litary Order of the Loyal L W: OF THE UNITED STATES g^rftJ; 4fe i* \ ■*-vi .; af/j Roster OF THE Conimandery ot the State of New Yo JANUARY 17th, 1866, TO JANUARY 1st, 190L Military Order oi the Loyal Legion OF THB UNITED STATES Roster OF THE Commander y oi the State of New York FROM JANUARY 17th, 1866, TO JANUARY 1st, 1901. % OFFICERS AND PAST OFFICERS. Charter Members. Major-General Daniel Butterfield, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. ♦Major-General Henry E. Davies, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigader-General Charles G. Halpine, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General John G. Parke, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Commodore George M. Ransom, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Daniel T. Van Buren, U. S. V. Brigadier-General Egbert L. Viele, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Israel Vogdes, U. S. A. (Retired.) * Deceased. COMMANDER. ELECTED. Feb. i6, 1866. *Brevet Brigadier-General Israel Vogdes, U. S. A. May 2, 1866. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. April 30, 1867. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. May 6, 1868. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. May 5, 1869. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. May 4, 1870. *Admiral David G. Farragut, U. S. N. May 3, 1871. *Major-General Samuel P. Heintzelman, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 8, 1872. Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. May 7, 1873. Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. May 6, 1874. Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. May 5, 1875. *Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 3, 1876. Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. May 2, 1877. *Brevet Major-General George H. Sharps, U. S. V. May I, 1878. *Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. May 7, 1879. Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. May 5, 1880. Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. May 4, 1881. *Major-General Henry W. Slocum, U. S. V. May 3, 1882. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. May 2, 1S83. Brevet Major-General Alexander Shaler, U. S. V. May 7, 1884. *General Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 12, 1885. *General Ulysses S. Grant, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 5, 1886. Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. May 4, 1887. Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. May 2, 1888. Major-General John M. Schofield, U. S. A. May I, 1889. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 7, 1890. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 6, 1891. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1892. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1893. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2, 1894. Brevet Brigadier-General Horace Porter, late U. S. A. May 8, 1895. Brevet Brigadier-General Horace Porter, late U. S. A. May 6, 1896. Brevet Brigadier-General Horace Porter, late U. S. A. May 5, 1897. Major-General Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. V. May 4, 1898. Major-General Grenville M. Dodge, U. S. V. May 3, 1899. Rear-Admiral Winfield S. Schley, U. S. N. May 2, 1900. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. * Deceased. SENIOR VICE-COMMANDER. ELKCTBD. Feb. i6, 1866. *Major-General Henry E. Davies, Jr., U. S. V. May 2, 1866. *Major-General Henry E. Davies, Jr., U. S. V. April 30, 1867. *Colonel Burr Porter, U. S. V. May 6, 1868. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. Nov. 21, 1868. Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. May 5, 1869. Brevet Major-General William B. Franklin, late U. S. A. May 4, 1870. Brevet Major-General Alexander S. Webb, U. S. A. May 3, 1871. *Vice-Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, U. S. N. May 8, 1872. *Commodore Alexander M. Pennock, U. S. N. May 7, 1873. *Vice-Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, U. S. N. May 6, 1874. *Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 5, 1875. *Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. May 3, 1876. *Brevet Major-General George H. Sharpe, U. S. V. May 2, 1877. *Commodore George M. Ransom, U. S. N. May I, 1878. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. May 7, 1879. *Rear-Admiral Stephen D. Trenchard, U. S. N. May 5, i88o. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. May 4, 1881. Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N. May 3, 1882. Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring, U. S. N. May 2, 1883. *Medical Director Charles Martin, U. S. N. May 7, 1884. * Rear- Admiral A. Ludlow Case, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 12, 1885. Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. May 5, 1886. Medical Director George Peck, U. S. N. May 4, 1887. Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N. May 2, 1888. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. May I, 1889. *Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. May 7, 1890. ♦Brevet Brigadier- General Charles A. Carleton, U. S.^V. May 6, 1891. Captain Lester A. Beardslee, U. S. N. May 4, 1892. *Brevet Major-General Samuel A. Duncan, U. S. V. May 3, 1893. *Rear-Admiral Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 2, 1894. No election. May 8, 1895. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. May 6, 1896. Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. McKay, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 5, 1897. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. May 4, 1898. *Acting Volunteer-Lieutenant Henry A. Glassford, late U. S. N. May 3, 1899. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. May 2, 1900. Brigadier-Gen. George L. Gillespie, U. S. V.; Colonel, U. S. A. JUNIOR VICE=COMMANDER. Feb. 16, 1866. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. May 2, 1866. Brevet Major-General Martin T. McMahon, U. S. V. April 30, 1867. Commander David B. Harmony, U. S. N. * Deceased. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869, May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May I, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12, 1885. May 5, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 1888. May I, 1889. May 7, 1890. May-6, 1891. May 4, 1892. May 3, 1893. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895. May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897. May 4, 1898. May 3, 1899. May 2, 1900. Feb. i6, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. '■ May 4, 1870. ' May 3, 1871. Oct. 4, 1871. ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V, Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General William H. Morris, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General James McQuade, U. S. V. ♦Rear-Admiral Henry Walke, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Major-General James McQuade, U. S. V. Surgeon Henry M. Wells, U. S. N. ♦Major-General Henry W. Slocum, U. S. V. Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N, ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General William N. Grier, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Major George W. McKee, U. S. A. Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. ♦Rear-Admiral James W. A. Nicholson, U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Richard H. Jackson, U. S. A, Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. ♦Captain Gilbert C. Wiltse, U. S. N. Captain Charles S. Norton, U. S. N. Medical Director Delavan Bloodgood, U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas H. Hubbard, U. S. V. Pajrmaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick A. Starring, U. S. V. Commodore Joseph N. Miller, U. S. N. Medical Director Edward S. Bogert, U. S. N. Colonel William C. Holbrook, U. S. V. Lieutenant-Commander James Parker, late U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Haight, late U. S. A. Brigadier-Gen. John W. Clous, U. S. V.; Lieut.-Col., U. S. A. Captain Theodore F. Kane, U. S. N. (Retired.) RECORDER. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles G. Halpine, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. 1870. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Lieutenant-Colonel Robert C. Perry, U. S. A. (Retired.) Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. * Deceased. ELECTED. May 8, May 7, May 6, May 5, May 3, May 2, May I, May 7, May 5, May 4, May 3, May 2, May 7, May 12, May 5, Dec. i6, May 4, May 2, May I, May 7, May 6, May 4, May 3, May 2, May 8, May 6, May 5, May 4, May 3, May 2, Feb. 1 6, May 2, April 30, May 6, May 5, June 21, Oct. 13, May 4, May 3, 1872. 1873 1874 1875. 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1882, 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889, 1890, 1S91. 1892. 1893. 1894, 1895. 1896. 1897. 1900 Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. *Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. • ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier- General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦§Brevet Brigadier- General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. Captain Edgar B. Van Winkle, U. S. V. Captain Edgar B. Van Winkle, U. S. V. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. Acting Assistant Pajnnaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Pajntnaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. t CORRESPONDENT. 1866. ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. 1866. ♦Brevet Major-General Alfred Pleasonton, late U. S. A. 1867. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Taylor, U. S. V. 1868. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Stuart Taylor, U. S. V. t REGISTRAR. 1869. Surgeon George Peck, U. S. N. 1869. ♦Paymaster John S. Cunningham, U. S. N. 1869. Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. 1870. Major James E. Montgomery, U. S. V. 1871. ♦Paymaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. * Deceased. i Resigned. t Office abolished by Congress of the Order, April, iS t Office created by Congress of the Order, April, i86g Mays, 1872. May 7, 1873. Dec. 6, 1873. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1S76. May 2, 1S77. May I, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12, 1885. May 5, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 188S. May I, 1S89. May 7, 1890. May 6, 1891. May 4, 1892. May 3, 1S93. May 2, 1894. Mays, 1895. May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897. May 4, 1898. May 3, 1899. May 2, 1900. Feb. 1 6, 1866. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1867. May 6, 1868. May 5, 1869. Dec. I, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873- May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875- ♦Chief Engineer William W. W. Wood, U. S. N. Commander Henry Erben, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U.' S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Second Lieutenant Loyall Farragut, late U. S. A. Captain William H. Jewell, U. S. V. Captain William H. Jewell, U. S. V. Captain William H. Jewell, U. S. V. Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. Captain Luis F. Emilio, U. S. V. Captain Luis F. Emilio, U. S. V. Captain Luis F. Emilio, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Brigadier-General Joseph W. Plume, U. S. V. Major Alfred Wagstaff, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry L. Swords, U. S. V. TREASURER. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William C. Church, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier- General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. * Deceased. ELECTED. May 3, May 2, May I, May 7, May 5, Feb. 25, May 4, May 3, May 2, May 7, May 12, May 5, May 4, May 2, May I, May 7, May 6, Oct. 26, May 4, May 3, May 2, May 8, May 6, Mays, Dec. 5, May 4, May 3, May 2, Feb. i6, May 2, April 30, May 6, May 5, May 4, March i. May 3, May 8, May 7, May 6, May 5, May 3, May 2, 1876. 1877. 1878. 1879. 1880. 1881. 1881. 1882. 1883. 1884. 1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. 1891. 1892. 1893. 1894. 1895. 1896. 1897. 1897. 1898. 1899. 1900. N. N. N. N. N. 1866. 1866. 1867. 1868. 1869. 1870. 1871. 1871. 1872. 1873- 1874. 1875. 1876. 1877. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. §Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Paymaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. PajTnaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Pa)niiaster George De Forest Barton, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. §Acting Assistant Pa)nTiaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Pajnmaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N„ Acting Assistant Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Paymaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. Acting Assistant Pajrmaster A. Noel Blakeman, late U. S. N. ♦Acting Volunteer Lieutenant Henry A. Glassford, late U. S. N. Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, U. S. N. §Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, U. S. N. Paymaster John Furey, U. S. N. (Retired.) Paymaster John Furey, U. S. N. (Retired.) Paymaster John Furey, U. S. N. (Retired.) Paymaster John Furey, U. S. N. (Retired.) CHANCELLOR. Brevet Major-General Daniel Butterfield, U. S. A. ♦Brigadier-General James H. Van Alen, U. S. V. ♦Colonel Lloyd Aspinwall, N. G., S. N. Y. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Robert A. Ripley, U. S. V. §Surgeon Joseph B. Morrison, Brevet Lieutenant-Col. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. V. IIBrevet Major Morris H. Alberger, U. S. V. llBrevet Major Morris H. Alberger, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. U. S. V. Deceased. Dropped. § Resigned. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. *Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Floyd Clarkson, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Christian T. Christensen, U. S. V. §Brevet Brigadier- General Christian T. Christensen, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles N. Swift, U. S. V. Captain Samuel Truesdell, U. S. V. ♦Second Lieutenant Thomas W. B. Hughes, U. S. V. No election. Brevet Major L. Curtis Brackett, U. S. V. Captain Orville W. Leonard, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Joseph Pool, U. S. V. Paymaster William H. H. Williams, late U. S. N. Captain Charles Curie, U. S. V. Captain Edward P. Meeker, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) CHAPLAIN. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. Chaplain William H. Thomas, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. 1881. ♦Chaplain John Forsyth, D.D., LL.D., U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Chaplain John Forsyth, D.D., LL.D., U. S. A. (Retired.) tRev. John R. Paxton, D.D., 2d Lieutenant, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Daniel O. Ferris, U. S. V. ♦Rev. Charles M. Pyne, Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Rev. Charles M. Pyne, Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Deceased. 5 Resigned. t Declined. May I, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12, 1885. May 5, 1886. May 4, 1887. May 2, 1888. May I, 1889. April 18, 1890. May 7, i8go. May 6, 1891. May 4, 1892. May 3, 1893. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895. May 6, 1896. May 5, 1897. May 4, 1898. May 3, 1899. May 2, 1900. Oct. 13, 1869. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871. May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873- May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. May 2, 1877. May I, 1878. May 7, 1879. May 5, 1880. May 4, 1881. May 3, 1882. May 2, 1883. Oct. 3- 1883. May 7, 1884. May 12, 1885. ELECTED. May 5, i886 May 4, 1887 May 2, 1888. May I, 1889 May 7, 1890. May 6, 1891. Jan. 8, 1892. May 4, 1892. May 3, 1893. May 2, 1894. May 8, 1895. May 6, 1896 May 5, 1897 May 4, 1S98. May 3, 1899. May 2, 1900. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. Rev. Edward Anderson, Colonel, U. S. V. ♦Chaplain Thomas Drumm, U. S. V. *§Chaplain Thomas Drumm, U. S. V. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. *Post Chaplain Michael J. Cramer, late U. S. A. Major Franklin E. Miller, U. S. V. Major Franklin E. Miller, U. S. V. Major Franklin E. Miller, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Nathaniel H. Van Arsdale, U. S. V. Brevet Major William S. Hubbell, U. S. V. COUNCIL. Feb. 16, 1866. *Commander Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob F. Kent, U. S. A. *Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles G. Halpine, U. S. V. ♦Captain John L. Worden, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Jacob F. Kent, U. S. A. ♦Commander Daniel Ammen, U. S. N. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Major-General Henry E. Davies, Jr., U. S. V. ♦Pajrmaster Garrett R. Barry, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Colonel Joseph A. Slipper, U. S. V. ICommander Alexander C. Rhind, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Stephen C. Lyford, U. S. A. Surgeon George Peck, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Oscar V. Dayton, U. S. V. ♦Captain Stephen D. Trenchard, U. S. N. Brevet Major-General Edward L. Molineux, U. S. V. Brevet Major Henry C. Lockwood, U. S. V. i869.^§Commodore Augustus L. Case, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Loomis L. Langdon, U. S. A. ♦Captain John J. Almy, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General John H. Bell, U. S. V. §Pa)Tnaster James H. Watmough, U. S. N. Oct. 13, 1869. Commander David B. Harmony, U. S. N. Dec. I, 1869. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General William W. Burns, U. S. A. May 2, 1866. April 30, 1S67. May 6, 186S. May 5, Deceased. 5 Resigned. H Withdrew. ELECTED. May 4, 1870. May 3, 1871, May 8, 1872. May 7, 1873, Jan. 5, 1874. May 6, 1874. May 5, 1875. May 3, 1876. Jan. 26, 1877. May 2, 1877. May I, 1878. 13 ♦Major-General Samuel P. Heintzelman, U. S. A. (Retired.) Surgeon Henry M. Wells, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Gordon Granger, U. S. A. ♦Paymaster Joseph C. Eldredge, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Rufus Ingalls, U. S. A. IIBrevet Major-General William F. Smith, late U. S. A. ♦Commodore Alexander M. Pennock, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Major-General Silas Casey, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Chief Engineer William W. W. Wood, U. S. N. ♦Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Patten, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier- General Chauncey McKeever, U. S. A. ♦Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Commander Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. ♦Commodore Henry Eagle, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ''§Captain George M. Ransom, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. ♦Pajrmaster Charles W. Hassler, late U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Acting Passed Asst. Surgeon Nicholas L. Campbell, late U.S.N. Surgeon Robert Watts, U. S. V. ♦Paymaster Charles W. Hassler, late U. S. N. ♦Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Jacob Sharpe, U. S. V. Surgeon Henry M. Wells, U. S. N. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. Major Ivan Tailof, U. S. V. ♦Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Brigadier Gen. John J. Abercrombie, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Edward Jardine, U. S. V. ♦Captain Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. ♦Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. ♦Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Edward Jardine, U. S. V. ♦Captain Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C, ♦Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. Deceased. I Dropped. { Resigned. 14 ELECTED. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Paymaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. §Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel J. Ford Kent, U. S. A. Sept. 13, 1878. Brevet Major Joseph P. Sanger, U. S. A. May 7, 1879. *Brigadier-General John Cochrane, U. S. V. §Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. *Brigadier-General Joseph B. Kiddoo, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major Joseph P. Sanger, U. S. A. Captain Henry Erben, U. S. N. Nov. II, 1S79. *PayTnaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. May 5, 1880. *Brevet Brigadier-General John J. Milhau, late U. S. A. ♦Pajnnaster John H. Stevenson, U. S. N. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick T. Locke, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. §Brevet Brigadier-General Chauncey McKeever, U. S. A. Jan. 17, 1881. Judge Advocate Asa Bird Gardiner, U. S. A. May 4, 1881. Brevet Brigadier-General Charles S. Wainwright, U. S. V. ♦Lieutenant-Colonel John L. Broome, U. S. M. C. Captain John J. McCook, U. S. V. Chief Engineer Charles H. Loring, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Charles H. Alden, Surgeon, U. S. A. May 3, 1882. Brevet Brigadier-General Christian T. Christensen, U. S. V. Captain Charles Shaler, U. S. A. tCaptain David B. Harmony, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Augustus M. Clark, U. S. V. Paymaster Theodore S. Thompson, U. S. N. Sept. 29, 1882. ♦Lieutenant Elliott J. Arthur, U. S. N. May 2, 1883. ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Richard H. Jackson, U. S. A. Major John B. Lockwood, U. S. V. Judge Advocate Asa Bird Gardiner, U. S. A. llChief Engineer George Sewell, U. S. N. Acting Ensign Aaron Vanderbilt, late U. S. N. May 7, 1884. ♦Pay Director John S. Cunningham, U. S. N. (Retired.) IIBrevet Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick A. Sawyer, U. S. V. tChief Engineer George W. Magee, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel W. Butler Beck, U. S. A. ♦Brevet Major Charles S. Langdon, U. S. V. Oct. 31, 1884. Acting Ensign David McN. Stauffer, late U. S. N. May 12, 1885. Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, U. S. V. ♦Captain William E. Van Reed, U. S. A. ♦Passed Asst. Paymaster Gilbert A. Robertson, late U. S. N. First Lieutenant Edmund L. Zalinski, U. S. A. Captain Samuel Truesdell, U. S. V. May 5, 1S86. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U( S. A. (Retired.) * Deceased. § Resigned. t Declined. II Dropped. 15 ELECTED. Brevet Colonel Edward M. L. Ehlers, U. S. V. Captain Joshua A. Fessenden, U. S. A. First Lieutenant James E. Sawyer, U. S. A. *Act. Third Assistant Engineer John W. Handren, late U. S. N May 4, 1887. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Frederick T. Locke, U. S. V. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Robert W. Leonard, U. S. V. Brevet Major Joseph P. Sanger, U. S. A. Acting Assistant Paymaster Allen S. Apgar, late U. S. N. May 2, 1888. Brevet Major-General Wager Swayne, U. S. A. (Retired.) ♦Brevet Brigadier-General Charles A. Carleton, U. S. V. ♦Lieutenant-Commander Joseph Marthon, U. S. N. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Haight, late U. S. A. Captain George M. Hard, U. S. V. May I, 1889. Brevet Colonel Horatio C. King, U. S. V. ♦Brevet Major-General George S. Greene, U. S. V. Captain James D. Campbell, U. S. V. ♦Colonel John Hamilton, U. S. A. (Retired.) §Rear-Admiral Daniel L. Braine, U. S. N. Jan. 16, 1890. Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. McKay, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 7, 1890. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. Medical Director George Peck, U. S. N. (Retired.) Lieutenant-Colonel George L. Gillespie, U. S. A. Lieutenant-Commander Charles E. McKay, U. S. N. (Retired.) Brevet Major Thomas B. Odell, U. S. V. May "6, 1891. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. ♦Act. Volunteer Lieutenant Henry A. Glassford, late U. S. N. %y Brevet Major Henry Eagle Smith, late U. S. A. Captain William J. Harding, U. S. V. Captain Clinton B. Sears, U. S. A. May 4, 1892. Major J. Langdon Ward, U. S. V. Captain Charles S. Norton, U. S. N. Colonel Rodney Smith, U. S. A. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Cogswell, U. S. V. Captain Henry W. Hubbell, U. S. A. May 3, 1S93. Brevet Brigadier-General Nicholas W. Day, U. S. V. Pay Inspector Arthur Burtis, U. S. N. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Suydam, U. S. V. Major Edmund K. Russell, U. S. V.; Captain, U. S. A. Acting Ensign Aaron Vanderbilt, late U. S. N. May^2, 1894. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Suydam, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General Nicholas W. Day, U. S. V. May 8, 1895. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. Suydam, U. S. V. Brig.-Gen. Egbert L. Viele, U. S. V.; First Lieut., late U. S. A. Deceased. § Resigned. i6 ELECTED. Brevet Brigadier-General Nicholas W. Day, U. S. V. Brevet Brigadier-General J. Fred Pierson, U. S. V. Major Frank H. Phipps, U. S. A. May 6, 1896. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. » Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major William H. Male, U. S. V. Brevet Captain James C. Cooley, late U. S. A. Acting Assistant Surgeon Titus Munson Coax, late U. S. N. May 5, 1897. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. 'Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major William H. Male, U. S. V. Brevet Colonel George Blagden, U. S. V. Master Robert M. Thompson, late U. S. N. May 4, 1898. Brevet Brigadier-General Henry L. Burnett, U. S. V. • Brevet Brigadier-General Thomas Wilson, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Lieut. -Colonel Wm. Butler Beck, U. S. A. (Retired.) Medical Director Thomas C. Walton, U. S. N. Captain George W. Brush, U. S. V. May 3, 1899. Captain Theodore F. Kane, U. S. N. (Retired.) Colonel Edgar W. Bass, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major Theodore K. Gibbs, late U. S. A. Brevet Major MorRis J. Asch, late U. S. A. Captain Edward P. Meeker, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) May 2, 1900. Colonel Edgar W. Bass, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Brigadier-General Gilbert H. McKibbin, U. S. V. Medical Director Edward S. Bogert, U. S. N. (Retired.). Brevet Captain Frank S. Halliday, U. S. V. First Lieutenant Franklin Murphy, U. S. V. COMPANIONS. EXPLANATION. Names preceded by an asterisk (*) are those of deceased Companions. Names of Charter Members are in LARGE CAPITALS. Names in italics are those of Companions transferred to other Commanderies, the titles of which are abbreviated as follows : Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania, . . _ . Penn. " Maine, .... Me. " " Massachusetts - . . . Mass. " " California, - .... Cal. " " Wisconsin, .... wis. Illinois, - - - - . 111. " of the District of Columbia, - - - - D. C. ' ' of the State of Ohio, ...... Ohio. Michigan, .... Mich. " " Minnesota, - - - . . Minn. " " Oregon, - . - . . Ore. " " Missouri, . . . . . Mo. " " Nebraska, . . . . Neb. " " Kansas, ----- Kan. " " Iowa, . - - . - Iowa. " " Colorado, ----- Col. " " Indiana, - - - . ind. " " Washington, - . - . Wash. " " Vermont, . . - - vt. The small figures preceding the name of a Companion indicate that he has been transferred to this Commandery, having been elected in another Commandery. I — Standing for the Commandery of the State of Pennsylvania. 3— 4— 5— 6— 7— 8— 9— 10 — 11 — 12 — 13— 14— 15— i6— 17— i8— 19— 20 — Maine. Massachusetts. California. Wisconsin, Illinois, of the District of Columbia, of the State of Ohio. Michigan. ' ' Minnesota. Oregon. " Missouri. Nebraska. Kansas. Iowa. ' ' Colorado. Indiana. Washington. Vermont. 9947 19 A. NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 4, 1899. Abbot, Henry L. Cambridge, Mass. 7448 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Bvt. Major-General, U. S. V. March 2, 1870. *Abbott, Joseph C. u68 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. April 5, 1871. Abbott, Nathan B. Transferred to Ohio. 1266 ist Lieutenant, 20th Conn. Inf. Oct. 10, 1866. *Abercrombie, John J. 7^5 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Oct. I, 1884. Adams, Hugh W. New York, N. Y. 3185 Major, 7th Ky. Inf. Feb. I, 1893. *Adams, Myron, 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. May 12, 1885. Adams, Samuel G. New York, N Y 3771 Captain, 66th N. Y. Inf. June 2, 1875. *Adams, Stephen D. 154^ 2d Lieutenant, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 12, 1866. *'Agnew, Cornelius R. 161^ (Third Class.) Nov. I, 1871. -^Aiken, William A. Norwich, Conn. 1365 Act. Asst. Paymr., late U. S. N. Nov. 3, 1886. *Aiken, Wm. Buckingham, Norwich, Conn. 5035 (Second Class.) Jan. 8, 1868. *Albert, John S. Chief Engineer, U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1870. Alden, Charles H. Transferred to Minn. 1227 Colonel, Asst. Surg.-Gen. U. S. A. Dec. 4, 1889. Alexander, Henry E. New Brighton, N Y Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1888. Allaire, Anthony J. New York, N. Y. 6018 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1890. Allaire, John. New York, N. Y. 8363 (Second Class. ) May I, 1872. ^Alleman, Hiram C. New York, N. Y. Lieut. -Col., 127th Penn. Inf. Colonel, 36th Penn. Mil. Inf. April 6, 1892. Allen, Francis B. Hartford, Conn. 2d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Oct. 5, 1887. Allen, Gorton W. Auburn, N. Y. ist Lieut., Adjt., i6oth N. Y. Inf. 730 7449 1404 9417 5709 Oct. 7, 1885. *Allen, Henry F. ,-,8 3d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Jtdy I, 1868. *Allison, Thomas S. 886 Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. Bvt. Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. May 6, 1868. *Almy, John J, Transferred to D. C. 740 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. i6, Nov. 6, Nov. 7. Dec. 3. April i I, Dec. 4, 20 j 1 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. j ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 2, 1898. Alston, Theodore W. N'jewark, N. J. 12129 2d Lieut., 2d N. J. Inf. April I, 1 868. Ames Adelbert, Lowell, Mass. 729 Bvt. Major-General, late U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. 1866. *Afnmen, Daniel, Transferred to Penn. 572 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.; 1878. Ammon, John H. New York, N. Y. 1842 Lieut.-Col., i6th N. Y. Hvy. Arty. 1883. "^Anderson, Edward, Transferred to 111. 2991 Colonel, 1 2th Ind. Cav. 1890. Anderson, He7iry R. Transferred to D. C. 8342 Captain, 6th U. S. Vol. Inf. Captain, 4th U. S. Art. 1891. Andrews, E. Benjamin, Transferred to 111. 8639 2d Lieut., I St Conn. Hvy. Art. 1895. Andrews, Guy Ashton, Ann Arbor, Mich. 11255 (Second Class.) Dec. 12, 1883. Andrews, James M. New York, N. Y. 2928 ist Lieutenant, 30th N. Y. Inf. May I, 1889. Andrews, James M., Jr. Schenectady, N. Y. 7098 2d Lieutenant, late ist U. S. Cav. Captain, 2d N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) Nov. 3, 1886. *Andrews, Judson B. 5007 Captain, 77th N. Y. Inf. June 10, 1885. ^Andrus, Charles H. Quarryville, N. Y [3903 Surgeon, 176th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 4, 1882. Annesley, Richard L. Albany, N. Y. 2270 Brevet Major, U. S. V. ■- ■" April 5, 1882. . Apgar, Allen S. New York, N. Y. 2366 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. April 4, 1883. Apgar, DeWitt J. Cortland, N. Y. 2765 Captain, 143d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 4, iSS"^. *Appleby, Charles, 3605 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 3, 1889. Appleton, William H. New York, N. Y 6960 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Aug. 3, 1892. ^Arms, Frank Thornton, Navy Yard, N. Y. 9699 Paymaster, U. S. N. (Hereditary.) April 4, 1883. * Armstrong, Robert G. Transferred to Kan. 2567 Private, 40th Penn. Inf. / Captain, ist U. S. Inf. *T" April 5, 1893. Arnold, Isaac, Jr. Pittsburg, Pa. Lieut.-Col.. Ord. Dept., U. S. A. May 3, 1876. *» Arthur, Elliott J. 1711 Lieutenant, U. S. N. (Retired.) April I, 1891. Asch, Joseph J. South Norwalk, Conn. 8668 , (In succession.) ^/ '^^ April 4, 1877. .Asch, Morris J. New York, N. Y. 1647 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. 10082 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. . May 6, i874.*'Asch, Myer, 1528 "T^ Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 4, 1866. *Aspinwall, Lloyd, 229 <«■«« Colonel, 22d Regt., N. G., S. N. Y. Oct. 10, 1894. Asserson, Peter C. Navy Yard, N. Y. 10650 Civil Engineer (Capt.), U. S. N. May 8, 1895. Aston, Ralph, Brooklyn, N. Y. 11039 Captain, U. S. N. Jan. 7, 1880. *Astor, John J. i909«i|^ Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. April 5, 1893. Atkins, Alfred, New York, N. Y. 10083 Captain, 98th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 13, 1899. Avery, Frank M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12732 (Second Class.) May 3, 1899. Avery, Irving M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1255a ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 48th N. Y. Inf. Nov, 7, 1883. Avery, Robert, Brooklyn, N. Y. 3121 Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. March 6, 1889. *^Ayres, James C. Transferred to D. C. 7013 Captain, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. (In succession.) B. May I 1889. Babbitt, Charles J. Bristol, R. I. 7093 (Hereditary.) April 2, 1890. *Babcock, Courtlandt G. 7776 Major, 96th N. Y. Inf. Dec. I, 1897. Babcock, Paul, Montclair, N. J. "999 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. I, 1890. Babin, Hosea J. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8098 Medical Director, U. S. N. Oct. 3, 1888. Bacon, Francis, Waterloo, N. Y. 6426 ist Lieut., 50th N. Y. Engrs. May I, 1878. *Bagg, Egbert, 1824 -^ Bvt. Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1890. Bagg, Egbert, Utica, N. Y. 7621 (In succession.) June 7, 1882. Bailey, Edmund S. New York, N. Y. 2375 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1891. Bailey, James H. New York, N. Y. 8940 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 2, 1889. Bailey, John M. Albany, N. Y. 7239 ist Lieut., Adjt, 177th N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1894. Bailey, Judson Hooker, Albany, N. Y. 10549 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 1893. Bailey, Pryce W. Seneca Falls, N. Y. 10320 ist Lieut., 6ist N. Y. Inf. April I, 1868. *Bailey, Theodoras, 727 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. May 4, 1892. *Bailey, Thomas H. 9557 Actg. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Dec. 17, 1889. ^Bailhache, Preston H. Transferred to D. C. 7521 Surgeon, 14th 111. Cav. Feb. 6, 1889. Baird, Andrew D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6746 Major, 79th N. Y. Inf. May I, 1889. Baird, Andrew R. Brooklyn, N. Y. 7099 (Second Class.) May 4, 1 88 1. Baker, Benjamin F. Burnt Hills, N. Y. 2265 Bvt. Brig. -General, U. S. V. March i, 1882. Baker, Charles S. Transferred to D. C. 2276 ist Lieut., 27th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7, 1900. Baker, Fisher A. Yonkers, N. Y. 12787 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1871. Baker, Joseph S. A. Transferred to D. C. 1248 ist Lieut., 13th Conn. Inf. Dec. I, 1897. Baldwin, Hugh J. Waverly, N. Y. 12000 Captain, 23d N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1889. Baldwin, James M. Paterson, N. J. 6951 Captain, 2d N. J. Cav. Nov. 7, 1883. *Ball, Charles J. C. 3011 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 3, 1899. Ball, Ogilvie D. Albany, N. Y. 12553 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. April I, 1891. Bampton, Benjamin C. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8640 ^ Passed Asst. Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) \J -4- Feb. 4, 1891. *Bankhead, Henry C. 8484 * Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. May 2, 1894. Banta, William, Jr., New York, N. Y. 10538 ist Lieut., R. C. S.,i2th N. Y. Cav. Feb. I, 1893. Baquet, Camille, Elizabeth, N. J. 9948 2d Lieut., ist N. J. Inf. "^ — Dec. 6, 1882. ^Barber, Merritt, Care of Adjutant-Gen- 2614 Brevet Major, U. S. V. eral, U. S. A. Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. A. Feb. I, 1888. Barger, Fred. C. New York, N. Y. 6019 ist Lieut., 49th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. Barker, Elmer J. Crown Point, N. Y. 8343 Major, 5th N. Y. Cav. aV ^_ Feb. 4, 1885. Barker, Joseph H. New York, N. Y. 3608 ^ ist Lieut., 5th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 4, 1893. Barley, Jonathan W. New York, N. Y. 10253 Captain, 37th N. Y. Inf. April 2, 1884. ^Barlow, John W. New York, N. Y. 3193 Colonel, Engr. Coi-ps, U. S. A. April 7, 1886. Barnard, Levi R. Newark, N. J. 4602 ist Lieut., 2d N. J. Cav. — - April 6, 1870. *Barney, Albert M. 1164 Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Feb. 7, Oct. 7, Jan. 3, Jan. 6, 23 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. April 6, 1887. Barney, Caleb Henry, New York, N. Y. 5417 ist Lieut., 14th R. I. Hvy. Art. Feb. 7, 1894. iBarney, George F. Havana, Cuba. 10407 Captain, 2d U. S. Art. (Hereditary.) 1883. Barney, Luther L. New York, N. Y. 2564 Captain, loth N. Y. Cav. 1885. ^^Barr, Thomas F. Transferred to 111. 4030 Brevet Lieut.-Col., U. S. V. Col., Asst. Judge Adv. -Genl., U. S. A. 1877. Barrett, Clarence T. West New Brighton, N. Y. 1646 Brevet Major, U. S. V. 1869. *Barrett, Edward, 1024 Commodore, U. S. N. April 7, 1886. Barrett, Thomas H. New York, N. Y. 4610 Act. 3d Asst. Engr. late U. S. N. April 3, 1889. Barrows, Elliot T. New York, N. Y. 6968 (Hereditary.) April 4, 1866. *Barry, Garrett R. 231 Pay Director, U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1887. Barry, Thomas G. New York, N. Y. 5822 (In succession.) Feb. 3, 1892. Bartholf, John H. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 9304 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Major, Surgeon, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1898. Bartholomew, Thomas L. Bridgeport, Conn. 12399 ist Lieut., Adjt., 9th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 4, 1885.' 'Bartlett, Charles G. West New Brighton, N.Y. 3695 ~ Colonel, 9th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Bvt. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. Barton, Frederick, New Haven, Conn. 7450 Bvt. Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 13, 1867. 'Barton, George De Forest, New York, N. Y. 543 Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. 2, 1887. Bass, Edgar W. New York, N. Y. 5293 Quartermaster-Sergt., 8th Minn. Inf. Colonel, (Prof. U. S. M. A.) U.S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1892. Bassford, Abraham, Flatbush, N. Y. 9857 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Colonel, 14th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 3, 1900. Bassford, Abraham, Jr. Flatbush, N. Y. 12964 (Second Class.) Nov. I, 1882.' ^Batchelder, Richard N. Re-transferred to D. C. 261 1 Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brig-Gen., Q. M. Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) April 6, 1887. Batcheller, George S. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 5412 Lieut. -Colonel, 115th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. Bates, Alexander B. Germantown, Penn. 7601 Commander, U. S. N. July I, 1868. Bates, James A. Transferred to D. C. 840 B\^. Lieut.-Col., U. S. A. (Retired.) 1 24 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. April 6, 1892. Beach, Alexander, Newark, N. J. 9418 ist Lieut., Adjt., nth N. J. Inf. May 2, 1894. Beach, Dennis, New York, N. Y. 10539 ist Lieutenant, 5th Conn. Inf. April 6, 1887. ^Beardslee, Lester A. Transferred to Cal. 5594 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. I, 1886. *Beardsley, George A. 5116 Major, 13th N. J. Inf. April 7, 1886. Beardsley, Samuel R. New York, N. Y. 4597 ist Lieutenant, 13th N. J. Inf. Nov. 3, 1886. *Beaumont, Horatio N. 5009 Surgeon, U. S. N. May 2, 1883. Beck, Wm. Butler, Passaic, N. J. 2760 Bvt. Lieut.-Col., U. S. A. (Retired.) u^-Dec. 5, 1866. *'Beebe, William S. 409 j Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Major, Chief Ord. Oflf., U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1881. Beers, Alfred B. Bridgeport, Conn. 2143 Captain, 6th Conn. Inf. Feb. 6, 1889. Beers, James R. NewYork, N. Y. 6737 Acting Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. June 6, 1866. *Belden, Charles O. 371 Major, 67th N. Y. Inf. April 6, 1887. Belden, Charles O. Litchfield, Conn. 5431 (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1868. *Belknap, Augustus, 108 1 Captain, 67th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1867. Bell, James B Transferred to Mass. 534 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1866. *Bell, John H. 213 Bvt. Brig. -General, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1888. Bell, William H. Portland, Ore. 6006 Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. (Hereditary.) April 4, 1883. Bendell, Herman, Albany, N. Y. 2571 Surgeon, 86th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 4 1899. Benjamin, William M. Garrison, N. Y. 12629 Private, Troop A., N. Y. Vol. Cav. (In succession.) June 2, 1880. • Benkard, James, New York, N. Y. 2044 Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Oct. 4, 1899. Benkard, J. Philip, New York, N. Y. 12631 Captain, 12th N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) Oct. 4, 1899. Bennett, Thomas G. New Haven, Conn. 12626 Captain, 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. Dec. I, 1886. Benson, Frederick S. Brooklyn, N. Y, 5"4 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1888. *Benton, Josiah H. 6016 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. 25 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. j^ May 6, 1891. *Best, Clermont L. 8793 -Ji^ *^ Lieut-Col., A. I. G., U. S. V. Colonel, 4th U. S. Art. (Retired.) May 4, 1887. Betts, C. Frederic, New York, N. Y. 5522 Captain, 17th Conn. Inf. Feb. I, 1893. *Betts, George F. 9949 Lieut-Colonel, 9th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. Betts, Samuel R. New York, N. Y. 12325 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1891. Bevins, Silas H. New York, N. Y. 8942 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Oct. 7, 1885. Bicker, Henry K. New York, N. Y. 3773 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April I, 1868. *Biddle, George H. 638 Colonel, 95th N. Y. Inf. July 2, 1866. ^Bird, Charles, Re-transferred to Penn. 290 Brevet Lieut.-Col., U. S. A. Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. April 7, 1886. ^Bishop, Herbert M. Transferred to Cal. 4631 Asst. Surgeon, ist Conn. Cav. April 6, 1892. Bishop, William, New York, N. Y. 9419 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 13th Conn. Inf. Feb. 8, 1899. Bishop, William T. Phoenixville, Penn. 12484 Captain, 8th U. S. Vol. Inf. (Second Class). Dec. I, 1869. *Bissell, George P. mo Colonel, 25th Conn. Inf. ^ _ ,^ Feb. 2, 1887. fBlagden, George, New York, N. Y. 5298 "X" Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1887. Blair, Benjamin F. New York, N. Y. 5299 Captain, 123d Ohio Inf. Dec. 5, 1900. Blair, John N. New York, N. Y. 13060 (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1889. "Blake, Isaac E. Bradford, Penn. 6940 (Hereditary.) April 4, 1883. Blakeman, A. Noel, Motmt Vernon, N. Y. 2572 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 3, 1890. Blakeslee, Bernard F. Hartford, Conn. S344 2d Lieut., i6th Conn. Inf. Dec. 2, 1891. *Blanchet, Auguste D. 9114 Major, 27th N. J. Inf. Dec. 7, 1892. Bleidorn, Charles F. G. New York, N. Y. 985S 2d Lieut., 20th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1877. *Bliven, Charles H. i773 Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. Feb. I, 1888. .Bloodgood, Delavan, Brooklyn, N. Y. 6024 >f*» Med. Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) April I, 1868. *Blunt, Edmund. 795 *^ Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 6, 1897. Blunt, Harrison N. New York, N. Y. 11925 (Second Class.) I 26 yNO. OF - ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. --^Feb. 3. 1886. Blunt, William S. New York, N. Y. 4481 "* Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Oct. I, 1890. Bogert, Edward S. New York, N. Y. 8099 Med. Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. 3, 1883. Boggs, Thomas K. Flushing, N. Y. 2769 ist Lieut., Adjt., 23d Penn. Inf. Oct. I, 1890. Bolan, Albion K. New York, N. Y. 8100 Colonel, 14th Me. Inf. April 7, 1886. 'Bond, Frank S. New York, N. Y. 4641 Major, A. D. C, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1870. '^Booth, George, Re-transferred to Mass. 1141 2d Lieut., 9th Battery, Mass. Lt. Art. Dec. 2, 1896. Boswell, Charles P. Rochester, N. Y. 11627 Captain, 92d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1889. Botticher, Paul G. Newark, N. J. 6744 ist Lieut., 68th N. Y. Inf. Feb. I, 1888. Boudren, Thomas, Bridgeport, Conn. 6010 Major, 25th U. S. C. Inf. Nov. 2, 1 88 1. *Boughton, William De L. 2215 ist Lieut., 49th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 29, 1887. '®Bowen, James A. New York, N. Y. 5905 Captain, 2d R. I. Inf. Feb. 8, 1899. Bowne, George A. Middletown, N. J. 12477 Captain, ist N. J. Cav. Feb. 2, 1887. *Boyd, Robert, 5301 Captain, U. S. N. April 5, 1893. Boyd, Robert, Manila, P. I. 10107 Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. (In succession.) Aug. 20, 1884. 'Bojde, William H. Brooklyn, N, Y. 3328 Major, 5th N. Y. Heavy Art. Lieut. -Colonel, 19th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) April 6, 1887. Brackett, L. Curtis, New York, N. Y. 5405 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1886. *Bracklow, Emil A. 4915 (Hereditary.) April 3, 1895. Bradley, Thomas W. Walden, N. Y. 10960 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1895. Bradshaw, William H. New York, N. Y. 10898 V 2d Lieut., 90th N. Y. Inf. "^-- Nov. I. 1871. *Braine, Daniel L. 1338 t Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 3, 1878. Braine, Lawrence F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1786 (In succession.) May 2, 1894. Brantingham, Charles H. New York, N. Y. 10540 Acting Master, late U. S. N. May 2, 1888. 'Breck, George, New York, N. Y. 6247 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 13, 1899. Brewster, George H. New York, N. Y. 12722 Captain, 13th N. Y. Cav. 27 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Nov. 2, 1881. Bridges, Lyman, Transferred to Cal. 2205 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 4, 1892. Brinker, John M. Buffalo, N. Y. 9558 Captain, 78th Penn. Inf. Oct. 4, 1899. Bristol, Eugene S. New Haven, Conn. 12627 ist Lieut., 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. Nov. 7, 1888. ""^ Bristol, Henry B. Transferred to D. C. 6538' Bvt. Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 5, 1S86. *Britt, James W. 4910 Lieut. -Colonel, 57th N. Y. Inf. June 7. 1882. *Brodhead, William, 2371 --/-' t^ ist Lieut, R. Q. M., 14th N. Y. Inf. ' May 3, 1899. Bromley, Isaac, New Haven, Conn. 12560 (In succession.) April 6, 1892. *Bromley, Isaac H. 9420 Captain, i8th Conn. Inf. Feb. I, 1893. *Bronson, John O. 995o Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. May 3, 1882. 'Brooke, John R. Governor's Island, N. Y. 2434 Bvt. Maj. -General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. April 7, 1S86. Brooks, Charles A. Greenwich, Conn. 4601 Captain, 9th Me. Inf. April 6, 1892. Brooks, Frank Terry, Greenwich, Conn. 9440 (Second Class.) Feb. I, 1S93. *Brooks, Thomas B. 9951 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1888. Broome, Geo. Cochrane, Binghamton, N. Y. 6421 Captain, 4th U. S. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Oct. 6, 1875. *Broome, John L. 1630 -^^ Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) ' Feb. 6, 1889. *Brown, Allen G. P. 6738 Captain, 24th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 3, 1890. Brown, Augustus C. New York, N. Y. 8345 Captain, 4th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 6, 1896. Brown, Clinton C. Schenectady, N. Y. 11460 Captain, 134th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1898. Brown, Francis K. New York, N. Y. 12249 (Second Class.) March 3. 1880. Brown, Francis S. Fortress Monroe, Va. 2035 Lieut. -Commander, late U. S. N. Oct. 7, 1885. Brown, George W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3774 Act. Vol. Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Nov. 7, 1883. 'Brown, Justus Morris, New York, N. Y. 2960 Lieut.-Col., Dep. Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. Dec. 3, 1890. *Brown, Joseph B. 8346 Bvt. Brig.-Genl., U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1888. *Brown, Richard A. 6626 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1888. Brown, Robert B. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6023 Captain, 2d Mass. Inf. 28 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. ] Jan. 4, 1871. Brownell, Charles A. Cortland, N. Y. 1230 ist Lieut., loth U. S. C. Hvy. Art. Feb. 2, 1898. Bruce, Sanders D. New York, N. Y. 12130 Colonel, 20th Ky. Inf. May 12, 1885. Brush, George W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3766 Captain, 34th U. S. C. Inf. April 4, 1894. Brush, Herbert Bowers, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10501 (Second Class.) Dec. 5, 1893. Bryant, Percy, Newcastle, Me. 1033 1 (Hereditary.) April I, 1891. Bryson, Andrew, New York, N. Y. 8674 (In succession.) Dec. 5, 1893. Buchanan, Charles J. Albany, N. Y. 10321 ist Lieut., ist U. S. Sharpshooters. May 4, 1887. Buck, Leffert L. New York, N. Y. 5523 Captain, 60th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1894. Buckley, William J. Paterson, N. J. 1075 1 Captain, 2d N. J. Inf. Nov. 3, 1869. Bull, William S. Buffalo, N. Y. 11 13 ist Lieut., i2th Indpdt. Batt., N. Y. Lt. Art. Oct. I 1890. Bunce, Francis M. Hartford, Conn. Sioi Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 3, 1893. Burhans, Henry N. Syracuse, N. Y. 10160 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 2, 1870. Burleigh, John L. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1224 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. 1885. Burnett, Henry L. New York, N. Y. 3768 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. 1873. •Burnett, Robert L. New York, N. Y. 1490 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. 1889. *Burnham, Samuel E. Transferred to Vt. 7451 Captain, 5 th Vt. Inf. 1896. ^Bums, Edward N. New York, N. Y. ii373 (Hereditary.) April 7, 1S86. Bums, William S. Bath, N. Y. 4595 Captain, 4th Mo. Cav. May 5, 1869. *Burns, William IV. Transferred to D. C. 1049 Bvt. Brig.-Genl., U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 4, 1885. ^Burpee, Lucien F. Waterbury, Conn. 4257 Lieut.-Col., J. A., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) April 3, 1895. Burrows, Edwin B. Cincinnati, Ohio. Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1896. ^Burrows, Frederick R. Larchmont, N. Y (Second Class.) May 4, 1892. Burrows, William M. New York, N. Y. ist Lieut., 127th U. S. C. Inf. April 6, 1887. Burtis, Areunah M. Orange, N. J. ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 83d N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1867. 'Burtis, Arthur, Bo.ston, Mass. Pay Director, U. S. N. April I, i Nov. 5, Dec. 4, Feb. 5, 29 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. April I, 1891. Butler, George H. New York, N. Y. 8641 Act. Passed Asst. Surg., late U. S. N. March i, 1882. • Butler James H. New York, N. Y. 2277 ■^L^ ^""^ Captain, 32d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 18S9. '^Butler, John G. Watertown Arsenal, Mass. 7501 Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Jan. 17, 1866. ••BUTTERFIELD, DANIEL, New York, N. Y. 123 -•^*'- '"" Brevet Major-Genl., late U. S. A. Major- General, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 189 1. *Buttle, Richard W. 9123 Captain, 133d N. Y. Inf. Dec. I, 1885. ^Byrne, Charles C. Governor's Island, N. Y. 2904 Colonel, Asst. Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. Feb. I, 1893. B5rrne, John, Buffalo, N. Y. 9952 Lieut. -Colonel, 155th N. Y. Inf. May 6, 189 1. Byxbee, Theodore, Meriden, Conn. 8794 Major, 27th Conn. Inf. c. Oct. 6, 1868. ^Cabot, Stephen, Re-transferred to Mass. 923 Major, ist Batt. Mass. Hvy. Art. Nov. 12, 1890. 'Caldwell, Brown, New York, N. Y. 8250 (Second Class.) Oct. 3, 1877. *Callahan, Charles M. 1780 Captain, ist Mo. Lt. Art. Captain, 4th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) April 6, 1892. Camp, Elisha K. New York, N. Y. 9438 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1878. *Campbell, Douglas, 1788 Captain, 121st N. Y. Inf. April 7, 1886. Campbell, James D. Philadelphia, Penn. 4614 Captain, 49th Penn. Inf April I, 1868. Campbell, Nicholas L. New York, N. Y. 732 Act. Passed Asst. Surg., late U. S. N. May 6, 1896. Campbell, Wm. Auchinbreck, New York, N. Y, 11467 (In succession.) May I, 1889. Canfield, Herman, Transferred to D. C. 7094 (Hereditary.) Dec. 3, 1890. *Cannon, Amout, 8347 Lieut.-Colonel, 97th U. S. C. Inf. Feb. 2, 1887. *Cannon, Henry Le G. 5305 (Second Class.) April 7, 1886. • Cannon, Le Grand B. Burlington, Vt. 4600,^ v Colonel, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. ^ Dec. 4, 1889. *Cannon, Madison M. 7452 Lieut.-Colonel, 40th N.Y. Inf. y April 4, 1866. *Carleton, Charles A. 2H — f-^ ^ Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. » March 2, 1870. *Carleton, James H. 1157 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. 30 KO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. June 7, 1871. Carlton, William J. New York, N. Y. 1337 Captain, 48th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1896. Carman, James L. Thomasville, Ga, 1162S ist Lieut., 13th N. J. Inf. y, / Sppt II, 1889. i^Carpenter, Gilberts. Montclair, N. J. 725a » Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. I. 1880. *Carpenter, John B. 205& Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 7, 1886. *Carpenter, Lewis E. 4612: Major, 75th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1893. *Carpenter, William L. 10159 Captain, 9th U. S. Inf. Feb. 2, 1881. *Carr, Joseph B. 2140 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 5, 187 1. *Carruth, Williatn W. Re-transferred to Mass. 1301 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. April 3, 1895. Carter, John L. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 10962 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1878. ''Carter, Robert G. Transferred to D. C. 1865 Brevet Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 2, 1891. Cary, Samuel E. East Orange, N. J. 9124 2d Lieut., 13th Mass. Inf. Feb. I, 1893. Cary, William B. Windsor, Conn. 9953 Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. V -f-Feb. 5, 1868. *Case, A. Ludlow, 637 * Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1893. *Casey, James, 10322 rst Lieut., 42d N. Y. Inf. v^-4~ Jan. 5, 1887. *"Casey, James S. 5211 Colonel, 22d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) "~f» Sept. 15, 1866. *Casey, Silas, 370 Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. I, 1884. *Cassidy, Ambrose S. 3187 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 2, 1881. Castle, Frederick A. New York, N. Y. 2208 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1891. Caswell, Cassius C. New York, N. Y. 9125 ist Lieut., i6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 4, 1899. Catherwood, Clinton H. New York, N. Y. 12630 (Hereditary.) Feb. 4, 1 891. *Cating, James, 8485 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1900. Catlin, George de G. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12800 ist Lieut., 2d U. S. Inf. Captain, 42d U. S. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) Oct. 7, 1896. *Catlin, George L. 11558- ist Lieut., loist N. Y. Inf. 31 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. NO. OF [NSIGNIA. April 5, 1893. Catlin, Isaac S. Brooklyn, N. Y. Colonel. U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. 10084 April 2, 1890. Catlin, Lyman S. Bridgeport, Conn, ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 5th U. S. C. Cav. 7777 Dec. 2, 1896. Catlin, Sheldon, Pittsburg, Penn. (Second Class.) 11637 April 5, 189.3. Chalmers, Matthew, New York, N. Y. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. 10085 Dec. 3, 1890. Chamberlain, Dwight S. Lyons, N. Y. Surgeon, 9th N. Y. Hvy. Art. 8348 Dec. 2, 1891. Chamberlain, Eugene T. "Washington, D. C. (Second Class.) 9134 Dec. 4, 1889. Chamberlain, Frank, Albany, N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, 177th N. Y. Inf. 7453 Feb. 7, 1900. Chamberlin, James R. Rochester, N. Y. Captain, 3d N. Y. Cav. 12786 Oct. 5, 1898. *Champion, John C. Acting Master, late U. S. N. 12316 Jan. lo, 1872. ■•Chandler, John G. Los Angeles, Cal. Lieut. -Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. Colonel, A. Q. M. G., U. S. A. (Retired.) 1371 April 2, 1890. Chapman, Charles, New York, N. Y. (Second Class.) 7790 Feb. 2, 1887. *Chase, Edward E. Captain, ist R. I. Cav. 5294 Dec. I, 1897. Chasmar, James H. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) 1 2001 April 6, 1S92. *Chatfield, Charles J. ist Lieut., 2d U. S. Vet. Vol. Inf. 9421 April 4, 1894. Chatfield, William P. Waterbury, Conn. Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. 10493 Nov. 3, 1875. 'Chenery, Leonard, New York, N. Y. Lieut.-Comder., U. S. N. (Retired.) 1657 Oct. r, 1890. Cheney, Benjamin H. New Haven, Conn. Act. Asst. Surg., late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, 41st Ohio Inf. 8102 April 4, 1888. Chester, Walter T. New York, N. Y. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. 6172 Dec. 4, 1889. Chipman, Richard H. New York, N. Y. Act. Asst. Payjnr., late U. S. N. 7454 Oct. 6, 1869. » Christensen, Christian' T. Copenhagen, Denmark. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. 1087 Jan. 17, 1866. 'CHURCH, WILLIAM C. New York, N. Y. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. 130 Dec. I, 1897. Churchill, Lawrence W. Oswego, N. Y. (In succession.) 1 2010 Feb. 6, 1895. Cilley, Arthur H. New York, N. Y. (Second Class.) 10907 Dec. 3, 1884. Cilley, John K. New York, N. Y. Major, Q. M., U. S. V. 3357 32 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 3, 1886. Clark, A. Judson, Newark, N. J. 4483 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April I, 1891. Clark, A. Judson, Jr. Newark, N. J. 8669 (Hereditary.) Feb. 3, 1892. *Clark, Allan Jay, 9305 Act. Asst. Paymr., late U. S. N. June 14, 1876. Clark, Augustus M. Newark, N. J. 1642 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1885. 'Clark, William A. New York, N. Y. 4156 2d Lieut., late 30th U. S. Inf. Captain, 35th Iowa Inf. Oct. 10, 1894. Clarke, Alexanders. Paris, France. 1065 1 Captain, late 5th U. S. Cav. Oct. 10, 1894. Clarke, Augustus P. Cazenovia, N. Y. 10652 Major, 97th U. S. C. Inf. Sept. 15, 1866. *Clarke, Henry F. 733 Colonel, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. ^ Brevet Major-Gen'l, U. S. A. (Retired.) t --April 2, 1879. *Clarkson, Floyd, 1836 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 5, 1897. Clarkson, Francis, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 11848 ist Lieut., 125th N. Y. Inf. Dec. I, 1886. Clarkson, John V. B. New York, N. Y. 5122 (In succession.) *—>-» March 5, 1873. *Clay, Henry de B. Transferred to D. C. 1446 Captain, late 23d U. S. Inf. Dec. 5. 1894. Clement, Henry Steiner, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 10752 Major, 79th Ohio Inf. April 8, 1880. ^Clements, Frank M. New York, N. Y. 2095 ist Lieut., 39th Wis. Inf. Feb. 2, 1898. Cline, E. Clarke, Phillipsburg, N. J. 12131 Chaplain, nth N. J. Inf. —July I, 1868. *Clttz, Henry B. Transferred to Mich. 1082 Brevet Brig.-Gen'l, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1898. Closson, Henry B. New York, N. Y. 12409 (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1868. Clous, John W. Governor's Island, N. Y. 1107 Lieut. -Col., Dep. J. A. Gen'l., U. S. A. Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1884. Coan, Titus Munson, New York, N. Y. 3122 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Oct. 3, 1900. Cocheu, Fred. Chester, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12962 Cadet, late U. S. M. A. (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 1894. Cochnower, James Henry, New York, N. Y. 10753 _ ist Lieut., 74th Ohio Inf. Oct. 5, 1870. *Cochrane, John, 1210 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. ..Feb. 5, 1890. *Coddington, Clifford, 7602 Captain, 51st N. Y. Inf. May 8, iS'js. Coe, James N. Noroton Heights, Conn. 11040 Captain, 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. H 33 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. Dec. 13, 1899. Cogswell, George E. Jamaica, N. Y. Chief Yeoman, late U. S. S. " Jason." (Second Class.) Oct. 7, 1885. Cogswell, William S. New York, N. Y. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 7, 1884. Coit, George M. New York, N. Y. Captain, loth Conn. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. Coleman, Chas. Caryl, Island of Capri, Italy. ist Lieut., looth N. Y. Inf. June 6, 1868. Coleman, Frederick W. Transferred to D. C. Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Dec. 8, 1892. ■'Coler, William N. New York, N. Y. Colonel, 25tli 111. Inf. May 4, 1887. *Coles, Butler, ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 2d N. Y. Cav. Feb. 4, 1891. *Collins, George J. ist Lieut., 127th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. Collins, George K. Syracuse, N. Y. ist Lieut., 149th N. Y. Inf. Jan. I, 1890. sCollins, John T. New York, N. Y. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1866. *Collins, Walter J. Brevet Major, U. S. V. April I, 1891. • Collis, Charles H. T. New York, N. Y. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V, May 4, 1892. Collis, Lloyd, New York, N. Y. (Second Class.) Jan. 3, 1877. *Colver, George B. Captain, 12th Tenn. Cav. Dec. 5, 1894. Comfort, Samuel, Bombay, India. Major, 20th Penn. Cav. April 2, 1884. *Comly, Clifton, Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A, May 4, 1892. Comstock, Cyrus B. New York, N. Y. Brevet Brig-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1896. Comstock, Edward, Rome, N, Y. Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 6, 1891. Congdon, Joseph W. Nantucket, Mass. Acting Master, late U. S. N. May 3, 1893. Conrady, Howard C. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April I, 1891. Feb. 4, 1 891. April 6, 1887. May 2, xi Cook, Edward L. Buffalo, N. Y. Captain, looth N. Y. Inf. Cook, Frederick W. Louisville, Ky. (Hereditary.) ♦Cook, George H. Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. A. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Cook, Stephen G. New York, N. Y. Asst. Surgeon, 150th N. Y. Inf. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 12733 3776 3i8r 8310 788 9874 5524 8486 10424 7559 214 8636 9578 1645 10754 3126 9559 11629 8795 10161 8637 8507 5400 6237 i^ •/-*- 34 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. May 5, 1886. 'Cook, William C. New York, N. Y. 4655 Asst. Pajrmaster, late U. S. N. April 4, 1888. *Cooley, Alfred, 6168 Captain, 156th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1870. Cooley, James C. New York, N. Y. 1250 ist Lieut., 133d N. Y. Inf. Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. April I, 1885. **Cooley, Sherman P. 3785 Captain, 27th Mass. Inf. April I, 1891. Cooper, David B. Syracuse, N. Y. 8643 Brevet ist Lieut., U. S. V. June 2, 1869. *Cooper, Poinsett, 1085 Captain, 42d N. Y. Inf. April I, 1885. Cooper, Theodore, New York, N. Y. 3611 ist Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1896. Corbett, Marshall J. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11630 Captain, 137th N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1883. ^Corbin, Henry C. Transferred to D. C. 2716 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Major-General, A. G., U. S. A. April 3, 1889. Corbin, Job, Brooklyn, N. Y. 6958 Surgeon, late U. S. N. April 7, 1880. Corliss, Stephen P. Albany, N. Y. 2039 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1870. *Corning, Clarence H. 1208 Captain, late 17th U. S. Inf. Lieut. -Colonel, 14th N. Y. Hvy. Art. April I, 1891. *Corsa, William H. 8642 Captain, 131st N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1877. *Corse, John M. Transferred to 111. 1776 Brevet Major-Genl., U. S. V. April I, 1885. Cor thell, Elmer L. Transferred to III. 3617 Captain, ist R. I. Lt. Art. Feb. 4, 1891. Cossitt, Davis, Onondaga, N. Y. 8487 Captain, i22d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 1897. Cossum, Frederic, Auburn, N. Y. 11748 ist Lieut., 75th N. Y. Inf. -April 2, 1884. *Coster, John H. 3183 Captain, 8th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 4, 1891. *Coville, Orson, 8488 Captain, 149th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1895. Cowie, George, Rahway, N. J. 10899 Captain, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 2, 1888. *Cox, Rowland, 6226 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Hay 6, 1891. Coye, Charles S. Naples, N. Y. 8796 Act. Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. Dec. 4, 1889. Coyne, John N. Jersey City, N. J. 745s Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. 35 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. May 4, 1892. Craft, Elijah R. New York, N. Y. 9560 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Feb. I, 1893. Crafts, Samuel P. New Haven, Conn. 9954 Act. Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. Dec. 5, 1900. Cramer, J. Grant, New York, N. Y. 13056 (In succession.) April 3, 1S89. *Cramer, Michael J 6959 Hospital Chaplain, U. S. V. Post Chaplain, late U. S. A. May 6, 1891. Crane, Alexander B. New York, N. Y. 8797 Lieut. -Colonel, 85th Ind. Inf. Feb. 2, 1898. Crane, John, New York, N. Y. 12132 ist Lieut., Adjt., 17th Wis. Inf. Jan. 8, 1868. *Cranford, Henry L. Transferred to D. C. 634 Brevet Major, U. S. V. « May 4, 1892. Crawford, Le Roy, Chase's Lake, N. Y. 9561 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1884. iCrilly, Francis J. New York, N. Y. 3088 Brevet Colonel, late U. S. A. Dec. 4, 1889. *Crofts, Wm. Elliott, 7456 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Nov. 3, 1887. i^Cronkhite, Henry M. Essex, Conn. 5773 Private, 26th N. Y. Inf. Major, Stu-geon, U. S. A. (Retired.) June 3, 1868. ^Crosby, John Schuyler, Transferred to D. C. 800 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, A. D. C, late U. S. A. May 6, 1S91. *Crowell, Miner B. 8798 Act. Vol. Lieut., late U. S. N. Nov. 2, 1881. *Cruger, Stephen V. R. 2211 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 2, 1884. ®Cudner, Albert M. New York, N. Y. 3082 ist Lieut., Adjt., 42d U. S. C. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. CuUen, Edgar M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 7457 ist Lieut., late ist U. S. Inf. Colonel, 96th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 10, 1894. Culver, George B. North Granville, N. Y. 10654 ist Lieut., 43d N. Y. Inf. March 3, 1869. *Cunningham, John S. 1013^* Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) ' Feb. 3. 1886. Curie, Charles, New York, N. Y. 4484 - Captain, 178th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1895. Curie, Charles, Jr., New York, N. Y. 10908 Sergeant, Troop C, N. Y. Vol. Cav. (Second Class.) Dec. 7, 1892. Curran, Richard, Rochester, N. Y. 9859 Surgeon, 9th N. Y. Cav. Feb. 3, 1886. ^Curtis, David C. F. New York, N. Y. 4409 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 173d N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1892. Curtis, Edward, New York, N. Y. 9562 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. 36 NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND EANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Nov. 4, 1891. ^Curtis, Edwin S. Brooklyn, N. Y qo / /y Z^'^''. // /^ yr /y/y ^r y//yf Arr'y^ . //^ Q/ly^ejce^^ 0^^/ / /^ /r/j 47 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Sept. 7, i892.*"Gilman, Benjamin H. 9708 Captain, 13th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) Dec. I, 1880. Gilmore, James R. Chambersburg, Penn. 2055 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1881. *Glassford, Henry A. 2216 Act. Vol. Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Aug. 14, 1 896.*" Glenn, George E. 11532 Major, Addtl. Paymr., U. S. V. Colonel, Asst. Paymr.-Gen., U. S. A. April 4, 1883. *Goddard, Calvin, 2766 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. May 4, 1898. Gold, Cornelius B. New York, N. Y. 12247 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 4, 1889. Goodwin, Almon, New York, N. Y. 7463 2d Lieut., 19th Me. Inf. Oct. 6, 1897. Gordon, Leonard J. Jersey City, N. J. 11914 ist Lieut., Adjt., 6th N. J. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. Gott, Benjamin F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2900 Colonel, 174th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 4, 1893. Gott, Charles C. D. New York, N. Y. 10255 (Second Class.) Feb. 7, 1894. Gouraud, George E. Hove (Brighton), Eng. 10426 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Jan. 9, 1867. *Graham, Charles K. 578 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April I, 1891. Graham, James S. Rochester, N. Y, 8647 Captain, 21st N. Y. Cav. May 2, 1888. *Graham, John H. 6238 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 3, 1899. Graham, Matthew J. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12554 ist Lieut., 9th N. Y. Inf. May 6, 1896. Graham, William A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11468 Cadet Midshipman, late U. S. N. (In succession.) April 30, 1892. ^Graham, Wm. Montrose, Oakland,^Cal. 9531 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. May 2, 1866. *Granger, Gordon, 642 Brevet Major-General, U.'S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1885. Grant, Frederick D. New York, N. Y. 4067 Lieut.-Colonel, A. D. C, late U. S. A. Brig.-General, U. S. V. (In succession.) May 6, 1868. Grant, Gabriel, New York, N. Y. 842 Surgeon, U. S. V. April 4, 1888. *Grant, James, 6169 ist Lieut., 36th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 2, 1898. Grant, Madison, New York, N. Y. 12141 (Second Class.) 48 NO. OF ' ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. J L..f^Dec. 3, 1879.* 'Grant, Ulysses S. 2006 -y Major-General, U. S. V. ' General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1892. Graves, Edward Payson, Corning, N. Y. 9565 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 4, 1894. *Gray, John B. 10495 Colonel, ist Mo. S. M. Dec. 5, 1888. Gray, Philander R. Elizabeth, N. J. 6631 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 121st Penn. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. Gray, Theodore, Newark, N. J. 7607 Captain, 17th Conn. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. '^Greble, Edwin St. J. Re-transferred to Penn. 2947 Captain, 2d U. S. Art. Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) April 6, 1881. Greeley, Edwin S. New Haven, Conn. 2200 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. April 6, 1892. Green, James G. Washington, D. C. 9423 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. I, 1897. Greene, Chas. Thruston, Richmond Hill, N. Y. 12003 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Brevet Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1881. Greene, David M. Troy, N. Y. 2144 ist Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. / Jt- May 4, 1887. *Greene, George S. 5520 4 ist Lieut., U. S. Art. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. May I, 1889. Greene, George S. New York, N. Y. 7097 (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1891. Greene, Jacob Lyman, Hartford, Conn. 9126 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1896. Greene, Joseph Story, Watertown, N. Y. 11632 Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1900. Greenhut, Benedict J. New York, N. Y. 13061 (Second Class.) July II, 1866. Grier, William Transferred to D. C. 790 / I Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) .1^ May 5, 1880. *Grier, William N. 2046 ' Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1899. Griffin, Harry A. Galveston, Texas. 12562 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1 89 1. *Griffin, William H. 8945 Captain, io2d N. Y, Inf. Nov. 2, 1881. Grindlay, James G. Albany, N. Y. 2212 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 3, 1893. Griswold, Charles, Guilford, Conn. 10162 Captain, 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. Mays, 1897. Guernsey, Joseph R. New York, N. Y. 11857 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1895. *Gulick, Louis J. 10905 Captain, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) (Hereditary.) 49 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. May 8, 1895. Gurlitz, Augustus T. New York, N. Y. 11042 ist Lieut., 2d Ky. Cav. Oct. 7, 1896. Guyer, Henry, Lima, Peru. ii559 Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. H. Feb. 6, 1889. Hackley, Charles E. Hartford, Conn. 6747 Surgeon, 2d N. Y. Cav. May 7, 1890. Hagen, Joseph J. Troy, N. Y. 7981 Captain, 2d N. Y. Inf. May 8, 1872. *Haggerty, Robert A. 1492 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. May 8, 1895. Haight, Charles C. New York, N. Y. 11043 Captain, 39th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1899. Haight, Charles S. New York, N. Y. 12565 Corporal, Troop A, N. Y. Vol. Cav. 2d Lieut., 4th U. S. Cav. (Second Class.) Nov. 6, 1872. Haight, Edward, New York, N. Y. 1375 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, late U. S. A. Oct. I, 1890. • Haight, Edward R. New York, N. Y. 8106 ist Lieut., 107th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 12, 1890. iHall, Charles B. West Point, N, Y. 8217 ist Lieut., 30th Me. Inf. Major, 2d U. S. Inf. April 3, 1895. ^Hall, Frank H. Re-transferred to D. C. 10987 (Second Class.) April 6, 1887. Hall, Frederick J. Tarrytown, N. Y. 5420 (In succession.) Dec. 6, 1882. *Hall, George W. 2557 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Feb. I, 1893. Hall, Henry B. New York, N. Y. 9956 Captain, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Oct. 5, 1870. *Hall, James F. 1295 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1887, Halliday, Frank C. Brookljm, N. Y. 5712 (Second Class.) Feb. 4, 1885. Halliday, Frank S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3604 Brevet Captain, U. S, V. Jan. 3, 1866. *»HALPINE, CHARLES G. in Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. May 3, 1893. *Halsey, Edmund D. 10163 ist Lieut., Adjt., 15th N. J. Inf. April 4, 1866. *Halsey, Thomas H. 303 Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Aug. I, 1866. ♦Hamblin, Joseph E. 636 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Jan. 4, 1882. Hamilton, Charles A. New York, N. Y. 2269 (In succession.) ELECTED. Dec. 3, 1879. s Feb. 3, 1886. ,-|-Nov, 2, 1870. March 3, 1869 April 3, 1889 Dec. 7, 1892 Nov. 2. 1882 Dec. 5, 1888 May 2, 1900 Dec. 7, 1898 V > June 6, 1877. Dec. 4, 1895. Dec. 7, 1881. Oct. 2, 1895. Dec. 7, 1892. Dec. I, 1897. Oct. 7, 1885. Dec. 3, 1890. April I, 1 891. Feb. 4, 1 891. .April 4, 1866. ^Oct. 10, 1894. Oct. 6, 1897. April .2, 1884. 50 NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. * Hamilton, David B. Captain, 5th Conn. Inf. ♦Hamilton, John, Colonel. 5th U. S. Art. (Retired.) Hamilton, Schuyler, New York, N. Y. Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. ♦Hamilton, William, Act. Vol. Lieut.-Comder, late U. S. N. Hamilton, Willtatn A. Transferred to Cal. (In succession.) Hamlin, Charles E. Bangor, Me. (Second Class.) ^Hammatt, Charles H. New York, N. Y. Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. ♦Hammond, John, Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Hancock, D. James, Buffalo, N. Y, Private, 9th Penn. Vol. Inf. (Hereditary.) Hancock, Gwynn R. Honolulu, H. I. 2d Lieut., 6th U. S. Art. (In succession.) ♦Handren, John W. Act. 3d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. ♦Hanks, Horace T. Asst. Surgeon, 30th N. Y. Inf. Hard, George M. New York, N. Y. Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. Hard, Sherwood M. (Second Class.) Harding, Robert M. (Hereditary.) Harding, Wm. Becket, (Second Class.) Harding, William J. New York, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Captain, 38th U. S. Col'd Inf. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Haring, Abram P. ist Lieut., i32d N. Y. Inf. Harlan, Richard D. (Second Class.) Harmon, George M. New Haven, Conn. Captain, ist Conn. Hvy. Art. Harmony, David B. Transferred to D. C Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Harris, Frank J. New York, N. Y. (In succession.) ♦Harris, Frederick H. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 1905 4487 I216 IOI5 6964 9872 2621 6639 12885 12405 1653 1 1 242 2220 mil 9870 12016 3775 835r 8676 8491 322 10660 11916 ^. Harris, Henry T. B. Pay Inspector, U. S. N. Care of Navy Department. 3125^ 51 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. » Dec. 6, 1882. *Harris, John H. 2562 —4-—^ Acting Master, late U. S. N. I June 6, 1883. *'Harris, Wm. Hamilton, 2810 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, late U. S. A. Feb. 4, 1891. Hart, Charles E. New Haven, Conn. 8492 Captain, 109th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. Hart, Frederic J. Transferred to D. C. 8493 2d Lieut., 109th U. S. Col'd Inf. Oct. I, 1890. *Hart, George P. 8097 ist Lieut., ist N. Y. Lt. Art. Feb. 7, 1900. Hart, James W. Auburn, N. Y. 12799 (Hereditary.) Dec. 4, 1895. Hart, Walter T. Rye, N. Y. 11250 (In succession.) May 4, 1892. Hartley, Edward, New York, N. Y. 9566 Captain, 8th Minn. Inf. Dec. r, 1897. Hartshorn, Edwin A. New York, N. Y. 12004 Captain, 125th N. Y. Inf. March 3, 1869. *Hassler, Charles W. 1047 Paymaster, late U. S. N. March 18,1866. *Hastings, George G. 222 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 5, 1897. Hatch, Edward W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11858 (Hereditary.) April 7, 1886. Hatfield, Samuel P. New York, N. Y. 4613 Major, ist Conn. Hvy. Art. Oct. 5, 1898. Hausmann, Charles A. New York, N. Y. 12317 ist Lieut., 30th Indpdt. Batt. N. Y. Lt. Art. •Oct. 7, 1885. *Hawes, Granville P. 4425 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. Oct. 10, 1894. Hawes, James Anderson, New York, N. Y. 10661 (In succession.) Sept. I, 1886. '^Hawkins, Hamilton S. Fort Slocum, N. Y. 4886 Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. ■Oct. 2, 1889. ^Hawthorne, Harry L. TransfeiTed to D. C. 7374 Naval Cadet, late U. S. N. Captain, 2d U. S. Art. Major, 29th U. S. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) May 7, 1890. *Hays, John B. 7990 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. June 7, 1882. Healy, John G. New Haven, Conn. 2372 Lieut. -Colonel, 9th Conn. Inf. Oct. I, 1873. Healy, Robert W. Transferred to Ohio. 1445 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1868. *Healy, William J. 948 • Passed Asst. Pa5rmr., late U. S. N. May 5, 1886. ^Heap, David P. Tompkinsville, N. Y. 4724 Lieut. -Col., Engr. Corps, U. S. A. •Oct. X, 1890. Heckscher, John G. New York, N. Y. 8107 ist Lieut., late 12th U. S. Inf. j . ELECTED. v/ vX«Oct. I, 1879. vX«Oct. I, I Dec. 4, 1895 52 NAME AND RANK. *Headen, Warren R. ist Lieut., 65th N. Y. Inf. ADDRESS. May 12, 1885 Feb. 3, 1869 Feb. 16, 1866. May 6, 1896. June 6, 1883. Feb. I, 1871. May 4, 1887. Feb. 7, igoo. Oct. 5, 1887. Dec. I, 1886, Dec. 3, 1890. Dec. 2, 1891. April 3, 1895. Aug. 5, 1885. -' April 3, 1889. Feb. 8, 1899. May 12, 1885. May 2, 1888. Dec. I, 1897. May 3, 1882. Feb. 2, 1887. Feb. 3, 1886. H^^,g^s, Job E. New York, N. Y. (Hereditary.) Heennance, William L. New York, N. Y Captain, 6th N. Y. Cav. . *Heine, William, Master's Mate, late U. S. N. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. . *Heintzelman, Samuel P. Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Hemstreet, William, Brooklyn, N Y Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. ' " ^Henderson, Alexander, Yonkers N Y Chief Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) ' ' ' Hendrick, Albert C. New Haven, Conn. Captain, 12th Conn. Inf. Hendrickson, Eliphalet, Brooklyn N Y ist Lieut., Adjt., 40th N. Y. Inf. -^ ' " ' Hendrickson, John, New York, N Y Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. * ' *Henning, Benjamin S. Major, 3d Wis. Cav. ♦Herbert, George R. 2d Lieut., 159th N. Y. Inf. Heuberer, Charles E. Hoboken. N T Captain, 6th N. Y. Inf. ' "^ ' Hibbard, George B. New York N Y Brevet Major, U. S. V. . • • • Hibbard, Omri F. New York, N. Y (Hereditary.) • 'Hickey, James B. Havana, Cuba. Surgeon's Steward, late U. S. N Captain, 8th U. S. Cav. Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. <- Hickox, Charles R. New York N Y ist Lieut., late 5th U. S. Art. Hickox. Ralph Williamsbridge, N. Y. (Second Class.) ■^Hicks, George A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Hicks, Walter S. Brooklyn, N. Y. (In succession.) *Higbee, William H. Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. ^Higginson Francis J. Re-transferred to D. C. Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. Higginson, James J. New York, N. Y Brevet Major, U. S. V. Hill J. Augustus, Powell, Penn. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 1847 II252 3770 1 166 582. II461 2831 1247 5528 12788 5707 512I 8352 9II6 10975 3943 6953 12485 3765 6242 12005 2495 5295 4482 53 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 5, 1890. Hinckley, Henry L. Ithaca, N. Y. 7608 Captain, 96th U. S. Col'd Inf. Feb. I, 1888. Hincks, William B. Bridgeport. Conn. 601 1 ist Lieut., Adjt., 14th Conn. Inf. May 4, 1870. *Hinks, Edward IV. Transferred to Wis. 1205 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1886. *Hinman, Frank H. 4489 Pa>Tnaster, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 5, 1893. Hitchcock, Bradford W. New York, N. Y. 10108 (In succession.) April 3, 1889. *Hoagland, Cornelius N. 6956 Surgeon, 71st Ohio Inf. Dec. 13, 1899. Hobbs, George W. Albany, N. Y. 12724 Captain, gist N. Y. Inf. June 10, 1885. ^Hoff/john V. R. Transferred to D. C. 3915 Major, Surgeon, U. S. A. Lieut.-Col., Chf. Surg., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1878. Holbrook. William C. New York, N. Y. 1781 Colonel, 7th Vt. Inf. Oct. 5, 1886. Holden, Edgar, Newark, N. J. 4914 Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Feb. 4, 1 891. Hollister, Edward P. Montecito, Cal. 8494 Lieiit. -Colonel, 57th Mass. Inf. Oct. 6, 1897. Holmes, Cla>i;on W. Elmira, N. Y. 11923 (Hereditary.) May 4, 1892. Holmes, Sebastian D. Wallaceburg, Ont., Can. 9567 Captain, iiith N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. Holton, William H. H. New York, N. Y. 7464 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1868. *Homiston, Joseph M. 880 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 4, 1883. Hooker, Edward, Brooklyn, N. Y. 2569 ■^JL Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) * Sept. II, 1894. *"Hooker, James Fisk, New York, N. Y. 10666 (Second Class.) Oct. 2, 1895. Hooper, Henry N. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11 104 Lieut.-Colonel, 54th Mass. Inf. April 4, 1888. Hopkins, Amos L. Williamstown, Mass. 6166 Major, ist Mass. Cav. Feb. I, 1888. Hopkins, George G. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6014 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1892. Hopkins, Robert E. Tarrytown, N. Y. 9860 Captain, 149th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1898. *Hopkins, Woolsey, 12251 (Second Class) May 7, 1890. Hopkins, Woolsey R. Stamford, Conn. 7984 Lieut.-Colonel, Chf. Q. M., U. S. V. Oct. 3, 1888. *Hopper, George F. • 6428 Lieut.-Colonel, loth N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1885. Homer, James B. New York, N. Y. 4054 Captain, 17th N. Y. Vet. Inf. ^4-] 54 "NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Nov. 8, i888. ''Horton, Joseph H. Buffalo, N. Y. 6523 Lieut. -Colonel, 141st Penn. Inf. Dec. 2, 1885. *Horton, Nathan W. 4069 Captain, 9th Penn. Cav. May 6, 1891. ^Horton, William E. Manila, P. I. 8820 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. (Second Class.) May 6, 1891. «Hosmer, Edward S. New York, N. Y. 8821 (Second Class.) May 3, 1893. Hotchkiss, William T. New York, N. Y. 10168 (Hereditary.) Nov. I, 1865. "^Hou^h, Alfred L. Re-transferred to Penn. 67 Colonel, 9th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) April 6. 1892. Houghton, Thomas F, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9424 Act. Asst. Pajmiaster, late U. S. N. _ une 3. 1880. *®Houston, David C. 2092. I Major, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. Colonel, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. Oct. 5, 1887. Houston, James B. New York, N. Y. 5706 ist Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Feb. I, 1899. ^Howard, Frank W. New York, N. Y. 12465 (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1885. *^ Howard, Guy, Transferred to Neb. 433S Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. A Lieut.-CoL, Chf. Q. M., U. S. V. (Second Class.) Oct. 5, 1898. Howard, John R. New York, N. Y. 1231S Captain, A. A. D. C, U S. V. May 6, 1885. ^Howard, Oliver O. Transferred to Vt. 3808 Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) March i, 1882. ^Howison, Henry L. Yonkers, N. Y. 2353 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N."(Retired.) May I, 1889. *Hoyt, Charles S. 7086 Surgeon, 39th N. Y. Inf. Aprils, 1871. Hoy t, James J. Transferred to 111. 1265 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S V. April I, 1891. Hubbard, James F. Plainfield, N. J. 8648 Captain, 30th N. J. Inf. Feb. 9, 1867. ^Hubbard. Thomas H. New York, N. Y. 2392 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. April I, 1891. Hubbard, Wzllzam F. Transferred to Cal. 8649 Private, 149th N. Y. Inf. Post Chaplain, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 4, 1866. Hubbell, Henry W. Fort Du Pont,tDel. 233 Major, 4th U. S. Art. Colonel, 2oist N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. *Hubbell, William L. 7609 Captain, 17th Conn. Inf. April 3, 1889. Hubbell, William S. New York, N. Y 6962 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 4, 1885. *Hugg, Joseph, 3603 Surgeon, U. S. N. (Retired.) 55 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. Sept. i6, 1885. ^Hughes, Robert P, Manila, P. I. Colonel, Inspr. Genl., U. S. A. Brig.-General, U. S. V. ♦Hughes, Thomas W. B. 2d Lieut., 99th N. Y. Inf. Hull, Harmon D. New York, N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, 5th N. Y. Inf. New York, N. Y. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 3995 Feb. 2, 1876. June I, 1881. Nov. 4, 1885. Dec. 17, 1889. Nov. 5, 1884. Feb, I, 1888. Oct. 7. 1896. Feb. 5, 1890. Feb. 5, 1873. May 5, 1886. Dec. 4, 1867. April 7, 1886. Nov. 3, 1875. Feb. 3, 1886. April 3, 1889. May 3, 1893. April 3, 1895. April 6, 1892. Oct. I, 1884. Dec. 6, 1871. April 4, 1894. May 8, 1895. Sept. 22, 1886. Transferred to Kan. Sterling, N. Y. Sterling, N. Y. Hull, John Henry, Captain, 174th N. Y. Inf. ^Hufnphrey, Harry D. Captain, 20th U. S. Inf. (Second Class.) ♦Humphreys, George H. Surgeon, 9th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hunter, James B. Surgeon, 60th Ind. Inf. Hunter, Louis R. (Second Class.) Hunter, Thomas, Captain, iioth N. Y. Inf. ♦Hurlbut, Samuel D. Passed Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. Huston, Joseph F. Transferred to Kan. Major, 19th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) *Hutchings, William V. Transferred to Mass. Lieut.-Colonel, A. Q. M., U. S. V. ^Hutchins, Horace A. New York, N. Y. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. ♦Hutchinson, Edwin, Surgeon, 137th N. Y. Inf. Huffman, Berend H. Captain, 72d N. Y. Inf. ♦Hutton, Charles G. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Hyatt, Charles E. ist Lieut., 2oth N. Y. Cav. Hyde, Frederic S. (Second Class.) Hyde, Joel W. Asst. Surgeon, 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. Hyde, John McE. Transferred to Mo. Major, Q. M., U. S. A. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. , ♦Hyde, Simeon T. I St Lieut., 15 th Conn. Inf. ♦Hyde, William L. Chaplain, 112th N. Y. Inf. ♦Hyland, George, Major, 13th N. Y. Inf. ♦^Hyudman, William, Captain, 4th Penn. Cav. Brookljm, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2214 4059 7531 3363 602 r 1 1564 7610 1441 4693 632 4643 1637 4486 696 10164 10977 9425 3186 1339 10496 1 1044 4904 .^ 56 I. ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS ^°- °^ Jan. 4, 1899. «Inch, Robert A. New York N V '"''"'• (In succession.) ^^ ^°'^^' ^- ^- 12432 ^- July 3, 1867. */n^a//s, Rufus, Transferrpd to rii Brevet Major-General, U S V ^°'^^^^^^ *« I"- 588 Oct 2 T8fin T. v'T^ Major-General, U. S. A." (Retired.) «Jct. 2, 1889. Inghs, James, Jr. Paterson N T Captain, 25th N. J Inf ^^^^^^on, N. J. 7241 May 7, 1890. Irsch, Francis m ^- ^ .t , no^+ • ., •»- , New\ork, N. Y ^nSS Captain, 45th N. Y. Inf . ^. i. 79S8 -May 7, 1890. Irwin, Frank t a t^ , n' /^"'^' . London, England ynn-j ^ (In succession.) s^cinu. 7997 -f~Sept. 6, 1871. *5Irwin, Richard B. Lieut. -Colonel, A. A. G., U S V ^•^'^^ Dec. I, 1897. Isaacs, David ' at- ' t^ „ , Bugler, 5th N. Y. Cav ""'^^""^ ^^"^' ^- ^- ^^°°6 April 4, 1894. Ives, Brayton, New York N V Brevet Brig. -General. U. S. V? ' ^^ '°497 J. Feb. 18, X885. V-^-^./--., Transferred to Ore. 3537 Lieut.-Col., ist U. S. Cav. (Retired.) ^"^ Feb. I, 1893. Jackson, Oswald, Ng,,, York N V , / (Hereditary.) ^'' ^'''^^' ^- ^- 9964 1/ "f-Feb. 16, 1866. *Jackson, Richard H. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S A ^^^ Brevet Major-General, U. S. V Oct. 6, 1897. James, Edward C. New York N V Colonel, io6th N Y Inf ' ' ^- "9i7 March 21, 1888. ^Janeway, John H. ' New York N V Dec 4 X80. T ^^^^V^°^-^^P-S-g- Gem"! U. 1:^1: fReLd.) '''' Dec. 4, 1895. Jan™ Joseph E. New York. N. Y. 1x24, Asst. Surgeon, 15th N. H. Inf ' ■^' 1x243 Mayz, 1889. JarcHne, Augustus E. Smyrna. Del. (In succession.) "095 I June I, 1870. *Jardine, Edward. ^ ., Brevet Brig.-General, U. S V "^^ Apnl 4, 1888. >«Jarvis, Nathan S. New York N V Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A ' ^^ ^'^^ Major, Surgeon, U. S. V. (Hereditary.) April 6. 1887. Jay, William, New York. N. Y. Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. 5406 57 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 5, 1900. Jenney, William S. Syracuse, N. Y. 13058 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1889. Jewell, Charles A. Hartford, Conn. 6736 ist Lieut., Adjt., 22d Conn. Inf. April 5, 1876. Jewell, William H. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1638 Captain, 38tli Mass. Inf. June 7, 1871. *Jewett, Orville D. 1299 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. April 3, 1867. *Jewett, Pliny A. 875 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. March i, 1871. *Johnson, Charles A. 1263 2d Lieut., late loth U. S. Inf. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1897. Johnson, Charles C. Seneca Falls, N. Y. 11 75 5 (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1887. *Johnson, Daniel H. 5832 Captain, 40th Mass. Inf. Jan. 6, 1875. *Johnson, James W. 1548 Captain, 3d U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 6, 1882. *Johnson, John R. 2561 ist Lieut., 23d Penn. Inf. Dec. 7, 1887. *Johnson, Laurence, 5833 ist Lieut., 8th U. S. Col'd Hvy. Art. Dec. 4, 1889. Johnson, Thomas S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 74^5 Captain, 176th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 6, 1884. 'Johnston, Walter S. New York, N. Y. 2820 Captain, 184th Penn. Inf. Feb. 6, 1889. Johnston, William N. Palatine Bridge, N. Y. 6732 Captain, io2d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1898. Johnstone, Louis M. Stapleton, N. Y. 12400 ist Lieut., Indpdt. Batty. I, Penn. Lt. Art. May 5, 1886. Jones, Edward F. Binghamton, N. Y. 4688 Brevet Brig. -General. U. S. V. Mays, 1897. Jones, Frank J. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11851 ist Lieut., ist Conn. Hvy. Art. Oct. 4, 1899. Jones, WiUiam A. Richmond Hill, N. Y. 12628 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1900. Jones, Vv^illiam A. Richmond Hill, N. Y. 12801 (Second Class.) Oct. 10, 1866. Jouett, James E. Transferred to D. C. 583 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. 4, 1893. Joy, Edmund F. S. Newark, N. J. 10254 (In succession.) Dec, I, 1886. *Joy, Edmund L. 5120 Major, Judge Advocate, U. S. V. Aug. 21, 1896. 'Joyes, John W. West Troy, N. Y. 11528 ist Lieut., Ord. Dept., U. S. A. (Hereditary.) Nov. 7, 1883. Judd, Edwin D. Hartford, Conn. 2924 Major, Pa>miaster, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. 58 NovT^TfiRr T ''^^^^^^ '^^^- ADDRESS. ./.^'Z ■iNov. 2, i88r. Jussen, Carl. at^ i -nt t iwsignia. xst Lieui., Adjt., 23d Wis. mr^^'^' ''• J' ^367 K. Oct. 19. 1887. 'Kafer. John C. New York N V July 2 rM. .. ^^-^^^-t.Engr.. U.S. /(Retired./- "^^ "^^ July 2, 1866. 'Kane, Theodore F. New York N V ^r Captain, U. S. N. (Retired.) ^' ^^ ^' ^05 Mays, 1882. *iAarP-/, /oseM \, . . . r. fst /ieutlate 9th U. S. ,,,^^-''^^''--^-^ to Penn. 2436 „ , ^ Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V i-eb. 6, 1889. Kattenstroth, John H P««f n.o^ xtt J,, ^«t Lieut:,-'Adjt."9th Conn. Inf ''''°^'' ""• J' '^^^ C.7. X887. Kearny.^John^^^^^^^^ New York, N. Y. Feb. I, 1893. *Keith, Frederick T. -, (In succession.) 99^3 May 2, 1888. *Keith, Walter D Dec 2 ,8or T^ „^^P;^^"' ^^^^ Unassigned Co. Mass. Inf. ^''' i^ec. 2, 1891. Keller, Jacob W. ^ew York N V Captain, 3d U. S. Vet. Res. S^s ' ""• ^^ ^"^ n ^ Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 7. 1885. Kelley, Frank M. New York N V Brevet Captain, U. S V ' " ^^ ^779 Aug. 21, 1896. ^Kellogg, Edward S. ' " New York N V Lieutenant (J. G.), U S N ' ''529 (Hereditary.) Apnl 6, 1887. Kellogg, Rowland C. Elizabethtown N V Brevet Major, U S V ^^i^abethtown, N. Y. 5411 Sept. 5. 1894. >»Kelly, William, Jr. ' " West Point N V 2d Lieut., 2d U. S. Cav ' ' ^- '^^^o (Second Class.) Nov. 7, 1883. *Kemble, Edward C. „ ^ Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U S V ^^^^ l^eb. 5, 1868. Kendall, Frederic A 'rp ' . Captain,^8Th U.l Col'd ^J'^^''^^^^ to Ohio. 736 Oct , «« ^ Captain, 25th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Oct.. -«^ K-e4y^ Ciajjes^w. ^ ^^^ Wes. New B.,.ton, N. V. 3,S, May 7, 1890. Kent, Alba M - >^. ^. in. -t LiJut,' 29th Wis. Inf J^--^<^-°- N. Y. 7,89 Feb. 16, 1866. /^enl, J. Ford ' a^ . . Bni-GeC U. S. A. (Retirel.T "'' '^ ''^'- Major-General, U. S V Dec. 7, 1898. *Kent, William L. Captain, 23d Mass. Inf ^^4oi Apnl I, 1891. Kenyon, John S q ,t ,. 2d Liiut,, 3d N. Y. Cav. ^^"''"''' ''• ^- ^651 59 ELECTED. Dec. 3, 1884 Dec. 3, 1890 April 6, 1892 June 3, 1868 Dec. 13, 1899 April I, 1868 April 7, 1869. April 4, 1894. Feb. 3, 1892. Dec. 5, 1866. Oct. II, 1865. May 2, 1888. April 2, 1884. April 5, 1871. Oct. 3, 1900. Jan. 17, , 1866. May 5, 1886. May 7, 1884. Oct, 2, 1878. Oct. 7, 1 891. Dec. 7, 1892. April 2, 1890. Feb. 6, 1884. NAME AND RANK. Kershner, Edward, Medical Inspector, U. S. N. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Galveston, Texas. 10503 Springfield Centre, N. Y. 9308 411 Kershner, Edward C. (Second Class.) Ketchum, Alexander P. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Ketchum, Edgar, Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Ketchum, Edwin N. Captain, 176th N. Y. Inf. *'Ketchum, Hiram H. Private, ist N. Y. Engrs. Maior, 22d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) ♦Keteltas, Henry, Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, late U. S. A *Kidd, Henry M. (Second Class.) Kidd, William, ist Lieut., 44th N. Y. Inf ♦'Kidder, Jerome H. Corporal, loth Md. Inf. Surgeon, late U. S. N. ♦'Kiddoo, Joseph B. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Kilbreth, John W. Southampton, N. Y. Captain, 79th Ohio Inf. Kimball, James P. Omaha, Neb. Asst. Surgeon, 65th N. Y. Inf. Lieut. -Col., Dep. Sxirg.-Gen., U. S. A. Kimball, James P. New York, N. Y. Brevet Major, U. S. V. King, Alonzo I. Captain, 146th N. Y. Inf. 'KING, HORATIO C. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. King, John S. ist Lieut., 124th N. Y. Inf. ♦King, Rufus, Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Kipp, Charles J. Newark, N. J. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Kirby, William M. Auburn, N. Y. Captain, 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. Lieut.-Colonel, 3d N. Y. Vol. Inf. Kirchner, William F. New York, N. Y. 2d Lieut., 15th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Kireker, Charles, New York, N. Y. Lieut.-Colonel, ii6th U. S. Col'd Inf. ♦Kisselburgh, William E. ist Lieut., Adjt., 169th N. Y. Inf. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 3364 8364 9426 787 12725 710- Waterville, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y, ■f ^ V 53 6221 3127 1294 12956 132 4691 3180 •^-*' 1827 8946 9861 7781 3129- I0I7I 903 I0543 9427 6o ELECTED. April 7, X869. ^KitchenriaS L^^^. — , - - Mav a r8 Tr ^^^"^-Colonel, 2d N. J. Cav. 1046 ^^7 3. 1893. Knap, Edgar Day m .r , (Second Class.) ^^^^ Y«^k> N. Y. Oct. 14, 1868. >Knap, Joseph M ^ .. Maya x8o. r ^T' ^"^- ^^tt. Pa. Lt. Art'" "^^^^^ ^- ^- ^''idy 2. 1894. knapp, Jacob, e , ., ^ Captain, 149th N Y Inf ^^^^^«^' N- Y. Apnl6, X892. Knapp, ObadiahM.- 3,. p Hospital Steward, late U. S A '' ^"°°- ov. 3, 1875. *i Knee I and, Satnuel, p, , Mav . r« r. ^'"^"' Lieut.-Colonel, U. S ^''■'^''^^^''^^ to Mass. 1725 May 4. 1892. Knowles. Charles P. ni' ^r.. ^, (Second Class.) Olean. N. Y. I^---7, i88x. Knowles, Charles R .,, ,, , Acting Master, late U S n ^''^" ^- 2218 Mo Captain, 92d N. Y. Inf ' ' May 2, 1877. Knowlton. Julius W r -^ -•3. .92. Kno:%^rrdr^-^-- ^^^ ^^^ ^^- -^- . .899. Korn"ar:r---' ^^ f--^" ^ "^ ^^ Mav. « .. Major, 45th N.Y. Inf. ^^^ York, N. Y. ,,,,8 ^a> 4, 1892. Kreutzer, William Lieut.-Colonei: 98th N. Y. InZ°'''' ^^ ^^ 9568 L. Feb. 4, 1891. La Bree, Benjamin t • •„ (Hereditary)' Lomsville, Ky. 3508 Aug, 2, 1871. ^La Grange, Oscar H. j>, ,,,, , , Feb , r« T ^'"""^ Brig.-General. U. S ^^'^^^^^^^^^^^ to Cal. X334 ^D- 3, 1897. Lambert, George H at! tj • Feb 6 «« r S^-^-^tMafor.U.S.V. ^^^ ^^^nswick. N. J. X1750 ^eo. 0, 1889. Lambert, Henrv S Asst. Surgeon, U. S. N. (Redr^ed f "'P''^^' ^^^- ^077 Surgeon, ist U. S. Vol. Cav ^^ . ., ("In succession.) Apnl 3, 1895. Lampson, Mortimer t Medical Cad?t!^ate U S A^''''^ ^''^' ^- J" ^^966 Dec A TSft, r Surgeon, 36th U. S. Col'd Inf J-'ec. 4, 1867. Zamson, Daniel S. n.^^ l' , Feb. ,8 r ,^^^-^-Colonel,x6thMass.In^f"°'''"^^^°^^- ^29 ^eb. 4, 1891. Land. Joseph F >/ ^, , Brevet Major, U. S. V. ^'''^' ^- ^- 8495 6i NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 4, 1889. Lane, Barent H. New York, N. Y. 7466 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. 2d Lieut., ist N. Y. Marine Art. Oct. 2, 1895. Lane, John S. Meriden, Conn. 11 105 ist Lieut., 8th Conn. Inf. June 2, 1880. *Langdon, Charles S. 2048 Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 3, 1893. Langdon. Charles S. New York, N. Y. 10172 Coxswain, late U. S. S. "Yankee." (In succession.) Feb. 16, 1866. Langdon, Loomis L. Transferred to D. C. 224 Colonel, ist U. S. Art. (Retired.) Feb. 2, 1887. Lawrence, Abram B. Warsaw, N. Y. 5288 Lieut.-Col., Chief Q. M.. U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1867. *Lawrence, A. Gallatin, 624^. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 2, 1888. *Lawrence, Frederick H. 6236 Captain, i6th N. Y, Hvy. Art. Oct. 2, 1889. Lawrence, James V. Yonkers, N. Y. 7240 Brevet Major, U. S. V. March I, 1871. Lawrence, Samuel B. New York, N. Y. 1262 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Oct. I, 1890. Lawyer, Joseph A. Watertown, N. Y. 8108 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. May 5, 1886. Lay, Richard G. Barcelona, Spain. 4690 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, late U. S. A. May 12, 1885. Leale, Charles A. New York, N. Y. 3622 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. V. March 2, 1870. ^Learned, Bela P. Norwich, Conn. 1179 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 8, 1899. Learned, Ebenezer, Norwich, Conn. 12486 (Second Class.) Nov. I, 1871. Leavitt, Sheldon, Irving^on-on-the-Hudson, 135S Brevet Captain, U. S. V. N. Y. Nov. 6, 1878. *Ledlie, Gilbert W, 1839 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., i6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 8, 1872. *Ledlie, James H. 1439 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. April 2, 1890. Lee, Albert L. New York, N. Y. 7782 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. June 24, 1887. "Leeper, William M. New York, N. Y. 5599 Private, 14th 111. Inf. Oct. 5, 1892. Leggett, Francis W. New York, N. Y. 9728 Captain, 9th Mich. Cav. Feb. 6, 1878. Leland, Francis L. New York, N. Y. 1782 Lieut.-Colonel, ist N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1891. Lelong, Alexander, Newark, N. J. 8947 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 6, 1896. Leonard, Orville H. New York, N. Y. 11470 (Second Class.) vy-^yu 62 ELECTED. NAME AND BANK. ADDRESS. Dec. 6, 1882. Leonard, Orville W. New York, N. Y. Captain, 4.26. Mass. Inf. Nov. 3, 1869. Leonard, Robert W. Mount Kisco, N Y Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Colonel, 1 2th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Feb. 6, 1884. *Leoser, Charles McK. Captain, late 2d U. S. Cav. Colonel, nth N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. Leoser, Charles McK. New York, N. Y. (In succession.) Dec. 5, 1888. Leoser, Thomas S. Elizabeth, N. J. (In succession.) Feb. 4, 1 89 1. Le Roy, J. Rutgers, Paris, France, (Hereditary.) May 2, 1888. Leslie, John A. Jacksonville, Fla. ist Lieut., Adjt., 203d Penn. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. Lester, Elias, Seneca Falls, N Y. Medical Cadet, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 97th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 4, 1883. Levy, Benjamin J. New York N Y Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1867. 'Lewis, Alfred E. Milford, Penn. Major, ist Penn. Lt. Art. Dec. I, 1869. *Lewis, William H. Lieut. -Colonel, 19th U. S. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. Leyden, Maurice, Rochester N Y Brevet Major, U. S. V. March 18, 1866. *Liebenau, Joseph H. Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Feb. 4, 1874. f Lillie, Abraham B. H. Navy Yard, N. Y, Commander, U. S. N. Dec. 5, 1888. *Lincoln, Rufus P. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 22, 1888. ^Lindsay, C. Seton, London, England ist Lieut., 36th N. Y. Inf. April 6, 1892. Lindsley, J. Frank, Morristown, N. J. (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 1888. Lintner, Howard B. New York, N. Y. (In succession.) Nov. 7, 1883. *Lintner, William H. H. ist Lieut., 177th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1893. Little, Da\nd, Rochester, N. Y. Surgeon, 13th N. Y. Inf. May 4, 1887. *Little, Edward. H. Lieut. -Colonel, 127th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1888. Littlejohn, Harry, Montclair, N. J. Captain, 3d Md. Inf. Feb. 5, 1890. *Livingston, Mortimer, ^^ 2d Lieut., 14th N. Y. Hvy. Art. /^ Oct. 4, 1876. *Locke, Frederick T. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S, V. ^ NO. OF INSIGNIA. 2556 IIO6 3014 10436 6641 8509 6220 10423 2568 1X50 "337 630 1444 6640 6672 9439 6634 2897 10326 5527 6625 761 1 1643 63 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND BANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 7, 1887. Lockman, John T. New York, N. Y. 5829 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. April 6, 1887. Lockwood, Benoni, New York, N. Y. 5410 Captain, 6th Penn. Cav. April 4, 1866. Lockwood, Henry C. New York, N. Y. 212 "-v^ ^^ Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1878. Lockwood, John B. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1823 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. Jan. 8, 1868. *Long, John H. 627 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. April 6, 1870. * Long, Owen M. 1165 Surgeon, nth 111. Inf. May 3, 1893. Longacre, Lindsay B. New York, N. Y. 10173 (Second Class.) July 2, 1866. 'Longacre, Orleans, New York, N. Y. 314 ist Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Nov. 4, 1874. Lopez de Queralta, Fernando, New York, N. Y. 1544 *y* *"^ ist Lieut., 82d Penn. Inf. May 2, 1888. Lord, Charles W. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 6239 (In succession.) April 3, 1895. Lord, Frank Howard, New York, N. Y. 10076 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) Feb. 2, 1881. Lord, Henry E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2134 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1879. *Lord, T. Ellery, 1831 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Oct. 6, 1875. *Lori!7g, Charles H. Transferred to D.JC. 1693 Chief Engr., U. S. N. (Retired.) April 6, 1887. *Loughran, Robert, 5401 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1887. *Love, John J. H. 5824 Surgeon, 13th N. J. Inf. April 3, 1889. Loveland, Frank C. New York, N. Y. 6952 Lieut. -Colonel, 6th Ohio Cav. Feb. 5, 1896. Low, James, Niagara Falls, N. Y. 11338 Major, 8th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Nov. 3, 1886. Low, Philip B. New York, N. Y. 5013 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Oct. 3, 1900. Lowe, Thomas O. NewiBrighton, N. Y. 12963 (Hereditary.) Oct. 3, 1877. *Lowery, Jos. Stuart, 1783 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. I, 1897. Lowry, Alexander M. New York, N. Y. 12007 ist Lieut., 1 1 2th N. Y, Inf. Feb. 7, 1900. Loyd, John, New York, N. Y. 12789 Act. ist Aisst. Engineer, late U. S. N. , Feb. 4, 1885. 'Ludlow, William, Washington, D. C. 3592 .-(^ " Brigadier-General, U. S. A. / Major-General, U. S. V. / ELECTED. '^J''^Ott. 5, 1881. Feb. 2, 1898. Oct. 5, 1886. Oct. 10, 1866. Feb. 3, 1897. Feb. 4, 189 1. Oct. 5, 1898. May 6, 1896. Feb. 7, 1894. Oct. 3, 1888. Feb. I, 1888. Feb. 8, 1899. ADDRESS. 64 NAME AND RANK. ♦Lugenbeel, Pinkney, Colonel, 5th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Lusk Graham, New York, N Y (In succession.) *Lusk, William T. Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Lydecker, Garrett J. Detroit, Mich. Lieut. -Colonel, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. Lydig, Philip M. New York, N Y Captam, C. S., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) ♦Lyford, Stephen C. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. A. Lyle, Jabez M. Brooklyn N Y ist Lieut., 3d Mass. Inf. Lyle Mervin E. New York, N. Y. (Second Class.) Lyman, Henry H. Oswego N Y ist Lieut., Adjt., 147th N. Y. Inf. Lyman, Joel H. Randolph, N Y Quartermaster Sergt., 9th N. Y Cav ist Lieut., late 7th U. S. Inf. Lyon, George W. New York, N Y Brevet Captain, U. S. V. > • • 'Lyon, James, ist Lieut., 4th N. Y. Cav. Lyon, Phoebus W. Bridgeton, N T ist Lieut., 176th N. Y. Inf. ^' NO. OF INSIGNIA. 2217 I2I38 4913 II756 8496 12327 1 1462 10427 6424 6012 12479 Feb. 6, Oct. 7, May 4, Dec. 3, April I, Feb. 22, May 7, May 2, Dec. 2, 1889 1885, 1892. 1890. 1 891. 1893. 1890. 1894. 1891. Transferred to D. C. M. Macauley, Daniel B. (In succession.) «MacConnell, Chas. Curtis, Morristown N T Brevet Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) ' Macdonald, William S. New York N Y (In succession.) ' MacDougall, Clinton D. Auburn N Y Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. • • • Macfarlane, Carrington, Oswego N Y Surgeon, risth N. Y. Inf. & ' • • 'SMacGregor, James C. New York, N Y (In succession.) Mackey Charles W. New York, N Y ist Lieut., loth Penn. Reserves. Mackey, Silas G. Haverstraw, N. Y Captain, 95th N. Y. Inf. Madden, Frank, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Private, 49th N. Y. Inf. 2d Lieutenant, U. S. A. (Retired.) 6753 4375 9574 8353 8652 10038 7986 10544 9127 Yi 65 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. Oct. I, 1S90. Magee, Edward A. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) March i, 1S82. Magee, George W. Brooklyn, N. Y. Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. 7, 1868. *Mahnken, John H. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Brevet Major, U. S. A. Dec. I, 1897. Male, Francis Sherwood, (Second Class.) Oct. 7, 1885. Male, William H. Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. March 2, 1870. *'*Mallory, William H. Major, 2d N. Y. Cav. April 5, 1893. Mallory, Wm. Wyman, (In succession.) April 7, 1886. Man, Frederick H. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. I, 1890. *Manchester, Charles N. Major, 2d R. I. Cav. May 4, 1887. Mann, William d'A. Colonel, 7th Mich. Cav. Dec. 2, 1891. Manning, Edward, Acting En.sign, late U. S. N. Oct. 3, 1888. Manning, Frederick L. Waterloo, N. Y. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 2, 1877. Manning, Henry S. Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 8, 1895. Manning, Richard F. Private, 'Troop A, N. Y. Vol. Cav. (Second Class.) Dec. 2, 1891. Marcus, Leopold, ist Lieut., 72d N. Y. Inf. April 5, 1893. Marcus, Marvin M. (Second Class.) Feb. 3, 1897. Marsh, Arthur M. (Second Class.) Oct. 7, 1891. Marsh, Charles M. ist Lieut., 25th N. J. Inf. May 8, 1895. Marsh, Daniel E. 2d Lieut., 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. Oct. 7, 1885. Marsh, Edward T. T. New York, N. Y. Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1891. Marsh, Edward W. Bridgeport, Conn. Captain, 2d Conn. Hvy. Art. Feb. 5, 1890. Marsh, Elias J. Paterson, N. J. Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Feb. I, 1882. *Marshall, Elisha G. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April I, 1891. Marshall, John E. New York, N, Y. Brevet Lieut, -Colonel, U. S. V. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. T. Waterloo, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. 1. Cav. Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Bridgeport, Conn. New York, N. Y. Bridgeport, Conn. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 8109 2368 944 12017 3780 1174., 10109 4596 8110 5516 9117 6427 1649 1 1049 9128 10088 11757 1 1045 3777 9118 7612 2273 8653 66 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 3, 1890. Marten, Benjamin T. New York, N. Y. 8354 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 3, 1872. *Marthon, Joseph, 1377 Lieut. -Commander, U. S. N. Nov. I, 1865. *'Martin, Archer N. 78 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. t/'—K March 18,1866. *Martin, Charles, 225 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 13, 1899. Martin, Edward A. Lockport, N. Y. 12726 I Captain, io8th U. S. Col'd Inf. y'' "^June 2, 1880. *Martin, Edward W. 2045 ^ (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1896. Martin, John C. New York, N. Y. 11560 ist Lieut., 157th Penn. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Marvin, Azor S. 7468 ,. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. r*- Nov. 6, 1867. *Marvin, Selden E. 575 / Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1897. Marvin, Selden E. Albany, N. Y. 11758 (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1870. ^Mason, E. Porter, Transferred to Penn. 1140 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 7, 1879. *Mason, Theodorus B. M. Transferred to D. C. 1844 Lieut. -Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1895. Masters, Harris K. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10909 (Second Class.) April I, 1891. Masters, Hibbert B. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8654 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1890. *Mather, Fred, Transferred to Wis. 8355 ist Lieut., 7th N. Y. Hvy. Art. July 3, 1867. *Mathews, Joseph S. 584 Major, ii2th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1894. Mathewson, Arthur, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10761 Surgeon, late U. S. N. Oct. 7, 1896. Mathot, Louis, New York, N. Y. 11556 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1887. Matthews, Ambrose M. Orange, N. J. 5826 Captain, 13th N. J. Inf. May 7, 1890. Mattison, William R. New York, N. Y. 7976 Major, 2d N. Y. Cav. Nov. 5, 1884. *Mayo, William K. 3355 Commodore, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1892. McAuhffe, Frank, New York, N. Y. 9310 ist Lieut., 22d Conn. Inf. "***^ April 2, 1873. *McCarthy, Thomas, 1488 . Captain, loist N. Y. Inf. """r"^Feb. 5, 1873. *McClellan, George B. I373 I Major-General, late U. S. A. Major-General, U. S. V. "~*^' May 2, 1888. McClellan, George B. New York, N. Y. 6240 (In succession.) June 2, 1869. May 7, 1890. Dec. 5, 1894. Dec. I. 1886, Oct. 2, 1895. Oct. 2, 1895. May 7, 1890. Jan. 5, 1881, 67 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. April 3, 1889. McClellan, John, Fort Hancock, N. J. 6967 Captain, 5th U. S. Art. Major, Chf. Ord. OflE., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) March 7, 1866. 'McCook, Anson G. New York, N. Y. 197 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. March 13,1890. 'McCook, Charles M. Chicago, 111. 7761 (Hereditary) McCook, John J. New York, N. Y. 1079 Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. 1890. McCook, John J. Hartford, Conn. 7987 2d Liettt., ist Va. Inf. McCormick. Robert C. New York, N. Y. 10769 (Hereditary.) 1886. *McCracken, William V. 5111 Captain, 123d Ohio Inf. McDonald, James H. Seneca Falls, N. Y. 11 106 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. McDonald, William O. New York, N. Y. 11 107 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. McEntee, John, Rondout, N. Y. 7977 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. McEwan, John S. Albany, N. Y. 2058 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 6, 1887. *McFarland, Walter, 5399 Lieut.-Colonel, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. Oct. I, 1890. McGill, John D. Jersey City, N. J. 8096 (In succession.) June 5, 1867. ^McGinness, [ohn R. Transferred to Mo. 507 Lieut.-Colonel, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Dec. 4, 1867. ^McGowan, John, Transferred to D. C. 598 Captain, U. S. N. April 2, 1890. McGown, George, Palmyra, N. Y. 7783 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1888. McKay, Charles E. East Orange, N. J. 6642 Lieut. -Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) Jan. 5, 1869. McKay, Geors^e F. Transferred to Mass. 978 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 6, 1892. McKay, John Edwards, New York, N. Y. 9428 Act. ist Asst. Engr. , late U. S. N. April 12, 1871. *iMcKee, George W. 1277.^'*!"^ U Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Nov. 2, 1870. McKeever, Chauncey, Transferred to D. C. 1223 Lieut.-Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1892. McKelway, St. Clair, Brooklyn, N. Y. 9575 (Hereditary.) Feb. 5, 1879. McKibbin, Gilbert H. New York, N. Y. 1829 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Oct. 2, 1889. McKiernan, Samuel G. Paterson, N. J. 7242 ist Lieut., 25th N. J. Inf. ADDRESS. New York, N. Y. NO. OF INSIGNIA. 1 1345 New York, N. Y. 3366 East Orange, N. J. 1214a 5823. Re-transferred to 111. 2021 Manila, P. I. 3782 68 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. Feb. 5, 1896. McKim, Robert A. (Second Class.) Feb. 4, 1885. McKim, Robert V. Surgeon, 57th N. Y. Inf, Feb. 2, 1898. McLean, Harvey B. (Hereditary.) Dec. 7, 1887. *McLean, Le Roy, Surgeon, 2d N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1881. ''McLean, William A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1885. McMahon, John E. ist Lieut., 4th U. S. Art. Major, 31st U. S. Vol. Inf. (Hereditary.) Jan. 17, 1866. iMcMAHON, MARTIN T. New York, N. Y. 12& Captain, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. ^^'^■Dec. I, 1886. . McMicken, James A. Brooklyn, N. Y. 5115 ' Captain, 43d N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1899. McMicken, James A., Jr. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12566 (Second Class.) -,^,-^-^' April I, 1868. *McMillan, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 1076 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. March 2, 1887. ^McMillin, Emerson, New York, N. Y. 5385 2d Lieut., 2d W. Va. Cav. May 2, 1900. McNeil, RoUin, New Haven, Conn. 12884 Surgeon, 9th Conn. Inf. ~r~Oct. 7, 1868. *McQuade, James, 879 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. June 6, 1877. *McQuade, James, 1651 (In succession.) Sept. II, 1867. *Mead, George L. 587 Paymaster, U. S. N. Feb. 2, 1898. Meade, Richard W. New York, N. Y. 12139 (In succession.) Dec. 12, 1883. *Mears, Charles E. 2927' Major, ist N. Y. Marine Art. May 4, 1892. Mears, Edward C. Transferred to Ore. 9572 (In succession.) Aug. 20, 1884. *^Mears, Frederick, Re-transferred to Cal. 3324 Lieut. -Colonel, ist U. S. Sharpshooters. Lieut-Colonel, 4th U. S. Inf. Dec. 2, 1891. Meeker, Carnot B. Madison, N. J. 9129 ist Lieut., 2d N. J. Cav. Feb. 4, 1891. Meeker, Edward P. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8497 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. Captain, U. S. M. C. (Retired. Dec. 2, 1885. *Meeks, Albert V. 4071 Captain, 62d;N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. *Meeks, Joseph^W. 7467 ist Lieut, R. Q.°M., 38th N. Y. Inf. *^'^< ^c /r;^ (^ Ay^ 69 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. June 7, 1890. i^Meier, Edward D. New York, N. Y. 8012 ist Lieut., ist La. Cav. Dec. 3, 1890. *Mellor, James W. §356 Act. 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 4, I'S,?,!. *Mendefthall, [ohn. Transferred to Mass. 2201 Lieut. -Colonel, A. I. G., U. S. V. Colonel, 2d U. S. Art. Feb. 5, 1868. iMenken, J. Stanwood, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1363 Captain, 27th Ohio Inf. Nov. 5, 1884. *Menninger, Henry J. 3356 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 2d N. C. Inf. May 7, 1890. Meredith, William T. New York, N. Y. 7985 Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 5, 1894. Merriam, Thomas, Syracuse, N. Y. 10762 Captain, 149th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1S99. Merrill, Clement F. New Haven, Conn. 12567 (Second Class.) April 3, 1889. Merrill, Edward R. New York, N. Y. 6949 ist Lieut., ist Mass. Cav. Dec. 12, 1 891. 'Merrill, William F. New Haven, Conn. 9203 ist Lieut., 3d Mass. Hvy. Art. Feb. 2, 1887. *Merritt, Abram, 5289 2d Lieut., 80th N. Y. Inf. Nov 2, 1881. Merritt, Edwin A. Potsdam, N. Y. 2213 Captain, C. S., U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1886. Merritt, Edwin A. Potsdam, N. Y. 4492 (Second Class.) April I, 1885. *Meserole, Nicholas W. 3610 Captain, 133d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. Meserve, Frederick H. New York, N. Y. 11346 (Second Class.) Nov. 5, 1884. *Metcalf, Joseph H. 3353 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. I, 1880. Meyer, Henry C. New York, N. Y. 2054 Captain, 24th N. Y. Cav. Feb. I, 1893. Meyer, Henry C, Jr. New York, N. Y. 9966 (Second Class.) Dec. 7, 1887. *Meylert, Asa P. 5828 Major, Surgeon, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1868. *Mickaelis, Otho E. , Transferred to Me. S82 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. May 5, 1886. Michie, Peter S. West Point, N. Y. 4697 Professor (Colonel), U. S. M. A. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. May 3, 1893. *Michie, William R. 10174 (Second Class.) June 24, 1886. ^^Middleton, Johnson V. D. Transferred to Cal. 4800 Lieut.-Col., D. S. G., U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1893. Middleton, Orlando F. New York, N. Y. 10165 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V, 4- 70 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. May 2, 1866. *Milhau, John J. 301 Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S. A. .X)ec. 6, 1882. "Millard, Harrison, Transferred to Cal. 2558 ist Lieut., late 19th U. S. Inf. April 6, 1892. Miller, David, New York, N. Y. 9429. Captain, 65th N. Y. Inf. April 2, 1890. Miller, Franklin E. Paterson, N. J. 7784 Major, 66th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 6, 1892. Miller, Henry W. Morristown, N. J. 943a Lieut. -Commander, late U. S. N. Feb. 4, 1891. Miller, John, New York, N. Y. 8498 Act. 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 7, 1890. Miller, John A. Newark, N. J. 7992 (Hereditary.) April 6, 1892. Miller, Joseph N. New York, N. Y. 9431 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 5, 1896. Miller, Sanmel D. Transferred to Ind. ii347 (Second Class.) March i, 1882. Miller, William De W. New York, N. Y. 227& Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. Mills, Abraham G. New York, N. Y. 7469 2d Lieut., 165th N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1871. *Miln, David I. 1298 Lieut.-Colonel, 65th N. Y. Inf. March 4, 1868. 'Mindil, George W. New York, N. Y. 696 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 2, 1S95. Mitchell, John F. B. New York, N. Y. 11 108 Captain, 2d N. Y. Cav. Oct. 5, 18S7. *Mitchell, William, 5711 Captain, 3d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Nov. I, 1882. Mizner, Henry R. Transferred to Mich. 2379 Colonel, 17th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. June 5, ii?>b*^^ Mizner, John K. Transferred to D. C. 4784 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April I, 1891. Moffitt, Stephen, Transferred to Vt. 8655 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 16, 1866. Molineux, Edward L. New York, N. Y. 21& Brevet Major-General, \5 . S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. Monson, Frank A. New Haven, Conn. 7470 Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. Oct. II, 1865. 'Montgomery, Jas. Eglinton, Rhinebeck, N. Y. 55 Major, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. I, 1886. Moore, Clement C. New York, N. Y. 5113 Captain, 20th Mass. Inf. Dec. 13, 1899. Moore, Henry H. Lockport, N. Y. 12727 2d Lieut., 19th Indpdt. Batt., N. Y. Lt. Art. Nov. 7, 1883. Moore, Joseph F. New York, N. Y. 2892 ist Lieut., I St Penn. Cav. Dec. 5, 1888. Moore, J. Ridgway,' " '"•' New York, N. Y. 6643 I St Lieut., ii6th^Penn. Inf. 71 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Peb. I, 1882. *Moore, William, 2280 Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. ist Lieut., 62d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. Morgan, Bankson T. New York, N. Y. 1042S Lieut. -Colonel, 54tli N. Y. Inf. June 6, 1866. *Morgan, Robert C. 335 Captain, late loth U. S. Inf. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1894. Morgan, Thomas J. New York, N. Y. 10429 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1893. *Morgan, William J. 10327 Captain, ii6th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 5, 1 884.*'* Morris, Arthur, 3509 Brevet Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Jan. 4, 1871. Morris, Fordham, New York, N. Y. 1231 ist Lieut., 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. May 5, 1897. Morris, Robert C. New York, N. Y. 11859 (Hereditary.) July II, 1866. *Morris, William H. 336- 2d Lieut., late 2d U. S. Inf. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 2, 1879. *Morrison, David, 1837 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Nov. 14, 1866. Morrz'soti, Joseph B. Transferred to Mo. 297 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. May I, 1889. *Morse, Edmund A. 7089 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1887. sMorse, William F. New York, N. Y. 5308 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1892. «Morton, Charles, Manila, P. I. 9716 Private, ist Mo. Engrs. Major, 4th U. S. Cav. Feb. 6, 1889. *Moses, Isaac, Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 3, 1888. Moses, Robert H. New York, N. Y. Brevet Captain, U, S. V. Oct. 14. 1896. Mosler, Henry, Margaretville, N. Y. 115 81 Lieutenant, Volunteer Aid. (Companion-at-Large.) Feb. 7, 1900. Mosscrop, Thomas D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12790 Captain, loth N. Y. Inf. Sept. 15, 1866. *Mott, Alexander B. 326 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1890. Mott, EdgarJ. Brooklyn, N. Y. 7613 ist Lieut., Adjt., 5th N. Y. Hvy. Art, Dec. 4, 1895. Mott, Henry H. New York, N. Y. 11245 Captain, 57th N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1888. Mott, John O. New York, N. Y. 6222 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, late U. S. A. March i, 1882. Mott, Valentine, Roslyn, N. Y. 2275 (In succession.) -Y 6422 72 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. April r, 1891. Moynihan, Daniel C. Morris Heights, N. Y. 8656 Captain, 164th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1889. Muldaur, George B. New York, N. Y. 7476 (Hereditary.) May 4, 1887. Mullikin, James R. Newark, N. J. 5530 ist Lieut., 4th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Captain, 35th Ind. Inf. Peb. 4, 1891. 'Mullikin, Louis W. New York, N. Y. 8480 Hospital Steward, 4th N. J. Inf. (Second Class.) April I, 1891. Munroe, Benjamin F. New York, N. Y. 8657 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Feb. I, 1893. Munroe, William C. New York, N. Y. 9946 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. May 5, 1897. Murdoch, Augu.stus P. Oswego, N. Y. 11854 (In succession.) Oct. 7, 1891. Murdock, George W. Cold Spring, N. Y. 8949 Asst. Surgeon, 15th Mich. Inf. Dec. 2, 1891, Murphy, Benjamin, Jersey City, N. J. * 9119 Captain, 8th N. J. Inf. May 4, 1887. Murphy, Franklin, Newark, N. J. 5525 ist Lieut., 13th N. J. Inf. May 6, 1896. Murphy, Franklin, Jr. Newark, N. J. 11471 (Second April 3, 1889. Murray, Charles H. New York, N. Y. 6950 (Hereditary.) May 2, 1894. Myer, Albert J. Lake View, N. Y. 10548 Major, 202d N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Hereditary.) Dec. 4, 1895. Myer, Albert L. Governor's Island, N. Y. 11253 Major, irth U. S. Inf. April 4, 1883. Myers, Andrew G. Transferred to Cal. 2573 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. May 3, 1893. Myers, Georj^e Francis, Transferred to Penn. 10175 (Second Class.) May 2, 1894. Myers, Reuben J. Auburn, N. Y. 10545 Captain, iiith N. Y. Inf. •Nov. 5, 1879. ♦'Myers, William, 1939 Brevet Brig. -Gen., U. S. V. Brevet Brig.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) May 4, 1898. Mygatt, Robertson K. New York, N. Y. 12248 (Hereditary.) Feb. 2, 1898. Myrick, John R. Fort Monroe, Va. 12 134 Private, 13th N. Y. S. Mil. Lieut.-Colonel, 2d U. S. Art. N. Dec. 7, 1898. Neal, Edwin S. ' Far Rockaway, N. Y. 12407 (Hereditary.) 73 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. May 6, 1891. Neill, Edward M. Newport, R. I. 8800 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V ■Oct. 5, 1887. Nelson, Adolph, Brooklyn, N. Y. 5708 I St Lieut., 66th N. Y. Inf. Sept. II, 1867. *Nesmith, Clarence E. 577 Captain, 6th U. S. Cav. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. Neuman, Louis E. New York, N. Y. 9130 Captain, 175th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 2, 1870. *Neville, Edward M. 1214 Captain, ist Conn. Cav. May 3, 1876. 'Nevin, Robert J. Rome, Italy. 1716 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 3, i875.*iNevin, William W. 1663 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1893. Nevius, Henry M. Red Bank, N. J. 10328 2d Lieut., 7th Mich. Cav. June I, 1887. "Newell, William F. New York, N. Y. 5587 (Hereditary.) May 4, 1881. Newman, John L. Albany, N. Y. 2145 Major, 43d N. Y. Inf. Dec. I, 1886. *Newton, John, Bvt. Major-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. April 3, 1895. Nichols, George F. Plattsburgh, N. Y. 10967 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. April I, 1891. NicoU, Henry D. New York, N. Y. 8670 (Hereditary.) Feb. 6, 1884. Norcross, John E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 3021 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 6, 1869. 1 North, George H. New York, N. Y. 1102 Captain, 14th Penn. Cav. May 7, 1890. 'North, Joseph W. Rahway, N. J. 7866 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Feb. 7, 1894. Northrop, Theodore F. New York, N. Y. 10430 ist Lieut., 2d N. Y. Cav. April I, 1885. *Norton, Charles F. 3620 Drummer, 3d Col. Inf. Lieutenant, U. S. N. (Retired.) April I, 1891. Norton, Charles L. Sandwich, Mass, 8658 Colonel, 78th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 4, 1866. Norton, Charles S. Washington, D. C. 368 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Jan. 9, 1867. Noyes, Frank G. Nashua, N. H. 574 Lieut. -Colonel, C. S., U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1885. Noyes, Henry Taylor, Rochester, N. Y. 4338 Major, 148th N. Y. Inf. Colonel, 38th U. S. Col'd Inf. Dec. 4, 1895. Noyes, Henry T., Jr. Rochester, N. Y. 11257 (Second Class.) Dec. 3, 1884. Noyes, John B. New York, N. Y. 336° Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. iiS — hI- 74 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK "CoVv « n r, -KT KANK. ADDRESS. Feb. 2, 1898. Nugent John R. New York, N Y ist Lieut., 69th N. Y. Inf Feb.!, X893. Nutting Lee New York, N. Y. Captain, 6ist N. Y. Inf. NO. OF INSIGNIA. I2I28 9957 I./ aMM*JDec. 12, Dec. 7, Dec. 5, -/... J'eb. 3, t/'',^Dec. 2, Dec. 12, Jan. 5, Feb. 2, May 8, Oct. I, Dec. 5, June 2, Feb. 7, Dec. 7, o. 1883. *Oakley, Lewis W. Surgeon, 2d N. J. Inf. 1892. Oaks, George J. Brevet Major, U. S. V. 1888. Oates, Patrick, Captain, 133d N. Y. Inf. 1873. *0'Beirne, Richard F. Colonel, 2ist U. S. Inf. 1885. Odell, Thomas B. Brevet Major, U. S. V. 1883. *Odiorne, David W. ist Lieut., 97th Penn. Inf, 188 1. Olcott, Dudley, ^^^ Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, (J S ^' 1898. Oliver, William H. New York, N Y Captain, 4th N. Y. Cav. 1S72. *01mstead, Samuel H. Surgeon, 170th N. Y. Inf. 1890. *Orton, Herman M. ist Lieut., 41st U. S. Col'd Inf 1900. Otis, Harrison G. Buffalo, N. Y 2d Lieut., late 4th U. S. Art (Hereditary. ) 1868. ^Otis Theodore C. New York, N. Y. ist Lieut., 3d Mass. Cav. 1894. Owen, Davids. New York, N. Y (In .succession.) 1892. Owen, Silas Cohoes, N. Y. Acting Master, late U. S. N. Rochester, N. Y. New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. 3012 9862 6627 148a 4072 3023 2057 12135 144a 8111 13059 820 10437 9863 Dec. 7, June 24, May 5, Dec. 4, Feb. 5, P. 1892. Paddock, Charles H. New York N Y ist Lieut., 157th N. Y. Inf . • • 1886. -/>a^. cVuzr/es, Tran,sfeiTed to D. C Lieut.-Col., Med. Director, U S V 00. r. . ^°^°°^^' A««t. Surg. Gen., U. S. A."(Retired.) 1886. Fame, Jedediah C Wilkesbarre, Penn Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S V 1889. *Paine, John U. (Second Class.) 1890. Palmer ElishaL New London, Conn. 2d Lieut., 6ist N. Y. Inf. 9864 4791 4689 7479 7614 75 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 3, 1892. Palmer, John, Albany, N. Y. 93" ist Lieut., 91st N. Y. Inf. Mays, 1899. Palmer, Lowell M. New York, N. Y. 12555 ist Lieut., ist Ohio Lt. Art. Feb. 6, 1889. Palmer. Theodore J. Hackensack, N. J. 6743 ist Lieut., Adjt., 6ist Ohio Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. Pannes, John B. New York, N. Y. 8357 Captain, A. D. C, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1887. *Pardee, Chas. Inslee, 5825 Asst. Surgeon, i6th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 17, 1866. *iPARKE, JOHN G. Transferred to D. C. 121 Brevet Major-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.; Major-General, U. S. V. Jan. 3, 1883. ""Parker, Daingerfield, Transferred to D. C. 2637 Colonel, 1 8th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) ^^ April 6, 1S87. *Parker, Ely S. 54i4 'T Brevet Brig. -General, late U. S. A. March 2, 1881. *Parker, Francis H. 2139 Lieut. -Colonel, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. May I, 1889. Parker, James, Perth Amboy, N. J. 7083 Lieut. -Commander, late U. S. N. April 4, 1894. Parker, James, Jr., Perth Amboy, N. J. 10504 (Second Class.) Oct. 5, 1898. Parkinson, Edward C. Rochester, N. Y. 12319 Sergeant, late 5 th U. S. Art. Captain, 13th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 5, 1890. Parsons, Charles B. Red Bank, N. J. 7615 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 5, 1890. *Parsons, Enos B. 76i6 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1900. Parsons, Henr>', New York, N. Y. 12791 Captain, 134th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1895. Parsons, John, Kingsbridge, N. Y. 11246 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Brevet Captain, U. S. V. Oct. 7, 1891. Parsons, Theron E. New York, N. Y. 8950 Brevet Major, U. S. V. April 4, 1868. ^Partridge, John N. Brooklyn, N. Y. 861 Captain, 24th Mass. Inf. April 4, 1866. *Patten, George W. zssf-" • Lieut.-Colonel, 2d U. S. Inf. (Retired.) * May 9, \%'&'i,.^''Patte7i, Williams. Transferred to D. C. 6318 Major, Q. M., U. S. A. Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. (In succession.) Dec. 2, 1890. "Patterson, George L. New York, N. Y. 8373 (Second Class.) May 5, 1886. iPatterson, John H. Albany, N. Y. 4665 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) ^ 76 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRF<;<; ^°- °^ Feb. 6, 1884. 'Pa^ferson, Robert H. Transfe'ed to D r '""'"o Captain, ist U. S. Art. -^ ^^nsterred to D. C. 3118 (In succession.) Dec. I, 1886. Paulding, Samuel H. New York N V ist Lieut, 150th N Y Inf ' " 5 119 Jan. II, 18S2. 'Paxton, John R. ' New York N V 2d Lieut., 140th Penn. Inf ^' ^^ ^- =^^94 Oct. 4, 1882. *Pease, Charles E. i, I Brevet Major, U. S V ^376 V -./--eec. 5, 1883. «Pease, William B. ' Plorenrp T.oi * ist Lieut., 8th U. S. Col'd j^^/^^^^^^' ^^^^y- 3oo8 c ; Captain, gth U. S. Inf. (Retired.) Sept. II, 1867. Peck G ^^_J Medical Director. U. S. N. (Retired.) ■'" "° Nov. 3, 1886. Peck, Samuel C, Jr. Plainfield, N. J Captain, 6th Conn. Inf - -^^i • J . 5005 Feb. 16, 1866. Peet. Frederick T. Auburn, N. Y ,,« 2d Lieut., ist U. S. Sharpshooters ^^^ ist Lieut., late U. S. M. C Nov. 10, 1886. ^Pemberton, John East Orange, N J Op, , ^ ^^^^^^ ^^'^- ^""Sr., U. S. N. (Retired.) "'■ ^°^' . Oct. 3, 1900. Penfield, James K. Delhi N Y 2d Lieut., 144th N. Y. Inf '^957 April 4, 1866. *Pennock, Alexander M. Rear-Admiral, U. S. N ^^6 Oct. 5, 1898. Pentecost, George F. " Yonkers N V Chaplain, Sth Ky. Cav ^^^^^rs, N. Y. 12320 Dec. 5, 1894. Ferine, John J. Orange NT ist Lieut., 8th N. J Inf ^^^°S^^' N- J- 10763 Dec. 4, 1895. Perkins, Edward H.. Jr. New York, N. Y (Hereditary.) ' ' Dec. 4, 1895. Perrine George, New York, N. Y. xi2,8 ist Lieut., ist U. S. Vol. En?rs. ^^^^ (Second Class.) May 12, 1885. Perrine, William W. New York N V ^ ., ^-t Lieut., 13th Batty., Wis. Lt Art ' '''"' Apnl I, 1891. Perry, Edward S Mo u ?kptaS? 7th Conn. mf. ""'^ ^""^°' ^^^^^ 8659 Nov. 6, 1878. Pernr, John L c . o • Assl Surgeon, 115th N. Y. Inr'"^" ^P"°^^' ^^ ^- ^^94 I May 2, 1866. *Perry, Robert C. Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U S V ^^^ Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. A. (Retired.) Mays. 1893. Petrie. James A Phillipsburg N J xoi66 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. " ^' ^^- J- 10166 May 5, 1886. ^PeUzf, /ames ? n. . ^ Ma/or ist U. S. Inf. transferred to Cal. 4749 Colonel, 31st U. S. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Feb.. .8,,. Pet«.WnHa.^.^ Btag,an.t„„, N. V. s,„ II254 77 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 7, 1900. Phelps, Dudley F. New York, N. Y. 12792- ist Lieut., Adjt., 20th U. S. Col'd Inf. April 3, 1895. Phillips, Albert W. Derby, Conn. 10968 Asst. Surgeon, 149th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1883. 3phipps, Frank H. Springfield, Mass. 3002 Lieut. -Colonel, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. April 3, 1895. Phisterer, Frederick, Albany, N. Y. 10969 Captain, late U. S. A. Feb. 16, 1866. Phoenix, Lloyd, New York, N. Y. 217 Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Feb. 7, 1894. Piaget, Louis A. Paterson, N. J. 10431 ist Lieut., 25th N. J. Inf. Oct. 10, 1894. Pierce, Samuel C. Rochester, N. Y. 10656 Lieut.-Colonel, 3d N. Y. Cav. Dec. 2, 1885. Pierpont, William H. New Haven, Conn. 4339 Captain, 7th Conn. Inf. Feb. 4, 1891. Pierson, Henry L. New York, N. Y. 8499 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. April 4, 1883. Pierson, J. Fred. NewYork, N. Y. 2570 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Jan. II, 1882. iPierson, Stephen, Morristown, N. J. 2295 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1895. Pilcher, Lewis S. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10897 Hospital Steward, late U. S. A. Passed Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Feb. 5, 1868. *Pinkney, Howard, • 739 Asst. Surgeon, 83d N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1889. *Pinkney, William H. 6963 (In succession.) April 7, 1880. Pinto, Francis E. Brooklyn, N. Y. 2040.-I— - Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Feb. 6, 1889. Pinto, Francis E., Jr. Brooklyn, N. Y. 6750 (Second Class.) Oct. 5, \%%\. *Pitcher, Thomas G. Transferred to D. C. 2207 ,-«"• Brevet Brig.-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 13, 1882. ^Pitcher, Williatn L. Transferred to D. C. 2654 Major, 8th U. S. Inf. (In succession.) \ April 4, 1866. *Pleasonton, Alfred, 238 \ Brevet Major-Gen., U. S. A. (Retired.) Major-General, U. S. V. Nov. 3, 1886. Plume, Joseph W. Newark, N. J. 5012 ist Lieut., Adjt., 2d N. J. Inf. Brig-General, U. S. V. March 6, 1878. Pollock, Alexander, New York, N. Y. 1785 Act. 3d Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Oct. 5, 1886. Pond, James B. New York, N. Y, 4912 Captain, 3d Wis. Cav. Feb. 5, 1896. Pond, Nathan P. Rochester, N. Y. 11339 Lieut.-Colonel, 2d U. S. Col'd Cav. 78 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK NO. OF April 4, 1888. Pool, Harwood R ^^ New York N V '"''°/'*- (Second Class.) ^ ^''''^' ^- ^- ^174 May 7. 1890. Pool J. Lawrence New York, N. Y. j,,, (In succession.) 7995 Dec. 7, 1887. Pool, Joseph, M«„ v 1 ^t ,r Mijor,^Addtl. Paymaster, late U I°A ' ''• ^^ ^'^^ Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S V " " Feb. 4, 1891. *Poole, Theodore L. Brevet Major, U. S. V. ^^°° Oct. 6, 1869. Fo/,e, Benjamin F. ' Transferred to n r Lieut.-Col, Chief Surg ^ s y "^"^^^ *° ^- ^- "90 Lieut.-Col., Dep. Surg.-Gen., U. S A May I, 1872. *Pope George Hartford. Conn. Lieut.-Colonel, 54th Mass. Inf ^^° May I, 1889. *Porteous, James G. Surgeon, 46th N. Y. Inf ^°^5 ■"^July II, 1866. *Porter, Andrew, Colonel, late i6th U. S. Inf ''^^ Brigadier-General, U. S v" Dec. 5, 1894. Porter, Anthony B. ' New York M v Captain, 134th 111. Inf. '''^' ^- ^- ^^^64 June 6, 1866. *Porter, Burr, Colonel, 3d Mass. Inf 573 NOV. . ,s«s. Po„e.,^Ge„^,e L. ^^^^ ^ ^ ^ BH.,ep„n, Con. ,06. June . .a,. Pong, Hen,; M^,^ ^^^ ^^ ^_^^ ' ... ,„,. ,. ^. Oct. 3, 1883. Porter, Horace, p„„-« Pr.,..o Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. ' ^'^' ^768 . Brevet Brig.-General, late U. S A Apnl7, 1886. Post Henry A^ V New York, N. Y. 4608 , ., Colonel, 2d U. S. Sharpshooters. ^^ April 4, 1894. Post, Waldron K. New York N V (Hereditary.) ^°^^' ^- ^- ^0500 Dec. 3. 1890. Potter Henry L. Linden, N. J. 8,.8 Colonel, 71st N. Y. Inf ' • J* »35o Nov. 4. 1885. Potter, William W. ' Buffalo N V P K « CO .0 ^'^^^^ Lieut.-Colonel, U. S V ' ' ^°^" Feb. 18, 1885. ^Powell, James W. New York N V Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U S V ' ' ^542 Oct. 6, 1897. Prat^Albert'S^ ""■ ^^ '"'• ^^^i^^:^ ,, (insuccesSon.) Spnngerville, Ariz. X1921 May 6, 1896. *Pratt, Calvin E. . ., Brigadier-General, U. S V ^^^^"^ Apnl4, 1888. *Pratt, Henry, _ , Captain, 89th N. Y. Inf ^^''° -Oct. 3, 1883. Pratt, John, xr«^ at 1 ^r Tr Caitain. A. A. G., U S V ^ ^^'^' ^^ ^' ^^64 Feb. 4, 1891. Pratt, Sedgwick, ' * Transferred fn Pal 2d Lieut., 4th N. Y. Hvy ^rt ^^^'"^^ *° ^^^' ^Soi n«. c^ * ., Captain, 3d U. S. Art. Dec. 4, 1867. *Pratt, William, Traticf^t^^^ ^ at Captain. A. A. G.. U. S. V. ^'^""^^^"^^^ ^o Mass. 623 B£:X.X' TKLKI'IIOIMK^ LOMBARD Real Estate bought, sold and leased. Rents, Interest, etc., collected. Titles exam- ined. Wills, Deeds, Leases, etc., carefully prepared. Fire Insurance placed in best companies at lowest rates. Nathaniel E. Janney Real Estate Broker AND conveyancer 112 DREXEL BUILDING FIFTH AND CHESTNUT STS. Special attention given to the valuation of pro- perty, and the appraise- ment or partition of estates. Money to lend on mortgages, and well secured first mortgages for sale. Philadelphia, June 1, 1907 I have resumed the Real Estate business in which 1 have been actively engaged for over thirty years, and particularly solicit from my friends, and others, business in any of the lines above indicated. I offer my long experience in the care and management of Real Estate, and my extensive acquaintance with investors, as a guarantee for the best results in matters entrusted to my care, Nathaniel E, Janney. 79 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. Feb. i6, 1866. *Prentice, Fowler, Surgeon, 73d N. Y. Inf. Oct. I, 1884. Prentice, William P. New York, N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. V. Oct. 3, 1883. Prime, Ralph E. Yonkers,.N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 4, 1891. Prime, Ralph E., Jr. Yonkers, N. Y. (Second Class.) Nov. 7, 1883. Prindle, Franklin C. Honolulu, H. L Civil Engineer (Com'der), U. S. N. Feb. 5, 1879. Pritchard, Arthur J. Baltimore, Md. Pay Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) Nov. 7, 1883. Probst, John D. New York, N. Y. ist Lieut., 2ist N. J. Inf. Feb. 5, 1896. Proctor, Thomas R. Utica, N. Y. Admiral's Secretary (Lieut.), late U. S. N. Dec. 7, 1898. Pruyn, Augustus, Albany, N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, 4th N. Y. Cav. May 2, 1888. Pulcifer, Alfred H. Brooklyn, N. Y. Captain, 2d Mass. Hvy. Art. May 2, 1894. Putnam, Edgar P. Jamestown, N. Y. Captain, 9th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 7, 1887. Putnam, George Haven, New York, N. Y. ist Lieut., Adjt., 176th N. Y. Int. Dec. 4, 1867. *Pyne, Charles M. Corporal, 3d Batt., D. C. Inf. Captain, U. S. A. (Retired.) Q- Feb. 7, 1894. Quinlan, James, New York, N. Y. Lieut.-Colonel, 88th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 6, 1886. i^Quinn, Thomas F. New York, N. Y. Captain, 4th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) R. April 2, 1879. *Racey, William H. ist Lieut., 53d N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1882. *Rae, Thomas W. Passed Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. May 2, 1888. Raefle, Max G. New York, N. Y. Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. N. Oct. 5, 1 88 1, *Rafferty, Thomas, Lieut.-Colonel, 71st N. Y. Inf. May 3, 1882. Raines, John, Canandaigua, N. Y. Captain, 85th N. Y. Inf. Oct. 2, 1889. Ramsay, Francis M. Transferred to D. C. Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April I, 1891. Ramsey, Frank DeW. Manila, P. I. Captain, 9th U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) NO. OP INSIGNIA. 296 3189 2767 8512 2894 1830 2899 II334 12402 6231 10537 5837 844— r 10432 4319 1845 -V 2378 6229 2203 2555 7238 8671 t/' u^ 8o NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 7, 1894. Rand, Philip C. Meriden, Conn. 10433. ist Lieut., Adjt., 15th Conn. Inf. ——March 2, 188 1. . Rand, Thomas B. New York, N. Y. 2137 Captain, 33d Mass. Inf. Lieut.-Colonel, 9th N. Y. Vol. Inf. Dec. 2, 1885. *Ransom, Edward D. 4374 (In succession.) Jan. 17, i866.*iRANSOM, GEORGE M. 136. Commodore, U. S. N. (Retired.) Oct. I, 1884. Ransom, Porte V. New York, N. Y. 3i88' Private, 71st N. Y. Vol. Inf. (Second Class.) May 7, 1879. Ransom, Ra.stus S. New York, N. Y. 1841 ist Lieut., 50th N. Y. Engrs. May 6, 1896. Rathbone, Albert, New York, N. Y. 11472 (Second Class.) June 3, 1874. Rathbone, Clarence, Albany, N. Y. 1542 Ensign, late U. S. N. Dec. 13, 1899. Raymond, Alfred, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12735 (Second Class.) Dec. 7, 1870. Raymond, Charles H. New York, N. Y. 1246 I.St Lieut., 177th N. Y. Inf. Aug. 8, 1883. sRajmiond, Rossiter W. New York, N. Y. 286& Captain, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. April 7, 1869. *Read, Meredith, 1023 Brig.-Gen. (Adjt. Gen., State of N. Y.), N. Y. S. M. (Third Class.) Dec. 4, 1889. Read, Sheridan P. New York, N. Y. 7477 (Hereditary.) April 9, 1891. 'Redfield, Charles S. Stamford, Conn. 8725 (In succession.) Oct. I, 1879. *'Redfield, George S. 1936 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Oct. 7, 1885. ^ Reed, Henry A. Transferred to Kan. 41 17 ist Lieut., 24th Wis. Inf. Captain, 5th U. S. Art. Oct. 5, 1898. Reed, Horace, Buffalo, N. Y. 12328 (Second Class.) April 7, 1875. *Reed, James C. I545 ist Lieut., Adjt., 2nd Penn. Cav. Dec. 7, 1870. *Reeve, Isaac V. D. 1225 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Oct. 6, 1897. Reid, James R. Elmira, N. Y. 11918 Captain, late loth U. S. Inf. May 7, 1890. 'Reilly, James W. Governor's Island, N. Y. 7873 Lieut.-Colonel, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Oct. 6, 1897. Remington, Wagar H. New York, N. Y. 11919 Captain, iiith N. Y. Inf. Dec. 19, 1888. 'SRexford, William H. Washington, D. C. 6607 Captain, 24th Mich. Inf. Major, Paymr. Nat. Armory, U. S. A. (Retired.) J'^: 8i NO. OF INSIGNIA. 9432 9965 12403 "751 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. »«oii,iM« Feb. I, 1882. Rexford, Willie M. Montclair, N. J. 2%b'<^ Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. April 6, 1892. Re5molds, John A. Rochester, N. Y. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1893. Reynolds, Thomas R. Transferred to Mass (Hereditary.) April 6, 1887. Rhoades, Archibald C. New York, N. Y. 5402 Med. Inspector, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 5, 1886. Rhoades, Henry E. Mount Vernon, N. Y 4692 Asst. Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) May 7, 1890. Rhoades, John V. New York, N. Y. 7998 (Second Class.) Dec. 7, 1898. Rhodes, George H. New York, N..Y. Captain, ist N. H. Cav. Feb. 3, 1897. Rice, John W. Auburn, N. Y. ist Lieut., 9th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. 2, 1887. Richardson, Charles A. Canandaigua, N Y :;2q6 Major, 126th N. Y. Inf. April 7, 1886. *Richardson, Edward F. 4508 ist Lieut., i6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. April 3, 1895. Richardson, Frank W. Auburn. N. Y. 10978 (Second Class.) April I, 1891. Richardson, George W. Auburn, N. Y. 8660 Major, nth N. Y. Cav. May 6, 1891. Riley, Reuben, Brooklyn, N. Y. 88or Act. 2nd Asst. Engr., late U. S. N. Feb. 16, 1866. *Ringgold, Cadwalader, 365 Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1884. Ripley, Edward H. New York, N. Y. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Nov. 14, 1866. Ripley, Robert A. Stamford, Conn. 219 ist Lieut., 13th Conn. Inf. May I, 1889. Ripley, William Y. IV. Transferred to Vt. 7092 Lieut. -Col., ist U. S. Sharpshooters. April 3, 1872. ^Rittenhouse, Be?tjamin F. Transferred to D. C. 1412 Brevet Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 12, 1895. "Ritzius, Henry P. Westfield, N. Y. 11220 Major, 52nd N. Y. Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 7, 1886. Robbins, Charles A. Simimit, N. J. 4599 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. June 2, 1875. ^Roberts, Benjamin K. Havana, Cuba. 1683 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Major, 2nd U. S. Art. Oct. I, 1890. Roberts, Charles, New York, N. Y. 8112 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1892. Roberts, Edward E. New York, N. Y. 9312 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. April I, 1891. Roberts, Evelyn P. New York, N. Y. 8672 ( Hereditary. ) Dec. 5, 1894. Roberts, Nathan B. New York, N. Y. 10765 2d Lieut., Signal Corps, U. S. V. 3013 82 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. • INSIGNIA. May 3, 1899. Roberts, Thomas B. New York, N. Y. 12556 ist Lieut., ist Wis. Cav. Oct. 3, 1883. *Robertson, Gilbert A. 2763 Passed Asst. Pajnmaster, late U. S. N. May"4, 1898. Robeson, Fielding T. New York, N. Y. 12252 (Second Class.) Nov. 3, 1880. Robeson, John T. Huntingdon, Tenn. 2051 Captain, 7th Tenn. Cav. Dec. 3, 1890. Robinson, Erastus R. Washington, D. C. 8359 ist Lieut., ist Mich. Inf. Major, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) ,„^ June 7, 1871. *Robinson, John C. ^ 1340 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 7, 1900. Robinson, Myron W. Noroton Heights, Conn. 12793 Hospital Steward, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 6th Conn. Inf. Dec. 7, 1887. Robinson, Oscar D. Albany, N. Y. 5834 Captain, 9th N. H. Inf. — • Nov. 14, 1866. *Rockafeller, Harry, 530 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1888. Rockwell, Alphonso D. New York, N. Y. 6633 Surgeon, 6th Ohio Cav. Nov. 3, 1886. Rockwell, Charles H. Care of Navy Department. 5004 Captain, U. S. N. Dec. I, 1897. Rockwell, Cyrus O. New York, N. Y. 12018 (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1896. Rockwell, Harvey G. New York, N. Y. 11348 (Second Class.) May 2, 1888. Rockwood, William T. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 6224 Captain, 8th Minn. Inf. Oct. 10, 1894. Rodenbough, Theophilus F. New York, N. Y. 10657 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 3, 1890. Rodman, Charles W. New York, N. Y. 8360 ist Lieut., 4th N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1894. Rodman, Charles W., Jr. New York, N. Y. 10505 (Second Class.) Feb. I, 1888. Rodman, John B . Transferred to Kan. 6013 Major, Chf. Ord. Off., U. S. V. Major, 2oth U. S. Inf. (Hereditary.) Aug. I, 1866. Roe, Francis A. Transferred to D. C. 330 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 3, 1895. Roehr, Henry Edward, Brooklyn, N. Y. 10970 ist Lieut., 20th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 1897. Rogers, Edward W. Lockport, N. Y. 11752 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. ■Oct. 2, 1895. Rogers, George W. New York, N. Y. 11109 ist Lieut., 3d N. Y. Inf. Jan. 2, xZia,.^ ^Rogers, Robert M. Transferred to Me. 3083 ist Lieut., 73d Ohio Inf. Captain, 2d U. S. Art. ADDRESS. NO. OF INSIGNIA. V. 1051 V. 1834 New York, N. Y. 2575 New York, N. Y. 5303 IS4O Short Hills, N. J. 9133 New York, N. Y. 7598 Brooklyn, N. Y, 1 1 340 Rome, N. Y. 5820 Sullivan's Island, S.^C. 2612 Monticello, N.JY. 1 1 464 Greenwich, Conn. 5584 83 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. June 2, 1869. *Rogers, William F. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. March 5, 1879. *Roome, Charles, Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. May 2, 1883. Roome, Claudius M. (In succession.) Feb. 2, 1887. Roome, William P. Brevet Major, U. S. V. May 7, 1879. *Roosevelt, Nicholas L. Lieutenant, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1891. Rose, George H. (Hereditary.) Jan. 28, 1890. '«Ross, Albert R. (Second Class.) Feb. 5, 1896. Ross, Henry Schuyler, Captain, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1887. Rousseau, Charles D. Captain, 7th N. Y. Cav. Nov. I, 1882. ^Rowan, Hamilton, Captain, ist U. S. Art. (In succession.) May 6, 1896. Royce, Charles H. Brevet Major, U. S. V. June I, 1887. "Ruger, Thomas H. Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 5, 1882. ^Ruggles, George D. Re-transferred to D. C. 2398 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. ,jt^ Brigadier-General, A. G., U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 16, 1866. Rumsey, William, New York, N. Y. 580 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 5, 1876. Rundlet, Taylor P. Transferred to 111. 1639 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1878. * Russell, Edmund K. Transferred to Penn. 1861 Major, 65th N. Y. Inf. Major, U. S. A. (Retired.) Dec. 13, 1899. Russell, Franklin G. Jacksonville, Fla. 12731 (In succession.) April I, 1 891. *Russell, John K. 8661 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. V. May 6, 1868. >Ryan, Abraham H. East Orange, N. J. 775 f*^' Colonel, 3d Ark. Cav. May I, 1889. *Ryder, Seth B. 7091 Captain, 5th N. Y. Cav. s. May 5, 1897. Sackett, Augustine, New York, N. Y. 11852 2d Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. Dec. 13, 1899. Saint Albe, Gustavus A. F. New York, N. Y. 12728 Captain, A. A. D. C, U. S. V. New Haven, Conn. Albany, N. Y. Brooklyn, N. Y. 84 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. Oct. 4, 1882. *Sampson, Ira B. Captain, 2d Mass. Hvy. Art. Dec. 7, 1898. Sampson, Walter C. New York, N. Y. (In succession.) May 2, 1888. Sanborn, Augustus D. Captain, 5th N. H. Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. Sanders, William N. S. Captain, 3d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 3, 1890. Sands, Charles J. Captain, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Feb. I, 1888. Sands, Louis Joseph, Ridgefield, Conn, Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Nov. 5, 1883. ^Sanford, George B. Litchfield, Conn. Colonel, 6th U. S. Cav. (Retired.) April 7, 1869. Sanford, Joseph P. Springfield, Mass. Captain, late U. S. N. Oct. 3, 1883. Sanford, Walter, (Second Class.) Feb. 16, 1866. Sanger, Joseph P. Lieut. -Col., Inspr.-Genl. Brig.-General, U. S. V. May I, 1889. *Satterfield, John, 1st Lieut., 140th Penn. Inf. Feb. 8, 1899. Satterfield, John M. (In succession.) April 6, 1892. Satterthwaite, J. Fisher, Nutley, N. J. ist Lieut., Adjt., 22d N. J. Inf. Feb. 2, 1898. Savery, John E. Cato, N. Y. Captain, 75th N. Y. Inf. March 4, 1868. Sawyer, Jas. Estcourt, Washington, D. C. Captain's Clerk, late U. S. N. Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. A. Major, Q. M., U. S. V. March 4, 1885. "Scheflfer, Albert, New York, N. Y. ist Lieut., 45th Wis. Inf. Feb. I, 1893. *Schenkelberger, Jacob, 2d Lieut., ist N. Y. Lt. Art. Oct. 10, 1894. Schermerhom, E. Nott, Schenectady, N. Y. ist Lieut., Adjt., i8th N. Y. Inf. April 6, 1892. Schermerhorn, F. Augustus, New York, N. Y. Brevet Captain, U. S. V. May 6, 1868. *Schieffelin, William H. Major, ist N. Y. Mtd. Rifles. Dec. 4, 1895. Schieflfelin, Wm. Jay, New York, N. Y, ist Lieut., Adjt., 12th N. Y. Vol. Inf. (In succession.) Jan. 26, 1892. NO. OF INSIGNIA. Hartford, Conn. Transferred to D. U. S. A. Buffalo, N. Y. 2377 12406" 6233 12321 8361 6007 2922 277a 226 7087 12482. 9433 12136' 744 3497 995 & 1065 & 9434 735 11251 "Schley, Winfield S. Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. Care of Navy Department. 9233: April 12, 1871. '^Scho field, John M, Major-General, U. S. V. Lieut. -General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Transferred to D. C. 1274 85 ^fo. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. I, 1897. Schoonmaker, Julius, Kingston, N. Y. 12012 (In succession.) Schuyler, Herman P. Schenectady, N. Y. 1914 ist Lieut., ist Wis. Inf. '7 Schuyler, Philip, Irvington, N. Y. 1249 '. Brevet Major, late U. S. A. 1875. Scott, Eben G. Wilkesbarre, Penn. 1635 ist Lieut., late 5th U. S. Art. Scott, William D. Elmira, N. Y. 12483 (In succession.) Scott, William F. New York, N. Y. 9959 ist Lieut., Adjt., 4th Iowa Cav. Scrymser, James A. New York, N. Y. 3615 Captain, Vol. A. D. C, U. S. V. Sears, Clinton B. Duluth, Minn. 1843 Corporal, 95th Ohio Inf. Major, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. Seaward, Benjamin, Tuckahoe, N. Y. 4058 Brevet Captain, U. S. y. )i. Selvage, Henry C. New York, N. Y. 8802 2d Lieut., 87th N. Y. Inf. Seton, William, New York, N. Y. 10659 Captain, 4th N. Y. Inf. Seward, Samuel H. Putnam, Conn. 11633 ist Lieut., 14th Conn. Inf. Seward, William H. Auburn, N. Y. 4696 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. ♦Sexton, Samuel, 6167 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Asst. Surgeon, 8th Ohio Inf. Shackford, William G. South Orange, N. J. 7471 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Shaler, Alexander, Ridgefield, N. J. 641 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. April 6, 1881. ^Shaler, Charles, Transferred to Penn. 2226 Sergeant, 12th Penn. Inf. Major, Ord. Dept., U. S. A. Feb. 6, 1S89. Shaler, Ira A. New York, N. Y. 6752 Major, ist U. S. Vol. Engrs. (Second Class.) Oct. 5, 1886. Shannon, Richard C. New York, N. Y. 4911 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. May 5, 1869. *Sharpe, George H. 1077 3kJ- Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. ' Oct. 3, 1900. Sharpe, Henry G. Washington, D. C. 12958 Lieut. -Colonel, A. C. G. S., U. S. A. Colonel, C. S., U. S. V. (In succession.) Jan. 9, 1867. *Sharpe, Jacob, 74i -f Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. i' May 2, 1894. Sheets, Levi D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10546 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Brevet Captain, U. S. V. ^^. Dec. 3, 1879. Feb. I, 1871. Nov. 3, 1875- Feb. 8, 1899. Feb. I, 1893. April I, 1885. May 7, 1879. Nov. 4, 1885. May 6, 1891. Oct. 10, 1894. Dec. 2, 1896. May 5, 1886. April 4, 1888. Dec. 4, 1889. Feb. 5, 1868. »//(<^t'*j« ^ yy • ^ y- i^' 86 NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Nov. 3, 1875. *Sheldon, Alvanus W. 1634 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. April 6, 1892. Sheldon, William A. New York, N. Y. 9435 Captain, 6th N. Y. Cav. March 6, 1878. Shepard, Charles O. Buffalo, N. Y. 1787 ist Lieut., 82d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1887. Sheppard, Morris F. Penn Yan, N. Y. 5821 Captain, i6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. Nov. 7, 1883. 'Sheridan, Michael V. Governor's Island, N. Y. 2796 Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. A. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Oct. 5, 1892. Sherman, P. Tecumseh, New York, N. Y. 9729 (In succession.) V'' '^ Feb. 3, 1892. *Shimmel, August, 9313, • Captain. A. Q. M., U. S. V. April 2, 1890. Shonnard, Frederic, Yonkers, N. Y. 7785 Major, 6th N. Y. Hvy. Art. April 6, 1887. Shrady, John, New York, N. Y. 540S Surgeon, 2d E. Tenn. Mtd. Inf. Feb. 7, 1900. Shrady, John Eliot, New York, N. Y. 12802 (Second Class.) Feb. 6, 1889. *Sibley, Ebenezer K. 6739 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 4, i876.*^Sicard, Montgomery, 1760 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5 1893. Sides, Robert C, Jr. Tompkinsville, N. Y. 10329 - ist Lieut., Adjt., 2d N. H. Inf. May 7, 1890. Sill, Edward E. New Haven, Conn. 7978 Brevet Major, U. S. V. June 2, 1869. Simms, William T. White Plains, N. Y. 1084 Major, 59th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 5, 1S90. ^simonds, William E. Hartford, Conn. 7681 2d Lieut., 25th Conn. Inf. Jan. 26, 1876. Simpson, John H. Transferred to Cal. 1695 Captain, 4th Mich. Cav. Feb. 2, 1898. Sinclair, William, Transferred to D. C. 12137 Colonel, 6th Penn. R. C. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) y>/May8, 1872. Skelding, Henry T. New York, N. Y. 1374 J^ Paymaster, U. S. N. (Retired.) April I, 1885. Skilton, DeWitt C. Hartford, Conn. 3614 ist Lieut., 22d Conn. Inf. Feb. 3, 1897. Skinner, Calvin, Malone, N. Y. ii753 Surgeon, io6th N. Y. Inf. Feb. I, 1893. Skinner, Edward A. Westfield, N. Y. 9960 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 9th N. Y. Cav. V 4*- Jan. 17, 1866. *>SLIPPER, JOSEPH A. 133 » Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1884. Sloat, Frank D. Transferred to D. C. 335S Captain, 27th Conn. Inf. 1/ "^^PfWtft/ t%i>i // / i 87 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. , Jan. 6, 1869. *Slocum, Henry W. 949 ■^ ist Lieut., late ist U. S. Art. Major-General, U. S. V. Oct. 3, . 1900. Slocum, Henry W. New York, N. Y. 12959 (In succession.) Oct. 5, 1886. Slocum, Herbert J. Havana, Cuba. 4916 Captain, 7th U. S. Cav. Major, Inspr.-Gen., U. S. V. (Second Class.) April 5, 1882. Slocum, Joseph J. New York, N. Y. 2370 Colonel, Chf. C. S., U. S. V. Nov. 3, 1886. *Smith, Alfred B. 5006 Brevet Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Dec. 2, i868. Smith, Andrew H. New York, N. Y. 883 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. Surgeon, 94th N. Y. Inf. . May 3, 1871. Smith, Andrew J. New York, N. Y. i359"^ Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. ' May I, 1867. Smith, Charles A. Transferred to 111. 494 Captain, 5th Cal. Inf. April I, 1891. Smith, Dexter A. Auburn, N. Y. 8662 ist Lieut., 193d N. Y. Inf. Dec. 5, 1866. *Smith, Edward W. 11 12 --4— • Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. A. * Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Feb. 7, 1900. Smith, Francis A. Elizabethtown, N. Y. 12794 2d Lieut., 3d N. Y. Inf. Oct. I, 1890. Smith, Frank Sullivan, Angelica, N. Y. 8 119 (Second Class.) May 5, 1886. Smith, Geo. Brainard, Hartford, Conn. 4695 (Hereditary.) Dec. 5, 1900. Smith, George R. New York, N. Y. 13062 Major, Paymaster, U. S. A. (Second Class.) Oct. 7, 1896. Smith, George W. New York, N. Y. ii557 ist Lieut., Adjt., 13th Kan. Inf. Dec. 2, 1896. Smith, George Williamson, Hartford, Conn. 11634 Chaplain, late U. S. N. May 3, 1893. Smith, H. Eugene, Mount Vernon, N. Y. 10169 (Hereditary.) May 12, 1885. Smith, Henry A. New York, N. Y. 3767 (Hereditary.) Jan. 5, 1881. Smith, Henry Eagle, Philadelphia, Penn. 2133 Brevet Major, late U. S. A. May 6, 1896. Smith, Hiram, Jamestown, N. Y. 11465 Major, Q. M., U. S. V. Feb. 3, 1886. Smith, Howard M. Brooklyn, N. Y. 4491 ist Lieut., 184th N. Y. Inf. Feb. 3, 1897. Smith, John C. Newark, N. J. 11754 ist Lieut., 33d N. J. Inf. March 4, 1868. *Smith, Joseph R. 742 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) \y NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. i8, 1885. ssmith, Leslie, South Norwalk, Conn. 3535 ^ ; Lieut. -Colonel, 20th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) ^i^'*** July 2, 1866. *Smith, Melancton, 276 ' Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. I, 1893. Smith, Milton H. Rochester, N. Y. 9961 2d Lieut., 3d N. Y. Cav. Feb. 5, 1896. Smith, Orlando J. Dobbs Ferry, N. Y. 11341 Major, 6th Ind. Cav. April I, 1885. *Smith. Richard Penn, 3621 f Colon el, 71st Penn. Inf. April 7, 1886. *Smith, Robt. Burnett, 4605 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. May 4, 1892. *Smith, Robert H. 9576 (Hereditary.) Nov. 5, 1883. 8Smith, Rodney, St. Paul, Minn. 2956 Colonel, Asst. Paymr.-Genl., U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1899. Smith, Stephen B. New York, N. Y. 12557 ist Lieut., Adjt., 26th Mass. Inf. Dec. I, 1886. Smith, Theodore E. New York, N. Y. 5 112 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. \/ TT^P"^ 2' ^^^4. Smith, William M. Redlands, Cal. 3128 ' Surgeon, 85th N. Y. Inf. May 6, 1891. *Smith, Wm. Niles, 8799 Captain, 9th N. Y. Cav. Dec. 7, 1898. Smith, Wm. Wickham, New York, N. Y. 12408 (Hereditary.) April 7, 1869. *Snelling, Frederick G. 1019 Surgeon, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. *Sniper, Gustavus, 9120 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Oct. 10, 1894. Sniper, Gustavus C. Albany, N. Y. 10662 (In succession.) Feb. 6, 1884. *Snow, Norman L. 3015 Surgeon, 153d N. Y. Inf. Jan. 5, 1867. Spalding-, Rtifus C. Transferred to Cal. 533 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. Feb. 3, 1892. *Spear, Vivian K. 9303 Brevet Captain, U. S. V. April I, 1874. Spencer, Frederick A. Waterbury, Conn. 1489 ist Lieut., 2d Col. Cav. Feb. 16, 1866. *Spencer, T. Rush, 845 Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. Sponable, Wells, Morris Heights, N. Y. 7472 Major, 34th N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1888. Spooner, Charles W. Anaheim, Cal. 6173 Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. May 6, 1891. Sprague, Charles E. New York, N. Y. 8804 Sergeant, 44th N. Y. Inf. Nov. 7, 1894. ^Spragtie, Timothy W. Re-transferred to Mass. 10724 (Hereditary.) 89 NO. OF ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 5, 1888. Sprague, Waldo, Atlantic Highlands, N. J. 6634 ist Lieut., Adjt., 17th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 2, 1885. Spurg^n, William F. Manila, P. I. 4070 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Lieut.-Colonel, i6th U. S. Inf. Oct. I, 1879. Squire, Watson C. Transferred to D. C. 1910 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 3, 1873. Stahel, Julius, Washington, D. C. 1491 Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 7, 1892. *Stanley, Frederic N. 9865 2d Lieut., 13th Conn. Inf. Oct. 2, 1895. Stanton, Oscar F. New London, Conn. iiiio Rear- Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 6, 1867. *Staples, Frank, Transferred to Cal. 531 2d Lieut., 4th N. Y. Cav. Oct. 6, 1869. *Staples, Samuel C. 1104 Major, Addtl. Paymaster, U. S. V. April I, 1 89 1. Starr, George H. New York, N. Y. 8663 Captain, 104th N. Y. Inf. Jan. 5, 1870. Starring, Frederick A. New York, N. Y. 1163 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Nov. 6, 1878. iStauiler, David McN. New York, N. Y. 1854 Corporal, Battery " I, " Penn. Lt. Art. Acting Ensign, late U. S. N. Feb. 4, 1891. Stearns, Riley B. Transferred to Vt. 8502 Captain, 7th Vt. Inf. Feb. 3, 1886. ^Steedman, Richard R. Re-transferred to D. C. 4480 Captain, nth U. S. Inf. (In succession.) Feb. 4, 1891. Steele, Hiram R. New York, N. Y. 8503 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Nov. 4, 1S68. *Steiner, Lewis H. 881 ■' Chief Inspr., U. S. San. Com. (A. of P.) (Third Class.) Oct. 7, 1885. *Stephenson, William W. 4055 Captain, 165th N. Y. Inf. April 3, 1895. Sternberg, Francis C. Brooklyn, N. Y. 10971 ist Lieut., 20th Ky. Inf. Nov. 13, 1867. Stetsott, Prince R. Transferred to Penn. 560 Captain, late 15th U. S. Inf. May 4, 1881. Stevens, George T. New York, N. Y. 2209 Surgeon, 77th N. Y. Inf. . June I, 1870. *Stevenson, John H. 1188 — f*" Pay Inspector, U. S. N. (Retired.) ' Feb. 4, 1891. *Steward, Ira W. 8504 ist Lieut., 28th Ind. Batty., N. Y. Lt. Art. May I, 1889. Stewart, Cecil, Manila, P. I. 7096 ist Lieut., 4th U. S. Cav. (Second Class.) Feb. 6, 18S9. Stewart, C. Seaforth, Cooperstown, N. Y. 6741 Colonel, Engr. Corps, U. S. A. (Retired.) ELECTED. Dec. 7, 1887 Nov. 5, 1884, May 2, 1888, Dec. 3, 1890, Oct. 10, 1894. June 6, 1888. -Dec. 6, 1876. May 4, 1887. Nov. 5, 1889. June 10, 18S5. May 3, 1899. Feb. 6, 1889. April I, 1891. Dec. 4, 1889. May ;, 1887. Oct. 6, 1897. May 2, 1866. April 6, 1887. Feb. 7, 1894. Oct. 4, 1893. April I, 1885. Feb. 2, 1887. Feb. 5, 1896. 90 NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. Stewart, Edwin, Transferred to D. C Rear-Admiral, Paymr.-Genl., U. S. N. (Retired.) ♦Stewart, James, Brevet Major, U. S. V. Stewart, John E. New York N Y ist Lieut., Adjt., 9th U. S. Col'd Inf. Stillmati, Charles A. Transferred to Mass. Captain, U. S. M. C. (Retired.) Stimson, Lewis A. New York N. Y. Captain, Volunteer Aid. (Companion-at-Large.) "Stivers, Edwin J. New York N Y Captain, 17th U. S. Col'd Inf. Captain, 25th U. S. Inf. (Retired.) *Stockwell, Levi S. Paymaster, lateU. S. N. Stoddard, Enoch V. Rochester N Y Surgeon, 65th N. Y. Inf. *"Stolbrand, Carlos J. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. ^ Stone, Euf^ene P Surgeon, U. S. N. (Second Class.) Stone, Lauriston L. ist Lieut., R. Q. M Stone, Mason A. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Storey, James Henry, Re-transferred to Cal. Rochester, N. Y. 2d Vt. Inf. New York, N. Y. Brookljm, N. Y. ist Lieut., R. q: M., 87th U. S. Col'd' Inf. "^Storke, Jay E. ist Lieut., Adjt., 3d N. Y. Lt. Art. *StorTs, Samuel J. Lieut. -Colonel, 5 2d Mass. Inf. Stotesbury, Louis W. New York, N. Y. (Hereditary.) "^Stoughton, Edwin H. 2d Lieut., late 6th U. S. Inf. Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Strain, Alexander, Albany, N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, 153d N. Y. Inf. Strang, John R. Geneseo, N. Y. Lieut. -Colonel, 104th N. Y. Inf. *Streeter, Buell G. Act. Staff Surg., late U. S. A. Surgeon, 4th N. Y. Cav. Strong, Wilson B. _, ist Lieut., late 33d U. S. Vol. Inf.' (Hereditary.) *Sturges, Edwin C. Captain, loist N. Y. Inf. Sturges, Theodore, (In succession.) Washington, D. C. Greenfield Hill, Conn. NO. OF- INSIGNIA.. 5827 36O& 6227 8362. 10698. 6353. 1644 5526 7481 3952 12558 6734 8664 7473: 551S II924 839^ 54IS 10434 10282 3618 5293 11349 91 NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. April 7, 1886. "Sturgis, Thomas, New York, N. Y. 4768 ist Lieut., 57th Mass. Inf. Nov. 19, 1884. 'Svtmmerhayes, John W. New Rochelle, N. Y. 3456 Major, Chf., Q. M., U. S. V. Major, Q. M., U. S. A. (Retired.) May 2, 1883. *^St(tkerland, Charles, Transferred to D. C. 2729 Brig-General, Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. Oct. I, 1884. Suydam, Charles C. New York, N. Y. 3349 Lieut. -Colonel, 3d N. J. Cav. Oct. I, 1890. Swalm, William F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 8113 Asst. Surgeon, 15th N. Y. Engprs. Feb. 3, 1892. Swayne, Alfred H. Havana, Cuba. 9319 (Second Class.) Nov. 7, 1883. - Swayne, Wager, New York, N. Y. 2893 Jiai* Brevet Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) ' Major-General, U. S. V. Feb. I, 1882. Sweeny, Charles B. New York, N. Y. 2271 (In succession.) Nov. 2, 1881. *Sweeny, Thomas W. 2210 -s, Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) May 3, 1871. Swift, Charles N. New York, N. Y. 133S Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. 2, 1891. Swift, Harlan J. Cuba, N. Y. 9131 Captain, 2d N. Y. Mtd. Rifles. Jan. 7, 1874. *Swords, Henry L. New York, N. Y. 1517 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Dec. 4, 1889. Symonds, Brandreth, New York, N. Y. 747& (In succession.) April 7, 1886. *Symottds, Henry C. Transferred to Cal. 4607 Brevet Colonel, late U. S. A. T. June I, 1870. Tailof, Ivan, New York, N. Y. 1189 Major, 2d U. S. Vet. Vol. Inf. Oct. 3, 1877. *Tallman, Edward A. i77o Captain, 24th N. Y. Cav. May 2, 1888. *Tallman, Henry C. 6234 Lieut. -Commander, U. S. N. (Retired.) Feb. 7, 1900. Tangeman, Cornelius H. Brooklyn, N. Y. 12797 (In succession.) Oct. 5, 1898. Tarbox, Henry F. Batavia, N. Y. • 12322 2d Lieut., io8th N. Y. Inf. April 4, 1888. Tarr, Horace G. H. Philadelphia, Penn. 6171 Captain, 20th Conn. Inf. Dec. I, 1897. Taylor, Charles A. Albany, N. Y. 1200S Captain, 24th N. Y. Cav. May 8. 1895. *Taylor, David A. 11046 Captain, iiith N. Y. Inf. 92 ELECTED. Dec. 5, 1894. May 5, 1897. Oct. 10, 1866. Dec. 5, 1893. May 5, 1880. Oct. 6, 1897. I Lj)ec. 5, 1866. Oct. 7, 1891. April 4, 1894. June I, 1892. Oct. 6, 1869. Feb. 16, 1887. Feb. 4, 1891. Nov. 4, 1874. Oct. 6, 1869. Feb. 6, 1884. Feb. 8, 1899. si*^ March 6, 1890. Feb. 4, 1S91. Feb, I, 1S88. Feb. 3, 1S92. Dec. 2, 1885. April I, 1885. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. NO. OF INSIGNIA. Taylor, Edward Graham, New York, N. Y. 10770 (Hereditary.) Taylor, John M. Albany, N. Y. 11855 (In succession.) *Tay/or, Stuart, Transferred to Cal. 444 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Teller, David A. Albany, N. Y. 10330 2d Lieut., 177th N. Y. Ini *Ten Eyck, Jacob H. 2042 Major, 154th N. Y. Inf. Terhune, Henry C. Red Bank, N. J. 1 1920 ist Lieut., 26th N. J. Inf. ♦Terry, Alfred H. 1 148 Major-General, U. S. V. Major-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Terry, J. Wadsworth, Englewood, N. J. 8951 Surgeon, 20th Conn. Inf. ♦Thaxter, Samuel, 10498 ist Lieut., 45th Mass. Mil Inf. ^Thomas, Jerome B., Jr. Manila, P. I. 9761 Act. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A. (Second Class.) Thomas, William H. Wilbraham, Mass. 1 105 Chaplain, 4th N. H. Inf. 5 Thoinpso?i, Charles B. Re-transferred to Cal. 5331 Captain, A. Q. M., U. S. . A.. Major, Q. M., U. S. V. (Hereditary.) Thompson, George W. Brookljm, N. Y. 8505 Lieut. -Colonel, i52d N. Y . Inf. ^Thompson, Robert M. New York, N. Y. 1599 Master, late U. S. N. 'Thompson, Theodore S. San Francisco, Cal. 1099 Pay Inspector, U. S. N. Thomson, Clifford, New York, N. Y. 3022 Major, 5th U. S. Col'd Cav. Thome, Thomas W. New York, N. Y, 12480 Captain, 83d N. Y. Inf. ♦^Thornton, Gilbert E. 6878 Pay Director, U. S. N. Thornton, Howard, Newburgh, N. Y, 8510 (Hereditary.) Thorp, Frank, Fort Sheridan, 111. 6020 2d Lieut., ist Battery, Me Lt. Art. Captain, 5th U. S. Art. Thurber, Charles De F. Mechanicsville, N. Y. 9314 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 77th N. Y. Inf. Thurston, James S. Albany, N. Y. 4336 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Thurston, Robert H. Ithaca, N. Y. 3613 ist Asst. Engineer, late U. S. N. 93 ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. NO. OF INSIGNIA. Nov. 3, 1S80. Tibbits, Le Grand C. (In succession.) Hoosac, N. Y. 2050 April 5, 1871. ♦Tibbits, William B. Brevet Major-General, U, , S. V. 1296 March 7, 1866. *^Tiedemann, Frederick, Captain, 75th Penn. Inf. 206 Nov. 14, 1866. Tiemann, William Francis, Captain, 159th N. Y. Inf. Brooklyn, N. Y. 227 Feb. 3, 1869. Tileston, Thomas, Captain, 131st N. Y. Inf. Stunmit, N. J. 951 Oct. I, 1890. ^* Tzlf or d, Joseph G. Transferred to D. C. 8095 Colonel, gth U. S. Cav. (Retired.) Nov. 3, 1886. *Tillman, Walter P. Captain, 30th N. Y. Inf. 5015 April I, 1891. Tillson, George M. Captain, i6ist N. Y. Inf. Syracuse, N. Y. 8665 Oct. 3, 1900. Tilton, Stephen, (In succession.) New York, N. Y. 12960 April 2, 1890. *Tilton, William Payson, (In succession.) 7789 Oct. 20, 1886. iToffey, John J. ist Lieut., 33d N. J. Inf. Jersey City, N. J. 4960 Feb. I, 1888. Tompkins, Charles H. Colonel, Q. M., U. S. V. Brevet Brig. -General, U. Transferred to D. C. S. A. (Retired.) 6022 Oct. 7, 1885. ♦Tompkins, Charles H. Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. 4056 Dec. I, 1897. Tompkins, Charles H. (In succession.) New York, N. Y. I2OI3 Oct. 5, 1887. Toppin, John D. Passed Asst. Engineer, U Newark, N. J. . S. N. (Retired.) 5710 Jan. 6, 1869. ♦Townsend, Franklin, Brig. -General, late N. G., (Third Class.) , S. N. Y. 945 June 3, 1868. *'Townsend, Frederick, Colonel, 3d N. Y. Inf. 799 Bvt. Brig. -General, late U. S. A. Dec. 5, 1894. Townsend, Frederick, (In succession.) Albany, N. Y. 10771 June 4, 1890. ^Tracy, Benjamin F. Brevet Brig. -General, U. New York, N. Y. S. V. 8008 May 6, 1896. Tracy, Charles S. (Second Class.) Syracuse, N. Y. "473 Feb. 5, 1896. Tracy, J. Evarts, (Hereditary.) Plainfield, N. J. 1 1342 May 2, 1888. Tracy, Osgood V. Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U. Syracuse, N. Y. S. V. 6235 May 2, 1888. Nov. 4, 1885. Tracy, William G. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Syracuse, N. Y, ■^/^wv ♦Tracy, William W. Captain, 26th U. S. Col'd Inf. 1 ^K-/t ^i r^ 4-^ 6230 4063 U- / rf« jh^' ELECTED. Feb. 6, 1895, Dec. 5, 1894. Jan. 4, 1882. ■* May 5, 1880. Oct. 7, 1896. Oct. I, 1879. March 2, 1881. April 4, 1866. Nov. 4, 1868. Feb. 16, 1866. Jan. I, 1870. Feb. 7, 1900. Feb. 6, 1884. May 4, 1892. Nov. 19, 1884. ADDRESS. Concord, N. H. Albany, N. Y. Hurstville, N. Y. Transferred to Cal. 94 NAME AND RANK. Treadwell, Abbot, (Hereditary.) Treadwell, Geo. Curtis, (Second Class.) Treadwell, George H. Brevet Major, U. S. V. *Tretchel, Charles, ' ^j.< Brevet Lieut.-Colonel, U S V '^'^ Rr?' f^^ ?• New York, N. Y Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. ' •^^- ^• ♦Tremaine, William S. Surgeon, 31st U. S. Col'd Inf Major, Surgeon, U. S. A. (Retired ) Trenchard, Edward. New York, N. Y (In succession.) ' ' ♦Trenchard, Stephen D. Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired ) *Tripler, Charles S. Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A New York, N. Y. New York, N. Y. Washington, D. C. Cooperstown, N. Y. Manila, P. I. Dec. 4, 1889 May 3, 1899 May 5, 1886 April 6, 1892, Oct. 5, 1898. Feb. 8, 1899. May 4, 1892. April 6, 1887. Sept. 15, 1866. ♦ Truesdell, Samuel, Captain, 65th N. Y. Inf. Tuller, Loren W. Captain, 60th N. Y. Inf. Turner, Emory S. 2d Lieut., i2oth N. Y. Inf. Turner, Theodore C. (Hereditary.) . 'Turrill, Henry S. Major, Surgeon, U. S. A Lieut. -Colonel, Chf. Surg U S V ■ '^"^^^*"' Robert K. Poughkeepsie N Y Surgeon, 145th N. Y. Inf ^<=cp!>ie, i\. y. Twichell, Joseph H. Hartford, Conn Chaplain, 71st N. Y. Inf. Twining, Edward H. New VorV M v Captain, A. D. C, U. S V ' ^^ ^• ^^""-^tK t?^-^^^1.^- Newark, N. J Brevet Major, U. S. V. ' • J • TwyeiJort, Louis P. p^Hc p,-o«^ 2dLieut., 72dlll. Inf. P^"^' France. Twyeffort, Louis V. PaH lOI NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Feb. 1, 1S93. Williams, William H. H. New Rochelle, N. Y. 9962 Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1896. *Williamson, Henry V. 11635 Major, 83d N. Y. Inf. June 7, 1882. nVilliamson, James A. New York, N. Y. 2526 Brevet Major-General, U. S. V. Dec. 5, 1888. Willson, Lester S. Bozeman, Mont. 6644 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Oct. 4, 1871. Wilson, Charles I. New York, N. Y. 1356 Colonel, Asst. Paymr.-Gen., U. S. A. May 5, 1880. Wilson, Charles L. Jenkintown, Penn. 2049 Captain, 3d N. J. Inf. May 4, 1892. Wilson, Christopher W. Brooklyn, N. Y. 9570 ist Lieut., 73d N. Y. Inf. Feb. 7, 1894. Wilson, George, New York, N. Y. 10422 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. Dec. 2, 1885. Wilson, James Grant, New York, N. Y. 4340 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. Oct. 14, 1885. ^Wilson, Joel, Nyack, N. Y. 4078 Captain, ist Me. Cav. May 2, 1894. Wilson, John A. New York, N. Y. 10551 , (Second Class ) * -, .' JjA May 4, 1892. Wilsojt, John M. Transferred to D. C. 9571**^ /*' '^ Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Brig. -General, Chf. of Engrs. U. S. A. Dec. I, 1880. Wilson, Philip L. New York, N. Y. 2053 2d Lieut., 144th Co., 2d Batt,, Vet. Res. Corps. Oct. 3, 1877. *Wilson, Robert P. i77i Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. May 5, i869.» > Wilson, Thomas, New York, N. Y. 514 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V, Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) April 5, 1893. Wilson, William, Jr. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 10087 Captain, 33d N. J. Inf. Oct. 5, 1898. Wilson, Wm. Stockton, Newark, N. J. 12324 Surgeon, 210th Penn. Inf. Feb. 6, 1884. *Wiltse, Gilbert C. 3020 Captain, U. S. N. Dec. 3, 1884. *Wing, Charles T. 3359 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. May 7, 1890. Wing, Charles T. New York, N. Y. 7994 (In succession.) April 7, 1880. Winne, Charles K. Baltimore, Md. 2041 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. A. Nov. 3, 1886. Winslow, Edward F. Brooklyn, N. Y. 5008 Brevet Brig.-General, U. S. V. Feb. 2, 1887. * Wise, Pierrepont, Transferred to Mass. 5304 (In succession.) Oct. 6, 1875. *Wise, William G. 1632 ist Lieut., 6th Mass. Inf. July 5, 1871. ^Withington, James H. Binghamton, N. Y. 1332 Captain, 198th Penn. Inf. / Aug. I, Feb. 3, Nov. 4, May 7, April 6, Dec. 4, Dec. 7, NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. I, 1897. Wolfe, Solomon B. New York, N. Y. 12009 Act. Asst. Surgeon, late U. S. A. Surgeon, i8ist Ohio Inf. May 4, 1898. Wolfe, S. Herbert, New York, N. Y. 12253 (Second Class.) Feb. 3, 1892. Wood, Benjamin F. Mount Vernon, N. Y. 9316 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 7, 1892. Wood, Bradford R. Albany, N. Y. 9869 Brevet Captain, late U. S. A. Brevet Major, U. S. V. Jan. 7, 1880. Wood, Edward E. West Point, N. Y. 1913 ist Lieut., 2d Prov. Penn. Cav. Professor (Lieut. -Colonel,) U. S. M. A. Feb. 3, 1869. Wood, Henry Clay, New York, N. Y. 947 Colonel, A. A. G., U. S. A. (Retired.) Nov. 12, 1890. ^ Wood, Olive?' E. Re-transferred to Cal. 8301 Captain, 5th U. S. Art. Lieut. -Colonel, Chf. C. S., U. S. V. May 5, 1897. Wood, William L. Queen.s, N. Y. 11860 (Hereditary,) April 3, 1872. *Wood, William M. 1442 Medical Director, U. S. N. (Retired.) April 25, \'i,bb^^ Wood, Wzlh'am W. W. 270 Chief Engineer, U. S. N. (Retired.) 1866. Woodford, Stewart L. New York, N. Y, 536 Brevet Brig. -General, U. S. V. 1892. WoodhuU, Addison W. New York, N. Y. 9318 (Hereditary.) 1885. Wood/lull, Alfred A. Transferred to Col. 4060 Colonel, Asst. Surg.-Gen., U. S. A. 1890. Woodman, Clarence E. Wilmington, Del. 7996 (Second Class.) 1887. '2 Woodruff, Charles A. Transferred to Cal. 5448 Corporal, loth Vt. Inf. Colonel, A. C. G. S., U. S. A. 1895. Woodruff, Ezra, Fort Hamilton, N. Y. 11248 Asst. Surgeon, 15th Ky. Inf. Major, Surgeon, U. S. A. 1898. Woodruff, James A. Willetts Point, N. Y. 12410 2d Lieut., Engr. Corps, U. S. A. (Second Class.) April 5, 1893. Woodward, Edward S. New York, N. Y. loiio (In succession.) Oct. 2, 1878. * Woodward, Edwin T. Transferred to Vt. 1825 Commander, U. S. N. Sept. II, 1867. *Woodward, John B. 625 Colonel, 13th Regt., N. G., S. N. Y. (Third Class.) Jan. 12, 1892. ^"Woodward, Julius H. New York, N. Y. 9256 (Second Class.) April 2, 1890. *Woodward, William R. 7788 Act. Asst. Paymaster, late U. S. N. 103 NO. OP ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. Dec. 7, 1887. Woolsey, Charles W. Asheville, N. C. 5835 Brevet Lieut. -Colonel, U. S. V. Dec. I, 1869. Woolverton, Theoron, Suspension Bridge, N. Y. 1151 Medical Inspector, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 5, 1894. *Wooster, William B. 10768 Colonel, 29th Conn. Col'd Inf. July 23, 1890. ^Wooster, William H. H. Seymour, Conn. 8068 ist Lieut., R. Q. M., 6th Conn. Inf. Feb. 7, 1900. Wootton, Herbert Wright, New York, N. Y. 12798 (In succession.) Feb. 16, 1866. * Warden, John L. Transferred to D. C. 220 Rear-Admiral, U. S. N. (Retired.) Dec. 12, 1883. Worden, William W. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 3182 ist Lieut., 77th N. Y. Inf. May 2, 1883. «Worth, William S. Washington, D. C. 2757 Brigadier-General, U. S. V. Brigadier-General, U. S. A. (Retired.) Feb. 3, 1892. Worthington, Lewis N. Paris, France. 9317 2d Lieut., 6th Ohio Inf. Dec. 2, 1891. Wright, Benjamin, Greenwich, Conn. 9122 ist Lieut., loth Conn. Inf. May 3, 1893. Wright, Charles J. Freehold, N. J. 10167 Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Oct. 6, 1897. Wright, Eben, New York, N. Y. 11922 (In succession.) March 6, 1878. Wright, Edward H. Newark, N. J. 1784 Colonel, A. A. D. C, late U. S. A. April, 6, 1887. ^Wright, Henry T. Care of Navy Department. 5592 Private, 12th Indpdt. Batt., Wis. Lt. Art. Pay Director, U. S. N. May 6, 1896. Wright, Nathaniel A. Oswego, N. Y. 11466 Brevet Major, U. S. V. Oct. 16, 1889. *' Wright, William, 7359 Acting Master, late U. S. N. May 5, 1886. Wright, William M. Manila, P. I. 4699 Captain, A. A. G., U. S. V. Captain, 2d U. S. Inf. (Second Class.) Mays, 1897. Wyckoff, Edward G. Ithaca, N. Y. 11856 (In succession.) Nov. 3, 1886. *WyckoiT, William O. 501 1 Captain, 32d N. Y. Inf. Oct. 7, 1868. *Wyman, Luther B. (Third Class.) Y. April 6, 1892. Yale, Thomas B. Austin, Texas. 9437 Captain, io8th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 4, 1895. *Yates, Henry J. 11249 ist Lieut., Adjt., 72d N. Y. Inf. :/ iWir I04 ADDRESS. INSIGNIA. ELECTED. NAME AND RANK. ADDRESS Feb. 4, 1885. *Yorke, Patton Jones, ,365 Act. Midshipman, late U. S. N. Brevet Colonel, U. S. V. Feb. 2, i88r. Young, Charles L. Transferred to Ohio. ii-xt. Captain, 70th N. Y. Inf. Dec. 7, 1898. Young, Thomas, Huntington, N. Y. 12404 Major, 127th U. S. Col'd Inf. z. Jan. I, 1873. *Zalinski, Edmund L. New York, N. Y. 1454 2d Lieut., 2d N. Y. Hvy. Art. Captain, 5th U. S. Art. (Retired.) May, 4, 1870. *Zulavsky, Ladistas L. H67 Colonel, 82d U. S. Col'd Inf. FBESS OF ■WlttlAM E. BTTDGK NKW XOBK. !||!rfi- 1"'^' OW DEATH RATK Dl" A.Ui>;»" WL£ H Clay Evans. theKW&tni^loner of Pen- Ions, is one of tbose who believe that ser- Ice in the amy, as a rule, promotes health , nd develops physical strength, and points the statistics of the Pension Ofiioe to sus- ain that theory. "Conclusive proof of the ,eneflcial effects of field service is found n he low death rate among old soldiers "said he Commissioner. "There were about 2.- 00 000 enlistments during the civil war on ho rfilon side. Of this number the State i 'payment has estimated that 600 000 were •eenlistments. reducing the number of indi- /tduals who saw service in the war under ie old flag to about 2.100.000. We figure Sat there are still 1.032,418 soldiers of the Lar among the States alive. ^^S-'lfHX^ Berters. The estimated number of deaths ccurrtng during the civil war from ^u^^^^' Birkness or other causes, is 359,5^8 men, liav"ng something over 1.740,000 men alive at the close of the war. Since the war thir- tv-flve years ago, but a trifle over 40 per cent or 708.000 men, have died, and to-day the average age of old soldiers is over six- ty-five years. No greater evidence of the tenacity of life among old soldiers need be ""^Thf Commissioner further explained that I camp Ufe is always subjected to the most exacting regulations. The soldier's duties are accurately delincd and his diet positive- ly prescribed. These regulations, as well as the diet, are the result of years of ex- periment and experience. With regularity of me as to hours for diet. work, and sleep, the retul s cannot fail to be beneficia "Canned beef" and similar scandals will aSe in a state of war. yet too much cre- dence should not be placed in these Men ; go into the military service expecting a fough life, and the food given them, while i not consisting of pastries, is wholesome f coarse.-LWashington Correspondence Phil- adelphia Ledger. (No. II. |[ilitarg |)rd^i|, |ogaI |/sion, |[nited plates Headquarters Commandery of the State of ITew 7ork. J^ew York, ... .(^j Dear Sir and Companion : iW/ I am directed by the Commander to inform you that, at a Stated Meeting of this Commandery, held in accordance with the provisions of Article MVI , Section i, of the Constitution, on the ..,^.,*^^_._day of May, i8^y, you were duly elected M>lJ^..^....^(ti^^ _ for the fiscal year, ending with the Stated Meeting in May, i^^;^ and to request you to signify your acceptance, or non-acceptance of th9^ office ; if the former, by signing and returning, at your earliest convenience, the enclosed Declaration of Investiture. I have the honor to be, Sir, Ver;y R/spectfully, iry/ To Companion ■ Recorder, ^ .(£... J^!Lia'i^t&--- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 012 196 637 2 m Ummt