BD ^:^C3Ktcr,:x:c:c:;niS'?SSn?'^^^ Class Jii Book Gpiglit]^?___ 0DPnUGHT DEPOSIT. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from The Library of Congress _'9 PHILOSOPHIC SERIES— No. IL ENERGY EFFIOIEjN'T AE"D FIIvrAL CAUSE JAMES McCOSH, D.D., LL.D., D.L. Author of "The Laws of Discursive Thought," "Emotions," etc. President of Princeton College 'i- V (■ I, ■ ■ 22 188S Jf X!>c NEW YORK CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS 1883 ^ ^ UP V4? ^ Copyright, 1883, by CHARLES SCKIBNEKS SONS Trow's Printing and Bookbinding Company 201-Z13 Jiasi T-ivel/tk Street NEW YORK 1 ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS. PACK Introduction, 1 SECTION I. Physical Causation, . .3 SECTION II. Psychical Causation, .19 SECTION III. Causation Subjective, 31 SECTION IV. Various Sorts of Causes, 35 SECTION V. Final Cause, 45 ENERGY. EFFICIENT AND FINAL CAUSE. INTKODUCTION. The principle of cause and effect is involved in most of the processes by which we discover truth. True, there are verities which are perceived by intuition, that is, in looking upon the objects, such as that I exist and that material things exist. But it is only a small portion of our knowl- edge that is obtained by primary and direct inspection. In the case of other and derivative truths causation is im- plied, if not in the whole, at least in the greater number of them. The principle has a place in the great body of our con- victions as to the past. I do not see that it has any part in memory which is instinctive, but it has in all those which we reach by a process. Thus, we believe that there has been a battle at a certain place, a flood at a particular spot on a river, a fire in a dwelling, because we discover effects, which we argue imply a cause. Thus, we argue that certain strata in the earth's surface are the deposits of an ancient ocean, and that other portions have been thrown up by a volcano. Even in regard to events which we be- lieve on human testimony, we assume that the actors have been swayed by the same motives as men now are. It will be allowed more readily that our reasonable ex- 2 INTEODUCTION. pectations as to the future depend so far on this principle. We argue, whether we are conscious of it or not, that the causes now operating in physical nature and in men's minds will act in the future as in the past ; that these col- leges and schools will continue to produce a high mental cultivation ; that these improved modes of agriculture will produce a richer crop, and that the abuses in certain old countries will, in the end, produce a revolution like those of France and America. The principle is involved in the common arguments for the existence of God. True, those who believe with Schleiermacher that God is perceived by direct intuition do not need this premise. But the proofs commonly urged, for example, that from the adaptation of one thing to another to accomplish a good end, and that from the high ideas in the mind of the infinite the perfect proceed, as has been shown by Kant, on the principle of causation ; these collocations and aspirations imply a designing mind to produce them. Causation is thus one of the bonds which connect the present with the past and the future, and the whole with God as the Great First Cause. If this be so, it is surely de- sirable, it is indeed of vast importance, to have the nature of cause and our belief in it accurately unfolded, and brought into consistency with modern science. David Hume, in establishing his philosophical scepticism, labored with all his might to loosen the causal connection. In the defence of truth this principle comes next in order to that of the Criteria of Truth. SECTION I. PHYSICAL CAUSATION. The subject will be made clearer by carefully distinguisli- ing Causation Objective and Subjective: that is causation in itself whether we observe it or no (a spark will kindle gunpowder without our taking notice of it), and the princi- ple in the mind wdiich leads us believe in it. I am not singular in holding that the whole subject of Cause has become confused in the minds of men, especially educated men, and that the time has come for reconsidering it in the light which recent investigation furnishes. In our day two or three doctrines have been propounded and, I believe, demonstrated, which require us to review and re- vise the doctrine of causation, more especially in its rela- tion to Force, Energy, and Power. Theee is a duality or plurality in Causation, that is, there are two or more acting bodies in all physical causes. There were thinkers who had a glimpse of that doctrine from an old date. Aristotle spoke of a avvairiov which Sir W. Hamilton translates Concause.* But this truth was fir^t clearly enunciated by Mr. J. S. Mill {Logic, Book IV., Chap. V.). " The statement of the cause is in- complete unless in some shape or other we introduce all the conditions. A man takes mercury, goes out of doors, ' Sextus Empiricus speaks, III. 15, of ffwairtov, awtpyiv, avveKTiKa, all pointing to joint action. 4 PHYSICAL CAUSATION. and catches cold. "We say, perhaps, that the cause of his taldng cold was the exposure to the air. It is clear, how- ever, that his having taken mercury may have been a necessary condition of his catching cold ; and though it might consist with usage to say that the cause of his attack was exposure to the air, to be accurate we ought to say that the cause was exposure to the air while under the ef- fect of mercury." The doctrine had occurred to me before I read Mr. Mill's " Logic ; " but as he published it first, I do not claim any credit in it. As approaching it, however, from a somewhat different direction, I believe I can make it more explicit and comprehensive. In all physical action there are two or more bodies, molecular or molar ; at the present stage of science I ought to add that the body may be the ether in which the undulations of light take place. 'Now the cause — by which I mean that which invariably has produced the effect, and will invariably produce it — con- sists in the mutual action of two or more bodies ; that is, their action on each other. Tlius, in the case adduced by Mr. Mil], the true cause of the effect, the cold, was not the air alone or the body alone, but the air and the body un- der mercury. Without the concurrence, or rather the joint action of the two, the effect would not have been produced. It is the same in all other cases. A ball at rest is struck by a ball in motion ; the one ball is made i • > move, the other has its motion stayed ; the cause consists of the two balls in a certain state, and the effect the balls in another state. A picture-frame falls from a wall and breaks a jar standing on a table below ; we say that the frame, or rather the fall of the frame, was the cause of the fracture of the jar. But the true cause, that which forever will produce the same effect, is the frame falling with a certain momentum and the brittleness of the jar. PLURALITY IN CAUSE AND EFFECT. 5 Had the frame come clown with less violence, or the jar been stronger, there might have been no breakage. In most cases of action a considerable number, in some a vast number and variety of agents combine to produce the result. Take the sprouting of a flower in spring : in the cause there are the increased heat and light of the sun, the state of the plant in the earth, and the state of the soil. Without the concurrence of all these the effect would not be produced. II. Secondly, there is a duality or plurality in the EFFECT. This is a further truth which Mr. Mill has not expounded, but which occurred to me as I was thinking out the doctrine which Mr. Mill preceded me in unfolding. It follows from Mr. Mill's doctrine when it is proper! v un- derstood, and seems to me to be quite as certain, and it is fully more important and of wider range in its applications. Thus, in Mr. Mill's illustration the cause was the state of the atmosphere and the body as affected by mercury ; the effect was the same atmosphere insensibly changed in temperature, and the body under a cold. In the second case the true cause consisted of the two balls, one in mo- tion striking the other at rest ; the effect (which would be forever produced by the same cause) the ball which was at rest moving and the ball which was in motion at rest. In the third case the cause was the picture-frame with a certain momentum striking a jar of a certain structure ; the effect was the frame losing part of its momentum and the jar broken. In the case of the plant germinating there must have been in the effect changes — it may be in- capable of measurement — in all the agents acting as the causes in the sun's heat and light absorbed in the earth and in the plant sprouting. 6 PHYSICAL CAUSATIOW. Taking these views with ns, it may be of great use to have appropriate and definite phrases to express them. The word Cause, that which invariably produces tlie effect, should be reserved for the combination of agencies pro- ducing the result. The cause of the man's taking cold is not merely the cold atmosphere or his frame being affected by mercury, but in the two acting on each other. The word Effect should in like manner be applied to the com- bined result, and comprises the change in the air as well as the colded affection of the body. In the other illustra- tive cases it implies the movement of the one ball and the staying of the other ; the loss of momentum in the picture- frame as well as the breaking of the jar; and the change in the rays of heat and light coming from the sun as well as the germinating of the plant. As causes are dual or plural, it is proper to have phrases to express the parts. The law is often stated that the same cause always produces the same effect in the same circumstances. But in order to clearness and accuracy it is essential to specify w^hat are the circumstances ; it is in fact necessary to put them into the cause, as without them the effect would not follow. In order to the germinating of the flower there is not only the state of the plant and soil, but the additional heat of the sun. All the acting parts may be called agents or agencies, without specifying what they are. They are bodies in a certain state acting on other bodies. Yery often one of these agents is more important in it- self, or in our estimation, or for our present purpose, than the others ; this is designated pre-eminently the cause, and little or no evil may arise from this provided always that it be understood that this agent needs one or more co- operating agents which are parts of the full cause. If it be said that the cold air was the cause of the man beino; CAUSE AND CONDITION. 7 colded, it was because his body was disposed toward such an issue by mercury. It is not easy, or perhaps even pos- sible, to lay down a rule as to which of the agents should be called the special, the main, or the prominent cause, for the cause consists in the mutual action of the whole. When man is working he often calls in one agent to pro- duce an intended effect. If he wishes to kindle a heap of straw, the agent he attends to is the fire he applies ; if he wishes a good crop from his ground, he looks to the manure ; if he wishes to be cured of a disease, he selects his medi- cine ; though in all such cases there is need of co-operation in the state of the straw, or of the ground, or of his bodily frame. In nature there is often one agent that is particu- larly potent. When a tree is struck by lightning it is the electricity that is specially noticed, though the structure of the tree had also to do with the effect produced. Fixing on the agent that is most prominent in itself or in our eyes as the cause or special force, then the co-opera- ting agent may be called the Occasion. This phrase is specially applied to circumstances which cast up to call forth a power into exercise, or to work along with causes steadily operating. Thus, that ill-constructed house fell on the oc- casion of a storm arising. I w'as prompted to write a letter to a friend by my affection ; but the occasion was his suffer- ing a severe loss ; the two actually called forth the letter. Malebranche was the philosopher wdio brought the phrase " occasional cause " into general use. He represented the will of God as the true cause of all creative action, but the volition of man might be the occasion of the forthputting of the Divine Power. Thus, when I move my arm the true cause is the Divine Will, but my purpose is the occa- sional cause. In such a case we may allowably give a prominence to the Divine Power, but it should be noticed that while one of the agents is the important one, the 8 PHYSICAL CAUSATIO]Sr. other or others, the action of the brain and nerves, are necessary to the production of the precise consequence, which will not follow without the co-operation. We are thus enabled to give a philosophical explanation of what is meant, or rather what should be meant, by Con- dition^ a phrase so often used vaguely and illegitimately in the present day in its application to physical operation. In order to be rid of an agent or to drive it into a corner, it is said that it is simply a condition. In order to the pro- duction of a given effect, a certain agent is fixed on as pro- ducing an end, the other or others are represented as simply conditions. As proving design we show that animals with a stomach for digesting flesh have also claws and strong muscles to catch and hold their prey. But an attempt is made to do away with the force of the argument by urging that these adjuncts are merely the conditions of the ma- chine working. But properly understood the argument lies in the circumstance that the co-operating conditions have met. The presence of strings in a harp is a condition of it producing music, but the evidence of design is in the presence and combination of the necessary strings. We may legitimately and conveniently use such phrases provided we understand them oin-selves and let our readers or hearers understand what we mean by them. But it should be distinctly explained that all the agents acting, whether circumstances, occasions, or conditions, constitute the cause without which the effect would not follow. It is needful to make like explanations and come to the same understanding as to the Effect. In all cases of physi- cal action the effect is also dual or plural ; it consists of two or more agents changed — I hope to show the same agents as are in the cause. These constitute what has been, and what will always be, produced by the cause. But it often happens that a special end is contemplated CONDITIONS AND INCIDENTS. 9 when we set an agent or agencies aworking ; and when this is effected it is regarded as the proper or the only effect. But there may be other consequences Nvhich we did not consider or look for, or which we regard as minor or irrelevant ones. We wish for a shower to refresh the ground ; as it falls it accomplishes that end, but it may also so swell a stream that it works destruction as it overflow's its banks. A new machine is invented which produces a greater amount of work, but it throws a number of people, who followed the old methods, out of employment. It is desirable to have a phrase to denote these secondary effects, as they are regarded ; and they may be described as Con- comitants, or more expressly as Incidents or Incidentals. Perhaps some would call them Accidents, and they may be so called as they were not intended, as when one fires an overcharged gun and is wounded by its striking back- ward. But these accidents are quite as much caused by the agents as the others that were expected. In all cases the effect properly understood consists of the whole of the agents that have been acting put in a new state. Any one who sets new agencies agoing, say starting a new trade or passing a new law, is bound to look not merely to one but all the consequences that nmst follow. III. The Conservation of Energy.— It has long been known and acknowledged that the sum of matter in the cosmos is always one and the same. We burn a piece of paper and it disappears from our view, but it is not annihilated. One portion of the matter has gone down in ashes, the other has gone up in smoke, and it is conceivable we might bring the scattered particles together, and they would be- come the original paper. 10 PHYSICAL cAusATio:sr. Imperious Cesar dead and turned to clay- Might stop a hole to keep the wind away. It has been proven in our day that the same is true of the energy of matter. This doctrine was anticipated by several philosophic physicists/ but was established in our day by Mayer, by Joule, by Grove, and others. Accord- . ing to it, the sum of energy potential and actual capable of being brought into operation or in operation, is always one and the same. It cannot be increased and it cannot be diminished by any human, indeed, any mundane agency. The doctrine is thus stated by Clerk Maxwell : " The total energy of any body or system of bodies can neither be in- creased nor diminished by any mutual action of these bodies, though it may be transformed into any one of the forms of which energy is susceptible." The amount of energy is constant if unaffected by any agent external to itself. If acted on from without the energy will bo in- creased by what has been communicated. If it acts on bodies without, the energy will be diminished by the work done. When any portion leaves one body it passes into another. If two balls strike each other, they have the same amount of energy before they strike and after they strike, though the energy may be decreased in one and increased to the same extent in the other. When the energy dis- 1 It has been shown (Thomson and Tait's Natural Philosophy, § 269) that Newton had seized the principle which leads to the doctrine, "Work done on any system of bodies has its equivalent in the form of work done against friction, molecular forces or gravity if there be no accelera- tion ; but if there be acceleration part of the work is expended in over- coming resistance to acceleration, and the additional kinetic energy de- veloped is equivalent to the work so spent." It can be shown, I think, that Leibnitz also approached the doctrine from another side. In his letters to M. L'Hospital He speaks of "I'egalite de la cause et de I'ef- fect," and says, "la force se conserve toujours." This points to the principle. Mayer, who did as much as any other man to establish the doctrine, also speaks of the effect being equal to the cause. CORRELATION OF FORCES. 11 appears in one form, say in mechanical force moving a mass, it appears in anotlier, say in heat, which is molecu- lar motion. It is an integrant part of this doctrine that the physical forces are all correlated, a truth beautifully expounded by Grove in his " Correlation of the Physical Forces." The energy may take various forms — say the purely mechanical, the chemical, the electric, the magnetic — perhaps also the gravitative, which may be a somewhat weak form of the correlated forces. These forms are capable of being trans- mitted into each other, and this in definite quantity : so much mechanical force into so nmch chemical force, which chemical force may be reconverted into the mechanical. This shows the whole physical forces of our world to be correlated and capable of being exchanged for one another, the sum of energy remaining the same. It may not be easy to show the full relation between these three doctrines, which I hold to be severally estab- lished. But there is no inconsistency between them. Perhaps the full doctrine may be so stated as to embrace all the three and make them aspects of one grand truth. Our world may, as the Pythagoreans supposed, be like a closed globe with an incalculably large but definite number of bodies in it. These act and react upon each other, pro- ducing all the activity, all the movement in our world. The bodies act on each other, and form a cause. In doing so they modify each other and the result is the effect. Meanwhile the sum of matter and the sum of energy in the bodies continue one and the same, and both are inca- pable of increase or diminution. This is at least an in- telligible doctrine, and embraces the three truths which have been separately stated, and seems in perfect consist- ency with all that has been established in regard both to the persistence of matter and the persistence of energy. 12 PHYSICAL CAUSATION. I am prepared to stand by and defend the statement now made. But when I inquire more particularly into the nature of things involved in causation, I feel that I am treading darkly and have to guard my steps. Important questions are pressed upon me, and I have to speak with- out dogmatism. "What is the relation of energy to causation ? Enei-gy is now the favorite phrase employed to express the activity of matter. Energy produces changes. But the change must be in something. Physical energy is in the system of bodies. By it one body acts on another. There nuist be energy of some sort in every system of bodies at all times. But the body acts only when another body is present. When two or more bodies act on each other we have cause. Cause is that which will ever produce the same effects. Energy and cause must be realities quite as much as matter is. Indeed, energy and causation seem to be in the very nature of matter. Energy is the power that acts in matter. Matter, when it acts, acts causally. The energy in the two or more bodies acting as the cause is the power in causation. Energy is said to be potential and actual or kinetic. "When energy is merely potential the bodies are not in evi- dent action of any kind. The energy becomes real or ac- tual when a body comes into a relation of mutual action with another body. There is now causation. Some would get rid of energy in physics by affirming that the whole phenomenon consists in motion. But there is energy, potential energy, when there is no seen motion. There is energy in that fragment of marble on my table, and this when the body is not moving. Energy is that which produces motion. The energy is measured by the work it does, that is, by the motion it produces. ENEEGY. 13 The ball A, as it moves bj its energy, strikes the ball B, loses its energy, and rests. What is the difference be- tween A moving and A at rest ? The answer is that it has an energy in the former case, which it has not in the latter. It will not regain its energy and be able to move till it gets it from some other body. It has to be added that the body without the energy has the capacity {8vvafx,ii\6ao^oi piovra taught, that everything is becoming. 2. We see what is the inertia of body. ISTewton's First Law of Motion follows from the principles we have laid down. A body at rest will continue at rest forever unless it is acted on by some other body ; a body in motion will continue in motion in the same straight line unless stayed or deflected by some other body. All this is a corollary from the principle that causal action is the action of two or more bodies, and that a body will not act unless acted on by some other body. 3. "We see the nature of the law of action and reaction. A body will not act unless there is some other body acting on it. Under this view matter is passive. It acts only so far as it is acted on. In another sense it is active. One body acts on another body ; thus two bodies are A and B, and A and B are both changed. A at rest moves and B is stayed. What B loses in being stayed A gains and moves. This gives us Newton's Third Law of Motion, that Action is always equal to and the opposite of Reaction. B gives what it loses to A, but the sum of energy of the two is the same after action as before action. It follows that the energy given to A is equal to that lost by B. 4. It has been disputed whether the cause and its effect are contemporaneous or successive. The difference of 16 PHYSICAL CAUSATION. opinion springs from confused notions as to tlie nature of causation. In all causes there are at least two bodies and mutual action, both action and reaction, and these take place at the same time. When one ball strikes another, when oxygen combines with hydrogen, the action on the part of both bodies is simultaneous. But in causation proper the effect comes after the cause ; it is the produc- tion of the cause. The gain of energy by the one ball and the loss of it by the other is the consequence of the simul- taneous action. The water is the product of the chemical union of the two elements. 5. It is sometimes stated that the same effect may be produced by different causes. This is not true, or it is true, according as we understand it. A jar may be broken by a picture falling on it, but it may also be broken by a stone flung at it. The breaking of the jar may thus be produced by two different processes. But in both cases the breaking of the jar is only part of the effect. The full effect in the one case was the jar broken and the picture stayed ; in the other, the jar broken with the stone stayed, 6. It is often said that great effects follow from small causes. A cow kicks a kerosene-lamp, and first the shed is ignited and then the half of a great city is burned. The British Government denies Colonial America a compara- tively small claim ; and a revolution breaks forth which separates Great Britain and the United States forever. But it is not quite correct, it is not the full truth, to say that one cause did all this. In all such cases there is a co-operation and succession of various causes. T]ie fire is carried on by there being all around infiammable materials to propagate it, and the separation of the countries was really produced by a widespread discontent. In like man- ner a mighty agency may often issue in a very insignifi- cant effect, because there are no conspiring powers. Three GENEllAL EESULTS. 17 very important pliilosopliical doctrines seem to be tlms established, 7. In physical cature (and I speak at present of no other) the eifect consists of the bodies which have combined to form the cause being put in a new state. When the cause is A B, the effect is A' B'. The cause may be more complex, A, B, C, D, E, F, and all the bodies are modified and appear in this modified form in the effect, A' B" C D' E" F\ Thus all action is a kind of evolution or development, a favorite doctrine of the theosophists of the East, who draw all mun- dane things out of other mundane things, and in the last resort all things from God. This doctrine is commonly ap- prehended in a mystical way which favors pantheism, but it contains important truth, which can and should be separated fi'om the error with which it has been associated. It is not that the effect emanates or grows out from the cause, but it is that the effect consists in the bodies con- stituting the cause being put in a new state or form. 8. It is wrong to represent, with Hume, the relation of cause and effect as being mainly or essentially that of in- variable antecedence and consequence. Most people have felt this doctrine to be meagre and unsatisfactory, without being able to correct it by supplying the felt deficiency. It is not the invariable sequence which constitutes causation ; there must be something in causation which produces the invariable succession, otherwise, why should the sequence be so invariable ? The certainty in the succession is pro- duced by the power acting in the causes. Causation is thus seen to be in the very nature of the bodies acting as the causes. 9. We see and can explain what is meant by the con- tinuity of nature which was noticed by observers from an early date, and which has been speculated on by many profound thinkers such as Leibnitz. When- we look care- 18 PHYSICAL CAUSATIOINT. fully into the operation of the material world we discover that there is no break in its successive actings. True, there is often no causal connection between one state of things and another going immediately before, between, for ex- ample, night and day, which do not produce each other while they are invariable antecedents and consequents. But when we go behind the more obvious appearances, we find that each is produced by antecedent causes ; the day by the shining of the sun and the night by his withdrawal. If we trace any occurrence backward we find it preceded by a series of antecedents, and if we go on with it M^e have connected consequents. Causation is a bundle of twisted chains each of which follows its own course, but which are all joined in a connected machine. This it is which at the bottom produces the continuity of nature, which, however, is always gathering adjuncts to enable it to proceed. 10. Among these scattering forces there is need of a regulating power to produce order and beneficence. With- out this the powers might work irregularly and injuriously, and bring forth only evil agents, such as flaming meteors and burning worlds, pestiferous creatures devouring one another, as gnats, serpents, wild beasts, arresting all forms of beauty and means of happiness, and yet incapable of annihilation. We find instead millions of agencies com- bining to accomplish good and benign ends. Take the ear. A sister utters a word, a vibration is started, it reaches our ear, is collected by the outer surface and knocks on the tympanum, is propagated into the middle ear, whence it sets in motion the hammer, the anvil, and the stirrup, thence it penetrates into the inner ear, where it vibrates through a liquid, affects the thousand and more organs of corti, is sent round the semicircular canals into the cochlea, and along the auditory nerve into the brain ; the silence is broken, and we are cheered by a voice of love. SECTION II. PSYCHICAL CAUSATION. I HAVE spoken of causation in physical nature. I am now to speak of it in psychical action. The conservation of energy may be regarded as an es- tablished doctrine. Savans do indeed continue to assert that some of the most eminent among themselves do not understand it, or have not expressed it properly, or have illegitimately applied it. But it is universally admitted that the doctrine is a true and all-important one. But let us properly understand and explain it, and keep it within its proper limits. It will be admitted by all at once that we are not entitled to affirm that the law extends beyond our cosmos or knowable universe. For anything we know there may be other worlds beyond ours, and we have no right to say that in these worlds there is only a definite amount of energy which cannot be increased or diminished. God may, or may not, be creating suns or earths or living beings beyond our ken, and altogether be- yond our science. The doctrine of the conservation of en- ergy, as I understand, holds only on the supposition that our cosmos is like a closed globe. It is conceivable that our world may not be so closed in ; that the dissipated heat which is passing into space may travel into other worlds and influence them without our being able to notice it. This restriction of the doctrine is so obvious that it is scarcely worth noticing it. But there are other limitations which it is of vast moment to bring into prominence, as they are being overlooked by some of our scientific men. There is clear evidence that there are other potences or 20 PSYCHICAL CAUSATIOlSr. powers in nature liesides tlie meclianical or physical forces. It is not proven that the doctrine of tlie conservation of energy applies to these. Take Life. So far as I understand him, Herbert Spen- cer seems inclined to hold that the doctrine applies to all the powers in the world, even to the vital and mental ; in- deed, he seems incapable of distinguishing between nerve force and mental force. But he brings no proof that phy- sical force and psychical force can be transmuted into each other. The language of most of our scientific speculatoi'S is hesitating. Huxley and Tyndall resolutely maintain that there is no proof that living beings can proceed from non-living. Darwin calls in three or four live germs, which he ascribes to God, before he can account for the development of vegetable and animal life. I have ob- served that those who reject a separate life or vital force are obliged to bring it in under another form. Thus Dar- win calls in a pangenesis pervading organic nature, and Spencer has physiological units which play an important part in generation and heredity, and these are certainly vital forces. Then the arguments and experiments of Beale have to be met, and they have not yet been met by those who would deny the existence of a vital potency of some kind different from mechanical force. But there are other agents in our world more clearly distinguished from the physical forces than the vital pow- ers are. I refer to the psychical or mental ; to those of which we are conscious, which in fact we know immedi- ately ; such as our sense perceptions, our memories, our judgments, our reasonings, our desires, our emotions, our resolves. These we know as directly and clearly as we know the affections of body, such as extension and resist- ance, and we have quite as good evidence of the existence of the one as of the other. Are these mental powers to be DIFFERENT FROM PHYSICAL. 21 included in the physical forces which can neither be in- creased nor diminished ? Can the j^hysical forces be trans- muted into the mental, say the mechanical, or the chemical into thoughts, inclinations, and volitions? Nearly every scientific man in the present day admits, nay, maintains, that there is no proof of this. Many affirm that they cannot even conceive it to be so. Tyndall, no doubt, in his Belfast address hastened on to a high vaporous gen- eralization, and declared that it looked as if all things could be brought under the potency of matter; in the mean time declaring, however, that he could not conceive how matter could affect mind, or mind matter. Mr. Fiske talks of our now needing to assume only one universal as- sumption, " the principle of continuity, the uniformity of nature, the persistence of force, or the law of causation ;" but then he is obliged to add that " in no scientific sense is thought the product of molecular movement, and that the progress of modern discovery (correlation), so far from bridging over the chasm between mind and matter, tends rather to exhibit the distinction between them as abso- lute." The contradiction is here evident, and has been pointed out by scientific men ; but I need not dwell upon it, my object being simply to show that thoughts and men- tal affections have not yet been reduced to physical forces. ISTo doubt mind and body do so far affect each other. If a person is told that his dearest friend has died sud- denly, his pulse will be apt to rise. Prof. Barker attaches a great importance to an experiment of a person first read- ing easy English, when his pulse was not affected, then reading Greek, when it rose several degrees. Such cases, and they might be multiplied indefinitely, show that men- tal thoughts and feelings do affect the brain-action, but they do not show that they add to or diminish the physical forces in the brain, or that the mental feeling or thought 22 PSYCHICAL CAUSATION. has been transmuted into a movement of the pulse. A man standing by a stream pushes a big stone in the water aside and the stream flows a little more rapidly for a minute or two ; but he has not thereby added to the quantity of water. Just as little does mental action, reasoning or feel- ing, add to or diminish the amount of physical force in the cerebro-spinal mass. There is no evidence, but the very opposite, that our mental actions are identical or correlative with bodily mo- tions or activities of any kind. Take as example, the dis- coveries of science, the reasonings of mathematicians, the visions of poets, the penetration of such philosophers as Aristotle, the ardor of the patriot, the beatific vision of the Christian, the sacrifices made by the poor for honor and lionesty's sake. What savant will estimate for us in quan- titative expressions of physics or chemistry, the depth of affection in the mother's bosom when she incurs death her- self to save her son, or the height of genius reached by Shakespeare when he conceived Han] let or Lady Macbeth ? There is no one proper quality of matter, such as the oc- cupation of space, or resistance, or elasticity, that can be predicated of thoughts or affections. There is no one quality of mind, such as perception, thought, reasoning, or love, that can be applied to this table or that chair. The instrument has not yet been invented that can weigh or measure our intellectual or voluntary operations. When a tree dies it carries into the ground not only the particles of matter which composed it, but the forces in the tree to add to the forces in the ground. It is the same with the body of brute or of man when it is buried, it carries with it into the grave all the physical forces ; but were there any new physical forces added to the earth when Plato, Milton, Bacon, or Newton died ? It thus appears that in the very midst of the physical CAUSE AXD EFFECT IN MIND. 23 forces find their correlations there may be other operations, mental or spiritual, and against this science has and can have nothing to say. I mean to refer to these farther on in the paper. It is generally believed and acknowledged that there is cause and effect in mind as well as in body. In the one as in the other, we expect the same antecedents to be fol- lowed by the same consequents. When we wish to secure in ourselves or others, say in the young, a certain disposition or habit of patience and perseverance, we set agoing a train- ing or discipline fitted to produce the result. When we are anxious to gain the good will of our neighbors, we ad- dress the motives most likely to sway them. The orator seeks io convince and move to action by arguments and considerations likely to influence his audience. In knowing a man's propensities, we can at times predict the part he will take in certain circumstances, and so far as we cannot do this fully, or accurately, it is simply because we are not fully acquainted with all the elements in his character ; just as in physical nature we often cannot foresee the events that are to occur, because the powers operating are so numerous and complicated. There are some men of whom we are sure that they will not do a mean act. In many cases we can determine what a man's springs of action are by his acts ; we are sure he is swayed by passion or malig- nity, by honor or by charity. It is clear that there is Power in the mind— I use the word power, leaving the phrase energy to be applied by the physicists to the action of body. All writers who have had occasion to refer to the operations of the mind, have spoken of its powers or faculties, classifying them in va- rious ways, as into the Gnoctic or Gnostic and the Crea- tive with Aristotle, translated into Latin the Cognitive or Motive, or the Understanding and the Will, the Intellect 24 PSYCHICAL CAUSATION". and the Feelings ; and tliej have spoken severally of the Senses, the Memory, the Imagination, the Reason, the Conscience, the Emotions, and Volitions. They have re- garded all of these as having an influence, and capable of producing an effect. It is not easy to determine pi'ecisely the nature of men- tal effectuation. We are not able to measure psychical as we do physical energy, in foot pounds. It might indeed be argued that, as being immediately conscious of it, we do, m fact, know as nmch in a general way of mental as we do of bodily production ; but we are not able to put it in quantitative form. This power manifests itself in two ways. There is the power of the Mind over the Body, M'ith the corresponding capacity of the Body to produce an impression on the Mind. For upwards of 2,000 years, philosophers held, generally, by the principle of Empedocles, the Sicilian philosopher, that like can only influence like, and they denied that mind could influence body, or body mind, and this opinion still lingers among metaphysicians. I deny the principle that like can only sway like, and I can see no difiiculty in allowing that psychical action may pro- duce physical action, say action of the nerves, and vice versa. It certainly seems to do so. I will to move my arm, and there is action in the gray cellular matter of the pe- riphery of the brain, which proceeds down the transmis- sive white matter to a basal nerve which moves the mus- cles and the bones, and the intended effect is produced. There seems to be a causal action throughout this process ; an action of the mind on the brain, and of the brain on ' the nerves. There is a like phenomenon in the feelings producing an effect on the organism, as when a ludicrous idea leads to laughter, and grief bursts out in tears, and a sense of kindness received covers the face with smiles. MUTUAL ACTIOJN" OF MIND AND BODY. 25 Even intellectual exercises seem to have an effect on the brain, as exhaustion is felt when they are prolonoed. There is also an influence of the body on the mind, as when the bodily senses produce a mental perception, say of a form or a color, and a healthy organism raises up pleasant feelings, or a diseased stomach or liver raises up gloomy thoughts. In all these cases there is a power pro- ducing certain defined effects. It may be argued that the effects follow not directly, but by some agency commonly supposed to be unknown. There is a constant inquiry into the hoio in the relation between mind and body, usually followed by the acknowledgment that it is a mystery. At this point it may at once be allowed that in the mutual ac- tion of mind and body there are processes unknown to us. Iso one will maintain that the physiologist can as yet spe- cify all the steps involved in the process by which an ex- ternal object reaches the perceiving mind. But suppose he is able to do so, it does not appear to me that the mys- tery would thereby be diminished. In tracing back the nervous and the cerebral action, we come at last to a point or line where the body acts on the mind. The only way of avoiding this conclusion is by calling in some sort of ter- tiuiii quid in the shape say of a plastic medium, which com- municates between mind and body. The difficulty is not thereby removed, it is not ev^en lessened ; for, if it is of the nature of either body or mind, we have still to show how it acts on mind if it is body, and how it acts on body if it is jnind. If it is of the nature, neither of body nor mind, it is an unwarranted hypothesis, explaining nothing, and multiplying the difficulties, for we have now to explain how in one case body acts on the medium, and the medium on mind, and how in the other case mind acts on the medium and the medium on body. The simplest, and on the whole the most reasonable supposition, is that mind has a potency 26 PSYCHICAL CAUSATION. whereby it acts on body, and body a potency whereby it acts on mind. Tliis is far more likely than the Male- branche's hypothesis of occasional cause, or that of pre-es- tablished harmony by Leibnitz. Sooner or later, we may be able to determine precisely the nature of the action, that is, in what circumstances it acts, how far it extends, and how it is limited. This is all we can know about any law of nature, and when this is accomplished there is no more mystery than in the law of the mutual attraction of mat- ter, or in that of chemical affinity. But very nice questions are here started, and to these we can give little more than negative answers, fitted to re- move erroneous impressions. Is there any such relation in the mutual action of psychical and physical action as is im- plied in the conservation of material energ}- ? When the body acts on mind, does the energy in matter go into mind, and appear in a new form ? Or when mind acts on bod}^, is there new energy entering matter? I answer unhesita- tingly that there is no proof of this whatever. On the contrary, every thing goes on in the body according to the laws or properties of body, and every thing in the mind according to the nature of mind. Our volitions and other mental acts may give a new direction to the forces in the bodies, but they do not add to them or increase them. Our will moves the arm which was before at rest, but it only calls into activity the potential energy already there, and that energy acts according to its nature. The senses make known an object to us, but it does not add any new mental power, and the object being there, or rather being known there, calls forth ideas or feelings according to the mental laws of association. In the body every thing proceeds ac- cording to physiological laws ; and in the mind according to psychical laws. In all such causation there is at least a duality in the POWEES IN THE MIND. 27 cause, both a physiological and a psychical : these together constitute the cause without which the effect would not follow. There is a like duplicity in the effects, both body and mind are changed. Secondly, there is causation operating in the mind itself. By the will and other psychical acts we can influence not only the body, but the state of the mind. We can detain the present idea, and bi'ing up thereby a succession of as- sociations pleasant or unpleasant : profitable, as when we contemplate a high exemplar, or cherish a good resolution ; or noxious, as we cherish revenge or lust. There are cer- tain states of mind which follow necessarily from certain others. The idea of a friend in distress raises grief, of an acceptable gift raises gladness. I am not sure that we can express accurately the nature of psychical causation, yet we can say much about it. We know so far tlie limits of the several faculties. We know much of the power of sense perception, as that it reveals objects external to us ; that we do not know distance di- rectly by the eye, that we cannot have any idea of a color or odor that has not been made known by a special inlet, — the man born blind has no conception of color. We have ascer- tained as to memory, that it remembers whatever was vivid in the original impression. The imagination can bring up in new forms and dispositions only what we have previously experienced. We can reason only when w^e use a middle term to combine the tw^o terms whose relation we do not know. Emotion springs up only when we have an appre- hension of something good or evil. Conscience approves of certain acts, and condenms others. We cannot express these powers quantitatively, as w^e do those of gravity and chemical affinity. We cannot number or measure them as w^e do the physical forces. Still we can notice their extent and their boundaries. Psychology is doing its proper work 28 PSYCHICAL CAUSATION. when, with consciousness as its agent of observation, it is finding out the powers of the mind and their functions. In inquiring more specifically into the nature of psychi- cal causation we find that, while in one sense it is simple, in another sense it is complex. We have seen that there is a duality or plurality in all physical production, both in the cause and in the effect. We have seen that there is duality or plurality in the action of mind on body and body on mind. There is a like complexity or plurality in purely psychical action, both in the cause and in the effect. What is the cause of this reproach of conscience which we feel after committing an evil deed ? An essential part of it is no doubt the immediately state, the idea of the deed. But this is not all. Acting with this there is a native moral power, a power of conscience. It is only when there is joint action that the deed is condemned. The mere image or conception of the deed will not call forth the reproach ; nor, on the other hand, will the moral power act unless there be an apprehension of the deed : the effect is pro- duced by the union of the two. So it is in all cases. When the mother grieves over the death of her son, there is more than the conception of the event ; there is the deep affection which she cherished towards him. We have seen, that in physical causation, there is always something abiding. Aristotle had a material, as well as an efficient cause. It is the same mutatis mutandis in psy- chical action. In all material action there is a body as a substance, and in all mental action there is mind as a substance ; both being permanent. This is a truth never seen or acknowledged by Mr. John S. Mill, who defined mind as " a series of feelings aware of itself," whereas it is an abiding existence with a series of feelings. He de- fined body as " a permanent possibility of sensations," whereas it is a permanent thing, ever ready to produce sensations within our minds. The present state of the IMPLIES THE SOUL ACTING. 29 soul is always the necessary effect of the immediately pre- ceding one. But in that preceding state, and I may add in the present one, there is the mind itself with its capaci- ties abiding. The cause of every given thought and feeling is thus a complex one, made up of some previous thought or feeling, but also of the mind thinking and feeling. The portrait suggests the original. Is the portrait, or the perception of it, the cause of the thought of the per- son painted ? I do not regard this as a full account of the cause. The portrait may be seen by one whe never saw the original, and to him there is no such suggestion. The true cause embraces the sight of the portrait, but there is also involved in it the mind with its knowledge of the per- son painted, and also the principle that like suggests like. When two premises are before the mind, they necessitate a (conclusion, as when we have it allowed that " all men have a conscience," and that " the Indian is a man," we conclude that " he has a conscience." Are the two pre- mises the cause of the conclusion ? I believe they are not to be so regarded. The act taken b}' itself is to be regarded as one of judgment, and not causation. In the cause there are not only the premises, but the laws of the mind, or rather the mind with its laws, that is, the laws of rea- soning, especially the dictum of Aristotle, that whatever is true of a class is true of all the members of the class. Every thought, every feeling, I may add every resolution, is thus the result of the state of the mind with its proper- ties, and of the immediately preceding thought or feeling, which might be called the occasion. It thus appears that the web of causation is quite as complicated in psychical as in physical nature. I am unwilling, in this paper, to enter into the con- flict of ages as to whether there is causation in acts of the will. I am prepared to argue that there is. On the other hand, I hold resolutely that there is a sense in which the 30 PSYCHICAL CAUSATION. will is free. Holding by both these truths, as I reckon them, I am obliged to add that I cannot remove all the difficulties in which I am thus involved. It is asked, how can there be free will, which I resolutely hold, if our vo- litions are after determined by something out of them- selves, and above themselves ? I do not profess to be able thoroughly to clear up this subject ; but the view of causa- tion which has been set forth in this treatise is fitted, I reckon, to lessen, if not to remove, some of the difiiculties. We have seen that there may be different kinds of causa- tion. The causes that act on the will are certainly not mechanical or physical, like those which compel a body to move in a particular way. A man's volitions are not swayed altogether, or even mainly, by the same circum- stances ; for two men will act differently in like circum- stances, and this evidently owing to the difference of their character. We have seen that there are causes operating within the mind itself. Those that finally sway and de- termine the will lie within. If we properly understaiid the language, I believe we may admit that in every particular act the mind is swayed by motives, but the motives are to be found, not out of the mind, but in the mind, nay, largely in the will itself. The causes which sway the M'ill are mainly in our nature and character, in our dispositions and habits which our own wills have been forming. It is certain that this man will yield to the temptation, and be guilty of excessive drinking in a particular company, but it is because of habits which he has indulged in for years. It is certain that this other man will act honorably in a cer- tain trying position, but then it is because he is guided by right principles, and by an upright character. I do not say that this doctrine delivers us from all difficulties, but it helps to relieve us from the oppression which we feel when we are told that our whole acts are under a law of stern necessity which allows no liberty. SECTION ni. CAUSATION SUBJECTRTE. The above is all I am able to say as to the nature of cause. I do not claim to have removed all difficulties. I am satisfied if I have corrected some erroneous notions and shed some light on important points. I am now to turn to the other side of my subject, to the mental process involved in our conviction as to the relation between cause and effect. Even as causation objective pervades all nature, so causation subjective runs as a binding power through the great body of our mental exercises. We may allow physicists. to use the word energy for the activities of matter. But there is activity in mind as well as matter and it is needful to have a word to express both. The word Power may be used for this purpose. There are two special ways in which we come to know power. The one is by the muscular sense. We move a muscle, and we find it resisted by the objects it meets M'ith. We experience this in the first exercise of our muscular activity and in every succeeding one. There is resistance offered not only by that table, but by the air as the arm passes through it. Science finds it necessary to maintain that the very ether has been offering resistance to the pas- sage through it of the comet of Encke. The other is by the exercise of our voluntary power. Our volitions pro- duce changes directly or indirectly over our bodies of which we are sensible. We Mall to move the arm, and it moves. Our will also produces changes on the states of our mind. 32 CAusATiojsr subjective. We will to detain a present thoiiglit, and it keeps with ns as long as we will, thereby resisting the ordinary flow of association. I believe that both these potencies have a wider exten- sion than is commonly snpposed. I have at times thought that there may be power discerned, as it is certainly in- volved, in the exercise of all the senses. In the vibrations which enter the ear, in the rays of light that fall upon the eye, in the odors that reach the nostrils, in the liquid which affect the palate, there is a mutual action dully felt of the touching bodies and of the organism. It might be argued, I think, that in all these ways we get an appi-ehension of bodies as having power, just as it is now generally ack- nowledged we have a knowledge by all the senses of bodies as having extension. We know our nostrils and palate as having a certain direction which nmst be in space, so we seem to know these same nostrils as affected, which implies power. I am farther sure that volitions are constantly mingling with our mental operations. A sensation is agreeable and we detain it, or it is disagreeable and we banish it or escape from it, and in all such processes we use causation. There is an exercise of will implied in the regulation of our thoughts, otherwise they would run wild as in our dreams. In making ourselves acquainted Math any subject we have to attend to it, and attention is an act of the will. In read- ing a book and in listening to a discourse we have to keep our thoughts from wandering, which they would be sure to do if they were allowed to follow merely the laws of in- voluntary association. We have to order our thoughts when we are conversing with our fellow men, and when we are writing intelligently. The orator has to give his thoughts a direction all toward a point, when he is seeking to arouse and persuade. The mathematician, and indeed, INVOLVED IN KNOWLEDGE OF THINGS. 33 every one who reasons closely, has to restrain and guide his ideas and his judgments. Some have supposed that one difference between our waking thoughts and our dreams lies in the will having lost its control in the latter, mainly owing, it may be, to the weariness of the organism, indis- posing us to farther exertion till the pool which had run out is again filled. Causation has thus a place in the greater number of our thinking operations. We exercise power in every volition, but volition is constantly interpos- ing to direct our thoughts. Causation has a place in the very steps by which we ob- tain our knowledge of things. It is involved in the very means by which we acquire our knowledge of external objects. We know them as affecting us, that is, having power over us. It is much the same with all the knowl- edge acquired by us. The things have been made known by their having power over us, or some other thing, by which they are made known to us.' It is a common saying that we know things by their properties, but what are proper- ties but powers ? It is not by induction, that is, a gathered experience, that we know things as having power ; we know this in our primary experience, and in all subsequent ex- periences. Power is thus involved in things as known to us. We cannot think of them except as having powers. It will now be seen how I would settle the question which has been the leading philosophic one since the days of David Hume, as to whether our conviction as to cause and effect is a priori or a posteriori, to use the phraseology of Kant, 01', to employ more unexceptionable terms, arises at once from our looking at thincrs, or is the reasoned result of a gathered observation. It is certainly experiential, as aU ' " We ai-e obliged," says Herbert Spencer in bis First Principles, "to regard every phenomenon as a manifestation of some Power by which, we are acted upon." Let him loUow out this. 3* 34 CAUSATION SUBJECTIVE. our knowledges and beliefs are in the conscionsness of the mind, but it is not experiential in the sense of needing in- duction and reasoning. It is intuitive in that we perceive it to be in the very nature of tlie thing. It can stand the tests of intuition, as these have been enunciated in the paper on the Criteria of Truth. We perceive objects di- rectly as having power and acting causally. It comes in consequence to be necessary ; we cannot believe it to be otherwise. We cannot be made to believe that there is an event without a cause, or a causal relation without a defi- nite action being ready to follow. It is, thirdly, universal in that all men have the conviction. Not that this is done without the competent and appropri- ate mental capacity, but this is neither less nor more than the faculty to perceive the thing, and what is in tlie thing. These perceptions may take several forms, such as primitive cognitions, faiths, and judgments: cognitions when we look directly on things, faiths when they are absent and yet we believe in them, and judgments when we compare the things known and believed in. Our perception of self and body having power is of the nature of a primitive cognition. Our conviction as to cause is more of the re- lation of a judgment in which we discover a relation. Ex- cept that I am not partial to the formidable nomenclature, I am willing to allow it to be called, with Kant, a synthetic judgment d j)rio7^i. But the two, cause and eifect, are connected, not by a category or a form of any kind in the mind, as Kant held, but in the very nature of the things, in the action of things according to their nature, that is, the properties or powers by which they are endowed. SECTION IV. VARIOUS SORTS OF CAUSES. From the nature of causation, as I have endeavored to unfold it, there is a vast complexity in the activities of our world. There are two, or commonly more, agents in every cause, two or more in every effect. AVhat a variety of powers at work in the great natural occurrences, say in the seasons, in the production of spring with its increased heat, its buds and blossoms and leaves. AVhat a complication in the production of the great epochs of histoi-y : in the spread of Christianity, in the revival of learning in the fifteenth century, in the great Reformation of religion, in the English, the American, and French revolutions. There are innumerable agencies concurring and crossing in all the important events of our personal and family life. In this complexity a number of very marked operations, well w^orth}^ of consideration, come under our view. One of these is Development or Evolution. All physical cau- sation is in a sense evolution ; it is a body, or rather a com- bination of bodies in one state produced by a body or bodies in another state. The development as such may or may not be beneficent. It is conceivable that it might move on ruthlessly, working only confusion and misery to sentient beings. When it proceeds in an orderly manner, with beneficent laws, and means of promoting the comfort of animate beings, there is evidence of good arrangement. The subject of Development is so important as to require 86 VARIOUS SORTS OF CAUSES. a separate paper, when it will be shown that it is an or- ganized causation. It will be necessary here to take np a subject on which I fear little light can be thrown at present. It is the na- ture of energy and causation in chemical action. Oxygen and hydrogen combine to form water ; what is the relation of the two elements ? Is it simply mechanical ? Or does it imply the existence and operation of a separate power which we may provisionally call the chemical ? To these questions no very satisfactory reply can be given at present. There are some presumptions in favor of its being shown in the end that the imion is merely mechanical. On the other hand, there are phenomena which cannot be thus ex- plained at the stage which science has now reached. The most remarkable peculiarity of this chemical combination is that the compound exhibits properties of which no trace can be found in the separate elements. Water shows qualities which neither oxygen nor hydrogen seem to pos- sess. In consequence many questions arise which cannot at this present time be definitely and certainly answered. Were the powers now shown by the compound in the ele- ments in a potential, but not in a real state ? Have we in the union merely an example or the duality or plurality in all causation, the elements taking a new form or shape in the compound ? It is certain the bodies constituting the elements have not lost their identity. The water can be decomposed, by some other body acting on it, into the oxy- gen and hydrogen of which it is composed. The above are questions which we may expect to have settled sooner or later, as we come to know more of the constitution of matter. In the complexity of causal action we may notice the combination of a number of agencies necessary in order to the production of results which have an important place aeistotle's four causes. 37 in the economy of nature. These, in a loose sense, may be called canses. From the very commencement of re- flective inquiry men had to refer to causes. But for ages the views taken and the nomenclature used were vague and confused, though containing important elements of trnth which have been unfortunately omitted in the more pre- cise systems of modern times. In the theosophies of the East causation was represented as an emanation of one thing out of another, and of all things out of God. The ten- dency in this conception was toward pantheism. The Pythagoreans made numbers the cause of things, meaning that which makes things what they are. Aristotle blames Plato for neglecting efficient and final causes and giving exclusive attention to the matter out of which things are formed, and the form they are made to take. Aristotle was the first to draw distinction between the different kinds of cause. This he did in his Physics, ii. 3, and recapitulated in his Metaphysics, i. 3, with a farther reference in Post Anal., ii. 11. In these passages he uses the word (cause) in a widei*, and it may be allowed in a looser, sense than we now do. The grand object of the First Philosophy is to discover causes. By cause he meant all that is necessary to account for or expLain a thing, all that is necessary in order to its helng as it is, and there- fore to our comprehending it and explaining it. In later times the word cause is commonly restricted to efficient cause, to productive cause, or as Hume analyzed it, inva- riable antecedent. Aristotle included this, but also in- cluded other things oiecessary, as he thought, to make a thing loJiat it is / which is his definition of cause. Fie had four kinds of causes. He had first a matter and a subject {rrjv vXrjv Kai to vTTOKei/xevov). He had secondly a cause, whence the beginning of motion (o6ev t) ap^ti Tf]<; KLvrjaeta). Thirdly, he had a cause which was the substance — that in 38 VAEIOUS SORTS OF CAUSES. wliicli a tiling consisted {rrjv ovaiav koX to tl r/v elvaC). Fourthly, he had that on account of which a thing is (to 6v eveKo). More briefly, he had a vXij, an a/o^^ Kiv]]cre(x)idon Academy. " It would be well if all who have it as the r business to influence the character of men would study such a work as this on the Emotions." — Exatniner and Chrotiicle. "We recommend it to all students as a perspicuous and graceful contribution to what has always proved to be the most popular part of mental philosophy." — I7ie N. V. Kvnngelist. 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"Apart from the comprehension of the entire argument, any chapter and almost every section will prove a quickening and nourishing portion to many who will ponder it It will be a liberal feeder of pastors and preachers who turn to it. The almost prodigal ouday of illustrations to be found from first to finis, will fascuiate the reader ii nothing else does." — Christian Intelligencer. *4(.* For sale by all booksellers, or sent, postpaid., upon receipt of ^rice, by CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, Publishers, 743 AND 745 Broadway, New York. The Conflicts of the y^ge. One Vol., 8vo, - Paper, 50 Cts. ; Cloth, 75 Cts. The four articles which make up this little volume are : (i) An Advertisement for a New Religion. By an Evolutionist. (2) The Confession of an Agnostic. By an Agnostic. (3) 'What Morality have we left ? By a Ne^v-Light Moralist. (4) Review of the Fight. By a Yankee Farmer. 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In order to bnng my views before the thinking public, I start A Philosophic Series, to consist of small volumes of about sixty pages each, on stout paper, at Fifty Cents per volume, and issued quarterly, each embracing an exposi- tion complete in itself on one theme. Its aim is to defend Fundamental Truth, and to give assurance to think- ing minds, especially young men, in this age of unsettled opinion. It is opposed to Agnosticism, wuich (rather than Skepticism) is the leading philo- sophic heresy of the day, and is undermining some of our most precious faiths — intellectual, moral and religious. I have begun with the first number already published on No. I. TuE UitiTERiA. OF DIVERSE KiNDs OF Trdth. It has been shown again and again that we have no one absolute criterion of all truth ; but we have now satisfactory criteria of the various kinds of truth which we ' are required to believe. I have endeavored to expound and illustrate these, giving the tests both of self-evident and experiential or inductive truth. The work is addressed to intelligent enquirers, and might be used as a text-book on Applied Logic. I take up Cassation as the next subject in order,— No. II. Energy, Efficient and Final Cause. It is a fact that since the doctrine of the Conservation of Energy has been established, scientific men do not know what to make of the doctrine of Cause and Effect, and not a few are disposed to set aside Final Cause and the argument from design for the existence of God. The old doctrines are as true as ever, but they require to be modified and explained anciv in cornf ormity .with, recent science. This leads on to "^'"S' No. III. What Development can do and What it cannct do. — Religious people in the present day do not very well know what to make of Evolution. Some are turning it to Ihe worst of purposes, making it super- sede th3 power of Gjd. 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