■iilliiii^ ''^iiilii immmi lliilii Hi •mmm (ilass Book COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT ¥ BURv^ -y^^ ^v CopyrigKt, 16S'5,\ by E. H. CRANE, Ogd., N. Y, 6 TTFEo V, JhIS volume presents a few glimpses of Ogdensburg, N. Y., the pioneer and banner city of St. Lawrence County. It was first settled by twenty-five Frenchmen and four Iroquois Indians, headed by Abbe Picquet, a French missionary, on May 30th, 1749. It was incorporated a village "yyl^^ in 1817 and received a city charter in 1868. The population is now about 13,000. The city is V\ beautifully situated on the banks of the St. Lawrence, at the mouth of the Oswegatchie river, and is at the foot of deep water navigation. It is handsomely laid out and extends along the banks of the river for over two miles and owing to its abundance of maple shade trees is familiarly kno\vn as the "Maple City." Electricity lights our streets and a company has just completed a trolley road to supersede the horse railway. Our railroad facilities are ample, the Central Vermont giving us connection with eastern ports and the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg, under lease with the New York Central, puts us in touch with the Metropolis. This is one of the most important ports of entry, as a ferry is maintained the year round. Immense quantities of teas, silks, curios and other articles of merchandise are entered at this port en route to New York markets from the Orient. They come over the Canadian Pacific from Van Couver to Prescottandare delivered to the New York Central by ferry at this port. The Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk also give us connection at Prescott with Chicago, Montreal and Quebec. Our educational facilities are w^ell cared for, having many schools and academies. Our manufac- tories are mainly lumber, flour and wood working mills. Lumber is brought in large quantities from Michigan and Canada, planed and reshipped all over New England and exported to England and Australia. The Skillings, Whitneys & Barnes Lumber Co. received last year 76,000,000 feet. The Board of Trade recently organized, aided by our citizens, have induced to locate here the Adirondack Match Co., the St. Lawrence Boat Co. and the Continental Match Co. of which Edwin Gould is president. This company is now erecting their plant upon which they will spend $100,000 and employ 1000 hands the year round. One of the greatest institutions of its kind in the world is located just outside the corporate limits on the banks of the St. Lawrence below thecity, " The St. Lawrence State Hospital for the Insane." Millions of dollars have already been expended and construction is still in progress. It is the aim of its supporters to make this the model institution for the care of the insane in the world and it is already attracting the attention of experts on insanity in Europe. There are at present about 1,200 patients cared for. Bird's-eye Vikw, iNuarHWEST .^,--.'^-:skL*«; Bird's-eye View, lookkng NoRii, Opera House Interior Bird's-eye View, lookinu Sou, Custom House and Post Office Bird's-eye View, Southwest F River Fron" WGDENSBURG r'HEE ACADI-.^ w City Water-Works and Dam Thf Crescent Ogdensburg Ci-UB House FoKD Street, looking Wesi Mansion Park h'- 8f^ -^tdlt'^r State Street, looking South Hamilton Park KiRST Presbyterian Church St. John's Church Interior St. Mary'o ^^i.^^D. Interior Notre Dame Church [NTERIOR M. E. Church Schools Schools I I m Residence of Hon. Geo. Hall Residence of Thos. Spratt m ft- Residence of Col. E. C. James Residence of G. S. Douwin Residence of Mrs. L. D Hoard Residence of G. F. Darrow Residence of Louis Hasbrouk Residence of Dr. J. H, Brown low Residence of Rt. Rev. Bishop Gabriels Residence of J. R. Bill Residence of W. J. Averell Residenci: ck Mrs. J. G. Averell Ill ' nmM':j- mm Residence of L. M. Proctor Residence of S. W. Wilson .\ .-,