mn< CHE FORESTS OF :*LYMOUTH COUNTY BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO., STATE PRINTERS 32 DERNE STREET 1918 RVv Ti r^ ^^ A-^ fOCK-To^.-- ,_0J- I doE- -4/ \ d^ 4/ . / )-^-v. i^ I- K ^9.^-' ^ pL_V IV1 OU M F= L_/^ r^ CDF" F= 1_ 'v' N/1 CD l—IT f— I CCDLJr^TY .^<=«i_c THE FORESTS OF PLYMOUTH COUNTY The Results of a Forest Survey OF THE Twenty-seven Towns in the County By JAMES J. MORRIS Under the direction of F. W. RANE, State Forester MASSACHUSETTS STATE FORESTER. 1918 BOSTON WRIGHT & POTTER PRINTING CO.. STATE PRINTERS 32 DERNE STREET 1918 Publication of this Document approved by the Supervisor of Administration. D. Of D, JUL 29 1918 or FOREWORD. We are presenting herewith the results of the forest survey of Plymouth County, the second county to be so studied. The field work of collecting the data here included was carried out under the general direction of Mr. P. D. Kneeland, M.F., assistant forester in charge of utilization, while the crew in the field was in charge of Mr. H. E. Henshaw. The work of com- pilation and of arranging the data in the form of a bulletin was undertaken by Mr. James J. Morris. The facts developed in these county surveys are now tabu- lated for the first time, and cannot be arrived at in any other manner. It is believed that they will prove valuable to those interested in our present and future forestry development. F. W. RANE, State Forester. THE FORESTS OF PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Explanation of Survey. The survey of the several towns of Plymouth County is the second work of this kind attempted by the State forestry department. The other survey, that of Worcester County, was carried on at odd times, and extended over a period of three years. The data were collected and published last winter in the form of a bulletin, which was entitled " The Forests of Worcester County." In the W^orcester County bulletin the reasons for making forest surveys of the different counties of Massachusetts were explained in detail, but it will not be amiss here to review briefly some of the main reasons. Every manufacturing concern or business of any kind at some time or other takes an inventory of its stock. Without such an inventory no business can be carried on to the best advantage. The stock, or raw material, of forestry work is forest land, and since the State forestry department of Massa- chusetts is just what its name implies, the raw material with which this department must deal is the forest lands of Massa- chusetts. If the woodlands of Massachusetts were made up of but one or two species of trees, or if the various species of trees were all of the same height or diameter size, this inventory would be a comparativel}' simple matter. But such conditions do not exist. Scattered throughout the State are many different kinds of trees differing greatly in importance, value, life habits, etc., from each other. Moreover, since the woodlands have been repeat- edly cut over at different times for many years, we find existing a variegated collection of trees of all sizes and conditions; in fact, nearly every woodlot differs to a greater or less extent from others. Method of Survey. In Worcester County each town was covered by one man, who did all the field work. In Plymouth County the men worked in a crew, each man covering a certain assigned section of the town which was being mapped. When one town was finished the men moved on to the next. There were several distinct advantages in this arrangement. Since the men camped in tents it was possible for them to choose a central location for their camp site and thus save time, inasmuch as in going to and from their work they were not obliged to cover the same ground as they would have been had they stopped at a farmhouse or hotel in one corner of the town, as was often the case in Worcester County. The cost of the survey was also lighter, the only expense incurred being for foodstuffs, since the men and camp equipment were moved from place to place by one of the department trucks. For the main part, however, the methods followed in making this survey were similar to those followed in Worcester County. The men worked by compass and pace, using a copy of the United States topographical map as a guide map for each town. Each man would start at some convenient point on a road or edge of a pond and run a straight line through to the town line and then back to the opposite town line on a course parallel to the first, but one-half mile distant. Care was taken when laying off these parallel lines to have them cut the roads so far as possible; that is, if the majority of the roads in a cer- tain town ran in an easterly and westerly direction the strips were run in a northerly and southerly direction, or vice' versa. Cutting the roads in this manner enabled the men to get a truer idea of the actual forest conditions, and it was possible to obtain a more accurate average, because if the strips were run in the general direction of the roads some of them would paral- lel the roads, and since in most cases the type found along the roadsides, which is largely tillage, is not typical of the land lying a few hundred feet farther in, the data obtained in this way would not be trustworthy, as the lines would show an amount of farm and tillage land out of proportion to actual conditions. For convenience and brevity in the field, symbols representing the various types, diameter classes, moth infestations, etc., were used. These symbols are somewhat similar to those used in the previous survey. The map work of each town has been com- pleted, and photographic enlargements of the topographical maps used as a base are to be found at the office of the State Forester. These maps show the strip lines which were run in each town, and contain a symbolic explanation of the different types, size classes, etc. Tables containing summaries computed from the information obtained from the field work are contained in this bulletin. The following diagram may serve to illustrate the method used in making this survey: — St.*\e. 'Ix ni\e. LE^LKO_ "Whi^e, Pine, - A'nAP\e - I'PopU^ - M R^rcK - Y C)C/li Nlon-mercVicivATa t>\e 21 Bridgewater. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 202 185 330 174 856 1,747 15.4 - Pine and oak, . 121 318 659 572 885 2,555 22.6 - Pine and maple, 46 64 532 376 185 1,203 10.6 - Oak type 115 445 492 416 382 1,850 16.3 - Maple (swamp) type. 40 162 62*5 1,319 752 2,898 25.6 - Pitch pine, - - 23 87 972 1,082 9.5 - Total 524 1,174 2,661 2,944 4,032 11,335 - 62.9 Per cent., . 4.6 10.3 23.5 26 35.6 4,346 100.0 - N< Tillage and hay, . 3N-FORES T Types 24.1 Pasture, 839 - 4.7 Residential, . 544 - 3.0 Water 515 - 2.9 Marsh, .... 434 - 2.4 Total area of town, 18,013 - 100.0 To^'aI Fores1rArt 31 Lakeville. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 134 652 284 200 - 1,270 7.6 - Pine and oak, . 351 819 919 718 551 3,358 20.1 - Pine and maple, 117 167 100 33 33 450 2.7 - Oak type 635 752 1,570 1,704 3,074 7,735 46.3 - Maple (swamp) type. 234 635 1,672 535 551 3,627 21.7 - Pitch pine. - 33 84 150 - 267 1.6 - Total, . . • . 1,471 3,058 4,629 3,340 4,209 16,707 - 72.2 Per cent., . 8.8 18.3 27.7 20 25.2 3,286 100.0 - Nc Tillage and hay, . )N-FORE8 T Types 14.2 Pasture, 1,157 - 5.0 Residential, . 370 - 1.6 Water, . . . • . 1.134 - 4.9 Cranberry bog, 417 - 1.8 Marsh 69 - .3 Total area of town, 23,140 - 100.0 Pme&Mdfle: Odk PiUKBne- J A k p- N/ I 1 1 fi. 32 Marion. Approximate Sizi Classes. Per Cent. Total. Acres. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine, 371 185 282 62 21 921 13.4 - Pine and oak, . 791 282 185 247 27 1,532 22.3 - Pine and maple, 502 117 130 27 - 776 11.3 - Oak type, .... 185 825 453 453 295 2,211 32.2 - Maple (swamp) type, 82 151 419 137 110 899 13.1 - Pitch pine, 89 337 103 - - 529 7.7 - Total 2,020 1,897 1,572 926 453 6,868 - 75 Per cent., . 29.4 27.6 22.9 13.5 6.6 336 100.0 - N< Tillage and hay, . JN-FORES T Types 3.7 Pasture, 117 - 1.3 Residential, . 618 - 6.8 Water 268 - 2.9 Cranberry bog, 206 - 2.2 Marsh 744 - 8.1 Total area of town. 9,157 - 100.0 ToW Forest Arwt Pi Y\& Pine g^n^^ple PikW Piwc- M A f \ Q -irn 33 Maeshfield. .A.PPROXIM .\TE Size Cl.^sses. Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 135 242 72 81 45 575 6.4 - Pine and oak, . 207 207 817 673 386 2,290 25.5 - Pine and maple, - 81 242 36 18 377 4.2 - Oak type, .... 54 242 1,013 835 512 2,658 29.6 - Maple (swamp) type, - - 1,131 422 368 1,921 21.4 - Pitch pine, - 45 494 269 350 1,158 12.9 - Total 396 817 3,771 2,316 1,679 8,979 - 49.2 Per cent., . 4.4 9.1 42 25.8 18.7 3,358 100.0 - No Tillage and hay, . N-FORES T Types 18.4 Pasture, 839 - 4.6 Residential, . 986 - 5.4 Water 292 - 1.6 Cranberry bog. 91 - .5 Marsh, .... 3,705 - 20.3 Total area of town. 18,250 - 100.0 TirfdlFortil'Ai'eii Pi ME, Pine^OAk P(ne,&Mdple Odk R'foW Pine MA<'sU^tf.\ A 34 Mattapoisett. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. FoHEST Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 334 147 41 - 49 571 7.0 - Pine and oak, . 580 326 237 98 245 1,486 18.3 - Pine and maple, 530 237 106 33 - 906 11.2 - Oak type, .... 440 1,011 799 587 750 3,587 44.3 - Maple (swamp) type, 114 261 147 212 375 1,109 13.7 - Pitch pine, 179 73 98 57 41 448 5.5 - Total 2,177 2,055 1,428 987 1,460 8,107 - 72.5 Percent., . 26.9 25.3 17.6 12.2 18 1,400 100.0 - No Tillage and hay, . N-FORES T Types 12.5 Pasture, 403 - 3.6 Residential, . 373 - 3.3 Water, .... 136 - 1.2 Cranberry bog. 124 - 1.1 Marsh 646 - 5.8 Total area of town, 11,189 - 100.0 To W forest Arttit Pine. Plna^ndPle: OdVc ^ Pi ■'(cW Pine M a V \d po\s>f.'fir 35 MiDDLEBOROUGH. AppRoxiM.\TE Size Classes. Per Cent. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine, Pine and oak, . 1 1,365 1,197 2,943 3,499 _i 9,004 25.4 - Pine and maple. Oak type 679 1,332 4,969 8,347 _i 15,327 43.3 - Maple (swamp) type, 130 1,951 3,444 5,195 -1 10,720 30.3 - Pitch pine, 10 108 79 145 _i 342 1.0 - Total 2,184 4,588 11,435 17,186 - 35,393 - 75.8 Per cent., . 6.2 13 32.3 48.5 - 8,187 100.0 - Nc Tillage and hay, . )N"-FORES r Types 17.5 Pasture, 1,770 - 3.8 Residential, . 785 - 1.7 Water 511 - 1.1 Marsh 44 - .1 Total area of town. 46,690 - 100.0 1 Size classes 4 and 5 have been combined. hM forcsl' Ai-Ccst RneS.Hvnuy^> 36 NORWELL. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 89 160 594 217 32 1,092 10.4 - Pine and oak, . 141 467 971 1,457 697 3,733 35.7 - Pine and maple, 77 550 901 556 102 2,186 20.9 - Oak type 77 134 294 262 217 984 9.4 - Maple (swamp) type, 26 326 435 658 300 1,745 16.6 - Pitch pine, - - 300 192 243 .735 7.0 - Total 410 1,637 3,495 3,342 1,591 10,475 - 76.7 Percent., . 3.9 15.6 33.4 31.9 15.2 2,443 100.0 - N( Tillage and hay, . JN-FORES T Types 17.9 Pasture, 211 - 1.5 Residential, . 89 - .7 Water 51 - .4 Cranberry bog, 13 - .1 Marsh, .... 371 - 2.7 Total area of town, p 13,653 - 100.0 1oTdiTore5?Arw: Pine&Oak Pme&Mdfle: Pitch Pin& N orw aU 37 Pembroke. Approximate Size Cl.\sses. j Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 408 870 507 22 242 ' 2,049 18.6 - Pine and oak, . 231 397 705 132 353 1,818 16.5 - Pine and maple, - 220 66 - 88 i 374 3.4 - Oak type, .... 55 474 1,113 1,322 1,619 ' 4,583 41.6 - Maple (swamp) type. 33 297 650 595 77 i 1,652 15.0 - Pitch pine, - - 66 - 474 540 4.9 - Total, .... 727 2,258 3,107 2,071 2,853 11,016 - 74.0 Per cent., . 6.6 20.5 28.2 18.8 25.9 2,026 100.0 - Nc Tillage and hay, . )N-FORES T Types . 13.6 Pasture, 417 - 2.8 Residential, . 74 - .5 Water, .... • 789 - 5.3 Cranberry bog, 342 - 2.3 Marsh 223 - 1.5 Total area of town. 14,887 - 100.0 Pft Yin V-)<-Q k fi. PiTAeLOAk Pme&nAple Oak P>UWPin6 38 Plymouth. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 163 54 218 54 - 489 .9 - Pine and oak, . 436 381 1,526 981 2,070 5,394 9.9 - Oak type, .... 272 1,362 3,269 2,397 3,978 11,278 20.7 - Pitch pine and scrub oak. 708 1,417 3,433 ■ 4,413 27,353 37,324 68.5 - Total, .... 1,579 3,214 8,446 7,845 33,401 54,485 - 82.5 Percent 2.9 5.9 15.5 14.4 61.3 5,020 100.0 - No Tillage and hay, . N-FORES T Types 7.6 Pasture, 330 - .5 Residential, . 1,783 - 2 7 Water 3,500 - 5.3 Cranberry bog, 726 - 1.1 Marsh, .... 198 - .3 Total area of town, c—T -.■:.- 66,042 - 100.0 Pine. PinegiOAk P\ Nf YV1 O \J VU 39 Plympton. Approximate Size Cl.\.sses. Per Cent. 1 2 3 i 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 240 278 308 75 113 1,014 13.5 - Pine and oak, . 353 330 667 225 120 1,695 22.6 - Pine and maple, 75 120 173 158 105 631 8.4 - Oak type, . . . 83 188 1,019 743 728 2,761 36.8 - Maple (swamp) type, - 60 532 458 188 1,238 16.5 - Pitch pine. 30 23 30 - 83 166 2.2 - Total, .... 781 999 2,729 1,659 1,337 7,505 - 77.2 Per cent., . 10.4 13.3 36.4 22.1 17.8 1,486 100.0 - N Tillage and hay, . 3N-FOREa T Types . 15.3 Pasture, 331 - 3.4 Water 39 - .4 Cranberry bog, 185 - 1.9 Marsh, .... 175 - 1.8 Total area of town. 9,721 - 100.0 ToiiTFomTArcd PineR, Odk Pi-neS-Mdfle Oak 40 Rochester. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 338 338 596 113 48 1,433 8.9 - Pine and oak, . 934 918 1,2.55 386 741 4,234 26.3 - Pine and maple, 5S0 370 306 145 - 1,401 8.7 - Oak type, .... 1,240 547 998 612 1,208 4,605 28.6 - Maple (swamp) type, 193 757 773 885 628 3,236 20.1 - Pitch pine. 419 467 64 177 64 1,191 7.4 - Total, .... 3,704 3,397 3,992 2,318 2,689 16,100 - 69.8 Percent., . 23 21.1 24.8 14.4 16.7 3,206 100.0 - Nc Tillage and hay, . )N-FORES r Ti-pES 13.9 Pasture, 1,107 - 4.8 Residential, . . 323 - 1.4 Water, .... 1,338 - 5.8 Cranberry bog. 784 - 3.4 Marsh, .... 208 - .9 Total area of town. 23,066 - 100.0 P1Y1& Piv^eg,0^k PitohP\-n& Rr>r.K p.r-I'p. r 41 Rockland. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cext. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 20 18 10 72 - 120 2.8 - Pine and oak, . - - 96 126 295 517 12.0 - Pine and maple, - - 30 193 181 404 9.4 - Oak type, .... 30 24 138 819 1,300 2,311 53.9 - Maple (swamp) type. 24 48 277 439 30 818 19.1 - Pitch pine. - - ~ 102 18 120 2.8 - Total, .... 74 90 551 1,751 1,824 4,290 - 66.3 Percent., . 1.7 2.1 12.8 40.8 42.6 1,007 100.0 - No Tillage and hay, . N-FORES T Types 15.6 Pasture, 223 - 3.4 Residential, . 861 - 13.3 Water 24 - .4 Marsh, .... 66 - 1.0 Total area of town, 6,471 - 100.0 ToWForcs1:Ar64t Pirte&Odk P>ne,?*r^dP\e OdK P\1rch P\n& Rqc W\a r\ cA 42 SCITUATE. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine 11 74 319 160 17 581 11.7 - Pine and oak, . 80 86 274 154 - 594 11.9 - Pine and maple, 40 268 382 103 - 793 15.9 - Oak type, .... 239 245 348 143 182 1,157 23.3 - Maple (swamp) type. 80 137 450 239 125 1,031 20.8 - Pitch pine. - - 200 194 422 816 16.4 - Total 450 810 1,973 993 746 4,972 - 45.5 Per cent 9.1 16.3 39.7 19.9 15 2,291 100.0 - N( Tillage and hay, . )N-rORES T Types 21.0 Pasture, 325 - 3.0 Residential, . 1,277 - 11.7 Water 296 - 2.7 Marsh, .... 1,761 - 16.1 Total area of town, 10,922 - 100.0 Totdl FortsUreci: Pi nc RY^e&nAple.t Oak FilcK Pir\e Sc. i ^ ud^e. 43 Wareham. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. Total 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine, 49 196 49 - 82 376 2.3 - Pine and oak, . 443 376 950 327 917 3,013 18.4 - Pine and maple, 82 16 49 - 49 196 1.2 - Oak type, .... 312 655 917 327 605 2,816 17.2 - Maple (swamp) type, 16 49 65 147 82 359 2.2 - Pitch pine. 278 950 1,981 1,425 4,961 9,595 58.7 - Total, .... 1,180 2,242 4,011 2,226 6,696 16,355 - 67.2 Percent 7.2 13.7 24.5 13.6 41 2,750 100.0 - N< Tillage and hay, . )N-FOHES T Types 11.3 Pasture, 535 - 2.2 Residential, . 535 - 2.2 Water 1,947 - 8.0 Cranberry bog. 1,047 - 4.3 Marsh ; 1,169 - 4.8 Total area of town, 24,338 - 100.0 tbtdlforesUrcat: PinegTMAfleE Maple. W A f ft Wl r^ Wl 44 West Bridgewater. Approxim.\te Size Classes. Total. Per Cent. 1 2 3 i 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Pine, Pine and oak, . Pine and maple. Oak type, .... Maple (swamp) type. Pitch pine. Acres. 58 12 110 Acres. 105 29 116 52 Acres. 41 76 105 401 407 Acres. 17 174 168 657 999 Acres. 23 145 23 1,418 250 216 Acres. 244 407 325 2,702 1,708 216 4.4 7.3 5.8 48.2 30.5 3.8 - Total, .... Per cent., . 180 3.2 302 5.4 1,030 18.4 2,015 36 2,075 37 5,602 3,081 767 535 52 46 100.0 55.6 NoN-FOR Tillage and hay, . Pasture, .... Residential Water, Marsh, EST ' Fypes. 30.6 7.6 5.3 .5 .4 Total area of town, 10,083 - 100.0 Toyforei^'Arwl: ^ Piwe. Pme^Odk Pme Simple PiUW Pmt We^Y By \cAse. w A^-ev 45 Whitman. Approximate Size Classes. Per Cent. 1 2 3 4 5 Forest. Town. Forest Types. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Pine - - 122 - - 122 6.4 - Pine and oak, . - - 30 61 55 146 7.6 - Oak type, ' . . . - 24 225 565 502 1,316 68.6 - Maple (swamp type), - - - 213 85 298 15.5 - Pitch pine. - - - 37 - 37 1.9 - Total, .... - 24 377 876 642 1,919 - 42.9 Per cent., . - 1.3 19.6 45.6 33.5 952 100.0 - No Tillage and hay, . N-FOREST Types. 21.3 Pasture, 475 - 10.6 Residential, . 1,070 - 23.9 Marsh 57 - 1.3 Total area of town. 4,473 - 100.0 1 Considerable maple in mixture in medium and small sizes. W W 1 Y Yw A yi 1 Totd\roresV/\t.ed Pine Pme&Odk Odk M6p\e RVcU Pine ^ - 46 o H &^ o Eh ;?; o O w O ►J Ph o o o o CO o hJ 1 frrt 0. a> ji" ^' G o § 'E 1 , g ^ O M 03 03 "E ^ tT O ai O -13 d »' 6 6 d d cl d d -a c T3 a c a a a C "a 3 a a 'a S (3 'E a ■ft 'E a 'E a 'E 'ft 03 ® .^ O .^ "a -M -w IB G j3 a j: IS Ic IS cS IS IS IS a IS IS E ^ S ^ g: &: ^ IS & ^ ^ S ^ ^ 1 1 1 "d s u S X o 8 03 o 3 ;3 o J2 j: u T) 1 ^ 1 ,a 1 CJ o o T3 o -d t. 3 o C •a o 3 ^ o "S C3 S 3 j: 03 -§ ■a a ■a •S s 03 -§ ■d -s -3 -3 03 l3 0) ^ O 3 i ■a O O C 03 1 X! T3 s i 1 s 1 XI S ^ ^ J S J o X o3 X X X X k< ^ X X X X X X O O o o o o o o o o m eQ 03 « P3 CQ Pm U pa PQ pa pa m PQ 1 bfl 1 1 1 4 >, _g t- 3 1 1 oi 1 1 ol « 1 r£ 73 T3 s 03 1 r m QD oa" 05 oT 03 bO be 03 03 bl M S) bll bo b« bO bj bl O O O O O o O q O o O iJ kJ m CQ T iJ hJ J 1-3 ^J J -1 1 c^ eo 1 oo ec -»< CO •* ■* o s o O bt .s >i p^ c 03 6 B 03 3 O Pi w 1 S O d PQ p (5 £ 03 a a o PQ 1 T3 1 a S CQ J3 0. Pu o ►-1 o IS 3 JS O t-, 3 d a S . -a '— ' ^ tH C 13 O _0 5 o o 5 3 o PQ i X x" 03 C > o IS 3 P p o O X 3 > C3 1 "3 "ca "rt c 03 a 3 C3 a 03 < M m m « pa PQ P O W X a a W a a a 47 t- _2 "a 1 1 1 1 ft S 3 a s J a ^ c 1 J^ 0. .ii: ^i ^ J= a © (8 a a 1 1 o s. 1 c; ^ 1 0" ■a TJ ■zl ■a •B 73 -a "a c C a a c G a 03 (S c3 OJ 03 03 03 E e e « «■ 4> 4) 1) »' aJ © C C C C c C c a S a s s c .S jir c a a ■ft '5. a 'E ■ft ■ft ■ft ■ft ■ft 'ft ft ft 03 'a 1 1 O « 1 a> ta ^ 0) a 1 -^ -^ JS X IS ^ J3 X J3 ^ J= -C IS M j: f^ :: J3 ^ &: ^ ^ s g: g: g: ^ ^ ^ is &: s ^ ■5 ^ 1 1 1 ft 1 bfi s . ^ e ji a) 00 s M 03 "ft m _£ _2 S 1 ^ 1 _c TJ 13 T3 2 1 u IS C S C 3 "a « 03 j3 03 m j: M -a m 0? ■0 jT 00 03 ■d T) T3 a -0 ■0 ■0 -T3 -0 a ■B -c "H frH c3 ^ k< G u u 03 ki b £ « a C3 S3 03 03 03 03 03 a ffl J5 1 o ^ J3 -a x: ^ S X! ^ •c -3 J2 J 1 Xi s" s Q 0) s X V, X 03 X X X K K c3 S3 X X X X X 3 u 03 ca P3 « m pa CQ C3 PQ n oa m PQ pa PQ ca 1 1 V i-, 1 1 n •a x^ a -a c J3 . , . _ . . . . . 03 T3 ' u> ^ S> 3> Si 0^ b£l & b( u i i ^ bC be be ' g S) o q q S i-I hJ J >-) J hJ kJ ^-i h-I ij fJ M 1 •<»< to M •* f •* ., n - oo CO CO eo •^ •<»< 1 CO « eo >; c C8 C. B t^ c C O a ■c" J£ S ^ ^ u a S3 Xi a PL, 3 C i £ 1 1 >> ta g g 02 c 03 ■6 2 s 1 1 n 2 1 5? s c3 .0 1 03 .2 8 o d c P PL,' d hi s 03 ■-5 a C3 "o < 1 Q ft 1 d V £ d j:" js" jf be be be a 3 3 . . » © g g tT o" O)" oT jzf s 03 c 6 ^ ^ ^ 5 ~ c c a a _2 _3 J2 = ^ "oj "© g p "3 o g ^ 0! 03 ^ ^ ^ .c g 1 S s s 01 XI B 5 s 03 c c 5 s s ;a ;2 ."S s s S _>. g^ J3 si O o SB — o » S g ^ £ i =* i rj '" O .KBW^aSSSgSlgSSZI^^IiJliifilie 48 o H o Q W » Q < o O W 8 BY p-i o w o ft o H « O u 1 ^ -a •^ ^ .X -a 3 o a C3 C8 03 'S. o o u O O 1 O M -c T3 -B ■d ■^ ~ c e C a ca ca C3 03 3 'ft aj © o a a> a a> a C a a a c c 3 n3 3 3 ■ft ■p. 'E 'p. 'E ■5. ■5. 03 'a -2 Q) (U CD « 1 Q> 4) 01 aj ;5 13 IS !£ IS ^ la IS !S ^ &: ^ ^ ^ ^ g: ^ g bO c o3 'o ^ c a 3 "» I-H s _3 "a 13 C 'd si k. C 3 C3 a 03 03 Ph c c3 8 3 '3 03 03 a — t o Q) i i 2 C3 CU "c i OJ X y. X X X t- ^ tH X X o o o O 03 CQ m « m pa Ph kJ m oa pa ■a 1 1 I- 3 m :3 O 1 1 1 1 hO W) bl bD bD U) M nil O O O O O hJ l-J hJ ^^ I-) >-; hJ 1-1 -, ?3 CO 05 CO Cl CO CO •^ CO O) „ o CO _2 0) . a5 t^ 3 (0 a s^" s 2; O c o =3 2 m M ©" s 3 c 3 K C JO 3 "« Je 1 i s pa -a C S X § c 3 o © C3 w 8 1 P ^ ^ « ^ ►^ d H ^ z is o h c c C t;^ ^ tJ a 03 j3 ► o 0. o o 0. 1 01 1 1 1 j3 s a a e >> j= J2 _c 3 o O o s 03 X s s s Pi Pi rt M ^ ^ S: a fe O J3 Pine, maple and oak. Diameters, 6 to 10 inches; heights. 50 to 60 feet, woods type, Class 2.) (Pine and hard- \ I- if Oak type. Diameter, about 5 inches; heights, 40 to 50 feet. (Class 3.) Pitch pine type. (Classes 4 and 5.) ,^-fei '?«/?. 0/^ .S^/VGy :(^^i- 000' S79 997