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EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON PSYCHIC FORCE BY WILLIAM CROOKES, L.R.S., &c. /^t/>r//»/tJ/rom ^/it' Quarterly Journal OF ^ci'EtiC^ fur July and Octubcr, 1S7; ^^^^ PRICE ONE SHILLING LONDON: f^ENRY PlIIMAN P>OY pOURT. j^LDGAlE H^LL. 187I. i ^?^ [From the '' Quarterly Journal of Science," July i, 1871.] EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A NEW FORCE. iWELVE months ago in this journal* I wrote an article, in which, after expressing in the most emphatic manner my belief in the occurrence, under certain circumstances, of phenomena inexplicable by any known natural laws, I indicated several tests which men of science had a right to demand before giving credence to the genuineness of these phenomena. ^ Among the tests pointed out were, that a *' delicately poised balance should be moved under test conditions ;" and that some exhibition of power equivalent to so many ''foot-pounds" should be "manifested in his laboratory, where the experimentalist could weigh, measure, and submit it to proper tests." I said, too, that I could not promise to enter fully into this subjedl, owing to the difficulties of obtaining opportunities, and the nume- rous failures attending the enquiry; moreover, that "the persons in whose presence these phenomena take place are few in number, and opportunities for experimenting with previously arranged apparatus are rarer still." Opportunities having since offered for pursuing the investi- gation, I have gladly availed myself of them for applying to these phenomena careful scientific testing experiments, and I have thus arrived at certain definite results which I think it right should be published. These experiments appear con- clusively to establish the existence of a new force, in some unknown manner connecTted with the human organisation, which for convenience may be called the Psychic Force. Of all the persons endowed with a powerful development of this Psychic Force, and who have been termed " mediums" upon quite another theory of its origin, Mr. Daniel Dunglas Home is the most remarkable, and it is mainly owing to * See Quarterly Journal of Science, vol. vii., p. 316, July, 1870. B 2 Experimental Investigation the many opportunities I have had of carrying on my investigation in his presence that I am enabled to affirm so conclusively the existence of this Force. The experi- ments I have tried have been very numerous, but owing to our imperfedl knowledge of the conditions which favour or oppose the manifestations of this force, to the apparently capricious manner in which it is exerted, and to the facft that Mr. Home himself is subject to unaccountable ebbs and flows of the force, it has but seldom happene4 that a result obtained on one occasion could be subsequently con- firmed and tested with apparatus specially contrived for the purpose. Among the remarkable phenomena which occur under Mr. Home's influence, the most striking, as well as the most easily tested with scientific accuracy, are — (i) the alteration in the weight of bodies, and (2) the playing of tunes upon musical instruments (general^ an accordion, for convenience of portability) without diredl: human intervention, under conditions rendering contadl or connedtion with the keys impossible. Not until I had witnessed these fa(5ts some half-dozen times, and scrutinised them with all the critical acumen I possess, did I become convinced of their objedtive reality. Still, desiring to place the matter beyond the shadow of doubt, I invited Mr. Home on several occasions to come to my own house, where, in the presence of a fevv scientific enquirers, these phenomena could be submitted to crucial experiments. The meetings took place in the evening, in a large room lighted by gas. The apparatus prepared for the purpose of testing the movements of the accordion, consisted of a cage, formed of two wooden hoops, respedlively i foot 10 inches and 2 feet diameter, conne(?ted together by 12 narrow laths, each i foot 10 inches long, so as to form a drumi-shaped frame, open at the top and bottom ; round this 50 yards of insulated copper wdre were wound in 24 rounds, each being rather less than an inch from its neighbour. These horizontal strands of wire were then netted together firmly with string, so as to form meshes rather less than 2 inches long by i inch high. The height of this cage was such that it would just slip under my dining table, but be too close to the top to allow of the hand being introduced into the interior, or to admit of a foot being pushed under- neath it. In another room were two Grove's cells, wires being led from them into the dining-room for conne(5tion, if desirable, with the wire surrounding the cage. The accordion was a new one, having been purchased by of a New Force. 3 myself for the purpose of these experiments at Wheatstone's, in Conduit Street. Mr. Home had neither handled nor seen the instrument before the commencement of the test experiments. In another part of the room an apparatus was fitted up for experimenting on the alteration in the weight of a body. It consisted of a mahogany board, 36 inches long by gj inches wide and i inch thick. At each end a strip of mahogany i^- inches wide was screwed on, forming feet. One end of the board rested on a firm table, whilst the other end was supported by a spring balance hanging from a substantial tripod stand. The balance was fitted with a self-registering index, in such a manner that it would record the maximum weight indicated by the pointer. The apparatus was adjusted so that the mahogany board was horizontal, its foot resting flat on the support. In this position its weight was 3 lbs., as marked by the pointer of the balance. Before Mr. Home entered the room, the apparatus had been arranged in position, and he had not even the obje(5t of some parts of it explained before sitting down. It may, perhaps, be worth while to add, for the purpose of anticipa- ting some critical remarks which are likely to be made, that in the afternoon I called for Mr. Home at his apartments, and when there he suggested that, as he had to change his dress, perhaps I should not object to continue our con- versation in his bedroom. I am, therefore, enabled to state positively, that no machinery, .apparatus, or contrivance of any sort was secreted about his person. The investigators present on the test occasion were an eminent physicist, high in the ranks of the Royal Society, whom I will call Dr. A. B. ; a well-known Serjeant-at-Law, whom I will call Serjeant C. D. ; my brother; and my chemical assistant.* Mr. Home sat in a low easy chair at the side of the table. In front of him under the table was the aforesaid cage, one of his legs being on each side of it. I sat close to him on his left, and another observer sat close to him on his right, * It argues ill for the boasted freedom of opinion among scientific men, that they have so long refused to institute a scientific investigation into the existence and nature of fadls asserted by so many competent and credible witnesses, and which they are freely invited to examine when and where they please. For my own part I too much value the pursuit of truth, and the discovery of any new fact in nature, to avoid enquiry because it appears to clash with prevailing opinions. But as I have no right to assume that others are equally willing to do this, I refrain from mentioning the names of my friends without their permission. 4 Experimental Investigation the rest of the party being seated at convenient distances round the table. For the greater part of the evening, particularly when any- thing of importance was proceeding, the observers on each side of Mr." Home kept their feet respedtively on his feet, so as to be able to detedt his slightest movement. The temperature of the room varied from 68"^ to 70° F. Mr. Home took the accordion between the thumb and middle finger of one hand at the opposite end to the keys (see woodcut. Fig. i), (to save repetition this will be subsequently called ''in the usual manner.") Having Fig. I. previously opened the bass key myself, and the cage being drawn from under the table so as just to allow the accordion to be passed in with its keys downwards, it was pushed back as close as Mr. Home's arm would permit, but without hiding his hand from those next to him (see Fig 2). Very soon the accordion was seen by those on each side to be waving about in a somewhat curious manner; then sounds came from it, and finally several notes were played in succes- sion. Whilst this was going on, my assistant went under the table, and reported that the accordion was expanding and contracting ; at the same time it was seen that the of a New Force. 5 hand of Mr. Home by which it was held was quite still, his other hand resting on the table. Presently the accordion was seen by those on either side of Mr. Home to move about, oscillating and going round and round the cage, and playing at the same time. Dr. A. B. now looked under the table, and said that Mr. Home's hand appeared quite still whilst the accordion was moving about emitting distin(5l sounds. Mr. Home still holding the accordion in the usual manner in the cage, his feet being held by those next him, Fig. 2. and his other hand resting on the table, we heard distincTt and separate notes sounded in succession, and then a simple air was played. As such a result could only have been pro- duced by the various keys of the instrument being a6ted upon in harmonious succession, this was considered by those present to be a crucial experiment. But the sequel was still more striking, for Mr. Home then removed his hand altogether from the accordion, taking it quite out of the cage, and placed it in the hand of the person next to him. The instrument then continued to play, no person touching it and no hand being near it. 6 Experimental Investigation I was now desirous of trying what would be the effe6l of passing the battery current round the insulated wire of the cage, and my assistant accordingly made the conne6tion with the wires .from the two Grove's cells. Mr. Home again held the instrument inside the cage in the same manner as before, when it immediately sounded and moved about vigorously. But whether the eledtric current passing round the cage assisted the manifestion of force inside, it is impossible to say. The accordion was now again taken without any visible touch from Mr. Home's hand, which he removed from it entirely and placed upon the table, where it was taken by the person next to him, and seen, as now were both his hands, by all present. I and two of the others present saw the accordion distindlly floating about inside the cage with no visible support. This was repeated a second time, after a short interval. Mr. Home presently re-inserted his hand in the cage and again took hold of the accordion. It then commenced to play, at first chords and runs, and afterwards a well-known sweet and plaintive melody, which it executed perfectly in a very beautiful manner. Whilst this tune was being played, I grasped Mr. Home's arm, below the elbow, and gently slid my hand down it until I touched the top of the accordion. He was not moving a muscle. His other hand was on the table, visible to all, and his feet were under the feet of those next to him. Having met with such striking results in the experiments with the accordion in the cage, we turned to the balance apparatus already described. Mr. Home placed the tips of his fingers lightly on the extreme end of the mahogany board which was resting on the support, whilst Dr. A. B. and myself sat, one on each side of it, w^atching for any effedl which might be produced. Almost immediately the pointer of the balance was seen to descend. After a few seconds it rose again. This movement was repeated several times, as if by successive waves of the Psychic Force. The end of the board was observed to oscillate slowly up and down during the experiment. Mr. Home now of his own accord took a small hand-bell and a little card match-box, which happened to be near, and placed one under each hand, to satisfy us, as he said, that he was not producing the downward pressure (see Fig. 3). The very slow oscillation of the spring balance became more marked, and Dr. A. B., watching the index, said that he saw it descend to 6|- lbs. The normal weight of the board as so suspended being 3 lbs., the additional downward pull of a New Force. 7 was therefore 3I- lbs. On looking immediately afterwards at the automatic register, we saw that the index had at one time descended as low as 9 lbs., showing a maximum pull of 6 lbs. upon a board whose normal weight was 3 lbs. In order to see whether it was possible to produce much effecft on the spring balance by pressure at the place where Mr. Home's fingers had been, I stepped upon the table and stood on one foot at the end of the board. Dr. A. B., who was observing the index of the balance, said that the whole weight of my body (140 lbs.) so applied only sunk the index ij lbs., or 2 lbs. when I jerked up and down. Mr. Home had been sitting in a low easy-chair, and could not, therefore, had he tried his utmost, have exerted any material influence on these results. I need scarcely add that his feet as well as his hands were closely guarded by all in the room. This experiment appears to me more striking, if possible, than the one with the accordion. As will be seen on referring to the cut (Fig. 3), the board was arranged per- fe(5lly horizontally, and it was particularly noticed that Mr. Fig. 3. Home's fingers were not at any time advanced more than i|- inches from the extreme end, as shown by a pencil-mark, which, with Dr. A. B.'s acquiescence, I made at the time. Now, the wooden foot being also ij inches wide, and resting flat on the table, it is evident that no amount of pressure exerted within this space of if inches could produce any adtion on the balance. Again, it is also evident that when 8 Experimental Investigation the end furthest from Mr. Home sank, the board would turn on the further edge of this foot as on a fulcrum. The arrange- ment was consequently that of a see-saw, 36 inches in length, the fulcrum being ij inches from one end ; were he therefore to have exerted a downward pressure, it would have been in opposition to the force which was causing the other end of the board to move down. The slight downward pressure shown by the balance when I stood on the board was owing probably to my foot extending beyond this fulcrum. I have now given a plain unvarnished statement of the fa(5ts from copious notes written at the time the occurrences were taking place, and copied out in full immediately after. Indeed, it would be fatal to the objedt I have in view — that of urging the scientific investigation of these phenomena — were I to exaggerate ever so little ; for although to my readers Dr. A. B. is at present represented by incorporeal initials, to me the letters represent a power in the scientific world that would certainly convidt me if I were to prove an untrust- worthy narrator. I confess I am surprised and pained at the timidity or apathy shown by scientific men in reference to this subjedt. Some little time ago, when an opportunity for examination was first presented to me, I invited the co-operation of some scientific friends in a systematic investigation; but I soon found that to obtain a scientific committee for the in- vestigation of this class of fa(5ts was out of the question, and that I must be content to rely on my own endeavours, aided by the co-operation from time to time of the few scientific and learned friends who were willing to join in the inquiry. I still feel that it would be better were such a committee of known men to be formed, who would meet Mr. Home in a fair and unbiassed manner, and I would gladly assist in its formation ; but the difficulties in the way are great. A committee of scientific men met Mr. Home some months ago at St. Petersburg. They had one meeting only, which was attended with negative results ; and on the strength of this they published a report highly unfavour- able to Mr. Home. The explanation of this failure, which is all they have accused him of, appears to me quite simple. Whatever the nature of Mr. Home's power, it is very variable, and at times entirely absent. It is obvious that the Russian experiment was tried when the force was at a minimum. The same thing has frequently happened within my own experience. A party of scientific men met Mr. Home at my house, and the results were as negative as those at of a New Force. g St. Petersburg. Instead, however, of throwing up the inquiry, we patiently repeated the trial a second and a third time, when we met with results which were positive. These conclusions have not been arrived at hastily or on insufficient evidence. Although space will allow only the publication of the details of one trial, it must be clearly understood that for some time past I have been making similar experiments and with like results. The meeting on the occasion here described was for the purpose of confirming previous observations by the application of crucial tests, with carefully arranged apparatus, and in the presence of irreproachable witnesses. Respe(5ling the cause of these phenomena, the nature of the force to which, to avoid periphrasis, I have ventured to give the name of Psychic, and the correlation existing between that and the other forces of nature, it would be wrong to hazard the most vague hypothesis. Indeed, in enquiries connedled so intimately with rare physiological and psychological conditions, it is the duty of the enquirer to abstain altogether from framing theories until he has accumulated a sufficient number of fa6ts to form a substantial basis upon which to reason. In the presence of strange phenomena as yet unexplored and unexplained following each other in such rapid succession, I confess it is difficult to avoid clothing their record in language of a sensational charafter. But, to be successful, an enquiry of this kind must be undertaken by the philosopher without prejudice and without sentiment. Romantic and superstitious ideas should be entirely banished, and the steps of his investi- gation should be guided by intelledl as cold and passionless as the instruments he uses. Having once satisfied himself that he is on the track of a new truth, that single objecSl should animate him to pursue it, without regarding whether the fadls which occur before his eyes are "naturally possible or impossible." Since this article was in type, the Author has been favoured with the following letters from Dr. Huggins and Mr. Serjeant Cox — the Dr. A. B. and Serjeant C. D. therein referred to : — Upper Tulse Hill, S.W., June g, 1871. Dear Mr. Crookes, — Your proof appears to me to contain a corredl statement of what took place in my presence at your house. My position at the table did not permit me to c 10 Experimental Investigation be a witness to the withdrawal of Mr. Home's hand from the accordion, but such was stated to be the case at the time by yourself and by the person sitting on the other side of Mr. Home. The experiments appear to me to show the importance of further investigation, but I wish it to be understood that I express no opinion as to the cause of the phenomena which took place. Yours very truly, William Huggins. Wm. Crookes, Esq., F.R.S. 36, Russell Square, June 8, 1871. My Dear Sir, — Having been present, for the purpose of scrutiny, at the trial of the experiments reported in this paper, I readily bear my testimony to the perfecft accuracy of your description of them, and to the care and caution with which the various crucial tests were applied. The results appear to me conclusively to establish the im.portant fadl, that there is a force proceeding from the nerve-system capable of imparting motion and weight to solid bodies within the sphere of its influence. I noticed that the force was exhibited in tremulous pulsations, and not in the form of steady continuous pressure, the indicator rising and falling incessantly throughout the experiment. This faft seems to me of great significance, as tending to confirm the opinion that assigns its source to the nerve organisation, and it goes far to establish Dr. Richardson's important discovery of a nerve atmosphere of various intensity enveloping the human structure. Your experiments completely confirm the conclusion at which the Investigation Committee of the Dialectical Society arrived, after more than forty meetings for trial and test. Allow me to add that I can find no evidence even tending to prove that this force is other than a force proceeding from, or diredfly dependent upon, the human organisation, and therefore, like all other forces of nature, wholly within the province of that stri6tly scientific investigation to which you have been the first to subject it. Psychology is a branch of science as yet almost entirely unexplored, and to the negledl of it is probably to be attri- buted the seemingly strange fa6t that the existence of this nerve-force should have remained so long untested, un- examined, and almost unrecognised. of a New Force, ii Now that it is proved by mechanical tests to be a fadl in nature (and if a facft, it is impossible to exap^^erate its im- portance to physiology and tiie light it must throw upon the obscure laws of life, of mind, and the science of medicine) it cannot fail to command the immediate and most earnest examination and discussion by physiologists and by all who take an interest in that knowledge of "man," which has been truly termed " the noblest study of mankind." To avoid the appearance of any foregone conclusion, I would recommend the adoption for it of some appropriate name, and I venture to suggest that the force be termed the Psychic Force; the persons in whom it is manifested in extraordinary power Psychics ; and the science relating to it Psychism, as being a branch of Psychology. Permit me, also, to propose the early formation of a Psychological Society, purposely for the promotion, by means of experiment, papers, and discussion, of the study of that hitherto neglec5led Science. — I am, &c., Edwd. Wm. Cox. To W. Crookes, Esq., F.R.S. [From the <' Quarterly Journal of Science," October i, 1871.] SOME FURTHER EXPERIMENTS ON PSYCHIC FORCE. " I am attacked by two very opposite secfts, — the scientists and the know-nothings. Both laugh at me— calling me ' the frogs' dancing master.' Yet I know that I have discovered one of the greatest forces in nature."— Galvani. tT was my intention to have allowed a longer time to elapse before again writing on the subject of *' Psychic Force" in this journal. My reason for this resolve was not so much owing to want of new matter and fresh results, — on the contrary, I have much that is new in the way of experi- mental evidence in support of my previous conclusions, — but I felt some relu6lance to impose on the readers of the " Quarterly Journal of Science " a subje6l which they might view with little favour. When the editor of a scientific journal is also an experimental investigator, or a student of any special branch of knowledge, there is a natural tendency on his part to unduly exalt the importance of that which is occupying his thoughts at the time ; and thus the journal which he condu(5ts is in danger of losing breadth^ of basis, of becoming the advocate of certain opinions, or of being coloured by special modes of thought. The manner in which the experimental investigation described in the last ''Quarterly Journal" has been received, removes any doubt I might entertain on this score. The very numerous communications which have been addressed to the office of this journal show that another paper on the same subjedl will not be distasteful to a large number of those who did me the honour to read my former article ; whilst it appears to be generally assumed that I should take an early opportunity to reply to some of the criticisms provoked by the remarkable charadler of the experimental results which I described. Many of the objedtions made to my former experiments are answered by the series about to he related. Most of the criticisms to which I have been subjecfted have been perfecSlly fair and courteous, and these I shall endeavour to meet in the fullest possible manner. Some critics, however, have fallen into the error of regarding me as an advocate for certain opinions, which they choose to ascribe to me, though in truth my single purpose has been to state fairly and to offer no opinion. Having evolved men of straw from their own imagination, they proceed vigorously to slay them, 14 Further Experiments under the impression that they are annihilating me. Others, — and I am glad to say they are very few, — have gone so far as to question my veracity : — " Mr. Crookes must get better witnesses before he can be believed !" Accustomed as I am to have my word believed without witnesses, this is an argument which I cannot condescend to answer. All who know me and read my articles will, I hope, take it for granted that the facts I lay before them are correct, and that the experiments were honestly performed, with the single objedl of eliciting the truth. It is edifying to compare some of the present criticisms with those that were written twelve months ago. When I first stated in this journal that I was about to investigate the phenomena of so-called spiritualism, the announcement called forth universal expressions of approval. One said that my ''statements deserved respe6lful consideration;" another, expressed " profound satisfaction that the subjedl was about to be investigated by a man so thoroughly quali- fied as," &c. ; a third was " gratified to learn that the matter is now receiving the attention of cool and clear-headed men of recognised position in science ; " a fourth asserted that " no one could doubt Mr. Crookes's ability to conduct the investigation with rigid philosophical impartiality ; " and a fiJth was good enough to tell its readers that " if men like Mr. Crookes grapple with the subjedt, taking nothing for granted until it is proved, we shall soon know how much to believe." These remarks, however, were written too hastily. It was taken for granted by the writers that the results of my ex- periments would be in accordance with their preconceptions. What they really desired was not the truth, but an additional witness in favour of their own foregone conclusion. When they found that the fadls which that investigation established could not be made to fit those opinions, why, — " so much the worse for the facets." They try to creep out of their own confident recommendations of the enquiry by declaring that " Mr. Home is a clever conjuror, who has duped us all." " Mr. Crookes might, with equal propriety, examine the per- formances of an Indian juggler." " Mr, Crookes must get better witnesses before he can be believed." " The thing is too absurd to be treated seriously." " It is impossible, and therefore can't be."* " The observers have all been biolo- gised (!) and fancy they saw things occur \vhich really never took place," &c., &c. * The quotation occurs to me — " I never said it was possible, I only said it was true." on Psychic Force. 15 These remarks imply a curious oblivion of the very func- tions which the scientific enquirer has to fulfil. I am scarcely surprised when the objec^tors say that I have been deceived merely because they are unconvinced without per- sonal investigation, since the same unscientific course of a priori argument has been opposed to all great discoveries. When I am told that what I describe cannot be explained in accordance with preconceived ideas of the laws of nature, the objeftor really begs the very question at issue and resorts to a mode of reasoning which brings science to a standstill. The argument runs in a vicious circle : we must not assert a fa(5t till we know that it is in accordance with the laws of nature, while our only knowledge of the laws of nature must be based on an extensive observation of fadts. If a new fadl seems to oppose what is called a law of nature, it does not prove the asserted fadl to be false, but only that we have not yet ascertained all the laws of nature, or not learned them corredlly. In his opening address before the British Association at Edinburgh this year. Sir William Thomson said, " Science is bound by the everlasting law of honour to face fearlessly every problem which can fairly be presented to it." My object in thus placing on record the results of a very remarkable series of experiments is to present such a problem, which, according to Sir W. Thomson, *' Science is bound by the everlasting law of honour to face fearlessly." It will not do merely to deny its existence, or try to sneer it down. Remember, I hazard no hypothesis or theory whatever ; I merely vouch for certain facets, my only object being — the truth. Doubt, but do not deny ; point out, by the severest criticism, what are considered falla- cies in my experimental tests, and suggest more conclusive trials ; but do not let us hastily call our senses lying w^it- nesses merely because they testify against preconceptions. I say to my critics. Try the experiments ; investigate with care, and patience as I have done. If, having examined, you discover imposture or delusion, proclaim it and say how it was done. But, if you find it be a fadl, avow it fear- lessly, as " by the everlasting law of honour" you are bound to do. I may at once answer one obje(5\ion which has been made in several quarters, viz., that my results would carry more weight had they been tried a greater number of times, and with other persons besides Mr. Home. The fad\ is, I have been working at the subject for two years, and have found nine or ten different persons who possess psychic power in 1 6 Further Experiments more or less degree ; but its development in Mr. D. D. Home is so powerful, that, having satisfied mj'self by careful experi- ments that the phenomena observed were genuine, I have, merel}' as a matter of convenience, carried on my experi- ments with him, in preference to working with others in ^vhom the power existed in a less striking degree. Most of the experiments I am about t3 describe, however, have been tried with another person other than Mr. Home, and in his absence. Before proceeding to relate my new experiments, I desire to say a few words respecting those already described. The objection has been raised that announcements of such mag- nitude should not be made on the strength of one or two ex- periments hastily performed. I reply that the conclusions were not arrived at hastih% nor on the results of two or three experiments only. In my former paper {" Quarterly Journal of Science," page 340), I remarked : — " Not until I had wit- nessed these facts some half-dozen times, and scrutinised them with all the critical acumen I possess, did I become con- vinced of their objective reality." Before fitting up special apparatus for these experiments, I had seen, on five separate occasions, objects, varj-ing in weight from 25 to 100 lbs., temporaril}^ influenced in such a manner, that I, and others present, could w^ith difficulty lift them from the floor. Wishing to ascertain whether this was a ph3^sical fact, or merely due to a variation in the power of our own strength under the influence of imagination, I tested with a weighing machine the phenomenon on two subse- quent occasions when I had an opportunity of meeting Mr. Home at the house of a friend. On the first occasion, the increase of weight was from 8 lbs. nor- mally, to 36 lbs., 48 lbs., and 46 lbs. in three successive experiments tried under strict scrutiny. On the second occasion, tried about a fortnight after, in the presence of other observers, I found the increase of weight to be from 8 lbs. to 23 lbs., 43 lbs., and 27 lbs., in three successive trials, varying the conditions. As I had the entire manage- ment of the above-mentioned experimental trials, em- ployed an instrument of great accuracy, and took every care to exclude the possibility of the results being in- fluenced by trickery, I was not unprepared for a satisfac- tory result when the facl: was properly tested in my own laboratory. The meeting on the occasion formerly described was, therefore, for the purpose of confirming my previous observations by the application of crucial tests, with care- fully arranged apparatus of a still more delicate nature. on Psychic Force. 17 That this is a legitimate subje(5l for scientific inquiry scarcely needs assertion. Faraday himself did not consider it beneath his dignity to examine similar phenomena ; and, in a letter to Sir Emerson Tennent, written in 1861 on the occasion of a proposed experimental inquiry into the phenomena occurring in Mr. Home's presence, he wrote : — " Is he (Mr. Home) willing to investigate as a philosopher, and, as such, to have no concealments, no darkness, to be open in communication, and to aid inquiry all that he can ? . . . . Does he consider the effe(5ls natural or supernatural ? If they be the glimpses of natural a6tion not yet reduced to law, ought it not to be the duty of every- one who has the least influence in such a6lions personally to develope them, and to aid others in their development, by the utmost openness and assistance, and by the applica- tion of every critical method, either mental or experimental, which the mind of man can devise ?" If circumstances had not prevented Faraday from meeting Mr. Home, I have no doubt he would have witnessed pheno- mena similar to those I am about to describe, and he could not have failed to see that they offered "glimpses of natural adlion not yet reduced to law." I have already alluded to the publication of the ill-success encountered by the members of the St. Petersburg Com- mittee. Had the results been satisfactory, it must be fairly assumed that the members would have been equally ready to publish a report of their success. I am informed by my friend Professor Boutlerow,* that during the last winter, he tried almost the same experiments as those here detailed, and with still more striking results. The normal tension on the dynamometer being 100 lbs., it was increased to about 150 lbs., Mr. Home's hands being placed in contadt with the apparatus in such a manner that any exertion of power on his part would diminish, instead of increase, the tension. In 1854, Count Agenor de Gasparin published a book,t giving full details of a large series of physical experiments which he had tried with some private friends in whom this force was found to be strongly developed. His experi- ments were very numerous and were carried on under the stridlest test conditions. The fact of motion of heavy bodies without mechanical contact was demonstrated over and over * Professor of Chemistry at the University of St. Petersburg; author of a work on Chemistry, entitled " Lehrbuch der Organischen Chemie ; " Leipzig, 186S. t Science versus Spiritualism. Paris, 1854. New York, 1857. D 1 8 Further Experiments again. Careful experiments were made to measure the force both of gravitation and of levitation thus communi- cated to the substances under trial, and an ingenious plan was adopted by which Count de Gasparin was enabled to obtain a rough numerical estimate of the power of the psychic force in each individual. The author finally arrived at the conclusion that all these phenomena are to be accounted for by the a(5lion of natural causes, and do not require the supposition of miracles nor the intervention of spirits or diabolical influences. He considers it as a fadt fully established by his experiments, that the will, in certain states of the organism, can a6t at a distance on inert matter, and most of his work is devoted to ascertaining the laws and conditions under which this a(5lion manifests itself. In 1855, M. Thury, a Professor at the Academy of Geneva, published a work,* in which he passed in review Count de Gasparin's experiments, and entered into full details of researches he had been simultaneously carrying on. Here, also, the trials were made with private friends, and were condudled with all the care which a scientific man could bring to bear on the subject. Space will not allow me to quote the valuable numerical results obtained by M. Thury, but from the following headings of some of his chapters, it will be seen that the enquiry was not conducted superficially : — Fa(5ts which Establish the Reality of the New Phenomenon ; Mechanical Adlion rendered Impossible; Movements effected without Contact; The Causes; Condi- tions requisite for the Production and A(?tion of the Force ; Conditions for the Action with Respedl to the Operators ; The Will ; Is a Plurality of Operators Necessary ? Pre- liminary Requisites ; Mental Condition of the Operators ; Meteorological Conditions; Conditions with RespecSt to the Instruments Operated upon ; Conditions relative to the Mode of 'A(5lion of the Operators on the Instruments; A6tion of Substances interposed ; Produdlion and Trans- mission of the Force ; Examination of the Assigned Causes ; Fraud ; Unconscious Muscular Adlion produced in a particular Nervous State; Electricity; Nervo-magnetism; M. de Gasparin's Theory of a Special Fluid; General Ques- tion as to the ACtion of Mind on Matter. 1st Proposition : In the ordinary conditions of the body the will only a(5fs dire(?tly within the sphere of the organism. 2nd Proposition : Within the organism itself there are a series of mediate aCts. 3rd Proposition : The substance on which the mind * Geneva; Librairie Allemande de J. Kessmann. 1855. on Psychic Force. ig a(fts diredlly — the psychode — is only susceptible of very simple mo(5ification under the influence of the mind ; Explanations which are based on the Intervention of Spirits. M. Thury refutes all these explanations, and considers the effe(5ls due to a peculiar substance, fluid, or agent, pervading, in a manner similar to the luminiferous ether of the scientist, all matter, nervous, organic, or inorganic — which he terms psychode. He enters into full discussion as to the properties of this state or form of matter, and proposes the term ectenic force {sKTevia, extension), for the power exerted when the mind a.6is at a distance through the influence of the psychode.* There is likewise another case on record in which similar test experiments were tried, with like results, by a tho- roughly competent observer. The late Dr. Robert Hare, in one. of his works, t gives an engraving of an apparatus very similar to my own, by which the young man with whom he was experimenting was prevented from having any other communication with the apparatus except through water ; yet, under these circumstances, the spring balance indicated the exertion of a force equal to i8 lbs. The details of this experiment were communicated by Dr. Hare to the American Association for the Advancement of Science, at the meeting in August, 1855. The references I now give afford an answer to the state- ment that these results must be verified by others. They have been verified over and over again. Indeed, my own experiments may be regarded merely as verifications of results already obtained and published by eminent scientific men in this and other countries.! But I was not content with this. I felt that having the opportunity of showing these phenomena to others, I might * Professor Thury's edlenic and my psychic force are evidently equivalent terms. Had I seen his work three months ago I should have adopted his term. The suggestion of a similar hypothetical nervous fluid has now reached us from another and totally different source, expounded with distindl views, and couched in the language of one of the most important professions — I allude to the theory of a nervous atmosphere advanced by Dr. Benjamin W. Richard- son, M.D., F.R.S., in the " Medical Times," No. 1088, May 6, 1871. f "Experimental Investigation;" By Robert Hare, M.D., Emeritus Pro- fessor of Chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania, &c. New York: Partridge and Britton, 1858. I The Report of the Dialedlical Society on Spiritualism will appear in a few days, and it will be seen that the Investigation Committee, though com- mencing their experiments with the entire conviction that they should expose an imposture, have ended by affirming that they are convinced of the existence of a force emanating from the human organisation, by which motion may be imparted to heavy suljstances, and audible sounds made on solid bodies without muscular contadt ; they also state that this force is often diredled by some in- telligence. 20 Further Experiments at a future time be blamed did I not, once for all, take the very best means of bringing them before the notice of the scientific world. Accordingly I forwarded an account of my experiments to the Royal Society on June 15, 1871, and addressed myself to the two secretaries of the Royal Society, Professor Sharpey and Professor Stokes, inviting them to my house to meet Mr. Home, at the same time asking them to be prepared for negative results, and to come a second, or, if necessary, a third time, before forming a judgment. Dr. Sharpey politely declined the invitation. Professor Stokes replied that he thought there was a fallacy in my apparatus, and concluded by saying — " The fadls you mentioned in the paper were certainly at first sight very strange, but still possible modes of explanation occurred to me which were not precluded by what I read in the paper. If I have time. when I go to London I will endeavour to call at your house. I don't want to meet anyone ; my object being to scrutinise the apparatus, not to witness the effedls." To this I replied on June 20th ; the following extracts are taken from my answer : — " I am now fitting up apparatus in which contadl is made through water only, in such a way that transmission of mechanical movement to the board is impossible ; and I am also arranging an experiment in which Mr. Home will not touch the apparatus at all. This will only work v/hen the power is very strong; but last night I tried an experiment of this kind, and obtained a considerable increase of tension on the spring balance when Mr. Home's hands were three inches off. With him the power is so great that I can work with large and crude materials, and measure the force in pounds. But I propose to make a delicate apparatus, with a mirror and reflected ray of light, to show fractions of grains. Then I hope to find this force is not confined to a few, but is, like the magnetic state, universal. The subject shall have a ' most scrupulously searching physical scrutiny,' and whatever results I obtain shall be published. I consider it my duty to send first to the Royal Society, for by so doing I deliberately stake my reputation on the truth of what I send. But will the Society (or the Committee*) accept my fads as facts, or will they require vouchers for my integrity ? If my statements of fact are taken as corredt, and only my interpretation or arrangements of apparatus objected to, then it would seem to be right to give me an opportunity of answering these objedtions before finally deciding. The other supposition — that my fadts are incorredt — I cannot admit the discussion of till I am definitely assured that such is entertained. " Mr. Home is coming here on Wednesday and Friday evenings; if you can come on either or both occasions at 8 p.m., I shall be glad to see you, or if you only wish to scrutinise the apparatus, I will be here at any time you like to name." On the 28th of June another paper was sent to the Ro3^al Society. Two days after. Professor Stokes wrote a letter, from which I quote : — •' As I was otherwise engaged so as not to be able conveniently to go to your house, I may as well mention the possible sources of error which occurred to me with reference to your first apparatus. I don't suppose they all exist ; * Alluding to a rumoured rejedion of my paper by the Committee of the Royal Society. on Psychic Force. 21 but it is evidently, as you yourself would freely admit, for the assertor of a new force to remove all sources of reasonable objedtion. " The breadth of the foot of the board was, I think, ij or 2 inches, and the bell placed on it was, perhaps, 2 or 3 inches broad. (I can't carry the exact fif^ures in my head.) Join the left edge* of the top of the bell, <7, with the right hand edge, b, of the base of the bell, and let c f he the joining line. Then we may suppose the fingers to have pressed in any diredlion short of the limiting line c f. Also as the board was rigid, the fulcrum for aught we know may have been at c. From c let fall a perpendicular c m on the line, e f. Then the pressure of the finger may have afted at the distance, c m, from the fulcrum. Also, as the base lay flat on the table and both were rigid, for aught we know an infinitesimal, and therefore imperceptible, tilt communicated to the table at the time of trying the experiment may have shifted the fulcsum from the edge d to the edge c, so that the weight of the hand may have adted by an arm longer than before by c d, which would have contributed to the result. " In your second paper the uncertainty as to the broad bearing is removed. But when the hand was dipped into the water the pressure on the base of the glass vessel (after a little time if the connedling hole be narrow) is increased by the weight of the water displaced, and that would of course depress the balance. " I don't think much of mere tremors, for it would require very elaborate appliances to prove that they were not due to a passing train or omnibus or to a tremor in the body of one of the company What do you wish to be done with the papers ? " To this I replied as follows, on July ist : — " In your letter of the 30th ult., just received, you are quite right in saying that I would freely admit that 'the assertor of a new force should remove all sources of reasonable objedion.' In your previous letter of the igth June, you write with equal fairness, that 'your opinion is that you (the R. S.) ought not to refuse to admit evidence of the existence of a hitherto unsuspeded Fig. I (half-scale). force ; but that before printing anything on such a subjecft, you ought to require a most scrupulously searching physical scrutiny of the evidence adduced in favour of the existence of such a force.' * The diagram referred to here is shown, drawn to scale, in my answer further on. The experiment under discussion is the one figured and described in the last number of the " Quarterly Journal of Science," page 345. 22 Further Experiments " You have now been good enough to explain to me in detail what the , fallacy is which you think exists in my first experiments, and what. you con- sider to be the possible sources of error in my subsequent trials. " On re-drawing the diagram you give in your letter, Fig. i, to the full size, supplying the deficient data, viz., the position of the shoulder, a, and the point, h, your line cm appears to be about 2-9 inches long; and, as you assume that the fulcrum shall be at c, the lever becomes one of the third order, the two forces afting respectively 3.\. p ~ 2"g inches, and at ^ = 36 inches- from c. What power, P, must be exerted at p to overcome a resistance or weight, Q, of 6 lbs. at the end of the lever, q ? Hence, Px2-g = Qx35. .-. P-74-5 lbs. Therefore, it would have required a force of 74*5 lbs. to have been exerted by Mr. Home to have produced the results, even if all your suppositions are granted ; and, considering that he was sitting in a low easy chair, and four pairs of sharp, suspicious eyes were watching to see that he exerted no force at all, but kept the tips of his fingers lightly on the instrument, it is sufficiently evident that an exertion of this pressure was impossible. A few pounds vertical pressure was all he could have effetled. "Again, you are not justified in assuming that the fulcrum was at c. Granting that ' an infinitesimal and therefore imperceptible tilt ' might, at the very first movement, have thrown it from d to c, it is evident that the move- ment would at once throw it forward again from c to d. To have failed to have done so, the tilt must have been so obvious as to have been detedled at once. " But, as I said in my last paper, I prefer to appeal to new experiments rather than argue about old ones, and hence my employment of the water for transmitting the force. The depth of water in the copper hemisphere was only li inches, whilst the glass vessel was g inches in diameter.* I have just tried the experiment of immersing my hand to the very utmost in the copper vessel (Mr. Home only dipped in the tips of his fingers) and the rise of the level of the water is not sufficient to produce any movement whatever on the index of the balance, the fridtion of the apparatus being enough to absorb the ounce or two thus added to the weight. In my more delicate apparatus, this increase of hydrostatic pressure produces a decided movement of the spot of light, but this difficulty I shall overcome by placing the water vessel over the fulcrum, or on the short side of it. , " You say 'you don't think much of mere tremors,' as if in the other experi- ments described in my second paper the movements of the apparatus wefe only of this kind. This is not the case; the quivering of the apparatus always took place before the index moved, and the upward and downward motion of the board and index was of a very slow and deliberate character, occupying several seconds for each rise and fall ; a tremor produced by passing vehicles is a very different thing from a steady vertical pull of from 4 to 8 lbs., lasting for several seconds. " You say the session is now over, and ask what I wish to be done with the papers. " Three years ago (June 27th, 1868), I sent a paper to the Society, ' On the Measurement of the Luminous Intensity of Light,' just after the session closed. It was not read till December 17th. My ivish would be for a similar course to be adopted in the present instance, although I am scarcely sanguine enough to expedl that so much notice will be taken of these communications. So many scientific men are now examining into these strange phenomena (including many Fellows of the Society), that it cannot \g many years before the subjedl will be brought before the scientific world in a way that will enforce attention. I confess that, in sending in these papers to the Society, I have been aduated more by the desire of being the first scientific experimenter * For a description of this apparatus, see p. 484. on Psychic Force. 23 who has ventured to take such a course, than by any particular desire that they should meet with immediate attention. I owe to the Society the first intima- tion of important scientific results, and these I shall continue to send, ^ pour prendre date,'' if for no other reason." *' The Specftator " of July 22nd contained an editorial note, in which it is asserted that my paper was declined by the committee : — "The Royal Society, they say, was quite open to communications advo- cating the existence of a force in nature as yet unknown, if such commu- nications contained scientific evidence adequate to establish its probability ; but that, looking to the inherent improbability of the case as stated by Mr. Crookes, and the entire want of scientific precision in the evidence adduced by him, the paper was not regarded as one deserving the attention of the Royal Society." This paragraph -not only states that my papers were declined, but proceeds to state the grounds of their rejec- tion. The fsi6t is, that a quorum of the committee of papers not having been present, the question was deferred to the next session in November, and on inquiry at Burlington House, I am informed by the Assistant-Secretary of the Royal Societ}^ that my papers, with others, are still awaiting the decision of the committee. Consequently the statement of a reje(5lion was not only premature, but purely imaginary. It appears, however, that there were some grounds for this statement, for in " The Speculator" of July 29th, 1871, the editor replies as follows : — " Our note was not founded on any mere rumour. The words we used con- tained an exadt copy of the words conveyed to us as used, not, as we inadvertently stated by the committee, but by one of the secretaries. Professor Stokes, who in the absence of a quorum, exercised pro tempore the usual dis- cretionary authority in regard to papers offered." I am unable to explain how it is that Professor Stokes's statements to me and to the editor of '' The Spectator " bear so different an interpretation, or why a weekly news- paper was chosen for first conveying to me a decision of the committee of papers of the Royal Society. At the urgent request of gentlemen on the committee of se(?tion A, I communicated a paper consisting of about sixteen closely-written pages to the British Association, in which I 'recounted some of the experiments described in the present paper. Section A referred the paper to a committee to decide whether it should be read. Professor Stokes afterwards handed to me the following document : — ^^ Report on Mr. Crookes's Paper. "August 7, 1871. " The paper having been placed in my hands about ten o'clock, and a decision wanted in writing by a quarter to eleven, I have been obliged to be hasty. *' The subjedt seems to be investigated in a philosophical spirit, and I do not see the explanation of the result of the first class of experiments, while at 24 Further Experiments the same time I am not prepared to give in my adhesion without a thorough sifting by more individuals than one. I don't see much use discussing the thing in the sedtions, crowded as we already are : but if a small number of persons in whom the public would feel confidence choose to volunteer to adl as members of a committee for investigating the subjedl, I don't see any objec1:ion to appointing such committee. I have heard too much of the tricks of Spiritualists to make me willing to give my time to such a committee myself. " G. G, Stokes." Whilst I cannot but regret that a physicist of such eminence as Professor Stokes should " be hasty," in deciding on the merits of a paper which it is physically impossible he could have even once read through, I am glad to find that he no longer continues to speak of the *' entire want of scientific precision in the evidence adduced" by me, but rather admits that "the subject seems to be in- vestigated in a philosophical spirit." In submitting these experiments, it will not seem strange that I should consider them final until rebutted by arguments also drawn from fadls, and that I should seek to know on what grounds centra-statements are founded. Professor Allen Thomson, at the recent meeting of the British iVssocia- tion, remarked that no course of inquiry into the matter before us " can deserve the name of study or investigation." And why not ? On the other hand, Professor Challis, of Cam- bridge, writes, " In short, the testimony has been so abundant and consentaneous, that either the facl:s must be admitted to be such as are reported, or the possibility of cer- tifying facfts by human testimony must be given up." It is certainl}^ not too much to suppose that Dr. Thomson had some grounds for his statement ; and, indeed, " 1 have," he owns, " been fully convinced of this (the fallacies of spiritual- istic demonstration) by repeated examinations ;" but where are the results of his investigations to be found ? They must be very conclusive to warrant him in the use of such expres- sions as " a few men of acknowledged reputation in some de- partments of science have surrendered their judgments to these foolish dreams, otherwise appearing to bq within the bounds of sanity." If Dr. Thomson's dogmatic denial arises from the mere strangeness of the fadf s I have set forth, what can he think of the address of the President for this year. Surely the conception of a nerve-force is no more difficult than that " of the inner mechanism of the atom ;" and again, any investigation, be it worthy the name or not, bearing on a matter in which eminent men have avowed their belief, which takes a leading rank among the social questions of the day, and which numbers its adherents by millions, is surely as full of merit, and as instrudlive to all, as hypothetical on' Psychic Force. 25 inquiries into " interatomic atmospheres " and " gyrating interatomic atoms." Professor Huxley has observed, " If there is one thing clear about the progress of modern science, it is the tendency to reduce all scientific pro- blems, except those that are purely mathematical, to problems in molecular physics — that is to say, to attrac- tions, repulsions, motions, and co-ordination of the ulti- mate particles of matter ! Yet these ultimate particles, molecules, or atoms, are creatures of the imagination, and as pure assumptions as the spirits of the spiritualist." But perhaps Dr. Allen Thomson's respedl for mathematics is so great that he is blind to adtuality. It does not speak well for modern scientific philosophy that, after the startling revelations of the spe(5troscope during the last decade, inves- tigations should be scouted because they pertain to an ulterior state of things of which at present we have little idea. That I have furnished no dynamic equivalent of psychic force, or given no formulae for the variable intensity of Mr. Home's power, is certainly no argument whatever against the existence of such a force. Men thought before the syllogism was invented, and, strange as it may seem to some minds, force existed before its demonstration in mathematical for- mulae. As an answer to Professor Balfour Stewart's rather bold conjecfture, that Mr. Home possesses great eledl:ro-biological power (whatever that may mean), by which he influences those present, I point to the curves illustrating this paper; however susceptible the persons in the room might have been to that assumed influence, it will hardly be contended that Mr. Home biologised the recording instruments. I will not occupy more time with personal matters, or with explanations forced from me in self-defence against uncourteous commentaries based on unjust misrepresenta- tions ; but I will proceed to describe the experiments, most of which, I may remark, might have been witnessed by Pro- fessor Stokes and Professor Sharpey, had they accepted the invitations I gave them. On trying these experiments for the first time, I thought that actual contadl between Mr. Home's hands and the suspended body whose weight was to be altered was essen- tial to the exhibition of the force ; but I found afterwards that this was not a necessary condition, and I therefore arranged my apparatus in the following manner : — The accompanying cuts (Figs. 2, 3, 4) explain the arrangement. Fig. 2 is a general view, and Figs. 3 and 4 show the essential parts more in detail. The reference E 26 Further Experiments letters are the same in each illustration, a B is a ma- hogany board, 36 inches long by g^ inches wide, and i inch thick. It is suspended at the end, b, by a spring balance, c, Fig. 2. furnished with an automatic register, D. The balance is suspended from a very firm tripod support, E. The following piece of apparatus is not shown in .the figures. To the moving index, o, of the spring balance, a Fig. 3. y:it steel point is soldered, proje6ting horizontally outwards. * in front of the balance, and firmly fastened to it, is a on Psychic Force. 27 grooved frame carrying a flat box similar to the dark box of a photographic camera. This box is made to travel by clock-work horizontally in front of the moving index, and it contains a sheet of plate-glass which has been smoked over a flame. The proje(fting steel point impresses a mark on this smoked surface. If the balance is at rest, and the clock set going, the result is a perfedlly straight horizontal line. If the clock is stopped and weights are placed on the Fig. \^A/^\J end B of the board, the result is a vertical line, whose length depends on the weight applied. If, whilst the clock draws the plate along, the weight of the board (or the ten- sion on the balance) varies, the result is a curved line, from which the tension in grains at any. moment during the con- tinuance of the experiments can be calculated. The instrument was capable of registering a diminution of the force of gravitation as well as an increase ; registra- tions of such a diminution were frequently obtained. To avoid complication, however, I will only here refer to results in which an increase of gravitation was experienced. The end b of the board being supported by the spring balance, the end a is supported on a wooden strip, f, screwed across its lower side and cut to a knife edge (see Fig. 4). This fulcrum rests on a firm and heavy wooden Further Experiments .lid, G H. On the board, exad^ly over* the fulcrum, is placed a large glass vessel filled with water, i. l is a massive iron stand, furnished with an arm and a ring, m n, in which rests a hemispherical copper vessel perforated with several holes at the bottom. The iron stand is 2 inches from the board A b, and the arm and copper vessel, m n, are so adjusted that the latter dips into the water ij inches, being 5J inches from the bottom of i, and 2 inches from its circumference. Shaking or striking the arm M, or the vessel N, produces no appreciable mechanical effec^t on the board, A b, capable of affedting the balance. Dipping the hand to the fullest extent into the water in N does not produce the least appre- ciable aftion on the balance. As the mechanical transmission of power is by this means entirely cut off between the copper vessel and the board A b, the power of muscular control is thereby completely eliminated. For convenience I will divide the experiments into groups I, 2, 3, &c., and I have seledfed one special instance in each to describe in detail. Nothing, however, is mentioned which has not been repeated more than once, and in some cases verified, in Mr. Home's absence, with another person possessing similar powers. There was always ample light in the room where the experiments were condu(5ted (my own dining-room) to see all that took place. Experiment I. — The apparatus having been properly ad- justed before Mr. Home entered the room, he was brought in, and asked to place his fingers in the water in the copper vessel, N. He stood up and dipped the tips of the fingers of his right hand in the water, his other hand and his feet being held. When he said he felt a power, force, or influence, proceeding from his hand, I set the clock going, and almost immediately the end B of the board was seen to descend slowly and remain down for about 10 seconds ; it then descended a little further, and afterwards rose to its normal height. It then descended again, rose suddenly, gradually sunk for 17 seconds, and finally rose to its normal height, where it remained till the experiment was concluded. The lowest point marked on the glass was equivalent to a direcft pull of about 5000 grains. The accompanying figure (5) is a copy of the curve traced on the glass. * In my first experiments with this apparatus, referred to in Professor Stokes's letter and mj' answer (page 479), the glass vessel was not quite over the fulcrum, but was nearer b. on Psychic Force. 29 Experiment II. — Conta(5l through water having proved to be as effe(5lual as adlual mechanical conta(5l, I wished to see if the power or force could affecStthe weight, either through other portions of the apparatus or through the air. The glass vessel and iron stand, &c., were therefore removed, Fig. 5. Scale of Seconds. The horizontal scale of seconds shows the time occupied in the movements, the experiment lasting one minute. The vertical scale shows the tension in grains exerted on the balance at any moment. as an unnecessary complication, and Mr. Home's hands were placed on the stand of the apparatus at P (Fig. 2). A gentleman present put his hand on Mr. Home's hands, and his foot on both Mr. Home's feet, and I also watched him closely all the time. At the proper moment the clock was Fig. 6. In this and the two following figures the scales, both vertical and horizontal, are the same as in Fig. 5. again set going; the board descended and rose in an irregular manner, the result being a curved tracing on the glass, of which Fig. 6 is a copy. Experiment III.— Mr. Home was now placed one foot from the board A B, on one side of it. His hands and feet Fig. 7. 07 were firmly grasped by a bystander, and another tracing, of which Fig. 7 is a copy, was taken on the moving glass plate. 30 Further Experiments Experiment IV. — (Tried on an occasion when the power was stronger than on the previous occasions). Mr. Home was now placed 3 feet from the apparatus, his hands and feet being tightly held. The clock was set going when he gave the word, and the end B of the board soon descended, and again rose in an irregular manner, as shown in Fig. 8. The following series of experiments were tried with more delicate apparatus, and with another person, a lady, Mr. Home being absent. As the lady is non-professional, I do Fig. 8. not mention her name. She has, however, consented to meet any scientific men whom I may introduce for purposes of investigation. A piece of thin parchment, A, Figs. 9 and 10, is stretched tightly across a circular hoop of wood. B c is a light lever turning on d. At the end B is a vertical needle point touching the membrane A, and at c is another needle point, projecting Fig. (Plan.) horizontally and touching a smoked glass plate, e f. This glass plate is drawn along in the diredlion h g by clock- work, K. The end B of the lever is weighted so that it shall quickly follow the movements of the centre of the disc, A. These movements are transmitted and recorded on the glass plate e f, by means of the lever and needle on Psychic Force. 31 point c. Holes are cut in the side of the hoop to allow a free passage of air to the under side of the membrane. The apparatus was well tested beforehand by myself and others, to see that no shaking or jar on the table or support would interfere with the results : the line traced by the point c Fig. 10. (Sedion.) on the smoked glass was perfedlly straight in spite of all our attempts to influence the lever by shaking the stand or stamping on the floor. Experiment V. — Without having the obje6t of the instru- ment explained to her, the lady was brought into the room and asked to place her fingers on the wooden stand at the points L M, Fig. 9. I then placed my hands over hers to enable me to detedl any conscious or unconscious movement on her part. Presently percussive noises were heard on the parchment resembling the dropping of grains of sand on its surface. At each percussion a fragment of graphite which I had placed on the membrane was seen to be projected up- wards about i-5oth of an inch, and the end c of the lever moved slightly up and down. Sometimes the sounds were as rapid as those from an indu(5tion-coil, whilst at others they were more than a second apart. Five or six tracings were taken, and in all cases a movement of the end c of the lever was seen to have occurred with each vibration of the membrane. In some cases the lady's hands were not so near the membrane as L M, but were at N o, Fig. 10. The accompanying Fig. 11 gives tracings taken from the plates used on these occasions. 32 Further Experiments Experiment VI. — Having met with these results in Mr. Home's absence, I was anxious to see what action would be produced on the instrument in his presence. Accordingly I asked him to try, but without explaining the instrument to him. Fig. II. Scale of Seconds. J L 0.5 J_l 2. (Sees. I grasped Mr. Home's right arm above the wrist and held his hand over the membrane, about lo inches from its sur- face, in the position shown at p, Fig. lo. His other hand was held by a friend. After remaining in this position for about half a minute, Mr. Home said he felt some influence passing. I then set the clock going, and we all saw the index, c, moving up and down. The movements were much slower than in the former case, and were almost entirely unaccom- panied by the percussive vibrations then noticed. Figs. 12 and 13 show the curves produced on the glass on two of these occasions. Figs. II, 12, 13 are magnified. These experiments confirm beyond doubt the conclusions at which I arrived in my former paper, namely, the existence of a force associated, in some manner not yet explained, with the human organisation, b}^ which force, increased weight is capable of being imparted to solid bodies without physical contadt. In the case of Mr. Home, the develop- ment of this force varies enormously, not only from week to week, but from hour to hour ; on some occasions the force is inappreciable by my tests for an hour or more, and then suddenly reappears in great strength. It is capable of a(5ting at a distance from Mr. Home (not unfrequently as far as two or three feet), but is always strongest close to him. Being firmly convinced that there could be no manifesta- tion of one form of force without the corresponding expen- diture of some other form of force, I for a long time searched I 07t Psychic Force. 33 in vain for evidence of any force or power being used up in the produd^ion of these results. Now, however, having seen more of Mr. Home, I think I perceive what it is that this psychic force uses up for its development. In employing the terms vital force, or nervous energy, I am aware that I am employing words which convey very different significations to many investigators ; but after witnessing the painful state of nervous and bodily prostration in which some of these experiments have left Fig. 12. Mr. Home — after seeing him lying in an almost fainting con- dition on the floor, pale and speechless — I could scarcely doubt that the evolution of psychic force is accompanied by a corresponding drain on vital force. I have ventured to give this new force the name of Psychic Force, because of its manifest relationship to certain psychological conditions, and because I was most desirous to avoid the foregone conclusions implied in the title under which it has hitherto been claimed as belonging to a province beyond the range of experiment and argument. But having found that it is within the province of purely scientific re- search, it is entitled to be known by a scientific name, and I do not think a more appropriate one could have been sele(5ted. To witness exhibitions of this force it is not necessary to have access to known psychics. The force itself is probably possessed by all human beings, although the individuals endowed with an extraordinary amount of it are doubtless F 34 Further Experiments few. Within the last twelve months I have met in private families five or six persons possessing a sufficiently vigorous development to make me feel confident that similar results might be produced through their means to those here recorded, provided the experimentalist worked with more delicate apparatus, capable of indicating a fraction of a grain instead of recording pounds and ounces only. As far as my other occupations will permit, I purpose to continue the experiments in various forms, and I will report from time to time their results. In the meanwhile I trust that others will be induced to pursue the investigation in its scientific form. It should, however, be understood that, equally with all other scientific experiments, these researches must be conducfted in stridl compliance with the conditions under which the force is developed. As it is an indispensable condition of experiments with fridlional electricity that the atmosphere should be free from excess of moisture, and that no conducSling medium should touch the instrument while the force is being generated, so certain conditions are found to be essential to the production and operation of the Psychic force, and unless these precautions are observed the experi- ments will fail. I am emphatic on this point, because unreasonable objections have sometimes been made to the Psychic Force that it is not developed under ad- verse conditions dicStated by the experimentalist, who, nevertheless, would objeCt to conditions being imposed upon himself in the exhibition of any of his own scientific results. But I may add, that the conditions required are very few, very reasonable, and in no way obstru(5t the most perfect observation and the application of the most rigid and accurate tests. Just before going to press I have received from my friend Professor Morton an advance sheet of the ''Journal of the FrankHn Institute," containing some remarks on my last paper by Mr. Coleman Sellers, a leading scientific engineer of the United States. The essence of his cricitism is con- tained in the following quotation : — " On page 341 " (of the Quarterly Journal of Science) " we have given a mahogany board ' 36 inches long by gh inches wide, and i inch thick,' with ' at each end a strip of mahogany i^ inches wide screwed on, forming feet.' This board was so placed as to rest with one end on the table, the other suspended by a spring balance, and, so suspended, it recorded a weight of 3 pounds ; i.e., a mahogany board of the above dimensions is shown to weigh 6 pounds — 3 pounds on the balance and 3 pounds on the table. A mechanic used to handling wood wonders how this may be. He looks through his oit Psychic Force. 35 limited library and finds that scientific men tell him that such a board should weigh about 13 ^ pounds. Did Mr. Crookes make this board himself? or did Mr. Home furnish it as one of his pieces of apparatus? .... It would have been more satisfadory if Mr. Crookes had stated, in regard to this board, who made it. . . . Let it be discovered that the 6 pound mahogany board was furnished by Mr. Home and the experiments will not be so con- vincing." My experiments must indeed be convincing if so accom- plished a mechanician as Mr. Coleman Sellers can find no worse fault with them than is expressed in the comments I have quoted. He writes in so matter-of-fadl a manner, and deals so plausibly with dimensions and weights, that most persons would take it for granted that I really had com- mitted the egregious blunder he points out. Will it be believed, therefore, that my mahogany board does weigh only 6 pounds '^ Four separate balances in my own house tell me so, and my greengrocer confirms the fadt. It is easy to perceive into what errors a "mechanic " may fall when he relies for practical knowledge on his " limited library " instead of appealing to adtual experiment. I am sorry I cannot inform Mr. Sellers who made my mahogany board. It has been in my possession about sixteen years ; it was originally cut off a length in a wood- yard ; it became the stand of a spe(5lrum camera, and as such is described with a cut in the ''Journal of the Photo- graphic Society" for January 21, 1856 (vol. ii., p. 293). It has since done temporary duty in the arrangement of various pieces of apparatus in my physical laboratory, and was selected for these particular experiments owing to its shape being more convenient than that of other available pieces of wood. But is it seriously expe(5led that I should answer such a question as **Did Mr. Home furnish the board?" Will not my critics give me credit for the possession of some amount of common sense ? And can they not imagine that obvious precautions, which occur to them as soon as they sit down to pick holes in my experiments, are not unlikely to have also occurred to me in the course of prolonged and patient investigation ? The answer to this as to all other like objecftions is, Prove it to be an error by showing where the error lies, or, if a trick, by showing how the trick is performed. Try the experiment fully and fairly. If then fraud be found, expose it ; if it be a truth, proclaim it. This is the only scientific procedure, and this it is that I purpose steadily to pursue. .^^' V I' ^..^^ /i«V=\^^'' /^-^^^^^^-^^ :^i^^=%.^^ ^t> <^^ ^^ % '^d' '-■.ails.- ^M^ -■ <^"S : ^0^ .^ °^ °. <^o^ S -0^ -%, '.^ ./ ^<^ ^^> &.„.# /^A°'= %^^^ iM^\ \^^^ : ^o %..^^ : \ * ^ '^i. ^c %..# _^^^_|/A^ %,x^^ '^.o^ ^' '^^o^ 0*^ " • 'V % ,:%;-- v^^ '^ %. ,# ^^ ■1 or "q. ' ^ ,(3 t^ * yj.?» <;. ^ ^ oS-'^ % .^^ : LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 022 204 382 7 I h- ,