mary, 224. Mary E., 215. Olive H.. 215. William, 216. Mask, Rocna C, 255. Mason, Benjamin, 262, 263. David, 263, 317. Elizabeth, 262. Hannah, 262, 312, 317. Isaac, 262. John, 14, 201, 263, 310. Jonathan, 263. Joseph, 263. Lemuel, 263. Mary, 262, 263. Molly, 14. Nancy, 14. Peter, 95, 262. 312, 320. Rebecca, 94. INDEX OF NAMES 465 Mason, Robert, 18, 263. Sarah, 95, 262, 312, 320. Susanna, 18, 263. Temperance, 263. True, 94. Mathes or Matthews. ,90. Abigail, 79, 210, 261, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 292. Abraliam, 29, 97, 254, 264, 26s, 266, 267, 268. Adeline E., 266. Albert, 267. Albert H., 271. Albert R., 268. Alfred, 268, 397. Andrew, 269. Ann, 266. Ann E., 267, 269. Anna, 264, 265, 267, 268, 312. Anne, 264. Annie F., 269. Annie R., 38, 39. Asa, 267. Belle S., 269, 272, 274. Benjamin, 41, 89, 90, 13s, 195, 210, 223. 224, 241, 263, 264, 265. 267, 268, 269, 271, 401. Benjamin, F., 271. Betsey, 266. Boardman, 267. Brackett F., 269. Burnham, 269. Caroline, 170, 266. Caroline A., 272. Carrie, 269. Catherine, 135, 195, 264, 401. Charles A., 271. Charles E. P., 271. Charles H., 268. Charles L., 261, 268. Clarke, 268. Comfort, 265, 269. Cora, 269. Daniel, 97, 267, 269. David, 266. Dolly, 266, 320. Dora, 267. Dorothy, 90, 224, 241, 264, 268. Dorothy C, 271. Edwin N., 269. Eliza, 242, 269. Elizabeth, 135, 136, 193. 242, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 271. Elizabeth A., 269. Elizabeth W., 269. Emeline S., 268. Emily J., 266. Emma F., 271. Etta M., 271. 30 Mathes or Matthews. Fannie P., 275. Fanny, 267. Frances, 263, 268. Francis, 12, 135, 136, 140, 141, 158, 19s, 201, 247, 263, 264, 265, 310, 319. 324, 383. Frank \V., 269. George, 36, 269, 271. George K., 271. George P., 268. Georgie, 269. Gershom, 264. Gideon, 264, 26s, 266, 312. Hamilton, 272. Hamilton A., 269, 272, 274. Hannah, 42, 264, 266, 267. Hannah A., 272. Harriet, 266. Harriet A., 349. Harry, 271. Helen, 268. Henry, 269. Jacob, 26s, 268, 271, 387. James M., 275. Jeremiah, 269. Jeremiah M., 267, 269. Jesse, 266. Job R., 266. John, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271. John H., 269. John M., 242, 268, 269. John R., 275. Jonathan, 265. Joseph, 266. Joseph W., 268. Josephine M., 271. Judith, 266, 301. Katherine, 158. Leona, 273. Lizzie, 268. Lois, 265, 266 Louisa F., 288. Love, 29, 266, 267, 268. Lydia, 140, 264, 265, 324. Lydia A., 266. Margaret J., 273. Mark H., 271. Mcurtha, 264, 266, 267, 268. Martha A., 151, 269. Mary, 30, 83, 263, 263. Mary A., 267, 272. Mary E., 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 275, 302. Mary E. E., 272. Mary F., 267. Mary S., 263. Mary VV., 268, 271. Maurice E., 273. Mehitable, 268, 271, 387. Minnie, 269. 466 INDEX OF NAMES Alathes or Matthews. Nathan F., 267. Nellie, 269. ■Nelson, 267. Pamelia, 268, 269, 271. Phebe, 97, 264, 265. Polly, 265, 266. Rachel, 267. Reuben. 266. Robert, 265, 266, 267, 268, 306 Roy W., 272. Ruth, 12, 211, 264, 265. 266, 324. Samuel, 170, 263, 264, 265, 266. Samuel J., 266. Sarah, 83, 254, 265, 266, 267, 268, 271, 397. Sarah A., 269. Sarah E., 271. Sarah F.. 267. Stanley L., 272. Stephen M., 288. Susan, 36. Susan D., 268. Susan E., 267, 269. Susan M., 268. Susanna, 261, 263, 267, 306. Tamson, 265, 278. Thomas B., 267. Thomas D., 275. Thomasine, 135, 136, 263. \"alentine, 42, 44, 83, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 275, 302, 320. Valentine D., 275. Walter, 263. 271. Washington G., 268. William J., 268. Zilla A., 271, 272. Maverick, Amias, 358. Samuel, 358. Maxfield, Rhoda F., 104. McCalvey, , 196. McCoy, Comfort, 389. John, 256. Lois, 178. Margaret, 256. McCrillis, Jean, 120. John, i85, 363. Lydia, 324. Marj', 118, 120, 182, 371. Mary J., 186. Sarah, 363. William, 120, 324. McCurdy, Converse L., 318. Eliza, 318. McCutchins, Deborah, 245. Elizabeth, 245. McDaniel, Andrew, 121. Andrew D., 121. Eleanor, 11. Franklin, 206. Hannah, 121, 206. McDaniel, Maria, 121. PoUy. 43. Sadie B., 206. William, 11. McDuffee, Abbie, 124. Abigail, 375- George, 103. John, 375. Jonathan, 355. Lewis, 124. Lois, 355. Love, 124. Mercy, loi. Sarah, 68, 375. Sarah E., 155. Sarah F., 103. McKengs, , 19s. 401. Abigail, 195, 401. McKone, Ida M., 217. James L., 217. Meachum, Isaac, 260. Lydia, 260. Mead or Meade. Deborah. 395. " Jeremiah. 197. Louisa F.. 79. Marj', 197. Sarah. 197. Stephen. 395. Meader, Aaron, 281 Abigail, 96, 97, 98, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279. 280, 281, 377. Agnes, 275- Alice M., 2S2. Anne, 279. 280. Asa, 280. Benjamin, 277, 279. Betsey, 175, 278, 281. Blanche E., 282. Charity. 275. 276, 282. Clarissa F., 281. Comfort, 282. Content, 280. Daniel, 275, 276, 277, 278, 280, 285, David, 276. 277. Davis, 280. Deborah, 245, 278, 281. Deliverance, 246, 278, 279. Dudley P., 282. Ebenezer, 236. 277. Edward S., 281 Eleanor, 228. Elijah, 277, 280. Elinor, 260, 275, 276, 278. Elizabeth, 258, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 281, 393. Elizabeth W., 276. Elvira, 279. Emma, 282. Emma A., 282. INDEX OF NAMES 467 Meader, Enos, 281. Ephraim, 279. Eunice, 279, 280. Ezekiel, 281. Ezra, 281. Francis, 279. Fred P.. 282. George, 277. Hannah, 30, 134, 236, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 340. Hannah, E., 281. Hanson, 279. Hitty. 28 r. Ida J., 282. Isaac, 265, 278. J. T.. 278. Jacob G., 282. James, 279, 280, 281. James D., 282. Jane, 282. Tedidiah, 277, 280. Jerusha, 278. John, 97, I7S, 192, 228, 236, 275, 276. 277, 278, 281, 377. John D., 282, John F., 279. Joanna, 277, 281. Jonathan, 277, 280, 28 r. Joseph, 41, 194, 246, 275, 276, 277. 278, 280, 281. Joshua, 281. Judith, 279. Julia E., 282. Keziah, 276, 278. Lemuel, 277, 279. Levi. 280. Lois, 279. Love, 276. Lydia, 27s, 276, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282. Mark, 30, 278, 281. Martha, 276, 277, 278. Mary, 178, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 285, 389. Marj- A., 282. Mary J., 282. Mehitable, 278. Micajah, 279. Miriam, 279. Moses, 282. Moses W., 276. Nathan, 280. Nathaniel, 77, 260, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280, 308. 324. Nicholas, 275, 276, 277, 278, 28a. Otis, 280. Patience, 276, 277, 279. Paul, 245, 278. Peace, 280. Peggy, 277. Phebe, 281, Meader, Polly, 279. Rachel, 276, 324. Rebecca, 281. Rose, 278, 281. Ruth. 214, 276, 277, 278, 280. Samuel, 178, 214, 236, 24s, 276, 277, 278, 393- Sarah, 48, 97, 172, 192, 194, 241, 246, 253, 275. 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 377, 391. Stephen, 278, 279, 281, 282., Susanna, 236, 277, 282. Tamson, 265, 278. Thomas, 278, 280. Timothy, 277. Tobias, 279. Valentine, 281. William, 281. Mellen, Alice L., 285. Ann S., 283. Calvert K., 284. Caro S.. 284. Caroline D., 284. Caroline M., 384. Charles. 284. Charles P., 284. Charlotte, 283. Christine F., 284. Constance T., 284. Eliza H., 283. Elizabeth, 283. Elizabeth R., 284. Frank, 284. Frank P., 284. George F., 284. George \V., 283 Harriet A., 284. Henrj-, 197, 283, 284. Henry B., 284. Henry O., 283. Herbert F., 284. Jane, 284. John, 283, 284. John P., 197, 283, 284. Lucy K., 284. Margaret A., 284. Martha, 283. Martha \V., 197, 283. Mary, 283, 284. Mehitable S.. 197, 283, 284. Nellie F.. 284. Pamelia, 283. Prentiss, 283. Rebecca. 283. Rebecca C, 284. Sarah, 283. Sarah C, 284. Sophia, 283. Susan N., 284. Thomas, 283. 468 INDEX OF NAMES Mellen, William, 284. William F., 285. William P., 284. Mendell, George H., 344. Mary B., 344. Merrill, , 121, 376. Abigail, 65. Albert, 113. Catherine, 7- Clarissa, 121. Dolly, 36. Eliza, 293, 376. Elizabeth, 45. Elizabeth A., 69. Ephraim, 36. George, 350. George A., 350. John, 7. Luther, 69, Mary, 65, 7i. Rachel, 169. Sabrina J., 113. Stephen, 65, 169. Merrow, Elizabeth, 232. Jonathan, 232. Merry, Rebecca, 85. Samuel, 166. Meserve or Messervey. Aaron, 285. Abigail, 168. 182, 248. 285, 286, 2S7, 28S, 289, 291, 336. Abra, 302. Alfred, 289. Alfred H., 289. Alice, 287. Almira. 288. Alpheus, 287, Amos, 287. Amy E., 289. Andrew, 287. Andrew E., 291. Ann, 289. Anna H., 291. Anne, 285. Augusta H., 289. Betsey, 287, 288. Betsey M., 288. Betsy, 288. Betty, 286, 287, 288. Caroline, 289. Caroline E., 291. Charles, 288. Charles R., 289. Clement, 285, 286, 287, 288, 374- Clymena, 72, 289. Confort, 288. Curtis, 287. Daniel, 117. 168, 278, 285, 286. 2S7, 288, 289, 336. Daniel S., 182, 289. Meserve or Messervey. Deborah, 61, 106, 123, 28s. 286, 288, 289, 304. 334. 336. Dorcas, 287. Eben, 289. Ebenezer, S3, 123, 286, 287, 2S8, 289, 338, 374- Ebenezer D., 289. Eliza, 289. Eliza A., 289, 291. Elizabeth, 178, 181, 285, 287, 289, 291, 300. Elizabeth A., 289. EUinor, 287. Emily, 287. Ephraim, 288. Eunice, 83, loS. 123, 124, 242, 243, 286, 287, 288, 289, 374. Ezra, 287. Finetta, 289. George, 287, 2S9. George A., 289. George W., 72, 289. Hannah, 83, 108, 287, 288, Harry, 288, 289. Henry H., 288. Hopley, 288. Howard H., 291. Isaac, 288. Israel, 286. James, 286. James D., 289. Jean, 285. Jennie, 287. Joanna, 287, 288, 289, 338. Joanna M., 289. John, 60, 71, 285, 286, 287, 288. John P., 288. John S., 288, 289, 376. Jonathan, 286, 287. Joseph, 285, 286, 287. Judith, 289. Lavinia, 289. Lavinia O., 288. Lemuel, 287. Lois, 286, 287. Lois G., iss, 286. Lottie, 287. Louisa F., 288. Levey, 287. Lucretia, 289. Lucretia M., 289. Lydia, 286, 287, 288. Marcia, 288. Marie, 285. Martha, 233, 286, 394- Martha J., 289. Mary, 67, 277, 278, 285, 286, 287, 289. 302. Mary A., 271, 275, 286. Mary J., 71, 73, 288, 289. Mehitable, 289, 376. INDEX OF NAMES 469 Meserve or Messervey. Nancy, 271, 286, 302, 374. Nathaniel, 233, 287. Nettie G., 291. Nicholas D., 289. 300. OHve, 287. Oliver, 287. Pamelia T., 288. Patience, 287. Paul, 271, 286, 302, 372. Plycentia, 289. Polly, 2S7, 288, 289. Rebecca, 288. Ruth, 285, 286. Ruth M., 288. Samuel, 287, 288, 301. Sarah, 60, 71, 117, 265, 28s, 286, 287, 288, 301. Sarah A., 122, 289. Silas, 287, 288. Simon, 287. Sophronia, 289. Stephen, 286, 288. Susan, 288. Susanna, 285, 288. Tamson, 142, 285. Thomas, 286. Timothy, 286, 394. Vincent, 83, 108, 287, 288. Warren, 288. William, 285. Winthrop E., 291. Winthrop S., {Frontispiece), 55, 201, 289, 290. Metcalf, , 330. Alfred, 8. Sophia, 8. Middleton, Abigail, 316. Miles , 124. Abraham, 238. Caroline, 289. Eliza H., 238. John, 41. Milk, Anna, 158. James, 158. M iller. Bertha A., 402. Hannah, 18. Joseph, 201. Judith A., 254, 2SS- Julia A., 402. William II., 402. Millett, Love, 32, 233, 337. Lydia, 233, 335, 337. Susanna, 232, 233, 364 Thomas, 32, 233. 337. Mills, C. B., 109. Eleanor, 123. Hattie, 109. Polly, 200, 318. Mimmey, Abraham, 309. Mimmey, Anne, 309. Mirriam, Ann M., 207. Mitchell, Betsey, 174. Bridget, 18. Clara M., 378. John, loi. Miriam, 173. Pegg, 29. Rachel, 388. Roger, 18. Samuel, 174. Susan, loi. Mogridge, Hannah, 335. John, 33S. Monroe (See Munroe). Montgomery, Abigail, 309. Lillian, 231. Marj-, 178, Paul, 178. Moody, Ann, 336. Elizabeth, 67. John, 336. Mar>% 334. 336. Mooney, Abigail, 261, 267, 292. Benjamin, 43, 291, 292. Betsey, 292. Catherine, 292. Dorothy, 292. Elizabeth, 291. Hannah, 43, 291, 292. Hercules, 221, 232, 291. Jeremiah, 43, 261, 292. Jeremiah B., 267. Joanna, 291. John, 291. Jonathan, 291. Joseph, 292. Lydia, 292. Marj-, 232, 291. Molly, 292. Obadiah, 291. Patience, 291. Solomon, 291. Stephen, 292. Susanna, 291. Moore, , i69,'30i. Archalaus, 293. Bertha, 39- Edward R., 39. Eleanor, 55. Eliza, 293, 387- Elizabeth, 237. Etta B., 39. Eugene, 39- Hannah, 292, 293. 323. Joanna, 291, 293. John, 292, 323. Leonard B., 39. Lucy, 369- Margaret, 293. 470 INDEX OF NAMES Moore, Mary, 292, 301. Nancy M., 154. Nathaniel, 293. Polly, 296. Rosa, 339. Samuel, 55, 292, 293 Sarah, 293. Susanna, 293. \\'illiam, 293. Mordock, Anna J., 199. Hannah S., 199. Robert, 199. Morgan, ■, 65 Mary, 6s Moring, Andrew D., 327. Fanny, 327. Morrill, -, 200. Catherine, 7. Dolly J.. 38. Enoch, 37. Frances J., 200. Harriet, 165. John, 7. Maria M., 328. Martha A., 37. Mary, 183 Nathaniel, 183. Peace, 280. Rhoda, 103. Sarah, 180, 183. Morris, Elizabeth. 277. Samuel, 277. Thomas, 91, 107, 304, 401. Morrison, Abraham, 293. Anna, 313. Charles, 293. Charles E., 293. Emma, 293. Emma M., 293, 320, 321. Fannie, 293. Frank P., 293. Georgie A., 350. Ida, 293. Jennie, 293. John, 314. Joseph, 293, 330. Laura E., 293. Lucinda, 293. Mar>-, 314. Naomi, 293. Robert, 313. Morse, , 277. Byron, 376. Clarissa F., 281. Eliza, 376. John, 375. Mehitable. 374, 375- Nancy, 258. Morton, Joanna, 4. Moseley, Ann M., 294. Moseley, Harriet, 294. Jonathan, 294. Moses, Aaron, 92, 294. Ann M., 294. Betsey, 65, 294. Elizabeth, 92, 294. Grace, 165, 166, 293, 319. Harriet. 294. James, 65. Jonathan, 294. Keziah 293. Martha, 293. Mary, 226, 293, 294. Timothy, 165, 166, 226, 293, 294, ^19 Moulton, Abra, 169. Edward S., 261. Joseph, 28, Leah, 28. Mary, 261. Mary J.. 108. William, 169. Mounsell, Thomas, 131. Mow, Mary, 162. Munday, , 329. Munroe, Mundro, Monroe, Abigail, 291. Elizabeth, 291. Hannah, 291. James, 88. John, 236, 291. Mary, 236, 291. Mary H., 88. Peter, 291. Munsey, Abigail, 295, 296, 309, 310 Alfred, 295. Andrew. 296. Ann, 295. Betsey, 296. Caroline, 296. Catherine, 296. Curtis C, 296. David, 29s, 309, 310. Ebenezer, 295, 296. Edward, 295. Elizabeth, 295. Ellie, 296. Eunice, 296. Francis, 294. Frank A., 296. Hannah, 294. Henry, 295. Henry J., 295. ' Irene, 296. Jane, 296. John, 131, 294, 309. Jonathan, 295. Levi, 295. Mahala, 296. Margaret, 294, 295, 296 Maria, 295. INDEX OF NAMES 471 Munsey, Mary, 295, 296, 303, 308. Mehitable, 296. Nathan, 296. Nathaniel, 296. Olive, 295. Polly, 296. Rachel, 295. Randall, 295. Robert, 295- Rosamond, 294. Sarah, 295, 296. Solomon, 295. Timothy, 295, 296. William, 294. Murray, David, 301, 380 Hannah, 59. Lydia, 300, 301, 380. Sophia, 301. Timothy, 301. Nash, Archie Ti, 216. Marj' F., 216. Teresa, 103. Nason, , 329. Abigail, 192. Adah, 278. Anna B., 231. Charity, 275, 276. Joseph, 276. Marguerite G., 231. Mary, 276. Richard, 192. Wilfred E., 231. Neal, , 243. Abigail, 30. Augusta, 46. Elizabeth, 164. Huburtus, 33S. Mary, 7, 30, 335- Robert, 30. Samuel, 164. Sarah, 99. Nealley, Caroline, 377. John H., 377. Sarah, 381. Nelson, , 301. Abigail, 252, 355. Alvena, 304. Edward E., 304. Elizabeth L., 304. John, 355. Jonathan, 355. Mary, 70, 3SS- Mehitable, 301. Olive, 355- Richard, 355- Samuel, 252, 355. Sarah, 252. William P., 304. Newcomb, Calvin, 102. Newcomb, Susan, 102. Newell, Harriet, 187. Lizzie E., 373- Newmarch, John, 85. Newton, Agnes, 389. Hannah, 3, 4, Hibbert, 3, 4. Mar>', 14. Thomas, 3. Nichols, , 122. Albion B., 371. Elizabeth, 122. Jacob S., 371- Martha A., 371. Mary E., 371. Nickerson, Hannah, 261. Sarah, 326. Ninde, Daniel B.. 80. Margaret A., 80. Mary E., 80. Noble, Elizabeth, 91. Mary, 325. Thomas, 325. Nock, Abigail, 256, 357. Elizabeth, 357. Esther, 11, 84, 85. Henrj-, i, 333. 353. 354- James, 256, 337- Mary, 357. Patience, 357. Rebecca, i, 382. Sarah ,1, 309, 333. Sobriety, 357- Sylvanus, 11, 85. Thomas, i, 382. Zechariah, 309. Norris, , 143. Harriet, 266. Norton, Betsey, 294. Charles, 266. Frances A., 126. George, 296. Hannah, 266. John, 296. Lydia, 296, 297, 303. Mary, 296. Mercy R., 296. Meriel, s. 45. 297. Nathaniel, 4, 5. 4S. 294. 296, Sarah E., 296. Thomas, 296. Winthrop B., 297. Noyes, Lois, 165. Walter R., 163. Nute, — -. 174- Abigail, 152. Andrew, 286. Ann, 152. Ann E., 152. Anna, 150. 472 INDEX OF NAMES Nute, Anna M., 242. Anne, 154, 285. Charles A., 75. Charles H., 75. Clara, iss- Clarence W., 75. Elizabeth, 155. Greenleaf, 341. Hepzibah, 154. James, 152, 285. Leah, 137, 138, 145, 150. Mary, loi. Mary E., 341. Mary T., 150, Meserve, 155. Paul, 154. Ruth, 286. Samuel, 150. Sarah, 150. Sarah A., 75. Susan A., 341. William, loi. Nutter, , loi. Abigail, 191, 231,357. Abner, 163. Anthony, 210, 259. Benjamin, 355. Elizabeth, 259. Hatevil, 210, 232, 239. Henrj', 296, Joseph, 153. Mary, 355. Patty, 163. Rebecca, 253. Rosamond, 180, 183. Samuel, 232. Sarah, 41, 209, 210, 264, 296. Sophronia, 133. Temperance, 164. Odell, Caroline E., 297. Hannah, 297. Jacob, 297. James K., 297. John O., 240, 297. Lydia, 118, 122. Sarah, 297. Sarah A., 240, 297. Thomas, 297. WDliam A., 297. Odiome, Abigail, 261. Avis, 5, 30, 297, 298. Benjamin, 261, 367. Caroline, 154. Charles, 154. Elizabeth A., 378. John, 297. Joseph, 298. Jotham, 18, 298. Lydia, 298. Odiorne, Martha W., 367. Mary, 298. Mehitable, 297, 347, Olive, 298, 358. Samuel, 298, 358. Sarah, 18, 239, 297, 378. Susan, 298. Theophilus, 378. Thomas, 298. William, 5, 58, 297. O'Hara, Angie, 186. Olds, Elizabeth, 38. Thomas, 38. Ordway, John, 321. Mary, 321. Osborn or Osborne. , 266. Adeline E., 266. Judith, 266. Sarah N., 169. Osgood, Betsey, 365. Lavinia, 288. Sophronia, 70. Otis, Abigail, 108. Charles, S. 279. Hannah, 180. Jane, 282. Mary, 307. Maud E., 113. Richard, 359. Roger, 299. Stephen, 180, 207. Susan B., 299. Susanna, 97. Page, Abbie, 64. Alice, 237. Benjamin, 237. David, 161. Eliza, 161. Elizabeth, 21. Emily, 346. George W., 239. Julia A., 239. Martha A., 341. Mary, 333, 357. Mary A., 227. Mehitable, 24. Mercy, 77. Rachel, 161. Samuel, 357- Simeon, 24. Thomas, 333. Pciin, John, 48. Paine, Ebenezer, 326. Hannah, 326. Richard, 137. Sarah, 137. Palmer, , 298, Addie M., 258. INDEX OF NAMES 473 Palmer, Bertha G., 257. Bertha L. B., 258. Betsey M., 181. Carrie B., 257. Charles H., 258. Delmore, 258. Edith A. C. O., 258. Elbridge H., 257. Elmore, 258. Ezekiel, 252. Fanny, 257, 258. Flossie B., 258. Francis F., 258. Frank E., 257. Frederick S., 258. George E., 258. Herbert F., 258. Hilton, 258. James A., 257, 258. James B., 257, 307. Lillian, 257, 258. Lizzie, 257. Lydia, 102, 104. Lydla M., 251, 252, 257. Marion E., 258. Marshall A., 258. Mehitable J., 306. Monroe F., 258. Oscar J., 2^8. Roscoe, 257, 258. Sarah, 252, 257, 307. Sarah F., 73, 75. Theodore R., 258. Trueworthy M., 181. William L., 294. Winnie M., 258. Parker, Ann, 301. Ann S., 283. Anna, 211. Annie, 5. Elizabeth, 5, 78. Hannah, 64. Mary, 199. 283. Nathaniel, 283. Robert, 64, 301. Stephen, 92. Susanna, 92. William, 5, 8. Parks, , 163. Clarissa, 163. Parris, Gertrude S., 217. Thomas R., 217. Parsons, , 7. Abigail, 7. Almira S., 302. Ebenezer, 236. Mary, 183. Sarah, 42, 236, 332. Susan E., 237. William, 42, 332. Patrick, Betsey, 368, 395, 397- Olive, 258. Paul, Alfred, 298. Alfred F., 298. Annie, 299. Aimie E., 299. Caroline, 298, 320. Charles II., 298. Charles L., 299. Clarissa, 298. Dorothy, 298. Edith C, 299. Emeline E., 298. Elizabeth, 85. Ellison, 298. Fannie, 298. Frank S., 299. George A. 299. George W., 299. Harriet, 298. Howard, 298. Ida, 299. James, 230, 298. Josiah, 85. Julia A., 298. Marcia E., 49, 299. Martha E., 114. Mary E., 298, 299, 387. Mary J., 298, 299. Mary S., 299. Nancy C, 364. Priscilla, 67, 298. Rufus W., 299. Sarah, 230, 298. Stephen, 67. 298, 299, 387. Susan, 298. Susan B., 299. Susan E., 299. Susan J., 298. Temperance, 298. Temperance A., 298. William, 298. Payne, Abigail, 215. Elizabeth, 96, 98. Lydia, 215. Sarah, 215. Thomas, 213. Pearl, Abigail, 27. Abraham, 27. Eleanor, 310. Hannah, 30. John, 310. Joseph, 27. Sarah, 27. Pease, Ann, 13. Lucy, 147. Samuel, 13. Peaslee or Peasley. Abigail, 277. Charles, 124. 474 INDEX OF NAMES Peaslee or Peasley. Elsie, 155. Emma, 125. James H., 124. Jane, 95, I77, 33i. Joseph, 95, 155. IMarj-, 95. Sarah, 280. Sarah A,, 124. Peaverly, , 10 1. Betty, loi. Peavey, Chandler, 181. Hannah, 49, 62. Harriet, 309. Hudson, 49, 62. _ John, 287. Rachel, 129. Sarah, 181. Peckham, Caroline E., 297. George T., 297. Pendergast or Prendergast. Alfred, 301. Angie, 301. Ann, 300, 301. Anna, 300. Betty, 300. Betty C, 300. Bridget, 300. Charlotte, 300, 301. Daniel, 300. Deborah, 67, 169, 288, 299, 300, 301. Dennis, 299. - Edmund, 247, 300, 301. Eliza, 2S9. Elizabeth, 300. 301, Ellen, 301. George, 301. Hannah, 179, 247, 300, 301. James, 179, 300. Jane, 299, 300. John, 67, 169, 288, 300. John P., 299. Joseph, 62, 300. Judith, 266, 301. Lloyd, 301. Lois, 180, 300. Love, 300. Lydia, 300, 301, 380. Margaret, 300. Martha, 301. Marj-, 300, 301. Maurice, 299. Mehitable, 301. Michael, 299. Nancy, 301. Nathaniel, 301. Nicholas, 180, 300. Olive, 300, 301. Polly, 62, 67, 301, 380. Rachel, 35, 38, 301. Pendergast or Prendergast. Rebecca, 300. Roswell, 301. Sarah, 287, 288, 300, 301. Solomon, 266, 300, 301, 380. Sophia, 301. Stephen, 299, 300. Susan, 301. Thomas, 299, 300, 301. Timothy, 301. William, 301. Pendexter, , 154. Abigail, 302. Abra, 302 Alfred, 302. Alice, 287. Almira S., 302. Ann, 302. Betsey, 287. Charles, 302. Clara, 154. Cyrus, 302. Drusilla, 302. Edward, 302. Frances E., 302. Francis B., 302. George, 302. George W., 302. Hannah, 397. Hannah C, 71, 73, 302. Hannah T., 302. Helen, 302. Henry, 302. Jacob J., 302. James, 237. James E., 302. James M., 271, 275, 286, 302. John, 302. Joseph, 302. Lydia, 302. Martha, 302, 396. Martha C, 302. Mary, 271, 302. Mary A., 271, 275, 286. Mary E., 270, 271, 275, 302. Mary F., 302. Phebe, 302. Polly, 237, 302. Ruth C, 302. Temperance, 257, 301, 302. Thomas, 257, 301, 302. Penhallow, Deborah, 244. Mary, 245. Samuel, 245. Pennell, EUinor, 287. Pepperrell, Joanna, 308. Mary, 197. William, 197. Perkins, , 302. Abigail, 77, 303. INDEX OF NAMES 475 Perkins, Abraham, 297, 303. Ann, 295, 302. Asenath, 71, 396. Charles B., 303. Charles R., 303. Daniel D., 282. Eleanor, 303. Elisha, 391. Eliza, 72. Elizabeth, 160, 161, 303, 379. Elizabeth B., 303. Eunice A., 282. Frances, 303. Hannah, 159, 160, 161, 303. Henry E., 303. John, 160, 161, 166, 229. Joseph, 303. Joshua, 159. Judith, 167. . Julia E. H., 282. Lemuel, 233. Lydia, 297, 303. Marcellus, 218. Martha A., 218. Mary, 303, 354, 357. Mary A., 303. Mary A. B., 303. Moses D., 71, 396. Nancy, 65, 126, 396. Nathaniel, 338. Paul, 303- Polly, 309- Polly B., 338. Rebecca, 229, 354. Samuel, 131. 303, 354. 357- Sarah A., 396. Sarah D., 233. Stephen, 72. Susanna, 305. Tamsen, 391. Thomas, 190, 303. 3IS. 3i6. Timothy, 233, 303. William, 302, 379. Peson, Joanna, 221. Peters, Andrew G., 235. Francis, 29. Sarah, 29. Susan M., 235. Pettee, Alvena, 304. Anna H., 304. Charles H., 303. Charles S., 304. Elizabeth F., 303. Horace, 303. Horace J., 304. James C, 304. Luella E., 303. Sarah E., 304. Pettigrew, Ella, 206. Pettingill, Abbie E., 69. Pettingill, David, 321. Isaac, 69. Rebecca, 321. Peverly, Elizabeth, 308. Philbrick, Abbie J., 134. Esther, 11, 12. James, 11, 120. Melvin, 134. Susan, 120. Phillips, Agnes, 172. Andrew, 173. Elizabeth, 136, 196. Hannah, 35, 37. Henr>', 2. Jane, i73- Jennie, 172. John, 196, 329. Mary, 2. Miranda, 113. Miriam, 173. Thomas, 136. Philpot, Ichabod, 184. M., Jane, 184. Richard, 186. Sylvania, 186. Pickering, , 301, 335. Abigail, 43, 168, 286. Ann, 148. Anthony, 168, 169, 286. Calvin, 36. Deborah, 348. Eliza, 23s. Elizabeth, 14, 133, 394. Hannah, 20. Harriet, 200. Hazen, 153. Ida, 70. James, 169. James A., 267. John G., 368. John W., 36, 235. Joseph, 371. Joshua, 133. Martha, 150, 155, 156. Martha A., 153. Mary, 36, 79, 364. 368, 370. 37i- Mary J., 128, 268, 371- Nicholas, 20. Phebe, 302, 335. Polly, 43- Rachel, 169. Richard, 79, 364. Sarah, 237, 355. Susan E., 267. Temperance, 79. Thomas, 20. Pierce, Alvina A., 217. Amy, 219. Andrew, 124. Benjamin, 9, 52. 476 INDEX OF NAMES Pierce, Daniel C. M., 217. Ebenezer, 9, Elizabetli, 9. Elizabeth C, o. Elizabeth H., 9. Frank D., 217. Hannah, 9, 85. Harriet K., 347. Ida M., 217. Israel, 9. John, 9. 238, Joseph, 9. Martha, g. Marj% 238, 253. Mary, H., 9. Ned H., 217. Olive H., 121. Sarah, 124. Sarah A., 183. Thomas, 9, 85. Pierson, John, 248. Miriam, 248. Pike, Caroline E., 369. Clarence, 369. Daniel, 69. Elizabeth, 178. Elizabeth A., 69. John. 141, 379, 390, 393. Pillsbury, Edna, 402. Pinder, Abbie H., 87. Abigail, 304, 305. Alfred, 305. Benjamin, 304, 305. Comfort, 305. Elizabeth, 131, 159, 304. Hannah, 305. Hepzibeth, 114, 304. James, 305. James B., 305. Jeremiah, 305. John, 87, 131. 159. 194. 304, 305. Joseph, 114, 304, 305. Joseph L., 305. Martha, 304, 305. Mar>', 305. Sarah, 194, 304, 401. Susan, 305. Susanna, 305. Temperance, 193, 194, 304. Thomas, 305. Walter, 305. William, 305. Pinkham, , 141. Abigail, 286, 305, 306. Abigail J., 176. Abijah, 221, 305, 306, 346, 391. Alfred, 46, 112, 306, 388. Alphonso, 257, 306. Amos, 55. 333. 345- Ann A., 307. Pinkham, Anne, 305. Augustus H., 306. Ballard, 45, 306. Benjamin, 254. Betsey, 288, 345. Betty, 20, 84. Charles 306. Daniel, 154, 306. Elizabeth, 55, 141, 149, 183, 259, 306, 333, 345- Esther M., 112, 307. Fanny, 306. Frances J., 306, 388. Friend, 307. Hannah, 123. Harriet, 45, 112, 306, 307, 388. Hicks, 306. Isaac, 65. James, 286. Joanna, 23, 45. 306, 345. John, 345. John S., 306. Joseph, 306. Joshua, 307. Lois, 287, 363, 374. Lycurgus, 307. Margery, 306. Martha, 92. Mary, 154, 191, 306. Mary J., 282. Mehitable, 257. Mehitable J., 306. Nancy, 306. Pamelia, 306. Paul, 208, 305. Peggy, 306. Polly, 65. Rachel, 221, 305. Richard, 84, 123, 259, 345. Roscoe, 307. Rose, 276. Salmon, 306. Samuel, 60, 305. Sarah, 10, 60, 208, 257, 286, 305, 306, 307. Solomon, 191. Sophia, IS4, 306. Stephen, 285, 306. Susanna, 267, 306, 346, 39it 392. Tamsen, 285. Thomas, 10, 30s, 306. . Timothy, 306. William, 306. Piper, Abigail, 376. Hannah T., 302. Sarah E., 303. Susanna, 321. Thomas, 221. Pitman, , 302. Abigail, 91, 116, 119, 295, 307, 308, 309, 310, 382, 383. INDEX OF NAMES 477 Pitman, Andrew P., 308. Ann, 228, 292, 307, 319, 323. Anne, 309. Barbara, 307. Connor, 309. Daniel, 145. Deborah, 309. Deliverance, 117, 131, 307, 308. Derri', 296, 308, 332. Ebenezer, 31, 309. Eleanor, 310. Elizabeth, 31, 228, 307, 308, 309. Ellen P., 154. Eunice, 309. Ezekiel, 307, 308, 309, 319. Francis, 50, 116, 158, 307. 308. Hannah, 307. Harriet, 309. Joanna, 131, 287, 292, 308, 309. John, 307, 308, 309. Joseph, 287, 307, 308, 309. 310. Josiah, 309. Judith, 307. Mary, 296, 307, 308, 309. Mercy, 295, 308, 309, 310. Molly, 310. Nathaniel, 117, 131, 307, 308. Nehemiah, 309. Polly, 309. Robert, 154. Samuel, 309, 327. Sarah, 26, 49, 50, 307, 308, 309, 310, 327. Stephen, 309. Susanna, 160, 163, 309, 396. Tabitha, 116, 117, 286, 308. William, 131, 190, 228, 255, 292, 307, 308, 309, 319, 323, 383. Zachariah, 137, 213, 29s, 307, 308. Zacharias. 307, Place, Charles, 124. Elizabeth, 64. John, 6s, 186. Letitia A., 124. Nancy, 65, 186. Richard, 160. Rosa, 124. Sophia, 182, 186. Stephen, 64. Plaisted, Hannah, 221, William, 221. Plumer, Sarah, 197. William, 197. Plummer, Allen, 300. Cassandra, 151. Elizabeth, 12. Hannah, 20. Hiram, 126. Jane, 300. Joseph, 20. Richard, 12. Plummer, Samuel, 288. Sarah, 126. Sarah B., 154. Temperance, 20. Pomfret, Elizabeth, 86. William, 86, 137, 329 Pomrey, Deliverance, 399. Pond, Elizabeth S., 368. Preston, 368. Poore, Lizzie, 268. Pope, Fanny, 78. Porter, Elizabeth, 289. James, 164. Martha, 164. Martha M., 164. Wilber, 289. Potts, Anne, 243. Azariah, 228, 229. Sarah, 60. Thomas, 229, 243. Pound, Ernest, 402. John W., 402. Stella M., 402. Powers, Priest, 6r. Sarah, 61. Pratt, Amanda, 207. Charlotte, 238. Pray, Dorothy, 84. Samuel, 84. Preble, Caleb, 86. Mary, 86. Prentice, Elizabeth L., 7. John, 7. Josiah, 303. Mary A., 303. Prentiss, Caleb, 283. Pamelia, 283. Rebecca, 283. Prescott, Benjamin, 228. Betsey, 63. Charles H., 372. Chase, 195. Deborah, 195, 211. Elizabeth, 228. Jeremiah, 65. John, 211. Rhoda E., 372. Presson, Rebecca, 175. Robert, 175. Price, Nathan, 5. Priest, Betsey, 118. Joseph, 118. Quick, 253. Sarah, 15, 253. Prince, Joanna, 4. Joseph, 4. Lydia, 4. Prior, Elbridge, 207. Mary S., 207. Rebecca, 207. 478 INDEX OF NAMES Prior, Thomas, 207. Pritchard, Emily C, 216 Grace L., 216. Harry H., 216. John F., 216. Lucile, 216. Mabel E., 216. Mary F., 216. Proctor, Elvira, E., 103. Fannie W., 147. Jane D., 147. John D., 147. Joseph L., 147. Laura S., 103. Martha, 147. Mary, 147, 2S3- Mary J., 70. Nancy, 249. Nathan, 249. Samuel B., 147. Thomas, 147. Thomas, H. 70. Thomas K,. 147. Thomas T., 103. William, 147. Prout, Timothy, i. Pulsifer, , 307. Harriet, 307. Purrington, , 167. Joshua, 167. Putney, John, 375. Margaret, 375- Mary, 375- Sophia, 375- Puttington, George, 195. Quimby, Eliza, 242. John, 242. Rose, 278, 281. Quincy, Silas A., 207. Lydia, 207. Quinlon, Marj-, 194. Quint, Ann, 27. Phebe, 1S2. Rafferty, Nellie F.. 284. Ramsdell, Sarah, 93. William, 93. Rand, Amanda, 311. Anna M., 311. Bertha, 88, 311. Betsey, 35- Christian, 243, 310. Clarence W., 311. Clarissa, 311. Cyrus, 282. David, 175, 242, 310, 311. Elizabeth, 310. Elmer L., 311. Francis, 310. Rand, Frank, 311. Flora B., 311. Fred W., 311. Hannah, 310. Harry E., 88, 311 Helen, 311. James B., 311. Joanna, 310, 384. John, 225. 310, 38J Keziah, 311. Laura, 311. Lydia, 311. Mary, 242, 310, 311 Mary A., 282. Nancy, 175. Nathaniel, 310. Polly, 310. Remembrance, 88, 223, ji , Richard K., 311. Sarah A., 187. 311. Stephen, 187, 311. Stephen N., 311. Susan, 311. William, 311. Randall, , 30. Abbie, 314. Abigail, 221. 312, 313, 314, 317, 361, 362. Agnes, 313- Amanda L., 314. Ann, 311. Anna, 264, 312. 313, 314, 315. Bernice, 75. Betsey, 115. 3i3- Bradbury C, 315. Charity, 282. Daniel, 282, 313. Deborah, 59, 67, 313. 314. 336. Elizabeth, 30, 62, 117, 121, 311, 312. 313. 314. 366, 368, 382, 383. Frances L., 314. Francis D., 311. Frank D., 75, 314. Gideon, 314. Hannah, 60, 64, 112, 262, 312, 313, 314. Herbert ('., 314. Hezekiah, 62, 313. Israel, 59. 313. 315- Israel A., 314. James, 313, 31 5- James F., 314. Jeremiah O., 314. Job, 313, 314, 368. John, 126, 221, 265, 312, 313. 314. 31S. John L., 75. Jonathan, 312, 313. Joseph, 314, 315. Judith, 311. Keziah, 312, 315. Laura A., 75. Leah, 311. INDEX OF NAMES 479 Randall, Louis, 315. Louisa, 313. Love, 266. Lucy, 313, Lydia, 62, 265, 313, 314. 3i5. Lydia M., 314. Martha A., 314. Mary, 117. up. 126, 232, 253,- 254, 263, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317. Mary A., 314. Mar>- E., 314. Mary J., 314- Mason, 312, 313. Miles, 196, 312, 313. 314. 317. 362. Moses, 313. Nathaniel. 117. 232, 254, 265, 312, 313. 314 317. Paul, 314. Richard, 311, 312. Robert O., 112. Samuel, 312, 313. Sarah, 59, 64, 158, 229, 312, 313, 314, 368. Simon, 64, 229, 312, 314, 313. Susanna, 313. Thomas, 313. 314. 313- William, 62, 262, 312, 313. Randolph, Israel, 313. Rankin, Marietta, 103. Ransom, George W., 328. George W., B. 36. Grace B., 327, 328. Sophia, 36. Rawlings fsee Rollins). Raymond, John, 212. Sarah, 212. Ray, Annie W., 371. William P., 371. Read, Martha A., 238. Mary B., 199. Robert M., 120. Sarah, 120. Redman, Joanna, 17. John, 17, 201. Reeder, Julian, 216. Remich, Betsey, 397- Lydia, 347- Reynolds or Runnels. Abigail, 312, 313. 3i6, 317. 362, 363, 366, 369. Abraham, 316, 332. Addison, 318. Alice, 48, 313. 316, 398. Anna M., 397. Bernice A., 318. Betsey, 266. Charles, 237. Charles W., 318. Charlotte, 163. Clara, 369. Comfort, 303. Reynolds or Runnels. Daniel, 261, 317. Ebenezer T., 317. Edward T., 397. Eliza, 318. Elizabeth, 261, 317, 318, 386. Elizabeth W., 318. Emma, 282. Enoch, 317. Fanny, 318. Frances, 317. Frank L., 163. George A., 318. Hannah, 33, 77, 219, 247, 313, 316, 317. 332, 384, 386. Hannah J., 318. Hope, 116, 313, 316. Hopestill, 116, 316. James A., 318. Jane, 313. 398. Job, 48, 38, 78, 116, 118, 219, 246, 247, 310, 313. 313. 316, 317. 363. John, 33, 48, 77, 116, 303, 313, 316, 317. 363- John T., 318. Jonathan, 317. 363. 366. Joseph, 317. Josephine M., 318. Keziah, 317, 363, 366. Love, 317. Lucy, 318, 320. Lydia, 317. Lydia M., 317. Margaret, 173. Martha, 237, 316, 399. Mary, 246, 234, 312, 313, 316, 317. Mary E., 318. Miriam, 318. Samuel, 313, 316, 317. Sarah, 33, 33, 38, 78, 118, 313, 316, 317. 318. 362, 363, 382, 391. Sarah M., 318. Stephen, 317, 318, Stephen H., 318. Susan, 117, 317. Susanna, 77, 78, 179, 361, 363. » Welthen, 38. William, 116, 173. 303. 3i5. 3i6, 31". 398. Rice, Andrew J., 163. Deliverance, 33. Henry, 33, 226. Sarah, 163, 226. Richards, , 197. Bartholomew, 6r. David, 174. John, 2. Mary, 61. Sarah, 174, 337, 338. Richardson, Benjamin, 173. Deborah, 173. 48o INDEX OF NAMES Richardson, George, i6s, 298. Hannah, 337, 340. Hannah S., 199. Joseph, 340. Julia A., 298. Lydia, 165. Susan, io6. Ricker, Daniel, 85. Ebenezer, 133. Elizabeth, 71, 351. Esther, 34. George, 35 1- Joseph, 34. Lucy, 85. Mark, 34. Mary, 133. Phineas, 85. Rachel, 85. Sarah, 228, Susan, 34. William, 71. Rideout, Donald E., 311. Frank T., 311. Jennie S., 311. Newton L., 311. Orin T.. 311. Ridley, Mary, 84. Rindge, Artimesia, 367, 370. Ripley, Comfort, 139. William, 139. Risley, Rebecca, 325. Richard, 325. Rivers, Betty, 300. Roach, Mary, 396. Roberts, -, 50, 384, 389, 392. Aaron, 25. Abbie, 71. Abigail, 15, 25, 191, 246. Alonzo, 374. Andretta, 155. Ann, i6s, 213, 228, 232, 307, 319. Benjamin, 96. Betsey, 375- Betsey M., 288. Catherine, 292. Davis, 279. Elizabeth, 99, 100, 139, 157, 184, Ephraim, 155. Esther, 224. Robertson, Mary, 346. Robinson, Abigail, 279, 401. Agnes, 173- Amy J., 204, 206. Aime, 375- Elizabeth, 277. Hannah, 164, 165. Josiah, 173. Mary, 389. Mary E., 206. Nicholas, 389. 216, 319, Robinson, Polly G., 289. Sarah, 279. Timothy, 279. William, 277. William H.. 289. William M., 206. Roderick, Hannah, 305. Joseph, 3j)5. Rogers, , 254, 323. Ada C, 104 Bethiah, 21. Daniel, 266, 320. Dinali, 319. Dolly, 266, 320. Dorothy, 320. Elizabeth, 207, 320. Elizabeth W., 318. Hannah, 335. Hanson R., 320. John, 319. John D., 320. Lucretia, 289. Mary, 4, 320. Mary J., 254. Phebe, 281. Robert, 319, 320. Rose, 320. Samuel, 320. Sarah, 41, 42, 320. Susanna, 319. Rollins, , 30, 249. Abigail, 179. Alniira, 93. Clarissa, 249. Dorcas, 12, 13. Edward, 93. Elizabeth, 19, 161, 171. Helen, 268. John, 357. Joseph, 195. Lydia, 397. Mary, 9, 15, 357 Phebe, 13. Samuel, 179. Sarah, 30, 171, 178, 181. Susanna, 195. Thomas, 13, 15, i8l. William, 197. Ross, Esther, 139, 246, 247. Etta M., 271. George, 240. Joseph H., 186. Mary, 186. Olive, 240. Rothschild, Emily, 208. Rounds, Elsie, 155. Joseph, 15s. Rowe, , 227. Abigail, 211. Benjamin, 211. INDEX OF NAMES 481 Rowe, Betsey, 31. James, 31- Jane, 86. Mehitable, 227 Richard, 86. Rowley, Elnathan, 276. Mary, 276. Royall, Teague, 307, 308, 331. Royes, Charlotte, 103. Rudd, Christopher, 343. Louise, 343. Rumery, Edward, 212. Sarah, 212. Runlett or Rundlett. Abigail, 320. Anna M., 321. Caroline, 298. Caroline D., 320. Charles, 298, 320. Charles W., 320. Christiana, 320. Climena B., 369. Elijah, 320. Eliza, 320. Elizabeth, 321. Ellen M., 320, 321. Eugene P., 321. George, 320. Harold M., 321. John, 320, 321, 387. Lucy, 320. Lydia, 320. Mary, 320. Mary A., 186, 321. Mattie M., 321. Samuel, 320, 321. Sarah, 321, 369, 387. Sarah A., 155, 320. Sarah N., 321. Susan, 320. Susan, F., 387. William F., 155. Runnels (see Reynolds). Russell, Abigail, 306. George W., 238. Joseph, 306. Margery, 306. Mary A., 238. Pamelia, 306. Peter, 306. Thaxter, 238. Washington, 306. Ruth, John C, 38. Nellie M., 38. Ryan, Edmund, 363. Elizabeth, 44. Hannah, 363. Michael, 44. Sabin, Viola, 206. 31 Salter, -. 24s. Dorothy, 29, 197. Elizabeth, 24s. John, 29. Titus, 29. Sampson, Hannah, 324. Sarah, 59, 62, 24s, 362. Sanborn, , 171. Abner, 13. Lavina, 122. Lois, 395- Martha, 242. Mary, 174. 393. Nancy A., 73. Phineas, 395. Polly, loi. Rachel, 13. Sarah, 181. William, 395. Sanders, Hope, 31s. Maria, 254. Obed, 254- Thomas, 315. Sanderson, Elizabeth, 327. Mary, 8. Sarah, 8. Stephen, 8. Sargent, Daniel T., 130. Deborah, 130. Esther, 104. Satchel, Elinor, 159, 160. John, 160. Satchwell, Mar>', 176. Saunders, , 142. Comfort, 142. Eliza, 38. Savage, Betsey, 15, 168. Elizabeth, 367. Samuel, 168. Saw>-er, Abigail, 322. Alice M., 322. Ann, 321. Betsey, 296. Charles G., 322. Charles H., 199. Clarissa, 67. Daniel F., 125. David, 67. Deborah, 396. Eleanor, 171. Eugene H., 322. George, 296. George F., 199. Gorham H., 322. Hannah, 6, 52, 56. Isaac F., 321. Isaac N., 321. James C, 199. Jane L., 322. John, 67. 482 INDEX OF NAMES Sawyer, John T., 322. Josiah, 321. Keziah, 239. Lena A., 322. Lester L., 322. Mary, 129, 165, 321. Mary A., 125. Mar>' E., 217. Mary P., 199. Moses, 321. Rebecca, 321. Richard. 165. Ruth, 321. Samuel, 321. Sarah, 56, 212. Susanna, 67. Tirza, 321. Warren D., 322. WiUiam, 56, 321. Saywood, Henry, 225. Scales, Abraham, 266, 360. Anna, 265. Ebenezer, 265. Edward, 388. Hannah, 247. Lois, 265, 266. Mar>', 360. Matthew, 360. Samuel, 247. Sarah, 266, 360. Susanna, 388. Schoonmaker, Charles J., 231. Etta F., 231. Thomas W., 231. Scott, Alice H., 322. Betsey, 322. Charles A., 322. Charles P., 322. Charlotte, 112. Clarence W., 322. Harold T., 372. Harriet M., 322. Helen P., 372. Lydia, 60. Sumner, 112. Susan H., 112. Walter W., 372. Scribner, Bessie B., 104. John W., 104. Mary, 104. Sarah, 279. Scriggins, John, 388. Keziah, 388. Molly, 388. Thomas, 85. Scruton, Jane, 144, 147. Sears, Rebecca, 380. Seavey, Comfort, 355, E., 287. Mary, 287. Seawood, Abraham, 400. Mary, 175. Samuel, 175. Sarah, 399, 400. Senter, Lavinia T., 79. Mary, 263. Severence, Clarissa, 199. Roswell, 199. Seward, , 369. Eunice, 118. Frank, 70. George, 118. Mary, 193. 225- Mary A., 70. Mary J., 369. Richard, 225. Seyes, John, 323. Shackford, Elizabeth, 308. Samuel, 308. Shaw, Abigail, 151. Arlena, 39. Betsey, 384. Cecil F., 349. Charlotte, 67. Deborah, 163. Dorothy L., 39. Elizabeth, 252. Gilbert E., 39. Gilbert P., 39. John W., 252. Joseph, 163. Marion A., 39. Mary J., 39. Mildred E., 39. Nettie, 349- Octavia, 67, 72. Sheafe, Mehitable, 197, 336, 337. Sheffield, William, 275. Sheldon, Jane, 284. Shepard or Shepherd. , 19. 65. Alden P., 218. Anne, i2i. Betsey, 65, 214. Deborah, 323. Elizabeth, 323. Hannah, 248, 402. Henrietta, 218. Jacob, 402. John, 248, 323, 33S. Lydia, 214. Margaret, 323. Martha J., 289. Mar>', 323. Mary L, 402. Molly, 214. Polly, 242, 323. Rebecca, 323. Samuel, 214, 323. Sarah, 65. INDEX OF NAMES 483 Shepard or Shepherd. Sobriety, 214. Susanna, 323, 335- William, 214, 323. Sherburne, Artha M., 192. Catherine, 40. Charles G., 398. Elizabeth I., 346. Hannah R., 192, 398. Henry, 40, 244. Isaac G., 192. Mary, 244. Phebe, 30. Rebecca, 244, 300. Samuel, 211. Sarah, 211. Sherman, , 121. Elizabeth, 7, 94, 121. Warren P., 121. Short, James, 21. Kate, 21. Shrives, George, 272. Hannah A., 272. Shute, Andrew B., 207. Catherine, 207. Elizabeth, 6. John W., 207. Marj', 207. Patience, 207. Sias, Abigail. 324, 325- Abigail S., 325. Amelia, 325. Ann, 292, 307, 319. 323- Anne, 324. Benjamin, 324. Charles, 324. Clement, 323, 324, Comfort. 324. Elizabeth, 324. Hannah, 292, 323, 324. John, 292, 307, 319. 323, 324. Joseph, 264, 323, 324. Judith, 324. Lois, 324, 325- Lydia, 324. 325- Mary, 88, 325. Mary W., 325. Nancy, 325, 337- Nathaniel, 324, 325, 337- Phebe, 324. Rachel, 276, 324. Rebecca. 325. Rebecca R., 325. Ruth, 264, 324. Samuel, 323, 324, 325- Solomon, 114, 324. Susanna C, 32s. Tamesin, 324. Welthen D., 325. Sides, Betsey, 402. Sides, Nathaniel, 402. Silloway, Fannie, 257, 258. Silver. , 112. Simons. John, i. Simpson, , 295. Andrew, 240, 253, 325. Andrew L., 325. Arthur W., 378. Caroline, 325. Ethel C, 378. Henry, I95- James, 325. Lizzie, 242. Lydia, 240, 325. Nancy, 156. Sarah. 26, 183, 253, 325. Sinclair, Bradbury, 35. Sarah. 35. Skillings, Deborah, 158. Sarah. 158. Skinner, Elizabeth, 181. John, 181. Sleeper. Lura M., 218. Sloper, Bridget, 244 Marj', 244. Richard, 244. Small. .Alice, 326, 398. Benjamin, 326, 327. Betty C, 327. Charles H., 251. Damaris, 326. Edward. 309, 326, 327, 393. Elizabeth, 326, 327. Francis. 326. George S., 327. Hannah, 326, 327. Isaac, 327. James. 327. Jane, 114, 326. Jemima, 96, 326, 327. Joanna, 326. John. 327. Jonathan, 326. Joseph, 96, 326. Love, 327- Martha E.. 251. Marj-. 326, 327, 393. Nathaniel, 327. Patience, 326. Samuel, 22. Sarah, 309, 326, 327. Zachariah, 114, 326. Smalley, Dean F., 378. Lucia S., 378. Smallidge. Elizabeth, 318. Smart, Abigail, 45. Albert M., 328. Alice A., 235, 381. Amos, 327, 328. Anna, 162. 484 INDEX OF NAMES Smart, Benning, 169. Betsey, 169. Carrie, 327. Charles A., 49, 328. Charles E., 217. Charles H., 328. Charlotte, 301. Clarence I., 124, 305, 328. Comfort, 26s, 269. Cora A., 124, 328. Daniel, 248. Edwin, 327. Elizabeth, 328. Ellen M., 112, 327. Elmer B., 217. Elmer W., 328. Enoch, 327. Everett E., 328. Fanny, 327. Forrest H., 328. George, 327- Grace B., 327, 328. Hannah, 36, 39. 248, 327, 328. Henrietta, 328. Isabell E., 328. James, 328. James F., 328. James G., 328. James M., 217, 328. John, 213, 302, 327, 328. John H., 327. 328. John M., 112, 327. Jonathan, 132. Joseph, 45. Louisa, 328. Maria N., 328. Mary, 49, 132. Mar>- A., 217, 328. Mary E., 328. Mary J., 328. Mehitable, 301. Nancy, 125. Nellie, 327, 328. Robert, 301, 327. Samuel, 235. Sarah, 327, 328, 385. Sarah A. ,328. Sarah M., 217. Susan, 328. Vella, 328. William, 385. Smith, Abigail, 15, 335. 337. 338. Abigail C, 344- Ada B., 341. Addison, 338. Albert G., 345. Alfred, 336, 337. Alice, 332. Almira, 340. Andrew, 335, 336. Smith, Andrew G., 170, 335, 344. Andrew J., 344. Ann, 124, 337. Anna, 335, 338. Anna M., 8. Annie, 338. Archabel, 326. Belle H., 272. Benjamin, 334, 335, 337, 338, 395. Bertha B., 345. Bertha P., 199. Betsey, 10, 35, 36, 236, 337, 338. 340, 343, 358. Bryant, 337. Caroline E., 134. Catherine, 344. Charles, 338. Charles M., 236, 340. Charlotte, 103, 338, 344. Christopher R., 344. Clarissa, 336, 337. Comfort, 54. I39. 336. Cora A., 124, 328. Cyrus G., 344- Daniel, 139, 289, 336, 338, 340, 349. Daniel S., 338. Deborah, 134, 139, 170, 285, 301, 332, 334, 336, 344- Dorothea, B. 343. Dorothy, 320. Dorothy M., 272. Ebenezer, 129, 197, 312, 334, 336, 337, 340, 344. Edward, 335- Eleanor, 332, 338, 340. Eliphalet, 337. Elizabeth, 17, 41, 42, 48, 52, 54, 123, 177, 246, 266, 312, 330, 331. 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337. 338, 340, 357, 393- Ella P., 340. 373- Ella T., 340. Ellen, 341. Elsie, 395- Emily, 338. Ephraim, 332. Eunice, 340. Eustace B., 343, 344. Ezra, 337, 345- Forrest S., 342, 371. Frances C, 103. Frances D., 340. Fred W., 272. George, 36, 329. 330, 336. George L., 344. / Hamilton, 340, 342. 343- Hamilton B., 343. Hannah, 41, 60, 83, I77. 3i6, 320, 331, 33a, 333. 334. 335. 336, 337, 340, 380. Henry, 337- Henr\' B., 340. INDEX OF NAMES 485 Smith, Henry H., 344. Huntington, 343. Ida H., 341. Isabell, 341. Jacob S., 337. James, 95. 265, 267. 291, 330, 331. 332, 335. James G., 338. James S., 340. Jemima, 334. 335. 337. 338. Jeremiah, 334. Jesse W., 338. Joanna, 288, 289, 330, 338. John, IS, 42, 48, 52, 232, 233, 330, 331, 332 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338, 339. 344. 393- John D., 344. John E., 340. John G., 334- John M., 337, 340. 344. Joseph, 17, 54, 83, 114, 143, 14s, 190, 246. 262, 28s, 317, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 341. 357- Joseph E., 340. Joseph H., 337, 344. Joseph W. P., 344. Joshua, 336. Joshua B., 340, 373. Judith, 35. Laura J., 343. Leonard, 339. Levi J., 103. Louisa, 340, 343. Louise S., 340. Love, 233, 337. Lydia, 233, 335, 337, 340, 345. Lydia M., 233, 338, 340. Malinda, 36. Marcia, 337. Margaret, 162, 197, 334, 335, 336, 338. Maria, 397. Martha, 33, 340, 341, 343. Martha A., 341. Mary, 44, 58, 61, 6s, 82, 107, 124, 130, 177, 179. 232, 236, 289. 331, 332, 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 357. 394- Mary A., 272, 340, 347- Mary B., 344. Mary C, 340. Mary E., 340, 341. Mary G., 340. Mary J., 339. 34i- Mary J. S., 349. Mary M., 344. Mary N., 197, 199. Mary W., 338. Matilda, 339- Medora A., 372. Mehitable, 79. 336, 337. 338. Millet J., 338. Moody, 344. Nancy, 231, 325, 33s, 337, 339, 344. Smith, Newman, 330. Noah, 139. Palmer, 344. Patience. 245, 334.''395. Polly, 337. 344- Polly B., 338. Ralph, 8. Ralph L., 343. Rebecca, i, 330, 333. Richard, 61, 320. Robert, 334. Rosa, 339- Roscoe, 134. Samuel, 41, 42, 60, 124, 177, 211, 292, 330, 331. 333. 334. 335. 336. Sarah, 56, 60, 95, 14s. 211, 265. 267, 287, 330, 331. 332. 334. 335. 336. 337, 338, 340, 344. 358. Sarah A., 339, 342, 371. Sarah P., 344. Stephen, 339. Susan R., 340. Susanna, 42, 52, 291, 333, 335, 336, 345. Tamson, 172. Temperance, 334- Thomas, 330, 332, 339. Thomas M., 337, 338, 340. Valentine, 10, 236, 337. 339. 342. Vella, 328. Walter, 335. Warren, 339, 345. Warren A., 345. William, 397. William B., 339, 340. William D. G., 343- William J., 338. William L., 272. William P., 332. Winifred, 342. Winthrop, 325, 334. 336, 338, 340, 341. Zeblin, 340. Smithson, Marj', 260. Smythe, George, 329, 330. ■ Joshua, 214. Molly, 214. - Snell, •. 264. Aaron, 184. Abigail, 124, 127, 287, 345, 346. Abraham, 346. Addie, 346. Albert, 346. Albert M., 346. Alfred, 346. Anna, 345. Avis, 346. Carrie E., 346. Charles, 346. Daniel, 346. Deliverance, 345. Edna B., 346. 486 INDEX OF NAMES Snell. Elizabeth, 75, 124, 232, 317, 397. Elizabeth E. G., 346. Elizabeth I., 346. Elizabeth J., 71. Ella A., 346. Emily, 346. Fannie, 346. Frank. 346. Fred, 346. George, 225. Grace D., 346. Hannah, 225, 287. Hosea B., 295, 346. Jay, 346. Joanna, 23, 345. John, 124, 232, 258. 345, 397. Katherine, 345. Lillias, 34S. Lizzie, 346. Louis H., 346. Lydia, 258, 345, 346. Martha, 264, 346. Mary, 23, 345. 346. Mar>- A., 187. Mehitable, 345, 346. Nathaniel, 346. Nehemiah C, 346. Nehemiah R., 346. Norman L, 346. Olive, 346. Polly, 184. Paul, 346. Rose, 346. Samuel, 221, 345. Sarah, 221. Solomon, 317. Susan, 346. Temperance, 345. Thomas, 23, 287, 345, 346. \'iola, 346. William, 34s, 346. Snow, , 180. Benjamin, 86. Eliza. 86. Margaret, 399. Somerby, Miss, 30. Soule, Harriet, 244, 378. Hattie, 378. John P., 244, 378. Lucia A., 244. Spalding, Abigail, 279. Jonathan, 279. Speed, .Abigail, 366. Polly, 366. William, 366. Spencer, Abednego, 220, 346. Abigail, 220, 256, 346, 357- Dorothy, 261. Ebenezer, 256, 346, 357. 345. 395. Spencer, John, 346. Judith, 346. Levi, 346. Mary, 232, 346. Molly, 346. Moses, 346. Robert, 346. Sarah, 305, 306, 346. Welthen, 220, 346. Spinney, Deborah, 257. Eben, 194. Ella, 194. Isaac, 375- John, 40, Marj-, 40. Susan, 375. Tamsen, 142. Thomas, 142. William, 257. Spoflford, George A., 188. Julia A., 188. Spokesfield, Elizabeth, 295. Springer, Joanna, 277. Spurling, Adeline, 154. Bridget, 33. Sabrina, 154. Thomas, 33. Squier or Squire. Bernard, 256, 382. Margaret, 141, 256. 382. Stacpole or Stackpole. Anna W., 261. Elizabeth, g. Everett S., 258. Ichabod, 106. James, 9, 204. Margaret, 204. Maria, 106. Martha, 32. Mar>- J., 288. Mercy, 204. Minerva, 106. Philip, 32, 204. Sarah, 204. Stacy or Stacey. Benjamin, 206. Ella A., 217. Evelyn H., 217. Frank A., 217. Gertrude, 217. Herbert, 217. Leroy B., 217. Lydia, 381. Robert B., 381. Stanwood, Rachel, 171. Staples, Pauline. 113. Starbird, Angeline, 188. Caroline. 112. Elizabeth, 139. James, 188. INDEX OF NAMES 487 Starbird, John, 188. Olive. 188. Rebecca, 139. Samuel, 139. Stephen, H2. Starbuck, Edward, 137. Starkweather, Mr., 365. Steele, Caroline, 347. Harriet K., 347. Janet, 347- John, 347. Jonathan, 347, 348. Julia, III. Lydia, 347, 348- Margaret, 347. Margery S., 347- Mary A., 347. Richard, 347. Stevens, Abigail, 68. 182, 265. Agnes G., 350. Albert, 349. 350. Ann, 109, 169, 191, 232, 348. Anna E., 350. Anne, 376. Annie, 349. Barnard J., 3S0. Benjamin, 103, 348. Bertha M., 350. Betsey, 3S0. Betty, 348, 349- Carl H., 350. Caroline, 349. Carrie, 327. Catherine, 266, 349, 350. Charles E., 350. Charlotte, 349. . Clara E., 350. Clarence E., 350. Clarissa, 376. Clark, 93- Clark D., 349. Darius, 349. David, 349. 350. David A., 350. Deborah, 348, 349. Dorothy, 93. 348. Drusilla, 349. Durrell, 376. Edith, 349. Edward, 349. Edward B., 80. Elizabeth, 211, 348. 349, 350. 361, 362. Elizabeth A., 269. Ethel O., 350. Fannie, 349. Federal B., 349. Flora, 349. Frank L., 327. Franklin A., 350. George D., 112, 350. Stevens, Georgie A., 350. Gertrude I., 112, 350. Hannah, 161, 163, 248. 348, 349, 350, 360. Hannah F., 350. Hannah L., 200. Harriet, 349. Harriet A., 349. Harriet F., 349. 350, 388. Harry E., 350. Helen, 350. Henry, 3. Hubbard, 188, 348, 360, 362. Irving C, 350. James, 134, 349- James M., 350. Janet B., 80. Janet L., 80, 350. Jennie, 350. Joanna, 348. John, 182, 348. 349. 388. John E., 350. John W., 350. Jonathan, 107, 348, 349- Joseph, 191. 232, 248. 266, 348, 350. Katherine, 348. Lester G., 350. Lewis A., 349. Lydia, 348. Lydia A., 266. Margaret, 80. Martha. 13. 36. 107, 176, 349.350. Martha A., 350. Martha F., 349. Martha J., 349- Mary, 95. 96, loi, 103, 132, 348. 349. 350. 354- 360, 362, 389- Mary A., 349, 387. Mary D.. 349. Mar>- E., 350. Mary F.. 134. Mary J. S., 349. Moses. 348, 360. Nancy, 169. Nathaniel, 168, 169, 349. Nettie. 349. Parker. 349, 389. Patty, 348. Rebecca, 168. Richard P., 80. Samuel, 36, 349, 350. Samuel W., 349. Sarah. 103, 349. Sarah V., 350. Sophia, 169, 349- Susan, 349. Tamson, 113. Wilfred E., 350. William. 13. William J.. 349- Zilla A., 271. 488 INDEX OF NAMES Stevenson, Abigail, 142, 352. Abraham, 351, 352. Ann, 141, 3SI, 332. Anna, 33, 50, 352. Bartholomew, 351, 352, 384, 390. Deborah, 351, 352. E. S., 352. Elizabeth, 331. 332, 390. Hannah, 351, 332. Iset, 332. James, 352. Joaima, 19, 351. John, 351, 352. Joseph, 33, 50, 141, 196, 350, 351, 352. Lemuel, 142, 332. Margaret, 142, 193, 196, 350, 331. 352, 390. Mar>-, 331, 332, 384, 390. Philip, 332. Richard, 352. S. S., 332. Sarah, 142, 331, 352, 383, 3S4. T.S., 352. Thomas, 142, 146, 196, 318, 330, 352. 390. Stewart, Charles, 276. Hannah, 276. William, i. Stickney, Alexander H., 72. Elizabeth, 72. Martha C, 302. Stiles, Edith C, 299. Mar>', 221. Samuel, 221. Stilson, Abigail, 314. Ann, 353. Daniel C, 113, 333- Ednah. 333. Eleanor R. K., 113, 333- Elizabeth, 252, 333. George, 333- Henry, 314. James, 353. \ John, 353- Lettice, 163. 164, 333. MoUy, 332. Nancy, 232, 333. Polly, 249. Sarah, 249, 332, 333. Susan, 333. William, 249, 232, 332, 333. Stockbridge. , 301. Henry, 193. Lydia, 195. Pegg>', 86. Stockman, John, 13. Lydia, 15. Stokes, Abigail, 38, 382. Asa, 382. Joseph, 266. Ruth, 266. Sarah, 113, 124. Stone, David, 64. Deborah, 64. Leah, 312. Lydia, 2S7. Stoodley, Elizabeth, 132. Storer, Ada P., 73. William, 84. Straw, Augusta F., 235. Lydia J., 238. Strong, Elizabeth, 213. Strout, Abigail, 269. Stuart, Bartholomew, 76. Elizabeth A., 73. Frank, 73, 75- Styles, Deborah, 238. William, 238. Sullivan, Abigail, 347. Almira, 349. Benjamin, 347. Bridget, 217. Clarissa, 348. Daniel, 347. Ebenezer, 347. Elizabeth, 349. George, 348. James, 297, 347, 348, 399. John, 86, 196, 347, 348, 399, 400. Lydia, 347, 348. Margery, 347, 348. Martha, 347. Mary, 347, 399- Mehitable, 297, 347. Phihppa, 348. Sarah, 399, 400. Sutcliffe, Emma, 125. Swain, Chapman, 276. David, 142. Frank, 73. Hephzibah, 391. Ivy M., 73. Jennie, 2S7. Jonathan, 391. Mary, 30. Molly, 42. Richard, 77. Sarah, 77, 276, 309- Swan, Clyde M., 321. Sarah N., 321. Swazey, Nettie L, 73. Swett, Franklin, 303. Lorinda M., 402. Luella E., 303. Nathaniel W., 402. Sarah, 6. Sarah E., 303. Stephen, 6. Sylvester, Adrian P., 113. Augustus A., 113. Ethel M., 113. Frank A., 113. INDEX OF NAMES 489 Sylvester, Marion M., 114. William, 113. Symes, Annie E., 299. Doris, 299. Frank, 299. Joseph, 299. Merton, 299. Roland, 299. Symonds, John, 222. Samuel, 222. Symons, John, 202. Welthen, 202. Tappan, Sarah, 80. Tash, Elizabeth, 174. Jacob. 334. 357. Martha, 82, 182. Marj'. 155, 174- Nancy, 134- Patience, 334. 357- ' Thomas, 82, 225. Vincent, 144. Tasker, Abigail, 252, 354. 355- Andrew, 354. Augusta H., 356. Betty, 354. 355- Captain, 220. Charles, 356. Comfort, 355, 3S6. Curtis, 23S, 356. Cynthia, 397. Daniel, 354- David B., 356. Ebenezer, 60, 117, 354, 355, 356. Elizabeth, 60, 334. 355. 356. Elizabeth M., 356. Emeline L., 238. Fanny A., 69. George, 356. George W., 356. Gilbert, 355. Hannah, 354. Henry, 356. Ira, 355. Israel, 354- James, 354. Jeremiah, 356. John, 96, 252, 354, 355. Jonathan, 355. Joseph, 252, 355. Judith, 96, 354- Lois, 145, 148. 333. 355- Louis, 354. Louisa, 356. Lucy B., 356. Lucy J., 356. Lydia, 355, 356. Lydia A., 356. Mary. l, 117, 303, 353. 354. 355- Mary D., 356. Tasker. Mary J., 356. Mehitable, 355. Miles, 354. Miss, 354. Nancy, 356. Nathaniel, 355. Paul, 355. 356. Polly. 355. Rebecca. 354. Samuel. 354. 355. 3S6. Sarah, 354. 355. 356. Seth, 355. Thomas U., 3S6. Vinnia, 355. William, i, 130, 353. 354. 355. 356. WUliam O., 356. Tate. , 38s. Betsey. 171. I7S. John, 175. Tatner. Elizabeth, 350, Taylor. Abigail, 212. Daniel. 362. Eliza. 228. Ella E., 112. Hannah, 362. Jeremiah, 162. Jonathan, 212. Judith, 262. Judith P., 202. Millard B., 112. Rebecca, 188. Sarah. 183- Sidney E., 112. Susan, 171, 172. William, 228. Teague, Caroline, 112. Teri. Esther M., 307. Samuel, 307 Terr>\ Louisa, 340. Tewksburj-, Sarah, 164. Thomas, 164. Thing. Hannah L.. 104. Jeremiah B.. 104. Thissell, Charlotte, 349- Thomas, Abigail, 59, 14s. 150, 232, 357, 358. Abigail C, 173. Alice, 20, 358. Ann, 358, 365. Anna, 31, 32. Anne, 357. Benjamin, 357. Betsey, 338, 3S8. Betty, 358. Betty J.. 358. Bradbury J., 338, 358. Doctor, 375- Elizabeth, 12, 52, 56, 81, 96, 107, 160, 333, 357. 338. Elsie. 358. Hannah, 190. 490 INDEX OF NAMES Thomas, Huldah, 37. Isaac, 37. Jacob, 142. James, 59, 80, 81, 82, 107, 202, 219, 333, 357. John, 150, 338, 358. Joseph, 173, 232, 357, 358. Judith, 358. Levey, 358. Martha, 32, 81, 202, 219, 357. Mary, 82, 107, 190, 333, 357, 375. Olive, 298, 358. Patience, 357. Rhuhama, 175, 358. Sarah, 338, 358. Sobriety, 81, 82, 357. Sophia, 375. Stephen J., 20, 358. Temperance, 142, 173, 357, 358. W'elthen, 58, 143, 177. 219, 357. Wilham, 190. Thompson, Abbie, 227. Abbie J., 37, 365. Abby S., 369- Abigail, 44, 177, 178, 179. 237, 3i3, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364. 365, 366, 369. 381, 400. Abigail E., 370. Abigail J., 368. Abraham, 67. 369. Ada M,, 372. Adeline, 366. Ai B., 362. Alexander, 359, 365. Alice, 361. Alice G., 372. Almon, 367. Alvin, 369. Amanda F., 366. Amias, 358. Ann, 191, 261, 365. Ann M., 367, 368, 370. Anna, 345. Anna L., 366, 372. Anne, 78, 267, 364. Anne H., 367. Annie L., 373. Annie W., 370, 371. Arthur, 373. Arthur G., 372. Arthur J., 370. Artimesia, 367, 370. Asa, 367. Benjamin, 360, 361, 363. 364, 366, 367, 368, 370. Betsey, 365, 369- Betty, 3S8. Burtrous, 372. Caroline, 367. Caroline E., 369. Carrie G., 372. Thompson, Charles, 364. Charles A. C, 104, 370, 372. Charles E., 36s, 369. Charles F., 372. Charles H., 371. Charles J., 368. Charles O., 365. Charlotte A., 371. Clara, 369. Clarence G., 373. Climena B., 369. Comfort, 176, 366, 369. Daniel F., 189, 366. 369. Daniel G., 369. David, 358, 364, 36s. Deborah, 67, 212, 363, 369. Dolly, 362. Dora F., 372. Drusilla, 364. Ebenezer. 120, 261, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373. 374. Edith, 366. Edmund, 178, 233, 362, 364, 400. Edmund E., 363. Edwin J., 369. Eliza. 366. Eliza J., 372. Elizabeth, iii, 211, 314, 348, 360. 361, 362, 363. 364, 366, 367. 368, 369. Elizabeth P., 126, 128, 371. Elizabeth S., 368. Ella, 368, 388. Ella P., 340, 373. Ellen A., 369. Elmer, 182, 366. Elsie, 358. Elsworth, 366. Emeline, 126. Emma, 366. Ernest W., 372. Estella M., 37'2. Fidelia, 368. « Francis, 373. Frank L., 368. Freddie, 368. Frederick W., 372. Fremont, 366. Gale, 373. George E., 369. 372. George J., 366. George W., 367, 371- Hannah, 62, 117, 118, 121, 122, 177, 179, 348, 360, 361, 362, 363. Hannah E. W., 367. Hannah J., 365. Hannah T., 257. Harriet, 398. Helen F., 372. Helen G., 373. Helen P., 373. INDEX OF NAMES 491 Thompson, Iletta F., 372. Hill, 367. Hiram, 37-2- Hubbard, 362. Hugh, 363. Ida, 372. Ida B., 370. Ida F., 368, 370. Irving A., 370. Isaac, 362, 363. Isaac R., 371. Jacob H., 370. Jacob W., 367. 370. James, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364- James H., 364. Jane, 120, 362, 363. 367. 368, 37i- Jane A., 364. Jay, 366. Jeanette A., 369. Jeremiah, 363. Job, 44, 126, 363. 366. John, 177, 210, 237, 348, 358, 359. 360, 361, 362, 364, 365. 366, 368, 369. 393, 397. John B., 367. John C, 172. 368. John E., 129, 364, 368, 371 John H., 366. John W. E., 78, 369. 372. Jonathan, 41, 42, 118, 314. 317. 360, 361, 363. 366, 367, 368, 369, 387. Jonathan B., 367. Jonathan D., 371. Jonathan R., 365. Joseph, 62, 313, 361, 362, 369. Joseph P., 366. Josiah B., 371. Josiah D., 109. Judith, 359. Julia F., 365. Keziah, 365, 367. 369- Le Roy, 366. Levi, 176, 366, 369. Lizzie E., 372. Lizzie L., 369. . Lois, 366. Lois J., 182. Louisa. 366. Louisa J., 104, 370, 372. Louise M., 373. Love, 151, 174. 237, 362, 363. 366, 397- Lucien, 373- Lucinda J., 367, 370, 373- Lucy, 369. Lydia, 280, 366. Lydia M., 366. Margery, 372. Martha, 364, 367. Martha A., 371. Martha W., 367. Thompson, Mary, 78, 79, 221, 261 360, 361, 362, 363.364, 365. 368, 369, 370, 372, 374- Mary A., 369, 400. Mary E., 365. 369, 370, 37i- Mary F., 189, 366, 369. Marj' H., 311. Mary ]., 129, 368, 369, 371. 372- Mary L., 371, 373. Mary P., 223, 371. Medora, 370, 372. Mercy, 204. Miles, 362. Minnie F., 368. Moses, 364, 400. Nancy, 37, 364. 400. Nancy C, 364. 373- 314. 348, 366. 367, 348, 360. 361, 362, 400. Nancy G., 371 Nancy J., 365. Nancy S., 365. Nathaniel, 211 Nelson, 367. Nicholas, 364. Noah, 363. Olive, 362. Olive A., 372. Olney, 280. Parthenia, 366. Patience, 360, 389. Pelatiah, 363. 367. 369. 370. Percival, 373. Polly, 172, 174. 211, 362, 363. 366, 367. 387. „ Reuben, 366. Rhoda, 368, 371. Rhoda E., 372. Richard, 212. Robert, 177. I79. 243,359, 360, 361, 363. 367, 369- Robert G.. 373- Ruth E., 373- Samuel, 179. 317, 345, 361, 362, 363. 364. 365, 366, 368, 371. Samuel W., 368. Sarah, 41, 59, 60, 118, 207 261, 266, 317.348,359.360, 3f>I. 364. 36s. 368, 369. 393, 397. Sarah A., 342, 365. 37 1- Sarah E., 364. Seth, 360. Stephen. 368. Stephen J., 364- Stephen M.. 364- Susan, 317. 363. 366. Susan A.. 78, 369. 372. Susan E., 109. Susan J.. 364, 365- Susanna. 179. 233. 36r, 363. 364. 367, 369. 370. Syh-ester. 369- 239. 245, [,362,363. 492 INDEX OF NAMES Thompson, Thomas, 358. Thomas M., 365. Victoria, 366. Walter, 311. William, 358, 359, 360, 365, 369, 37o, 37i. 372. William F., 365- William H., 370, 372, 373- Thorndike, John L., 237. Maria, 237. Thome, Joanna, 348. Thurlow, Rachel, 267. Thurston, John, 169. Mar>- E., 365. Susan, 169. Walter, 365. Tibbetts, , 23, 91. 142, 352. Abigail, 22. Ann, 162. Bridget, 117, 390, 391. Charles, 121. Elijah, 143. Elizabeth, 22, 23, 276, 307, 308. Henry, 35, 276, 390. Ichabod, 142. Israel, 70, 179. Jeremy, 22. Joanna, 70, 253. John, 276. Joseph, 23, 177, 219. Judith, 22, 23. Love, 143, 317. Lydia, 346. Martha, 23. Martha W., 283. Mary, 394. Nathaniel, 308, 391. Rebecca, i, 382. Richard, 283. Samuel, 382. Sarah, 25, 35, 118, 120, 177, 219, 276. Sarah A., 121. Susanna, 179. Tilton, Abigail, 211. Emma S., 218. Hannah, 168. Titcomb, Abigail, 141, 302. Ann, 141. Benjamin, 141. Daniel, 141. Elizabeth, 141. Enoch, 141. John, 141. Mary, 141, 394. Sarah, 141. Tobey, Andrew, 174. Eunice, 174. Nat. D., 113. Sarah, 113. Todd, Mary, 281. Torr, Abigail, 374, 375. Andrew, 126, 155. 209, 232, 374, 376. Anna, 376. Anne, 373. Benedictus, 374. Benjamin, 374. 375. 376. Betsey, 375. Betsey F., 375. Caroline, 376. Charlotte, 376. Clarissa, 376. Deborah, 209, 374. Delia B., 376. Eliza, 376. Elizabeth W., 376. Eugene H., 376. Eunice, 83, 123, 286, 287, 374. George E., 376. George J., 376. George W., 376. Georgia H., 376. Harriet A., 377. John, 375, 37^, 377. John M., 375. Jonathan H., 375. Joseph, 376. Joseph J., 374. 376. Julia M., 376. Leah, 374. Lois, 286, 287, 363. 374. 37s. 376. Mary, 78, 126, 232, 261, 361, 363, 374. 375. 376. Mary E., 376. Mary J., 377. Mattie, 375. Mehitable, 289, 374, 375, 376. Nancy, 271, 286, 302, 374, 376. Phebe, 375. Polly, 376. Reuben H., 376. Sarah, 120, 126, 366, 374. 375, 376. Sarah A., 377. Simon, 374, 375, 376. Simon J., 377. Sophia, 375. Susan, 375. Susanna, 375. Vincent, 287, 363, 374. 375. 376. Towle, , 294. Abigail, 252. Amy L., 113. Ann M., 294. Caleb L., 113. Charles H., 113. Everett L., 113. George G., 113. George W., 113. Hiram G., 113. INDEX OF NAMES 493 Towle, Irving W., 113. Madeline M., 113. Martha A., 112, 113. Maud E., 113. Raymond D., 113. Retta A., 113. Robey, 252. Sarah A., 112. Vivian C, 113. Towne, "Eliza D., 157. Tovvnsend, Margaret, 212. Tozier, Elizabeth, 312. Richard, 312. Trask, Mary, 376. William, 376. Tredick, Mar>- A., 165. William O., 165. Trefethen, John L., 9. Maud A., 9. Phebe, 239. Trickey, — •, 243. Alice, 332. Catherine A., 186. Clarissa, 112. Elizabeth, 10, 304. George, 349- John F., 186. Joseph, 183. Joshua, 304. Keturah, 256. Lois, 279. Mary, 26, 332- Mary J., 349- Rebecca. 248. Sarah, 183, 246, 247, 260, 287. Thomas, 26, 256. William, 279. Zachariah, 244. Zebulon, 24. True, Mercy, 170. Tucker, Elizabeth, 141. Philip, 16. Sophronia, 289. Tufts, Abbie J., i34- John, 134- Sarah F., 251. Willard, 251- Turner, John, 160. Robert, 209. Starbird, 99- Zerviah, 99. . Tuttle, , 26s. Abigail, 38. 27s. 377. 382. Alice, 104. Andrew, 123. Ann, 261. Augusta, 38. Betsey, 183. Caroline, 289. Tuttle, Charlotte, 300. David, 33. Deborah, 100, 261. Ebenezer, 261. Elijah, 355. Eliza A., 289, 291. Elizabeth, 10, 84, 162, 171, 401. Elizabeth A., 289. Esther, 33. Eunice, 227. Frances, 105. George, 296. Hannah, 175, 247, 258. Hope, IDS, 291. -James, 102, 138, 355- John, 10, 84, 87, 171, 359- Joseph, 14. Judith, loi, 102. Laomi, 389. Levi, 38, 3S8, 382. Lucinda H., 115. Lydia, 105, 254, 286, 288. Mary, 102. Mary A., 132. Mary P., 104. Miles, 115. Morse, 37. Nancy, 87, no, 339. Nancy B., 123. Olive, 88. Patience, 226. Richard H., 289. Samuel, 104. Sarah, 14, 37, ISL 334. 355. 353. Susan, 123, 389. Thomas, 103, 291. William, 300. Twilight, Linnie, 37. Twombly, Abigail, 152. Alexander H., 377. Ann, 377- Charlotte, 153. Deborah, 117, 150. Ephraim, 152. Eunice, 228. Ezekiel, 152. Hope, IDS. 291. Kurd, 105. Irene G., 377. James, 377. Joanna, 288. _ John, 33. 60, 153, 228. John R., 399- Jonathan, 150. Lois, 366. Lydia H., 106, 148, 152. Martha A., 154. Mary, 102, 150. Mary C, 104. 494 INDEX OF NAMES Twombly, Mary E., 377- Nancy, 64. Nathaniel, 154. Polly, 287. Ralph. 377- Sarah, 105. Sarah F., 377- Sarah R., 377- Stephen, 366. Tamsen, 60. Tyler. Jason C 255. Mary A., 255. Ugrove, John, 329- Underwood, Benjamin, 18. John, 18. Mary, 18. Temperance, 18, 253. Urin, Hannah, 171. James, 171. Varney, Aaron, 196. Abigail, 178, 181, 278. Daniel, 77- Deborah, 33, 34- Deliverance, 230, 246, 279. Eli, 388. Esther, 46, 251. Hannah, 196, 388. Henry J., 70. Ida C, 70. James, 281. Joseph, 19, 278, 334- Judith, 279. Lydia, 19, 280. Martha, 77. Mary, 181, 230, 281. Mercy, 35. 37. 230. Phebe, 19. Robert, 181. Sarah, 230. 280. Shubael, 230. Stephen, 230. 246, 279. Temperance, 334- Veasey, Anna, 335. Lydia, 151. Mary, 357- Samuel, 357. Vennard, Susan, 113. Verrill, Charlotte, 30. Vetterline, Flossie B., 258. Fred W., 258. Vibbert, Ann A., 307. lona, 231. Luke, 307. Vinal, Betsey, 345. James, 345- Mary, 296. Sarah A., 255. Vincent, Lucretia, 389. Peggy, 306. Sarah, 183. William, 389. Vittum, Nellie, 328. Wadleigh, Robert, 255. Susanna, 399. Wadlin, Molly, 212. Olive, 212. Wainwright, John, 3. Waitt, Elizabeth, 84. Thomas, 84. Wakefield. Elizabeth, 167, 168. James, 167. John, 167, 168. Keziah. 167. Mary, 167. Rachel, 168, 300. Wakeham, Abigail, 253, 377. Caleb, 48, 173, 377. Ebenezer, 377. Edward, 9, 48, 158, 172, 194, 201, 241, 253, 275. 377. Elizabeth, 171, 172, 377. Mary, 172, 241, 377. Mehitable, 377. Olive, 173. Prudence, 193, 194, 377. Sarah, 9. 48, 172. 194, 241, 253, 275, 277. Thomas. 377. Waldron. , 50. A. Scott, 93. Aaron, 31. Ann P., 10 1. Eleanor, 332. Elizabeth, 12. Hannah. 31, 334. Isaac, 31. John, 61, 283. Marcia, 73. Martha, 142. Mary, 142. Mehitable. 155, 160. Olive, 73. Pamelia, 283. Richard, 84, 142. 334. Sarah. 31. Sarah E.. 93. William. 51. Walford, Thomas, 131. Walker, Abigail, 34. Anna, 18, 159, 161. Caroline, 332. Eleanor, 27. Gideon, 27, 34. Hannah, 178. Harriet, 248. John, 18, 178. INDEX OF NAMES 495 Walker, Lewis, 242. Marion, 242. Mark W., 332. Mary, 18. Mary A., 217, 328. Samuel, 18. Sarah, 332. Seth, 248. Seth S., 332. Susan, 242. Wall, John, 329. Wallace, Anna, 43. Augustus H., 258. Blanche, 258. Marion E., 258. Molly, 43. Sarah, 192. William, 43. Wallingford, , 150. Elizabeth, 169. Lydia, 150. ■ Thomas, 332. Walton, Temperance, 18. Ward, Henry, 184. . Martha, 122. Nancy J., 184. Warner, Daniel, 49, 210, 380, 385. Sarah, 210. Warren, Grissell, 224. James, 224. Margaret, 204, 224. Sarah, 284. Waterhouse, Arthur, 28. DoUa, 148. Hannah, 28. Lydia, 366. Samuel, 28. Watkins, Betsey, 332. Watson, , 324. Abigail, 324. Adolphus E., 283. Alice, 361. Alice L., 378. Anna M., 231. Annie M., 204. Blanche, 204. Chase G., 204. Christian, 384. Clara M., 378. David, 132, 174, 378. David A., 378. David W., 378. Deborah, 363, 389. Earle E., 378. Eliphalet, 204. Eliza H., 283. Elizabeth, 12, 67, 145, 149. Elizabeth A., 378. Elizabeth W., 204. Watson, Ethel C, 378. Eunice. 180. Flora M., 378. George VV^, 378. Gertrude E., 378. Hannah, 10, 85, 241. Harriet, 148. Harvey, 237. Hattie S., 378. Isaac, 149, 365. Jacob H., 389. John, 363- John H., 204. Jonathan, 12. ^ Joseph, 10. Keziah, 85.^ Leon P., 378. Lucia S., 378. Mary, 204. Myles S., 378. Nancy, 174, 236, 237. Nancy H., 102. Philip W., 378. Priscilla, 102. Robert, 10, 241. Samuel, 102. Sarah, 132, 317. Susan J., 365. William, 384. Waymouth. Tabitha, 229. Webb, George. 240, 329. Hannah. 3. Webber, Elizabeth, 266. Josiah, 266. Webster, Davidson, 148. Hannah, 176, 188. John, 176. Lucy C, 148. Lydia, 337. Mary, 176. Reuben, 337. Sarah, 81. Susanna, 393- Wedgewood, Abigail, 13, 14. Eliza, 72. Elizabeth, 172, 174, 265, 337, 338. James, 72. John. 14, 26s, 338. Lot, 337. Weeks, , 197. Eleanor, 367. Hannah, 146, 153. Joshua, 56, 336- Margaret, 197. 334- Martha, 133. Mary, 52, 56, 171, 364. 367. Nicholas, 153. Rhoda, 153- Rhoda O.. 154. 496 INDEX OF NAMES Weeks, Walter, 133. William, 367. William B., 104. Welch, Finett, 122. Jacob, 119, 197. John, 327- Lois, 119 Mary, 327- Polly, 253. Sarah, 93, 150. Wells, Charles, 379. Clarissa S., 379. Edward, 347, 379- - Frederick B., 379. John S., 379- Joseph B., 379. Louise A., 379. Margery, 347, 379- Margery S., 379. Mary, 284, 379. Rebecca E., 379. Samuel, 379. Sarah, 56. Susan, 379. Wendell, George B., 370. Martha F., 283. Mary E., 370 Wentworth, Abra, 169. Alfranzo A., 186. Almena S., 36, 39. Arioch, 204. Augusta C, 255. Bartholomew, 204. Benjamin, 145. Benning, 212. Clara, 186. Deborah, 351, 353. Elizabeth, 30, 99, 145, 169, 170. Francis, 99, Gershom, 55. Hannah J., 318. Hiram S., 318. Jacob, 186. John, 169. 170, 255. Margaret P., 153. Martha A., 204. Nancy, 204. Nettie L, 73. Phebe, 375- Richard, 328. Ruth, 204. Sarah, 41, 84, 328. Susannah M., 204. Tamsen, 52, SS- Timothy, 84. William H., 204. West, Bennett, 3s8. Jacob, 296. Love, 358. West, Mehitable, 296. Westbrook, Thomas, 166. Westcombe, Elizabeth, 27. John, 27. Mary, 27. Weymouth, Marj', 133. Sarah, 133. Whedon, Jane, 171. Wheeler, Abigail, 48, 379, 380. Benjamin, 42. 379, 380. Daniel, 380. Elizabeth, 42, 303, 321, 379, 380. Fannie, 380. Frances, 172, 379. George, 3S0. Hannah, 172, 379, 380. Joanna, 380. John, 303, 379, 380. Joseph, 6, 49, 141, 172, 246, 379, 380. Margaret, 380. Mary, 6., 141, 379. Polly, 380. Rebecca, 380. Richard, 379. Robert B., 380. Sarah, 5, 6, 379, 380. Welthea, A. 380. William, 379, 380. Wheelwright, Hannah, 3. Whidden, Abigail, 265. Elizabeth, 285. Hannah, 133. Ichabod, 265. Jane, 171, 220. John. 229. Michael, 285. Parson, 133. Whineck, Joseph, 166. Whiston, Elizabeth, 264. Whitcher, Abigail, 265. Anna, 265. Benjamin, 265. White, -, 103, 161. Anna F., 103. Eldorus B., 93. Henrietta, 103. John, 359- Joseph, 68. Julia F., 365. Levi, 123. Mary E., 68, 93. Samuel, 67. Sarah J., 153. Sophia, 67. Stephen, 21. William, 161. Whitehorn, Judith, 346. Thomas, 346. Whitehouse, Abigail, 29. INDEX OF NAMES 497 VVIiilehouse. Edwin J., 377. Eleanor, 9. Elizabeth, 279, 385. Harriet A., 377. John S., 29. Jonathan, 279. Louise J., 45- Mehitable, 279. Sarah, 72, 173, 279. William, 9. Whitney, Martha E., 251. Whittemore, Nancy, 376. Whorf, Isaiah A., 199. Man,' L., 199. Wibird, Sarah, 49, 50. Wiggin, . 132, 329, 400. Abigail, 38, 132, 133, 193, 364, 381, 383. Abigail B., 381. Abigail N., 382. Alice A., 235, 381. Andrew, 81, 87, 132, 133, i93, 381. Anne, 382. Benjamin, 142, 352. Betsey, 87. Charles, 380. Charles, H. 152, 381. Cutler, 62, 380. David, 67, 87, 381. Deborah, 67, 132, 382. Drusilla, 381. Eliza, 207, 381. Elizabeth, 381. Frances, 381. George, 381. George A., 146. George J., 235, 364, 381. George T., 381. Hannah, 134, 200, 380, 381, 382. Hannah S., 381. Henry Y., 381. Israel, 382. Issachar, 134, 380. Jacob, .266. James, 381, 382. James L., 381. James S., 381. Jennie M., 152. Jeremiah, 366, 381. John, 381. John F., 146. John M., 381. Joseph W., 382. Judith, 25. Laura, 311. Leonard, 93. Lydia, 62, 301, 380, 381. Margaret, 142, 332. Mary, 132, 379, 381. Mary B., 381. Mary D., 382. 32 Wiggin, Mary P., 380. Mehitable, 381, 382. Moses H., 134,380. Nancy, 37, 146, 151, 382. Nancy S., 381. Nathan, 200. Nellie, 69, 238. Olive, 381. Oliver, 146. Oliver L., 381. Phebe, 381. Polly. 266, 381. Reta R., 187. Rufus, 175. 381. Sarah, 87, 93. I75. 380, 381. Sophia, 301, 380. Sophia J., 381. Susan, 87, 380. Susanna, 62, 380, 381. Thomas, 329, 389. Thomas B., 25, 238, 381. Walter, 87. William, 62, 108, 301, 380, 381. Woodbury, 381. Wigglesworth, , 119. Betsey, 119. Susan, 257. Wilkins, Richard, i. Wilkinson, Alice H., 105. Catherine, 37. Hannah, 105. John H., 105. Rufus, 37. U'illard, Abigail, 355. Dorothy, 25. Frances E., 211. 362. J. T., 211. Polly, 211. Reuben, 355. Willett, Eliza, 80. Willey, Abby L., 387. Abby R., 387. Abigail, [96, 130, 256, 307, 382, 383, 384, 386, 388. Adelaide, 387- ' Albert, 387. Alice, 383. Andrew E., 387. Ann, 124. Anna, 384, 386. Annie M., 387. Alvira, 258, 389. Benjamin, 161, 384, 389. Benjamin G., 388. Benjamin M., 388. Bertha B., 345. Bessie E., 388. Bethiah, 48, 385. Betsey, 384, 387. 388. 389. Bridget, 386. 498 INDEX OF NAMES Willey, Charity, 258, 389. Charles A., 388. Charles D., 387. Charles H., 387. Charles S., 388. Charles W.. 388. Christian, 383, 384. Comfort, 389. Daniel, 389. Deborah, 181. 389. Dorcas, 382, 385. Dorothy, 161, 271, 385, 386, 387. Ebenezer, 174. Edward, 7- Eleanor, 27. Elijah, 389. Eliza, 258, 387, 388. , Eliza P., 388. Elizabeth, 91, 119, I74. 258, 382, 383, 384, 38s, 386. Ella. 388. Ezekiel, 384, 385. Frances, 382, 384, 386, 388. Frances J., 306, 388. Frank E., 388. Gabrielle, 383. Hannah, 115, 131, 3i7. 384. 385, 386, 387, 388. 389. Harriet, 387. Harriet F., 350, 388. Henry, 320. 387. Henry A., 387- Henry E., 388. Honor, 387. Ida, 388. Ira, 349, 387. Isaiah, 386. Jacob, 387. Jacob O., 387- James, lis, 350, 387, 389. James A., 385- James M., 388. James W., 388. Jane, 387, 389. Jennie, 389- Jeremiah, 389. Joanna, 310, 384. John, 59, 130, 181. 256, 257, 382, 383, 384, 385. 388. John C, 388. Jonas, 306. Jonas M., 388. Joseph, 161, 255, 385- Josiah, 385. Judy, 383- Julia, 388. Keziah, 384, 388, 389. Laura, 388. Lucretia, 389. Lucy, 383, 385. Willey, Lydia, 218, 240, 387, 389, 402. Lydia A., 387. Mahala, 384. Margaret, 11, 256, 382, 383, 385, 389. Maria M., 383. Marion L., 387. Mark, 271, 386, 387. Mark E., 387. Martha D., 349. Mar>', 27, 130, 167, 188, 216, 249, 251, 256, 282, 372, 382. 383, 384. 385. 386, 387, 388 389. Mary A., 349. 387, 388. Mary D„ 349. Mary E., 298, 299, 387. Mary H., 112, 388. Mary J., 255, 388. Mehitable, 257, 268, 271, 384, 387. Molly, 384', 386, 389. Moses, 389. Nabby, 389. Nancy, 389. Nathaniel, 385- Olive J., 388. Patience, 386, 389. Paul, 27, 384. Phineas, 325. Polly, 363, 387. 388. Rachel, 388. Rebecca, 382. Robert, 130, 251, 256, 384, 386, 387, 389. Rufus, 88, 298, 386, 387. Rufus \V., 218. Samuel, 132, 351, 382, 383, 384, 385, 387. 388, 389- Sarah, 2, 93, 112, 321, 351, 382, 383. 384, 38s, 387, 388, 389. Sarah A.. 388. Sarah D., 132. Stephen, 241, 307, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 388, 389. Stephen L., 388. Stephen M., 112. Susan, 88, 298, 320, 386, 389. Susan F., 387. Susanna, 59, 385, 388. Susanna B., 389. Tabitha, 388. Theodore, 384. Thomas, 17, 216, 256, 282, 303, 310, 317, 382, 383, 384. 386, 389- Valentine, 124, 389. Walter, 384. William, II, 48, 256, 258, 382, 383. 385. 388. William B., 384. William D., 325. Zebulon, 388. 389. Williams, , 50, 392. Abigail, 92, 39i. Agnes, 190, 389. INDEX OF NAMES 499 Williams, Anne, 391, 392. Avis, 346. Bridget, 117, 390, 39i- Catiierine, 391 Elizabeth, 213, 351. 352. 390, 391, 392. Hannah, 219, 220, 312, 390, 39i- Harrison, 376. Hepzibah, 391. Jane, 11, 391. John, 117, 134, 220, 282, 390, 391, 397. John H., 340. Joseph, 391. 392. Julia M., 376. Lydia, 390. Margaret, 351, 390. . Mary, 11, 300, 389. 390, 391. Mary G., 340. Matthew, 20i, 333. 390. Nathaniel, 2. Olive, 391. Robert, 305, 39 1. 392. Rosilla. 93. Ruth, 220, 390, 391. Samuel, 35, 3Si.-3««. 390, 391. 392. Sarah, 50, 282, 305, 352. 390. 391. 392. 395, 397. Sarah G., 134. Sobriety, 35. 39i- Tamsen, 391. Thamzyn, 389. Thomas, 390, 391. William, 11, 190, 198, 222, 351, 389, 390, 391. Willis, Edward, i. Wilmot, Sarah, 23, 24. Wilson, , 121. Abigail B,, 381. Elizabeth P., 303. Frances, 125. George W., 340. Maria, 121. Mary, 191. Nathaniel, 125. Sarah, 7. Susan R., 340. Winborn, Ebenezer, 4. Elizabeth, 4. Esther, 4. Joanna, 4. John, 4. Lydia, 4, 5. Mary, 4. Prince, 4. Susanna, 3, 4, 144, 297. William, 4. Wingate, Abigail, 141, 145. * Ann. 139, 141, 145, 312. John, 141, 145. 367, 374. Joshua. 137. Mary, 155. 367. 374- Winklev, 299. Annie, 299. Bessie, 46, 299. Elizabeth, 309. Francis, 149, 153. Hannah, 3. Lydia S., 233. Martha, 150, 155. Olive, 142. Paul, 233. Samuel, 3, 142. Sarah, 149. Winslow, Content, 280. Damaris, 326. Edward, 188. Temperance, 248. Winter, John, 228. Winthrop, John, 8. Witham, Hannah, 305. Wood, Emma, 217. Sophronia, 147. Woodbur\-, Charotte C 103. George H., 103. Woodlock, Deborah, 299. Woodman, , 247, 386. Abbie J., 397- Abigail, 71. 237, 395. 396, 397. Abigail H., 39s. Alice, 393, 394. 395. 397. Andrew, 394. 395. Ann M.. 73, 396. Anna, 396. Anna M., 397. Archelaus, 77, 236, 393. 394. 395 Asa, 395- Benjamin, 277, 393. Benjamin F., 398. Betsey. 89. 368, 395. 397- Bridget, 396. Catherine, 396. Charles, 397, 398. Charles A., 398. Charles F., 396. Charles L.. 398. Charlotte. 397. Cynthia, 397. Daniel T., 397- David, 394. Deborah, 395, 396. Dexter E.. 398. Downing, 393- Ebenezer, 394. Edward, 132, 392, 393, 394. 396. Elijah, 396. Eliza, 397- Elizabeth, 71, 73, 75. 132, 277, 326, 331, 332. 345. 393. 394. 395. 397- Elizabeth A.. 398. Elsie, 397. Emily, 49, 397- 5O0 INDEX OF NAMES Woodman, Esther, 397. Eunice, 5. Ezra, 395- Frank, 398. Fred, 398. George A., 398. George S., 397. Hannah, 73, 393, 397. Hannah R., 192, 398. Harriet, 397. Hattie, 398. Isaac, 395- Jacob, 396, 397- James M., 398. James R., 397. Jennie, 397. Joanna, 392. Job, 60. John, 40, 190, 219, 244, 326, 360, 374, 392, 393. 394. 395- John E., 398. John F., 396. John S., 73. 394. 396. John W., 397. Jonathan, 60, 89, 97, 102, 326, 331, 332, 360, 393. 394, 395. Joseph, 192, 395, 397- Joseph C, 398. Joshua, 132. 393. 394. 395- Joshua F., 394. Leander E., 398. I-^nuiel, 368, 395, 397. Lenna, 398. Leroy W., 398. Lewis, 396. Lizzie, 398. Lizzie C, 397. Lois, 394, 395. Louis, 394. Louisa M., 397, 398. Lydia, 163, 394. 396, 397. Marcia, 397. Margery .S., 72, 75. 397- Maria, 397. 398. Martha, 79, 102, 118, 132, 217, 2S6, 393, 394. 396. Mary, 62, 179, 190, 326, 360, 392, 393, 394, 395. 396. Mary A., 396. Mehitable, 396. Moses, 49, 75. 345. 395. 396, 397- Moses G., 73, 397. Nancy, 397. Nathan, 71. 395. 396. Nicholas, 394. OHve, 392. Otis E., 398. Patience, 60, 393, 395. Rachel, 393- Saiuuel, 163, 210, 304, 396, 307. Woodman, Sarah, 40, 219, 236, 268, 348, 359, 360, 364, 368, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398. Sarah A., 396, 398. Sarah J.. 397- Seth W., 397. 398. Stephen, 395- Susan, 397. Susanna, 247, 396. Theodore W., 397. True W., 398. Walter, 397. William, 237, 395. 396, 397. William C, 397. Wiltiam E., 397. Willie B., 397. Woods, James, 261. Sarah, 261. Worcester, Lydia, 347. Wormwood, Abigail, 399. Adah, 278. Alice, 98, 398, 399- Anna, 399. Anne, lis, 399.- Benjamin, 278. Catherine, 399. Deliverance, 399. Elizabeth, 47, 399. Hannah, 399. Jacob, 398, 399. Jane, 31S. 398. Jerusha, 278. Joanna, 98, 100, 399. Joseph, 47, 164, 399- Julia, 67, 72. Margaret, 398. Martha, 132. 316. 398, 399- Mary, 164, 399. Polly, 399. Samuel, 399- .Susan, 132. Susanna, 399. Thomas, 315. 398. Valentine, 399- William, 316, 398, 399. Worth, Ernest, 87. Georgia M., 87. Sarah, 276, 277, 279. Wright, Eliza A., 69. Enoch G., 69. Mary, 133. Wyatt, Abigail, 317. Wyer, Eleazer, i. Sarah, i. Wyse, Ruth, 276. Yeaton, , Abbie S., 400. Abigail, 285, 2 Ann M., 400. 141. INDEX OF NAMES 501 Yeaton. Betsey, 164, 400. Charles, 164, 400. Charles E. T.. 400. Elizabeth, 141, 399, 400. Hopley, 141. John, 24, 399, 400. John A., 400. Joseph, 399, 400. Levi T., 265. Lydia, 399, 400. Lydia A., 400. Margaret, 399. Margaret A., 399, 400. Mary, 24, 347, 399, 400. Mary A., 400. Nancy, 364, 400. Rebecca, 24. Robert, 400. Samuel, 399, 400. Samuel C, 400. Sarah, 399, 400. William, 400. York, , 179. Abigail, 195, 262, 401. Angeline, 402. Anne, 401. Benjamin, 195, 262, 304, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403- Bern ice, 402. Bertha A., 402. Betsey, 253, 389, 402. Charles, 366. Chase, 328. Comfort, 402. Daniel, 253, 328, 402. David, 170, 402. Deborah, 401. Dorinda M., 402. Edna, 402. Edwin, 402. Elbridge G., 402. Eleanor, 162 Elijah, 402. Eliphalet, 163, 401, 402. Elizabeth, 400, 401. Fred F., 402. Grace, 401. Hannah, 170, 401, 402, 403. Harriet, 401. Harriet D., 402. John, 162, 163, 304, 401, 402, 403. John B., 402. Joseph, 401. Joseph E., 402. Josiah, 403. Julia A., 402. Lorinda M., 402. Lydia S., 402. Lyman G., 402. Mary, 109, 163, 399. 401, 402, 403. York. Mary A., 328, 402. Mar>- F., 402. Mary L, 402. Norman, 402. Ola, 402. Phaltiel, 401, 402. Rachel, 224, 401. Rebecca, 163, 401. Richard, 224, 329, 400, 401, 403. Robert, 402, 403. Roland. 263. Roxanna B., 402. Ruth. 401. Samuel, 357, 401, 403, Sarah, 47, 163, 304, 401, 402, 403. Stella M., 402. Susan. 328. Susanna, 263, 282, 401. Thomas,* 109. 401, 402, 403. Weston G. W., 402. William B., 402. Zebulon, 389. Young, , 23, 345. Abigail, 62, 184, 35S, 366. Alban J., 151. Albert. 49, 200. Almira, 49- Ann, 295. Anna, 376. Benjamin. 25. Betsey A., 151. Clarissa, 122. Climena, 72. Daniel, 49, 62. David, 184. Deborah. 181. 184. Drusilla. 381. E. A., 152. Ebenezer, 23. Eliza, 65, 72. Elizabeth, 23, 118, 122, 152, 291. Elizabeth N., 269. Elmer J., 152. Emily J., 187. Esther, 46, 51, 100. Ezra, 118. Franklin, 218. Hannah, 49. 216. 327. Henrj-, 15. HoUis, 151. James. 291. John A.. 131. John K., 338. John N., 327. Jonathan, 122, 216, 355. Jonathan T., 122. Jo.sephine M., 152. Lina. 231. Lizzie E., 372. Lydia. 118 502 INDEX OF NAMES Young, Martha. 15. Vou„g. Sophia. 126. Mar>', 354. 355. 381. Susanna. 118. 309. ! Mary A.. 49. 200. Temperance. 23. Mary E., 49. 32S. Thomas. 167. Marv F., 218. xh c- ., „." Thomas F., 151. Marj-\\..338. Timothy. 118. ^^''^^^^' 25. Walter. 372. Sarah. 15. 181. 278. William. 15. 72. Q)'